8b QH 211 . C37 1891 THE Franklin institute LIBRARY The Elihu Thomson Collection Given by Mrs. Elihu Thomson CLASS BOOK ACCESSION \ REFERENCE No. 29. Carl Zeiss OPTISCHE WERKSTATTE Jena. microscopes AND MICROSCOPICAL ACCESSORIES. 1891. The following Catalogues may also be hart gratis on application Illustrated Catalogue of Photographic Objectives. Catalogue of Optical Measuring Instruments. Library r * THE r > * franklin INSTITUTE THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY Terms. Each article specified in this Catalogue may be supplied singly or in sets at the prices subjoined. The price of completely fitted Microscopes is in all cases the sum-total of the individual items. The quotations are understood: goods delivered at Jena, packing charged extra, net cash without any reduction, cheques upon a principal town in Germany, England or France being also accepted. Goods are forwarded, value insured, at the risk and cost of the buyer. In case of special shipping instructions not being given foreign orders will be despatched by the best possible route and with every precaution. It is requested that name and address be plainly written in all orders and, to prevent mistakes, that the number or date of this Catalogue be quoted. Jena, 1891. Carl Zeiss, Optische Werkstatte. Telegrams: “Zeiss Werkstatte Jena”. A selection of completely fitted Microscopes for the most varied requirements will be found at the end of this list. We shall be glad to supply for scientific publications electros of the figures contained in this catalogue. Some of these also in reduced sizes. Unauthorized reproductions of the figures or text of this catalogue are prohibited. Contents. page Objectives and Eye-pieces . 1 Apochromatic Objectives . 7 Compensating Eye-pieces . 15 Projection Eye-pieces . 18 Achromatic Objectives . 19 Huyghenian Eye-pieces . 23 Accessory Apparatus for testing Objectives . 24 Stands . 26 Specification and Prices of the various Stands . . 32 Accessory Apparatus for the Microscope Illuminating Apparatus . 57 Appliances for changing the Objectives on the Stand . 67 Apparatus for measuring and counting microscopical Objects 70 Drawing Apparatus . 77 Arrangements for Polarisation ... 79 Spectroscopic Eye-pieces . 81 Various optical and mechanical Apparatus . 85 Apparatus for Photo-micrography . 92 Dissecting Microscopes and Magnifiers . 100 Microtomes . 1 10 Slips and Covers . 112 An asterisk denotes that the apparatus or optical combination so marked originated in our factories, i. e. was either introduced by us as new or , at any rate, first made by us in the manner here described. Objectives and Eye-pieces In our previous catalogue (No. 28, issued in 1889) we referred to the advance made, through our efforts, a few years previous to the publication of that catalogue, in the practical development of the microscope. It was there pointed out that this advance was, in a great measure, due to the results obtained in the production of new glasses (borate and phosphate glasses in particular) by the “Glastechnisches Laboratorium Schott and Genossen”, which has been established here, with our cooperation, as the outcome of long continued ex¬ periments by Dr. Schott and Prof. Abbe. By the use of these new glasses, which by their properties with respect to refractive power and dispersion con¬ stitute a much superior material for the construction of microscope lenses, and the application of new formulae in the construction of the lenses, we have, since 1 886, produced microscope objectives which possess a considerably m ore perfect correction both of chromatic and spherical aberration, and therefore a much greater concentration of light in the image, than had hitherto been attained. We also introduced eye-pieces specially adapted for use with these objectives, which, in addition to other advantages of minor importance, produce almost perfect achromatism and give a sharp image over the whole visual held. These new combinations which were first published in August 1886 under the designations “Apochromatic Objectives” and “Compensating Eye-pieces” and "Projection Eye -pieces” are now extensively used and appreciated (we refer to the numerous comments in various scientific and technical periodicals and works), and have stood the test to which they were put as a means of advanced scientific research. At the request of eminent microscopists the series of these objectives has been increased by the addition of a few n e w types (vid. below). (Batl & pti|Ac fyVizkftaUt, ckna. The present catalogue includes, in addition to this new series, most of our older achromatic objectives and ordinary eye-pieces. For although there is every reason to assume that in the course of time the apochromatic lenses, at least in the more difficult departments of microscopical research, will entirely supplant the older objectives, yet there are a great many problems in microscopy that do not demand the highest attainable degree of perfection for their solution and in the plurality of such cases the former achromatic microscope will be all that is needful, provided it is good of its kind and judiciously and carefully made. The objectives and eye-pieces of the older type have certainly this advantage that, thanks to their much simpler construction, really good lenses of this class can be supplied at considerably lower prices than the lenses of the new series which are much more complicated and involve in their production an extraordinary degree of manual skill. For these considerations we have, in publishing the last edition of our cata¬ logue, omitted from the list of our former objectives only those numbers whose special purpose is at present undoubtedly better realised by the apochromatics — namely a few of the low power dry lenses of relatively large aperture and the very short and very long focus lenses in the series of water and homogeneous immersions. The original achromatic objectives, moreover, have been considerably improved in detail by the use of the new varieties of glass and such other alterations as their type of construction permitted. The higher powers of these lenses — both of the dry and immersion series — where the advance thus effected is relatively considerable, might be termed, after the example of other makers, “s emi- a p o c h r o m a t i c 1 e n s e s”. The original prices of these systems have not sustained any change by these improvements. In the special catalogue of 1886 we made a beginning and introduced a rational system of designation of the objectives and eye -pieces of the new series in contradistinction to the prevailing purposeless and arbitrary method. Although we consider this system to be more practical than any of the usual conventions of lettering and numbering, and though its universal adoption would constitute a decided step in advance, we consider it nevertheless wiser to desist, for the present, from redesignating our older (achromatic) objectives. o O Great alterations in tlie focal lengths of both objectives and eye-pieces would have been necessary in order to designate these by the same convenient round numbers as in the new series. Our microscopes, however, being in such extensive use, so many microscopists have become accustomed to the focal lengths hitherto adopted and the usual denotation of the various combinations, that a radical alteration in this direction might give rise to considerable confusion. For these reasons the former designation of the objectives by letters and the arbitrary numeration of the eye-pieces has been retained in the older series. I The manufacture of all our objectives is based upon a method of complete theoretical computation of all the constructive types previous to their actual manu¬ facture. By this process, which was introduced by Prof. Abbe in our works in 1868 and has since been adhered to by us, it has become possible to employ, through judicious division of labour constantly controlled by scientists, a large number of persons in the production of articles of the greatest possible perfection. Strictly mathematical computation of every detail of construction combined with exact technical methods of working and a systematic control of each phase of manufacture, obviate all empirical tests and ensure extraordinary uniformity of our lenses from the highest to the lowest powers, at the same time altogether excluding specimens of inferior quality. All objectives are uniformly free from spherical aberration up to the marginal zone (proper thickness of cover with the higher powers being understood) and, as far as possible, perfectly corrected for colour. Special consideration is also given to the removal of aberrations in « the extra-axial part of the held and to hatness of held. Working Distance. Owing to the importance of a good working distance for the convenient and safe employment of the higher powers, particular attention has been given to this factor in calculating the formulae of the various glasses. Our higher objectives possess therefore unusually large working distances, in comparison with their focal length and aperture. Tube Length. All the objectives named in this catalogue are adjusted for a tube length of 160 mm ( ( > 1 / 2 in.), except where a remark to the contrary is expressly made in the following pages or unless an objective for another tube length be specially ordered. The length is reckoned from the contact surface of the objective thread to the upper end of the body on which the eye-piece rests. This may be read off directly on stands of our make by the divisions on the draw tube. The objectives a, aa. A, 13 a n d C may be used on t h e 1 a r g e English stands with 10- inch tubes without appreciable loss. o All the others, particularly the apo chromatic series and also the homogeneous immersions, perform more or less defi¬ ciently on stands o f E n g 1 i s h model, unless specially adjusted for these. In foreign orders it should always be stated whether the objectives are to be adjusted for the short (continental) or for the long ( English ) tube. Thickness of Cover. All objectives in fixed mounts are, unless otherwise ordered, corrected for a medium thickness of cover between 0.15 and 0.20 mm. In the higher series (from the apochromatic 8 -mm and achro¬ matic D upwards) the thickness of cover corresponding to the most perfect correction is indicated on the side of the mount by small figures (millimeter). It is, as a rule, sufficient for ordinary work with those objectives which we supply only in fixed mounts, to use covers of an estimated medium thickness. Homogeneous immersion ob¬ jectives are, within wide limits, inde¬ pendent of the thickness of cover. Correction Adjustment. The gra¬ duation and numbering on the correction collar, read off on the fixed index, indicates directly for each position of the collar the corresponding thickness of cover (in hundredths of a millimeter) which yields the best correction for that position. The correction for cover must be carefully ad¬ justed, particularly in the case of the apo- chromatics 4.0. 3.0 mm (dry) and 2.5 mm (water immersion) and the achromatic lenses F and J, failing which the ef¬ ficiency of the lenses will be greatly diminished. The homogeneous immersion ob¬ jectives are only supplied in fixed mounts beause, as already stated, their efficiency is within rather wide limits Fig. 1. The correction ring b serves to adjust the distance between the upper part tl of the system Hiid the lower part e which is attached to the mounting a. (2cuf iScioa, 0pttjkhc -ftattc, Skua. 6 independent of thickness of cover-glasses and also because any alteration in the distance of their lenses interferes with the perfection of their correction. Con¬ siderable variations in thickness of cover are best compensated for by slightly lengthening the body-tube for thinner covers, ,, „ shortening „ „ „ thicker ones. On page 211 it is shown in what manner the thickness of cover -glasses of a mounted specimen can be easily ascertained by means of our stands. Tlic immersion fluid which we recommend for the homogeneous objectives is Cedar- wood oil (from Juniperus virginiana) which we have used from the first. We supply the same in a thickened condition, which not only does away with its inconvenient fluidity, but at the same time yields almost perfect identity of refractive index with that of the cover -glass. A bottle of this oil is supplied with each objective and may be procured from us at any future occasion (price M. 0.75 pr 1/2 oz bot). We expressly request, that no immersion fluids derived from other sources be used with our objectives, or at least none which have not been carefully tested as to their proper refractive power — as is done by us — because the use of unsuitable fluids implies considerable loss in the optical * p e r f o r mance o f the object! v e. As regards the relative merit of the homogeneous and non¬ homo g e n e o u s (water etc.) immersion systems, the former claim superiority over the latter (focal length and aperture being equal) by reason of their eminently superior defining power and their greater insensibility as to variations of thickness of cover - glasses. Water immersion systems are only to be preferred in such cases where the nature of the objects does not admit of oil being used as immersion fluid. The mounts of all objectives are provided with the English standard thread of about 20 mm external diameter. In the series from A to J however, and also in DD when not fitted with correction adjustment, the lower part of the mount containing the lenses is made to unscrew from the adapter and may then be used with the narrow-gauge thread. The name of our firm is engraved on the mountings of all objectives, on the apochromatics also the aperture, focal length and tube length for which they are adjusted and on the ordinary glasses the letter by which they are designated. When ordering objectives which are intended for use with stands not made by us, it is in all eases, where these are not noted for haviny the same screw-thread and internal diameter of tube, advisable to send the tube in question for the purpose of adaptiny the objectives and eye -pieces. * Apoehromatie Objectives. While referring to the paper of Prof. Abbe, entitled “Ueber Verbesserungen des Mikroskops mit Hilfe neuer Arten optischen Glases” (Sitzungsberichte der Med.