Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/microscopeitsrev00carp_1 THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS REVELATIONS BY THE LATE WILLIAM B. CAEPENTEE, C.B., M.D., LL.D, F.B.S, SEVENTH EDITION IN WHICH THE FIRST SEVEN CHAPTERS HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY REWRITTEN AND THE TEXT THROUGHOUT RECONSTRUCTED, ENLARGED, AND REVISED BY THE REV. W. H. DALLINGEB, LL.D., F.E.S., &c. WITH TWENTY-ONE PLATES AND EIGHT HUNDRED WOOD ENGRAVINGS PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON, SON, & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET 1891 42Q\oQ SCIENCE QH 205 C3 PEEF A C E The use of the Microscope, both as an instrument of scientific research and as a means of affording pleasure and recreative instruction, has become so widespread, and the instrument is now so frequently found in an expensive form capable of yielding in skilled hands good optical results, that it is eminently desirable that a treatise should be within the reach of the student and the tiro alike, which would provide both with the elements of the theory and principles involved in the construction of the instrument itself, the nature of its latest appliances, and the proper conditions on which they can be em- ployed with the best results. Beyond this it should provide an outline of the latest and best modes of preparing, examining, and mounting objects, and glance, with this purpose in view, at what is easily accessible for the requirements of the amateur in the entire organic and inorganic kingdoms. This need has been for many years met by this book, and its six preceding editions have been an extremely gratifying evidence of the industry and erudition of its Author. From the beginning it opened the right path, and afforded excellent aid to the earnest amateur and the careful student. But the Microscope in its very highest form has become — so far at least as objectives of the most perfect construction and greatest useful magnifying power are concerned — so common that a much more accurate account of the theoretical basis of the instrument itself and of the optical apparatus employed with it to obtain the best results with 1 high powers ' is a want very widely felt. The advances in the mathematical optics involved in the con- struction of the most perfect form of the present Microscope have been very rapid during the last twenty years ; and the progress in the principles of practical construction and the application of theory have, even since the last edition of this book was published, been so marked as to produce a revolution in the instrument itself and in its vi PEEFACE application. The new dispensation was dimly indicated in the last edition ; but it has effected so radical a change in all that apper- tains to Microscopy that a thorough revision of the treatment of this treatise was required. The great principles involved in the use of the new objectives and the interpretation of the images pre- sented by their means, are distinct and unique ; and unless these be clearly understood the intelligent use of the finest optical appliances now produced by mathematical and practical optics cannot be brought about. They have not rendered the use of the instrument more difficult- — they have rather simplified its employment, provided the operator understands the general nature and conditions on which his Microscope should be used. If the modern Microscope be, as a mechanical instrument with its accompanying optical apparatus, as good as it can be, a critical image — a picture of the object having the most delicately beautiful character — is attainable with ' low powers' and 'high powers' alike. Microscopists are no longer divisible into those who work with ' high powers ' and those who work with ' low powers.' No one can work properly with either if he does not understand the theory of their construction and the principles upon which to interpret the results of their employment. If he is familiar with these the employment of any range of magni- fying power is simply a question of care, experiment, and practice; the principles applicable to the one are involved in the other. Thus, for example, a proper understanding of the nature and mode of optical action of a 'sub-stage condenser ' is as essential for the very finest results in the use of a 1-inch object-glass as in the use of a 2 mm. with N.A. 110 or (he :>•"> mm. with N.A. 1-G0, while it gives advantages not otherwise realisable if the right class of con- denser used in the right way be employed with the older -^th inch or Tj^-th inch achromatic objectives, and especially the -^th inch and Jnth inch objectives of Powell and Lealand, of N.A. 1*50. Without comparing the value of the respective lenses, the best possible results in every case will depend upon a knowledge of the nature of the instrument, tlie quality of the condenser required by it, and its employment upon right principles. This is but one instance out of the whole range of manipulation in Microscopy to which the same principles apply. In its present form, therefore, a treatise of this sort, preserving the original idea of its Author and ranging from the theory and construction of the Microscope and its essential apparatus, embracing a discussion of all their principal forms, and the right use of each, and passing to a consideration of the best methods of preparation and mounting of objects, and a review of the whole Animal, Vegetable, and Inorganic Kingdoms specially suited for microscopic purposes. PREF.W E vii must be essentially a cyclopaedic work. This was far more possible to one man when' Dr. Carpenter began his work than it was even when he issued his last edition. But it is practically impossible now. It is with Microscopy as with every department of scientific work — we must depend upon the specialist for accurate knowledge. In the following pages I have been most generously aided. In no department, not even that in which for twenty years I have been specially at work, have I acted without the cordial interest, suggestion, and enlightenment afforded by kindred or similar workers. In every section experts have given me their unstinted help. To preserve the character of the book, however, and give it homo- geneity, it was essential that all should pass through one mind and be so presented. My work for many years has familiarised me, more or less, with every department of Microscopy, and with the great majority of branches to which it is applied. I have therefore given a common form, for which I take the sole responsibility, to the entire treatise. The subject might have been carried over ten such volumes as this ; but we were of necessity limited as to space, and the specific aim has been to give such a condensed view of the whole range of subjects as would make this treatise at once a practical and a suggestive one. The first five chapters of the last edition are represented in this edition by seven chapters ; the whole matter of these seven chapters has been re- written, and two of them are on subjects not treated in any former edition. These seven chapters represent the experience of a lifetime, confirmed and aided by the advice and practical help of some of the most experienced men in the world, and they may be read by anyone familiar with the use of algebraic symbols and the practice of the rule of three. They are not in any sense abstruse, and they are everywhere practical. In the second chapter, on The Principles and Theory of Vision with the Compound Microscope, so much has been done during the past twenty years by Dr. Abbe, of Jena, that my first desire was to induce him to summarise, for this treatise, the results of his twenty years of unremitting and marvellously productive labour. But the state of his health and his many obligations forbade this ; and at length it became apparent that if this most desirable end were to be secured, I must re-study with this object all the monographs of this author. I summarised them, not without anxiety ; but that was speedily removed, for Dr. Abbe, with great generosity, consented to examine my results, and has been good enough to write that he has { read [my] clear expositions with the greatest interest : ' and, after words which show his cordial friendliness, he says : 'I find the whole . . . much more adequate to the purposes of the book than I should Vlll PREFACE have been able to write it. ... I feel the greatest satisfaction in seeing my views represented in the book so extensively and inten- sively.' These words are more than generous ; but I quote them here in order that the reader may be assured of the accuracy and efficiency of the account given in the following pages of the invalu- able demonstrations, theories, and explanations presented by Dr. Abbe on the optical principles and practice upon which the recent improvement in the construction of microscopical lens systems has so much depended. It will not be supposed that I implicitly coincide with every detail. Dr. Abbe is too sincere a lover of independent judgment to even desire this. But it was important that his views as such should be found in an accessible English form ; in that form I have endeavoured to present them : and in the main there can be no doubt whatever that these teachings are absolutely incident with fact and experience. In details, as may appear here and there in these pages, especially where it becomes a question of practice, I may differ as to method, and even interpretation, from this distinguished master in Mathematical Optics. But our differences in no way affect the great principles he has enunciated or the comprehensive theory of microscopical vision lie has with such keen insight laid down. In preparing the remainder of the seven new chapters of this book I have sought and. without hesitancy, obtained advice and the advantage of the support of my own judgment and experience from many competent men of science, who have shown a sincere interest in my work and have aided me in my endeavours. But, first on the list, \ must place my friend Mr. E. M. Nklson. Our lines of experience with the Microscope have run parallel for many years, although the subjects of our study have been wholly different ; but the advantages of his suggestion, confirmation, and help have been of constant and inestimable value tome. He placed^nis know- ledge, instruments, and experience at my disposal, fully and without limit or condition ; and his except ional skill in Photo-micrography has enabled me to add much to the value; of this book. To Count CASTRACANE I am indebted for valuable suggestions regarding the Diatoinacca, to he used at my discretion ; to Dr. van Heurck I am .dsn under much obligation for his eourtesv in preparing Plate XL pi this hook, giving some of his photo-micro- graphic work with the new object glass of 2*5 nun. N.A. 1 "60. The full description of this plate is given, with some critical remarks, in the General Description of Plates. To the late and deeply lamented Dr. H. B. BRADY, K.R.S., I am under obligation for valuable suggestions regarding the Foramin ifera. PREFACE ix From Dr. Hudson I have received cordial aid in dealing with his special subject, the Rotifera ; and to Mr. Albert Michael j am under equal obligation for his assistance in regard to the Acarina. Mr. W. T. Suffolk gave me his most welcome judgment and .advice regarding my chapter on Mounting, and I received also the suggestions of Mr. A. Cole with much pleasure and advantage. I have received help from Dr. A. Hill, of Downing College, Cambridge, and from Professor J. N. Langley, of Trinity College, Cambridge — from both of whom special processes of preparation for histological work were sent. Mr. Frank Crisp, with characteristic generosity, aided me much by suggestions of special and practical value ; and Mr. John Mayall, Jun., the present Secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society, has been untiring in his willingness to furnish the aid which his influence was able to secure. To Professor W. Hicks, F.R.S., Principal of Firth College, Sheffield, I am indebted for the revision of special sheets ; so also I owe acknowledgments to Dr. Henry Clifton Sorby, F.R.S., and to Dr. Groves, as well as to others, whose suggestions, advice, or con- firmation of my judgments have been much esteemed ; and prominent amongst these are Professor Alfred W. Bennett, B.Sc, and Professor F. Jeffrey Bell, M.A., whose constant advice in their departments of Biology I have received throughout • while in Micro-geological subjects 1 have been aided by the suggestions and experience of Professor J. She arson Hyland, D.Sc. It will be observed that every endeavour has been made to bring each of the many subjects discussed in this book into conformity with the most recent knowledge of experts. Many of the sections, in fact, have been wholly rewritten and illustrated from new and original sources : this may be seen in the sections on the History as well as the Construction and Use of the Microscope and its appli- ances, as also in those on Diatomaceae, Desmids, Saprophytes, Bacteria, Rotifera, Acarina, and in the chapters on Microscopic Geology and Mineralogy. To the same end nineteen new plates have been prepared and 300 additional woodcuts, many of which are also new ; and for the use of the majority of those which are not so, I am indebted to the Editors and Secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society. There certainly never was a time when the Microscope was so generally used as it now is. With many, as already stated, it is simply an instrument employed f for elegant and instructive lelaxaticn and amusement. For this there can be nothing but commendation, but it is desirable that even this end should be sought intelligently. The social influence of the Microscope as an instrument employed for recreation X PEE FACE and pleasure will be greater in proportion as a knowledge of the general principles on which the instrument is constructed are known, and as the principles of visual interpretation are understood. The interests of these have been specially considered in the following- pages ; but such an employment of the Microscope, if intelligently pursued, often leads to more or less of steady endeavour on the part of amateurs to understand the instrument and use it to a purpose in some special work, however modest. This is the reason of the great increase of ' Clubs ' and Societies of various kinds, not only in London, and in the provinces, but throughout America ; and these are doing most valuable work. Their value consists not merely in the constant accumulation of new details concerning minute vegetable and animal life, and the minute details of larger forms, but in the constant improvement of the quality of the entire Microscope on its optical and mechanical sides. It is largely to Amateur Microscopy that the desire smd motive for the great improvements in object-glasses and eye-pieces for the last twenty years are due. The men who have compared the qualities of respective lenses, and have had specific ideas as to how these could become possessed of still higher qualities, have been comparatively rarely those who have employed the Microscope for professional and educational purposes. They have the rather simply used employed in the execution of their professional work — the best with which the practical optician could supply them. It has been by amateur microscopists that the opticians have been incited to the production of new and improved objectives. But it is the men who work in our biological and medical schools that ultimately reap the immense advantage — not only of greatly im- proved, but in the end of greatly cheapened, object-glasses. It is on this account to the advantage of all that the amateur micro- scopist should have within his reach a handbook dealing with the principles of his instrument and his subject. To the medical student, and even to the histologist and patho- logist, a treatise which deals specifically with the Microscope, its principles, and their application in practice, cannot fail, one may venture to hope, to be of service. This book is ;i practical actempt — the result, of large experience and study — to meet this want in its latest form ; and I sincerely desire that it may prove useful to many. W. H. DALLINGER. London : lain. EXPLANATION OF PLATES FRONTISPIECE Fig. 1. x 6 diameters. Horizontal and transverse section of an orbitolite. Fig. 2. An imperfect or uncritical image of the minute hairs on the lining membrane of the extremity of the proboscis of the blow-fly x 510 diams., taken with a Zeiss apochromatic ^-inch objective of "95 N.A. x 3 projection eye-piece ; but it was illuminated by a cone of small angle, viz. of 0-1 N.A., and illustrates the unadvisability of small cones for illumination. The first obvious feature in the picture is the doubling of the hairs which are out of focus ; but the important difference lies in the bright line with a dark edge round the hairs which are precisely in focus. This is a diffraction effect which is always present round the outlines of every object illuminated by a cone of insufficient angle. Experiment shows that this diffraction line always ceases to be visible when the aperture of the illuminating cone is equal to about two-thirds the aperture of the objective used ; but it will become again distinctly apparent when the aperture of the cone is reduced less than half that of the objective. Fig. 3. x 510 diams. A correct or critical image of the minute hairs on the lining membrane of the extremity of the blow-fly's proboscis. In this picture the focus has been adjusted for the long central hair. It will be observed that this hair is very fine and spinous ; it has not the ring socket which is common to many hairs on insects, but grows from a very delicate membrane, which in the balsam mount is transparent. This photograph was taken with a Zeiss apochromatic j of "95 N.A. x 3 projection eye-piece. The illumination was that of a large solid axial cone of -65 N.A. from an achromatic condenser, the source of light being focussed on the object. Fig. 4. Section of cerebellum of a lamb, x 77 diams.. by apochromatic 1-inch .3 N.A. This preparation was courteously supplied to the present Editor by Dr. Hill, whose imbedding and staining processes for these tissues it beautifully illustrates. Fig. 5. Amphipleura pellucida x 18(50 diams., by apochromatic £ 1*4 N.A. illuminated by a very oblique pencil in one azimuth along the valve. Fig. 6. A hair of Polyxenus lagurus, a well-known and excellent test object for medium powers x 490 diams. by apochromatic ~ "95 N.A. Fig. 7. A small vessel in the bladder of a frog, prepared with nitrate of silver stain, showing endothelium-cells. x 40 diams., by Zeiss A. -2 N.A. This object has been photographed for the purpose of exposing the fallacy which underlies the generally accepted statement that 'low-angled' glasses are the most suitable for histological purposes. The supposition that it is so has been founded on the fact that the penetration of a lens varies inversely as its aperture ; therefore, it is said, a ' low-angled ' glass is to be preferred to a wide-angled one, because 1 depth of focus,' which is supposed to enable one to see into tissues, is the end in view. On carefully examining this figure it will be noticed that it is almost Xll EXPLANATION OF PLATES impossible to trace the outline of any particular endothelium-cell because its image is confused with that of the lower side of the pipe. In a monocular microscopical image a perspective view does not exist ; it is better, therefore, to use a wide-angled lens, and so obtain a clear view of a thin plane at one time, and educate the mind to appreciate solidity by means of focal adjustment. It will be admitted that unless one approaches fig. 7 with a preconceived idea of what an endothelium-cell is like, the knowledge gained of it will be small indeed. Fisr. 8 represents the same structure, x 138 diams., by an apochromatic ^ -65 N.A. Here only the upper surface of the pipe is seen, so that the out- line of the endothelium-cells can be clearly traced. The circular elastic tissue is also displayed. There is, moreover, an increased sharpness over the whole picture, due to the greater aperture of the objective. PLATE I Fig. 1. The inside of a valve of Pleurosigma angulatmn, showing a ' postage stamp ' fracture, x 1750 diams., with an apochromatic ^ LI N.A. by Mr. T. P. Smith, and illustrating his view of the nature of the Pleurosigma valve. Fig. 2. The outside of a valve of Pleurosigma angulatum, showing a dif- ferent form of structure, x 1750 diams., with an apochromatic ^ LI N.A., by Mr. T. F. Smith. These two photo-micrographs demonstrate the existence of at least two layers in the angulatum. Fig. 3. Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, x 110 diams., with an apochromatic 1-inch -3 N.A. Fig. 4. A portion of the preceding, x 2000 diams. to show the lacework inside the areolations. This lacework is believed to be a perforated structure, as a fracture passes through the markings. In the central areolation there are forty-six smaller perforations surrounded by a crown of fifteen larger ones.1 Photographed with an apochromatic £1*4 N.A. Fig. 5. xVulacodiscus Kittonii, x 270, by an apochromatic 1-inch -3 N.A. Fig. G. A small portion in the centre of an Aulacodiscus Sturtii, x 2000, by an apochromatic £ LI N.A. Broadly speaking, the difference between the Coscinodisci and the Aulacodisci lies in the fact that in the former the secondary structure is inside the primary, while in the latter it is exterior to it. This definition, however, is not strictly accurate, as it is believed that the fine perforated structure covers the entire valve, it being only optically hidden by the primary structure. The whole of these demonstrations were photographed for the present Editor by his friend E. M. Nelson, Esq., and have been reproduced from the negatives by a process of photo-printing. PLATE II ARRANGEMENT OF THE MICROSCOPE WITH A STAND FOR THE MICROMETER EYE-PIECE, TO SECURE STEADINESS AND ACCURACY IN MEASURE- MENT PLATE III ARRANGEMENT OF THE MICROSCOPE AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE EMPLOY- MENT OF THE CAMERA LUCIDA PLATE IV THE METHOD OF USING THE SILVER SIDE REFLECTOR OR PARABOLOID 1 A section of this diatom will be found in the Transactions of the County of Middlesex Natural History Society for 1889, Plate I. fig; 2. EXPLANATION OF PLATES x i i i PLATE V METHOD OF USING DIRECT TRANSMITTED LIGHT WITHOUT THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE MIRROR Plates II. to V. are engraved from photographs , taken at the request of the Editor by Mr. E. M. Nelson, from the arranged instruments. PLATE VI SEXUAL GENERATION OF VOLVOX GLOBATOR. (After Cohnj Fig. 1. Sphere of Volrox glohator at the epoch of sexual generation : a, sperm-cell containing cluster of antherozoids ; a', sperm-cell showing side- view of discoidal cluster of antherozoids : a3, sperm-cell whose cluster has broken up into its component antherozoids ; a1, sperm-cell partly emptied by the escape of its antherozoids: b b, flask-shaped germ-cells showing great increase in size without subdivision ; b-, ft2, germ-cells with large vacuoles in their interior ; b3, germ-cell whose shape has changed to the globular. Fig. 2. Sexual cell, a, distinguishable from sterile cells, b, by its larger size. Fig. 3. Germ-cell, with antheroids swarming over its endochrome. Fig. 4. Fertilised germ-cell, or oosphere. with dense envelope. Fig. 5. Sperni-cell, with its contained cluster of antherozoids, more enlarged. Figs. 6, 7. Liberated antherozoids, with their flagella. PLATE VII OSCILLARIACE.E AND SCYTONEMACEJE Fig. 1. Lyngbya cestuarii, Lieb. x 1G0. Fig. 2. S/nriilhia Jennrri, Ktz. x 400. Fig. 3. Tolypothrix cirrho&a, Garm. x 400. Fig. 4. Oscilloria insigitis, Thw. x 400. Fig. 5. O. Frolichu, Ktz. x 400. Fig. 6. O. teuerrima, Ktz. x 400. These figures are after Cooke. PLATE VIII DESMlDIACEiE, R1VULARIACE.E, AND SC\ TOXEM ACEJE Fig. 1. Zygosperm of Mlerasterias denticulata, Breb. (After Palfs.) Fig. 2. Cosmarium BrebissopJi, Men. (Af'ier Cooke.) Fig. 3. Euastrum pectinatum, Breb. (After Ralfs.) Fig. 4. Zygosperm of Staurastrnm hirsutum, Breb. (Aftar Ralfs.) Fig. 5. 8. graeUe, Ralfs. (After Cooke.) Fig. 0. Xanthidium aculeatum, Ehrb. (After RalfsA Fig. 7. Rivularia dura, Ktz. (After Cooke.) Fig. 8. R. dura, Ktz. x 400. (After Cooke.) Fig. 9. Scytonema nutans, Breb. x 400. (After Cooke.) Fig. 10. Sto.uraxtrum hirsutxim, Breb. (After Cooke.) xiv EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE IX DESMIDIACE^E Fig. 1. Micrasterias crux-melitensis, Ehrb. (After Cooke.) Fig. 2. Closterium setaceum,, Ehrb. (After Cooke.) Fig. 3. Desmidiwm Swartzii, Ag. (After Cooke.) Fig. 4. Penium digitus, Ehrb. (After Cooke.) Fig. 5. P. digitus, Ehrb. (transverse view). Fig. 6. Spirotcsnia condensates Breb. (After Cooke.) Fig. 7. JDocidium baculum, Breb. (After Cooke.) Fig. 8. Gonatozygon BreMssonii, De Bary, conjugating. (After Cooke.) PLATE X PLEUROSIGMA ANGULATUM This is a direct photo-micrograph, taken by Dr. R. Zeiss, as magnified 1900 diameters. We direct attention specially to it as giving evidence of the pre- sence (however originated) of the intercostal markings, which may be seen with considerable clearness on the right-hand side of the midrib and in the middle of the valve. PLATE XI This plate has a twofold purpose. It is designed, first, to justify the opinions held by Dr. Henry van Heurck upon the structure of the valves of diatoms, and also to show how the usual microscopical tests present them- selves when examined with the new objective with N.A. 1-60, lately constructed b}- the Firm of Zeiss. This objective is believed by Dr. van Heurck to realise what he considers the highest results of photographic optics, which in his judgment could only be surpassed by finding a new immersion liquid of still higher refractive index presenting all the necessary qualities, and which at the same time would not affect the very delicate flint of which it is necessary to make the front lens of thisobjective. This mediumhe hopes may be some day realised. Unfortunately, up to this time, no indication permits us to foresee the discovery of the liquid, desired. The following is the way in which Dr. Henry van Heurck summarises his ideas upon the structure of the valve : — 1. The valve of diatoms 1 is formed by two membranes or thin plates and by an intermediate septum. By this he understands a plate pierced with openings. The superior membrane, often very delicate, may be destroyed in the treatment by acids in the washings, by rubbing, &c. It is possible also that it sometimes only exists in a very rudimentary state. The majority of the students of diatoms agree in believing that these membranes ma}r be suf- ficiently permeable to permit of exchange by endosmose between the contents of the valve and the surrounding outer water, but that these membranes have no real openings so long as the diatom is living and intact. 2. When the openings of the sepl ma are disposed in alternate rows then they take an hexagonal form. When in perpendicular rows then the openings are square or elongated. The hexagonal form, which is besides so frequent in nature, seems to be the typical form of the openings of the septum, and it is found most frequently when the valve is large, destitute of consolidated sides, and must offer resistance to outside agents. Even in the forms of the square openings we see very frequently deviations and returns to the hexagonal type upon certain parts of the valve. It is possible that the septa may be sometimes composed of many layers, placed one above another, formed suc- cessively and closely united ; but up to this time we have no proof of it, neither have we met with any form presenting layers placed one above another. 1 ' The structure of the Valve of Diatoms ' In Uncords of the Belgian Society, v. siii. 1890. EXPLANATION OF PLATES XV Such, in brief, is the view held by Dr. van Heurck as an interpret ation of our present knowledge of the structure of the valve of the diatoms. We give now a description of the objects represented on the plate. Figs. 1, 2, 3. AmpMpleura jxllucida, Kiitz, 1 and 2, valve resolved into pearls. Fig. 2 x 2000 diarns. Fig. 1 x 3000 diams. Fig. 3. Valve resolved in striae at about 2300 diams. Fig. 4. Ampldpleura Lindheimeri, Gr., x 2500 diams. Fig. 5. Pleurosigma angulation, in hexagons, x (about) 10,000 diams. Fig. 6. Idem x 2000 diams., illusory pearls which are formed by the angles of the hexagonal cells when the focussing is not perfect. Fig. 7. The nineteenth band of Nobert's test plate. This photo-micro- graph has been made exceptionally with the apochromatic ^ of 1*4 N.A. The lines being traced upon a cover in crown-glass, the objective of N.A. 1 -6 cannot be used here. Fig. 8. Surirella gemma, Ehrb. x (about) 1000 diams. Fig. 9. Van HevrcJna crassinervis, Breb. (Frustulia saxonica, Rabh) x 2000 diams. All the photo-micrographs (except fig. 7) have been done with the new inch N.A. 1-60 of MM. Zeiss. These micro-photographs have been produced by sunlight in a monochro- matic form, the special compensating eve-piece 12, and the Abbe condenser of N.A. 16 Covers and slides in flint of 1*72 ; diatoms in a medium 2 4. We are bound, however, to note that the condenser used is not corrected in any way ; its aberrations are enormous. Although the highest admiration must be expressed for the skill exercised by Dr. van Heurck in these remarkable photo-micrographs, and the highest esteem for his courtesy to the present Editor in supplying them, it must not be forgotten that Dr. van Heurck was obliged to employ an imperfect condenser — a condenser absolutely* uncorrected — and although we can testify to the high quality and tine corrections of at least one of the lenses of N.A. 1*6, we are convinced that much of its real perfection in image-forming is destroyed by uncorrected sub-stage illumination. Upon the corrections and large aplanatic area presented by the condenser and its careful and efficient employment depends entirely the nature of the image presented by the finest objective ever constructed ; and as the perfection of the objective, with a high amplification and a great aperture, is more nearly approached, the more dependent are we upon perfect corrections in the con- denser to bring out the perfect image-forming power of the objective. No image formed by such an objective as that possessing N.A. 1-60 can be consi- dered reliable until a condenser corrected for all abberrations like the objective itself is produced ; and so convinced are we of the possible value of this objec- tive that we trust its distinguished devisor and maker may be soon induced to produce the condenser referred to. If, then, by the aid of the chemist we can discover media which will be of sufficiently high refractive index, and still tolerant of or non-injurious to organic tissues immersed in it, a new line of investigation may be open to- histology and pathology. — W. H. D. PLATE XII arachnoidiscus japonicus. (After R. Beck) The specimens attached to the surface of a sea-weed are represented as- seen under a |th objective, with Lieberkiihn illumination : A, internal, surface ; B, external surface ; C, front view, showing incipient subdivision. PLATE XIII COMPLETE LIFE-HISTOKIES OF TWO SAPROPHYTES (Drawn from nature by Dr. Dallinger) xvi EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE XIV The various stages of the development of the nucleus in two saprophytic organisms, as studied with recent homogeneous and apochromatic objectives, both in the several stages of fission and genetic fusion, indicating liaryoln- nesis, and proving, as established in detail by the text, that all the steps in the cvclic changes of these unicellular forms are initiated in the nucleus befce being participated in by the whole body of the organism. (Drawn from nature by Dr. Dallinger.) PLATE XV EOTIFERiE Fig. 1. Floscularia campanuhita. Fig. 2. Stephanoccros Eiehhornii. Fig. 3. Jlelicerta ringens. Fig. 4. Pedalion mirum (side view). Fig. 5. P. mirum (dorsal view, showing muscles). Fig. 6. Copevs cerberus (side view). Fig. 7. Philodina aculeata (side view, corona expanded). Fig. 8. Male of Pedalion mirum. All these figures, save fig. 2, are reduced to scale from the beautiful plates in Hudson and Goss's Rotifera. PLATE XVI FORAMINIFERA Fig. 1. Milwlina seminulivm (a and b, lateral aspects). Fig. 2. AlveolVna Boscii (a, lateral aspect ; b, longitudinal section). Fig. 3. Astrorliiza limicola (ay lateral aspect; b, portion of the test more highly magnified, showing structure). Fig. i. Haliphysema Tumanorviczii, showing the pseudo-polythalamous foot. Fig. 5. Ibid, (group of specimens in situ). Fig. 6. Haplojyhragmium agglutinans (a, lateral aspect; b, longitudinal section). Fig. 7. //. ncmwm (a, superior aspect ; b, peripheral aspect). Fig. 8. Te.rtularia gramen {a, lateral aspect ; b, oral aspect). Fig. 9. T. gramcn (peripheral aspect). Fig. 9«. Paroninu Habclliformis (a, lateral aspect; b, oral aspect). Fig. 10. J In I mi/I itt spinvlosa. Fig. 11. Chilostomella oroidea (a and b, lateral aspects; e, specimen mounted in Canada balsam and seen with transmitted light). T>LATE XVII FOEAMINIFERA Fig. 12. Lageva sulcata. Fig. 13. L. sulcata. Fig. 14. L. sulcata. Fig. 15. L. sulcata (a, lateral aspect ; b, oral aspect). Kig. 1<>. Kodosaria raplianvs. Fig. 17. Cristellaria. calcar (a, b, c, lateral aspects). Fig. 18. Ramulina glolndifera. Fig. 19. It. globulifera. Fig. 20. Globigerina bulloides (var. triloba, pelagic specimen). Fig. 21. G. bulloides (a, b. o, adult typical shell). EXPLANATION OF PLATE S xvii Fig. 22. Rotalia Becearii. Fig. 23. Polystomella craticulata. Fig. 24. Ampliistegina Lessonii (at superior lateral aspect'; b, inferior lateral aspect ; v the formula fx sin (p = jx' sin 0', where /j, is the absolute refractive index of the first medium,

°, and let the Fig. 4. — The geometrical form of the prism. (Prom the ' Forces of Nature.') of the prism = 50c angle of incidence of a ray of white light D E = 45° = 0 in air, n = 1 . The dotted lines show the normals. Then by (problem) v. 1 for red light we have for the angle of refraction 0'. . , ul sin 0 1 sin 45° *707 Ain «m== / = 1-7 =T-7 =*416; f =24^° (found by table). And for blue light : Sin 0" fx sin 0 _ 1 sin 45° _ -707 _ . = = '404 : p 1-75 1-75 0//=23f> (found by table). Now, for the red ray draw E F (fig. 5), 24^° to the normal, and let it meet the other side of the prism AC in F. At F draw another normal. On the scale of our diagram it is not possible to draw two lines E F, one for the red ray and the other for the blue, for they are too> close together, their angular divergence being only |°. But by PATH OF LIGHT TIIKOI'OII A PRISM 9 measurement it will be found that E F makes, with tke normal at F, an angle , to wander, i.e. free from wandering or error) means, as used by opticians,. Fig. 21. — The effect produced by a cover-glass on the corrections of an object-glass. that all the rays passing through a lens system are brought to an identi- cal conjugate focus, as shown in fig. 22. But as affected by the cover- glass the marginal rays diverge, apparently, from a focus nearer the objective than the central rays ; therefore the objective, to meet this condition, must be what is called under-corrected ; a condition pre- sented in fig. 23, so as to focus both these points at once. Here the Fig. 22. — Aplanatic system. Fig. 23. — Under-corrected system. curvature of the surface of the crown lens being increased, the flint plano-concave is not sufficiently powerful to neutralise all the spherical aberration of the crown. As a consequence the peripheral rays are brought to a focus at F', while the central rays pass on to F. This is what is meant by ' under-correction ' in an object-glass. In fig. 24 the reverse condition is presented, for the incident curve of the crown lens has been flattened, while that of the flint has been deepened, which increases the cor- rective power of the flint, and thus destroys the balance of the com- bination in other directions. The rays passing through the periphery of the combination will be brought to a focus F', while the central rays will be focussed at F. This is what is known as over-correction. Fig. 24. — Over-corrected system. COLLAR CORRECTION — FOCI OF LENSES An oplanatic objective (fig. 22) can be made, into an -"nder- •corrected objective (tig. 23) by either (1) causing the back tenses of which it is composed to approach the front lens. This is the device of Andrew Ross, and is now effected 1 by means of a special ' collar ' arrangement, which, by the action of a screw, approximates or sepa- rates the suitable lenses. But for this a special device is needed for •each objective. (2) The result can moreover be secured by causing the eye-piece to approach the objective. This of course is accomplished by the use of the draw-tube, and must be employed with objectives having rigid mounts. Closing lenses, that is, bringing them together, whether in the objective itself or in the microscope as a whole, by shortening the ^distance between the eye-piece and the objective uuder-corrects the ■objective, that is, gives positive aberration ; while the separation of lenses over-corrects or gives negative aberration. In using the collar correction 1 for a longer body or a thicker cover-glass the collar adjustment must be moved so as to cause the back lenses of the objective to approach the front lens, while for a shorter body or a thinner cover-glass, the adjustment must be moved so as to cause their separation. In correcting by tube length for a thicker cover shorten the tube, and for a thinner one lengthen it. For the benefit of those who aim at work with lenses, that is, such as may be compassed with the aid of the most elementary mathematics, it may be well to indicate a simple method for the 'deduction of the foci of plano-convex and biconvex lenses. In fig. 17 the focus is twice the radius measured from the vertex A, that is, AF. But in fig. 18 it is twice the radius measured from the point A, that is, the point F is distant from the lens twice the radius less two-thirds the thickness of the lens. Similarly, in fig. 25, the radius of a biconvex lens is measured from the point A ; in other words, F is distant from the lens the length of the radius less one-fourth the thick- Fig. 25. — The radius of a convex lens, ness of that lens (nearly). Formula? relating to a biconvex lens. — Where P is one focus, P' its conjugate, F principal focus (solar focus, or that for a very distant object), R radius of curvature for one surface, R/ for the other surface, {x the refractive index of the medium, then p+p=(^-i) (g+g^ i=(/i-1)(g+i); P P' F Also, if A is the distance of a focus from F, the principal focus, ' See Chapter V. 22 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS and B, the distance of its conjugate from F', the other principal focus on the other side, then AB=FF; or, in an equiconvex lens, A B= F2. In an equiconvex lens of crown glass /u = L5 if F = radius of curvature. But in a plano-convex lens of crown glass ^ = 1*5 if F = twice the radius of curvature. In the above formula the thickness of the lens has been neglected. In thick lenses, however, its effect must not be disregarded, even if only approximate results are required. A very approximate determi- nation of the principal focal length of an equiconvex lens may be made by subtracting from the result obtained by the foregoing formula? one quarter of the thickness of the lens. Example. — Equiconvex lens of crown glass /x = 1 "5, r = thick- ness = J. By above formula F = J. Subtracting from this one- quarter of the thickness of the lens we get F = T7^- as the distance between the focus and the surface of the lens. This is only ^ inch from the truth. If the lens were a sphere it would be accurate. In the case of a plano-convex lens the principal focus on the convex side is equal to twice the radius as above, but on the plane side two-thirds of the thickness of the lens must be subtracted from it. Example. — In a hemispherical lens of crown glass /i — 1*5, radius = 3T, thickness = the principal focus on the convex side will be one inch from the curved surface and on the plane side § inch from the plane surface. Similarly, in an equiconcave lens subtract from the principal focal length, obtained by the above formula, half the thickness of the lens. In other words, measure the focal length from the centre of the lens. The focus is of course virtual. But a plano-concave lens follows the plano-convex. The principal: focus on the curved side requires no alteration, but from that on the plane side two-thirds of the thickness of the lens must be subtracted. The focus is also virtual. Example. — Equiconcave of dense flint /x = l"75, radius = — thickness ^, F by formula = — ^. This is about T^ inch too much, but by subtracting half the thickness of the lens, or ±, we obtain — which is only T!L inch too little. Plano-concave of dense flint //. = 1'75, radius = — J, thickness \, F by formula = — J. Subtract from this two-thirds of thickness of Jens. Then F = — \. This is only ^ inch too small. The principal focus of a combination of two or more lenses, whose principal foci and distances are known, can be found from the formula 111 - + — = -. by assigning for the value of p the distance of the prin- If^ 1^ J cipal focus of the first lens from the second, and so on. Example. — Parallel rays fall on a equiconvex lens of four inches focus. Two inches from this lens is another equiconvex lens of three inches focus. Find the distance of the focal point from this THE FOKMATION OF A "KKAL I MAO K ' 23 last lens, to which the rays will be brought. It is evident that tin- rays would be brought by the first lens to a focus two inches behind the second if it were not there. This point, which is negative with regard to the second lens, must be taken as the value of p in the formula. We have, therefore : -2 p' 6' p = . 5 Hitherto our attention has been confined, in studying the action of lenses, to the manner in which they act upon a bundle of parallel rays, or upon a pencil of rays issuing from a radiant point. More- over, we have considered this point as situated in the line of axis But the surface of every luminous body may be regarded as compre- hending an infinite number of such points, from every one of which a pencil of rays proceeds, to be refracted in its passage through the lens according to the laws enunciated. In this way a complete image, i.e. picture of the object, will be formed upon a suitable surface placed in the position of the focus. There are two kinds of image formed by lenses, a real image and a virtual image. 1. The formation of a real image means the production of a picture by a lens, or a combination of lenses, which can be thrown upon a screen ; such are the images of a projection lantern and the image produced by the camera upon the focussing glass. The manner in which this takes place will be understood by reference to tig. 26, where A B is an object placed beyond P, the principal focus of the aplanatic combination. From every point of A B are rays radiating at every possible angle. Let A F and A H be two such rays P Fig. 26. — The formation of a real image. radiating from the point A. Now if the refraction of these rays be traced, in the manner already indicated, through the aplanatic com- bination, it will be found that the rays which before inmiergence were diverging are by the refraction of the combination on emer- gence rendered converging. Thus the ray F C meets II V at the point C. The point C is called the conjugate focal point of A, and wherever there is a focal point there will be an image. Therefore, at C, there will be an image of A. In the same manner the ravs 24 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS issuing from every point along A B may be traced, and will be found to have each one its respective conjugate lying on C D, so the con- jugate of B is at D. Hence it is at once manifest that an inverted conjugate image of the object A B is formed at C D. Further, it will be noticed that, although the object is straight, the image of it is curved towards the lens. If the object AB had been curved, so that it presented a convex aspect to the lens, then its conjugate image C D would have been more curved ; but if A B had been slightly concave towards the lens, then its conjugate would have been straight. As before stated, the point C has been determined by tracing the refraction of two rays,1 AF and AH, through the lens. Another method is, however, often employed. In every lens there is a point which is called its optical centre. This point is such that any ray, which in its refraction through the lens passes through this point, will emerge in a direction joarallel to its path before immergence. Now as lenses for graphic and theoreti- cal purposes are often assumed to be of insensible thickness, it has become the practice to draw any ray passing through the optical centre of the lens a straight line. Obviously, if the lens has sensible thickness the ray cannot be considered a straight line, and in the microscope, where the lenses are very thick in proportion to the length of their foci, this method will lead to much error. Of course, in those cases where it can be taken as a straight line, it saves the trouble of computing a second ray to intersect the first, as any ray intersecting the straight line will determine a conjugate focal point. In the upper part of tig. 26 the two rays, A F and A H, are traced through the lens to determine the point C, but in the lower part of the figure only the ray B K is traced, and the intersection of 'this ray by the straight line B D passing through the Optical centre gives the point D. 2. An image is said to be virtual when it cannot be received on a screen. Fig. 27 shows how a virtual image is formed. The letters are the same as in the preceding figure, so as to show the analogy between the two. The fundamental difference between this figure and the last is that the object A B is placed beticeen P, the principal focus, and the lens. We have already seen from fig. 15 that when a radiant is placed before a converging lens, and nearer to it than its principal focus, the rays emerging from the lens are still divergent even after their refraction through the lens ; consequently they will never intersect, and as there is no focal point, there can be no screen image. Thus two rays radiating from the point A of the object A B fall on the lens and are refracted in the directions A F, AH: these are divergent and will never meet ; but if the human eye is placed near the lens, so that it can receive the rays F and H, the rays will be converged by the lens of the eye, and will be brought to a focal point in the retina. 1 In the majority of the preceding diagrams the drawing has represented the facts accurately ; in this instance they are diagrammatic, the size of admissible illus- trations making an accurately traced ray impossible. FORMATION 01- A 'VJKTl'AL IMA(iK' 25 Similarly, from every point in A B there will be a corresponding retinal point. Now if we produce F and H backwards (see the dotted lines in the figure) we shall find that they intersect at the point C. As the rays F and H are precisely identical with raws which would have diverged from the point C had it been an entity, the .retinal image therefore will be an image of a non-existent picture CD. The method of drawing this is exactly similar to that of the preceding figure. The rays A F and A H are traced through the lens, and their prolongation backwards (see the dotted lines in the figure) gives the point C. Also, as in the preceding figure, any point of the picture can be found by tracing one ray, such as K ; then the intersection of its backward prolongation with a straight line joining B with the optical centre, produced, will give D. The points C and D are called the virtual conjugate foci of A Fig. 27. — The formation of a ' virtual image.' and B respectively. In mathematical optics it appears as a negative quantity which satisfies an equation, and is a' sort of metaphysico- mathematical truth. In this case the virtual image is convex towards the lens. Fig. 27 illustrates the action of a simple microscope. The object itself is not seen, but the picture presented to the eye is an enlarged ghost of it. As some eyes can take in rays of less diverg- ence than others, it might happen that the rays C F, C H, were too divergent for the observer's eyesight, in which case the lens would have to be withdrawn from the object. Similarly, if the observer were short-sighted, the lens must be placed nearer the object to render the rays more divergent. Dr. Abbe points out 1 that the generally adopted notion of a 'linear amplification at a certain distance ' is, in fact, a very awkward and irrational way of defining the ' amplifying power ' of a lens or a lens-system. 1 Journ. Ii.M.S. vol. iv. ser. ii. p. 348. 26 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS In the formula N =r - the amplification of one and the same= system varies with the length of I, or the 'distance of vision,' and an arbitrary conventional value of I (i.e. 10 inches, or 250 mm.) must be introduced in order to obtain comparable figures. The actual t linear amplification ' of a system is, of course, different in the case of a short-shorted eye, which projects the image at a dis- tance of 100 mm., and a long-sighted one, which projects it at 1000 mm. Nevertheless, the ''amplifying power ' of every system is always the same for both, because the short-sighted and the long-sighted observers obtain the image of the same object under the same visual angle, and consequently the same real diameter of the retinal image. That this is so will be seen from fig. 28, where the thick lines show i Fig. 28. — The amplifying power of a lens. the course of the rays for a short-sighted eye, and the thin lines for a long-sighted one, the eye in each case being supposed at the pos- terior principal focus of the system. The other generally adopted expression of the power by N = -- may be put on a somewhat more rational basis than is generally done by defining the length I (10 inches) not as ' distance of distinct vision,' but rather as 'distance of projection of the image.' As far as ' distinct vision' is assumed for determining the amplification, the value of N has no real signification at all in regard to an observer who obtains distinct vision at 50 inches instead of 10 inches, and, in fact, many microscopists declare the ordinary figures of amplification to be useless for them because they cannot observe the image at the supposed distance. It appears as if — and many have this opinion^- the performance of the microscope in regard to magnification depended essentially on the accommodation of the observer's eye. This misleading idea, resulting from the common expression, is AMICI'S U.SE or 'IMMERSION' LENSES 2/ eliminated by defining the 10 inches merely as the distance from the eye at which the image is measured — whether it be a distinct or an indistinct image. For if an observer, owing to the accommodation of his eye, obtains a distinct image at a distance of 10 feet, I may nevertheless assume a plane at a distance of 10 inches from the eye on which the distant image is virtually projected, and measure the diameter of that projection. Now this diameter is strictly the same as the diameter of that image, which another observer would really obtain with distinct vision at that same distance of 10 inches. Tlie only difference is that in the former case we must take the centres of the circles of indistinctness instead of the sharp ima-v points in the latter case. If the conventional length of / = 10 inches is interpreted in this way (as distance of projection, independently of distinct vision) the absurdity at least of a real influence of the accommodation on the power of a microscope is avoided. It becomes obvious that for long-sighted and for short-sighted eyes the same X must indicate the same visual angle of the enlarged objects, or the same magnitude of the retinal image, because it indicates the same diameter of the projection at 10 inches distance. It was long since pointed out by Amici, that the introduction of a drop of water between the front surface of the objective, and either the object itself or its covering glass, would diminish the loss of light resulting from the passage of the rays from the object or its covering glass into air, and then from air into the object-glass. But it is obvious that when the rays enter the object-glass from water instead of from air, both its refractive and its dispersive action will be greatly changed, so as to need an important constructive modifi- cation to suit the new condition. This modification seems never to have been successfully effected by Amici himself ; and his idea remained unfruitful until it was taken up by Hartnack and Nachet, who showed that the application of what is now known as the immersion system to objectives of high power and large aperture is attended with many advantages not otherwise attainable. For, as already pointed out, the loss of light increases with the obliquity of the incident rays ; so that when objectives of very wide aperture are used 1 dry,' the advantages of its increase are in great degree nullified by the reflection of a large proportion of the rays falling very obliquely upon the peripheral portion of the front lens. "When, on the other hand, rays of the same obliquity enter the peripheral portion of the lens from water, the loss by reflection is greatly reduced, and the benefit derivable from the large aperture is pro- portionally augmented. Again, the 1 immersion system ' allows of a greater working distance between the objective and the object than is otherwise attainable with the same extent of aperture ; and this is a great advantage in manipulation. Further, the observer is rendered less dependent upon the exactness in the correction for the thickness of the covering glass, which is needed where objectives of large aperture are used ' dry ' ; for as the amount of 1 negative aberration ' is far smaller when the rays which emerge from the covering glass pass into water than when they pass into air, varia- tions in its thickness produce a much less disturbing effect. And it 28 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS is found practically that ' immersion ' objectives can be constructed with magnifying powers sufficiently high, and apertures sufficiently large, for the majority of the ordinary purposes of scientific investi- gation, without any necessity for cover-adjustment ; being originally adapted to give the best results with a covering glass of suitable thinness, and small departures from this in either direction occasion- ing comparatively little deterioration in their performance. But beyond all these reasons for the superiority of the 'immersion system ' is, as will be presently seen, the fact that it admits into the lens a larger number of ' diffraction spectra ' than can be possibly admitted by a lens working in air ; and upon this depends the perfect presentation of the image. The immersion system has still more recently been advanced upon 1by the application of a principle which lies at the root of the optical interpretation of the images which modern lenses present, and which has greatly increased the value of the microscope as a scientific instrument. It is an improvement that primarily depends upon a correct theoretical understanding of the principles of the construction of microscopical lenses, and the interpretation of the manner in which the image is realised by the observer. The ' late Mr. Tolles was the first to adopt this system, as we point out subsequently ; but it was to Professor Abbe we are indebted for its practical appli- cation, through whom it is now known as the homogeneous system. 1 The idea of realising the various advantages of such ' a system by constructing a certain class of homogeneous objectives had, Professor Abbe says,1 'for some time presented itself to his mind.' 'The matter assumed, however, subsequently, a different shape in conse- quence of a suggestion made by Mr. John Ware Stephenson, . . . of London, who independently discovered the principle of homoge- neous immersion.' 2 This method consists of the replacement of water between the covering glass of the mounted object and the front surface of the object-glass by a liquid having the same refractive and dispersive power as crown glass. With such a fluid taking the place of air, it follows that the correction collar, though still a refinement and aid in the attainment of the finest critical images, would be a necessity no more. The desirability of the construction of a combination of lenses which would satisfy these conditions was urged by Mr. Stephenson upon Professor Abbe, and he secured the profound knowledge, which, as a mathematical optician he possessed, for the complete and practical solution of the problems involved, and the production of a remarkable series of lenses, marking a distinct epoch in the progress of theoretical and practical optics. He had, in fact, as we have hinted, already approached the con- sideration of the subject from another point of view, believing that petrographic work— the study of thin sections of mineral substances— r- could be far more efficiently accomplished by the use of homo- 1 On ' Stephenson's System of Homogeneous Immersion for Microscopic Objec- tives' (Abbe), Journ. B.M.S. vol. ii. 187 geneous lenses. But in the new aspect in which fche problem was presented by Mr. Stephenson it carried with it Dew interest to Abbe, not only as promising to largely dispense with the ' correction colli r, but also to greatly enlarge the 'numerical aperture,' and therefore secure a greater resolving power in the objective. One of the difficulties was to find a suitable fluid to meet the necessities as to refraction and dispersion. But after a long series of experiments Professor Abbe found that oil of cedar wood so nearly corresponds with crown glass in these respects that it served the purpose well. The result of Abbe's calculations based on Mr. Stephenson's sug- gestion was the construction by Carl Zeiss of aT\jtb with a N.A.1 of 1*25 of fine quality, and still higher promise, and subsequently of a ^th and a ^th in. objective of a like character. It may be well to note that Amici suggested the use of oil instead of water prior to 1850, and Mr. Wenham again revived the suggestion in 1870. 2 But neither of these is in even a remote sense an anticipation of the ' homogeneous system ' of lenses as we now understand it. The ' oil immersion 'in both instances was an expedient. The principle on which the construction carried out by Professor Abbe depended was the 'optical' principle that a medium of high refractive power gives an aperture greatly in excess of the maximum (180°) of a dry lens ; while Abbe's explanation, propounded in 1874, of the important bearing which the diffraction pencils have on the formation of the microscopic image makes the resolvin g power of the object-glass dependent upon the diffraction pencils that are taken up by it. All this was unknown or unadmitted by those who had previously suggested oil as an immersion medium, which leaves the homogeneous system as now employed wholly dependent upon the principles enunciated by Abbe, arising from the practical suggestion of Stephen- son and resulting in the beautiful object-glasses of Abbe and Zeiss. One of the essential advantages of this system, beyond those stated, is that by the suppression of spherical aberration in front of the objective, facilities are afforded for correcting objectives of great numerical aperture, both in theory and practice, that reduce it to the level of the problem of correcting objectives of moderate 'angle.' As a result, stimulated by the manifest advantage to be obtained and the wants of those engaged in actual research, Messrs. Powell k Lealand, of London, very soon made a ^-th inch and a -l0th inch objective on the homogeneous principle, with numerical apertures respectively of 1*38, and during the year 1885 produced lenses of an excellence impossible to any previous system of }.t\\ inch, r*jth inch, and Tfrth inch power, having respectively numerical apertures of 1'50, while 1*52 is the theoretical maximum. The use of a ' correction collar' is continued in the best English and German homogeneous object-glasses, especially as aiding in tin1 delicate corrections required to get the exact length-relation between 1 The meaning of this expression will he found on p. 48 hut the whole of Chapter II. must he carefully read. 2 Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. hi. p. 303. 30 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OE MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS the object-glass and eye-piece. But this must also be aided in endeavouring to secure the most perfect ' critical images ' by a body- tube provided with rack and pinion motion. When the two are combined, if the object-glass is of perfect construction and of latest form (apochromatic, q.v.), results never before attainable can be got with comparative ease. And this, be it observed, does not in the least compromise our admission of the perfect accuracy of the theoretical principle of the homogeneous system. With such evidence of advance in the optical construction of microscopes, dependent apparently on such accessible conditions, the question of what is possible in the future of the instrument no doubt obtrudes itself ; that, however, can only be considered as having application to the area of our present knowledge and resources. It is impossible to forecast the future agencies which may be at the disposal of the practical optician. To photograph stars in the im- measurable amplitudes of space, absolutely invisible to the human eye, however aided, was hardly within the purview of the astronomers of a quarter of a century ago ; that there may be energies and methods discoverable by man that will open up possibilities to the eager student of the minute in nature which will just as widely overstep our present methods of optical demonstration, there can be little reason to question. But it is no doubt true that with the in- struments and media now at the disposal of the practical optician no indefinite and startling advance in microscopic optics is to be looked for. The ' atom ' is infinitely inaccessible with any conceiv- able application of all the resources within our reach. But optical improvement of great value, bringing nature more and more nearly and accurately within our ken and reducing more and more certainly the interpretation of the most difficult textures and constructions in the minutest accessible tissue to an exact method, is certainly within our sight and reach. It is not a small matter that the homo- geneous lenses were, in a comparatively short period of time, carried from a N.A. of 1*25 to 1*50 ; and this carried with it the capacity theoretically indicated. High refractive media can greatly reduce the value of even the wave-length of light, and what is possible in the production of vitreous combinations, refractive fluid media, and mounting substances we may not forecast ; but, judging from the past, we have by no means reached their limit. At the same time, it may be remembered that photo-micrography, by constantly covering a wider area of applica- tion with its ever increasingly delicate and subtle methods, is more penetrating in the revelation of structure than the human eye. It may be taken for granted that in the present state of optical mathematics the opticians, English, Continental, and American, have given up the quest of many things fruitlessly sought. Empty amplification is a folly of lenses of the past. Magnification without concurrent disclosure of detail is of no more scientific value for the disclosure of structure than the projection of the photo-micrograph by an electric arc upon a screen would be. What is needed is an ever-increasing exactitude in the formation of the dioptrical image. The imperfection of this at the focal point springs from two causes ; NEW VITKKOI'S OPTICAL COMPOUNDS 31 one, as we have just demonstrated, arises from the residual spherical and chromatic aberrations, the other takes origin in the want ofliomo- yeneity, absolute precision of curve, and perfect centeriny of the systi //; of lenses in a combination. This causes the cone of rays proceeding from the object to unite, not in perfect image points, but in 'light surfaces of greater or less extent — circles of dissipation1 — which limits the distinctness of minute details. It is the faults of the ob- jective that in practice are alone important, and with the crown and flint glass commonly at the disposal of the optician there are two great drawbacks to perfection, or rather to an approximation to it. 1. The first arises from the unequal course of the dispersion in crown and flint glass, already described, which makes it impossible to unite perfectly, with the properties they possess, all the coloured rays in an image. Absolute achromatism cannot by their means be attained, the dispersion at different parts of the spectrum being so greatly disproportional. It has never been possible to unite more than two different colours of the spectrum. The rest, in spite of all effort, deviate and form the secondary spectrum, leaving, in the very finest lenses, circles of dispersion not to be excluded. 2. The second defect arises in the impossibility of correcting by means of ordinary crown and flint glass the spherical aberration for more than one colour. If the spherical aberration be removed as far as may be for the centre of the spectrum, there remains under- correction for the red, and over-correction for the blue and violet rays, presenting a want of balance between the chromatic corrections for the central and marginal zones of the objective. Although perfect chromatic corrections for the central rays may be effected, giving images of great beauty, the chromatic over-correction for the peripheral rays with oblique illumination will show the borders of the image with distinct chromatic fringes. To compensate these aberrations in the construction of an object- glass, what is needed is a vitreous material applicable to optical purposes possessed of such properties that a relatively smaller re- fractive index could be united with a higher dispersive power, or a higher refractive index with a relatively lower dispersive power. By proper combination of such materials if they be provided with ordinary crown and flint glass, to partly remove the chromatic and spherical aberrations independently of each other, and so to obey the conditions on which the removal of the chromatic difference depends, these aberrations could be compensated. All this was seen and fully demonstrated and set forth by Abbe as far back as 1876, 1 and he pointed out that the further perfecting of the microscope in its dioptrical working was dependent on the art of glass making ; the production, that is to say, of vitreous com- pounds possessing different relations of refractive and dispersive power by means of which the secondary spectrum could be re- moved. For practical purposes the matter was in abeyance until 1 SSI, but since that time Dr. Schott and Professor Abbe, with the active 1 Hoffman, A. "W., Bericlit iiber die irissenschnfthchen A^paratc auf dcr Lon- doner Internationale n AusstcUung im Jahre 1870. 32 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS co-operation of the optical workshops of Zeiss, have undertaken the- laborious and prolonged investigation into the improvement of optical glass, to which we have alluded ; the result has been the pro- duction of £ crown ' and 1 flint ' glass possessing exactly the qualities- foreshown as indispensable by Abbe. By chemical, physical, and optical research of a most laborious nature, and by spectrometric observations of numerous experimental fusions systematically carried out with a large variety of chemical elements, the relation between the vitreous products and their chemical composition has been more closely investigated. In the crown and flint glass produced up to the time of these investigations, the uniformity of property arose from the relatively small number of materials employed. Aluminium and thallium,, with silica, alkali, lime, and lead, formed the limit. By the use of more chemical elements, especially phosphoric and boric acid as the essential constituents of glass fluxes in the place of silica alone, flint and crown glass have been produced in which the dispersion in the different parts of the spectrum is nearly proportional ; so that in achromatic combinations it is now a question of detail and practical optics to eliminate almost entirely the secondary spectrum. On the other hand, the kinds of glass which can be used for optical purposes have been so increased in variety that, while the mean index of re- fraction is constant, considerable variations can be given to the dispersion or to the refractive index while the dispersion remains constant. A high index of refraction is no longer of necessity ac- companied by a high dispersion in flint glass, but may be retained in crown glass with a low degree of dispersion. The j)ractical consequence of this is that both the imperfections inalienable from an objective constructed of ordinary crown and flint glass can be, and have been, eliminated, and the secondary spectrum annulled ; it is removed and reduced to a residue of chromatism of a tertiary character, while the chromatic difference of spherical aberration can be eliminated or completely corrected for two different colours of the spectrum at once, and therefore practically for all. In the lenses formed of the crown and flint glass as used prior to the new German glass, we were provided with what (in com- parison with non-achromatised lenses) were called ' achromatic ; but in the new system of lenses, which may be ' dry ; or 'homogeneous' we have so great a freedom from colour defect as to admit of their being designated apochromatic lenses (d = privative ; ^pw/xa = colour ; u7ro= from, away from ; ^pcu/xa = colour). The practical advantages obtained by this system of object-glass construction are so great as in delicate researches to be invaluable — provided always that the work in all its details is of the most perfect kind. The accidental juxtaposition of lenses of the required curves, and, relatively, even the careful selection of lenses not homogeneously related to each other by a unity of purpose and work on the part of the practical optician, cannot yield perfect results. ' Division of labour ' is not compatible with perfect results in the making and building up of an apochromatic lens; and therefore, in their best ADVANTAGES OF APOCHROMATIC OBJECT-GLASSES form, these objectives must apparently command a high price. Jim, given such an object-glass — which is the production of a thoroughly competent practical optician — and its advantages, theoretical and practical, are great. 1. The aperture of the objectire can be utilised to it* full r.rh ,,.t. In the best of the older object-glasses at least one-tenth of the available aperture was useless j the inalienable defect in the con- vergence of the rays prevented a proper combined action of the outermost zone and the central parts of the aperture, and therefore by th<5se objectives it has never been possible to realise the amount 1 of resolving power indicated by theory with a given aperture. But in a well-constructed apochromatic objective — the secondary spec- trum being removed, and the spherical aberration being uniformly corrected for different parts of the spectrum — there is a practically perfect focal concentration of the rays in the image. 2. Increase of magnifying potcer by means of specially constructed eye-pieces is also a most important feature of objectives of this class. The result of this is that great magnifying power can be obtained by objectives of relatively large focal lengths. We have always maintained the utility of high eye-piecing under proper conditions, and with suitable apertures and fine corrections in the objective ; the physical brightness, we learn from Abbe, in every case depends only upon the aperture and the total magnifying power ; and it is of no moment in what way the latter is produced — by means of focal length of the objective, length of tube, and focal length of eye-piece. But he has further shown us 2 that with the best objectives of the old construction, and with large apertures, the limits of a completely satisfactory clearness of image are reached when the super-amplifica- tion is four- to six-fold; that is, when the total magnifying power of the objective and eye-piece together is four to six times as great as that obtained with the objective when used by itself as a magnifying lens. On the other hand, with apochromatic objectives the available super-amplification — even with the greatest apertures — is at least twelve- to fifteen-fold, and considerably higher with medium and low objectives. 3. Achromatism touches almost an ideal point in these objectives. The images are practically free from colour oVer the entire area. This is of great value in photo-micrography. The correction errors of the ordinary achromatic systems are much more powerful as disturbing influences than in ordinary observation with the eye. 4. In spite of the removal of the secondary spectrum certain colour deviations of a tertiary nature remained, and are inevitable in all objectives of great aperture in which the front lens cannot be made achromatic by itself. With ordinary achromatic objectives, from the properties of the glass used, the amount of this is very un- equal in the central and peripheral parts, but in the apochromatic object-glass it is approximately constant for all parts of the openi ng, 1 Excepting when resolution is effected by light of extreme obliquity. If the outermost zone of the objective is corrected alone, and that only be employed, at that limit equally good resolution may be accomplished. 2 ' On the Relation of Aperture to Power,' Journ. B.M.S. 1883, p. 803. D 34 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MICROSCOPICAL OPTICS and therefore it allows of correction by the eye-piece, a special con- struction possessing equal but opposite differences of magnifying power for different colours. The eye-piece is so constructed as to completely secure the desired result, and, as we have stated above, images free from colour are obtained. 5. The classification of the eye-pieces for this system of objectives has been established by Abbe, and depends on the increase in the total magnifying power of the microscope obtained by means of the eye-piece as compared with that given by the objective alone. The number which denotes how many times an eye-piece increases the magnifying power of the objective, when used with a given body- tube, gives the proper measure of the eye-piece magnification, and at the same time the figures for rational numeration.1 From their properties these are known as 'compensating eye- pieces.' The following is a fair typical selection of the objectives and eye-pieces furnished from the workshops of Carl Zeiss, of J ena, on this important system, viz. : Dry ...oi Water Immersion Homogeneous Immersion ApocJtromatic Objectives. Aperture Focal Length .0-30 0-30 0-65 0-65 0- 95 v0-95 1- 25 rl-40 11-40 English. Equivalent 24-0 mm. 1 inch. 160 „ 2 3 » 120 „ 1 8-0 „ ! " 3 '» 6-0 „ 1 4 » 4-0 „ 1 6 » 2-5 „ 1 10 " 3-0 „ 1 8 » 2-0 „ 1 12 " Compensating Eye-pieces for English Bodies 2 4 8 12 18 27 It is of interest to note that Messrs. Powell and Lealand, on receiving the special glass from Germany proceeded immediately to the production of a ^-inch objective with compensating eye-piece on a formula devised by Mr. T. Powell, which were supposed to be apochromatic. The workmanship was of the high class for which, in the manufacture of lenses, that firm have become distinguished ; and this objective has, together with those subsequently produced, brought out admirably the quality of the work; for we now know that the perfect apochromatic objective requires fluorite lenses in its combinations to obtain the needful corrections. But without the use of these this firm came so near the earlier apochromatic objectives of Zeiss, for visual purposes, that it was not easy to discover their deficiency. This was due entirely to perfect workmanship. The same firm have since produced a remarkable lens on the same system, having a 1ST. A. of 1*50, with a power of y^th of an inch. Object-glasses are also now made by other makers, English, Euro- 1 ' On Improvements of the Microscope with the aid of new kinds of optical glass' (Abbe), Journ. B.M.8. 1887, p. 25 ct seq. ♦ FORMULAE JJELATJXd TO HKAL I .MACKS 35 pean, and American, known as 'apochromatic'; but we doubt, in the majority of cases, if the apochromatism is attained, for it has only recently been made known that, in addition to the special glass used in their construction, the Abbe apochromatic systems had in- serted also the jluorite lenses referred to above, which materially affects the result. It is remarkable, however, how near some makers have brought their results to those of Abbe without the advantages of the fluorite lens. With this material employed in their con- struction Messrs. Powell and Lealand are making beautiful object- glasses? We have recently used a new ^-in. made by them, to which we have seen no successful rival. d 2 36 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE CHAPTER II THE PBINCIPLES AND TEEOBY OF VISION WITE TEE COMPOUND MICBOSCOPE We are now prepared to enter upon the application of the optical principles which have been explained and illustrated in the foregoing pages to the construction of microscopes. These are distinguished as simple and compound, each kind having its peculiar advantages to the student of nature. Their essential difference consists in this that in the former, the rays of light which enter the eye of the observer proceed directly from the object itself, after having been subjected only to a change in their course, as we have shown by fig. 26, which fully explains the action of the simple lens ; whilst in the compound microscope an enlarged image of the object is formed by one lens, which image is magnified to the observer by another, as if he were viewing the object itself. In the compound micro- scope not less than two lenses must be employed : one to form the enlarged image of the object, immediately over which it is placed, and hence called the object-glass ; whilst the other again magnifies that image, and, being interposed between it and the eye of the observer, is called the eye-glass. A perfect object-glass, as we have seen, must consist of a combination of lenses, and the eye-glass is best combined with another lens interposed between itself and the object-glass, the two together forming what is termed an eye-piece. The compound microscope must be the subject of careful and de- tailed consideration ; but it must be remembered that the shorter the focus of the simple magnifying lens, the smaller must be the diameter of the sphere of which it forms part ; and, unless its aperture be proportionately reduced, the distinctness of the image will be destroyed by the spherical and chromatic aberrations neces- sarily resulting from its high curvature. Yet notwithstanding the loss of light and other drawbacks attendant on the use of single lenses of high power, they proved of great value to the older micro- scopists (among whom Leeuwenhoek should be specially named), on account of their freedom from the errors to which the compound microscope of the old construction was necessarily subject ; and the amount of excellent work done by means of them surprises everyone who studies the history of microscopic inquiry. An important im- provement on the single lens was introduced by Dr. Wollaston, who devised the doublet, still known by his name, which consists of two plano-convex lenses, whose focal lengths are in the proportion of one to three or nearly so, having their convex sides directed towards PRINCIPLES AND THEORY OK MICROSCOPIC VISION the eye, and the lens of shortest focal length nearest the object. I u Dr. Wollaston's original combination no perforated diaphragm (or 'stop') was interposed, and the distance between the lenses was left to be determined by experiment in each case. A great improvement was subsequently made, however, by the introduction of a 'stop' between the lenses, and by the division of the power of the smaller lens between two (especially when a very short focus is required), so as to form a trijilet, as first suggested by Mr. Holland.1 When combinations of this kind are well constructed, both the spherical and the chromatic aberrations are so much reduced that the angle of aperture may be considerably enlarged without much sacrifice of distinctness ; and hence for all, save very low powers, such ' doublets ' and ' triplets ' are far superior to single lenses. These combinations took the place of single lenses among microscopists (in this country at least), who were prosecuting minute investigations in anatomy and physiology prior to the vast improvements effected in the com- pound microscope by the achromatisation of its object-glasses. Another form of simple magnifier, possessing certain advantages over the ordinary double-convex lens, is that commonly known by the name of the ' Coddington ' lens.2 The first idea of it was given by Dr. Wollaston, who proposed to apply two plano-convex or hemi- spherical lenses by their plane side, with a ' stop ' interposed, the central aperture of which should be equal to one-fifth of the focal length. The great advantage of such a lens is, that the oblique pencils pass, like the central ones, at right angles to the surface, jo that they are but little subject to aberration. The idea was further ■improved upon by Sir D. Brewster, who pointed out that the same end would be much better answered by taking a sphere of glass, and grinding a deep groove in its equatorial part, which should be then filled with opaque matter, so as to limit the central aperture. Such a lens gives a large field of view, admits a considerable amount of light, and is equally good in all directions ; but its power of definition is by no means equal to that of an achromatic lens, or even of a doublet. This form is chiefly useful, therefore, as a hand-magnifier, in which neither high power nor perfect definition is required, its peculiar qualities rendering it superior to an ordinary lens for the class of objects for which a hand-magnifier of medium power is required. Many of the magnifiers sold as 'Coddington' lenses, however, are not really portions of spheres, but are manufactured out of ordinary double-convex lenses, and are therefore destitute of the special advantages of the real ' Coddington.' The ' Stanhope ' lens somewhat resembles the preceding in appearance, but differs from it essentially in properties. It is nothing more than a double- convex lens, having two surfaces of unequal curvatures, separated from each other by a considerable thickness of glass, the distance of the two surfaces from each other being so adjusted that when the most convex is turned towards the eye minute objects placed on the 1 Transactions of the Society of Arts, vol. xlix. 2 This name, however, is most inappropriate, since Mr. Coddington neither was, •nor ever claimed to be, the inventor of the mode of construction by which this lens -is distinguished. 38 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE other surface shall be in the focus of the lens. This is an easy mode of applying a rather high magnifying power to scales of butterflies' wings, and other similar flat and minute objects, which will readily adhere to the surface of the glass ; and it also serves to detect the presence of the larger animalcules or of crystals in minute drops of fluid, to exhibit the 1 eels ' in paste or vinegar &c. A modified form of the ' Stanhope ' lens, in which the surface remote from the eye is plane instead of convex, has been brought out in France under the name of ' Stanhoscope,' and has been especially applied to the enlargement of minute pictures photographed on its plane surface in the focus of its convex surface. A good ' Stanhoscope,' magnifying from 100 to 150 diameters, is a very convenient form of hand- magnifier for the recognition of diatoms, infusoria, etc., all that is required being to place a minute drop of the liquid to be examined on the plane surface of the lens and then to hold it up to the light. But no hand lenses we have yet seen will compare with the Steinheil ' loups ' of six and ten diameters made by Zeiss, and Heichart's pocket loups. For the ordinary purposes of microscopic dissection single lenses of from 3 inches to 1 inch focus answer very well. But when higher powers are required, and when the use of even the lower powers is continued for any length of time, great advantage is derived from the employment of achromatic combinations, now made expressly for this purpose by several opticians. The Steinheil combinations give much more light than single lenses, with much better definition, a very flat field, longer working distance (which is very important in minute dissection), and, as a consequence, greater ' focal depth ' or ' penetration,' i.e. a clearer view of those parts of the object which lie above or below the exact local plane. And only those who have carried on a piece of minute and difficult dissection through several consecutive hours can appreciate the advantage in comfort and in diminished fatigue of eye which is gained by the substitution of one of these achromatic combinations for a single lens of equivalent focus, even where the use of the former reveals no detail that is not discernible by the latter. Although not strictly its position, it is convenient here to refer to what is known as the ' Briicke lens ' ; it is much used on the Continent, but does not ap- pear in any English treatise we have seen. It has two lenses for the objective, and a concave eye lens. It is illustrated in fig. 29. To remedy the inconvenience of the lens being too close to the object in all but low powers, Charles Chevalier, in his 'Manuel du Micrographe ' (1839), Briicke lens, proposed to place above a doublet a concave achro- matic lens, the distance of which could be varied at pleasure. The effect of this combination is to increase the magnifying power and lengthen the focus. Thus arranged, this instrument will be the most powerful of all simple microscopes, and the space available for scalpels, needles, &c. will be much greater than COMPOUND MICKOSCOI'K 39 Avith a doublet alone. The further the concave lens is removed from the latter, the greater will be the amplification.1 This combination, applied to lenses for examining the eye and skin, allows the use of doublets which leave a considerable distance above the object, and it is this idea which has governed the con- struction of the Briicke lens. ' The lens has a very long focus, and the construction is that of the Galileo telescope as applied to opera-glasses, but the amplification of the objective is much greater than that usually obtained in opera- glasses. The focus is about 6 cm., and the power three to eight times. The latter power is obtained by lengthening the tube, by which means the distance between the two lenses is much enlarged, and the amplification increased without inconveniently modifying the focus.' This lens may be used in place of the body of a compound microscope, when it is desired to dissect or to find small objects, or it can be adapted to a simple microscope or lens-hulder, with from 3 to 8 cm. between the object and objective. Compound microscope. — The compound microscope, in its most simple form, consists of only two lenses, the object-glass and the rye-glass. The former receives the light-rays direct from the object brought into near proximity to it, and forms an enlarged but inverted and reversed image at a greater distance on the other side ; whilst the latter receives the rays which are diverging from this image, as if they proceeded from an object actually occupying its position and enlarged to its dimensions, and brings these to the eye, so altering their course as to make that image appear far larger to the eye, pre- cisely as in the case of the simple microscope. It is obvious that, in the use of the very same lenses, a considerable variety of magnify- ing power may be obtained by merely altering their position in regard to each other and to the object. For if the eye-glass be carried farther from the object-glass, whilst the object is approximated nearer to the latter, the image will be formed at a greater distance from it, and its dimensions will consequently be augmented ; whilst, on the other hand, if the eye-glass be brought nearer to the object-glass, and the object removed farther from it, the distance of the image will be a much smaller multiple of the distance of the object, and its dimensions proportionately diminished. We shall hereafter see that this mode of varying the magnifying power of compound microscopes may be turned to good account in more than one mode ; but there are limits to the use which can be advantageously made of it. The ampli- fication may also be varied by altering the magnifying power of the eye-glass ; but here, too, there are relative limits to the in- crease ; since defects of the object-glass which are not perceptible when its image is but moderately enlarged are brought into injurious prominence when the imperfect image is amplified to a much greater extent. Hence, in proportion as the object-glass approaches more nearly a perfect combination does it admit of higher eye-pieces. In practice, and with the old achromatic system, it is generally found 1 Robin, C, Traite du Microscope ct cles Injections, 2nd ed. 8vo, pp. 33, 84. Paris, 1887. 4Q VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE much better to vary the power by employing object-glasses of dif- ferent foci, an object-glass of long focus forming an image which is not at many times the distance of the object from the other side of the lens, and which, therefore, is not of many times its dimension ; whilst an object-glass of short focus requires that the object should be so nearly approximated to it that the distance of the image is a much higher multiple of the object, and its dimensions are propor- tionably larger. In whatever mode increased amplification may be obtained two things must always result from the change : the pro- portion of the surface of the object of which an image can be formed must be diminished, and the quantity of light spread over that image must be proportionally lessened. But, as we have stated, this is dependent on the aperture and total magnifying power, and not upon (amongst other things) the focal length of the eye-piece. We shall facilitate the comprehension by the student of the principles of the modern form of a compound microscope by means of fig. 30. In this figure the optical portion, that is, the objective and eye-piece, are drawn to the full size, but the distance between these has, from the exigencies of space, been much curtailed. A low- power objective has been specially chosen for simplicity, and a com- pensating eye -piece (vide Chapter Y.) has been introduced to show its form and mode of action. The objective is a copy of an old Ross 1-inch of 1856. The incident front (that is, the lens on which the incident beams from the object first strike) is a convex of long radius ; the incident sur- face of the flint lens of the back combination is a concave of very long radius, being in fact about twenty inches. The object F has only rays drawn from one side in order that a clearer perception of the path of the rays may be seen. This pair of rays passes from the arrow (object) through the combination of lenses forming the objective, giving an inverted real image at A B. This image, in fact, has a convex curve towards the eye-piece : this is a position that will tend to increase the curvature of the virtual image C D given by the eye-piece. Three rays are drawn through the eye-piece, which gives a magnified virtual image of the real image from the objective, in order to suggest that with the eye-piece there is a commencement, as it were, de novo, the inverted image (A B) at the diaphragm of the eye-piece being the subject of still further and often great magnification. In addition to the two lenses of which the compound microscope may be considered to essentially consist, it was soon found needful to introduce another lens, or a combination of lenses, between the object-glass and the image formed by it, the purpose of this being to change the course of the rays in such a manner that the image may be formed of dimensions not too great for the whole of it to come within the range of the eye-glass. As it thus allows more of the object to be seen at once, it has been called the field- glass • but it is now usually considered as belonging to the ocular end of the instrument, the eye-glass and the field-glass being together termed the eye-piece, or ocular. Yarious forms of this eye-piece have been proposed by different opticians, and one or another will be preferred IF Fig. 30. — Path of a ray of light through a modern combination of lenses for compound microscope. 42 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICKOSCOPE according to the purpose for which it may be required. That which, until the construction of the compensation eye- pieces by Abbe, was considered the most advantageous to employ with achromatic object- glasses, to the performance of which it is desired to give the greatest possible effect, was termed the Huyghenian, having been employed by Huyghens for his telescopes, although without the knowledge of all the advantages which its best construction renders it capable of affording. This eye-piece, with others, will be considered in detail in the chapter (v.) given in part to their consideration ; but this eye-piece consists of two plano-convex lenses, with their plane sides towards the eye. A ' stop ' or diaphragm, B B, must be placed between the two lenses, in the visual focus of the eye-glass, which is, of course, the position wherein the image of the object will be formed by the rays brought into convergence by their passage through the field-glass. Huyghens devised this arrangement merely to diminish the spherical aberration ; but it was subsequently shown by Boscovich that the chromatic dispersion was also in great part corrected by it. With the apochromatic lenses of the highest and best quality, (see Chapter V.) no amount of obtainable eye-piecing, if it be of the ' compensation ' form, can break down the image. The editor has tried in vain to break down the image formed by a 24 mm., a 12 mm., a 6 mm., and a 4 mm., all dry apochromatics by Zeiss, and especially with a ^th by Powell and Lealand. It is, how- ever, a matter of moment and interest to note that with good objec- tives of the ordinary achromatic construction of large 1ST. A. the com- pensating eye-pieces give better results than Huyghenian. But of the old form of achromatic object-glass it is true of the majority that they will not bear high eye-piecing. ' B ' is a con- venient and useful eye-piece. For viewing large flat objects, such as transverse sections of wood or of echinus- spines, tinder low magni- fying powers, the eye-piece known as Kellner's may be employed, but there is little advantage to be gained. This construction will be fully described in Chapter V. A flat, well-illuminated field of as much as fourteen inches in diameter may thus be obtained with very little loss of light ; but, on the other hand, there is a very serious falling off of defining power, which renders the Kellner eye- piece unsuitable for objects presenting minute structural details ; and it is an additional objection that the smallest speck or smear upon the surface of the field-glass is made so unpleasantly obvious that the most careful cleansing of that surface is required every time that this eye-piece is used. Hence it is better fitted for the occasional display of objects of the character already specified than for the scientific requirements of the working microscopist. A solid eye-piece made on the principle of the ' Stanhope ' lens is sometimes used in place of the ordinary Huyghenian, when high magnifying power is required for testing the performance of objec- tives. The lower surface, which has the lesser convexity, serves as a i field-glass ' ; whilst the image formed by this is magnified by the highly convex upper surface to which the eye is applied, the advan- tage supposed to be derived from this construction lying in the abolition of the plane surfaces of the two lenses of the ordinary eye- THK FORMATION ()!■' MICROSCOPIC IMAGES 43 piece. A 'positive' or Ramsden's eye-piece — in which the field- glass, whose convex side is turned upwards, is placed so much nearer the eye-glass that the image formed by the objective lies below instead of above it — was formerly used for the purpose of micro- metry, a divided glass being fitted in the exact plane occupied by the image, so that its scale and the image are both magnified together by the lenses interposed between them and the eye. The same end, however, may be so readily attained with the Huyghenian eye-piece that no essential advantage is gained by the use of that of Ramsden, the field of which is distinct only in its centre. Aperture in microscopic objectives and the principles of micro- scopic vision. — It is now of the utmost moment that we should understand clearly the meaning and importance of ' aperture ' in microscopic objectives, and by that means be led to a perception of the principles of the most recent and only rational theory of micro- scopic vision. Within the last twenty years this entire subject has undergone a rigorous and exhaustive reinvestigation by one of the most competent and masterly mathematical and practical opticians in the world, Professor Abbe of Jena ; and, as a result, some of the judgments and opinions, as well as what were supposed to be established truths, depending apparently upon the simplest principles, and not believed to be open to change, have been shown to be absolutely without foundation ; while principles hitherto quite unknown and unsuspected have been shown to operate and to rest on clearly demonstrable mathematical and physical bases. The result has been a complete revolution of what were held to be fundamental principles of microscopic optics and the theory of vision with microscopic object-glasses. One of the foremost errors relates to the mode in which micro- scopic images are formed. It was assumed that their formation took place on ordinary dioptric principles. As the camera or the telescope formed images, so it was assumed that the image in the compound microscope was brought about. The delicate and com- plex structure of an insect's scale or of a diatom were believed to form their images according to the same precise dioptric laws by which the image of the moon or Mars is formed in the telescope. Hence it was taken for granted that every function of the micro- scope was determined by the geometrically traceable relations of the refracted rays of light. With the telescope what is known as its ' aperture ' is simply estimated by the diameter of the object-glass. But a close exami- nation in theory and practice of the conditions of vision with micro- scopic objectives shows that such an estimate of aperture is wholly wrong in principle. The front lens of a ^y-in. objective may be no more than the ^th of an inch in diameter, while a 3-in. objective may have a diameter of half an inch. Yet it is the smaller lens that has by far the larger ' aperture.' Light is dispersed from every point on the surface of an object in all directions up to 180°. Only an extremely narrow pencil of this can be received by the human eye, a large pencil of light emanating from the object being lost on each side of what the eye. 44 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICKOSCOPE receives. The apparent problem of practical optics is to be able, by means of lenses, to gather up and bring to a focus as many of the unadmitted rays as possible. The general manner in which lenses act in doing this we have endeavoured in an elementary manner to show. Soon after achromatic object-glasses were first made, Dr. Goring found that the markings on special objects — such as the scales of the wings of insects — could be seen by some object-glasses, while with others, although the magnifying power was equal, it was im- possible to discern them. In every case the greater ' angle ' was shown to possess the greater ' resolving ' or delineating power ; and this led to the important conclusion that power of 4 resolution ' in a lens was dependent upon 'angular aperture.5 This, however, was at a time when only ' dry ' objectives were in use; the immersion and homogeneous systems, as we use them, were unknown. But (as we shall subsequently see), even with objectives employed only with air, the angle of the radiant pencil did not afford a true comparison ; when immersion objectives were introduced — objectives in which water or cedar oil replaced the air between the objec- tive and the upper surface of the cover of the mounted object — the use of angles of aperture became in the utmost degree misleading; for different media with different refractive indices were employed, and the angle of the radiant pencil was supposed not only to admit of a comparison of two apertures in the same medium, but also to be a standard of comparison when the media were different. It was, in short, believed that an angle of 180° in air represented a large excess of aperture in comparison with 96° in water and 82° in balsam or oil, denoting, in reality, what was believed to be the maximum aperture of any kind of objective, which could not, it was held, be exceeded, but only equalled, by 180° in water or oil ; in other words, that a radiant pencil has exactly the same value, when the angles are equal, no matter what the refractive index of the medium through which the pencil might be passing. But to a thorough physical and mathematical study of the ques- tion such as that in which Professor Abbe engaged, it soon became apparent that even in the same medium the only exact method of comparison for objectives — when the fundamental phenomena of optics (which the older opticians had disregarded) were taken into account — was not a comparison by the angles of the radiant pencils only, but a comparison by their sines ; while, when the media are different, the indices of those media would be found to form an essential factor in the problem ; for an angle of 180° in air is equal to 96° in water or 82° in oil ; hence three angles might all have the same number of degrees and yet denote different values, according as they were in air, water, or oil. Thus there might be large divergence of aperture in two or more cases while the angle was identical, and from this the greatest confusion was not only possible but was realised. A solution of the difficulty was (as we have indicated above) discovered by Professor Abbe ; and it is to Mr. Frank Crisp's II()W 'APERTURE' IS OliTAINKI) 45 lucid exposition of Abbe's elaborate monographs that the Kngli.di student is immensely indebted.1 The definition of 1 aperture' in its legitimate sense of 'opening' is shown by Abbe to be obtained when we compare the diameter <>i the pencil emergent from the objective with the focal length of that objective. It will be desirable to explain somewhat more in detail how this conclusion is arrived at, as given in Professor Abbe's papers. Taking in the first case a single-lens microscope, the number of rays admitted within one meridional plane of the lens evidently in- creases as the diameter of the lens (all other circumstances remaining the same), for in the microscope we have at the back of the lens the same circumstances as are in front in the case of the telescope. Tlx; larger or smaller number of emergent rays will therefore be properly measured by the clear diameter ; and, as no rays can emerge that have not first been admitted, this must also give the measure of the admitted rays. Suppose now that the focal lengths of the lenses compared are not the same — what, then, is the proper measure of the rays ad- mitted ? If the two lenses have equal openings but different focal lengths, they transmit the same number of rays to equal areas of an image at a definite distance, because they would admit the same number if an object were substituted for the image — that is, if the lens were used as a telescope-objective. But as the focal lengths are different, the amplification of the images is different also, and equal areas of these images correspond to different areas of the object from which the rays are collected. Therefore the higher-power lens, with the same opening as the lower power, will admit a greater number of rays in all from the same object, because it admits the same number as the latter from a smaller portion of the object. Thus, if the focal lengths of two lenses are as 2 : 1, and the first amplifies N diameters, the second will amplify 2N with the same distance of the image, so* that the rays which are collected to a given field of 1 mm. diameter of the image are admitted from a field of == mm. in the first case and of ——mm. in the second. Inasmuch as the 'opening' of the objective is estimated by the diameter (and not by the area), the higher-power lens admits twice as many rays as the lower power, because it admits the same number from a field of half the diameter, and in general the admission of rays with the same opening but different powers must be in the inverse ratio of the focal lengths. In the case of the single lens, therefore, its aperture must be determined by the ratio between the clear <>/»')tiitg and the focal length, in order to define the same thing as is denoted in the telescope by the absolute opening 1 'On the Estimation of Aperture in the Microscope' (Abbe), Journ. B.M.S. ser. ii. vol. i. 388 ; ' Notes on Aperture, Microscopical Vision, and the Value of wide- angled Immersion Objectives,' ibid. 303 ; ' The Aperture of Microscope Objectives,' English Mechanic 46 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICKOSCOPE Consider now the compound objective — the most important case in the microscope. What is the opening of this composite system 1 We must adhere to the diameter of the admitted cone at that plane where it has its ultimate maximum value, which is obviously the diameter of the pencil at its emergence from the system, or, practi- cally, the clear, effective diameter of the back lens. The emergent pencil from a microscope- objective converging to a relatively distant focus has its rays approximately parallel, and the conditions are once more similar to those of the telescope-objective on the side of the object. The diameter of this emergent pencil, whether it emerges from a single lens or from a composite system, must therefore always have the same signification. The influence of the power on focal length also remains the same as in the case of the single lens. An objective with a focal length equal to half that of another admits, with the same linear opening, twice as many rays as the latter, because the amplification of the image at one and the same distance is doubled, and the same number of rays consequently are admitted by the higher power from a field of half the diameter. And this will hold good whether the medium around the object is the same in the case of both objectives or different ; for an immersion system and a dry system always give the same amplification when the focal length is the same. Thus we arrive at the general proposition for all kinds of objec- tives. First, when the power is the same, the admission of rays varies with the diameter of the pencil at its emergence. Secondly, when the powers are different the same admission requires different openings in the proportion of the focal lengths, or, conversely, with the same opening the admission is in inverse proportion to the focal length — that is, the objective which has the wider pencil relatively to its focal length has the larger aperture. Thus we see that, just as in the telescope the absolute diameter of the object-glass defines the aperture, so in the microscope the ratio between the utilised diameter of the back lens and the focal length of the objective defines its aperture. This definition is clearly a definition of aperture in its primary and only legitimate meaning as ' opening ' — that is, the capacity of the objective for admitting rays from the object and transmitting them to the image ; and it at once solves the difficulty which has always been involved in the consideration of the apertures of immersion objectives. So long as the angles were taken as the proper expression of aperture, it was difficult for those who were not well versed in optical matters to avoid regarding an angle of 180° in air as the maximum aperture that any objective could attain. Hence, water- immersion objectives of 96° and oil-immersion objectives of 82° were looked upon as being of much less aperture than a dry objective of 180°, whilst, in fact, they are all equal, that is, they all transmit the same rays from the object to the image. Therefore, 180° in water and 180° in oil are unequal, and both are much larger aper- tures than the 180° which is the maximum that the air objective can transmit. COMPARISON OF OBJECTIVES OF THE SAME POWEB 47 If we compare a series of dry and oil-immersion objectives, and, commencing with very small air-angles, progress up to 180° air- angle, then taking an oil-immersion of 82° and progressing again to 180° oil-angle, the ratio of opening to power progresses continually also, and attains its maximum, not in the case of the air-angle of 180° (when it is exactly equivalent to the oil-angle of 82°), but is greatest at the oil-angle of 180°. If we assume the objectives to have the same power throughout, we get rid of one of the factors of the ratio, and. we have only to compare the diameters of the emergent beams, and can represent their relations by diagrams. Fig. 31 illustrates five cases of different apertures of |-in. objectives — viz. those of dry objectives of 60°, 97°, and 180° air-angle, a water-immersion of 180° water- angle, and an oil-immersion of 180° oil-angle. The inner dotted circles in the two latter cases are of the same size as that corre- sponding to the 180° air-angle. A dry objective of the full Numerical Aperture 1*52 = 180° oil-augle. maximum air-angle of 180° is Numerical Aperture 1-33 = 180° water-angle. an 0 only able (whether the first sur- face is plane or concave) to utilise a diameter of back lens equal to twice the focal length, while immersion lens of even only 100 (in glass) requires and utilises a larger diameter, i.e. it is able to transmit more rays from the object to the image than any dry objective is capable of trans- mitting. Whenever the angle of an immersion lens exceeds twice the critical angle for the immer- sion-fluid, i.e. 96° for water or 82° for oil, its aperture is in ex- cess of that of a dry objective of 180°. Having settled the principle, it was still necessary, however, to find a proper notation for com- paring apertures. The astrono- mer can compare the apertures of his various telescopes by simply expressing them in inches ; but this is obviously not available to the microscopist, who has to deal with the ratio of two varying quantities. Professor Abbe here again conferred a boon upon mieroscopists by his discovery (in 1873, independently confirmed by Professor Helm- holtz shortly afterwards) that a general relation existed between the pencil admitted into the front of the objective and that emerging Numerical Aperture 1-00 = 180° air-angle = 96° water-angle = 82° oil-angle. Numerical Aperture •75 = 97° air-angle. Numerical Aperture •50 = 60° air-angle. Fig. 31. — Relative diameters of the (util- ised) back lenses of various dry and immersion objectives of the same power (+) from an air- angle of 60° to an oil-angle of 180°, 48 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE from the back of the objective, so that the ratio of the seini-diameter of the emergent pencil to the focal length of the objective could be expressed by the sine of half the angle of aperture (u) 1 multiplied by the refractive index of the medium (n) in front of the objective, or n sin u (n being 1-0 for air, 1-33 for water, and 1-5 for oil or balsam). Fig. 32. — Illustration of the law of consequence for aplanatic systems. Let O and O* (fig. 32) be the conjugate aplanatic foci of a wide- angled system; u, TJ the angles of inclination of any two rays admitted 1 In the original translation of the papers of Professor Abbe from German into English the German mathematical symbols have been retained. In the summary of ' N.A. of objective^ sin <^> = 1-5 x •573 = ,86 N.A. of condenser =w* sin w sin «=1"5 x,573 = ,86 = K.A. of objective.. Angular aperture of objective = 35° + 35° = 70° in glass,, which is equiva- lent to the angular aperture of the condenser = G0° + 60° s= 120° in air. .■■ = l-0x-86 = '86. ix' sin .' The student who has mastered SnelPs Law of Sines, given and illustrated on p. 3 (fig. 1), will by a glance at the figure Al on p. 48 understand the meaning and import- ance of the expression ' N.A.' (numerical aperture) and at the same time will grasp wherein it differs from ' angular aperture ' (q.v.). He will also perceive how it comes to pass that an angular aperture of 70° in glass is equivalent to an angular aperture of 120° in air. In the figui'e the upper hemispherical lens represents the /Vow £ of a homogeneous immersion objective. It is supposed to be focussed on an object in contact with the lower side of a cover-glass. Between the plane front of the lens and the upper surface of the cover-glass is a drop of oil of cedar-wood, whose refractive index is 1*5, being thus identical with the cover-glass and the front lens. It is understood that no slip is used, and that there is nothing between the object and the front lens of the condenser. In this case the axis AB is the normal (p. 5, fig. 2) ; on the left-hand side there is a ray which makes an angle of 35° with the normal in glass issuing into air on the right-hand side of the normal. By Snell's formula (p. 3) — > jx sin = - j- — = 86 ; r It! 10 ' = G0° (from Table I.) Therefore the ray on emerging from the under surface of the cover-glass will make an angle of 603 from the normal. The dotted lines show the path of the ray where the German symbols arc used, n sin a = n* sin u* ; * ii sin u 1"5 x '573 ,Qr sin it = = = 8b. 11* 10 u* = 60° (from Table I.) Numerical aperture, therefore, is the sine of half the angular aperture multiplied by the refractive index of the medium. It will be observed that the rays passing through the oil of cedar enter the front lens without refraction; this is due to the fact that the media in which the rays are travelling are of the same refractive index, i.e. they are homogeneous. I VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE objectives, one a dry objective, the second a water-immersion, and the third an oil-immersion. These would be compared on the angular aperture view as, say, 74° air-angie, 85° water-angle, and 118° balsam-angle ; so that a calculation must be worked out to arrive at a due appreciation of the actual relation between them. Applying, however, ' numerical' aperture, which gives *60 for the dry objective, "90 for the water-immersion, and 1*30 for the oil-immersion, their relative apertures are immediately appreciated, and it is seen, for instance, that the aperture of the water-immersion is somewhat less than that of a dry objective of 180°, and that the aperture of the oil-immersion exceeds that of the latter by 30 per cent. When these considerations have been appreciated, the advantage possessed by immersion in comparison with dry objectives is no longer obscured. Instead of this advantage consisting merely in increased working distance or absence of correction- collar, it is seen that a wide-angled immersion objective has a larger aperture than a- dry objective of the maximum angle of 180° ; so that for any of the purposes for which aperture is desired an immersion must necessarily be preferred to a dry objective. 1. There exists then a definite ratio between the linear opening and the focal length of a system, which must be entirely indepen- dent of the composition and arrangement of the system, and solely determined by the above-mentioned aperture equivalent of the admitted cone of rays. When the equivalent is the same we' have always the same proportion of opening to focal length, whatever may be the particular arrangement of refracting media in the system. 2. If the objectives whose apertures are compared work in the same medium, and admit angles of, say, 60°, 90°, 180°, their aper- tures are not in the ratios of those numbers, but are as -50, *70, and 1*0. The 180°, for instance, does not represent three times the aper- ture of the 60°, but tivice only. 3. If the objectives work in different media, as air and oil, the latter may have an aperture exceeding that of a dry objective of 180° angle. For with the dry objective the refractive index (n) and the sine of half the maximum angle (u) both = 1, so that n sin u = 1 also, whilst with the immersion objective n is greater than 1 (say 1*5 for oil), and the angle w may therefore be much less than in the case of the dry objective, and yet the value of the expression n sin u (i.e. the aperture) may be greater than 1 -0. The two latter deductions are so directly opposed to what was accepted by the older opticians and microscopists that a closer if brief consideration of some of the points which bear upon this branch of the subject may here be serviceably summarised. Take, first, the case of the medium being the same. Difference of aperture involves a different quantity of light ad- mitted to the objective provided all other circumstances are equal. Hence the question of aperture leads to the consideration of the photo- metrical equivalent of different apertures or aperture angles. It is not of the essence of the problem, but it affords an additional illus- tration of numerical aperture, and is thus of great service in its exposition. It is manifest that aperture cannot be based on quantity UNEQUAL INTENSITY OF EMITTED LIGHT 51 of light alone — more light can always be .obtained hi the Image by throwing more upon the object but no increase; in the amount of i 1 1 u mination can make a dry lens equal in performance? as regards aperl ur< to a wide -angled immersion len s. The popular notion of a pencil of light maybe; illustrated by fig. 33, which assumes that there is equal intensity e>f emission in -fill directions, and that the intensity of a portion of the pencil taken close to the perpendicular is identical with that of another portion of equal angular extension, but more removed from the perpendicular. On this view, therefore, the quantity of light contained in any given pencils may be compared by simply comparing the contents of the solid cones. When, however, aperture is considered, and the values of // sin u are worked out for particular cases, they are seen te> differ from Fig. 33. — Diagram showing erroneous inference as to the intensity of emitted rays. those obtained by estimating in the above manner the amount of light in the solid cones, and some perplexity naturally arises from the supposition that the measure of the aperture of the objective does not correspond to that of the quantity of light which it aelmits. All this arises from the mistaken assumptie>n that a luminous pencil is properly represented by fig. 33. In the last century ( 10) Bouguet 1 and Lambert 2 e;stablished the important fact that with any surface of uni- form radiation the inten- sity of the emitted rays is not the same in all direc- tions. The power of emis- sion and the intensity of the rays (i.e. the quantity .of light emanating from a given surface - element within a cone of given narrow angle) varies in the proportion of the co- Fm M _The intengitv ^ emitted rayfl is uofc ^ sine of the angle of obliejui- same in all directions, ty under which the ray is emitted; in other words, in the proportion of the cosiif of the angle' of deflection from the perpendicular to the luminous surface under 1 Traite d'Optique sur la Gradation dc la Lumurc, 17li< jut*Iy at tlie edge of the disc and produce, at certain distances, ;i dark spot, at other distances increased brightness, on that part of the shadow which is opposite the aperture in the disc ; so that light is supplanted by darkness, and darkness changed to light, by the discord or concord of the luminous waves. Independently of all experiment, the first principles of tmdulatory optics lead to these experimental conclusions. The laws of recti linear propagation of the luminous rays of reflection and refraction are not absolute laws. They arise from, and depend upon, a certain relation between the wave-lengths and the absolute dimensions of the objects by which the waves are intercepted, or reflected, or refracted. Taking as illustrative the weaves of sound, an acoustic shadow is only produced if the obstacle be many times greater than the length of the sound-waves. If the obstacle is reduced, the waves pass com- pletely round it and there is no shadow, or if the notes are of higher pitch, so that the waves are reduced, a smaller obstacle than before will produce the shadow. In the case of light there are similar- phenomena. If the obstacles to the passage of light be large in comparison with the wave-lengths, shadow effects result ; but if the linear dimensions of objects are reduced to small multiples of the w^ave-lengths of light, all shadows or similar effects of solidity must cease. As in the instances given above, light and dark, or maxima and minima of luminosity, interchange their normal positions by harmony or disharmony of luminous waves. It is then by means of diffraction phenomena that Abbe is enabled to explain the formation of the images of objects containing delicate striae or structure, and requiring large apertures for their complete or approximate delineation. In the interests of this ex- position we must here for a moment diverge on slightly personal grounds. It has been the good fortune of the present editor to obtain the courteous consent of Dr. Abbe to read and criticise the whole of the present chapter ; however careful and earnest a student of such complex and original work as Dr. Abbe has done and recorded in German and English during the last twenty years or more, it is impossible to be wholly satisfied with the most sympathetic and sincere desire to give such work a popular form unless it should have been perused and accepted by the author. Dr. Abbe has read the entire chapter, and, with many generous words besides, relieved the editor in his consciousness of great responsibility by saying that lie distinctly approves of the 1 lively interest and care which (the present editor) has bestowed on the exposition of his (Dr. Abbe's) views,' and that he feels 'the greatest satisfaction in seeing (his) views represented ... so extensively and intensively.' But beyond this, an original worker like Dr. Abbe would almost inevitably find, in the course of years, reason for slight verbal and other more serious modifications of his inferences, explanations, and views ; and the Editor has great satisfaction in being able to put these modifications where they occur, with the approval of Dr. Abbe. In the expositions of Dr. Abbe's views on the diffraction theory 64 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE of microscopic vision given up to this time, it has been usual to state that he held and taught that the microscopic image consists of two superimposed images, each having a distinct character as well as a different origin, and capable of being separated and examined apart from each other. The one called the ' absorption image ' is a similitude of the object itself, an image of the main outlines of the larger parts ; but by the other image all minute structures, striation, and delicate complexity of detail whose elements lie so close together as to occasion diffraction phenomena can alone be formed, because these could not be geometrically imaged. So that in case of an object with lines closer than the -g-gVo of an inch apart, the image seen by the eye is formed, not simply by the central dioptric beam,, but by the joint action of that and the superimposed diffraction images, and their exact union in the upper focal plane of the objective. The first of these was held to be a negative image, representing geometrically the constituent parts of the object ; but the second was considered a 2^ositive image because it delineates structure, the parts of which appear self-luminous on account of the diffraction phenomena which they cause. It was this ' diffraction image ' that was said to be the instrument of what has so long been known as the ' resolving ' power of lenses. But Dr. Abbe, with the full light of further investigation and experience, does not hesitate to modify this explanation. He says : 'I no longer maintain in principle the distinction between the "absorption image" (or direct dioptrical image) and the "diffraction image," nor do I hold that the microscopical image of an object consists of two superimposed images of different origin or different mode of production. ' This distinction, which, in fact, I made in my first paper of 1873,, arose from the limited experimental character of my first researches and the want of a more exhaustive theoretical consideration at that period. I was not then able to observe in the microscope the dif- fraction effect produced by relatively coarse objects because my experiments were not made with objectives of sufficiently long focus ; hence it appeared that coarse objects (or the outlines of objects containing fine structural details) were depicted by the directly transmitted beam of light solely, without the co-operation of diffracted light. ' My views on this subject have undergone important modifica- tions. Theoretical considerations have led me to the conclusion that there must always be the same conditions of the delineation as long as the objects are depicted by means of transmitted or reflected light, whether the objects are of coarse or very fine structure. Further experiments with a large microscope, having an objective of about twelve inches focal length, have enabled me to actually observe the diffraction effect and its influence on the image, viewing gratings of not more than forty lines per inch. 1 1 Diffraction effects may be observed without a microscope : they can be easily demonstrated by observing a lamp-flame through a linen pocket-handkerchief or a fine gauze wire blind. This can be done readily by placing the eye close to the linen or wire. RECENT MODIFICATIONS i)F AiiiiE's VIEWS $5 'My present views may be thus expressed : With coarse objects the diffracted (bent off) rays belonging to an incident ray or pencil are all confined within a very narrow angular space, around that incident ray, and do not appear separated from this except with objectives of very long focus. The whole of such a narrow diffraction pencil is consequently always admitted to the objective together with the direct (incident) beam, whatever may be the direction of inci- dence, axial or oblique. According to the proposition of p. 72 (]) the image is in this case strictly similar to the object, i.e. the effect is the* same as if we had a direct delineation by the incident cones of light alone, and as if the image did not depend at all upon the diffractive action of the object. ' If we have a preparation like a diatom — a relatively coarse object, including fine structural details — or another preparation con- taining coarse elements and fine ones in juxtaposition, the total diffraction effect may be separated (theoretically and practically) into two parts : (1) that which depends on, or corresponds with, the coarse object (e.g. the outlines of the diatom) or to the coarse elements; and (2) that depending upon, or resulting from, the fine structural detail or the minute elements. The foregoing consideration applies to (1) : this constituent part of the total diffraction pencil of the preparation which is admitted to the objective completely, independently of the limiting action of the lens opening, and hence the corresponding parts of the object (outlines lire.) are depicted as if there were a direct delineation, i.e. in perfect similarity — even with low apertures. Those diffracted rays within the whole diffrac- tion pencil which are due to the minute elements are strongly deflected from the incident beams to which they belong.' 1 According to the less or greater aperture of the objective and the axial or oblique incidence of the illuminating pencil or cone. this part of the total diffraction pencil will be subject to a more or less incomplete admission to the objective, and the corresponding image will therefore show the characteristic traces of the diffraction image, that is to say, change of aspect with different apertures and different illumination, dissimilarity to the real structure, and so forth. Thus we have practically, in most cases, a composition of the microscopical image, consisting of two superimposed images of different behaviour. But the difference is not to be considered one of principle, so far as the production of the image is concerned ; for it depends solely upon the different angular expression of the diffrac- tion fans resulting from coarse and from extremely fine elements.2 Resuming, then, our illustration of diffraction phenomena as applied to the theory of microscopic vision, we would point out that perhaps the most serviceable illustration for our purpose is a plate of glass ruled with fine parallel lines. If the dame of a candle be so placed that its image may be seen through the centre of the plate, this 1 Letter from Dr. Abbe. 2 Thus it appears that both the ' absorption image ' and the ' diffraction image ' are now held to be equally of diffraction origin ; but, whilst a lens of small aperture woidd give the former with facility, it would be powerless to reveal the latter because of its limited capacity to gather in the strongly deflected diffraction rays due to the minuter elements. F 66 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE Fig. 48. central image will be clear and uncoloured, but it will be flanked on either side by a row of coloured spectra of the flame which are fainter and more dim as they recede from the centre : fig. 48 illustrates this. A similar phenomenon may also be produced by dust scattered over a glass plate and by other objects whose structure contains very minute particles, the light suffering a characteristic change in pass- ing through such objects, that change consisting in the breaking up of a parallel beam of light into a group of rays diverging with wide angle, and forming a regular series of maxima and minima of intensity of light due to difference of phase of vibration. In the same way in the microscope the diffraction pencil origin- ating from a beam incident upon, for instance, a diatom appears as a fan of isolated rays, decreasing in intensity as they are further removed from the direction of the incident beam transmitted through the structure, the interference of the primary waves giving a number of successive maxima of light with dark interspaces. With daylight illumination if a diaphragm opening be interposed between the mirror and a plate of ruled lines placed upon the stage, the appearance shown in fig. 49 will be observed at the back of the objective on removing the eye-piece and looking down the tube of the microscope. The central circle is an image of the dia- phragm opening produced by the direct, so-called non-diffracted rays, while those on either side are the diffraction images produced by the rays which are bent off from the incident pencil. In homogene- ous light the central and lateral images agree in size and form, but in white light the diffracted images are radially drawn out with the outer edges red and the inner blue (the reverse of the ordinary spectrum), forming, in fact, regular spec- tra, the distance separating each of which varies inversely as the closeness of the lines, being, for instance, with the same objective twice as far apart when the lines are twice as close. The formation of the microscopical image is explained by the fact that the rays collected at the back of the objective, depicting there the direct and spectral images of the source of light, reach in their further course the plane which is conjugate to the object, and give rise there to an interference phenomenon (owing to the connec- tions of the undulations), this interference effect giving the ultimate image which is observed by the eye-piece, and which therefore depends essentially on the number and distribution of the diffracted beams which enter the objective. It would exceed the limits and the object of this handbook to attempt a theoretical demonstration of the action of diffraction spectra in forming the images of fine structure and striation so as to afford ' resolution.' Those who desire to pursue this part of the Fig. 49. 1)1 !• FRACTION EXPEI! I .M K NTs 6/ subject may do so most profitably by the study of the only book in our language that deals exhaustively with the theory of modern microscopical optics, viz. the translation of Xaegeli and Schwendener's ' Microscope in Theory and Practice,' translated and placed within the reach of English microscopists by the joint labour of Mr. Frank Crisp and Mr. John Mayall, jun. The experimental proof of the diffraction theory of microscopic vision lies within the range of our Fig. 50. — Diffraction grating. Fig. 51. — Diffraction image at back of lens without eye-piece.' purpose, and the following experiments will suffice to show those who possess the instruments, and desire the evidence, that to the action of diffraction spectra we are indebted for microscopical delineation. The first experiment shows that with, for instance, the central beam, or any one of the spectral beams alone, only the contour of the object is seen, the addition of at least one diffraction spectrum being essential to the visibility of the structure. Fig. 50 shows the appearance presented by an object composed of wide and narrow lines ruled on glass when viewed in the ordinary way with the eye-piece in place, and fig. 51 the appearance presented at the back of the objective when the eye-piece is removed, the Fig. 52. Fig. 53. spectra being ranged on either side of the central (white) image, and at right angles to the direction of the lines ; in accordance with theory, they are farther apart for the fine lines than for the wide ones. If now, by a diaphragm at the back of the objective, like fig. 52, we cover up all the diffraction- spectra, allowing only the direct rays to reach the image, the object will appear to be wholly deprived of F 2 68 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE fine details, only the outline remaining, and every delineation of minute structure disappearing just as if the microscope had sud- denly lost its optical power (see fig. 53). This illustrates a case of the obliteration of structure by obstruct- ing the passage of the diffraction- spectra to the eye-piece. The second experiment shows how the appearance of fine structure may be created by manipulating the spectra. Fig. 54. Fig. 55. If a diaphragm such as that shown in fig. 54 is placed at the back of the objective, so as to cut off each alternate one of the upper row of spectra in fig. 50, that row will obviously become identical with the lower one, and if the theory holds good, we should find the image of the upper lines identical with that of the lower. On replacing the eye-piece we see that it is so : the upper set of lines are doubled in number, a new line appearing in the centre of the space between each of the old (upper) ones, and upper and lower sets having become to all appearance identical (fig. 55). In the same way, if we stop off all but the outer spectra, as in fig. 56, the lines are apparently again doubled, and are seen as in fig. 57. Fig. 56. Fig. 57. A case of apparent creation of structure similar in principle to the foregoing, though more striking, is afforded by a network of squares, such as fig. 58, having sides parallel to the page, which gives the spectra shown in fig. 59, consisting of vertical rows for the horizontal lines and horizontal rows for the vertical ones. But it is readily seen that two diagonal rows of spectra exist at right DIFFRACTION EXPERIMENTS 69 angles to the two diagonals of the squares, just as would arise from sets of lines in the direction of the diagonals, so that if the fch< holds good we ought to find, on obstructing all the other spectra and Fig. 58. xc 0 fo 0 0 O o\ 0 0 0 O 0 V Q 0 O 0 7 Fig. 59. allowing only the diagonal ones to pass to the eye-piece, that the vertical and horizontal lines have disappeared, and two new sets of lines at right angles to the diagonals in their place. Fig. 60. Fig. 61. On inserting the diaphragm, fig. 60, and replacing the eye-piece, we find, in the place of the old network, the one shown in fig. 61, Fig. 62. Fig. 63. the squares being, however, smaller in the proportion of 1 : >/ 2. as they should be in exact accordance with theory. An object such as Pleurosigma angulatuwi, which gives six dif- 7o VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE fraction spectra arranged as in fig. 62, should, according to theory, show markings in a hexagonal arrangement. For there will be one set of lines at right angles to b a e, another set at right angles to caf, and a third at right angles to g ad. These three sets of lines will obviously produce the appearance shown in fig. 63. A great variety of other appearances may be produced with this same arrangement of spectra. Any two adjacent spectra with the central beam (as be a) will form, equilateral triangles and give hexagonal markings. Or by stopping off all but gee (or b df) we again have the spectra in the form of equilateral triangles ; but as they are now further apart, the sides of the triangles in the two cases being as \/ 3 : 1, the hexagons will be smaller and three times as numerous. Their sides will also be arranged at a different angle to those of the first set. The hexagons may also be entirely obliterated by admitting only the spectra g c or gf or b f, &c. when new lines will appear parallel at right angles or obliquely inclined to the median line. By varying the combinations of the spectra, therefore, different figures of varying size and positions are produced, all of which cannot of course represent the true structure. In practice, indeed, it has been proved that if the position and relative intensity of the spectra, as found in any particular case, be given, what the resultant image will be can be reached by mathema- tical calculations wholly, and with an exactness that* may even to some extent transcend the results of previous observation on the actual image of the object whose spectra formed the mathematician's data. If P. angulatum be illuminated by central light transmitted from an achromatic condenser, and examined by means of a homo- geneous lens of large aperture, Mr. Stephenson points out 1 that under ordinary conditions it would show, on withdrawing the eye- piece and looking down the tube, one bright central light from the lamp with six equidistant surrounding diffraction spectra, produced by the lines ('if, indeed, lines they be5) in the object itself. But let a stop made of black paper, which entirely excludes the central beam of light, be placed at the back of the objective and close to the pos- terior lens ; in the stop let six marginal openings be made through which the diffraction spectra may pass. On examining the image we find that in lieu of the ordinary hexagonal markings the valve appears of a beautiful blue colour on a black ground, and covered with circular spots, clearly defined, and admitting of the use of deep eye -pieces. This is precisely what we learn from Abbe that the diffraction theory involves. In support of this, the philosophical faculty of the University of Jena had proposed as a question to the mathematical students the effect produced in the microscope by these interference phenomena. One problem was that of the appearance produced by six equidistant spectra in a circle ; they correspond precisely with the spectra of 1\ angulatum, as accessible to us with our present numerical aperture ; and the diagram of the diffraction image, de- 1 Joum. B.M.S. vol. i. 1878, p. 180. PLEUROSIG MA A NO ULA T I ' M /I duced from theory, of what spectra of the given position and inten- sity of the proposed data should give is seen in fig. 64. But what seems quite as much to the purpose is, that Dr. Zeiss has produced a fine photograph of P. angulatum, given in Plate X., where it will be seen that the details shown in fig. G4 appear. Let it be clearly understood that this does not pretend to be an interpretation of the markings of the diatom ; it is only held by Abbe to be an accurate indication by calculation of what image the given ^ diffraction spectra should produce. An optical glass and media for ' mounting ' and ' immersion ' of immensely greater refrac- tive and dispersive indices — at present wholly inaccessible to us must, he contends, be found and employed before all the diffraction spectra of P. angulatum could be admitted to form its absolute and Fig. 64. complete ' diffraction image ' ; but from such spectra as the objective employed can admit, it is maintained by Abbe that the mathe- matician can accurately show what the image will be. In the case of P. angulatum theory indicated the optical, but not necessarily the structural existence 1 of smaller markings, shown in fig. 6 1. between the circular spots. These had not been before seen by observers ; and the mathematician who made the calculation (Dr. Eichhorn) had never seen the diatom under the microscope; but when Mr. Stephenson re-examined the object — stopping out the central beam as above described and allowing the six spectra only to pass — he saw the small markings, and showed them at a meeting of the Royal Micro- scopical Society to many experts who were there. They were small and faint, and no doubt purely optical; and, we learn from experiment, may readily escape observation ; but by careful investigation they 1 Conf. Abbe's recent note, pp. 72 ct seq. 72 VISION "WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE are as present to the observer as they are capable of being demon- strated by calculation to the mathematician. Clearly, then, on these assumptions and with all other considera- tions put aside, our finest homogeneous objectives of greatest aper- ture inevitably fail to reveal to us the real structure of the finer kinds of diatom valves. We learn that dissimilar structures will give identical microscopical images when the difference of their diffractive effect is removed, and conversely similar structures may give dissimilar images when their diffractive images are made dissimilar. A purely dioptric image answers point for point to the object on the stage, and therefore enables a safe inference to be drawn as to the true nature of that object ; but the diffraction or interference images of minute structure stand in no direct relation to the nature of the object, and are not of necessity conformable to it. As Dr. Abbe has already insisted, minute structural details are not imaged by the microscope geometrically or dioptrically, and can- not be interpreted as images of material forms, but only as signs of material differences of composition of the particles composing the object, so that nothing more can safely be inferred from the image as presented to the eye than the presence in the object of such structural peculiarities as will produce the specific diffraction pheno- mena on which the images depend.1 It follows, therefore, that the larger the number of diffracted rays admitted into the objective the greater is the similarity between the image and the object. But carefully observe — (1) Perfect similarity between these depends always on the ad- mission to, and utilisation by, the optical combination of the lohole of the diffracted rays which the structure is competent to emit. For the same reason the diffraction fan of isolated corpuscles or flay ell a in a clear field must be exactly identical to that of equal sized holes or slits of equal shape in a dark background, and theory shows that there must be a continuous and nearly uniform dissipa- tion of diffracted light over the whole hemisphere, provided the diameter of the object is a small fraction of the wave-length of light ; and this would be so even in a medium of highest known refractive index. Such isolated objects can be seen, however minute they may be ; it is merely a question of contrast in the distribution of light, of good definition in the objective, and of sensibility of the retina. The diffraction theory does not put a limit to visibility with micro- scopic objectives ; it simply proves, in theory and practice, what is the limit of visible separation in fine striation and structure. In the visible nagellum of Bacterium termo only a fraction of a wave-length in diameter appears as of considerably increased dia- meter, even with a very wide aperture. The image seen is that of another thread, the composition of which theory can be employed to 1 See Abbe's note, p. 65. But we cannot pass over in tbis connection the remarkable paper in the Journ. Quekett Club, ser. ii. vol. iv. on the ' Sub-stage Condenser,' by Mr. Nelson. His photo-micrographs illustrating the mutable diffrac- tion effects of the ' small cone ' of oblique illumination, as distinct from a ' solid central cone,' and the curious ' ghostly ' diffraction images of the former, as distinct from the immutable diffraction images of the latter, deserve careful consideration. From p. 125 of the paper this matter is carefully discussed. SIX EQUIDISTANT SPECTRA AS A DIFFRACTION* PR< >I5I,FM 73 compute, which would give an exactly similar diffraction fan, but abruptly broken off at the limit of the aperture. Theory shows' thai a thread-shaped object which could yield such a particular diffraction effect must (without considering other differences) be greater in breadth than another one yielding the full continuous dissipation of light; in other words the actual thread, so inconceivably fine, belonging to the Bacterium has produced a ' diffraction effect ' through the niicroscope, resulting in the appearance of a thread which- is the 'diffraction image.' But this latter is greater in widtli than the actual thread or protoplasmic fibre would be could it be seen directly without the aid of diffraction. (2) Whenever a portion of the total diffraction fan appertaining to a given structure is lost, the image will be more or less incomplete and dissimilar from the object ; and in general the dissimilarity will be the greater the smaller the fraction of light admitted. With structures of every kind (regular and irregular) the image will lose more and more the indications of the minuter details, as the peri- pheral (more deflected) rays of the diffraction pencil are more and more excluded. The image then becomes that of a different structure, namely, of one the icJiole of ichose diffracted beams would (if it physically existed) be represented by the utilised diffracted beams of the structure in question. At this point it is suitable to point out that Dr. Abbe em- phasises to the present editor the importance of interpreting the 'intercostal points' shown by Mr. Stephenson in P. angidatn.m (tig. 6-1) as not a revelation of real structure. ' The fact is that the image, which is obtained by stopping off the direct beam, will be more dissimilar from the real structure than the ordinary image. It has already been shown that the directly transmitted ray is a constituent and most essential part of the total diffraction pencil appertaining to the structure ; it is the central maximum of this pencil. If this be stopped off a greater part of the total diffraction pencil is lost than otherwise, and the image, consequently, is a more in- complete one, and therefore more dissimilar than the ordinary image. ' The interest of the experiment in question is consequently confined to two points, viz. — i. ' It is an exemplification of the general proposition that the same object affords different images if different portions of the total diffraction fan are admitted to the objective. ii. ' The image in question shows to the observer what would be the true aspect of that structure which will split up an incident beam of light into six isolated maxima of second order of equal intensity, suppressing totally the (central) maximum of the first order, as fig. 65 ; a structure of such a particular and unusual diffraction effect is theoretically possible, although it may be probably impossible to realise it practically. Air. Stephenson's experiment shows, in fact, the true projection of the hypothetical structure. (3) ' As long as the elements of a structure are large multiples of the wave-length of light, the breaking up of the rays by diffraction is confined to smaller and smaller angles ; that is, all diffracted rays of perceptible intensity will be comprised within a narrow cone 74 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE around the direction of the incident beam from which they originate. In such a case even small apertures are capable of admitting the whole. The images of such coarse objects will therefore be always perfectly similar to the object, and the result of the interference effect is the same as if there were no diffraction at all, and the object were a self-luminous one. (4) ' When the elements of a structure are reduced in diameter to smaller and smaller multiples of the wave-length which corresponds to the medium in which the object is, the diffraction pencil originating from an incident beam has a wider and wider angular expansion (the diffracted rays are further apart) ; and when they are reduced to only a few wave-lengths, not even the hemisphere can embrace the whole diffraction effect which appertains to the structure. In this case the whole can only be obtained by shortening the wave-length, i.e. by increasing the refractive index of the surround- ing medium to such a degree that the linear dimensions of the elements of the object become a large multiple of the reduced wave-length. With very minute structures, the diffraction fan which can be admitted in air, and even in water or balsam, is only a greater or less centred 'portion of the whole possible diffraction fan corre- spon ding to those structures, and which could be obtained if they were in a medium of much shorter wave-length. Under these circumstances no objec- tive, however wide may be its aperture, can yield a complete or strictly similar image.' It is at points of such extreme delicacy and moment as this that the diffraction hypothesis of Dr. Abbe is so liable to misapprehension and mis- interpretation, and a further note from him relating to the dissimilarity of the image in the case of incomplete admis- sion of the diffraction pencil will be of -Pig. 65. great value here. i. ' In the case of regular periodic structures (i.e. equidistant stripe, rows of apertures, 'dots,' and so forth) the distance of the lines apart is, even with an incomplete admission of the diffracted light, always depicted correctly ; that is to say, the number of the lines per inch is never changed, provided the direct beam (i.e. the central maximum of the diffraction fan) is admitted to the objective and at least one of the next diffracted rays, or, in other words, one of the next maxima of second order. The range of dissimilarity DIFFRACTION THEORY UNIVERSALLY A IM'LH'A 1>LK 75 is in this case confined to the proportion between the bright and tin- dark interspaces of the striation and to the appearance of the con- tours of the striae. ' If not more than the said two rays of the total diffraction fan are admitted, the dark and the light intervals are always shown of approximately equal breadth, even if the real proportion of both intervals differs much from 1:1; and the dark and bright striae show always gradually increasing and decreasing brightness ; in other words,, want of distinct contours. ' This phenomenon shows the typical picture of every regular striation for the depiction of which not more than two diffraction rays can be utilised. For example, Amphipleura pellucida, or any other striation which is near to the limit of resolution for the optical system in use, and, therefore, even with oblique light, brings only one diffracted beam into the objective. ii. £ Whenever a structure gives rise to a diffraction fan of con- siderable angular extension, the observation with a central incident beam or axial light may lose a greater or smaller portion of the whole diffracted light if the angular expansion of the fan extends to the aperture of the objective in use. But oblique illumination must always involve a loss, and this less is not confined to the external (peripheral) rays of the diffraction pencil (as is the case in central light), but the portion lost will more and more extend to one full half of the whole when the obliquity is gradually increased to the utmost limit, so that the direct beam touches the edge of the aper- ture. It follows that the images wdiich are obtained with oblique light will always be incomplete and not similar to a geometrical projection of the object ; and generally (though not always) more dis- similar than those by central light in regard to the minuter details. ' Strictly similar images cannot be expected, except with a central illumination with a narrow incident pencil, because this is the necessary condition for the possible admission of the whole of the diffracted light.' Let it be noted that these principles of the diffraction theory of microscopical vision relate to structures of all kinds, whatever may be their physical and geometrical composition. Irregular struct ures, isolated elements of any shape, equally produce diffraction effects, observed either by transmitted or reflected light, and being either transparent, semitransparent, or opaque. The value of a = n sin u indicates the number of rays which an objective can admit ; the aperture equivalent measures the very essence of microscopical performance. It measures the degree in which a given objective is competent to exhibit a true, complete delineation of structures of given minuteness, and conversely the proportion of a in different objectives is the exact measure of the different degree of minuteness of structural details which they can reach, either with perfect similarity of the image or with an equal degree of incompleteness of the image, provided that the purely dioptrical conditions are the same. ' Resolving ' power is thus a special function of aperture. The limit of visible separation in delicate structure and striation is 76 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE determined by the fact that no resolution can be effected unless at least two diffraction pencils are admitted, and the admission of these we have seen is absolutely dependent on the aperture of the objective. The rule given by Professor Abbe for determining the greatest number of lines per inch which can be resolved by oblique light will be found (taking any given colour as a basis) to be equal to twice the number of undulations in an inch multiplied by the numerical aperture. To those who have studied this subject it will be seen that the 1 numerical aperture ' here takes the place of what was formerly the ' sine of half the angle of aperture ' ; and it has the effect of giving the proposition a broader generality. By using the 1 sine of half the angle of aperture,' the proposition is only true with the addition that the number of undulations be calculated from the wave-length within the special medium to which the angle of aperture relates. In introducing the numerical aperture instead of the sine of the angle, the latter (the sine) is increased in the proportion of 1 : n (n standing for the index of the medium), and that has the same effect as increasing the other factor the number of undulations. What the colour employed should be is only capable of individual determination, since the capacity for appreciating light varies with different individuals. If, for instance, we take •43/ti in the solar spectrum as being sufficiently luminous for vision, we find the maximum — so far as seeing is concerned — to be 118,000 to the inch (the object, in this case, being in air) ; but as the non-luminous chemical rays remain in the field after the departure of the visible spectrum, a photo- graphic image of lines much closer together might be produced. S Fig. 66. This important subject can scarcely be considered complete, even in outline, without a brief consideration, in their combined relations, of apertures in excess of 180° in air and the special function these apertures possess. 1. Suppose any object composed of minute elements in regular arrangement, such as a diatom valve ; and, to confine the considera- tion to the most simple case, suppose it illuminated by a narrow APPLICATION OF THE DIFFEACTION THEORY 77 axial pencil of incident rays. If this object is observed in air, tin- radiation from every point of the object is, in consequence of tin- diffraction effect, composed of an axial pencil S, fig. 66 (the direct continuation of the incident rays), and a number of bent-off pencils, ■Sj, S2, . . . surrounding S.1 If, now, instead of air, the object is immersed in a medium of greater refractive index, n, it results from Fraunhofer's formula that the sine of the angle of deflection of the first, second, . . . bent-off beam is reduced in the exact proportion of w, and the angle is re- duced also — that is, the whole fan of the diffracted rays is contracted in comparison with its extension in air. Fig. 67 will represent the case of the same object in oil. If now any dry objective (with a given angular semi-aperture u) is capable of gathering-in from air the first, or the first and second, diffraction beams on every side of the axial pencil, another objective with a more dense front medium of the refractive index, n, will be capable of admitting, from within the dense medium, exactly the same beams (no more and no less), if its angular semi-aperture, v, is less than u in the proportion : sin v : sin u = 1 : n, or n sin v = sm u, all other circumstances — object and illumination — remaining the same. For example, a diatom for which the distance of the striie is O'G will give the first bent-off beam of green light (\ = '55 //) in air under an angle of 66*5°. This will be just admitted by a dry objective of 133° angular aperture. In balsam (n = 1*5) the same pencil will be deflected by 37'5° only, and would be admitted, therefore, by an objective of not more than 75° balsam-angle. Again, if the distance of the lines should be greater, as the wconrf deflected beam 1 In figs. 66, 67, and 68 S4 and Sc are supposed to be identical with the surfaces, but are drawn at a slight inclination to them for the purpose of clearness in the dia- grams. 78 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE would be emitted in air under an angle of 66*5°, but in balsam the third would attain the same obliquity. Whilst now the dry objective of 133° air-angle cannot admit more than the two first diffraction beams on each side of the axis, the immersion of 133° balsam-angle is capable of admitting from balsam three on each side under exactly the same illumination. 1 It follows, therefore, that a balsam-angle of 75° denotes the same aperture as the larger air-angle of 133°, and a balsam-angle of 133° a much greater aperture than an air-angle of the same number of degrees, and in general two apertures of different objectives must be equal if the sines of the semi-angles are in the inverse ratio- of the refractive index of the medium to which they relate — or, which is the same thing, if the product of the refractive index multiplied by sine of the angular semi-aperture (n sin u) yields the same value for both, i.e. if they are of the same numerical aperture. 2. Suppose the same object to be observed by a dry objective of a given air-angle, at first in air uncovered, and then in balsam protected by a cover-glass. The first case would be represented by S AIR, \. \ \ 5 / A / / A 1 COVER y ''' — b- b- b- b- fcl c o O O O 1— ( CM MtHIOOCOOiM-H b- o CO CO os Ol co © ■CO 0' T— 1 GO O CM OS CO co Oh^Hooomo b- O Ol r. CO -« t— 1 OS CO CO r r co CM o. Ol r-i r— 1 pH HOOOCJOOOOOOOCOh b- b- b- CO CO CO c s CXI (fa Ol CM CO (MM«(M(MNHHHH r— I i—l T— 1 I—l rH rH HHH rH r - Photo- graphy. (A= 0-4000 fj. near Line A t~ t— b-^b-t^b-b-i^t^b-^^^t^t^b-b-t>.b-b-b-t>.b.t~t- CO CO 05(MLOQOH-^NCCOCOa(MlOa)HTf(^OMCOC5IMlOC O t-- ^« C5 e t^h oo ® n O t>o N a H O O 05 o oo o c co~ i-T o" cT t-" c io h 6~ n co" o~ co" of r-T ©~ co" co~ o co~ cm" ! OSOS OOOCOGOGOCXJCOCOOOb-t^^t^b-b-b-b-CDCOCOCOCOCOC i— 1 i—l t— 1 t— (r— ti— IHr lr 1 r 1 i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 i— It— i i— 1 i— IrHrHi— li— It— 1 i— 1 i— 1 r Mono- chromatic (Blue) Light. 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O O O 1— I H N N C^M^CO CO ^ ^ ICO O O CO CO t- »- t>^ CO CO CO 05 Ci OS o of co" co" 10 co" cm" i-T o" ctT co" co" 10 co" cm" t-T o" cT co" t>T co" 10 ^ ' co". . Xt-t'NM^Nt-t-t-t.'-COCOCCCOCOCOCOOOiOLOOlOlOlOlO a o o O S ^ : sow MX^HKiO^OCOCO^NHOOCiXXCOXXCSClOOHM^' H H N CO CO ^ O 1— I CM CO ^ O O 1— I CM CO -xh O H CO K W r-f 0000000000000000000000000000 CO lO tH CO CM i— I O O CT. CO I— CO O -cH CO CO CM i— I O Oi 00 CO I— CO lO CfSfi C O O CO O CO O CO O LO LO lO lO O lO LI O LO >0 t)( ^ rti ^ t)1 x)( • X CO X CO O) iO « C I- ^ N (M H O O O O O i— I iO O ^ ^ ^ ^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ooooooooooooooooooo NCDOCONriOClXt'COO^COMHOCJX t- N C- N N CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO lO o H CM rH CO CO O CM O COCOCOCOCO'CH'CH"* oooooooo i- co io •* ao cm h o o 10 >o o lO o to lO f -r CM O O CO CM ^- CM CO i— I CO CO CO X H CO H CO CO CO i— I i— I r— I i— I lO CO CM O CO I— O -ti CM r-l i— I i— I C C C O C C5 O. CC 7. OS CD X X X CO X X COCOXO^X'cHO CO CO H ^ H lO 00 oooooooo C*5 CO CO »o CO CM O CC5 t— t~- t— t— t~- t~* t~- CO coo o o WNMOC5QOt>COiO^CONrH00500I><®iO^«NrH005Cffll>iSi 6666666666666666666666666666: X.A. TABLE Etc, •V P CO ^ N CO H C NZl--'inK-i"Ci-i*C i- O 1^- CO CO C ONC Coit- :n-y. ^ ci:: i — - ~ ~ — c 13 13 -3 — 73 — — - C O -h c;i c i- x cr. r— co 13 co o ^ it O c N «o - c o ~ N 31 W CN CN 31 31 31 31 3-1 31 BO CO CO CO -r "in — U3 i3 CO 'O i - X C :i'i6 O O ?1 K -t* c o •* o c n C CO X « * X C 71 - " O + C C ^ " >o co — . o ~. i — -_3 — 73 3i — c c ~ i- x c i: - - :i :i :i - - c C c 31 ©1 T C — 3 1 <3 X -r O "3 3 1 '3 -* ~ — X C3 1^31 I * - 3 C i: C I — — X 73 73 I ~ 3 1 I VC 70 73 2 X t- 13 "* C x' i -f — ' ~* v" 13" 33*" 1— 1 O 1 1 3 N.OO>N>OMOt> CO C - 1: O 1: 1: 1: - -r 73 CO 73 CO 77 3 1 31 31 01 — |H r-l |H N N N C h h h h h 33 . 1 , HCDHHHHHtOOOOOOE O C I- 3) /. C3 C H M I- r: ■+ 1: 'O I - 31 X 31 O - 31 1- 73 T 13 ^ I- 31 m -h o c r. x x 1- c 13 13 -* :i - - c r. c x^i- -c - 13 -^^31 oi_ 3-f c~ x i ~ t~ 73' e> 1 -~ so uS 73" — r ~~ t~ c© id 3-T ©7 co co id oT ©* x cd 1 3 '3 13 co eo eo cc as 73 31 :i :i 31 31 3i ^ r- ri « « 13 t- 33 13 73 31 — 33 X -f 3". — h 73 1: N " X C 31 -T C M X C H 33 »3 — CI X 31 33. ^ 73 33 — 1- '3 3 1 35 CO C 73 — I CO >3 31 33 33 I — V. 3 1 31 3 1 73 73 — — i3 CO t— t— b» 0C 33 33 C — — 3 1 3 1 73 IC '3 t— b- OC x~ co — ' 73' 3T o x cd 33' 3T © x cc '3' 33' 1— T 733" t-T 13" -tT 73" — ~ a» i> »d — — - 73 73 73 73 73 73 3 1 3 I 01 31 3! 31 ^ .— I i— ' r-H i— I — i — 33 13 I - c 13 — I 1< X - X o t iro C X L- tf c c; — • 73 31 ~ P TjH i— 1 CN Ttl CO »7i 31 33 IQ -H i-h -+i 13 —1 73 C3 -h 33 CO CO -f DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X CO »3 — 73 31 O X 1- 32 13 — 31 — ( CI X CO — 13 33 NHOCSt-CO'H-M 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 31 CM 31 31 31 3 1 31 i-H — — — — I — — ' rH rH C X X 73 X CT. C 31 ^ C K h i( X CI C X 31 OO^HOXO 31 x^ox -i y-i 31 73 73 -T «H 31 73 77 i 3 — 77 ~ ,—1 33 IQ 13 31 CO 13 i-H —i 30000000000000000 31 — 3. X 33 1 3 33 — 73 TT. I- 33 -t< 31 — C 73 73 73 33 33 73 73 3 1 3 1 3 1 31 31 3 1 31 oooooooooc t- 13 33 31 71 O X C 13 - 3 7 I I - 3 O O 31 X C - 31 3. X C O ^ -f L3 I- 3. 3 I — 73 -1 -H — — 13 f 31 O 73 O T 31 -<*i 31 ^ ~f 31 73 — )00000000000030000000-0 000000 ~ I .331 — 1 31 C 33. t H r. j: o o — a cd / 0 E / C3 QO o co u CO iO 31 33 31 • - o ^- t— 13 X C35 2h 3° 5 a c> a> X It ^2 §9 77 cw o o . 0 O 1 p, m P3 O c c^ > .1-1 O 0) *' 3 c H ■ 3 I t— o ^ t3 w ■ — 73 I 7^ S 2 as p — 3 o a en o — bo g cC t-i ss VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE a progressive, and with high powers a rapidly increasing, over- amplification of the depth of the three-dimensional image. If a transverse section of an object is magnified 100 times in breadth the distance between the planes of parts lying one behind the other is magnified 10,000 times at the corresponding parts on the axis when the object is in air, 7500 times when it is in water, and 6600 times when it is in Canada balsam. This excessive distortion in the case of high amplifications is not , however, of itself so complete a hindrance to correct appreciation of solid forms in the microscopical image as at first appears. The appreciation of solid form is not a matter of sensation only ; it is a mental act — a conception — and, therefore, the peculiarity of the optical, image, however great the amplification, would not prevent the conception of the solidity of the object so long as salient points for the construction of a three-dimensional image were found. But for this the solid object, as such, must be simultaneously visible ; a single layer of inappreciable depth can convey no conception of the three space dimensions possessed by the object. Owing to the disproportional amplification of the depth-dimension normal to the action of optical instruments, the visual space of the microscope loses more and more in depth as the amplification increases, and thus constantly approximates to a bare horizontal section of the object. The visual space, which at one adjustment of the focus is plainly visible, is made up of two parts, the limits of which as regards the depth are determined in a very different manner. First, the accommodation of the eye embraces a certain depth different planes being successively depicted with perfect sharpness of image on the retina, whilst the eye, adjusting itself by conscious or unconscious accommodation, obtains virtual images of greater or less distance of vision. This depth of accommodation , which plays the same part in microscopical as in ordinary vision, is wholly determined by the extent of power in this direction possessed by the particular eye, the limits being the greatest and the least distance of distinct vision. Its exact numerical measure is the difference between the reciprocal values of these two extreme distances. The depth of distinct vision is directly proportional to this numerical equivalent of the accommodation of the eye, directly proportional to the refractive medium of the object, and inversely proportional to the square of the amplification when referred always to the same image-distance. For example, a moderately short-sighted eye sees distinctly at 150 mm. as its shortest distance, and at .'>00 mm. as its longest distance ; then the numerical equivalent of the extent of accommodation would be equal to mm. ; the calculation for an object in air would give a depth of vision by accommodation amounting to 2-08 mm. with 10 times amplification 023 „ 30 002 „ 100 0-0023 „ 300 0-00021 „ 1000 0-00002 „ 3000 PRINCIPLES OF STEREOSCOPIC VISION 89 These tigures are modified by the medium in which the object is placed and by the greater or less shortness and length of vision. Secondly, the perception of depth is assisted by the insensi- bility of the eye to small defects in the union of the rays in the optic image, and therefore to small circles of confusion in the visual image. Transverse sections of the object which are a little above and below the exact focal adjustment are seen without prejudicial effects. The total effect so obtained is the so-called penetration 07' depth of focus of an objective. This may be determined numerically by defining the allowable magnitude of the circles of confusion in the micro- scopical image by the visual angle under which they appear to the eye. It is found that one minute of arc denotes the limit of sharply defined vision, two to three minutes for fairly distinct vision, and live to six minutes the limits of vision only just tolerable. This being determined, the focal depth depends only on tin4 refractive index of the medium in which the object is placed, the amplification, and the angle of aperture, and it is directly proportional to the refractive index of the object medium, and inversely proportional to the * numerical aperture' of the objective, as also to the first power of the amplification. These assume the visible angle of allowable indistinctness to be fixed at •*>', the aperture angle of the image- forming pencils to be G0° in air : the depth of focus of an object in <"/• will then be — 0 073 mm. for 10 times amplification 0-024 „ :'»<» „ 0*0078 „ 100 0O024 „ 800 000073 ,, 1000 000O24 „ 30OO By limiting or enlarging the allowable magnitude of indistinctness in the image we correspondingly modify these figures, as we should do with media of different refractive indices and increased aperture- angle. It is plain, then, that the actual depth of vision must always be the exact sum of the accommodation depth and focal depth. The former expresses the object space through which the eye by the play of accommodation can penetrate and secure a sharp image : the latter gives the amount by which this object-space is extended in its limits — reckoning both from above and below — because without perfect sharpness of image there is still a sufficient distinctness of vision. As the amplification increases the over-amplification of the depth-dimension presents increasingly unfavourable relation between the depth and width of the object-space accessible to accommodation. When low powers are employed we have relatively great depth of vision, because we have large accommodation-depth ; but as we pass to medium powers, the accommodation-depth diminishes in rapid ratio, becoming equal to only a small depth of focus ; while when the magnifying power is greatly increased the accommodation depth is a factor of no moment, and we have vision largely, indeed almost wholly, dependent on depth of focus. go VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE The following table shows the total depth of vision from ten to 3,000 times :— dification Diameter of Field Accommoda- tion Depth. Focal Deptli Depth of Vision, Accommodation Depth, and Focal Depth mm. mm. mm. mm. 10 25-0 2-G8 0073 2-153 30 8-3 023 0024 0-251 100 2-5 0-02 0-0073 0-0273 300 0-83 00023 00021 0-0017 1000 0-25 0-00021 0-00073 0-00091 3000 0-083 0-00002 0-00024 0-00023 Diameter of Field 11-6 1 ~32?7 1 Trfaj 1 lT^G 1 2(df 1 It has been pointed out by Abbe that this over-amplification of depth-dimension, though it limits the direct appreciation of solid forms, yet is of great A'alue in extending the indirect recognition of space relations. When with increase of magnifying power the depth of the image becomes more and more flattened, the images of different planes stand out from each other more perfectly in the same ratio, and in the same degree are clearer and more distinct. With an increase of amplification the microscope acquires increasingly the property of an optical microtome^ which presents to the observer's eye sections of a fineness and sharpness which would be impossible to a mechanical section. It enables the observer by a series of adjustments for consecutive planes, to construe the solid forms of the smallesl natural objects with the same certainty as he is accustomed to see with the naked eye the objects with which it is concerned. This is a laruje advantage in the general scientific use of the instrument ; a greater gain, in fact, than could be expected from the application of stereoscopic observation. Stereoscopic Binocular Vision. — This subject has been elaborately considered and partially expounded and demonstrated by Professor Abbe ; his exposition differs in some important particulars from that of the original author of this book, but in its present incomplete form it appears to the editor to be the wiser way to allow Dr. Car- penter's treatment of the subject to stand, and to place below it as complete a digest of Professor Abbe's theory and explanation of the same subject as the data before us will admit. The admirable invention of the stereoscope by Professor Wheat- stone has led to a general appreciation of the value of the conjoint use of both cijrs in conveying to the mind a notion of the solid forms of objects, such as the use of either eye singly does not generate with the like certainty or effectiveness ; and after several attempts, which were attended with various degrees of success, the principle of STEREOSCOPIC BINOCULAK VISION 91 the stereoscope has now been applied to the microscope, with an advantage which those only can truly estimate who (like the Author) have been for some time accustomed to work with the stereoscopic binocular1 upon objects that are peculiarly adapted to its powers. As the result of this application cannot be rightly understood with- out some knowledge of one of the fundamental principles of binocular vision, a brief account of this will be here introduced. All vision depends in the tirst instance on the formation of a picture of the object upon the retina of the eye, just as the camera obscura forms a picture upon the ground glass placed in the focus of its lens. But the two images that are formed by the two eyes respectively of any solid object that is placed at no great distance in front of them are far from being identical, the perspective projection of the object varying with the point of view from which it is seen. Of this the reader may easily convince himself by holding up a thin book in such a position that its back shall be at a moderate distance in front <>t' the nose, and by looking at the book, first with one eye and then with the other ; for he will find that the two views he thus obtains are essentially different, so that if he were to represent the book as he actually sees it with each eye, the two pictures would by no means correspond. Yet on looking at the object with the two eyes conjointly, there is no confusion between the images, nor does the mind dwell (.11 cither of them singly ; but from the blending of the two a conception is gained of a solid projecting body, such as could only be otherwise acquired by the sense of touch. Now if, instead of looking at the solid object itself, we look with the right and left eyes respectively at pictures of the object, corresponding to those which would be formed by it on the retime of the two eyes if it were ] .laced at a moderate distance in front of them, ami these visual pictures are brought into coincidence, the same conception of a solid projecting form is generated in the mind, as if the object itself were there. The stereoscope whether in the forms originally devised by Professor ^'heatstone or in the popular modification long subse- quently introduced by Sir D. Brewster— simply serves to bring to the two eyes, either by reflexion from mirrors or by refraction through prisms or lenses, the two dissimilar pictures which would accurately represent the solid object as seen by the two eyes respec- tively, these being thrown on the two retinae in the precise positions they would have occupied if formed there direct from the solid object, of which the mental image (if the pictures have been correctly taken) is the precise counterpart. Thus in tig. 69 the upper pair of pictures (A, B) when combined in the stereoscope suggest the idea of a projecting truncated pyramid, with the small square in the centre and the four sides sloping equally away from it ; whilst the combi- nation of the lower pair, C, D (which are identical with the upper, but are transferred to opposite sides), no less vividly brings to the mind the visual conception of a receding pyramid, still with the 1 It hos become necessary to distinguish the binocular microscope which gives, true stereoscopic effects by the combination of two dissimilar pictures from a binocular which simply enables us to look with both eyes at images which are essentially identical (p. 106). 92 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE small square in the centre, but the four sides sloping equally to- wards it. Thus we see that by simply crossing the pictures in the stereo- scope, so as to bring before each eye the picture taken for the other, a ' conversion of relief ' is produced in the resulting solid image, the projecting parts being made to recede and the receding parts brought into relief. In like manner, when several objects are com- bined in the same crossed pictures, their apparent relative distances are reversed, the remoter being brought nearer and the nearer carried backwards ; so that (for example) a stereoscopic photograph Fig. 69. representing a man standing in front of a mass of ice shall, by the •crossing of the pictures, make the figure appear as if imbedded in the ice. A like conversion of relief may also be made in the case of actual solid objects by the use of the jtseudoscope, an instrument devised by Professor Wheatstone, which has the effect of reversing the perspective projections of objects seen through it by the two eyes respectively ; so that the interior of a basin or jelly-mould is made to appear as a projecting solid, whilst the exterior is made to appear hollow. Hence it is now customary to speak of stereosco/tic vision as that in which the conception of the true natural relief of an object is called up in the mind by the normal combination of the two perspective projections formed of it by the right and left eyes respectively ; whilst by ]>sendoscopic vision we mean that 4 conver- sion of relief ' which is produced by the combination of two reversed perspective projections, whether these be obtained directly from the object (as by the pseudoscope) or from 'crossed' pictures (as in the stereoscope). It is by no means every solid object, however, or every pair of stereoscopic pictures which can become the subject of this conversion. The degree of facility with which the ' converted ' form can be apprehended by the mind appears to have great influence on the readiness with whinh the change is produced. And while there are some objects— the interior of a plaster mask of a face, for ex- ample— which can always be ' converted ' (or turned inside out) at CARPENTER'S V. ABBE'S VIEW OE STEREOSCOPIC VISION 93 once, there are others which resist such conversion with more or less, of persistence.1 Now it is easily shown theoretically that the picture of any projecting object seen through the microscope with only the right hand half of an objective having an even moderate angle of aperture, must differ sensibly from the picture of the same object received through the left hand of the same objective : and, further, that the difference between such pictures must increase with the angular aperture of the objective. This difference may be practically made apparent by adapting a ' stop ' to the objective in such a manner as to cover either the right or the left half of its aperture, and then by carefully tracing the outline of the object as seen through each half. Bat it is more satisfactorily brought into view by taking two photo- graphic pictures of the object, one through each lateral half of the objective ; for these pictures when properly paired in the stereo- scope give a magnified image in reliefs bringing out on a large scale the solid form of the object from which they were taken. What is needed, therefore, to give the true stereoscopic power to the micro- scope is a means of so bisecting the cone of rays transmitted by the objective that of its two lateral halves one shall be transmitted to the right and the other to the left eye. If, however, the image thus formed by the right half of the objective of a compound microscope were seen by the right eye, and that formed by the left half were seen by the h>ft eye, the resultant conception would be not stereo- scopic but pteudoscopiCf the projecting parts being made to appear receding, and vice versa. The reason of this is, that as the microscope itself reverses the picture, the rays proceeding through the right and the left hand halves of the objective must be made to cross to the left and the right eyes respectively, in order to correspond with the direct view of the object from the two sides ; for if this second reversal does not take place, the effect of the first reversal of the images produced by the microscope exactly corresponds with that produced by the 'crossing ' of the pictures in the stereoscope, or by that reversal of the two perspective projections formed direct from the object, which is effected by the pseudoscope. It was from a want of due appreciation of this principle (the truth of which can now be practically demonstrated) that the earlier attempts at pro- ducing a stereoscopic binocular microscope tended rather to produce a ' pseudoscopic conversion' of the objects viewed by it than to represent them in this true relief. In contradistinetion to tit is explanation of binocular vision Dr. Abbe, as we have seen, has demonstrated that oblique vision in the microscope is wholly unlike ordinary vision ; there is, in fact, no perspective. The perspective shortening of lines and surfaces by oblique projection is entirely lost in the microscope, and, as a con- sequence, it is contended that the special dissimilarity which is the rnison d'etre of ordinary stereoscopic effects does not exist, but that an essentially different mode of dissimilarity is found between the two pictures. The outline or contour of a microscopic object is 1 For a fuller discussion of this subject see the Author's Mental Fliynologijy %% 1G8-170. 94 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE unaltered, whether viewed by an axial or an oblique pencil ; there is no foreshortening, there is simply lateral displacement of the images of consecutive layers. But Abbe contends that, whilst the manner in which dissimilar pictures are formed in the binocular microscope is different from that by which they are brought about in ordinary stereoscopic vision, yet the activities of the brain and mind by which they are so blended as to give rise to sensations of solidity, depth, and perspective are practically identical. The fact that lateral displacements of the image are seen in the microscope depends on a peculiar property of microscopic amplifica- tion, which is in strong contrast to the method of ordinary vision. It depends entirely on the fact, enunciated above, that the amplifi- cation of the depth is largely exaggerated. Hence solid vision in the binocular microscope is confined to large and coarse objects, the dimensions of which are large multiples of the wave-length. It therefore follows that when moderate or large apertures have to be employed — that is to say, whenever delineation requires the employ- ment of oblique rays the elements of the object are no longer depicted as solid objects seen by the naked eye or through the telescope would be depicted ; nevertheless the brain arranges them so that the characteristics of solid vision are still presented. Professor Abbe demonstrates 1 that in an aplanatic system pencils of different obliquities yield identical images of every plane object, or of a single layer of a solid object. This is true however large the aperture may be. This carries with it, as we have said, a total absence of perspec- tive and an essential geometrical difference between vision with the binocular microscope and vision with the unaided eye. An object, not quite flat, as a curved diatom, when observed with an objective of wide aperture will present points of great indistinct- ness. This lias been by some supposed to arise from the assumption that there was a dissimilarity between the images formed by the axial and oblique pencils ; but this is not so. It is wholly explic- able by the fact that the depth of the object is too great for the small depth of vision attendant upon a large aperture. It will be seen, then, that so long as the depth of the object is within the limits of the depth of vision, corresponding to the aperture and amplification in use, we obtain a distinct parallel projection of all the successive layers in one common plane perpendicular to the axis of the microscope — a ground plan, as it were, of the object. Manifestly, then, since depth of vision decreases with increasing aperture, good delineation with these must be confined to thinner objects than can be successfully employed with objectives of narrow apertures. Stereoscopic vision with the microscope, therefore, is due solely to difference of projection exhibited by the different parallactic dis- placements of the images of successive layers on the common ground plane and to the 'perception of depth, not to the delineation of the plane layers themselves. For, if there were dissimilar images per- s 1 Jott/rn. B.M.8. series ii. vol. iv. pp. 21-24. ABBE OX STEREOSCOPIC VISION 95 ceptible at different planes, the out-of -focus layers must appear con- fused and no vision of depth would be possible. Xow stereoscope vision requires, as shown by Dr. Carpenter, that the delineating pencils shall be so divided that one portion of the admitted cone of light is conducted to one eye and another portion to the other eye. If this division of the image is effected in a symmetrical way, the cross section of, e.g. a circle must be reduced to two semicircles representing one of these two arrangements seen in O and P, tig. 70. Fig. 70. Dr. Abbe's theory is that the only condition necessary for ortho- topic effect in any binocular system is that these semicircles or their equivalents should be depicted according to diagram 0, fig. 70, and for p» udoscopic effect according to diagram Pin the same figure ; and he demonstrates that all other circumstances, such, e.g. as the crossing of the images, are wholly immaterial. Orthoseopic vision is always obtained when the right half of the right pupil and the left half of the left pupil only are employed ; pseudoscopic vision in the opposite conditions. 'It is quite indif- ferent whether the effect is obtained with crossing or non-crossing rays, whether the image be erect, or inverted, or semi-inverted, and whatever may be components of the optical arrangement.' The observant reader will perceive that it is at this point that there is a radical divergence from the interpretation given by Dr. Carpenter, who, as we have seen above, insisted that orthoseopic vision is not to be obtained in a binocular with non-erecting eye-pieces unless the axes of the two halves of the admitted cone cross each other. Of course we must keep clearly before us the fact that in micro- scopic vision it is not the object but its virtual image only that we see. This apparently solid image is placed in the binocular micro- scope under circumstances similar to those of common objects in ordinary vision. Clearly, then, it is the perspective projections of this image which require to be compared to the projections of solid objects in ordinary vision, in respect to which the criteria of ortho- seopic and pseudoscopic vision have been defined. But it can be geometrically demonstrated that right-eye perspective of the ap- parently solid image is always obtained from the right-hand portion of the emergent pencils, left-eye perspective from the left-hand portion ; and it is quite immaterial, as regards this result, which portion of the emergent rays is admitted by the right or the left part of the objective. The manner in which the delineating pencils are transmitted through the system may be such as to require crossing over of the rays from the right-hand half of the objective to the left eye-piece, and vice versa. But it is not essential to binocular effect. In the Wenham and Nachet binocular (pp. 98, 99) crossing over^s required because the inversion of the pencils is not changed by two reflexions. If the delineating pencils have been reflected an even number of times Fig. 71 BINOCULAR MICROSCOPES 97 in the same plane, it will be necessary for the rays to cross ; but if "they have been reflected an odd number of times, it is not only un- necessary, but is destructive of orthoscopic effect, provided ordinary -eye-pieces (non- erecting) are employed. Hence in the Stephenson bin - ocular it is not only not required, but would give pseudoscopic effect. Principal Forms of Binocular Microscopes. — The first binocular • of a practical character was the arrangement of Professor J. L. Riddell, of New Orleans. It was devised in 1851 and constructed in 1852, and a description of its nature and its genesis was given by him in the second volume of the first series of the ' Quarterly Journal of ^Microscopical Science ' in the year 185 1. 1 A representation of his original instrument is presented in fig. 71, and the arrangement of the prisms by which the binocular effect was obtained is shown in fig. 72. It will be seen that the pencil of rays emerging from the back lens of the combination 7 is divided into two, each half passing re- spectively into the right and left prisms ; the path of the rays is .indicated at a, b, c, d, the object being at o. To secure coincidence of the images in the field of view for varying widths between the eyes Professor Riddell devised (1) a means of regulating the inclination of the prisms by mounting them in hinged frames, so that, while their lower edges, near «, fig. 72, remain always in parallel contact, the inclination of the internal reflecting surfaces can be varied by the action of the milled head in front of the prism box: (2) the lower ends of the binocular tubes are connected by travel- ling sockets, moving on one and the same axis, on which are cut corresponding right- and left-handed screws, so that the width of the tubes may correspond with that of the prisms ; and (3) the upper ends of the tubes are con- nected by racks, one acting- above and the other below the same pinion, so that right- and left-handed movements are communicated by turning the pinion. This instrument could only be used in a vertical position, as shown in the figure (71) ; to obviate this considerable drawback Riddell mounted two right-angled prisms in brass caps, which could be slipped over the eye-pieces. This arrangement in- verts the image in both planes, and it is seen through the instru- ment as in nature. This system of binocular excited much interest in England im- Fig. 73. — Arrangement of prisms in Nachet's stereoscopic binocular microscope. 1 P. \\ 98 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE mediately after its publication, and Mr. Wenham in London and MM. Nachet, of Paris, soon suggested and devised a variety of binocular systems. Nachet's Binocular.— One of these (not now, we have reason to believe, advocated or employed by its inventor) was that devised by MM. Sachet, constructed "on the method shown in fig. 73. The cone of rays issuing from the back lens of the objective meets the flat surface of a prism (})) placed above it. whose section is an equi- lateral triangle, and is divided by reflexion within this prism into two lateral halves, which cross each other in its interior. The rays ab that form the right half of the cone, impinging very obliquely on the internal face of the prism, suiter total reflexion, emerging through its left side perpendicularly to its surface, ami therefore undergoing no refraction ; whilst the rays a! h\ forming the left half of the cone, are reflected in like manner towards the right. Each of these pencils is received by a lateral prism, which again changes its direc- tion, so as to render it parallel to its original course, and thus the two halves^/; and a b' of the original pencil arc completely separated from each other, the former being received im<> the left hand bod) of the microscope (rig. 73), and the latter into ii^ right hand body. These two bodies are parallel ; and. by means of an adjusting -m row at their base, which alters the distance between the central and the lateral prisms, they can be separated from or approximated towards each other, so that the difference between their axes can be brought into exact coincidence with the distance between the a\e> of the eyes of the individual observer. This instrument gives true • stereo- scopic' projection to the conjoint image formed bj the mental fusion of the two distinct pictures, and with loin powers of moderate angular aperture its performance is highlj satisfactory There ai r, however, certain drawbacks to its general utility. First, even raj of each pencil sutlers two reflexions, and ha-, to pass through four surfaces: this necessarily involves a considerable loss ut* li-hi. with a further liability to the impairment of the image b) the unalleet want of exactness in the form of either of the prisms. Secondly, the mechanical arrangements requisite for varying the distance of the bodies involve an additional liability to derangement in the adjust ment of the prisms. Thirdly, the instrument can onh be used tor its own special purpose; so that the observer must also be provided with an ordinary single-bodied microscope for the examination of objects unsuited to the powers of bis binocular. Fourthly, tl i < ' pa i.i I ielism of the bodies involves parallelism of theaxesof the ol lerveVi eyes, the maintenance of which for an) length of tin e i fatiguing. Wenham's Stereoscopic Binocular. Ml these ... ,,. overcome in the admirable arrangement devised by the ingenuity of Mr. Wenham, in whose binocular the .one of ra\ , ... ,1,,,- ' up wards from the objective is divided b) the interpo ition <•»' a pri m of the peculiar form shown in fig, 7 1. bo placed in the tube which carries the objective (figs. 75, 76, a), as only to interrupt ons h ilt. a c, ot the cone, the other half, <> A, going on contini Ij to the eye piece of the principal or right-hand body, I;, in the axis of which the objective is placed. The interrupted half of the cone (flfi 74 70 a) WENHAM'S BINOCULAR PRISM 99 on its entrance into the prism, is scarcely subjected to any refraction, since its axial ray is perpendicular to the surface it meets; bul within the prism it is subjected to two reflexions at b and c, which send it forth again obliquely in the line d towards the eye-piece of the secondary or left-hand body (tig. 75, L) ; and since at its emergence its axial ray is again perpendicular to the surface of the glass, it suffers no more refraction on passing out of the prism than on entering it. By this- arrangement the image received by the right eye is formed by the rays which have passed through the left half of the objective, and have come on without any interruption whatever ; whilst the image received by the left eye is formed by the rays which have passed through the right half of the objective, and have been sub- pIGi 74 —"Wenham's prism, jected to two reflexions within the prism, passing through only two surfaces of glass. The adjustment for the variation of distance between the axes of the eyes in different in- dividuals is made by drawing out or pushing in the eye-pieces, which • L li Fig. 75. Fig. 76. Wenham's stereoscopic binocular microscope. are moved consentaneously by means of a milled-head, as shown in tig. 76. Now, although it may be objected to Mr. Wenham's method (1) that, as the rays which pass through the prism and are obliquely reflected into the secondary body traverse a longer distance than h 2 100 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE those which pass on uninterruptedly into the principal body, the picture formed by them will be somewhat larger than that which is formed by the other set ; and (2) that the picture formed by the rays which have been subjected to the action of the prism must be inferior in distinctness to that formed by the uninterrupted half of the cone of rays ; these objections are found to have no practical weight. For it is well known to those who have experimented upon the phenomena of stereoscopic vision [\) that a slight differ- ence in the size of the two pictures is no bar to their perfect com- bination ; and (2) that if one of the pictures be good, the full effect of relief is given to the image, even though the other picture be faint and imperfect, provided that the outlines of the latter are sufficiently distinct to represent its perspective projection. Hence if, instead of the two equally half-good pictures %\ Inch are obtainable by MM. Nachet's original construction, we had in Mr. Wenham's one good and one indifferent picture, the latter would be decidedly preferable. But, in point of fact, the deterioration of the second picture in Mr. Wenhain s arrangement is less considerable than that of boiA pictures in the original arrangement of M M. Nachct ; so that the optical performance of the Wen- ham binocular IS in every w iv superior. It has, in addition, these further advantages over the preceding : Fust, tin' ^ivater com- fort in using it (especially for some length of time together), which results from the convergence of the ;i \< >s i >f t he eves it 1 heir usual angle for moderately near objects; secondly, thai this hinocular arrangement does not necessitate a sperial instrument, but may be applied toan\ iiiierosenpe which is capable of carrying the weight of the secondary body, tin* prism being so lived in a movable frame that it may in a moment be taken out of the tulie or replaced there in, so that when it has been removed the principal body acts iii even respect as an ordinary microscope, t he .nine c >ne of rays passing uninterruptedly into it ; and thirdly, thai the - implicit \ of its construction renders its derangement almost Impossible ' Stephenson's Binocular. A tiev Form ol t< pic b] rular has been introduced by Mr, Stephenson,5 which ha m tain dis tinctive features, and at the time Mi. Stephen on devised n he was entirely unaware that any part of the method be emploved had I n used by another. He had, however, independent!} conceived Rid dell's device for dividing the beam aa o pari of hi irer) ingenious instrument. This he discovered and acknowledged . houl lliree * i T^AuSor cannot allow this opportunitj to m r itboui i tprei lug hi* w&nm of the liberality with which Mr. Wenham freel) presented ... th, publ' thii .... portant invention, by which, there can be no doubt, U, n,.k, being reflected by the surface A B, so as to pass out again by the surface A C in the direc- tion of the dotted lines. Tims the right and the left half -cones are directs I respec- tively into the right and tin4 left bodies, which are inclined at a convenient angle, as shown in 6g, 81 : so that — the stage being horizontal the instru- ment becomes a most useful compound dissecting microscope, and as thus ar- ranged by Swift, wit h w ell adjusted rest s for the hands, lias but tew equals for the purposes of minute dissections and delicate mounting operations ; indeed, the value of the erecting binocular consists in its applic- ability *to the picking out of Very minute objects., such as /)ittti>mtt, Polycystina, or FovaminifiBfti, and to the prosecution of minute dissections, especially when these have to U» carried on in fluid. N«» i»ne \\ ho lias only thus worked unmorutarfy can appreciate the guidance derivable from hi norit/or \ isjnu whetl 01108 t he habit < >t w ork ing with it lias been formed. Tollcs' Binocular Eye-piece. Am ingenious eye piece has hecii constructed bi Ddr.xollesj Boston! U.S.A.), which, tttted into the body of a monocular mil tosco|k*, converts it into an erecting itereo soopic binocular. This nm\ ersion is effected Uy t lie intei posit ion of a system of prisms similar to t li.it originally devised by MM. Nachet, but made on a larger scale, between an 'erector1 (n semblmg that used in the eye-piece of a day-telescope) and a pail of ordinary Huyghenian eye-piece,, the ,, 'tr required. The eye-pieces have the usual two lenses, but are of special eon struction in order to equalise the length of the direct axis and the doubly reflected axis, and in spite of tin- inequality obtain sharply defined images of equal amplification with the same focus. Stereoscopic vision is obtained by halving the cones of rays above the eye-pieces. This is effected by stopping otl' half of t lu- real image of the objective opening formed aho\e the eye pieces at the so-called 1 eye-point ' ft or ft', which represents the common cross-section of all the pencils emerging from the eyepiece. A cap with a semicircular diaphragm is fitted t<> the eye piece (shown in the figure over ft ), the straight edge of which is exactly in the optic axis of the eye-piece, and can be raised <»r lowered 1»\ screwing so as to obtain a uniform bisect ion of the coin - <>t rays rrom every point of the field. The height of the diaphragm is regulated once lor all t*«»r the same length of the microscope- tube l»\ finding the position tor which the aperture-image (which on withdrawing the eye tVom the eye- piece is visible as a bright circle above it) shows no parallax against the straight edge of the diaphragm, i,e. BO thai <>n ving the eye laterally the image always appears fco adhere tn the edge. In addition to the above caps with diaphragms the instrument is supplied with ordinary caps with circular aperture . al in ft- They taper slightly and simply slide into the eye piere, so that they can be readily changed. The special feature of the instrument is 1st, that it is capable of being used \\ i 1 1 1 the highest powers ; and 2ndly, that it is not necessary t«. eo\ er up half of Bach of the eye piece tubes, thus losing half the total amount of light. It i lumoient if one only (the lateral one) is half obscured, leaving the other tree. As the normal division of light between the two tube i two thirds (in the axial) and one-third (in the lateral), the total lo of light il reduced to one-sixth. The field of view in the axial eve piece in thia arrangement in any case necessarily appears brighter than that of the lateral OH seen with the same eye, and in regard to thia Dr. Abbe re- marks that the difference between the brightness of the two fields in birocular observation 'is not only no defect, but, on the contrary, USE OF THE BINOCULAR 105 a decided advantage.' For experience has long proved that, to obtain a good stereoscopic effect, it is only necessary that one image should be as perfect and clear as possible, whilst the other may, without appreciable disadvantage, be of sensibly less perfection. It might therefore be anticipated that this would apply (as in fact it does) in the same way to difference of luminosity. Moreover, an additional fact must be taken into account — that the two eyes, especially of microscopists, always show unequal sensibility to light as the result of constant unequal use. The less used eve, whose acuteness of vision is always less than that of the one more fre- quently exercised, shows a greater sensibility to light, and the difference is so considerable that the less luminous image of the lateral eye-piece, when viewed with the less exercised (generally the left) eye, seems even brighter than the other when viewed with the exercised eye. The unequal division of the light is therefore a welcome element, as it serves to equalise this physiological difference. The observer has only to take care that the less used eye is applied to the lateral eye-piece ; and 3rdly, the ingenious arrangement whereby, by simply turning the caps with the diaphragms, orthoscopic or pseudoscopic effect can be produced instantaneously at pleasure. It is more particularly available for tubes of short length, for which the AVenham prism is inapplicable. The stereoscopic binocular is put to its most advantageous use when applied either to opaque objects of whose solid forms we are desirous of gaining an exact appreciation or to transparent objects which have such a thickness as to make the accurate distinction between their nearer and their more remote planes a matter of im- portance. All stereoscopic vision with the microscope, so far as it is anything more than mere seeing with two eyes, depends, as already seen, exclusively upon the unequal inclination of the pencils which form the two images to the plane of the preparation, or the axis of the microscope. By uniform halving of the pencils — whether by prisms above the objective or by diaphragms over the eye-pieces— the difference in the directions of the illumination in regard to the preparation reaches approximately the half of the angle of aperture of the objective, provided that its whole aperture is filled with ray- By the one-sided halving we have been considering, the direct image is produced by a pencil the axis of which is perpendicular to the plane of the preparation, and the deflected image by one whose axis is inclined about a fourth of the angle of aperture. With low powers, which allow of a relatively considerable depth-perspective, the slight difference of inclination, which remains in the latter case, is quite sufficient to produce a very marked dif- ference in the perspective of the successive layers in the images. But with high powers the difference in the two images does not keep pace — even when both eye -pieces are half- covered — with the increase of the angle of aperture, so long as ordinary central illumi- nation is used. For in this case the incident pencil does not fill the whole of the opening of the objective, but only a relatively small central part, which, as a rule, does not embrace more than 40° of angle, and in most cases cannot embrace more without the clearness of the microscopic image being affected and the focal IOO VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE r Fig. 83. depth also being unnecessarily decreased. But as those parrs of the preparation which especially allow of solid conception are always formed by direct transmitted rays in observation with transmitted light, it follows that under these circumstances the difference of the two images is founded, not on the whole aperture-angle of the ob- jective, but on the much smaller angle of the incident and directly 'transmitted pencils, which only allow of relatively small differences of inclination of the image-forming rays to the preparation. It is evident, however, that when objectives of short focus and correspondingly largo ancle are used, a considerably greater differentiation of the two images w ith re- spect to parallax can be produced if, in place of one axial illuminating pencil, two pencils are used oppositely inclined to the ^^^^^—^^^a^^^^^— axis in such a way that each of the ^| W images is produced by one of the pencils. •1y This kind of double illumination, though ^■■■■^■■■■■■■■■^ it cannot be obtained by the simple mirror, can be easily produced by using with tin1 condenser a diaphragm with two openings (fig. 83), placed in the diaphragm stage under the eon denser. We then have it in our power to use, at pleasure, pencils of narrower or wider aperture and of greater or lr-> nieli nation towards the axis by making the openings of different width and different distance apart. With diaphragms of this form (which can easily be made «»ut of card-board) the larger aperture angles of high power <>bjeeti\e-> mas- he made use of to intensify the stereoscopic effect without employing wide pencils, which are prejudicial both as diminishing tie- clearness of the image and the focal dt p! h. Of course with this method of illuminat ion both eye pieces must be half covered in order that one image may receive light only from one of the two illuminating .•ours, and the other only f I from the other. The division of light in both the aperture Q Q images will then be as shown in tig. *4 ; and it is evident J that in this case the bright i ass (.t' i he image for both eyes Fig. «4. together is exactly the bi ■ as would be given b) one of the two cones alone without any Covering, The method of illumination here referred t«» which «7M origin ally recommended by Mr. Stephenson for his binocular micro cope has, in fact, proved itself to be by tar the bed srhen it is a question of using higher powers than about auO tin m s. |i ,„.,•■• ,u ik iv,, aires very well corrected and properly adjusted objective if thesharpni of the image is not to suffer; but if these conditions are satisfied it yields most striking stereoscopic effects, even with objectives of 2 mm. and less focal length, provided the preparation under OOtBT vation presents within a small depth a sufficient I \ characteristic structure. Non-Stereoscopic Binoculars. The great comfort vhich is ex penenced by the microscopist from the conjoint use of both eyes lias POWELL AND LE ALAND'S HIGKH-POWEB KENOOULAE 107 Fig. 85. led to the invention of more than one arrangement by which this comfort can be secured when those high powers are required which cannot be employed with the ordinary stereoscopic binocular. This is accomplished by Messrs. Powell and Lealand by taking advantage of the fact already adverted to, that when a pencil of rays falls ■obliquely upon the surface of a refracting medium a part of it is reflected without entering that medium at all. In the place usually occupied by the Wenham prism, they interpose an inclined plate of glass with parallel sides, through which one portion of the rays proceeding up- wards from the whole aperture of the objective passes into the principal body with very little change in its course, whilst another portion is reflected from its sur- face into a rectangular prism so placed as to direct it obliquely upwards into the secondary body (fig. 80). Although there is a decided difference in brightness be- tween the two images, that formed by the reflected rays being the fainter, yet there is marvellously little loss of definition in either, even when the 50th of an inch objec- tive is used. The disc and prism are fixed in a short tube, which can be readily substituted in any ordinary binocular microscope for the one containing the Wenham prism. Other arrangements were long since devised by Mr. Wenham,1 and subsequently by Dr. Schroder, for securing binocular vision with the highest powers. We have used the latter of these with perfect satisfaction, but all that is required is at the disposal of the student in the arrangement of Powell and Lealand. To those who have used these forms of binocular habitually it has been a frequent source of surprise and perplexity that, although theoretically such a form as that of Powell and Lealand's is non- stereoscopic, yet objects studied with high powers have appeared as if in relief, and the effect upon the mind of stereoscopic vision has been distinctly manifest. The Editor was conscious of this for many years in the use of the Powell and Lealand form, with even the -^th of an inch power of the achromatic construction ; at the time he inter- preted it as a conceptual effect ; but it always arose when the pupils fell upon the outer halves of the Ramsden circles. The explanation, Dr. A. C. Mercer considers,2 is due to Abbe. Since (fig. 86) when the eye-pieces are at such a distance apart that the Ramsden circles correspond exactly with the pupils of the eyes, centre to centre, the object appears flat. But if the eye-pieces be racked down, so as to be nearer together, the centres of the pupils fall upon the outer halves of the Ramsden circles, and we have the conditions of orthoscopic effect ; while if they be racked up so as to be more separated, the centres of the pupils fall on the inner halves, and we have pseudoscopic effect. 1 Transactions of the Microsc. Soc. N.S. vol. xiv. (18GG), p. 105. 2 Journ. R. M. S. ser. ii, vol. ii. p. 271. Fig. 80. io8 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE The Optical Investigations of Gauss.— Before leaving this section of our subject, in which we have endeavoured, with as much clear- ness as we could command, to- enable the general reader to com- prehend with intelligibility tker principles of theoretical nw ap- plied optics as they relate to the microscope, we believe ire shall serve the higher interests of microscopy, and the wants or de- sires of the more advanced micro- scopical experts, it we endeavour to present in a form either devoid of technicality or with inevitable technicalities explained »' gsmeral outline and then an application of the famous dioptric investiga- tions or' (,'onss, an eminent Ger man mat hemat irian, who amongst many other brilliant labours in applied mathematics expounded //,, laws "f t/" infraction of'/i>/ht in the < <'»■ of a co-a.cial si/tttem of spherical surfaces^ having tnsuia tlr' various refractive indices ///'"// I- tin > i) tlo ni. Although the assumptions Upon n\ hi. h t he formula' of < itlUSI rest are not coincident w it li the conditions presented bj the lens Combinations which are employed in the construe! ion of modern object i\ es <»i' great apart are. t be results, nevertheless, furnish fin admirable presentation of the pat h of • lie ra\ s and t he posit ion- of cardinal points, even in the microscope ;i - w e know and use it We remember I bs I the micro Bcope is largely used in England and Americs by men u bo can only empl<>\ it m i bfir more OF less brief recessions from profei Bional and commercial pursuitS| bat who often empl< »\ it wit h an thusiasm and intelligent purpose. Much scientific work may be done by such men, and it will promote the accomplishment of this, in our judgment, if the frequentl) ex pressed desire be met which will enable Buch Btudent to understand! 1 This figure is greatly exaggerated for the wake of cImTU I DIOPTRIC INVESTIGATION P>Y GAUSS IO In a general but thoroughly intelligent manner the principles in- volved in the employment of systems of lenses. Many such either have scanty knowledge of algebra, or in the continuous pressure of other claims have lost much that they once possessed. We believe that in these cases the following exposition of the dioptric system of Gauss, with a following example worked • out in full and with every step made clear, will be of real and practical value. Without some intelligible understanding of the ultimate principles of the microscope no results of the highest order can, "at least with moderate and high-power lenses of the best modern construction, be anticipated. On this ground we commend the study to the earnest reader. Let RN, SN' (fig. 87) be the spherical surfaces of a lens of density greater than air, and let P R kS p be the course of a ray of light passing through it; C, C, the centres of the spherical surfaces. Let PR, RS be produced to meet the perpendiculars through O and C in A and A'. Let C E = r, C'S = r',1 fx = index of refraction out of air into the medium. NN'=rf, the thickness of the lens. N R = />, N' S = b' . These may be considered as straight lines. Let the equation to P R be y — b = m (x — 0 N) . , (1) R S „ y - b = ml (x — ON) . . (2) -or, y-bf = m' (x - ON'). . (3) Bp „ y-b' = m"(x-OW) . . (4) " From (2) and (3) b' -b = m' (O W - 0 N) = ml W N = m' d . . (5) Now sin C R A = /x . sin C R B ; or, ? ~ . sin C A R = u . . sin C B R. OR C R Now C A and C B are the values of y in equations (1) and (2) when x = O C ; .-. CA = H m (O C - 0 N) = b + m r ■ and similarly C B = b + m! r ; (b + m r) sin C A R = /x (b + m' r) sin C B R. Now CAR, GBR do not in general differ much from each other, so that for a first approximation we may consider them to be equal. .*. b + m r = ix (b + m' r\ i.e. u m! = m —J^ . . b. r Let ft — 1 =±u.. then /x m' = m — b u . . . (6) r Similarly, sin C'SB'=/t. sin G S'A' ; • or, C- B' . sin C.B'S = C~ . sin O A' S ; G S G; S 1 If either of the curvatures be turned in the opposite direction the sign of the corresponding r must be changed. I IO VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE and, as before, C B' = b' + m" r', C A' = V + m' r' from equations (4) and ($) : .*. as before we may take y + m" 7-' = fx (&' '•')• or pm' = m r Let = then p m' = m" — b i>' . . . (7) r' From (5) and (6) V =b + - = ;' ~ - ) + - • 7 , / */ l»\ Ml ff »' „ this and (7) jm = fi m -f & « ^1 J + and from (6) =w-6u + 0»i [ I - + -(i+t)+*(- -"-";"')• Assume ^ _ /t i ^M _ ' i + ^ " = / ^ '' " = /• then l>' z= (i h -\- It in 'i , » ; i , ;7|/ , where ol — A A = 1 . . (8Y Now let X, Y be the coordinates of P, the point from which tin- ray of light proceeds ; then by (1) b = Y - m (X - ON) j substituting in (8) b' = y Y + m (h 1 » N m" = h Y + m (/ - A X -ON); whence m" - AY v t>, j Vl A -?(X-0 N ) 772, = I = '/ l + ( //' — AY) Z-jfc(X-ON)' ' /_A(X-oN) Now substituting in (i> the equation i<« the refracted ray becomes ^ V / - / (X - o N )/ k / — / ( X — ()N)j or by (8) * Z-A(X-ON) k fU*(X-ON)J ' ( First: If X be taken such thai I — / (X — ON) a I, i.r. X = O N - = O E, su ] ,| n .Si • ; A then when x=OW - h + ff. -7 1 = ON' + 1 "i«OE', luppote, 2/ = Y, or P and p are equally distant from the axi DIOPTRIC INVESTIGATION BY GAUSS l I I Also, if Y = 0, y = 0 ; or if a ray proceed from E, it will after refraction pass through E'. Also in == ,. =zm" that is I — k (X — ON) ' ' the ray will be equally inclined to the axis before and after refrac- tion. E and E' are called the ' principal points.' du' O E = O N - 1 1 = 0 N + /«■ = OX + du' it — a — clu to' /x (u' — a ) — du a OE'=ON'+_ 1 - 9 ._ k OX + OX' + d It d n vJ — u — duu' — u) — duu' Secondly : If m" = 0, or the ray be parallel to the axis after refraction, we have from (8) b = — in, and the equation to the incident ray becomes y + - m = m (x — O X), or y = m ( x — O X — ^ ; 1 + du' .'. when y = 0, x = O X + = O X + _ k u' — u — du it' = OF, suppose. If m = 0, or the ray be parallel to the axis before refraction, we have from (8) V = g b = 'f in", and the equation to the refracted ray becomes y - | m" = m" (x - Q N'X or y = m" (x - 0 X' + |) ; 1 - .-. when y = 0, x = O X - ■' = 0 X' h — 0 F', suppose. F and F' are called the ' focal points.' O F = O X + - t. ± d ) fx (ii ' — it) — a a u fJL — d u du u' — it — d T v.' OF' = OX- fx (it/ — u) — d u u' 112 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICEOSCOPE The focal distance -/=OF~OE = OE' - O.F n —1 /.t (uf — it) — d u it k Similarly, it may be shown that if there be two lenses, and sub- script numbers refer to the first and second lens respectively, while IE, E', E, F' refer to the entire system, and if o = OE2-OE/, - 7? = ft (UV — u\) - di u\ ui* V2 = — — r = fi2 (U-2 — Ul) — d-1 U.2 11%, OE = OE1+ >,]hv-2 OE' = 0 E/ Hi vi + H\ v% +c v\Vi ft%V\ ftV\ + ft V2 + ^ V'l OF = OE, + M/'. + *«») ) OF jU2 17, + jU, V.2 + V2 We are now prepared to work out an example of the Gauss system "by tracing a ray through two or more lenses on an axis, showing how any conjugate may be found through two or more lenses on that axis.1 The Gauss system of tracing a ray through two or more lenses on an axis illustrated by means of a worked-out example. Two lenses, 1 and 2, fig. 88, or an axis x y are given. No. 1 is a double convex of crown -| inch thick, the refractive index /x being 1 Remembering our object, and the assumed conditions of some for whom we write, we do not hesitate to preface this with the following notes to remind the reader of the sense attached to certain mathematical expressions. x means infinity. A plane surface of a lens is considered a spherical surface of -an infinite radius. Any number divided by x =0; any number divided by 0 — » ; any number multiplied by 0 — 0. oo plus, or minus, or multiplied by any number is still x . The following are the rules for the treatment of algebraical signs : In the multiplication or division of like signs the result is always plus ; but if the signs are dissimilar it is always minus. In addition, add all the terms together that have a plus sign ; then all the terms with a minus sign; subtract the less from the greater and affix the sign of the reater. Example : + 3- 4 + 2- 5= -4. In subtraction change the sign of the term to be subtracted and then add in .accordance with the previous rule. Example : - 3 +_2 - 5 An example occurs in the annexed equations (x) and (xi), p. 114, of — — = + , hut then the + is changed into a — by the negative sign in front of the fraction. In (xii), p. 114, however, there being a + in front of the fraction, the result remains .positive. EXAMPLE AETER GAUSS "3 -3, the radius of the surface A is | and that of B 1 inch. Xo. 2 lens is a plano-concave of flint 1\T inch thick, the refractive index fi being 4, the radius of the surface C is §, and the surface D is plane. The -distance between the lenses, that is, from B to C measured on the axis, is J inch. The problem is to find the conjugate focus of anv given point V. In order to accomplish this two points have hrst to be found with regard to each lens. These points are called principal points (see PP, Q Q in fig. 88), When the radii of curvature r and r', rf, the thickness, and // , /<.,, the refractive indices of the respective lenses,1 are known, the distance of these points from the vertices, i.e. the points where the axis cuts the surfaces of the lens, can be found. Thus by applying Professor Fuller's formulae to lens 1 the distance of P from the vertex A can be determined — see p. 116 (i) — similarly P' from B — p. 116 (ii). In the same way the points Q Q' from C and I) in lens 2 can be measured off— (v) (vi), p. 117. It must be particularly noticed that in measuring off any dis- tance if the number is + it must be measured from left to right, and if — from right to left. Thus in (i) p. 116 because the sign of •158 is + P lies "158 of an inch to the right of A. And in (ii) because 21 is — P' lies '21 of an inch to the left of B. The same rule applies to the radii ; thus the radius of A, being measured from the vertex to the centre or from left to right, is + ; but the radius of B, being measured from the vertex to its centre or from right to left, is — . Similarly with the concave surface, C being measured from l ight to left is — . In both the examples before us the points PP', Q Q' fall inside their respective lenses, but it does not follow that they will do so in •every instance. Tn some forms of menisci, for example, they will fall outside the lens altogether. With regard to the focus of the lens it follows the same rule ; thus, /* in lens 1 is measured to the left from P, and f to the right from P' ; similarly in lens 2, f" is measured to the right from Q, and /"' to the left from Q'. Having determined the focal length of each lens, the distance between the right hand principal point of the first lens P' and the left hand principal point of the second lens Q must next be found. It manifestly is the distance of B from P' + the distance B C between the lenses, Q being at the point C. Therefore P Q = -21 + -25 = -46 =3 2. When these three data have been obtained — that is, the focal length of each lens, and the distance between them — we are in a position to apply the formulae (ix) and (x), p. 118, to find the principal points E and E' of the combination. 1 In the worked out example no distinction has been made between the r, r of one lens and the r, r of the other lens, as well as of /x and d, because when the principal points and focal length are determined for one lens those expressions are not again needed, so the same letters with different values assigned to them may be equally well used for the next lens. Too many different terms are apt to confuse the student, while those who are familiar with mathematical expressions will under- ■stand the arrangement. . I II4 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE In selecting the value of the focus to be put into the equations- for both lenses, the last must be taken, that is, in lens 1 (iv), or + •947, and in lens 2 (viii), or -1;875. It will be noticed that the value ot E being negative, it will be measured -314 inch to the left from P. Similarly, E is measured •622 inch to the left from Q'. . cb also is 1-28 to the left from E, and 1*28 to the right £r°These four points, E, E' and p, are the s uae. Havino- now obtained the four cardinal points, wo may at onoe proceed to find the conjugate ot x. Let x equal the distance of the point .r from tin- focal plane jfe and y the distance of its conjugate from '. Then by formula (xiii) xy = <£2, and as x = 1 inch, y = 1 ^ 1 = 1*638 I. This numerically determines the position of the conjugate plane. If the rays incident on the combination are parallel, then X = t . and y = ^- = 0, which means that y is eoinoidenl with '. 00 The following is the graphic method ot' finding t lie conjugate ot' V. From V, fig. 88, draw a line parallel to the axis to meet K', and from the point where it meets K draw a line through N, tin- point where cf>' cuts the axis, to W . From V draw another line through M, tin- point where 0 ruts the axis, to meet E, and from the point w here it meets K drawn line parallel to the axis, cutting the other line in W . \\ will l>e tie conjugate of V, which was required. If it is required to find the con jugate ot' a ray passing througli three lenses on an axis, two of the Lenses must he combined and their four cardinal points ton ml. The principal points and the focal length of the third leni must then be calculated, and then combined in their turn by formula- (ix), (x), (xi), and (xii), p. 1 18, w it h t he cardinal points of t he double com bination. Sis taken as the distance of the lirst principal point of the combination, nearest the third len>, to the second principal point of the lens, nearest the combination. A t'redi sri . >\ . .i id i nal point' is determined in this manner for the three Lenses, So also with four lenses; the cardinal points ot each pair being found, they are combined by the same formula-, and new cardinal points for the whole combi i iat ion of four Lenses are obtained. Sum larly, the cardinal points of five, six, or any number of lenses can be found and the conjugate of any point Localised Finally, no one need be discouraged by the appearance of tlx length of the calculation ; the example is given in full, so that any A PKACTICAL EXAMPLE AFTEE OAUSS one acquainted only with vulgar fractions and deci- mals can work it, or any other similar problem, out. In lens No. 1, for in- stance, the numerators of the fractions are all very simple, and the denomina- tors, of the four equations are all alike ; so, too, in the equations for No. 2 and in those for both lenses. Further, f is the same as f, f" as /", and <£' as <£. Hence the problem is much shorter that it looks. If the conjugate of a point on the axis is only required, and if the prin- cipal points and foci of each lens have been de- termined, it will not be necessary to enter into the further calculation to find E, E', and <£, the cardi- nal points of the combina- tion. The method of proce- dure is as follows : If x is the given point, its dis- tance from f, the focus of lens No. 1, must first be measured. Call this dis- tance x. Then the distance of o its conjugate from the other focus, f\ supposing lens No. 2 to be removed, can be found by formula o x = f2, O = J- X P = -897, x= 1-65 ; This is the distance from /' to o. As the distance from x to f is positive, the dis- tance between f and o is also positive ; so o is to the right of/'. i 2 Il6 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE Before proceeding it will be as well to examine other possible cases which might occur. Suppose that x was at the point / then x would equal 0, ami o = oo ; that is, o would lie at an infinite distance from / . If, on the other hand, the point x was to the right of /. x would be nega- tive, and o would be also negative, because f* is always positive ; o would then be measured off to the left of/", and the conjugate would be virtual. This means that there will be no real image, because the rays will be divergent on the/' side of the lens, as if they had come from some focus on the f side of the lens. But t«> return. The point o having been found to be the conjugate of c, due to the sole influence of No. 1 lens, we have next to measure the distance between o and /", and. by applying the same formula, find the distance of its conjugate from/' . owing t<> the exclusive effect of No. 2 lens now replaced. Thi> distance Of may be found tints : P' o = P'/' + f o = -947 + -543 = 1-49 ; P'/" = P'B + B C + Qf" » *21 -f -25+ 1 2-335 ; pyv/ _ p/0 =0f" _ 2335 - 1-49 = '845, Calling this distance 0, then, by formula y '. weshall 6nd the distance of y from /"", which we shall call >i. u = 1 = == 4*16, which is positive ; therefore y lies H6 inches from / to the right hand, y is therefore the conjugate of «\ duo to the influence of both lenses 1 and 2. Similarly, the conjugate of urn point on the ■axis may be found through any number of lenses. Lens JSTo. 1 : Data. — Radius A = ► = r ; radius B = — I = /• ; f°chf,f'; thickness = - = d\ fi = ? ■ l* = principal point mea- sured from A ; V = principal point inmsurrd from B 3 3 u = nrl = H l-*-u'-?r 1 oil 1 - r 3 3 ' r — 1 2 4 (tf - tt) = | (_ 1 - |) = _ \ , ,/ ,,„> m 1 x J x - 1 = _ ' : 2 \ 2 3/ J i> :i 2 ^ (u' — u) — duu' = — ' + 1 = _ 1 1 1 — _ 1 .58a . I (J 12 ' I 1 P = A+ . - | . g J _ 8 ^(yfc' — u) — du u' i 5 19 •» = A + 158 (i) 1 2 P' = B + rfw ... 2 _ 3 D I /x [u' — w) — duu iv | 9 l g A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE AFTEE GAUSS 117 3 /*=P+ = P + — p _ 18 J fX (u' - u) - duu' _ 19 19 12 = P - '947 (iii) 3 /' = ¥' — " — _ = p - ~JL = p + 15 f.i{ii' — u) — duu 19 19 ~~ 12 = P + '947 (iv) 9 Lens JVo. 2 : Data. — Radius 0 = — = r ; radius D = co = r' : 0 1 8 foci, f", f" ; thickness = ~ = d ; li = ^ ; Q = principal point measured from C ; Q' = principal point measured from D. 8-l 8-l /. - 1 . .5 \ , . , 8 ■ y_ /n - 1 _ 5 _ _ Q , r _ 9J " 15 ? ™ r' a. 8 (u' - u) == 5 |0 + BJ = — ; duu' > ^ x - — x 0 = 0; „ (V _ „) _ M it' = 64 _ 0 = 64 = -853 : Q = C + ^ -7 = c + -2r=c+o . . (v) /.i (u — u) — duu 04 7~5 1 _ A Q'=D + ^ ? = D+IL-.J-JL5=.D-.L li (u' — u) — duu' 64 16 75 = I) - '0625 (vi) 8 f'=Q + £ -j , = Q + ~ = Q + \- = Q + 1-875 (vii) 75 8 /" = <*- -n Y—r-~' = q,-u = Qf-^ H [u — u) — d u u o4 o 75 = Q' _ 1-875 .... (viii) Both Lenses.— Distance apart = B C = \ = '25 ; P'Q = «21 4- -25 4: = -46 = a ; /= focus of No. 1 lens = -947 ; f = focus of No. 2 lens = - 1-875. Il8 VISION WITH THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE ^ - r +/+/' -1 ~~ -917 - 1-875 - -46 - 1*388 = P - 314 (ix) E'-O'- V -0'- '46 X ~ 1>875 = Q' - ~" '8f2=Q' - '621 . . . (x) ^ - 1-388 v e6-E- = E — *947 X " 1,875 ' f+f'-l -947 - 1-875 - -46 =e-_;s=e-1-8 • • • (xo *'=E' + ff -=E'+- "95 X " ^ ^ ; -947 - 1-875 - -46 xy = 2; 2/ = .— = — . . . . (xiii) ii9 CHAPTER III 'the history and evolution of the microscope The historic progression of the modern microscope from its earliest inception to its most perfect form is not only full of interest, but is also full of the most valuable instruction to the practical micro- scopist. In regard to the details of this, our knowledge has been greatly enriched during recent years. The antiquarian knowledge and zeal in this matter possessed by Mr. John Mayall, jun., and the unique and valuable collection of microscopes made by Frank Crisp, Esq., LLB., ranging as they do through all the history of the instrument, from its earliest employment to its latest forms, have furnished us with a knowledge of the details of its history not possessed by our immediate predecessors. We may obtain much insight into the nature of what is indis- pensable and desirable in the microscope, both on its mechanical and optical sides, by a thoughtful perusal of these details. It will do more to enable the student to infer what a good microscope should I>e than the most exhaustive account of the varieties of instrument at this time produced by the several makers (always well presented in their respective catalogues) can possibly do. Availing ourselves of the material placed at our disposal by the generosity of these gentlemen, we shall therefore trace the main points in the origin and progress of the microscope as we now know it. Mr. Mayall1 gives what we must consider unanswerable reasons for looking upon the microscope, 'as we know and employ it,' as a strictly modern invention. Its occurrence at the period when the spirit of modern scientific research was asserting itself, and when the necessity for all such aids to physical inquiry and experimental research were of the highest value, is as striking as it is full of interest. It may be held as fairly established that magnifying lenses were not known to the ancients, the simplest optical instruments as we understand them having no place in their civilisation. A large number of passages taken from ancient authors, and having an apparent or supposed reference to the employment of magnifying instruments, have been collected and carefully criticised, -with the result that all such passages can be explained without in- volving this assumption. We learn from Pliny the elder and others, that crystal globes ^filled with water were employed for cauterisation by focussing the 1 Cantor Lectures on the Microscope, 1886, p. 1. THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICBOSCOPE sun's rays as a burning-glass, and that these wore used to produce- ignition ; but there is no trace of suggestion that these retracting globes could act as magnifying instruments. Seneca (< Quest. Nat.' i. 6, § 5) states, however, that ' letters though small and indistinct are seen enlarged and more distinct through a globe of glass filled with water.' He also states that 4 fruit&appears larger when seen immersed in a vase of glass.* But he only concludes from this that all objects seen through water appear larger than they are. In like manner it" could be shown that Archimedes, Ptolemy, and others had no knowledge of the principles on which retraction took place at curved surfaces. Nor is there any ancient mention of spectacles or other aids to vision. Optical phenomena were treated of : Aristotle ami the Greek physician Alexander dealt with myopy and presbyopy ; Plutarch treated of myopy, and Pliny on the sight. But DO allusion is made to even the most simple optical aids : nor is there any reference to any such instruments by any Greek or Roman physician or author. In the fifth century of the Christian era the Greek physician Actius says that myopy is incurable : and similarly in the thirteenth century another Greek physician, Actuarius, says that it is an in- firmity of sight for which art can do nothing. But since the end of the thirteenth century, which is after tin' invention of spectacles, they are frequently referred to in medical treatises and other works. If we turn to the works of ancient artist^ ur find amongst their cut gems some works which reveal extreme minuteness "t detail and delicacy of execution, and some have contended that these could only have been executed by means of lrn ^. v. I » n t it is the opinion of experts that there is no engraved work in our national collection in the gem department that could not have been engraved bj I qualified modern engraver by means of unaided vision ; and in reference to some verv minute writ in-' which it was stated by 1 M i 1 1 \ that Cicero saw, Solinusand Plutan h, as well as Pliny, allude bo I heae marvels of workmanship for the purpose of proving that lOmfl men are naturally endowed with power- of virion quite exceptional in their excellence, no attempt being made to explain their minute details as the result of using magnify ing Lenses, These and many other instances in which reference («> lenses must have been made had they existed <>r been known are eon elusive; for it is inconceivable that even simple dioptric lenses, to say nothing of spectacles, microscopes and telescopes, could have been known to the ancients without reference to them having been made by many writers, and especially bv such men as Galen and Pliny. The earliest known reference to the Invention of pectaclei i found in a manuscript dating from Florence in 1299, in which tin- writer says,' I find myself so pressed bj age thai I can neither read nor write without those glasses they call spectacles, lately in- vented, to the great advantage of poor old men when then Bight grows weak.'1 Giordano da Rivalto in 1305 says thai the invention 1 Smith's Optics, Canmrid-c, IT.".*, 2 vols. ii. pn, |:t. A 'LENS' FROM SARGON'S PALACE I 2 I of spectacles dates back 'twenty years,' which would be about 1285. It is now known that they were invented by Salvino d'Armato degli Armati, a Florentine, who died in 1317. He kept the secret for profit, but it was discovered and published before his death. But there is a singular .evidence that a lens used for the purpose of magnification was in existence as early as between 1513 and 1520 for at that time Raphael painted a portrait of Pope Leo X. which is in the Palazzo Pitti, Florence. In this picture the Pope is drawn holding a hand magnifier, evidently intended to examine carefully the pages of a book open before him. But no instruments com- parable to the modern telescope and microscope arose earlier than the beginning of the seventeenth century and the closing years of the sixteenth century respectively. It is, of course, known that there is in the British Museum a remarkable piece of rock crystal, which is oval in shape and ground to a plano-convex form, which was found by Mr. Layard during the excavations of Sargon's Palace at Ximroud, and which Sir David Brewster believed was a lens de- signed for the purpose of magnify- ing. If this could be established it would of course be of great interest, for it has been found possible to fix the date of its pro- duction with great probability as not later than 721-705 B.C. A drawing of this ' lens ' in two aspects is shown in figs. 89 and 90; but Mr. Mayall gives strong and clear reasons for con- cluding that its lenticular cha- racter as a dioptric instrument has certainly not been made out. There are cloudy striae in it, which would prove fatal for optical purposes, but would be even sought for if it had been intended as a decorative boss; while the grinding of the ' convex J surface is not smooth, but produced by a large number of irregular facets, making the curvature quite unfit for optical purposes. In truth, it may be fairly taken as established that there is no evidence of any kind to justify us in believing that lenses for optical purposes were known or used before the invention of spectacles. From the simple spectacle-lens, the transition to lenses of shorter and shorter focus, and ultimately to the combination of lenses into a compound form, would be — in such an age as that in which the invention of spectacles arose — only a matter of time. But it is almost impossible to fix the exact date of the production of the first microscope, as distinguished from a mere magnifying lens. There is nevertheless a consent on the part of those best able to judge that it must have been between 1590 and 1609 ; while it is. probable (but by no means certain) that Hans and Zacharias Janssen, Fig. 90— An Assyrian 'lens' (?). 122 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE .spectacle makers, of Middleburg, Holland, were the inventors. But it would appear that the earliest microscope was constructed for observing objects by reflected light only. At the Loan Collection of Scientilie Instruments in London in 1876 an old microscope, which had been found. at Middleburg, was shown, which, Professor Harting considered, might possibly have been made by the Janssens. It is drawn in tie-. 91, and consists of a combination of a convex object-lens and a convex eye- lens, which form was not published as an actual con- struction until 1646 by Fontana. which, as Mr. Mayall points out, does not harmonise with the assumption that this instrument was constructed by one of the Janssens. It is strictly a compound microscope, and the dis- tance between the lenses can ho regulated by two draw-tubes. There are three diaphragms, and the Bye- lens lies in a wood cell, and is held there by a wire ring sprung in. The object-lens, is loose in the actual instrument, but was originally fixed in a similar way Fig. 91. < Janssen's ' compound microscope. to b. It cannot be an easy ta^k if it be even a pos- sible one — to definitely determine upon the actual indi- vidual or individuals by whom the compound micro- scope was first invented. Recently some valuable evidence has been adduced claiming its sole invention for Galileo. In a memoir published in 18881 Pro- fessor G. Govi, who has made the question a Bubjecl <>t' large and continuous research, certainly adduces evidence <>t a kind nol easily waived. Huyghens and, following him, many others assign the invention of the compound microscope to Cornelius Drebbel, i Dutchman, in the year 1621 ; but it has been suggested thai he derived his Irnon ledge from Zacharias Janssen <>r his father, Hans Janssen, spectacle makers, in Holland, about the year 1590; while Fontana, fl N « i politan, claimed the discovery f< >r himself in I '» 1 s. It is Baid that the Janssens presented the first microscope to Charles Albert, Arch duke of Austria ; and Sir D. Brewster states, in his 'Treatise on the Microscope,' that one of their microscopes which they presented to Prince Maurice was in 1617 in the possession of Cornelius Drebbel, then Mathematician to the Court of James [., where 'he made microscopes and passed them off as his own invention.' Nevertheless we are told by Viviani, an [talian mathematician, in his ' Life of Galileo, 'that 'thisgreal man was led i<» the discovery of the microscope from that of the telescope/ and thai * in 1612 In- sent one to Sigismund, King of Poland.5 We now receive evidence through the researches of Govi that the invention was solely due to Galileo in the year 1610. Professor Govi understands by 'simple microscope ' an instrument 1 consisting of a single lens or mirror,' and by 'compound microscope ' <>..«• 'con 1 Atti B. Acad. Sci. Fis. Nat. Napoli, vol. ii. Mfffea ii. 'II microacopio oompotto mventato da Galileo,' Joiim. B.M.S. Pt. IV. Ihhm, p. .-,71. DID GALILEO INVENT THE COMPOUND MICBOSCOPE? 1 23 sisting of several lenses or a suitable combination of lenses and mirrors.' Tn a pamphlet published in 1881, treating of the invention of the binocular telescope, Govi pointed out that Chorez, a spectacle maker, in 1625, used the Dutch telescope as a microscope, and stated that with it £ a mite appeared as large as a pea ; so that one can distinguish its head, its feet, and its hair — a thing which seemed in- credible to many until they witnessed it with admiration.' To this quotation he added : — 'This transformation of the telescope into a microscope (or, as opticians in our own day would say, into a Briicke lens) was not an invention of the French optician. Galileo had accomplished it in the year 1610, and had announced it to the learned by one of his pupils, John Wodderborn, a Scotchman, in a work which the latter had just published against the mad 'Peregrinazione ' of Horky. Here are the exact words of Wodderborn (p. 7) : — - Ego nunc admirabilis huius perspicilli perfectiones explanare no conabor : sensus ipse iudex est integerrimus circa obiectum pro- prium. Quid quod eminus mille passus et ultra cum neque videre iudicares obiectum, adhibito perspicillo, statim certo cognoscas, esse hunc Socratem Sophronici hlium venientem, sed tempus nos docebit ■et quotidians nouarum rerum detectiones quam egregie perspicillum suo fungatur munere, nam in hoc tota omnis instrumenti sita est pulchritude ' Audiueram, paucis ante diebus authorem ipsum Excellentissimo D. Cremonino purpurato philosopho varia narrantera scitu dignissima et inter cetera quomodo ille minimorum animantium organa motus, et sensus ex perspicillo ad vnguem distinguat ; in particulari autem de quodem insecto quod utrumque habet oculum membrana crassius- cula vestitum, qua? tamen septe foraminibus ad instar larva? ferrea? militis cataphracti terebrata, viam praebet speciebus visibilium. En tibi [so says AVodderborn to Horky] nouum argumentum, quod per- spicillum per concentrationem radiorum multiplicet obiectii ; sed audi prius quid tibi dicturus sum : in caeteris animalibus eiusdem magnitudinis, vel minoris, quorum etiam aliqua splendidiores habent oculos, gemini tantum apparent cum suis superciliis aliisque partibus annexis.' To this Govi adds : — k I have wished to quote this passage of Wodderborn textuallv, so that the honour of ha vino- been the first to obtain from the Dutch telescope a compound microscoi>e should remain with Galileo, which the later called occhialino, and that the glory of having reduced the KepCerian telescope to a microscope (in 1621) should rest with Drebbel. The apologists of the Tuscan philosopher, by attributing to him the invention of the microscope without specifying with what microscope they were dealing, defrauded Drebbel of a merit which really belongs to him ; but the defenders of Drebbel would act un- justly in depriving Galileo of a discovery which incontestably was his.' I turn now to AVodderborn s account, published in 1610 (the •date of the dedication to Henry Wotton, English Ambassador at "Venice, is October 16, 1610), which reads thus ; — 124 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE < I will not now attempt to explain all the perfections of this, wonderful occhiale ; our sense alone is a safe judge of the things which concern it. But what more can I say of it than that by pointing a glass to an object more than a thousand paces off, which does not even seem alive, you immediately recognise it to he Socrates, son of Sophronicus, who is approaching ? But time and the daily discoveries of new things will teach us how admirably the <>-lass does its work, for in that alone lies all the beauty of that instrument. ' I heard a few days back the author himself (Galileo) narrate to the Most Excellent Signor Cremonius various things most desirable to be known, and amongst others in what manner he perfectly dis- tinguishes with his telescope the organs of motion and of the senses in the smaller animals ; and especially in a certain insect which has each eye covered by a rather thick membrane, which, however, per- forated with seven holes, like the visor of a warrior, allows it sight. Here hast thou a new proof that the glass concentrating its rays enlarges the object ; but mind what I am about to tell thee, viz. in the other animals of the same size and even smaller, some of which have nevertheless brighter eyes, these appear only double with their eyebrows and the other adjacent parts.3 After reading this document Govi judges that it is impossible to refuse Galileo the credit of the in vent ion of a r<>m/>t>n mt microdcop* in 1610, and the application of it to examine some very minute animals; and if he himself neither then nor for man? yean after made any mention of it publicly, this cannot take away from him or diminish the merit of the invention. It is not to be believed, however, that Qalileo after these lir->t experiments quite forgot the microscope, for in preparing the ' Saggiatore ' between the end of 1619 and the middle of October, 1622, he spoke thus to Lotario Sarsi Begensano (anagram <>t Oratio Grassi Salonense) ' I might tell Sarsi something new if anything nan could be bold him. Let him take any substance whatever, be it stone, or wood, or metal, and holding it in the sun examine it attentively, and he will see all the colours distributed in the most minute partiolea, and if he will make use of a telescope arranged so that our can Bee very near objects, he will see far more distinctly what I >a\.' It will not therefore be surprising if, in 1624 (according to some letters from Rome, written by (im.lamo AJeandro to the famous M. cle Peiresc), two microscopes of Bluffier, or rather Drebbel, having been sent to the Cardinal of B. Susanna, who at first did DOl know how to use them, they were shown to Galileo, who was then in Rome, and he, as soon as he saw them, explained their use, u Aleandro writes to Peiresc on May 24, adding, 'Galileo told me that he had invented an occhiale which magnifies things an much as 50,000 times, so that one sees a My as large at ■ hen. This assertion of Galileo, that he had invented a telescope which magnified 50,000 times, so that a fly appears as bin „ „ I,,,, must, without doubt, be referred to tin- y.-ar Hi 10, and from the measure given of the amplification by the soli, lit \ or volume the GALILEO'S ' OCCHIALE ' 125 linear amplification (as it is usually expressed now) would have been equal to something less than the cubic root of 50,000, that is' .about 36, and that is pretty fairly the relative size of a fly and' a hen. Aleanclro's letter of May 24 (1624) does not state at what time Galileo saw the telescope and explained the use of it, but another letter of Faber's to Cesi, amongst the autograph letters in the possession of D. B. Boncompagni, says (May 11) : 'I was yesterday evening at the house of our Signor Galileo, who lives near the Madnlena ; he gave the Cardinal di Zoller a magnificent eye-glass for the Duke of Bavaria. I saw a fly which Signor Galileo him- self showed me. I was astounded, and told Signor Galileo that lie was another creator, in that he shows things that until now we did not know had been created.' So that even on May 10, 1624, Galileo had not only seen the telescope of Drebbel, and explained the use of it, but had made one himself and sent it to the Duke of Bavaria. We lack documents to show how this microscope of Galileo was made, that is, whether it had two convergent lenses like those of Drebbel. A letter of Peiresc of March 3, 1624, says that 'the •effect of the glass is to show the object upside down . . . and so that the real natural motion of the animalcule, which, for example, goes from east to west, seems to go contrariwise, that is, from west to east,' or whether it was not rather composed of a convex and a concave lens, like that made earlier by him, and used in 1610, and then almost forgotten for fourteen years. It is, however, very probable that this last was the one in question, for Peiresc, answering Aleandro on July 1, 1624, wrote : — ' But the occhiale mentioned by Signor Galileo, which makes Hies like hens, is of his own invention, of which he made also a copy for Archduke Albert of pious memory, which used to be placed on the ground, where a fly would be seen the size of a hen, and the instrument was of no greater height than an ordinary dining-room table.' Which description answers far better to a Dutch tele- scope used as a microscope, in the same way exactly as Galileo had used it, rather than to a microscope with two convex lenses. One cannot find any further particulars concerning Galileo's occhialini (so he had christened them in the year 1624), either in Bartholomew Imperiali's letter of September 5, 1624, in which he thanks Galileo for having given him one in every way perfect, or in that of Galileo to Cesi of September 23, 1624, accompanying the gift of an occhialino, or in Federico Cesi's answer of October 26, or in a letter of Bartholomeo Balbi to Galileo of October 25, 1624, which speaks of the longing with which Balbi is awaiting £ the little occhiale of the new invention,' or in that of Galileo to Cesar Marsili of December 17 in the same year, in which Galileo says to the learned Boloimese 'that he would have sent him an occlt ialino to see close the smallest things, but the instrument maker, who is making the tube, has not yet finished it.' This, however, is how Galileo speaks of it in his letter to Federico Cesi, written from 126 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE Florence on September 23, 1624. more than three months after his departure from Rome : — 'I send your Excellency an occhiafino, by which to see close the smallest things, which I hope may give you no small pleasure and entertainment, as it does me. I have been long in sending it, because I could not perfect it before, having experienced some difficulty in finding the way of cutting the glasses perfectly. The object must be placed on the movable circle which is at the base, and moved to see it all, for that which one sees at one look is but a small pan. And because the distance between the lens and the object must be most exact, in looking at objects which have relict one must be able to move the glass nearer or further, according as one is looking at this or that part ; therefore the little tube is made movable on its stand or guide, as we may wish to call it. It must also be used in very bright, clear weather, or even in the sun itself, remembering that the object must be sufficiently illuminated. I have contemplated verj many animals with infinite admiration, amongst which the flea is most horrible, the gnat and the moth the most beautiful ; and it was with great satisfaction that I have seen how flies and other little animals manage to walk sticking to the glass and even feel upwards, But your Excellency will have the opportunity of observing thousands and thousands of other details of the most curious kind, of which 1 beg you to give me account. In fact, one may contemplate endlessly the greatness of Nature, and how subtilely she works, and with \\ hat unspeakable diligence. — P.S. The little tube is in two pieces, and you may lengthen it or shorten it at pleasure.' It would be very strange, knowing Galileo's character, that in 1624, and after the attacks made on him for ha\ ing perhaps a little too much allowed the Dutch telescope to be considered his invent ion, he should have been induced to imitate Ihebbel's glass with the t\\.» convex lenses, and have wished to make them passasniso^ n invention, whilst he had always used, and continued to use to the end oi hifl days, telescopes with a convex and a concave lens without showing that he had read or in the least appreciated the proposal mad.- I»y Kepler, ever since 1611, to use two convex glasses in order to have telescopes with a large field and more powerful and convenient. In any case it is impossible to form a decided opinion on such a matter, the data failing ; but the very fan that from 1624 onwards Galileo thought no more of the ocr/u,,/i (probably because he found it less powerful and less useful than the **(•<•// mi v < >f l irebbel ), as he had not occupied himself with :t or had scarcely remembered it from the year 1610 to 1624, seems sufficient to show t hat t he occhialino. like the microscope of 1610, was a small Dutch telescope with two lenses, one convex and one concave, and not a ivilu.nl Keplerian telescope like that invented by Drebbel in 1621. The name of microscope, like that of telescope, originated with the Academy of the Lincei, and it wasGiovanni Faberwho invented it as shown by a letter of his to Cesi, written April 13, I ''»'_'">, and which is amongst the Lincei letters in the pofi - ion of I >. B. Boil compagm. Here is the passage in Faber's letter : - 'I only wish to say this more to your Excellency, that is, that GALILEO THE INVENTOR OF THE MICROSCOPE IN 1610 12 you will glance only at what I have written concerning the new in- ventions of Signor Galileo ; if I have not put in everything, or ii anything ought to he left unsaid, do as best you think. As I also mention his new occhiale to look at small things and call it micro- scope, let your Excellency see if you would like to add that, as the • Lyceum gave to the first the name of telescope, so they have wished to give a convenient name to this also, and rightly so, because they are the first in Home who had one. As soon as Signor Rikio'& epigram is finished, it may be printed the next day ; in the mean- while I will get on with the rest. I humbly reverence your Excel- lency.— From Rome, April 13, 162-3. Your Excellency's most humble servant, Giovanni Faber (Lynceo).' The Abbe Rezzi, in a work of his on the invention of the micro- scope, thought that he might conclude from the passage of Wodderborn, reproduced above, that Galileo did not invent the com- pound microscope, but gave a convenient form to the simple micro- scope, and in this way as good as invented it, for the Latin word used by Wodderborn, perspicillum, 1 signified at that time, it is clear,' Rezzi says, ' no other optical instrument than spectacles or the telescope, never the microscope, of which there is no mention whatever in any book published at that time, nor in any manuscript known till then. But Rezzi was not mindful that on October 16, 1610, the date of Wodderborn's essay, the name of microscope had not yet been invented, nor that of telescope, which, according to Faber, was the idea of Cesi, according to others of Giovanni Demisiano, of Cephalonia, at the end, perhaps, of 1610, but more probably at the time of Galileo's journey to Rome from March 29 to June I, 1611. If, therefore, the word microscope had not yet been invented, and if the telescope, or the occhiale, as it was then called, was by all named perspicillum, one cannot see why Wodderborn's perspicilhtm cannot have been a cannocchiale (telescope) smaller than the usual ones, so that it could easily be used to look at near objects, but yet a cannocchiale with two lenses, one convex and one concave, like the others, and, therefore, a real compound microscope, although not mentioned by that name either by Wodderborn or others. And, besides that, how could it be that Wodderborn beginning to treat ' admirabilis huius perspicilli,' that is, of the telescope in the first line, should then have called perspicillum a single lens in the eleventh line of the same page 1 Rezzi's mistake is easily explained, remem- bering that he had not under his eyes Wodderborn's essay, but only knew a brief extract reported by Yenturi. It thus appears as in the highest degree probable that Galileo, » in 1610, was the inventor of the compound microscope ; it was \ subsequently invented, or introduced, and zealously adopted in Holland ; and when Dutch invention penetrated into Italy in 1624 Galileo attempted a reclamation of his invention (which was undoubt- edly distinct from that of Drebbel) ; but as these were not warmly seconded and responded to abroad he allowed the whole thing to pass. Nevertheless the facts Govi gives are as interesting as they are important. In regard to the discovery of the simple lens Govi points out 128 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE that after the year 1000, minds having reopened to hope and in- tellects to study, there began to dawn some light of science, so that in 1276 a Franciscan monk, Roger Bacon, of Ilchester, in his ' Opus Ma-jus,' dedicated and presented by him to Clement IV.. could show many marvellous things, and amongst these the efficacy of crystal lenses, in order to show things larger, and in this wise he says make of them 'an instrument useful to old men and those whose sight is weakened, who in such a way will be able to see the letters suf- ficiently enlarged, however small they are.' As long as no documents anterior to him are discovered, Roger Bacon may be considered the first inventor of convergent lenses, and therefore of the simple micro- scope, however small the enlargement by his lenses may have been. As, however, that man of rare genius, the initiator of experi- mental physics, had brought on himself the hatred of his contempo- raries, they kept him for many years in prison, then -hut him up in ,a convent of his order to the end of his long life of nearly eighty years. His writings had to be hidden, at least those treating on natural science, to save them from destruction, ami so the invention -of lenses, or the knowledge of their use to enlarge images and to alleviate the infirmities of sight, remained unknow n or forgotten in the pages of the famous 4 Opus Majus,' which only Came to light in 1733 by the care of Samuel Jebb, a learned English doctor. A Florentine, byname Salvino degli Armati, at the end of fche -thirteenth century (? 1280) (in Bacon's lifetime), had therefore the glory of inventing spectacles, and it was a monk of Pisa, Alexander Spina, who suddenly charitably divulged the secret of their construction and use Perhaps Salvino degli Armati and Spina really discovered more than Roger Bacon had discovered ; that is, they found out tin* use of converging lenses for long-sighted people, and of diverging lenses for short sight, whilst the English monk had only spoken of the lenses for long sight, and perhaps they added to this first invention the capability of varying the focal lengths of the lenses according to need, and t he other of fixing them on to the visor <>f a cap to keep them firm in front of the eves, or to fasten them into two circles made of metal, OT of bone joined by a small elast ic bridge o\ er ! he nose. However- it may be, the discovery of spectacles, or, as it may be called, of the simple microscope^ may be equally divided between Roger Bacon and Salvino degli Armati, leaving especially to the latter the Fig. ^.-Descartes' simple inVentio11 °* Spectacles, microscope with reflector. The earliest know n illustration Of ■ simple microscope is given by Descartes in his 'Dioptrique' in 1637: fig. \Y1 reproduces it. It is practically identical with one devised bvLieberkuhn a century after and shown ' GALILEO'S ' AND CAMPANI'S MICROSCOPES I29 on p. 138. A lens is mounted in a central aperture in a polished concave metal reflector. Descartes apparently devised another and much more pretentious instrument, but it appears impracticable and could never have existed save as a suggestion. But he appears to have been the first to publish figures and descrip- tions for grinding and polishing lenses. In the Museo di Fisica there Fig. 94. — Campani's microscope (? 1686). are two small microscopes which it is affirmed have been handed down from generation to gene- ration since the dissolution of the Accademia del Cimento in 1667, with the tradition of having been constructed by Galileo. They are shown in fig. 93, but from the superiority of construction of these instru- ments it is very improbable that they belong to the days of Galileo, who died in L642 ; and there is a specially interesting compound K Fig. 93.— Galileo's microscopes. 130 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE microscope, by Giuseppe Campani, which was published first in 1 6S6, which is presented in fig. 94 ; its close similarity to 1 Galileo micro- scopes' is plainly apparent, making it still more improbable that these could be given a date prior to 1642. In a journal of the travels of OVI. de Monconys, published in 1665, there is a description of his microscope which is of much interest. He states that the distance from the object to the first lens is one inch and a half ; the focus of the first lens is one inch j the distance from the first lens to the second is fifteen inches ; the focus of the second lens, one inch and a half ; distance from the second to the third, one inch and eight lines ; the focus of the third lens, one inch and eight lines ; and the distance from the eye to the third lens, eight lines. This would form the data of a practical com- pound microscope with a field lens ; and as Mon conys had this instrument made in 16 GO by the 'son-in-law of Viselius,' it becomes probable in it very high degree that to him must be attributed the earliest device of a microscope with <> ji> Id- lens. In 1665 Hooke published his 'Micro- graphia,' giving an account and a figure of his compound microscope. He adopted the field-lens employed by Monconv- and gives details as to the mode and object Ftg 95.— Hookc's compound microscope | L665)b DIVINI'S COMPOUND MICROSCOPE of its employment, which are at once interesting and instruc tive ; for they show quite clearly that it was not employed by him to correct the spherical aberration of the eye-lens, but merely to increase the size of the field of view. He tells us that he used it 'only when he had occasion to see much of an object at once. . . . But whenever I had occasion to examine the small parts of a body more accurately I took out the middle glass (field -lens) and only made use of one eye-glass with the object-glass.' Eig. 95 is a reproduction of the ori- ginal drawing, and the general design ap- pears to be claimed by Hooke. There is a ball-and-socket movement to the body, of which he writes : ' On the end of this arm (D, which slides on the pillar C C) was a small ball fitted into a kind of socket F, made in the side of the brass ring G, through which the small end of the tube was screwed, by means of which contri- vance I could place and fix the tube in whatsoever posture I desired (which for many observations was exceedingly neces • sary), and adjusted it most exactly to any object.' It need hardly be remarked that, useful as the ball-and-socket joint is for many purposes in microscopy, it is not advan- tageously employed in this instrument. Hooke devised the powerful illuminat- ing arrangement seen in the figure, and employed a stage for objects based on a practical knowledge of what was required. He described a useful method of estimat- ing magnifying power, and was an in- dustrious, wide, and thoroughly practical observer. But he worked without a mirror, and the screw-focussing arrange- ment seen in the drawing must have been as troublesome as it was faulty. But as a microscopist, Hooke gained a European fame, and gave a powerful stimulus to microscopy in England. In 1668 a description was published in the 'Griornale dei Letterati' of a com- pound microscope by Eustachio Divini, which Eabri had previously commended. It was stated to be about 16£- inches high, and adjustable to four different Fig. 96.— Dirini's compound lengths by draw-tubes, giving a range of microscope. it not hesitate to refer its origin to Divini. I32 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION- OF THE MICROSCOPE magnification from 41 to 148 diameters, Instead of the usual bi- convex eye-lens, two plano-convex lenses were applied with then- convex surfaces in contact, by which lie claimed to obtain a much flatter field Mr Mayall found in the Mnseo Copermcano at Rome a microscope answering so closely to this description that ho does He made the sketch of ■ it given in liix. 96. But the optical con- struction had been tampered with and could not be esti- mated. Che'rubin d'Orleans published, in 1671, a treatise containing a design for a micro- scope, of which tig. 97 is an illustration. The scrolls were of ebony, firmly at- tached to the base and to the collar encircling the fixed central portion of t he body-tube. An ex- terior sliding tube carried the eve piece above on the fixed tube, and a similar sliding tube carried t he object - lens below, these sliding tubes serving to focus the image and regulate ( w it hineertain limits) t he magnificat Loo. lie also suggested a screw arrangement to he applied beneath the stage for focus sing. I le de\ ised, or recoin nded, sevo pal combinationi of lenses for t he opt ieal part of the micro scope, and refers to combinations of three or four separate lenses, by which objects could be seen erect, which lie considered 1 much to be preferred.' ^ He also invented a binocular form of microscope and published it in his work, ' La Vision Parfaite,' in 1077. It consisted of two compound microscopes joined together in one etting, so as to he Fig. 97. — Che'rubin d'Orlcans' compound microscope EAKLY BINOCULAR MICROSCOPE 133 applicable to both eyes at once; a segment of each obiect-lens (supposed to be of one-inch, focus) was ground away to allow the convergent axes starting from the two eyes to meet at about 16 inches distance at the common focus. Mechanism was provided for regulating the width of the axes to correspond with the observer's eyes. Fig. 98, showing the optical construction, is copied from the original diagram (' La Vision Parfaite,' tab. i. fig. 2, p. 80). A drawing of this binocular, as known to Zahn, was given in the first edition of his ' Oculus Artificialis ' in 1685 (Fundamen III. p. 233), and is reproduced in fig. 99. In 1672 Sir Isaac Newton communicated to' the Royal Society I34 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE a note and diagram for a reflecting microscope : we have, however, no evidence that it was ever constructed. But in lb , 3 Leeuwenhoek began to send to the Royal Society his microscopical discoveries. Nothing was known of the construction of his instruments, except that they were simple microscopes, even down to so late a period as 1709 We know, however, that his microscopes were mechanically rouo-h, and that opticallv they consisted of simple bi convex lenses, with worked surfaces mounted between two plates of thin metal with minute apertures through which the object were directly seen. At his death Leeuwenhoek bequeathed a cabinet of twenty-six of his microscopes to the Royal Society: unhappily, they have mysteriously disappeared. But Mr. Mayall was enabled to Hgure one lodged in the museum of the Utrecht University, which is given in tigs. 100 and 101 in full size. It is seen on both sides. The lens is seen in the upper third of the plate, it baa ■ .[-inch t'oais. The object is held in front of the lens, on the point of a short rod, with screw arrangements for ad- justing the object under the Lens. Many modifications of this and the preceding in- struments arc found with some early English forms, but no important construc- tive or optical modification immediately presents itself. Hut some ingenious arrange- incuts are found in the simple microscopes de\ iscd DJ Mlissclienbroek in the ea rlj \ ea rs < >\ the eighteenth century. Grindl figured a microscope in his ' Micrographia Nova 1 in 1687, in which optical modifications arise. Divini bad, as was staled, combined two plano-convex lei ises, with (heir convex surfaces facing, to form an eye-piece: this idea was carried further in 1668 by a London optician, who used two pairs of these Lenses; Grind! did this also, but in addition he used two similar (hut smaller) lenses in the same manner as an objective. The form of the mioroscope itself was copied from that of Cherubin d'Orlean (fig. (.'7), hut, wm modified by the application of an external screw. In 1691 Bonanni modified preceding arrangements by devising a means of clipping the object between two plates pressed away from the object-lens by a spiral spring, the focussing being then effected by a 'screw barrel.' Fig. 100. fto. 101. Leeuwenhoek's microscope. HARTSOEKER'S MICROSCOPE 135 This system of focussing was employed in a more practical form by Hartsoeker in 1694 and was adopted by Wilson in 1702. It became a very popular form for the microscope in the eighteenth century. We are indebted to Bonanni also for originating a horizontal form of microscope, which is interesting and which, in a drawing of the instrument, is shown to possess a sub-stage compound condenser fitted with focussing arrangements for illuminating transparent objects. In Hartsoeker's microscope ' the lens-carrier A B, fig. 102 (on which the cell P, containing the lens, is screwed), screws into the body O C, Q D at O Q ; the thin brass plates E and F fit within the body, the portions cut out allowing them to slide on the short pillars O C and Q D, and the spiral spring pressing them towards C D ; the object- slides, or an animalcule ca.ge GH (hinged at a b to allow the Fig. 102. — Hartsoeker's simple microscope (1694). lid G to fit into H, enclosing the objects between strips of talc), slide between the plates E and F when in position, and the "screw barrel " I K fits into the screw-socket C D and regulates the focus- sing ; a condensing lens, N", fits on a second " screw-barrel," L M, which is applied in the screw socket of I K. This arrangement of the condenser is better than the plan adopted by Wilson, as it allows the illumination to be focussecl 011 the object independently of the focal adjustment of the object to the magnifying lens ; whereas in Wilson's microscope, the condenser being mounted in I K, without facility of adjustment, remained at a fixed distance from the object, and hence the control of the illumination was very limited.' In Harris's 'Lexicon Technicum ' (1704, 2 vols, fol.), under the word microscope, Marshall's compound microscope (fig. 103) is de- scribed and figured. Several important innovations in microscopical construction were here embodied. (1) A fine-adjustment screw F Ioiix Marshall's New Invented DoubleMicroscope, For Viewing the Cine ul ATI on oF the Blood Made S^Sold bv him af flieArchimedes &3 Golden Spectacles in Lmkaxe S\ ;i screw sector mechanism. In 1738 Dr. N. Lieberkulm devised, what had been employed in principle by Descartes a century before,1 the instrumenl that has ever since been known by his name, and w hich is st ill of con- siderable value to the micro* BOOpifit. Kig. 1 0.