, UK H 1^0 • • . • ••• I • • •• • , •SUfli ': . • ' ' '•' - . I] ! SnH BH ' •is • . : 8 1 ^•^H I I • • ' 1] i .. Ill illi un m i CD THE MICROTOMIST'S VADE-MECUM FIRST EDITION SECOND Do. THIRD Do. FOURTH Do. FIFTH Do. SIXTH Do. SEVENTH Do. MARCH, 1885. APRIL, 1890. SEPTEMBER, 1893. SEPTEMBER, 1896. JUNE, 1900. JUNE, 1905. AUGUST, 1913. T H E MICKOTOMIST'S VADE-MECUM A HANDBOOK OF THE METHODS OF MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY BY A1ITHUH BOLLES LEK SEVENTH EDITION PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET 1913 3 PRINTED IN KNOLANJ). PREFACE. AN important improvement in histological technique, made known since the publication of the last Edition, has been effected by GILSON'S new mounting media. For these media — camsal balsam and euparal — afford a ready and safe means of mounting direct from alcohol, without the intervention of essential oils or other clearing agents, which are often contra- indicated; and of conferring on unstained or insufficiently stained elements just the required degree of visibility, thus enabling us to see details which are invisible in the usual mounts. Some important improvements have also been made in the silver fibril stains of BIELSCHOWSKY and RAMON Y CAJAL, which have now become less capriciotis methods for the study of neurofibrils, and valuable aids to the study of other objects. I have given these methods at length, abstracting the whole of RAMON'S methods from the latest original source. The sec- tions relating to neurofibrils are thus almost entirely re-written, and so are those relating to blood and blood-parasites. If these are the only novelties of much importance that have offered themselves, yet I have found a large amount of less important matter that it has seemed desirable to include (the Index shows more than 700 new entries). I have been able to find room for this, without increasing the size of the book, partly by striking out some superfluous matter (mostly of merely theoretical interest), and partly by rigorous con- densation of the text and not a little typographical compres- sion. To my satisfaction I find that this condensation and compression is not to be regretted, for the text has in many VI PREFACE. places thereby become easier to understand, and information desired at any time will be more readily found than before. I have been careful not to carry the typographical com- pression so far as to make the text trying to the eyes. BAUGY. sun CLARENS, SWITZERLAND; August. ll>13. CONTENTS. PAR,T I. PAGE CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER II. KILLING ........ 12 CHAPTER III. FIXING AND HARDENING . .19 CHAPTER IV. FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS; MINERAL ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS ... . 28 CHAPTER V. FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS; CHLORIDES, ORGANIC ACIDS AND OTHERS ...... 45 CHAPTER VI. DE-ALCOHOLISATION AND CLEARING AGENTS . 68 CHAPTER VII. IMBEDDING METHODS — INTRODUCTION . 75 CHAPTER VIII. IMBEDDING METHODS : PARAFFIN AND OTHER FUSION MASSES . 81 Paraffin, 81 ; Gelatin, 100. Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER IX. COLLODION (CELLOIDIN) AND OTHER IMBEDDING METHODS . 10:2 Collodion or Celloidin, 102 ; other Cold Masses, 115 ; Grind- ing Masses, 115 ; Freezing, 117. CHAPTER X. SERIAL SECTION MOUNTING ..... 119 Methods for Paraffin Sections, 119; Methods for Watery Sections, 125 ; Methods for Celloidin Sections, 125. CHAPTER XI. STAINING 129 CHAPTER XII. CARMINE AND COCHINEAL STAINS . . . 141 Theory of Carmine Staining, 141 ; Aqueous Carmines. Acid. 142 ; -Neutral and Alkaline, 146 ; Alcoholic Carmines and Cochineals. 148. CHAPTER XIII. H/EMATEIN (H^MATOXYLIN) STAINS . 152 Theory of Staining with Hsematoxylin, 152 ; Iron-hsematein Lakes, 155 ; Alumimum-haematein Lakes, 159 ; other Hosiua- te'in Compounds, 165. CHAPTER XIV. NUCLEAR STAINS WITH COAL-TAR DYES . . 169 Progressive Stains, 170 ; Regressive Stains, 173. CHAPTER XV. PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAR DYES . 182 CHAPTER XVI. METHYLEN BLUE 199 CHAPTER XVII. METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION METHODS) . 212 Silver, 214; Gold, 218; other Metallic Stains, 226. CONTENTS. ix • PAGE CHAPTER XVIII. OTHER STAINS AND COMBINATIONS .... 228 Other Organic Stains, 228 ; Carmine Combinations, 229 ; Hsematem Combinations, 231. CHAPTER XIX. EXAMINATION AND PRESERVATION MEDIA . . . 234 Aqueous Liquids, 235 ; Mercurial Liquids, 239 ; other Fluids, 239 ; Glycerin Media, 241 ; Jellies, 242 ; High Refractive Liquids, 243 ; Resinous Media, 244. CHAPTER XX. CEMENTS AND VARNISHES .... 249 PART II. SPECIAL METHODS AND EXAMPLES. CHAPTER XXI. INJECTIONS : GELATIN MASSES (WARM) .... 257 Carmine, 259 ; Blue, 261 ; other Colours, 262. CHAPTER XXII. INJECTIONS: OTHER MASSES (COLD) .... 264 CHAPTER XXIII. MACERATION, DIGESTION, AND CORROSION . . . 270 Maceration, 270 ; Digestion, 276 ; Corrosion, 277. CHAPTER XXIV. DECALCIFICATION, DESILICIFICATION, AND BLEACHING . 279 Decalcification, 279 ; Desilicification, 283 ; Bleaching, 284. CHAPTER XXV. EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS ...... 287 Mammalia, 291; Aves, 295; Reptilia, 299; Amphibia, 300; Pisces, 303; Tunicata, 306; Bryozoa, 308; Mollusca, 307; Arthropoda, 309 ; Verrnes, 314. CHAPTER XXVI. CYTOLOGICAL METHODS . . . . . .317 b X CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER XXVII. TEGUMENTARY ORGANS ...... 331 CHAPTER XX YIII. MUSCLE AND TENDON (NERVE-ENDINGS) .... 337 Striated Muscle, 337 ; Electric Organs, 339 ; Tendon, 340 ; Smooth Muscle, 341. CHAPTER XXIX. Connective Tissue, 344 ; Elastic, 346 ; Plasma Cells, 349 ; Fat, 351 ; Bone and Cartilage, 353. CHAPTER XXX. BLOOD AND G-LANDS ....... 359 Blood, 359 ; Glands, 368. CHAPTER XXXI. NERVOUS SYSTEM : GENERAL METHODS . . 373 « CHAPTER XXXII. NERVOUS SYSTEM : CYTOLOGICAL METHODS . . . 386 Cells, 386 ; Cells and Fibres, 389 ; Medullary Sheath, 404. ^ CHAPTER XXXIII. MYELIN STAINS (WEIGERT AND OTHERS) .... 407 CHAPTER XXXIV. AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDRITE STAINS (GOLGI AND OTHERS) . 419 CHAPTER XXXV. NEUROGLIA AND SENSE ORGANS ..... 438 Neuroglia, 438 ; Retina, 442 ; Inner Ear, 445. CHAPTER XXXVI. METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES ..... 448 Tunicata, 448; Molluscoida, 449 ; Mollusca, 449 ; Arthropoda, 454; Vernies, 458; Echinoderinata, 467 ; Coelenterata, 470 ; Porifera, 474 ; Protozoa, 475. APPENDIX 484 THE MICROTOMIST'S VADE-MECUM. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. The General Method.- -The methods of modern microscopic anatomy may be roughly classed as General and Special. There is a General or Normal method which consists in care- fully fixing the structures to 'be examined, staining them with a nuclear stain, dehydrating with alcohol, and mounting series of sections of the structnres in balsam. It is by this method that the work is blocked out and very often finished. Special points are then studied, if necessary, by Special Methods, such as examination of the living tissue elements, in situ or in " indifferent " media; fixation with special fixing agents ; staining with special stains ; dissociation by teasing or maceration ; injection ; impregnation ; and the like. There is a further distinction which may be made, and which may help to simplify matters. The processes of the preparation of tissues may be divided into two stages, Pre- liminary Preparation and Ulterior Preparation. Now the processes of preliminary preparation are essentially identical in all the methods, essential divergences being only found in the details of ulterior preparation. By preliminary prepara- tion is meant that group of processes whose object it is to get the tissues into a fit state for passing unharmed through all the ulterior processes to which it may be desired to submit them. It comprehends the operations of (1) killing; (2) fixing ; (3) the washing and other manipulations necessary for removing the fixing agent from the tissues, and substi- 1 2 CHAPTER I. tuting for it the preservative liquid or other reagents which it is desired to employ. Ulterior preparation comprehends the processes sketched out in §§ 3 et seq. 2. Preliminary Preparation. ---The first thing to be done with any structure is to fix its histological elements. (This state- ment applies equally to all classes of objects, whether it be desired to cut them into sections or to treat them in any other special way.) Two things are implied by the word " fixing" : first, the rapid killing of the element,, so that it may not have time to change the form it had during life, but is fixed in death in the attitude it normally had during life; and second, the hardening of it to such a degree as may enable it to resist without further change of form the action of the re- agents with which it may subsequently be treated. Without good fixation it is impossible to get good stains or good sections, or preparations good in any way. The structure having been duly fixed by one of the pro- cesses described in the chapter on Fixing Agents, is, except in special cases, icashed in order to remove from the tissues as far as possible all traces of the fixing reagent. The kind of liquid with which washing out is done is not a matter of indifference. If corrosive sublimate (for instance), or osmic acid, or a solution into which chromic acid or a chromate enters, have been used for fixing, the washing may be done with water. But if certain other agents, such as picric acid, have been used, the washing should be done with alcohol. The reason of this difference is that the first-named reagents (and, indeed, all the compounds of the heavy metals used for fixing) enter into a state of chemical combination with the elements of tissues, rendering them insoluble in water; so that the hardening induced by these agents is not removed by subsequent treatment with water. Picric acid, on the other hand, produces only a very slight hardening of the tissues, so that the tissue elements are left in a state in which they are obnoxious to all the hurtful effects of water. Alcohol should therefore be taken to remove the picric acid and to effect the necessary hardening at the same time. These operations having been duly performed, two roads become open. The object may be further prepared by what may be termed the wet method, in which all subsequent operations are performed by means of aqueous media. Or it may be further prepared by the dehydration method, which consists in treatment with successive alcohols of gradually INTRODUCTORY. increasing strength, final dehydration with absolute alcohol., imbibition with an essential oil or other so called clearing d'jent whicli serves to remove the alcohol, and lastly either mounting at once in balsam or other resinous medium or imbedding in paraffin for the purpose of making sections. The dehydration method is the course which is generally preferred, chiefly because of its great superiority as regards the preservation of tissues. For the presence of water is the most important factor in the conditions that bring about the decomposition of organic matter, and its complete removal is the chief condition of permanent preservation. 3. Dehydration. — The further course of preparation by the dehydration method is as follows : — At the same time that the superfluous fixing agent is being removed from the tissues, or as soon as that is done, the ivater of the tissues must be removed. This is necessary for two reasons : first, in the interest of preservation, as above explained ; and secondly, because all water must be removed in order to allow the tissues to be impregnated with the imbedding material necessary for section-cutting, or with the balsam with which they are to be finally preserved. This dehydration is per- formed as follows :- -The objects are brought into weak alcohol, and are then passed through successive alcohols of gradually increased strength, remaining in each the time necessary for complete saturation, and the last bath consisting of absolute or at least very strong alcohol. In dealing with delicate objects, it may be necessary to take special precautions in order to avoid injury to them through the violent diffusion-currents that are set up in the passage from water to alcohol, or from one bath of alcohol to another of considerably different density. Some kind of diffusion-apparatus may conveniently be used in these cases. The objects may be placed with some of their liquid in a tube corked at one end and closed at the other by a diaphragm of muslin or chamois skin or other suitable membrane, the tube being then immersed in a vessel containing the grade of alcohol that it is desired to add to the liquid in the tube, and the whole allowed to remain until by diffusion through the diaphragm the two liquids have become of equal density. Or, COBB'S differentiator (Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W., v, 1890, p. 157; Journ. Eoy. Mlc. Soc., 1890, p. 821) may be employed. Or, the apparatus of HASWELL (Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W., vi, 1891, p. 433; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1892, p. 696). Or that of CHEATLE, described in Journ. Pathol. and Bacteriol., i, 1892, p. 253, or Journ. Roy. Hie. Soc., 4 CHAPTER I. 1892, p. SiL*. See also SCHULTZE (Zeit. wiss. A//A-.. ii, 1885. p. 537) ; ami SUSUKI. //,/), a type of sliding microtomes in which the knife is clamped at both ends and is a fixture, the object being carried on a sledge and moved against it (CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT COMPANY'S large microtome, the MINOT precision microtome, LEITZ'S, DE G-BOOT'S, JUNG'S " Tetrauder." This last seems to be near perfection ; see the description by MAYER in Zeit. iri*s. Nik., xxvii, 1910, p. 52 ; but is more cumbrous than is desirable for ordinary work. Class A also includes some instruments in which the knife is carried on a horizontal arm and swung against the object by a rotary movement (JuNG, ROY, FKOMMU, REICHERT, TITATK, and others). I know nothing of these personally, but doubt their constant accuracy. Class B contains some very fine instruments, admirably INTPxODUCTORY. 11 adapted for the production of continuous ribbons of sections by the paraffin method, but not so well adapted for celloidin or other work in the wet way, or for soft objects. Amongst these are the Rocking Microtome, made by THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT Co., Cambridge, or by SWIFT & SON, or by JUNG, or by VAN DER STAD, Amsterdam ; the MINOT, made by BAUSCH & LOMB, or by BECKER (Gottingen), or by Zimmer- mann (21, Emilienstrasse, Leipzig) ; the REINHOLD-GILTAY, made by J. W. GILTAY, Delft. For descriptions of the multitudinous models on the market see the reports in the Zeit. ?nW. MiJc. and Joimi. Roy. Micr. Soc,, and the price lists of the instrument makers. 11. Staining Reagents and Chemicals. --Yon are not likely to succeed in staining, especially in staining with coal-tar colours, unless yon see to it that you are working with chemicals of the proper quality. You cannot ensure this by going to a generally trustworthy house for chemical products — at all events, not in the case of coal-tar colours. It is not sufficient that these should be what they are commercially described to be ; they may be pure, and yet not give good stains. They must (in the case of coal-tar colours, at all events) be the identical products used in their work by the authors who have described and recommended them (see the note on the numerous safranins in the market, s. v. Safra- nin). I therefore advise the reader to get his reagents — at all events his dyes — from the well-known chemists GKUBLER & HOLLBORN, who have specialised in the matter. They may be ordered from the price list, or by quoting the numbers of the formula in this work. The address is : G. GRUBLER & HOLLBORN, Chemiker, Leipzig, Germany. Their preparations can be obtained in London from Mr. CHARLES BAKER, 244, High Holborn, W.C., or H. F. ANGUS & Co., 83, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square. (Both of these firms also supply the microtomes and accessory apparatus of the best makers, bacteriological apparatus, etc.) Griibler & Hollborn's pre- parations can be obtained in the States from EIMER & AMEND, 205-211, Third Avenue, New York; PAUL WEISS, Optician, 1620, Arapahoe Street, Denver, Colorado ; and EDWARD P. DOLBEY & Co., 3613, Woodland Avenue, Phila- delphia. CHAPTER IT. KILLING. 