-naturw. Gesellschaft zu Jena vom 9. Juli 1886) J) and to the forthcoming work of our colleague Dr. Czapski on the “Theorie der optischen Instrumente" (Breslau 1893, Trewendt), which combine to furnish a complete exposition of the scientific aims and principles which governed the construction of the apoehromatie lenses, we must here content ourselves in briefly stating the essential features of these lenses. These objectives essentially differ from all other microscopical lenses hitherto constructed by the simultaneous realisation of the two following conditions : viz. 1) the union of three different colours of the spectrum in one point of the axis, that is to say, the removal of the so-called secondary spectrum inherent to the older achromatic lenses, and 2) the correction of spherical aberration for two different colours in contradistinction to that for one in the brightest part of the spectrum only. With all optical systems hitherto constructed , microscopes included , the sharpness of the image projected is limited to one particular colour of the light transmitted (i. e. green -yellow in the case of lenses used for ocular observations, blue-violet in photographic lenses), while the other rays give more or less confused images, appearing partly as colour fringes and partly as a general blur. With the apoehromatie lenses, however, the projected images are nearly equally sharp for all 1) Sent gratis on application. Qait % iiss, 0pti fche fyVettiftdUe, 3tna. 8 colours of the spectrum, and the quality of the projected image is, therefore, within wide limits independent of the nature of the illuminating source, which may be white or compound, or monochromatic light emerging from any section of the spectrum. In the older series again complete colour correction is obtained for one zone of the objective only, a marked deterioration being observable towards the margin and the centre of the aperture, whilst in the apochromatic lenses it is corrected uniformly for all zones. Consequently, in using Abbe’s test-plate, scarcely more colour is perceived with the most oblique illumination than with central light. Finally, even within the zone of the most complete colour correction of the ordinary achromatics, only two colours can be united in one point. The various coloured images therefore can only fall on the same spot in pairs between which there is a considerable difference in focus. In the new series, however, three colours are brought to a focus, whereby the amount of focal difference for the various sections of the spectrum, from the visible to far into the chemically active portion, is reduced to ’/7 to 1/l0 of its original magnitude i. e. practically eliminated, and this, as has been stated before, equally for each zone of the objective. The images due to each single colour, thus individually corrected, are rendered coincident und collectively form the final image 1). The practical advantages of these new lenses become at once apparent. A considerably increased concentration of light with ordinary eye -piece observ¬ ation or any other mode of application under all possible conditions of illumination confers on these glasses an acknowledged superiority over the ordinary achromatic lenses both with respect to optical capacity and diversity of applicability. The natural colours of objects, even in the more delicate tints, are * truly reproduced by these objectives. Close to the margin of the field, the images are nearly as sharp as in the centre, though the high aperture and the relatively great working distance render a moderate degree of curvature of the image unavoidable in these objectives as in the older ones; the central 1) It would be a grave error, both theoretically and practically, to viewr this process of achromatisation of a higher order as here defined in the light of a mere improve m ent of ordinary “achromatism” , such as would result from a diminution of the secondary spectrum while yet only two colours are united, or from achromatisation embodying the principles here indicated but limited to one particular zone of the objective (which might be obtained by the introduction of suitable glasses into objectives constructed after the usual formula). The word “apochromatic” was introduced by Prof. Abbe as a technical term for this other kind of achromatism, long familiar to scientists as a theoretical idea but only recently realised practically. With deference to intelligible technical phraseology it is desirable that this expression thus clearly defined by its author should retain its original meaning, and any attempt to utilise it for purposes of trade advertisements should be discountenanced. 9 and marginal portions of the field do, therefore, not appear in sharp focus simultaneously, but have to be focussed in succession. As a result of the great concentration of light afforded by these objectives, they permit of the use of very high power eye-pieces without detriment to accuracy or brightness of the image, thus giving high magnifying power with relatively long focal length, thus yielding with the same objective a series of very varying amplifications. In the annexed list beside the apertures and foci the corresponding objective magnification is stated, i. e. the magnification which the ob¬ jective alone would give at the distance of distinct vision if used as a simple lens. This is simply 250 (distance for distinct vision) divided by the focal length of the objective in mm. For instance, the objective magnification of a 3-niin objective is: ^ = 83.3. o The apertures indicated are the guaranteed minimum values; the stated focal lengths are adhered to as closely as possible. Remarks on the use of the 2-mm Apochroinatic Lens of 1.40 mm aperture (homogeneous immersion). Owing both to the hyper-hemispherical form of the front lens, which is held in situ by a very narrow ridge at the extreme edge of the setting, and its rela¬ tively short working distance (0.2 mm) this lens demands careful treatment and should, in particular, be scrupulously guarded against shocks or pressure. As compared with the 2-mm lens of 1.30 aperture this lens possesses a greater resolving and defining power in the proportion of 14 : 13 and gives a brighter image in the proportion of 20 : 17. The 2-mm 1.40 is a decided advantage where exceptionally intricate problems requiring the most delicate apparatus have to be solved, and also in such cases where the lens is to serve as a means of controlling observations made with lower powers ; for r e g u 1 a r w o r k preference should be given, generally speaking, to the 2-nnn 1.30, owing, to the greater firmness of the frontal lens. The objective 3-mm 1.40 apert. has, however, this advantage over the 2-mm 1.40 that, while possessing the same optical capacity, it has a greater working- distance and is also less delicate as regards its mechanical construction. Qaz-t Siiw, (£)pti|4ve dtna. Iii reply to numerous enquiries and, in some cases, publicly expressed doubts respecting the durability of apocliromatic lenses we append the following statements. All glasses used in the construction of apocliromatic lenses have been amply tested through several years’ experience and olfer a fair guarantee for their immutability, at any rate in temperate climates and on condition that the lenses are not subjected to any undue treatment. This statement does, however, not apply for the present to suit hot climates where an exceptionally damp and hot atmosphere constitutes an abnormally active decomposing agent, which even the older (silicate) glasses do not permanently resist; in these cases we disadvise the use of apocliromatic lenses. A few isolated cases have indeed occurred even in our climate in which the one or the other of the constituent lenses of certain apocliromatic systems have become turbid; but it would not be fair to hold us responsible for such contingencies. For be it remembered, the introduction of apocliromatic lenses by us necessitated the application of entirely new materials which until then had not been used or tested. The first lenses, necessarily, lacked the kindly aid of experience and it is not surprising that a few failures should have occurred. Whereever varieties of glass used in the construction of lenses proved to be liable to deterioration, the lenses containing such glasses were subjected to reconstruction and all doubtful glasses supplanted by such that were known by experience to possess greater durability. Even as now constructed the apocliromatic lenses are sensitive with respect to moist stagnating air and in damp hot climates ; it is, therefore, advisable to keep the lenses, when not in use, in air-tight receptacles. As in former cases we shall also in future in any such cases, where one of the lenses of an objective supplied by us should exhibit spontaneous changes, not hesitate to repair the damage at our cost. To this promise we attach however the condition that the objective in question be sent to us previous to any attempt being made in this direction by others. In no case should such an objective be disconnected, with a view to clean it, by any other but an expert, as this might suffice to convert a slight irregularity, that could be easily corrected by us, into a serious or even irreparable defect. 11 New Lenses. At the request of eminent microscopists we have added to the series of our apochromatric lenses the following types: 1) two objectives of v e r y low p o w e r for the purposes of p h o t o - m i c r o - graphy (serial sections etc.) and for projection on a screen — viz. 70-mm and 35-mm projection systems; 2) two obj ectives of large aper t u r e and a shorter focus (for an increased initial amplification) as compared with the older types — viz. 3-mm apocliromatic dry system of 0.95 apert. and 1.5-mm apocliromatic homogeneous immersion lens of 1.30 apert.; 3) an obj ective having the greatest aperture attainable with the present optical means — viz. 2.5-niin monobromide of naphthaline immersion objective of 1.60 apert. ad 1. The systems of 70 and 35 mm focus serve, as stated above, for p h o t o - m i c r o g r a p h y and projection exclusively. Of these the former can only be used in conj unction with the photo - micrographic stand, the latter, however, may be used with any of the other stands. The 35-mm lens screws to the lower end of the tube in the usual manner. The 70-mm lens requires a special conical adapter, which is supplied with each lens, to insert it into the upper end of the tube. Both are used without eye-pieces. As a condenser it is best to use a convex lens of a suitable focus (price of lens mounted in sleeve M. 5. — ) to concentrate the rays of the source of light upon the objective, so that the pencil of rays emerging from this lens may traverse the object before coming to a focus. Gait Seiii, 0ptij’ave tyVithftatU, cbna. 12 In order to predetermine by calculation the amplifications obtainable from these lenses, the distance of the image (i. e. of the focussing plate) from the ob¬ jective has to be divided by its focal length, i. e. by 70 and 35 respectively and the quotient so obtained is to be diminished by unity, in accordance with the well known formula. Prices : Projection lens of 35 mm focus M. 35. — V 1) M 70 )) M M 4:0* ad 2. The two newly constructed apochromatic objectives of relatively short focus present the same principal features as all the older types of this class of lenses. In particular, they require the use of “Compensating oculars”, with this exception, however, that — in consequence of the relatively greater initial ampli¬ fication of the new systems — the highest numbers of eye-pieces should not be used with them, it being in the case of histological and bacteriological investigations not even advisable to go beyond the No. 8 eye-piece. ad 3. In autumn 1889 we constructed a system which sensibly exceeds with regard to defining power the limits which had existed for the then known objectives whose apertures were of necessity numerically less than the refractive indices of crown-glasses. The objective has an aperture of 1.60 to 1.63 with a focus of 2.5 mm and may satisfactorily be used with the ordinary compensating eye-pieces. The slight traces of colour which are observable near the margin of the field may, if thought necessary, be neutralised by adapting a correcting lens to the eye-pieces No. 8, 12 and 18. Pure monobroinide of naphthaline serves as the immersion-fluid to this objective, and a small bottle of it is supplied with each objective. The specimens have to be covered with carefully polished flint cover-glasses having an exactly calibrated thickness (of ab. 0.17 mm) and must be embedded in media of a refractivity exceeding 1.60 (e. g. monobromide of naphthaline, realgar, iodide of mercury, methylene-iodide, Smith’s medium etc.). When oblique illumination or an illuminating cone having an aperture of more than 1.40 is to be employed, flint slips, a flint-glass condenser and some highly refracting substance connecting both — say monobroinide of naphthaline — have to be used. To obviate misconceptions regarding the capabilities of this lens we will not omit to distinctly state that we do not proffer this lens as an improved means of microscopical research directly applicable to the adopted micro-technical methods: it has. on the contrary, been constructed for the purpose of placing in the hands of those specially interested in the development of microscopical technique from an optical point of view, a means of determining to what extent lenses possessing an aperture exceeding the highest aperture obtainable under the usual conditions of application may successfully be used in certain departments of microscopical research. Every advance in this direction necessarily involves an increase of the external dif¬ ficulties attending the application of the lens; we are, in particular, referring to the preparation of objects ; the difficulties to be surmounted here will be readily appre¬ ciated if it be remembered that the aperture can never be made to exceed the refractive index of the embedding medium and the cover-glass. Originally only a few specimens of this new objective were made as a purely scientific experiment. The results, however, which have been obtained with it by several microscopists , despite of the difficulties attending its application , have encouraged us in including it in our list of objectives, and we shall continue to make this lens as long as nothing better exists in this direction. A detailed account of the principles of construction of this lens, its mode of application and its capabilities will be found in the Zeitsclir. fur wiss. Mikroskopie, VI, 1889, p. 417 — 422 (also English translation in pamphlet form), Journ. of the Roy. Microsc. Soc. 1890, p. 11, and H. van Heurck, La nouvelle combinaison optique de Mr. Zeiss et la structure de la valve des diatomees, Anvers 1890. We shall be glad to forward these publications to applicants. Qaz-i iSciao, 0pti(cA.e SlCVil Ij’talte, ckna. List of the Apochromatic Objectives. Numerical Equivalent Initial Price aperture focus in mm magnification Marks 0.30 24.0* 10.5 140.