~> is a reproduc- tion from the earliest drawing known of Lieberkuhn'i mioro- scope. A A 1 11 concuN e mirror of silver ; Prom it a form t Ik- lighl Fig. lOS.-Lieberkiihn's'Sscope. '? f£°m " a fooU n" the object ( '. riie mirror ih pierced in the centre at B and the Lens, or object -lavs, is inserted and adjusted, the eye being placed behind in the direction l> at any point the single lens or a combination mighl require. '4 P°cket Reflecting Microscope' was figured by Benjamin Martin in his ' Micrographia Nova ' in 1742, having the interesting feature of a micrometer eye-piece depending on e sore* with 1 1 See pp. 128-i). QUEKETT'S MICROSCOPE 139 certain number of threads to the inch, and by which accurate mea- surements could be taken. It was called a reflecting microscope because it had a mirror fitted into its cylindrical base ; but it was, in reality, a compound refracting form, and appears to have a good claim to have been the original from whence the modern ' drum ' microscopes were taken. But Martin originated a large number of improvements both in the optical arrangements and the mechanism of the microscope, and was an excellent maker. He* applied rack-and- pinion focussing adjust- ments, to the compound microscope he added in- clining movements to the pillar carrying the stage and mirror, and he furnished the stage with rectangular move- ments. It was to this maker that the late Professor Quekett was indebted for an early microscope, of which he evidently to the last thought highly, and which he subse- quently gave to the Royal Microscopical So- ciety. A drawing of this instrument is given fig. 106, in and should be described in Quekett's own words. He says : ' It stands about two feet in height, and is supported on a tripod base, A; the central part or stem, B, is of tri- angular figure, having a rack at the back, upon which the stage, O, and frame, D, supporting the mirror, E, are capable of being moved up or down. The compound Fig. 10G. — Martin's large universal microscope as used by Quekett. body, F, is three inches in diameter ; it is composed of two tubes, the inner of which contains the eye-piece, and can be raised or de- pressed by rack and pinion, so as to increase or diminish the mag- nifying power. At the base of the triangular bar is a cradle joint, G, by which the instrument can be inclined by turning the screw- head, H [connected with an endless screw acting upon a worm- THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE wheell The arm, I, supporting the compound body, is supplied With a rack and pinion, K, by which it can be moved backwards and tor- wards, and a joint is placed below it, upon which the body can be turned into a horizontal position ; another bar carrying a stage and mirror can be attached by the screw, L N, so as to convert it into a horizontal microscope. The stage, 0, is provided with all the usual apparatus for clamping objects, and a condenser can be applied to its under surface ; the stage itself may be removed, the arm. 1\ sup- porting it, turned round on the pivot C. and another stage ol exquisite workmanship placed in its stead, the under surface of which is shown at Q. 'This stage is strictly a micrometer one, having reel angular movements and a fine adjustment, the movements being accom- plished by fine-threaded screws, the milled heads of which are graduated. The mirror, E, is a double one. and can be raised or depressed by rack and pinion ; it is also capable of removal, and an apparatus for holding large opaque objects such as minerals, can bo substituted for it. The accessory instruments are very numerous and amongst the more remarkable may he mentioned a tube, M, con- taining a speculum, which can take the place of the tube, K, and 30 form a reflecting microscope. The apparatus for holding animalcules or other live objects, which is represented at B, U well as a plate ol glass six inches in diameter, with four concave wells ground in it, can be applied to the stage, so that each well may be brought in succession under the magnifying power. The lenses belonging to this microscope are twenty-four in uumber ; the\ vary in focal length from four inches to one-tenth of an inch ; ton of them ate supplied with Lieberkiilms. A small arm, capable of carrj ing single lenses, can be applied at T, and when turned over the Stage the in- strument becomes a single microscope ; there are four lenses suitable for this purpose, their focal length varying from ,',,'h bo /..th of an inch. The performance of all the lenses is excellent, unci QO paini appear to have been spared in their construction. There are numerous other pieces of accessory apparatu all remarkable for the beauty of their workmanship.' 1 Cuff designed and made a microscope, which Baker figured and described in his * Employment for the Microscope ' in I7."».">, which possessed several conveniences and improvements. Not the least of these is that which gives greater delicacy to the fine ailju I ment than is found in any preceding model. It was subsequently further improved by the addition of a cradle joint *i the bottom of the pillar by Adams. Cuff also designed a simple form of micrometer. There were three designs of microscopes by George Adams, of London, in 1746 and 1771, which have many points of Interest, but scarcely contribute enough of distinctive improvement to the modern forms of the microscope to detain us long. That designed in 1771 is figured in the Adams ' Micrographia [llustrata,' and is reproduced m fig. 107. , In this instrument Adams claims to have embodied a numher of 1 ' £ Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope, 8rd od. London, Is:,:,, hv«>, the Variable Mickoscopb By George A.d.san.sjy?6o,jF7&t Slreet^LONDOu^ Fig. 107 142 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE improvements on all previous constructions. He applied 'two eye- glasses at A, a third near B, and a fourth in the conical parr between B and C ' by which he increased 1 the field of view and of light ' ; draw-tubes were at A and B, by which these lenses could be separated more or less. He also arranged the object -lenses, or -buttons, a and b, to be combined; seven 'buttons' were provided, 'also six silver specula [' Lieberkuhns '] highly polished, each having a magni- fier adapted to the focus of its concavity, one of which is represented at e,' and the 'buttons' could also be used with 1 any one of these specula ' by means of the adapter, (7. The body-tube, ABC, with its arm, F (in which it screwed at/), and stem attachment with the fine adjustment were clearly modified from a design which Cuff originated. The large ivory head, I, actuated a pinion and rack for raising or depressing the body-attachment on the stem. The stage and mirror were adjustable on the stem. The large ratchet-wheel controlled by the pinion-handle, S, gave the required inclination to the stem. Nos. 1 and 2 were ivory and glass k sliders ' for objects, to be applied in the spring-stage No. 3 fitting at T ; the 1 hollow at K | No. 3] is to receive the glass tube Xo. 10/ No. i was a diaphragm tit ting in the lower end of No. 3, ' to exclude some part of the lighi which is reflected from the mirror Q.' The forceps, N«>. •">. could be placed 'in one of the small holes near the extremities of the stage, OX in the socket, R, at the end of the chain of balls No. ('».' No. 6 was an arm composed of a series of ball-and-socket joints similar t<> the Bystem employed by Musschenbroek, by Joblnt , and by Lyonet, and was in- tended to be applied at W, when tin- stage was removed. No. 7 was a box of ivory in which discs of talc ami brasfl rings Wi re packed ; No. 8, a hand-magnifier ; No. 9, a sliding .inn lens carrier fitting on Z, when the instrument was required to be U8ed as a simple micro- scope ; No. 11, a rod of wire with spiral at the end for pu king up soft objects from bottles &c. ; and NO. 1'-', an Lvory disc, black 0D one side and white on the other, fitting at T, to carry opaque objects. To use the instrument as a simple microscope the body tube, ABC, was removed from the ring, F ; the lens currier, No. 9, was placed on Z, and a lens with reflector, K, screwed in the ring, fl ; the ball-and-socket arm, No. G, was applied a1 Wt by the pari X, and the object held by either of the EOrceps could DC turned and viewed as desired. For dissections &C the Btage could be screwed on at F, and a glass plate applied at T. One of the best examples of this design thai Mr. Ma vail has seen we learn has a nose-piece with a slide carrying three objectives one of the first arrangement of ' triple nose piece,' or, inde< a, of changing nose-piece for objectives (as distinguished from simple lens-earners) that has been met with. A microscope devised by Dellebarre w as made the subject <>l* ■ special report to the 'Academic des Sciences' in June 1 777, hut there is nothing in it deserving special consideration b comparison with contemporary or even anterior forms as bearing upon the evo- lution of the microscope as we now know it. In fact, Up i«» tin- lime when achromatism exerted so powerful an influence upon the form JONES'S MICROSCOPE H3 and construction of the instrument, there is no microscope that calls for further consideration save one — by an English maker named J ones — it was called J ones's ' Most Approved Compound Microscope and Apparatus,' and although, in principle, it does not differ from Adams's instrument, tig. 107, it yet presented differences of detail. Its date was 1798, and is seen in fig. 108, which is taken from the original figure in Adams's ' Essays on the Microscope.' The base is a fold- ing tripod, and the stem inclines upon a -compass-joint on the top of the pillar. Mr. Mayall justly re- marks that this was the best system de- vised up to this date. The arm carrying the body-tube can be ro- tated on the top of the limb E, and is also provided with a rack and pinion D. An extra carrier, W, is provided for special purposes pivoting at S, so that objects will remain in the optic axis though the stao-e be moved in arc. There are also clips provided for the stage. There is a con- denser at IT, which slides on the stem by the socket it. The mirror also slides on the stem. There is provided a rotating multiple disc, P, of object-lenses, and a brass cell contains a high power, of ^ or ^ inch focus, which on the removal of the lens-disc can be screwed into the nose-piece. There were also designed some interesting forms of reflecting microscope, to the details of which we can afford no space, their in- fluence having been of no value in the development of the microscope .as we know it. There was a reflecting microscope suggested by Sir Jones's most im proved compound micro s cop e and ap para tvs. Fig. 108 I44 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICEOSCOPE Isaac Newton in 1672, and one was devised on the principle of the Gregorian Telescope by Barker in 1736 ; another of the L assegraiman form was made in 1738 by Smith, which was, perhaps, the most perfect of the Catoptric forms. An outline of its construction and the path of the bght-beams is oiven in ft" 109. It was for examining transparent objects and Was similar to &the Cassegrainian telescope, but with an extra Ion- eye- piece tube to permit the focussing by movement of the eve-lens. The object was placed at IN ; the image was taken up by the concave, reflected on the convex, and again reflected to the eye-lens. He advised the use of a condensing lens for the illumination, to pre- vent 'the mixture of foreign rays with those of the object, otherwise the instrument gave confused images of distant objects when it Was used as a microscope. , Even without a condenser there are good images attainable With Fig. 109. — Smith's n il.' tin^ mi. r. • < , .].,■ 17;;-. this instrument, but with the condenser it would be of course, im- proved. We have not followed in any detail the forms of simple micro scopes as they presented themselves, but in I7-V> a form was made by Cuff that can only be regarded as the precursor of the molt com plete and perfect of our simple dissecting microscopes : it show n in fig. 110. A disc of plane glass, C, or a concave, M, was applied, on the stage of which dissections &C. could be made ; a mirror, [, was fitted in a gimbal with a stem sliding in a socket in the pillar ; the lens-carrier, F, alone, or with Ldeberkuhn, P, BOrewed in a ring on the end of a horizontal arm, E, sliding through a socket, attached to a vertical rod, D, sliding and rotating in a socket at the back ol the pillar for focussing &c. The pillar screwed 00 the lid of the box, within which the instrument was packed \\ it h sundry accessories. It was to the discovery of achromatism as applied to microscopic object-glasses that we must attribute the strictly scientific Vftloi and THE EISE OF ACHROMATISM 145 progress in development of this now extremely valuable and beauti- ful instrument. An exhaustive account of the earliest discovery and progressive application to our own day of achromatism, bo far as it can be given in this treatise, will be found in the chapter on objectives. We can here only attempt, for the sake of completeness, a very broad outline of the facts. Martin appears to have constructed an achromatic objective in 1759, but no results of practical value were obtained, Martin having formed the judgment that his achromatic microscope was not equal to a reflecting microscope with which he compared it. But it cer- tainly gives him a place of interest in the history of the achromatism of object-glasses for the microscope. Fig. 110. — Ellis's aquatic microscope (1755L In 1762 Euler began to discuss the theory of achromatic microscopes, and in 1771, in his ' Dioptrica,' he entered upon the subject at more considerable length. A pupil of his, named Nicholas Fuss, published in St. Petersburg, in 1774, a volume entitled 'Detailed instruction for carrying lenses of different kinds to a greater degree of perfection', with a description of a microscope which may pass for the most perfect of its kind, taken from the dioptric theory of Leonard Euler, and made comprehensible to workmen by Nicholas Fuss.' This was translated into German by Kliigel in 1778, but no result of these discussions of the theory of achromatism can be discovered earlier than 1791, when Francois Beeldsnvder made an achromatic objective which was presented byHartingto the museum of the University of Utrecht ; but it was far from satisfactory. It L I46 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE was composed of two biconvex crown-glass lenses, and a biconcave flint lens placed between them. C Chevalier tells us 1 that between 1800 and 1810 M. C harles, of the < Institute Paris, made small achromatic lenses : but they were too imperfect to be of real service. In 1811 Fvaunhotcr made achromatic doublets with no great success : and m 1823-4 an achro- matic microscope was made by the Messrs. Chevalier, with tour doublet lenses arranged according to a plan devised by SeUique. Their < Microscope d'Euler ' followed, and in 182 < Anna constructed a horizontal unci oscope on achromatic princi- ples, which was spoken well of. But while up to a very recent date it was common to assert that the first to suggest the plan of combining two, three, or four plano-convex achromat icdoubletsoi similar foci, one above the other, to increase the power and aper- ture vvas Sellii|ue in 1 823, it is nOW known t hat this had been an- ticipated by Marzoli (ch. v. p. ;;o-_>). Sel lique^s plan was car- ried into execul ion by t In- Mi'nsin. ( Ihei alier, The instrument cm bodying tliis plan is show n in fig, 111. In b report to t he Academic Etoyale des Sciences, the well k m iwn ma t hemal ician GFresnel says, concerning this microscope, t hat in comparing the ob jectives with those of one of Adams's best non achromatic instruments — that up to a magnification of two hundred times Selliquc's was decidedly superior; but beyond that magnification there was no superiority in the achromatic form, and In- preferred Adams'l form for prolonged observations because it gave a larger field than Sellique's. The mechanism of this microscope was similar to the English model of Jones, shown at fig. 1 0| achromatism was engaging the attention of the most d is tin guished English mathemati- fig. H8.-0. Chevalier's achromatic jians. Sir John Sersehel, Sir microscope. George (then Professor) Aii\. Professor liailow, Mr. (\>d- dington, and several others, worked with some vigour at the subject. Also, for some years, Joseph J. Lister had been earns Hy working experimentally and mathematically on the same subject, and he discovered certain properties in an achromatic oombinati whic h were of importance, although they had not been before observed.1 In 1829 a paper from Lister was received and published by the Royal Society,2and putting the principles it laid down into practice, Lister was enabled to obtain a combination of Leu ei capable of transmitting a pencil of 50° with a large corrected field. This paper and its results exerted a very powerful influence on the immediate improvement of English achromatic object glat e and for d ■ 1 Vide Objectives, Ch. V. p. 304. - Tram. Boy, Boe, toe ISM. 150 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE permanent basis of advancement for the microscope, not only in its optical, but also indirectly in its mechanical construction and refinements. For convenience, at this point we may ad- vance a little in order to complete our brief out- line of the mechanical application of achroma- tism to object-glasses. Mr. A. Ross became practically acquainted with the principles of achromatism as applied to combinations of lenses in working with Pro- fessor Barlow on this subject, and haying ap- plied Lister s principles with great success, he discovered, as we have already pointed out in Ch. T.,1 that by covering the object under exami- nat icn \ya a thin film of glass or talc the correc- tions were disturbed it they had been adapted to an uncovered object ; and we ha \ e seen thai it was in L837 that Etoss de- vised a simple means of correct ing this. I Ee wm an indefal igable w orker in the interests of the Advancement « »t the me- chanical as well as the optieal side of the mi crt iscope. Pig, I I I pre- sents an early form of one of I toss's earliest mi Cr< >SCO] »fs, from a n c\ t a nt example, * hich is ;i form issued under Pritchard's name. The stage is act uate< I in diagonal di- reet ions on eit her side of t he stem, and its general Fig. 115.— Pritchard's microscope with 'Continental fine adjustment. form coincides with one which Mr. Mayall assigns to Andre* Pritchard, which fig. 115 illustrates. •P. 20. It has the Bame kind of Btace A ROSS' 'JACKSON' MODEL movement and general construction, but it will be seen that it has also a curious spiral fine adjustment, which is plainly an uncovered ' Continental ' form, either adopted in England from G. Oberhiiuser, or it may have even preceded it. It is interesting to note, however, that the sub-stage arrangements in both these instances are the same as those employed by Wollaston in connection with his celebrated doublets, an account of which was given in the Philosophical Trans- actions of that date.1 The Ross form cannot be inclined, nor can the Pritchard ; and 'the fine adjustment in the former is effected by means of a long screw passing up the pillar and acting on a triangular sheath, within which the stem is applied, to move with rack and pinion, the top of the stem being- hollow to receive either the cross-arm support for the single lens or the limb of the compound body. The screw is actuated by a large, gradu- ated, milled head above the tripod.' The stage has supports, evidently to enable dissection to be effected without flexure by the weight or pressure of the hands. Rectangular me- chanical movements are em- ployed acting diagonally on either side of the stem by rather fine screws, so that the motions are slow ; which is a desideratum not always found even in our best in- struments to-day. It was A. Ross, however, who successfully applied the long-lever system of fine ad- justment acting on the nose- piece, and to which we shall again refer,2 since it is the most perfect mode of accom- plishing fine adjustment that we now know of, and in its most perfect form is used in the microscope of the highest class (that by Messrs. Powell and Lealand) made in the present day. But A. Ross at an early period worked out a ' J apkson ' form of microscope, with the limb supporting the body-tube. He applied ' Trans. Boy. Soc. 1S29. 2 P- 101 Fig. HO. — A Ross microscope. Fig. 117. — H. Powell's microscope (lull). PRINCIPAL MODERN STANDS 153 a fine adjustment in this to act upon the nose-piece only, which, as we shall subsequently see, is a very inferior method. This instru- ment is shown in fig. 116. Ross tried various modifications of this fine adjustment and model, but from about 1841 he worked only at the long-lever method as applied to the nose-piece through the 1 cross arm ' and brought it to a high state of perfection. But the full possi- bilities of this method, as concerned its sensitiveness, were never utilised by Ross, and were subsequently pressed into service by Powell. In 18-11 Powell made a microscope with an extremely delicate fine ^ adjustment applied to the stage. The mechanism and the workmanship were excellent (we give a drawing of the instrument at fig. 117), but the principle was by no means an advance in the direction of the wants of the modern microscopist. An adjustment which gave the object a movable place between the condenser and the objective was subversive of all ease in manipulation, and would have made some of the finer results of modern microscopy almost impossible. Our illumination needs, as we shall subsequently see, centring and focussing with the accuracy of the lens itself, but by this arrangement improved focussing of the image would involve inevitable derangement of the illumination. Smith and Beck also made a fine instrument which embodied the 'Jackson' limb and fine adjustment. It is illustrated in fig. 118, being the first model made by this firm in this form, and it has many features of interest from the point of view of our present requirements. But after we have once secured steadiness, the crucial points in a microscope are the quality of the fine adjustment, and the delicacy, firmness, and ease with which we can centre, focus, and otherwise modify the sub-stage illumination. To the former certainly this model does not contribute. We are now prepared to examine and endeavour to judge im- partially from a practical point of view the merits of the principal English, Continental, and American models which are offered to the microscopical public. It is impossible, no less than it is unde- sirable, to attempt to describe all the microscopes of every maker, or even the principal forms made by the increasing multitude of opti- cians. We have sought no opticians' aid ; we have carefully exa- mined all the forms that lay any just claim to presenting an instru- ment which meets the full requirements of modern microscopy ; and, although we have reason to know that the judgments we express are shared by the leading experts of this country, we take the sole respon- sibility for these judgments. Haying sought for twenty years the best that could be produced in microscopes and objectives, our judg- ment is given with deliberation and wholly in the interests of science. In examining the principal modern microscopes we shall point out whatever is of absolute importance or relative value ; and the absence or presence of this in any form provisionally selected is all that the reader will need to enable him to become convinced of our estimate of the value of such an instrument, whether the form be illustrated in these pages or found in the catalogues of the makers. With this object before us we shall facilitate its attainment by at once considering what are the essentials of a good microscope. FlG. 11H. — Smitli iiiid Heck's micros; ope. THE 'BODY' OF THE MICKOSCOpE appear to be obvious. But we are bound to admit that it is, in what sometimes claim to be stands of the first class, disregarded; and when the height of the centre of gravity in the English and American stands of the first class is considered, this is a fatal mistake. It is pointed out in the section on micrometry1 and drawing that the optic axis of the microscope should be ten inches from the table ; therefore a first-class microscope whose optic axis when placed horizontally is either more or less than this is found wanting in a*material point. But to possess this characteristic it must have a high centre of gravity. Now it is possible to secure steadiness by (1) weight or (2) design. The Continental method has invariably been weight. The pillar of the instrument is fixed in a cumbrous metal foot of horse- shoe form, which bears so high a ratio to the whole remainder of the instrument that it is usually steady. This secures the end certainly, but by coarse and unwieldy means. It promises little for the instrument as a whole. What is wanted is the maximum of steadiness with the minimum of weight. Palpably, the mechanical compensation for the difficulty of an elevated centre of gravity is an extended base. The leading fault of many stands claiming the first rank is their narrowed bases. A broad base, resting on three points only, and these plugged with cork, is the ideal for a perfect instrument. II. Next in order to the stand of the microscope comes what is. known as the body of the instrument — the tube or tubes for receiv- ing the objective at one end and the eye-pieces at the other. The tube of the monocular is always provided with an inner tube called the draw-tube. In a first-class instrument this latter should always, be provided with a rack-and-pinion motion, and should have a scale of from two to three inches, divided into tenths or millimetres. This enables the operator the more accurately to adjust apochromatic objec- tives so sensitive, for their best action, to accurate adjustment of tube- length. In fact, it is always important to remember that objectives are corrected for a special tube-length ; that is to say, for the forma- tion of the image at a certain definite distance. There are, however, two kinds of tube-length, (1) an optical and (2) a mechanical. The optical tube-length is measured from the posterior principal focus of the objective to the anterior principal focus of the eye-piece. The mechanical tube-length should be measured from the top of the tube into which the eye-piece fits, and upon which the bearings- of the eye-piece rest to the end of the nose-piece into which the objective is screwed. Unfortunately different makers estimate tube-length differently,, and take different points from which to make their measurements. Looking at the matter broadly, there are two estimates for tube- length in practical use : these are the English and the Continental. What was formerly known as the English standard tube had an . 1 Chapter IV. 156 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE optical length for high and moderate power objectives of Um inches ; with low powers, however, it was less. The mechanical tube-length was 8 J inches. Professor Abbe, in constructing his apochromatic objectives for the English body, has taken the mechanical tube-length at 9-8 inches = 250 mm. ; and the optical tube-length at 10'6 inches = 270 mm. This has caused an increase in the length of the English standard tube, since all good microscopes are made to work with these objectives ; and the addition of a rack and pinion to the k draw- tube ' becomes of great practical value. The tube-length of the Continental mechanical tube is 6*3 inches = 160 mm., and the optical tube-length is 7'08 inches = I SO mm. The question has been asked, 'Which is the Letter of these two differing tube-lengths ? ' So far as the image in the instrument is concerned, there is not much difference. It is of little importance whether the initial magnifying power of an objective be increased by a slightly lower eye-piece used at a longer distance or a slightly deeper (higher) eye-piece at a shorter distance. Bui it is of practical importance to note that a 'small diffi r> nee of tufa -h ngth products a greater effect on adjustment with a short body than with a long otta The principal difference, however, between the long and the short body as affording a datum for their respective values i-> thai when a short body is used by a person having normal accommodation of sight, the stage of the microscope cannot be Been unless the head is removed from the eye-piece, whereas with the long body the eye need not be taken from the eye-piece a' all. as the stage can he seen with the unused eye. « III. Arrangements for focussing sta ud next in order of import ance. Every microscope of the first class is provided with two arrangements for focussing, one a eoarst adjuBtni rtf, actum rapidly, and the other a fine adjustment, which should act with great delicacy and precision. A good 'coarse adjustment ' or primary movable part of the instrument is of great importance. The first requisite LI that the body or movable part should mme easily, smoothly, but without 'shake' in the groove or slot or whatever else it slides. We have found in practice that a bar shaped like a truncated prism sliding in a suitable groove acts best and longest. But a bar planed true and placed in a groove ploughed to suit it is not enough. The inevitable friction determines wear, and this brings with it a fatal 'shake.' All such grooves, which are usually V shaped, should be cut and sprung on one side, so that by ' tightening up' the V's l»y means of screws the bar or limb is again firmly gripped. Further, the bar should not 'bear' for its whole length along the groove, hut, only on points at either end an< I in the middle Powell introduced these prime essentials to a good 'coarse adjustment' half ;> oentury ago; yet what thousands of instruments in which these principles have not been applied have been, by shear friction wear, soon changed into useless brass since then ! But instruments made by this firm are as good after thirty years' use as I hey were v. hen new. Frequently bad workmanship is concealed by the free employment ot what is known as 'optician's grease' and an over tightening o! the FOCUSSIN( J A URAXGEM EVES pinion, driving its teeth into the rack, which, of course, speedily ends in disaster. If we desire to practically test this part of a microscope, we must remove the pinion, take out the bar, clean oli' the ' optician's grease ' with petroleum from both bar and groove, oil with wateh- maker's oil, and replace the bar in the groove, and before refixing the pinion see if it slides smoothly and without lateral shake. What has been said about the ' springing ' of the bar in this special instance applies equally to all moving parts, in stage and sub-stage movements, and wherever constant friction is incurred ; equally applicable, too, is the lubricant we suggest. An instrument left unused in its native ' grease ' for twelve months becomes so immobile in most of its parts by the hardening of its ' normal ' lubricant that motion becomes a peril to its future if persisted in in that condition. If a 'coarse adjustment' be what it should be, all lower powers should be exclusively and perfectly focussed by it, and with the highest powers objects should be found and focussed up to the point of clear visibility. Rack-and-pinion work for microscopes has been greatly improved by the adoption of the suggestion of Mr. John Mayall, jun., to em- SWIFT Fig. 119. — ' Stepped ' diagonal rack- work for coarse adjustment. ^§1 Fig. 120. — Less complex forms. ploy a ' stepped ' diagonal rack -work, which greatly increases the smoothness of the motion. Fig. 119 shows the arrangement as first applied with three racks, the teeth of each part being set out of line to the extent of one-third their pitch, and the spiral pinions being fitted to correspond with the racks. The effect is similar to what would be obtained by pitching the teeth of a single rack three times as finely, but at the same time retaining the strength due to the coarser rack. On account of difficulty in the workmanship the racks were sub- sequently reduced to two, as in fig. 120, which still retains considerable advantage over the ordinary form. There is a defect in either microscope or microscopist if the * fine adjustment ' is resorted to before the object is focussed into clear view, even with the highest powers. The Fine Adjustment. — This part of the modem microscope possesses an importance not easily exaggerated, and deficiency or bad principle in the construction of this makes not only inferior, 158 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE but for critical purposes absolutely useless what are otherwise instruments of excellent workmanship and real value. There arc two kinds of fine adjustment usually employed : — i. Those which simply move the nose-piece which receives the ■objective. , ' ii. Those which move the whole body, or the whole body including the coarse adjustment. Every construction of the second class has proved impracticable, and even pernicious. It inevitably breaks down just as the purchaser, by practice, begins to realise the value of perfect action. With a large experience of stands of every class, we are obliged to say that generally with one or two years of icork it loses whatever value it •at first possessed. To this broad statement there are possibly two exceptions, inven- tions still sub judice, viz. Swift's side lever and Campbell's differential screw, to which we shall subsequently refer. It is, however, upon this model, with all its radical and glaring imperfections, that the majority of Continental microscopes are built. A screw of an extremely fine thread, and therefore of extremely shallow incision — a micrometer screw in fact /ms to hear the ux aro/ lifting and lowering the entire weight of the body, with its coarse ad- justment, lenses, and so forth ; while the sole obji ct of the adjustment should be to give a delicate, almost imperceptible, motion to the object-glass cdone. It needs no great experience bo foresee tin4 inevi- table result ; the screw loses its power to art, and something incom j)arably worse than a tolerable coarse adjustment is left in its place. Yet it is the Continental model that has become the darling of English laboratories, and that still receives the appreciation of pro fessors and their students. True they answer in the main the ]3urposes sought — the exigencies of a limited course of practical in struction. But how many of those who receive it are the medical men of the future, and to whom a microscope not of necessity a costly one — of the right construction would be of increasing value through a lifetime 1 Almost any instrument, however inferior, could he employed successfully with a J-inch objective <»t' ' low angle ' (to give it what has been called 'the needful penetration ' for histological subjects !) to obtain an image corresponding to a figure in a text I k of, Bay, a Malpighian corpuscle, or a sect ion of kidney, brain, or spinal cord. The quality of a fine adjustment is never tested l>y these means, for, in point of fact, a delicate fine adjustment is not even necessary. We write in the interests of microscopical research. It certainly may be taken for granted that the end sought is not simply to use the microscope to verify the illustrations of a text book , a t reat ise, or a course of lectures; without doubt it is a subsidiary purpOM ; but the larger aim is to inspire in the young student confidence, enthusiasm, and anticipation in the methods and promise of histology and all that it touches. But for this there must be potentiality (without costliness) in the mechanical and optical character of the microscopes commended and approved. A low-priced student's microscope of good workmanship and IMPERFECT MODERN MODELS 1 59 perfect design could easily be devised if the demand for it arose. Indeed, during the past few years a certain class of students' micro- scopes have been improved greatly ; this has been a concomitant of the science of bacteriology, which has compelled the use of the sub- stage condenser. We have said enough of the value of this instru- ment in a succeeding chapter, but until recent years histologists did not use it because it was not used in Germany or with German instruments ! Its present use, nevertheless, has had the effect of improving the definition obtained by the objectives used by students generally. Some who perceive this, endeavour to attribute it to the improvement effected in modern objectives, but this is not the case ; the objectives in many cases are not even new, and until the introduction of the Jena glass 1 the ordi- nary students' objec- tives wrere not really so good as the English objectives of thirty- live years ago. But it could easily be shown that one of these early objectives, used as it always was with a con- denser, would surpass in the sharpness of its definition the majority of those now supplied to ' students ' with Continental models. But it must not be supposed that it is only the Continental model that is de- formed by the adop- tion of this radical during the last ten Fig. 121— Koss-Jackson model, years it has been ap- plied to some of the most imposing and expensive instruments made in England and America on what is known as the ' J ackson ' model. This model has one supreme virtue, in the possession of a solid limb. This may take many distinct forms, but it is sufficiently represented in fig. 121, where it will be seen that the 'limb,' which is swung be- tween the pillars, and which carries the body-tubes and the fine 1 Vide Chapter I. l6o THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE adjustment, is in one solid piece. If nothing were sacrificed this would be a boon. Formerly, this model was supplied with a fine adjustment which only moved the nose-piece, but on a principle which we shall see was wrong, and from its imperfections it was abandoned, and the solid Jackson arm was cut, and the whole body and its coarse adjustment was pivoted on the lever of the tine ad- justment. Thus its normal virtue (a solid limb) was sacrificed, and 'a 'fine adjustment,' doomed to failure, was giver, to it. A complex roller, a wedge, and a differential screw have in turn been since employed to re- deem this instrument from the failure that had over- taken it. Partially, or com- pletely, each has failed. The differential screw certainly comes theoretic-ally nearest to success with this form of instrument. Hut at the out- set this is tin* case Only where it wholly abandons the lifting and lowering of the body-tube n of a Mine adjustment, ' and its motion is only brought into operation upon the e rtical side lever is one of the new forms of tine adjust- ment worthy of careful trial ; it has in it elements of great merit. It can, however, only be applied to the Jackson model, and promises to redeem that instrument from what must otherwise have proved its extinction as a tirst -class micro- scope. Th? fj rst form of (his adjust' merit was sound iii principle and ingenious in construction. It is difficult bo know why the in\entor and patentee lias abandoned it for aitot her, t lit- \ ;i iuc of w hich as a modification lias vet to be est ablished. The early form employed by Swift avoided what had lieen a, sheer necessity of all successful line adjust ment b of t his t \ pe, \ i/.. the accuracy ami perfection of the titt in-.;' of t In- nose piece t uhe. This was done, as Bhown in ftg, 124, by attaching a Vertical prism shaped bar, A, to the nose piece, and slid ing this in V grooves in a bos at t he back <>t' the body. A horizontal micrometer screw with a milled head, K, acts on a vertical bent lexer, D, on which a stud, E, fixed to the prism bar bean. There is also an adjust tnent tor Fig. 124.— Swift's patent fine adjustment, tightening up the prism bar in the £, ? V-grooves, Bli. Side shake and loss of time' are impossible with this form of adjustment ; while the power to 'tighten up' by means of the capstan headed screw a FINE ADJUSTMENTS enables wear and tear to be compensated. It is obvious that tin- slowness of the motion is here controlled by three factors : (1) the length of the lever, D; (2) the distance of the lifting-stud, E, from the pivot or fulcrum ; and the pitch of the screw-thread on F. Manifestly, where a side-lever tine adjustment such as this is employed it should be placed on the left-hand side of the operator : we can readily focus with the left hand, and leave the rig] it hand free for moving the slip and effecting other adjustments. Anibi- adjustment screw to the left hand. dexterity is -not at present a common gift, and to have the right hand free is important. This was pointed out by Mr. Nelson when this fine adjustment was first introduced, and he had a student's microscope constructed with the micrometer milled head on the left side, as in fig. 12o. It is manifest, however, that it would greatly improve this adjustment if the screw-pinion were carried right through and a milled head placed on both the right and the left sides of the body. 51 2 1 64 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE On what principle the makers have returned to the former plan of niacin- the head on the right hand of the operator is not easily explained ; but this is the case, and it involves an awkwardness and inelegance in the manipulation of these instruments greatly to be regretted irnTiWuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTi m The later form of this fine adjustment consists m reverting to the plan— which we have seen such strong reason to condemn— of throwing upon the fine-adjustment screw the movement of the entire body. A Jackson limb fitted with this movement has two slides- one for coarse adjustment, which moves the entire body, including the fine-adjustment box; in front of this is a second box or ex- cavation for the fine-adjustment movement of the body only. The mechanism is shown in fig. 126 ; it is precisely similar to that in ficr. 124, with the exception that the stud on which the lever bears is°fixed to the body-slide instead of to the nose-piece-slide. By this very simple mechanism the fine adjustment is applied on the front of the coarse adjustment, and acts on the whole body-tube and not merely on the nose-piece. There remains one other form of this adjustment to be con- sidered ; it is a form of differential sen w devised by the Rev. J. Campbell, of Fetlar, Shetland. Its object is to supplant the direct- action screw, where the form of the microscope may appear to make that a necessity. This has been the case with the Continental model. It was applied by its inventor to a microscope made by himself, and was brought before the Quekett Club by Mr. E. M . Nelson. It is very simple, and IB made by cutting two threads in the micrometer screw. Fig, 127 Avill illustrate the exact method. I> is the milled head of the direct-acting screw. The upper part, S, of the screw has (say ) twenty threads to the inch, and the lower part, T, twenty five threads to the inch. Bis the fixed socket forming part of the limb of the microscope, ami II is the travelling socket connected with the support of the body-tube. The revolution of l> causes the screw thread S to move Up and down in \\ at the rate of twenty turns to the inch, whilst thescrevi thread T causes the travelling socket II bo move in the reverse direction at the rat«- of" twents li\e turns to the inch. The combined effect, I herefore, of t urning J> twenty revolutions isto raise or lower T and with it the body tube ith of an inch, or ^...th of an inch for each revolu tion. The spiralspring below H keeps the hearings in do e contact. Of course any desired speed can be attained by profier combine tion of the threads : thus 32 and :>U would give for each revolution, and 31 and 30 would give This screw has provided for the Continental model w ha t Swift's vertical lever has done for the Jackson model j Mr. Baker, of Holborn, has adopted it and w ith very satisfactory re nil ; for it has passed through that most crucial of tests for a fine adjustment. Fig. 1-27.— Campbell's differential screw fine adjustment. , ' ,,t h of an inch t h of an inch. THE STAGE OF THE MICROSCOPE its employment in photo-micrography, with excellent results ; and Ave hope that it may become the general line adjustment for this form of microscope in place of the old form of direct-acting screw. From the foregoing we learn that there are three types of micro- scope models for which a suitable fine adjustment has been found. i. The bar movement model, for which Powell's first order of lever is the perfect method. ii. The Jackson model, for which Swift's vertical side lever is the best form known. iii. The Continental model, for which Campbell's differentia] screw is the most smooth and delicate device yet suggested. IV. The stage of the microscope will next call for considera- tion. What is known as a mechanical stage must be a part of every tirst-class microscope ; but by this we mean one of perfect work- manship and construction, otherwise it is an impediment and not a help. To this end we would say at the outset there must be thoroughly well-made movements effected by rack and 'pinion and screw. The employment of levers, cams, and that class of stage-gear is in practice, for critical purposes, a mere mechanical mockery. Better trust to and educate the fingers to move the object than be beguiled by any such practically tormenting delusions. They are simply impossible as accompaniments of a first-class microscope. The principle upon which alone a perfect mechanical stage can be constructed, so as to work smoothly without ; loss of time,' and endure constant use without failure, must be the employment of prism-shaped plates sliding in sprung V-shaped grooves, and bearing only on four points. We may test the mechanical quality of the movements of a stage, as in the case of the coarse adjustment, by removing the parts, denn- ing them, and replacing them, when they should work smoothly and without shake. Where the sliding parts are tightened into easily titting and merely ploughed grooves by pressing the pinion into the rack, the desirable result of smooth working and instant responsive- ness of sliding plates to milled heads will not present itself. But besides the perfect action of the sliding parts, a perfect mechanical stage should have equal speed of motion vertically and horizontally. A common fault is that the speed of the rack-work giving vertical motion is greatly in excess of that of the screw giving lateral or horizontal motion. If, for example, a pinion has eight leaves, and the rack it works has twenty-four teeth to the inch, then three turns of the milled head (and pinion) would cause one inch of movement to the stage. In order, therefore, to get the same rate of movement in the lateral motion the screw should be so pitched as only to move the stage through an inch with three revolutions of the milled head. It is most desirable that the pinions should be fixed, not movable with the movements of the stage, and the milled le ads carrying the respective parts should be as near to each other as possible. The best form is that of Tun-ell's, where one (a screw) is hollow, and the other (a pinion) passes through it ; this permits both to be turned at the 1 66 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE 2. 3. same time with one hand, giving a diagonal motion, as well as the separate rectangular ones, and gives great facility for instantly pro- ducing any motion required without removing the hand from its position ; a most desirable attribute of a stage when the rapid move- ments of a living and minute organism are being followed. It still further enhances such a stage if a pinion is carried right through the stage with a milled head at each end. A new form of mechanical stage was devised by Mr. Tolles, and has been adopted in this country. We regret to say that, for work- ing purposes, it is a most undesirable form : flexure is inevitable and •steadiness is impossible. Its character will be understood from fig. 128. It has three principal errors, viz. : 1. Plates so thin that they lack rigidity. The upper plate is only supported on one side. The Turrell milled heads are placed vertically on the top of the stage, a position in which their value is reduced to its lowest in actual work. We have pointed out in Chapter IV. that the stage plates ' >f a mechanical stage should be suitably graduated to Jtun- dn dt hs of n the upper stags jilntr t here should be a ledge for ths slip to rest upon and a st<>]> at ths left liiititl side hi yond wh ieh if can - not be pushed, Thil should be removable-, Fig. 128. — The Tolles mechanical stage adopted by Boss. but capable of being replaced with absolute precision as <<> position. The aperture in the stage should always be large, at least two inches in diameter. There ought always to be space enough above the ordinary slip when it is in position to permit of the easy inset* tion of the index finger, for by its proper use, focussing with the highest powers may be greatly facilitated. The object il to raise or lower the slip, as the objective approaches the object, so as to dil cover how nearly it may be to contact with the front lens of B high power in approaching focus. The focal distance should always be felt and not sought with the eye. QUALITIES NEEDFUI, IN A STAGE 167 Let it be supposed that we are using a dry object-glass with a full aperture, and consequently short working distance. With the riirhl hand the coarse adjustment is worked ; with the elbow of the left arm on the table, the second finger of the left hand resting on an immovable part of the stage, which steadies the whole hand, the index linger should rest lightly on the edge of the slip, and the- thumb be so placed as to graze the objective as it advances towards the slip. The touch of the thumb indicates whether the objective is an inch off or only a quarter of an inch away from the cover of the slip. The movement of the coarse adjustment may be rapid up to ^th or Jth of an inch, but after this there must be a cautious but steady advance. The body may be racked down until by gentle movement the slip is found to touch the front of the objective ; then proceed cautiously by delicately lifting the slip from time to time, the ability to do so proving perfect safety until the focus of the object is obtained. In this way focussing becomes easy and rapid, a matter of touch, and not of discontinuous procedure to ' discover where the front of the lens is' — a search requiring a hand glass and often, with its cumbrousness, considerable loss of time. The above simple plan with brief practice will enable the operator to focus an object in the field with a ^L-inch objective in ten or twelve seconds. If a perfect mechanical stage cannot be obtained, take no middle course, have a firm, well-made plain one with a smoothly sliding ledge. The stage should be large, and the ledge should glide with perfect ease and without catching when gently pushed from one corner. For this purpose the side-guides should be long, and only the ends of the bar should bear on the stage. The aperture should be as in the mechanical stage, and for the same reason. Mr. Nelson suggested a stage of large size, which should have a 1£ or 1| inch aperture bored in it, and then have the intervening brass between it and the front taken away, so that the stage assumes a horse-shoe form. This is thoroughly efficient, and the principle is seen in fig. 125. It is a matter of great interest to English microscopists to note that their German collaborateurs in Germany and the leading German makers have not only surrendered to the sub-stage condenser, and even in its achromatic form, but that at length they have also adopted the mechanical stage ; the form adopted by Zeiss is figured in the accompanying illustration (fig. 128 a). It must, however, be noted that the usual Continental model adopts a small stage with a %-ineh aperture and two fixed spring clips with no sliding ledge; that is, wanting almost everything required to do good modern work. One of the most practical rules for the young microscopist in this relation is, 1 Have your mounted slide in a fixed position, but never clip it if it can possibly be avoided.' In addition to perfect rectangular movements a first-class microscope should have concentric rotary motion to the stage. This is usually effected by rack and pinion, but it is at times desirable to move it with greater rapidity than this admits of. In very well 1 68 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE made instruments the pinion engages the rack so lightly that this rapid motion may easily be given to it. In others the pinion can be disengaged and rapid movement effected. The centre of rotation of the stage should be closely approximate to coincidence with the optic axis, so that in rotation the object should never be out of the field when a fairly high power is used. Elaborate rectangular centring gear has been used by some makers. o o Fig. 12H a. — Zeiss's mechanical stage. and is found in some high-class instruments ; hut t his is not needful, for all that is really required is to rotate an objed without losing ?t. In fact exact centring would have to be readjusted for every separate objective if it were needed. Bui any Blight departure from the axial centre can be much more readily met by bringing the object into centre by the mechanics I stage. There are three movements in every microscope which should be graduated', these are (1) the milled head of the fine-adjustment screw ; (2) the extension draw-tube carrying bhe eye-piece; and (3) THE SUB-STA&E — ITS REQUIREMENTS 169 the rotation of the stage. Divided arcs are imposing, and to tin* multitude look ' scientific ' ; but in practice they are superfluous in the most complete instrument beyond those indicated. There is a simple form of super-stage now employed by many, and we think with advantage, when the cost of a complete mechanical stage must be forgone. This consists of a clip to receive the object, made of glass or brass, so arranged that the bearings shall be glass and the friction reduced to a minimum. Such a super-stage can be made to work with remarkable smooth- ness, *and since some persons have not sufficient delicacy of touch to move so small and thin an object as a 3 x 1-inch slide upon the stage with steadiness and precision, it is in favour of the super-stage that it is larger, moves easily, and can be furnished with convenient points of hold-fast for the hands, and consequently is more manage- able. Against its employment is the fact : 1st, that the slide is clipped into a rigid position ; and 2ndly, that the aperture is too small to admit of the employment of the ringer in moving the slide to assist in rapid focussing. But these are defects which might certainly be overcome. Y. The sub-stag'e is scarcely second in importance in a first- class microscope to the stage itself. It is intended to receive and enable us to use in the most efficient manner the optical and other apparatus employed to illuminate the objects suitably with the various powers found needful. Upon this much of the finest critical work with the modern microscope depends. To accomplish this a good sub-stage must have rectangular movements, and a rack-and-pinion focussing adjustment. The vertical and lateral movements need not be as elaborate as those of the stage, since only a small movement in each direction is required. The object is to secure a centring motion, a motion that will make the optical axis of the sub-stage combinations continuous with the optical axis of the objective. It must therefore be a steady motion ; the sub-stage must move decisively, and must rigidly remain in the position in which it is left. A bad sub-stage moves in jerks, and is liable to spring from the position intended to be final. It is not needful that the motion should be in right lines : motion in arcs whose tangents intersect at right angles are quite as efficient. A steady, even, reliable motion that will enable a centre to be found is all that is required. The focussing adjustment must be smooth, steady, and firm, acting readily and remaining rigid. The recent employment of achromatic condensers of wide apertures has led such critical workers as Mr. E. M: Xelson to suggest a fine adjustment to the .sub-stage. There are times when it is a great luxury and a facile path to delicate and desirable results ; but it may be quite simple, a direct-action screw of fine thread, or a cone which the revolution of a screw pushes horizontally forward upon the bottom of a sliding bar to which the sub-stage is fixed, or an inclined plane acting in ;i slot in the same way. In fact, any simple device for focussing the condenser more slowly than the rack-work will do, pushing the con- 170 THE HISTOEY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE denser up to, or causing it to recede from, the under surface of the slide. But no means should be employed for this end which will imperil the absolute firmness of the sub-stage, or else more will be lost than can be gained. The arrangement in Powell and Lealand's sub-stage is shown in tig. 130, p. 175. It is almost a matter of compulsion to refer here to a recent arrangement known as a swinging sub-stage, which is, as its name implies, a sub-stage so arranged as to be capable of being moved laterally out of the axis in an arc which has the object on the stage for its centre. The sole purpose of this is to secure oblique illumination, which practically, at the time the swinging sub-stage was devised, meant obtaining a more oblique pencil than the condensers then provided could command, and since this also meant sending into the object a small portion of a cone of light in one azimuth, many tacitly assumed that this alone was taken to be 'oblique illumination/ But whatever sends oblique light through an object into the objective is an oblique illuminator. Two condensers may have numerical apertures of 14 and 1*5 respectively : a stop behind the back lens in each has a narrow sector cut out. representing the con- ditions of the so-called 'oblique illuminators'; by the former we get an oil angle of 131° 10', by the latter a similar angle of 101° *J."> . These sectors of the cone of light of 67° 5' and 80° 41' respec- tively are in every sense "oblique illuminators, 1 and the one more oblique than the other. Whether or not it is needful or best to use such a Bector Ls scarcely an open question; it is manifesl that by taking the stop with its sector away from each condenser and sending in the <-<>m plete cone of light formed by the condenser, we are still using oblique illuminators, but the obliquity is in nil azimuths. There can be no doubt that a large aperture in a condenser provides the microscopist with far greater wealth of resource than an oblique illuminator in one azimuth can ever gi\e him. A condenser with an oil angle of 161° 23' is much more valuable than even the semi-angle obtained by a mere section of a luminous cone. The power to utilise the entire cone Ls ;i gain <>t I lie highest order. It will be manifest to all that we wan1 concentration as well ai obliquity. In the catadioptric illuminator of Mr. Stephenson, the one defect, as in discussing it we point out, is, in our judgment, want of concentration, due to the length of focus of its concave reflector. Ordinary concentration depends upon the /,ou>i r <>f th> condenser. If it is required to concentrate the lighl from the edge of the flame of a paraffin lamp upon an Amphipleu < < r, II ',,<■',< I,,, the condenser must be at least a Jth inch or /.th inch in power, which w ill give an image of the flame nearly the same size as the object. The amount of light which is concentrated upon that object will of OOUrse depend upon the aperture of the condenser. An oblique cone of great in tensity is here what is needed ; the illuminating cone should be equal and conjugate to that which exists between the object and the objective. Now it is certain that this condition cannot be met by an 'oblique ' OJJLIQl'E ' ILLUMINATION illuminator ' of the kind commonly understood by that name ; to gel immersion contact, which is of course a sine qua non, we must employ a hemispherical button — or one greater than a hemisphere — placed in immersion contact with the under surface of the slide. This may be illuminated by a beam from a dry combination, made oblique by the sub-stage being swung out of the axis. Granted that the angle is attained which can be got with a condenser of great aperture, we manifestly obtain only a portion, and an attenuated and small portion, of the light given in every, or at will any, azimuth by the condenser. Theoretically perfect illumination of an objective, for example,, a gth of N.A. 1*4 or 1*5, would be obtained by using a precisely similar objective as a condenser, with its back lens stopped down by a slotted stop, the slot being of the size of the peripheral sector required to be illuminated. The cone of illumination would precisely equal that taken up by the objective, and would be of maximum intensity. Now these conditions are more nearly approached by a high-class achromatic condenser of great aperture and of homogeneous construc- tion than by any other means. The value of oblique illumination is not here in question ; what we believe clearly shown is that, however much may have been done by oblique illuminators dependent on swinging sub- stages, and the like, the same things can be better done tuith immersion condensers of great apertures and perfect corrections. The swinging sub-stage, with these considerations — as well as all other ' oblique illuminators ' of its order — is rather a defect in the microscope — unfruitful specialisation in fact — which does not pro- mote the progress of either the instrument or the worker. And this will apply to those complex forms of microscope known as ' radial,' 'concentric,' and those provided with stages that revolve or ' turn over ' in an axis at right angles to the optical axis of the microscope. In addition to the features enumerated hitherto, a complete *uh- stage should also be provided with a raek-and-pinion rotary motion : this is only really needed in order to use the polariscope. For the purposes of its successful employment this is important, but other- wise its use is very limited. VI. The mirror is also an indispensable part of a complete microscope. In a first-class stand it should be plane and concave and from 2 \ to 3 inches in diameter. It may be mounted on either a single or a double crank arm. In any microscope, if there be only one mirror, it should be conceive. This mirror, from its curve, has a focus, a point in which the reflected rays all meet ; and the mirror should not be fixed, but so mounted that it may be focussed on the object. The plane mirror is sometimes found to give several reflexions of a lamp flame at one time. It is due to some unexplained molecular condition of the glass, and is undesirable for the purpose ; but it may be obviated or altogether overcome by rotating the mirror in its cell until a certain point is reached where all the images will be super- 1/2 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE imposed. All mirrors should be so mounted as to admit of this rotation, The present Editor is greatly in favour of the employment of a rectangular prism cut with care and precision. We get by this means total reflexion and no double reflexions ; and he believes that finer images can be obtained by its means than with the plane mirror. It may be mounted in the place of the plane mirror— that is to say, the concave mirror may be as usual in its cell— and in the other cell, which would have received the plane mirror, the rectan- gular prism may be mounted and be capable of rotation as the plane mirror would have been. It should, however, be noted that this applies only when the light is required to be reflected at an exact right angle. It is of the greatest service when the microscope is of necessity used in a rigidly upright position. . If it be used for angles other than right angles, there will be refraction as well as reflexion ; and as the necessary decomposition of the light into a spectrum will accompany the refraction, care must be exercised to see that the rays emerging from the prism are at right angles to those incident to it, and that the areas of the square faces of the prism are sufficiently large to have inscribed within them a circle equal to the back lens of any condenser used. Some employ what has been known as a ' white cloud illuminator^ that is, a disc of plaster of Paris, or opal glass with a polished surface. But a disc of finely ground glass dropped in to the diaphragm- holder of the condenser will give a precisely similar result. Mr. A. Michael has, however, pointed out the curious tart that an opalescent mirror becomes an inexpensive and excellent substitute for a polarising prism. Typical Modern Microscopes. — We are now in a position to care fully inspect the characteristics of the chief forms of microscope which the modern manufacturers of England, the Continent, and America offer to the microscopist. We confine ourselves to the chief models, indicating more or loss suggestively their merits or defects. We neither discuss all the instruments of any maker nor in every case even one instrument of some makers. This would involve .simple repetition in the main features. The reader can compare for himself th«- microscope <»t' any given maker from whose catalogue he proposes to elect, ami can discover by comparison its incidntc, or <>//,, rn-ise " if/, the type given here to which it corresponds. Beginning with the highest types we place first on the list Powell and Zealand's No. I. This instrument may claim a seniority <»\n- all the foremost instruments, because for nearly forty years i1 has practically remained the same. All its principal features were brought to their present perfection nearly forty years ago, while all other microscopes during this period have been redesigned and materially altered over and overagain. This is nosmall commends tion, for during that period, as the reader so well knows, the aper- tures of objectives have been enormously enlarged, and with this has come a great increase of focal sensibility. As a result the THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE majority of the microscopes of forty years ago are absolutely useless for the objectives of to-day, but the focussing- and stage movements of Powell and Lealand's microscope still hold the first place. Fig. 129 represents the instrument in its monocular form. The foot of the stand is a tripod in one casting ; it has an extended base •of 7 X 9 inches, forming at once the steadiest and the lightest foot of any existing' microscope. The feet are plugged with cork, and when the body is in a horizontal position the optic axis is (as it should be) 10 inches from the table. The coarse adjustment is effected by a bar, consisting of a mas- .sive gun-metal truncated prism in form, which bears only on a narrow part at the angles. It extends sufficiently to focus a 4- inch objective. The arm which carries the body is of unusual length for the type it represents ; but this gives a large radius from the •optic centre of the instrument, and makes the complete rotation of the stage easy. Great efforts have been made to accomplish this in other instruments. The older Ross form from the shortness of the arm only allowed of a two-thirds rotation, and in the Jackson model many different devices have been tried, the latest being the placing of the stage pinions in a vertical position above the stage (tig. 128, p. 166), which is an unquestionable error. The rotation of the stage in the Powell and Lealand model is by means of a milled head most conveniently placed, and the divided circle is on a plate of silver.1 It will also rapidly rotate by hand. The arm is on a pivot, which allows it to be turned away from the stage altogether, and, as we have already indicated, the length •of the arm lent itself to the use of a longer lex er tor the tine adjust- ment (p. 161). The milled head is placed behind the strong pivot of the arm, where vibration is impossible, and it is in an easy and natural position for the access of either hand. The body may be, with great ease, entirely r< movt djrom the arm ; this makes the use of the binocular or monocular body or of a short or long body a matter of choice, whileit gives access for cleaning and other purposes to the nose-piece tube, as well as for the inst i l ion and focussing of the lens used with an apertometer,a or an analysing prism. So also it is of service in low-power photo-micrography. We have already referred to the stage of this instrumenl ; but it may be briefly stated that it is large, lias complete rotation, it has one inch of rectangular motion, being graduated to the , ,'M,th inch for a tinder. There is the saw, speed in the vortical and the lateral movements, and the pinions do not alter their positions. The aperture of the stage is amply large. The ledge of the stage has a stop placed on its left hand side; this is held by a screw, but is removable at pleasure. Two massive brackets under the stage remove all possibility of flexure. The sub-stage has rectangular movements by -crew in either direc tion, as well as a rotary movement by pinion. The coarse adjust fluent is by rack-work, and a fine adjustment is added when desired. 1 This is now made of platinum if desired, and thus tarnisli is obviated. 2 Chapter V. p. 337. POWELL AND LEA LAND'S BEST STAND 175 Fig. 130 illustrates this stage, showing its under side in order to enable the fine adjustment to be seen. The vertical and upper horizontal milled heads are centring screws acting at right angles to each other, while the diagonal screw to the left is the milled head, which causes the stage to rotate, and it will be seen that at the end of the screw turned by A is a milled head controlling a screw spindle terminating in a steel cone, B. On rotating A, B turns and with a very slow motion forces up (or releases, as the case may be) a pin, C, inserted in the base plate, E, of the sub-stage. This motion of C carries with it the con- denser. At right angles to, and forming part of E at the back an inner sliding plate works against a spring at the upper end between bearings F at each side which are fixed upon the FlG 130._poweii and LeaWs sub-stage usual racked slide, 1), 01 the sub- with fine adjustment, stage ; the inner sliding plate is the essential addition to the usual racked slide in the application of the new fine adjustment to the sub-stage. The range of motion is about ^ inch — the difference in radius between the smaller and larger ends of the steel cone. The mirror is plane and concave, with double-jointed arm. The finish and workmanship of this instrument are of the highest order. The seen and the unseen receive equally scrupulous care. The present Editor has had one of these microscopes in constant, and often prolonged and continuous, use for over twenty years, and the most delicate work can be done with it to-day. It is nowhere defective, and the instrument has only once been - tightened up ' in some parts. Even in such small details as the springing of the sliding clip — the very best clip that can be used — the pivots of the mirror, and the carefully sprung conditions of all cylinders intended to receive apparatus, all are done with care and conscientiousness. An instrument of this kind may be made to appear perfect to the eye, but at the same time may lack some most important elements as a finished instrument. But this is an instrument of the highest order as such, and at the same time a very fine specimen of highly finished brass work. A note must be made before leaving this microscope upon the size of the tubes in the body and the sub-stage. Powell and Lealand were the only makers whose gauge of tubing had a raison d'etre ; the size of the tube was such that it would take in a binocular body a Huyghenian 2-inch eye-piece, having the largest field-glass possible. The size of this field-glass depends 011 two factors. i;6 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICKOSCOPE 1. The distance between the centres of the eyes. 2. The mechanical tube-length. Tn order that the binocular may suit persons with 'narrow Fig. 131.— The original Ross model. centres' to their eyes, the distance between them should not In- greater than 2-i- inches. The mechanical tube-length is 8| inches for R< )SS' ORIGINAL MICRi >S< !( >PE the standard tube. Wlien the eye-pieces were 'home' in their places in the tubes they just touched each other, the inner sides of the binocular tubes being cut away; so under the above conditions a larger held than is thus obtained is simply impossible. The size of the field-glass determines the size of the eye-piece, and that was made to fix the diameter of the body-tube. Very wisely these makers made the tube of the sub-stage the same size, so as to have one gauge of tubing throughout. This allows a Kellner or other eye-piece to be used as a condenser, thus reducing the number of adapters. Lately this firm have altered their sub-stage tube to a gauge of 1-^ inch, as recommended by the Royal Microscopical Society. This involves an adapter where the sub-stage apparatus was adapted to the old gauge, or when an eye-piece is used as a condenser; for 1}, inch is an impossible size for a binocular body-tube. The Itoss ?nodeI, in its completest form as left by Andrew Koss (though not now made to so large an extent as formerly), deserves study. It was a bar move- ment, with a foot formed of a triangular plate to which were bolted two parallel upright plates to carry the trunnions of the microscope. This base was defective in not being sufficiently ex-, tended to carry so large an instrument, with its centre of gravity so high. This instrument is illus trated in fig. 131. The coarse - adjustment bar was rectangular, which is theoretically inferior to a prism, but it is well sprung and works with great smoothness. The fine adjustment is a lever of the second order, with the milled head in the middle of the bar, which involves tremor, and the tube of the nose-piece is short, making shake pos- sible. Pig. 13_\ — Ross-Jackson model. The stage movements are of unequal speed, th© lateral movement being slower than the vertical. There is no finder, and the rotation of the stage is but partial. The sub-stage and mirror are good. It was a commanding N 178 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE instrument in its day, and was of excellent workmanship and finish ; but it was not equal to the strain of critical work with immersion objec- tives of great aperture. Nevertheless the defects of this stand could have been readily corrected. With a more extended base, a better arrangement of the fine adjustment, a mechanical stage constructed on better principles, and the rotation made complete and concen- tric —which it was not— this would have been, even for our present requirements, an admirable instrument. This important firm were otherwise advised, however : and, in- stead of correcting the errors of the instrument whose history they had made, they designed an entirely new model in which a J ackson limb was substituted for the bar movement. Fig. 132 illustrates this, form of the instrument, from which it will be seen that the foot also was changed for the worse by being cast in one piece ; the base was not sufficiently extended, and the hinder part of the foot was too large, so that it sometimes rocked on four points, because the hinder part was too wide — a flat surface, in fact. A true tripod will stand firm on an uneven table, but this form will not. It is a form fre- quently used by various niakers now, and is known as the ' bent claw.' It is a bad design, and may be, as it has been, easily thrown over laterally. The introduction of the Jackson limb brought its inevitable troubles — notably, with the fine adjustment — to which we have fully referred under that head. But in the Ross- J ackson model the fine- adjustment screw was placed behind the body (as the figure shows), which was an improvement ; still the body and the coarse adjustment were both carried by the fine-adjustment lever and screw. This form could not — as it did not — long prevail. Its existence was ephemeral, and in its place was put a modification of the form devised by Zentmayer, known subsequently as the Ross-Zentinayer model. This was the Ross-Jackson instrument with a 'swinging sub-stage.' This instrument is illustrated in tig. I .">.">. It will he seen that the foot is a true tripod, consisting of a triangular base with two pillars rising from a cross-piece, which carried the trun- nions. We have already assessed the value of a swinging sub-stage, and found that in our judgment it is at best redundant. 1 No microscope is complete without a good condenser, all, and much more than all that can be done by a swinging sub-stage can he done with a slotted stop at the back of the condenser. This elaborate appendage is there fore without justification. Yet in the impatience for large illumi- nating apertures, which were not at that time prodded In/ condensers^ this phase of illumination was carried to a still greater and more elaborate development in the production of a conn it/ric microscope. This was a Ross-Wenham, known as the rail in I microscope. In the early days of this instrument, when no achromatic condenser exceeding 170° in air was to be obtained, in some very difficult researches needing all the great advantages that come from great aperture, the present Editor was able, with much labour, to get results with this instrument not otherwise attain- 1 P. 169 et seq. 180 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE able but which were none the less almost counterbalanced by the deficiency of its line adjustment. Nevertheless since the advent of . i chromatic and apochromatic condensers with oil contact all this is changed. F13. 1M. Fig. ia:>. centre, and in addition to this it has a swinging sub-stage. The optic axis of this instrument is capable of being rotated in three planes at right angles to one another with the object as a This will be seen and understood from the illustrations given in tigs. 134-137. Concerning the line adjust- ment of this as a .Jackson model primarily we have already written. Another h', nihil/ form of the first clci88 is the No. 1 of Messrs. R. and J. lieck. The early an- cestor of it was shown on page 154, but it has undergone im- portant changes as it is now presented (fig, L38). It is a Jackson model, the foot being a good tripod, and the trunnions on pillars (as fig. L38 illus- trates). It has a short lever fine adjustment, L, acting on a nun-able nose-piece, and placed in front of the body so that the body and coarse adjustment are carried by the fine-adjustment screw. The stage has a rotation, but not complete. The stage aperture is not so large as it should be; on a pivot attached to the limb the Fig. 130. BECK'S FIRST-CLASS MICROSCOPE 1 8 1 entire stage can be rotated, so as to be set at any inclination, thus complying with the temporary need so elaborately met by the ' radial ' form ; and the angle can be recorded on the divided plate, R. But the stage may be inverted so that an object may be placed on its under part. The sub-stage proper has no rectangular centring- movements, but these are supplied on a separate adapter. There are no specialities in the character of the swinging apparatus, save that the whole of this part of the stand can be raised or lowered on a dovetailed fitting in the optical axis of the instrument by the lever, Z, in order to raise or depress the centre of the arc of the swing to keep it concentric with the object, and by that means to compensate for various thicknesses of slip. The sub-stage apparatus is focussed by the milled head W. The entire bar is attached to an arc, J, working in the circular fitting, Y, and rotated by means of the milled head X — the amount of rotation being recorded bv a graduated circle — and the sub-stage can be swung above the stage on either side for dark-ground illumination. The mirror fits in a tail-piece, V, or it can be fitted on to the swinging sub-stage, U. There is an Fig. 137. elaborate arrangement for the rotation of the entire instrument on its foot, which is graduated at B. It is not easy to see the practical purpose of this, as the object is not in the axis of rotation ; but it is provided in order that ' the microscope may be turned round with- out being lifted from the table, and the amount of such rotation registered/ The workmanship of these makers is of the highest order, and many of their pieces of apparatus have great structural merit. This their leading microscope is an imposing piece of tine work ; but the model we have seen has defects against which the finest work- manship and ingenuity of device strive without satisfactory result. Swift and Son formerly made two instruments of the first class, one having a bar movement similar to that of Andrew Ross, the other a Jackson similar to Beck's. The principal difference was that the foot was of the 'bent claw" form. We have already seen that by their invention of the vertical lever fine adjustment (tigs. 124 and 126) Swift and Son have made possible a useful future for the Jack- son limb ; and their model of this form, with the exception of an in- complete stage rotation, has the stage and sub-stage movements ; the Fig. 138.— E. and J. Bock's No. 1 stand. Fig. 139. — Zentmayer's microscope 1 84 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE latter, however, depends for its action upon a loose ring opposed on one side by a spring which is counteracted at will by screws, so altering the position of the centre of the sub-stage. It is not the best form for so important a part of the instrument. All the movable parts of Swift's instruments are sprung on Powell and Lealand's method, and the movements are smooth and sound. There have been many stands devised by American opticians during the past twelve or fourteen years, but they have been based u | ion one or other of the great English models, and the modifications,, whether for good or evil, have been adopted into the recent modifi- cations of the older English types, and have been incidentally described. It should be remembered that Zentmayer, of Philadelphia, devised the model from which the Ross-Zentmayer was finally formed. Its principal feature was to obtain oblique illumination in one azimuth by the swinging stage. The fine adjustment of this instrument was niost defective. Tolles, again, who wholly deserves the very high reputation he attained, made an instrument in which he mounted the stage on a disc, as is now the case with the Beck model (fig. 138). Near the edge of this disc the sub-stage is made to travel in a groove carrying the condenser, or dry combination, in an arc round the object as a centre. This was only another elaboration of the same swinging sub-stage. In later constructions of this form, Tolles first used the mechanical stage actuated by two pinions vertical to the surface of the stage and subsequently adapted by Ross (fig. 128). The fine adjustment in this instrument had the fatal defects characteristic of its form. Bulloch, another American maker of note, made some modifica- tions in the Zentmayer model, but they were in the interests of the swinging sub-stage, and, although no doubt ingenious, must pass with this transient form of the microscope An illustration of the leading form of Zentmaver's microscopes is seen in fig. 139. It will be noted that, as in the case of the Ross form of it (fig. 133) its chief characteristic — no longer, if ever, a merit— is its swing- ing sub-stage. But this has the claim of being the first modern in strument to respond to the cry for swinging sub-stage, and certainly no better response has subsequently been made. In the stage on the complete instrument is the ingenious ar- rangement of a glass super-stage, which has been so freely adopted in England on a certain class of instrument, and, in the absence of a complete mechanical stage, is the only substitute to be tolerated. But another stage was mads with this instrument, shown in fig. 140, with, however, some modifications in detail. This is not distinct from English forms of stage of long standing. A modification of this stand was devised by Bulloch, seen in tig. 141. It presents no special point, save the employment of a Gillett condenser with the diaphragm drum above the /nisrs ! A later development of this form of instrument is given by the same maker some years later, and shown in fig. 142; but the chief difference consists in the adoption of a stage in which the milled heads stand upon the stage, which is the reverse of an advance. WALE'S TRA VEKSLVi ARC Foil LLYIR An instrument made by Bausch and Lomb, and known as their professional microsco]w, is illustrated in fig. 143. It is on the same general plan, but the mirror and sub-stage bars can be moved inde penclently of each other, or simultaneously when the arm on the mirror is placed in a recess in the sub-stage bar. A speciality claimed for this form is a ' frictionless fine adjust-' ment ' ; but it is one of the many which have the intolerable burden of lifting the entire body of the instrument to secure the delicate- focal adjustment of the object-glass ; and, although highly ingenious, is therefore, to our mind, wholly imperfect for the end in view. Mr. George Wale, of America, devised a plan of some merit for certain classes of microscopes. The ' limb ' which carries the bod \ and the stage, instead of being swung by pivots — as ordinarily — on the two lateral supports (so that the balance of the microscope is greatly altered when it is much inclined), has a circular groove cut Fig. 140. — Zentmayer's stage. on either side, into which fits a circular rid<;e cast on the inner side of each support, as shown in fig. 144. The two supports, each having its own fore-foot, are cast separately (in iron), so as to meet to form the hinder foot, where they are held together by a strong pin ; while by turning the milled head on the right support the two are drawn together by a screw, which thus regulates the pressure made by the two ridges that work into the two grooves on the limb. When this pressure is moderate, nothing can be more satisfactory than either the smoothness of the inclining movement or the balancing of the instrument in all positions j while, by a slight tightening of the screw, it can be firmly fixed either horizontally, vertically, or at any inclination. The ' coarse ' adjustment is made by a smooth-working rack ; but the fine adjustment is made to carry the whole weight of [86 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE the body and the coarse adjustment. This modification has also been adapted by Swift and Son to some of their many instruments. Fig. 141.— Bulloch's stand. We are now prepared to consider second-class microscopes, which, for practical purposes, are simply smaller forms of the first class, with some of the elaborate work omitted. Tims the sta«j<> o Fig. 142.— Bulloch's new Congress stand. 188 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE rotation is usually without a rack-and-pinion movement, while stand and stage are smaller. But in the best instruments the body-tube is Fig. 143.— Bausch and Lomb's professional stand. SECOND-CLASS STANDS .the same length, and they receive the same objectives and sub-stage iittings as No. 1. As a model toe prefer Beck's ' small first-class ' stand to their Large instrument. It has an excellent single pillar tripocl foot, TurrelPs .arrangement of milled heads (like Powell and Lealand's stands) for Fig. 144. — Mr. George Wale's instrument with new form of limb. the mechanical movements of the stage, and rectangular movements for the sub-stage. This is a fine instrument, and would be admirable in every way with a more perfect line adjustment. Powell and Lealand's second-class instrument is, in all essential particulars, buflt upon the principle of their No. 1 stand, though less elaborate. In instruments of the second class there is by no means so great 190 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE a variety, there being not so great a demand for these as there is for those of the third class. It will be useful to discuss the relative merit of the third in contrast with the first class ; but before doing so it will be well to examine some of the best instruments presented to the purchaser as belonging to this class. Third-class Microscopes. — Powell and Lealand make one having a quality of work not second even to their large stand. It greatly resembles their second-class instrument. It is illustrated in fig. 145. The tube length is the same, but the stage and the foot are smaller than in the second-class instrument. There is no rotary movement to the sub-stage, and its centring is done by the crossing of sectors and not lines at right angles ; but this is in no way a defect. All the movements and adjustments are otherwise as in No. 1. As a rule, third-class microscopes are without mechanical stages ; in this respect Powell and Lealand's is an important exception, because it has a stage provided with the most perfect mechanism that can be employed. Beck's third-class microscope is shown in fig. 146. It has a good flat tripod foot with a single pillar. The Jackson model is used, but a peculiar fine adjustment is employed, the lever being placed below the stage, the screw being placed immediately behind the pillar which supports the limb, and Avhere it is easy of access. The body is not affected by vibration when it is touched. The lever is of the second order, and it supports the body limb and coarse adjustment. In fact, save in its fine adjustment, this form approximates somewhat to the Continental model. The fine- adjustment lever is rather short, but it will be found to be steadier and slower than the direct-acting screw. The stage is plain, without mechanical movements ; but it has a movable glass stage over the principal stage ; to this the slip is clipped and the whole super-stage of glass is moved with much ease over a fair area. The aperture in the glass stage is not large enough ; it should be cut right through to the front, which would much increase its usefulness. This instrument also has a sub-stage with rack and centring movements. Swift and Son's third-class microscope in its most suitable form dates from about the time of the vertical lever fine adjustment, patented by that firm. It was first made from the designs of Mr. E. M. Nelson, and it presented three distinctive features : — (1) The milled head of the fine adjustment was placed on the left-hand side of the limb. (2) The stage was of a horse-shoe form, the aperture being entirely cut out to the front of the stage ; and (3) The body-tube, which was of standard size, viz. 8| inches, was made in two pieces which not only secured portability, but also permitted the use of both long and short tubes. This instrument is illustrated in fig. 125. It was also possessed of a cheaply made and fairly good centring sub-stage, to carry Powell and Lealand's dry achromatic combination lilted with a turn- THIRD-CLASS STAN US 191 out rotary arm to carry stops. The sub-stage was made by adapi ing Swift's centring nose-piece, and providing it with a rack-and-pinion focussing arrangement, as illustrated in fig. 147. There was also a graduated stage-plate and sliding bar, a plan devised by Mr. Lewis Fig. 145. Wright for a finder. The eye-pieces were provided with rings, like Powell and Lealand's, outside the tube to govern the depth which each should slide into the draw-tube, by which means the diaphragm is in the same place whatever the depth of the eye-piece employed, Fig. 11C. — Messrs. R. and J. Beck's third-class micrc scope. A GOOD STUDENTS M ](']{< )SCOPE 193 and it was constructed to do critical work with the highest powers. Another form of this instrument has recently been introduced by the firm of Chas. Baker, of Holborn, London. It arose in a sugges- tion by Mr. Nelson, that this form should be adapted to the Campbell differential screw fine adjustment, making a good quality third-class microscope. It should be noted that the differential screw permits of slow action being obtained by means of coarse threads ; it is therefore very strong. In the ordinary Continental form of direct-acting fine-adjustment screw, if the motion is slow, the thread must be fine. Hence in forms where the fine adjustment is made to lift the body, the differential screw is of great value. Fig. 148 illustrates this admirable instrument. It has a true tripod foot of the Powell and Lealand type, a plain horse-shoe stage with a sliding bar, a condenser focussing by a spiral action, and a rack- and-pinion coarse adjustment to the body, with draw-tube arranged to work with apochromatic objectives made for either long or short tube. Fig. 147. — Centring nose-piece used as sub-stage. Fig. 148. — Nelson's form. This instrument has the peculiarity that the stage is H inch below the trunnions, which has the effect of lowering the centre of gravity when the instrument is in a vertical or nearly vertical posi- o THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE tion. When horizontal the optic axis is 8J inches from the table. The ends of the feet are plugged with cork. It proved on testing that the Campbell differential screw was equal to the most critical work, and could be used in photo-micro- oraphy. As a result several additions were made, such as raek-and- pinion focussing and rectangular movements to the sub-stage and a rack- work arrangement to the draw- tube. Subsequently a larger and heavier instrument was made, having a ^-inch more of horizontal height. In this model the milled head of the differential screw is placed below the arm, instead of above it, which is an improvement for photo-micrographic purposes, and no special detriment in ordinary work ; and, if required, a differential-screw fine adjustment can be fitted to the sub-stage. A rotary stage is also sometimes put to this instrument, but those which we have seen have not given the aperture sufficient dimensions for modern focussing. This instrument in its complete form as devised by Baker is shown in rig. 149. The stage has changed its form ; but if the aperture be kept large enough this may be fully counterbalanced by the rotation given to it, and with the Campbell screw fitted behind the mirror for the fine adjustment of the condenser is a very attrac- tive and useful microscope, and may be safely recommended to the amateur and the student. There is not sufficient rack-work to focus the 70 mm. objective of Zeiss, but the nose-piece unscrews and the objective is held inside the tube by an adapter. This larger form of the instrument is placed amongst microscopes of the third class because it is unprovided with a mechanical stage, but a supplementary and removable mechanical stage, devised by Mr. John Mayall and made by Baker, and Swift, and also by Zeiss, of Jena, can easily be added, as it is in the figure (149). This acts fairly well, and is a useful appendage for more delicate stage work. Fourth-class Microscopes.— Tin sse should have a rack-and-pinion coarse adjustment and a direct-acting differential-screw tine adjust- ment, a plain stage and, if possible, a sliding tube sub-stage. Beck's ' Economic ' is of this class, as is also the ' Star ' microscope by the same makers. The former has the flat tripod, as tig. I •">(), representing this instrument, shows, and it may be obtained furnished with a glass super-stage. The present Editor can speak highly of this instrument for elementary class work, and especially with a glass stage. The ' Star' microscope is also a very remarkable instrument, sufficiently so to justify us in departing from a rule to point out that with two eye-pieces, two objectives — a ?y-inch and a £-inch — a, sub-stage con- denser, with an iris diaphragm, with the whole placed in a. cabinet, is sold for 51. 15s. An instrument of the same class is made by Swift and Son ; it is shown in fig. 151 — a very common model, having rack and-pinion coarse adjustment, direct-acting screw fine adjustment, and plain stage on a ' bent claw ' foot. When first introduced these instru- ments were little better than the Hartnack instruments made in England, with inclining bodies on a claw foot, instead of a solid mass of metal. But they have been greatly improved in the past few years. INEXPENSIVE MH 'R< )S( '( >I'Ks '95 . Microscopes are made also like the last, without rack-and-pinion coarse adjustment, by many makers, which might be classed as fifth- Fig. 149. — Baker's modification of Nelson's form. class instruments, while some are yet made without a fine adjust" merit ; and it is a little notable that the best of this class was made by the late Hugh Powell, whose maxim was that a microscope with only a good coarse adjustment was to be preferred to one having only a tine adjustment with a sliding tube for the coarse adjustment. o 2 TORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE Fig. 150. — Beck's economic microscope. and is supplied with a beautifully made sliding Ledge, which wi'l] move easily and firmly with pressure from one side only. INEXPENSIVE MICROS!'* >I'KS ^J7 The stage is fastened to the upper side of two brackets which are cast in one piece with the limb ; on the under side of these brackets there is another plate which holds the sub- stage tube. This instrument is supplied with large plane and concave mirrors ; and considering that it constitutes a sixth class of microscope has very much in its favour as a secondary instrument for the work-table. Like all these makers' instruments the feet are plugged with cork Fig. 151. — Swift's fourth-class microscope. and we know of some of these microscopes that have been in use for forty years, and are still the trusted 'journeymen ' instruments of mounters and other workers of various orders in many depart- ments of microscopy. The Messrs. Beck also make a microscope of this kind called a 'histological dissecting microscope.' It is illustrated in tig. 152 ; the body is removable, and ' loups ' or simple lenses can be used instead. 198 TEE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICEOSCOPE The two modes of use are seen in the figure. In this case, however, the body does not incline ; but in simplicity and price for an in- strument of this class it deserves commendation. Portable Microscopes— Microscopes that may be readily taken from place to place, and which are yet provided with the arrange- ments required for using the principal apparatus, are of importance in some investigations, and are desirable by the majority of those who have a living interest in microscopic work. The earliest, and still the best form of this kind of microscope was made by Powell and Lealand. As opened for use it is illustrated in fig. 153 ; but the tripod foot folds into what becomes practically a single bar, and is bent by means of a joint to occupy the least space. The body unscrews, and the whole lies in a very small space, giving at the same time fittings in the cabinet for lenses, condensers, and all needful apparatus. The coarse and fine adjustments to the body are as in the 'No. 1 stand, so are the stage movements ; and the sub-stage Fig. 152. — Beck's histological and dissecting microscope. has rack-and-pinion movements and rectangular sector centring, while all the apparatus provided with the largesi instrument can be employed with it, We have used this instrument for delicate and critical work for fifteen years and there is no falling oil" in its quality ; and when packed with the additional apparai us required the ease is 12 x 7 x 3 inches. Swift and Son subsequently made an instrument on similar lines. The tripod and stage are packed practically as Was Powell and Lea land's, but the stage in this case is plain. It carries a very con- venient achromatic condenser, to which we call attention in its proper PORTABLE MICROSCOPES 199 place ; but. its fine adjustment is so unsteady that it cannot be used with high powers or for critical work. This instrument 'set up' is seen in fig. 154, and in its packed Fig. 153. — Powell and Lealand's portable microscope. condition it is illustrated in tig. 155. The case in which this instru- ment is packed is 10 J x 6^ x 3 ^ inches. The Messrs. Beck were the next in order of time to manufacture -an instrument of this kind. This is illustrated in tig. 156. It differs THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OE THE MICROSCOPE from the two preceding forms in being a Jackson model. The bin- ocular body and the coarse adjustment have to be lifted and lowered by the fine adjustment whenever it is used. The stage is plain, but it rotates, and the sab-stage has no centring gear. The instrument packs into a box 104- x 7£ X 3 J inches. There is a condenser specially made for this instrument. _ Mr.'Housselet has designed an admirable little instrument of port- able form but of the sixth class. It is binocular. The tripod folds : the stage is plain, with a sliding ledge. The condenser focusses by Fig. 154. — Swift's portable microscope, means of a spiral tube, within which an inner tube slides, carrying stops, diaphragms, etc. The mirror is jointed so as to be vised above the stage; and as its focus is only 1J inch can be used as a side reflector. It is also arranged so that eye-pieces with large field glasses may be employed. It packs in a box 10^ x 5i x 3^ and weighs six pounds complete. Microscopes employed for the purpose of minute dissection are of considerable importance in certain kinds of work. Many instru- ments specially adapted are made, although the majority are arranged for simple lenses. But an instrument of great value arranged for DISSECTING MICROSC< >PE8 20 r use with compound lenses has been devised by employing the bin- ocular of Mr. Stephenson. This instrument is illustrated in fig. 1">7. It is made by Swift and Son. The stage is a large, flat table, with special rests for the arms. The objective and binocular part of the body remain vertical and focus vertically by a rack-and-pinion- coarse adjustment, there being no fine adjustment. The bodies above the binocular prisms are suitably inclined, mirrors being placed inside them to reflect the image. This reflexion also causes the erection of the image, which is valuable to the majority engaged in inse'ct dissection or the dissection of very delicate and minute organ- isms or organs. We have now to consider tJie most primitive stands adopted for simple microscopes. That in the form of a bull s eye stand is the Fig. 155. least complex form possible. This instrument holds an intermediate- place between the hand-magnifier and the complete microscope, being, in fact, nothing more than a lens supported in such a manner as to be capable of being readily fixed in a variety of positions suitable for dissecting and for other manipulations. It consists of a circular brass foot, wherein is screwed a short tubular pillar (tig. 1 58), which is ' sprung ' at its upper end, so as to grasp a second tube, also 'sprung,' by the drawing out of which the pillar may be elon- gated by about three inches. This carries at its upper end a jointed socket, through which a square bar about 3£ inches long slides rather stiffly : and one end of this bar carries another joint, to which is attached a ring for holding the lenses. By lengthening or shortening the pillar, by varying the angle which the square bar makes with its summit, and by sliding that bar through the socket, almost any posi- 202 THE HISTORY ASD EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE tion and elevation may be given to the lens that can be required for t^pTrposes to which it maybe most usefully applied, care bemg ffARE Fig. 156. — Beck's portable microscope. taken in all instances that the ring which carries the lens should (by •means of its joint) be placed horizontally. At A is seen the position SIMPLE LENS OR LOUP-HOLDERS 203 which adapts it best for picking out minute shells or for other similar manipulations, the sand or dredgings to l»e examined being spread upon a piece of black paper and raised upon a book, a box, or some other support to such a height that when the lens is adjusted thereto the eye may be applied to it continuously without unnecessa ry fatigue. It will be found advantageous that the foot of the micro- scope should not stand upon the paper over which the objects are spread, as it is desirable to- shake this from time to time in order Fig. 157. — Swift's Stephenson's binocular-, arranged for dissecting purposes. to bring a fresh portion of the matters to be examined into view ; and, generally speaking, it will be found convenient to place it on the opposite side of the object, rather than on the same side with the observer. At b is shown the position in which it may be most conveniently set for the dissection of objects contained in a plate or trough, the sides of which, being higher than the lens, would prevent the use of any magnifier mounted on a horizontal arm. The powers usually supplied with this instrument are one of an inch focus, and a second of either a half or a quarter of an inch. By unscrewing 204 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE the pillar, the whole is made to pack into a small, flat case, the extreme portability of which is a great recommendation. There is, however, a form of mounting for this instrument, which was devised by Quekett, which has superior advantages. In the form illustrated we are obliged to mechanically arrange the horizontally of the lens, which, of course, is important, In Quekett's form the loup or lens- is so hung in a ring that it has a pendulous motion, and with every change in the position or angle of the bar, the lens, by the action of gravity, becomes perfectly horizontal. ' This is by far the best form of mounting. Although the uses of this little instru- ment are greatly limited by its want of stage, mir- ror, etc. yet, for the class of purposes to which it is suited, it has advantages over perhaps every other form that has been de- vised. AY here, on t he other hand, portability may be altogether sacri- ficed, and the instrument is to be adapted to the making of large dissec- tions under a low magni- fying power, some such fori ii as is represented in fig. 159 — constructed by Messrs. Baker on the basis of thatdevised by Professor Huxley for the use of his Practical Class at South Kensington — will be found decidedly prefer- able. The framework of the instrument is solidly constructed in mahogany, all its surfaces being blackened, and is so ar- ranged as to give two up- rights for the support of the stage and two oblique rests for the hands. ^ Close to the summit of each of these uprights is a groove into which the stage-plate slides ; and this may be either a square of moderately thick glass or a plate of ebonite having a central perforation into which a disc of the same material may be fitted, so as to lie flush with its surface, one of those being readily Fig. 158. DISSECTING 1 XSTR I ' M K N TS 205 substituted for the other, as may best suit the use to be made of it. The lens is carried 011 an arm working on a racked stem, which is raised or lowered by a milled-head pinion attached to a pillar at the further right-hand corner of the stage. The length of the rack is sufficient to allow the arm to be adjusted to any focal distance between two inches and a quarter of an inch. But as the height of the pillar is not sufficient to allow the use of a lens of three inches focus (which is very useful for large dissections), the arm carrying the lenses is made with a double bend, which, when its position is reversed, as in the dotted outline (which is readily done by unscrewing the milled head that attaches it to the top of the racked stem), gives the additional inch required. As in the Quekett micro- scope, a compound body may be easily fitted, if desired, to a separate arm capable of being pivoted on the same stem. The mirror frame is tixed to the wooden basis of the instrument, and places for the Fig. 159. — Laboratory dissecting microscope. lenses are made in grooves beneath the hand-supports. The ad- vantages of this general design have now been satisfactorily demon- strated by the large use that has been made of it ; but the details of its construction (such as the height and slope to be given to the hand-rests) may be easily adapted to individual requirements. A very portable simple microscope stand has been designed by Mr. Ward to take a Steinheil x 10 aplanatic loup. It consists of a circular table on three legs ; it has a mirror, one side of which is arranged for white cloud illumination ; it also has a bull's-eye for opaque. The focussing is performed by a sliding arm, and the whole packs into the remarkably small area of a case whose outside dimen- sions are 3 J X 2 J X 1 inches. But the very best form of dissecting microscope for loups or simple lenses which we believe to be at present constructed is made by Zeiss. We illustrate this form, fig. 1G0. It has a large firm stage 4 inches square and \h inches from the table, to which wooden arm-rests can DISSECTING MICROSCOPES 207 be attached, or i:ot, as may be desired. The stage has a Large opening, 3 x 3-| inches, into which can be placed either a flat brai plate, or a glass substitute, or a metal plate with a half-inch hole in it. Underneath the stage are black and white screens which can readily be turned aside. The arm which is focussed by an excel lent spiral rack-work adjustment carries either a Zeiss dissecting microscope, which with and without its concave eye-lens yields six. different powers, varying from 15 to 100 diameters, or the arm will receive the very fine Zeiss- Steinheil loups. The instrument is provided with a large plane and concave, mirror on a jointed arm. The utility of this simple microscope is very great, and we do not hesitate to pronounce it the best thing of its class we have ever seen. A substantial and elaborate form of dissecting microscope, devised Fig. 161. — Beck's binocular dissecting microscope. by the late Mr. R. Beck, is represented in fig. 161. From the angles of a square mahogany base there rise four strong brass pillars, which support at a height of four inches a brass plate 6^ inches square, having a central aperture of one inch across ; upon this rests a circular brass plate, of which the diameter is equal to the side of the preceding, and which is attached to it by a revolving fitting that surrounds the central aperture, and can be tightened by a large milled head beneath ; whilst above this is a third plate, which slides easily ovei the second, being held down upon it by springs which allow a move- ment of H inch in any direction. The top plate lias an aperture of H inch for the reception of various glasses and troughs suitable for containing objects for dissection ; and into it can also be fitted a spring-holder, suitable to receive and secure a glass slide of the ordinary size. By turning the large circular plate the object under observation may be easily made to rotate, without disturbing its 208 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICKOSCOPE relation to the optical portions of the instrument ; whilst a travers- ing movement may be given to it in any direction by acting upon the smaller plate. The "left-hand back pillar contains a triangular bar with rack-and-pinion movement for focal adjustment, which carries the horizontal arm for the support of the lenses ; this arm can be turned away towards the left side, but it is provided with a stop which checks it in the opposite direction, when the lens is exactly over the centre of the stage-aperture. Beneath this aperture is a concave mirror, which, when not in use, lies in a recess in the mahogany base, so as to leave the space beneath the stage entirely free to receive a box containing apparatus ; whilst from the right- hand back corner there can be raised a stem carrying a side condens- ing lens, with a ball-and-socket movement. In addition to the single lenses and special combinations ordinarily used for the purposes of dissection, a binocular arrangement was devised by Mr. R. Beck, on the principle applied by MM. Nachet, about the same date, in their stereo-pseudoscopic microscope. Adopting Mr. AVenham's method of allowing half the cone of rays to proceed to one eye without inter- ruption, he caused the other half to be intercepted by a pair of prisms, and to be by them transmitted to the other eye. But we find its utility to be practically limited by the narrowness of its field of view, by its deficiency of light and of magnifying power, and by the inconvenience of the manner in which the eyes have to be applied to it. The Continental Model. — Our one purpose in this treatise is to endeavour to promote what we believe to be the highest interests of the microscope as a mechanical and optical instrument, as well as to further its application to the ever-widening area of physical investigation to which, in research, it may be directed. To this end throughout the volume, and especially mi the subject of the value and efficiency of apparatus and instruments, we have not hesitated to state definitely our judgment, and, where needed, the basis on which it rests. Incidentally we have expressed perhaps more than •once our disapproval, and with ourselves thai of many <>t' the leading- English and American microsropists, of i ihe form of microscope known as the Continental model; and we cherish strong hopes in the in- terests of the science of microscopy that so enterprising and eminent a firm as that of Zeiss, of Jena, will bring oul a model that will comport more completely with the needs of modern microscopical research than even the best of the models that they now produce. It is to this house, under the cultivated guidance of Dr. Abbe, that we are indebted for the splendid perfection to which the optica] side of the microscope has been recently brought ; and when we know that the ' Continental model' has in the hands of the firm of Zeiss passed from an instrument without inclination of the body into an instrument that does so incline, and from an instrument without, sub-stage or condenser into one provided with the latter of these abso- lutely indispensable appendages, and finally from an instrument wit h a perfectly plain stage with ' clips ' into what is now a stage with me •chanical movements — we can but hope that these concessions to what, lias belonged to the best English models for over fori y years may lead A CRITICISM OF THE ' (ONTI MENTAL' STAND 209 to an entire reconstruction of the stand— a wholly new model in- tended to meet all the requirements of modern high-class work in all ■departments, and with a hue adjustment of the most refined class. We cannot doubt, if this were so, that the same genius which has so nobly elevated the optical requirements of the instrument would •act with equal success on its construction and mechanism. i §|jWe have written throughout this book too frankly of the eminent services of Messrs. Zeiss to the furtherance of the interests and pro- gression of the microscope as a scientific instrument to be misunder- stood in making a plain estimate of the quality of the model on which their elaborate and in some senses beautiful, stands are built. It will be seen that Ave everywhere justify our judgments by plain and -easily comprehended reasons, and the very eminence of the makers renders it incumbent that practical microscopists should, without a shade of bias, assess the value of a stand which is certainly not built on lines that contribute to a higher and still more efficient microscopy. At the same time we do not blind ourselves to the fact that an English market for the ' Hartnack * model has had very much to do with the perpetuation of the errors which that form contains. The reason of this it is not difficult to trace. The inductive method advanced but slowly, in practice, upon the professional activities and even the professional training of medical men. The country which was the home of Bacon and Xewton, and Harvevand Hunter theoretically accepted, but was not quick to apply, the methods of induction to the work of its medical schools. Theory and empiricism held a powerful place in both the teaching and practice ■of medicine in England until the earlier years of the present centurv. Medicine was absolutely unaffected by Bacon until the latter half of the seventeenth century. It was not until the early years of this cen- tury that the modern school of medicine began its beneficent career. But at that time the microscope — one of the most powerful instru- ments which can be thought of in the application of experimental and deductive methods to the science of medicine — was looked upon and treated by the faculty as a philosophical toy, a mere plaything for the rich dilettanti. But in spite of this the microscope was brought gradually to a high state of perfection, and by the end of the first third of the century was remarkably advanced as a practical instrument, all its essentials being more or less completely developed. Meanwhile, on the Continent, the microscope was regarded by the Faculty as a scientific instrument of great and increasing value, being used to good purpose in making important discoveries in anatomy, histology, and biology generally. This was gradually revei the objective is placed the stage, above which again is the mirror for reflecting light downwards through the object placed upon it. The focal adjustment is made in the first place by means of a sliding tube which carries the objective, and then by the micrometer screw, 1 This idea was suggested at nearly the same time by Dr. Leeson, and was carried out in an instrument constructed for him by Messrs. Smith and Beck. ADAPTABLE CHEMICAL AM) ORDINARY STANDS 217 V, which raises or lowers the stage. The platform on which tin- optical apparatus rests can be moved in rectangular directions by the two milled heads, O, T, and is furnished with two graduated scales by means of which it may be brought with exactness into any posi- tion previously recorded, so that any point of the object may be immediately re-found — an arrangement of special value in cultivation experiments. On the stage is a circular glass cell, C, for holding the fluid to be examined; in the bottom of this is an aperture which is closed by a piece of thin cover-glass well cemented round its edgQS, thus allowing the use of high magnifying powers having a very short focus ; while its top is ground flat, so that a cover of thin plate glass may be closely fitted to it by the intervention of a little Fig. 165. — Bauscli and Lomb's laboratory microscope, used for chemical work. grease or glycerine, the whole being secured in its place by three small uprights. The cell is furnished also with two small glass taps, R, R, with which indiarubber tubes are connected. By this cell — which may be made to serve as a moist, a warm, and a gas- chamber — experiments on the rarefaction and compression of air, and on the absorption of gases, can be made with great facility. For 'cultivation' experiments smaller cells are provided, which are attached to brass plates so arranged as to have a lixed position on the stage. The Bausch and Lomb Optical Company have now combined the above with the ordinary vertical form of n tie rosea p>\ the principle in- volved being (they believe) entirely new. This form of instrument is particularly adapted for chemical investigations, for the reason 2l8 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE tli at crystals may be studied as they lie in their natural position in any depth of fluid, and the head is sufficiently distant from the stage not to inhale any fumes. Further than this, it is valuable in the examination of diatomacese and other objects in water which are heavier than it, and therefore .sink to the bottom; also in the moist histological preparations, as Fig. 166. — The same instrument changed into an ordinary form. they adhere to the surface of the slide, and are therefore in one plane. It is also an excellent dissecting microscope, as it is partially erecting, offers no hindrance to manipulation with any power, and makes it convenient to observe the object directly. There are two forms, the 'Laboratory' and the 'University.' The Laboratory microscope, when used as an inverted instrument, is shown in fig. 165. CHEMICAL MICKOSCO I ' i;s 219 The mirror-bar swings on an axis in the plane of the stage to any point above or below it. The mirror and sub-stage are adjustable on the mirror-bar. The sub- stage, carries a revolving diaphragm, and is fixed on a pivot, so that it will swing in and out of the optic axis, allowing the polariser to be attached and ready for instant use. On the slide is the arm, to the lower side of which is fastened the prism box. On the upper horizontal surface of this is the nose-piece, with an extra adapter for high powers, and in the oblique surface is a screw- socket for the body-tube. To transform the instrument into an ordinary microscope (fig. 166), the tube is unscrewed, the milled head at the front of the arm loosened, which releases the prism box, and the arm is swung on its r Fig. 167. — The ' University ' microscope as a chemical instrument. axis from between the pillars into an upright position. The tube is now attached to the opposite side of the nose-piece, and after the stage-clips are reversed it is ready for work. The 'University' microscope (figs. 167 and 168) is in its general construction similar to the preceding, except that the (single) pillar •and the arm are not japanned, but are of brass, and that the instrument swings on an axis which is the same as that of the mirror-bar. The stage consists of a glass plate mounted in a brass ring. The prism used for inversion is that suggested by Mr. J. Law- rence Smith in 1851, having four faces, with angles of 57°, 150°, 48°, and 105°, the rays being twice totally reflected. Tank microscopes (also called aquarium microscopes) have, for 220 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE certain kinds of work, a value of their own. They may be used witli low powers outside the glass or above the water; or the object-glass may be protected by a water-tight tube outside it, and with a disc of glass fixed (also water-tight) into that end of the tube which stands be- low the front lens of the objective, at a proper distance for the focus, may then be plunged into the aquarium. Indeed, the tube of the instrument may be so protected as to work for some depth, and have some range in the water of a o-ood-sized tank. A beautiful instru- ment of this class has been devised by Mr. J. AY. Stephenson for the examination of living objects in an aquarium. A brass bar is laid across the aquarium, as shown in the woodcut (tig. 10!)). To adjust it to aquaria of different widths the support on the left is made to slide along the bar, and it can. be clamped at any given point by the upper nulled head. The milled head at the side, by pressing on a loose plate, fastens the bar securely to the aquarium. Between the ends of (he bar slides an n rm carrying a, sprung- socket, and the arm can be clamped at any given point of the bar. Through the socket is passed a glass cylinder, cemented to a brass collar at the upper end, and closed at the lower by a piece of cover- glass. Into this cylinder is screwed the body-tube of the microscope with eye-piece and objective, which are thus protected from the water of the aquarium. The microscope is focussed by rack and Fig. 168. The 'University' microscope fixed for upright use. AQUARIUM MICROSCOPES 2 2 1 pinion (milled head just below the eye-piece), and in addition the objective is screwed to a draw-tube, so that its posit ion in the cylinder may be approximately regulated. The arm of the socket is hinged to allow of the microscope being inclined in a plane parallel to the sides of the aquarium. The lower milled head clamps the hinge at any desired inclination. The socket also rotates on the arm, so that the microscope can be inclined in a plane parallel to the front of the aquarium. Thus any point of the aquarium can be reached. A very convenient form for some classes of botanical work with very low powers, and also for aquarium work of a general kind, was Fig. 1G9. devised by Ross and Co. It may be either monocular or binocular, and has a rack movement on a horizontal bar, giving it considerable range; and a rack focal movement on the upright bar and on the body, with an additional screw movement in a direction to and from the observer, so that all the principal movements arc arranged in its construction. Its general character will be understood by the illustration given in fig. 170. It is extremely useful in the general study of small tanks. Mr. C. Collins's aquarium microscope (fig. 171) differs from all other forms in that it is applied to the side of the aquarium itself. This is accomplished by making use of a simple pneumatic apparatus. The head of the ' sucker ' is shown on the left of the drawing, with 222 THE HISTOEY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICEOSCOPE an indiarubber ring surrounding a central piston. The ring is applied to the glass surface of the aquarium, and the air is exhausted by screwing round the head of the piston seen on the right. Two turns are sufficient to fasten the sucker securely. The rod to which the support of the body-tube is attached passes through the sucker-arm, and can be clamped at any height desired. Professor E. Schultze has designed and Messrs. Klonne and Miiller have made the microscope, fig. 172, for the observation of small aqua- tic organisms in an aquarium specially constructed for the purpose. There are three parts : (1) the stand, the greater part of which is nickel-plated ; ('2) the aquarium ; (3) the illuminating mirror. Fig. 170. The stand consists essentially of a microscope-tube, which i.s supported in a horizontal position upon a tripod in such a way that it can be moved in three different directions by rack and pinion. The column of the tripod carries a rack and pinion, by which the tube is moved vertically. On the tube which carries the rack is a slid- ing piece with a second rack for the horizontal movement from right to left ; upon this slide the microscope is fixed in a horizontal posi- tion, and can be moved backwards and forwards in a tube provided with rack and pinion. There are therefore three movements — verti- cal, horizontal-lateral, and horizontal-sagittal— so that the organism AQUARIUM MICKOSC< >PES 223 observed can be followed by the tube as it moves upon the glass wall of the aquarium. The aquarium consists of a stand with a frame which carries the aquarium proper, 10 cm. in breadth and height and 10 mm. in thickness ; this may be replaced by others. The frame is made of brass lacquered black. The aquarium itself consists of a horseshoe- shaped piece of glass, both sides of which are closed by plates o€ cover-glass, leaving the upper end open. It is thus possible to observe an organism upon either of the two thin sides with an objective gi\ in g a linear amplification of 200 to 300. To screen off the superfluous lighl and the numerous reflexions in the aquarium, the frame carries a diaphragm arrangement which can be applied on either side at pleasure. This consists of a sliding plate which moves the two horizontal guides ; it is divided into three parts, and has an oblong. Fig. 171. — Collins's aquarium microscope, applied to the aquarium by a 'sucker.' opening in one of the divisions. In this opening a thin plate slides., and can be clamped at any point. In this plate again is a circular aperture, which can be closed to a greater or less extent by various diaphragms kept in position by a small spring. If an animal or other small organism is on the upper left-hand corner of the side turned towards the microscope, the sliding plate is first moved so that the vertical longitudinal opening lies in the left-hand third, the small plate is then set so that its opening lies in the upper third. If, on the other hand, the animal is on the right- hand side, the larger sliding plate is moved so that the longitudinal opening lies on the right, and if the animal is towards the bottom, the small slide with its opening is moved downwards. The two sliding plates are now so directed that light may be thrown by the mirror through the aquarium and upon the animal on the front side. The aperture can be further reduced by diaphragms. 224 THE HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THE MICROSCOPE The mirror is concave, 10 cm. in diameter, and fixed upon its stand with a ball-and-socket joint so that it can be adjusted in any position. As an adjunct, and admirable aid to the student of the tank and pond, as well as a simple and easy means by which specific forms of microscopic life maybe be found and readily taken, we call attention to the tank microscope of Mr. C. Rousselet. It is illustrated in fig. 173 and scarcely needs further description. One of Zeiss's Steinheil f loups ' or aplanatic lenses, to which we have referred, is carried on a jointed arm, which is clamped to the tank,1 the tank being nowhere deeper than the range of focus of the lens employed. The arm moves on a plane parallel to the side. Fig. 172. — Professor E. Schultze's aquarium microscope. of the tank, and the lens is focussed by means of a rack and pinion, arranged upon the body of the clamp, as seen upon the left-hand corner of the figure. The following points will recom- mend themselves to those who are in the habit of looking at their captures with the pocket lens in the ordinary way : When an object of interest is found, it can be followed with the greatest ease and taken up with a pipette, both hands being free for this operation. 1 We prefer to have a stand or ' rest' for the tank, and on one side of tliis a firm pillar to which (and not to the side of the aquarium) the jointed arm is clamped. This enables shallower and deeper tanks to be employed without shifting L 1 1 < - radl carrying the ' loup.' AQI'AK1L'.M MICROSCOPES 225 It so frequently happens th.it a minute object is Lost simply by removing the pocket lens for an instant to take up the pipette . in the above apparatus the lens remains in the position in which it has been placed. Microscopes have been arranged in many ways to facilitate class demon- stration in microscopic- work, but we have seen none that is more simple, efficient, and inexpensive than that suggested by Dr. Beale. The instru- ment is made by attaching its outer tube on a wooden support to a horizontal board, which also carries a small lamp attached to it in the required position (tig. 174). The object having been fixed in its place, and the coarse adjustment made by sliding the body in the outer tube, these parts may then be immov- ably secured, nothing being left movable except the eye-tube, by sliding which in or out the tine adjustment may be effected. Thus Fig. 173. — Ronsselet's aquarium microscope. Fig. 174. the whole apparatus may be passed from hand to hand with the greatest facility, and without any probability of disarrangement, and every observer may readily 1 focus ' for himself, without any risk of injuring the object. 226 CHAPTER IV ACCESSORY APPARATUS Tins chapter on apparatus accessory to the microscope might be easily made to occupy the whole of the space we propose to devote to tiie entire remainder of the book ■ the ingenuity of successive micro- scopists and the variety of conditions presented by successive improve- ments in the microscope itself have given origin to such a variety of appliances and accessory apparatus that it would be futile in a practical handbook to attempt to figure and describe. We propose, therefore, only to describe, and to explain the mode of successfully employing, the essential and the best accessories now in use, neglect- ing, or only incidentally referring to, those which are either sup- planted, or which present modifications either not important in them- selves, or accounted for by the fact of their production by different opticians. I. Micrometers and Methods of measuring minute Objects.— It is of the utmost importance to be able with accuracy, and as much simplicity as possible, to measure the objects or parts of objects that are visible to us through the microscope. The simplest mode of doing this is to project the magnified image of the object by any of the methods described under ' Camera Lucida and Drawing ' (p. 233). If we carefully trace an outline of the image, and then, without disturbing any of the arrangements, remove the object from the stage, and replace it with a k stage mi- crometer,5 which is simply a slip of thin glass ruled to any desired scale, such as tenths, hundredths, thousandths of an inch and up- wards. Trace now the projected image of this upon the same paper, and the means are at once before us for making a comparison between the object and a k?ioivn scale, both being magnified to the same ex- tent. The amount of magnification in no way affects the problem. Thus, if the drawn picture of a certain object exactly fills the in- terval between the drawing representing the -01 inch, the object measures the *G1 inch, and whether we arc employing a magnifying power of a hundred or a thousand diameters is not a factor that enters into our determination of the size of the object. In fact, all drawings of microscopic objects are rendered much more practically valuable by having the magnified scale placed beneath them, so that measurements may at any time be made. In favour of the above method of micro-measurement, it will be noted (l)that no extra apparatus is required, (2) that it is extremely simple, and (3) that it is accurate. The most efficient piece of apparatus for micro measurement is MICROMETER EYE-PIECE without doubt the screw-micrometer eye-piece ; it was invented 'by Ramsden for telescopes, and if well constructed is a most valu- able adjunct to the microscope. It is made by stretching across tin; field of an eye-piece two extremely tine parallel wires, one or both of which can be separated by the action of a micrometer screw, the circumference of the brass head of which is divided into a convenient •number of parts, which successively pass by an index as the milled head is turned : it is seen in fig. 175, B. A portion of the field of view on one side is cut off at right angles to the filaments by a scale formed of a thin plate of brass having notches at its edge, whose distance corresponds to that of the threads of the screw, every fifth notch being made deeper than the rest to make the work of enume- ration easier. In the original Ramsden eye-piece one filament was stationary, the object being brought into such a position that one of its edges appeared to touch the fixed wire, the other wire being unoved by the micrometer screw until it appears to lie in contact Fig. 175. — The micrometer eye-piece. l<'u ra )><>11 ucida, and he has counted ninety-six lines in the TTj~jQth of an inch by making the movable wire pass successively over them until the fixed wire was reached. By similar means the Editor has measured single objects less than the iQ^th of an inch. It will have been premised by the careful reader that the stage micrometer must be used in every set of measurements ; at least we Avould strictly emphasise this as the only accurate and scientific method. It has been advised that a record of comparisons with the various lenses in the possession of the microscopist should be made once for all. We decidedly deprecate this method, unless it be in such utterly valueless work, as is sometimes done, where lenses are uncorrected and accuracy of tube-length forgotten or ignored. The correction of an objective and the tube-length ought to vary with every object, and therefore a comparison of the stage-micrometer and the screw-micrometer should be made with every set of measure- ments. Moreover, the majority of stage micrometers exhibit very con- siderable discrepancies in the several intervals between the lines; it is well in the interests of accuracy to take tjhe screw value of each under a high power, find the value of the average, and then note the particular space or spaces that may be in agreement with (he average and always use it. An illustration will make this clear. TO OBTAIN THE VALUE OF A MICROMETER INTERVAL 23 1 Zeiss provides a stage micrometer of 1 mm. divided into '1 and •01 The following are the actual values obtained for eac h of the '05 divisions, viz. — g ^ 8-37 8-38 8-38 8-36 8-36 8-58 8-33 8-31 8-47 8-33 8-33 8-38 8-44 8-38 8-40 8-37 8-40 8-25 8-38 20)16-760 8*38 mean value. In this instance it will be seen that the last division, 8*38, agrees with the mean, and is the best for all future use.1 Having thus obtained a screw-micrometer value for a certain known interval, the screw-micrometer value for any other object being known, the size of the object may be found by simple propor- tion ; thus, viz. if 8*38 is the screw-micrometer value for •05 mm. and 6-45 that for a certain object, the size of the object is (i) 8-38 : 6-45 :: -05 : xmm.; x = _- - = -Oobo mm. 8*38 If the answer is required in fractions of an English inch, all that we need remember is that 1 inch = 25*4 mm.; then (ii) 8-38 : 6-45:: — 5 : jcinch: x = = . = •001515 inch. 8-38 8-38 If the stage-micrometer is ruled in fractions of English inches, then suppose the screw-micrometer value for y^^th inch = 4"_)">7, and that for the object = 6*45 as before. (iii) 4-257 : 6*45 :: -001 : x inch ; 6-45 x -001 nnrr. , x = = *001ol.) inch. 4-257 1 In the number given for screw value the whole number stands for a complete revolution or number of revolutions of the screw-head, and the decimal, the portion of a revolution read off beyond tliis. ACCESSORY APPARATUS [f the answer is required in metrical measurement, then as 1 inch = 25*4 mm. (iv 4-257 : 6'45 :: (-001 x 25*4) : a* mm. ; 6-45 x -0254 -1638 x = -0385 mm. 4-257 • 4-257 In tli is connection it will he as well to give two examples of scale comparison which are sometimes required. Thus you have a certain interval on a metrical stage micrometer which you know to l)c accurate, and you wish to compare an English stage micrometer with this scale in order to find out which particular interval of inch agrees with it. Suppose -05 mm. = 8-38 screw value as above, then all that is necessary is to find the point to which the screw micrometer must be set in order that it may accurately span the inch. Take 1 inch = 25*4 mm. as before ; then -001 inch='0254. (v) -05 mm. : -0254 mm. :: 8*38 : x screw value ; 1 (HI () X •0254x8-38 •05 - = 4*257 screw value. Conversely, if a metrical scale is to be compared with an accurate English one where "001 inch = 4*257 screw value, then the screw value for '05 mm. may be found thus : '001 inch = -0254 mm. (vi) -0254 mm. : '05 mm. :: 4*257 : x screw value ; •05 x 4-257 r0254 8*38 screw value for *05 mm. A A cheap substitute for the screw-micrometer has been devised by Mr. G. Jackson. It consists in having a transparent arbitrary scale inserted into an ordinary Huyghenian eye-piece in the focus of the eye-lens, so that it w ill be in the same plane as the magni- fied image of the object to be mea- sured. It is seen in fig. 178. The method of using it is precisely similar to that of the screw micrometer ; the B value of -xqYu) inch or mm., as the case JijUliAdLiLtikii may be, is found in terms of the arbitrary scale. The value of the object in terms of the same scale is also found, and compari- son made accord- ingly. All that need be done is to substitute the terms of the arbitrary scale for screw values m the preceding examples, and they will meet the case. The arbitrary scale should be capable of movement by a screw, Fig. 178.— Jackson's eye-piece micrometer. ESTIMATING THE EDGES <)E MINI TE OIMKCTS 233 otherwise the appliance is hardly as accurate as the first method of micrometry by simple drawing described above. Of all the methods of micrometry the most accurate is that performed by photo- micrography. A negative of the object to be measured is taken, and then, without any alteration in lube- or camera-length, the magnified image of the stage micrometer is pro- jected on the ground glass : this is spanned by means of a pair of spring dividers. The negative film is then scratched by these dividers. Then you are in a position to make the most accurate measurement the microscope is capable of yielding. It is exceedingly important, when performing micrornetrie measurements, to remember that the precise edges of all objects in the microscope are never seen. Consequently it is impossible to ascer- tain from what point to what point the measurement is to be made. This, while hardly affecting large and coarse objects, becomes supremely important with small objects. Instead of a real edge to an object you get diffraction bands. These bands alter with focus, and also to a greater extent with the angle of the illuminating cone as well as with the aperture of the -objective. Hence it ensues that the accurate micrometry of delicate objects presents one of the most difficult matters encountered in practical microscopy. At the present time opinions differ greatly as to the treatment of particular cases. The following plan of Mr. Nelson's is the outcome of a long series •of experiments : — 1. The focus and adjustment to be chosen may be termed that of the ' black dot ' (see Elimination of errors of interpretation, p. 356) ; in other words, if the object were a slender filament it would be represented white with black edges. These black edges are due to diffraction. If the filament is very slender and the illuminating cone -small, there may be seen a white diffraction edge outside the black one, and perhaps another faint black one outside that again. 2. Reduce, as far as possible, the extent of these diffraction bands by («) using an objective with as large an aperture as possible ; (6) by using as large an illuminating cone as possible. 3. Measure from the inner edge of the inner diffraction band to the inner edge of the inner diffraction band on the opposite side. 4. But if the diameter of a hole be required, then the measure- ment must be made from the outer edge of the outer black diffractive band to the outer edge of outer diffraction band on the opposite side. It must not be forgotten, however, that these rules only apply for a particular focus and a jmrticular adjustment. II. The Camera Lucida and its Uses. — There are a large number of contrivances devised for the purpose of enabling the observer to see the image of an object projected on a surface upon which he may trace its outlines, but they resolve themselves practically into two kinds, viz. 1. Those which project the microscopical image on to the surface provided for the drawing. 2. Those which project the pencil and paper into the field of the microscope. 234 ACCESSORY APPARATUS zontal position. Fig. 179. We shall describe what we consider the most practical forms of each. 7-7 In point of antiquity Wollaston's camera lucida claims the post of honour ; but to use it the microscope must be placed in a hori- Its general form is shown in fig. 179. The rays- on leaving the eye-piece, above which it is fixed by a collar, enter a prism, and after two internal reflexions pass up- wards to the eye of the observer. It is easy to see a projection of the micro- scopic image with this instrument, but it is when we desire at the same time to see the paper and the Angers holding the pencil that the difficulty begins. The eye has to be held in such a position that the edge of the prism bisects the pupil,, so that one-half of the pupil receives the microscopic image and the other half the images of the paper and the hand employed in drawing. If this bisection is not equal, too much of one image is seen at the expense of the other. This was in some sense supposed to be compensated by the use of lenses, as seen in the figure ; but the difficulty of keeping the eye precisely in one position has caused this instrument to fall into disuse, several cameras- being: now devised free from this defect. It has nevertheless one special point in its favour — it does not invert the image, causing the right to be turned to the left, and vice verm. This is an advantage the value of which we shall subsequently see. A simple camera was made by Soemmering by means of a small mirror or circular reflector, which is placed in the path of the emergent pencil at an angle of 45° to the optic axis, thus reflecting rays from the image upwards. The instrument is seen in tig. 180' and slides on to the eye-piece. The reflector must be smaller than the pupil of the eye, because it is. through the peripheral portion of the pupil that the rays, not stopped out by the mirror, come from the paper and pencil. Hence, as in the case of Wol- iaston's camera, the pupil of the eye must be kept perfectly centred to the small reflector. As there is but one reflexion, the image is inverted but not transposed. To see the outline of the image as it is in the micro- scope, the drawing must be made upon tracing paper, and inverted, looking at it as a transparency from the wrong side. There is considerable variety in the experience of different microscopists as to the facility with which these two instruments can be used. The difference in all probability depends on tin greater normal diameter of the pupils of the eyes of some observers in comparison with that of others. Dr. Lionel Beale devised one of the simplest cameras, which has the advantage of being thoroughly efficient. It consists of a piece of tinted glass placed at an angle of 45° to the optic axis, in the path of the emergent pencil. The first surface, of the glass reflects the magnified image upwards to the eye, the paper and Fig. 180.— Simple camera. CAMERjE lucid a-: 235 pencil being seen through the glass. In its simplest form it is seen in fig. 181. The glass is tinted to lender the second reflexion from the internal surface of the glass inoperative. The reflexion of the image is identical with that of Soemmering's. Fig. 182sho\vsatitting adopted byliaust-h and Lomb for the neutral tint camera. It is made of vulcanite, and the half ring to which the frame holding the neutral tint glass is fixed, fits 011 the cap* of the eye-piece, and with sufficient grip. Amongst Hie carru rce lucidce which project tit*- image of tic- paper l pencil into the microscope tube is first that devised by Amici, and adapted to the horizontal microscope by Chevalier. The eye looks through the micro- scope at the object (as in Fig. 181. — Beale's camera. Fic;. 1S2.— Bausch and Lomb's fitting for Beale's neutral tint camera lucida. the ordinary view of it), instead of looking at its projection upon the paper, the image of the tracingpoint being projected upon the field — an arrangement which is in many respects more advantageous. This is effected by combining a per- forated silver-on-glass mirror with a reflecting prism : and its action will be understood by the accompanying diagram (tig. 183). The lay a b proceeding from the object, after emerging from the eye-piece of the microscope, passes through the central per- foration in the oblique mirror M, which is placed in front of it, and so directly onwards to the eye. On the other hand, the ray a', proceeding upwards from the tracingpoint, enters the prism P, is reflected from its inclined sur- face to the inclined surface of the mirror M, and is by it reflected to the eye at b\ in such parallelism to the ray b proceeding from the object that the two blend into one image. Fig. 183. 236 A < !CESSOEY APPARATUS The Editor has used with great facility and success a camera devised by Dr. Hugo Schroder and produced by Messrs. Ross. It is figured at L84, and consists of a combination of a right-angled prism (tig. L85) A B (J and a rhomboidal prism DEFG, so arranged that when adjusted very nearly in contact (i.e. separated by only a thin stratum of air) the faces B C and D E are parallel, and consequently between DE and BE' they act together as a thick parallel plate of glass through which the drawing paper and pencil can be seen. The rhomboidal prism is so constructed that when the face G Fis applied at right angles to the optic axis of the microscope, the axial ray H passes without refraction to I on the internal face E F ; whence it is totally reflected to J in the face DG. At J a part of the ray is reflected to the eye by ordinary reflexion in the direction of J K, and a part transmitted to J' on the face A C of the right-angled prism. Of the latter a portion is also reflected to Iv by ordinary reflexion at J'. The hypothenuse face A C is cut at such an angle that the reflexion from J7 coincides with that from J at the eye point K, thus utilising the secondary reflexion to strengthen the K Fig. 184. — Schroder's Fig. 185. — Diagram explaining Schroder's camera lueida. camera lueida. luminosity of the image. The angle G is arranged so that the extreme marginal ray H' from the field of the B eye-piece strikes upon DGat a point just beyond the angle of total reflexion, the diffraction-bands at the limiting angle being faintly discernible at this edge of the field. This angle gives the greatest amount of light by ordinary reflexion, short of total reflexion. In use, the microscope should be inclined at an angle of 45°, and the image focussed through the eye-piece as usual ; the camera is then placed in position on the eye-piece, and pushed down until the image of the object is fully and well seen. The drawing paper must be fixed upon a table on a level with the stage immediately under the camera. The observer will then see the microscopical image pro- jected on the paper, and the fingers carrying the pencil point will be clearly in view, the whole pupil of the eye being available for both images, the diaphragm on the instrument being considerably larger than the pupil. The eye may be removed as often as required, and if all is allowed to remain without alteration, the drawing may be left and recommenced, without the slightest shifting of the image. Tf a vertical position of the microscope be needful, this may be ABBE'S CAMERA LI ( IDA 237 done by inclining the table and drawing paper to an angle of 45° either in front or at the side of the microscope. Kor accurate- drawing, in all azimuths, the drawing paper should of course coincide with the plane of the optical image. This camera may be used with a hand-magnifler, or with simple • lenses used for dissection and other purposes. Professor Abbe has also devised an instrument which we have used with complete success. The accompanying drawing (tig. 186) will at once show the simplicity of its action. The image of the paper and pencil coming, say, in a vertical direction (S.,, tig. 186) is reflected by a large mirror in a horizontal direction,. W, to a cube of glass which has a silvered diagonal plane with a small circular hole in it in the visual point of the eye-piece. The microscopic image is seen directly through this aperture in the silvering of the prism, while the silvered plane of the prism trans- mits the image of the paper and the operator's fingers and pencil. By the concentricity thus obtained of the bundle of rays reaching the eye from both the microscope and the paper, the image and the Fig. 186. pencil with which it is to be drawn are seen coincidentally without any straining of the eyes. This instrument requires the paper to be placed in a plane parallel to that of the object ; thus, if the microscope is vertical the paper must be horizontal, and vice versa, and it presents the image precisely as it is seen in the microscope. For the puipose of drawing- simply, and where the observer has had no experience in the use of a camera lucida, we should be inclined to recommend this one as the instrument presenting to the tiro the greatest facility. But there is a use to be made of the camera lucida to which this one does not so readily lend itself, which is none the less of great importance ; that is, the determining of the magnifying power of objectives. It is manifest that the distance between the paper and the eye of the observer cannot be so readily determined in this case as in those forms of the instrument where the image of the paper and pencil is seen direct. With one or other of the foregoing contrivances, everyone may learn to draw an outline of the microscopic image ; and it is ex- tremely desirable for the sake of accuracy that every representation of an object should be based on such a delineation. Some persons will use one instrument more readily, some another, the fact being. ACCESSORY APPARATUS that there is a sorb of ' knack ' in the use of each, which is commonly acquired by practice alone, so that a person accustomed to the use of any one of them does not at first work well with another. Although some persons at once acquire the power of seeing the image and the tracing point with equal distinctness, the case is more frequently otherwise ; and hence no one should allow himself to be baffled by the failure of his first attempt. It will sometimes happen, especially when the Wollaston prism is employed, that the want of power to see the pencil is due to the faulty position of the eye, too large a part of it being over the prism itself. When once a good position has been obtained, the eye should be held there as steadily as pos- sible, until the tracing shall have been completed. It is essential to keep in view that the proportion between the size of the tracing and it hat of the object is affected by the distance of the eye from the paper ; and hence that if the microscope be placed upon a support of different height, or the eye-piece be elevated or depressed by a slight inclination given to the body, the scale will be altered. This it is, of course, peculiarly important to bear in mind when a series of tracings is being made of any set of objects which it is intended to delineate on a uniform scale. A valuable adjunct to a camera lucida is a small paraffin lamp, seen to the left of Plate III., which illustrates the correct method of using the camera lucida ; this lamp is simple and is capable of being raised or lowered, fitted with a paper shade, for a great deal of the success attendant on the use of the camera depends on the relative illumination of the microscopic image on the one side and of the paper and fingers and pencil of the executant on the other. It is not a matter to be determined by rules ; personal equation, sometimes idiosyncrasy, determines how the light shall be regulated. Many finished micro- draughtsmen use a feeble light in the image, and a strong light on the hand and paper, and others equally successful manipulate in the precisely reverse way. But upon the adjustment of the respec- tive sources of light to the personal comfort of the draughtsman will depend his success. Care must be exercised in this work in the case of critical images. These must not be sacrificed either by racking the condenser into or out of focus, or by reducing its angle by a diaphragm. If the in- tensity of the light has to be reduced, it must be done by the inter- position of glass screens, and this is beautifully provided in Abbe's camera. The illustration of how the various apparatus for the use of the camera lucida should be disposed, given in Plate III., may be pro- fitably studied. Both mirror and bull's-eye are turned aside, and the hand and pencil are illuminated by the shaded lamp. The lamp illuminating the image is seen, with such a screen of coloured glass as may be found needful, and the lamp illuminating the paper and pencil, and carefully shaded above, is also seen at the eye-piece end of the body-tube. Often, if the image is too bright, we find that bringing the lamp down to illuminate the paper more intensely suffices. If not, use screens ; the illuminating cone must not be tampered with. III. The determination of magnifying power is an important and independent branch of this subject. For this ourpose, and for HOW TO DETERMINE MAGNIFYING POWER 239 the reason given above, Beale's neutral tint camera 1 is eminently suitable — indeed, is the best. We can easily and accuratelv measure the path of the ray from the paper to the eye. What is necessary is to project the image of a stage micrometer on to an accurat < placed ten inches from the eye-lens of the eye-piece. There must be complete accuracy in this matter. We can best show how absolute magnifying power is thus deter mined by an example. Suppose that the magnified image of two T()1(7T)ths of an inch divisions of the stage micrometer spans y^ths of an inch on a rule placed as required ; then (i) -002 inch : '8 inch :: 1 inch : x power ; x = ^ * ^ = 400 diameters ; •002 for it is obvious that under these conditions one inch bears the same proportion to the magnifying power that y^^ths of an inch bears to Ts0ths of an inch. Suppose, now, as it sometimes happens, that the operator is pro- vided with a metrical stage micrometer, but is without a metrical scale to compare it with, there being nothing but an ordinary foot- rule at hand. Let it be assumed that the magnified image of two T/,w mm. when projected covers T^ inch ; then, as there are 25*4 mm. in one inch (ii) *02 mm. : (*8 inch x 25-4) :: 1 : x power ; •8 x 25-4 x 1 x = — — = 1016 diameters. If the reverse is the case, viz. that you have an English stage micrometer and a metrical scale, then, if the magnified image of two y-oVo lncn spans 18 mm., (iii) -002 inch : :: 1 : x ; v ; 25-4 ' x = ^ * ^ = 354*3 diameters. The above results indicate the combined magnifying power of the objective and eye-piece taken at a distance of ten inches. The arbi- trary distance of ten inches is selected as being the accommodation distance for normal vision. The magnifying power, however, is very different in the case of a myopic observer. Let us investigate the case of one whose accom- modation distance is five inches. Here he will be obliged, in order to see the object distinctly, to form the virtual image from the eye-piece at a distance of five inches. To do this he must cause the objective conjugate focus to approach the eye-lens ; consequently he must shorten his anterior objective focus. In other words, he must focus his objective nearer the object. This will have the effect of causing the posterior conjugate focus to recede from the objective towards the eye-lens, and the fact of bringing the inverted objective image nearer the eye lens brings also the virtual image of the eye-lens nearer. 1 Page 235. 240 ACCESSORY APPARATUS Shortening the focus of the objective has the effect of increasing its power ; but as this alteration is proportionately very little, the increase in power is very small ; but the shortening of the eye-piece virtual from ten to five inches has the effect of nearly halving its power. Consequently the combined result of the eye-piece and objective in the case of halving the eye-piece virtual is "to nearly halve the power of the microscope° The increase of the objective power is practically so small that it may be neglected.1 In practice it is found by us- that if the image is projected on a ground glass screen ten inches from the eye-piece, the image is nearly the same size whether foeussed by ordinary or myopic sight. This is in harmony with Abbe's demonstration (pp. 25, 26, fig. 28) that both images are seen under the same visual angle. But, on the other hand, if a myopic sight compares the image with a scale, the magnification will be less than with ordinary vision. To find the precise initial power of any lens, or to find the exact multiplying power of any eye-piece, is not so easy. A laborious, calculation, involving the knowledge of the distances, thickness, and refractive indices of the lenses, is required. But a very approximate determination, sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes, may be easily made, especially if one has a photo-micrographic camera at hand. The principle is as follows. Select a lens of medium power— a ^-inch is very suitable. Now with the microscope in a horizontal position, and with a powerful; illumination, project the image of the stage micrometer onto a screen distant five feet, measured from the back lens of the objective. If no- photo-micrographic camera is at hand, it will be necessary to perform the experiment in a darkened room shading the illuminating source. Divide the magnifying power thus obtained by 6 ; the quotient will give the initial power of the lens at ten inches to a very near approxi- mation. The reason why the result is not perfectly accurate is that the ten inches must be measured from the posterior principal focus of the lens, and that is a point which is not given. But in the case of a power such as a J, it is, in practice, found to be very near the back lens of the objective. So by taking a long distance, such as five feet, the error introduced by a small displacement of the posterior prin- cipal focus does not materially amount to much. There is a further error introduced by the approximation of the objective to the stage micrometer in order to focus the conjugate at such a distance, but this is small. We can see, therefore, that this error tends to slightly increase the initial magnifying power. The initial power of the \ being found, and its combined magni- fying power, with a given eye-piece, being known, the combined power divided by the initial power gives the multiplying power of the eye-piece. Care must be of course taken to notice the tube- length 2 when the combined power is measured. The initial power of any other lens may be found by dividing the combined power of 1 English Mechanic, vol. xlvi. No. 1185. Article on measurements of magnifying power of microscope objectives by E. M. Nelson. 2 Ibid, vol. xxxviii. No. 981, ' Optical Tube-length,' by Frank Crisp. ANCIENT 4 NOSE-P] KCKS ' -Mr -that lens with the eye-piece, whose multiplying power has been determined, by the multiplying power of that eye-piece.1 Nose-pieces. — The term nose-piece primarily means thai pari oi a microscope into which the objective screws, but the term is also applied to various pieces of apparatus which can be fitted between the nose-piece of the microscope and the objective. There are, for instance, .rotating, calotte, centring, changing, and analysing nose-pieces. Nose-pieces, although thought to be so, are not a modern idea ; our predecessors of a century ago employed similar means. Mr. Crisp has recently acquired a microscope, which possesses a double arm, at the end of which is a cell for receiving different lenses. This cell fits over the end of the nose-piece, and so keeps the several objectives which may be inserted in position. It dates, in all probability, from the end of the seven- teenth or the early part of the eighteenth century. But in the early days of the micro- scope rotating discs of objectives, as shown in fig. 187 (or, perhaps, older still, a long dovetailed slide of objectives, such as fig. 188 shows), were frequently employed. It is continually desirable to be able to .substitute one objective for another with as little expenditure of Fig. 1ST. — Rotating disc of ob- jectives. Fig. 188. — Sliding plate of objectives. time and trouble as possible, so as to be able to examine under a higher magnifying power the de- tails of an object of which a general view has been obtained by means of a lower ; or to use the lower for the purpose of finding a minute object (such as a parti- cular diatom in the midst of a slideful) which we wish to sub- mit to higher amplification. This was conveniently effected by the nose-piece of Mr. C. Brooke, which, being screwed into the object end of the body of the microscope, carries two objectives, either of which may be brought into position by turning the arm 189. IG. 180. — Brooke's nose-piece as made by Swift. on a pivot. This is shown in fig- 1 English Mechanic, vol. xlvi. No. 1178, ' Measurement of Power,' by E. If, Nelson. R 242 ACCESSORY APPARATUS The most generally useful of all nose-pieces now in use are the rotating forms which enable one to carry two, three, or four objectives on the microscope at one time, and by mere rotation each is succes- sively brought central to the optic axis, seen in figs. 190, 191, 192, as supplied by Messrs. Beck. It is almost unnecessary now to point out the disadvantage of those older and straight forms which involved the danger of knocking out the front lens of the objectives by bringing it into contact with some part of the stage while the other objective was being focusseci. This objection has been entirely removed by the introduction of the bent form by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, and others, shown in figs. 189-192. There can be no doubt- that for ordinary dry lens work some such device is imperative.. Home, however, who do a very large amount of microscopical work prefer to use two microscopes • the one a third or fourth class micro- scope, with only a coarse adj ustment and a 1-inch objective and mirror,, the other having a coarse and fine adjustment and a J-inch objective with a simple form of condenser and plane mirror, all fine and higher power work being left for a special microscope. The one drawback to the use of a rotating nose-piece is the extra? Fig. 191. Fig. li)'2. weight it throws upon the fine adjustment. As this subject is fully- treated of under the heading of ' Microscope ' no more will be said at present than that a double nose-piece is to be preferred to a triple,, and a quadruple need not be entertained for a delicate instrument unless it is required to find out in how short a time a fine adjustment may be ruined ; for let it be noted that a 2-inch, 1-inch, ^-inch, and' ^-inch objective of English make weigh together 8.} oz. without any nose-piece. For the proper use of a rotating nose-piece the length of the objective mounts should be so arranged that when the objective is- changed little focal adjustment will be necessary. An excellent calotte nose-piece for four objectives is made by Zeiss ; this is so arranged that only the optical portion of the objec- tive is screwed into the nose-piece. This plan much lightens it, so- that the nose-piece and the four lenses weigh 3| oz., or only 1 oz. more than an English ^-inch with a screw collar, and ^ oz. more than; an English -J -inch of wide angle. A centring nose-piece has been made with the view of placing N< ISE-PIECES 243 any objective centra] to the axis of rotation of the stage. It is, of course, much cheaper to centre an objective by means of a nose-piece to the axis of rotation of the stage than to centre the rotary stage to the objective. This, like all other adapters, is an additional weight ; but here there is very little to be gained by it, for if the rotary stage • is well made any objective will be sufficiently centred for all practical purposes. Mr. Xelson, as we have seen (fig. 147), pointed out, at a time when the sub-stage was costly, that such a nose-piece turned upside down, with a turn-out rotating ring for stops &c. fitted below, made a very efficient rectangular centring sub-stage at a small cost. Sub-stages are now quite common and cheap, and centring nose- pieces are seldom used for any purpose. Next to the rotating probably the changing nose-piece is the most important. We do not know from whom, and when, the idea of an arrangement by which an objective could be rapidly attached or detached originated ; but certain it is that the idea is admirable, and one which is scarcely yet as fully appreciated as it should be. It will be quite impossible to go through a tithe of the appliances which have been invented for this purpose ; it will be sufficient to lay down some principles and mention a few in which those prin- ciples are fulfilled. The first principle is that the objective or nose-piece, adapter, or whatever else is used should ' face up.' This means that a flange turned true in the lathe should ' face up ' to the flat side of the nose- piece, which has also been turned true. This ' facing up ' should be made tight by a screw, inclined plane, or wedge, &c. Unless this is done you have no guarantee that the axis of the objective is parallel to that of the body. Therefore all those appli- ances which merely grip the objec- tive, or an adapter screwed on to the objective, are simply of no value. Secondly, the appliance, whatever it is, should be light. Kachet's changing nose-piece which fulfils none of these conditions cannot be called good. The nose- piece is large and heavy, even for the small objective it is intended to take, the screws of which are ^ only in dia- meter against the of that of the Society. The objectives are held by a spring clip on a small flange. Of course, screw-collar adjustment with 1qq y ; .. UAl i- r . ' . . bio. l!)o. — Zeiss s sluling-objective SUCll a device would be Simply lm- changer, with objective in position. possible. Zeiss's sliding-objective changer is most elaborate and efficient, although, as we think, much heavier than it need be. It consists of a grooved slide which screws on to the nose-piece. On each objective is screwed an adapter to slide B 2 7 244 ACCESSORY APPARATUS into the grooved nose-piece. These adapters, which are wedge-shaped and ' face up,' have two novel features, the first being that they are each fitted with rectangular centring adjustments, which permit the objec- tives to be centred to one another ; and the second is, that they have adapters to equalise the length of the objectives, so when a change of objec- tives is made little change of focal adjustment is required. Figs. 193, 194 show the nature of this arrange- ment. In Kelson's chaiwino- nose- piece a small ring with three studs is screwed on to the objective ; a nose- piece is screwed on the microscope having three slots and three inclined planes. Therefoi'e, by placing the Pig. 194. — The objective detached from the body-slide. studs into the slots and giving the objective a quarter of a turn, the studs run up the inclined planes, thus causing the flanges to face up tightly. Mr. Nelson has pointed out a far better and simpler method which dispenses with all extra apparatus. Three portions of the thread in the nose-piece of the microscope itself are cut away, and also three portions on the screw of the objective. Those portions where the thread is left on the objective pass through those spaces in the nose-piece where it has been cut away. The screw engages just as if the whole screw were there and the objec- tive faces up in the usual manner. This plan in no way injures either the microscope or the objectives for use in the ordinary way ; thus uncut objectives will screw into the nose-piece, and cut objec- tives will screw into an uncut nose-piece. This plan is similar to that employed in closing the breach of guns, and it was seeing one of them in 1882 which suggested to Mr. Nelson to adapt the same principle to the microscope. Subsequently it lias been found that in 1869 Mr. James Vogan had proposed much the same plan, only cutting away two portions instead of three ; it is curious that such an excellent idea was allowed to drop. An analysing nose-piece is that which carries a Nicolas analysing prism for polariscope purposes. In some the prism is fixed in the nose-piece, whereas it ought to be capable of rotation. Lastly we have a revolving nose-piece for the purpose of testing objectives. Mr. Nelson, in a paper read before the Quekett Microscopical Club, February 1885, stated that he had observed that certain objectives performed better when the object was placed in a definite azimuth. "With a view to eliminate any possible alteration which might arise from the revolution of the object with regard to the light, he had designed a revolving nose-piece which enabled the objective itself to be revolved true to the optic axis when any imperfection in its performance in a particular azimuth could be immediately noted. This plan had, however, been previously in use by Professor Abbe for a similar purpose, but not, as we believe made public. SUGGESTIONS AS TO FINDERS 245 Finders. — A finder is a very important and valuable addition to a microscope. By its means the position of any particular object or part of an object in a mount can be noted, so that it may be found again on any subsequent occasion. In working on a microscope without a finder it frequently happens that in the prosecution of special research, or in the examination of unknown objects, something is seen which it would be of the utmost value to recur to again ; but the amount of time lost in transferring the object to a stand with a finder is so great that most experienced microscopists do all their search and general work on their best instruments with finders. The usefulness of the finder has caused a large number to be de- vised, but, as in all cases, we only consider those which we believe embody the best practical principles. The first, and by far the best, is the graduation of the stage plates of a mechanical stage by dividing an inch into 100 parts, both on the vertical and horizontal plates. The vertical stage-plate will then indicate the latitude, and the horizontal plate the longitude, of the object, the slip being always pressed close home against a pre- pared stop. For many years Messrs. Powell and Lealand have supplied their Xo. 1 stand with this kind of finder ; and its permanent position, and ease in use, not only give greater facility in special researches, but in reality attach a new value to every slide in the cabinet. Such a worker at critical images as Mr. Nelson has weeks of close work £ logged ' on the labels of his slides. A still better plan is to ' log ' in books in which the slides are numbered. The result is that the labour of days and weeks can be in a moment recalled for demon- stration ; and so accurate is this method that an object so small as a Bacterium termo or a specified minute diatom in a thickly scattered mounting may be at once, and as often as we please, replaced in the field with even high powers. These finders of course are only suitable for the microscope on which the ' log ' was taken. It is beneficial, and even needful at times, to interchange specimens or refer an object to an expert at a distance. In that case a minute dot may be placed on the cover, or a single selected diatom or other object may be fixed upon and its latitude and longitude as read on the microscope of the sender marked on the slide. If the receiver then places this on his microscope and centres it, the differences in latitude and longitude may be noted, and will give the constants for the correction, which must be added to or subtracted from the figures given by the sender. Mr. Xelson has made some very practical suggestions touching the improvement of finders. He suggests, what we heartily accord with — 1. That the stage-stop shall be always on the left hand of the stage. 2. That the zero of the horizontal graduation shall be on the left hand of the scale. 3. That the zero of the vertical graduation shall be on the top of the scale. 4. That when the finder is placed to 0, 0, a spot marked on the 246 ACCESSORY APPARATUS bottom edge of a 3 x 1 inch brass template two inches from the stop shall be in the optic axis of the instrument, In other words, the latitude and longitude of the centre of a 3 x 1 inch glass slip shall be 50, 50. 5. That the divisions shall be in T±j>th of an inch, and the scales one inch long. If these very simple suggestions were adopted generally, an object found on one microscope could be easily found on any other. This, like the ' society's screw ' for object-glasses and a universal sub-stage fitting, deserves, in the interests of international microscopy, the consideration of opticians. In practical ' logging f the use of a hand lens will enable the ob- server to read by estimation very accurately ; half a division can be very approximately judged of, and this is as close as will be required with the highest powers. We have found, for very delicate work, that we could log with advantage between the divisions thus : say * long. 41 ' ; but if slightly over but not an estimated half, 1 41 + ' ; if half, ' 41-^ ' ; if more than this but less than 42, it is logged ' — 42.' .For logging purposes the lens we recommend is one of Zeiss' ' loups,' magnifying six diameters. They are admirable instruments, and are furnished with a handle, which may be used or not at the will of the worker. The other finder we desire to consider is called after its inventor, and is known as ' Maltwood's finder.' 1 It consists of a micro-photograph, one square inch in size, divided into 2500 little squares, so that each is xo*h inch square. Each square contains two numbers, one indicating the latitude and one the longitude. To log any object the slide containing the object must be removed and the slip holding the micro-photograph substituted for it, then the figure in the square which most nearly agrees with the centre of the field is noted. Of course, both the object and the Maltwood finder must be carefully made to abut against the stop. There are two drawbacks to this finder. 1. The divisions are not fine enough, so that it is only suitable for low powers. 2. The removal of the slide, and its substitution by the Maltwood finder, renders it extremely unhandy when using an immersion objec- tive, all the more so if the condenser happens to be immersed as well. If the Maltwood finders are made alike, they are then, of course, interchangeable. Dr. J. Pantocsek describes a finder,2 which appears to have some advantage not possessed by that of Maltwood, which he considers in comparison 1 time wasting ' and ' minute.' Two lines are drawn on the stage at right angles, intersecting in the optic axis ; these are marked 0. Lines a millimetre apart are drawn parallel to those on the upper half and the left half of the finder, thus giving horizontal lines in the right upper quadrant, vertical lines in the left lower quadrant, and squares in the left upper one. Each ten of the lines is marked as shown in fig. 195. 1 Trans, of the Micro. Soc. new series, vol. vi. 1858, p. 59. Zeitschr.f. Wiss. Mikr. vol. v. 1888, pp. 39-42; J. B. M. S. 1889, p. 121. THE IBIS DIAPHRAGM 247 When the object is in the field note is taken of the two lines on which the left and upper sides of the slide rest ; thus, 42 11. Diaphragms. — There are three kinds of diaphragms in First, the commonest form is that of a rotating disc of several ap»-r- Fig. 105. — Dr. Pantocsek's finder. tures graduated as to size. Secondly, a series of separate small discs of metal, with a single central aperture, which fits in a suitable carrier. Thirdly, there is what is known as the ' Iris ' diaphragm, which, in its new form, made with sixteen shutters, has been brought to great perfection by Mr. Baker, and is also beautifully made by Zeiss, as shown in rig. 196. In whatever form the diaphragm may be which is for use with the mirror, it is important that it should not be placed too near the object, as then it does not Ire in the path of the cone, but at its apex, and will not cut the cone unless it be exceedingly small. A very small diaphragm aper- ture is objectionable, as it is liable to introduce diffrac- tional effects. Therefore it is FlG> 190 _z,iss s Iris diaphragm, better to use a larger aper- ture further away from the stage than a pin-hole near the stage. When a diaphragm is used in connection with a condenser, it should be placed just behind the back lens, and never above the front lens. Calotte diaphragms placed close under the stage, and 248 ACCESSORY APPARATUS which have been much in use lately both here and on the Continent,, are a mistake.1 A very good way of cutting down a cone from a mirror is to have the diaphragm fitted so that it can be made to advance or recede from the object. The advantage thus gained is that one aperture is made to do the duty of several. It also permits of careful adjustment. The iris diaphragms have now been brought to such perfection, and are so comparatively inexpensive, that they have superseded for general work and ordinary purposes all others ; but whatever dia- phragm is used it should work easily. Iris diaphragms work some- times so stiffly that the microscope may be moved before the diaphragm. So, too, with the diaphragm wheels, some require a pair of pliers before they can be rotated. This is easily accounted for when we examine the way in which they are fixed. The usual method is to screw the wheel to the under side of the metal stage. Now, if there are neither washers nor a shoulder to the screw, it is more than probable that when the diaphragm is rotated it will screw up and jamb. The purchaser may easily observe a matter of this kind. Condensers for Sub-stage Illumination.2 — This condenser is an absolutely indispensable part of a complete microscope. Its value cannot be over-rated, for the ability of the best lenses to do their best work, even in the most skilful hands, is determined by it. Perfection in the corrections of object-glasses is indispensable ; but those who suppose and affirm that this is all that we need — that the objective is the microscope — cannot understand the nature of modern critical work. The importance of it could not have been realised in the sense in which we know it in the earlier dates of the history of the instrument ; but at as early a period as 1G91 we pointed out (p. 135) that a drawing of Bonanni's horizontal microscope showed the presence of a compound condenser. It is, in fact, of some interest to note how our modern condensers gradually arose. The microscope that amongst the older forms (1094) appears most efficient and suited for the examination of objects by trans- mitted light was that of Hartsoeker, p. 135, fig. 102. It will be re- membered that it not only was furnished with a condenser, but with a focussing arrangement to be used with it, which was not in any way affected by a change of focus in the object. This is a feature which, although not then important, is of the utmost importance now. In the correction of dispersion in the lenses employed in the dioptric form of microscope so much difficulty was experienced that- several efforts were made to produce catoptric forms of the instru- ment ; the most successful of these was that of Dr. Smith, of Cam- bridge, in 1838 ; but this and all other forms of reflecting microscope had but a brief existence and passed for ever away. To the improve- ment of simple lenses much of the earlier progress of microscopic investigation is attributable ; and that known as ' Wollaston's. doublet,7 devised in 1829, was a decided improvement in all respects. It consisted of two plano-convex lenses ; but this was again improved * Quekett, Micro. Journ. vol. iv. p. 121 et seq. - The word 'condenser' throughout this work is applied to optical appliances for tne sub-stage; what is known as the ' bull's-eye ' is not called a 'condenser.' EARLY USE OF THE ( '< )NI)ENSEK 249. by Pritchard, who altered the lens distances and placed a diaphragm between the lenses. When the object was illuminated with a con- denser this formed what was the best dioptric microscope of pre- achromatic times. Good results, within certain limits, may be obtained by means of the best Pritchard doublets. With a -j^th inch the surface of a strong Podura scale may be seen as a surface symmetrically scored or engraved, but the Editor has never himself been able to reveal the 'exclamation ' marks ; and as this is the experience of other efficient experts, it may be taken that no resolution of these was accomplished in pre-achromatic days ; these lenses, in fact, overlapped the discovery of achromatism. But the practical results of the use of achromatic lenses soon led the most experienced men in its theory and practice to perceive that if it were good for the lenses which formed the image, it was also good for the condenser. Thus Sir David Brewster in 1S31 ad- vocated an achromatic condenser in these remarkable words, viz. 1 1 have no hesitation in saying that the apparatus for illumination requires to be as perfect as the apparatus for vision, and on this account I would recommend that the iUumi/nating lens should be ferfeetty free from ch romatic and sjtherical aberration, and that the greatest care be taken to exclude all extraneous light both from the object and from the eye of the observer.' This is a judgment which every advance in the construction of the optical part of the microscope, as used by the most accomplished and experienced experts, has fully con tinned. We have no knowledge, from an inspection of the piece of apparatus itself, of the construction of the compound sub-stage con- denser of Bonanni (p. 135) ; it does not appear to have attracted much attention, and of course it was quite impossible to secure a. critical image by its means. It was focussed on the object merely to obtain as bright an illumination as possible in order that the ob- ject might be seen at all. In the condenser used by Smith in his catoptric microscope (p. 144) we have the earliest (1738) known condenser, by means of which a distinction between a ' critical ' image — that is, an image in which a sharp, clear, bright detinition is given throughout, free from all ^rottenness' of outline or detail — and an i uncritical ' or imperfect image could be made. It was not, apparently, at the time it was first used considered to be so important as we now know it to be ; and it is probable that the mode of focussing the light upon the object by its means was to direct the instrument to the sky with one hand and to use the biconvex condenser with the other. In 1837 Sir D. Brewster writes of it with appreciation, saying that * it performs wonderfully well, though both the specula have their polish considerably injured. It shows the lines on some of the test objects with very considerable sharpness.' No advance was made on this condenser for nearly a century. In 1829 Wollaston recommends the focussing of the image of tic diaphragm by means of a plano-convex lens of j of an inch focus upon the object, and Goring in 1832 says concerning it : 1 There is no 250 ACCESSOEY APPARATUS modification of daylight illumination superior to that invented by Dr. Wollaston.' But Sir D. Brewster objected to this, contending that the source of light itself should be focussed upon the object. He preferred a Herscheleian doublet placed in the optic axis of the microscope. But whilst there is a very clear difference between these authorities we can now see that both were right. Goring, who was also a leader in the microscopy of his day, used diffused daylight, and as the lens he employed was a plano-convex of J of an inch focus, the method of. focussing the diaphragm was as good as any other, because the diaphragm was placed at a distance from the lens of at least five times its focus, so that the difference between diaphragm focus, and ' white cloud ' focus, or the focussing of the image of a white cloud upon the object, was not very great. But Brewster was writing of a candle-flame when he insisted on the bringing of the condenser to a focus on the object, and in this he was, beyond all cavil, right. In 1839 Andrew Boss gave some rules for the illumination of objects in the ' Penny Cyclopedia.' These were — 1. That the illuminating cone should equal the aperture of the objective, and no more. 2. With daylight, a white cloud being in focus, the object was to be placed nearly at the apex of the cone. The object was seen better sometimes above, and sometimes below the apex of the cone. 3. With lamplight a bull's-eye is to be used to parallelise the rays, so that they maybe similar to those coming from a white cloud. Of the old forms of condenser, that devised by Mr. Gillett was, there can be no doubt, the best. It was achromatic, and had an aperture of 80°. Fig. 197 illustrates it. It was fitted with a rotating ring of diaphragms placed close behind the lens combination. This was formed, as the figure shows, by a eonieal ring witli apertures and stops, and on account of the large num- ber of apertures and stops it would admit, which, pro- vided they are carefully ' cen- tred,' are of great value in practical work, as well as from the fact that they are so placed as not to interfere with the stage, makes this arrangement of diaphragms and stops an excellent one, and it is not clear why it has fallen into disuse. It had been the custom to recommend the use of this instrument racked either within or without its focus. Carpenter employed it without and Quekett within, and one or other of these methods was general. But in the use of good achromatic condensers with high- Fig. 197.— Gillett's condenser, from ' Hogj on the Microscope.' WHAT IS ESSENTIAL IN A CONDENSER 25I power work it soon became manifest to practical workers that it is only when, as Sir David Brewster pointed out, the source of light is focussed by the condenser on the object that a really critical image was to be obtained. And Mr. Nelson readily demonstrated this fact even with the condenser Gillett had devised. The next condenser of any moment is a most valuable one, and constitutes one of the great modern improvements of the microscope*. It was an achromatic condenser of 170° devised and manufactured by Messrs. Powell and Lealand. We have used this instrument for twenty-five years on every variety of subject, and we do not hesitate to affirm that for general and ordinary critical work it is still un- surpassed. Fig. 198 illustrates this apparatus. The optical combina- tion is a ith of an inch power, and it is therefore more suitable for objectives tdfij^fe from a jtlt of an inch and upwards ; but by removing the front lens it may ^&!9mr be used with objectives as low as one j^^^^^^^^^Sk Having given to this condenser so fegpi^fcBy ^^^S^^P high a place amongst even those of our immediate times, it may be well to specify what the requirements are ^ ,!' B"'ifr"~"~-' which a condenser employed in critical ^ ,«« t» n -. t 1 -» , .,11-1 7 77 Fig. 198. — Powell and Lealand s work with high powers should meet. condenser. It is needful that we should be able (1) to obtain at will the largest ' solid ' cone of light devoid of spherical aberration.1 Directly spherical aberration makes itself apparent the condenser fails ; that is, when, on account of under-correction, the central ravs are brought to a longer focus than, the marginal rays, or when, because of over-correction, the marginal rays have a longer focus than the central. But (2) it is also an absolute essential that if a condenser is to be of practical service it must have a working distance sufficiently large to enable it to be focussed through ordinary slips. It would be an advantage if all objects mounted for critical high-power work were mounted on slips of a fixed gauge, say '06 inch, which would be ' medium,' "05 inch being accounted 'thin,' and *07 inch 'thick.' It is plain, however, that to combine a large aperture with a great working distance the skill of the optician is fully taxed, for this can only be accomplished (a) by keeping the diameter of the lenses just large enough to transmit rays of the required angle and no more ; (b) by working the convex lenses to their edge ; (c) by making the flint lenses as thin as possible. Now it is due to the eminent Firm whose condenser we have been -considering with such appreciation, to say that the condenser referred to (d) transmits the largest ' solid ' cone free from spherical aberration ; (e) that it has the greatest working distance ; (/) that its chromatic aberrations are perfectly balanced. In the pos- 1 This is one of the many expressions which are inevitable to the practical use of apparatus; it is simply convenient, and means a full cone of light, a cone with none of its rays stopped out. 252 ACCESSORY APPARATUS session of these three essential qualities it has stood unrivalled for upwards of thirty years. The removal of the front lens of this condenser, which may be readily unscrewed, reduces it in power and angle, and therefore makes it suitable for objectives of lower power. This, however, is rather an adaptation involving compromise than an ideal condenser for low powers. When the highest class of work has to be done it is needful to have condensers suited to the power of the objective used. A low-power condenser of much merit is made by Swift and Son;, it begins, in its relation to low powers, where the condenser of Powell and Lealand leaves off. It consists of two doublets with a single front, and is much lower in both power and aperture than that of the latter makers ■ but by sliding off the front cap into which the front lens is burnished both power and aperture may be further reduced. It is achromatic, and is a practical and useful instrument capable of adap- tation to any microscope. Fig.. 199 is a general illustration of this appliance. A condenser having con- siderable value, and specially adapted to lenses of low power, and up to those of \ inch focus, has just been constructed and placed in our hands by Messrs. Powell and Lealand. It was made in response to the earnest suggestion of several leading microscopists, and in many respects fully answers- its purpose. It is achromatic, has a numerical aperture of *83, with an aplanatic aperture for dark-ground illumination is possessed of the highest Its power is a |- inch, and will prove a most useful Fig 9 199. — Swift's condenser. of *5, and qualities. adjunct to the photo-micrographer, since it M ill enable him to get a large image of the source of light on the object; but its aberrations are not so perfectly balanced as we could desire. It is possessed of a new feature so far as the condenser of these makers is concerned, having permanently placed beneath the optical arrangement an iris diaphragrh^ and in addition the con- denser mount is supplied with a series of diaphragms and stops which are placed in a turn-out-arm carrier ; this provides the worker with facility as well as accuracy of method, since both of these can be used under the same adjustment. The aperture of the cone trans- mitted by the condenser with each diaphragm is engraved upon that diaphragm, and with the stops for dark ground; the aperture of the ob- jective with which the stop will yield a dark ground is also engraved on it. This embodies the recommendations we have made below. We give an illustration which is self-explanatory of this appa- 200. Before the introduction of the homogeneous system, and the production of such great apertures by Powell and Lealand as. ratus, fig ACHROMATIC CONDENSER OF LARCH APERTURE ^53 ;a 1*5 in a (lth, a T\,th, and a transmitted by Powell's dry large as could be utilised. But with aperturas such as these, and the subsequent introduction of the apochromatic system of lenses, much larger cones were required. To meet this necessity Powell and Lealand, at the urgent suggestion of English experts, made first a chromatic condenser on the homogeneous system; but this was subsequently succeeded by an achromatic instrument of great value on the same system. Jf.th of an inch focus, the cone achromatic condenser was as Fig. 200. — Powell and Lealand's new low- power condenser. This combination consists of a duplex front with two doublet backs ; it is nearly of the same power as their dry achromatic condenser, but is of much greater aperture. It lias been brought still more recently to a very high state of per- FlG. 201. Fig. 202. 0 ®® * Powell and Lealand's high-power achromatic condenser. fection, having an aperture of 1*40. It will work through a mount- ing slip of "07, and for aperture and working distance is, like its dry predecessor, quite unapproached. We present a general view of this instrument in figs. 201 and 202, but it will be found that other stops than those illustrated will be required, some of these being of little or no value ; while the stops made with rings may be made much less expensively of the same form, but without the outer rings, having merely three points •or arms to rest upon the edge of the socket which receives them. 254 ACCESSORY APPARATUS In its original form it had the great disadvantage that the focussing had to be wholly disarranged to change a diaphragm, but it occurred to the present Editor that this could be obviated by a sliding tube carrying one ring which received the diaphragms. Originally this was fixed at B, fig. 202, the socket for the diaphragms being turned out from that position as in B, fig. 201. By placing this on a sliding tube we can slide the diaphragm carrier down, quite within reach of eye and hand, as at A B, fig. 201, without in the least disturbing the optical combination ; and when a diaphragm has been removed and another replaced in B, fig. 201, is turned in, and the whole is slidden up into position by means of A, as shown in fig. 202. As these sheets are passing through the press, Messrs. Powell and Lealand have placed in our hands an entirely new condenser, strictly apochromatic, employing a fluorite lens in the combination, and presenting features in the highest degree desirable. AYe find its N.A. to be 0*95, its focal length long enough for a thick slip, its- aplanatic aperture '9. It will be of great value in critical work. It is essential for ideal illumination with transmitted light (1) that the illuminating axial cone should be approximately equal to the aper- ture of the objective used ; (2) that the object should be placed at the apex of this cone. If an objective breaks down with this ideal illumination, which is very probable, we must be content to sacrifice the ideal ; or, as is also exceedingly probable, the object under examination lacks contrast, the ideal method must be modified. But if we have a suitable object, and a perfect objective, it is the strong conviction of some leading experts that, as we increase the cone in aperture, we increase the perfect rendering of the image, until the point is reached where the cone from the condenser is equal to the aperture of the objective, and, whatever be the object used, it is advisable not to exceed this. With the most perfect objectives of the present day, we find in practice that the best results are obtained when a cone of light is used, which, on the removal of the eye-piece, is found to occupy three-quarters of the area of the back lens of the objective. ISTo condenser is sufficiently free from spherical aberration to transmit a cone equal to its own aperture. Condensers are all more or less under-corrected, and consequently focus t heir central rays at a greater distance than their marginal rays. If we rack up the con- denser so that the marginal rays are focussed on the object, the focus of the rays which pass through the centre w ill be beyond the object. It is well known to those practised in microscopy that in the case of a narrow cone, from a well-stopped-down condenser — that is, a condenser used with diaphragms of relatively small diameter — the illumination is at its greatest intensity when the object is at the apex of the illuminating cone, and if the condenser is racked either up or down the intensity of the illumination is rapidly diminished. But in the case of a condenser with great aperture, if it be racked, up the marginal rays will have their full intensity, while those which passed through the central portion of the condenser will have a diminished intensity. The extent to which this will take place will be wholly dependent DISCOVERY OF EFFECTIVE APERTURE OF CONDENSER 255 on the amount of under-correction present in the condenser. Tn some condensers the under-correction is so serious, that to obtain a wide, or even a moderate cone we so enfeeble the central cone as to reduce it almost to mere annular illumination, which is not a desirable quality. It will be seen then that the aperture of the cone of light trans- mitted by a condenser plays a very important part in giving critical quality to an image with different objectives. We should therefore, to use a condenser accurately, be able to determine the aperture of the cbne we are using. We may measure the total aperture of a condenser just as we do that of an objective, viz. by means of Abbe's apertometer. 1 But the effective aperture cannot be measured in that way ; that is to say, the aperture of the largest aplanatic cone, or cone free from spherical aberration the condenser is capable of giving, cannot be so discovered. To do this place the condenser in the sub-stage and an objective on the nose-piece, focus both upon an object. Let the edge of the lamp-flame be used, and so arrange the focus of both optical com- binations that the edge of the clear image of the lamp-flame falls centrally upon the object. Now move the object just out of the field, remove the eye-piece and examine the back of the objective, and if the aperture of the aplanatic illuminating cone is greater than that of the objective it will show the back lens to be full of light (fig. 203). Therefore, if the aperture of the objective is -5, we know that the aplanatic illuminating cone cannot be less than *5, If now Fig. 203. Fig. 204. Fig. 205. Fig. 200. we close the diaphragm so that the image of it just appears at the back of the objective, we are able to determine the aperture of the illuminating cone with that given opening in the diaphragm ; thus in fig. 204 it is a trifle less than -5 N. A. In a similar manner the apertures of the other diaphragm open- ings can be determined. Now let the diaphragm be opened to the full aperture, and an objective with a wider aperture, say *95, be used. It will perhaps be found that before we are able to fill the back of the objective with light by racking up the condenser two black spots will be formed on either side the middle of the disc. When we reach the disc of light that is largest (fig. 205), any further racking up causes the appearance shown in fig. 206. The last point before tic appearance of the black spots indicates the largest aplanatic apertn r> of the condenser, and is the limit of the condenser for critical work.2 There are many other condensers of more or less merit and use- 1 Chapter V. 3 ' The Back of the Objective and the Condenser,' E. ME. Nelson, Eng. Mcch. vol. xlviii. No. 1234. ACCESSORY APPARATUS fulness, but we must confine our consideration to those that will prove of greatest value for their several purposes. A condenser known as the 'Webster' was first made in 1865, and is still a very useful one for low powers. It is the same as that made by Swift,1 but without the middle combination. Its an achromatic condenser of much, merit, to which we give consideration below. In its most perfect form this chromatic condenser of Abbe's con- sists of three single lenses, the front being hemispherical, and the 1 Page 252, fig. 199. IMPOBTANCE OF AN A I'LANATIC OONDENSEB 257 two lower lenses form a Herscheleian doublet. This combination is shown in fig. 207, and the general form of the instrument as app]i<<] to Zeiss's own microscopes is shown in fig. 208. The power of this condenser is low, and its aperture is very large (1*36); hence beyond the fact that it is not achromatised it has enormous spherical aberration. The distance between the foci of the central portion and of a narrow annular zone whose internal diameter is |-th-inch is ^10th-inch. Its aplanatic aperture is therefore only *5. Now, whilst it is a gain of no inconsiderable character to have an achromatised condenser, and one which, with greater or less enthu- siasm, all workers admit, yet the point Fig. 207. — Optical arrangement of Abbe's chromatic condenser. Fig. 208. — Abbe's chromatic condenser as applied to the Zeiss microscopes. of vital importance is that it should be aplanatic ; the best condenser is always that which will transmit the largest aplanatic cone. At the close of this section we furnish a table of the relative qualities of the condensers of the best construction now accessible to the microscopist, and a reference to this will show that Powell and s 258 ACCESSORY APPARATUS Zealand's dry achromatic (fig. 198) with the top removed is id this respect as efficient as this form of Abbe's. This condenser can be used either dry or homogeneously ; but of course with objectives of greater aperture than 1-0 the base of the slide should always be in oil-contact with the condenser. It gives the principal modifications from direct to oblique illu- mination with transmitted light by changing and moving a set of diaphragms placed in a movable fitting and the diaphragm may be moved eccentrically to the optical axis of the condenser by moving the milled head. It gives dark-ground illumination with objectives of :5 N.A. ; for such illumination, in fact, it is, perhaps, the best illu- minator extant, and shows objects on a dark ground with sparkling brilliancy, and may be used with polarised light. A chromatic condenser, somewhat similar in construction to this, and of low price, is made by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, but it is of much higher power, so that the distance between the foci for the central and peripheral rays is not so great, and on this account it yields a somewhat larger aplanatic cone. This in- strument with its dia- phragms is shown in fig. 209. It is more convenient in form, and can be handled and adjusted with greater facility, than that of Abbe. The size of their respective back lenses is significant in t his regard, that of Powell's being inch, and that of Abbe's being 1T3(T inch. The diaphragms (tig. 2 1 0, A) have a central aper- ture, for the purpose of centring, and the move- ment is made by means of an outer sliding tube, S, with a slot at the top in which the arm A fits, and another arm, B, is placed at thelower end so as to give ready command of the rotation. This plan allows of the use of one or two oblique pencils incident 90° apart in azimuth. The condenser thus mounted is only intended as an oblique illuminator. It forms one of the best of the very cheap condensers when it is mounted in a plain tube mount with a ledge to hold the diaphragms. I) is the optical part of the condenser placed immediately above the diaphragms and in oil-immersion contact with the base of the slide. The circular diaphragm is fixed into the inner tube attached to tlx sub-stage tube, C, just below the position of the arm A; the other diaphragm is screwed to it by a screw in the eccentric hole, shown m each. ^ It will be seen that when the diaphragms are placed together in this manner the movement of the arm will produce the changes in the light as above mentioned. Fig. 209.— Powell and Lealand's chromatic oil condenser. Pig. lild. QUALITY OF ABBE'S ACHROMATIC CONDENSES 259 As we intimated above, Professor Abbe has now produced an achromatic condenser, ostensibly for use in high-power photographic work, but in fact of much more general utility. It consists of a single front with two double backs, and it projects a sharp and perfectly achromatic image of the source of light in the plane of the object. Its power is low, being J, -inch focus, and it has a total aperture of 1 -0. Its great superiority over the chromatic form is that it transmits a much larger aplanatic cone than that ; for whereas the former gave Fig. 211. — Abbe's achromatic condenser. only an aplanatic cone of *5, this instrument yields a similar cone of •65. Like its predecessor it is large and heavy ; and, with great defer- ence and respect to our Continental neighbours, we would suggest that this is a too general characteristic ; the back lens in this case is more than an inch in diameter, while barely 5 of an inch is utilised when it is transmitting its largest cone. The instrument is repre- sented in fiff. 211, but a very excellent modification in fitting it to English microscopes has been made by Mr. Charles Baker, the optician, which is shown in fig. 212, where it will be seen that, the fitting for diaphragms is conveniently placed, and an iris diaphragm can be used with great ease below this. This 1 turn-out ' arm carries a disc of metal to receive the dia- phragms, stops, lire. Over this is fitted a ring into which screw adapters, which will allow other condensers to be used on the one mechanism. The metal disc should have a central aperture as large as the largest back lens of anv of the combinations to be used with the mount. It should be thick enough to receive two stops or dia- phragms at a time. This power to alter a diaphragm or stop so as s a Fig. 212.— Baker's fitting for Abbe's achro- matic condenser used in English micro- scopes. 260 ACCESSORY APPARATUS to secure any required arrangement of apertures and stops without in the least disturbing any of the adjustments of the condenser is a practical gain of a very valuable kind. Diaphragms should be marked with the numerical aperture they yield, and stops should be marked with the numerical aperture of the cone they cut out. Empirical numbers are misleading and valueless. This special marking need not involve two sets of dia- phragms with two condenser combinations, one for high and the other for low powers; the different numerical apertures for each may be marked on either side of the diaphragm or stop. Memory cannot fail if we make the lower side of the diaphragm indicate the apertures for the lower-power condenser, and vice versa. We may note that for dark-ground work stops should be placed close to the back lens of the condenser, and in the case of a dia- phragm— which is less important — an inch of distance should not be exceeded. The iris diaphragm is for general purposes more convenient than the usual circular plate, but it has the drawback of being incapable of setting to any exact size. A delicate point in an image, caught with a certain-sized diaphragm, is not regained with ease and cer- tainty with the iris,1 and may involve much patience and labour; but a well-made large plate of graduated diaphragms will wholly remove this difficulty. Moreover, for testing object-glasses it is supremely important that a metal diaphragm be used, so that the conditions of illumination may be readily and accurately reproduced. Messrs. Beck provide a condenser with a movable top, carrying front lenses of different power central with the backs. Its character will be readily seen in the illustration given in fig. 213. This com- bines a high-, low-, or medium-immersion or dry condenser in one piece of appa- ratus. The first lens when brought over the back combination has a low angle, and is intended for use without fluid for histological subjects. The next is a full- aperture lens, with which, by revolving the diaphragm, the angle can be varied from 180° downwards. The third lens, with full aperture of diaphragm, has an angle of 110° in glass = 1*25 N.A., and is truncated, cutting out the central rays. 213.— Beck's variable con- The fourth lens lias also an aperture of 1*25, and is similar to No. 3, but the periphery is painted over so as to allow pencils only at right angles to pass. Ingenious as this arrangement is, it is likely to interfere with the corrections; and as the aperture is not exceptionally great, it calls here for no special notice. It may be of service to those who are unable or indisposed to spend considerable sums upon condensers to state that an excellent 1 It will be urged that apertures can be exactly reproduced with the iris in photographic _ lenses ; why cannot they, therefore, in the case of the microscope ? The answer is (1) that with wide-angled condensers a very slight difference in the aperture makes a very great difference in the angle ; a similar difference would be MODE OF USING- THE CONDENSER achromatic condenser can be made by placing a Zeiss 'aplanatische Lupen' on Steinheil's formula in the sub-stage.1 These are made in two different powers, viz. 1 inch and 1^ inch, and we can fully testify to their being the most useful hand-lenses for ordinary work that can be employed. Great credit is due to Dr. Zeiss for bringing out such excellent achromatic lenses at so low a price, and so meeting a want long and generally felt. An achromatic loup of this kind is almost an indispensable accompaniment of a microscopic outfit, and if a tube to receive it be arranged in the sub-stage these lenses make really excellent condensers for low powers. It need not have a centring sub-stage, but only a central fitting. It is not of course qualified to supplant the condenser of larger and more perfect in- struments, but it is capable of raising students' and other simple microscopes to a much higher level. Without a condenser the microscope is either (by construction) not a scientific instrument, or it is an instrument unscientifically used. It becomes a mere 'magnifying glass.' It is the adaptation for and use of a condenser — though as simple as a hemispherical lens fitted into a stage plate — that raises it to a microscope. We have already referred to the nature of the mechanical arrangements needful for the condenser in a general way (Chapter III. p. 169); we may add here that the simplest form of sub-stage being a tube fixed centrally in the optic axis of the microscope, the simplest form of condenser-mount will be a tube sliding into this. It must not screw, it must push, and there should be a little below the back lens a shoulder to hold the diaphragms, stops, glasses, Are. Centring gear is not necessary with students' and elementary micro- scopes. The slight displacements due to varying centres of different objectives will with such microscopes prove of no moment if the sub-stage is once for all carefully fixed centrally in the axis. What wre require to do is to centre the image of the lamp flame, as seen with a low-power lens through the condenser, so that it stands in the middle of the field. This can be done by moving the lamp or the mirror, and until this is satisfactory the best results cannot be obtained. To obviate the inconvenience of having to re- move the combination in order to alter a diaphragm 2 or stop, in this simple mount an internal sliding tube may be used, something- like that described in the latest form of the apochromatic condenser of Powell and Lealand. It will be a further advantage to have a separate cell to fit into the bottom of the sliding tube to receive coloured glasses ; a spiral slot-focussing arrangement may be added with advantage to this kind of mount, acting like a pocket pencil. For students' and elementary microscopes — now so often and so unwisely without condensers — this is a most inexpensive and most convenient arrangement. inappreciable in the case of a photographic lens. (2) It is in small apertures such as are seldom used in photographic lenses where the difficulty arises in the case of the microscope. (3) It is in the small apertures that the iris fails to respond to the movement of the lever. 1 Journ. Boy. Micro. Soc. series ii. vol. iii. on Zeiss' loup. E. INI. Nelson. 2 In the technical language or usage of microscopists a diaphragm means a hole or aperture; thus a ' large diaphragm' means that the opening in the diaphragm plate, disc, or iris is large. A 1 stop ' is an opaque disc stopping out central rays. 262 ACCESSORY APPARATUS An epitome of its principal points may be of service. 1 . A sub-stage tube fixed centrally to the body of the microscope. 2. A spiral slotted tube to push into 1. 3. A tube carrying the optical combination of the condenser sliding into 2, with a pin moving in the spiral slot. 4. A long tube carrying the diaphragm and slots sliding into 3. 5. A cell carrying coloured glasses sliding into the bottom of 4. Condensers require special mounting for use with the polariscope. Then at least two ' turn-out ' rotating rings are required to hold selenites. Swift makes an ingenious multum in parvo mount for employing, amongst other things, the condenser with the polariscope, to which we call attention in describing the polariscope. But we know of no plan equal to that found in the best stand of Powell and Lealand. The sub-stage has a double ring, one placed concentrically within the other. The inner one revolves by a milled head and receives the usual sub-stage apparatus. The outer one receives a mount of three selenites which revolve, and are placed on ' turn-out' arms. On the upper part of this mount of selenites is a screw, which receives the optical combination of their dry achromatic condenser. When this is screwed in its place we have a condenser of the first order, with a mount of three plates of selenites taking the place of a mount of diaphragms &c. Now from the under part of the sub- stage into the inner and revolving ring is fitted the polariser, and this leaves little to be desired in practice. We would advise the microscopist to avoid condenser mounts which carry their own centring movements apart from the sub- stage. It is with regret that we find that this plan has been adopted in Abbe's new achromatic condenser. It is manifestly better to fit the rectangular movements to the sub- stage, and then they become available for all the apparatus employed with the sub-stage. A plan which requires that each piece of sub-stage apparatus which needs centring should be provided with separate fittings for this purpose can have nothing to recommend it. We give on the adjoining page a list presenting the most import- ant features of the most important condensers, which we believe will be of service to the student and worker. The aplanatic aperture given in the table means the N.A. of the greatest solid cone a condenser is capable of transmitting, the source of light being the edge of the flame placed in the axis. The cone transmitted by any condenser is assumed, for practical purposes, to be a solid one, so long as the image seen at the back of the object-glass when the eye-piece is removed (the condenser and flame being centred to the optic axis of the objective, and the source of light focussed by the condenser on the object) presents an un- broken disc of light. The moment, however, the disc breaks, that is, black spots appear in it, or its periphery breaks away from its centre, then, as we have shown above, spherical aberration comes into play, and the limit of aperture for which that condenser is aplanatic has been exceeded. The limit given in the table is for the edge of the flame as a source of light. When, however, a single point of light in the axis is the source, the condenser will be much more sensitive, and a lower RELATIVE PROPERTIES OF KNOWN CONDENSERS 263 value for the aplanatic aperture than that given in the table will ho obtained. But as a single point of light is seldom, if ever, practically used in microscopy, it was deemed better to place in the table a practical rather than a theoretical and probably truer result. It has been stated that the best dark grounds are obtained when a stop is used which is of just a sufficient size to give a suitable dark field and no more. When such a stop has been chosen, and excellent results are ob- tained with, say, balsam-mounted objects, and then in the place of this living animalcules in water be examined, it will probably be found that a dark field can no longer be obtained. For animalcules in water and ' pond life ' generally a stop larger than that employed for ordinary objects will be necessary. Total Aplanatic Conuenser ancrture aperture N.A. Power X.A. 1. Powell and Lealand's dry achromatic (1857) •99 •8 1 5 2. „ ,, top lens removed . •5 1 3. „ „ bottom lens only •24 § 4. Swift's achromatic •92 •5 4 10 5. ,, „ top lens removed •22 1 6. Abbe's chromatic (3 lenses) (1873) 1*36 •5 1 3 7. „ „ top lens removed •3 £ 8. Powell and Lealand s chromatic (Abbe's for- mula) . 1-3 •7 s ± 9. Powell and Lealand's oil achromatic (188(5) . 1-4 11 10. „ „ used dry .... 1-0 1 i 6 11. „ „ top lens removed 4 12. Abbe's achromatic (1888) . . - •98 •65 1° 2 13. „ ,, top lens removed •28 1 14. Powell and Lealand's low-power achromatic (1889) •83 "5 1 15. Powell and Lealand's Apochromatic (1891) . Zeiss's 1 aplanatische Lupen ' large field •95 •9 4 10 16. (Steinheil formula) . . . •32 1 Other Illuminators. — In the course of the history of the micro- scope, a large number of special pieces of apparatus have been devised for the purpose of accomplishing some real or supposed end in illumi- nation. Many of these have proved wdiolly impracticable and had a mere ephemeral existence ; many more never accomplished the end for which they were supposed to be constructed ; and a still larger number have been superseded by high-class condensers. The great majority of these illuminators were devised for the production of oblique light. In the sense in which it was employed a few years ago, it is rendered needless by condensers of great aper- ture. All the obliquity at present needed can be obtained with Powell and Lealand's oil-achromatic condenser. But not to ignore those who may still desire it in. its older form, we may say that it is found in its very best form in Stephenson's catadioptric illuminator. By its means a greater obliquity can be obtained than can be utilised even by our modern objectives. The general form of this instrument is seen in fig. 214, but the principle of its construction and operation will be understood by the diagram given in fig. 215. The illuminator 264 ACCESSOEY APPARATUS consists of a segment, C, D, E (cut from the edge inwards), of a, plano-convex lens of crown glass of 1-inch radius of curvature, the lens having a diameter of 1*2 inch, and therefore a thickness of 0-2 inch, the upper surface being black. The segment has a length of 0*56 inch and a depth of 05 inch, and is therefore almost a square. The curved surface is silvered as in the catoptric lens described in 1879. It is cemented to a rectangular piece of flint glass, A, B, C, E, the refractive index of which is 1-652. The thickness of the flint being 0'34 inch makes the total thickness, when the two are cemented together, rather more than half an inch. The object of the flint glass is twofold. In the first place, it disposes of three-fourths of the spherical aberration of a concave mirror of these dimensions, and enables one to use light which is practically parallel ; and, in the second place, it has the very obvious one of securing greater aperture, which is the primary consideration. Fro. 214. — Stephenson's catadioptric illuminator. As fig. 215 shows, rays which enter the Hint glass horizontally are reflected at the silvered surface of the crown-glass segment, and apertures are thus obtained ranging from 0*77 to 1*G44, N.A. in flint and 1*512 N.A. in crown. To obtain the smaller apertures, the plane surface of the under part of the flint is utilised by cementing to it a segment, F (rather more than half), of a plano-convex lens of radius 0*25 inch, with a focus in crown O04 inch above the upper surface of the flint, and, therefore, at the upper surface of a slide having a thickness of 0*04 inch. In order that the rays may be received from the mirror beneath (and not horizontally) a small right-angle reflecting prism, G, is placed with one of its sides opposite to and parallel with the receiving side of the flint-glass. The aperture of the illuminator is only limited by the refractive STEPHENSON'S ILLUMINATOR OF GREAT APERTURE 265 index of the flint-glass used. If it is desired to have a larger aper ture than 1644 N.A., it can be obtained by using a flint-glass of higher refractive index than 1*652. The aperture is always within half per cent, of the refractive index of the glass (on a slide of the same material 0*03 inch thick), so that if glass were used of the refractive index 1*721 the aperture of the illuminator would be 1*712 N. A., and so on to any extent with increasing densities. But when we use glass beyond about 1*65 we get into difficulties, as very dense glass is always more or less coloured, which, by quenching the more refrangible rays of the spectrum, has a tendency to diminish the effective aperture. It is, moreover, difficult to work, and in- volves the use of some fluid at least as refractive as itself. With flint of 1*65 we have monobromide of naphthaline to connect the lens .and the slide, and the glass is practically colourless and easy to- work ; above all, we have an aperture which exceeds by 8 per cent, a balsam angle of 180°. To connect the ordinary crown-glass with the illuminator, the homogeneous medium (oil or otherwise) used with the objective can always be employed, but with flint-glass slides a more refractive fluid, such as oil of cassia or monobromide of naphthaline, is necessary. The oil of cassia if pure will suffice for an aperture of, say, 1*62 N.A., and, in the opinion of most people, it has a less unpleasant smell ; but for the full aperture of 1*644 this is insufficient, and monobromide, or some equally refractive medium, must be employed. Such solutions of biniodide of mercury, although inodorous, are ob- jectionable for this purpose, from their chemical action, and for other reasons. The light obtained by this ingenious instrument is free from colour, since it is obtained by reflexion, but in actual use we find its weakness to lie in the fact that its light lacks intensity. Of all the older oblique illuminators Wenham's reflex illuminator was probably the best in its day, although not easy to manage, and its results can now, of course, be surpassed by the best condenser. It is composed of a glass cylinder (fig. 216, a) half an inch long, and four-tenths of an inch in diameter ; one side of which, starting from the bottom edge, is worked to a polished face at an angle of 64° with the base. The top of the cylinder is polished flat, whilst its lower surface is convex, being polished to a radius of ^ of an inch ; close beneath this last is set a plano-convex lens of 1^-inch focus ; and the combination is set eccentrically in a fitting, i i, adapted to be* received into the sub -stage. The parallel rays, fff, reflected up into it from the mirror, are made to converge, by the convex surfaces at the base of the cylinder, at such an angle that if their course Avere continued through glass they would meet at the point h, above the glass slide c ; but by impinging on the inclined polished surface, they are reflected to the flat segmental top, from which again they would be reflected obliquely downwards so as to meet in the point />, but for its being brought into 1 immersion-contact ' with the under side of the slide. Passing upwards through the slide, they meet in a point, g, a little above its upper surface, in the optic axis of the microscope, to which point the object must be brought ; and by giving rotation either to the object or to the illuminator it may be illuminated from every azimuth. For convenience of centring, a 266 ACCESSORY APPARATUS 1 // black half-cylinder, e, is so fixed by the side of the cylinder that if a dot upon its upper surface be brought into the centre of the field of view of a low-power objective, its focus, g, will lie m the optic axis. Some skill and practice are required to use this apparatus to advantage, but fit will amply repay the trouble of master- in"- its difficulties. It is best suited to thin, flat objects ; with those that are thick and irregular distortion is unavoidable. Although specially designed as a ' black-ground ' illu- minator, it may also be made useful in the resolu- tion of difficult test-objects by transmitted light, the illuminator being lowered until a coloured spectrum appears in the field, the rays of which bring out their markings with re- markable distinctness. For use with either of these arrangements for - black - ground ' illumination, it is better that the objects should be mounted ' dry,' especially when they are to be viewed under 'im- mersion ' objectives, bal- sam-mounted objects being thus seen better with dry- front objectives. This was followed by ' disc ' and ' button ' illu- minators. Mr. Wenham devised the simple illumi- nator shown in fig. 217. This consists of a semicircular disc of glass (somewhat resembling the half of a button), of half an inch in diameter, the sides of which are flattened, while the circular edge is rounded and well polished to a transverse radius of x^th of an inch. This concentrates the light thrown upon any part of its circumference A -g on. to an object mounted on a slide of the usual n^g. thickness with whose under side it is brought ||| into immersion-contact by the intervention of ^ either water, glycerine, or a more refractive oil. Fig. 217.— Wenham's A i \ 1 xi disc illuminator. As xt should 0e so fitted to the microscope as to illuminate the object from any azimuth, it should have its flat sides grasped in a clip, which may either be mounted on the sub-stage or attached to the under side of the stage, in either case having its diametric section brought up to the under surface of the object-slide. By giving rotation to the object, the illuminator remaining fixed, the illuminating beam may be made to cross the Fig. 216. — Wenham's reflex illuminator. Pil RA 130LIC J lAA'M I XATORS 267 former in any direction that is fitted to bring out its markings; then followed small hemispherical lenses of various foci attached by oil or other fluid to the base of the slide, and caused to receive oblique rays from the mirror, or a low-power objective, arranged by ' swinging ' .sub-stage to give various angles uponthis lens. The difficulty with all these was (1 ) that a lens of different focus was needed for different powers ; which, however, was reduced to its minimum by the use of, say, three lenses of different foci, greater than hemispheres, and so mounted on the rack that takes the sub-stage as to control or alter the position of the focal point by racking up or down * and (2) it is not always possible to get sufficient intensity of light by their means. It was the arrival of Abbe's chromatic condenser that put an end, for all practical purposes, to such devices. When it was employed writh oil great obliquity with far greater intensity was the immediate result, and this, as we have seen, was surpassed by Powell's. This particular quality of oblique illumination was still further advanced hj Powell's ' truncated '' for m of their latest condenser, which constitutes one of the most oblique illuminators extant ; and that too with abundance of intense light. It is, of course, very chromatic. But we can obtain all desirable obliquity with all needful intensity witli the Powell and Lealand achromatic oil-condenser with a slot, and that) quite without colour. Hence it must be looked upon as the best oblique illuminator at present made. We have written enough to make the grounds of our strongly expressed judgment clear from a practical point of view, that, for the purpose of obtaining critical images, and getting the best results from object-glasses, ' swinging ' sub-stages and concentric microscopes are needless, and may be mischievous elaborations. 1 To give completeness to this part of our subject it is needful to refer to the spot-lexs and the paraboloid, although they have practically lost their importance to the microscopist. A spot lens is a condenser with a permanent axial stop fixed in it to cut off the central rays for the purpose of obtaining a dark ground upon which the illuminated object lies. Obviously it is not .a commendable accessory ; it is a condenser, but having % fixed stop it can only be used for this mode of illumination ; and, in this form, it can only be used critically with objectives of a certain definite aperture, because, in order to obtain a good dark-ground illumination the stop ought to be suited to the aperture of the objective employed. In other words, a spot lens only does in a limited and imperfect way for certain object-glasses what a good condenser with proper stops will do for all with which the spot lens can be employed. The fact is that the best recent condensers render needless much costly sub-stage apparatus, and, therefore, the younger microscopists may well afford a fine condenser at once. The paraboloid, or parabolic illuminator, as devised by Mr. Wenham, and subsequently improved by Mr. Shadbolt, ingenious and beautiful instrument as it is, comes under the same category. It consists of a paraboloid of glass that reflects to its focus the rays which fall upon its internal surface. A diagrammatic section of 1 Chapter III. p. 1G9. 268 ACCESSORY APPARATUS this instrument, showing the course of the rays through it, is given* in fig. 218, the shaded portion representing the paraboloid.1 The- parallel rays r r' r" (fig. 219), entering its lower surface perpendicu- larly, pass on until they meet its parabolic surface, on which they fall at such an angle as to be totally reflected by it, and are all directed towards its focus, F. The top of the paraboloid being ground out into a spherical curve of which F is the centre, the rays in emerging from it undergo no refraction, since each falls perpendicularly upon the part of the surface through which it passes. A stop placed at S prevents any of the rays reflected upwards by the mirror from passing to the object, which, being placed at F, is illuminated by the rays reflected into it from all sides of the paraboloid. Those rays which pass through it diverge again at various angles ; and if" Fig. 219. the least of these, G F H, be greater than the angle of aperture of the object-glass, none of them can enter it. The stop S is attached to a stem of wire, which passes vertically through the paraboloid and terminates in a knob beneath, as shown in fig. 218 ; and by means of this it may be pushed upwards so as to cut off the less divergent rays in their passage towards the object. It is claimed that this instrument has great capabilities of giving dark-ground illumination with lenses of 'wide apertures' ; but that has application to the lenses contemporary with its introduction, and not to wide apertures as applied to the lenses of to-day. In comparison with what can be done with condensers it suffers greatly after we pass the ^-inch objective, although it does give excellent results with 1 A parabolic illuminator was first devised by Mr. Wenham, who, however, employed a silver speculum for the purpose. About the same time Mr. Shadbolt devised an annular condenser of glass for the same purpose (sen Trans. Microsr. Soc. ser. i. vol. iii. 1852, pp. 85, 132;. The two principles are combined in the glass- paraboloid. EDMUNDS'S PARABOLOID 269 -vrery low powers such as 1^-inch, 2-inch, and .'5-inch objectivei -when employed to illuminate large objects such as whole insed because this instrument gives more diffusion of light over the whole •of a large object than a condenser does. There is another paraboloid which, for completeness, we musl briefly consider. In order to adapt the paraboloid for dark-ground illumination under objectives of wide angle of aperture, Mr. Wenham 1 long since constructed a flat-topped paraboloid, fitted to reflect only rays of such extreme obliquity that they would not pass out of the flat surface of the paraboloid into the under surface -of the* slide unless a film of either water or of some liquid of higher .refractive index (such as turpentine or oil of cloves) were interposed between them. When thus enabled to enter the slide these rays pass on until they meet the cover, from which (in the case of dry-front objectives) they are reflected downwards upon the surface of the object, giving it a bright illumination on a perfectly dark field. The special value of this instrument, however, not being then under- stood, it was not constructed for sale ; the same principle having been more recently taken up by Dr. Edmunds — an immersion-para- boloid was specially devised by him for use with immersion- objectives of wide aperture. But it utterly fails for this purpose. The object has to be mounted on the slip dry, and therefore the value of the immersion-objective at once is sacrificed, because the air-space between the object and the cover— which is essential to this illuminator — destroys homogeneity and reduces the objective practically to an air-lens. It was believed that Amphipleura ■pellucida was resolved by its means with an oil-objective, but this has not been, and we believe cannot be, established. By good and careful manipulation we have obtained faint resolution of A. pellucida with a dry lens, but an immersion lens used dry is so completely out of correction that it will resolve nothing. Polarising Apparatus. — In order to examine transparent objects by polarised light, it is necessary to employ some means of polarising the rays before they pass through the object, and to apply to them, in some part of their course between the object and the eye, »an analysing medium. These two requirements may be provided for in different modes. The polariser may be either a bundle of plates of thin glass, used in place of the mirror, and polarising the rays by reflexion ; or it may be a ' single image ' or ' Nicol ' prism of Iceland spar, which is so constructed as to transmit only one of the two rays into which a beam of ordinary light is made to divaricate by passing through this substance. Of these two methods the ' Nicol ' prism is the one generally preferred, the objection to the reflecting polariser being that it cannot be made to rotate. This polarising prism is usually fixed in a tube (fig. 220, A), furnished with a large milled head at the bottom, by which it is made to rotate in a collar which screws into the sub-stage fitting. For the analyser a second ' Nicol ' prism is usually employed ; and this, fixed in a short tube, may be fitted either into a collar interposed between the lower end of the body and the objective, or into a cap 1 Trans. Microsc. Sue. N.S. vol. iv. 1S5G. 2yo ACCESSORY APPARATUS placed over the eye-piece (fig. 220, B), in the stead of the ordinary eye-piece cap. The former arrangement, which is specially adapted' B for use with the binocular microscope, has the advan- tage of not limiting the field, but it stops a good deal of light ; while in the latter the image is Fig. 220. A, Fitting of polarising B, Fitting of analysing prism in sub-stage. prism above eye-piece. brighter, but a good deal of the margin of the field is cut off; and it is always important that the polarising prism should be large, so as not to act as a diaphragm to the con- denser, thus cutting off the light when it is used ; for the polarising apparatus may be worked in combination either with the achromatic condenser, by which means- it may be employed with high-power objectives; or as a ' dark-ground ' illuminator, which shows many objects — such as the horny polyparies of zoophytes — gorgeously projected in colours upon a dark field. For bringing out certain effects of colour by the use of polarised light it is, as already stated, desirable to interpose a plate of selenite between the polariser and the object ; and it is advantageous that this should be made to revolve. A very convenient mode of effecting this is to mount the selenite plate in a revolving collar, which fits into the upper end of the tube that receives the polarising prism. In order to obtain the greatest variety of colora- tion with different objects, films of selenite of different thicknesses should be employed ; and this may be accom- plished by substituting one for another Fig. 221. . the revolving collar. A still greater variety may be obtained by mounting three films, which separately give three different colours, in collars revolving in a frame resembling that in which hand-magnifiers are usually mounted, this frame being fitted into the sub-stage in such a manner that either a single selenite, or any combination of two selenites, or all three together, may be brought into the optic axis; above the polarising prism (fig. 221). As many as thirteen different tints may thus be obtained. When the construction of the micro- scope does not readily admit of the connection of the selenite plate with the polarising prism, it is convenient to make use of a plate of brass (fig. 222) somewhat larger than the glass slides in whiclr objects are ordinarily mounted, with a ledge near one edge for the slide to rest against and a large circular aperture into whichi a glass is fitted, having a film of selenite cemented to it ; this. * selenite stage ' or object -carrier being laid upon the stage of the * SELENITES 271 Fig. 222. microscope, the slide containing the object is placed u\>o\i it, and, by an ingenious modification contrived by Dr. Leeson, the ring into, which the selenite plate is fitted being made movable, one plate may be substituted for another, whilst rotation may be given to the ring by means of a tangent-screw fitted into the brass plate. The variety of tints given by a selenite film under polarised light is so greatly increased by the interposition of su rotating him of mica, that two selenites — red and blue — with a mica film, are found to give the entire series of colours ob- tainable from any number of selenite films, either separately or in combina- tion with each other. The compact appa- ratus made by Swift as a general sub-stao-e illumi- nator is useful and com- mendable, and is capable of adaptation to most English microscopes. It is shown in h> 223. The special advantage of this condenser lies in its hav- ing the polarising prism, the selenite- and mica- films, the black-ground and oblique-light stops, and the moderator, all brought close under the back lens of the achro- matic ; whilst it combines in itself all the most im- portant appliances which the sub-stage of a good moderate microscope can require. The use of monochro- matic Jvjht is frequently desirable in microscopic work, especially blue light, although of less moment than in pre-achromatic days. The usual method of obtaining coloured light is to pass sunlight through coloured glass, or through a coloured solution, such as the ammonio-sulphate of copper ; but this is a most imperfect and unsatisfactory method, and does not m\e Fig. 223. -Swift's illuminating and polarising* apparatus. ACCESSORY APPARATUS monochromatic light. The Messrs. Zeiss have constructed an apparatus (after Hartnack) for obtaining monochromatic light m a true form, which is illustrated in fig. 224. By means of two prisms, P1, P2, of strong dispersive power a spectrum of considerable length is projected upon the object from beneath, so that with high powers the entire field is illuminated with a near approach to monochromatic light. The light enters the instru- ment through the slit Sp, which is adjustable m width by the screw S2, and passes through the prisms and the lens at O, forming a spec- trum at Bpk, where the object on the stage is supposed to be situated. By moving the slit by the screw S1 the spectrum is caused to pass over the* object, the different colours following in succession. The instrument may be used for low powers with ordinary daylight, Fig. 224. but for high powers sunlight must be employed. Moreover in practice it is needful to use a bull's-eye to focus the light on the slit Bp. But this instrument lacks the higher qualities required of it oil account of the low angle of the combination 0 which acts as a condenser. We really want a pencil of monochromatic Light, either parallel or slightly divergent, of such a size as to,//// the back lens of a high-class condenser. If such a condenser as Powell's dry achromatic or later homogeneous achromatic of large aperture could be adapted to this instrument (which is no doubt possible) it might be of service to microscopists. Sorby-Browning Micro-spectroscope.1 — When the solar ray is decomposed into a coloured spectrum by a prism of sufficient disper- 1 For general information on the spectroscope and its usesthe student is referred to Professor Roscoe's Lectures on Spectrum Analusi s, or t ho translation of Dr. Scliollen's Spectrum Analysis, and How to Use the Spectroscope, by Mr. John Browning, NATURE OF THE MICRO-SPKCTROSCOPK 273 sive power, to which the light is admitted by a narrow slit, a multitude of dark lines make their appearance. The existence of these was originally noticed by Wollaston ; but as Fraunhofer first subjected them to a thorough investigation and mapped them out, they are known as Fraunhofer lines. The greater the dispersion given by the multiplication of prisms in the spectroscope, the more of these lines are seen ; and they bear considerable magnification. They result from the interruption or absorption of certain rays in the solar atmosphere, according to the law, first stated by Angstrom, that J .rays which a substance absorbs are precisely those which it emits when made self-luminous.' Kirchhoff showed that while the incandescent vapours of sodium, potassium, lithium, &c. give a spectrum with characteristic bright lines, the same vapours intercept portions of the spectrum, so as to give dark lines at the points where the bright ones appeared, absorbing their own special colour, but allowing rays of other colours to pass through. Again, when ordinary light is made to pass through coloured bodies (solid, liquid, or gaseous), or is reflected from their surfaces, so as to affect the eye with the sensation of colour, its spectrum is commonly found to ex- hibit absorption bands, which differ from the Fraunhofer lines, not only in their greater breadth, but in being more or less nebulous, or cloudy, so that they cannot be resolved into distinct lines by magni- fication, while too much dispersion thins them out to indistinctness. Now, it is by the character of these bands, and by their position in the spectrum, that the colours of different substances can be most ac- curately and scientifically compared, many colours whose impressions on the eye are so similar that they cannot be distinguished being readily discriminated by their spectra. The purpose of the micro- spectroscope 1 is to apply the spec- troscopic test to very minute quan- tities of coloured substances ; and it fundamentally consists of an ordinary eye -piece (which can be fitted into any microscope) with certain special modifications. As originally devised by Dr. Sorby and worked out by Mr. Browning, the micro-spectroscope is con- structed as follows (fig. 225) : Above its eye-glass, which is achro- matic, and made capable of focal adjustment by the milled head, B, there is placed a tube, A, containing a series of five prisms, two of flint glass (fig. 226, F F) interposed between three of crown (C C C), in such a manner that the emergent rays, r r, which have been separated by dispersion, leave the prisms much in the same direction as the immergent ray entered it. Below the eye-glass, * We do not make the change, lest complications should arise ; hut we think it would he more harmonious with analogy to call this instrument the apectro-fMCroscope. Fig. 225. — Micro-spectroscope. Fig. 226. 274 ACCESSOKY APPARATUS in the place of the ordinary stop, is a diaphragm with a narrow slit, which limits the admission of light (fig. 225) ; this can be adjusted in vertical position by the milled head, H, whilst the breadth of the slit is regulated by C. The foregoing, with an objective of suitable power, would be all that is needed for the examination of the spectra of objects placed on the stage of the microscope, whether opaque or transparent, solid or liquid, provided that they transmit a sufficient amount of light. But as it is of great importance to make exact comparisons of such artificial spectra, alike with the ordinary or natural spectrum, and with each other, provision is made for the formation of a second spectrum, by the insertion of a right-angled prism that covers one-half of this slit, and reflects upwards the light transmitted through an aperture seen on the right side of the eye- piece. For the production of the ordinary spectrum, it is only requisite to reflect light into this aperture from the small mirror, I, carried at the side ; whilst for the production of the spectrum of any substance through which the light reflected from this mirror can be transmitted, it is only necessary to place the slide carry- ing the section or crystalline film, or the tube containing the solu- tion, in the frame, D D, adapted to receive it. In either case this second spectrum is seen by the eye of the observer alongside of that produced by the object viewed through the body of the microscope, so that the two can be exactly compared. The exact position of the ab- sorption bands is as important as that of the Fraunhofer lines ; and some of the most conspicuous of the latter afford fixed points Fig. 227.-Bright-line spectro-micrometer. of reference, provided the same spectroscope be employed. The amount of dispersion determines whether the Fraunhofer lines and absorption bands are seen nearer or farther apart, their actual positions in the field of view varying according to the dispersion, while their relative positions are in constant proportion. The best contrivance for measuring the spectra of absorption bands is Browning's bright-line micrometer, shown in fig. 227. At B is a small mirror by which light from the lamp employed can be re- flected through E D to the lens C, which, by means of a perforated stop, forms a bright pointed image on the surface of the upper prism, whence it is reflected to the eye of the observer. The rotation of a wheel worked by the milled head, M, carries this bright point THE USE OF THE MJCRO-SI,ECTROS( :< )I>E ^75 over the spectrum, and the exact amount of motion may be read off to ToJuoth incn 011 tne graduated circle of the wheel. To use this apparatus, the Fraunhofer lines must be viewed by sending bright daylight through the spectroscope, and the positions of the princip lines carefully measured, the reading on the micrometer-wheel being noted down. A spectrum map may then be drawn on cardboard, on a scale of equal parts, and the lines marked on it, as shown in the upper half of hg. 228. The lower half of the same figure shows an absorption spectrum, with its bands at certain distances from the Fraunhofer lines. The cardboard spectrum map, when once drawn, should be kept for reference.1 A beginner with the micro-spectroscope should hrst hold it up to the sky on a clear day, without the intervention of the microscope, and note the effects of opening and closing the slit by rotating the screw, C (fig. 225) ; the lines can only be well seen when the slit is reduced to a narrow opening. The screw H diminishes the length of the slit, and causes the spectrum to be seen as a broad or a narrow ribbon. The screw E (or in some patterns two small sliding-knobs) regulates the quantity of light admitted through the square aperture seen between the points of the springs, D D. Water tinged with Fig. 228. — Upper half, map of solar spectrum, showing Fraunhofer lines. Lower half, absorption spectrum, showing position of bands in relation to lines. port wine, madder, and blood are good fluids with which to com- mence this study of absorption bands.2 As each colour varies in refrangibility, the focus must be adjusted by the screw B, fig. 225, according to the part of the spectrum that is examined. When it is desired to see the spectrum of an exceedingly minute object, or of a small portion only of a larger one, the prisms are to be removed by withdrawing the tube containing them ; the slit should then be opened wide, and the object, or part of it, brought into the centre of the field ; the vertical and horizontal slits can then be partly shut so as to enclose it ; and if the prisms are then replaced, and a suitable objective employed, the required spectrum will be seen, 1 Mr. Swift has devised an improved micro-spectroscope, in which the micro - metric apparatus is combined with the ordinary spectroscopic eye-piece, and two spectra can be' brought into the field at once. Other improvements devised by Dr. Sorby and a new form devised by Mr. F. H. Ward have been carried into execution by Mr. Hilger. (See Jouj-u. of Boij. M/crosc. Sue. vol. i. 1878, p. 320, and vol. ii. 1879, p. 81.) 2 A series of specimens, in small tubes, for the study of absorption-spectra, is kept on sale by Mr. Browning; and the directions given in his How to Work with the Mioro-spectroscopc should be carefully attended to. T 2 276 ACCESSORY APPARATUS unaffected by adjacent objects. For ordinary observations objectives, of from two inches to f -inch focus will be found most suitable ; but for very minute quantities of material a higher power must be employed. single Even a red blood-corpuscle may be made to show the character- istic absorption bands re- presented (after Professor Stokes) in fig. 229.1 For the study of coloured liquids in test-tubes or small cells, the binocular spectrum microscope, described by Dr. Sorby in the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 92, 1867, p. 33, is extremely con- venient. The spectral ocular by Zeiss is another and a very perfect form of the micro-* spectroscope. Thisis an opinion expressed by Dr. Sorby and other experts, and it is mani- fest in the character of the instrument. Fig. 230 represents a sectional view of the instrument. It will be seen that the lower part is an ordinary eye-piece with its. Fig. 229. Fig. 230. Fig. 281, two lenses, but in place of the ordinary diaphragm there is a slity adjustable in length and breadth, shown in fig. 231. ]>y studying m ] For further information on 'The Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood,' see an important paper by Dr. Sorby in Monthly Microsc. Join 'H. vol. vi. 1871, p. 'J. THE USE OF THE ZUICRO-SPECTPOSCOPE 277 this figure the method of adjustment, with two screws, F and IE and the projecting lever, which carries a reflecting prism, can be readily understood. The upper part of the instrument swings about the pivot, K. so that by opening the slit the eye-piece can be used for focussing an object, the slit being the diaphragm. The upper portion contains the prisms, and also a scale in the tube, N, which is illuminated by the mirror, O. The image of the scale is reflected from the upper surface of the last prism to the eye, and when properly adjusted gives the wave-length of the light in any part of the spectrum. There is also a supplementary stage, not shown in the figure, upon which a specimen can be placed, and its light thrown up through the slit by reflection from the prism on the lever shown in fig. 230, alongside of the light from the object on the stage of the microscope, thus enabling the spectra from the two sources to be directly compared. The Method of Using the Micro-spectroscope.— The objects to be investigated are of two sorts, liquid and solid. Colouring substances as chlorophyll, the colouring matter of hair, blood, lire, will frequently come under micro-spectroscopic investigation in the form of a solution. In general we need scarcely say anything concerning the preparation of the solution. In reference to the chlorophyll of the phanerogams especially, the particular part of the plant from which the preparation is to be made, as, for instance, the foliage leaves, is put for a short time in boiling water, then quickly dried by means of bibulous paper, and then immersed for a longer time in absolute alcohol, ether, or benzole in a dark place, for the purpose of extracting the chlorophyll colouring matter. The concentration of the solution thus produced, which influences the intensity of the absorption spectrum and the number and length of the absorption bands, depends naturally upon the time during which the material is in the extracting medium, as well as on the quantity of the material. Commonly also a solution of less concentration will give the same intensity of spectrum if a sufficiently thick layer of it be used. The solution can generally be examined in an ordinary test-tube. The test-tube is filled and carefully corked and then laid on the stage of the microscope, or held before the opening of the comparison prism, as the case may be. For the latter purpose (bringing liquids before the opening of the comparison prism) a small open trough of glass, with two parallel glass plates, is very useful. For exact investigations, however, the trough-flask is preferable. It is a flask whose two sides, back and front, are parallel, furnished with a carefully fitted ground-glass stopper. It should be filled quite full of the solution and then laid with its broad side on the stage. It is especially in- dispensable when we wish to study the combination spectrum of two solutions. In that case two flasks are filled each with a different solution and both laid upon the stage one upon the other. For the purpose of examining small quantities of any liquid, a sufficient depth being obtained with very little material, vertical glass tubes attached to horizontal plates are used, as proposed by Mr. Sorby and shown in fig. 232. The narrow tubes are made of various lengths from sections of barometer tubing, in order to present different 278 ACCESSOEY APPARATUS thicknesses of the contained fluid, the broad tube being higher on. one side than the other, and thus constituting a wedge-shaped cell, which, when filled and closed by a thin cover-glass, will present a varying thickness of fluid for study and comparison^ If the object to be investigated is not a solution but a preparation of the kind which we commonly employ in microscopic inquiries, we must first of all bring it into the focus of the objective system. To do this we must first remove the tube bearing the prisms, open the slit somewhat, and use the apparatus as a simple ocular. If one has to deal with a small object which would not entirely fill the slit, but so that rays of light might come in by it and disturb the spectrum, he should turn the comparison prism so as to shut up some of the slit, without,. how- ever, letting in the light upon it, and then bring the object up near to it, and from the other side push up the shortening apparatus as close as is necessary. On the other hand, should the object consist of a number of single minute grains, which would cause to be drawn across the spectrum, in the direction of its length, perpendicular to the Fraunhofer lines, a like number of dark lines, one must adjust the microscope so that the object will be a little out of focus, some- what above or below the true focus. In this way we shall get a uniform spectrum. The spectrum can also be improved in some other cases by likewise throwing the object somewhat out of focus. Fig. 232. Illumination by Reflexion. — Objects of almost every description will require at times to be examined and studied by what is called reflected light ; the light in this case is thrown down upon the object by various devices, and is reflected upwards through the objective. This has been called 'opaque illumination,' which, how- ever, is not a comprehensive, nor even an accurate designation. Only a small proportion of the objects examined in this way are opaque ; the same diatom, for example, may often with advantage be examined with transmitted light, being transparent, and again by means of an illumination thrown upon, and reflected up from, its surface ; also a condenser with a central stop when used for a, dark ground shows objects by reflected light, l»ut it is manifestly not ' opaque illumination.' The designation of this method of illumina- tion is consequently more accommodating than accurate. There are two very simple means of obtaining this superficial illumination when low powers are employed. The first is the 'bull's- eye 5 (which is nowhere in this work called a 'condenser ' ; this would, as it often has done, lead to confusion) ; it is enough to designate it as we have done. It is a plano-convex lens of short focus, two or three inches in diameter, mounted upon a separate stand, in such a manner as to permit of its being placed in a great variety of positions. The mounting shown in fig. 233 is one of the best that can be adopted : THE BULL'S-EYE AND HOW To I SK IT 279 the frame which carries the lens is borne at the bottom upon a swivel joint, which allows it to be turned in any azimuth ; whilst i( may be inclined at any angle to the horizon, by the revolution of the horizontal tube to which it is attached, around the other horizontal tube which j^rojects from the stem; by the sliding of one of these tubes within the other, again, the horizontal arm may be lengthened or shortened ; the lens may be secured in any position (as its weight is apt to drag it down when it is inclined, unless the tubes be made to work, the one into the other, more stiffly than is convenient) by means of a tightening collar milled at its edges • and finally the horizontal arm is attached to a spring socket which slides up and down upon a vertical stem. The plane side of the bull's-eye should be turned towards the object. Some microscopists like to have their bull's-eye attached to some part of the microscope ; but if this is done, care must be taken to attach it to a fixed part of the microscope, and not to either the mechanical stage or to the body, as is so often done. If it is fixed to the mechanical stage, when the object is moved the light will require to be readjusted, to say nothing of the probable injury to the stage by the weight of the bull's-eye. If it is fixed to the body the light will be displaced when the focus of the objective is altered. Hence the bull's-eye should either have a weighted separate stand, or be attached to the trunk or foot of the microscope. 1 The optical effect of such a bull's-eye differs according to Fig. 233.— The bull's-eye. the side of it turned towards the light and the condition of the rays which fall upon it. The position of least spherical aberration is when its convex side is turned t owards pa rallel or towards the least diverging rays, consequently, when used by daylight, its plane side should be turned towards the object, and the same position should be given to it when it is used for procuring converging rays from a lamp, this being placed four or five times farther off on one side than the object is on the other. But it may also be employed for the purpose of reducing the diverging rays of the lamp to parallelism, for use either with the 1 Rousselet's bull's-eye attachment to lamp is convenient and inexpensive. — Journ. Quekett Club, 1890. 28o ACCESSOKY APPARATUS paraboloid, or with the parabolic speculum to be presently described ; and the plane side is then to be turned towards the lamp, which must be placed at such a distance from the bull's-eye that the rays which have passed through the latter shall form an inverted image of the lamp flame on the wall or a distant screen. For viewing minute objects under high powers, a smaller lens may be used to obtain a further concentration of the rays already brought into convergence by the bull's-eye. An ingenious and effective mode of using the bull's-eye, for the illumination of very minute objects under higher power objectives, has been devised by Mr. J ames Smith. The micro- scope being in position for observation, the lamp should be placed either in the front or at the side (as most convenient), so that its flame, turned edgeways to the stage, should be at a somewhat lower level, and at a distance of about three inches. The bull's-eye should be placed between the stage and the lamp, with its plane surface uppermost, and with its convex surface a little above the stage. The light entering its convex surface near the margin turned towards the lamp falls on its plane surface at an angle so oblique as to be almost totally reflected towards the opposite margin of the convex surface, by which it is condensed on to the object on the stage, on which it should cast a sharp and brilliant Avedge of light. The ad- justment is best made by first placing a slip of white card on the stage, and, when this is well illuminated, substituting the object- slide for it, making the final adjustment while the object is being- viewed under the microscope. No difficulty is experienced in getting good results with powers of from 200 to 300 diameters, but higher powers require careful manipulation and yield but doubtful results. The second simple method of securing this illumination is to have the concave mirror of the microscope capable of being used above the stage 1 so that the source of light may by its means be focussed on the object. Neither of these plans w ill answer for other than low powers, where there is plenty of room for the light to pass between the objective and the object. The ingenious use of the bull's-eye employed by Mr. James Smith, as detailed above, increases the pos- sibility of magnification, but it needs practice and care. An illuminator not so well known, or at least so much used as its merits justified, is Powell and Lealand's small bull's-eye of ^-inch focus, which slides into an adapter fixed into the sub-stage, and susceptible of its rack-motion up and down. The object is placed on a super-stage and lies considerably above, but parallel with the ordinary stage. The bull's-eye, capable thus of being raised or lowered, and of being moved by sliding away from or close to the mounted object, has its plane side place* I against the edge, and at right angles to the plane of the slip. By this means illumination of great obliquity can be obtained, and very su rprisi i ig effects secured even with high powers. It was much used by the Editor and Dr. Drysdale in their earlier work on the saprophytic organisms, and in the days be- fore homogeneous lenses, helped us over many difficulties of detail. It was the first illumination to actually resolve the Amphipleura pellucida. It could be very easily obtained with a student's microscope provided 1 See Journ. Boy. Microsc. Hoc. vol. iii. 1kh(), p. 898 SIDE REFLECTOR — PARABOLIC SPECULUM 28 r with Nelson's open stage,1 for on this the bull's-eye could he placed -against the edge of the slip without any special apparatus or fitting. Another and popular method of 'opaque illumination' is by means of a specialised form of mirror, generally of polished silver, called a side reflector, and fixed as in the case of the bull's-eye, and for the same reasons, to an immovable part of the microscope. The manner of employing this reflector, as provided with Powell and Lealand's best stand, is seen in Plate III. The arm of the side reflector is fixed to an immovable part of the stand, and is thus unaffected by the racking up or down of the body. The lamp placed on the right of the observer is set at such a height that its beams fall full upon the reflector ; this, by means of a ball-and-socket joint, can be easily manipulated until the full image of the flame is caused to fall upon the object. For the same purpose a premitotic Fig. 234. Fig. 235. speculum is commonly employed mounted either on the objective, as in Beck's form, tig. 234, or on an adapter, as in Crouch's, shown in fig. 235, where a collar is interposed between the lower end of the body of the microscope and the objective seen at A. This is not a commendable plan, for it increases the distance between the objective and the Wenham binocular prism ; and as the bin- ocular is specially suited for the kind of object usually examined with this speculum, this increased distance acting detrimentally on the behaviour of the binocular prisms, and causing the available racking distance for the focus of objectives of very low power to be .shortened by the width of such collar, is to be avoided. The best plan without doubt is to attach the speculum to a fixed part of the stand, as is done in the Powell and Lealand, the Ross, and the Beck stands. A modification of the parabolic reflector teas devised by Dr. Sorby, and has proved to be very useful in certain investigations, such as the microscopic structure of metals. It consists of a parabolic reflector, in the centre of which, in a semi-cylindrical tube open in 1 Chapter II. p. 193, fig. 14S. 282 ACCESSORY APPARATUS front, is placed a small plane reflector which covers half of the objective, and throws the light directly down upon the object and back through the other half. It is shown in fig. 236 with the cylinder in place, and in the dotted lines with the same turned out. This arrangement allows of two kinds of illumination, oblique and direct, being readily used, as the plane reflector is attached to an arm so that it can be swung out of the way when not required, as shown in the figure. Dr. Sorby was able to get results in the examination of polished sections of, steel not otherwise attainable. ISTo opaque illumination, however, has yet surpassed the venerable Lieberkiihn ; the best experts freely admit that the finest critical images to be obtained by this method of illumination are secured by the Lieberkiihn. This mode of illuminating opaque objects is by means of a small concave speculum reflecting directly down upon them to a focus the light reflected up to it from the mirror ; it was formerly much in use, but is now comparatively seldom employed. This concave speculum, termed a 'Lieberkiihn' from the celebrated microscopist who invented it, is made to fit upon the end of the objective, having a perforation in its centre for the passage of the rays from the object to the lens ; and in order that it may receive Fig. 236. — Sorby's modification of the parabolic reflector. Fig. 237. its light from a mirror beneath (fig. 237, A), the object must be so mounted as only to stop out the central port ion of the rays that are reflected upwards. The curvature of the speculum is so adapted to the focus of the objective that, when the latter is duly adjusted, the rays reflected up to it from the mirror shall be made to converge strongly upon the part of the object that is in focus ; a separate speculum is consequently required for every objective. UEBERKUHN — HOAV TO MOUNT OIUKOTS I-OK IT It has two manifest drawbacks : the first one, that of requiring n separate Lieberkiihn for each object ice, is a difficulty which in the nature of things cannot be overcome. The radius of the Lieberkiihn must alter with the focus of the objective employed, and each should have a certain amount of play on the objective to allow for slight alterations of focus, for if we employ parallel rays it is obvious that the Lieberkiihn will focus nearer to the object than if divergent rays are used. This is met by an allowance being made to compensate it on the tube which slides the Lieberkiihn on to the nose of the objective. The second drawback has reference to the special way in which objects have to be mounted in order to be suitable for the Lieberkiihn. This could be easily avoided if professional and other mounters would attend to the following simple suggestions : — 1. Slides should never be covered with paper ; it is without use, and fails as an ornament ; and opaque glass slips should be entirely avoided. 2. The ring of cement should not be made of greater width than is necessary for security. 