12. IN the majority of cases, the first step in the prepara- tion of an organ or organism consists in exposing it as rapidly and as completely as possible to the action of one of the Fixing Agents that are discussed in the next chapter. The organ or organism is thus taken in the normal living state ; the fixing agent serves to bring about at the same time, and with sufficient rapidity, both the death of the organism and that of its histological elements. But this method is by no means applicable to all cases. There are many animals, especially such as are of a soft con- sistence, and deprived of any rigid skeleton, but possessing" a considerable faculty of contractility, which if thus treated contract violently, and die in a state of contraction that renders them unfit for study. In these cases special methods of killing must be resorted to. Speaking generally, there are two ways of dealing with these difficult cases. You may kill the animal so suddenly that it has not time to contract : or you may paralyse it by narcotics before killing it. Sudden Killing. 13. Heat.--The application of Heat affords a means of killing suddenly. By it the tissues are more or less fixed at the same time that somatic death is brought about. The difficulty consists in hitting off the right temperature, which is of course different for different objects. I think that 80° to 90° C. will generally be amply sufficient, and that very frequently it will not be necessaiy to go beyond 60 C. An exposure to h<\'il for a few seconds will generally suffice. Small objects (Proto/oa, H ydrokls. Bryo/oa) may l>e brought into a KILL INC. 13 drop of water in a watch-glass or on a slide, and heated over the name of a spirit-lamp. For large objects, the water or other liquid employed as the vehicle of the heat may be heated beforehand and the animals thrown into it. As soon as it is supposed that the protoplasm of the tissues is coagu- lated throughout, the animals should be brought into alcohol (30 to 70 per cent, alcohol) (if water be employed as the heating agent). An excellent plan for preparing many marine animals is to kill them in hot, fresh-water. Some of the larger Nemertians are better preserved by this method than by any other with which I am acquainted. 14. Slowly Contracting Animals. — Animals that contract but slowly, sucli as Alcyonium and Veretillum, and some Tunicates, such as Pyrosoma, arc very well killed by throw- ing them into some very quickly acting fixing liquid, either used hot or cold. Glacial or very strong acetic acid (VAN BENEDEN'S method) is an excellent reagent for this purpose ; it may be used, for example, with some Medusae. After an immersion of a few seconds or a few minutes, according to the size of the animals, they should be brought into alcohol of at least 50 per cent, strength. Lemon, juice employed in this way has given me very good results with small Annelids and Hirudinea. Corrosive sublimate is another excellent reagent for this purpose. Narcotisation. 15. Narcotisation is performed by adding some anaesthetic substance very gradually, in very small doses, to the water containing the animals, and waiting patiently for it to take effect slowly. The Tobacco-smoke Method for Actinia1, of Lo BIANCO (Jen« Zeit. Nalurw., Bd. xiii, 1870, p. 467 ; Mitth. Zool Stat. JVeajjrZ, Bel. ix, 1890, p. 499), is : — A dish containing the animals in water is covered with a bell-glass, under which passes a curved glass or rubber tube, which dips into the water. Tobacco smoke is blown into the water for some time through the tube, and the animals are then left for some hours overnight. As soon as it is observed that the contraction of a tentacle does not begin until a considerable time after it has been irritated by a needle, a quantity of some fixing liquid sufficient to kill the animals before they have time to contract is added to the water. 16. Nicotin in solution may be used (ANDKES, Atti E. Accad. dei Lined, v, 1880, p. 9). Andres employs a solution of 14 CHAPTER H. 1 gramme of nicotin in a litre of sea water. The animal is placed in a jar containing half a litre of sea water, and the solution of nicotin is gradually conducted into it by means of a thread, acting as a syphon, of such a thickness as to be capable of carrying over the whole of the solution of nicotin in twenty-four hours. See also Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapvl, Bd. ii, 1880, p. 123. 17. Chloroform may be employed either in the liquid state or in the state of vapour. The animals being extended, a watch-glass containing chloroform may be floated on the surface of the water in which they are contained, and the whole covered with a bell-glass. As soon as they have become insensible they are killed by means of hot sublimate or chromic acid solution plentifully poured on to them. (KOROTNEFF, Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapd, \, 1884, p. 233). Liquid chloroform is employed by squirting it in small quantities on to the surface of the water containing the animals. A syringe or pipette having a very small orifice, so as to thoroughly pulverise the chloroform, should be employed. Small quantities only should be projected at a time, and the dose should be repeated every five minutes until the animals are anaesthetised. I have seen large Medusas very completely anassthetised in extension in an hour or two by this method. ANDRES finds that it does not succeed with Actinia^, as with them maceration of the tissues supervenes before anaasthesia is established. PREYER (Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, Bd. vii, 1886, p. 27) recommends chloroform water for star-fishes. WADDINGTON employs a mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent. sol. of cocaine (or eucain) and saturated sol. of chloro- form in water (sea or fresh), according to the habitat. 18. Ether and Alcohol may be administered in the same way. ANDRES has obtained good results with Actinias by the use of a mixture (invented by SALVATORE LO BIANCO) containing 20 parts of glycerine, 40 parts of 70 per cent, alcohol, and 40 parts of sea water. This mixture should be carefully poured on to the surface of the water containing the animals, and allowed to diffuse quietly through it. Several hours are sometimes necessary for this. 15 EISIG (Fa ana u. Flora Golf. Neapel, 16, 1887, p. 239) benumbs Capitellidse by putting them into a mixture of one part of 70 per cent, alcohol with 9 parts of sea water. OESTERGREN (Zeit. iviss. Mik.j xix, 1903, p. 300) makes a saturated (7 to 8 per cent.) solution of ether in sea or soft water, and uses it either concentrated or diluted to about 1 per cent., and finds it to succeed with all classes of aquatic animals. CORI (Zeit. u'iss. Mik.} vi, 1890, p. 438) recommends a mixture composed of 10 c.c. methyl-alcohol (of 96 per cent, strength), 90 c.c. water (fresh or sea water), and 0'6 grin, of sodium chloride (to be added only when fresh water is taken, the addition of the salt having for its object to prevent maceration). It may be well to add to this mixture a very few drops of chloroform (for Crivtatella ; Zc.it. iciss. Zool., Iv, 1893, p. 626). 19. Chloreton (Aceton Chloroform) is recommended for inver- tebrates and larvas of Rana by RANDOLPH (Zool. An?.., xxiii, 1900, p. 436). KRECKER (Zeit. iviss. Zool., xcv, 1910, 'p. 383) takes solutions of 4- to 1 per cent, for Oliffochasta. / O 1. SULIMA (Zeit. Biol. Techn., Strasburg, i, 1909, p. 379) takes a mixture of 99 parts of sea water and 1 of 10 per cent. sol. of chloreton in absolute alcohol, for Scy Ilium and Anguilla. 20. Hydrate of Chloral. — FOETTJNGER (Arch, de Biol.., vi, 1885, p. 115) operates by dropping crystals of chloral into the water containing the animals. For Alcyonella he takes 25 to 80 centigrammes of chloral for each hundred grammes of water. It takes about three-quarters of an hoar to render a colony sufficiently insensible. He has obtained satisfactory results with marine and fresh-water Bryozoa, with Annelida, Mollusca, Nemertians, Actinias, and with Aster acanthion. He did not succeed with Hydroids. Lo BIANCO (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, Bd. ix, 18'JO, p. 442) employs for various marine animals freshly prepared solutions of chloral in sea water, of from one tenth to one fifth per cent, strength. I have never had the slightest success with Nemertians. VERWORN (Zeit. wiss. Zool., xlvi, 1887, p. 99) puts Cristatdla for a 16 HIALTKU II. few minutes into 10 per cent, solution of chloral, in which the animals sooner or later become extended. KUKENTHAL (Jena Zt'it. Nttturiv., Bd. xx, 1887, p. 511; has obtained good results with some Annelids by means of a solution of one part of chloral in IGOO parts of sea water. The chloral method gives rises to maceration with sonic1 subjects, as I can testify, and has been said to distort nuclear figures. 21. Cocaine (RICHARDS, Zoul. Anz., 196, 1885, p. 332).- Richards puts a colony of Bryozoa into a watch-glass with 5 c.c. of water, and adds gradually 1 per cent, solution of hydrochlorate of cocaine in water. After five minutes the animals are somewhat numbed, and half a cubic centimetre of the solution is added; and ten minutes later the animals should be found to be dead in a state of extension. This method is stated to succeed with Bryozoa, Hydra, and certain worms. It is the best method for Rotifers (ROUSSELET). It has also been recommended for Aplysia. It has been pointed out (by Com, in the paper quoted § 18) that, unfortunately, when fixing agents, such as sublimate solution, are added to the animals, the cocaine is thrown down, on them as a white precipitate. This precipitate, however, may be redissolved afterwards in alcohol (Eisio). Cocaine solutions cannot be depended 011 to keep for more than a few days. 22. Eucain. HARRIS (Journ. Roy. Hie. Soc., 1900, p. 404) recommends a 1 per cent, solution of eucain hydrocliloride, as giving far better results, with Vorticellida3, Rotatoria, and Vermes. ROUSSELET (ibid.) reports favourably as to its action on Flosculariae. It is stated to be perfectly stable in aqueous media. It dissolves in sea water to about 0'5 per cent. 23. Hydroxylamin.— HOPER (Zeit. wis*. Mil;., vii, 18110, p. 318). Either the sulphate or, preferably, the hydrochlorate may be used. This should be dissolved in water (spring or sea water, according to the habitat) and exactly neutralised by addition of carbonate of soda. The organisms are placed in a solution diluted to about O'l per cent., for thirty minutes or less (as for Infusoria), to 0'25 per cent., for from fifteen minutes to one hour (Hydra), 1 per cent., one half to two hours (Hirudo), or as much as ten to twenty hours (Helix im be washed out with alcohol, or at least with some hardening liquid, whilst those that have "been fixed with osmic or chromic acid, or with one of the other compounds of tin- heavy metals, re-quire in general to be washed out with water. Sublimate, however, is best washed out with alcohol. Qse It'l'i ml ijnatitih'i'N of liquid for washing. Change the liquid as often as it becomes turbid, if that should happen. The process of washing out is greatly facilitated by lie at. Picric acid, for instance, is nearly twice as soluble in alcohol warmed to J-0 ' V. as in alcohol at the normal temperature (Fol). 32. Fixation of Marine Animals. - The tissues of marine onjuiiixinx are as a general rule more refractory to the action of reagents than those of corresponding fresh-water or terres- trial forms,, and fixing solutions should in consequence be stronger (about two to three times). Marine animals ought to be freed from the sea water adhe- rent to their surface before treating them either with alcohol or any fixing reagent that precipitates the salts of sea water. If this be not done, the precipitated salts will form on the -nrfaces of the organisms a crust that prevents the penetra- tion of reagents to the interior. Fixing solutions for marine organisms should therefore be such as serve to keep in a state of solution, and finally remove, the salts in question. If alcohol be employed, it should be acidified with hydro- chloric or some other appropriate acid. Picro-nitric acid is a fixing reagent that fulfils the conditions here spoken of. (On this subject see MAYER, in Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ii (1881), p. 1, et seq.) 33. Hardening. --The process of hardening is distinguished from that of fixing as being directed to the attainment of a degree of consistency sufficient to allow of soft tissues being cut into sections without imbedding. It is an after-process, and only ranks as a xj>ccial method. Methods of imbedding have now been brought to such a degree of perfection that the thorough hardening of soft tissues that was formerly necessary in order to cut thin FIXING AND HARDENING. 27 sections from them is, in the majority of cases,, no longer necessary. But there are some exceptions. Such are, for instance, the cases in which it is desired to cut very large sections, such as sections of the entire human brain. The reagents employed for hardening are for the most part of the same nature as those employed for fixing. J>ut it does not follow that all fixing agents can be employed for hardening. Corrosive sublimate, for instance, would be most inappropriate as a hardening agent. 34. The Practice of Hardening. — Employ in general a rela- tively large volume of hardening liquid, and change it very frequently. If the volume of liquid be insufficient, its com- position will soon became seriously altered by the diffusion into it of the soluble substances of the tissues ; and the result may be a macerating instead of a hardening liquid. Further, as soon as, in consequence of this diffusion, the liquid has acquired a composition similar in respect of the proportions of colloids and crystalloids contained in it to that of the liquids of the tissues, osmotic equilibrium will become established, and diffusion will cease ; that is to say, the hardening liquid will cease to penetrate. This means, of course, maceration of internal parts. On the other hand, it appears that a certain slight proportion of colloids in the hardening liquid is favourable to the desired reaction, as it gives a better consistency to tl^e tissues by preventing them from becoming brittle. Hence the utility of employing a certain proportion of hardening agent. Hardening had better be done in tall cylindrical vessels, the objects being suspended by a thread, or muslin bag, or otherwise, at the top of the liquid. This has the advantage of allowing diffusion to take place as freely as possible, whilst any precipitates that may form fall harmlessly to the bottom ; or, they may be laid on a layer of cotton-wool, or filter-paper, or spun glass. In general, begin hardening with a weak reagent, increasing the strength gradually, as fast as the tissues acquire a con- sistence that enables them to support a more energetic action of the reagent. Let the objects be removed from the hardening fluid as soon as they have acquired the desired consistency. CHAPTKK [V. FIXIV. \M» HAKIM-NIX'! A< ; KX TS — MIN K K A !, A('II»S AND TIIK1K SAI/IS. 35. Osmic Acid. --The tetroxide uf osniiiuii (OsOJ is the sub- stance commonly known as osmic acid, though it does not possess acid properties. It is extremely volatile, and in the lonn «>t' an aqueous solution become partially reduced with irivat readiness in presence of the slightest contaminating particle of organic matter. It is generally believed that the a<' ((Ixolntrl/i dcnli'd access to (Item. The solution of osmic acid in chromic acid solution is nut, like the solution in pure water, easily reducible, but may be kept without any special precautions. I therefore keep the bulk of -my osmium in the shape of a 2 per cent, solution of "-mic acid in 1 per cent, aqueous chromic acid solution. This solution serves for fixation by osmium vapours, and for making up solution of Flemming, which is the form in which osmium is most generally employed. A small quantity of "sniic acid may also be made up in 1 per cent, solution in distilled water, and kept in a drop-bottle with grooved stopper, from which quantities can be obtained when required without removing the stopper. Coin (Zcit. wiss. Mile., vi, 1890, p. 442) finds that solutions in distilled water keep perfectly if there be added to them enough permanganate of potassium to give a very slight rosy tint to the liquid. From time to time, as the solution '"•'•oines colourless, further small quantities of the salt should be added, so as to keep up the rosy tint. l>rs('H finds (hat the addition of sodium iodate hinders reduction (Ni-nrol. Centralb., xvii, 1SD8, p. 476). PlNTNEE finds that a slight addition of corrosive sublimate