— 16.0 15.5 100.— 0.65 12.0* 21 170 — Dry Series 8.0 31 130 — 6.0* 42 220.— ] i | I c o 0.95 4.0 63 180.— L a I w O 3.0 83 200.— * i Water Immersion 1.25 2.5 100 300.— with cor¬ rection collar ' 3.0 83 400.— 1.30 2.0 125 400.— Homogeneous Immersion 1.5 167 450 — 1.40 3.0 2.0 83 125 500.— 500.— Monobromide of N aphthaline Immersion 1.60 2.5 100 800.— The last named system is supplied together with Jo dint cover-glasses and 3 slips of heavy dint. Each additional cover-glass . M. 1. — Each additional slip . „ 2. — Noil-achromatic Condenser of 1.60 aperture having a dint-glass front-lens to be used with the monobromide of naphthaline immersion lens (for very oblique or wide illuminating pencils) . M. 35. — Monobromide of Naphthaline, per bottle containing 5 gr . . „ 1.50 * The three objectives 24-nun, 12-mm and 6-mm of the dry series are constructed exclusively for the 10- inch tube , all the others are adjusted either for continental or English tube. 15 Compensating Eye-pieees. All objectives of considerable aperture, from their peculiar construction (hemispherical fronts) exhibit certain colour defects in the extra- axial portion of the visual field (chromatic difference of the magnification), even if perfectly achro¬ matic in the centre. The differently coloured images which combine to form the final image (Dippel, 2nd ed. p. 225) are of different dimensions, the blue image being greater than the red one. Whether an image be directly projected by such an objective or whether it be examined with an eye-piece (even of the achromatic or so-called aplanatic type), colour fringes will be observed, increasing towards the margin of the field. This peculiarity is also possessed by -the apochromatic objectives, and to the lower power ones it has been intentionally imparted to a similar degree, a means being thereby obtained to nearly entirely eliminate this error by help of suitable eye- pieces. These are made to possess an equivalent error of opposite sign, that is, the image formed by the red rays is greater than that corresponding to the blue rays. Such eye -pieces therefore serve to compensate the unequal magnification of different colours and the images appear free from colour up to the margin of the field. This compensatory action of the eye-pieces is manifested, particularly in the higher numbers where the limiting diaphragm is placed outside the lenses, by the fact that the edge of this diaphragm shows a red border, whilst the image of the object formed at this very edge of the diaphragm is perfectly colourless. The setting- of the eye -pieces is so arranged that the lower focal point of all numbers in each series lies in the same plane when inserted in the body- tube. No alteration of focus is therefore required on changing the eye -piece, and the “optical tube- length” (i. e. the distance between the upper focal point of the objective and the lower one of the eye-piece), which is the standard factor for the magnifying power, remains constant. This optical tube -length in the continental microscopes (excluding small differences between the various objectives) is 180 mm, provided that the length of the body, from the screw -collar of the objective to the upper end of the tube on which the eye-pieces rest, is 160 mm. The eye- pieces of extremely low power designated as Searchers serve the purpose of reducing to its lowest limits the available magnification with each objective, thereby facilitating the preliminary examination and the labour of searching for particular points with high powers. Thus No. 1 of this series enables an objective to be employed with its own (Pcuf ©ptifc-fw fyVitkftat te, 3i hci. 16 initial magnifying power, i. e. as if it were used as a simple lens without an eye-piece. They will be found of special service with immersion objectives, where great inconvenience is caused by having to change a lens already adjusted for another of lower power. The working eye -pieces for regular observation beginning with a magni¬ fication of 4 are likewise of entirely new construction and may be used with advantage even in the highest numbers. The eye-point in all lies so high above the eye-lens and the diameter of the lens itself is so large, that the usual inconveniences attending the use of eye-pieces of short focus are entirely obviated. Owing to the uniform position of the eye-points of the compensating eye¬ pieces any one of these may, without difficulty, be used with the usual drawing prisms, including, in particular, the Abbe Camera. The most appropriate for the purpose are naturally the lower powers 4 and 6. The numeration of these eye-pieces is carried out on the principle sug¬ gested by Prof. Abbe. The number which denotes how many times an eye¬ piece, when used with a given tube-length, increases the initial magnifying power of the objective, affords the proper measure of the eye- piece magnification and, at the same time, furnishes the figures for rational numeration. On this basis the series of our compensating eye -pieces is arranged according to their magnifying powers, which are respectively 1, 2, 4. 6, 8, 12, 18, (27), and these figures likewise serve as their designation. The magnification obtained by combining a compensating eye-piece with any apochromatic objective is arrived at directly b}^ multiplying its number by the initial magnification of the objective as given in the preceding table. An objective of .3.0 mm focus for example yields in itself a magnification of 83.3 (cal¬ culated for a conventional distance of vision of 250 mm); eye-piece 12 therefore gives with this objective 12X83.3 = 1000. For the continental and the English model microscopes two distinct series of compensating eye -pieces are made. The corresponding numbers in both series are of a different focal length according to the different lengths of the tubes. The eye- pieces 1 and 6 are only made for the continental , 27 only for the English tube. An order for eye- pieces to be used on stands which are not of our make should be accompanied by an exact impression of the edge of the tube in sealing-wax or some other exact gauge of the internal diameter of the tube; the best gauge , will , in all cases , be the tube itself. 17 List of Compensating Eye-pieces. Searcher Eye-pieces W orking Eye-pieces Eye-piece No. : 1 2 4 6 8 12 18 27 Equivalent focal length in mm 180 90 For t 45 le conti 30 nental t 22.5 ube : 15 10 — Price: Marks 20 20 20 20 30 30 25 — Equivalent focal length in mm — 135 For 67 the Enj glish tul 34 le : 22.5 15 10 Price: Marks — 25 25 — 35 30 30 25 Table of Magnifications of the Apochromatic Objectives with the Compensating Eye-pieces for an image distance of 250 mm. Focus of the objective Searcher Eye-pieces Working Eye-pieces 1 2 4 6 8 12 18 27 24.0 — 21 42 — 83 125 187 281 16.0 15.5 31 62 94 125 187 281 — 12.0 — 42 83 — 167 250 375 562 8.0 31 62 125 187 250 375 562 — 6.0 — 83 167 — 333 500 750 1125 4.0 62 125 250 372 500 750 1125 — 3.0 83 167 333 498 667 1000 1500 — 2.5 100 200 400 600 800 1200 1800 — 2.0 125 250 500 750 1000 1500 2250 — 1.5 167 333 667 1000 1334 2000 3000 — (2cuf ScZvis, 0ptv^cfu pat tv, ckna. 18 *Projeetion Eye-pieees. These are used for projecting the image formed by the objective on a screen for demonstrating purposes or upon a photographic plate. They consist of a convex lens and a compound system , which is most carefully corrected both spherically and chromatically after the principle of apochromatic lenses, and is entirely free from secondary chromatic aberration and from difference of focus between the visual and chemical rays. A diaphragm is placed between the lenses for limiting the field, and the compound lens can be made to approach or recede from this diaphragm. The cap of the projection eye-piece forms a diaphragm by which internal reflexion in the body-tube is entirely ob¬ viated. The aperture of this diaphragm is made to correspond with the greatest aperture of the apochromatic lenses. The projection eye-pieces are specially corrected for our apochromatic lenses on the principle of the compensating series, but may, nevertheless, be a d v antageously e m p 1 o y e d w i t h ordinary achromatic lenses of large a p e r t u r e. The designation of these eye -pieces corresponds, as in the case of the other compensating eye -pieces, to those amplifications which they would yield (magnifications being measured after the same principle as for the other compen¬ sating eye-pieces) if used for ocular observation. The magnifications are 2 and 4 for the 160- mm tube, 3 and 6 for the 250-mm (10") tube. We do not construct projection oculars yielding higher amplifications beyond those indicated as these would not possess any practical advantage over the ordinary compensating eye-pieces, which can be used when higher amplifications are required. The magnification for any distance of image from the eye-piece is obtained, by dividing this distance, expressed in millimeters, by the focal length of the objective in use and multiplying the result by the number of the projection eye¬ piece employed. Thus the ocjective of 6 mm gives with the projection eye-piece 2 an image magnified 1000 times at, a distance of 150 cm, for lbOO ^ 2 _ 1000 O This rule holds good, strictly speaking, for long distances only; for short distances the figure so obtained is in excess of the true value. The image distance may be reduced in the case of 2 and 6 to about 400 mm and with 4 and 6 to about 250 mm (reckoning from the eye-piece) ; it may, however, be increased to any desired length. For further details see “Specialkatalog fur Mikrophotographie” (German). Price of the Projection Eye-pieces: 40 Marks each. 10 Achromatic Objectives. Respecting the general character of these objectives we refer to the remarks on pages 2 and 4 — 6. To the list of achromatic lenses only one new system has been added. At the same time, however, most of the older types of achromatic lenses have been reconstructed with a view to more completely eliminate imperfections due to spherical and chromatic aberration than had been done formerly or — rather — than could have been done without the aid of the new glasses. With the dry lenses DD, E and F this improvement becomes obvious by the clearer appearance of the image and the increased sensibility of the lenses with regard to differences in the thickness of the cover -glass and length of tube. To the achromatic lenses enumerated in our last catalogue we have recently added a water immersion lens of great focal length but having a relatively small aperture, viz Objective D*. It is calculated to facilitate the examination at medium magnifications (200 to 500 diameters) of living zoophytological objects floating in water troughs. Its large focal distance gives to the microscopist a relatively wide range in following the motions of these living objects. The objective being constructed on the water -immersion principle, i. e. there being always a layer of water interposed between the objective and the cover- glass, the correction of the aberration will not be affected by focussing at various depths of the water-cell, as to a diminution of the stratum of water under the cover-glass always corresponds an increase of the stratum of the water above the cover-glass, and vice versa. This manner of using the lens will, con¬ sequently, not interfere with the quality of the image. The relatively small aperture is conditional to the great focal distance; for that kind of observation, however, for which the lens is mainly designed this will, owing to the increased depth, constitute rather an advantage than a disadvantage. The system maybe used with or without cover-glass and gives equally good images both with fresh and sea water. <2ati Sjeioo, Optifcke OVezA-ftatte, ckna. 20 The magnifications yielded with this objective in conjunction with the Huyghenian eye -pieces are the same as in the case of the D and DD ; when used in combination with the compensating eye-pieces it gives nearly the same magnifications as the 4-mm apochromatic lens of 0.95 aperture (about9°/0 less). The Objectives a are simple achromatic lenses, so mounted that, notwith¬ standing their great focal length, the body of the microscope remains at its ordinary elevation during observation. In Rj the thread is so placed that when screwed home the lens is inside the body; it can, therefore, not be used with a revolving nose-piece or other objective-changer. They are only intended for use with the lower eye-pieces. Objective a* consists of two achromatic lenses combined after a formula peculiar to us. By means of a ring rotating like a correction collar the two lenses can be approximated or withdrawn, whereby, using one of the lower eye¬ pieces, the magnification is changeable in the proportion from about 1 to 2. This graduation of the magnifying power is obviously useful for many purposes. We no longer supply the objectives BB, CC; G, K, L (water immersion) and ]/8 and 1f18 (horn, immers.) of our former catalogues because their special aim is now, in our opinion, better realised by the apochromatic lenses. All objectives are also supplied adjusted for the 10-inch body and in the English form of mount. Regarding the use of achromatic objectives in conjunction with com¬ pensating eye-pieces it will be well to state here that only our achromatic objectives from DD upwards, i. e. all those having relatively large aper¬ tures should be used in that manner. With those of small apertures the use of compensating eye-pieces gives rise to similar errors (though of the inverse chromatic order of succession) in the achromatism of the margin of the field to those effected when apochromatic lenses are being used in conjunction with the ordinary Ii u y g h e n i a n eye-pieces. Separate mahoyany cases for objectives to be kept outside the microscope case , with lock , according/ to size 7 to 30 Marks . 21 List of Achromatic Objectives. ... De- Numerical Equivalent Price signation aperture focal length without J with correction Marks Dry Series a, — 40mm diVO 12 — 77 77 a2 — 35™ra (If") 12 — 7’ 77 a3 — 30mm 12.— 77 77 a* — 38— 26mm (4"— 1") 40,- 7 7 7 7 aa 0.17 26mm (1") 27.— 7 7 77 A 0.20 18mm (f") 24 — 77 ' 77 AA 0.30 18mm 30.— 7 7 7 7 B 0.35 12mm 30. - 7 7 7 7 C 0.40 7“ (A") 36.— 7 7 77 D 0.65 4.3mm (i“) 42 — 7? 77 DD 0.85 4.3mm (}") 54— 74. 7 7 7 7 E 0.85 2.7mm (|") 66.— 86.— 77 77 F 0.85-0.90 1.85mm GV") 84— 104 — D* 0.75 4.3mm (i“) 75.— Water Immersion H . J 1.15—1.20 1.15—1.20 2.4mm (TV0 1.8"'m (A") 110.— 130.— 144 — 164. ^Homogeneous A 1.20 2.0mm (TV") 160 — Immersion 4 1.30—1.35 2.0mra (Ty') 300.