3. A stop of paper or varnish should never be placed behind an object. Let every opaque mount be also a transparent one, since it is often most useful to examine an opaque object afterwards by trans- mitted light. The stop should always be a separate one ; this may be a disc on a pin held in the sub-stage, or, what is still simpler, a piece of moderately thick ' cover ' glass, cut to the 3x1 inch size, or rather shorter, should have a small disc of Brunswick black put on it centrally on the ' turn-table ' 1 and this may be placed under the slide when the Lieberkiihn is to be used. There may be two or three such slips with stops of different sizes ; in this way every mount may be examined either with the Lieberkiihn or by directly transmitted light, and of course by having a larger stop the same object may be examined by any kind of reflected light. Many a valuable preparation has been spoiled by placing a stop on it which cannot be removed. 4. It would be a most appreciable benefit to the cause of micro- scopy, as we have already hinted, if a uniform gauge of thickress of slip and diameter of cover-glass were adopted. For the thickness of the slip (the o^th of an inch would prove most suitable, and for the diameter of the cover- o-lass 4 of an inch would be most com e- nient, and if the thickness of the cover-glass were uniformly from -006 to "008 the gain would be still greater. Certainly no mount ought to be finished without the thickness of the cover-glass being marked in diamond point upon it, and a narrow ring of shellac cement should be put round every cover-glass where there is even a probability that a homogeneous lens will be admissible in examining the object mounted. Very minute cover-glasses — such as those T(jths of an inch in diameter — are to be wholly condemned. They do not allow the con- ditions required by modern microscopy, being adverse to the employ- ment of oil-immersion lenses in anything like the most efficient way. Lieberkuhns can be used with objectives as high as ^ of an 1 Chapter VII. 284 ACCESSORY APPARATUS inch focus of '77 N. A. For higher powers than this a perfectly flat speculum may replace the conical form, being illuminated by a con- denser with a stop, and racked up well within its focus. The oblique annular ring of light falls on the flat speculum, and is then reflected on the object. Illumination for Lieberkuhn may be either from the flat of the lamp-flame, reflected by the plane mirror, or by the edge of the flame, the rays being rendered parallel by a bull's-eye, and reflected from the plane mirror to the Lieberkiihn. Very often this kind of illumination is so intense that it requires modifying. It is useful for this and many other pur- poses in illuminating objects to have a small frame, mounted like an ordinary buWs-eye stand, into which a plate of blue glass may be inserted and placed betiveen the light and the mirror. Two inches by four inches is a very useful size for such a screen, and two or three plates may be kept of various depths of colour, so that they may be changed as circum- stances require. Messrs. Beck make a small and useful light-modifier, which can be also used for this purpose, which is illustrated in tig. 238 ; but what is required is not merely a tinted glass, but a combination of dif- ferent tints resulting in a correct blue not otherwise attainable. There is one other kind of reflected illumination employed, produced by the vertical illuminator, which, although it has been in use for some years, has re- ceived an accession of value from the em- ployment of immersion lenses. It is pro- duced by a device which secures vertical Fig. 238.— Beck's light-modifier, illumination invented by Professor H. L. Smith, of Geneva, U.S.A. The principle of this illuminator is to employ the objective as its own illuminator. This may be done in several ways. 1. That of Professor Smith is to place a speculum with an aper- ture in it in the body of the microscope at an angle of 45° to the optic axis ; opposite this speculum is an aperture in the tube for light to enter. It will be understood by figs. 239 and 240, which re- present a longitudinal section of the nose-piece at C of the vertical illuminator at e, and of part of the objective at d. a is the aperture for admitting the light to the speculum b. The path of the beam is depicted, and it will be seen that on being reflected from the specu- lum it passes through the combination of lenses, making the objective VERTICAL ILLUMINATOR — HOW To I'SK IT 285 a ' condenser,' and is brought to a focus on the object, which is tin- focus of the objective. The rays now proceed from the illuminated object once more, through the objective upwards, and pass through the central aperture in the speculum to the eye-piece and the eye. 2. Tolles, instead of this, places a small right-angled prism just at the back of the front lens of the objective. But this only gives oblique illumination in one azimuth, and from experience we are obliged to express dissatisfaction with its performance. 3. Messrs. R. and J. Beck, in place of a speculum pierced, employ a disc of cover-glass. The cover-glass is mounted on a pin, B, fig. 240, in order that it may be rotated and oblique light obtained by the milled head, / A, fig. 240. We believe that it would be far better in practice to fix the cover-glass at the angle of 45°. But it will be seen that by this plan total reflexion may be obtained in one direction and transmission to the eye in another. Fig. 239. Fig. 240. 4. Powell and Lealand's method is to fix a piece of glass, work"/ flat, at an angle of 45° to the optic axis, with a rotating diaphragm in front of the aperture admitting the light. To use these instruments the edge of the lamp flame should be placed in front of the reflector, so that the rays may be reflected on to the back lens of the objective in a line parallel to the optic axis. The distance from the lamp to the reflector must exactly equal the distance from the reflector to the diaphragm of the eye-piece in a positive eye-piece, or the eye-lens of a negative eye-piece, otherwise the rays will not be focussed on the object. This illumination is only suitable for objects mounted dry on the cover, and with immersion lenses. No good result was ever obtained until the immersion lenses were brought into use. Of all the light which is caused to pass out of the front lens of the objective, through the oil and into the cover-glass, that which has an obliquity less than the critical angle of glass (41°) passes 286 ACCESSORY APPARATUS through the cover and object and is lost ; but all the light which is of greater obliquity than the critical angle for glass is totally reflected from the under surface of the cover-glass, and comes back through the oil and the objective to the eye-piece and the eye ; they are, in fact, all optically continuous, so that the upper surface of the cover- glass has ceased to exist optically, the only reflexion being from its inner surface. It is here, therefore, that the oil-immersion system gives a new value to this illuminator by this means, enabling it to utilise a larger aperture otherwise unavailing. When this illumination is employed, if the eye-piece be removed and the back of the objective be examined, it will be seen that all that portion of the back of the objective whose aperture exceeds 1-0 is brilliantly illuminated. This annulus represents, and is produced by, the excess of aperture beyond the equivalent angle of 180°, of which it is also a measure. The internal dark space is of the exact diameter of that of a dry objective of the same focus, and is the maximum space which it can itself utilise on a dry object by transmitted light. By means of this instrument carefully used, the most stubborn frustules of difficult tests and the most crucial lined objects have been resolved ; while it is eminently serviceable in determining whether any dry-mounted object is in optical contact with the cover- glass or not. If it be not so it is invisible with the vertical illumi- nator. So also it is instructive to examine the backs of objectives of various apertures with this mode of illumination. A dry objective will be wholly without the bright annulus, while an immersion of 1*1 N.A. will have a narrow annulus, and that of 1*4 or 1*5 a broad and still broader one. In this way, by practice, a fair approximation of the aperture of an objective may be obtained. It is not the absolute size of the annulus, but the relation of the size of the annulus to that of the whole back, that must be estimated. Thus a ^th of N.A. 1*2 will have as broad an annulus as a -^.jth of 1-4 N.A., but the diameter of the back of the -^th is, of course, much larger than that of the -yjth, and this involves the necessity of a relative comparison. In examining objects with those higher powers which focus extremely close to the covering glass the slightest inadvertence is likely to lead to a fracture of the glass, and perhaps to the destruction of a valuable slide. This is a serious matter with Moller's diatom type slide, or Nobert's test lines, or with many others that are expensive or perhaps impossible to replace. To remove this source of danger, Mr. Stephenson- contrired the safety stage, shown in fig. 241. The frame on which the slide Fig. 241. carrying the object rests is hinged at its upper part, and kept in its true position by slight springs, which give way directly the slide is pressed by the objective. It is found that springs firm enough to ensure the steadiness required for high powers may yet be sufficiently flexible to give way before very thin glass is endangered, and a glance at the st.age shows if it is made to deviate from the normal position in which its upper and lower edges are parallel. STAGE A PITTANCES 287 Fig. 242. — Stage-forceps. Fig. 243.— Stage-forceps. Useful as this piece of apparatus may be, it is nevertheless quite unnecessary if the front of the stage of the microscope be either open or large enough to permit of the use of the finger on the edge of- the slide, when it is easy to discover by touch whether or when the front of the lens is in actual contact with the cover of the object. Appliances for the practical Study of living and other Objects with the Microscope, — Stage-forceps and Vice.- For bringing under the object-glass in different positions such small opaque objects as can be conveniently held in a pair of forceps, the stage-forceps (fig. 242) supplied with most microscopes affords a ready means. These are mounted by means of a joint upon a pin, which fits into a hole either in the corner of the stage itself or in the object-platform ; the object is inserted by press- ing the pin that projects from one of the blades, whereby it is separated from the other ; and the blades close again by their own elasticity, so as to retain the object when the pressure is withdrawn. By sliding the wire stem which bears the forceps through its socket, and by moving that socket verti- cally upon its joint, and the joint horizontally upon the pin, the object may be brought into the field precisely in the posi- tion required ; and it may be turned round and round, so that all sides of it may be examined, by simply giving a twisting movement to the wire stem. The other ex- tremity of the stem often bears a small brass box filled with cork, and perforated with holes in its side, seen in fig. 243 ; this affords a secure hold to common pins, to the heads of which small objects can be attached by gum, or to which discs of card &xs. may be attached, whereon objects are mounted for being viewed with the Lieberkuhn. This method of mounting was formerly much in vogue, but has been less employed of late, since the Lieberkuhn has unfortunately fallen into comparative disuse. The forceps in fig. 244 is also often of great practical value, and is adjusted for holding by a screw. That which is known as the stage-vice, for the purpose of holding small hard bodies, such as minerals, apt to be jerked out by the angular motion of the blades of the forceps, or very delicate substances that will not bear rough compression, is very useful, and Fig. 244. Three-pronged forceps, screw adjustment. Fig. 245.— The stage-vice. is seen in fig. 245. The stage-vice fits into a plate, as is the case with Beck's 288 ACCESSORY APPARATUS disc-bolder, fig. 246, or it may simply drop into a stage fitting, as in the figure. For the examination of objects which cannot be conveniently held in the stage-forceps, but which can be temporarily or perma- nently attached to discs, no means is comparable to the disc-holder of Mr. R. Beck (fig. 246) in regard to the facility it affords for pre- senting them in every variety of position. The object being attached by gum (having a small quantity of glycerine mixed with it) or by gold size to the surface of a small blackened metallic disc, this is fitted by a short stem projecting from its under surface into a cylindrical holder ; and the holder carrying the disc can be made to rotate around a vertical axis by turning the milled head on the right, which acts on it by means of a small chain that works through the horizontal tubular stem ; whilst it can be made to incline to one side or to the other, until its plane becomes vertical, by turning the whole movement on the horizontal axis of its cylindrical socket.1 The supporting plate being perforated by a large aperture, the object may be illuminated by the Lieberkiihn if desired. The discs are inserted into the holder, or are removed from it, by a pair of forceps constructed for the purpose ; and they may be safely put away, by inserting their stems into a plate per- forated with holes. Several such plates, with inter- vening guards to prevent them from coming into too close apposition, may be packed into a small box. To the value of this little piece of apparatus the Author can bear the strongest testimony from his own experience, having found his study of the Foraminifera greatly facilitated by it. Glass Stage-plate. — Every microscope should be furnished with a piece of plate glass, about 3^ in. by 2 in., to one margin of which a narrow strip of glass is cemented, so as to form a ledge. This is extremely useful, both for laying objects upon (the ledge preventing them — together with their covers, if used — from sliding down when the microscope is inclined), and for preserving the stage from injury by the spilling of sea-water or other saline or corrosive liquids, when such are in use. Such a plate not only serves for the examination of transparent, but also of opaque objects ; for if the condensing lens be so adjusted as to throw a side light upon an object laid upon it, either the diaphragm plate or a slip of black paper will afford a dark background ; whilst objects mounted on the small black discs suitable to the Lieberkiihn may conveniently rest on it, instead of being held in the stage-forceps. Growing Slides and Stages. — A number of contrivances have been devised of late years for the purpose of watching the life histories of minute aquatic organisms, and of ' cultivating ' such as develop and 1 A small pair of forceps adapted to take up minute objects may be fitted into- the cylindrical bolder in place of a disc. Fig. 246.— Beck's disc-bolder. GROWING SLIDES 289 multiply themselves in particular fluids. One of the simplest and most effective, that of Mr. Botterill, represented in fig. 1^17, con i t , of a slip of ebonite, three inches by one, with a central aperture of three-fourths of an inch at its under side ; this aperture is reduced by a projecting shoulder, whereon is cemented a disc of thin glass, which thus forms the bottom of a cell hollowed in the thickness of the ebonite slide. On each side of this central cell a small lateral cell communicating with it, and about a fourth of an inch in diameter, is drilled out to the same depth ; this serves for the reception of a supply Fig. 247. of water or other fluid, which is imparted, as required, to the central ' growing ' cell, which is completed by placing a thin glass cover over the objects introduced into it, with the interposition of a ring of thin paper, or (if a greater thickness be required) of a ring of cardboard or vulcanite. If the fluid be introduced into one of the lateral cells, and be drawn off from the others — either by the use, from time to time, of the small glass syringe to be hereafter described, or by threads so arranged as to produce a continuous drip into one and from the other — a constantly renewed supply is furnished to the central cell, which it enters on one side, C and leaves on the other, by capillary at- traction. Dr. Lewis' and Dr. Maddox's growing slide is shown in fig. 248. Two semicircles L of asphalte varnish Fig. 24s. are brushed on the slide, one being rather larger than the other, so that the ends of one half-circle might overlap the other, but not so closely as not to permit the entrance and exit of air. When nearly dry a minute quantity of growing fluid was placed in the centre, upon which a few sporea were sown, a cover-glass being placed over it, which adhered to the semi-dried varnish. The slide was placed under a bell-glass, kept damp by being lined with moist blotting-paper. Dr. Maddoxs growing slide will be understood from the annexed sketch, fig. 249. The shaded parts are pieces of tinfoil fastened with u 290 ACCESSORY APPAEATUS shellac glue to a -lass slide. The minute fungi or spores to be crown are placed on a glass cover large enough to cover the tmtoil, with a droplet of the fluid required. This, after examination to see that no extraneous matter is introduced, is placed over the tinfoil, mid the edges fastened with wax softened with oil, leaving free the spaces, X X, for entrance of air. Growing slides of this description could be made cheaply with thin glass instead of tinfoil Dallinger and Drysdale s Moxst Stage for Continuous Observations. It is needful in working out the life histories of minute forms to be able to keep the organisms in a normal and undisturbed condition for sometimes weeks at a time : only a small drop of fluid containing the organism can be under observa- tion, and this, without proper pro- vision, is constantly evaporating. To prevent this, and still to employ very high powers in prolonged study of a given organism, is the object of this device. It consists of a plain glass stage, fig. 250, a, a, so fitted as to slide on in the place of the ordinary sliding stage of a Powell and Lealand or Ross stand. It is thus susceptible of the mechanical motions common to those stages. Its foundation, fig.250, a, a, is plate glass, about the tenth of an inch thick, in order to give it firmness. But this is too thick to work through with a condenser and high powers, and therefore a circular Fig. '249. — Maddox's growing stage. Fig. 250. — Dallinger and Drysdale's moist continuous growing stage. aperture, b, is cut through it, and a thin piece of good glass, c, d,c, j\ is fixed over the under surface of it with Canada balsam : this may be as thin as the condenser may require. At the end of the arm «, which extends some distance beyond the stage to the right of the reader, but when the arrangement is set up on the microscope to the left of the operator, a brass socket with a ring attached is fixed with marine glue. It is marked in the drawing g, g, g. The object of this ring is to hold a glass vessel, fig. 251, about 1| or 2 inches (GROWING STAGE K<>K CONTINUOUS WORK 291 Fig. 251. deep. It simply drops in, and the top, «, being slightly larger than the ring, ff, tig- 250, it is prevented from slipping through. Let us suppose the stage to be in its position on the microscope, and the vessel, rig. 251, inserted in this manner into fig. 250. A piece of good, new linen is now cut to the shape drawn in fi«\ 254 the part a being long enough to reach to the end of the glass stage and then at b bent over, leaving the part in the vessel, rig. 251, which is inserted into g, fig. 250. Its position is indicated in rig. 250, by the dotted lines, %h, It, &C4 But before it is laid upon the stage a circular aperture, d, rig. 254 is cut out, Which must be much larger in diameter than the covering glass which it is intended to use. We therefore employ small covers. The glass with the flap of linen in it is now rilled with water, and the linen is wetted and wrung so as not to drip, and the whole is very soon, by capillary • action, constantly and evenly wet. A drop of the fluid to be examined must now be placed at k, rig. 250, and the covering glass, i, must be laid on. It will be seen that there is a broad, clear space between the covering glass and the linen. We now want to form a chamber into which the object-glass can be inserted, and which shall enclose a portion of the constantly wet- linen, and be to a very large extent air-tight. The consequence will be that the evaporation within the chamber will be always greater in •quantity from the linen, on account of its con- tinual renewal, than it can be from the film of fluid. Indeed, the moisture in the chamber is so great under favourable circumstances that it Fig. 25-2. rather increases than allows a diminution of the film of fluid. The manner in which we effect this is simple. A piece of glass tubing, about 1^ inch in diameter, is cut to about f of an inch in length. At one end of this a piece of thin sheet caou- tchouc is firmly stretched, and a small hole is made in its centre. Fig. 252 gives a drawing of it ; a is the piece of glass tubing, h is the stretched elastic film, which is securely tied on by means of a groove in the glass at d, and e is the aperture. The bottom edge, should be carefully ground. This is laid in the position in which it is looked at in the drawing, on the linen of the stage, the aperture c being over the centre of the covering glass. The object-glass is now racked down through the small hide, c, fig. 252, and adjusted to focus. The caoutchouc should be thin enough to afford no impediment to the action of the fine adjustment, when it will be seen that it clasps the object-glass by its elasticity at the aperture ; and the gentile pressure forces the under edge of the chamber upon the linen, so that little or no air is admitted, while if the under edge of the -chamber be carefully ground it will suffer the stage, linen and all, to move under it when the milled heads for working the mechanical =stage are in action. , u a 292 ACCESSORY APPARATUS A drawing of the apparatus in working order is given in perpen- dicular section at fig. 253. The parts a, a in this figure represent the glass stage corresponding to a, a, fig. 250 ; b in both figures stands for the round aperture in the thick glass ; b, in fig. 253, cor responds to the thin glass which covers this aperture, marked c, d, e, f in fig. 250, but in the form of this device now used by the Editor the thin fflass- floor is cemented to the bottom of the plate glass, a, a, thus making a cell equal to the thickness of the whole staoe. The linen is marked in dotted lines in both figures : d, fio-. 253, represents the covering- glass, i, in fig. 250 ; e,e, fig. 253, is the piece of glass tubing, shown in fig. 252;/', tig. 253, is the stretched caou- tchouc seen at b in fig. 252, with the object-glass g3 penetrating and tightly filling up the aperture c in the figure, thus forming the moist chamber, ch, ch, by enclosing parts h, It. fig. 253, of the linen, which from the glass vessel to the left of the stage is by capillarity always renewing its moisture ; and with 6, fig. 253, sunk as a cell, by the attachment of the thin glass floor to the under side of the stage, as described above, this annular flap of linen overhangs, but does not lie upon, the floor on which the drop of fluid with its living inhabitants is placed. This is a great security against accidental1 flooding. It will be seen that the instrument must be horizontal ; but there is no inconvenience arising from this it' it be placed on a sufficiently low support, and it will be found in practice that it may be worked! Fig. 253. Fk.. -j:,4. for a long time without any other change in the arrangement than* the screwing up or down of the fine adjustment. The difficulties in working are few, and can be best discovered and overcome in practice. Dr. Bollinger's Thermostatic Stage for Continuous Observations: at High Temperatures. — It frequently happens that either for the pur- pose of experiment, or the study of special organisms, the student WARM CONTINUOUS MOIST STAGE 293 needs a similar continuous stage to the above, but one in which varying temperatures may be obtained and kept at any point st.it i,- at the will of the operator. This is very satisfactorily accomplished by the following device : The stage was made as described above, but it was made hollow and water-tight. The whole stage is seen in perspective in fig. 255. At A, << b are two grooved pieces of solid metal which permit the stage to slide on to the stage of an ordinary microscope, and partake of the mechanical movements effected by the milled heads ; B is a vessel for water with a thermometer 2,-)5. 'the gas from the main ; d conveys as much of the gas as is allowed 1o escape from between the top of the mercury, and the bottom of the gas delivery tube to the burner e. The regulation of this apparatus so as to obtain a static temperature, as is well known, is a matter of detail depending chiefly on the careful use of the mer- •curial screw-plug f, and the height and intensity of the burner e. A temperature quite as accurate as is needed can be obtained for the purpose required. The stage A is placed in position on the instrument, and two openings in this hollow stage at cd (A) are connected with two similar openings in the water vessel, viz. g It (B). The whole is carefully filled with water and raised to the required temperature and regulated. The manner in which it accomplishes the end desired is as follows. On the centre of the stage (A) will be seen a small cylinder of glass; 294 ACCESSORY APPARATUS this is ground at the end placed on the stage, and covered with a sort of drumhead of india-rubber at the upper end. By examining C with a lens it will be seen that a cell is counter-sunk into the- upper plate of the hollow stage at el', and a thin plate of glass is. cemented on to this. At e another disc of glass is cemented water- tight, so that a film of warm water circulates between the upper and under surfaces of this glass aperture. A glass cup is placed in the jacketed receptacle / (A and C), and this also is filled with water. A piece of linen is now laid on the stage (A, g) with an aperture cut in its centre slightly less than the counter-sunk cell in which the glass- disc e" is fixed, and a flap from it is allowed to fall over into the glass vessel /(A and C). Thus by capillarity the water is carried constantly over the entire face of the linen. But the glass cylinder seen in A is made of a much larger aperture than the cell and the opening in the* linen, and consequently a large annulus of the linen is enclosed within the cylinder. The drop of fluid to be examined is placed on the small! circular glass plate and covered with the thinnest glass, the drum- head cylinder is placed in position, the point of a high-power lens, is gently forced upon the top of the india-rubber through a small aperture, thus forcing the lower ground surface of the cylinder upon the linen, and making the space within the closed cylinder practi- cally air-tight, but still admitting of capillary action in the linen.. Thus the enclosed air becomes saturated. By complete circulation the water in the vessel e (A) is but slightly below that within the jacket of the stage, and thus the- vapour as well as the stage arc near the same thermal point. For the admission of illumination and for allowing the use of various illuminating apparatus, a large bevelled aperture e (C) is made between the lower and upper plates of the stage jacket, which is found to supply all the accommodation needed. There are many other forms of hot stage having various special purposes, and some of general application ; a good account of these will be found in the* ' Journal "Boy. Micro. Soc.'' vol. vii. ser. ii. pp. 299-316. The Live-box and Com- pressors. What is now so- well known even to the tiro- as the ' live-box ' was origin- ally devised by Tully, and it was afterwards improved bv Varley, who in the place of a level disc of glass for the floor, as well as the top of the ' box,' bevelled a piece of thick glass and burnished Fig. 25G. it into the top of the tube, where it formed the floor of this 'animalcule cage': this prevented the draining oft' of the water at the edge by capillary attraction. But in that form a LIVE-BOXES AND COMPRESSORS 295 condenser cannot be used successfully with it, and therefore a dark ground cannot be employed. But as it is Rotiferse and Infusoria generally that constitute the raison d'Stre for this piece of apparatus, and as a dark ground gives results of high value to say nothing of their beauty — with these forms, it lost much of its value. The whole piece of apparatus is seen at A, tig. 2T>6. A section of it is seen at B. A modification was subsequently made by Swift, which is seen at C, where the glass floor-plate is seen to be burnished into the brass plate, and the cover-glass is made to slide down upon it on %a tube. But in this still greater difficulty arose, when the focus of the lens was shorter than the length of the tube ; then, indeed, the motion of the * box ' was limited to the difference in diameter between the cell in which the glasses were sunk and the object-glass — in fact only low powers could be employed with it. Mr. Rousselet has overcome this difficulty by a device which is shown in fig. 257. In this the glass plate bevelled for the floor is somewhat reduced in diameter, but the outer ring is enlarged sufficiently to allow any high power to focus to the very edge of this glass floor. An object lying anywhere over the floor can be reached by the condenser from Fig. 257. below, and by both high and low powers from above, and when well made it acts well as a compressor. A drop of water so small that a rotifer maybe unable to swim out of the field of -view of a ]- inch objective can be readily arranged with it ; and a little practice enables the operator to employ it for many useful purposes in the study of ' pond life.' The compressor or compressorium is a more elaborate device, somewhat after the same kind, but arranged to give the operator more accurate control over the amount of pressure to which the object is subjected. Mr. Rousselet has constructed one of very efficient form. The bevelled glass in this also is kept small, with respect to the size of the cover-glass, and it acts with perfectly parallel pressure between the two glass< s, which in delicate work is of considerable importance. The cover-glass is held on an arm which screws down on a vertical post against a spring ; as the screw is raised the spring raises the cover-glass, and by an ingenious spring catch it is kept central with the glass-plate floor. This can nevertheless be released, and the entire cover can be turned aside to put on a fresh object, clean and so forth. It is simple, light, and, being parallel, can be used with the highest powers. An extremely handy r< u< rsible compressor is seen in fig. 258 : it is the device of Mr. W. Rowland. It is made of german silver, and 296 ACCESSORY APPARATUS the rings have two glass covers cemented to them ; the lower plate is} attached to a rod turning in a pocket, while the upper one pivots on a milled head which clamps if required or releases it when required for more easy cleaning. Varying pressures of the cover- glasses are obtained by turning the milled head in the centre of the plate, and the socket fits in the stage in the same position as the stage forceps KIA 299 to be examined is then placed in the cell, and may be properly arranged therein ; the cover is then lowered gently down, the two notches at the bottom edges being lirst placed against the pins : in tin's Way the superfluous water will be driven out and the whole apparatus may be wiped dry. The capillary attraction, assisted by the weight of the cover, will be found sufficient to prevent any leakage ; and the pins at the bottom prevent the cover from sliding down when the microscope is inclined. This zoophyte trough possesses two im- portant qualities : first, it does not leak ; second, it is not readily broken without gross carelessness. The shallowness maybe over come by placing an ebonite plate with the required aperture bet ween the two mounted glasses. Infusoria, minute Algse, &c. however, can be well seen by placing a drop of the water containing them on an ordinary slide, and laying a thin piece of covering glass on the top ; and objects, of somewhat greater thickness can be examined by placing a loop or ring of fine cotton-thread upon an ordinary slide, to keep the covering glass at a small distance from it ; and the object to be ex- amined being placed on the slide with a drop of water, the covering glass is gently pressed down till it touches the ring. Still thicker objects may be viewed in the various forms of 4 cells ' hereafter to be described, and as, when the cells are tilled with fluid, their glass covers will adhere by capillary attraction, provided the superfluous moisture that surrounds their edges be removed by blotting-paper, they will remain in place when the microscope is inclined. An annular cell, that may be used either as a 'live-box ; or as a 'grow - ing slide,' has lately been devised by Mr. Weber (U.S.A.). It is a slip of plate-glass, of the usual size and ordinary thickness, out of which a circular 'cell' of ^-inch diameter is ground, in such a manner that its bottom is convex instead of concave, its shallowest part being in the centre and the deepest round the margin. A small drop of the fluid to be examined being placed upon the central, convexity (the highest part of which should be almost flush with the general surface of the plate), and the thin glass cover being placed Upon it, the drop spreads itself out in a thin film, without finding its way into the deep furrow around it ; and thus it holds-on the covering glass by capillary attraction, while the furrow serves as an air-chamber. If the cover be cemented down by a ring of gold size or dammar, so that the evaporation of the fluid is prevented, either animal or vegetable life may thus be maintained for some days, or, if the two should be balanced (as in an aquarium), for some week . Dipping Tubes.-- In every operation in which small quantities, of liquid, or small objects contained in liquid, have to be dealt with by the microscopist, he will find it a very great convenience to be provided with a set of tubes of the forms represented in tig. 263, but of somewhat larger dimensions. These were formerly designated as 'fishing tubes,' the purpose for which they were originally de- vised having been the fishing out of water-fleas, aquatic insect- larva3, the larger animalcules, or other living objects distinguishable either by the unaided eye or by the assistance of a magnifying glass from the vessels that may contain them. But they are equally 300 ACCESSOEY APPARATUS A B C 1 into a large glass cell. applicable, of course, to the selection of minute plants ; and they may be turned to many other no less useful purposes, some of which will be specified hereafter. When it is desired to secure an object which can be seen either with the eye alone or with a magnifying glass, one of these tubes is passed down into the liquid, its upper orifice having been previously closed by the forefinger, until its lower •orifice is immediately above the object ; the finger being then re- moved, the liquid suddenly rises into the tube, prob- ably carrying the object up with it ; and if this is seen to be the case, by putting the linger again on the top of the tube, its contents remain in it when the tube is lifted out, and may be deposited on -a slip of glass, or on the lower disc of the aquatic box, or, if too copious for either receptacle, may be discharged In thus fishing in jars for any but minute objects, it will be generally found convenient to employ the open-mouthed tube C ; those with smaller orifices, A, B, being employed for ' fishing ' for animalcules etc. in small bottles or tubes, or for selecting minute objects from the cell into which the water taken up by the tube C has been discharged. It will be found very convenient to have the tops of these last blown into small funnels, which shall be covered with thin sheet india- rubber, or topped with indiarubber nipples, which by compression and ex pansion can then be the greatest nicety. In dealing with minute aquatic objects, and in a great variety of other manipulations, a small glass syringe of the pattern represented in fig. 264, and of about double the dimensions, will be found extremely convenient. When this is firmly held between the fore and GlaBS middle lingers, and the thumb is in- serted into the ring at the summit of the piston-rod, such complete command ris gained over the piston that its motion may be regulated with the greatest nicety ; and thus minute quantities of fluid may be removed or added in the various operations which have to be performed in the preparation and mounting of objects; or any minute object may be selected (by the aid of t he simple microscope, if necessary) from amongst a number in the same drop, and trans- ferred to a separate slip. A set of such syringes, with points drawn to different degrees of fineness, and bent to different curvatures, will be found to be among the most useful 'tools' that the work- ing microscopist can have at his command. It will also be found regulated with u Pig. 268.— Dip- ping tubes. Fig. 264 syringe PROTECTION FOR THE COARSE ADJUSTMENT 30I that if a dipping tube with a glass bulb have an indiarubber hollow ball or teat attached to the top of it, it will act, for the majority of purposes, as well as a syringe. Forceps. — Another instrument so indispensable tothemicroscopist as to be commonly considered an appendage to the microscope is the forceps for taking up minute objects ; many forms of this have been devised, of which one of the most convenient is represented in fig. 265 of something less than the actual size. As the forceps, in marine re- searches, have continually to be plunged into sea-water, it is better that they should be made of brass or of german silver than of steel, since the latter rusts far more readily ; and as they are not intended (like dissecting forceps) to take a firm grasp of the object, but merely to hold it, they may be made very light, and their spring portion r Fig. 2G5. slender. As it is essential, however, to their utility that their points should meet accurately, it is well that one of the blades should be furnished with a guide-pin passing through a hole in the other. Most microscopists have at some time experienced the danger that is imminent to their instruments and mountings when exhibit- ing delicate objects with high power in mixed assemblies, arising from the inadvertency or want of knowledge of some visitor, who may do terrible mischief by innocently using the coarse adjustment. Messrs. Ross made an arrangement by which the coarse adjustment could be * locked ' at a given point ; but an equally useful and simpler method was long ago devised by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, who used a deep ring, as is shown in fig. 266 : this ring has two pins and a screw projecting inwards. When the screw is withdrawn the rings can be slipped over the milled heads of the coarse adjustment, and by screwing the small screw 1 home ' the ring cannot be withdrawn ; but as they are loose upon the milled heads, the latter can- not be brought into action ; the rings simply revolve upon the heads without bringing them into play. Other forms of the same appliance have been made bv this firm ; and Messrs. Beck have made these rings with slight modifica- tions more recently. They are the most Fll. 266.— Powell and Lea- efficient means of counteracting the danger land s protecting ring for incident on public exhibition of delicate course adjustment, objects under high powers. The foregoing constitute, it is believed, all the most important pieces of apparatus which can be considered in the light of accessories to the microscope. Those which have been contrived co afford facilities for the preparation and mounting of objects will be de- scribed in a future chapter (Chapter VI.). 302 CHAPTER V OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APEBTOMETEB . | i is manifest that everything in the form and construction as well as in fche nature of the optical and mechanical accessories of the microscope, exists for, and to make more efficient, the special work of the objective, or image-forming lens combination, which constitutes the basis of the optical properties of 'this instrument. The development of the modern objective, as we have already seen, has been very gradual; but there are definite epochs of very marked and important improvement. Our aim in the study of objectives is practical, not antiquarian, and we may avoid elaborate researches on the subject of non- achromatic lenses, and reflecting specula, which have been sufficiently indicated in the third chapter of this volume. We may also pass over the earlier attempts at achromatism ; the true history of the modem objective begins from the time that its achromatism had been finally worked out The first movement of a definite character towards this object was made, it has been recently shown,1 so early as 1808 to 1811 by Bernardino Marzoli, who was Curator of the Physical Laboratory of the Lyceum of Brescia. Mr. May all discovered a reference to this effort to make achromatic lenses, and through the courtesy of the President of the Athenaeum of Brescia discovered that Marzoli was ^an amateur optician, and that he had taken deep interest in the application of achromatism to the microscope, and that a paper of his on the subject had been published in the ' Commentarj ' for the year 1808, and that he had exhibited his achromatic objectives at Milan in 1811 and obtained the award of a silver medal for their merits under the authority of the Istituto Reale delle Scienze of that city. One of these objectives was found to have been ' religiously preserved,' and was generously presented in 1890 to the Royal Micro- scopical Society of London. With it was forwarded the 4 Processo Verbale,' or official record of the awards, notifying Marzoli's exhibits and the award of a silver medal, and the actual diploma, dated August 20, 1811, signed by the Italian Minister of the Interior. Marzoli's objective was a cemented combination, having the plane .-side of the Hint presented to the object ; and if this was a part of the intended construction, of which there appears small room for •doubt, Marzoli preceded Chevalier in this, as we shall subsequently ■see, very practical improvement. 1 Journ. Boy. Mic. Soc. 1890, p. 420. MAK/OLl'S ACHROMATIC OJUECTIVE 303 It has been, however, customary to accredit the first practicable attempts to achromatise object-glasses to M. Selligues. In this optician was the first known in France to superimpose two, three, •or four achromatised plano-convex * doublets,' that is to say, pairs of lenses. These objectives had their convex surfaces presented to the object, which gave them four times as much spherical aberration as would have been the case had their positions been reversed,1 and, as we have just seen, Marzoli reversed them. This necessitated an excessive reduction of the apertures, which, nevertheless, still too manifestly displayed an obtrusive aberration. Still the conception of an achromatised combination had been embodied in an initial manner. In 1825 M. Chevalier perceived the exact nature of the mistake made by M. Selligues, and made the lenses of less focal length and more achromatic, and inverted them, placing the plane side of the Hint towards the object. It is somewhat important, as it is interesting, to note that the :idea of the superposition of a combination of lenses did not originate from theoretical considerations of the optical principles involved. It is scarcely conceivable that where there was manifest ignorance of the position of a plano-convex lens for least spherical aberration (a principle now thoroughly understood) there could have been in- sight enough either to detect the presence of the two aplanatic foci or to discover a method of balancing them by inductive reasoning. Everything in the history points to happy accident as the primal step in achromatised objectives, and this, with very high prob- ability, applies to Marzoli's work as to that of Chevalier. The form of three superimposed similar achromatic doublets is precisely the combination of the French 'buttons,' which have been :sold in thousands until quite recently, many of them being mounted •as English objectives. At the suggestion of Dr. Goring, Mr. Tullv, in this country, without any knowledge of what was being done on the Continent, made an achromatic objective in 182 i. This was a single combina- tion, being an achromatic uncemented triplet. It was, in fact, a miniature telescope object-glass, and is illus- trated in fig. '2i') 7. Two lenses made on this principle by Tullv, having j4)T and fa foci, were found in practice too thick, and in many ways imperfect; and he was induced to make another single triplet of ^% focus and 18° aper- ture, and its performance was said to be nearly FlG 267.— TuUVa achro- •equal to that of the matic triples. Subsequently a doublet was placed in front of a similar triplet of somewhat shorter focus, forming a double combination objective of 38° aperture. This was pronounced to be a great advance upon all preceding combinations, even those which had been produced upon the Continent. A note of Lister's at this time upon the objectives of Chevalier is of interest. He found them much stopped down, and, in one 1 Chapter I. 304 OBJECTIVES, EYE -PIECES, THE APERTOMETER instance, ho opened the stop and improved the effect. Lister says : 'The French optician knows nothing of the value of aperture, but he has show n us that fine performance is not confined to triple ob- jectives ; and in successfully combining two achromatics, he has given, an important hint -probably without being himself acquainted with its worth that I hope will lead to the acquisition of a penetrating 1 power greater than could ever be reached with one alone.' At this time Professor Amici, of Modena, one of the leading minds who assisted in giving its form to the modern microscope, had been baffled. l/t by the difficulties presented by the problem of achromatism, and had laid it aside in favour of the reflecting microscope, but he now returned to the practical reconsideration of the production of an achromatic lens. As a result he appears to have constructed objectives of greater aperture than those of Chevalier. He visited London in, 1827, and brought with him specimens of his work, which produced a most favourable im- pression, and subsequently he made an objective of ^-inch focus. Meantime, in this country, Mr. Lister brought about an important epoch in the evolution of the achromatic object-glass by the discovery of the two aplanatic foci of a combination. It had occupied his mind for several years, but in January 1830 a very important paper was read to, and published by, the Royal Society, written.. by him, in which he points out how the aber- rations of one doublet may be neutralised by a second. As the basis of a microscopic objective, he considers it eminently desirable that the flint lens shall be plano-concave, and that it shall be joined by a permanent cement to the convex, lens. For an achromatic object-glass so constructed he made the general inference that it will have on one side of it two foci in its axis, for the rays proceeding from which the spherical aberration will be truly corrected at a moderate aperture ; that for the space between these two points its spherical aberration will be over-corrected, and beyond them either way under-corrected. Thus, let a, b, fig. 268, represent such an object-glass, and be roughly considered as a plano-convex lens, with a curve, a c b, running through it, at which the spherical and chromatic errors are corrected which are generated at the two outer surfaces, and let the glass be thus free from aberration for rays, f, d, e, g, issuing from the radiant point, f, h e being a perpendicular to the convex 1 ' Penetrating ' meant ' resolving ' power in those days ; he alludes, therefore, to increase of aperture. Fig. 268. — The two aplanatic foci of an optical combination. EFFECTS OF LISTER'S DISCOVERY ON ACHROMATISM 305 surface, and i d to the plane one — under these circumstances tin- angle of ('mergence, y e /1, much exceeds that of incidence, f 'I i, being probably almost three times as great. If the radiant is now made to approach the glass, SO that the course of the ray, f tie g, shall be more divergent from the axis, as the angles of incidence and emergence become more nearly equal to each other, the spherical aberration produced by the two will be found to bear a less proportion to the opposing error of the single correcting curve acb ; for such a focus, therefore, the rays will be over-corrected. But if f still approaches the glass, the angle of incidence continues to increase with the increasing diver- gence of the ray, till it will exceed that of emergence, which has in the meanwhile been diminishing, and at length the spherical error produced by them will recover its original proportion to the oppo- site error of the curve of correction. When f has reached this point f" (at which the angle of incidence does not exceed that of emergence so much as it had at first come short of it) the rays again pass the glass free from spherical aberration. If f be carried hence towards the glass, or outwards from its original place, the angle of incidence in the former case, or of emergence in the latter, becomes disproportionately effective, and either way the aberration exceeds the correction. How far Lister's discoveries were affected by Amici's work it is now quite impossible to say ; there can be but little doubt that sonic influence is due to it, but it is equally clear that a profound know- ledge of the optics of that time was the only foundation upon which the facts in Lister's paper could have been built. He was a man of application and an enthusiast, and it was inevitable that he should exert a powerful influence upon the early history of the optics of the microscope. This is the more certain when we remember how few were the men at that time who knew in any practical sense what a microscope was ; and we find that in 1831, being unable to find any optician who cared to experiment sufficiently, Lister taught himself the art of lens-grinding, and he made an objective whose front was a meniscus pair, with a triple middle combination, and the back a plano-convex doublet. He declared this to be the best lens of its immediate time, and it had a working distance of "11. One of the immediate consequences of the publication of Lister's paper was the rapid production by professional opticians of achromatic objectives. The data supplied by Lister proved to be of the highest value in the actual production of these, and the progress of improve- ment was, in consequence, and in comparison with the time imme- diately preceding, remarkably rapid. Andreto Ross began their manufacture in 1831. He was followed by Hugh Powell in 183-4, and in 1839 by James Smith. It is of more than ordinary interest to study in detail the work of this im- mediate time, and the following table giving a list of objectives, with their foci, apertures, and mode of construction, with the dates of their production, will give a fair idea of the work of Andrew Ross in the manufacture of early lenses. He was the earliest of the three x 306 OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APEBTOMETEK English makers, and undoubtedly carried the palm both here andom the Continent for the excellence of his objectives. << 1 inch L4° two doublets, 1832 L8° single triple, 1833. 55° three pairs, 1834. - 60° „ „ T.18S6. ||o ^ triple front and two double backs ^xg^^j- Lister's formula. I l 4 t 10 1 | 44° 63° 74° 5> , 1842. Examples of these old lenses are extant and in perfect preserva- tion,, and for correction they are comparable without detriment to any ordinary crown and flint glass achromatic of the same aperture of the present day. An example of the construction of the i-inch focus objective of 55°, consisting of three pairs of lenses arranged with their plane sides to the object,, the position of least aberration, is shown in fig. 269. The foci of these three pairs are in the proportion of 1:2:3. In 1837 this maker had so completely ■pic 269 —A 1 in eorrected the errors of spherical and chromatic aber- combiiiation4 by ration that the circumstance of covering an object Andrew Boss. with a plate of the thinnest glass was found to dis- turb the corrections ; that is to say, the correc- tions were so relatively perfect that if the combination were adapted to an uncovered object, covering the object with the thinnest glass introduced refractive disturbances that destroyed the high quality of the objective.1 Lister's paper of 1830 gave the obvious clue to a method of neutralising this ; that is to say, by lens distance ; and Hoss applied this correction by mounting the front len& of an objective in a tube which slid over another tube carrying the two other pairs. There was a small guide-pin in an L-shaped slot to limit the amount of movement ; for uncovered objects, the front combination was drawn out and the pin was turned into the foot L ; and for covered objects the combinations were closed together to their limit. Subsequently this arrangement was modified by the introduction 1 Vide Chapter I. Uncovered. Covered. Fig. 270. — Section of adjusting object-glass. the modern use of collar coklkction 307 q£, a screw arrangement, as in fig. _!70. The front pair of leu ea i fixed into a tube (A) which slides over an interior tube (I>) by which the other two pairs are held ; and it is drawn up or down by means of a collar (C), which works in a furrow cut in the inner tube, and upon a screw-thread cut in the outer, so that its revolution in the plane to which it is fixed by the one tube gives a vertical movement to the other. In one part of the outer tube an oblong slit is made, as seen at D, into which projects a small tongue screwed on the inner tube ; at the side ;of the former two horizontal lines are engVaved, one pointing to the word ' uncovered,' the other to the word ' covered ' ; whilst the latter is crossed by a horizontal mark, which is brought to coincide with either of the two lines by the rotation of the screw-collar, whereby the outer tube is moved up or down. When the mark has been made to point to the line 'uncovered,' it indicates that the distance of the lenses of the object- glass is such as to make it suitable for viewing an object without any interference from thin glass ; when, on the other hand, the mark has been brought by the revolution of the screw-collar into coincidence with the line f covered,' it indicates that the front lens has been brought into such proximity with the other two as to produce an ' under correction ' in the objective, fitted to neutralise the ' over- correction ' produced by the interposition of a glass cover of extremest thickness. This method of collar correction served the purposes of micro- scopy for upwards of thirty years, but when more critical investiga- tions were undertaken and objectives had more aperture given to them it was found that the method had two great faults. The first was that the * covered ' and 1 uncovered ' marks were too crude. To remedy this, the screw collar was graduated into fifty divisions so that intervals between the points ' covered ' and 'uncovered ' might be recorded. The second, a more serious defect, was the movement of the front lens, while the back remained rigid with the body of the microscope. The detriment of this arrangement was that in correcting a wide-angled, close- working objective there was a danger of forcing the front lens through the cover-glass by means of the collar correction. Now the object in the arrangement as shown in fig. 270a enables the front lens to maintain a fixed position, while the correctional collar acts on the posterior combinations only. On the Continent it has been the practice to graduate the correctional collar in terms of the thic kness of the cover-glass in decimals of a millimetre. Thus if a cover-glass & x 2 Fig. 270a. — Present collar correction. 308 objectives, eye-pieces, the apektometek be 0-18 mm. thick, the correctional collar should be set to the division marked 0*18. I ii England, on the contrary, the divisions are entirely empirical, so that the operator has to discover for himself the proper adjustment. It is not to be supposed, however, that the English method is un- scientific, for when an operator becomes expert he would never for an instant think of adjusting by any other indication than that afforded by his own eye and experience. This is a very important point because the interpretation of structure, to a great extent, depends on accurate adjustment of the objective, and it would be folly to suppose that an eminent observer would surrender his judgment to the predetermination of theory embodied in what must be the imperfections in even the most conscientious and thorough work which gives a practical form to such theory. In fact, it is the test of accurate manipulation that, however the collar correction be dis- turbed, the microscopist will, in getting a critical image of the same object, always, by the quality of the image he obtains, bring the correction to within the merest fraction of the same position, although the correction collar and - its divisions are never looked at until the desired image is obtained. The fact that the over- correction caused by the cover-glass was discovered in England, and that means were at once found for its correction, while no similar steps were taken on the Continent, is a sufficient evidence of the advanced position of this country in practical optics at that time. This subject of under- and over-correction is one of large import- ance^ and it may be well at this point to enable the tiro to clearly understand, by evidence, its nature, although what it is has been fully shown in Chapter I. Take a single lens, the field-lens of a Huyghenian eye-piece will serve admirably, and hold it a couple of yards from a lamp flame ; the rays passing through the peripheral portion of the lens will be found by experiment with a card to be brought to a focus at a point on the axis nearer the lens than those passing through the centre. This is under-correction. The same experiment should be repeated with the plane side and the convex side of the lens alternately turned to the flame. In the former case, when the image of the flame is at its best focus, it will be sur- rounded by a coma, and even the portion of the flame which is in focus will lack brightness. But with the convex side towards the flame it will be found that in the image on the card the coma is greatly reduced, and the image of the flame brightened. The rea- son for this is, as already stated, that the spherical aberration is four times as great when the convex side of the lens is towards the card. The practice of these simple tests will be most instructive to those unfamiliar with the optical principles on which an objective is constructed. They make plain that an over-corrected lens is one which brings its peripheral rays to a longer focus than its central. But a cover-glass produces over- correction, therefore the means employed to neutralise the error is by the under- correction of the objective. If, however, the objective employed should be unpro- MICROSCOPES BY THREE LEADING MAKERS IN 1811 309 vided with such means of correction, the eye-piece must be brought nearer the objective, which will effect the same result.1 Still confining our consideration to the year 1S.°>7, we find thai n further improvement was made by Lister, who employed a triple front combination. This consisted of two crown plano-convexes with a flint plano-concave between them. The result of this was the increase of the aperture of an inch-focus objective to 22°. An illustration of the mode of construction of these lenses is given in fig. 271, which is drawn from an early -^-inch objective by Andrew Ross, having bayonet-catch correction adjustment. In 1842 a -J-inch of 44°, a ^-inch of 63°, and a {--inch of 74° were made upon the same lines. In 1841 the Royal Microscopical Society ordered a microscope from each of the before- mentioned leading opticians. The objectives supplied with these are still extant, represent- T-ii?7 combination ing with moral certainty the very best work of by A. Ros 3. the several makers ; they are consequently valu- able as reliable specimens of the best work of the period. The objectives supplied by James Smith have the peculiarity of being separating lenses. The lowest power is about l^-inch focus. When this is used alone a diaphragm is slid over the front to limit the aperture, but we are unable to say what that limit was, since the diaphragm has been lost. By placing another front where the diaphragm would have been, the new combination becomes an T^-inch focus, while yet another front may be substituted, making the objective a ^-inch focus. This latter front consists of two pairs, and it is provided with a graduated screw-collar adjustment which separates these pairs, but the arrangement is of a very primitive order. This object-glass will divide the podura marks in a milky field with a full cone, and the field is much curved. There is also a separating 1^-inch and J|-inch which is good, while the -f^-inch and the ^-inch may be considered fair. The lenses supplied by Andrew Ross are a good 2 -inch and a fair 1-inch, but we have seen a better than this of about the same period. Hugh Powell supplied a 1-inch of good quality, and a }, \, -|, yVinch fairly good. The apertures of the -J- and the ^.-inch are of course very low. On the whole it may be said that the corrections are well balanced in the lower lenses, and the apertures moderate ; but when we come to the higher powers it is the deficiency of aperture that becomes so oppressively apparent. In 1844 Amici made a I -inch objective of 112° and brought it to England. It was understood that extra dense flint was employed in the construction of this objective ; but this is perishable ; and Mr. Ross altered slightly the curves of Amici's construction, and with ordinary Hint succeeded 1 Under-correction is also known as ' positive aberration* ; over-correction as ' negative aberration.' <3IQ : OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES', THE ' APEKTOMETEft' I in extending the aperture of a ^-inch' objective to 8'5°, or -68 N.A. ; and a /.-inch objective to 135°, or -93 K.A. Of this ■latter it was affirmed that it was ' the largest angular pencil that could bo passed through a microscope object-glass.' In LSfiO object-g lassos were made with a triple back combination ; these were attributed to Lister ; but it is also affirmed that they were the previous device of Amici. It may well be a disputed point, for it is quite certain that this device brought the dry achromatic objective potentially to its highest perfection. The combination is illustrated in fig. 272, and under the conditions of its construction it may be well doubted if anything will ever surpass the results obtained by English opticians in achromatic objectives constructed with this triple front, double Fig. 272. A triple- middle, and triple back combinations. It may be back combina- noticed that Tully's objective had a triple back, f1? Amid 9)1Stel* ^ut it was not the 1 result of intended construction ; ,'. it was a fortunate combination the real value of which was neither understood nor appreciated, and as a consequence its existence was evanescent. In this same year Wenham produced another modification of the achromatic objective of considerable value, but more to the manu- facturer than the user of the microscope. It consisted of a single front ; the combination is seen in fig. 273, which it will be seen is a simpler construction, but this did not affect in the least the price of the objectives produced. Subsequently, how- ever, the form was adopted on the Continent for low-priced objectives, which led to a reduction of the cost of English objectives of the same con- struction. Manifestly, the single front lessened the risk of technical errors, but we have never been able yet to find a single front dry achromatic objective Fig. 273.— A single- which has shown any superiority over a similar front combination „ • i • i /■ ■ by Wenham one possessing a triple iront. The single front employed with two combina- tions at the back was the form in which the celebrated ivater- immersion objectives of Powell and Lealand were made. It was by one of these that the strise on Amphipleura pellucida were first resolved. Indeed, what is known as the water-immersion system of objectives, devised by Professor Amici, was the next advance upon the old form ; but it was an advance the optical principles of which were certainly not at the time understood. In Paris, Prazmowski and Hartnack brought these objectives to great perfection, and were enabled to take the premier place against all competitors at the exhibition of 1867. The next year, however, Powell and Lealand adopted the system, and in turn they distanced the Paris opticians and produced some of the finest objectives ever made. Their ' New Formula ' water-immersions were made after the fine model of Tolles referred to below, and had a duplex front, a double middle, and a triple back. In 1877, when the water- THE IN1-LI KXCE OF THE DIFFRACTION THEORY } I j immersion system touched its highest point, apertures as great as 1 23 were reached ; and in America, Spencer, Tolles, and Wales produced some extremely fine lenses of large aperture. During the year 1869 Wenham experimented with and sug- gested 1 the employment of a duplex front ; that is so say, a front combination made up of two uncorrected lenses in contradistinction to an achromatised pair. An illustration of the plan suggested is given in fig. 274, which hardly appears to us as a practicable form, and which certainly was never brought to perfection or put into practice. But in the month of August 1873 Tolles actually made, on wholly independent lines, a duplex front formula for a \ -glycerine im- mersion of 110° balsam angle, which passed into the possession of the Army Medical ' "b^Wen? Museum at Washington. There can be little ham 1869. doubt but this objective would have produced ■a much deeper impression but for the fact that it was in advance of its immediate time. Tolles, as we have hinted above, used the duplex front in the construction of some of his immersion objectives, and was followed in this by the best English makers, and in the case of a celebrated -^-inch, purchased by Mr. Crisp, Tolles was able to reach a balsam .angle of 96°. At the time that the water-immersion lenses were being con- structed by rival opticians with increasing perfection the great theory of Professor Abbe concerning microscopic vision, the import- ance of diffraction spectra, and the relation of aperture to power 1 was entirely unknown. In the absence of this knowledge wholly mistaken value was attached to power per se in the objective. With a focus as short as the T>Vinch> was n°t uncommon to find apertures less than 1*2, while objectives of J^, jnr, and •even higher powers, were made with extremely reduced apertures. This was done in the interests of the common belief that ' power ' — devoid of its suitable concurrent aperture — could do what was so keenly wanted. This impression, however, was far from universally relied on ; there were several earnest workers, who, without being able to explain, as Abbe subsequently did, why it was so, still urged the opticians, in the manufacture of every new power, especially the higher ones, to produce the largest possible amount of aperture ; and the evidence of this is still to be found in the objectives they then succeeded in obtaining. But there can be no doubt that a reckless desire for magnifying power, all other considerations apart, greatly obtained ; and the opticians were able to encourage it, for it is far easier to •construct an objective of high power and low aperture than it is to make a low powrer with a large aperture. Thus a ^-inch of 0'65 N.A. will be far more expensive and prob- ably not as well corrected as ]t of 0*7 N.A. The i-inch objective, 1 Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. i. p. 172. 312 OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APEKTOMETEK even if a good one, is sure to exhibit spherical aberration, while the I of low aperture will show many minute objects with con- siderable clearness, especially if a comparatively narrow illuminating- cone be used. This difference becomes still more conspicuous as the difference between aperture and power grows relatively greater, until we obtain ultimately an amplification more than useless from its utter inability,, on account of deficiency of aperture, to grasp details.1 Up to 1874, however, there was an entire absence of knowledge, even on the part of the leaders in microscopic theory, art, and practice, as to the real optical principles that enabled us to see a microscopic image, and consequently to understand the essential requirements to be aimed at in the best form of microscope. But in 1877 Abbe's great diffraction theory of microscopic vision appeared, which has led to changes of incomparable value in the principles of construction of objectives and eye-pieces, and, as a consequence, has to some considerable extent given a new character to the entire in- strument. Its promulgation has indeed inaugurated an entirely new epoch in the construction and use of the microscope. The general character and the details of Abbe's theory are given in the second chapter of this treatise ; but its practical bearing upon the theory and application of the optical part of the instrument were soon manifest; for in 1878 the homogeneous system of immersion objectives2 was introduced as a logical outcome of the diffraction, theory of microscopic vision. A formula for a ^-inch objective on this system was prepared by Abbe, to whom, we learn from himself, it had been suggested by Mr. J. W. Stephenson, of the Royal Microscopical Society.3 It has been already shown 4 that the homo- geneous system was so called because it employed the oil of cedar wood to unite the front lens of the objective to the cover-glass of the object, in the same way as water had been employed in the ordinary immersion system ; but as there was a practical identity between the refractive and dispersive indices of the oil, and those of the crown glass of the front lens, the rays of light passed through what was essentially a homogeneous substance in their path across from the balsam-mounted object to the front lens ; and a homogeneous system of objectives took the place of the previous water immersions. This was the first great step in advance in optical construction and application following the theory of Abbe. As often happens in matters of this kind, there had been an apparent anticipation of this system of lenses by Amici as far back as 1844 ; but it is very apparent that Amici employed the oil of aniseed without any clear knowledge of the principles involved in the homogeneous system ; being wholly unaware of either the increase of aperture involved or the cause of it. But this cannot be said of Tolles, of New York. We have pointed out that as early as 1873 he made a TL-inch, and subsequently in the same year a i-inch objective, each with a duplex front to work in soft balsam, and with a 1ST. A. of 1-27. These objectives were examined by the late Dr. 5 tide Chapter II. 2 j^. 5 P. 27; also Joum. Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. ii. 1879, p. 257. 4 Chapter I. THE EXCLUSION OF THE SECONDARY SPECTRUM 3 1 3 Woodward, of the Army Medical Department, New York, and with that examination were allowed to drop. For Tulles as an original deviser of a practical homogeneous system this was unfortunate ; for the actual introduction of the system in a form capable of universal application, and worked out in all its details in an entirely inde- pendent manner, we are wholly indebted to Abbe. The principle was not, nevertheless, so readily and warmly adopted in England on its first introduction as , might have been anticipated. This arose partly, however, from the fact that water im- mersions had been brought to so high a point of excellence by Messrs. Powell and Lealand that the early homogeneous objectives were not pos- sessed of more aperture, and were not sensibly superior to the best immersions made in England. The homogeneous objectives were made with duplex fronts and two double backs. A general diagram of their mode of construction is given in Flt possible in the flint and crown achromatic to combine two colours in all the zones 1 CHaptei I. 314 OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APERTOMETER of the objective, so that if two given colours are combined in the in- termediate zone, they will not be combined in the peripheral and the central portions of the objective. These phenomena, it has been pointed out,1 arise from what is known as the irrationality of the spectrum. To correct this we have seen that Drs. Abbe, Schott, and Zeiss directed their attention to the devising of vitreous compounds which should have their dispersive powers proportional to their refractive indices for the various parts of the spectrum. Only by these means could the outstanding errors of achromatism be corrected. It is therefore a fact that the old flint and crown objectives, whether for the microscope, the telescope, or the photographic camera, are, strictly speaking, neither achromatic nor aplanatic. Glass whose properties far more nearly approximated the theo- retical requirements than any previously attainable having been manufactured by the Jena opticians,2 Abbe was able to produce objectives entirely cleansed of the secondary spectrum. From calcu- lations of a most elaborate and exhaustive kind made by Dr. Abbe, objectives are made by Zeiss which not only combine three parts of the spectrum instead of two, as formerly, but which are also aplanatic for two colours instead of for one. This higher stage of achromatism Abbe has called apochromatism. A general plan of the construction of an apochromatic objective as made by Zeiss is shown in fig. 276, which, it will be understood, is diagrammatic, but sufficiently illustrates the elaborate corrections by which the perfect results given by these objectives are accomplished. But, in addition to their form of construction and the special optical glass of which they are composed, it is now known that they owe much of their high quality to the use of fluorite lenses amongst the combination. Fluorite is a mineral which has lower refractive and dispersive indices than any glass that has yet been composed, and therefore, by its introduction, the optician can reduce the spherical and chro- matic aberrations greatly below that reached by achromatic combinations of the known type. It is a somewhat depressing fact that fluorite is very difficult to procure in the clear condition needful for the optician, but from what we have Pig 2 6 D' seen the optician can do in the manufacture of apochr^attc^om- g^assj we mav hope that an equivalent of this bination. mineral in all optical qualities may be discovered. The medium for mounting and immersion contact has, of course, to be of a corresponding refractive and dispersive index in all objectives of great aperture, and it is insisted by Abbe that the glass of which the mount is made, both slip and cover, must, when the limit of refraction by crown glass is passed by the objective, be of flint glass. This he presents as a sine qud non in the case of the new objective just made by the house of Zeiss, and a specimen of which has been generously given by the Firm to the Royal Microscopical Society. This glass has a numerical 1 Chapter I. 2 chapter II. COMPARATIVE ACTION OF A POCIIKOMAT1C & OTHER LENS IIS 315 focus.1 Another negative eye-piece is that known as the Keiiner, or orthoscope. This consists of a bi-convex field-glass, and an achromatic, doublet meniscus (bi-convex and bi-concave) eye-lens. A vertical section of one so constructed is seen in fig. 279. These eye-pieces usually magnify ten times, and the advantage they are supposed to- give consists in a large field of view ; but they are not good in practice for this very reason, they take in a field of view greater than the- Fig. 278. — Huyghenian eye-piece. Fig. 279. — Kellner eye-piece. objective can stand, and as a rule even the centre of the field will not bear comparison in sharpness with the Huyghenian form. It is a suggestion of Mr. Nelson's that a crossed convex 6 : 1 field-lens and a meniscus and concave-convex doublet eye-lens might work well for this form of eye-piece. Positive Eye-pieces. — In the early compound microscopes the eye-pieces were all positive ; that is to say, they consisted of a single bi-convex eye-lens and no field-glass. The definition with this must have been most imperfect ; the addition of a field-lens, though it were a bi-convex, not in: the correct ratio of focus, nor the theoretically best distance, must have been considered a great advance. In this way matters rested, however, until the theoretically perfect Huyghenian form was devisyd. Nothing has yet displaced this com- bination or successfully altered its formula. Object-glasses have been used as eye-pieces and all forms of loujis or simple microscopic lenses have been employed for the same purpose. Solid eye-pieces have also been used both in England and America, but with no results that surpassed a well- made Huyghenian combination ; but the best form of all of the combinations which have been tried by us as positive single eye- pieces are the Steinheil triple loups ; a section of one of these is- 1 It is a curious fact that in practice the usual formula for the Huyghenian eye- piece is radius of field-lens twice that of eye-lens, and the distance between them, equal to half the sum of their foci. Fig. 280. COMPENSATING K VK-I'I K( T,S 323 seen in fig. 280. But a positive eye-piece was devised by li nn .M ITER 333 be strongly marked, and must be in optical contact with the OOVer- glass; this maybe tested by means of an oil-immersion and the 4 vertical illuminator' (p. 281). b The objectives of widest aperture are not readily tested because • there is no condenser sufficiently aplanatic to do it exhaustively. The best that can be done is to take a diatom, such as a Coscinodis- cus, in balsam with strong 'secondaries' (Plate I. figs. .3 and 1), with the largest aplanatic cone that can be obtained, which at present can.be best accomplished with Powell and Lealand's achromatic condenser of 1*4 N.A. It must be a good objective indeed that does not show signs of breaking down under this strain ; and there is extreme susceptibility to cover correction to which close attention must be paid. An illuminating cone of N. A. 1 '0 is probably just below the point of over-strain with the best lenses at present at our disposal. Testing lenses, therefore, resolves itself into two methods, viz. 1. For low and medium powers, dark ground with a Polycistina, or a diatom according to the power. 2. Centring for medium powers (an ordeal not needful for very low powers) should be by means of a hair of /V '//.o-nus lay a r».<. 3. Centring for high powers by means of podura scale. 4. Definition Coscinodiscus asteromphalus with wide-angled cone obtaining sharp, brilliant, and clear view of ' secondaries.' The apertometer, as its name implies, is an instrument for mea- suring the aperture of a microscopic objective. As correct ideas of aperture have only obtained during the past few years, it may be inferred that apertometers constructed before the definition of aper- ture was given and accepted were crude and practically useless. The controversy on the 1 aperture question,' which Mas in full operation some eighteen years since, is not an altogether satisfactory page in the history of the modern microscope, and for many reasons it is well to pass it unobservantly by. It will suffice to state that during its progress an apertometer was devised by P. B. Tolles, of America, which accurately measured the true aperture of an objec- tive. About the same time Professor Abbe gave his attention to the subject, and with the result, as we have seen, that he has given a definite and permanent meaning to numerical ajxrhire, making- it, as we have seen, the equivalent of the mathematical expression 71 sine u, n being the refractive index of the medium and a half the angle of aperture.1 The application of this formula to, and its general bearing upon, the diffraction theory of microscopic vision has been given in its proper place J but as the aim of this manual is thoroughly practical we shall be pardoned for even a small measure of repetition in endeavouring to explain the use of this formula in such a manner that only a knowledge of simple arithmetic will be required to enable the student to work out any of the problems which are likely to arise in his practical work. 1 A knowledge of the meaning of the trigonometrical expression ' sine ' is not necessary in solving any of the following questions. As the values ure nil found in tables it is only necessary to caution those who are unacquainted with the use of mathematical tables to see that they have the ' natural sine ' and not the ' log sine.' OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APE RTOME TE R We can best accomplish this by illustration. i. If a certain dry objective has an angular aperture of 60°, what is its N.A. ? (i.e. numerical aperture). All that is needful is to find the value of n sine u ; in this case n = the refractive index of the medium, which is air, is 1 ; and %iT which is half of 60°, = 30° opposite 30° in a table of natural sines,1 is r> ; sine u, therefore, = -5, which multiplied by 1 gives -5 as the N.A. of a dry objective having 60° of angular aperture. ii. What is the N.A. of a water-immersion whose angular aperture == 44° ? n here = 1"33, the refractive index of water ; and u, or half 44°, is 22°. Sine 22° from tables = '375, which multiplied by T33 = 5 (nearly), which is the N.A. required. iii. What is the N.A. of an oil-immersion objective having- 38^° of angular aperture 1 n the refractive index of oil, which is equal to that of crown glass, is 1*52 ; u = 19 J and sine u from tables = *329, which multi- plied by 1*52= -5. Thus it is seen that a dry objective of 60°, a water-immersion of 44°, and an oil-immersion of 38^° all have the same N.A. of *5. It will be well, perhaps, to give the converse of this method. iv. If a dry objective is '5 N.A., what is its angular aperture ? •5 Here because n sine u = '5, sine u— — ; the objective being dry n = 1, therefore sine u = *5. Opposite "5 in the table of natural sines is 30° ; hence u = 30°. But as u is half the angular aperture of the objective, 2it or 60° = the angular aperture required. v. What is the angular aperture of a water-immersion objective whose N.A. = -5 ? Here n = 1*33, n sine u = "5 ; sine u = L = = -376 ; n 1"33 u = 22° (nearly) from tables of sines ; 2u = 44°, the angle re- quired. vi. What is the angular aperture of an oil-immersion objective of -5 N.A. ? •5 *5 Here n= 1'52, n sine u = *5, sine u = — = - - = -329 : n l-52 u = 19^° (by tables of sines) ; and 2u — 38-^, the angle required. We may yet further by a simple illustration explain the use of n sine u. In the accompanying diagram, fig. 285, let n' represent a vessel of glass ; let the line A be perpendicular to the surface of the water C D ; suppose now that a pencil of light impinges on the surface of the water at the point where the perpendicular meets it, making an. angle of 30° with the perpendicular. This pencil in penetrating the water will be refracted or bent towards the perpendicular. The problem is to find the angle this pencil of light will make with the perpendicular in the water. To do this we must remember that n sine u on the air side is 1 Vide Appendix A to this volume, SIMPLE ILLUSTRATION OF THE USE OF N SINK U 33 > equal to n' sine u' on the water side. Thus on the air side // = 1, II = 30°, and by the tables of sines sine .'50° = ~) ; consequently on the .air side we have n sine u = *5. On the water side n' = 1*33, and uf is to be found. J Jul as which (as ... . , n sine // n sine u = n sine u, sine u = —j— n = = 376 l :v;> the tables show) is the natural sine of an angle of 22° ( nearly) ; eon sequently u' — 22° ; so the pencil of light in passing out of air into water has been bent 8° from its original direction. Conversely a pencil in water making an angle of 22° with the perpendicular would on emerging from the water be bent in air S° further aicau from the perpendicular, and so make an angle of 30° with it. Now if we suppose that these pencils of light revolve round il>< perpendicular, cones would be dt scribed, and we can readily see that a solid cone of 60° in air is the exact equivalent of a solid cone of 44° in water. If we further suppose that the water in the vessel is replaced by cedar oil, the pencil in air remain- ing the same as before, will, when it enters the oil, be bent more than it was in the water, because the oil has a higher refractive index than water ; n in this case is equal to 1*.")2. The exact position of the pencil can be determined in the same manner as in the previous case. On the air side, as before, n sine u = '5 ; on the oil side n sine n sine u u' = n sine u: sine vi = t)V , -rig =329, which (.. the tables) is the natural sine of 19j°. It follows that the pencil has been bent in the cedar oil 10^° out of its original course, and a cone of G0° in air becomes a cone of 38^° in cedar oil or crown glass. Finallv, it is instructive to note the result when an incident pencil in air makes an angle of 90° with the perpendicular ; rtsine u becomes unity, and >/ in water 48:,l°, in oil 41° (nearly) ; conse- quently a cone of either 97.}° in water, or 82j 0 in oil or crown glass, is the exact equivalent of the whole hemispherical radiant in air. In 336 OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APEKTOMETEK Other words, and to vary the mode in which this great truth: has been before; stated, the theoretical maximum aperture for a dry lens is equivalent to a water-immersion of 97-J-°, and an oil-immersion of 82 J ° angular aperture. The last problem that need occupy us is to find the , angular aperture of an oil-immersion which shall be equivalent to a water- Lmmersiorj of 180° angular aperture. vii. On the water side n == l*33j u = 90°, sine 90° = 1, n sine u. = 1-33. On the oil side ri = 1*52 and u' has to be found. , yisineit 1*33 , a-,0 As n' sine u' = n sine u, sine u' = = = *o/ 0; u = bl {nearly) by the tables; 2u' = 122° (nearly), the angle required. It thus appears (1) that dry and immersion objectives having different angular apertures, if of the same equivalent aperture, are designated by the same term. Thus objectives of 60° in air, or 44° in water, or 38^° in oil, have identically the same aperture, and are known by the same designation of -5 N.A. (2) The penetrating power of any objective is proportional to 1 . 5 and its illuminating power to (1ST. A.)2 Therefore, if we double !N". A.. the 1ST. A. we halve the penetrating power, and increase the illumi- nating power four times. In comparing the penetrating and illuminating powers of objec- tives, however, care must be taken to avoid a popular error, by making them between objectives of different foci. It cannot, for example, be said that a ^-inch objective of '8 N.A. lias half the penetrating power of a ^-inch of *4 N.A. Neither can it be said that it has four times the illuminating power. What is meant is that a l-inch of *8 N.A. has half the penetrating and four times the illuminating power of a ^-inch objective of *4 N.A. But because penetrating and illuminating powers diminish as *che square of the foci, a -^-inch objective of -6 N.A. has four times the illuminating and nearly four times the penetrating power of a ^-inch of -6 N.A. The old nomenclature, in use before numerical aperture was so happily introduced, did not of course admit of comparisons of pene- trating and illuminating powers by inspection ; which, however, is a manifest advantage, contributing to accuracy and precision in important directions. (3) It may be well, for the sake of completeness, to repeat 1 here that the resolving power of an objective is directly proportional to its numerical aperture. If we double the N.A. we also double the resolving power ; and this not simply with objectives of the same foci, as in the case of penetrating and illuminating powers. Thus it is not only true that a -Jr-inch objective of -6 N.A. resolves twice as many lines to the inch as a ^-inch of *3 N.A., but so also does a ^■-inch of 1*4 N.A. resolve twice, and only twice, as many as a ^-inch of -7 N.A. Within certain limits, then, the advantage lies with long foci of 1 Chapter I. THE USE OF THE APERTOMETEH 337 wide angle, because we thus secure the greatest resolving power with the greatest penetrating and illuminating powers. From what has here been shown, then, it becomes evideni that the' employment of the microscope as an instrument of precision i. hugely due to Abbe's work, and that the introduction of numerical aperture, with its strictly accurate meaning, has been a practical gain of untold value. But this lias been greatly enriched by his having introduced a thoroughly simple and useful apertometer. This involves the same principle as that of Tolles, but it is carried out in a simpler manner. Abbe's instrument is presented in fig. 286. It will be seen that it consists of a flat cylinder of glass, about three inches in diameter and half an inch thick, with a large chord cut off SO that the portion left is somewhat more than a semicircle ; the part where the segment is cut is bevelled from above downwards to an angle of bV, and it will be seen that there is a small disc with an aperture in it denoting the centre of the semicircle. This instrument is used as follows. Fig. '28(5. — Abbe's apertometer. The microscope is placed in a vertical position, and the aperto- meter is placed upon the stage with its circular part to the front and the chord to the back. Diffused light, either from sun or lamp, is assumed to be in front and on both sides. Suppose the lens to be measured is a dry ^-ineh ; then with a 1-inch eye-piece having a large field, the centre disc with its aperture on the apertometer is brought into focus. The eye-piece and the draw-tube are now removed, leaving the focal arrangement undisturbed, and a lens supplied with the apertometer is screwed into the end of the draw- tube. This lens with the eye-piece in the draw-tube forms a low- power compound microscope. This is now inserted into the body- tube, and the back lens of the objective whose aperture we desire to measure is brought into focus. In the image of the back lens will be seen stretched across, as it were, the image of the circular part of the apertometer. It will appear as a bright band, because the light which enters normally at the surface is reflected by the bevelled part of the chord in a vertical direction, so that in reality a fan of ISO0 in air is formed. There are two sliding screens seen z 338 OBJECTIVES, EYE-PIECES, THE APEETOMETEE on either side of the figure of the apertometer ; they slide on the vertical circular portion of the instrument. The images of these screens can be seen in the image of the bright band. These screens should now be moved so that their edges just touch the periphery of the bach lens. They act, as it were, as a diaphragm to cut the fan and reduce it, so that its angle just equals the aperture of the objec- tive and no more. This angle is now determined by the arc of glass between tho screens ; thus we get an angle in glass the exact equivalent of the aperture of the objective. As the numerical apertures of these arcs are engraved on the apertometer they can be read off by inspection. Nevertheless a difficulty is experienced, from the fact that it is not easy to determine the exact point at which the edge of the screen touches the periphery of the back lens, or, as we prefer to designate it, the limit of aperture, for curious as this expression may appear we have found at times that the back lens of an objective is larger than the aperture of the objective requi ?-es. In that case the edges, of the screen refuse to touch the periphery. On the whole we have found that a far better way of employing- this instrument is to use it in connection with a graduated rotary stage, the edge of the flame of a paraffin lamp being the illumi- nator. Thus : Set the lamp in a direction at right angles to the chord of the apertometer, and suppose that the index of the stage is at 0°. The edge of the flame will be seen in the centre of the bright band. The sliding screens being dispensed with, rotation of the stage will cause the image of the flame to travel towards the edge of the aperture ; rotation is continued until the image of the flame is half extinguished by the edge of the aperture, the arc is then read, and the same thing is repeated on the other side, and the mean of the readings is taken. If the stage rotates truly, and if the instrument is properly set up, the reading on the one side ought to be identical with that on the other. Suppose that the sum of the readings on both sides = 60°, the mean reading is consequently 30°, which is the semi-angle of aperture of the lens in glass. From this datum we have to determine the N.A. of the dry ^-inch as well as its angular aperture in air.1 (i) As before, N.A. = n sine u, and n sine n = n' sine u' ; which means that the aperture on the air side is equal to the aperture on the glass side ; n = 1 for air ; n' = 1*615, the refractive index of the apertometer ; u' is the mean angle measured, which in this case is 30° ; and n sine u has to be found. Now sine 30° == *5 (by the tables) ; n sine u' = 1*015 X sine 30° = 1*615 x *5 = *8 = n sine w=the N.A. required. (ii) Again, to find the angidar aperture or 2u. As before, n sine ?* , i n • n' sine u' 1*615 x *5 Q kqo • =n sine u and sine u — = — =*8 ; u = 53 n 1 nearly (by the tables) ; 2u = 106°, which is the angle required. 1 Vide p. 2 ct seq. THK I'SK <>F TIIK A I'KRTOMETEB 339 (iii) If it be a water-iunw rsil> . This should be thoroughly J"''", and it should be rectangular in shape. A round table, if small especially, is most undesirable, as ii otters no support for the arms on either side of the instrument ; and with prolonged work this is not only a serious, but an absolutely fatal defect. In a rectangular table the centre may be kept clear for micro- scopical work, while there are two corners at the back, one on the left and the other on the right hand. The former may be used for the locked case or glass shade for protecting the instrument when not in use ; and when it is in use it in no way interferes with the usefulness of the table. In the same way the right-hand corner may be used for the cabinet of objects which is being worked, or the apparatus needful for use. The most important part of the table — that is, the middle, from front to back — should be kept quite clear for the purposes of mani- pulation, and a sufficient space should be kept clear on either side of the instrument for resting the arms, and no loose pieces of apparatus should ever be deposited within those spaces. This soon becomes a habit in practice, for experience teaches — sometimes painfully by the unwitting destruction of a more or less valuable appliance. The spaces to the right beyond that left for the arm of the operator may be used for the work immediately in hand- especially for a second and simpler microscope. An instrument with only a coarse adjustment and a 1-inch or a &-inch objective will suffice, or a good dissectin g-stand Avill answer every purpose. Those who do much practical work will find such a plan more rapid and more efficient than the cumbrous method of a rotary nose-piece, especially where critical work has to be done. When work is being done in a darkened room there should be on the extreme right a small lamp with a paper shade. (Special shades for this purpose can be obtained from Baker, of Holborn.) This light may be kept low or used for general illumination when required — it is never obtrusive, and always at hand. A similar space on the left hand should be reserved for a small round stand fitted with a flat cylindrical glass shade with a knob on the top. The stand should be suitably arranged to hold two eve pieces, three objectives, one condenser, a buttle of cedar-oil (fitted with a suitable pointed dipper), and a box containing the c mdenser stops. This is a most useful arrangement for such a table : and it need not have a diameter greater than nine inches. Thr sizr/nr tin tn/> of sttcli a f<(/>/>> should be I.1, x 3 feet, and as 342 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY no work, such as mounting or dissecting, maybe supposed to be done at this table, it is well to cover the surface with morocco, that being very pleasant and suitable to work upon. It should be remembered that for a full-sized microscope a depth of three feet is required for comfortable work. When the micro- scope is set up for drawing, 1 the lamp being used direct, 2 ft. 5 in. is the narrowest limit in which this can be accomplished. Another point of much importance is the height of the table. Ordinary tables, being about 2 ft. 4 in. high, are too low even for large microscopes. Two or three inches higher than this will be found to greatly facilitate all the work to be done. It is best to have the table made completely, on thoroughly solid square legs, to the height of 2 ft. 7 in. ; but we may employ the glass blocks employed underneath piano feet as an expedient. It is further im- portant to have the table quite open underneath, and not with nests of drawers on either side, because with this par- ticular table it will be frequently required that two persons may sit side by side, which is only possible with a clear space beneath. The accompanying il- lustration (tig. 287), with the appended references, will make quite clear the character of the table which we recommend, as well as the mode of using it. The table above de- scribed is supposed to be employed wholly for general purposes of observation or research on wholly or partially mounted objects. But the microscopist who aims at more than this will require an arrangement for dissecting, mounting, and arranging histological and other preparations, and in some cases a special table for general purposes of microscopical biology. These are certainly not essen- tials, especially if the work done is a mere occasional occupation ; but where anything like continuity or periodical regularity of occupation with such work is intended, it will be of great service. A dissecting and mounting table is indeed of inestimable value to those who affect complete order and cleanliness in the accomplishment of such work. We have found in practice that a table firmly made, with a height of 2 ft. 6 in., semicircular in form, and a little more than half the circle in area on the outside, with the arc of another circle cut out from it to receive the person sitting at work — much after the fashion of the jeweller's bench — serves admirably. A rough sugges- 1 Chapter IV. p. 238. Fig. 287.— Microscopist's table. (Scale, h inch to 1 foot.) 1. Case for microscope ; 2. Cabinet for objects ; 3. Microscope lamp ; 4. Lamp with shade ; 5. Stand of apparatus ; 6. Book ; 7. Large micro- scope ; 8. Second microscope ; 9. Writing pad ; 10. Bull's-eye stand ; 11. Light-modifier. LABORATORY TABLE l'<>R MIOROSCOPIST 34.S tion of this is given in fig. 2SN, which presents tin- plan of tin* top -of the table. The whole area beneath should be unoccupied, but ai A and J> drawers may be put, not extending more than four inches below the under surface of the top of the table : On the side B a couple of shallow drawers, with everything required in the form of scaljtels, needles j scissors, forceps, pipettes, life-slides, Arc. in the upper one; and fliers, cutting pliers, small si tears, files oi various coarse nesses and finenesses, ifec. in the other ; on the A side a single drawer containing slips, covers of various thicknesses, bone, tin, glass, and other cells of all (assorted) sizes, watclt-ylusses, staining enps or slabs, lifters (if used), saw with fine teeth, hones of various shapes, pewter plate for grinding and polishing glass, Arc, platinum capsule, camera lucida, three ' No. '2 ' sable brushes (water- colour), &c. A B Fig. 888. — Dissecting and* mounting table. In this way all that is needed for dissection or mounting will be within reach without moving from the chair; and if by an arrange- ment which most moderately ingenious manipulators could accom- plish each of the articles in the drawers has a fixed place, there will be no difficulty in finding by touch what is wanted. The table top may be of pitch pine stained black, or, still better, some very hard wood finished smoothly, but 'grey.' The space in the figure immediately in front of the operator may be cut out to a convenient size and thickness, a thick plate- glass slab whose edges on the right and left sides shall be slightly levelled, so that it may slide firmly into a prepared space cut into the surface of the table and occupy this space, the surface being exactly level with the surface of the table. This plate of glass should be made black on its under side, so as to present a uniform black surface. This is often of great value in certain kinds of work. Equally useful is a purely white unabsorbent surface, and a slab of white porcelain may be easily obtained of the same size and be made to fit exactly into the same place. In using tiiis table tor dissection the arms have complete rest. 344 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY and 1 m tlie figure would represent the position of the dissecting microscope. 2 is a suitable position for a small easily managed microtome for general (chiefly botanical) purposes. We find that of Ryder 1 to- answer this purpose admirably. 3 is a small vessel of spirit (dilute) for use with the section knife. I is a stand of mounting media, in suitable bottles, as Canada balsam in paraffin, or xylol, glycerine, &c. as well as small bottles, of reagents for botanical or zoological histology &c. 5 is a nest of apertures in which to place partly mounted objects, to protect them from dust, while the balsam, dammar, &c. may be hardening on the cover so as to be in a suitable state for final mount- ing. A slide may go over the sloping front of this and wholly ex- clude dust. 6 is a stand of cements, varnishes, &c. such as are needful ; and 7 is a turn-table. For the work of dissection, when the subject requires reflected lia'ht, one of the desiderata is a mode of illumination at once conve- nient and intense. Mr. Frank B. Cheshire, F.L.S. &c, whose work on ' Bees and Bee-keep- ing ' is a proof of knowledge and practice of minute anatomy,, adopts an old plan which we Fig. 289.— Mode of illumination for have always found admirable. dissection. It is illustrated in fig. 289. Bays of light from a lamp are parallelised by a bull's-eye full upon an Abraham's prism and focussed upon the object. The prism may be mounted on a long many-jointed arm and is of most varied usefulness. A Stephenson's, binocular is, we believe, employed by this gentleman, but it will serve admirably for any form of dissecting instrument. For the more general purpose of the private laboratory a plainy firm table 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet in area, of a suitable height for the worker, should be fitted as follows, viz. : if fig. 290 represent the rough plan of the table, 1 and 2 are gas fittings attached to the main to supply blowpipe, Hansen's burner, S( 'OPICAL LABORATORY 345 puslmd fully in. They are found at times to be of greal service, where the space is somewhat confined. This table may befitted on one side (the left) at least with a set of drawers and shelves for receiving various apparatus and materials, with larger quantities of stains, and re- agents, hardening, mace- rating and other materials; while if a door covers the whole, the inner side of this may be readily fitted to receive drop-bottles 1 containing all the stains, reagents, and similar ma- terials in constant use. If these be labelled with paper labels sat ura ted in a solution of solid paraffin in turpentine, and after the turpentine has evaporated firmly fixed on the bottle, they are very permanent, and, indeed, better than anything we have tried save where the name of the contents is enamelled or engraved on the bottle. It has been already pointed out that there are conditions of re- search in which the microscope has to be in a constantly vertical position. This was the case with the researches on the saprophytic organisms made con- jointly by the present Editor and Dr. J. J. Drysdale.2 It must always be the case where certain forms of Fig. 290.— Laboratory tal>le for microscopical work. stages Fio. 291. — Tripod for using microscope in an Upright position. continuous life are employed for prolonged or continuous observations on the deve- lopment of the minuter forms of life. In such cases the table is quite unsuitable, and special stands have to be employed that from their form give greal stability to the microscope, and afford the body and head of the observer as much command and ease in using the instrument in this awkward position as can be obtained. J Chapter VII. p. 44T.. - Monthly Micro. Journ. VOlS. X. to xviii. ; Jonrn. 7P..V..S'. vol. iii. p. 1 vol. v. series ii. p. 177 ; vol. vi. p. l!»i> ; vol. vii. p. ls."> ; vol. viii. p. 177. 34^ PEA CTICAL MICROSCOPY This is best done by means of a firmly made tripod, with a V- shaped piece at the top made to receive the feet of the microscope. Fig. 291 is an outline of the construction. The three legs of the tripod are well! made and firmly braced together with metal rods. A, A is the bed for the tripod feet of Powell and Lealand's large stand. P> is a table which slides to the level of A, A, or down to its present position. This is mainly to receive the lamp. By this arrangement the body can so place itself as to command the instrument fully, and there is an arrangement at the two sides, Fig. 292. — Using the microscope in an upright position. A, A, to receive supports on which the arms may rest when any other manipulation than that involved in working the fine adjust- ment and the milled heads of the stage is required. The manner of using this arrangement is seen in fig. 292. In that case, however, the whole is employed for the making of a camera lucida drawing with a ^ -inch objective. But the position of the basal tripod, the micro- scope upon it, the position of the lamp (partly seen in the immediate foreground to the left), and the relative ease with which the entire instrument is at the command of the observer will be manifest. In order to use the microscope successfully, we must have an illumination the intensity of which we can fully rely on. Daylight LAM] s 347 Juts certain (juaHt 'n s that involve ad raid 'ayes at times, and under Ipecial circumstances, in its employment, hut th is is flu- exception ratlu r than the ride. What is needed is a well-made lamp with a tlat flame this we should be able to control witli great ease as to height and distance from the microscope. Nothing is equal practically to a 1-inch or a 1-inch paraffin lamp ; this gives the whitest light artiti •cially accessible save the higher intensities of the incandescent elect He light. But there is nothing at present accessible to the student of this kind. Tin; employment of the ejhje of the name of a well made paraffin lamp used with good 'oil ' has no present rival. Gas is much yel- lower, and not so easy in employment. To get the best form of microscopical lam}) is a matter of some import- ance. We call the atten- tion of the reader to the best simple form of lamp which will accomplish every purpose. This is a model arranged by Mr. Nelson, and the drawing of which is given in tig. 293. The lamp burns paraffin and has an ordi- nary .\-inch wick burner. The reservoir is rectangu- lar and flat, .H x 4 x 1£ ; it serves three distinct purposes : 1st, it will hold sufficient oil to burn for a whole day ; 2nd, permits the lamp to be lowered near the table ; 3rd, radi- ates the heat conducted by the metal chimney and prevents the oil boiling. The lamp is placed at one angle of the reservoir to Fig. 2ns.— Lamp devised by Mr. E. M. Nelson, enable the flame to be placed very near the stage of the microscope, which is exceedingly useful with some kinds of illumination, especially with reflected light, with the higher powers, and for Powell and Lea land's super-stage condenser. The hole for tilling the reservoir is placed at the diagonal corner for convenience. The chimney is metal with an ordinary \\ x 1 glass slip in front ; the diameter of the flame-chamber should not •exceed 1,-,-inch, and the grooves holding the glass slip should project \ inch from the flame-chamber ; the aperture should he only 1 \ inch 348 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY Ion- • length of chimney should be 7 inches. Chimney should be- lead black inside. This chimney serves four purposes : 1st, image of tme s not distorted by stri/ and specks common to ordmary Fig. '2(.)4. lamp chimneys ; 2nd, prevents reflexion from inner surface of chimney, which causes a double image of flame ; 3rd, prevents scattered light in room ; 4th, is not readily broken ; slips can be easily replaced.1 1 It is very important to remove the metal chimney after use, or at least not to leave it on when not in use, since the evaporating paraffin gathers round it and causes- undesirable scent when the lamp is again lit. LAMPS 349 By rotation of chimney either the edge or flat side of the flame may be used. The bull's-eye is of Herschel's form, viz. a meniscus and crossed convex ; it is mounted on an arm which rotates ecu trallv with the lamp flame. The arm is slotted so that tin- bull s-cyc may be focussed to the flame J it can be tixed by a clamping screw. The bull's-eye may also be elevated Off depressed and tixed by a clamping screw, not shown in the illustration. The bull's-eye having once been focussed is permanently clamped, and it is brought into or taken out of position simply by rotation of the arm. There should be a groove in the pillar with a steadying pin on the lamp to prevent rotation during elevation or depression. The form of the clamping screw is important ; it should be at the upper part of the tube, and not at the lower, as shown in the ligure This keeps the screw clean from oil, which always, to a greater or less extent, exudes over paraffin lamps. The screw should be of that form which closes a pinching ring round the rod, and not merely a screw which screws on to the rod and bruises it. This lamp, if made, as it should be, with a japanned tin reservoir and a cast-iron tripod foot (fig. lHJ-r>), is quite inexpensive. There is no justification for a circular foot, except that it can be readily and well finished in the lathe with better apparent results and less labour than other forms. A small lamn is made bv Messrs. R. and J. Beck. We illus- t rate it in fig. 294. The base, A, consists of a heavy ring, into which a square brass rod, B, is screwed. The square rod carries a socket, C, with an arm, D, to which the lamp is attached. On each side of the burner, and attached to the arm, D, is an upright rod, G, to one of which the chimney is fixed, independent <>f the reservoir of the lamp, thus enabling the observer to revolve the burner and reservoir, and obtain either the edge or the flat side of the flame without altering the position of the chimney. The chimney, F, is made of thin brass, with two openings opposite to each other, into which slide 3 x 1 glass slips of either white, blue, or opal glass, the latter serving as a reflector; but we do not con- sider the reflexion here accomplished as other than an error ; it causes double reflexion and confuses the condensed image. A semicircle swings from the two uprights, G, to which it is attached by the pins, H, placed level with the middle of the flame : to this semicircle is tixed a dovetailed. bar, L, carrying a sliding fitting, O, which bears a Herschel bull's-eye, P. This is complex and there- fore costly. The bull's-eye is fixed at any inclination by a milled head working in a slotted piece of brass, K, fixed to the arm, D. For usewith the microscope in an upright position, when prolonged investigations have to take place, the lamp becomes even of more importance than under ordinary eircunistances. The present Kditor devised a somewhat elaborate apparatus of this kind, which he always employs in this kind of observation.1 But the essential part of it is only an arrangement by whic h a milled-head movement of 1 Monthly Micro. Jvurm vol. xv. p. 103. 35o PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY the entire lamp may take place to the right or the left of the ob- server, as well as a similar power to elevate or depress the position, of the flame. When the microscope is fixed, and the rectangular prism for illumination (in place of the mirror) is fixed at right angles,, the centring of the lamp flame upon the object is more readily done by means of motion in the lamp. A very simple form of this lamp' lias been made for the Editor by Mr. Charles Baker, of Holborn : it is seen in fig. 295, being an ordinary lamp, except that the milled head to the right as we face the flame racks up and down, the entire lamp, and the milled head behind, and at right angles to this, works a rack and pinion (shown in the en- graving) carrying the whole lamp to the right or left of the middle position. This lamp would be better, if the student did not object to the cost, to be made with a metal reservoir, or at least to have an arrange- ment by means of which the bull's-eye (with a catch fixing its focus from the flame) were so affixed as to be carried up and down and to right and left with the lamp. When the microscope is fixed in its upright position, and the prism is arranged to give direct and not oblique re- flexion, the lamp flame, by means of a card, is arranged as nearly right for the re- flexion of the image of the flame into the centre of the field as may be, and then a little movement in one or both milled heads will bring it ac- curately into the field. FlG 2g5 We may arrange the micro- scope for ordinary transmitted light, that is, for light caused to pass through the object into the object-glass, by placing it upon the table, arranged as already directed ; the instrument is then sloped to the required position, and a condenser, suitable to the power to be employed,1 is put into the sub-stage. The lamp is now put into the right position, with a bull's-eye, on the left of the observer. The condenser is then, as described below (p. 351), to be 'centred'; when the objective 1 Vide Chapter IV. p. 24B. THE USE OF THE BULL'S-EYE 351 may be changed as desired, and the eye piece altered t<» suit. liui it should be carefully noted, that if apochromatie powers air being used, there must be accurate adjustment of the tube length if the bett results are to be obtained; and with any serious increase of the power of the objective a condenser of higher aperture and shorter focus must be used. Often, however, as good or better results may be obtained with- out the employment of the mirror at all, the light being sent directly through the condenser from the lamp flame. The mode of ananin- ment for this kind of manipulation is presented in Plate v., where it will be observed that the microscope is inclined more towards the horizontal to suit the observer ; the lamp is directly in front of the sub-stage, the mirror is turned aside, and a frame (fixed upon a bull's- eye stand) carrying screens of coloured glass is placed between the lamp flame and the con- denser (sub-stage). By this means the light is sent into the condenser and upon the object, and is then treated as is the case D (for centring) when the Fl(; 29G._Edge of lamp fllime in centre imi] mirror is used. focus of bull s-eye. The first step in the direction of efficiency in the use of the microscope is to understand the principles of ID minat'um, and a knowledge of the various effects produced by the bull's-eye lies on the threshold of this. Having given details as to the forms of lamp which are of most service, we assume that a paraffin lamp with '-inch wick is used. Tf we place the edge of this flame (E, fig. 29G) in the centre and exact focus of the bull's-eye B, A shows the effect of doing so. Tf a piece of card were held in the path of the rays proceeding from B, the picture as shown at A would not be seen — instead of Jj it an enlarged and inverted image of the flame. The image at A is obtained by placing the eye in the rays and by looking directly at the bull's-eye. II' The light is so intense that it is more pleasant to take the held /7 lens of a 2-inch eye-piece and place it in the path of the rays focussing the image of the bull s- Flt; o,,7._AlttMV(, reiatiou. between lamp eye on a card. It should be flame and bull's-eye. noticed with care that the diameter of the disc A depends upon the diameter of the bull's eye B ; but the intensity of the light in A depends OH the focal length of 1). The shorter the focus, the more intense will be the light, We are here assuming throughout that the field lens i» at a fixed distance from the bull's-eve B. o w 352 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY we g But if we move the flame, E— still central— within the focus of B, ei the result show., in I), fig. 297. But by moving E without , he focus of B we get the picture H, while K is the picture when E is focussed 6w« not centred. . ,1 £ i • \ common error, one repeatedly met with, is that ot placing a concave mirror 0 (fig. 208) so that the flame E is in its pnwci;*^ facwa The result of this is that parallel rays are sent to B. These rays are brought to a focus at a distance from B about equal to twice the radius of the curvature of B and then scattered; a totally different result from what is aimed at. If the concave mirror, C, is to be of any use in illumi- nation, it must be placed so that E is not at its Fig. 298. -Result of placing flame in principal focus of concave mirror. principal focus, but at its centre of curvature. The bull's-eye gives an illustration of what is of wider application. Fig. 299.— Mode of obtaining critical image. The method of obtaining a critical image with a condenser by means of transmitted light is shown in fig. 299. E is the edge of the flame, S represents the sub-stage condenser, and F the object. F is thus the focal conjugate of E, £ ™ and F and E are in the principal axis of S ; that is to say, these are the re- lations which exist when a condenser is focussed on and centred to an object. Let this be understood as the law, and there can be but little difficulty remain- ing in getting the best results from a condenser. Fig. 300 illustrates another method of getting the same result. We may illuminate a condenser with light direct from the flame, as in fig. 299, or we may interpose the mirror, as in fig. 300. M is the plane mirror and, properly used, exactly the same result may be obtained as in the former case. It is, however, slightly more difficult to set up, but will, on the whole, be prefer- able. Nothing can be of more moment to the beginner than to under- stand the practical use of the condenser, We must direct the student Fig. 300.- - Another method of getting critical image. HOW T<> OBTAIN A CRITICAL l .M IGE 353 I 'i<;. :>0l. — Condenser and ohject- tflass with the same aperture. T Xow only a at T in the to what has been stated concerning it in Chapter IV. Hut th,. following should be carefully considered. Ing. .">0I show! a sub- stage condenser, S, and an objective, O, /? both focussed on the same point. The condenser has an aperture equal to that of the objective. Now if the eye- piece be removed, and we look at the back lens of the objective, it will be seen to be full of light, as at R. The same thing, but with the aperture of the condenser cut down by a stop, is seen in fig. .'502. part of the back of the objective is tilled with light, as same illustration. Now it does not follow, because the back lens of the objective is full of light, as in fig. 301, that therefore ///' field ought to be full of light. The Meld only shows the bright image of the edf/e of the jbuiK', and it is in that alone that o crificot jnetnre can l>< fun nortions at the same time. o Fig. :>02. — The same, with tho aperture of the condenser cut down. FlG. B03. — Illumination for 1 diffused daylight. ' Even to obtain the state of illumination known as 1 diffused day- light' with the simple mirror when no condenser is used is frequently done in a most inaccurate manner. The correct method of doing this is shown in fig. 303. F is the plain1 of the object. C is the con cave mirror, the mirror being placed at the distance of its principal focus from the object. Hut the manner in which it is usuallv done, from want of thought or knowledge, or both, is shown in tig. 304, 354 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY where it is manifest that there is a total disregard of the true focal point of the mirror and its incidence on the plane of the object. From the impracticability of this diagram as a representation of a working plan of illumination, we may see at once the importance of Fig. 804. — Erroneous method of arrangement for ' diffused daylight.' Iiaving the mirror fixed upon a sliding tube, so that its focal point may be adjusted. It is also important here to note that in daylight illumination Fig. 305.— Light from the open sky falls upon the mirror in all directions. a plane mirror gives a cone of illumination, as in fig. 305, when there is ample sky-room ; but a window acts as a limiting diaphragm. In regard to the parallelism of the direct solar rays there is of course no question. But the parallelism of that portion of the solar Lid IIT HKKLK(TKI) To A I'ocrs FROM THE OPEN SKY 355 light which goes to form the firmament in our own higher atmo- sphere is so completely broken up by refraction and reflexion amongst the subtil particles of this higher atmosphere that the rays which constitute our daylight fall from every point of the visible heavens (though with greatly diminished intensity;. That is to lay, we have at disposal a light source extending over 180°, while the sun itself extends orer a risuul uw/le <>f hut half u rfeyree. Being thus surrounded by an illimitable and self-luminou.s expanse of ether un- dulations, the question is no longer of parallel rays only, but of light emanating from an outer circle above the earth upon every point of the earth's surface ; and a mirror exposed to such a luminous atmo- sphere must both receive and reflect from all sides and upon sides. If, however, it be placed under the stage of a microscope, all vertical light is intercepted, and there remains nothing but the oblique incidence as the starting-point of the theory of illumination by converging light ; for it scarcely needs repetition that obliquity of incidence gives inevitable rise to obliquity of reflexion ; and it becomes equally clear that in order to strike the object the light must always fall obliquely mi tin* mirror. Then it follows from what has been said that the lijjit falling from the open sky upon a mirror falls in all conceivable directions. Thus fig. 305 shows the lines 1 to 7, including an angle of 'M)°. Tf nothing intervene the light of that sky surface must fall upon the mirror, a b, and be reflected on O. The intermediate rays, % 4, 5, 6, form the conreryiiu/ ill uminatiny pencil^ with of course an in- finity of others filling up the spaces between. In other words, every point of a minor is a radiant of a whole hemisphere, and this is equally true whether the mirror be plane, concave, or convex, so long as they are exposed to a boundless sky. Therefore a plane, concave, or convex mirror will give a cone of illumination of which the object is its apex, no matter what the in- clination or distance of the mirror. The amde of the cone will be the angle the mirror subtends at the object — subject of course to its not being cut down by a stop. . As a matter of fact, the boundless sky is an abstraction which is never obtained in prac- tice ; therefore it practically does make a difference whether the plane or concave mirror is used, and whetherthe latter is focussed on the object or not. The dotted lines in fig, 306 show rays falling on six different points on a plane mirror: the continuous lines show the re- Fig. 808.— With the open aky, light ifl flexions of these rays on the oh- forussed at all points, ject. The heavy lines from either cxtremitv of the mirror t». the object show the maximum angle of cone that mirror will give in that particular position. The influence of a limitation (as by means of a window) should 356 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY therefore be considered. The extent to which it is limiting, so far as its influence upon the illuminating cone is concerned, is shown by an examination of the back of the lens of the objective when the eve-piece is removed. Fig. 307 shows the back of the objective when bhe plane mirror is used, and fig. 301, R, when the concave mirror is used, as in fig. 303. The beginner should study these experiments by repeating them. The correct method of illuminating to obtain a dark ground with the object luminous is shown in fig. 308. This may also be used when, by means of that shown by fig. 299, there is not enough of the field illuminated even when the flat of the flame is used. Of Fig. 308. — Illumination for dark ground (with stop beneath the condenser). regard- Fig. 307. — Image at the back of the objective when daylight and a plane mirror are used, course it will be understood that for the dark-ground re- sult a suitable stop is inserted beneath the sub-stage con- denser. It has been shown by many illustrations on many subjects that certain results in critical work can be obtained with the bull's-eye which are not so accessible without its use. But Mr. T< F. Smith has made this clear ins' the structure of certain diatoms. This, there can be no doubt, is due to the fact that the parallel rays, falling on the sub-stage condenser, shorten its focus and increase the angle of the cone of illumination. It will be noticed that when the bull's-eye is introduced, the condenser will need racking-up. At the same time we prefer illumination as in fig. 299 or 300, except in cases where illuminating cones of maximum angles are required. Thus it will be little needed with transmitted light except when oil- immersion objectives of large aper- ture are used, because illuminating cones up to "8 N. A. can be obtained - " ffl with good condensers by the method shown in fig. 299. But when the microscope is of necessity used upright the rectangular prism or the plane mirror must be used, fig. 300. The arrangement at fig. 308 is sometimes useful for photo- micrography when it is otherwise impossible to illuminate the whole field. But in ordinary cases it is better to contract the field than use a bull's-eye, as it invariably impairs the definition. Fig. 309. -Same result with concave mirror. j|(»W TO SET UP l>.\KK-GROl'NI) I L M M I. NATION 357 In regard to tins last figure it will be understood that (as before) E represents the edge of t he flame, l> the bull's-eye, M the minor, 0 the condenser under the Stage, and F the plane of tlx- object. The same result as the above may be obtained by the concave minor (as shown in fig; 309) instead ol tin- bull - eve. Imt this is a veiy difficult arrangement, yielding the best results Only With great application and care. Hut the supmiii' fully of Using a coiie^VB mirror and fl bulFt-eyc is shown in fig. .'510, where C is the concave minor and (as before) 8 the* sub-stage condenser ; t his secures a result — as will be seen by the relation of the light to the condenser (S) which is as far froiu what is sou gilt and desirable as it can well be. While another lesson of great importance may be Learnt from fig. .'Ill, which illustrates the error of not lairing the edge of the Home K in the principal foeut of the hulVs-t'ift: B. The rays converge on the condenser Sj SO thai it will become in all probability impossible to focus it on the object. This is a lateral lesson on the value of having the bull's- eye fixed to the Lamp, SO that both maybe moved together; and there sJioiihl be a notch in the slot or arm which carries the lmll's-eye to denote when the flame of the lamp is in its principal f( )CUS. Fig. 810. — Absurdity of using a bull's-eye Fig. 311. — Absurdity of using a bull's- and a concave mirror. eye with the edge of the lamp Maine not in its principal focus. The above are fundamental principles of illumination, and if the student is to succeed as a manipulator he must demonstrate and re- demonstrate them, and become master of theirdetails and what they collaterally teach. We may, however, with much advantage give them a larger and more detailed application to the practical setting up of a dark- ground illumination, as in tig. .'i08. Let an object such as a triceratium (diatom) be taken, and sup- pose that the objective employed is a ^ - inch of '28 N.A. We must first adjust the lamp and bull's-eye, as in tig. "JIM), and get the edge of the lamp flame extended to a disc as at A. Now let a small aperture be put into the condenser and a tri- ceratium on the stage and the ^-objective on the nose-piece. The microscope being put into position, the lamp should be placed on the left-hand side of it a lamp with a fixed bull's -eye is assumed — and it should now be arranged as to height, SO that the rays from the bulTs-eve should fall fairly on the plane mirror, this 358 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY latter being inclined so as to reflect the beam on the back of the sub-stage conde riser. Now with any kind of light, focus, and place in the centre of the field, the triceratium, as in fig. 312 ; then rack the condenser until the small aperture in its diaphragm comes into focus ; centre this, to the triceratium, as in fig. 313. Rack the condenser closer up until the bull's-eye is in focus, as in fig. 314. I lore it, happens that the bull's-eye is not in the centre, and it is not uniformly filled with light, as in fig. 296, A, but has instead two< crescents of light. This is a case which frequently repeats itself, but it is of course not inevitable. The bull's-eye may be more or less filled with light, Fig. 312. Fig. 318. Fig. 314. Fig. 315. and may or may not be more nearly centred. In this case we have next to centre the image of the bull's-eye to the triceratium by moving the mirror, as in fig. 315. But it will be noticed that this centring of the image of the bull's-eye does not rectify the diffusion of the light. This will be at once done by moving the lamp with attached bull's-eye ; this motion requires to be a kind of rotation in azimuth round the wick as an axis. The relative positions of the lamp and bull's-eye must on no account be altered, and it is understood that the lamp was adjusted to the picture A in fig. 296 by inspection and without the microscope. A very slight movement in azimuth, however, is enough to effect the desired end (fig. 316), and all that now remains is to open the full aper- ture of the condenser and put in the smallest stop ; if this does not stop out all the light, a larger one must be tried ; but it is of the greatest importance that the smallest stop possible be used, a very little difference in the size of the stop making a remarkable difference in the quality of the picture. Hence the need of a large and varied supply of stops with all condensers. On account of some residual spherical aberra- tion the condenser will probably have to be racked up slightly to obtain the greatest intensity of light. In fig. 316 the expanded edge of the flame covers the triceratium. When the whole aperture of the condenser is opened the size of that disc ivill not be altered, its intensity only will be increased. When the stop is placed at the back of the con- denser, only in that part of the field represented by the disc of light will the object be illuminated on a dark ground. If, therefore, the disc of light does not cover the object or objects, EXAMINING THE KNOWN \NI> THE UNKNOWN 359 bring the lamp Dearer the mirror* The size of the disc of Light depends on three things : — a. The diameter of tlie bull's-eye. /?. The length of the path of the rays from the bull's-eye to the sub-stage oondenser. y. The magnifying power of the condenser. If a and y are constants, the only way of varying the size of the dark field is by (3. , I n the same way the intensity (fftfa light in the disc depends on three things. A. The initial intensity of the illumination. I>. The angular aperture of the bull's-eye. C. The angular aperture of the sub-stage condenser. If the student will thoroughly and praet ieally understand the above series of single demonstrations, and ponder such inevitable variations as practice will bring in regard to them, the 'difficulties of illumination ' will have practically passed away. There are two kinds of microscopical work — one, the more usual and comparatively easy, is the examination of an object to see something which M known. The other is the examination of an object in search of the unknown. Thus some blood may be ex- amined for the purpose of finding a white corpuscle. It matters little what is the quality of either the lens or the illumination or the microscope, or whether the room is darkened or not, because the observer knows that there is such a thing as a white corpuscle. It is quite immaterial as to whether the observer had ever seen one or not ; so long as he possesses the knowledge that there is such a thing, the finding of it, even under unfavourable conditions, will be an easy task. But if the observer has not that knowledge, he may examine blood many times, under favourable conditions, and yet not notice the presence of a white corpuscle, and that, too, with one immediately in the centre of the field ; this, moreover, is a large object. It is only those in the habit of searching for new things who can appreciate the enormous difficulty in first recognising a new point. Therefore when critical work is undertaken care should be exercised to have the conditions as favourable as possible. When working with artificial light all naked lights in the room should be avoided. It is quite unreasonable to expect the retina to remain highly sensitive if, whenever the eye is removed from the eye-piece, it is exposed to the glare of a naked gas flame. At the same time there should be ample light on the microscope table, as it is not at all necessary or desirable that the work should be insufficiently illuminated. All that is required is thai the lamps should have shades and be placed at such a height that the direct rays do not enter the observer's eve. If these precautions are taken, several hours continued work may be carried on without any injurious effect. Some observers use only the left eve, some the right, others the right or left indiscriminately. 360 PKACTICAL MICROSCOPY It seems immaterial which is used, it being merely a matter of habit, as those who are accustomed to use one particular eye feel awkward with the other. But in continuous work extending over many months of long daily observation it is a great gain to use the binocular, especially with high powers. The effect of years of work with optical instruments on those possessed with strong normal sight seems to be an increase in the denning perception accompanied with a decrease of the perception of brightness. Those accustomed to use one particular eye with microscopical work, and who have done much work, would, if they looked at, say, the moon with that eye, see more detail in it than if the other eye were used ; at the same time it would not appear as bright. If there is too much light, as there often is, when large-angled illuminating cones are used, it is as well to interpose between the lamp and the microscope a piece or pieces of blue glass ; this softens the light and removes the objectionable yellowness ; a feature of illumination not due to the light from the edge of a paraffin lamp, which, as we have stated, is not particularly yellow. Great yellow- ness is a sign of imperfect achromatism in an objective. We may with precisely the same conditions find the images yielded by two objectives of the same power and aperture differ, in so much as one is yellow and dim and the other white and bright ; other things being equal, the white and bright image is to be preferred. It is necessary to say ' other things being equal,' because an objective which gives a bright and a white image may nevertheless be inferior to the one giving the yellow and dim picture. Thus if the planes of the lenses of which the objective is composed are not at right angles to the optic axis there will be serious defects in the image, although it is bright and white. This fault is known in practice as an error of centring, which also means the error of not placing the axes of the lenses in the same straight line ; so both faults are described by the same term. It should be understood that neither blue glass nor amnion io- cupric solution will yield monochromatic illumination. If the light passing through these media be examined by the spectroscope, red, yellow, and green will be seen. Some specimens of blue glass pass more red than others. Out of a number of samples the best result was obtained by using two thicknesses of cobalt ' pot ' glass, which gave two bands in the red. If a greater thickness were used the light became too dim. The ammonio-cupric solution merely dims down the whole spectrum. When a sufficient thickness of solution is used to cut out all the red light, then the light is too enfeebled to be of any use visually, and also, what one would not expect, photographic exposure is greatly prolonged. It would seem that true monochromatic illumination obtained by absorbing media does not exist. Neither does the manipulation of the source of illumination by means of chemical substances apparently give satisfactory results. Coloured light derived from a polariscope and a selenite is not monochromatic. There are two ways of obtaining true monochromatic illumi- MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT — DAYLIGHT nation. One which would be extremely simple would In- to con- dense a powerful beam on a diffraction grat ing ruled mm ;i speculum. The costliness of the apparatus is a bar to this method. Equally perfect monochromatic illumination can be obtained by prismatic dispersion. Hartnack designed such an apparatus,1 which was an ordinary spect roscope. But it never came into popular use because; with any ordinary artificial light, such as that from a paraffin lamp, the light was ex- cessively dim, although it is powerful enough with an electric arc. The only use it has served is to give oblique illumination, with sun- light from a heliostat. The following is a method of approximating to monochromatic illumination used by Mr. Nelson which answers admirably with an ordinary .',-inch wick paraffin lamp. He places the edge of the flame in the principal focus of a lens known as a Wray 5 x 4 RR, working at In the parallel beam from this lens and close to it he places an equilateral prism of dense flint set at minimum deviation. Close to the prism he places another Wray 5 X 4 RR, working at i- . If a cardboard screen be held at the principal focus of this lens, there will be seen three images of the edge of the (lame, red, green, and blue, brilliant ly illu- minated. A slit ^ inch in diameter is cut in the cardboard screen, through which the required colour is allowed to pass to the mirror of the microscope, thence to the sub-stage condenser. For visual work green is the best, but for photographic work blue would be chosen unless orthochromatic work required a colour lower down the spectrum. For critical vork, such as test inc/ lenses or forcing out the greatest resolution with the widest-angled oil-immersion lenses, daylight illumination is inadmissible. When daylight illumination is used a northern aspect, or at least one away from direct sunlight, is to be preferred. It is a good plan where it is possible, to arrange the table so that the window is at the observer's left hand. The microscope should be placed in a direction parallel to the window, and the light reflected by the mirror through a right angle. A screen may be placed parallel to the window which just allows the mirror of the microscope to project beyond it. This cuts off direct light from the stage and from the observer's eyes. A concave mirror with the object in its principal focus is the best for diffused daylight illumination. The diaphragm should not be close to the stage. When delicate microscopical work is carried on, it is important to remember that the human eye can work best when the body is in a state of ease. If there is any strain on the muscles of the body, or if the observer is in a cramped position, vision will be impaired. Consequently, where permissible, a microscope should always be inclined, and the observer seated in such a way that the eye can be brought to the eye-piece in a perfectly natural and com- 1 Chapter IV. j>. 27'2, fig. 22 1. 362 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY fortable manner. The body should also be steadied by resting the arms on the table. It is advisable to use the bull's-eye as little as possible; even with dark-ground illumination the flat of the flame is preferable, reserving the bull's-eye for those cases where the flat of the flame will not cover enough of the object. Generally speaking, if the whole field is re- quired to be illuminated on a dark ground, a bull's-eye will be neces- sary ; but for an object such as a single diatom the lamp flame will usually be large enough. In examining diatoms or other objects, such at the karyokinetic figures in very minute nuclei of microscopic organisms, or other obscure and undetermined parts of such forms of life, it is most important, amongst other means, to resort to the use of large solid cones ; what they teach and suggest can scarcely be neglected by the searcher for the unknown. Professor Abbe does not advise their employment as in any way final ; he says that ' the resulting image produced by means of a broad illuminating beam is always a mixture of a multi- tude of partial images which are more or less different and dissimilar from the object itself ; ' and he does not conceive that there is any ground for expectation ' that this mixture should come nearer to a strictly correct projection of the object . . . than the image which is projected by a narrow axial illuminating pencil.' This is a weighty judgment, and should receive full consideration. At the same time the use of wide and solid cones is so full of suggestive results that we must employ them, with all possible control by other means of the images they present. This is the more a necessity since Mr. Nelson has been able to obtain the most wonderful results with narrow cones, 'true ghosts' and 'false ghosts,' the presence of 'intercostal markings' in the image of a fly's eye (!), and many complex and false images with the coarser diatoms. But with wide cones he has proved that these false images cannot be produced ; and that when the true image is reached by a wide cone, the image is not altered by any change of focus, but simply fades in and out of focus ' as a daisy under a 4- inch objective.' Mr. Nelson has photographed all these results, and we have seen them demonstrated. When theory and practice are thus at variance we must pause for further light. If it is required to accentuate a known structure, such as the per- forated membrane of a diatom, it can be done by annular illumination, which means the same arrangement as for dark ground, but with a stop insufficiently large to shut out all the light. This method is not to be recommended when a structure is unknown, as it is also liable to give false images. It must be remarked that diatom and other delicate structure when illuminated with a narrow-angled cone gives on slight focal alterations a variety of patterns like a kaleidoscope ; with a wide-angled cone a single structure gives a single focus, i.e. it goes completely out of focus on focal alteration. When a large- angled and a wide-angled objective are used a change of pattern only occurs when the structure is fine. This practical observation has its value and must not be forgotten. To properly display objects under a microscope is to a certain ex- How TO DISPLAY <>1UK is a critical image magnified olO diameters. A lens should be used to examine this. It will be seen that the hairs, especially the long central one. are very fine and spinous. They have not the ring socket common t<> insect hail's, but grow directly from a delicate membrane. This photograph was taken with an apochromatie J of '95 N.A. and No. \\ projection eye-piece ; and it was illuminated with a largo solid cone of 'Go N.A. from an achromatic condenser. F'ig. 2 is an uncritical image, with all the conditions as above, 1 Directions for the use of Abbe's illuiniimt in*,' apparatus — a leaflet issued by Carl Zeiss, 1888. 364 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY save that a cone of small angle, i.e. of 0*1, was used for illumina- tion. The first alteration which thrusts itself upon the eye is the doubling of the hairs, which are in the least degree out of focus. But further, it will be noted that there is a bright line with a dark edge round the hairs which are precisely in focus ; this is a diffraction effect, always, in our experience, present in objects illuminated by cones of insufficient angle, and it can be easily made to disappear by widening the cone. As the illuminating cone is enlarged they become sharper and longer, and their edges become more definite. But nothing is gained, but the rather a distinct loss is incurred, by making the illuminating cone larger than the objective cone. As an example of erroneous interpretation, the representation of the pygidium of a flea by some leading sources of information of a few years ago may be instanced. It was a special test of many authors, and has been carefully figured ; this shows that it is not an accidental error, which it might have been if it were merely an ordinary object ; it is an error depending in all probability on a faulty system of illumination. Moreover, the error cannot be attributed to the object-glasses of the time, as it is a low-power object, and the low powers of that day were quite as good as those lately in use. In the descriptions and in the drawings, often beautifully executed, the hairs proceeding from the centre of the wheel-like discs are represented as being 'stiff' and longish bristles,' thick at one end and tapering off to a point. And the small hairs round are described as ' minute spines ' ; in the drawing they are like the spinous hairs of an insect and have the usual socket-joint at the base. In reality the 'stiff and longish bristle ' is an extremely long and delicate filament, totally unlike a bristle, being not tapered but of nearly uniform thickness. The ' minute spines ' are in reality very curious hairs, and, as far as we at present know, unlike any others. They are delicate, lambent, bulbous hairs. What they most resemble are the tentacles of a sea- anemone, and there are two tubes discoverable which are important and comparatively large objects. There appears to be considerable probability that this interesting object upon the last ring of the body of the flea, and known as its 'pygidium,' acts as an auditory instru- ment.1 In the examination of ordinary stained histological and pathological sections by transmitted light, unless some very delicate point is sought, the condenser should have a stop so that when the back of the objective is examined the stop is seen cutting into the back of the objective by about a third. This in some instances may be increased to a half by diminishing the cone, but it is not advisable to use anything less than a half unless it is absolutely necessary. Thus, to put it in round numbers, an illuminating cone "2 N.A. is very suitable for ordinary work with the apochromatic 1-inch and % objectives, and one of -4 N.A. for the -| and ^ and one of *6 N.A. for the -\ and jr. It is a good plan to have one or two stops cut to give special cones, the N.A. of which should be engraved on them. This subject is one of great importance, as more than nine- tenths 1 Micros. Journ. April 24, 1885, ' Pygidium of Flea' (E. M. Nelson). THE USE OF LARGE ILLUMINATING CONEN 3«5 of all microscopic objects are examined by means of transmitted light. Let us now note the effect of large cones on the simplest obj. < t A microscope is set up having an achromatic condenser with an irii diaphragm ; let three good wide-angled objectives be chosen, say I inch, a .',-inch, and J -inch dry. Let the object be the one we have already studied to some extent in this relation, viz. one of the stiff hairs on the maxillary palpus of the blow-fly's tongue ; place the 1- inch on the nose-piece, open the full aperture of the condenser and get the instrument into perfect adjustment. Now close the iris. The hair will be surrounded by a luminous border, which will give it a glazy appearance, and its fine point will be blurred out. Now- open the iris until the last trace of that glaziness disappears. The hair w ill appear as a different object, its outline being perfectly elear and sharp. If the eye-piece is removed about two-thirds of the ob- jective back will be full of light. Now, without disturbing any of the ad justments, replace the 1-inch by the and itwill be found that the glaziness or false light will have returned. Let the iris be further opened until the last trace of it disappears ; now, on examination of the back of the objective, two-thirds of it will be found full of light, and so on with the \. We call the attention of the student to these facts as having a direct bearing upon the question of the comparative effects of large and small illuminating cones, and with no idea of offering opposing opinions to those of Professor Abbe, we have no direct judgment ; but we record these facts as factors in and for the elucidation of the question. It is perhaps better to test the } on some of the more minute hairs which are studded over the delicate lining membrane. The same results will be obtained. Thus it would appear to suggest itself that this 'glaziness' depends on the relation 01 f the aperture of the illuminating cone to that of the objective cone. Apochromatic objectives behave precisely as achromatic objectives in this respect. Of course, if the hair becomes pale and indistincton the opening of the iris, it shows that then4 is uncorrected spherical aberration in the objective ; another objective must therefore be used : that paleness has nothing whatever to do with the glaze or false light mentioned above. In photo-micror/raphs of bacterid one frequently sees a white halo round them. This in our hands has always resulted from the photo- micrograph having been taken with too small a cone of illumination. Photo-micrography with ;i small cone is quite easy, as great contrast can be secured. With a large cone the difficulties begin ditliculties of adjustment, ditliculties of lens correction, difficulties of exposure, and difficulties of development. If, so far as our experience goes, a good photo-micrograph is required, these difficulties must be mastered. It is hardly necessary to remind the student that in micrometry it is essential that the edges of the object should be defined : COnSG quently a large cone must then be employed. For the examination of Polycystines, Foraminifera, decs binocular is useful ; illumination may be by a Lieherkuhn if mounted dry, and by dark ground by a condenser if mounted in haUam. Parts of insects should be usually examined with dark-ground illumination ; 366 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY whole insects are seen best with the Lieberkiihn, and the binocular should be used for both. Home of this class of objects are best seen under double illumina- tion ; that is, a dark ground with a condenser and light thrown from ((hove with a silver side-reflector, as the Lieberkiihn cannot be used in conjunction with an achromatic condenser. It is a good plan with low-power Lieberkiihn work to interpose between the slip and the ledge a strip of plain glass h -inch wide : this prevents the ledge stopping oat light from the Lieberkiihn when it is larger in dia- meter than the slip. Polarised light used with a condenser is very useful for insect work. For very low-power work — such as the usual botanical sec- tions-^it is a good plan to give up the cone, and place a piece of fine ground glass at the back of the condenser ; and with lamp light it is as well to combine a piece of blue glass with it. With objectives of greater angle than -6 N.A. it is usually difficult to get satisfactory illumination with a dark ground. The best that can be done is to use an oil-immersion condenser with a suitable stop : this will give a good dark ground up to '65 N.A., but it will fail if the object is dry on the cover. Generally speaking, the only way of accomplishing this with objectives of wider aperture is to reduce the aperture of the objective by a stop placed at the back. When a condenser is united by a film of oil to a slip, if the slip is thin, the oil invariably runs down when the condenser is focussed. The following is a method by which this may be entirely prevented. A piece of thick cover-glass about "02 inch, and 1 inch square, has a strip of thicker glass ^-inch broad, cemented by shellac to one edge. This piece of glass is oiled to the slip, the ledge being- hooked over the top of the slide ; this not only prevents its slipping down, but also keeps the oil from creeping out at the bottom, which would be the case if the two edges of the glass coincided.1 This is illustrated in fig. 317. In its proper place we have dealt with the suitable relation of aperture to power, and have pointed out the irresistible nature of the contentions and teachings of Abbe on the sub- ject. Here a direct practical presentation of the matter may be of service to the student. A normal unaided human eye can divide _o..i_ inch at ten inches. Consequently a microscope with a power of 200 should be capable of showing- structure as fine as tattoo inch. Now as this power can be made up by a ^-inch objective and a 1-inch eye-piece, it follows that sufficient aperture ought to be given to the ^-inch to enable it to resolve 50,000 lines per inch. This 2 will be -52 N.A. The inch 1 Q. M. C. Journal, November 1885. 2 In reality it will require more, because an axial cone is assumed to be used instead of an oblique beam. Thin slip of glass with ledge to place glass slip with oil contact, so as to vary the thickness of I a slide. L |lllll|llillllil|lir:^ .Slide in situ on thin slip with ledge. Fig. 317. Sl'MMARY OF Ql ALITJEa OF OBJBCTXVES-^THEIB TE8T8 j6? objective should has e half this aperture, and the \ double, and the 1 four times as much, if perfect vision is required ; in other VTOldfl, '26 N.A. for every 100 diameters.1 These i deals ha\ e (as u <• have before indicated) been realised, notably by the Zeiss apochromatic . the 1-inch and the i-inch 2 resolving everything capable of being ap preciated by the eye when the I '_' compensating eve piece fa used. The J-inch is also a near approach to the ideal, as ii has been vety wisely kept a dry lens. The £ with a (5 eye-piece also attains the idcaj. This relation of aperture to power is very significant, and should be carefully pondered by those who still desire low apertures as only perfect form of objectives. It is as well to mention that objectives may be arranged in two series — one the 2, 1, [„ \, and the Other 1 ;;, .J, One of these series will form a complete battery, as it is unnecessary to have objectives differing from the next in the series by less than double the power. The most usual combination is perhaps the 1 and the j of one series, or the § and the ('; of the other. Of these two preference might rather be given to the last. The only exception would be the addition of a 1^-inch for pond life. Eye-pieces should also double the power thus ; ."3, 10, and 20 (uncompensated), or (>, 1 2, and 27 (compensated), the most useful of the three being the 10 (uncompensated) and the 12 (compensated). As there is 110 6 -power compensated eye-piece for the long tube, a -1 for the short tube admirably answers the purpose, In addition to the explanations already given on the subject of testing objectives, it may be useful here to note that the qualities of an objective are seven in number: — 1. Magnifying power (initial). 2. Aperture or N.A. ."). Kesolving power. 4. Penetrating power 5. Illuminating power. (>. Flatness of field. 7. 1 defining power. 1. Mdgnifyirif/ potrer. No test is required, as the initial magni- fying power can be directly measured. 2. Aperture or N.A. can be directly measured ; no test is there- fore necessary. ."). "Resolving power, being directly proportional to N.A., is syno- nymous with it. No test is needful because N.A. can be measured. 1. PenetrntiiKj pott er is the reciprocal of the resolving power of . No test needed. N . A . f> Illumhitttiny potrer is the square of the numerical aperture (N.A.)2. No test is necessary. 1 English Mechanic, vol. xxxviii. 1888, No. 97!).— E. M. Nelson. 2 This lens, with an 8 compensating eye-piece, will resolve a Plcuroricjnin angulatum with an axial cone: this is the lowest power with whieh it lui> . n r DQQD done. 368 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY 6. Flatness of field is, in the strict meaning of the term, an optical impossibility. The best thing therefore is to contract the visible field as is done in the compensating eye-pieces. (Tests: For low powers a micro-photograph; for medium and high powers a stage micrometer. 7. Defining power depends on (a) the reduction of spherical aberration, (b) the reduction of chromatic aberration, (c) the perfect centring of the lenses— by which is meant (i.) the alignment of their optic axes, (ii.) the parallelism of their planes, (iii.) the setting of their planes at right angles to the optic axis. Defining power can only be tested by a critical image. The following is a list of suitable objects of which a critical image is to be obtained, using a solid axial cone of illumination equal to at least three-fourths of the aperture of the objective. Very low powers (3-, 2-, and 1^-inch). — Wing of Agrion pul- • chellum £ (dragon-fly). Low powers (1 and §). — Proboscis of blow-fly. Medium powers (|, J, and low-angled }). — Minute hairs on proboscis of blow-fly ; hair of pencil-tail (Polyxenus lagurus) ; diatoms on a dark ground. This last is a most sensitive test ; unless the objective is good there is sure to be false light. Medium powers (with wide aperture). — Pleurosigma formosum ; Navicula lyra in balsam or styrax; Pleurosigma angulatum dry on cover ; bacteria and micrococci stained. High powers (wide apertures and oil-immersion J and y1^.- — The secondary structure of diatoms, especially the fracture through the perforations. Navicula rhomboides from cherry field in balsam or styrax ; bacteria and micrococci stained. Test with a 10 or 12 eye-piece, and take into account the general whiteness and brilliancy of the picture. The podura scale is not mentioned as a test, as it may be very misleading in unskilled hands. One great point in testing objectives is to know your object. Care must be exercised to ascertain by means of vertical illuminator if objects such as diatoms dry on the cover are in optical contact with the cover-glass. Testing objectives is an art which can only be acquired in time and with experience gained by seeing large numbers of objectives. In the manipulation of the microscope it is not uncommon to observe the operator rolling the milled head of the fine adjustment instead of firmly grasping it between the finger and thumb and governing, to the minutest fraction of arc, the amount of alteration he desires. It is undesirable and an entirely inexpert procedure to roll the milled head, and cannot yield the fine results which a deli- cate mastery of this part of the instrument necessitates and implies. To use aright the fine adjustment of a first-class microscope is not the first and easiest thing mastered by the tiro. Beyond the correct and judicious use of the microscope and all its appliances, there is the matter of the elimination of errors of in- terpretation to be carefully considered. The correctness of the conclusions which the microscopist will draw regarding the nature of any object from the visual appearances KKROKS OK lNTKRI'KKTATJO.N ■which it presents to him when examined in the various modes now specified will necessarily depend in a great decree upon his previotl experience in microscopic observat ion and upon liis k now lei lg€ 1 >i the class of bodies to which the particular Bp6Cimei] may belong* Not only are observations of any kind liable to certain fallacies arising out of the previous notions whicli the observer may entertain in regard to t he constitution of the objects or the nature; of t he actions to which his attention is directed, but even the most practised ob- server is apt to take no note of such phenomena as his mind is not prepared to appreciate. Errors and imperfections of this kind can only be corrected, it is obvious, by general advance in scientific knowledge; but the history of them affords a useful warning against hasty conclusions drawn from a too cursory examination. If the history of almost any scientific investigation were fully made known it would generally appeal- that the stability and completeness of the •conclusions finally arrived at had only been attained after many modifications, or even entire alterations, of doctrine. And it is therefore of such great importance as to be almost essential to the correctness of our conclusions that they should not be finally formed and announced until they have been tested in every conceivable mode. It is due to science that it should be burdened with as few false facts and false doctrines as possible. It is due to other truth- seekers that they should not be misled, to the great waste of their time and pains, by our errors. And it is due to ourselves that we should not commit our reputation to the chance of impairment by the premature formation and publication of conclusions which may be at once reversed by other observers better informed than our- selves, or maybe proved to be fallacious at some future time, per- haps even by our own more extended and careful researches. The suspension of the judgment whenever there seems room for doubt is a lesson inculcated by all those philosophers who have gained the highest repute for practical wisdom ; and it is one which the miero- scopist cannot too soon learn or too constantly practise. Besides these general warnings, however, certain special cautions should be given to the young microscopist with regard to errors into which he is liable to be led even when the very best instruments are employed. Errors of interpretation arising from the imperfection of the focal adjitfifmrnit are not at all uncommon amongst mieroscopists, and some of the most serious arise from the use of small cones of illumination. With lenses of high power, and especially with those of large numerical aperture, it very seldom happens that all the parts of an object, however minute and flat it may be, can be in focus together ; and hence, when the focal adjustment is exactly made for one part, everything that is not in exact focus is not only more or less indistinct, but is often wrongly represented. The in- distinctness of outline will sometimes present the appearance of a pellucid boi-der, which like the ditl'raction-band may be mistaken for actual substance. But the most common error Is that which is produced by the reversal of the lights and shadow s resulting from the refractive powers of the object itself ; thus, the bi-concavity of the blood-discs of human (and other mammalian) blood occasions their B U 37o PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY centres to appear dark when in the focus of the microscope, through the divergence of the rays which it occasions ; but when they are brought a little within the focus by a slight approximation of the object-glass the centres appear brighter than the peripheral parts of the discs. The student should be warned against supposing that in all cases the most positive and striking appearance is the truest, for this is often not the case. Mr. Slack's optical illusion, or silica-crack slide, 1 illustrates an error of this description. A drop of water holding- colloid silica in solution is allowed to evaporate on a glass slide, and when quite dry is covered with thin glass to keep it clean. The silica deposited in this way is curiously cracked, and the finest of these cracks can be made to present a very positive and deceptive appearance of being raised bodies like glass threads. It is also easy to obtain diffraction -lines at their edges, giving an appearance of duplicity to that which is really single. A very important and very frequent source of error, which sometimes operates even on experienced microscopists, lies in the refractive influence exerted by certain peculiarities in the internal structure of objects upon the rays of light transmitted through them, this influence being of a nature to give rise to appearances in the image, which suggest to the observer an idea of their cause that may be altogether different from the reality. Of this fallacy we have a 'pregnant instance' in the misinterpretation of the nature of the lacunai and canaliculi of bone, which were long supposed to be solid corpuscles with radiating filaments of peculiar opacity, instead of being, as is now universally admitted, minute chambers with diverging passages excavated in the solid osseous substance. When Canada balsam fills up the excavations, being nearly of the same refractive power with the bone itself, it obliterates them altogether. So, again, if a person who is unaccustomed to the use of the microscope should have his attention directed to a preparation mounted in liquid or in balsam that might chance to contain air- hubbies, he will be almost certain to be so much more strongly impressed by the appearances of these than by that of the object, that his first remark will be upon the number of strange-looking black rings which he sees, and his first inquiry will be in regard to their meaning. Although no experienced micrdscopist could now be led astray by such obvious fallacies as those alluded to, it is necessary to notice them as warnings to those who have still to go through the same education. The best method of learning to appreciate the class of appearances in question is the comparison of the aspect of globules of oil in water with that of globules of water in oil, or of bubbles of air in water or Canada balsam. This comparison may be very readily made by shaking up some oil with water to which a little gum has been added, so as to form an emulsion, or by simply placing a drop of oil of turpentine (coloured with magenta or carmine) and a drop of water together upon a slide, laying a thin glass cover over them, and then moving the cover backwards and 1 Monthly Microscojrical Journal, vol. v. 1872, p. 14. STUDIES JN INTERPRETATION 371 forwards several times on the slide Equally instructive are the appearances of an air-bubble in water and Canada balsam. The figures which illustrate the appearance at various points of the focus of an air-bubble in water and Canada balsam, and of ;i fat-globule in water, may be thus illustrated, viz. a diaphragm of about rj of a mm. being placed at a distance of 5 mm. beneath the stage, and the concave mirror exactly centred. Air-bubble8 in water. — No. 1 (fig. 318) represents the dihVrcni appearances of an air-bubble in water. On focussing the objective Fig. 818. — Air-bubbles in (1) water, {'!) Canada balsam; (:\) fat-globules in water. to the middle of the bubble (B), the centre of the image is seen to be. very bright — brighter than the rest of the Held. It is surrounded by a greyish zone, and a somewhat broad black ring interrupted by one or more brighter circles. Hound the black ring are again one or more concentric circles (of diffraction), brighter than the field. On focussing to the bottom of the bubble (A) the central white circle diminishes and becomes bl ighter : its margin is sharper, and it is surrounded by a very broad black ring, which has on its periphery one or more diffraction c ircles. When the objective is foOUSSed to the upper surface of the 1! B I .372 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY bubble (C) the central circle increases in size, and is surrounded by a greater or less number of rings of various shades of grey, around which is again found a black ring, but narrower than those in the previous positions of the objective (A and B). The outer circles of diffraction are also much more numerous. Air-bubbles in Canada Balsam. — Canada balsam being of a higher refractive index than water, the limiting angle instead of being 48° 35' is 41° only, so that the rays which are incident much less obliquely on the surface of separation undergo total reflexion, and it will be only those rays which face very close to the lower pole of the bubble that will reach the eye, and the black marginal zone will therefore be much larger. This is shown in fig. 319, No 2. When the objective is focussed to the bottom of the bubble {A'), we have a small central circle, brighter than the rest of the field, all the rest of the bubble being black, with the exception of some peripheral diffraction rings. On focussing to the centre (B') or upper part (C) of the bubble, we have substantially the same appearances as in B and C, with the exception of the smaller size of the central circle. Fat-globules in water (fig. 318, No. 3). — These illustrate the case of a highly refracting body in a medium of less refractive power. When the objective is adjusted to the bottom of the globule A", it appears as a grey disc a little darker than the field, and separated from the rest of the field by a darkish ring. Focussing to the middle of the bubble (B"), the central disc becomes somewhat brighter, and is surrounded by a narrow black ring, bordered within and without by diffraction circles. On further removing the objective the dark ring increases in size, and when the upper part of the objective is in focus, we have (C/;) a small white central disc, brighter than the rest of the field, and sharply limited by a broad, dark ring which is blacker towards the centre. These appearances are the converse of those presented by the air-bubble. That, as we saw, has a black ring and a white centre, which are the sharper as the objective is approached to the lower pole of the bubble. The fat-globule has, however, a dark ring which is the broader, and a centre which is the sharper, according as the objective is brought nearer to the upper pole. These considerations, apart from their enabling us to distinguish between air-bubbles and fat-globules, and preventing their being- confounded with the histological elements, enable two general principles to be established, viz. bodies which are of greater re- fractive power than the surrounding medium have a white centre which is sharper and smaller, and a black ring which is larger when the objective is withdrawn ; whilst those which are of less refractive power have a centre which is whiter and smaller, and a black ring which is broader and darker when the objective is lowered. Monochromatic Light. — The same phenomena are observed by yellow monochromatic light, except that the diffraction fringes are more distinct, further apart, and in greater numbers than with ordinary light. INTERPRETING MOVEMEN r 373 A fat-globlllc, indeed, seems to he comp< »scd of ;i series of cmi- centric layers like a grain of starch. With blue light these fringes are also multiplitied, but are closer together and finer, so that thej are not so easily visible. Yellow monochromatic light, therefore, constitutes a good means for determining whether the stria? seen on an object are peculiar to it, or are only diffraction lines. In the former ease they are not exaggerated by monochromatic light ; but if, on the contrary, they are found to be doubled, or quadrupled, with this light, we may be certain that they are diffraction fringes. ]>ut there is no source of fallacy to a certain class of workers so much to be guarded against as that arising from errors in the inter- pretation concerning movement as such, and especially concerning the movement exhibited by certain very minute particles of matter in a state of suspension in Jin ids. The movement was first observed in the fine granular particles which exist in great abundance in the contents of pollen grains of plants known as the focillo, and which are set free by crushing the pollen. It was first supposed that they indicated some special vital movement analogous to the motion of the spermatozoa of animals. J>ut it was discovered in IS 27, by Dr. Robert Brown, that inorganic substances in a state of tine trituration would give the same result ; and it is now known that all substances in a sufficiently fine state of powder are affected in the same manner, one of the most remarkable being the movement visible in the contents of the fluid cavities in quartz in the oldest rocks. These have probably retained their dancing motion for aeons. A good illustra- tion is gamboge, which can be easily rubbed from a water-colour cake upon a glass slip and covered, and will at once show the characteristic movement; so will carmine, indigo, and other similarly light bodies. But the metals which are from seven to twenty times as heavy as water require to be reduced to a state of minuteness many times greater; but, triturated finely enough, these also show the movement for a long time known, from the name of its discoverer, as Brownian movement, but now more generally called perf* sis. The movement is chiefly of an oscillotori/ nature, but the particles also rotate backwards and forwards on their axes, and gradually (if persistently watched) cltawje their places in the field of view. It is an extremely characteristic movement, and could not be mistaken for any vital motion by an observer . acquainted with both; but (he student must familiarise himself with this kind of motion or he will be utterly unable to distinguish certain kinds of motion in minute living forms in certain stages of their life from this movement, and will make erroneous inferences. The movement of the smallest particles in pedesis is always the most active, while in the majority of cases particles greater than the .-, (Mloth of an inch are wholly inactive. A drop of common ink which has been exposed to the air for some weeks, or a drop of tine clay (such as the prepared hiolin used by photographers) shaken up with water, is recommended by Professor .Jevons,1 w ho has recently studied this subject, as showing the movement (which he designates 1 Quarterly Journal of Micro. Science, N.S. vol. viii. Is7f\ p. 17*2. 374 PRACTIC AJ a M I.CHOSCOPY pedesis) extremely well. But none of the particles he has examined are so active as those of pumice-stone that has been ground up in an agate mortar; for these are seen under the microscope to leap and swarm with an incessant quivering movement, so rapid that it is impossible to follow the course of a particle which probably changes its direction of motion fifteen or twenty times in a second. The distance through which a particle moves at any one bound is usually less than -rJm)th. of an inch. This ' Brownian movement ' (as it is commonly termed) is not due to evaporation of the liquid, for it continues without the least abatement of energy in a drop of aqueous .fluid that is completely surrounded by oil, and is therefore cut off from all possibility of evaporation ; and it has been known to con- tinue for many years in a small quantity of fluid enclosed between two glasses in an air-tight case ; and for the same reason it can scarcely be connected with the chemical change. But the observa- tions of Professor Jevons (loc. cit.) show that it is greatly affected by the admixture of various substances with water, being, for example, increased by a small admixture of gum, while it is checked by an extremely minute admixture of sulphuric acid or of various saline compounds, these (as Professor J evons points out) being all such as increase the conducting power of water for electricity. The rate of subsidence of finely divided clays or other particles suspended in water thus greatly depends upon the activity of their ' Brownian movement,' for when this is brought to a stand the particles aggregate and sink, so that the liquid clears itself.1 Pedetic motion depends on, that is, is affected by — 1. The size of the particles. 2. The specific gravity of the particles. Metals, or particles of vermilion, of similar size to particles of silica or gamboge, move much more slowly and less frequently. 3. The nature of the liquid. No liquid stops pedesis, but liquids which have a chemical action on the substance do. This action may be very slow, still it tends to agglomerate the particles. For in- stance, barium sulphate, when precipitated from the cold solution, takes a long time to settle ; whereas, when warm and in presence of hydrochloric acid, agglomeration soon occurs. Iron precipitated as hydrate in presence of salts of ammonium, and mud in salt water, are other instances. The motion does not cease, but the particles adhere together and move very slowly. But besides the right appreciation of the nature of pedesis, there is the utmost caution required in the interpretation of the rapidity of movement, and kind of movement which living and motile forms effect. The observation of the phenomena of motion under the microscope 2 has led to many false views as to the nature of these movements. If, for instance, swarm-spores are seen to traverse the field of view in one second, it might be thought that they race through the water at the speed of an arrow, whereas they in reality traverse in that time only a third part of a millimetre, which is somewhat more than 1 See also the Rev. J. Delsaulx 'On the Thermo-dynamic Origin of the Brownian Motions ' in Monthly Journ. of Microsc. Sci. vol. xviii. 1877. 2 Das MikrosJtop, Naegeli and Schwendener, p. 258 (Eng. edit.). MOVEMENT I N MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS 375 a metre in a hour. It must not, therefore, be forgotten lli.il ili«* rapidity of motion of microscopical objects LB only an apparent one. and that its accurate estimation is only possible by taking as our standard the actual ratio between time and spare. If we widi, for the sake of exact comparison, to estimate 1 1 1 < - magnitude of t In- mov- ing bodies, we may always do so; the ascertainment of the real rapidity remains, however, with each successive motion, the princi- pal matter. .If a screw-shaped spiral object, of slight thickness, revolves on its axis in the focal plane, at tin; same time moving forward, it presents the deceptive appearance of a serpentine motion. Thus it is that the horizontal projections of an object of this kind, corre- sponding to the successive moments of time, appeal- exactly as if the movement were a true serpentine one. As an example of an appear- ance of this nature, we may mention the alleged serpentine motion of Spirillum and Vibrio. Similar illusions are also produced by swarm-spores and sperma- tozoa ; they appear to describe serpentine lines while in reality they move in a spiral. It was formerly thought that a number of differ- ent appearances of motion must be distinguished, whereas modern observers have recognised most of them as consisting of a forward movement combined with rotation, where the revolution takes place sometimes round a central, and sometimes round an eccentric, axis. To thU category belong, for instance, the supposed oscillations of the 08ciUariccei whose changes of level, when thus in motion, were formerly unnoticed. In addition to these characteristics of a spiral motion it must, of course, be ascertained whether it is right- or left-handed. To dis- tinguish this in spherical or cylindrical bodies, which revolve round a central axis, is by no means easy, and in many cast's, if the object is very small and the contents homogeneous, it is quite impossible. The slight variations from cylin- drical or spherical form, as they occur in each cell, are therefore just sufficient to admit of our perceiv- ing whether any rotation does take place. The discovery of the direction of the rotation is only possible when tixed points whose position to the axis of the spiral is known can be followed in their motion round the axis. The same holds good also, mutatis mutandis, of spirally wound threads, spiral vessels, dec. : we must be able to distinguish clearly which are the sides of the windings tinned towards or turned away from us. If the course of the windings is very irregular, as in tig. 319, a little practice and care are needed to distinguish a spiral line as such in small ob- • . mj • • i • -i -iii 1 '"• •>1;, — A spiral JOCtS. IJie microscopical image might easily lead in motion. US to the conclusion that we were examining a cylindrical body composed of bells or funnels inserted one in another. The spirally thickened threads, for instance, BS they originate from the epidermis cells of many seeds, were thus inter 376 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY pretecl, although here and there by the side of the irregular spirals quite regular ones are also observed. Moreover, it must not be forgotten that in the microscopical image a spiral line always appears wound in the same manner as when seen with the naked eye, while in a mirror (the inversion being only a half one) a right-handed screw is obviously represented as left-handed, and conversely. If, therefore, the microscopical image is observed in a mirror, as in drawing with the Sommering mirror, or if the image-forming pencils are anywhere turned aside by a single reflexion, a similar inversion takes place from right-handed to left-handed, and this inversion is again cancelled by a second reflex- ion, in some microscopes. All this is, of course, well known, and to the practised observer self-evident ; nevertheless many microscopists have shown that they are still entirely in the dark about matters of this kind. One of Professor Abbe's experiments on diffraction 'phenomena proves that when the diffraction spectra of the first order are stopped out, while those of the second are admitted, the appearance of the structure will be double the fineness of the actual structure which is causing the interference.1 Upon this law there appears to depend a number of possible fal- lacies, errors which may arise from either its misapprehension or misin- terpretation. At least these appear to us, from a practical point of view, to be of sufficient importance to need either caution or a fuller exposition of the great law of Abbe in regard to them. If, for example, figs. 320, 321, and 322 may be taken to represent a square grating having 25,000 holes per linear inch at the focus of an objective at P, P D the dioptric beam, P1 P1 diffraction spectra of the first order, and P2 P2 those of the second order, then if the objective is aplanatic all those spectra will be brought to an identical focal conjugate ; and the image of the grating will be a counterpart of the structure, characteristic of such a group of spectra. Let us suppose our objective to be over-corrected,, as in fig. 321, then when/ the grat- ing is focussed at P the smetww of the first order only will be brought to the focal conjugate ; the image,, however, will not be materially affected on that account, as the diffraction elements of the first order are alone sufficient to give a truthful representation of the 25,000 per inch grating. If, however, the objective be raised so that the grating lies at P7 the diffraction elements of the second order only are brought to the focal conjugate ; consequently by the hypothesis the image will have 50,000 holes per linear inch, or double that of the original. In other words, placing a grating at the longer focus of an over-corrected objective is apparently tantamount to cutting out the diffraction spectra of the first order by a stop at the back of the- objective. 1 See Chapter II. Fig. 320. Fig. 821. INTERPRETATION AND THE N.A. TABLE 377 Tlie effect of this is to give an impression that there i* a strong grating with 25,000 holes per Linear inch ; and over it nnotJur grat- ing with 50,000 holes per linear inch. The raising the focus " u to bring P to P' necessarily gives the idea of t Ik- fine structure being- gape rim posed on tlie coarse. Therefore; the inicioscopist should beware whenever he notices a structure of double fineness over another one lest lie has a condition of things similar to fig. 321. The following is a test which may be applied to confirm the genuineness of any. such structure. First measure by means of the divided head of the fine-adjustment screw as accurately as possible, the movement required to bring P to P' in fig. 32 1 ; next by means of the draw-tube increase the dis- tance between the eye-piece and the objective : this will have the effect of increasing the over-correction of the objective, and a state of things will be ob- tained as in fig. 322. Hence it will require a larger movement of the fine-adjustment screw to bring P to P'. This will make the distance between the 50,000 grating and the 25,000 grating appear greater than it was before. If' this tnl»s j,/oc the 50,000 grating m a mere ->. O dioptric beam; 1 for diffraction spectrum of the Qrsl order; 2 for diffraction spectrum of the second order. 1 It is well to note here that we hnve seen a photo-micrograph hy Mr. Comheio/ a diatom surface which is uneven. In those part* in correct focus the structure ia single, hut in the parts where the focus is withdrawn it is douhled. 378 PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY When the back of an objective of -83 N.A. shows an arrange- ment as in No. I then, although the structure will be invisible, Lt cannot be coarser than . . . 40,000 per inch. No. 2 „ „ „ 80,000 NO. 3 I ben i he st ructure does not differ greatly from 40,000 No. 4 „ „ „ 80,000 No. 6 „ „ „ 20,000 No. 6 „ „ „ 40,000 [t will be understood by the student that the preservation of the microscope and its apparatus is a matter that must largely depend upon his own action. The stand should be kept from dust, generally wiped with a soft chamois leather after use, and when needful a minute quantity of watchmaker's oil may be put to a joint working stiffly. There is no better way to preserve this stand than to keep it either under a bell-glass or in a cabinet which is easily accessible. All objectives should be examined after use, and all oils or other fluids carefully wiped away from them with old cambric which has been thoroughly washed with soda, well rinsed and not ' ironed ' or finished in any way, but simply dried. If chemical reagents are employed the cessation of their use should become the moment for wiping the lenses employed with care ; and all processes involving the use of the vapours of volatile acids, or which develop sulphuretted hydrogen, chlorine, &c. must never take place in a room in which a microscope of any value is placed. Dry elder-pith and Japanese paper are by some workers sug- gested for cleaning the front lenses of homogeneous objectives ; but while these are excellent, especially the former, we rind nothing- better than the simple cambric we suggest. Two or three good chamois leathers should be kept by the worker for specific purposes and not interchanged. Cleanliness, care, delicacy of touch, and a purpose to be accurate in all that he does or seeks to do, are essentials of the successful microscopist. It may be noted that dust on the eye-piece can be detected in a dim light, and can be discovered by closing the iris diaphragm. The lens of the eye-piece on which the dust appears may be localised by rotation ; and this should be done before wiping. In reference to dust on the back of the objective, it should be observed that if the eye- piece be removed, dust sometimes appears to be upon it which comes really from the focus of the sub-stage condenser, and is, in fact, not on the back of the objective at all. To find this condition, remove the light modifier (if in use), for the dust may be on it, and rotate the condenser ; else there will be needless and injurious rubbing of the back-lens of the objective. With oil -immersion objectives dust or air-bubbles in the oil must be carefully avoided. If chamois leather be used for cleaning the lenses, it should be previously well beaten and shaken, and then kept constantly in a well-made box. 379 CHAPTER VI] PJ&EPABATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLBQXION OF OBJECTS UNDBB this head it is intended to give an account of those materials, 'Instruments, and appliances of various kinds, w hich have been found most serviceable to microscopists engaged in general biological re- searcli, and to describe the; most approved methods of employing them in the preparation and mounting of objects for the display of the minute st ructures thus brought to our knowledge. Not only is it of the greatest advantage that the discoveries made by microscopic research Bhould -as far as possible — be embodied (so to speak) in * preparations,* which shall enable them to be studied by everyone who may desire to do so, but it is now universally admitted thai such ' preparations often show so much more than can be seen in the fresh organism that no examination of it can be considered as complete in which the methods most suitable to each particular case have not been put in practice. Jt must be obvious that in a comprehensive treatise like the present such a general treatment of this subject is all that can be attempted, excepting in a few instances <>f peculiar interest ; and as the histological student can lind all the guidance he needs in the numerous manuals now prepared for his instruction, the Author will not feel it requisite to furnish him with the special directions that are readily accessible to him else- where. Materials, Instruments, and Applian< k>. Glass Slides.- — The kind of glass best suited for mounting objects is that which is known as 'patent plate,' and it is now almost in- variably cut, by the common consent of microscopists in this country, into slips measuring 3 in. by 1 inch.. For objects too large to be mounted on these the size of •*> in. by 1 in. may be adopted. Such slips may be purchased, accurately cut to size, and ground at the edges, for so little more than the cost of the glass that few persons to whom time is an object would trouble themselves to prepare them ; it being only when glass slides of some unusual dimensions are required, or when it is desired t<> construct ' built-up cells,' that a facility in cutting glass with a glazier's diamond becomes useful. The glass slides prepared for use should be free in mi \ eins, air-bubbles, or other flaws, at least in the central pari OH which the object is placed ; and any whose defects render them unsuitable for ordinary purposes should be selected and laid aside for 0868 to which the 380 PREPARATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS working microscopist will find no difficulty in putting them. As the slips vary considerably in thickness, it will be advantageous to determine on a gauge for thin, thick, and medium glass. The first may be employed for mounting delicate objects to be viewed by the high powers with which the apochromatic and achromatic condensers are to be used, so as to allow plenty of room for the focal point of an optical combination with great aperture to be fixed readily upon the plane of the object ; the second should be set aside for the attach- ment of objects which are to be ground down, and for which, there- fore, a stronger mounting than usual is desirable ; and the third are to be used for mounting ordinary objects. Great care should be taken in washing the slides, and in removing from them every trace of greasiness by the use of a little soda or potass solution. If this should not suffice they may be immersed in the solution recommended by Dr. Seiler, composed of 2 oz. of bichromate of potass, 3 fl. oz. of sulphuric acid, and 25 oz. of water, and afterwards thoroughly rinsed. (The same solution may be advantageously used for cleansing cover- glasses.) Before they are put away the slides should be wiped perfectly dry, first with an ordinary 'glass cloth,' and afterwards with an old cambric handkerchief ; and before being used, each slide should be washed in methylated spirit to ensure freedom from greasiness. "Where slides that have been already employed for mounting preparations are again brought into use, great care should be taken in completely removing all trace of adherent varnish or cement— first by scraping (care being taken not to scratch the glass), then by using an appropriate solvent, and then by rubbing the slide with a mixture of equal parts of alcohol, benzole, and liquor sodre, finishing with clean water. Thin Glass. — The older microscopists were obliged to employ thin laminae of talc for covering objects to be viewed with lenses of short focus ; but this material, which was in many respects objectionable, is entirely superseded by the thin glass manufactured by Messrs. Chance, of Birmingham, which may be obtained of various degrees of thickness, down to the ^^-(7th of an inch. This glass, being unannealed, is very hard and brittle, and much care and some dexterity are re- quired in cutting it ; hence covers should be purchased, as required, from the dealers, who usually keep them in several sizes and supply any others to order. Save the fact that ' cover-glass ' is made by Messrs. Chance, there is no definite information as to the mode of its manufacture and the conditions upon which it is most satisfactorily produced. It would be an advantage to the microscopist to possess information on this point. The different thicknesses are usually ranked as 1, 2, and 3 ; the first, which should not exceed in thickness the '006 in., being used for covering objects to be viewed with low powers ; the second, which should not exceed -005 in. in thickness, for objects to be viewed with medium powers ; and the third, which ought never to exceed *004 in. in thickness, for objects which either require or may be capable of being used with hi tract are from accidents of i ari< m kinds ; and hence it should only be employed for the purpose for which it is absolutely needed. The thickest pieces, again, may be most advantageously employed as covers for large cells, in which Objects are mounted in fluid to be viewed by the low powers whose performance is not sensibly affected by the aberration t lius produced. The working microscopist will find it desirable to provide himself with some means of measuring the thickness of his cover-glass ; and this, is especially needed if he is in the habit of employing objectives without adjustment, which are corrected to a particular standard. A small screw-gauge of steel, made for measuring the thickness of rolled plates of brass, and sold at the tool-shops, answers this pur] o>e very well; but Ross's lever of contort (fig. 324), devised for this express purpose, is in many respects preferable. This consists of a small horizontal table of brass, mounted upon a stand, and having at one end an arc graduated into twenty divisions, each of which re- presents the ) (HH.tM °f an inch, so that the entire arc measures the - \ , 1 1 1 of an inch ; at the other end is a pivot on which moves a Long and Fig. 324. — Ross's lever of contact. •delicate lever of steel, whose extremity points to the graduated arc, whilst it has very near its pivot a sort of projecting tooth, which bears it against a vertical plate of steel that is screwed to the horizontal table. The piece of thin glass to be measured being in- serted between the vertical plate and the projecting tooth of the lever, its thickness in thousandths of an inch is given by the number on the graduated arc to which the extremity of the lever points. Thus, if the number be 8, the thickness of the glass is -008, or the TJ . th of an inch. It will be found convenient to sort the covers according to their thicknesses, and to keep the sortings apart, so that there may be a suitable thickness of cover for each object. But it is well to remember that, with the exception of objects to which from their size or nature it is impossible to apply high powers, it is 1 tetter to mount the object so that if it be required or desirable high powers may be used upon it. Another simple and very efficient cover-glass tester is made by Zeiss, of Jena, and illustrated in fig. .'»L)\ It will be seen that the measurement is effected by a clip projecting from a box, between the jaws of which the cover to be measured is placed ; the reading is given by an indicator moving over a divided circle on the upper face of the box. The divisions show hundredths of a millimetre, and the instrument measures to upwards of 5 mm. 3z. of asphaltum, using heat if necessary for its solution. It is very important that the asphaltum should be genuine, and the other materials of the best quality. Some use asphalte as a substitute for gold-size ; but the Authors experience leads him to recommend that it should only be employed either for making shallow i cement cells' or for finishing oft" preparations already secured with gold-size. For the former purpose it may advantageously be slightly thickened by evaporation. Bell's cement is sold by J. Bell and Co. chemists, Oxford Street, London ; they are the sole makers and retain the secret of its com- position. It is of great service for glycerin mounts ; but the edge of the cover should be ringed with glycerin jelly before this cement is applied. It is an extremely useful and reliable varnish, which is extremely easy of manipulation. It can be readily dissolved in either ether or chloroform. Canada balsam is the oleo-resin from Al>i> s Imlsa men and PiftUB canadensis j it is so brittle when hardened by time that it cannot be safely used as a cement, except for the special purpose of attaching hard specimens to glass, in order that they may be reduced by grinding Arc. Although fresh, soft balsam may be hardened by heating it on the slide to which the object is to be attached, yet it may be preferably hardened > n ma886 by exposing it in a shallow vesstl to 384 P RE PA RATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS the prolonged but moderate heat of an oven, until so much of its volatile oil has been driven off' that it becomes almost (but not quite) resinous on cooling. If, when a drop is spread out on a glass and allowed to become quite cold, it is found to be so hard as not to be readily indented by the thumb-nail, and yet not so hard as to 'chip,' it is in the best condition to be used for cementing. If too soft, it will require a little more hardening on the slide, to which it should >e fcransf erred in the liquid state, being brought to it by the heat of a water-bath ; if too hard it may be dissolved in chloroform or ben- zole for use as a mounting ' medium ' ; we do not recommend its use for mounts with glycerin. Brunswick black is a very useful cement, obtainable at the op- tician's as prepared for the use of microscopists. It is one of the best ■cements for the purpose of ringing mounts, and it may be recom- mended for turning cells. We have already stated that we do not, as a rule, recommend opaque or black ground mounting ; but if this is desired or needful no better ' ground ' can be obtained than foy putting on the centre of the slide a disc of Brunswick black the size of the outside of the cell or cover-glass, and while it is wet putting a thin cover-glass upon it. The cover-glass becomes quickly fixed and a pleasant surface is formed to receive the object which it is intended to mount. Should it be desirable to have the floor of the opaque cell dead instead of bright, this can be quickly accomplished with a little emery-powder and water applied to the surface by a flattened block of tin fixed in boxwood. Brunswick black is soluble in oil of turpentine, and it dries quickly. Glue and hon>?y mixed in equal parts is very valuable for special purposes and softens with heat. Shellac cement is made by keeping small pieces of picked shel- lac in a bottle of rectified spirit, and shaking it from time to time. It cannot be recommended as a substitute for any of the preceding, but it may be employed to put a thin film upon the edge of all mounts — however closed and finished — that are to be used with homo- geneous lenses. It is a sure protection against the otherwise in- jurious action of the cedar oil. Hollis's liquid glue may also be employed with confidence for this purpose. Sealing-wax varnish, which is made by digesting powdered sealing-wax at a gentle heat in alcohol, should never be used as a cement ; it is serviceable only as a varnish, and resists cedar oil. Venice turpentine is the liquid resinous exudation of Abies larix. It must be dissolved in enough alcohol to filter readily, and after filtering must be placed in an evaporating dish, and by means of a sand-bath must be reduced by evaporation one-fourth. This cement is used for closing glycerin mounts. Square covers are used, and we find it best to edge the cover with glycerin jelly. A piece of copper wire of No. 10 to No. 12 gauge is taken, and one end of it is bent just the length of one of the sides of the cover at right angles to the length of the wire. This end is now heated in a spirit lamp, plunged into the cement, which adheres in fair quantity, and is instantly brought down upon the slide and the margin of the cnLnl'KKI) VAKNISHKS — hi;Y MOUNTING cover. The fluid turpentine distributes it. self evenly along theCOVeV and slide and hardens at once. We have no long experience of it, but from souk; of its characteristics we are inclined in l« li< \<- it will prove a useful cement for this purpose. Marine (flue, which is composed of shellac, caoutchouc, and naphtha, is distinguished by its extraordinary tenacity, and by its power of resisting solvents of almost every kind. Different qualit [es of this substance are made for the several purposes to which it is ap- pliedj and the one most suitable to the wants of the micrOSCOpist IB known in commerce as G K 4. The special value of this cement, which can only be applied hot, is in attaching to glass slides the glass or metal rings which thus form 'cells 'for the reception of objects to be mounted in fluid, no other cement being comparable to it either for tenacity or for durability. The manner of so using it will be presently described. Various coloured varnishes are used to give a finish to mounted preparations, or to mark on the covering glasses of large preparations the parts containing special kinds of noteworthy structure. A very good block varnish of this kind is made by working up very finely powdered lamp-black with gold-size. For redt sealing-wax varnish may be used ; but it is very liable to chip and leave the glass when hardened by time. The red varnish specially prepared for microscopic purposes by Messrs. Thompson and Capper, of Liverpool, seems likely to stand better. For white, ' zinc cement ' answers well, which is made of benzole, gum dammar, oxide of zinc, and turpentine. But it is inexpensive, and either in Cole's or Ziegler's formula may be obtained at the optician's. Blue or green pigments may be worked up with this if cements of those colours be desired. For attaching labels to slides either of glass or wood, and for fixing down small objects to be mounted 'dry ' (such as forcuminifi ro, parts of insects, i. EL L Smith c c 386 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS (.U.S.A.) suggests the following specially for the mounting of diatoms. A sheet of thin writing paper dipped into thick shellac varnish is hung up to dry ; and rings are then cut out from it by punches of two different sizes. One of these rings being laid on a glass slide, and the cover, with the object dried upon it, laid on the ring, it is to be held in its place by the forceps or spring-clip, and the slide gently warmed so as to cause a slight adhesion of the cover to the ring, and of the ring to the slide ; and this adhesion may then be rendered complete by laying another glass slide on the cover and pressing the two slides together, with the aid of a continued gentle heat. Still deeper cells may be made with rings punched out of tinfoil of various thicknesses and cemented with shellac varnish on either side. And if yet deeper cells are needed, they may be made of turned rings of vulcanite or ebonite, cemented in the same manner. There is, however, a tendency in shellac -formed cells to throw off a cloudiness inside the cell, usually called 'sweating,' which is very undesirable. It has been found that a ring of solid paraffin to which the cover is attached, if first ' ringed 5 with the same material, and afterwards with a finishing varnish, makes a useful and permanently clean dry shallow cell ; or paper may be saturated with paraffin and treated as described for shellac. Cement-cells. — Cells for mounting thin objects in any watery medium may be readily made with asphalte or Brunswick black varnish by the use of Mr. Shadbolt's ' turn-table ■ or one of its modi- fications (p. 391). The glass slide being placed under its spring, in such a manner that its two edges shall be equidistant from the centre (a guide to which positionis afforded by the circles traced on the brass), and its four corners equally projecting beyond the circular margin of the plate, a camel's-hair pencil dipped in the varnish is held in the right hand, so that its point comes into contact with the glass over whichever of the circles may be selected as the guide to the size of the ring. The turn-table being made to rotate by the application of the left forefinger to the milled head beneath, a ring of varnish, of a suitable breadth, is made upon the glass ; and if this be set aside in a horizontal position, it will be found, when hard, to present a very level surface. If a greater thickness be desired than a single appli- cation will conveniently make, a second layer may be afterwards laid on. It will be found convenient to make a considerable number of such cells at once, and to keep a stock of them ready prepared for use. If the surface of any ring should not be sufficiently level for a covering glass to lie flat upon it, a slight rubbing upon a piece of fine emery paper laid upon a flat table (the ring being held down- wards) will make it so. Bing-cells. — For mounting objects of greater thickness it is desirable to use cells made by cementing rings, either of glass or metal to the glass slides, with marine glue. Glass rings of any size, dia- meter, thickness, and breadth are made by cutting transverse sections of thick-walled tubes, the surfaces of these sections being ground flat and parallel. Not only may round cells (fig. 326, A, B) of vari- ous sizes be made by this simple method, but, by flattening the tube (when hot) from which they are cut, the sections may be made quad M<>r.\TIN<; IN ( KLLS 3*7 A rangular, or square, or oblong (0, D). Por intermediate thickw ■ between cement-cells and glass ring-cells, the Kditor has found no kind more convenient than the rings stamped out of tin, of rariou thicknesses. These, after being cemented to the slides, should have their surfaces made perfectly flat by rubbing on a piece of tine ^rit or a corundum-tile, and then smoothed on a Water-of-Avr stone : to such surfaces the glass covers will he found to adhere with great tenacity. The ebonite and hone-cells are cheap, and also easy of manipulation. They are specially useful for dry mount-. The glass slides and cells which are to he attached to each other must first be heated on the mounting plate ; and some small cuttings of marine glue are then to be placed either upon that surface of the cell which is to be attached, or upon that portion of the slide on which it is to lie, the former being perhaps preferable. When they begin to melt, they may be worked over the surface; of attachment by means of a needle point ; and in this manner the melted glue may be uniformly spread, care being taken to pick out any of the small gritty particles which this cement sometimes contains. When the surface of attachment is thus com- pletely covered with liquefied glue, the cell is to be taken up with a paii- of forceps, turned over, and deposited in its proper place on the slide ; and it is then to be firmly pressed down with a stick (such as the handle of the needle), or with a piece of flat wood, so as to squeeze out any superfluous glue from beneath. If any air-bubbles should be seen between the cell and the slide, these • should if possible be got rid of by pressure, or by slightly moving the cell from side to side ; but if their presence results, as is some- times the case, from deficiency of cement at that point, the eel] must be lifted off again, and more glue applied at the required spot. Sometimes, in spite of care, the glue becomes hardened and blackened by overheating ; and as it will not then stick well to the glass, it is preferable not to attempt to proceed, but to lift off the cell from the slide, to let it cool, scrape off the overheated glue, and then repeat the process. When the cement ing has been satis- factorily accomplished, the slides should be allowed to cool gradually in order to secure the firm adhesion of the glue , and thi^ j> readily accomplished, in the first instance, by pushing each, as it is finished, o o S c I) Fie. 82(5. — (iluss ring-cells. 388 PKEPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS towards one of the extremities of the plate. If two plates are in use, the heated plate may then be readily moved away upon the ring, which supports it, the other being brought down in its place ; and as the heated plate will be some little time in cooling, the firm attach- ment of the cells will be secured. If, on the other hand, there be only a single plate, and the operator desire to proceed at once in mounting more cells, the slides already completed should be carefully removed from it, and laid upon a wooden surface, the slow conduc- tion of which will prevent them from cooling too fast. Before they are quite cold, the superfluous glue should be scraped from the glass with a small chisel or awl, and the surface should then be carefully cleansed with a solution of potash, which may be rubbed upon it with a piece of rag covering a stick shaped like a chisel. The cells, should next be washed with a hard brush and soap and water, and may be finally cleansed by rubbing with a little weak spirit and a soft cloth. In cases in which appearance is not of much consequence, and especially in those in which the cell is to be used for mounting- large opaque objects, it is decidedly preferable not to scrape off the glue too closely round the edges of attachment, as the 'hold' is much firmer, and the probability of the penetration of air or fluid much less, if the immediate margin of glue be left both outside and inside the cell. To those to whom time is of value, it is recommended that all cells which require marine glue cementing be purchased from the dealers in microscopic apparatus, and it is well to note that all cells cemented with marine glue should be well 'payed,5 as the nautical expression is,, or well surrounded with shellac varnish, or gold- size as indicated by the nature of the enclosed fluid. Many media, saline . fluids especially, work their way between the cell and the slide, and at length destroy the marine A B C glue. Plate-glass Cells. — Where large shallow cells with flat bottoms are re- quired (as for mounting zoophytes, small medusa', &c.), they may be made by drilling holes in pieces of plate-glass of various . sizes, shapes, and thick- nesses (fig. 327, A), which are then cemented to glass slides with marine glue. By dr illing two • holes at a suitable distance, and cutting out the piece between them, any required elongation of the cavity may be obtained (B, C, D). Sunk-cells. — This name is given to round or oval hollows, exca- vated by grinding in the substance of glass slides, which for this Fig. 327.— Plate-glass cells. GROUND-OUT AND BUILT-UP CELLS 389 purpose, should be thicker than ordinary. Tin y arc shown in ti_r. 328, A, B, C. Such cells have the advantage not only of comparative cheapness, but also of durability, as they are not liable to injury by. a sudden jar, such as sometimes causes tin; detachment of a cemented plate or rin^. For ob- jects whose shape adapts them to the form and depth of the cavity, such cells will be found very convenient. It naturally suggests itself as an ob- jection to the use of such cells that the concavity of their bottom must so deflect the light-rays as to distort or obscure the image ; but as the cavity is filler I either with water some other liquid of Fig. 328. — Plate-LMJ, A, B, how- Fig. 890. — Built-up cells. 390 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS .ever, requires a nicety of workmanship which few amateurs possess, and the expenditure of more time than microscopists generally have to spare ; and as it is consequently preferable to obtain them ready- made, directions for making them need not be here given. Wooden Slides for Opaque Objects. — Such 'dry 'objects as/ora- minifera, the capsules of mosses, parts of insects, and the like, may be conveniently mounted in a very simple form of wooden slide (first devised by the Author and now come into general use), which also serves as a protective ' cell.' Let a number of slips of mahogany or cedar be provided, each of the 3-inch by 1-inch size, and of any thickness that may be found convenient, with a corres23onding number of slips of card of the same dimensions, and of pieces of dead-h\&ck. paper rather larger than the aperture of the slide. A piece of this paper being gummed to the middle of the card, and some stiff gum having been previously spread over one side of the wooden slide (care being taken that there is no superfluity of it immediately around the aperture), this is to be laid down upon the card, and subjected to pressure.1 An extremely neat ' cell ' will thus be formed for the reception of the object, as we see in fig. 330, the depth of which will be determined by the thickness of the slide, and the diameter by the size of the perforation ; and it will be found convenient to provide slides of various thicknesses, with apertures of different sizes. The cell should Fig. 330.— Slip made of wood. always be deep enough for its wall to rise above the object ; but, on the other hand, it should not be too deep for its walls to inter- fere with the oblique incidence of the light upon any object that may be near its periphery. The object, if flat or small, may be attached by gum-mucilage ; if, however, it .be large, and the part of it to be attached have an irregular surface, it is desirable to form a, ' bed ' to this by gum thickened with starch. If, on the other hand, it should be desired to mount the object edgeways (as when the mouth of a foraminifer is to be brought into view), the side of the object may be attached with a little gum to the wall of the cell. The complete protection thus given to the object is the great recommendation of this method. But this is by no means its only convenience. It allows the slides not only to range in the ordinary cabinets, but also to be laid one against or over another, and to be packed closely in cases, or secured by elastic bands ; which plan is extremely convenient not merely for the saving of space, but also for preserving the objects from dust. Should any more special protection be required, a thin glass cover may be laid over the top of the cell, and secured there either by a rim of gum or by a perforated paper cover attached to the slide ; and if 1 It will be found a very convenient plan to prepare a large number of such slides at once, and this may be done in a marvellously short time if the slips of card have been previously cut to the exact size in a bookbinder's press. The slides, when put. "together, should be placed in pairs, back to back, and every pair should have each -of its ends embraced by a spring-press (fig. 33G) until dry. FINISHING Fie. :■»:>!. —SlmdboU's tuni-tuhlc it should be desired to pack these covered slide-, together, if is only necessary tO Interpose guards of card somewhat thicker than the glass covers. Turn-table. — This simple instrument (fig. 331), devised by Mr. Shadbolt, is almost indispensable to the microscopic who desire* to preserve preparations that are mounted in any 'medium1 beneath circular covers; since it not only serves for the making of those ' cement-cells ' in which thin, transparent objects can he besl mOUllted in any kind of 1 medium/ but also enables him to ;ipply his varnish for the securing of circular cover-glasses not only with greater neatness and quickness, but also with greater certainty than he can by the hand alone. The only special precaution to be observed in the use of this in- strument is that the cover-glass, not the slide, should be 'cen- tred ' ; which can be readily done, if several concentric circles have been turned on the rotating - table, by making the cover-glass correspond with the one having its own diameter. A number of ingenious modifications have been devised in this simple instrument with a view to secure exact centring. The most practicable and inexpensive of these is an application of Mr. E. H. Griffith's device shown in its improved form in tig. .'$32. The centre of the table marked with circles has a straight spring- attached to it beneath. The slide, being placed between the two pins A and B in this centre, is partially rotated against the spring and pushed forward, when the spring keeps it between the two pins and a third fixed pin, D, at the upper side of the slide, centring it per- fectly for widt h. The fourth pin, E, at the left end, 1 .', in. from the centre, is for length, and allows the slide to be always placed in the same relative position. The recent improvements add much to the value of the table. One of them Fig. 882.— Griffith's born-table, is a countersunk decent ring wheel and pin, C, which may be seen at the upper right-hand side of the slide. The axle of the wheel passes through the table and is furnished underneath with a short bar with which the decentring wheel may be turned, forcing the pin against the slide, pushing it as far out of centre as may be desired. Another improvement is in making the end-pin a screw, which may be turned down out of the w ay it' desired. Mounting Plate and Water-bath. Whenever heal has to be 392 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS applied either in the cementing of cells or in the mounting of ob- jects, it is desirable that the slide should not be exposed direct to the name, but that it should be laid upon a surface of regulated temperature. As cementing with marine glue or hardened Canada balsam requires a heat above that of boiling water, it must be supplied by a plate of metal ; and the Author's experience leads him to recommend that this should be a piece of iron not less than six inches square and half an inch thick, and that it should be .supported, not on legs of its own, but on the ring of a retort-stand, so that by raising or lowering the ring any desired amount of heat may be imparted to it by the lamp or gas -flame beneath. The Fig. 333. — Apparatus for preparing mounting media, paraffin, &c. for imbedding by beat. advantage of a plate of this size and thickness consists in the gradational temperature which its different parts afford, and in the slowness of its cooling when removed from the lamp. When many cells are being cemented at once, it is convenient to have two such plates that one may be cooling while the other is being heated. It is also needful to have a smaller plate, much thinner, of brass, having a groove cut in it into which the ordinary 3 x 1 in. mounting snp can easily slide, but so grooved as to leave a space between a ledge on each side on which the slip rests, and the main surface of the brass under the slip. In this way there is always a film of WATER-BATH — SPRING PRESSES heated air between the main surface of the heated brass and tlial of the glass, giving more facility for rapid and delicate heating! This may he either as separate 'table' or a plate titted to a retort itatuL Beyond this, however, heat of various kinds, dry and moi-i. of variable but determinate temperatures, will be required for various purposes, especially for melting the various mounting media, such as gelatin, agar agar, and also, as we shall shortly 060, for the preparation of imbedding waxes for section cutting and a variety of other purposes. One of the many pieces of apparatus wlm-li have been devised to combine as large a number of the requirements of the mounter in one construction as can be conveniently done was devised by Dr. P. flayer and his colleagues. It is illustrated in fig, 333. W is the bath ; Z the tube by which it is filled with water ; 1, 2, 3, 4 are glass tubes j a is a pot for melting and clarifying the paraffin, and which may be replaced by others for other needful purposes ; h and r are half-cylinders with handles for imbedding ; / is a thermometer bent at a right angle \ the horizontal Leg ends in the air-bath, which can be closed with a glass plate which is of service for biological as well as mounting purposes. The temperature in the air-bath will be always about 10° less than the water-bath. It serves well for evaporating chloroform Arc. ; t is the thermometer for the water-bath ; R is a Reichert s thermo-regulator. The variation in temperature is less than 1° C. ; r is the tube in which the gas and air mix, and f n mica chimney. There is a small independent and removable water-bath, r, fitted with water by means of rubber tubes attached to lateral openings. Tt is supplied with a thermometer, t, is warmed on the platform, F, and is intended chiefly for fixing objects which are small in the right position in the bedding or wax, usually known as 'orienting' objects, under a simple lens or dis- secting microscope. Slide-forceps, Spring-clip, and Spring-press. For holding slides to which heat is being applied, especially while cementing objects to be ground down into thin sections, the wooden 8lidt - forceps, seen in fig. ."W4, will be found extremely convenient. This, Fa;. :'.:') i. — Slide-forceps. by its elasticity, atfbrds a scenic grasp to a slide of any ordinary thickness, the wooden blades being separated by pressure upon the brass studs ; while the lower stud, with the bent piece of brass at the junction of the blades, atlbrds a level support to the foroepe, which thus, while resting upon the table, keeps the heated glass from contact with its surface. For holding down cover-glasses whilst the balsam or other medium is cooling, if the elasticity of the object should tend to make them spring up, the wire spring-clip (tig. 335), sold at a cheap rate by dealers in microscopic apparatus, will be 394 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS found extremely convenient. Or if a stronger pressure be required,, recourse may be had to a simple spring-press made by a slight alteration of the ' American clothes peg ' which is now in general use in this country for a variety of purposes, all that is necessary being to rub down the opposed surfaces of the ' clip ' with a flat file, so that they shall be parallel to each other when an ordinary slide with its cover is interposed between them (fig. 336). One of these convenient little implements may also be easily made to serve the pur-pose of a slide-forceps by cutting back the upper edge of the Fig. 885. — Spring-clip. Fig. 886. — Spring-press. clip, and filing the lower to such a plane that when it rests on its flat side it shall hold the slide parallel to the surface of the table, as in fig. 334. Mounting Instrument. — A simple mode of applying graduated pressure concurrently with the heat of a lamp, which will be found very convenient in the mounting of certain classes of objects, is afforded by the mounting instrument devised by Mr. James Smith. This consists of a plate of brass turned up at its edges, of the proper size to allow the ordinary glass slide to lie loosely in the bed thus formed ; this plate has a large perforation in its centre, in order to allow heat to be directly applied to the slide from beneath ; and it is attached by a stout wire to a handle shown in fig. 337. Close to this handle there is attached by a joint an upper wire, which lies nearly parallel to the first, but makes a downward turn just above the centre of the slide-plate, and is terminated by an ivory knob ; this wire is pressed upwards by a spring beneath it, whilst, on the Fig. 887. — Smith's mounting instrument. « other hand, it is made to approximate the lower by a milled head turning on a screw, so as to bring its ivory knob to bear with greater or less force on the covering glass. The special use of this arrange- ment will be explained hereafter. Dissecting Apparatus. — The mode of making a dissection for microscopic purposes must be determined by the size and character of the object. Generally speaking, it will be found advantageous to carry on the dissection under water, with which alcohol should be mingled where the substance has been long immersed in spirit. The ARRANGEMENTS FOR DISSECTJXCi 395 sizo and depth of the vessel should he proport ioned to t be diincn lion of the object to be dissected ; since, for t lie ready access of 1 lie hands and dissecting instruments, it is convenient that the object should neither be far from its walls nor lie under any threat depth of water. Where there is no occasion that the bottom of the 76816] should be transparent, no kind of dissecting trough is more; convenient than that which everyone may readily make for himself, of any dimen sion he may desire, by taking a piece of sheet gutta-percha of adequate Fig. 338. — Swift's Stephenson binocular dissecting microscope. size and stoutness, warming it sufficiently to render it flexible, and then turning up its four sides, drawing out one corner into a sort of spout, which serves to pour away its contents when it needs empty- ing. The dark colour of this substance enables it to furnish a back • ground, which assists the observer in distinguishing delicate mem- branes, fibres, Arc. especially when magnifying lenses are employed : and it is hard enough (without being too hard) to allow of pins being fixed into it, both for securing the object and for keeping apart such portions as it is useful to put on the stretch. When glass or earthen- 396 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS ware troughs are employed, a piece of sheet-cork loaded with lead must be provided to answer the same purposes. In carrying on dissections in such a trough, it is frequently desirable to concentrate additional light upon the part which is being operated on by means of the smaller condensing lens ; and when a low magnifying power is wanted it may be supplied either by a single lens, mounted after the manner of Ross's simple microscope, or by a pair of spectacles mounted with the ' semi-lenses ' ordinarily used for stereoscopes.1 Portions of the body under dissection being floated off when detached may be conveniently taken up from the trough by placing a slip of glass beneath them (which is often the only mode in which delicate membranes can be satisfactorily spread out), and may be then placed under the microscope for minute examination, being first covered with thin glass, beneath the edges of which is to be intro- duced a little of the liquid wherein the dissection is being carried on. Where the body under dissection is so transparent that more advantage is gained by transmitting light through it than by looking at it as an opaque .object, the trough should have a glass bottom ; and for this purpose, unless the body be of unusual size, some of the glass cells already described (figs. 327-328) will usually answer very well. The finest dissections may often be best made upon ordinary slips of glass, care being taken to keep the object sufficiently sur- rounded by fluid. For work of this kind no instrument is more generally serviceable than the erecting binocular form of stand as recently modified for dissecting purposes by Swift. It is an instru- ment which combines conveniences and supplies wants which only a worker at dissection could have known. It is illustrated in fig. 338, and will be thoroughly suitable for all the work in which it will b>e required, from diatom mounting to the most delicate dissections. The supports for the hands on either side of the stage have an ex- tremely suitable curve, and the instrument lends itself admirably to the work. The instruments used in microscopic dissection are for the most part of the same kind as those which are needed in ordinary minute anatomical research, such as scalpels, scissors, forceps, &c. ; the fine instruments used in operations upon the eye, however, will commonly be found most suitable. A pair of delicate scissors, curved to one side, is ex- tremely convenient for cut- ting open tubular parts ; Fig. 389.— Spring scissors. these should have their points blunted, but other scissors should have fine points. A pair of very fine-pointed scissors (fig. 339), one leg of which is fixed in a light handle, and the other kept apart from it by a spring, so as to close by the pressure of the 1 These may be recommended as useful in a great variety of manipulations which are best performed under a low magnifying power, with the conjoint use of both eyes. Where a high power is needed, recourse may be advantageously had to Messrs. Beck's 3-inch achromatic binocular magnifier, which is constructed on the same principle, allowing the object to be brought very near the eyes, without "requiring any uncomfortable convergence of their axes. DISSECTING [NSTRU2M KNTS 397 finger and to open of itself, will be found (if the blades be well sharpened) much superior to any kind of knives for cutting through delicate tissues with as little disturbance of them as possible. ^\ pair of small straight forceps with fine points, and another pair of curved forceps, will be found useful in addition to the ordinary dissecting forceps. Of all the instruments contrived for delicate dissections, however, none are more serviceable than those which the microscopist may make -for himself out of ordinary needles. These should be fixed in light wooden handles (the cedar sticks used for camel-hair pencils, or the handles of steel penholders, or small porcupine quills will answer extremely well) in such a manner that their points should not project far, since they will otherwise have too much 'spring* ; much may be done by their mere tearing action ; but if it be desired to use them as Gutting instruments, all that is necessary is to harden and temper them, and then give them an edge upon a hone. It will sometimes be desirable to give a finer point to such needles than they originally possess ; this also may he done upon a hone. A needle with its point bent to a right angle, or nearly so, is often use- ful ; and this may be shaped by simply heating the point in a lamp or candle, giving to it the required turn with a pair of pliers, and then hardening the point again by re-heating it and plunging it into cold water or tallow. Section-cutting. — The young microscopist will do well to practise the cutting of thin sections of soft vegetable and animal substances with a sharp razor ; considerable practice is needed, however, to make effectual use of it, and some individuals acquire a degree of dexterity which others never succeed in attaining. The making Fl(i 840.-Curved scissors foi cutting thin of hand-sections will be greatly sections, facilitated by the previous use of the hardening and imbedding processes to be hereafter described ; but the best of them cannot be supposed to approach in quality good sections cut by a microtome. For the preliminary examination of any soft structure, such a pair of scissors as is represented in tig. .'UO will often be found very useful ; since, owing to the curvature of the blades, 1 the two extremities of a section taken from a flat ■"ihiHllllilll m.i.k, Fie. 841. surface will generally be found to thin away, although the middle of it may be too thick to exhibit any structure ; bul the cutting instrument seen in tig. .*H1 is still more serviceable: it cuts with precision and becomes with its firm spring, as it were, part of 1 It is difficult to convey by a drawing the idea of tho real curvature of tlii- instrument, the blades of which, when it is held in front view, curve, not t<> either side, but towards the observer, these scissors bein;_r, as the French instrument- makers say, courbta sur If plat. 393 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS Fig. 342. — Simple microtome. the operator's fingers. In fact, the only instruments which we have found essential, with the exception of ophthalmic needles in very line work, are shown in the two figures 340 and 341 . The two-bladed knife contrived by Professor Valentin was formerly much used for cutting microscopic sections of soft tissues ; but as such sections can be cut far more effectively by the methods to be presently described, a mere mention of this instru- ment will here suffice. Microtome, — There is a large class of substances, of moderate hardness, both animal and vegetable, of which extremely thin and uniform slices can be made by a sharp cutting instru- ment, if they be properly held and supported, and the thickness of the section be regulated by a mechanical contrivance ; such are, in particular, the stems and roots of plants, and the horns, hoofs, cartilages, and similarly firm structures of animals. Various costly ma- chines have been devised for this purpose, some of them characterised by great in- genuity of contrivance and beauty of workmanship ; but most of the purposes to which these are adapted will be found to be answered by a very simple and inexpensive little instrument, which may either be held in the hand, or (as is preferable) may be firmly attached by means of a T-shaped piece of wood (fig. 342) to the end of a table or work-bench, or may be provided with a clamp for firm attachment to the work - table, as in fig. 343. This in- strument essentially consists of an upright hollow cylinder of brass, with a kind of piston which is pushed from below upwards by a fine-threaded or ' micro- meter ' screw turned by a large milled head ; at the upper end the cylinder terminates in a brass table, which is planed to a flat surface, or (which is preferable) has a piece of plate glass cemented to it, to Fig. 343. — Microtome. SECTIQN«-CUTTER H 399 form its cutting bed. At one side is seen a small nulled head, H blcfa acts upon a 'binding screw,' whose extremity project! into iIm- cavity of the cylinder, and serves to compress and steady anything that it holds. For this is now generally substituted a pair of screw . working through the side of the cylinder, instead of one as in fig. 343. A cylindric al stem of wood, a piece of horn, whalebone, cartilage. »vc is to be fitted to the interior of the cylinder, so as to project a little above its top, and is to be steadied by the ' binding screw ' : it is then to be cut to a level by means of a sharp knife or razor laid flat upon the table. The large milled head is next to be moved through such a portion of a turn as may very slightly elevate the substance to be cut, so as to make it project in an almost insensible degree above tin- table, and this projecting part is to be sliced oft* with a knife pre- viously dipped in water or, preferably, methylated spirit and water in equal parts. For many purposes an ordinary razor will answer sufficiently well ; but thinner and more uniform sections can be cut by a special knife, having its edge parallel to its back, its sides slightly concave, and its back with a uniform thickness of rather less than :}--inch. Such a knife should be four or five inches long, and -jjj-inch broad, and should be set in a firm handle about four inches long. The motion given to its edge should be a combination of y Jung, of Heidelberg, entered the field early, having from the first been based on thoroughly sound, practical principle! ; and as a result it has been BUSCeptible of and has lent itself to every improvement Suggested by the advancing refinements of this beautiful art of microtomy. Ju its latest form we describe and illustrate it, satisfied that it will in an almost perfect manner meet the general wants of the biologist' laboratory. This microtome is based upon the model of Rivet ; but that has been immensely expanded in detail. The body of the instrument consists of three plates, the middle plate, M, and the side plates, S and (), fig. 344. These are fastened to the bottom plate by screws. S supports the knife-slide, MS, which rests at three points on a planed and polished track ; whilst on the side of the knife-slide two other Fie.. 844. — Jung's Thoma microtome. points slide upon the middle plate. Thus in the angle in which the block carrying the knife slides there are five points of contact on polished surfaces, the block itself having weight enough to keep the whole steady, so that at a touch it glides to and fro with a firmness and precision that could scarcely be attained in any other way. The plate <> is an inclined plane, its highest point being in the direction of M. The inclination of the angle is 1 : 20 : it supports the object-holder, ( )S, which rests in its place exactly as does the knife holder, MS. This plate also bears the scale T//, which, by means of a vernier on the object-holder, enables the thickness of the section to be read off. Hie bottom plate is at once a base and a receiver for the drip- ping spirit, oil, Arc. For fasten tut 1 the knife a thumb-screw, ( \ tig. 34 L, serves : but in the instrument designed by the Zoological Station, Naples, this is !> I> 402 PEE PA RATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS replaced by a single head-screw, E, fig. 345, which is provided with holes and tightened by means of a lever ; and to give greater freedom to the use of the knife there are several holes drilled and tapped into which this screw fits. The knives, of the form A, fig. 344, are generally screwed directly to the knife-slide, and are capable of the best adjustment for the most delicate and largest sections to be made in the direction of its length. The knife, however, is also made up >on another model, E, fig. 345 ; it then has a special holder a, and is secured in conical apertures by the screws b, b\ and firmly held ; and as b or bl is screwed farther, the edge may be adjusted towards a horizontal position. For deep objects requiring considerable length to cut from, there are plates provided for elevating the knives and the knife-holders. Fig. 345. — The Thoma microtome with special knife. The exigencies of section- cutting have given rise to a great variety of section-holders in this instrument. The simplest is seen in OS, fig. 344, which is a pair of jaws clamped by screws and fixed upon the pivot Sz by the milled head a. At n is the vernier, which indi- cates the position on the mm. scale, Th, and t is an agate highly polished upon which the micrometer screw m works to drive forward the object-carrier, OS. The Zoological Station at Naples employs a holder specially de- signed for use with paraffin ; the object is soldered with paraffin on to the cylinder, b y ,fig. 345. This may be shifted vertically and horizontally by means of the small screw u, and it is fastened by means of the milled head, m. By the spring n it may be displaced over 90°, and as great an inclination can be taken in a plane perpen- dicular to this by the supporting metal frames by means of the THE TIln.MA MICROTOME 403 spring i>. In this way every desired inclination of tin- object to the knife can be readily secured. Fig. 34G presents the same object holder, but instead of tin- cylinder a simple pair of jaws with the screw rn to secure objects of- Flo. 846. — Object-holder with jaws. every variety. A cylinder-holder as in fig. 349 can be ['laced in these jaws from which the benefits of the Neapolitan holder can be secured. -But tig. 346 shows a still greater improvement which can be applied to both object-holders, viz. a perpendicular displacement by means qf a coy and spring governing the height of the mass from which the sections are to be cut. The elevator in this case is supported on one side by the prism P, and on the other by the rod C ; these are joined by the bridge &, St Fig. 847. — Object-holder movable about two horizontal axes at right angles to each other. to which a cogged bar is fastened, into which a spring catches, which is moved by the lever V, allowing a perpendicular displacement of the object of 12 mm. At 0 is the millimetre scale on which the perpen- dicular displacement can be read off by means of the index x. D i> 2 404 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS An object-holder movable about two horizontal axes situated perpendicularly to each other is seen in fig. 347. These positions are fixed by the milled heads b\ b ;.e shows the jaws for holding the object, into which, however, cylinders like fig. 349 may be intro- duced. This object-holder has a perpendicular displacement con- trolled by a screw. The part, K, which supports the chief axis of the jaws is fitted on to the triangular prism St, the lower part of which is furnished with hinges ; on the hinge the screw Y moves, which at its- upper end lies close to K, and is sustained in this position by the steel plate g, so that K is carried up and down with it, and this move- ment is read off by a scale under S. Eig. 348 presents an object-holder intended to analyse by diversified section objects which are wedged or fan-shaped in form on a fixed axis, but may be applied to other purposes. Fig. 848. — Object-holder for analysis by diversified section. B is a prism-shaped, semicircularly bent bar, moving in the slot FF1; at b and bl the jaws occupy the position common to those of the ordinary form. On the circumference of B a spiral is cut, which becomes slightly visible at g ; into this spiral a screw passes at H, which is turned by the milled head S, which can alter the position of the arc to the horizontal to the extent of 1 mm .; and the amount of the change of position can be read oft' on the graduated circle K. In a fixed position the middle of this section-holder is the plane of action of the knife. If an object be fixed in the jaws so that the fixed axis of it lies in this plane, it will only be required that the screw S be brought into action to obtain wedge-shaped sections of whatever thickness is required, which will all be made in this axis. The set of cylinders which may be used with these and other jaws is represented in fig. 349 : by is the cylinder, G the compressing screw for it, the mass W being held in the jaws. The object slide with its vernier may be slidden up the in- cline ; but it is much more accurate to control its movement with the THE TH0J1A MICROTOME 405 micrometer-screw. The point of it in fig. 345, t, works on the polished plane of an agate cone. The thread in which the sere* works U held firmly in its place by the milled head W in 8ch, It may stoeteh up as far as 0, being refastened by \V. The screw 1,1 is so DUt that a single rotation moves the elide on t&Pif mm., which in the inclination of the plane of 1 :20 gives Fig. 34l>. — Cylinder for use with jaws. an elevation of the object of y1;";,, mm. The barrel or drum, K, situated on the axis of the screw, is divided into fifteen parts ; eon sequently the interval of each division corresponds to an elevation of 1 (mYo mm. There is also an action by means of a spring which gives the ear as well as the eye cognisance of the amount of elevation which has taken place, which greatly relieves the eye. This, however, can be brought into action or not at the option of the operator. Fig. 350. — Freezing apparatus for the Thoma mierotome. Besides these object-holders a freezing apparatus can be added which is simply placed on the object-slide as shown in tig. :>.">0. The freezing is effected by ether-spray. A specially favourable effect is obtained if the cylinder rj is mica and not glass. A layer of water freezes in from thirty to thirty -five seconds. In tig. 351 is shown a similar arrangement as an independent. 406 PBEPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS' instrument. A is the plate on which the preparation is laid, g the mica cylinder, and B the under-setting of it in which the ether tubes for the production of the spray are fixed. No. 1 tube is from the bellows ; No. 2 carries air to the ether bottle ■ No. 3 is for the spray point of the ether bottle itself ; and No. 4 is the overflow for excess of ether. The glass plate G serves as the knife-rest ; b is divided in order to determine the thickness of the sections (1 division = ¥ i_ mm.) ; C is the micrometer-screw which raises the object ; R is the screw which fixes the clamp to a table ; D is the knife commonly used ; and E a stilet for clearing the spray points without enlarging the openings. Fig. 350 is the same instrument capable of being used with the microtome instead of sejDarately. Fig. 351. — Independent freezing apparatus. An arrangement of this machine for cutting large objects has also been devised which is illustrated in fig. 352. The knife is to be placed considerably higher in front than behind, in order to lessen the pressure on the objects. In order to satisfy all demands, the knife-rest is adjustable. The knife is so arranged that the whole length of blade can be used, and then the screw c is fairly tightly screwed down. As strong- knives, even of a length of 36 cm., easily give, a knife-support has been constructed : this is fastened by the screw c' to the carrier. The support is arranged parallel with the back of the knife M ; if the extremity n be slightly pressed backwards, so that it touches the knife, it is then fixed in this position by the screw o (scarcely evident in the illustration). This done, the spirit-vessel can be arranged in a position which will not interfere with the free movement of the knife. In 408 PKEPAKATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS order that a stream of spirit may follow the knife over the object, the following arrangement is adopted. The spirit-vessel Bp turns round an axis on the column h ; to it is joined the arm L, which carries in front the fine tube r (connected with U'), and also the rod ]) ; the latter is movable perpendicularly, and to its lower end a bridge or grip with two small rollers i and i' is fastened. The rod p is so placed that on each side of the metal strip b, screwed on to the knife-support, there is one of the rollers. By the adjusting- screws Sr, the whole apparatus is so arranged that, when the knife- carrier is in motion, no other friction occurs than that of the rollers on the strip b b b. The vessel is filled by screwing off the head Z. As the tube r acts as a siphon, it is necessary when the cock is turned on to blow down the tube. The stream of spirit should be directed at a right angle to the knife, and about the middle of the object. This done, the object 06, by means of the screw K, is firmly grasped in the fangs of the object-carrier ; the correct direction for the position of the knife is given to its surface by the screws at f and/*,, and then the axes of the fangs are tightened up by the levers q and q' . If the height of the object is not quite correct, adjustment is made by the screw m. By turning the screws S, S, the holder is fixed. V is a wheel with cranked axle Ezt;, and this by means of a cat- gut band moves the knife. For the rapid production of ribbons of sections, however, the instrument par excellence is the Cambridge rocking microtome. It is illustrated in fig. 353. The principle is the employment of a rotary instead of a sliding movement of the parts. Two uprights are cast on the baseplate, and are provided with slots at the top, into which the razor is placed and clamped by two screws with milled heads. The inner face of the slot is so made as to give the razor that inclination which has in practice been found most advantageous. The razor is thus clamped between a flat surface and a screw acting in the middle of the blade, and the edge of the razor is consequently in no way injured. The imbedded object is cemented with paraffin into a brass tube which fits tightly on to the end of a cast-iron lever. This tube can be made to slide backwards or forwards, so as to bring the imbedded object near to the razor ready for adjusting. The cast-iron lever is pivoted at about 3 in. from the end of the tube. To the other end of this lever is attached a cord by which the motion is given, and the object to be cut brought across the edge of the razor. The bear- ings of the pivot are V-shaped grooves, which themselves form part of another pivoted system. Immediately under the first pair of V's is another pair of inverted V's, which rest on a rod fixed to two uprights cast on the base-plate. A horizontal arm projects at right angles to the plane of the two sets of V's, the whole being parts of the same casting. On the end of the horizontal arm is a boss with a hole in it, through which a screw passes freely. The bottom of the boss is turned out spheri- cally, and into it fits a spherical nut working on the screw. The nut is prevented from turning by a pin passing loosely through a slot THE ROCKING MICKoToMH \cyj in the boss. The bottom of the screw rests on ;i pin fixed in the base-plate. It will he seen that the effect of turning th<* xtcw is to raise Or 4IO PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS lower the end of the horizontal arm, and therefore to move backwards or forwards the upper pair of V's, and with them the lever and object to be cut. The top of the screw is provided with a milled head, which may be used to adjust the object to the cutting distance. The distance between the centres of the two pivoted systems is 1 in. and the distance of the screw from the fixed rod is 6^ in. The thread of the screw is 25 to the inch ; thus, if the screw is turned once round,, the object to be cut will be moved forward — of — , or — in. The turning of the screw is effected automatically as follows : A wheel with a milling on the edge is fixed to the bottom of the screw : an arm to which a pawl is attached rotates about the pin which supports the screw. This arm is moved backwards and for- wards by hand or by a cord attached to any convenient motor. When the arm is moved forward the pawl engages in the milling and turns the wheel ; when the arm is moved back the pawl slips over the milliDg without turning the wheel. A stop acting against the pawl itself prevents any possibility of the wheel turning, by its own momentum, more than the required amount. The arm is always moved backwards and forwards, between two stops, a definite amount, but the amount the wdieel is turned is varied by an adjustable sector, which engages a pin fixed to the pawl and prevents the pawl from engaging the milling of the wheel. By adjusting the position of this sector, the feed can be varied from nothing to about of a turn ; and hence, since the screw has 25 threads to the inch, the thickness of the sections cut can be varied from a minimum, depending on the perfection with which the razor is sharpened, to a 5 111 ... maximum of — of - of , or of a turn. The practical mmi- 32 25 6|' 1000 1 mum thickness obtainable with a good razor is approximately inch. The value of the teeth on the milled wheel are as follows : — 1 tooth of the milled wheel =£^§00 in. = '000(!25 mm. 2 teeth „ „ = ggL^ in. = -001250 mm. 4 „ „ „ =sm6s in. = -0026 mm. 16 „ „ „ =2^>o m« = '01 mm- The movement of the Lever which carries the imbedded object is. effected by a string attached to one end of the lever. This string passes under a pulley and is fastened to the arm carrying the pawl. Attached to the other end of the lever is a spring pulling downwards. When the arm is moved forward the feed takes place, the string is pulled, the imbedded object is raised past the razor, and the spring is stretched. When the arm is allowed to move back, the spring- draws the imbedded object across the edge of the razor, and the sec- tion is cut. The string is attached to the lever by a screw which allows the position of the imbedded object to be adjusted, so that at the end of the forward stroke it is only just past the edge of the razor. This is an important adjustment, as it causes the razor to com- mence the cut when the object is travelling slowly, and produces the most favourable conditions for the sections to adhere to each other. The following are perhaps the most prominent advantages of this KTHKK FREEZING MICROTOMES instrument : (1 ) the price is low, one-sixth that of the original form. (2) Less skill is required from the operator, for the endless silk band is superseded, and the troublesome and difficult operat ion of lifting the first sections from the razor on to the silk hand is entirely avoided. The ribbon of sections now falls of its own weight direct from the razor on to a piece of paper or glass slide placed to receive t hem, and by occasionally moving the paper forward any length of ribbon can be obtained. (3) The razor is fixed at what has in practice been found the most advantageous inclination and angle for cutting j and thus an unnecessary adjustment and waste of time are avoided. (4) The imbedded object is with great ease and quickness brought up to or away from the edge of the razor ; first, for large amounts by sliding backwards or forwards the brass tube on the cast-iron lever, then for smaller amounts by turning round the screw, when the paw] is out of gear, by means of a small milled head placed on the top for this purpose. (5) There are no delicate working parts which can get out of order, and the whole instrument is easily taken apart for packing and is very portable. But it is needful also to describe one or more of the best in- struments designed specially for cutting sections by congelation, or freezing of the imbedding mass. Dr. R. A. Hayes designed an ether freezing microtome with the object of affording to those who have occasional need to cut sections of tissues for pathological investigations Are. the means of doing so quickly, conveniently, and Fk;. 354. — Dr. Hayes's ether freezing microtome. accurately. It is illustrated in fig. 354. It is very compact, solidly constructed, and simple in plan. It freezes rapidly, and permits sections of large surface to be made with precision : sections 1 in. x S in. having been cut by it without difficulty. It consists of a solid cast-iron base, A, 10 in. x I.1, in., which rests upon a mahogany block. Extending the whole length of the upper surface of the base is a V-shaped gutter, on the planed sidesof which slides a heavy metal block, 1>, on the flat top of which the razor i-> secured (any ordinary razor can be used), the tang being grasped 412 PEEPAKATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS between two flat pieces of iron, which are pressed together by a winged nut, C. The razor by this arrangement can be secured at any desired angle to the direction of its motion to and fro. The freezing-chamber is formed by a short vulcanite cylinder, D, its lower end being screwed into a brass base, E. To its upper end is fastened by two bayonet-catches a brass plate, F, on which the tissue to be cut is placed. Inside the cylinder, D, and rising from the base, E, is an ordinary spray, the air and ether being supplied through tubes, g and H, passing outside, through the base. There is also an opening in the floor of the chamber communicating with the tube, to allow the overflow of ether in case of any accumulation inside the cylinder • any such overflow may be returned by the tube to the ether supply bottle, K. The freezing-chamber is secured to the top of the micrometer-screw arrangement, Z, which is of the simplest form, but has a perfectly smooth and regular motion. The nut is divided to indicate a section 0*01 mm. in thickness, but half this thickness can be cut without difficulty. The method of using the microtome is very simple. The slide and block, D, having been carefully rubbed clean and well oiled, the razor is clamped at any desired angle, the bottle, K, is filled with ether (good, dry methylated ether answers perfectly), and the piece of tissue to be cut, having been previously saturated with thick gum solution, is placed upon the plate F, and the spray which plays upon the under surface of the plate F set working by the hand-pump, M ; in a short time the tissue will be frozen quite through, and if a number of sec- tions are required an occasional stroke or two of the pump will keep the gum in proper condition for cutting. The sections are easily cut, as in other microtomes of this class, by alternate movements of the screw Z and stroke of the razor. The instrument may also be used for cutting tissue imbedded in paraffin or other mass, the object to be cut being secured in position, either by being gently heated at its under surface and pressed on the plate F, to which it firmly adheres on cooling, or by a simple clamp- ing arrangement, which can be substituted for the freezing- chamber. When used in this way large numbers of sections may be cut in series by attaching to the razor a light support to receive the sections as they are cut. Another most serviceable and admirable, because inexpensive and efficient, microtome, especially for freezing purposes, was devised by Mr. Cathcart ; and it is now presented in a simplified and improved condition. The instrument is illustrated in fig. 355. In this form the clamping arrangements are much more perfect than in the old form ; the principal screw and its milled head are larger and more convenient ; the freezing-plate is circular, and is provided with an arrangement for preventing the ether with which the freezing is effected from reaching the upper side of the plate ; and the instrument is now so modified that it can be used for ordinary imbedding as well as freezing. The increased size of the screw gives a more steady movement than was possessed by the older and smaller microtome, while the greater circumference of the screw-head enables an operator to im- ETIIEIi FIJEK/INfi MICKOTo.MF 413 part a finor movement to the screw. The relation between thepiti h of the screw and the circnmferenoe <»f its head ia such that if the Fig. 35.").' — Cathcart's freezing microtome. edge be moved forward a quarter of an inch, an object will be raised one-thousandth of an inch ; and if it be moved an eighth of an inch, the object will be raised a two-thousandth of an inch. In the original instrument the plate was supported on two pillars, in order that as little heat as possible might be conveyed to the freezing- plate from the body of the instrument. In the new instrument the size of the three supporting pillars and screws is so much reduced that the conducting surface is not Greater than in the old microtome. The arrangement for cut- ting imbedded sections consists of a tube which fits the principal well of the microtome, and within which tits a hinged part similar to an ordinary vice. With the instrument arc provided the means of preparing paraffin blocks for imbedding sections. When it is intended to use the microtome for imbedding, the ether spray, spray-bellows, and ether-bottle should be removed, and Fig. 8.V'. IL>luVr fox Cathcart's microtome. .414 PREPARATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS the freezing-tube, having been raised as far as possible by means of the principal screw, should then be withdrawn from the well. The imbedding tube, fig. 356, is now placed in the well, and, having been pushed down until it rests upon the point of the large screw, it may be lowered to a convenient height by working the large screw backwards. Mr. Cathcart recommends in freezing with this instrument that a few drops of mucilage (1 part gum to 3 parts water) be placed on the zinc plate, and that a piece of the tissue be cut, of about a quarter of an inch in thickness, and pressed into the gum ; the ether-bottle, filled with anhydrous methylated ether, is taken and the spray points pushed into their socket. All spirit must of course have been pre- viously removed by soaking for a night in water. The tissue should afterwards be soaked in gum for a like time before being cut. The operator must now work the spray-bellows briskly until the gum begins to freeze ; after this, work more gently. Raise the tissue by turning the milled head, and cut by sliding the knife along the glass plates. Preparation and Mounting of Objects. Imbedding Processes. — The preparation of soft organic substances for section-cutting by ' imbedding ' may be made in two modes, the choice between which will depend upon the consistency of the sub- stance. If (1) it be compact, like a piece of liver or kidney, it only needs to be surrounded by the imbedding mass, which will afford it as a wliole the requisite support. But if (2) it be partly occupied, like a piece of lung, by interstitial cavities, it must be 'penetrated by the imbedding substance, so that every part may be duly supported. The former is simple imbedding ; and it may be readily effected by immersing the object to be cut in some such substance as molten wax, which on becoming cold will acquire a consistency, neither too brittle nor too soft, which will permit of thin slices being cut. But in the second class of casus, where it is necessary to fill all natural cavities and interstices with the imbedding material, so that the most delicate organ may retain its tissues, and even its separate cells in situ in each section, it is much more complex. It may be effected by a similar process of infiltration as is employed in simple imbedding, only made more complete by the previous preparation of the tissue, employing materials in which to previously soak it which are solvent of the imbedding material, and which will therefore secure more thorough infiltration. Or the same thing may be accomplished by a process of evaporation. A substance may be used which in a fluid state is capable of pene- trating the most delicate cavities of a tissue, which after the evapo- ration of the solvent will leave the imbedded object with a consistency which will admit of cutting. For simple imbedding the use of carrot or pith will suffice ; in using the latter, when the cylinder of pith has been cut longitu- dinally, and a cavity has to be made to receive the object, the cavity should be made by pressure ; a blunt ivory point will suffice to effect this. If the cells of pith be cut out, we lose the firmness of enclosure that is always the result of having obtained the cavity by pressure, # i.mi:km>i.v; 4,5 because when the object is enclosed between the two half -cylinder, of pith and plugged (if necessary) to the shape or size of tin- micro- tome-well or holder, the pith should then be moistened with alcohol, or other suitable fluid, and the compressed pith-cells driven together to make space for the tissue tend by capillarity to regain their form and position as the alcohol penetrates them ; but this could not have been the case had the cavity been cut out. In this way the object en closed is firmly held in all directions, and may be readily divided into sections. For simple imbedding in wax or paraffin it is necessary to provide a cylinder of metal, or a box or tray of cardboard or paper, into which to pour the melted composition for imbedding. Hut a Mill better plan is to employ sets of two pieces of type-metal, cast in rectangular form of various heights and capable of being placed together as in fig. 356 A ; in this way a suitable box is formed, and the end of the shorter arm being triangularly enlarged outwards, it is closed sufficiently to retain the wax. Placed in this way, with the short arms nearer to or farther from each other, as a less or greater imbed- ding mass is required, they are set on a plate of class which has been wetted with glycerin and gently warmed. The melted paraffin or composition is now poured into this mould until a certain desired level of the wax is reached, and when the wax has cooled to a con- sistency capable of receiving and retaining in its place the mass to be imbedded, it is placed in a desired position on the surface of the cool wax and the remainder of the mould is filled up with melted wax. It often happens that it is most desirable to place an object or a tissue in a special position in the imbedding mass, so that sections in a given direction may be secured. In this case we have to use some method of 'orienting ' the object, and in some cases this requires the use of at least a fixed hand lens or even a microscope. It is frequently a very difficult matter .to properly orient very small objects, such as spherical eggs, so that sections may pass through any desired plane. In working on the embryology of the common shrimp, Mr. J. S. Kingsley found the following process very conve- nient. Impregnation with paraffin is accomplished in the usual way, and then the eggs (in numbers) in melted paraffin are placed in a shallow watch-crystal. They immediately sink to the bottom, and then the whole is allowed to cool. The crystal, glass upwards, is now placed on the stage, and the eggs examined under a lens. In this way one can readily see exactly how any egg lies, and then with a knife it may be cut out with the surrounding paraffin, and in such a way that it can readily be fastened to the block in any desired position After all which have been dropped in a suitable 416 PKEPAKATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS position are thus cut out, the paraffin is again melted, and after stilling the eggs the cutting is continued as before. A more general method is to take a common flat medicine bottle, as in fig. 357, fitted with a cork through which two tubes pass, or, if the mouth is small, one tube may be fastened into a hole drilled into the bottle. One of these tubes, A, is connected with hot and cold water ; the other, B, is a discharge-pipe for the water entering the bottle by A, and raising or lowering its temperature as warm or cold water is allowed to flow in. On the smooth, flat side of the bottle four pieces of glass rods or strips are cemented fast, so as to inclose a rectangular space, C, which forms a receptacle for the melted paraffin. As long as the warm wTater circulates through the bottle the paraffin remains fluid and objects in it may be arranged under the microscope by light from above or below, and can be oriented with reference to the sides of the paraffin re- ceptacle or with reference to lines drawn upon the surface of the bottle. When the cold water is allowed to enter in place of the warm, the jjaraffin congeals rapidly, and may be easily re- moved as one piece. The discharge-pipe should open near the upper surface of the bottle, to draw off any air which may accumulate there. In using the Thoma form of microtome where the object is held in jaws, the imbedding mass must of course be cast a suitable shape, and placed directly in the jaws, or be cemented to slices of cork which may be placed in contact with the jaws. After sections have been cut and are placed upon the thin cover for mounting, it is very desirable to be able easily to free the sections from the imbedding mass that may be clinging to it. This may be done by means of turpen- tine, creosote, xylol, or oil of cloves. But in simple imbedding, where the interpenetration of the cavities of the object is not the special aim, a still more efficient method is to prepare the object before imbedding it by covering it with a film of some substance which prevents the immediate contact of the imbedding mass with the object, and which can be even more easily removed than the paraffin. This may be done with collodion, into which the prepared tissue is plunged for a short time and taken out and allowed to evaporate. The oil of cloves used for clearing the section will dissolve it, and the cast of wax will fall away. Imbedding Masses. — These may be procured ready prepared for two or three temperatures, made up according to the formuke of some of the most experienced biologists. The composition of the imbedding mass is of large importance. The temperature of the laboratory must determine the melting-point of the paraffin ; by Fig. 357. — Arran^ merit for the orienta- tion of objects in paraffin. IMI5KI)]>I Vi DKLICATE TISSUES 417 mixing paraffins of various melting points we can obtain accurately a wax of the consistency we need for laboratories of different tem- peratures, or for the .same Laboratory at different periods of 1 be year. If we take, for example, a palatini with a melt ing-poinl of I |\ and melt two parts of this with one part of a paraffin having a melting-point of 110° F., we shall have a mass that will cul satisf y torily in a temperature of 70° F. ; while the paraffin with the lower melting-point will serve well for a temperature of 60° F. We rarely need to work in lower or higher temperatures than these. But by mixing equal parts by weight of pure; vaselin and the paraffin melting at 136° F., an imbedding mass that will cut well at 55° F. can be obtained. Another imbedding mass which is extremely useful maybe made by melting together equal parts by weight of white wax and olive oil. This will work well from 60° F. to 65° F. For a higher tem- perature than this add a little more wax ; for a lower temperature, a little more oil. In order to prepare delicate tissues etc. by complete impregnation with paraffin before imbedding, it is needful to use a suitable solvent. This may be chloroform, creosote, oil of cloves, or oil of turpentine. Before imbedding, the material to be imbedded would have been hardened and otherwise prepared ; the mode in which this may be done will be described subsequently in this chapter. Let it be assumed that the object is taken immediately from alcohol of full strength. From this it is to be transferred to creosote, oil of cloves, or chloroform, oil of turpentine answering sufficiently well for larger bodies. When this has completely replaced the spirit, the body is to be immersed for some little time in a hot saturated solution of paraffin in oil of turpentine. When it has lain sufficiently long in this to be thoroughly penetrated, it is to be immersed in the melted paraffin, which should not be more heated than is necessary to keep it quite liquid ; and it should be moved about in this for some little time, an occasional gentle squeeze being given to it with the forceps so that the solution may be replaced as completely as possible by the liquefied paraffin. When hardened by cooling, the substance thus prepared may be 'imbedded ' in the moulds in the manner already described, the coating with gum being of course omitted. When the paraffin has perfectly solidified, the mould is to be lifted off its glass bottom, and the block taken out is then ready for cutting. In using the section-knife, care should be taken to keep it constantly wetted with methylated spirit, and it is desirable th at each section should be removed from it before another is taken, except of course where the connexion of each section with the preceding is sought to be maintained, when sections united successively together in 1 ribbons' can be readily effected, all that is needful being the right quality in the imbedding material involving the adhesion of each to the other as they are successively cut, and a section smoother on the edge of the cutting blade. Celloidiii as on imbedding mass. — This is a preparation of pure pyroxylin. It may be obtained in cakes of a tough, pliant nature, having the consistency suitable for section-cutting. It is soluble in I l 41 8 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS ether and alcohol. Small pieces of the celloidin tablets are dissolved readily in equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether • the properly hardened tissue, having been dehydrated in strong alcohol, is re- moved to a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and ether, where it must remain two or three hours, and longer if convenient. It is then transferred to a thin solution of celloidin in a well-stoppered bottle or other tightly closed vessel, where it should remain ten or twelve hours at least, and can only be benefited by a very prolonged bath. A much thicker solution of celloidin must be prepared and at hand. Take out the organ or tissue from the thin solution, and suffer the celloidin to evaporate until a film is formed. This is preferably done on a piece of leather. Surround it now with the thick celloidin, and wait until again a film has formed, and then the whole is thrown into strong alcohol, where it may remain until it is desired to cut sections. Sections are best cut with the razor moistened with alcohol, and they may be floated into the same fluid. To mount, it is not needful to remove the celloidin if we employ glycerin, glycerin jelly, or Farrant's medium (q.v.) ; but if we desire to mount in balsam the section should be dehydrated with 95 per cent, of alcohol, and cleared with oil of origanum or oil of clove. Imbedding by Congelation or Freezing. — From the amount of water they contain, perfectly fresh tissues may be frozen without being enclosed in any medium, and as readily cut ; but the inevitable formation of ice crystals cuts and tears delicate anatomical elements. A fluid mass that will freeze without crystallising, and when frozen permits the action of the knife, is what is needed. Gum arabic is pre- cisely suited in this case. The substance to be cut (which may either be fresh, or have been hardened by some of the processes to be here- after described, must be thoroughly penetrated by a thick solution of gum. If the substance to be cut has been immersed in alcohol, this must be completely removed in the first instance by immersion in water for from six to twenty-four hours, according to the size of the mass ; for the gum will not penetrate any part which is still alcoholised. The substance should be then immersed in the gum- solution for from twelve to twenty-four hours before it is frozen, in order that every part may be permeated by the gum, and no water be left to form crystals of ice. With the ether-spray microtome, which is simpler and easier to work than the ice-freezing instrument, the freezing is produced by the rapid evaporation of the liquid injected into the freezing- chamber. The substance to be cut is to be introduced into the well, as soon as the gum begins to harden at its periphery, and should be held in place until fixed by the advancing congelation. In cutting the sections no wetting of the knife is necessary, as it is kept suf- ficiently wetted by the thawing gum. The sections should be placed in methylated spirit diluted with twice its volume of water ; and this soon not only dissolves out the gum, but removes any air-bubbles the section may contain. If the section is to be at once mounted (which should always be done if it be very delicate and liable to be spoiled by manipulation), it should be placed on the slide before it has thawed CKLLOIDIX FOR CONGELATION and washed by forming around it a little pool of dilute spirit, w 1 1 i < • 1 1 may be readily changed two or three times by the glass syringe. Sections cut by the freezing process may for the most part be mounted in glycerin jelly, for which no other preparation will be needed than the use (if desired) of the staining process hereafter to be described. But if, for the sake of rendering the sections more transparent, mounting them in Canada balsam or dammar is preferred, they must be treated first with strong spirit, then with absolute alcohol, and then with either oil of cloves or oil of turpentine. It is claimed by Dr. Rutherford, as the special advantage of the freezing process, that 'delicate organs, such as the retina, the embryo, villi of the in- testines, lung, trachea with its ciliated epithelium, may all he readily cut without fear of their being destroyed by the imbedding agents.' When imbedded in paraffin, very delicate structures are more liable to damage, the villi of the intestine, for instance, being often de- nuded of their epithelium, and sometimes themselves torn. Celloidin as a Congelation Mass.