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SCHWANN PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUVAIN, ETC. ETC. BY HENRY SMITH FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND, SURGEON TO THE ROYAL GENERAL DISPENSARY, ALDERSGATE STREET, LONDON PRINTED FOR THE SYDENHAM SOCIETY MDCCCXLVITI. TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Any attempt on my part by way of introduction or com- mendation of Professor Schwann’s work, must, I feel, be altogether misplaced and unnecessary. The treatise has now been seven years before the public, has been most acutely in- vestigated by those best competent to test its value, and the first physiologists of our day have judged the discoveries which it unfolds as worthy to be ranked amongst the most important steps by which the science of physiology has ever been advanced. The Roya Socizty or Lonpon has evinced its sense of the great merit of the work by awarding to its Author the Coprey Mepat for the year 1845. The exten- sive reputation and fully-acknowledged value of the original work, then, forbid my presuming that any one of my readers can be altogether unacquainted with it and the general outlines of the Crrti-THrory; I may, however, I trust, be permitted to add a few words respecting the edition which is now presented to the Subscribers of the Sydenham Society. In the first place, I desire to tender my most unfeigned and unreserved apologies to the Council and Subscribers of the Society for the delay which has occurred in the issuing of this translation, and to assure the latter body that their b vi TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Council is m no degree responsible for its tardy appearance ; when, nearly three years since, the Council did me the honour to accept an offer on my part to present to the Society a translation of Professor Schwann’s treatise, I fully hoped to have proceeded with so pleasing a labour without interruption or hinderance; but various unforeseen circumstances, both of a professional and domestic nature, have occurred to prevent the accomplishment of my object until the present moment. I am greatly indebted to the Author for the labour which he has expended in revising his work for this translation. Amongst the most important advantages which this edition has derived from his revision, I may mention the addition of many notes illustrative of the text, and the amalgamation of the two papers on Cartilage and Ossification, which, as they were originally written and printed at a considerable interval of time, led to some difficulty in the comprehension of the Author’s precise views on that subject; and that cireum- stance is also to be received as explanatory of the appearance of some of the delineations of Cartilage in Plate III. It was originally intended to have added notes, which should bring down the history of the subject to the period of publication, but it was found that they would form a mass of material almost as large as the original text, and the idea was therefore abandoned. In order that the reader might be in possession of the whole of the evidence upon which the Cell-Theory was originally based, I have appended a translation of Dr. ScurzipEn’s Monograph so frequently referred to by our Author. TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Vil It is to be feared that many of my readers may consider an apology to be necessary on my part for the style of the translation, and think that I might have followed the German less closely with advantage; the nature of the subject, how- ever, involving as it does such very minute descriptions, and the constant repetition of the same terms, added to the im- possibility of doing justice to the Author’s close deductions in any other form than a literal translation, necessitated a much more rigid adherence to the original text, than I should have thought requisite under any other circumstances. The Plates have been most faithfully copied from the originals by Mr. Henry Adlard. HENRY SMITH. HENRIETTA STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE; November 30th, 1847. AUTHOR’S PREFACE. Ir is one of the essential advantages of the present age, that the bond of union connecting the different branches of natural science is daily becoming more intimate, and it is to the contributions which they reciprocally afford each other that we are indebted for a great portion of the progress which the physical sciences have lately made. This circumstance there- fore renders it so much the more remarkable, that, notwith- standing the many efforts of distinguished men, the anatomy and physiology of animals and plants should remain almost isolated, though advancing side by side, and that the conclu- sions deducible from the one department should admit only of - a remote and extremely cautious application to the other. Of late, the two sciences have for the first time begun to be more and more intimately allied. The object of the present treatise is to prove the most intimate connexion of the two kingdoms of organic nature, from the similarity in the laws of develop- ment of the elementary parts of animals and plants. The principal result of this investigation is, that one com- mon principle of development forms the basis for every sepa- rate elementary particle of all organised bodies, just as all crystals, notwithstanding the diversity of their figures, are formed according to similar laws. I have endeavoured to explain the design of such a comparison more fully in the commencement of the third section of this treatise, and will now lay before the reader those data which are of most im- portance in an historical point of view im reference to the development of this idea. x AUTHOR’S PREFACE. As soon as the microscope was applied to the investigation of the structure of plants, the great simplicity of their struc- ture, as compared with that of animals, necessarily attracted attention. Whilst plants appeared to be composed entirely of cells, the elementary particles of animals exhibited the greatest variety, and for the most part presented nothing at all in common with cells. This, harmonised with the opinion long since current, that the growth of animals, whose tissues are furnished with vessels, differed essentially from that of vegetables. An independent vitality was ascribed to the elementary particles of vegetables growing without vessels, they were regarded to a certain extent as individuals, which composed the entire plant; whilst, on the other hand, no such a view was taken of the elementary parts of animals. An essential difference both in the mode and in the fundamental powers of growth was thus maintained. It soon, however, appeared that animal tissues do also occur which grow without vessels; for instance, in the forma- tion of the ovum, and the earlier stages of development of the embryo previous to the formation of the blood; and, secondly, certain tissues of the adult, the epidermis for example. With respect to the ovum, which manifested indubitable proofs of an actual vitality, all physiologists were agreed in ascribing to it a so-called plant-like growth. This resemblance to the plant had reference to a growth of the conspicuous parts of the ovum without vessels, and was in no way connected with the form and mode of growth of the elementary particles. No one, however, considered that the analogy of the ovum entitled him to infer the operation of a plant-like growth of the elementary particles in the non-vascular tissues of the matured animal ; on the contrary, the opinion rather gained ground, that these tissues originated and grew by means of a secretion from the surface of the organised tissues. Such was supposed to be the case with the epithelium, the crystalline lens, &c. This AUTHOR’S PREFACE. XI opinion still maintained its ground, even when the structure of the tissues became more accurately known. Nor did the plant-like growth of the component parts of the ovum abolish the assumed essential difference of the growth of the vascular tissues. A very important advance was made in the year 1887, when an actual growth of the elementary particles of epithe- lium was proved to take place without vessels. Henle (Sym- bole ad anatomiam vill. intest. Berol. 1837) showed that the cells in the superficial layers of epithelium are much more ex- panded than those in the deeper strata, a fact which leaves scarcely any doubt as to their true plant-like (i. e. non-vascular) growth. Henle’ says (l. c. p. 9), “Hoe in loco (in planta pedis) cellularum (retis Malpighii) diametrum extrorsum augeri, sepius repetita observatione pro re certa affirmare audeo. Quas retis cellulas non minus in fceetu suillo sensim increscentes transire in cellulas epidermidis, nunquam non inveni.” Purkinje and Raschkow (Meletem. circa mammal. dentium evol. Vratisl. 1835) had made the following obser- vations upon the development of the epidermis: “In primis evolutionis periodis—squamule—epithelii nondum ita con- formate sunt ut in illa periodo, que partui precedit, sed parenchyma plantarum cellulis simillimum ostendunt, cum quzque squamula, que postea talis apparet, tunc temporis tanquam cellula polyedrica e membrana tenacissima constans globosamque guttulam continens in conspectum veniat. Pressu applicato rumpebantur istz cellule atque lymphaticum liquo- rem effundebant, que cellulz, procedente evolutione, verisimile complanatz in illas polyedricas squamas mutantur.” Henle, when quoting this passage, adds (l. c. p. 9): “ Hee illa num vero sola compressio in causa esse possit, ut parva cellula ' Henle’s observations are detailed at page 76 of this treatise. The researches of Turpin and Dumortier could not be quoted, as I only became acquainted with them at the conclusion of my work. xii AUTHOR’S PREFACE. in tantam laminam extendatur, nondum satis mihi constat : certe principio increscere volumen cellulze, nescio an imbibitione, constabit, nisi spes fallit, promotis disquisitionibus.” The caution with which Henle (and, indeed, every good physiolo- gist) expresses himself in this passage with reference to the true growth of non-vascular tissues, is the best illustration of the state of the question. There is another observation of Henle’s, which is opposed to the epithelium being regarded as a lifeless substance secreted from the organised tissue; I allude to the passage (1. c. p. 22 et seq.) where he proves that the vibratile cilia, whose motion it is so difficult to explain by physical laws, stand upon little cylinders which are merely a modification of the epithelium. Turpin (Annal. des Sciences natur. vu, p. 207) showed that the corpuscles, which Donné had found in vaginal discharges, and regarded as cast-off epithelium, were organised cells, and were in general oblong, and either pointed at one or both ends, or altogether irregular in figure, and that a new gene- ration of spherical vesicles’ took place in their interior. He then remarks (1. c. p. 210): ‘On ne peut s’empécher, aprés avoir bien étudié les vésicules dont est formée la couche de mucus produite par la membrane muqueuse vaginale, d’y voir un tissu cellulaire bien organisé et composé comme tous les tissus cellulaires végétaux, d’un agglomérat, par simple conti- guité, de vésicules distinctes et vivant individuellement chacune pour leur propre compte au dépens de eau muqueuse, qui les baigne de toutes parts.” Turpin then compares this tissue of animal cells, presented under the appearance of mucus, with what he calls “ suppurations végétales, excrétions muqueuses, qui semblent suinter sous forme de gouttelettes, de la surface des tissus vifs,’ and which is generally comprised under the ~ ' May there not have been some confusion here with the nuclei of the epithelium- cells? At present, as far as regards Mammalia at least, we know of no formation of cells within cells in the epithelium. AUTHOR’S PREFACE. Xili name of cambium ; and finally adds (1. c. p. 212), “ En étendant ja comparaison entre deux choses si comparables, on trouve que la forme variable des vésicules du tissu cellulaire du mucus de la membrane vaginale, leur allongement en pointe, leur flaceidité, toujours entretenue par Vhumidité constante qui baigne les tissus animaux, et le développement dans leurintérieur, soit des granules, soit des vésicules sphériques, sont toutes choses qui s’observent également dans la composition de tous les tissus cellulaires végétaux mous et aqueux, et que l’on désigne par le nom de pulpe ou de parenchyme dans certaines tiges ou feuilles grasses et dans certains fruits murs ou blettes.” In the same year, Dumortier communicated researches into the development of the ova of snails. (Annal. des Sciences natur. vill, p. 129.) He observed, that in the mucus-globule, present in these ova, and from which the embryo is developed, there are generated cells, in the interior of which, secondary cells are formed, and so on, and that this tissue of cells be- comes transformed into the liver, whilst the other tissues origi- nate from a gelatinous mass, which exhibits myriads of points. In his conclusions, he says (l. c. p. 163), “En examinant Pévolution des Mollusques, nous avons démontré que les tissus animaux, quoique formés originairement de méme par la solidi- fication des surfaces, se développent de différentes manieéres : le tissu cellulaire par des productions médianes, le tissu dermo- musculaire par un feutré de canalicules centripétes. Ainsi, chez les animaux, les tissus ne se forment pas au dépens les uns des autres ; il n’y existe pas un tissu générateur unique, mais bic plusieurs tissus originairement distincts.—Les belles observa- tions de M. Mirbel ont prouvé que chez les végétaux il existe un seul tissu originel, le tissu cellulaire, qui par une suite de métamorphoses, se transforme en tissu vasculaire. Par con- séquent, le régne végétal est caractérisé par Punité originel, et le regne animal par la pluralité originelle des tissus.” Van- beneden and Windischmann give a different explanation to XiV¥ AUTHOR'S PREFACE. these observations of Dumortier, in as much as they regard the tissue consisting of cells as the yelk and not the liver. (Bulletin de l’Acad. royale de Bruxelles, tom. v, No. 5.) Other instances of the resemblance in form between different animal tissues and those of vegetables had already been repeatedly pointed out. Thus it was frequently said, in refer- ence to thickly-crowded animal cells, or even mere globules, that they presented an appearance resembling vegetable cellu- lar-tissue ; and Valentin (Nov. Act. N. C. xvui, P. 1, 96), after describing the nucleus of the epidermal cells, states that it reminded him of the nucleus which occurs in the vegetable kingdom, in the cells of the epidermis, the pistil, &. Nothing, however, resulted from such comparisons, because they were mere similarities in figure, between structures which present the greatest variety of form. Schleiden instituted researches into the mode of development of vegetable cells, which illustrated the process most excellently. This admirable work appeared subsequently in the second part of Miiller’s Archiv for 1838. He found, that in the forma- tion of vegetable cells, small, sharply-defined granules are first generated in a granulous substance, and around them the cell- nuclei (cytoblasts) are formed, which appear like granulous coagulations around the granules. The cytoblasts grow for a certain time, and then a minute transparent vesicle rises upon them, the young cell, so that, in the first instance, it is placed upon the cytoblast, like a watch-glass upon a watch. It then becomes expanded by growth. Schleiden communicated the results of his investigations to me, previous to their publication in October, 1837. The resemblance in form, which the chorda dorsalis, to which J. Miiller had already drawn attention, and the branchial cartilage of the tadpole present to vegetable cells, had previously struck me, but nothing resulted from it. The discoveries of Schleiden, however, led to more extended re- searches in another direction. AUTHOR’S PREFACE. XV In the above-mentioned investigations of Henle, Turpin, and Dumortier, the resemblance which the animal tissues examined (epithelium and the liver or yelk of snails) bore to plants, lay, in the first place, in the circumstance, that their elementary particles grew without vessels, and in part, free in a fluid, or even inclosed in another cell; and in the second place, in that these elementary particles exhibiting a non-vascular growth, were furnished with a peculiar wall, like the cells of plants. When this coincidence was furnished, we were entitled to arrange these cells as near to the vegetable cells as the different kinds of animal cells, for instance, germinal vesicles, blood-cor- puscles, and fat-cells, stand together, when regarded as different species comprised under the natural-history idea of cells. The state of the matter, therefore, when I commenced my researches was as follows: The elementary particles of or- ganised bodies presented the greatest variety of form; there was a resemblance between many of them, and, according to the greater or lesser degree of similarity, a group of fibres, of cells, of globules, and so on, might be distinguished, and in each of these divisions again there were different forms. As the cells taken collectively differed from the fibres, so also, only in a less degree, must the separate kinds of cells differ from each other, and the different kinds of fibres from each other. All those forms seemed to have nothing else in common, save that they grew by the addition of new molecules between those already existing, that they were living elements. So long as the epithelium-cells were regarded as a secretion of the organised substance, they could never, in that sense, be classed with the living elementary particles. There seemed to be no general rule with respect to the mode in which the molecules were joined together to form the living particles; here they united into one kind of cells, there into another, and at a third spot into a fibre, and so on. The principle of development ap- peared to be altogether different for such particles as differed XVi AUTHOR’S PREFACE. in their physiological signification; and the diversity m the laws which it was necessary to assume in the development of a cell and a fibre, was also, only in a less degree, necessarily assumed between the different kinds of cells and the different sorts of fibres. Cells, fibres, &e. were therefore merely natural- history ideas, and no conclusion could be drawn from the mode of development of one kind of cell as to that of any other kind ; and, in fact, no such deductions were made, although we were ac- quainted with some important points in the process of develop- ment of certain kinds of cells ; for example, the blood-corpuscle (see p. 67 of this Treatise), and the ovum (see the Supplement, p. 217). Although the investigations quoted above determined the important fact of the non-vascular growth, they did not thereby effect any change in our views. The idea of proving the similarity of the principle of development for elementary particles which were physiologically different, by a comparison of animal cells with those of vegetables, was not contained in those researches, and with these, therefore, the mvestigators before mentioned might well come to a stand-still. The discoveries of Schleiden made us more accurately ac- quainted with the process of development in the cells of plants. This process contained sufficient characteristic data to render a comparison of the animal cells in reference to a similar principle of development practicable. In this sense I com- pared the cells of cartilage and of the chorda dorsalis with vegetable cells, and found the most complete accordance. The discovery, upon which my inquiry was based, immediately lay in the perception of the principle contained in the proposition, that two elementary particles, physiologically different, may be developed in the same manner. For it follows, from the foregoing, that if we maintain the accordance of two kinds of cells in this sense, we are compelled to assume the same princi- ple of development for all elementary particles, however dis- similar they may be, because the distinction between the other AUTHOR’S PREFACE. XVil particles and a cell differs only in degree from that which exists between two cells; so also the principle of development in the latter can only then be similar, when it repeats itself in the rest of the elementary particles. I therefore quickly asserted this position also, so soon as I was convinced of the accordance between the cells of cartilage and those of plants in this sense. It now became easy to accommodate the principle which I had laid down to the rest of the tissues, since the principle itself had already made me acquainted with the law of their development. Actual observation also completely confirmed the conclusion which had been drawn with respect to the rest of the tissues. It was not absolutely necessary that this principle should recur in the elementary particles of vascular tissues; for since no independent vitality of the elements, and therefore no diversity in the fundamental powers of growth, was assumed in their case, so, without prejudice to the principle, might they be subject to entirely different laws of development. But slight as was the probability at the commencement, that the principle could be carried out with respect to them, observation soon showed that vessels do not establish any essential difference in growth, but merely occa- sion some distinctions, which may be explained as the con- sequences of a more minute distribution of the nutrient fluid ; of the change of material facilitated both by that means and by the circulation; and of a greater capacity of imbibition in the animal substance. Thus was the proposition firmly established by observation, that there is one common principle of development for the elementary particles of all organised bodies. It had already indeed been long known that all tissues were formed from a granulous mass; but that these granules bore some direct relation to the subsequent ele- mentary particles, and what that relation might be was known in respect to but a few of the particles, and in them the mode of development appeared to differ so much, that unity neither xVill AUTHOR’S PREFACE. was nor could be recognised in it; for the conformity of the principle of development consists chiefly in the similar origin of these granules themselves, and this circumstance was not known, indeed the term granules or granulous mass was sometimes used to denote the entire cells, sometimes the nuclei, and some- times granulous substances which form to a certain extent as chemical precipitates, and have no direct connexion with the elementary cells of organised bodies. I communicated a preliminary review of the results gained, and which already comprehended most of the tissues, in the beginning of the year 1838, in Froriep’s ‘ Notizen,’ Nos. 91, 103, and 112. The detailed description required a longer time ; the first two portions of the present Treatise were placed before the Academy of Paris in August and December, 1838. J. Miller and Henle have already applied the theory to the most important pathological processes, and it now only requires to be extended to comparative anatomy, particularly amongst the lower animals. At the conclusion of the Treatise I have attempted a theory of organisms, and for that purpose have excluded everything theoretical from the work itself, in order that facts might not be confused with hypothetical matter. The theory has at least this advantage, that by its aid any one may form a pre- cise idea for himself of the organic processes, which may con- duct to new researches; such a theory may therefore be of use, even if assumed to be decidedly false. It contains the principles of the organic phenomena, both of the healthy and diseased organism. It was my intention to have added an application of the theory to the several organic processes ;_ but circumstances compelled me to bring the work to a conclusion. Perhaps at some future time I may find opportunity to fill up the deficiency. Berlin, March 1839. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION ; 3 3 ‘ 4 ; 1 SECTION I. On the Structure and Growth of the Chorda Dorsalis and Cartilage : = le 1. Chorda dorsalis. : : : ° 5 wn 2. Cartilage . : , : > - yt) SECTION II. On Cells as the Basis of all Tissues of the Animal Body . c « 36 First division. On the ovum and germinal membrane . : - 40 Second division. Permanent tissues of the animal body : . 64 Cuass I. Isolated, independent cells Z z ‘ ‘ = 167 1. Lymph-corpuscles : - : : 5 lee 2. Blood-corpuscles 5 = “ 5 toy 3. Mucus-corpuscles : 5 - 5 5 4. Pus-corpuscles . < : ey it Cuass II. Independent cells united into continionk tissues ‘ - éd 1. Epithelium é é : . . Sy 4 tite 2. The pigmentum nigrum : : : ae 3. Nails . : : 3 : : a 80 4. Hoofs : - - : : >) ell 5. Feathers : ; : : 4 4 thy 6. The crystalline lens. : 87 Cuass III. Tissues, in which the cell-walls arn coalesced with Sich einen or with the intercellular substance. : 3 5 ale 1. Cartilage and bone. : ; ; ie i 2. The teeth - ib. Crass IV. Fibre-cells, or tissues, wean tietints from valle that Tecdane elongated into bundles of fibres. : - - 110 1. Areolar tissue. : : ; : Atle 2. Fibrous tissue 5 : - ; a alee 3. Elastic tissue . : - é . 124 XX CONTENTS. PAGE Crass V. Tissues generated from cells, the walls and cayities of which coalesce together : ; : : : . 129 1. Muscle : : : : : ; 30 2. Nerves : : : ; ea 3. Capillary yeeele : 5 4 j . 154 SECTION III. Review of the previous researches—The formative process of Cells—The Cell-theory 7 E : é : . 26 Survey of Cell-life : : 5 : : . 168 Theory of the cells . : : : : : +, 86 Supplement (vide page 46) on the signification of the germinal membrane . 217 Remarks upon a statement put forth by Professor Valentin, respecting pre- vious researches on the subject of this work A = ene Explanation of the Plates : ? s : 5 . 225 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PHYTOGENESIS, EI Dr. M. J. ScHLEIDEN - 229 Description of Plates to do. : : 5 + 0260 MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCHES, &e. &e. INTRODUCTION. AxtuovueH plants present so great a variety of external form, yet they are no less remarkable for the simplicity of their internal structure. This extraordinary diversity in figure is produced solely by different modes of junction of simple ele- mentary structures, which, though they present various modi- fications, are yet throughout essentially the same, namely, cells. The entire class of the Cellular plants consists only of cells ; many of them are formed solely of homogeneous cells strung together, some of even a single cell. In like manner, the Vas- cular plants, in their earliest condition, consist merely of simple cells; and the pollen-granule, which, according to Schleiden’s discovery, is the basis of the new plant, is in its essential parts only a cell. In perfectly-developed vascular plants the struc- ture is more complex, so that not long since, their elementary tissues were distinguished as cellular and fibrous tissue, and vessels or spiral-tubes. Researches on the structure, and par- ticularly on the development of these tissues, have, however, shown that these fibres and spiral-tubes are but elongated cells, and the spiral-fibres only spiral-shaped depositions upon the internal surface of the cells. Thus the vascular plants consist likewise of cells, some of which only have advanced to a higher degree of development. The lactiferous vessels are the only structure not as yet reduced to cells; but further observations are required with respect to their development. According to Unger (Aphorismen zur Anatomie und Physiol. der Pflanzen, Y 1 2 INTRODUCTION. Wien, 1838, p. 14,) they in like manner consist of cells, the partition-walls of which become obliterated. Animals, which present a much greater variety of external form than is found in the vegetable kingdom, exhibit also, and especially the higher classes in the perfectly-developed condition, a much more complex structure in their individual tissues. How broad is the distinction between a muscle and a nerve, between the latter and cellular tissue, (which agrees only in name with that of plants,) or elastic or horny tissue, and so on. When, however, we turn to the history of the development of these tissues, it appears, that all their manifold forms originate likewise only from cells, indeed from cells which are entirely analogous to those of vegetables, and which exhibit the most remarkable accordance with them in some of the vital pheno- mena which they manifest. The design of the present treatise is to prove this by a series of observations, It is, however, necessary to give some account of the vital phenomena of vegetable cells. Each cell is, within certain limits, an Individual, an independent Whole. ‘The vital phe- nomena of one are repeated, entirely or in part, in all the rest. These Individuals, however, are not ranged side by side as a mere Aggregate, but so operate together, in a manner unknown to us, as to produce an harmonious Whole. The processes which go forward in the vegetable cells, may be reduced to the following heads: 1, the production of new cells; 2, the expan- sion of existing cells; 8, the transformation of the cell-contents, and the thickening of the cell-wall; 4, the secretion and ab- sorption carried on by cells. The excellent researches of Schleiden, which throw so much light upon this subject, form the principal basis for my more minute observations on these separate vital phenomena. (See his “ Beitrage zur Phytogenesis,” in Miuller’s Archiv, 1838, p. 137, plates 3 and 4.)1 First, of the production of new cells. According to Schleiden, in Phenogamous plants, this process always (except as regards the cells of the Cambium,) takes place within the already ma- ture cells, and in a most remarkable manner from out of the well-known cell-nucleus. On account of the importance of the 1 [A translation of this paper forms part of this volume.—Trawns. ] INTRODUCTION. 3 latter in reference to animal organization, I here introduce an abridgment of Schleiden’s description of it. A delineation is given in plate I, fig. 1, a, a, taken from the onion. This struc- ture—named by R. Brown, Areola or cell-nucleus, by Schleiden, Cytoblast—varies in its outline between oval and circular, ac- cording as the solid which it forms passes from the lenticular into the perfectly spheroidal figure. Its colour is mostly yel- lowish, sometimes, however, passing into an almost silvery white; and in consequence of its transparency, often scarcely distinguishable. It is coloured by iodine, according to its various modifications, from a pale yellow to the darkest brown. Its size varies considerably, according to its age, and according to the plants, and the different parts of a plant in which it is found, from 0:0001 to 0:0022 Paris inch. Its internal struc- ture is granular, without, however, the granules, of which it consists, being very clearly distinct from each other. Its consistence is very variable, from such a degree of softness as that it almost dissolves in water, to a firmness which bears a considerable pressure of the compressorium without altera- tion of form. In addition to these peculiarities of the cyto- blast, already made known by Brown and Meyen, Schleiden has discovered in its interior a small corpuscle (see plate I, fig. 1, 4,) which, in the fully-developed cytoblast, looks like a thick ring, or a thick-walled hollow globule. It appears, however, to pre- sent a different appearance in different cytoblasts. Sometimes only the external sharply-defined circle of this rmg can be dis- tinguished, with a dark point in the centre,—occasionally, and indeed most frequently, only a sharply circumscribed spot. In other instances this spot is very small, and sometimes cannot be recognized at all. As it will frequently be necessary to speak of this body in the following treatise, I will for brevity’s sake name it the “nucleolus,” (Kernkorperchen, “nucleus-corpuscle.”) According to Schleiden, sometimes two, more rarely three, or, as he has personally informed me, even four such nucleoli occur in the cytoblast. Their size is very various, ranging from the semi-diameter of the cytoblast to the most minute point. The following is Schleiden’s description of the origin of the cells from the cytoblast. So soon as the cytoblasts have attained their full size, a delicate transparent vesicle, the young cell, rises upon their surface, and is placed upon the fiat cytoblast 4 INTRODUCTION. like a watch-glass upon a watch. It is at this time so delicate that it dissolves in distilled water in a few minutes. It gradu- ally expands, becomes more consistent, and at length so large, that the cytoblast appears only as a small body inclosed in one of the side walls. The portion of the cell-wall which covers the cytoblast on the inner side, is, however, extremely delicate and gelatinous, and only in rare instances to be observed; it soon undergoes absorption together with the cytoblast, which like- wise becomes absorbed in the fully-developed cell. The cyto- blasts are formed free within a cell, in a mass of mucus-granules, and the young cells lie also free in the parent cell, and assume, as they become flattened against each other, the polyhedral form. Subsequently the parent cell becomes absorbed. (See a delineation of young cells within parent cells, plate I, fig. 2, 6, 6,6.) It cannot at present be stated with certainty that the formation of new cells always takes place from a cystoblast, and always within the existing cells, for the Cryptogamia have not as yet been examined in this respect, nor has Schleiden yet ex- pressed his views in reference to the Cambium. Moreover, according to Mirbel, a formation of new cells on the outside of the previous ones takes place in the intercellular canals and on the surface of the plant in the Phanerogamia. (See Mirbel on “ Marchantia,” in Annales du Musée, 1, 55; and the counter- observations of Schleiden, Miiller’s Archiv, 1838, p. 161.) A mode of formation of new cells, different from the above de- seribed, is exhibited in the multiplication of cells by division of the existing ones ; in this case partition-walls grow across the old cell, if, as Schleiden supposes, this be not an illusion, inas- much as the young cells might escape observation in conse- quence of their transparency, and at a later stage, their line of contact would be regarded as the partition wall of the parent cell. The expansion of the cell when formed, is, either regular on all sides, in which case it remains globular, or it becomes poly- hedral from flattening against the neighbouring cells, or it is irre- gular from the cell growing more vigorously in one or in several directions. What was formerly called the fibrous tissue, which contains remarkably elongated cells, is formed in this manner. These fibres also become branched, when different points of the cell-wall expand in different directions. This expansion of INTRODUCTION. D the cell-wall cannot be explained as a merely mechanical effect, which would continually tend to render the cell-membrane thinner. It is often even combined with a thickening of the cell-wall, and is probably effected by that process of nutrition called intus-susception. (See Hugo Mohl’s “ Erlauterung und Vertheidigung memer Ansicht von der Structur der Pflanzen- substanzen,” Tiibingen, 1836.) - The flattening of the cells may also be ascribed to the same cause. With regard to the changes which the cell-contents and cell- wall undergo during vegetation, I only take into consideration the thickening of the latter, as I have but a few isolated obser- vations upon the transformations of the contents of animal cells, which however indicate analogous changes to those of plants. The thickening of the cell-walls takes place, either by the depo- sition from the original wall, of substances differmg from, or more rarely, homogeneous with it, upon the internal surface of the cell, or by an actual thickening of the substance of the cell- wall. The first-mentioned form of deposition occurs in strata, at least this may be distinctly seen in many situations. (See Meyen’s Pflanzen-Physiologie. Bd. 1, tab. I, fig. 4.) Very frequently,—according to Valentin, universally,—these deposi- tions take place in spiral lines ; this is very distinct, for example, in the spiral canals and spiral cells. The thickening of the cell- membrane itself, although more rare, appears still in some in- stances indubitable, for imstance, in the pollen-tubes, (e. g. Phormium tenax.) Probably that extremely remarkable phe- nomenon of the motion of the fluid, which has now been ob- served in a great many cells of plants, is connected with the transformation of the cell-contents. In the Charz, in which it is most distinct, a spiral motion may also be recognized in it. But, for the most part, the currents intersect each other in the most complex manner. Absorption and Secretion may be classed as external ope- rations of the vegetable cells. The disappearance of the parent cells in which young ones have formed, or of the cell-nucleus and of other structures, affords sufficient examples of absorption. Secretion is exhibited in the exudation of resin in the intercel- lular canals, and of a fluid containing sugar by the nectar- glands, &c. &e. In all these processes each cell remains distinct, and main- 6 INTRODUCTION. tains an independent existence. Examples, however, also occur in plants, where the cells coalesce, and this not merely with regard to their walls, but the cavities also. Schleiden has found that in the Cacti, the thickened walls of several cells unite to form a homogeneous substance, in which only the remains of the cell-cavities can be distinguished. PI. I, fig. 3, represents such a blending of the cell-walls observed by Schleiden. The entire figure is a parent cell, with thickened walls, in which four young cells have formed, the walls of which are likewise thickened and have coalesced with each other, as well as with those of the parent cell; so that only the four cavities remain with their nuclei in a homogeneous substance. The spiral ves- sels, and, according to Unger, the lactiferous vessels also, afford examples of the union of the cavities of several cells by the absorption of the partition walls. After these preliminary remarks we pass on to animals. The similarity between some individual animal and vegetable tissues has already been frequently pointed out. Justly enough, how- ever, nothing has been inferred from such individual points of resemblance. Every cell is not an analogous structure to a ve- getable cell; and as to the polyhedral form, seeing that it neces- sarily belongs to all cells when closely compacted, it obviously is no mark of similarity further than in the circumstance of densely crowded arrangement. An analogy between the cells of animal tissues and the same elementary structure in vegetables can only be drawn with certainty in one of the following ways : either, Ist, by showing that a great portion of the animal tissues originates from, or consists of cells, each of which must have its particular wall, in which case it becomes probable that these cells correspond to the cellular elementary structure univer- sally present in plants; or, 2dly, by proving, with regard to any one animal tissue consisting of cells, that, m addition to its cellular structure, similar forces to those of vegetable cells are in operation in its component cells ; or, since this is im- possible directly, that the phenomena by which the activity of these powers or forces manifests itself, namely, nutrition and growth, proceed in the same or a similar manner in them as in the cells of plants. I reflected upon the matter in this point of view in the previous summer, when, in the course of my re- INTRODUCTION. 