— Cedar-wood oil, oz. bot. Mk. 0.75. Cap bottles for immersion oil, Mk. 1.00. Qati Sciii, Optifchc QVithjtattc, dcna. Table of Magnification of the Achromatic Objectives with the Huyghenian Eye-pieces calculated for a tube-length of 160 mm and an image distance of 250 mm Eye-piece : 1 2 3 4 5 at a2 a3 a* aa A, AA B C D, DD, D* E F H J i is 1 2 3 4 5 al 7 10 15 20 a2 11 16 23 30 a3 20 30 40 50 a* 4-8 7-14 10-20 15-30 aa 25 35 47 60 77 A, AA 37 50 70 90 115 B 60 85 115 145 185 C 105 145 200 265 325 D, DD, D* 175 240 325 420 540 E 280 390 535 680 865 F 415 585 790 1000 1275 H 320 440 610 770 985 J 430 585 810 1030 1315 i is 385 530 730 925 1180 23 Huyghenian Eye-pieees. We supply these for use with the ordinary achromatic objectives. Their focal lengths and magnifications are shown in the following table. Eye-piece No. 1 2 S 4 5 Focus in mm 50 40 30 25 20 (Eye-piece) magnification 3 4 5.5 7 9 Price 7 Marks each. The magnification is computed by the same rule as in the compensating series (see page 10), the varying position of their lower focal planes being, however, taken into consideration. With regard to the selection of eye-pieces for a microscope we would remark, that all our achromatic objectives are capable of still giving effective magnifications for regular observation with Ocular 4, good illumination being understood in the case of the highest powers. We no longer supply the “orthoscopic” eye-pieces of former catalogues, as they are greatly inferior to the compensating and projecting oculars. Respecting the use of Compensating Oculars with achromatic objectives vid. p. 20. We do not supply Huyghenian Oculars for the long (English) tube. Oculars for special purposes (Micrometer-, Spectroscopic and others) vid. No. 28 — 30 and 52 — 55. (Bail Seba, (Splifcfu fyCeififtatU, cJena. Accessory Apparatus for testing the fundamental properties of Microscopical Objectives. Maries 1 H Apertometer after Abbe, for estimating the numerical and angular aperture of objectives (Journ. of the R. Micr. Soc., Jany. 1878, p. 19, and 1880, p. 20). For use on any large stand fitted with a draw tube. Including the auxiliary objective, in case (fig, 2) with directions . GO.- Fig. 2. Apertometer. 2 The saime apparatus, glass disc, mounted on inetal plate with a slot for the adjustment of the indices . 80. - 25 No. Marks 3 *Test-plate after Abbe — for testing the spherical and chromatic aberration of objectives, and for e s t i m a t i n g t h e thickness of cover corresponding to the most per¬ fect correction. Six cover-glasses, having the exact thickness Fig. 8. Test-plate No. 3. marked on each (0.09 to 0.24 mm), cemented in succession on a slip, their lower surface silvered and engraved with parallel lines, the contours of which form the test. For use with the Abbe Condenser (see Instruction for use). In case . 10.- Saif Sevas, £)pti (cfu fyVtzfaftatti, ekna. Stands. The general form of our stands, like most others of continental design, originated in the type first introduced by Oberhauser and developed by Hart- nack. It is more or less universally admitted that the size and general arrange¬ ment of this kind of stand best corresponds to the requirements of scientific research. The extensive employment of the continental form even in English and American laboratories, as well as the testimony of numerous competent investi¬ gators, shows that, for scientific work at least, they are preferred even there to * the more elaborate of the so-called English stands. Latterly we have endeavoured to perfect the mechanical details of the microscope, and have made several improvements in the three main directions, which constitute the essentiality of the stand, viz. the stage arrangements, the means for focussing and the illumination. A. The Stage. The dimensions of the stage in all our stands (except in the laboratory stands VI and VII) are sufficiently large to allow of any size slip or cultivation plate or dish being used. The stage is provided with an opening of 33 mm (15/16") in the case of stands I to V, in order that the large field possessed by the objectives of long- focus (including the projection lens of 70 mm) may be fully utilized. It may, however, be reduced to the diameter of the upper lens of the condenser, by inserting a diaphragm provided for the purpose, in cases where very small slips are to be used. The height of stage is in the case of stands IIa to Y reduced to the lowest limit which will admit of the adaption of the Abbe illuminating apparatus, in order that the hands may be supported by the table when manipulating on the stage. In the larger stands (I, P, photographic and mineralogical stands) the stage is made higher, to facilitate the employment of various methods of illu¬ mination other than by the Abbe illuminating apparatus, which are occasionally required. Mechanism for moving the object is provided in I, P, IP, the large Babuchin, photographic and mineralogical stands. This consists of the following arrangements: a) Revolution of the stage and body about the optic axis (stand I). b) Revolving stage-plate with arrangement for centering (stands P , IP , large Babuchin and mineralogical stands). c) Mechanical stage (stand Ia and stand for “photo-micrography”). The one adaptable to stand P possesses the general arrangement of the English form of mechanical stage, and may be substituted in place of the rotating vulcanite stage- plate. The micrometer stage of the photo-micrographic stand is made for delicate adjustments of the object. With stands I, IP, IV, V and the “Babuchin stand” the “adaptable mechanical stage” recently constructed may be used; for very fine lateral movements Stage Screw - micrometer N o. 31 may be used as a mechan¬ ical stage. Mechanical stage movements were formerly peculiar to English micro¬ scopes and were rejected as objectionable by the majority of continental microscopists. It is only of late years that they have received more attention on the continent and for some years they have formed an object of experiment also in our works. We have arrived at the conclusion that mechanical movement of the object is of advantage in the following cases: 1) In the employment of high power lenses, when it is required to bring a point seen at the margin into the middle of the field. This, as is well known, when done by hand, is often a sore trial of patience. The small amount of move¬ ment necessary to accomplish this may be effected, to a certain extent, by the cen¬ tering arrangement of the revolving stages of stands Ia and IP (see above b). 2) For systematically searching a preparation. 3) For counting particles within a specified area of the surface of the object. (Bait Sctso, 0pli fc&e QVuti-ftatte, Sena. 28 4) For registering certain spots in specimens in order to readily find them again. 5) For the projection of real images. In cases 2 to 5 a mechanical stage like the one of stand Is , or of the photo¬ micrographic stand or the adaptable mechanical stage will be found a more or less indispensible adjunct. These are all so constructed as not to interfere in the least degree with any other manipulative process, and they may be retained in situ even when using pure-cultivation plates. We consider this to be a great improvement on the older form of mechanical stages, which must be removed from the stand during certain investigations with the instrument. If the divided scales, with which the mechanical stages are provided, are to be used as means for refinding a particular spot of a specimen, the following points should be observed : a) In the case of the mechanical stage of stand Ia care should be taken that in the interval between searching and refinding the centering screws should be left in an unaltered position. b) The small adaptable stage should remain in a fixed position or should always be adapted to the stand in the same position (the small indentation produced by the fixing screw may be used for this purpose). c) In both cases the slip should be accurately brought into its original position. If it is desired to mark a specimen in such a manner that a particular spot may without difficulty be found by different observers using different instruments at different places, the best plan would be to mark any part of either the slip or the preparation itself in a conspicuous manner, say by means of a diamond cross, and to note the exact distance in both coordinates of the particular spot which is to be refound from that mark. The second observer will, in proceeding from this mark, have no difficulty in refinding the desired spot by means of his mechanical stage. As a matter of course , a lower power should be used to refind a spot and bring it into the centre of the field previous to examinations with a high power lens. B. The Adjustment of the Objectives. The coarse adjustment. Whilst the coarse adjustment, in its form by means of sliding tube as retained in the cheaper stands V, VI and VII, has undergone scarcely any alteration since its introduction, the rack and pinion motion of all the other stands has already some years past been very consider¬ ably improved by us. We have constructed special machines for the accurate production of the (diagonal) gearing, and this motion is now made so perfect that objectives of medium power can be focussed by it alone without recourse being had to the micrometer screw. 29 Tlic line adjustment. This also lias during the last years received our special attention. The result of our efforts is the *Micrometer movement of new construction now fitted in all our stands except No. IX. (For detailed description see Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftl. Mikroskopie, III, p. 207, 1886.) The superiority of this new arrangement is mainly due to the force exercised by the micrometer screw being transferred to the moveable limb by a single contact between hardened steel surfaces. This ensures an extremely delicate and uniform motion of the limb carrying the tube. The divisions on the milled head of the micrometer screw in stands I — IV furnish a means for exactly registering the vertical movements of the tube. In the new stands each division corresponds to 0.01 -mm elevation or depression of the tube in the direction of the optic axis. By this means measurements of thickness may be made with some degree of accuracy. The upper and lower surfaces of the object are successively focussed and the amount read off on the milled head by the fixed index. In doing this it must be remembered to make both adjustments by a rotation of the screw in the same direction. The depth of layers of air is then equal to the differ¬ ence between the two readings. The thickness of layers of any other substances may also be measured by the same arrangement. Estimation of the thickness of cover-glass for instance is best done as follows: With a medium-power dry lens (D or E) and eye-piece 3 or 4, using central illumination focus the upper and lower surfaces of cover-glasses of exactly known thickness — e. g. the covers of an Abbe test-plate — and note the appar¬ ent thickness so obtained. A comparison of this with the known true value gives, once for all, the coefficient for reducing measurements, made with the same objective under precisely similar conditions, of any other covers to their true values. Roughly speaking this equals 3/2 or more exactly 1.52 (the refractive index of glass). The thickness of sections is estimated in a similar manner. The medium tube length of our stands is 160 mm from the attachment of the objective to the upper end. The draw-tube arrangement which is possessed by all stands with the ex¬ ception of stand IX and the small stand for mineralogical purposes, admits of the tube-length being increased or diminished. With stands I to IV the length of the tube may be read off by means of a millimeter scale worked upon the tube. The lower end is tapped with the standard thread to take the auxiliary objective used with the apertometer. The inner diameter of our draw-tubes is 23 mm at the upper end. QazA 2>ei«, 0p tv|cHe ckna. 30 C. The Illumination of the Object. The modern microscope is essentially constructed for illumination with trans¬ mitted light. Ordinary microscopic observation demands exclusively illumination by white (day or lamp) light without limitation of the field, but the incident pencil should be capable of wide variation as regards its angular aperture (wide or narrow illuminating cone) and its direction (central or oblique light). These requirements are fulfilled by the ABBE Condenser, first introduced by us in 1873 (Max Schultze’s Arcliiv f. mikr. Anatomie, IX, p. 413, 1873), and now so gener¬ ally employed and so universally acknowledged as an indispensable accessory in advanced microscopic work, that it forms an essential adjunct to intended for scientific research. For description vid. Nos 17 to 20 of this Catalogue. To facilitate the employment of the cylinder diaphragms, which in our older stand necessitated the removal of the whole illuminating apparatus previous to their insertion , we have a few years ago made certain alterations in the mechanical arrangement of the Abbe illuminating apparatus, which, at the same time, render the frame of the apparatus available for the adaptation of other illuminators, such as the special ones described in Nos 20 — 23. 31 All the large and medium size stands are supplied in solid mahogany upright cases. This form is admittedly much the more convenient and certainly deserves preference to the flat cases, as it allows of the instrument being taken out and replaced without risk of any of its fittings being thereby deranged. The size is reduced as much as possible for the sake of compactness, but sufficient room is provided for the instrument with its objectives (and nose-piece) and eye¬ piece in situ and for an ample assortment of objectives, eye-pieces and usual accessory apparatus. Stands VI, VII and IX are supplied, as in former years, in flat mahogany case s. The cases are furnished with the following appendages: Metal name plates, including engraving, to screw on the door, M. 5.—. Leather travelling cases according to size M, 18.— to 30,—. The ordinary cases are included in the price of the stand. Cases of parti¬ cular design, walnut, ebony etc., are supplied at proportionate extra charges. QaxX Shua. Specification and Price of the various Stands. No. 4 A. Large Stands. Stand I. Inclinable from strictly vertical into strictly hori¬ zontal position and fixable in any inclined position by a clamping lever; square vulcanite stage 100 X 100 mm (4" X 4"), stage and body admitting of rotation about the optic axis. Coarse adjustment by rack and pinion, fine adju st¬ ill e n t by micrometer screw with divided head. Draw-tube with millimeter scale. Abbe illuminating apparatus No. 17 with rack and pinion adjustment. Iris diaphragm of the newest construction (with full aperture). Condenser system of 1.40 apert. interchange¬ able with cylinder diaphragm which may be added at an extra charge of M. 7. — at any time (Fig. 4) . Marks 300.