— Dr. A. Hill, of Downing College,Cambridge, has for years employed celloidin as a freezing sub- stance with beautiful results. A similar process, differing somewhat in details, was, however, published by J. W. Barrett (' Journ, Anat. and Phys.' No. 7, 1885). Dr Hill has at the Editor's request favoured him with the following description of his method, and some of his exquisite mountings of brain tissue accomplished by its means. As originally recommended the celloidin is set in 80 per cent, alcohol and cut under spirit, but under these circumstances it presents a tough, resilient, and disagreeable substance to the razor, whereas there is no substance or tissue more satisfactory to cut than celloidin saturated with water and frozen. For this method pieces of tissue are placed after appropriate hardening in absolute alcohol. The al- cohol is replaced once or twice by a mixture of absolute alcohol three parts, ether one part. Into the bottle containing the tissue a piece of Schering's celloidin is then dropped, next day another piece, and so on until the solution of celloidin flows with difficulty. To obtain this result requires about a fortnight, and the process may of course be cut short by using a strong solution of celloidin in the first instance ; but the longer process amply repays for the trouble by ensuringcom- plete penetration of the celloidin into the tissue and yielding when set a homogeneous mass not liable to curl up when cut. Tissue and celloidin solution are then poured out together into a shallow basin, which is covered by a glass plate. Evaporation takes place slowly, and in three to four days a tirm, uniform mass is obtained. A block of celloidin with the tissue imbedded is cut out and thrown into water for two hours, at the end of which time it may be placed in gum and ether frozen and cut at once or preserved for an indefinite period in aseptic gum or spirit. The celloidin may be set much more expeditiously by pouring it into a paper boat which placed in a vessel of chloroform. In this way the celloidin is set in a very short time with, as far as can be estimated, no loss of bulk. The sections when cut and stained must be dehydrated in strong Spirit, immersed for a few moments in absolute alcohol, and cleared in oil of thyme, oil of bergamot, or turpentine and creosote (ten parts 420 PKEPAKATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS to one part heated together), but not in oil of cloves, the celloidin being soluble in the latter reagent. Grinding and Polishing Sections of Hard Substances.— Sub- stances which are too hard to be sliced in a microtome — such as bones, teeth, shells, corals, fossils of all kinds, and even some dense- vegetable tissues— can only be reduced to the requisite thinness for microscopical examination by grinding down thick sections until they become so thin as to be transparent. General directions for making such preparations will be here given ;l but those special de- tails of management which particular substances may require will be given when these are respectively described. The first thing to- be done will usually be to procure a section of the substance, as thin- as it can be safely cut. Most substances not siliceous may be divided by the fine saws used by artisans for cutting brass ; and these may be best worked either by a mechanical arrangement such as that devised by Dr. Matthews,2 or, if by hand, between 'guides,' such as are attached for this purpose to Hailes's and some other microtomes. But there are some bodies (such as the enamel of teeth, and porcel- laneous shells), which, though merely calcareous, are so hard as to make it very difficult and tedious to divide them in this mode ; and it is much the quicker operation to slit them with a disc of soft iron (resembling that used by the lapidary) charged at its edge with dia- mond-dust, which disc may be driven in an ordinary lathe. Where waste of material is of no account, a very expeditious method of obtaining pieces fit to grind down is to detach them from the mass, with a strong pair of ' cutting pincers,' or, if they be of small dimensions, with ' cutting pliers ' ; and a flat surface must then be given to it, either by holding them to the side of an ordinary grind- stone, or by rubbing on a plate of lead (cast or planed to a perfect level) charged with emery, or by a strong -toothed file, the former being the most suitable for the hardest substances, the latter for the toughest. There are certain substances, especially calcareous fossils of wood, bone, and teeth, in which the greatest care is required in the performance of these preliminary operations, on account of their extreme friability ; the vibration produced by the working of the saw or the file, or by grinding on a rough surface, being sufficient to- disintegrate even a thick mass, so that it falls to pieces under the hand ; such specimens, therefore, it is requisite to treat with great caution, dividing them by the smooth action of the wheel, and then rubbing them down upon nothing rougher than a very fine 'grit,' or on the ' corundum files ' now sold in the tool-shops, which are made by imbedding corundum of various degrees of fineness in a hard, re- sinous substance. Where (as often happens) such specimens are sufficiently porous to admit of the penetration of Canada balsam, it will be desirable, after soaking them in turpentine for a while, to lay some liquid balsam upon the parts through which the section is to pass, and then to place the specimen before the fire or in an oven 1 The following directions do not apply to siliceous substances, as sections of these can only be prepared by those who possess a regular lapidary's apparatus, and have been specially instructed in the use of it. 2 Joum. QueheM Microsc. Club, vol. vi. 1880, p. 83. POLISHINC (iKOl'NI) SI-XTIONS for some little time, so as first to cause the balsam to run in, and then to harden it ; by this means the specimen will be rendered much more fit for the processes it has afterwards to undergo. It, -not unfrequently happens that the small size, awkward shape, or extreme hardness of the body occasions a difficulty in holding it either for cutting or grinding ; in such a case it is much better to attach it to the glass in the first instance by any side that happens to be flattest, and then to rub it down by means of the ' hold ' of the glass "upon it, until the projecting portion has been brought to a plane, and has been prepared for permanent attachment to the glass. This is the method which it is generally most convenient to pursue with regard to small bodies ; and there are many which can scarcely be treated in any other way than by attaching a number of them to the glass at once in such a manner as to make them mutually sup- port one another.1 The mode in which the operation is then to be proceeded with, depends upon whether tin; section is to be ultimately set up in Canada balsam, or is to be mounted 'dry,' or in fluid. In the former case the following is the plan to be pursued : — The flattened surface is to be polished by rubbing it with water on a ' Water-of- Ayr 1 stone, or on a hone or 'Turkey' stone, or on an 'Arkansas' stone ; the titst of the three is the best for all ordinary purposes, but the two latter, being much harder, may be employed for substances which resist it.2 When this has been sufficiently accomplished, the section is to be attached with hard Canada balsam to a slip of thick, well-annealed glass ; and as the success of the final result will often depend upon the completeness of its adhesion to this, the means of most effectually securing that adhesion will now be described in detail. The slide having been placed on the cover of the water-bath, and the previously hardened balsam having been softened by the immersion of the jar containing it in the bath itself, a sufficient quantity of this should be laid on the slide to form, when spread out by liquefaction, a thick drop, somewhat larger than the surface of the object to be attached. The slide should then be allowed to cool in order that the hardness of the balsam should be tested. If too soft, as indicated by its 1 Thus, in making horizontal and vertical sections of Foraminifrra, as it would be impossible to slice them through, they must be laid close together in ft bed of hardened Canada balsam on a slip of glass, in suc h positions that when rubbed down the plane of section shall traverse them in the desired directions ; and one flat surface having been thus obtained for each, this must be turned downwards, and the other side ground away. The following ingenious plan was suggested by Dr. YVallich i.lnn. of Nat. Hist. July 1S(51, p. 58) for turning a number of minute objects together, and thus avoiding the tediousness and difficulty of turning each one separately : The specimens are cemented with Canada balsam, in the first instance, to a thin film of mica, which is then attached to a glass slide hy the same means; when tin \ have been ground down as far as may be desired, the slide is gradually heated just suf- ficiently to allow of the detachment of the mica-film and the specimens it carries ; and a clean slide with a thin layer of hardened balsam having been pre pan d, the mica- film is transferred to it with the ground surface downwards. When its adhesion is complete, the grinding may be proceeded with; and as the mica-tihn will yield to the stone without the least difficulty, the specimens, now reversed in position, may be reduced to requisite thinness. - As the flatness of the polished surface is a matter of the first importance, that of the stones themselves should he tested from time to time; and whenever they are found to have been rubbed down on any one part more than on another, they should be flattened on a paving-stone with fine sand, or on the lead-plate with emery. 422 rKEPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS ready yielding to the thumb-nail, it should be heated a little more, care being taken not to make it boil so as to form bubbles ; if too hard, which will be shown by its chipping, it should be re-melted and diluted with more fluid balsam, and then set aside to cool as before. When it is found to be of the right consistence, the section should be laid upon its surface with the polished side downwards ;. the slip of glass is next to be gradually warmed until the balsam is softened, special care being taken to avoid the formation of bubbles ; and the section is then to be gently pressed down upon the liquefied balsam, the pressure being at first applied rather on one side than over its whole area, so as to drive the superfluous balsam in a sort of wave towards the other side, and an equable pressure being finally made over the whole. If this be carefully done, even a very large section may be attached to glass without the intervention of any air- bubbles. If, however, they should present themselves, and they cannot be expelled by increasing the pressure over the part beneath which they are, or by slightly shifting the section from side to side, it is better to take the section entirely off, to melt a little fresh bal- sam upon the glass, and then to lay the section upon it as before. When the section has been thus secured to the glass, and the attached part thoroughly saturated (if it be porous) with hard. Canada balsam, it may be readily reduced in thickness, either by grinding or filing, as before, or, if the thickness be excessive, by taking off the chief part of it at once by the slitting wheel. So soon, however, as it approaches the thinness of a piece of ordinary card, it should be rubbed down with water on one of the smooth stones previously named, the glass slip being held beneath the fingers with its face downwards, and the pressure being applied with such equality that the thickness of the section shall be (as nearly as can be discerned) equal over its entire surface. As soon as it begins to be translucent, it should be placed under the micro- scope (particular regard being had to the method of illumination so as not to flood the object with light), and note taken of any inequality ; and then when it is again laid upon the stone, such inequality may be brought down by making special pressure with the forefinger upon the part of the slide above it. When the thinness of the section is such as to cause the water to spread around it between the glass and the stone, an excess of thick- ness on either side may often be detected by noticing the smaller distance to which the liquid extends. In proportion as the sub- stance attached to the glass is ground away, the superfluous balsam which may have exuded around it will be brought into contact with the stone ; and this should be removed with a knife, care being taken, however, that a margin be still left round the edge of the section. As the section approaches the degree of thinness which is most suitable for the display of its organisation, great care must be taken that the grinding process be not carried too far ; and frequent recourse should be had to the microscope, which it is convenient to have always at hand when work of this kind is being carried on. There are many substances whose intimate structure oan only be displayed in its highest perfection, when a very little VAKIOCS HARD SKCTJONS 423 more reduction would destroy the section altogether; and every microscopist who lias occupied himself in making such preparations can tell of the number which he has sacrificed in order to attain this perfection. Hence, if the amount of material be limited, it is advisable to stop short as soon as a ~ he able to remove siliceous as well as calcareous elements from objects. To do this a glass vessel should be carefully coated with paraffin internally, to prevent tin- action of the acid used taking place on the sides of the vessel. The subject to be cleared of its silica is placed in alcohol in the coated vessel, and hydrofluoric acid is added drop hydro]). As the mucous membranes are fiercely attacked by this acid, great care must be ex- ercised in its use ; but small sponges and other similar siliceous ob- jects by remaining a few hours or a day in this are wholly deprived of their silica, while the tissues do not suffer. Preparation of Vegetable Substances. — Little preparation is re- quired, beyond steeping for a short time in distilled water to get rid of saline or Other impurities, for mounting in preservative media specimens of the minuter forms of vegetable life, or portions of the larger kinds of alg(e, fungi, or other succulent cryptogams. But the woody structures of phanerogams are often so consolidated by gummy, resinous, or other deposits that sections of them should not be cut until they have been softened by being partially or wholly freed from these. Accordingly, pieces of stems or roots should be soaked for some days in water, with the aid of a gentle heat if they are very dense, and should then be steeped for some days in methy- lated spirit, after which they should again be transferred to water. The same treatment may be applied to hard-coated seeds, the 'stones of fruit, 'vegetable ivory,' and other like substances. Some vegetable substances, on the other hand, are too soft to be cut sufficiently thin without previous hardening, either by allowing them to lose some of their moisture by evaporation, or by drawing it out by steeping them in spirit. Either treatment answers very well with such substances as that which forms the tuber of the potato, sections of which dis- play the starch-grains in situ. Where, on the other hand, it is de- sired to preserve colour, spirit must not be used ; and recourse may be had to gum-imbedding, which is particularly serviceable where the substance is penetrated by air-cavities, as is the case with the stem of the rush, the thick leaves of the water-lily &c. But where the staining processs is to be employed, the substance should be pre- viously bleached by the action of chlorine (preferably by Labarraque's chlorinated soda), and then treated with alcohol for a few hours. Hardening Agents. — The methods of imbedding and freezing have become so perfect, and have such universal application, that this process of hardening, which at an early period in the art of niiem tomy was of so much importance, has fallen into a matter of second- rate imp< >rtance. Hardening processes may act either by coagulating the albumen of the tissues, without entering into chemical combination therewith, as is the case with alcohol, nitric acid, and picric acid, or they may produce the results effected by their employment by entering in some 428 PKEPARATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS manner into chemical combination with the components of the tissues. To this latter group belong osmic acid, chromic acid, and chloride of palladium. The latter group produces effects in the tissues that do not lend themselves to successful staining, although they admit of delicate sections. Alcohol. — This should be used strong. Most operators advise, for certain purposes at least, absolute alcohol ; but Mr. Arthur Cole, whose experience is very large, says that this should not be used for hardening purposes, either with animal or vegetable tissues. He affirms that methylated spirit should always be employed, for the ' water in alcohol renders it useless for hardening.' Large quantities of spirit should be employed in proportion to the object, and many weeks may be required to harden large specimens. Picric acid is used for the same purposes as chromic acid ; its hardening power is not so great, but it does not shrivel the tissues as much, its action is more rapid, and it may be advantageously used where 'decalcification' is necessary. As it is but slightly soluble in water, a cold-water solution must be saturated ; and the quantity of liquid should be large in proportion to that of the sub- stance to be acted on. Picric acid is used, in combination with carmine or anilin blue, as a staining material. Osmic Acid. — This agent is one of peculiar value to the micro- scopist whose studies lie among the lower forms of animal and vegetable life ; as its application immediately kills them, without producing any retraction or shrinking of their parts, and not only preserves their tissues, but brings out differences in those which might otherwise escape observation. It is sold in the solid state in sealed tubes, and is most conveniently kept as. a 1 per cent, solution in distilled water. The solution should be preserved in well-stoppered bottles secluded from the light ; and should be used with great caution, as it gives forth a pungent vapour which is very irritating to the eyes and nostrils. It is recommended by Dr. Pelletan,1 M. Certes,2 and M. Raphael Blanchard 3 f or fixing and preserving animalcules {Infusoria and Rotifera), Desmidieos, Dia- tomaceo3, Bacteria, Vibriones, &c. ; by Dr. Yignal 4 for Noctilnca ; by Mr. T. J effrey Parker 5 for Entomostraca and other small Crustacea ; and it has been successfully used also in the preparation of insect structures. To the histologist its special value lies in its blackening of fatty matters and the medullary substance of nerve- fibres. And the embryologist finds it of peculiar value in giving firmness and distinctness to the delicate textures with which he has to deal. Various degrees of dilution of the 1 per cent, solution will be needed for these different purposes. Mr. Parker further states (loc. cit.) that he has found this agent very serviceable in the preparation of delicate vegetable structures. 'The acid seems to be taken up by each granule of the protoplasm, and these to be 1 Joum. of Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. i. 1878, p. 189. 2 Ibid. vol. ii. 1879, p. 331 ; and Comptes Bendus, 1879, p. 433. 5 Ibid. vol. ii. 1879, p. 463. 4 Robin's Archives de Physiologie, tome xiv. 1878, p. 586. 5 Joum. of Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. ii. 1879, p. 381. OSMIC ACID VAI'oli; 429 decomposed, giving to the granule the characteristic grey colour, thus «at the same time both hardening and staining.' A mixture of 9 parts of a £ per cent, solution of chromic acid with one pari of a 1 per cent, solution of osmic acid answers for many purpo e better than osmic acid alone, the brittlenesss produced by its use being completely avoided. After being subjected to this agent, the specimens should be treated with 30 per cent, alcohol, gradually increased in strength to absolute. There is now no doubt that osmic acid is best employed as vapour, wherever it is possible to expose the tissue to its action. The tissues are pinned on a cork fitting a wide-mouthed bottle in which is contained a small quantity of the acid either in a solid or dilute form, and should be kept there until the tissues begin to turn brown. Without any intermediate process such tissues may be stained at once with picro-carmine (q. v.) Osmic acid stains all fatty structures opaquely black, and should not be employed where these are present. Professor J. N. Langley, of Trinity College, Cambridge, has employed osmic acid vapour in the preparation of certain mucous glands with very tine results. As we have seen, the use of osmic acid vapour to fix and harden tissues has been some time in use ; but its employment in the case of mucous glands preserved for the purpose of microscopic sections is due to Professor Langley. By this means (1) the mucous granules can be preserved in a more or less spherical form, (2) they are stained with most reagents far more deeply than any other part of the tissue. The success of the method depends much upon the detail, and apparently to some extent upon the gland. Professor Langley's best results have been obtained with the orbital gland of the dog. The following is the method, viz. a tine needle with a silk thread is passed through a small lobule of the fresh gland of an animal which has been killed by bleeding whilst under the influence of an aiuesthetic, or which has been killed by decapitation ; the lobule is cut out, lowered by the silk thread passing through it into a bottle half full of 2 per cent, osmic acid. When the lobule is a short distance from the surface of the fluid, the stopper is inserted, which, as it clamps the thread, keeps the piece of gland from touching the fluid. In a day the tissue, now hardened throughout, is washed for a few minutes with water, placed in 30 per cent, alcohol and in 50 percent, alcohol for about a quarter of an hour, in 75 per cent, alcohol and in (J.~> per cent, alcohol for about half an hour, in absolute alcohol for one to two hours, in benzol for half an hour to an hour, and then imbedded in hard paraftin. Serial sections are cut, and then either (a) fixed on a glass slide with egg albumin, stained with methyl-blue ami mounted in Canada balsam, or (b) treated with benzol or turpentine to dissolve the paraffin, passed through alcohols of various strengths to water and stained with a strong aqueous solution of methyl- blue, and finally — after the usual treatment— mounted in Canada balsam. In all other methods of hardening mucous glands which I have tried, the mucous granules are more or less altered, being either 430 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OE OBJECTS swollen up to form a clear mass, or being shrunken to irregular, small clumps. By the method given above the mucous granules in the stained specimen are very obvious, and further in a stimulated gland many of the alveoli show an inner zone of granules stained deep blue and an outer zone stained of a brownish tint. Even in the unsuc- cessful preparations, in which the granules are not separately distinguishable, the mucous portion of the cell is unusually well marked in stained specimens. In the mucous cells of the mucous membrane of various lower vertebrates in which granules can be made out in the fresh state, the granules can often be preserved by the vapour of osmic acid. For certain special points in other glands, particularly in the parotid, the method is useful, but this together with further details with regard to its employment on mucous cells I propose to deal with after making further observations. Bichromate of jjotass, in a 2 per cent, watery solution, may be used where very slow and prolonged hardening is required. With the addition of 1 per cent, of sulphate of soda, it constitutes Mutter's fluid, which may be conveniently used to harden large pieces that may be left in it for several weeks ; the fluid should be changed every other day for a fortnight, and weekly for the second fortnight. The hardened substance, after being well washed, is to be treated with spirit, as in the preceding case. The best formula for this fluid is 2 oz. bichromate potass, 1 oz. sodium sulphide to one Winchester quart of water. Staining Processes. — Much and increasing attention has been given of late years to the use of agents, which, either by simply •dyeing or by chemically acting on organic substances in different modes and degrees, serve to differentiate the different parts of organs or tissues of complex structure, and to render more distinct such delicate features in preparations mounted in transparent media as might otherwise escape notice. One of the chief ends of staining animal tissues is to obtain a clear stain of the nuclear parts — the nuclei and their surrounding cell-protoplasm — as distinct from the non-nucleated parts of the same tissue. The agents which merely dye the tissues are for the most part colouring matters of vegetable or animal origin ; those which act upon them chemically are mineral substances. The staining processes may be used either before or after section- cutting, according to circumstances. Where the substance is in mass, and is not readily penetrable by the staining fluid (which is especially liable to be the case where it has been hardened in chromic acid), it is generally better to stain the sections after cutting, if they hold sufficiently well together to bear being transferred from one fluid to another ; and if the substance is to be imbedded in gum, and cut with the freezing microtome, it is generally preferable to stain the sections after they have been cut, as the processes necessary for the removal of the gum would be likely also to remove the dye. But where the substance to be cut has to be penetrated by wax or paraffin, it is better that the stain- ing should be effected in the first instance. As a general rule, it is better that where the substance is to be stained en masse the STAINING 431 staining fluid should be weak and its action slow, because in that mode the stain is more equably diffused. When, on the other- hand, the process is made use of with thin sections, it is convenient that the action should be more rapid, and the staining fluid may therefore be stronger ; but unless its operation be carefully watched, so as to be stopped at the right stage, the whole tissue may be deeply dyed, and the value of the selective staining altogether lost. 1^ will generally be found convenient to carry on the staining of thin sections either in watch -glasses or in small shallow glass or porcelain vessels ; but care must be taken not to place many sections together so as to lie one upon another, as this will prevent the staining from being uniform. Very useful receivers for sections that are to undergo staining are the solid glass blocks, now procur- able at very small cost at the optician's, which are about 14 inch square and ^ inch thick, and they have a shallow, saucer-like excavation on their upper surface into which sections may be placed, a flat glass cover being laid over the whole. Small delicate sections may often be stained upon the glass slides if they be mounted upon the slide, but where it can be effected at all, it is far preferable to mount upon the cover-glass. This section being placed and fixed upon the cover by processes shortly to be described, the paraffin is removed by turpentine, creosote or other means, and the whole placed, and kept in gentle motion, in 95 per cent, of alcohol ; for a short time it is then held in 75 per cent, alcohol, and at once a drop of the stain dissolved in 75 per cent, alcohol is placed upon the section. It should then be put in a chamber where the moisture in the surrounding atmosphere should make the evaporation of the drop or so of stain very slow, or even impossible ; here it should remain for from twelve to twenty-four hours. It should now be taken and a jet from a small wash-bottle containing 75 percent, alcohol should be made to stream upon the slip, washing away the loose staining fluid thoroughly, after which dehydrate in strong alcohol and clear in cedar oil, mounting in xylol balsam (q,vX If, however, a watery stain has been used, after getting rid of the paraffin by turpentine, and washing this oft* with alcohol, we dip and waive the cover in water ; this washes off the watery stain ; then alcohol of increasing strengths is used until dehydration is effected as above. If it be inconvenient or dangerous to manipulate the cover-glass by itself, it may be attached, for the purposes of manipulation, to a narrow, long slip of glass, on its upper surface, by a delicate point of wax. It is customary to recommend the use of 'section lifters' in order to raise the delicate sections out of the fluid in which they finally are placed into the position in which they are to be mounted. For very large sections they are probably essential ; but from personal ex- perience, supported by the most accomplished histological mount en of our time, we believe them to be adverse to, rather than promotive of, good section-mounting. One of the many patterns recommended is shown in fig. 360, where it will be seen that one end of the ' lifter ' is perforated, for the purpose of drainage, and the other is plain. It 432 PRE P AK ATI ON, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS must be manifest that the less we have to manipulate such delicate sections as we are now considering, the better ; to get a section on and off the ' lifter ; is a needless process. We should, as stated above, mount on the cover-glass, and this cover should be the only lifter em- ployed. Although it will involve a slight displacement in the con- templated order, we will, on ac- count of its practical usefulness in this place, describe how this should be done. The cover must be carefully cleaned, and properly selected as to size and tenuity. By means of a needle or the handle of an Fig. 360. ivory dissecting-knife the turpen- tine in which the section is resting- prior to mounting is gently disturbed, in a good-sized vessel or saucer, until the section desired is in its proper position on the cover. Now lay the cover, section upwards, on fresh blotting-paper, to take off' the superfluous turpentine from the free side of the cover, and then hold the edge of the slip at an angle, more or less acute, with the section towards the blotting-paper, but never suffering the former to touch the lattter • when this has removed the superfluous turpen- tine from the section, lay the cover section upwards, on a glass slip, put on (say) the benzole balsam until it stands in an evenly diffused mound covering the section, and lay it aside absolutely protected from dust for twenty -four hours in order that the benzole may evaporate. Now take it out, place upon the centre of the section one small drop of fresh benzole balsam, and turn the cover over on to a warm slip, being careful to have guides to the position on the slip on which it should be fixed ; and in an hour or so we may clean off superfluous balsam and finish the slide. To those who mount much this will prove the quicker plan, as, for fine results, it is undoubtedly the better. It would be impossible in this treatise even to attempt to enu- merate the principal stains now employed in the botanical and zoological laboratories where histology is pursued. It will be the utmost we can find space for if we indicate those which we, from experience, have found most useful. 1 Hcematoxylin. — We believe this to be, in spite of some of its defects, one of the best, if not on the whole the best, of all stains. It is well known that it is the active principle in the extract of log- wood. It is not readily or easily extracted ; but it may be obtained in the market prepared. An aqueous solution of it may be made in either of the following ways, viz. — 1 For fuller information see the MicrotomisVs Vade Mecum, B, Lee ; Cole's Studies; Practical Histology, Fearnley; Botanical Micro- chemistry, Poulson. LOGWOOD STAINING 433 (<») Dissolve '35 grm. hematoxylin in LO gems, water. Dissolve 3 grms. alum in 30 gnus, water. To tlx- h;> matoxylin solution add ft few drops of tho solution of alum. It makes a beautiful viol<-t fluid which stains nuclei a deep blue. (/>) Take 00 grms. of dried extract of hematoxylin, 180 grms. of powdered alum, and work them thoroughly together with a pestle and mortal-, adding by degrees 300 c.c. of distilled water. Mix the whole carefully and then filter, after which add 20 c.c of absolute alcohol. It should be kept some time, well stoppered, and in a cool place before being used. An alcoholic solution may be prepared by making the three fol- lowing saturated solutions, viz. (1) calcic chloride in 70 per cent, alcohol, (2) powdered alum in the same, and (3) hematoxylin in absolute alcohol. Mix one part of the calcic chloride solution with eight parts of the alum solution, and add th»' hematoxylin solution drop by drop until a dee}) purple colour is attained. The colour becomes richer by time. To stain with either of these solutions take a few minims of the v>ne chosen and place in a dram of distilled water, then filter into a glass block as described above. Be provided with a 5 per cent, solution of sodium bicarbonate, and if the tisNiie has been hardened in any chromium or acid medium it must be placed in the bicarbonate before being put in the stain. In fact, tissues or sections must, always be cleared of all trace of acid before being put in the stain ; when this is accomplished they must be washed in distilled water at from 30° to 40° C. Place the sections now in the hollow of the block containing the filtered solution of hamiatoxylin for a period which may vary from five minutes to many hours ; in the latter case the vessel containing the stain should be kept in a moist chamber. From what has been already stated it will be understood that, after staining, all sections to be mounted in balsam must be dehy- drated, or deprived of all water, which may be readily effected by thirty minutes in methylated spirit ; they must then be cleared in < il of cloves until the section sinks in the oil, w hen it is transferred to turpentine and mounted. Tf a logwood staining has been carried to excess it may be greatly reduced, and indeed brought to a desirable intensity, by being placed from a few seconds to a few minutes in the following solution, viz. 1 per cent, hydrochloric acid in distilled water . 1 part Absolute alcohol ...... 2 parts This acts in the same way with tissues over- stained with carmine. Logwood stains vegetable sections with extreme delicacy and great beauty. Dr. A. Hill, of Downing College, Cambridge, has employed with beautiful results an original method for applying Weigert's hema- toxylin stain to nerve-cells, and to him the Editor is indebted for these otherwise unpublished details. As ordinarily used it is considered to be one of the virtues of Weigert's well-known staining method that the medullated nerve-fibres are stained a deep violet, while the grey matter through which they run merely takes on a brownish f f 434 PREPARATION, MOUNTING-, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS tint. The object of Pal's modification of Weigert's stain is to» render the grey matter still fainter in colour. Dr. Hill has shown,., however, that it is possible to render nerve-cells and non-medullated fibres extremely susceptible to the stain by treating them before- hand with carmine alum or simply alum solution. To produce a successful result Weigert's staining method must be somewhat modified and the steps of the process about to be described rigidly followed : (1) Pieces of brain or spinal cord must be placed for six weeks in bichromate of ammonia to harden (2 to 2^ per cent.)_ (2) The bichromate is washed out with abundance of 30 per cent, spirit, changed daily until the solution takes no colour from the tissue. (3) The tissue is further hardened in strong alcohol.. (4) Pieces of tissue of convenient size are placed for an hour in water to remove the spirit and then for two days in carmine alum solution. The best way to make carmine alum solution, which is a most useful stain for many purposes, is to place in a shallow dish carmine, potash, alum, and distilled water, boiling the mixture for three hours, the water being restored to its original level from time to time as it evaporates. Both carmine and alum should be in excess, i.e. in larger quantity than the water will dissolve. When cold the solu- tion is decanted and filtered. (5) The tissue is then cut into- sections which are placed for twenty-four hours in a solution of acetate of coj)per half saturated ; for convenience a saturated solution, is kept and mixed with an equal volume of distilled water before use. (6) From the acetate of copper the sections are placed in the hematoxylin mixture for- eight hours, the mixture being maintained at a temperature of 40° C. circ. At the end of this time the sections are stained black and covered with a precipitate of hema- toxylin. (7) The sections are then decolourised to exactly the right degree in a solution of ferricyanide of potassium. It is well to. have a basin of water at hand into which the sections are placed from time to time to ascertain the progress of the decolonisation. If the sections are imbedded in celloidin it may always be safely assumed that the matrix of the tissue and the imbedding celloidin will be decolourised at the same time. This method gives extremely good results when applied to the cerebellum or to groups of large nerve-cells such as constitute the nucleus of the third and other motor cranial nerves ; a photo-micro- graph of a section of the cerebellum of a lamb prepared by Dr. Hill is given at fig. 4- of the frontispiece. It was photographed X 77 diams. with a 1-inch apochromatic objective of N.A. 3, and sufficiently illustrates the value of Dr. Hill's method. Weigert's hematoxylin solution : — Crystallised hematoxylin . . 1 gramme. Dissolved in absolute alcohol .... 10 c.c. Add distilled water .... 90 c.c. Lei the mixture come to the boil. Weifferfs decolourising mixture : — Ferricyanide of potassium . . 2\ grammes.. Borax 2 grammes. Water ... .200 c.c. STAINING 4.35 This mixture is too strong for Dr. Hill's method. It usually works well if diluted with an equal volume <>t* water. Carmine. — This was one of the firsl dyes employed for staining purposes; and its value was specially insisted on by Dr. Beale, as enabling li villi;- protoplasm (l>y!iim designated 'germinal matter,' or ' bioplasm') to be distinguished from any kind of 'formed material.' It has a special affinity for cell-nuclei (protoplasts) and the axial cylinders of white nerve-fibres ; and thus, if the substance to be stained be only left in the carmine fluid long enough for it to dye these substances, they are strikingly differentiated from all others. It is essential that the fluid should have a slight alkaline reaction. It is very difficult to get perfectly good nuclear stains with carmine in the case of tissues that have been treated with chromic and other acids. Tissues hardened with picric acid or alcohol stain beautifully with it. The presence of too much alkali is injurious j the want of it, on the other hand, causes the dye to act on the tissues generally, and thus negatives its differentiating effect. Dr. Beale directs it to be prepared as follows : — Ten grains of carmine in small fragments are to be placed in a test-tube, and half a drachm of strong liquor ammonia* added ; by agitation and the heat of a spirit-lamp the carmine is soon dissolved, and the liquid, after boiling for a few- seconds, is to be allowed to cool. After the lapse of an hour, much of the excess of ammonia w ill have escaped ; and the solution is then to be mixed with 2 oz. of distilled water, 2 oz. of pure glycerin, and !j oz. of alcohol. The whole may be passed through a filter, or after being allowed to stand for some time the perfectly clear supernatant fluid maybe poured off and kept for use. If, after long keeping, a little of the carmine should be deposited through the escape i £ the ammonia, the addition of a drop or two of liquor ammonia' will redissolve it. Carmine is used as a general stain in ' double staining' ; and a suitable fluid for this purpose is made by mixing thirty grains of carmine with two drachms of borax, and four fluid ounces of water, and pouring off the clear supernatant fluid. To Jix the stain of carmine, the section should be immersed for a few minutes in a mixture of five drops of glacial acetic acid and one ounce of water. To stain sections with this, first wash in distilled water, then in a 1 per cent, solution of sodium bicarbonate, and once more in distilled water. Transfer now to the carmine fluid, and leave from one minute onwards until the stain is sufficient, then place in methylated spirit and wash carefully. The sections may now be bottled in spirit until required for mounting. In botanical sections it will be found that carmine colours most vegetable albuminoids, while starch and cellulose take it up slightly or not at all. Boradc Solution Carmine— Strasburger used a borax solution of this stain for the study of the embvro-sac. It was prepared as follows : Four parts borax are dissolved in fifty-six parts distilled water. To this one part of carmine is added. One volume of this solution is diluted in two volumes absolute alcohol and filtered. This stains the nucleus with great clearness. r r 2 436 PREPAKATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS Mr. A. Cole has effected some extremely beautiful vegetable •stains with another preparation of borax carmine. i. Take 10 grains of borax and dissolve in 1 oz. of distilled water and add 4 drachms of glycerin and "4 drachms of alcohol. ii. Take 10 grains of carmine and dissolve in 20 minims of liq. amnion, fort, and 30 minims of distilled water in a test-tube supplied with gentle heat. Let it cool, then thoroughly mix i. and ii. ; filter and keep in a well-stoppered bottle. Next make a saturated solution of iodin green in alcohol. Bleach the sections in chlorinated soda solution. Wash or twenty-four hours in frequently changed water ; stain in the carmine solution ten to thirty minutes ; place now in methylated spirit until no more colour comes out. Wash in clean spirit ; add enough of the iodin green solution to render this spirit bright green. Here the sections may remain until needed for mounting ; then they must be taken out, washed in clean spirit, after which clear in oil of cloves and mount in balsam. Picro-carminate of ammonia, known as picro -carmine, is a very excellent staining material, which is applicable to a great variety of purposes. Being somewhat difficult to prepare, it is best purchased ready for use (from Martindale, New Cavendish Street). Use a 2 per cent, filtered solution and let the section remain in from half an hour to twelve or more hours ; wash rapidly in water and mount in Warrants' solution, glycerin, or balsam. This dye, used alone, pro- duces a double staining, the nuclei fixing upon the carmine, while the other tissues are coloured yellow by the picric acid. If the sections be placed in methylated spirit, they may be kept without loss of colour and may be afterwards subjected to other processes. If placed in water the picric acid stain is removed, while the carmine is left. Magenta has nearly the same selective staining property as car- mine, and is useful in the examination of specimens for which rapid action and sharp definition are required. But, like other anilin ^dyes, it is liable to fade, and should, therefore, not be employed for permanent preparations. Ordinary magenta fluid may be prepared by dissolving 1^ grain of magenta crystals in 7 fl. oz. of distilled water, and adding \ n- oz- °f rectified spirit. The colour of a section stained with this may be preserved for some time by immersing it in a ^ per cent, watery solution of corrosive sublimate. Eosin, which dyes the tissues generally of a beautiful garnet-red colour, should be used in a strong watery solution, and the sections must be well washed in water after staining. Its chief use is in ' double staining.' For bine and green staining the various anilin dyes are princi- pally used. They are, for the most part, however, rather fugitive in their effects, not forming durable combinations with the tissues they stain. Some of them are soluble in water, others only in spirit ; and the selection between the dyes of these two classes will have to be guided by the mode in which the preparations are treated. These dyes are for the most part best fixed by benzole ; and as the sections treated with this fluid may be at once mounted in Canada balsam, there is greater probability of their colours being preserved. Be- sides blue and green, the anilin series furnishes a deep rich brown^ STAINING BACTEKU 437 known ;is Bismarck's brown | and a blue black, which baa been re commended for staining nerve-cells. A good blue stain (tending to purple) is also given by the sub-, stance termed indigo carmine, which is particularly recommended for sections of the brain and spinal cord that have been hardened in chromic acid. A saturated solution of the powder in distilled water having been prepared, this may either boused with the ad- dition of about 4 per cent, of oxalic acid, or, if an alcoholic fluid bo preferred, methylated spirit may be added to the aqueous solution, the mixture being filtered to remove any colouring matter thai may have been precipitated. If sections thus stained have an excess of colour, this may be removed by the action of a saturated solution of oxalic acid in alcohol. A beautiful green hue is given by treating wit 1 1 a saturated solution of picric acid in water sections previously stained with anilin blue, or the two agents may be used t ogether, four or five parts of a saturated solution of the latter being added to a saturated aqueous solution of the former. This picro-anilin, it is believed, may be relied on for permanence, and it acts well in double staining with picro-carmine. Two chemical agents, nitrate of silver and chloride of gold, are much used by histologists for bringing out particular tissues, the former being especially valuable for the staining of the epithelium cells, the latter for staining nerve-cells, connective-tissue corpuscles, tendon-cells, and cartilage-cells. The most advantageous use of these can only be made by the careful observance of the directions which will be found in treatises on practical histology. Molybdate of ammonia is recommended as affording a cool, blue- grey or neutral-tint general stain, which affords a pleasant 'ground ' to parts strongly coloured by bright, selective stains. Staining Bacteria. — Ft is needful to employ somewhat special- ised methods for staining the saprophytic, pathogenic, and other schizomycetes. Some of these stain admirably, but others, especially the somewhat larger forms, are much altered, and unless observa- tions are controlled with accurate and constant observations on the organisms in a living condition the most egregious errors may arise. (1) Take half a dozen cases of putrescence in which solid tissues, are decomposing, but which are in different states of decomposition. From each take out with a pipette a small quantity, and transfer to a carefully prepared and well-filtered decoction of veal in a small glass vessel, at the temperature of the respective putrefactions ; leave this for half an hour. Then with a fine pipette take out a minute drop from each vessel and diffuse each drop upon a cover-glass ; let evaporation go on in a warm room for twenty minutes, then ti\ the film of saprophytes by means of fairly strong osmic acid vapour (p. 4l,(J) ; float the cover with the surface of bacteria downwards on a vessel of violet of methylanilin for an hour or less, drain the edge, of the cover-glasses on blotting-paper, and mount in glycerin. (2) Now take drops of the fluid from the BOVera] vessels and in a moist, growing cell examine the li\ ing forms, and compare these with your dried and stained preparations. P>y another method, which will apply also to the bacillus of" 438 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS tuberculosis, a layer of sputum or of putrefactive fluid may be spread as before upon a cover-glass, dried in an air-oven at about 100° F. Mix 1 c.c. of concentrated solution of methyl-blue in alcohol, 0*2 c.c. of 10 per cent, solution of potash and 200 c.c. of distilled water. Into this put the cover with its surface of bacteria and leave for twenty- four hours ; the film will be coloured blue ; place a few drops of a solution of vesuvin all over the film, which drives out the methyl-blue from all but the bacteria. Finish with alcohol and oil of cloves, and mount in balsam. For the same purpose Professor Heneage Gibbes gives a method which has proved of great value. Take of rosanilin hydrochloride 2 grins, methyl blue 1 grm. ; rub them up in a glass mortar. Then dissolve anilin oil, 3 c.c, in rectified spirit, 15 c.c. ; add the spirit slowly to the stains until all is dissolved, then slowly add distilled water, 15 c.c. Keep in a stoppered bottle. In the usual way dry the sputum &c. on a cover-glass ; a few drops of the stain are poured into a test-tube and warmed. As soon as steam rises pour into a watch-glass and float the cover-glass on the warm stain • allow it to remain four or five minutes ; or if we do not heat the stain but use it cold, let it remain for at least half an hour. Wash in methylated spirit until no colour comes off ; drain, and then dry in an air- oven, and mount in balsam. Staining Bacteria in Tissues. — To 100 parts of solution of caustic potash of 1 : 10,000 add 30 parts of saturated alcoholic solution of methyl-blue. Filter. Stain section for one or two hours, wash out with acetic acid of ^ per cent, followed by water. Dehydrate with absolute alcohol clear with cedar oil, and mount in balsam. Double and Multiple Staining. — It is needful to allude to this mode of staining tissues, because during the last ten years it has re- ceived much attention, and also because of its apparent potentiality as an aid to histological research, and the extreme beauty of the pre- parations that may be made by its means. But in point of fact, as a means of investigation, it is of little value. It differentiates tissues, but not in a manner that will make any further knowledge of them at all possible. For class and popular purposes it will obtain ; but it has, so far as can be at present seen, no future for the investigator. Very beautiful effects are doubtless produced by the simultaneous or successive action of two or three staining fluids, which will re- spectively pick out (so to speak) the parts of a section for which they have special affinities. Thus, if a section through the base of the tongue of a cat or dog be stained with picro-carmine, rosein, and iodin green, the muscle-fibres will take the first, the connective tissue and protoplasm of cells will be coloured by the second, while the third will lay hold of the nuclei in the superficial epithelium, serous glands, and non-striated muscle in the vessels ; and, further, the mucous glands will show a purple formed by the combined action of the red and green (Gibbes). 1 A very striking contrast of the like kind is shown in the double staining of the frond of a fern with log- wood and anilin blue, the sori taking the latter, and standing out 1 See his Practical Histology, Chapter V.; and his paper in Joum. of Boy, Microsc. Soc. vol. iii. 1880, p. 390. DIFFERENTIAL ST.USINCi A \9 brilliantly on the; general surface linked l>y tin- former. The Bffectl produced by using one stain after the other air generally much better than those obtained by simultaneous staining. The selective action of a second stain is not. prevented by a previous genera] Staining ; for the dye which gives the latter seems to be more weakly held by the parts which take the former, so as to be (as it wore) di- placed by it. Thus, it" a section of a stem be stained throughout by a solution of eosin (2 grains to 1 oz.), and be then placed, after washing in strong alcohol, in a /,-grain solution of Nicholson's blue made neutral, the blue will in no long time entirely drive out the red ; but by carefully watching tin; process, it will be seen that the different tissues will change colour in different times, the softer cells giving up their red and taking in the; blue more quickly than tin; harder; so that, by stopping the process at the right point (which must be determined by taking out a section, dipping it in alcohol, and examining it under the microscope), the two kinds of cells are beautifully differentiated by their colouring.1 The best effects are usually produced by carmine and indigo carmine, logwood and picro- carmine, carmine or logwood and anilin blue or anilin green. 1 Jut very much lias yet to be learnt on this subject ; and the further investigation of it will be likely to produce results that will amply repaythe time and labour bestowed. It will be enough to give a practic al illustration of some of tin; methods. Make a dilute solution of picro-carmine (about ten drops to a watch-glass of water). Stain in it for about half an hour, wash out for an hour in water acidulated with a few drops of acetic or picric acid, and then double stain either with rose in and anilin blue, or with anilin violet and anilin blue, or with anilin violet and a a din green) or with rosein and anilin green. A process of differential staining of bacillus tuberculosis which was devised by MM. Pittionand Roux was presented recently (1S^9) to the Societe de Medecine de Lyon, and has met with high com- mendation. It requires three solutions : — A. Ten parts of fuchsin dissolved in 100 parts of absolute alcohol. B. Three parts of liquid ammonia dissolved in 100 parts of distilled water. C. Alcohol oO parts, water 30 parts, nitric acid 20 parts, anilin greet] to saturation. In preparing this solution dissolve the green in the alcohol, add the water, and lastly the acid. It is used thus, viz. to 10 parts of solution B add one part of solution A, and heat until vapour shows itself, then immerse the whole cover-glass prepared as in the ordinary way for staining. ( >ne minute suffices to stain the bacilli. Wash with plenty of water, and after rinsing with distilled water drop on the film side of the cover- glass a small quantity of solution C, which is not to remain more than forty seconds. Wash off with plenty of water, dry, and mount in xylol balsam. The bacilli will be found to be stained a tine rose-red upon a pale green ground. Chemical Testing. It is often requisite, alike in biological and 1 See Jutini. of Hoy. Microsc. Sue. vol. iii. 1SS0, y>. QM. 440 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS' in mineralogical investigations, to apply chemical tests in minute? quantity to objects under microscopic examination. Various con- trivances have been devised for this purpose ; but the Author would recommend, from his own experience, the small glass syringe already described, or preferably the drop bottles, pp. 446-7, with a tine-pointed nozzle, as the most convenient instrument. One of its advantages is the very precise regulation of the quantity of the test to be deposited which can be obtained by the dexterous use of it ; whilst another consists in the power of withdrawing any excess. Care must be taken in using it to avoid the contact of the test-liquid with the packing of the piston. Whatever method is employed, great care should be taken to avoid carrying away from the slide to which the test-liquid is applied any loose particles which may lie upon it, and which may be thus transferred to some other object, to the great perplexity of the microscopist. For testing inorganic substances the ordinary chemical reagents are of course to be employed ; but certain special tests are required in biological investigation, the following being those most frequently required : — a. Solution of iodin in water (1 gr. of iodin, 3 grs. of iodide of; potassium, 1 oz. of distilled Avater) turns starch blue and cellulose brown ; it also gives an intense brown to albuminous substances. ft. Chlor-iodide of zinc is made by dissolving zinc in pure hydro- chloric acid, evaporating to the density of sulphuric acid, in contact with metallic zinc, and adding as much potassic iodide as the solution, will take up. Finally saturate with iodin crystals. This is extremely useful for the detection of pure cellulose. The- zinc chloride converts cellulose into amyloid, which is then turned blue by free iodin. AVood-cells, cork-cells, the extine of pollen grains, and all lignified or corky membranes, are coloured yellow. Starch - colours blue, but is rapidly disorganised. A very weak solution will instantly detect tannin, the cell con- tents in which it forms a part becoming reddish or violet. y. Solution of caustic 'potass or soda (the latter being generally preferable) has a remarkable solvent effect upon many organic sub- stances, both animal and vegetable, and is extremely useful in rendering some structures transparent, whilst others are brought into view, its special action being upon horny textures, whose component cells are thus rendered more clearly distinguishable. 8. Dilute sulphuric arid (one of acid to two or three parts of* water) gives to cellulose that has been previously dyed with iodin a blue or purple hue : also, when mixed with a solution of sugar, it; gives a rose-red hue, more <>r less deep, with nitrogenous substances and witli bile (Pettenkofer's test). Sulphuric acid causes starch grains to swell and similarly affects cellulose. €. Concentrated nitric acid srives to albuminous substances an Intense yellow. £. Acid nitrate of mercury (Millon's test) colours albuminous substances red. rj. Acetic Acid, which should be kept both concentrated and diluted with from three to five parts of water, is very useful to the animal WHAT PRESERVATIVE MEDIA ARE SUITABLE 441 histologic from its power of dissolving, or ;it least o£ reducing fco >n« li ;i state of transparence t hat t hey can no Longer be disl Lnguished, certain kinds of membranous and fibrous tissues, so that other parts (especially nuclei) are brought more strongly into view. 9. Ether dissolves resins, fats, and oils ; hut it will not act on these through membranes penetrated with watery fluid. For the same purpose chloroform, benzol, oil of turpentine, and carbon bisul- phide are used. 1: Alcohol dissolves resins and some volatile oils, but it does qo1 act on ordinary oils and fats. It coagulates albuminous matters, and consequently renders more opaque such textures as contain them. The opacity, however, may be removed by the addition of a small quantity of soda. Preservative Media. — We have now fco consider the various modes of preserving the preparations that have been made by the several methods indicated above, and shall first treat of such as are applicable to those minute animal and vegetable organisms, and to those sections or dissections of large structures, which are suitable for being mounted as tro itspo rent objects. Abroad distinction may be in the first place laid down between resinous and ctqueous pre- servative media ; to the former belong only Canada balsam and dammar, whilst the latter include all the mixtures of which water is a component, while partly dehydrating media, such as glycerin and alcohol, occupy an intermediate position. The choice between the three kinds of media will partly depend upon the nature of the processes to which the object may have been previously subjected and partly upon the degree of transparence which may be advantage- ously imparted to it. Sections of substances which have been not only imbedded in, but penetrated by paraffin, wax, or cacao-butter and have been stained (if desired) previously to cutting, are, as a ride, most conveniently mounted in Canada balsam or dammar ; since they can be at once transferred to either of these from the menstruum by which the imbedding material has been dissolved out. The dur- ability of this method of mounting makes it preferable in all ca>es to which it is suitable, the exception being where it renders a very thin section too transparent, which is specially liable to happen with dammar. When it is desired to mount in either of these media sections of structures that have been imbedded in gum or gelatin, these substances must first be completely dissolved out by steeping in water ; the sections must then be 'dehydrated' by subjecting them to mixtures of spirit and water progressively increased in strength to absolute alcohol ; and after this has been etlected they are to be transferred to turpentine, and thence to benzole balsam. Tn this process much of the staining is apt to be lost : so that stained sections are often more advantageously mounted in some of those aqueous preparations of glycerin which approach the resinous media in transparence and permanence. When Canada balsam was tir^t employed for mounting preparations it was employed in its natural semi-fluid state, in which it consists of a solution of resin in volatile oil of turpentine ; and unless a large proportion of the latter con- stituent was driven Off by heat in the process of mounting (bubbles 442 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS being thus formed of which it was often difficult to get rid), or the mounted slide was afterwards subjected to a more moderate heat of long continuance, the balsam would remain soft, and the cover liable to displacement. This is avoided by the method now generally adopted of previously getting rid of the turpentine by protracted exposure of the balsam to a heat not sufficient to boil it, and dis- solving the resin thus obtained either in benzole or chloroform, but far preferably the former, the solution being made of such viscidity as will allow it to ' run 5 freely. Either of these solvents evaporates so much more quickly than turpentine that the balsam left behind hardens in a comparatively short time. Xylol -balsam is also of great value, being by some mounters preferred to any other. It is made of equal volumes of xylol and balsam. The natural balsam, however, may be preferably used (with care to avoid the liberation of bubbles by overheating) in mounting sections already cemented to the slides by hardened balsam, and also for mounting the chitinous textures of insects, which it has a peculiar power of rendering transparent, and which seem to be penetrated by it more thoroughly than they are by the artificially prepared solution. The solution of dammar in benzole is very convenient to work with, and hardens quickly. The following are the principal aqueous media whose value has been best tested by general and protracted experience : — a. Fresh specimens of minute protophytes can often be very well preserved in distilled water saturated with camphor, the complete exclusion of air serving both to check their living actions and to pre- vent decomposing changes. When the preservation of colour is not a special object about a tenth part of alcohol may be added, and this will be found a suitable medium for the preservation of many delicate animal textures. /?. Aqueous Solution of Carbolic Acid. — Even the very small quan- tity of this agent which cold water will take up has a powerful pre- servative effect, and the solution may be advantageously employed for mounting preparations of many delicate structures, both animal and vegetable. y. The same may be said of salicylic acid, which has been very successfully employed for delicate preparations in the small proportion that will dissolve in cold water. For coarser structures a stronger solution is preferable ; and this may be made by combining with the acid a small quantity either of borax dissolved in glycerin or of acetate of potass. 8. Where the preservation of minute histological detail is not so much desired as the exhibition of larger structural features of objects to be viewed by reflected light nothing is better than dilute spirit, the proportion most generally serviceable being one of alcohol to four or five of water, and an even weaker mixture serving to pre- vent further change in tissues already hardened by strong alcohol. e. Salt solution 0'75 per cent, sodium chloride in water. £. Fruit juice, wliite of an egg. — Simply filter. 7). Syrup in which is dissolved 1 to -r) per cent, of chloral hydrate, or 1 per cent, of carbolic acid. 0. CJdorcd Hydrate. — A 5 per cent, solution in water, or 12 grains v.Ufiors pkkskkvativk .mki»; \ 443 -chloral hydrate to 1 fluid ounce of camphor water. Mount in strong glycerin jelly.) l. Con'osirf Sublimate aial Salt. ( so bichloride of mercury one part ; common salt two parts, water 200 parts. This is very useful. It preserves well muscular fibre, nerves, and epithelia, and with very slight change is preservative of spermatic fluid. k. (in ni and Syrup. — Gum-mucilage (15. P.) five parts, syrup three parts. Add 5 grains of pure carbolic acid to each ounce of the medium. B".P. GrU i n - i n u c i 1 age is made by putting 4 oz. of picked gum acacia in 6 oz. of distilled water until dissolved. Syrup is made by dissolving a pound of loaf sugar in a pint of dis- tilled water and boiling. X. The glycerin jelly prepared after the manner of Mr. Lawrence may be strongly recommended as suitable for a great variety of ob- jects, animal as well as vegetable, subject to the cautions already given : — ' Take any quantity of Nelson's gelatin, and let it soak for two or three hours in cold water, pour off the superfluous water, and heat the soaked gelatin until melted. To each fluid ounce of the gelatin add one drachm of alcohol and mix well ; then add a fluid drachm of the white of an efts. Mix well while the gelatin is fluid, but cool. Now boil until the albumen coagulates, and the gelatin is quite clear. Filter through fine flannel, and to each fluid ounce of the clarified gelatin add six fluid drachms of Price's pure glycerin, and mix well. For the six fluid drachms of glycerin a mixture of two parts of glycerin to four of camphor- water may be substituted. The objects intended to be mounted in this medium are best prepared by being immersed for some time in a mixture of one part of glycerin with one part of diluted alcohol (one of alcohol to six of water).' 1 A small quantity of absolute phenol may be added to it with advantage. When used, the jelly must be liquefied by gentle warmth, and it is useful to warm both the slide and the cover-glass previously to mounting. This takes the place of what was formerly known as Dean's medium, in which honey was used to prevent the hardening of the gelatin. fx. For objects which would be injured by the small amount of heat required to liquefy the last-mentioned medium, the (jlycriit and gum medium of Mr. Farrants will be found very useful. This is made by dissolving four parts (by weight) of picked gum arabic in four parts of cold distilled water, and then adding two parts of glycerin. The solution must be made without the aid of heat, the mixture being occasionally stirred, but not shaken, whilst it is proceeding ; after it has been completed the liquid should be strained (if not perfectly free from impurity) through fine cambric previously well washed out by a current of clean cold water ; and it should be kept in a bottle closed with a glass stopper or cap (not with cork) containing a small piece of camphor. The great advantage of this medium is that it can be used cold, and yet soon viscifies without cracking ; it is well suited to preserve delicate animal as well as \egetaMe tissues, and in most cases increases their transparence. 1 Avery pore fflyoeiil) jelly, of which the Author lui* ui;i/>rr/ jars, the liquid being taken out on a pointed glass rod, cut to such a length as will enable it to stand in the jar when its cap is in place. Great care should be taken to keep the inside of the cap and the part of the neck of the jar on which it fits quite clean^ so as to prevent the fixation of the neck by the adhesion between these two surfaces. Should such ad- hesion take place, the cautious application of the heat of a spirit- lamp will usually make the cap removable. In taking out the liquid care should be taken not to drop it prematurely from the rod — a mischance which may be avoided by not taking up more than it will properly carry, and by holding it in a horizontal position, after drawing it out of the bottle, until its point is just over the slip or cover on which the liquid is to be de posited. A bottle for use with reagents, enabling the operator to pour out only the quantity he desires, is invalu- able. Small capped and stoppered bottles, the stoppers of which are tubes, and the wel 1 fitting caps of which prevent evaporation, are very valuable for aqueous and thin fluids. We illustrate this bottle in tig. 3G2. All that is needful is to take the bottle, with the cap off', in the warm hand, and by slight expansion a drop or more as required is exuded. These bottles are easily procurable. But we like still better the small German bottles, shown in fig. 363, containing about 30 grammes, in which two deep grooves are cut on opposite sides of the stopper, so arranged that by giving the stopper half a turn one groove is connected with a hole in the neck of the bottle : this will be seen at a in ti<;. 363 ; the air travels down this groove, and by inverting the bottle the fluid enters the other groove of the stopper and finds its way to a third groove cut in the inside of the neck and extending to the lip. The figure shows the bottle complete. Mounting Thin Sections. The thin sections em by the micro Fig. 862. — Expan- sion drop-bottle. Fig. 868. German drop-bottle. 448 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS tome, or membranes obtained by dissection, do not require to be placed in cells when mounted in any viscid medium • since its tena- city will serve to keep off injurious pressure by the cover-glass. When the preparation has been previously immersed in aqueous liquids, and is to be mounted in glycerin, glycerin jelly, or Farrants' medium, the best mode of placing it on the cover is to float it in a saucer or shallow capsule of water, to place the cover beneath it, and, when the object lies in a suitable position above it, to raise the cover cautiously, holding the object in place by a needle, until it is entirely out of the water ; and the small quantity of liquid still surrounding the object is to be carefully drawn off by blotting-paper, care being taken not to touch the object with it (as its fibres are apt to adhere) or to leave any loose fibres on the slide. Before the object is covered, it should be looked at under a dissecting or mount- ing microscope, for the purpose of improving (if desirable) its disposition on the slide, and of removing any foreign particles that may be accidentally present. A drop of the medium (liquefied, if necessary, by a gentle warmth) is then to be placed upon it, and another drop placed on the slip and allowed to spread out. The cover being then taken up with a pair of forceps must be inverted over the object, and brought to touch the slide at one part of its margin, the slide being itself inclined in the direction of the place of contact, so that the medium accumulates there in a little pool. By gently letting down the cover, a little wave of the medium is pressed before it, and, if enough of the medium has been deposited, the whole space beneath the cover will be filled, and the object com- pletely saturated. If air-bubbles should unfortunately show them- selves, the cover must be raised at one margin, and a further quantity of the medium deposited. If, again, there are no air-bubbles, but the medium does not -extend itself to the edge of the cover, the cover need not be raised, but a little may be deposited at its edge, whence it will soon be drawn in by capillary attraction, especially if a gentle warmth be applied to the slide. It will then be advantageous again to examine the preparation under the dissecting microscope ; for it will often happen that an opportunity may thus be found of spreading it better by the application of gentle pressure to one part or another of the covering- glass, which may be done without injurious effect either with a stiff needle or by a pointed stick ; a method whose peculiar value, when viscid media are employed, was first pointed out by Dr. Beale. The slide should then be set aside for a few days, after which its mount- ing may be completed. Any excess of the medium must first be removed. If glycerin has been employed, much of it may be drawn off by blotting-paper (taking care not to touch the edge of the cover, as it will be very easily displaced) ; and the remainder may be washed away with a camel's-hair brush dipped in water, which may be thus carried to the edge of the cover. The water having been -drawn off, a narrow ring of liquefied glycerin jelly may be made around — not on — the margin of the cover (according to the suggestion of Dr. S. Marsh) for the purpose of fixing it before the cement is applied ; and when this has set, the slide may be placed on the turn- MOUNTING 449 table, and the preparation 'sealed' by a ring cither of dammar or of Bell's cement, which should be carried a little over the edge of the cover, and outside the margin of the ring of glycerin jelly. Tin 'ringing' should be repeated two or three times ; and if the pre- paration is to be viewed with ' oil- immersion ' lenses, it should be finished oti' with a coat of Hollis's glue, which is not attacked by cedar oil. Until the cover has been perfectly secured, a slide carrying a glycerin preparation should never l>e placed in an inclined posi- tion,* as its cover will be almost sure to slide by its own weight. If glycerin jelly or Farrant's medium lias been employed, less caution need be used, as the cover-glass, after a few day*' etting, will adhere with sufficient firmness to resist displacement. The superfluous medium having been removed by the cautious use of a knife, the slide and the margin of the cover may be completely cleansed by 8 camel's- hair brush dipped in warm water ; and, when quite dried, the slide, placed on the turn-table, may be sealed with gold size, — any other cement being afterwards added, either for additional security or for ' appearance.' It is well in mounting in glycerin jelly to soak the object in dilute glycerin, and we prefer to 'ring' with benzole and balsam which should harden. Then coat the ring with shellac varnish two or three times and permanently finish with thin coats of gold-size. When, on the other hand, the section or other preparation is to be mounted in a resinous medium, it must have been previously pre- pared for this in the modes already described, which will present it to the mounter either in turpentine or some other essential oil, or in alcohol. From either of these it may be transferred to the cover in the manner already described. Mounting Objects in 'Natural' Balsam.— Although it Lb pre- ferable for histological purposes to employ a solution of hardened balsam, yet as there are many objects for mounting for which the use of the 1 natural ' balsam is preferable, it will be well to give some directions for its use. When sections of hard substances have been ground down on the slides to which they have been cemented, it is much better that they should be mounted without being detached, unless they have become clogged with the abraded particles, and require to be cleansed out — as is sometimes the case with sections of the shells, spines, itc. of echinoderms, when the balsam by which they have been cemented is too soft. If the detachment of a specimen be desirable, it may be loosened by heat, and lifted off with a camel's- hair brash dipped in oil of turpentine. But, where time is not an object, it is far better to place the slide to steep in ether or chloroform in a capped jar until the object then falls oti' of itself by the solution of its cement. It may be thoroughly cleansed by boiling it in methylated spirit, and afterwards laid upon a piece of blotting- paper to diy, after which it may be mounted in fresh balsam on a slide, just as it' it had remained attached. The slide having been warmed on the water-bath lid, a sufficient miantitvot balsam should be dropped on the object, and care should be taken that this, if pre- viously loosened, should be thoroughly penetrated by it. It any air- bubbles arise, they should be broken with the needle-point. Tin1. G G 450 PKEPAKATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS cover having been similarly warmed, a drop of balsam should be placed on it, and made to spread over its surface ; and the cover should then be turned over and letdown on the object in the manner already described. If this operation be performed over the water- bath, instead of over the spirit lamp, there will be little risk of the formation of air-bubbles. However large the section may be, care should be taken that the balsam is well spread both over its surface and that of its cover ; and by attending to the precaution of making it accumulate on one side by sloping the slide, and letting down the cover so as to drive a wave before it to the opposite side, very large sections may thus be mounted without a single air-bubble. (The Author has thus mounted sections of JEozoon three inches square.) In mounting minute balsam objects, such as diatoms, 2? oly cystine?, sponge-spicules, and the beautiful minute spines of ojihiu- rida, no better plan can be adopted than to arrange these objects carefully upon the cover, either by ' scattering ■ or ' arrangement/ and then to drop on to the whole cover and its arranged objects as much balsam as the cover will receive without overflow ; this should stand free from dust for some hours, after which the partly hardened balsam may receive a small drop of fresh balsam, and being placed upon the slip in proper position, may by the use of gentle heat be pressed finally into position. When the chitinous textures of insects are to be thus mounted, they must be first softened by steeping in oil of turpentine ; and a large drop of balsam being placed on a warmed slide, the object taken up in the forceps is to be plunged in it, and the cover (balsamed as before) let down upon it. It is with objects of this class that the spring-clip and the spring-press prove most useful in holding down the cover until the balsam has hardened sufficiently to prevent its being lifted by the elasticity of the object. Various objects (such as the palates of gasteropods) which have been prepared by dissection in water or weak spirit may be advantageously mounted in balsam ; for which purpose they must be first dehydrated, and then transferred from rectified spirit into turpentine. Carbolic acid has been recommended by Dr. Ralph1 as most efficient in drawing out water from specimens to be mounted in balsam or dammar, which afterwards readily take its place. Sections of horns, hoofs, &c. which afford most beautiful objects for the polariscope, are best mounted in natural balsam, which has a remarkable power of increasing their transparence. It is better to set aside in a warm place the slides which have been thus mounted before attempting to clean off the superfluous balsam in order that the covers may be fixed by the gradual hardening of what lies beneath them. Mounting Objects in Aqueous Liquids. — By far the greater number of preparations which are to be preserved in liquid, however, should be mounted in a cell of some kind, which forms a well of suitable depth, wherein the preservative liquid may be retained. This is absolutely necessary in the case of all objects whose thickness is such as to prevent the glass cover from coming into close approxi- mation with the slide ; and it is desirable whenever that approxima- 1 See the account of Dr. Ralph's method in Journ. Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. iii. . 1880, p. 858. MOUNTING 451 tion is not such as to cause the cover to he drawn to the irl.t— -dide hy capillary attraction, or whenever the cover is s< ,,sihli/ kept apart from the slide by the thickness of any portion of the object. Hence it is only in the case of objects of the most extreme tenuity that tin; cell can be advantageously dispensed with : the danger of not employing it, in many cases in which there is no difficulty in mounting the object without it, being that after a time the cement is apt to run in heneath the cover, which process is pretty sure to continue when it may have once commenced. When cement-cell- are employed for this purpose, care must he taken that the surface of the ring is perfectly fiat, so that when the cover glass is laid on, no tilting is produced by pressure on any part of its margin. As a general rule, it is desirable that the object to be mounted should be steeped for a little time previously in the preservative fluid employed. A sufficient quantity of this fluid being deposited to overfill the cell, the object is to be introduced into it either with the forceps or the dipping tube ; and the slide should then be examined on the dissecting microscope that its entire freedom from foreign particles and from air-bubbles may be assured, and that its disposition may be corrected if necessary. The cover should then be laid on very cautiously, so as not to displace the object ; which in this case is best done by keeping the drop highest in the centre, and keeping the cover parallel to the slide whilst it is being lowered, so as to expel the superfluous fluid all round. This being taken up by the syringe, the cement ring and the margin of the cover are to be dried with blotting-paper, especial care being taken to avoid drawing oft' too much liquid, which will cause the gold-size to run in. It is generally best to apply the lirst coat of gold-size thin, with a very small and flexible brush worked with the hand ; this will dry suf- ficiently in an hour or two to hold the cover whilst being ' ringed ' on the turn-table. And it is safer to apply a third coat a day or two afterwards ; old gold-size, which lies thickly, being then applied so as to raise the ring to the level of the surface of the cover. As ex- perience shows that preparations thus mounted, which have re- mained in perfectly good order for several years, may be afterward- spoiled by leakage, the Author strongly recommends that to prevent the loss of valuable specimens an additional coating of gold-size be laid on from time to time. But a device of much greater value in all fluid mounting is that adopted by Mr. Knock,1 who puts a metallic ring of angular section (T) round the outside of the ctll, slightly overlapping the cover-glass and enclosing the rim made good w it h cement : this proves perfect. Mounting of Objects in Deep Cells. — The object - w hich require deep cells are, as a rule, such as are to be viewed by reflected light, and are usually of sufficient size and substance to allow of air being entangled in their tissues. This ua especially liable to occur where they have undergone the process of decalcification, w hich w ill very probably leave behind it bubbles of carbonic acid. For the extrac- tion of such bubbles theuseof an air-pump is commonly recommended : but the Author has seldom found this answer t hepurpi »>e sat isfactorily, 1 Quekctt Jottrn. second scries, vol. i. p. 40. o o 2 452 PEEPAKATI ON, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECT and is much' disposed to place confidence in a method lately recom- mended—steeping the specimen in a stoppered jar filled. "wi*tti f i oshly^ boiled water, which has great power of drawing into itself either air or carbonic acid. Where the structure is one which is not injured by alcohol, prolonged steeping in this will often have the same effect. The next point of importance is to select a cover of a size exactly suitable to that of the ring, of whose breadth it should cover about two-thirds, leaving an adequate margin uncovered for the attachment of the cement. And the perfect flatness of that ring should then be carefully tested, since on this mainly depends the security of the mounting. It is to secure this that we prefer rings of tin or bone, to those of glass, for cells of moderate depth ; for their surface can be easily made perfectly flat by grinding with water, first on a piece of grit, and then on a Water-of-Ayr stone, these stones having been previously reduced to a plane surface, or still better with a good flat file. If glass rings are not found to be ' true,' they must be ground down with fine emery on a plate of lead. When the cell has been thus finished off, it must be carefully cleaned out by dropping into it some of the mounting fluid ; and should be then examined under the dissecting microscope for minute air-bubbles, which often cling to the bottom or sides. These having been got rid of by the needle, the cell should be finally filled with the preservative liquid, and the object immersed in it, care being taken that no air-bubbles are carried down beneath it. The cell being completely filled so that the liquid is running over its side, the cover may then be lowered down upon it as in the preceding case ; or, if the cell be quadrangular, the cover may be sloped so as to rest one margin on its wall, and fresh liquid may be thrown in by the syringe, while the other edge is lowered. When the cover is in place, and the liquid expelled from it has been taken up by the syringe, it should again be examined under a lens for air-bubbles ; and if any of these troublesome intruders should present themselves beneath the cover, the slide should be inclined, so as to cause them to rise towards the highest part of its circumference, and the cover slipped away from that part, so as to admit of the introduction of a little additional fluid by the pipette •or syringe ; and when this has taken the place of the air-bubbles the cover may be slipped back into its place. The surface of the ring and the edge of the cover must then be thoroughly dried with blot- ting-paper, care being taken that the fluid be not drawn away from between the cover and the edge of the cell on which it rests. These minutiaB having been attended to, the closure of the cell may be at once effected by carrying a thin layer of gold-size or dammar around and upon the edge of the glass cover, taking care that it touches every point of it, and fills the angular channel which is left along its margin. The Author has found it advantageous, however, to delay closing the cell for some little time after the superfluous fluid has been drawn oft' ; for as soon as evaporation from beneath the edge of the cover begins to diminish the quantity of fluid in the cell, air- bubbles often begin to make their appearance which were previously hidden in the recesses of the object ; and in the course of half an hour a considerable number are often collected. The cover should PERMANENT LA]', ELS 453 then be slipped aside, fresh fluid introduced, the air bubbles removed, and the cover put on again ; and this operation should be repeated until it fails to draw forth any more air bubbles. It will of course be observed that if the evaporation of fluid should proceed far air- bubbles will enter beneath the cover ; but these will show themselves on the surface of the fluid ; whereas those which arise from the object itself are found in the deeper parts of the cell. When all these have been successfully disposed of, the cell may be 'sealed' and 1 ringed ' in the manner already described. Importance of Cleanliness. — The success of the result of any of the foregoing operations is greatly detracted from if, in consequence of the adhesion of foreign substances to the glasses whereon the objects are mounted, or to the implements used in the manipulations, any extraneous particles are brought into view with the object itself. Some such will occasionally present themselves, even under careful management ; especially fibres of silk, wool, cotton, or linen, from the handkerchiefs, n which the number is placed should be as permanent and immovable as the slip itself. We know of cabinets in which only numbers are marked on slides, and all details are recorded in 'the book.' We do not advise this ; but all who keep cabinets know how in the course of years paper labels become displaced and lost, and in many instances the value of slides is greatly diminished. 454 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS What is wanted is a permanently fixed label, capable of receiving the chief points of character as well as the name and number of an obj ect. The present Editor has found the following plan to be hitherto, after fourteen years' trial, quite faultless. Let the slips which are to be used for mounting have the two ends of the upper surface finely ground * at one end the ground surface may be three-quarters of an inch; and at the other end half an inch. Gn the ground surface we can write with a hard pencil as clearly and sharply as with a fine pen on cardboard. On the broader ground surface let the principal facts as to the nature of the object be written and the number of the slide with a Faber pencil marked HHHH. On the narrower and opposite ground surface should be written what the object is mounted in, how stained, or whence obtained, the date of mounting &c. Now when all this is written take thin covers, cut respectively 1 x f inch and 1 x h inch, and by means of benzole balsam, applied with or without heat, the ground surfaces should have these thin glasses put on over the writing and the entire ground surfaces ; the result of course will be that the transparency of what was a ground and opaque surface will be wholly restored, and the writing will be clear and ineffaceable. If the bottom of the trays of the cabinets be whitened it will render still more easy the instant reading of the contents of the label. The grinding of the slips is by no means difficult, and could not be costly if there arose a demand for them. It is easy, however, to do all that is required. A block of wood to receive the slide in an excavation of its own shape and size, and a piece of wood half an inch thick, of the exact length (1^ inch) of the space between the labels, enables a lead ' buff ' to be freely used with fine emery and the work is speedily done. Of course the finer the emery the finer the surface ; and the finer the surface the more delicate the writing may be made. The label may in fact be as ornate and elegant as we please. Nor need we be confined to an oblong shape. Oval or round spaces could be ground on the slips and thin covers of corresponding size could be accordingly used. This method gives a little more trouble and is slightly more expensive, but in elegance and above all in durability we believe it has no equal. For the preservation of objects, the pasteboard boxes now made at a very reasonable cost, with wooden racks, to contain six, twelve, or twenty-four slides, will be found extremely useful. For the manage- ment of a large collection the following has proved itself to be thoroughly practical, and can be universally employed. The species, genus, and character of the slides may be disregarded. Place the slides in the cabinet just as they come, numbering each consecutively. The exterior of cabinets should show from what number to what number the cabinet contains : thus, 527 to 842. The porcelain slab on the drawer may indicate from what number to what number the drawer contains : thus, 527 to 539. Now a number of notebooks should be procured, so that there may be a separate notebook for each subject ; the size of the notebook must be regulated to the importance of the special department the collector has taken up. COLLECTING 155 Thus a diatomist would have probably a thick ledger for his diatom collection, whereas an entomologist would have a thin notebook for his diatoms and a thick ledger for his insects, and so on. The note- books might be distinguished from one another by a letter of the alphabet. In the event of a second notebook being required for the same subject or class of objects, it might be identified by doubling the letter ; thus, D D. Now a large huh y notebook will be required in whicfi one line is given to each slide. This notebook contains merely the number of the slide and the letter and page of the special notebook wherein all about the slide will be found. Thus : — G49, F 127. This means that in notebook F on page 127 we shall find an account of slide No. G49. On turning to notebook F we find (say) that the subject is geology. The following will be a facsimile of the page : — Slide No. G 49 127 Section of porphyry from Peterhead, Aug. 188G. — The quartz crystals in this section have minute cavities containing a liquid C02. In each cavity there is a bubble ; some of these bubbles are ex- tremely minute, and exhibit rapid Brownian movement. A good example of which is — No. 2 (referring to a second microscope when used), 46-51. A large bubble with no Brownian movement. No. 2 (microscope), 44-47. Section too thick for oil immersion. Best seen dry £ "95 N. A. deep eye-piece ; condenser aperture •G N.A. At the back of each notebook there is an alphabetical index. In this instance if we look up porphyry we shall find 127, and if we look up quartz (cavities in) we shall find 127, and if we look up carbonic acid (in quartz) we shall find 127, and if we look up bubbles (in quartz) we shall find 127. By this means the collector can find a slide if he know the subject, and also the subject if he have the slide. This is the only scientific method we know of dealing with a microscopical collection ; it is one of the greatest practical mistakes to make the cabinet its own index. It always ends in supreme confu- sion. But for the purposes of the man of science a large cabinet made with a view to the reception of his own slides is far preferable. The majority of slides are 3 + 1 inches ; but all are not, some geological and mineralogical sections, sections of coal, Arc. are often much larger. Many objects, again, are in deeper cells than the ordinary cabinet drawer or slide-box will admit of ; all this may he provided for, and if money be not a special object, a design with two or three special and smaller cabinets may be made for the reception of spec ial series of mounts. 1 1 It will be understood that there are ninny forms of cabinet which space ]>iv\ents our describing; they are made suitable for the pocket, for postal transmission, «fcc.f and may be readily seen at the opticians'. 456 PREPABATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS Collection of Objects. A large proportion of the objects with which the microscopist is concerned is derived from the minute parts of those larger organisms, whether vegetable or animal, the collection of which does not require any other methods than those pursued by the ordinary naturalist. With regard to such, therefore, no special directions- are required. But there are several most interesting and important groups both of plants and animals, which are themselves, on account of their minuteness, essentially microscopic ; and the collection of these requires peculiar methods and implements, which are, however, very simple, the chief element of success lying in the knowledge ivhere to look and ivhat to look for. In the present place, general direc- tions only will be given ; the particular details relating to the several groups being reserved for the account to be hereafter given of each. Of the microscopic organisms in question, those which inhabit fresh water must be sought for in pools, ditches, or streams through which some of them freely move ; whilst others attach themselves to the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, or even to pieces of stick or decaying leaves, ifec. that may be floating on the surface or sub- merged beneath it ; while others, again, are to be sought for in the muddy sediments at the bottom. Of those which have the power of free motion, some keep near the surface, whilst others swim in the deeper waters ; but the situation of many depends entirely upon the light, since they rise to the surface in sunshine, and subside again afterwards. The collector will therefore require a means of obtaining samples of water at different depths, and of drawing to himself portions of the larger bodies to which the microscopic organisms may be attached. For these purposes nothing is so convenient as the pond- stick, which is made in two lengths, one of them sliding within the other, so as when closed to serve as a walking-stick. Into the extremity of this may be fitted, by means of a screw socket, (1) a cutting-hook or curved knife, for bringing up portions of larger plants in order to obtain the minute forms of vegetable or animal life that may be parasitic upon them ; (2) a broad collar, with a screw in its interior, into which is fitted one of the screw-topped bottles made by the York Glass Company ; (3) a ring or hoop for a muslin ring-net. When the bottle is used for collecting at the sur- face, it should be moved sideways with its mouth partly below the water ; but if it be desired to bring up a sample of the liquid from below, or to draw into the bottle any bodies that may be loosely attached to the submerged plants, the bottle is to be plunged into the water with its mouth downwards, carried into the situation in which it is desired that it should be filled, and then suddenly turned with its mouth upwards. . By unscrewing the bottle from the collar, and screwing on its cover, the contents may be securely preserved. The net should be a bag of fine muslin, which may be simply sewn to a ring of stout wire. But it is desirable for many purposes that the muslin should be made removable ; and this may be provided for by the substitution of a wooden hoop grooved on its outside, for the wire ring • the muslin being strained upon it by a ring of COLLECTING i 457 vulcanised indiarubber, which lies in the groove, and which may be readily slipped off and on, so as to allow a fresh piece of muslin to In- put in the place of th.it which has been last used. At the end of the muslin bag is tied a small rimmed tube bottle of thin clear glfl three inches long by one inch in diameter. In this, objects can be fairly seen. The collector should also be furnished with a number of bottles, into which he may transfer tin; samples thus obtained, and none are so convenient as the screw-topped bottles made in all sizes by (he York Glass Company. It is well that the bottles should be fitted into cases, to avoid the risk of breakage. When animalcules are being collected, the bottles should not be above two-thirds filled, so that adequate air-space may be left. Whilst engaged in the search for microscopic objects, it is desirable for the collector to possess a means of at once recognising the forms which he may gather, where this is possible, in order that he may decide whether the ' gathering' is or is not worth preserving ; and for this purpose we know of nothing better, unless a small travelling microscope be required, than a couple of Steinheil loups, magnifying six and ten diameters. Mr. J. D. Hardy suggests what we have found of great use, viz. a flat bottle, as a very valuable piece of apparatus for collecting. 1 It is made by cutting a U-shaped piece out of a Hat and solid piece of india- rubber, about G inches long by 2j inches broad, and \ inch thick ; against each side is cemented (by means of Miller's caoutchouc cement) a piece of good thin plate-glass, and the bottle is complete A small portion cut from the inner piece makes a naturally fitting cork. One or two more, and smaller, bottles can be made with the remaining indiarubber. It is essential that the material should be at least ,; inch thick in order to make a wide bottle, and allow pond- weeds to be put inside without difficulty and pressure. A Hat bottle is made by Mr. Stanley, London Bridge, which we have good reason to write favourably of. It is ground on its outer surfaces, and internal irregularities almost wholly disappear when tilled with water ; an objective from 3 inches to 1^ inch may be well employed with it. Even with the best ordinary round dipping bottles it is very difficult to see minute animals clearly, whilst with this Hat bottle one can see at a glance almost everything the dip contains, and every object can be examined with the pocket lens with ease. For collecting purposes the objects sought in pond or stream are divisible into free-swimming, and attached or fixed to water plant s &C. The free-swimming are to be secured with the net, the bottle attached to which should be examined after each sweep of the net ; and the flat bottle may be also tilled for examination. The mud at the bottom of the pond must not be stirred by the net, since of course it obscures the objects. The infusoria, rot if era, ivc. are best found with the Hat bottle. Collect a lot of the 'weeds' growing in pond or stream, and place these in the bottle; then Mr. Rousselet says: 'The tree-like colo- nies of Vorticella) ; Epistylis, Zoothamium, and Carchesium, the trumpet-shaped Stentors, the crown Rotifer Stephanoceros, the tubes of Melicerta, Lyminas, the various Polyzoa, also Hydra, and many more, can at once be seen with the naked eye, when 1 Q.yi. Journ. sit. ii. vol. ii. p. .">">. 458 PREPARATION, MOUNTING, AND COLLECTION OF OBJECTS present, and in this way the good branches can be selected. Some creatures, however, such as the beautiful floscules, cannot be seen easily, even with the lens, not so much on account of their small size, as of the perfect transparency of their bodies. Experience will soon teach one how to see which branches are likely to prove prolific. As a general rule, old-looking but still sound and green branches will be the best. The Water Milfoil (Myriophyllum) is decidedly the best of water plants to examine and collect, on account of the ease with which its leaves can subsequently be placed under the microscope. Anacharis is much more difficult of manipulation, and I mostly only take it now to aerate my aquaria. In placing a weed in the flat bottle, do not put in more than one branch at a time, otherwise the branches will only obscure each other and render examination more difficult. When searching for Polyzoa, such as Lophopus, Plumatella, Fredericella, it is advisable to examine the rootlets of trees growing at the edge of the water, and also to drag up weeds from the middle of the pond or canal by means of a loaded hook and line. A good collection thus made is transferred to small aquaria 6 to 8 inches high, 5 to 6 inches long, and 1 to 1^ inch wide ; these we have used for at least ten years and can attest their great value in making the best possible use of a good day's collecting, and studying in the most intelligent way the objects collected. Rotifers can generally be kept a week or a fortnight, some species much longer ; their lives, as well as those of Polyzoa can be prolonged by feeding them about twice daily Avith a green soup made by crushing some anacharis, or other green weed, in a small mortar in a little water, which is then filtered through muslin. They can be seen to feed on this under the microscope, their tiny stomachs soon becoming filled with little balls of chlorophyll. Under favourable conditions Melicerta, Stephanoceros, the Flos- cules, and also Asplanchna, and other forms, breed and multiply in the aquarium, and can then be preserved for a considerable time. A little mud taken from a pond in winter or early spring, and put in a tank at home, will often produce an unexpected number and variety of rotifers and infusoria, which are hatched from winter eggs and dormant germs.1 There must of course be a balance in every tank between the animal and vegetable life, or aeration must be artificially maintained, So also food must be obtainable by the organisms, however small. But experience alone is the perfect teacher in this matter. The same general method is to be followed in the collection of such marine forms of vegetable and animal life as inhabit the neighbourhood of the shore, and can be reached by the pond-stick. But there are many which need to be brought up from the bottom by means of the dredge, and many others which swim freely through the waters of the ocean, and are only to be captured by the toiv-net. As the former is part of the ordinary equipment of every marine naturalist, whether he concern himself with the microscope or not, the mode of using it need not be here described ; but the 1 On some Methods of Collecting and Keeping Pond Life for the Microscope,' from the Trans. Middlesex Nat. Hist. Sue. COLLKCTINC 459 use of the latter for the purposes of the microscopic require! .special management. The net should be of fine muslin, firmly sews to a ring of strong wire about ten or twelve inches in diameter. This may be either fastened by a pair of strings to the stern of a boat, so as to tow behind it, or it may be fixed to a stick BO held in the hand as to project from the sob' of the boat. In either ease the uet should be taken in from time to time, and held up to allow tie- water it contains to drain through it ; and should then be tinned inside out and moved about in a bucket of water carried in tie- boat, so that any minute organisms adhering to it may be washed off before it is again immersed. It is by this simple method thai marine on i male ides, the living forms of Jiadioloria, the smaller Medosoids (with their allies Beroe and Cydippe), JSfoctiluca, the free-swimming larva* of Kelt / io>di ral characteristic of the anima/ kingdom ; the latter, but for the exist- 462 MICROSCOPIC FOEMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE ence of which animal life would be impossible, is certainly the prominent attribute of the vegetable. We shall find that the protozoa (or simplest animals) are supported as exclusively either upon other protozoa or upon protophytes, as are the highest animals upon the flesh of other animals or upon the products of the vegetable kingdom ; whilst many protophytes, in common with the highest plants, draw their nourishment from the atmosphere or the water in which they live, and, like them, are distinguished by their power of decomposing carbonic acid (C02) under the influence of light — setting free its oxygen, and combining its carbon with the elements of water to form the carbohydrates (starch, cellulose, &c), and with those of atmospheric ammonia to form nitrogenous (albuminoid) compounds. And we shall find, moreover, that even such protozoa as have neither stomach nor mouth receive their alimentary matter direct into the very substance of their bodies, in which it under- goes a kind of digestion ; whilst protophytes absorb through their external surface only, and take in no solid particles of any descrip- tion. With regard to motion, which was formerly considered the distinctive attribute of animality, we now know, not merely that many protophytes (perhaps all, at some period or other of their lives) possess a power of spontaneous movement, but also that the instru- ments of motion (when these can be discovered) are of the very same character in the plant as in the animal, being little hair-like fila- ments, termed cilia (from the Latin word cilium, an eye-lash), or longer whip-like Jlagella, by whose rhythmical vibrations the body of which they form part is propelled in definite directions. The peculiar contractility of these organs seems to be an intensification of that of the general protoplasmic substance, of which they are special extensions. There are certain plants, however, which resemble animals in their dependence upon organic compounds prepared by other organisms, being themselves unable to effect that fixation of carbon by the decomposition of the C02 of the atmosphere, which is the first stage in their production. Such is the case, among phanerogams (flowering plants), with the leafless ' parasites ' which draw their support from the tissues of their ' hosts.' And it is the case also, among the lower cryptogams, with the entire group of Fungi ; which, however, in a large number of cases, depend rather for their nutritive materials upon organic matter in a state of decomposition, many of them having the power of promoting that process by their zymotic (fermentative) action. Among animals, again, there are several in whose tissues are found organic compounds, such as chloro- phyll, starch, and cellulose, which are characteristically vegetable ; but it has not yet been proved that they generate these compounds for themselves by the decomposition of C02. The plan of organisation recognisable throughout the vegetable kingdom presents this remarkable feature of uniformity, that the fabric, alike in the highest and most complicated plants and in the lowest and simplest forms of vegetation, consists of nothing else than an aggregation of the bodies termed cells, every one of which (save in the forms that lie near the border-ground between animal the ye<;et.\i;u: cell 4C3 and vegetable lift;) has its little particle of protoplasm enclosed by a suing of the substance termed cellulose — a non-nitrogenou 1 rah tance identical in chemical composition with starch. The entire mass of cells of which any vegetable organism is composed has been gene rated from one ancestral cell by processes of multiplication to be presently described ; and the difference between the fabrics of the lowest and of the highest plants essentially consists in this, that whilst the cells produced by the repeated multiplication of the ancestral cell of the protophyte are all mere repetitions of it and of one another, each living by and for itself, those produced by the like multi- plication of the ancestral cell in the oak or palm not only remain in mutual connection, but go through a progressive 'differentiation/ the ordinary type of the cell undergoing various modifications to be described in their proper place. A composite structure is thus de- veloped, which is made up of a number of distinct 'organs ' (stem, leaves, roots, flowers, r" reagents to have the albuminous composition of protoplasm. It may thus In- regarded as the slightly condensed external film of the protoplasmic layer with which its inner surface is in contact ; and it essentially 464 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE corresponds with the 'ectosarc' of Amoeba or any other rhizopod. The ' ectoplasm ' and ' cellulose wall ' can be readily distinguished from each other by chemical tests ; and also by the action of car- mine, which stains the protoplasmic substance (when dead) without affecting the cellulose wall. The further contents of the cell consist of a watery fluid called ' cell- sap,' which holds in solution sugar, vegetable acids, saline matters, &c. ; the peculiar body termed the ' nucleus ' ; and chlorophyll corpuscles (enclosing starch granules), oil particles, &c. In the young state of the cell the whole cavity is occupied by the protoplasmic substance, which is, however, viscid and granular near the cell-wall, but more watery towards the interior. With the enlargement of the cell and the imbibition of water, clear spaces termed vacuoles, filled with watery cell-sap, are seen in the protoplasmic substance ; and these progressively increase in size and number, until they come to occupy a considerable portion of the cavity, the protoplasm stretching across it as an irregular network of bands. When, as usually happens, the ' nucleus ' lies imbedded in the outer protoplasmic layer, these bands are gradually withdrawn into it, so that the separate vacuoles unite into one large general vacuole which is filled with watery cell-sap. But where the 'nucleus' is situated nearer to the centre of the cell, part of the protoplasm collects around it, and bands or threads of protoplasm stretch thence to various parts of the parietal layer. It is by the contractility of the protoplasmic layer that the curious ' cyclosis ' hereafter to be described is carried on within the plant-cell, which is the most interesting to the micro- scopist of all its manifestations of vital activity. The nucleus is a small body, usually of lenticular or subglobose form (fig. 364, A, a), and of albuminous composition, that lies imbedded in protoplasmic substance, either on the cell- wall or nearer the centre of the cavity. It is not, however, constantly present even in the higher forms of cell-structure ; for in those cells whose active life has been completed, the nucleus is usually absent, having probably been resolved again into the protoplasm from which it was originally formed. And in the cells of some of the lower cryptogams it has not at present been distinguished with certainty at any stage of their existence. Cells containing a number of nuclei, or ' multi-nucleated cells,' are not un- common. They occur, for example, in many algse, in the ' suspensor ' and ' embryo-sac ' of the ovule of phanerogams, and in the ' latici- ferous ' tubes. Within the nucleus are often seen one or more small distinct particles termed nucleoli (fig. 3fi4, A, b), which can be best dis- tinguished by the strong coloration they receive from a twenty-four hours' immersion in carmine, and subsequent washing in water slightly acidulated with acetic acid. Though in some points the pre- cise function of the nucleus is still unknown, there can be no doubt of its peculiar relation to the vital activity of the cell ; for, in the nucleated cells which exhibit ' cyclosis,3 it may be observed that if the nucleus remains attached to the cell -wall, it constitutes a centre from which the protoplasmic streams diverge, and to which they return ; whilst if it retains its freedom to wander about, the course of the streams alters in conformity with its position. But it is in the multiplication of cells by binary subdivision which will be CONTENTS OF THE CELL 465 presently described, t li.it tin* speciality of tin* nucleus as tin rrntri the vital activity of the nil is most strongU manifested. The chlorophyll corpuscles, which are limited to the cells of the parts of plants acted on by light, are specialised particles of protoplasm through which a green colouring matter is diffused ; and it is by them that the work of decomposing (!<),, and of 'fixing 'its carbon by union with the oxygen and hydrogen of water into starch, is effected. The characteristic green of chlorophyll often gives place to other colour.-., which seem to be produced from it by chemical action. Starch (/rains are always formed in the first instance in the interior of the chloro- phyll corpuscles, and gradually increase in size until they take the places of the corpuscles that produced them. So long as they con- tinue to grow, they are always imbedded in the protoplasm of the cell ; and it is only when fully formed that they lie free within its cavity. But although these component parts may be made out without any difficulty in a large proportion of vegetable cells, yet they cannot be distinguished in some of those humble organisms which arc nearest to the border-line between the two kingdoms. For in them we find the 'cell-wall' very imperfectly differentiated from the 'cell- contents' ; the former not having by any means the firmness of a perfect membrane, and the latter not possessing the liquidity which elsewhere characterises them. And in some instances the cell is represented only by a mass of endoplasm, so viscid as to retain its external form without any limitary membrane, though the superficial layer seems to have a tinner consistence than the interior substances; and this may or may not be surrounded by a gelatinous-looking envelope, which is equally far from possessing a membranous firmness, and yet is the only representative of the cellulose wall. This viscid endoplasm consists, as elsewhere, of a colourless protoplasm, through which minute colouring particles may be diffused, sometimes uni- formly, sometimes in local aggregations, leaving parts of the proto- plasm uncoloured. The superficial layer in particular is frequently destitute of colour : and the partial solidification of its surface gives it the character of an 1 ectoplasm.' Such individualised masses of protoplasm, destitute of a tme cell-wall, have sometimes been termed primordial cells. The nucleus, as already mentioned, is apparently sometimes absent from the cells of the lower proto- phytes. It is an extremely curious feature in the cell life of certain protophytes that they not only move like animalcules by cilia 01 ffagella, but that they exhibit the rhythmically contracting vacuoles which are specially characteristic of protozoic organisms. So far as we yet know, every vegetable cell derives its existence from a pre-existing cell ; and this derivation may take place (in the ordinary process of growth and extension, as distinguished from 'sexual multiplication') in one of two modes: either (1) binary subdivision of the parent -cell, or ('2) free-cell t'ormafimi within the parent -cell. The first stage of the former process consists in the elongation and transverse constriction of the nucleus ; and this con- striction becomes deeper and deeper, until the nucleus divides itself into two halves (fig. 364, B, a, a'). These then separating from 11 11 466 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE each other, the endoplasm of the parent-cell collects round the two new centres, so as to divide itself into two distinct masses (C, o, a') ; and by the investment of these two secondary ' endo- plasms ' with cellulose- walls a complete pair of new cells (I), a, a') is formed within the cavity of the parent- cell. The process of free-cell formation which is very common among protophytes (being that by which ' zoospores,' or 1 swarm -spores/ are com- monly produced, is seen among phanerogams in the production of a number of cells at once within the cavity of the £ embryo-sac,' which may itself be con- sidered as a distended parent-cell. The endo- plasm, in the former of these cases, instead of itself into two up Fig. 364. — Binary subdivision of cells in endo- sperm of seed of scarlet-runner : A, ordinary cell, with nucleus a, and nucleolus b, imbedded in its protoplasm ; B, cell showing subdivision halves, usually breaks into numerous dividing of nucleus into two halves, a and a' ; C, cell in same stage, showing contraction of endoplasm (produced by addition of water), into two sepa- rate masses round the two segments of original nucleus ; D, two complete cells within mother- cell, divided by a partition. segments corresponding with one another in size and form (fig. 375), each of which, es- caping from the parent- cavity, becomes an inde- pendent cell, without any investing cell-wall of cellulose, hence a ' primordial cell,' en- dowed with a power of rapid motion by means of cilia or flagella. In the second case the en- doplasm groups itself, more or less completely, round several centres, each of which has its Fig. 365-Successive stages of free-cell formation Qwn micleus formed in embryo-sac of seed oi scarlet-runner : a, a, a, . . . ' completed cells, each having its proper cell-wall, Oy Subdivision OI tlie nucleus, and endoplasm, lying in a protoplasmic nucleus of the parent- mass, through which are dispersed nuclei and cells ceU .md thege secQn_ m various stages oi development. , „ . , dary cells, m various stages of development, lie free within the cavity of the parent-cell, imbedded in its residual endoplasm, each proceeding to complete FORMATION OF N E W CELLS Ac>7 itself as a cell by the formation of a limiting wall of cellulose (fi#. 3(55). Now, in this second case, as the new brood of (•••Us •continues to form part of the fabric in which it originated, its production is clearly an act of growth ; and although, in the first case, the setting free of the ' swarm -spores ' from the parent-cell calls into existence a fresh brood of secondary organisms, this is no more to be regarded in strictness as a ' new generation ' than is the put- ting forth of a new set of leaf-buds by a tree — every one of thou, when separated from its stock, developing itself under favourable conditions into the likeness of that which produced it. As a 'new generation ' in any phanerogamic plant has its origin in the fertilisa- tion of a highly specialised 'germ-cell' (contained within the ovule) by the contents of a 'sperm-cell' (the pollen-grain), so do we find, among all save the lowest cryptoga/mSy a provision for the union of the contents of two highly specialised cells, the 'germ-cells' being fertilised by the access of motile protoplasmic bodies (antherozoids), set free from the cavities of the 'sperm-cells' within which they were developed. l>ut although the sexual process can be traced downwards under this form into the group of thallophytes, we find among the lower types of that group a yet simpler mode of bringing it about ; for there is strong reason to regard the act of ' conjugation ' which takes place in the Conjugate and in some fungi in the same light, and to look upon the ' zygospore,' 1 which is its immediate product, as the originator (like the fertilised embryo-cell of the phanerogamic seed) of a 'new generation.' Great attention has recently been paid by Strasburger (see his work, ' Ueber Zellbildung und Zelltheilung ') and others to the con- stitution of the endoplasm and to the processes connected with cell- division. On both these subjects it is impossible hereto give more than the barest outlines. Strasburger distinguishes between the following differentiated parts of the protoplasm of the living cell : — The protoplasm outside the nucleus he terms the 'cytoplasm' j the portion which constitutes the nucleus is the ' nucleoplasm ' ; that which enters into the composition of the chlorophyll corpuscles and other allied substances is the ' chromatoplasm.' Each of these three portions of protoplasm is composed of a hyaline matrix or 1 The term ' spore 'has been long used by cryptngamists to designate the minute re- productive particles (such as those set free from the ' fructification ' of f« •riis. mosses r. (.'arpenter's terminology, at all events until a greater agreement has been arrived at than is at present the case. — Ed.] h h '2 468 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE ' hyaloplasm ' and of imbedded granular structures or ' microsomes/ A distinct substance, known as 'nuclein,' absent from the cyto- plasm, appears to enter into the composition of the nucleus. The division of the nucleus may take place either directly, when the process is known as ' fragmentation ; ; or indirectly. In the process of indirect division, the protoplasm of which the nucleus is com- posed undergoes a great variety of changes, in the course of which it assumes the beautiful appearance known as the 'nuclear spindle,' Fig. 866. —Division of the pollen-mother-cells of Fritillaria persica. (From Stras- burger and Hillhouse's ' Practical Botany,' published by Sonnenschein.) consisting of an equatorial disc, the ' nuclear plate,' and delicate ' spindle-fibres ' which converge towards the two poles of the spindle. To follow out all these processes requires very high magnifying powers of the microscope, great skill in manipulation, and the use of very delicate staining reagents. The older conception of the vegetable cell regarded it as a completely closed vesicle, the endoplasm of which is entirely shut off from contact with that of the adjacent cells. Recent observa- I'MCKIiU'LAK ll.WTS \(>7. — Continuity of protoplasm. (From Vines'* ' Physiology of Plants.' Cambridge University Press.) every cell is but a repe- tition of every other, and is capable of living independently if de- tached, so as still to answer to the designa- tion of a ' unicellular ' or single-celled plant. These different condi- tions we shall find to arise out of the mode in which each particular species multiplies by binary subdivision ; for where the cells of the new pair that is produced by division of the previous cell undergo a complete, separation from one another, they will henceforth live independently ; but if, instead of under- going this complete fission, they should be held together by the intervening gelatinous envelope, a shapeless mass results from re- peated subdivisions not taking place on any determinate plan : and if, moreover, the binary subdivision should always take place in one direction only, a long, narrow filament (fig. 374, D), or if in two directions only, a broad, flat, leaf-like expansion ((J), may be generated. To such extended fabrics the term 'unicellular plants can scarcely be applied with propriety ; since they may be built up of many thousands or millions of distinct cells, which have no disposition to separate from each other spontaneously. -Still they correspond with those which are strictly unicellular, as to 470 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE the absence of differentiation either in structure or in function between their component cells, each one of these being a repetition of the rest, and no relation of mutual dependence existing among them ; and all such simple organisms, therefore, may still be included under the general term of thallophytes. Excluding lichens, for the reasons to be stated hereafter, botanists now rank these thallophytes under two series : alga?, which form chlorophyll, and can support themselves upon air, water, and mineral matters ; and fungi, which, not forming chlorophyll for themselves^ depend for their nutriment upon materials drawn from other organ- isms. Each series contains a very large variety of forms, which; when traced from below upwards, present gradationally increasing com- plexities of structure ; and these gradations show themselves espe- cially in the provisions made for the generative process. Thus, in some forms, a 'zygospore ' is produced by the fusion of the contents of two cellss which neither present any sexual difference, the one from the other, nor can be distinguished in any way from the rest. In the next highest forms, while the ' conjugating ' cells are still apparently undifferentiated from the rest of the structure, a sexual difference shows itself between them ; the contents of one cell (male) passing over into the cavity of the other (female), within which the 'zygospore 'is formed. The next stage in the ascent is the resolution of the contents of the male cell into motile bodies ('antherozoids'), which, escaping from it, move freely through the water, and find their way to the female cell, whose contents, fertilised by coalescence with the material they bring, form an ' oospore.' In the lower forms of this stage, again, the generative cells are not distinguishable from the rest until the contents begin to show their characteristically sexual aspect ; but in the higher they are developed in special organs,, constituting a true ' fructification.' This must, however, be dis- tinguished from organs which, though commonly spoken of as the ' fructification,' have no real analogy with the generative apparatus of flowering plants, their function being merely to give origin to gonidial 1 cells or groups of cells, which simply mzdtiply the parent stock, in the same manner that many flowering plants (such as the potato) can be propagated by the artificial separation of their leaf- buds. It frequently happens among cryptogams that this gonidial fructification is by far the more conspicuous, the sexual fructifica- tion being often so obscure that it cannot be detected at all without great difficulty ; and we shall presently see that there are some thallophytes in which the production of gonids seems to go on indefinitely, no form of sexual generation having been detected 1 The term gonitis, originally applied to certain green cells in the lichen-crusts that are capable, when detached, of reproducing the vegetative portion of the plant, is used by some writers as a designation of the non-sexual spores of cryptogams generally, which it is very important to discriminate from the generative ' obspheres.' If possessed of motile powers, they are spoken of as ' zoospores,' or sometimes (on account of the appearance they present when a number are set free at once) as ' swarm- spores.' In contradistinction to ' motile ' gonids or 'zoospores,' those which, show no movement are often termed resting spores, or hypnospores ; but such may be either sexual oiispheres or non- sexual gonids, the latter, like the former, often 'en- cysting ' themselves in a firm envelope, and then remaining dormant for long periods, of time. DEVELOPMENT OF PALMOGiAE,\ 471 in them. These general statements will now In- illustrated by sketches of the life-history of some of those humble 1 hallophytt-s which present the phenomena of cell division, conjugation, and gonidial multiplication, under their simplest and most instructive aspect. The first of these lowly forms of life to which we call the attention of the reader is PahnogUza macrococca (Ktz. ),' one of those humble kinds of vegetation which spreads itself as a green slime over damp stones, walls, etc. When this slime is examined with the microscope, it is found to consist of a multitude of green cells (fig. 36S, A), each surrounded by a gelatinous envelope ; the cell, which does not seem to have any distinct membranous wall, is filled with a granular ' endochrome,' consisting of green particles diffused through odourless protoplasm ; and in the midst of this a nucleus may sometimes be distinguished, but can always be brought into view by tincture of iodine, which turns the 'endochrome' to a Fig. 868. — Development of Pahnoglaa macrococca. brownish hue, and makes the nucleus (G) dark brown. Other cells are seen (B), which are considerably elongated, some of them beginning to present a sort of hour-glass contraction across the middle ; and when cells in this condition are treated with tincture of iodine, the nucleus is seen to be undergoing the like elongation and constriction (H). A more advanced state of the process of subdivision is seen at C, in which the constriction has proceeded to the extent of completely cutting off' the two halves of t be cell, as well as of the nucleus (1) from each other, though they still remain in mutual contact; in a yet later stage they are found detached from each other (D), though still included within the same gelatinous envelope. Each new cell then begins to secrete its own gelatinous envelope, so that by its intervention the two are usually soon separated from each other (E). Sometimes, however, this is not the case, the process of subdivision being quickly repeated before there is time for 1 [Most of the species of K iit/.ing's genus Pal moijlu-a me now regurded us belonging to the Dcsmidiacca-, and ure included under the genus Mrsotirnium. — Ed.] 472 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE the production of the gelatinous envelope, so that a series of cells (F) hanging on one to another is produced. There appears to be no definite limit to this kind of multiplication, and extensive areas may be quickly covered, in circumstances favourable to the growth of the plant, by the products of the binary subdivision of one original cell. This, as already shown, is really an act of groivth, which continues indefinitely so long as moisture is abundant and the temperature low. But under the influence of heat and dryness the process of cell-multiplication gives place to that of ' conjugation,' in which two cells, apparently similar in all respects, fuse together for the production of a ' zygospore,' which (like the seed of a flowering plant) can endure being reduced to a quiescent state for an unlimited time, and may be so completely dried up as to seem Fig. 369.— Development of Protoeoccus jpluvialis. like a particle of dust, yet resumes its vegetative activity whenever placed in the conditions favourable to it. The conjugating process commences by the putting forth of protrusions from the boundaries of two adjacent cells, which meet, fuse together (thereby showing the want of firmness of their ' ectoplasms '), and form a connecting bridge between their cavities (K). The fusion extends before long through a large part of the contiguous sides of the two cells (L) ; and at last becomes so complete that the combined mass (M) shows no trace of its double origin. It soon forms for itself a firm cellulose envelope, which bursts when the ' zygospore ' is wetted ; and the contained cell begins life as a new generation, speedily multiplying, like the former ones, by binary subdivision. It is curious to observe that during this conjugating process a production of oil particles takes place in the cells ; these are at first small and distant, but DEVELOPMENT OF [*ROTOCOC(TS 473 gradually become larger, and approximate more closely to each oth< r, and at last coalesce so as to form oil-drops of various sizes, the green granular matter disappearing; and the colour of tin- conj united body changes, with the advance of this process, from green to a light yellowish brown. When the zygospore begins to vegetate, OD the other hand, a converse change occurs ; the oil-globules disappear, and green granular matter takes their place. This is precisely wh.it happens in the formation of the seed among some of the higher plant s : for starchy substances an; transformed into oil, which is stored up in the seed for the nutrition of the embryo, and is applied during germi- nation to the purposes which are at other times answered by them. If this (as seems probable) constitutes the entire life-cycle of Palmoglcea, it affords no example of that curious ' motile ' stage which is exhibited by most algal protophytes in some stage of their existence, and which constitutes a large part of the life-history of the minute unicellular organism now to be described, Protococcus plu- vialis,1 fig. 369), which is not uncommon in collections of rain-water. Xot only has this protophyte, in its motile condition, been very commonly regarded as an animalcule, but its different states have been described under several different names. In the first place, the colour of its cells varies considerably ; since, although they are usually green at the period of their most active life, they are some- times red ; and their red form has received the distinguishing appel- lation of ffasmatococcus (fig. 373). Very commonly the red colouring matter forms only a central mass of greater or less size, having the appearance of a nucleus (as shown at E, fig. 369) ; and sometimes it is reduced to a single granular point, which has been described by Professor Ehrenberg as the eye-sjtof of these so-called animalcules. It is quite certain that the red colouring substance is very nearly related in its chemical character to the green, and that the one may be converted into the other, though the conditions under which this 1 The Author hud under his own observation an extraordinary abundance of what he now feels satisfied must have been this protophyte in an open rain-water cistern which had been newly cleaned out. His notice was attracted to it by seeing the surface of the water covered with a green froth whenever the sun shone upon it. On examining a portion of this froth under the microscope he found that the water was crowded with green cells in active motion; and although the only bodies at all resembling them of which he could rind any description were the so-called animalcules constituting the genus Chlami/do/nonas of Prof. Ehrenberg, and very little was known at that time of the 4 motile ' conditions of plants of this descrip- tion, yet of the vegetable nature of these bodies he could not entertain the smallest doubt. They appeared in freshly collected rain-water, and could not. therefore, be deriving their support from organic matter; under the influence of light they wen obviously decomposing carbonic acid and liberating oxygen ; and this influence he found to be essential to the continuance of their growth and development, which took place entirely upon the vegetative plan. Not many days after the protophyte first appeared in the water, a few wheel-animalcules presented themselves; these fed greedily upon it, and increased so rapidly (the weather being very warm) that they speedily bec ame almost as crowded as the cells of the I'rotocamts had been ; and it was probably due in part to their voracity that the plant soon became less abundant, and before long disappeared altogether. Had the Author been then aware of its assumption of the 'still' condition, he might have found it at the bottom of the cis- tern after it had ceased to present itself at the surface. The account of this plant given above is derived from that of Dr. Colin, in the Xov8. 474 MICROSCOPIC POEMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE conversion takes place are not precisely known. In the ' still ' form of the cell, with which we may commence the history of its life, the endoplasm consists of a colourless protoplasm, through which red or green coloured granules are more or less uniformly diffused ; and the surface of the colourless protoplasm is condensed into an ectoplasm, which is surrounded by a tolerably firm cell-wall, consisting of cellu- lose or of some modification of it. Outside this (as shown at A), when the ' still ' cell is formed by a change in the condition of a cell that has been previously 'motile,' we find another envelope, which seems to be of the same nature, but which is separated by the interposition of aqueous fluid ; this, however, may be altogether wanting. The multiplication of the ' still ' cells by subdivision takes place as in Palmogloea, the endoplasm first undergoing separation into two halves (as seen at B), and each of these halves subsequently developing a cellulose envelope around itself, and undergoing the same division in its turn. Thus two, four, eight, sixteen new cells are successively produced ; and these are sometimes set free by the complete dissolution of the envelope of the original cell ; but they are more commonly held together by its transformation into a gelatinous investment in which they remain imbedded. Sometimes the endoplasm subdivides, at once into four segments (as at D), of which every one forthwith* acquires the character of an independent cell ; but this, although an ordinary method of multiplication among the ' motile ' cells,, is comparatively rare in the ' still ' condition. Sometimes, again, the endoplasm of the ' still ' form subdivides at once into eight portions, which, being of small size, and endowed with motile power, may be considered as zoospores. As far as the complete life- history of Protococcus is at present known, some of these zoospores retain their motile powers, and develop themselves into the ordinary 'motile' cells ; others produce a firm cellulose envelope and become c still ' cells ; and others (perhaps the majority) perish without any further change. When the ordinary division of the ' still ' cells into two segments- has been repeated four times, so as to produce sixteen cells — and. sometimes at an earlier period — the new cells thus produced assume the ' motile ' condition, being liberated before the development of the cellulose envelope, and becoming furnished with two long vibratile flagella, which seem to be extensions of the colourless protoplasm- layer that accumulates at their base so as to form a sort of trans- parent beak (H). In this condition it seems obvious that the colour- less protoplasm is more developed relatively to the colouring matter than it is in the ' still ' cells ; and it usually contains ' vacuoles ' occupied only by clear aqueous fluid, which are sometimes so numerous as to take in a large part of the cavity of the cell, so thatr the coloured contents seem only like a deposit on its walls. Before' long this ' motile ' cell acquires a peculiar saccular investment, which, seems to correspond with the cellulose envelope of the ' still ' cells,, but is not so firm in its consistence ( I, K, L) ; and between this and the surface of the ectoplasm a considerable space intervenes, tra- versed by thread-like extensions of the latter, which are rendered more distinct by iodine, and can be made to retract by means of: DEVELOPMENT OF PROTOCOCC1 B •17 5 re-agents. The flagella pass through the cellulose envelope, which invests their base with a sort of sheath, and in the portion that is within this sheath no movement is seen. During the aet.ive lite .,i the 'motile' cell the vibration of these flagella is so rapid that they can be recognised only by the currents they produce in the water through which the cells are quickly propelled ; but when the motion becomes slacker, the flagella themselves arc readily distinguishable, and they maybe made more obvious by the addition of iodine, which, however, it should be noted, always kills the plant. The multiplication of these ' motile ' cells may take place in various modes, giving rise to a great variety of appearances. Some- times they undergo a regular binary subdivision (I>), whereby a pair of motile cells is produced (C), each resembling its single predecessor in possessing the cellulose investment, the transparent beak, and the vibratile flagella, before the dissolution of the original investment. ►Sometimes, again, the contents of the original cell undergo a seg- mentation in the first instance into four divisions (D) ; which may either become isolated by the dissolution of their envelope, and may separate from each other in the condition of 1 free primordial cells ' (H), developing their cellulose investments at a future time, or may acquire their cellulose investments (as in the preceding case) before the solution of that of the original cell ; while sometimes, even after the disappearance of this, and the formation of their own independent investments, they remain attached to each other at their beaked extremities, the primordial cells being connected with each other by peduncular prolongations, and the whole compound body having the form of a +. This quaternary segmentation appears to be a more frequent mode of multiplication among the ' motile ' cells than the subdivision into two, although, as we have seen, it is less common in the 1 still ' condition. So also a primary segmentation of the entire endochrome of the ' motile ' cells into eight, sixteen, or even thirty-two parts, may take place (E, F), thus giving rise to as many minute gonidial cells. These, when set free, and possessing active powers of movement, are true zoospores (G) ; they may either develop a loose cellulose investment or cyst, so as to attain the full dimensions of the ordinary motile cells (I, K), or they may become clothed with a dense envelope and lose their flagella, thus passing into the 'still ' condition (A) ; and this last transformation may even take place before they are set free from the envelope w ithin which they were produced, so that they constitute a mulberry-like mass, which tills the whole cavity of the original cell, and is kept in motion by its flagella. To what extent Protococcus is an autonomous organism is still doubtful, but it appears to be more or less closely connected with many forms of life which have been described, not merely as dis- tinct species, but as distinct yen era of animalcules or <>f prot«»phytes such as Chlmnydoiiumas, Enyloia, 7 'ra<-/ir/ni,mni(s, dyy?*, Go)iium, Paudoriita, /!<>/ n/orysf is, l'c<'//<(, Syticryjifa, Montis, Astasia, A'**//", and many others. Certain forms, such as the ' motile ' cells 1, K, L. appear in a given infusion, at tirst exclusively and then principally . they gradually diminish, become more and more rare, and Anally 476 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE disappear altogether, being replaced by the 'still' form. After some time the number of the ' motile ' cells again increases, and reaches, as before, an extraordinary amount ; and this alternation may be repeated several times in the course of a few weeks. The process of segmentation is often accomplished with great rapidity. If a number of ' motile ' cells be transferred from a larger glass into a smaller, it will be found, after the lapse of a few hours, that most of them have subsided to the bottom ; in the course of the day they will all be observed to be upon the point of subdivision ; on the following morning the divisional brood will have become quite free ; and on the next the bottom of the vessel will be found covered with a new brood of dividing cells, which again proceed to the forma- tion of a new brood, and so on. The activity of motion and the activity of multiplication seem to stand, in some degree, in a relation of reciprocity to each other ; for the dividing process takes place with greater rapidity in the ' still ' cells than it does in the £ motile.5 What are the precise conditions luhich determine the transition between the ' still ' and the ' motile ' states cannot yet be precisely defined, but the influences of certain agencies can be predicted with tolerable certainty. Thus it is only necessary to pour the water containing these organisms from a smaller and deeper into a larger and shallower vessel, in order at once to determine segmentation in numerous cells ; a phenomenon which is observable also in many other protophytes. The ' motile ' cells seem to be favourably affected by light, for they collect themselves at the surface of the water and at the edges of the vessel, but when they are about to undergo segmen- tation or to pass into the ' still ' condition, they sink to the bottom of the vessel, or retreat to that part of it in which they are least subjected to light. When kept in the dark the ' motile ' cells undergo a great diminution of their chlorophyll, which becomes very pale, and is diffused, instead of forming definite granules ; they continue their movement, however, uninterruptedly without either sinking to the bottom, or passing into the ' still ' form, or undergoing seg- mentation. A moderate warmth, particularly that of the vernal sun, is favourable to the development of the ' motile ' cells ; but a tempe- rature of excessive elevation prevents it. Rapid evaporation of the water in which the ' motile ' forms may be contained kills them at once ; but a more gradual loss, such as takes place in deep glasses, causes them merely to pass into the ' still ' form ; and in this condi- tion—especially when they have assumed a red hue — they may be completely dried up, and may remain in a state of dormant vitality for many years. It is in this state that they are wafted about in atmospheric currents, and that, being brought down by rain into pools, cisterns, &c, they may present themselves where none had been previously known to exist ; and there, under favourable circum- stances, they may undergo a very rapid multiplication, and may maintain themselves until the water is dried up, or some other change occurs which is incompatible with the continuance of their vital activity. They then very commonly become red throughout, the red colouring substance extending itself from the centre towards the circumference, and assuming an appearance like that of oil- PROCESS OF CONJ1 GATION 477 drops ; and tlicse red cells, acquiring thick cell walls and ■ muootu envelope, float in floeculent aggregations on the surface of tin* water. This state seems to correspond with the ' r e s t i n g - s p o re s ' of other protophytes ; and it may continue until warmth, air, and moisture cause the development of the red cells into the ordinary 'still ' cells, green matter being gradually produced, until the red substance forms oidy the central part of the endoehrome. After this the cycle of changes occurs which has been already described ; and the plant may pass through a long series of these before it returns to the state of the red thick-walled cell, in which it may again remain dormant for an unlimited period. Kven this cycle, however, cannot be regarded as completing the history of Profococcus, since it does not include the performance of any true generative act. There can be little doubt that, in some stage of its existence, a ' conjugation ' of two cells occurs, as in Palmoglcea ; and the attention of observers should be directed to its discovery, as well as to the detection of other varieties in the condition of this interesting little plant, which will probably be found to present themselves before and after the performance of that act.1 Included under the family of ChrodcoccaceCB are a number of minute microscopic organisms, exceedingly abundant in fresh water, differing from the Protococcaceaj in not containing true chlorophyll grains, the cell-cap being, on the other hand, coloured by a soluble blue-green pigment known as ' phycocyanin.' They live either isolated, or a number congregated together, and enclosed in a more or less dense colourless jelly. They multiply by binary division, but do not, in any case, produce zoospores. To this family belong the genera C Irroococcus, Qlceocapsa, AjthaHocajM^Jferisino/tt ci new among the flagellate animalcules, to which they undoubt illy show a remarkable parallelism in structure, the chief evidence of their vegetal le nature lying in their j-hysiuluyical conformity to undoubted bhallophytea 48o MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE beak or proboscis, from which proceed two flagella (fig. 371, No. 11) ; and it is invested by a pellucid or hyaline envelope (No. 9, d) of con- siderable thickness, the borders of which are flattened against those of other similar envelopes (No. 5, c] c), but which does not appear to have the tenacity of a true membrane. It is impossible not to recognise the close similarity between the structure of this body i 2 . -3 Fig. 371. — Structure of Volvox globator. and that of the motile ' encysted ' cell of Protococcus phcvialis (fig. 369, K). There is not, in fact, any perceptible difference between them, save that which arises from the regular aggregation, in Volvox, of the cells which normally detach themselves from one another in Protococcus. The presence of cellulose in the hyaline substance is not indicated, in the ordinary condition of Volvox globator, by the VOLVOX (,L()V,\T()ll iodine and sulphuric acid test, though the use of 'Schultz's solution' gives to it a faint blue tinge ; there can be no doubt of its existence, however, in the hyaline envelope of Volvox aurrnx. The flagella and endoplasm, as in the motile forms of fntfttcorrtts, are tinged a deep brown by iodine, with the exception of one or t wo starch particles in each cell, which are turned blue ; and when the contents of the cell are liberated, bluish flocculi, apparently indicative of the presence of cellulose, are brought into view by the act ion of sulphuric, acid and iodine. All these; reactions are characteristically wytable in their nature. When the cell is approaching maturity, its endo- plasm always exhibits one or more 1 vacuoles ' (tig. 37 1 ? No. 9, >/, a\ of a spherical form, and usually about one-third of its own diameter; and these 1 vacuoles' (which are the so-called 'stomachs' of Professor Ehrenberg) have been observed to undergo a very curious rhythmical contraction and dilatation at intervals of about forty seconds ; the contraction (which seems to amount to complete obliteration of the cavity of the vacuole) taking place rapidly or suddenly, whilst tin; dilatation is slow and gradual. This curious action ceases, however, as the cell arrives at its full maturity 1 j a condition which seems to be marked by the greater consolidation of the 'ectoplasm/ by the removal or transformation of some of the chlorophyll, and by the formation of the red spot (b), which obviously consists, as in /Vo/o- coccii8, of a peculiar modification of chlorophyll. Each cell normally communicates with the cells in nearest proximity with it by extensions of its own endochrome, which are sometimes single and sometimes double (tig. 371, No. 5, 6, b) ; and these connecting processes necessarily cross the lines of division between their respective hyaline investments. The thickness of these pro- cesses varies very considerably ; for sometimes they are broad bands, and in other cases mere threads ; whilst they are occasionally want- ing altogether. This difference seems partly to depend upon the age of the individual, and partly upon the abundance of nutriment which it obtains ; for, as we shall presently see, the connection is most intimate at an early period, before the hyaline investments of the cells have increased so much as to separate the masses of endo- chrome to a distance from one another (tig. 371, Nos. '2, 3, 4) ; whilst in a mature individual, in which the separation has taken place to its full extent and the nutritive processes have become less active, the masses of endochrome very commonly assume an angular form, and the connecting processes are drawn out into threads (as seen in No. 5), or they retain their globular form, and the connecting processes altogether disappear. The influence of reagents, or the infiltration of water into the interior of the hyaline investment, will sometimes cause the connecting processes (as in Protococcus) to be drawn back into the central mass of endochrome ; and they will also retreat on the mere rupture of the hyaline investment. From these circum- stances it may be inferred that they are not enclosed in any definite 1 The existence of rhythmically contracting vacuoles in I'ulcox (though confirmed by the observations of Prof. Stein) is denied by .Mr. Suville Kent [Manual of the Infusoria, p. 47); but it may be fairly presumed that he has not looked for them at the stage of development at which their action was witnessed by Mr. Busk. 1 I t 482 MICROSCOPIC POEMS OP VEGETABLE LIPE membrane. On the other hand, the connecting threads are some- times seen as double lines, which seem like tubular prolongations of a consistent membrane, without any protoplasmic granules in their interior. It is obvious, then, that an examination of a considerable number of specimens, exhibiting various phases of conformation, is necessary to demonstrate the nature of these communications ; but this may be best made out by attending to the history of their development, which we shall now describe. The spherical body of the young Volvox (fig. 371, No. 1) is com- posed of an aggregation of somewhat angular masses of endochrome ■(b), separated by the interposition of hyaline substance and the whole seems to be enclosed in a distinctly membranous envelope, which is probably the distended hyaline investment of the original cell, within which, as will presently appear, the entire aggrega- tion originated. In the midst of the polygonal masses of endo- chrome, one mass (a), rather larger than the rest, is seen to present a circular form ; and this, as will presently appear, is the originating cell of what is hereafter to become a new sphere. The growing Volvox at first increases in size not only by the inter- position of new hyaline substance between its component masses of endochrome, but also by an increase in these masses themselves (No. 2, a), which come into continuous connection with each other by the coalescence of processes (b) which they severally put forth ; at the same time an increase is observed in the size of the globular cell (c), which is preliminary to its binary subdivision. A more advanced stage of the same developmental process is seen in No. 3, in which the connecting processes (a, a) are so much increased in size as to establish a most intimate union between the masses of endo- chrome, although the increase of the intervening hyaline substance carries these masses apart from one another ; whilst the endochrome of the central globular cell has undergone segmentation into two halves. In the stage represented in No. 4 the masses of endochrome have been still more widely separated by the interposition of hyaline substance ; each has become furnished with its pair of flagella ; and the globular cell has undergone a second segmentation. Finally, in No. 5, which represents a portion of the spherical wall of a mature Volvox, the endochrome masses are observed to present a more scattered aspect, partly on account of their own reduction in size, and partly through the interposition of a greatly increased amount of hyaline substance, which is secreted from the surface of each mass ; and that portion which belongs to each cell, standing to the endo- chrome-mass in the relation of the cellulose coat of an ordinary cell to its ectoplasm, is frequently seen to be marked out from the rest by delicate lines of hexagonal areolation (c, c), which indicate the boundaries of each. Of these it is often difficult to obtain a sight, a nice management of the light being usually requisite with fresh specimens ; but the prolonged action of water (especially when it contains a trace of iodine) or of glycerin will often bring them into clear view. The prolonged action of glycerin, moreover, will often show that the boundary lines are double, being formed by the coalescence of two contiguous cell-walls ; and they sometimes retreat PLATE VI VOLVOX (iLMUTnK 4*3 from each other so far tli.it the hexagonal areola' become roimdrd. As the primary sphere approaches maturity, the large secondary •germ-mass, or zoiis/joranye, whose origin has been traced from the beginning, also advances in development, its contents under- going multiplication by successive segmentations, so that we find it to consist of eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, and still more numerous divisions, as shown in fig. 371, Nos. 6, 7, 8. Up to this stage, at which the sphere first appears to become hollow, it is re- tained within the hyaline envelope of the cell within which it has been produced ; a similar envelope can be easily distinguished, as shown in No. 10, just when the segmentation has been completed, and at that stage theflagella pass into it, but do not extend beyond it ; and even in the mature Vol vox it continues to form an investment around the hyaline envelopes of the separate cells, as shown in the same figure at No. 11. It seems to be by the adhesion of the hyaline investment of the new sphere to that of the old that the secondary sphere re- mains for a time attached to the interior wall of the primary ; at what exact period, or in what precise manner, the separation between the two takes place, has not yet been determined. At the time of the separation the developmental process has generally advanced as far as the stage represented in No. 1, the foundation of one or more tertiary spheres being usually distinguishable in the enlargement of certain of its cells. The development and setting free of these composite ' zoo- sporanges,' which is essentially a process of cell-subdivision or gemmi- parous extension, is the ordinary mode of multiplication in Vol vox, taking place at all times of the year, except when the sexual generation (now to be described) is in progress. The mode in which this process is here performed (for our knowledge of which we are indebted to the persevering investigations of Professor Cohn) shows a great advance upon the simple ' conjugation ' of two similar cells, and closely resembles that which prevails not only among the higher algae, but (under some form or other) through a large part of the cryptogamic series. As autumn advances, the Vol vox spheres usuallv cease to multiply themselves by the formation of ' zoosporanges,' and certain of their ordinary cells begin to undergo changes by which they are converted, some into male or ' sperm-cells,' others into female or ' germ-cells,' the greater number, however, remain ing ' sterile.' Each sphere of Vol vox ;//(>/><> for (Plate VI, fig. 1) con- tains both kinds of sexual cells, so that this species ranks as mono - dons ; but V. aureus is dioecious, the 'sperm-cells ' and 'germ -cells ' occurring in separate spheres. Both kinds of ' sexual ' cells are at first distinguishable from the ordinary 'sterile' cells by their larger size (fig. 2, a), in this respect resembling ( zoosporanges 3 in an early stage ; but their subsequent history is altogether different. The ' sperm -cells ' begin to undergo subdivision when they attain about three times the size of the 'sterile' cells ; this, however, take3 place not on the 'binary ' plan, but in such a manner that the en- dochrome of the primary cell resolves itself into a cluster of very peculiar secondary cells (tig. 1, 484 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE red corpuscle, and of a long, colourless beak, from the base of which proceeds a pair of long fiagella (figs. 6, 7), as in the ' antherozoids ' of the higher cryptogams. As the sperm-cells approach maturity, the aggregate clusters may be seen to move within them, at first slowly, and afterwards more rapidly ; the bundles then separate into their component anther vzoids, which show an active, inde- pendent movement whilst still within the cavity of the primary cell (fig. 1, a3) ; and finally escape by the giving way of its wall (a4), cliff using themselves through the cavity of the Vol vox sphere. The tjfirm-celte (fig. 1, b, b), 011 the other hand, continue to increase in size without undergoing subdivision ; at first showing large vacuoles in their protoplasm (b2, b2), but subsequently becoming filled with dark-green endochrome. The form of the ' germ-cell ' gradually changes from its original fiask-shape to the globular (b3) ; and it projects into the cavity of the Volvox sphere, at the same time acquiring a gelatinous envelope. Over this the swarming anthero- zoids diffuse themselves (fig. 3), penetrating its substance, so as to find their way to the interior ; and in this situation they seem to dissolve away, so as to become incorporated with the oosphere* The product of this fusion (which is only ' conjugation ' under another form) is a reproductive cell or oospore , which speedily becomes enveloped by an internal smooth membrane, and with a thicker external coat, which is usually beset with conical-pointed processes (fig. 4) ; and the contained chlorophyll gives place, as in Pahnogloea, to starch and a red or orange-coloured oil. As many as forty of such ' oospores ' have been seen by Dr. Colin in a single- sphere of Volvox, which thus acquires the peculiar appearance that has been distinguished by Ehrenberg by a different specific name, Volvox stellatus. Soon after the ' oospores ' reach maturity, the parent-sphere breaks up, and the oospores fall to the bottom, where they remain during the winter. Their further history has since been traced out by Kirchner, who found that their germination commenced in February with the liberation of the spherical ' endo- spore ' from its envelope, and with its division into four cells by the formation of two partitions at right angles to each other. These partially separate, holding together only at one end, which becomes one pole of the globular cluster subsequently formed by cell-multi- plication, the other pole only closing in when a large number of cells have been formed. The cells are then carried apart from one another by the hyaline investment formed by each, and the cha- racteristic Volvox sphere is thus completed.1 Another phenomenon of a very remarkable nature, namely, the conversion of the contents of an ordinary vegetable cell into a free 1 The doctrine of the vegetable nature of Volvox, which had been suggested by Siebold, Braun, and other German naturalists, was first distinctly enunciated by Prof. Williamson, on the basis of the history of its development, in the Transact ions of the Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol. ix. [The most recent and detailed accounts of the development of the various forms of Volvox are by Klein (PringsJieim's Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Botanih, vol. xx. 1889, p. 133) and Overton (Botanisches Centralblatt, vol. xxxix. 1889), which do not differ in any material point from the description given in the text. See also- Bennett and Murray's Handbook of Cryptogamic Botany, p. 292. — Ed.] VOLVOX; EUDORINA ; PAMBORINi 48S moving mass of protoplasm that bears a strong resemblance to the animal amaha, is affirmed by I)r. Hicks' to take place in Voir,,.,-, under circumstances that leave no reasonable ground for that doubt of its reality which has been raised in regard to the accounts of similar phenomena occurring elsewhere. The endochrome-mass of one of the ordinary cells increases to nearly double its usual size : but, instead of undergoing binary subdivision so as to produce a ' zoosporange,' it loses its colour and its regularity of form, and becomes an irregular mass of colourless protoplasm, containing a number of brown or reddish-brown granules, and capable of alter- ing its form by protruding or retracting any portion of its mem- branous wall, exactly like a true Amnlxi. By this self -moving power, each of these bodies (of which twenty may sometimes be counted within a single Volvox) glides independently over the inner surface of the sphere among its unchanged green cells, bending itself round any one of these with which it may come into contact, pre- cisely after the manner of an Amoho. After the 'amo-boid' has begun to travel, it is always noticed that for every such moving body in the Volvox there is the empty space of a missing cell ; and this confirms the belief — founded on observation of the gradational tran- sition from the one condition to the other, and 011 the difficulty of supposing that any such bodies could have entered the sphere para- sitically from without— that the 'amoeboid ' is really the product of the metamorphosis of a mass of vegetable protoplasm. This meta- morphosis may take place, according to Dr. Hicks, even after the process of binary subdivision has commenced. What is the sub- sequent destination of these amoeboid bodies has not yet been ascertained.2 In other organisms allied to Volvox and included in the family Volvocineai we find a very interesting and instructive transition between the various modes of multiplication already described. In Eudori ittt, a common organism in still water, a sexual process, similar to that in Volvox, has been observed. Tn Pandorina morum the generative process is performed, according to the observations of Pringsheim, in a manner curiously intermediate between the lower and the higher types referred to above. For within each cell of the original sixteen of which its mulberry-like mass is composed, a brood of sixteen secondary cells is formed by ordinary binary subdivision ; and these, when set free by the dissolution of their containing cell- wall, swim forth as ' swarm -spores,' each being furnished with a pair of flagella. Among the crowd of these swarm- spores may be observed some which approach in pairs, as if seeking one another j when they meet, their points at first come together, but gradually their whole bodies coalesce, and a globular ' zygospore is thus formed which germinates after a period of rest, reproducing by binary subdivision the original sixteen-celled mulberry-like Pandorina. 1 Trans, of Microsc. Societyt n.s. vol. viii. 1HC»0, p. '.)'.); and Quart. Jo urn. of Microec. Science, n.s. vol. ii. 1863, p. 96. - A similar production of ' anuehoids ' has heen oli-i-n cd l>y Mr. Archer in Stepha- nosplucra pluvialis, und is scarcely now to l>o considered an exceptional phenome- non. 486 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE We have here, therefore, a true process of ' conjugation ' between motile protoplasm masses, each of which is in itself indistinguishable- from a zoospore. A similar process takes place also in Conferva, Ulothrix, Hydrodictyon, and a number of fresh-water algae (fig. 372). Included by many writers under the general term PalmellaceSB are a number of minute organisms of very simple structure, the relationship of which to the Protococcaceoi is not yet fully known. They all grow either on damp surfaces or in fresh water ; and they may either form (1) a mere powdery layer, of which the component particles have little or no adhesion to each other ; or they may pre- sent themselves (2) in the condition of an indefinite slimy film, or (3) in that of a tolerably firm and definitely bounded membranous ' frond.' The first of these states we have seen to be characteristic of Palmogloea and Protococcus ; the new cells which are originated by the process of binary subdivision usually separating from each other after a short time ; and, even where they remain in cohesion, not forming a ' frond' or membranous expansion. The ' red snow,' which sometimes colours exten- sive tracts in Arctic or Alpine regions, penetrating even to the depth of several feet,, and vegetating actively at a temperature which reduces most plants to a state of torpor, is generally considered to be a species of Protococcus ; but as its cells are connected by a tolerably firm gelatinous investment, it would rather seem to be a Palmella. The second is the condition of Palmella proper, of which one species, P. cruenta, usually known under the name of ' gory dew,' is common on damp walls and in shady places, some- times extending itself over a considerable area as a tough, gelatinous mass, of the colour and general appearance of coagulated blood. A characteristic illustration of it is also afforded by the Hamatococcus sanguineus (fig. 373), which chiefly differs from Palmella in the partial persistence of the walls of the parent-cells, so that the whole mass is subdivided by partitions, which enclose a larger or smaller number of cells originating in the subdivision of their contents. Besides increasing in the ordinary mode of binary multiplication, the Palmella cells seem occasionally to rupture and diffuse their granular contents through the gelatinous stratum, aud thus to give origin to a whole cluster at once, as seen at e, after the manner of other simple plants to be presently described, save that these minute segments of the endo- chrome, having no power of spontaneous motion, cannot be ranked as 'zoospores.' The gelatinous masses of the Palmella are frequently found to contain parasitic growths formed by the extension of other plants through their substance ; but numerous branched filaments sometimes present themselves, which, being traceable into absolute continuity with the cells, must be considered as properly appertaining Fig. 372. — A, conjugating microzobspores of Ulo- thrix ; B, megazob'spore of Ulothrix, from Vines's ' Physiology of Plants.' I'AMEIXACK.-K; I LVACEJS 487 to them. Sometimes these filaments radiate? in various directions from a single central cell, and must at first bo considered as men; ex ten- sions of this ; their extremities dilate, however, into new cells ; and when these are fully formed, the tubular connections close up, and the cells become detached from each other.1 Of the third condition we have an example in the curious Palmodictyoii described by Kutzini:, the frond of which appears to the naked eye? like a delicate; network, consisting of anastomosing branches, each composed of a single or double row of large vesicles, within every one of which is produced a pair of elliptical cellules that ultimately escape as ' zoospores.' Tin; alternation between the' motile' form and the 'still' or resting form, which has been described as occurring in Protor' the Ulvaceae, to which group belong some of the most common grass-green seaweeds ('laver') found on every coast, yet their essential structure differs but very little from that of the preceding group ; and the principal advance is shown in this, that the cells, when multiplied by binary sub- division, not only remain in firm connection with each other, but possess a very regular arrangement (in virtue of the determinate 1 This fact, first made public by Mr. Thwaites (Ann. of Sat. Hist., '2nd series, vol. ii. 1H48, p. 8181, is one of fundamental importance in the determination of the real character of this group. MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE plan on which the subdivision takes place), and form a definite mem- branous expansion. The mode in which this frond is produced may be best understood by studying the history of its development, some of the principal phases of which are seen in fig. 374. The isolated cells A, in which it originates, resembling in all points those of a Protococcus oive rise by their successive subdivisions in determinate directions to such regular clusters as those seen at B and C, or to such converfoid filaments as that shown at D. A continuation of the same regular mode of subdivision, taking place alternately in two directions, may at once extend the clusters B and C into leaf- like expansions ; or, if the filamentous stage be passed through (different species presenting variations in the history of their development), the filament increases in breadth as well as in length (as seen at E), and finally ***** /lit'-10 •>t*<"1 u>»>M w£2mns«n ••2' tSmUm WXtmM* lUiLiJiihuii.iinim mutt i •»»•» ItflNMIU CUilM \«»*® ou<»m» "*f* on hi© /2SS* •"•■••••ay mm w«-5s W» becomes such a ' frond ' as is shown at F, G-. In the simple membranous expan- sion or thai I us thus formed, there is but little approach to a differentiation of parts in the formation of root, stem, and leaf, such as the higher algre present ; every portion is the exact counterpart of every other, and every por- tion seems to take an equal share in the operations of growth and reproduction. Each cell is very commonly found to exhibit an imperfect partitioning into four parts preparatory to multiplication by double bipartition, and the entire frond usually shows the groups of cells arranged in clusters contain- ing some multiple of four. Besides this continuous increase of the individual frond, however, we find in most species of Wva a provision for extending the plant by the dispersion of 'zoospores.' The endochrome (fig. 375, a) sub- divides into numerous segments (as at b and c), which at first are seen to lie in close contact within the cell that contains them, then begin to exhibit a kind of restless motion, and at last escape by the bursting of the cell- wall, and they swim freely through the water as zoospores (d) by means of their flagella, either two or four belonging to each zoospore, with which they have become endowed during the formation of the zoospores within their mother-cells. At S&»* £#£o M \ _ up Fig. 874. — Successive stages of development of TJlva. ULVACEJE 489 last, however, they come to rest, attach themselves to souk- fixed point, and begin to grow into clusters or filaments («) in the manner already described. The walls of the cells which have thus discharged their endochrome remain as colourless spots on the frond ; sometimes these are intermingled with the portions still vegetating in the usual mode ; but sometimes the whole endochrome of one portion of the frond may thus escape in the form of zoospores, leaving behind it nothing but a white flaccid membrane. Tf the microscopist wli<> meets with a frond of an Ulva in this condition examines the line of separation between its green and its coloured portions, he may not improbably meet with cells in the very act of discharging their zoospores, which 1 swarm ' around their points of exit very much in the manner that animalcules are often seen to do around particular Fig. 375. — Formation of zoospores in Ulva latissima : a, portion of the ordinary frond; b, cells in which the endochrome is beginning to break up into segments; C, cells from the boundary between the coloured and colourless portions, some of them containing zoospores, others being empty ; belonging or nearly allied to the Siphonacese. The microscopist who wishes to study the development of zoospores, as well as several other phenomena of this low type of vegetation, may advantageoush have recourse to the little plant termed Achlya prolifera,-' which 1 Comptcs liouhifi, vol. lxw. 1S77, p. Si 1. - This plant, though, as an inhabitant of water, formerly ranked anion;* Algtt, is now generally regarded lelonging to the group of Fitmji on account of its phases ot generative process in Wturltrnd ses.sili.s: at A are seen one of the 'horns' or antherids (a) and one of the oogones (b), as yet un- opened; at B the antherid is seen in the act of emitting the antherozoids (el, of which many enter the opening at the apex of the oiigone, whilst others iih which do not enter it display their ciliu until they become motionless; at (.' the orifice of the oiigone is closed again l>\ the formation of a cellulose coat around its endochrome, thus constituting oospore. an MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE grows parasitically upon the bodies of dead flies lying in the water. Its tufts are distinguishable by the naked eye as clusters of minute colourless filaments ; and these are found, when examined by the microscope, to be long tubes, devoid of all partitions, extending themselves in various directions. The tubes contain a colourless slightly granular protoplasm, the particles of which are seen to move slowly in streams along the walls, as in Chara, the currents occasion- ally anastomosing with each other (fig. 378, C). Within about thirty- six hours after the first appearance of the parasite on any body, the protoplasm begins to accumulate in the dilated ends of the filaments, each of which is then cut off from the remainder by the formation of a partition; and within this dilated cell the movement of the proto- plasm continues for a time to be distinguishable. Very speedily, however, its endo- plasm shows the appearance of being broken up into a laro;e number of distinct masses, which are at first in close contact with each other, and with the walls of the cell (fig. 378, A), but which gradually become more isolated, each seeming to acquire a proper cell- wall ; they then begin to move about within the parent-cell ; and, when quite mature, they are set free by the rupture of its wall (B), to go forth, and, after swarming about for a time, to develop into tubi- form cells resembling those from which they sprang. Each of these zoospores is possessed of two flagella : their movements are not so powerful as those of the zoospores of Vaucheria, and come to an end sooner. The generative process in this type is performed in a manner that may be regarded as an advance upon ordinary conjugation. The end of one of the long tubiform cells enlarges into a globular dilatation, the cavity of which becomes shut oft* by a transverse partition. Its contained endoplasm divides into two, three, or four segments, each of which takes a globular form, and is incapacity for the production of chlorophyll, and its parasitism on the bodies of animals, from whose juices its cells seem to draw their nourishment. It is very closely allied to Saprolegnia, a fungus parasitic on the bodies of living fish, and causing the very destructive disease to which salmon are liable. Pig. 378. — Development of Achh/a jwolifera : A, dilated extremity of a filament b, separated from the rest by a partition a, and containing zoospores in progress of formation ; B, end of filament after the cell-wall has burst, and setting free zoospores, a, b, c; C, portion of filament, showing the course of the circulation of granular protoplasm. HYDRODICTYON 495 then fertilised by the penetration of an antheridial tube which comet off from the filament a little below the partition. The 'oospore- thus produced, escaping from the globular cavities, acquire linn en velopes, and may remain unchanged for a long time even in water, when no appropriate nidus exists for them ; hut will quickly germi nate if a dead insect or other suitable object be thrown in. One of the most curious forms of the lower algai is the ' water net,' or Hydrodictyon utriculatum. which is torn id in fresh-water pools* in the midland and southern counties of England. Tts frond consists of a green open network of filaments, acquiring, when full grown, a length of from four to six inches, and composed of ;i va»t number of cylindrical tubular cells, which attain the length of four lines or more, and adhere to each other by their rounded extremit ies, the points of junction corresponding to the knots or intersections of the network. Each of these cells may form within itself an enormous multitude (from 7,000 to 20,000) of f swarm -spores,' which at a certain stage of their development are observed in active motion in its interior, but come to rest in the course of half an hour, and then arrange themselves in such a way that by their elongation they again form a net of the original kind, which is set free by the dissolution of the wall of the mother-cell, and attains in the course of three or four weeks the size of the mother-colony. Besides these bodies, however, certain cells produce from 30,000 to 100,000 ' microzodspores ' of longer shape, each furnished with four long flagella and a red 'eye-spot' ; these escape from the cell in a swarm, and move freely in the water for some time. Quite recently conjugation between these smaller ' zoospores ' has been observed by Dodel-Port, taking place sometimes even with the mother-cell. The resulting body or 'zygospore' retains its green colour, but becomes invested with a firm cell-wall of cellulose. In this condition these bodies may remain dormant for a considerable time, and are de- scribed as ' hypnospores ' or 1 resting spores ' ; and in this state they are able to endure being completely dried up without the loss of their vitality, provided that they are secluded from the action of light, which causes them to wither and die. In this state they bear a strong resemblance to the cells of Protococcu8. The first change that manifests itself in them, when they begin to germinate, is a simple enlargement ; next the endochrome divides itself successively into distinct masses, usually two or four in number ; and these, when set free by the giving way of the enveloping membrane, pre sent the characters of ordinary 'zoospores,' each of them possessing two flagella at its anterior semitransparent extremity. Their motile condition, however, does not last long, often giving place to the motionless stage before they have quite freed themselves from the parent-cell ; they then project long angular processes, so as to assume the form of irregular polyhcdra, at the same time augment ing in size ; and the endochrome contained within each of these breaks up into a multitude of 'zoospores,' which are at first quite independent and move actively within the cell-cavity, but soon unite into a network that becomes invested with a gelatinous envelope, and speedily increases so much in size as to rupture the containing 496 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE cell-wall, on escaping from which it presents all the essential cha- racters of a young Hydrodictyon. The rapidity of the growth of this curious organism is not one of the least remarkable parts of its history. The individual cells of which the net is composed, at the time of their emersion as 'zoospores,' measure no more than ^.^th of an inch in length ; but in the course of a few hours they grow to a length of from y^th to -^rd of an inch. The members of the family Pediastreae were formerly included in the Desmidiacece ; but, though doubtless related to them in certain particulars, they present too many points of difference to be properly associated with them. Their chief point of resemblance consists in the firmness of the outer covering, and in the frequent interruption of its margin either by the protrusion of ' horns 1 (fig. 379, A), or by a notching more or less deep (fig. 380, B) ; but they differ in these two important particulars — that the cells are not made up of two sym- Fig. 879. — Various phases of development of Pediasirum granulatum. metrical halves, and that they are always found in aggregation, which is not, except in such genera as Scenedesmus which connect this group with the Desmids, in linear series, but in the form of discoidal fronds. In this tribe we meet with a form of multiplication by motile ' megazoospores ' which reminds us of the formation of the motile spheres of Vohox, and which takes place in such a manner that the resultant product may vary greatly in the number of its cells, and con- sequently both in size and in form. Thus in Pediastrum granulatum (fig. 379) the ' zoospores ' formed by the subdivision of theendochromeof one cell, which may be four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, or sixty-four in number, escape from the parent- froud still enclosed in the inner layer of the cell- wall ; and it is within this that they develop themselves into- a cluster resembling that in which they originated, so that the frond may be composed of either of the just-mentioned multiples or sub- multiples of 16. At A is seen an old disc, of irregular shape, nearly emptied by the emission of its 'zoospores,' which had been seen PEDIASTRUM 497 to take place within a few hours previously from the cells a, A, r} f/} ,; j most of the empty cells exhibit the cross slit through which their contents had been discharged ; and where this does not present itself on the side next the observer, it is found on the other. Three of the cells still possess their coloured contents, but in different Condi- tions. One of them exhibits an early stage of the subdivision of the endochrome, namely, into two halves, one of which already appears halved again. Two others are filled by sixteen very closely crowded ' zoospores,' only half of which are visible, as they form a double layer. .Besides these, one cell is in the very act of discharging its 1 zoospores,' nine of which have passed forth from its cavity, though still enve- loped in a vesicle formed by the extension of its innermost membrane ; whilst seven yet remain in its interior. The new-born family, as it appears immediately on its complete emersion, is shown at 1> ; the 1 zoospores ' are actively moving within the vesicle, and they do not as yet show any indication either of symmetrical arrangement or of the peculiar form which they are subsequently to assume. Within a quarter of an hour, however, the 'zoospores' are observed to settle down into one plane, and to assume some kind of regular arrangement, most commonly that seen at C, in which there is a single central body surrounded by a circle of tive, and this again by a circle of ten ; they do not, however, as yet adhere firmly together. The ' zoospores ' now begin to develop themselves into new cells, increase in size, and come into closer approximation (D) ; and the edge of each, especially in the marginal row, presents a notch which foreshadows the produc- tion of its characteristic ' horns.' Within about four or five hours after the escape of the 'zoospores ' the cluster has come to assume much more of the distinctive aspect of the species, the marginal cells having grown out into horns (E) ; still, however, they are not very closely connected with each other, and between the cells of the inner row considerable spaces yet intervene. It is in the course of the second clay that the cells become closely applied to each other, and that the growth of the horns is completed, so as to constitute a perfect disc like that seen at F, in which, however, the arrangement of the interior cells does not follow the typical plan.1 The formation of ' microzoospores ' has also been observed, which may possibly con- jugate. The varieties which present themselves, indeed, both as to the number of cells m each cluster and the plan on which they are disposed, are such as to baffle all attempts to base specific distinctions on such grounds ; and the more attentively the life-history of any one of these plants is studied, the more evident does it appear that many reputed 'species' have no real existence. Some of these, indeed, are nothing else than mere transitory forms ; thus it can be scarcely doubted that the specimen represented in fig. 3S0, D, under the name of I't'diastriun /vrtttsttni, is in reality nothing else than a young frond of P. grantUcUitm in the stage represented in ti lt. 579, E, but consisting of thirty-two cells. On the other hand, in fig. 3^0, E, 1 See Prof. Braun on The PJirtunnrnon of Rejuvenescence in Nntitrr, published by the Ruy Society in 1S.VI; and his subsequent memoir, Aljarum I'nicrllularittn Ucncra nova aut /ninus coiita, 1S35. K K 498 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE we see an emptied frond of P. granulatum, exhibiting the peculiar surface-marking from which the name of the species is derived, but composed of no more than eight cells. And instances every now and then occur in which the frond consists of only four cells, each of them presenting the two-horned shape. So, again, in fig. 380, B, and C, are shown two varieties of Pediastrum Ehrenbergii, whose frond is normally composed of sixteen cells ; whilst at A is figured a form which is designated as P. tetras, but which may be strongly suspected to be merely a four-celled variety of B and C. Many similar cases might be cited ; and the Author would strongly urge those micro - scopists who have the requisite time and opportunities, to apply themselves to the determination of the real species of these groups by studying the entire life-history of whatever forms may happen to lie within their reach, and noting all the varieties which present them- selves among the offsets from any one stock. The characters of such D, P. pert us it m ; E, empty frond of P. granulatum. varieties are diffused by the process of binary subdivision amongst vast multitudes of so-called individuals. Thus it happens that, as Mr. Balfs has remarked, 'one pool may abound with individuals of Staurastrum dejectum or Arthrodesrnus incus having the mucro curved outwards ; in a neighbouring pool every specimen may have it curved inwards ; and in another it may be straight. The cause of the similarity in each pool no doubt is that all its plants are off- sets from a few primary fronds.' Hence the universality of any particular character in all the specimens of one gathering is by no means sufficient to entitle these to take rank as a distinct species j since they are, properly speaking, but repetitions of the same variety by a process of simple multiplication, really representing in their entire aggregate the one plant or tree that grows from a single seed. Almost every pond and ditch contains some members of the family Confervaceae ; but they are especially abundant in moving water, and they constitute the greater part of those green threads CONFERVACEJE 499 r 1 which are to be seen attached to stones, with their free ends float- ing in the direction of the current, in every running stream, and upon almost every part of the sea-shore, and which are commonly, known under the name of ' silk-weeds,' or ' crow-silk.' Their form is usually very regular, each thread being a long cylinder made up by the union of a single filament of short cylindrical cells united to each other by their flattened extremities ; sometimes these threads give off lateral branches, which have the same structure. The endochrome, though usually green, is occasionally of a brown or purple hue, and is usually distributed uniformly throughout the cell (as in fig. 381). The plants of this family an; extremely favourable subjects for the study of the method of cell-mul- tiplication by binary snbdi rision. a This process usually, but not always, takes place only in the terminal cell ; and it may be almost always observed there in some one of its stages. The first step is seen to be the subdivision of the endochrome, and the inflexion of the ectoplasm around it (fig. 381j A, a) ; and thus there is gradually formed a sort of hour-glass contraction across the cavity of the parent-cell, by which it is divided into two equal halves (B). The two surfaces of the infolded utricle produce a double layer of cellulose membrane between them. Sometimes, however, as in Cladophora merata (a common species), new cells may originate as branches from any part of the surface by a process of budding, which, notwithstanding its Fig^ 381.— Pnn ,,(' « ,11-nniltiplica difference of mode, agrees with that just described in its essential character, being the result of the subdivision of the original cell. A certain portion of the ectoplasm seems to undergo increased nutrition, for it is seen to project, carrying the cellulose envelope before it, so as to form a little pro- tuberance ; and this sometimes attains a considerable length before any separation of its cavity from that of the cell which gave origin to it begins to take place. This separation is gradually effected, however, by the infolding of the ectoplasm, just as in the preceding case ; and thus the endochrome of the branch cell becomes completely severed from that of the stock. The branch then begins to elongate itself by the subdivision of its first-formed cell ; and this process may be repeated for a time in all the cells of the filament, though it usually conies to be restricted at last to the terminal cell. The very elongated cells of some species of Confervace:o are characterised by the possession of a large number of nuclei. They are multiplied by tion in Cladophura (jlumcrata. — A, portion of filament with incom- plete separation at a, and complete partition at b; B, the separation completed, a new cellulose partition being formed at a ; C, formation of additional layers of cellulose wall. c, beneath the mucous investment, d, and around the ectoplasm, ), each one being contained within a distinct compartment of the cell. In a somewhat more advanced stage (as seen at No. 11, a), the masses of endoehrome begin to draw themselves together again ; and they soon assume a globular or ovoidal shape (/>), whilst at the same time definite openings (c) are formed in their containing cell-wall. Through these openings the i antherozoids ' developed within other cells gain admission, as shown at No. 12, d ; and they become absorbed into the before-men- tioned masses, which soon afterwards become invested with a firm membranous envelope, as shown in the lower part of No. 12. These undergo further changes whilst still contained within their tubular parent- cells, their colour passing from green to red ; and a second investment is formed within the first, which extends itself into stellate prolongations, as seen in No. 13 ; so that, when set free, they precisely resemble the mature oospores which we have taken as the starting-point in this curious history. Certain of the cells (as in No. 14), instead of giving origin to oospores, have their annular collections of endoehrome converted into 'antherozoids,' which, as soon as they have disengaged themselves from the mucilaginous sheath that envelopes them, move about rapidly in the cavity of their containing cell (o, b) around the large vacuoles which occupy its interior, and then make their escape through apertures (c, >/) which form themselves in its wall, to find their way through similar aper- tures into the interior of the 'oogones,' as already described. These antherozoids are shown in \<». L5, as they appear when swimming actively through the water by means of the two cilia which each possesses. The peculiar interest of this history consists in the entire absence of any special organs for the generathe process, the ordinary filamentous cell developing oospheres on the one hand and anthero- 502 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE zoids on the other, and in the simplicity of the means by which the fecundating process is accomplished. The (Edogoniacese resemble Confervacece in general aspect and habit of life, but differ from them in some curious particulars. As the component cells of the filaments extend themselves longitudin- ally, new rings of cellulose are formed successively, and intercalated into the cell-wall at its upper end, giving it a ringed appearance. Only a single large zoospore is set free from each cell ; and its libera- tion is accomplished by the almost complete fission of the wall of the A B Fig. 383.— A. Sexual generation of CEdogoniiim ciliatiim: 1, filament with two ob'gones in process of formation, the lower one having two androspores attached to its exterior, the contents of the upper obgone in the act of being fertilised by the entrance of an antherozoid set free from the interior of its androspore ; 2, free antherozoids ; 3, mature oospore, still invested with the cell-membrane of the parent-filament ; 4, portions of a filament bearing special cells, from one of which an androspore is being set free ; 5, liberated androspore. B, Branches of Chcetojjhora elegans, in the act of discharging ciliated zoospores, which are seen, as in motion, on the right. cell through one of these rings, a small part only remaining uncleft, which serves as a kind of hinge whereby the two parts of the fila- ment are prevented from being altogether separated. Sometimes the zoospore does not completely extricate itself from the parent-cell ; and it may begin to grow in this situation, the root-like processes which it puts forth being extended into the cavity. The zoospores are the largest known in any class of algse ; each has a nucleus, a red ' eye-spot ' and an anterior hyaline spot to which is attached a tuft of cilia visible even before its escape from its mother-cell. In their generative process, also, the (Edogoniaceca show a curious departure from the ordinary type ; for whilst the ' oospheres ' are (KlXMiOXIACK.K ; CILKToi'IK »KACEJE 503 formed within certain dilated cells of the ordinary filament nig. •", A, No. 1), which may be termed 'oogones,' anrnu< ni put out, under certain conditions, a kind of filament, known as a ' protoncme,' \s Inch develops into a CJumtruitsiu, a non-sexual form of Hutiunhosju'riii n m , which can reproduce itself from generation to generation by simple budding, or by means of non-sexual spores, without producing sexual organs. Chuntrunsiu is especially found in water where very little light reaches it. When more exposed to light it undergoes metamorphosis, and then a branch springs up from the 'protoneme' which is in every respect a Batru'-hns/iernium, bearing true sexual organs, as above described. This may then go on reproducing itself, or revert to the Chuntrunsiu form. Among the highest of the AlgSB in regard to the complexity of their generative apparatus, which contrasts strongly with the general simplicity of their structure, is the family of Characese 1 ranked by some botanists as a group of primary importance), some members of which have received a large amount of attention from micro- scopists on account of the interesting phenomena they exhibit. These humble plants are for the most part inhabitants of fresh waters, and are found rather in such as are still than in those which are in motion ; a few species, however, may be met with in ditches whose waters are rendered salt by communication with the sea. They may be easily grown for the purposes of observation in large glass jars exposed to the light, all th.it is necessary being to pour off the water occasionally from the upper part of the vessel (thus carrying away a film that is apt to form on its surface), and to replace this by fresh water. Each plant is composed of an assemblage of long tubiform cells placed end to end, with a distinct central axis, around which the branches are disposed at intervals with great regularity (tig. 38o, A). In Nitella the stem and branches are composed of simple cells, which sometimes attain the length of several inches ; whilst in most species of Churn each central tube is surrounded by an envelope of smaller ones, which is formed as in Batrachospermum, save that the investing cells grow upwards as well as downwards from each node, and meet each other on the stem half-way between the nodes, their ends dovetailing into one another. These investing tubes constitute what is termed the 'cortex ' of Cham. They are of smaller diameter than the central tube, and are arranged spirally round it, giving the stem a twisted appearance. Each 'node,' or zone from which the branches spring, consists of a single plate or layer of small cells, which, in Chora, art' a continuation of the cortical layer of the ' internode.' The branches are altogether similar in structure to the primary axis, and termi- nate in a large elongated pointed cell, which is not covered by the cortex. From the lower part of the stem 'rhizoids' or rooting filaments are put out, which attach the plant to the soil. Some species have the power of secreting carbonate of lime from the water in which they grow, if this be at all impregnated with calcareous matter ; and by the deposition of it beneath their tegu- ments they have gained their popular name of * stoneworts.' Tin long tubiform cells of Nitella, and the terminal uncorticated cells of « 506 MICKOSCOPIC FOKMS OF VEGETABLE LIEE the branches of Chara, afford a very beautiful and instructive display of the phenomenon of cyclosis, or rotation of protoplasm in their interior. Each cell, in the healthy state, is lined by a layer of chlorophyll grains, which cover every part, except two longitudinal lines that remain nearly colourless (fig. 385, B) ; and a constant stream of semi-fluid protoplasm, containing starch grains and chlorophyll granules, is seen to flow over the green layer, the current passing up one side, changing its direction at the extremity, and flowing down the other side, the ascending and descending- spaces being bounded by the transparent lines just mentioned. In A B Fig. 385. — Nitella flexilis : A. Stem and brandies of the natural size : a, b, c, d, four whorls of branches issuing from the stem ; e, f, subdivision of the branches. B. Portion of the stem and branches enlarged : a, b, joints of stem ; e, d, whorls ; e, f, new cells sprouting from the sides of the branches ; g, h, new cells sprouting at the extremities of the branches. the young cells the rotation may be seen before this granular lining is formed. The rate of the movement is affected by anything that influences the vital activity of the plant ; thus it is accelerated by moderate warmth, whilst it is retarded by cold ; and it may be at once checked by a slight electric discharge through the plant. Carried along by the protoplasmic stream are a number of solid par- ticles, which consist of starchy matter, and are of various sizes, being sometimes very small and of definite figure, whilst in other instances they are seen as large irregular masses, which appear to be formed by the aggregation of the smaller particles. 1 The produc- 1 This interesting phenomenon may be readily observed by taking a small por- tion of the plant out of the water in which it is growing, and either placing it in CI I A RACE. 'K 5^7 tion of new cells for the extension of the stem or branch* s, or for the origination of new whorls, is not here accomplished by the subdivision of the parent-cell, but takes place by the method of out- growth (tig. 3S~), B, e, f\ {/, //), which, as already shown, is nothing but a modification of the usual process of cell-multiplication ; in this manner the extension of the individual plant is effected with considerable rapidity. When these plants are well supplied with nutriment, and are actively vegetating under the influence of light, warmth, 7 ' . or laying it on the glass stage-plate and covering it with thin glass. A portion of Chara or Xitrllu placed in the growing slide (pp. 2SS, '2S«.)) may he kept under observation for man} days together. 508 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE direction, by the lashing action of two long and very delicate cilia, with which it is furnished. The exterior of the < nucule ' (A, B) is formed by five or ten spirally twisted tubes that give it a very peculiar aspect ; and these enclose a central sac containing proto- plasm, oil, and starch-globules. Each of these tubes consists, in its lower part, of a very long unsegmented cell ; while at its upper part two small cells are segmented off ; and these small cells. -a. B Fig. 386. — Generative organs of Chara fragilis : A, antherid or ' globule ' de- veloped at the base of arcbegone or ' nucule ' ; B, nucule enlarged, and globule laid open by the separation of its valves ; C, one of the valves, with its group of antheridial filaments each composed of a linear series of cells, within every one of which an antherozoid is formed ; in D, E, and F the successive stages of this formation are seen ; and at G is shown the escape of the mature antherozoids, H. of all the tubes form together the ' crown ' of the nucule. When ready for fertilisation the branches of the crown part slightly, forming an open passage or ' neck ' down to the central germ-cell or oos2^here ; and through this canal the antherozoids make their way down to perform the act of fertilisation by becoming absorbed into the substance of the oosphere. Ultimately the nucule, which has now become a hard black body, falls off, and the fertilised germ- DESMIDIACEiE 509 •cell, or 'oospore/ gives origin to a new plant after the nucule has remained dormant through the winter.1 Desmidiace^e and Diatomace^:. Among those simple Algse whose generative process consists in the ' conjugation ' of two similar cells, there are two groups of such peculiar interest to the microscopist as to need a special notice : these are the Desmidiacecv and the DiatomacecB.^ Both of them were, ranked by Ehrenberg and many other naturalists as animal- cules ; but the fuller knowledge of their life-history and the more extended acquaintance with the parallel histories of other simple forms of vegetation which have been gained during the last twenty years are now generally accepted as decisive of their vegetable nature. The Desmidiaceai 3 are minute plants of a bright green colour growing in fresh water ; generally speaking, the cells are inde pendent of each other (figs. 387-390) ; but sometimes those which have been produced by binary subdivision from a single parent- cell remain adherent one to another in linear series, so as to form a filament (fig. 391 ; Plate IX, fig. 3). They are distinguished by two peculiar features, one of these being the semblance of a division of each cell into two symmetrical halves by a 1 sutural line,' which is sometimes so decided as to have led to the belief that the cell is really double (Plate VIII, figs. 2, 6), though in other cases it is merely indicated by a slight notch ; the other feature is the frequency of projections from the surface, which are sometimes short and inconspicuous, but are often elongated into spines (Plate VIII, fig. 6), presenting a very symmetrical arrangement. These projections are generally formed by the cellulose envelope alone, which possesses an almost horny consistence, so as to retain its form after the discharge of its contents (fig. 387, B, D); while, in other instances, they are formed by a notching of the margin of the cell (Plate IX, fig. 1) which may affect only the outer casing, or may extend into the cell-cavity. The outer coat is surrounded by a very transparent sheet of gelatinous substance, which is sometimes very distinct (as shown in fig. 391 ; Plate IX, fig. 6) ; but in 1 A full account of the Characece will be found in Prof. Sachs' Text-hook of Botany, 2nd English edition, p. 292. Various observers have asserted that particles of the protoplasmic contents of the cells of the Characece, when set free by the rupture of their cells, may continue to live, move, and grow as independent rhizopods. But the writer is disposed to think that the phenomena thus represented are rather to be regarded as cases of parasitism, the decaying cells of Nitella having been found by Cienkowski (Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Monaden, in Arch./. Mikr. Anat. bd. i 1865, p. 203) to be inhabited by minute, spindle-shaped, ciliated bodies, which seem to correspond with the ' spores ' of the Myxomycetes, going through an amoeboid stage, and then producing a, plasmode which, after undergoing a sort of encysting process, finally ' breaks up ' into spindle-shaped particles resembling those found in the Nitella cells. 2 [Whether the process which takes place in diatoms is a true sexual conjugation is a point which cannot at present be regarded as fully determined. — Ed.] 5 Our first accurate knowledge of this group dates from the publication of Mr. Ralfs' admirable monograph of the British Desmids in 1848. Later information in regard to it will be found in the section contributed by Mr. W. Archer to the fourth edition of Pritchard's Infusoria, and in Cooke's British Desmids, 1887. 5IO MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE other cases its existence is only indicated by its preventing the con- tact of the cells. Klebs states 1 that in Desmids, as in the other Conjugate?, this mucilaginous sheath is composed of two portions — a homogeneous substance which is but slightly refringent, and a por- tion which consists of minute rods at right angles to the cell-wall. He regards the sheath as entirely independent of the substance of the cell-wall, and as derived from the protoplasmic contents of the cell by diffusion through the cell- wall. The true cell- wall encloses a primordial utricle, which is not always closely adherent to it ; and this immediately surrounds the endochrome, which occupies nearly the whole interior of the cell, and in certain stages of its growth is found to contain starch-granules. The endochrome and starch-grains are arranged symmetrically in the two halves of the cell, often in. very beautiful patterns, bands, or stars. Many species of desmids have a power of slow movement in the water, the cause of which is not obvious, these organisms being entirely destitute of vibratile cilia. Klebs 2 describes this movement as being of four kinds, viz. (1) a forward movement on the surface, one end of the cell touching the bottom, while the other end is more or less elevated, and oscillates backwards and forwards ; (2) an elevation in a direction vertical to the substratum, the free end making wide circular movements ; (3) a circular motion, followed by an alternate sinking of the free end and elevation of the other end ; and (4) an oblique elevation so that both ends touch the bottom, lateral movements in this position, then an ele- vation and circular motion of one end, and a sinking again to an oblique or horizontal position. Klebs regards all these movements as due to an exudation of mucilage, and the first two to the forma- tion during the motions of a filament of mucilage by which the desmid is temporarily attached to the bottom, and which gradually lengthens. The movements of desmids are especially active when they are in the process of dividing. Stahl found that, like the move- ments of zoospores, they are affected by light, and always move towards the light. A ' cyclosis ' may be readily observed in many Desmidiacew, and is particularly obvious along the convex and concave edges of the cell of any vigorous specimen of Closterium, with a magnifying power of 250 or 300 diameters (fig. 387, A, B). By careful focus- sing the flow may be seen in broad streams over the whole surface of the endrochrome ; and these streams detach and carry with them , from time to time, little oval or globular bodies (A, b) which are put forth from it, and are carried by the course of the flow to the trans- parent spaces at the extremities, where they join a crowd of similar bodies. In each of these spaces (B) a protoplasmic flow proceeds from the somewhat abrupt termination of the endochrome towards the obtuse end of the cell (as indicated by the interior arrows), and the globules it contains are kept in a sort of twisting movement on the inner side (a) of the primordial utricle. Other currents are seen apparently external to it, which form three or four distinct 1 Untersuchungen aus clem Bot. Inst. Tubingen, 1886, p. 333. 2 .Biologisckes Centralblatt, 1885, p. 353. PLATE DC Hest Stwnan cferomo. Desmidiaceae. DESMIDIACEiE 511 courses of particles, passing towards and away from c (as indicated by the outer arrows). Another curious movement is often to be wit- nessed in the interior of the cells of members of this family, which has been described as ' the swarming of the granules,' from the ex- traordinary resemblance which the mass of particles in active vibra- tory motion bears to a swarm of bees. It is especially observable in the hyaline terminal portions of the cells of species of Closterium, as shown in fig. 387, B. This motion continues for some time after the particles have been expelled by pressure from the interior of the cell ;*and it appears to bean active form of the molecular movement common to other minute particles freely suspended in fluid. This movement of minute particles affords an instance of the phenomenon known as ' Brownian movement,' and is probably of a purely mechanical nature. When the single cell has come to its full maturity it commonly multiplies itself by binary subdivision ; but the plan on which this Fig. 387. — Cyclosis in Closterium lunula: A, cell showing central separation at aT in which the large particles, b, are not seen ; B, one extremity enlarged, showing the movement of particles in the colourless space ; D, cell in a state of division. takes place is often peculiarly modified, so as to maintain the symmetry characteristic of the tribe. In a cell of the simple cylindrical form of those of Desmidium (fig. 391), little more is necessary than the separation of the two halves at the sutural line, and the formation of a partition between them by the infolding of the primordial utricle ; in this manner, out of the lowest cell of the filament A, a double cell, B, is produced. But it will be observed that each of the simple cells has a bifid wart-like projection of the cellulose wall on either side, and that the half of this projection, which has been appropriated by each of the two new cells, is itself becoming bifid, though not symmetrically ; in process of time, how- ever, the increased development of the sides of the cells which re-, main in contiguity with each other brings up the smaller projections to the dimensions of the larger, and the symmetry of the cells is re- stored. In Closterium (fig. 387; Plate IX, fig. 2) the two halves of the endochrome first retreat from one another at the sutural line, and a constriction takes place round the cellulose wall : this constriction 512 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE deepens until it becomes an hour-glass contraction, which proceeds until the cellulose wall entirely closes round the primordial utricle of the two segments ; in this state one half commonly remains passive, whilst the other has a motion from side to side, which gradually becomes more active ; and at last one segment quits the other with a sort of jerk. At this time a constriction is seen across the middle of the primordial utricle of each segment, indicating the formation of the sutural band ; but there is no division of the cell- •cavity, which is that belonging to one of the halves of the original entire cell. The cyclosis, for some hours previously to subdivision, and for a few hours afterwards, runs quite round the obtuse end, a, of the endochrome ; but gradually a transparent space is formed, like that at the opposite extremity, by the retreat of the coloured layer ; whilst, at the same time, its obtuse form becomes changed to a more elongated and contracted shape. Thus, in five or six hours after the separation, the aspect of each extremity becomes the same, and each half resembles the cell by the division of which it originated. The process is seen to be performed after nearly the same method in Staurastrum, the division taking place across the central con- striction, and each half gradually acquiring the symmetry of the original. In such forms as C osmarium, however, in which the cell consists of two lobes united together by a narrow isthmus, the divi- sion takes place after a different method ; for when the two halves of the outer wall separate at the sutural line, a semi-globular protru- sion of the endochrome is put forth from each half ; these protru- sions are separated from each other and from the two halves of the original cell (which their interposition carries apart) by a narrow neck ; and they progressively increase until they assume the appear- ance of the half-segments of the original cell. In this state, there- fore, the plant consists of a row of four segments, lying end to end, the two old ones forming the extremes, and the two new ones (which do not usually acquire the full size or the characteristic markings of the original before the division occurs) occupying the intermediate place. At last the central fission becomes complete, and two bi- partite fronds are formed, each having one old and one young seg- ment ; the young segment, however, soon acquires the full size and characteristic aspect of the old one ; and the same process, the whole of which may take place within twenty-four hours, is repeated ere long. The same general plan is followed in Micrasterias den- ticulata ; but as the small hyaline hemisphere, put forth in the first instance from each half-cell (fig. 388, A), enlarges with the flow- ing in of the endochrome, it undergoes progressive subdivision at its edges, first into three lobes (B), then into five (C), then into seven (D), then into thirteen (E), and finally at the time of its separation (J?) acquires the characteristic notched outline of its type, being only distinguishable from the older half by its smaller size. The whole of this process may take place within three hours and a half. In Sphazrozosma the cells thus produced remain connected in rows within a gelatinous sheath, like those of Desmidium (fig. 391) ; and different stages of the process may commonly be observed in the different parts of any one of the filaments thus formed. In any DESMIDIACE^E 513 such filament it is obvious that the two oldest segments are found at its opposite extremities, and that each subdivision of the inter- mediate cells must carry them farther and farther from each other. This is a very different mode of increase from that of the Confervacece, in which commonly the terminal cell alone undergoes subdivision, and is consequently the one last formed. The sexual generative process in the Desmidiacere, which occurs but rarely compared to that of binary division, always consists of an act of ' conjugation.' It commences with the dehiscence of the ABC D E F Fig. 388. — Successive stages of binary subdivision of Micrasterias denticulata. firm external envelope of each of the. conjugating cells, so as to separate it into two valves (fig. 389, C, D ; fig. 390, C). The contents of each cell thus set free without any distinct investment blend with those of the other ; and a ' zygospore ' is formed by their union, which soon acquires a truly cellulose envelope.1 This enve- lope is at first very delicate, and is filled with green and granular contents ; by degrees the envelope acquires increased thickness, and its contents become brown or red. Ultimately the envelope be- comes differentiated into three layers, of which the innermost and outermost are colourless, while the middle one is firmer and brown. 1 In certain species of Closterium, as in many of the Diatomacece, the act of conjugation gives origin to two zygospores. L L 5H MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE The outer surface is sometimes smooth, as in Closterium and its allies (n>. 390 ; Plate IX, fig. 8) ; .but in Cosmarium it becomes granular, tuberculated, or spinous (tig. 389, D ; Plate VIII, figs. 1, 4), the spines being sometimes simple and some- times forked at their extremities. The mode in which conjugation takes place in the filamentous species constituting the Desmidiece proper, is, however, in many respects dif- ferent. The filaments first separate into their component joints, and when two cells approach in conju- gation, the outer cell-wall of each splits or gapes at that part which adjoins the other cell, and a new growth takes place, which forms a sort of connecting tube that unites the cavities of the two cells (fig. 391, D, E). Through this tube the entire endochrome of one cell passes Totrytis "Armature cell^ B, empty over into the cavity of the other cell- envelope ; C, transverse view; (D) ; and the two are commingled zygospore with - empty cell-enve- gQ ^ to f()rm a gingle mags (E)? as is the case in many of the Conju- gatce. The joint which contains the zygospore can scarcely be distinguished at first (after the separation of the empty cell), save by the greater density of its contents y but the proper coats of the zygospore gradually become more distinct, and the en- veloping cell-wall disap- pears. The subsequent history of the zygospore has been followed out in the case of Cosmarium botrytis. After Fig. 889.— Conjugation of Cosmarium remaining at rest for a con- siderable time, it germi- nates by the bursting of the two outer coats, the protoplasmic contents es- caping while still enclosed in the innermost coat. In this body the protoplsarn Fig. 390— Conjugation of Closterium striolatum : and endochrome are already A, ordinary cell; B, empty cell; C, two cells in divif-jed intQ twQ nalvey conjugation, with zygospore. . . , ' J ° ' which contract somewhat, and the whole becomes enveloped in a new cell- wall. A constric- tion has, in the meantime, made its appearance between the two halves, which are of somewhat unequal size, and thus the new desmid is formed, CLASSIFICATION OF DESAIJ 1)JA( E.F 515 The subdivision of this family into genenj, according to the method of Mr. Palfs ('British Desmidieje ' ), as modified by Mr. Archer (Pritchard's ' Infusoria ' ), is based in the first instance upon the connection or disconnection of the individual cells, two groups being thus formed, of which one includes all the genera whose cells, when multiplied by binary division, remain united into an elongated filament ; whilst the other, and much larger one, comprehends all those in which the cells be- come-separated by the com- pletion of the fission. The further division of the fila- mentous group, in which the zygospores are always globular and smooth (PI. IX, fig. 8) is based on the fact that in one set of genera the joints are many times longer than they are broad, and that they are neither con- stricted nor furnished with lateral teeth or projections ; whilst in the other set (fig. 391 ; PI. IX, fig. 3) the length and breadth of each joint are nearly equal, and the joints are more or less constricted, or have lateral teeth or projecting angles, or some other figure ; and it is for the most part upon the variations in these last particulars that the generic •characters are based. The solitary group presents a similar basis for primary division in the marked dif- Fig. 391.— Binary subdivision and conjugation of ference in the proportions Desmidium cylindricufn : A, portion of filament, of its cells, such elongated forms as Closterium (figs. 387, 390 ; PI. IX, fig. 2), in which the length is many times the breadth, being thus separated from those in which, as in Micrasterias (fig. 388 : PI. IX, fig. 1), Cos- marium (fig.389 ; PI. VIII, fig. 2), and Staurastrum (PI. VIII ; figs. 5, 6, 10), the breadth more nearly equals the length. In the former the zygospores are smooth, whilst in the latter they are very commonly spinous (PI. VIII, figs. 1, 4) and are sometimes quadrate. In this group the chief secondary characters are derived from the degree of con- striction between the two halves of the cell, the division of its margin into segments by incisions more or less deep, and its extension into teeth or spines. The Desmidiacece are not found in running streams, unless the surrounded by gelatinous envelope ; B, dividing cell; C, single cell viewed transversely; D, two cells in conjugation ; E, formation of zygospore. 5i6 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE motion of the water be very slow, but are to be looked for in stand- ing though not stagnant waters. Small shallow pools that do not dry up in summer, especially in open, exposed situations, such as boggy moors, are most productive. The larger and heavier species commonly lie at the bottom of the pools, either spread out as a thin, gelatinous stratum, or collected into finger-like tufts. By gently passing the fingers beneath these they may be caused to rise towards the surface of the water, and may then be lifted out by a tin box or scoop. Other species form a slimy stratum floating on the surface of bog-pools, or a greenish or dirty cloud upon the stems and leaves of other aquatic plants ; and these also are best detached by passing the hand beneath them, and ' stripping ' the plant between the fingers, so as to carry off upon them what adhered to it. If, on the other hand, the bodies of which we are in search should be much diffused through the water, there is no other course than to take it up in large quantities by the box or scoop and to separate them by straining through a piece of linen. At first, nothing appears on the linen but a mere stain or a little dirt ; but by the straining of repeated quantities a considerable accumulation may be gradually made. This should then be scraped off with a knife, and transferred into bottles with fresh water. If what has been brought up by hand be richly charged with these forms, it should be at once deposited in a bottle ; this at first seems only to contain foul water ; but by allowing it to remain undisturbed for a little time, the desmids will sink to the bottom, and most of the water may then be poured off, to be replaced by a fresh supply. If the bottles be freely exposed to- solar light, these little plants will flourish, apparently as well as in their native pools ; and their various phases of multiplication and! reproduction may be observed during successive months or even years. If the pools be too deep for the use of the hand and the- scoop, a collecting -bottle attached to a stick may be employed in its stead. The ring-net may also be advantageously employed, especially if it be so constructed as to allow of the ready substitu- tion of one piece of muslin for another. For, by using several pieces of previously wetted muslin in succession, a large number of these minute organisms may be separated from the water ; the pieces of muslin may be brought home folded up in wide- mouthed bottles, either separately or several in one, according as the organisms are obtained from one or from several waters ; and they are then to be opened out in jars of filtered river- water and exposed to the light, when the desmids will detach themselves. The Diatomacese, like the Desmidiacese, are simple cells, having a firm, external coating, within which is included an ' endochrome ' whose superficial layer constitutes a 'primordial utricle,' but their external coat is consolidated by silex, the presence of which is one of the most distinctive characters of the group, and gives rise to the peculiar surface-markings of its members. It has been thought by some that the solidifying mineral forms a distinct layer exuded from the exterior of the cellulose wall ; but there seems good reason for regarding that wall as itself interpenetrated by the silex, since a membrane bearing the characteristic surface-markings is found to STRUCTURE OF DIATOMS 517 remain after its removal by hydrofluoric acid . The 1 endochrome ' of diatoms consists, as in other plants, of a viscid protoplasm, in which float the granules of colouring matter. In the ordinary con- dition of the cell these granules are diffused through it with tolerable uniformity, except in the central spot, which is occupied by a nucleus ; round this nucleus they commonly form a ring, from which radiating lines of granules may be seen to diverge into the cell- cavity. Instead of being bright green, however, the endochrome is a yellowish brown. The principal colouring substance appears to be a "modification of ordinary chlorophyll ; it takes a green or greenish-blue tint with sulphuric acid, and often assumes this hue in drying ; but with it is combined in greater or less proportion a yellow colouring matter termed diatomin, which is very unstable in the light and fades in drying. At certain times, oil -globules are observable in the protoplasm • these seem to represent the starch- granules of the Desmidiacece and the oil-globules of other protophy tes. A distinct movement of the granular particles of the endochrome, closely resembling the cyclosis of the Desmidiacece, has been noticed by Professor W. Smith in some of the larger species of Diaiomacece, such as Surirella biseriata, Nitzschia scalaris, and Gampylodiscus spiralis, and by Prof essor Max Schultze in Coscinodiscus, Biddulphia, and Rhizosolenia • but this movement has not the regularity so remarkable in the preceding group. Kiitzing has called these organisms Bacillariaeece from the genus Bacillaria, as others have called them Diatomacew from Diatonic . The latter name is preferable, as indicating the ease with which their parts separate from each other. This is well seen in the genus Diatoma, formed of rectangular individual frustules, where the arrangement resulting from the principle of lateral union causes them to develop into filaments or zigzag chains, the frustules remain- ing perfectly distinct, and united only by a small isthmus or cushion at the angles. A similar cohesion at the angles is seen in the allied genus Grammatophora (fig. 403), in Isthmia (fig. 408), and in many other diatoms ; in Biddulphia (fig. 396) there even seems to be a special organ of attachment at these points. In some diatoms, however, the frustules produced by successive acts of binary subdi- vision habitually remain coherent one to another, and thus are pro- duced filaments or clusters of various shapes. Thus it is obvious that when each f rustule is a short cylinder, an aggregation of such cylinders, end to end, must form a rounded filament, as in Melosira (fig. 398) ; and, whatever may be the form of the sides of the frustules, if they be parallel one to the other, a straight filament will be produced, as in Achnanthes (fig. 412). But if, instead of being parallel, the sides be somewhat inclined towards each other, a curved band will be the result ; this may not continue entire, but may so divide itself as to form fan-shaped expansions, as those of Licmophora Jlabellata (fig. 401) ; or the cohesion maybe sufficient to occasion the band to wind itself (as it were) round a central axis, and thus to form, not merely :a complete circle, but a spiral of several turns, as in Meridion <-ircuJare {fig. 399). Many diatoms, again, possess a stipe, or stalk-like ap- pendage, by which aggregations of frustules are attached to other MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE plants, or to stones, pieces of wood, &c. • and this may be a simple foot-like appendage, as in Achnanthes longipes (fig. 412), or it may be a composite plant-like structure, as in Licmophora (fig. 401 )? Gomphonema (fig. 413), and Mastogloia (fig. 416). Little is known respecting the nature of this stipe ■• it is, however, quite flexible, and may be conceived to be an extension of the cellulose coat, uncon- solidated by silex, analogous to the prolongations which have been seen in the Desmidiacew, and to the filaments which sometimes con- nect the cells of the Palmellacece. Some diatoms, again, have a mucous or gelatinous investment, which may even be so substantial that their frustules lie — as it were — in a bed of it, as in Mastogloia (figs. 416 B, 417), or may form a sort of tubular sheath to them, as in Schizonema (fig. 415). In a large proportion of the group, however, the frustules are always met with entirely free, neither remaining in the least degree coherent one to another after the process of binary subdivision has once been completed, nor being in any way connected either by a stipe, or by a gelatinous investment. This is the case, for example, with Triceratium (fig. 393), Pleurosigma (Plate I, figs. 1, 2), Actinocyclus, Actinoptychus (fig. 407), Arachnoidiscus (Plate XII), C ampyl odiscus (fig. 405), Surirella (fig. 404), Coscino- discus (Plate I, figs. 3, 4), Ileliopelta, and many others. The solitary discoidal forms, however, when obtained in their living state, are commonly found cohering to the surface of aquatic plants. We have now to examine more minutely into the curious struc- ture of the silicified casing which encloses every diatom-cell or ' frustule,' and the presence of which imparts a peculiar interest to the group • not merely on account of the elaborately marked pattern which it often exhibits, but also through the perpetuation of the minutest details of that pattern in the specimens obtained from fossilised deposits. This silicified casing is usually formed of two' perfectly symmetrical valves united to one another by means of two' embracing rings which constitute the connecting zone or girdle, and thus exactly represent a minute box which serves for the reproduc- tion of the species. This process is known as the encystment, and is not uncommon, especially amongst the Naviculacece, frustules being frequently found amongst them open from the separation of the two valves, showing the two rings covering each other, as the lid of a box may cover a portion of the box itself. It is thus not correct to designate the line shown in the front view of the outer ring as the line of 1 suture,' since the suture is the line of meeting bounding two surfaces placed on the same plane. The form resulting, however, varies widely in different diatoms ; for sometimes each valve is hemispherical, so that the cavity is globular ; sometimes it is a smaller segment of a sphere resembling a watch- glass, so that the cavity is lenticular ; sometimes the central portion is completely flattened and the sides abruptly turned up, so that the valve resembles the cover of a pill-box, in which case the cavity will be cylindrical ; and these and other varieties may co-exist with any modifications of the contour of the valves, which may be square, triangular (fig. 393), heart-shaped (fig. 405, A), boat-shaped (fig. 404, A), or very much elongated (fig. 400), and maybe furnished (though this STRUCTURE OF DIATOMS 5*fJ is rare among diatoms) with projecting outgrowths (figs. 409, 410). Hence the shape presented by the frustule differs completely with the aspect under which it is seen. In all instances, the frustule is considered to present its ' front ' view when its line of meeting is turned towards the eye, as in fig. 404, B, C ; whilst its ' side ' view is seen when the centre of either valve is directly beneath the eye (A). Although the two valves meet along the line of junction in those newly formed frustules which have been just produced by binary subdivision (as shown in fig. 396, A, e), yet as soon as they begin i;o undergo any increase the valves separate from one another ; and by the silicification of the cell-membrane thus left exposed a pair of hoops is formed, each of which is attached by one edge to the adjacent valve, while the other edge is free.1 As will be presently explained, one of the valves is always older than the other \ and the hoop of the older valve partly encloses that of the younger, just as the cover of a pill-box surrounds the upper part of the box itself.2 As the newly formed cell increases in length, separating the valves from one another, both hoops increase in breadth by additions to their free edges, and the outer hoop slides off the inner one, until there is often but a very small 'overlap.' As growth and binary division are continually going on when the frustules are in a healthy vigorous condition, it is rare to find a specimen in which the valves are not in some degree separated by the interposition of the hoops. The impermeability of the silicified casing seems to render neces- sary the existence of special apertures through which the surrounding water may come into communication with the contents of the cell. Some have believed that they have , seen such apertures along the so-called ' line of suture ' of the disc-shaped diatoms, and at the extre- mities only of the elongated forms. Ehrenberg, followed by Kiitzing, has interpreted as apertures or ostioles the central and terminal nodules of the JYaviculacece, Cymbellecr, and similar forms ; but this view is more generally regarded as incorrect. We have, in fact, no positive demonstration of the existence of special apertures communi- cating between the outside and the inside of the cell : and we are com- pelled to have recourse, on this point, to hypothesis. It is, however, certain that the diatom -cell is always composed of at least two valves, between which the possibility of such a communication must necessarily be admitted, or at least the existence of endosmotic and exosmotic currents in the liquids. In the encysted forms we have ascertained also the existence of an interval between the two rings, 1 [This refers to those diatoms in which the process of binary subdivision is pos- sible ; but this, as will be seen presently, is not the case in many genera. — Ed.] 2 This was long since pointed out by Dr. Wallich in his important memoir on the ' Development and Structure of the Diatom-valve ' (Transact, of Microsc. Soc. n.s. vol. viii. 1860, p. 129) ; but his observation seems not to have attracted the notice of diatomists, until in 1877 he called attention to it in a more explicit manner (Montlih/ Microsc. Journ. vol. xvii. p. 61). The correctness of his statement has been con- firmed by the distinguished American diatomist, Prof. W. Hamilton Smith ; but as it has been called in question by Mr. J. D. Cox (American Journal of Microscopy, vol. iii. 1878, p. 100), who asserts that mlsthmia there are three hoops — two attached to the two valves, and the third overlapping them both at their line of junction — the Author has himself made a very careful examination of a large series of specimens of Isthmia and Biddulphia, the result of which has fully satisfied him of the correct- ness of Dr. Wallich's original description. 520 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE although it may be very minute ; while Navicula has been sometimes seen with the values actually separated. The nature of the delicate markings with which almost every diatom frustule is beset, has been one of the most interest- ing inquiries of the students of these forms, since the introduc- tion of the homogeneous, and especially the apochromatic ob- jectives ; and it cannot be doubted that certain peculiari- ties of structure have been demonstrated which were never before seen. In the present state of the theory and practice of microscopy, it would be extremely unwise to give abso- Fig. 892. — Magnification of 'ultimate strnc- lute adhesion to any present ture' of Coscinodiscus asieromvluiliis,ixo\\\ • + ■ ^ ,i, ■ a drawing by Messrs. Nelson and Karop. Interpretation of what IS now ('Quekett Journal,' vol. ii. ser. ii. p. 269.) held by some students of diatom structure of no mean repute and of unrivalled manipulative skill to be the absolute structure of some of the larger forms. Thus concerning the group Cpscinodiscece, representing the most beautiful of the discoid forms of the whole group of Diatomacecr, we re- Fig. 393. — Triceratium favus: A, side view ; B, front view. present in fig. 3, Plate I, a micro-photographic image of C. asterom- phalus magnified 110 diameters. But in fig. 392 the arwlo& of this diatom are seen under great magnification with recent powers. It is contended that the diatom, although consisting of a single siliceous membrane, has a double structure, viz. coarse and fine areolations, the latter within the former ; and there appears little reason to doubt this. The coarse areolations are for the most part circular in outline, and the intervening silex is thick. Inside these areolations is an ex- tremely delicate perforated membrane, the outer row of whose perfora- tions are larger than the rest. From the very delicacy of this membrane, and its consequent easy fracture, it is often wanting. In Plate I, fig. 4, we present a photo-micrograph of the same object magnified 2,000 diameters. MINUTE STRUCTURE OF DIATOMS 521 In Isthmia nervosa, a side and front view of which are seen in fig. 408, a similar construction is discoverable. In this diatom the coarse areola tions are very large and the silex correspondingly thick ; but the inner membrane is excessively thin and delicate. The perforations are large and irregular in shape around the margin, but small and circular in the centre. In fig. 394 the form of areola tions is shown, and a broken membrane seen, with the fracture passing through the perforations. 1 Not less interesting is the beautiful form Aulacodiscus Kittonii ; a photo-micrograph of this magnified 270 diameters is seen in PI. I, fig. 5 • while a small portion of the centre of ■a kindred form, A. Sturtii, magnified 2,000 , . -, /. n • ,i i , Fig. 394. — Areolations m times, is shown m ng. b m the same plate. isthmia nervosa. The ' beaded ' appearance of diatom-valves is so universal in all those which have been examined, that it must be regarded as common to all diatoms, although this is not yet abso- lutely proved. But, while it is admitted that the beading of the valves may be common to all diatoms, it cannot be regarded as proved that the siliceous envelope is composed of globular particles of silex arranged in regular rows ; while the variety in the size and arrangement of these particles shows that they are correlated with the vital processes of the organisms, and afford characters for the discrimination of the species. The nature of these granules, their size, and the mode in which they are arranged, have from the earlier days of microscopy rendered diatoms of special value as 'test-objects.' This appearance has led to the use, in speaking of diatoms, of the incorrect terms 'transverse,' 'longitudinal' or 'oblique stria?,' these being in truth simply the intervals which separate the boundaries of the ' beads,7 apertures, or their equivalents, whatever they may ulti- mately prove to be ; and this is clearly seen when they are observed with objectives of sufficient numerical aperture and proportional power. Pleurosigma angulatum is one of the most commonly em- ployed test-objects, and at the same time one of the most reliable, its remarkable constancy rendering it especially valuable for this purpose ; while, on the contrary, Amphipleura pellucida is extremely variable, and is, as it were, the torment of microscope-makers and rival diatom resolvers, who do not take into account the variability of this type, forgetting, in fact, that one A. pellucida may be extremely fine, and another, being in truth a varietal form, may be nearly as coarse as Navicula rhomboides. The new apochromatic objectives, and the compensating eye-pieces both for the eye and for projection, con- structed by Zeiss, of Jena, have brought about such progress in micrography that the image of P. angulatum appears to some minds to leave no doubt as to the details of its structure. If we closely examine the photographic image of a portion of P. angulatum, pro- duced under a magnification of 4,300 diameters, and shown in Plate X, taken from a photograph by Dr. Zeiss, it will, in the majority of 1 Note on the finer structure of certain diatoms, E. M. Nelson and G. C. Karop, Journ. Quekett Club, vol. ii. ser. ii. p. 2(JG. 522 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE cases, leave perhaps little doubt that the valves are covered by the beads or apertures in a decussate arrangement. We have, in the judgment of Count Castracane, to do here with 'beads ' and not with ' cavities.' But, from the recent advances of our knowledge, this by no means follows j they may with high probability be considered per- forations in the silex of the frustule. This is indeed placed almost in the form of a demonstration by the interesting fact that Mr. C. Haughton Gill has succeeded in filling up the ' dots ; or 'pearls' of the Navicular and the secondary markings of the discoid and other forms, so as to give evidence that the filling must be deposited in cavities. It was clone by soaking clean diatoms in a solution of subnitrate of mercury until their markings are filled with it ; then they are im- mersed in sulphide of ammonium ; a double decomposition takes place, by which black insoluble sulphide of mercury is produced, and left in the minute cavities in which it certainly appears to be formed. By observing the lines of fracture, which always follow the interval between two rows of ' beads,' there will be much suggestion given to the observer on this subject. Count Castracane, referring to Plate X,asks, ' Would it have been possible to have seen these pearl-like ob- jects isolated, if, instead of beads, we had had apertures or depres- sions?' We can only reply that misinterpretation on such a subject is so possible that it is only by employing all the aids to interpretation which ingenuity can place within our reach, we can ever be certain as to our visual interpretation of these minute phenomena. On the other hand, the areolated valves of Triceratium favus (fig. 393) present a line of fracture which traverses indifferently the hexagonal areolse- and the lines in relief which connect them. Dr. Van Heurck has been able to employ the new lens made by Abbe, having a numerical aperture of 1*63, upon his special subject, the Diatomacece. He concludes that diatom valves consist of two membranes or thin films and of an intermediate layer, the latter being pierced with openings. The outer membrane is delicate, and may be easily destroyed by acids, friction, and the several processes of ' cleaning.' When the openings or apertures of this interior portion are arranged in alternate rows they assume the hexagonal form ; when in straight rows then the openings are square or oblong. It is, however, due to Mr. T. F. Smith, who has worked at this subject for years, to say that he has long maintained this view, and has presented skilful photo-micrographs in support of his contention. In PL I, fig. 1, we have a photograph of his, showing the inside of a valve of P. angulatum magnified 1,750 diameters, and exhibiting the ' postage s|amp ' fracture ; while in fig. 2, in the same plate, we have the outside of P. angulatum, showing a different structure ; and Mr. Smith has abundant evidence of the existence of what he has so long maintained. By using the new lens of the great aperture of 1*63, Dr. Van Heurck has produced some remarkable photo-micrographs, which rather confirm these general inferences than present any new data of knowledge concerning the diatoms. By his great courtesy we have been favoured with a phototype plate prepared by Dr. Van Heurck from his own photo-micrographs, and the reader will be en- abled to study these in Plate XI, of which a full description is given Plate X. Pleurosigma angulatum. Magnified 4900 diams. From a Photo -Micrograph by Dr. R. Zeiss taken with the 2 m/m. Apochromatic Objective N. A. 1.30 and projection eye-piece 4. Glassprint by Kuhl & Co., Frankfort on the Main. REPRODUCTION OF DIATOMS 523 in the earlier part of this treatise, giving descriptions of the plates. He has further enhanced the plate by giving in fig. 7 a photo-micro- graph of Nobert's nineteenth band. Diatoms, like other organisms already described, are reproduced by conjugation, and multiply by autofission or division. Reproduction is necessary to every organism, while multiplication by fission belongs only to certain organic types. In the early days of the study of diatoms, it would appear that even that distinguished observer William Smith had at least not a clear idea of the encysting of the fruMide or individual diatom, which implies the existence of the two valves and of the double girdle or zone or connecting ring projecting from each valve in a direction at right angles to its plane. Hence, instead of finding, as a result of fission, a progressive diminution of the diameter of the frustules, Mr. Smith speaks of their increase, of which he is unable to offer any explanation. The fact that in Melosira subjlexilis (fig. 395, A) and M. varians (fig. 395, B) large and small frustules are seen united in rows, ought to be sufficient to show that they are dependent not only on binary subdivision, but also on the special conditions of evolution of the new frustule, by which it is able to increase materially in size. This power of diatoms to expand their siliceous coatings has therefore been denied by some, who are induced to maintain this necessary consequence of the division of encysted frustules, viz. the progressive decrease in size of the young frustules, which would thus reach the smallest possible dimensions. This has led Pfitzer 1 to imagine that when diatoms have reached their smallest possible dimensions by repeated binary division, the process of conjuga- tion takes place between them, resulting in the formation of an auxo- sjiore, capable of repro- ducing two sporangial frustules of considerably larger size, which would again give rise, by fission, to a new series of dimi- nishing frustules, until these again reach their minimum size. This theory has, in the judg- ment of Count Castra- Melosira suhflexilis. Melosira varians. cane, deceived many bo- tanists, from the idea that it was founded on actual observation, and has at the same time been in harmony with the natural tendency to generalisation, in attributing to the whole family of diatoms that faculty of division which has been regarded as the universal property of the vegetable cell. The unconfirmed auxospore theory rests on the 1 Untersuchungen iiber. Bau v. Entivickelung der Barilla) Hen, Svo, Bonn, 1371. 524 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OP VEGETABLE LIFE supposed inability of the siliceous walls of diatoms to expand ; and implies, secondly, the idea that all diatoms are capable of binary sub- division ; and thirdly, that there is no mode of reproduction except by auxospores. That the silicious walls of diatoms are capable of distension seems to result from the examples already given of Melosira suhfiexilis and M. vnrian.% as also from some other species in which there may often be observed a sudden variation in diameter in frus- tules united together in a row. But the power of increase in size of the siliceous diatom-cell is evidently proved by the sporangial frus- tules of Orthosira Dickiei,1 where, in the chain of cylindrical frus- tules of the same diameter, the sporangial frustule is dilated in its equatorial axis, but much more so in its polar axis, pushing back the base of the next cell and forcing it to fold itself up so as to occupy the whole cell-cavity, and sometimes even that of the next frustule. The exactness and fidelity of the figure given in Smith's ' Synopsis,' besides being guaranteed by the authority of the distinguished author and by the signature of the celebrated artist Tuffen West, Count Castracane has been able to confirm by a magnificent preparation of these diatoms in which are a number of sporangial frustules. The auxospore theory supposes the fact that all diatoms are capable of binary subdivision, since the auxospore is understood, according to Pfitzer, to provide for the progressive decrease in size of the frustules, with the production of larger sporangial frustules, destined to com- mence a new descending series. But binary subdivision cannot take place in genera with unequal valves, as it is universally acknowledged that the two new valves which are formed in the process of binary subdivision must stereotype themselves on the old valves ; and for- tius reason this process cannot take place in those genera in which the axes cross one another, like Campylodiscus, or in those in which the two valves, although equal, yet constantly unite in such a way that the similar parts alternate with one another, as may be seen in Aster o- larripra. That it is impossible for binary subdivision to take place in these three classes of forms, is confirmed by the fact that, notwith- standing that there are recorded not less than seventy-five observations of the process of division in them, not one affords an exception to the rule given above. Where multiplication by binary subdivision occurs among the Diatomace^, it takes place on the same general plan as in the Des- midiaceaj, but with some modifications incident to peculiarities of the structure of the former group. The first stage consists in the elongation of the cell, and the formation of a ' hoop ' adherent to each end-valve, so that the two valves are separated by a band, which progressively increases in breadth by addition to the free edges of the hoops, as is well seen in fig. 396, A. In the newly formed cell e, the two valves are in immediate apposition ; in d a band intervenes ; in a this band has become much wider ; and in h the increase has gone on until the original form of the cell is com- pletely changed. At the same time the endochrome separates into two halves * the nucleus also subdivides in the manner formerly shown 1 See Castracane, ' The Theory of the Reproduction of Diatoms,' A tti delV Accad. Pontif. dei Nttovi Lincei, May 3i, 1874 ; and ' New Arguments to prove that Diatoms are reproduced by means of germs,' ibid. March 19, 1876. Plate XI Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. T)r. H. Va;V HeorcK phot. J. Maks, pliototyp Test objects for the Microscope. Objective by C. Zeiss, N.A. ],G0; Eye-piece 12. Monochromatic illumination by suuligbt. REPRODUCTION OE DIATOMS 525 (fig. 368, G, H, I) ; and the primordial utricle folds in, first forming a mere constriction, then an hour-glass contraction, and finally a complete double partition, as in other instances. From each of its adjacent surfaces a new silicious valve is formed, as shown at fig. 396, A, C, just as a new cellulose wall is generated in the subdivision of other cells ; and this valve is usually the exact counterpart of the one to which it is opposed, and forms with it a complete cell, so that the original frustule is replaced by two frustules, each of which has one old and one new valve, just as in Desmidiacece. Generally speaking, the new valves are a little smaller than their predecessors ; so that, after repeated subdivisions (as in chains of Isthmia), a diminution of diameter becomes obvious.1 But sometimes the new valves are a little larger than their predecessors ; so that, in the filamentous species, there may be an increase sufficient to occasion a gradual widening of the filament, although not perceptible except when two contiguous frustulesare compared ; whilst, in the free forms, frustules of different sizes may be met with, of which the larger are more numer- ous than the smaller, the increase in number having taken place in geometrical progression, whilst that of size was uniform. It is not always clear what becomes of the 'hoop.' In Melosira ( fig. 395, A and B ), and perhaps in the filamentous species generally, the ' hoops ' appear to keep the new frustules united together for some time. This is at first the case also in Biddulpliia and Isthmia (fig. 408), in which the continued connec- tion of the two frustules by its means gives rise to an appearance of two complete frustules having been de- veloped within the original Fig. 896.— Biddulphia pulchella : A, chain of (fig. 396, A, C) ; subse- cells in different states: a, full size; b, elon- quently, however, the two gution preparatory to subdivision; c, forma- „J , ' » , tion 01 two new cells; (/, e, young cells; B, new trustules slip OUt 01 the end view; C, side view of a cell more highly hoop, which then becomes magnified, completely detached. The same thing happens with many other diatoms, so that the 4 hoops ' are to be found in large numbers in the settlings of water in which these plants have long been growing. But in some other cases all trace of the hoop is lost, so that it may be questioned whether it has ever been properly silicified, and 1 This conld not be explained on the hypothesis of the rigidity of the walls within which fission takes place. 526 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE whether 'it does hot become fused (as it were) into the gelatinous envelope. During the healthy life of the diatom 1 the process of binary division is continually being repeated ; and a very rapid multi- plication of frustules thus takes place, all of which must be considered to be repetitions of one and the same individual form. Hence it may happen that myriads of frustules may be found in one locality, uniformly distinguished by some peculiarity of form, size, or mark- ing, which may yet have had the same remote origin as another col- lection of frustules found in some different locality, and alike distin- guished by some peculiarity of its own. For there is strong reason to believe that such differences spring up among the progeny, of any true generative act, and that when that progeny is dispersed by currents into different localities, each will continue to multiply its own special type so long as the process of binary division goes on. We have seen that division is of the nature of multiplication, and not of reproduction ; and that, where it does take place, it must be regarded as the exception, and not as the rule. As respects reproduction, Count Castracane, who has been an observer during thirty years devoted to the study of diatoms, has had the oppor- tunity of noting in what way the process differs in particular cases. He contends that he has been able to see in a Podosphenia the emission of gonids or sporules or embryonal forms, in the same way in which Rabenhorst saw it in Melosira vavians, and O'Meara in Pleuvosigma Spencerii ; and in another case there were seen a number of oval cysts of a species of Navicula easily recognisable. The greater number of these were in a quiescent state ; but some few were seen in motion by means of two flagelliform cilia ; so that these larger or smaller cysts represented zygospores, and some of them were shown to be zoozygospores. Castracane had the good fortune to meet with a number of large and small oval cysts imbedded in a gelatinous mass, all of them having in the centre two similar corpuscles. From the condition of two greenish oblong indistinct forms, these went on, by an easy transition, to manifest themselves as naviculoid types, and at length developed into full- grown frustules of Mastogloia. All this proves in his judgment how reproduction in diatoms may present itself in different forms and with different peculiarities ; for which reason one ought to avoid arguing from special cases to general laws. The only thing which can be asserted of all cases of reproduction, is that it must be preceded by conjugation, which results in the fertilisation of the sporules or gonids, which, after a period of repose or of incubation inclosed within a cyst, or within a membranous frond, or within a frustule, attain a condition for living an independent life and reproducing in every respect the adult type of the mother-cell ; thus the cyst, the membranous frond, or the frustule, performs the function of a sporange. The Abbe was of opinion that these gonids or embryonal forms could have no traces of silex in their cell-walls, scarcely yet formed, until a few years ago,2 among the diatoms 1 This refers to those diatoms in which binary subdivision can take place. 2 See ' Observations on a Fossil Diatom in relation to the Process of Reproduction,' Atti clelV Accad. Pontif. clei Nnovi Lincei, May 17, 1885. PLATE XII. Arachnoldiscus Japonicus. CLASSIFICATION OF DIATOMS of a marine deposit of the Miocene period, lie met with a perfect frustule of Coscinodiscus punctatus, which, between the two planes of the valves, and therefore within the cell, exhibited some round marks which admitted of no other interpretation except that of. impressions or traces of the embryonal forms surprised by death while still attached to the mother-cell. More recently he has met with other cases identical in character, sd that he has no longer any doubt as to the presence of silex in the cell-walls of diatoms which have not yet emerged to the light. "No one appears at present to have given attention to a circum- stance described by the Abbe 1 in relation to a specimen of StriateLbi unipunctata, which has passed thousands of times under the eyes of all, without its significance being recognised. The diatoms which we have most frequently under our observation do not always exhibit the same arrangement of their endochrome. The attempt has indeed been made to found the classification of diatoms on the arrangement of the endochrome, according as it is present in the form of plates or of granules ; thus distinguishing the placochromatic and the coccochromatic forms ; but a difficulty is presented in the way of this classification by certain types which sometimes belong to the one, sometimes to the other class. And this cannot be the result of accident. Such variations might occur in some diatoms as the result of special biological conditions of the individual. There may frequently be seen, for example, a specimen of Jlelosira varians with its cell-cavity filled with endochrome, not in a condition of unequal amorphous masses, but of uniform rounded corpuscles ; and this demands particular attention, or at least gives good ground for special research. A diligent examination instituted in these cases has demonstrated the existence in them of a special organi- sation ; and the determination of a narrow and well-defined limit of outline seems to prove that these were perfectly distinct and independent of one another. From the perfect resemblance of these with the gonids and embryonal forms seen to escape from the mother- cell by Rabenhorst, O'Meara, and Castracane, he concludes that this special arrangement of the endochrome must be interpreted as a prelude to the process of reproduction. These observations may possibly attract the attention of some who are applying them- selves to the study of diatoms to so important an argument, on which may depend the possibility of establishing a really good classification of diatoms which will at length satisfy diatomists. At present preference is generally accorded to the classification proposed by H. L. Smith, which establishes the class of Rapladece from the presence of a raphe in the plane of the valves. If there is, on the valves, in place of the raphe, a simple line of division, the forms thus characterised are termed Pseudoraphidect ; while those in which the valves have neither raphe nor its equivalent are called Crypto- raphidece, or, better, Anaraphidece. While, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge of diatoms, any classification can only be regarded as provisional, we do not propose any innovation on this 1 See ' The Diatoms of the Coasts of Istria and Dalmatia,' Atti delV Accad. Pont if. dei Nuovi Lincei, April 27 and May 25, 1873. 528 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE point, although we ;ire disposed to accord our preference to that suggested by H. L. Smith. The most curious phenomenon presented by diatoms is un- doubtedly their power of movement, which induced Ehrenberg and the other early observers of these organisms to place them errone- ously in the animal kingdom, although it affords no evidence of con- sciousness. This power of movement, if not common to all diatoms,, is very evident in those species .which are normally or accident- ally free, and most conspicuously in oblong forms. In those also which are stalked it has been noticed that if, from any cause, a frustule becomes detached, it is endowed with a motion similar to that of the species which are normally free. This circumstance has caused the abandonment of Mr. W. Smith's proposal to assign a generic value to the condition in which the frustule is presented without regard to its form. Hence those genera are not now generally recognised which differ only in being enclosed in a mem- branous frond, or in being stalked, especially since frustules contained, for example, in Schizonema, 1 have been seen to escape from it, and to be prevented from returning again to it in company with the sister JVaviculce. Hence the genera Schizonema, Berkeley a, and Dickiea must be reunited to JVavicula ; Cocconema, Endonema, and Colletonenia to Cymbella ; and Homeocladia to Nitzscliia. The singular phenomenon of movement which may be observed in many genera of diatoms — among which the most singular is that presented by Bacillaria paradoxa (tig. 400), in which the rod-like frustules are seen to be continually gliding one along another, in a retrograde direction, before they become detached — is found to be in general a movement backwards and forwards in a straight line so far as they meet with no impediment, while the intervention of obstacles determines a passive change of direction. The cause of this move- ment is uncertain ; but the most probable interpretation attributes it to the action of the changes resulting from the nutrition of the cell, which must necessarily absorb food in a liquid condition. Taking account therefore of the relatively considerable quantity of silex. necessary to the organisation of the diatom cell in proportion to its minute dimensions, and bearing in mind, at the same time, the incalculably small traces of silex in solution in the water, it may be understood how active must be the exchange from the exterior to the interior of the cell, and vice versa, and hence how such an exchange must determine a continual change of position backwards and forwards, through the reaction exercised on the delicate floating frustules. Conjugation, so far as is at present known, takes place among the ordinary Diatomacece almost exactly as among the Desmidiacece^ except that it sometimes results in the production of two ' zygo- spores ' instead of a single one. Thus in Surirella (fig. 404), the valves of two free and adjacent frustules separate from each other, and the two endochromes (probably included in their primordial utricles) are discharged ; these coalesce to form a single mass,, which becomes enclosed in a gelatinous envelope ; and in due time 1 See Castracane, ' Observations on the Genera Homeocladia and Schizonema,' in Atti delV Accad. Poniif. dei Nuovi Lincei, May 23, 1380 CONJUGATION OF DIATOMS 529 this 'zygospore' shapes itself into a frustule resembling that of its parent, but of larger size. But in Epithemia (fig. 397, A, JJ), the first diatom in which the conjugating process was observed by Mr. Thwaites 1 — the endochrome Of each of the conjugating frustules(C, D) appears to divide at the time of its discharge into two halves ; each half coalesces with half of the other endochrome ; and thus two ' zygospores ; (E, F) are formed, which, as in the preceding case, become invested with a gelatinous envelope, and gradually assume the form and markings of the parent frustules, but grow to a very much larger size, the sporangial masses having obviously a power of self-increase up to the time when their envelopes are consolidated. It seems to be in this way that the normal size is recovered, after the progressive diminution which is incident to repeated binary multiplication. Of the subsequent history of the ' zygospores ' much remains to be learnt ; and it may not be the same in all cases. Appearances have been seen which make it al- most certain that the contents of each zygo- spore break up into a brood of gonids, and that it is from these that the new genera- tion originates. These gonids, if each be sur- rounded (as in many other cases) by a distinct cyst, may remain unde- veloped for a consider- able period ; and they must augment consider- ably in size before they obtain the dimensions of the parent frustule. It is in this stage of the _ . . . . ■ ., . ,-, v-c Fig. 397.