FIXINO AND TTAllPRNINfl AGENTS. lias the same effect, e.g. ten drops of 5 per cent, solution of sublimate added to 100 c.c. of 1 per cent, solution of osmic acid. For the so-called "regeneration3 of reduced solutions, see previous editions. Osmic acid is found in commerce in the solid form in sealed tubes. The assigned weights should be checked, as they may vary greatly (this does not apply to the tubes sent out by Griibler and Hollborn, or Kahlbaum). Fixation by flie Vapours. — This is indicated in most of the cases in which it is possible to expose the tissues directly to the action of the vapour. The tissues are pinned out on a cork, which must fit well into a wide-mouthed bottle in which is contained a little solid osmic acid (or 1 per cent, solution will do). Very small objects, such as isolated cells, are simply placed on a slide, which is inverted over the mouth of the bottle. They remain there until they begin to turn brown (isolated cells will generally be found to be sufficiently fixed in thirty seconds : whilst in order to fix the deeper layers of relatively thick objects, such as retina, an exposure of several hours may be desirable). It is well to wash the objects with water before staining, but a very slight washing will suffice. For staining, methyl-green may be recommended for objects destined for study in an aqueous medium, and, for permanent preparations, alum-carmine, picrocarmine, or hrematoxylin. In researches on nuclei, it may be useful to employ the vapours of a freshly prepared mixture of osmic and formic or acetic acid (Gilson, La Cellule, i, 1885, p. 96). An apparatus for conveniently employing the vapours is described by ANDREWS (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xiv, 1898, p. 448). The reasons for preferring fixation by the vapour are that osmic acid is more highly penetrating in vapour than in solution ; that the arduous washing out required by the solutions is done away Avith ; and that all possibility of deformation through osmosis is eliminated. Fixation by Solutions. — Osmic acid is now very seldom used pure in the shape of . solutions. When, however, it is so employed it is used in strengths varying from ^ per cent, to 1 per cent. I should say myself that, as a rule, not BO rHAPTKn IV. than 0-1 per cent., and ucrrr more than 0'5 per cent.,, should he u>ed. On account of it- feeble penetrating power the objects to IK- fixed should In- n* small as possible. A little acetic or formic acid (0'5 to 1 per cent.) may irem-rally with advantage be added to the solutions just before using. The solutions should be kept protected from the light during the immersion of tissues. (This precaution is not necessary if Flemming's or Hermann's solution be used). If the immersion is to be a long one the tissues must be placed with the solution in well-closed vessels. The objects 7iiay be deemed to be fixed as soon as they have become brown throughout. After-Treatment.- -The excess of osmic acid must be well washed out before proceeding to any further steps in preparation ; water should be used for washing. Notwith- standing the greatest care in soaking', it frequently happens that some of the acid remains in the tissues, and causes them to blacken in time, and in any case hinders staining. To obviate this blackening it has been advised to wash them out in ammonia-carmine or picro-carmine (not very effectual) , or to soak them for twenty-four hours in a solution of bichro- mate of potash (Midler's solution or Erlicki's will do), or in ()••") per cent, solution of chromic acid, or in Merkel's solution. The treatment with bichromate solutions has the great advantage of highly facilitating staining with carmine or hasmatoxylin. Max Schultze recommended washing, and mounting permanently in acetate of potash. Fol, treatment with a weak solution of carbonate of ammonia. But the best plan of all is to properly bleach the preparations (see ' Bleaching"). This may be done by means of peroxide of liyy hindering its too rapid n in the tissues ensures a more energetic action in the deeper layers. II-- a. Ids ;; percent, of sodium iodate to a 1 per cent. hit ion <•!' osmic acid. UNNA (M>nmh,-lir. jn-al-f. 7Vu//.. xxvi. ls!»8, p. 602) adds 1 per cent. of alum to a 1 per cent, solution. For some mixtures of KOLOSSOW, W// . /.. or Z> if. wiss. J\lil-r.. v. 1888, p. 51, and ix, 1892, p. 39. 37. Chromic Acid. — Chromic anhydride, Cr03, is found in commerce in the form of red crystals that dissolve readily in water, forming chromic acid,, H^CrO^. These crystals are very deliquescent, and it is therefore well to keep the acid in stock- in the shape of a 1 per cent, solution. Care must he taken not to allow the crystals to be contaminated by organic matter, in the presence of which the anhydride is readily reduced into sesqnioxide. Chromic acid is generally employed in aqueous solution. Some observers (KLEIN; URBAN PRITC HARD; PERENYI) havere- commended alcoholic solutions; but this is evidently irrational. For in the presence of alcohol chromic acid has a great tendency to become reduced to chromous oxide or sesquioxide, neither of which appears to have any fixing power. The most useful strengths in which it is employed in aqueous solution are from O'l to I'O per cent, for a period of immersion of a few hours (structure of cells and ova). For nerve tissues weaker solutions are taken, -%-$ to -J- per cent, for a few hours. Stronger solutions, such as 5 per cent., should only he allowed to act for a few seconds. Washing out.— The general practice is to wash out very thoroughly with water (by preference running water, for many hours), before bringing into alcohol or any staining liquid. For if the objects are put direct into alcohol it is found that after a short time a fine precipitate is thrown down on the surface of the preparations, thus forming an obstacle to the further penetration of the alcohol. Previous washing l,v walei- docs not prevent the formation of this precipitate, and changing tlie alcohol does not prevent it FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 33 from forming again and again. It has, however, been found by HANS YIRCHOW (Arch. inik. Anat., xxiv, 1885, p. 117) that it may be entirely prevented by simply keeping the prepara- tions in the dark. The alcohol becomes yellow as usual (and should be changed as often as this takes place), but no precipitate is formed. If this precaution be taken, previous washing with water may be omitted, or at all events greatly abridged. MAYER (Grundzuge, 1st eel., p. 28) proceeds as follows: — The fixed material is merely rinsed in water and brought direct into 70 per cent, alcohol. It is washed therein, pre- ferably in the dark, until after several changes the alcohol remains colourless. It is then either passed through higher alcohols and imbedded in paraffin, the chromous oxide (or whatever chrome compound it may be that is present in the tissues) being removed from the sections after these are made ; or this necessary removal is performed at once. If this be preferred, the material is brought into sulphuric acid diluted with twenty volumes of water, or into nitric acid diluted with ten volumes of water. After at most a few hours therein, it will have become of a light greyish green, and on removal of the acid may be readily stained. If it be preferred to treat the sections, it is sufficient to put them into the usual hydrochloric acid alcohol (four to six drops of HC1 to 100 c.c. of 70 per cent, alcohol), in which after a short time they become almost white, and will stain excellently with any of the usual stains. So also EDINGER (Zeit. wivs. Mils., i, 1884, p. 126; nitric acid 1 : 20 for five minutes). UNNA (Arch. mi~k. Anat.} xxx, 1887, p. 47) holds that the chrome is present in the tissues in the form of chromic chromate, and removes it by treatment with peroxide of hydrogen. OVERTON (Zeit. u-iss. Mih., vii, 1890, p. 9) employs a weak solution of sulphurous acid, which converts it into a sulphate. See also the directions for bleaching osmic acid preparations, § 35. Tissues that have been fixed in chromic acid may be stained in aqueous solutions, as water does not have an injurious effect on them. The best stain for chromic material that has not been treated by Mayer's special process, or by a similar one, is hgematoxylin, or, for sections, the basic tar colours. 3 :} 1 CHAPTER IV. Chromic acid is not a very penetrating reagent, and for tliis reason, as well as for others, is now seldom used pure for fi,t'iuij. Fur jtrulongt'd harJt'iiiug it is generally employed in Mivnmlis of % per cent, to i per cent., the immersion lasting a few days or a few weeks, according to the size and nature of the object. Mucous membrane, for instance, will harden .satisfactorily in a few days; brain will require some six weeks. Large quantities of the solution must be taken (at least 200 grammes for a piece of tissue of 1 centimetre cube — 1 Janvier). In order to obtain the best results you should not employ portions of tissue of more than an inch cube. For a human spinal cord you should take two litres of solution, and change it for fresh after a few days. Six weeks or two months are necessary to complete the hardening. I think it is frequently useful to add a little glycerin • there is less brittleness. The solution should be taken weak at first, and the strength increased after a time. The objects should be removed from the solution as soon as they have acquired the desired con- sistency, as if left too long they will become brittle. They may be preserved till wanted in alcohol (95 per cent.). It is well to wash them out in water for twenty-four or forty-eight hours before putting them into the alcohol. After a time they generally become green in the alcohol. They may be bleached if desired. Chromic acid is a most powerful and rapid hardening agent. (By it you may obtain in a few days a degree of hardening that you would hardly obtain in as many weeks with bichromate, for instance.) It has the defect of a great tendency to cause brittleness. 38. Chromic Acid and Alcohol (URBAN PRITCHARD, Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., 1873, p. 427).— Chromic acid, 1 part ; water, 20 parts ; rectified spirit, 180 parts. For hardening such tissues as retina, cochlea, etc, A mixture of 2 parts of A per cent, chromic acid solution with 1 part <>t' methylated spirit was once much used by KLEIN (Quart. Journ. Mic Sci, 1878, p. 315). these niixiuivs are irrational (see § 37). A still more irrational FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 35 mixture witf1 oxalic acid lias been propounded by GRAF (Cont. Path. Inst. New York State Hosp., 1898, No. 15; see Grundzilge, 4th ed., p. 34). 39. Chromo-acetic Acid (FLEMMLNG, Zellsbz., Kern. u. Zellth., p. 382). Chromic acid . . 0'2 to 0'25 per cent. Acetic acid . .0*1 per cent, in water. Flemming found this the best reagent for the study of the achromatic elements of karyokinesis. You can stain with hasmatoxylin, or the basic aniliu dyes. The following has been recommended for Annelids by EHLERS : — To 100 c.c. of chromic acid of 0*5 to 1 per cent, add from 1 to 5 drops of glacial acetic acid. The acetic acid is said to be sufficient to counteract any shrinkage due to the chromic acid. Similar to this is the " chromo-acetic acid, No. 1," of Lo BIANCO (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ix, 1890, p. 443), viz. 1 part 50 per cent, acetic acid and 20 parts 1 per cent, chromic acid, which is found very useful for fixing marine animals. 40. Chromo-formic Acid (RABL, Morph. Jahrb., x, 1884, pp. 215, 216). — Four or five drops of concentrated formic acid are added to 200 c.c. of 0*33 per cent, chromic acid solution. The mixture must be freshly prepared at the instant of using. Fix for twelve to twenty-four hours, wash out with water. Used by Rabl for the study of karyo- kinesis. 41. Chromo-osmic Acid (MAX FLESCH, Arch. mik. Anat., xvi, 1879, p. 300). — Osmic acid. 010 ; chromic acid, 0'25 ; water, lOO'O. Lo BIANCO (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel., ix, 1890, p. 443) employs for marine animals a mixture of 1 part 1 per cent, osmic acid and 50 parts 1 per cent, chromic acid. 42. Chromo-aceto-osmic Acid (FLEMMING, Zellaubstanz, Kern und Zelltheilung , 1882, p. 381). FIRST or WEAK formula: Chromic acid. . . 0*25 per cent. Osmic acid . . . O'l „ -in water. Glacial acetic acid . .0*1 „ MEVES (Encycl. inikr. Techn., 1, p. 475) sometimes adds 1 per cent, of sodium chloride. ( IIATTKE IV. FOL (Lchrb. r flu study of nuclei. But, duly corrected with acetic acid, it affords a correct and fine fixation of nuclei; whilst pro- FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 41 serving hyaloplasm and its inclusions, secretions, etc., much better than chromic acid. For an elaborate study of the action of chrome salts on nucleus and cytoplasm, see BUECKHAEDT, La Cellule, xii, 1897, p. 335. He finds that the bichromates of sodium, ammonium, magnesium, strontium, and zinc have the same destructive action on nuclei that the bichromate of potassium has ; but that the bichromates of barium, calcium, and copper have not. He concludes that acetic add ought always to be added, not only to ensure the correct fixation of nuclei, but also to enhance penetration and the good preservation of cytoplasm. The following is recommended by him as a good combina- tion for the fixation both of cytoplasm and nucleus : Bichromate of barium, 4 per cent, solution . 60 vols. Bichromate of potassium, 5 per cent, solution oO „ Glacial acetic acid . . . . 5 „ (Instead of the barium you may take 4 per cent, solution of bichromate of calcium, or 6 per cent, solution of bichromate of copper.) For the demonstration of the achromatic figure of cell division he recommends — Chromic acid, 1 per cent, solution . . 60 vols. Bichromate of potassium, 5 per cent, solution 30 ,, Glacial acetic acid . . . . 5 „ 51. Bichromate of Potash. — Perhaps the most important of all known hardening agents, sensu slricto. It hardens slowly, much more so than chromic acid, but it gives an incom- parably better consistency to the tissues. They may remain almost indefinitely exposed to its action without much hurt. The strength of the solutions employed is from 2 to 5 per cent. As with chromic acid, it is extremely important to begin with weak solutions and proceed gradually to stronger ones. About three weeks will be necessary for hardening a sheep's eye in solutions gradually raised from 2 to 4 per cent. Spinal cord requires from three to six weeks ; a brain at least as many months. After hardening, the objects should be well soaked out in water before being put into alcohol, or be treated as directed for chromic acid, § 37. They had better be kept in the dark when in alcohol (see § 37). (Bomi and OPPEL [Taschenlucli , Jl! rilA 3 Auf., 1890, p. 22] fix in the dark.) If yon icixh to have a q,md xtain ;/•//// carmine you should not put the objects into alcoliul at all, fi'mut«' ol.j.'cts liave an ugly yellow colour which cannot be re- .l l.y mere soaking in water. It is said that it can be removed by washing for a lV\v minutes in a 1 per cent, solution of chloral hydrate. Prof. GILSON writes me that alcoholic solution of sulphurous anhy- dride (SO.j) is very convenient for the rapid decoloration of bichromate <>l.jiTt>. A few drops suffice. See also § 37, and " Bleaching." To facilitate staining with haematoxylin, WOLFF (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, .'.. l^'.'i*. p. 311) first stains in Boehmer's hsematoxylin for twenty-four hours, and then for a few minutes in the same haematoxylin to which has been added 1 drop per watch-glassful of 5 per cent, solution of oxalic acid. The simple aqueous solution of bichromate is hardly to be recommended as a fixing agent, because not only does it not preserve nuclei properly, but also because it penetrates very slowly. The first of these defects may be overcome entirely, the second to some extent by addition of acetic acid ; whence the liquid of TELLYESNICZKY, next §. 52. Acetic Bichromate (TELLYESNICZKY, Arch. mil-. An at., lii, 1889, p. 242) Bichromate ..... 3 grms. Glacial acetic acid . . . . 5 c.c. Water ...... 100 „ Smaller objects to remain in the fluid for one or two days, larger ones longer. Wash well in plenty of water, and pass through alcohols of increasing strength, beginning with 15 per cent. Mixtures of bichromate with osniic acid have been given above, §§ 43 and 44. 53. MULLER'S Solution.- Bichromate of potash . . . 2-2 J parts. Sulphate of soda .... 1 part. Water ...... 