7 searches upon the terminations of the nerves in the tail of the Larve of frogs (Medic. Zeitung, 1837), I not only saw the beau- tiful cellular structure of the Chorda Dorsalis in these larve, but also discovered the nuclei in the cells. J. Miiller had already proved that the chorda dorsalis in fishes consists of separate cells, provided with distinct walls, and closely packed together like the pigment of the Choroid. The nuclei, which in their form are so similar to the usual flat nuclei of the vegetable cells that they might be mistaken for them, thus furnished an additional point of resemblance. As however the importance of these nuclei was not known, and since most of the cells of mature plants exhibit no nuclei, the fact led to no farther result. J. Miiller had proved, with regard to the cartilage-corpuscles discovered by Purkinje and Deutsch in several kinds of cartilage, from their gradual transition into larger cells, that they were hollow, thus in a more extended sense of the word, cells; and Miescher also distinguishes an especial class of spongy cartilages of a cellular structure. Nuclei were likewise known in the cartilage-corpuscles. Miiller, and subsequently Meckauer, having observed the projection of the cartilage-corpuscles at the edge of a preparation, it became very probable that at least some of them must be considered as cells in the restricted sense of the word, or as cavities inclosed by a membrane. Gurlt also, when describing one form of permanent cartilage, calls them vesicles. I next succeeded in actually observing the proper wall of the cartilage-corpuscles, first in the branchial cartilages of the frog’s larvee, and subsequently also in the fish, and also the accordance of all cartilage-corpuscles, and by this means in proving a cellular structure, in the restricted sense of the word, in all cartilages. During the growth of some of the cartilage- cells, a thickening of the cell-walls might also be perceived. Thus was the similarity in the process of vegetation of animal and vegetable cells still further developed. Dr. Schleiden oppor- tunely communicated to me at this time his excellent researches upon the origin of new cells in plants, from the nuclei within the parent-cell. The previously enigmatical contents of the cells in the branchial cartilages of the frog’s larve thus became clear to me; I now recognized in them young cells, provided with a nucleus. Meckauer and Arnold had already found fat- vesicles in the cartilage-corpuscles. As I soon afterwards suc- 8 INTRODUCTION. ceeded in rendering the origin of young cells from nuclei within the parent-cells in the branchial cartilages very pro- bable, the matter was decided. Cells presented themselves in the anima body having a nucleus, which in its position with regard to the cell, its form and modifications, accorded with the cytoblast of vegetable cells, a thickening of the cell-wall took place, and the formation of young cells within the parent- cell from a similar cytoblast, and the growth of these without vascular connexion was proved. ‘This accordance was still farther shown by many details; and thus, so far as con- cerned these individual tissues, the desired evidence, that these cells correspond to the elementary cells of vegetables was fur- nished. I soon conjectured that the cellular formation might be a widely extended, perhaps a universal principle for the formation of organic substances. Many cells, some having nuclei, were already known; for example, in the ovum, epi- thelium, blood-corpuscles, pigment, &c. &c. It was an easy step in the argument to comprise these recognized cells under one point of view; to compare the blood-corpuscles, for example, with the cells of epithelium, and to consider these, as likewise the cells of cartilages and vegetables, as corresponding with each other, and as realizations of that common principle. ‘This was the more probable, as many points of agreement in the progress of development of these cells were already known. C. H. Schultz had already proved the preexistence of the nuclei of the blood- corpuscles, the formation of the vesicle around the same, and the gradual expansion of this vesicle. Henle had observed the gradual increase in size of the epidermal cells from the under layers of the epidermis, towards the upper ones. The growth of the germinal vesicle, observed by Purkinje, served also at first as an example of the growth of one cell within another, although it afterwards became more probable that it had not the signi- fication of a cell, but of a cell-nucleus, and thus furnished proof that everything having the cellular form does not necessarily correspond to the cells of plants. A precise term for these cells, which correspond to those of plants, should be adopted ; either elementary cells, or vegetative cells (vegetations-zellen). By still further examination, I constantly found this principle of cellular formation more fully realized. The germinal mem- brane was soon discovered to be composed entirely of cells, and INTRODUCTION. 9 shortly afterwards cell-nuclei, and subsequently also cells were found in all tissues of the animal body at their origin ; so that all tissues consist of cells, or are formed by various modes, from cells. The other proof of the analogy between animal and vege- table cells was thus afforded. I shall follow the same course in communicating the separate observations, and shall speak, therefore, in the next place of the structure and growth of the chorda dorsalis and cartilage, and in the second section treat of the germinal membrane and the remaining tissues. 10 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH SECTION I. ON THE STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF THE CHORDA DORSALIS AND CARTILAGE. 1. Chorda Dorsalis. Tux Chorda Dorsalis in the larve of frogs and fishes les in, or in some instances, under the bodies of the vertebrae, and is continued behind the coccyx, through the whole length of the tail. It is imclosed by a firm sheath, and forms a spindle- like, consistent, gelatiniform, transparent cord, which is thick- est at the commencement of the tail, and thence gradually diminishes in each direction, both towards the skull and the point of the tail. It cannot well be separated entire in re- cently killed animals, but is best obtamed from them in the form of delicate transverse sections. If the animal be placed in water for twenty-four hours or longer after death, and the tail then severed from the body at their point of junction, the chorda dorsalis may be entirely pressed out, by gently scraping along its course from the point of the tail, or from the head, towards the wound. As this does not succeed if the animal be allowed to lie out of water for the same period after death, the easier separableness appears to depend upon a penetration of the water between the chorda dorsalis and its sheath ; the firmer con- nexion of it in the fresh condition, however, only upon a more close contact, or wedging in of the chorda dorsalis, and not upon a vascular connexion, for I do not suppose that it contains any vessels. | Microscopically examined, it exhibits, as J. Miller has discovered in fishes, a cellular structure in its interior, sur- rounded externally by a proportionately thin cortical substance (rinde), which is beset with scattered granules. The interior exactly resembles the parenchymatous cellular tissue of plants. (See plate I, fig. 4.) It is readily seen, especially at the point of contact of three cells, that each one is surrounded by its own proper membrane. The cells vary much in size, being OF THE CHORDA DORSALIS. 1] usually largest in the centre, and becoming somewhat smaller towards the outside. They have an irregular polyhedral shape, mostly with spherical surfaces, which are sometimes convex towards the outside, sometimes towards the cavity of the cell. Their walls are very thin, colourless, smooth, and almost completely transparent, firm, and slightly extensible. They dissolve readily in caustic potash. The rudiments of the chorda dorsalis in the conical interstices of the vertebra of cartilaginous fishes are not dissolved by dilute or concentrated acetic acid. The chorda dorsalis of fishes according to J. Miller does not become converted into gelatine after long boiling. The cells of the chorda dorsalis of frog’s larve contain in their interior a colourless, homogeneous, transparent fluid, which does not become cloudy at a boiling heat; the slight clouding observed in the chorda dorsalis after boiling, appears to be situated more in the cell-walls, which afterwards appear mi- nutely granulated. In the larva of Pelobates fuscus another formation occurs, inasmuch as by far the greater proportion of these cells contain a very distinct nucleus. It has the appearance of a somewhat yellowish-coloured small disc, of a roundish oval form, rather smaller than a blood-corpuscle of the frog, and almost as flat. (See plate I, fig. 4a, where it is represented from the chorda dor- salis of Cyprinus erythrophthalmus.) In frog’s larve the nucleus is nearly twice as large. It has a sharp, dark margin, and ap- pears minutely granulated. In this little disc may be seen one, rarely two, and very seldom three dark, sharply circumscribed spots. It thus entirely resembles, both as a whole as well as in its modifications, the cytoblast of vegetable cells with its nu- cleolus, and microscopically, cannot at all be distinguished from it. Compare plate I, fig. 4a, with plate I, fig. la. But it also corresponds with it in its position in the cell. In very many cells, the vertical wall of which is viewed from above, it may be seen that the nucleus lies close on the inner surface of the wall of the cell, or even embedded in the wall. It appears then, as in plate I, fig. 1 a’, only still somewhat flatter. I have not, however, succeeded in observing that a lamella of the cell-wall passes over its internal surface, which is also but rarely seen in plants. If the external minutely granulated cortical substance of the chorda dorsalis of Pelobates fuscus 12 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH be more accurately examined, it is found that the granules are oval, and furnished with a nucleolus, and that, with the excep- tion of their being only about half as large, they entirely re- semble the cell-nuclei. This cortical substance is not sharply separated from the proper tissue of the chorda dorsalis; and as the cells of the latter suddenly diminish very much towards the cortical substance, I think that these granules upon the latter are the cytoblasts of flattened cells which form it. Sometimes, although but indistinctly even with a very favorable light, very fine lines may be perceived in the intermediate spaces between these granules, where the cells come in contact, as in the common tabular (or scaly) epithelium. In the chorda dorsalis of the larva of Rana esculenta, where the nuclei in the cells are not distinct, these nuclei in the cortical substance are not seen ; the tabular structure, however, is evident in them. One must be very cautious in denying the presence of the cyto- blasts, when they are not immediately recognizable. They may in animals, as in plants, atta such a degree of trans- parency, as renders them very difficult of observation. Thus, I could not for a long time detect them in the rudiment of the chorda dorsalis, which is found in the conical mtermediate spaces of the vertebra, in a large Carp, until on a very clear day they appeared very pale but quite recognizable, and of pre- cisely the form above described. They were somewhat more distinct in the Pike and Cyprinus erythrophthalmus. The delineation, plate I, fig. 4, is taken from the latter. They are however smaller in these fishes than in frog’s larve. To return to the larva of Pelobates fuscus. Here the cells of the chorda dorsalis lie so close to each other, that the walls of the two neighbouring cells are in immediate contact. Even when three or more cells are in contact, they are generally so close, that only the contiguous walls are observable. Some- times, however, in such instances, a small intermediate space remains, which is larger than could be filled up by the unthick- ened cell-wall; and there is then seen, as in plants, a species (apparent or real?) of intercellular substance, or an intercel- lular canal. With regard to this latter (intercellular canal), occa- sionally, though rarely, in such an instance of close contiguity of three cells, upon making a transverse section, the cell-walls are observed sharply bounded, as well towards the cell as externally, OF THE CHORDA DORSALIS. 13 and between the cells a small triangular interstice is seen, which is filled by a transparent fluid (not by air), or at least by a sub- stance which refracts the light in a different manner from the cell-walls, just as it is represented in plate I, fig. 1c, from the onion. Young cells, which float free, form within the cells of the chorda dorsalis, as in plants. They are, however, in the larve of the frog so transparent, that very favorable light and good instruments are required to see them. The number of cells, also, in which new ones are formed in the larvee is not great, at least in such as are to be had in the latter part of autumn. In the above-mentioned species of Cyprinus, and also in other fishes, they are, however, easy to be seen, and in greater number. Vesicles of very various sizes may be perceived in the cavities of many of these cells, and also in those of the larvee of the frog, though they are more difficult of observation in the latter ; a single one of these vesicles sometimes fills the greater part of the cavity; and occasionally several lie in one cell. (PI. I, fig. 4, 6, 6, c.) They are commonly quite round; but not unfrequently two are in contact, and flattened against each other. That they le free in the cell, follows from the fact, that they may be isolated without rupture. If, for instance, a small portion of the chorda dorsalis be torn into minute pieces, and a thin plate of glass with water be placed upon them, by moving this lightly backwards and forwards a few times, some such isolated vesicles may often be brought into the field of vision. They may then be made to roll about, and thus demonstrate their globular form. I have taken great pains to discover a nucleus in their walls, but without suc- cess. The young cells of the chorda dorsalis, also, in the larvee so often mentioned, have often the appearance, so long as they are not isolated, of possessing a nucleus: but one may readily be deceived here, since such a nucleus may belong to a cell lymg above or below them. Caution must also be used, not to confound a globular epithelial cell, which may have shpped into the chorda dorsalis in making the transverse sec- tion, with the true cells of that structure. I have not as yet been able, with certainty, to observe any nucleus, at least not of the characteristic form, in isolated young cells of the chorda dorsalis. In rare instances, a very small corpuscle, (d, d, of 14 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH the figure,) lay in the inner surface of the young cell. It must remain a question whether the nucleus is really wanting, or whether it is only not visible in consequence of its translucency, or whether these corpuscles are developed into the nucleus. The chorda dorsalis accords with the vegetable cells, at least in this respect, that young cells are formed within the old ones. With regard to the thickening of the cell walls; these ap- pear to remain always simple (unchanged) in the chorda dorsalis of the larva of the frog. But im the fully developed osseous fishes, in Cyprinus, for example, a thickening is exhibited in those cells which le near the axis of the conical interspaces of the vertebre. The cell-cavities always become smaller in consequence of this thickening of the walls. The thickened walls, or the intermediate substance between the cell cavities consist of closely cohering longitudinal fibres, between which very fine transverse fibres are also sometimes seen. The longi- tudinal fibres run uninterruptedly past several cells; and the primitive membrane of each cell can no longer be distinguished. To sum up the researches upon the chorda dorsalis in a few words ; it may be said to consist of polyhedral cells, which have, in or on the internal surface of their walls, a structure, according in its form and position with the nucleus of the cells of plants, namely, an oval flat disc containing one, two, or more rarely three nucleoli. The cells usually le in close contact with each other; but sometimes at points where three or more cells meet together, a sort of intercellular substance, or an intercellular passage is seen. Young cells, which are at first round, and float free, are formed within parent cells. Nuclei of the charac- teristic form, are not distinctly observed in these young cells, but sometimes a small globule lies upon their inner surface. In those cells which undergo further development, the cell-mem- brane ceases to exist as a distinct structure, and the interme- diate substance between the cell cavities consists for the most part of longitudinal fibres. With the exception of the formation of these fibres, into the origin of which I have not yet examined, and the absence of the nucleus in the young cells, these cells entirely accord with the vegetable cells. It must remain undecided whether the nu- cleus is really wanting in these young cells, as it is not yet proved to exist in all plants, (for example in many acotyledo- OF CARTILAGE. 15 nous plants,) or whether the little corpuscle, which presents itself on the inner surface of some young cells, is the nucleus which grows with the cell, as it is observed to do in some other animal cells; or whether the nucleus in the young cells is in- visible in consequence of its translucency, since even fully-deve- loped cells are met with, in which, although certainly present, it is, in consequence of its transparency, barely visible. 2. Cartilage. The accordance of the structure of cartilage with the tissue of plants is of more importance in reference to animal organization. We have here to do not only with a more widely extended animal tissue, but also with one which, at least, in its subsequent stages of development, contains vessels, and therefore bears more decidedly the character of an animal tissue. The simplest form of cartilage is exhibited in the cartilages of the branchial rays of fishes. If, for example, a branchial ray of Cyprinus erythroph- thalmus be loosened from the branchial arch, and the mucous membrane be removed by gentle scraping, the cartilage remain- ing presents the appearance of a little rod, which diminishes from the point of its imsertion on the branchial arch towards its free end, its sides being somewhat compressed, and exhibiting on their margins some blunt prominences. The structure of this cartilage is very simple. At the point it perfectly resembles, in its whole appearance, the parenchymatous cellular tissue of plants. (See pl. I, fig. 5, from the above-mentioned Cyp. eryth.) Little polyhedral cell-cavities with rounded corners are seen lying closely together. The cell-cavities are separated from each other by extremely thin partition walls. The cell- contents are transparent, and a small pale round nucleus (a) may be seen in some cells when in the recent state, in others only after the action of water upon them. The structure of the lateral prominences of the cartilage is similar to that at the point, only that the cells are somewhat extended in length. Advancing from that point towards the middle, or still better from the point towards the root of the branchial ray, the partition walls of the cell-cavities are observed to become gradually thicker ; and the cavities are here somewhat smaller. (PI. I, fig. 6.) On the thickened cell-walls it may now also be seen 16 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH that the intermediate substance of the cell-cavities is not a simple structure, but one composed of the walls peculiar to the contiguous cells: that is to say, each cell is surrounded with a thick ring, its peculiar wall, the external outline of which is more or less distinct. In the preparation from which the deli- neation is taken, it was in some parts quite as distinct as the internal. Between two cells these external outlines blend into one line, but separate again when the contact of the cell-walls ceases ; there is thus often left between the cell-walls a three or four-cornered intermediate space (c), filled with a kind of intercellular substance. No other structure, no deposition of strata, or distinction between primary cell-membrane and se- condary deposit can be observed in the thickened cell-walls. The cell-contents also remain clear after the thickening of the walls. At the base of the branchial ray, it is scarcely possible to distinguish between the different cells-walls, and the cartilage presents the appearance of a homogeneous substance, in which separate small cavities only are seen. (Pl. I, fig. 7.) Around some few only of the cell-cavities, a trace of the peculiar cell-— walls may be seen in the form of a ring. ‘This ring is usually somewhat thin, so that the entire intermediate substance of the cell-cayities cannot be formed of the cell-walls ; but the inter- cellular substance, which was so small in quantity in the centre of the branchial ray, here contributes essentially to the forma- tion of the cartilaginous substance, and often completely pre- vents the immediate contact of the cell-walls. This intercel- lular substance appears, however, to be homogeneous with that of the cell-walls, and in most situations coalesces with them. The cell-cavities, which are here transparent and without gra- nulous contents, are now the cartilage-corpuscles. The process of formation of this cartilage is as follows. It consists originally of cells, which lie in very close contact, but every one of which has its special, very thin cell-membrane. This follows, firstly, from the complete accordance in appear- ance, of cartilage in its earliest stage, with vegetable cellular tissue; secondly, from the presence of the nucleus in the young cells of cartilage, a structure which, as will subsequently be seen, occurs in almost all the cells proved to exist in other tissues ; thirdly, from the fact, that a separation of the cell- walls is often distinctly perceptible in instances where they are OF CARTILAGE. 7s thickened. These cell-walls lie either in close contact, or have only a trace of intercellular substance between them, or there is sufficient of that material to entirely prevent the contact of the different cells. Their walls, which are originally formed of a very thin membrane, become thickened. The cavities of the cells with thickened walls which are seen in the centre of the branchial ray, are smaller than those of the cells which le nearer the surface, the walls of which are less dense ;_ but, whether this is produced by a thickening of the cell-wall taking place from without inwards, or whether rather the cells were not smaller in their original formation, is a matter of uncertainty. No deposition of strata, nor any distinction from the primordial cell-membrane, can be recognized in these thickenings of the walls. The condensed cell-walls at length coalesce either with each other, or with the intercellular substance, to form one homogeneous mass, in which only the cell-cavities remain per- ceptible, presenting the appearance of small distinct excavations filled with a transparent substance; these cell-cavities are the cartilage-corpuscles. In the foregoing description no error can arise from the great variety in form which the cartilage-corpuscles frequently present ; for, on examining the branchial rays of a very large pike, the gradual transition may be traced, from the thin- walled almost globular cells to the most varied forms, in which the remains of the cell-cavities are so much extended in length as to give to the cartilage almost a fibrous appearance. The same extremely simple process of formation (modified, however, in some important respects) is presented in all carti- lages. These modifications, the fundamental type of which is already pointed out in the cartilages of the branchial rays of fishes above described, depend chiefly upon the share relatively contributed by the thickened cell-walls, or the intercellular sub- stance, to form the intermediate substance of the cell-cavities, or cartilage-corpuscles. We have seen that this intermediate substance was formed almost entirely of the thickened cell- walls, with but a minimum amount of intercellular substance, in the centre of the branchial rays of fishes, whilst at their base, that is, in the earliest formed cartilage, the intercellular sub- stance preponderated, and the less dense cell-walls contributed less to the formation of the true substance of the cartilage. 2 18 STRUCTURE AND GROWTII The walls of the cells appear to contribute little or nothing to the formation of the substance of most of the ossifying carti- lages,—those of the higher animals for example. The cartilages of the branchial arches of the tadpole, like those of the branchial rays of fishes, consist of cells, which are, however, much larger than those of the fish, though smaller than the cells of the chorda dorsalis, with which they have, in every other respect, much similarity. The partition-walls of the cells are thicker than in the chorda dorsalis, but they may still be termed thin when compared with the cell-cavities. (See pl. ILI, fig. 1, which exhibits branchial cartilage from the young larva of Pelobates fuscus.) The cartilage intended to be used for investigation must be taken quite fresh from the living animal ; for the structures become very indistinct if it be allowed to le in water for any time after death, even though it be entire. After stripping off the mucous membrane, the cellular structure is readily recognized by the aid of the microscope. The cells vary much in size, and are more or less flattened against one another. The wall of each separate cell may be distinctly seen in the majority of instances, and its thickness might even be measured ; that we cannot trace it so evidently in the smallest cells is probably referrible to the extreme thinness of their sides. The walls of the cells are for the most part in contact, but intercellular substance may be seen in many situations, and especially where several cells are contiguous. The surface of the cartilage, which is represented on the left and lower margin of the figure, (pl. III, fig. 1,) is formed in the first place of intercellular substance, which, in as much as the cells ori- ginate in it, may be called Cytoblastema. This cartilage may, therefore, be described as consisting of intercellular substance, or cytoblastema, in which great num- bers of cells are seen. The cell-contents are generally clear as water ; but in the younger and smaller ones (for example, c,) the contained matter is less pellucid, and somewhat granulous. Hach cell contains a spherical granulous nucleus, which lies upon the mner surface of the wall, and which again encloses a nucleolus. The size of the nucleus is not precisely alike in al! the cells : it is somewhat larger in the large ones, but its size bears no proportion to the increased bulk of the cell; and again, the smaller cells are not much larger than the nucleus which they contain. OF CARTILAGE, 19 Nuclei, around which no cells have yet commenced to be de- veloped, may be observed in the cytoblastema between the cells in some situations ; for example, a and 6. These like- wise contain a nucleolus, and are somewhat less than the nuclei in the smaller cells. The above observations furnish us with a complete repre- sentation of the development of cartilage-cells, and show the accordance of that process with the development of vegetable- cells, inasmuch as they exhibit the simultaneous presence in the cytoblastema both of simple nuclei, and of cells containing a nucleus of similar shape and size upon the inner surface of their walls, and which may be observed in all stages of tran- sition, from such as are scarcely larger than the nucleus they contain, to such as are many times its size. Simple nuclei are first present, developed in the cytoblastema. When these have arrived at a certain size, the cell is formed around and closely encompassing them. The cell gradually expands, whilst the nucleus remains lying on a point of the inner surface of its wall. The nucleus, also, increases somewhat in size, but not in proportion to the expansion of the cell. Now these three hy- potheses may be assumed from the above facts; either the cell is first developed, and the nucleus subsequently, or both are developed simultaneously, or the nucleus is first developed, and then the cell around it. The first supposition, that the cells are developed earlier than the nuclei, is not possible, since in that case cells would be found at a certain period of deve- lopment without nuclei. The simultaneous development of a cell, together with its nucleus, as two distinguishable struc- tures, is equally impossible, for then we should observe a stage of development, at which as yet the cell and nucleus had not reached the size of the ordinary nucleus. In order to explain the above observations, we must, therefore, have recourse to the third supposition, viz. that the nucleus is first developed and then the cell around it. The form of the young cells depends upon the space allotted them for expansion. They are, therefore, either round or angular, according as the neighbouring cells permit of, or limit their re- gular expansion. ‘T'wo or more cells are often developed close to- gether in one intercellular space, and thus compress those already formed, and the intercellular substance on the outside of them ; 20 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH this fact explains the common appearance of two or four cells lying together in a group, being separated from one another by thin walls, whilst between such groups and the neighbour- ing cells we see much more intercellular substance. The cells at first appear finely granulated, and not so trans- parent as in the more fully developed condition. The thick- ening of the cell-membrane takes place simultaneously with its expansion. One of the cells in pl. III, fig. 1, exhibits two nuclei, one of which, like those of all the other cells, has but one nucleolus, the other having two. It may be conjectured, that this second nucleus is destined to the formation of a young cell within the larger one. In the intercellular substance at e in the same figure (pl. III, fig. 1,) may be seen a small corpuscle, surrounded by a granu- lous and indistinctly circumscribed mass, the rest of the inter- cellular substance being smooth and homogeneous. ‘This is, perhaps, a nucleus in the act of formation, the nucleolus of which is already developed ; and when the granulous mass sur- rounding that structure has obtained a defined external boun- dary, it will form a nucleus. If such be the case, we have here an instance of accordance of the development of the germ itself with the formation of the nucleus of vegetable-cells ob- served by Schleiden. On examining the cartilage of the branchial arches of the tadpole in the more completely developed state, (pl. I, fig. 8,) we find the cells generally lymg in groups, so that two, three, or four lie close together, separated from other groups by thicker partition walls. The special walls of the individual cells are less distinct, but at several spots where three or more cells are in contact, for example, at a, the separation of the walls may yet be seen, and a trace of intercellular substance is also present ; the latter, however, is almost homogeneouswith the cell-walls. It may also be observed that the cell-walls are thicker in these situations than they are represented in pl. III, fig. 1. Some parallel lines may be seen at various spots in these con- densed cell-walls, and the thickening might, in such instances, be supposed to be really produced by a stratified deposition of the substance upon the internal surface of the cell-wall. But at the same time it must be remembered, that every partition- wall between two cells must consist of two layers, each of which | OF CARTILAGE. 