— The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combinations are com¬ piled at the end of the catalogue. 33 Qatl OftifJvc WttlfiUU, Sena No. Maries 5 Stand k Stage with rotating vulcanite disk of abt. 4 3/4" dia. (120 mm), which is removable and can at any time be replaced by the mechanical stage (Price M. 100. — ) described below. The rotating disk may be accurately centered by means of two milled-head screws. This adjust¬ ment also serves to give slight motion to the object in the absence of the mechanical stage. In all other respects exactly as stand I (Fig. 5). Without mechanical stage . 300. — With mechanical stage capable of a movement of 18 mm in either direction and rotating vulcanite disk . . . 400.— For our mechanical stages we claim the following advantages not possessed by those made by others in former years: 1. They permit of the use of slips of any size. Cultivation plates or dishes may be placed upon the stage by removing the clips and milled heads, which is very easily done. 2. They are provided with two vernier scales, admitting of the position of a point being read within a l/10 mm. When using this arrangement the slip should always be pushed against the projection at the left hand of the object holder, so that it always occupies the same position in relation to the movable slide of the stage. The divisions can be used for measurements, if the accuracy required does not exceed 0.10 mm. 3. The stage is available with any method of illumination. Attachment of the mechanical stage is effected in the simplest manner by loosening the centering screws, compressing the counter¬ spring, removing the rotating disc and substituting the former by the reversed manipulation. The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combinations are com¬ piled at the end of the catalogue. 35 36 No. Maries 6 Stand for Photo-micrography. Square stage, 100x100 mm (4" X 4"), with mechanical stage for imparting delicate move¬ ments to the object-slide, which may be of any size (inch cultiv¬ ation plates). Body very short and of great diameter, so that photographic objectives of very long focus (projection system 70 mm) may be used w i t h i n i t. In all other respects similar to stands I and I*. This stand may, with good advantage, he used for usual ocular observation. For the purposes of photo-micrography it is advisable — and for all advanced work necessary — to substitute for the usual condenser of 1.40 aperture the achromatic centering con¬ denser of 1.0 aperture, price M. 75. — (No. 20). This condenser may, naturally, be used for ocular observation as well. The mechanical stage of the above stand is constructed with a view to imparting such a very slow motion to the object as the projection of a magnified image at a great distance ne¬ cessitates. Whilst the revolution of the object is effected in the ordinary way by turn-table rotated by rack and pinion, the cross motions are obtained by two sliding-pieces mounted at right angles to one another and actuated by micrometer screws. Vernier reading to 0.10 mm as in stand Is. With Abbe illuminating apparatus No. 17 with ordinary (non- achromatic) condenser of 1.40 apert . Achromatic centering condenser No. 20 . Or id. non -centering and without iris diaphragm, inter¬ changeable with the usual condenser . 350- 75.— 45 — The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combination s are cmn- jriled at the end of the catalogue. 37 QcLZ/t y cJchcv, B. Stands of Medium Size. No. 7 Maries Stand lla similar to Ia, stage with revolving vulca¬ nite disc of 100 111111 (4") diameter, which is centered by two milled-head screws and counter-spring and, within small limits, can be used as a tine stage movement. Coarse and fine adjustments as in the preceding instruments. Abbe illuminating apparatus No. 17 with iris diaphragm and condenser system of 1.40 mini, apert. (Fig. 7) . 290.— The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combinations are com¬ piled at the end of the catalogue. 39 Stand IK (7« ful1 size*> Gart %ev>$, ©ptvfcfve ^Vt^tatU, Sena. 40 No. | 8 Stand IV*. Inclinable, without clamping lever. Fixed stage, 90X90 mm (3 1 / 2 X Coarse and fine adjustments as above. Abbe illuminating apparatus No. 17 with condenser system of 1.20 num. apert. Cylinder diaphragm to fit in place of the condenser (M. 7.-). Without iris and cylinder diaphragms, which, however, may be added at an extra charge of M. 15.— and M. 7. — respectively, at any time (fig. 8) . Maries 200.— 9 Stand IVb similar to IVa but without illuminating apparatus. This is replaced by the ordinary plane and concave mirror with universal motions and the ordinary cylinder dia¬ phragm which is fixed to the under surface of the stage by a bayonet joint. This arrangement permits of a rapid interchange of the diaphragm for the simplified Abbe illuminator No. 18, price M. 40. — (condenser system of 1.20 num. apert, with fixed iris diaphragm) . Stand IVb inch illuminating apparatus No. 18 . 150 — 190 — The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combinations are cam- piled at the end of the catalogue. 41 Qa*t Seiw, 0ptif4ve ^Viz^tatU, cJena. 4 2 No. 10 Maries Stand Va. Inclinable, fixed stage 90X^0 mm (31/2X31/2/0- Coarse a d j u s t m e n t by sliding tube. Fine adjust in e n t by micrometer screw. The lower body of the instrument, including the Abbe illu¬ minating apparatus, identical to that of stand IVs (without iris and cylinder diaphragms which may be added at any time at an extra charge of M. 15. — and M. 7. — ). (Fig. 9) . 120. — 11 Stand Vb. Similar to the above, but without the Abbe illu¬ minating apparatus. Other arrangements as in stand IVb . . . Stand V1’ with illuminator No. 18 . 95.— 135.— 12 Babuchin Stand. This instrument, made after the design of i Prof. Babuchin of Moscow, is included in the series of our stands as it possesses several novel features of practical value which cannot be combined in the ordinary form of stand. These are substantially as follows: 1) The Abbe illuminating apparatus is constructed in a manner resembling that adopted by Nachet. The condenser system mounted in a sleeve may be inserted from above in the carrier which can be screwed do w n w a r d s and s w ung out to the 1 e f t. By these means the condenser system is easily changed for another of different aperture, or for a cylinder diaphragm or polariser. 2) Below the condenser carrier is a sliding piece admitting of a rotation about the optic axis, in which the iris diaphragm may be inserted and placed in any excentric position for oblique illumination. ■>) The illuminating apparatus is moved along the optic axis, not, as is generally the case, by rack and pinion, but by a screw fitted to the under side of the stage on the left hand, which gives The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable combinations are com¬ piled at the end of the catalogue. 43 Fig. 9. Stand Va. (*/2 full size.) Qazi Sciii, Optvfc he ^IVczfi^tatti, dena 44 a slow and more delicate motion. When the screw has been turned until the condenser has reached the lowest point, a further turn of the screw causes it to turn out automatically to the left, in which position the condenser system can be changed or centered. A specially large mirror fixed to a sliding holder allows of a wide range of up and down movement, and, when the condenser is swung outward, can be placed in any oblique position. The condenser has an aperture of 1.40. In accordance with the wishes of Prof. Babuchin we make two models of this stand. a) Large BABUCHIN Stand, with rotating and centering stage (similar to stand IT1). The whole body of the stand is attached by a hinge joint to a prism-shaped pillar sliding in an outer tube, so that it can be withdrawn and fixed by a clamping screw. This arrangement admits of a compact form being given to the instrument and of an increase to the height of the stage and stand generally, should this be required for the application of a photographic camera, the insertion of some larger substage apparatus etc. The height of the stand may be thus varied from a minimum of about 200 mm, with a body-length of 100 mm, to a maximum of 230 mm ; that of the stage from 105 to 135 mm. — This stand is fitted with the new micrometer fine adjustment (Fig. 10) . . b) “Student’s Microscope” after Babuchin — which has the same upper body as its predecessor; it is, however, not in¬ clinable, does not admit of the variation of the height of the stage and is provided with a somewhat simplified illuminating apparatus, which does not allow of the iris diaphragm supplied with the stand being rotated or placed in an oblique position ; it is, however, provided with a condenser of 1.40 aperture . . . Marks 320 — 200.- 45 Fig. 10. Babuchin Model Staud. (//3 full size.) Car-f 2vt35, 0pti ^-fvc eliJtta 40 C. Small Stands. No. 13 Marks Stand VI. Fixed stage 60X70 mm (2 Va X23/4//)* Illumination by plane and concave mirrors with universal mo¬ tion. Cylinder diaphragm with jacket fitted to the under surface of the stage by a bayonet joint; easily removed when very oblique light is required. This arrangement also permits of the illuminator No. 19 (of about 1,0 num. apert.) being inserted in place of the diaphragm. Coarse adjustment by sliding tube. Tube fitted with draw-tube. Fine a d j u s t m e n t by micrometer screw of new con¬ struction. This stand is made to incline (Fig. 11) . 65.— Stand VII. In all respects as stand VI but not inclinable. Substantially built for laboratory use. (Illuminator No. 19 appli¬ cable as in stand VI). (Fig. 12.) . The extreme care exercised in the construction of the micro¬ meter adjustment of stands VI and VII renders them available for use with the highest dry powers. For immersion systems these stands cannot fairly be expected to be rigid enough, though, if particular care be taken even these lenses may be used in excep¬ tional cases. GO.— Stands V, VI and VII cannot be subsequently fitted with rack and pinion adjustment in lieu of the draw- tube arrange¬ ment. All those who wish to spend a certain sum in making a first purchase with the intention of later on adding an immersion lens without having to undergo any extra-expenses occasioned by deficiencies in the stand, are therefore strongly advised to select one of the larger stands, i. e at least IV. The prices of stands do not include any optical or mechanical parts beyond those enumerated in the above specification. Suitable c o nib in at i o n s are com¬ piled at the end of the catalogue. 47 Fig. 11. Stand VI. (Half size.) Fig. 12. Stand VII. (2 art Sevas, 0ptifcfve ftatte, 3eua 48 No. 15 When using a revolving nose-piece with these smaller stands a clamping ring (ffl. 5. — ) will be found convenient ; this pre¬ vents the tube from sliding down in consequence of the weight of the nose-piece and the objectives attached thereto. The sliding objective-changer No. 25 is not appli¬ cable to stands VI and VII, owing to the small distance between the tube and the stage. Stand IX. Simple stand for laboratory and technical purposes. Plain large stage of 100 mm (4") dia. with large aperture, which may be decreased if required by dropping in a diaphragm. Large plane and concave mirrors. Adjustment by rack and pinion, the construction of which still admits, however, of the use of medium powers (C, D). (Fig. 18.) Recommended by Prof. Johne (Veterinary School, Dresden) for the detection of Trichina (M. 70. — incl. objective and 2 eye¬ pieces). Fig. 14. Hand Microscope. (Vs full size.) 16 Hand Microscope for demonstration in classes. Stage with clips to hold the specimen; sliding tube, which after adjustment is securely fixed by a clamping ring. Fine adjustment may be effected by altering the position of the eye-piece. In use it is directed by hand towards a window or lamp. Available even with objective D. Without objective, eye-piece and case (Fig. 14). . Marks 40- 15- 49 (V, full size.) (Barf Oyttfche ^IVeiyk^tatte, Sena 50 No. Stands for crystallographic and petrological researches. A. Large Stand (Fig. 15). Similar to stands I and Ia in form and size. Horse-shoe base; inclinable body. Coarse adjustment by rack and pinion G. Fine adjustment by means of micrometer screw with divided bead M. Abbe illuminating apparatus, adjustable by rack and pinion W with condenser system C of 1.40 aperture mounted in sleeve and interchangeable for cylinder diaphragm (M. 7. — ) or any of the apparatus No. 20 — 23. Diaphragm carrier with iris diaphragm, adapted for insertion of central stop diaphragms, mica and selenite films or polariser (Nicol) P; arranged to admit of rotation about the optic axis, of being placed obliquely and of being entirely swung out of the axis round the pivot f (vid. Fig. 15 and 16). Rotating stage with divided circle at circumference and cross- lines at right angles to one another. The draw-tube is provided with a mm-scale and separately adjustable by means of rack and pinion g and carries at its lower extremity an Amici (Bertrand) lens P, which may be in¬ serted through an opening in the outer tube ; at the upper end it is fitted with a divided circle for polariscopic measurements. The tube is provided at its lower end with Biot-Ivlein’s quartz plate K and centering arrangement c c for the objectives. With condenser of 1.40 ap., iris diaphragm, polariser, analyser, Klein’s quartz plate and Amici lens. Maries 550- Fig. 15. Large Mineralogical Stand (half size). < Saz'C Optvf’cfve tyXhz&^tatfa, 3ina. Marks B. Medium Stand (Fig. 16). This stand is similar to the preceding one, but smaller in size, which corresponds with that of our stand IV. It is inclinable, is fitted with the same arrangement of the illuminating apparatus, the stage, the coarse and fine adjustment of tube, the fittings for Klein’s quartz plate and the analyser, and has the same centering objective-holder. It is, however, adapted for the eye-piece No. 50 for the observation of axial images and is supplied without the Amici lens. With condenser, polariser, analyser, Klein’s quarz plate The following special illuminating apparatus may be used with these two stands, viz : No. .21, Illuminating apparatus for monochromatic light after Hartnack . No. 22, Micro-spectral objective after Engelmann . . . No. 23, Spectro-polariser after Rollet . These may by means of the centering collar supplied with them be fixed and adjusted in the sleeve of the condenser system by the observer. 350.— 80.