100 parts. The duration of the reaction is about the same as with the simple solution of chromic salt. FIXING AND HARDKN1NG AGENTS. 43 Kecent authors find the action of this liquid to be identical with that of plain bichromate, and doubt whether the sulphate in it has any effect whatever as regards its harden- ing properties. Fol says that for mammalian embryos, for which it has been recommended, it is worthless. 54. ERLICKI'S Solution (Warschaiter med. Zeit., xxii, Nos. 15 and 18; Progrcs Medical, 1897, No. 31). — Bichromate of potash . . 2'5 parts. Sulphate of copper . . I'O part. Water . . . 10OO parts. Here the addition of the cupric sulphate is intelligible, for this salt is itself a hardening agent of some energy. As a matter of fact, " Erlicki ' hardens very much more rapidly than either simple bichromate or Muller's solution. A spinal cord may be hardened in it in four days at the temperature of an incubator, and in ten days at the normal temperature (FoL, Lclirb. d. vcrgl. mik. Anat., p. 106). Human embryos of several months may be conveniently hardened in it. Nerve-centres that "have been hardened in Erlicki's fluid frequently contain dark spots~with irregular prolongations, simulating ganglion- cells. These are now known to consist of precipitates formed by the fluid. They may be removed by washing with hot water, or with water slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid, or by treating the specimens with 0'5 per cent, chromic acid before putting them into alcohol (TSCHISCH, Virchow's Arch., Bd. xcvii, p. 173 ; EDINGEE, Zeit. wiss. Mile., ii, p. 245 ; LOEWENTHAL, Rev. med. de la Suisse romande, 6me annee, i, p. 20). 55. KULTSCHITZKY'S Solution (Zeit wiss. Mik., iv, 1887. p. 348). — A saturated solution of bichromate of potash and sulphate of copper in 50 per cent, alcohol, to which is added at the instant of using a little acetic acid, five or six drops per 100 c.c. To make the solution, add the finely powdered salts to the alcohol in excess, and leave them together in total darkness, for twenty-four hours. Fix for twelve to twenty-four hours in the dark. Then treat with strong alcohol for twelve to twenty-four hours. 56. Dekhuyzen's Liquids (C. -B. Acad. Sci., cxxxvii, 1903, pp. 415 and 445). — (A) 250 c.c. of 2'5 per cent. sol. of bichromate in sea-water, 25 c.c. of 6'3 per cent, nitric acid, and 54 c.c. of 2 per cent, osniic acid. For general use with marine animals. (B) 1731 c.c. of the bichromate sol. and 26'9 of 2 per cent. sol. of osniic acid. For objects containing calcareous elements that it is desired to preserve. These liquids are stated to be isotonic with sea-water. 41- i HAPTER IV. 57. Bichromate and Sublimate (KuLTSCHiTZKY, Arcli.f. mik. Anat., xlix. 1*!'7. p. *-.— Tw.i parts bichromate. £ part corrosive sublimate, "•" part- i! P.T c.-nt. art-tic add. and 50 parts 96 per cent, alcohol. The mixture should be tilt -red after twenty-four hours. Tissues of verte- brates may ivmain in it for four to six days. LAVDOWSKY (Zeit. iviss. M'l:.. xvii. l!'in». p. :'>•>! i. takes :>ays that it penetrates so me \vhat more rapidly, and hardens some- what more slowly. It should be employed in somewhat stronger solu- tions, up to •"» per cent. 59. Neutral Chromate of Ammonia is preferred by some. It is used in the same strength as the bichromate. Klein has recommended it for intestine, which it hardens, in 5 per cent, solution, in twenty -four hours. 60. Bichromate of Calcium. SONNENBEODT (Arch. mikr. Anat., Ixxii, 1908. p. 416), fixes ovaries of Gallus in 20 parts of 2 per cent, sol. of calcium bichromate with 10 of 2 per cent. sol. of sublimate and 1 of acetic acid. 61. Bichromates and Alcohol. — Mixtures of bichromate of potash or ammonia with alcohol may be employed, and have a more rapid action than the aqueous solution. Thus HAMILTON takes for hardening brain a mixture of 1 part methylated spirits with three parts of solution of Miiller; see also KULTSCHITZKY'S Mixture, ante, §55). Preparations should be kept in the dark during the process of hardening in these mixtures. 62. Sulphurous Acid.— WADDINGTON (Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1883, p. 185) uses a saturated solution of sulphurous acid in alcohol for fixing infusoria. OVERTON (Zeit. u'iss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 9) uses the vapours of an aqueous solution for fixing algae. CHAPTER V. FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. CHLORIDES, ORGANIC ACIDS, AND OTHERS. Chlorides. 63. Bichloride of Mercury (Corrosive Sublimate).— Corrosive sublimate is soluble in about sixteen parts of cold and three of boiling distilled water. It is more soluble in alcohol (1:3) or in ether (1:4) than in water. Its solubility in all these menstrua is augmented by the addition of hydrochloric acid, ammonious chloride, or camphor. With sodium chloride it forms a more easily soluble double salt; hence sea-water may dissolve over 15 per cent. The simple aqueous solutions should always be made with distilled — not spring — water. The HgCl2 in them is partly split up by hydrolysis into Cl, H, and (HgCl).-,, or HgClOH (see Chem. Centralb., 1904, i, p. 571 ; the statements of MANN [MeihodSj pp. 22, 77] are incorrect). These solutions should give an acid reaction with litmus paper, whilst those made with strong sodium chloride solution are neutral. For fixing, corrosive sublimate may be used pure ; but in most cases a finer fixation will be obtained if it be acidified with acetic acid, say about 1 per cent, of the glacial acid. I find that a saturated solution in 5 per cent, glacial acetic acid is a very good formula for marine animals ; for others I should take the acid weaker. KAISER'S solution consists of 10 g. sublimate, 3 g. glacial acetic acid, and 300 g. distilled water (from Zeit. iciss. Mik., xi, p. 378). VAN BENEDEN has used a saturated solution in 25 per cent, acetic acid, and Lo BIANCO (Mitth. Zool Stat. Neapel, ix, 1890, p. 443) a mixture of 2 parts saturated solution with 1 part of 49 per cent, acetic acid. It is sometimes advisable to take the most concentrated 40 CHAPTER V. solution obtainnl)le. For some very contractile forms (coral polypes, Planaria), a concentrated solution in warm or even boiling water should be employed. For Arthropoda alcoholic solutions are frequently indicated. Delicate objects, however, mav require treatment with weak solutions. Objects should in all cases be removed from the fixing bath a* muni a* //'•'/; that is, as soon as they are seen to have become opaque throughout, which may be in a few minutes or even seconds. Wash out with water or alcohol. Alcohol is almost always preferable. Alcohol of about 70 per cent, may be taken, and (MAYER, Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Phy*., iv, 1887, p. 43) a little tincture of iodine may be added to the liquid, either alcohol or water, used for washing, enough to make it of a good port-wine colour, and the mixture be changed until it no longer becomes discoloured by the objects. APATHY (Mikrotechnik, p. 148) takes a 0*5 per cent, solution of iodine in strong alcohol, leaves the objects in. it (suspended) until they have become of about the colour of the solution, and then washes for twenty-four hours in pure alcohol. In obstinate cases solution of iodine in iodide of potassium (e. g. LUGOL'S) may be taken. MAYER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 28) makes it by dissolving 5 grammes of iodide of potassium in 5 c.c. of distilled water and mixing this with a solution of 0'5 gramme of iodine in 45 c.c. of 90 per cent, alcohol, but seldom uses the mixture concentrated, merely adding as much of it as is required to the alcohol or water containing the objects. The important point is, that the iodine and iodide be em- ployed together. The iodine may be washed out in obstinate cases with magnesia water. Similarly APATHY (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel xii 1897, pp. 729, 730). It has been objected to this process that iodine in potassic iodide pre- cipitates corrosive sublimate instead of dissolving it. That is true, but the precipitate is soluble in excess of the precipitant. The iodide of potassium process should be employed with care, for the iodide may partly redissolve the precipitated compounds formed by the sublimate with the albuminoids, etc., of the tissues, and it may be well not to begin adding the iodine till the objects have been brought into fairly strong alcohol, 70 or 80 per cent. It is important that the sublimate be thoroughly removed from the tissues, otherwise they become brittle, and will not stain so well. They will also become brittle if they are kept Iniiir in alcohol. FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 47 It may happen that if the extraction of the excess of sub- limate from the tissues in bulk has been insufficient, crystals may form in the sections after they have been mounted in balsam. This may easily be prevented by treating the sections themselves with tincture of iodine for a quarter of an hour before mounting. Some workers hold that this does away with the necessity of treating the tissues in bulk with iodine, which is frequently a very long process. Thus, MANN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1894, p. 479 j prefers treating the sections rather than the tissues in bulk, on the ground that the iodine makes them soft, so that they shrink on coming into paraffin. SCHAPEE (Anat. Anz.} xiii, 1897, p. 463), however, has shown that neglect to extract the sublimate from the tissues in bulk may give birth to serious artefacts, which appear to arise during the imbedding process. So also LOYEZ (Arch. Anat. Micr., viii, 1905, p. 71). HEIDENHAIN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxv, 1909, p. 398) removes the iodine from sections by means of sodium thiosulphate. You may stain in any way you like. Carmine stains are peculiarly brilliant after sublimate. The solutions must not be touched with iron or steel, as these produce precipitates that may hurt the preparations. To manipulate the objects, wood, glass or platinum may be used ; for dissecting them, hedgehog spines, or quill pens, or cactus spines. When properly employed, sublimate is for general work undoubtedly a most useful fixing agent. It is applicable to most classes of objects. It is perhaps less applicable, in the pure form, to Arthropods, as it possesses no great power of penetrating chitin. For cytological work it is, according to my experience, not to be trusted, and only to be recom- mended where more precise fixing agents are counter-indi- cated by reason of their lack of penetration, or the like. Amongst other defects it has that of frequently causing very serious shrinkage of cells. 64. Sublimate with Salt. — A solution containing 5 g. sublimate, 0*5 g. sodium chloride, and 100 c.c. water has been quoted as " solution of GATJLE." A one-half per cent, aqueous solution of sodium chloride saturated whilst hot with sublimate was much recommended by HI:M>I:NHAIN (Fertschrift f, Koellilcer, 1892, p. 109), CHAPTEIi V. The addition of sodium chloride allows a stronger solution to be • •btaiiK'd than can be made with pnre water, and also, it is stated, • •nhances the p.-u.-t rati< >n of the sul .limate. But the fixation-precipitates 29) t'..rm»'«l by the double salt are (according to SPULER, EncycL in Ik. T- <•]< ,<,'!:.. p. 1^7 J-i for the most part soluble in water, thus giving rise to preservation. tod (i. e. over 20 per cent.) solution in sea-water is recom- for some marine animals. STOELZNER (Zrif. wise. Mil-r.. xxiii, 1906, p. 25) recommends saturated solution of sublimate in sugar solution of 4A per cent., as isotonic (for warm-blooded animals). Liquid of Lang (Zool. Anzeiger, 1878, i, p. 14). — For Planar let.— Distilled water .... 100. Chloride of sodium . . . 6 to 10. Acetic acid . . . . 6 to 8. Bichloride of mercury . . 3 to 12. (Alum, in some cases . . £.) 65. Alcoholic Solutions. — APATHY (Mikrotechnik, p. HI) recommends a solution of 3 to 4 grammes of sublimate and 0'5 gramme sodium chloride in 100 c.c. of 50 per c'LMit. alcohol, for general purposes. OHLMACHER (Joum. Exper. Medicine, ii, 6, 1897, p. 671) takes- Absolute alcohol ...... 80 parts. Chloroform . . . . . . . 15 ,, Glacial acetic acid . . . . . 5 ,, Sublimate to saturation (about 20 per cent.). " Ordinary pieces " of tissue are sufficiently fixed in fifteen to thirty minutes. Entire human cerebral hemispheres, subdivided by Meynert's section, take eighteen to twenty -four hours. For liquids containing a much higher proportion of acetic acid, see Acetic Alcohol. 66. Aceton Solution.— HELD (Arch. Anat. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1897, p. 227), fixes nerve-tissue in a 1 per cent, solution of sublimate in 40 per cent, aceton, and washes out through increasingly concentrated grades of aceton. 67. Phenol Solution.— PAPPENHEIM (Arch. Path. Anat., civil, 1899, p. 23) shakes up carbolic acid with aqueous sublimate solution and filters. 68. Ciaccio (Arch. Ital. Anat. Embr., vi, 1907, p. 486) has an irrational mixture of sublimate, iodine, and formol. 69. Mercuro-nitric Mixtures.— FRENZEL (Arch. mik. Anat., xxvi, 1885, p. 232) recommends a half-satnrnted solution of FJXING AND HARDENING AGKNTS. 49 sublimate in 80 per cent, alcohol, to which is added nitric acid in the proportion of 1 drop to 1 c.c. or 2 c.c. Objects of the size of a pea to be fixed in it for five or ten minutes, then hardened in the same sublimate alcohol without the acid, and finally in 90 per cent, alcohol. It is said that the nitric acid renders after-treatment with iodine unnecessary. GTILSON'S Mixture (GILSON, in litt. 1895). Nitric acid of 46° strength (this would be sp. gr. 1*456, or 80 per cent., nearly) . . . .15 c.c. Glacial acetic acid . . 4 „ Corrosive sublimate . . .20 grm. 60 per cent, alcohol . . . 100 c.c. Distilled water .... 880 ,, When required for marine animals add a few crystals of iodine, which will prevent the formation of precipitates of sea salts. If in any case the preparations should show a granular precipitate, this may be removed by washing with water containing a little tincture of iodine. I find that it affords in general a faithful and delicate fixation, and gives to tissues an excellent consistency. Objects may remain in it for a considerable time without hurt. It has a high degree of penetration. A treatment for a few days with it will serve to remove the albumen from the ova of Batrachians. This liquid may le recom- mended to beginners, as it is very easy to work with. For some objects, as I found, the proportion of sublimate may be increased with advantage. KOSTANECKI and SIEDLECKI (Arch, mil: Anat., xlviii, 1896, p. 181) take a mixture of saturated sublimate solution and 3 per cent, nitric acid in equal parts, or a mixture of equal parts of sublimate solution, 3 per cent, nitric acid, and absolute alcohol, fix for twenty- four hours, and wash out in iodine-alcohol. PETRUNKEWITSCH (Zool. Jahrb. Abtli. Morj>U.} xiv, 1901, p. 576) takes water 300, absolute alcohol 200, glacial acetic acid 90, nitric acid 10, and sublimate to saturation. Both this and Gilson's have been much used lately. 70. Picro-sublimate Mixtures. — RABL'S (Zeit u-iss. Mil:, xi, 1894, p. 165). Sublimate, saturated solution in water, 1 4 CHAl'TEK V. vol. ; a similar solution of picric acid, 1 vol. ; distilled _ vols. Kmbrvos may be left in it for twelve hours fur two hours in water, and brought into weak alcohol. MANN > «»/». cit.. \\. 1S!».">, p. -ISO).— 1 per cent, of picric acid with or without 1 per cent, of tannin in a saturated solution of sublimate in normal >alt .solution. The same author's Alcoholic Picro-sublimate (Anat. Anz.,vm, 1893, pp. 441 — 443) consists of absolute alcohol 100 c.c., picric acid 4 grins., -ul'limate lo gnus., tannin (J to 8 grins. The tannin is added in order to prevent excessive hardening. PACAUT (Arch. Anat. Micr., viii, 1906, p. 438), takes 200 parts of saturated solution of sublimate and picric acid, 6 of 3 per cent, platinum chloride, and 5 cf 16£ per cent, solution of chromic acid. 0. vom RATH (Anat. Anz.y xi, 1895, p. 268) takes cold saturated solution of picric acid, 1 part ; hot saturated solution of sublimate, 1 part ; glacial acetic acid, i to 1 per cent. Also the same with the addition of 10 per cent, of 2 per cent, osmic acid solution. FISH (Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., xvii, 1896, p. 143) takes 1 litre of water, 1 g. picric acid, 5 g. sublimate, and 10 g. acetic acid. LENHOSSEK (Intern. Monaischr. Anat. Pliys., xxiv, 1907, p. 293) takes saturated sublimate 75 c.c., acetic acid 5, 50 per cent, alcohol 25, and picric acid to saturation. 