— Coniugation of Epithemia turcjida : A, process that the modify- front view of single frustule . B, side view of the ing influence of external same ; C, two frustules with their concave surfaces agencies is most likely m close apposition; D, front view of one of the ° . /»i , ^ frustules, showing the separation of its valves ; h, to exert its etiects ; and Fj side and front views after the formation of the it may be easily con- zygospores, ceived that (as in higher plants and animals) this influence may give rise to various diversities among the respective individuals of the same brood ; which diversi- ties, as we have seen, will be transmitted to all the repetitions of each that are produced by the process of binary division. Hence a very considerable latitude is to be allowed to the limits of species, when the different forms of Diatomacece are compared ; and here, as in many other cases, a most important question arises as to what are those limits— a question which can only be answered by such a careful 1 See Annate of Natural History, vol. xx. ser. i. 1847, pp. 9, 343; and vol. i. ser. ii. 1848, p. 1(51. M M 530 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE study of the entire life-history of every single type as may advan- tageously occupy the attention of many a microscopist who is at present devoting himself to the resolution of the markings on diatom- valves, and to the multiplication of reputed species by the detection of minute differences.1 This formation of what are termed ' auxospores ' augment the size of generation as serving to the cells which are to give origin to a new takes place on a very different plan in some of those filamentous types, such as Melosira (fig. 395, A, B), in which a strange inequality presents itself in the diameters of the different cells of the same filament, the larger ones being usually in various stages of binary subdivision, by which they multiply themselves longitudinally. According to the observations of Mr. Thwaites (loc. cit.), these also are the products of a kind of conjugation between the adjacent cells of the ordinary diameter, taking place before the completion of their separation. He describes the endochrome of particular frus- Fig. 398. — Self-conjugation (?) of Melosira italica (Aulacosira crenulata> Thwaites): 1, simple filament; 2, filament developing auxospores; a, b, c, succes- sive stages in the formation of auxospores ; auxospore-frustules in successive stages, a, b, c, of multiplication. tules, after separating as if for the formation of a pair of new cells, as moving back from the extremities towards the centre, rapidly increasing in quantity and aggregating into a zygospore (fig. 398, No. 2, a, b, c) : around this a new envelope is developed, which may or may not resemble that of the ordinary f rustules, but which remains in continuity with them ; and this zygospore soon undergoes binary subdivision (No. 3, a, b, c), the cells of the new series thus developed presenting the character of those of the original filament (I), but greatly exceeding them in size. From what has been already stated, it seems probable that a gradual reversion to the smaller form takes place in subsequent subdivisions, a further reduction being checked 1 See on this subject a valuable paper by Prof. W. Smith ' On the Determination of Species in the Diatomacece,' in the Quart. Joum. of Microsc. Science, vol. hi. 1855, p. 130 ; a memoir by Prof. W. Gregory ' On Shape of Outline as a Specific Character of Diatomacece, ' in Trans, of Microsc. Soc. 2nd series, vol. hi. 1855, p. 10 ; and the Author's Presidential Address, in the same volume, pp. 44-50 ; ' On Navicula crassinervis, Frustulia saxonica and N. rhomboides, as Test-objects,' by W.H. Dallinger, Monthly Micro. Joum. 1876, vol. xvii. p. 1 ; also an Additional note on the identity of these, by the same Author, ibid. p. 173. MOVEMENTS OF DIATOMS 531 by a new formation of zygospores. Whether this formation par- takes of the character of 1 conjugation ' (as supposed by Mr. Thwaites), is still doubtful, some later observers regarding 4 auxospores ' as simply enlarged forms of single cells. Most of the diatoms which are not fixed by a stipe possess some power of spontaneous movement ; and this is especially seen in those whose frustules are of a long narrow form, such as that of the Naviculm generally. The motion is of a peculiar kind, being usually a series of jerks, which carry forward the frustule in the direction of its 'length, and then carry it back through nearly the same path. Sometimes, however, the motion is smooth and equable, and this is especially the case with the curious Bacillaria paradoxa (fig. 400), whose frustules slide over each other in one direction until they are all but detached, and then slide as far in the opposite direction, repeating this alternate movement at very regular intervals.1 In either case the motion is obviously quite of a different nature from that of beings possessed of a power of self-direction. ' An obstacle in the path,' says Mr. W. Smith, 'is not avoided, but pushed aside ; or, if it be sufficient to avert the onward course of the frustule, the latter is detained for a time equal to that which it would have occu- pied in its forward progression, and then retires from the impediment as if it had accomplished its full course.' The character of the move- ment is obviously similar to that of those motile forms of proto- phytes which have been already described ; but it has not yet been definitely traced to any organ of impulsion, and the cause of it is still obscure. By Mr. W. Smith it is referred to forces operating within the frustule, and originating in the vital operations of growth &c. which may cause the surrounding fluid to be drawn in through one set of apertures and expelled through the other.'2 ' If,' as he remarks, ' the motion be produced by the exosmose taking place alternately at one and the other extremity, while endosmose is proceeding at the other, an alternating movement would be the result in frustules of a linear form ; whilst in others of an elliptical or orbicular outline, in which foramina exist along the entire line of suture, the movements, if any, must be irregular or slowly lateral. Such is precisely the case. The backward and forward movements of the JSfaviculcE have been already described ; in Surirella (fig. 404) and Campylodiscus (fig. 405) the motion never proceeds further than a languid roll from one side to the other ; and in Gomphonema (fig. 414), in which a foramen fulfilling the nutritive office is found at the larger extremity only, the movement (which is only seen when the frustule is separated from its stipe) is a hardly perceptible advance in intermitted jerks in the direction of the narrow end.' 1 This curious phenomenon the Author has himself repeatedly had the opportunity of witnessing. 2 It has been objected to this view, by the authors of the Micro-graphic Dic- tionary, that, if such were the case, the like movements would be frequently met with in other minute unicellular organisms. But there are no other such organisms in which the cell is almost entirely enclosed in an impermeable envelope, so that the imbibition and expulsion of fluid are limited to a small number of definite points,, instead of being allowed to take place equally (as in other unicellular organisms) over the entire surface. See Mereschkowski in Journ. Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. i. ser. ii. 1881, p. 102. 31 M 2 532 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE The principles upon which this interesting group should be classi- fied cannot be properly determined until the history of the genera- tive process — of which nothing whatever is yet known in a large pro- portion of diatoms, and but little in any of them — shall have been thoroughly followed out. The observations of Focke 1 render it highly probable that many of the forms at present considered as dis- tinct from each other would prove to be but different states of the same, if their whole history were ascertained. On the other hand, it is by no means impossible that some which appear to be nearly related in the structure of their frustules and in their mode of growth, may prove to have quite different modes of reproduction. At present, therefore, any classification must be merely provisional and in the notice now to be taken of some of the most interesting- forms of the Diatomacece, the method of Professor Kiitzing, which Fig. 399. — Meridion circulare. Fig. 400. — Bacillaria paradox a. is based upon the characters of the individual frustules, is followed,, in preference to that of Mr. W. Smith, which was founded on the degree of connection remaining between the several frustules after binary division.2 In each family the frustules may exist under four conditions : (a) free, the binary division being entire, so that the frustules separate as soon as the process has been completed ; (b} stipitate, the frustules being implanted upon a common stem (fig. 401), which keeps them in mutual connection after they have them- selves undergone a complete binary division ; (c) united in a filament,. 1 According to this observer {Ann. of Nat. Hist. 2nd series, vol. xv. 1855, p. 237) Navicida bifrons forms, by the spontaneous fission of its internal substance, spherical bodies, which, like gemmules, give rise to Surirella microcbra. These by conjuga- tion produce N. sjplendida, which gives rise to N. bifrons by the same process. He is only able to speak positively, however, as to the production of N. bifrons from N. splen- dida • that of Surirella microcora from N. bifrons, and that of N. splendida from Surirella microcora , being matters of inference from the phenomena witnessed by him. 2 The method of Kiitzing was the one followed, with some modification, by Mr. Ealfs in his revision of the group for the fourth edition of Pritchard's Infusoria; and to his systematic arrangement the Author would refer such as desire more detailed information. DIATOMACEJE: EUXOTIEJE, MEKIDIEiE 533 which will be continuous (fig. 396 A, B,) if the cohesion extend to the entire surfaces of the sides of the frustules, but may be a mere zigzag chain (tig. 402) if the cohesion be limited to their angles ; (d) aggregated into a frond (tig. 415), which consists of numerous frustules ' more or less regularly enclosed in a gelatinous investment. Commencing with the last-named division (A), the first family is that of Eunotiece, of which we have already seen a characteristic example in Epithemia turgida (tig. 397). The essential characters of this family consist in the more or less lunate form of the frustules in the lateral view (fig. 397, B), and in the strire being continuous across the valves without any interruption by a longitudinal line, In the genus Eunotia the frustules are free ; in Epithemia they are very commonly adherent by the flat or concave surface of the connecting zone ; and in Himantidium they are usually united into ribbon-like filaments. In the family Jleridiece we find a similar union of the transversely striated individual frustules ; but these are narrower at one end than at the other, so as to have a cuneate or wedge-like form, and are regularly disposed with their corresponding extremities always pointing in the same direction, so that the fila- ment is curved instead of straight, as in the beautiful Meridian circidare (fig. 399). Although this plant, when gathered and placed under the microscope, pre- sents the appearance of circles overlying one an- other, it really grows in a helicoid (screw-like) form, making several continuous turns. This diatom abounds in many localities in this country ; but there is none in which it presents itself in such rich luxuriance as in the mountain -brooks about West Point in the United States, the bottoms of which, according to Professor Bailey, 4 are literally covered in the first warm days of spring with a ferru- ginous-coloured mucous matter, about a quarter of an inch thick, which, on examination by the microscope, proves to be filled with millions and millions of these exquisitely beautiful siliceous bodies. Every submerged stone, twig, and spear of grass is enveloped by them, and the waving plume-like appearance of a filamentous body covered in this way is often very elegant.' The frustules of Mt ridion are attached when young to a gelatinous cushion ; but this disappears with the advance of age. In the family Licmophorece also the frustules Fig. 401. — Licmoj)liora Jiabellata. 534 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE are wedge-shaped ; in some genera they have transverse markings, whilst in others these are dehcient ; but in most instances there are to be observed two longitudinal suture-like lines on each valve (which, have received the special designation of vittce) connecting their two extremities. The newly formed part of the stipe in the genus. Licmophora, instead of itself becoming double with each act of binary division of the frustule, increases in breadth, while the frus- tules themselves remain coherent, so that a beautiful fan-like arrange- ment is produced (fig. 401). A splitting away of a few frustules seems occasionally to take place, from one side or the other, before the elongation of the stipe ; so that the entire plant presents us with a more or less complete flabella or fan upon the summit of the branches, with imperfect flabellse or single frustules irregularly scattered throughout the entire stalk. length of the foot- This beautiful plant is marine, and is attached and zoo- to seaweeds phytes. In the next family, that of Fragilariece, the frus- tules are of the same breadth at each end, so that if they unite into a filament they form a straight band. In some genera they are smooth, in others transversely striated, with a central nodule when striae are present, they run across the valves with- out interruption. To this family belongs the genus Diatoma, which gives its name to the entire group, that name (which means cutting through) being sug- gested by the curious habit of the genus, in which the frustules, after division, separate from each other along their lines of junction, but remain connected at their angles, so as to form zigzag chains (fig. 402). The valves of Diatoma, when turned sideways (a), are seen to be strongly marked by transverse stria*, which extend into the front view. The proportion between the length and the breadth of each valve is found to ,vary so con- siderably that, if the extreme forms only were compared, there would seem adequate ground for regarding them as belonging to different species. The genus inhabits fresh water, preferring gently streams, in which it is sometimes very abundant. The Fragilaria is nearly allied to Diatoma, the difference Fig. 402. Fis 4°2 Fig. 402. — Diatoma vulgare : a, side view of frustule ; b, frustule undergoing division. Fig. 403. — Grammatophora serpentina : a, front and side views of single frustule ; b, b, front and end views of divided frustule ; c, frustule about to undergo division; d, frustule completely divided. r unmng genus DIATOMACEJE : FRAGILARIEiE, SURIRELLECE S3S B C between them consisting chiefly in the mode of adhesion of the frustules, which in Fragihtria form long, straight filaments with parallel sides ; the filaments, however, as the name of the genus im- plies, very readily break up into their component frustules, often separating at the slightest touch. Its various species are very common in pools and ditches. This family is connected with the next by the genus Nitzschia, which is a somewhat aberrant form, dis- tinguished by the presence of a prominent keel on each valve, divid- ing it into two portions which are usually unequal, while the entire valve is sometimes curved, as in K. sigmoidea, which has been used as a test object, but is not suitable for that purpose on account of the extreme variability of its striation. Nearly allied to this is the genus Bacittaria, so named from the elongated stafl'-like form of its frustules ; its valves have a longitudinal punctated keel, and their transverse stride are interrupted in the median line. The principal species of this genus is the B. paradoxa, whose remarkable movement has been already described. Owing to this displacement of the frustules, its filaments seldom present themselves with straight parallel sides, but nearly always in forms more or less oblique, such as those represented in fig. 400. This curious object is an inhabitant of salt or of brackish water. Many of the species formerly ranked under this genus are now genus genera referred to the Diatoma. The Nitzschia and Baxsillaria have been associated by Mr. Ealfs 1 with some other genera which agree with them in the bacillar or staff-like form of the frustules and in the pre- sence of a longitudinal keel, in the sub-family Kitzschieo\ which ranks as a section of the Survrellece. Another sub-family, Synedrecv, consists of the genus Synedra and its allies, in which the bacillar form is retained, but the keel is wanting, and the valves are but little broader than the front of the frustule. In the Surirellece proper the frustules are no longer bacillar, and the breadth of the valves is usually (though not always) greater than the front view. The distinctive character of the genus Surirella, in addition to the presence of the supposed ' canaliculi,' is derived from the longitudinal line down the centre of each valve (fig. 404, A) and the prolongation of the margins into ' ala?.' Numerous species are known, which are mostly of a somewhat ovate form, i See Pritchard's Infusoria, 4th ed. p. 940. The genus Nitzschia was in the first instance placed by Mr. Ralfs in the family Fragtlarieee, and the genus Bacil- laria in the family Surirellece. Fig. .404. — Surirella constricia : A, side view; B, front view ; C, binary subdivision. 53^ MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE some being broader and others narrower than S. constricta ; the greater part of them are inhabitants of fresh or brackish water, though some few are marine ; and several occur in those infusorial earths which seem to have been deposited at the bottoms of lakes, such as that of the Mourne Mountains in Ireland (fig. 419, b, c, k). In the genus Campylodixcus (fig. 405) the valves are so greatly in- creased in breadth as to present almost the form of discs (A), and at the same time have more or less of a peculiar twist or saddle- shaped curvature (B). It is in this genus that the supposed ' cana- liculi ' are most developed, and it is consequently here that they may be best studied ; and of there being here really costce, or internally projecting ribs, no reasonable doubt can remain after examination of them under the binocular microscope, especially with the ' black- ground ' illumination. The form of the valves in most of the species is circular or nearly so ; some are nearly flat, whilst in others the twist is greater than in the species here represented. Some of the species are marine, whilst others occur in fresh water ; a very beautiful form, the C. clypeus, exists in such abundance in the Fig. 405. — Campylocliscus costatus : A, front view; B, side view. infusorial stratum discovered by Professor Ehrenberg at Soos, near Ezer, in Bohemia, that the earth seems almost entirely composed of it. The next family, Striatellece, forms a very distinct group, differ- entiated from every other by having longitudinal costse on the connecting portions of the frustules, these costoe being formed by the inward projection of annular siliceous plates (which do not, however, reach to the centre), so as to form septa dividing the cavity of the cell into imperfectly separated chambers. In some instances these annular septa are only formed during the production of the valves in the act of division, and on each repetition of such pro- duction, being thus always definite in number ; whilst in other cases the formation of the septa is continued after the production of the valves, and is repeated an uncertain number of times before the recurrence of a new valve-production, so that the annuli are indefinite in number. In the curious Grammatophora serpentina (fig. 403) the septa have several undulations and incurved ends, so as to form serpentine curves, the number of which seems to vary with the length of the frustule. The lateral surfaces of the valves in MATOMACEJE: STRIA TELLE iE, MELOSIK K . I \ 537 Grammatoplwra are very finely striated, and some species, as G. subtilissima and G. marina, are used as test-objects. The frustules in most of the genera of this family separate into zigzag chains, as in Diatoma ; but in a few instances they cohere into a filament, and still more rarely they are furnished with a stipe. The small family Terpsinoece was separated by Mr. Ralfs from the Striatellece^ with which it is nearly allied in general characters, because its septa (which in the latter are longitudinal and divide the central portions into chambers) are transverse, and are confined to the lateral portions of the frustules, which appear in the front view as in Biddulphieas. The typical form of this family is the Terpsinoe musica, so named from the resemblance which the markings of its costse bear to musical notes. We next come to two families in which the lateral surfaces of the frustules are circular \ so that, according to the flatness or convexity of the valves and the breadth of the intervening hooped band, the frustules may have the form either of thin discs, short cylinders, bi-convex lenses, oblate spheroids, or even of spheres. Looking at the structure of the individual frustules, the line of demarcation between these two families, Melosirece and Coscino- discece, is by no means distinct, the principal difference between them being that the valves of the latter are commonly areolated, whilst those of the former are smooth. Another important differ- ence, however, lies in this, that the frustules of the C oscinodiscece are always free, whilst those of the Melosirece remain coherent into filaments, which often so strongly resemble those of the simple Confervacece as to be readily distinguishable only by the effect of heat. Of these last the most important genus is Melosira (fig. 395). Some of its species are marine, others fresh -water ; one of the latter, M. ochracea, seems to grow best in boggy pools containing a fer- ruginous impregnation ; and it is stated by Professor Ehrenberg that it takes up from the water, and incorporates with its own substance, a considerable quantity of iron. The filaments of Melosira very commonly fall apart at the slightest touch, and in the infusorial earths in which some species abound the frustules are always found detached (fig. 419, a, a, d, d). The meaning of the remarkable difference in the sizes and forms of the frustules of the same filaments (fig. 395) has not yet been fully ascertained. The sides of the valves are often marked with radiating stride (fig. 419, d, d) ; and in some species they have toothed or serrated margins, by which the frustules lock together. To this family belongs the genus Hyalo- discus, of which H. subtilis was first brought into notice by the late Professor Bailey as a test-object, its disc being marked, like the engine-turned back of a watch, with lines of exceeding delicacy, only visible by good objectives and careful illumination. The family Coscinodiscece includes a large proportion of the most beautiful of those discoidal diatoms of which the valves do not present any considerable convexity, and are connected by a narrow zone. The genus Coscinodiscus, which is easily distinguished from most of the genera of this family by not having its disc divided into compartments, is of great interest from the vast abundance of its 538 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE valves in certain fossil deposits (fig. 418, a, a, a), especially the infusorial earth of Richmond in Virginia, of Bermuda, and of Oran, as also in guano. Each frustule is of discoidal shape, being com- posed of two delicately undulating valves united by a hoop ; so that if the frustules remain in adhesion, they would form a filament resembling that of Melosira (fig. 395, B). The regularity of the hexagonal areolation shown by its valves renders them beautiful microscopic objects : in some species the areola are smallest near the centre, and gradually increase in size towards the margin ; in others a few of the central areolae are the largest, and the rest are of nearly uniform size ; while in others, again, there are radiating lines formed by areolae of a size different from the rest. Most of the species are either marine or are inhabitants of brackish water ; when living they are most commonly found adherent to sea-weeds or zoophytes ; but when dead the valves fall as a sediment to the bottom of the water. In both these conditions they were found by Fig. 406. — Structure of siliceous valve of Coscinodiscus oculus iriclis : 1, hexagonal areola of inner or ' eye-spot ' layer; 2, areola of outer layer. Professor J. Quekett in connection with zoophytes which had been brought home from Melville Island by Sir E. Parry ; and the species seem to be identical with those of the Richmond earth. The investigations of Mr. J. W. Stephenson 1 on Coscinodiscus oculus iridis show that the peculiar ' eye-like ' appearance in the centre of each of its hexagonal areolae arises from the intermingling of the markings of two distinct layers, differing considerably in structure, the markings of the lower layer being partially seen through those of the upper. By fracturing these diatoms Mr. Stephenson suc- ceeded in separating portions of the two layers, so that each could be examined singly. He also mounted them in bisulphide of carbon, the refractive index of which is high ; and also in a solution of phosphorus in bisulphide of carbon, which has a still higher refractive index. If we suppose a diatom to be marked with convex depressions, they would act as concave lenses in air, which is less refractive than their own silex ; but when such lenses are immersed in bisulphide of carbon, or in the phosphorus solution, they would be converted into convex lenses of the more refractive substance, and have their action in air reversed. Analogous but 1 Monthly Microscojrical Journal, vol. x. 1878, p. 1. DIATOMACEiE : COSCINODLSCEiK 539' opposite changes must take place when convex diatom-lenses are viewed first in air, and then in the more refractive media. Applying these and others tests to Coscinodiscus oculus iridic, Mr. Stephen- son considered both layers to be composed of hexagons, represented in fig. 406, from drawings by Mr. Stewart. The upper layer is much stronger and thicker than the lower one, and the framework of its hexagons more readily exhibits its beaded appearance. The lower layer is nearly transparent, and little conspicuous when seen in bisulphide of carbon, except as shown in the figure, when the framework of the hexagons and the rings in the midst of them appear thickened and more refractive. In both layers the balance of observations tends to the belief that the hexagons have no floors, and are in fact perforated by foramina like those of minute poly- cystina. The cells formed by the hexagons of the upper layer are of considerable depth ; those of the lower layer are shallower. It is very desirable that living forms of Coscinodisci should be carefully examined ; since, if they really have foramina, some minute organs may be protruded through them. The genus Actinocydus 1 closely resembles the preceding in form, but differs in the markings of its valvular discs, which are minutely and densely punctated or areolated, and are divided radially by single or double dotted lines, which, however, are not continuous but interrupted. The discs are generally iridescent ; and, when mounted in balsam, they present various shades of brown, green, blue, purple, and red ; blue or purple, however, being the most frequent. An immense number of species have been erected by Professor Ehrenberg on minute differences presented by the rays as to number and distribution ; but since scarcely two specimens can be found in which there is a perfect identity as to these particulars, it is evident that such minute differences between organisms other- wise similar are not of sufficient account to serve for the separation of species. This form is very common in guano from Ichaboe. Allied to the preceding are the two genera Asterol 'ampr a and Asteromphalus, both of which have circular discs of which the marginal portion is minutely areolated, whilst the central area is smooth and perfectly hyaline in appearance, but is divided by lines into radial compart- ments which extend from the central umbilicus towards the periphery. The difference between them simply consists in this, that in Astero- lampra all the compartments are similar and equidistant and the rays equal, whilst in Aster omplicd us (PI. I, fig. 3) two of the compartments are closer together than the rest, and the enclosed hyaline ray (which is distinguished as the median or basal ray) differs in form from the others, and is sometimes specially continuous with the umbilicus. The eccentricity thus produced in the other rays has been made the basis of another generic designation, Spatcmgidium ; but it may be doubted whether this is founded on a valid distinction.2 These 1 The Author concurs with Mr. Ralfs in thinking it preferable to limit the genus Actinocydus to the forms originally included in it by Ehrenberg, and to restore the genus Actinojityclius of Ehrenberg, which had been improperly united with Actino- cyclus by Professors Kiitzing and W. Smith. 2 See Greville in Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. vii. 1859, p. 158; and in Trans. Microsc. Soc. vol. viii. n.s. 18G0, p. 102, and vol. x. 1862, p. 41 ; also. Wallich in the same Transactions, vol. viii. 1860, p. 44. 54Q MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE beautiful discs are for the most part obtainable from guano, and from soundings in tropical and antarctic seas. From these we pass on to the genus Actinoptychus (fig. 407), of which also the frustules are discoidal in form, but in which each valve, instead of being flat, has an undulating surface, as is seen in front view (B), giving to the side view (A) the appearance of being marked by radiating bands. Owing to this peculiarity of shape, the whole surface cannot be brought into focus at once except with a low power ; and the difference of aspect which the different radial divisions present in fig. 407 is simply due to the fact that one set is out of focus whilst the other is in it, since the appearances are reversed by merely altering the focal adjustment. The number of radial divisions has been considered a character of sufficient importance to serve for the distinction of species ; but this is probably subject to variation ; since we not unfrequently meet with discs, of which one has (say) ■eight, and another ten such divisions, but which are precisely alike in every other particular. The valves of this genus also are very abundant in the infusorial earth of Richmond, Bermuda, and Oran (fig. 418, b, b, 6), and many of the same species have been found in guano and in the seas of various parts of the world. The frustules in their living state appear to be generally attached to sea-weeds or zoophytes. The Bermuda earth also contains the very beautiful form which, though scarcely separable from Actinoptychus except by its marginal spines, has received from Professor Ehrenberg the dis- tinctive appellation of Heliopelta (sun-shield). The object is repre- sented as seen on its internal aspect by the parabolic illuminator, which brings into view certain features that can scarcely be seen by ordinary transmitted light. Five of the radial divisions are seen to be marked out into circular areola? ; but in the five which alternate with them a minute beaded structure is observable. This may be shown, by careful adjustment of the focus, to exist over the whole interior of the valve, even on the divisions in which the circular areolation is here displayed ; and it hence appears probable that this marking belongs to the internal layer,1 and that the circular areolation exists in the outer layer of the silicified valves. In the alternating divisions whose surface is here displayed, the areolation of the outer layer, when brought into view by focussing down to it, is seen to be formed by equilateral triangles ; it is not, however, nearly so well marked as the circular areolation of the first-mentioned divisions. The dark spots seen at the end of the rays, like the 1 It is stated by Mr. Stodder (Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. hi. n.s. 1863, p. 215) that not only has he seen, in broken specimens, the inner granulated plate projecting beyond the outer, but that he has found the inner plate altogether separated from the outer. The Author is indebted to this gentleman for pointing out that his figure represents the inner surface of the valve. Fig. 407. — Actinoptychus undulatus: A, side view ; B, front view. DIATOMACEJE : COSCIXODLSCEiE, BIDDULPHIEiE 54 r dark centre, appear to be solid areolations of silex not traversed by markings, as in many other diatoms ; they are apparently not orifices, as supposed by Professor Ehrenberg. Of this type, again, specimens are found presenting six, eight, ten, or twelve radial divisions, but in other respects exactly similar ; on the other hand, two specimens agreeing in their number of divisions may exhibit minute differences of other kinds ; in fact, it is rare to find two that are precisely alike. It seems probable, then, that we must allow a considerable latitude of variation in these forms before attempting to separate any of them as distinct species. Another very beautiful discoidal diatom, which occurs in guano, and is also found attached to sea-weeds from different parts of the world (especially to a species employed by the Japanese in making soup), is the Arachnoid he us (Plate XII), so named from the resemblance which the beautiful markings on its disc cause it to bear to a spider's web. According to Mr. ►Shadbolt,1 who first carefully examined its structure, each valve consists of two layers : the outer one, a thin flexible horny membrane, indestructible by boiling in nitric acid ; the inner one siliceous. It is the former which has upon it the peculiar spider's web-like markings ; whilst it is the latter that forms the supporting framework which bears a very strong resemblance to that of a circular Gothic window. The two can occasionally be separated entire by first boiling the discs for a considerable time in nitric acid and then carefully washing them in distilled water. Even without such separation, however, the distinctness of the two layers can be made out by focussing for each separately under a \- or -i-inch objective ; or by look- ing at a valve as an opaque object (either by the parabolic illu- minator, or by the Lieberkiihn, or by a side light) with a T*r inch objective, first from one side and then from the other. But it can be seen to very best advantage by the use of apochromatic objectives of suitable power and a suitable diaphragm for dark- ground illumination.2 This family is connected with the succeeding by the small group Wupodiscece, the members of which agree with the Coscinodiseeee in the general character of their discoid frustules, and with the Bid- did 'phiece in having areolar processes on their lateral surfaces. In the beautiful Aulacodiscus these areolations are situated near the margin, and are connected with bands radiating from the centre : tho surface also is frequently inflated in a manner that reminds us of Actinoptychus. These forms are for the most part obtained from guano. The members of the next family, Biddulphiece, differ greatly in their general form from the preceding, being remarkable for the great development of the lateral valves, which, instead of being nearly flat or discoidal, so as only to present a thin edge in front view, are so convex or inflated as always to enter largely into the front view, causing the central zone to appear like a band between 1 Trans. ITicrosc. Society, 1st series, vol. iii. p. 49. 2 These valves afford admirable objects for showing the ' cor.vers:on of relief ' in Nachet's stereo-pseudoscopic microscope (p. 97). 542 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE them. This band is very narrow when the new frustules are first produced by binary division, but it increases gradually in breadth, until the new frustule is fully formed and is itself undergoing the same duplicative change. In Biddulphia (fig. 396) the frustules have a quadrilateral form, and remain coherent by their alternate angles (which are elongated into tooth-like projections), so as to form a zigzag chain. They are marked externally by ribbings which seem to be indicative of internal costce. partially subdividing the cavity. Nearly allied to this is the beautiful genus Isthmia (fig. 408), in which the frustules have a trapezoidal form owing to the oblique prolongation of the valves ; the lower angle of each frustule is- coherent to the middle of the next one beneath, and from the basal frustule proceeds a stipe by which the filament is attached. Like the preceding, this genus is marine, and is found attached to the sea-weeds of our own shores. The areolated structure of its surface is very conspicuous both in the valves and in the connecting ' hoop ' ; and this hoop, being silicified, not only connects the two new frustules (as at 6, fig. 408), until they have separated from each other, but, after such separation, re- mains for a time round one of the frustules, so as to give it a truncated appearance (a, a). The family Angidiferce, distinguished by the angular form of its valves in their lateral aspect, is in many respects closely allied to the preceding ; but in the com- parative flattening of their valves its members more resemble the Cosci?iodiscece and Uupodiscece. Of this family we have a characteristic example in the genus Tri- ceratium, of which striking form a con- siderable number of species are met with in the Bermuda and other infusorial earths, while others are inhabitants of the Fig. 408.— Isthmia nervosa, existing ocean and of tidal rivers. The T. favus (fig. 393), which is one of the largest and most regularly marked of any of these, occurs in the mud of the Thames and in various other estuaries on our own coast ; it has been found, also, on the surface of large sea-shells from various parts of the world, such as those of Hipp>op>us and Haliotis, before they have been cleaned ; and it presents itself likewise in the infu- sorial earth of Petersburg (U.S.A.). The projections at the angles which are shown in that species are prolonged in some other species into ' horns ' ; whilst in others, again, they are mere tubercular eleva- tions. Although the triangular form of the frustule, when looked at sideways, is that which is characteristic of the genus, yet in some of the species there seems a tendency to produce quadrangular and even pentagonal forms, these being marked as varieties by their exact •correspondence in sculpture, colour, &c. with the normal triangular DlATOMACEJE : AXGULIFEE AZ, CILETOCEEE M 543 forms.1 This departure is extremely remarkable, since it breaks down what seems at first to be the most distinctive character of the genus ; and its occurrence is an indication of the degree of latitude which we ought to allow in other cases. It is difficult, in fact, to distinguish the square forms of Triceratium from those included in the genus Amphitetras, which is chiefly characterised by the cubiform shape of its frustules. In the latter the frustules cohere at their angles, so as to form zigzag filaments, whilst in the former the frustules are usually free, though they have occasionally been found in chains. Another group that seems allied to the Biddulphiece is the curious assemblage of forms brought together in the family Chcetocerece, some of the filamentous types of which seem also allied to the Melosirew. The peculiar distinction of this group consists in the presence of tubular 1 awns,' frequently proceeding from the connecting hoop, sometimes spinous and serrated, and often of great length (fig. 409) ; Fig. 409. — Chcetoceros Wighamii : a, front Fig. 410. — Bacteriastrum view, and b, side view of frustule ; c, side furcatum. view of connecting hoop and awns ; d, entire filament. by the interlacing of which the frustules are united into filaments whose continuity, however, is easily broken. In the genus Bacterias- trum (fig. 410) there are sometimes as many as twelve of these awns, radiating from each frustule like the spokes of a wheel, and in some instances regularly bifurcating. With this group is associated the genus Bhizosolenia, of which several species are distinguished by the extraordinary length of the frustule (which may be from six to twenty times its breadth), giving it the aspect of a filament (fig. 411), by a transverse annulation that imparts to this filament a jointed appearance, and by the termination of the frustule at each end in a 1 See Mr. Brightwell's excellent memoirs ' On the Genus Triceratium ' in Quari. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. i. 1853, p. 245 ; vol. iv. 1856, p. 272 ; vol. vi. 1858, p. 153; also Wallich in the same Journal, vol. iv. 1858, p. 242; and Greville in Trans. Microsc. Soc. n.s. vol. ix. 1861, pp. 43, 69. 544 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE cone, from the apex of which a straight awn proceeds. It is not a little remarkable that the greater number of the examples of this curious family are obtained from the stomachs of Ascidians, Salpa?, Holothurise, and other marine animals.1 The second principal division (B) of the Diatomacece consists, it will be remembered, of those in which the frustules have a median longitudinal line and a central nodule. In the first of the families which it includes, that of Cocconeidew, the central nodule is obscure Fig. 411. — Bhizo- Fig. 412. — Achnanthes Fig. 413. — Gomphonema gemi- solenia imbri- longipes : a, b, c, d, e, natiim : its frustules connected by cata. frustules in different a dichotomous stipe, stages of binary divi- sion. or altogether wanting on one of the valves, which is distinguished as the inferior. This family consists but of a single genus, Cocconeis, which includes, however, a great number of species, some or other of them occurring in every part of the globe. Their form is usually that of ellipsoidal discs, with surfaces more or less exactly parallel, plane, or slightly curved ; and they are very commonly found adherent to each other. The frustules in this genus are frequently invested by a membranous envelope which forms a border to them ; but this 1 See Brightwell in Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. iv. 1856, p. 105 ; vol. vi. 1858, p. 93 ; Wallich in Trans. Microsc. Soc. n.s. vol. viii. 1800, p. 48 ; and West, in the same, p. 151. DIATOMACEJE : ACHXAXTHE^E, GO MPHOXEME.E seems to belong to the immature state, subsequently disappearing more or less completely. Another family in which there is a dissimilarity in the two lateral surfaces is that of the Achnanthece, the frustules of which are remarkable for the bend they show in the direction of their length, often more conspicuously than in the example here repre- sented. This family contains free, adherent, and stipitate forms, one of the most common of the latter being Achnanthes longipes (tig. 412), which is often found growing on marine algae. The difference between the markings of the upper and lower valves is here distinctly seen ; for while both are traversed by striae, which are resolvable under a sufficient power into rows of dots, as well as by a longitudinal line which sometimes has a nodule at each end (as in JVavicala), the lower valve (a) has also a transverse line, form- ing a stauros, or cross, which is wanting in the upper valve (e). A persistence of the connecting membrane, so as to form an additional connection between the cells, may sometimes be observed in this genus ; thus in fig. 412 it not only holds together the two new frustules resul- ting from the subdivi- sion of the lowest cell, a, which are not yet com- pletely separated the one from the other, but it may be observed to invest the two frustules b and c, which have not merely separated, FiG iU._Gomphonema gemimUinh more u u but are themselves begin- magnified : A, side view of frustule ; B, front view ; ning to undergo binary sub- C, frustule in the act of division, division ; and it may also be perceived to invest the frustule d, from which the frustule e, being the terminal one, has more completely freed itself. In the family Cymbellece, on the other hand, both valves possess the longitudinal line with a nodule in the middle of its length ; but the valves have the general form of those of the Eunotiew, and the line is so much nearer one margin than the other that the nodule is sometimes rather marginal than central, as we see in Cocconema (fig. 419,/). The Gomphonemece, like the Meridiece and Licmophorecr, have frustules which are cuneate or wedge-shaped in their front view (figs. 413, 414), but are distinguished from those forms by the presence of the longitudinal line and central nodule. Although there are some free forms in this family, the greater part of them, included in the genus Gomphonema, have their frustules either affixed at their bases or attached to a stipe. This stipe seems to be formed by an exu- dation from the frustule, which is secreted only during the process of binary division ; hence, when this process has been completed, the extension of the single filament below the frustules ceases ; but when N H 546 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE it recommences a sort of joint or articulation is formed, from which a new filament begins to sprout for each of the half-frustules ; and when these separate, they carry apart the peduncles which support them as far as their divergence can take place. It is in this manner that the dichotomous character is given to the entire stipe (fig. 413). The species of Gomphonema are, with few exceptions, inhabitants of fresh water, and are among the commonest forms of Diatomacece. Lastly, we come to the large family Naviculecz, the members of which are distinguished by the symmetry of their frustules, as well in the lateral as in the front view, and by the presence of a median longitudinal line and central nodule in both valves, -In the genus Navicula and its allies the frustules are free or simply adherent to each other ; while in another large section they are in- cluded within a gelatinous envelope, or are enclosed in a defi- nite tubular or gelatinous frond. Of the genus Navicula an immense number of species have been described, the grounds of separation being often extremely trivial. Those which have a lateral sigmoid curvature have been separated by Mr. W. Smith under the designation Pleurosignia, which is now generally adopted ; but his separation of another set of species under the name Pinnu- laria (which had been previously applied by Ehrenberg to designate the striated species), on the ground that its strife (costse) are not resolvable into dots, was not considered valid by Mr. Ralfs, because in many of the more minute species it is impossible to distinguish with certainty between striae and coste?. Mr. Slack has since given an account of the resolution of the so-called costse of twelve species of Pinnularice into ' beaded ' structures. 1 The beauti- ful genus Stauroneis, which belongs to the same group, differs from all the preceding forms in having the central nodule of each valve dilated laterally into a band free from stria?, which forms a cross with the longitudinal band. The multitudinous species of the genus Navicula are for the most part inhabitants of fresh water ; and they constitute a large part of most of the so-called 'infusorial earths' which were deposited at the bottoms of lakes. Among the most remarkable of such deposits are the substances largely used in the arts for the polishing of metals, under the names of Tripoli and rotten-stone; these consist in great part of the frustules of Navicular and Pinnulariw. The Polierschiefer, or 'polishing slate,' of Bilin in Bohemia, the powder of which is largely used in Germany for the same purpose, and which also furnishes the fine sand used for the most delicate castings in iron, occurs in a series of beds averaging fourteen feet in thickness, and these present appearances which indicate that they nave been at some time exposed to a high temperature. The well- known 'Turkey-stone,' so generally employed for the sharpening of edge-tools, seems to be essentially composed of a similar aggregation of frustules of Navicuke &c. which have been consolidated by heat. The species of Pleurosigma, on the other hand, are for the most part either marine or are inhabitants of brackish water, and they compara- tively seldom present themselves in a fossilised state. Of Stauroneis some species inhabit fresh water, while others are marine ; and the former present themselves frequently in certain ' infusorial earths.' 1 Monthly Microscopical Journal, vol. vi. 1871, p. 71. DIATOMA CEM SCHIZONEME^S 547 Of the members of the sub-family Schizonemea;, consisting of those JSfaviculece in which the frustules are united by a gelatinous envelope, some are remarkable for the great external resemblance they bear to acknowledged algse. This is especially the case with the genus Schizonema, in which the gelatinous envelope forms a regular tubular frond, more or less branched, and of nearly equal diameter throughout, within which the frustules lie either in single iile or without any definite arrangement (fig. 415), all these frustules having arisen from the binary division of one individual. In the genus Mastogloia, which is specially distinguished by having the annulus furnished with internal costye projecting into the cavity of the frus- tule, each frustule is separately supported on a gelatinous cushion /(fig. 416, B), which may itself be either borne on a branching stipe Fig. 415. — Schizonema Grevillii : A, natural size ; B, portion magnified five diameters ; C, filament magnified 100 diameters ; D, single frustule. >(A), or may be aggregated with others into an indefinite mass (fig. 417). The careful study of these composite forms is a matter of great importance, since it enables us to bring into comparison with •each other great numbers of frustules which have unquestionably a common descent, and which must therefore be accounted as of the same species, and thus to obtain an idea of the range of variation, prevailing in this group, without a knowledge of which specific defini- tion is altogether unsafe. Of the very strongly marked varieties which may occur within the limits of a single species, we have an example in the valves C, D, E, F (fig. 416), which would scarcely have been ■supposed to belong to the same specific type did they not occur upon the same stipe. The careful study of these varieties in every instance in which any disposition to variation shows itself, so n n 2 548 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE as to reduce the enormous number of species with which our sys- tematic treatises are loaded, is a pursuit of far greater real value than the multiplication of species by the detection of such minute- differences as may be presented by" forms discovered in newly ex- plored localities ; such differences as have already been pointed out being, probably, in a large proportion of cases, the result of the mul- tiplication of some one form, which, under modifying influences that we do not yet understand, has departed from the ordinary type. The more faithfully and comprehensively this study is carried out in any department of natural history, the more does it prove that the ranger Fig. 416. Fig. 41G. — Mastogloia Smithii: A, entire stipe; B, frustule in its gelatinous. envelope ; C-F, different forms of frustule as seen in side view ; G, front view ; H, frustule undergoing subdivision. Fig. 417. — Mastogloia lanceolata. of variation is far greater than had been previously imagined y and this is especially likely to be the case with such humble organisms as those we have been considering, since they are obviously more influenced than those of higher types by the conditions under which they are developed ; whilst, from the very wide geographical range through which the same forms are diffused, they are subject to very great diversities of such conditions. The general habits of this most interesting group cannot be better stated than in the words of Mr. W. Smith : — ' The Diatomacece inhabit the sea or fresh water; but the species peculiar to the one are never found in a living state in the other locality ;. DISTRIBUTION OF DIATOMS 549 though there are some which prefer a medium of a mixed nature, and are only to be met with in water more or less brackish. The latter are often found in great abundance and variety in districts occasionally subject to marine influences, such as marshes in the neighbourhood of the sea, or the deltas of rivers, where, on the occurrence of high tides, the freshness of the water is affected by percolation from the adjoining stream, or more directly by the occasional overflow of its banks. Other favourite habitats of the Diatomacece are stones of mountain streams or waterfalls, and the shallow pools left by the retiring tide at the mouths of our larger rivers. They are not, how- ever, confined to the localities I have mentioned — they are, in fact, most ubiquitous, and there is hardly a roadside ditch, water-trough, or cistern, which will not reward a search and furnish specimens of the tribe.' Such is their abundance in some rivers and estuaries, that their multiplication is affirmed by Professor Ehrenberg to have exercised an important influence in blocking up harbours and diminishing the depth of channels ! Of their extraordinary abundance in certain parts of the ocean the best evidence is afforded by the observations of Sir J. D. Hooker upon the Diatomacea- of the southern seas ; for within the Antarctic Circle they are rendered peculiarly conspicuous by becoming enclosed in the newly formed ice, and by being washed up in myriads by the sea on to the ' pack ' and 'bergs,' everywhere staining the white ice and snow a pale ochreous brown. A deposit of mud, chiefly consisting of the siliceous valves of Diato- macece, not less than 400 miles long and 120 miles broad, was found at a depth of between 200 and 400 feet on the flanks of Victoria Land in 70° south latitude. Of the thickness of this deposit no conjecture could be formed ; but that it must be continually increasing is evi- dent, the silex of which it is in a great measure composed being indestructible. A fact of peculiar interest in connection with this deposit is its extension over the submarine flanks of Mount Erebus, an active volcano of 12, -400 feet elevation, since a commu- nication between the ocean waters and the bowels of a volcano, such as there are other reasons for believing to be occasionally formed, would account for the presence of Diatomacece in volcanic ashes and pumice which was discovered by Professor Ehrenberg. It is remarked by Sir. J. D. Hooker that the universal presence of this microscopic vegetation throughout the South Polar Ocean is a most important feature, since there is a marked deficiency in this region of higher forms of vegetation ; and were it not for them, there would neither be food for aquatic animals, nor (if it were possible for these to maintain themselves by preying on one another) could the ocean waters be purified of the carbonic acid which animal re- spiration and decomposition would be continually imparting to them. It is interesting to observe that some species of marine diatoms are found through every degree of latitude between Spitzbergen and Victoria Land, whilst others seem limited to particular regions. One of the most singular instances of the preservation of diatomaceous forms is their existence in guano, into which they must have passed from the intestinal canals of the birds of whose accumulated excre- ment that substance is composed, those birds having received them, it 55o MICROSCOPIC POEMS OP VEGETABLE LIFE is probable, from shell-fish, to which these minute organisms serve as- ordinary food. The indestructible nature of the silicified casings of Biatomacece has also served to perpetuate their presence in numerous localities from which their living forms have long since disappeared ; for the accumulation of sediment formed by their successive production and death, even on the bed of the ocean or on the bottoms of fresh- water lakes, gives rise to deposits which may attain considerable thickness, and which, by subsequent changes of level, may come to form part of the dry land. Thus very extensive siliceous strata, consisting almost entirely of marine Diatomacece, are found to. alter- Fig. 418. — Fossil Diatomaceae &c. from Oran : a, a, a, Coscinocliscus ; b, b, b,. Actinocyclus ; c, Dictyochya fibula; d, Lithasteriscus radiatus; e, Spongolithis acicularis ; /, /, Grammatophora yparallela (side view) ; g, g, Grammatojphora angulosa (front view). nate, in the neighbourhood of the Mediterranean, with calcareous strata chiefly formed of Foraminifera, the whole series being the re- presentative of the chalk formation of Northern Europe, in which the silex that was probably deposited at first in this form has under- gone conversion into flint, by agencies hereafter to be considered* Of the diatomaceous composition of these strata we have a character- istic example in fig. 418, which represents the fossil Diatomacece of Oran in Algeria. The so-called ' infusorial earth ' of Richmond in Virginia, as well as that of Bermuda, both marine deposits, are very celebrated among microscopists for the number and beauty of the forms they have yielded ; the former constitutes a stratum of eighteen feet in thickness, underlying the whole city, and extending over an area whose limits are not known. Several deposits of more limited DISTRIBUTION OF DIATOMS 551 extent, and apparently of fresh-water origin, have been found in our own islands ; as, for instance, at Dolgelly in North Wales, at South Mourne in Ireland (fig. 419), and in the island of Mull in Scotland. Similar deposits in Sweden and Norway are known under the name of bergmehl, or mountain-flour ; and in times of scarcity the inha- bitants of those countries are accustomed to mix these substances with their dough in making bread. This has been supposed merely to have the effect of giving increased bulk to their loaves, so as to render the really nutritive portion more satisfying ; but as the berg- meld "has been found to lose from a quarter to a third of its weight by exposure to a red heat, there seems a strong probability that it Fig. 419. — Fossil Diatomacece Sec. from Mourne Mountains, Ireland : a, a, a, GaiUonella [Melosira) procera and G. granuJata ; d, d, d, G. biseriata (side view) ; b, b, Surirella plicata ; c, S. craticula ; k, S. caledcnica ; e, Gomphonema gracile ; /, Cocconema fusidium; g, Tabellaria vulgaris ; h, Pinnularia dactijlus ; i, P . nobilis; I, Synedra ulna. contains organic matter enough to render it nutritious in itself. When thus occurring in strata of a fossil or sub-fossil character, the diatomaceous deposits are generally distinguishable as white or cream-coloured powders of extreme fineness. For collecting fresh Diatomacece those general methods are to be had recourse to which have been already described. ' Their living masses,' says Mr. W. Smith, 1 present themselves as coloured fringes attached to larger plants, or forming a covering to stones or rocks in cushion-like tufts — or spread over their surface as delicate velvet — or depositing themselves as a filmy stratum on the mud, or inter- mixed with the scum of living or decaved vegetation floating on the surface of the water. Their colour is usually a yellowish-brown of a 552 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE greater or less intensity, varying from a light chestnut in individual specimens to a shade • almost approaching black in the aggregated masses. Their presence may often be detected, without the aid of a microscope, by the absence, in many species, of the fibrous tenacity which distinguishes other plants • when removed from their natural position they become distributed through the water, and are held in suspension by it, only subsiding after some little time has elapsed.' Notwithstanding every care, the collected specimens are liable to be mixed with much foreign matter ; this may be partly got rid of by repeated washings in pure water, and by taking advantage, at the same time, of the different specific gravities of the diatoms and of the intermixed substances, to secure their separation. Sand, being the heaviest, will subside first ; fine particles of mud, on the other hand, will float after the diatoms have subsided. The tendency of living diatoms to make their way towards the light will afford much assistance in procuring the free forms in a tolerably clean state ; for if the gathering which contains them be left undisturbed for a suf- ficient length of time in a shallow vessel exposed to the sunlight, they may be skimmed from the surface. Marine forms must be looked for upon sea-weeds, and in the fine mud or sand of soundings or dredgings ; they are frequently found also, in considerable numbers, in the stomachs of Holothurise, Asciclians, and Salpse, in those of the oyster, scallop, whelk, and other testaceous molluscs, in those of the crab and lobster, and other Crustacea, and even in those of the sole, turbot, and other flat-fish. In fact, the diatom collector will do well to examine the digestive cavity of any small aquatic animals that may fall in his way, rare and beautiful forms having been obtained from the interior of JVoctiluca. The separation of the diatoms from the other contents of these stomachs must be accom- plished by the same process as that by which they are obtained from guano or the calcareous ' infusorial earths.' Of this the follow- ing are the most essential particulars : The guano or earth is first to be washed several times in pure water, which should be well stirred, and the sediment then allowed to subside for some hours before the water is poured off, since, if it be decanted too soon, it may carry the lighter forms away with it. Some kinds of earth have so little impurity that one washing suffices ; but in any case it is to be continued so long as the water remains coloured. The deposit is then to be treated, in a flask or test-tube, with hydro- chloric (muriatic) acid, and, after the first effervescence is over, a gentle heat may be applied. As soon as the action has ceased, and time has been given for the sediment to subside, the acid should be poured off and another portion added ; and this should be repeated as often as any effect is produced. When hydrochloric acid ceases to act, strong nitric acid should be substituted ; and after the first effervescence is over, a continued heat of about 200° F. should be applied for some hours. When sufficient time has been given for subsidence, the acid may be poured off and the sediment treated with another portion ; and this is to be repeated until no further action takes place. The sediment is then to be washed until all trace of the acid is removed ; and, if there have been no admixture of siliceous COLLECTION AND MOUNTING OF DIATOMS 553 sand in the earth or guano, this sediment will consist almost entirely of Diatomacece, with the addition, perhaps, of sponge-spicules. The separation of siliceous sand and the subdivision of the entire aggre- gate of diatoms into the larger and the finer kinds, may be accom- plished by stirring the sediment in a tall jar of water, and then, while it is still in motion, pouring off the supernatant fluid as soon as the coarser particles have subsided ; this fluid should be set aside, and, as soon as a finer sediment has subsided, it should again be pour.ed off ; and this process may be repeated three or four times at increasing intervals, until no further sediment subsides after the lapse of half an hour. The first sediment will probably contain all the sandy particles, with, perhaps, some of the largest diatoms, which may be picked out from among them ; and the subsequent sediments will consist almost exclusively of diatoms, the sizes of which will be so graduated that the earliest sediments may be examined with the lower powers, the next with medium powers, while the latest will require the higher powers — a separation which is attended with great convenience.1 It sometimes happens that fossilised diatoms are so strongly united to each other by siliceous cement as not to be separable by ordinary methods ; in this case, small lumps of the deposit should be boiled for a short time in a weak alkaline solution, which will act upon this cement more readily than on the siliceous frustules ; and as soon as the lump is softened, so as to crumble to mud, this must be immediately washed, in a large quantity of water, and then treated in the usual way. If a very weak alkaline solution does not answer the purpose, a stronger one may then be tried. This method, devised by Professor Bailey, has been practised by him with much success in various cases.2 The mode of mounting specimens of Diatomacece will depend upon the purpose which they are intended to serve. If they can be obtained quite fresh, and if it be desired that they should exhibit, as closely as possible, the appearance presented by the living plants, they should be put up in aqueous media within cement- cells • but if they are not thus mounted within a short time after they have been gathered, about a tenth part of alcohol should be added to the water. If it be desired to exhibit the stipitate forms in their natural position adherent to other aquatic plants, the entire mass may be mounted in Deane's medium or in glycerin jelly, in a deeper cell ; and such a preparation is a very beautiful object for the back-ground illumina- tion. If, on the other hand, the minute structure of the siliceous envelopes is the feature to be brought into view, the fresh diatoms must be boiled in nitric or hydrochloric acid, which must then be poured off (sufficient time being allowed for the deposit of the 1 A somewhat more complicated method of applying the same principle is described by fMr. Okeden in the Quart. Journal Microsc. Science, vol. iii. 1855, p. 158. The Author believes, however, that the method above described will answer every jmrpose. 2 For other methods of cleaning and preparing diatoms, see Quart. Journ. of Microsc. Science, vol. vii. 1859, p. 167, and vol. i. n.s. 1861, p. 143; and Trans, of Microsc. Soc. vol. xi. n.s. 1863, p. 4. A little book entitled Practical Directions for Collecting, Preserving, Transporting, Preparing, and Mounting Diatoms (New York, 1877), containing papers by Professors A. Mead Edwards, Christopher Johnson, and Hamilton L. Smith, will be found to contain much useful information. 554 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE residue) ; and the sediment, after being washed, should be boiled in water with a small piece of soap, whereby the diatoms will be cleansed from the flocculent matter which they often obstinately retain.1 After a further washing in pure water, they are to be either mounted in balsam in the ordinary manner, or be set up ' dry ' on a very thin slide. In order to obtain a satisfactory view of their markings, objec- tives of very large aperture are required, and all the improvements which have recently been introduced in the construction and mode of using the sub-stage condenser require to be put into practice. But to those who have the time, the will, and the appliances, there is a fine field now open for working, to a far higher point than we have touched at present, the true structure of such diatoms as can be made amenable to the powers possessed by our best recent optical appliances ; and for the leisure of a professional or commercial man we know of no more suitable and attractive employment for the microscope. It will often be convenient to mount certain particular forms of Diatomacece separately from the general aggregate ; but, on account of their minuteness, they cannot be selected and removed by the usual means. The larger forms which may be readily distin- guished under a simple microscope may be taken up by a camel's- hair pencil which has been so trimmed as to leave two or three hairs projecting beyond the rest. But the smaller can only be dealt with by a single fine bristle or stout sable-hair, which may be inserted into the cleft end of a slender wooden handle ; and if the bristle or hair should be split at its extremity in a brush-like manner it will be particularly useful. (Such split hairs may always be found in a shaving brush which has been for some time in use ; those should be selected which have their split portions so closely in contact that they appear single until touched at their ends.) When the split extremity of such a hair touches the glass slide, its parts separate from each other to an amount proportionate to the pressure ; and, on being brought up to the object, first pushed to the edge of the fluid on the slide, may generally be made to seize it. A very experienced American diatomist, Professor Hamilton Smith, strongly recom- mends a thread of glass drawn out to capillary fineness and flexibility, by which (he says) the most delicate diatom may be safely taken up, and deposited upon a slide damped by the breath. For the selection and transference of diatoms under the compound microscope, recourse may be had to some of the forms of ' mechanical finger ' which have been devised by American diatomists.2 Phseosporese. — The greater number of the sea-weeds exhibit a higher type of organisation than any that has hitherto been described. The old classification of sea-weeds into Melanosporece, Rhodosporece, and Chlorosporece, according as their colouring matter is olive-brown, red, or green, cannot altogether be retained. Under the head of Phceosporece is now included a very large number of the brown ano! 1 See Prof. H. L. Smith in Amer. Journ. of Microscopy, vol. v. 1880, p. 257. It is important that the soap should be free from kaolin, silex, or any other insoluble matter. 2 For a description of those of Prof. Hamilton Smith and Dr. Eezner, see Journ. of Boy. Microsc. Soc. vol. ii. 1879, p. 951 ; and that of Mr. Veeder, vol. iii. 1880, p. 700, of the same Journal. PHJEOSPOREJE 555 olive-brown sea-weeds. In ascending this series we shall have to notice a gradual differentiation of organs, those set apart for reproduction being in the first place separated from those appro- priated to nutrition ; while the principal parts of the nutritive apparatus, which are at first so blended into a uniform expansion or thallus that no real distinction exists between root, stem, and leaf, are progressively evolved on types more and more peculiar to each respectively, and have their functions more and more limited to themselves alone. Hence we find a 'differentiation,' not merely in the external form of organs, but also in their internal structure, its degree bearing a close correspondence to the degree in which their functions are respectively specialised or limited to particular actions. But this takes place by very slow gradations, a change of external form often showing itself before there is any decided differentiation either in structure or function. Thus in the simple Ulvacece, what- ever may be the extent of the thallus, every part has exactly the same structure, and performs the same actions, as every other part, living for and by itself alone. And though, when we pass to the higher sea-weeds, such as the common Fucus and Laminaria, we observe a certain foreshadowing of the distinction between root, stem, and leaf, this distinction is very imperfectly carried out, the root-like and stem-like portions serving for little else than the mechanical attachment of the leaf -like part of the plant. There is not yet any departure from the simple cellular type of structure, the only modification being that the several layers of cells, where many exist, are of different sizes and shapes, the texture being usually closer on the exterior and looser within, and that the tex- ture of the stem and roots is denser than that of the leaf -like expan- sions or fronds. The cells of the Plueosporeai contain a substance closely resembling starch, and an olive-brown pigment, which they share with the Fucacece, known as phycophwin. The group of olive- green sea-weeds presents us with the lowest type in the family FctocarjXLcece, which, notwithstanding, contains some of the most elegant structures that are anywhere to be found in the group, the full beauty of which can only be discerned by the microscope. Such is the case, for example, with Sphacelaria, a small and delicate sea- weed, which is very commonly found growing upon larger alga?, either near low-water mark or altogether submerged, its general form being remarkably characterised by a symmetry that extends also to the individual branches, the ends of which, however, have a decayed look that seems to have suggested the name of the genus (from the Greek o-^aKeAo?, gangrene). This apparent decay possibly consists in the resolution of the endochrome of the terminal cells into motile bi- ciliated antherozoids, which, when mature, escape by an opening with a long tubular neck, which forms itself in the wall of the sphacele. The same happens with the terminal cells of the peculiar lateral branchlets, which are known as propagative buds. J anczewski, how- ever, believes that these so-called antherozoids are really the zoospores of parasitic fungi, belonging to the family Chytridiacece, with which the sphaceles of the Sphacelariaceo3 are liable to be infested. It is doubtful whether there is any true process of sexual reproduction in 556 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE the Sphacela/riacece. The ordinary mode of propagation of the Pkceosporece is by non-sexual zoospores ; and these are of two kinds, produced respectively in unilocular and multilocular zoosporanges. The former are comparatively large, nearly spherical, ovoid or pear- shaped cells, the contents of which break up into a large number of zoospores. The multilocular zoosporanges have the appearance of jointed hairs, and are divided internally into a number of chambers, each of which gives birth to a single zoospore. The zoospores from the unilocular sporanges appear in all cases to germinate directly, while those from the multilocular sporanges sometimes coalesce in pairs before germinating. The different families of Phceosporece present a most interesting gradual transition from the conjugation of swarm-cells to the impregnation of a female 'oosphere' by male anthe- rozoids. In Ectocarpus, Giraudia, and Scytosijyhon, conjugation takes place be- tween swarm-cells from the multilo- cular sporanges which appear to be exactly alike, but a slight differentia- tion is exhibited in one of them coming to rest and partially losing its cilia before conjugation takes place (fig. 420, II). In Cutleria and Zanardinia the differentiation is more complete. The male and female swarm-cells are pro- duced either on the same or on different individuals ; the latter are much larger than the former, and come perfectly to rest, entirely losing their cilia before being impregnated by the former. In Dictyota the differentiation is carried still further, and the female reproduc- tive bodies are true ' oospheres,' being from the first motionless masses of pro- toplasm not provided with cilia. In the family Laminariacece, belonging to the Phceosporece, are included many of the largest of the sea-weeds, chiefly natives of southern seas, the frond often attain- ing enormous dimensions, and exhibiting rudimentary differentiation into rhizoids or organs of attachment, stem, and leaves. Such are Lessonia, which stows to a great height and resembles a branching tree with pendent leaves two or three feet long ; Macrocystis, where the stalk-like base of each branch of the leaf is hollowed out into a large pear-shaped air-bladder ; JVereocystis, Laminaria, and others. In the Fucacese the generative apparatus is contained in the globular ' conceptacles,' which are usually sunk in the tissue near the extremities of the fronds. In some species, as Fucus platycarpus, m Fig. 420. — Process of conjugation in Ectocarpits siliculosus. (From Vines's 'Physiology.') oogones ; the same conceptacles contain both ' antherids ' and others these two sexual elements are disposed in different conceptacles on the same plant ; whilst in the commonest of all, F. vesiculosus (blad- der-wrack), they are limited to different individuals. When a section FUCACEjE 557 is made through one of the flattened conceptacles of F. platycarpus, its interior is seen to be a nearly globular cavity (fig. 421), lined with hairs, some of which are greatly elongated, so as to project through the pore by which the cavity opens on the surface. Among these are to be distinguished, towards the period of their maturity, certain filaments (fig. 422, A), the antherids, whose granular contents acquire an orange hue, and gradually shape themselves into oval bodies (B), each with an orange- coloured spot and two long vibratile cilia, which, when discharged by the rupture of the con- taining cell, have for a time a rapid, undulatory motion whereby Fig. 421. — Vertical section of conceptacle of Fucus plat y carpus lined with filaments; among which lie the antheridial cells and the oogones containing oospheres. these ' antherozoids ' are diffused through the surrounding liquid. Lying amidst the mass of hairs, near the walls of the cavity, are- seen (fig. 421) numerous dark pear-shaped bodies, which are the oogones, or parent-cells of the ' oospheres.' Each of these oogones gives origin, by binary subdivision, to a cluster of eight ' germ-cells ' or oospheres ; and these are liberated from their envelopes before the act of fertilisation takes place. This act. consists in the swarming of the antherozoids over the surface of the oospheres, to which they communicate a rotatory motion by the vibration of their own cilia. In the hermaphrodite Fuci this takes place within the conceptacles, 558 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE :so that the oospheres do not make their exit from the cavity until after they have been fecundated ; but in the monoecious and ■dioecious species each kind of conceptacle separately discharges its contents, which come into contact on their exterior. The antheridial cells are usually ejected entire, but soon rupture so as to give exit to the antherozoids ; and the oogones also discharge their oospheres, which, meeting with antherozoids, are fecundated by them. The fertilised oospores soon acquire a new and firm envelope ; and, under favour- able circumstances, they speedily begin to develop themselves into new plants. The first change is the projection and narrowing of one end into a kind of foot-stalk, by which the oospore attaches itself, its form passing from the globular to the pear-shaped ; a par- tition is speedily observable in its interior, its single cell being sub- divided into two ; and by a continuation of a like process of biparti- Fig. 422. — Antlierids and antherozoids of Fucus platycarjius : A, branching articulated hairs, detached from the walls of the conceptacle, bearing antherids in different stages of development ; B, antherozoids, some of them free, others still included in their antheridial cells. tion, first a filament and then a frondose expansion is produced, which gradually evolves itself into the likeness of the parent plant. The whole of this process may be watched without difficulty by obtaining specimens of F. vesiculosus at the period at which the fructification is shown to be mature by the recent discharge of the contents of the conceptacles in little gelatinous masses outside their orifices ; for if some of the oospheres which have been set free from the olive-green (female) conceptacles be placed in a drop of sea- water in a very shallow cell, and a small quantity of the mass of antherozoids, set free from the orange-yellow (male) conceptacles, be mingled with the fluid, they will speedily be observed, with the aid of a magnifying power of 200 or 250 diameters, to go through the actions just described ; and the subsequent processes of germi- nation may be watched by means of the ' growing slide.' 1 The 1 A shallow cell should be used, so as to keep the pressure of the thin glass from the minute bodies beneath, whose movements it will otherwise impede. 559 winter months, from December to March, are the most favourable for the observation of these phenomena ; but where Fuci abound, some individuals will usually be found in fructification at almost any period of the year. This process of fertilisation usually takes place on fronds exposed to the air on the wet beach between high- and low-water mark ; and, to assist in it, the comparatively heavy fronds of many Fucacece are buoyed up by air-cavities, which take the form of the well-known 1 bladders ' of the 1 bladder-wrack ' and other species of Fucus, imbedded in the frond, and the ' berries ? of Sargassum bacciferum, the ' gulf-weed ' of the Atlantic, which are •elevated on pedicels above the surface of the water. Among the Floridese, or red sea-weeds, also, we find various simple but most beautiful forms, which connect this group with the lower alga?, especially with the family Chcetojjhoracece ; such delicate Pig. 423. — Arrangement of tetraspores in Carpocaidon mcrfiterraneum: A, entire plant ; B, longitudinal section of spore-bearing branch. ( X.B. — Where only three tetraspores are seen, it is merely because the fourth did not happen to be so placed as to be seen at the same view.) feathery or leaf-like fronds belong for the most part to the family Ceramiacece, some members of which are found upon every part of our coasts, attached either to rocks or stones or to larger algae, and often themselves affording an attachment to zoophytes and polyzoa. They chiefly live in deeper water than the other sea- weeds, and their richest tints are only exhibited when they grow under the shade of projecting rocks or of larger dark-coloured algae. Hence, in growing them artificially in aquaria, it is requisite to protect them from an excess of light, since otherwise they become unhealthy. Various species of the genera Ceramium, Griffithsia, Callithainnion, $60 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF VEGETABLE LIFE and Ptilota, are extremely beautiful objects for low powers when mounted in glycerin jelly. In many of them the phenomenon to which we have previously referred under the name of ' continuity of protoplasm ' is very beautifully exhibited. The colour of the red sea-weeds is due to the presence of a pigment known as rhodosjjermin or phyco-erythrin, soluble in water, which may be separated in the form of beautiful regular crystals. The only mode of propagation which was until recently known to exist in this group of sea-weeds is the production and liberation of ' tetraspores ' (tig. 423, B), formed by two successive binary subdivisions of the contents of special cells, which sometimes form part of the general substance of the frond, but sometimes congregate in particular parts or are restricted to special branches. Fig. 424. — Nemalion multifidum : I, a branch with a carpogone, c, and pollinoids, sp ; II, III, commencement of the formation of the fructification ; IV, V, de- velopment of the spore-cluster ; t, denotes the trichogyne, c the carpogone and fructification. (From G-oebel's ' Outline of Classification.' The Clarendon Press.) If the second binary division takes place in the same direction as the first, the tetraspores are arranged in linear series ; but if its direction is transverse to that of the first, the four spores cluster together. These, when separated by the rupture of their envelope, do not comport themselves as ' zoospores ' ; but, being destitute of propulsive organs, are passively dispersed by the motion of the sea itself. Their production, however, taking place by simple cell- division, and not being the result of any form of sexual conjunction, the ' tetraspores ' of the Floridece must be regarded, like the ' zoospores ? of the Ulvacece, as gonids analogous rather to the buds than to the seeds of higher plants. It is now known that a true generative process takes place in this group ; but the sexual organs FL0EIDEJ3 56i are not usually found on the plants whicn produce tetraspores ; so that there would appear to be an alternation between the two modes of propagation. Antheridial cells are found, sometimes on the general surface of the frond, more commonly at the ends of branches, and occasionally in special conceptacles. Their contents, however, are not motile ' antherozoids,' but minute rounded particles, known as pollinoids, having no power of spontaneous movement. Some- times on the same individuals as the antherids, and sometimes on different ones, are produced the female organs, which curiously prefigure the pistil in flowering plants. This organ is known as the procarp, and consists, in its simplest form, e.g. in Porphyra, the ' purple laver,' of a single cell with a lateral hair-like appendage, the trichogyne. In the higher forms it is composed of one or more fertile cells constituting the carpogone, and one or more sterile cells which make up the trichophore, and convey the fertilising substance from the trichogyne to the carpogone. Fertilisation is effected by the attachment of one of the pollinoids to the trichogyne, the walls of which are absorbed at that spot, so that the fertilising material passes down its tube to the trichophore, and thence to the carpogone \ one of the cells of the carpogone contains the oosphere, which, after fertilisation, breaks up into a number of carpospores ; round these is frequently formed a hard investment, and this structure is then known as a cystocarp ; from it the carpospores ultimately escape, and then germinate. In the true Corallines, which are Moridere whose tissue is consolidated by calcareous deposit, not only the tetraspores, but also both kinds of sexual organ, are produced in cavities or conceptacles, imbedded in the thallus or forming wart-like swellings ; the female conceptacle opens by a terminal orifice or • ostiole ' ; the pollinoids are furnished with wing-like appendages. In a considerable number of the red sea-weeds, as, for example, in Dudresnaya, the process of fertilisation is more complex than this, and consists of two distinct stages. First, the trichogyne is impreg- nated by the pollinoids ; and secondly, the fertilising principle js then conveyed from the trichophore-cells at the base of the tricho- gyne to the cells which ultimately produce the carpospores, and which may be at a considerable distance from the trichogyne, even on a different branch. This transference is effected by means of long simple or branched tubes which are known as ' fertilising tubes.' The sexual mode of reproduction has, however, at present been observed in comparatively few species of sea-weed ; and, considering the number of species of Florideai found on our coasts, there is no branch of microscopical observation which is more likely to reward the young investigator with new discoveries. o o 562 CHAPTER IX FUNGI Fungi, as already mentioned, differ essentially from alga? in the absence of chlorophyll, and therefore in the absence of any power of directly forming starch or other similar substance by the mutual decomposition of carbonic acid and water, accompanied by evolution of oxygen. They must therefore, in all cases, be either saprophytes or parasite^ deriving their nourishment from already organised food- materials, either, in the former case, from decaying animal or vege- table substances, or, in the latter case, from the living tissues of other plants or of animals. Fungus-parasites are the cause of most of the diseases to which plants, and of a large number of those to which animals, are subject. The individual fungus always consists of one or more hyphen, slender filaments containing protoplasm and a nucleus (except possibly in some of the most simple forms), but no chlorophyll and rarely any pigment. The cell- wall is composed of a substance differing some- what in its properties from ordinary cellulose, since it is not coloured blue by iodine after treatment with sulphuric acid ; it is known as fungus-cellulose or fungin. These hyphse may be quite distinct or very loosely attached to one another ; those which penetrate the soil, or the tissue of the ' host ' on which the fungus is parasitic, constitute the mycele. In the larger fungi, such as the mushroom, the portion above the soil is composed of a dense mass of these hypha?, lying side by side, constituting a so-called pseudo-par erichy me, but never a true tissue. In some families the hyphae have a tendency to become agglomerated into balls of great hardness called selerotes, which have the power of maintaining their vitality for very long periods. The modes of reproduction of fungi, both sexual and non- sexual, are very various. Among the latter the most common are by non-motile spores or gonids, and by zoospores. The former are very minute bodies, each composed of a single cell, or rarely of several cells, which are either formed within a spore-case or sporange, or are detached from the extremity of hyphse by a process of pinching off or abstriction. From their extreme lightness they are wafted through the air in enormous numbers, and thus bring about the extraordinarily rapid spread of many fungi, such as moulds. The zoospores are, like those of the lower algae, minute naked masses of protoplasm provided with one or more vibratile cilia, by means of MYXOMYCETES 563 which they move very rapidly through water, and finally force their way into the tissue of the host, where the zoospore loses its cilia, invests itself with a cell- wall, and proceeds to germinate, which is effected, as is also the case with the ordinary spores, by putting out a germinating filament) which ultimately develops into the new fungus plant. In a large number of fungi no process of sexual re- production is known. The various modes which do occur will be described under the separate families. Some families of fungi are characterised by the remarkable pheno- menon known as alternation of generations. Each species occurs in two (or sometimes three) perfectly distinct forms, which bear no resemblance to one another, and were long supposed to belong to widely separate families. Each phase or ' generation ' has its own mode of reproduction, but does not reproduce its own special form, but the other, or one of the other forms, and two or three generations are thus required to complete the cycle. Each member of the cycle is, generally speaking, parasitic on a totally different plant from the ' host ' of the other forms. The classification of fungi is attended with very great difficulties, owing to our still imperfect acquaintance with the mode of reproduc- tion in several of the groups. The following are the more distinct and remarkable types : 1 — The Myxomycetes, Myxogastres, or Mycetozoa, are a group of very singular organisms, on the very confines of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, doubtfully included among the fungi, and be- lieved by many to have a closer affinity to the rhizopods. They appear indeed at one period of their life-history to have an animal, at another period a vegetable existence. Several species are not uncommon on decayed wood, bark, heaps of decaying leaves, &c. The ' plasmode > of uEthalium septicum, known as 'flowers of tan,' forms yellow flocculent masses in tan-pits. The development of other species is represented in fig. 425. Commencing with the germination of the spores, each spore is a spherical cell (C) enclosed in a delicate membranous wall ; and when it falls into water this wall undergoes rupture (D), and an amceba-like body (E) escapes from it, consisting of a little mass of protoplasm, with a round central nucleus enclosing a nucleolus and a contractile vesicle, and having amoeba like move- ments connected with the protrusion and withdrawal of peculiar processes or pseudopodes. This soon elongates (F), and becomes pointed at one end, whence a long flag 'ellum is put forth, the lashing action of which gives motion to the body, which may now be termed a swarm-spore. After a time the flagellum disappears and the active movements of the spore cease ; but it now begins again to put forth and to withdraw finger-like pseudopodes, by means of which it creeps about like an Amoeba, and feeds like that rhizopod upon solid par- ticles which it engulfs within its soft protoplasm. These swarm-cells 1 [The classification of fungi here adopted is essentially that of De Bary in his Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria. Owing to the very large recent additions to our knowledge of the structure of fungi, it has been found necessary entirely to rearrange this portion of Dr. Carpenter's work.— Ed.] 0 0 2 564 FUNGI may multiply by bipartition to an indefinite extent ; but after a time a < conjugation' takes place between two of these myxamoebce (H) their substance undergoing a complete fusion into one body (I), from which extensions are put forth (K); and by the union of a number of these bodies are produced the motile protoplasmic bodies known as plasmodes, the ordinary form in which these singular bodies are known. These continue to grow by the ingestion and assimila- Fig 425 — Development of Myxomycetes : A, plasmode of Didymmm serpula; B, successive stages, a, a', b, of sporanges of Arcyria flava ; C, ripe spore ot Physarum album ; D, its contents escaping ; E, F, G, the swarm-spore first be- coming flagellated, and then amoeboid ; H, conjugation of two amceboids, wnicn, at I, have fused together, and, at J, are beginning to put out extensions and ingest nutriment, of which two pellets are seen in its interior. tion of the solid nutriment which they take into their substance ; and, by the ramification and inosculation of these extensions, a complete network is formed. The filaments of this network exhibit active undulatory move- ments, which in the larger ones are visible under an ordinary lens, or even to the naked eye, but which it requires microscopic power to discern in the smaller. With sufficiently high amplification, a con- stant movement of granules may be seen flowing along the threads, MYXOMYCETES ; CHYTRIDIACEiE ; USTILAGINEJE 565 and streaming from branch to branch. Here and there offshoots of the protoplasm are projected, and again withdrawn, in the manner of the pseudopodes of an Amoeba ; while the whole organism may be occasionally seen to abandon the support over which it had grown, and to creep over neighbouring surfaces, thus far resembling in all respects a colossal ramified Amoeba. The plasmodes are often found to have taken up into them and enclosed a great variety of foreign bodies, such as the spores of fungi, parts of plants, &c. They are curiously sensitive to light, and may sometimes be found to have retreated during the day to the dark side of the leaves, or into the recesses of the tan over which they had been growing, and again to creep out on the approach of night. Under certain conditions the swarm-spores may lose their power of motion and become encysted ; they are then known as microcysts, and may remain in this resting condition for a considerable time, especially if desiccated. If again placed in water, they return to their motile swarming state. The plasmodes may also enter a resting state, in which they assume a wax- like consistence, and dry up into a brittle horny mass. They are then known as sclerotes. In a few genera the spores are not contained in speranges, but are borne on external supports or sporophores. But in the great majority of genera the plasmode becomes ultimately transformed into sporanges (B, a, a', b) ; either each plasmode becomes a single sporange, or it divides into a larger or smaller- number of pieces, each of which undergoes this transformation. When mature, the cavity of the sporange is either entirely filled with the very numerous spores, or in most genera tubes or threads of different forms occur among the spores, and constitute the capillitium. These capillitium -tubes have often a spiral appearance, owing to irregular thickenings of the cell- wall, and are very beautiful objects under the microscope. The growth of many species of Myxomycetes is exceedingly rapid, going through their whole cycle of development, with its various phases, in the course of a few days. The Chytridiaceae are a group of minute microscopic fungi showing an affinity in some respects to the Myxomycetes, and even to the infusorial animalcules. Their ordinary mode of propagation is by zoospores bearing one or two cilia, which either germinate directly or conjugate to produce a resting-spore. They are parasitic on fresh- water organisms, both animal and vegetable ; and their chief interest to the microscopist is that their zoospores have apparently frequently been mistaken for antherids of the ' host.' The TJstilaginese are fungi parasitic 011 flowering plants, attacking the stem, leaves, and other parts, where they form brown or yellow spots. They are often exceedingly destructive to vegetation, causing the diseases of cereal crops known as bunt, smut, &c. The course of development of these fungi is not yet in all cases accurately known. The mycele, consisting of slender segmented hyphse, spreads ex- tensively within the tissues of the host, and bears spores which either reproduce the mycele again directly, or with the intervention of so-called 'sporids.' The Uredineae afford the most remarkable illustration among fungi of the phenomenon already mentioned, that of alternation of 566 FUNGI generations, forms previously considered to belong to widely separated groups being now known to be stages in the cycle of development of the same species. A striking instance of this is furnished by the well-known and very destructive disease of wheat and other grasses known as ' mildew,' produced by the attacks on the leaves of the parasitic fungus Puecinia graminis. It was long ago observed that wheat was especially liable to this disease in the vicinity of barberry bushes ; and it is now known that a fungus parasitic on barberry leaves, formerly known as sEcidium berberidis, is the ' secidiospore ' generation of the same species of which Puecinia graminis is the Fig. 426. — Puecinia graminis. From De Bary's 1 Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi.' (The Clarendon Press.) ' teleutospore ' generation. The complete cycle of development of the best known Uredinew, such as the mildew, is this. The form known as Puecinia graminis produces teleutospores, thick-walled spores, borne usually in pairs, at the extremity of elongated cells known as basids or sterigmata. Each of these teleutospores gives rise, on germinating within the tissue of the grass, to a hypha or promycele, the terminal cells of which develop, on slender basids, each a single spore or sporid. These sporids will germinate only on the leaves of the UKEDINEJE ; PERONOSPOREiE 567 barberry, where they produce, first of all, a mass of interwoven hyphae within the tissue, and then the peculiar reproductive bodies known as cecidia (fig. 427). The ' tecidium ' is a cup- shaped receptacle of a bright red or yellow colour, which breaks through the epiderm of the leaf, and discharges a large number of cecidiospores, which are pro- duced in rows or chains springing from basids at the base of the recep- tacle. These are accompanied, often on the other surface of the leaf, by spermogones, smaller spherical or flask-shaped receptacles, which also eventually break through the epiderm, and are filled with barren hypha? known as paraphyses. Among these are other shorter hyphro or ' sterigmata,' from the extremities of which are abstricted narrow ellipsoidal cells, the spermatid. The purpose of these is unknown ; but they may be male elements which have lost their function. The secidiospores will germinate only on the leaves and stems of grasses, either producing the teleutospore-form directly, or giving rise to a third * uredo-form.' This consists of filiform basids, each of which bears a round oval spore, the uredosjwre, which germinates very rapidly, A B Fig. 427. — JEcidium tussilaginis : A, portion of the plant, magnified ; B, section of one of the ' secidia ' with its spores. •constantly reproducing the same form. The same mycele which produces the uredo-form also gives rise subsequently to the teleuto- spore-form. The fungus usually hibernates and remains in a state of rest in the teleutospore-form. Of the Peronosporeae (fig. 428) some species grow on the dead bodies of animals and on dead plants, others are parasitic in the living tissues of flowering plants, causing widespread diseases, such as the potato-blight. On the mycele, consisting of a number of distinct sep- tated hyphae, are produced the sexual organs, ooyones and antherids. Fertilisation is not effected by means of motile antherozoids, as in ■other classes of fungi and of algae, but the antherid puts out a cylindrical or conical tube-like process, the fertilisation-tube. The antherids and oogones are each single enlarged cells produced in close proximity to one another ; the fertilisation- tube is produced from the part of the antherid which is in immediate contact with the oogone, and discharges into the latter the contents of the antherid, thus causing its protoplasmic contents or ' oosphere ' to develop into the 568 FUNGI impregnated ' oospore.' The further history of the oospore is singu- larly different, even in different species of the same genus. In some it germinates directly into a new mycele ; in others it breaks up into a number of swarm-spores or zoospores ; each of these comes to rest,, and after a time germinates into a new mycele. In addition to the sexual organs of reproduction, many species of Peronosporese also produce non-sexual spores or gonids, which are borne on special branches springing erect from the mycele, the sporophores, or goni- Fig. 428. — A-G, Cystopvs candidus ; H, Pliytophthcra infestans. A, branch of rnycele growing at the apex, t, with haustoria, h, between the cells of the pith ©f Lepidiwm sativum ; B, branch of mycele bearing gonids; C, D, E, formation of swarm-spores from gonids ; F, swarm-spores geiminating ; G, swarm-spores germinating on a stomate and piercing the epiderm of the stem of a potato at EL After De Bary ; magnified about 400 times. Frcm ' Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of Plants,' by Dr. K. Goebel. diophores. A similar difference is exhibited in the further develop- ment of these spores. Either they germinate directly in water into a new mycele, or the protoplasmic contents break up into a number of zoospores which germinate in the same way. In those species which are parasitic on living plants, such as Phytophthora infestans which produces the potato-disease, and Cystopus candidus, SAPROLEGXIEJE ; MUCORIM 569 very common on cress and other cruciferous plants, the rapid spread of the disease is caused by the great facility with which the spores are disseminated by the wind ; falling on leaves in moist weather, they there germinate ; the germinating tube passes through a stomate, and the mycele is developed with great rapidity within the tissue of the host. The condition in the case of the potato-disease is said by Professor De Bary to consist in an undue thinness of the cuticle, accompanied by excessive humidity, whereby the .spores of the fungus will germinate on the surface of the plant, sending out processes which pene- trate to its interior, though otherwise germinating only on cut surfaces. The Saprolegniese are saprophytic or Q{ parasitic fungi, nearly allied to the Peronosporece, and differing from them chiefly in two points : although organs are known, in many species closely re- sembling the antherids of the Perono- sporece, the act of impregnation has not actually been observed, the oospore being, at least in many cases, apparently pro- duced parthenogenetically, i.e. without impregnation. In some species a single oospore is produced within each oogone, but more often the contents of the latter break up into a number of oospores, each of which gives rise to a mycele, or breaks up into zoospores. In some genera, e.g. Achlya (fig. 429), zoospores are also pro- duced in very large numbers by the break- ing up of the contents of zoosporanges, special enlarged cells of the mycele. The well-known salmon-disease is caused by the attacks of the parasitic Saprolegnia ferox on the living flesh of the animal. The Mucorini are filamentous fungi, resembling the two last orders in their vegetative development, but differing in their mode of reproduction. To this family belong some of the most common moulds which make their appearance on damp or decaying organic substances. The ordi- nary mode of non-sexual reproduction is by endogenous spores or gonids, produced within a sporange (fig. 430, A). These are borne at the ends of sporangiophores, long erect unseptated hypha?, springing directly from the mycele or from the original germinating filament. Several other kinds of non-sexual spores occur in the family, including chlamydospores, reproductive cells formed within the ordinary cells of the hypha?. Sexual reproduc- tion takes place by means of zygospores (C), but is at present known only in a few species. Either from ordinary hyphre or from sporan- giophores spring a pair of short branches, the extremities of which Fig. 429. — Two sporanges of Achlya. From Goebel's ' Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology.' 5;o FUNGI become firmly attached to one another. These swell out greatly into an obconical form, on account of the passage into them of a large amount of nutrient material. A larger or smaller piece is then cut off from each of them by a transverse wall ; the median cell-wall which separates them disappears, and the two terminal portions thus Fig. 430. — B, mycele (three days old) of Phycomyces nitens, grown in a drop of mucilage with a decoction of plums ; the finest ramifications are omitted ; g, the conidiophore of Mucor mucedo in optical longitudinal section ; C, a germinating zygospore of Mucor mucedo ; the germ-tube, k, puts out a lateral conidiophore g. In D are conjugating branches, b b, the extremities of which, a a, though they have not yet coalesced, are already cut off by transverse walls ; the zygospore is formed from the coalescence of the cells a a. A, C, D, after Brefeld, greatly magnified ; B, from nature, slightly magnified. From Groebel's 4 Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology.' cut off coalesce to form the zygospore, which often swells to a consider- able size, and its outer coat becomes frequently beautifully covered with warts or other protuberances. After a period of rest the zygo- spore germinates, its inner coat of cellulose bursting through the outer warty and cuticularised epis]?ore, and developing into the first germi- nating filament. ENTOMOPHTHOREiE ; ASCOMYCETES 571 Very nearly allied to the Mucorini are the Entomophthoreae, parasitic fungi, the mycele of which develops within the bodies of living insects, especially caterpillars and flies, and after death spreads outside the body as a flocculent felt. An example of this family of fungi is frequently presented in the destruction of the common house-fly by Empusa muscce. In its fully developed condi- tion, the spore-bearing filaments of this plant stand out from the body of the fly like the ' pile ' of velvet, and the spores thrown oft' from these in all directions form a white circle round it, as it rests motion- less on a window-pane. The filaments which show themselves ex- ternally are the fructification of the fungus which occupies the inte- rior of the fly's body, and this orginates in the spores which find their way into the circulating fluid from without. A healthy fly shut up with a diseased one takes the disease from it by the deposit of a spore on some part of its surface ; for this, beginning to germinate, sends out a process which finds its way into the interior, either through the breathing-pores or between the rings of the body ; and having reached the interior cavities, it gives off the germinating filaments which constitute the earliest stage of the Empusa. Again, it is not at all uncommon in the West Indies to see individuals of a species of Polistes (the representative of the wasp of our own country) flying about with plants of their own length projecting from some part of their surface, the germs of which have probably been intro- duced (as in the preceding case) through the breathing-pores at their sides, and have taken root in their substance, so as to produce a luxuriant vegetation. In time, however, this fungous growth spreads through the body and destroys the life of the insect ; it then seems to growT more rapidly, the decomposing tissue of the dead body being still more adapted than the living structure to afford it nutriment. The Ascomycetes include an enormous number of species, most of which are parasitic on living, or saprophytic on decaying leaves, many of them microscopic. The mycele always consists of branched and septated hypha?. In only a comparatively few species is a sexual mode of reproduction known ; the special character of the group is the non-sexual reproduction of ascospores wTithin elongated sacs or tubes known as asci. These are commonly collected together in masses ; the collection of hyphse which give birth to the asci is known as the hymene, the mass of tissue enclosing or bearing the hymenes as the receptacle or fructification. Its form and structure vary greatly in the different sections of the family. The ascospores are always pro- duced within the ascus by free-cell formation, and their number is always four or a 4 power ' of four, most commonly eight. The asci are usually surrounded by enlarged club-shaped or sterile hyphse, the paraphyses. In many Ascomycetes, in addition to the ascospores, ordinary exogenous spores or conids are produced at the extremity of sporophores or conidiophores (fig. 431, A). This is the case with a large number of moulds or mildews, of which the common blue mould, PenicilHum glaucum, may be taken as a type. The familiar form of these moulds is that in which they produce these spores in enormous quantities ; but, under certain conditions, the sexual mode of repro- 572 FUNGI duction sets up (fig. 431, B-H). One of the branches of the mycele elongates, and coils spirally upon itself into a corkscrew-like body, the carpogone or ascogone, which constitutes the female organ ; whilst another branch acts as the male organ or antherid, extending itself over the spire and impregnating the ascogone by the passage of its protoplasm into the latter organ. The structure thus formed becomes enclosed in a mass of sterile tissue, and within this are developed the Fig. 431. — Development of Eurotium repens : A, small part of a mycele with the conidiophore, c, and young ascogones, as; B, the spiral ascogone, a s, with the antheridial branch,^) ; C, the same with the filaments beginning to grow round it to form the wall of the sporocarp ; D, a sporocarp seen from without ; E, F, young sporocarp in optical longitudinal section ; w, parietal cells ; /, the filling tissue (pseudo-parenchymatous) ; a s, the ascogone ; G, an ascus ; H, an ascospore. After De Bary. A, magnified 190, the rest 600 times. : asci, each containing numerous spores, which germinate directly into a new mycele. The enveloping tissue, together with the asci, is known as the sjoorocarj). In some Ascomycetes a tendency is exhibited for the formation of sclerotes, dense hardened masses of interwoven hyphre. An example of this is furnished by the structure known as ' ergot/ the sclerote of a fungus of this kind, Claviceps purjmrea, which attacks the ovary of rye and other grasses. Many species of Peziza have a peculiar form known as the botrytis form, reproduced by conicls only, and ascomycet.es 573 long believed to be altogether distinct from the Ascomycetes. Of this nature is the so-called Botrytis bassia?ia(i\g. 432), a kind of mould, the growth of which is the real source of the disease termed muscardine, which formerly carried off silkworms in large numbers, just when they were about to enter the chrysalis state, to the great injury of their breeders. The plant presents itself under a considerable variety of forms (A-F), all of which, however, are of extremely simple structure, consisting of elongated or rounded cells, connected Fig. 432. — Botrytis bassiana : A, the fungus as it first appears at the orifices of the stigmas ; B, tubular filaments bearing short branches, as seen two days after- wards; E, magnified view of the same; C, D, appearance of filaments on the fourth and sixth days ; F, masses of mature spores falling off the branches, with filaments proceeding from them. in necklace-like filaments, very nearly as in the ordinary ' bead- moulds.' The spores of this fungus, floating in the air, enter the breathing- pores which open into the tracheal system of the silk- worm ; they first develop themselves within the air-tubes, which are soon blocked up by their growth ; and they then extend them- selves through the fatty mass beneath the skin, occasioning the de- struction of this tissue, which is very important as a reservoir of 574 FUNGI nutriment to the animal when it is about to pass into its chrysalis condition. The disease invariably occasions the death of the grub which it attacks ; but it seldom shows itself externally until after- wards, when it rapidly shoots forth from beneath the skin, especially at the junction of the rings of the body. Although it spontaneously attacks only the larva, yet it may be communicated by inoculation to the chrysalis and the moth, as well as to the grub ; and it has also been observed to attack other lepidopterous insects. A careful investigation of the circumstances which favour the development of this disease was made by Audouin, who first discovered its real nature ; and he showed that its spread was favoured by the over- crowding of the worms in the breeding establishments, and parti- cularly by the practice of throwing the bodies of such as died into a heap in the immediate neighbourhood of a living silkworm : for this heap speedily became covered with this kind of mould, which found upon it a most congenial soil ; and it kept up a continual supply of spores, which, being diffused through the atmosphere of the neighbourhood, were drawn into the breathing-pores of indi- viduals previously healthy. The precautions obviously suggested by the knowledge of the nature of the disease, thus afforded by the microscope, having been duly put in force, its extension was success- fully kept down. A similar growth of different species of the genus Sphceria takes place in the bodies of certain caterpillars, in New Zealand, Australia, and China ; and being thus completely pervaded by a dense substance, which, when dried, has almost the solidity of wood, these caterpillars come to present the appearance of twigs, with long slender stalks that are formed by the growth of the fungus itself. The Chinese species is valued as a medicinal drug. The Saccharomycetes are now generally regarded as a degraded form of the Ascomycetes. They resemble the Schizomycetes in the simplicity of their character and in their ' zymotic ' action. The most familiar form of this family is the Saccharomyces (Torula) cerevisice, the presence of which in yeast gives to it the power of exciting the alcoholic fermentation in saccharine liquids. When a small drop of yeast is placed under a magnifying power of 400 or 500 diameters, it is seen to contain a large number of globular or ovoid cells, averaging about yJ^^th of an inch in diameter, for the most part isolated, but sometimes connected in short series ; and each cell is filled with a nearly colourless ' endoplasm,' usually exhibiting one or more vacuoles. When placed in a fermentable fluid con- taining some form of nitrogenous matter in addition to sugar,1 they vegetate in the manner represented in fig. 433. Each cell puts forth one or two projections, which seem to be young cells developed as buds or offsets from their predecessors ; these, in the course of a short time, become complete cells, and again per- 1 It appears from the researches of Pasteur that, although the presence of albu- minous matter (such as is contained in a saccharine wort, or in the juices of fruits) favours the growth and reproduction of yeast, yet that it can live and multiply in a solution of pure sugar, containing ammonium tartrate with small quantities of mineral salts, the decomposition of the ammonia salt affording it the nitrogen it requires for the production of protoplasm, while the sugar and water supply the carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. SACCHAROMYCETES ; BASIDIOMYCETES 575 form the same process ; and in this manner the single cells of yeast develop themselves, in the course of a few hours, into rows of four, live, or six, which remain in connection with each other whilst the plant is still growing, but which separate if the fermenting pro- cess be checked, and return to the isolated condition of those which originally constituted the yeast. Thus it is that the quantity of yeast first introduced into the fermentable fluid is multiplied six times or more during the changes in which it takes part. Under certain conditions not yet determined, the yeast-cells multiply in another mode, namely, by the breaking up of the endoplasm into segments, usually four in number, around each of which a new 'cell- wall ' forms itself ; and these endogenous spores are ultimately set free by the dissolution of the wall of the parent-cell, and soon enlarge and comport themselves as ordinary yeast-cells. The process of the formation of these spores resembles in all essential points the forma- tion of ascospores ; and hence Torula is regarded as a low or degraded type of that order. Many other fungi of like simplicity have the power to act as ' ferments ' ; thus in wine-making the fermentation of the juices of the grapes or other fruit employed is set going by a b e d Fig. 433. — Saccliaromyces cerevisice, or yeast-plant, as developed during the process of fermentation : a, b, c, d, successive stages of cell-multiplication. the development of minute fungi whose germs have settled on their skins, these germs not being injured by desiccation, and being readily transported by the atmosphere in the dried- up state. There is reason to believe, moreover, that a similar 'zymotic' action may be excited by fungi of a higher grade in the earlier stages of their growth, the alcoholic fermentation being set up in a suitable liquid (such as an aqueous solution of cane-sugar, with a little fruit-juice) by sowing in it the spores of any one of the ordinary moulds, such as Penicillium glaucum, Mucor, or Aspergillus, iprovided the temperature be kept up to blood-heat ; and this even though the solution has been previously heated to 284°Fahr., a temperature which must kill any germs it may itself contain. The Basidiomycetes are distinguished by the entire absence, as far as is at present known, of sexual organs, and by the formation of their conids or spores at the apex of special enlarged cells, the basids. They include the largest and most familiar of our fungi, such as the genera Agaricus, Boletus, Polyporus, Lycoperdon, Phallus, &c. They are saprophytes, obtaining their nourishment from the decaying vegetable matter in the soil, stumps of trees inch_ object glass being here preferable to the -}-in., and the assist- ance of the achromatic condenser being desirable. With this ampli- fication the phenomenon may be best studied in the single layer of marginal cells, although when a lower power is used it is most evi- dent in the elongated cells forming the central portion of the leaf. The number of chlorophyll-granules in each cell varies from three or four to upwards of fifty : they are somewhat irregular in shape, some being nearly circular flattened discs, whilst others are oval ; and they are usually from ^J^th to ^^th of an inch in diameter. When the rotation is active the greater number of these granules travel round the margin of the cells, a few, however, remaining fixed in the centre ; their rate of movement, though only ^yth of an inch j>er minute, being sufficient to carry them several times round the cell within that period. As in the case of Vallisneria, the motion may frequently be observed to take place in opposite directions in contiguous cells. The thickness of the layer of protoplasm in which the granules are carried round is estimated by Mr. Wenham at no more than 2o1y37 some of the most important phenomena of vegetation. The judi- cious use of the staining process not only improves the appearance of such sections, but adds greatly to their scientific value. Fossil woods, when well preserved, are generally silicified, and can only be cut and polished by a lapidary's wheel. Should the microscopist be fortunate enough to meet with a portion of a calcified stem in which the organic structure is preserved, he should proceed with it after the manner of other hard substances which need to be reduced by grinding. Epiderm of Leaves. — On all the softer parts of the higher plants, save such as grow under water, we find a surface layer differing in its texture from the parenchyme beneath, and constituting a dis- tinct membrane, known as the epiderm. This membrane is composed of cells, the walls of which are flattened above and below, whilst they adhere closely to each other laterally, so as to form a continuous Fig. 498. — Epiderm of leaf of Fig. 499. — Epiderm of leaf of Indian Yucca, showing stomates. com (Zea Mais), showing stomates. stratum (figs 502, 504, a, a). The shape of these cells is different in almost every tribe of plants ; thus in the epiderm of the Yucca (fig. 498), Indian corn (fig. 499), Iris (fig. 503), and most other mono- cotyledons, they are elongated, and present an approach to a rectangular contour, their margins being straight in the Yucca and Iris, but minutely sinuous or crenated in the Indian corn. In most dicotyledons, on the other hand, the cells of the epiderm depart less from the rounded form, but their margins usually exhibit large irregular sinuosities, so that they seem to fit together like the pieces of a dissected map, as is seen in the epiderm of the apple (fig. 500, b, b). Even here, however, the cells of that portion of the epiderm (a, a) which overlies the ' veins ' of the leaf have an elongated form, approaching that of the wood-cells of which these veins are chiefly composed ; and it seems likely, therefore, that the elongation of the ordinary epiderm cells of monocotyledons has reference to that parallel arrangement of the veins which their leaves almost constantly exhibit. 638 MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF PHANEROGAMIC PLANTS The cells of the epiderm are colourless, or nearly so, having no or but little chlorophyll in their interior ; and their walls are generally thickened by secondary deposit, especially on the side nearest the atmosphere. This outermost hardened continuous wall of the epidermal layer of cells is known as the cuticle. The deposit (cutin) Fig. 500. — Portion of epiderm of lower surface of leaf of apple, with layer of parenchyme in immediate contact with it : a, a, elongated cells overlying the veins of the leaf; b, b, ordinary epiderm-cells, overlying the parenchyme ; c, c, stomates ; d, d, green cells of the ' spongy ' parenchyme, forming a very open network near the lower surface of the leaf. is of a nature to render the membrane very impermeable to fluids, so as to protect the soft tissue of the leaf from drying up. In most European plants the epiderm contains but a single row of cells, which, moreover, are usually thin-walled ; whilst in the generality A B Fig. 501. — Portion of epiderm of upper surface of leaf of Bochea falcata as seen at A from its inner side, and at B from its outer side: a, «, small cells forming inner layer; b, b, large prominent cells of outer layer ; c, c, stomates dis- posed between the latter of tropical species there exist two, three, or even four layers of thick -walled cells, this last number being seen in the Oleander, the epiderm of which, when separated, has an almost leathery firmness. This difference in conformation is obviously adapted to the conditions of growth under which these plants respectively exist ; since the STRUCTURE OF LEAVES 639 epiderm of a plant indigenous to temperate climates would not afford a sufficient protection to the interior structure against the rays of a tropical sun ; whilst the less powerful heat of this country would scarcely overcome the resistance presented by the dense and non- conducting integument of a species formed to exist in tropical climates. A very curious modification of the epiderm is presented by Rochea falcata, which has the surface of its ordinary epiderm (figs. 501,. 502, a, a) nearly covered with a layer of large prominent isolated cells, b, b. A somewhat similar structure is found in Mesemhryanthemum crystallinum, commonly known as the 'ice-plant' ; a designation it owes to the peculiar appearance of its surface,, which looks as if it were covered with frozen dew-drops. In other instances, the epiderm is partially invested by a layer of scales,. which are nothing else than flattened hairs, often having a very peculiar form ; the ' peltate scales ' of Elceagnus and other shrubs and herbs are very beautiful objects under the microscope. In numerous other cases, again, we find the surface beset with true hairs, which occasionally consist of single elongated cells, but are more commonly made up of a linear series, attached end to end. Some- times these hairs bear little glandular bodies at their ex- tremities, by the secretion of which a peculiar viscidity is given to the surface of the leaf, stem, or flower- stalk, as in many kinds of rose, geranium, far smaller range of forms than was included by Professor Ehren- berg under the name of ' polygastric ' animalcules. For a large section of these, including the Desmidiacea^ Diatomacece, Volvocinece, and many other protophytes, have been transferred by general (though not universal) consent to the vegetable kingdom. And it is not impossible that many of the reputed Infusoria may be but larval forms of higher organisms, instead of being themselves com- plete animals. Still an extensive group remains, of which no other account can at present be given than that the beings of which it is composed go through the whole of their lives, so far as we are ac- quainted with them, in a grade of existence which is essentially protozoic, each individual apparently consisting of but a single cell, though its parts are often so highly differentiated as to represent (only, however, by way of analogy) the ' organs ' of the higher animals after which they are usually named. Among the ciliate Infusoria, which form not only by far the largest, but also the most characteristic division of the group, there is probably none save such as are degraded by parasitic habits which has not a mouth, or permanent orifice for the introduction of food, which is driven towards it by ciliary currents ; while a distinct anal orifice, for the ejection of the indigestible residue, is- not infrequently present. The mouth is often furnished with a dental armature, and leads to an oesophageal canal, down which the food passes into the digestive cavity. This cavity is still occupied, however, as in rhizopods, by the endosarc of the cell ; but instead of lying in mere vacuoles formed in the midst of this, the food-particles are usually aggregated, during their passage down the oesophagus, into minute pellets, each of which receives a special investment of firm protoplasm, constituting it a digestive vesicle (fig. 531) ; and these go through a sort of circulation within the cell-cavity. The ' contractile vesicles/ again, attain a much higher develop- ment in this group, and are sometimes in connection with a network, of canals channelled out in the ' ectosarc ' ; while their rhythmical action resembles that of the circulatory and respiratory apparatus of higher animals. There is ample evidence, also, of the presence of a specially contractile modification of the protoplasmic substance, having the action (though not the structure) of muscular fibre ; and the manner in which the movements of the active free-swimming Infusoria are directed, so as to avoid obstacles and find out passages, 68o MICKOSCOPIC FOKMS OF ANIMAL LIFE seems to indicate that another portion of their protoplasmic sub- stance must have to a certain degree the special endowments which characterise the nervous systems of higher animals. Altogether, it may be said that in the ciliate Infusoria the life of the single cell finds its highest expression.^ Before proceeding to the description of the ciliate Infusoria, however, it will be of advantage to notice two smaller groups — the flagellate and the suctorial — which, on account of the peculiarities of their structure and actions, are now ranked as distinct, and of whose ' unicellular ' character there can be no reasonable doubt, since they are, for the most part, 'closed' cells, scarcely distinguish- able morphologically from those of protophytes. Flagellata. — Our knowledge of this tribe has been greatly aug- mented in recent years, not only by the discovery of a great variety of new forms, but still more by the careful study of the life-history of several among them. The monads, properly so called,2 which are amongst the smallest living things at present known, are its simplest representatives \ but it also includes organisms of much greater complexity ; and some of its composite forms seem to have a very remarkable relation to sponges. The Monas lens, long familiar to microscopists as occurring in stagnant waters and infusions of decomposing organic matter, is a spheroidal particle of protoplasm, from o oo 0th to s^Vo^h of an inch in diameter, enclosed in a delicate hyaline investment or 'ectosarc,' and moving freely through the water by the lashing action of its slender flagellum, whose length is from three to five times the diameter of the body. Within the body may be seen a variable number of vacuoles ; and these are Occasionally occupied by particles distinguishable by their colour, which have been introduced as food. These seem to enter the body, not by any definite mouth (or permanent opening in the ectosarc), but through an aperture that forms itself in some part of the oral region near the base of the flagellum. In some true Monadinw neither nucleus nor contractile vesicle is distinguishable, but in the majority a nucleus can be clearly seen. The life-history of several simple Monadinm presenting themselves in infusions of decaying animal matter (a cod's head being found the most pro- ductive material) has been studied with admirable perseverance 1 The doctrine of the unicellular nature of the Infusoria has been a subject of keen controversy among zoologists from the time when it was first definitely put forward by Von Siebold (Lehrbuch der vergleich. Anat. Berlin, 1845) in opposition to the then paramount doctrine of Ehrenberg as to the complexity of their organisa- tion, which had as yet been called in question only by Dujardm (Hist. Nat. des Infusoires, Paris, 1841). Of late, however, there has been a decided convergence of opinion in the direction above indicated ; which has been brought about in great degree by the contrast between the pro to zoic simplicity of the reproductive and de- velopmental processes in Infusoria, as, for example, shown by Dallinger and Drysdale, and by the former alone in the life-histories of the Saprophytes, and the complexity of the like processes as seen in even the lowest of the Metazoa, which has been specially and forcibly insisted on by Haeckel (' Zur Morphologie der Infusorien,' Jenaische Zeitschr. Bd. vii. 1873). An excellent summary of the whole discussion was given by Professor Allman in his Presidential Address to the Linnean Society in 1875. 2 The family Monadina of Ehrenberg and Dujardin consists of an aggregate of forms now known to be of very dissimilar nature, many of them belonging to the vegetable kingdom. THE SAPROPHYTIC ORGANISMS and thoroughness by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale, of whose im- portant observations a general summary will now be given.1 The present Editor, while adopting the lead of Dr. Carpenter, greatly doubts the suitability or correctness of the saprophytic monad forms appearing at this place in the organic series. They possess features that ally them, as has been already suggested, much more nearly to the vegetable series, and indicate affinities with certain Nostocacepe and the Bacteria ; while a leaning to the Mycetozoa and the* chlorophyllaceous Algae, and even some forms of Fungi, is quite apparent to the careful student. There are some reasons for looking at the saprophytic monad forms as a possibly degraded but still specialised group. In common with saprophytic Bacteria, they are specifically related to the setting up and carrying on of decomposition in dead organic tissues. In organic infusions and films of gelatine, or tubes of agar-agar, the bacterial forms are, as a rule, enough to set up and carry on the destructive ferment. But where great masses of tissue are decom- posing, the presence of the larger monad forms is certain and in- evitable ; and by them, accompanied by the Bacteria, the processes of fermentative rotting are carried to the end. It is their morphology which points to the Flagellata, and we should incline to consider them a degenerate, and by degeneration specialised form of the Flagellata if they — about eight or nine dis- tinct forms in this latitude — belong properly to the Flagellata at all. The simplest of these organisms is represented in fig. 1, Plate XIII, A. It has been named by Saville Kent 2/onas Dallingeri, and has by comparison a simple life-history. As it is with the entire group, all is subservient to rapidity of multiplication ; and there are two methods in which this is effected. The first and com- monest is by fission ; fig. l, A, represents the normal form of the organism. It has a long diameter of about the g^^th of an inch, and has great ease and grace, and relative power of movement. In a certain stage of its history as it swims freely there sud- denly appears a constriction across its body, as in fig. 2. This is at once accompanied by an apparent effort of the opposite nagella to pull against each other ; the consequence is a very rapid stretching of a neck of sarcode between two halves of the body, as at fig. 3. This becomes longer, as at 4, and attains the length of two nagella as at 5, when the two dividing halves approach and mutually dart from each other, snapping the connecting fibre of sarcode in the middle, so that two perfect forms are set free, as in 6 and 7. This, in the course of from two to three minutes, is once more begun and carried on in each half successivelv, so that there is an increase of the form by this means in rapid geometric ratio. But this is an exhaustive process vitally, for after a period vary- ing from eight to ten days there always appears in the unaltered and unchanged field of observation normal forms, with a remarkable 1 See their successive papers in the Monthly Microsc. Journ. vol. x. 1873, pp. 53, 245 ; vol. xi. 1874, pp. 7, 69, 97 ; vol. xii. 1874, p. 261 ; and vol. xiii. 1875, p. 185 ; and Proceed. Boy. Soc. vol. xxvii. 1878, p. 332. But especially for the latest results with recent objectives, Journ. Boy. Micro. Soc. vol. v. 1885, p. 177; vol. vi. p. 193 ; vol. vii. p. 185 ; vol. viii. p. 177. 682 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE diffluent or amoeba-like envelope, as seen in figs. 8 and 9, A. These sometimes swim and sometimes creep, amoeba-like, by pseudopodia ; but directly the diffluent sarcode of one touches that of another they at once melt together, as in fig. 10, A. This leads to the rapid approach of the oval bodies of the two organisms, as in fig. U, B, resulting in their fusion, as in figs. 12, 13, 14, and a still condition of the sac (fig. h) for a period of not less than six hours ; when it bursts, as seen in fig. 15, pouring out an immense host of exquisitely minute sjjores, as shown in fig. 15. These are opaque or semi-opaque, but by observation upon them at a temperature of 65° to 70° Fahr., they in the course of thirty minutes become transparent, elongate, as in figs. 16 and 17, and, continuing to grow, assume the conditions and sizes represented in figs. 18 and 19 ; and we were able to trace them through all their changes of growth from the spore into the adult condition, as at fig. 20, until they entered upon and passed through the self-division into two described and figured in A. The next form, though even more simple in appearance, has a much more complex morphological history. It is seen in its normal form in fig. l, C. It has but one flagellum, and, as we believe, on that account has a much more restricted power of movement. It* is from the --^-jjth to the -^Lyth of an inch in long diameter. In its motion at one stage of its life its oval body becomes uncertain in form, as seen in 2, 3, 4, C ; but when this has continued for not more than a minute, the flagellum falls in upon the body, as in 4, and the organism becomes perfectly still. In this condition, after a space ranging from ten to twenty minutes, two white bars .at right angles suddenly appear, as in fig. 5 ; this is almost immediately followed by another and a similar one at right angles to the first, as in fig. 6. Then the circumference of the flattened sphere twists, leaving the centre unaffected, so that the body assumes a turbined appearance, as seen in fig. 7. After this the interior substance breaks up, and becomes a knot of slightly moving but compact forms, as in fig. 8 ; which remains in this state for from fifteen to twenty minutes, and then becomes dissociated, as in fig. 9 ; so that we have' here a complex form of multiple partition, giving rise to enormous numbers, because, although much smaller than the form in which they arose, they consume and assimilate food all over, and are- simply swimming in their pabulum, and so rapidly reach the normal' size, when they each enter upon and pass through a similar process. But here also at certain periods, there appeared forms that in- augurate distinctly genetic processes. A form like fig. 10, C, appears, : larger than the normal form, and always mottled in the part near- est the flagellum. These forms rapidly attached themselves to the normal forms, as seen in fig. 1 1 , which resulted in a blending of the two as they swam together, until ' either was melted into other ' ; and a still sac, shown in fig. 12, resulted. This remained from thirty to thirty- six hours absolutely inert p but at the expiration of that time it burst, as seen in fig. 13, D, and poured out an enormously diffusive fluid, which as it flowed into the surrounding water appeared like a denser fluid, diffusing itself through one of less density ; but no spores were at this stage at all apparent. It- Plate XIII. SAPEOPHYTIC LIFE-HISTORIES was only after much effort that we at last, by keeping the finest of our lenses near the mouth of the empty sac, were able to discover, where before nothing was visible, the appearance of minute specks, which became larger and larger, growing as seen in 14, 15, 16, 17, until the adult size was reached, as at 18, and by the act of multipartition on the part of one of these, watched from its first disclosure by the microscope, we were able to re-enter the cycle of its life-history. The third form, which we may here consider fully, so as to present a good group of histories typical in their presentation of the morpho- logy of the whole of the monad-saprophytes as we at present know them, is given in E and F, Plate XIII. The monad has been named by S. Kent Dallingeria Drysclali. The form more recently and completely studied by Mr. Dallinger — with all the advantages derived from trained experience, and under objectives of the highest quality and greatest magnifying power — is seen in its normal shape in fig. l, is a long oval, slightly constricted in the middle, and having a kind of pointed neck (a), from which proceeds a flagellum about half as long again as the body. From the shoulder-like projections behind this (b, c,) arise two other long and fine flagella, which are directed backwards. The sarcode-body is clear, and apparently structureless, with minute vacuoles dis- tributed through it ; and in its hinder part a nucleus (d) is dis- tinguishable. The extreme length of the body is seldom more than the ^o^th of an inch, and is often the ^-J^th. This monad swims with great rapidity, its movements, which are graceful and varied, being produced by the action of the flagella, which can not only impel it in any direction, but can suddenly reverse its course or check it altogether. But besides this free-swimming movement, a very curious 'springing' action is performed by this monad when the de- composing organic matter of the infusion is breaking up, the process of disintegration being apparently assisted by it. The two posterior flagella anchor themselves and coil into a spiral, and the body then darts forwards and upwards, until the anchored flagella straighten out again, when the body falls forward to its horizontal position, to be again drawn back by the spiral coiling of the anchored flagella. This monad multiplies by longitudinal fission, the first stage of which is the splitting of the anterior flagellum into two (fig. 2, a, b), and a movement of the nucleus (c) towards the centre. In the course of from thirty to sixty seconds the fission extends down the neck (fig. 3, a ) ; a line of division is also seen at the posterior end (c), and the nucleus (b) shows an incipient cleavage. In a few seconds the cleavage -line runs through the whole length of the body, the separa- tion being widest posteriorly (fig. 4, a) ; and in from one to four minutes the cleavage becomes almost complete (fig. 5), the posterior part of the body, with the two halves (a and b) of the original nucleus^ being now quite disconnected, though the anterior parts are still held together by a transverse band of sarcode, as seen in fig. 6, which continues to rapidly elongate, as in fig. 7, and becomes the length of two side flagella, as in fig. 8. The forms then approach and rapidly recede from each other, snapping the cord, as in figs. 9 and 10. In this way two forms exist instead of one ; and each of these almost 684 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE immediately enters upon and passes through the same process of fission, which from first to last is completed in from four to seven minutes ; and being repeated at intervals of a few minutes, this mode of multipli- cation produces a rapid increase in the number of the monads. Such fission does not, however, continue indefinitely, for after a successive series of fissions, followed in one of the divided bodies for eight or nine hours, certain individuals do not again enter upon the process of fission, but undergo a peculiar change, which shows itself first in the absorption of the two lateral flagella and the great development of the nucleus, and afterwards in the formation of a transverse granular band across the middle of the body (fig. 11, E). One of these altered forms, swimming into a group in the ' springing ' state, within a few seconds firmly attaches itself to one of them, which at once unanchors itself, and the two swim freely and vigorously about, shown in fig. 12, generally for from thirty-five to forty-five minutes. Gradually, however, a ' fusion ' of the two bodies and of their re- spective nuclei takes place, the two trailing flagella of the ' springing ' form being drawn in (fig. 13, F) ; and in a short time longer the two anterior flagella also disappear, and all trace of the separate bodies is lost, the nuclei vanish, and the resultant is an irregular amoeboid mass (fig. 14), which gradually acquires the smooth, distended, and 'still ' condition represented in fig. 1 4, a. This is a cyst filled with repro- ductive particles of such extraordinary minuteness that, when •emitted from the ends of the cyst (fig. 15, a) after the lapse of four or five hours, they can only be distinguished under an amplification of 5000 diameters, with perfect central illumination, i.e. the full cone of a large-angled condenser. Yet these particles, when con- tinuously watched, are soon observed to enlarge and to undergo elongation (figs. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), and within two hours after their ■emission from the sac the anterior nageHum, and afterwards the two lateral flagella (fig. 19), can be distinguished. Slight movements then commence, the neck-like protrusion shows itself and in about half an hour more the regular swimming action begins. About four hours after the escape of its germ from the sac, the monad acquires its characteristic form (fig. 2l), though still only one-half the length of its parent ; but this it attains in another hour, and the process of multiplication by fission, as already described, commences very soon afterwards. There can be no reasonable doubt that the ■ conjugation ' of two individuals, followed by the transformation of their fused bodies into a sac filled with reproductive germs, is to be regarded (as in protophytes) in the light of a true generative process ; and it is interesting to observe the indication of sexual distinction here marked by the different states of the two conjugating individuals. There is every reason to believe that the entire life-cycle of this monad has thus been elucidated ; and it will now be sufficient to notice the principal diversities observed by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale in the life-cycles of the other monadine forms which they have studied. The hi- flagellate or ' acorn ' monad of the same observers (identi- fied by Kent with the Polytoma uvella of Ehrenberg) presents some remarkable peculiarities in its mode of reproduction. Its binary fission extends only to the protoplasmic substance of its body, leaving SAPROPHYTIC LIFE-HISTORIES 685 its envelope entire ; and by a repetition of the process, as many as six- teen segments, each attaining the likeness of the parent, are seen thus enclosed, their flagella protruding through the general investment. This compound state being supposed by Ehrenberg to be the normal one, he named it accordingly. But the parent-cyst soon bursts,, and sets free the contained ' macro-spores,' which swim about freely, and soon attain the size of the parent. Again, the posterior part of the body of certain individuals shows an accumulation of granular- protoplasm, giving to that region a roughened acorn-cup-like aspect the bursting of the projection, while the creature is actively swimming through the water, sets free a multitude of indefinitely shaped granular fragments, within each of which a minute bacterium-like corpuscle- is developed ; and this, on its release, acquires in a few hours the size and form of the original monad. This process seems analogous to the development of ' micro-spores ' among protophytes by the direct breaking up of the protoplasm. It is, like the previous pro- cess, non-sexual or gonidial, the true generative process consisting here, as in the preceding cases, in the 4 conjugation ' of two indi- viduals, with the usual results. The hooked monad {Heteromita uncinata, Kent) is another bi- nagellate form, usually ovate with one end pointed, and from y^^th to 4-^-^th of an inch in length, being distinguished from the pre- ceding by the peculiar character of its flagella, of which the one that projects forward is not more than half the length of the body, and is permanently hooked, while the other, whose length is about twice that of the body, is directed backwards, flowing in graceful curves. Its motion consists of a succession of springs or jerks rapidly follow- ing each other, which seems produced by the action of the hooked flagellum. Multiplication takes place by transverse fission, and con- tinues uninterruptedly for several days. A difference then becomes perceptible between larger and smaller individuals, the former being further distinguished by the presence of what seems to be a contractile vesicle in the anterior part of the body. Conjugation occurs between one of the larger and one of the smaller forms, the latter being, as it were, absorbed into the body of the larger ; and the resulting product is a spherical cyst, which soon begins to exhibit a cleavage-process in its interior. This continues until the whole of its sarcodic substance is subdivided into minute oval particles, which are set free by the rupture of the cyst, and of which each is usually furnished with a single flagellum, by whose lashing movement it swims freely. These germs speedily attain the size and form of the parent, and then begin to multiply by transverse fission, thus completing the ' genetic ' cycle. The calycine monad of the same observers (Tetramitus rostratus, Perty) has a length of from -?nVoth to y^^th of an inch, and a compressed body tapering backwards to a point. Its four flagella (which constitute its generic distinction) arise nearly together from the flattened front of the body, and its swimming movement is a graceful gliding. Near the base of the flagella are a pair of contractile vesicles, and further behind is a large nucleus. Multiplication takes place by longitudinal fission, which is preceded by a change to a semi- 686 MICROSCOPIC FORMS' OF ANIMAL LIFE amoeboid state. This gives place to a more regular pear-like form, the four flagella issuing from the large end ; and the fission commences at their base, two pairs being separated by the cleavage-plane. The nucleus also undergoes cleavage, and its two halves are carried apart by the backward extension of the cleavage. The two half-bodies at last remain connected only by their hinder prolongations, which speedily give way, and set them free. Each, however, has, as yet, only two flagella ; but these speedily fix themselves by their free extremities, undergo a rapid vibratory movement, and in the course of about two minutes split themselves from end to end. A still more complete change into the amoeboid condition, in which the creature not only moves, but also feeds, like an Amoeba (devouring all the living and dead Bacteria in its neighbourhood), occurs previously to ' conjugation ' ; and this takes place between two of the amoeboid forms, which begin to blend into each other almost immediately upon coming into contact. The conjugated bodies, however, swim freely about for a time, the two sets of flagella apparently acting in concert. But by the end of about eighteen hours the fusion of the bodies and nuclei is complete, the flagella are lost, and a spherical distended sac is then formed, which, in a few hours more without any violent splitting or breaking up, sets free innumerable masses of reproductive particles. These under a magnifying power of 2500 diameters can be just recognised as oval granules, which rapidly develop themselves into the likeness of their parents, and in their turn multiply by duplicative fission, thus completing the ' genetic ' cycle. One of the most important researches thus ably prosecuted by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale has reference to the temperatures respectively endurable by the adult or developed forms of these monads, and by their reproductive germs. A large number of experi- ments upon the several forms now described indubitably led to the conclusion that all the adult forms, as well as all those which had reached a stage of development in which they can be distinguished from the reproductive granules, are utterly destroyed by a tempera- ture of 150° Fahr. But, on the other hand, the reproductive granules emitted from the cysts that originate in ' conjugation ' were found capable of sustaining a fluid heat of 220°, and a dry heat of about 30° more, those of the Cercomonad surviving exposure to a dry heat of 300° Fahr. This is a fact of the highest interest in its bearing on the question of ' spontaneous generation,' or abiogenesis ; since it shows that germs capable of surviving desiccation maybe everywhere diffused through the air, and may, on account of their extreme minuteness (as they certainly do not exceed ^ooVtro^n °^ an ^ncn ^n diameter), altogether escape the most careful scrutiny and the most thorough cleansing processes ; while (2) their extraordinary power of resisting heat will prevent these germs from being killed, either by boiling, or by dry-heating up to even 300° Fahr.1 Beyond these facts others of some importance, as well as a new 1 Descriptions of the special apparatus used by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale in their researches will be found in Monthly Micros. Journ. vol. xi. 1874, p. 97 ; ibid. -vol. xv. 1876, p. 165 i and Proceed. Boy. Soc. vol. xxvii. 1878, p. 343. THE MONAD NUCLEUS WITH RECENT LENSES '687 saprophytic organism 1 of special character, have been discovered during 'a recent period. But it will he of more moment here to note to what an extent in this series of observations the new homogeneous objectives, especially in their apochromatic form, have been success- • fully employed in enlarging the area of knowledge. The present Editor has gone carefully over the great part of the work, revising all the critical points with the best apochromatic ob- jectives, and the homogeneous forms of achromatics with an aperture of L50 and with a clear demonstration of the immensely greater ease with which the work could have been done had these lenses been used in the original investigation. But the easily accessible proof of this is given in the work done by Dr. Dallinger upon the nucleus of the nucleated forms of these monads. - Briefly to present the facts, we may recall the part taken in the act of fission in the form last described (Dallinyeria Drysdali). It will be seen by reference that it appeared to us that the nucleus fol- lowed the processes inauyuratedby the somatic sarcode. That in fact it was a passive participator in the act of fission. This is all that can be made out to-day by the very lenses originally employed. But by the employment of a y^th inch and -^th inch homo- geneous of N.A. L50 by Powell and Lealand, and an apochromatic of TVth inch N.A. 1*40 by the same Firm ; and also by the use of the beautiful 3 mm. and 2 mm. N.A. 1*40 of Zeiss (apochromatic), it can be seen with comparative ease that it is in the nucleus that all the activities of the body are originated. This may be followed from a study of Plate XIV. Fig. 1 , A, represents the nucleus of the form drawn . at fig. 1, E, Plate XIII. In long diameter it is of an average length of ^joirooth °f an inch ; but instead of being a darkly refractive object, as seen with the objectives used twelve years ago, it is "with the present lenses, freed from chromatic and spherical aberration, a body in the monad undergoing no process of change, an oval globule with a complicated plexus-like involution throughout its substances, as seen in fig. 6, A, Plate XIV. But directly the process of fission is to be inaugurated, •we need not wait to see its first action in the splitting of the flagellum, as in fig. 2, E, Plate XIII, ; for by observing the nucleus we discover, before any change has begun in the body-substance, that the plexus in the nucleus has condensed itself on either side of the nucleus, as in fig. 1, b, A, Plate XIV. A clear space is left at c, and no change has taken place in the body-sarcode, a, a, a. But shortly an incision takes place in the nucleus, as at d, fig. 2, and this is immediately followed by the incision f in the body-s;a code, and the process goes on simultaneously in nucleus and body, as in fig. 3, until the division of the nucleus is completely effected, and the total severance of the body follows. But as soon as the nucleus is divided, the plexus, which has been during division, as in fig. 3, condensed over part of each dividing half, at once distributes itself evenly again, as in fig. 6, A, and re- mains so until another change is inaugurated in the form to which the nucleus belongs. 1 Joam. of Jtoyal Micros. Soc. vol. v. 688 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE Not less remarkable is this in the conjugation of the same form. With the old lenses we could only discover that the end of a series of fissions had been reached by the change which came over the entire body of the terminal form seen in fig. 11, E, Plate XIII. But now, before the amoeboid state preceding the assumption of the condition shown in fig. 11 takes place, it can be seen that the- nucleus undergoes remarkable change, for it passes from a highly refractive plexus -like condition into a large milky structureless state, and in this condition blends with one of the ordinary forms whose nucleus is of the ordinary type. The first result of fusion is seen in fig. 4, A, Plate XIV, showing only the greatly magnified blended nuclei, and where the blending between them is seen to be nearly complete at a, and a nucleus or nucleolus is manifest ; while when the blending is more perfect there is a diffusion of this central or nucleolar body through the substance of the whole, as in fig. 5, A. In B, Plate XIY, the nucleus only, separate from the body of the organism known as Tetramitus rostratus, is shown as we can reveal it with recent German and English apochromatic objectives. This entire organism is relatively large, and its nucleus will average in long diameter the To^00th of an inch. Hence it affords a still better means of study. Now this organism divides by fission for a very considerable time, but at length many forms become amoeboid — acting precisely as an amoeba, but retaining traces of their primal form. In this state two of them blend, and as a result a sac of spore is formed from which a new generation arises. We could with the old objectives determine nothing more than the fact that the amoeboid form had supervened ; but now it is easy to show that the nucleus in the body of a form not yet amoeboid is under- going change upon which the amoeboid state is certain to supervene. This is even more striking in the growth of the germ. It attains a certain size in growth, and then there is an arrest of all enlarge- ment. This we had long observed in the earlier observations. But now with apochromatic object-glasses it has been demonstrated that this arrest of outward growth is only the signal for an internal de- velopment. Fig. 1, B, Plate XIV, shows the condition of the nucleus when there is an apparent pause in its growth. Fig. 2 shows the same nucleus after about forty minutes of external inaction, a plexus- like formation having filled its substance. The nucleus remains thus in the mature body of the monad until fission is to be inaugurated, when the change seen in fig. 2r followed by the changes and deeper division seen in figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, which, after the state of the nucleus seen in fig. 4 has been reached, is shared in by initiation of division in the substance of the entire body. It thus appears that a form of haryo kinesis takes place in the nucleus of even such lowly forms as these, and that it is the nucleus that is the seat of their intensest vitality. A large series of more complex forms of flagellate Infusoria has been brought to our knowledge by the researches of the late STUDIES OF THE NUCLEUS IN SAPROPHYTIC ORGANISMS. FLAGELLATA 689 Professor James-Clark (U.S.A.),1 followed by those of Stein, Saville Kent,2 and Bergh. In some of these a sort of collar-like extension of what appears to be the protoplasmic ectosarc proceeds from the anterior extremity of the body (fig. 527, cl), forming a kind of funnel, from the bottom of which the fiagellum arises ; and by its vibrations a cur- rent is produced within the funnel, which brings down food-particles to the ' oral disc ' that surrounds its origin where the ectosarc seems softer than that which envelops the rest of the body. Towards the base of the collar a nucleus (n) is seen ; while near the posterior termination of the body is a single or double contractile vesicle (cv). The body is attached by a pedicle proceeding from its posterior extremity, which also seems to be a prolongation of the ectosarc. These animalcules multiply by longitudinal fission ; and this, in some cases (as in the genus Jlonosiga), proceeds to the extent of a complete separation of the two bodies, which henceforth, as in the ordinary Monadina, live quite independ- ently of each other. But in other forms, as Codosiga, the fission does not extend through the pedicel, and the twin bodies being thus held together at their bases, and themselves undergoing duplicative fission, clusters are pro- duced which spring from common pedicels (fig. 528) ; and by the extension of the division down the pedicels themselves, composite arborescent fabrics, like those of zoophytes, are pro- duced. In another group a structureless and very transparent horny calyx, closely resembling in miniature the polype-cell of a Campanu- laria forms itself round the body of the monad, which can retract itself into the bottom of it ; and in the genus Salpingoeca both calyx and collar are present. In some forms of this group multi- plication seems to take place, not by fission, but by gemmation : and, as among hydroid polypes, the gemma! -may either detach themselves and live independently, or may remain in connection with their parent-stocks, forming composite fabrics, in some of which the calyces follow one another in linear series, whilst in others they Fig. 527. — Single zoijid of Codosiga umbellata : cl, collar; n, nucleus; cv, double contractile vesicle. 1 See his memoirs in Ann. Xat. Hist. ser. 3, vol. xviii. 18(JG ; ibid. ser. 4, vol. i. 186S ; vol. vii. 1871 ; and vol. ix. 1872. 2 See 'his Manual of the Infusoria, 1880-82, 2 vols, and 1 vol. of platas. 690 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE take on a ramifying arrangement. While some of these composite organisms are sedentary, others, as Dinobryon, are free- swimming. Two solitary flagellate forms, Antliophysa and Anisonema, may be specially noticed as presenting several interesting points of resemblance to the peculiar type next to be described, the most noticeable being the presence of a distinct mouth and the possession of two different motor organs — one a comparatively stout and stitF bristle, of uniform diameter throughout, which moves by occasional jerks, and the other a very delicate tapering flagellum, which is in constant vibratory motion. If, as appears from the recent observa- tions of Biitschli, the well-known Astasia — of which one species has a blood-red colour, and sometimes multiplies to such an extent as to tinge the water of the ponds it inhabits — has a true mouth for the Fig. 528. — Codosiga umhellata : Colony-stock, springing from single pedicel tripartitely branched. reception of its food, it must be regarded as an animal, and sepa- rated from the Euglena (with which it has been generally associated), the latter being pretty certainly a plant belonging to the same group as Volvox.1 There can be no longer any doubt that the well-known Noctiluca miliar is — to which is attributable the diffused luminosity that fre- quently presents itself in British seas — is to be regarded as a gigantic type of the ' unicellular ' Fhigdlata. This animal, which is of spher- oidal form, and has an average diameter of about ^-th of an inch, is just large enough to be discerned by the naked eye when the water in which it may be swimming is contained in a glass jar held up to 1 See the memoir by Prof. Biitschli in Zeitschrift f. Wissensch. Zool. Bd. xxx, of which an abridgment (with plate) is given in Quart. Joam. Micros. Sci» vol. xix. 1879, p. (j'd. NOCTILUCA 69 r the light ; and its tail-like appendage, whose length about equals its own diameter, and which serves as an instrument of locomotion, may be discerned with a hand -magnifier. The form of Noctiluca is nearly that of a sphere, so compressed that while on one aspect (fig. 529, A) its outline, when projected on a plane, is nearly circular, it is irregularly oval in the aspect (B) at right angles to this. Along one side of this body is a meridional groove, resembling that of a peach ; and this leads at one end into a deep depression of the sur- face,termed the atrium, from the shallower commencement of which the tentacle, d, 1 originates ; whilst it deepens down at the base of the tentacle to the mouth, e. Along the opposite meridian there extends a slightly elevated ridge, c, which commences with the appearance of a bifurcation at the end of the atrium farthest from Fig. 529. — Noctiluca miliar is as seen at A on the aboral side, and at B on a plane at right angles to it : a, entrance to atrium; b, atrium ; c, superficial ridge ; d, tentacle ; e, mouth leading to oesophagus, within which are seen the flagellum springing from its base, and the tooth-like process projecting into it from above ; /, broad process from the central protoplasmic mass proceeding to superficial ridge ; g, duplicature of wall ; h, nucleus. (Magnified about ninety diameters.) the tentacle : this is of firmer consistence than the rest of the body, and has somewhat the appearance of a rod imbedded in its walls. The mouth opens into a short oesophagus, which leads directly down to the great central protoplasmic mass ; on the side of this canal, farthest ' from the tentacle, is a firm ridge that forms a tooth-like projection into its cavity ; whilst from its floor there arises a long 1 The organ here termed ' tentacle ' is commonly designated flagellum ; while what is here termed the flagellum is spoken of by most of those who have recognised it as a cilium. The Author agrees with M. Robin in considering the former organ, which has a remarkable resemblance to a single fibrilla of striated muscle as one peculiar to Noctiluca, and the latter as the true homologue of the flagellum of the ordinary Flagellata. It is curious that several observers have been unable to dis- cover the so-called cilium, which was first noticed by Krohn. Professor Huxley sought for it in at least fifty individuals without success ; and out of the great number which he afterwards examined he did not get a clear view of it in more than half a dozen. Y Y 2 692 MICROSCOPIC POEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE flagellum, which vibrates freely in its interior. The central proto- plasmic mass sends off in all directions branching prolongations of its substance, whose ramifications inosculate ; these become thinner and thinner as they approach the periphery, and their ultimate filaments, coming into contact with the delicate membranous body- wall, extend themselves over its interior, forming a protoplasmic network of extreme tenuity (fig. 530). Besides these branching- prolongations, there is sent off from the central protoplasmic mass a broad, thin, irregularly quadrangular extension (fig. 529, B,/), which extends to the superficial rod-like ridge, and seems to coalesce with it • its lower free edge has a thickened border ; whilst its upper- edge becomes continuous with a plate-like striated structure, g, which seems to be formed by a peculiar duplicature of the body- wall. At one side of the protoplasmic mass is seen a spherical vesicle, h, of.' PlG. 580. — Portion of superficial protoplasmic reticulation formed by ramification of an extension a of central mass. (Magnified 1000 diameters.) about s o30 oths of an inch in diameter, having clear colourless contents, among which transparent oval corpuscles may usually be detected. This, from the changes it undergoes in connection with the reproductive process, must be regarded as a nucleus. The particles of food drawn into the mouth (probably by the vibrations of the flagellum) seem to be received into the protoplas- mic mass at the bottom of the oesophagus by extensions of its sub- stance, which enclose them in filmy envelopes that maintain them- selves as distinct from the surrounding protoplasm, and thus consti- tute extemporised digestive vesicles. These vesicles soon find then- way into the radiating extensions of the central mass (as shown in fig. 529, B), and are ensheathed by the protoplasmic substance which goes on to form the peripheral network (fig. 531). Their number and position are alike variable; sometimes only one or two are to be distinguished ; more commonly from four to eight can be seen NOCTILUCA 693 and even twelve or more are occasionally discernible. The place of each in the body is constantly being changed by the contractions of the protoplasmic substance, these in the first place carrying it from the centre towards the periphery of the body, and then carrying it back to the central mass, into whose substance it seems to be fused as soon as it has discharged any indigestible material it may have contained, which is got rid of through the mouth. Every part of the protoplasmic reticulation is in a state of incessant change, which serves to distribute the nutrient material that finds its way into it through the walls of the digestive vesicles ; but no regular cyelosis (like that of plants) can be observed in it. Besides the ' digestive vesicles,' vacuoles filled with clear fluid may be distin- guished, alike in the central protoplasmic mass, and in its extensions, as is shown in the centre of fig. 529. There is no contractile vesicle. The peculiar ' tentacle' of Noctiluca is a flattened whip-like fila- ment, gradually tapering from its base to its extremity } the two flattened faces being directed respectively towards and away from the oral aperture. When either of its flattened faces is examined, it Fig. 531. — Pair of digestive vesicles of Xoctiluca lying in course of exten- sion of central protoplasmic mass, o, to form peripheral reticulation, b, and containing remains of Algae. (Magnified 4S0 diameters.) shows an alternation of light and dark spaces, in every respect resembling those of striated muscular fibre, except that the clear spaces are not subdivided. But when looked at in profile, it is seen that between the striated band and the aboral surface is a layer of granular protoplasm. The tentacle slowly bends over towards the mouth about five times in a minute, and straightens itself still more slowly, the middle portion rising first, while the point approaches the base, so as to form a sort of loop, which presently straightens. It seems probable that the contraction of the substance forming the dark bands produces the bending of the filament ; whilst, when this relaxes, the filament is straightened again by the elasticity of the granular layer. The extreme transparence of Xoctiluca renders it a particularly favourable subject for the study of the phenomena of phosphorescence. When the surface of the sea is rendered luminous by the general diffusion of JToctilucce, they may be obtained by the tow-net in un- limited quantities ; and when transferred into a jar of sea-water, they soon rise to the surface, where they form a thick stratum. The slightest agitation of the jar in the dark causes an instant emission of 694 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE their light, which is of a beautiful greenish tint, and is vivid enougli to be perceptible by ordinary lamp-light. This luminosity is but of an instant's duration, and a short rest is required for its renewal. A brilliant, but short-lived display of luminosity, to be followed by its- total cessation, may be produced by electric or chemical stimulation. Professor Allman found the addition of a drop of alcohol to the water containing specimens of Noctiluca, on the stage of the microscope, produce a luminosity strong enough to be visible under a half -inch objective, lasting with full intensity for several seconds, and then gradually disappearing. He was thus able to satisfy himself that the special seat of the phosphorescence is the peripheral protoplasmic reticulation which lines the external structureless membrane. The reproduction in this interesting type is effected in various ways. According to Cienkowsky, even a small portion of the proto- plasm of a mutilated Noctiluca will (as among rhizopods) reproduce the entire animal. Multiplication by fission or binary subdivision, beginning in the enlargment, constriction, and separation of the two halves of the nucleus, has been frequently observed. Another form of non-sexual reproduction, which seems parallel to the ' swarming ' of many protophytes, commences by a kind of encysting process. The tentacle and flagellum disappear, and the mouth gradually narrows, and at last closes up ; the meridional groove also disappears, so that the animal becomes a closed hollow sphere. The nucleus elongates, and becomes transversely constricted, and its two halves separate, each remaining connected with a portion of the protoplasmic network. This duplicative subdivision is repeated over and over again, until as many as 512 'gemmules' are formed, each consisting of a nuclear particle enveloped by a protoplasmic layer, and each having its flagellum. The entire aggregate forms a disc-like mass projecting from the surface of the sphere ; and this mass sometimes detaches itself as a whole, subsequently breaking up into individuals ; whilst, more commonly, the gemmules detach themselves one by one, the separation beginning at the margin of the disc, and proceeding towards its centre. The gemmules are at first closed monadiform spheres, each having a nucleus, contractile vesicle, and flagellum ; the mouth is subsequently formed, and the tentacle and permanent flagellum afterwards make their appearance. A process of 4 conjuga- tion ' has also been observed, alike in ordinary Noctilucce and in their closed or encysted forms, which seems to be sexual in its nature. Two individuals, applying their oral surfaces to each other, adhere closely together, and their nuclei become connected by a bridge of protoplasmic substance. The tentacles are thrown off, the two bodies gradually coalesce, and the two nuclei fuse into one. The whole process occupies about five or six hours, but its results have not been followed out.1 1 Noctiluca has been the subject of numerous memoirs, of which the following are the most recent : Cienkowski, Arch. f. Micros. Anat. Bd. vii. 1871, p. 131, and Bd. ix, 1873, p. 47 ; Allman, Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. xii. 1872, p. 327 ; Bobin, Journ. cle VAnat. et de Physiol, torn. xiv. 1878, p. 586; Vignal, Arch, de Physiol. se*r. ii. torn. v. 1878, p. 415; Stein, Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, hi. 2, 1883; and Biitschli, Morphol. Jahrbuch, x. 1885, p. 529. For' the group of which it and Leptodiscus (Hertwig) are the representatives, Ray Lankester has sug- gested the name Eh ynchofiagellata. DINOFLAGELLATA 695 The name Cilio-flagellata and the definition of the group must both be altered, now that Klebs and Biitschli have shown that what were regarded as cilia in the transverse grooves of their bodies is really a fiagellum ; the name to be used is DinoflageUata? Al- though this group does not contain any great diversity of forms, yet it is specially worthy of notice, not only on account of the occasional appearance of some of them in extraordinary multitudes, but also for their power of forming cellulose — a property which is often thought to be.particularly characteristic of plants. The Peridinium observed by Professor Allman in 1854 was present in such quantities that it imparted a brown colour to the water of some of the large ponds in Phoenix Park, Dublin, this colour being sometimes uniformly diffused, and sometimes showing itself more deeply in dense clouds, varying in extent from a few square yards to upwards of a hundred. The animal (fig. 532, A, B) has a form approaching the spherical, with a diameter of from ^^th to 3 J0 0th of an inch, and is partially divided into two hemispheres by a deep equatorial furrow, a, whilst the flagellum-bearing hemisphere, A, has a deep meridional groove on one side, b, extending from the equatorial groove to the pole, the fiagellum taking its origin from the bottom of this vertical Fig. 532. — Peridinium uberrimum: A, B, front and back views ; C, encysted stage ; D, duplicative subdivision. groove, near its junction with the equatorial. The members of this group vary considerably in their mode of taking food ; from the reseaches of Bergh it would appear that those which are provided with chromatophores have a plant-like mode of obtaining food, while those which are without chromatophores are truly animal in their method of alimentation. A ' contractile vesicle ' has been rarely observed ; but a large nucleus, sometimes oval and sometimes horse- shoe-shaped, seems always present. The Peridinia multiply by transverse fission (fig. 532, D), which commences in the subdivision of the nucleus, and then shows itself externally in a constriction of the ungrooved hemisphere, parallel to the equatorial furrow. They pass into a quiescent condition, subsiding towards the bottom of the water, and the loricated forms appear to throw off their envelopes. There is reason to believe that conjugation obtains in certain cases : (llenodinium cinctum has been observed by Professor Askenasy to copulate, but the development of the zygote, as the product of copu- lation may be called, has not yet been worked out. Some of the Peridinia are found in sea- water, but the most remarkable marine forms of the cilio-flagellate group belong to the genus Geranium (fig. 533), in which the cuirass extends itself into long horny appendages. 1 Or, more correctly, Dinomastif/ophora, 696 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE Inrthe Ceratium tripos (1) there are three of these appendages ; two of them curved, proceeding from the anterior portion of the cuirass, and the third, which is straight or nearly so, from its posterior portion. They are all more or less jagged or spinous. In Ceratium furca (2) the two anterior horns are prolonged straight forwards, one of them being always longer than the other ; whilst the posterior is prolonged straight backwards. The anterior and posterior halves of the cuirass are separated by a ciliated furrow, from one point of which the flagellum arises ; and at the origin of this is a deep depression into which the flagellum may be completely and suddenly withdrawn. The Author has found the Ceratium tripos extremely Fig. 533. — 1, Ceratium tripos; 2, Ceratium furca. abundant in Lamlash Bay, Arran, where it constitutes a principal article of the food of the Antedons that inhabit its bottom.1 Suctoria. — The suctorial Infusoria constitute a well-marked group, all belonging to one family, Acinetina, the nature of which has been until recently much misunderstood, chiefly on account of the parasitism of their habit. Like the typical Monadina, they are closed cells, each having its nucleus and contractile vesicle ; but instead of freely swimming through the water, they attach them- selves by flexible peduncles, sometimes to the stems of Vorticellina-;, but also to filamentous Algre, stems of zoophytes, or to the bodies of larger animals. Their nutriment is obtained through delicate 1 See Allman in Quart. Micros. Journ. vol. iii. 1855, p. 24; H. James-Claik in Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. iii. vol. xviii. 18GG, p. 429 ; and Bergli, Morphol. Jahrbuch, vii. 1881, p. 177. A CINETINA 697 tubular extensions of the ectosarc, which act as suctorial tentacles (fig. 534), the free extremity of each being dilated into a little knob, which flattens out into a button-like disc when it is applied to a food-particle. Free-swimming Infusoria are captured by these organs, of which several quickly bend over towards the one which was at first touched, so as firmly to secure the prey ; and when several have thus attached themselves, the movements of the imprisoned animal become feebler, and at last cease altogether, its body .being drawn nearer to that of its captor. Instead, however, of being received into its interior like the prey of Actinophrys, the captured animalcule remains on the outside, but yields up its soft substance to the suctorial power of its victor. As soon as the suck- Fig. 534. — Suctorial Infusoria : 1, Conjugation of Podophrya quadripartita ; 2, formation of embryos by enlargement and sub- division of the nucleus ; 8, ordinary form of the same ; 4, Podo- phrya elongata. ing disc has worked its way through the envelope of the body to which it has attached itself, a very rapid stream, indicated by the granules it carries, sets along the tube, and pours itself into the interior of the Acineta-body. Solid particles are not received through these suctorial tentacles, so that the Acinetina cannot be fed with indigo or carmine ; but, so far as can be ascertained by observation of what goes on within their bodies, there is a general protoplasmic cyclosis without the formation of any special 'digestive vesicles.' The ordinary forms of this group are ranked under the two genera Acineta and Podophrya, which are chiefly distinguished by the presence of a firm envelope or lorica in the former, while the body of the latter is naked. In one curious form, the Ophryodendroii) the suckers are borne in a brush-like expansion on a long retractile 698 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE proboscis-like organ ; and the rare Dendrosoma, whose size is com- paratively gigantic, forms by continuous gemmation an arborescent 'colony/ of which the individual members remain in intimate connection with one another. Multiplication in this group seems occasionally to take place by longitudinal fission, but this is rare in the adult state. Some- times external gemmce are developed by a sort of pinching off of a part of the free end of the body, which includes a portion of the nucleus ; the tentacula of this bud disappear, but its surface be- comes clothed with cilia ; and, after a short time, it detaches itself and swims away — comporting itself subsequently like the internal embryos, whose production seems the more ordinary method of propagation in this type. These originate in the breaking up of the nucleus into several segments, each of which incloses itself in a protoplasmic envelope ; and this becomes clothed with cilia, by the vibrations of which the embryos are put in motion within the Fig. 585. — Immature forms of Podophrya.quadripartita : 1, Amoe- boid state (Trichophrya of Claparede and Lachmann) ; 2, the same more advanced ; 8, incipient division into lobes. body of the parent (fig. 534, 2), from which they afterwards escape by its rupture. In this condition (a) they swim about freely, and seem identical with what has been described by Ehrenberg as a distinct generic form, Megatricha. And, according to the observa- tions of Mr. Badcock,1 these Megatricha-iorms, multiply freely by self-division. After a short time, however, they settle down upon filamentous Algae or other supports, lose their cilia, put forth suctorial tentacles (which seem to shoot out suddenly in the first instance, but are afterwards slowly retracted and protruded with a kind of spiral movement), and assume a variety of amcebiform shapes (fig. 535, ], 2, 3), some of them corresponding to that of the genus. Trichophrya. In this stage they become quiescent at the approach of winter, the suctorial tentacles and the contractile vesicles dis- appearing ; they do not, however, seem to acquire any special envelope, remaining as clear, motionless, protoplasmic particles. But with the return of warmth their development recommences, a 1 Journ. of Boy. Micros. 80c. vol. iii. 1880, p. 563. CILIATA 699 footstalk is formed, and they gradually assume the characteristic form of Podophrya quadrijjartita. A regular 'conjugation ' has been observed in this type, the body of one individual bending down so as to apply its free surface to the corresponding part of another,, with which it becomes fused (fig. 534, ]) ; but whether this always precedes the production of internal embryos, or is any way prepara- tory to propagation, has not yet been ascertained.1 ' Ciliata. — As it is in this tribe of animalcules that the action of the organs termed cilia has the most important connection with the vital functions, it seems desirable here to introduce a more particular notice of them. They are always found in connection with cells, of whose protoplasmic substance they may be considered as extensions, endowed in a special degree with its characteristic contractility. The form of the filaments is usually a little flattened, tapering gradually from the base to the point. Their size is ex- tremely variable, the largest that have been observed being about T^oth of an inch in length, and the smallest about -rsiyo^th. "When in motion each filament appears to bend from its root to its point, returning again to its original state, like the stalks of corn when depressed by the wind ; and when a number are affected in succession with this motion, the appearance of progressive waves following one another is produced, as when a cornfield is agitated by successive gusts. When the ciliary action is in full activity, however, little can be distinguished save the whirl of particles in the surrounding fluid ; but the back stroke may often be perceived, when the forward stroke is made too quickly to be seen, and the real direction of the movement is then opposite to the apparent. In this back stroke, when made slowly enough, a sort of ' feathering ' action may be observed, the thin edge being made to cleave the liquid, which has been struck by the broad surface in the opposite direction. It is only when the rate of movement has considerably slackened that the shape and size of the cilia, and the manner in which their stroke is made, can be clearly seen. Their action has been observed to continue for many hours, or even days, after the death of the body at large. As cilia are not confined to animal- cules and zoophytes, but give motion to the zoospores of many protophytes, and also clothe the free internal surfaces of the respi- ratory and other passages in all the higher animals, including man (our own experience thus assuring us that their action takes place, not only without any exercise of will, but even without conscious- ness), it is clear that to regard animalcules as possessing a ' voluntary ' control over the action of their cilia is altogether unscientific. In the ciliated Infusoria, the differentiation of the sarcodic sub- stance into ' ectosarc ' or cell-wall, and ' endosarc ' or cell-contents, 1 The Acinetina were described both by Ehrenberg and Dujardin ; but the first full account of their peculiar organisation was given by Stein in his Organismus iter InfusionsthiercJien.' Misled, however, by their parasitic habits, Stein originally sup- posed them not to be independent types, but to be merely transitional stages in the development of VcrticellincB and other ciliate Infusoria ; this doctrine he loug since abandoned. Much information as to this group will also be found in the beautiful Etudes sar les Infusoireset les RJiizojwcles of MM. Claparede and Lach- mann, Geneva, 1858-61. yoo MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE becomes very complete, the ectosarc possessing a membranous firmness which prevents it from readily yielding to pressure, and having a definite internal limit, instead of graduating insensibly (as in rhizopods) into the protoplasmic layer which lines it. A ' nucleus ' seems always present, being sometimes ' parietal ' (or adherent to the interior of the ectosarc), in other cases lying in the midst of the endosarc. In many Ciliata a distinct ' cuticle ' or exudation-layer may be recognised on the surface of the ectosarc : and this cuticle, which is studded with regularly arranged markings like those of Diatomacese, seems to be the representative of the carapace of Arcella &c. as of the cellulose coat of protophytes. It is sometimes hardened, so as to form a ' shield ' that protects Fig. 536. — A, Kerona silurus : a, contractile vesicle ; b, mouth ; c, c, animalcules swallowed by the Kerona, after having themselves ingested particles of indigo. B, Paramecium caudatum : a, a, contractile vesicles ; The dotted lines indicate currents. b, mouth. the body on one side only, or a ' lorica ' that completely invests it ; and there are other cases in which it is so prolonged and doubled upon itself as to form a sheath resembling the 4 cell ' of a zoophyte, within which the body of the animalcule lies loosely, being attached only by a stalk at the bottom of the case, and being able either to project itself from the outlet or to retract itself into the interior. In the marine forms known as Dictocysta and Costonella, -described by Haeckel, the body is enclosed in a silicious lattice-work shell, usually bell-shaped or helmet-shaped, which bears so strong a resemblance to the shells of many Radiolaria as to be easily mis- taken for them. The form of the body is usually much more definite than that of the naked rhizopods, each species having its characteristic shape, which is only departed from, for the most part, when the animalcule is subjected to pressure from without, or when its cavity has been distended by the ingestion of any substance above the ordinary size. The cilia and other mobile appendages of VORTICELLA 701 the body are extensions of the outer layer of the ' ectosarc ' proper ; and this layer, which retains a high degree of vital activity, is some- times designated the ' cilia-layer.' Beneath this is a layer in which (or in certain bands of which) regular, parallel, fine striae may be distinguished, and as this striation is also distinguishable in the eminently contractile foot-stalk of Vorticella1 (fig. 537, B) there seems good reason to regard it as indicating a special modification of pro- toj>lasinic substance, which resembles muscle in its endowments. Hence this is termed the 'myo- phan-'layer.' Beneath this, in cer- tain species of Infusoria, there is found a thin stratum of condensed protoplasm, including minute 'tri- chocysts,'" which resemble in miniature the ' thread-cells ' of zoophytes ; and this, where it exists, is known as the ' tricho- cyst-layer.' The hair-like pro- cesses of protoplasm may be caused to protrude from the cell by such irritation as is effected by the addition of a little iodine to the water in which the animal- cule is living. The vibration of ciliary fila- ments, which are either disposed along the entire margin of the body, as well as around the oral aperture (fig. 537, A, B), or are limited to some one part of it, which is always in the immedi- ate vicinity of the mouth, sup- plies the means in this group of Infusoria both for progres- sion through the water and for drawing alimentary particles into the interior of their bodies. In some their vibration is constant, whilst in others it is only occasional. The modes of movement which infusory animalcules execute by means of these instru- ments are extremely varied and remarkable. Some propel them- selves directly forwards, with a velocity which appears, when highly magnified, like that of an arrow, so that the eye can scarcely follow them ; whilst others drag their-bodies slowly along like a leech. Some attach themselves by one of their long filaments to a fixed point, and revolve around it with great rapidity, whilst others move by undu- lations, leaps, or successive gyrations : in short, there is scarcely any kind of animal movement which they do not exhibit. But there are cases in which the locomotive filaments have a bristle-like firm- ness, and, instead of keeping themselves in rapid vibration, are moved 1 On the morphology of the YoriicellhiEe see Biitschli. Morphol. Jahrb. xi. Fig. 537. — Group of YcrticeUa nebulifera showing, A, the ordinary form ; B, the same with the stalk contracted ; C. the same with the bell closed ; D. E. F, suc- cessive stages of fissiparous multiplica- tion. p. 553. 702 MICKOSCOPIC FOBMS OF ANIMAL LIFE (like the spines of Echini) by the contraction of the integument from which they arise, in such a manner that the animalcule crawls by their means over a solid surface, as we see especially in Trichoda lynceus (fig. 541, P, Q). In Chilodon and Nassula, again, the mouth is provided with a circlet of plications or folds, looking like bristles, which, when imperfectly seen, received the designation of ' teeth ; ; their function, however, is rather that of laying hold of aliment- ary particles by their expansion and subsequent drawing together (somewhat after the fashion of the tentacula of zoophytes) than of reducing them by any kind of masticatory process. Some, like Opcdina, are entoparasitic, and have no mouth • a form allied to Opcdina (Anoploplirya circulans) lives in the blood of Asellus aquaticus ; other entoparasites, such as Triehonympha in the ' white ant,' still possess their mouth. The curious contraction of the foot- stalk of the Vorticella (fig. 537), again, is a movement of a different nature, being due to the contractility of the tissue that occupies the interior of the tubular pedicle. This stalk serves to attach the bell-shaped body of the animalcule to some fixed object, such as a leaf or stem of duck-weed ; and when the animal is in search of food, with its cilia in active vibration, the stalk is fully extended. If, however, the animalcule should have drawn to its mouth any particles too large to be received within it, or should be touched by any other that happens to be swimming near it, or should be £ jarred ' by a smart tap on the stage of the microscope, the stalk suddenly contracts into a spiral, from which it shortly afterwards extends itself again into its previous condition. The central cord, to whose contractility this action is due, has been described as muscular, though not possessing the characteristic structure of either kind of muscular fibre ; it possesses, however, the special irritability of muscle, being instantly called into contraction (according to the observations of Kuhne) by electrical excitation. The only special i impressionable ' organs 1 for the direction of their actions with the possession of which Infusoria can be credited are the delicate bristle-like bodies which project in some of them from the neighbour- hood of the mouth, and in Stentor from various parts of the surface. The red spots seen in many Infusoria, which have been designated as eyes by Professor Ehrenberg, from their supposed correspondence with the eye-spots of JRotifera, really bear a much greater re- semblance to the red spots which are so frequently seen among protophytes. R. Hertwig, who seems to have successfully defended himself against the strictures of Professor Vogt, has described a vorticellid — Erytliropsis agilis — as having a pigment-spot which cannot but be regarded as a rudimentary eye ; Metschnikoff, who thinks that JErythropsis is an acinetan, found a similar form with a similar eye near Madeira ; and Harker has observed that if light be allowed to fall on a part only of a colony of Ophridimn versatile all the members soon congregate to the illuminated portion. The interior of the body does not always seem to consist of a 1 The term ' organs of sense ' implies a consciousness of impressions, with which it is difficult to conceive that unicellular Infusoria can be endowed. The component cells of the human body do their work without themselves knowing it. INFUSORIA 703 simple undivided cavity occupied by soft protoplasm ; for the tegu- mentary layer appears in many instances to send prolongations across it in different directions, so as to divide it into chambers of irregular shape, freely communicating with each other, which may be occupied either by protoplasm, or by particles introduced from with- out. The alimentary particles which can be distinguished in the interior of the transparent bodies of Infusoria are usually proto- phytes of various kinds, either entire or in a fragmentary state. The Diatomacese seem to be the ordinary food of many ; and the in- solubility of their loricce enables the observer to recognise them unmistakably. Sometimes entire Infusoria are observed within the bodies of others not much exceeding them in size (fig. 541, B) ; but this is only when they have been recently swallowed, since the prey speedily undergoes digestion. It would seem as if these creatures do not feed by any means indiscriminately, since particular kinds of them are attracted by particular kinds of aliment ; the crushed bodies and eggs of Entomostraca, for example, are so voraciously consumed by the Coleps that its body is sometimes quite altered in shape by the distension. This circumstance, however, by no means proves that such creatures possess a sense of taste and a power of determinate selection ; for many instances might be cited in which actions of the like apparently conscious nature are performed with- out any such guidance. The ordinary process of feeding, as well as the nature and direction of the ciliary currents, may be best studied by diffusing through the water containing the animalcules a few particles of indigo or carmine. These may be seen to be carried by the ciliary vortex into the mouth, and their passage may be traced for a little distance down a short (usually ciliated) oesophagus. There they commonly become aggregated together, so as to form a little pellet of nearly globular form ; and this, when it has attained the size of the hollow within which it is moulded, seems to receive an investment of firm sarcodic substance, resembling the ' digestive vesicles ' of Noctiluca, and to be then projected into the softer endosarc of the interior of the cell, its place in the oesophagus being- occupied by other particles subsequently ingested. (This 'moulding,' however, is by no means universal, the aggregations of coloured particles in the bodies of Infusoria being often destitute of any regularity of form.) A succession of such pellets being thus intro- duced into the cell- cavity, a kind of circulation is seen to take place in its interior, those that first entered making their way out after a time (first yielding up their nutritive materials), generally by a distinct anal orifice, but sometimes by the mouth. When the pellets are thus moving round the body of the animalcule, two of them sometimes appear to become fused together, so that they obviously cannot have been separated by any firm membranous in- vestment. When the animalcule has not taken food for some time, * vacuoles,' or clear spaces, extremely variable both in size and number, filled only with a very transparent fluid, are often seen in its protoplasm ; and their fluid sometimes shows a tinge of colour, which seems to be due to the solution of some of the vegetable chlorophyll upon which the animalcule may have fed last. 704 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE Contractile vesicles (fig. 536, a, a), usually about the size of the ' vacuoles,' are found, either singly or to the number of from two to sixteen, in the bodies of most ciliated animalcules ; and may be seen to execute rhythmical movements of contraction and dilatation at tolerably regular intervals, being so completely obliterated, when emptied of their contents, as to be quite unclistinguishable, and coming into view again as they are refilled. These vesicles do not change their position in the individual, and they are pretty constant, both as to size and place, in different individuals of the same species ; hence they are obviously quite different in character from the ' vacuoles.' In Paramecium there are always to be observed two globular vesicles (fig. 536, B, a, a), each of them surrounded by several elongated cavities, arranged in a radiating manner, so as to give to the whole somewhat of a star-like aspect, as seen in fig. 538, l, v, v ; and the liquid contents are seen to be propelled from the former into the latter, and vice versa. Further, in Stentor, a com- plicated network of canals, apparently in connection with the con- tractile vesicles, has been detected in the substance of the ' ectosarc,' and traces of this may be observed in other Infusoria. In some of the larger animalcules it may be distinctly seen that the contractile vesicles have permanent valvular orifices opening outwards, and that an expulsion of fluid from the body into the water around it is effected by their contraction ; in some vorticellids the contractile vesicle is connected by a canal with the ' vestibule ' which lies beneath the mouth opening, and when the vesicle contracts the water is driven into the mouth, and so to the exterior. Hence it appears likely that their function is of a respiratory and depuratory nature ; and that they serve, like the gill-openings of fishes, for the expulsion of water which has been taken in by the mouth, and which has traversed the interior of the body. Of the reproduction of the ciliated Infusoria our knowledge is still very imperfect ; for, although various modes of multiplication have been observed among them, it still remains doubtful whether any process takes place that can be regarded, like the conjugation of the Monadina, as analogous to the sexual generation of higher organisms. The best evidence is that of Gruber, which will be mentioned directly. Binary subdivision would seem to be universal among them, and has in many instances been observed (as else- where) to commence in the nucleus. The division takes place in some species longitudinally, that is, in the direction of the greatest length of the body (fig. 537, D, E, F), in other species transversely (fig. 541, C, D) ; whilst in some, as in Chilodon cucullulus (fig. 539), it has been supposed to occur in either direction indifferently. But it may fairly be questioned whether, in this last case, one set of thr apparent ' fissions ' is not really ' conjugation ' of two individuals. This duplication is performed with such rapidity, under favourable circumstances, that, according to the calculation of Professor Ehren- berg, no fewer than 268 millions might be produced in a month by the repeated subdivisions of a single Paramecium. When this fission occurs in Vorticella (fig. 537), it extends down the stalk, which thus becomes double for a greater or less part of its length ; and thus a SUBDIVISION OF INFUSORIA 705 whole bunch of these animalcules may spring (by a repetition of the same process) from one base. In some members of the same family arborescent structures are produced resembling that of Codosiga (fig. 528) by the like process of continuous subdivision. Another curious result of this mode of multiplication presents itself in the family Ophrydina, masses of individuals which separately resemble 1 2 3 4 g 7 8 c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Fig. 538. — Sexual (?) reproduction of Infusoria. certain Vorticellina being found imbedded in a gelatinous substance of a greenish colour, sometimes adherent and sometimes free. These masses, which may attain the diameter of four or five inches, present such a strong general resemblance to a mass of JSTostoc, or even of frog's spawn, as to have been mistaken for such ; but they simply result from the fact that the multitude of individuals produced by a repetition of the process of self- division remain connected with z z 7o6 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE each other for a time by a gelatinous exudation from the surface of their bodies, instead of at once becoming completely isolated. From a comparison of the dimensions of the individual Ophryda, each of A B C D E F Fig. 539. — Fissiparous multiplication of Cliilodon cucullulus : A, B, C, successive stages of longitudinal fission(?) ; D, E, F, succes- sive stages of transverse fission. E £ which is about y^^th of an inch in length, with those of the composite masses, some estimate may be formed of the number included in the latter ; for a cubic inch would contain nearly eight millions of them if closely packed ; and many times that number must exist in the larger masses, even making allowance for the fact that the bodies of the animalcules are separated from each other by their gelatinous cushion, and that the masses have their cen- tral portions occupied by water only. Hence we have, in such clus- ters, a distinct proof of the extraordinary ex- tent to which multipli- cation by duplicative subdivision may pro- ceed without the inter- position of any other operation. These ani- malcules, however, free themselves at times from their gelatinous bed, and have been ob- served to undergo an 4 encysting process ' cor- responding with that of the Vorticellina. mm Fig. 540. — Encysting process in Vorticella micro- stomia : A, full-grown individual in its encysted state; «, retracted oval circlet of cilia; b, nucleus; c, contractile vesicle ; B, a cyst separated from its stalk ; C, the same more advanced, the nucleus broken up into spore-like globules ; D, the same more developed, the original body of the Vorticella, (1, having become sacculated, and containing many clear spaces; at E, one of the sacculations having burst through the enveloping cyst, a gelatinous mass, e, containing the gemnmles is discharged. The chemical composi- tion of this jelly or zoocytium has been investigated by Halliburton, who finds that it resembles vegetable cellulose in its general pro- perties, but differs from it and agrees with the form of cellulose manu- factured by the Tunicata in being less easily converted into sugar. Many, perhaps all, ciliated Infusoria at certain times undergo an LIFE-HISTORY OF INFUSORIA 707 •encysting process, resembling the passage of protophytes into the ' still ' condition, and apparently serving like it as a provision for their pre- servation under circumstances which do not permit the continuance of their ordinary vital activity. Previously to the formation of the cyst, the movements of the animalcule diminish in vigour, and gradually cease altogether ; its form becomes more rounded ; its oral aperture closes ; and its cilia or other filamentous prolonga- tions are either lost or retracted, as is well seen in Vorticella (fig. 540, A). A new wreath of cilia, however, is developed near the base, and in this condition the animal detaches itself from its stem, and swims freely for a short time, soon passing, however, into the ' still ' condition. The surface of the body then exudes a gela- tinous excretion that hardens around it so as to form a complete coffin-like case, within which little of the original structure of the animal can be distinguished. Even after the completion of the cyst, however, the contained animalcule may often be observed to move freely within it, and may sometimes be caused to come forth from its prison by the mere application of warmth and moisture. In the simplest form of the ' encysting process/ indeed, the animalcule seems to remain altogether quiescent through the whole period of its torpidity ; so that, however long may be the duration of its imprison- ment, it emerges without any essential change in its form or con- dition. But in other cases this process seems to be subservient either to multiplication or to metamorphosis. For in Vorticella the substance of the encysted body (B) appears to break up (C, D) into eight or nine segments, which, when set free by the bursting of the cyst, come forth as spontaneously moving spherules. Each of these soon increases in size, develops a ciliary wreath within which a mouth makes it appearance, and gradually assumes the form of the Tricho- dina grandinella of Ehrenberg. It then develops a posterior wreath of cilia and multiplies by tranverse fission ; each half fixes itself by the end on which the mouth is situated, a short stem becomes de- veloped, and the cilia-wreath disappears. A new mouth and cilia- wreath then form at the free extremity, and the growth of the stem completes the development into the true vorticellan form.1 In Trichoda lynceus, again, the ' encysting process ' appears subservient to a like kind of metamorphosis, the form which emerges from the cyst differing in many respects from that of the animalcule which became encysted. According to M. Jules Haime, by whom this history was very carefully studied,2 the form to be considered as the larval one is that shown in fig. 541, A, E, which has been described by Professor Ehrenberg under the name of Oxytricha. This possesses a long, narrow, flattened body, furnished with cilia along the greater part of both margins, and having also at its two extremities a set of larger and stronger hair-like filaments ; and its mouth, which is an oblique slit on the right-hand side of its fore-part, has a fringe of minute cilia on each lip. Through this mouth large particles are not ^infrequently swallowed, which are seen lying in the midst of the 1 Everts, TJntersuchungen an Vorticella nebulif 'era, quoted by Professor Allman, loc. eit. 2 Annalcs cles Sci. Nat. ser. iii. tome xix. 1853, p. 109. 7o8 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE endosarc without any surrounding vesicle ; and sometimes even an animalcule of the same species, but in a different stage of its life, is seen in the interior of one of these voracious little devourers (B). In this phase of its existence the Trichoda undergoes multiplication by transverse fission, after the ordinary mode (C, D) ; and it is usually one of the short-bodied ' doubles ; (E) thus produced that passes into the next phase. This phase consists in the assumption of the globular form and the almost entire loss of the locomotive append- ages (F) ; in the escape of successive portions of the granular proto- plasm, so that 1 vacuoles ' make their appearance (G) ; and in the Fig. 541. — Metamorphoses of Trichoda lynceus: A, larva (Oxytricha) ; B, a similar larva after swallowing the animalcule represented at M ; C, a very- large individual on the point of undergoing fission ; D, another in which the process has advanced further ; E, one of the products of such fission ; F, the same body become spherical and motionless; G, aspect of this sphere fifteen days afterwards ; H, later condition of the same, showing the formation of the cyst; I, incipient separation between living substance and exuvial matter ; K, partial discharge of the latter, with flattening of the sphere ; L, more distinct formation of the confined animal ; M, its escape from the cyst ; N, its appearance some days afterwards ; O, more advanced stage of the same ; P, Q, perfect Aspidiscce, one as seen side- ways, moving on its bristles, the other as seen from below (magnified twice as much as the preceding figures). formation of a gelatinous envelope or cyst, which, at first soft,, afterwards acquires increased firmness (H). After remaining for .some time in this condition, the contents of the cyst become clearly separated from their envelope ; and a space appears on one side, in which ciliary movement can be distinguished (I). This space gradually extends all round, and a further discharge of granular matter takes place from the cyst, by which its form becomes altered (K) ; and the distinction between the newly formed body to which the cilia belong and the effete residue of the old becomes more and more apparent (L). The former increases in size, whilst the latter diminishes ; and at last the former makes its escape through an aperture in the wall of the cyst, a part of the latter still remaining REPRODUCTION OF INFUSORIA 709 within its cavity (M). The body thus discharged (N) does not differ ■much in appearance from that of the Oxytricha before its encyst- ment (F), though of only about two-thirds its diameter ; but it soon develops itself (0, P, Q) into an animalcule very different from that in which it originated. First it becomes still smaller by the discharge of a portion of its substance ; numerous very stiff bristle - like organs are developed, on which the animalcule creeps, as by legs, over solid surfaces ; the external integument becomes more consolidated on its upper surface, so as to become a kind of cara- pace ; and a mouth is formed by the opening of a slit on one side, in front of which is a single hair-like flagellum, which turns round and round with great rapidity, so as to describe a sort of an inverted •cone whereby a current is brought towards the mouth. This latter form had been described by Professor Ehrenberg under the name of Aspidisca. It is very much smaller than the larva, the difference being, in fact, twice as great as that which exists between A and P, Q (fig. 541), since the last two figures are drawn under a magni- fying power double that employed for the preceding. How the Aspidisca-iorm in its turn gives origin to the Oocytricha-ioim has not yet been made out. A similar ' encysting process ' has been observed to take place among several other forms of ciliated Infusoria ; so that, considering the strong general resem- blance in kind and degree of organisation which prevails throughout the group, it does not seem unlikely that it may occur at some stage of the life of nearly all these animalcules. And it is not improbably in the 1 encysted ! condition that their dispersion chiefly takes place, since they have been found to endure desiccation in this state, although in their ordinary condition of activity they cannot be dried up without loss of life. When this circumstance is taken into account, in conjunction with the extraordinary rapidity of multipli- cation of these animalcules, there seems no difficulty in accounting for the universality of their diffusion. It may be stated as a general fact that wherever decaying organic matter exists in a liquid state, and is exposed to air and warmth, it speedily becomes peopled with some or other of these minute inhabitants ; and it may be fairly presumed that, as in the case of the Fungi, the dried cysts or germs of Infusoria are everywhere floating about in the air, ready to de- velop themselves wherever the appropriate conditions are presented ; while all our knowledge of their history seems further to justify the belief that (in some instances, at least) the same germs may develop themselves into a succession of forms so different as to have been regarded as distinct specific or even generic types. A very important advance was supposed to have been made in this direction by the asserted discovery of M. Balbiani 1 that a true process of sexual generation occurs among Infusoria, his observa- tions having led him to the conclusion that male and female organs are combined in each individual of the numerous genera he has examined, but that the congress of two individuals is necessary for 1 See his ' Recherches BUI les Phenomenes sexuels des Infusoires ' in Dr. Brown- Sequard's Journal de la Plujsiologie for 1861. An abstract of these researches is. contained in the Quart. Journ. of Micros. Sci. for July and October 1862. 7io MICEOSCOPIC POEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE the impregnation of the ova, those of each being fertilised by the spermatozoa of the other. He regards the ' nucleus ' as an ovarium or aggregation of germs, whilst the ' nucleolus ' is really a testis or aggregation of spermatozoids. The particular form and position which these organs present, and the nature of the changes which they undergo, vary in the several types of Infusoria ; but as we have in the common Paramecium aurelia an example which, although exceptional in some particulars, affords peculiar facilities for the observation of the process, and has been most completely studied by M. Balbiani, it is here selected for illustration. This animalcule, as is well known, multiplies itself with great rapidity (under favour- able circumstances) by duplicative subdivision, which always takes place in the transverse direction, and the condition represented in fig. 538, l, 2, is not, as has been usually supposed, another form of the same process, but is really the sexual congress of two individuals previously distinct. When the period arrives at which the Para- mecia are to propagate in this manner, they are seen assembling upon certain parts of the vessel, either towards the bottom or on the walls ; and they are soon found coupled in pairs, closely adherent to each other, with their similar extremities turned in the same direction, and their two mouths closely applied to each other, but still continuing to move freely in the liquid, turning constantly round upon their axes. This conjugation lasts for five or six days, during which period very important changes take place in the condition of the reproductive organs. In order to distinguish these the animalcules should be slightly flattened by compression., and treated with acetic acid, which brings the reproductive appa- ratus into more distinct view, as shown in fig. 538, 1-5. In l each individual contains an ovarium, a, which is shown to present in the first instance a smooth surface ; and from this there proceeds an excretory canal or oviduct, c, that opens externally at about the middle of the length of the body into the buccal fissure, e. Each individual also contains a seminal capsule, b, in which is seen lying a bundle of spermatozoids curved upon itself, and which communi- cates by an elongated neck with the orifice of the excretory canaL The successive stages by which the seminal capsule arrives at this condition from that of a simple cell, whose granular contents resolve themselves (as it were) into a bundle of filaments, are shown in G-10. In (i the surface of the ovary, a, is seen to present a lobulated appearance, which is ©ccasioned by the commencement of its reso- lution into separate ova ; while the seminal capsule is found to have undergone division into two or four secondary capsules, b, b, each of which contains a bundle of spermatozoa now straightened out. This division takes place by the elongation of the capsule into the form represented in 11, and by the narrowing of the central portion whilst the extremities enlarge, the further multiplication being effected by the repetition of the same process of elongation and fission. In 3, which represents one of the individuals still in con- jugation, the four seminal capsules, b, b, are represented as thus elongated in preparation for another subdivision ; whilst the ovary a, a, has begun, as it were, to unroll itself, and to break up into* REPRODUCTION OF INFUSORIA 7H fragments which are connected by the tube m. It is in this con- dition that the object of the conjugation appears to be effected, by the passage of the seminal capsules of each individual, previously to their complete maturation, into the body of the other. In 4- is shown the condition of a Paramedian ten hours after the conclusion of the conjugation ; the ovary has here completely broken up into separate granular masses, of which some, a, a, remain unchanged, whilst others, 0, 0, 0, 0, either two, four, or eight in number, are converted into ovules that appear to be fertilised by the escape of the spermatozoa from the seminal capsules, these being now seen in process of withering. Finally, in 5, which represents a Paramecium three days after the completion of the conjugation, are seen four complete ova, 0, 0, 0, 0, within the connecting tube, m, m ; whilst the seminal capsules have now altogether disappeared. In fig. 538, 13-18, are seen the successive stages of the development of the ovule, which seems at first (1.3) to consist of a germ-cell having within it a secondary cell containing minute granules, which is to become the ' vitelline vesicle.' This secondary cell augments in size, and becomes more and more opaque from the increase of its granular contents (14, 15, 1G), forming the ' vitellus ' or yolk, in the midst of which is seen the clear 'germinal vesicle,' which shows on its wall, as the ovule approaches maturity, the ' germinal spot ' (17). The germinal vesicle is subsequently concealed (18) by the increase in the quantity and opacity of the vitelline granules. The fertilised ova seem to be expelled by the gradual shortening of the tube that contains them ; and this shortening also brings together the scattered fragments of the granular substance of the original ovarium, so as to form a mass resembling that shown in 1, a, by the evolution of which, after the same fashion, another brood of ova may be produced. Gruber has recently reinvestigated the process of conjugation in the Infusoria : he finds that the nucleolus of each becomes a striated spindle, and approaches the nucleolus of the other cell ; the two touch and finally fuse, thereby effecting an intermixture of the different germ-plasmas. If this be the correct manner of interpreting the phenomenon, it is clearly comparable to the sexual reproduction of multicellular animals. There can be no doubt as to the occurrence of 'conjugation' among ciliated Infusoria ; and this not only in the free-swimming, but also in the attached forms, as Stentor (fig. 538, 21). In Vorticella, according to several recent observers, what has been regarded as gemmijoarous multiplication — the putting forth of a bud from the base of the body — is really the conjugation of a small individual in the free- swimming stage with a fully developed fixed individual, with whose body its own becomes fused. But it is doubtful whether such conjugation has any reference to the encyst- ing process. According to Butschli and Engelmann, the conjugating process results in the breaking up of the nucleus and (so called) nucleolus of the conjugating individuals ; these individuals separate again, and after the expulsion of the broken-up nuclear structures the characteristic nucleus and nucleolus are re-formed. The same excellent observers adduce strong grounds for distrusting Balbiani's 712 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE assignment of sexual characters to the nucleus and nucleolus. For although a striation may be observed on the surface of the latter, no one has witnessed its subdivision into spermatozoidal filaments. And if embryos are really produced at the expense of the nucleus, what Balbiani described as sexual ova are really non-sexual gemmules, each consisting (like the zoospore of protophytes) of a segment of the nucleus surrounded by an envelope of protoplasm. There is still much uncertainty in regard to the embryonic forms of ciliate Infusoria, some eminent observers asserting that the ' gemmule ' in the first instance, besides forming a cilia-wreath, puts forth suctorial appendages (fig. 538, 19, A, B, C), by means of which it imbibes nourishment until the formation of its mouth permits it to obtain its supplies in the ordinary way ; whilst others maintain these acinetiform bodies to be parasites, which even imbed themselves in the substance of the Infusoria they infest.1 It is obvious that no classification of Infusoria can be of any permanent value until it shall have been ascertained by the study of their entire life-history what are to be accounted really distinct forms. And the differences between them, consisting chiefly in the shape of their bodies, the disposition of their cilia, the possession of other locomotive appendages, the position of the mouth, the presence of a distinct anal orifice, and the like, are matters of such trivial importance as compared with those leading features of their structure and physiology on which we have been dwelling that it does not seem desirable to attempt in this place to give any detailed account of them. The life-history of the ciliate Infusoria is a subject pre-eminently worthy of the attention of microscopists, who can scarcely be better employed than in tracing out the sequence of its phenomena with similar care and assiduity to that displayed by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale in the study of the Monadina. ' In pursuing our researches,' say these excellent observers, 'we have become practically convinced of what we have theoretically assumed — the absolute necessity for prolonged and patient observation of the same forms. Two observers, independently of each other, examining the same monad, if their inquiries were not sufficiently prolonged, might, with the utmost truthfulness of interpretation, assert opposite modes of development. Competent optical means, careful interpretation, close observation, and time are alone capable of solving the problem. t V . Section II. — Rotifera, or Wheel-animalcules. We now come to that higher group of animalcules which, in point of complexity of organisation, is as far removed from the pre- ceding as mosses are from the simplest protophytes, the only point of real resemblance between the two groups, in fact, being the 1 There can be no doubt that Stein was wrong in his original doctrine that the fully developed Acinetina are only transition stages in the development of Vorti- cellina and other ciliated Infusoria. But the balance of evidence seems to the writer to be in favour of his later statement, that the bodies figured in fig. 538, 19, are really infusorian embryos, and not parasitic Acinetse. WHEEL-LIKE ORGANS OF ROTIFERS 713 minuteness of size which is common to both. A few species of the wheel -animalcules are marine, or the inhabitants of brackish pools near the sea-shore ; but the great majority known to us belong to fresh water, and are to be found in ditches, ponds, reservoirs, lakes,, and slowly running streams — sometimes attached to the leaves and stems of water-plants, sometimes creeping on the Algae, sometimes swimming freely through the water. They are met with also in gut- ters on the house-top, in water-butts, on wet moss, grass, and liver- worts, in the interior of Volvox globator and Vaucheria, in vegetable infusions, on the backs of Entomostraca, in the viscera of slugs, earth- A B Fig. 542. — Rotifer vulgaris, as seen at B, with the wheels drawn in, and at A with the wheels expanded : b, eye-spots ; c, wheels ; d , antenna ; e, jaws and teeth ; /, alimentary canal ; g, cellular mass inclosing it ; 7i, longitudinal muscles ; i, i, tubes of water-vascular system ; k, young animal ; /, cloaca. | worms and Naiades, and in the body-cavities of Synaptce — in fact, in almost every place where there are moisture and food. The wheel-like organs from which the class derives its designation are most characteristically seen in the common Rotifer (fig. 542), where they consist of two disc-like lobes or projections of the body whose margins are fringed with long cilia ; and it is the uninterrupted suc- cession of strokes given by these cilia, each row of which nearly re- turns (as it were) into itself, that gives rise by an optical illusion to the notion of ' wheels.' The disposition of the cilia varies much in the different genera, but it may be said broadly that they are arranged 7*4 MICKOSCOPIC FOKMS OF ANIMAL LIFE so as to fulfil three different purposes, viz. to bring food to the mouth, to conduct it through the alimentary canal, and to enable the animal to swim. The great transparence of the Rotifera permits their general structure to be easily recognised. They have usually an elongated Fig. 543. — Brachionus rubens'. sp, styligerous prominences; cw, coronal wreath.; ts, tactile styles; <7, dorsal antenna; ft', ft', lateral antennae; lm, longitudinal muscles ; ce, cesophaguw ; oy, ovary ; om, ovum ; g, germ ; vt, vibratile tags ; intestine ; /, foot ; t, toes ; gn, brain ; e, eye ; mx, mastax; ti, tropin; gg, gastric glands; 8, stomach; 7c, longitudinal canals ; cv, contractile vesicle ; cl, cloaca ;fg, foot-gland. (After Dr.; Hudson.) form, similar on the two sides ; but this rarely exhibits any traces of segmental division. The body is covered with an envelope of two layers. The inner of these is a soft lining to the outer, which may be soft and flexible, or membranous, and of very varying degrees of stiffness, or even of an inflexible substance capable of resisting the INTERNAL ANATOMY OF ROTIFERS 715 Fig. 544.- Malleate. action of caustic potash. In this latter condition it is called a lorica. The greater number of the Rotifera have an organ of attachment at the posterior extremity of the body, which is usually prolonged into a tail or false foot, by which they can affix themselves to any solid object ; and this is their ordinary position when keeping their ' wheels ' in action for a supply of food or of water ; they have no- difficulty, however, in letting go their hold and moving through the water in search of a new attachment, and may therefore be con- sidered as perfectly free. The sessile species, in their adult stage, on the other hand, remain attached by the posterior extremity to the spot on which they have at first fixed themselves, and their cilia are consequently employed for no other purpose than that of creating currents in the surrounding water. In considering the internal struc- ture of Rotifera we shall take as its type the arrangement which it pre- sents in Brachionus rubens (fig. 543), a common large and handsome animal, and one that bears the temporary captivity of a compressorium remark- ably well. Its vase- shaped lorica is hard and transparent ; open in front to allow the protrusion of the head, and closed behind, except where a small aper- ture permits the passage of the foot. The anterior dorsal edge bears six sharp spines, and the ventral edge has a wavy outline. The head is shaped like a truncated cone, with the larger end forward, is rounded at each side, and carries on its front surface three protuberances (sp), covered with stout vibrating hairs called styles. All round the rim of the head runs a row of cilia which on the ventral surface dips down into either side of a ciliated buccal funnel. At the bottom of the buccal funnel is the mastax (mx), a muscular bulb containing the jaws or trophi (ti). These latter are hard, glassy bodies consisting of two hammer- like pieces called mallei (fig. 544) and a third anvil-piece called an incus. Each malleus (rtis) is in two parts — the manubrium (mm), or handle, and the uncus (us), of five finger-like processes, which unite to form the hammer's head. The incus (is), or anvil, is formed of two prism-shaped bodies, or rami (rs), pointed at their free ends, and attached at their broad ends to a thin plate called the fulcrum (fm), which, seen ventrally or dorsally, looks like a rod. These various parts are connected by muscular fibres, and so acted on by muscles attached to themselves, and to the interior of the mastax, that the unci rise and fall at the same time that the rami open and shut. The food is torn by the unci, crushed by the rami, and then passes between the latter down a short oesophagus (02) into the stomach (s). This has thick cellular walls, and is lined with cilia, especially at its lower third, which is often divided by a constriction from the upper part, and is often so different in its shape and contents as to merit •n us, uncus. ms, malleus \ ' , . ' I mm, manubrium. is, mens 1 7's, ramus. \fm, fulcrum. 7 1 6 MICEOSCOPIC FOEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE the name of an intestine (i). The lower end of the intestine gene- rally expands into a cloaca (cl), into which open the ducts of the ovary (oy), and contractile vesicle (cv). Just above the mastax, and sometimes just below it, on the oesophagus, are what are sup- posed to be salivary glands ; while attached to the ivpper end of the stomach are two gastric glands (gg), often possessing visible duets. There are two further glands (fg) in the foot, which is itself a prolongation of the ventral portion of the trunk below the aperture of the cloaca. These foot-glands secrete a viscid substance which is discharged by ducts passing to the tips of the two toes (t), and which serves to attach the animal to one spot when it is using its frontal cilia to procure food. Longitudinal muscles (Im) for withdrawing the head and foot within the lorica can be readily seen, and these parts are driven out again by the pressure of transverse muscular fibres acting on the fluids of the body. Fig. 5-15. Fig. 546.— Male : e, eye ; 1c, longi- tudinal canals ; vt, vibratile tag ; cv, contractile vesicle ; ss, sperm- sac ; p, penis ; /, foot ; fg, foot- gland. On either side of the body is a tortuous tube commencing in a plexus in the head and running down to open on the contractile vesicle (cv). These tubes bear little tags (vt), each of which appears to contain a vibrating cilium. The real structure of these bodies is uncertain, and the use of the whole apparatus is much disputed ; but the tags are possibly very minutely ciliated funnels, their free ends open to the body-cavity ; and it seems probable that the fluids of the body-cavity are conducted through them, along the tortuous tubes, into the contractile vesicle, and are by it discharged into the cloaca. The apparatus would therefore be mainly an excretory one.1 The ovary is large and its germs are conspicuous. The animal is oviparous and the huge egg is easily discharged through the oviduct and cloaca owing to the very fluid condition of its contents. It is retained by a thread till hatched at the bottom of the lorica. There 1 But see Dr. Hudson's Presidential Address, Journ. of the Boyal Micros. Soc. Feb. 1891, p. 13, in which reasons are given for suspecting that the contractile vesicle may also have a respiratory function, and the vibratile tags and longitudinal canals an excretory one. CLASSIFICATION OF EOTIFEES 717 are three kinds of eggs : the common soft-shelled eggs, which are large, oval, and produce females ; similar soft eggs, which are smaller, more spherical, and produce males ; and ephippial eggs (fig. 545), with thick cellular coverings, often ornamented with spines. These latter can be dried completely without losing their vitality, and so, lying buried in the mud of dried-up ponds, preserve the species for next year. There is a bilobed nervous ganglion (gn) between the buccal funnel and the dorsal surface. Above it is the eye \e) — a refracting sphere on a mass of crimson pigment. From the ganglion pass nerve-threads to a dorsal antenna (a) and to two lateral antennw {a') on either side of the dorsal surface. These latter organs are rocket-headed terminations of the nervous threads,, and have each a bundle of fine hairs passing through a hole in the lorica. The dorsal antenna has a similar bundle and lies sheathed in a tube (fig. 547) which has its base just above the nervous ganglion, and passes thence between the two Jjtl/ central anterior spines of the lorica. It is furnished with (l a muscle, by means of which the bunch of setee at the free extremity can, by invagination, be drawn within the tube. // P The male (fig. 546) is but a third of the length of the Fig. 547. female, and is unlike it in shape. It has a cylindrical trunk, small foot, and flat, round head, surrounded by a simple ring of long cilia. It has no lorica nor any alimentary tract of any kind, but it has a nervous system similar to that of the female, a red eye, and antenna?. Its excretory and muscular systems are also of the female pattern. The only other internal organ is a large sperm-sac (ss) ending at its lower extremity in a protrusile, ciliated, hollow penis (p), whose outlet holds the position of the anus in the female ; that is, on the dorsal surface, at the base of the foot. The Rotifera have been divided by Dr. Hudson and Mr. P . H. Gosse1 into four orders, according to their powers of locomotion. These are : 1. Rhizota (the rooted). Fixed when adult. 2. Bdelloida (the leech-like). That swim with their ciliary wreath, and creep like a leech. 3. Ploima (the sea-ivorthy). That only swim with their ciliary wreath. 4. Scirtopoda (the skippers). That swim with their ciliary wreath and skip with arthropodous limbs. The order Bhizota contains two families, chiefly differing from each other in the position of the mouth, which in the Flosculariada^ (figs. 1 and 2, Plate XV) is central, lying in the body's longer axis, but in the Melicertaclce (fig. 3, Plate XV) is lateral. Almost all the species of both families live in gelatinous tubes secreted by themselves, and often fortified in various ways : by debris gathered from the water by the action of their ciliary wreaths and showered down at random ; by pellets formed in a ciliated cup near the anterior end of the body, and deposited in regular order on the gelatinous tube ; or by large fpecal pellets also regularly deposited. 1 The Botifcra, or Wheel-animalcules. Longmans, 1889. 71 8 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE The second order, Bdelloida (fig. 7, Plate XY), while having many points in common with the Melicertadce, have a foot peculiarly their own. It has several false joints that can be drawn one within the other like those of a telescope. The corona consists of two nearly circular discs, each surrounded with a double row of cilia, and both of these can be withdrawn into an infolding of the ventral surface at the anterior end of the body, leaving the animal with a long pointed conical head. When the discs are so furled the animal fixes the toes of its foot, elongates the foot and body, catches hold with the furthest point of the conical head, releases the foot, and then, contracting the body and foot while the head remains fixed, draws forward the toes and refixes them, and so da capo. It can swim, however, in the usual fashion, with its ciliary wreath. All the species of this order can, under proper circumstances, be dried up into balls, which will retain their vitality for even years, though in a state of utter dustiness. This is due to their secreting round their bodies (after having drawn in both head and foot) a gelatinous covering which retains the body-fluids safe from evaporation.1 This process takes some time, so that if an attempt is made to dry them on an ordinary glass-slip they simply disintegrate. In a house gutter or in wet moss or sand, where the drying up of the water, in which the Potifera are, is slowly accom- plished, the animals have time to complete their gelatinous coverings before the water fails them. In this order the males have not as yet been discovered. The third order, Plo'ima, is divided into a loricate and an illoricate group, which are not, however, very sharply separated ; as in some cases the outer layer of the skin is, though horny, yet thin and flexible. Brachionus rubens (fig. 543), which has already been fully described, is a good type of the loricata, and Gopeus cerberus (fig. 6, Plate XY) of the illoricata. Most of the species of this order have a forked jointed foot, the fork being formed of two toes varying greatly in size and shape, but all secreting the viscous fluid already mentioned. The great majority of the Rotifera belong to the Plo'ima. The fourth order, Scirtopoda, contains but one family, Pedalionidce, and has only two genera, Pedalion and Hexarthra, and each of these has but one known species. Pedalion (figs. 4, 5, 8, Plate XY) is an extraordinary creature. Its internal organs are on the usual rotiferous plan, but its body bears no fewer than six hollow limbs, ending in plumes like those of the Arthropoda, and worked by pairs of opposing muscles which traverse then: entire length. These limbs are ar- ranged round the body, some on the dorsal, some on the ventral surface, and all running parallel to the body's longer axis. In Hexarthra, on the contrary, all the limbs are on the ventral surface, and are arranged radiatingly. There is no foot in either Potif eron ; but in Pedalion there are two ciliated club-like processes at the pos- terior extremity, rising above the dorsal surface and secreting a similar viscous fluid to that secreted in the toes of other Rotifera. 1 See Davis in Monthly Micros. Journ. vol. ix. 18G3, p. 207 ; Slack, at p. 241 of •same volume ; and the report of a discussion on the subject at the Boyal Microsco laical Society, Journ. of Boyal Micros. Soc. 1887, p. 179. f L, A T hi AV W»st Ns-.vmaTi oViromo Tvicicai Rptifers. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROTIFERS 719 This strange creature was discovered by Dr. C. T. Hudson in a pond near Clifton in 1871 ; Hexarthra was discovered by Dr. Schmarda in a brackish ditch near the Nile in 1853 ; their arthropodous limbs give them a strong resemblance to a Nauplius larva, and make it probable that the Rotifera will have to be placed between the Vermes and Arthropoda.1 1 The following treatises and memoirs) in addition to those already referred to) contain valuable information in regard to the life-history of animalcules and their principal forms: — Ehrenberg. Die Infusionsthierchen, Berlin, 1838; Dujardin, Histoire naturelle des Zoophijtes infusoires, Paris, 1841 ; Pritchard, History of Infusoria, 4th ed. London, 18G1 fa comprehensive repertory of information) ; Stein, Der Organismus der Infusionstliiere, Leipzig: Erste Abtheilung, 1859; Zweite Abtheilung, 1867 ; Dritte Abtheilung, Halfte I. 1878. Saville Kent's Manual of the Infusoria, 1880-1 ; and Professor Biitschli's Protozoa (1880-1) in the new edition of Bronn's Thier-reichs. For the Bhizopoda and Infusoria specially see Claparede and Lachmann, Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Bhizopodes, Geneva, 1858-61; Cohn, in Siebold und Kolliker's Zeitschrift, 1851-4 and 1857 ; Lieberkiihn, in Midler's Archiv, 1856, and Ann. of Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vol. xviii. 1856 ; Engehnann. Zur Katurgeschichte der Infusionstliiere, 1862; and Professor Biitschli's Studien vber die Conjugation der Infusorien &c., 1876. For the Botifera specially see Leydig, in Siebold und EolU'ker's Zeitschrift, Bd. vi. 1854 ; Gosse on Melicerta ringens, in Quart. Journ. of Micros. Sci. vol. i. 1853, p. 1 ; on the Manducatory Organs of Botifera, Phil. Trans. 1856; Huxley on Lacinularia socialis in Trans. Micros. Soc. ser. ii. vol. i. 1853, p. 1 ; Colin, in Siebold unci Kolliher's Zeitschrift, Bde. vii. ix. 1856, 1858; Dr. Moxon, Trans. Linn. Soc. 1864; Karl Eckstein, Siebold und Kolliber's Zeitschrift, 1883; Bourne, Botifera, in the 9th edition of the Hncy- clopcedia Britannica ; Joliet, ' Monographie des Melicertes,' Archiv. zool. exper. ser. ii. torn. i. p. 131 ; and Plate, Jenaische Zeitschr. xix. p. 1. The Botifera, or Wlieel- animalcules, by Hudson and Gosse : Longmans, 1889. Mr. Slack's Marvels of Pond Life, 2nd edit. (London, 1871), contains many interesting observations on the habits of Infusoria and Botifera. 720 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE CHAPTER XIY FOB A MINIFEBA AND BADIOLABIA Returning now to the lowest or rhizopod type of animal life (Chapter XII), we have to direct our attention to two very remarkable Series of forms, almost exclusively marine, under which that type manifests itself, all of them distinguished by skeletons so consolidated by mineral deposit as to retain their form and intimate structure long after the animals to which they belonged have ceased to live, even for those undefined periods in which they have been imbedded as fossils in strata of various geological ages. In the first of these groups, the Foraminifera, the skeleton usually consists of a calcareous many-chambered shell, which closely invests the sarcode-body, and which, in a large proportion of the group, is perforated with numerous minute apertures ; this shell, however, is sometimes replaced by a ' test,' formed of minute grains of sand cemented together ; and there are a few cases in which the animal has no other protection than a membranous envelope. In the second group, the Radiolaria, the skeleton is always silicious and may be either composed of dis- connected spicules, or may consist of a symmetrical open framework, or may have the form of a shell perforated by numerous apertures, which more or less completely incloses the body. The Foraminifera probably take, and always have taken, the largest share of any animal group in the maintenance of the solid calcareous portion of the earth's crust by separating from its solution in ocean-water the carbonate of lime continually brought down by rivers from the land. The Radiolaria do the same, though in far less measure, for the silex. And both extract from sea- water the organic matter universally dif- fused through it, converting it into a form that serves for the nutri- tion of higher marine animals. Section I. — Foraminifera. The animals of this group belong to that reticularian form of the rhizopod type in which — with a differentiation between the containing and the contained sarcodic substance which is involved in the formation of a definite investment — a distinct nucleus (sometimes single, in other cases multiple) is probably always present.1 The shells of Foraminifera are, for the most part, poly- 1 The absence of a nucleus was long supposed to be a characteristic of ihe animal of the Foraminifera', and its presence in Gromia (first detected by Dr Wallich) FORA MIXIFERA 72 I thalamous, or many-chambered (Plates XVI and XVII), often so strongly resembling those of Nautilus, Spirula, and other cephalopod molluscs, that it is not surprising that the older naturalists, to whom the structure of these animals was entirely unknown, ranked them under that class. But independently of the entire difference in the character of the animal bodies by which the two kinds of shells are formed, there is a most important distinction between them in regard to the relation of the animal to the shell. For whilst in the chambered shells of the Nautilus and other cephalopoda the animal is a single individual tenanting only the last formed chamber, and withdrawing itself from each chamber in succession, as it adds to this another and larger one, the animal of a nautiloid foraminifer has a composite body, consisting of a number (sometimes very large) of ' segments,' each repeating the rest, which continues to increase by gemmation or budding from the last formed segment. And thus each of the chambers, however numerous they may be, is not only formed, but continues to be occupied by its own segment, which is connected with the segments of earlier and later formation by a continuous 'stolon' (or creeping stem), that passes through apertures in the septa or partitions dividing the chambers. From what we know of the semi-fluid condition of the sarcode-body in the reticularian type, there can be little doubt that there is an incessant circulatory change in the actual substance of each segment ; so that the material taken in as food by the segments nearest the surface or margin is speedily diffused through the entire mass. The relation between these ' poly thalamous' forms, therefore, and the monothal anions or single- chambered, of which we have already had an example in Gromia, and of which others will be presently described, is simply that, whereas any buds produced by the latter detach themselves to form separate individuals, those put forth by the former remain in con- tinuity with the parent stock and with each other, so as to form a 1 composite ' animal and a ' poly thalamous ' shell. According to the plan on which the gemmation takes place will be the configuration of the shelly structure produced by the seg- mented body. Thus, if the bud should be put forth from the aperture of a Lagena (Plate XVII, fig. 12) in the direction of the axis of its body, and a second shell should be formed around this bud in continuity with the first ; and this process should be succes- sionally repeated, a straight rod-like shell would be produced, whose multiple chambers communicate with each other by the openings that originally constituted their mouths, the mouth of the last-formed chamber being the only aperture through which the protoplasmic body, thus composed of a number of segments connected by a peduncle or ' stolon ' of the same material, could now project itself or draw in its food. The successive segments may be all of the same size, or nearly so, in which case the entire rod will approach the cylindrical form, or will resemble a line of beads ; but it often was regarded as differentiating that type from the Foramiuifera proper. But the researches of Hertwig and Lesser, F. E. Schulze, Biitselili. and others, having esta- blished its presence in several true Foraminifera. and the Author's own observations having confirmed these, its general presence may be fairly assumed. 722 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE happens that each segment is somewhat larger than the preceding (fig. J6), so that the composite shell has a conical form, the apex of the cone being the original segment, and its base the one last formed. The method of growth now described is common to a large number of Foraminifera, chiefly belonging to the sub-family JSfodo.sarinm ; but even in that group we have every gradation between the recti- lineal (fig. ig) and the spiral mode of growth (fig. 2-2) ; whilst in the genus Peneroplis.it is not at all uncommon for shells which com- mence in a spiral to exchange this in a more advanced stage for the rectilineal habit. When the successive segments are added in a spiral direction, the character of the spire will depend in great degree upon the enlargement or non-enlargement of the successively formed chambers ; for sometimes it opens out very rapidly, every whorl being considerably broader than that which it surrounds, in con- sequence of the great excess of the size of each segment over that of its predecessor, as in Peneroplis, fig. 548 ; but more commonly there is- so little difference between the successive segments, after the spire has made two or three turns, that the breadth of each whorl scarcely exceeds that of its predecessor, as is well seen in the section of the. Fig. 548. — Foraminifera: — Penerojplis and Orhiculina. Botalia represented in tig. 566. An intermediate condition is pre- sented by Botalia, which may be taken as a characteristic type of a very large and important group of Foraminifera, whose general features will be presently described. Again, a spiral may be either ' nautiloid ' or ' turbinoid,' the former designation being applied to that form in which the successive convolutions all lie in one plane (as they do in the Nautilus), so that the shell is ' equilateral ' or similar on its two sides ; whilst the latter is used to mark that form in which the spire passes obliquely round an axis, so that the shell becomes ' inequilateral,' having a more or less conical form, like that of a snail or a periwinkle, the first- formed chamber being at the apex. Of the former we have charac- teristic examples in Polystomella (Plate XVII, fig. 23) and Nonionina ; whilst of the latter we find a typical representation in Botalia Beccarii (fig. 22). Further, we find among the shells whose increase takes place upon the spiral plan a very marked difference as to the degree in which the earlier convolutions are invested and concealed by the latter. In the great rotaline group, whose characteristic form is a turbinoid spiral, all the convolutions are usually visible, at least on one side (fig, 17) ; but among the nautiloid tribes it more Plate XVI A TYPICAL GROUP OF FOBAMINIFERA 1 to 11 FORAMINIFERA frequently happens that the last-formed whorl encloses the preced- ing to such an extent that they are scarcely, or not at all, visible externally, as is the case in Cristell 'aria (tig. 17), Polystomella (fig. -23), and Nonionina. The turbinoid spire may coil so rapidly round an elongated axis that the number of chambers in each turn is very small; thus in Globigerina (figs. 20, 2i, Plate XVII) there are usually only four : and in Valvulina the regular number is only three. Thus we are led to the biserial arrangement of the chambers, which is characteristic of the textularian group (fig. 8, a, b, and 9, Plate XVI), in which we find the chambers arranged in two rows, each chamber communicating with that above and that below it on the opposite side, without any direct communication with the Fig. 549. — Discorbina globularis (Bosalina varzans, Schultze), with its pseudopodia extended. chamber of its own side, as will be understood by reference to fig. 564, A, which shows a ' cast ' of the sarcode- body of the animal. On the other hand, we tind in the nautiloid spire a tendency to pass (by a curious transitional form to be presently described) into the cyclical mode of growth ; in which the original segment, instead of budding forth on one side only, develops gemma- all round, so that a ring of small chambers (or chaniberlets) is formed around the primordial chamber, and this in its turn surrounds itself after the like fashion with another ring ; and by successive repetitions of the same process the shell comes to have the form of a disc made up of a great number of concentric rings, as we see in Orbitolites (fig. 551) and in Cycloclypeus (fig. 569). 3 a 2 724 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE These and other differences in the plan of growth were made by M. D'Orbigny the foundation of his classification of this group, which, though at one time generally accepted, has now been aban- doned by most of those who have occupied themselves in the study of the Foraminifera. For it has come to be generally admitted that ' plan of growth ' is a character of very subordinate importance among the Foraminifera, so that any classification which is primarily based upon it must necessarily be altogether unnatural, those characters being of primary importance which have an immediate and direct relation to the physiological condition of the animal, and are thus indicative of the real affinities of the several groups which they serve to distinguish. The most important of these characters will now be noticed.1 Two very distinct types of shell structure prevail among ordinary Foraminifera — namely, the porcellanous and the hyaline or vitreous. The shell of the former, when viewed by reflected light, presents an opaque-white aspect which bears a strong resemblance to porcelain ; but when thin natural or artificial laminae of it are viewed by trans- mitted light the opacity gives place to a rich brown or amber colour, which in a few instances is tinged with crimson. No structure of any description can be detected in this kind of shell-sub- stance, which is apparently homogeneous throughout. Although the shells of this ' porcellanous ' type often present the appearance of being perforated with foramina, yet this appearance is illusory, being due to a mere ' pitting ' of the external surface, which, though often very deep, never extends through the whole thickness of the shell. Some kind of inequality of that surface, indeed, is extremely common in the shells of the ' porcellanous ' Foraminifera, one of the most frequent forms of it being a regular alternation of ridges and furrows, such as is occasionally seen in Miliola, but which is an almost constant characteristic of Peneroplis (fig. 548). But no difference of texture accompanies either this or any other kind of inequality of surface, the raised and depressed portions being alike homogeneous. In the shells of the vitreous or hyaline type, on the oilier hand, the proper shell substance has an almost glassy trans- parence, which is shown by it alike in thin natural lamellae and in artificially prepared specimens of such as are thicker and older. It is usually colourless, even when (as in the case with many Rotaliince) the substance of the animal is deeply coloured ; but in some few species, such as Globigerinctfrubrdj Truncatulina rosea, and Polytrema miniaceuni, the shell is commonly, like the animal body, of a more or less deep crimson hue. All the shells of the hyaline type are beset more or less closely with tubular perforations, which pass directly, and (in general) without any subdivision, from one surface to the other. These tubuli are in some instances sufficiently coarse for their orifices to be distinguished with a low magnifying power as ' pimctations ' on the surface of the shell, as is shown in fig. 549 ; whilst in other cases they are so minute as only to be discernible in 1 This subject will In; found amply discussed in the Author's Introduction to the Study of-the Fdra/wiinifera, published by the Ray Society, to which work he would refer such of his readers as may desire more detailed information in regard to it. Plate. XVII A TYPICAL GEOUP OF FORAMINIFERA 12 to 26 ¥ 0 R A MINI FE R A 725 thin sections seen by transmitted light under a higher magnifying power, as is shown in figs. 574, 575. When they are very numerous and closely set, the shell derives from their presence that kind of opacity which is characteristic of all minutely tubular textures, whose tubuli are occupied either by air or by any substance having a refractive power different from that of the intertubular substance, however perfect may be the transparence of the latter. The straight- ness, parallelism, and isolation of these tubuli are well seen in verti- cal sections of the thick shells of the largest examples of the group, such as Xummulites (fig. 573). It often happens, however, that certain parts of the shell are left unchannelled by these tubuli ; and such are readily distinguished, even under a low magnifying power, by the readiness with which they allow transmitted light to pass through them, and by the peculiar vitreous lustre they exhibit when light is thrown obliquely on their surface. In shells formed upon this type we frequently find that the surface presents either bands or spots which are so distinguished, the non-tubular bands usually marking the position of the septa, and being sometimes raised into ridges, though in other instances they are either level or somewhat depressed ; whilst the non-tubular spots may occur on any part of the surface, and are most commonly raised into tubercles, which sometimes attain a size and number that give a very distinctive aspect to the shells that bear them. Between the comparatively coarse perforations which are common in the rotaline type, and the minute tubuli which are characteristic of the nummuline, there is such a continuous gradation as indicates that their mode of formation, and probably their uses, are essen- tially the same. In the former, it has been demonstrated by actual observation that they allow the passage of pseuclopodial extensions of the sarcode-body through every part of the external wall of the chambers occupied by it (fig. 549) ; and there is nothing to oppose the idea that they answer the same purpose in the latter, since, minute as they are, their diameter is not too small to enable them to be traversed by the finest of the threads into which the branching pseudopodia of Foraminifera are known to subdivide themselves. Moreover, the close approximation of the tubuli in the most finely perforated nummulines makes their collective area fully equal to that of the larger but more scattered pores of the most coarsely per- forated rotalines. Hence it is obvious, that the tubulation or non- tubulation of foraminiferal shells is the key to a very important physiological difference between the animal inhabitants of the two kinds respectively ; for whilst every segment of the sarcode-body in the former case gives off pseudopodia, which pass at once into the surrounding medium, and contribute by their action to the nutrition of the segment from which they proceed, these pseudopodia are limited in the latter case to the final segment, issuing forth only through the aperture of the last chamber, so that all the nutrient material which they draw in must be first received into the last seg- ment, and be transmitted thence from one segment to another until it reaches the earliest. With this difference in the physiological con- dition of the animal of these two types is usually associated a further 726 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE very important difference in the conformation of the shell — viz. that whilst the aperture of communication between the chambers and between the last chamber and the exterior is usually very small in the 1 vitreous ' shells, serving merely to give passage to a slender stolon or thread of sarcode from which the succeeding segment may be budded off, it is much wider in the ' porcellanous ' shells, so as to give passage to a ' stolon ' that may not only bud off new segments, but may serve as the medium for transmitting nutrient material from the outer to the inner chambers. Between the highest types of the porcellanous and the vitreous series respectively, which frequently bear a close resemblance to each other in form, there are certain other well-marked differences in structure, which clearly indicate their essential dissimilarity. Thus, for example, if we compare Orbitolites (tig. 551) with Cyclo- clypeus we recognise the same plan of growth in each, the chamber- lets being arranged in concentric rings around the primordial chamber ; and to a superficial observer there would appear little difference between them. But a minuter examination shows that not only is the texture of the shell ' porcellanous ' and non-tubular in Orbitolites, whilst it is 'vitreous' and minutely tubular in Cyclo- clypeus, but that the partitions between the chamberlets are single in the former, whilst they are double in the latter, each segment of the sarcode-body having its own proper shelly investment. More- over, between these double partitions an additional deposit of cal- careous substance is very commonly found, constituting what may be termed the intermediate skeleton ; and this is traversed by a peculiar system of inosculating canals, which pass around the chamberlets in interspaces left between the two lamina? of their par- titions, and which seem to convey through its substance extensions of the sarcode-body whose segments occupy the chamberlets. We occasionally find this ' intermediate skeleton ' extending itself into peculiar outgrowths, which have no direct relation to the chambered shell. Of this we have a very curious example in Calcarina ; and it is in these that we find the ' canal system ' attaining its greatest development. Its most regular distribution, however, is seen in Polystomella and in Operculina ; and an account of it will be given in the description of those types. Porcellanea. — Commencing, now, with the porcellanous series, we shall briefly notice some of its most important forms, which are .so related to each other as to constitute but the one family Miliolida. Its simplest type is presented by the Cornuspira of our own coasts, found attached to seaweeds and zoophytes ; this is a minute spiral shell, of which the interior forms a continuous tube not divided into chambers ; the latter portion of the spire is often very much flattened out, as in Peneroplis, so that the form of the mouth is changed from a circle to a long narrow slit. Among the commonest of the Fora- minifera, and abounding near the shores of almost every sea, are some forms of the milioline type, so named from the resemblance of some of their minute fossilised forms (of which enormous beds of limestone in the neighbourhood of Paris are almost entirely com- posed) to millet-seeds. The peculiar mode of growth by which these PORCELLANOUS FORAMENIEERA 727 are characterised will be best understood by examining, in the first instance, the form which has been designated as Spiroloculina. This shell is a spiral, elongated in the direction of one of its diameters, and having at each turn a contraction at either end of that diameter which partially divides each convolution into two chambers ; the separation between the consecutive chambers is often made more complete by a peculiar projection from the inner side of the cavity, known as the ' tongue ; or ' valve,' which may be considered as an imperfect septum. Now it is a very common habit in the milioline type for the chambers of the later convolutions to extend themselves over those of the earlier, so as to conceal them more or less com- pletely; and this they very commonly do somewhat unequally, so that more of the earlier chambers are visible on one side than on the other. Mil iolce thus modified (fig. 1, PI. XVI) have received the names of QuinquelocuJina and Triloculina according to the number of chambers visible externally ; but the extreme inconstancy which is found to mark such distinctions, when the comparison of specimens has been sufficiently extended, entirely destroys their value as differ- ential characters, and the term Miliolina is now more frequently applied to them collectively. Sometimes, on the other hand, the earlier convolutions are so completely concealed by the later that only the two chambers of the last turn are visible externally ; and in this type, which has been designated Bilocirfina, there is often such an increase in the breadth of the chambers as altogether changes the usual proportions of the shell, which has almost the shape of an egg when so placed that either the last or the penultimate chamber faces the observer. It is very common in milioline shells for the external surface to present a 'pitting,' more or less deep, a ridge-and-furrow arrangement (fig. 3), or a honeycomb division ; and these diversities have been used for the characterisation of species. Xot only, how- ever, may every intermediate gradation be met with between the most strongly marked forms, but it is not at all uncommon to find the surface smooth on some parts, whilst other parts of the surface in the same shell are deeply pitted or strongly ribbed or honey- combed ; so that here, again, the inconstancy of these differences deprives them of much of their value as distinctive characters. An interesting illustration of the tendency to dimorphism amongst the Foraminifera has been observed by MM. Munier Chalmas and Schlumberger 1 in the structure of the shells of this group. They find that while two forms, which they distinguish as form A and form B, are similar externally they differ in internal structure, form B having its initial chamber much smaller than that of form A, and this 4 microsphere ' is followed by a larger number of chambers than is the ' megasphere ' of form A. What this difference signifies it is at present impossible to say, but it has been suggested that it may be one of sexual character. The ob- servations of the French naturalists referred to open out a new field of inquiry, and one which is enjoying the attention of several works in this department of research. Reverting again to the primitive type presented in the simple 1 Bulletin Soc. Geol. ser. iii. vol. xiii. p. 273. 