— 124 — 240 — 53 Fig. 16. Mineralogical Stand. Medium size. (V2 full size.) Qazt Sxsico, 0pti/fcac tyViififtatU, dcna 54 No. C. Small Stand (Fig. 17). # Marks This stand is in form and size similar to the tripod stand IX. Not inclinable. The polariser is mounted together with a con¬ denser of 1.0 aperture in a sleeve and may be rotated about the optic axis by means of the lever a. After having drawn the po¬ lariser down within the sleeve a short distance (so as to bring the condenser under the underside of the stage), it may be swung out of the optic axis by means of the lever b. The polariser may also be entirely withdrawn and substituted by the ordinary con¬ denser or a cylinder diaphragm, but none of the special illuminat¬ ing apparatus adaptable to the two stands A and B can be used with this stand. The large double mirror (plane and concave) is movable in all directions and can be easily withdrawn as in the larger stands. The stage is arranged to rotate and is provided with a divided circle. The tube is fitted with rack and pinion adjustment G. This mechanism is, however, so carefully fitted that by its means even the medium powers (C, D) may be conveniently focussed. The upper end of the tube is fitted with a divided circle T for analyser A and the lower part with the centering collar c c, Klein’s quartz plate K and a small shutter to close the aperture occupied by the quartz plate when this is not being used. With polariser, condenser system, analyser and Klein’s quartz plate . Condenser system of 1.0 ap., without polariser, with small iris diaphragm . Cylinder diaphragm . 180.— 22.— 7,- * 55 Fig'. 17. Miueralogical Stand. Small size. (Vs full size.) iece No. 40 . Eye-piece for the observation of axial images No. 50 (for the medium and small stand) . Spectroscopic eye-piece No. 53 . Micro-spectro-photometer after Engelmann No. 54 ABBE camerae No. 43 and 44 . M. 30. — and Set of 8 selenite and mica films after Mohl . Respecting the appliances for photo-micrography and for the projection of objects in general and of axial images in particular we refer to pag. 92. Analyser for projection (made to screw to the projection eye-pieces). 10.— 35.— 7.— 15.— 60.— 30.— 30.— 165.— 480.— 42. — 10. — 20. — Illuminating Apparatus. A. For white light. No. 17 ^Illuminating Apparatus after Abbe (new arrangement). The essential feature of this is a condenser system of short focus, which collects the light reflected by the mirror into a cone of rays of very large aperture and projects it on the object. The full aperture of the illuminating cone should only be used when finely granular and deeply stained particles (bacteria) are being examined with objectives of large aperture. In every other case the cone must be reduced to suitable dimensions either by an iris diaphragm (see below) or common diaphragm (central illumination). On placing the diaphragm excentrically , by means of the rack work attached to the carrier, the central rays are excluded, and a certain extra-axial portion of the illuminating pencil falls upon the object (oblique light). When the diaphragm is thus excentrically placed this oblique pencil can be directed from all azimuths by rotating the carrier round the optic axis. The central stop diaphragm shuts off all the axial and trans¬ mits only the marginal rays (dark-ground illumination; see special instructions). Maries S az-C SSeioo, <£)p tifcfic °ICkzdt(tdtte, dina. 58 Fig-. 18. Abbe Illuminating apparatus. a) Condenser system of 1.20 num. apert., b) condenser system of 1.40 num. apert., c) cylinder diaphragm, d) iris diaphragm, e) milled head for throwing the diaphragms out of centre. No. The Condenser system — made as before in two forms, a) a double combination of 1.20 num. apert., and b) a triple combination of 1.40 num. apert., is mounted in a holder which tits a sprung jacket on the apparatus. This arrangement facilitates an interchange of the two condenser systems, and also serves to carry the following apparatus when the condenser is not used : c) the ordinary cylinder diaphragm; Marks I 59 cl) the illuminating appliances described under Nos. 20—23. Maries The centering collars required for the adjustment of the illu¬ minators 20 to 23 are now supplied with these and are included in their prices. c Fig. 19. Centering Collar. e) Centering collar for accurately adjusting achromatic or apochromatic objectives used as illuminators in photo-micrography. As most of these appliances require adjustment to the plane of the object, every Abbe illuminator now made is fitted with rack and pinion for adjustment in the direction of the optic axis. Every microscope fitted with it may, therefore, be used in con¬ junction with any other form of illuminator which may be required. (2 73 Marhs -52- Id. With movable index in lien of micrometer scale . Screw Micrometer Eye-piece. For such exact meas¬ urements of objects which occupy a large portion of the field and cannot, therefore, be measured with sufficient accuracy by means of the ordinary micro¬ meter eye-piece. Ramsden eye-piece ; glass-plate with crossed lines which are moved across the field by means of the micro¬ meter screw. — Each interval of the divided drum corresponds to 0.01 millimeters of the objective image. Complete revolutions of the drum are counted by means of a figured scale in the field. With the aid of this instrument up to 8 mm may be measured across the image formed by the objective. (Fig. 32.) . . . . 30a Id. fitted with compensating eye -piece in lieu of the Ramsden eye-piece; for use with apochromatic lenses . . . . 31 Stage Screw Micrometer, for the exact measure¬ ment o f o b j e c t s t o o 1 a r g e to beincludedinonevisual 41.— GO.— 80.— Qazt Siios, (Spt-ij’cfv^ tyVczh^ldlle, 3 cna. 74 No. field o f tli e microscope. — A sliding piece which is actuated by a micrometer-screw carries a rotating disc with divided circle; the divisions of the drum indicate 0,002 mm ; complete rotations are counted by an index ; the screw measures up to 10 mm. — The instrument is arranged to fix on the stages of the larger stands; in the case of those fitted with rotation disc, the latter has to be removed. (Fig. 33.) . When ordering please to state the breadth of the stage which it is intended for. B. Apparatus for counting. 33 Crossed-line Micrometer, for dropping into the eye-pieces (in particular the micrometer eye-piece s). A square of 5 mm, divided into squares of 1.0 or 0.5 mm, as required; for counting scattered particles in the field ; in bone capsule . . . Set of Stops of different diameters (1 to 10 mm) for dropping into the eye-pieces — micrometer eye-piece preferably — after P. Ehrlich . 1) For determining the numerical ratio of the various white corpuscles in leucaemic blood. 2) For determining the relative proportions of red and white corpuscles in cases of anaemia etc. 3) The smallest diaphragms for demonstrating objects placed in the centre of the field and also 4) For increasing the definition of very fine structural images. 33 Crossed-line Stage Micrometer, a cross -line micrometer, being a sq. mm divided into 400 squares, which forms the bottom of a cell having an exact depth of 0.100 mm; the cubic contents of the fluid resting on one square below the cover-glass are, therefore, 1/' 400o cubic millimeters. With 2 plane cover-glasses. In case . Maries 120.— 5.— 5.— 15 — 75 Marks 34 Haemacytometer after THOMA. This apparatus consists of 1) a cross-line micrometer, being a sq. mm divided into 400 squares, which forms the bottom of a cell having an exact depth of 0.1 mm, and 2) a blood-mixing pipette (melangeur), which is also, of necessity, very accurately calibrated. With instructions. In case. a) With mixing pipette for red corpuscles . b) With mixing pipette for white corpuscles c) The same apparatus with both pipettes Pipettes alone. One for red corpuscles (diluting 1 : 100) One for white „ ( „ 1 : 10) . 30.— 32.— 44 — 12 — 14.— 35»? b, c The same apparatus, as Nos. U »■ b’ c, with small movable stage, to assist the process of counting under the microscope M. 10. — extra. C. Measuring Apparatus for various other purposes. 36 Brass Measure, lOO-mm, with chamfered edge 37 Measures on plate-glass, for drawings, in which the di¬ visions lie on the surface of the paper without parallaxis, with fine, sharply engraved lines: 300 mm glass rule, divided in */i mm . 200 mm do. do. . 100 mm do. do. . 50 mm divided in */ 2 mm on a 3X1 inch slip . . . . Any other scales to order. 1.50 0.— 5. — 1.50 1.50 Qavl Ztizs, <£>p hvfifyaUi, dtna. 76 No. 38 The latter two with double divisions, English measure and 111m, each . 30 Fully divided Circles on pi ate -glass discs, with centre marks, for use as transposers : Circle 80 mm in diameter, x/i degrees . Circle 120 mm in diameter, lj2 degrees . 40 Goniometer Eye-piece (No. 2), for estimating the angles of microscopical objects, with divided circle and glass plate marked with a series of parallel lines; sliding adjustment to eye-lens . 41 Cover-glass Gauge for the exact measurement of thickness of cover-glasses, thin plates etc. — The measurement is effected by a clip projecting from a box; the reading is given by an indicator moving over a divided circle on the lid of the box. The divisions show hundredths of a millimeter. Measures to upwards of 5 mm. Fig. 34. Cover-glass Gauge. No. 41. 42 Cover-glaSS Gauge of simpler construction ; screw with divided disc and arrangement for regulating the pressure; rends 0.01 mm . Maries 2.50 5.— 9.— 30.— 36.— 12.— Drawing Apparatus. No. Maries 43 ^Camera lucida after Abbe. The drawing surface is made visible by double reflection, from a large plane mirror and from the silvered surface of a small prism in the eye-point of the eye¬ piece. The microscopic image is seen directly through an aperture in the silvering of the prism. By the concentricity thus obtained of the pencil of rays reaching the eye from both the microscope and the paper, the image and pencil are seen coincidently without any straining of the eyes. With this apparatus moreover drawings may be made on a horizontal surface without perceptible distortion. The brightness of the paper is regulated by smoke-tinted glasses which fit into the prism casing. The apparatus is adjusted for the No. 2 Huyghenian and the compensating eye-pieces 4 and 6, but can also be used with very low amplifications, and also with the G and 10 dia. aplanatic lenses (No. 79) on the large dissect¬ ing stand I; if to be used on dissecting stand III it requires a special fitting (which we supply for M. 8.—) . 30,- Qazt 0'ptvj’cHe (tcitU, ckna. 78 Fig. 36. Drawing Prism. Drawing Prism (Camera lucida) with two prisms ; for fixing over the eye-piece. (Fig. 36.) . 81. Maries Fig. 35. Abbe Camera lucida. The same Apparatus, with larger mirror on longer arm, * so arranged that the prism case together with the mirror may be swung back round a horizontal pivot, the underpart remaining meanwhile on the tube in its adjusted position. (Fig. 35.) . Arrangements for Polarisation 46 Polarisers : I. For use with the illuminating apparatus of the large stands. Nicol prism with flange on mounting to tit the carrier of the condenser, se that the ordinary diaphragms and also selenite and mica films may he placed over the polarising prism. Fig. 87. Polariser No. 46 I. II. Fitting the cylinder diaphragm of the smaller stands. Nicol prism with condensing lens . Marks 11).— 22.50 .1 a Jena. 80 No. 47 Analysers: I. Prazmowski prism in brass mount, for placing above the eye-piece . II. The same with divided circle . 48 Complete Polariscopes for the larger stands (with Abbe condenser; stands I to V inch): a) Polariser I and Analyser II (with divided circle) . . . b) „ I „ „ I (without divided circle) . . * 49 50 51 Complete Polariscopes for the smaller stands (without condenser; stands VI and VII): a) Polariser II and Analyser II (with divided circle) . . . b) ,, II „ „ I (without divided circle) . . Those possessing the goniometer eye - piece No. 40 may use its divided circle in conjunction with the analyser. The price of the polarising apparatus is, in this case, therefore, that stated for the polarising set without divided circle. Eye-piece for observation of axial images. For use with Polariser I and Analyser II. Huy- ghenian eye-piece 2 with sliding eye-lens combined with a collective system consisting of two single lenses, which is adjustable to the upper focal plane of the objective by a sliding tube. (Fig. 38.) . . Fig. 38. o • Eye-piece for beries of 8 selenite and mica films after axja] i,nages. Mohl . Spectro-polariser, see No. 23. Maries 20.— 35 — 54.- 39.— 57.50 42.50 30.— 10.— Spectroscopic Eye-pieces. Spectroscopic Eye-piece. Eye-piece with slit mechanism between the lenses. The upper achromatic lens adjustable to focus on the slit. Amici prism to place over the eye-piece. The whole connected with the body by a clamping screw .... "Spectroscopic Eye-piece (Micro-spectroscope) after ABBE. Achromatic upper lens adjustable to focus on the slit as above. Mechanism between the lenses for contracting and ex¬ panding the slit by symmetrical movement of the laminae (after Merz) by means of the screw F ; these may be sufficiently widely separated so as to open the whole visual field. The screw II serves to reduce the length of the slit to such an extent, that, the comparison prism being inserted, the image of the object under investigation completely fills the slit. Comparison prism with lateral frame and clips to hold the object and the mirror. All these parts in a drum combined with the eye-piece. Above the eye-piece, an Amici prism of great dispersion, which may be turned aside about the pivot (K) to allow of the adjustment of the object being controlled, the prism being retained in its axial position by the spring catch L. A scale is projected on the spectrum by means of a scale-tube and mirror attached to the mount of the prism ; the divisions of the scale indicate in decimals of a micron the wave-lengths of the section of the spectrum superposed by them. The screw P is for adjusting the scale relative to the spectrum. Qazl 0pti (ofic QPcifi flat te, 3c na. Marls 72. 82 Fig. 39. Microspectroscope after Abbe. Fig. 40. Section through centre-line Slit mechanism of the whole instrument. (Plane. Full size). (7, full size.) No. Maries The apparatus is inserted into the tube in place of the ordinary eye-pieces and is clamped to the former by means of screw M in such a position that the mirrors A and 0 serving to illuminate the comparison prisms and the scale of wave-lengths are simultaneously illuminated by sun-light. (Fig. 39 and 40.) In case, including a set of lithographed scales for recording obser¬ vations . 165.