71. Osmio-sublimate Mixtures.- -MANN'S (Zeit. u-iss. Mik.,xi, 1894, p. 481) consists of a freshly prepared mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent, osmic acid solution and saturated solution -of sublimate in normal salt solution (for nerve- centres). DINNER'S (Jena: Zeit. Naturw., xxviii, 1894, p. 294) con- sists of 1 part of 1 per cent, osmic acid solution added to 20 parts of a solution of 5 per cent, each of sublimate and glacial acetic acid in water. 0. vom HATH'S, see last §. 72. Chromo-sublimate.— Lo BIANCO (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ix, 3, 1890, p. 443). Concentrated sublimate solu- tion, 100 parts, 1 per cent, chromic acid, 50 parts. MANN (Verh. Anat. Ges., 12, 1898, p. 39) takes for nerve-cells equal parts of 5 per cent, sublimate and 5 per cent, chromic acid. 73. Sublimate and Bichromate.— ZENKER'S Mixture (Miinchener FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 51 med. Wochenschr., 24, 1894, p. 534 ; quoted from MERCIEK, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 4, 1894, p. 471). Five per cent, of sublimate and 5 per cent, of glacial acetic acid dissolved in solution of MULLER. Fix for several hours, wash out with water, treat the tissues in bulk, or the sections with alcohol containing tincture of iodine. See also RETTERER, Joum. Anat. Phi/s., xxxiii, 1897, p. 463, and xxxvii, 1901, p. 480. If the objects be allowed to remain too long in the fluid there may be formed precipitates, which it is very difficult to remove. SPULER (Encyd. mik. Technik., 1st edition, p. 1280) says that they may be avoided by removing the objects as soon as penetrated, and completing the hardening in liquid of MULLER. DAHLGREN'S modification, consisting of equal parts of Mailer's solution and saturated sublimate solution with 5 per cent, of glacial acetic acid, gives fewer precipitates (SPULER, I. c.). HELLY (Zeit. iviss. Mik., xx, 1904, p. 413) omits the acetic acid, and adds, immediately before use, 5 per cent, of formol. MAXIMOW (ib., xxvi, 1909, p. 179) adds 10 per cent, of formol and sometimes 10 per cent, of osmic acid of 2 per cent, (fix in the dark). FOA (Quart. Joum. Mic. Scl., 1895, p. 287) takes equal parts of saturated solution of sublimate in normal salt solution, and of liquid of Miiller, or 5 per cent, solution of bichromate. BENSLEY (Proc. Canadian Inst., v, 1897, p. 77; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xvii, 1900, p. 233) takes equal parts of saturated solution of sublimate in 96 per cent, alcohol and 2 per cent, solution of bichromate in water. Wash out in 50 per cent, alcohol. HOYER (Arch. Mikr. Anat., liv, 1899, p. 97) takes 1 part 5 per cent. sublimate and 2 of 3 per cent, bichromate. KOHN (ib., Ixx., 1907, p. 273) takes 5 parts 5 per cent, sublimate, 15 parts 3 1 per cent, bichromate, and 1 part acetic acid. ARNOLD (Arch. Zellforsch., iii, 1909, p. 433) takes 2'5 parts bichromate, 1 of cupric sulphate, 10 of acetic acid, and 100 of saturated solution of sublimate. 74. Sublamin (Ethylendiamin Sulphate of Mercury) is recom- mended in 5 per cent, solution by KLINGMULLER and VEIEL, Zeit. iviss. Mikr., xxi, 1904, p. 58. 75. Platinum Chloride. — The substance used and intended by the authors who have recommended this reagent is not the 52 rll.UTKK V. true platinic chloride, or tetrachloride, TtCl^ but the com- pound 1UU'1G, that is, platinochloric, or hydro-chloro- ])latiuic acid, by custom called platinum chloride. It occurs Li-,. \vn-ivd crystals, easily soluble in water and very di'li»iiK'seLMit. l-'or this reason it had better be stocked in tlu- f< 'i-m of a 10 per cent, solution, kept in the dark (weak solutions— 0'5 per cent.— may be kept in the light). It appears that some authors have stated that they were osine I'lutinous chloride. PtClo, but that is not possible, as .""* A <•- this salt is not soluble in water. RABL (Mor^li. Jahrb., x, 1884, p. 216) employed an aqueous solution of 1'300. The objects remained in it for _' 4 hours, and were then washed out with water. Well- washed preparations give good chromatin stains with the "basic" tar colours; but I find, as do others, that plasma- staining with the " acid ' colours is rendered extremely difficult. It causes a certain shrinkage of chromatin. It is now almost always employed in the form of mixtures. For these see §§ 44, 45, 49, 76, as well as the mixtures given under PICRIC ACID and FOKMOL. 76. RABL (Zeit. iviss. Mikr., xi, 1894, p. 165) takes for embryos of vertebrates, and also for other objects, 1 vol. of 1 per cent, platinum chloride, 1 of saturated sublimate, and 2 of water. LENHOSSEK (Arch. Mikr. Anat., li, 1898, p. 220) takes 20 parts of 1 per cent, platinum chloride, 20 of 5 per cent, sublimate, and 1 of acetic acid. 77. Palladium Chloride (SCHULZE, Arch. mik. Anat., in, 1867, p. 477). — Used hy Sclmlze as a hardening agent in a 1 : 800 solution, acidified with hydrochloric acid. CATTANEO has used it in solutions of T300, T600, or 1'SOO strength, for from one to two minutes, for Infusoria. FRENKEL (Anat. Anz., viii, 1893, p. 538) recommends for connective tissue a mixture of 15 parts 1 per cent, palladium chloride, 5 parts 2 per cent. Y"!S. saturated aqueous solution of sublimate, one of absolute ;i]r.,hol, ainl one of glacial acetic acid. 87. Trichlor-acetic Acid (HOLMGREN, Anat. Hefte, xviii, 1901, H. •"• per cent, solution in water. Fix (nerve-cells) for 8 to 24 hours, \v;isli (nit with alcohol. See also HEIDENHAIN, Zei.t. wiss. Mikr., xxii, l!'i>~'. p. :!•_'!. and xxv, 1909, p. 405, who makes a mixture of 6 per cent, sublimate solution with 2 per cent, of trichlor-acetic and 1 per cent, of acetic acid, which he calls " Subtriessig." 88. Trichlor-lactic Acid (HOLMGREN, Anat. Anz.,-xx, 1902, p. 435). As the last. Gives rise to serious swelling. 89. Salicylic Acid (HEIDENHAIN, Arch. mik. Anat., Kv, 1899, p. Saturated solution in one-third alcohol. A trial has given me -imply atrocious results. 90. Chloride and Acetate of Copper (Ripart et Petit' s Liquid, CAT:\OY, La Biologie Cellulaire, p. 94). — Camphor water (not saturated) . 75 grms. Distilled water . . . .75 Crystallised acetic acid . . .1 gnn. Acetate of copper . . . 0'30 „ Chloride of copper . . . O30 „ This is a very moderate and delicate fixative, extremely useful for objects that are to be studied in as fresh a state as possible in ac, neons media. Objects fixed in it stain instan- taneously and pcrl'ccily with methyl green. Osmic acid ln:'.v '"' :"|(1(1(1 f" the liquid to increase the fixing action. For cytological researches a valuable medium.' FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 57 91. Nitrate of Copper (GiLSON, from GELDERD, La Cellule, xxv, 1909, p. 12). -Nitrate of copper 200, forniol 500, sea-water 200. Seven parts of this solution to be diluted with 100 of sea- water. For Crustacea. 92. Acetate of Uranium (SCHENK, Mitth. Emlnjol. List. Wien, 1882, p. 95 ; cf. GILSON, La Cellule, i, 1885, p. 141) has a mild fixing action, and a high degree of penetration, and may be combined with methyl green. FRIEDENTHA.L (Sitzb. Ges. Nat. Fi-eiinde Berlin, 1907, p. 209) recom- mends equal parts of saturated solution of the acetate and trichlor- acetic acid of 50 per cent. 93. Picric Acid. — Picric acid in aqueous solution should be employed in the form of a strong solution whenever it is desired to make sections or other preparations of tissues with the elements in situ, as weak solutions macerate; but for dissociation preparations or the fixation of isolated cells, weak solutions may be taken. Flemming finds that the fixation of nuclear figures is equally good with strong or weak solutions. The saturated solution is the one most employed. (One part of picric acid dissolves in about 86 parts of water at 15° C. ; in hot water it is very much more soluble.) Objects should remain in it for from a few seconds to twenty-four hours, according to their size. For Infusoria one to at most two minutes will suffice, whilst objects of a thickness of several millimetres require several hours. Picric acid should always be washed out with alcohol, that of 70 per cent, being mostly indicated. Staining should be performed by means of alcoholic solutions, or if with aqueous, then with such as are themselves weak hardening agents, such as haemal um, carmalum, methyl green. Washing out is facilitated by heat, the extraction being about twice as rapid at 40° C. as at the normal temperature (FOL). It has been found by JELINEK (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1894, p. 242) that the extraction is greatly quickened by the addition of a base to the wash-alcohol, He recommends carbonate of lithia. A few drops of a saturated solution of the salt in water are added to the alcohol ; a precipitate is formed. The objects are put into the turbid alcohol, which becomes clear and yellow in proportion as the picrin is extracted. Further quantities of carbonate are added from time to time until the colour has been entirely extracted. ('IIAFTEK V. Tissues iixed in picric acid can be perfectly stained in any stain. It is seldom necessary to remove the picric acid by \\a-liiiiLr «'iit before staining. Paracarmine, Borax- carniini', «>r Ila-inacalcium may be recommended for entire objects. Tin- m<>st important property of picric acid is its great ]M-iK'trati<>n. This renders it peculiarly suitable for the parution of chitinous structures. 94. Picric Alcohol (GAGE, Proc. Amer. Soc. Micr., 1890, p. 120).- Alc. .lid /!'•"> per cent.). 250 parts ; water, 250 parts; picric acid, 1 part. 95. Picro-acetic Acid. — BOVERI (Zellenstudien, 1, 1887, p. 11) dilutes a «•< 'iic.-ut rated aqueous solution of picric acid with two volumes of water and adds 1 per cent, of acetic acid. According to my experience, the r- --nits are miserable. ZIMMER'S mixture (from DEEGENER, Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Morph., xxvii, 1!M>«», p. (i:M). — Saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, 10 parts; abso- lute alcohol, 9; acetic acid, 1. 96. Picro-sulphuric Acid (KLEINENBERG, Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., April. 1879. p. 208; MAYER, Mitt. Zool, Slat. Neapel, ii, 1880, p. 2).- MAYER takes distilled water, 100 vols. ; sulphuric acid, 2 vols. ; picric acid, as much as will dissolve. Liquid of KLEINENBERG is made by diluting the concentrated picro- snlphuric acid prepared as above with three times its volume of water. I hold that the concentrated solution is generally preferable. This particularly applies to marine organisms. Wash out with successive alcohols, beginning with 70 per cent., never with water. }\'t. 100. 85 6-56 80 13-79 6-83 75 21-89 14-48 7-20 70 31-05 23-14 15-35 764 65 4T53 33-03 24-66 16-37 8-15 60 53-65 44-48 35-41 26-47 17-58 8-76 55 67-87 57-90 4807 38-32 28-63 1902 9-47 50 8471 73-90 63-04 52-43 41-73 31-25 20-47 10-35 45 105-34 93-30 81-38 69-54 57 78 46 09 34-46 2290 11-41 40 130-80 117-34 104-01 90-76 77-58 64-48 51-43 38-46 25-55 35 163-28 148-01 13288 117-82 102-84 8793 73-08 58-31 4359 30 2< »() 22 188-57 !7l-( 5 153-61 136-04 118.94 10171 ! 84-54 67-45 A I / ' ^ k I 1 S~l I TCI t~ltri *~K«-» r< -I I ¥T i" /-7^*/-. ^. 7.7, . - 1 , „ i. „ FIXING AND HARDENING AGKNTS. 61 for instance, easily oxidises it, first into aldehyde, and then into acetic acid. It follows that alcohol should not be com- bined in mixtures with oxidising agents of notable energy. Further, alcohol is a reducing agent, and therefore should not be combined with easily reducible substances. These remarks particularly apply to chromic acid, see §§ 37, 38, 48. For fixing, alcohol is a very third-class reagent, only to be used alone where better ones cannot be conveniently employed, though it enters as a useful ingredient into many mixtures, in which it serves to enhance the power of pene- tration. For hardening it is an important one. 90 to 95 per cent, is the most generally useful strength. Weaker alcohol, down to 70 per cent., is often indicated. Absolute alcohol is seldom advisable. You ought to begin with weak, and proceed gradually to stronger, alcohol. Large quantities of alcohol should be taken. The alcohol should be frequently changed, or the tissue should be suspended near the top of it (§ 31). Many weeks may be necessary for hardening large specimens. Small pieces of permeable tissue, such as mucous membrane, may be sufficiently hardened in twenty-four hours. 103. Absolute Alcohol. — This is sometimes valuable on account of its great penetrating power. Mayer finds that boiling absolute alcohol is often the only means of killing certain Arthropoda rapidly enough to avoid maceration. It is important to employ for fixing a very large pro- portion of alcohol. Alum-carmine is a good stain for small specimens so fixed. For preservation, the object should be put into a weaker alcohol, 90 per cent, or less. As to the supposed superiority of absolute alcohol o\vr ordinary strong alcohol, see last § ; and amongst authors upholding its superiority, see besides RANVIER, MAYER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapd, ii, 1880, p. 7) ; BRUEL (Zu<>l. Jahrb., Alth. Norph., x, 1897, p. 569); and VAN KEI> (ibid., iii, 1888, p. 10). Absolute alcohol is a product that it is almost impossible to preserve in use, on account of the rapidity with which it hydrates on exposure to air. Fol recommends that a little quicklime be kept in it. Tins absorbs part at least of the moisture drawn by it from the air. til! rilAJTElt V. Another plan that I have seen recommended is to suspend strips of gelatin in it. But it is probably rendered very acid thereby. Ranvier prepares a sufficiently "absolute ?' alcohol as follows: — Strong (95 per cent.) alcohol is treated with calcined cupric sulphate, with which it is shaken up and allowed to remain for a day or two. It is then decanted and treated with fresh cupric sulphate, and the operation is repeated until the fresh cupric sulphate no longer becomes conspicuously blue on contact with the alcohol ; or until, on a drop of the alcohol being mixed with a drop of turpentine, 110 particles of water can be seen in it under the microscope. The cupric sulphate is prepared by calcining common blue vitriol in a porcelain capsule over a flame until it becomes white, and then reducing it to powder (see Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1884, p. 27; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1884, pp. 322 and 981). Test for the presence of water (YvON, C. R. Acad. Sci., 1897, p. 1181).— Add coarsely powdered calcium carbide ; the merest trace of water will cause an evolution of acetylene gas, and on agitation the alcohol will become turbid. 1Q4. One-third Alcohol. — The grade of weak alcohol that is generally held to be most useful for fixing is one-third alcohol, or RANVIER'S ALCOHOL. It consists of two parts of water and one part of alcohol of 90 per cent, (and not of absolute alcohol). See the Traite Technique of Ranvier, p. 241, et passim. Objects may be left for twenty-four hours in this alcohol; not more, unless there be no reason for avoiding maceration, which will generally occur after that time. You may con- veniently stain with picro-carmine, alum-carmine, or methyl green. This reagent is a very mild fixative. Its hardening action is so slight that it is not at all indicated for the fixing of objects that are intended to be sectioned. Its chief use is for extemporaneous and dissociation preparations. 105. Acid Alcohol (MAYER, Mittli. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ii, 1881, p. 7).- To 97 vols. of 90 per cent, alcohol add 3 vols. pure hydrochloric (or nitric) acid. Wash out with 90 per cent, alcohol. The use of this mixture is principally for the preparation of museum specimens. Lo BIANCO (Mittli. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ix, 1890, p. 443) takes 50 per cent, alcohol with 5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. 106. Pyridin. — Pyridin has been recommended as a hardening agent (by A. DE SOUZA). It hardens, dehydrates, and clears at the same time. It is said to harden quickly, and to give particularly good results with brain. See Comptes Rendus held, de la Soc. de Biologie, 8 ser., t. iv, FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. This substance is strongly alkaline, and, either pure or diluted with water, dissolves many albumens and fats. It causes considerable shrink- age of nuclei (not so much of cytoplasm). It is now in much use in certain neuro-fibril stains, see BIELSCHOWSKY and RAMON. It is soluble in water and in alcohol. Pure, it will harden and dehydrate small brains in a week. 107. ACETONE is said to harden very rapidly. SCHOLZ (Ze'tb. wiss. Mikr.