2t corresponds to the wall of the corresponding cell. This appear- ance of strata, however, is observed only in the thick walls between two groups of cells, and as these groups probably ori- ginate by the formation of two or four cells within a parent cell, each half of the partition-wall between two groups must (presuming such to be the mode of their formation) consist again of two layers, the one of which corresponds to the wall of the parent cell, the other to that of the secondary cell, so that each partition-wall of two groups must consist of four layers. Although it does, indeed, appear that even a greater number of layers or strata are present, yet I must at the same time remark, that these observations are by no means sufii- ciently conclusive for the proof of a fact so important in refer- ence to the process of nutrition, and that I am so far from re- garding them as evidence of a stratified deposition of the sub- stance, as not to hold such a thing to be even probable. The appearance is probably an optical deception. As before stated, no distinction was found between primary cell-membrane and secondary thickening in the cartilages of the branchial rays of fishes, but it seemed that the cell-membrane had actually be- come thickened ; neither is there any such distinction to be observed in the branchial cartilages of the tadpole. If the above described groups be assumed to have had their origin by the formation of secondary cells within a primary parent one, in that case, secondary cells which completely fill the parent one have not been developed in all the primary cells, for isolated cells occur in the branchial cartilages of Pelobates fuscus, which are somewhat larger than the secondary ones, but smaller than the other primary cells, and remarkable also, as will be seen immediately, from their contents. The cells of the branchial cartilages of the larva of Pelobates fuscus just mentioned, contain within them one or more nuclei. (Pl. I, fig. 8, d.) These nuclei, which may be easily isolated, are either slightly oval, or perfectly globular, more or less granulous and yellowish, and apparently hollow. They contain one or two very distinct, round, dark nucleoli, which lie in their interior either close upon the wall, or very near to it. The nuclei (a portion of them at least) appear to lie free in the cell-cavity, for they may readily be isolated. The above mentioned primary cells of the larva of Pelobates fuscus in 22 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH which none of these secondary cells, completely filling the parent one have been developed, contain very commonly several such nuclei, and also one or more young cells. PI. I, fig. 8, ff, represents such young cells from the branchial carti- lages of the larva of Rana esculenta. They are round vesicles containing a nucleus identical in form and size with those which lie free, but which is situated upon the internal surface of the wall, and never in the centre of the cell. This nucleus is never wanting in the young cells. The cells, however, vary much in size, some being scarcely larger than the nucleus they contain, others twice or thrice as large: From one to three such young cells, in various stages-of development, are com- monly found within the primary one, where they sometimes become flattened from want of space. As the figure represents, most of the secondary cells contain these young ones, and but few of them onlysimple nuclei (such as have no cell around them), in some of the young cells, indeed, a second somewhat paler nucleus appears. These young cells lie free within the primary cell, and may be isolated in the same manner as was described with regard to those of the chorda dorsalis. They appear in the first instance to be perfectly transparent ; but gradually obtain a granulous yellowish aspect, and it is remarkable, that the earliest formation of this yellowish deposit takes place generally if not constantly, in the neighbourhood of the nucleus. It will thus be seen that these young cells, (fat cells ?) which are formed within the true cartilage-cells, furnish us with a series of observations as regards their development, similar to that observed in the formation of the cartilage-cells themselves: namely, simple nuclei, cells closely encompassing those nuclei, and all the stages of transition up to the largest cells; but never have we met with these young cells without nuclei. So that the same conclusions might be arrived at with respect to the mode of their development, as were before with regard to that of the cartilage-cells, namely, that the nuclei are first formed, and around them the cells, precisely as in plants. The nucleus in these young cells, however, does not appear to in- crease in growth after the cell has once formed around it. The accordance in form between these and the young cells of vegetables is shown by comparing Plate I, fig. 8, with fig. 2, 6. The nucleus of the true cartilage-cells like that of vegetable- OF CARTILAGE. 23 cells is subsequently absorbed. After the cartilages of the branchial rays of fishes have been exposed to the action of water, it is only in the young cells that the nuclei are visible; they are much more rarely seen in those cells of which the walls are already very much thickened. In many cells of the branchial cartilages of the tadpole, a small nucleus with aragged outline may be observed, which is probably the cytoblast of the cell in the act of undergoing absorption. These cytoblasts (nuclei) of the true cartilage-cells always lie in the cell-cavity, even when its wall is thickened, and it is impossible to distinguish whether they lie free or are still connected with the cell-wall. A twofold explanation is here possible: either the cytoblast separates from the wall after the formation of the cell-membrane is perfected, and falls free into the cavity (as occurs in plants), and at such period a secondary deposition of substance upon the cell-wall first commences ; or the thickening of the wall is due to an actual increase of the original cell-membrane, and in that manner the nucleus is pushed inwards, and may remain in connexion with the wall. If a secondary deposition of substance took place before the nucleus was disengaged from the cell-membrane, that body must be enclosed in the wall, and would not lie in the cell-cavity. As both these expla- nations are possible, it will be seen that no conclusion can be drawn from the position of the nucleus, as to whether the thickening of the cell-wall be a secondary deposition, or an actual growth of the cell-membrane. Sometimes a carti- lage-cell presents more than one nucleus; when in such a ease the original nucleus of the cell is absorbed, all those observed are probably the germs of new cells, which have not as yet commenced their development. The same fact is fre- quently observed in plants. The nuclei in the branchial cartilages of the tadpole have for the most part the same size ; some, however, which are probably not as yet perfectly formed, are smaller than others. It also often occurs that a nucleus is seen expanded to three or four times the usual size ; such instances might be mistaken for young cells without nuclei, but they may be readily recognized by their general aspect. They are more transparent and delicate, and exhibit one or two nucleoli, which are easily detected ; when two are present they are widely separated from one another. According to 24 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH Schleiden, a similar enlargement of the nucleus also occurs in plants, thus affording a remarkable accordance in what seems a very unimportant circumstance. It appears to be a kind of abortion; for I have never yet seen a cell formed around such a nucleus. The cranial cartilages of the tadpole (Plate I, fig. 9) are dis- tinguished from the branchial by the smaller size of the cell- cavities, and the increased strength of the firm intermediate substance. The walls of the separate cells cannot now be traced, they appear to have coalesced with the intercellular substance, which is present in greater quantity. The cells lie in groups of two or four together, and it is very probable, that in this cartilage, each group is formed of cells, which have been developed in a parent cell; for some may be seen, for example at c, which do not as yet quite fill the original cell. Such an instance, however, is rarely so very distinct as not to admit of a doubt. There is a very striking similarity between the group a, fig. 9, and fig. 3, which represents four young vegetable cells developed in a parent cell, and the thickened walls of which have coalesced with one another and with those of the parent cell, so that the four cavities only remain in an homogeneous substance. That portion of the cell-cavities which is still visible is filled with a granulous yellowish sub- stance, in which lie one or more nuclei, or young cells provided with a nucleus: these remains of the cell-cavities are the car- tilage-corpuscles discovered by Purkinje. The intercellular substance is universally much more pro- minent in the cartilages of mammalia than it is im those hitherto described, and in them it forms the principal part of the firm mass of the cartilage. There is not, however, any essential difference either between the structure of the several kinds of cartilage of mammalia, or between these and the car- tilage of lower animals, the only distinction being that it is a little more difficult to prove the existence of the special walls of the cartilage-cells in the former. The intercellular substance in some cartilages of mammalia is at first so soft, that the cells fall apart under slight pressure, and float free in the fluid. If, for example, a thin lamella be cut off from the cartilage at the angle of the lower jaw of a foetal pig of three and a half inches in length (a period when OF CARTILAGE. 25 the cartilage is about to become, but is not as yet, ossified), and placed under the compressorium, the cells will be seen to lie so closely in it, that the space occupied by them may be estimated at three fourths, and that of the intercellular substance at one fourth of the whole volume. Many of the cells which have become separated by the process of cutting, float already in the fluid; and on shghtly compressing the preparation many more become loose, and flow out in streams from the intercellular substance into the surrounding fluid. The intercellular sub- stance is too soft to prevent the separation, but at a subsequent period of development this cannot be effected. According to Meckauer the cartilage-corpuscles may also be isolated by boil- ing. I once succeeded in crushing one of these young carti- lage-cells while still in connexion with the preparation. The first effect of the compressorium was to produce an extension of breadth; it then suddenly shrank together, whilst a clear fluid streamed out, thus proving the contents of the cell to be fluid and transparent. Now, inasmuch as these cells present in different instances a more or less granulous appearance, it fol- lows that the cells of ossifying cartilage must have a peculiar investing membrane, which is granulous, and thus that they are actual elementary cells, in our sense of the word, and nei- ther mere excavations in the substance, nor perfectly solid corpuscles. The appearance of the cells which float about en- tirely accords also with this view, for while their contents seem to be clear, the cells look granulated. All of them contain a very beautiful oval or circular, not flattened cell-nucleus, situate upon the internal surface of the wall, and this nucleus en- closes one or two very distinct nucleoli ; in short, they in every respect accord with the elementary cells of most of the other tissues. By the aid of acetic acid we may also frequently suc- ceed in rendering the cell-walls visible upon a thin lamella of cartilage, and as the cell-contents are at the same time dis- solved by the acid, it has the additional advantage of bringing the nucleus into view, which is sometimes indistinct in conse- quence of the granulous nature of the contents. Plate ITI, fig. 2, exhibits a portion of cartilage so treated with acetic acid ; it is taken from the as yet unossified portion of the ilium of an embryo pig of five inches in length. The cell-walls, with their double outlines, may be seen, and both the illuminated and 26 STRUCTURE AND GROWTII dark side in the thickness of the walls distinguished. The delineation, at the same time, proves how important a share is taken by the intercellular substance in the formation of the firm structure of cartilage. The cartilages of the foetus do not altogether accord in chemi- cal constitution with those of the adult, since we can obtain from them by boiling but a small quantity of a gelatinous substance, and that only with great difficulty, and they afford no true gelatine (capable of forming a jelly). I boiled some unossi- fied cartilages, consisting of apophyses of the femur and carti- laginous portions of the scapule, taken from several embryo pigs, measuring three and a half inches in length. After twelve hours’ boiling, they entirely crumbled into very small scales, which gave a variegated appearance to water im which they were stirred about, and appeared under the microscope extremely thin and granulous. The fluid, when filtered and evaporated almost to dryness, did not coagulate. Alcohol pro- duced a copious precipitate, which was dried, afterwards dis- solved in boiling water, and then evaporated almost to dryness; still no coagulation took place. Alum, however, clouded the fluid, and acetic acid had the same effect, but in a much slighter degree. As the quantity of cartilage made use of in the foregoing experiment was too small, I made a further in- vestigation with cartilage which had already become ossified, from the same embryos, namely, the frontal and parietal bones, scapule, humerus, femur, and some ribs. The unossified parts were removed as cleanly as possible from al] the bones. The earthy matter was withdrawn by hydrochloric acid; the carti- lages were then washed with water, and boiled for twenty-four hours. Under this process they fell to pieces very slowly , meanwhile numerous little glittermg scales appeared in the fluid, which, after beimg dried, resembled very minute fish- scales, and exhibited a beautiful play of colours. They were, perhaps, the lamellee described by Deutsch, which surround the minute medullary canaliculi. The form of most of the pieces of cartilage remained perfectly recognizable, and was but slightly altered. They looked of a yellowish-white colour, and not at all gelatinous, as substances usually do when about to be transformed into gelatine. The fluid was filtered from these little scales and pieces of cartilage, and then evaporated almost OF CARTILAGE. a7 to dryness. It did not exhibit any trace of coagulation after standing twenty-four hours. After being dried, it was again dissolved in boiling water, on which occasion, however, a por- tion remained undissolved. It was, therefore, filtered; the fluid was copiously precipitated by alum, and the precipitate was, for the most part, although not entirely, dissolved, on the addition of alum in excess. Acetic acid likewise rendered the fluid very turbid, and an excess of acid did not entirely remove the cloudiness. It was copiously precipitated by tincture of gall-nuts, and acetic acid removed this precipitate again, leaving a very slight turbidness. (Acetic acid likewise completely dis- solves the precipitate obtained from glue by tincture of gall- nuts, therefore glue, when dissolved in acetic acid, will not be precipitated by the tincture.) According to these reactions, the gelatinous substance obtained appears to be chondrin, not- withstanding that it was obtained from ossified cartilage. The question, therefore, arises—does the cartilaginous substance which is connected with earthy matter in the fetus really yield chondrin instead of the gelatine of bone, or was there much unossified cartilage still contamed in what appeared to be ossified, and was that the sole source of the chondrin? The point is, at all events, worthy of renewed investigation. It is surprising that the foetal cartilages should exhibit so great a resistance to the action of boiling water, and that although they yield a small quantity of a gelatinous substance, they do not afford any which has the property of gelatinizing. The formative processes of cartilage hitherto described, proceed, as it appears, without the presence of vessels in the structure ; such at least is the case in thin cartilages, to which probably the fiuid parts of the blood can penetrate from the vessels of the neighbouring tissues. In the branchial rays of the fish, for example, I could not find any space in which ves- sels could have existed; throughout the structure masses of cartilage and cartilage-corpuscles were to be seen, but no canals which could have been traversed by vessels. The manner in which ossification proceeds now becomes an interesting object of inquiry. The investigation is best pur- sued by making very fine sections with a razor, from the half- ossified cartilages of the extremities, vertebrae, or coccyx, of the larva of Pelobates fuscus. ‘The little cartilage-cells, which 28 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH are not enclosed one within another, and are for the most part furnished with a nucleus, are readily recognized in the true cartilaginous substance of the unossified cartilages. I am not prepared to state whether this substance is formed by thicken- ing of the cell-walls, or by the intercellular substance. The earthy matter is first deposited in the true cartilagmous sub- stance. It first appears in the form of isolated, extremely minute granules, by which an indistinct appearance of arched striee is sometimes produced. At other points, these little gra- nules of earthy matter lie collected together into larger irregu- lar heaps. I do not know whether these little collections are depositions of pure earthy matter which has not as yet united with the cartilage, and therefore merely provisional deposits which subsequently are distributed equally in the cartilaginous substance (which is not probable), or whether this earthy matter is already united with the cartilage, and that the regular aspect which the structure presents when ossified may be ac- counted for by the gradual union of the earthy matter with it after the same mode. I saw no such deposition of earthy matter in heaps in the incompletely ossified parietal bones of the same larva, but the whole cartilaginous substance contained it equably distributed without any perceptible granules. In both instances, however, when dilute hydrochloric acid is applied to the object under the microscope, the boundary denoting the solution of the earthy matter, and the consequent transparency of the cartilage, may be distinctly seen advancing in the form of a sharply-defined line from the edge of the preparation towards the interior, proving that, in the cartilages first mentioned, there was earthy matter equably united with the substance, in addition to the heaps and isolated granulous deposits. For this boundary line cannot be produced by the mere progressive imbibition of the acid with- out a solution of the earthy salts; at least neither an unossi- fied cartilage, nor one from which the earthy matter had been previously withdrawn and the acid again washed from it, ex- hibited the phenomenon of such a line advancing towards the interior. During the early period of ossification, when this line arrives at a cell-cavity, it becomes indented proportionally to the size of the cavity, because it does not come in contact with any earthy matter there; the cell-cavities, in the first instance, being free from earthy salts. The reverse, however, is OF CARTILAGE. 29 the case in the more completely ossified parts; there the cell- cavity remains behind, forming a dark indentation in the line, which as it advances renders the tissue transparent, and leaves the cavity a black spot, from which dark fibres, simi- lar to those of the corpuscles of bone, issue in a stellated form. Shortly afterwards the fibres disappear, then the corpuscle gra- dually diminishes, and at last vanishes also, leaving a pale spot. Such an appearance could not be due to an air-bubble in the cell-cavity ; for in that case, I think, the course of its exit might be followed. It is probably a more compact mass of earthy matter, which does not become dissolved so quickly as that contained in the substance of the cartilage. After this has become impregnated with earthy matter, the cell-cavities are also filled, and when so filled they are the osseous corpuscles. Similar observations might be instituted on the ossified carti- lages of mammalia, in which the identity of osseous and carti- lage-corpuscles was rendered more certain by Miescher’s re- searches. The next question which presents itself concerns the nature of those minute fibres which proceed in a stel- lated form from the osseous corpuscles. After the earthy mat- ter has been withdrawn the corpuscles may still be seen, though rendered very pale by that process; the fibres, however, are not at all visible, although a formation corresponding to them is certainly present in the cartilaginous substance, and their extraordinary minuteness sufficiently explains the invisibility. The same formation might also exist before ossification, but be invisible from the like cause. As these fibres and the cell-cavities become filled with earthy matter simultaneously, and at a later period than the cartilaginous substance, and since they contain the earthy salts in a more compact and less easily soluble mass, it is probable that they are hollow tubes, that is, canaliculi which proceed from the cell-cavities, spreading out into the cartilagmous substance. According, therefore, to the view which we take respecting the cartilage- corpuscles, according as we consider them to be the cavities of cells, the walls of which have become thickened and blended, not only with one another but with the intercellular substance, so as to form the cartilaginous substance; or as we take them for the entire cells, and the intermediate substance of the cell-cavities as only intercellular substance, so must these tubes 30 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH be viewed either as canaliculi which penetrate from the cell-cavity into the thickened cell-walls, or as hollow prolongations of the cells into the intercellular substance. In the first case, they might be compared to the porous canals of vegetable cells; in the second, they would correspond with prolongations of cells, such as we shall often again meet with in the progress of this work. Meanwhile, for an example of those cells which are extended out on all sides into canals, and which I have called stellated cells, the reader is referred to plate LI, figs. 8 and 9, where those transformations are delineated from pigment- cells. I decidedly give the preference to the latter explanation of the canaliculi, because they pass through the entire thick- ness of the firm cartilaginous substance, a fact which, in order to be consistent with the first view, requires for its explanation that the substance between the cell-cavities should be formed of the thickened cell-walls, which is certainly not the case in the cartilages of mammalia, as is seen in plate III, fig. 2. The osseous corpuscles, with their canaliculi, would therefore be the cartilage-cells transformed into stellated cells, and filled with earthy matter. We shall return to this metamorphosis of round into stellated cells when treating of the pigment. The resemblance between stellated pigment-cells and osseous cor- puscles is sometimes very striking, as is shown, for example, by the pigment-cell which hes to the extreme right in plate II, fig. 9. The compact bony substance is intercellular substance ; it is, however, probable that the walls of the stellated osseous cells form some, if only a very small part, of it. When ossification takes place, the earthy matter is first de- posited in this intercellular substance, and probably at a sub- sequent period also in the cell-cavities. The deposition often causes the substance to assume a darkish granulous appearance in the first stance, which it afterwards loses, becoming more equally dark. If we assume, what is extremely probable, that the earthy matter is contained in bones in combination with the cartilaginous substance, in a manner analogous to a che- mical union, and not in the form of minutely-divided granules, the mode in which the union with the earthy salts takes place may then be explained in two ways: either the earthy matter combines with a particle of cartilaginous substance in such a manner that each smallest atom receives in the first instance a OF CARTILAGE. 31 minimum of salts, and gradually more and more, until the whole portion of cartilage obtains its due quantity; or, the earthy matter unites at first with some only of the smallest atoms of the cartilage, combining, however, with these to the full propor- tion which their capacity of saturation requires ; the remaining. atoms then gradually and successively receive their due portion of the salts, so that each atom does not chemically combine with them until it can become completely saturated. The latter explanation, from the analogy with organic combinations, and from the above-mentioned granulous appearance which cartilage exhibits when undergoing ossification, appears to me by far the moreprobable. For, according to the first view, the medullary ca- naliculi, in the neighbourhood of which the deposition of earthy matter first commences, ought to be surrounded, not by a gra- nulous appearance, but by a dark shadow which should gradu- ally fade away to a pale edge. I conceive the formation of the medullary canaliculi in ossi- fying cartilage to be similar to that of the capillary vessels, which will be examined hereafter. We shall return to them again, as also to the origin of the concentric laminz of bone. We will now briefly sum up the observations upon cartilage, and refer to the phenomena of vegetable life, which either accord with or are dissimilar to them. Cartilage originates from cells, every one of which has its special, and, in the first instance, very thin wall; precisely like those of vegetables. These cells either lie closely together, and on that account are flattened against one another, like those of plants (see pl. I, figs. 5 and 6), or, there is intercellular substance present, and this again either in so very small a quantity as to be visible only in situations where three or four cells are in contact (see fig. 6, c), or in so much greater quantity, as to prevent the contiguity of the different cell-walls (pl. I, fig. 7; and pl. ITI, fig. 1.) Most of the cells, at their earliest period of development. (and _per- haps constantly) contain a nucleus, that is, a round or oval, and sometimes hollow corpuscle (pl. I, fig.5, @; and pl. ILI, figs. 1 and 2), which again generally encloses one or two nucleoli. The cartilage-cells originate in the first place by the formation of the nucleus in the cytoblastema, around which the cell is afterwards formed, so that the latter at first closely encompasses the nucleus. The nucleus advances slightly in growth after the 32 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH formation of the cell, but in a much lower proportion. It is subsequently absorbed ; frequently, however, not before ossifi- cation. This is precisely what occurs in vegetables. The walls of the cartilage-cells become thickened (compare figs. 6 and 7 with fig. 5), which is also the case with many vegetable-cells. No distinction, however, between primary cell-membrane and secondary deposit can be observed in cartilage-cells, and such a deposition in strata as is often distinctly seen in thickened cells of plants cannot be made out here with sufficient certainty. The cell-nucleus in the meantime, when not absorbed, remains lying upon the inside of the thickened wall. An instance of actual thickening of the cell-membrane without a stratified deposit, does not, however, appear to be wanting in plants, e.g. the pollen-tube of Phormium tenax. (See the Introduction.) But it seems, that a thickening of the walls of the cartilage- cells does not take place universally, it does not for instance in the ossifying cartilages; the true cartilage substance may also be formed entirely, or at least chiefly of the intercellular sub- stance. The condensed cell-walls subsequently coalesce with one another, or with the intercellular substance, so that at last only the cell-cavities remain in an homogeneous substance. Whether the walls of those cartilage-cells which do not undergo any thickening become blended with the intercellular substance or not, remains uncertain. An analogous instance of coalescenec of the cell-walls is afforded by vegetables, for Schleiden has ob- served such a blending in the layer of bark which lies im- mediately beneath the cuticle of the Cacti. The cartilage-cells often contain either simple nuclei (i. e. without cells around them), or young cells with such nuclei. These young cells are formed free within the parent-cell, without vascular connexion. Their nucleus is first formed, and afterwards the cell around it, just as in the true cartilage-cell. This is one of the most important instances of accordance be- tween animal and vegetable cells, for the latter, according to Schleiden, are developed in like manner from the nucleus, and likewise within a parent-cell. (See the Introduction.) We may therefore confidently compare the nucleus of these young cells, as also that of the true cartilage-cell, to the cytoblast of vege- table cells. Their shape and the eccentric position of their nucleus, placed as it is upon the internal surface of the cell-wall, OF CARTILAGE. 33 also accord with the young cells of plants. Compare plate I, fig. 8, ff, with fig. 2. The form of the nucleus likewise corre- sponds with that of many vegetable cells. In these young cells of cartilage, it is presented to the observer as a small oval or perfectly spherical corpuscle, having, in many instances, a granulous and somewhat yellowish appearance, and containing one or two nucleoli. (Compare this with the description of the nucleus of vegetable cells in the Introduction.) The nucleus of the cartilage-cell appears to be hollow, a fact which has not been observed with regard to the cytoblast of vegetable cells,’ and the nucleoli lie close upon, or in the neighbourhood of the internal surface of its wall, whilst, according to Schleiden, they lie deep in the cytoblast of vegetable cells. The cartilage-cells, when once formed, appear to be endued with the capacity to grow throughout the entire mass of the structure. The case is different with regard to the formation of new cells. This takes place in certain situations only, on the surface of the cartilage, for imstance, or between the last formed cells. We have already scen that in the branchial rays of fishes, the least developed cells lay at the point, and lateral margins. The little rod, which the branchial ray represents, does not increase in size by the formation of new cells between the original ones throughout its entire length, but its extension in the longitudinal direction is produced by the development of new cells in the neighbourhood of the poimt, and it increases in breadth by the same process going on in the neighbourhood of the side walls. It is a familiar fact, that the cylindrical bones grow chiefly upon the surface and at the end of the shaft. The formation of new cartilage-cells usually takes place only in the neighbourhood of the surface which is in contact with the organized substance, (I refer throughout this passage to that period alone, at which the cartilage does not contain any vessels of its own,) but it is not exclusively confined to that situation, it may also proceed in the intercellular substance between the last-formed cells. At the period of ossification, the earthy matter is first de- posited in the cell-walls, or in the true cartilage-substance, the ' In a letter which I have received from Schleiden, he informs me that he has also found hollow nuclei in plants. 3 34 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH remains of the cell-cavities also become filled with it at a subsequent period, and at the same time the stellated canali- culi issuing from them make their appearance. The formation of these canaliculi probably takes place by the transformation of round cartilage-cells into a stellated form, after the manner of the pigment-cells at plate II, figs. 8 and 9. The above detailed investigation of the chorda dorsalis and cartilage, has conducted us to this result,—that the most mmpor- tant phenomena of their structure and development accord with corresponding processes in plants, that some anomalies and differences may indeed still remain unexplained, but that they are not of sufficient importance to disturb the main con- clusion, viz. that these tissues originate from cells, which must be considered to correspond im every respect to the elementary cells of vegetables. Thus then are we furnished with the first of the proofs required in the Introduction ; that is to say, we have shown with regard to a certain tissue, that it not only origimates from cells, but that these cells in the process of their development manifest phenomena analogous to those of the cells of plants. We have now thrown down a grand barrier of separation between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, viz. diversity of structure. We have become ac- quainted with the signification of the individual parts of the ani- mal tissues as compared with the vegetable cells, and know that cells, cell-membrane, cell-contents, nuclei, and nucleoli in the former are in every respect analogous to the parts having similar names in the cells of plants. We have already observed several modifications both of the nucleus and cell. The former presented itself as a corpuscle having either an oval or circular outline, spherical in figure, or very much flattened, sometimes hollow, and often scarcely perceptible, in consequence of its transparency, but generally granulous and yellowish, and con- taining in its imterior from one to three nucleoli. This nucleus lay within, and fast adhering to the wall of the cell, but never in its centre. The fundamental form of the cell appeared to be that of a round vesicle, but we have also ob- served the flattening of the cells agaimst one another, the presence of intercellular substance between them in greater or less quantity, and lastly, the thickening of the cell-walls. OF CARTILAGE. 35 We have seen the generation of cells within cells, and the formation both of the young cells in cartilage, and of the true cartilage-cells themselves, was proved to take place around the nucleus, in the same manner as that described by Schleiden in vegetable cells. The other proof for the accordance of animal and vegetable structure (see Introduction, p- 6) yet remains to be supplied, viz. that most or all animal tissues are developed from cells. If this proof only were furnished, the analogy of such cells to the elementary cells of plants would at once become extremely probable ; we may now assert that analogy so much the more firmly, since the cells of two distinct tissues have been proved in detail to correspond with those of plants. SECTION II. ON CELLS AS THE BASIS OF ALL TISSUES OF THE ANIMAL BODY. Tue young cells contained within the cartilage-cells (see plate I, fig. 8, ff) may be regarded as the elementary form of the tissues previously considered, and may be described as round cells having a characteristic nucleus, firmly attached to the internal surface of the wall. As the above were proved to correspond with the vegetable cells, it follows, that it is only necessary to trace back the elementary structure of the rest of the tissues to the same formation, in order to show their analogy also with the cells of plants. In some tissues this proof is easy, and immediately afforded ; in others, however, it is obtained with much difficulty, and it would frequently be altogether impossible to demonstrate the cellular nature of some, if the connexion between the different steps in this investigation were lost sight of. The difficulty arises from the following circumstances: Ist. The minuteness of the cells; in consequence of which it is not only necessary to use a power magnifying from 400 to 500 diameters, but it is also frequently, indeed generally found impossible to press out their contents. 2dly. The delicate nature of the cell-membrane. When this has a certain density, its external as well as internal outlmé may be recognized, and the distinction between it and the cell-con- tents may thus be placed beyond a doubt. Butif the cell-mem- brane be very delicate, the two outlines meet together im one line, and this may readily be regarded as the boundary line of a globule, not enclosed by a special enveloping membrane. 3dly. The similar power of refraction possessed by the cell-wall and cell-contents, in consequence of which the internal outline of the former cannot be observed. 