728 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE spiral of Cornuspira, we find the most complete development of: it in Peneroplis (tig. 548), a very beautiful form, which, although, not to be found on our own coasts, is one of the commonest of all Forarninifera in the shore-sands and shallow- water dredgings of warmer regions. This is normally a nautiloid shell, of which the spire flattens itself out as it advances in growth. It is marked externally by a series of transverse bands, which indicate the posi- tion of the internal septa that divide the cavity into chambers ; and these chambers communicate with each other by numerous minute pores traversing each of the septa, and giving passage to threads of sarcode that connect the segments of the body. At a is shown the ' septal plane ' closing in the last-formed chamber, with its single row of pores through which the pseudopodial filaments extend them- selves into the surrounding medium. The surface of the shell, which has a peculiarly £ porcellanous ' aspect, is marked by closely set strice that cross the spaces between the successive septal bands ; these markings, however, do not indicate internal divisions, and are due to a surface-furrowing of the shelly walls of the chambers. This type passes into two very curious modifications, one having a spire which, instead of flattening itself out, remains turgid, like that of a Nautilus, having only a single aperture, which sends out fissured extensions that subdivide like the branches of a tree, suggesting the name of Dendritina, the other having its spire continued in a rec- tilineal direction, so that the shell takes the form of a crosier, this being distinguished by the name of Spirolina. A careful examina- tion of intermediate forms, however, has made it evident that these modifications, though ranked as of generic value by M. D'Orbigny, are merely varietal, a continuous gradation being found to exist from the elongated septal plane of the typical Peneroplis, with its. single row of isolated pores, to the arrow-shaped septal plane of Dendritina, with all its pores fused together (so to speak) into one- dendritic aperture, and a like gradation being presented between the ordinary forms and the ' spiroline ' varieties, with oval or even circular septal plane, into which both Peneroplis and Dendritina tend to elongate themselves. From the ordinary nautiloid multilocular spiral we now pass to a more complex and highly developed form, which is restricted to tropical and subtropical regions, but is there very abundant — that, namely, which has received the designation Orbiculina (fig. 548). The relation of this to the preceding type will be best understood by an examination of its earlier stage of growth ; for here we see that the shell resembles that of Peneroplis in its general form, but that its principal chambers are divided by ' secondary septa ' passing at right angles to the primary into ' chamberlets ' occupied by sub-segments of the sarcode-body. Each of these secondary septa is perforated by an aperture, so that a continuous gallery is formed, through which (as in fig. 551) there passes a stolon that unites together all the sub-segments of each row. The chamberlets of successive rows alternate with one another in position ; and the pores of the principal septa are so disposed that each chamberlet of any row normally communicates with two chamberlets in each of the PORCELLANOUS FORAMINIFEKA adjacent rows. The later turns of the spire very commonly, grow com- pletely over the earlier, and thus the central portion or ' umbilicus ? comes to be protuberant, whilst the growing edge is thin. The spire also opens out at its growing margin, which tends to encircle the first formed portion, and thus gives rise to the peculiar shape represented in fig. 548, in the illustration on the extreme right, which is the common aduncal type of this organism. But sometimes even at an early age the growing margin extends so far round on each side that 'its two extremities meet on the opposite side of the original spire, which is thus completely enclosed by it ; and its subsequent growth is no longer spiral but cyclical, a succession of concentric rings being added, one around the other, as shown in the middle illustration in the same figure. This change is extremely curious, as demonstrating the intimate relationship between the spiral and the cyclical plans of growth, which at first sight appear essentially distinct. In all but the youngest examples of Orbiculina the septal plane pre- sents more than a single row of pores, the number of rows increasing in the thickest specimens to six or eight. This increase is associated with a change in the form of the sub-segments of sarcode from little blocks to columns, and with a greater complexity in the general arrangement, such as will be more fully described hereafter in Orbitolites. The largest existing examples of this type are far sur- passed in size by those which make up a considerable part of a Tertiary limestone on the Malabar coast of India, whose diameter reaches seven or eight lines. A very curious modification of the same general plan is shown in Alveolina, a genus of which the largest existing forms (fig. 550) are commonly about one -third of an inch long, while far larger speci- mens are found in the Tertiary limestones of Scinde. Here the spire turns round a very elongate axis, so that the shell has almost the form of a cylinder drawn to a point at each extremity. Its surface shows a series of longitudinal lines which mark the principal septa ; and the bands that intervene between these are marked trans- versely by lines which show the subdivision of the principal chambers into ' chamberlets.' The chamberlets of each row are connected with each other, as in the preceding type, by a continuous gallery ; and they communicate with those of the next row by a series of multiple pores in the principal septa, such as constitute the external orifices of the last-formed series, seen on its septal plane at «, a. The highest development of that cyclical plan of growth which we have seen to be sometimes taken on by Orbiculina is found in Orbitolites ; a type which, long known as a very abundant fossil in the earlier Tertiaries of the Paris basin, has lately proved to be scarcely less abundant in certain parts of the existing ocean. The largest recent specimens of it, sometimes attaining the size of a shilling, have hitherto been obtained only from the coast of New Holland, the Fijian reefs, and various other parts of the Polynesian Archipelago ; but discs of comparatively minute size and simpler organisation are to be found in almost all foraminiferal sands and dredgings from the shores of the warmer regions of the globe, being especially abundant in those of some of the Philippine Islands, of the 73Q MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL ( LIFE Red Sea, of the Mediterranean, and especially of the ^Egean. When such discs are subjected to microscopic examination, they are found ■{if uninjured by abrasion) to present the structure represented in hg. 551, where we see on the surface (by incident light) a number -of rounded elevations, arranged in concentric zones around a sort of nucleus (which has been laid open in the figure to show its internal structure) ; whilst at the margin we observe a row of rounded pro- jections, with a single aperture or pore in each of the intervening depressions. In very thin discs the structure may often be brought into view by mounting them in Canada balsam and transmitting OKBITOLITES 73t light through them ; but in those which are too opaque to be thus seen through, it is sufficient to rub clown one of the surfaces upon a stone, and then to mount the specimen in balsam. Each of the superficial elevations will then be found to be the roof or cover of an ovate cavity or ' chamberlet,' which communicates by means of a lateral passage with the chamberlet on either side of it in the same ring ; so that each circular zone of chamberlets might be described as a continuous annular passage dilated into cavities at intervals. On the other hand, each zone communicates with the zones that are internal and external to it by means of passages in a radiating direction ; these passages run, however, not from the chamberlets of the inner zone to those of the outer, but from the connecting pass- ages of the former to the chamberlets of the latter ; so that the chamberlets of each zone alternate in position with those of the zones Fig. 551. — Orbitolites. Ideal representation of a disc of complex type. internal and external to it. The radial passages from the outermost annulus make their way at once to the margin, where they termi- nate, forming the ' pores ' which (as already mentioned) are to be seen on its exterior. The central nucleus, when rendered sufficiently transparent by the means just adverted to, is found to consist of a ' primordial chamber ' («), usually somewhat pear-shaped, that com- municates by a narrow passage with a much larger ' circumambient chamber' (6), which nearly surrounds it, and which sends off a vari- able number of radiating passages towards the chamberlets of the first zone, which forms a complete ring round the circumambient chamber. 1 1 Although the above may be considered the typical form of the Orbitolite, yet, in a very large proportion of specimens, the first few zones are not complete circles, the early growth having taken place from one side only ; and there is a very beautiful variety in which this one-sidedness of increase imparts a distinctly spiral chai*acter to the early growth, which soon, however, gives place to the cyclical. In the Orbito- lites italica (fig. 553), brought up from depths of 1500 fathoms or more, the 'nucleus ' 732 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE The idea of the nature of the living occupant of these cavities- which might be suggested by the foregoing account of their arrange- ment, is fully borne out by the results of the examination of the sarcode-body, which may be obtained by the maceration in dilute acid (so as to remove the shelly investment) of specimens of Orbitolites that have been gathered fresh and preserved in spirit. For this body is found to be composed (fig. 552) of a multitude of segments of sarcode, presenting not the least trace of higher organi- sation in any part, and connected together by ' stolons ' of the like substance. The 4 primordial ' pear- shaped segment, «, is seen to have budded off its ' circumambient ' segment, b, by a narrow foot- stalk or stolon ; and this circumambient segment, after passing almost entirely round the primordial, has budded off three stolons, which swell into new sub- segments from which the first ring is formed. Scarcely any two speci- mens are precisely alike as to the mode in which the first ring- originates from the ' circumambient sesr- ment ' ; for sometimes a score or more of radial passages extend themselves from every pari: of the margin of the latter (and this, as corresponding with the plan of growth after- wards followed, is probably the typical arrangement) • whilst in other cases (as in the example before us) the number of these primary offsets is ex- tremely small. Each zone is seen to consist of an assemblage of ovate sub-segments, whose height (which could not be shown in the figure) corresponds with the thickness of the disc ; these sub-seg- ments, which are all exactly similar and equal to one another, are connected by annular stolons ; and each zone is connected with that on its exterior by radial extensions of those stolons passing off be- tween the sub-segments. The radial extensions of the outermost zone issue forth as pseudopodia from the marginal pores, searching for and drawing in alimentary materials in the manner formerly described ; the whole of the soft body, which has no communication whatever with is formed by three or four turns of a spiral closely resembling that of a Cornusjnra. with an interruption at every half-turn, as in Spiroloculina, the growth after- wards becoming purely concentric. Fig. 552. — Composite animal of simple type of Orbito- lites complanata : — a, central mass of sarcode ; b, circumambient segment, giving off peduncles, in which originate the concentric zones of sub-segments connected bv annular bands. ORBITOLITES 733 the exterior, save through these marginal pores, being nourished by the transmission of the products of digestion from zone to zone through similar bands of protoplasmic substance. In all cases in which the growth of the disc takes place with normal regularity it is probable that a complete circular zone is added at once. Thus we find this simple type of organisation giving origin to fabrics of by no means microscopic dimensions, in which, however, there is no other differentiation of parts than that concerned in the formation •of the shell, every segment and every stolon (with the exception of the two forming the ' nucleus ' ) being, so far as can be ascertained, a precise repetition of every other, and the segments of the nucleus differing from the rest in nothing else than their form. The equality of the endowments of the segments is shown by the fact — of which accident hac repeatedly furnished proof — that, a small portion of a disc, entirely separated from the remainder, will not only continue Fig. 553. — Disc of OrbitoJites italica, Costa, sp. (O.tenuissima, Carp.), formed round fragment of previous disc. to live, but will so increase as to form a new disc (fig. 553), the want of the 1 nucleus ' not appearing to be of the slightest consequence, from the time that active life is established in the outer zones. One of the most curious features in the history of this type is its capacity for developing itself into a form which, whilst funda- mentally the same as that previously described, is very much more complex. In all the larger specimens of OrbitoJites we observe that the marginal pores, instead of constituting but a single row, form many rows one above another ; and, besides this, the chamberlets of the two surfaces, instead of being rounded or ovate in form, are usually oblong and straight-sided, their long diameters lying in a radial direction, like those of the cyclical type of OrbiruJina. When a vertical section is made through such a disc, it is found that these oblong chambers constitute two superficial layers, between which 734 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE are interposed columnar chambers of a rounded form ; and these- last are connected together by a complex series of passages, the arrangement of which will be best understood from the examination of a part of the sarcode-body that occupies them (fig. 554). For the oblong superficial chambers are occupied by sub-segments of sarcode, c c, d d, lying side by side, so as to form part of an annulus, but each of them disconnected from its neighbours, and communicating only by a double footstalk with the two annular ' stolons,' a a', 6 6', which obviously correspond with the single stolon of 'simple' types (fig. 552). These indirectly connect together not merely all the superficial chamberlets of each zone, but also the columnar sub- segments of the intermediate layer ; for these columns (e e, e' e') terminate above and below in the annular stolons, sometimes passing directly from one to the other, but sometimes going out of their direct course to coalesce with another column. The columns- of the successive zones (two sets of which are shown in the figure) communicate with each other by threads of sarcocle in such a manner that (as in the simple type) each column is thus brought into connection with two columns of the zone next interior, to which it alter- nates in position. Similar threads, passing off from the outermost zone through the multiple pores, would ranges of doubtless marginal act as- -Portion of animal of complex Fig. 554. type of Orbitolites complanata : a a', b b', the upper and. lower rings of two concentric zones ; c c, the upper layer of superficial sub- segments, and d d, the lower layer, connected with the annular bands of both zones ; e e and e e', vertical sub-segments of the two zones. pseudopodia. Now this plan of growth is so different from that previously described that there would at first seem ample ground for separating the simple and the complex types as distinct species. But the test furnished by the examination of a hirye number- of specimens, which ought never to be passed by when it can possibly be appealed to, furnishes these very singular results : 1st, that the two forms must be 'considered as specifically identical ; since there is not only a gradational passage from one to the other, but they are often combined in the same individual, the inner and first-formed portion of a large disc frequently presenting the simple type, whilst the outer and later-formed part has developed itself upon the complex ; 2nd, that although the last-mentioned circumstance would naturally suggest that the change from the one plan to another may be simply a feature of advancing age, yet this cannot be the case : since, although the complex sometimes evolves itself even from the very first (the 'nucleus/ though resembling that of the simple form, send- ARENA CEO US F OK A MINI FE RA ing out two or more tiers of radiating threads), more frequently the simple prevails for an indefinite number of zones, and then changes itself in the course of a few zones into the complex. No depart- ment of natural history could furnish more striking instances than are afforded by the different forms presented by the foraminiferal types now described, of the wide range of variation that may occur within the limits of one and the same species ; and the microscopist needs to be specially put on his guard as to this point in respect to the lower types of animal as to those of vegetable life, since the determination of form seems to be far less precise among such than it is in the higher types.1 In what manner the reproduction of Orbitolites is accomplished,, we can as yet do little more than guess ; but from appearances sometimes jjresented by the sarcode-body, it seems reasonable to infer that gemmnles, corresponding with the zoospores of proto- phytes, are occasionally formed by the breaking up of the sarcode into globular masses, and that these, escaping through the marginal pores, are sent forth to develop themselves into new fabrics. Areiiacea. — In certain forms of the preceding family, and espe- cially in the genus MUiola, wTe not unfrequently find the shells en- crusted with particles of sand, wmich are imbedded in the proper shell-substance. This incrustation, however, must be looked on as (so to speak) accidental, since we find shells that are in every other respect of the same type altogether free from it. A similar accidental incrustation presents itself among certain ' vitreous ' and perforate shells ; but there, too, it is usually on a basis of true shell, and the sandy incrustation is often entirely absent. There is, how- ever, a group of Foraminifera in which the true shell is constantly and entirely replaced by a sandy envelope, which is distinguished as a 'test,' the arenaceous particles being held together only by a cement exuded by the animal. It is not a little curious that the forms of these arenaceous ' tests ' should represent those of many different types among both the ' porcellanous ' and the 1 vitreous r series ; whilst yet they graduate into one another in such a manner as to indicate that all the members of this ' arenaceous ' group are closelv related to each other, so as to form a series of their own. And it is further remarkable that while the deep-sea dredgings recently carried down to depths of from 1,000 to 2,500 fathoms have brought up few forms of either ' porcellanous ' or ' vitreous * Foraminifera that were not previously known, they have added greatly to our knowledge of the ' arenaceous' types, the number and variety of which far exceed all previous conception. These have been systematically described by Mr. H. B. Brady, F.R.S.2 whose researches have led him to believe that the long-established division of the Foraminifera into the arenaceous and calcareous groups does 1 For further information on the subject of Orbitolites see the Author's account of the genus in the reports of H.M.S. Challenger. Mr. H. B. Brady in his ' Challenger * Report (p. 224;) describes a remarkable allied type from the Southern Ocean — Keramosphcera Murrayi — in which the test is spherical, and the chambers are arranged in concentric layers. 2 See his important report on the Foraminifera dredged by H.M.9. Challenger £1864), illustrated by 116 plates. 736 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE not correspond to any natural arrangement ; for, although the rule is tolerably constant in many groups, there are others, notably certain sub-families of Textulariidce, in which it is by no means uniform. In the midst of the sandy mud which formed the bottom where the warm area of the 'Globigerina mud' abutted on that over which a glacial stream flowed, there were found a number of little pellets, varying in size from a large pin's head to that of a large pea, formed of an aggregation of sand-grains, minute foraminifers, 2 740 MICROSCOPIC FOEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE Thurammina papillata (fig. 556, g) a not less remarkable imitation of the Orbuline. This last is specially noteworthy for the admirable manner in which its component sand-grains are set together, these being small and very uniform in size, and being disposed in such a manner as to present a smooth surface both inside and out (fig. 556, h), whilst there are at intervals nipple-shaped protuberances, in every one of which there is a rounded orifice. A like perfection of finish is seen in the test of Hormosina globulifera (fig. 556, c), which is composed of a succession of globular chambers rapidly increasing in size, each havino; a narrow tubular neck with a rounded orifice, which is received into the next segment. In other species of the same genus there is a nearer approach to the ordinary Nodosarine type, their tests being sometimes constructed with the regularity characteristic of the shells of the true Nodosaria, Plate XVII, 16, whilst in other Fig. 557. — Arenaceous Foraminfera : a, b, exterior and sectional views of Mheophax sabulosa ; c, Mhabd&mmina abyssorum ; d, cross- section of one of its arms ; e, llheophax scorpiurus ; /, Hormosina Carpenteri. cases the chambers are less regularly disposed (fig. 557,/), having rather the character of bead-like enlargements of a tube, whilst their walls show a less exact selection of material, sponge-spicules being worked in with the sand-grains, so as to give them a hirsute aspect. A greater rudeness of structure shows itself in the Nodosarine forms of the genus JRheophax, in which not only are the sand-grains of the test very coarse, but small Foraminifera are often worked up with them (fig. 557, e). A straight, many-chambered form of the same genus (fig. 557, a, b) is remarkable for the peculiar finish of the neck of each segment ; for whilst the test generally is composed of sand- grains, as loosely aggregated as those of which the test of Astrorhiza is made up, the grains that form the neck are firmly united by fer- ruginous cement, forming a very smooth wall to the tubular orifice. The highest development of the ' arenaceous ' type at the present time is found in the forms that imitate the very regular nautiloid CYCLAMMINA 741 shells, both of the 1 porcellanous ' and the £ vitreous ' series ; and the most remarkable of these is the Cyclammina cancellata (fig. 558), which has been brought up in considerable abundance from depths ranging downwards to 1900 fathoms, the largest examples being found within 700 fathoms. The test (fig. 558, a) is composed of aggregated sand-grains firmly cemented together and smoothed over externally with ' plaster,' in which large glistening sand-grains are sometimes set at regular intervals, as if for ornament. On laying open the spire it is found to be very regularly divided into chambers by partitions formed of cemented sand-grains (b), a communication between these chambers being left by a fissure at the inner margin of the spire, as in Operculina (fig. 570). One of the most curious features in the structure of this type is the extension of the cavity of each chamber into passages excavated in its thick external wall Fig. 558. — Cyclammina cancellata, showing at a, its external aspect; b, its internal structure ; c, a portion of its outer wall in section, more highly magnified, showing the sand-grains of which it is built up and the passages excavated in its substance. each passage being surrounded by a very regular arrangement of sand-grains, as shown at c. It not unfrequently happens that the outer layer of the test is worn away, and the ends of the passages then show themselves as pores upon its surface ; this appearance, however, is abnormal, the passages simply running from the chamber- cavity into the thickness of its wall, and having (so long as this is complete) no external opening. This ' labyrinthic ' structure is of great interest, from its relation not only to the similar structure of the large fossil examples of the same type, but also to that which is presented in other gigantic fossil arenaceous forms to be presently described. Although some of the nautiloid Lituolcv are among the largest of existing Foraminifera, having a diameter of 0*3 inch, they are mere dwarfs in comparison with two gigantic fossil forms, whose 742 MICBOSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE structure has been elucidated by Mr. H. B. Brady and the Author.1 Geologists who have worked over the Greensand of Cambridgeshire have long been familiar with solid spherical bodies which there present themselves not unfrequently, varying in size from that of a pistol-bullet to that of a small cricket-ball ; and whilst some regarded them as mineral concretions, others were led by certain appearances presented by their surfaces to suppose them to be fossilised sponges. A specimen having been fortunately discovered, however, in which the original structure had remained unconsolidated by mineral in- V V Fig. 559. — General view of the internal structure of Parkeria : In the hori- zontal section, l\ l'2, P, ?4 mark the four thick layers; in the vertical sections A marks the internal surface of a layer separated by concentric fracture ; B, the appearance presented by a similar fracture passing through the radiating processes ; C, the result of a tangential section passing through the cancellated substance of a lamella ; D, the appearance pre- sented by the external surface of a lamella separated by a concentric fracture which has passed through the radial processes; E, the aspect of a section taken in a radial direction, so as to cross the solid lamellae and their intervening spaces ; c\ r'!, c3, c*, successive chambers of nucleus. filtration, it was submitted by Professor Morris to the Author, who was at once led by his examination of it to recognise it as a member of the arenaceous group of Foraminifera, to which he gave the de- signation Parkeria, in compliment to his valued friend and coadjutor, Mr. W. K. Parker. A section of the sphere taken through its centre (fig. 559) presents an aspect very much resembling that of an Orbitolite, a series of chamberlets being concentrically arranged round a ' nucleus' ; and as the same appearance is presented, what- ever be the direction of the section, it becomes apparent that these 1 See their ' Description of Parkeria and Loftusia ' in Philosophical Transac- tions, 1809, p. 721. Though it appears convenient to allow this description of Parkeria to remain, it must be noted that some of those most competent to judge are of opinion that Parkeria is one of the Stromatoporoids — an obscure and difficult group of fossil Hijdroida (see the memoir by Professor Alleyne Nicholson, published in 1886 by the Palajontographical Society). PARKER I A 743 Fig. 560. — Portion of one of the lamellae of Parkeria, showing the sand-grains of which it is built up, and the passages extending into its substance. •chamberlets, instead of being arranged in successive rinys on a single plane, so as to form a disc, are grouped in concentric spheres, each completely investing that which preceded it in date of formation. The outer wall of each chamberlet is itself penetrated by extensions •of the cavity into its substance, as in the Cyclammina last described ; and these passages are separated by partitions very regularly built up of sand-grains, which also close in their extremities, as is shown in fig. 560. The concentric spheres are occasionally separated by walls of more than ordinary thickness, and such a wall is seen in fig. 559 to close in the last-formed series of chamberlets. But these walls have the same 'labyrinthic' structure as the thinner ones, •and an examination of numerous specimens shows that they are not formed at any regular inter- nals. The ' nucleus ' is always composed of a single series of chambers arranged end to end, sometimes in a straight line, as in hg. 559, c1, c2, c:i, c4, sometimes forming a spiral, and in one in- stance returning upon itself. But the outermost chamber en- larges, and extends itself over the whole ' nucleus,' very much as the ' circumambient ' chamber of the Orbitolite extends itself round the primordial chamber ; and radial prolongations given off from this in every direction form the. first investing sphere, round which the entire series of concen trie- spheres are successivel}7 formed. Of the sand of which this remark- able fabric is constructed about 60 per cent, consists of phosphate of lime, and nearly the whole remainder of carbonate of lime. Another large fossil arenaceous type, constructed upon the same general plan, but growing spirally round an elongated axis, after the manner of Alveolina (fig. 550), and attaining a length of three inches, has been described by Mr. H. B. Brady {Joe. cit.) under the name Loftusia, after its discoverer, the late Mr. W. K. Loftus, who brought it from the Turko-Persian frontier, where specimens were found in considerable numbers imbedded in ' a blue marly limestone,' probably of early Tertiary age. There is nothing, it seems to the Author, more wonderful in Nature than the building up of these elaborate and symmetrical structures by mere ' jelly-specks,' presenting no trace whatever of that definite c organisation ' which we are accustomed to regard as necessary to the manifestations of conscious life. Suppose a human mason to be put down by the side of a pile of stones of various shapes and sizes, and to be told to build a dome of these, smooth on both ■surfaces, without using more than the least possible quantity of a very tenacious but very costly cement in holding the stones together. If he accomplished this well, he would receive credit for great in- telligence and skill. Yet this is exactly what the se little ' jelly-specks ' 744 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE do on a most minute scale, the ' tests ' they construct, when highly magnified, bearing comparison with the most skilful masonry of man. From the same sandy bottom one species picks up the coarser quartz- grains, unites them together with a ferruginous cement secreted from its own substance, and thus constructs a flask-shaped ' test,' having a short neck and a single large orifice. Another picks up the finer grains and puts them together with the same cement into perfectly spherical ' tests ' of the most extraordinary finish, perforated with numerous small pores disposed at pretty regular intervals. Another- selects the minutest sand-grains and the terminal portions of sponge- - spicules and works these up together — apparently with no cement at all, but by the mere ' laying ' of the spicules — into perfect white spheres, like homoeopathic globules, each having a single fissured orifice. And another, which makes a straight many- chambered ' test,'' the conical mouth of each chamber projecting into the cavity of the next, while forming the walls of its chambers of ordinary sand-grains rather loosely held together, shapes the conical mouths of the suc- cessive chambers by firmly cementing to each other the quartz-grains which border it. To give these actions the vague designation ' in- stinctive ' does not in the least help us to account for them ; since what we want is to discover the mechanism by which they are worked out ; and it is most difficult to conceive how so artificial a selection, can be made by creatures so simple. Vitrea. — Returning now to the Foraminifera which form true- shells by the calcification of the superficial layer of their sarcode- bodies, we shall take a similar general survey of the vitreous series, whose shells are perforated by multitudes of minute foramina (fig. 549). Thus, Spirillina has a minute, spirally convoluted, undivided tube, resembling that of Cornuspira, but having its wall somewhat coarsely perforated by numerous apertures for the emission of pseudo- podia. The ' monothalamous ' forms of this growth mostly belong to < the family Lagenida, which also contains a series of transition forms, leading up gradationally to the ' polythalamous ' nautiloid type. In Lagena (Plate XVII, figs. 12, 13, 14, 15) the mouth is narrowed andi prolonged into a tubular neck, giving to the shell the form of a micro- scopic flask : this neck terminates in an everted lip, which is marked! with radiating furrows. A mouth of this kind is a distinctive character of a large group of many-chambered shells, of which each single chamber bears a more or less close resemblance to the simple Lagena, and of which, like it, the external surface generally presents ; some kind of ornamentation, which may have the form either of longitudinal ribs or of pointed tubercles. Thus the shell of JVodo-- saria (Plate XVII, fig. 16) is obviously made up of a succession, of lageniform chambers, the neck of each being received into the cavity of that which succeeds it ; whilst in Cristellaria (fig. 17) we have a similar succession of chambers, presenting the characteristic radiate aperture, and often longitudinally ribbed, disposed in a nautiloid spiral. Between Nodosaria and Cristellaria, moreover, there is such a graclational series of connecting forms as shows that no essential difference exists between these two types, and it is a fact of no little interest that some of the simpler of these varietal forms,,. GLOBIGEEIXIDA 745 ( >£ which many are to be met with on our own shores, but which are more abundant on those of the Mediterranean and especially of the Adriatic, can be traced backwards in geological time at least as far as the Permian epoch. In another genus, Polymorphina, we find the shell to be made up of lageniform chambers arranged in a double series, alternating with each other on the two or more sides of a rectilinear axis ; here, again, the forms of the individual chambers, and t]ie mode in which they are set one upon another, vary in such a manner as to give rise to very marked differences in the general configuration of the shell, which are indicated by the name it bears. Globigerinida. — Returning once again to the simple ' monothala- mous ' condition, we have in Orbulina — a minute spherical shell that presents itself in greater or less abundance in deep-sea dredgings from almost every region of the world — a globular chamber with porous walls, but destitute of any general aperture, the office of which is served by a series of larger pores scattered throughout the wall of the sphere. It has been maintained by some that Orbulina is really a detached generative segment of Globigerina, with which it i& generally found associated. The shell of Globigerina consists of an assemblage of nearly spherical chambers (fig. 561), having coarsely porous walls, and cohering externally into a more or less regular turbinoid spire, each turn of which consists of four chambers pro- gressively increasing in size. These chambers, whose total number seldom exceeds sixteen, may not communicate directly with each other, but open separately into a common ' vestibule ' which occupies, the centre of the under side of the spire. This type has recently attracted great attention, from the extraordinary abundance in which it occurs at great depths over large areas of the ocean bottom. Thus its minute shells have been found to constitute no less than 97 per cent, of the 'ooze' brought up from depths of from 1,260 to 2,000 fathoms in the middle of the northern parts of the Atlantic Ocean. The younger shells, consisting of from eight to twelve chambers, are thin and smooth, but the older shells are thicker, their surface is raised into ridges that form a hexagonal areolation round the pores (fig. 562) ; and this thickening is shown by examina- tion of thin sections of the shell to be produced by an exogenous deposit around the original chamber- wall (corresponding with the ' intermediate skeleton ' of the more complex types), which sometimes contains little flask-shaped cavities filled with sarcode — as was first pointed out by Dr. Wallich. But the sweeping of the upper waters Fig. 561. — Globigerina bulloides as seen in three positions. 746 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE of the ocean by the 'tow-net,' which was systematically carried on during the voyage of the ' Challenger,' brought into prominence the fact that these waters in all but the coldest seas are inhabited by floating Glohigerince, whose shells are beset with multitudes of de- licate calcareous spines, which extend themselves radially from the angles at which the ridges meet to a length equal to four or live times the diameter of the shell (fig. 563). Among the bases of these spines the sarcodic substance of the body exudes through the pores of the shell, forming a flocculent fringe around it ; and this extends d 562. — Globigerina conglobaia (Brady) : a,b, c, bottom specimens; (I, section of shell. itself on each of the spines, creeping up one side to its extremity, and passing down the other with the peculiar flowing movement already described. The whole of this sarcodic extension is at once retracted if the cell which holds the (xlobi^erina receives a sudden shock, or a drop of any irritating fluid is added to the water* it con- tains. It is maintained by Sir Wyville Thomson that the bottom - deposit is formed by the continual ' raining down ' of the Globigerina1 of the upper waters, which (he affirms) only live at or near the sur- face, and which, when they die, lose their spines and subside. The GL0BIGEE1NIDA 747 Author, however, from his own examination of the Globigerina ooze, is of opinion that the shell forming its surface-layer must live on the hottom, being incapable of floating in consequence of their weight ; und that if they have passed the earlier part of their lives in the upper waters they drop clown as soon as the calcareous deposit con- tinually exuding from the body of each animal, instead of being em- ployed in the formation of new chambers, is applied to the thicken- ing of those previously formed. That many types of Foraminifera pass their whole lives at depths of at least 2,000 fathoms is proved, in regard to those form in 2f calcareous shells, by their attachment to stones, corals, Arc. ; and in the case of the arena- ceous types by the fact that they can only procure on the bottom the sand of which their ' tests ' are made up. A very remarkable type has recently been discovered, adherent to shells and corals brought from tropical seas, to which the name Carpen- teria has been given. This may be regarded as a highly developed form of Globi- gerina, its first-formed por- tion having all the essential characters of that genus. It grows attached by the apex of its spire, and its later chambers increase rapidly in size, and are piled on the earlier in such a manner as to form a depressed cone with an irregular spreading base. The essential character of Globigerina — the separate orifice of each of its ch ambers — is here re- tained with a curious modification ; for the central vestibule into which they all open forms a sort of vent whose orifice is at the apex •of the cone, and is sometimes prolonged into a tube that proceeds from it ; and the external wall of this cone is so marked out by septal bands that it comes to bear a strong resemblance to a minute Balanus (acorn-shell), for which this type was at first mistaken. The principal chambers are partly divided into chamberlets by incomplete partitions, as we shall find them to be in Eozoon. The presence of sponge-spicules in large quantity in the chambers of many of the best preserved examples of this type was for some time a source of perplexity ; but this was explained by the late Professor Max Schultze,1 who showed how the pseudopodia of this rhizopod have the habit like those of Haliphysema of taking into themselves sponge- spicules, which they draw into the chambers, so that they become incorporated with the sarcode-body. It should be added that Pro- 1 Archiv f. Nahirgesch. xxix. 18G8, p. 81. Fio. 563. — Globigerina, as captured by tow-net, . floating at or near surface. 748 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE fessor Schultze, with whom Mr. H. J. Carter,1 Mr. H. B. Brady,2 and Dr. Goes 3 are in agreement, regard Carpenteria as allied to Polytrema.. Some interesting observations have been made by Professor Mobius 4 on a large branching and spreading form of Carpenteria which he. recently met with on a reef near Mauritius, and to which he has given the name of C. rhapliidodendron. A less aberrant modification of the Globigerine type, however, is- presented in the two great series which may be designated (after the leading forms of each) as the TextuJarian and the Rotalian. For, notwithstanding the marked difference in their respective plans of growth, the characters of the individual chambers are the same, their walls being coarsely porous, and their apertures being oval,, semi-oval, or crescent-shaped, sometimes merely fissured. In Textu- laria (Plate XYI, fig. 9) the chambers are arranged biserially along a straight axis, the position of those on the two sides of it being alternate, and each chamber opening into those above and below it on the opposite side by a narrow fissure, as is well shown in such A B Fig. 564. — Internal silicious casts representing the forms of the segments of the animals of, A, Text id aria; B, Botalia. t internal casts ' (fig. 564, A) as exhibit the forms and connections of the segments of sarcode by which the chambers were occupied during life. In the genus Bulimina the chambers are so arranged as to form a spire like that of a Bulimus, and the aperture is a curved fissure whose direction is nearly transverse to that of the fissure of Textu- laria ; but in this, as in the preceding type, there is an extraordinary variety in the disposition of the chambers. In both, moreover, the shell is often covered by a sandy incrustation, so that its perforations, are completely hidden, and can only be made visible by the removal of the adherent crust. And so many cases are now known in which the shell of Textularinue is entirely replaced by a sandy test, that some systematists prefer to range this group among the Arenacea. In the Rotalian series the chambers are disposed in a turbinoid spire, opening one into another by an aperture situated on the lower 1 Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. iv. vols. xvii. xix. xx. 2 ' Challenger ' Iieport. 5 K. Svenska Vet. Handlingar, xix. No. 4, p. 94. 4 See his Foraminifera von Mauritius, 1880, plates v. vi. ROTA LI A 749 and inner side of the spire, as shown in Plate XVII, fig. 22, the forms and connections of the segments of their sarcode-bodies being shown in such ' internal casts ' as are represented in fig. 564, B. One of the lowest and simplest forms of this type is that very common one now distinguished as Discorbina. The early form of Planorbulina is a Rotaline spire, very much resembling that of Discorbina ; but this afterwards gives place to a cyclical plan of growth, and in those most developed forms of this type which occur in warmer seas the earlier chambers are completely overgrown by the latter, which are often piled up in an irregular ' acervuline ' manner, spreading over the surfaces of shells or clustering round the stems of zoophytes. In the genus Tinoporus there is a more regular growth of this kind, the chambers being piled successively on the two sides of the original median plane, and those of adjacent piles com- municating with each other obliquely (like those of Texlularia) by large apertures, whilst they communicate with those directly above and below by the ordinary pores of the shell. The simple or smooth varieties of this genus forming the sub-genus Gypsina present great diversities of shape, with great constancy in their internal struc- Fig. 565 .— Tinoporus baculatus. ture, being sometimes spherical, some- times resembling a minute sugar-loaf, and sometimes being irregu- larly flattened out. The typical form (fig. 565), in which the walls of the piles are thickened at their meeting angles into solid columns that appear on the surface as tubercles, and are sometimes pro- longed into spinous outgrowths that radiate from the central mass, is of very common occurrence in shore-sands and shallow-water dredgings on some parts of the Australian coast and among the Polynesian islands. To the simple form of this genus we are probably to refer many of the fossils of the Cretaceous and early Tertiary period that have been described under the name Orbitolina, some of which attain a very large size. Globular Orbi- tolince, which appear to have been artificially perforated and strung as beads, are not unfrequently found associated with the ' flint-imple- ments ' of gravel-beds. Another very curious modification of the Hotaline type is presented by Polytrema, which so much resembles a zoophyte as to have been taken for a minute millepore, but which is made up of an aggregation of ' Globigerine ' chambers communi- cating with each other like those of Tinoporus, and differs from that genus primarily in its erect and usually branching manner of growth and the freer communication between its chambers. This, again, is of special interest in relation to Eozoon, showing that an indefinite zoophytic mode of growth is perfectly compatible with truly fora- miniferal structure. In Rotalia, properly so called, we find a marked advance towards the highest type of forarainiferal structure, the partitions that MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE divide the chambers being in the best developed examples composed of two laminae, and spaces being left between them which give- solid ages with passage to a system of canals whose general distribution is shown in fig. 566. The proper walls of the chambers, moreover, are thickened by an extraneous deposit or £ intermediate skeleton,' which sometimes forms radiating outgrowths. This peculiarity of conforma- tion, however, is carried much further in the genus Calcarina, which has been so designated from its resemblance to a spur- rowel (fig. 571). The club-shaped append- which this shell provided entirely be- 1S long to the 'intermediate skeleton ' b, which is quite independent of the cham- bered structure a ; and this is nourished by a set of canals containing prolonga- tions of the sarcode-body which not only furrow the surface of these appendages, but are seen to traverse their interior when this is laid open by section, as shown at c. In no other recent foraminifer does the ' canal system ' attain a like development ; and its dis- tribution in this minute Fig. 566. — Section of Hot alia SchroeteHana^eax its base and parallel to it, showing, a, a, the radiating intersteptal canals ; b, their internal "bifurcations : c, a transverse branch; d, tubulated wall of the chambers. shell, which has been made out by careful microscopic study, affords a valuable clue to its meaning in the gigantic fossil organism Eozoon canadense. The resemblance which Calcarina bears to the radiate forms of Tinoporus (fig. 565), which are often found with them in the same dredgings, is frequently extremely striking ; and in their early growth the two can scarcely be distinguished, since both commence in a 'Rotaline' spire with radiating appendages; but whilst the successive chambers of Calcarina continue to be added on the same plane, those of Tinoporus are heaped up in less regular piles. Certain beds of Carboniferous limestone in Russia are entirely made up, like the more modern Nummulitic limestone, of an aggre- gation of the remains of a peculiar type of Foraminfera, to which the name Fiisnliiia (indicative of its fusiform or spindle-like shape) has been given (tig. 567). In general aspect and plan of growth it so much resembles Afveolina that its relationship to that type would scarcely be questioned by the superficial observer. But when its mouth is examined it is found to consist of a single slit in the middle of the lip ; and the interior, instead of being minutely divided into chamberlets, is found to consist of a regular series of simple chambers ; while from each of these proceeds a pair of FUSUUNA 751 elongated extensions, which correspond to the ' alar prolongations r of other spirally growing Foraminifera, but which, instead of wrapping round the preceding whorls, are prolonged in the direction of the axis of the spire, those of each whorl projecting beyond those of the preceding, so that the shell is elongated with every increase in its diameter. Thus it appears that in its general plan of growth Fusulina bears much the same relation to a symmetrical Rotaline or Nummuline shell that Alveolina bears to OrbicuJina ; and this view of its affinities is fully confirmed by the Author's microscopic exami- nation of the structure of its shell. For although the Fusulina limestone of Russia has undergone a degree of metamorphism, which so far obscures the tubulation of its component shells as to prevent him from confidently affirming it, yet the apj)earances he could distinguish were decidedly in its favour. And having since received from Dr. C. A. White specimens from the Upper Coal Measures of Iowa, U.S.A., which are in a much more perfect state of Fig. 567. — Section of Fusulina limestone. preservation, he is able to state with certainty, not only that Fusulina is tubular, but that its tubulation is of the large coarse nature that marks its affinity rather to the Rotaline than to the Nummuline series. This type is of peculiar interest as having long been regarded as the oldest form of Foraminifera which was known to have occurred in sufficient abundance to form rocks by the aggregation of its in- dividuals. It will be presently shown, however, that in point both of antiquity and of importance it is far surpassed by another. Nummulinidae, — All the most elaborately constructed, and the greater part of the largest, of the ' vitreous ' Foraminifera belong to the group of which the well-known Nummulite may be taken as the representative. Various plans of growth prevail in the family ; but its distinguishing characters consist in the completeness of the wall that surrounds each segment of the body (the septa being generally double instead of single), the density and fine porosity of the shell- substance, and the presence of an intermediate skeleton/ 752 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE with a ' canal system ' for its nutrition. It is true that these cha- racters are also exhibited in the highest of the Rotaline series, whilst they are deficient in the genus Amphistegina, which connects the Nummuline series with the Rotaline ; but the occurrence of such modifications in their border forms is common to other truly natural groups. With the exception of Amphistegina, all the genera of this family are symmetrical in form, the spire being nautiloid in such •^ls follow that plan of growth, whilst in those which follow the cyclical plan there is a constant equality on the two sides of the median plane ; but in Amphistegina there is a reversion to the Rotalian type in the turbinoid form of its spire, as in the characters already specified, although its general conformity to the Nuinmuline type is such as to leave no reasonable doubt as to its title to be placed in this family. Notwithstanding the want of symmetry of its spire, it accords with Opercnlina and Nummulites in having its chambers extended by ■ alar prolongations ' over each surface of the previous whorl ; but on the under side these prolongations are almost entirely cut off from the principal chambers, and are so dis- placed as apparently to alternate with them in position, so that M. D'Orbigny, supposing them to constitute a distinct series of chambers, described its plan of growth as a biserial spire, and made this the character of a separate order.1 The existing Niimmulinida? are almost entirely restricted to tropical climates ; but a beautiful little form, Polystomella crispa, the representative of a genus that presents the most regular and complete development of the i canal system ' anywhere to be met with, is common on our own coasts. The peculiar surface- marking shown in the figure consists in a strongly marked ridge-and-furrow plication of the shelly wall of each segment along its posterior margin, the furrows being sometimes so deep as to resemble fissures opening into the cavity of the chamber beneath. No such openings, however, exist, the only communication which the sarcode-body of any segment has with the exterior being either through the fine tubuli of its shelly walls or through the row of pores that are seen in front view along the inner margin of the septal plane, collectively representing a fissured aperture divided by minute bridges of shell. The meaning of the plication of the shelly wall comes to be understood when we examine the con- formation of the segments of the sarcode-body, which may be seen in the common Polystomella crispa, by dissolving away the shell of fresh specimens by the action of dilute acid, but which may be better studied in such internal casts (fig. 508) of the sarcode-body and canal system of the large P. craticnlata of the Australian coast as may sometimes be obtained by the same means from dead shells which have undergone infiltration with ferruginous silicates.'2 Here 1 For an account of this curious modification of the Nuinmuline plan of growth, the ical nature of which whk first elucidated by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, see the Author's Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera (published by the Ray Society). a It was by Professor Ehrenberg that the existenoe of such ' casts ' in the Green- sands of various geological periods (from the Silurian to the Tertiary) was first pointed out, in his memoir ' Ueber den Griinsand und seine Erliiuterung des POLYSTOMELLA 753 we see that the segments of the sarcode-body are smooth along their anterior edge 6, ft1, but that along their posterior edge, a, they are prolonged backwards into a set of ' retral processes ' ; and these pro- cesses lie under the ridges of the shell, whilst the shelly wall dips down into the spaces between them, so as to form the furrows seen on the surface. The connections of the segments by stolons, c, c1, passing through the pores at the inner margin of each septum, are also admirably displayed in such 'casts.' But what they serve most beautifully to demonstrate is the canal system, of which the distri- bution is here most remarkably complete and symmetrical. At d, dl, d'2 are seen three turns of a spiral canal which passes along one end of all the segments of the like number of convolutions, whilst a corresponding canal is found on the side which in the figure is under- most ; these two spires are connected by a set of meridional canals, e, e1, e2, which pass down between the two layers of the septa that Fig. 568. — Internal cast of Polystomella craticulata : a, retral processes proceeding from the posterior margin of one of the segments ; b, bl, smooth anterior margin of the same segment ; c, cl, stolons connecting successive segments, and uniting themselves with the diverging branches of the meri- dional canals; d, d\ d-, three turns of one of the spiral canals; e, el, e:, three of the meridional canals; f,fl,f 2, their diverging branches. divide the segments ; whilst from each of these there passes off towards the surface a set of pairs of diverging branches,/*,/*1,,/"2, which open upon the surface along the two sides of each septal band, the external openings of those on its anterior margin being in the fur- rows between the retral processes of the next segment. These canals appear to be occupied in the living state by prolongations of the sarcode-body ; and the diverging branches of those of each convolu- tion unite themselves, when this is enclosed by another convolution, organischen Lebens,' in Abhandlungen der Jeonigl. ATcad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1855. It was soon afterwards shown by the late Professor Bailey (Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. vol. v. 1857, p. 83; that the like infiltration occasionally takes place in recent Foraminifera, enabling similar ' casts ' to be obtained from them by the solu- tion of their shells in dilute acid ; the Author, as well as Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, soon afterwards obtained most beautiful and complete internal casts from recent Foraminifera brought from various localities. A number of Greensands yield- ing similar casts were collected on the ' Challenger ' Expedition, the most notable from the coast of Australia. 3 c 754 MICEOSCOPIC POEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE with the stolon processes connecting the successive segments of the latter, as seen at c1. There can be little doubt that this remarkable development of the canal system has reference to the unusual amount of shell-substance which is deposited as an ' intermediate skeleton ' upon the layer that forms the proper walls of the chambers, and Fig. 569. — Cycloclypeus — external surface and vertical and horizontal sections. which fills up with a solid ' boss ' what would otherwise be the de- pression at the umbilicus of the spire. The substance of this ' boss J is traversed by a set of straight canals, which pass directly from the spiral canal beneath, towards the external surface, where they open in little pits, as is shown in Plate XVII, 23, the umbilical boss in P. cris])a, however, being much smaller in proportion than it Fig. 570. — OpercuUna laid open to show its internal structure : a, marginal cord seen in cross-section at a' ; b, b, external walls of the chambers ; c, c, cavities of the chambers ; c c, their alar prolongations ; d, d, septa divided at d' d' and at d" so as to lay open the interseptal canals, the general distribution of which is seen in the septa e, e ; the lines radiating from e, e point to the secondary pores ; g, g, non-tubular columns. is in P. craticulata. There is a group of Foraminifera to which the term Nonionina is properly applicable, that is probably to be con- sidered as a sub-genus of Polystomella, agreeing with it in its general conformation, and especially in the distribution of its canal system, but differing in its aperture, which is here a single fissure at the inner edge of the septal plane, and in the absence of the ' retral pro- XUMMULIXE FORAMIXIFERA 755 cesses ' of the segments of the sarcode-body, the external walls of the chambers being smooth. This form constitutes a transition to the ordinary Xummuline type, of which Polystomella is a more aber- rant modification. The Nummuline type is most characteristically represented at the present time by the genus Opercul hu>, which is so intimately united to the true Nummulite by intermediate forms that it is not easy to separate the two, notwithstanding that their typical examples are widely-dissimilar. The former genus (fig. 570) is represented on our own coast and in northern seas by very small and feeble forms, but it attains a much higher development in the tropics, where its diameter sometimes reaches one-fourth of an inch. The shell is a flattened nautiloid spire, the breadth of whose earlier convolutions increases in a regular progression, but of which the last convolution (in full-grown specimens) usually flattens itself out like that of Peneroplis, so as to be very much broader than the preceding. The ■external walls of the chambers, arching over the spaces between the septa, are seen at b, b • and these are bounded at the outer edge of Fig. 571. — Calcaritia laid open to show its internal structure : a, chambered portion ; b, intermediate skeleton ; c, one of the radiating prolongations proceeding from it, with extensions of the canal-system. •each convolution by a peculiar band, a, termed the ' marginal cord.' This cord, instead of being perforated by minute tubuli like those which pass from the inner to the outer surface of the chamber-walls without division or inosculation (fig. 574), is traversed by a system ■of comparatively large inosculating passages seen in cross-section at a', and these form part of the canal system to be presently de- scribed. The principal cavities of the chambers are seen at c, c ; while the ' alar prolongations ' of those cavities over the surface of the preceding whorl are shown at c', c' . The chambers are separated by the septa, d, d, d, formed of two lamina? of shell, one belonging to each chamber, and having spaces between them in which lie the 4 interseptal canals,' whose general distribution is seen in the septa marked e, e, and whose smaller branches are seen irregularly divided in the septa <7 , d', whilst in the septum d" one of the principal trunks is laid open through its whole length. At the approach of each septum to the marginal cord of the preceding is seen the narrow fissure which constitutes the principal aperture of communi- 3 o 2 756 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE cation between the chambers ; in most of the septa, however, there are also some isolated pores (to which the lines point that radiate from e, e) varying both in number and position. The interseptal canals of each septum take their departure at its inner extremity from a pair of spiral canals, of which one passes along each side of the marginal cord ; and they communicate at their outer extremity with the canal system of the 'marginal cord,' as shown in fig. 576. The external walls of the chambers are composed of the same finely tubular shell-substance that forms them in the Nummulite ; but, as in that genus, not only are the septa themselves composed of vitreous non-tubular substance, but that which lies over them, continuing them to the surface of the shell, has the same character, showing itself externally in the form sometimes of continuous ridges, some- times of rows of tubercles, which mark the position of the septa beneath. These non- tubular plates or columns are often traversed by branches of the canal system, as seen at g, g. Similar columns of non-tubular substance, of which the summits show themselves as tubercles on the surface, are not unfrequently seen between the septal bands, giving a variation to the surface-marking which, taken in conjunction with variations in general conformation, might be fairly held sufficient to characterise distinct species, were it not that on a comparison of a great number of speci?nens these variations are found to be so gradational that no distinct line of demarcation can be drawn between the individuals which present them. The genus Nummidites, though represented at the present time by small and comparatively infrequent examples, was formerly de- veloped to a vast extent, the Nummulitic limestone, chiefly made up by the aggregation of its remains (the material of which the Pyramids are built), forming a band, often 1,800 miles in breadth arid frequently of enormous thickness, that may be traced from the Atlantic shores of Europe and Africa, through Western Asia to Northern India and China, and likewise over vast areas of North America (fig. 572). The diameter of a large proportion of fossil Nummulites ranges between half an inch and an inch ; but there are some whose diameter does not exceed TVth of an inch, whilst others attain the gigantic diameter of 4^ inches. Their typical form is that of a double-convex lens ; but sometimes it much more nearly approaches the globular shape, whilst in other cases it is very much flattened ; and great differences exist in this respect among individuals of what must be accounted one and the same species. Although there are some Nummulites which closely approximate Operculinw in their mode of growth, yet the typical forms of this genus present certain well-marked distinctive peculiarities. Each convolution is so com- pletely invested by that which succeeds it, and the external wall or spiral lamina of the new convolution is so completely separated from that of the convolution it encloses by the ' alar prolongations ' of its own chambers (the peculiar arrangement of which will be presently described), that the spire is scarcely if at all visible on the external* surface. It is brought into view, however, by splitting the Num- mulite through the median plane, which may often be accom- plished simply by striking it on one edge, with a hammer, the opposite Nl'MMULIT'ES 757 edge being placed on a firm support ; or, if this method should not succeed, by heating it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and then throw- ing it into cold water or striking it edgeways. Nummulites usually show many more turns, and a more gradual rate of increase in the breadth of the spire, than Foraminifera generally : this will be appa- rent from an examination of the vertical section shown in fig. 573, which is taken from one of the commonest and most characteristic A Fig. 572. — A, piece of Nummulitic limestone from Pyrenees, showing Nummulites laid open by fracture through median plane ; B, Orbitoides. fossil examples of the genus, and which shows no fewer than ten convo- lutions in a fragment that does not nearly extend to the centre of the spire. This section also shows the complete inclosure of the older convolutions by the newer, and the interposition of the alar prolonga- tions of the chambers between the successive layers of the spiral lamina. These prolongations are variously arranged in different Fig. 573.— Vertical section of portion of Nummulites laevigata : a, margin of external whorl ; b, one of the outer row of chambers ; c, c, whorl invested by a ; d, one of the chambers of the fourth whorl from the margin ; e, e', marginal portions of the inclosed whorls ; /, investing portions of outer whorl ; g, g, spaces left between the investing portion of successive whorls ; h, h, sections of the partitions dividing these. examples of the genus : thus in some, as Jf. distans, they keep their own separate course, all tending radially towards the centre ; in others, as N. Icevigata, their partitions inosculate with each other, so as to divide the space intervening between each layer and the next into an irregular network, presenting in vertical section the appear- ance shown in fig. 573 ; whilst in X. garansensis they are broken 758 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE up into a number of chamberlets having little or no direct communi- cation with each other. Notwithstanding that the inner chambers are thus so deeply buried in the mass of investing whorls, yet there is evidence that Fig. 574. — Portion of a thin section of Nummulites Icevigata taken in the direction of the preceding, highly magnified to show the minute structure of the shell : a, a, portions of the ordinary shell-substance traversed by parallel tubuli ; b, 5, portions forming the marginal cord, traversed by diverging and larger tubuli ; c, one of the chambers laid open ; d, d, d, pillars of solid substance not perforated by tubuli. the segments of sarcode which they contained were not cut off from communication with the exterior, but that they may have retained their vitality to the last. The shell itself is almost every- where minutely porous, being penetrated by parallel tubuli, which pass directly from one surface to the other. These tubes are shown, as divided lengthwise by a vertical section, in hg. 574, a, a ; whilst the appearance they present when cut across in a horizontal section is shown in fig. 575, the transparent shell -substance a, a, a being closely dotted with ' minute punctations which mark their orifices- In that portion of the shell, however, which forms the margin of each whorl (fig. 574, b, b), the tubes are larger, and diverge from each other at greater intervals ; and it is shown by horizontal sections that they communicate freely with each other laterally, so as to form a network such as is seen at b, b, fig. 576. At certain other points, d, d, d, tig. 574, the shell-substance is not perforated by tubes, but is peculiarly dense in its texture, forming solid pillars which seem to strengthen the other parts ; and in Nummulites whose surfaces have been much exposed to attrition, it commonly happens that the pillars of the superficial layer, being harder than the ordinary shell- substance, and being consequently less worn down, are left as IB ill writ- c Fici. 575. — Portion of horizontal section of Nummulites showing the structure of the walls and of the septa of the chambers : a, ((, a, portion of the wall covering three chambers, the punctations of which are the orifices of tubuli ; b, b, septa between these chambers containing canals which send out lateral branches, c, c, entering the chambers by larger orifices, one of which is seen at d. NOIMULITES 759 b 1 prominences, the presence of which has often been accounted (but erroneously) as a specific character. The successive chambers of the same whorl communicate with each other by a passage left between the inner edge of the partition that separates them and the ' marginal cord ' of the pre- whorl : this passage is ceding sometimes a single large broad aperture, but is more com- monly formed by the more or less complete coalescence of several separate perforations, as is seen in tig. 573, b. There is also, as in OpercuUna, a variable number of isolated pores in most of the septa, forming a secondary means of communication between the chambers. The canal system of Xummidites seems to be ar- ranged upon essentially the same plan as that of Oper- cuUna ; its passages, however, are usually more or less obscured by fossilising material. A careful examination will generally disclose traces of them in the middle of the partitions that divide the chambers (fig. 575, b, b), while from these may be seen to proceed the lateral branches (c, c), which, after burrowing (so to speak) in the walls of the chambers, enter them by large orifices (d). These 'interseptal ' canals, and their communi- cation with the inosculating system of passages excavated in the marginal cord, are extremely Fig. 576. — Internal cast of two of the cham- bers of Nummulites striata, with the network of canals, b, in the marginal cord communicating with canals passing between the chambers. well seen in the ' internal cast represented in fig. 576. A very interesting modifi- cation of the Nummuline type is presented in the genus Heter'ostegina (fig. 577), which bears a very strong resemblance to Orbiculina in its plan of growth, whilst in every other respect it is essentially dif- ferent. If the principal cham- bers of an Opemdina were divided into chamberlets by secondary partitions in a direc- tion transverse to that of the principal septa, it would be converted into a Heterostegina, just as a Peneroplis would be converted by the like subdivision into an 0rbiculi7ia. Moreover, we see in Heteroxteyina, as in Orbiculina, a great tendency to the opening out of the spire with the advance of Fig. 577. — Hctcrosteghia. 760 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE age ; so that the apertural margin extends round a large part of the shell, which thus tends to become discoidal. And it is not a little curious that we have in this series another form, Cycloclypens, which bears exactly the same relation to Heterostegina that Orbitolites does to Orbiculina, in being constructed upon the cyclical plan from the commencement, its chamberlets being arranged in rings around a central chamber. This remarkable genus, at present only known in the recent condition by specimens dredged at considerable depths from the coast of Borneo and at one or two points in the Western Pacific, is perhaps the largest of existing Foraminifera, some speci- mens of its discs in the British Museum having a diameter of two and a quarter inches. Notwithstanding the difference of its plan of growth, it so precisely accords with the Nummuline type in every cha- racter which essentially distinguishes the genus that there cannot be a doubt of the intimacy of their rela- tionship. It will be seen from the examination of that portion of the figure which shows Cycloclypens in vertical section that the solid layers of shell by which the chambered por- tion is inclosed are so much thicker, and consist of so many more lamella?, in the central portion of the disc than they do nearer its edge that new lamellae must be progressively added to the surfaces of the disc concurrently with the addition of new rings of chamberlets to its margin. These lamella?, however, are closely applied one to the other without any intervening spaces ; and they are all traversed by columns of non-tubular substance, which spring from the septal bands, and gradually increase in diameter with their approach to the surface, from which they project in the central portion of the disc as glistening tubercles. The Nummulitic limestone of certain localities (as the south-west of France, Southern Germany, North-eastern India, etc.) contains a vast abundance of discoidal bodies termed OrbiUndcs (fig. 572, B), which are so similar to Nummulites as to have been taken for them, but which bear a much closer resemblance to Cycloclypens. These are only known in the fossil state; and their structure can only be ascertained by the examination of sections thin enough to be trans- lucent. When one of these discs (which vary in size, in different species, from that of a fourpenny-piece to that of half a crown or even larger) is rubbed down so as to display its internal organisation, two different kinds of structure are usually seen in it, one being composed of chamberlets of very definite form, quadrangular in some a Fig. 578. — Section of Orbitoidcs Furtisii, parallel to the surface, traversing, at a, a, the superficial layer, and at b, b, the median layer. ORBITOIDES 761 species, circular in others, arranged with a general but not constant regularity in concentric circles (figs. 578, 579, b, b); the other, less transparent, being formed of minuter chamberlets which have no such constancy of form, but which might almost be taken for the a b Fig. 579. — Portions of the section of Orliitoides Fortisii, shown in fig. 578, more highly magnified : a, superficial layer ; b, median layer. pieces of a dissected map (a, a). In the upper and lower walls of these last, minute punctations may be observed, which seem to be the orifices of connecting tubes whereby they are perforated. The relations of these two kinds of structure to each other are made Fig. 580. — Vertical section of Orbitoides Fortisii, showing the large central chamber at a, and the median layer surrounding it, covered above and below by the superficial layers. evident by the examination of a vertical section (fig. 580), which shows that the portion b, figs. 578, 579, forms the median plane, its concentric circles of chamberlets being arranged round a large central chamber, as in Cycloclypeus ; whilst the chamberlets of the portion a are irregularly superposed one upon the other, so as to form several layers which are most numerous towards the centre of the disc, and thin away gradually towards its margin. The dis- position and connections of the cham- berlets of the median layer in Orbitoides seem to correspond very closely with those which have been already described as prevailing in Cycloclypeus, the most satisfactory indications to this efiect being furnished by the silicious 'internal casts ' to be met with in certain Green- sands, which afford a model of the sar- code-body of the animal. In such a fragment (fig. 581) we recognise the chamberlets of three successive zones seems normally to communicate by one or two passages with the chamberlets of the zone internal and external to its own ; whilst between the chamberlets of the same zone there seems to be no direct Fig. 581. — Internal cast of por- tion of median plane of Orbi- toides Fortisii, showing, at a a, a' a', a" a", six chambers of each of three zones, with their mutual communications; and at b b, b' b', b" b", portions of three annular canals. a. a a", each of which 762 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE connection. They are brought into relation, however, by means of annular canals, which seem to represent the spiral canals of the Nummulite, and of which the ' internal casts' are seen at b b, b' b't b" b". A most remarkable fossil, referable to the foraminiferal type, has been recently discovered in strata much older than the very earliest that were previously known to contain organic remains ; and the determination of its real character may be regarded as one of the most interesting results of microscopic research. This fossil, which has received the name Eozoon canadense (fig. 582), is found in beds of Serpentine limestone that occur near the base of the Fig. 582. — Vertical section of Eozcdn canadense, showing alternation of calcareous (light) and serpentinous (dark) lamellae. Laurent ian formation of Canada, which has its parallel in Europe in the 'fundamental gneiss' of Bohemia and Bavaria, and in the very earliest stratified rocks of Scandinavia and Scotland. These beds are found in many parts to contain masses of considerable size, but usually of indeterminate form, disposed after the manner of an ancient coral reef, and consisting of alternating layers — frequently numbering from 50 to 100 — of carbonate of lime and serpentine (silicate of magnesia). The regularity of this alternation and the fact that it presents itself also between other calcareous and silicious minerals having led to a suspicion that it had its origin in organic structure, thin sections of well-preserved specimens were submitted to microscopic examination by Dr. (now Sir W.) Dawson, of Mon- EOZOON treal, who at once recognised its foraminiferal nature,1 the calca- reous layers presenting the characteristic appearances of true shell, so- disposed as to form an irregularly chambered structure, and frequently traversed by systems of ramifying canals corresponding to those of Calcarina • whilst the serpentinous or other silicious layers were regarded by him as having been formed by the infiltration of sili- cates in solution into the cavities originally occupied by the sarcode- body of the animal — a process of whose occurrence at various geo- logical periods, and also at the present time, abundant evidence has already been adduced. Having himself taken up the investigation (at the instance of Sir William Logan), the Author was not only able to confirm Dr. Dawson's conclusions, but to adduce new and im- portant evidence in support of them.2 Although this determination has been called in question, on the ground that some resemblance to the supposed organic structure of Eozoon is presented by bodies of purely mineral origin,3 yet, as it has been accepted not only by most of those whose knowledge of foraminiferal structure gives weight to their judgment (among whom the late Professor Max Schultze may be specially named), but also by geologists who have specially studied the micro-mineralogical structure of the older Metamorphic rocks,4 the Author feels justified in here describing Eozoon as he believes it to have existed when it originally extended itself as an animal growth over vast areas of the sea-bottom in the Laurentian epoch. Whilst essentially belonging to the Nummuline group, in virtue of the fine tubulation of the shelly layers forming the ' proper wall ' of its chambers, Eozoon is related to various types of recent Fora- minifera in its other characters. For in its indeterminate zoophytic mode of growth it agrees with Polytrema in the incomplete separa- tion of its chambers ; it has its parallel in Carpenteria ; whilst in the high development of its ' intermediate skeleton ' and of the ' canal system ' by which this is formed and nourished, it finds its nearest representative in Calcarina. Its calcareous layers were so super- posed one upon another as to include between them a succession 1 This recognition was due, as Dr. Dawson has explicitly stated in his original memoir (Quart. Journ. of Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. p. 54), to his acquaintance, not merely with the Author's previous researches on the minute structure of the Foraminifera, but with the special characters presented by thin sections of Calcarina which had been transmitted to him by the Author. Dr. Dawson has given an account of the geological and mineralogical relations of Eozcon, as well as of its organic structure, in a small book entitled The Dawn of Life. 2 For a fuller account of the results of the Author's own study of Eozoon, and of the basis on which the above reconstruction is founded, see his papers in Quart. Journ. of Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. p. 59, and vol. xxii. p. 219, and in the Intellectual Observer, vol. vii. 1865, p. 278 ; and his ' Further Researches' in Ann, of Nat. Hist. June 1874. 3 See the memoirs of Professors King and Rowney in Quart. Journ. of Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 185, and Ann. of Nat. Hist. May 1874. 1 Among these the Author is permitted to mention Professor Geikie, of Edinburgh, who has thus studied the older rocks of Scotland, and Professor Bonney, of London, who has made a like study of the Cornish and other Serpentines. By both these eminent authorities he is assured that they have met with no purely mineral structure in the least resembling Eozoon, either in its regular alternation of calcareous and serpen- tinous lamellae, or in the dendritic extensions of the latter into the. former ; and while they accept as entirely satisfactory the doctrine of its organic origin maintained by the Author, they find themselves unable to conceive of any inorganic agency by which such a structure could have been produced. 764 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE of 'storeys' of chambers (fig. 583, A1, A1, A2, A2), the chambers of each ' storey ' usually opening one into another, as at a, a, like apartments en suite, but being occasionally divided by complete septa, •as at ,6, b. These septa are traversed by passages of communication between the chambers which they separate, resembling those which, in existing types, are occupied by stolons connecting together the ■segments of the sarcode-body. Each layer of shell consists of two finely tubulated or ' Nummuline ' lamella?, B, B, which form the boundaries of the chambers beneath and above, serving (so to speak) as the ceiling of the former, and as ike floor of the latter ; and of an intervening deposit of homogeneous shell-substance C, C, which constitutes the 'inter- mediate skeleton.' The tubuli of this ' Num- muline ' layer (fig. 585) are usually filled up (as in the Nummulites of the ' Nummulitic limestone ') by mineral infiltration, so as in transparent sections to present a fibrous ap- pearance ; but it for- tunately happens that through their having in some cases escaped infiltration the tubu- lation is as distinct as it is even in recent Nummuline shells (fig. 585), bearing a singu- lar resemblance in its occasional Avaviness to that of the crab's claw. The thickness of this interposed layer varies considerably in differ- ent parts of the same mass, being in general greatest near its base and progressively diminishing towards its upper surface. The ' intermediate skeleton ' is occasionally traversed by large passages (D), which seem to establish a connection between the successive layers of chambers ; and it is penetrated by arborescent systems of canals (E, E), which are often distributed both so extensively and so minutely through its substance as to leave very little of it without a branch. These canals take their origin, not directly from the chambers, but from irregular lacunar or interspaces between the outside of the proper chamber-walls and the 'intermediate skeleton,' exactly as in Calcarina, the exten- sions of the sarcode-body which occupied them having apparently been formed by the coalescence of the pseudopodial filaments that passed through the tubulated lamella). F13. 583. — Portion of the calcareous shell of Eozoim canadense as it would appear if the serpentine that fills its chambers were dissolved away : A1, A1, chambers of lower storey opening into each other at a, lanes, which extend also into the Nummuline layer. these delicate and beautiful silicious fibres represent those pseudo- podial threads of sarcode which originally traversed the minutely tubular walls of the chambers ; and a precise model of the most ancient animal of which we have any knowledge, notwithstanding the extreme softness and tenuity of its substance, is thus presented to us with a completeness that is scarcely even approached in any later fossil. In the upper part of the ' decalcified ' specimen shown in fig. 584 it is to be observed that the segments are confusedly heaped together instead of being regularly arranged in layers, the lamella ted mode of growth having given place to the acervuline. This change is by no means uncommon among Foraminifera, an irregular piling together of the chambers being frequently met with in the later growth of types whose earlier increase takes place upon some much EOZOON 767 more definite plan. After what fashion the earliest development of Eozoon took place, we have at present no knowledge whatever ; but in a young specimen which has been recently discovered it is obvious that each successive ' storey ' of chambers was limited by the closing in of the shelly layer at its edges, so as to give to the entire fabric a definite form closely resembling that of a straightened Peneroplis. Thus it is obvious that the chief peculiarity of Eozoon lay in its capacity for indefinite extension, so that the product of a single germ might' attain a size comparable to that of a massive coral. Now this, it will be observed, is simply due to the fact that its increase by gemmation takes place continuously, the new segments successively budded off remaining in connection with the original stock, instead of detaching themselves from it, as in Foraminifera generally. Thus the little Globigerina forms a shell of which the number of chambers does not usually seem to increase beyond sixteen, any additional segments detaching themselves so as to form separate shells • but by the repetition of this multiplication the sea-bottom of large areas of the Atlantic Ocean at the present time has come to be covered with accumulations of Globigerincv, which, if fossilised, would form beds of limestone not less massive than those which have had their origin in the growth of Eozoon. The difference between the two modes of increase may be compared to the difference between a herb and a tree. For in the herb the individual organism never attains any considerable size, its extension by gemmation being limited ; though the aggregation of individuals produced by the detachment of its buds (as in a potato-field) may give rise to a mass of vegetation as great as that formed in the largest tree by the continuous putting forth of new buds. It has been hitherto only in the Laurentian serpentine lime- stone of Canada that Eozoon has presented itself in such a state of preservation as fully to justify the assumption of its organic nature. But from the greater or less resemblance which is presented to this by serpentine -limestones occurring in various localities among strata that seem the geological equivalents of the Canadian Laurentians, it seems a justifiable conclusion that this type was very generally dif- fused in the earlier ages of the earth's history, and thatr it had a large (and probably the chief) share in the production of the most ancient calcareous strata, separating carbonate of lime from its solu- tion in ocean water, in the same manner as do the polypes by whose growth coral reefs and islands are being upraised at the present time. An elaborate work, ' Der Bau des Eozoon Canadense ' (1878) has been recently published by Professor Mobius, of Kiel, in which the structure of Eozoon is compared with that of various types of Foraminifera, and, as it differs from that of every one of them, is affirmed not to be organic at all, but purely mineral. Upon this the Author would remark, that if the validity of this mode of reasoning be admitted, any fossil whose structure does not correspond with that of some existing type is to be similarly rejected. Thus the Stroma- topora of Silurian and Devonian rocks, which some palaeontologists regard as a coral, others as polyzoary, others as a calcareous sponge, and others as f oraminifer, would not be a fossil at all, because it differs 768 MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE from every known living form. Yet the suggestion that it is of mineral origin would be scouted as absurd by every palaeontologist. Again, it is urged by Professor Mobius that as the supposed canal system of Eozoon has not the constancy and regularity of distribu- tion which it presents in existing Foraminifera, it must be accounted a mineral infiltration. To this the Author would reply — (1) that a prolonged and careful study of this ' canal system,' in a great variety of modes, with an amount of material at his disposal many times greater than Professor Mobius could command, has satisfied him that in well-preserved specimens the canal system, so far from being vague and indefinite, has a very regular plan of distribution ; (2) that this plan does not differ more from the arrangements characteristic of the several types of existing Foraminifera than these differ from each other, its general conformity to them being such as to satisfy Professor Max Schultze (one of the ablest students of the group) of its foraminiferal character ; and (3) that not only does the distribution of the canal system of Eozoon differ in certain essential features from every form of mineral infiltration hitherto brought to light, but that canal systems in no respect differing from each other in distribution are occupied by different minerals ; a fact which seems conclusively to point to their pre-existence in the cal- careous layers, and the subsequent penetration of these minerals into the passages previously occupied by sarcode— precisely as has happened in those ' internal casts ' of existing Foraminifera which Professor Mobius altogether ignores. The argument for the foraminiferal nature of Eozoon is essentially a cumulative one, resting on a number of independent probabilities, no one of which, taken separately, has the cogency of a proof ; yet the accordance of them all with that hypothesis has an almost demonstrative value, no other hypothesis accounting at once for the whole assemblage of facts. As it is the Author's intention to set forth this in the best and completest form he can devise, at the earliest possible period, he would beg fov & suspension of judgment on the part of those who have credited Professor Mobius with having completely settled the question, the small amount of evidence con- tained in his memoir bearing no comparison to that of an opposite bearing of which the Author is in possession. 1 1 The work, which the death of the Author unfortunately prevented his publish- ing himself, will, it is hoped, be before long made accessible to the student under the editorship of Professor Kupert Jones. It is, however, to be noted that Mr. J. W. Gregory,, who has had an opportunity of examining the so-called Tudor specimen of Eozoon,, communicated to the Geological Society, on March 11, 1891, a paper, of which the' following is an abstract : — After careful examination of all tbe slides and figures, and after consideration of Sir W. Dawson's interpretation, the author is absolutely unable to recognise in the- specimen any trace of the ' proper wall,' ' canals,' or ' stolon passages ' which are claimed to occur in Eozoiin, or any reasons for regarding the calcite bands as the ' intermediate skeleton ' of a foraminifer. There are points in Sir W. Dawson's figure which might pass as ' stolon passages,' but they appear very different in a photograph, and the specimen agrees with the latter. The author, however, gives reasons for concluding that the case against the organic origin of the Tudor specimen does not rest on negative evidence alone ; for, though the rock is much contorted, the twin lamellae and cleavage-planes of the calcite are not bent ; and the fact that the crystalline bands cut across the bedding-planes further shows their secondary origin. The rock in which the specimen was found is not ' Lower Laurentian,' and is included by Messrs. Selwyn and Vennor in the Huronian. COLLECTING FORAMINIFERA 769 Collection and Selection of Foraminifera. — Many of the Fora- minifera attach themselves in the living state to sea-weecls, zoophytes, &c. ; and they should therefore be carefully looked for on such bodies, especially when it is desired to observe their internal organ- isation and their habits of life. They are often to be collected in much larger numbers, however, from the sand or mud dredged up from the sea-bottom, or even from that taken from between the tide- marks. In a paper containing some valuable hints on this subject 1 Mr, Legg mentions that, in walking over the Small-mouth Sand, which is situated on the north side of Portland Bay, he observed the sand to be distinctly marked with white ridges, many yards in length, running parallel with the edge of the water ; and upon examining portions of these, he found Foraminifera in considerable abundance. One of the most fertile sources of supply that our own coasts afford is the ooze of the oyster-beds, in which large numbers of living specimens will be found ; the variety of specific forms, how- ever, is usually not very great. In separating these bodies from the particles of sand, mud, etc. with which they are mixed, various methods may be adopted in order to shorten the tedious labour of picking them out one by one under the simple microscope : and the choice to be made among these will mainly depend upon the condi- tion of the Foraminifera, the importance (or otherwise) of obtaining them alive, and the nature of the substances with which they are mingled. Thus, if it be desired to obtain living specimens from the oyster-ooze for the examination of their soft parts, or for preservation in an aquarium, much time will be saved by stirring the mud (which should be taken from the surface only of the deposit) in a jar with water, and then allowing it to stand for a few moments ; for the liner particles will remain diffused through the liquid, while the coarser will subside ; and, as the Foraminifera (in the present case) will be among the heavier, they will be found at the bottom of the vessel with comparatively little extraneous matter, after this opera- tion has been repeated two or three times. It would always be well to examine the first deposit let fall by the water that has been poured away, as this may contain the smaller and lighter forms of Foraminifera. But supposing that it be only desired to obtain the lead shells from a mass of sand brought up by the dredge, a very different method should be adopted. The whole mass should be exposed for some hours to the heat of an oven, and be turned over several times, until it is found to have been thoroughly dried throughout ; and then, after being allowed to cool, it should be stirred in a large vessel of water. The chambers of their shells being now occupied by air alone (for the bodies of such as were alive will have shrunk up almost to nothing), the Foraminifera will be the lightest portion of the mass ; and they will be found floating on the water, while the particles of sand ttc. subside. Another method, devised by Mr. Legg, consists in taking advantage of the relative sizes of different kinds of Foraminifera and of the substances that accompany them. This, which is especially applicable to the sand and rubbish obtainable from sponges (which may be got in 1 Trans, of Micros. Soc. ser. ii. vol. ii. 185 i, p. 19. 3 D J JO MICROSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE large quantity from the sponge-merchants), consists in sifting the whole aggregate through successive sieves of wire-gauze, commencing' with one of ten wires to the inch, which will separate large extraneous- particles, and proceeding to those of twenty, forty, seventy, and 100" wires to the inch, each (especially that of seventy) retaining a much larger proportion of foraminiferal shells than of the accompanying particles ; so that a large portion of the extraneous matter being thus- got rid of, the final selection becomes comparatively easy. Certain forms of Foraminifera are found attached to shells, especially bivalves (such as the Chamidct) with foliated surfaces ; and a careful exami- nation of those of tropical seas, when brought home ' in the rough,r is almost sure to yield most valuable results. The final selection of specimens for mounting should always be made under some appropriate form of single microscope, a fine camel-hair pencil, with the point wetted between the lips, being the instrument which may be most con- veniently and safely employed, even for the most delicate specimens. In mounting Foraminifera as microscopic objects the method to be- adopted must entirely depend upon whether they are to be viewed by transmitted or by reflected light. In the former case they should be mounted in Canada balsam, the various precautions to prevent the retention of air-bubbles, which have been already described, being carefully observed. In the latter no plan is so simple, easy, and; effectual as attaching them with a little gum to wooden slides. They should be fixed in various positions, so as to present all' the different aspects of the shell, particular care being taken that its mouth is clearly displayed ; and this may often be most readily managed by attaching the specimen sideways to the wall of the circular depression of the slide. Or the specimens may be attached to discs fitted for being held in a disc-holder ; whilst for the examination of specimens in every variety of position Mr. R. Beck's disc- holder will be found extremely convenient. Where, as will often happen, the several individuals differ considerably from one another, special care should be taken to arrange then in series illustrative of their range of variation and of the mutual connections of even the most diverse forms. For the display of the internal structure of Foraminifera it will often be necessary to make extremely thin sections, in the manner already described ; and much time will be saved by attaching a number of specimens to the glass slide at once and by grinding them down together. For the preparation of sections, however, of the extreme thinness that is often required those which have been thus reduced should be transferred to separate slides and finished oft1 each one by itself. Section II. — Radiolaria. It has been shown that one series of forms belonging to the rhizopod type is characterised by the radiating arrangement of their rod-like pseudopodia, suggesting the designation Heliozoa or 'sun- animalcules ' ; and that even among those fresh-water forms that do not depart widely from the common Actinophrys there are some whose bodies are enclosed in a complete silicious skeleton. Now just as the reticularian type of rhizopod life culminates in the marine RADIOLABIA 771 calcareous-shelled Foraminifera, so does the heliozoic type seem to culminate in the marine Itadiolaria ; which, living for the most part near the surface of the ocean, form silicious skeletons (often of marvellous symmetry and beauty) that fall to the bottom on the death of the animals that produced them, and may remain unchanged, like those of the diatoms, through unlimited periods of time. Some of these skeletons, mingled with those of diatoms, had been detected by Professor Ehrenberg in the midst of various deposits of foramini- feral origin, such as the calcareous Tertiaries of Sicily and Greece, and of Oran in Africa ; and he established for them the group of a \ Fig. 58G. — Fossil Badiolaria from Barbadoes : a, Podocyrtis mitra; b, BhabdolitJms sceptrum ; c, Lyclinocanium falciferum ; d,Eucyrtidiun/ tubulus; e, Flustrella concentrica; /, Lyclinocanium I 'ucerna ; g,Eucyr- tidium elegans ; li, Dictyospyris clathriLS ; i, Eucyrtidium Mongolfieri ; A-, Stephanolithis spinescens ; I, S. nodosa ; m, Lithocyclia ocellus ; n, Cephalolithis sylvina ; 0, Podocyrtis cothuruata ; p, Rhabdolithus pipa. Polycystina, to which he was able also to refer a beautiful series of forms making up nearly the whole of a silicious sandstone prevail- ing through an extensive district in the island of Barbadoes (fig. 586). Nothing, however, was known of the nature of the animals that formed them until they were discovered and studied in the living state by Professor J. Miiller,1 who established the group of Itadiolaria, 1 ' Ueber die Tlialassicollen, Polycystinen, und Acanthometren des Mittel- meeres,' in Abhandlungen der Tcdnigl. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1858, and separately published ; also ' Ueber die Lm Hafen von Messina beobachteten Poly- cystinen,' in the MonatsbericJite of the Berlin Academy for 1835, pp. 071-67(5. 3 d 2 772 MICKOSCOPIC FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE including therein, with the Polycystina of Ehrenberg, the Acantho- metrina first recognised by himself, and the Thalassicolla which had been discovered by Professor Huxley. Not long afterwards appeared the magnificent and 'epoch-making' work of Professor Haeckel; 1 and since that time much has been added by various observers to our knowledge of this group, which still remains, however, very imperfect. Each individual radiolarian consists of two portions of coloured or colourless sarcode — one portion nucleated and central, the other portion peripheral, and almost always containing certain yellow corpuscles. These two portions are separated by a membrane called the capsule ; but this is so porous as to allow of their free communi- cation with each other. The inner central capsule is also the special Fig. 587. — Polycystina: A, HaMowima hystrix; B, Pterocanium, with animal. organ of reproduction, for it is the intracapsular protoplasm, with the nuclei imbedded in it, which serves for the formation of flagellate spores ; the outer capsule has the special office of protecting and providing nourishment for the cell. The pseudopodia radiate in all directions (tig. 587) from the deeper portion of the extracapsular sarcode ; they have generally much persistency of direction and very little flexibility; in some species (but not ordinarily) they branch and anastomose, while in others they are inclosed in hollow rods that form part of the silicious skeleton, and issue forth from the extremities of these. A flow of granules takes place along them ; and the mode in which they obtain food-particles (consisting 1 Die Had iolarien (Rhizopoda Radiaria), Berlin, 1802. This great work has lately been followed by a gigantic monograph published in the ' Challenger' lieports, which extends over 1800 pages, and is illustrated by 140 plates. In it are described ■4318 species, of which 3508 are new to science. RADIOLARIA 773 B mm pgooo2gQ§a of diatoms and other minute alga?, marine infusoria, 1872, p. 71. 3 E 786 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES order to obtain the spicules in an isolated condition, the animal matter must be got rid of either by incineration or by chemical reagents. The latter method is preferable, as it is difficult to free the mineral residue from carbonaceous particles by heat alone. If (as is commonly the case) the spicules are silicious, the sponge may be treated with strong nitric or nitro- muriatic acid, until its animal substance is dissolved away ; if, on the other hand, they be cal- careous, a strong solution of potass may be employed instead of the acid. The operation is more rapidly accomplished by the aid of heat ; but if the saving of time be not of importance, it is preferable on several accounts to dispense with it. The spicules, when obtained in a separate state, should be mounted in Canada balsam. Sponge tissue may often be distinctly recognised in sections of agate, chalcedony, and other silicious concretions, as will be more fully stated hereafter.1 II. Zoophytes (Coslenterata). Under the general designation Zoophytes it will be still con- venient to group those animals which form composite skeletons or ' polyparies ' of a more or less plant-like character, associating with them the Acalephs, which are now known to be the ' sexual zobids'of polypes, but excluding the Polyzoa on account of their very different structure, not- withstanding their zoophytic forms and habits of life. The animals belonging to this group may be considered as formed upon the primitive gastrula type, their gastric cavity (though sometimes extending itself almost indefinitely) being- lined by the original endoderm, and their surface being covered by the original ect&derm, and these two lamellae not beino- separated by the interposition of any body-cavity or cmlom. It is a fact of great interest that although the product of the development of a 'morula is here a distinctly individualised polype, in which several mutu- ally dependent parts make up ■a single organic whole, yet these parts still retain much of their independent protozoic life ; which is manifested in two very re- 1 A complete and valuable handbook to the Sponges has been lately published by Dr. (1. C Vosmaer as vol. if, of Bron-h's tClassen it ml Ordnungen (lets ThierreichSj Leipzig, 1S87. Compare also the article by Professor Hollas in the ninth edition of the -Fn;. 501). — Longitudinal section of the body of a hydra killed in full digestion : ec, ectoderm; en, endoderm; nip, muscular processes; d, a diatom; /', toed. (After T, J. Parker.) C'CELENTEEATA 787 markable modes. In the first place, the digestive sac is observed to be lined by a layer of amoeboid cells, which send out pseudopodial prolongations into its cavity (fig. 599) by whose agency (it may be pretty certainly affirmed) the nutrient material is first introduced into the body-substance. This process of ' intracellular digestion ' was first noticed by Professor Allman in the beautiful hydroid polype Myriotliela ; 1 the like has been since shown by Mr. Jeffery Parker to be true of the ordinary Hydra ; 2 and Professor E. Pay Lankester has made the same observation upon the curious little Medusa {Limno- cpdium), lately found in a fresh-water tank in this country, whither it has undoubtedly been introduced ; while the observations of Krukenberg have shown that a similar process obtains among the sea- anemones.3 (It may be mentioned in this connection, that Metschni- koff has seen the cells which line the alimentary canal of the lower planarian worms gorging themselves with coloured food-particles, exactly in the manner of Amoeba and the liver-fiuke, and that a number of larvae are known to obtain their nourishment in the same way.4) The second ' survival ' of protozoic independence is shown in the extraordinary power possessed by Hydra, Actinia, &c. of reproducing the entire organism from a mere fragment. This great division includes the two principal groups the Hydrozoa and the Actinozoa, the former comprehending the Polypes, and the latter the Anemones. In the Hydrozoa the mouth is placed on a projecting oral cone, while in the Anthozoa it is sunk below the level of the oral circlet of tentacles, and the cavity developed from and connected with the digestive cavity separates its wall from the body- wall and is traversed by a series of vertical partitions or septa. As most of the hydroid polypes are essentially microscopic animals, they need to be described with some minuteness ; whilst in regard to the Actinozoa those points only will be dwelt on which are of special interest to the microscopist. Hydrozoa. — The type of this group is the Hydra or fresh- water polype, a very common inhabitant of pools and ditches, where it is most commonly to be found attached to the leaves or stems of aquatic- plants, floating pieces of stick, &c. Two species are common in this country, the H. viridis or green polype, and the H. vulgaris, Avhich is usually orange-brown, but sometimes yellowish or red (its colour being liable to some variation according to the nature of the food on which it has been subsisting) ; a third less common species, the fusca, is distinguished from both the preceding by the length of its tentacles, which in the former are scarcely as long as the body, whilst in the latter they are, when fully extended, many times longer Encyclopaedia Britannica; the' Challenger' Reports by Professor Scliulze, Messrs. Ridley and Dendy, Polejaeff, and Sollas ; and the numerous memoirs of Professors O. Schmidt and Scliulze, and of Dr. von Lendenfeld. 1 Phil. Trans. 1875, p. 552. It should be noted that Professor Claus called attention to the ingestion of foreign bodies by amoeboid cells of Monupliytes in 1874. See his Schriften Zool. Inhalts. (Wien, 1874), p. 30 2 Prop, of Boy. Soc. vol. xxx. 1880, p. 61. 3 Quart. J ourn. Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. xx. 1880, p. 371. 4 Consult an interesting article on ' Intercellular Digestion,' by Metschnikoff, in Revue Scientifique, ser. iii. vol. xi. p. 083. 3 e 2 788 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES (fig. 600 ]). The body of the Hydra consists of a simple bag or sac,, which may be regarded as a stomach, and is capable of varying its- shape and dimensions in a very remarkable degree, sometimes ex- tending itself in a straight line so as to form a long narrow cylinder, at other times being seen (when empty) as a minute contracted- globe, whilst, if distended with food, it may present the form of an inverted flask or bottle, or even of a button. At the upper end of this sac is a central opening, the mouth ; and this is surrounded by a circle of tentacles or ' arms/ usually from six to ten in number, which are arranged with great regularity around the orifice. The body is prolonged at its lower end into a narrow base, which is furnished with a suctorial disc, and the Hydra usually attaches itself by this, while it allows it& tendril-like tentacles to float freely in the water. The wall of the body is composed of two- layers of cells ; and between these, which are the ectoderm and endoderm, there is a deli- cate intermediate layer, which forms the supporting lamella.'2 The arms are made up of the same materials as the body ; but their surface is beset with, little wart-like prominences, which, when carefully examined, are found to be composed oF clusters of 'thread-cells,' having a single large cell with a long spiculum in the centre of each. The structure of these thread- cells or 1 urticating organs ' will be described hereafter ; at pre- sent it will be enough to point out that this apparatus, repeated many times on each tentacle, is doubtless intended to give to the Fig. COO.— Hydra fusca, with a young bud organ a great prehensile power, at b, and a more advanced bud at c. the minute filaments forming a rough surface adapted to prevent the object from readily slipping out of the grasp of the arm, whilst the central spicule or ' dart ; is projected into its substance, probably conveying into it a poisonous fluid secreted by a vesicle at its base. 1 On the specific characters of Hydra consult Haacke, Jcnaische Zeitschr. xiv.. X>. 133 ; and Jickeli, Zool. Anzciq. v. p. 401. 2 To this intermediate layer, Mr. Cx. C. Bourne applies the term mesoglcea. For an account of its variations and structure among the Ccelenterata, and a discussion of its homology with the mesoderm of higher Metazoa, see his essay on Fangia in vol.. xxvii. of the Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. n.s. HYDROZOA 789 The Latter inference is founded upon the oft-repeated observation, that if the living prey seized by the tentacles have a body destitute of hard integument, as is the case with the minute aquatic worms which constitute a large part of its aliment, this speedily dies, even though, instead of being swallowed, it escapes from their grasp ; whilst, on the other hand, minute Entomostraca, insects, and other- animals or ova, with hard envelopes, may escape without injury, even after having been detained for some time in the polype's embrace. The contractility of the tentacles (the interior of which is traversed by a canal that communi- cates with the cavity of the stomach) is very remarkable, especially in the Hydra fusca, whose arms, when ex- tended in search of prey, are not less than seven or eight inches in length ; whilst they are .sometimes so contract- ed, when the stomach is filled with food, as to appear only like little tubercles around its en- trance. By means of these instruments the Hydra is enabled to draw its support from animals whose activity, as compared with its •own slight powers of locomotion, might have been supposed to re- move them altogether from its reach ; for when, in its movements through the water, a minute worm or a water- flea happens to touch one of the tentacles of the polype, spread out as these are in readiness for prey, it is immediately seized by this ; other arms are soon coiled around it, and the unfortunate victim is speedily conveyed to the stomach, within which it may frequently be seen to continue moving for some little time. Soon, however, its struggles cease, and its outline is obscured by a turbid film, which gradually thickens, so that at last its form is wholly lost. The soft parts are soon completely dis- solved, and the harder indigestible portions are rejected through the mouth. A second orifice has been observed at the lower extremity Fig. 601. — Gampanularia gchttinosa. 790 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES of the stomach ; but this would not seem to be properly regarded as anal, since it is not used for the discharge of such exuviae ; it is probably rather to be considered as representing, in the Hydra, the entrance to that ramifying cavity which, in the compound Hydrozoa, brings into mutual connection the lower extremities of the stomachs of all the individual polypes. The ordinary mode of reproduction in this animal is by a 1 gemma- tion ' resembling that of plants. Little bud-like processes (fig. 600,. b, c) developed from its external surface gradually come to resemble the parent in character, and to possess a digestive sac, mouth, and tentacles ; for a long time, however, their cavity is connected with that of the parent, but at last the communication is cut off by the closure of the canal of the foot- stalk, and the young polype quits its attachment and goes in quest of its own maintenance. A second veneration of buds is sometimes observed on the young polype before quitting its parent ; and as many as nineteen young Hydrce in different stages of development have been seen thus- connected with a single original stock (tig. 602). This process takes place most rapidly under the influence of warmth and abundant food ; it is usually sus- pended in winter, but may be made to continue by keeping the polypes in a warm situation and well supplied with food. Another very curious endowment seems to depend on the same condition — ■ the extraordinary power which one portion possesses of repro- ducing the rest. Into whatever number of parts a Hydra may be divided, each may retain its vitality, ami give origin to a new and entire fabric ; so that thirty or forty individuals may be formed by the section of one. The Hydra also propagates itself, however, by a truly sexual process, the fecundating apparatus, or vesicle producing ' sperm-cells/ and the ovum (containing the ' germ- cell,' imbedded in a store of nutriment adapted for its early develop- ment) being both evolved in the substance of the walls of the stomach — -the male apparatus forming a conical projection just beneath the arms, while the female ovary, or portion of the body- substance in which the ovum is generated, has the form of a knob protruding from the middle of its length. It would appear that sometimes one individual Hydra develops only the male cysts or sperm-cells, while another develops only the female cysts or ovi- mm ■ft mm 1 Fig. 602. — Hydra fusca in gemmation mouth ; />, base : c buds. origin of one of the HYDROZOA 791 sacs ; but the general rule seems to be that the same individual forms both organs. The fertilisation of the ova, however, cannot take place until after the rupture of the spermatic cyst and of the ovisac, by which the contents of both are set free. The autumn is the chief time for the development of the sexual organs, but they also present themselves in the earlier part of the year, chiefly be- tweeen April and July. According to Ecker, the eggs of II. viridis produced early in the season run their course in the summer of the same year ; while these produced in the autumn pass the winter without change. When the ovum is nearly ripe for fecundation the ovary bursts its ectodermal covering, and remains attached by a kind of pedicle. It seems to be at this stage that the act of fecundation occurs ; a very strong elastic shell or capsule then forms round the ovum, the surface of which is in some cases studded with spine-like points, in others tuberculated, the divisions between the tubercles being polygonal. The ovum finally drops from its pedicle, and attaches itself by means of a mucous secretion, till the hatching of the young Hydra, which comes forth provided with four rudimentary tentacles like buds. The Hydra possesses the power of free locomotion, being able to remove from the spot to which it has attached itself to any other that may be more suitable to its wants ; its changes of place, however, seem rather to be performed under the influence of light, towards which the Hydra seeks to move itself, than with reference to the search after food.1 The compotni'l Hydroids may be likened to a Hydra whose gemma?, instead of becoming detached, remain permanently connected with the parent ; and as these in their turn may develop gemma? from their own bodies, a structure of more or less arborescent character, termed a yolypary, may be produced. The form which this will present, and the relation of the component polypes to each other, will depend upon the mode in which the gemmation takes place ; in all instances, however, the entire cluster is produced by continous growth from a single individual ; and the stomachs of the several polypes are united by tubes, which proceed from the base of each, along the stalk and branches, to communicate with the cavity of the central stem. Whatever may be the form taken by the stem and branches constituting the polyparyof a hydroid colony, they will be found to be, or to contain, fleshy tubes having two distinct layers, the inner (endoderm) having nutritive functions ; the outer (ecto- derm) usually secreting a hard cortical layer, and thus giving rise to fabrics of various forms. Between these a muscular coat is some- times noticed. The fleshy tube, whether single or compound, is called a cosnosarc, and through it the nutrient matter circulates. The 'zooicls,' or individual members of the co]ony, are of two kinds : one the ])oly]nte, or alimentary zooid, resembling the Hydra in essential 1 A very full account of the structure and development of Hydra has been published by Kleinenberg, of whose admirable monograph a summary is given by Professor Airman, with valuable remarks of his own, in Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. xiv. 1874, p. 1. See also the important paper by Mr. Jeft'ery Parker already cited. On the chlorophyll corpuscles of H. viridis consult Brandt, Mitth. Zoo/, Stat. Neapel, iv. p. V.)l ; Hamaim, Z00J. Anzeig. vi. p. 307 ; and Lankester Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. n.s. xxii. p. 22U. SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES structure, and more or less in aspect ; the other, the gonozooid, or sexual zooid, developed at certain seasons only, in buds of particular shape.1 The simplest division of the Hydroida is that adopted by Mr. Hincks,2 who groups them under the sub-order Athecata said Thecata, the latter being again divided into the Thecaphora and the Gymno- chroa. In the first, neither the ' polypites ; nor the sexual zooids bear true protective cases ; in the second the polypites are lodged in •cells, or, as Mr. Hincks prefers to call them, calycles, many of which resemble exquisitely formed crystal cups, variously ornamented, and sometimes furnished with lids or opercula ; in the third, which con- tains the Hydras, there is no polypary, and the reproductive zooids (gonozooids) are always fixed and developed in the body-walls. Ac- cording to Mr. Hincks, the two sexes are sometimes borne on the same colony, but more commonly the zoophyte is dioecious. The cases, however, are much less rare than has been supposed in which both male and female are mingled on the same shoots. The sexual .zooids either remain attached, and discharge their contents at maturity, or become free and enter upon an independent existence. The free forms nearly always take the shape of Medusae, (jelly-fish), swimming by rhythmical contractions of their bell or umbrella. The digestive cavity is in the handle (manubrium) of the bell ; and the generative elements (sperm-cells or ova) are developed either between the membranes of the manubrium or in special sacs in the canals radiating from it. The ova, when fertilised by the spermatozoa, undergo ' segmentation ' according to the ordinary type, the whole yolk-mass subdividing successively into two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two or more parts, until a ' mulberry mass ' is formed ; this then begins to elongate itself, its surface being at first smooth, and showing a transparent margin, but afterwards becoming clothed with cilia, by whose agency these little planulce, closely resembling ciliated Infusoria, first move about within the capsule, and then swim forth freely when liberated by the opening of its mouth. At this period the embryo can be made out to consist of an outer and an inner layer of cells, with a hollow interior ; after some little time the cilia disappear, and one extremity becomes expanded into a kind of disc by which it attaches itself to some fixed object ; a mouth is formed, and tentacles sprout forth around it ; and the body increases in length and thickness, so as gradually to acquire the likeness of one of the parent polypes, after which the ' polypary ' characteristic of the genus is gradually evolved by the successive development of polype-buds from the first-formed polype and its subsequent offsets. The Medusae of these polypes (jig. 605) belong to the division called ' naked-eyed,' on account of the eye-spots usually seen surrounding the margin of the bell at the base of the tentacles. A characteristic example of this production of medusa-like ' gonozooids ' is presented by the form termed Syncoryne Sarsii (fig. 1 A useful list of the principal terms used in describing hydroids, with definitions, will be found on pp. 1(5 and 17 of Professor Allman's Report oil the Hydroida (Plu- viulariidce) of the Challenger. - History of British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1808. DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROZOA 793 •603) belonging to the sub-order Athecata. At A is shown the ali- mentary zodid, or polypite, with its tentacles, and at B the succes- sive stages a, b, c, of the sexual zooids, or medusa-buds. When sufficiently developed the Medusa swims away, and as it grows to maturity enlarges its manubrium, so that it hangs below the bell. The Medusa? of the genus Syncoryne (as now restricted) have the form named Sarsia in honour of the Swedish naturalist Sars. Their normal character is that of free swimmers ; but Agassiz ascertained that in some cases towards the end of the breeding season the sexual zooids remain fixed, and mature their products while at- tached to the zoophyte.1 This latter condition of the sexual zooids is very common amongst the Hydroida ; and various inter- mediate stages may be traced in different genera between the mode in which the gonozooids are produced in the common Hydra, as already described, and that of Syncoryne. In Tubu- laria the gonozooids, though jDeruianently attached, are fur- nished with swimming bells, having four tubercles repre- senting marginal tentacles. A common and interesting species, Tubularia indivisa. receives its specific name from the infre- quency with which branches are given off from the stems, these for the most part standing erect and parallel, like the stalks of corn, upon the base to which they are attached. This beautiful zoo- phyte, which sometimes grows between the tide-marks, but is more abundantly obtained by dredging in deep water, often attains a size which renders it scarcely a microscopic object, its stems being sometimes no less than a foot in height and a line in diameter. Several curious phenomena, however, are brought into view by microscopic examina- tion. The polype-stomach is connected with the cavity of the stem by a circular opening, which is surrounded by a sphincter ; and an alternate movement of dilatation and contraction takes place in it, fluid being apparently forced up from below, and then •expelled again, after which the sphincter closes in preparation for 1 Hincks. op. ext. p. 49. Fig. 603. — Development of Medusa buds in Sylicoryne Sarsii: A, an ordinary polype, with its club-shaped body covered with tentacles ; B, a polype putting forth medusoid gemmae ; a, a very young bud ; b, a bud more advanced, the quad- rangular form of which, with the four nuclei whence the cirrhi afterwards spring, is shown at d ; c, a bud still more advanced. 794 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES a recurrence of the operation, this, as observed by Mr. Lister, being repeated at intervals of eighty seconds. Besides the foregoing movement, a regular flow of fluid, carrying with it solid particles of various sizes, may be observed along the whole length of the stem, passing in a somewhat spiral direction. It is worthy of mention here that when a Tubularia is kept in confinement the polype-heads almost always drop off after a few days, but are soon renewed again by a new growth from the stem beneath ; and this exuviation and regeneration may take place many times in the same individual.1 It is in the families Campanulariida and tiertidariida (whose polyparies are commonly known as 1 corallines '), that the horny branching fabric attains its completest development, not only afford- ing an investment to the stem, but forming cups or cells for the protection of the polypites, as well as capsules for the reproductive gonozooids. Both these families thus belong to the sub-order Theeaia* In the Campanulariida the polype-cells are campanulate or bell- shaped, and are borne at the extremities of ringed stalks (fig. 601, c) ; in the Sertulariida, on the other hand, the polype-cells lie along the stem and branches, attached either to one side only, or to both sides (fig. 601). .In both the general structure of the individual polypes (fig. 601, B, d) closely corresponds with that of the Hydra j and the mode in which they obtain their food is essentially the same. Of the products of digestion, however, a portion finds its way down into the tabular stem, for the nourishment of the general fabric ; and very much the same kind of circulatory movement can be seen in Campanularia as in Tubularia, the circulation being most vigorous in the neighbourhood of growing parts. It is from the ' coenosarc 7 (fig. 601,/) contained in the stem and branches that new polype- buds (b) are evolved ; these carry before them (so to speak) a portion of the horny integument, which at first completely invests the bud ; but as the latter acquires the organisation of a polype, the case thins away at its most prominent part, and an opening is formed through which the young polype protrudes itself. The origin of the reproductive capsules or ' gonothecre ' (e) is exactly similar, but their destination is very different. Within them are evolved, by a budding process, the generative organs of the zoophyte ; and these in the Campanulariida may either develop themselves into the form of independent medusoids, which com- pletely detach themselves from the stock that bore them, make their way out of the capsule, and swim forth freely, to mature their sexual products (some developing sperm-cells, and others ova), and give origin to a new generation of polypes ; or, in cases in which the medusoid structure is less distinctly pronounced, may not com- pletely detach themselves, but (like the flower-buds of a plant) expand one after another at the mouth of the capsule, withering and drop- ping off softer they have matured their generative products. In the Sertulariida, on the other hand, the medusan conformation is wanting, as the gonozooids are always fixed ; the reproductive cells (fig. 604, a) which were shown by Professor Edward Forbes to be really meta- 1 The British Tubv.lariida form the subject of a most complete and beautiful monognvph by Professor Allman, published by the Ray Society. COLLECTING ZOOPHYTES 795 morphosed branches developing in their interior certain bodies which were formerly supposed to be ova, but which are now known to be 'medusoids' reduced to their most rudimentary condition. Within these are developed — in separate gonothecse, sometimes perhaps on distinct polyparies — spermatozoa and ova ; and the latter are ferti- lised'by the entrance of the former whilst still contained within their capsules. The fertilised ova, whether produced in free or in attached medusoids, develop themselves in the first instance into ciliated 'gemmules," or planula?, which soon evolve themselves into true polypes, from every one of which a new composite polypary may spring. There are few parts of our coast which will not supply some or other of the beautiful and interesting forms of zoo- phytic life which have been thus briefly noticed, with- out any more trouble in searching for them than that of examining the sur- faces of rocks, stones, sea- weeds, and dead shells between the tide-marks. Many of them habitually live in that situation ; and others are frequently cast up by the waves from the deeper waters, especially after a storm. Many kinds, however, can only be ob- tained by means of the dredge. Of the remarkable forms dredged bv the 1 Chal- lenger ' mention can onlv be made here of the gigantic Tubularian — Jlonocaulus — the stem of which measured seven feet four inches, while there was a spread of nine inches from tip to tip of the extended tentacles, and of the elegant Streptocaidus pulcherrimus, in which by the twisting of the stem the ultimate ramules are thrown into 'a graceful and beautiful spiral.' For observing them during their living state, no means is so convenient as the zoophyte-trough. In mounting com- pound Hydrozoa, as well as Polyzoa, it will be found of great advantage to place the specimens alive in the cells they are per- manently to occupy, and to then add osmic acid drop by drop to the sea-water : this has the effect of causing the protrusion of the animals, and of rendering their tentacles rigid. The liquid may be withdrawn, and replaced by Goadby's solution, Deanes gelatine, glycerin -jelly, weak spirit, diluted glycerin, a mixture of spirit and glycerin with sea-water, or any other menstruum, by means of Fig. 604. — Sertulari-a cuprcssina : A, natural size ; B, portion magnified. .796 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES the syringe ; and it is well to mount specimens in several dif- ferent menstrua, marking the nature and strength of each, as some forms are better preserved by one and some by another.1 An excellent method of preservation has been discovered by M. Foettinger 2 in the use of chloral hydrate : when all the polypes in a vessel containing 100 c c. of water are fully expanded .some crystals of chloral hydrate are to be dropped into the vessel ; these dissolve rapidly and gradually diffuse through the water. About ten minutes later a little more chloral should be added, and in three-quarters of an hour the whole colony will be found to have become insensible ; the advantage of this method lies in the fact that the action is merely narcotic, and that the tissues -are not affected. When the influence is so complete that irritation fails to produce retraction of the polypes the colony may be put into alcohol. The size of the cell must of course be proportioned to that of the object ; and if it be desired to mount such a specimen as may serve for a characteristic illustration of the mode of growth of the species it represents, the large shallow cells, whose walls are made by cementing four strips of glass to the plate that forms the bottom, will generally be found preferable. The horny polyparies of the Sertulariida, when mounted in Canada balsam, are beautiful objects for the polariscope ; but in order to prepare them successfully some nicety of management is required. The following are the outlines of the method recommended by Dr. Golding Bird, who very success- fully practised it. The specimens selected, which should not exceed "two inches in length, are first to be submitted, while immersed in water of 120°, to the vacuum of an air-pump. The ebullition which will take place within the cavities will have the effect of free- ing the polyparies from dead polypes and other animal matter ; and this cleansing process should be repeated several times. The specimens are then to be dried, by first draining them for a few seconds on bibulous paper, and then by submitting them to the vacuum of an air-pump, within a thick eartheirware ointment-pot fitted with a cover, which has been previously heated to about 200°; by this means the specimens are very quickly and completely dried, the water being evaporated so quickly that the cells and tubes hardly collapse or wrinkle. The specimens are then placed in camphine, and again subjected to the exhausting process for the displacement of the air by that liquid ; and when they have been throughly saturated, they should be mounted in Canada balsam in ~the usual mode. When thus prepared they become very beautiful transparent objects for low magnifying powers ; and they present a gorgeous display of colours when examined by polarised light, with the interposition of a plate of selenite, the effect being much en- hanced by the use of black-ground illumination. No result of microscopic research was more unexpected than the discovery of the close relationship subsisting between the hydroid Zoophytes and the inedusoid Acalpphce (or ' jelly-fish '). We ziow know that the small free-swimming medusoids belonging to 1 See Mr. J. W. Morris in Quart. Joum. of Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. ii. 18G2, p. 116. 2 Archives de Biologic, vi. p. 115. JELLY-FISHES 797" the 'naked-eye' group, of which Thaumcmtias (fig. 605) may be taken as a representative, are really to be considered as the detached sexual apparatus of the zoophytes from which they have been. Fig. 605. — A, Thaumaniias piloseUa, one of the ' naked-eyed ' Medusae : a a, oral tentacles ; b, stomach ; c, gastro-vascular canals, ha-vin* the ovariesr d d, on either side, and terminating in the marginal canal, e e. B, Thau- mantias Eschscholtzii, Haeckel. budded off, endowed with independent organs cf nutrition and locomotion, whereby they become capable of maintaining their own existence and of developing their sexual products. The general con- formation of these organs will be understood from the accompanying 793 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES figure. Many of this group are very beautiful objects for micro- scopic examination, being small enough to be viewed entire in the zoophyte -trough. There are few parts of the coast on which they may not be found, especially on a calm warm day, by skimming the surface of the sea with the tow-net ; and they are capable of being stained and preserved in cells after being hardened by osmic acid. The history of the large and highly developed Medusce 1 or Aca- lepele which are commonly known as k jelly-fish,' is essentially simi- lar ; for their progeny have been ascertained to develop themselves in the first instance under the polype form, and to lead a life which in all essential respects is zoophytic ; their development into Medusae taking -place only in the closing phase of their existence, and then rather by gemmation from the original polype than by a metamor- phosis of its own fabric. The huge Rliizostoma found commonly swimming round our coasts, and the beautiful Cltrysaora remarkable for its long ' furbelows ' which act as organs of prehension, are oceanic acalephs developed from very small polypites, which fix themselves by a basal cup or disc. The embryo emerges from the cavity of its parent, within which the first stages of its development have taken place, in the condition of a ciliated ' planula,5 of rather oblong form, very closely resembling an infusory animalcule, but destitute of a mouth. One end soon contracts and attaches itself, however, so as to form a foot ; the other enlarges and opens to form a mouth, four tubercles sprouting around it, which grow into tentacles ; whilst a slit in the midst of the central cells gives rise to the cavity of the stomach. Thus a hydra-like polype is formed, which soon acquires many additional tentacles ; and this, according to the observations of Sir J. G. Dalyell on the Hydra titba, which is the polype stage of the ( 'hrysaora and other jelly-fish, leads in every important particular the life of a Hydra ; propagates like it by repeated gemmation, so that whole colonies are formed as offsets from a single stock ; and can be multiplied like it by artificial division, each segment develop- ing itself into a perfect Hydra. There seems to be no definite limit to its continuance in this state, or to its power of giving origin to new polype-buds ; but when the time comes for the development of its sexual gonozodids, the polype quits its original condition of a minute bell with slender tentacles (fig. (50(5), assumes a cylin- drical form, and elongates itself considerably ; a constriction or indentation is then seen around it, just below the ring which encircles the mouth and gives origin to the tentacles ; and similar constrictions are soon repeated round the lower parts of the cylinder, so as to give to the whole body somewhat the appearance of a rouleau of coins ; a sort of fleshy bulb, a (fig. GOO, II), somewhat of the form of the ■original polype, being still left at the attached extremity. ' The number of circles is indefinite, and all are not formed at once, new constrictions appearing below, after the upper portions have been de- tached ; as many as thirty or even forty have thus been produced in bne specimen. The constrictions then gradually deepen, so as tb divide the cylinder into a pile of saucer-like bodies, the division bein£ 1 See Professor Claus, tfutersuchungen itber die Organisation ijna Eritwickelutig der Medusen, Prague and Leipzig, 1S88. REPRODUCTION OF ACALEPHS 799 most complete above, and the upper discs usually presenting some increase in diameter ; and whilst this is taking place the edges of the discs become divided into lobes, each lobe soon presenting the cleft with the supposed rudimentary eye at the bottom of it, which is to be plainly seen in the detached Medusa? (tig. 607, C). Up to this period, the tentacles of the original polype surmount the highest of the discs ; but before the detachment of the topmost disc, this circle disappears, and a new one is developed at the summit of the bulb which remains at the base of the pile. At last the topmost and largest disc begins to exhibit a sort of convulsive struggle ; it Fig. 606. — I, two Hydrce tubce (Scyj)]iisto)na-stAge) of Cyanea rapillata, with two (a, b) undergoing fission (Strobila-st&ge). II, a and b of fig. I three days later. In a the tentacles are developed beneath the lowest of the Epliyrce, from the stalk of the Strobila, which will persist as a Hydra tube. (After Van Beneden.) becomes detached, and swims freely away ; and the same series of changes takes place from above downwards, until the whole pile of discs is detached and converted into free-swimming Medusa?. But the original polypoid body still remains, and may return to its original polype-like mode of gemmation, becoming the progenitor of a new colony, every member of which may in its turn bud off a pile of Medusa discs. - t . The bodies thus detached have all the essential characters of the adult Medusae, Each consists of an umbrella-like disc divided at its edge into a variable number of lobes, usually eight ; and of a 8oo SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES stomach, which occupies a considerable proportion of the disc, and projects downwards in the form of a proboscis, in the centre of which, is the quadrangular mouth (fig. 607, A, B). As the animal advances, towards maturity the intervals between the segments of the border of the disc gradually fill up, so that the divisions are obliterated : tubular prolongations of the stomach extend themselves over the disc ; and from its borders there sprout forth tendril-like filaments, which hang down like a fringe around its margin. From the four angles of the mouth, which, even in the youngest detached animal, admits of being greatly extended and protruded, prolongations are put forth, which form the four large tentacles of the adult. The young Medusa? are very voracious, and grow rapidly, so as to attain Flft. 607. — Development cf Chrijsaora from Hydra tuba: A, detached individual viewed sideways, and enlarged, showing the proboscis a, and b the bifid lobes ; B, individual s ^en from above, showing the bifid lobes of the margin, and lb : quadri- lateral mouth; C, one of the bifid lobes still more enlarged, showing the rudimentary eye (?) at the bottom of the eleft; D, group of young MedtfsBB, as seen swimming in the water, of the natural size. a very large size. The Cyanece and Chrysaorce, which are common all' round our coasts, often have a diameter of from six to fifteen inches while Rhizostoma sometimes reaches a diameter of from two to three feet. The quantity of solid matter, however, which their fabrics con- tain is extremely small. It is not until adult age has been attained that the generative organs make their appearance, in four chambers disposed around the stomach, which are occupied by plaited membran- ous ribands containing sperm-cells in the male and ova in the female ; and the embryoes evolved from the latter, when they have been fertilised by the agency of the former, repeat the extraordinary cycle of phenomena which has been now described, developing themselves in the first instance into hydi old polypes, from which medusoids are- subsequently budded off". ACTINOZOA 80 1 This cycle of phenomena is one of those to which the term 'alter- nation of generations' was applied by Steenstrup,1 who brought together under this designation a number of cases in which genera- tion A does not produce a form resembling itself, but a different form, B ; whilst generation B gives origin to a form which does not re- semble'itself, but returns to the form A, from which B itself sprang. It was early pointed out, however, by the Author 2 that the term ' alternation of generations ' does not appropriately represent the facts either of this case or of any of the other cases grouped under the same category, the real fact being that the two organisms, A and B, constitute two stages in the life-history of one generation, and the production of one form from the other being in only one instance by a truly generative or sexual act, whilst in the other it is by a process of gemmation or budding. Thus the Medusae of both orders (the ' naked-eyed ' and the ' covered-eyed ' of Forbes) are de- tached flower-buds, so to speak, of the hydroid zoophytes which bud them off, the zoophytic phase of life being the most conspicuous in such Thecata as Ca mpanulariida and Sertulariida, whose Medusa - buds are of small size and simple conformation, and not unfrequently do not detach themselves as independent organisms ; whilst the Medusan phase of life is the most conspicuous in the ordinary Acalephs, their zoophytic stage being passed in such obscurity as only to be detected by careful research. The Author's views on this subject, which were at first strongly contested by Professor E. Forbes, and other eminent zoologists, have now come to be generally adopted.3 Actinozoa. — Of this group the common sea-anemones may be taken as types, constituting, with their allies, the order Zoanthariay or helianthoid polypes, which have numerous tentacles disposed in several rows. Next to them come the Alcyonaria, consisting of those whose polypes, having always eight broad short tentacles, present a star-like aspect when expanded ; as is the case with various composite sponge- like bodies, unpossessed of any hard skeleton, which inhabit our own shores, and also with the red coral and the Tubipora of warmer seas, which have a stony skeleton that is internal in the first case and external in the second, as also with the sea-pens and the Gorgonice or sea-fans. A third order, Rugosa, consists of fossil corals, whose stony polyparies are intermediate in character between those of the two preceding. And lastly, the Ctenophora, free- swim- ming gelatinous animals, many of which are beautiful objects for the microscope, are by some zoologists ranked with the Actinozoa.4 Of the Zoantharia the common Actinia or ' sea anemone ' may be taken as the type, the individual polypites of all the composite fabrics included in the group being constructed upon the same model.0 1 See his treatise on The Alternation of Generations, a translation of which has been published by the Ray Society. 2 Brit, and For. Med. Chir. Review, vol. i. 1848, p. 192 et seq. 3 Compare Huxley, Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals, p. 133; and Balfour, Comparative Embryology, i. p. 151. 4 Professor Haeckel, led by the study of Ctenaria ctenophora, associates the Ctenophora with the Hydrozoa (Sitzungsber. Jenaische Gesellschaft, May 16, 1879). 5 On the anatomy of Actinia and its allies, see O. and R. Hertwig's monograph in vols. xiii. and xiv. of the Jenaische Zeitschrift. 3 F 802 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES In by far the larger proportion of these zoophytes, the bases of the polypites, as well as the soft flesh that connects together the members of aggregate masses, are consolidated by calcareous deposit into stony corals ; and the surfaces of these are beset with 'cells,' usually of a nearly circular form, each having numerous vertical plates or lamellce, radiating from its centre towards its circumference, which are formed by the consolidation of the lower portions of the radiating partitions that divide the space intervening between the stomach and the general integument of the animal into separate chambers. This arrangement is seen on a large scale in the Fungia or ' mushroom- coral ' of tropical seas, which is the stony base of a solitary anemone- like animal ; on a far smaller scale, it is seen in the little Caryo- phyllia, a like solitary anemone of our own coasts, which is scarcely distinguishable from an Actinia by any other character than the presence of this disc, and also on the surface of many of those stony corals known as 'madrepores'; whilst in Some of these the indivi- dual polype-cells are so small that the lamellated arrangement can only be made out when they are considerably magnified. Portions of the surface of such corals, or sections taken at a small depth, are very beautiful objects for low powers, the former being viewed by reflected, and the latter by transmitted light. And thin sections of various fossil corals of this group are very striking objects for the lower powers of the oxy-hydrogen microscope. An exceedingly use- ful method of preparing sections of corals has been devised by Dr. G. von Koch ; the corals with all their soft parts in plate are hardened in absolute alcohol, and then placed in a solution Of copal in chloro- form. After thorough permeation they are taken out and dried slowly until the masses become quite hard. These masses may now be cut into sections with a fine saw and rubbed down on a whetstone in the ordinary manner ; after staining, the sections may be mounted in Canada balsam. The great value of this method lies in the fact that by it the soft and hard parts are retained in their proper rela- tions with each other.1 The chief point of interest to the ■ microscopist, however, in the structure of these animals lies in the extraordinary abundance and high development of those ' filiferous capsules,' or ' thread-cells,' the presence of which on the tentacles of the hydroid polypes has been already noticed, and which are also to be found, sometimes sparingly, sometimes very abundantly, in the tentacles surrounding the mouth of the Medusa?, as well as on other parts of their bodies. If a tentacle of any of the sea-anemones so abundant on our coasts (the smaller and more transparent kinds being selected in preference) be cut off, and be subjected to gentle pressure between the two glasses of the aquatic box or the compressorium, multitudes of little dart- like organs will be seen to project themselves from its surface near its tip ; and if the pressure be gradually augmented, many additional darts will every moment come into view. Not only do these organs present different forms in different species, but even in one and the same individual very strongly marked diversities are shown, of which a few examples are given in fig. 608. At A, B, C, D is 1 See ZoohgUeher Anzeiger, i. p. 86; and Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 24. A LC YON ARIA 803 shown the appearance of the ' filiferous capsules,' whilst as yet the thread lies coiled up in their interior ; and at E, F, G, H are seen •a few of the most striking forms which they exhibit when the thread or dart has started forth. These thread-cells are found not merely in the tentacles and other parts of the external integument of Ac- tinozoa, but also in the long fila- ments which lie in coils within the chambers that surround the stomach, in contact with the sexual organs which are attached to the lamellae dividing the cham- bers. The latter sometimes con- tain ' sperm-cells ' and sometimes ova, the two sexes being here -divided, not united in the same individual. What can be the office of the filiferous filaments thus contained in the interior of the body it is difficult to guess at. They are often found to pro- trude from rents in the external tegument, when any violence has been used in detaching the animal from its base ; and when there is no external rupture they are often forced through the wall of the stomach into its cavity, and may be seen hanging out of the mouth. The largest of these capsules, in their unprotected state, are about ^ Jpijth of an inch in length ; while the thread or dart, in Coryyiactis Allmanni, when fully extended, is not less than ith of an inch or thirty of its capsule Of the Alcyonaria a character- istic example is found in the Alcy- onium digitatum of our coasts ; a lobed sponge-like mass, covered with a tough skin, which is com- monly known under the name of ' dead-man's toes,' or by the more elegant name of 'mermaid's fingers.' When a specimen of this is first torn from the rock to which it has attached itself, it -contracts into an unshapely mass, whose surface presents nothing 1 See Mr. Gosse's Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast, and Professor Mobius, ' Ueber den Bau u.s.w. der Xesselkapseln einiger Polvpen und Quallen,' in Abhandl. Naturw. Vereins zu Hamburg. Band v. 18C6. On the relations of stinging cells to the nervous system, see Dr. v. Lendenfekl, Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci° xxvii. p. 893. 3 r 2 -seven 1 ^th of times the length Fig. COS.— Filiferous capsules of Acti- nozoa : A, B, Cori/nactis Allmanni; C, E, F, Caryophi/Ui a Smitliii ; D .G, Actinia crassicornis ; H, Actinia Can- dida. n.s. 804 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES but a series of slight depressions arranged with a certain regularity. But after being immersed for a little time in a jar of sea-water the mass swells out again, and from every one of these depressions an eight-armed polype is protruded, 1 which resembles a flower of ex- quisite beauty and perfect symmetry. In specimens recently taken, each of the petal-like tentacula is seen with a hand-glass to be fur- nished with a row of delicately slender pinnae or filaments, fringing- each margin, and arching onwards ; and with a higher power these pinn?e are seen to be roughened throughout their whole length with numerous prickly rings. After a day's captivity, however, the petals shrink up into short, thick, unshapely masses, rudely notched at their edges.' (Gosse.) When a mass of this sort is cut into, it is found to be channelled out somewhat like a sponge by ramifying canals ; the vents of which open into the stomachal cavities of the polypes, which are thus brought into free communication with each other, a cha- racter that especially distinguishes this order. A movement of fluid is kept up within these canals (as may be distinctly seen through FtG. 609. — spicules of Alcyonium Fig. 010. — A, Spiculesof Gorgonia guttata ; ana" Gorgonia. B, spicules of Muricea plongata: their transparent bodies) by means of cilia lining the internal surfaces of the polypes ; but no cilia can be discerned on their external sur- faces. The tissue of this spongy polypidom is strengthened through- out, like that of sponges, with mineral spicules (always, however, cal- careous), which are remarkable for the elegance of their forms ; these are disposed with great regularity around the bases of the polypes,, and even extend part of their length upwards on their bodies. In the Gorgonia or sea-fan, whilst the central part of the polypidom is consolidated into a horny axis, the soft flesh which clothes this axis is so full of tuberculated spicules, especially in its outer layer, that, when this dries up, they form a thick yellowish or reddish incrusta- tion upon the horny stem. This crust is, however, so friable that it may be easily rubbed down between the fingers, and when examined with the microscope it is found to consist of spicules of different shapes and sizes, more or less resembling those shown in figs. 609, 610, sometimes colourless, but sometimes of a beautiful crimson, yellow, CTENOPHORA 805 or purple. These spicules are best seen by black -ground illumination, especially when viewed by ihe binocular microscope. They are, of course, to be separated from the animal substance in the same manner as the calcareous spicules of sponges ; and they should be mounted, like them, in Canada balsam. The spicules always possess' an organic basis, as is proved by the fact that when their lime is dissolved by dilute acid a gelatinous-looking residuum is left, which preserves the form of the spicule. The Ctenophora, or ' comb-bearers,' are so named from the comb- like arrangement of the rows of tiny ' paddles ' by the movement of which the bodies of these animals are propelled. A very beautiful .and not uncommon representative of this order is furnished by the Cydippe pileus (rig. 611), very commonly known as the Bcro'e, which designation, however, properly appertains to another animal (fig. 612) ■of the same grade of organisation. The body of Cydippe is a nearly Fig. CAl.—Cijdippe pileus, with Fig. 612.— Beror Forslcalu, its tentacles extended. showing the tubular pro- longations of the stomach. globular mass of soft jelly, usually about ;sHhs of an inch in diameter ; and it may be observed, even with the naked eye, to be marked by eight bright bands, which proceed from pole to pole like meridian lines. These bands are seen with the microscope to be formed of rows of flattened filaments, far larger than ordinary cilia, but lashing the water in the same manner ; they sometimes act quite independently of one another, so as to give to the body every variety of motion, but sometimes work altogether. If the sun-light should fall upon them when they are in activity, they display very beautiful iridescent •colours. In addition to these ' paddles ' the Cydipp* is furnished with a pair of long tendril-like filaments, arising from the bottom of a pair of cavities in the posterior part of the body, and furnished with lateral branches (A) ; within these cavities they may lie doubled up, so as not to be visible externally ; and when they are ejected, which often happens quite suddenly, the main filaments first come forth, and the lateral tendrils subsequently uncoil themselves, to be drawn in 3o6 SPONGES AND ZOOPHYTES again and packed up within the cavities with almost equal sudden- ness. The mouth of the animal situated at one of the poles leads- first to a quadritid cavity bounded by four folds which seem to repre- sent the oral proboscis of the ordinary Medusa? (fig. 606) ; and this leads to the true stomach, which passes towards the opposite pole, near to which it bifurcates, its branches passing towards the polar surface on either side of a little body which has every appearance of being a nervous ganglion, and which is surmounted externally by a fringe-like apparatus that seems essentially to consist of sensory tentacles.1 From the cavity of the stomach tubular prolongations- pass off beneath the ciliated bands, very much as in the true Bero'e (B). These may easily be injected with coloured liquids by the introduction of the extremity of a fine-pointed glass syringe into the mouth. The liveliness of this little creature, which may sometimes be collected in large quantities at once by the stick-net, renders it a most beautiful subject for observation when due scope is given to its movements ; but for the sake of microscopic examination, it is of course necessary to confine these. Various species of true Bero'e? some of them even attaining the size of a small lemon, are occasionally to be met with on our coasts, in all of which the movements of the body are effected by the like agency of paddles arranged in meridional bands. , These are splendidly luminous in the dark, and the lumi- nosity is retained even by fragments of their bodies, being augmented by agitation of the water containing them. All the C tenophora are reproduced from egi^s. and are already quite advanced in their deve- lopment by the time they are hatched. Long before they escape, indeed, they swim about with great activity within the walls of their diminutive prison, their rows of locomotive paddles early attaining a large size, although the long flexile tentacles of Cydippe are then only short stumpy protuberances. By (,/>/<(>i(t and Ctenoplana the Ctenophora appear to be allied to the Planarian Worms. 3 Those wlio iimv desire to acquire a more systematic and detailed acquaintance with the zoophyte group may he especially referred to the following treatises and memoirs, in addition to those alread] cited, and to the various recent systematic treatises on zoology : -Dr. Johnston's History of British Zoophytes ; Professor Milne- Edwards' 'Rechercb.es Bur Les Polypes,' and his 'Histoire des Corallaires' (in the Suites ,) Buffon 1 'aris, 1857 : Pr< ifessi >r Van Beheden, ' Bur les Tubulaires ' and ' Surles. Campanulaires,' in M&m. de VAcad. Boy.de Bruxelles, torn, xvji., and his 4 Recherehes. sur l'Hi-t. Nat. des Polypes qui freipientent les Cotes de Belgique,' op. cit. torn., xxxvi. ; Sir J. G. Daly ell's Hare and llona rlcable Annuals of Scotland, vol. i. ; Tremhlev's Mem. pour servvr & Vhistoiri d'uri gewre de "Polype d'eau donee; M. 1 It, is commonlj stated that the two branches of the alimentary canal open on tin- Burfaee hv two pores situated in the hollow of the fringe, one on either side of the nervous ganglion. The Author, however, has not been ahh: to satisfy himself of the existence of such excreton pores in the ordinary Cydippe or BeroS, although he has repeatedly in jected their whole alimentary canal and its extensions, and has atten- tively watched the currents produced by ciliary action in the interior of the hi furcat- ing prolongations, which currents always appear to him to return as from eaical extremities. He is himself inclined to believe that this arrangement has reference solely to the nutrition of the nervous ganglion and tentacular apparatus, which lies imbedded (so to speak) in the .bifurcation of the alimentary cana l, so as to he ahh: to draw its supply of nutriment direct from that cavity. ? On the anatomy of Beroe", see Eimer, Zoologische Stiidien ait f Capri. I.Ueber Jieroe OVatUS, Leipzig, 1H7:>. 3 See Korotneff, Zeitsehr.f. Wis 8. Zool. xliii. p. '24'2. CCELENTERATA 807 Hollard's ' Monographic du Genre Actinia ' in Ann. des Sci. Nat. ser. iii. torn. xv. ; Professor Max Schultze, 'On the Male Reproductive Organs of Campanularia gehtcu- lata ' in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. vol. ifl. 1855, p. 59 ; Professor F. E. Schulze's memoirs on Gordylaphora lacustris, Leipzig, 1871, and on Syncoryne, 1878 ; Professor Agassiz's beautiful monograph on American Medusae, forming the third volume of his Contri- butions to the Natural History of the United States of America; Mr. Hincks' British Hydroid Zoophytes ; Professor Allman's admirable memoirs on Cordylophora and Myriothela in the Phil. Trans, for 1853 and 1875; Professor Lacaze-Duthiers' Hist. Nat. du Corail, Paris, 1864, and his essays on the Development of Corals, in vols. i. and ii. of the Archives de Zool. experimental ; Professor J. R. Greene's Manual of the Sub-Kingdom Coslenterata, which contains a bibliography very com- plete to the date of its publication, and the articles ' Actinozoa,' ' Ctenophora,' and ' Hydrozoa ' in the supplement to the Natural History Division of the English Cyclo- paedia. The Ctenophora are specially treated of in vol. iii. of Professor Agassiz's Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. See also Professor Alex. Agassiz's Sea-side Studies in Natural History and his Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College ; Professor James Clark in American Journal of Science, ser. ii. vol. xxxv. p. 848 ; Dr. D. Macdonald in Trans. Boy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxiii. p. 515 ; Mr. H. N. Moseley, ' On the Structure of a Species of Millepora,' in Phil. Trans. 1877, p. 117, and 'On the Structure of the Siylasteridce,' ibid. 1878, p. 425; and on the Acalephce, Professor Haeckel's Beitrdge zur Natu rgeschichte der Hydromedusen ; the masterly work of the brothers Hertwig, Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Med usen, 1878 ; and the memoir of Professor Schafer, ' On the Nervous System of Aurelia aurita,' in Phil. Trans. 1878, p. 563. Of later treatises Professor Ray Lankester's article on Hydrozoa, in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; the 'Challenger' Beports of Professor Allman on the Hydroida (Plumulariidse only), Professor Haeckel on the Medusae, Professor Moseley on Deep-sea Corals, Dr. R. Hertwig on the Actiniaria, Professors. E. P. Wright and Studer on the Alcyonaria, and Mr. George Brook on the Antipatharia ; the monographs by Dr. A. Andres on Actiniae and by Dr. C. Chun on Ctenophora;, published in the Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, should be consulted. 8o8 CHAPTER XVI E CHINODEB MA T A As we ascend the scale of animal life, we meet with such a rapid advance in complexity of structure that it is no longer possible to acquaint one's self with any organism by microscopic examination of it as a whole ; and the dissection or analysis which becomes necessary, in order that each separate part may be studied in detail, belongs rather to the comparative anatomist than to the ordinary microscopist. This is especially the case with the Echinus (sea- urchin), Asterias (star-fish), and other members of the class Echino- dermata, even a general account of whose complex organisation would be quite foreign to the purpose of this work. Yet there are certain parts of their structure which furnish microscopic objects of such beauty and interest that they cannot by any means be passed by ; while the study of their embryonic forms, which can be pro- secuted by any sea- side observer, brings into view an order of facts of the highest scientific interest. It is in the structure of that calcareous skeleton which probably exists under some form in every member of this class that the ordi- nary microscopist finds- most to interest him. This attains its highest development in the Echinoidea, in which it forms a box-like shell or ' test,' composed of numerous polygonal plates jointed to each other with great exactness, and beset on its external surface with 4 spines,' which may have the form of prickles of no great length, or may be stout club-shaped bodies, or, again, may be very long and slender rods. The intimate structure of the shell is everywhere the same ; for it is composed of a net/work, which consists of carbonate of lime with a very small quantity of animal matter as a basis, and which extends in every direction (i.e. in thickness as well as in length and breadth), its areola or interspaces freely communicating with each other (figs. 613, 614). These 'areola?,' and the solid structure which surrounds them, may bear an extremely variable proportion one to the other ; so that in two masses of equal size the one or the other may greatly predominate ; and the texture may have either a re- markable lightness and porosity, if the network be a very open one, like that of fig. 613, or may possess a considerable degree of com- pactness, if the solid portion be strengthened. Generally speaking, the different layers of this network, which are connected together by pillars that pass from one to the other in a direction perpendicu- STRUCTURE OF ECHINOIDS 809 lar to their plane, are so arranged that the perforations in one shall correspond to the intermediate solid structure in the next ; and their transparence is such that when we are examining a section thin enough to contain only two or three such layers, it is easy, by properly focussing the microscope, to bring either one of them into distinct view. From this very simple but very beautiful arrange- ment, it comes to pass that the plates of which the entire ' test ' is made up possess a very considerable degree of strength, notwith- standing that their porousness is such that if a portion of a fractured edge, or any other part from which the investing membrane has been removed, be laid upon fluid of almost any description, this will be rapidly sucked up into its substance. A very beautiful example of the same kind of calcareous skeleton, having a more regular con- formation, is furnished by the disc or 1 rosette ' which is contained in the tip of every one of the tubular suckers put forth by the living Echinus from the ' ambulacral pores 5 that are seen in the rows of Pig. 613. — Section of shell of Echinus showing the calcareous network of which it is composed : a a, portions of a deeper layer. Fig. (514. — Trans- verse section of cen- tral portion of spine of Heterocen- irotus, showing its more open net- smaller plates interposed between the larger spine-bearing plates of its box-like shell. If the entire disc be cut of}', and be mounted when dry in Canada balsam, the calcareous rosette may be seen sufficiently well • but its beautiful structure is better made out when the animal membrane that incloses it has been got rid of by boiling in a solution of caustic potass ; and the appearance of one of the five segments of which it is composed, when thus prepared, is shown in fig. 616. The most beautiful display of this reticulated structure, however, is shown in the conformation of the ' spines ' of Echinus, Cidaris, &c. in which it is combined with solid ribs or pillars, disposed in such a manner as to increase the strength of these organs, a regular and •elaborate pattern being formed by their intermixture, which shows ■considerable variety in different species. When we make a thin transverse section of almost any spine belonging to the genus Echinus (the small spines of our British species, however, being exceptional in this respect) or its immediate allies, we see it to be 8io ECHIN0DER3IATA made up of a number of concentric layers, arranged in a manner that strongly reminds us of the concentric rings of an exogenous tree Fig. 615. — Transverse section of spine oiJEchinometra (fig. 615). The number of these layers is extremely variable, de- pending not merely upon the age of the spine, but (as will presently appear) upon the part of its length from which the section happens to be taken. The centre is usually occupied by a very open network (fig. 614) ; and this is bounded by a r ow of transparent spaces (like those at a ofi b b% c c', etc. fig. 617), which on a cursory in- spection might be sup- posed to be void, but are Fro. oio.— One of the segments of the calcareous found on closer examina- skeleton oi an ambulacra! disc of Echinus. tion to be the sections of solid ribs or pillars, which run in the direction of the length of the spine, and form the exterior of every layer. Their solidity becomes very obvious when we SPINES OF ECHINOIDS either examine a section of a spine whose substance is pervaded (as often happens) with a colouring matter of some depth, or when we look at a very thin section by black-ground illumination. Around the innermost circle of these solid pillars there is another layer of the calcareous network, which again is surrounded by another circle of solid pillars ; and this arrangement may be repeated many times, as shown in tig. 617, the outermost row of pillars forming the projecting ribs that are commonly to be distinguished on the surface of the spine. Around the cup-shaped base of the spine is a membrane which is continuous with that covering the surface of the shell, and serves not merely to hold down the cup upon the tubercle over which it wrorks, but also by its contractility to move the spine in any required direction. The increase in size of the spine appears to be due to the protoplasmic substance which fills up the spaces in the open network of the spine and other skeletal structures. Each new formation completely ensheathes the old ; not merely surrounding the part pre- viously formed, but also projecting considerably beyond it ; and thus it happens that the number of layers shown in a transverse section Fig. (il7. — Portion of transverse section of spine of Heterocentrotus mammillatus. will depend in part upon the place of that section. For if it cross- near the base, it will traverse every one of the successive layers from the very commencement ; whilst if it cross near the apex, it will traverse only the single layer of the last growth, notwithstanding that, in the club-shaped spines, this terminal portion may be of con- siderably larger diameter than the basal ; and in any intermediate part of the spine, so many layers will be traversed as have been formed since the spine first attained that length. The basal portion of the spine is enveloped in a reticulation of a very close texture, without concentric layers, forming the cup or socket which works over the tubercle of the shell. Their combination of elegance of pattern with richness of colour- ing renders well-prepared specimens of these spines among the most beautiful objects that the microscopist can anywhere meet with. The large spines of the various species of the genus Heterocentrotus furnish sections most remarkable for size and elaborateness, as well as for depth of colour (in which last point, however, the deep purple spines of Echinus lividus are pre-eminent) ; but for exquisite $12 ECHINODERMATA neatness of pattern there are no spines that can approach those of Echinometra (fig. 615). The spines of Stomopneustes variolaris are also remarkable for their beauty. No succession of concentric layers is seen in the spines of the British Echini, probably be- cause (according to the opinion of the late Sir J. G. Dalyell) these spines are cast off and renewed every year, each new formation thus going to make an entire spine, instead of making an addition to that previously existing. Most curious indications are some- times afforded by sections of Echinus-spines of an extraordinary power of reparation inherent in these bodies. For irregularities are often seen in the transverse sections which can be accounted for in no other way than by supposing the spines to have received an injury when the irregular part was at the exterior, and to have had its loss of substance supplied by the growth of new tissue, over which the subsequent layers have been formed as usual. And sometimes a peculiar ring may be seen upon the surface of a .spine, which indicates the place of a complete fracture, all beyond it being a new growth, whose unconformableness to the older or basal portion is clearly shown by a longitudinal section.1 The spines of Cidaris present a marked departure from the plan of structure exhibited in Echinus ; for not only are they destitute of concentric layers, but the calcareous network which forms their principal substance is incased in a solid calcareous sheath perforated with tubules, which seems to take the place of the separate pillars of the Echini. This is usually found to close in the spine at its tip also ; 1 See the Author's description of such reparations in the Monthly Microscopical Journal, vol. iii. 1870, p. 225. SPIKES ; PEDICELLAEIiE 813 and thus it would appear that the entire spine must be formed at once, since no addition could be made either to its length or to its diameter, save on the outside of the sheath, where it is never to be found. The sheath itself often rises up in prominent points or ridges on the surface of these spines; but, as is shown in fig. 618, the reticular portion may have a share in the formation of the rings. This view of the mode of formation of the Cidarid spine is con- tested by Professor Jeffrey Bell, who has brought forward 1 evidence to show that if two spines of different sizes be taken from two examples of Cidaris metularia, also differing in size, the quantity of solid calcareous sheath seen in transverse section is proportionately less in the larger than in the smaller spine ; from this he concludes that the growth is due to the internal reticulated portion rather than to the outer crust. The slender, almost filamentary spines. Fig. 619. — Spine of Spatangus. of Spatangus (fig. 619) and the innumerable minute hair-like pro- cesses attached to the shell of Clypeaster are composed of the like regularly reticulated substance 2 ; and these are very beautiful objects for the lower powers of the microscope, when laid upon a black ground and examined by reflected light without any further prepara- tion. It is interesting also to find that the same structure presents itself in the curious PediceHarw (forceps-like bodies often mounted on long stalks), which are found on the surface of many Echinida and Asterida, and the nature of which was formerly a source of much perplexity to naturalists, some having maintained that they were parasites, whilst others considered them as proper appendages of the Echinus itself. The complete conformity which exists between the structure of their skeleton and that of the animal to which they are attached removes all doubt of their being truly appendages to it, as observation of their actions in the living state would indicate.3 1 Journ. Boy. Micros. Soc. 1884, p. 845. 2 A number of rare spines are described and figured by Prof. H. W. Mackintosh in vols.xxvi. (p. 475) andxxviii. (pp. 241 and 259) of the Trans. Boy. Irish Academy. 5 Prof. Alex. Agassiz has shown the relations of the Pedicellaria? to the spines. Much information regarding the various forms of these curious bodies will be found in Professor Perrier's memoir in the Ann. Sc. Nat. (5), vols. xii. and xiii. ; Mr. Sladen's- 8 14 ECHINODERMATA Another example of the same structure is found in the peculiar iramework of plates which surrounds the interior of the oral orifice •of the shell, and which includes the five teeth that may often be seen projecting externally through that orifice, the whole forming what is known as the 1 lantern of Aristotle.' The texture of the plates or jaws resembles that of the shell in every respect, save that the network is more open ; but that of the teeth differs from it so widely as to have been likened to that of the bone and dentine of vertebrate animals. The careful investigations of Mr. James Salter,1 however, have fully demonstrated that the appearances which have suggested this comparison are to be otherwise explained, the plan of structure of the tooth being essentially the same as that of the shell, although greatly modified in its working out. The complete tooth has some- a Pig. 020. — Structure of the tooth of Echinus: A, vertical section, showing the form of the apex of the tooth as produced by wear, and retained by the relative hardness of its elementary parts; a, the clear condensed axis; b, the body formed of plates; c, the so-called enamel; a, the keel. B, commencing growth of the tooth, as seen at its base, showing its two sys- tems of plates ; the dark appearance in the central portion of the upper part is produced by the incipient reticulations of the flabelliform processes. C, transverse section of the tooth, showing at a the ridge of the keel ; at b its lateral portion, resembling the shell in texture ; at c c, the enamel. what the form of that of the front tooth of a rodent, save that its concave side is strengthened by a projecting ' keel,' so that a trans- verse section of the tooth presents the form of a J_. This keel is composed of cylindrical rods of carbonate of lime, having club-shaped ■extremities lying obliquely to the axis of the tooth (fig. 620, A, d) ; these rods do not adhere very firmly together, so that it is difficult to keep them in their places in making sections of the part. The essay in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vi.p. 101 ; and M. Foettinger's paper in vol. ii. p. 455, of the Archives de Biologie. 1 See his memoir, ' On the Structure and Growth of the Tooth of Echinus,' in Phil. Trans, for 1861, p. 887. See also Giesbrecht, ' Der feinere Bau der Seeigel- zahne,' Murph. Jahrbuch, vi. p. 79. CALCAREOUS TISSUE 8l5 •convex surface of the tooth (c, c, c) is covered with a firmer layer, which has received the name of 'enamel.' This is composed of shorter rods, also obliquely arranged, but having a much more intimate mutual adhesion than we find among the rods of the keel. The principal part of the substance of the tooth (A, b) is made up of what may be called the 'primary plates.' These are triangular plates •of calcareous shell-substance, arranged in two series (as shown at B), and constituting a sort of framework with which the other parts to be presently described become connected. These plates may be seen by examining the growing base of an adult tooth that has been preserved with its attached soft parts in alcohol, or (which is preferable) by examining the base of the tooth of a fresh specimen, the minuter the better. The lengthening of the tooth below, as it is worn away above, is mainly effected by the successive addition of new ' primary plates.' To the outer edge of the primary plates at some little distance from the base we find attached a set of lappet- like appendages, which are formed of similar plates of calcareous shell-substance, and are denominated by Mr. Salter ' secondary plates.' Another set of appendages termed ' flabelliform processes ' is added at some little distance from the growing base ; these consist of elaborate reticulations of calcareous fibres, ending in fan- shaped extremities. And at a point still further from the base we find the •different components of the tooth connected together by ' soldering particles,' which are minute calcareous discs interposed between the previously formed structures ; and it is by the increased develop- ment of this connective substance that the intervening spaces are narrowed into the semblance of tubuli like those of bone or dentine. Thus a vertical section of the tooth comes to present an appearance very like that of the bone of a vertebrate animal, with its lacuna?, canaliculi, and lamella ; but in a transverse section the body of the tooth bears a stronger resemblance to dentine ; whilst the keel and enamel layer more resemble an oblique section of Pinna than any •other form of shell-structure. The calcareous plates which form the less compact skeletons of the Asteroidea (' star-fish ' and their allies) and of the Ophiuroidea ('sand-stars ' and 'brittle stars') have the same texture as those of the shell of Echinus. And this presents itself, too, in the spines or prickles of their surface when these (as in the great Goniaster equestris or 'knotty cushion-star') are large enough to be furnished with a calcareous framework. An example of this kind, furnished by the Astrophijton, is represented in fig. 621. The spines with which the arms of the species of Ophiothrix (' brittle star ') are beset are often remarkable for their beauty of conformation ; those of 0. penta- phyUum, one of the most common kinds, might serve (as Professor E. Forbes justly remarked), in point of lightness and beauty, as Fig. 621. — Calcareous plate and claw of Astrophijton. 8i6 ECHINODERMATA models for the spire of a cathedral. These are seen to the greatest advantage when mounted in Canada balsam, and viewed by the binocular microscope with black-ground, illumination. It is inter- esting to remark that the minute tooth of Ophiothrix clearly exhibits, with scarcely any preparation, that gradational transition between the ordinary reticular structure of the shell and the peculiar sub- stance of the tooth which in the adult tooth of the Echinus can only be traced by making sections of it near its base. The tooth of Ophiothrix may be mounted in balsam as a transparent object with scarcely any grinding down ; and it is then seen that the basal por- tion of the tooth is formed upon the open reticular plan characteristic of the * shell,' whilst this is so modified in the older portion by sub- sequent addition that the upper part of the tooth has a bone- like character. The calcareous skeleton is very highly developed in the Crinoidea, their stems and branches being made up of a calcareous network closely resembling that of the shell of the Echinus. This is extremely well seen, not only in the recent Pentacrinns asterius, a somewhat rare animal of the West Indian seas, but also in a large proportion of the fossil crinoids, whose remains are so abundant in many of the older geological formations ; for, notwithstanding that these bodies have been penetrated in the act of fossilisation by a mineral infiltra- tion, which seems to have substituted itself for the original fabric (a regularly crystalline cleavage being commonly found to exist in the fossil stems of Encrinites, Arc. as in the fossil spines of Echinida), yet their organic structure is often most perfectly preserved.1 In the circular stems of Encrinites the texture of the calcareous net- work is uniform, or nearly so, throughout ; but in the pentangular l'> ntacrini a certain figure or pattern is formed by variations of texture in different parts of the transverse section.2 The minute structure of the shells, spines, and other solid parts of the skeleton of Echinodermata can only be displayed by thin sections made upon the general plan already described in Chapter VI. But their peculiar texture requires that certain precautions should be taken ; in the first place, in order to prevent the section from breaking whilst being reduced to the desirable thickness ; and in the second, to prevent the interspaces of the network from being- clogged by the particles abraded in the reducing process, an illus- tration of a section cut from a spine of Echinometra is given in fig. 615. A section of the shell, spine, or other portion of the skeleton should first be cut with a fine saw, and be rubbed on a flat file until it is about as thin as ordinary card, after which it should be smoothed on one side by friction with water on a Water-of-Ayr 1 The < ( -iii-ecus skeleton even of living Echinoderms has a crystalline aggregation, as is very obvious in the more solid spines of Echinovictra- &C. ; for it is difficult, in sawing these across, to avoid their tendency to cleavage in the oblique plane of calcite. And the Author is informed by Mr. Sorby that the calcareous deposit which fills up the areola- of the fossilised skeleton has always the same crystalline system with the skeleton itself, as is shown not merely by the uniformity of their cleavage, but by their similar action on polarised light. 8 See figs. 74-7C> of the Author's memoir on ' Shell Structure ' in the Heport of the British Association, 1847. PREPARING SPIXES 8l7 stone. It should then, after careful washing, be dried, first on white blotting-paper, afterwards by exposure for some time to a gentle heat, so that no water may be retained in the interstices of the net- work which would oppose the complete penetration of the Canada balsam^ Xext, it is to be attached to a glass slip by balsam hardened in the usual manner ; but particular care should be taken, first, that the balsam be brought to exactly the right degree of hardness, and second, that there be enough not merely to attach the specimen to the glass, but also to saturate its substance throughout. The right degree of hardness is that at which the balsam can be with difficulty indented by the thumb-nail ; if it be made harder than this, it is apt to chip off the glass in grinding, so that the specimen also breaks away ; and if it be softer, it holds the abraded particles, so that the openings of the network become clogged with them. If, when rubbed down nearly to the required thinness, the section appears to be uniform and satisfactory throughout, the reduction may be com- pleted without displacing it ; but if (as often happens) some inequality in thickness should be observable, or some minute air-bubbles should show themselves between the glass and the under surface, it is desir- able to loosen the specimen by the application of just enough heat to melt the balsam (special care being taken to avoid the production of fresh air-bubbles) and to turn it over so as to attach the side last polished to the glass, taking care to remove or to break with the needle point any air-bubbles that there may be in the balsam covering the part of the glass on which it is laid. The surface now brought uppermost is then to be very carefully ground down, special care being taken to keep its thickness uniform through every part (which may be even better judged of by the touch than by the eye), and to carry the reducing process far enough, without carrying it too far. Until practice shall have enabled the operator to judge of this by passing his finger ^ver the specimen, he must have con- tinual recourse to the microscope during the latter stages of his work ; and he should bear constantly in mind that, as the specimen will become much more translucent when mounted in balsam and covered with glass than it is when the ground surface is exposed, he need not carry his reducing process so far as to produce at once the entire translucence he aims at, the attempt to accomplish which would involve the risk of the destruction of the specimen. In ' mounting ' the specimen liquid balsam should be employed, and only a very gentle heat (not sufficient to produce air-bubbles or to loosen the specimen from the glass) should be applied ; and if, after it has been mounted, the section should be found too thick, it will be easy to remove the glass cover and to reduce it further, care being taken to harden to the proper degree the balsam which has been newly laid on. If a number of sections are to be prepared at once (which it is often useful to do for the sake of economy of time, or in order to compare sections taken from different parts of the same spine), this may be most readily accomplished by laying them down, when cut off by the saw, without any preliminary preparation save the blow- ing of the calcareous dust from their surfaces, upon a thick slip of 3 G 8i8 ECHINODERMATA glass well covered with hardened balsam ; a large proportion of its surface may thus be occupied by the sections attached to it, the chief precaution required being that all the sections come into equally close contact with it. Their surfaces may then be brought to an exact level by rubbing them down, first upon a flat piece of grit (which is very suitable for the rough grinding of such sections) and then upon a large Water-of-Ayr stone whose surface is 1 true. When this level has been attained the ground surface is to be well washed and dried, and some balsam previously hardened is to be spread over it, so as to be sucked in by the sections, a moderate heat being at the same time applied to the glass slide ; and when this has been increased sufficiently to loosen the sections without over- heating the balsam, the sections are to be turned over, one by one, so that the ground surfaces are now to be attached to the glass slip, special care being taken to press them all into close contact with it. They are then to be very carefully rubbed down, until they are nearly reduced to the required thinness ; and if, on examining them from time to time, their thinness should be found to be uniform throughout, the reduction of the entire set may be completed at once ; and when it has been carried sufficiently far, the sections, loosened by warmth, are to be taken up on a camel-hair brush dipped in turpen- tine, and transferred to separate slips of glass whereon some liquid balsam has been previously laid, in which they are to be mounted in the usual manner. It more frequently happens, however, that, not- withstanding every care, the sections, when ground in a number together, are not of uniform thickness, owing to some of them being underlaid by a thicker stratum of balsam than others ; and it is then necessary to transfer them to separate slips before the reducing process is completed, attaching them with hardened balsam, and finishing each section separately. A very curious internal skeleton, formed of detached plates or spicules, is found in many members of this class, often forming an investment like a coat of mail to some of the viscera, especially the ovaries. The forms of these plates and spicules are generally so diverse, even in closely allied species, as to afford very good differ- ential characters. This subject is one that has been as yet but very little studied, Mr. Stewart being the only microscopist who has given much attention to it, 1 but it is well worthy of much more extended research. It now remains for us to notice the curious and often very beauti- ful structures, which represent, in the class Holotliurioidea the solid calcareous skeleton of the classes already noticed. The greater number of the animals belonging to this order are distinguished by the flexibility and absence of firmness of their envelopes ; and ex- cepting in the case of the various species which have a set of calcar- eous plates, disposed around the wall of the pharynx, we do not find among them any representation, that is apparent to the unassisted eye, of that skeleton which constitutes so distinctive a feature of the 1 See his memoir in the Linnean Transactions, xxv. p. 365 ; see also Bell, Journ. Boy. Micros. Soc. 1882, p. 227. HOLOTHURIA.N SPICULES 819 class generally.1 But a microscopic examination of their integument at once brings to view the existence of great numbers of minute isolated plates, every one of them presenting the characteristic re- ticulated structure, which are set with greater or less closeness in Fig. 622. — Holothurioidea : I, Stiphopus Kefersteinii ; a, calcareous plate of same ; b, c, calcareous plates of Holothnria vagabunda ; d, the same of H. inhabilis ; e, the same of H. botellus ; /, of El. partialis ; g, of H. edulis. the substance of the skin. Various forms of the plates which thus present themselves in Holothuria are shown in fig. 622. In the Synapta, one of the long-bodied forms of this order, which abounds in the Mediterranean Sea, and of which two species (the S. digitata and S. inhcerens) occasionally occur upon our own coasts,'2 the cal- careous plates of the integument have the regular form shown at A, A B C Fig. 623. — Calcareous skeleton of Si/napta : A, plate imbedded in skin ; B, the same, with its anchor-like spine attached ; C, anchor- like spine separated. fig. 623 ; and each of these carries the curious anchor-like appendage C, which is articulated to it by the notched piece at the foot, in the manner shown (in side view) at B. The anchor-like appendages 1 For an account of a very remarkable form see Moseley ' On the Pharynx of an unknown Holothurian, of the family Dendrochirota?, in which the calcareous skeleton is remarkably developed,' Quart. Journ. Micros. Sri. n.s. xxiv. p. 255. - ' On the spicules of Synapta, together with some general remarks on the archi- tecture of Echinoderm spicules,' consult R. Semon. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. p. 272. 3 g 2 820 E C HINODE KM AT A project from the surface of the skin, and may be considered as re- presenting the spines of Echinida. Nearly allied to the Synapta is- the Chiridota, the integument of which is entirely destitute of ' an- chors,' but is furnished with very remarkable wheel-like plates.; those represented in fig. 624 are found in the skin of Chiridota violacea, & species inhabiting the western parts of the Indian Ocean. These ' wheels ' are objects of singular beauty and delicacy, being especially remarkable for the very minute notching (scarcely to be discerned in the figures without the aid of a magnifying glass) which is traceable round the inner margin of their ' tires.' There can be scarcely any reasonable doubt that almost every member of this class has some kind of calcareous skeleton disposed in a manner conform- able to the examples now cited ; and it is now generally acknow- ledged that the marked peculiarities by which they are respectively distinguished are most useful in the determination of genera and species.1 The plates may be obtained separately by the usual method of treating the skin with a solution of potass, and they should be mounted in Canada balsam. But their posi- tion in the skin can only be ascertained by making sections of the integument, both vertical and parallel to its surface ; and Fig. 624.-Wheel-like plates from skin of these sections, when dry, are Chiridota viola ecu. most advantageously mounted in the same medium, by which their transparence is greatly increased. All the objects of this class are most beautifully displayed by the black-ground illumination, and their solid forms are seen with increased effect under the binocular. The black-ground illumination applied to very thin sections of Echinus spines brings out some effects of marvellous beauty ; and even in these the solid form of the network connecting the pillars is better seen with the binocular than it can be with the ordinary microscope.2 Echinoderm Larvae. —We have now to notice that most remark- able set of objects furnished to the microscopic inquirer by the larval states of this class ; for our knowledge of which we are chiefly in- debted to the painstaking and widely extended investigations of Professor J. Midler.3 All that our limits permit is a notice of two of the most curious forms of these larv a' by way of sample of the won- 1 No systematic account of a species of Holothurian can be regarded as complete which does not contain an account of the form of its spicules, when these are present. Figures of various forms will he found in Professor Kemper's Reise.n im Archipel tier Philippine u : Holot Itii rieu, Dr. Theel's ' Challenger ' Reports, and the memoirs of Professors Bell, Ludvvig, and Selenka. 2 It may be here pointed out that the reticulated appearance is sometimes de- ceptive, what seems to be solid network being in many instances a hollow network of passages channelled out in a solid calcareous substance. Between these two con- ditions, in which the relation between the solid framework and the intervening space is completely reversed, there is every intermediate gradation. 5 Of later works consult especially the ' Selections from Embryological Mono- graphs, ii. Echinodermata,' edited by Mr. A. Agassi/,, in vol. ix. of the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology LARVAL ECHINODERMS 821 derful phenomena which his researches brought to light, and to which the attention of microscopists who have the opportunity of studying them should be the more assiduously directed, as even the most deli- cate of these organisms have been found capable of such perfect preservation as to admit of being studied, when mounted as pre- parations, even better than when alive. The larval zooids have, by secondary adaptations to their mode of life, acquired a type quite different from that which characterises the adults ; for instead of a radial symmetry they exhibit a bilateral, the two sides being pre- cisely alike, and each having a ciliated fringe along the greater part or the whole of its leno-th. The two fringes are united by a superior and an inferior trans- verse ciliated band, and be- tween these two the mouth of the zooid is always situated. The external forms of these larva3, however, vary in a most remarkable degree, owing to the unequal evolution of their dif- ferent parts : and there is also a considerable diversity in the several orders as to the propor- tion of the fabric of the larva which enters into the compo- sition of the adult form. When the young begins to acquire the characters of the fully developed star-fish and sea-urchin, the parts which are not retained shrivel up, and their substance goes to feed the young form. One of the most remarkable forms of Echinoderm larva? is that which has received the name of Bvpinnaria (tig. 625), from the symmetrical arrange- ment of its natatory organs. The mouth (a), which opens in the middle of a transverse furrow, leads through an oesophagus, a', to a large stomach, around which the body of a star-tish is developing itself ; and on one side of this mouth are observed the intestinal tube and anus (6). On either side of the anterior portion of the body are six or more narrow tin-like appendages, which are fringed with cilia ; and the posterior part of the body is prolonged into a sort of pedicle, bilobed towards its extremity, which also is covered with cilia. The organisation of this larva seems completed, and its movements through the water become very active, before the mass at its anterior extremity presents anything of the aspect of the star-tish, in this respect corresponding with the movements of the Pluteus of the Echinoidea. The temporary mouth of the larva does not remain as the permanent mouth of the star-tish ; for the ceso- Fig. 625. — Bipinnaria asterigera, or larva of star-fish: a, month; a', oesophagus ; b, intestinal tube and anal orifice ; c, furrow in which the mouth is situated; dd\ bi- lobed peduncle ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ciliated arms. 822 ECHINODERMATA phagus of the latter enters on what is to become the dorsal side of its body, and the true mouth is subsequently formed by the thinning away of the integument on its ventral surface. The young star-fish is separated from the Bipinnarian larva by the forcible contractions of the connecting stalk, as soon as the calcareous consolidation of its integument has taken place and its true mouth has been formed, but long before it has attained the adult condition ; and as its ulterior development has not hitherto been observed in any instance, it is not yet known what are the species in which this mode of evolution prevails. The larval zooid continues active for several days after its detachment ; and it is possible, though perhaps scarcely probable,, that it may develop another asteroid by a repetition of this process of gemmation. In the Bipinnaria, as in other larval zooids of the Asieroidea, there is no internal calcareous framework ; such a framework, how- ever, is found in the larvae of the Eehinoidea and Ophiuroidea, of which the form delineated in fig. 626 is an example. The embryo issues from the ovum as soon as it has attained, by repeated ' seg- mentation ' of the yolk, the condition of the ' mulberry mass, ' and the superficial cells of this are covered with cilia by whose agency it swims freely through the water. So rapid are the early processes of development that no more than from twelve to twenty-four hours intervene between fecundation and the emersion of the embryo, the division into two, four, or even eight segments taking place within three hours after impregnation. Within a few hours after its emersion the embryo changes from the spherical into a sub- pyramidal form with a flattened base ; and in the centre of this base is a depression, which gradually deepens, so as to form a mouth that communicates with a cavity in the interior of the body which is surrounded by a portion of the yolk-mass that has returned to the liquid granular state. Subsequently a short intestinal tube is found, with an anal orifice opening on one side of the body. The pyramid is at first triangular, but it afterwards becomes quadrangular ; and the angles are greatly prolonged round the mouth (or base), whilst the apex of the pyramid is somH hues much extended in the opposite direction, but is sometimes rounded off into a kind of dome (fig. 626, A). All parts of this curious body, and especially its most projecting portions, are strengthened by a framework of thread-like calcareous rods (e). In this condition the embryo swims freely through the water, being propelled by the action of the cilia, which clothe the four angles of the pyramid and its projecting arms, and which are sometimes thickly set upon two or four projecting lobes (/) ; and it has received the designation of PI ulcus. The mouth is. usually surrounded by a sort of proboscis, the angles of which are prolonged into four slender processes (g, ni of Antedon rosaccus,' Part I. in Phil. Trans. 18(50, p. 071." ANTEDON 825 so that, DOtwithstandingits locomotive power, it is nearly as station- ary in its free adult condition as it is in its earlier pentacrinoid stage. The pentacrinoid larva1 — first discovered by Mr. J. V. Thompson, of Cork, in 1823, but originally supposed by him to be a permanently attached Crinoid — forms a most beautiful object for the lower powers of the microscope, when well preserved in fluid, and viewed by a strong incident light (fig. 628, 3); and a series of specimens in different stages of development shows most curious modifications in the form and arrangement of the various component pieces of its calcareous skeleton. In its earliest stage (fig. 628, 1) the body is inclosed in a oalyx composed of two circles of plates, namely, five basals, forming a sort of pyramid whose apex points downwards, and is attached to the highest joint of the stem ; and five orals superposed on these, forming when closed a like pyramid whose apex points upwards, but usually separating to give passage to the tentacles, of which a circlet surrounds the mouth. In this con- dition there is no rudiment of arms. In the more advanced stage shown at 2, the arms have begun to make their appearance, and the skeleton when carefully examined is found to consist of the following pieces, as shown in fig. 628, 1, b, b, the circlet of basals supported on the top of the stem ; r\ the circle of first radiate, now interposed between the basals and the orals, and alternating with both ; between two of these is interposed the single anal plate a ; whilst they support the second and the third radial s (r2, r3), from the latter of which the bifurcating arms spring ; finally, between the second radials we see the five orals lifted from the basals on which they originally rested by the interposition of the first radials. In the more advanced stage shown in fig. 628, 3, we find the highest joint of the stem beginning to enlarge, to form the centro-dors, 0, orals; cir, dorsal cirrhi> developed from the highest joint of the stem. ANTEDON 827 basah', on which rest the first radials (rl) ; whilst the anal plate is now lifted nearly to the level of the second radials (r-) by the development of the anal funnel or vent to which it is attached. The oral plates are not at first apparent, as they no longer occupy their first position ; but on being carefully looked for they are found still to form a circlet around the mouth (3, o, 0), not having undergone any increase in size, whilst the visceral disc and the calyx in which it is lodged have greatly extended. These oral plates finally dis- appear by absorption ; while the basals are at first concealed by the great enlargement of the centro-dorsal (which finally extends so far as to conceal the first radials also) ; and at last undergo metamor- phosis into a beautiful ' rosette,' which lies between the cavity of the centro-dorsal and that of the calyx. In common with other members- of its class, the Antedon is represented in its earliest phase of develop- ment by a free-swimming ' larval zooid ' or pseudembryo, which was. first observed by Busch, and has been since carefully studied by Professors Wyville Thomson 1 and Goette.2 This zooid has an elongated egg-like form, and is furnished with transverse bands of cilia and with a mouth and anus of its own. After a time, how- ever, rudiments of the calcareous plates forming the stem and calyx begin to show themselves in its interior ; a disc is then formed at the posterior extremity by which it attaches itself to a sea-weed (very commonly Laminaria), zoophyte, or polyzoary ; the calyx containing the true stomach, with its central mouth surrounded by tentacles, is gradually evolved ; and the sarcodic substance of the pseudembryo, by which this calyx and the rudimentary stem were originally in- vested, gradually shrinks, until the young pentacrinoid presents itself in its characteristic form and proportions.3 1 ' On the Development of Antedon rosaceus' in Phil. Trans, for 1865, p. 518. 2 Archiv f. Mikrosk. Anat. Bd. xii. p. 583. 5 The general results of the Author's own later studies of this most interesting type (the key to the life-history of the entire geological succession of Crinoidea) are embodied in a notice communicated to the Proceedings of the Boy at Society for 1876, p. 211, and in a subsequent note, p. 451. Of the further contributions recently made to our knowledge of it the memoir of Dr. H Ludwig ' Zur Anatomie der Crinoideen ' (Leipzig, 1877), forming part of his Morphologische Studien an Echino- dermen, is the most important. Those who wish to carry further their study of the Crinoidea should consult the two monographs by Dr. P. Herbert Carpenter in the ' Challenger' Reports. 828 CHAPTER XVII POLYZOA AND TUNICATA As in previous editions of this work the Author followed the pre- valent habit of regarding the Polyzoa and Tunicata as structurally allied, and as it would be necessary to entirely recast the work were the two groups to be now otherwise dealt with, and as, tinally, there is no real inconvenience or impropriety in discussing them in one chapter, it is proposed to continue, with this word of warning, the original arrangement of the Author. Some members of both these groups are found on almost every coast, and are most interesting objects for anatomical examination, as well as for observation in the living state. Polyzoa. — The group which is known under this name to British naturalists (corresponding with that which by Continental zoologists is designated Bryozoa) was formerly ranked as an order of zoophytes, and it has been entirely by microscopic study that its comparatively high organisation has been ascertained. The animals of the Polyzoa, in consequence of their universal tendency to multiplication by gemmation, are seldom or never found solitary, but form clusters or colonies of various kinds ; and as each is inclosed in either a horny or a calcareous sheath or ' cell,' a composite structure is formed, closely corresponding with the 4 polypidom ' of a zoophyte, which has been appropriately designated the polyzoary. The individual cells of the polyzoary are sometimes only connected with each other by their common relation to a creeping stem or stolon^ as in Lagun* cula (fig. 029) ; but more frequently they bud forth directly, one from another, and extend themselves in different directions over plane surfaces, as is the case with Fhi8trcei Lepralice, &c. (fig. 630) ; whilst not unfrequently the polyzoary develops itself into an arborescent structure (fig. 031), which may even present somewhat of the density and massiveness of the stony corals. Each individual is composed externally of a sort of sac, of which the outer or tegumentary layer is either simply membranous, or is horny, or in some instances calcified, so as to form the cell ; this investing sac is lined by a more delicate membrane, which closes its orifice, and which then becomes continuous with the wall of the alimentary canal ; this lies freely in the visceral sac, floating (as it were) in the liquid which it contains. The principal features in tin? structure of this group will be hcst understood from the examination of a characteristic example, such as the Layimcula repem, which is shown in the state of expansion at A, fig. 629, and in the state of contraction at B and C. The mouth is POLYZOA 829 surrounded by a circle of tubular tentacles, which are clothed by vibratile cilia ; these tentacles, in the species we are considering, vary from ten to twelve in number, but in some other instances they are more numerous. By the ciliary investment of the tentacles the Polyzoa are at once dis- tinguishable from those hydroid polypes to which they bear a superficial resemblance, and with which they were at one time con- founded ; and accord- ingly, whilst still ranked among zoophytes, they were characterised as ciliobrachiate. The ten- tacula are seated upon an annular disc, which is termed the lopho- pltore, and which forms the roof of the visceral or perigastric cavity ; and this cavity extends itself into the interior of the tentacula,1 through perforations in the lo- phophore, as is shown at D, fig. 630, representing a portion of the ten- tacular circle on a larger scale, a a being the tentacula, b h their internal canals, c the muscles of the tentacula, d the lophophore, and e its retractile muscles. The mouth situated in the centre of the lopho- phore, as shown at A, leads to a funnel-shaped cavity or pharynx, b, which is separated from the oesophagus, d, by a valve at c ; and this oesophagus opens into the stomach, wrhich occupies a considerable part of the visceral cavity. (In the Bawer- 1 This communication between the tentacular and visceral cavities is denied by Dr. Vigelius, who has recently made a careful search for it. Fig. 629.— Structure of Laguncula repenH{X&\\ Bene- den). A, polypide expanded ; B, polypide retracted ; C, another view of the same, with the visceral apparatus in outline, that the manner in which it is doubled on itself, with the tentacular crown and muscular svstem, may be more distinctly seen : a a, tentacula; b, pharynx; c, pharyngeal valve; d, oesophagus; e, stomach; /, its pyloric orifice; <7, cilia on its inner surface ; //, biliary follicles lodged in its wall; f, intestine; k, particles of excremen- titious matter ; 1, anal orifice; TO, testis ; n, ovary; 0, ova lying loose in the perivisceral cavity ; p, out- let for their discharge ; q, spermatozoa in the peri- visceral cavity ; r, s, t, u, v, iv, x, muscles. D, por- tion of the lophophore more enlarged: a a, tenta- cula ; b b, their internal canals ; c, their muscles ; (J, lophophore ; e, its retractor muscles. POLYZOA AND TUNICATA bankia and some other Polyzoa a muscular stomach or gizzard for the trituration of the food intervenes between the oesophagus and the true digestive stomach.) The walls of the stomach, It, have consider- able thickness, and the epithelial cells which line them seem to have the character of a rudimentary digestive gland. This, however, is more obvious in some other members of the group. The stomach is lined, especially at its upper part, with vibratile cilia, as seen at c, g ; .and by the action of these the food is kept in a state of constant agitation during the digestive process. From the upper part of the stomach, which is (as it were) doubled upon itself, the intestine (i) opens, by a pyloric orifice,/', which is furnished with a regular valve ; within the intestine are seen at k particles of excrementitious matter which are discharged by the anal orifice at I. No special circulating apparatus here exists ; but the liquid which fills the cavity that sur- rounds the viscera con- tains the nutritive matter which has been prepared by the diges- tive operation, and which has transuded through the walls of the alimentary canal ; a few corpuscles of ir- regular size are seen to float in it. No other respiratory organs exist than the tentacula, into whose cavity the nutri- tive fluid is probably sent from the peri- visceral cavity for aera- tion by the current of water that is continu- ally flowing over them. The production of gemmae or buds may take place either from the bodies of the polypides themselves, which is what always happens when the cells are in mutual apposition, or from the connecting stmi or ' stolon,' where the cells are distinct one from the other, as in L;i0. — Cells of Polyzoa : A, Masttgopliora Hyiirf- mawni\ B, Cribrilina figularis] C, Umbouula verrucosa. POLYZOA 83 1 into new polypides around it ; and these in their turn produce buds iroin their unattached margins, so as rapidly to augment the number •of cells. To this extension there seems no definite limit, and it often happens that the cells in the central portion of the leaf -like expan- sion of a Flustra are devoid of contents and have lost their vitality, whilst the edges are in a state of active growth. 1 Independently of their propagation by gemmation, the Polyzoa have a true sexual .generation, the sexes, however, being usually, if not invariably, united in the same polypides. The sperm-cells are developed in a glandular body, the testis, m, which lies beneath the base of the stomach, or -they are developed from large portions of the inner surface of the body- wall ; when mature they rupture, and set free the spermatozoa, q q, which swim freely in the liquid of the visceral cavity. The ova, on the other hand, are formed in an ovarium, n, which is lodged in the membrane lining the tegumentary sheath near its outlet or is placed near the end of the c?ecal process of the stomach ; the ova, liaving escaped from this into the visceral cavity, as at 0, are fer- tilised by the spermatozoa which they there meet with, and are finally discharged by an outlet at p, beneath the tentacular circle. These creatures possess a considerable number of muscles, by which their bodies may be projected from their sheaths, or drawn within them ; of these muscles, r, s, t, it, v, w, x, the direction and points of attachment sufficiently indicate the uses ; they are for the most part retractors, serving to draw in and double up the body, to fold together the circle of tentacula, and to close the aperture of the sheath, when the animal has been completely withdrawn into its interior. The projection and expansion of the animal, on the con- trary, appear to be chiefly accomplished by a general pressure upon the sheath, which will tend to force out all that can be expelled from it. The tentacles themselves are furnished with distinct muscular fibres, by which their separate movements seem to be produced. At the base of the tentacular circle, just above the anal orifice, is a small body (seen at A, «), which is a nervous ganglion ; as yet no branches have been distinctly seen to be connected with it in this species ; but its character is less doubtful in some other Polyzoa. Besides the independent movements of the individual polypides, other movements may be observed, which are performed by so many of them simulta- neously as to indicate the existence of some connecting agency ; and such connecting agency, it is affirmed by Dr. Fritz Miiller,2 is fur- nished by what he terms a 'colonial nervous system.' In a Seria- laria having a branching polyzoary that spreads itself on sea-weeds over a space of three or four inches, he states that a nervous ganglion may be distinguished at the origin of each branch, and another ganglion at the origin of each polypide-bud, all these ganglia being connected together, not merely by principal trunks, but also by plexuses of nerve-fibres, which may be distinctly made 1 For further details consult Haddon ' On Budding in Polyzoa,' Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. xxiii. p. 516. - See his memoir in Wiegmami's Archiv, 1860, p. 311, translated in Quart. Journ. of Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. i. 1861, p. 300 ; Rev. T. Hincks' ' Note on the Movements of the Vibracula in Caberea bori/i, and on the supposed common Nervous System in the Polyzoa,' Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. xviii. p. 7. 832 POLYZOA AND TUNICATA out with the aid of chromic acid in the cylindrical joints of the poly- zoary. His views, however, have not been universally accepted, observers of great histological experience maintaining that what he regards as nerve-fibres are only connective tissue. Of all the Polvzoa of our own coasts the Membra n iporidce, or 'sea-mats' (Flustra, Membranipora) are the most common; these present flat expanded surfaces resembling in form those of many sea- weeds (for which they are often mistaken), but exhibiting, when viewed with even a low magnifying power, a most beautiful network, which at once indicates their real character. The cells are generally arranged, on both sides, and it was calculated by Dr. Grant that as a single square inch of an ordinary Flustra contains 1,800 such cells, and as an average specimen presents about ten square inches of surface, it will consist of no fewer than 18,000 polypides. The want of transparence in the cell- wall, however, and the infrequency with which the animal projects its body far beyond the mouth of the cell, render the species of this genus less favourable subjects for micro- scopic examination than are those of the Bowerbankia, a polyzoon with a trailing stem and separated cells like those of Laguncula, which is very commonly found clustering around the base of masses of Flustrse. It was in this that many of the details of the organisation of the interesting group we are considering were first studied by Dr. A. Farre, who discovered it in 18-">7, and subjected it to a far more minute examination than any polyzoon had previously received ;' and it is one of the best adapted of all the marine forms yet known for the display of the beauties and wonders of this type of organisa- tion. The Alcyonidium, however, is one of the most remarkable of all the marine forms for the comparatively large size of the tentacular crowns, these, when expanded, being very distinctly visible to the naked eye, and presenting a spectacle of the greatest beauty when viewed under a sufficient magnifying power. The polyzoary of this genus has a spongy aspecl and texture, very much resembling that of certain Alcvonian zoophytes, for which it might readily be mistaken when its contained animals are all withdrawn into their cells ; when these are expanded, however, the aspect of the two is altogether different, as the minute plumose tufts which then issue from the surface of the Alcyonidium, making it look as if it were covered with the most delicate downy film, are in striking contrast with the larger solid-looking polypes of the Alcyonium. The opacity of the polyzoa ry of the Alcyonidium renders it quite unsuitable for the examination of anything more than the tentacular crown and the (esophagus which it surmount s, the stomach and the remainder of the visceral appa- ratus being always retained within the cell. It furnishes, however, a most beautiful object for the binocular microscope, when mounted with all its polypides expanded.'- Several of the fresh -water Polyzoa are peculiarly interesting subjects for microscopic examination, alike 1 See his memoir ' On the Minute Structure of Home of the Higher Forma of Polypi,' in the Phil. Trana. for ls;57, p. 887. 2 Mr. J. Lamas has recently detected calcareous spicules in Alegonidiii m geloti- nosnm, and finds that they are more abundant in older than in younger colonies. See Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, v. p. '241. GEOUPS OF POLYZOA *33 on account of the remarkable distinctness with which the various parts of their organisation may be seen and the very beautiful man- ner in which their ciliated tentacula are arranged upon a deeply crescentic or horse-shoe -shaped lophophore. By this peculiarity the fresh-water Polyzoa are distinguished from the marine ; and they, with -the marine Eltabdopleura, may be further distinguished by the possession of an epistome, or movable process above the mouth, whence Professor Allman calls them the Pkylactolcemata, as com- pared with the others which are Gymnolcemata, or have no epistome. The cells of the Pkylactolcemata are for the most part lodged in a sort of gelatinous sub-stratum which spreads over the leaves of aquatic plants, sometimes forming masses of considerable size ; but in the very curious and beautiful Cristate!! a the polyzoary is un- attached, so as to be capable of moving freely through the water. 1 In the marine Polyzoa, constituting by far the most numerous division of the class, the anus either opens outside (Ectoprocta) or within (Entoprocta) the circlet of tentacles ; the former comprise three groups : — I. CJieilostomata, in which the mouth of the cell is sub -ter mined, or not quite at its extremity (fig. 630), is somewhat crescentic in form, and is furnished with a movable (generally mem- branous) lip, which closes it when the animal retreats. This includes a large part of the species that most abound on our own coast, not- withstanding their wide differences in form and habit. Thus the polyzoaries of some (as Fiustra) are horny and flexible, whilst those of others (as Eschara and Retepora) are so j:>enetrated with calcareous matter as to be quite rigid ; some grow as independent plant-like structures (as Bugida and Gemellaria), whilst others, having a like arborescent form, creep over the surfaces of rocks or stones (as Hippothoa) ; and others, again, have their cells in close apposition, and form crusts which possess no definite figure (as is the case with LepraUa and Membranipora). II. The second order, Cyclostomata, consists of those Polyzoa which have the mouth at the termination of tubular calcareous cells, without any movable appendage or lip (fig. 631 ). This includes a comparatively small number of genera, of which Crisia and Tubulipora contain the largest proportion of the species that occur on our own coasts. III. The distinguishing character of the third order, Ctenostomata, is derived from the presence of a comb- like circular fringe of bristles, connected by a delicate membrane, around the mouth of the cell, when the animal is projected from itr this fringe being drawn in when the animal is retracted. The poly- zoaries of this group are very various in character, the cells being sometimes horny and separate (as in Fa rr ell a and Boiuerbankia), sometimes fleshy and coalescent (as in Alcyonidium). IV. In the Entoprocta, which are represented by Loxosoma and Pedicel Una, and are doubtless the most archaic of the true Polyzoa, the lopho- phore is produced upwards on the back of the tentacles, uniting them at their base in a sort of muscular calyx, and giving to the animal when expanded somewhat the form of an inverted bell, like 1 See Professor Allman's beautiful Monograph of the British Fresh-water Polyzoa, published by the Ray Society, 1857 ; and J. Jullien, ' Monograph ie des Bryozoaires d'eau douce,'' Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, x. p. 91. 3 ii 834 POLYZOA AND TUNICATA that of VorticeUa (fig. 537). As the Polyzoa altogether resemble hydroid zoophytes in their habits, and are found in the same localities, it is not requisite to add anything to what has already been said respecting the collection, examination, and mounting of this very interesting class of objects.1 A large proportion of the Cheilostomata are furnished with very peculiar motile appendages, which are of two kinds, avieidaria and vibracula. The avicularia or 'bird's head processes/ so named from the striking resemblance they present to the head and jaws of a bird (fig. 631, B), are generally, when highly differentiated, ' sessile ' upon the angles or margins of the cells, that is, are attached at once to them without the intervention of a stalk, as at A, being either ' pro- jecting' or 'immersed' ; but in the genera Bugula and BiceUaria, where they are present at all, they are ' pedunculate/ or mounted on foot-stalks (B). Under one form or the other, they are wanting in but few of the genera belonging to this order ; and their pre- sence or absence furnishes valuable characters for the discrimination of species. Each avicularium has two ' mandibles/ of which one is fixed, like the upper jaw of a bird, the other mov- able, like its lower jaw ; the latter is opened and closed by two sets of muscles which are seen in the interior of the 'head,' .and between them is a peculiar body, furnished with a pencil of bristles, which is probably a Fig. 681. — A, portion of BiceUaria ciliata, en- larged ; B, one of the ' bird's-head ' processes of Bugula avicularia, more highly magnified, and seen in the act of grasping another. tactile organ, being brought forwards when the mouth is open, so 1 For a more detailed account of the structure and classification of the marine Polyzoa see Professor Van Beneden's ' Recherches sur les Bryozoaires de la cote d'Ostende' in M6m. de UAcud. Boy, de Bruxelles, torn. xvii. ; Mr. G. Busk's Catalogue of the Marine Polgzoa in the Collection of the British Museum ; Mr. Hincks' British Marine Polgzoa, 18H0 ; and Nitsche, ' Beitriige zur Kenntniss dor Bryozoen,' in Zeitschrift f. Wiss. Zool. Bde. xx. xxi. xxiv. Of the more important recent publications we may note Mr. Busk's Reports on the Polyzoa of the Challenger voyage; Mr. Harmer, ' On the Structure and Development of Loxoeoma' and 'On the Life-history of Pedicellina' in vols. xxv. and xxvi. of the Quart. Journ. of Micros. Sci.; J. Barrois, 'Recherches sur l'Emhryologie des Bryozoaires,' Lille, 1H77, and other memoirs ; AV. J Vigelius, ' Morphologische [Jntersuchungen iiber Flustra Membranaceo-truncata,' Biolog. Cent ralblatt, iii. p. 705, and Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, xi. For a general account see Professor Ray Lankester's article ' Polyzoa,' in the 9th edition of the Encgclo^cedia Britannica. AVICULARIA AND VIBKACI LA »35 that the bristles project beyond it, and being drawn back when the mandible closes. The avicularia keep up a continual snapping action during the life of the polyzoary ; and they may often be observed to lay hold of minute worms or other bodies, sometimes even closing upon the beaks of adjacent organs of the same kind, as shown at B. In the pedunculate forms, besides the snapping action, there is a continual rhythmical nodding of the head upon the stalk ; and few spectacles are more curious than a portion of the polyzoary of Bugula avicularia (a very common British species) in a state of active vitality, when viewed under a power sufficiently low to allow a number of these bodies to be in sight at once. It is still very doubtful what is their precise function in the economy of the animal — whether it is to retain within the reach of the ciliary current bodies that may serve as food, or whether it is, like the Pedicellaria? of Echini, to remove extraneous particles that may be in contact with the surface of the polyzoary. The latter would seem to be the func- tion of the vibracula, which are long bristle-shaped organs (fig. 630, A), each one springing at its base out of a sort of cup that contains muscles by which it is kept in almost constant motion, sweeping slowly and carefully over the surface of the polyzoary, and removing what might be injurious to the delicate inhabitants of the cells when their tentacles are protruded. Out of 191 species of Cheilostomatous Polyzoa described by Mr. Busk, no fewer than 126 are furnished either with avicularia, or with vibracula, or with both these organs.1 Tunicata. — The zoological position of the Tunicata, which has long been a subject of great discussion, appears to be now approxi- mately settled ; the study of their development has shown that they are provided with a notochord, and that their nervous system follows the course which is characteristic of what are often called Vertebrata, but should better be called Chordata. As the noto- chord is always restricted to the hinder part of the body, the Tunicata may be called Urochordata. In all (except, perhaps, Appendicularia) there are distinct signs of degeneration. They have been named Tunicata from the inclosureof their bodies in a ' tunic,' which is sometimes leathery or even cartilaginous in its texture, and which sometimes includes calcareous spicules, whose forms are often very beautiful. They are often found to resemble the Polyzoa in their tendency to produce composite structures by gemmation ; but in their habits they are for the most part very inactive, exhibiting scarcely anything comparable to those rapid movements of expansion and retraction which it is so interesting to watch among the Pol vz< >,t : whilst, with the exception of the Salpidaz and other floating species which are chiefly found in seas warmer than those that surround our coast, and the curious Appendicularia to be presently noticed, they are rooted to one spot during all but the earliest period of their lives. The larger forms of the Ascidian group, which constitutes the bulk of the class, are always solitary ; not propagating by gemmation, 1 See Mr. G. Busk's ' Remarks on the Structure and Function of the Avicularian and Vibracular Organs of Polyzoa' in Tntiis. Micros. Soc. ser. ii. vol. ii. 1854, p. 26 ; and Mr. A. W. Waters, ' On the use of the Avicularian Mandible in the deter- mination of the Cheilostomatous Bryozoa,' Jouru. Hoy. Micros. Soc. (2), v. p. 774. 3 11 2 836 POLYZOA AND TUNICATA except in the case of the Clavelinida?. Although of special importance to the comparative anatomist and the zoologist, this group does not afford much to interest the ordinary microscopist, except in the pecu- liar actions of its respiratory and circulatory apparatus. In common with the composite forms of the group, the solitary Ascidians have a large branchial sac, with fissured walls, resembling that shown in figs. 632 B and 634 ; into this sac water is admitted by the oral orifice, and a large proportion of it is caused to pass through the fissures, by the agency of the cilia with which they are fringed, into a surrounding chamber, whence it is expelled through the atriopore, or opening of the mantle. This action may be distinctly watched through the external walls in the smaller and more transparent species ; and not even the ciliary action of the tentacles of the Polyzoa affords a more beautiful spectacle. It is peculiarly remarkable in one species that occurs on our own coasts, the Corella parallel oar amma,1 in which the wall of the branchial sac is divided into a number of areola?, each of them shaped into a shallow funnel ; and round one of these funnels each branchial fissure makes two or three turns of a spiral. When the cilia of all these spiral fissures are in active move- ment at once, the effect is most singular. Another most remarkable phenomenon presented throughout the group, and well seen in the solitary Ascidian just referred to, is the alternation in the direction of the circulation. The heart, which lies at the bottom of the branchial sac, has its one end connected with the principal trunk leading to the body, and the other with that leading to the branchial sac. At one time it will be seen that the blood flows from the respiratory apparatus to the end of the heart in which its trunk terminates, which then contracts so as to drive it through the sys- temic trunk to the body at large ; but after this course has been main- tained for a time the heart ceases to pulsate for a moment or twor and the course is reversed, the blood flowing into the heart from the body generally, and being propelled to the branchial sac. After this reversed course has continued for some time another pause occurs, and the first course is resumed. The length of time inter- vening between the changes does not seem by any means constant. It is usually stated at from half a minute to two minutes in the com- posite forms ; but in the solitary Corella parallelogra/mmar(&, species, very common in Lamlasb Bay, Arran), the Author has repeatedly observed an interval of from five to fifteen minutes, and in some instances he has seen the circulation go on for half an hour, or even longer, without change — always, however, reversing at last. The compound Ascidians are very commonly found adherent to- sea- weeds, zoophytes, and stones between the tide-marks ; and they present objects of great interest to the microscopist, since the small size and transparence of their bodies when they are detached from the mass in which they are imbedded not only enables their structure to be clearly discerned without dissection, but allows many of their living actions to be watched. Of these we have a characteristic example in Amaroucium proliferum, of which the form of the com- T See Alder in Ann. of Nat. Hist. ser. iii. vol. xi. 1803, p. 157; and Hancock in Jouru. Linn. Soc. ix. p. 333. TUNICATA «37 posite mass and the anatomy of a single ng. 632. Its clusters appear almost com no very obvious movements when irritated ; but if they be placed when fresh in sea-water a slight pouting of the orifices will soon be perceptible, and a constant and energetic series of currents will be found to enter bv one set and to be ejected by the other, indicating that all the machinery of active life is going on within these apathetic bodies. In the family Polyclvaida to which this genus belongs the body is elongated, and may be divided into three regions : the thorax (A), which is chiefly occupied by the respiratory sac ; the abdomen (B), which contains the digestive appa- ratus ; and the post -abdomen (C), in which the heart and generative organs are lodged. At the summit of the thorax is seen the oral oritice, c, which leads to the branchial sac e ; this is perforated by an immense number of slits, which allow part of the water to pass into the space between the branchial sac and the muscular mantle. At k is seen the individual are displayed in pletely inanimate, exhibiting c •'. . if Jx^1 v.... \ Fig. 632. — Compound mass of Amaroucium proliferum with the anatomy of a single zooid : A, thorax; B, abdomen; C, post-abdomen; c, oral orifice; e, branchial sac ; /, thoracic blood-vessel ; /, atriopore ; i', projection over- hanging it; j, nervous ganglion; k, oesophagus; /, stomach surrounded by digestive tubuli ; m, intestine ; n, anus opening into the cloaca formed by the mantle ; o, heart ; o', pericardium ; j?, ovarium ; p', egg ready to escape ; q, testis ; r, spermatic canal ; r', termination of this canal in the cloaca. oesophagus, which is continuous with the lower part of the pha- ryngeal cavity ; this leads to the stomach, I, which is surrounded by glandular follicles; and from this passes off the intestine, m, which terminates at n in the vent. A current of water is continually 833 POLYZOA AND TUNICATA drawn in through the mouth by the action of the cilia of the bran- chial sac and of the alimentary canal ; a part of this current passes through the fissures of the branchial sac into the peribranchial cavity, and thence into the cloaca ; whilst another portion, entering the stomach by an aperture at the bottom of the pharyngeal sac, passes through the alimentary canal, giving up any nutritive materials it may contain, and carrying away with it any excre- mentitious matter to be discharged ; and this having met the respiratory current in the cloaca, the two mingled currents pass forth together by the atrial orifice, i. The long post-abdomen is principally occupied by the large ovarium,^, which contain ova in various stages of development. These, when matured and set free, find their way into the cloaca, where two large ova are seen (one marked p and the other immediately below it) waiting for expulsion. In this posi- tion they receive the fertilising influence from the testis, q, which discharges its products by the long spermatic canal, r, that opens into the cloaca, /•'. At the very bottom of the post-abdomen we find the heart, o, inclosed in its pericardium, o' . In the group we are now considering a number of such animals are imbedded together in a sort of gelatinous mass, and covered with an integument common to them all ; the composition of this gelatinous substance is remarkable as including cellulose, which generally ranks as a vegetable product. The mode in which new individuals are developed in this mass is by the extension of stolons or creeping stems from the bases of those previously existing ; and from each of these stolons several buds may be put forth, every one of which may evolve itself into the likeness of the stock from which it proceeded, and may in its turn increase and multiply after the same fashion. In the family of Didemnians the post-abdomen is absent, the heart and generative apparatus being placed bythe side of the intestine in the abdominal portion of the body. Tin1 zooids are frequently arranged in star-shaped clusters, their anal orifices being all directed towards a common vent which occupies the centre. This shortening is still more remarkable, however, in the family of Botryllians, whose beautiful stellate gelal [nous inerusl ations are extremely common upon sea-weeds and submerged rocks (fig. \\'.Y.\). The anatomy of these animals is very similar to that of the A mnj-oKciiuti already described ; with this exception, that the body exhibits no distinction of cavities, all the organs being brought together in one, which must be con- sidered as thoracic. In this respect there is an evident approximation towards the solitary species.1 This approximation is still closer, however, in the ' social ' Asci- dians, or Cldvettinidce, in which the general plan of structure is nearly the same, but the zooids are simply connected by their stolons instead of being included in a common investment ; so that their relation to each other is very nearly the same as that of the poly- 1 For i)ionj special information respecting the com pound Ascidians see' espe- cially the admirable monograph of Professor Milne- I'M wards on that group; M r. Lister's memoir, ' On the Structure and Functions of Tubular and Cellular Polypi, and of Ascidiae,' in the Phil. Trans. 1884 ; and thearticde ' Tunicata,' by Professor T. Rupert Jones, in the Cijclopccdia of Anatomy and Fhi/niolof/i/ TUNIC AT A 839 pides of Laguncula, the chief difference being that a regular cir- culation takes place through the stolon in the one case, such as has no existence in the other. A better opportunity of studying the living actions of the Ascidians can scarcely be found, than that which is afforded by the genus Perojihora, first discovered by Mr. Lister, which occurs not unfrequently on the south coast of England and in the Irish Sea, living attached to sea-weeds, and looking like an assem- blage of minute globules of jelly, dotted with orange and brown, and linked by a silvery winding thread. The isolation of the body of each zooid from that of its fellows, and the extreme transparence of its tunics, not only enable the movements of fluid within the body to be distinctly discerned, but also allow the action of the cilia that border the slits of the respiratory sac to be clearly made out. This sac is perforated with four rows of narrow oval openings, through which a portion of the water that enters its oral orifice escapes A Fig. 633. — Botryllus violaceus : A, cluster on the surface of a Fucus; B, portion of the same enlarged. into the space between the sac and the mantle, and is thus dis- charged immediately by the atrial funnel. Whatever little particles, animate or inanimate, the current of water brings flow into the sac unless stopped at its entrance by the tentacles, which do not appear fastidious. The particles which are admitted usually lodge somewhere on the sides of the sac, and then travel horizontally until they arrive at that part of it down which the current proceeds to the entrance of the stomach, which is situated at the bottom of ;the sac. Minute animals are often swallowed alive, and have been observed darting about in the cavity for some days, without any ap- parent injury either to themselves or to the creature which incloses them. Iii general, however, particles which are unsuited for reception into the stomach are rejected by the sudden contraction of the mantle (or muscular tunic), the atriopore being at the same time closed, so that they are forced out by a powerful current through the oral orifice. The curious alternation of the circulation that is character- istic of the class generally may be particularly well studied in Perophora. The creeping stalk that connects the individuals of 840 POLYZOA AND TUXICATA any group contains two distinct canals, which send off branches into each peduncle. One of these branches terminates in the heart, which is nothing more than a contractile dilatation of the principal trunk ; this trunk subdivides into vessels (or rather sinuses, which are mere channels not having proper walls of their own), of which some ramify over the respiratory sac, branching off at each of the passages between the oval slits, whilst others are first distributed to the stomach and intestine, and to the soft surface of the mantle. All these reunite so as to form a trunk, which passes to the peduncle and constitutes the returning branch. Although the circulation in the dif- ferent bodies is brought into connection by the com- mon stem, yet that of each is independent of the rest, continuing when the current through its own foot-stalk is interrupted by a ligature ; and the stream which re- turns from the branchial sac and the viscera is then poured into the posterior part of the heart instead of entering the peduncle. The development of the Ascidians, the early stages of which are observable whilst the ova are still within the cloaca of the parent, presents some phe- nomena of much interest to the microscopist which alone can be noticed here. After the ordinary repeated segmentation of the yolk, whereby a ' mulberry mass ' is produced, a sort of ring is seen encircling its central portion ; but this soon shows itself as a tapering • tail-like prolongation from one side of the yolk, which gradually becomes more and more detached from it, save at the part from which it springs. Either Fig. 634. — Diagrammatic longitudinal section of Ascidiu show ing the heart, the blood- vessels, the branchial sac, the alimentary canal, &c. from the left side : br.si., branchial siphon; at.si., atrial siphon ; t., test ; m,t mantle ; br.s., branchial sac; p.br., peribronchial cavity ; cl., cloaca ; n.g., nerve ganglion ; fit., tentacle; gl., neural gland; tie. a., oeso- phageal aperture ; at., stomach ; /., intestine ; r., rectum; a., anus; ov, genital organs; g.d., genital ducts; h., heart; cap., cardio- splanchnic vessel; v.t., vessel to the test; t.k., terminal knob on vessel in test ; v.t'., vessel from the test; v.st., vessel to the stomach &c. ; v.w., vessel to the mantle; v.m'., vessel from the mantle ; d.v., dorsal vessel ; tr., transverse vessel of branchial sac ; l.v., fine longitudinal vessel of branchial sac ; sg., stigmata of branchial sac ; v.v., ventral vessel ; br.c, branchio-cardiac vessel ; sp.br., splanchno-branchial vessel. (After Herdman.) whilst the egg is still within the cloaca, or soon after it has escaped from the vent, its envelope bursts, and the larva escapes, and in this condition it presents very TUNICATA 84 r much the appearance of a tadpole, the tail being straightened out, and propelling the body freely through the water by its lateral strokes. The centre of the body is occupied by amass of liquid yolk, and this is continued into the interior of three prolongations which extend themselves from the opposite extremity, each terminating in a sort -of sucker. After swimming about for some hours with an active wriggling movement, the larva attaches itself to some solid body by means of one of these suckers ; if disturbed from its position, it at first swims about as before ; but it soon completely loses its activity, and becomes permanently attached ; and important changes manifest themselves in its interior. The organs and tissues which constitute the chief part of the future animal are gradually drawn back, so that the whole of it is concentrated into one mass ; and the tail, now con- sisting only of the gelatinous envelope, is either detached entire from the body by the contraction of the connecting portion, or withers, and is thrown off gradually in shreds. The shaping of the internal organs out of the yolk mass takes place very rapidly, so that by the end of the second day of the sedentary state the outlines of the branchial sac and of the stomach and intestine may be traced, no external orifices, however, being as yet visible. The pulsation of the heart is first seen on the third day, and the formation of the branchial and anal orifices takes place on the fourth, after which the ciliary currents are immediately established through the branchial sac and alimentary canal. The embryonic development of other Ascidians, solitary as well as composite, takes place on a plan essentially the same as the foregoing, a free tadpole-like larva being always produced in the first instance with the curious exception of some species of Molgula.1 This larval condition is represented in a very curious adult free swimming form, termed Appendiculairiaz which is frequently to be taken with the tow-net on our own coasts. This animal has an oval or flask-like body, which in large specimens attains the length of one-fifth of an inch, but which is often not more than one-fourth or one-fifth of that size. It is furnished with a tail -like appendage three or four times its own length, broad, flattened, and rounded at its extremity ; and by the powerful vibrations of this appendage it is propelled rapidly through the water. The structure of the body differs greatly from that of the Ascidians, its plan being much simpler ; in particular, the pharyngeal sac is entirely destitute of ciliated branchial fissures opening into a surrounding cavity ; but two canals, 1 The study of the development of Ascidians derived a new interest and im- portance from the discovery, made by Kowalevsky in 1867, that their free-swimming larva? present a most striking parallelism to vertebrate embryos, in exhibiting the beginnings of a spinal marrow and a notochord; thus bridging over the gulf that was supposed to separate them from Invertebrata, and (when taken in connection with the curious Ascidian affinities of Ampliioxus, the lowest vertebrate at present known) affording strong reason for belief in the derivation of the vertebrate and tunicate tvpes from a common original. See his memoir ' Entwickelungsgeschichte der e'infachen Ascidien ' in Mem. St. Petersb. Acad. Set. torn. x. 1807, and the abstract of it in Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. x. n.s. 1870, p. 59 ; also Professor Haeckel's History of Creation, ii. pp. 152, 200. Further information will be found in chap. 11. of vol. ii. of the late Professor Balfour's Comparative Embryology, and an application of the facts of development to the philosophy of the subject in Professor Ray Lankester's Degeneration (London, 1880J. 842 POLYZOA AND TUNICATA one on either side of the entrance to the stomach, are prolonged from it to the external surface ■ and by the action of the long cilia with which these are furnished, in conjunction with the cilia of the branchial sac, a current of water is maintained through its cavity. From the observations of Professor Huxley, however, it appears that the direction of this current is by no means constant • since, although it usually enters by the mouth and passes out by the ciliated canals, it sometimes enters by the latter and passes out by the former. The caudal appendage has a central axis (notochord), above and below which is a riband-like layer of muscular fibres ; a nervous cord,, studded at intervals with minute ganglia, may be traced along its whole length. By Mertens, one of the early observers of this animal, it was said to be furnished with a peculiar gelatinous envelope or Haus (house), very easily detached from the body, and capable of being re-formed after having been lost. Notwithstanding the great numbers of specimens which have been studied by Midler, Huxley, Leuckart, and Gegenbaur, neither of these excellent observers has met with this appendage ; but it has been since seen by Professor Allman, who describes it as an egg-shaped gelatinous mass, in which the body is imbedded, the tail alone being free ; whilst from either side of the central plane there radiates a kind of double fan, which seems to be formed by a semicircular membranous lamina folded upon itself. It is surmised by Professor Allman, with much probability, that this curious appendage is ' nid amenta!,' having reference to the development and protection of the young ; but on this point further observations are much needed ; and any mieroscopist who may meet with Appendicularia furnished with its ; house ' should do all he can to determine its structure and its relations to the body of the animal.1 1 For details in respect to the structure of Appendicularia, see Huxley in Phil.. Trans, for 1851, and in Quart. Joum. of Micros. Sci. vol. iv. 185(5, p. 181 ; also- Allman in the same journal, \ <>1. vii. is.")'.), p. !S(> ; Gegenbaur in SieboUl and Kolliker's Zeitsch/rift, Bd. vi. 185."), p. km;; Leuckart's Zoologische Untersuchungen, Heft. ii. 1851; and Fol's ' Etudes sur les Appendiculaires ' in Archiv. zool. exptr. torn, i. 1872, p. 57. For the Tunicata generally, see Professor T. Rupert Jones in vol. iv. of the Cyclop, of Anatomy and Physiology ; Professor Herdman's recently published article, 'Tunicata,' in the l»tli edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica ; Mr. Alder's ' Observa- tions on the British Tunicata' in Ana. of Nat. Hist. ser. iv. vol. xi. 18(58, p. 158; and Mr. Hancock's memoir' On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Tunicata ' in the Jonrua I of the Linnean Society, vol. i\. p. 809. Great additions to our knowledge have been recently made In Professor Herdman, whose reports on the forms collected by H.M.S. Chalic nger should be consulted, and by Professors Van Beneden and eTulin (see espe- cially their memoirs in the Archives tic Biologic). See also Roule, ' Recherches sur les Ascidies simples des cotes de Provence,' Aim. Museum Marseilles, ii. ; Seeliger, 'Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Socialen Ascidien,' JenaiscJie Zeitsehr. xviii. p. 528; Salensky, ' Neue Untersuchungen iiber die embryonale Entwickelung der Salpen,' Mitt//. Zoo/. Stat. Neapel, iv. pp. !)<), 827; and Ulianin, ' Die Arten des Gattung Dolioluni im Golfe von Neapel,' in the Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel, x. 843 CHAPTER XVIII MOLL USC A AND BRA CHIOPODA The various forms of ' shell-fish/ with their ' naked ' or shell-less allies, furnish a great abundance of objects of interest to the micro- scopist. of which, however, the greater part may be grouped under three heads — namely (1) the structure of the shell, which is most interesting in the Conchifera (or Lamellibranciiiata) and Braciiio- PODA,inbothof which classes the shells are 'bivalve,' while the animals differ from each other essentially in general plan of structure ; (2) the structure of the tongue or 'palate of the Gastropoda, most of which have ' univalve ' shells, others, however, being ' naked ' ; (3) the developmental history of the embryo, for the study of which certain of the Gastropods present the greatest facilities. These three subjects,, therefore, will be first treated of systematically, and a few miscella- neous facts of interest will be subjoined. Shells of Mollusca. — These investments were formerly regarded as mere inorganic exudations, composed of calcareous particles, cemented together by animal glue ; microscopic examination, how- ever, has shown that they possess a definite structure, and that this structure presents certain very remarkable variations in some of the groups of which the molluscous series is composed. We shall first describe that which may be regarded as the characteristic structure of the ordinary bivalves, taking as a type the group of MargCbritacece, which includes the Jleleagrina or 'pearl oyster ' and its allies, the common Pinna rankino- amongst the latter. In all these shells we readily distinguish the existence of two distinct layers ; an external, of a brownish yellow colour ; and an internal, which has a pearly or ' nacreous ' aspect, and is commonly of a lighter hue. The structure of the outer layer may be conveniently studied in the shell of Pinna, in which it commonly projects beyond the inner, and there often forms laminae sufficiently thin and transparent to exhibit its general characters without any artificial reduction. If a small portion of such a lamina be examined with a low magnifying power by transmitted light, each of its surfaces will present very much the appearance of a honeycomb ; whilst its broken edge exhibits an aspect which is evidently fibrous to the eye, but which, when examined under the microscope with reflected light, resembles that of an assemblage of segments of basaltic columns (fig. 638). This outer layer is thus seen to be composed of a vast number of prisms. 844 MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA having a tolerably uniform size, and usually presenting an approach to the hexagonal shape. These are arranged perpendicularly (or nearly so) to the surface of the lamina of the shell ; so that its thick- ness is formed by their length, and its two surfaces by their extremi- ties. A more satisfactory view of these prisms is obtained by grinding •down a lamina until it possesses a high degree of transparence, the prisms being then seen (fig. 635) to be themselves com- posed of a very homogeneous substance, but to be sepa- rated by definite and strongly marked lines of division. When such a lamina is submitted to the action of dilute acid, so as to dissolve away the car- bonate of lime, a tolerably firm and consistent mem- brane is left, which exhibits the prismatic structure just as perfectly as did the original shell (fig. 636), its "hexagonal divisions bearing a strong resemblance to the walls of "the cells of the pith or bark of a plant. By making a section Of the .shell perpendicularly to its surface, we obtain a view of the prisms cut in the direction of their length (fig. 637) ; these are frequently seen to be marked by delicate transverse striie (fig. 638) closely re- sembling those observable on the prisms of the enamel of teeth, to which this kind of shell-structure may be considered as bearing a very close resemblance, except as regards the mineralising ingredient. If a similar section be de- calcified by dilute acid the membranous residuum will exhibit the same resem- blance to the walls of prism- atic cells viewed longitu- dinally, and will be seen to be more or less regularly marked by the transverse striae just alluded to. It sometimes happens in re- cent but still more com- monly in fossil shells, that Fig. 636.— Membranous basis of the same. the decay of the animal membrane leaves the con- tained prisms without any connecting medium ; as they are then quite isolated, they can be readily detached one from another ; and each one may be observed to be marked by the like striations, which, when a sufficiently high magnifying power is used, are seen ■to be minute grooves, apparently resulting from a thickening of the intermediate wall in those situations. These appearances seem best Fig. 635. — Section of shell of Pinna, taken transversely to the direction of its prism. STRUCTURE OF SHELLS accounted for by supposing that each is lengthened by successive additions at its base, the lines of junction of which correspond with the transverse striation ; and this view corresponds well with the fact that the shell-membrane not unfrequently shows a tendency to split into thin laminae along the lines of striation ; whilst we occa- sionally meet with an excessively thin natural lamina lying between, the thicker prismatic layers, with one of which it would have probably coalesced, but for some accidental cause which preserved its distinctness. That the prisms are not formed in their entire length at once, but that thev are progressively lengthened and consolidated at their lower ex- tremities, would appear also from the fact that where the shell presents a deep colour (as in Pinna nigrind) this colour is usually disposed in distinct strata, the outer portion of each layer being the part most deeply tinged, whilst the inner extremities of the prisms are almost colour- less. This c prismatic ' arrangement of the carbonate of lime in the shells of Pinna and its allies has been long familiar to concholo- gists, and regarded by them as the result of crystallisation. When Fig. 637. — Section of the shell of Pinna in the direction of its prisms. Fig. 638.— Oblique section of prismatic shell-substance. it was first more minutely investigated by Mr. Bowerbank 1 and the Author,2 and was shown to be connected with a similar arrangement in the membranous residuum left after the decalcification of the shell - substance by acid, microscopists generally 3 agreed to regard it as a 1 'On the Structure of the Shells of Molluscous and Conchiferous Animals,' in Trans. Micros. Soc. ser. i. vol. i. 1844, p. 123. « ' On the Microscopic Structure of Shells ! in Reports of British Association for 1844 and 1847. 5 See Mr. Quekett's Histological Catalogue of the College of Surgeons Museum.. and his Lectures on Histology, vol. ii. 846 MOLLUSCA AND BBACHIOPODA £ calcified epidermis,' the long prismatic cells being supposed to be formed by the coalescence of the epidermic cells in piles, and giving their shape to the deposit of carbonate of lime formed within them. The progress of inquiry, however, has led to an important modifica- tion of this interpretation, the Author being now disposed to agree with Professor Huxley 1 in the belief that the entire thickness of the shell is formed as an excretion from the surface of the epidermis, and that the horny layer which in ordinary shells forms their external envelope or 'periostracum,' 2 being here thrown out at the same time with the calcifying material, is converted into the likeness of a cellular membrane by the pressure of the prisms that are formed by crystallisation at regular distances in the midst of it. The pecu- liar conditions under which calcareous concretions form themselves in an organic matrix have been carefully studied by Mr. Rainey and Dr. W. M. Ord, of whose researches some account will be given hereafter. The internal layer of the shells of the Margaritacem and some other families has a ' nacreous ' or iridescent lustre, which depends (as Sir D. Brewster has shown3) upon the striation of its surface with a series of grooved lines, which usually run nearly parallel to each other (fig. 639). As these lines are not obliterated by any amount of polishing, it is obvious that their presence depends upon something peculiar in the texture of this substance, and not upon any mere superficial arrangement. When a piece of the nacre (com- monly known as 'mother-of-pearl ') of the Meleagrina or ' pearl-oyster' is carefully examined, it becomes evident that the lines are produced by the cropping out of laminae of shell situated more or less obliquely to the plane of the surface. The greater the dip of these lamime, the closer will their edges be : whilst the less the angle which they make with the surface, the wider will be the interval between the lines. When the section passes for any distance in the plane of a lamina, no lines will present themseh es on that space. And thus the appearance of a section of nacre is such as to have been aptly compared by Sir J. Herschel to the surface of a smoothed deal board, in which the woody layers are cut perpendicularly to their surface in one part, and nearly in their plane in another. Sir D. Brewster (/or. cit.) appears to have supposed that nacre consists of a multitude of layers of carbonate of lime alternating with animal membrane, and that the presence of the grooved lines on the most highly polished surface is due to the wearing away of the edges of the animal laminae, whilst those of t he hard calcareous lamime stand out. If each Line upon the nacreous surface, however, indicates a distinct layer of shell-substance, a very thin section of 'mother-of-pearl 'ought to contain many hundred lamina?, in accordance with the number of lines upon its surface, 1 See his article, ' Tegumentary Organs,' in Cyclop cedia of Anatomy and Physiology, supplementary volume, pp. 4s;>-4l)2. - The j/rr/ostrorji m is the yellowish-brown membrane covering the surface of many shells, which is often (but erroneously) termed their epidermis. 3 Phil. Trans. 1814, p. :j'.)7.— The late Mr. Barton (of the Mint) succeeded in producing an artificial iridescence on metallic buttons by drawing closel y approxi- mating lines with a diamond point upon the surface of the steel die by which they were struck. STRUCTURE OF SHELLS 847 these being frequently no more than y^j^th of an inch apart. But when the nacre is treated with dilute acid, so as to dissolve its cal- careous portion, no such repetition of membranous layers is to be found ; on the contrary, if the piece of nacre be the product of one act of shell formation, there is but a single layer of membrane. This layer, however, is found to present a more or less folded or plaited arrangement, and the lineation of the nacreous surface may perhaps be thus accounted for. A similar arrangement is found in pearls^ which are rounded concretions projecting from the inner surface of the shell of Meleagrina, and possessing a nacreous structure corre- sponding to that of ' mother-of-pearl.' Such concretions are found in many other shells, especially the fresh-water mussels, Unio and Ano- don ; but these are usually less remarkable for their pearly lustre ; and, when formed at the edge of the valves, they may be partly or Fig. 039. — Section of nacreous lining of shell of Meleagfina m a rga ritifera (Pearl-oyster) . even entirely made up of the prismatic substance of the external layer, and may be consequently altogether destitute of the pearly character. In all the genera of the Margaritacece we find the external layer of the shell prismatic, and of considerable thickness, the internal layer being nacreous. But it is only in the shells of a few families of bivalves that the combination of organic with mineral components is seen in the same distinct form ; and these families are for the most part nearly allied to Pinna. In the Unionichr (or 'fresh-water mussels') nearly the whole thickness of the shell is made up of the internal or ' nacreous ' layer ; but a uniform stratum of prismatic substance is always found between the nacre and the periostracum, really constituting the inner layer of the latter, the outer being simply horny. In the Ostreacea (or oyster tribe), also, the greater part of the thickness of the shell is composed of a ' sub-nacreous ' substance, representing the inner layer of the shells of Margaritacea?, its successively formed laminae, however, having very little adhesion §48 MOLLUSCA AND BKACHIOPODA to each other ; and every one of these laminae is bordered at its free edge by a layer of the prismatic substance distinguished by its brownish-yellow colour. In these and some other cases a distinct membranous residuum is left after the decalcification of the prismatic layer by dilute acid ; and this is most tenacious and substantial, where (as in the Margaritacece) there is no proper periostracum. Generally speaking, a thin prismatic layer may be detected upon the external surface of bivalve shells, where this has been protected by a periostracum, or has been prevented in any other manner from undergoing abrasion ; thus it is found pretty generally in Chama, Trigonia, and Solen, and occasionally in Anomia and Pecten. In many other instances, however, nothing like a cellular struc ture can be distinctly seen in the delicate membrane left after decal- cification ; and in such cases the animal basis bears but a very small proportion to the calcareous substance, and the shell is usually ex- tremely hard. This hardness ap- pears to depend upon the mineral arrangement of the carbonate of lime ; for whilst in the prismatic and ordinary nacreous layer this has the crystalline condition of cd/rite, it can be shown in the hard shell of Pholas to have the arrange- ment of arragonite, the difterence between the two being made evi- dent by polarised light. A very curious appearance is presented by a section of the large hinge-tooth of Mya arenaria (fig. 640), in which the carbonate of lime seems to be deposited in nodules that possess a crystalline structure re- sembling that of the mineral termed iracdlite. Approaches to this curious arrangement are seen in many other shells. There are several bivalve shells which almost entirely consist of what may be termed a sub-nacreous substance, their polished surfaces being marked by lines, but these lines being destitute of that regularity of arrangement which is necessary to produce the iridescent lustre. This is the case, for example, with most of the PectinidtH (or scallop tribe), also with some of the Mytilacem (or mussel tribe), and with the common Oyster. In the internal layer of by far the greater number of bivalve shells, however, there is not the least approach to the nacreous aspect ; nor is there anything that can be described as definite structure ; and the residuum left after its decalcification is usually a structureless ' basement membrane.' The ordinary account of the mode of growth of the shells of bivalve Mollusca — that they are progressively enlarged by the depo- sition of new laminae, each of which is in contact with the internal surface of the preceding, and extends beyond it — does not express Fig. 640.— Section of hinge-tooth of Mya arena rid. SHELLS OF LAMELLIBRANCHS 849 the whole truth ; for it takes no account of the fact that most shells are composed of two layers of very different texture, and does not specify whether both these layers are thus formed by the entire surface of the ' mantle ' whenever the shell has to be extended, or whether only one is produced. An examination of fig. 641 will clearly show the mode in which the operation is effected. This figure represents a section of one of the valves of Unio occidens, taken per- pendicularly to its surface, and passing from the margin or lip (at the left hand of the figure) towards the hinge (which would be at some distance beyond the right). This section brings into view the two substances of which the shell is composed, traversing the outer or prismatic layer in the direction of the length of its prisms, and passing through the nacreous lining in such a manner as to bring into view its numerous lamina?, separated by the lines a a', b b\ c c', circ. These lines evidently indicate the successive formations of this Fig. 641. — Vertical section of the lip of one of the valves of the shell of Unio : a, b, c, successive formations of the outer prismatic layer ; a', b', c', the same of the inner nacreous layer. layer, and it may be easily shown by tracing them, towards the hinge on the one side and towards the margin on the other, that at every enlargement of the shell its whole interior is lined by a new nacreous lamina in immediate contact with that which preceded it. The number of such laminae, therefore, in the oldest part of the shell indicates the number of enlargements which it has undergone. The outer or prismatic layer of the growing shell, on the other hand, is only formed where the new structure projects beyond the margin of the old ; and thus we do not find one layer of it overlapping another, except at the lines of junction of two distinct formations. When the shell has attained its full dimensions, however, new laminae of both layers still continue to be added, and thus the lip becomes thickened by successive formations of prismatic structure, each being applied to the inner surface of the preceding, instead of to its free margin. A like arrangement may be well seen in the Oyster, with this differ- ence, that the successive layers have but a comparatively slighj adhesion to each other. The shells of Terebratulw and of most other Bnicltiopodx are distinguished by peculiarities of structure which differentiate them from those of the Mollusca. When thin sections of them are microscopically examined, they exhibit the appearance of Ion- flat- tened prisms (fig. 642, A, b), which are arranged with such obliquity 850 MOLLUSCA AND BEACHIOPODA that their rounded extremities crop out upon the inner surface of the shell in an imbricated (tile-like) manner (a). All true Terebratulidd*, both recent and fossil, exhibit another very remarkable peculiarity ; namely, the perforation of the shell by a large number of canals, A B .Fig. 642. — A, internal surface, a, and oblique section, b, of shell of Waldheimia australis ; B, external surface of the same, which generally pass nearly perpendicularly from one surface to the other (as is shown in vertical sections, fig. 643), and terminate inter- nally by open orifices (tig. 642, A), whilst externally they are covered A w by the periostracum (B). Their diameter is greatest towards the external surface, where they sometimes expand sud- denly, so as to become trum- pet-shaped ; and it is usually narrowed rather suddenly when, as sometines happens, a new internal layer is formed as a lining to the preceding (fig. 643, A, d d). Hence the diameter of these canals, as shown in different transverse sections of one and the same shell, will vary according to the part of its thickness which the section happens to tra- verse. The shells of different species of perforated Brachio- jjod;<, however, present very striking diversities in the size and closeness of their canals, as shown by sections taken in corresponding parts ; three examples of this kind are given for the sake of comparison in figs. 644-646. These canals are occupied in the living state by tubular prolongations of the mantle, whose interior is filled with a fluid containing minute cells and granules, which, from its corresponding in appearance with the fluid contained in the great sinuses of the mantle, may perhaps Fig. 643.— Vertical sections of shell of Wald- heimia australis, showing at A the canals opening by large trumpet- shaped orifices on the outer surface, and contracting at d, d into narrow tubes ; and showing at B a bifurcation of the canals. SHELLS OF BRACHIOPODA 85I be considered to be the animal's blood. Of their special function in -the economy of the animal it is difficult to form any probable idea ; but it is interesting to remark (in connection with the hypothesis of a relationship between Brachiopods and Polyzoa) that they seem to have their parallel in extensions of the perivisceral cavity of many species of Flustra, Fschara, Leprcdia, &c. into passages excavated in the walls of the cells of the polyzoary. Professor Sollas 1 finds in the centre of these prolongations an axial fibre which can be traced backwards to the nerve-cells of the mantle ; at the distal end is a .terminal cell which is connected by a fibril with the axial fibre, and is covered externally by a transparent chitinous layer ; save for the absence (or the unproved presence) of pigment cells we should be justified in regarding the processes as organs which are sensitive to luminous impressions. In the family Rliynchondlidw, which is represented by only Fig. 644. Fig. 645. Fig. 646. Fig. 644. — Horizontal section of shell of Terebratula bullata (fossil, Oolite). Fig. 645. „ „ Megerlia lima (fossil, Chalk). Fig. 646. „ „ Sjjiriferina rostrata (Triassic). ■six recent species, but which contains a very large proportion of fossil Brachiopods, these canals are almost entirely absent ; so that the uniformity of their jDresence in the Terebratulid(f, and their general absence in the RltynchonelUdie, supplies a character of great value in the discrimination of the fossil shells belonging to these two groups respectively. Great caution is necessary, however, in applying this test ; mere surface markings cannot be relied on ; and no statement on this point is worthy of reliance which is not based on a microscopic examination of thin sections of the shell. In the families Spirjferidm and Strophomenidce, on the other hand, some species possess the perforations, whilst others are destitute of them ; so that their presence or absence the re serves only to mark out subordinate groups. This, however, is what holds good in regard to characters of almost every description in other depart- ments of natural history ; a character which is of fundamental importance from its close relation to the general plan of organisation in one group, being, from its want of constancy, of far less account in another.2 1 Proc. Boy. Dublin Soc. v. 318. 