} xxii, 1905, p. 415) fixes small objects in warm acetone for half an hour to an hour and brings them direct, or through alcohol and ether, into celloidin. Similarly Fuss (Arch. path. Anat., clxxxv, 1906,, p. 5). using it cold, and LINTWAREW (ibid., ccvi, 1911, p. 36) for erythrocytes, in which it preserves the hemoglobin. 108. Formaldehyde, Formic Aldehyde, Methyl Aldehyde (Formol, Formalin, Formalose). — Formaldehyde is the chemical name of the gaseous compound HCOH, obtained by the oxidation of methyl-alcohol. " Formol," " Formalin," and " Formalose " are commercial names for the saturated (40 per cent.) solution of this in distilled water. This quickly loses in strength through contact with air, and laboratory solutions rarely contain more than 38 per cent, of formaldehyde. Much confusion has been caused by indiscriminate use of the terms " formaldehyde" and "formol." The proper way is evidently either to state the strengths of solutions in terms of formaldehyde, and say so ; or to say " formol — or formalin — with so many volumes of water." The majority of writers seem to state in terms of formol. Solutions of formaldehyde sometimes decompose partially or entirely, with formation of a white deposit of paraformal- dehyde. FISH says that to avoid this the solution should be kept in darkened bottles in the cool, or, according to some, it suffices to add glycerin to them. The solutions almost always have an acid reaction, due to the presence of formic acid ; but that is, as a rule, rather an advantage. But some observers hold that neutral or feebly alkaline solutions fix better than acid ones. Solutions may be neutralised by the usual methods : it will generally suffice to make them up with spring water. It was said above that formaldehyde possesses certain hardening and preserving qualities. It hardens gelatine, (34 CHAPTKK V. for instance, and certain albuminoids; but others, on the contrary, are not hardened by it, but sometimes even ivndered more soluble than they are naturally. For some theoretical considerations concerning its action on tissues,, see F. BLUM,, in Anat. Anz., xi, 1896, p. 718; BENEDECEKTJ, in Arch. Anat. u. Phys., Abth., 1897, p. 219 ; GEROTA, in Intern. Monafwlir. Anat., xiii, 1896, p. 108; Zeit. uiss. Mik., xiii, p. 311 ; SJOBRING in Anat. Anz., xvii; 1900, p. 274; and BLUM, in Encycl. Mik. TecJinik., p. 3$3. It seems to be generally admitted that this action consists in the formation of methylene compounds with the substances of the tissues. I find that, used pure, it is far from a first-class fixative. For it over-fixes and shrinks some things, and swells and vacuolates others. But notwithstanding this it is frequently very convenient on account of its compatibility with the most various stains. It has a high degree of penetration, and is a valuable ingredient in many mixtures. It is a powerful reducing agent, and therefore incompatible with such reagents as chromic acid or osmic acid and the like, which it very rapidly decomposes. For fixing I find that a strength of about 4 per cent. (1 vol. formol to 9 of water, or to 8 of water if the formol has been long kept) is generally about right ; and this is the strength used by most writers. MAYER takes 1 of formol to 9 of sea-water, for marine animals. Few workers use much stronger solutions. Only one (HoYER, Anat. Anz., ix, 1894, p. 236, Erganzungsheft) seems to have used concentrated solutions. I think this exaggerated, for I have found enormous over-fixation with solutions of 1 to 2 vols. of water. Wash out with alcohol (of 50 per cent, or more), not water. For hardening, the same strengths may be taken. Hardening is more rapid than with alcohol. For prolonged hardening, considerable volumes of liquid should be taken, and the liquid should be renewed from time to time ; for. the formaldehyde fixes itself on the tissues with which it comes in contact, deserting the solution, which thus becomes progressively weaker. The specimens should be suspended in the liquid or otherwise isolated from contact with the containing vessel. The hardening obtained is gentle and FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. 65 varies greatly with different tissues. Mucin is not pre- cipitated and remains transparent. Fat is not dissolved. Micro-organisms retain their specific staining reactions.. Formaldehyde is said to harden celloidin as well as gelatin, and to be useful for celloidin-imbedding (BLUM, Anat. Anz., xi, 1896, p. 724). Several of the following mixtures are irrational, becoming reduced more or less quickly, but may give good results all the same. 109. Alcoholic Formol (LAVDOWSKY, Anat. Hefte, iv, 1894, p. 361.)- -Water 40 parts, 95 per cent, alcohol 20, formol 6, acetic acid 1 ; or water 30, alcohol 15, formol 5, acetic acid 1. GULLAND (Zeit. iviss. Hikr., xvii, 1900, p. 222) takes (for blood) 1 part formol and 9 parts of alcohol. BLES (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xli, 1905, p. 792) takes 1 of formol, 90 of alcohol of 70 per cent., and 3 of acetic acid. TELLYESNICZKY (Encycl. mikr. Techn., i, p. 472) takes 5 of formol, 100 of alcohol of 70 per cent., and 5 of acetic acid. 110. Picro-Formol.- -P. BOUIN (Phenomenes cytologiques anormauM dans L'Histogenese, etc., Nancy, 1897, p. 19) recommends — Picric acid, saturated aqueous sol. . 75 parts. Formol . . . . . . 25 „ Acetic acid . . . . 5 ,, Wash out with alcohol, first of 50 per cent., then 70 per cent, till the picric acid is mostly removed. I consider this to be for most purposes the most valuable fixative yet made known. I have satisfied myself that the proportions are exactly what they should be and cannot be changed without hurt. It is rather a strong fixative, and should not be allowed to act for more than 18 hours. If a weaker mixture be desired, dilute the whole with water. The penetration is great, the fixation equable, delicate detail well preserved, staining qualities admirable, especially with iron-hematoxylin and Saiirefuchsin. Sec also GARNJEB, Bill. Anat., v, 1898, p. 279. The formulae of GRAF (State Hotp. Bull New Yvrk, lfci'7; J^unt. 5 „ „ iir, CIIAITKK v. Mic. Soc., 1^'S p. i:»2i are in my view too weak, and suffer by the omission <•!' tin- acetic acid. BiOBBATJX (/;//,/. And., I'-'lo. p. 2:r>; lakes ]"> parts t'ormol, 85 of trichlor-acetic acid «>!' •> per rent., and picric acid to saturation. 111. Picro-platinic Formol (M. and P. BOUIN, Bihl. Anat., L898, 1. -1, p. 2).— Platinum chloride, 1 per cent. sol. 20 parts. Picric acid, saturated sol. . . 20 Formol . . . . . 10 Formic or acetic acid . . . 5 „ 1 iiud this excellent, but the mixture does not keep more than a day or two. BOUIN also (Arch. Biol, xvii, 1900, p. 211) simply substitutes formol for the osmic acid in HERMANN'S mixture, § 45. 112. Sublimate Formol (M. and P. BOUIN, 7oc. cit.). — A similar mixture, in which sublimate of 1 per cent, is substituted for the plati- num chloride. Another formula of the same authors (Arch. Biol., xvii, 1900, p. -11) is 1 part of formol to 3 of saturated aqueous sublimate. Rinse with water and bring into alcohol of 70 per cent. SPULER (Eucycl. mile. Technik., 1st ed., p. 1-80) adds to sublimate of 3 PIT cent, or more 1 per cent, of glacial acetic acid and 10 per cent, of formol. MANN (Verh. Auut. Ges., 1898, p. 39) takes for nerve-cells 2| g. sub- limate. 1 g. picric acid, 5 c.c. formol, and 100 c.c. water, or (Methods, etc., p. 97) for all tissues 2^ g. sublimate, 20 c.c. formol, and 80 c.c. water. BRANCA (Journ. Anat. et Phys., xxxv, 1899, p. 767) adds 10 parts of t'ormol and 1 of acetic acid to 60 parts of saturated solution of picric acid in saturated aqueous sublimate. NUWAK (Anat. Anz., xx, 1901, p. 244) takes 30 parts of saturated sub- limate, 30 of 1 per cent, chromic acid, 27 of water, 3 of acetic acid, and 1<> of formalin. 113. Formol-Muller.--This is the name given by Oinii (livrl. 1:1 in. lI'oclniNclir., 1896, No. 13) to a mixture of 1 part <>!' r.,rmol with 10 of liquid of Mtiller (§ Do). It should be freshly nun It- up. Ki\ for three hours in the stove, or twelve at normal U'liipLTature, wash out with running water. .Much used, (.'specially- for nervous tissues. M<>i;u,i;i; (/,-if. wi88. Zool.} Lxvi, 1899, p. 85) takes 1 vol. of formol and 4 of 3 per cent, bichromate (for the intestine FIXING AND HARDENING AGENTS. (37 HELD (Abk. Sticks. Ges. Wiss., xxxi, 1909, p. 190) tala-s 3 per cent. sol. of bichromate with 4 per cent, of fonnol and 5 per cent, of acetic acid (for inner ear). See also MOREL and BASSAL, Juuni. Auat. Phys., xlv, 1909, p. 03-!. 114. Chromic Acid Formol. — Lo BIANCO fixes marine animals for half to one hour in 10 parts of 1 per cent, chromic acid with 1 of formol and 9 of sea- water,, and passes into graded alcohols. MARCHOUX (from PEREZ, Arch. Zool. Espur., v, 1910, p. 11) takes 11 parts 1 per cent, chromic acid, 1 of acetic acid, 4 of water, and 16 of formol (added just before using) . 115. Copper Formol.— NELIS (Ball. Acad. Sc. Belg., 1899 [1900], p. 726) fixes spinal ganglia for twenty-four hours in 1 litre of 7 per cent. formol with 5 c.c. of acetic acid, 20 g. of cupric sulphate, and sublimate to saturation. STAFFERS (La Cellule, xxv, 1909, p. 356) used (for Syinpoda) a mixture of GTILSON'S : 100 parts of formol of 5 per cent, with 2 of nitrate of copper. STRONG (Jo urn. Comp. Neur., xiii, 1903, p. 296) fixes the head of Acanthias by injecting a mixture of equal parts of forniol and 5 per cent, solution of bichromate of copper. 116. Nitric Acid Formol.— WILHELMI (Fautia u. Flora Golf. Ncapel, xxxii, 1909, p. 15) fixes Triclads in APATHY'S mixture of equal parts of 6 per cent, nitric -acid and 6 per cent, formol, and brings them direct into strong alcohol. 117. Acetone Formol. — BING and ELLERMANN (Arch. Anat. Phys. Abth., 1901, p. 260) fix medullated nerves in 9 parts of acetone with 1 of formol. CHAPTER VI. I'K-ALCOIIOLISATION AND CLEARING AGENTS. 118. Introduction. — De-alcoholisation agents are liquids employed for the purpose of getting rid of the alcohol \\liich has been employed for dehydrating tissues (§ 3), and facilitating the penetration of the paraffin used for imbed- ding, or the balsam or other resinous medium in which preparations are, in most cases, finally mounted. Hence all of them must be capable of expelling alcohol from tissues, and must be at the same time solvents of Canada balsam and the other resinous mounting media. The majority of them are essential oils. Clearing agents are liquids whose function it is to make microscopic preparations transparent by penetrating amongst the highly refracting elements of which the tissues are com- posed, the clearing liquids themselves having an index of refraction superior, or equal, or, at all events, not greatly inferior to that of the tissues to be cleared. Hence all clearing agents are liquids of high index of refraction. The majority of de-alcoholisation agents being also liquids <>f high refraction, it follows that they serve at the same time for de-alcoholisation and for clearing; and in consequence it has come about that de-alcoholisation agents are generally spoken of as clearing agents. But that practice is not strictly correct, for not all clearing agents are solvents ol t)u- resins, and not all de-alcoholising agents can serve as clearers. I shall, however, still in many cases continue to use the term " clearing ; to signify " de-alcoholising," for the sake of brevity. NEKLSKN find SCHIEFFERDECKEE (ArcJi. Anat. Phys., 1882, ]>. 206) examined a large series of ethereal oils (prepared by Schimmel and Co., Leipzig), with the object of finding a not too expensive substance that should combine the proper- DE-ALCOHOLTSATION AND C'LEARTNO AflRXTS. f>0 ties of clearing quickly alcohol preparations, not, dissolving oat anilin colours, clearing celloidin without dissolving it, and not evaporating too quickly. Of these, the following three fulfil the conditions : — Cedar- wood, Origanum, Sandal-wood. To these should be added the others recommended in the following paragraphs. See also the paper of JORDAN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1898, p. 50), as to the behaviour of some essential oils towards celloidin. 119. The Practice of De-alcoholisation or Clearing.- -The old plan was to take the object out of the alcohol and float it on the surface of the de-alcoholising or clearing: medium o o iii a watch-glass. This plan was faulty, because the alcohol escapes from the surface of the object into the air quicker (in most instances) than the de-alcoholising or clearing agent can get into it ; hence the object must shrink. To avoid this cause of shrinkage, the operation is now generally done by the method suggested by Mayer and Giesbrecht, which consists in putting the clearing medium under the alcohol containing the object, as described § 5. The objects should not be considered to be perfectly penetrated by the clearing medium until the wavy refraction-lines caused by the mix- ture of the two liquids at their surface have ceased to form, and they should not be mounted or imbedded until they have first been soaked for some time in a fresh quantity of clearing medium, to remove any alcohol that has got into tin- first bath. The penetration of all clearing media may be hastened by using them warm. It frequently happens that the essential oil with which objects are being treated in a watch-glass or on a slide becomes cloudy after a short time, and fails to clear the tissues. This is owing to a combination between the essen- tial oil and moisture, derived, I think, rather from the air than from the objects themselves. The cloudiness can usually be removed by warming (as pointed out by HATCHETT JACKSON, Zool. Anzeitj., 1889, p. 630), but in certain moist states of the atmosphere it may persist, notwithstand- ing continued warming. It is for this reason that I udvise 7<) CHAPTER VI. that clearing be done, whenever possible, in shallow corked tiling, under which conditions the phenomenon rarely occurs. In any case, he careful not to breathe on the liquid. j 120. Choice of a De-alcoholisation or Clearing Agent. — I advise the beginner to keep on his table the following : — Oil of cedar, for general use and for preparing objects for imbedding in paraffin; clove oil for making minute dissec- tions in (§ 122), and for much work with safranin, etc.; oil of bergamot, which will clear from 90 per cent, alcohol, and which does not extract coal-tar colours; carbolic acid, for rapidly clearing very imperfectly dehydrated objects. For special clearers for celloidin sections see Chapter IX. 121. Cedar Oil (NEELSEN and SCHIEFFERDECKER, lac. cit-., ^ n(S). — Clears readily tissues in 95 per cent, alcohol with- out shrinkage; does not extract anilin colours. Celloidin sections are cleared in five to six hours. The observer should be careful as to the quality of the cedar oil he obtains. I have examined the clearing proper- ties of a sample, obtained from a celebrated firm, which totally failed to clear absolute alcohol objects after many days. Cedar oil is rery penetrating, and for this and other reasons is, in my experience, the very best of all media for preparing objects for paraffin imbedding. I find it to be less hurtful to cells than any other medium known tome. Tissues may remain in it for any length of time without hurt. If it should become milky through keeping, filter. 122. Clove Oil. — Samples of clove oil of very different shades of colour are met with in commerce. It is frequently ]•< 'commended that only the paler sorts should be employed in histology. Doubtless it is, in general, best to use a pale oil, provided it be pure ; but it is not always easy to obtain a light-coloured oil that is pure. Clove oil passes very readily from yellow to brown with age, so that in choosing a colourless sample you run great risk of obtaining an adulterated sample., for clove oil is one of the most adulterated substances in commerce. Clove oil does not easily spread itself over the surface of DB-ALOOHOLTSATION AND ('T/RAftTNtt AflRNTR. 71 a slide, but has a tendency to form very convex drops. This property makes it a very convenient medium for making minute dissections in. It also has the property of making tissues that have lain in it for some time very brittle. This brittleness is also sometimes very helpful in minute dissec- tions. These qualities may be counteracted if desired by mixing the clove oil with bergamot oil. This is one of the most useful of clearer*. According to BEHRENS (Tahellen, 3 eel., 1898, p. 33), it will clear from alcohol of 74 per cent. It has a high index of refraction, and clears objects more than balsam mounting media. It dissolves celloidin (or col- lodion), and therefore should not be used for clearing sections cut in that medium, without special precautions. New clove oil washes out basic tar colours more quickly than old. 123. Cinnamon (or Cassia) Oil greatly resembles clove oil, hut is in general thinner, and is more highly refractive. An excellent medium, which I particularly recommend. 