4thly. The granulous nature of the cell-membrane, which when the contents are also granulous, cannot be distinguished from them. Lastly, the variety of ON CELLS, ETC. oT form presented by the cells, for they may be flattened even to the total disappearance of the cavity, or elongated into cylinders and fibres. From these circumstances, many of the cells which now come before us for consideration, have been described as mere globules, or granules, terms which do not express their true signification, and even when they were spoken of as cells, or cells furnished with a nucleus, the description rested only upon a slight analogy, since but very few of them (for example, the pigment-cells), were proved to be actually hollow cells. But—as the precise signification of the nucleus is unknown, and as the celi-membrane is not proved to be anything essential to those cells (and this follows from their accordance with vege- table cells), upon the analogy with which the proof of the cellular nature of the rest of the globules provided with a nucleus will be based,—there is no contradiction involved in the supposition that a nucleus may be contained in a solid globule as well as in a cell. From the difficulties of this investigation above detailed, it will be seen that a given object may really be a cell, when even the common characteristics of that structure, namely, the per- ceptibility of the cell-membrane, and the flowing out of the cell- contents, cannot be brought under observation. The possibility that an object may be a cell, does not, however, advance us much; the presence of positive characteristics 1s necessary in order to enable us to regard it as such. In many instances these difficulties do not present themselves, and the cellular nature of the object is immediately recognized ; in others, the impediments are not so great but that the distinction between cell-membrane and cell-contents is at least indicated, and in such cases other circumstances may advance that supposition to a certainty. The most important and abundant proof as to the existence of a cell is the presence or absence of the nucleus. Its sharp outline and dark colour render it in most instances easily perceptible ; its characteristic figure, especially when it encloses nucleoli, and remarkable position in the globule under examination, (being within it, but eccentrical, and separated from the surface only by the thickness of the assumed cell-wail,) all combine to prove it the cell-nucleus, and render its analogy with the nucleus of the young cells contained in cartilage, and with those of vegetables, as also the analogy between- the 38 ON CELLS AS THE BASIS globules under examination, in which it lies, and those cells, consequently the existence of a spherical cell-membrane in the globules, extremely probable. More than nine tenths of the globules in question present such a nucleus; in many the special cell-membrane is indubitable, in most it is more or less distinct. Under such circumstances, we may be permitted to conclude that all those globules which present a nucleus of the characteristic form and position, have also a cell-membrane, although, from the causes before specified, it may not be per- ceptible. The different tissues will also afford us many instances of other circumstances which tend to prove the existence of an actual cell-membrane. An example of what is referred to would be afforded by an instance, in which a certain corpuscle (furnished with a nucleus), about the cellular nature of which a doubt existed, could be proved to be only a stage of deve- lopment, or modification in form, of an indubitable cell. The cell-nuclei and their distance from each other when scattered in a tissue, also serve as indications, when the outlines of the cells have to be sought for. They likewise serve to guide conjecture as to the earlier existence of separate cells, mm instances where they have coalesced in the progress of develop- ment. When a globule does not exhibit a nucleus during any one of the stages of its development, it is either not a cell, or may at least be preliminarily rejected, if there be no other circumstances to prove it such.’ Fortunately, these cells devoid of nuclei are rare. In addition, however, to the cellular nature of the elementary structures of animal tissues, there are yet other points of accordance between them and the cells of plants, which may generally be shown in the progress of their development, and which give increased weight to the evidence tending to prove that these elementary structures are cells. The exceedingly frequent, if not absolutely universal presence of the nucleus, even in the latest formed cells, proves its great importance for their existence. We cannot, it is true, at present assert that, with regard to all cells furnished with a nucleus, the latter is universally the primary and the cell the secondary formation, that is to say, that in every instance the cell is formed around the previously existing nucleus. It is probable, however, that such is the case generally, for we not only meet OF ALL ANIMAL TISSUES. 39 with separate nuclei in most of the tissues, distinct from those which have cells around them, but we also find that the younger the cells are, the smaller they are in proportion to the nucleus. The ultimate destiny also of the nucleus is similar to that of the vegetable cells. As in the last named, so in most animal cells it is subsequently absorbed, and remains as a permanent structure in some few only. In plants, ac- cording to Schleiden, the young cells are always developed within parent cells, and we have also seen such a development of new cells within those already formed in the chorda dorsalis and cartilage. If, however, any doubt existed as to whether the primary cells of these tissues were formed within previously existing parent cells, none such can arise in reference to many of the tissues next to be considered. We shall indeed fre- quently meet with a formation of young cells within older ones, but it is not the rule, and does not occur at all with regard to many of them. The following admits of universal application to the forma- tion of cells; there is, in the first instance, a structureless! substance present, which is sometimes quite fluid, at others more or less gelatinous. This substance possesses within itself, in a greater or lesser measure according to its chemical qualities and the degree of its vitality, a capacity to occasion the production of cells. When this takes place the nucleus usually appears to be formed first, and then the cell around it. The formation of cells bears the same relation to organic nature that crystallization does to inorganic. The cell, when once formed, continues to grow by its own individual powers, but is at the same time directed by the influence of the entire organism in such manner, as the design of the whole requires. ‘This is the fundamental phenomenon of all animal and vegetable vegetation. It is alike equally consistent with those instances in which young cells are formed within parent cells, as with those in which the formation goes on ' [Strukturlos.—I have ventured to translate this word as above, although I am aware it is open to objection. The idea intended to be conveyed by the author is that of a substance in which no definite structure can be detected. As the word will be frequently used in the following pages, the reader is requested to assign this signification to it invariably— TRANS. ] 40) THE OVUM AND outside of them. The generation of the cells takes place in a fluid, or in a structureless substance in both cases. We will name this substance in which the cells are formed, cell-germi- nating material (Zellenkeimstoff), or cytoblastema. It may be figuratively, but only figuratively, compared to the mother-lye from which crystals are deposited. We shall refer to this point at greater length hereafter, and only anticipate our subject with this result of the investigation, in order to facilitate the comprehension of what follows. In the previous section of this work we have discussed in detail the course of development of some of the animal cells, having taken the chorda dorsalis and cartilage for our examples. We are now required to prove, as far as is possible, that all the tissues either originate from, or consist of cells. We separate this investigation into two divisions. The first treats of the Ovum and Germinal membrane, in so far as they form the common basis of all the subsequent tissues. The second division embraces the permanent tissues of the animal body, with the omission of the two already described. FIRST DIVISION. On the Ovum and Germinal Membrane. The ovum of Mammalia lies, as is known, within the Graafian vesicle. J have not made any investigation as to whether that vesicle may be considered to have the signification of a cell. It is deed a cell in the general sense of the word, being a cavity in the substance of the ovary, it has even a special membrane ; but as we here only receive the word cell as sig- nifying an elementary part of animals and plants, it becomes necessary to inquire whether this membrane may not be a secondary formation resulting from the junction of other struc- tures which are elementary. The history of the development of the Graafian vesicle must show whether that be the case, or whether it originate by the mere growth of a cell furnished with a structureless cell-membrane, which cell may formerly, GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 41 perhaps, have had a nucleus.’ Within this vesicle lies the ovum or vesicle of Baer, embedded in a layer of granules. When these granules are examined with a magnifymg power of 450, they are readily recognized to be cells, that is, round vesicles containing a nucleus, which is situated upon the internal surface of the wall. The nucleus being granulous and darker than the rest of the object falls under observation first. It encloses one or two nucleoli. The cell surrounding it varies in size, being in the average about half as large again in diameter, but some are much larger. The cells are for the most part extremely delicate, and round, when separated from one another. When in connexion, they often flatten against one another, and assume a polyhedral form. In addition to these cells, isolated nuclei appear also to be present within the Graafian vesicle, perhaps as the germs of new cells. The pro- duction of these cells proceeds according to the fundamental law mentioned at page 39, within the fluid of the Graafian vesicle, that being their germinative material or cytoblastema. Whether this fluid is to be regarded as cell-contents, and the cells produced in it as being formed within a parent cell, must depend upon the solution of the question, as to whether the Graafian vesicle be an elementary cell or not; but the deci- sion of this point is not essential, for the rule that cells originate within others is not universal. When the inde- pendent vitality of cells is borne in mind, we can readily conceive how these, when they (after the bursting of the vesicle) arrive with the ovum in the uterus, may be further developed into other structures (the chorion according to Krause.) Within this granulous or rather cellular disc then the ovum or vesicle of Baer lies embedded, (see the represen- tation, plate II, fig. 1, taken from Krause.) The first object which attracts observation is the dark spherical yelk, surrounded by a transparent space, (zona pellucida of Baer, chorion of Wagner.) Krause found (Miller’s Archiv, 1837, p. 27) that the yelk is surrounded by a peculiar membrane, d (vitelline membrane), and that the transparent space is enclosed externally ' According to the researches of Martin Barry (Phil. Trans. Part II, 1838, p. 305, &c.), both cases appear to occur, so that a cell composed of a structureless mem- brane is first formed, (the ovisac of Barry,) and subsequently an external vascular covering of cellular tissue. On the relation of this follicle to the mode of develop- ment of the oyary itself, see Valentin in Miiller’s Archiv, 1838, p. 526. 42 THE OVUM AND by a very delicate pellicle, the albumen-membrane, 6, also that the transparent substance itself (albumen) is sufficiently fluid to permit of such a degree of displacement of the yelk as to allow of its coming into contact even with the albumen-membrane. Although I have never yet succeeded in observing this pellicle, and though in my researches the transparent membrane, on the bursting of the yelk, always tore with smooth edges like a solid substance, yet the observations of the respected discoverer are too precise to admit of a doubt upon it. It is also sup- ported by the analogy of most of the ova of other classes of animals, in which chorion and vitellme membrane may gene- rally be distinguished, notwithstanding that they sometimes lie close upon each other. The albumen-membrane has probably the signification of a cell-membrane, in which case the albumen will be the cell-contents, and the yelk a young cell. Accord- ing to Wharton Jones, the transparent areola (zona pellucida) of the ovum, or the albuminous layer in the fecundated ovum of mammalia, becomes considerably expanded in the tubes, a fact which would be readily explained by the inherent energy of the albumen-membrane when regarded as a cell. In such case, however, the mode of formation of the albumen would be very different from the corresponding process in the bird’s egg, where, according to Purkinje, it is secreted by the oviduct, and a membrane (chorion) is formed around it sub- sequently, which cannot therefore have the signification of a cell-membrane, and is moreover not simple in structure, but composed of fibres. Meanwhile an investigation might be made, as to whether the albumen in the egg may not also be first surrounded and formed by an equally thin pellicle, around which a secondary external membrane may subsequently be produced. According to Purkinje, however, this is not the case, and I could not discover any such pellicle upon the inner surface of the shell-membrane of the excluded egg. I have not made any inquiry as to whether the chorion of fishes is a cell-membrane or not. It is covered internally with a very beautiful epithelium, which is made up of more or less flat hexagonal cells, each of which has its nucleus. Within the transparent areola, or, according to Krause, the albuminous layer, lies the vesicle of Baer, or the yelk ; which, from Krause’s statement, is enclosed by a peculiar structureless GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 43 membrane, the double outline of which he recognised, (plate II, fig. 1, d.) It is thus highly probable that the yelk of the mammalian ovum is a cell. Even if, as Wagner intimates, the vitellime membrane in other animals should sometimes be formed only secondarily within the chorion, it would not materially interfere with our purpose, since in that case the chorion would be the cell-membrane. ‘The ovum universally possesses an external closed membrane (whether it be chorion or vitelline membrane), which is structureless, and not gene- rated from other elementary structures, and therefore is the ovum always a cell. The yelk-cell encloses the vitelline sub- stance as its cell-contents, and upon its internal surface lies the germinal vesicle, or vesicle of Purkinje, (fig. 1, /) This, as is known, is a very transparent thin-walled vesicle, containing a pellucid fluid, according to Wagner coagulable by spirits of wine. It encloses almost universally (Wagner cites but very few exceptions) upon the internal surface of its wall, a corpuscle, called by the discoverer, R. Wagner, germinal spot, or germinal disc, (fig. 1, g.) Im mammalia it is generally flat. In many instances several of these spots are present, their number, however, is said by Wagner to bear proportion to the age of the ovum, they beg fewer and much more firmly attached to the wall of the germinal vesicle in young ova, I have frequently observed in osseous fishes (where they are often pre- sent in such numbers as to prevent the fluid in the vesicle from being seen) that when one of these corpuscles, after the bursting of the germ-vesicle, passed through a narrow space, it first became considerably elongated, and then drawn out in the centre to a thin thread, which soon broke. The two ends afterwards retracted, and thus two round globules were pro- duced from one corpuscle, in a similar manner to what we may observe in the drops of fat upon soup. They appear, therefore, to be composed of a tenacious substance which is not miscible with water. Purkinje states that the germinal vesicle in birds is firmly fixed to the vitellme membrane, but Baer and Wagner describe it as lying in the centre of the yelk at first, and rising to the surface at a subsequent period. The decision of the question, as to the precise signification of the germinal vesicle, now becomes of great importance. Is it a young cell generated within the yelk-cell, or is it the da THE OVUM AND nucleus of the yelk-cell? If the former, it is in all probability the most essential rudiment of the embryo ; but if it be the nucleus of the yelk-cell its importance vanishes with the forma- tion of the yelk-cell, and according to the analogy of most cell-nuclei, it must either become absorbed altogether at a subsequent period, or continue for a time simply rudimentary, without forming any important new structure. The follow- ing is the ordinary career of a simple cell: a nucleus is present in the first instance; around it a cell is formed ; the nucleus at first often increases in size as the cell grows, but their growth is by no means proportionate, that of the cell being much more rapid ; the cell-contents are at first transpa- rent ; a firm precipitate or new formation next commences in the cell, and this occurs immediately around the nucleus, which is at first enclosed by it; the nucleus then either becomes entirely absorbed, or continues only rudimentary and (with the following exception) I have never observed it to give origin to any other essential formation. One or more oil-globules once appeared to me to be formed during the ab- sorption of the nucleus in the adipose cells within the cranial cavity of a young carp. The importance of the decision of this question in reference to the germinal vesicle thus becomes very obvious. Unfortunately, however, neither the observa- tious upon the subsequent relations of the germ-vesicle, nor those on the origination of the ovum, are sufficiently extensive or certain for the purpose. We shall next proceed to analyse both views of the question more minutely, and afterwards compare them with the obser- vations. If the germ-vesicle be a young cell, in the first place, it is absolutely necessary that the yelk-cell should first exist, and that the germ-vesicle should afterwards be developed within it; 2dly, the germ-vesicle must not be connected with the vitelline-membrane, but must be developed free at some chosen spot within the cavity of the yelk; 3dly, the germ-vesicle may be regarded either as a cell without a nucleus, and in that case the spots of Wagner belong to the cell-contents, or Wagner’s spot, when it is single, is the nucleus; when there are several present, the others either differ essentially from one particular spot, and pertain to the cell-contents, or they are nuclei of young cells afterwards to be developed within the GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 45 germ-vesicle. Before the spot can be considered to be the nu- cleus, it is necessary that it should, in the first instance at least, be connected with the wall of the vesicle. If, however, the germinal vesicle be the nucleus of the yelk-cell, it is essential, in the first place, that it should, in all probability, be present before the yelk-cell; at all events, that in proportion as the ovum is younger, should the vesicle be larger in relation to the cell; 2dly, it must, at first, he upon the vitelline- membrane, and be more or less intimately connected with it ; ddly, the germinal-vesicle, when regarded as a nucleus, either has no nucleoli, or Wagner’s spots are to be considered to re- present them; in the first case they form the contents of the nucleus. In the enumeration of these poimts, no regard is had to the relations of the germ-vesicle subsequent to impreg- nation, because it is desirable to determine its ultimate destiny, to a certain extent a priori, from its signification, and thus to be enabled at the least to afford a guide to the much moré difficult observation of the fecundated ovum. If the researches were complete, the distinctions above cited would be sufficient for the correct determination of the question at issue, the decision of the first pomt imdeed would of itseif be ample evidence. When we take into consideration the first point raised on either side, we should be compelled to decide in favour of the latter view, and regard the germ-vesicle as a nucleus, if it were proved to be first present, and also that the yelk-cell is formed around it as a simple cell, narrowly encompassing it in the first instance, and becoming gradually expanded. In the next place, it is certain that at an early period the germ-vesicle is much larger in proportion to the yelk-cell, and that it at first grows part passu with the yelk-cell, but that subse- quently the latter mcreases in size in a much greater ratio, whilst the vesicle remains stationary; and these are precisely the relations in which the vesicle should stand in order to be regarded as a nucleus. But these facts are not entirely irre- concilable with the first view. A young cell, the germ-vesicle, might be imagined to form within the yelk-cell at a very early period of its growth, which young cell might at first increase in size more rapidly than the original one, but cease to do so earlier, whilst the parent-cell might continue to be developed 46 THE OVUM AND in size. Such a circumstance is, however, very rare, and the weight of evidence before us is much in favour of the second view ; but in order to determine this point, it is necessary to inquire whether the vesicle exist before the cell. That such is the case is not yet proved, although Baer and Purkinje sup- pose it to be so, and an observation of Wagner’s favours the supposition. (Prodromus Physiologiz Generationis, p. 9, fig. xvii, a.) He found the posterior extremity of the oviduct of Acheta campestris full of germinal vesicles, which became gra- dually expanded in their progress through the oviduct. The oviduct becomes dilated in its further course; globules are observed in it, which Wagner regards as yelk-globules, and between them lie the germ-vesicles; then “each vesicle becomes surrounded by its yelk and chorion, and thus the individual ova become separated.” He does not state, however, in what manner the vitelline-membrane is produced. Is it formed as a cell, at first narrowly encompassing the germ-vesicle, and then gradually expanding; or does it at the same time enclose a quantity of the surrounding yelk-globules? It is difficult to conceive the latter mode of formation ; but if the former be the correct one, the globules surrounding the germ-vesicles in the oviduct cannot be yelk-globules. Fresh researches are therefore necessary, which, if they should be confirmatory of the first view, will also be decisive for considering the germ- vesicle as a cell-nucleus.' With regard to the second point,—namely, as to whether the germ-vesicle be more or less intimately connected with the membrane of the yelk-cell at an early period, or lie free within it,—any evidence afforded by its solution would be comparatively inconclusive. According to Baer and Wagner, the vesicle in the first instance lies in the centre of the yelk-cell, and only rises to its wall at a later period. Baer quotes the ova of frogs as examples in which it lies for a long time in the centre of the yelk. The germ-vesicle is generally found on the wall of the cell; and in birds, according to Purkinje, it is frequently so intimately connected with it, that it tears im the attempt to ' See the Supplement. The observations of Wagner upon the ova of insects which are there quoted, and the recent researches of Barry on those of mammalia and birds, (1. c. p. 308,) prove the germinal vesicle to be first formed, and then the vitelline membrane round it. GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 47 separate them. Although the position of the vesicle in the middle of the yelk-cell affords evidence rather in favour of its being regarded as a young cell, yet it is not altogether incon- sistent with its character as a nucleus; for it is only during the earliest formation of the cell that the nucleus is required to be connected with it; it is frequently disconnected at a later period, and lies loose in the cell. At that stage of deve- lopment, however, im which the vitelline-membrane closely en- compasses the germ-vesicle, it is impossible to decide whether it he in the middle or on the wall of the cell. This point, therefore, is of more ideal than practical importance for the prosecution of the investigation. The third point relates to the signification which attaches to the individual parts of the germ-vesicle. It may be hol- low consistently with both views. Although we are not as yet acquainted with any hollow nuclei in plants,’ we have never- theless found nuclei in cartilages which were hollow, and de- cidedly to be regarded as cytoblasts. The question now arises, what are Wagner’s spots or spot? If the germ-vesicle be con- sidered to be a young cell, one of them may be its nucleus, and the rest cell-contents, or nuclei of young cells, which will be developed afterwards ; if it be regarded as nucleus, the spots may either be nucleoli, or merely its contents. It is a fact in favour of the former view, that only one spot is present in most instances, the others being usually produced at a later period. Wagner has sometimes observed one or more minute points in this single spot, and has delineated them from Alcedo hispida, Lepus cuniculus, Ovis aries, &c.; I have also sometimes met with small points of this kind which gave the spot, in some degree, the appearance of a nucleus adhering to the wall of the cell, and containing within it these little pomts as its nucleoli. Meanwhile, their presence is too inconstant, and they are gene- rally too indefinite, to permit of our attributing any importance to them in the decision of the present question. The extra- ordinary number in which they frequently occur is opposed to their being regarded as nucleoli within the germ-vesicle, pre- suming it to be a cell-nucleus, for in fishes they sometimes fill the entire vesicle, at least, being closely crowded, they cover ' See Note, p. 33. 48 THE OVUM AND the internal surface of it. Three is the largest number of nucleoli which I have observed in other nuclei, and Schleiden has in some very rare instances seen four in plants. If, how- ever, they are only the contents of the nucleus, and not nucleoli, it must be allowed that they differ very much from the contents of almost all other nuclei, which are generally yellowish, and made up of extremely minute granules. The only exception which I have met with was that already men- tioned respecting the nucleus of the adipose cells in the cranial cavity of a young carp. This last point seems therefore rather in favour of the germ-vesicle beg regarded as a young cell.! When the whole of the above detailed evidence is reflected upon in connexion, it will be seen that it is as yet impossible to decide the question as to whether the germinal vesicle be cell or nucleus, The opinion that the vesicle is to be regarded as a cell-nucleus, seems for the present to have the ascendancy, inasmuch as the observations upon the first and most important point, viz. the prior existence of the germ-vesicle to that of the yelk-cell appear to be in favour of that view.” The sub- 1 Since in vegetable cells the nucleolus is the primary formation, and the nucleus a secondary one around it, and as the same has been shown to be most probably the case in animal cells, (see page 20, on the production of the nucleus of cartilage- cells,) so also in this case the signification to be assigned to Wagner’s spot depends upon the history of the development of the germ-vesicle. The observations of Wagner, quoted in the Supplement, show, however, that the single germinal spot of the ova of insects is first formed, and the germinal vesicle afterwards around it. The former must then be considered as nucleolus to the vesicle, which corresponds to the nucleus. When several of Wagner’s spots occur, their signification is totally different from that of the first one, and they are to be regarded only as secondary formations in the interior of the germ-vesicle. In fact, the younger the ova of fishes and frogs, the fewer spots are observed in them. 2 The following is the probable course of formation of the ovum, according to the researches now before us; the ovisac (Eisach, ovisac of Barry, internal mem- brane of the Graafian vesicle) is first developed. In this (according to analogy with Wagner’s observations on the ova of insects) a germinal spot is generated, as nucleolus to the ovum. Around that spot the germinal vesicle is formed as nucleus to the ovum; and round this again the oyum-cell (Eizelle.) Martin Barry, in- deed, (I. c. p. 308,) conjectures that the germ-vesicle is formed previously to the ovisac; but my respected friend expresses himself with great caution on the ques- tion; and it would in fact be difficult to determine whether a given vcsicle were a germinal vesicle, around which no ovisac had as yet formed, or an ovisac within which no germ-vesicle had as yet formed. The occurrence also in the lower ani- GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 49 sequent relations of the vesicle seem also to afford evidence in its favour. The disc, for instance, is formed around it, and this perhaps corresponds to the granulous precipitate which mals of several ova in one ovicapsule is difficult of explanation by Barry’s view. In the further investigation of this subject, attention must continue to be fixed upon the possible, and even probable, existence of a nucleus to the ovicapsule. Wagner saw certain follicles in the mole, in which he could not detect a trace of any enclosed body. Wagner expresses himself in his new work (Lehrbuch der Physiologie, Leipzig, 1839, p. 34) as being doubtful whether the vesicles met with in his observations on the preformation of the germinal vesicle in the ova of insects, were actually vesicles or not. The observations of Barry on the ova of mammalia and birds, are, however, in favour of the explanation of the ovum of the insect originally given by the first-named highly respected investigator, and therefore also of that which represents the germ-vesicle as nucleus of the ovum-cell. It is true it might be said, that, regarding the germ-vesicle as a cell, a second one, the ovum-cell was formed around it; but as opposed to that view, it must be remembered that no example of a second cell being formed around the first is afforded amongst all the other cells which exhibit a nucleus of the decidedly cha- racteristic form. The point in dispute, as to the interpretation to be placed upon the germ-vesicle, loses, however, somewhat of its importance if the theory which I shall propose (see the conclusion of the treatise) be received, inasmuch as [ shall there endeavour to prove the formation of the cell around the nucleus to be merely a repetition of the process by which the nucleus is formed around the nucleolus, and that the whole process of development of the cell may be reduced to a single or many times repeated formation of strata. The germinal-vesicle accordingly is the first stratum, or a cell of the first order; the yelk-cell the second stratum, or a cell of the second order. As above stated at page 47, a minute point was observed in the germinal spot by Wagner, and subsequently by myself also; and my respected colleague Vanbeneden lately found germinal spots in the ova of certain polypes (Genus Zoanthus), and also in ova of Anodonta, which had not as yet left the ovary, that appeared granulous, but at the same time seemed to be hollow, and some of which distinetly contained a very small round corpuscle. This observation accords most completely with the theory which regards the cells as produced by a stratified formation. This small corpuscle, which may be called a secondary nucleolus, would here be the primordial formation; the germinal spot would be the first stratum around it, that having in this instance become developed into a vesicle, in a manner likewise to be explained hereafter by the Cell-Theory; the germinal vesicle would be the second, and the yelk-cell the third stratum. The formation of even a fourth stratum, the albumen membrane, around the yelk-cell, would involve nothing con- tradictory to the theory ; but in such case we certainly could not avoid regarding it as a second cell, which had become formed around a previously existing one: for the yelk-cell cannot well be considered to be a nucleus. The mode of formation of this albumen membrane must, however, in the first instance, be ascertained by in- vestigation. 