2 For a particular account of the Author's researches on this group see his memoir on the subject, forming part of the introduction of Mr. Davidson's Afc nograph of tin- 3 i 2 852 MOLLUSCA AND BKACHIOPODA There is not by any means the same amount of diversity in the- structure of the shell in the class of Gastropods, a certain typical plan of construction being common to by far the greater number of them. The small proportion of animal matter contained in most of these shells is a very marked feature in their character, and it serves to render other features indistinct, since the residuum left after the removal of the calcareous matter is usually so imperfect as. to give no clue whatever to the explanation of the appearances shown by sections. Nevertheless, the structure of these shells is by no means homogeneous, but always exhibits indications, more or less clear, of a definite arrangement. The ' porcellanous ' shells are com- posed of three layers, all presenting the same kind of structure, but- each differing from the others in the mode in which this is disposed.. For each layer is made up of an assemblage of thin laminae placed side by side, which separate one from another, apparently in the planes of rhomboid al cleavage, when the shell is fractured ; and, as was first pointed out by Mr. Bowerbank, each of these lamina? con- sists of a series of elongated spicules (considered by him as prismatic cells filled with carbonate of lime) lying side by side in close apposi- tion ; and these series are disposed alternately in contrary directions, so as to intersect each other nearly at right angles, though still lying in parallel planes. The direction of the planes is different, however, in the three layers of the shell, bearing the same relation to each other as have those three sides of a cube which meet each other at the same angle : and by this arrangement, which is better seen in the fractured edge of the Cyprcsa or any similar shell than in thin sections, the strength of the shell is greatly augmented. A similar arrangement, obviously answering the same purpose, has been shown by Mr. (now Sir) John Tomes to exist in the enamel of the teeth of Rodentia, and by Professor Rolleston in that of the elephant. The principal departures from this plan of structure are seen in Patella, Chiton, Haliotis, Turbo and its allies, and in the 'naked Gastropods, many of which last, both terrestrial and marine, have some rudiment of a shell. Thus in the common slug, Limax rufus, a thin oval plate of calcareous texture is found imbedded in the shield-like fold of the mantle covering the fore part of its back ; and if this be examined in an early stage of its growth it is found to consist of an aggregation of minute calcareous nodules, generally somewhat hexagonal in form, and sometimes quite transparent, whilst in other instances it presents an appearance closely resem 1)1 ing that delineated in tig. 640. In the epidermis of the mantle of some species of Doris, on the other hand, we find long calcareous spicules,, generally lying in parallel directions, but not in contact with each other, giving firmness to the whole of its dorsal portion ; and these are sometimes covered with small tubercles, like the spicules of British Fossil Brachiopoda. published by the Pahrontographieal Society. A very remarkable example of the importance of the presence or absence of the perforations in distinguishing shells whose internal structure shows them to be generically dif- ferent, whilst from their external conformation they would be supposed to be not only r/cneri call // but sprrifical 'I ;/ identical, will be 'found in the Ann. N«t. Hist. ser. hi. vol. xx. 1867, p. 08. ' SHELLS OF MOLLUSCA Qorcfonia. They may be separated from the soft tissue in which they are imbedded by means of caustic potash ; and when treated with dilute acid, whereby the calcareous matter is dissolved away, an organic basis is left, retaining in some degree the form of the original spicule. This basis seems to be a cell in the earliest stage of its formation, being an isolated particle of protoplasm without wall or cavity, and the close correspondence between the appearance pre- sented by thin sections of various univalve shells, and the forms of the spicules of Doris, seems to justify the conclusion that even the most compact shells of this group are constructed out of the like elements, in a state of closer aggregation and more definite arrange- ment, with the occasional occurrence of a layer of more spheroidal bodies of the same kind, like those forming the vestigial shell of Limax. The structure of shells generally is best examined by making sections in different planes as nearly parallel as may be possible to the surfaces of the shell, and other sections at right angles to these ; the former may be designated as horizontal, the latter as vertical. Nothing need here be added to the full directions for making such sections which have already been given. Many of them are beautiful and interesting objects for the polariscope. Much valuable informa- tion may also be derived from the examination of the surfaces pre- sented by fracture. The membranous residua left after the decalci- fication of the shell by dilute acid may be mounted in weak spirit or in Goadby's solution. The animals composing the class of Cephalopoda (cuttle-fish and nautilus tribe) are for the most part unpossessed of shells ; and the structure of the few that we meet with in the genera Xautilus, Argo- nauta ('paper nautilus'), and Spirula does not present any peculi- arities that need here detain us. The rudimentary shell or sepiostairp of the common cuttle-fish, however, which is frequently spoken of as the ' cuttle-fish bone,' exhibits a very beautiful and remarkable structure, such as causes sections of it to be very interesting micro- scopic objects. The outer shelly portion of this body consists of horny layers, alternating with calcified layers, in which last may be seen an hexagonal arrangement somewhat corresponding with that shown in fig. 640. The soft friable substance that occupies the hollow of this boat-shaped shell is formed of a number of delicate calcareous plates running across it from one side to the other in parallel directions, but separated by intervals several times wider than the thickness of the plates ; and these intervals are in great part filled up by what appear to be fibres or slender pillars passing from one plate or floor to another. A more careful examination shows, however, that, instead of a large number of detached pillars, there exists a comparatively small number of very thin sinuous lamina', which pass from one surface to the other, winding and doubling upon themselves, so that each lamina occupies a considerable space. Their precise arrangement is best seen by examining the parallel plates, after the sinuous lamina? have been detached from them, the lines of junction being distinctly indicated upon these. By this arrange- ment each layer is most effectually supported by those with which $54 MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA it is connected above and below, and the sinuosity of the thin intervening lamina?, answering exactly the same purpose as the ' corrugation ; given to iron plates for the sake of diminishing their flexibility, adds greatly to the strength of this curious texture, which is at the same time lightened by the large amount of open space between the parallel plates that intervenes among the sinu- osities of the lamina?. The best method of examining this structure- is to make sections of it with a sharp knife in various directions, taking care that the sections are no thicker than is requisite for holding together, and these may be mounted on a black ground as opaque objects, or in Canada balsam as transparent objects, under which last aspect they furnish very beautiful objects for the polariscope. Palate of Cephalophorous Molluscs. — The organ which is some- times referred to under this designation, and sometimes as the ' tongue,' is one of a very singular nature, and cannot be likened to either the tongue or the palate of higher animals. For it is a tube that passes backwards and downwards beneath the mouth, closed at its hinder end, whilst in front it opens- obliquely upon the floor of the mouth, being (as it were) Fig. 647.— Portion of the left half of the palate s]it up and spread out SO as of Helix hortcns, iW rows of teeth near t f nearly flat surface. the edge separated from each other to snow . . J their form. On the interior of the tube, as well as on the flat expan- sion of it, we find numerous transverse rows of minute teeth, which are set upon flattened plates, each principal tooth sometimes having a basal plate of its ow n, whilst in other instances one plate carries several teeth. Of the former arrangement we have an example in the palate of many terrestrial Gastropods, such as the snail (Helix) and slug (Limax), in which the number of plates in each row is very considerable (figs. 647, 048), amounting to 180 in the large garden slug (Limax maximus) ; whilst the latter prevails in many marine Gastropods, such as the common whelk (Buccinum, undatum), the palate of which has only three plates in each row, one bearing the small central teeth, and the two others the large lateral teeth (tig. 651). The length of the palatal tube and the number of rows of teeth vary greatly in different species. Generally speaking, the tube of the terrestrial Gastropods is short, and is contained entirely within the nearly globular head ; but the rows of teeth being closely set together are usually very numerous, there being frequently more than 100, and in scfnie species as many as 160 or 170 ; so that the total number of teeth may mount up, as in Helix pomatia, to 21,000, and in Limax maximus to 26,800. The trans- verse rows are usually more or less curved, as shown in fig. 648y PALATES OF GASTROPOJ > A 855 Fig. 648. — Palate of Hyalinia cellaria. whilst the longitudinal rows are quite straight, and the curvature takes its departure on each side from a central longitudinal row, the teeth of which are symmetrical, whilst those of the lateral portions of each transverse row present a modification of that symmetry, the prominences on the inner side of each tooth being sup- pressed, whilst those on the outer side are increased : this modifica- tion may be observed to augment in degree as we pass from the central line towards the edges. The palatal tube of the marine Gastropods is generally longer, and its teeth larger, and in manv instances it extends far beyond the head, which may, indeed, contain but a small part of it. Thus in a common limpet (Patella) we find the principal part of the tube to lie folded up, but perfectly free, in the abdominal cavity, between the greatly elongated intestine and the muscular foot • and in some species its length is twice or even three times as great as that of the entire animal. In a large proportion of cases these palates exhibit a very marked separation between the central and the lateral portions (tigs. 649, 650), the teeth of the cen- tral band being frequently small and smooth at their edges, whilst those of the lateral are large and serrated. The palate of Trochus zizyphinus, repre- sented in fig. 649, is one of the most beautiful examples of this form, not only the large teeth of the lateral bands, but the delicate leaf-like teeth of the central portion having their edges minutely serrated. A vet more complex type, however, is found in the palate of HaHotis. in which there is a central band of teeth having nearly straight edges instead of points; then, on each side, a lateral band consisting of large teeth shaped like those of the shark; and beyond this, again, another lateral band on either side, composed of several rows of smaller teeth. Very curious differences also present themselves among the different species of the same genus. Thus in Doris pilosa the central band is almost entirely wanting, and each lateral band is formed of a single row of very large hooked teeth, set obliquely like those of the Literal band in fig. 649 ; whilst in Doris tubercidata the central band is the part most developed, and contains a number of rows of conical Fig. 649.— Palate of Trochus zizyphinus. 856 MOLLUSC A AND BRACHIOPODA teeth, standing almost perpendicularly, like those of a harrow (fig. 650). Many other varieties might be described did space permit ; but Ave must be content with adding that the form and arrangement of the teeth of these ' palates ' afford characters of great value in classi- fication, as was first pointed out by Professor Loven (of Stockholm) in 1847, and has been since very strongly urged by Dr. J. E. Gray, who considers that the structure of these organs is one of the best guides to the natural affinities of the species, genera, and families of this group, since any important alteration in the form or position of the teeth must be accompanied by some corresponding peculiarity in the habits and food of the animal.1 Hence a systematic examination and delineation of the structure and arrangement of these organs, by the aid of the microscope and camera lucida, would be of the greatest service to this department of natural history. The short thick tube of Limax and other terrestrial Gastropods appears adapted for the trituration of the food pre- viously to its passing into the oesophagus ; for in these animals we find the roof of the mouth furnished with a large strong horny plate, against which the flat end of the tongue can work. On the other hand, the flattened portion of the palate of Bucci- ii hid (whelk) and its allies is used by these animals as a file, with which they bore holes through the shells of the molluscs that serve as their prey ; this they are enabled to effect by everting that part of the proboscis- shaped mouth whose floor is formed by the flattened part of the tube, which is thus hrought to the exterior, and by ing a, kind of sawing motion to the organ by means of the alternate action of two pairs of muscles a protractor and a retractor which put forth and draw hack a pair of cartilages whereon the tongue is supported, and also elevate and depress its teeth. The use of the long blind tubular part of the palate in these ( Jastropods is that of a 'cavity of reserve,' from which a new toothed surface may be continually supplied as the old one is worn away — somewhat as the front teeth of the rodents are constantly being regenerated from the surface of the pulps which occupy their hollow conical bases — as fast as they are rubbed down at their edges, or as a nail is constantly being worn away at its free end, and fashioned anew in its 'bed.' The preparation of these palates for the microscope can, of course, be only accomplished by carefully dissecting them from their attach- ments within the head ; and it will be also necessary to remove the Fig. G50.— Palate o: Lcris tuberculata. 1 Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. ii. vol. x. 1852, p. 413. DEVELOPMENT OF MOLLUSCA 857 membrane that forms the sheath of the tube, when this is thick enough to interfere with its transparence. The tube itself should be slit up with a pair of hne scissors through its entire length, and should be so opened out that its expanded surface may be a continuation of that which forms the floor of the mouth. The mode of mounting it will depend upon the manner in which it is to be viewed. For the ordinary purposes of microscopic ex- amination no method is so good as mount- ing in fluid, either weak spirit or Goad by 's solution answering very well. But many of these palates, especially those of the marine Gastropods, become most beautiful objects for the polariscope when they are mounted in Canada balsam, the form and arrangement of the teeth being very strongly brought out by it (fig. 651), and a gorgeous play of colours being exhibited when a selenite plate is placed behind the object, and the analysing prism is made to rotate. 1 Development of Molluscs. — Leaving to the scientific embryologist the large field of study that lies open to him in this direction,2 the ordinary microscopist will find much to interest him in the observation of certain special phenomena of which a general account will be here given. Attached to the gills of fresh-water mussels (Unio and Anodon) there are often found in the spring or early summer minute bodies which, when first observed, were described as parasites, under the name of Glochidia, but are now known to be their own progeny in an early phase of develop- ment. When they are expelled from between the valves of their parent, they attach themselves in a peculiar manner to the fins and gills of fresh-water fish. In this stage of the existence of the young Anodon, its valves are provided with curious barbed or serrated hooks (fig. 652, A), and are continually snapping together, until they have inserted their hooks into the skin of the fish, which seems so to retain the barbs as to prevent the reopening of the valves. In this stage of its existence no internal organ is definitely formed, except the strong ' adductor ' muscle (aad) which draws the valves together, and the long, slender byssus-filament (hy) which makes its appearance while the embryo is still within the egg-mem- brane, lying coiled up between the lateral lobes. The hollow of each valve is filled with a soft granular-looking mass, in which are to be distinguished what are perhaps the rudiments of the 1 For additional details on the organisation of the palate and teeth of the Gastropod molluscs, see Mr. "VV. Thomson in Cyclop. Anat. and Physiol, vol. iv. pp. 1142, 1143, and in Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. ii. vol. vii. p. 86; Professor Troschel, Das Gebiss der Schnecken, Berlin, 1856-79 ; A. Riicker, 'Ueber die Bildung der Badula bei Helix pomatia,' Bericht oberhess. Gesellsch. Giessen, xxii. p. 209 ; P. Geddes, ' On the Mechanism of the Odontophore in certain Molluscs,' Trans. Zool. Soc. x. p. 485. 2 See Balfour's Comparative Embri/oloc/y, vol. i. chap. ix. 858 MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA branchiae and of oral tentacles ; but their nature can only be cer- tainly determined by further observation, which is rendered difficult by the opacity of the valves. By keeping a supply cf nsh, however, with these embryos attached, the entire history of the development of the fresh-water mussel may be worked out.1 In certain members of the class Gastropoda the history of em- bryonic development presents numerous phenomena of great interest. The eggs (save among the terrestrial species) are usually deposited in aggregate masses, each inclosed in a common protective envelope or nidamentum. The nature of this envelope, however, varies greatly ; thus, in the common Limnceus stagnates, or ' water-snail,' of our ponds and ditches it is nothing else than a mass of soft jelly, about the size of a sixpence, in which from fifty to sixty eggs are imbedded, and which is attached to the leaves or stems of aquatic plants ; in the Buccinum undatum, or common whelk, it is a membranous case, Fig. 652. — A, Glochidium immediately after it is hatched : ad, ad- ductor; sh, shell; by, hyssus-cord ; ,v, sense-organs. B, the same alter it lias heen on the fish for some weeks: or, liranchiiB ; auv, auditory sack;/, food; a.ad and />.ad, anterior and posterior adductors; al, mesenteron ; mt, mantle. connected with a considerable number of similar cases by short stalks, so as to form large globular masses which may often be picked up on our shores, especially between April and June; in the Purpura lapillus, or 1 rock-whelk,3 it is a little flask-shaped capsule, having a firm horny wall, which is attached by a short stem to the surface of rocks between the tide marks, great numbers being often found standing erect side by side ; whilst in the Nudibranchiate order generally (consisting of the Doris, Eol 18} and other 'sea-slugs') it forms a long tube with a membranous wall, in which immense numbers of eggs (even half a million or more) are packed closely together in the midst of a jelly-like substance, this tube being disposed in coils of various forms, which are usually attached to sea-weeds or zoophytes. The course of development, in the first and last of these instances, may be readily observed from the very earliest period down 1 See the Rev. W. Houghton, ' On the Parasitic! Nature of the Fry of the Ano- donta cygneaj in Quart. Joum. Micron. Sci. n.s. vol. ii. lH(il, p. 162, and especially Balfour, op. pit. pp. '220-223. On the embryonal bys;!us-gland of Anudonta, see J. Carriere, Zoolog. Anzeig. vii. p. 41. ' ui -fs DEVELOPMENT OF DORIS to that of the emersion of the embryo, owing to the extreme trans- parence of the nidamentum and of the egg-membranes themselves. The first change which will be noticed by the ordinary observer- is the ' segmentation ' of the yolk-mass, which divides itself (after the manner of a cell undergoing binary subdivision) into two parts, each of the'se two into two others, and so on until a morula, or mulberry- like mass of minute yolk-segments, is produced (fig. 653, A-F), which is converted by 1 invagination ' into a ' gastrula,' whose form Fig. 653— Embryonic development of Doris Ulamellata : A, ovum, consist- ing of enveloping membrane, a, and yolk, b; B, C, D, E, F, successive stages of segmentation of yolk ; G, first marking out of the shape of the embryo ; H, embryo on the eighth day ; I, the same on the ninth day ; K',' the same on the twelfth day, seen on the left side at L ; M, still more advanced embryo, seen at N as retracted within its shell ; a, position of shell-gland; c, c, ciliated lobes ; d, foot' ;' g, hard plate or operculum attached to it ; h, stomach ; i, intestine ; m, n, masses (glandular ?) at the sides of the oesophagus; o, heart (?) ; s, retractor muscle (?) ; t, situation of funnel;. v, membrane enveloping the body; x, auditory vesicles; ;/y mouth. 86o MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA is shown at G. This 1 gastrula - soon begins to exhibit a very curious alternating rotation within the egg, two or three turns being made in one direction, and the same number in a reverse direction : this movement is due to the cilia fringing a sort of fold of the ecto- derm termed the velum, which afterwards usuallv gives origin to a pair of large ciliated lobes (H-L, c) resembling those of Rotifers. The velum is so little developed in Limncens, however, that its existence was commonlv overlooked until recognised by Professor Ray Lankester,1 who also has been able to distinguish its fringe of minute cilia. This, however, has only a transitory existence ; and the later rotation of the embryo, which presents a very curious spectacle when a number of ova are viewed at once under a low magnifying power, is due to the action of the cilia fringing the head and foot. A separation is usually seen at an early period between the anterior or ' cephalic ' portion, and the posterior or ' visceral ' portion, •of the embryonic mass, and the development of the former advances with the greater activity. One of the lirst changes which is seen in it consists in its extension into a sort of fin-like membrane on either side, the edges <>f which are fringed with long cilia (fig. 653, H-L, c), whose movements may be clearly distinguished whilst the embryo is still shut up within the egg ; at a very early period may also be dis- cerned the " auditory vehicles ' (K, x) or rudimentary organs of hearing which scarcely attain any higher development in these creatures during the whole of life ; and from the immediate neighbourhood of these is put forth a projection, which is afterwards to be evolved into the ' foot ' or muscular disc of the animal. While these organs are making their appearance, the shell is being formed on the surface of the posterior portion, appearing first as a thin covering over its hinder part and gradually extending itself until it becomes large enough to inclose the embryo completely, when this contracts itself. The ciliated lobes are best seen in the embryos of Nudibranchs ; and the fact of i he universal presence of a shell in the embryos of that group is of peculiar interest, as it is destined to be cast off very soon after they enter upon active life. These embryos may be seen to move about, as freely as the narrowness of their prison permits, for some time previous to their emersion ; and when set free by the rupture of the egg-cases they swim forth with great activity by the action of their ciliated lobes — these, like the ' wheels' of liotifera, serving also to bring food to the mouth, which is at that time unprovided with the reducing apparatus subsequently found in it. The same is true of the embryo of Lymnceus, save that its swimming movements are less active, in consequence of the non-development of the ciliated lobes ; and the currents produced by the cilia that fringe the head and the orifice of the respiratory sac seem to have reference chiefly to the provision of supplies of food and of aerated water for respira- 1 Bee his valuable ' Observations on the Development of Lint turn a stuyiuit/s and on the. early stages of other Mollusca ' in Quart. Styu/rn, Micros. Set. October 1874 ; and ' On the Developmental History of the Mollusca,' Phil. Tram. 1875. Bee a lso Lereboullet, ' Recherches sur le Developpement du Limnee,' in Ann. des Sci.Nat. Zool. 4e serie, torn, xviii. p. 47. DEVELOPMENT OF PURPURA 86 r tion. The disappearance of the cilia has been observed by Mr. Hogg to be coincident with the development of the teeth to a degree suf- ficient to enable the young water-snail to crop its vegetable food ; and he has further ascertained that if the growing animal be kept in fresh- water alone for some time, without vegetable matter of any kind, the gastric teeth are very imperfectly developed, and the cilia are still retained.1 A very curious modification of the ordinary plan of development is presented in Purpura lapillus1 and it is probable that something of the same kind exists also in Buccinum, as well as in other Gas- tropods of the same extensive order (Pectinibranchiata). Each of the cajmiles already described contains from 500 to 600 egg-like bodies (fig. 654, A) imbedded in a viscid gelatinous substance ; but only from twelve to thirty embryos usually attain complete develop- ment, and it is obvious, from the large comparative size which these attain (fig. 655, B), that each of them must include an amount of substance eaual to that of a great number of the bodies originally found within the capsule. The explanation of this fact (long- since noticed by Dr. J. E. Gray in regard to Buccinum) seems to be as follows. Of those 500 or 600 egg-like bodies, only a small part are fertile ova, the remainder being unfertilised eggs, the yolk material of which serves for the nutrition of the embryos in the later stages of their intracapsular life. The distinction between them manifests itself at a very early period, even in the first segmentation; for, while the latter divide into two equal hemispheres (fig. 654. B), the fertilised ova divide into a larger and a smaller segment (D) ; in the cleft between these are seen the minute 'directive vesicles,' which appear to be always double, although, from being seen ' end on,' only one may be visible ; and near these is generally to be seen a clear space in each segment. The difference is still more strongly marked in the subsequent divisions ; for, whilst the cleavage of the infertile eggs goes on irregularly, so as to divide each into from fourteen to twenty segments, having no detiniteness of arrangement (C, E, F, G), that of the fertile ova takes place in such a manner as to mark out the distinction already alluded to between the 1 cephalic ; and the ' visceral ' portions of the former into distinct organs instance a narrow transparent border is seen around the whole embryonic mass, which is broader at the cephalic portion (I) ; next, Fig. 654. — Early stages of embryonic development of Purpura lapilhis : A. egg-like spherule ; B, C, E, F, G, suc- cessive stages of segmentation of yolk- spherules ; D, H, I, J, K, successive stages of development of early embryos. mass (H). and the evolution of tho very speedily commences. In the first 1 See Trans. Micros. Sec. ser. ii. vol. ii. 1854, p. 83. 862 MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA this border is fringed with short cilia, and the cephalic extension into two lobes begins to show itself ; and then between the lobes a large mouth is formed, opening through a short wide oesophagus, the interior of which is ciliated, into the visceral cavity, occu- pied as yet only by the yolk-particles originally belonging to the •ovum (K). Whilst these developmental changes are taking place in the embryo, the whole aggregate of segments formed by the yolk-cleavage of the infertile eggs coalesces into one mass, as shown at A, fig. 655 ; and the embryos are often, in the first instance, so completely buried within this as only to be discoverable by tearing its portions asunder; but some of them may commonly be found upon its exterior, and those contained in one capsule very commonly exhibit the different Fig. ('>.">.">. — Later stages of embryonic development of Purpura lapilhis'. A, conglomerate mass of vitelline segments, to which were attached the embryos a, b, c, d, e. B, full-size embryo in mere advanced stage of development. stages of (development represented in fig. 654, H-K. After a short time, however, it becomes apparent that the most advanced embryos -are beginning to swallow the yolk-segments of the conglomerate mass, and capsules will not unfrequently bo met with in which embryos of various sizes, as a, b, c, d, e (fig. 655, A), are projecting from its surface, their difference of size not being accompanied by advance in -development, but merely depending upon the amount of this ' supple- mental' yolk which the embryos have respectively gulped down. For during the time in which they are engaged in appropriating this additional supply of nutriment, although they increase in size, yet they scarcely exhibit any other change ; so that the large embryo, fig. 655, e, is not apparently more advanced, as regards the formation of its organs, than the small embryo, fig. 654, K. So soon as this operation has been completed, however, and the embryo has attained its full bulk, the evolution of its organs takes place very rapidly ; the DEVELOPMENT OF PURPURA 863 ciliated lobes are much more highly developed, being extended in a long sinuous margin, so as almost to remind the observer of the ' wheels ' of Rotifera, and being furnished with very long cilia (tig. 655, B) ; the auditory vesicles, the tentacula, the eyes, and the foot successively make their appearance; a curious rhythmically contractile vesicle is seen, just beneath the edge of the shell in the region of the neck, which may, perhaps, serve as a temporary heart ; a little later the real heart may be seen pulsating beneath the dorsal part of the shell ; and the mass of yolk-segments of which the body is made up gradually shapes itself into the various organs of digestion, respira- tion, lire, during the evolution of which (and while they areas yet far from complete) the capsule thins away at its summit and the embryos make their escape from it.1 It happens not unfrequently that one of the embryos which a -capsule contains does not acquire its ' supplemental ' yolk in the manner now described, and can only proceed in its development as far as its original yolk will afford it material ; and thus, at the time when the other embryos have attained their full size and maturity, a strange- looking creature, consisting of two large ciliated lobes with scarcely the rudiment of a body, may be seen in active motion among them. This may happen, indeed, not only to one, but to several embryos within the same capsule, especially if their number should be con- siderable , for it sometimes appears as if there were not food enough for all, so that, whilst some attain their full dimensions and complete development, others remain of unusually small size, without being deficient in any of their organs ; and others, again, are more or less completely abortive — the supply of supplemental yolk which thev have obtained having been too small for the development of their viscera, although it may have afforded what was needed for that of the ciliated lobes, eyes, tentacles, auditory vesicles, and even the foot — or, on the other hand, no additional supply whatever having been acquired by them, so that their development has been arrested at a still earlier stage. These phenomena are of so remarkable a character that they furnish an abundant source of interest to any microscopist who may happen to be spending the months of August and September in a locality in which the Purpura abounds ; since, by opening a sufficient number of capsules, no difficulty need be experienced in arriving at all the facts which have been noticed in this brief summary.2 It is much to be desired that such microscopists 1 The Author thinks it worth while to mention the method which he has found most convenient for examining the contents of the egg-capsules of Purpura, as he believes that it may be advantageously adopted in many other cases. This consists in cutting off the two ends of the capsule (taking care not to cut far into its cavity K and in then forcing a jet of water through it by inserting the end of a fine-pointed syringe into one of the orifices thus made, so as to drive the contents of the capsule before it through the other. These should be received into a shallow cell and first examined under the simple microscope. For some further observations on the de- velopment of Purpura, see Professor Haddon, ' Notes 011 the Development of the Mollusca,' Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. xxii. p. 367. 2 Fuller details on this subject will be found in the Author's account of his re- searches in Trans. Micros. Soc. ser. ii. vol. iii. 1855, p. 17. His account of the process was called in question by MM. Koren and Danielssen, who had previously given an entirely different version of it, but was fully confirmed by the observations of Dr. Dyster. See Ann. Xat. Hist. ser. ii. vol. xx. 1857, p. 10. The independent 864 MOLLUSCA AND BRACHIOPODA as possess the requisite opportunity would apply themselves to the study of the corresponding history in other Pectinibranchiate Gastro- pods, with a view of determining how far the plan now described prevails through the order. And now that these molluscs have been brought not only to live, but to breed, in artificial aquaria, it may be anticipated that a great addition to our knowledge of this part of their life-historv will ere lon°" be made. Ciliary Motion on Gills. — There is no object that is better suited to exhibit the general phenomena of ciliary motion than a portion of the gill of some bivalve mollusc. The Oyster will answer the purpose sufficiently well : but the cilia are much larger on the gills of the JIussel {Mytilus),1 as they are also on those of the Anodon or common 'fresh-water mussel ' of our ponds and streams. Nothing- more is necessary than to detach a small portion of one of the riband- like bands which will be seen running parallel with the edge of each of the valves when the shell is opened, and to place this, with a, little of the liquor contained within the shell, upon a slip of glass — taking care to spread it out sufficiently with needles to separate the bars (if which it is composed, since it is on the edges of these, and round their knobbed extremities, that the ciliary movement presents itself — and then covering it with a thin glass disc. Or it will be convenient to place the object in the aquatic box, which will enable the observer to subject it to any degree of pressure that he may find convenient. A magnifying power of about 120 diameters is amply sufficient t<> afford a general view of this spectacle ; but a much greater amplification is needed to bring into view the peculiar mode in which the stroke "t" each cilium is made. Few spectacles are more striking to the unprepared mind than the exhibition of such won- derful activity ;i> w ill then hecome apparent in a body which to all ordinary observation is so inert. This activity serves a double pur- pose : for it not only drives a continual current of water over the surface of tin- gills themselves, so as to eli'ect the aeration of the blood, hut also directs a portion of this current to the mouth, so as t<> supply the digestive apparatus with the aliment afforded by the Diatomacece, Infusoria) &c. which it carries in with it. Organs of Sense of Molluscs. Some of the minuter and more rudimentary forms of the special organs of sight, hearing, and touch which the molluscous series presents are very interesting objects of microscopic examination. Thus, just within the margin of each valve of Pecten, we see (when we observe the animal in its living state under water) a row of minute circular points of great brilliancy, each surrounded by a dark ring ; these are the eyes with which this creature is provided, and by which its peculiarly active movements are directed. Each of them, when their structure is carefully exa- mined, is found to be protected by a sclerotic coat with a transparent observations of M. Claparede on the development of Neritina flv/viatiUa (MUller's Archiv, 1857, p. 101), and abstract in Ann. of Nat. Hist. ser. ii. vol. xx. 1857, p. 190) showed the mode of development in that species to be the same in all essential par- ticulars as that (if l'n i /in r which is more closely allied to the Cestoda than to the Nematodes must be named ; of this the Distoma hepaticum, or ' fluke,' found in the livers of sheep affected with the ' rot,' is a typical example. Into the details of the structure of this animal, which has the general form of a sole, there is no occasion for us here to enter ; it is remarkable, however, for the branching form of its diges- tive cavity, which extends throughout almost the entire body, very much as in the allied Planarice (fig. 656) ; and also for the curious TV OEMS phenomena" of its development, several distinct forms being passed through between one sexual generation and another. These have been especially studied in the Distoma, which infests Paludina, the o\~a of which are not developed into the likeness of their parents, but into minute worm-like bodies, which seem to be little else than masses of cells inclosed in a contractile integument, no formed organs being found in them ; these cells, in their turn, are developed into independent zooids, which escape from their contain- ing cyst in the condition of free ciliated animalcules ; in this con- dition they remain for some time, and then imbed themselves in the mucus that covers the tail of the mollusc, in which they undergo a gradual development into true Distomata : and having thus ac- quired their perfect form, they penetrate the soft integument, and take up their habitation in the interior of the body. Thus a con- siderable number of Distomata may be produced from a single ovum by a process of cell-multiplication in an early stage of its develop- ment. In some instances the free ciliated larva1 are provided with pigment-spots or rudimentary optic organs, although these organs are wanting in the fully developed Distoma, the peculiar ' habitat ' of which would render them useless. 1 Turbellaria. This group of animals, which is distinguished by the presence of cilia over the entire surface of the body, contains forms which are among the simplest of those in which the Metazoic organisation obtains. It deserves special notice here chiefly on ac- count of the frequency with which the worms of the Planarian tribe present themselves among collections both of marine and of fresh-water animals (particular species inhabiting either locality) and on account of the curious organisation which many of these possess. .Most of the members of this tribe have elongated, Flattened bodies, and move by a sort of gliding or crawling action over the surfaces of aquatic plants and animals. Some of the smaller kinds are sufficiently transparent to allow of their internal structure being seen by transmitted light, especially when they are slightly com- pressed ; and the opposite figure (tig. Gf)6) displays the general conformation of their principal organs as thus shown. The body lias the flattened sole-like shape of the Trematode Entozoa ; its mouth, w hich is situated at a considerable dist ance from the anterior extremity of the body, is surrounded by a circular sucker that is applied to the living surface from which the animal draws its nutri- ment ; and the buccal cavity (h) opens into a, short oesophagus (c) which leads at once to the cavity of the stomach. This cavity does not give origin to any intestinal tube, nor is it provided with any second oritice ; but a large number of ramifying canals are prolonged from it, which carry its contents into every part of the body. This seems to render unnecessary any system of vessels for the circulation of nutritive fluid ; and the two principal trunks, with connecting and ramifying branches, which may be observed in them may be 1 On the development and life-history of the ' Liver-fluke ' see A. P. Thomas, Quart. Joum. Micros. Sri. xxiii. p. 1 ; and Professor K. Leuckart, Archiv filr Natur- gesch. xlviii. \>. 80. On its anatomy, see Dr. F. Sommer, ZeiUchr. J'iir Wiss. Zooh xxxiv. PLAXARIA 87» regarded in the light of a gastro- vascular system, the function of which is not only digestive, but also circulatory. Both sets of sexual organs are combined in the same individuals, though the congress of two, each impregnating the ova of the other, seems to be gene- rally necessary. The ovaria, as in the Entozoa, extend through a large part of the body, their ramifications proceeding from the two oviducts (kj A), which have a dilatation (I) at their point of junction. There is still much obscurity about the history of the em- bryonic development of these animals, as the accounts given of it by different observers by no means harmonise with each other.1 The Planaria>, how- ever, do not multiply by eggs alone ; for they occasionally un- dergo spontaneous fission in a transverse direction, each seg- ment becoming a perfect animal ; and an artificial division into two or even more parts may be practised with a like result. In fact, the power of the Planarice to reproduce portions which have been removed seems but little inferior to that of the Hydra : a circumstance which is peculiarly remarkable when the much higher character of their organisation is borne in mind. They possess a distinct pair of nervous ganglia (f, f), from which branches proceed to various parts of the body ; and in the neighbourhood of these are usually to be observed a number (varying from two to forty) of ocelli or rudimentary eyes, each having its refracting body or crystalline lens, its pig- ment-layer, its nerve-bulb, and its cornea-like bulging of the skin. The integument of many ■of these animals is furnished with cells containing rods or spindles which are very possibly comparable to the 4 thread-cells ' of zoophytes.2 1 See Balfour's Comparative Embryology, vol. i. pp. 159-1(52. 2 For further information regarding the Turbcllaria consult Dr. L. Graff's article on Planarians in the 9th edition of the Encyclopcedia Britannica, and his magnifi- cent Monographic tier Turbellariden, Leipzig, 1882; A. Lang, Die Polycladni, Leipzig, 1884; P. Hallez, Contributions a Vhistoire naturcUe des Tnrbellaru-s, Lille, 1879. On transverse fission, see Bell, Journ. Boy. Micros. Soc. (2), vi. p. 1107. Fig. 65G. — Structure of Boiycelis levi- gatus (a Planarian worm) : a, mouth, surrounded by its circular sucker ; b, buccal cavity ; c, oesophageal orifice ; d, stomach ; e, ramifications of gastric canals ; /, cephalic ganglia and their nervous filaments; g, g, testes; //, vesicula seminalis ; ft, male genital canal ; 1% k, oviducts ; /, dilatation at their point of junction; m, female genital orifice. 872 WORMS Annelids, — This class includes all the higher kinds of worm-like- animals, the greater part of which are marine, though there is one well-marked group, the members of which inhabit fresh water or live on land. The body in this class is usually elongated and nearly always presents a well-marked seg- mental division, the segments being for the most part similar and equal to each other, except at the two extremities ; though in some, as the leech and its allies, the seg- mental division is very indistinctly seen, on account of the general softness of the integument. A large portion of the marine An- nelids have special respiratory ap- pendages, into which the fluids of the body are sent for aeration, and these are situated upon the land (tig. 657) in those species which (like the Serpula, Terebellay Sabellaria, etc.) have their bodies inclosed by tubes, either formed of a shelly substance produced from their own surface, or built up by the agglutination of grains of sand, fragments of shell &c.] ; whilst they are distributed along the two sides of the body in such as swim freely through the water, or crawl over the surfaces of rocks, as is the case with the Nereida; or simply bury themselves in the sand, as the Ari'iiicuhi or 'lob-worm.' In these respiratory appendages the circu- lation of the fluids may be dis- tinctly seen by microscopic exami- nation ; and these fluids are of two kinds : first, a colourless fluid, con- taining numerous cell-like cor- puscles, which can be seen in the smaller and more transparent n, venous sinus surrounding cesopha- species to OCCUpy the space that gus; n. inferior intestinal v<-ss,-l ; i,ltervenes between the outer sur- O, o, ventral trunk ; p. lateral vascular branches. lace °1 the alimentary canal and the inner wall of the body, and to pass from this into canals which often ramify extensively in the respiratory organs, but are never furnished with a returning series of passages ; and second, a fluid winch is usually red, contains few floating particles, and is inclosed in a system of proper vessels that 1 For an interesting account of the formation of these tubes see Mr. A. T. Watson' s- paper in Jonrn. Boy. Micr. Soc. lb'JO, p. 085. Flo. 657. — Circulating apparatus of Tcrcbrllii c<>nr]tih"f the earliest stages of embryonic development nothing whatever is yet known ; but it has been ascertained that the animal passes through a Larval form, which differs from the adult not merely in tin; number of the segments of the body (which successively augment by additions at the posterior extremity), but also in that of the antenna1. At G is represented the earliest larva hitherto met with, enlarged as much as ten times in proportion to the adult at B ; and here we see that the head is destitute of the frontal horns, but carries a pair of setigerous antenna', <(, a, behind which there are five pairs of bifid appendages, b, c, <7, e, f, in the first of which, 6, one of the pinnules is furnished with a seta. In more advanced larva* having eight or ten segments this is developed into a second pair of antenna' resembling the first ; and the animal in this stage has been described as a distinct species, T. quadricornis. At a more advanced age, however, the second pair attains the enormous development shown at B, and the first or larval antennae disappear, the setigerous portions separating at a sort of joint (G, a, whilst the basal projections are absorbed into the general wall of the body. This beautiful creature has been met with on so many parts of our coast that it cannot be considered at all uncommon, 9 NAIS 879 and the microscopist can scarcely have a more pleasing object for study.1 Its elegant form, its crystal clearness, and its sprightly, graceful movements render it attractive even to the unscientific observer ; whilst it is of special interest to the physiologist as one of the simplest examples yet known of the Annelid type. To one phenomenon of the greatest interest presented by various small marine Annelids the attention of the microscopist should be specially directed ; this is their luminosity, which is not a steady glow like that of the glow-worm or fire-fly, but a series of vivid scintillations (strongly resembling those produced by an electric discharge through a tube spotted with tinfoil), that pass along a considerable number of segments, lasting for an instant only, but capable of being repeatedly excited by any irritation applied to the body of the animal. These scintillations may be discerned under the microscope, even in separate segments, when they are subjected to the irritation of a needle-point or a gentle pressure ; and it has been ascertained by the careful observations of M. de Quatrefages that they are given out by the muscular fibres in the act of contraction.2 Among the fresh -water Annelids those most interesting to the microscopist are the worms of the JVais tribe, which are common in our rivers and ponds, living chiefly amidst the mud at the bottom, and especially among the roots of aquatic plants. Being blood-red in colour, they give to the surface of the mud, when they protrude themselves from it in large numbers and keep the protruded portion of their bodies in constant undulation, a very peculiar appearance ; but if disturbed they withdraw themselves suddenly and completely. These worms, from the extreme transparency of their bodies, present peculiar facilities for microscopic examination, and especially for the study of the internal circulation of the red liquid commonly con- sidered as blood. There are here no external respiratory organs, and the thinness of the general integument appears to supply all needful facility for the aeration of the fluids. One large vascular trunk (dorsal) may be seen lying above the intestinal canal, and another (ventral) be> neath it, and each of these enters a contractile dilatation, or heart- like organ, situated just behind the head. The fluid moves forwards in the dorsal trunk as far as the heart, which it enters and dilates ; and when this contracts it propels the fluid partly to the head and partly to the ventral heart, which is distended by it. The ventral heart, contracting in its turn, sends the blood backwards along the ventral trunk to the tail, whence it passes towards the head as before. In this circulation the stream branches off from each of the principal trunks into numerous vessels proceeding to different parts of the body, which then return into the other trunk ; and there is a peculiar set of vascular coils, hanging down in the peri- visceral cavity that contains the corpusculated liquid representing the true blood, which seem specially destined to convey to it the 1 See the memoirs of the Author and M. Clapaivde in vol. xxii. of the Linnean Transactions and the authorities there referred to ; also a recent memoir by Dr. F. Vejdovsky in Zcitsclirift f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. xxxi. 1878. 2 See his memoirs on the Annelida of La Manche in Arm. da see the monograph by (l. S. Brady in vol. xxvi. of the T ransactiouH of the Liunratt Society of London; compare also Zenker, * Monographic der Ostrucoden,' Arcliiv firr Natttrf/. xx. 1854 Claus has an essay on the development of QiJliris, Marburg, 1808; see also Dr. Brady's ' Clt allaiycr ' Report. KNTOMOSTKACA 885 Entomostraca. It contains numerous species, some of which belong to the fresh water, whilst others are marine. The fresh-water species often abound in the muddiest and most stagnant pools, as well as in the clearest springs ; the ordinary water with which London is sup- plied frequently contains large numbers of them. Of the marine species some are to be found in the localities in which the Cy there is most abundant, whilst others inhabit the open ocean, and must be collected by the tow-net. The body of the Cyclops is soft and gela- tinous, and it is composed of two distinct parts, a thorax (fig. 662, a) and an abdomen (b), of which the latter, being comparatively slender, is commonly considered as a tail, though traversed by the intestine which terminates near its extremity. The head, which coalesces with the thorax, bears one very large pair of antennae (c), possessing numerous articulations and furnished with bristly ap- pendages, and another small pair (d) ; it is also furnished with a pair of mandibles or true jaws, and with two pairs of ' in axillae,' of which the hinder pair is the longer and more abundantly sup- plied with bristles. The legs (e) are all beset with plumose tufts, as is also the tail (/,/) which is borne at the extremity of the ab- domen. On either side of the abdomen of the female, there is often to be seen an egg - capsule (B) ; within which the ova, after be- 662.-A, female of Cyclops quadricornis : n i "i • i i ,i fl.body; b, tail ; c, antenna; d, antennule ; er rag fertilised, undergo the feet . ^ piumoSe seta? of tail. B, tail, with earlier Stages of their de- external egg-sacs. C, D, E, F, G, successive velopment. The Cyclops is st*ges of development of young, a very active creature, and strikes the water in swimming, not merely with its legs and tail, but also with its antenna?. The rapidly repeated movements of its feet-jaws serve to create a whirlpool in the surrounding water, by which minute animals of various kinds, and even its own young, are brought to its mouth to be devoured.1 The tribe of Branchiopoda is divided also into two groups, of which the Claclocera present the nearest approach to the preceding, having a bivalve carapace, no more than from four to six pairs of legs, two pairs of antenna?, of which one is large and branched and 1 See for British forms Professor G. S. Brady's Monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands, published by the Ray Society, 1878-80. CRUSTACEA adapted for swimming, and a single eye. The commonest form of this is the Daphnia pulex, which is Sometimes called the ' arborescent water-flea,' from the branching form of its antemiEe. It is very abundant in many ponds and ditches, coming to the surface in the mornings and evenings and in cloudy weather, but seeking the depths of the water during the heat of the day. It swims by taking short springs ; and feeds on minute particles of vegetable sub- stances, but does not, however, reject animal matter when offered. Some of the peculiar phenomena of its reproduction will be presently described. The other group, Phyllopoda, includes those Branchiopoda whose body is divided into a great number of segments, nearly all of which are furnished with leaf -like appendages, or ' fln-feet.' The two families which this group includes, however, differ considerably in their conformation ; for in that of which the genera Apus and Xebalia 1 are representatives, the body is inclosed in a shell, either shield-like or bivalve, and the feet are generally very numerous ; Avhilst in that which contains Branchipus and A Hernia, the body is entirely unpro- tected, and the number of pairs of feet does not exceed eleven. The Apus cancriformis, which is an animal of comparatively large size, its entire length being about '2h inches, is an inhabitant of stagnant waters ; but although occasionally very abundant in particular pools or ditches, it is not to be met with nearly so commonly as the Ento- mostraca already noticed ; in this country, indeed, it is exceedingly rare. It is recognised by its large oval carapace, which covers the head and body like a shield ; by the nearly cylindrical form of its body, which is composed of thirty articulations, and by the large number of its appendages, which amount to about sixty pairs. The number of joints in these is so great that in a single individual they may be safely estimated at not less than two millions. These organs, however, are for the most part small ; and the instruments chiefly used by the animal for locomotion are the first pair of feet, which are very much elongated (bearing such a resemblance to the principal antenna; of other Entomostraca as to be commonly ranked in the same light), and are distinguished as rami or oars. With these they can swim freely in any position ; but when the rami are at rest, ami the animal floats idly on the water, its fin-feet may be seen in in- cessant motion, causing a sort of whirlpool in the water, and bringing to the mouth the minute animals (chiefly the smaller Entomostraca inhabiting the same localities) that serve for its food. The Brancliipus stagrtalis lias a slender, cylindriform, and very transparent body, of nearly an inch in length, furnished with eleven pairs of fin-feet, but is destitute of any protecting envelope ; its head is furnished with a pair of very curious prehensile organs (which are really modified antennas), whence it has received the name of CheirocephdluB ; but 1 Professor Claus 1ms pointed out the relations of Nebalia to the Malacostraca, or higher division of the Crustacea, and has suggested for the group which they re- present the name of LeptosU ■(tea. See the Zeit8cTw. fuT Wiss. Zool. 1872, p. ,3'28 ; and Claus, Untcrsuchimgen zwr Erfurscliang der geucalogischcn Griiudlage des Crustaceen-Systems, Wien, 1870; but a different view is taken by Professor G. O. Sars in his Eeport on the Challenger Phyllocarida. ENTOMOSTEACA 88; these are not used by it for the seizure of prey, as the food of this animal is vegetable, but to clasp the female in the act of copulation; The Branchipus or Cheirocephalus is certainly the most beautiful and elegant of all the Entomostraca, being rendered extremely attractive to the view by ' the uninterrupted undulatory wavy motion of its graceful branchial feet, slightly tinged as they are with a light red- dish hue, the brilliant mixture of transparent bluish-green and bright red of its prehensile antennae, and its bright red tail with the beauti- ful plumose set?e springing from it.' Unfortunately, however, it is a comparatively rare animal in this country. The Artemia salina, or ' brine-shrimp,' is an animal of very similar organisation, and almost equally beautiful in its appearance and movements, but of smaller size, its body being about half an inch in length. Its ' habitat ' is very peculiar, for it is only found in the salt-pans or brine-pits in which sea-water is undergoing concentration (as at Lymington); and in these situations it is sometimes so abundant as to communicate a red tinge to the liquid. Some of the most interesting points in the history of the Ento- mostraca lie in the peculiar mode in which their generative function is performed, and in their tenacity of life when desiccated, in which last respect they correspond with many Rotifers. By this pro- vision they escape being completely exterminated, as they might otherwise soon be, by the drying up of the pools, ditches, and other small collections of water which constitute their usual habitats. We do not, of course, imply that the adult animals can bear a coni- plete desiccation, although they will preserve their vitality in mud that holds the smallest quantity of moisture ; but their eggs are more tenacious of life, and there is ample evidence that these will become fertile on being moistened, after having remained for a long time in the condition of fine dust. Most Entomostraca, too, are killed by severe cold, and thus the whole race of adults perishes every winter ; but their eggs seem unaffected by the lowest tempera- ture, and thus continue the species, which would be otherwise ex- terminated. Again, we frequently meet in this group with that agamic reproduction, which we have seen to prevail so extensively among the lower forms. In many species there is a double mode of multiplication, the sexual and the non-sexual. The former takes place at certain seasons only, the males (which are often so different in conformation from the females that they would not be supposed to belong to the same species if they were not seen dn actual congress) disappearing entirely at other times. The latter, on the other hand, continues at all periods of the year, so long as warmth and food are supplied, and is repeated many times so as to give origin to as many successive 'broods/ Further, a single act of impregnation may serve to fertilise, not merely the ova which are then mature or nearly so, but all those subsequently produced by the same female, which are deposited at considerable intervals. In these two modes the multiplication of these little creatures is carried on with great rapidity, the young animal speedily coming to maturity and beginning to propagate, so that, according to- the computation of Jurine, founded upon data ascertained by actual observation, a 888 CRUSTACEA single fertilised female of the common Cyclops quadricornis may be the&progenitor in one year of 4,442,189,120 young.1 The eggs of some Entomostraca are deposited freely in the water, or are carefully attached in clusters to aquatic plants ; but they are more frequently carried for some time by the parent in special receptacles developed from the posterior part of the body ; and in many cases they are retained there until the young are ready to come forth, so that these animals may be said to be ovo- viviparous. In Daphnia the eggs are received into a large cavity between the- back of the animal and its shell, and there the young undergo almost their whole development, so as to come forth in a form nearly resembling that of their parent. Soon after their birth a moult or exuviation of the shell takes place, and the egg-coverings are cast oft" with it. In a very short time afterwards another brood of eggs is seen in the cavity, and the same process is repeated, the shell being again exuviated after the young have been brought to maturity. At certain times, however, the Daphnia may be seen with a dark opaque substance within the back of the shell, which has been called the ephippium^ from its resemblance to a saddle. This, when care- fully examined, is found to be of dense texture, and to be composed of a mass of hexagonal cells ; and it contains two oval bodies, each consisting of an ovum covered with a horny casing, enveloped in a capsule which opens like a bivalve shell. From the observations of Sir J. Lubbock,2 it appears that the ephippium is really only an altered portion of the carapace, its outer valve being a part of the outer layer of the epidermis, and its inner valve the corresponding, part of the inner layer. The development of the ephippial eggs takes place at the posterior part of the ovaries, and is accompanied by the formation of a greenish-brown mass of granules ; and from this situation the eggs pass into the receptacle formed by the new cara- pace, where they become included between the two layers of the ephippium. This is cast off, in process of time, with the rest of the skin, from which, however, it soon becomes detached ; and it con- tinues to envelope the eggs, generally floating on the surface of the water until they are hatched with the returning warmth of spring. This curious provision obviously affords protection to- the eggs which are to endure the severity of winter cold ; and an approach to it may be seen in the remarkable firmness of the envelopes of the 'winter eggs' of some Rotifera. There seems a strong probability, from the observations of Sir J. Lubbock, that the ' ephippial ' eggs are true sexual products, since males are to- be found at the time when the ephippia are developed ; whilst it is certain that the ordinary eggs can be produced non-sexually, and that the young which spring from them can multiply the race in like manner. The young which are produced from the ephippial 1 For an interesting account of the parthenogenetic development of Aj)us and its allies see the sixth of Von Siebold's Beitriige zur Parthenogenesis cler Arthrojwden (Leipzig, 1871). A new explanation of the facts has recently been made by Mr. H.. Bernard, who finds that many of the AjJOtlidcc are hermaphrodite {Jenaische Zeitschr.. xxv. p. 337). 2 ' An Account of the two Methods of Reproduction in Daphnia, and of the Structure of the Ephippium,' in Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 79. ENTOMOSTRACA 889 eggs seem to have the same power of continuing the race by non- sexual reproduction as the young developed under ordinary cir- cumstances. In most Entomostraca the young at the time of their emersion from the egg differ considerably from the parent, especially in having only the thoracic portion of the body as yet developed, and in pos- sessing but a small number of locomotor appendages (see fig. 662, C-G) ; the visual organs, too, are frequently wanting at first. The process of development, however, takes place with great rapidity, the animal at each successive moult (which process is very commonly repeated at intervals of a day or two) presenting some new parts, and becoming more and more like its parent, which it very early resembles in its power of multiplication, the female laying eggs before she has attained her own full size. Even when the Entomo- straca have attained their full growth, they continue to exuviate their shell at short intervals during the whole of life ; and this repeated moulting seems to prevent the animal from being injured, or its movements obstructed, by the overgrowth of parasitic animal- cules and conferva?, weak and sickly individuals being frequently seen to be so covered with such parasites that their motion and life are soon arrested, apparently because they have not strength to cast off and renew their envelopes. The process of development appears to depend in some degree upon the influence of light, being retarded when the animals are secluded from it ; but its rate is still more influenced by heat ; and this appears also to be the chief agent that regulates the time which elapses between the moultings of the adult, these, in Daphnia, taking place at intervals of two days in warm summer weather, whilst several days intervene between them when the weather is colder. The cast shell carries with it the sheaths not only of the limbs and plumes, but of the most delicate hairs and seta? which are attached to them. If the animal have previously sustained the loss of a limb, it is generally renewed at the next moult, as in higher Crustacea.1 Closely connected with the entomostracous group is the tribe of suctorial Crustacea,2 which for the most part live as parasites upon the exterior of other animals (especially fish), whose juices they imbibe by means of the peculiar proboscis-like organ which takes in them the place of the jaws of other crustaceans ; whilst other appendages, representing the foot-jaws, are furnished with hooks, by which these parasites attach themselves to the animals from whose juices they derive their nutriment. Many of the suctorial Crustacea bear a strong resemblance, even in their adult condition, to certain Entomostraca ; but more commonly it is between the earlier forms of the two groups that the resemblance is the closest, 1 For a systematic and detailed account of this group see Dr. Baird's Natural History of the British Entomostraca, published by the Kay Society. The numerous essays by Professor Claus should also be consulted. 2 It is now generally recognised that these should be placed with the Copepoda, which may be divided into the Eucopepbda and the Branchiura ; the former are divisible into the Gnathostomata, most of which are non-parasitic, and have been already described under Copepoda, and the Siphonostomata, of which Lernaa is an example. Crustacea •-• most of the Suctoria undergoing such extraordinary changes in their progress towards the adult condition that, if their complete forms were alone attended to, they might be excluded from the class altogether/ as has (in fact) been clone by many zoologists. Of the suctorial Crustacea which form the group Branchiura may be specially mentioned the Argulus foliaceus which attaches itself to the surface of the bodies of fresh-water fish, such as the stickleback, and is commonly known under the name of the ' fish-louse.' This animal has its body covered with a large firm oval shield, which does not extend, however, over the posterior part of the abdomen. The mouth is armed with a pair of styliform mandibles ; and on each side of the proboscis there is a large, short, cylindrical ap- pendage, terminated by a curious sort of sucking-disc, with another pair of longer jointed members, terminated by prehensile hooks. These two pairs of appendages, which are probably to be considered as representing the foot-jaws, are followed by four pairs of legs, which, like those of the branchiopods, are chiefly adapted for swimming ; and the tail, also, is a kind of swimmeret. This little animal can leave the fish upon which it feeds, and then swims freely in the water, usually in a straight line, but frequently and suddenly changing its direction, and sometimes turning over and over several times in succession. The stomach is remarkable for the large cajcal prolongations which it sends out on either side, immediately beneath the shell ; for these subdivide and ramify in such a manner that they are distributed almost as minutely as the caecal prolongations of the stomach of the Planaria (fig. 65G). The proper alimentary canal, how- ever, is continued backwards from the central cavity of the stomach, as an intestinal tube, which terminates in an anal orifice at the extremity of the abdomen. A far more remarkable departure from the typical form of the class is shown in the Lerncea, which is found attached to the gills of fishes. This creature has a long suctorial proboscis ; a short thorax, to which is attached a single pair of legs, which meet at their extremities, where they bear a sucker which helps to give attachment to the parasite ; a large abdomen ; and a pair of pendent egg-sacs. In its adult condition it buries its anterior portion in the soft tissue of the animal it infests, and appears to have little or no power of changing its place. But the young, when they come forth from the egg, are as active as the young of Cyclop* (fig. 662, C, D), which they much resemble ; and only attain the adult form after a series of metamorphoses, in which they cast oil' their locomotive members and eyes. It is curious that the original form is retained with comparatively slight change by the males, which increase but little in size, and are so unlike the females that no one would suppose the two to belong to the same family, much less to the same species, but for the study of their development.1 From the parasitic suctorial Crustacea the transition is Dot 1 As the group of suctorial Crustacea is rather interesting to the professed •naturalist than to the amateur microseopist, even an outline view of it would be un- suitable to the present work; and the Author would refer such of his readers as may desire to study it to the excellent treatise by Dr. Baird already referred to. Of the numerous recent essays and memoirs those of Professor Claus should by all means be consulted. • CIMIPEDIA 89I really so abrupt as it might at first sight appear to the group of Cirripedia, consisting of the barnacles and their allies ; for these, like many of the Suctoria, are fixed to one spot during the adult, portion of their lives, but come into the world in a condition that bears a strong resemblance to the early state of many other Crustacea. The departure from the ordinary crustacean type in the adults is, in fact, so great that it is not surprising that zoolo- gists in o-eneral should have ranked them in a distinct class, their superficial resemblance to the Mollusca, indeed, having caused most systematists to place them in that series, until due weight was ). Ap- proaches to this structure are seen in Entomostraca ; but the number of 'ocellites' thus grouped together is usually small. In the higher Crustacea, however, the 'ocelli' are very numerous ; and their compound eyes are constructed upon the same general plan as those of insects, though their shape and position are often very peculiar. The individual ocelli are at once recognised when the 'compound eyes' are examined under even a low magnifying .power by the 'faceted' appearance of the surface (fig. 673, A), which is marked out by very regular divisions either into hexagons EYES 90/ or squares; each facet is the ' corneule ' of a separate ocellite, and has a convexity of its own; hence, by counting the facets, we can ascertain the number of ocelli in each 'compound eye.' In the two eyes. of the common fly there are as many as 4,000 ; in those of the cabbage-butterfly there are about 17,000 ; in the dragon-fly, 24,000; and in the Mordella bettle 25,000. The structure of the arthropod eye is best explained by a comparative account of the various stages of complication which it presents. In various larvae the cuticular layer is modified to form a single lens, behind which are simple, sepa- rate, elongated hypodermic cells, some of which are continuous with fine branches of the optic nerve ; these may be called retinal cells. The next stage in complication is seen when these last combine to form groups, 'retinuke': the sensitive cells may become divided into two regions, an outer one, which is ' vitreous' and refractive in function, while the inner part remains sensi- tive : the corneal surface may be- come broken up into a number of facets, each of which corresponds to one of the ' pyramids ' so formed, and within the retinula there may be differentiated a rhabdom (see fig. 675) formed by the nerve-rod. After traversing the pyramids the rays reach the extremities of. the fibres of the optic nerve, which are surrounded, like the pyramid, by pigmentary substance. Thus the rays which have passed through the several ' corneules ' are prevented Fig. 674. — Diagram of a section of the composite eye of Melolontha vul- garis (cockchafer) : a, facets of the cornea ; b, transparent pyramids surrounded with pigment ; c, fibres of the optic nerve; d, trunk of the optic nerve. from mixing no rays, save with each other ; and those which pass m the axes of the pyramids, can reach the fibres of the optic nerve. Hence, it is evident that, as no two ocelli on the same side (fig. 673) have exactly the same axis, no two can receive their rays from the same point of an object ; and thus, as each compound eye is immovably fixed upon the head, the com- bined action of the entire aggregate will probably only afford but Fig. 07-3. — Part of the compound eye of Phryyanca ; the retinal cells are seen to be united into a retinula (r) which is differentiated into a rhab- dom [m) posteriory; cc, crystalline cone : /. facet of compound eye ; pg} pigment. (After Grenadier.) 908 INSECTS AND ABACHN1DA a, single image, resembling that which we obtain by means of our single eyes. This judgment has received a confirmation as unex- pected as it is complete and beautiful. The subject of the real nature of compound vision can be considered no longer a matter of doubt. We have as complete evidence of its character as we have of that of vision by vertebrate eyes. It is to Professor S. Exner, of Vienna, that we are indebted for the striking though simple results. He has been engaged for years on cognate researches, and has at length succeeded in taking a photo-micrograph of the image presented at the back of a compound insect eye in precisely the same manner as a similar photograph might be taken with the retina removed at the back of the eye of one of the higher vertebrates. The demonstration has just reached us as these sheets are pass- ing through the press, and the present Editor is indebted for a knowledge of the following details to the courtesy of a private com- munication from Professor Exner. The general result of the researches on the subject is presented in fig. 675a, which is the image at the back of the compound eye of Lampyris splendid n J a (fire-fly) in the position in which it would be por- trayed upon the retina, but mainlined 120 diameters. On to the window pane a letter R cut out in black was fixed ; the distance of the window from the eye w as 225 cm. while the dis- tance of the church from the w indow through which it is seen in the magnified image was 135 paces. The result is unmistak- able ; there may appear to be some matters of interest still needing interpretation, but those are explained in the monograph by Exner, giving the complete details of the method he adopted and the mathematical explanation of the results he obtained. The rectitude of the image and the reversion of the R are certainly noteworthy; and as a contribution to our knowledge of the physiology of sight in insects and other animals with compound eyes, the im- portance of the result obtained by the ingenuity and skill of Professor Exner is great, giving us a new start on solid ground. The mathe- Fig. 075 A. — Image of a window with the letter R on one of its panes, and a church beyond, taken through the compound eye of Lampyris splendid 'u la, and magnified 120 diams. EYES 909 uiatics of the question are fully discussed by Exner 1 in a memoir, to which the student must be referred for complete information. The kind of image formed by the compound eye has long been a matter of discussion amongst physiologists.2 The process of taking the photo-micrograph copied in fig. G 75a was this : The eye of the Lampyris was carefully dissected out from the head, the retina and pigment removed with a fine camel-hair pencil, and the back of the eye immersed in a mixture of glycerin and water, possessing a refractive index of 1*346 ; this was already known to be the refractive index of the blood of the Lampyris. The whole was placed upon an ordinary cover-glass, and this being fixed by its edges to a slide or object-carrier with a circular aperture cut in it, as in fig. 675b, C ; a is the slide with an aperture less in diameter than the cover-glass h cut through it ; c is the fluid-medium of Fig. 675b. — Diagrammatic illustration of the method by which the image in fig. 675a was photo-micrographed. ?i=l*346 in which the back parts of the eye are immersed, thus fulfilling the conditions of living sight, while the cornea with its lenses is shown at d, being, as in the normal state, in air. If the eye- be now examined with a microscope (the C of Zeiss was employed) the 'lenses' will be distinctly seen, but if the focus be readjusted 1 Sitzungsber.AJcad. Wissench. Wien, Bd. xcviii. (1881)), pp. 13, 1-43 ; also Die Phy- siologic der Facettirten Ait gen von Krebscn und Insccten (Leipzig und Wien, 1891). a A critical history of the discussion will be found in Chapter VII. of Sir J. Lubbock's Senses of Animals (London, 1888). The question of the physiology of the compound eye of Arthropods has given rise to much discussion. For further details as to its structure consult Grenadier's great work, TJntcrsuchungen uber das Sehorgan der Arthropoden &e. (Gottingen, 1879) ; Carriere, Die Schorgane der Tliiere &c. (Munich and Leipzig, 1885) ; Hickson, ' The Eye and Optic Tract of In- sects,' Quart. Joum. Micros. Sci. xxv. p. 215; Lankester and Bourne, "The Minute Structure of the Lateral and Central Eyes of Scorpio and Limulus,' Quart. Jonrn. Micros. Sci. xxiii. p. 177 ; Lowne ' On the Compound Vision and the Morphology of the Eye in Insects,' Trans. Linn. Soc. (2), ii. p. 3S9 ; Patten, ' Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods,' Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vi. 9IO INSECTS AND AKACHNIDA to the focal plane of the image in the eye this image will be seen and magnified. This will be understood from D (fig. 675b), where e, f represent the image, h the cornea with its ' lenses ' g, e'-f being the image of the object thrown upon the position from which the retina has been removed, and which is now made the focal plane of the objective employed. It was this image {e'-f) which was photographed in the ordinary manner with a Zeiss photo-micrographic apparatus and the C object- glass. The manner in which this was done is seen diagrammatically at E (fig. 675b), where % indicates the cornea of the eye exposed to air, k. the image thrown through the ' lenses ' as a unified picture at the focal point of the microscope, and / is the sensitised plate on which the image was photographed. This is doubtless but the beginning of much similar work to be done by others in Germany and elsewhere ; but this piece of admir- able research and its clear results have a value not only physio- logical but philosophical. Although the structure already described may be considered as typical of the eyes of insects, yet there are various departures from it (most of them slight) in the different members of the class. Thus in some cases the posterior surface of each ' corneule ' is concave ; and a space is left between it and the iris-like dia- phragm, which seems to be occupied by a watery fluid or ' aqueous humour.' In other instances, again, this space is occupied by a double-convex body, which seems to represent the ' crystalline lens,' and this bo ly is sometimes found behind the iris, the num- ber of ocelli being reduced, and each one being larger, so that the cluster presents more resemblance to that of spiders Arc. Besides their 'compound' eyes, insects usually possess a small number of ' simple* eyes (termed ocelli or stemmata) seated upon the top of the head (tig. 673, a, a, a). Each of these consists of a single very con- vex corneule, to the back of which proceeds a bundle of rods that are in connection with fibrils of the optic nerve. Such ocelli are the only visual organs of the larva? of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis, the 'compound' eyes being only developed towards the end of the pupa stage. Various modes of preparing and mounting the eyes of insects may be adopted, according to the manner wherein they are to be viewed. For the observation of their external faceted surface by reflected light it is better to lay down the entire head, so as to present a front face or a side face, according to the position of the eyes, the former giving a view of both eyes when they approach each other so as nearly or quite to meet (as in fig. 673), whilst the latter will best display one when the eyes are situated more at the sides of the head. For the minuter examination of the ' corneules,' however, these must be separated from the hemispheroidal mass whose exterior they form by prolonged maceration, and the pig- ment must be carefully washed away by means of a fine camel-hair brush from the inner or posterior surface. In flattening them out upon the glass slide one of two things must necessarily happen, either the margin must tear when the central portion is pressed down to a level, or, the margin remaining entire, the central por- tion must be thrown into plaits, so that its corneules overlap one another. As the latter condition interferes with the examination of the structure much more than the former does, it should be avoided by making a number of slits in the margin of the convex membrane before it is flattened out. Vertical sections, adapted to demonstrate the structure of the ocelli and their relations to the optic nerve, can be only made when the insect is fresh or has been preserved in strong spirit. Mr. Lowne recommends that the head should be hardened in a 2 per cent, solution of chromic acid, and then imbedded in cacao butter ; the sections must be cut very thin, and should be mounted in Canada balsam. The following are some of the insects whose eyes are best adapted for microscopic pre- parations : Coleoptera, Cicindela, Dytiscus, Melolontha (cockchafer), Lucanus (stag-beetle) ; Orthoptera, Acheta (house and field crickets), Locusta : Hemiptera, Notonecta (boat-fly) ; Xeuroptera, Libellula (dragon-fly), Agrion ; Hymenoptera, Yespida? (wasps) and Apida* (bees) of all kinds ; Lepidoptera, Vanessa (various species of), Sphinx ligustri (privet hawk-moth), Bombyx (silkworm moth and its allies); Diptera, Tabanus (gad-fly), Asilus, Eristalis (drone-fly), Tipula (crane- fly), Alusca (house-fly), and many others. The antennce, which are the two jointed appendages arising from the upper part of the head of insects (fig. 673, b 6), present a most wonderful variety of confor- mation in the several tribes of insects, often differing considerably in the several species of one genus, and even in the two sexes of the same species. Hence the characters which they afford are extremely useful in classi- fication, especially since their structure must almost neces- sarily be in some way related to the habits and general economy of the creatures to which they belong, although our imperfect acquaintance with their function may pre- vent us from clearly discerning this relation. Thus among the Coleoptera we find one large family, including the glow-worm, fire- fly, skip-jack, etc. distinguished by the toothed or serrated form of the antenna?, and hence called Serricornes ; in another, of which the burying-beetle is the type, the antenna? are terminated by a club- shaped enlargement, so that these beetles are termed Clavicornes ; in another, again, of which the HydrophUus, or large water-beetle, is an example, the antenna? are never longer, and are commonly shorter, than one of the pairs of palpi, whence the name of Palpi- Fig. G76. — Antenna of jlcloJonUia (cockchafer). 912 INSECTS AND AKACHNIDA comes is given to this group ; in the very large family that in- cludes the Lucani, or stag-beetles, with the Scarabcei, of which the cockchafer is the commonest example, the antenna? terminate in a set of leaf -like appendages, which are sometimes arranged like a fan or the leaves of an open book (fig. 676), are sometimes parallel to each other like the teeth of a comb, and sometimes fold one over the other, thence giving the name Lamellicornes ; whilst another large family is distinguished by the appellation Longicornes, from the great length of the antennae, which are at least as long as the body, and often longer. Among the Lepidoptera, again, the conformation of the antenna? frequently enables us at once to dis- tinguish the group to which any specimen belongs. As every treatise on entomology contains figures and descriptions of the principal types of conformation of these organs, there is no occasion here to dwell upon them longer than to specify such as are most interesting to the microscopist : Coleoptera, Brachinus, Calathus, Harpalus, Dytiscus, Staphylinus. Philonthus, Elater, Lampyris, Silpha, Hydro- philus, Aphodius, Melolontha, Cetonia, Curculio; Orihoptera, Forficula (earwig), Blatt;i (cockroach) ; Lepidoptera^ Sphingida? (hawk-moths), and Xoctuina (moths) of various kinds, the large c plumed ' antenna? of the latter being peculiarly beautiful objects under a low magni- fying power ; />/'/'/' r<>. Culicidse (gnats of various kinds), Tipulidse (crane-flies and midges), Tabanus, Eristalis, and Muscida* (Mies of various kinds). All the larger antenna1, when not mounted ' dry ' as opaque objects, should be put up in balsam, after being soaked for some time in tur- pentine ; but the small feathery antennae of gnats and midges arc so liable to distortion when thus mounted that it is better to set them up in fluid, the head with its pair of an- tennae being thus preserved together when not too large. A curiou < i of organs has been recently discovered in the antenna* of many Insects, which have been supposed to constitute collectively an apparatus for hearing. Kach consists of a cavity hollowed out in the horny integument, sometimes nearly spherical, sometimes flask -shaped, and sometimes prolonged into numerous extensions formed by the folding of its lining membrane ; the mouth of the cavity seems to be normally closed in by a continuation of this membrane, though its presence cannot always be satisfactorily deter- mined ; whilst to its deepest part a nerve-fibre may be traced. The expanded lamella' of the antenna1 of A/rlolontha present a great dis- play of these cavities, which are indicated in fig. 077, A, by the small circles that beset almost their entire area ; their form, which is very peculiar can here be only made out by vertical sections ; but in many of the smaller antenna', such as those of the bee, the A B Fig. 077. —Minute structure of leaf-like expan- sions of antenna of Melolontha: A, their in- ternal layer; B, fcheuf superficial layer. THE MOUTH OF INSECTS 913 cavities can be seen sidewise without any other trouble than that of bleaching the specimen to render it more transparent.1 The next point in the organisation of insects to which the atten- tion of the microscopist may be directed is the structure of the mouth'. Here, again, we find almost infinite varieties in the details of conformation ; but these may be for the most part reduced to a small number of types or plans, which are characteristic of the dif- ferent orders of insects. It is among the Coleoptera, or beetles, that we find the several parts of which the mouth is composed in their most distinct form ; for, although some of these parts are much more highly developed in other insects, other parts may be so much altered or so little developed as to be scarcely recognisable. The Coleoptera present the typical conformation of the mandibulate mouth, which is adapted for the prehension and division of solid substances ; and this consists of the following parts : 1, a pair of jaws, termed mandibles, frequently furnished with powerful teeth, opening laterally on either side of the mouth, and serving as the chief instruments of manduca- tion ; 2, a second pair of jaws, termed maxillce, smaller and weaker than the preceding, beneath which they are placed, and serving to hold the food, and to convey it to the back of the mouth ; 3, an upper lip, or 1 ah rum ; -1, a lower lip or labium ; 5, one or two pairs of small jointed appendages, termed palpi, attached to the maxill;e, and hence called maxillary palpi ; 6, a pair of labial palpi. The labium 2 is often composed of several distinct parts, its basal portion being distinguished as the mentum or chin, and its anterior portion being sometimes considerably prolonged forwards, so as to form an organ which is properly designated the ligula, but which is more commonly known as the ' tongue,' though not really entitled to that designation, the real tongue being a soft and projecting organ which forms the floor of the mouth, and which is only found as a distinct part in a comparatively small number of insects, as the cricket. This ligula is extremely developed in the fly kind, in which it forms the chief part of what is commonly called the 'proboscis' (fig. 678) ;3 and it also forms the ' tongue ' of the bee and its allies (fig. 679). 1 See the memoir of Dr. Hicks, ' On a new Structure in the Antennae of Insects,' in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxii. p. 147; and his 'Further Remarks' at p. 383 of the same volume. See also the memoir of M. Lespes, ' Sur l'Appareil auditif des Insectes,' in Ann. des Sci. Xat. ser. iv. zool. torn. ix. p. 258; and that of M. Claparede, ' Sur les pretendus Organes auditifs des Coleoptcres lamellicornes et autres Insectes,' in Ann. des Sci. Nat. ser. iv. zool. torn. x. p. 236. Dr. Hicks lays great stress on the ' bleach- ing process ' as essential to success in this investigation, and he gives the following directions for performing it : Take of chlorate of potass a drachm, and of water a drachm and a half ; mix these in a small wide bottle containing about an ounce ; wait five minutes and then add about a drachm and a half of strong hydrochloric acid. Chlorine is thus slowly developed, and the mixture will retain its bleaching power for some time. 2 The labium and the labial palps are, morphologically, a second pair of maxilla? which have undergone more or less fusion of the basal parts along the median line. 3 The representation given in the figure is taken from one of the ordinary pre- parations of the fly's proboscis, which is made by slitting it open, flattening it out, and mounting it in balsam. For representations of the true relative positions of the different parts of this wonderful organ, and for minute descriptions of them, the reader is referred to Mr. Suffolk's memoir, ' On the Proboscis of the Blow-fly,' in Monthly Microsc. Journ. i. p. 831, and to Mr. Lowne's treatise on The Anatomy unci Physiology of tlie Blow-fly, p. 41 (a new and elaborate edition of this work ik in process of publication). INSECTS AND ARACHNID A Fig. 078. — A, tongue of common fly: a, lobes of ligula; b, portion inclosing the lancets, formed by the metamorphosis of the maxillae; c, maxillary palpi. B, a portion of some of the pseudo-tracheae more highly magnified. MOUTH-PARTS OF INSECTS 915 The ligula of the common fly presents a curious modification of the ordinary tracheal structure, the purpose of which is not apparent ; for instead of its tracheae being kept pervious, after the usual fashion, by the winding of a contiDuous spiral fibre through their interior, the fibre is broken into rings, and these rings do not sur- round the whole tube, but are terminated by a set of arches that pass from one to another (fig. 678, B).1 In the Diptera, or two-winged flies generally, the labrum, maxilla?, mandibles, and the internal tongue (where it exists) are converted into delicate lancet-shaped organs termed setcr, which, when closed together, are received into a hollow on the upper side of the labium (fig. 678), but which are capable of being used to make punctures in the skin of animals or the epidermis of plants, whence the juices may be drawn forth by the proboscis. Frequently, however, two or more of these organs may "be wanting, so that their number is reduced from six to four, three, or two. In the HyniPMoptera (bee and wasp tribe) the labrum and the mandibles (fig. 679, b) much resemble those of mandibulate insects, and are used for corre- sponding purposes ; the maxilla? (c) are greatly elongated, and form, when closed, a tubular sheath for the ligula, or 'tongue,' through which the honey is drawn up ; the labial palpi (d) also are greatly developed, and fold to- gether, like the maxilla?, so as to form an inner sheath for the ' tongue '; while the £ ligula ' itself (e) is a long tapering muscular organ, marked by an immense number of short annular divi- sions, and densely covered over its own length with long hairs. It is not tubular, as some have stated, but is solid ; when actively employed in taking food it is ex- tended to a great distance beyond the other parts of the mouth ; but when at rest it is closely packed up and concealed between the maxilla?. ' The manner,' says Mr. Newport, ' in which the honey is obtained when the organ is plunged into it at the bottom of a flower is by " lapping," or a 1 According to Dr. Anthony (Monthly Microscopical Journ. vol. xi. p. 242), these ' pseudo-trachea? ' are suctorial organs, which can take in liquid alike at their ex- tremities and through the whole length of the fissure caused by the interruption of the rings, the edges of this fissure being formed by the alternating series of ' ear-like appendages ' connected with the terminal ' arches,' the closing together of which converts0 the pseudo-trachea? into a complete tube. Dr. Anthony considers each of these ear-like appendages to be a minute sucker, ' either for the adhesion of the fleshy tongue, or for the imbibition of fluids, or perhaps for both purposes,' The point i« well worthy of further investigation. o x 2 Fig. 079. — Parts of the mouth of Apis mellifica (honey-bee) : a, mentum; b, mandibles ; c, maxilla? ; d, labial palpi ; e, ligula, or prolonged labium, com- monly termed the 1 tongue.' INSECTS AND ARACHNID A constant succession of short and quick extensions and contractions of the organ, which occasion the fluid to accumulate upon it and to ascend along its upper surface, until it reaches the orifice of the tube formed by the approximation of the maxillae above, and of the labial palpi and this part of the ligula below.' By the plan of conformation just described we are led to that which prevails among the Lepidoptem, or butterfly tribe, which, being pre-eminently adapted for suction, is termed the haustellate mouth. In these insects the labium and mandibles are reduced to three minute triangular plates ; whilst the maxillae are immensely elongated, and are united together along the median line to form the kaustelUum, or true ' proboscis,' which contains a tube formed by the junction of the two grooves that are channelled out along their mutually applied surfaces, and which serves to pump up the juices of deep cup-shaped flowers, into which the size of their wings prevents these insects from entering. The length of this haustellium varies greatly : thus in such Lepidoplera as take no food in their perfect state it is a very insignificant organ ; in some of the white hawk- moths, which hover over blossoms without alighting, it is nearly two - I'n.. OHO. — Hiinstcllium (proboscis) of \'hon;/x, one of the Sphingidce, it is more than nine inches Long, or about three times the length of the body. This haustellium, which, when not in use, is coiled up in a spiral beneath tin- mouth, is an extremely beautiful microscopic object, owing t<> the peculiar banded arrangement it exhibits (tig. 680), which is probably due to the disposition of its muscles. In many instances the two halves maybe seen to be locked together by a set of hooked teeth, which are inserted into little depressions between the teeth of the opposite side. Each half, moreover, may be ascertained to contain a trachea or air-tube, and it is probable, from the observations of Mr. Newport, that the sucking up of the juices of a flower through the proboscis (which is accomplished with great rapidity) is effected by the agency of the respiratory apparatus. The proboscis of many butterflies is furnished, for some distance from PARTS OF THE BODY 917 its extremity, with a double row of small projecting barrel-shaped bodies (shown in fig. 680), which are surmised by Mr. Newport (whose opinion is confirmed by the kindred inquiries of Dr. Hicks) to be organs of taste. Numerous other modifications of the structure of the" mouth, existing in the different tribes of insects, are well worthy of the careful study of the microscopist ; but as detailed descriptions of most of these will be found in every systematic trea- tise on entomology, the foregoing general account of the principal types must suffice. Parts of the Body. — The conformation of the several divisions of the alimentary canal presents such a multitude of diversities, not only in different tribes of insects, but in different states of the same individual, that it would be utterly vain to attempt here to give even a general idea of it, more especially as it is a subject of far less interest to the ordinary microscopist than to the professed anatomist. Hence we shall only stop to mention that the ' musgular gizzard,' in which the oesophagus very commonly terminates, is often lined by several rows of strong horny teeth for the reduction of the food, which furnish very beautiful objects, especially for the bino- cular. These are particularly developed among the grasshoppers, crickets, and locusts, the nature of whose food causes them to require powerful instruments for its reduction.1 The circulation of blood may be distinctly watched in many of the more transparent larvre, and may sometimes be observed in the perfect insect. It is kept up by a ' dorsal vessel ' (so named from the position it always occupies along the middle of the back in the thoracic and abdominal regions), which really consists of a succession of muscular contractile cavities, one for each segment, opening one into another from behind forwards, so as to form a continuous trunk divided by valvular partitions. In many larva3, however, these partitions are very indistinct ; and the walls of the ' dorsal vessel ' are so thin and transparent that it can with difficulty be made out, a limitation of the light by the diaphragm being often necessary. The blood which moves through this trunk, and which is distributed by it to the body, is a transparent and nearly colourless fluid, carry- ing with it a number of £ oat-shaped ' corpuscles, by the motion of which its flow can be followed. The current enters the £ dorsal vessel ' at its posterior extremity, and is propelled forwards by the contractions of the successive chambers, being prevented from moving in the opposite direction by the valves between the chambers, which only open forwards. Arrived at the anterior extremity of the ' dorsal vessel,' the blood is distributed in three principal channels : a central one, namely, passing to the head, and a lateral one to either side, descending so as to approach the lower surface of the body. It is from the two lateral currents that the secondary streams diverge, which pass into the legs and wings, and then return back to the main stream ; and it is from these also that in the larva of the Ephemera marginata (day-fly), the extreme transparence of 1 The student who desires to carry further the study of the digestive apparatus should consult Professor Plateau's memoir, ' Eecherches sur les Phenomenes de la Digestion chez les Insectes,' Mem. Acad. Boy. de Belgique, xli. 918 INSECTS AXD ARACHNID A which renders it one of the best of all subjects for the observation of insect circulation, the smaller currents diverge into the gill-like appendages with which the body is furnished. The blood-currents seem rather to pass through channels excavated among the tissues than through vessels with distinct walls : but it is not improbable that in the perfect insect the case may be different. In many aquatic larva1, especially those of the Culicidce (gnat tribe), the body is almost entirely occupied by the visceral cavity : and the blood may be seen to move backwards in the space that surrounds the alimentary canal, which here serves the purpose of the channels usually exca- vated through the solid tissues, and which freely communicates at each end with the * dorsal vessel.' This condition strongly resembles that found in many Annelida.1 The circulation may be easily seen in the wings of many insects in their pupa state, especially in those of the Neuroptera (such as dragon-flies and day-flies) which pass this part of their lives under water in a condition of activity, the pupa of Agrion jmella, one of the smaller dragon-flies, being a particularly favourable subject for such observations. Each of the " nervures ; of the wings contains a ' trachea ' or air- tube, which branches off from the tracheal system of the body ; and it is in a space around the trachea that the blood maybe seen to move when the hard framework of the nervure itself is not too opaque. The same may be seen, however, in the wings of pupa* of bees, butterflies, Arc. which remain shut up motionless in their cases ; for this condition of apparent torpor is one of great activity of their nutritive system, those organs, especially, which; are peculiar to the perfect insect being then in a state of rapid growth, and having a vigorous circulation of blood through them. In certain insects of nearly every order a movement of fluid may be seen in the wings for some Little time after their last meta- morphosis : but this movement soon ceases and the wings dry up* Tlx- common fly is as good a subject for this observation as can- be easily found ; it must be caught within a few hours or days of its first appearance ; and the circulation may be most conveniently brought into view by inclosing it (without water) in the aquatic box, and pressing down the cover sufficient to keep the body at rest without doing it any injury. The respiratory apparatus of insects affords a very interest- ing series of microscopic objects j for, with great, uniformity in its general plan, there is almost infinite variety in its details. The aeration of the blood in this class is provided for, not by the trans- mission of the fluid to any special organ representing the lung of a vertebrated animal or the gill of a mollusc, but by the introduction of air into every part of the body, through a system of minutely distributed trorln n , or air-tubes, which penetrate even the smallest and most delicate organs. Thus, as we have seen, they pass into the haustellium, or 'proboscis,' of the butterfly, and they are minutely 1 Seethememoirsf.n Corethra phimicornis,hy Professor Rymer Jones, in Trans. Micros. Soc. o.B. vol. xv. Ihct. p, 90; by Professor E.Kay Lankester, in the Popular Science "Review for October iMi;;, ; ar.d by Dr. A. Weismann, in Zeitschr.f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. xvi. p. 45. On the circulatory system of insects consult Graber, ' Ueber den pro- pulsatorisfhen Appaxat der Insecten,' Arch, fiir Mikr. Anat. ix. p. 139, RESPIRATORY APPARATUS 919 distributed in the elongated labium or ' tongue,' of the fly (fig. 678). Their general distribution is shown in fig. 681, where we see two long trunks (/) passing from one end of the body to the other, and connected with each other by a transverse canal in every segment ; these trunks communicate, on the one hand, by short wide passages with the 'stigmata,' 'spiracles,' or 'breathing pores ' (g), through which the air enters and is discharged ; whilst they give off branches to the different segments, which divide again and again into ramifications of extreme minuteness. They usually communicate also with a pair of air-sacs (h) which is situated in the thorax ■ but the size of these (which are only found in the perfect insect, no trace of them existing in the larvse) varies greatly in different tribes, being usually greatest in those insects which (like the bee) can sustain the longest and most powerful flight, and least in such as habitually live upon the ground or upon the surface of the water. The structure of the air-tubes reminds us of that of the ' spiral vessels' of plants, which seemed destined (in part at least) to perform a similar office ; for within the membrane that forms their outer wall an elastic fibre winds round and round, so as to form a spiral closely resembling Fig. 681.— Tracheal system of Nepa (water- in its position and func- scorpion) : a, head ; 6, first pair of legs ; ; c, first , • xi • 1 • • segment of thorax ; d, second pair of wings ; e, tions the spiral Wire spring se*ond pair of legs; /, tracheal trunk; g, one of flexible gas pipes ; with- of the stigmata; h, air-sac. in this, again, however, there is another membranous wall to the air-tubes, so that the spire winds between their inner and outer coats. When a portion of one of the great trunks with some of the principal branches of the tracheal system has been dissected out, and so pressed in mounting that the sides of the tubes are flattened against each other (as has happened in the specimen represented in fig. 682), the spire forms two layers which are brought into close apposition, and a very beautiful appearance, resembling that of watered silk, is produced 920 INSECTS AND AEACKSIDA by the crossing of the two sets of fibres, of which one overlies the other. That this appearance, however, is altogether an optical illu- sion may be easily demonstrated by carefully following the course of any one of the fibres, which will be found to be perfectly regular. The ' stigmata ' or 1 spiracles ' through which the air enters the tracheal system are generally visible on the exterior of the body of the insect (espe- cially on the abdomi- nal segments) as a series of pores along each margin of the under sur- face. In most larva-, nearly every segment is provided with a pair, but in the perfect insect several of them remain closed, especially in the thoracic region, so that their number is often con- siderably reduced. The structure of the spiracles varies greatly in regard to complexity in different in- sects ; and even where the general plan is the same the details of conforma- tion are peculiar, so that perhaps in scarcely any two species are they alike. Generally speak- ing, they are furnished with some kind of sieve at their entrance by which particles of dust, soot, ifcc. which would otherwise enter the air-passages are filtered out ; and this sieve may be formed by th<' i nt erlacemont of the Fig. 682. — Portion of a large trachea of Dyti, C with some of its principal branches. branches of minute arbo- rescent growths from the binder of the spiracle, as ^ in the common fly (fig. i4\f,/ 6b 3), or in the DytisGus ; ) ) or it may ho a membrane : perforated wit h minute holes, and supported upon wii a framework of bars that w is prolonged in like manner from the thickened margin of the aperture (fig. 684), as in the larva of the Mrlohmtlm (cockchafer). Not unfrequently the centre of the aper- ture is occupied by an impervious disc, from which radii proceed to its margin, as is well seen in the spiracle of Tipula (crane- fly),1 In those aquatic larvae which breathe air we often find one 1 Consult Landois unci Thiele, ' Der Tracheenverschluss hei den Insecten,' Zeit- schr/ftf. Wm. Zoul. xvii. p. 187. Fic. <;h:{. — Spiracle of common fly. RESPIRATORY APPARATUS 921 of the spiracles of the last segment of the abdomen prolonged into a tube, the mouth of which remains at the surface while the body is immersed ; the larvae of the ynat tribe may frequently be observed in this position. There are many aquatic larvae, however, which have an entirely different provision for respiration, being furnished with external leaf- like or brush-like appendages into which the trachea? are prolonged, so that by absorbing air from the water that bathes them they may con- vey this into the interior of the body. We cannot have a better example of this than is afforded by the larva of the common Ephemera (day- fly), the body of which is furnished with a set of branchial appendages resembling the ' tin-feet ' of branchiopocls, whilst the three-pronged tail also is fringed with clusters of delicate hairs which appear to minister to the same function. In the larva of the Libellula (dragon-fly) the extension of the surface for aquatic respiration takes plate within the termination of the intestine, the lining membrane of which is folded into an immense number of plaits, each containing a minutely ramified system of tracheae ; the water slowly drawn in through the anus for bathing this surface is ejected with such violence that the body is impelled in the opposite direc- tion ; and the air taken up by its tracheae is carried through the system of air-tubes of which they form part into the remotest organs. This apparatus is a peculiarly in- teresting object for the microscope on account of the extraordinary copiousness of the distribution of the tracheae in the intestinal folds. The main trunks of the tracheal system, with their principal ramifi- cations, may generally be got out with little difficulty by laying open the body of an insect or larva under water in a dissecting trough, and removing the whole visceral mass, taking care to leave as many as possible of the branches, which will be seen pro- ceeding to this from the two great longitudinal trachea3, to whose position these branches will serve as a guide. Mr. Quekett recom- mends the following as the most simple method of obtaining a perfect system of tracheal tubes from a larva. A small opening having been made in its body, this is to be placed in strong acetic acid, which will soften or decompose all the viscera ; and the trachea may then be well washed with the syringe, and removed from the body with the greatest facility, by cutting away the connections of the main tubes with the spiracles by means of fine-pointed scissors. In order to mount them they should be floated upon the slide, on which they should then be laid out in the position best adapted for displaying them. If they are to be mounted in Canada balsam they should be allowed to dry upon the slide, and should then be treated in the usual way ; but their natural appearance is best preserved Fig. GS4. — Spiracle of larva of cockchafer. 922 INSECTS AND AKACHNIDA by mounting them in fluid (weak spirit or Goadby's solution), using a shallow cell to prevent pressure. The finer ramifications of the tracheal system may generally be seen particularly well in the mem- branous wall of the stomach or intestine ; and this, having been laid out and dried upon the glass, may be mounted in balsam so as to keep the tracheae full of air (whereby they are much better displayed), if care be taken to use balsam that has been previously thickened, to drop this on the object without liquefying it more than is absolutely necessary, and to heat the slide and the cover (the heat may be advantageously applied directly to the cover after it has been put on by turning over the slide so that its upper face shall look down- ward) only to such a degree as to allow the balsam to spread and the cover to be pressed down. The spiracles are easily dissected out by means of a pointed knife or a pair of fine scissors ; they should be mounted in glycerin jelly when their texture is soft, and in balsam when the integument is hard and horny. Wing's. — These organs are essentially composed of an extension of the external membranous layer of the integument over a frame- work formed by prolongations of the inner horny layer, within which prolongations tracheae are nearly always to be found, whilst they also include channels through which blood circulates during the growth of the wing and for a short time after its completion. This is the simple structure presented to us in the wings of JVeuro- ptera (dragon-Hies kc.), Hymenoptera (bees and wasps), Diptera (two-winged Hies), and also of many 11 omoptera (Cicada1 and Ajiliidcs) ; and the principal interest of these wings as microscopic objects lies in the distribution of their ' veins ' or ' nervures ' (for by both names are the ramifications of their skeleton known) and in certain points- of accessory structure. The venation of the wings is most beautiful in the smaller Xeuroptera, since it is the distinguishing feature of this order that the veins, after subdividing, reunite again, so as to form a close network ; whilst in the Hymenoptera and Diptera such reunions are rare, especially towards the margins of the wings, and the areola; are much larger. Although the membrane of which these wings are composed appeal's perfectly homogeneous when viewed by transmitted light, even with a high magnifying power, yet when viewed by light reflected obliquely from their surfaces an appearance of cellular areolation is often discernible ; this is well seen in the common fly, in which each of these areola) lias a hair in its centre. In order to make this observation, as well as to bring out the very beautiful iridescent hues which the wings of many minute insects (as the Aphides) exhibit when thus viewed, it is con- venient to hold the wing in the stage-forceps for the sake of giving it every variety of inclination ; and when that position has been found which best displays its most interesting features, it should be set up as nearly as possible in the same. For this purpose it should be mounted on an opaque slide, but instead of being laid down upon its surface the wing should be raised a little above it, its ' stalk ' being held in the proper position by a little cone of soft wax, in the apex of which it may be imbedded. The wings of most Hymenoptera are remarkable for the peculiar apparatus by which WINGS ; SOUND-ORGANS 923 those of the same side are connected together, so as to constitute in flight but one large wing ; this consists of a row of curved hooklets on the anterior margin of the posterior wing, which lay hold of the thickened and doubled down posterior edge of the anterior wing. These hooklets are sufficiently apparent in the wings of the common bee, When examined with even a low magnifying power ; but they are seen better in the wasp, and better still in the hornet. The peculiar scaly covering of the wings of the Lepidoptera has already been noticed ; but it may here be added that the entire wings of many of the smaller and commoner insects of this order, such as the Tineidce or ' clothes-moths,' form very beautiful opaque objects for low powers, the most beautiful of all being the divided wings of the Fissijwnnes or -plumed moths,' especially those of the genus Pterophorus. There are many insects, however, in which the wings are more or less consolidated by the interposition of a layer of horny substance between the two layers of membrane. This plan of structure is most fully carried out in the Coleoptera (beetles), whose anterior wings are metamorphosed into elytra or ' wing-cases ' ; and it is upon these that the brilliant hues by which the integument of many of these insects is distinguished are most strikingly displayed. In the anterior wings of the Forjiculidaj1 or earwig tribe, the cellular structure may often be readily distinguished when they are viewed by transmitted light, especially after having being mounted in Canada balsam. The anterior wings of the Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, &c), although not by any means so solidified as those of Coleoptera. contain a good deal of horny matter ; they are usually rendered sufficiently transparent, however, by Canada balsam to be viewed with transmitted light ; and many of them are so coloured as to be very showy objects (as are also the posterior fan-like wings) for the electric or gas microscope, although their large size and the absence of any minute structure prevent them from affording much interest to the ordinary microscopist. We must not omit to men- tion, however, the curious sound-producing apparatus which is possessed by most insects of this order, and especially by the common house-cricket. This consists of the ' tympanum,' or drum, which is a space on each of the upper wings, scarcely crossed by veins, but bounded externally by a large dark vein provided with three or four longitudinal ridges : and of the 'file' or 'bow,' which is a transverse horny ridge in front of the tympanum, furnished with numerous teeth : and it is believed that the sound is produced by the rubbing of the two bows across each other, while its intensity is increased by the sound-board action of the tympanum. The wings of the Fxdgorido- (lantern-flies) have much the same texture as those of the Orthoptera, and possess about the same value as microscopic objects, differing considerably from the purely membranous wings of the Uieadce and Aphides, which are associated with them in the order Homoptera. In the order Ilemiptera, to which belong various kinds of land and water insects that have a suctorial mouth resembling that of the common bug, the wings of the anterior pair are usually of parchmenty consistence, though membranous near their tips, and 924 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A are often so richly coloured as to become very beautiful objects when mounted in balsam and viewed by transmitted light ; this is the case especially with the terrestrial vegetable feeding kinds, such as the Pentatoma and its allies, some of the tropical forms of which rival the most brilliant of the beetles. The British species are by no means so interesting, and the aquatic kinds, which, next to the bed-bugs, are the most common, always have a dull brown or almost black hue ; even among these last, however, of which the Xotonecta (water-boatman) and the Xepa (water-scorpion) are well-known •examples, the wings are beautifully variegated by differences in the depth of that hue. The halteres of the Diptera, which are the re- presentatives of the posterior wings, have been shown by Dr. J. B. Hicks to present a very curious structure, which is found also in the elytra of Coleoptera and in many other situations, consisting in a multitude of vesicular projections of the superficial membrane, to each of which there proceeds a nervous filament, that comes to it through an aperture in the tegumentary wall on which it is seated. Various considerations are stated by Dr. Hicks which lead him to the belief that this apparatus, when developed in the neighbourhood of the spiracles or breathing pores, essentially ministers to the sense of smell, whilst, when developed upon the palpi and other organs in the neighbourhood of the mouth, it ministers to the sense of taste.1 Feet. — Although the feet of insects are formed pretty much on one general plan, yet that plan is subject to considerable modifica- tions in accordance with the habits of life of different species. The entire limb usually consists of five divisions, namely, the coxa or hip, the trochanter, the femur or thigh, the tibia or shank, and the tarsus or foot ; and this last part is made up of several successive joints. The typical number of these joints seems to be five,"2 but that number is subject to reduction ; and the vast order Coleoptera is subdivided into primary groups, according as the tarsus consists of five, four, or three segments. The last joint of the tarsus is usually furnished with a pair of si rong hooks or claws (figs. 685, 686) j and these are often serrated (that is, furnished with saw-like teeth), especially near the base. The under surface of the other joints is frequently beset with tufts of hairs, which are arranged in various modes, sometimes forming a complete 4 sole ' ; this is especially the case in the family Curculionichv ; a pair of the feet of the ' diamond beetle ' mounted so that one shows the upper surface made resplendent by its jewel-like scales, and the other the hairy cushion beneath, is a very interesting object. In many insects, especially of the fly kind, the foot is furnished with a pair of membranous expansions termed pulvilli (fig. 685) ; and these are beset with numerous hairs, each of which has a minute disc at its extremity. This structure is evidently connected with the power which these insects possess of 1 See his memoir, ' On a new Organ in Insects,' in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. i. 185(5, p. 18G ; his ' Further Remarks on the Organs found on the Bases of the Halteres and Wings of Insects,' in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxii. p. 141 ; and his memoir, 1 On certain Sensory Organs in Insects hitherto undescrihed,' in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxiii. p. 189. i See, however, Professor Huxley (Anat. of Invertebral <■ . I nimaU, p. 348), who, regarding the 'pulvillus ' of the cockroach as a joint, finds the number to be six. FEET 925 walking over smooth surfaces in opposition to the force of gravity ; yet there is still considerable uncertainty as to the precise mode in which it ministers to this faculty. Some believe that the discs act as suckers, the insect being held up by the pressure of the air against their upper surface when a vacuum is formed beneath ; whilst others maintain that the adhesion is the result of the secretion of a viscid liquid from the under side of the foot. The careful observations of Mr. Hepworth have led him to a conclusion which seems in harmony with all the facts of the case — namely, that each hair is a tube con- veying a liquid from a glandular sacculus situated in the tarsus, and that when the disc is applied to a surface the pouring forth of this liquid serves to make its adhesion perfect. That this adhesion is not produced by atmospheric pressure alone is proved by the fact that the feet of flies continue to hold on to the interior of an exhausted receiver : whilst, on the other hand, that the feet pour forth a secreted fluid is evidenced by the marks left by their attach- ment on a clean surface of glass. Although, when all the hairs have the strain put upon them equally, the adhesion of their discs suf- fices to support the insect, yet each row may be de- tached separately by the gradual raising of the tarsus and pul villi, as when we remove a piece of adhesive plaster by lifting it from the edge or corner. Flies are often found adherent to window-panes in the autumn, their reduced strength not being sufficient to enable them to detach their tarsi.1 A similar apparatus on a far larger scale presents itself on the foot of the Dytiscus (fig. 686, A). The first joints of the tarsus of this insect are widely expanded, so as to form a nearly circular plate, and this is provided with a very remarkable apparatus of suckers, of which one disc (a) is extremely large, and is furnished with strong radiating fibres ; a second (6) is a smaller one formed 011 the same plan (a third, of the like kind, being often present) ; whilst the greater number are comparatively small tubular club-shaped bodies, each having a very delicate membranous sucker at its extremity, as shown on a larger scale at B. These all have essentially the same structure, the large suckers being furnished, like the hairs of the fly's foot, with secreting sacculi, which pour forth fluid through the 1 See Mr. Hepworth's communications to the Quart. Juurn. Microsc. Sci. vol. ii. 1854, p. 158. and vol. iii. 1855, p. 312. See also Mr. Tuffen West's memoir, ' On the Foot of the Fly,' in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxii. p. 393; Mr. Lowne's Anatomy of the Blow-fly, p. 19; H. Dewitz in Zoologisclu r Angt i;;er, vi. p. 278; and G. Sim- mermacher in Zeitschr.f. Wiss. Zool. xl. p. 481. 926 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A tubular footstalks that carry the discs, whose adhesion is thus secured ; whilst the small suckers form the connecting link between the larger suckers and the hairs of many beetles, especially Curcu- lionidce.1 The leg and foot of the Dytiscus, if mounted without compression, furnish a peculiarly beautiful object for the binocular microscope. The feet of caterpillars differ considerably from those of perfect insects. Those of the first three segments, which are afterwards to be replaced by true legs, are furnished with strong- horny claws ; but each of those of the other segments, which are termed ' pro-legs,' is composed of a circular series of comparatively •slender curved hooklets, by which the caterpillar is enabled to cling to the minute roughnesses of the surface of the leaves &c. on which it feeds. This structure is well seen in the pro-legs of the common silkworm. Stings and Ovipositors. — The insects of the order Hymenoptera ■are all distinguished by the prolongation of the antepenultimate and Fig. 080. — A, foot of Dytiscus, showing its apparatus of suckers : a, b, large in kers ; c, ordinary suckers. B, one of the ordinary suckers more highly magnified. penultimate segments of the abdomen (the eighth and ninth ab- dominal segments of the larva) into a peculiar organ, which in one division of the order is a 'sting,' and in the other is an 'ovipositor' or instrument for the deposition of the eggs, which is usually also provided with the means of boring a hole for their reception. The former group consists of the bees, wasps, ants, &c. ; the latter of the saw-flies, gall-flies, ichneumon-flies, &c. These two sets of instru- ments are not so unlike in structure as they are in function.2 The 1 See Mr. Lowne, ' On the so-called Suckers of Dytiscus and the Pulvilli of Insects,' in Monthly Microsc. Jourti. v. p. '207. 2 See Kraepelin, ' Untersuchungen iiber den Bau, Mechanismus und Entwicke- lungsgeschichte der bienenartigen Thiere,' in Zeitschr, f. Wiss. Zool. xxiii. p. 28!) ; Dewitz, ' Ueber Bau und Entwickelung des Stachels und der Legeschoide,' op. cit. xxv. p. 174; and 'Ueber Bau und Entwickelung des Stachels der Ameisen/ op cit. xxviii. p. 527, STINGS AND OVIPOSITORS 927 * sting ' is usually formed of a pair of darts, beset with barbed teeth at their points, and furnished at their roots with powerful muscles, whereby they can be caused to project from their sheath, which is a horny case formed by the prolongation of the integument of the last segment, slit into two halves, which separate to allow the protrusion of the sting : whilst the peculiar ' venom ' of the sting is due to the ejection, by the same muscular action, of a poisonous liquid, from a bag situated near the root of the sting, which passes down a canal excavated between the darts, so as to be inserted into the puncture which they make. The stings of the common bee, wasp, and hornet, may all be made to display this structure without much difficulty in the dissection. The 'ovipositor' of such insects as deposit their eggs in holes ready-made, or in soft animal or vegetable substances (as is the case with the Ichneumonicto), is simply a long tube, which is inclosed, like the sting, in a cleft sheath. In the gall-flies {Cynipidce) the extremity of the ovipositor has a toothed edge, so as to act as a kind of saw whereby harder substances may be pene- trated ; and thus an aperture is made in the leaf, stalk, or bud of the plant or tree infested by the particular species, in which the egg is deposited, together with a drop of fluid that has a peculiarly irritating effect upon the vegetable tissues, occasioning the production of the ' galls,' which are new growths that serve not only to protect the larvae, but also to afford them nutriment. The oak is infested by several species of these insects, which deposit their eggs in different parts of its fabric ; and some of the small ! galls ' which are often found upon the surface of oak-leaves are extremely beautiful objects for the lower powers of the microscope. In the Tenthredinidce, or ' saw-flies,' and in their allies, the Siricido-, the ovipositor is furnished with a still more powerful apparatus for penetration, by means of which some of these insects can bore into hard timber. This consists of a pair of ' saws ' which are not unlike the ' stings ' of bees &c. but are broader and toothed for a greater length, and are made to slide along a firm piece that supports each blade, like the 1 back ' of a carpenter's ' tenon-saw' ; they are worked alternately (one being protruded while the other is drawn back) with great rapidity ; but when not in use they lie in a Assure . beneath a sort of arch formed by the terminal segment of the body. When a slit has been made by the working of the saws they are withdrawn into this sheath ; the ovipositor is then protruded from the end of the abdomen (the body of the insect being curved downwards), and, being guided into the slit by a pair of small hairy feelers, there deposits an egg.1 Many other insects, especially of the order Diptem, have very pro- longed ovipositors, by means of which they can insert their eggs into the integuments of animals or into other situations in which the larva? will obtain appropriate nutriment. A remarkable example of this is furnished by the gad-fly [Tahanus), whose ovipositor is 1 The above is the account of the process given by Mr. J. W. Gooch, who has informed the Author that he has repeatedly verified the statement formerly made by him {Science Gossip, Feb. 1, 1873), that the eggs are deposited, not, as originally stated by Reaumur, by means of a tube formed by the coaptation of the saws, but through a separate ovipositor, protruded when the saws have been withdrawn. 928 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A composed of several joints, capable of being drawn together or extended like those of a telescope, and is terminated by boring instruments ; and the egg being conveyed by its means, not only into but through the integument of the ox, so as to be imbedded in the tissue beneath, a peculiar kind of inflammation is set up there, which (as in the analogous case of the gall-fly) forms a nidus appro- priate both to the protection and to the nutrition of the larva. Other insects which deposit their eggs in the ground, such as the locusts, have their ovipositors so shaped as to answer for digging holes for their reception. The preparations which serve to display the fore- Fig. G87. — Various e^'gs, chiefly of the Acarina, etc. going parts are besl seen when mounted in balsam, save in the case of the muscles and poison-apparatus of the sting, which are better pre- served in fluid or in glycerin jelly. The sexual organs of insects furnish numerous objects of extreme interest to the anatomist and physiologist ; but as an account of them would be unsuitable to the present work, a reference to a copious source of information respecting one of their most curious features, and to a list of the species that afford good illustrations, must here suffice.1 The eggs of not only the class Insecta, but of 1 Bee the memoirs of M. Lacaze-Duthiers/' Sxir l'Armuro (u'nitale rtes Insectes,' iti Ann. cles Sci. Nat. ser. iii. zool. tomes xii. xiv. xvik xviii .\ix.; and M. Ch. Robin's EGGS 929 many of the minuter forms of the class Arachnida, as for example the Acarina, or mites and ticks, present to those who are in search of objects of beauty a wide and most interesting held. In tig. 687 we give a group of eggs, all but the central form being eggs of organisms of this order. It is thus with the eggs of many insects ; they are objects of great beauty, on account of the regularity of their form and the symmetry of the markings on their surface (fig. 688). The most interesting belong for the most part to the order Lepidoptera ; and there are few among these that are not worth examination, some of the commonest (such as those of the cabbage butterfly, Fig. 688. — Eggs of butterflies and moths. which are found covering large patches of the leaves of that plant) being as remarkable as any. Those of the puss-moth (Ceryra vinula), the privet hawk-moth (Sphinx Ugustri^ the small tortoise- shell butterfly ( Vanessa urticce), the meadow-brown butterfly (Hip- parchia janira), the brimstone-moth (Rumia cratcegata), and the silkworm (Bombyx mori) may be particularly specified ; and, from other orders, those of the cockroach (Blatta orientalis), field-cricket (Acheta campestris), water-scorpion (Nepa ranatra), bug (Cimex Memoire but les Objets qui peuvent etre conserves en Preparations mieroscopiques (Paris, 1856), which is peculiarly full in the enumeration of the objects of interest afforded by the class of Insects. 3 o 930 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A lectularius), cow-dimg fly (Scatopliaga stereo raria), and blow -fly (Musca vomitoria).1 In order to preserve these eggs they should be mounted in fluid in a cell, since they will otherwise dry up, and may lose their shape. They are very good objects for securing some of the best binocular effects. The remarkable mode of reproduction that exists among the Aphides must not pass unnoticed here, from its curious connection with the non-sexual reproduction of Entomostraca and Rotifer a. as also of Hydra and Zoophytes generally, all of which fall specially, most of them exclusively, under the observation of the microscopist. The Aphides, which may be seen in the spring and early summer, and which are commonly, but not always, wingless, are all of one sex, and give birth to a brood of similar Aphides, which come into the world alive, and before long go through a like process of multi- plication. As many as from seven to ten successive broods may thus be produced in the course of a single S9ason : so that from a single Aphis it has been calculated that no fewer than ten thousand million millions may be evolved within that period. In the latter part of the year, however, some of these viviparous Aphides attain their full development into males and females ; and these perform the true generative process, whose products are eggs, which, when hatched in the succeeding spring, give origin to a new viviparous brood that repeat the curious life-history of their predecessors. It appears from the observations of Professor Huxley 2 that the broods of viviparous Aphides originate in ova which are not to be distinguished from those deposited by the perfect winged female. Nevertheless, this non- sexual or agamic reproduction must be considered analogous rather to the 'gemmation' of other animals and plants than to their sexual 'generation' ; for it is favoured, like the gemmation of Hydra, by warmth and copious sustenance, so that by appropriate treatment the viviparous reproduction may be caused to continue (as it would seem) indefinitely, without any recurrence to the sexual process. Further, it seems now certain that this mode of reproduction is not at all peculiar to the Aphides, but that many other insects ordinarily multiply by 'agamic ' propagation, the production of males and the performance of the true generative act being only an occasional phenomenon ; and the researches of Professor Siebold have led him to conclude that even in the ordinary economy of the hive-bee the same double mode of reproduction occurs. The queen, who is the only perfect female in the hive, after impregnation by one of the drones (or males) deposits eggs in the ' royal ; cells, which are in due time developed into young queens ; others in the drone cells, which become drones; and others in the ordinary cells, which become workers or neuters. It has long been known that these last are really un- developed females, which, under certain conditions, might become queens ; and it has been observed by bee-keepers that worker-bees, 1 Compare R. Lenekart in Arcliiv f. Anat. 1858, p. ;><>, ' debet die Mfcropyle and den feinern Bau der Schalenhaut bei den Insecteneietn,' and A. Brandt, Ueber das Ei unri Heine Jiilrf n nynhitte,, Leipzig, 1878. 2 'On the Agamic Reproduction and Morphology of Aphis1 in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxii. p. 193. DEVELOPMENT OE INSECTS 931 in common with virgin or unimpregnated queens, occasionally Jay eggs from which eggs none but drones are ever produced. From careful microscopic examination of the drone eggs laid even by impregnated queens, Siebold drew the conclusion that they have not received the fertilising influence of the male fluid, which is communicated to the queen-eggs and worker eggs alone ■ so that the products of sexual generation are always female, the males being developed from these by a process which is essentially one of gemmation.1 The embryonic development of insects is a study of peculiar interest, from the fact that it may be considered as divided (at ■least in such as undergo a 1 complete metamorphosis ' ) into two stages that are separated by the whole active life of the larva— that, namely, by which the larva is produced within the egg, and that by which the imago or perfect insect is produced within the body of the pupa. Various circumstances combine, however, to render the study a very difficult one ; so that it is not one to be taken up by the inexperienced microscopist. The following summary of the history of the process in the common blow-fly, however, will prob- ably be acceptable. A gastrula with two membranous lamelhe having been evolved in the first instance, the outer lamella very rapidly shapes itself into the form of the larva, and shows a well- marked segmental division. The alimentary canal, in like manner, shapes itself from the inner lamella, at first being straight and very capacious, including the whole yolk, but gradually becoming narrow and tortuous as additional layers of cells are developed between the two primitive lamella?, from which the other internal organs are evolved. When the larva eomes forth from the egg it • still contains the remains of the yolk ; it soon begins, however, to feed voraciously ; and in no long period it grows to many thousand times its original weight, without making any essential progress in development, but simply accumulating material for future use. An adequate store of nutriment (analogous to the ' supplemental yolk ' of Purpura) having thus been laid up within the body of the larva, it resumes (so to speak) its embryonic development, its passage into the pupa state, from which the imago is to come forth, involving a degeneration of all the larval tissues ; whilst the tissues and organs of the imago 'are redeveloped from cells which originate from the disintegrated parts of the larva, under conditions similar to those appertaining to the formation of the embryonic tissues from the yolk.' The development of the segments of the head and body in insects generally proceeds from the corresponding larval segments ; but, according to Dr. Weismann, there is a marked exception in the case of the Dipfera and other insects whose larvae are unfurnished with legs, their head and thorax being newly formed from 'imaginal discs,' which adhere to the nerves and tracheae of the anterior extremity of the larva ; 2 and, strange as this assertion may seem, 1 See Professor Siebold's memoir, On true Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees, translated by W. S. Dallas (London, 1857) ; and his Beitrage zur Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden (Leipzig, 1871). 2 See his ' Entwickelung der Dipteren ' in Zeitschrift f. Wiss. Z00J. xiii. and xiv.; ]Mr. Lowne's A natomu of the Blow-fly (1st ed.), pp. 6-9, 113-121 ; and A. Ivo\valevskvr 3 o 2 932 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A it has been confirmed by the subsequent investigations of Mr, Lowne. The Arachnida, or scorpions and pseudo-scorpions, and the Ara- neida or spiders, present much that is of interest even to the unscien- tific who use the microscope only for pleasure. The general remarks which have been made in regard to insects are equally applicable to these, but have special application in that group known as the Acarina, consisting of the mites and ticks. Some of these are parasitic, and are popularly associated with the wingless parasitic insects, to which they bear a strong general resemblance, save in having eight legs instead of six. The Acarina are the true ' mites ' j they generally have the legs adapted for walking, and some of them are of active habits. The common cheese-mite, as seen by the naked eye, is familiar to everyone ; yet few who have not seen it under a microscope have any idea of its real conformation and movements ; and a cluster of them, cut out of the cheese they infest, and placed under a magnifying power sufficiently low to enable a large number to be seen at jonce. is one of the most amusing objects that can be shown to the young. There are many other species, which closely resemble the cheese -mite in structure and habits, but which feed upon different substances : and some of these are extremely destruc- tive. The Acarina arc the smallest of the Arthropoda, and are specially w ell fitted for microscopical examination; indeed, with the exception of the Ixodida (including the Argosince), which attain a substantial size, particularly in tropical countries, but little can be learnt respecting them without such aid ; as far as is at present known, other mites are not larger in hot countries than in Europe. Many species make beautiful objects for the microscope, and may be well preserved, the hard-bodied specimens in balsam without heat or pressure, the soft-bodied in glycerin or glycerin jelly ; e.g. the nymphs of Lei080ma palmacittcf n m, Teyeocranus ce/)heiformis, T. dentatus, and the adults of (U-yrij magus plumiger and G. jud/mifer are admirable. They arc all British, and are found respectively on lichen ;it the Land's End, on the fallen bark and needles of fir-trees,, on fallen oak-wood, in the fodder in stables, and on cellar- walls. Many of the Trombidiida and Hydrachnidce also are very beautiful ; and the Dermaleichi, especially the males, and such creatures as Myobia, Listrophorus, &c. are extremely curious. With the excep- tion of the Phytoptida?, all Acarina in the adult stage have eight legs and the constriction between cephalo-thorax and abdomen is. far less marked than in insects and spiders — in many genera it is wholly lost. The sexes are distinct and often very different from; each other ; the reproduction is oviparous or ovo-viviparous — pos- sibly in rare and exceptional instances viviparous. The ova are usually elliptical or ova] ; in those which have a hard shell a curious stage known as the 'deutovium ' exists : as the egg increases, in size the shell splits into two sym metrical halves, which remain attached to the lining membrane, but are widely separated, the Beitrage zur Kemitnis der Nachenibrvonalcn-Entwickelung dev Musciden,' ZcilscJir.. f. Wish. Zool. xliv. p. 542. PLATE XVIII. West.NewTna.-n clrrorno Ac ar ina. MITES 933 membrane becoming the external covering in the space left. The eggs of the so-called stone-mite (Petrobia lapichun) are discoidal and sculptured ; they occasionally appear in countless numbers over a large space of ground in a single night, making the place look whitewashed ; they have been mistaken for fungi and called Crate-, rium "pyrifbrme ; they are good microscopical objects. The larva? of all Acarina, except Phytoptus and possibly Dermanyssus, are hexapod ; the fourth pair of legs is absent. The nymphal stage is usually the principal period of growth ; occasionally, however, it is wanting. The nymph is an active chrysalis, as in the Orthoptera ; it usually undergoes several ecdyses. In many species of the Oribatidcn the whole skin is not cast, but splits round the edge of the body, and the dorso-abdominal portion remains attached to the new skin ; often it has a row of elegant spines or hairs round its edge ; thus after two or three ecdyses these spines form concentric rings on the notogaster (Plate XIX, fig. 2). In the Trombidiidw, Tyroglyplii, &c. the nymphs usually greatly resemble the adults ; in the Oribatidc- they are often totally different, and every intermediate stage occurs. The change from nymph to adult is usually preceded by an inert period. The number and variety of the families, and the differences in the external form and internal anatomy, are so great and so endless that it is impossible here to do more than indicate a few leading features and refer to a few examples of interest. The caput is, of course, fused with the thorax, but sometimes a constriction at the base of the rostrum gives a false appearance of there being a distinct head. The tropin are extremely different in the respective families, or even genera. In the more highly organised of the Gamastdce almost all the parts which exist in the most elaborate insect-mouths except the labial palpi may be found ; they are well described by M. Megnin.1 A large oral tube is formed by the anchylosed T P 1 ' maxilla? and probably upper lip and lingua. Up the centre or this tube the mandibles pass freely ; they are very long and chelate : the first joint is simply cylindrical ; the second similar, but having the fixed chela at its distal end ; the third is the movable chela. They are capable of being projected far. beyond the body, or of being withdrawn wholly within it, the muscles which withdraw them often arising from quite the posterior end of the body. These man- dibles are different in the two sexes, and those of the male often have most remarkable appendages. One of the best examples is that of Gamasus terribUis, a species found in moles* nests by Mr. Michael. Professor Canestrini, of Padua, also has figured some very singular forms. In the Oribatidw, Tetranyelais, the Sareoptidas, &c. the mandibles are also chelate, but of two joints only, shorter, more powerful, and not capable of such great protrusion. In the Hydracltnidce, Trombidiince, kc. the mandible is not chelate, but the terminal joint shuts back like a clasp-knife, as in the poison - fangs of spiders. Other forms of mandible are found. The maxillae are large toothed crushing organs in the Oribatida ; they are very 1 Journ. cle VAnat. et de la Physiol., Robin, May 1870. 934 INSECTS AND ARACHNID A strongly developed in Hoplophora, which is a wood-boring creature. In other families they are more commonly joined, forming a maxil- lary lip with a flexible edge for sucking purposes. The maxillary palpi vary greatly ; in the Sarcoptidce, Myobia, &c. they are anchy- losecl to the lip : in the Phytopti ISTalepa is of opinion that they are needle-like piercing organs, but these may well be the maxilla?. In some predatory forms, as Cheyletns, Trombidium, &c. they assume great importance, being the raptorial organs : in the first they are extremely large and powerful and work horizontally ; they are provided with a number of long chitinous spines and comb-like appendages of a very singular character. In Trombidium the ultimate joint is articulated at the base of, or part of the way down, the penultimate, forming a species of chela. In Bdella the palpi are long thin organs, carried upward and backward, and have the appearance of antennae. The joints of the legs are from three (Demodex) to seven (some Trorobidiidce and Gamasidce) ; five is the most usual number. They are terminated by a sucker as in the Sar- coptidce, where it is often very large ; or by a claw or claws, or both together. In some parasitic species the claws are developed in a special manner for holding the hairs of the host ; thus Myobia has the claw of the first leg flattened out so as to form a broad lamina, which curls round the hair and presses it against a chitinous peg on the tarsus ; Myocoptes lias a similar arrangement on the third leg. Both these genera contain species which are parasites of the mouse, and easily obtained. In the Oribatidcr, Tyroylyphi, kc. the legs are all strictly walking organs ; but in Chey/etus, most GamasidcBt Arc. the first pair are tactile, and not used in locomotion. The legs generally correspond on the two sides of the body, but in Freyana hi U rojmSy an extraordinary parasite of the cormorant discovered by Mr. Michael (Plate N X. fig. .'>), the second leg of the male is developed to a much greater extent on one side than on the other, and is supported by a different sternal skeleton on the two sides ; the strangest fact is that it is not always the same side that is thus developed : it is usually the left, but occasionally the right. The integument of the Acarina is almost always soft in the immature forms ; in the adults it is hard and chitinised in the OribatidcB and most Gamasida ; partly so in the Ixodidce ; and usually soft in most other families, and often minutely striated. The hairs and other appendages of the integument of a similar nature are often very characteristic and extraordinary. In the nymph of Leiosomapaltn<<- cinctum they are large scale-like processes of a Japanese-fan shape,, which entirely cover up and conceal the body of the creature ; a leaf-like form is also common. In Glycvphagu8 plumiger they are elegant plumes ; in some Sarropfidfc, e.g. Sytubtotrs fripdis, some of the simple setiform hairs are three times the length of the body ; in the Trombidiida the body-hairs are often extremely fanciful. The setiform hairs are the principal organs of touch, those on the front legs being specially important. So sensitive are they that Clicyb'ttis and some Gamasids, which are predatory and capture such active creatures as Thysanaridce, are entirely eyeless, and trust to the tactile sense only. Haller was of opinion that certain specialised PLATE XIX. Ac anna. MITES 935 hairs had an auditory function. In the Ixodiche a singular drum- like structure in the first leg has been considered by Haller and others to be the hearing organ ; while in the Oribatidce that organ appears to be located in the pseudo- stigmata, two paired organs at the side of the cephalo-thorax which were long taken for true stig- mata: The Gamasidce, Oribatidce, Tyroglyphidce, Sarcoptidce, etc. are entirely without special organs of vision. The Hydrachnidce have two pairs of simple eyes, each pair being so close together as to look like a single eye. The Trombidiidce mostly have simple eyes, the number and position of which vary with the species. As to internal anatomy it should be noted that there is almost endless variety. The alimentary canal most commonly consists of a long thin oesophagus, provided with distensor muscles on each side, so as to make it a sucking organ ; it usually passes right through or close under the great ganglion known as the brain ; in some species, as Damceus genicidatus, the oesophagus is followed by a large pro- ventriculus, but this is not usual ; it more commonly leads directly into the ventriculus, which generally is a principal viscus, and in most families furnished with more or less glandular caecal ap- pendages, not numerous, but often very large, occasionally larger than the organ itself. A valve in many cases separates the ven- triculus from the hind-gut, Avhich is commonly divided into what may be called colon and rectum. In the Gamasidce a single very large Malpighian vessel on each side of the body enters between the two last-named divisions of the alimentary canal. These vessels run right along the side of the body, and strong pulsation may be seen in them. In the Oribatidce they are absent, their function being apparently performed by supercoxal glands. The Tyro- glyphidce, Sarcoptidce, Phytoptidce, etc. are without special respir- atory organs ; the Oribatidce and some Uropoda have simple un- branched tracheae, much in the same condition as those of Peripahis. The other Gamasidce, the Trombidiidce, Gheyletidce, Ixodidce, Arc. usually have branched trachea*, like insects ; air-sacs are occasion- ally found, but not anything like the tracheal lungs or gills (so called) of spiders and scorpions. The principal nerve-centre is much concentrated, and consists usually of either a large supra - cesophageal and smaller suboesophageal ganglion, joined by com- missures ; or, more frequently, the whole forms one mass, which is pierced by the oesophagus, which may be pulled out, leaving a neat round hole ; the nerves, of course, radiate from this mass, but there is not space here to describe their course. A pulsating organ of the nature of the dorsal vessel of insects, but much shorter, and with only one or two pairs of ostia, has been detected in some Gamasidce, and in Ixodes, first by Kramer and afterwards by Winkler and Claus ; it has a median aorta running forward ; it is best seen in life in young specimens still transparent ; it lies at the rear of the ventriculus, near the dorsal surface. Nothing of the nature of a heart has yet been discovered in other Acarina. The reproductive organs are, perhaps, most frequently of the 'ring' type, well known in the Araclinida ; thus in female Oribatidce they consist of a central ovary, with an oviduct springing from near each end, in which the 93^ INSECTS AND ARACHNID A eggs are matured ; the oviducts both terminate in an unpaired vagina, whence the eggs pass into a long, membranous, extensible ovipositor, often wrinkled or striated with singular fineness and beauty. The external aperture is closed by chitinous folding doors. A more or less similar arrangement may be found in most Gamasidce, Hydrachniclce, &c. but without the ovipositor. Spermatheca1 are often found in the Gamasidce, Tyroglyphidre, etc., and accessory glands frequently accompany the vagina in almost all families. The male system varies greatly, but is frequently constructed on similar lines, preserving somewhat of the ' ring ' form. The principal families into which the Acarina are divided are as follows : — The Gamasidce, which in the adult stage are mostly pro- vided with^a hard chitinous cuticle in all parts of the body. They are mostly predatory, but the females and young are often parasitic. Pteroptus and Dermanyssus, however, are more leathery in texture, and are parasitic during their whole lives, the former on bats, the latter on birds. This family have the true stigmata, one on each side of the ventral surface, usually between the second and third pairs of legs ; these do not communicate directly with the external air, but have a long tubular peritreme in the chitin of the ventral surface, often very elaborate in form, and emerging to the air usually between the first and second legs. This is highly characteristic of the family. The Ixodidce, or ticks, most of which are probably primarily vegetable feeders, but will, when opportunity offers, attach them selves to animals by sinking their long serrated rostral projection into the skin, have a single ventral stigma on each side, com- municating directly with the air by a large cullender-plate, which is an interesting microscopical object. The males have the dorsal surface of the abdomen almost entirely covered by a chitinous plate, which is much smaller in the females; but the leathery portion of the abdomen in that sex is capable of great distension for the pur- pose of permitting the suction of animal juices. The Argasides must be included iii this group ; their tenacity of life and power of existing without food are marvellous ; their bite is severe, but the terrible stories told of the results of the bite of the Persian Argas have not been supported on investigation. The Oribatidce are mostly wholly chitinised, the chitin being very hard and brittle. The stigmata are in tin? acetabula of the legs. The pseudo-stigmata (hearing organs) of tins family have been before referred to. Oribatidce are vegetable feeders, living in moss, lichen, fungus, dead woorj, under bark of trees, Arc. and some few species on aquatic plants. They are widely distributed from the arctic regions to the equatorial, Hoplophora has the power of withdrawing the Legs wholly within the carapace, and then shutting down the cephalo-thorax against the abdomen, so as to close the opening, when it appears like a chitinous ball ; from this power it has been called the 'box-mite.' The sexes have not any external difference. The Trombidiidai are a large and varied group, mostly predatory PLATE XX. Ac anna. MITES 937 and with soft, often velvety skins, frequently of scarlet and other brilliant colours. The large Trombidium holosericum is a well-known microscopical object. The Tetranycki are usually included in this family ; they are, however, rather doubtful members ; they are the 1 red- spiders ' of our greenhouses, much dreaded by horticulturists. Each foot is provided with about four singular hairs with round knobs at the end. Bryobia is an allied genus found in great numbers on ivy tire, in gardens and is a beautiful object. The hexapod larvae of several species of Trombidium often attach themselves temporarily to the skin of animals, including man, and produce intolerable itching. They were supposed by the earlier Acarologists to be all one species, and to be adult, and to form a distinct family ; they were called Leptus autumnalis, and are known in England as the ' harvest-bug,' and in France as the rouget. The BdeJUdcR are also included in this family ; some authors also include the Cheyleti, which, however, seem to need a separate family, having many curious characters, including the dorsal position of the male organs. The Hydrachnidce, or water-mites, as well as the Trombidiidce, have the two stigmata in the rostrum ; the legs are swimming -organs, the sexes often very different ; they live in fresh water and are often parasitic in their immature, but not in the adult stages. They are mostly soft-bodied and often of brilliant colours. The Limnocaridce are sometimes treated as a sub-family of the Hydrachnidw, but are crawling, not swimming creatures, and are found in fresh water ; but the Halicaridm, which either constitute a sub-family of, or are closely associated with them, are marine, and are much found among Hydrozoa, on which they probably prey. The parasitic Jfyobiidce are by some included in the Cheyletidce ; the differences, however, are very considerable. They are the last tracheate family. The Tyroglyphidce are the cheese-mite family ; they are far the most destructive of all Acarina, swarming in countless numbers and devouring hay, cheese, drugs, growing plants and roots, &c. ; the genus Glyciphagus contains many singular and interesting forms, as G. platygaster and G. Krameri, found in moles' nests. It is in this family that the curious hypopial stage exists ; some of the indi- viduals of some species, instead of following the ordinary life-history, are thanged at one ecdysis into a totally different-looking creature, with a highly chitinised cuticle and rudimentary mouth-organs, which can endure draught and other unfavourable circumstances which would kill the ordinary form. They attain the same adult stage as other individuals. The Hypopus is provided with adhesive suckers whereby it attaches itself temporarily to other creatures, and this serves for the distribution of the species. The Tarsonemidcv are minute creatures, some leaf-miners, some parasitic on bees &c. The Sarcoptidcp are divided into two great sub-families, the Sar- coptince, or itch-mites, of which the well-known Sarcoptes scabiei of man (Plate XX, fig. 4) is the type, and the Analgesince, or bird-parasite mites ; all have soft bodies with finely striated cuticles. Sarcoptes 938 INSECTS AND ARACHN1DA scabiei is a minute creature of almost circular form, the female of which burrows under the epidermis, causing the disease. The mite is found at the end of the burrow, not in the pustule at its commence- ment. The first two pairs of legs and the third leg of the male are terminated by suckers, the other legs by long bristles. The male is smaller than the female. The Analgesnce (Dermcdeichi) are a very large and curious group ; the males often differ greatly from the females, and the skin is often greatly strengthened by chitinous plates and structures. The species are not always parasitic on one bird only ; often the same species may be found on numerous birds, while several species frequently live on the same bird ; they are not usually supposed to be injurious to the birds ; they are found on the feathers. The Phytoptidce are extremely minute creatures living in galls which they form on the leaves and twigs of numerous trees and plants ; they are elongated in form with the two hind pairs of legs abortive ; there is but little variety among them. Slightly resem- bling them i?i general form, but very different in other respects, is Demodex folliculoriun, which is found in the sebaceous follicles of the human skin, particularly the nose. Those follicles which are enlarged and whitish, with a terminal exterior black spot, may be forced out by pressure, and the Acanis will often be found within. Similar parasites exist on the dog and pig. There are numerous other curious and interesting forms which cannot be included in any of the families mentioned above. The number of objects furnished to the microscopist by the spider tribe is very large from a biological point of view, although mere objects of microscopical interest popularly are not so numerous as in insects. Their eyes exhibit a condition intermediate between that of insects and crustaceans and that of vertebrata, for they are simple like the * stemmata ' of the former, usually number from six to eight, are sometimes clustered together in one mass, but more frequently disposed separately ; while they present a decided ap- proach in internal structure to the type characteristic of the visual i organs of the latter. The structure of the mouth is always mandibulate, and is less complicated than that of the mandibulate insects. The respiratory apparatus is not tracheal, as in insects and some Acarhta, but is • 'instructed upon a very different plan, for the 'stigmata,' winch are usually four in number on each side, open upon a like number of respiratory sacculi, each of which contains a series of leaf-like folds of its lining membrane upon which the blood is distributed so- as to afford a large surface to the air. In the structure of the limbs, the principal point worthy of notice is the peculiar appendage with which they usually terminate, for the strong claws, with a pair of which the last joint of the foot is furnished, have their edges cut into comb-like teeth, which appear to be used by the animal as cleansing instruments, and in many cases for the manipulation of the silk of their snares. But a feature deserving study by the microscopist is the physical cause of the exquisite sensitiveness of these ' feet.' By resting these upon a SPIDERS 939 trap-line of silk carried to her den, she can, by a veritable telegraphy, discover instantly, not only the fact that there is prey upon her snare, but the exact spot in the web of the snare in which that prey is entangled. In the same way by seizing certain taughtened threads communicating with the main lines of the snare, she can discover in an instant the presence and position of her prey, though far beyond the reach of vision. The most characteristic and interesting parts in the special organisation of the spider is the ' spinning apparatus,' by means of which its often elaborately constructed webs are pro- duced. These consist of ' spinnerets ' on the ex- terior of the body and glandular organs lying Fig. 689. — Foot, with comb-like claws, of the common spider (Epe'ira). within the abdomen : it is by them that the silk from which all the elements of the snare are produced is secreted. Of these glands there are two pairs which are sac-like in form, with a coiled tube opening di- rectly on the spinnerets : there are three pairs, of a convoluted appearance, opening on the hinder spinnerets ; and there are three of a sinuous tubular form opening on the hinder and middle spinnerets. Beyond these there are respectively 200 and 400 smaller glands, which open on the front, middle, and hinder spinnerets. They all terminate in tubes of great delicacy, through which the silk is drawn at the will of the spinster : and, while the scaffolding or framework of the web of Epeira is double and hardens rapidly in air (fig. 690, A), those which lie across the polygons of the scaffolding are stud- ded at regular intervals with viscid globules, as seen in fig. 690, B : and it is to these viscid glo- bules that the peculiarly adhesive character of the web is due. The usual number of the spinnerets is six. They are little teat- like processes crowned with silk tubes. They are movable at the will of the spicier, and can be erected or depressed, and one, many, or all of the tubes crowning a spinneret may be caused to exude, and have drawn from it or them the silk as the spider determines. There can be no doubt that there is a difference in the silk secreted by different glands, and its appropriate employment is a part of the skill of the spicier. It is certain that the silken threads of a snare are of two kinds : A B Fig. 690. — Ordinary thread (A) and viscid thread (B) of the common spider. 94Q INSECTS AND ARACHNIDA (1) that which rapidly hardens on contact with the air, and which is employed in the construction of the framework of the snare ; and (2) a viscid silk with which the entangling meshes by which prey is caught are put in. The latter present beautiful objects for popular observation, because the thread has strung upon it, as it were, innumerable pearl-like globules in which the viscidity remains. These beads are produced after the thread is drawn out by a special vibratory action set up in the thread by the spider. The eggs of spiders are not objects of special optical interest, but they afford opportunities for good embryological work, and the habits of spiders offer a good scope for industrious study in the field. 94i CHAPTER XXII VEB TEBBA TED ANIMALS We are now arrived at the highest division of the animal kingdom, in which the bodily fabric attains its greatest development, not only as to completeness, but also as to size ; and it is in most striking contrast with the class we have been last considering. 1 Since not only the entire bodies of vertebrated animals, but, generally speak- ing, the smallest of their integral parts, are far too large to be viewed as microscopic objects, we ban study their structure only by a separate examination of their component elements ; and it seems, therefore, to be a most appropriate course to give under this head a sketch of the microscopic characters of those primary tissues of which their fabric is made up, and which, although they may be traced with more or less distinctness in the lower tribes of animals, attain their most complete development in this group.1 Although there would at first sight appear but little in common between the simple bodies of those humble Protozoa which consti- tute the loAvest types of the animal series, and the complex fabric of man or other vertebrates, yet it appears from recent researches that in the latter, as in the former, the process of ' formation ' is essentially carried on by the instrumentality of protoplasmic substance, univer- sally diffused through it in such a manner as to bear a close resem- blance to the pseudopodial network of the rhizopod ; whilst the tissues produced by its agency lie, as it were, on the outside of this, bearing the same kind of relation to it as the ioraminiferal shell does to the sarcodic substance which fills its cavities and extends itself over its surface. For, as was first pointed out by 1 This sketch is intended, not for the professional student, but only for the amateur microscopist who wishes to gain some general idea of the elementary struc- ture of his own body and of that of vertebrate animals generally. Those who wish to go more deeply into the inquiry are referred to the following as the most recent and elaborate treatises that have appeared in this country : The translation of Strieker's Manual of Histology, published by the New Sydenham Society; the Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, by Drs. Burdon- Sanderson, Michael Foster, Brunt on. and Klein ; the translation of the 4th edition of Professor Frey's Histology and Histo- Chemistry of Man ; the ' General Anatomy ' of the 9th edition of Quain's Anatomy, 1882; and the Atlas of Histology, by Professor Klein and Mr. Noble Smith, 1880-1 (a new edition is now in course of publication). 942 VEKTEBEATED ANIMALS Dr. Beale 1 the smallest living ' elementary parr ' of every organised fabric is composed of organic matter in two states : the protoplasmic (which he termed germinal matter), possessing the power of selecting pabulum from the blood, and of transforming this either into the material of its own extension or into some product which it elaborates ; whilst the other, which maybe termed formed material, may present every gradation of character from a mere inc-rganfc deposit to a highly organised structure, but is in every ease altogether incapable of self-increase. A very detinite line of demarcation can be generally drawn between these two substances by the careful use of the staining process ; but there are many instances in which there is the same gradation between the one and the other as we have formerly noticed between the 1 endosarc 1 and the * eetosare ' of the Amoeba. Thus it is on the protoplasmic component that the exist- ence of every form of animal organisation essentially depends : since it serves as the instrument by which the nutrient material furnished by the blood is converted into tin4 several forms of tissue. Like the sarcodic substance of the rhizopods, it seems capable of in- definite extension : and it may divide and subdivide into indepond ent portions, each of which may act as the instrument of formation of an ' elementary part/ Two principal forms of such elementary parts present themselves in the fabric of the higher animals, viz. cells and fibres (which are modified cells); and it will be desirable to give a brief notice of these before proceeding to describe those more complex tissues which are the products of a higher elaboration. The cells of which a few animal tissues are essentially composed consist, in some cases, of the same parts as the typical cell of the plant, viz. a definite 'cell-wall,' inclosing 'cell-contents' and a 'nucleus,' which is the seat of its formative aotil it v. It is of such cells, retaining more or less of their characteristic spheroidal shape, that every mass of faJt% whether large or small, is chietly made up. In a large number of cast's the cell shows itself in a somewhat different form, the ( elementary part' being a c<>r|>use|e of pro to plasm of which the exterior has undergone b Blight consolidation, like that which constitutes the 1 primordial utricle' of the vegetable cell or the ' eetosare ' of the A //'" but in which there is no proper- distinction between 'cell-wall' and 'cell-contents.' This condition, which is characteristically exhibited by the nearly globular colourless corpuscles of the blood, appears to be common to all cells in t he in cipient stage of their formation, and the progress of their develop ment consists in the gradual differentiation of their parts, the 'cell- 1 Professor Beale's views are most systematically 6.Ypoiiinle the main instrument of the formation, nutrition, and reparation ot the more specialised or differentiated tissues. As it is the purpose of this work, not to instruct the professional student in histology (or the science of the tissues), but to supply scientific information of general interest to the ordinary microscopist, no attempt will here be made to do more than describe the most important of those distinctive characters, which the principal tissues present when subjected to microscopic examination ; and as it is of no essentia] consequence what order is adopted, we may conveniently begin with the structure of the skeleton,1 which gives support and protection to the softer parts of the fabric. Bone. The microscopic characters of osseous tissue may some- times be seen in a very thin natural plate of hone, Mich as in that forming the scapula (shoulder-blade) of a mouse ; but they are dis played more perfect lv by artificial sections, the details of 1 lie arrange- ment being dependent upon the nature of the specimen selected and the direction in which the section is made. Thus when the shaft of a ' long ' bone of a bird or mammal is cut across in the middle of its length, we lind it to consist of a hollow cylinder of dense bone, surrounding a cavity which is occupied by an oily marrow ; but if the section be made nearer its extremity we find the outside wall gradually becoming thinner, whilst the interior, instead of forming one large cavity, is divided into a vast number of small chambers, partially divided by a sort of ' hit t ice w ork ' of osseous fibres, but communicating with each other and with the cavity of the shaft, and filled like it with marrow. In the bones of reptiles and lishes, on the other hand, this 'cancellated' structure usually extends throughout the shaft, which is not so completely differentiated into solid bone and medullary cavity as it is in the higher Vertebral*. In the most developed kinds of 'Hat' bones, again, such as those of the head, we find the two surfaces to be composed of dense plates of bone, with a 'cancellated structure between them; whilst in the less perfect type presented to us in the lower Vertebral a, the whole thickness is usually more or Less 'cancellated/ that is, divided up into minute medullary cavities. When we examine, under a low 1 This term is used in its most general sense, M including not only Mm proper internal skeleton, but also the hard parts protecting the exterior of 1 1 ■ « * body, vrhlofc form the dermal skeleton. STRUCTURE OF BONE 945 magnifying power, a longitudinal section of a long bone, or a section of a flat bone parallel to its surface, we find it traversed by numerous canals, termed Haversian after their discoverer Havers, which are in connection with the central cavity, and are filled like it with marrow. In the shafts of ' long ' bones these canals usually run in the direction of their length, but are connected here and there by cross-branches ; whilst in the flat bones they form an irregular network. On apply- ing a higher magnifying power to a thin transverse section of a long bone we observe that each of the canals whose orifices present them- selves in the field of view (fig. 691) is the centre of a rod of bony tissue (1), usually more or less circular in its form, which is arranged around it in concentric rings, resembling those of an exogenous stem. These rings are marked out and divided by circles of little dark spots, which, when closely examined (2), are seen to be minute flattened cavities excavated in the solid substance of the bone, from the two flat sides of which pass forth a number of extremely minute tubules, one set extending inwards, or in the direction of the centre of the system of rings, and the other out- wards, or in the direction of its circumference ; and by the inosculation of the tubules (or canaliculi) of the different rings with each other a continuous communication is esta- blished between the ceil- FlG 691.— Minute structure of bone as seen in tral Haversian canal and transverse section : 1, a rod surrounding an the outermost part of the Haversian canal 3 showing the concentric , , , , 1 , arrangement of the lamella? ; 2, the same, with bony rod that surrounds the iacun£e and canaliculi; 4, portion of the it, which doubtless minis- lamellae parallel with the external surface, ters to the nutrition of the texture. Blood-vessels are traceable into the Haversian canals, but the ' canaliculi ' are far too minute to carry blood-corpuscles ; they are occupied, however, in the living bone by threads of protoplasmic substance, which bring the segments of ' germinal matter ' contained in the lacunae into communication with the walls of the blood- vessels. The minute cavities or lacunct (sometimes but erroneously termed 'bone-corpuscles,' as if they were solid bodies), from which the cana- liculi proceed (fig. .692), are highly characteristic of the true osseous structure, being never deficient in the minutest parts of the bones of the higher Vertebrata, although those of fishes are occasionally destitute of them. The dark appearance which they present in sections of a dried bone is not due to opacity, but is simply an optical effect, dependent (like the blackness of air-bubbles in liquids) upon the dispersion of the rays by the highly refracting substance that surrounds them. The size and form of the lacuna? differ considerably 3 p 946 VERTEBEATED ANIMALS in the several classes of Vertebrate, and even in some instances in the orders, so that it is often possible to determine the tribe to which a bone belonged by the microscopic examination of even a minute fragment of it. The following are the average dimensions of the lacuna?, in characteristic examples drawn from the four principal classes, expressed in fractions of an inch: — Man . Ostrich Turtle . Conger-eel Lonn Diameter 1-1440 to 1-2400 1-1333 1-2260 1-375 „ 1-1150 1-550 1-1135 Short Diameter 1-4000 to 1-S000 1-5425 „ 1-9650 1-4500 .. 1-5S40 1-4500 .. 1-8000 The lacuna? of birds are thus distinguished from those of mam- mals by their somewhat greater length and smaller breadth, but they differ still more in the remarkable tortuosity of their canaliculi, which wind back- wards ami forwards in a very irregular manner. There is an extra* ordinary increase in lengt h in the lacuna* of reptiles, with- out a corresponding increase in breadth ; and this is also seen in SOUK1 jis/it s, though in gen- eral the lacuna' of the latter are remarkable for their angularity of form and the fewness of their radiations, as shown in tig. 693| which represents the lacuna' and •canaliculi in the bony scale of the Lepidosteu* ('bony pike' of the North American lakes and rivers), with which the bones of its in- ternal skeleton perfectly agree in structure. The dimensions of the lacuna* in any bone do not bear any relation to the size of the animal Fig. 692. — Lacuna' of osseous substance «, central cavity ; h, its ramifications. Fig. (51)3. — Section (if tin- bony scale of LtpidoiitUi i a, show- ing the regular distribution ci the laonnae and <•( the connecting canaliculi; b, small portion more highly magnified, to which it belonged ; thus there is little or no perceptible diflerence between their size in the enormous extinct [guanodon and in the smallest lizard now inhabiting the earth. J>ut they bear a close rela- tion to the size of the blood-corpuscles in the several classes ; and this relation is particularly obvious in the ' perennibranchiate '- Batrachia, the extraordinarily large size of whose blood-corpuscles will be presently noticed. TEETH 947 Proteus . Siren Menopoma Lepidosiren Pterodactvle Long Diameter 1-570 to 1-980 1-290 „ 1-450 1-450 1-700 1-375 1-494 1-445 ,. 1-1185 Short Diameter 1-885 to 1-1200 1-540 „ 1-975 1-1300 „ 1-2100 1-980 „ 1-2200 1-4000 „ 1-5225 1 In preparing sections of bone it is important to avoid the pene- tration of the Canada balsam into the interior of the lacunae and canaliculi, since when these are filled by it they become almost invisible. Hence it is preferable not to employ this cement at all, except it may be in the first instance, but to rub down the section beneath the finger, guarding its surface with a slice of cork or a slip of gutta-percha, and to give it such a polish that it may be seen to advantage even when mounted dry. As the polishing, however, occupies much time, the benefit which is derived from covering the surfaces of the specimen with Canada balsam may be obtained without the injury resulting from the penetration of the balsam into its interior, by adopting the following method. A quantity of balsam proportioned to the size of the specimen is to be spread upon a glass slip, and to be rendered stiffer by boiling, until it becomes nearly solid when cold ; the same is to be done to the thin glass cover ; next, the specimen being placed on the balsamed surface of the slide, and being overlaid by the balsamed cover, such a degree of warmth is to be applied as will suffice to liquefy the balsam without causing it to flow freely, and the glass cover is then to be quickly pressed down, and the slide to be rapidly cooled, so as to give as little time as possible for the penetration of the liquefied balsam into the lacunar system. The same method may be employed in making sections of teeth.2 The study of the ossein or organic basis of bone should be pursued by macerating a fresh bone in dilute nitro -hydro- chloric acid, then steeping it for some time in pure water, and tearing thin shreds from the residual substance, which will be found to consist of an imperfectly fibrillated material, allied in its essential constitution to the ' white fibrous ' tissue. Teeth. — The intimate structure of the teeth in the several classes and orders of Yertebrata presents differences which are no less remarkable than those of their external form, arrangement, and suc- cession. It will obviously be impossible here to do more than sketch some of the most important of these varieties. The principal part of the substance of all teeth is made up of a solid tissue that has been appropriately termed dentine. In the shark tribe, as in many other fishes, the general structure of this dentine is extremely analogous to that of bone, the tooth being traversed by numerous canals, which are continuous with the Haversian canals of the subjacent bone, and receive blood-vessels from them (fig. 694), and each of these canals 1 See Professor J. Quekett's memoir on this subject in the Trans. Micros. Soc. ser. i. vol. ii. ; and his more ample illustration of it in the Illustrated Catalogue of the Histological Collection in the Museum of the Boyal College of Surgeons, vol. ii. ' • 2 Some useful hints on the mode of making these preparations will be found m the Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. vol. vii. 1859, p. 258. 948 VERTEBRATE!) ANIMALS being surrounded by a system of tubuli (tig. 695), which radiate into the surrounding solid substance. These tubuli, however, do not enter lacuna?, nor is there any concentric annular arrangement around the medullary canals ; but each system of tubuli is continued onwards through its own division of the tooth, the individual tubes sometimes giving off lateral branches, whilst in other instances their trunks bifurcate. This arrangement is peculiarly well displayed, when sections of teeth constructed upon this type are viewed as opaque objects (fig. 696). In the teeth of the higher Vertebrata, however, we usually find the centre excavated into a single cavity (tig. 097), and the remainder destitute of vascular canals ; but there are inter- mediate cases (as in the teeth of the great fossil sloths) in which the inner portion of the dentine is traversed by prolongations of this cavity, conveying blood-vessels, which do not pass into the exterior Fig. 09.4. — Perpendicohvi Motion <>f tooth of Lammi, moderately en- larged, showing network of me- dullary i-aiials. FlQ. 695i — Trans\ ri se Motion of DOT tion of tooth of Pristis, more highly magnified, showing orifices of me- dullary cuiuiIh, with NVHteuiN of radiating and inotoolating tuhn I i . layers. The tubuli of the ' non-vascular ' dentine, which exist* 1>\ itself in the tooth < »f nearly .ill mammalia, and w hich in t he elephant 18 known as ' ivory,' all radiate from tho central oa\ ity, and pass towards the surface of the tooth in a nearly parallel course. Their diameter at their largest part averages th of an inch ; their smallest branches are immeasurably tine. rl Jhe tubuli in their course present greater and lesser undulations : the former are few in number, but the latter are numerous ; and ai they occur at tin- game pari of the course of so vend contiguous tubes they give rise to the appearance of lines concentric with the centre of radiation. These 'secondary curvatures' probably indicate in dentine, as in the crab's shell, puc cessive stages of calcification. The tubuli are occupied, during the life of the tooth, by delicate threads of protoplasmic substance, ex- tending into them from the central pulp. Two other substances, one of them harder and the other sofler TEETH 949 Fig. G96. — Transverse Myliobates (eagle opaque object. section of tooth of ray), viewed as an than dentine, are frequently found associated with it ; the former is termed enamel, and the latter cementum or crusta petrosa. The enamel is composed of long prisms, closely resembling those of the 1 prismatic ' shell-substance formerly described, but on a far more minute scale, the diameter of the prisms not being more in man than ^Wth of an inch. The length of the prisms corresponds with the thickness of the layer of enamel ; and the two surfaces of this layer pre- sent the ends of the prisms, the form of which usually ap- proaches the hexagonal. The course of the enamel prisms is more or less wavy, and they are marked by numerous trans- verse stria?, resembling those of the prismatic shell-sub- stance, and probably origina- ting in the same cause — the coalescence of a series of shorter prisms to form the lengthened prism. In man and in car- nivorous animals the enamel covers the crown of the tooth only, with a simple cap or superficial layer of tolerably uniform thickness (fig. 697, a), which follows the surface of the dentine in all its inequali- ties ; and its component prisms are directed at right angles to that surface, their inner ex- tremities resting in slight but regular depressions on the ex- terior of the dentine. In the teeth of many herbivorous animals, however, the enamel forms (with the cementum) a series of vertical plates which dip down into the substance ■of the dentine, and present their edges alternately Avith it at the grinding surface of the tooth ; and there is in such teeth no continuous layer of enamel over the crown. This arrangement provides by the unequal icear of these three sub- stances (of which the enamel is the hardest, and the cementum the softest) for the constant maintenance of a rough surface, adapted to triturate the tough vegetable substances on which these animate feed. Though the enamel is not always present, it has been shown by Mr. Charles Tomes that the germ from which it is formed always appears Fig. 697. — Vertical section of human molar tooth : a, enamel ; 6, cementum or crusta petrosa; c, dentine or ivory; osseous excrescence arising from hypertrophy of cementum ; e, pulp-cavity ; /, osseous lacuna- at outer part of dentine. 95° VEETEBEATED AM3IAL3 in the embryonic tooth : and he has further shown that it is much.' more frequently present than used to be supposed. The ce))ie)itum, or crusta petrosa, has the characters of true bone, possessing its dis- tinctive stellate lacuna? and radiating canaliculi. Where it exists in small amount we do not find it traversed by medullary canals ; but, like dentine, it is occasionally furnished with them, and thus resembles bone in every particular. These medullary canals enter its substance from the exterior of the tooth, and consequently pass towards those which radiate from the central cavity in the direction of the surface of the dentine, where this possesses a similar vascu- larity, as was remarkably the case in the teeth of the great extinct Megatherium. In the human tooth, however, the eementum has no such vascularity, but forms a thin layer (tig. l>i)7, M, which envelopes the root of the tooth commencing near the termination of the eap of enamel. In the teeth of many herbivorous mammals it dips down with the enamel to form the vertical plates of the interior of the tooth : and in the teeth of the Kdentata, as well as of mam reptiles and ti>hes. it forms a thick continuous envelope over t ho whole surface, until worn away at the crown.1 Dermal Skeleton. — The -kin of tishes, of ;i few amphibians, of most reptiles, and of few mammals, is strengthened by plates of a bdrny, Cartilaginous, bony, or even enamel-like texture, which are sometimes fitted together at their edges, BO as to form a continuous box-like envelope ; whilst more commonly they are so arranged as partially to overlie one another, like the tiles on a roof ; and it is in this latter CSSe that they are usually known as SCal*f, Although we are accustomed t«» associate in our minds the 'scales' of lishes with those of reptiles, yet essentially different structures have been included under this name. ^KkAaBilHl^ those of the former and of 4/V',' ••• '"IN 'ft*" many of the latter being iV* r&.'i&fi'fir ' de\ eloped in the stihsfanci '•'ltV''dF5wSpV » ' .^f4wkj-> • of the true skin (with a SnmwBwfi7f if i\ i layer of which, in addition '" epidermis, they are v\ '^M'-'i'*?? " H^S!*' ;uU;l> co\rit i|), and bear "^ttffl^^^o^1^ ^llmw t '' j\> resemblance to car- y'w .'. . :\im9^9WWBmiu^ '■ " V" tila^c and hone in their Fio. 698.— Portion of ikin of tola, riewed M an ,, x ,u,v composition ; opaque object whilst others, such as the scales of snakes or t he tor- toise-shell, are formed upon the surface of the true skin, and are to be considered as analogous to nails, hoofs, Ac. and other- 'epi- dermic appendages/ In nearly all the existing fishes the scales are flexible, being but little consolidated by calcareous deposit ; and in some species they are so thin and tr.-mspa rcn t that, as they do not project obliquely from the surface of the skin, they can only be detected by raising the superficial layer- of the skin and searching 1 The student is 1 ecoinn:end»'d to a >i i - i 1 1 1 M r. ( . S . T. , j i n< , ' , M < i n u 1 1 1 < 1 1 1 >t n I a I Anatomy, Human and Cotnjxinit i rr (tfnl edition, London, lHHih. If lu; ilcHirvH to go further, the first part of Baunie's Odontologuche Fortchungen (Leipzig, 1889) should be consulted. SCALES OF FISHES 951 beneath it, or by tearing off the entire thickness of the skin and looking for them near its under surface. This is the case, for example, with the common eel, and with the viviparous blenny ; of either of which fish the skin is a very interesting object when dried and mounted in Canada balsam, the scales being seen imbedded in its substance, whilst its outer surface is studded with pigment-cells. Generally speaking, however, the posterior extremity of each scale projects obliquely from the general surface, carrying before it the thin membrane that incloses it, which is studded with pigment- cells ; and a portion of the skin of almost any fish, but especially of such as havre scales of the ctenoid kind (that is, furnished at their posterior extremities with comb-like teeth, fig. 699), when dried with its scales in situ, is a very beautiful opaque object for the low powers of the microscope (fig. 698), especially with the binocular arrangement. Care must be taken, however, that the light is made to glance upon it in the most advan- tageous manner, since the brilliance with which it is reflected from the comb-like projections entirely depends upon the angle at which it falls upon them. The only appearance of structure exhibited by the thin flat scale of the eel, when ex- amined microscopically, is the presence of a layer of isolated spheroidal transparent bodies, imbedded in a plate of like trans- parence ; these, from the researches of Professor W. C. Williamson 1 upon other scales, appear not to be cells (as they might readily be supposed to be), but con- cretions of carbonate of lime. When the scale of the eel is examined by polarised light its surface exhibits a beautiful St. Andrew's cross ; and if a plate of selenite FlG 699 _Scale of soie? viewed be placed behind it, and the analysing as a transparent object, prism be made to revolve, a remarkable play of colours is presented. In studying the structure of the more highly developed scales, we may take as an illustration that of the carp, in which two very distinct layers can be made out by a vertical section, with a third but incomplete layer interposed between them. The outer layer is composed of several concentric lamime of a structureless trans- parent substance like that of cartilage ; the outermost of these laminse is the smallest, and the size of the plates increases pro- gressive^ from without inwards, so that their margins appear on the surface as a series of concentric lines ; and their surfaces are thrown into ridges and furrows, which commonly have a radiating direction. The inner layer is composed of numerous lamina? of a fibrous i See his elaborate memoirs, ' On the Microscopic Structure of the Scales and Dermal Teeth of some Ganoid and Placoid Fish,' in Phil. Tra ns 1849 ; '^ le - gations into the Structure and Development of the Scales and Bones ot Uishes, m Phil. Trans. 1851. g$2 VEETEBKATED ANIMALS structure, the fibres of each lamina being inclined at various angles to those of the lamina above and below it. Between these two layers is interposed a stratum of calcareous concretions, resembling those of the scale of the eel ; these are sometimes globular or spheroidal, but more commonly ' lenticular,' that is, having the form of a double convex lens. The scales which resemble those of the carp in having a form more or less circular, and in being destitute of comb-like prolongations, are called cycloid \ and such are the characters of those of the salmon, herring, reach, ike The structure of the ctenoid scales (fig. 699), which we find in the sole, perch, pike, fax does not differ essentially from that of the cycloid, save as to the projection of the comb-like teeth from the posterior margin : and it does not appear that the strongly marked division which Professor Agassi/, has attempted to establish between the 'cycloid ' and the ' ctenoid ' orders of fishes, on the basis of this difference, is in harmony with their general organisation. Scales of every kind may become con- solidated to a considerable extent by the calcification of their soft substance ; but still they never present any approach to the true bony structure, such as is shown in the two orders to be next ad- verted to. In the gemoid scales, on the other hand, t he w hole substance of the scale is composed of a materia] which is essentially bony in its nature, its intimate structure being always comparable to that of one or other of the varieties which present themselves in t he bones of the vertebrate skeleton, and being very frequently identical with that of the bones of the same tish, as is the cast' with the Lrpidosteiis (tig. 693), one of the few existing representatives of this order, which, ill former ages of the earth's history, comprehended a large number of important families. Their name (from yiu-us, splendour) is bestowed on account of the smoothness, hardness, and high polish of the outer surface of the BCales, which is due to the presence of a peculiar layer that has been likened to the enamel of teeth. The scales of this order are for the most part angular in their form, and are arranged in regular rows, the posterior edges of each slightly overlapping the anterior ones of the next, so as to form a very complete defensive armour to the body. The scales of the plaooid type, which charac- terises the existing sharks and rays, with their fossil allies, are irregular in their shape, and very commonly do not come into mutual contact, but are separately imbedded in the skin, projecting from its surface under various forms. In the rays each BOale usually consists of a flattened plate of a rounded shape, with a hard spine projecting from its centre ; in the sharks (to which tribe belongs the 'dog tish ' of our own coast) the scales have more of the shape of teeth. This resemblance is not confined to external form ; for their intimate structure strongly resembles that of dentine, their dense substance being traversed by tubuli, which extend from their centre to their circumference in minute ramifications, without any trace of osseous lacuna*. These tooth-like scales are often so small as to he invisible to the naked eye ; but they are well seen by drying a piece of the skin to which they are attached, and mounting it in Canada balsam ; and they are most brilliantly shown by the assistance of polarised light. HAIR 953 A like structure is found to exist in the ' spiny rays ' of the dorsal fin, which, also, are parts of the dermal skeleton ; and these rays usually have* a central cavity filled with medulla, from which the tubuli radiate towards the circumference. This structure is very well seen in thin sections of the fossil ' spiny rays,' which, with the teeth and scales, are often the sole relics of the vast multitudes of sharks that must have swarmed in the ancient seas, their cartilaginous internal skeletons having entirely decayed away. In making sections of bony scales, spiny rays, &c. the method must be followed which has been already detailed under the head of bone.1 The scales of reptiles, the feathers of birds, and the hairs, hoofs, nails, elates, and horns (when not bony) of mammals are all epi- dermic appendages ; that is, they are produced upon the surface, not within the substance of the true skin, and are allied in structure to the epidermis, being essentially composed of aggregations of cells tilled with horny matter and frequently much altered in form. This structure may generally be made out in horns, nails, &c. with little difficulty by treating thin sections of them with a dilute solution of soda, which after a short time causes the cells that had been flattened into scales to resume their globular form. The most interesting modifications of this structure are presented to us in hairs and in feathers ; which forms of clothing are very similar to each other in their essential nature, and are developed in the same manner — viz. by an increased production of epidermic cells at the bottom of a flask- shaped follicle, which is formed in the substance of the true skin, and which is supplied with abundance of blood by a special distribution of vessels to its walls. When a hair is pulled out 1 by its root,' its base exhibits a bulbous enlargement, of which the exterior is tolerably firm, whilst its interior is occu- pied by a softer substance, which is known as the ' pulp ' ; and it is to the continual augmentation of this pulp in the deeper part of the follicle, and to its conversion into the peculiar substance of the hair when it has been pushed upwards to its narrow neck, that the growth of the hair is due. The same is true of feathers, the stems of which are but hairs on a larger scale ; for the < quill ' is the part contained within the follicle answering to the ' bulb ' of the hair ; and whilst the outer part of this is converted into the peculiarly solid horny substance forming the ' barrel ' of the quill, its interior is occupied, during the whole period of the growth of the feather, with the soft pulp, only the shrivelled remains of which, however, are found within it after the quill has ceased to grow. Although the hairs of different mammals differ greatly in the appearances they present, we may generally distinguish in them two elementary "parts— viz. a cortical or investing substance, of a. dense horny texture, and a medullary or pith-like substance, usually of a much 'softer texture, occupying the interior^ The former can sometimes be distinctly made out to consist of flattened scales arranged in an imbricated manner, as in some of the hairs of the iFor further information regarding the scales of fishes, see the papers by O. Hertwig in vol. viii. of the Jenaische Zeitschrift; and vols. u. and v. ot the Morpholog. Jahrbuch. 954 YERTEBKATED ANIMALS sable (fig. 700) ; whilst in the same hairs, the medullary substance- is composed of large spheroidal cells. In the musk-deer, on the other hand, the cortical substance is nearly undistinguishable, and almost the entire hair seems made up of thin M ailed polygonal cells (fig. 701). The hair of the reindeer, though much larger, has a very Fig. 700. — Hair of sable, showing large Fig. 701. — Hair of nuisk d»vr, consis' rounded cells in it- interior, covered ing almost entirely of polygonal cells, by imbricated scales or flattened c ells. similar structure : and its cells, except Qear the root, are occupied with hair alone, so as to Beem black by transmitted light, except when penetrated by tin- fluid in which they are mounted. In the hair of the mouse, squirrel, and Other small rodents (tig. 702, A, !>), the cortical substance forms a tube, which we see crossed at intervals- by partitions thai arc sometimes complete, sometimes only partial ; ^ _ (, these are the walls of the single or double line of cells, of which t he medullary subst a nee is made op, The hairs i >f i he bal t ribe are commonly distinguished by t he project ions on I heir surface, winch are formed by extensions of the component scales of the COH LOa] substance : t liese are particularly well seen in the hairs of one of the Indian species, which has a set. oi whorls of b n narrow leaflets (so to speak) arranged at regular intervals on its stem (C). In the hair of the peccary (fig. 7 r* exhibit the same kind of structure as hairs, their cortical portion being the horny she it h that envelopes tho shaft, and their medullary portion being the pith like substance which that sheath includes. In small feathers this may usually be made very plain by mounting them in Canada balsam : in large feathers, however, the texture is sometimes so altered by the drying up of the pith (the Cells of which are always found to he occupied by air alone) that the cellular structure cannot be demonstrated save by boiling thin slices in a dilute solution of potass, and not always even then. In small feathers, especially such as have a downy character, the cellular structure is \« rv distinctly seen in the lateral barbs, which are sometimes found to be composed of single files of pear-shaped cells, laid end t«. end ; hut in larger feathers it is usually necessary to increase the transparence of the barbs, especially when these are thick and but little pervious to light, either by soaking them in turpentine, mounting them in Canada balsam, or boiling then in a weak solution of potass, In feathers which are destined to strike the air with great force in the act of flight, we find each barb fringed on either side w ith slender flattened filaments or 'barbules' ; the barbules of the distal side of each barb are furnished on their attached half with cinwed hooks, whilst those of the proximal side have thick turned up edges in their median portion ; as the two sets of barbules that spring from two ad jacent barbs cross each other at an angle, and M each hooked barhule of one locks into the thickened edge of several barbules of the other, the barbs are connected very firmly, in a mode very similar to that 1 On the minute structure of hair, consult Orimm's A tlat ■ nmiMehVUihtn mid tierischoi Uaare (Lahr, 1884, 4to, with a preface by W. Woldeyer). HORNS, HOOFS, CLAWS 957 in which the anterior and posterior wings of certain hymenopterous insects are locked together. Feathers or portions of feathers of birds distinguished by the splendour of their plumage are very good objects for low magnifying powers when illuminated on an opaque ground ; but care must be taken that the light falls upon them at the angle necessary to produce their most brilliant reflection into- the axis of the microscope ; since feathers which exhibit the most splendid metallic lustre to an observer at one point may seem very dull to the eye of another in a different position. The small feathers of humming-birds, portions of the feathers of the peacock, and others of a like kind, are well worthy of examination ; and the scientific microscopist, who is but little attracted by mere gorgeous- oess, may well apply himself to the discovery of the peculiar structure which imparts to these objects their most remarkable character. 1 Sections of horns, hoofs, claws, and other like modifications of epidermic structure, which can be easily made by the microtome, the substance to be cut having been softened, if necessary, by soaking in warm water — do not in general afford any very interesting features when viewed in the ordinary mode ; but there are no objects on which polarised light produces more remarkable effects, or which display a more beautiful variety of colours when a plate of selenite is placed behind them and the analysing prism is made to rotate. A curious modification of the ordinary structure of horn is presented in the appendage borne by the rhinoceros upon its snout, which in many points resembles a bundle of hairs, its substance being arranged in minute cylinders around a number of separate centres, which have probably been formed by independ- ent papillae (fig. 705). When transverse sections of these cylinders are viewed by polar- ised light, each of theni is seen to be marked by a crOSS, FlG 705— Transverse section of horn of Somewhat resembling that of rhinoceros viewed by polarised light, starch-grains ; and the light and shadow of this cross are replaced by contrasted colours when the selenite plate is interposed. The substance commonly but erro- neously termed whalebone, which is formed from the surface of the membrane that lines the mouth of the whale, and has no relation to its true bonv skeleton, is almost identical in structure with rhinoceros-horn/and is similarly affected by polarised light. The central portion of each of its component threads, like the medullary 1 See R. S. Vv ray, ' On the Structure of the Barbs, Barbules, and Barbicels of a typical Pennaceous Feather,' in the Ibis for 1887, p. 420. 958 VERTEBRATE!) ANIMALS substance of hairs, contains cells that have been so little altered as to be easily recognised : and the outer or cortical portion also may be shown to have a like structure by macerating it in a solution of potass and then in water. Sections of any of the horny tissues are hest mounted in Canada balsam. Blood. — Carrying our microscopic survey, now, to the elementary parts of which those softer tissues are made up that are subservient to the active life of the body rather than to its merely mechanical requirements, we shall in the first place notice the isolated floating cells contained in the blood, which are known as blood-cor- puscles. These are of two kinds : the ' red ' and the k white ' or * colourless." The r>d present, in every instance, the form of a flattened disc, which is circular in man and moM mammalia (tig. 707), but i^ <»\ al in birds, rept ilcs (tig. 70»>), and tishes, as also in a i. w mammals (all belonging to the camel tribe). I n I he one form, a-> in the other, these corpuscles seem to be flattened cells, the walls of which, how- ever, are not distinctly dif- ferentiated from the ground substance they contain, as appears from the changes of form which t hey spi >nt aneously undergo when kept by means of ;i 4 warm stage 1 at a tern perature of aboul 100°, and from the e fleets uf pressure in breaking them up. The red corpuscles in the blood of 0\ iparous Vertebrata are dis t ingoilhed by t he presence of a -central spot or nucleus} thil is mO*i distinctly brought into view by treating the blood-discs with acetic acid, which causes the nucleus •Fig. 706. -Red corpuscle of frog's blood: aa, their flattened face ; l>, particle turned nearly edgeways; r, colourless corpuscle ; d, red corpuscles altered b] dduted acetic acid. i ® e Fig. 707. — lied corpuscles of human blood : represented at .0 '1 / the average dimensions of some of the most interesting examples of the red corpuscles in the four classes of vertebrated animals, expressed in fractions of an inch. Where two measurements are given they are the long and the short diameters of the same corpuscles. (See also fio-. 708.) Thus it appears that the smallest red corpuscles known are those of the Ja van chevrotain (Trayulits javatticus), whilst the largest are those of that curious group of Batrachia (frog tribe) which retain the gills through the whole of life ; one of the oval blood-discs of the Proteus, being more than thirty times as long and seventeen times as broad as those of the musk-deer, would cover DO fewer than 5 1 0 of them. Those of the Ainphhtma are --till larger.1 Accord- ing to the estimate of Vierordt, a cubic inch of human blood contains up- wards of e'ujhty millions of red corpuscles and nearly a tjnartt'r of a mil lion t»f the colourless. The nhit, or 'colour less c< n'juiscles are more readily distinguished in (In- DJOOd of batrachians than in that of man. being in the former case of much smaller size, as w 1 II as ha\ i ng a oin ular out iinej tig. 701'), r) ; whilst in t he latter t heir size and contour are ^-o nearly the sumo that, as the red cor- puscles themselves, when ieeo in a single layer, Km i 0 but a tery pale hue, the deficiency of colour does not sensibly mark their different* of nature. The I h i i| iorf ion 1 if white to rstf eorpu teles being scarcely ever greater (in a healthy man) than 1 to 2.r>0, and often M Ion M from one-half to one quarter of that ratio, there are seldom many of them to be seen in the field at once ; and these may be recognised rather by their isolation than their colour, especially it' the glass cover be moved a little on the slide, ho as to cause the red 0OT puscles to become aggregated into rows and irregular 'masses. It is remarkable that, not wif listamling the great variations in the sizes 1 A very interesting account of the ' Ktructuri' of tin- lied Corpntcltf <>f thi AmpliiuuKi trtdddtyl/untf 1 lias been given by Dr. U. I>. Schmidt, <>f New Orleans, 111 the Jouru. Hoy. Microxc. Sue. vol. i. W.t, pp. 57, W7. 1% Fig. 708. — Coiui>ar.iti\ 6 lissi ol red Idood-cor- puscles: 1, man; % idephant; JJ, mubkdeer; 4, dromedary ; ostrich ; 15, pigeon ; 7, humming- bird; B, crocodile ; '.». python; H>, proteus; 11, perch; L2,pika; 18, shark. BLOOD-CORPUSCLES 961 of the red corpuscles in different species of vertebrated animals, the size of the white is extremely constant throughout, their diameter being seldom much greater or less than 3oVotn °f an inch in the warnr-blooded classes and 2 sVo^h in reptiles. Their ordinary form is globular, but their aspect is subject to considerable variations, which seem to depend in great part upon their phase of development. Thus, in their early state, in which they seem to be identical with the corpuscles found floating in chyle and lymph, they seem to be nearly homogeneous particles of protoplasmic substance, but in their more advanced condition, according to Dr. Klein, their sub- stance consists of a reticulation of very fine contractile proto- plasmic fibres, termed the ' intracellular network,' in the meshes of which a hyaline interstitial material is included, and which is con- tinuous with a similar network that can be discerned in the substance of the single or double nucleus when this comes into view after the withdrawal of these corpuscles from the body. In their living state, however, whilst circulating in the vessels, the white corpuscles,, although clearly distinguishable in the slow-moving stratum in contact with their walls (the red corpuscles rushing rapidly through the centre of the tube), do not usually show a distinct nucleus. This may be readily brought into view by treating the corpuscles with water, which causes them to swell up, become granular, and at last disintegrate, with emission of granules which may have been previously seen in active mole- cular movement within the corpuscle. When the white corpuscles in a drop of freshly drawn blood are carefully watched for a short time, they may be ob- served to undergo changes of form, and even to move from place to place, after the manner of Amcebce. When thus moving they engulf particles which lie in their course— such as granules of vermilion that have been injected into the blood-vessels of the living animal— and afterwards eject these in the like fashion.1 Such movements will 1 Metschnikoff lias made the highly interesting and important observation that the immunity of certain animals to certain diseases appears to be due to the power that the white corpuscles possess of acting as ' phagocytes,' or eating the germs of the disease. Metschnikoff found that the virulent rods of the Bacillus of anthrax when intro- duced by inoculation into an animal liable to take the fever, such as a rodent, were absorbed by the blood-cells only in exceptional instances. They were readily absorbed by the blood-cells of animals not liable to the disease, as frogs and lizards, when the temperature was not artificially raised (fig. 710), and then disappeared inside the cells. . . . From all these data we must assume with Metschnikoft that the Bacillus is harmless because it is absorbed and destroyed by the blood- cells and injurious because this does not happen; or at least that it becomes harmless .if the destruction by the blood-cells takes place more rapidly, and to a greater extent than the growth and multiplication of the Bacillus, the converse being also true (see A. de Bary, On Bacteria, English edition, p. 136). ^ Fig. 709. — Altered white corpuscle of blood an hour after having been drawn from the finger. 962 VERTEBRATED ANIMALS continue for some time in the colourless corpuscles of cold-blooded animals, but still longer if they are kept in a temperature of about 75°. The movement will speedily come to an end, however, in the white corpuscles of man or other warm-blooded animals, unless the slide is kept on a warm stage at the temperature of about 100° F. A remarkable example of an extreme change of form in a white corpuscle of human blood is represented in tin. 700. Similar changes have been Observe 1 aUo in the corpuscles lloat- iwj; in the circulating fluid of the higher invertcbrata, as the crab, which resemble the ' white ' cor- puscles of vertebrated blood, rather than its 'red' corpuscles — these last, in fact, being altogether peculiar t<. the circulating fluid of vertebrated animals. In examining the blood microscopically it is, of course, import- ant to obtain as thin a stratum of it as possible, so that the cor- puscles may not overlie one another. This is best accomplished by selecting a piece <>f thin glass of period flatness, and then, having received a small drop of blood upon a ^lass slide, to lav the thin glass cover /'"' "/><>" this, hut with its edge just touching the edge of the dn»p : for tin- blood will then be draw n in by capillary at true tiou. so as to spread in a uniformly thin layer between the two glasses. Such thin til ins may be preserved in the liquid state by applying a co\ er glass and cement ing it with gold-size before evapora tion has taken place j DU1 it is preferable lirst to expose the drop to the vapour of OSmioaoid, and then to apply a drop of B weak solution of acetate of pota-s : after which a cover glass may be put on, and secured with ^old-size in the usual way. Ii i> far simpler, however, to allow such filmfl to dry without any COVer, and then merely to COVer them for protection j and in this condition the general chat of the corpuscles can l.e very well made out, Qotwith standing that they have in B0m6 degree been shrivelled by the desiccation they have undergone. And this method is particularly serviceable as affording B fair means of comparison, when the assist ance of the microscopist is sought in determining, for medico legal purposes, the source of suspicious blood-stains, the average dimen- sions of the dried blood-corpuscle of the several domestic animals being sufficiently different from each other, and from those of man, to allow the nature of any specimen to be pronounced upon with 1 high degree of probability. Simple Fibrous Tissues.— A very beautiful example of a tissue of this kind is furnished by the membrane of the common fowl's egg ; which (as may be seen by examining an egg whose shell remains soft for want of consolidation by calcareous particles) consist of two principal layers, one serving as a basis of the shell itself, and the other forming that lining to it which is known as the menibrana Fig. 710.-- a. blood-cell of a frog in the act of engulfing a rod of Bacillus authraris, observed in the living state in a drop of aqueous humour: the same a few minutes later. (After Metschnikoff ; highly magnified.) FIBROUS TISSUE 963 putaminis. The latter may be separated by careful tearing with needles and forceps, after prolonged maceration in water, into several matted lamellae resembling that represented in fig. 711 ; and similar lamellae may be readily obtained from the shell itself by dissolving Fig. 711. — Fibrous membrane Fig. 712. — White fibrous tissue from egg-shell. from ligament. away its lime by dilute acid. The simply fibrous structures of the body generally, however, belong to one of two very definite kinds of tissue, the • white ' and the ' yellow,' whose appearance, composition, and properties are very different. The white fibrous tissue, though sometimes apparently composed of distinct fibres, more commonly presents the aspect of bands, usually of a flat- tened form, and attaining the breadth of ^-^th of an inch, which are marked by numerous longitudinal streaks, but can seldom be torn up into minute fibres of determinate size. The fibres and bands are occasionally somewhat wavy in their direction ; and they have a pecu- liar tendency to fall into undulations, when it is attempted to tear them apart from each other (fig. 712). This tissue is easily distinguished from the other by the effect of acetic acid, which swells it up and renders it transparent, at the same time brino-mo- into view certain oval nuclear particles of 'o-erminal matter, which are known as 'connective tissue cor- Fig. 71o.— Portion of young tendon, show- ing the corpuscles of 'germinal matter.', with their stellate prolongations, inter- posed among its fibres. puscles.' These are relatively much larger, and their connections more distinct, in the earlier stages of the formation of this tissue (fig. 713). It is perfectly inelastic ; and we find it in such parts as tendons, ordinary ligaments, fibrous capsules, lie. whose function it is to resist tension without yielding to it. It constitutes, also, the organic basis or matrix of bone ; for although the substance which is left when a bone has been macerated sufficiently long in dilute acid for all its mineral components to be 3 Q 2 964 VERTEBRATEP AXDIALS removed is commonly designated as cartilage, this is shown by careful microscopic analysis not to be a correct description of it. since it does not show any of the characteristic structure of car- tilage, but is capable of being torn into lamelhv, in which, if suf- ficiently thin, the ordinary structure of a fibrous membrane can be distinguished. The yellow fibrous tissue exists in the form of long, single, elastic, branching filaments, with a dark decided border : which are disposed to curl when not put on the stretch (tig. 714), and frequently anastomose, so as to form a network. They are for the most part between -^..th and , ^.....th of an inch in diameter ; but they are often met with both larger and smaller. This tissue does not undergo any change when treated with acetic acid. It exists alone (that is, without any mixture of the white) in parts which require a peculiar elasticity, Buch as t he middle coat of the arteries, the 'vocal cords." the 'ligameiitum nucha* ' of quadrupeds, the elastic ligament which holds together the valves of a bivalve si ud 1, and that by w hich the claws of the feline tribe are retracted when n<>t in use ; and it enters largely into the coin posit ior. of i>rrt>t,tr or connective t issue. The tissue formerly known to anatomists as ' cellular," but now more properly designated conm e live or areolar tissue, con- sist a <»t a net w ork of minute fibres and bands which are interwoven in every direction, so as to leave innumerable areolm or little spaces tli.it communicate freely with one another. Of these fibres some are of the 'yellow ' or elastic kind, but the majority are composed of the 1 white ' librous tissue ; and, as in that form of ele mentary structure, they frequently present the condition of broad flattened bands or membranous shredsin which do distinct fibrous arrangement is visible. The proportion of the two forms varies, according to the amount of elasticity, or of simple resisting pow er, which the endowments of the part may require. We find this tissue in a very large proportion of the bodies of higher animals ; thus it binds together the ultimate muscular fibres into minute fasciculi, unites these fasciculi into larger ones, these again into still larger ones which are obvious to the eye, and these into the entire muscle ; whilst it also forms the membranous divisions between distinct muscles. In like manner it unites the elements of nerves, glands, &c. binds together the fat-cells into minute masses (fig 720), these into large ones, and so on ; and in this way penetrates and forms part of all the softer organs of the body. Bui whilst tlie librous structures of which the 'formed tissue ' is composed have* a purely mechanical function, there is good reason to regard the ' connective Fig. 714. — Yellow fil.n.us ti^su.' from li^'u nieiitum iiuclni- of culf. SKIN tissue corpuscles' which are everywhere dispersed among them, as having a most important function in the first production and sub- sequent maintenance of the more definitely organised portions of the fabric. In these corpuscles distinct movements, analogous to those of the sarcodic extensions of rhizopods, have been recognised in transparent parts, such as the cornea of the eye and the tail of the young tadpole, by observations made on these parts whilst living. For the display of the characters of the fibrous tissues small and thin shreds may be cut with the curved scissors from any part that affords them ; and these must be torn asunder with needles under the simple micro- scope, until the fibres are separated to a degree sufficient to enable them to be examined to advantage under a higher magnifying power. The differ- ence between the ' white ' and the ' yellow ' components of connective tissue is at once made apparent by the effect of acetic acid ; whilst the * connec- tive tissue corpuscles ' are best dis- tinguished by the staining process, -especially in the early stage of the formation of these tissues (fig. 713). Skin; Mucous and Serous Mem- branes.— The skin, which forms the ex- ternal envelope of the body, is divisible into two principal layers : the cutis vera or ' true skin,' which usually makes up by far the larger part of its thickness, and the ' cuticle,' ' scarf skin,' or epi- dermis, which covers it. At the mouth, nostrils, and the other orifices of the open cavities and canals of the body; the skin passes into the membrane that lines these, which is distinguished as the mucous membrane, from the pecu- liar glairy secretion of mucus by which Fig. 715. — Vertical section of skin of finger : A, epidermis, the surface of which shows depres- sions a a, between the emi- nences b b, on which open the perspiratory ducts s ; at m is seen the deeper layer of the epidermis, or stratum Malpighii. B, cutis vera, in which are im- bedded the sweat-glands d, with their ducts e, and aggre- gations of fat-cells/; g, arterial twig supplying the vascular papillae p ; t, one of the tactile papillae with its nerve. its surface is protected. But those great closed cavities of the body which surround the heart, lungs, intes- tines, itc. are lined by membranes of a different kind ; which, as they secrete only a thin serous fluid from their surfaces, are known as serous membranes. Both mucous and serous membranes consist, like the skin, of a cellular membranous basis, and of a thin cuticular layer, which, as it differs in many points from the epidermis, is dis- tinguished as the epithelium. The substance of the 1 true skin ' and of the ' mucous ' and ' serous ' membranes is principally composed of the fibrous tissues last described ; but the skin and the mucous mem- branes are very copiously supplied with blood-vessels and with glan- dule of various kinds ; and in the skin we also find abundance of Jierves and lymphatic vessels, as well as, in some parts, of hair- 966 VEETEBEATED ANIMALS follicles. The general appearance ordinarily presented by a thin vertical section of the skin of a part furnished with numerous sensory papilla? is shown in rig. 715 : where we see in the deeper layers of the cutis vera little clumps of fat -cells. /. and the sweat- glands, d d, whose ducts, e e. pass upwards : whilst on its surface we distinguish the vascular papilhv, supplied with loops of blood- vessels from the trunk. and a tactile papilla, f, with its nerve twig. The spaces between the papilhv are rilled up by the soft ' Malpighian layer." ui. of the epidermis. A, in which it- colouring- matter is chiefly contained, whilst this is covered by the horny layer. h, which is traversed by the spirally twisted continuations of the perspiratory duct-, opening at >■ upon the surface, which presents alternating depressions, a, and elevations, b. The distribution of the blood-vessels in the skin and mucous membranes, which is one of the most interesting features in their structure, and which is in- timately connected with their several functions, will come under our notice hereafter. In serous membrane-, cm the other hand, whose function is simply protective, the supply of blood-vessels is more scanty. Epidermic and Epithelial Cell-layers. The epidermis or 1 cuticle ' covers the whole exterior of the body as a thin semitranspare ut pellicle, which i- shown by microscopic examination to consist of a series of layers of cells that are continually wearing off at the external surface, and being renewed at the surface of the true skin ; SO that the newc-t and deepest layer- gradually become the oldest and most superficial, and are at last throw n ofl" by slow desquamation. In their progress from tin- internal to t he external surface of the epidermis t he cells undergo a serie- of well ^agr,/^ marked changes. When we examine the (W~\ S -''^Sfcji innermost layer, we find it soft and granu lar, Consisting Of nucleated cells w hich are llatter in the upper than the lower strata, which make up the layer. This was for merlv considered as a distinct tissue, and ■'.•< ' was -uppo-ed to be (he peculiar scat of the "^H^/iMflM colour of the skiii ; it recei\ed the desig ' ,,,/"' nation of Malpighian layer or nte mMcoturn, i i< .. tic.— Ceils from the j>ig- The change in form is accompanied by a ""'"! ;"/'"""•'"'• change in the chemical composition of the a, mgmentar\ grannies oon- ft . . 1 ccaiiii- tin- l'luck-us; bf the tissue, which seems to be due to the metamor mmJoub. phosis of tin; contents of the cells into a homy iubstance identical with that of which hair, horn, nails, hoofs, ifcc are composed. Mingled with the epi- dermic cells we find others which secrete colouring matter instead of horn ; these, which are termed 1 pigment-cells,' are especially to lie noticed in t he epidermis of the negro and other dark races, and are most distinguishable in the Malpighian layer, their colour ap- pearing to fade as they pass towards the surface. The most rema rk- able development of pigment-cells in the higher animals, however, is on the inner surface of the choroid coat of the eye. where they have a very regular arrangement, and form several layers, known as ■EPIDERMIS 967 the pigmentum nigrum. When examined separately these cells are found to have a polygonal form (fig. 716, «), and to have a distinct nucleus (b) in their interior. The black colour is due to the accu- mulation, within each cell, of a number of flat rounded or oval granules, of extreme minuteness, which exhibit an active movement when set free from the cell, and even whilst enclosed within it. The pigment-cells are not always, however, of this simply rounded or polygonal form ; they sometimes present remarkable stellate pro- longations, under which form they are well seen in the skin of the frog (fig. 730, c c). The gradual formation of these prolongations may be traced in the pigment-cells of the tadpole during its meta- morphosis (tig. 717). Similar varieties of form are to be met with in the pigmentary cells of fishes and smal] Crustacea, which also present a great variety of hues ; and these seem to take the colour of the bottom over which the animal may live, so as to serve the better for its concealment. The structure of the epidermis may be examined in a variety of ways. If it be removed by maceration from the true skin, the cellular nature of its under surface is at once recognised, when it is subjected to a magnifying power of 200 or 300 diameters, by light transmitted through it, with this surface uppermost ; and if the epidermis be that of a negro or any other dark-skinned race, the pigment- cells will be very distinctly seen. This under-surface of the epidermis is not flat but is excavated into pits and channels for the reception of the papillary elevations of the true skin ; an arrangement which is shown on a large scale in the thick cuticular covering of the dog's foot, the sub- jacent papillae being large enough to be dis- tinctly seen (when injected) with the naked eye. The cellular nature of the newly forming layers is best seen by examining a little of the soft film that is found upon the surface of the true skin, after the more consistent layers of the cuticle have been raised by a blister. The alteration which the cells of the external layers have undergone tends to obscure their character; but if any fragment of epidermis be macerated for a little time in a weak solution of soda or potass, its dry scales become softened, and are filled out by imbibition into rounded or polygonal cells. The same mode of treatment enables us to make out the cellular struc- ture in warts and corns, which are epidermic growths from the surface of papillae enlarged by hypertrophy. The epithelium may be designated as a delicate cuticle, covering all the free internal surfaces of the body, and thus lining all its cavities, canals, &c. Save in the mouth and other parts m which it approximates to the ordinary cuticle, both in locality and 111 Fig. 717. — Pigment - cells from tail of tadpole : a a, simple forms of recent origin ; b b, more complex forms subsequently as- sumed. 968 VERTEBRATE!) ANIMALS nature, its cells (fig. 7 IS) usually form but a single layer • and are so deficient in tenacity of mutual adhesion that they cannot be de- tached in the form of a continuous membrane. Their shape varies greatly. Sometimes they are broad, fiat, and scale-like, and their edges approximate closely to each other, so as to form what is termed a 'pavement' or 'tessellated' epithelium: such cells arc observable on the web of a frog's foot or on the tail of a tadpole ; for, though covering an external surface, the soft moist cuticle of these parts has all the characters of an epithelium. In other 0*861 the cells have more of the form of cylinders, standing erect side by side, one extremity of each cylinder forming part of the free surface, whilst the other rests upon the membrane to which it serves as n covering. If the cylinders be closely pressed together, their form is changed into prisms ; and such epithelium is often known as •prismatic.' On the other hand, if the BUrfa >• on which it rests he convex, th»- bases nr lower ends of the cylinders become smaller than a. Fig. 71s. — Detached enithelium-celltt : a, with nuclei b, and nucleoli r, from mucous membrane of the mouth. Fio. 710. — Ciliated epithelium ! '/, nucleated cell* resting on tlieir smaller extremitiea ; /», cilia. their tree extremities ; and thus each has the form of a truncated cone rather than of a cylinder, and such epithelium (of which that covering the villi 01 the intestine is a peculiarly good ex- ample) is termed 'conical.' Hut between these primary tonus of epithelial cells there are several intermediate gradations ; and one often passes almost insensibly into the other. Any of these forms of epithelium may be furnished with rilin ; but these appendages are more commonly found attached to the elongated tlian to the flattened forms of epithelial cells (lig. 7 1 9). Ciliated epithelium is found upon the lining membrane of the lir pamgtti in all air breathing Yertebrata ; and it also presents itself in many other situations, in w hich a propulsive power is needed to prevent an ac- cumulation of mucous or oi her secret ions. < >\ving to the very slight attachment that usually exists between the epithelium and the membranous inrface whereon it li«-s there is usually no difficulty vhatever in < the meinhram <■( »\ ering theirsurface, I [enc they may be compared, i regard to t heir grade of o gain sat ion, with the largr algfe, which consist, lie them, of aggregations of ces held toget her by intereellui r substance, wit hout vessels*! any kind, and arc notiris'd by imbibition through tKir w hole surface. There ire many eases, however, in which the structureless her- cellular substance is rep*ced by bundles of fibres, sometimes elastic, but more commonlyion- elastic ; such combinations, which are termed /////-"-cartilage are interposed in certain joints, wherein tension as well as preilUI has to be resisted ; as, for example, between the vertebrte of the pinal column and the bones of the pelvis. In examining the sticture of cartilage nothing me>re is necessary than to make vei thin sections, preferably with the microtome. These sections ay be Fig. 722.— Section of the branchial curtilage of tadpole: a, group of four cells, wpavttilig from each other; b, pair of COllfi m i i j . | - tion; c c, nuclei of curtilage-cells; Iff, r.r.it;. containing three cells (the fourth prnliubly behind j. GLANDS 07 I mounted in weak spirit; Goadby's solution, or glycerin-jelly ; but in whatever way they are mounted, they undergo a gradual change- by lapse of time, which renders them less tit to display the cha- racteristic features of their structure. Structure of the Glands. — The various secretions of the body (as saliva, bile, urine, Arc.) are formed by the instrumentality of organ- termed glands ; which are, for the most part, constructed on one fundamental type, whatever be the nature of their product. The simplest idea of a gland is that which we gain from an examination of the ' follicles ' or little bags imbedded in the wall of the stomach, some of which secrete mucus for the protection of its surface and other gastric juice. These little bags are tilled with cells of a spheroidal form, which may be considered as constituting their epithelial lining ; these cells, in the progress of their development, draw into themselves from the blood the constituents of the par- ticular product they are to secrete ; and they then seem to deliver it up, either by the bursting or by the melting away of their walls, so that this proeluct may be poured forth from the mouth of the bag into the cavity in which it is wanted. The organ which is generally, though by no means accurately, called the liver presents this con- dition in the lowest animals wherein it is found. In many Polyzoa, compound Tunicata, and Annelida the cells of this organ can be seen to occupy follicles in the walls of the stomach ; in insects these follicles are few in number, but are immensely elongated, so as to form tubes, which lie loosely within the abdominal cavity, frequently making many convolutions within it, and discharge their contents into the commencement of the intestinal canal ; whilst in the higher Mollusca, and in Crustacea, the follicles are vastly multiplied in number, and are connected with the ramifications of gland- ducts, like grapes upon the stalks of their bunch, so as to form a distinct mass which now becomes known as the liver. The examination of the tubes of this organ in the insect, or of the follicles of the crab, which may be accomplished with the utmost facility, is well adapted to give an idea of the essential nature of glandular structure. Among vertebrated animals the salivary glands, the pancreas ( sweetbreads ), and the mammary glands are well adapted to display the follicular structure (tig. 723), fig. 728.— Ultimate follicles nothing more being necessary than to of mammary gland, with make sections of these organs thin enough containfn^nudeiT b. to be viewed as transparent objects. The kidneys of vertebrated animals are made up of elongated tubes, which are straight, and are lined with a pavement-epithelium in the inner or 'medullary' portion ot the kidney, whilst they are convoluted and tilled with a spheioida, epithelium in the outer or « cortical.' Certain iiask-shaped dilata- tions of these tubes include curious little knots of blood-vessels, which are known as the < Malpighian bodies ' of the kidney . these are well displayed in injected preparations. For such a full and 972 YERTEBKATED ANIMALS complete investigation of the structure of these organs as the anatomist and physiologist require, various methods must be put in practice which this is not! the place to detail. It is perfectly easy to demonstrate the cellular nature of the substance of the liver by simply scraping a portion of its cut surface, since a number of its cells will then be detached. The general arrangement of the cells in the lobules may be displayed by means of sections thin enough to be transparent ; whilst the arrangement of the blood- vessels can only be shown by means of injections. Fragments of the tubules of the kidney, sometimes having the Malpighian cap- sules in connection with them, may also be detached by scraping its cut surface ; but the true relations of these parts ran only be shown by thin transparent sections, and by injections of the blood-vessels and tubuli. The simple follicles contained in the walls of the stomach are brought into view by vertical sections ; but they may be still better examined by leaving small portions of the lining membrane for a few days in dilute nitric acid (one part to four of water), whereby the fibrous tissue will be so softened that the clusters of glandular epithelium lining the follicles (which are but Aery little altered) will be readily separated. Muscular Tissue. Although we are accustomed to speak of this tissue as counting of • fibres,' yet the ultimate structure of the ' muscular fibre ' is very different from that of the 1 simple fibrous tissues' already described. When we examine an ordinary anuscle (or piece of 'flesh') with the naked eye, we observe that it is made up <>t' ;i number of fr. Iloale recom- mends glycerin for the preparation, and glycerin media for the preservation of objects of* thi^ class ; and states that the alternation of light and dirk HMOefl in the librilla- is rendered more distinct by such treatment. The f i I ni 1 In* are often more readily separable when the muscle has been macerated in a weak solution of chromic acid. The shape of the fibres can only be properly seen in cross sections ; and these are best mad'- by the freezing microtome. Striated fibres, separable with gnat facility into their component fibrillae, are readily obtainable from the limbs of crust acea and of insects ; and their presence is also readily distinguishable in the bodies of worms, even of very lo\v organisation ; so that it may he regarded as charac- teristic of the articulated series generally. On the other hand, the molluscous classes are, for the most part, distinguished by the mm striation of their fibre ; there are, however, some exceptions, such as the muscles of the odontophore in the -nail and the powerful adductor muscle of Peoten. Its presence seems related to energy and rapidity of movement the non-striated presenting itself where the move- ments are slower and feebler in their character. The 'smooth' or rum ttirutied form of muscular fibre, which is especially found in the walls of the itomaoh, Intestines, bladder, and ■other similar parts, is composed of flattened bands whose diameter is 1 Quart. Jonni. Micros. Sri. n.s. xxi. p. :;i)7. 'Flo- more recent views will be found in Mr. C. F. Marshall's paper in vol. xxviii. of the same journal, and in the memoirs cited by him. MUSCLE ; NERVE 975 usually between ^^th and y a protoplasmic substance, is the i vs. ntial component of the nerve tibre, while the function of the hollow cylinder that surrounds it, which is composed of a combination of fat and albuminous matter, is simply protective. The diameter of the uerve-tubes di tiers in dillerent nerves, being sometimes as great as , t h of an inch, and as small in other instances as , 0/lOI>th. In many of the lower invertebrata, such as Fig. T'JH.-di-latinniis ,,,-rvi- M"1"'" and C omat a I e, or other small animal), then to dissect the larger ganglionic masses, whose structure ean only be successfully studied by such a> air proticmnt in this kind of investigation. The nerves of the orbit i'f tin' i;Vfs (if lislie-, with the ophthalmic ganglion and its branches, which may be very readily got at in the skate, and of which the components maybe separated without much difficulty, form one of the most convenient objects for the demonstration of the principal forms of nerve-tissue, and especially for the connection of nerve-fihres and ^anglion-eells. I«\>r minute inquiries, however, into the ultimate distribution of the nerve. fibres in muscles and sense organs, certain special methods must be followed, and very high magnifying powers must be employed. Those who desire to follow out 1 1 1 i ^ inquiry should acquaint themselves with the methods which have been found most sueeessful in the hands of the able histologists whose works have been already referred to.1 Circulation of the Blood. — One of the most interesting spectacles that the microsoopist can enjoy is that which is furnished by the circulation of the blood in the nijiillary blood vessels which dis- tribute the fluid through the tissues it nourishes. This, of course, can only be observed in such parts of animal bodies as are sufficiently thin and transparent to allow of the transmission of light through them, without any disturbance of their ordinary structure ; and the 1 For farther information Hoarding the nervous system tin* memoir of F. Nannen on ' The Structure and Combination of the Histological Elements of tin- Central Nervous System' in Bergen's Mu&eumt Aartberetning for 1886 1 L887), P. 99, should he consulted. CIRCULATION OF BLOOD 979 number of these is very limited. The web of the frog's foot is per- haps the most suitable for ordinary purposes, more especially since this animal is to be easily obtained in almost every locality • and the following is the simple arrangement preferred by the Author : A piece of thin cork is to be obtained, about nine inches long and three inches wide (such pieces are prepared by cork-cutters, as soles), and a hole about fths of an inch in diameter is to be cut at about the middle of its length, in such a position that, when the cork is secured upon the stage, this aperture may correspond with the axis of the microscope. The body of the frog is then to be folded in a piece of wet calico, one leg being left free, in such a manner as to confine its move- ments, but not to press too tightly upon its body ; and being then laid down near one end of the cork-plate, the free leg is to be ex- tended, so that the foot can be laid over the central aperture. The spreading out of the foot over the aperture is to be accomplished either by passing pins through the edge of the web into the cork be- neath, or by tying the ends of the toes with threads to pins stuck into the cork at a small distance from the aperture ; the former method is by far the least troublesome, and it may be doubted whether it is really the source of more suffering to the animal than the latter, the confinement being obviously that which is most felt. A few turns of tape, carried loosely around the calico bag, the pro- jecting leg, and the cork serve to prevent any sudden start • and when all is secure, the cork-plate is to be laid down upon the stage of the microscope, where a few more turns of the tape will serve to keep it in place. The web being moistened with water (a precaution which should be repeated as often as the membrane exhibits the least appearance of dryness) and an adequate light being reflected through the web from the mirror, this wonderful spectacle is brought into view on the adjustment of the focus (a power of from 75 to 100 diameters being the most suitable for ordinary purposes), provided that no obstacle to the movement of the blood be produced by undue pressure upon the body or leg of the animal. It will not un- frequently be found, however, that the current of blood is nearly or altogether stagnant for a time ; this seems occasionally due to the animal's alarm at its new position, which weakens or suspends the action of its heart, the movement recommencing again after the lapse of a few minutes, although no change has been made in any of the external conditions. But if the movement should not renew itself, the tape which passes over the body should be slackened ; and if this does not produce the desired effect, the calico envelope also must be loosened. When everything has once been properly adjusted, the animal will often lie for hours without moving, or will only give an occasional twitch ; and even this may be avoided by previously subjecting it to the influence of ether or chloroform, which may be renewed from time to time whilst it is under observa- tion. The movement of the blood will be distinctly seen by that of its corpuscles (fig. 730), which course after one another through the network of capillaries that intervenes between the smallest arteries and the smallest veins ; in those tubes which pass most directly from the veins to the arteries the current is alwavs in the same 3 it 2 980 YERTEBKATEP ANIMALS direction : but in those which pass across between these it may not unfrequently be seen that the direction of the movement changes from time to time. The larger vessels with which the capillaries are seen to be connected are almost always veins, as may be known from the direction of the flow of blood in them from the branches (b b) towards their trunks (a) : the arteries, whose ultimate sub- divisions discharge themselves into the capillary network, are for the most part restricted to the immediate border- of the toes. When a power of 200 or 250 diameters is employed, the visible area is of course greatly reduced : but the individual vessels and their eon tents are much more plainly seen : and it may then be observed that whilst the 1 red' corpuscles flow at a very rapid rate along the centre of each tube, the 4 white* corpuscles, which are occasionally discernible, move slowly in the clear stream near its margin. The circulation may also be displayed in the tongue of the frog b b Fig. 730. — Capillary f the web of a fn g*| foot: , itd LiuikIh-h ; c, c, pitfnu-nt-cellH. by laying the animal (previously chloroformed) on its hack, with its head close to the hole in the OOrk -plate, and, after securing the hodv in this position, drawing oul the tongue with tin- forceps and fixing it on the Other Bide of the hole with pins. So, again, the circ ula- tion may be examined in the lungs — where it aH'ords a spectacle of singular beauty — or in tin; no sr,,f,ri/ of the living frog by laying open its body and drawing forth cither organ, the animal having previously been made insensible by chloroform. Tim tadpole of the frog, when sufficiently young, furnishes a good display of < becapilla i y circulation in its tail ; and the difficulty of keeping it quiet during the observation may be overcome by gradually mixing some warm water with that in which it is swimming until it becomes motion- less ; this usually happens when it has been raised boa temperature of between 100° and 1 10° Fahr. j and, notwithstanding thai the musclai of the body are thrown into a state of spasmodic rigidity by this treatment, the heart continues to pulsate, and the "circulation il CIRCULATION OF BLOOD maintained.1 The larva of the water-newt, when it can be obtained, furnishes a most beautiful display of the circulation, both in its external gills and in its delicate feet. It may be inclosed in a large aquatic box or in a shallow cell, gentle pressure being made upon its body, so as to confine its movements without stopping the heart's action. The circulation may also be seen in the tails of small fish, such as the minnow or the stickleback, by confining these animals in tubes, or in shallow cells, or in a large aquatic box ; 2 but although the extreme transparence of these parts adapts them well for this purpose in one respect, yet the comparative scantiness of their blood-vessels prevents them from being as suitable as the frog's web in another not less important particular. One of the most beautiful of all displays of the circulation, however, is that which may be seen upon the yolk-bag of young fish (such as the salmon or trout) soon after they have been hatched ; and as it is their habit to remain almost entirely motionless at this stage of their existence, the obser- vation can be made with the greatest facility by means of the zoophyte-trough. The store of yolk which the yolk-bag supplies for the nutrition of the embryo not being exhausted in the fish (as it is in the bird) previously to the hatching of the egg, this bag hangs down from the belly of the little creature on its emersion, and continues to do so until its contents have been absorbed into the body, which does not take place for some little time after- wards. And the blood is distributed over it in copious streams, partly that it may draw into itself fresh nutritive material, and partly that it may be subjected to the aerating influence of the surrounding water. The tadpole serves, moreover, for the display, under proper management, not only of the capillary, but of the general circulation ; and if this be studied under the binocular microscope, the observer not only enjoys the gratification of witnessing a most wonderful spectacle, but may also obtain a more accurate notion of the rela- tions of the different parts of the circulating system than is other- wise possible.3 The tadpole, as every naturalist is aware, is essentially a fish in the early period of its existence, breathing by gills alone, and having its circulating apparatus arranged accord- ingly : but as its limbs are developed, and its tail becomes relatively shortened, its lungs are gradually evolved in preparation for its terrestrial life, anoTthe course of the blood is considerably changed. In the tadpole as it comes forth from the egg the gills are external, forming a pair of fringes hanging at the sides of the head (fig. 731, l) and at the bases of these, concealed by opercula or gill-flaps resem- bling those of fishes, are seen the rudiments of the internal gills, which soon begin to be developed in the stead of the preceding. 1 A special form of live-box for the observation of living tadpoles etc. contrived bv Prof. F. E. Schultze, is described and figured in the Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. n.s. vol. vii. 1867, p. 261. - A convenient trough for this purpose is described in the Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. vol. vii. 1859, p. 113. 5 See Mr. Whitney's account of 'The Circulation in the Tadpole in Trans. Micros. Soc. n.s. vol. x. 1862, p. 1. and his subsequent paper ' On the Changes which accompanv the Metamorphosis of the Tadpole ' in the same transactions, vol. xv. p. 43. In" the first of these memoirs Mr. Whitney described the internal gills as lungs, an error which he corrected in the second. 982 YEKTEBBATED AXDIALS The external gills reach their highest development on the fourth or fifth day after emersion : and they then wither so rapidly (whilst Fig. 731. — Circulation in tin- tadpole. 1. Anterior portion of young tadpole, showing the external gills, wit li the incipient, tufts of the internal gills, and the. pair of minute tuhes between the heart and the spirally coiled intestine, which are the rudiments of the fatUTfl lungs. 2. More advanced tadpole, in which tin- external gills have almost disappeared : a, renin uit of external grills on the left side ; />, operculum ; r, remnant of external gill on the right side, turned in. 3. Advanced tadpole, showing the course of the general circulation: a, heart; b, branchial arteries; c, pericardium; , liver; jj, vena porta-; >/, inn, vimuni>, receiving the jugular vein, r, and the ab- dominal veins, t, u, as also the branchial vein, v. 4. The branchial circulation on a larger scale: A, ]',, (', three primary branches of the branchial artery ; a, cartilaginous archc ; 6, additional framework J c, c, twigs of branchial artery; d,f, rootlets of branchial vein. 5. Origin of the vessels of the internal gills, g, from the roots of those of the external. 6. The heart, systemic arteries, pulmonary arteries and veins, and lungs, in the adult frog, the heart being turned up in the right-hand figure, to show the junction of the pulmonary veins and their entrance into the left auricle. CIKCULATION IN TADPOLE 983 being at the same time drawn in by the growth of the animal) that by the end of the first week only a remnant of the right gill can be seen under the edge of the operculum (2, c), though the left gill (b) is- somewhat later in its disappearance. Concurrently with this change the internal gills are undergoing rapid development ; and the beautiful arrangement of their vascular tufts, which originate from the roots of the arteries of the external gills, as seen at g, 5, is shown in 4. It is requisite that the tadpole subjected to obser- vation should not be so far advanced as to have lost its early trans- parence of skin ; and it is further essential to the tracing out of the course of the abdominal vessels that the creature should have been kept without food for some days, so that the intestine may empty itself. This starving process reduces the quantity of red corpuscles, and thus renders the blood paler ; but this, although it makes the smaller branches less obvious, brings the circulation in the larger- trunks into more distinct view. £ Placing the tadpole on his back,' says Mr. Whitney, ' we look, as through a pane of glass, into the chamber of the chest. Before us is the beating heart, a bulbous- looking cavity, formed of the most delicate transparent tissues, through which are seen the globules of the blood, perpetually, but alternately, entering by one orifice and leaving it by another. The heart (fig. 731, 3, a) appears to be slung, as it were, between two arms or branches, extending right and left. From these trunks (b) the main arteries arise. The heart is inclosed within an envelope or pericardium (c), which is, perhaps, the most delicate, and is, certainly, the most elegant structure in the creature's organism. Its extreme fineness makes it often elude the eye under the single microscope, but under the binocular its form is distinctly revealed. Then it is seen as a canopy or tent, inclosing the heart, but of such extreme tenuity that its folds are really the means by which its existence is recognised. Passing along the course of the great vessels to the right and left of the heart, the eye is arrested by a large oval body (d) of a more complicated structure and dazzling appearance. This is the internal gill, which in the tadpole is a cavity formed of most delicate transparent tissue, traversed by certain arteries, and lined by a crimson network of blood-vessels, the interlacing of which, with their rapid currents and dancing globules, forms one of the most beautiful and dazzling exhibitions of vascularity.' Of the three arterial trunks which arise on each side from the truncus arteriosus, b, the first, or cephalic, e, is distributed entirely to the head, running first along the upper edge of the gill, and giving off a branch, /, to the thick fringed lip which surrounds the mouth ; after which it suddenly curves upwards and backwards, so as to reach the upper surface of the head, where it dips between the eye and the brain. The second main trunk, h, seems to be chiefly distributed to the gill, although it freely communicates by a network of vessels both with the first or cephalic and with the third or abdominal trunk. The latter also enters the gill and gives off branches ; but it continues its course as a large trunk, bending downwards and curving towards the spine, where it meets its fellow to form the abdominal aorta, i, which, after giving off branches to the abdominal viscera, is con- 984 VERTEBRATE!) ANIMALS tinued as the caudal artery, k, to the extremity of the tail. The blood is returned from the tail bv the caudal vein, /, which is gradually increased in size by its successive tributaries as it passes towards the abdominal cavity : here it approaches the kidney, m, and sends off a branch which incloses that organ on one side, while the main trunk continues its course on the other, receiving tributaries from the kidney as it passes. The venous blood returned from the abdominal viscera, on the other hand, is collected into a trunk, />, known as the portal rein, which distributes it through the substance of the liver, o, as in man : and after travelling that organ it is dis- charged by numerous tine channels, which converge towards the great abdominal trunk, or W //" cava, >i, as it passes in close proximity to the liver, onwards to the sinus r> nost(Sy 7. or rudimentary auricle of the heart. This also receives the jugular petit, /\ from the head, which first, however, passes downwards in front of the gill close to its inner edge, and meets a vein, coming up from the abdomen, after which it turns abruptly ill the direction of the heart. Two other abdominal veins, meet and pour their blood direct into the sinus vcno>us : and into this cavity i^ also poured the aerated blood returned from tin- gill by the branchial rein, i\ of which only the one on the right side can be distinguished. The lungs may be de- tected in a rudimentary Btate, even in the very young tadpole, being in that stage a pairof minute tubular sacs, united at the Upper extremities, and lying behind the intestine and close to the spine. 1 hey may be be>t brought into view bv immersing the tadpole for a few days in a weak solution <»t' ohromic acid, which renders the tissue friable, so that the parts that OOQCea] them may be more readily peeled away. Their gradual enlargement may be traced during the period of the tadpole's transparence ; but they can only be brought into view by dissection when the metamorphosis has been completed. The following are Air. Whitney's directions for displaying the cireulation in these organs : ' Put the young frog into a wineglass ami drop on him a single drop of chloroform. This suffices to extinguish sensibility. Then lay him mi the back on a piece of cork and li\ him with small DUM passed through the web of each foot. Remove the skin of the abdomen with a line pair of sharp scissors and forceps. Turn aside the intestines from the l>j't side, and thus expose the left lung, which mav HOW be seen as a glistening transparent sac containing air bubbhs. With a line camel-hair pencil the lung may now be turned out, SO as to enable the operator to see a large part of it by irantmitt I light, Unpin the frog and place him on a slip of glass, and then transmit the light through the everted portion of lung. Remember that the lung is very elastic, and is emptied and collapsed by very slight pressure. Therefore, to succeed with this experiment, the lung should be touched as little as possible, and in the lightest manner, with the brush. If the heart is acting feebly you will see simply a trans- parent sac, shaped according to the quantity of air-bubbles it may happen to contain, but void of red vascularity and circulation. But should the operator succeed in getting the lung well placed, full of air, and have the heart still beating vigorously, he will see before him INJECTED PREPAEATIOXS 985 a brilliant picture of crimson network, alive with the dance and dazzle of blood-globules, in rapid chase of one another through the delicate and living lace-work which lines the chamber of the lung/ The position of the lungs in relation to the heart and the great vascular trunks is shown in fig. 731, 6. Injected Preparations.— Next to the circulation of the blood in the living body, the varied distribution of the capillaries in its several organs, as shown by means of ' injections' of colour- ing matter thrown into their principal vessels, is one of the most interesting subjects of microscopic examination. The art of making successful pre- parations of this kind is one in which perfection can usually be attained only by long prac- tice and by attention to a great number of minute par- ticulars ; and better specimens may be obtained, therefore, from those who have made it a business to produce them than are likely to be prepared by amateurs for themselves. For this reason no account of the process will be here offered, the minute details which need to be attended to, in order to attain successful Fig. 733 — Section of the toe of a mouse : a, a, a, tarsal bones; b, digital artery; c, vascular loops in the papillae forming the thick epidermic cushion on the under surface ; d, distribution of vessels in the matrix of the claw. results, being readily accessible elsewhere to such as desire to put it in practice.1 Many anatomical parts, when well injected and mounted, become 1 See especiallv the article 'Injection' in the Micrograph ic Dictionary; M. Robin's work, Du Microscope et des Injections ; Prof. H. Frey's treatise, Das Mikro- skop und die mikroskopische Technik; Dr. Beale's How to Work with the Micro- FlG. 732. — Transverse section of small intes- tine of rat, showing the villi in situ. g 86 VEETEBRATEP ANIMALS objects of both interest and instruction. This is the case with the villi of the intestine, seen in fig. 732. which presents a transverse section, in which they are seen in situ. A thin section of the toe of a mouse (fig. 733) is another illustration of the effectiveness of this mode of preparation. A relation may generally be traced between the disposition of the capillary vessels and the functions they subserve ; but that relation is obviously, so to speak, of a mechanical kind, the arrange- ment of the vessels not in any way determining the function, but Fig. 734.— Capillary network Via. 7:1.". -Capillary network of around fat-cells. nuisrle. merely administering to it, like the arrangement of water- or gas pipes in a manufactory. Tims, in tiu'. 7 •">!. we see that the capil- laries of adipose ub>t a nee are disposed in a network with rounded meshes, so as to distribute the blood aiming the fat cells ; whilst in fig. 735 we see the meshes enormously elongated, so as to permit the muscular fibres to lie in them. Again, in tig. 7.*»t>, we observe the disposition of the eapillaries around the orifices of the follicles of a mucous membrane; whilst in lig. 737 we see the looped Via. T.U',. — Distribution of eujii!- Fin. 7U7. — Distribution of capil- laries in mucous membrane. laru-s in skin of finder. arrangement which exists in the papillary surface of the skin, and which is Subservient to the nutrition of the epidermis and to the activity of the sensory nerves. In no part of the circulating apparatus, however, does the disposition of the capillaries present more points of interest than it does in the respiratory organs. In bony fishes the respiratory surface is formed by an outward extension into fringes of g%U$t each of w hich consists of an arch with straight lamime hanging down from it, and scope; the Handbook to the PJn/siolor/ical Lahore lor;/ ; and Rutherford's and Schiifer's treatises on Practical Sutology, RESPIRATORY ORGANS 98/ every one of these laminae (fig. 738) is furnished with a double row of leaflets, which is most minutely supplied with blood-vessels, their network (as seen at A) being so close that its meshes (indicated by the dots in" the figure) cover less space than the vessels themselves. The gills of fish are not ciliated on their surface, like those of molluscs and of the larva of the water- newt, the necessity for such a mode of renewing the fluid in contact with them being super- seded by the muscular apparatus with which their gill-chamber is furnished. But in batrachians and reptiles the respiratory sur- face is formed by the walls of an internal cavity, that of the lungs : these organs, however, are constructed on a plan very different from that which they present in higher Yertebrata, the great extension of surface which is effected in the latter by the minute subdivision of the cavity not being here neces- sary. In the frog (for example) the cavity of each lung is un- divided ; its walls, which are thin and membranous at the lower part, there present a simple smooth expanse ; and it is only at the upper part, where the extensions of the tracheal cartilage form a network over the interior, that its surface is depressed into sacculi whose lining is crowded with blood- vessels (fig. 739). In this manner a set of air-cells is formed in the thickness of the upper wall of the lung, which communicate with the general cavity, and very much increase the surface over which the blood comes into relation with the air ; but each air-cell has a capillary network of its own, which lies on one side against its wall, so as only to be exposed to the air on its free surface. In the elongated lung of the snake the same general arrangement prevails ; but the cartilaginous reticulation of its upper part projects much further into the cavity, and incloses Fig. 738. — Two branchial processes of the gill of the eel, showing the branchial lamellae : A, portion of one of these pro- cesses enlarged, showing the capillary network of the lamellae. Fig. 739. -Interior of upper part of lung of frog. ■gS8 VERTEBRATES ANIMALS in its meshes (which are usually square, or nearly so") several layers of air-cells, which communicate, one through another, with the general cavity. The structure of the lungs of birds presents us with an arrangement of a very different kind, the purpose of which is to expose a very large amount of capillary surface to the influence of the air. The entire mass of each lung may be considered as subdivided into an immense number of ' lobules ' or 'kinglets ' (tig. 740, P>), each of which has its own bronchia] tube (or subdivision of the windpipe) and its own system of blood-vessels, which have very little com- A B Fig. 740. — Interior strm tur<- of lnn^ of fowl, us displayed 1>\ a section, A, passing in tin- ilin-ition of u l»roncliiul tulif, uiul l»y another section B Dotting it ticross. Fig. 741. — Arrangement of the nipilhirh'H on tin- walls of the air-i dl < (A tin- human lung. munication with tliose of other lobules. Baoh lobule has a central cavity, which closely resembles that of ;i frog's lung in tD \ n iature, having its walls strengthened by a network of cartilage derived from tin; bronchial tube, A, in the interspaces of which are opening! lead ing to sacculi in their substance. But each of these cavities is sur- rounded by a solid plexus of blood-vessels, which does not seem to be covered by any limiting membrane, but which admits air from the central cavity freely between its meshes ; and thus its capillaries are in immediate relation with air on all sides — a provision that is ob- LUNGS 989. viously very favourable to the complete and rapid aeration of the blood they contain. 1 In the lung of man and mammals, again, the plan of structure differs from the foregoing, though the general effect of it is the same. For its whole interior is divided up into minute air-cells, which freely communicate with each other, and with the ultimate ramifications of the air-tubes into which the trachea subdivides ; and the network of blood-vessels (fig. 741) is so disposed in the partitions between these cavities that the blood is exposed to the air on both sides. It has been calculated that the number of these air-cells grouped around the termination of each air- tube in man is not less than eighteen thousand, and that the total number in the entire lung is six hundred millions. 1 On the respiratory organs of birds, see Campana, La Besjriration cles Oiseauxt. Paris, 1875. 990 CHAPTER XXIII APPLICATION OF THE MICROSCOPE TO GEOLOGICAL IXVESTIGA TION The utility of the microscope is by no means limited to the deter- mination of the structure and actions of the organised beings at present living on the surface of the earth ; for a vast amount of information is afforded by its moans to the geological inquirer, not only with regard to the essential nature and composition of the rock- masses of which its crust is composed, but also with regard to the minute characters of the many vegetable and animal remains that are intombed therein. The systematic employment of the instrument in petrographical research dates from l^oS, when I)r. H. C Sorby, F. K.S., published his classical paper 'On the Microscopical Structure of Crystals, indicating the Origin of Minerals and Rocks.' 1 The observations in this paper were based upon the microscopical examination of thin sections of rocks and minerals ; still, although Dr. Sorby was the first to apply this manner of investigation to such objects, the first to suggest and arrange the method of preparing thin sections appears to have been William Nicol. A description of his method is given by II. Witham {1831). 2 Previous to 18f>S only those minerals could be examined microscopically which possessed the necessary degree of transparency, whilst rocks were largely closed secret s. Nc\ ert heless ( Wordier (in 1 S I f)) was able to determine the constituent minerals of many rocks by the study of the powder under the microscope j a procedure which Fleurian •de Bellevue had previously recommended in I SOU, and which is still •employed by some mineralogists. Seven years before; I )r. Sorby \s paper appeared, the German scholar Oschatz exhibited a series of thin sections of minerals and locks and drew attention to their important bearing upon structural studies, but the collection was regarded more as a curiosity than as a scientific achievement, so great was the stagnation that characterised those years. The discovery of the method of preparation gave an enormous impetus to geological research, and the germs falling upon tin; fruitful 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. 1858, pp. £58-500. ^ Observations on Fossil Vegetables, Edinburgh and London, 1831. 5 The history of the application of the microscope to geology has been sketched by F. Zirkel in his paper Die Einfiihrung des Mikroskops in das mineraloyisch- c/eologische Studium, Leipzig, 1881. MICROSCOPIC SECTIONS OF ROCKS 991 soil of scientific Germany led to the growth of a 'micro-petrology.' Its development we owe to such Continental workers as Zirkel, Vogelsang, Rosenbusch, Renard, and others. In- order to examine minerals and rocks, sections must be pre- pared thin enough to permit of the use of transmitted light ; for this purpose they should be from about ^th to ^yh of an 'inch thick. A chip about an inch square is struck or cut off the specimen to be studied. ^ One surface of this is then ground down on a flat cast- iron plate with emery and water. This grinding may be done either by hand or by means of a machine specially constructed for this purpose (pp. 424, 425). 1 The former method will be described here. When a smooth surface is at last obtained the specimen is well washed with water and then polished upon a slab of plate glass with the finest flour emery and water. When all inequalities are thus removed the fragment is again well cleansed from all adhering emery. The next process is to cement it with Canada balsam upon a slab of glass about two inches square and about an eighth of an inch in thickness. The Canada balsam is first heated over a spirit lamp in an iron spoon, care being taken not to allow it to burn. This is the most difficult part of the whole process, and only experience can teach how long the balsam must be heated in order to possess, on cooling, the necessary hardness. If it be heated too long it will crack upon cooling. The right point appears to be that in wdiich large air-bubbles force themselves through the viscous mass. A small quantity of the warm balsam is poured upon the slab of glass and the smooth surface of the rock -fragment, being pressed into the balsam, is held down upon the glass till the balsam hardens. The slab is then examined from its under side to see that no air-bubbles have been included between the glass and the stone. Should they be present in any quantity the wdiole process must be repeated. When the balsam has quite hardened, the other side of the fragment is ground down with coarse emery and water on the iron plate. Upon the section commencing to become transparent, the grinding with the coarse emery must cease. The stone is then thoroughly cleansed with water, and the final grinding is conducted upon the plate-glass slab with flour emery and water. The slide is then placed under a stream of water in order to remove all traces of the emery powder from the minute pores of the rock. This is now the time to employ chemical tests to the com- ponent minerals, if such a course be deemed advisable. If the rock is of a fragile nature, it is well to mount the section as it is ; but in most cases it is possible by delicate manipulation to remove it to an object-glass more suited to optical work. This transference is effected by the application of a gentle heat to the slab until the b>alsam becomes liquefied, when the section can be pushed with a piece of wire on to a slide of fine material. Obviously a drop of balsam should be poured upon the latter before the section is transferred. 