— 54 *MicrO-SpectrO-photometer after ENGELMANN for quanti¬ tative micro-spectrum analysis, constructed on the principle of Vierordt’s spectro-photometer. In place of the eye-piece the casing A is attached to the body of the microscope by the tube B \ it contains two conaxial, independently movable slits in juxta¬ position, which are symmetrically opened and closed by right and left handed screws. The width of each slit is read off accu¬ rately on the drums T and T‘ to 0.01 mm and may be estimated to the approximation of 0.001 mm. The one slit is occupied by the image of the object under investigation, and the other is illuminated by light from the source of comparison, which is HI* 83 Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Micro-spectro-pliotometer after Engelmauu. QaiA Sciw, 0pli fcfie fyPezfiftatU, cJena. 84 brought to it by a reflecting prism arranged above it and a lateral tube d with collimator lens, diaphragm carrier n and mirror S (or incandescent lamp). In the upper opening of the box A either an eye-piece may be inserted and, by means of a sliding sleeve, made to accurately focus on the slit, or, instead of this (after proper adjustment of the image of the specimen to focus on the objective slit), the spectroscopic apparatus a' A' B C may be adapted and fixed in the proper azimuth by a click mechanism. This apparatus consists of the casing A‘ which on one side, the upper end of a', contains a collimator lens l, which serves to parallel the cone of rays proceeding from the objective before they enter a Rutherford prism P of great dispersion. By the lens l' on the other side, at the lower end of B, the parallel rays proceeding from the prism are again brought to a focus ; and this real spectrum is observed through an eye-piece L. By 2 slit mechanisms mounted at right angles to one another and actuated by the screws t V , u u‘ in the focal plane of the eye-piece, the visual field can be limited at pleasure after Vierordt’s manner. By means of two lenses shown at C , an image of a wave¬ length scale is projected on the spectrum by reflexion from the end-surface of the Amici prism, which is illuminated by the mirror S‘ and put out of action by closing the shutter d‘. Ad¬ justment of this scale is made by inclining the whole scale-tube C by means of the screw w with its counter spring v (Figs. 41 and 42) (vide Zeitschr. f. wiss. Mikroskopie V, p. 289, 1889) Maries 480.— Various Optical and Mechanical Apparatus. Stereoscopic Eye-piece. No. 55 ^Stereoscopic Eye-piece after ABBE, for stereoscopic and indifferent binocular observation of microscopical objects with any degree of high magnification (Carl’s Repertorium d. Experimental- Marks (2 ground and unground focussing-plate . Separate double dark-slides, each . Frames for any standard or other size, each . 70.— 18.— 1.50 Auxiliary apparatus the same as in the case of the large camera. 99 Maries *Small Vertical Photo-micrographic Camera. (Fig. 49.) Fig. 49. Small Vertical Photo-micrograpliic Camera. Bellows having a length of 45 cm (18"). Either camera-end may be moved up or down along the sliding-bar S by means of the collar-rings P and Q and may be clamped in any position. Rod S is pivoted in the socket B and by this means the camera may be readily placed over the microscope or swung away from it. The apparatus may be mounted upon any firm table. Price with double dark-slide for 12X15 cm (43/4X8") plates, ground and unground focussing-plate . Separate double dark-slides, each . Auxiliary apparatus the same as in the case of the pre ceding camera. 75.— 15. Qtxzl Seico, 0-ptvfcfi.e eftna. Dissecting Microscopes and Magnifiers. Dissecting Stands. ^Dissecting Stand I after Paul Mayer. Heavy horse¬ shoe foot; the stage consists of a large metal frame (10X10 cm = 4X4 in.) to which are attached wooden folding handrests ; adjustment by rack and pinion, plane and concave mirrors with universal motions. The triple dissecting system No. 76 forms a suitable combination for “teasing” small objects on a slip or in a watch-glass ; it may be fixed in the ordinary lens-holder and | a metal plate with stage opening of the usual size, which can be closed below by a black or w bite disc, may be placed under the object into a recess provided in the stage-frame. In the examination of large objects, particularly living aquatic animals, the aplanatic lenses Nos. 78 and 79 (6 and 10 dia.) will be found useful ; they fit into a separate arm which may be inserted into the ordinary lens support and, by this arrangement, the whole of the stage can be scanned. In this case the metal stage is replaced by a glass plate, and the above- mentioned white and black discs serve as convenient means of modifying the illumination. With low powers a disc of white drawing paper should be clamped over one of this mirrors by means of a clamping ring supplied with the instrument for this Marks 101 (Bait Sei^D, (Sptij’cA-c Vtfi|tdUc, cJcua Fig. 50. Dissecting Stand I, 102 No. Maries purpose. A brass plate made to fit tlie frame serves as a support for small dissecting dishes which may be cemented to it by means of paraffine; by means of a separate arm also dissecting lens No. 76 may be conducted over the entire stage. The whole in mahogany case fitted with lock and handle. (Fig. 50.) Without lenses . 100.— Application of the Abbe camera, vid. p. 77. Fig. 51. Dissecting Stand III. ^Dissecting Stand III. Heavy square metal base, large stage, 75X60 mm (30X24"), to which are attached leather covered hand-rests. Adjustment by rack and pinion ; large concave 103 mirror. Arranged for Nos. 76 and 78 (10 and 20 dia.). A separate lens holder required if lens No. 79 (6 and 10 dia.) is to be used. (Price of this holder M. 5. — .) In case fitted with lock and handle. (Fig. 51.) Without lenses . Fig. 52. Dissecting Stand IY. •Dissecting Stand IV. Constructed on our well-known former model ; coarse adjustment by sliding the lens holder, fine adjustment by micrometer screw. Concave mirror. (Fig. 52.) a) In case on which it screws when in use . b) With case and separate foot, with rests for the hands. c) Without case, screwed to the foot . The lenses described under the numbers from 80 to 82 are recommended as particularly suitable for this stand whilst Nos. 76 to 79 are not suited for it. Maries 50.— 18 — 21 — 18.— (Sail iSeioi, ©ptifeke fyViififtaUc, Sena. 104 Fig. 53. Dissecting Stand V. No. 73 Dissecting Stand V. Small brass stand with stage, above wljiclr a lens slides up and down in a holder. (Fig. 53.) a) With blocks for supporting the hands . b) Without, this . Only suitable for use with lenses Nos. 81 and 82 or doublet No. 80 (15 and 30 dia.). Marks 10.— 9. — 105 Lens Holders. Fig. 54. Lens Holder I. Marks Lens Holder I. Heavy metal foot, lens holder with hinge joints, rack and pinion for focussing . Fig. 55. Lens Holder II. I Lens Holder II. Heavy metal foot with vertical brass rod and sliding lens holder . The lens holders are specially constructed for use with the BRUCKE lenses Nos. 83 and 84, but can also be employed with other low power lenses (Nos. 79 and 81). 25.— 12. — Scis>, 0ptvfcKc tyVit fi ftatti, ckua. Dissecting Lenses. No. 76 Maries 'Dissecting Combination Lens, consisting of three achro¬ matic lenses (objective) and an achromatic concave eye-piece; magnifying 100 diameters with a working distance (9 mm) which affords ample room for convenient manipulation with knife and needle during observation . By unscrewing the third and second lens of the objective and using the latter without the eye-piece a useful series of graduated magnifications may be obtained as shown in the follow¬ ing table: 3 lenses with eye-piece 100 diameters 1 ?? ?? r 40 3 „ without „ 30 2 „ „ 20 1 „ „ ,7 15 40.- Fig. 56. Aplanatic Lens after Steinlieil, with Handle. 78 Aplanatic Lenses — Steinheil’s formula — composed of three cemented lenses, giving relatively long focal distances with large flat field ; the higher lenses for use with the dissecting microscopes, the weaker ones as hand lenses or with a lens holder. Magnifying 6, 12, 20; in wood capsule, each . . . . 12. — 107 Fig. 57. Improved Aplanatic Leus. No. Maries 79 Aplanatic Lenses, of similar construction, with exception¬ ally large field, the lower type suitable for use with Abbe camera No. 43 or 44 (vid. p. 77) ; 6 and 10 diameters ; in wood capsule, each . 15 — Handle with ring for lenses 78 and 79 . 3 — Tripod for same . 3.— 80 Doublets, old formula. a) X 15 in case . 0.— b) X 30 „ „ . G.- c) X 60 „ „ . Designed for the dissecting stands IV and V ; not suitable for free hand work owing to the high amplifications. 9.— 81 Magnifier, two lenses in brass mounting, magnifying 10, lower lens alone 5, in capsule . Designed for dissecting stands IV and V and also as a hand magnifier. 0.— 82 Magnifier, same construction simplified for dissecting stand V, in wood capsule . 4. — 83 Dissecting Lens after Brucke, with long focal distance, magnifying 4 to 5 times . 11.— (Bazi 0pt ifcfie QVzzfz^tattc, dzna. 108 No. Marks 84 Dissecting Lens after Brucke, double objective with achro¬ matic lenses of 33 mm aperture and sliding eye-piece, magnifying 5 to 10 times . 30.— . The above two numbers are specially designed for the lens holders Nos. I and II. Hand Magnifiers. 87 Achromatic Magnifier, in ivory mount to fold, as above, with two achromatic lenses; magnifying 3, 5 and 8 .... . 12.— 109 Synopsis of Magnifiers. I -- — — — — - - - No. Type Magni¬ fication Focal distance Visual field Price Mks mm mm 78 79 80 84 f Steinheil aplanatic lenses Improved aplanatic lenses a) Doublet <(b) c) Magnifier Brucke dissecting lenses 6 12 20 6 10 17 33 70 10 5 5—10 34 20 10 32 12 13 5 2.5 13 70 70—60 18 9 3.5 30 15 4 2 1.2 14 20 13-7 12 — 12.— 12 — 15.— 15 — 6.— 6 — 9.— 4. and 6. 11.— 30.— Remarks. The magnification is calculated for a normal image distance of 250 mm (10"). The focal distance is the distance between the object and the lower surface of the lens, as adjusted by a normal-sighted observer. The distance given above is rather smaller with short - sighted and greater with long-sighted persons. The same applies to the given linear diameter of the field. These values are , therefore , only approximated and intended to give a rough idea. (2a tf iSevw, (Sptij’cfic tyVafiftaUi, 3i tia. Microtomes. We have discontinued to supply the ROUTING microtome. Of late years the more elaborate microtomes have undergone such manifold changes and have become so complicated, that only workshops which devote themselves to this special branch under the constant guidance of experts can hope to manu¬ facture them with any success. We, therefore, limit ourselves to the simple microtomes which we have been making for a number of years and which admittedly answer the purpose for which they were designed. I Fig. 58. Microtome. Microtome after our former pattern. Round polished glass I plate 80 mm in diameter, supported by two pillars on a heavy brass foot, on which the knife is worked by hand. The specimen j to be cut is imbedded in a brass tube and pushed up through an opening in the plate by a screw with divided head. The divisions on the head indicate the thickness in hundredths of a millimeter. (Fig. 58.) With knife, in small case . Maries I 40 — Ill Hand Microtoma. Round flat brass plate 80 mm in diameter, with a cylindrical jacket by which the instrument is held in the hand and through which the specimen is advanced by a screw. The thickness is indicated on a divided disc. For use with an ordinary razor . . . I Fig-. 59. Francotte’s Microtome 91 ^Microtome after FRANCOTTE, similar to the above ; the knife is worked by a metal carrier (d), and the whole may be fixed to a table by a clamping screw (a). (Fig. 59.) . . . . 92 Knives for the microtomes 89, 90 and 91. Large razors with straight blade and folding handle . In order to meet the wishes of our friends abroad we shall be glad to procure for them, together with the micro¬ scopical outfits ordered: Microtomes, Complete sets of dissecting instruments, Collections of microscopical specimens. In such cases please to state the approximate prices. Marks 18.— 30 — 5.— 0ptif’dVc fyVtzfiftaite, chna. Slips and Covers. No. 93 Slips of the Giessen Pattern — 28X48 mm . 94 a) white crown-glass with ground edges, per 100 . . . b) „ „ „ „ unground edges, per 100 . . c) best white plate-glass with ground edges, per 100 . Slips of the English Pattern — 76X26 mm : 7(3X26 MS a) white crown-glass with ground edges, per 100 . . . b) „ „ „ „ unground edges, per 100 . . c) best white plate-glass with ground edges, per 100 . Maries 3. — 2. — 4. — 3.50 2.50 7.50 113 No. 95 90 97 Slips of extra large size — 87X37 mm a) white crown-glass with ground edges, per 100 . . b) „ „ „ ,, unground . edges, per 100 . c) best white plate-glass with ground edges, per 100 Hollow Slips: a) small pattern, 55X32 mm, of best make and finish, ground edges, each . b) extra large, 87X37 mm, of best make and finish, edges ground and polished, 5 mm thick, each . Slips with cemented glass rings, for moist chambers l or 2 mm deep, each . Marks o. 3.50 9.— 0.50 1.— 0.80 98 Covers square : size : 24 21 18 15 12 mm □ per 100 Mk.: 4.70 3.60 2.70 1.80 1.—. @cuC Sei», <£)ptvfcA.e sK?akj(iHU, cJena. Marks Covers, round: size: 24 21 18 15 12 mm diameter per 100 Mk. : 6.90 5i50 4.20 3.00 L50. Covers, oblong: size : 32X24 mm , 24X21 mm per 100 Mk. : 64X) anCl 4.50. 24X21 M — The thickness of the above covers varies between 0.15 and 0.22 mm ; one third more must be added to the above prices for covers of given thickness. Complete Microscopes. For the convenience of the buyer we have compiled the following series of suitable and current combinations with the total price appended. In ordering either of these sets it will be sufficient to quote the respective number and price. 1) Microscope: Stand Ia with mechanical stage . M. 400. _ Apochromatic Objectives : 16.O mm, 8.0 mm, 4.0 mm 0.30 n. ap. 0.65 n. ap. 0.95 n. ap. IOO— 130.— 180.— . M. 410 — 2.5 mm (Water Immers.) I.25 n. ap. 3°°— . . 300 — 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm (Homog. Immers.) 1.30 n. ap. 1.40 n. ap. 400.— 500— . . 900.— >f 1610, — Compensating Eye-pieces : 2, 4, 8, 12, 18 20 — 20.— 20.— 30 — 30 — 25.— . . 145. — 6 with 1jl micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) ,, 30. — Projection Eye-pieces : 2, 4 40. — 40. — . Goniometer Eye-piece No. 40 80. — „ 30 — „ 285.— Carry forward M. 2295. — ( Sat'f 0p tijcht QVcvh^tdtti, Sena. 116 Brought forward Apertometer No. 2 • . . . Test-plate No. 3 . Sliding Objective-changer No. 25 with 6 Objective-slides Case for 6 slides . Stage Micrometer No. 26 . . Screw Micrometer Eye-piece No. 30a . Stage Screw Micrometer No. 31 . . . . . Crossed-line Micrometer No. 32 . . Apparatus for counting blood corpuscles No. 34c . . . . Measures No. 36 and 37, 100 and 300 mm respectively Fully divided Circle No. 39, 120 mm dia . Cover-glass Tester No. 41 . Camera No. 44 . Polariscope No. 48s (Divided Circle of the Goniometer Eye-piece No. 40) . Series of Selenite and Mica Films No. 51 . Spectroscopic Eye-piece No. 53 . . . Microscope Lamp No. 59 . Saccharimeter No. 61 . . Turn Table No. 63 . M. 80.