4 50 THE OVUM AND usually takes place around the nucleus in other cells; and again, the germ-vesicle disappears, precisely as the nucleus of other cells is generally absorbed. There is then no evidence that the fluid of the germinal vesicle exercises a fructifying imfluence ; but if it be the cell-nucleus, it disappears, because it has com- pleted its office,—the formation of the yelk-cell. The dise, which has formed around it, becomes developed into the germinal membrane, and it is uncertain whether the remains of the germ-vesicle also take part in that formation. We shall next proceed to the consideration of the other contents which the yelk-cell includes in addition to the germ- vesicle, making use of the bird’s egg for the purpose. Setting aside some points of distinction of slighter importance, the globules, well known as present in the yelk of the hen’s egg when laid, may be divided into two principal classes: a, the globules of the yelk-cavity ; and 0b, those of the true yelk-sub- stance. The former (a) are not only present in the yelk-cavity, but occur also in the canal leading from it to the germinal membrane, and in the little prominence, called by Pander the nucleus of the tread (Kern des Hahnentritts). When many of them lie close together, they exhibit a white colour, whilst the true yelk-globules in such circumstances appear yellow. They may also be distinguished from the latter globules under the microscope, (see pl. II, fig. 2.) They are perfectly round globules, with quite smooth edges, each enclosing a smaller one, which is also perfectly spherical, and looks like an oil-globule, being rendered very distinct by its sharp outline. The remaining space in the large globules is usually trans- parent, and not granulous. But some may be observed which have granulous contents, and they then completely resemble the true yelk-globules, except that the latter do not gene- rally contain any smaller ones with such dark outlmes. Some- times also, the globules of the yelk-cavity contain two or more such smaller ones. The common yelk-globules (4), that is, those of the true yelk-substance, may be distinguished from the above-described by the following characteristics : they are upon the whole larger, they have all granulous contents, and, for the most part, donot enclose any smaller globules. They are very sen- sitive to the action of water, which causes them to fall to pieces, and then the granules enclosed within them becoming free, give GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 51 a milk-white colour to the fluid. These granules, which are of various size, resemble milk-globules, and, as has been fre- quently remarked by others, exhibit also like them a brisk molecular motion. In consequence of the speedy action of water upon these globules, they must be examined in albumen or a weak solution of common salt, which preserves them better. These fluids also do not impart a white colour to the surface of a yelk which is opened in them, as water does. The globule, when crushed under the compressorium, tears somewhat sud- denly on one side, the other margins remaining smooth, and then, without any increase of the pressure, a large quantity of the globules contained in it flow slowly forth. This fact indicates an external membrane belonging to the globules, but it must be a very soft and delicate one.. Baer, who distinguishes four kinds of them, believes that he has also sometimes seen such a mem- brane in the yelk-globules of immature ovarian eggs. The yelk-globules when isolated are round, but, in their natural position in the yelk, they flatten against one another into angular shapes, in which manner the crystal-like bodies observed by Purkinje in the boiled yelk are produced. These bodies generally make up the whole of the true yelk-substance of a fresh egg, so that, with the exception of the contents of the yelk-globules, we do not usually meet with any free granulous substance in the yelk. The minutely granulous substance which is observed in addition to the yelk-globules, particularly after the action of water upon them, appears in most instances, and on the external layers of the yelk invariably, to be produced solely by the destruction of the yelk-globules. In the vicinity of the yelk-cavity of a boiled egg, however, we frequently find a coagulated substance composed of granules similar to those contained in the yelk-globules, and which appears to be actually free yelk substance not enclosed within globules. It is necessary to examine the eggs while still contained in the ovary, if we wish to become acquainted with the process of formation of these two kinds of globules (those of the yelk- cavity and yelk-substance), and the mode of production of the yelk-cavity and its canal. The younger eggs, having a diameter of one or two lines, have a grayish-white colour, but are not yellow ; if such an one be cut through the centre, under water, it is found to contain a thick, semi-fluid, grayish-white mass, 52 THE OVUM AND part of which flows slowly out. Around this mass lies a more consistent, cohering, membrane-like stratum, which lines the cavity of the little egg. When a portion of this mass is exa- mined under the microscope, a great many round and very trans- parent vesicles or cells are observed in it, each of which encloses a dark corpuscle resembling an oil-globule. Many such globules float about free, and in addition to them there is also a good deal of minutely granulous substance present. In order, how- ever, to examine this mass in a perfectly natural condition, the use of water must be avoided; one of the little eggs, of from half a line to a line in diameter, should be placed upon the dry object plate, and then pierced, a drop of its contents bemg allowed to flow out. This drop will be found to consist entirely of very pale cells, most variable in size, each one containing a round globule, the size of which is about proportionate to that of the cell. This globule or nucleus resembles an oil-globule, in consequence of its dark outline, (see pl. II, fig. 3.) Many of these cells with their nuclei are so small, that, when lying close together, they might be regarded as a merely granulous substance; the cells may, however, be recognised with a fa- vorable light. Some of the larger ones occasionally contain two or three of the globules or nuclei before mentioned. The contents of the cells are usually quite transparent, but some isolated ones are seen, in which a minutely granulous precipi- tate has formed. These cells are enclosed within the egg, in a small quantity of transparent fluid. In order to explain’ the somewhat variable appearance which the contents of the egg assume after contact with water, a small one should be placed upon a glass with a drop of that fluid, and some of its contents pressed out whilst under the microscope. A quantity of these cells will then be seen to burst quite suddenly in the water, precisely like soap-bubbles in the air. In consequence of their paleness, the fact of the bursting is rendered manifest, in the first instance, only by the sudden motion of the nucleus, which, together with some minutely granulous substance, remains behind. If these cells were solid, although ever so soft, this sudden bursting would not be possible. They are therefore true cells. I cannot say whether the globule enclosed in them is to be regarded as the nucleus. Although it resembles an oil-globule, it does not appear to be fat; for if acetic acid be GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 53 applied to a drop of the contents of the egg, it does not appear to act materially upon the cells, and the contained corpuscle becomes paler and somewhat swollen, which could not well take place if it were fat. These cells, then, are the earlier stage of development of the subsequent globules of the yelk- cavity. The larger ones already resemble them perfectly. These globules of the yelk-cavity are therefore likewise cells. Their nucleus-globule (Kernkugel) is acted on by acetic acid precisely in the same way as it was in the earlier condition. It does not lie centrally in the cell, but on the internal surface of the wall, as is seen when the cells are caused to roll under the microscope. When at rest, however, they are generally so placed that the nucleus-globule occupies the most depending point (because probably it is the heaviest portion of the cell), and, on that account, it then appears to lie in the centre of the cell. The yelk in the first instance contains only the yelk-cavity, with its cells; the proper yelk-substance with its globules not being as yet formed. The colour of these young eggs is there- fore also white, like the contents of the yelk-cavity. The membrane-like layer which surrounds the above-described contents of the egg, may be completely separated from the parts which surround it externally with facility, after the egg has been divided through the centre. It is not connected with them, and appears, to the unaided eye at least, to be pretty smooth on its external surface ; it is not possible to trace it towards the interior. Its structure is peculiar. Purkinje, who discovered it, describes it as consisting of globules, which re- semble in form and size, but are more transparent than the blood-corpuscles. When spread out upon a plate of glass, and examined with the microscope, it is seen to consist of two parts, an internal minutely granulous stratum, and an external layer of cells. Numerous little granules are observed in the internal stratum, which resemble the nuclei of the above-described cells of the yelk-cavity in their earliest stage, and I conjecture that the cells of the yelk-cavity are formed from this stratum, so that in fact it still pertaims to the yelk-cavity. The external layer consists of small round granulous cells, each of which contains a nucleus, which again in many instances encloses one or two nucleoli. ‘Two or three such layers of cells lie one above another. ‘These layers of cells are surrounded externally 54 THE OVUM AND by a very transparent, perfectly structureless membrane, which represents a closed cell-membrane, having as little connexion with the ovary as with the layers of cells, and which is deno- minated vitelline membrane. It is as readily separated from the ovary as from the layer of cells, the latter, therefore, cannot be merely its epithelium. If we now proceed to examine larger eggs from the ovary, such, for instance, as have attained a diameter of half an inch or more, and are already yellow-coloured, on their being divided across the centre under water, a white substance, the yelk- cavity, will be found in their interior. This cavity contaims those cells, now in a higher stage of development, which in the first instance alone formed the contents of the egg. Around these a stratum of yellow substance, the proper yelk-substance, appears, and round this again lies the layer of cells. Globules may be recognised in the proper yelk-substance with the aid of the microscope, as in the same substance of the mature yelk. These globules, then, have been formed between the yelk-cavity and the layer of cells. The question, however, arises how this has been effected? The following may be supposed to be the mode of their production :—the innermost portion of the yelk, the yelk-cavity, is the part which is first formed, the innermost yelk-globules are therefore also the oldest, and the formation of the new yelk-globules takes place externally upon the internal surface of the layer of cells. Ifa small portion of the layer of cells be so placed under the microscope that the inner surface becomes turned towards the eye, and a spot be sought for at which a thin layer of yelk-substance is attached to it, it will be seen that the yelk-globules do actually become smaller in the proximity of the layer of cells, whilst in other re- spects they retain their general appearance. The smallestof them, which le immediately upon the inner surface of the layer of cells, are even smaller than the cells of the layer itself. It is therefore extremely probable, that the formation of new yelk- globules takes place on the inner surface of the layer of cells, and that the globules then expand to their normal size some- what quickly, for the stratum of small ones is but thin. Mean- while new ones continue to form externally, until the yelk has reached its normal size. The formation of the canal leading from the yelk-cavity to the germinal vesicle may also be ex- GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 55 plained in the same manner ; for instance, no formation of yelk- globules can go on at that point at which the germ-vesicle and the stratum for the germinal membrane are in connexion with the layer of cells, but at that spot there must be a gap in each stratum of yelk-globules, which by the increasing thickness of the yelk-substance becomes a canal, necessarily conducting from the yelk-cavity towards the germinal membrane, and imto which cells from the yelk-cavity become crowded. Now are these globules of the proper yelk-substance cells? I cannot prove decisively that they are so; the following arguments, however, render it probable: 1st, because Baer believes that he observed an external membrane in some of them; 2dly, because, when ruptured at a particular spot by the compressorium, they at once pour out a large portion of their contents without the pressure being increased ; 3dly, because, notwithstanding that they le close together in the yelk and flatten against one another, they do not run together; 4thly, because they so closely resemble some of the cells of the yelk-cavity which are furnished with granulous contents; 5thly, because they, like cells, appear to have an independent growth. ‘These reasons are sufficiently strong to render it probable that the yelk- globules have a cellular structure, though they cannot be received as decisive of the point. However, inasmuch as they all form the contents of a larger cell, it is not absolutely necessary for our purpose that they should be distinctly proved to be cells. Both the indubitable cells of the yelk-cavity, and those proble- matical ones of the proper yelk-substance, have an independent growth in a fluid, and within another cell. They are cells within cells. For although the formation of new cells takes place only at the outside, yet they are still separated from the organized substance, not only by the cell-membrane of the entire ovum, but also by the layer of cells which is situated immediately beneath it. We here, then, meet with an instance of just such a formation and independent growth of cells within a fluid as was expressed by the fundamental phenomenon previously laid down. It is a point open to in- vestigation, whether the cleaving of the yelk described by Baer, Rusconi, and others, in the development of the lower animals, the ova of frogs for example, may not also depend upon a process of cell-formation, two cells being developed 56 THE OVUM AND within the yelk in the first instance, and in each of these again two mew ones, and so on. We next proceed to consider the changes undergone by the external layer of cells furnished with nuclei. In eggs which have a diameter of a line, this entire membrane, if it may be so called, appears to be made up merely of cells. In such as have reached a higher stage of development, such as have a diameter of upwards of half an inch, for instance, it consists of two strata, the external of which is granulous, and no longer exhibits cells ; the internal, however, is composed of cells, which are flat, hexagonal, but also granulous, and bear the relation of a cover- ing of epithelium to the outer one. The external stratum passes away over the germinal vesicle and the foundation of the germinal membrane, so that these structures may easily be re- moved from its inner surface without injury toit. The internal cellular stratum, on the contrary, is interrupted at the spot where the germinal vesicle lies. I have not traced the mode of formation of this external granulous stratum through all its details ; I sup- pose it to be produced bya blending of the outer cells, which com- posed the original membrane when it was made up entirely of cells. As the period approaches at which the egg leaves the ovary, the epithelium-like stratum of cells gradually disappears, and the granulous membrane alone remains. It does not exhibit any disposition to unite with the structureless external membrane of the egg, even in eggs which are almost sufficiently mature for extrusion. If such an egg be cut open under water, and the investment derived from the ovary be drawn off, this granulous membrane frequently remains lying upon the yelk, whilst the structureless membrane follows the above-mentioned investment, and may readily be proved to be connected with it, when they are folded so that the inner surface forms a sharp edge. By the aid of the compressorium this structureless membrane may then be seen, projecting out from the border of the preparation. It often separates in large pieces during this manipulation, so that it has likewise no connexion with the parts pertaining to the ovary. If the signification of vitelline membrane is to be assigned to this structure, a blending between it and the granu- lous stratum must take place in the oviduct, in order to form the subsequent vitelline membrane of the extruded egg. We now pass on to that portion of the egg from which the GERMINAL MEMBRANE, 37 embryo is first formed, the germinal membrane. It represents, as is known, a round, white, little disc, somewhat above a line in breadth, which lies between the vitelline membrane and the yelk-substance. This little disc, in a fresh-laid hen’s egg, con- sists of globules, which are of unequal size in different parts of the germinal membrane. When examined with the microscope, they appear much darker than the yelk-globules, (see plate IT, fig. 4.) They le in close contact, so that they flatten against one another to an hexagonal form. The boundaries of the dis- tinct globules may be clearly distinguished, even when in con- nexion. They may also be readily isolated from one another, and are then round. They contain many smaller round gra- nules of various size, with very dark outlines, which float about singly when the globules are burst by pressure. Although these granules, in most instances, completely fill the globules, yet some globules may be observed where that is not the case, and where a portion of the globule is transparent, and free from granules, (a 6, of the above figure.) I thought that I distinctly saw a double external outline on one of these globules (a), which would be evidence of the presence of a cell-membrane. Jn most in- stances, however, this is not distinct, and my principal reason for concluding that they are cells, is, that it is so extremely probable that they are developed to form the indubitable cells of the incubated germinal membrane. I have not, however, fully investigated this process, and only communicate my ob- servations on the point, incomplete as they are. If the unin- cubated germinal membrane be folded in such a manner that its external surface form a sharp margin, that surface is found to be tolerably even, dark, and composed immediately of the globules of the germinal membrane already described ; the sur- face of the germinal membrane of an egg which has been ex- posed to brooding heat for four hours, presents a precisely similar appearance. The same membrane, when examined also upon its general surface, differs but very slightly in appearance from one which has not undergone incubation. The globules of which it consists merely appear to have more minutely granulous contents. But if a germinal membrane after eight’ ' It is quite as impossible to define with any certainty a fixed time for a precise stage of development of the elementary cells of the germinal membrane, as it is to connect the formation of the area pellucida, the embryo, and its separate parts, with 58 THE OVUM AND hours’ incubation be folded in the same manner, its margin at many points is found to be no longer dark and even, but to be composed of extremely pale transparent cells. These cells pre- sent every variety of size, some being as large and even larger than the primitive globules of the germinal membrane. They either project forward in the form of half-spheres, or the greater portion of their spherical surface juts out in some instances, and they may be completely separated by pressure. They contain a pellucid fluid, but no nucleus. ‘The following fact shows them to be cells; some of them contain very minute, isolated, black granules, which resemble the molecules described by Brown, and exhibit molecular motion within the cell. This fact proves that the contents of the cell must be fluid. A fluid which is miscible with water cannot, however, preserve any definite form, unless it be encompassed by a membrane. Such a structure must, therefore, exist in this instance. It is not altogether easy to con- vince one’s self that these granules, exhibiting molecular motion, do actually le within the cells ; but it may be concluded from the fact, that they do not flow away when the surrounding fluid is allowed to escape, and that they are not moved beyond the limits of the cell, but only to its walland back again. Beneath this stratum of cells lie the globules of the unincubated germinal membrane, which, however, appear to have become still more clear and minutely granulous than those of the membrane ex- amined after four hours’ incubation. In addition to these, se- parate cell-nuclei may be observed, such as occur in the cells of the serous layer at a subsequent period, and may be seen in plate I], fig. 6. Still more internally than this layer, we meet with perfectly dark globules. The serous and mucous layers of the germinal membrane are perfectly formed in the egg after sixteen hours’ incubation. If the membrane at that period be folded so that its external surface may be seen, it will be found any degree of certainty to any precise hour of incubation. The periods cited should therefore only be taken as being near about the true determinations of the time. The cells in the germinal membrane, before incubation even, do not appear to be al- ways at the same stage of development; thus, plate IJ, fig. 4, ec, and fig. 4, a, 0, re- presents cells from two different membranes. A great portion of the germinal mem- brane from which ¢ was taken consisted of such cells as that delineated, and I thought I perceived molecular motion in the granules contained in some of them, which, if correct, would clearly prove them to be cells. GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 59 to be composed of cells, which project forwards in the form of half-spheres, (plate II, fig. 5). A nucleus of the characteristic form may be recognised in some of them. It lies upon the in- ternal surface of the cell-wall, is round, and contains one or two nucleoli. In most instances, however, no nucleus can be seen, either because none is present, or because it lies upon the posterior side of the cell, in which position it cannot be per- ceived, in consequence of the dark substance lying beneath it. The cells also contain a transparent fluid, and some minute gra- nules with molecular motion, which is evidence sufficient for the existence of a peculiar cell-membrane. If, after the ger- minal membrane has lain for a time in water, the mucous layer be washed off, the general surface of these cells may be observed. They are then seen to lie close together, and to flatten against one another to hexagonal forms, (see plate II, fig. 6). They contain a beautiful nucleus, which encloses one or two nu- cleoli. They also present many minute granules, which ex- hibit molecular motion. The cells may also be observed in the recent germinal membrane, especially on its margin, at which part it is more transparent, and there they project forward in the form of large segments of a sphere. These cells then re- present the serous layer of the germinal membrane,—which, therefore, consists of round cells (their polyedrical form being referrible solely to their lying so closely together), furnished on the inner surface of their wall with the characteristic nucleus, and containing a clear fluid, and some isolated smaller granules. They might be conceived to be a mere covering of epithe- lium to the serous layer. But if the serous layer be separated after the blood has formed, for example, in an egg which has undergone forty-eight hours’ incubation, the vascular layer re- mains lying immediately upon this stratum of cells. Valentin has already recognised these cell-nuclei, for he says, that each of these layers of the germinal membrane consists of a transparent vitreous jelly, but that they are to be distinguished by the corpuscles which they contain. (Entwicklungsgeschichte, page 287.) These corpuscles are the cell-nuclei, the trans- parent substance in which they le is composed of the cells, and is gelatinous only in appearance. The cells have only a mi- nimum of intercellular substance between them. When, in the next place, we proceed to examine the mucous 60 THE OVUM AND layer of the germinal membrane of an egg after sixteen hours’ incubation, we find it to be composed of globules, which vary greatly both in size and appearance, (see plate II, fig. 7.) The large globules, which form the greater proportion, may be proved to be cells, and Baer has already named them vesicles. The molecular motion, which is frequently visible in isolated globules within them, although much slighter in these instances than in the cells of the serous layer, affords sufficient evidence of their cellular character. They contain a transparent fluid and granules of various kinds. One particular globule, having very dark outlines, resembling those remarked in the cells of the yelk-cavity, may be observed in almost every cell. Several of the globules, and of all gradations of size, are frequently seen in a cell. In addition to the above, a minutely granulated substance is present in many of them. These cells lie some- what loosely together in a structureless, tenacious, intercellular substance, which is their cytoblastema, so that at this stage they are but slightly flattened against one another. This in- tercellular substance contains, in addition, perfectly dark glo- bules and smaller granules, but I do not know what relation they bear to the cells. A portion of them may, perhaps, be nuclei of new cells. Yet I could not decide whether the one dark globule, which is generally so very prominent in the cells of the mucous layer, had actually the signification of a cell- nucleus. It differs in form from the usual cell-nucleus very materially. During the progressive development of the ger- minal membrane, the quantity of intercellular substance, and of those globules the cellular nature of which is not demon- strable, diminishes very much, so that at a subsequent period the cells lie close together, and present the appearance of ve- getable cellular tissue. The description here given applies only to the mucous layer on the outside of the area pellucida. Within that the cells have quite a different appearance. They are very much smaller, of pretty equal size, very transparent, and contain no coarse granules, but only very small globules. They do not appear to have any nucleus, and this fact dis- tinguishes them from the cells of the serous layer, which pos- sess a nucleus even within the area pellucida. The first rudiments of the embryo appear to be formed from the cells of the serous and mucous layers of the germinal mem- GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 61 brane, that is, from such cells as are met with in the area pellucida, so that the embryo is composed, partly of small cells without nuclei, and partly of cells furnished with the cha- racteristic nucleus. It presents, however, besides them, an extraordinary quantity of simple cell-nuclei with nucleoli, around which no cells have as yet formed. I have made but few researches with respect to the structure of the vascular layer, and from them, I could not (with the exception of the vessels themselves and the blood) detect any such essential difference between it and the mucous layer, as was exhibited between the latter and the serous layer. As, how- ever, the formation of the vessels themselves, although it ap- pears to depend upon a production of cells, is not a process pe- culiar to the germinal membrane, we shall defer it, to be re- sumed at a subsequent stage of our investigation. I have not ascertained the relation which these cells of the layers of the gerrainal membrane have to the primitive globules of the membrane before incubation, or within eight hours after that process has commenced ; but inasmuch as it is probable that at least one of those kinds of cells owes its origin to the development of the primitive globules, we may be permitted to suppose that those globules are likewise cells. For the purpose of giving, in outline, a connected view of the changes which the egg undergoes, from its first formation up to the period at which the actual development of the embryo commences,—in so far as the foregoing, more or less complete, observations enable us to form a provisional conception of the process of development,—we will proceed on the understanding, that the germ-vesicle is the nucleus of the yelk-cell ; at the same time, however, we expressly refer the reader to the more de- tailed statement above furnished for the certainty both of this and of every other separate point which occurs in the following exposition. Itis probable that the germ-vesicle is the first struc- ture, and that the yelk-cell forms around it as its cell-nucleus. Both advance in growth, the latter, however, much more rapidly than the former. A precipitate, the commencement of the ger- minal membrane, next forms around the germ-vyesicle. Young cells are simultaneously formed in the remaining space of the yelk-cell, these are the cells of the subsequent yelk-cavity. Then cells of another kind originate beneath the vitelline membrane, 62 THE OVUM AND which are the subsequent cells of the proper yelk-substance. They are formed round about the neighbourhood of the vitelline membrane, with the exception of that spot where the germ- vesicle and the rudiments of the germinal membrane lie. These cells expand very rapidly, while at the same time a new layer is formed on the outside of them, and so on successively. In this manner they surround the white cells of the yelk-cavity with a layer of yellow cells, which is constantly increasing in thickness ; as, however, a vacant space remains at the spot where the germinal vesicle and germinal membrane are situated, by the increasing thickness of the yelk-substance, the space be- comes converted into a canal. The development of the vitelline membrane proceeds continuously with these changes, in pro- portion as the increasing contents require. When the yelk- cell has attained its due size and the egg leaves the ovary, the germ-vesicle, like most other cell-nuclei, disappears, and the now more fully developed germinal membrane remains. It is made up of globules, probably cells, having coarsely-granulated con- tents. It grows during the process of incubation by the con- tinual development of new cells. After sixteen hours’ incuba- tion, a distinction may be observed in the cells composing the membrane. The more external ones form a layer, in which the cells exhibit a nucleus of the characteristic form, and contain a quantity of transparent fluid and minute isolated granules. These cells are therefore clear, and firmly united together, and have only a minimum of intercellular substance between them ; they represent the serous layer of the germinal membrane. The under stratum of the germinal membrane or mucous layer con- tains cells of another kind; they have no nucleus of the cha- racteristic form, but contain one or more dark globules, and frequently also some minutely granulous substance. These cells lie loosely together in a larger quantity of imtercellular sub- stance, which contains smaller granules of different kinds, in addition. When this division of the membrane into the two layers is completed, and its superficies has become considerably extended, and after a transparent spot, the area pellucida, has formed in its centre—(the cells of the mucous layer in this area being much smaller, but of pretty equal size, as com- pared with one another, and having transparent contents with very minute isolated granules),—the embryo is developed, GERMINAL MEMBRANE. 63 as a portion of the germinal membrane separating from the whole by a constriction. Both layers contribute to its forma- tion, and it therefore consists of small transparent cells, some of which (probably those pertaining to the mucous layer) con- tain no nucleus, whilst others (those derived from the serous layer) exhibit the characteristic cell-nucleus with its nucleoli. In addition to these cells it contains a great many nuclei, around which no cells have as yet formed. Between the two layers of the germinal membrane other cells arise, which may be regarded as representing a third layer, the vascular, although they do not really form a connected independent layer; of these we shall treat hereafter. These three layers then, and pre-eminently the first two, form the mediate basis of all the subsequent tissues. The yelk is not a lifeless aliment for the embryo,—as it is when taken as food by the adult, to whose organism it is dead and must be chemically dissolved,—but the cells of the yelk take part in the vitality called forth by incubation. They effect an alteration in their contents, whereby the albumen which they contain loses its property of coagulating, and the granules become dissolved, in the same manner in which the granules of starch dissolve in the cells of the vegetable embryo. In short, the yelk bears the same relation to the embryo as regards its nutritive property, that the albumen bears to the vegetable embryo. In accordance with the analogy between the cells we are treating of and those of vegetables, all the changes in the egg, the growth of the germinal membrane, and even the first forma- tion of the embryo, proceed entirely without vessels. 64 PERMANENT TISSUES OF SECOND DIVISION. Permanent Tissues of the Animal Body. The foregoing investigation having taught us that the entire ovum, from its first origin up to that period at which, by the formation of the serous and mucous layers of the germinal mem- brane, the foundation of all the subsequent tissues is laid, exhibits simply a continual formation and more extended development of cells, and having found the primordial substance of the tissues itself to be Soripehed of cells, we are now required to prove, that the tissues do not only originate from cells in this general man- ner, but that the special basis of each individual tissue is a matter composed of cells, and that all tissues either consist entirely of or are formed from cells which pass through a variety of transforma- tions. These modifications, which some of the cells undergo in the progress of their development to the subsequent tissues, are very important, since thereby the cells not infrequently cease to exist as separate independent structures. We have al- ready (in the Introduction) seen such changes in plants, for example, in. the coalescence of the cell-walls observed by Schleiden in the bark of the Cacti, and the blending of several cells to form a tube in the spiral and lactiferous vessels. This takes place to a much greater extent in animals, and, in general, the higher the importance of a tissue is, the more do the cells lose their individuality. We shall not, however, enumerate these modifications here; we shall become acquainted with them as the result of investigation of the separate tissues, and, at the conclusion of the work, we shall combine them into a con- nected representation of Cell-life. It is necessary, however, to mention the most important of them at least preliminarily in this place, in order to make a classification of the tissues. Since all organic structure is primarily formed from cells, the most scientific classification of general anatomy would manifestly be one founded upon the more or less high de- gree of development at which the cells must arrive, in order to form a tissue. The complete retention, or relinquishment, THE ANIMAL BODY. 65 to a greater or less extent, of their individuality by the cells, should serve as the scale for their degree of development. We give the name of independent cells to those in which the wall remains distinguishable from the neighbouring structures throughout the whole progress of its expansion. We apply the term coalesced cells to those in which the wall blends, either partially or entirely, with the neighbouring cells, or intercellular substance, so as to form an homogeneous substance. The cell- cavities, in such instances, are separated from one another only by a single wall, as we have already observed in cartilage. This is the first degree of coalescence ; the cacti present an example of it in vegetables. The second is that in which the walls of several cells lying lengthwise together, coalesce with one another at their points of contact, and the partition walls of the cell- cavities become absorbed. In this way not only the walls but the cavities of the cells also become united, as in the spiral and lactiferous vessels in plants. Upon these more or less important modifications of the Cell-life the following classification of the tissues is based : Ist. Isolated, independent cells, which either exist in fluids, or merely lie unconnected and moveable, beside each other. 2d. Independent cells applied firmly together, so as to form a coherent tissue. 3d. Tissues, in which the cell-walls (but not the cell-cavities) have coalesced together, or with the intercel- lular substance. Lastly, tissues in which both the walls and cavities of many cells blend together. In addition to these, however, there is yet another very natural section of the tissues, namely, the fibre-cells, in which mdependent cells are extended out on one or more sides into bundles of fibres. The naturalness of this group will form my excuse for sacrificing logical classification to it, and inserting it as the fourth class (4th), consequently, that last mentioned, consisting of tissues, in which the cell-walls and cell-cavities coalesce, becomes the fifth (5th). All tissues of the animal body may be comprised under these five classes; the classification, however, gives rise to some difficulties. For instance, the fibres of cellular tissue and fat must be placed in very different classes, so also the enamel of the teeth and the proper dental substance. CAPILLARY VESSELS. 155 structure, they have arrived at a more complicated stage of their formation, and I regard such fibres as distinct from their cell-membrane. 2. Very distinct cell-nuclei occur at different spots upon the walls of the capillaries, both of the young and fully-deve- loped tadpole. They appear to lie either in the thickness of the wall, or on the internal surface of the vessels, on which they often form a projection. (See fig. 11.) They admit of a double explanation. They are either the nuclei of the primary cells of the capillaries, or nuclei of epithelial cells, which in- vest the capillary vessels. It is true that epithelial cells oceur im vessels which have a great resemblance to capillary vessels, if they are not actually such, as may be very distinctly seen in the vessels of the membrana capsulo-papillaris in a foetal pig of from four to six inches long, where some of them pro- ject, in the form of half-spheres, into the cavity of the vessel ; but there were no epithelial cells perceptible surrounding the nuclei in the capillaries of the tadpole’s tail. On the contrary, these nuclei frequently seemed to le free upon the internal wall of the vessel, and must have been much more abundant had they been nuclei of epithelial cells. That these are the nuclei of the primary cells of the capillaries is, therefore, most probable, although this exclusive argument by no means decides the question. 