1 Mr. F. G. Cuttell (52 New Compton Street, Soho) prepares good sections ; Messrs. Voigt and Hochgesang (Gottingen, Rothe Str. 13) andR.Fuess (Berlin, S.W. 108 Alte Jacob Str.) do also most excellent work. 992 THE MICROSCOPE IX GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION The slide is then warmed until the balsam becomes liquid, when the superfluous quantity is drawn over the upper surface of the section. When the section is completely covered with the balsam, a thin clean cover-glass is held for a moment over the spirit flame and laid upon the section. Gentle pressure is then applied to the surface to bring it close clown to the section and to remove all air-bubbles. The slide is then allowed to become quite hard, when it may be cleansed with turpentine or alcohol and ether. Very porous rocks must first be heated with Canada balsam, in order to give them the consistency necessary for the preparation of thin sections. Isolated mineral grains and sands can be mounted by means of Canada balsam dissolved in chloroform. The slide must not be heated, but evaporation allowed to take place. Another method is described by Thoulet ; 1 whilst May soft or decomposed rocks should be mounted according to AYichmann's proposal.2 In the application of the microscope to penological and minera- lngical research the employment of polarised light is constantly re- quired, and various means and appliances are needful for its most advantageous application, which are not required by the ordinary microscopist. Considerable pains have been bestowed by both English and Continental makers to fulfil the requirements, and good instruments are now plentiful.3 An instrument having been recently brought out by Messrs. J. Swift and Son. which combines all that experience has led penologists to consider desirable for niineralogical and petrological investigation, a brief account of it is here subjoined It is specially adapted to the study of tin- optical properties of minerals generally, and particularly to that of the thin plates of minerals seen in ordinary sections of rocks pre] tared for microscopical examination. The microscope is shown in fig. 7 ll'.' The eyepiece tube is slotted at F to receis e the micrometer scale (shown detached at K), and to the tube is hinged the analyser B', which is capable of independent rotation in the usual manner. Upon the eyepiece tube is mounted a toothed wheel, which gears into another toothed wheel mounted on one end of a rod formed of pinion wire. ! 1< b »\\ tie- stage, which has neither sliding nor rotatory movement a, is mounted tin- polariser, B, capable of independent, rota- tion like the analyser, and upon the tul>e of the polariser is mounted a toothed wlnrl of the same ize as that upon the analyser; this wheel gears into a wheel carried by a tube which forms a telescopic extension of the pinion wire, the object being to allow of the raising or lowering of ( he body of the micrOSCOpC for focussing. The ana- lyser and the polariser may thus he rotated synchronously without disconnecting their toothed wheels. Now, in the mictoseopes usually constructed tot petrological work the rotation of a small 1 Annales de Chvmde et de Physique (5), xx. pp. 862-482. 2 Tschermak's Mvneralogwche und Petrogr. Milt. Bd. v. 1889, p, '.v.\. 3 Mr. Watson, (it ELolborn. London, and .Messrs. I lenry Crouch, Limited, makt suit- able instruments. Those constructed hv Zeiss, of .Jena ; Nuclei, of Paxil) Voi^t and Hoch^esan^, of ( iiittin^en ; Fucss, of Berlin ; and Hartnack, of Potsdam, can also bt recommended. 4 The instrument is protected by letters patent. PETROLOGICAL MICROSCOPE 993 crystal on the stage between the polarising and the analysing prisms is liable to put it out of position in regard to the cross-threads in Pjq, 742— Swift's new petrological microscope. the eye-niece, as the centring of the objective is scarcely ever so perfect as not to produce some displacement : and, if the centring 994 THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGICAL DTVESTIGATION be adjusted so as to be perfect for one objective, it is likely to be faulty for another. (By a small crystal is meant a crystal under the __i_th of an inch in diameter, and of such thickness as one finds at the edges of petrological sections.) Hence, by the arrangement described above, centring is dispensed with, and the object is made to rotate between the two prisms of the polarising apparatus without changing its position beneath the objective. To a petrologist who is accustomed to a rotating stage and fixed cross-wires a familiar section looks strange when first looked at on a fixed stage with mov- able cross-wires, but after a few hours' work with the instrument, the feeling of strangeness passes and that of the solid advantage of a perfect centring remains. On the polariser tube, above the toothed wheel and below the stage, is fitted a goniometer, D, which, in combination with crossed lines in the eye-piece, will permit of the measurement of the angles of •crystals without necessitating the shifting of the object when once adjusted in the field. C is a set screw by which the polarising apparatus ai d goniometer may be fixed in any desired position. Both the analysing and polarising prisms are divided to every 45°, a spring catch marking the extinction point. The opening between the upper lens of the eye-piece and the analysing prism IV (fig. 74*2) is for the purpose of placing such plates as the j-undulation plate K in position. The great value of the instrument is in the facility with which studies in convergent light can be performed. <* is a slide fitted with a double convex lens which may be used for showing the optical figures of crystals, and II is a similar slide carrying B lens and diaphragm of small aperture used for showing optical pictures in minute crystals. The polariser is fitted with two convergent lenses, which work in conjunction with the lens Aon the slide ot* the stage, when great convergence is required. This slide may he pushed in without disturbing the object upon the stage. The achromatic con denser, A, shown at the foot ot* the figure, also works in conjunction with the sliding lens, A, w hen the highest angular aperture is required. When convergent light is required tin- slide on the stage and either (I or 1J are pushed in, and the eye-piece covered with the analyser JV. The optical figures <»f the crystal then appear with almost ideal clearness. It" this simple met hod is Compared with that previously in use the superiority of the instrument will be im mediately recognised. It is in fact the must perfect petrological microscope yet issued, and is one which will suit equally the minera logical and [o troingical student. The instrument was designed by Mr. Allan Dick and marks a great advance in this branch of microscopical science. The microscopical in vest igat ion of rock sections has almost re volutionised petrology. Although the geologist has no difficulty in determining by his unaided eye with the use of simple chemical test s the mineral components of rocks of coarse texture, the ease is different with those of extremely fine grain ; st ill more with such as present an apparently homogeneous, compact, and glassy character. The study reveals facts of the most striking significance, and wel- COERODED CRYSTALS 995 come light has been thrown upon the question of the order and method of formation of rock-components. 1 The material which issues from a volcano during an eruption is rarely in a state of true igneous fusion. In most cases it contains crystals and parts of crystals which have formed under high pressure before the arrival of the fluid mass at the surface of the earth. Such crystals are usually of large size and can generally be recognised with the naked eye. Now, pressure lowers the melting point of all substances. Accordingly, as the pressure is relieved upon the lava getting at or near the surface, a rise in the temper- ature of the fused mass must occur, and the crystals which are float- ing in it at the time are liable to become corroded or redissolved. Instances of this corrosion are numerous. The quartzes of the quartz-porphyries have this corroded appearance j whilst the por- phyritic constituents of the basic rocks (hornblende, olivine, &c.) not infrequently show the same alteration (vide fig. 743 ; the dotted line marks the original outline). In the case of the hornblende the dissolved portions usually give rise to the forma- tion of small grains of augite and magnetite, which are then found incircling the 'mother-crystal.' The rapid movement of the igneous mass may cause the crystals to come into violent contact with each other, fracture being the natural result. The pieces of such broken crystals may often be found in one and the same section, sometimes at no great distance from each other. As the lava solidifies, a further development of crystals occurs. The products of this period constitute the ' ground- mass ' of the rock and are usually small in size, the -i . , - j (• A ■ Fig. 713. — Corroded microscope being frequently required tor their olivine in basalt detection and determination. of Kilima Ndjaro, This last stage of consolidation often induces the East Africa, formation of glass and gives rise to the appearance -of very remarkable products, which are known to be the result of definite chemical compounds, endeavouring to crystallise under un- favourable circumstances. Generally speaking, these products are present in two stages of development. The less perfectly developed forms of these are known as crystallites. They occur in a variety of forms — hair-like, spherical, £c. — and represent matter in a state 1 The reader is referred to the following works treating of the microscopic charac- ters of minerals and rocks:— F. Fouqne'et Michelligvy, MmSralogie micrographique, Paris, 1873 ; E. Hnssak, Anleitung zitm Bestimmen der gesteinsbildenden Mineralien, Leipzig, 1885; E. Kalkowsky, Elemente der Lithologie, Heidelberg, 1886; A. V. Lasaulx. Elemente der Petrographie, Bonn, 1875, and Einfuhrung in die Gesteins- ieure, Breslau, 1886 (also edition in French) ; Levy et Lacroix, Les Mineraux des Roches, Paris, 1888 ; F. H. Rcsenbusch, Mikroskopische Physiographic, 2nd edition, vol. i. ;Die Mineralien' (translated into English by Iddings), vol. ii. ' Die massigen Oesteine- ' and Hulfstaoellen zur mihrosTcopischen Mineralbestimmung in Gesteinru (translated into English bv F. H. Hatch) ; F. Rutley, The Study of Pocks, 3rd edition, 1884, and Rock-fcrming Minerals, 1888; J. J. H. Teall, British Pe^Oflrop*y,_1888 \ Ch. Velain, Conferences de Petrographie, ler fascicule Paris, 1889; F. Zirkel, Lehrhuch der Petrographie, 2 vols. Bonn, 1866; Basaltgestcine, Bonn, 1870; Die mikroskopische Beschafenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine, Leipzig, 1873; Micro- scopical Petrography (U.S. Geol. Exploration of 10th parallel), W ashington, 1S76. 996 THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION intermediate between that of a glass and a crystalline body, hence- are optically inactive. The conditions of their formation have been experimentally determined by Vogelsang. The bodies belonging to the highest stage of development are called microlites (tig. 744). They differ from the crystallites in possess- ing the internal structure of true crystals and in acting on polarised light. The position of the microlites with reference to each other or to the large crystals is frequently an indicator of the movements of the original fluid mass. When streams of microlites are seen lying with their long axes in one direction, this direction is equi- valent to that of the flow, and where such streams encounter large crystals they sweep round them in graceful curves : this appearance- in a rock is known as nuxion->tructure. Masses of molten material mav, however, consolidate at a con- siderable depth beneath the surface ol the earth ; in such cases the distinction between the first and second periods of crystallisation is not no well marked. A crystal is, in one respect, like an organism it is affected by its environment. The crystal modifies its surroundings, and is in I k. Til. — Mu-rolites. (After Zirkel.) Vu\. 746.—- Angite showing zonal Htrui tuiv. 1 After Zirkul. 1 turn modified by them ; then is action and reaction between it and* its cn\ ii-oiiiiH-nt . This remarkable property of all crystalline bodies is well shown by the microscope. Crystals are constantly found built up of different layers or Eones of material, unlike in their optical characters, and hence dissimilar in chemical constitution. This is the v" called zonal structure, and lb common to the felspars and augites — in short, to nearly all minerals represent ing isomorphous mixtures (fig. 745), In the case of the augites a difference in colour often indicates its presence. This structure unquestionably signifies changes in the environment <>f the crystals during their growth, the precipitation of each successive /one affecting the ehemical con- stitution of the succeeding <»ne. This structure may be experi mentally produced by placing an artificial crystal in a solution of a substance isomorphic with that of thfl crystal. Another great service has been rendered by the microscope, inasmuch as it has enabled the petrologilt to draw conclusions ai to the physical condition of the fused mass or magma ;it the time crystallisation commenced. All chemists are aware that when FLUID INCLUSIONS— 'NEGATIVE' CRYSTALS 997 •crystals are deposited from solutions at ordinary temperatures they - usually contain small cavities full of the mother-liquor. Now, the growth of crystals in igneous rocks is exactly analogous to that 'in a supersaturated saline solution. Portions of the fused mass become entangled, which on cooling remain in a glassy condition, or 'become stony, so as to produce what maybe called glass- or stone-cavities.' 1 When formed under great pressure by the combined influence of liquid water and fused mineral matter the crystals will contain glass-cavities and also fluid inclusions. Glass inclusions are very abundant in the porphyritic crystals •of volcanic rocks and represent to some extent the composition of the fused mass at the period of inclosure. The glass composing the inclusions is often darker in colour than the glass forming the base of the rock. This is probably due to the presence in the glass of the inclusions of a greater amount of iron and the bases usually associated with it. The glass often contains crystallites and micro- lites, sometimes due to inclosure at the same time, sometimes to a subsequent crystallising action set up by the glass. Gas bubbles are also inclosed along with the glass. The existence of fluid inclusions in crystals has long been known ; but not until Dr. Sorby directed his attention to the subject was their universal distribution in rock-constituents imagined, or their bearing upon geological problems recognised. They are often very minute, being frequently less than ^ 0 ft 0 0th of an inch in diameter. They are rare or absent in rocks of the volcanic group, but are especially characteristic of the plutonic rocks, such as granite, gabbro, diorite, £e. Where glass inclusions are common, fluid inclusions are rare or wanting. Sometimes the fluid inclusions are so numerous in the quartzes of the granites as to be, according to Dr. Sorby,'2 ' not above the roVoth °f an incn apart. This agrees with the proportion of a •thousand millions to a cubic inch, and in some cases they must bo more than ten times as many.' The forms of such inclusions vary, but they may be bounded by planes corresponding to the external faces of the crystals, and are then termed ' negative ' crystals. There is usually an intimate relation between the number of cavities in a crystal and the rate at which it was formed. Generally speaking, it may be said that the more rapid the growth, the more numerous the inclusions. Not infrequently the cavities contain bubbles varying from i . i o-th to g^^th of an inch in size. These bubbles sometimes possess an apparently spontaneous movement, at other times heat must be applied to produce a change of position. According to Dr. Sorby 's experiments, the bubbles arise in con- sequence of the contraction of the liquid on cooling from the high temperature at which the cavities were filled. The nature of the inclosed fluid has been determined with some ■accuracy. Generally the liquid is a solution of water charged with 1 Sorby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1858 p. 242. - Op. oft. p. 48f>. 998 THE MICKOSCOPE EN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION salts ; but it is seldom so concentrated as to cause the deposition in, the cavities of little squares of salt. The presence has also been established of liquid carbonic dioxide, the bubble of which dis- appeared at about 32° C, the critical point for this gas.1 The discovery in the mineral components of plutonic rocks of these fluid inclusions is manifestly of the highest importance. Daubree's experiments have shown the enormous mineral-forming powers possessed by overheated water, whilst the presence of liquid carbonic dioxide testifies to the enormous pressure under which plutonic rocks, such as granite and diorite, have consolidated. Inclusions of gaseous matter are also common ; and it is self- evident that the occurrence of one mineral in another is no rarity ; the included mineral is cither contemporaneous or older, usually the latter. To such microscopic inclusions of crystalline bodies is due t ho remarkable colour of some minerals. Thus, red flakes of hematite cause the deep red colour of the carnallite of Stassfurt and the stibbite from the Fassathal in Tyrol. In fact, -so numerous and so minute are tin* inclusions in some minerals that even with high powers the minerals appear to lie charged with the finest dust. The leucitc is a good instance of this (fig. 7 16). The foregoing allows us to conclude, that an absolutely pure mineral is exceptional. Alf BUCh mineral bodies contain inclosures of foreign Ifa*. 746. Lencite from HUlttfer which have become entangled during Kilima N containing QUmorOUS fluid inclusions ((■specially those of carbonic dioxide) and hair like crystals of rutih- lead us to conclude they are derived from granites or similar rocks. The cemented material can also be studied and its nature determined. 1 The application of the burning end of a ci^ar to tin action ih usually BOftoimt to cause the bubble to diaaapMT, ■ ' Petrograpbiaohe Studi.n ani (lianit von I 'r< rlu/./(.,' Jnhrh. k.k.qcol. Bticht unsttilt, Bd. xxix. 1H71). ]>]>. 805-810. 3 Greek nXturrbt > broken. THE ACTION OF THERMAL WATERS 999 In some loose sands and sandstones there has sometimes occurred a curious process which the microscope first brought under notice This is the precipitation on the outer surface of rounded quartz- grams of a greater or less amount or silica, which has been deposited in crystalline continuity with that of the original nuclei (n>. 747) The phenomenon is like that which happens when an irregular fragment of a crystal is placed in a concentrated solution of the same salt slowly evaporating. Restoration of the broken angles first takes place ; then deposi- tion goes on over the whole exposed surface, in perfect optical and crystalline continuity, so as to change a broken fragment into a definite crystal. By the microscopical examination of volcanic dust or ashes it is possible to deter- mine the constitution of the igneous mass fig. 747.— Sand-grain (A) 1 , ■ . °. . , with much quartz de- wnose eruption gave rise to such material. posited on the surface. Thus the ashes and dust which fell at various (After Dr. Sorby.) places after the great Krakatoa eruption in 1883 were found to belong to an acid lava, a pyroxene andesite.1 Further, the identification of glacial boulders with rocks in situ can only be satisfactorily carried out by a microscopical examination of their thin sections. The occurrence has accordingly been demon- strated of Norwegian rocks as boulders in the Eastern Counties, whilst Swedish and Finnish rocks are common in the drift of North Germany and Saxony. We now come to the discussion of the meta- morphism to which all rock-masses are liable. The metamorphism caused by atmospheric agencies results in decomposition and disintegration. The constituents are, of course, very differently affected, but rapidity of disintegration demands the decomposition of one of the principal constituents. Such a con- stituent is felspar, which decomposes under the influence of water charged with carbonic acid into kaolin ; while the products of the. decomposition of non-aluminous minerals are carbonates, ferric oxide, and quartz. The minute accessory constituents, such as the titanium -oxides, are not affected by these agencies, and hence are to be found in all clays and sands. Thermal waters charged with various substances are common in all volcanic districts and play their part in the metamorphosis of rocks. In this way a volcanic rock may become silicified through the percolation of such solutions ; and microscopical examination has shown that portions of the Roche Castle rock, in Pembrokeshire, have had their porphyritic felspars changed into quartz by this agency. Whilst treating of the metamorphosis caused by atmo- pheric agencies, mention should be made of the fact that a movement is now in progress to assist the selection of building stones suitable for public edifices, by a microscopical examination of thin sections of 1 See the interesting paper by J. Murray and A. Renard on ' Volcanic Ashes and Cosmic Dust' in Nature, 18S4, vol. xxix. p. 585. IOOO THE MICROSCOPE Ds GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION the rocks proposed to be employed. 1 Obviously an increase in volume goes hand in hand with the decomposition of a constituent, and this may seriously atfect the stability of the rock as a mass. The intrusion of an igneous rock has generally an important influence on the structure and minora logical composition of the surrounding mass, portions of which it can include and partially dissolve (contact-metamorphism). Sections from the junction of an igneous rock with <>ne of sedimentarv origin are highly interesting. The metamorphism is found to largely consist in the development of new minerals, such as garnets, andalusite, mica, fluorspar, or a new- crystalline structure out of non-crystalline sedimentary materials. The formation of the new constituents points to the action of over- heated water and gases of various nature, which accompany the eruption. Of very common occurrence is the metamorphism of fossiliferous chalk — which is amorphous Carbonate of lime into a marble consisting of crystalline calcite in which no trace of organic life can be discerned. The heat is often so intense as to fuse sand stones into a brownish -_:las>.. It would be difficult t<» overestimate the utility of the micro scope in questions relating to dynamic metamorphiBmi or that due to ' earth st iv--. -s. ' The deformation by movement h a-, sometimes been so enormous, that the rockfl bave undergone a complete metamorphism, the original structure Itfinu' partially or even wholly effaced. .Mechanical energy is of course largely transformed into heat ; hence under high pressure plasticity may !>.• produced in I mm lies which are solid under ordinary circumstances. - Chemical reactions must occur ami must entail the formation of new minerals; for Spring :i has demonstrated the truth that chemical action can take place under excessive pressure without the applica- tion of external heat. These question! are now engaging wide rpread attention, and vre ma v hope for u elcome light being cast upon the vexed Subjed of the crystalline origin of t lie schists. These hit ter never show any t race of glassy matter, but their struct u re often reminds one of thai <>f pi u tonic rocks. The opinion i^ daily gaining ground t hat |omc of t hem (e.g. t he amphibolites) are oothing but altered igneous masses, an opinion which is strengthened by the know ledge that igneous rocks do pass into schists under the influence of dynamic metamorphism. This transition through molecular rearrangement first received its con- firmation as a truth by the aid of the microscope. Let us take, for instance, the case of a felspar-pyroxene rock. Under dynamic metamorphism the twin lamellae 01 the lath shaped felspars become bent, actual fracture of the crystals may occur, and possibly re - crystallisation of the component substance in ritu ; the new felspar, being granular, will arrange itself approximately along the planes of schistosity. The pyroxene, which in the case of a dolerite w as light chocolate, 1 Cf. KIooh, ZeiU. der deuUohen geol. Gfawllichqft, Bd> si. ihmh, p, ma. * Tresca, ' Flow of Solids,' Proc. hint. Mrrh. Enq. 1676, p. B01, s Bull. Acad. Belgique, torn. xlix. IhmO (|), p, :J2H. METAMORPHISM IOOI brown, becomes altered into a pale green constituent, whose optical characters prove it to be hornblende. This latter also arranges itself so that the longest diameter of the grain lies itself in the planes of schistosity. Finally we obtain out of a rock, whose lighter and darker constituents were distributed uniformly through the mass, one in which the mineral components occur in wavy or parallel layers. In conjunction with this transformation a migra- tion or concentration of certain substances is rendered possible. This generally shows itself in the white segregation veins common to 4 moved ' masses. Molecular tension can always be recognised by the presence of optical anomalies. The extinction shadows sweep over the sections as the stage is rotated, a phenomenon known as undulose extinction. Strain eventually overcomes the limit of elasticity, and there occurs granulation. The latter can be defined as the resolution of a grain, or the edges of a grain, into smaller individuals no longer in optical continuity with each other. As a rule, this alteration is confined to quartz and felspar, and becomes only visible under crossed nicols. It often leads to the formation of a quartz-felspar mosaic, in which secondary aggregate any relics of the original mineral will lie. Where large grains of the original constituents remain, the fine secondary aggregate sweeps round them in the manner characteristic of fluxion structure. The quartz-granules of metamorphosed strata are sometimes observed to have lost the fluid inclusions so generally found in the quartz-grains of old sedimentary rocks. Hence it would appear that expulsion of such liquids is also a result of metamorphic action. Secondary minerals become developed through the same causes. Pyroxene and olivine pass into hornblende, lime-soda felspars are altered into albite (soda-felspar) and epidote &c. Mica, both white and black, is generally developed along planes of movement, being formed at the expense of the felspar or the ferro-magnesian con- stituent. 1 The degree of metamorphism is greatly influenced by chemical composition and varies accordingly. But it must be well understood that metamorphism does not produce a radical change in the elementary chemical composition. There has ensued rather a re- crystallisation and a new association of the pre-existing elements (Delesse). The chemical constitution of a hornblende schist formed by the metamorphism of a dolerite is practically identical with that of the dolerite ; the change has been here more mineralogical than chemical. In conclusion, dynamic metamorphism causes sandstones to pass into quartzite or quartz schists ; when they are felspathic, into mica schists. Argillaceous rocks are altered into phyllites &c. ; basic igneous rocks into hornblendic, actinolitic or chloritic schists. The optical methods now in use enable the petrologist to determine the constituents of rock-masses with astonishing success. The colour of the mineral in transmitted light, the crystallographic outlines, 1 Cf. ' Kecent Researches in the Metamorphism of Rocks,' by Dr. A. Geikie, in Nature, vol. xxvii. 1882, p. 121. 1002 THE MICROSCOPE IX GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION the direction of the cleavage planes, the polarisation tints, the posi- tion of the axes of elasticity, as also of the true optical axes, all these, with other minor properties, render his determinations of real value, A valuable test is further that of pleochroism, which is well deve- loped in such minerals as hornblende, cordierite, tourmaline Are. This property has been artificially produced in colourless crystals by Senarmont. Very important service has been rendered by the microscope in the study of the phenomena known as optical anomalies. There exist a large number of minerals which show in thin-sections optical properties which do not agree with those ol the crystal system to which they belong. The most satisfactory explanation for the anomaly of double refraction in crystals of the regular (cubic) system is that which considers it as the result of tension (Germ. $}kHMun(/). The admixture of an isomorphic substance can produce this dis- turbance in the molecular equilibrium. Experiment lias proved that compression, strain, or other mechani< al distortion, may cause amor- phous bodies and crystals belon^in^ to the regular system to become double -r-f'i \t< t in A uniaxial crystal becomes biaxial by the appli- cation of pressure at right angles to its optical axis, and ordinary glass may be Lri\en optical properties in the same manner. Mention may well be made here of the anomalies presented by the mineral l<-u- it.-, which is a most important constituent of the lavas of Vesuvius and the nei«'hl)ourh«KHl of Koine. It crystallises apparently in beautiful ieositet rahedra ( fig, 7 48 ). and to belong to the regular system should remain dark under crossed nicols, that is, isotropic. The .small crystals certainly behave in this manner, but the large! ones display tin >r< or lc double i efracl ion \\ 1 1 1 1 de eided traces of t win lamella' (tig. 7 1s). This anomaly \\a> tor a long time inc\ plicable, till Khan showed1 that such Crystals revert when healed to .r>0() " (J. to a condition of perfect isotropy, which property they again lose upon becoming oooL The conclusion to be drawn from his nlaasioal investigation is, thai the leucito originally Otystallised in the regular sys- tem and that il present opt ieal condition U Owinfl to molecular change due to the reduction of temperature consequent upon solidification. It is worthy of notice that .M M. Pouque A&d Miehel Levy have synthe- tically produced a Leucite rock, i In* leucites of which possessed the optical anomalies described above. I lie relation between optical characters and chemical constitu- tion has received some degree of attention, and in the case of the felspar group has been accurately determined. Only the 'quantitative'' Pxo. 748, — Leucite showing twin striution under crossed nicols (After Zirkel.) i 1 For adeacsriptton of tlie so-rullcd ' Falnt/un^ MikroHkop,' Ht-e Groth'n PInjMt- kahsche Krystallugraphic, Leipzig, 1885, p. 681. PURIFYING CRYSTALS OF INCLUSIONS — ANALYSIS 1003 portion of the subject can be dealt with here, and we must abstain from the discussion of those minerals whose microscopical appearance leads the trained petrologist to draw qualitative conclusions. It is interesting, however, to note that the dark reddish or violet-brown colour of some monoclinic pyroxenes is due, according to Knop, to the presence of a not unimportant quantity of titanium oxide in their constitution. This was found in one instance to be as much as 4 57 per cent., the angle between the axis of least elasticity yand the vertical crystallographic axis (commonly called the extinction angle) being also very high. As a rule, the extinction angles of all mono- clinic pyroxenes are found to vary between 36° and 54°. Hence Professor Tschermak concluded that this was due to differences in their chemical constitution, and suggested the varying amount of iron as the cause. The subject has recently been investigated, though with poor success, by Wiik,1 and later by Doelter. Asa general rule, the extinction angle may be said to be somewhat less in those augites which are poor in iron and alumina than in those rich in these substances. In the case of the hornblendes the positive angle of the optical axis increases, according to Tschermak, with the quantity of iron, whilst Wiik considers the extinction angle to be proportionate to the quantity of alumina. The diversity of opinion demands a further inquiry. The researches of the late Max Schuster have established the im- portant fact that in the normal plagioclase felspars, which may be considered as isomorphous mixtures of albite (Na2(Al2)Si6016) and anorthite (Ca(Al2)Si208), the optical and chemical characters stand in the closest possible relations to each other. Hence, given the extinction angle on a known surface, the chemical constitution is known and, roughly speaking, the specific gravity. Strangely enough, the micro-spectroscope has not been ex- tensively used by penologists. It has been recently employed by Professor Orville Derby in the determination of the presence of monazite in Brazilian sands.2 This mineral contains a large per- centage of didymium, and accordingly, gives the bands characteristic for that element. The discovery of the presence of foreign inclusions in all minerals has led to a remarkable revolution in mineral-chemistry. In earlier days it was customary to analyse a mineral without questioning its purity. Hence the early analyses and the formula? developed there- from express the actual constitution plus the inclusions. Methods have now been invented by which the foreign matter can be removed. Advantage is taken of the difference that is usual between the specific gravity of the mineral and that of its inclusions, the so-called ' heavy solutions ' being employed for the separation.3 Most satis- factory results have been obtained by such means. In cases where the greatest accuracy is necessary, the apparatus designed by Dr. 1 ' Om fbrhallandet mellan de optiska egenskaperna och den kemiska snraiiinn- sattningen hos pyroxen- och amphibol-arterna '—Fiuska Vetensk. Soc F&rhdl, vol. xxiv. 1882, and vol. xxv. 1883. 2 American Journal of Science, vol. xxxvii. 1889, p. 109. 3 For their mode of preparation see Rosenbusch, Mikroskopische Physiographic. p. 206, et seq. (English edition by Iddings.) 1004 THE 3IICE0SC0PE IN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION P. Mann had better be employed.1 It is well to microscopically examine the isolated substance before executing the analysis, for the optical test with polarised light is so sensitive as to detect the smallest impurities. Also, in the case of ordinary bulk analyses of rocks, it is advisable to follow the same course, as by doing so one is often enabled to make a qualitative analysis with the microscope alone. A valuable adjunct to petrology is to be found in micro- chemistry.2 Instances sometimes occur where a mineral cannot be satisfactorily determined by its optical characters, and in such cases micro-chemical methods are resorted to. Let us suppose it is desirable to see whether any of the rock-components are silicates containing soda and soluble in acids. Tin4 cover-glass is accordingly removed and the balsam dissolved in alcohol. A weak solution of hydrochloric acid is then poured over the surface, w -hen, it soluble silicates are present. Lrclatinisat ion will take place. Upon allow ing the gelatinous mass to evaporate little squares of salt will form if such a silicate i- present. Sometimes colouring substances maybe used for the same purpose. My the treatment of a slide with nitric acid a silicate like neplrdine becomes porous and permeable to anilin blue, tm hsin, ifcc. In the case of nepheline the colouring matter cannot he washed out, and hence 'staining' proves a delicate test. Where such a can -.' is possible, minute pieces <»t' the question* able minerals should be isolated and treated singly. There are two methods in use t'..r testing such particles micro-chemicall y. The first is that proposed hy Uovricky, who employed pure hydro lluo silicic acid ( II SiF, ), which attacks almost all rock forming minerals. The mineral particle is placed upon a glass object holder protected from the action of the acid by a covering of Canada balsam, and the acid allowed to attack the mineral. After evaporation an examina tion undo- the microscope reveals the presence of delicate crystals of the silieo-tli.or nil- of the metals present in the mineral. The nature of the crystals may then be determined microscopically. The second method is that proposed by Uehrens, and mostly follow s the usual method of chemical analysis. The isolated partiole is heated in a small platinum crucible with a onium fluoride, the mass then evaporated with sulphun add and dissolved in hot water. A small quantity of the solution is then evaporated and examined. If calcium is present in the mineral small crystals of gypsum will form. Other quantities are treated with the ordinary reagents. The crystalline products, which are the result, ean he identified by optical methods. It is po ihle hy Hehrens' tests to detect the presence of 0*0005 mgr. < 'a< I in ■ grain. * Neuea Juhrbuch fur Mineralogie, &c. Bd. ii. 1884, p. ] 72. 2 The following works can be consulted on this inbjeol B. Borioky, EUnunti enter neurit r/i r in / srh - ,„ i I; rtnk, mi se/i en Mini nil n„, I C, %U in n mil i,:r , PrftgOS, 1877 ; T. H. Behrens, Mikrochemische Methoden zur Mineralanal i ■■<-. A msterdsm, ImhI ; HauBhofer, Mikroskopische Beactionen, Braunschweig, 1886; K Lenient < t Etenard, Reactions microchimia uea <> cristaux, &e. Bruxelles, 1886; Rosenbusch, Mikro Jkopische Physiographie, vol. i. 1885, pp. 195-288 (English •••litiun by iddlngs) j v. liutley, Bock-forming Minerals, London, ihmh. FOSSILISED WOOL — COAL 1005 In all cases it is advisable to protect the objective during the microscopical examination with a thin sheet of white mica. The microscope has always played an important part in the science of Palaeontology. The great work on ' Micro-geology/ published in 1855 by Professor Ehrenberg, testifies to the influence it had, even at that period, upon research of this nature. The result of the microscopic examination of lignite or fossilised wood and of ordinary coal is a good example of the value of the instrument in this interesting department. Specimens of fossilised wood in a state of more or less complete preservation are found in numerous strata of very different ages. Generally speaking, it is only when the wood is found to have been penetrated by silica that its organic structure is well preserved ;. but instances occur every now and then in which penetration by carbonate of lime has proved equally favourable. In either case transparent sections are needed for the full display of the organisa- tion ; but such sections, though made with great facility when lime is the fossilising material, require much labour and skill when silica has to be dealt with. Occasionally, however, it has happened that the infiltration has filled the cavities of the cells and vessels, with- out consolidating their walls ; and as the latter have undergone decay without being replaced by any cementing material, the lignite, thus composed of the internal ' casts ' of the woody tissues, is very friable, its fibres separating from each other like those of asbestos ; and lamina? split asunder with a knife, or isolated fibres separated by rubbing down between the fingers, exhibit the characters of the woody structure extremely well when mounted in Canada balsam. Generally speaking, the lignites of the Tertiary strata present a tolerably close resemblance to the woods of the existing period : thus the ordinary structure of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous stems may be discovered in such lignites in the utmost perfection ; and the peculiar modification presented by coniferous wood is also most distinctly exhibited. As we go back, however, through the strata to the Secondary period, we more and more rarely meet with the ordinary dicotyledonous structure ; and the lignites of the earliest deposits of these series are, almost universally, either gymnosperms 1 or palms. Descending into the palaeozoic series, we are presented in the vast coal formations of our own and other countries with an extra- ordinary proof of the prevalence of a most luxuriant vegetation in a comparatively early period of the world's history. The determina- tion of the characters of the Ferns, Sigillariw, Lepidodendra, Cala- mites, and other kinds of vegetation whose forms are preserved in the shales or sandstones that are interposed between the strata of coal, has been hitherto chiefly based on their external characters ; since it is seldom that these specimens present any such traces of minute internal structure as can be subjected to microscopic- elucidation. But persevering search has recently brought to light 1 Under this head are included the Cycadece, along with the ordinary Coniferar. or pine and fir tribe. I006 THE 3IICK0SC0PE -IN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION numerous examples of coal-plants whose internal structure is suf- ficiently well preserved to allow of its being studied microscopically ; and the careful researches of Professor W. C. Williamson have shown that they formed a series of connecting links between Cryptogamia and flowering plants, being obviously allied to Equisetacea', Lyeo- jjodiacece, &c, in the character of their fructification, whilst their stem-structure foreshadowed both the 'endogenous' and 'exogenous' types of the latter.1 Notwithstanding the general absence of any definite form in the masses of decomposed vegetable matter of which coal itself consists, the traces of struct ur' revealed by the microscope are often sufficient — especially in the ordinary 'bituminous' coal — not only to determine its vegetable origin, but in some cases to justify the botanist in assigning the character of the vegetation from which it must have been derived ; and even where the stems and leaves are represented by nothing else than a structureless mass of black carbonaceous matter, there are found ditfi'sed through this a multitude of minute resinoid yellowish brow n granules, which are sometimes aggregated in clusters and inclosed in sacculi ; and these may now be pretty certainly affirmed to represent t ho spore*, while the sacculi represent the sporuwjia, of gigantic Lycopodiae&t of the Carboniferous flora. The larger t ho proportion of these granules, the brighter and st longer is the tlame with which the coal burns; thus in some blazing 1 coals they abound to such a degree as to make up the greater proportion of their suh.;tance ; whilst in init/iru'ltr or 'stone eoal ' the want of them is shown by its dull and slow combustion. It is curious that the dispersion of these resinoid granules through the black carlumaceoiis matter is sometimes so regular as to give to transparent sections very much the aspect of a section of vegetable cellular tissue, for which they have been mistaken even l>y experienced microscopists ; but this resemblance disappears under a more extended scrutiny, which shows it to be altogether accidental. '* Passing on now to the Animal Kingdom, we first cite some parallel Cases in which the essential nature of deposits thai form a very important part of the earth's crust has been determined by the assistance of the microscope, and then select a few examples of the most important contributions h hich it bfl i afforded to ouraoquaint' ance with types of animal life long since extinct. It is an admitted rule in geological science that the past history of the earth is to be interpreted, so far as may be found possible, by the study of the changes which are still going on. Thus, when we meet with an extensive stratum of fossilised DiatOtnOCM in what is now dry land, we can entertain DO doubt that this silicious deposit origin- ally accumulated either at the hot torn of a fresh water lake or beneath the waters of the ocean ; just as such deposits are formed at the present time by the production and death of successive generations of these bodies, whose indestructible casing! accumulate in the lapse 1 See his succession of memoirs on the cool-plant* In the recent rolnmsi of the Phil Trans. 2 For notes upon methods to he employed in makin 1 prepm-ati* ns of coal, kuo Eutley, Study of liocko, 1884, p, 71. BOCKS IX FORMATION BY MICROSCOPIC ANIMALS IOO; of ages, so as to form layers whose thickness is only limited by the time during which this process has been in action. In like manner, when we meet with a limestone rock entirely composed of the calcareous shells of Foraminifera, some of them entire, others broken up into minute particles (as in the case of the Fusulina limestone of the Carboniferous period, and the nummulitic lime- stone of the Eocene), we interpret the phenomenon by the fact that the dredgings obtained from certain parts of the ocean-bottom consist almost entirely of remains of existing Foraminifera, in which entire shells, the animals of which may be yet alive, are mingled with the debris of others that have been reduced to a fragmentary state. Such a deposit, consisting chiefly of Orhitolites, is at present in process of formation on certain parts of the shores of Australia, as the Author was informed by Mr. J. Beete Jukes, thus affording the exact parallel to the stratum of Orhitolites (belonging, as his own investigations have led him to believe, to the very same species) that forms part of the ' calcaire grossier ' of the Paris basin. So in the fine white mud which is brought up from almost every part of the sea-bottom of the Levant, where it forms a stratum that is continually undergoing a slow but steady increase in thickness, the microscopic re- searches of Professor W. C. Williamson 1 have shown, not only that it contains multitudes of minute remains of living organisms, both animal and vegetable, but that it is entirely or almost wholly composed of such remains. Amongst these are about twenty-six species of Dia- tomacea? (silicious), eight species of Foraminifera (calcareous), and a miscellaneous group of objects (fig. 749), consisting of calcareous and silicious spicules of sponges and GorgonicE, and fragments of the calcareous skeletons of echinoderms and molluscs. A collection of forms strongly resembling that of the Levant mud, with the exception of the silicious Diatomacea?, is found in many parts of the ' calcaire grossier ' of the Paris basin, as well as in other extensive deposits of the same early Tertiary period. It is, however, in regard to the great chalk formation that the information afforded by the microscope has been most valuable. Mention has already been made of the fact that a large proportion of the North Atlantic sea-bed has been found to be covered with an ' ooze ' chiefly formed of the shells of Globigerince; and this fact, first determined by the examination of the small quantities brought up by the sounding apparatus, has been fully confirmed by the results of the recent exploration of the deep-sea with the dredge ; which, bringing up half a ton of this deposit at once, has shown that it is not a mere surface-film, but an enormous mass whose thickness cannot be even guessed at. ' Under the microscope,' says Professor Wyville Thomson '2 of a sample of H cwt. obtained by the dredge from a depth of nearly three miles, 1 the surface-layer was found to consist chiefly of entire shells of Glohigerinabidloides, large and small, and of frag- ments of such shells mixed with a quantity of amorphous calcareous matter in fine particles, a little fine sand, and many spicules, portions 1 Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. vii. a The Depths of the Sea, p. 410. 1008 THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION of spicules, and shells of Badiolaria, a few spicules of sponges, and a few frustules of diatoms. Below the surface-layer the sediment be- comes gradually more compact, and a slight grey colour, clue probably to the decomposing organic matter, becomes more pronounced, while perfect shells of Globigerina almost disappear, fragments become smaller, and calcareous mud, structureless, and in a tine state of Fl«. 740. — BfiozOMOpkl OVffUUfllll in LtTMlt mud; A, (.', 1), silicioiiH spiculen of Tethya', B, II, spicule* of ( if>(/i tVerjuently enables the inicroscopist to determine the nature of even the most fragmentary specimens with a posit iveness which must appear altogether misplaced to such as have not studied the evidence. It was in regard to teeth that the possibility of such determinations was first made ch ar by the laborious researches of Professor Owen ; 1 and the following may be given as examples pi their value : A pock -for -mat ion extends over many parts of Russia whose mineral characters might justify its being likened either to the Qhl or to the A» //• Kc< | Sa m Kt . »ne of t his count ry, ami whose position relatively to other strata is such thai there is great difficulty in obtaining evidence from the usual sources as to its place in the series. Hence the only hope of settling this question (which w§4 1 Bee his Vdontogtaphy, DETERMINATION OF FOSSIL TEETH AND BONES 1013 one of great practical importance, since, if the formation were New Red, coal might be expected to underlie it, whilst if Old Red no reasonable hope of coal could be entertained) lay in the determina- tion ot the organic remains which this stratum might yield • but unfortunately these were few and fragmentary, consisting chiefly of teeth, which are seldom perfectly preserved. From the gigantic size of these teeth together with their form, it was at first inferred that they belonged to saurian reptiles, in which case the sandstone would have been considered as New Red ; but microscopic examination of their intimate structure unmistakably proved them to beW to a genus of fishes {Dendrodus) which is exclusively paleozoic, and thus decided that the formation must be Old Red. So, again, the micro- scopic examination of certain fragments of teeth found in a sandstone of Warwickshire disclosed a most remarkable type of tooth- structure (shown in fig. 752), which was also ascertained to exist in certain teeth that had been discovered in the 1 Keupersandstein ' of Wiirtemberg ; and the identity or close resem- blance of the animals to which these teeth belonged having been thus esta- blished, it became almost certain that the Warwick- shire and Wiirtemberg sandstones were equiva- lent formations, a point of much geological import- ance. The next question arising out of this dis- covery was the nature of the animal (provisionally termed Labyrinthodon, a name expressive of the most peculiar feature in its dental structure) to which these teeth belonged. They had been referred, from external characters merely, to the order of saurian reptiles ; but it is now clear that they were gigantic salamandroid Amphibia, having many points of relationship to Ceratodus (the Australian ' mud-fish which shows a similar, though simpler, dental organisation. The researches of Professor Quekett on the minute structure of bone1 have shown that from the average size and form of the lacuna1, their disposition in regard to each other and to the Haversian •canals, and the number and course of the canaliculi, the nature of •even a minute fragment of bone may often be determined with a ■considerable approach to certainty, as in the following examples, among many which might be cited : — Dr. Falconer, the distinguished 1 See his memoir on the ' Comparative Structure of Bone ' in the Trans. Micros. Soc. ser. i. vol. ii. ; and the Catalogue of the Histological Museum of the Boy. Coll. •of Surgeons, vol. ii. Fig. 752. — Section of tooth of Labyrinthodon. rQI4 THE MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION investigator of the fossil remains of the Himalayan region, and the discoverer of the gigantic fossil tortoise of the Sivalik hills, having met with certain small bones about -which he was doubtful, placed them for minute examination in the hands of Professor Quekett, who informed him, on microscopic evidence, that they might certainly be pronounced reptilian, and probably belonged to an animal of the tortoise tribe ; and this determination was fully borne out by other evidence, which led Dr. Falconer to conclude that they were toe- bones of his great tortoise. Some fragments of bone were found, many years since, in a chalk-pit, which were considered by Professor Owen to have formed part of the wing-bones of a long-winged sea bird allied to the albatross. This determination, founded solely on considerations derived from the very imperfectly preserved external forms of these fragments, was called in question by some other palaeontologists, who thought it more probable that these bones belonged to a large species of the extinct genus Pfrroifncti/hiSj a li ving lizard whose wing was extended upon a single immensely prolonged digit. No species of pterodactyle, howe\ er, at all comparable to this in dimensions, was at that time known ; and the characters furnished by the configuration of the bones not being in any degree decisive, the question would have long remained unsettled had not an appeal been made to the microscopic test. This appeal was so decisive, by showing that the minute structure of the bone in ques- tion corresponded exactly with that of pterodactyle bono, and di tiered essentially from that of every known bird, that no one who placed much reliance upon that evidence could entertain the slightest doubt on the matter. By Professor Owen, however, the validity of thai determination was questioned, and the hone was still maintained to be that of a bird, until the question was finally set at rest, and the value of tin* microscopic test triumphantly continued, by the discovery of undoubted pterodactyle bones of corresponding and e\ en of greater dimensions in the same and other chalk quarries. The microscopic examination of the sediments now in course of deposition on various parts of the great oceanic area, and especially of the large number of samples brought up in the ( !hallenger ' sound ings, lias led to this very remarkable conclusion — that the debris resulting from the degradation of continental land masses are not carried far from their shores, being f/itirr/ y ahsrnt from the bottom of the ocean-basins. The sediments //e/v found were not of organic origin, mainly consist of volcanic sands and nshrs, which are found in volcanic areas, and of rhty that seems to have been pro ducted by the disintegration of masses of pumice (vesicular lava), which, after long floating and dispersion by surface-drift or ocean currents, have become water- logged and have sunk to the hot torn. As no ordinary silicious sand is found anywhere save in the neigh bourhood of continents and cont mental islands, and as all oceanic isl ands are the products of local volcanic outbursts, this absence of all trace of submerged continental land over the great oceanic area afl'ords strong confirmation to the belief which geological evidence has been gradually tending to establish, that the, sedimentary rocks which form the existing land were deposited in the immediate ORIGIN OF OCEANIC AREAS neighbourhood of pre-existing land, whose degradation furnished their materials ; and consequently that the original disposition of the great continental and oceanic areas was not very different from what it now is.1 Further, the microscopic examination of these oceanic sediments reveals the presence of extremely minute particles, which seem to correspond in composition to meteorites, and which there is strong reason for regarding as ' cosmic dust ' pervading the inter- planetary spaces. Thus the application of the microscope to the study of these deposits brings us in contact with the greatest questions not only of terrestrial, but also of cosmical physics, and furnishes evidence of the highest value for their solution. 1 See Professor Geikie's lecture on ' Geographical Evolution ' in the Proc. Boy. Geog. Soc. July 1879 ; also 1 A Search for Atlantis with the Microscope,' by the same author, Nature, 1882, p. 25. ioi6 CHAPTER XXIV CR YS TALLISA TIOX. POLARISATION. MOLECULAR COALESCENCE Although by far the most numerous and most important applica- tions of the microscope are those by which the structure and actions of organised beings are made known to us, yet there are many mineral substances which constitute both interesting and beautiful objects, being remarkable either for t lie elegance of their forms, or for the beauty of their colours, or for both combined. The natural forms of inorganic substances, when in any way symmetrical, are so in virtue of that peculiar arrangement of their molecules which is termed crystal! isu.tioii ; and each subject which crystallises at all does so after a certain type or plan, the identity or ditVerence of these types furnishing characters of primary value to the mineralogist. It does not follow, however, that the form of the crystal shall be constantly the same for each substance ; <»n the contrary, the same plan of crystallisation may exhibit itself under a great variety of forms j and the study of these in such minute crystals as are appropriate subjects for observation by the microscope is not only a very interesting application of its powers, but is capable of afford- ing some valuable hints to the designer. This is particularly the case with crystals of snotr, which belong to the ' hexagonal system,' the basis of every ligure being a hexagon of six rays ; for these rays 4 become incrusted with an endless variety of secondary formations of the same kind, some consisting of thill lamina' alone, others of solid but translucent prisms heaped .>ne upon another, and others gorgeously combining lamina- and prisms in the richest profusion,' 1 the angles by which these figures are bounded being invariably G0° or 120°. Beautiful arborescent forms are not unfrequently produced by the peculiar mode of aggregation of individual crystals ; of this we have of ten an example on a large scale on a frosted window ; but microscopic crystallisations sometimes present the same curious phenomenon (tig. 7o3). The Mineral Kingdom presents many interesting microscopic objects : avanturine, lapis lazuli, crystallised silver, &c. make very good specimens ; w hilst thin sections of granite, gabbro, and other rocks of the more or less regularly crystalline 1 Glaisher on 1 Snow-crystals in 1855 ' Quart. Joum. Micros. Sci. vol. iii. 1855, p. 179. FORMATION OF CRYSTALS 1017 structure, also of agate, arragonite, piedmontite, zeolite, and other minerals, are very beautiful objects for the polariscope. The actual process of the formation of crystals may be watched under the microscope with the greatest facility, all that is necessary being to lay on a slip of glass, previously warmed, a saturated solu- tion of the salt, and to incline the stage in a slight degree, so that the drop shall be thicker at its lower than at its upper edge. The crystallisation will speedily begin at the upper edge, where the pro- portion of liquid to solid is most quickly reduced by evaporation, and will gradually extend downwards. If it should go on too slowly, or should cease altogether, whilst yet a large proportion of the liquid remains, the slide may be again warmed, and the part already solidified may be re-dissolved, after which the process will recommence with increased rapidity. This interesting spectacle may be watched under any microscope, but the instrument specially designed by 0. Lehmann1 is particularly adapted to studies of this kind. The degree of heat can be varied at will. The phenomena become far more striking, however, when the crystals, as they come into being, are made to stand out bright upon a dark ground, by the use of the spot lens, the paraboloid, or any other form of black-ground illumi- nation ; still more beautiful is the spectacle when the polarising appa- ratus is employed, so as to invest the crystals with the most gorgeous variety of hues. By chemically precipitating crys- talline products under the micro- scope we can obtain a still deeper insight into the crystallisation pro- cess. One of the earliest workers at this subject was Link in 1839. He observed that the precipitates FlG- 7 53.-Crystallised silver. first appeared in the form of very minute liquid globules, which ran together and eventually by almost insensible gradations passed into the solid and crystalline condition. In fact, the deposition of crystalline precipitates out of solutions seems mostly to occur in this way. Carbonate of lime is a good instance of this, the liquid globules finally arranging themselves into the little rhombohedra peculiar to the substance. On the temperature of the glass slide during the solidification depend the size and arrangement of the crystals. Thus santonine, when crystallising rapidly on a very hot plate, forms large crystals radiating from centres without any undulations ; when the heat is less considerable the crystals are smaller, and show concentric waves of very decided form (fig. 754) ; but when the slip of glass is cool the crystals are exceedingly minute. In the case of sulphate of copper, Mr. R. Thomas 2 succeeded, by keeping the slide at a 1 ' Ueber Krystallanalyse,' Fogg. Ann. Bd. xiii. 1881, pp. 506-522. 2 See his paper ' On the Crystallisation at various temperatures of the Double IOlS CRYSTALLISATION, POLARISATION. ETC. temperature of from 80° to 90°, in obtaining most singular and beautiful forms of spiral crystallisation, such as that represented in fig. 755. Mr. Slack has shown that a great variety of spiral and curved forms can be obtained by dissolving metallic salts, or salieine, santonine, &c. in water containing 3 or -i per cent, of colloid silica. The nature of the action that takes place may be under- stood by allowing a drop of the silica solution to dry upon a slide ; the result of which will be the production of a complicated series of cracks, many of them curvilinear. "When a group of crystals in for- mation tend to radiate from a centre, the contractions of the silica will often give them a tangential pull. Another action of the silica is to introduce a very slight curling with just enough eleva- Fiii. 7." I. — Kadiatin^ c rystallisation of santonins. tion above tin- slid*- to exhibit fragments of Newton's rings, when it is illuminated with Powell ;ind Lealand'fl modification of Professor Smith's dark ground illuminator for high powers, and \ iewed with a ^th objective. With erystalline bodies these actions add to the variety of colours to be obt lined with the polariscope, the best slides exhibiting a Beries of tertiary tints.1 Very interesting results may often be obtained from a mixture of two or more salts, and some of the double salts '/w*- forms of peculiar beauty. O. Leh- iiiinin has don.- excellent work in this department ; hut reference must be had to his papers in the ' Zeitschrift fur K ryst allographie ' for a description of the phenomena such mixtures exhibit. The fol" Salt, Sulphate of Magnesia and Snlphatc of Zinc,' in utirt. ./num. Micros. Sri. n.s. yi. pp. 137, 177. S. , ,,| II. \. Draper on 'Crystals for the Miero-polariscope,', in Intellectual Ob.-irrrrr, vol. vi. 1966 p. 187. ' On the Employment of Colloid Silica in the preparation ' of CryHtaln tot tin- Polariscope/ h) Monthly Mtrro*. J our it. v. p, 50. DICHROISM IOIQ lowing list specifies the salts and other substances whose crystalline forms are most interesting. When these are viewed with polarised light some of them exhibit a beautiful variety of colours of their own, .whilst others require the interposition of the selenite plate for the development of colour. The substances marked d are distin- guished by the curious property termed dichroism, which was first noticed by Dr. Wollaston, arid specially investigated by Sir D. Brewster. This property consists in the exhibition of different colours by these crystals, according to the direction in which the light is transmitted through them, a crystal of chloride of plati- num, for example, appearing of a deep red when the light passes along its axis, and of a vivid green when the light is transmitted in the opposite direction, with various intermediate shades. It is only possessed by doubly refracting substances ; and it depends on the Fig. 755. — Spiral crystallisation of sulphate of copper. absorption of some of the coloured rays of the light which is polar- ised during its passage through the crystal, so that the two pencils formed by double refraction become differently coloured, the degree of difference being regulated by the inclination of the incident ray to the axis of double refraction. Acetate of Copper, d „ Manganese „ Soda Zinc Alum Arseniate of Potass Asparagine Aspartic Acid Bicarbonate of Potass Bichromate of Potass Bichloride of Mercury Binoxalate of Chromium and Potass Bitartrate of Ammonia „ Lime : . „ Potass Boracic Acid Borate of Ammonia „ Soda (boras) Carbonate of Lime (from urine of horse) Potass Soda , Chlorate of Potass , , Chloride of Barium Cobalt 1020 CRYSTALLISATION. POLARISATION, ETC. Chloride of Copper and Ammonia „ Palladium, d „ Sodium Cholesterine Chromate of Potass Cinchonoidine •Citric Acid Cyanide of Mercury Hippuric Acid Hypermanganate of Potass Iodide of Potassium „ Quinine Mannite ATargarine Murexide Muriate of Ammonia Nitrate of Ammonia Barnes Bismuth Copper Potass Soda Strontian M Uranium Oxalic Acid Oxalate of Ammonia ,, Chromium „ Chromium and Ammonia, d „ Chromium and Potass, d „ Lime „ Potass „ Soda Oxalurate of Ammonia M H II »» Phosphate of Ammonia ,. Ammonia co- Ma gnesian (triple, of urine) Lead. d Soda Platino-chloride of Thallium Platino-cyanide of Ammonia, d Prussiate of Potass (red) „ (yellow) Quinidine Salicine Saliginine Santoniue stearine Sugar Sulphate of Ammonia Cadmium Copper Copper and Ammonia Copper and Magnesia ( 'opper and Potass Iron Iron and Cobalt Magnesia Nickel Potassa „ Soda Zinc Tartarie Acid Tartrate i if Soda Urie Aeid Urate of Ammonia Soda »» •» » »» '» »» »' It not unfrequently happens tliat a remarkably beautiful speci men of crystallisation develops itself, which the observer desires to keep for display. In order to do this sueeessfully, it is necessary to exclude the air ; and Mr. Warrington recommends castor nil as the best preservative. A small quantity of this should he poured on the crystallised surface, a gentle warmth applied, and a thin glaM cover then Laid upon the drop and gradually pressed down ; and after the superfluous oil has been removed from the margin a coat of gold-size or other varnish is to be applied. Although most of the objects furnished by vegetable and animal structures, which are advantageously shown by polarised light, have been already noticed in their appropriate places, it will be useful here to recapitulate the principal, with some additions. Yi'ijitublr Cuticles, Hair-, and Scales, from Leaves Fibres of Cotton and Flax Eaphides Spiral cells and vessels Starch-grains Wood, longitudinal sectionsof, mounted in balsam Animal Fibres and Spicules of Sponges Polypidoms of Hydrozoa Spicules of Gorgoniae l'« »1 vzoaries Tongues (Palates) of (iastcropods mounted in balsam Cuttle-lidi hone Scale- of Fishes Sections of F^-dn lls M M >i »» >» H 1 lairs < Mulls J lorn* Of Shells Skin Teeth Tendon, longitudinal CONCRETIONARY SPHEROIDS 1021 Molecular Coalescence. — Remarkable modifications are shown in the ordinary forms of crystallisable substances, when the aggre- gation of the inorganic particles takes place in the presence of certain kinds of organic matter ; and a class of facts of great interest in their bearing upon the mode of formation of various calcified struc- tures in the bodies of animals was brought to light by the ingenious researches of Mr. Rainey,1 whose method of experimenting essentially consisted in bringing about a slow decomposition of the salts of lime contained in gum-arabic by the agency of subcarbonate of potash. The result is the formation of spheroidal concretions of carbonate of lime, which progressively increase in diameter at the expense of an amorphous deposit which at first intervenes between them, two such spherules sometimes coalescing to produce ' dumb-bells,' whilst the coalescence of a larger number gives rise to the mulberry-like body shown in fig. 756, b. The particles of such composite spherules appear subsequently to undergo rearrangement according to a definite plan, of which the stages are shown at c and d ; and it is upon this plan that the further increase takes place, by which such larger con- cretions as are shown at a, a are gradually produced. The struc- ture of these, especially when examined by polarised light, is found to correspond very closely with that of the small calculous concre- tions which are common in the urine of the horse, and which were at one time supposed to have a matrix of cellular structure. The small calcareous concretions termed otoliths, or ear-stones, found in the auditory sacs of fishes, present an arrangement of their par- ticles essentially the same. Similar concretionary spher- oids have already been men- tioned as occurring in the skin of the shrimp and other imperfectly calcified shells of Crustacea ; they occur also in certain imperfect layers of the shells of Mol- lusca ; and we have a very good example of them in the outer layer of the en- velope of what is commonly known as a ' soft egg,' or an 1 egg without shell,' the cal- careous deposit in the fibrous matting already described being here insufficient to solidify it. In the external layer of an ordinary egg-shell, on the other hand, the concretions have enlarged themselves by the pro- gressive accretion of calcareous particles, so as to form a continuous layer, which consists of a series of polygonal plates resembling those i See his treatise ' On the Mode of Formation of the Shells of Animals, of Bone, and of several other structures, by a process of Molecular Coalescence, demonstrable in certain artificially formed products,' 1858 ; and his ' Further Experiments and Observations ' in Quart. Journ, Micros. Set. n.s. vol. i. 18G1, p. 28, 1022 CEYSTALLISATION, POLARISATION. ETC. of a tessellated pavement. In the solid ' shells 7 of the eggs of the ostrich and cassowary this concretionary layer is of considerable thickness ; and vertical as well as horizontal sections of it are very interesting objects, showing also beautiful effects of colour under polar- ised light. And from the researches of Professor W. C. Williamson on the scales of fishes, there can be no doubt that much of the calcareous deposit which they contain is formed upon the same plan. This line of inquiry has been contemporaneously pursued by Professor Harting, of Utrecht, who, working on a plan funda- mentally the same as that of Mr. Rainey (viz. the slow precipitation of insoluble salts of lime in the presence of an organic ' colloid '), has not only confirmed but greatly extended his results, showing that with animal colloids (such as egg-albumen, blood-serum, or a solution of gelatine) a much greater variety of forms may be thus produced, many of them having a strong resemblance to calcareous structures hitherto known only as occurring in the bodies of animals of various classes. The mode of experimenting usually followed by Professor Harting was to cover the hollow of an ordinary porcelain plate with a layer of the organic liquid to the depth of from O \ to 0*6 of an inch, and then to immerse in the border of the liquid, but at diametrically opposite points, the solid salts intended to act on one another by double decomposition, such as muriate, nitrate, or acetate of lime, and carbonate of potash or soda ; so that, being very gradually dissolved, the two substances may conic slowly to act upon each other, and may throw dow n their precipitate in the midst of the 'colloid.' The whole is then covered with a plate of glass, and left for some days in a state of perfect tranquillity ; when there begins to appear at various spots on the surface minute points re- flecting light, which gradually increase and coalesce, so as to form a crust that comes to adhere to the border of the plate ; whilst another portion of the precipitate subsides, and covers the bottom of the plate. Round the two spots where the salts are placed in the first instance the calcareous deposits have a different character J so that in the same experiment several very distinct products are generally obtained, each in some particular spot. The length of time requisite is found to vary with the temperature, being generally from two to eight weeks. By the introduction of such a colouring matter as madder, logwood, or carmine, the concretions take the hue of the one employed. W hen these concretions are treated with dilute acid, so that their calcareous particles are wholly dissolved out, there is found to remain a basis substance which preserves the form of each ; this, which consists of the 'colloid ' somewhat modified, is termed by Harting cedco-globuline. Besides the globular concretions with the peculiar concentric and radiating arrangement obtained by TTr. Rainej (fig. 7oG), Professor Harting obtained a great variety of forms bearing some resemblance to the following : 1. The ' discoliths ' and ' cyatholiths ' of Professor Huxley. 2. The tuber culated 'spicules 'of Alcyonaria, and the very similar spicules in the mantle of some species of Doris. :». Lamella" of ' prismatic shell- substance/ which are very closely imitated by crusts formed of flattened polyhedra, found on the surface of the ' colloid.' 4. The DETECTION OF MINUTE QUANTITIES OF POISON 1023 spheroidal concretions which form a sort of rudimentary shell within the body of Limax. 5. The sinuous lamellae which intervene between ■the parallel plates of the 'sepiostaire ' of the, cuttle-fish, the imitation •of this being singularly exact. 6. The calcareous concretions that give solidity to the < shell ' of the bird's egg, the semblance of which Professor Harting was able to produce in situ by dissolving away the calcareous component of the egg-shell by dilute acid, then im- mersing the entire egg in a concentrated solution of chloride of calcium, and transferring it thence to a concentrated solution of carbonate of potass, with which, in some cases, a little phosphate of soda was mixed. 1 Other forms of remarkable regularity and definite- ness, differing entirely from anything that ordinary crystallisation would produce, but not known to have their parallels in living bodies, have been obtained by Professor Harting. Looking to the relations between the calcareous deposits in the scales of fishes and those by which bones and teeth are solidified, it can scarcely be doubted that the principle of ' molecular coalescence ' is applicable to the latter, as well as to the former ; and that an extension and variation of this method of experimenting would throw much light on the process of ossification and tooth formation. The inquiry has been further pro- secuted by Dr. W. M. Ord, with express reference to the formation of urinary and other calculi."2 Micro-chemistry of Poisons.— By a judicious combination of microscopical with chemical research, the application of reagents may be made effectual for the detection of poisonous or other sub- stances in quantities far more minute than have been previously supposed to be recognisable. Thus it is stated by Dr. "VVormley 3 that micro-chemical analysis enables us by a very few minutes' labour to recognise with unerring certainty the reaction of the xowoo^h Par^ of a grain of either hydrocyanic acid, mercury, or arsenic ; and that in many other instances we can easily detect by its means the presence of very minute quantities of substances, the true nature of which could only be otherwise determined in comparatively large quantity, and by considerable labour. This inquiry may be prosecuted, how- ever, not only by the apjDlication of ordinary chemical tests under the microscope, but also by the use of other means of recognition which the use of the microscope affords. Thus it has been shown that by the careful sublimation of arsenic and arsenious acid, the subli- mates being deposited upon small discs of thin glass, these are dis- tinctly recognisable by the forms they present under the microscope (especially the binocular) in extremely minute quantities : and that the same method of procedure may be applied to the volatile metals, mercury, cadmium, selenium, tellurium, and some of their salts, and to some other volatile bodies, as sal-ammoniac, camphor, an 1 sulphur. The method of sublimation was afterwards extended to the vegetable 1 See Prof. Harting's Bcclierches de Morphologie synthttiquc sur la production artificielle de quelques Formations Calcaires Inorganiques,publices par VAcadt'mic Boyale Keerlandaise des Sciences, Amsterdam. 1872; and Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci. xii. p. 118. 2 See his treatise On the Influence of Colloids upon Crystalline Form and Cohesion, London, 1879. 5 Micro-chemistry of Poisons. 1024 CRYSTALLISATION, POLARISATION, ETC. alkaloids, such as morphine, strychnine, veratrine, etc. And subse- quently it was shown that the same method could be further ex- tended to such animal products as the constituents of the blood and of urine, and to volatile and decomposable organic substances generally. By the careful prosecution of micro-chemical inquiry, especially with the aid of the spectroscope (where admissible), the detection of poisons and other substances in very minute quantity can be accomplished with a facility and certainty such as were formerly scarcely conceivable. APPENDICES AND TABLES USEFUL TO THE MICROSCOPIST 8 u 1027 APPENDIX A TABLE OF NATURAL SINES o 0' V 1 Kf lO OA/ 1 O A C / '-i O 45 — j° ° 0' 30'=J° 45'=$° 0 •oooo •0044 •0087 •0131 46 - •7193 - . •7224 •79fi 1 i — u i • 7')Q ( 1 •0174 •0218 •0262 •0305 47 •7313 •7343 ■737*1 .7 1 A<> 4 -IVa 2 •0349 •0393 •0436 •0480 48 •7431 •7460 • 74.00 . 7 - 1 Q /Oio 3 •0523 •0567 •0610 •0654 49 •7547 •7576 •7fi04 l Out 4 •0697 •0741 •0784 •0828 50 •7660 •7688 •771 fi • 77 A A 5 •0871 •0915 •0958 •1002 51 •7771 •7799 .70K'J I ooo 6 •1045 •1089 •1132 •1175 52 •7880 •7907 •7033 t you 7 •12] 9 •1262 •1305 •1348 53 •7986 •8012 •8038 •80A1 8 •1392 1435 •1478 •1521 54 •8090 ■8116 ■8141 •81 9 1564 •1607 •1650 •1693 55 •8191 •8216 •8241 10 •1736 •1779 •1822 •1865 56 •8290 •8315 •8339 11 •1908 •1951 •1994 •2036 57 •8387 •8410 •8434 o to ± •84^7 12 •2079 •2122 •2164 •2207 58 •8480 •8503 •85°6 1 -8^10 OD-tJ 13 •2249 •2292 •2334 •2377 59 •8572 •8594 •861(5 ' •8<;^8 14 •2419 •2461 •2504 •2546 60 •8660 •8682 •8703 15 •2588 •2630 •2672 •2714 61 •8746 •8767 •8788 •88H0 16 •2756 •2798 •2840 •2882 62 •8829 > *8850 •8870 •8800 17 •2924 •2965 •3007 •3049 63 •8910 •8930 •8949 18 •3090 •3132 ■3173 •3214 64 •8988 •9007 •9026 •0044 19 •3256 •3297 •3338 •3379 65 •9063 •9081 •91 00 V L\J\J 20 •3420 •3461 •3502 •3543 1 66 •9135 •9153 •91 71 %J JL I JL •01 88 21 •3584 •3624 •3665 •3705 67 •9205 •9222 •9239 22 •3746 ■3786 •3827 •3867 68 •9272 •9288 •9304 23 •3907 •3947 •3987 •4027 69 •9336 •9351 •9367 24 •4067 •4107 •4147 •4187 70 •9397 •9412 •9426 •044 1 25 •4226 •4266 •4305 •4344 71 •9455 •9469 •9483 •0407 26 •4384 •4423 •4462 •4501 72 •9510 •9524 •9537 %J 'J *J 1 27 •4540 "4579 •4617 •4656 73 •9563 •9576 •9588 •oi;oo 28 •4695 •4733 •4771 ■4810 74 •9613 •9624 •9636 29 •4848 •4886 •4924 •4962 75 •9659 •9670 •9681 30 •5000 •5038 •5075 •5113 76 •9703 •9713 •9724 •0734 31 %J JL 1 •51 50 •51 88 5225 •5262 77 •9744 •9753 9763 32 •5299 5336 •5373 •5410 78. •9781 •9790 •9799 •0808 i'OV'O 33 1 •5446 •5483 •5519 "5556 79 •9816 •9824 •9832 •QR4.fl 34 •5592 •5628 •5664 •5700 80 •9848 •9855 •9863 •9870 35 •5736 •5771 •5807 •5842 81 •9877 •9884 •9890 ■9896 36 •5878 •5913 •5948 •5983 82 •9903 •9909 •9914 •9920 37 •6018 •6053 •6088 •6122 83 •9925 •9931 •9936 •9940 38 •6157 •6191 •6225 •6259 84 •9945 •9950 •9954 •9958 39 •6293 •6327 •6361 •6394 85 •9962 •9966 •9969 •9972 40 •6428 •6161 •6494 •6528 86 •9976 •9978 •9981 •9984 41 •6560 •6593 •6626 •6659 87 •9986 •9988 •9990 0092 42 •6691 •6724 •6756 •6788 88 •9994 •9995 •9996 •9998 43 •6820 •6852 •6883 •6915 89 •9998 •9999 •9999 I 0000 44 1 •6946 •6978 •7009 •7040 90 1-0000 45 •7071 •7102 •7132 •7163 iVote.— The sine of any given angle is the length of the perpen licular opposite the given angle in a right-angled triangle which contains the given angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse. The above table is constructed on the principle that the hypotenuse is always equal to unity, by which means the fraction is got rid of, as the denominator may be left out. Thus, sin 80o= perpendicular = J = .g hypotenuse 1 3 U 2 1028 APPENDICES AND TABLES APPENDIX B TABLE OF BEFBACTIVE INDICES (Suitable for experiment and study for obtaining media for mounting, and supplying contact substances for homogeneous lens systems.) Substance IvVt'nu'tive Tiulox >> cii er ..... • r* D — 1 -TV? fcain a . • A* E I .1.1.' Sea-water .... • • • A4 E 1 Oil) Human blood • A4 E 1 OOt Alum (sat. sol.) DIXViAM / ~< \0 L'„|,r \ ii.tuer^.j'1 r a nr. j • A* E l OOli . A* n AlHunH 11 .... • A* E 1 till AU>01Ul€ AIC0D01 • • • Mn l .Mill ( >il of Ambergris • A* E 1 .>l>> btilt (>at. s< >1.) • A* K Fluor Spar .... . A* F. Spermaceti (molted) • • • • M F. till 1 ill Bees-wax (melted) • A* E 1 l.l.i hi I'mrs (sp. gl . Ir'.'l.i) • A* | 1 1 1 ( > Borax ..... • A4 F. Naphtha .... • A* r. | I/O 4 kit ..1 I11 4 « # . • r\ / 1 ■ 1 W W > . \ IM1 *>I i U t | >* *T l T 1 n « * (^p. • 'VJUj • A* E 1.1—0 1 | / O Oil ot Linseed (sp. gT. •lJo2) • A* D 1 1 B - I astur Oil . . A* E L'4B7 Bees- wax (cold) . ' * - • A* E T . 1 t|i| Chloride 01 I in . • A* p 1 . A • I 1 t>(M Spermaceti (cold) * »' • r* F. 1 .>().{ ( >il ci < 'innamon . • A* K 1 ,)().S 1 u 1 < >i < e< i.ir A* D 1 .1 1 1) fliiiii \ r'i 1 >in tllllll. Mill )1(_, • A* F. 1 . ) 1 _ Dammar .... • A* D L*680 Oil of Cloves • A* d 1*680 Sugar ..... A4 i» 1-535 Felspar .... • A4 F. [•686 to 1-701 Cedrene .... A4 p 1*689 Canada balsam • A4 p 1*840 Oil of Fennel • A4 p 1*644 Bock Crystal A4 D 1*647 Bock Salt (sp. gr. 2-143) • A4 i» 1 555 Nitrobenzene • A4 P 1-558 Sty rax • A4 p 1 :»H2 Benzylaniline • A4 p 1*61 1 Methyldiphenylamine . • A4 p L-616 Balsam of Tolu A4 E 1*618 Oil of Cassia . fi | 1*626 to 10 17 Quinoline .... • A4 n 1*688 Tourmalin (ordinary ray) . • A4 D 1 030 Iceland Spar (ordinary ray) • A4 K 1 or, 1 Monobromide of Naphthalin . A4 n 1057 Bromide of Antimony (approximately) ft ,, 1-680 Pipeline .... • A4 D 1*684 USEFUL TO THE MICKOSCOPIST IO29 Bisulphide of Carbon Quinidine . Zircon1. Carbonate of Lead Borate of Lead . Sulphur (melted) Phosphorus . Kealgar (artificial) Diamond (sp. gr. 3*4) Chromate of Lead (approximately) /x D /* E M- D /* A H- E ¥■ D M E ^ E 1-687 1-700 1-782 to 2-015 1-81 to 2-08 1- 866 2- 148 2-224 2549 247 ft* 2-50 to 2-97 Glass Crown ...... D 1-51 to 1-53 Plate . fi D 1-516 Flint . fx D 1-54 to 1 62 Dense Flint .... . fj. D 1-650 Extra Dense Flint . fx D 1-710 1 Boro-silicate Crown . fx D 1-51 Phosphate Crown . fx D 1-51 to 1-56 Barium Silicate Crown . fx D P54 „ 1-60 Boro-silicate Flint . fx D 155 „ 1-57 Borate Flint .... . /X D 155 „ 1-68 | Barium Phosphate Crown . . fx D 1'57 „ 1-59 ' Very heavy Silicate Flint . . fx D ]-96 Glass of Antimony : H- D 2-216 1030 APPENDICES AND TABLES APPENDIX C TABLE OF EXGLISH MEASURES AXD WEIGHTS, WITH THE IE METRICAL EQUIVALENTS The following are calculated from the values of the metre, determined by Col. Clarke, R.E. (1867). as equal to ;>i>S>704;>>2 inches; and the weight of a cubic foot of water at 62° F. found by Mr. II. J. Chancy (1890) to be equal to 62-27*o01 lb. avoirdupois. Length Inch 2,">.'?*)<.)8 Centimetres. Foot = 12 inches i>-04Ti>7 Poeimetres. Yard = 3 feet - -1)1431) Metre. Fathom 2 yards 1*82878 Pole = 54 yards .V029 1 Met res. Chain - 4 poles 2*01 100 iVcametres. Furlong 10 chain> 2*01160 Hectometres. Mile s furlongs 1M»0*.)33 Kilometre. Sl'l'KKKICIKS Square Inch 6*45148 Square ( Cut iniet its. •00045 Mdliare. Font 144 Square Inches- '92901 Yard = 9 Feet H-.tC.l 12 Miliums. •H80 11 Centiare. Perch = 80| Yards - 2*62024 Declares. Hood -40 Pel -dies . . = 10*11690 Ares. Acre = 4 Roodl . , . -40*46784 „ You MM Cubic inch 01688 Millistero. „ Foot . . ■1728 Cubic Indu s 2K.1101 ( 'entistercs. „ STard. • 27 „ let 7<>4.")34 Docisterei, Minim. })\ . . . I teaohm, *5 ■ 60 m Ounce, f 5 H f " Pint, 0 . 20 Gallon, 0 -80 f S Gill . . Pint . . Quart . Gallon . Peeks . Bushel Quarter Cai\k in Apothecaries' Ml 28* U671 568*88416 4*64667 ) ( "ubic ( entimetrc or M illilitre. ( i ntimetres or \l illilit r< s. - 284107 ( '« ntilitros. 5*08884 Decilitres. I »< ciiin 1 1 < s, Milli ti re or lain |« = 4 pills - = 2 pints ■ = 4 quarts ■ 2 gallons = = 4 pecks = = 8 bushels ■ / /;/ />' rial I2-OSU54 Culiic Centimetres - 1*42088 Decilitre. B416 .. „ .V0H384 Decilitres. 1*18667 Decimetre, MiUiitere, or Litre. }•."» HW',7 .. I )i-c imetres, M illisteres, or Litres. MYtflili Decalitres. 2*90086 Hectolitrei. USEFUL TO THE MICKOSCOPIST IO31 Weight Apothecaries'1 = 6-48799 Centigrammes. = 20 gr. = 1-29760 Gramme. = 3 3= 60 gr. = 3-89280 Grammes. = 85= 480 gr. = 3*11424 Decagrammes. = 12 5 = 5760 gr. = 3*73708 Hectogi-ammes. Avoirdupois Drachm, dr = 27-34375 gr. = 1-77406 Gramme. Ounce, oz. . . . =16 dr.= 437*5 gr.= 2-83850 Decagrammes. Pound, lb. ... = 1G oz. = 7000 gr. = 4-54160 Hectogrammes. Quarter, qr. . . . =28 lb = 12-71647 Kilogrammes. Hundredweight, cwt. = 4 qr = 1-01732 Centner. Ton =20 cwt = 1-01732 Tonneau. 1 lb. Avoirdupois = -822857 lb. Troy or Apothecaries'. 1 lb. Troy or Apothecaries' = 1-21527 lb. Avoirdupois. - Grain, gr. . Scruple, 3 . Drachm, 5 Ounce, ^ . Pound, lb. TABLE OF METRIC MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, WITH THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS The metre was originally intended to be the T(j(ji»V?j(Jotn Part °f the dis- tance from the pole of the earth to the equator, measured along a certain meridian, but owing to an error its length is too short. The metre is therefore the length of a definite standard in Paris. Length Micron, i.e. /x Millimetre . Centimetre . Decimetre Metre . . Decametre . Hectometre . Kilometre J— Millimetre Centimetre y^j Decimetre T\ Metre . . Unit .... 10 Metres . . 10 Decametres 10 Hectometres = -00003937 Inch. = -03937 = -39370 = 3-93704 Inches. = 3-28087 Feet. = 1-093623 Yard. = 1-98840 Pole. = 4-97101 Chains. = 4-97101 Furlongs. = -6213767 Statute Mile. Superficies Milliare . . . =10 Centiare . . . =1 Deciare . . . =10 Are = Unit . . =1 Hectare . . . =1 Sq. Decimetres = 1-07641 „ Metre = 1-19601 „ Metres = 11-96011 „ Decametre =119-60115 „ Hectometre = 2-47110 Sq. Ft. = 155-00 Sq. In. Square Yard. ,, Yards. »> p Acre Ft Volume Millistere . Centistere . Decistere Stere = Unit Decastere . Hectostere . = 1 Cubic Decimetre = 61*02537 Cubic Indus. = 10 „ Decimetres = 610-25368 = 100 ., „ = 3-53156 = 1 „ Metre = 1-30798 = 10 „ Metres = 13-07985 = 10 Decasteres = 130-79854 >> Feet. Yard. Yards, 1032 APPENDICES AND TABLES Capacity Millilitre = Cubic Centimetre = 16*89148 M\. Miniins. Centilitre =10 Centimetres = 2-81 ~rl o f 5. Drachms. Decilitres =100 „ „ = 8*51900 i 5. Ounces = -70381 Imp. Gill. Litre . = Millistere . . = 1*75958 0, Tint = 1*75958 „ Pint- Decalitre = 10 Litres . . =2*19941 C, Gals. = 2*10941 Gals. Hectolitre = 10 Decalitre- - 2*74926 .. Bush. Kilolitre = 10 Hectolitres = 1 Store = 1 Cubic Metre - 3*48658 Qrs. Weight Milligramme = j\ Centigramme = '01.341 Grain. Centigramme = ^ Decigramme = *15418 „ Decigramme = Gramme = 1*54181 „ Gramme . Unit = 15*41308 1 1030 Grains. Decagramme Hectogramme Kilogramme Myriagramuie Quintal . . Tonneau . . iricx Avoirdupois = 10 Grammes 2*56886 5 5*68678 dr. = 10 Decagrammes 8*21106 J - 3-52299 oz. 10 Heoiogrrunmes - 2*67588 lb. 2*2018687291 lb. = 1U Kilourranmirs = 10 Myria^'rammes = 10 Quintals . . . 22*01869 L'96595 owt •98298 ton. Note. — The Centner of 5 myria^raumies, or 110-1 11)., is sometimes called a Quintal. A ('t inner of KM) II.. and a Ton of 2000 lb. are used in the United States. The Tonneau is sometimes oalled a Millier. In the United States the measures for length, surface, volume, and weight arc the same as the Knglish. Tli^,,. t . » r dry measure are derivod from the 1 Winchester' gallon, which ■ 268*8 cubic inches; and tlioso for iluid measure from the 'Winchester' tluiil gallon, which 2.51 cubic inches. WlNt H1STKK Dry Pint . . 5*60590 I >< cilitn s. Gallon . V U)472 lito • Peck . . 8*80944 „ Bushel , ■ 8*62877 Decalitres. Quarter , 2*81902 Beotolita , INTo Mjbtbxc Fluid (.ill . . 1-lH-j'il Decilitre. Pint . . =4*78108 Decilitres. Quart . ■ 9*46826 „ I lallou . 8*78580 Litres. M Kline into Winchbstes Dry Fluid Litre. . -1*81624 Pint Decilitre. - -s |;,:57 Gill. Decalitre 1*18615 Peck. Litre . . ■1*05072 Quart. Hectolitre 2*88787 Bushels. Decalitre - 2*64179 Gallons. Kilolitre . ■ 8*54734 Quarters. United States lluid gallon "83254 1 English gaJlojL English gallon . . . m 1*201188 United States fluid gallon. , United States dry gallon = '968778 English gallon. English gallon . . . = 1*032228 United States dry gallon. USEFUL TO THE MICKOSCOPIST 1033 CONVERSION OF BEITISH AND METRIC MEASURES LIXEAL Microvilli metres Jfre. into Inches %c. v- l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 l(i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 99 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 00 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 OOO ;oo 800 900 1000 ( = ins. •000039 •000079 •000118 •000157 •000197 •000236 •000276 •000315 •000351 •000394 •000433 •000472 •000512 •000551 •000591 •000630 •000669 •0007U9 •000748 •000787 •000827 •000866 •0009U6 •000945 •000984 •001024 •001063 •001102 •001142 •001181 •001220 •001260 •001299 •001339 •001378 •001417 •001457 •001496 •001535 001575 •001614 •001654 •001693 •001732 •001772 •001811 •001850 •001890 •001929 •001969 •002362 •002756 •003150 •003543 •003937 •007874 •011811 •015748 •019685 •023622 •027559 •031496 •035433 1 mm.) 111 111. ins. mm. ins. -1 JL — 4 51 2-007892 Q Ui 0/ 41 52 2-047262 . > -11011 1 1 lolll 53 2-086633 4 •157482 54 2-126003 5 •196852 55 2-165374 0 56 2-204744 iy 4 • O t ^ \ ft 0 57 2-244115 ollaoo 58 2-283485 if .or 1 Q 0 1 or>4ao4 59 2-322855 JLU (1 Clll.j dVOI 04 GO (6 cm.) 2-362226 11 '43307a 01 2-401596 1 ' '472445 02 2*440967 -f 0 13 0ll5lO 03 2-480337 14 •551186 04 2-519708 15 •590556 05 2-559078 10 •G29927 00 2-598449 1 7 •669297 07 2-637819 18 •708668 08 2-677189 19 •748038 09 2-716560 20 (2 cm.) •787409 70 (7 cm.) 2-755930 21 •826779 71 2-795301 2 J •866150 72 2-834671 23 •905520 73 2-874042 J 4 •944890 74 2-913412 25 •984261 75 2-952782 20 1-023631 70 2-992153 2 7 1*063002 77 3-031523 28 1-102372 78 3-070894 29 1-141743 79 3-110264 30 (3 cm.) 1-181113 80 (8 cm.) 3149635 31 1-220483 81 3-189005 32 1-259854 82 3-228375 33 1-299224 83 3-267746 Q 1 ± 0OO00D O OK) t 1 ID 35 1-377965 85 3346487 30 1-417336 so 3385857 37 1-456706 87 3-425228 38 1-496076 ss 3-464598 39 1-535447 89 3-503968 40 (4 cm.) 1-574817 90 (9 cm.) 3-543339 41 1-614188 91 3-582709 4'i 1-653558 92 3-622080 43 1-692929 93 3-661450 44 1-732299 94 3700820 45 1-771669 95 3-740191 40 1-811040 90 3-779561 47 1-850410 97 3-818932 48 1-889781 9S 3858302 49 1 929151 99 3-897673 50 ( 5 cm.) 1-968522 100 (10 cm. = 1 ilecim.) deckn, ins. 1 3-937043 2 7'874Ut>6 3 11-811130 4 15-748173 5 19-685216 0 23-622259 7 27-559302 s 31-496346 9 35*433389 10 < = 1 inetre^ 39 370432 = 3-280869 ft = 1-093623 yd. 1034 APPENDICES AND TABLES ms. 25000 1 20i : i loOOo 1 10000 _ 1 900O 1__ .. __1_ 700c 1 6O0O 1 r< " 1 4,, ,,, L_ 3" " _1 2000 1 IOOO 1 90<> 1 8 M •081666 •101599 •126999 169332 •253998 •507995 1-015991 1*269989 1-587486 1-693318 2*116648 2*539977 3*174972 1-283296 4*762457 5*079954 6*349948 7*937429 9*524916 cm. 1*111240 1*269989 ms. 8 11 It? £ 4 15 l-; 8 15 10. 1 .1 4 5 6 I S 9 to 1 1 ft 1 yd, = 0111. 1*428737 1- 587186 1*746234 1*904983 2 063732 2*222480 2*381229 2*539977 5079951 7*619932 deoim. 1*015991 1*269989 1*623986 L -777984 2*031982 2- 2851.79 2-539977 2*793976 8*047978 nn ttv 91 1392 Lines Linos per inch in mill. 5,000 197 K»,( IOO 39 i 15,1 11 1" 590 l'i 1,000 7-7 L'.",,«i(iii 9M :*o,i m mi 1,181 35,,o< 10 11,417 300. ouo 1 1,M 1 35(l.(M mi lit, 780 400,000 15,748 150.0(H) 17,717 500,000 19,685 LlnM in ft 25,399-77 1 :.o,799 76,199 3 101,599 1 126,999 5 152,399 6 177,798 7 203,198 8 228,598 9 258,998 10 I'rtuM ions of llll ilH'll fi 1 5,0000) 5*08 10,01 >(» 2*5 1 20,01 "» 1 27 80,000 •847 10,01 10 •635 .Ml,) 11 Hi •606 t;o,o< 10 123 70,01 10 •363 80,000 •317 911,000 •282 100,01 >o 2.VI 1 10,01 >o •231 1 24 >,< N N » •212 130,01 )() •195 I 10,000 18! 150,000 166 160,000 1 59 170,000 149 |SHi (plate glass) bf -\\y\ (viii) J When n \ i>2 (Hint glass) J/- ~ '8042 2; (viii) y To find the radius of a plano-convex lens, the re I", index and focus E / being given ! r yV-1) (vii) To find the radius of a plano-convex l/,n, , ] -^7. USEFUL TO THE MICROSCOPIST 1039 r _ t 2(^-1) 2 0* + l) ' -g ±= r t Spherical 1 aberration In an equi-convex lens when /x= , 2 S/= - 1-6 t (xi) To find the radius of either an equi-convex or equi-concave lens, generally, the ref. index and the focus Bf being given : r = 2fc-I)/ (ix) To find the radius of an equi-convex lens, the ref. index, the thickness, and the focus B/ being given : r q (x) fx + 1 w Bi-convex and bi-concave, generally : E/= — i=- • r— (xii) /m — 1 s-r Bi-convex, generally : B/= — T • (xni The same when about equi-convex, generally : . B/=^i-s_V2o.Vi) (xiv) Bi-concave t may be neglected B/= E/ practically. Bi-convex more accurately, and converging and diverging menisci : B/= —r (XV) fc-l)|r.-8-(/x-l)-j> When the light is travelling from right to left A/-- L £ L_ (xv) 0*-l) J r-*-(u-l)H Spherical aberration : Example : Let r = 2, s = - 3, f = 1, and /x = ; then by (xv) 1 Heath's Geometrical Optics, 1887. 1040 APPENDICES AND TABLES B/"e-iM»-<-«»-fi-i);ri(a*»-i-8 L S = J n 1 L 14 7 "7' -i s 5 Similarly A f - - 2% 7 By (xivi B/= = 2* .> 5 .» 1 I H - Therefore ixivl ami ixv> are resp< etivelv ' and ' . The following is an exampb worth\ of note. Suppose r- 8< t and > (/* — 1)-. M Thus let r = 6 , * = 5, c - 1, u - ". /l 11\ 160 Thenbx (XV) B/ -il—'1 -J -810. ( - ) It will be obuerved that, although this meniscus is thickest in the middle, it has, howevi r, u l.u ^c negative locus. The nodal points <>f a sphere iuv at its centre. The locus of a sphere, measured from the centre : B/- (xvii) • 2(p-l) The focus of a sphere measured from its surface: i;/=r/i->;) (xvii) The focus of a heinisphen measured from the vertex, the light being incident on the com ex surface: B/- / n (vi) But when the li^ht is incident on the plane surface B/--^ (iv) ft - 1 Wheil 1*5 the focus of a sphere measured from the surface = ^ the radius. The focus of a hemisphere measured from the plane side — 1£ the radius, and when measured from the convex side the focus = 2 radii. In a cylindrical lens the nodal points cross over. To find the radii r and s of a crossed lens of minimum aberration for parallel rays : USEFUL TO THE MICEOSCOPIST IO41 r = 2(/z-l)(^) 2(^-1)^ + 2) . m(2/x + i) y' ^(aT^ipr^ ' ■ ,(xvm) For plate glass ^ = 1-516 ; r = -5935/; and s = - 3-944 /; (xviii) S/= -1-025 £ (xvi) For flint glass = 1*62 ; r = -653 /; and s= - 12-06/; (xviii) S/=-798| (xvi) Critical angle. — Let 6 be the critical angle for a ray passing out of a denser medium into a rarer one. Then = l (xix) When 1:888, 0 = 48° 36^'; fi = 1 , 6 = 41° 48^ ; p-1-52 0 = 41° 8J'; p = l*62, 0 = 38° 7'. Let /be the principal focus, and p = the distance from the object to the optical centre of the lens, p' = the distance from the optical centre of the lens to the conjugate image. Then r-£Li ,-Jt£; f.JOL, (xx) p-f p -f P+P K ; Let v be the distance from the object to /, and w be the distance from / on the other side of the lens to the conjugate image. Then v = p-f; w=p'-f; p = v+f; p' = w+f\ and viv=f~; v = L ; w w = J— (xxi) If o be the size of the object and i the size of its conjugate image i = ow = of=op/ = _of -°(v'-f) . f v p p-f f 0-iv -jf_ip - if = * (P -/) . / w p' p'-f f jj . : , JJ , • * % 0 0 of if r ip op' oiv /..x V = -4-\ 10 = -J - ; / = -v-r- = . 1 — r- .... (xxn) % O t + 0 % + O I Examples : With an objective of J-mch focus it is required to project an image of a diatom -03 long, so that it may be 1*5 inch on the screen, what must be the distance of the screen from the optical centre of the lens ? , /(^ + o)_ '5(1-5 + -03) p -03 25 5. Therefore pf = 25- inches, the distance required (xxii) 2 Conversely, if the image of a diatom projected by a £-inch objective measures 2 inches on the screen at 40£ inches from the optic centre what is the size of the diatom ? 4 4 the size of the diatom required. 3 x IO42 APPENDICES AND TABLES The last formula of (xxii) is very convenient for finding the focus of an objective; w must, of course, be large in proportion to the focus; o may be a stage micrometer. As the posterior focus,/, is in ordinary microscope objectives of 1- inch focus and upwards, near the back lens, the distance 10 may be measured from there. Example : The image of *01 inch on a stage micrometer projected by an objective is 2*4 inches on a screen, distant 5 feet from the back lens; required the focus of the objective. - o IP -01 x 60 -o 1 ... = = = ixxn) t 2-4 2-4 4 v To find F, the equivalent focus of two lenses in contact : F= /^l ixxiiiV where /is the focus of one lens and/' that of the second. Example: It is required to make t combination of two plano-convex lenses, the focus of one lens,/, being twice ft that of the other, and whose 8 combined focus F = *6, /x j find their radii (see rigs. 4, 6, 8, and 9). Then /=2/'. F= 2ff -V*-*/". y fmBVmV8 ana/=8F-l-8 .... (xxiii> r in [)/ (' - 1 ) 1\S- 9; similarly r' !". . . (vii) The focus for three lenses follows that for two, thus : *'7f$rfi-fr (xxiii)- which limy be vrritfc b J, i *.. To find P, the equivalent focus of two lcn e . nol in contact, generally, F to be measured from the last h.mIuI point ( I ! ) .»f the second lens : I ,< I d -the distance between the lenses: Y f+r-d (xxlv) More accurately let DB be the nodal points of the first lens and D'K' those of the second, \ ) ; ,imJ A' IV being the respective vertices, d = the distance from K to D'j then (j ( i ', the nodal points of the combi- nation, are : "-*-/+'/-* (xxvi> and V . ft (xxvii)> F is measured from one of the nodal points of the combination An USEFUL TO THE 31ICJROSCOPIST I043 example will be of interest. Let parallel rays fall on the convex face of the field lens of a Huyghenian eyepiece ; find their focus. Let /, the focus of the field lens = 3, and that of the eye lens /' = 1 ; = and the distance between the surfaces, that is B A', = 1*8; t the thickness of the field lens = f- ; and if that of the eye lens = — : A D = 0 10 20 (ii) ;BE= --= -*2 (ii). Similarly A'D' = 0 : B'E'= fitt • A* a 10 " <7 = EB + B A' = '2 + l-8-2. Now G, = E,-3!^2 = E,-1 ' • ' • • v_ 3x1 3 . ^ F~3TI^2 = 2 (XXV11> "We see, therefore, that the equivalent focus is 1£ inch, but the principal point, G\ from which the focus is measured is 1 inch to the left from E' ; therefore the focal point is § inch to the right from E'. Now as E' is inch to the left of B', the plane surface of the eye lens, it follows that F, the focal point, is T% inch to the right of the plane surface of the eye lens. This explains 'the microscope objective of 10-ft. focus.' The equivalent focus of the objective was 10 ft., but the nodal point, G', from which that focus was measured was 9 ft. 11 J inches from the objective, which would give \ inch as the working distance of the lens. The objective in question has a double convex back lens and a plano- concave front ; a small decrease in the distance between the lenses, such as inch, has the effect of causing the principal point, G', to recede many feet, and of causing a great increase in the equivalent focus. With regard to the optical tube length, the position of the principal points of a combination plays an important part. Suppose the Huyghenian eyepiece, in the preceding example, was mounted as an objective ; the tube length would have to be measured from the right-hand principal point of the eyepiece, wherever that might be, to the left-hand principal point of the objective, which in the example before us is G= 2x^ _3 (xxy> 0 + I — 4 G is therefore measured 3 inches to the left from the point D ; D is, as we have seen, coincident with A, the convex vertex of the field lens. So anyone measuring the tube length from the field lens, which is the posterior lens of our supposed objective, or from the middle of the combination, would be 3 or 4 inches in error. The importance of this cannot be over-estimated, as the optical tube length has a direct bearing on the power. If Q = the distance of vision (say 10 inches), M = the magnifying power, F = the equivalent focus of the eyepiece, F' = the equivalent focus of the objective, O = the optical tube length measured in the manner indicated above ; then M = F^ (xxvm> If 0 = the focal length of the entire microscope, X.A. = the numerical aperture, and e = the diameter of the eye-spot, then 1 Journal E.M.S. 3x2 <0 = I044 APPENDICES AND TABLES t-2(N.A.)0; N.A. = -i- (xxx)1 2 9 If X = the number of waves per inch of light of a given colour, L the limit of resolving power of any objective is L = 2X(N.A.) The aberration for non-parallel rays. — It is a little more troublesome to find the aberration of rays other than parallel, but if the following instructions are carefully attended to the problem merely becomes the simplification of a vulgar fraction. Let P and P' be the distances of the point and its image from the lens. First find a, by either (xxxii) or (xxxiii) : a = 1 (xxxii) ; a = 1 - ^ (xxxiii) Next find x by (xxxiv) or (xxxv) : T_2fr -!)/:_■, b t >(xxxiv); s = I*2 . . . (xxxv) r 5 Then find co by (xxxvi) : L_/ft±| + 4 (^ + 1) a 3 + (3 p + 2) 0* - 1) + ) (xxxvi) L-jL' * + 4y2 + a)^ • • • • .'(xxxvii) The aberration 8 P' ■ -coP'-?/'- . . . (xxxviii) To find the aberration of two lenses in contact. Let Q and Q' be the object and its conjugate at the second lens,/' be the focus of the second lens, and F the focus of the combination ; then P' = - Q. for the first lens, = * - = + w'y8 . . . . (xxxvii) for the second lens, A = — + 1 + »'fp . . . (xxxvii) for both lenses, ~ = - f — - - + (co 4 co') ya . . (xxxix) Therefore, for n lenses, — = 2 \.— + 2 co if , . (xxxix) *x J * The aberration 8 Q' = - 2to Q'Y and 8 F = -2 co FV .... (ll) Example : Two" plano-convex lenses of equal foci have their convex surfaces in contact ; find the aberration for parallel rays (fig. 7). Then m= | ;/=/'• f={ (xzitf) For the first lens r = co ; therefore x = - 1 (xxxiv) ; P = oo ; therefore 9 « = -1 (xxxii) ; and co = -' - (xxxvi). 2/J For the second lens s = vj ; therefore # = 1 (xxxv) ; !l« -lj there- 1 Journal li.M.S. USEFUL TO THE MICROSCOPIST IO45 fore a ■= — 3 (xxxii) ; co' = (xxxvi) ; o + a/ = 2 w = ^ ; 6/3 3/3 /= 2 F (xxiii) ; therefore 2 a = ..2Q ; *F= _2°ZV. (xl) 24 F3 6 F [ ; This is half the aberration of an equi-convex lens (fig. 1) of the same focal length as the combination where V=-5-$ • . •••(»> If the front lens of the combination be turned round so that its convex surface faces the incident light the aberration is SF= - A . t (xl) 12 F v 7 or half what it was before (fig. 5). This is nearly a third of the aberration of a plano-convex in the best position (fig. 2), which is V-'-I-^ (™> The following figures pictoriallv illustrate spherical aberration in single lenses and in various combinations of two plano-convex lenses, all having the same focus, F, the same aperture, and the same refractive index, |. The dot nearer the lens is the focal point for the marginal, and that farther away the focal point for the central rays ; the distance between the dots is the spherical aberration h F 1 1 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 1. An equi-convex, r = F; Fig. 8. Fig. 2. A plano-convex, r = — ; 7 7 Fig. 3. A crossed convex, r = - F ; s = - - F (xviii) ; 12 2i SF= -1*07 % F -•111 1 1 SF = - 1-6 ^ = --173 (xi) F SF= -1-1(3 2/2 = -*121 fviii) F (xvi) Fig. 7. A combination of two pianos with their convex faces in con- tact, the focus / of the first lens being equal to /', that of the second. The focus of the combination F =•£ (xxiii) SF= --833^- F -•087 (xl> Fig. 4. The same, only 2/=/'; 8 F= -1-611 %, = --168 (xl) F 1046 APPENDICES AND TABLES Fig. 6. The same, only/ =2/' ; SF= --5 5T= -'052 F Fig. 5. The first lens inverted, f—f \ Fig. 8. The same, only 2/= f ; Fig. 9. The same, only/=2/'; 8F= - -376 I = - -039 F (xl) o~F = !"= --043 (xl) SF= --623| = -'065 (xl) (xl) 1 1 it 1 1 Fig. 4. Fie. Fig. ft. 1 1 Fig. 7. Fio. H. PlO. !>. We see, therefore, that with the same focal length F the aberration of fig. 1 i:> the greatest, and that of tig. 9 the least. We also see in the com- binations that by decreasing up to a certain point the focus of the first lens the aberration is increased, and vice versa. The best form of a combination of plate L,rlass, fx 1">1(), for parallel rays similar in arrange- 5 f ment to fig. 9 is when f= f . o The Aplanat i<- Meniscus. A spherical refracting surface lias two aplanatic foci, such that if converging rays, which have their focus at P', meet a convex spherical refracting surface, whose centre of curvature is r, and if the distance between the points P' and /• = /i r, then thoso rays will be refracted aplanatically to some other point, say I', which will lie on the same side of the surface as 1''. This fact is of great service, because it enables an aplanatic meniscus to bo constructed ; thus, if we make r the radius of the curve A, we can make «, the radius of the curve B, a radius from the point P. If, then, P is a radiant, the light travelling from left to right will pass through the curve F> without refraction, because P is the centre of the curve B. The light will then pass on unchanged to the curve A, and will by it be refracted aplanatically, as if it had come from P\ P will be negative and P' positive. The formula; for finding /• and P' when P is given are : 11 P • P'= -,x P (xli) r= — + 1 ' and those for finding r and P when P' is given are : P' r = -.. ; M + J 1'' P= - - (xlii) USEFUL TO THE MICROSCOPIST IO47 An excellent combination, suitable for a bull's-eye, can be made of an aplanatic meniscus and a plano-convex of flint, or a crossed plate lens. The following are the radii of some examples. A doublet of plate glass /x = 1'516. 1st lens, a meniscus, diam. 1*7"; r= + •964// ; s= + 1'375". 2nd lens, bi-convex crossed, diam. 2-1" ; r' '= + T816"; s' = -12-07''. The flatter side of the crossed lens to face the meniscus, the distance between the lenses •05//, P=l*6", P' = 2-425", d F = - •168,/, angle 70°. A better combination can be made by substituting a flint plano- convex for the second lens, diam. 2-1"; fx = 1-62 ; r' = + 1-83"; S F = - •132//. The aberration is therefore ,036// less than before. The aberration may be further reduced by adding another meniscus and by making all the lenses of flint ll = 1'62. 1st lens, a meniscus, diam. T65" ; r = + •958" ; s = + 1-35". 2nd lens, a meniscus having its concave side facing the convex side of the first lens ; diam. 2-0" ; r' = + i'67" ; s' = + 2-55". The third lens is a plano-convex, with its plane side facing the convex side of the second meniscus ; diam. 2*1// ; r" = + 2-914" ; P = 1*55 ; d F = - -0226 ; angle 70°. The aberration is therefore '145 v less than that of the first example. The distance between the lenses is '05" as before. To find the radii r and s of a lens which will refract light from a point jj to pointy/ with minimum aberration. r= 2^ + 2)^ (xliv) fi (2/x + l)K-4 + ^ (xlv) Let 0 be the coefficient of lJj in formulae v, viii, xi, and xvi, then for parallel rays in each particular case the lateral aberration = 3 . (xlvi) 1 V5 •• Diameter of least circle of aberration = (xlvn) Distance of least circle of aberration from focus = - ^ \J . (xlviii) "When the rays are not parallel 1 3 (xbn)=a>p'y3 (xlvii) = 2-fi>i>V (xlviii) = -^p'-if It is interesting to note that L = 2 (/*- 1)< {\\\\) 3 y2 Therefore, when \x = ^ = t. To find m, the magnifying power of simple lenses or magnifying glasses. Let d be the least distance of distinct vision apart from the lens, and / be the principal or solar focus of the lens. Then m = 1 + ^ 0) It may be of interest to note that formula (xx) on this page may be used to determine the focus of spectacles required to bring the abnormal focus IO48 APPENDICES AND TABLES of either a presbyopic or myopic person to a normal focus. Make p the- abnormal, and p' the normal focus ; then/' will be the focus of the spectacles required. In both cases p is a negative quantity, because it is on the same side of the lens as ; it is usual to make p' 10 or 12 inches. Achromatism Let fx be the refractive index of a mean ray |E line nearly) fo a certain material, fxc that for a blue ray, and pr that for a red ray ; the is- persive power of the material is — — ^-r; this is usuallv written - £ , or xr.. The formula for achromatism is S^ . 1 + lii' . 1 = 0; / M'-l /' that is, ^ + Z , = 0 (U> f f The foci of the two lenses are therefore directly as their dispersive powers, and the focus of one will be negative. An achromatic effect, which is not achromatism in the strict mean- ing of the term, can be obtained with two lenses of the same kind of glass by making d the distance between the lenses : imPJt±£3 (Bl) If p is large,/ in the denominator maybe neglected; this will make d half the sum of the foci, which is the formula for both the lluy^rhenian and Ramsden eyepieces ; but when pm f, d is the sum of the t'oci. Formula' relating t<> Spherical Mirrors Let p = one focus, p' - its conjugate, / = principal focus, and r = radius of curvature ; then in concave mirrors P* . Pf .f= P p' ;/=r- V = * \ p = 1 J . -/'-'• p -f p ■ I r^PP. r 2/; V Zzl (xx). P+P P J To find p interchange p and />'. If o is the size of an object . and i the size, of its image, and v the dis- tance of the image from the principal focal point, then 0 p' .of / "v t— — x- ; i=_i- (xxn). p V In convex mirrors prefix a negative sign, thus: r= —2/, and so on with the other formula . The formula- for mirrors may be derived from those of lenses by sub- stituting-1 for p; thus r= -2/(vii). Let y = the semi-aperture; then th<- spherical aberration 8f= -1 . y1 (v) or (viii) J 8 / A mirror to be aplanatic for parallel raya must have a parabolic curve. A mirror to reflect ray3 diverging from a point j>, so that they may converge aplanatically to another point p\ must be elliptical, having //• and p' for its foci. USEFUL TO THE MJCROSCOPIST IO49 Formula relating to Prisms Let 1 = the refracting angle of the prism, the angle of incidence on the first surface, the angle of refraction at the first surface, yj/ the angle of incidence in the prism at the second surface, and the angle of re- fraction on emergence ; then the total deviation D = <£ + ifr'-i; (j>' + f = t (liii). AVhen the ray passes through the prism symmetrically the deviation is at a minimum : (j) = yjr', ^/ = \^ = t, and 2 . i + D sm „ /X = — 7" (liv> sin 2 by which formula the refractive indices of media can be found, because both l and D are capable of accurate measurement. Formula relating to Conic Sections Ellipse. — Let A = major axis ; a = minor axis. Then T7 A — s/ A2 — a1 n , Focus = . — (lv> 2 v ' Parabola.— Let A = height ; a= ^ base. Then Focus = (hi) 4 A Hyperbola. — Let A = major axis ; a = minor axis. Then Focus = — ■ — (lvn) 2 Works consulted: — Coddington,Camb. 1830; Parkinson, Cainb.; 'Ency- clopaedia Britannica ' ; ' Journal E.M.S. ' ; Heath, Camb. 1887, &c. It will be- seen that several of the formulae have been entirely reset, while some appear now for the first time. 3050 APPENDICES AND TABLES APPENDIX F EXAMPLES USEFUL TO THE MICE0SC0PIST Square £ inch . . . = 10-0804.") square millimetres. i „ . . . = tV4.">143 „ n ^ » ... - 4480*21 » joo w . . . = "004. >1 ,, i 1000 = 64514-8 = 645*148 V I ooo Square centimetre = 15*500;> square inch. ., millimetre «= l.Vf>008 „ ioo n i.v:>oo:% 10 n - -1550 „ .. .. „ M m *00155 || || „ Multiples of the above nm\ lu> fuuiul l»y multiply in the values <;iven by the s(puire of the multiplier. Thus, square *, inch - ' • 4: the square of 4 -4 x 4 - 16, ami 8*46148 > 1*) UM-'l'i:>i>s square millimetres, the answer required. Cubic i inch »♦ a r ♦» J..u »' lOOl B2 0050S nihil' inillimetres. 16*88668 .. •I-4H.UH) „ •01688 ir.:tsti-i;*j „ u it GuMo centimetre r»i*o*2r>;'7 onUo ineh. „ millimetre 01-02f)'J7 „ l(')n „ 1^» 0l-02:»:i7 „ .J, „ 10 /* mm; Ki-2", ,, ft 0000610*25 „ Multiples of the above ma*, he found by multiplying the values ^iven by the cube of tin* multiplier. ThOB, '2 cubic* millimetres: 2 cubed - 2 x 2 ■ '2 - H, and 01*02587 x 8 =. 4HH-2021MJ cubic / inch, tin* answer required. . I rcnn <> f ( 'ircleg £ inch diameter 1*22718 sq. '(i inch 7 - '. » 1 7 1 sip millimetres, a m m *78589816 „ „ „ - 5*0670 „ [Cm h r '54541 h n = 8*5187 » »» ria m n «■ "78540 „ /,„ „ - -iMM „ = 50670*0 H h- rood » h - '78640 „ yu\w „ - 506*7 1 millimetre diam. = '78589816 tq. mm. 12*17'J7 nq. inch. 100 fi .... 7854*0 „ /x • 1*2*1787 „ |£ N 10 /x .... = 78*64 „ n = 'lt217 m M f» = -7864 „ „ = -001217 „ „ USEFUL TO THE MICKOSCOPIST Multiples of any of the above may be obtained in the same manner as in the preceding example. Thus, if the diameter of the circle = T!j- inch, then the square of 3 being 9 and -7854 x 9 - 7-0686 sq. ^ inch an/2 Area of ellipse = £ major axis x ^ minor axis x n. Vohune of ellipsoid = major axis x (minor axis)2 x 6 Number of Threads in WhitwortWs Standard Screws Sizes XV " 8 1 » 4 3. 55 8 5) 2 . No. of threads 48 40 20 16 12 55 Convenient Approximations for rapid Calculations 6 knots = 7 miles, more correctly 13 knots = 15 miles. 5 kilometres = 3 ,, „ „ 50 kilometres = 31 „ 1 metre = 3 ft. 3| in. „ „ 64 metres = 70 yards. 5 centimetres = 2 mches „ „ 33 centimetres = 13 inches. 3 milhmetres = § inch „ „ 5 millimetres = | inch. 1 pole = 5 metres ; 1 furlong = 2 hectometres. 5 /* = -g^jf inch ; T^ inch = \ mm. ; ttfitxttto' inch = \ fx. 2 are = 239 sq. yds. ; 1 rood = 10 are ; 2 acres = 81 are ; 100 hectare 247 acres ; 3 cubic yards = 23 decisteres ; 1 decastere = 13 cubic yards ; millilitres = 34 WL (minims) ; 2 decilitres = 7/3 (ounces) ; 4 litres 1054 APPENDICES AND TABLES USEFUL TO THE MICEOSCOPIST = 7 pints (imperial) ; 2 grammes = 31 grains ; 4 grammes = 15 (drachm)- (apothecaries') ; 7 grammes = 4 dr. (drachms) (avoirdupois). 5 kilogrammes = 11 lb. (avoirdupois). 50 kilogrammes = 1 centner = 1 cwt. NoberVs 19 Band Test Plate Band Lines per inch Band 1 11259-5 '15 5 33778-5 19 10 61927-3 Difference between each band = 5629*75. Lines per inch 90076-1 112595-1 Nobert's last 20 Band Test Plate Band Lines per inch Band 1 11259-5 15 5 56297-6 20 10 112595-1 Difference between each band = 11259*5. Lines per inch. 168892*7 225190-3 Convenient Formula for Lantern Projection or Enlargement and t Beduction. Let D be the distance of the screen, and d the distance of the object from the optical centre of the lens, F the equivalent focus of the lens, M the magnifying power or ' number of times ' for enlargement or reduction, then — D = F(M + 1); # = F + US ; v ; MM F = M + l M = D-F F Example: It is required to project by a lens of 6 inches equivalent focus a slide having a 3-inch mask so that it may give a 10-ft. disc, what must be the distance of the screen ? Here M the magnification will be 40 times. D = F (M + 1) = 6 (40 + 1) = 246 inches = 20^ feet. Note, in a double combination the optical centre may be assumed to be half way between the lenses. To reduce, interchange the object and the screen. INDEX ABB A Abbe (Prof.), his compensation eye-piece, 42, 323 ; binocular eye-piece, 103 ; stereoscopic eye-piece, 103 ; achromatic condenser, 212, 256-259, 329; chro- matic condenser, 212,256, 267 ; camera lucida, 237 ; apertometer, 255, 337 ; condenser, iris-diaphragm fitted to, 259 ; diffraction theory and homo- geneous immersion, 312, 313 ; method of testing object-glasses, 326-333 ; test plate, 330, 331 ; experiments in dif- fraction phenomena, 376 — on amplifying power of lens, 25 ; on homogeneous immersion, 28 ; on im- provement of optical glass, 31 ; on classification of eye-pieces, 34 ; on principle of microscopic vision, 43, 44, 45 ; on definition of aperture, 45 ; on arjerture, 48 note ; on radiation, 57 ; on angle of aperture, 60, 61, 62 ; on diffraction, 63-75 ; on ' intercostal points,' 73 ; on ' penetration,' 82 ; on over-amplification, 90 ; on stereoscopic vision, 90, 93 ; on ' aplanatic system,' 94 ; on orthoscopic effect, 95 ; on Rams- den's circles, 107 ; on solid cones of light, 362 Aberration, 19 ; positive, 21, 309 note ; negative, 21, 27, 309 note ; chromatic, 31 ; spherical, 31, 251, 254, 331 ; errors of spherical and chromatic, corrected by Ross, 306 Abies balsamea, 383 Abiogenesis, 686 Abraham's prism, 344 Absorption or dioptrical image, 64 — and diffraction images due to diffrac- tion, 65 note — of light rays, Angstrom's law, 273 — bands, 273, 274, 275, 277 Abstriction of spores, 562 Acalephce, sexual zoiiids of polypes, 786 ; relationship to hydroids, 796 ; develop- ment of, 798 ; medusan phase of, 801 Acantliowetrci xiphicantha, 774; echi- noides, 111 AcanthometHna, 772, 776 ; central capsule of, 776 ACT | Acarina, eggs of, 928-929; anatomy of,. 933-936 ; larvae of, 933 ; nymph of, 933 ; integument of, 934 ; legs of, 934 ; eyes of, 935 ; classification of, 936 1 Accommodation, of the eye, 88 ; depth, 89- ; Acetabularia, 493 ; pileus of, 493 Acetic acid, as a test for nuclei, 440 Acheta, 911 — campestris, eggs of, 929 AchVya, zoospores of, 494; oospores of,.. 495 ; zotisporanges of, 569 — prolifera, 493 and note, 494 [ Achnanthece, characters of, 545 Achnantlies, frustules of, 517, 544 ; stipe of, 518,544; ' stauros ' of, 545; struc- ture of frustule, 545 Achnanthes longipes, 545 Achromatic, comparison of, with chro- matic and apochromatic lenses, 315 — condenser, Abbe's, 212, 256-259, 267 ; Powell and Lealand's, 251, 258 ; for ob- servation of pycnogonids, 883 — doublet, Fraunhofer's, 146 ; meniscus, 322 — lenses, Charles's, 146 ; Marzoli's, 302 ; Selligue's, 303 — objectives, 19, 32 ; Powell & Lealand's dry, 190 ; Tully's, 303 ; Wenham's, 310 ; cover slips for use with, 380 — oil condenser, Powell & Lealand's, 267 Achromatism, 17, 19, 148; in photo- micrography, 33 ; rise of, 145 ; in- augurated, 313 ; imperfect, causing yellowness, 360 Acineta, 697 ' Acinetiform young ' of Ciliata,112 note Acinetina, 696; food of, 697 ' Acorn ' monad, 684 'Acorn-shells,' 891 Actinia, reproduction from fragments, 787, 801 — Candida, thread-cells of, 803 — crassicornis, thread-cells of, 803 Actinocyclus, 518, 539, 550 Actinommainerme, 114., 776 Actinophrys, 770 — form of Microgromia, 662 — sol, 662-665 Actinoptychus, 518, 540, 541 1056 INDEX ACT ActinosphcErium EJichornii, 665 Actinotrocha, 874 Actinozoa, 787, 801-806 Actius on myopy, 120 Actuarius on myopy, 120 Adams' variable microscope, 141 ; non- achromatic microscope, 146 Adder's tongue ' fern, 604 ; sporanges of, 601 Adipose substance, 969 Adjusting objectives, Eoss's, 306, 309 Adjustment, coarse, 156, 157, 185 ; Wale's, 185 — fine, 157-164 •• long lever system, 151 ; Ross's, 151, 161 ; to Pritchard's microscope, 151 ; applied to stage, 153; Powell's, 161 ; short side lever, 162 ; Swift's vertical side lever, 162, 181 ; Camp- bell's differential screw, 164, 193 ; to the sub-stage, Nelson's, 169 ; for Powell & Lealand's sub-stage, 174; in Beck's No. 1, 180 ; Wale's, 185 ; in Beck's third-class microscope, 190 - — screw collar, 309 iEcidiospore generation of Puccinia, 566 JEcidium berberidis, relation to Puc- ■ cinia, 566 tussilaginis, 567 JEthalium septicum, plasmode of, 563 Agaricus, 575 ■ — campestris, 576, 577 Agate, 1017 Agave, leaf of, 611 ; raphides of, 621 Agrion, 911 — pulchellum, wing of, as test for defi- nition, 368 < — puella, pupa of, 918; wing of, 918 Air-angle, 50, 78 Air-bubbles, microscopic appearance of, 370, 371 Air-chamber of leaves, 641 Airy's modification of Huyghenian eye- piece, 321 Alse of Siirirella, 535 * Alar prolongations' in Fusulina, 750 ; in Nummulites, 752, 756; of Calca- rina, 755 Albite, 1001, 1003 Albuminous substances, tests for, 440 Alburnum, 629, 633 Alcohol, as solvent for resins, &c, 441 ; as hardening agent, 428 Alcyonaria, 801, 803; spines of, imi- tated, 1022 Alcyonian, resembled by polyzoan, 832 Alcyonidium, 832 ; polyzoary of, 833 — gelatinosum, calcareous spicules in, 832 note Alcyonium, 781 — digitatum, 803 ; spicules of, 804 Alder on branchial sac of Corella, 836 note Alexander on myopy and presbyopy, 120 Algm, preparation of, 427 ; included under general term of ' thallophytes,' 470 ; symbiotic in radiolarians, 773 AND Algal constituents of lichens, 579 Alkaloids, micro- chemical examination of, 1024 Allman's experiments on luminosity of Noctiluca, 694 Allman on Polyzoa, 833 ; on the ' Haus ' of Appendicularia, 842 ; on Myrio- thela, 787 note Aloe, raphides of, 621 Alternation of generations in Batracho- spermum, 504 ; in Fungi, 563 ; in ferns, 605 ; in Medusce, 801 Althcea rosea, pollen-grains, 646 Alveolina, 729 ; resembled by Loftusia, 743; resembled by Fusulina, 750 Amaranthacece, pollen-grains, 646 Amaranthus hypochondriacus, seeds of, 648 Amaroucium proliferum, as example of compound ascidian, 836 Amici suggests oil for immersion lenses, 29 Amici's invention of immersion system, 27; horizontal microscope, 146; camera lucida, 235 ; objectives, 304 ; triple- back objectives, 310 ; water-immersion objectives, 310 ; oil-immersion objec- tives, 312 Ammodiscus, 739 Ammotliea pycnogoiioides, 882 Amoeba, 658, 667-669, 942 ^.mce&a-phase of Monas, 681 Amoeba proteus, 667 — radiosa, experiments on, 668 Amozbce, cells of sponges resembling, 779 Amoeboid phase of Tetramitus, 686 Amphibians, plates in skin of, 950 Amphibolites, 1000 Amphioxus, affinities with ascidians, 841 note Amphipleura pellucida, with oblique illumination, 59, 75 ; resolution of, 85 ; markings measured, 230 ; markings on, 521 Amphistegina, 752; internal cast of, 766 Amyliitetras, 543 Amphiuma, red blood-corpuscle of, 960 Amphonyx, haustellium of, 916 Amplification, 83 — linear, 25, 26, 39 ; of images, 45 Ampullaceous sacs of sponges, 780, 781 Anaboena, 491 Anacharis, 458 — alsinastrum, cyclosis in, 613, 615; habitat, 614 Auagallis, raphides of, 621 ; seeds of 649 — arvensis, petals of, 644 Anal plate of Antedon, 827 Analgesince, 937, 938 Analyser, 269 Analysing nose-piece, 244 Anarapfiidecs, 527 Anchor-like plates of Synapta, 819 Andalusite, 1000 Androspore of (Edogonium, 503 I^DEX IO57 ANE Anemones, 787. See Actinozoa Anemophilous flowers, (547 Anethnm graveolens, seeds of, 649 Angle of incidence, 3 ; of refraction, 8 ; of aperture, 61 Angles of aperture, air, balsam, oil, water, 83-87 Angstrom's law for the absorption of light rays, 273 Anguillula aceti, 869 — fluviatilis, 869 — glutinis, 869 Anguillulce, 869 Angular aperture, 338 — — of dry objective, 334 ; of oil immer- sion, 334 of aperture, resolution dependent on, 44 of water immersion, 334 Angular distribution of rays, 56; grip, 61 ; semi-aperture, 77 Anguliferce, characters of, 542 Anilin dyes for blue and green stains, 436 Animal kingdom, two divisions of. 652 Animalcule cage, 294 Animalcules, 678. See Rotifera, Infu- soria, Rhizopoda, &c. Animals and plants, differences between, 461 Anisochehe of sponges, 783, 784 Anisonema, 690 Annelida, larvae of, collecting, 459; ma- rine, 872 ; appendages of, 873 ; jaws of, I 873 ; development of, 873 ; eggs of, 874 ; fresh- water, 879 ; luminosity of, 879 ; bibliography, 880 ; ' liver ' of, 971 Annual layers in trees, 628 Annular cell, Weber's, 299 — ducts of Phanerogams, 623 — illumination and false images, 362 — illumination for examining perforated membrane of diatom, 362 Annulus of sporange of fern, 601 Anodon, pearls in, 847 ; glochidia of, 857 ; for observation of ciliary motion, 864 Anomia, prismatic layer in, 848 Anopla (Nemertines), 875 Anoplophri/a circulans, 702 Anorthite, 1003 Antedon, food of, 696 ; pentacrinoid larva of, 825, 826 ; pseudembryo of, 827 Antennae of insects, 911 : preparation of, 912, 913 note Antherid of Vaucheria, 492; of Chara, 507, 508 ; of Fucacece, 556, 557; of Flo- ridece, 561 ; of Peronosjwrece, 567 ; of Marchantia, 590, 592 ; of mosses, 595 ; of Sphagnacece, 598 ; of ferns, 602 ; tapetal cells in, 603 Antherozoids, 467, 470 ; of VolvoX, 483 ; of Vaucheria, 492 ; of Sphceroplea, 501 ; of CEdogonium, 503 ; of Batra- chospermum, 504 ; of Chara, 507, 508; of Ph&osporea, 556 ; of Fucacea*, 558 ; of ferns, 603; of Bhizocarpece, 606 ARA Anthers, 644 Anthony (Dr.) on pseudo-tracheae of fly's. proboscis, 915 note Anthophgsa, 690 Anthracite coals, 1006 I Antirrhinum met jus, seed of, 648 Apertometer, 174, 333 ; Abbe's, 255, 337 Tolles', 333 ; use of, 337 ! Aperture, in microscopic objectives, 33, 43-47, 60-67 ; how obtained, 45 ; Abbe on definition of, 45, 48 note — relation of, to power, 82, 83, 311 ; as- certained by vertical illumination, 286 — angular, 49 note, 53, 338 — numerical, 49 note, 53, 76, 333 ; for dry objective 50 ; for oil immersion, 50 ; for water immersion, 50 — numerical, of Zeiss's apochromatic series of objectives, 318 — of objective, 332, 333 — numerical, table of, 84-87 Apertures, relative, 49 Aphanizomenon, 491 Aphanocapsa, 477 Aphides, wings of, 922, 923 ; agamic re- production in, 930 Aphodius, antennae of, 912 Apidce, 911 Apis mellifica, mouth-parts of, 915 Aplanatic system, 20, 23 — objective, use of, 21 — cone, 255 — aperture, 257, 262 — foci, Lister's discovery, 304 Apochromatic objectives, 19, 30, 32, 34, 80, 211; advantages of, 33, 34; objective, Zeiss's, 314-320 ; dry, 315 ; comparison of, with chromatic and achromatic lenses, 315 ; homogeneous objectives, value of, in study of monads, 687 ; objective, use with various test scales, 900 — condenser, Powell and Lealand's, 254 Apochromatism, 314 Apocgnacece, laticiferous tissue of, 620 Apogamy in ferns, 605 Apospory in ferns, 605 Apotheces of lichens, 578, 579 Apparent creation of structure, 68 Appendicularia, 835, 841 ; pharyngeal sac of, 841 ; tail of, 842 ; notochord, 842 ; 'Haus' of, 842 Apple, raphides in bark of, 621 Apposition, growth by, 463 — mode of growth of starch, 620 Apus, 883, 886; parthenogenesis of, 888 note — cancriformis, carapace of, 886 Aquarium microscopes, 219-225 ; Collins's, 221, 222 ; Schultze's, 222, 224 Aquatic microscope, 145 Arachnida, 982 — eggs of, 929 ; related to Pyoiogonida, 883 note ; reproductive organs of, 935 Arachnoidiscus, 518, 541 Arachnosphcera obligacantha, 774, 776 3 Y io58 INDEX ARA Aralia papyrifera, parenchyme of, 611 Araneida, 932 Arcella, 670 Archegones of Vaucheria, 492 ; of Chara, 507, 508 ; of Marchantia, 590, 593 ; of mosses, 595, 596 ; of Sphagnacece, 598; of ferns, 602, 603; of Lyco- podiece, 606 ; of Bhizocarpece, 606 Archer, on amcebiform phase of Stepha- nosphcera, 485 note ; on desmids, 509 note ; classification of, 515 ; on Clathrulina, 666 note; on rhizopods, 677 Archerina Boltoni, 655 Arctium, stem of, 634 Arcyria flava, sporanges of, 564 Arenacea, 735-739 Arenaceous character of Textularinice, 748 — Foraminif era, varying size of particles in test of, 743 — test of Foraminif era, 735 Arenicola, 872 Areolae of frustule of Coscinodiscus, 520 Areolar connective tissue, 964, 969 Argas, bite of, 936 Argasidce, 936 Argonauta, 853 Argosince, 932 Argulus folia ceus, 890 Aristolochia, stem of, 634 ' Aristotle's lantern ' of echinids, 814 Aristotle on myopy and presbyopy, 120 Arragonite, 1017 — in shell of Pholas, 848 Arsenic, micro-chemical analysis of, 1023 Artemia, 886 — salina, movement of, 884 ; habitat of, 887 Arteries, 980 Arthrodesmus incus, 498 Arthbopoda, 881-940 ; smallest of, 932 ; eye of, 907 — limbs of Pedalion compared with those of, 718 Arthrosporous Bacteria, 582 Artificial light, 359 4 Artificial lightning,' 607 Ascaris lumbricoides, 868 Asci of Ascomycetes, 571 ; of lichens, 578 Ascidians, diatoms in stomach of, 544, 552 ; solitary, 835 ; branchial sac of, 836, 837, 839 ; circulation in, 836, 839 ; compound, 836 ; cloaca of, 837 ; stolons of, 838 ; bibliography of, 838 ; social, 838 ; general structure of, 840 ; de- velopment of, 840 ; tadpole of, 841 ; affinities with Amphioxus, 841 note Asclepiadece, pollinium of, 647 Ascogone of Ascomycetes, 572 ; of lichens, 579 Ascomycetes, 571-574 ; as fungus-con- stituents of lichens, 579 Ascopores of Ascomycetes, 571 ; of lichens, 578 Asellus aquaticus, ciliated parasite in blood of, 702 BAC Asilus, eye of, 911 Aspergillus, fermentation by, 575 Asphalte for cells, 386 — varnish, 383 Aspidisca, a phase in development of Trichoda, 709 Aspidium, indusium of, 600 ; sori of, 600 1 Asplanchna, in confinement, 458 Astasia, 475 ; mouth in, 690 Asteroidea, skeleton of, 815 ; spines of,. . 815 ; larva of, 821 Asterolamyra, 524, 539 Aster omphalus, 539 Astromma, 11± Astrophyton, spines of, 815 Astrorhiza, 736, 740 Astrorhizida, 737 Athecata, 792 Athyrium Filix-fozmina, apospory in, 605 • Atrium of Noctiluca, 691 Auditory vesicles of Mollusca, 865 Audouin on ' muscardine,' 574 Augite, 995 ; zonal structure in, 996 Aulacodiscus, 541 — Kittonii, markings on, 521 — Stitrtii, markings on, 521 Autofission of diatoms, 523 Auxospore, 523-530 Avanturine, 1016 Avicularia of Polyzoa, 834, 835 ' Awns ' of Chcetocerece, 543 Axile body of tactile papilla, 977 Axinella paradox a, 782 Axis cylinders of nerve-tube, 975, 976 B Bacillariacece of Kiitzing, 517 Bacillaria paradoxa, movements of } . 528, 531, 535 Bacilli, form of, 581 Bacillus, ' granular spheres ' of, 588 note — anthracis, 582 ; spores live in absolute - alcohol, 587 — megaterium, 582 — subtilis, 582, 583, 585 ; spores of, 587 — of anthrax, 961 note — of tuberculosis, modes of staining, . 438, 439 ' Bacon-beetle,' 904 Bacon (Roger), inventor of simple micro- scope, 128 Bacteria, use of large and small cones in examining, 363; photo-micrographs, 365; as test for definition, 368 ; preserved by osmic acid, 428 ; violet of methyl- anilin as a stain for, 437; methyl- blue as a stain for, 438 ; staining, 437, 438 ; (see Schizomycetes), 579 ; affinities to AlgcB, 580 ; to Flagellata, 580 ; to ■ Nostocacece, 580 ; forms of, 581 ; move- ments of, 581 ; mode of multiplication, 581 ; classification of, 582 ; nutrition of, 585 ; flagella of, 587 ; germinating power of, 587 ; spores of, 587 Bacteriastrum furcatum, 543 INDEX 1059 BAC Bacteriology, 589 Bacterium hneola, compared with Cerco~ mutias, 580 — lineola, 586 — termo, flagellum of, 72 ; movement of, 581 ; zoogloea of, 585, 586 ; germination of, 587 Bailey, on internal casts of Forarninifera, 753 note Bailey's method of isolating diatoms, 553 Baker on Cuff's microscope, 140 Baker's students' microscope, 193 ; optic axis of, 194 — lamp, 350 Balanidce, 891 Balanus balanoicles, 891 ; disc of, 892 Balbiani on supposed sexual reproduction of Ciliata, 709 Balsam angle, 50, 78 — refractive index of, 77 Banksia, stomates of, 641 Barbadoes earth, 771, 774 Bark, 625, 627, 633 Barker's Gregorian telescope, 144 Bar movement, 215 ' Barlow lens ' applied to a microscope, 147 Barnacles, 891. See Cirripedia Ba'sals of Antedon, 825 Basidiomycetes, 575 ; as fungus-con- stituent of lichens, 579 Basidiospores of Basidiomycetes, 576 ; of Hymenomycetes, 576 Basids of Puccinia, 566 ; of Basidiomy- cetes, 576 Bast, 635 Bat, parasite of, 936 ; hair of, 954 ; carti- lage in ear of, 970 ' Bathybius; 672 Batrachia, red blood-corpuscles, 959 ; lungs of, 987 Batrachospermea , 503 Batrachospermum moniliforme, 504 — protoneme of, 505 ' Battledore scale ' of Lyccenidce, 899 Bausch and Lomb's microscope, 185-188 ; chemical microscopes, 217-220; ' labo- ratory ' microscope, 218 ; ' University ' chemical microscope, 219, 220 ; neutral tint camera lucida, 235 Bdella, maxillary palps of, 934 Bdellidce, 937 Bdelloida, 717, 718 Bead-moulds, 573 Beale's microscope for class demonstra- tion, 225 ; camera, 234, 235, 239 ; carmine, 435 ; bioplasm, 435 ; glycerin method of preserving, 444 Beale on organic structure, 942 Beck's No. 1 microscope, 180, 182 ; sub- stage in, 181, 182 ; small first-class mi- croscope, 189 ; third-class microscope, 190-192 ; ' Star ' microscope, 194 ; ' eco- nomic ' microscope, 194, 196; histological dissecting microscope, 197, 198 ; port- able microscope, 199, 202 ; binocular dissecting microscope, 207; rotatory BIP nose-piece, 242 ; variable condenser,." 260; mode of using parabolic speculum,. 281 ; light modifier, 284 ; vertical illu- minator, 285 ; disc-holder, 288 ; rings- for locking coarse adjustment, 301 ; lamp, 348, 349 ; achromatic binocular magnifier, 396 note ; disc-holder for examination of Forarninifera , 770 Beck (R.) on markings of Podura scale,* 902 Beck-Jackson model, 162 Bee, hairs of, 904; head of, 906; wing of, 918, 922 ; sting of, 927 Beeldsnyder's achromatic objective, 145 Beetles. See Coleoptera Beggiatoa, form of, 581 — alba, 583, 584 Begonia, seeds of, 649 Behrens' method of analysing minerals,. 1004 Bell (Jeffrey) on the spines of Cidarisy 813 Bell's cements, 383, 448 Beneden (Ed. Van), on Gregarina gigantea, 674 note; on movement of gregarines, 675 Benzol, uses of, 441 Bergh on Flaqellata, 689 ' Bergmehl,' 551 Berkeleya, 528 Bermuda earth, 538, 540 Beroe, collecting, 459 — Forskalii, 805 — ovatus, Eimer on, 806 note Bicellaria ciliata, 834 Bichromate of potash, 430 Biconvex lens, formulae relating to, 21 Biddulphia, 542 — cyclosis in, 517 ; chains of, 517, 525 ^ structure of frustule, 519 note Biddulphiece, character of, 541 Biflagellate monad, 684 Bignonia, seed of, 648 Bignoniacece, winged seeds, 648 Biloculina, 727 Binary subdivision of cell, 465, 466 Binocular eye-piece, Tolles', 102 ; Abbe's,. 103 Binocular magnifier, Beck's achromatic^ 396 note Binocular microscope, 61, 97 Riddell's, 96 ; Nachet's, 98 ; stereo- scopic, Wenham's, 98 ; Stephenson's, 100 ; Stephenson's erecting, 102 ; stereoscopic, for study of opaque ob- jects, 105, 107 ; use of, 105 ; non- stereoscopic, 106 ; Powell & Lealand's high-power, 107 ; portable, Rousselet's,. 200 ; body in Beck's portable, 200 ; Stephenson's for dissection, 201, 203., 344, 395 ; dissecting, Beck's, 207 ; spectrum microscope, 276 Biology, 460 Bioplasm, 435 'Bipinnaria,' resemblance of Aoiino* trocha to, 874 Bipinnaria asterigcra, 821 3 y 2 , 565 — zoospores of, 555 Cicada?, wings of, 922, 923 C ichor iacece, pollen-grains of, 646 /Cicindela, 911 ( 'idaris, spine of, 809, 812 — uietularia, mode of formation of spines in, 813 Cienkowski on decaying cells of Nitella, 509 note ; on parasitic plasmode in Xitella, 509 note ; on reproduction of Noctiluca, 694 Cilia, 462, 968 ; of Infusoria, 699 ; use of, in Ciliata, 701 ; of Turbellaria, 870 Ciliary action, 699 — motion on gills of Mollnsca, 864 — movement in protophytes, 465 i Ciliata, 699-712 ; ciliarv action of, 699, 701 ; ' shield ' of, 700 ; lorica of, 700 ; myophan-layer, 701 ; trichocysts of, 701 ; ento-parasitic forms, 702 ; mouth ■ of, 702 ; foot-stalk in, 702 ; impression- able organs of, 702 ; 1 eye-spots ' of, 702 ; food of, 703 ; artificial feeding, 703 ; contractile vesicles of, 704 ; mul- tiplication of, 704 ; colonial forms, 705 ; encystment of, 707-709 ; supposed sexual reproduction, 705, 709-711 ; dis- persion of, 709 ; desiccation of, 709 ; conjugation of, 711 ; Stein on acineti- form young of, 712 note '•Ciliate Infusoria, general structure of, 679 Ciliated epithelium, 968 Ciliobrachiate zoophytes, 829 • Cilio-fiaqellata, 695 Ciliuni of Noctiluca, 691 note Cimex lectularius, eggs of, 929 < Cinchona, raphides of, 621 Cinclidium arcticum, peristome of, 597 Cineraria, pollen-grains of, 647 Cineritious matter, 976 Circulation in ascidians, 836, 839 — of blood, 978 Circumambient chamber in Orbitolites, 731 Cirrhi of Cirripedia, 892 Cirripedia, 891 •Cladocera, 885 COH Cladococcus viminalis, 774, 776 Cladonia furcata, 579 Cladophora glomerata, 499; cell division of, 499, 504 Cladorhiza inversa, 784 Claparede and Lachmann on Lieber- kuehnia, 656; on 'rolling' movement of Amceba, 669 Clark (James) on Flagellata, 689 Clastic rocks, 998 Clathrulina elegans, 666 Clausius on emission of light, 54 Clavelinidce, gemmation of, 836; stolons of, 838 Claviceps purpurea, 572 Clavicornes, antennae of, 911 Claws, 953, 957 Clay, 1014 Cleanliness, importance of, 453 Clematis, stem of, 627 ' Closed ' bundles, 635 Closterium, cyclosis in, 510 ; 'swarming of granules ' in, 511 ; binary division in, 511 ; two zygospores in, 513 note ; zygospore of, 514 ; form of cell, 515 Clostridia, form of, 581 ' Clothes-moth,' 923 Clove-pink, seed of, 648 ' Club-mosses,' 606 Clypeaster, spines of, 813 Coagulation, imbedding by, 418 Coal-plants, 1005 Coarse adjustment, 1 stepped ' diagonal rackwork for, 157 ; of Ross model, 177 ; Wale's, 185; arrangements for 'lock- ing,' 301 Cobcea, testa of seeds of, 649 — scandens, pollen-grains of, 646 Coccidia, 676, 677 Coccidium oviform e, 676 Coccoliths, 672-674 ; in chalk, 1010 Cocconeidea?, characters of, 544 Cocconeis, 544 Cocconema, 528, 545, 551 — fusidiiun, 551 Coccospheres, 672, 674 ; in chalk, 1010 Cockchafer, antennas of, 898. See Melo- lontha ' Cockle ' in wheat, 869 Cockroach. See Blatta Cocoa-nut, 649 — shell of, 618 Cocos-wood, 629 Coddington lens, 37 C odium, 493 Codosiga umbeVata, fission of, 689 ; arborescent colonies of, 690 Coclenterata, 786-807 ; bibliography of, 806 ; permanent gastrula-stage of, 652 — See Zoophytes C&loplana, 806 Ccenosarc, of hydroids, 791, 794 Cosnurus, 868 Colin, on sexual generation of Volvox, 483 ; on movements in Oscillaria, 490 ; on reproduction of Splueroplea, 500,. 501 ; on affinities of Bacteria, 519 1064 INDEX COL Cole (Arthur) on use of absolute alcohol, 428 ; on use of borax carmine for vege- table substances, 436 Coleoptera, 897 ; dermo- skeleton of, 898; scales of, 899 ; elytra of, 905 ; eyes of, 911; antennas of, 911, 912; mouth- parts of, 913; wings of, 923; leg of, 924 Coleps, food of, 703 Collar correction, 307 Collared cells of sponges, 780 ' Collars ' of Flagellata, 689 ' Collateral ' bundles, 635 Collection of microscopic objects, appara- tus for, 456 Collembola, 901 Colletonema, 528 Collins's aquarium microscope, 221-223; condenser with rotating sub-stage, 329 Collomia, testa of seeds of, 649 — grandiflora, spiral fibres in seeds of, 818 Collozoa, 777 Colonial Acinetina, 698 Colonies, in Codosiga, 689 ; of Radiola- rians, 773 ; of Polyzoa, 828 Columel of Sphagnacece, 599 Comatula, 824, 825; nerves of, 976 ' Comb-bearers,' 805. See Ctenophora Commensalism, in lichens, 598 Compensating eye-pieces, 34, 229, 323 Compositce, laticiferous tissue of, 623 Compound condenser, sub-stage, 135 — microscope, construction of, 39 ; inven- tion of, Govi on, 122 Compression of light rays, 57 Compressor, 295 ; Rowland's reversible, 295 ; Powell and Lealand's, 296 ; De- lage's, 29(5, 297 Compressorium, 295 1 Concentric' bundles, 635 Conceptacles of Fucacecc, 556 ; of Mar- chantia, 591 Conchifera, shell of, 843 Concretionary spheroids, 1021 Condensers, 170, 248-263 — Kellner eye-piece used as, 177 ; Gillett's, 184, 250 ; Hartsoeker's, '248 ; Bonanni's compound, 248, 24'.); Swift's low-power, 252; Webster's, 2.">f> ; Abbe's, 256-259; Beck's variable, 260 ; Powell and Lealand's 262 ; Swift's, for use with polariscope, 262 ; Collins's, with rotat- ing sub-stage, 329 — total aperture of, 255 — tabular list of, 268 — achromatic, 198 ; Abbe's, 212 ; Powell and Lealand's, 251-254, 203, 267 ; Brew- ster on, 249 — chromatic, Abbe's, 212, 329 — sub-stage, Stephenson's, 101 ; com- pound, 135 Cone of light, 170 Conferva, 486 Confervacea?, 478, 498-500 ; binary divi- sion of, 499 ; zoospores of, 500 ; resem- blance of Melosirece to, 537 COR Conferva?, 869, 884 Congelation mass : gum arabic, 418 ; cel- loidin, 419 Conical epithelium, 968 Conids, of Ascomycetes, 571 ; of Basidio- mycetes, 576 'Coniferce, 609 ; woody cells of, 622 Coniferous wood fossilised, 630, 1005 Conjugate, affinities of, 477 Conjugate foci, 13 ; focus, 24 ; image, 24 Conjugating cells, 470 Conjugation, a sexual act, 467 Conjugation of Mesocarpus, 478; of Spirogyra, 478 ; of Ulothrix, 486 ; of Hydrodictyon, 495 ; of Desmidiacece, 513 ; of diatoms, 528 ; of Phceosporea?> 556; of Myxomycetes, 564 ; of Arcella, 671; (zygosis) of Gregarince, 676; of Heteromita, 685; of Tetramitus, 686; of Noctiluca, 694; of Glenodinium, 695; of Podophrya, 699; of Ciliata, 711 ; of Vorticella, 711 Connective tissue, 943 ; fibrous, 962 ; areolar, 964 ; corpuscles of, 963, 964 Contact metamorphism, 1000 Continental correctional collar, 307 — microscopes, objections to, 158 — model, 208-213 ; criticism 011, 209 Contiguity of protoplasm in Florideeet 560 Contractile vacuole in Volvox, 481 — vesicle, of Actinophrys, 662; of Microgromza, 661; of Amoeba, 668; of Infusoria, function of, 679 ; in Flagellata, 689 ; of Paramecium, 704 ; of Stentor, 704; of Ciliata, 704; of Botifcra, 716 Convergence of light, 18 Conversion of relief in spectroscope, 92 ; shown by Araclinoidiscus, 541 note Convolvidacecc, laticiferous tissue of, 620 Convolvulus, pollen-grains, (Mi; Copepoda, 884; elassilication of, 889 note ( 'opens ccrbcrus, 718 Copper sulphate, crystallisation of, 1017 Coquilla-nut, 64'.) — section of, (517 Coralline crag, microscopic constituents of, 1011 Corallines, 884 — conceptacles of, 561 ; ostiole of, 561 — (sertularids), 794 Corals, section of hard and soft parts, 423 — red, 801 ; stony, 802 ; mushroom, 802 Cordierite ; pleochroism in, 1002 Corella parallelogra/mma, branchial sac of, 830 Coreopsis tiuctoria, seeds of, 649 Cork, 633 Corky layer of bark, 633 Cormophytic type, 594 Cormorant, parasite of, 934 Corneules of arthropod eyes, 907 Corn-grains, husk of, 649 Comuspira , 726, 728 ' Corpuscle ' of gynmospenns, (510- INDEX COR Corpuscles, white, 901 ; change of form of, 962 ; of connective tissue, 963, 965 ; of blood, flow of, 980 Corrected lenses, 320 Correction collar, 21, 29, 50, 230 Correctional collar, Continental, 307 ; I English method, 308 Corroded crystals, 995 Corrosive sublimate, as a preservative medium, 443 Corynactis Allmanni, thread-cell of, 803 Coscinodiscece, characters of, 537 Coscinodiscas, 518, 550 — cyclosis in, 517 ; markings on frustule of, 520 ; areolae of, 520 ; frustules of, 537, 538 — aster omphalus, for testing lenses, 333 — oculus iridis, 538 — punctatus, fossil, with embryonal form, 527 Cosmarium, division of, 512; form of cell, 515 — botrytis, zygospore of, 514 Cosmic dust, 1015 Costae of Cavipylodiscus, 536 Costonella, silicious shell of, 700 Cotyledons, 610 Cover-glass, 380 — consequence of using, 19 ; as section lifter, 432 — tester, Zeiss's, 381 ; Ross's, 381, 382 — varying thicknesses of, 380 ; with achromatic objectives, 380 ; cleaning them. 382 Cox (J. D.) on structure of frustule in Isthmia, 519 note Crab, 881 ; metamorphosis, 893 ; blood- corpuscles of, 962 ; ' liver ' of, 971 ■Crabro, leg of, 898 Crane-fly. See Tipula Crateriam pyriforme, 933 Crayfish, 881 ; young of, 893 Creation of structure by diaphragms, 68 Cribrilina figularis, 830 Cricket, gizzard of, 917 ; wings of, 923 ; sound-producing apparatus, 923. See Acheta Crinoidea, skeleton of, 816; larva of, 822 Crista, 833 Crisp (F.) on ' aperture,' 45 ; on radia- tion, 75 ; on collection of microscopes, 119 Cristatella, 833 Cristellaria, shell of, 723, 744 Critical angle, 6, 7 ; image, 30, 249 ; images, 238 ; mode of obtaining, 352, 353 Crocus, pollen-grains of, 647 Crouch's adapter for parabolic speculum, 281 ' Crow silk,' 499 Crown glass, refractive index of, 5 ; composition of, 32 Crusta petrosa of teeth, 949, 950 Crustacea, 881-895 larvae of, collecting, 459 CYC Crustacea, suctorial, 889 — collecting, 895 ; preserving, 895 ; com- pound eyes of, 906 ; pigment-cells of,. 967 ; ' liver ' of, 971 ; concretionary spheroids in shells of, 1021 Cryptogamia, 462-609 — preparation of, 427 ; structure of, 462- 465 ; reproduction of, 465-479 ; litera- ture, 608 ; passage to Phanerogamia, 609 Cryptorapliidece , 527 Crystalline forms, list of, for microscope,. 1019 Crystallisation, microscopic examination of, 1016, 1017 — effect of temperature on, 1017 — preservation of specimens of, 1020 Crystallites, 995 — in glass cavities, 997 Crystals, corroded, 995 ; in lava, 995 ; zonal markings* in, 996 ; cavities in, 997 ; inclusions in, 997, 998 ; micro- scopical structure of, 990 ; optical pro- perties and chemical constitution, 1002; as microscopic objects, 1016; of snow, 1016 ; as objects for polari- scope, 1017 Ctenaria ctenophora, 801 note Ctenoid scales, 951 Ctenophora, 801, 805, 806 ; excretory pores of, 806 note Ctenostomata, characters of, 833 Cucurbitacece, pollen-grains of, 646 Cuff's micrometer, 140 ; microscope, 140 Cidicidce, antenna? of, 912; larvae, blood of, 918 Curculio, antennae of, 912 — imperialis, scales of, 899 ; elytra of, 905 Curculionidce, 905; foot of, 924 ; suckers. on foot of, 926 Currant, parenchyme of fruit, 613 ; pollen- tubes of, 648 Curvature of the field, 332 Curved scissors, for section cutting, 397 ' Cushion-star, 815.' See Goniaster Cuticle, 965, 966 — of leaves, 638 ; of Ciliata, 700 Cutin, 638 Cutis vera, 965 Cutleria, conjugation of, 556 Cuttle-fish, 853, 866. See Sepia — ' sepiostaire ' of, structure, 853 ; irmV tated, 1023 ' Cuttle-fish bone,' structure of, 853 Cyancea capillata, ephyrse of, 799 ; scy- phistoma of, 799 ; strobila, 799 Cyanthus minor, seed of, 649 Cyatholiths, 672-674 ; artificially pro- duced, 1022 Cycadece, 609 Cycas, raphides of, 621 Cyclanimina cancellata, 741, 743 Cyclical mode of growth in shell of" Foraminifera, 723 Cycloclypeus, 754 ; shell of, 723 — compared with Orbitolites, 726, 760 Cycloid seals, 952 io66 INDEX CYC 'Cyclops, eye of, 884 ; larva, 892 • — quadricornis, 885 ; number of off- spring of, 888 'Cyclosis, 464; in ' Char a, 506; in des- mids, 510 ; in Diatomacece, 517 ; in Phanerogam cells, 613 ; in plant hairs, 615 ; in Lieberkuehnia, 657 ; in Acine- tina, 697 •Cyclostomata (Poly zoo), characters of, '833 Cydippe, collecting, 459 — — pileus, 805 Cymbella, 528 ■CymbellecB, affinities of, 545 Cynipidce, ovipositor of, 927 Cyprcea, shell of, 852 Cypris, 884 Cyst, of Protomyxa, 653 ; of gregarines, 675 ; of DalUngeria, 684 ; of Poly- toma, 685 ; of Clathrulina, 667 ; of Protoccccus, 480 Cystic Entozoa, relation to cestoids, 868 Cysticercus, relation to cestoids, 868 Cystids of Hymenomycetes, 576 •Cystocarp of Floridece, 561 ; of Batra- chospermum, 504 Cystopus candidus, 568 Cythere, 884, 885 Cytherina, shells of, in chalk, 1009 •Cytodes, contrasted with plastid, 652 Cytoplasm, 467 D Dallinger and Drysdale's moist stage, 289 ; tripod, 345 ; on life-history of monads, 681-688 ; on effects of tempe- rature on monads, 686 Dallinger (W. H.) on Navicula, &c, as test objects, 530 note ; on nucleus of monads, 687 Dallinger's thermo- static stage, 292-293 DalUngeria Drysdali, life-history and structure of, 683 ; nucleus of, 687 Dalyell (J. G.j on Hydra tuba, 798 Damceus geniculatits, proven triculus of, 935 Dammar, as a preservative medium, 441 ; as a mounting medium, 444 ; refractive index of, 445 Dandelion, laticiferous tissue of, 620 ; pollen-grains of, 647 Daphnia, eye of, 884 ; mouth of, 888, 889 ; eggs of, 888 ; ephippial eggs of, 888 Daphnia pulex, 886 Darwin (Charles) on Cirripedia, 891 Datura, seeds of, 649 Davis on desiccation of Potifera, 718 note Dawson (W.) on foraminiferal nature of Eozoon, 763 ' Day-fly.' See Ephemera ' Dead-man's toes,' 803. See Alcyonium Deane's medium for mounting insects, 897 DEV De Bary on fungi, &c, 563 note', on potato-disease, 569 ; on alternation of generations in ferns, 605 Decalcification, 425 ; of echinoderms, 426 ; of bones, 426 ; of teeth, 426 ; of Foraminifera, 426 ; of Eozoon, 426 Decapoda, 881 ; exoskeleton of, 892 ; macrourous, 893 ; brachyourous, 894 Decomposition, produced by Bacteria, 588 — of rock-masses, 999 Defining power, 368 ; tests for, 368 Definition of image, 326 Degeneration in Tunicata, 835 Dehydration by carbolic acid, 450 Delage's parallel compressor, 296, 297 Dellebarre's microscope, 142 Delphinium, seeds of, 649 Demodex, legs of, 934 — folliculorum, 938 De Monconys, his compound microscope, 130 Dendritina, a varietal form of Peneroplis, 728 Dendrodus, teeth of, 1013 Dendrosoma, 698 Dentine, 944, 947 — resemblance of cuticle of crabs to, 893 ; in placoid scales, 952 Deparia, indusium of, 600 — prolifera, 601 Depth of focus, 83, 89 ; of vision, 88, 89, 90 ; perception of," 94, Dermal skeleton of Vertebrata, 950 Dermaleichi, 932, 938 Dermanyssus, 936 — larva of, 933 Dermestes, hair of larva, 904 Descartes' simple microscope with reflec- * tion, 128 Desiccation of rotifers, 718 Desiderata in a microscope, 215 Desilicification, 427 DesmidiacejE, 477, 509-516 ; connection with Pediastrece, 496 ; sutural line of, 509 ; cellulose envelope, 509 ; mucila- ginous sheath, 510 ; primordial utricle, 510 ; endochrome, 510 ; movements of, 510 ; cyclosis in, 510 ; binary division of, 511 ; sexual reproduction, 513 ; classi- fication of, 515 ; habitat of, 515, 516 ; mode of collecting, 516 — Hantzsch's glycerin method of pre- serving, 444 Desmidiece, 869 — conjugation of, 514 ; zygospore of, 514 — preserved by osmic acid, 428 Desmidium, binary division, 511 ; fila- ments of, 512, 515 Desmids. See Desmidiacece Deutovium of Acarina, 932 Deutzia scabra, stellate hairs of, 639; epiderm of, 640 Development of Hydra, 791 ; of hydroids, 792 ; of embryo in Gastropoda, 843 ; of molluscs, 857, 864 ; of Annelida, 873 ; of Tomopteris, 878 ; of insects, 931 INDEX IO67 DEV Deviation, 9 "Diamond Beetle,' 899 Dianthus, seed of, 648 — caryophyllceus, parenchyme of, 613 Diaphragm, 213, 255, 288, 321 — with two openings for double illumina- tion, 106 — use of, 261 — Zeiss's iris, 246, 248 ; calotte, 247 ; in eye-pieces, 325 ; for use in testing object-glasses, 329 — «- in Tully's microscope, 147 Diatoma, 517 ; frustules of, 517, 518 ; girdle of, 518 — vulgare, chains of, 534 Diatomaceje, 477, 509, 516-554 — Mb'ller's type-slide, 286 ; perforated membrane of, examined with annular illumination, 362 ; mode of examina- tion of, 363 ; preserved by osmic acid, 428 ; silicious coat, refractive index of, 445 ; mounting, 450 ; stipes of, 517, •518 ; beaded appearance, 521, 522 ; markings of, 522 ; binary division of, 523, 524 ; reproduction of, 523-527 ; •classification of, 527, 532 ; placochro- anatic, 527 ; coccochromatic, 527 ; movements of, 528 ; conjugation of, 528 ; zygospores of, 528 ; gonids of, 529 ; habits of, 548, 549 ; habitats of, 549 ; distribution of, 549 ; fossil forms of, 550, 551 ; used as food, 551 ; collect- ing, 55] ; cleaning, 552, 553 note ; mounting, 553 ; as food of Ciliata, 703 ; in mud of Levant, 1007 Diatom-frustules in ooze, 1008 Diatomin, 517 Diatoms in stomach of .ascidians, Holothurice, etc., 544, 552 Diatoms. See Diato\iace;e Dichroism, 1019 Dickiea, 528 Dicotyledonous stems, fossilised, 1005 Dicotyledons, 625 ; stem of medullary rays of, 627 ; epiderm of, 637 -Dictyocalyx ptumiceus, 785 Dictyochya fibula, 550 Dictyocysta, silicious shell of, 700 Dictyoloma peruviana, winged seed, 649 JDictyospyris clathrus, 771 .Dictyota, oospheres of, 556 Didemnians, 838 Didymium serpula, plasmode of, 564 Differential screw, Campbell's fine adjust- ment, 164, 188-193 Differential staining, 439 Differentiation of cell, 463 Difflugia, 670; test of, 671 Diffraction, 62 — Abbe's theory of, and homogeneous immersion, 312 — Fraunhofer's law, 57 — rays are image-forming, 59 — spectra, 28, 67 ; phenomena, 62, 64 ; image, 64, 72; experiments, 66-70; fan of isolated corpuscles, 72 ; problem, 73 ; pencil, 74, 75 ; hypothesis of Abbe, 74 ; DRE fan, 75 ; theory, application of, 76, 78 ; bands, 233 ; phenomena, Abbe's experi- ments, 376 ; ghost, 377 Digestive vesicles of Ciliata, 703 Digitalis, seeds of, 649 Dimorphism in Foraminifera, 121 Dinobryon, 690 Dinofiagellata, 695 Dinomastigophora, 695 note Dioptric investigations by Gauss, 108-112 Dioptrical image, 30, 72 Diorite, fluid inclusions in, 997 Dipping tubes, 299 Diptera, 897 ; eyes of, 911 ; antennae of, 912 ; mouth-parts of, 915 ; wings of, 922 ; ovipositor of, 927 ; imaginal discs of, 931 Direct division of nucleus, 468 ; ' Directive vesicles ' of egg of Purpura, 861 Disc-holder, Beck's, 288 Discuki, 111 Discoliths, 672-674 ; artificiallv produced, 1022 Discorbina, 749 — globularis, 723 Disintegration of rock-masses, 999 Dispersion, 9, 17 ; in glass, 31 — and desiccation of encysted Ciliatar 709 Dispersive power, 2, 9, 18 ; of flint glass,10 Dissecting apparatus, 394 — microscope, Beck's histological, 197, 198 ; Stephenson's binocular, 201, 203, 395; Huxley's, 204, 205; Zeiss's, 205, 206 ; Beck's binocular, 207 Distance of projection of image, 26, 27 Distinct vision, 26 Dtstoma, life-history of, 870 — hepaticum, 869 Divergence of light, 18 Divini's compound microscope, 131 Division, binarv, of cells, 465 ; of desmids 511 — artificial, of Actinosphcerium, 666 note — of naiads, 880 Dobie's line, 973 Dog-fish, scales of, 252 D'Orbigny on plan of growth of Fora- minifera, 724 i Doris, spicules in mantle, 852, 853 ; nida- mentum of, 858; eggs of, 866; spines of, imitated, 1022 — bilamellata, development of, 859-861 — pilosa, palate of, 855 — tuberculata, palate of, 855 Double illumination, Stephenson's me- thod, 106 Doublet, Wollaston's, 36, 151 Dragmata, of sponges, 784 Dragon-flies, wings of, 922 Dragon-fly, facets in eyes of, 907 — See Libellula Drajmrnaldia glomerata, 503 Draw-tube of microscope, 155 Drebbel's modification of Keplerian telescope, 123 INDEX DRE Dredge, 458 Drepanidium ranarum, 677 Drone-fly. See Eristalis Dropping-bottle, 446 ; German, 447 ; ex- pansion, 447 Drosera, glands of, 639 ; seeds of, 649 Dry -mounting, Smith's ' cells ' for, 385 Ducts of Phanerogams, 623 Dudresnaya, fertilisation in, 561 ; fertilis- ing tubes, 561 Dujardin, on ' sarcode,' 460 note — separates Amoeba from Infusoria, 658 Dunning's zoophyte trough, 298 Duramen, 629 Dwarf-male of CEdogonium, 503 Dytiscus, eye of, 911; antennae of, 912; spiracle of, 920 ; trachea of, 920 ; foot of, 925, 926 E Earth-stresses, 1000 Earwig. See Forficula Eccremocarpus scabe?; winged seeds of, 648, 649 Echinoderm larvae, collecting, 824 ; preparing, 824 ; mounting, 824 — skeletons in mud of Levant, 1007 Echinodermata, larvae of, collecting, 459 — 808-827 ; skeleton of, 808, 815, 816, 818; spines of, 809-813, 815; pedi- cellariae of, 813 ; teeth in, 814, 816 ; preparation of skeleton, spines, ttc, 816 ; internal skeleton, 818 ; larvae of, 820 Echinoderms, decalcification of, 426 Echinoidea, skeleton of, 808 ; spines of, 809, 813 ; pedicellariae of, 813 ; larva of, 822 ; direct development in, 824 note Echinometra, spine of, 810, 816 ; colour of spines, 812 Echinus, shell of, 809, 810; spines of, 809 ; teeth of, 813 — lividus, coloured spines of, 811 Ectocarpacece, 555 Ectocarpus siliculosus, conjugation of, 556 Ectoderm, 651 Ectoplasm, 463 Ectoprocta, 833 Ectosarc, 464; in Bhizopoda, 658; experiments on 668 ; of Ciliata,, 699 Edentata, cement in teeth of, 950 Edible crab, metamorphosis of, 894 Edmunds' immersion paraboloid, 269 Edwards (A. M.) on supposed ' swarm- spores ' of Amoeba, 669 Eel, scales of, 951 ' Egg without shell,' concretionary sphe- roids in, 1021 Egg-capsule of Cyclops, 885 Egg-sacs of Lerncea, 890 Egg-shell membrane, 962 JEggs of Sepiola, Doris, 866 ; of Acarina, 928, 929 ; of insects, 928 ENT Ehrenberg on eye-spot in ProtococcusT 473 ; on Volvox, 479 ; on structure of frustules, 519 ; on rapidity of repro- duction of Paramecium, 704; on internal casts of Foraminifera, 752 note ; on fossil Badiolaria, 778 note Elceagnus, raphides in pith of, 621 ; peltate scales of, 639 Elastic ligament of bivalves, structure of,. 964 Elater, antennae of, 912 Elaters of Marchantia, 593; of Egui- setacece, 605 Elatine, seeds of, 649 Elder, pith of, 611 Ellis's aquatic microscope, 145 Elm, raphides of, 621 Elodea canadensis, cyclosis in, 613 Elytra of Coleoptera, 905, 923 Embryo of Phanerogams, 648 — cell of fern, development of, 604 Embryo-sac, 610 — of ovule in Phanerogams, 464 ; free- cell formation in, 466 — Strasburger's method for study of, 435' Emission of light, power of, 51, 54 ;, unequal, 52 Emitted light, unequal intensity of, 51 Empusa muscce, 571 Enamel of teeth, 949 — of teeth of Echinus, 815 — on ganoid scales, 952 Encephalartos, raphides of, 621 Encrinites, 816 End-bulbs, 977 Endochrome, 463 ; of Palmogloea, 471 of Spirogyra, 478; of Volvox, 479,. 482 ; of desmids, 510 Endoderm, 651 Endogenous spores of Mucorini, 569 — stems, 625-627 Endogens, spiral vessels of, 623 Endonema, 528 Endophloeum, 633 Endoplasm, 463 Endosarc, 463; in Bhizopoda, 658; of Ciliata, 699 Endosperm, 610 Endospores of mosses, 597 ; in ferns, 602 ; of Volvox, 484 ; of Hymenomycetes,. 576 Eudosporous Bacteria, 582 Enock's metallic ring for mounting, 451 Entomophilous flowers, 647 Entomophthorece, 571 Entomostraca, 881, 883, 885 ; desicca- tion of, 887 ; agamic reproduction of,. 887 ; eggs of, 888 ; development of, 889 ; eye of, 906 ; non-sexual repro- duction, 930 — collecting, 459 — Rotifer a upon, 713 Entomostracan eggs as food of Ciliata^ 703 Entoprocta, 833 Entosphcerida, 776 Entozoa, 867 INDEX IO69 EOL JEolis, nidamentum of, 858 Eosin, red stain, 436 Eozoon, mounting, 450 ; mode of growth of, compared with that of Polytrema, 749 ; canal system compared with Cal- cnrina, 750; affinities of, 763; inter- mediate skeleton, 764 ; nummuline layer, 764; internal cast of, 765; asbestiform layer, 766; pseudopodia of, 766 ; young of, 767 — canadense, 762 — decalcification, 426 Epe'ira, foot of, 939 ; silk threads of, 939 Ephemera, branchiae of larva, 921 — marginata, larva of, 897 ; circulation of blood in larva of, 917 Ephippial eggs of Rot if era, 717 Ephyrae of Cyancea, 799 ; of Chri/saora, 800 Epiblast, 651 note Epiderm of leaves, 637 Epidermic appendages, 953 Epidermis, 965, 966 ; method of prepara- tion, 967 Epidote, 1001 Epilobium, emission of pollen-tubes, 647 Epilucent zones of light, 315 Epipactis, pollen-tubes of, 648 Epiphloeum, 633 Epispore of Mucorini, 570 Epistome of Polyzoa, 833 ; of Aetino- trocha, 874 Epistylis, collecting, 457 Epithelia, preservative for, 443 Epithelium, 967, 968 Epithemia, conjugation of 529 ; zygo- • spores of, 529 — turgida, 533 Equiconcave lens, 22 EquisetacecB, 605 ; in coal, 1006 Equisetum, spores and elaters of, 606 ; epiderm of, 639 ; silex in, 639 Equitant leaves of Iris, &c, 642 Erecting binocular, Stephenson's, 102 — prism, Stephenson's, 102 Ergot, 572 Erica, seeds of, 649 Eristalis, eye of, 911 ; antennae of, 912 Error of centring, 332 Errors in Tolles' mechanical stage, 166 Erythropsis agilis, eye-spot of, 702 Eschara, calcareous polyzoaries of, 833 ; extension of perivisceral cavity, 851 Ether as a solvent, 441 Ether-spray microtome, 418; Rutherford on, 419 Ethmosphmra siphonophora, 774, 776 Eucalyptra, vulgaris, 594 Eucopepoda, 889 note Eucyrtidium elegans, 771-776 — Mongol fieri, 111 — tubulus, 771 Eudorina, sexual process of, 485 Euglena, 475, 690 Euqlypha alveolata, reproduction of, 671 FAR [1 Euler's microscope, 146 Euler on achromatic microscopes, 145 Eunotia, 533 Eunotiece, characters of 553 Euphorbiacea* , laticiferous tissue of, 620 Euphrasia, micropyle of, 648 Euplectella aspergillum, 785 note Eiqwdiscea>, characters of, 541 Enrotium repens, 572 Evening primrose, emission of pollen- tubes, 647 ' Exclamation markings ' on scales, 902 Excretory organ of Rotifera, 716 ; of Oribatidce, 935 Exner (S.) on the image in eye of Eampyris, 908 Exogenous stems, 625 — stem, structure of, 633 — and endogenous stems contrasted, 634, 635 Exogens, fibro-vascular bundles, 622, 623 ; medullary sheath of, 623 ; spiral ves- sels in, 623 Exoskeleton of decapods, 892 i Exospores of mosses, 597 ; of ferns, 602 ; of Hymenomycetes, 576 Extine of pollen-grains, 644; markings on, 645 Eye, accommodation of, 88 — of Pecten, 865 ; of Onchidium, 865 ; of slug, 865 ; of snail, 865 ; of arthro- pod, structure of, 907 Eye-glass of compound microscope, 36, 39 Eye-lens, 321 Eye-piece, Abbe's compensation, 42, 322 ; Huyghenian, 42; Kellner's, 42, 322; Ramsden's, 43, 323 ; Airy's, 321 ; Cam- pani's, 321 ; Huyghens', 321 — binocular, Tolles', 102 ; Abbe's, 103 — Kellner's, as condenser, 177 — adapter, 228 ; multiplying power of, 240 ; orthoscopic, 322 ; projecting, 323; micrometer, 323 ; field of, 323 ; pointer in, 325 ; diaphragms in, 325 ; index, 325 — stereoscopic, Abbe's, 103 Eye-pieces, classification of, by Abbe, 34 ; compensating, 34 ; positive, 321 ; negative, 321-323 ; solid, 822 ; field of, 323 ; working, 323 ; searcher, 323 Eyes on Chiton shells, 865 — compound, of insects, 906, 907 — compound, 906-911 ; simple, 906, 910; preparing, 910 ; mounting, 910 F Faber, inventor of the name microscope, 126, 127 Falciform young of Coccidia, 677 False images, 362 Farrant's medium, 443, 449 ; for mount- ing insects, 897 Farre (A.) on structure of Polyzoa, 832 note 1070 INDEX FAR Farrella, polyzoaries of, 833 Fat, 969 Fat-cells, 942, 964, 966, 969; capillary network around, 986 Fats, solvents for, 441 Feathers, 953-956 ' Feather-star,' 824. See Antedon Feeding, mode of, in Actinophrys, 662 ; in sponges, 780 Feet of insects, 924-926 ; of spiders, 938 Felspar, decomposition of, 999 Felspar-pyroxene rock, effect of dynamic metamorphism on, 1000 Felspars, zonal structure in, 996 ' Female ' plants of Polytrichum, 596 Fermentation of alcohol by yeast, 574 ; by Penicillium, Mucor, &c, 575 — putrefactive, 588 Fermentative action of Fungi, 462 Ferns (see Filices), 599 ; in coal, 1005 Fertilisation of Phanerogams, 647 Fertilisation-tube of Peronosporece, 567 Fertilising tubes of Dudresnaya, 561 Festuca pratensis, paleae of, 640 Fibres and cells of Vertebrates, 942 Fibro-cartilage, 943, 970 Fibro-vascular bundles, 635 — of ferns, 599 ; in the ' veins ' of leaves, 622 ; of Exogens, 622, 623 ; of Phanero- gams, 625 Fibrous tissues of Vertebrates, 943 — tissue, 962 ; white, 963, 964 ; yellow, 964 Field of eye-pieces, 323 Field-glass, 40 Field-lens, 321 ; applied to eye-lens by Hooke, 321 Filices, 599-605 ; stem, structure of, 599 ; fructification of, 600 ; prothallium of, 602 ; antherids of, 603 ; archegones of, 603 ; development of, 604 ; apospory in, 605 ; apogamy in, 605 ; alternation of generations in, 605 ' Filiferous capsules.' See Thread-cells Finder, 166; Maltwood's, 246; Panto- csek's, 246 Fine adjustment, 157-164 continental, 151 ; Ross's, 151 ; Ober- hauser's spiral, 151; applied to the stage by Powell, 153 ; by moving the whole body, 158 ; by simply moving the nose- piece, 158, 161 ; for Powell and Lealand's sub-stage, 174 ; of Ross model, 177 ; Wale's, 185 ; in Beck's students' microscope, 190 Fire-fly, antennae of, 911 ' Fire-fly,' 879. See Lampyris Fish, circulation in tail of, 981 ; on yolk- sac, 981 ' Fish-louse,' 890 Fish-scales, concretions in, 1021 Fishes, lacunae in bone of, 946 ; dentine of, 947 ; cement of teeth in, 950 ; plates in skin of, 950 ; red blood-corpuscles of, 958, 959 ; pigment-cells of, 967 ; muscle fibre of, 973 ; gills of, 986, 987 Fission in Lieberkuehnia, 658 ; of Monas, FOR 681 ; of Monosiga, 689 ; of Codosiga,, 689 ; of planarians, 871 Fissipennes, wings of, 923 Flabella of Licmophora, 534 Flagella, 462 ; of Bacteria, 581, 586, 587~ Flagellata, 680-696 — experiments on, 686 ; nucleus in, 687 y karyokinesis in, 688 ; colonial forms, . 689 — collared, resembling cells of sponges, . 779 Flagellate chambers of sponges, 780, 781 . Flagellum of Noctiluca, 691 note Flat bottle for collecting, 457 Flatness of field, 368 Flea, presumed auditory organ of, 364 ; : hairs on pygidium of, as a test, 364 ; . mounting medium for, 897 ' Flesh,' 972 Flint, derivation of, 550 — glass, refractive index of, 5 ; dispersive * power of, 10 ; composition of, 32 — implements found with Orbitolince 749 Flints, preparation of, 1011 Floral envelope, 643 Floridece, 559, 560-561 ; affinities of, 559 ' Flosculariadce, 717 Floscules in confinement, 458 1 Flowering fern,' sporanges of, 601 ' Flowering plants,' 609. See Phanero- gamia Flowers, 643-648 ; Inman's method of ' preparation, 644 ' Flowers of tan,' 563 Fluid inclusions in crystals, 997 ' Fluke,' 869 Fluorite lenses for apochromatic objec- tive, 34, 35 Fluorspar, 1000 Flustra, mode of growth in, 828 ; gem- mation in, 830 ; number of polypides, , 832 ; polyzoaries of, 833 ; extensions- of perivisceral cavity in, 851 Flustrella concentrica,, 111 Fly, various instructive organs to be ob- tained from, 896 ; eye of, facets in, 907 proboscis of, 913; wing of, 918 ; spiracle^ of, 920 ; areolae on wings of, 922 ; foot of, 924 Focal alteration and form of objects, 363 • — depth, 38 — distances, by feeling, 167 — length of a plano-convex lens, 15 Focke on Navicula and Surirella, 532 : note Focus, virtual conjugate, 14, 25 ; principal, , 16 ; mean, 17 ; virtual, 22 ; conjugate, . 24 ; depth of, 83, 89 — of lenses, 13, 21, 22 ; chromatic, 16 Focussing arrangements, 156-165 Fontinalis antipyretica, 596 Food of Hydra, 789 Foraminifera, 658, 720-770 — study of, by means of Beck's disc-holder, . 288 ; examination of, 365 ; woodert slides for mounting, 390 ; method for- INDEX 1071 FOR sectionising, 421 note; decalcification I of, 426 ; structure of, 720 ; chamberlets in, 723, 728, 729, 730 ; cyclical mode of growth in, 723 ; porcellanous shells, 724 ; vitreous shells, 724 ; tubulation of shell in, 724, 725; plans of growth, 724, 729 ; rotaline type, 725 ; nummu- line type, 725 ; Porcellanea, 726 ; inter- mediate skeleton of, 726 ; canal system of, 726; fossilised forms of, 726, 729, 737, 749, 762 ; dimorphism in, 727 ; se- condary septa in, 728 ; Arenacea, 735 ; sandy isomorphs, 739; nodosarine type, 740; Vitrea, 744; internal casts, 748, 752 note; nummuline series, 751; alar prolongations, 755, 756 ; interseptal canals, 755; marginal cord in, 755, 759 ; collecting, 769; method of separating from sand, &c, 769; mounting, 770; tubuli of, compared with those of den- tine, 944 ; in mud of Levant, 1007 ; in rocks, 1007 ; internal casts of, 1012 Forbes, on reproduction of Sertulariida, 794 Forceps, 301 — slide, 393 — stage, 287 Forficula, antennae of, ^12 ForficulidcE, wings of, 923 Form of objects and focal alteration, 363 Formation of microscopic images, 43 ' Formed material,' 942 ; of fibrous tissue, 943 ; of dentine, 944 Fossil coniferous wood, 630, 1005 — crinoids, 816 ; echinids, 816 — Cypridce, 884 — Foraminifera, 726, 749-750 — Lituolce, 741 — Badiolaria, 771, 778 note — 'Saccammina, 737 — wood, 631 Fossilised Foraminifera (Eozoon), 762 — wood, sections of, 637 Fragilaria, 534 Fragilariece, characters of, 534 Fragmentation of nucleus, 468 Fraunhofer's law of diffraction, 57 — achromatic doublet, 146 — lines, 273, 274 Fredericella, collecting, 458 Free-cell formation, 465, 644 in embryo-sac, 464, 466 Freezing apparatus for Thoma's (Jung's) microtome, 405, 406 — microtome, Hayes's, 411 ; Cathcart's, 412, 413 — imbedding by, 418 Fresnel on Selligue and Adams's micro- scope, 146 ; on range of magnification, 147 Freyana heteropus, legs of, 934 Fripp's method of testing object-glasses, 330 Frog, blood - corpuscles of, 958, 959 ; muscle fibre of, 973 ; papillae on tongue of, 977 ; circulation in mesentery of, GAN 980; circulation in tongue of, 980; lung of, 987 Frog's bladder, histology of, as seen with apochromatic, 318 — foot, epithelium of web of, 968 ; cir- culation in web of, 979 Frond of Phceosjwrece, 555 Fructification, gonidial 470; sexual, 470 — of tballophytes, 470 ; of Ascomycetes, 571; of lichens, 578; of mosses, 595 ;. of ferns, 600 ; of Fguisetacece, 605 Fruit juice as a preservative medium, 442 Frustules of Diatomacece, 517, 518 ; structure of, 518, 519 note ; girdle, 518 ; shapes of, 518, 519; ostioles in, 519;- markings on, 520 ; character of, as basis, of classification, 532; of Coscinodiscusy. 538 Fucacece, 556 ; conceptacles of, 556 Fuchsia, pollen-grains of, 647 Fucus, 555 Fucus platy carpus, 556-558 — vesiculosus, 556-558 Fulgoridce, wings of, 923 Funaria hygrometrica, 594 — sporange of, 596 Fungi, 470, 562r589 — preparation of, 427 ; zymotic action of, . 462 ; alternation of generations in classification of, 563; parasitic on. insects, 571 Fungia, lamellae of, 802 Fungiform papillae, 977 Fungin, 562 Fungus-cellulose, 562 Fusion in Dallingeria, 684 Fuss's description of a microscope, 145- Fusulina, 750, 751, 1012 Fusulina-limestone, 750, 1007 G Gabbro, 1016 — fluid inclusions in, 997 Gad-fly, ovipositor of, 927 — See Tabanus Gaillonella procera, 551 — granulata, 551 — biseriata, 551 Galileo, inventor of the compound micro- scope, 122-127 ; Viviani's life of, 122 ; his invention of compound microscope, Wodderborn on, 123 ; his occhialino 123, 126; his occhiale, 124, 125; bis microscope, 129 1 Gall-flies,' ovipositor of, 927 Galley-worms. See Myriopoda Gamasidce, legs of, 934 ; integument of, 934; Malpighian vessel of, 935; heart of, 935 ; tracheae of, 935 ; characters of:. 936 ; reproductive organs of, 936 Gamasus terribilis, mandibles of, 933 Ganglion-globules (cells), 975 Ganglionic cells, 978 1072 INDEX GAN Ganoid scales, 952 Garlic, raphides of, 621 Garnets, 1000 Gas bubbles in glass cavities, 997 Gaseous inclusions in crystals, 998 Gastrcea, Haeckel on, 677 Gastropoda, palates of, mounting, 450 ; , palate of, 843 ; development of, 843 ; shell structure of, 852; embryonic . development of, 858-864; organs of : hearing in, 865 Gastrula, 651; -stage in Caelenterata, , 651 ; formation of, 651 note ; of zoo- phytes, 786; of Gastropoda, 859; of . blowfly, 931 Gastrulse of sponges, 781 Gauss's optical investigations, 108-112 ; his dioptric investigations, 108-112 ; , his system, practical example of, 112- 118 Gelatinous nerve-fibres, 976 in sympathetic, 978 Gemellaria, polyzoary of, 833 Gemmae of Marchantia, 591, 592 ; of Salpingo3ca, 689; of Stictoria, 698 ; in Foraminifera, 723 ; of Polyzoa, 830 •Gemmation and shape of shell in Fora- minifera, 721 Gemmulesof Noctiluca, 694 ; of sponges, 781 Gentiana, seeds of, 649 Geodia, spicules of, 784, 1008 Gephyrean worm, 875 Geranium, glandular hairs of, 639 ; cells of pollen-chambers, 645 ; pollen-grains, 646 Germ-cells of Volvox, 483, 484 ; of ferns, 604 ; of Marchantia, 593 ; of mosses, 596 ; of Phanerogams, 609 ; of sponges, 781 ; of Hydra, 790 ' Germinal matter,' 942 ; of fibrous tissue, 943 ; of dentine, 944 Gesneria, seeds of, 649 Ghostly diffraction image, Nelson on, 72 note •Gibbes (Heneage) on multiple staining, 438 ; on staining Bacteria, 438 Gill (C. Haughton) on the ' decs ' of Navicula, 522 Gillett's condenser, 184, 250 Gills of tadpole, 981, 983 Giraudia, conjugation of, 556 — Gizzard ' of insects, 917 Glanders, 588 Glands, structure of, 971 — of Drosera, 639 Glass-cavities in crystals, 997 ; gas bubbles in, 997 Glass-crabs,' 892 Glass inclusions in crystals, 997 — rings for cells, 386, 387 Glaucium luteitm, cyclosis in, 616 ■Glenodinium cinctum, conjugation of, 695 ■■Globigerina, shell of, 723 ; mud, 736 ; mode of life of, 746 ; Wyville Thom- son's views on, 746 ; Carpenter's views on, 747 ; pseudopodia of, 746 GRA Globigerina bulloides, 745 ; in the ' ooze', 1007 — conglobata, 746 — ooze, 748, 1007 ; resemblance to chalk, 1009 — rubra,, colour of, 724 Globigerine shell, sandy isomorph of, 739 Globigerinida, 745 Globule of Chara, 507, 508 Glochidia of Anodon, 857 Glazocapsa, 477 ; as gonid of lichen, 579 Glow-worm, 879 ; antennas of, 911 Glue and honey cement, 384 Gluten of grass seeds, 650 Glycerin, as preservative medium, 441 ; Hantzsch's method, 444 ; as a preserva- tive medium, Beale's method, 444 — -jelly, Lawrence's mounting in, 443, 449 ; solvent for CaC05, 444 ; for mount- ing insects, 497 ; for mounting cartilage, 971 G'yciphagus Krameri, 937 — paLmifer, 932 — platygaster, 937 — plumiger, 932 ; hairs of, 934 Gnathostomata. (Crustacean), 889 note Goadby's solution for mounting cartilage, 971 Goes (Dr.) on affinity of Carpenteria, 748 Goette on development of Antedon, 827 Gold size, 383 Gomphonema, stipe of, 518, 544 ; move- ments of, 531 ; attacked by Vampyrella, 655 — geminatum, 545, 546; stipe of, 545 — gracile, 551 Gomuhonemea^, characters of, 545 Goniaster equestris, spines of, 815 Gonidial cells, 470 — fructification, 470 — layer of lichens, 577 Gonidiophores of Peronosporea, 568 Gonids, or non-sexual spores of Crypto- gams, 470 note ; of Vaucheria, 492 ; of Podosphenia, 526 ; of Floridece, 561 ; of Fungi, 562 ; of Peronosporea?, 568 Goniocidaris Jtorigera, spine of, 812 Gonium, 475 Gonothecae of Campanulariida, 794 Gonozoid of hydroids, 792; of Sijncoryne, 793; of Tubularia, 793 Gonozoids of Sertulariida, 794 Gordius, 868, 869 Gorgonia, spicules in, 853 — guttata, spicules of, 804 Gorqonice, 801 ; spicules of, in mud of Levant, 1007 Goring (Dr.) on magnification of objects, 44 ' Gory dew,' due to Palmella cruenta, 486 Govi on invention of microscope by Galileo, 122 Graduated rotary stage, 338 Grammatophora, chains of, 517, 534 — angulosa, 550 — marina, 537 INDEX I073 GRA Grammatophora parallela, 550 — serpentina, 536 — subtilissima, 537 Granite, 1016 — fluid inclusions in, 997 Grantia, 781, 785; spicule of, 1008 Grasses, nodes of, 626 ; silex in epiderm of, 629 ; paleae of, 640 ; seed of, 649 Grasshopper, gizzard of, 917 ; wings of, 923 Greensands, microscopic constituents of, 1012 Gregarina, characters of, 674 ; movement of, 675 — gigantea, in lobster, 674 note — Scenuridis, 676 Gregarinida, 674 Gregory (J. W.) on Eozoon, 768 note Gregory (W.) on species of diatoms, 530 note Greville on Spatangidium, 539 ; on Triceratium, 543 note Grey matter, 976 Griffith's turn-table, 391 Griffithsia, 559 Grinding sections of hard substances, 420 Grindl's microscope, 134 Gromia, 659, 660, 721 — and Arcella, pseudopodia of, con- trasted, 671 Ground-mass of rocks, 995 Groundsel, pollen-grains of, 647 Growing slides, Botterill's, 289; Mad- dox's, 289, 290 ; Lewis's, 289 Guard-cells, 640 ' Gulf-weed,' 559 Gum and glycerin, 443 ; and syrup, as a preservative medium, 443 — imbedding for vegetable substances, 427 — arabic, formula, 385; for freezing, 418 — resins, latex of, 620 — styrax, as a mounting medium, 444 ; index of refraction, 445 Gyges, 475 Gymnochroa, 792 Gymnolcemata, 833 Gymnosperms, fossilised, 1005 — generative apparatus in, compared with Cryptogams, 609 Gypsina, 749 H Haddon on budding in Polyzoa, 831 note Haeckel (E.) on Monera, 677 note — on the Gastrcea theory, 677 note — on Badiolaria , 772 ; on nature of sponges, 789 ; on Hydrozoon affinity of Ctenophora, 801 note : — and Hertwig on classification of radiolarians, 773 note Hcematococcns, red phase of Proto- coccus, 473 — sanguineus, 486 Hematoxylin, alcoholic solution, 433 ; HEM aqueous solution, 432 ; Weigert's, 433 ; Hill's method, 433 Hcemionitis, sori of, 600 Haime (Jules) on development of Tri choda, 707 1 Hair-moss,' 596 1 Hair-worm,' 868 Hairs of leaves, 639 ; of insects, 904 ; of Acarina, 934 ; of mammals, 953 Halicaridce, 937 Haliomma Humboldtii, 77(1 — hystrix, 772 Haliotis (diatom), 542 — (mollusc), shell structure of, 852 ; palate of, 855 Haliphysema, 739 ; sponge-spicules in, 747 Haller on auditory organs of Acarina, 934 Halteres of Diptera, 924 Hand-magnifier, Brewster's, 37 Hansgirg on movement of Oscillariacece r 490 Hantzsch's glycerin method for desmids,. 444 Haplophragmium, 739 — globigeriniforme, 738 Hardening agents, 427, 428 absolute alcohol, 428 ; chromic acid, 428 ; osmic acid, 428 ; picric acid, 428 Hardy's flat bottle for collecting, 457 Harpalus, antennae of, 912 Harting on Janssen's microscope, 122 ; his experiments on formation of con- cretions, 1022 Hartnack on immersion system, 27 Hartnack's model, 210 ; his stage, 211 Hartsoeker's simple microscope, 135 ; his condenser, 248 ' Hart's-tongue,' 600. See Scolopen- drium ' Harvest-bug,' 937 'Haus' of Appendicularia. 842 Haustellate mouth, 916 Haustellium, 916 Haversian canals in bone, 946, 947 Hay craft (J. B.) on structure of striated muscle fibre, 973 Hayes's ether freezing microtome, 411 ; minimum thickness of sections there- with, 412 Hazel, peculiar stem of, 628 ; pollen- grains of, 647 Hearing, organs of, in Gastropoda, 865 ; in Cephalopoda, 865 Heart of ascidians, 836 ; of Acarina, 935 Heartsease, pollen-tubes of, 648 ' Heart-wood,' 629 Heating-bath, Mayer's, 393 Heliopelta, 518, 540 Heliozoa, characters of, 659 ; examples of, 662-667 ; pseudopodia of, 770 Helix pomatia, teeth of, 854 — hortensis, palate of, 854 Heller's porcelain cement, 445 Helmholtz on aperture, 47 Hematite in carnallite, 998 3 z io74 INDEX HEM Hemiaster cavemosus, development of, 824 note Hemiptera, eyes of, 911 ; wings of, 923 ; suctorial mouth of, 923 Hensen's stripe, 973 Hepaticce, 590 ; thalloid, 593 ; foliose, 593; elaters of, compared with, spiral cells, &c, of pollen- chamber, 645 Herbivora, arrangement of enamel in teeth of, 949 ; cement in teeth of, 950 Herring, scales of, 982 Herschellian doublet, 257 Hertel's compound microscope, 137, 138 Hertwig's research on Microgromia, 660 note ; on Actinia, 801 note Heterocentrotus, spine of, 809 — ■ mammillatus, spine of, 811 Heterocysts of Nostoc, 491 Heteromita uncinata, life-history of, 685 Heterostegina, 759 Heurek (Van) on markings of diatoms, 522 Ilexarthra, 718 Hicks on amoebiform phase of Volvox, 485 ; on preparation of insect antennae, 913 note ; on structure of halteres and elytra, 924 Hill's (A.) method of using "Weigert's hae- matoxylin, 433 Himantidium, 533 Hipparchia janira, eggs of, 929 Hippopus, 542 Hippothoa, 833 Holland's triplet, 37 Hollis's liquid glue, 384 Hollyhock, pollen-grains of, 646, 647 Holothuria botellus, plates of, 819 — edulis, plates of, 819 — inhabilis, plates of, 819 — vagabunda, plates of, 819 Holothurice, diatoms in stomach of, 544, 552 Holothurioidea, skeleton of, 818; pharyn- geal skeleton of, 819 note ; plates in skin of, 819 ; preparation of calcareous plates, 820 ; direct development in, 824 note Holtenia Carpenteri, 785 Homeocladia, 528 Homogeneous immersion, 312, 313 ; Abbe's combination, 313 — immersion lenses of Powell and Lea- land, 29 ; of Zeiss, 29 — objectives, value of, in study of monads, 687 — system, 28 Homoptera, wings of, 922, 923 Hood of mosses, 596 Hoofs, 953, 957 — sections of, mounting, 450 ; for polari- scope, 450 Hooke's airplication of field-lens to eye- lens, 321 — compound microscope, 130 Hooked monad, 685 Hooker (J. D.) on diatoms of Antarctic Circle, 549 HYD Hooklets on wings of Hymenoptera, 923 Hoplophora, 936 — maxillae of, 934 Hormogones of Oscillariacece, 490; of Rivnlariacece, 490 ; of Scytonemacece, 490 ; of Nostoc, 491 Hormosina globulifera, 738, 740 — Carpenteri, 740 Hornblende, 1001 — corroded crystals of, 995 ; pleochroism in, 1002 Hornet, wing of, 923 ; sting of, 927 Horns, 953, 957 Horny substances, chemical treatment of, 440 ' Horse-tails,' 605. See Equisetacece Hosts of parasitic plants, 462 House-fly. See Musca Hudson on the functions of contractile vesicle of rotifers, 716 note Hudson and G-osse on classification Of rotifers, 717 Human blood-corpuscles, 958 — hair, 954 Husk of corn-grains, 644 Huxley on the ectosarc of Amoeba, 668 note; on coccoliths, 672 ; on Batiiybius, 672 ; on Collozoa, 778 note ; on structure of molluscan shells, 846 ; on pul villus of cockroach, 924 note ; on agamic reproduction of Aphis, 930 Huxley's simple dissecting microscope, 204, 205 Huyghenian eye-piece and spherical aberration, 42 — Airy's modification of, 321 Hyacinth, raphides of, 621 ; cells of pollen-chambers, 645 ; pollen-grains of, 647 Hyaline shells of Foraminifera, 724 Hyalinia cellaria, palate of, 855 Hyalodiscus subtilis, 537 Hyaloplasm, 468 Hydra, collecting, 457 ; cells of, 786 ; intracellular digestion in, 787 ; struc- ture of, 788; reproduction of, 790; gemmation of, 930 — fusca, 787, 789 — viridis, 787 — vulgaris, 787 ' Hydra tuba ' of Chrysaora, 798, 800 Hydrachnidce, 932 ; eyes of, 935 ; mandible of, 933 ; reproductive organs of, 936 ; characters of, 937 Hydrangea, number of stomates in, 641 ; seeds of, 649 Hydrodictyon, 486, 495 — utricalatum, 495 Hydroida, classification of, 792 Hydroids, compound, 791 ; habitats of, 795; Medusce of, 792; planulae of, 792, 795; structure of, 791 et seq.\ examination of, 795 ; mounting, 795 ; polariscope with, 796 ; preparation of, 796 Hydrophilus, antennae of, 911, 912 Hydrozoa, 787-801 INDEX HYD Hydrozoa and marine mites, 937 Hyla, nerves of, 978 Hymene of Ascomycetes, 571 ; of Basidio- mycetes, 576 ; of Uy menomy cetes, 576 Hymenomycetes, 576 ; pileus of, 576 ; stipe of, 576 Hymenoptera, 897 ; eyes of, 911 ; mouth- parts of, 915 ; wings of, 922 ; sting of, 926, 927 ; ovipositor of, 926, 927 Hyoscyamus, spiral cells of pollen- chambers of, 645 ; seeds of, 649 Hypericum, seeds of, 649 Hyphae of fungi, 562 Hypnospore of Hydrodictyon, 495 Hypnospores, meaning of, 470 note Hypoblast, 651 note Hypopial stage of Tyroglypihidce, 937 Hypopus, 937 I ' Ice-plant,' epiderm of, 639 Ichneumonidce, ovipositor of, 927 Illuminating power, 367 — power of objectives, 54 ; compared with penetrating power, 336 Illumination for dissection, 344 — for opaque objects, 147 — oblique, 170, 171, 331 ; in Zentmayer's microscope, 184 — of objects, Ross on, 250 ; by reflexion, 278 ; opaque, 281 ; from the open sky, 355 ; by diffused daylight, 355 ; for dark ground, 356 ; experiments in, 357 ; monochromatic, means of obtain- ing, 360, 361 ; annular, 362 ; double, objects for study with, 366; with small cones, as cause of errors in interpretation, 369 Illuminator, Stephenson's catadioptric, 170, 263-265; oblique, 170; white cloud, 172 ; Wenham's reflex, 265, 266; parabolic, 267-269; Swift's sub- stage, 271 ; Powell and Lealand's, 283 ; Smith's vertical, 284, 285; Beck's, 285 ; Tolles' vertical, 285 Image, real, 14 note ; virtual, 14 note, 321 ; conjugate, 24; inverted conjugate, 24 ; aborption or dioptrical, 64 ; diffrac- tion, 64 ; negative, 64 ; positive, 64 ; solid, 95 ; real object, 321; definition of, 326 ; formed by compound eye, 908, 909 Images, by diffraction, dioptric and interference, 72 Imaginal discs m larva of blowfly, 931 Imbedding processes, 414 ; simple, 414 ; in wax, 415 ; in paraffin, 415 ; metal case for, 415 — masses, 416 ; paraffin, 417 ; wax, 417 ; celloidin, 417 — by coagulation or freezing, 418 Immersion lenses and vertical illumina- tors, 285, 286 homogeneous, outcome of Abbe's theory of diffraction, 312, 313 water, Zeiss's, 317 INT Immersion lenses, water, Amici's, 310 ; Powell and Lealand's, 310, 313 ; Praz- mowski and Hartnack's, 310 ; Tolles', 310 — objectives, 28 ; examination of, 331 — system, 27-29 ; invented by Amici, 27 Imperfect achromatism, cause of yellow- ness, 360 ' Impressionable organs ' in Ciliata, 702 Incidence, angle of, 3 Incident ray, 2 Incus of Botifera, 715 Index eye-piece, 325 — of visibility, 445 Indian corn, epiderm of, 637 ; stomates of, 640 Indigo carmine, 437 Indirect division of nucleus, 468 Indusium in ferns, 600 Inflection of diverging rays, 62 Infusoria, preserved by osmic acid, 428 ; as food of Actinophrys, 663 ; Ehrenberg's work on, 678 ; ciliate, 679 ; character of, 679 ; unicellular nature of, 680 note Infusorial earth, 536, 538, 540, 542, 546, 550, 552, 771 ; from Barbadoes, 771, 774 Injected preparations, 984 Inoceramus, portions of shell of, in chalk, 1009 Insects, 896-931 — parts of, wooden slides for mounting, 390 — parasitic fungi in, 573-574 — mounting media for, 897 ; integument of, 898; tegumentary appendages of, 898 ; scales of, 899-904 ; hairs of, 904 ; parts of head, 906; eyes, 906-911; antennae of, 911 ; mouth-parts of, 913 ; circulation of blood, 917 ; alimentary canal, 917 ; wings of, 918, 922-924 ; tracheae of, 918 ; stigmata of, 919 ; sound-producing apparatus, 923 ; organ of smell, 924 ; organ of taste, 924 ; feet of, 924-926; stings of, 926, 927; ovi- positors of, 926, 927 ; eggs of, 928 ; . agamic reproduction of, 930 ; em- bryonic development of, 931 ; 1 liver ' of, 971 Insect work, polarised light for, 366 Integument of insects, 898 ; of Acarina, 934 Integuments of ovule, 610 Intensity of light, necessaries for, 359 Intercellular substance, 943 ; in cartilage, 970 Intercostal points, Stephenson on, 73 ; not revelation of real structure, 73 Interference, 62 — image, 72 Intermediate skeleton in Foraminifera, 726; of Globigerinida, 745; of Calca- rina, 750 ; of Botalia, 750 ; of Xununu- lites, 751 ; of Eozoon, 764 Internal casts of Botalia, 748 ; of Textu- laria, 748 ; of Eozoon, 765 ; of wood, 1005 ; of shells in greensand, 1012 3 z 2 1076 INDEX INT Interpretation, errors of, 368 ' Interseptal canals ' of Cdlcarina, 755 Intestine, cells of villi in, 968 Intine of pollen-grains, 640 Intracellular digestion in zoophytes, 787 Intussusception, 463 — mode of growth of starch, 620 Invagination, 651 Invertebrata, blood-corpuscles of, 962 Inverted conjugate image, 24 — microscope for chemical purposes (Nachet's), 216 Iodin, as a test for starch, &c, 440 Ipomcea purpurea, pollen-grains of, 646 Iridescent scales of insects, 899 Iris, epiderm of, 637 ; leaves of, 642 ; cells of pollen-chambers, 645 Iris-diaphragm, 229, 252, 253, 260 ; fitted to Abbe's condenser, 259 Iris germanica, epiderm and stomates of, 640, 641 Irrationality of spectrum, 19, 314 Isochelae of sponges, 784 IsoetecB, 607 Isthmia, chains and frustules of, 517, 542 ; structure of frustules, 519 note ; division of, 525 — nervosa, 542 — areolations in, 521 Italian reed, stem of, 624 ' Itch-mites,' 937 Ivory, 948 Ixodes, heart of, 935 Ixodidce, 932 ; integument of, 934 ; audi- tory organ, 935 ; tracheae of, 935 ; characters of, 936 J Jackson's modification of Koss model, 78 ; his limb, 181, 215 ; his model, 190 ; his eye-piece micrometer, 232 Janczewski on antherozoids of Spha- celaria, 555 Janssen on invention of lens, 122; his compound microscope, 122 Jars, capped, for Canada balsam, 447 Jelly-fish. See Acalephce and Medusce Jones's compound microscope, 143, 146 Jinigermannia, 593 Jung's (Thoma's) microtome, 401 K Kaolin, 999 Karop and Nelson on fine structure of diatoms, 521 note Karyokinesis in monads, 688 Kellner's eye-piece, 42, 322 ; as a conden- ser, 177 Kent (Saville) on contractile vacuoles of Volvox, 481 note ; on Flagellata, 689 Keplerian telescope, Drebbel's modifica- tion as a microscope, 123 Keramosphcera Murray i, 735 note LAR Keratose network of sponges, preparation of, 779, 781 Kidneys of Vertebrata, 971 King-crab, 881 Kirchner on the oospores of Volvox, 484 Klebs on mucilaginous sheath of des- mids, 510; on movement of desmids,. 510 — and Biitschli on the 'cilia' of Dino- flagellata, 695 Klein on Volvox, 484 note Knife, two - bladed, Valentin's, 398 ; special, for microtome, 399 Koch's method of sectionising corals,. 802 Kowalevsky on development of ascidiansr 841 note Krukenberg on digestionin sea-anemones,. 787 Kiitzing on Palmodictyon, 487 ; on struc- ture of frustules of diatoms, 519 ; his classification of diatoms, 532 L Labarraque's fluid for bleaching veget- able substance, 427 Labels, permanent, 454 Labryinthic structure of Cyclammina,. 741 ; of Parkeria, 743 Labyrintliodon, tooth of, 1013 Lacunae and canaliculi of bone, misinter- pretation of, 370 — of bone, 943-945 ; dimensions of, in various animals, 946 — relation of size to that of blood-cor- puscle, 946 Lagena, 721, 744 Lagenida, 744 Laguncula, 835, 874 — stolon of, 828 ; polypides of, compared with ClavellinidcB, 839 — repens, anatomy of, 828, 829 ' Lamellae ' of corals, 802 — of Hipnenomycetes, 576 Laniellibranchiata, shell of, 843 Lamellicornes, antennae of, 912 Laminaria, 555, 556 i Laminariacece, 556 Lamna, tooth of, 948 Lamp, Nelson's, 347 ; Beck's, 348, 349; Baker's, 350 Lampyris, antennae of, 912 — splendidula, photograph through eye of, 908 Land-crab, young of, 893 Langley on use of osmic vapour for mucous glands, 429 Lankester (E. Ray) on Bacteria, 581 ; on movement of gregarines, 675 ; on Pro- tozoa, 677 note\ on intracellular di- gestion in Limnocodium, 787 Lantern-flies, wings of, 923 Lapis lazuli, 1016 Larva of Ecliinodermata, 820 ; of As- teroidea, 822 ; of Echinoidea, 822 ; of INDEX 1077 LAT Ophiuroidea, 822; of Crinoidea, 824 ; of ascidians, 840 ; of fly, 931 ; of Acarina, 933 Latex of Phanerogams, 620 Lathrcea squamaria, embryo of, (548 Latieiferous tubes, free-cell formation in, 464 — tissue of Phanerogams, 620 Laurentian rocks, 762, 767 * Laver,' or green seaweed, 487 Lawrence's glycerin jelly, 443 Leaves, epiderm of, 637 ; internal struc- ture of, 641 ; mode of preparation for examination of, 642 Leech, 880 Leeuwenhoek's simple microscope, 134 Legg'smethod of selecting Foraminifera, 769 Legs of insects, 924, 926 ; of Acarina, 932, 934 Leguminosa, seeds of, 610 Leiosoma palmacinctum, 932; hairs of, 934 Leitz's objectives, 320 — semi-apochromatic objective, 320 Lens spherical, 12 ; biconvex, 12, 13 ; plano-concave, 13 ; diverging meniscus, 13 ; plano-convex, 13, 15, 22, 37 ; con- verging meniscus, 13 ; biconcave, 13 ; piano - convex, focal length of, 15 ; crossed biconcave, 16 ; crossed bicon- vex, 16 ; equiconvex, 16, 22 ; Stanhope, 37 ; Coddington, 37 ; Briicke, 38 — from Sargon's palace, 121 — invention of, 121-122 — achromatic, Charles's, 146 ; Barlow's, 147 Lenses, refraction by, 10, 25 — homogeneous immersion, of Powell and Lealand, 29 ; of Zeiss, 29 — fluorite ; for apochromatic objectives, 34, 35 — combination of, 37 — resolving power of, 64 ; amplifying power of, 25, 26 — testing by Coscinodiscus, 333 Lepadidce, 891 Lepidium, seeds of, 649 Lepidocyrtus curvicollis, scales of, 903 Lepidodendra, 607, 1005 Lepidoptera, scales of, 899, 900; wings of, 905, 923 ; scales of, mounting, 906 ; eyes of, 911 ; antenna? of, 912 ; mouth- parts, 916 ; eggs of, 929 Lepidosteus, bony scale of, 946, 952 Lepidostrobi, 607 Lepisma saccharina, scales of, 900, 901 Lepismidie, 903 Lepralia, 833 ; extension of perivisceral cavity of, 851 ; mode of growth in, 828 Leptodiscus (ally of Noctiluca), 694 note Leptogonium scotinum, 578 Leptothrix, form of, 581 Leptus autumnalis, 937 Lern&a, 889 note, 890 Lessonia, 556 Lettuce, laticiferous tissue, 620 LIV Leucite, mineral inclusions in, 998 ; anomalies in, 1002 Lever of contact, Ross's, for testing covers, 381 Libellula, 911 ; respiratory apparatus of larva, 921 Liber, or inner bark, 633 Lichens, 576-579 ; fungus-constituents of, 579 Licmophora, stipe of, 518-533, 534 ; flabella of, 534 — flabellata, 517, 533 Licmoplwrece, 545 — characters of, 533 ; vittae of, 534 Liebcrkuehnia, movement of, 657 — paludosa, 658 — Wagneri, 656-658 Lieberkiihn's microscope, 138 ; his specu- lum, 282-284 ' Ligamentum nucha?,' structure of, 964 Light ; refraction of, 2 ; recomposition of, by prisms, 18 ; convergence of, 18 ; path of, through compound microscope, 40 ; quantity of, 50, 51, 54 ; emission of, 51, 54; quantity of, and aperture, 54 note; cone of, 170; monochromatic, 271, 372 ; intensity of, necessaries for, 359 — modifiers, 284 Lignified tissue, test for, 440 Lignites, 1005 Lignum vitce, wood of, 629 Lilac, pith of, 611 Lilium, experiments with pollen-grains of, 646 ' Lily- stars,' 824. See Crinoidea Limax maximus, palate of, 854 — shell of, imitated, 1023 — rufus, shell structure of, 852, 856 Lime, raphides of, 621 Limestone rocks, 1007 Limn&us stagnalis, nidamentum of, 858 ; velum of, 860 Limnocaridce , characters of. 937 Limnocharis, seeds of, 649 Limnocodium, intracellular digestion ■in, 787 Limpet. See Patella Limulus, 881 Linaria, seeds of, 649 Lister's struts for support of body, 147 ; his influence on improvement of Eng- lish achromatic object-glasses, 148 ; his zoophyte trough, 297 ; his discovery of two aplanatic foci, 304 ; his note on Chevalier's objectives, 304 ; his influ- ence on microscopical optics, 305 ; his triple-front combination, 309 Listrophorus, 932 Lithasteriscus radiatus, 550 Lithistid sponges, spicules of, 784 Lithocyclia ocellus, 771 Lituola, 739 Lituolce, large fossil forms of, 741 Lituolida, 739 Live-boxes, 294, 295 Liver, 971 INDEX LIV Liver-cells, 972 ' Liverworts,' 590. See Hepaticce Lobosa, characters of, 659 ; examples of, 667-672 Lobster, 881 ; metamorphosis of, 893 ' Lob-worm,' 872 Loculi, of anthers, 644 Locust, gizzard of, 917 ; ovipositors of, 928 Locust a, eye of, 911 Loftusia, 743 Loligo, pigment-cells of, 866 Lomas (J.) on calcareous spicules in Alcyonidium, 832 note ' London Pride,' parenchyme of, 613 Longicornes, antennae of, 912 Lophophore of Polyzoa, 829, 874 ; of fresh-water Polyzoa, 833 Lophopus, collecting, 458 Lophospermum erubescens, winged seed of, 649 Lopkyropoda, 883 Lorica of Acineta, 697 ; of Ciliata, 700 ; of Botifera, 715 Loup-holders, 203 — for tank work, Steinheil's, 224 Loups, Reichert's, 38; Steinheil's, 38, 322, 457; Steinheil's aplanatic, 205; Zeiss's, 261 Louse, mounting media for, 897 Loven on classificatory value of palates in Gastropoda, 856 Loxosoma, lophophore of, 833 Lubbock on Thysanura, 901 ; on Podara scale, 903 Lucanus, 911 ; antennas of, 912 Luminosity of Noctiluca, 690 ; of Cteno- phora, 806 ; of annelids, 879 Lungs, circulation in, 980, 984 Lychnis, seeds of, 649 LycJmocanium falciferam, 111 — lucerna, 111 Lycoperdon, 575 ; hymene of, 576 Lycopodiacece, 606; in coal, 1006 Lycopodiece, 606 Lyminas, collecting, 457 Lymph corpuscles, 961 Lysigenous spaces in Phanerogams, 613 M Maceration of vegetable tissues, 624 ; Schultz's method, 625 Ma chilis polypoda, scale of, 902 Machines for cutting hard sections, 424, 425 Macrocystis, 556 Macrospores of Polytoma, 685 ; of sponges, 781 Macrourous Decapoda, young of, 893, 894 Madder, cells of pollen-chambers, 645 ' Madre,' Acanthometra occurring in, 777 Madrepores, 802 Magenta as a selective stain, 436 Magma, 996 Magnetite, 995 MEA Magnification, range of, 147 Magnifying power, 367 ; determination of, 238 Mahogany, size of ducts of, 624 ; stem of, 630 Malacostraca, 892 1 Male ' plants of Polytrichum, 596 Mallei of Botifera, 715 Mallow, pollen-grains of, 646, 647 Malpighian vessel of Gamasidce, 935 — layer of skin in mammals, 966 — bodies in vertebrate kidney, 971 Maltwood's finder, 246 Malva sylvestris, pollen-grains of, 646 Malvacece, pollen-grains of, 646 Mammalia: lacunae in bones of, 946; plates in skin of, 950 ; epidermic ap- pendages of, 953; red blood-corpuscles of, 958, 959 ; epidermis of, 966 ; muscle fibre of, 973; lungs of, 989 Mammary glands, 971 Man, arrangement of enamel in teeth of, 949 ; cement in teeth of, 950 ; hair of, 955 ; muscle fibre of, 973 ; lung of, 989 Mandibulate mouth, 913 ' Mantle ' and growth of shell in Mollusca, 849 Marble derived from limestones, 1011 Marchantia, 590-593 ; archegones of, 596 ; prothallium of, 602 ; stomates of, 640 ; elaters of, 645 — androgyna, 590 — polymorpha, 590-593 Margaritacece, 843; nacreous layer of, 846 ; prismatic layer of, 847 ' Marginal cord ' of Calcarina, 755 — of Nummulites, 759 Marine forms, collecting, 458 — glue for forming ' cells,' 385 — mites, 937 — work, tow-net for, 458 ; dredge for, 458 ; stick-net for, 459 Marshall's compound microscope, 135, 136 Marsipella elongata, 738 Martin's ' pocket reflecting microscope, 138 ; his large microscope, 139 ; his achromatic microscope, 145 ; his re- flecting microscope, 145 ; his achro- matic objective, 145 Marzoli's achromatic lenses, 302 Masonella, 736 Mastax of Botifera, 715 Mastigophora Hyndnianni, 830 Mastogloia, stipe of, 518, 548 ; gelatinous sheath of, 518, 548 ; development of, 526 ; range of variation in, 547 — la?iceolata, 548 — Smithii, 548 Matthews's method of sectionising hard substances, 420 Mayall on history of microscope, 119 ; on Assyrian ' lens ' from Sargon's palace, 121 ; on Divini's microscope, 132 Mayall's removable mechanical stage, 194 Mayer's heating bath, 393 ' Meadow-brown,' eggs of 929 INDEX 1079 MEA ' Measley pork,' due to Cijsticercus, 868 ' Mechanical finger ' for selecting diatoms, \ 554 — movements of the stage in Tully's j microscope, 147 , g^fc^cr^ 215 T u'rrell's, 165 ; Tolles', 1G6 ; Zeiss's, 167 ; MayaH's removable, 194 — tube-length of microscope, 155 Continental, 156 Medullary rays, 629 in dicotyledons, 627 ' Medullary sheath ' of Exogens, 623 ; of dicotyledons, 627 Medusa of fresh water. 787 Medusa, mounting, 388 ; of Hydroids, 792 ; naked-eyed, 792 ; development of, 798 ; alternation of generations in, 801 ; nerves of, 976 Medusoids, collecting, 459 Megalopa, 894 Megaloscleres, 783 Megasphere of certain Foraminifera, 727 Megaspores of Rhizocarpece, 606 ; of carboniferous trees, 607 ; of Isoetece, 607 ; of Selaginellece, 607 Megatherium, teeth of, 950 Megatricha of Ehrenberg, a phase in development of Suctoria, 698 ; Badcock on, 698 Megazoospores of Ulothrix, 486; of TJlva, 489 ; of Scenedesmus, 496 Megerlia lima, shell of, 851 Melanosporea , 554 Meleagrina, 843, 846 — margaritifera, 847 Melicerta, collecting, 457 ; in confine- ment, 458 Melicertadce, 717 Melolontha, eye of, 911 ; antennae of, 912 ; spiracle of larva, 920 — vulgaris, eye of, 907 Melosira, frustules of, 517, 530 ; auxo- spores of, 525, 526, 530 ; sporules of, 526 ; zygospore of, 530 — ochracea, 537 — subflexilis, 523, 524 — varians, 523, 524 ; endochrome of, 527 Melosirece, characters of, 537 ; resem- blance to Confervacece, 537 Membrana putaminis, 962 Membranipora, 832, 833 Membraniporiche , 832 Mercury nitrate as a test for albuminous substances, 440 Mereschkowski on movements of diatoms, 531 Meridiece, 545 — characters of, 533' Meridiem circulare, oil, 532, 533 Merismopedia, 477 ' Mermaid's fingers,' 803. See Alcyonium Mesembryanthemum, seeds of, 649 — crystallinum, epiderm of, 639 Mesocarpus, conjugation of, 478; zygo- spore of, 478 MIC Mesoderm of sponges, 780 Mesoglcea of Hydra, &c, 788 note Mesophlceum, 633 Metal case for imbedding, 415 Metamorphism of rock-masses, 999, 1000; of limestones, 1011 Metamorphosis of Lerncea, 890 ; of Cirripedia, 892 ; of Malacostraca, 892, 893 Metazoa, 652, 779 Meteorites in oceanic sediments, 1015 Metschnikoff on acinetan character of Erythropsis, 702 ; on intracellular di- gestion, 787; on phagocytes, 961 note Mica, 1000, 1001 Michael's (A.) opalescent mirror, 172 Micrasterias denticulata, binary divi- sion of, 512 ; form of cell of, 575 Micro-chemistry in Petrology, 1004 ; of poisons, 1023 Micrococci, form of, 581 Microcysts of Myxomycetes, 565 Microgromia socialis, 660, 661 Microlites, 996 ; in glass-cavities, 997 Micrometer, Cuff's, 140 — use of, 231 — eye-piece, 323 Nelson's new, 227, 228, 229 ; Jack- son's, 232 Micrometers, 226-233 Micron, a, 82 note, 400 Micro-petrology, 991 ' Microplasts ' of Bacterium rubescens, 588 note Micropyle in ovule, 610 ; of Euphrasia, 648 ; in orchids, Arc, 648 Microscleres, 783, 784 Microscope, Mayall on the, 119 ; history and evolution of the, 119-225 ; inven- tion of, 122 ; inventor of the name, 126 ; essentials in, 154-172; adjustments in, 156-165 ; stage of, 165-168; desiderata in, 215 ; preservation of, 278 — Galileo's, 129 ; Campani's, 130 ; Pritchard's, with Continental fine ad- justment, 150 ; Ross-Jackson model, . 151 ; Powell's (H.), 153 ; Smith and Beck's, 153 — achromatic, Euler on 145 ; Martin's, 145; Chevalier's, 146, 148; Selligue's, 146 ; Tullv's, 147 ; Ross's early form of, 150 — aquarium, 219-225 — binocular, 61 ; Riddell's, 97 ; Nachet's, 98; Che'rubin d'Orle'ans', 132; Wen- ham's stereoscopic, 98 ; Stephenson's, 100, 395 ; Ross-Zentmayer's, 178 ; Powell and Lealand's, 107, 175 ; Ross's, 177 ; Rousselet's, 200 — chemical, Nachet's, 216 ; Bausch and Lomb's, 217-220 — compound, 36, 39, 123, 127 ; construc- tion of, 39 ; path of light through, 40 ; Rezzi on invention of, 127 ; Hooke's, 130 ; de Monconys', 130 ; Divini's, 131 ; Janssen's, 122 ; Marshall's, 135 ; Hertel's, 138 ; Martin's, 139 ; Adams's io8o INDEX MIC variable, 140, 146 ; Jones's, 143, 146 Microscope, concentric, 171, 178 — demonstration, 225 — dissecting, Beck's histological, 197 ; Stephenson's binocular, 201 ; Ward's, 205 ; Baker's (Huxley's), 204 ; Zeiss's, 205 ; Beck's binocular, 207 — horizontal, Bonanni's, 135 ; Amici's, 146 — petrological, 992 — photographic, 211 — radial, 171, 178 ; Boss- Wenham's, 184 — reflecting, Newton's, 133; Martin's, 139, 145 ; Smith's, 144 — simple, 36, 128, 201 ; path of light through, 25 ; inventor of, 128 ; Bacon's, 128 ; Descartes', 128 ; Bonanni's, 134 ; Ward's, 205 ; Muschenbroek's, 134 ; Leeuwenhoek's, 135 ; Hartsoeker's, 135 — spectrum binocular, 276 Microscopes, modern, Powell and Lea- land's, 172, 190 ; Beck's, 180, 189,190, 194, 196 ; Swift's, 181, 190, 194, 197 ; Zent- mayer's, 184 ; Baker's, 193 ; Continen- tal models, 208 ; Zeiss's, 208-213 — portable, 198-200 Microscopic and macroscopic vision, 62 — determination of geological forma- tions, 1012 — dissection, single lenses for, 38 — investigation of rocks, &c, 990 — vision, principles of, 43 Microscopical optics, principles of, 1 Microscopist's work-table, 341, 345 Microscopy, definition of, 340 Microsomes, 461, 468 Micro - spectroscope, Sorby - Browning, 272, 273 — use of, 277 ; in petrology, 1003 Microsphere of certain Foraminifera, Til Microspores of Sphagnacece, 599 ; of Rhizocarpece, 606 ; in carboniferous trees, 607; of Isoetece, 607 ; of Selagi- nellece, 607 ; of Polytoma, 685 ; of sponges, 781 Microtome, ether-spray, 48 — Byder's, 344 ; simple, 398 ; Rivet's model, 401 ; Thoma's (Jung's), 401-408 ; freezing apparatus. for, 405, 406 — Cambridge rocking, 408 ; advantages of, 411 — freezing, Hayes', 411 ; minimum thickness of sections with, 412 ; Cath- cart's, 412 Microzoospores of Ulothrix, 486 ; of Ulva, 489 ; of Hydrodictyon, 495 ' Mildew,' 566. See Uredinece Miliola, shell of, 724 ; encrusted with sand, 735 Miholce, 121 Miliolida, 726 ; in limestone, 1011 Miliolina, 121 Milioline Foraminifera, fossils of, 726 Miliolite limestone, 1011 MOR Millepore, resemblance of Polytrema to, 749 Millon's test for albuminous substances, 440 Mineral nature of Fozoon, 767 Minerals, analysis of, 1003, 1004 ; micro- scopic testing, 1004 Minnow, circulation in tail of, 981 Mirror, 171, 172 — opalescent, as a substitute for polaris- ing prism, 172 — replaced by rectangular prism, 172 Mites, 932. See Acarina Mobius on mineral nature of Fozoon, 767 Mohl (Von) on protoplasm, 460 note Moist-stage, Dallinger and Drysdale's, 289 Molecular coalescence, 1021 Molgida, development of, 841 Moller's diatom type-slide, 286 Mollusca, larvas of, collecting, 459 — shells of, 843 ; shell- structure of, 843- 849 ; colour of shell, 845 ; mantle and shell-growth, 849 ; palate of, 854 ; de- velopment of, 857 ; ciliation of gills, 864 ; organs of sense in, 864 ; biblio- graphy, 866 ; resemblance of barnacles to, 891 ; ' liver ' of, 971 ; muscle fibre of, 974 ; internal casts of, 1012 ; concre- tionary spheroids in shells of, 1021 Molluscan shells in mud of Levant, 1007 Molybdate of ammonia as a general stain, 437 Monad-form of Microgromia, 662 Monadince, life-histories of, 680-686 ; saprophytic affinities of, 681 ; effect of temperature on, 686; nucleus in 687 Monads, 680. See Monadince Monas, 475 — Dattingeri, life-history of, 681 — lens, 680 Monaxonida, spicules of, 783 Monconys (De), inventor of field-lens, 130 Monera, Haeckel on, 677 Monerozoa, 552-658 Monocaulus, 795 Monochromatic light, 271, 372 — illumination, means of obtaining, 360, 361 Monocotyledons, 625 ; stem of, 625 ; nodes of, 626 ; epiderm of, 637 Monocotyledonous stem, fossilised, 1005 Monocular, Powell and Lealand's, 173, 174 Monocystis agilis, cyst of, Monophytes, digestion in, 787 note Monosiga, fission of, 689 Monothalamous Foraminifera, 721 Monotropa, seeds of, 649 Moracecc, laticiferous tissue of, 620 Mordella beetle, eye of, facets in, 907 Mormo, scales of, 904 Morpho Menelaus, scales of, 900 Morula of sponges, 781 — compared to higher Protozoa, 651 INDEX IO81 MOR ^Morula of Gastropoda, 859 Moseley (H. N.) on skeleton of pharynx of holothurian, 819 note ; on Chiton's eyes, 865 Mosses, 594-599 — " capsules of, wooden slides for mounting, 390 * Mother-of-pearl,' 846 Moths. See Lepidoptera Motion, spiral, 375 Motor nerves, 976 Motorial end-plates, 977 ' Moulds,' 569, 571 Moults of Fntomostraca, 888, 889 ' Mountain-flour,' 551 Mounted objects, keeping, 453; labelling, 453 ; arrangement of, 454 Mounting plate, 391, 392 — instrument, James Smith's, 394 — thin sections, 447 — in natural balsam, 449 ; in aqueous liquids, 450; in deep cells, 451 — diatoms, 450 ; Ophinrida, 450 ; Poly- cystince, 450 ; sponge - spicules, 450 ; chitinous substances, 450 ; palates of gastropods, 450 ; sections of horns, &c, 450 ; Lepidoptera scales, 906 ; wings of Lepidoptera, 906 ; hairs of insects, 906 ; eyes of insects, 910 ; blood, 962 — media, Canada balsam, 444, 449 Mouse, hair of, 954-955 ; cartilage in ear of, 970 Mouth, suctorial, of Hemiptera, 923 — of Acarina, 933 Mouth-parts of insects, 913 Movement, interpretation of, 374, 375 — of Lieberkuehnia, 657 ; of Amoeba, 668; of Dallingeria, 683; of plana- rians, 870 ; of Artemia, 884 ; of Bran- chipus, 884; of fly on smooth surface, 925 ; of white corpuscles, 961 ; of con- nective tissue corpuscles, 965 ; of Oscillariacece, 490; of desmids, 510; of diatoms, 528 ; of Navicular, 531 ; of Bacteria, 581 ; of Ciliata, 701 Mucilaginous sheath of desmids, 510 Mucor, fermentation by, 575 — mucedo, 570 Mucorini, 569 ; spores of, 569 ; epispores of, 570 Mucous glands, Langley's method of preparing, 429 — membrane, 965, 966 ; capillaries in, 986 Mud of Levant, microscopic constituents of, 1007 Mulberry, laticiferous tissue of, 620 Mulberry-mass, 651 Miiller (J.) on the Badiolaria, 771; on larva of Nemertines, 875 Muller's (Fr.) ' Common Nervous System ' in Bolyzoa, 831 and note Muller's fluid, 430 Multicellular organisms, 651 Multiplication of Palmogloea, 472 ; of Protococcus, 474 ; of Volvox, 483 ; of Pahnella, 486; of Bacteria, 581; of Microgromia, 661 ; of Amoeba, 669 ; NAI of Dallingeria, 683; of Heteromita, 685 ; of Tetramitus, 685; of Noctiluca, 694 ; of Peridinium, 695 ; of Suctoria, 698 ; of Ciliata, 704 Multiplying power of eye-piece, 240 Munier Chalmas and Schlumberger on dimorphism of Foraminifera, 127 Munier- Charles on certain fossil Fora- minifera, 493 Muricea elongata, spicules of, 804 Musca, eye of, 911 ; antennae of, 912 — vomitoria, eggs of, 930 ' Muscardine,' 573 Musci, 594-599 Muscinece, 598 Muscle-cells, 975 Muscular fibre, 972 ; structure of, 973; capillary network in, 986 Muscular tissue, preservative for, 443 preparation of, 974 Mushroom, 576 — spawn of, 575 Musk-deer, hair of, 954 Musschenbroek's simple microscope, 134 Mussels. See TJnionidce and Mytilacea Mya arenaria, hinge tooth of, 848 Mycele of Fungi, 562 ; of TJstilaginea 565 ■ Mycetozoa, 563 Myliobates, tooth of, 949 Myobia, 932 ; legs of, 934 ; maxillae of 934 Myobiida, 937 Myocoptes, legs of, 934 . ' Myophan-layer ' of Vorticella, 701 Myopy, 120 Myriophyllum, a good weed to collect, 458 Myriopoda, hairs of, 904 Myriothela, intracellular digestion in, 787 Mytilacece, sub-nacreous layer in, 848 Mytilus, for observation of ciliary motion, 864 Myxamozba, 564 Myxogastres, 563 Myxomycetes, 509 note, 563 ; develop- ment of, 563, 566 ; spores of, 563, 565 ; swarm-spores of, 563 ; affinity with Monerozoa, 652 Myxosporidia, 674, 677 N Nachet on ' immersion system,' 27 ; his binocular, 95, 98 ; his stereo-pseudo- scopic microscope, 208 ; his changing nose-piece, 243 Nacreous layer in molluscan shells, 843, 846, 848 Naegeli and Schwendener on microscopi- cal optics, 67 Niigeli's theory of formation of starch, 619 Nails, 953, 957 Nais, 879 io82 INDEX NAP Naphthalin, monobromide of, as amount- ing medium, 445 ; refractive index of, 444 Narcissus, spiral cells of pollen-chambers in, 645 Nassula, mouth of, 702 Nauplius, compared with Pedalionidce, 719 Nautiloid shell of Foraniinifera, 722 Nautilus, 858 Navicula, 520, 528, 546 ; markings on, 522 ; cysts of, 526 ; zygospores of, 526 ; zoozygospores of, 526 — bifrons, presumed relation to Sicri- rella microcora, 532 note — in chalk, 1009 — lyra, as test for definition, 368 — rhoriiboides, markings on, 521 ; as test for definition, 368 Naviculacece, frustule of, 518 ; ostioles in, 519 Naviculece, characters of, 546 Nebalia, carapace of, 886 Needles for dissection, their mode of use, 397 Negative aberration, 27, 309 note — crystals, 997 — eye-pieces, 321, 322, 323 Nelson on the sub-stage condenser, 72 ; his model, with Swift's fine-adjustment screw, 163 ; his horse-shoe stage, 167, 190; his fine adjustment to the sub- stage, 169 ; his screw micrometer eye- piece, 227 ; his new micrometer eye- piece, 228, 229 ; his ' black dot,' 233 ; his plan for estimating edges of minute objects, 233 ; his changing nose-piece, 244; his revolving nose-piece, 244; his lamp, 347 ; his means of obtaining mono- chromatic illumination, 361 ; his gelatin, 443 — on ghostly diffraction images, 72 note Nelson and Karop on fine structure of diatoms, 521 note Nemalion multifidum, 560 Nematodes, desiccation of, 869 Nematoid worms, 868 Nemertine larva, 875 Nepa, tracheal system, 919 ; wings of, 924 — ranatra, eggs of, 929 Nepenthes, spiral fibre-cells of, 623 Nereidce, 872 Nereocystis, 556 Nerve-cells, 975 — staining with blue-black, 437 Nerve-fibres, 976 Nerve-substance, 975 ; mode of prepara- tion, 978 Nerve-tubes, 975 Nerves, preservative for, 443 Nervures of wing of Agriou, 918 Nettle, hairs of, 639 Neuroptera, 897 ; eyes of, 911 ; circula- tion in wings of pupa, 918 ; wings of, 922 Newt, red blood-corpuscles of, 959 ; cir- culation in gills of larva, 981 NUC Newton's reflecting microscope, 133 — suggestion of reflecting microscope,. 144 rings, 1018 Nicol prisms, 269 Nicol's analysing prism, 244 ; for re- solving striae, 325 Nicotiana, seeds of, 649 ' Nidamentum ' of Gastropoda, 858 Nitella, 505, 506 Nitrate of silver for tendon-cells, &c.,. 437 Nitric acid as a test for albuminous sub- stances, 440 Nitrogenous substances, test for, 440 Nitzschia, 528 — scalaris, cyclosis in, 577 — sigmoidea, 535 Nitzschiece, 535 Nobert's test lines, 286 Noctiluca, collecting, 459 ; tentacle (flagellum) of, 691, 692 ; cilium of, 691 note ; protoplasmic network of, 692 ;. reproduction of, 694 — miliaris, 690-694 Noctuina, antennae of, 912 Nodes of monocotyledons, 620 Nodosaria, 744 Nodosarince, shell of, 722 Nodosarine shell, sandv isomorphs of,, 740 Nonionina, 754 — shell of, 722, 723 I Nonionine shell, sandy isomorph of, 739 Non-stereoscopic binoculars, 106 I Non-striated muscle, 972, 974 Nose-piece, centring, used as sub-stager 193 ; Brooke's, 241 ; centring, 242 ; Zeiss's calotte, 242 ; Beck's rotating, 242; Powell and Lealand's, 242; Na- chet's changing, 248 ; analysing, 244 ; Nachet's changing, 244 ; Nelson's re- volving, 244; Vogan's, 244 Nosema bombycis, cause of pebrine,. 588 Nostoc, 490, 491 ; as gonid of lichen, 579 ; resemblance of Oplirydium to, 705 Nostocacece, 490; affinities with Bacteria,. and Myxomycetes, 580 ! Notochord in Tunicata, 835 ; of Appen- dicularia, 842 Notonecta, 911 ; wings of, 924 Nucellus, 610 Nuclear stains, 430 — spindle, 468 ; plate, 468 Nuclein, 468 Nucleoli, 464 Nucleoplasm, 467 Nucleus, 464 — of minute organisms, 80 — action of acetic acid on, 440 ; its im- portance to cell, 465 ; division of, 468 'r fragmentation of, 468 ; presumed ab- sence of, in some forms, 652 ; in monads, 687 — and cell division, 943 note Nucule of Chara, 507, 508 INDEX NUD Xudibranchs, nidamentum of, 858 ; em- bryos of, 860 Numerical aperture, 29, 53, 60, 333, 367 ; formula for, 333 ; problems on, 334 of Zeiss's apochromatic series of objectives, 318 ; of dry objective, 334 ; of water-immersion, 334 ; of oil-im- mersion, 334 and resolving power of objective, 336 — apertures, table of, 84-87 Nummuline layer of Eozoon, 764 — plan of growth, Parker and Rupert Jones on, 752 note Kummirfinidce, 751 Nummulites, 751, 752, 756 — distans, 757 — garansensis, 757 — laevigata, 757 — striata, internal cast of, 759 — tubuli in shell of, 725 Nummulitic limestone. 756, 760, 1007, 1011 Nuphar lutea, parenchyme, 612 ; stellate cells of, 612 Nvmph of Acarina, 933 ; of Oribatidce, 933 O Oak, size of ducts in, 624 — galls, 927 Oberhiiuser's spiral fine adjustment, 151 Object-glass of compound microscope, 36, 39 ; of long focus, 40 ; of short focus, 40; capacity of, 326 Object-glasses, power of, 44 — — testing, 325 ; Abbe's method of testing, 326-333 ; diaphragms for use in testing, 329 ; Tripp's method of testing, 330 Object-holder for Thoma's (Jung's) mi- crotome, 403, 404 — changer, Zeiss's, 243, 244 Objectives, achromatic, 19, 32 ; aplanatic, 19 ; apochromatic, 19, 30, 34, 80, 211 ; corrected, 20, 21 ; immersion, 28, 34, 58; aperture of, 43, 65, 333 ; maximum aperture of, 44 ; comparison of, 46 ; illuminating power of, 54 note ; im- mersion v. dry, 54, 79 ; dry, with balsam mounted objects, 55 ; dry, 58 ; dry, for study of life-histories, 81 ; penetrating power of, 83, 336 ; sliding plate with, 241 ; rotating disc with, 241 ; of wide aperture, 316; of small aperture, ex- animation of, 332 ; tests for, 332, 337 ; readying power of, and numerical aper- ture, 336 — triple-back, 310 ; "Wenhani's duplex front, 311 ; Leitz's, 320 ; Reichert's, 321 ; adjusting, 306, 309 — achromatic, Martin's, 145 ; Marzoli's, 302: Tully's, 303; Selligue's, 303; Amici's, 304 ; Ross's, 305, 309 ; Powell's, 305, 309 ; Smith's, 305, 309 ; Wenham's, 310 ; covers for use with, 3S0 OPE Objectives, apochromatic, 314, 315, 320 — oil-immersion, Amici's, 312 ; Tolles', 312 ; Zeiss's, 313, 317 — water-immersion, Powell and Lea- land's, 310, 313 ; Prazmowski and Hartnack's, 310 ; Zeiss's, 317 Oblique illumination, 170, 171, 331 — illuminator, 170 Obliteration of structure bv diaphragms, 68 Occhiale, Galileo's, 124, 125 Occhialino, Galileo's, 123, 126 Oceanic sediments, microscopic examina- tion of, 1014 Ocelli of planarians, 871 ; of insects, 906, 910 Ocellites of compound eye, 906 Ocular, 40, 321; spectral, 276 (Edogoniacea3, 502, 503 (Edogonium ciliatum, 502 (Enothera, pollen-grain, 646; emission of pollen-tubes of, 647 ; embryo of, 648 Oil for immersion lenses, suggested by Amici, 29 — of cassia, used with Stephenson's illuminator, 265 — of cedar - wood, for immersion ob- jectives, 29 Oil-globules, 370, 371 Oil-immersion, 29 objectives, Amici's, 312; Tolles', 312 ; Zeiss's, 317 Oils, solvents for, 441 Okeden on isolation of diatoms, 553 note Oleander, epiderm of , 638 ; stomates of, 641 Olivine, alteration of, 1001 — corroded crystals of, 995 Onchidium, eyes of, 865 Oncidium, spiral cells of, 618 Onion, raphides of, 621 Oogones of Vaucheria, 492'; of Sph&ro- plea, 501 ; of (Edogonium, 503 ; of Chara, 507; of Fucacea, 556, 557; of Peronosporece, 567 Oolitic rocks, structure of, 1011 Oophyte in ferns, 605 Oospheres, use of the term, 467 note ; of Volvox, 484; of Vaucheria, 492 ; of Sphceroplea, 501; of (Edogonium, 502 ; of Chara, 507 ; of Phceosporece, 556; of Fucace&, 557; of Marchantia, 593; of ferns, 604 Oospores, 470; of Volvox, 484; of Vaucheria, 493 ; of Achhja, 495 ; of Sph&roplea, 500; of (Edogonium, 503 ; of Chara, 509 ; of Fucacea?, 558 Ooze, Globigerina, organisms in, 736, 745 ; compared with chalk, 1007 Opalescent mirror as a substitute for polarising prism, 172 Opalina, 702 Opaque illumination by side reflector, 281 — mounts, 283 ' Open ' bundles, 635 1084 INDEX OPE Operculina, 752, 755; and Nummitlites compared, 759 Operculum of mosses, 596 Ophiacantha vivipara, development of, 824 note Ophioglossacece, development of pro- thallium of, 604 Ophioglossum, sporanges of, 601; pro- thallium of, 606 Ophiothrix pentaphyllum, spines of, 815 ; teeth of, 816 Ophiurida, mounting, 450 Ophiuroidea, skeleton of, 815 ; spines of, 815; teeth of, 816; larva of, 822; direct development in, 824 note Ophrydia, quantities of, 706 Ophrydina, colonies in, 705 Ophrydium, cellulose in zob'cytium of, 706 — versatile, effect of light on, 702 Ophryodendron, 697 Opium poppy, latex of, 620 Optic axis of Powell and Lealand's No. 1, 174 ; of Baker's third-class, 194 Optical anomalies in petrology, 1002 — centre, 24 — tube-length of microscope, 155 — tube-length, Continental, 156 Orals of Antedon, 825 Orbiculina, 728, 729, 733 — shell of, 722 — compared with Heterostegina, 759 Orbitoides, 757 — Fortisii, 760 Orbitolina, 749 Orbitolince, occurring with flint instru- ments, 749 Orbitolites, 729-735 — shell of, 723 ; range of variation in, 735 ; structure of Parkeria resembling, 742 ; deposits of, 1007 — and Cycloclypeus compared, 726, 760 — complanata, animal of, 732-734 — italiaca, 731 note, 733 — tenuissima, 733 Orbulina, 745 Orbuline shell, sandy isomorph of, 740 Orchidece, pollinium of, 647 Orchids, micropyle of, 648 Orchis, pollen-tubes of, 647 ; seeds of, 649 Organised structure and living action, 460 Organisms, minute, nucleus of, 80 Organs, 463 ' Organs of sense ' in Ciliata, 702 note Oribatidce, nymph of, 933 ; mouth-parts of, 933 ; legs of, 934 ; integument of, 934 ; auditory organ, 935 ; reproductive organs, 935 ; supercoxal glands of, 935 ; tracheae of, 935 ; characters of, 936 Orienting small objects for sectionising, 416; Kingsley's method, 415 Origanum onites, seeds of, (549 Ornithorhyncus, hair of, 954 Orobanche seeds of 649 PAP Orthoptera, eyes of, 911 ; antennae of, 912; wings of, 923; nymph of, 933 Orthoscopic effect, 95; with Eamsden's circles, 107 — eye-piece, 322 Orthosira Dickiei, sporangial frustule of, 524 Oscillaria, movement of, 490 Oscillariacece, 490 — movements of, 375 Oscula of sponges, 780 Osmic acid and fatty structures, 429 Osmunda, sporanges of, 601 — regalis, prothallium of, 604 note Ossein, of bone, 947 Ostiole of conceptacle of corallines, 561 Ostioles of Navicitlacece, 529 ; of Gym- bellece, 519 Ostracoda, 884 Ostreacea, shell of, 847 Ostrich, egg-shell of, 1021 Otoliths compared with artificial concre- tions, 1021 — of Mollusca, 865 Ovarium of Polyzoa, 831 Over-amplification, 88 Over-corrected objective, 20 Over-correction, 307, 308 Overton on Volvox, 484 note Ovipositor of Oribatidce, 936 Ovipositors of insects, 926, 927 Ovule of Phanerogams, 609 — suspensor of, 464 — structure of, 609, 610 ; development of, 647 Ovum of Hydra, 790 Oxytricha, a phase in development of Trichoda, 707 Oxyuris vermicularis, 868 Oysters, shell of, 847 P Pacinian corpuscles, 977 Palaeontology, use of microscope in, 1005 ' Palate ' of Gastropoda, 843, 854 ; classi- ficatory value of, 856 ; preparation of, 856 ; viewed with polariscope, 857 ; bibliography, 857 Paleae of grasses, silex in, 640 Palisade-parenchyma of leaves, 641 Palm, stem of, 626 Palmella, as gonid of lichen, 579 — cruenta, 486 Palmellacece, 486 ; frond of, 486 Palmodictyon, 487 ; zoospores of, 487 Palmoglaza macrococca, life-history of, 471-473 Palpicornes, antennae of, 911 Paludina, infested by Distoma, 870 Pancreas, 971 Pandorma, 475 — morum, generative process of, 485 ; swarm- spores of, 485 Pantocsek's finder, 246 Papaveracecp, laticiferous tissue of, 620 PAP Paper-cells, 38G Parabolic illuminator, 267-269 ; reflector (Sorby's), 281 ; speculum, 281 Paraboloid, 267-269 ; Edmunds', 269 ; Wenham's flat-topped, 269 Paraffin, solvents for, 417 — for imbedding, melting point of, 417 — cells, 386 Paramecium, Cohn's experiments on, 668 ; contractile vesicles of, 704 — aurelia, supposed sexual reproduction of, 710 Parapbyses of Puccinia, 567 ; of licbens, 578 ; of mosses, 596 Parasites, nourisbment of, 462 Parasitic Crustacea, 889 — Fungi, 562 Parietal utricle, 463 Parker (T. J.) on osmic acid for Ento- mostraca, 428 ; on use of osmic acid for vegetable structures, 428; on Hydra, 787 Parkeria, 742 ; a possible Stromato- poroid, 742 note Parnassia, seeds of, 649 Parthenogenesis, 931 note — in Saprolegnice, 569 Passiflora car idea, pollen-grains of, 646 Passiflorea?, pollen-grains of, 646 Paste-worm, 869 Pasteur's solution for growing yeast, 574 note ; his experiments with Bacteria, 587, 588 Patella, shell structure, 852 ; palate of, 855 Path of ray of light through a compound microscope, 40 Pathogenic bacteria, 585 Pavement epithelium, 968 Pear, constitution of fruit, 618 ' Pearl oyster.' See Meleagrina Pearls, 847 1 Pebrine ' in silkworms, 588 Peccary, hair of, 954 Pecten, prismatic layer in, 848 ; pallial eyes of, 864 ; eye of, 865 ; fibres of adductor muscle, 974 Pectinibranchiata, 861 Pectinidce, sub-nacreous layer in, 848 Pedalion, 718 Pedalionida, 718 Pedesis, 373 ; experiments in, 373-4 Pediastrece, 496 ; affinities of, 496 Pediastruvi, zoospores, 496, 497 ; micro- zoospores, 497 — Ehrenbergii, 498 — granulatum, 496, 497 — pertusum, 497 — tetras, 498 Pedicelloriae of echinids and asterids, 813 Pedicellina, lophophore cf, 833 Pedicularis palustris, 648 — sylvatica, embryo of, 648 Peduncle of Lepas, 891 Pedunculated cirripeds, 891 cx 1085 1 PHI Pelargonium, petal of, 643; pollen-grain, 646 Pelletan on osmic acid, 428 Pelomyxa palustris, 669 Peneroplis, 726 — variation in shape of shell in, 722 ; shell of, 724 ; varietal forms of, 728 Penetrating power, 367 in objectives, 83 ; of objective, com- pared with illuminating power, 336 Penetration, 38, 82, 83 Penicillium, fermentation by, 575 — glaucum, 571 ; Pentacrinus asterius, skeleton of, 816 Pentatoma, wings of, 924 Peony, starch in cells of, 619 ' Pepperworts,' 606 Perception of depth, 94 Perch, scales of, 952 Perforated shells of Brachiopoda, 850 Perforation of shell in Foraminiferar 724, 725 Perianth, 643 I Perichlamydium prcetextum, 775 Peridinium uberrimum, 695 Perigone of mosses, 595 Periodic structures, 74 Periostracum of molluscan shells, 846 ; of brachiopod shells, 850 Peripatus, trachea? of, 935 Peritheces of lichens, 578 Peronosporecc, 567, 568 Perophora, respiratory sac of, 839 ; cir- culation of, 839 ' Perspicillum,' "Wodderborn's, 127 Petals, 643 Petrobia lapidum, eggs of, 933 Petrological microscope, Swift's, 992 Petrology: micro-spectroscope in, 1003; micro-chemistrv in, 1004 Pettenkofer's test, 440 Petunia, seeds of, 649 Peziza, botrytis-iovm. of, 572 Pfitzer, on reproduction of diatoms, 523 Plia>odaria, 777 Pha>osp>orea>, 554, 555 Phagocytes, 961 note Phakellia ventilabrum, 782 Phallus, 575 Phanerogamia, woody structures, pre- paration of, 427 — embrvo-sac of, free-cell formation in, 464-466 — relation of, to Cryptogams. 607, 609 ; structure of stems, &c, 610, 625 ; struc- ture of cells, 612, 613 ; intermediate lamella, 613 ; intercellular spaces, 613 ; cell-wall of, 617 ; sclerogen, 617 ; spiral cells in, 618 ; laticiferous tissue of, 620 ; mineral deposits in cells of, 620, 621 ; woody fibre in, 621 et seq.; fibro-vas- cular bundles, 625 ; root, structure of, 625 ; flowers of, 643 ; pollen-grains of, 644 ; fertilisation of, 647 ; ovules of, 647 ; seeds of, 648 Phanerogams. See Phanerogamia Philonthus, antennae of, 912 io86 INDEX PHL Phloem, 635 — of Exogens, 622 Pholas, shell of, 848 Phoronis, 875 Phosphorescence of sea, due to Noctiluca, 693 Phosphorus, as a mounting medium, 445 Photographic microscope, Zeiss's, 211, 212 Photometrical equivalent of different apertures, 50 Photo-micrograph through eye of Lam- pyris, 908 Photo-micrography, 174, 233, 324 — Campbell's differential screw used in, 194 — illumination for, 356 Phryganea, eye of, 907 Phycocyanin in Chroococcacece, 477 Phyco-erythrin, 560 Phy corny ces nit ens, 570 Phycophasin, 555 Phylactolcemata, 833 Phyllites, 1001 Phyllopoda, 886 Phyllosomata, skeleton of, 892 Physarum album, development of, 564 Physcia parietina, 579 Physma chalaganum, 579 Phytelephas, endosperm of seed of, 618 Phytophthora infestans, 568 Phytopti, mouth-parts of, 934 Phytoptidce, 932 ; characters of, 938 Phytoptus, larva of, 933 Picro-anilin, 437 Picro-carminate of ammonia, 436 Picro-carmine, 436 Piedmontite, 1017 Pieridce, scales of, 899 Pigment-cells of cuttles, 866; of ver- tebrate skin, 966 ; of fishes, 967 ; of Crustacea, 967 Pigmentum nigrum, of eye, 967 Pike, scales of, 952 Pileorhiza, 636 Pileus of Acetabularia, 493 Pilidium gyrans, 875 Pilulina Jeffrey sii, 737 Pimpernel, petals of, 644 Pines, pollen-grains, showers of, 646 note Pinna, structure of shell of, 815, 843- 846; prisms of shell of, in Globigerina ooze, 1008 ; prisms of, in chalk, 1009 — nigrina, colour of shell of, 845 Pinnularia, 546 — dactylus, 551 — nobilis, 551 Pinus canadensis, 383 Pipette, 447 Pistil, 647 Pitcher-plant, spiral fibre-cells of, 623 Pith, arrangement of, 625, 627 Pitted ducts of Phanerogams, 623 Placoid scales, 952 Plagioclase felspar, 1003 Planaria, stomach of, 890 Planarice, 869 ; movement of, 870 ; fis- POL sion of, 871 ; ocelli of, 871 ; intracellular digestion in, 787 ! Planarians. See Planarice — allied to Gtenopliora, 806 Plano-concave lens, 13 Plano-convex lenses, 13, 15, 22, 37 Planorbulina, 749 Plantago, cyclosis in, 616 ' Plantain,' cyclosis in, 616 Plants and animals, differences between, 461 Planulae, 792 Planularia hexas, in chalk, 1009 Plasmode in cells of Nitella, 509 note ; of JEihalium, 563 ; of Myxomycetes, 564, 565 Plasmodium of Protomyxa, 654 Plastid, contrasted with cytode, 652 Plastidules, flagellated, of Protomyxa, 654 Plates, calcareous, of Holothicrioidea, 819 Pleochroism, 1002 Pleurosigma, 518, 546 — diffraction image of, 71 — angidatum, 69-71 ; as test for defini- tion, 368; markings on, 521, 522 ' — formosum, as test for definition, 368 — Spencerii, sporules of, 526 Pliny on cauterisation by focussing sun's rays, 119 ; on sight, 120 Ploima, 111, 718 Plumatella, collecting, 458 ' Plumed-moths,' wings of, 923 Plumule of Pieridce, 899 Plutarch on myopy, 120 Pluteus larva of echinoids, 821, 822, 823 Podocyrtis cothurnata, 111 — mitra, 111, 776 — Schomburgkii, lid, 776 Podophrya quadripartita, 697 ; imma- ture form, 698 — elongata, 697 Podosphenia, sporules of, 526 Poditra scale as test for high powers 332 'Podura scales,' 900, 903 Poduridce, 903 Pointer in eye-piece, 325 Poisons, micro-chemistry of, 1023 Polariscope, condensers for use with, 262 ; for examination of gastropod palates, 857 ; crystals for use with, 1017 ; list of objects for, 1020 I Polarised light for insect work, 366 ; use of, in micro-petrology, 992 Polariser, 262, 269 Polarising prism, substitution of opales- cent mirror for, 172 ' Polierschiefer,' 546 Polishing ground sections, 424 — sections of hard substances, 420 slate, 546 stones, 421, 546 Polistes (wasp), with attached mould, 571 Pollen-chambers of anthers, 644 INDEX POL Pollen-grain and tube, 609 — grains, 644 ; form of, 645 ; experi- ments with, 646 — mass, of orchids, 647 — tube, 645 — tubes, traced through the style, 647 Pollinium of orchids and asclepiads, 647 Pollinoids of Floriclece, 561 ; of lichens, 578 Polyaxial spicules, 783 Polycelis levigatus, 871 Poly clinic! ce, 837 Polycystina, 771, 772, 776 — skeleton of, 659 Poly cystines, as test for low powers, 332 ; mounting, 450 Polydesmidce, 905 * Polygastrica, Ehrenberg's erroneous views on, 678 Polygonum, pollen-grains of, 646 Polymorphina, 745 Polyonunatus Argus, scales of, 900 Polyparies of zoophytes, 786 Polypary of hydroids, 791 Polypes, 787. See Hydrozoa Polypide, of Polyzoa, 829 ; formation of buds from, 830 Polypidom of zoophyte, 828 Polypite, of hydroids, 791 Poly Imodium, sori of, 600 Polyporus, 575 Polystichum angular e, apospory in, 605 Polystomella, shell of, 723 — craticulata, 752, 753 — crispa, 752, 754, 765 Polythalamous Foraminifera, 721 Polytoma nvella, life-history of, 684 Polytrema, 749 ; mode of growth com- pared with Eozoon, 763 — miniaceum, colour of, 724 Polytrichuni commune, 595, 596 Polyxenus lagurus, hair of, 905 hair of, as test for objectives, 332; as test for definition, 368 Polyzoa, collecting, 457, 458; keeping alive, 458; 'cell' of, 828; structure of, 828 ; gemmae of, 830 ; muscular system, 831 ; sexual reproduction of, 831 ; ' colonial nervous system,' 831 and note ; fresh- water, lophophore of, 832 ; epistome of, 833 ; classification of the group, 833 ; bibliography of, 834; relation to Brachiopoda, 851; ' liver ' of, 971 Polyzoaries in coralline crag, 1011 Polyzoary, 828 Pond-stick, 456 Poplar, pollen-grains of, 647 Poppv, laticiferous tissue, 620 ; seed of, 648 Porcellanea, 726-735 Porcellanous shells of Foraminifera, 724; of Gastropoda, 852 — and vitreous Foraminifera, difference in, 725, 726 Porcupine, hair of, 954 Pores of sponges, 780 FBI Porphyra, trichogyne of, 561 Porphyritic crystals, glass inclusions in, 997 1 Portable ' microscope, Powell and Lealand's, 198, 199 ; Beck's, 199, 202 ; Rousselet's binocular, 200; Swift's, 198, 200 Port una, skeleton of, 892 Positive aberration, 309 note — eye-piece, 43 — eye-pieces, 321, 322, 323 Potash, caustic, action on horny sub- stances, 440 Potato-disease, 568 — starch-grains of, 620 — tubers, starch in, 619 Powell, T., formula for objective, 34 Powell and Lealand's homogeneous im- mersion objective, 29 ; fluorite lenses, 34, 35 ; high-power binocular, 107 ; sub-stage, 170, 174 ; their microscopes, 173, 189, 190; binocular, 176; achro- matic dry, 190; portable micron-ope, 198; rotating nose-pieces, 242; a hro- matic condenser, 251, 267; new low- power condenser, 252 ; apochromatic condenser, 254; dry achromatic con- denser, 258 ; chromatic oil condenser, 258 ; condenser for polariscope, 262 ; achromatic oil condenser, 263, 267 ; latest condenser, 267 ; bull's - eye, 280 ; vertical illuminator, 285 ; com- pressor, 296 ; protecting ring for coarse adjustment, 301 ; water- immersion objectives, 310, 313 ; ^L- inch objective, for observation "of cyclosis, 614 ; objectives, for study of monads, 687 Powell's (H.) microscope, 152, 153; fine adjustment applied to the stage, 153 — fine adjustment, 161 j Prawn, skeleton of, pigment of, 893 Prazmowski and Hartnack's water-im- mersion objectives, 310 Preparation of vegetable tissues, 427 Presbyopy, 120 Preservative media, 441-443 Primary tissues of Vertebrata, 941 Primordial cells, 465, 466 — utricle, 463 ; of desmids, 510 ; of Pha- nerogam cells, 613 — chamber in Foraminifera, 723; of Orbitolites, 731 Primrose, cells of pollen-chambers, 645 ' Prince's feather,' seed of, 648 Principle of microscopic vision, 43 Principles of microscopical optics, 1 Pringsheim on generative process of Pandorina, 485 ; on Vaucheria, 492 Prism, refraction by, 8, 9 ; Wenham's, 99 ; Stephenson's erecting, 102 — polarising, substitution of opalescent mirror for, 172 — rectangular, in place of mirror, 172 — Nicol's, 244, 269; Nicol's analysing, 325 ; Abraham's, 344 — refracting angle of, 9, 18 io88 INDEX PRI Prismatic epithelium, 968 — layer in molluscan shells, 844, 845, 847, 848 — layer of shells compared with enamel, 949 — shell-substances imitated, 1022 Prisms, recomposition of light by, 18 Pristis, tooth of, 948 Pritchard's doublets, 249 — microscope with Continental fine ad- justment, 150, 151 Privet hawk-moth, eggs of, 929 Problems on refractive index, 5 Procarp, of Floridece, 561 Projection eye-piece. 328 Promycele of Puccinia, 566 Prosenchymatous tissue, 621 Proteus, red blood-corpuscle of, 960 Prothallium of Sphagnacecs, 599; of ferns, 602 ; of Equisetacece, 606 ; of Bhizocarpece, 606 ; of Lycopodiacece, 607 Protococcus, as gonid of lichens, 579 — pluvialis, 473-480 ; life-history of, 473 ; multiplication of, 474 ; zoospores of, 474, 475 ; mobile and still forms of, 475-477 ; encysted, 480 Protomyxa aurantiaca, 652-654 Protoneme of Batrachospermum, 505 Protophytes, 460, 580, 651 — mounting, 442 ; mode of nourishment of, 462 ; movement by cilia and con- tracting vacuoles of, 465 Protoplasm, 461 ; vital attributes of, 461 ; continuity of, 469 ; of Bhizopoda, 658 ; of Noctiluca, 692 Protoplasmic substance in Vertebrata, 941 Protoplasts, 435 Protozoa, 651-712 — mode of nourishment of, 462 — Lankester's papers on, 677 ' Pseudembryo ' of Antedon, 827 Pseudo-navicellse, 675 Pseudo-parenchyme of Fungi, 562 Pseudopodia of Protomyxa, 653 ; of Vampyrella, 655 ; of Lieberhuehnia, 656 ; of Bhizopoda, 658 ; of Beticu- laria, 658 ; of Heliozoa, 659 ; of Gromia, 660 ; of Microgromia, 661 ; of Acti- nophrys, 663 ; of Amoeba, 668 ; of Arcella, &c, 671 ; in ^Lmce&a-phase of monad, 682 ; of Eozoon, 766 ; of Glo- bigerina, 746; of Badiolaria, 712,; of endoderm cells in zoophytes, 787 Pseudoraphidece, 527 Pseudoscope, Wheatstone's, 92 Pseudoscopic effects, 95 — effect with Ramsden's circles, 107 — vision, 92 Pseudo-scorpions, 932 Pseudo-stigmata of Oribatidce, 935, 936 j Pseudo-trachese, on fly's proboscis, 915 note 1 Psorosperms,' 677 Pteris, sori of, 600 ; indusium of, 600 — serrulata, apogamy in, 605 RAP - Pterocanium, 772, 776 Pterodactylus, bones of, 1014 Pterophorus, wings of, 923 Pteroptus, 936 Ptilota, 560 Puccinia graminis, 566 Puff-ball, 576 Pulvilli of insects, 924 ; cockroach, 924 note Pumice, 1014 Pupa of Neuroptera, circulation in, 918 — stage of fly, 931 ' Purple laver,' 561 Purpura, method of examination of egg- capsules of, 863 ; supplemental yolk of r 931 — lapillus, nidamentum of, 858 ; develop- ment of yolk-segments of, 861, 862 1 Puss-moth,' eggs of, 929 j Pycnogonida, 881 ; related to Arachnida,. 883 note Pyrola, seeds of, 649 Pyroxene, alteration of, 1001 — andesite, 999 Q Quadrula symmetrica, 671, 672 Quartz-porphyries, 995 Quartzite, 1001 Quekett (E.) on Martin's microscope,. 189 ; cn production of raphides, 621 ; on preparation of tracheae of insects, 921 ; on minute structure of bone,. 1013 Quekett's loup-holder, 204 ' Quills ' of porcupine, 954 Quinqueloculina, 727 R Radials of An ^edon, 825 Radiating crystallisation, 1017 Radiation of light in different media, 53- 58 ; in air and balsam, 55-57 Badiolaria, collecting, 459 ; skeleton of, 659, 773-777; fossilised forms of, 771, HQ note; central capsule of, 772; zoo- xanthellse in, 773 ; bibliography of, 778' — colonies of, 773 ; distribution of, 778 ; mounting, 778 Radiolarian shells in ' ooze,' 1008 Rainey, on presumed cause of cattle plague, 677 ; on molecular coalescence,. 1021 Ralfs on British desmids, 509 note ; classification, 515 ; on Nitzschia and Bacillaria, 535 Ralph on dehydration by carbolic acid, 450 Ramsden circles, 107 Ramsden's eye-piece, 43 ; ' screw micro- meter eye-piece,' 227, 228 ; positive eye- piece, 323 ; micrometer eye-piece, 325 Baphidece, 527 Raphides of Phanerogams, 620, 621 INDEX RAT of plants and sponge- spicules compared, 784 Rat's intestine, villi of, 986 Rays, scales of, 952 Reagents, mode of labelling bottles, 345 Real image, 14 note ; formation of, 23, 24 — object image, 321 Recomposition of light by prisms, 18 Red ant, integument of, 898 — blood-corpuscles of Vertebrata, 958 ; size of, in various Vertebrata, 959 ; re- lative sizes of, in various Vertebrata, 960 — coral, 801 — corpuscles, flow of, 980 ' Red snow,' due to Palmella cruenta, 486 ' Red spider,' 937 Red spots in Infusoria, 7C2 Reflector, Sorby's parabolic, 281 Refracted ray, 2 Refracting angle of a prism, 9, 18 Refraction, 57 — angle of, 3 — of light, laws of, 2, 3 — by plane surface, 3, 4 ; by curved sur- face, 5 ; by prisms, 8, 9 ; by lenses, 10- 25 Refractive index, absolute, 2 ; of water, 3 ; relative, 4, 5 ; of crown glass, 5 ; of flint glass, 5 ; of balsam, 77 ; of gum styrax, 445 ; of Canada balsam, 445 ; of monobromide of naphthalin, 445; of phosphorus, 445 Refractive index of sihcious coat of dia- toms, 445 — indices of air, of cedar oil, of water, 60 Regulator, Reichert's, 393 Reichert's loups, 38 ; his objectives, 321 ; his thermo-regulator, 393 Reindeer, hair of, 954 Reproduction in Actinophrys, 664 ; of Actinosph&rium , 666; of Clathrulina, 667 ; of Muglypha, 671 ; of sponges, 781 ; of Canipa)iulariida, 794 ; sexual, of Polyzoa, 831 ; agamic, of Entomo- straca, 887 ; agamic, 930 ; of Acarina, 932 Reproductive organs of Acarina, 935 ; of Arachnida, 935 Reptiles, lacunae in bone of, 946 ; cement in teeth of, 950, plates in skin of, 950 ; epidermic appendages of, 953 ; red blood-corpuscles of, 958, 959 ; muscle- fibre of, 973 ; lungs of, 987 Reseda, seeds of, 649 Residuary secondary spectrum, 313 Resins, solvents for, 441 Resolving power of objectives, 367 of object-glasses, 44 ; of lenses, 64 ; of objective and numerical aperture, 75, 336 Respiration of insects, apparatus of, 918 Respiratory organ of spiders, 938 Bete mucosum, 966 Retepora, calcareous polyzoaries of, 833 Reticularia, 720 ROS Retic u laria, characters of, (558; examples of, 659-662 Reticulated ducts of Phanerogams, 623 Retinuhe, 907 Revolving nose-piece, Nelson's, 244 Rezzi on invention of compound micro- scope, 127 Rhabdamniina, 738 — abyssorum, 740 Rh abdolith us pipa, 111 — sceptrum, 771 Rhabdom, 907 RhabdopJeura, 833 Rhamnus, stem of, 628 Rheophax sabulosa, 740 — scorpiurus, 740 Rhinoceros, horn of, 957 Rhizocarpea0, 606 Rhizoids of mosses, 594 Rhizome of ferns, (500 Rhizopoda, 658-674, 770 — protoplasm of, 461 ; ectosarc of, 464 ; Archer's papers on, 677 ; Biitschli on, 677 ; skeletons of, 720 ; sarcode of, 942 ; pseudopodial network of, 977 Rhizosolenia, 543 — cyclosis in, 517 Rhizostoma, 798, 800 Rhizota, 717 Rhododendron, pollen-grains of, 647 Rlwdospermece, 503 Rhodospermin, 560 Rhodosporea>, 554 Rhopalocanium ornatum, 773, 776 Rhubarb, stellate raphides of, 621 ; spiral ducts of, 623 Rhynchoflagellata, 694 note Rhynchonellida?, shell structure of, 851 Ribbons of sections, 408 Ribes, pollen-tubes of, 648 Rice, silicified epiderm of, 640 ' Rice-paper,' 611 Rice-starch, 620 Riddell's binocular microscope, 96, 97 Ring-cells, 386, 387 Rivalto (Giordano da) on invention of spectacles, 120 Rivulariacece, hormogones of, 490 Roach, scales of, 952 Rocliea falcata, epiderm of, 639 Rock, ground-mass of, 995; fluxion- structure of, 996 Rocks, method of making sections ofy 991 ; metamorphism of, 999 Rodents, hair of, 954 Roe-stone, structure of, 1011 Root of Phanerogams, structure of, 6257 636 et seq. Root-cap, 635 Rosalina varians, 723 Rose, glandular hairs of, 689 Ross (Andrew) on correction of object- glass, 19-21 ; his early form of achro- matic microscope, 150 ; mechanical movements of his stage, 151 ; his fine adjustment, 151, 161 ; on illumination of objects, 250 ; his arrangement for loek- ■1 A 1090 INDEX ROS ing coarse adjustment, 301 ; his achro- matic objectives, 305-306 ; his lever of contact for testing covers, 381 Boss, model, 177 — and Co.'s tank microscope, 221 Ross-Jackson model, 178 Ross's ' Jackson ' microscope, 151 Ross-Wenham's radial microscope, 178, 180 Ross-Zentmayer model, 178 Botalia, 749 ; intermediate skeleton of, 750 — aspera, in chalk, 1009 — Beccarii, shell of, 722 — Schroeteriana, 750 Rotalian series, 748 Botaliince, colour of shell, 724 Rotaline shells of Foramimfera, 722 — shell, sandy isomorph of, 739 Rotating disc of objectives, 241 Botatoria, 678. See Rotifera Botifer vulgaris, 713 Rotifera, preserved by osmic acid, 428 ; collecting, 457 ; keeping alive, 458 ; as food of Actinophrys, 663 ; divisions of, 678, 712-719, 867, 869 ; habitats of, 713 ; structure of, 714-717 ; mastax of, 715 ; lorica of, 715 ; contractile vesicle of, 716; males of, 717; eggs of, 717; classification of, 717 ; desiccation of, 718, 887 ; bibliography of, 719 ; wheel apparatus of, compared with velum of gastropods, 860, 863 ; winter eggs of, 888 ; non-sexual reproduction of, 930 Rotten- stone, 546 ' Round worm,' 868 Rousselet's binocular portable micro- scope, 200; his tank microscope, 224, 225 ; his compressorium, 295 ; his live- box, 295 Rowland's reversible compressor, 295 Bugosa, 801 Bumia cratcegata, eggs of, 929 Rush, stellate tissue in, 612 Rutherford on freezing process, 419 Rutile in clastic rocks, 998 Ryder's microtome, 344 S Sabellaria, tubes of, 872 Sable, hair of, 954 Saccammina in limestone, 1012 — Carteri, 737 — spherica, 737 Saccharoviyces cerevisice, 574 Sac char omycetes, 574; zymotic action of, 574 ; endospores of, 575 Saccolabium guttatum, spiral cells of 618 Sachs on Chara, 509 note Sago, starch-grains of, 620 Salicylic acid, for mounting, 442 Salivary glands, 971 Salmon, scales of, 952 — disease, 569 SCH Salpce, diatoms in stomach of, 544, 555 Salpidie, 835 Salpingazca, calyx of, 689 Salt solution as a preservative medium, " 442 Salter (J.) on the 'teeth' of Echinus, 814 Salvia verbenaca, spiral fibres in seeds of, 618 Sand-grains surrounded by silica, 999 ' Sand-stars.' See Ophiuroidea ' Sand-wasp,' 898 Sandy isomorphs (Foraminifera), 739 — tests of Litnohda, 739 Santonine, crystallisation of, 1017 Sap-wood, 629 Saprolegnia, 493, 494 note — ferox, 569 Saprolegnice, 569 Saprophytes, 575 Saprophytic organisms, study of, 280 — Bacteria, 585 — fungi, 562 Sarcocystids, 677 Sarcode, 460 note, 461 ; of Bhizopoda, 658 Sarcolemma, 973 Sarcoptes scabiei, 937 Sarcoptidce, mandibles of, 933 ; maxillae of, 934 ; hairs of, 934 ; legs of, 934 ; characters of, 937 Sa,rcoptiri(F, 937 Sarcosporidia, 674 Sargassmn bacciferum, 559 Sarsia, (Medusa of Syncoryne), 793 ' Saw-flies,' ovipositor of, 927 Saxifraga, seeds of, 649 — umbrosa, parenchyme of, 613 Saxifrage, cells of pollen-chambers, 645 Scalariform ducts of ferns, 599 ; as modified spiral ducts, 623 ' Scales,' covering epiderm of leaves, 639 ; of Ela'aqnus, 639 — of Lepidoptera, 899, 900 ; of Coleo- ptera, 899 ; of Curcidio imperialis, 899 ; of Lyccenidce, 899, 901 ; of Pieridce, 899 ; as tests for objectives, 900 ; of insects, markings of, 900 ; of Thysanura, 901 ; on wing of Bepido- ptera, 923 ; of fishes, 950 ; of reptiles, 950, 953 ; Scallops. See Pecten Scarabcei, antennpe of, 912 ' Scarfskin,' 965 Scatophaga stercoraria, eggs of, 930 Scencdcsm its, megazoospores of, 496 Schists, 1000, 1001 Schizogenous spaces in Phanerogams, 613 I Schizomycetes, 579-589 Schizone/ua, 528 — Grevillii, 547 — mucous sheath of, 518, 547 Schizonemece, character of, 547 Schnetzler, on movement of Oscillaria, 190 Schott (Dr.) on improvement of object- glasses, 31 INDEX 1 09 I SCH Schroder on binocular vision, 107 ; his fine adjustment, 100; his camera lucida, 236 Schultz's method of macerating vege- table tissues, 625 Schultze (Prof. E.), his aquarium micro- scope, 222 Schultze (Prof. Max) on identity of ' sarcode ' and ' protoplasm,' 460 note; on cyclosis in Diatomacece, 517 ; on affinity of Carpenteria, 747 Schulze (Prof. F. E.) on soft parts of Euplectella, 785 note Schwendener on lichens, 577 Scirtopoda, 717, 718 Scissors, spring, 396 ; for section cutting, 397 Sclerenchyme of ferns, 600 Sclerogen, 621 Scleroses in Fungi, 562; of Myxomycetes, 565 Scolopendrium, indusium of, 600; sori of, 600 ; sporanges of, 601 Scorpions, 881, 932 Screw-collar adjustment, 309 Scrophularia, seeds of, 649 * Scyphistoma ' of Cyanea, 799 Scytonema, as gonid of lichen, 579 Scytonemacece, 490 ; hormogones of, 490 Scytosiplion, conjugation of, 556 Sea-anemone. See Actinia Sea-anemones, intracellular digestion in, 787 Sea-fans, 801. See Gorgonice ' Sea-jellies,' 777 Sealing-wax varnish, 384 4 Sea-mats,' 832. See Flustra and Mem- ■ branipora Searcher eye-pieces, 323 4 Sea-slugs.' See Doris, Eolis ' Sea-urchin,' 808. See Echinus Sea-weeds, 554 — continuity of protoplasm in, 469 — red, 503 Secondary minerals, 1001 — spectrum, 19, 31 ; overcome by Abbe's objectives, 314 Section cutting, scissors for, 397 — lifters, 431, 432 ; cover glass as, 432 — mounting, 447 Sections, ribbons of, 408 ; of hard sub- stances, 420 ; of bones, 420, 423 ; of coral, 420, 423; of enamel, 420; of fossils, 420; of shells, 420; of teeth, 420, 423 ; of hard and soft substances together, 423 ; of Phanerogam tissues, 624 Sedum, pollen-grains of, 646; seeds of, 649 Seeds, 609, 648 Segmentation of Gastropoda egg, 859 ; of annelid body, 872 Setter's solution for cleaning slides, 380 Selaginella, archegone of, homology of, 610 Selaginellecr. 607 SHR Selective staining, 431 — stains, 436 Selenite, 270 — with mica film, 271 — stage, 270 Selenites, 262 ; blue and red, 271 Selligue's achromatic microscope, 146, 148 ; objectives, 303 Semi-apochromatic objective of Leitz, 320 Sempervivitm, seeds of, 649 Seneca, on magnifying by water, 120 Sense, organs of, in Mollusca, 864 Sensory nerves, 976 — organs of sponges, 780 Sepals, 643 Sepia, pigment-cells, 866 Sepiola, eggs of, 866 ' Sepiostaire ' of cuttle-fish, structure of, 853 ; imitations of, 1023 Septa in shell of Foraminifera, 721, 728, 729 Serialaria, presumed nervous system in, 831 Serous membrane, 965, 966 Serpula, tubes of, 872 Serricomes, antennae of, 911 Sertularia cupressina, 795 Sertulariida, gonozoliids cf, 794 ; zoo- phytic stage of, 801 Sessile cirripeds, 891 Seta of Tomopteris, 877 ' Sewage fungus,' 583 Sexual fructification, 470 — generation of Volvox, 483 I Shadbolt on structure of Arachnoidiscus, 541 Shadbolt's turn-table, 386, 391 Shadow effects, 61 Shark, dentine of, 947 Sharks, scales of, 952 Sheep-pox, 588 Sheep-rot, 869 Shell, bivalve, of Ostracoda, 889 — calcareous, of Reticularia, 658 ; of Microgromia, 661 — silicious, of Dictyocysta, Costonella, 700 — of Foraminifera, 721-726 ; oiLamel- libranchiata, 843 ; of Brachiojjoda, 843 Shellac cement, protection against cedar oil, 384 ' Shell-fish,' 843. See Mollusca Shells of Mollusca, nacreous layer of, 843, 846, 848 ; prismatic layer of, 844, 845,847, 848; colour of, 845; an ex- cretory product, 846 ; sub-nacreous layer of, 847, 848 — of Brachiopoda, 849 : periostracum of, 850 ; perforations of, 850 — of Gastropoda, structure of, 852 — of Cirnpedia, 892 ' Shield' of Ciliata, 700 Shrimp, concretionarv spheroids in skin of, 1021 Shrimps, skeleton of, 893 4 a 2 1 092 INDEX SID Side reflector, 281 — lever, short, fine adjustment, 162 Swift's vertical fine adjustment, 162, 181 Siebold on agamic reproduction in bees, 930 Sieve-plates, 635 Sieve-tubes, 635 ; in Exogens, 622 Sigillarice, 607, 1005 Silene, seeds of, 649 Silex in Equisetacece, 605 ; in epiderm of grasses, 639 Silk glands of spiders, 939 ' Silk-weeds,' 499 ' Silkworm,' eggs of, 929 Silkworm disease, 573 Silpha, antennae of, 912 Simple magnifier, 37 — microscope, 201 Sines, law of, 3 Siphonacece, 491-493 ; Munier-Charles on fossil forms of, 493 Siphonostomata, 889 note Siricidce, ovipositor of, 927 Sirodot on alternation of generations in Batrachospermnm, 504 Skate, muscle fibre, 973 Skeleton, dermal, of Vertebrata, 950 ; fossilised, 1012 — fibrous, of sponges, 781 — silicious, of Heliozoa, 659 ; of Badio- laria, 771 — of sponges, 779; of zoophytes, 786; of Echinoidea, 808 ; of Asteroidea, 815; of Ophiuroide a, 815; of Crinoidea, 816; of Holothurioidea, 818; of Ante- don, 825; of Vertebrata, structure of, 944 Skin, 965 ; pigment-cells in, 966 ; capil- laries in, 986 Skip-jack, antennae of, 911 Slack on the costae of Pinnularia, 546 Slack's optical illusion, 370 Slide-forceps, 393 Slide-glass, 379 Slides for cultures, 288, 289 — Seiler's solution for cleansing, 380 Sliding-plate of objectives, 241 Sloths, fossil, teeth of, 948 Slug. See Limax Slug's eye, 865 Slugs, Botifera in, 713 Smell, organ of, in insects, 924 Smith and Beck's microscope, 153, 154 Smith's Cassegrainian microscope, 144 ; his reflecting microscope, 144 Smith (H. L.) on Tolles' binocular eye- piece, 103 ; his vertical illuminator, 284, 285 ; on classification of diatoms, 527 Smith (James) on use of bull's-eye with high powers, 280 ; his separating lenses, 309; his mounting instrument, 394 Smith (T. F.) on markings of diatoms, 522 Smith (W.) on cyclosis in Diatomacea*, 517; on species of diatoms, 530 note; on habits of diatoms, 548 SPH Smith (W. H.) on structure of frustules, 519 note ; on movements of diatoms,, 531 Snail, 854 ; eye of, 865. See Helix — muscle of odontophore, 974 Snake, lung of, 987 Snapdragon, seed of, 648 Snell's ' Law of Sines,' 49 Snow, crystals of, 1016 Snowberry, parenchyme of fruit of, 613 Snowdrop, pollen-grains of, 647 Soda, caustic, action on horny substances, 440 Soemmering's simple camera, 234 Sole, scales of, 950, 951, 952 Solen, prismatic layer in, 848 Solid cones of light for minute observa- tion, 362 — eye-pieces, 42, 322 — image, 95 - — objects, delineation of, 83 ; correct appreciation of, 88 — vision, the consequence of oblique illumination, 61 Sollas on sponges, 783 note ; on the ex- tensions of the perivisceral cavity in Polyzoa, 851 Sorby (H. C.) on microscopic structure of crystals, 990 Sorby's parabolic reflector, 281 Sorby-Browning's micro- spectroscope, 272, 273 Soredes of lichens, 577 Sori of ferns, 600 Sound-producing apparatus of crickets, 923 Spatangidium, 539 Spatangus, spines of, 813 ' Spawn ' of mushroom, 575 Spectacles, invention of, 120 Spectra, diffraction, 67 — artificial, 274 Spectral ocular, Zeiss's, 276 Spectro-micrometer, bright-line, 274 Spectroscope in micro-chemical opera- tions, 1024 Spectroscopic test, 273 Spectrum, 19 ; irrationality of, 19 — binocular, microscope, 276 j — map, 275 — natural. 274 — of dark lines, 273 ; of bright lines, 273 Speculum, parabolic, 281 ; Lieberkiihn's, 282-284 ; in Smith's illuminator, 284, 285 Spermathecae of Gamasida1, 936 ; of Tip 'og lyp h idee, 9 3 I '> Spermatia of Puccinia, 567 ; of lichens, 578 Spermatic fluid, preservative for, 443 Sperm-cells, 467 ; of Volvox, 483 ; of ferns, 603 ; of sponges, 781 ; of Hydra, 790 ; of Polyzoa, 831 Spermogones of Puccinia, 567 ; of lichens, 578 Sphacelaria, 555 Sphacele, 555 INDEX 1093 SPH Sphcpria in caterpillars, 574 Splueroplea annulina, 500, 501 Sphcei-ozosma, rows of cells in, 512 Sphcerozoum ovodimare, 777 Sphagnacece, 598, 599 Sphagnum, leaf of, 598 Sphenogyne speciosa, winged seed of, 649 Spherical aberration, 14, 15, 31, 249, 251, 254, 331 diminished by Huvghens' objective, 42 Spheroidal concretions of carbonate of lime, 1021 SphingidcF, antennae of, 912 Sphinx, eye of, 911; antennas of, 912 — ligustri, eggs of, 929 Spicules of alcyonarians, 804 — of sponges, 772 ; their names, 783-784 — silicious, of sponges, 781 — calcareous, of sponges, 781 Spiders, 881, 932, 938; microscopic objects furnished bv, 938 ; spinning apparatus, 939 Spinal cord, Hill's method of preparation of, 434 Spindle fibres, 468 Spinnerets of spiders, 939 Spiny lobster, metamorphosis, 893 Spiracles of insects, 919, 920 Spiral cells in Phanerogams, 618 ; mode of preparation of, 619 — crystallisation, 1018 — focussing for projection-lens, 324 — vessels of Phanerogams, 622, 623 ; observation of, in situ, 644 ; of plants compared with tracheae of insects, 919 SpiriferidcB, perforation in shells of, 851 Spiriferina rostrata, shell of, 851 Spirillina, 744 — sandy isomorph of, 739 Spirillum, movement of, 375; granular spheres of, 588 note — undula, 586 — volutans, movement of, 581, 583, 586 Spirit, dilute, as a preservative medium. 442 Spirochete, 581 Sprogyra, 478 ; attacked by Vampy- rella, 654 Spirolina, a varietal form of Peneroplis, 728 Spiroloculina, 727 Spinda, 853 — shells of, bearing Protomyxa, 652 Spirulina, movement of, 490 Splachnum, sporange of, 594 Splenic fever, 588 — due to Bacillus anthracis, 582 Sponge-spicules, 781-784 — mounting, 450 — in Carpenteria, 747 ; in mud of Levant, 1007 Sponges, 779-786 ; skeleton of, structure of, 779, 780 ; reproduction of, 781 ; habitat of, 785 ; preparation of, 785, 786 ; bibliography of, 786 ; pseudopodia STA of cells in, 786; intracellular digestion in, 787 ; fresh-water form of, 787 Spongilla, 785 Spongolithis acicularis, 550 Spongy parenchyma of leaves, 641 ' Spontaneous generation, 686 ; Sporange of Fungi, 562 ; of Marchantia, 590, 593; of mosses, 596; of Sphag- nacece, 599; of ferns, 600 ; of Equise- tacece, 605 ; of Myxomycetes, 565 Sporangia of Lycopodiacece in coal, 1006 Sporangiophores of Mucorini, 569 Spore, use of the term, 467 note Spores of Nostoc, 491 ; of Myxomycetes, 563, 565 ; of Peronosporea, 568 ; of Bacteria, 587; of Marchantia, 593; of mosses, 597 ; of ferns, 601 ; of ferns, method for studying development of, 604 note ; of Equisetacea, 605 ; of Lycopodiea?, 606 ; of gregarines, 675 ; of Monas L-allingeri, 682; of Lycopo- diacea? in coal, 1006 — different kinds of, 470 note — resting, of Cha>tophorace&, 583 Sporidsof JJstilaginea, 565; oiPuccinia, 566 Sporocarp of Ascomycetes, 572 Sporogone of mosses, 597 Sporophores of Myxomycetes, 565 ; of Peronosporea?, 568 ; of Ascomycetes, 571 Sporophyte in ferns, 605 Sporozoa, 674-677 Sporules of Melosira, 526 ; of Pleuro- sigma, 526; of Podosphenia, 526 Spot-lens, 267 Spring-clip, 394 — press, 394 — scissors, 396 ' Spring-tails,' 903. See Podurida Squid, 866 Squirrel, hair of, 954, 955 Stag-beetle, antennas of, 912 Stage, horse-shoe, Nelson's, 163, 190; of the microscope, 165-168 ; concentric, ■ rotatory motion of, 167 ; qualities need- ful in a, 167 ; in Hartnack's model, 211 ; mechanical, 215 ; graduated rotary, 338 forceps, 287 micrometer, 226, 230, 239, 240 — moist, 290 plate, glass, 288 — thermostatic, 292, 293 — Turrell's, 165, 189 ; Tolles', 166, 184 ; Zeiss's, 167 vice, 287 'Staggers' of sheep, due to Ccenurus, 868 Stahl on movement of desmids, 510 Staining, process of, on glass slides, 430, 431 ; multiple, 438 ; double, 438 ; me- thods, 439 ; differential, 439 — Bacteria, 437, 438 — fluids, 432-437 — processes, 430 Stains, violet of methanilin for Bacteria, 437 ; methyl-blue for Bacteria, 638 1094 INDEX STA Stains, Nicholson's blue, 489 Stanhope lens, 37 Stanhoscope, 38 Stcyphylinus, antennae of, 912 Star-anise, tissue of testa of, 617 ; testa j of seeds of, 649 Starch, tests for, 440 ; formation of, 619 — grains, 464, 465 ; mode of growth, 620 ; hilum of, 619 ; in Carina, 620 ; in potato, 620 ; in wheat, 620 ; in rice, 620 ' Star-fish,' 815. See Asteroidea Statospore of Protomyxa, 653 Staurastrum, binary division of, 512; form of cell, 515 — dejectum, 498 Stauroneis, 546 ' Stauros ' of Achnanthes, 545 Steenstrup on alternation of generation s, 801 Stein on affinities of Volvox, 479 ; on contractile vacuoles of Volvox, 481 note; on Flagellata, 689; on Nocti- luca, 694 note ; on Acinetina, 699 note Steinheil's loups. 38 ; his combination of lenses, 38 ; his aplanatic loup, 205 ; his loup for tank work, 234 ; his formula for combination of lenses, 316 ; his triple loups, 322 Stellaria, seeds of, 649 — media, petals of, 644 Stem of mosses, 594 ; of Bryacece, 598 ; of Sphagna eece, 598; structure of, in Phanerogams, 625 ; of Phanerogams, development of, 634, 635; treatment of, for examination of their structure, 636, 637 Stemmata of insects, 910 ; of spiders, 938 Stentor, collecting, 457 ; impressionable organs of, 702 ; contractile vesicle of, 704 ; conjugation of, 711 Stephanoceros, collecting, 457 ; in con- finement, 458 Stephanolithis spinescens, 771 — nodosa, 111 Stepha uvspJt cera phi rial is, amcebiform phase of, 485 note Stephenson on Pleurosigma. angulatinn, 70 ; on ' intercostal points,' 73 — his suggestion on homogeneous im- mersion, 28 — on Coscinodiscus, 538 Stephenson's binocular, 100, 844 ; sub- stage condenser, 101 ; erecting binocu- lar, 102 ; erecting prism, 102 ; cata- dioptric illuminator, 170, 268; binocular dissecting microscope, 201, 203, 395 ; tank microscope, 220 Stereocaulon ramvlosus, 579 Stereo-pseudoscopic microscope, Na- chet's, 208 Stereoscope, 90 ; Brewster's modification of, 91 Stereoscopic binocular, Wenham's, 98; for study of opaque objects, 105, 107 — eye-piece, Abbe's, 103 — vision, 89-98 SUN Sterigmata of Puccinia, 566 Sterile cells of Volvox, 483 Stibbite, 998 Sticliopms Kefersteinii, 819 Stick-net for marine work, 459 Stickleback, parasite of, 890 ; circulation in tail of, 981 Stigmata of insects, 919, 920 ' Stinging hairs ' of nettle, 689 Stings of insects, 926, 927 Stipe of diatoms, 517, 518 ; of Licmo- phora, 584 ; of Gomplionema, 545 Stolon of Foraminifera, 721 ; of Eozoon, 764 ; of Laguncula, 828; of ascidians.. 838 Stomach, follicles of, 971 Stomates, 640 — of Marchantia, 591 Stomopneustes variolaris, spines of, 812 Stone-cavities in crystals, 997 Stone-mit3, eggs of, 938 Stones of fruit, preparing sections of, 624 — of stone fruit, constitution of, 618 Stone-wort, 505 Stony corals, resembled by polyzoaries.. 828 Stop, introduction of, 87 ; in the eye- piece, 42 ; use of, 261, 263 Strasburger's borax carmine, for study of embryo-sac, 435 Strawberry, parenchyme of fruit, 618 Streptocauhis pulcherrimus, 795 Striated muscle, 972 ; size of fibres in different groups, 973 Striatella unipuiictata, 527 Striatellece, characters of, 536 ' Strobila ' of Cyanea, 799 Stromatopora, doubtful character of, 767 Stromatoporoids, 742 note StrophoincnidiC, perforations in shells of,, 851 Stylodyctya gracilis, 775 Suberous layer of bark, 633 Sub-nacreous layer in molluscan shells, 847, 848 Sub-stage, 169-171, 215; Nelson's fine adjustment to, 169; Powell and Lea- land's, 170, 174 ; swinging, 170, 171, 184 ; in Ross-Zentmayer's model, 178 ; in Beck's microscope, 181 ; centring- nose-piece used as, 11)8 ' Sub-stage condenser,' Nelson's, 72 ; Stephenson's, 101 ; compound, 135 — illumination, 248 — simplest form of, 261 Succulent plants, stomates in, 640 Sucker on legs of Sarcoptidce, 934 Suckers on foot of Dytiscus, 925 ; of Cur- cnlionidce, 926 Suctoria {Protozoa), 696-699 — {Crustacea), 890, 891 ' Sugar-louse,' 901. See Lepisma Sulphuric acid, as a test, 440 ' Sun-animalcule,' 662 ' Sundew,' glands of, 639 Sunk-cells, 388 INDEX SUP Super-amplification, 33 Super- stage, 169 Supplemental yolk in Purpura, 862, 863, 931 Surirella, 518, 535; conjugation of, 528 ; zygospores of, 529 ; movements of, 531 ; frustule of, 535 — biseriata, cyclosis in, 517 — caledonica, 551 — constricta, 536 — craticula, 551 — plica ta, 551 Surirellece, 535 Suspensor of ovule of Phanerogams, 464 Sutural line of desmids, 590 Swarm- spores, 466 ; not a new genera- tion, 467 ; meaning of term, 470 note ; of Pandorina, 485 ; of Hydro diet yon, 495; of Cutleria, 556; of Clathrulina, 667 ; presumed, of Pelomyxa, 670 Sweat-glands, 966 ' Sweetbread,' 971 Swift's side-lever, 158 ; vertical side- lever fine adjustment, 162, 181 ; micro- scopes, 181, 190, 194, 197; portable microscope, 198 ; low-power condenser, 252 ; condenser for polariscope, 262 ; sub-stage illuminator, 271 ; micro- spectroscope, 275; live-box, 295; petro- logical microscope, 992 Symbiosis in lichens, 578 Synibiotes trvpilis, hairs of, 934 Symbiotic algae in radiolarians, 773 Sympathetic nerves, 978 Symphytum asperrimum, seeds of, 649 Synalissa symphorea, 579 Synapta digit at a, ' anchors ' of, 819 — i/nhcerens, 'anchors ' of, 819 Synapta?, rotifers in, 713 Syncoryne Sarsii,- gonozob'ids of, 792 Syncrypta, 475 Synedra, 535 Syringamm ina , 736 Syringe for catching minute aquatic objects, 300 Syrup, as a preservative medium, 442 — and gum, as a preservative medium, 443 T Tabanus, 911 ; ovipositor of, 927 Tabellaria vulgaris, 551 Table of numerical apertures, 84-87 — for microscopists, 341-345 ; for dis- secting and mounting, 342 Tactile papillse of skin, 966 ; nerve to, 977 Tadpole, pigment-cells of, 967 ; circula- tion in tail of, 980 ; general circulation in, 981 ; blood-vessels of, 983, 984 — of ascidians, 841 Tadpole's tail, epithelium of, 968 Taenia, 867 Tank microscopes, 219-225 Tannin, test for, 440 Tapetal cells in fern antherid, 603 THA ' Tape-worm,' 8(57 Tardigrada, desiccation of, 8t>9 Tarsonemida;, 937 Taste, organs of, in insects, 917, 924 Teeth, decalcification of, 426 — fossilised, 1012 — in palate of Helix, 854 ; of Limax, 854 ; of Buccinum, 854 ; of Mollusca, 854 — preparation of, 947 — of Echinus, 814 ; of Ophiothrix, 816 ; of Vertebrata, 947 — of elephant, Rolleston on enamel in, 852 ; of Podentia, Tomes on enamel in, 852 Tegeocranus cepheiformis, 932 — dent at us, 932 Tegumentary appendages of insects, 898 Telescope, Barker's Gregorian, 144 Teleutospore generation of Puccinia, 566 Temperature, effect of, on various monads, 686 Tendon, 943 Tentacle of Noctiluca, 691, 692 ' Tentacles ' of Drosera, 639 ; of Suctoria, 697 ; of Hydra, 788 ; of annelids, 873 Tenthredinida*, ovipositor of, 927 Terebella, tubes of, 872 ; gills of, 873 — couchilega, 872 Terebratula bullata, shell of, 851 Terebrutuhe, shells of, 849, 850 Terpsinoe musica, 537 Terpsinoece, character of, 537 Tertiary tints in crystalline bodies, 1018 Tesselated epithelium, 968 Test of Gromia, 660; of Arcella, 670; of Difflugia, 671 Testa of seeds, 649 Testaceous amcebans, 670, 671 Testing object-glasses, 325 ; diaphragm for use in, 329 ; Fripp's method, 330 ; Abbe's method, 326-333 $ £ f Test-plate, Abbe's, 330, 331 Tests, sandy, of Lituolida, 739 .Tethya, spicules of, 1008 Tetramitus rostratus, life-history of, 685 ; nucleus of, 688 Tetranychi, 937 Tetranychus, mandibles of, 933 Tetraspores of Floridea*, 561; of Vam- pyrella, 655 Textularia, 24.H — aculeata, in chalk, 1009 — glolndosa, in chalk, 1009 Textularian form of shell, 723 — series, 748 Textulariida, 736 Textularinice, arenaceous character of, 748 Tlialassicolla, 772, 777 Thallophytes, 467, 470 Thallophytic type, passage to cormo- phytic, 594 Thallus of Ulva, 488; of Ph&osporccr, 555 ; of lichens, 577 Thaumantias Esclischoltzii, 797 1096 INDEX THA Thaumantias pilosella, 797 ' Theca ' of mosses, 596 Thecaphora, 792 Thecata, 792, 794 — zoophytic stage of, 801 Thermo-regtilator, Reichert's, 393 Thermostatic stage, Dallinger's, 292-293 Thoma's (Jung) microtome, 401 Thompson (J. Vaughan) on pentacrinoid larva of Anteclon, 825 ; on Cirripedia, 891 Thomson (Wyville) on development of Anteclon, 827 Thread-cells of zoophytes, 701 ; of Hydra, 788 ; of Zoantharia, 801, 802 ; of pla- narians, 871 ' Thread-worm,' 868 Threads of spiders' webs, 939 Thurammina papillata, 738, 740 Thwaites on conjugation of Epithemia, 529 ; of Melosira, 530 Thysanura, scales of, 901 Ticks, 932. See Acarina Tineidce, wings of, 923 Tinoporus baculatus, 749 Tipula, eye of, 911; antenna? of, 912; spiracle of, 920 Tolles' binocular eye-piece, 102 ; his me- chanical stage, 166, 184; his vertical illuminator, 285 ; his water-immersion objectives, 310 ; his apertometer, 333 Tomes (Charles) on teeth, 949 Tomopteris onisciformis, 876, 877 ; de- velopment of, 878 — quadricornis, 878 ' Tongue ' of Gastropoda. See Palate ' Tortoise-shell butterfly,' eggs of, 929 Torula cerevisice, 574 Total reflexion, 6, 7 Tourmaline, pleochroism in, 1002 Tow-net, 458 Tow-nets of Challenger Expedition, 459 note Tracheae of insects, 918 ; of Acarina, 935 Trachei'desof ferns, 600; of conifers, 622, 628 Trachelomonas, 475 Tradescantia virginica, cyclosis in hairs of, 615, 616 Tragulus javanicus, red blood-corpuscle of, 960 Trematodes, 8(59 Triceratium, 518, 520 — experiments with, 357, 358 — favus, 542 — markings on, 522 — fimbriatum, as test for higher powers, 332 Trichocysts of Ciliata, 701 Trichoda lynceus, crawling of, 702 ; re- production of, 707-709 Trichodina grandinella, a phase in de- velopment of Vorticella, 707 Trichogyne of Floridece, 561 ; in lichens, 578 Trichonympha, 702 UND Trichophore of Floridece, 561 Trichophrya, a phase in development of Suctoria, 698 Trigonia, prismatic layer in, 848 Triloculina, 727 Triple-backed objectives, 310 Triplet, Holland's, 37 I Triplex front to objectives, 317 Tripoli stone, 546 Trochus zizyphinus, palate of, 855 Trombidiiclce, 932 ; legs of, 934 ; hairs of, 934 ; eyes of, 935 ; tracheae of, 935 ; characters of, 936 Tronibidium, maxillae of, 934 ; larvae of, 937 — holosericum, 937 Trophi of Botifera, 715 Truncatulina rosea, colour of, 724 ' Tube-cells,' 382 Tube-length, English and Continental, 155 Tuberculosis, bacillus of, 437 ; Pittion and Roux's method of staining, 439 Tubifex rivulorum, gregarine of, 676 Tubipora, 801 Tubularia, gonozooids of, 793 — indivisa, 793 Tubuli in Nummulites, 751; of dentine, 948 Tubitlipora, 833 Tulip, r aphides of, 621 Tully's achromatic microscope, 147 ; his live-box, 294 ; his triplet, 303 ; his achromatic objective, 303 ' Tunic ' of Tunieata, 835 Tunicata, 828, 835-842 ; zoological posi- tion of, 835 ; bibliography of, 842 ; ' liver' of, 971 Turbellaria, 867, 870 — larvae of, collecting, 459 Turbinoid shell of Foraminifera, 722 Turbo, shell structure of, 852 Turkey-stone, use of, 421 ; constituents of, 546 Turn-table, Shadbolt's, 386, 391 ; Griffith's, 391 Turpentine, uses of, 441 TurreH's mechanical stage, 165, 189 Twin lamellae in leucite, 1002 Tylenchus tritici, 869 Tympanum of cricket, 923 Typhoid of the pig, due to Bacillus, 588 Tyroglyphi, nymph of, 933 ; legs of, '934 T yroglyphldce, reproductive organs of, 936; characters of, 937 U Ulothrix, conjugation of, 486 Ulva, 488, 489 TJlvacea;, 487 Umbelliferous plants, seeds of, 649 Umbonula verrucosa, 830 Under-corrected objective, 20, 21 Under-correction, 255, 307, 308 INDEX IO97 UNG Unger on the zoospores of Vaucheria, 492 Unicellular plants, 469 TJnio, pearls in, 847 ; glochidia of, 857 — occidens, formation of shell in, 849 UnionidcB, nacreous layer of, 847 Unit (standard) for microscopy, 400 TJredinece, 565 ; alternation of genera- tions in, 565 Uredo-form of Puccinia, 567 Uredospores of Puccinia, 567 Urinary calculi and molecular coalescence, 1023 Urine, micro-chemical examination, 1024 Urochordata, 835 JJropoda, tracheae of, 935 ' Urticating organs.' See Thread-cells TJstilaginece, 565 JJvella, 475 V Vacuoles in cell, 464 — contractile, in protophvtes, 465 ; of Volvox, 481 — of Actinophrys, 662 Vagine of mosses, 596 Valentin's two-bladed knife, 398 Vallisneria, habitat, 613, 614 ; mode of demonstration of cyclosis, 613, 614 Valvulina, shell of, 723 Vampyrella, 654, 655 — gomj)honemaiis, 655, 656 — spirogyrce, 654, 655 Vanessa, 911 ; haustellium of, 916 — urticce, eggs of, 929 Variation, range of, in Astromma, 774 Varley's live-box, 294 Varnish, test for, 383 ; asphalte, 383 Varnishes, 382; sealing-wax in alcohol, 384 ; red, 385 ; white, 385 ; various colours, 385 ' Vascular Cryptogams,' links with Pha- nerogams, 607 Vascular papillae of skin, 966 Vaucher, on Siphonacece, 492 Vaucheria, 491-493 — Botifera in, 713 ' Vegetable ivory,' endosperm of, 618 Vegetable substance, preparation of, 427 ; gum-imbedding for, 427 ; bleach- ing of, 427 ; Cole's staining method, 436 — structures, hardened in osmic acid, 428 Veins of vertebrates, 980 Velum,' in gastropod larva, 860 Venice turpentine cement, for glycerin mounts, 384 Ventriculites, 785, 1010 Venus' flower basket, 783, 784 ; spicules of, 784 Verbena, seeds of, 649 Vertebrata, 835 ; bone of, 944 ; teeth of, 947 ; dermal skeleton of, 950 ; blood of, 958 ; red blood-corpuscles, 958 ; white blood-corpuscles, 960 ; distribu- tion of ciliated epithelium, 968 ; kidney of, 971 WAS Vertebrated animals, 941 Vertical illuminator for ascertaining ' aperture,' 206 Vespida*, 911 Vibracula of Polyzoa, 834, 835 Vibrio, movement of, 375 — rugula, 586 ' Vibriones,' as applied to certain nema- todes, 869 Vibriones, form of, 581, 586 Vigelius on tentacular cavity of Polyzoa, 829 note Vignal on osmic acid for Noctiluca, 428 Vine, size of ducts of, 623 Viola tricolor, pollen-tubes of, 648 Violet, cells of pollen-chamber, 645 — of methanilin, for staining Bacteria, 437 Virginian spiderwort, cyclosis in, 615, 616 Virtual image, 14 note, 24, 25, 321 Vision, depth of, 88, 89, 90 ; stereoscopic, 89 Visual angle, 27 Vitrea {Foraminifera), 744 Vitreous cells (arthropod eye), 907 — optical compounds, 31 — shells of Foraminifera, 724 ' Vittae ' of Licmophorecs, 534 ; of seeds of umbellifers, 649 Vocal cords, structure of, 964 Vegan's changing nose-piece, 244 Volcanic ashes, microscopical examina- tion of, 101 . — dust, examination of, 999 Volvocinea*, 479-485 Volvox associated with Astasia, 690 — vegetable nature of, 484 note ; amce- biform phase of, 485 ; Botifera in, 713 — aureus, cellulose in, 481 ; starch in, 481 — globator, 479-485; flagellate affinities of, 479; contractile vacuoles in, 481 ; endochrome of, 482 ; multiplication of, 483 ; reproductive cells of, 483, 484 Vorticella, foot-stalk of, 701; contrac- tion of foot-stalk, 702 ; fission of, 704 ; ' gemmiparous reproduction of, 711 ; conjugation of, 711 — microstoma, encystment of, 706, 707 Vorticellina, encystment of, 706 W Waldheimia australis, shell of, 850 Wale's coarse adjustment, 185 ; his fine adjustment, 185 ; his limb, 185, 189 Wallflower, pollen-grams of, 647 Wall-lichens, 577 Wallich, on structure of diatom frustule, 519 note ; on Triceratium, 543 note ; on Cha>tocerece, 544 note; on cocco- spheres, 672 ; on Polycystina, 776 note Wallich's plan for sectionising a number of hard objects, 421 note ' Wanghie cane,' stem of, 626 Ward's simple microscope, 205 1098 INDEX WAR ' Warm-stage' for observing blood-cor- puscles, 958 Warmth, mode of applying, for cyclosis, 616 Wasps, wings of, 922, 923 ; sting of, 927 Water, refractive index of, 3, 7 — distilled, for mounting Brotojplujtes, 442 — milfoil, 458 Water-angle, 50 Water-bath, 392 Water-boatman, wings of, 924 < Water-fleas,' 883, 886 Water-globules in oil, 370, 871 Water-immersion objectives, 310 ; Zeiss's, 317 Water-lily, leaf • structure of, 642; cells of pollen-chambers, 645 < Water-mites,' 937 ' Water-net,' or Hydrodictyon, 495 Water-of-Ayr stone, 421 Water- scorpion, 919. See Nepa ' Water- snail.' See Limnceus Water- vascular system of Tcenia, 867 Wavellite in Mija, 848 Wax and olive oil for imbedding, 417 Web of spiders, 939 Weber's annular cells, 299 Webster condenser, 256 Weismann on development of Dijjtera, 931 Wenham on binocular vision, 107 ; on cyclosis of Vallisneria, 615 Wenham's suggestion of homogene- ous immersion, 29 ; his stereoscopic binocular, 95-98 ; his prism, 99 ; his reflex illuminator, 265, 266 ; his disc and button illuminators, 266 ; his paraboloid, 267-269 ; his achromatic objective with single front, 810; his duplex front objective 311 West on Chcetocerece, 544 note ' AVhalebone,' 957 Wheat, starch -grains of, 620 Wheatstone's stereoscope, 90 ; his pseudoscope, 92 ' Wheel- animalcules,' 678, 712. See RoTIFEBA Wheel-like plates of Chirodota, 820 ' Wheels ' of Botifera, 713 Whelk. See Buccinum ' AVhite ant,' ciliate parasite of, 702 White blood-corpuscles of Vertebrata , 960 ; flow of, 980 — fibrous tissue, 963, 964 — of egg, as a preservative medium, 44 2 Whitney's directions for examination of frog's circulation, 984 Wild clary, spiral fibres of, 618 Williamson (W. C.) on Volvox, 484 note; on structure of fish-scales, 951 ; on structure of coal-plants, 1006 Willow-herb, emission of pollen-tubes, 647 Wing of Agrion, 918 Winged seeds, 648 Wings of insects, 922-924 ; of Btero- ZOO 2)horus, 923 ; venation of, in Neuro- ptera, 922 Wodderborn on Galileo's invention of .compound microscope, 123 Wodderborn's ' perspicillum,' 127 Wollaston's doublets, 36, 151 ; his camera lucida, 234 Wood, arrangement of, 625, 627 ; concen- tric rings of, 628 ; fossilised, 630, 1005 Wooden slides for opaque objects, 390 Woody fibre, 621 — tissue of ferns, 599 Working eye-pieces, 323 Worms, 867-880 X Xylem of Exogens, 622, 623, 685 Xylol-balsam as a preservative medium, 442 Yeast, 574; fermentation due to, 574 Yellow cells, in Actiuice, 773 ; in radio- larians, 773 — fibrous tissue, 968, 964 Yolk-bag of young fl,sh, circulation on, 981 Yucca, epiderm of, 687 ; guard-cells of stomates in, 640, 641 ■ Z Zanardinia, swarm-spores of, 556 Zea Mais, epiderm of, 637 ; stomates of, 640 Zeiss's oil-immersion objectives, 29 ; his eye-pieces and objectives, 34 ; his mechanical stage, 167 ; his dissecting microscope, 205 ; his photographic microscope, 211, 212 ; his latest mi- croscope, 218 ; his calotte nose-piece, 242 ; his sliding objective changer, 243 ; his iris-diaphragm, 246, 248 ; his apla- natic loup, 201 ; his apparatus for mono- chromatic light, 272 ; his spectral ocular, 276 ; his apochromatic objective, 314-320 ; his water-immersion, 317 ; his apochromatic, for resolving diatom markings, 521 ; his apochromatic for study of monads, 687 Zeiss-Steinheil's loups, 207 Zentmayer's microscope, 184 ; swinging sub-stage in, 184 Zeolite, 1017 Zinc, chlor-iodide of, as a test, 440 — cement, Cole's, 385 ; Zeigler's, 385 Zoantliaria, 801 Zoea, 894 Zonal structure in crystals, 996 Xndchlorellaj of Heliozoa, 65!) Zob'cytiumof Ojphrydium, chemical com- position of, 700 Zob'glcea of Beggiatoa, 588 INDEX IO99 zoo 5oogloeaB, 581 Zoophytes, 786-807 — mounting, 388, 08!) — non- sexual reproduction of, 930 Zoophyte troughs, 297, 298 Soosporange of Vol vox, 483, 485 Soosporanges of Phceosporece, 556 Soijspores, 466 ; of Palmogloea, 472 ; of Protococcus, 474, 475 ; of Palmodic- tyon,-i87 ; of TJlva, 488 ; of Vaucheria, 492 ; of Achlya, 494 ; development of, 494 ; of Hijdrodictyon, 495 ; of Con- fervacece, 500; of (Edogo)iium, 502; of Cli'cetophoracece, 503 ; of Chytri- diacece, 555 ; of Phceosporece, 556 ; of Floridece, 561; of Fungi, 562; of radiolarians, 773 Zoothamium, collecting, 457 ZYM Zooxantlielloe in radiolarians, 773 Zouzygospores of Navicula, 526 Zukal on movement of Spirulina, 490 Zygnemacece, characters of, 477 ; habitats of, 477 ; conjugation of, 478 Zygosis in Actinophrys, 665; of Amoeba, 669 ; of gregarines, 677 Zygospore, 467 ; formation of, 470 ; of Hijdrodictyon, 495 ; in Desmidiacece, 513, 514 Zygospores of Palmogloea, 472 ; of Meso- carpus, 478; of Spirogyra, 478; of Pandorina, 485 ; of Ulva, 490 ; of Navicula, 526; of diatoms, 528; of Mucorini, 569 Zygote of Glenodiuium, 695 Zymotic or fermentative action of Fungi, i 62 Date Due In 10 - — L. B. CAT. NO. !187 L