— 10.— .« 70.— .. 7*- „ 10— „ 80.— „ 120.— ” 5' " 44' — „ 10.50 9-— 36— „ 42.— » 39— „ 10 — M I65.— 11 30 — v 65.— m 9 — M 2295.— „ 841.50 Apparatus for Mounting . Dissecting Microscope : Dissecting Stand I ....... IOO.— Dissecting Series No. 76 . ....,, 40 — Aplanatic Lenses No. 79, 6 and 10 . . a 15 — .. 30. — Lens Holder I . . 25 — with Brucke's Lenses No. 83 and 84 ...... 41. — Microtome No. 89*) . „ 40. — Extra Knife No. 92 . . . 5 — Packing 170- 66. 45-— 8 50 . Mk. 3426. 2) Microscope: Stand I'1 without mechanical Stage ...... M. 300. — Apochromatic Objectives : 16.0 mm, 8.0 mm, 3.0 mm 0.30 n. ap. 0.65 n. ap. O.95 n. ap. 100. — 130. — 200.— . ’ . M. 430.— 2.5 mm (Water Immers.) I.25 n. ap 300.— . . 300.— 1.5 mm (Homog. Immers.) I.30 n. ap. 45° — . . 45° — ,, 1180. — Carry forward M. 1 480. — *) We are prepared to supply larger microtomes at manufacturer’s prices (vide remark p. 111). 117 Brought forward M. 1480. — Compensating Eye-pieces : 2. 4, 8. 12, 18 20. — 20— 30.— 30. — 25. — . M. 125.— 6 with */' micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) Revolving Nose-piece No. 24c . Stage Micrometer No. 26 . Cover-glass Tester No. 41 . . Camera No. 44 . Polariscope No. 48a . Series of Selenite and Mica Films No. 51 . 30 71 35 — 77 10. — 57 36— 71 42— 1 7 54— 10. — M. 155— „ 187.— Apparatus for Mounting : Dissecting Microscope: Dissecting Stand I . .... Dissecting Series No. 76 . Aplanatic Lenses No. 79, X 6 and 10 . . .a 15.— Packing „ IOO.— „ 40.— » 30 — 170.- 4— 3) Microscope: Stand IIa . Attachable mechanical Stage . Apochromatic Objectives : 16.O mm 8.0 mm 4.0 111m 0.30 n. ap. 0.65 n. ap. 0.95 n. ap. IOO.— 130. — 180. — . 2.0 mm (Homog. Immersion) / or 3 ° mm 1.40 n. ap. V 1.40 n. ap. Compensating Eye-pieces : 2, 4, 8, 12, 20. — 20. — 30. — 30. — . 6 with 1/1 micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) Sliding Objective-changer No. 25 with 4 Objective-slides Case for 6 slides . Camera No. 44 . . ... Polariscope No. 48“ . M. 290. — « 75— » 410— „ 5°o— „ 100.— 30— „ 5° — V 7— *, 42 — m _ 54— M. 365 — „ 910 — 130 — 153— Apparatus for Mounting : Dissecting Microscope : Dissecting Stand III . Dissecting Series No. 76 . . Aplanatic Lenses No. 79, X ^ an<* 1° • . k 15.— Extra Lens Holder for use with Diss. Stand III . . Lens Holder I . with Brucke’s Lens No. 83 Hand Microtome No. 90 with Knife No. 92 11 50— 11 40.- 11 30 — >1 5 — 75 25 — 11 11.— 15 18.- 5— Packing 17 125 — 36— 23 — 3-5° M. 1996.- M. 1715.50 Qaii Sciss, €)j>ii^dvc cJcita. 118 4) Microscope: Apochromatic Objectives : 16.0 mm 8.0 mm 4.0 mm 0.30 n. ap. 0.65 n. ap. 0.95 n. ap. 100. — 130. — 180.— . M. 410.— 2.0 mm (Homog. Immers.) I.30 n. ap . „ 4OO. — Compensating Eye-pieces : 2, 4. 8, 12 20. — 20. — 30. — 30. — . 6 with i/l micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) Sliding Objective -changer No. 25 with 4 Objective- slides . Case for 6 slides . . Stage Micrometer No. 26 . Camera No. 44 . This outfit costs with: a) Stand I* with mechanical Stage b) Stand II* . Attachable mechanical Stage or c) Stand IVa . Iris Diaphragm . Attachable mechanical Stage ► 5) Microscope: Apochromatic Objectives : 16.O mm 3.0 mm 0.30 n. ap. 0.95 n. ap. 100. — 200. — . 1.5 mm (Homog. Immers.) I.30 n. ap . Packing Packing Packing y yy 100.— „ 30.— yy yy 50 — 7-~ 1* 10. — 1, 42 — M. 1049. — M. 400 — .. 3-5° „ 290.— .» 75 — y> _ 3- ~ „ 200. — M 15 — .. 75-- 11 3- M. 300. — » 45°- — M. 1452.50 M. 1417.- M 1342.— Compensating Eye-pieces : 2, 4, 8, 12 20. — 20. — 30. — 30.— . „ 100. — 6 with 1/t micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) „ 30. — Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b . . 27. — This outfit costs with : a) Stand Ia without mechanical Stage with or b) Stand IIa . or c) Stand IVa . Iris Diaphragm . Attachable mechanical Stage Packing Packing Packing M. 300 — „ IOO— yy 3* m. 1310.— „ 290.— _ ” _ 2m_ m. 1109.— „ 200 — » I5-~ 75-— » 2,50 M. 1199.50 119 6) Microscope ( Outfit of the Prussian Military Hospitals): Achromatic Dry Objectives! AA, DD 30— 54.- . Apochromatic Homog Immers. Objective: 2.0 mm 1.30 n. ap . Huyghenian Eye-pieces: 2> 4 . Compensating Eye-pieces : 4. 8 20.— 30.— . 6 with yx micron divisions (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 29) Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b This outfit costs with : a) Stand la without mechanical Stage Packing k 7.— or b) Stand H» . Packing or c) Stand IV» . . . Iris Diaphragm . Attachable mechanical Stage Packing 7) Microscope : Achromatic Objectives : A) Cj E 24.— 36— 66.— . 1 12 1.30 n. ap. (Homog. Immers.) .... Huyghenian Eye-pieces : 2> 4 . 3 with Micrometer (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 28) . Revolving Nose-piece No. 24c Camera No. 44 . This outfit costs with : a) Stand Ia without mechanical Stage Packing or b) Stand II* . Packing or c) Stand IV* . Iris Diaphragm Packing 8) Microscope: Achromatic Objectives : a*. A, C, F 12.— 24— 36.— 84.— M. 84. „ 400. 77 14 ' .. 5°-- 77 3O- .7 27.- M. 126.— 77 300.— 7? 14- - I5-— 77 35- — 7> 42- — *56. M. 605. — „ 300 — 77 3 — 77 77 290. — 2. — „ 200. — 7, 15 — 7. 75— „ 2.50 M. 532.— 300.— 1 J 3 — >> 290 _ *1 2. — 200 — yy 15— 2.— Carry forward M. 156. — M. 908.— M. 897.- M. 897.50 M. 835.— M. 824.- M. 749 _ QazC (9p tifcfu Wiihjt&tti, Sena, 120 Brought forward M. 156. — Water Immers. Objectives: D\ J 75 — 1 44- — . « 219— Huyghenian Eye-pieces : 2, 4 . & Mk. 7. — „ 14. — 3 with Eye-piece Micrometer (Micrometer Eye-piece No. 28) ,, 15. — Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b . „ 27. — Camera No. 44 . „ 42. — This outfit costs with : a) Stand Ia without mechanical Stage . or b) Stand IIa or c) Stand IVa Iris Diaphragm Packing Packing Packing M. 473.— i> 300 — 3 — 290.— 2. — 200.— I5-~ 2 — - »> M. M. M 0) Microscope ( greatly patronized by physicians, surgeons and veterinarians) : Achromatic Objectives : AA, DD 30.— 54.— . 1 12 1.20 (Homog. Immers.) Huyghenian Eye-pieces : 2. 4 . a Mk. 7. — Revolving Nose-piece No 24b . This outfit, representing according to Prof. Koch of Berlin the minimum required for bacteriological in¬ vestigations, costs with: a) Stand Ia without mechanical Stage . Packing or b) Stand IIa Packing or c) Stand IVa . . Iris Diaphragm Packing M. 84. 160 H- 27- M. 285. 300 3- 290. 2- 200. 15 2.— M. M. M. 10) Microscope ( for the same purposes, but a little cheaper than outfit 9): Achromatic Objectives : A, D 24. — 42. — . M. 66. 12 1 .20 (Homog. Immers.) . „ 160. Huyghenian Eye-pieces: 2, 4 . Mk. 7.— „ 14, Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b . . „ 27. „ 267. 776.— 765.- 690.— 588.— 577.- 502. — 121 This outfit costs with : a) Stand I» without mechanical Stage or b) Stand IT* . or c) Stand IVa . Iria Diaphragm . Packing Packing Packing M. 300.— or d) Stand IVb . Illuminating Apparatus No. 18 with Iris Diaphragm . Packing or M M. e) Stand Va (see remark on p. 46 regarding applicability of immers. systems with these stands) . Iris Diaphragm . Packing or f) Stand VII (see remark on p. 46 regarding applicability of immers. systems with these stands) . Illuminating Apparatus No. 19 . Small Iris Diaphragm . . Packing 11) Microscope: Achromatic Dry Objectives : A, D, P 24- — 42- — 84. — . M. 150.— Huyghenian Eye-pieces : 2) 4 . h Mk. 7. — ,, 14. Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b . 27. This outfit costs with: a) Stand IVa . Iris Diaphragm . or b) Stand IVb . or c) Stand Va . or d) Stand VI . 12) Microscope: Achromatic Dry Systems : Ay C, E 24. — 36. — 66. — . Huyghenian Eye-pieces: 2, 4 . Packing Packing Packing Packing yy 3— yy 290.— yy 2. — yy 200. — yy 15— yy 2. — yy 150— yy yy 40.- 2. — yy 120 — yy IS— yy 2.— yy 60 - yy 10. — yy 12. — yy 1.20 - M. 191.— yy 200. — yy i5— M 1.80 yy Ln O 1 yy 1 80 yy 120. — yy 1.80 yy 65.— yy 1. — M M M. M. M. M M. M. M. 7.— M 126. 14- Revolving Nose-piece No. 24b . . 27. This outfit costs with : a) Stand IV» . Iris Diaphragm . Packing M. 167. — 200. — IS— 1.80 M. Gaz( %ii», <£)-p tvfcfie tylhvh ftattt, dina. 570,- 559, — 484.— 459.— 404.— 350.20 407.80 342.80 312.80 257.- 383.80 122 or b) Stand IV'’ . M. 150.— Packing 99 I.80 M. 318.80 or c) Stand V» . . 99 120. — Packing 99 1.80 M. 288.80 or d) Stand VII . 97 60. — Packing 99 I. — M. 228.- 13) Microscope: Achromatic Dry Objectives: a2, B, D 12. — 30. — 42. — . Huyghenian Eye pieces: 84.- 2, 4 . This outfit costs with : I4— M. 98 — a) Stand VII . Packing 99 99 60. — I. — or b) Stand IX . or Packing 1, 4° — „ 1.20 c) Hand Microscope No. 16 Packing „ 15 — 99 M. M. M. 14) Microscope for the detection of Trichina after Professor Johne: Stand IX with specially constructed Triple Objective and 2 Eye-pieces; 6 Amplifications from 30— 190 .... „ 70. — Packing „ 1.20 159.- 139.20 113.- 71.20 Index. page j S, A, AA-Objectives . . 20—22 Achromatic Objectives 19—22 55 „ combined with Compensating Eye-pieces . 20 Accessory arrangements for testing the fundamental properties of microscopical objectives 24—25 Apertometer Adjustment, coarse, fine . 29 Analysers and Polarisers . 80 Apochromatic Objectives : Introduction of the .. . 1 Properties of the „ 7—11 Durability of the „ . 10 New constructions ... 11—13 Price list . Magnifications with the Comp en- sating Eye-pieces . . 16—17 Apparatus for counting blood corpuscles after Thoma . 75 Apparatus for photo-micro- graph y . 92—99 Arc lamp, electrical . . . . . 96 Arrangements for polarisation 79—80 Axial images , Eye - piece for ob- servation of . 56, 80 B -Objective . 21—22 BB-Objective . . . . 20 Babuchin, Stands .... 42—45 Bertrand's Eye-piece . . . . . 56 Bull’s Eye Lenses . . page ... 87 Browning, Hand Spectroscope after 87 Body-length for which the ob- jectives are adjusted . ... 4 — of the stands . C Objective . 21—22 CC-Objective . ... 20 Camera lucida . . . . 56, 77—78 Cap bottles for immersion oil . . 21 Cases for the stands ... 31 Cedar-wood oil . ... 21 Centering Arrangement for the illu- minating apparatus , . 59, 61 Circles, fully divided . . ... 76 Clamping ring .... ... 48 Compensating Eye-pieces 15—17 Condenser, achromatic . ... 62 Condenser systems . 14, 58, 61 Correction of the spherical and chromatic aberrations . . 1, 5, 7, 8 Correction Adjustment .... 5 Covers . 14, 113 — 114 Cover-glass gauge . 7G Crossed-line Micrometer . . . . 74 Crossed-line Stage Micrometer . 74 Cylinder diaphragms . 30, 32, 58, 61 D, DD, D -Objectives 19 — 22 Diaphragms to insert in the Eye¬ pieces after Ehrlich . 74 <2az C Scico, <9p tifcfii chua. 124 page Diffraction Plate after Abbe 86 — 87 Distance of object . 4 Dissecting knives etc., set of . .111 „ lenses . 106 „ stands .... 100 — 104 Divided Circles . 76 Drawing apparatus . . . 56, 77 — 78 Draw Tubes with millimeter scale 29 E-Objective . 21 — 22 Engelmann , Micro - spectral Ob¬ jective . 64 Micro-spectral Photometer ... 82 Eye-pieces : Axial-image „ . 56, 80 Bertrand’s „ . 56 Compensating „ . . . . 15 — 17 Huyghenian „ . . . 22 — 23, 56 Orthoscopic „ . 23 Projection „ . 18 Stereoscopic „ . 85 Spectroscopic „ .... 56, 81 I Setting of Eye-pieces .... 15 Numeration „ . 16 Eye-piece Micrometer . . . .56, 70 Engraving of names on stand . . 31 F-Objeetive . 21 — 22 G-Objective (Water Immersion) . 20 Glass globe with stand .... 87 Goniometer Eye-piece . . . 56, 76 H-Objective (Water Immersion) 21 — 22 Haemacytometer after Thoma . . 75 Hand Microscope . 48 Hand Spectroscope after Browning 87 Heating arrangement for warming microscopical objects . 88 Huyghenian Eye-pieces . . 22 — 23 — with crossed lines . 56 Homogeneous Immersion : Objectives for „ ... 6, 14, 21 Fluid for „ .... 6, 21 1-Objective (Water Immersion) page 21- -22 Illumination of the objects. Illuminating apparatus: • 30 for white light .... 30 for spectroscopically decomposed light . for monochromatic light after 63 Hartnack . 63 after Abbe . 57- -61 simplified . 61 small of 1.0 ap . • 61 Image distance of the Projection Eye-pieces . 18 Immersion fluid . 6 Immersion Objectives, achromatic 6, 21 „ „ apochromatic 6, 14 Iris diaphragm . 60 — 61 K-Objective (Water Immersion) . . 20 Knife for microtomes . Ill L-Objective . 20 Leather travelling cases . . . . 31 Lenses . 106 — 109 Lens Holders . 105 Magnification : Initial magnification of the Apo¬ chromatic Objectives . . . 9, 14 Eye-piece magnification . 16, 17, 23 Magnifiers . 106 — 109 Mahogany cases for objectives . . 20 Measure on brass . 75 „ „ plate-glass . 76 Measuring and counting apparatus 70 Measuring Eye-pieces . . . 71 — 73 Metal name plates . 31 Micro-burner . 90 Micrometer movement of the stands 29 Micrometer: Stage Micrometer Eye-piece „ Stage Screw Micrometer . . . 73 Screw Micrometer Eye-piece . 56, 73 Crossed-line Micrometer . . . 74 Crossed-line Stage Micrometer . 74 125 page Micrometer Eye-piece . . . . 56, 71 Microscope Lamp . 87 Micro-spectral Objective after Engel- MANN . 64 Micro-spectral Photometer . . 56, 82 Microtomes . 110 — 111 Monobromide of Naphthaline . . 14 Nachet, reversing prism .... 86 Objectives : General Properties . . . 1 — 3, 4— 6 Achromatic Objectives . . 19 — 22 Apochromatic „ ... 7 — 14 Changing arrangements for „ 67: — 69 Objective magnification . . . 9, 14 Photo-micrography : Apparatus for „ . 92 — 99 Stand for „ . 36 Polarisation arrangements . 79 — 80 Projection apparatus . . . 92 — 99 „ Eye-pieces . 18 „ Systems . . . . 11 — 12 Reversing prism after Nachet . . 86 Revolving nose-piece . 68 Rollet, Spectro-Polariser after . . 66 Saccharimeter . 88 Screw Micrometer Eye-piece 56, 73 Series of Selenite and Mica films 56, 80 Sliding Objective-changer . 68—69 Slips . 14, 112— 113 Sliding Ruler . 91 Specimens, microscopical . . . .111 Specialkatalog of photo-micrography 92 page Spectroscopic Eye- pieces 56, 81 — 84 Spectro-polariser after Rollet . . 66 Spectroscope, Hand-after Browning 87 Standard Thread . 6 Stage Micrometer . 70 Stages : Stages : General remarks .... 26—28 Mechanical Stage for Stand F . 34 Attachable, mechanical stage . . 90 Stands: General remarks .... 26—31 Large Stands . 32 37 Medium „ . 38—45 Small „ . 46—48 for crystallographic and petrolog ical researches . 50—55 Stauroscopic Plate .... . . 56 Stops for Eye-pieces . . 74 Table of Magnifications of the Apochromatic Objectives with the Compensating Eye-pieces 1 7 of the Achromatic Objectives with the Huyghenian Eye-pieces . . 22 Test-plate after Abbe ..... 25 Test-tube holder . 91 Thickness of Cover, for which the Objectives are corrected ... 5 — Measurement of the same by means of the Micrometer screw ... 29 Thoma, Haemacytometer after . . 75 Trichina, Microscope for dissecting 48 Turn Table (Tournette; .... 90 Working Distance . 4 Working Eye-pieces . 16 Warm Chamber . 88 Qait 0pti|cfw fyVizhftatti, 3ina. ,1 ; * ' .V f. t * ( t * ft - * I * V