3. In the tail of very young tadpoles, the capillary network presents, besides the ordinary cylindrical canals which have an equal diameter, and in which the blood flows in a regular cur- rent, other vessels of an irregular form. Unfortunately I neglected to make a drawing of them ; they accord, however, in all essential particulars with the capillaries of the germinal membrane of the hen’s egg represented in pl. IV, fig. 12, except that the meshes of the vascular network are much larger in the tail of the tadpole. They are not regularly cylindrical. They are generally widest in situations where branches are given off, sometimes wider even than the ordi- nary capillary vessels. (See a, 6 in figure 12.) The branches diminish very rapidly as they leave those broad parts, and widen again as they approach another dilated portion. They present every degree of narrowing from vessels in which it could scarcely be remarked, to those which are reduced so 156 CAPILLARY VESSELS. much as to be scarcely thicker than a fibre of areolar tissue (as inc). Branches are also sometimes given off from these wider parts, which likewise diminish very rapidly to the same degree of minuteness, without reaching another dilated part (as at de), and which are, therefore, blind ones. According to the above view of the development of the capillaries, these appearances may be explained in the following manner: the wider portions, a, b, &c., are the bodies of the primary cells. Hollow processes, as at d, are sent out from the bodies of the cells as the result of a more vigorous growth in different situ- ations, precisely as is the case in all stellate cells. These prolongations meet with similar ones from other cells, and thus produce the form c. But being hollow, they are capable of expansion during their growth, and thus the canal ¢ becomes converted into jf, and at length into g, which is as wide as an ordinary capillary vessel. A more accurate analysis of the observations, however, is necessary to enable us to judge of the correctness of this explanation. It might be doubted, in the first place, whether these were really capillaries. The blood flows uninterruptedly through the ordinary capillaries, but there are no blood-corpuscles in these canals, at least in the more minute ones; they are, therefore, more difficult to discover, and readily give rise to a doubt whether they are canals. But their direct continuity with the ordinary capillaries may be clearly demonstrated, and blood-corpuscles actually enter the wider ones. If they be true capillary vessels, they may either be ordinary ones in a state of contraction, or they must repre- sent a certain stage of their development. But if it be difficult to conceive that a capillary vessel can have the power to con- tract itself almost to the minuteness of a filament of areolar tissue, such an assumption cannot be supported at all in respect to the blind branches, which do not join any other vessel, as at d. This form might, indeed, be admitted to be a certain stage of development, although not of the kind de- scribed above; but branches might be sent off from the capillaries already existing, which again might give off others. The objection, that such an explanation does not account for the varying width of these capillaries, might be met by as- suming that circumstance to depend upon the surrounding substance. It is, therefore, necessary to see the primary cells _ ee a CAPILLARY VESSELS. , 157 previous to their union with the actual capillaries. Now it is certain that a great many stellate cells are found in the tail of the tadpole. They lie beneath the epithelium and pig- ment-cells on the same plane with the capillary vessels; are smaller than the pigment-cells, and contain a colourless or palish yellow substance; they send off processes on different sides, which vary in number very much in different instances, but are generally short, and for the most part do not join with processes from other cells. Their shape has no sort of connexion with that of the pigment-cells which lie above them, for when, as is the case in many larve, the latter only send off prolongations on two sides, these cells exhibit several pro- cesses on different sides. They cannot, therefore, be young pigment-cells. Such branches of the capillaries, as those at d, sometimes appear to be connected with one of those stellate cells, and the others might, therefore, be regarded as young cells of capillary vessels which had not as yet begun to anastomose. These anastomoses, however, are not sufficiently evident to enable me positively to assert their existence. The great number of these stellate cells, and their presence at all ages of the tadpole, are also circumstances unfavorable to the suppo- sition that they are primary cells of capillaries. They might, indeed, be conceived to indicate a lower stage of development, as not having yet undergone any change, and that eventually capillary vessels may be developed from some, whilst others continue their existence without such a transformation, and fill the place of cells of areolar tissue. That, however, would be somewhat too hypothetical, and I shall, therefore, not ad- duce these cells as proof of the existence of primary cells of capillary vessels. The uncertainty which attaches to the ob- servations on this poimt in the tail of the tadpole appears, however, to be removed when we examine the incubated hen’s egg. 4, When the germinal membrane of an hen’s egg which has been subjected to thirty-six hours’ incubation (at which period the formation of red blood has commenced, and is dis- tinctly perceptible), is placed under the microscope, and the area pellucida examined with a magnifying power of 450, the capillary vessels are readily distinguished in it by their yel- 158 » CAPILLARY VESSELS. lowish-red colour. Notwithstanding repeated endeavours, I cannot succeed at this season of the year when the hens are moulting, in subjecting eggs to incubation for so long a period, I can, therefore, only give a representation of these vessels from a recollection of what I observed in the early part of this year. (See pl. IV, fig. 12.) In some situations the capil- laries are perfect, and connected with the larger vessels ; at others they have the appearance represented in the figure, and illustrated previously by observations on the tail of the tadpole. In addition to these capillaries, which form a network of canals of irregular caliber and give off blind branches, some separate irregular corpuscles are seen, such as / and 7, which do not appear to be connected with the vascular network. These bodies send off blind processes of various forms in different directions, and have the appearance, therefore, of stellate cells. They have a yellowish-red colour, like that of the bone-capillaries, which circumstance is alone sufficient to suggest the supposition that they are cells of capillary vessels in progress of development. This becomes much more pro- bable, when we observe some of these corpuscles, such as 4, already connected with the true capillaries. We may, there- fore, with a high degree of probability at least, regard them as the primary cells of capillary vessels; and in that case the description of the formation of these vessels, previously given, would be the correct one. The following would, therefore, be the mode in which the formation of the capillaries and of the blood takes place in the germinal membrane: among the cells which compose the germinal membrane, some which are deposited at certain distances from one another, are deve- loped into the primary cells of capillary vessels by becoming elongated on different sides so as to form stellate cells. The processes of the different cells come imto contact and coalesce, the septa are absorbed, and in this manner a network of canals of very irregular caliber is produced, the prolonga- tions of the primary cells being much thinner than the bodies of the cells. These processes of the cells or passages of com- munication undergo expansion until they and the bodies of the cells all attain one equal width, until, in fact, a network of canals of uniform caliber is formed. The fluid portion of the — +S a ree CAPILLARY VESSELS. 159 blood constitutes the contents of the primary cells, as well as of the secondary ones—the vessels produced by their coalescence ; and the blood-corpuscles are young cells which are developed in their cavities. Thus this last class, comprising tissues, which, in their functions, are the most characteristic of the animal kingdom, exhibits the same principle of development that we have met with in all the others; namely, that cells originate in the first place, and that these become transformed into the ele- mentary parts of the tissues. The elementary cells in this class, however, undergo more essential changes during their transformation than those of any previous one. ‘They not only do not remain, as in the first two classes, independent, that is provided with a special cavity and particular wall; not only does a coalescence of the walls of neighbouring cells take place, as in the third class, but the cavities of the different cells also unite together in consequence of the absorption of the coalesced partition-walls of the several cells, so that the primary cells cease to exist as distinct objects. It is to a cer- tain extent the opposite process to that which occurred in the fourth ciass, where, in addition to the prolongation of the cells, a splitting of them into several, probably hollow, fibres, a sort of division of the cells took place. The type of the trans- formation of the primary cells, as presented by nerve, muscle, and capillary vessels, is not, however, altogether limited to this class, but has been already exhibited by previous classes, and even in plants. Some of the pigment-cells have been cited before as examples, and the generation of the cells of the liber observed by Meyen was brought forward as an instance of perfect analogy in vegetables. The independent existence of each separate primary cell is, no doubt, lost as a consequence of this perfect coalescence of several cells ; not so, however, its character as Cell in general. On the contrary, several primary cells contribute to form one secondary cell, having the full signification of one independent cell. Each secondary cell in muscle and nerve forms a closed Whole, and the distinction between cell-membrane and cell- contents or secondary deposit seems to continue throughout life. In this way the nerves bring every part of the body into con- 160 CAPILLARY VESSELS. nexion with the central portions of the nervous system by means of a single uninterrupted cell. The different parts of the body, however, are connected together by another kind of uninterrupted secondary cell, namely, the capillaries. The capillary system, generated from several primary cells, forms one single secondary cell. The cavity of the secondary cell communicates with that of the large vessels. Researches are still required to decide the question whether these latter are mere dilatations of the capillaries, or whether they are formed simply by the junction of other elementary parts. In the latter case the capillary vessels would open into a cavity alto- gether distinct from their own, just as a vegetable cell opens into an intercellular space. It sometimes occurs that the cavi- ties of certain vegetable cells open directly outwards, but such instances are very rare. As a primitive muscular fasciculus, a nervous fibre and a capillary vessel are corresponding formations in this class; we may also compare these structures with the elementary parts of other tissues. The elementary cells of all tissues correspond with one another, being formed universally according to similar laws. A blood-corpuscle, an epithelial cell, a cartilage-cell, an elementary cell of areolar tissue (therefore, also a fasciculus of areolar tissue formed from it), correspond to an elementary cell of muscle, &c. There is no structure analogous to an entire primitive fasciculus of muscle or a secondary muscle-cell or a nervous fibre amongst the principal component parts of the tissues previously discussed, because with them the forma- tion of secondary cells only occurs as an exception. A mus- cular fasciculus differs, therefore, from a fasciculus of areolar tissue, and a primitive fibre of areolar tissue has no analogy with a primitive muscular fibre. . Si et +t 5 SECTION III. REVIEW OF THE PREVIOUS RESEARCHES—THE FORMATIVE PROCESS OF CELLS——THE CELL THEORY. Tue two foregomg sections of this work have been devoted to a detailed investigation of the formation of the different tissues from cells, to the mode in which these cells are de- veloped, and to a comparison of the different cells with one another. We must now lay aside detail, take a more ex- tended view of these researches, and grasp the subject in its more intimate relations. The principal object of our investi- gation was to prove the accordance of the elementary parts of animals with the cells of plants. But the expression “ plant- like life” (pflanzen-ahnliches Leben) is so ambiguous that it is received as almost synonymous with growth without vessels; and it was, therefore, explained at page 6 that in order to prove this accordance, the elementary particles of animals and plants must be shown to be products of the same formative powers, because the phenomena attending their deve- lopment are similar ; that all elementary particles of animals and plants are formed upon a common principle. Having traced the formation of the separate tissues, we can more readily comprehend the object to be attained by this compa- rison of the different elementary particles with one another, a subject on which we must dwell a httle, not only because it is the fundamental idea of these researches, but because all physiological deductions depend upon a correct apprehension of this principle, When organic nature, animals and plants, is regarded as a Whole, in contradistinction to the inorganic kingdom, we do not find that all organisms and all their separate organs are compact masses, but that they are composed of innumerable small particles of a definite form. These elementary particles, however, are subject to the most extraordinary diversity of 18 162 GENERAL RETROSPECT. figure, especially in animals ; in plants they are, for the most part or exclusively, cells. This variety in the elementary parts seemed to hold some relation to their more diversified physiological function in animals, so that it might be established as a principle, that every diversity in the physiological signi- fication of an organ requires a difference in its elementary particles ; and, on the contrary, the similarity of two elemen- tary particles seemed to justify the conclusion that they were physiologically similar. It was natural that among the very different forms presented by the elementary particles, there should be some more or less alike, and that they might be divided, according to their similarity of figure, into fibres, which compose the great mass of the bodies of animals, into cells, tubes, globules, &e. The division was, of course, only one of natural history, not expressive of any physiological idea, and just as a primitive muscular fibre, for example, might seem to differ from one of areolar tissue, or all fibres from cells, so would there be in like manner a difference, however gradually marked between the different kinds of cells. It seemed as if the organism arranged the molecules in the definite forms exhibited by its different elementary particles, in the way required by its physiological function. It might be ex- pected that there would be a definite mode of development for each separate kind of elementary structure, and that it would be similar in those structures which were physiologi- cally identical, and such a mode of development was, in- deed, already more or less perfectly known with regard to muscular fibres, blood-corpuscles, the ovum (see the Supple- ment), and epithelium-cells. The only process common to all of them, however, seemed to be the expansion of their elementary particles after they had once assumed their proper form. The manner in which their different elementary par- ticles were first formed appeared to vary very much. In muscular fibres they were globules, which were placed together im rows, and coalesced to form a fibre, whose growth proceeded in the direction of its length. In the blood-corpuscles it was a globule, around which a vesicle was formed, and continued to grow; in the case of the ovum, it was a globule, around which a vesicle was developed and continued to grow, and around his again a second vesicle was formed. GENERAL RETROSPECT. 163 The formative process of the cells of plants was clearly explained by the researches of Schleiden, and appeared to be the same in all vegetable cells. So that when plants were regarded as something special, as quite distinct from the animal kingdom, one universal principle of development was observed in all the elementary particles of the vegetable or- ganism, and physiological deductions might be drawn from it with regard to the independent vitality of the individual cells of plants, &e. But when the elementary particles of animals and plants were considered from a common point, the vege- table cells seemed to be merely a separate species, co-ordinate with the different species of animal cells, just as the entire class of cells was cv-ordinate with the fibres, &c., and the uniform principle of development in vegetable cells might be explained by the slight physiological difference of their elemen- tary particles. The object, then, of the present investigation was to show, that the mode in which the molecules composing the elemen- tary particles of organisms are combined does not vary according to the physiological signification of those particles, but that they are everywhere arranged according to the same laws ; so that whether a muscular fibre, a nerve-tube, an ovum, or a blood-corpuscle is to be formed, a corpuscle of a certain form, subject only to some modifications, a cell-nucleus, is uni- versally generated in the first mstance; around this corpuscle a cell is developed, and it is the changes which one or more of these cells undergo that determine the subsequent forms of the elementary particles ; in short, that there is one common principle of development for all the elementary particles of organisms. In order to establish this point it was necessary to trace the progress of development in two given elementary parts, physiologically dissimilar, and to compare them with one another. If these not only completely agreed in growth, but in their mode of generation also, the principle was established that elementary parts, quite distinct im a_phy- siological sense, may be developed according to the same laws. This was the theme of the first section of this work. The course of development of the cells of cartilage and of the 164 GENERAL RETROSPECT. cells of the chorda dorsalis was compared with that of vege- table cells. Were the cells of plants developed merely as infinitely minute vesicles which progressively expand, were the circumstances of their development less characteristic than those pointed out by Schleiden, a comparison, in the sense here required, would scarcely have been possible. We endeavoured to prove in the first section that the complicated process of development in the cells of plants recurs in those of cartilage and of the chorda dorsalis. We remarked the similarity in the formation of the cell-nucleus, and of its nucleolus in all its modifications, with the nucleus of vegetable cells, the pre-existence of the cell-nucleus and the development of the cell around it, the similar situation of the nucleus in relation to the cell, the growth of the cells, and the thickening of their wall during growth, the formation of cells within cells, and the transformation of the cell-contents just as in the cells of plants. Here, then, was a complete accordance in every known stage in the progress of development of two elementary parts which are quite distinct, in a physiological sense, and it was established that the principle of develop- ment in two such parts may be the same, and so far as could be ascertained in the cases here compared, it is really the same. But regarding the subject from this point of view we are compelled to prove the universality of this principle of develop- ment, and such was the object of the second section. For so long as we admit that there are elementary parts which originate according to entirely different laws, and between which and the cells which have just been compared as to the principle of their development there is no connexion, we must presume that there may still be some unknown difference in the laws of the formation of the parts just compared, even though they agree in many points. But, on the contrary, the greater the number of physiologically different elementary parts, which, so far as can be known, originate in a similar manner, and the greater the difference of these parts in form and physio- logical signification, while they agree in the perceptible phe- nomena of their mode of formation, the more safely may we assume that all elementary parts have one and the same GENERAL RETROSPECT. 165 fundamental principle of development. It was, in fact, shown that the elementary parts of most tissues, when traced backwards from their state of complete development to their primary condition are only developments of cells, which so far as our observations, still incomplete, extend, seemed to be formed in a similar manner to the cells com- pared in the first section. As might be expected, according to this principle the cells, in their earliest stage, were almost always furnished with the characteristic nuclei, in some the pre-existence of this nucleus, and the formation of the cell around it was proved, and it was then that the cells began to undergo the various modifications, from which the diverse forms of the elementary parts of animals resulted. Thus the apparent difference in the mode of development of muscular fibres and blood-corpuscles, the former originating by the arrangement of globules in rows, the latter by the formation of a vesicle around a globule, was reconciled in the fact that muscular fibres are not elementary parts co-ordinate with blood-cor- puscles, but that the globules composimg muscular fibres at first correspond to the blood-corpuscles, and are like them, vesicles or cells, containing the characteristic cell-nucleus, which, like the nucleus of the blood-corpuscles, is probably formed before the cell. The elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells in an analogous, though very diversified manner, so that it may be asserted, that there is one universal principle of development for the elementary parts of organisms, however different, and that this principle is the formation of cells. Thisis the chief result of the foregoing observations. The same process of development and transformation of cells within a structureless substance is repeated in the for- mation of all the organs of an organism, as well as in the formation of new organisms ; and the fundamental phenomenon attending the exertion of productive power in organic nature is accordingly as follows: a structureless substance is pre- sent in the first instance, which lies either around or in the inte- rior of cells already existing ; and cells are formed wm it in ac- cordance with certain laws, which cells become developed in various ways into the elementary parts of organisms. The development of the proposition, that there exists one gene- 166 GENERAL RETROSPECT. ral principle for the formation of all organic productions, and that this principle is the formation of cells, as well as the conclu- sions which may be drawn from this proposition, may be com- prised under the term cell-theory, using it m its more extended signification, whilst in a more limited sense, by theory of the cells we understand whatever may be inferred from this pro- position with respect tothe powers from which these pheno- mena result. But though this principle, regarded as the direct result of these more or less complete observations, may be stated to be generally correct, it must not be concealed that there are some exceptions, or at least differences, which as yet remain unex- plained. Such, for instance, is the splitting mto fibres of the walls of the cells in the interior of the chorda dorsalis of osseous fishes, which was alluded to at page 14. Several observers have also drawn attention to the fibrous structure of the firm substance of some cartilages. In the costal cartilages of old persons for example, these fibres are very distinct. They do not, however, seem to be uniformly diffused throughout the carti- lage, but to be scattered merely here and there. I have not ob- served them at all in new-born children. It appears as if the previously structureless cytoblastema in this instance became split into fibres; I have not, however, investigated the point accurately. Our observations also fail to supply us with any explanation of the formation of the medullary canaliculi in bones, and an analogy between their mode of origin and that of capillary vessels, was merely suggested hypothetically. The formation of bony lamelle around these canaliculi, is also an instance of the cytoblastema assuming a distinct form. But we will return presently to an explanation of this phenomenon that is not altogether improbable. In many glands, as for instance, the kidneys of a young mammalian fcetus, the stratum of cells surrounding the cavity of the duct, is enclosed by an exceedingly delicate membrane, which appears to be an elementary structure, and not to be composed of areolar tissue. The origin of this membrane is not at all clear, although we may imagine various ways of reconciling it with the formative process of cells. (These gland-cylinders seem at first to have no free cavity, but to be quite filled with cells. In the kidneys GENERAL RETROSPECT. 167 of the embryos of pigs, I found many cells in the cylinders, which were so large as to occupy almost the entire thickness of the canal. In other cylinders, the cellular layer, which was subsequently to line their walls, was formed, but the cavity was filled with very pale transparent cells, which could be pressed out from the free end of the tube.) These and similar phenomena may remain for a time un- explained. Although they merit the greatest attention and re- quire further investigations, we may be allowed to leave them for a moment, for history shows that in the laying down of every general principle, there are almost always anomalies at first, which are subsequently cleared up. The elementary particles of organisms, then, no longer le side by side unconnectedly, ike productions which are merely capable of classification in natural history, according to simi- larity of form; they are united by a common bond, the similarity of their formative principle, and they may be com- pared together and physiologically arranged in accordance with the various modifications under which that principle is exhibited. In the foregoing part of this work, we have treated of the tissues im accordance with this physiological arrange- ment, and have compared the different tissues with one another, proving thereby, that although different, but similarly formed, elementary parts may be grouped together in a natural- history arrangement, yet such a classification does not neces- sarily admit of a conclusion with regard to their physiological position, as based upon the laws of development. Thus, for example, the natural-history division, “ cells,’ would, in a general sense, become a physiological arrangement also, inas- much as most of the elementary parts comprised under it have the same principle of development ; but yet it was necessary to separate some from this division ; as, for instance, the germi- nal vesicle, all hollow cell-nuclei, and cells with walls composed of other elementary parts, although the germinal vesicle is a cell in the natural-history sense of the term. It does not correspond to an epithelium-cell, but to the nucleus of one. The difference in the two modes of classification was still more remarkable in respect to fibres. The mode of their origin is most varied, for, as we saw, a fibre of areolar tissue 168 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. is essentially different from a muscular fibre; while, on the other hand, a whole primitive muscular fasciculus is identical in its mode of origin with a nervous fibre, and so on. ‘The existence of a common principle of development for all the elementary parts of organic bodies lays the foundation of a new section of general anatomy, to which the term philoso- phical might be applied, having for its object—firstly, to prove the general laws by which the elementary parts of organisms are developed; and, secondly, to poimt out the dif- ferent elementary parts in accordance with the general princi- ple of development, and to compare them with one another. SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. The foregomg investigation has conducted us to the princi- ple upon which the elementary parts of organized bodies are developed, by tracing these elementary parts, from their per- fected condition, back to the earlier stages of development. Starting now from the principle of development, we will recon- struct the elementary parts as they appear in the matured state, so that we may be enabled to take a comprehensive view of the laws which regulate the formation of the elementary particles. We have, therefore, to consider—1, the cytoblas- tema; 2, the laws by which new cells are generated in the cytoblastema ; 3, the formative process of the cells themselves ; 4, the very various modes in which cells are developed into the elementary parts of organisms. Cytoblastema.—The cytoblastema, or the amorphous sub- stance in which new cells are to be formed, is found either contained within cells already existing, or else between them in the form of intercellular substance. The cytoblastema, which hes on the outside of existing cells, is the only form of which we have to treat at present, as the cell-contents form matter for subsequent consideration. Its quantity varies ex- ceedingly, sometimes there is so little that it cannot be recog- nized with certainty between the fully-developed cells, and can only be observed between those most recently formed ; for instance, in the second class of tissues ; at other times there is SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. 169 so large a quantity present, that the cells contained in it do not come into contact, as is the case in most cartilages. The chemical and physical properties of the cytoblastema are not the same in all parts. In cartilages it is very consistent, and ranks among the most solid parts of the body; in areolar tissue it is gelatinous; in blood quite fluid. These physical distinctions imply also a chemical difference. The cytoblas- tema of cartilage becomes converted by boiling into gelatine, which is not the case with the blood ; and the mucus in which the mucus-cells are formed differs from the cytoblastema of the cells of blood and cartilage. The cytoblastema, external to the existing cells, appears to be subject to the same changes as the cell-contents ; in general it is a homogeneous substance ; yet it may become minutely granulous as the re- sult of a chemical transformation, for instance, in areolar tissue and the cells of the shaft of the feather, &c. As a general rule, it diminishes in quantity, relatively with the deve- lopment of the cells, though it seems that in cartilages there may be even a relative increase of the cytoblastema propor- tionate to the growth of the tissue. The physiological relation which the cytoblastema holds to the cells may be twofold: first, it must contain the material for the nutrition of the cells ; secondly, it must contain at least a part of what remains of this nutritive material after the cells have withdrawn from it what they required for their growth. In animals, the cyto- blastema receives the fresh nutritive material from the blood- vessels ; in plants it passes chiefly through the elongated cells and vascular fasciculi; there are, however, many plants which consist of simple cells, so that there must also be a transmis- sion of nutrient fluid through the simple cells ; blood-vessels and vascular fasciculi are, however, merely modifications of cells. Laws of the generation of new cells in the cytoblastema.— In every tissue, composed of a definite kind of cells, new cells of the same kind are formed at those parts only where the fresh nutrient material immediately penetrates the tissue. On this depends the distinction between organized or vas- cular, and unorganized or non-vascular tissues. In the former, the nutritive fluid, the liquor sanguinis, permeates by means of the vessels the whole tissue, and therefore new cells origi- 170 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. nate throughout its entire thickness. Non-vascular tissues,. on the contrary, such as the epidermis, receive the nutri- tive fluid only from the tissue beneath; and new cells therefore originate only on their under surface, that is, at the part where the tissue is in connexion with organized sub- stance. So also in the earlier period of the growth of carti- lage, while it is yet without vessels new cartilage-cells are formed around its surface only, or at least in the neigh- bourhood of it, because the cartilage is connected with the organized substance at that part, and the cytoblastema penetrates from without. We can readily conceive this to be the case, if we assume that a more concentrated cytoblastema is requisite for the formation of new cells than for the growth of those already formed. In the epidermis, for instance, the cytoblastema below must contain a more concentrated nutri- tive material. When young cells are formed in that situation, the cytoblastema, which penetrates into the upper layers, is less concentrated, and may therefore serve very well for the growth of cells already formed, but not be capable of generating new ones. ‘This constitutes the distinction which was formerly made between a growth by apposition and one by intussuscep- tion; “ growth by apposition” is a correct term, if it be applied to the generation of new cells, and not to the growth of those already existing, the new cells in the epidermis for example, are formed only on its under surface, and are pushed upwards when other new ones are formed beneath them; but the new cells are generated throughout the entire thick- ness of the organized tissues. The cells, however, grow in- dividually by intussusception in both instances. The bones oc- cupy,to a certain extent,a middle position between the organized and unorganized tissues. The cartilage in the first mstance has no vessels, and the new cells are, therefore, formed in the neighbourhood of the external surface only ; at a subsequent period it receives vessels, which traverse the medullary or Haver- sian canals, the latter, however, are not sufficiently numerous to allow of the entire tissue becoming equably saturated with the fluid parts of the blood, a process which would he still further impeded by the greater firmness of cartilage and bone. According to the above law, then, the formation of new cytoblastema and new cells may take place partly upon the SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. 171 surface and partly around these medullary canals. Now, the structure of bone becomes most simple, if we assume that, in consequence of the firmness of the osseous substance, this process goes on in layers, which do not completely coalesce together. It must consist of a double system of layers, one being concentric to each of the medullary canals, and the other to the external surface of the bone. When the bone is hollow, the layers must also be concentric to the cavity; and when small medullary cavities exist in the place of canals, as in the spongy bones, the layers must also be concentric to them. The difference in the growth of animals and plants also rests upon the same law. In plants, the nutritive fluid is not so equably distributed throughout the entire tissues, as it is in the organized tissues of animals, but is conveyed in isolated fasciculi of vessels, widely separated from one another, more after the manner of bone. These fasciculi of vessels are also observed to be surrounded with small (most likely younger) cells, so that, in all probability, the formation of their new cells also takes place around these vessels, as it does im bones around the medullary canaliculi. In the stem of dicotyledonous plants the sap is conducted hetween the bark and the wood, and on that account the new cells are generated in strata concentric to the layers of the previous year. The variety in the mode of growth, as to whether the new cells are developed merely in separate situations in the tissue, or equally throughout its whole thickness, does not, therefore, constitute any primary distinction, but is the consequence of a difference in the mode in which their nutritive fluid is conveyed. The generation of cells of a different character, such as fat- cells, in the interior of a non-vascular tissue (in cartilage which does not as yet contain vessels, for example), appears at first sight to form an exception to the law just laid down. But such is not really the case; the circumstance is capable of two explanations, either the cytoblastema for this kind of cells is furnished by the true cells of the tissue only when they have attained a certain stage of their development, or, the cytoblastema which penetrates into the depth of the tissue contains the nutritive material for the true cells of the tissue in a less concentrated state, whilst it is still sufficiently 172 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. impregnated with the nutritive material for the other kind of cells. According to Schleiden, new cells are never formed in the intercellular substance in plants ; in animals, on the contrary, a generation of cells within cells is the less frequent mode, but this does occur, and in such a way, that a threefold or four- fold generation may take place im succession within one cell. Thus, according to R. Wagner’s observations (see the Supple- ment), the Graafian vesicle appears to be an elementary cell ; the ovum is developed within it in ike manner as an element- ary cell; within this, again, according at least to observations made upon the bird’s egg, cells are generated, some of which contain young cells. It appears also, that a formation of true cartilage-cells can sometimes take place within those which already exist, and that young cells (fat-cells?) may be generated within them agai. Several such examples might be brought forward; but by far the greater portion of the cells of cartilage are formed in the cytoblastema on the outside of the cells already present, and we never meet with a generation of cells within cells in the case of fibre, muscle, or nerve. General phenomena of the formation of cells. Round corpuscles make their appearance after a certain time in the cytoblastema which, in the first instance, is structure- less or minutely granulous. These bodies may either be cells in their earliest condition (and some may be recognized even at this stage), that is, hollow vesicles furnished with a peculiar structureless wall, cells without nuclei, or they may be cell-nuclei or the rudiments of cell-nuclei, round which cells will afterwards be formed. The cells without nuclei, or, more correctly, the cells in which no nuclei have as yet been observed, occur only in the lower plants, and are also rare in animals, For the present, however, the followmg must be regarded as such, viz.: the young cells contained within others in the chorda dorsalis (see p. 13), the cells of the yelk-substance in the bird’s egg (p. 50), the cells in the mucous layer of the ger- minal membrane of the bird’s egg (p. 60), and some cells of the crystalline lens (p.88). Pl. I, fig. 10, c¢, represents one — a SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. 173 of these cells without nuclei. Thus the mode of growth, in this instance, is similar to that of the nucleated cells, after the formation of their cell-membrane By far the greater portion of the animal body, at least ninety-nine hundredths of all the elementary parts of the bodies of mammalia are developed from nucleated cells. The cell-nucleus is a corpuscle, having a very characteristic form, by which it may in general be easily recognized. It is rather round or oval, spherical or flat. In the majority of fully- developed animal cells its average size would be about 0:0020- 0:0030 Paris inch; but we meet with nuclei which are very much larger, and others, again, much smaller than this. The germinal vesicle of the bird’s egg may be regarded as the largest cell-nucleus; the nuclei of the blood-corpuscles of warm-blooded animals afford examples of very small cell- nuclei. Ifthe latter were but a very little smaller they would escape observation altogether, and the blood-corpuscles would then appear to be cells without nuclei. No other structure can be detected in these very small nuclei, nor can their cha- racteristic form be further demonstrated. On the other hand, that of the larger blood-corpuscles may be distinctly recog- nized as a cell-nucleus. The cell-nucleus is generally dark, granulous, often some- what yellowish ; but some occur which are quite pellucid and smooth. It is either solid, and composed of a more or less minutely granulated mass, or hollow. Most nuclei of animal cells exhibit more or less distinct trace of a cavity, at least, their external contour is generally somewhat darker, and the substance of the nucleus seems to be somewhat more com- pact at the circumference. The nucleus may often be traced through its progressive stages of development from a solid body to a perfect vesicle ; this may be observed in the nuclei of the cartilage-cells in the branchial cartilages of tadpoles. The membrane of the cell-nucleus and its contents may be distinguished in those which are hollow. The membrane is smooth, structureless, and never of any remarkable thickness, that of the germinal vesicle being the thickest. The con- tents are either very minutely granulous, especially in the small hollow cell-nuclei, or pellucid, as in the germinal vesicle, and the larger nuclei in the cells of the branchial carti- 174 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. lages of the tadpole, or larger corpuscles may be subsequently formed in the interior of hollow nuclei, for instance, the innumerable corpuscles in the germinal vesicle of the fish, and fat-globules in the nucleus of the fat-cells m the cranial cavity of fishes. The nucleus, in most instances, contains one or two, more rarely three or four small dark corpuscles, the nucleoh. Their size varies from that of a spot which is scarcely discernible to that of Wagner’s spot (macula germinativa) in the germinal vesi- cle. Nucleoli cannot be distinctly recognized in all cell-nuclei. They may be distinguished from the larger corpuscles, which are sometimes developed in certain hollow nuclei, from the cireum- stance of their being formed at a much earlier period; they exist, indeed, before the cell-nucleus. They are placed eccen- trically in the round nuclei, and in the hollow ones are dis- tinctly seen to lie upon the internal surface of the wall. It is very difficult to ascertain their nature; it may also vary very much in different cells, They sometimes appear to be capable of considerable enlargement, as in the nuclei of the fat-cells in the cranial cavity of the fish, and in such instances often have the appearance of fat. According to Schleiden, hollow nucleoli also frequently occur in plants. Most cell-nuclei agree in the peculiarity of not being dis- solved, or rendered transparent by acetic acid, at least not rapidly so, whilst the cell-membrane of animal cells is in most cases very sensitive to its action. Some cells, (such as those of the yelk-cavity of the egg, plate II, fig. 3,) which have no perceptible nucleus of the ordinary form, ex- hibit a globule having the appearance of a fat-globule, which grows as the cell expands, though not in the same proportion, and was probably formed previous to the cell. Whether such a globule have the signification of a nucleus or not, must re- main an undecided question. The formation of the cell-nucleus. In plants, according to Schleiden, the nucleolus is first formed, and the nucleus around it. The same appears to be the case in animals. According to the observations of R. Wagner on the development of ova in the ovary of Agrion virgo,' the germinal spot is first ' See Wagner, Beitraige zur Geschichte der Zeugung und Entwickelung; Erster Beitrag., tab. II, fig. 1. SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. 175 formed, and around that the germinal vesicle, which is the nucleus of the ovum-cell, Eizelle.'| The youngest germinal vesicle there represented by Wagner, appears to be hollow. This is not generally the case, however, in the formation of cell-nuclei. Plate III, fig. 1, e, appears to be a cell-nucleus of a cartilage-cell in the act of forming. A small round corpuscle is there seen, surrounded by some minutely gra- nulous substance, whilst the rest of the cytoblastema is homogeneous. This granulous substance is gradually lost around the object; at a subsequent period it begins to be sharply defined, and then exhibits the form of a cell- nucleus, which continues to grow for a certain period. (See pl. III, fig. 1, a, 6.) Such a nucleus usually appears solid in the first imstance, and many nuclei remain in this con- dition; in others, on the contrary, the portion of the sub- stance situated nearest to the external surface continually becomes darker, and not unfrequently at last forms a dis- tinctly perceptible membrane, so that the nucleus is hollow in such instances. The formative process of the nucleus may, accordingly, be conceived to be as follows: A nucle- olus is first formed; around this a stratum of substance is deposited, which is usually minutely granulous, but not as yet sharply defined on the outside. As new molecules are constantly being deposited in this stratum between those already present, and as this takes place within a precise dis- tance of the nucleolus only, the stratum becomes defined externally, and a cell-nucleus having a more or less sharp con- tour is formed. The nucleus grows by a continuous depo- sition of new molecules between those already existing, that is, by intussusception. If this go on equably throughout the entire thickness of the stratum, the nucleus may remain solid ; but if it go on more vigorously in the external part, the latter will become more dense, and may become hardened into a membrane, and such are the hollow nuclei. The circum- stance of the layer generally becoming more dense on its exterior, may be explained by the fact that the nutritive fluid is conveyed to it from the outside, and is therefore more con- centrated in that situation. Now if the deposition of the new ' See the Supplement. 176 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. molecules between the particles of this membrane takes place in such a manner that more molecules are deposited between those particles which le side by side upon its surface than there are between those which lie one beneath another in its thickness, the expansion of the membrane must proceed more vigorously than its increase in thickness, and therefore a con- stantly imereasing space must be formed between it and the nucleolus, whereby the latter remains adherent to one side of its internal surface. I have made no observations on the formation of nuclei with more than one nucleolus. But it is easy to comprehend how it may occur, if we conceive that two nucleoli may le so close together that the layers which form around them become united before they are defined externally, and that by the progressive deposition of new molecules, the external limi- tation is so effected that two corpuscles are enclosed by it at the same time, and then the development proceeds as though only one nucleolus were present. When the nucleus has reached a certain stage of develop- ment, the cell is formed around it. The following appears to be the process by which this takes place. A stratum of sub- stance, which differs from the cytoblastema, is deposited upon the exterior of the nucleus. (See pl. III, fig. 1, d.) In the first instance this stratum is not sharply defined externally, but becomes so in consequence of the progressive deposition of new molecules. The stratum is more or less thick, some- times homogeneous, sometimes granulous ; the latter is most fre- quently the case in the thick strata which occur in the forma- tion of the majority of animal cells. We cannot at this period distinguish a cell-cavity and cell-wall. The deposition of new molecules between those already existing proceeds, however, and is so effected that when the stratum is thin, the entire layer—and when it is thick, only the external portion—he- comes gradually consolidated into a membrane. ‘The external portion of the layer may begin to become consolidated soon after it is defined on the outside; but, generally, the membrane does not become perceptible until a later period, when it is thicker and more defined internally ; many cells, however, do not exhibit any appearance of the formation of a cell-mem- brane, but they seem to be solid, and all that can be remarked SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. Lae is that the external portion of the layer is somewhat more compact. Immediately that the cell-membrane has become consoli- dated, its expansion proceeds as the result of the progressive reception of new molecules between the existing ones, that is to say, by virtue of a growth by intussusception, while at the same time it becomes separated from the cell-nucleus. We may therefore conclude that the deposition of the new mole- cules takes place more vigorously between those which lie side by side upon the surface of the membrane, than it does between those which lie one upon another in its thickness. The inter- space between the cell-membrane and cell-nucleus is at the same time filled with fluid, and this constitutes the cell-con- tents. During this expansion the nucleus remains attached to a spot on the internal surface of the cell-membrane. If the entire stratum, in which the formation of the cell commenced, have become consolidated into a cell-membrane, the nucleus must lie free upon the cell-wall; but if only the external por- tion of the stratum have become consolidated, the nucleus must remain surrounded by the internal part, and adherent to a spot upon the internal surface of the cell-membrane. It would seem that the portion of the stratum which remains may be disposed of in two ways: either it is dissolved and forms a part of the cell-contents, in which case the nucleus will le free upon the cell-wall as before; or it gradually becomes condensed into a substance similar to the cell-membrane, and then the nucleus appears to lie in the thickness of the cell-wall. This explains the variety in the position of the nucleus with respect to the cell-membrane. According to Schleiden, it sometimes lies in the thickness of the membrane in plants, so that its internal surface, which is directed towards the cell-cavity, is covered by a lamella of the cell-wall. In animals it also sometimes appears to be slightly sunk in the cell-membrane; but I have never observed a lamella passing over its inner surface ; on the contrary, in almost all instances it les quite free, adherent only to the internal surface of the cell-membrane. The particular stage of development of the nucleus at which the cell commences to be formed around it varies very much. In some instances the nucleus has already become a distinct 12 178 SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. vesicle ere it occurs; the germinal vesicle, for example; in others, and this is the most common, the nucleus is still solid, and its development into a vesicle does not take place until a later period, or perhaps the change never occurs at all. When the cell is developed, the nucleus either remains stationary at its previous stage of development, or its growth proceeds, but not in proportion to the expansion of the cell, so that the intermediate space between it and the cell-membrane, the cell- cavity, is also constantly becoming relatively larger. If the growth of a cell is impeded by the neighbouring cells, or if the new molecules added between the existing particles of the cell-membrane are applied to the thickening of the cell-wall instead of to its expansion, it may occur that the nucleus becomes more vigorously expanded than the cell, and gradually fills a larger portion of the cell-cavity. An example of this was brought forward at page 23, from the branchial cartilages of the tadpole; on the whole, however, such instances are very rare. As the nuclei, in the course of their develop- ment, and especially in such instances as that just mentioned, continually lose their granulous contents and become pellucid, and as in some cases, the germinal vesicle for example, other corpuscles, such as fat-globules, &c., may be developed in these contents of the nucleus (a circumstance which never occurs with respect to the cell-cavities) it is often difficult to distin- guish such enlarged nuclei from young cells. The presence of two nucleoli is often sufficient to enable us to distinguish such an enlarged hollow nucleus. The observation of the stages of transition, between the characteristic form of the cell-nucleus and these nuclei which so much resemble cells, will also aid us in obtaining the information desired. As in the case of the germinal vesicle, however, a positive decision can only be obtained by demonstrating that such a nucleus has precisely the same relation to the cell that an ordinary cell-nucleus has; that is to say, that such a nucleus is formed before the cell, that the latter is formed as a stratum around it, and that the nucleus is afterwards surrounded by the cell. Whether the nucleus undergoes any further development, as the expansion of the cell proceeds, or not, the usual result is that it becomes absorbed. ‘This does not take place, however, SURVEY OF CELL-LIFE. | 179 in all cases, for, according to Schleiden, it remains persistent in most cells in the Euphorbiacez, and the blood-corpuscles may be quoted as an example to the same effect in animals. The fact that many nuclei are developed into hollow vesicles, and the difficulty of distinguishing some of these hollow nuclei from cells, forms quite sufficient ground for the supposition that a nucleus does not differ essentially from a cell; that an ordinary nucleated cell is nothing more than a cell formed around the outside of another cell, the nucleus; and _ that the only difference between the two consists in the inner one being more slowly and less completely developed, after the external one has been formed around it. If this descrip- tion were correct, we might express ourselves with more pre- cision, and designate the nuclei as cells of the first order, and the ordinary nucleated cells as cells of the second order. Hitherto we have decidedly maintained a distinction between cell and nucleus; and it was convenient to do so as long as we were engaged in merely describing the observations. There can be no doubt that the nuclei correspond to one another in all cells; but the designation, “cells of the first order,” in- cludes a theoretical view of the matter which has yet to be proved, namely, the identity of the formative process of the cell and the nucleus. This identity, however, is of the greatest importance for our theory, and we must therefore compare the two processes somewhat more closely. The formation of the cell commenced with the deposition of a precipitate around the nucleus; the same occurs in the formation of the nucleus around the nucleolus. The deposit becomes defined externally into a solid stratum: the same takes place in the formation of the nucleus. The development proceeds no farther in many nuclei, and we also meet with cells which remain stationary at the same poit. The further development of the cells is manifested either by the entire stratum, or only the external part of it becoming consolidated into a membrane; this is precisely what occurs with the nuclei which undergo further development. The cell-membrane inereases in its superficies, and often in thickness also, and separates from the nucleus, which remains lying on the wall; the membrane of the hollow cell-nuclei grows in the same manner, and the nucleolus remains adherent to a spot upon the wall. aii rei | vat. : - . rt - Ln ~~ N ul | i wad i is . _ A . ; af ag a Ss Oye re nye if SUPPLEMENT (REFERRED TO AT P. 46) ON THE SIGNIFICATION OF THE GERMINAL VESICLE. Wuen treating of the different parts of the ovum, in the foregoing work, it was found impossible to give a positive solution to the question as to whether the germ-vesicle was a young cell or the nucleus of the yelk-cell. Most of the facts before us were in favour of the latter view ; but if this were the correct one, the yelk-cell ought to be developed around the previously existing vesicle in such manner, that it in the first instance closely encompassed the latter, and afterwards became gradually expanded. This decisive observation was wanting, and the researches communicated by R. Wagner, in his ‘ Prodromus,’ rather tended to show that, in the formation of the ovum around the germinal vesicle, the membrane was not formed immediately around the vesicle, but that it inclosed at the same time a quantity of the granular mass in which the germ-vesicle lies. I was not at that time acquainted with a work of Wagner’s, which contained the facts necessary to a solution of the question, viz. his ‘ Beitrage zur Geschichte der Zeugung und Entwickelung., Erster Beitrag :’ from the ‘ Mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der K6nigl. Baierschen Acad. der Wissenschaften in Munchen.’ Speaking of the ovaries of insects, Wagner says, at page 45 :—* At the spot where the oviduct widens, the granular mass, which resembles the vitellme mass, becomes more plentiful; the separate germ- ‘vesicles seem to be imbedded in it. I have so represented it in the ‘ Prodromus,’ fig. 18. Lately, however, it has appeared to me, as though the germ-vesicles with their germinal spots were actually already surrounded by a chorion and a perfectly pellucid yelk.” The accompanying illustration from Agrion virgo exhibits clearly how that which Wagner calls chorion, 218 SUPPLEMENT. or the cell-membrane of the yelk-cell, closely encompasses the germ-vesicle at first and then gradually expands, while between it and the vesicle a transparent fluid collects; in which, ata later period, a turbidness commences, occurring first in the neighbourhood of the germ-vesicle. Wagner had thus dis- covered in the course of his observations that the details of the process were just what must have been expected according to the theory of the unity of the principle of development for all elementary particles of the organism. That the germ- vesicle is the nucleus of the yelk-cell appears to me therefore to be scarcely dubitable. The illustration given by Wagner also shows that the germinal spot is first developed, then the germ-vesicle around it, and around this again the yelk-cell. It is not surprising that granulous contents may form within the germ-vesicle at a subsequent period, since the same thing occurs in the indubitable nucleus of the adipose cells of the fish, and the formation of the cell is probably nothing more than a repetition of that same process around the nucleus, by means of which the nucleus was originally formed around the nucleolus. REMARKS UFON A STATEMENT PUT FORTH BY PROFESSOR VALENTIN, RESPECTING PREVIOUS RESEARCHES ON THE SUBJECT OF THIS WORK. Arter I had finished this Treatise, I received the first part of Wagner’s ‘Lehrbuch der Physiologie! Leipzig, 1839; which was just then issuing from the press, and which con- tained (at page 182) an outline of the development of the animal tissues, communicated by Professor Valentm. The author introduces the subject with some historical remarks, in which he represents my researches as giving an essen- tial completeness to the analogies between animal tissues and vegetable cells which had been previously pointed out, more particularly by himself. There are very many ways of drawing a comparison between two objects, and simi- litudes may be discovered which are opposed to the whole internal construction of the things in which they are observed. Everything, therefore, depends upon the sort of comparison drawn. If Valentin’s historical representation be justified, the idea of a comparison, similar in its kind to that on which my researches are based, must have a previous existence in his earlier investigations. I have endeavoured to analyse the fundamental idea of my investigation in the commencement of the Third Section of this treatise ; it was this—that one common principle of development forms the basis of all the elementary particles of organisms. It origmated in a com- parison being drawn between a cartilage-cell and a vegetable cell, in such sense, that the molecules are united together for the formation of both of them, in accordance with similar laws, since in both instances a nucleolus is first fermed ; around this ’ Rudolph Wagner’s Elements of Physiology, translated by R. Willis, M.p., p. 214. 220 REMARKS UPON A STATEMENT a nucleus, and around this again a cell. The accordance in the mode of development of two so different elementary particles, first led to the deduction of the principle of a similar mode of formation for all elementary particles, and then to its proof by observation. Therefore, what we have to decide is, first, whether the idea of comparing an animal elementary structure with a vegetable cell, with reference to a similar mode of de- velopment, does occur in Valentin’s earlier observations ; and, secondly, whether Valentin has recognised the principle which is contained in the similar mode of development of two ele- mentary particles which, in a physiological sense, are very dis- similar. In my preface I have given a brief historical sketch of the subject from my own point of view, and Valentin’s remarks do not convince me of the necessity of making any alteration in it. Impartiality, however, requires that Valentin’s representation should follow this statement, and I therefore append the passages cited by him, word for word, from his works : “In my first histogenetic researches, I observed certain pecu- liar granules lying in a transparent gelatinous substance, as the primordial matter of all the tissues. I pointed out the difference between these granules in the serous and mucous layers, at the period of the earliest separation of the layers from one another. In the vascular layer I found large globules or cells, which, in 3 2) respect to their form and juxtaposition, I compared, as early as the year 1835, with vegetable cellular tissue. (Entwickelungs- geschichte, 287. The vascular layer seems to be composed of large globules having a mean diameter of 0°001013 Paris inch, which are perfectly transparent in their interior, and so closely crowded toge- ther, that they are flattened against one another at many of their points of contact, and assume an hexagonal form like the cellular tissue of plants.) I also first directed attention to the resemblance in form of the cartilages in which ossification was commencing, and particularly (from observations made in conjunction with Purkinje) of the branchial cartilage of the tadpole to the vegetable cellular tissue. (Ib. 209-10. The cartilages of the labyrinth present a variety of form whilst passing through the process of ossification, which differs very essentially from most of the other cartilages of the body, which will be described at greater length presently. In place of the ordinary car- tilage-corpuscle, they contain large bodies which are not so well defined in form, most of them furnished with linear boundaries, being roundish, Se PUT FORTH BY VALENTIN. 221 semilunar, tetrahedral, or polyhedral in shape, with a mean diameter of from 0°000405, to 0°000650 Paris inch. But so soon as they ossify, the calcifying portion, or that which is already ossified, consists of a tissue of beautiful six-sided prisms (Balken), closely resembling vegetable cellular tissue, upon and within which are small granules of a round figure, with a diameter of about 0°000152 Paris inch. The last described form, was observed both by Purkinje and myself long since in the cartilages of the tadpole also, especially in the branchial arches.) I described the round celis of the globules with their interposed cellular substance from the chorda dorsalis of young embryos. (Ib. 157. Although the external appearance of the chorda dorsalis clearly presents a certain resemblance to a cartilage, the microscopical investigation of its structure most distinctly disproves similarity. In every instance in which it is present, it consists of an external, symme- trical, perfectly transparent envelope and globules of variable size, but always very numerous, and lying closely packed together. A gelatinous and perfectly transparent mass occupies the interspaces left between them. These globules are largest in fishes and amphibia, smaller in birds, and smallest in mammalia.”” In the second passage, which Valentin cites on this point (Repertor. i, 187), the researches of J. Miiller, which I have noticed at page 7 in this treatise, are referred to and quoted, the following also is from the same source :—‘“‘ which (chorda dorsalis) the reporter (Valentin) has also observed in fcetal pigs of eight lines in length, in the form of a thick cord lying within the cartilaginous vertebree, its internal structure, in the embryos of mammalia, birds, and amphibia, being, according to his observations, essentially similar to the permanent analogous forma- - tions of the cartilaginous fishes.) Soon after this J. Miiller, from his own independent investigations, gave a more detailed ex- planation of the cells in the spinal cord of fishes (Myzxinoiden, 74, &c.) In the epithelia, which Purkinje and Raschkow (Meletem. c. mammal. dent. evol. 12), as well as I (Nov. act. ac. N. C. vol. xvii, p. 1. 96)——These (the tuft-like groups of the choroid plexus) do not lie free, but they, as well as the connecting granulous membrane, are covered with a very delicate and transparent epithelium, the separate globules of which have the most regular six- sided cell-border, and are perfectly colourless and transparent. Hach of them, however, contains, in the mass in its interior, a dark round nucleus, or formation, which reminds the observer of the nucleus oc- curring in the cells of the epidermis, the pistil, &e., in the vegetable kingdom. In man, whose choroid plexus exhibits a more blackish or dark colour even to the naked eye, the epithelium itself has a similar formation to that just described, but the centre of each cell contains in its exterior a round pigment-globule, corresponding to the central point of the situation of the nucleus in its interior. Similar pigment- globules exist in most birds, but not being so regularly deposited, it is 222 REMARKS UPON A STATEMENT more difficult to detect the cell-shaped and more rounded globules, although they are quite as certainly present. When the object has not been at all damaged, the cells, and especially the pigment-globules adhering to the outside, exhibit an arrangement like that of the vege- table cells in general, and particularly in the earliest stages in the formation of the leaf, that is, a disposition corresponding to spiral lines projected on the surface in accordance with the strictest rules) ——compared to the cellular tissue of plants, I chose, expressly (l.c. 77. Each of these globules (ganglion-globules), wherever ob- served, has an external, more or less distinct, areolar tissue-like envelope, and contains a parenchymatous mass proper to itself, an independent nucleus or kernel (nucleus oder Kern), which again encloses a second roundish, transparent nucleus)——on account of this re- semblance in form, the uniform appellation of the nucleus (Kernes), just as I afterwards described the nucleolus which was observed by me. (Repertor. i, 143. In every cell without exception there is a somewhat smaller and more compact nucleus of a round or oval form. It usually occupies the centre of each cell, consists of a minutely granulous substance, but encloses a well-defined, round cor- puscle, which thus forms a sort of second nucleus within it.) Jn the study of the epithelia, prosecuted particularly by Henle and myself, there was no want of analogies with vegetable cellular tissue, the individuality of the cell-parietes was also distinctly demonstrated. (Ib. 284. Roundish, hexagonal, flat, aud tolerably thin cells lie (in the external skin of the proteus) close upon one another, disposed in regular arrangement, and always connected together with their lateral edges and angles in mutual correspondence. The interior of these delicate bodies is filled by a granulous or yel- lowish mass, which represents a sort of nucleus. But the separate granules of this nucleus, however closely they may he together, may be accurately distinguished from one another. With a very strong magnifying power, each one of these granules may be seen to be more transparent in its centre than it is in its periphery. It may then also be most distinctly ascertained, that the somewhat delicate parietes of each cell are perfectly isolated from the central cavity. No trace of granules or fibres can be observed on the walls themselves ; there is merely a clear, transparent, vitreous, and homogeneous mass.) J had also remarked that the nuclet (pigment-vesicles) were the parts first formed in the pigment of the choroid coat (Entwickelungs- geschichte, 194. The following is the mode in which, according to my observations, the stratum of pigment is formed in man, mammalia, and birds; separate, round, colourless, and transparent corpuscles are first deposited upon the internal surface of the substance they are to cover, in the earliest period (up to the tenth week) these corpuscles in the human subject measure from 0:000355 to 0:000405 Paris inch in diameter. They are the future pigment-corpuscles or pigment-vesicles. a een ant PUT FORTH BY VALENTIN. 223 Pigment-globules of a black colour are soon, however, developed on their periphery, so that the corpuscles or vesicles just mentioned are transparent in their centre when they have ceased to be so, and have become dark on their circumference. It is plain that von Ammon and R. Wagner have seen this condition as well as myself. The globules are so small from the commencement, that they ..... This process of deposition of the black-coloured globules upon the pigment-cor- puscles goes on afterwards continuously, and to such an extent that the latter are enveloped and covered on all sides by them, and are only rendered visible when the globules are removed by pressure or wasbing.); and I compared the pigment-cells with the cellular tissue of plants. (Repertor. ii, 245. The pigment here (in the choroid) has the same character which it has in most other parts of the body, that is, a round, clear, transparent, and colourless nucleus, or the pigment- molecules lie closely crowded together around a pigment-vesicle. These heaps of pigment composed of pigment-vesicles, and the molecules of pigment deposited around them, are extended out sidewise, and in man, the dog, the rabbit, the horse, the ox, and such lke, form unequal pentagons or hexagons, which are placed close together in a similar manner to the cells of the parenchymatous cellular tissue of plants. Langenbeck de retina, 38.) Schwann gave an essential complete- ness to these analogies, by showing that the gelatinous primordial mass of the tissues was composed of cells, that the bodies im- bedded init are nuclei, and that these and the cells often exhibit analogous laws of development. (Froriep’s Notizen, 1838, Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Struktur der Thiere und Pflanzen, Heft 1, 1838.) As early as 1837 I had observed © the cells of the germinal membrane in the ovum of sepia, with their nuclei and nucleoli, and the areas surrounding them, and had communicated my researches in a letter to Breschet. Shorily after I became acquainted with Schwann’s first communication I commenced the investigation of the subject. The chief results of my inquiries are contained in the following communication. I have, at the same time, referred to the corresponding passages in the first part of Schwann’s treatise, which I have received this day.” I will only add that the second part also, (consisting of sheets 8 to 18, and Plates III and IV,) therefore the whoie of the portion of my treatise containing the observations, had appeared previous to Valentin’s researches, and had been communicated to the Parisian Academy in the year 1838; a remark which does not appear altogether superfluous, since Professor Wagner has 224 REMARKS UPON A STATEMENT, ETC. communicated an epitome of my observations (which I sent to him four weeks after he had requested it from me) in his Physiology, with the remark that it had arrived later than the observations of Valentin. Moreover, even my first com- munications in Froriep’s Notizen contained the fundamental laws for the formation of all the tissues, and the details also respecting by far the most of them. ae ah wee aut. Th. Schwang, del . EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. WuHere no other measurement is given, the figure re- presents the object magnified about 450 diameters, linear measurement. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Parenchymatous cellular tissue, with cell-nuclei from an onion, magnified 290 times. 2, Matrix of the pollen of Rhipsalis salicornoides. 3. Do. do. I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Schleiden for the last. two delineations. 4, Cells from the chorda dorsalis of Cyprinus erythroph- thalmus. 5. Cartilage from the point of a branchial ray, from the same. 6. Cartilage from the middle of a branchial ray, from the same. 7. Cartilage from the root of a branchial ray, from the same. 8. Branchial cartilage from the larva of Rana esculenta. 9. Cranial cartilage (ethmoid bone) from the larva of Pelobates fuscus. 10. Cells from the crystalline lens of a fetal pig four inches long. 11. An isolated nucleus of the cells of the crystalline lens. 12. Cells from the crystalline lens of the same feetus, ex- hibiting their prolongation into the fibres of the lens. 13. Fibres from the innermost layers of the lens of a pike. 14, Cell from the epidermis of a species of grass. 15 226 Fig. 1. 2 3 4 5 “I 8 and 9. Pigment-cells of different kinds and stages of . EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE MIL Ovum of a goat, after Krause (Miller’s Archiv, 1837, Pls A; es); . Cells from the yelk-cavity of a mature hen’s egg. . Cells from the interior of an egg measuring a line and a half in diameter, taken from the ovary of a hen. . Portion of the germinal membrane of a mature hen’s egg before incubation, viewed from above. . Portion of the germinal membrane from a hen’s egg after sixteen hours’ incubation. It is folded in such a manner that the external surface or serous layer forms the margin. . Cells from the serous layer of the same germinal mem- brane in the neighbourhood of the area pellucida, after separation of the mucous layer. . Cells from the mucous layer of the same germinal membrane on the outside of the area pellucida. development, from the tail of the tadpole. 10. Cells from the interior of the shaft of a fully deve- loped wing-feather of the raven. 11. Earlier stages of development of the same, from the portion of the shaft of an immature feather which has not as yet become hard. 12. Cell-nuclei, from the same, around which no cells have as yet formed. 13. Flat cells splitting into fibres, from the cortex on the side of the shaft of a raven’s feather in progress of formation. be aos = Em 2 PLATE a Fa. sc. - @ itself is yet very soft and gelatious, and may consequently become agglutinated to the fibre, which is likewise still in a gelatinous state.’ This is the case in Casuarina, Cassytha, Hydrocharis, Trichocline, Orchis, &c.; in most cases, however, the cell-wall is too far developed to unite with the fibre, and the latter then les loose in the interior of the cell. In rarer instances the material is almost entirely applied to the formation of the fibre (always indeed when the fibre coalesces with the wall), for example, in Salvia Spielmanni, Mo- mordica elaterium. I have reason to suppose that this com- plete consumption almost always takes place in spiral vessels, and is the cause of their subsequently conveying only air. More frequently, however, one or more fibres are formed ; but then a great portion of the jelly has still remained uncon- ' Subsequent researches have produced important modifications in this opinion. Consult my essay on the Spiral Formations in Vegetable Cells. Flora, 1839, Nos P22 slave 246 CONTRIBUTIONS TO sumed, which, when the cell is moistened with water, comes forth in form of an intestine (wie ein Darm hervortritt), and in swelling exparids itself over the fibres, thus appearing to sur- round them ; this is the case in most Salvie and Polemoniacee, in Senecio flaccidus, Ocymum polystachyum and polycladum (Lumnitzera, Jacq.) There is an intermediate form between this and the former, when the jelly itself forms a broad spirally-wound band, which appear upon its surface to be com- posed of innumerable delicate fibres; their occurrence in this state is very beautifully shown in Perdicium Tarazxaci and Ziziphora. A still less advanced stage of development exhibits merely a cylinder or cone of gelatine in the interior of the cell, the surface of which, however, is marked with delicate spiral lines. This is seen in some Salvia, in 8. verticillata for example, and in Leptosiphon androsaceum. Finally, the lowest stage of development is where the gelatinous cylinder, which is furnished with spiral striz, has a cavity in its imterior con- taining starch, which has not as yet undergone decomposi- tion; this instructive phenomenon is found in Dracocephalum moldavica, Ocymum basilicum, and some allied species. In illus- tration of the above, consult plate 2, figs. 1-10, with their explanations. Before quitting the subject of spiral fibre, I will merely add, what indeed has been of late admitted by every good observer, that the only difference between spiral cell and spiral vessel consists in the dimensions, although constant transitions may be observed between them just as well as between the cells of the liber and the parenchyma; and consequently, as regards this doctrine at least, there is no longer any place for natural- philosophical phantasies about the arrestment of ideal forms of higher types, and such like empty words. That which forms a liber-cell out of a round cell, the preponderating expansion of an organ lengthwise, is also that which transforms the spiral cells (the vermiform bodies) into spiral vessels. The function of the spiral fibre, however, is, as every candid vegetable physiologist will certainly admit, entirely unknown to us at the present time. It is certain that spiral vessels and spiral cells occur in the living plant quite as frequently filled with sap (in the younger vegetating portions) as with air (in the older organs which have attained their full size); and it is this which has PHYTOGENESINS. 247 given rise to the conflicting views of authors. But the same also occurs in all cells under certain circumstances, and the influence of the spiral fibre remains meanwhile altogether ob- scure and unexplained. Perhaps the foregoing may render it probable that the spiral is everywhere only a secondary varia- tion of form in the product of the vital power (the fibrin) pro- duced by a different tendency of the vital activity of the cell, so soon as this is compelled, as a certain stage of its develop- ment, to give up its independent individuality, and enter as an integral portion into the complex of the entire plant. I also think that we may venture, in conclusion, to deduce from the data above enumerated, that this indication of a spiral formation is the surest sign that we have no longer anything to do with the simple cell-membrane. I now return, after this somewhat lengthy digression, to my subject. The process of cell-formation, which I have just endeavoured to describe in detail, is that which I have observed in most of the plants which I have investigated. There are, however, some modifications of this process which make the observation of many parts very difficult, and sometimes indeed render it impossible, although, notwithstanding this, the law remains undisturbed and universally valid, because analogy requires it, and we can fully explain the causes of the impossi- — bility of direct observation. The difficulties which I now notice depend especially upon the physical and chemical properties of the substance which precedes the formation of cells. The materials enumerated above are to be regarded as scarcely anything more than sepa- rate facts, which, for the purpose of giving a general view and rendering the classification more easy, I have intentionally selected from the organic chemical processes of vegetable life, which are constantly in operation, and with which we are as yet totally unacquainted. Almost all these materials con- stantly exist together in the living plant, and it is merely their preponderance in a greater or lesser degree which enables us to say that the cell contains amylum or gum, and so forth. Only towards the termination of the individual life of the cells do we find them filled with a less number of different substances ; the cells which contain ethereal oil are probably the only instances in which we find but a single one. 248 CONTRIBUTIONS TO If we now assume a cell to be completely filled with a transparent solution of sugar in which there is rapidly gene- rated just so much gum, as may form, by an equally quick conversion into jelly, a delicate cell-membrane, the exist- ence of which we cannot possibly recognise with the micro- scope, in consequence of the similar refracting power of the wall, the contents, and the surrounding medium ; it then be- comes exceedingly probable that a number of such formative processes may go on which escape our observation, and become known to us only in their results, when, after the absorption of the parent-cell, we suddenly find two new ones in its place. If, on the other hand, our attention has been previously directed to this process, we have, in the application of reagents, espe- cially iodine, which is quite indispensable to the physiological botanist, several means of rendering it visible in instances where it is suspected to be going forward. Gradual transition to the completely invisible processes are readily found by more extended investigation ; I will just mention one of the most difficult instances which I have met with, by way of example. It occurs in the germination of the sporules of Marchantia poly- morpha. Only a few, generally only from two to four of the cell-nuclei which appear in the sporules, serve for the formation of cells; the others become quickly enveloped with chlorophyll, and are thus withdrawn from the vital process. The transparent fluid, however, in which these cytoblasts float, passes through the remaining stages of the metamorphosis into cell-membrane only just at the boundary of the latter, and with such rapidity that the exceedingly delicate young cells cannot be distin- guished by anything else than a minute, generally more or less uninterrupted circle of infinitely small, black granules, and by a scarcely perceptible greater transparency of the contents of the newly-formed cells in comparison with that of the parent- cell, and finally, under the most favorable circumstances, by the spot at which the newly-developed cells come into contact, the point of juncture being still covered by the membrane of the parent-cell. (Pl. I, figs. 18-20.) This may perhaps be general in the Cryptogamia, and especially in water plants, and probably Mohl’s division of the cells of Conferve may be thus explained. If we consider, however, that there are undoubtedly many plants, among which the Fungi and infusorial A/ge should pro- PHYTOGENESIS. 249 bably be classed more especially, in which we are, as yet at least, totally unacquainted with the cytoblasts, in consequence of their absolute minuteness and transparency ; if we further bear in mind that the nucleolus in the cell-germ, even im the larger cytoblasts, frequently appears immeasurably small, or even entirely escapes the eye with the highest mag- nifying power; and, lastly, if we deduce from what has been previously stated, that nevertheless this granule, which can no longer be rendered perceptible, probably furnishes in the suit- able medium a sufficing cause for the formation of a cytoblast which serves as an introduction to the whole formative process of the cells; then, indeed, we are forced to confess that the imagination obtains ample latitude for the explanation in every case of the generation of infusorial vegetable structure, even without the aid of a deus ew machina (the generatio spontanea). But my present object is to communicate only facts and their immediate consequences, and not to dream; I will therefore rather add a few more observations on the growth of the plant. What is meant by to grow ? isa question to which every child quickly replies, “ when I am getting as big as father.” There is truth in this answer, but not sufficient to satisfy science. Words have no value in themselves, but are like coin, merely — tokens of a value not exhibited in specie, in order to facilitate commerce. And to carry the simile further, insecurity in this intellectual property, and frequently bankruptcy results, if this coimage has not its unchangeable, accurately-determined standard ; in a word, the utility of a scientific expression de- pends upon the accurate definition of the idea on which it is based. Unfortunately the perplexity of our social relations has caused us to forget entirely the original meaning of money, the sign has become to us the thing itself; may some good genius protect us from similar mistakes in our intellectual life. We must here be on our guard against two dangerous rocks: first, when we transfer words from one science to another, without first accurately testing whether they fit their new situation as respects all their accompanying significations also ; and, secondly, when we voluntarily lose sight of the significa- tion of a word consecrated by the spirit of the language and its historical development, and employ it without further cere- 250 CONTRIBUTIONS TO mony in compound words, where perhaps, at the most, only some unessential part of its signification suits. Thus E. Meyer, for example (Linnea, vol. vii, p. 454), after repeating the well-known experiments of Duhamel, lays down this position: “the law of the longitudinal growth of the internodes is to grow in a direction from above downwards.” He requires this position for his theory, and must consequently defend it in every way, although he himself confesses that this reversed growth must appear paradoxical to every one of his readers. He would never have arrived at this position if he had more accurately analysed the word “grow” (with which animal physiology had rendered him familiar), with reference to its applicability to the plant; he would soon have discovered that the generation of new cells, and so far the actual growth of the plant, constantly takes place in its outermost portions in an upward direction, and that his very simile of the building up a voltaic pile is exceedingly well adapted to refute himself. The experiments of Duhamel and Meyer would have no fur- ther result than to show that the inferior, that is, the earliest generated, older cells of the internode possess a greater capa- bility to extend in the longitudinal direction, and retain this power longer than the younger cells. We have an excellent illustration of the second point in the proposition so frequently expressed of late, that the stem of the plant is composed of the coalesced petioles. The word “coalesce” (verwachsen, to grow together) has possessed, how- ever, from time immemorial, both in ordinary life and in science, the signification that two or more originally and naturally separate parts have become by the process of growth either abnormally or, under certain circumstances, normally united. If therefore the word “coalesce” be applied to the stem of the plant, an organ, which, in every period of its ex- istence, under all forms of its appearance, is a simple and undivided one, and at the origm of the plant even constantly appears earlier than the leaves with their petioles, it certainly involves a mischievous abuse of language, by which science itself can gain nothing, and will even lose in the estimation of the intelligent non-professional man, who sees through such a play upon words. What would the zoologist say were we to regard the trunk as a coalescence of the extremities. PHYTOGENESIS. 251 I return then to my question: what is the meaning of to grow? In hackneyed phrase we are told, “ To grow signifies merease of the mass of an individual, and takes place in the inorganic world by juxtaposition, in the organic by intus- susception.” Have we gained anything for vegetable physi- ology by this reply? Ithink not. If the plant is to grow by intussusception, then I say it consists of an aggregate of single, independent, organic molecules, the cells; it increases its mass by new cells being deposited upon those already ex- isting ; consequently by juxtaposition. But the single cell in the progress of its expansion, which frequently reaches an enormous bulk in comparison with its original size (I will merely remind the reader of the pollen-tubes), also increases in substance in the interior of its membrane, and by this means also the mass of the entire plant is increased ; it con- sequently grows by intussusception also. Finally, after a certain period the cell deposits new organic material in layers upon its primitive membrane ; thus another form of juxtaposition, which still, however, belongs to the cycle of vegetable vitality. It hence becomes readily apparent that, in respect to scientific botany, the idea “grow” still requires a new foundation in order to be capable of being applied with certainty. Of the three instances just cited, the second and third belong more to the individual life of the cells, and are of secondary importance only, as respects the idea of the whole plant, regarded as an organism composed of a certain number of cells. The plant considered in its totality increases its mass, that is, the number of the cells composing it, in the first way only. We must therefore here discriminate three processes essen- tially distinct from each other in a physiological sense, which, when strictly regarded, scarcely find an analogy in the other kingdoms of nature. 1. The plant grows, that is, it produces the number of cells allotted to it. 2. The plant unfolds itself by the expansion and develop- ment of the cells already formed. It is this phenomenon especially, one altogether peculiar to plants, which, because it depends upon the fact of their being composed of cells, can never occur in any, not even the most remote form in crystals or animals. 252 CONTRIBUTIONS TO 3. The walls of the fully-developed cells become thickened by the deposition of new matter in layers, a process which, in accordance with the old rule, a potiori fit denominatio, may be most aptly termed the lignification of the plant. If, in respect to the growth of the plant, we now hold to the literal sense conveyed under No. 1, then this question must arise,—Where are the new cells formed? Here three instances comprise all possible replies. Namely, the new ceils are either formed outside on the surface of the entire previous mass, or in its interior; and in that case again either in the intercellular spaces or in the cells themselves; guartum non datur. Mirbel, in two extremely ingenious and profound memoirs on the Marchantia polymorpha, which he presented to the French Academy in 1831 and 1832 (p. 32), has expressed the opinion, that all the three cases just now mentioned as possible do actually occur in plants. Without intending here to anti- cipate what follows, I must remark that only one case (the formation of new cells within the old ones) appears to be proved by his direct observations. The second case is merely a conclusion drawn, and the germination of the sporules of the Marchantie, which was to elucidate the third case, has been observed by me to be quite different, as I have already repre- sented above. Finally, however, we have yet to examine whether the differ- ence of the organs may not establish such a physiological difference of growth as may merit our attention. We may distinguish here four instances. We observe: 1. The develop- ment of the plants in the upward direction (im puncto vege- tationis, C. Fr. Wolff). 2. The elongation downwards. We thus comprise the formation of the necessary orgaus of the plant, the stem, the leaves (with their metamorphoses), and the root. 8. We have to keep in view the production of accidental organs, for example, bulbs, &c. And, 4. We find an annual thickening of the axile formations, the development of the woody stem. Let us now see which of the three possible modes of forma- tion of new cells is actually realised in each of the cases just enumerated. I have already explained how the new cells are developed in the embryonal sac ; in other words, within a large PHYTOGENESIS. 253 cell. A similar process occurs in the embryonal end of the pollen-tube, consequently in a highly elongated cell; I shall now proceed to describe the further development of the embryo. After the first cells, generally few in number, are formed, they rapidly expand to such an extent that they fill the pollen-tube, which soon ceases to be perceptible as the original enveloping membrane ; but at the same time several cytoblasts originate im the interior of each of these cells, and generate new cells, on the rapid expansion of which the parent-cells also cease to be visible and become absorbed. The same process is repeated indefinitely. But since the newly-generated cells have con- tinually less room to expand, and therefore constantly become smaller, the previous transparency is soon lost in consequence of the continual production of new cytoblasts in the interior, and the tissue becoming more and more compressed ; and from this stage to the perfect completion of the embryo we are con- ducted by the clearly logical inference that the process thus introduced continues the same, since no new force comes into operation which could induce us to assume a sudden variation of the vital action, more especially as we soon meet with the same manifestation of the vegetative power again. Meanwhile the seed germinates, and the embryo becomes a plant; and then indeed the question may arise,—Does the pro- cess of life continue the same thenceforward in the internodes and foliaceous organs? Now we are here very quickly con- vinced of the negative, that is, that a formation of new cells on the surface of the existing organs does not take place. The surface is always smooth, and generally covered in a very early state with a kind of epidermis, the outer layer being more transparent and almost as clear as water; and we never find even an indication of a newly-formed cell upon the surface. But if the embryo be the type of the entire plant, and the latter do not present anything which is not a repetition of its organs, if we have found the growth of the embryo to consist only in the formation of cells within cells, we may then expect to find the same result also in the process of the growth of the whole plant. It is especially a foliaceous organ, the anther, which has hitherto been studied and followed in its develop- ment by many celebrated men (particularly well by Mirbel) ; and here it is quite decided that the increase of cells takes 254 CONTRIBUTIONS TO place within the old ones. It is also certain that in this case the formative process accords with that above described. R. Brown and Meyen have enumerated many instances where they observed the cytoblast in very young pollen-cells. In Pinus, Abies, Podostemon, Lupinus and others, I have traced the development of the pollen after Mirbel perfectly; I have distinctly observed the cell-nuclei and their development into new cells within one another in Adzes, never having missed the cytoblast in young cells. Now if the pollen-grains be nothing more than converted leaf-parenchyma, if the anther be merely a metamorphosis of the leaf, we may certainly infer inversely that the process which we have observed in it, and which characterized the formation of the embryo and cotyledons (as prototypes of the leaf) will be again found in all foliaceous organs. For the same reason which was stated with respect to the later stages of the development of the embryo, actual observation is infi- nitely difficult in this case. I have nevertheless examined a great many buds in reference to this point, and have most decidedly convinced myself of the identity of the process both in the constantly elongating apex of the axis, and in the leaves which always originate somewhat beneath it. Succulent plants, the Aloinee and Crassulacee, are best adapted for this purpose. Crassula Portulaca seemed to me most advantageous, for in it I first succeeded in separating some cells from their connexion, in whose interior young cells were already developed, without, however, entirely filling the parent-cell. But having once be- come familiar with the subject, I was afterwards able to detect these individualities from amongst the apparently semi-organised chaos in all other plants. Another circumstance indeed pre- sents itself here, which renders the subject much more difficult than in the case of the embryo. For, independently of the minuteness of the cells, their walls, in those parts of the plant which are just newly formed, still consist merely of jelly, and are so delicate that it is exceedingly difficult to separate the parts intended for examination without completely destroying the organization. (Compare plate I, figs. 22-4.) This process is more easily perceptible in articulated hairs, and in such as have a head consisting of several cells, where the same appearances which I have so frequently observed in PiTYTOGENESIS. 255 the young embryo, and such as Mirbel has so_ beautifully described in the development of the gemmz in the cups of Marchantia, may be readily and beautifully seen; for example, in the common potato. Meyen has also made similar ob- servations, although he still expresses himself with some doubt on the subject. (Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1837, vol. ii, p. 22.) It is not until after as many cells are formed as the organ requires for its completion that the cell-walls become firmer, and then commences the unfolding of the organ by the mere expansion of the cells already formed. But I must here enter somewhat more into detail, in order to explain the probable origin of the vascular bundles and epidermis. At a somewhat early period a stripe of more trans- parent cells is defined in the axis of the leaf which is in the act of formation, within which no more new ones are deve- loped, and these cells soon considerably exceed in size those of the remaining mass, which are constantly becoming smaller by continual division. These cells are the basis of the future vascular bundle which forms the midrib of the leaf; for whilst the parenchymatous cells subsequently expand in every direc- tion, these are developed in their longitudinal dimension only, and are thus enabled, although fewer in number, to follow the expansion of the other cells in the longitudinal direction of the leaf. It is not till a later period that these cells, in conse- quence of a difference in the depositions in their interior, be- come distinguished into spiral vessels and cells of the liber. The spiral vessels are always first perceptible in the newly- formed parts, and in the entire bud also, in the immediate neighbourhood of the old, previously-formed spiral vessels; and they proceed in this manner downwards from the stem into the new parts. I do not understand therefore what is intended when the fibres of the stem are regarded as descending from the buds; one might just as well conceive the river to run from the ocean to its source. A similar process occurs in the development of the side nerves of leaves. The formation of new cells generally ceases at an early period in the outermost layers of cells. The cells there are soon filled with a limpid fluid, and, by the expansion of the subjacent parenchyma, naturally become superficial, flat, and expanded. 256 CONTRIBUTIONS TO The cells of the vascular bundle and of the epidermis appear in this way to be less potentialized,—are as it were cells of lower dignity than those of the parenchyma; and perhaps this physiological peculiarity is connected with the fact, that they more rarely secrete peculiar chemical substances, but for the most part become thickened only by depositions within their walls of new vegetable fibrous (or more correctly membranous) substance. I cannot forbear venturmg some suggestions in this place, which are perhaps less closely con- nected with the subject of this memoir, but which may possibly at some future time be of importance for the understanding of the entire plant. Let us recapitulate the process of growth of the plant just now represented. A simple cell, the pollen-tube, is its first foundation. Within this, cells are generated; in them new cells are developed, and so forth, throughout the entire life. But here the above-mentioned mode of the origin of the vascular bundles and of the epidermis in relation to the paren- chyma would indicate, that the lower the dignity of the cell, the greater power does it possess, in the first place, of expand- ing and extending in length, and the less capacity does it possess, in the second place, of forming peculiar finer sub- stances in its interior. If now the potentialization (poten- zirung) of the cells proceed throughout the entire growth of the plant, there thence results a constantly advancing approxi- mation of organs otherwise kept asunder, and continually rising ennoblement of the substances developed in the cells. Conse- quently, the lower parts of the internodes will appear to be more elongated than the upper; the leaves and young shoots (summitates herbarum, Pharmacol.) to contain nobler saps than the stem; the members become shortened as they approach nearer to the upper terminal point of the plant, the leaves come closer together, and the result of the continually increasing potentialization of the cell, of the constantly dimi- nishing expansion in length, of the constantly advancing ap- proximation of the lateral organs, of the constantly rising ennoblement of the substances developed, is, finally, the flower in its individualised distinctness, with its splendour of colour, its perfume, and its mysterious capacity of determining, by means of its juices, a single cell to be developed afresh into an independent plant, and to pass anew though the same cycle. PHYTOGENESIS. 257 I return, after this digression, to my subject. So far I be- lieve I have demonstrated tolerably conclusively, and in accord- ance with nature, that the entire growth of the plant! consists only of a formation of cells within cells. Let us now pass on to the root. I can contribute but very little to the explana- tion of this part of the subject; for I have not as yet succeeded in arriving at any satisfactory result, from the somewhat limited researches which I have instituted ; for instance, I have been altogether unsuccessful in deciding the question as to whether a fluid is secreted at the extremity of the radicle, in which new cells are developed. On the other hand, it is certain that there exists in the extremity of the root a concavo-convex mass (a meniscus) of cellular tissue, in which the process of cell-formation takes place in the same manner as in the parts of the plants which grow in the ascending direction. » ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . ns mo ae i — =. : eet: EY e S te Fig. 1. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. SCHLEIDEN’S TREATISE. PLATE I. Cellular tissue from the embryo-sac of Chamedorea Schiedeana in the act of formation. a. The inner- most mass, consisting of gum with intermingled mucous granules and cytoblasts. 6. Newly formed cells, still soluble in distilled water. c-e. Further development of the cells, which, with the exception of the cytoblasts, may still coalesce, under slight pressure, into an amorphous mass. . The formative substance from fig. |, a, more highly magnified, gum, mucous granules, nuclei of the cytoblasts, and cytoblasts. . A single and as yet free cytoblast, still more highly magnified. . A cytoblast with the cell forming upon it. . The same, more highly magnified. . The same. The cytoblast here exhibits two nuclei, and is delineated in isolated after the destruction of the cell by pressure. . The same cellular tissue in a higher degree of deve- lopment than that represented by fig. 1, e. The contiguous cell-walls have already united. By making a transverse section, it may be distinctly perceived that the cytoblast is enclosed in the cell- wall. . Cells from a delicate transverse section of the almost matured albumen. 266 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 10. Common partition-wall between two cells from fig. 9, under a higher magnifying power. “The stratiform depositions may be observed at J, and the porous canals produced by their local failure at a. I could distinctly enumerate from nine to twelve layers which had been deposited within fourteen days. 11. A sporule from Rhizina levigata Fries, with the cytoblast. 12, 18, 14. Different cytoblasts from the embryo-sac of Pimelea drupacea before the appearance of cells. 15. A young cell with its cytoblast, from the same. The latter in this instance presents the unusual number of three nucleoli. 16. A portion of the embryonal end of the pollen-tube projecting from the ovulum in Orchis Morio, within which, towards the upper part, cells have been already developed. At the lower part, the original pollen-tube may still be distinguished. The almost globular cytoblasts are, in this instance, distinctly enclosed in the cell-wall. 17. Embryonal end of the pollen-tube from Linum pal- lescens, together with an appended lobule of the embryo-sac (a). The process of the formation of cells is commencing. Above, a young cell with its cytoblast is already perceptible, beneath this several cell-nuclei are seen floating free. 18, 19, 20. Commencing germination in the sporules of Marchantia polymorpha. Compare the text, p. 248. 21. Portions of the pollen-tube which have become cel- lular, from Orchis latifolia, in the highest stage of development ; the investment of the pollen-tube is no longer perceptible. The cytoblast is enclosed in the cell-wall, just as in fig. 16. 22 and 23. Two isolated cells from the terminal shoot (punctum vegetationis, Wolff) of Gasteria racemosa; 22 exhibits two free cytoblasts; 23, two newly- formed cells within the original cell. J, Schieiden, adnat delt EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 267 Fig. 24, A very young leaf of Crassula portulaca, the five cells which solely compose it being still surrounded by a parent-cell. 25. Three cells from an articulated hair of potato, with a retiform current of mucus upon their walls. In the central cell the direction of the currents is par- tially indicated by arrows. In all the instances in which I have observed the movements in the cells of phz- nogamous plants, I have constantly found the moving matter to consist of a yellowish mucous fluid, perfectly insoluble in distilled water, and mixed with minute black granules, but differing entirely from the other aqueous sap of the cells; and even when the currents were so small as to appear merely as excessively minute delicate lines of black points, I sueceeded with higher magnifying powers in distinguishing the yellowish mucous fluid, especially when aided by the favorable circumstance (which not unfrequently occurs) of the current becoming arrested by some impedi- ment, which causes a somewhat larger quantity of the moving material to accumu- late, and is generally followed either by a change in the direction, or a division of the current. PLATE II. Fig. J. Cells from the epidermis of the pericarp of Ocymum _ basilicum, moistened with water, so that the mucous globule has expanded, and torn the outer cell-wall (a) from the side walls (4). 2. Cells from the pericarp of the epidermis of Ziziphora dasyantha. 3. Cells from the pericarp of the epidermis of Salvia ver- ticillata. 4. Cells from the pericarp of the epidermis of Salvia Horminum. 5. Cells from the pericarp of the epidermis of Salvia Spielmanni. 2, 3, 4 and 5, a, exhibit the remains of the side-walls of the ruptured cells. 6. A portion of the epidermis (a) and of the integument (2) of the ovule of Collomia coccinea. 'The epidermis- cells contain merely granules of starch. 268 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 7. The epidermis-cells of the half-ripe seed of the same plant, for the most part containing gum; at a, some still undecomposed starch. 8. The same cells from the same seed nearly ripe. Beau- tiful spiral fibres have been formed from the con- tents, which are entirely consumed. 9. Cells of the epidermis of the seed of Leptosiphon andro- saceum, moistened with water, so that the cone of jelly has come forth. a. The remains of the cell- walls. 10. Cells from the epidermis of the seed of Hydrocharis Morsus rane. In the lower part of the cells, where they are connected together, the spiral coils take a direction different from that in the upper and free part. For the figures in Plate II consult the text, pp. 243-6. THE END. C. AND J. 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