124. Oil of Bergamot (SCHIEFFERDECKER, Arch. Anat. P/i //•r have become brown through oxidation. For difficult work it is well to use a perfectly anhydrous oil. For directions for preparing this see SUCHANNEK, Zeit. wixs. J\Jik., vii, 1890, p. 156, or the third edition of this work. Anilin is chiefly used for clearing celloidin sections. It ought however to be soaked out before mounting by some- thing else (chloroform or xylol for instance for some hours), as if not removed it will brown both the tissues and Un- mounting medium. 135. Xylol, Benzol, Toluol, Chloroform. — Too volatile to be recommendable as clearing agents in which it is desired t<> examine specimens, but very useful for preparing pnrnllin sections for balsam. Of the three first-mentioned liquids, benzol is the most volatile, then toluol, and xylol is the le.-ist volatile, in the proportion of 4 : 5: 9 (Snui,% Mrtlnnlx «n , still folding the same way. To do this you apply A c against .1 a, and pinch out the line A A', and so on for the remaining angles. This done, you have an imperfect tray with dogs' ears at the angles. To finish it, turn the dogs' ears round against the ends of the box, turn down outside the projecting flaps that remain, and pinch them down. A well-made post-card tray will last through several imbeddings, and will generally work better after having been used than when new. Another method of folding the paper (MAYER) is described in the Grundziige, LEE and MAYER, 4th ed.; p. 77. 78 "'IIAl'TEK VII. GrlESBRECHT now makes trays of photographic films,, which being transparent facilitate orientation under the dissecting microscope. To make paper thimbles, take a good cork, twist a strip of paper several times round it so as to make a projecting collar, and stick a pin through the bottom of the paper into the cork. For work with fluid masses, such as celloidin, the cork may be loaded at the bottom by means of a nail or piece of lead, to prevent it fro.n floating when the whole is thrown into spirit or other liquor for hardening (Fig. 2). LEUCKHART'S Imbedding Boxes are made of two pieces of type-metal (Fig. 3). Each of these pieces has the form of a carpenter's " square ; with the end of the shorter arm triangularly enlarged outwards. The box is constructed by placing the two pieces together 011 a plate of glass Avhich has been wetted with glycerine and gently warmed. The area of the box will vary according to the position given to the pieces, but the height can be varied only by using different sets of pieces. Two sets will be sufficient for most work ; one set of one centi- metre in height, and one of two centi- metres, each being eight centimetres in length, and three in breadth. To make the box paraffin-tight, so that it will hold the melted paraffin long enough in the liquid Mate to permit of the objects being carefully orientated in it, MAYER (Mltth. Zool. 3 tat. Neapel, iv, 1883, p. 429) first smears the glass plate with glycerin, then arranges the metal " squares," and then fills the box with collodion, which is poured out again immediately. As the ether evaporates, a thin layer of collodion remains behind, which suffices to keep the paraffin from running out. Even without the collodion, the mere cooling of the paraffin by the metal will generally suffice to keep it in long enough for orientation, if it is not in a superheated state when it is poured in. In such a collodionised box the paraffin may be kept in a liquid state by warming now and then over a spirit lamp, and FIG. 3. IMBEDDING METHODS. 7(.> small objects ba placed in any desired position under tin- microscope (Jotiru. Roy. Mic. S-tc. [N.S.],ii, p. 8 SO). A lighter form of "squares," made of brass, and devised by ANDRES, GriESBiiECHT, and MAYER, is described l-tc. cit. (see Jouni. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1883, p. 1)13). A more compli- cated sort is described by WILSON in Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 228, for use with imbedded threads to serve as orientation guides (see " Orientation") . FRANKL (Ztilt. -wins. Mlk.} xiii, 1897, p. 438) builds up boxes with rectangular blocks of glass, which may be found convenient, but are more expensive than the metal squares. SELSNKA has describad and figured another sort of apparatus having the same object. It consists of a glass tube, through which a stream of warm water may be passed and changed for cold as desired, the object being placed in a depression in the middle of the tube (see Zool. Anz.> 1885, p. 419). A simple modification of this apparatus, which anyone may make for himself, is described by ANDREWS in Amer. Natural., 1887, p. 101 ; and a more complicated imbedding and orienting box, seldom necessary, is described by JORDAN, in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 32. To imbed in a watch-glass, the object, previously saturated with paraffin, is put into a (preferably very concave) watch- glass containing molten paraffin. After this has been solidi- fied by cooling (see next chapter), a block containing the object is cut out of it, and mounted on the object-holder of the microtome (this is, of course, applicable to other inassetSj such as celloidin). For imbedding very small objects in this way certain precautions may be necessary in order not to lose them. SAMTER (Zeit. wiss. Mik.. xi. 1894, p. 469) saturates small unstained objects with paraffin that has previously been strongly coloured with alkanna extract, and then imbeds them in pure paraffin. RHUMBLER (ibid., xii, 1895, p. 312, and xiii, lS9ii, p. 303) stains previously the objects themselves with eosin dissolved in strong alcohol, and removes the stain from the sections with w<-;,k alcohol. See also ibid., xiii, p. 200, a paper by SCHYDLOWSKI ; and in Zeit. wiss. Zool., Iviii, 1897, p. 144, a process of BORGERT. BORGERT (Zeit. wiss. Zool., Iviii, 1897, p. 144) allows paraffin to .solidify in a watch-glass, bores a hole in it, and places the objects in the hole with a little benzol, and puts the whole for a short time into a stove. A watch-glass provided at the bottom with a groove or trough, in which small objects may be made to collect, is described by LEFEVRE, Journ. App. Mic., v, 1902, p. 280 (see Jo urn. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1903, p. ! LAUTERBORN (Zeit. wiss. Zool., lix, 1895, p. 170) brings the objects 80 C1IA1TMU VII. through chloroform into paraffin in a small glass tube, and after cooling breaks the tube and so obtains a cylinder of paraffin with the objects ready for cutting. HOYER (Arch. mil:. Anu.t., liv, 1899, p. 98) perfoims all the operations in a glass cylinder (5 cm. long and 7 mm. wide), open at both ends, but having a piece of moist parchment paper tied over one of the openings. It is then not necessary to break the cylinder; by removing the parch- ment paper the paraffin can be pushed out of it in the shape of a cylinder containing the objects imbedded at one end of it. MAYER (Zeit. wits. Mil-r., xxiv, 1907, p. 130) takes the gelatin capsules used by chemists; after cooling in water the gelatin swells and is easily removed. MEVES (Arch. milcr. Anat., Ixxx, Abth. ii, 1912, p. 85) employs wedge- shaped capsules made by G. Pohl, Schoirbauin, Bez, Dantzig. CHAPTER VIII. IMBEDDING METHODS — PARAFFIN AND OTHER FUSION MASSKS. 138. Saturation with a Solvent.- -The first stage of the paraffin method consists in the saturation of the object with some substance which is a solvent of paraffin. The process is sometimes called " clearing," since many of the substances used for infiltration are also "clearing" agents. The process of saturation should be carefully performed with well-dehydrated objects in the manner described in § H9- Saturation liquids being liquids that are, on the one hand,, miscible with alcohol, and on the other hand good solvents of paraffin, are not quite as numerous as could be wished. According to GRAEFE (Clicm. Centralb., 1906, p. 874), at 20° C. petroleum ether (1 c.c.) dissolves 200 mg. of paraffin ; chloroform 246; benzol 285; carbon tetrachloride 317. And according to APATHY, at 20° 0. benzol dissolves 8 parts per cent., chloroform 10, toluol 10, xylol 12, oil of turpen- tine 8, cedar oil 4 to 6, bergamot oil 0'5 to 3, creosote and clove oil hardly any. Acetone, according to MAYER, dissolves hardly any. Turpentine I do not recommend, because in my experience it is of all others the clearing agent that is the most hurtful to delicate structures. Clove oil mixes very imperfectly with paraffin, and quickly renders tissues brittle. Oil of bergamot mixes still more imperfectly with paraffin. Benzol has been recommended by BRASS (Zaf. u'ms. Mik., ii, 1885, p. 301), and is now much used. Toluol (or toluen) has been recommended by Ilnu, (Zool. Anz., 1885, p. 223). 6 S-2 riTAlTKU VIII. Xylol is said by M. HEIDENHAIN (Kern nnd Protoplasma, p. 114) to be a cause of shrinkage in cells. So it is, if you use it to de-alcoholise the specimens. But used after oil of cedar, or the like, it is very good, as it is one of the best of solvents of paraffin. Chloroform is deficient in penetrating power, so that it requires an excessive length of time for clearing objects of any size ; and it must be very thoroughly got rid of by evaporation in the paraffin bath, or by successive baths of paraffin, as if the least trace of it remains in the paraffin used for cutting it will make it soft. The process of removal requires a very long time, in some cases days. It ought therefore to be reserved for small and easily penetrable objects. Naphtha has been recommended by WEBSTER (Jou:n. Anat. and Physiol. xxv, 1891, -p. 278). FIELD and MARTIN (Zcit. wiss. Milt., xi, 1804, p. 10) recommend a light petroleum known as " petroleum -sether." It is highly volatile, and thus a cause of shrinkage. Sulphide of carbon has been recommended by HEIDENHAIN (Zdt. wiss. Mil'., xviii, 1901, p. 166) as being a very powerful solvent of paraffin. Most workers have found it to be much too disagreeable and dangerous a reagent for ordinary work, and not necessary even for delicate work. Carbon tetrachloride has been recommended by PLECNIK (op. n't., xix. 1903, p. 328) and PRANTER (ibid., p. 329) 011 the ground of not dissolving out osmium-blackened fats. MAYER finds it no better than benzol. As a general thesis, the best of all these are cedar oil, benzol, and chloroform. Cedar-icood oil is, according to my continued experience, for the reasons staled by me in Zool. Anz., 1885, p. 563, for general work the very best clearing agent for paraffin im- bedding. It penetrates rapidly, preserves delicate structure better than any clearing agent known to me, does not make tissues brittle, even though they may be kept for weeks or months in it, and has the great advantage that if it be not entirely removed from the tissues in the paraffin bath it will not seriously impair the cutting consistency of the mass; indeed, 1 fancy it sometimes improves it by rendering it less brittle, IMBEDDING MKTTIODS. So 139. The Paraffin Bath. --The objects having been duly saturated with a solvent, the next step is to substitute melted paraffin for the saturating medium. Some authors lay great stress on the necessity of making the passage from the saturating agent to the paraffin as gradual as possible, by means of successive baths of mixtur< of solvent and paraffin kept melted at a low temperature, say 35° C. With oil of cedar, at all events, this is not necessary. I simply put the objects into melted paraffin kept just at its melting-point, and keep them there till they are thoroughly saturated; the paraffin being changed once or twice for fresh only if the objects are sufficiently volu- minous to have brought over with them a notable quantity of clearing agent. If the objects have been for a very long time — months or years — in the cedar oil, so that this has become thick, I remove it partially or entirely by soaking in xylol (30 minutes to several hours) before putting into the paraffin. But with fresh oil of cedar I find no advantage in doing so. G-IESBRECHT'S method (ZooL AHZ., 1881, p. 484-), is as follows : — Objects to be imbedded are saturated with chloroform, and the chloroform and objects are gradually warmed up to the melting-point of the paraffin employ CM!, and during the warming small pieces of paraffin are by degrees added to the chloroform. So soon as it is seen that O «/ no more bubbles are given off from the objects, the addition of paraffin may cease, for that is a sign that the paraffin has entirely displaced the chloroform in the objects. Tins displacement having been a gradual one, the risk of shrinks of the tissues is reduced to a minimum. MAYER (Grundziige, LEE and MAYER, 1910, p. 34) first saturates the objects with benzol, and then adds to the benzol some small pieces of paraffin, and lets them dissolve in the cold. After several hours (up to eighteen) the whole is brought in an open vessel on to the cold water-bath, tin- bath is then warmed gradually so as to attain a temperature of 60° C. in about two hours, and as fast as the benzol evaporates melted paraffin is added, to it. paraffin is changed once before the definitive imbedding. He rarely leaves objects overnight in the water-bath. APATHY (Mikrotechnik, pp. 149, 150) first char* S 1- CHAPTER VIII. of mlftr, then brings the objects (by the process described § 119) into a solution of paraffin in chloroform saturated at the temperature of the laboratory. The objects remain in the chloroform-paraffin solution for from one to three hours, without warming, until all the cedar oil is soaked out of them. The whole is then warmed on the water-bath or oven to a few degrees above the melting-point of the paraffin intended to be used for imbedding, and the object is brought into a mixture of equal parts of paraffin and chloroform, being suspended therein near the top on a bridge made of hardened filter paper (or in a special apparatus to the same end, not yet described). It remains in this mixture, at the temperature of the oven, for one to three hours, and lastly is brought (still on the paper bridge or in the apparatus) into pure paraffin, where it remains for half an hour to two hours. DENNE (in litt.} 1907) points out that the objects ought at •first to be at the bottom of the mixture. For this mixture is not a true solution, and the lower section of the contents of the tube is comparatively free from paraffin while the upper part is nearly pure paraffin. He moves the holder up in the tube at intervals, and the infiltration proceeds gradually with the minimum risk of shrinkage. Lastly, he removes the objects, on the holder, to the top of a tube of pure paraffin. The practice of giving successive baths first of soft and then of hard paraffin, which has been frequently advised, appears to me entirely illusory. It is important to keep the paraffin dry — that is, protected from vapour of water during the bath. It is still more important to keep it as nearly as possible at melting -point. If it be heated for some time to a point much over its normal melting-point, the melting-point will rise, and you will end by having a harder paraffin than 3^011 set out with. And MS regards the preservation of tissues, of course, the less they are heated the better. Overheating, as well as prolonged heating, tends, amongst other things, to make tissues brittle. The duration of the bath must, of course, vary according to the size and nature of the object. An embryo of 2 to 3 millimetres in thickness ought to be thoroughly saturated IMBEDDING METHODS. 85 after an hour's bath, or often less. Many workers habitually give much longer baths, I think often longer than necessary. But some objects, such as ova of Crustacea, may require three or four days. (HEIDECKE, Jena. Zeit., xxxviii, 1904, p. 506; MAYER, Grundziiye, LEE and MAYER, 1910, p. 80; BRINKMANN, Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neupel, xvi, 1903, p. 367, three to five days for uterus of Selachians : MULLER, Arch. miJcr. Anat.j Ixix, 1906, p. 3, for lungs of mammals; Poso, Esperieuze micro techniche, Napoli, 1910, p. 29, five to twelve clays for uterus and placenta of Homo.) I take as a guide, generally, the length of time the object has taken to clear in the cedar oil, assuming that the warm melted parallin ought to penetrate at least as quickly as the cold oil ; and then allowing somewhat longer, say as much again, in order to be on the right side. 140. Water-baths and Ovens. — It is important that the paraffin should not be exposed to a moist atmosphere whilst it is in the liquid state. If a water-hath be used for keeping it at the required tempera- ture provision should be made for protecting the paraffin from the steam of the heated water. A very convenient apparatus for this purpose is that of Paul Mayer, or " Naples water-bath," which will be found described at p. 146 of Jour n. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1883, or CARPENTER'S The Microscope, p. 452. An extremely simple stove, which anyone can make for himself, is described in Gentralbl. Bcikt., xlv, 1907, p. 191 (see Joum. lloij. Mic. Soc., 1908, p. 109). For others, see the price-lists of the instrument makers, especially JUNG, and GKUBLER and HOLLBORN; and the descriptions in the technical journals. 141. Imbedding IN YACUO.— There are objects which, on account of their consistency or their size, cannot be penetrated by paraffin in the ordinary way, even after hours or days in the bath. For such objects the method of imbedding under a vacuum (strictly, under diminished atmospheric pressure) renders the greatest service. It not only ensures complete penetration in a very short time — a few minutes — but it has the further advantage of preventing any falling in of the tissues, such aa may easily happen with objects possessing internal cavities if it attempted to imbed them in the ordinary way. It is realised by means of any arrangement that will allow of keeping paraffin melted under a vacuum. That of HOFFMANN is described and figured at p. 230 of Zool Anz., 1884. In this arrangement the vacuum is produced by means of a pneumatic water aspiration pump, the vessel containing the paraffin being placed in a desiccator heated by a water bath and furnished \vitli a tube that brings it into communication with the suction apparatus. Si; r 1 1. \PTEB VI IT. FRANCOTTE (Bull Soc. Bely. Mic., 1884,. p. -45) produces the requisite \dcuum by the condensation of steam. FOL (Leltrb., p. 121) employs the vacuum apparatus of Hoffmann, but simplifies the arrangement for containing the paraffin. The paraffin is contained in a stout test-tube furnished with a rubber stopper traversed by a tube that puts it into communication with the pump. The lower end of the test-tube dips into a water bath. You pump out the air once or twice, wait a few minutes, then turn out the object with the paraffin (which by this time will have become abnormally hard), and re-imbed in fresh paraffin. See also PRINGLE, in Joiirn. Path, and Bacterial., 1892, p. 117; or Journ. Eoij. Mic. Soc., 1892, p. 893; KOLSTER, in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii. 1901, p. 170; BERG, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 209; FUHRMANN. ibid, xxi, 1904, p. 4l!2 ; KOLMER and WOLFF, ibid., xix, 1902, p. 148 ; GEBOIILL, Journ. Hoy. Mic. Soc., 1911, p. 2<>. 142. Imbedding and Orientation. — Ay soon as the objects are thoroughly saturated with paraffin they should be imbedded by one of the methods given above (§ 137), and the paraffin cooled as described next §. But it may be desirable to have the object fixad in the cooled paraffin in a precisely arranged position, and, above all, in a precisely marked position. Very small objects may be oriented as follows :- -The object is removed from the melted paraffin, and placed on a cylinder of solid paraffin. A needle or piece of stout iron wire is now heated in the flame of a lamp,, and with it a hole is melted in the end of the cylinder ; the specimen is pushed into the melted paraffin, and placed in any desired position. The advan- tages of the method lie in the quickness and certainty with which it can be performed. In using the needle it is important to melt an little paraffin DIN<; MKTllOliS. S7 bergamot. They are taken one by one on the point of a knife, and after the excess of oil has been drawn oft', are transferred each to a drop of the collodion mixture, in which they will stay in any required position. When half a dozen or more objects have been oriented in reference to the cross lines (which are to be parallel to the section planes) the \\lx.l.- thing is placed in turpentine. This washes out the clove oil and fixes the objects very firmly to the paper. The paper with the attached objects is now passed through the bath of paraffin and imbedded in the usual way. After cooling 011 water the block is trimmed and the paper peeled off, leaving the objects in the paraffin close to the uiider-surt'are of the block. This surface is now seen to be marked by the orienting lines of the ribbed paper, and also by any record numbers which may before imbedding have been written with a soft pencil on the paper. KNOWEN (Jotu-n. Morph., xvi, 1900, p. 507) takes smooth paper and engraves parallel lines on it with a needle, and takes xylol instead of turpentine. A somewhat more complicated form of this process has b-n described by WOODWORTH, Ball. Mus. Comp. Z >oL. xxxviii, vol. xxv. 1893, p. 45. A similar process has also been described by FIELD and MARTIN in Zeit. iviss. Mik., xi, 1891, p. 11, small strips of gelatin being used instead of paper. MAYER also (Grundziige, LEE and MAYER, 1910, p. 89) takes strips of photographic gelatin, and lets the collodion set in benzol. HOFFMANN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1899, p. 312, and xvii, 1901, p. I!-'!) takes, instead of the ribbed paper, glass slips ruled with a diamond, and completely imbeds the objects in large drops of clove oil collodion (equal parts), allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in an open vessel. The drops are caused to set in xylol. See also SAMTER, ibid., xiii, 1897. p. 441 ; JORDAN, Ibid., xvi, 1899, p. 33; and PETER, Vcrli. Anat. GV*., xiii Vers., 1899, p. 134. ENTZ (Arch. Protistenk., xv, 1909, p. 98) orients in clove oil collodion on a cover-glass coated with paraffin, and puts the whole into chloroform in which the mixture sets into a sheet which can be detached. DENNE (Jo urn. Appl. Mic., iii, 1902, p. 888) imbeds on disks of paper held at the bottom of glass tubes containing the paraffin by bent wires, by means of which a cylinder of paraffin containing the object may In- lifted out as soon as cool. WILSON (Zeit. wins. Mik., xvii, 1900, p. 109) makes orientation lines by imbedding alongside the objects strands of osmium-blackened nerve- fibres. See also a further development by Wilson, ibid., xxvii, 19K». pp. 228 and 231. 143. Cooling the Mass. -Whatever method of imbedding and orientation in the molten paraffin 1ms been employed, the important point no\v to be attended to is tlmt //"' jmnifjin be cooled rapidly. The objeet of this is to prevent crystalli- i HAITI: i; VIM. the paraffin which may happen if it IK- allowed to an(] to gel as homogeneous a mass as possible Unitive imbedding has been done in a watch- .:,! it on the top of cold water until all the paraffin ;. :md then h-r it sink to the bottom. When ,,], rll, oul blocks containing the objects. If has been smeared with a drop of a mixture - of glycerine and water before putting the ..Hi,, int.. it, the solidified paraffin will generally detach If in a single cake and float up in a few minutes, or l,,,urs at any pate. DC not attempt to remove it entire by \\arming tin- bottom of the watch-glass. Similarly with tin- paper trays or metal imbedding boxes. Or you may put them to eool nil a cold slab of metal or stone. -, K \ cools tlif ma» l.y passing a stream of cool water through tit.- itnlMMldin- tube d.-rrilx-d above (§ 137). MAYER cools the mass in tli.- [.uratlin-ti-lit in. mid- (§ l:',7i l.y passing <.<>ld water through a special rable \\.it«T-liath. \\liirh allows of the arrangement of the objects by tr.m-mitt«-d liirlit imdrr a dissecting microscope, see M itth. Zool. Stut. ipel,vr,I8 ;.. IJ1.' : liif'-i-n. Mbnafoscftr. J«a£. IKstf., iv, 1887, p. 39. L complicated apparatus for the same purpose is described by MEISSNER /• . .V //.-.. \\iii. I'.'oj. p. ^86). Similarly, HAHN, ibid., xxv, 1908, p. M. and K LPPEB8, ////•/.. xxiv. l\H)7 . p. %J51. The parallin blocks with the objects are now mounted on the carrier of (lie microtome in position for cutting, and paivd to tin- propel- shape (next §). If any bubbles or or opaque spots be present, prick with a heated 'll(> till all is smooth and homogeneous. The same should 'l"iie if any cavities present themselves in the course of cntt ii I n bad cases, re-imbed. 1 14. Shape and Orientation of the Block of Mass to be cut.- lill'er accordingly as the cutting is done with a slanting quare-sel knite (see next §). In the first case, besl trimmed to a three-sided prism, and rotated as in Fig. 1, so that the knife enters it at the i' :>l >hc angle c. When the section is adhere to the knite only by the angle c, and can readily be remove. 1 by means of a brush or needle. ''I1 rl 'tself >li..iilli< possible from edge to base of the wedge, and the aii'j'le of \\ed-_re is the least acute obtainable with dial km Km if it is set as obliquely as possible, the line • which any point of it traverses the object traverses the knife from heel to tor, that is, along the greatest possible from rd'jv to base, and therefore affords jirttct i<-/i cute :ni-l posteriorly j..in .,n t<» the uppei- and K.wci- ome good agures of .lilVeivntly shai>.-.l knives CHIEPPEB :EE, Das Mikroskop., p. 115, quoted below). It will |,,. sen, t|l:,t the form a u,-|,i,.,l on to tli.- Made |,v the base. IMBEDDING MKTIIoDS. I'lin/ischcn Muxeumvereins, Bd. xix, Heft 1, p. I (Kolo/svar, 1897, A. K. Ajtai). For luniiny knives see SSOBOLEW, Zeit. wi™. Mik., xxvi, 1UU!>. p. r<-x---inn of sections than the transverse one. It has the defect <>!' producing rolling in paraffin sections more easily than the transverse position. The latter is the proper position for cutting ribbon* of sections from paraffin. By the tilt of the knife is meant the angle that a plane passing through its back and edge makes with the plane of section : or, practically, the greater or less degree of eleva- tion of the back above the edge (it is not to be confounded with the inclination of the long axis of the knife to the horizon ; any accidental inclination that this may have is a matter of no moment). The question of the proper tilt to be given to the knife under different circumstances has been investigated by APATHY, luc. cit. supra. He concludes — (1) The knif" should always be tilted somewhat more than enough to bring the back of the under cutting-facet clear of the object. (2) It should in general be less tilted for hard and brittle objects than for soft ones; therefore, cseteris i>ai-il>i(x, less for paraffin than for celloidin. (3) The extent of useful till varies between 0° and 16° or occasionally 20°. (4) Exces- sive tilt causes rifts (longitudinal) in the paraffin, also furrows that in bad cases split up the section into narrow ribbons. It also makes sections roll. Also it may cause the knife not to bite, thus causing sections to be missed it may give an undulatory surface to the sections, owing to vibrations set up in the knife, which may be heard as a deep humming tone. Further, 1 would add, exces cause the knife to act as a scraper, carrying away portions of tissue bodily from their places. Excessive tilt may often H M'Tl.i; \ III. : bv the knife giving oul ;i shorl metallic sound j the ob For knives with j)lane under- n is ;..in advisable I" give less than 10° tilt. •A Jth iinder-siirfare^. «n the contrary, may be placed aim"-! hori/ontal. June's knife-holders tilt of ;il>..ut J»°, which is only enough for ctitiinir ribbons with hard paraffin. A ki ife with t"«. little tilt will often cut a second section, one, without tin- object being raised, showing that dun:,.'- the lir>t cut the object was pressed down by the k: . fd itself afterwards. This fault is denoted bv the riiiLriirj' tone given out by the knife on passing liack i- the object bcftii-i- the latter is 1'aisc'd. Such a knife «'iit a dull rattling sound whilst cutting. Too little tilt • foldiiiir - r puckering of sections, and does not allow of tin- cutting of the thinnest possible sections, as the ii"t bite eiK-iiL.-]). Jt is thus frequently a cause in-' iui»ed, or coining oil' thicker at one end than t he <>t her. -laming knife should have more tilt given to it than a -••t one. Uibb.ui section-cutting (§ 1-18) requires a relatively hard till. With celloidin it is very important "id iiiHitlieient tilt, as the elastic celloidin yields before an insufficiently tilted knife and is not cut. 'he tilt of the knife ia given to a certain extent by the s"l'l w"th the microionie. \\'ith plane-concave it '•Jin be r.-gulaled to a certain extent by simply blad«- over, It is more accurately n'ljnlutcd by '"•''•h.-inical contrivances, of which the most simple shaped wedges of NEUMAYER (see Jung's pair of these, each ground to the same angle, one of them ], laced (thin end towards the 1""1'''-< :""l the other (thick end towards the ' "• the clamping-arm of the knife-holder. Three pairs, having dill,. rent degrees of pitch, are supplied, or mosl work. Other contrivances to the that permit of rotating . and, though more costly, will be '•"''•"'•'' where much section-cutting has '''"r '' Jung's price-list, and various EMBEDDING MKTIloPS. <):', recent papers in Ze.it.. ?riV?*\ Mik., also that of AI-ATIIV, in the paper quoted above (very complicated), and especially tin- description of the two latest of J 111114-, vi/. his mode] / and model n, by MAYER and SCHOEBEL, in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 29 (see figure of model / in Jon.ru. />V//. Mi,-. ,SV., 132, 1899, p. 546). Also CARPENTER'S The Him >*<•<>/„', p. 403. 146. Cutting and Section-stretching. — Paraffin sections are cut dry, — that is, with a knife not moistened with alcohol or other liquid. By this means better sections are obtained, but a difficulty generally arises owing to the tendency of sections so cut to curl up on the blade of the knife. It is sometimes difficult by any means to unroll a thin section that has curled. To prevent sections from rolling, the following points should be attended to. First and foremost, the paraffin must not he too hanl, see § 151. If, after cutting has begun, the paraffin be found to be too h;ird, it may be softened by placing a lamp near the imbedded object. But then, the paraffin being warmed most on the side nearest the lump, becomes softer on that side, and the sections have a tendency to become compressed and puckered-in on that side. If, on the contrary, the paraffin be found too soft, it may be luirdcncd by exposing it to the cooling influence of a lump of ice. It is often sufficient to moderate the temperature of the room by opening or closing the window, stirring the fire, setting up ;i screen, or the like. For other devices for warming or cooling the paraffin see HKI,I>. Arrh. Anat. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1897, p. 315; VAN WALSEM, Zrif. wiss. Mile.. xi, 1894, p. 218; LENDENFELD, ibid., xviii, 1901, p. 18; KRAUSK. //>/v p. 281. Secondly, the knife should be set square, for the oblique position encourages rolling, and the more the knife is oblique the more do the sections roll. Thirdly, it is better to cut ribbons than disconnected sec- tions; ribbons of sections will often cut flat, when the s;nne mass will only give rolled sections if cut disconnectedly. Rolling may often be lessened or suppressed by cutting the sections thinner. • ii MTI:K vnr. may be employed. The simplest of • the cutting the edge of tin- src-tion that begins to ..-lit and held down on tin- Made of the knife by mid-hair brush with a Hat point, or by a .iml:i mad.- by running a piece of paper on .to the Jpcl. ( )r. which is much better, the section is held d.'wn l-v means of an instrument called a " section- Tin's consists essentially of a little metallic ,.,,1! :,ded over the object in be cut in such a way as .Hi its five surface with a pressure that can be delicately ivj-nlated so as t«> be sufficient to keep the section A tlat without in any way hindering the knife from gliding beneath it. the i-rii>ti"]i- <>(' v;iri<»us forms of section-stretchers, ZooL . vol. \i. 1^:'.. i'. !<>o (ScnrLTZi:); Mitth. ZooL Stat. Ncapel, iv. MAYER, A.\I>I;!:S. and GIESBRECHT) ; Arch. nu'l-. Aui.' KEB : ///"/. ,W. //»•/*/. Mic., x. 1883, p. 55 (FRAN- /'/, Micr( Frhnuiiy. KS). (GAGE and SMITH); WHIT- M. ///. i'ti M>'<-. Anat., 1885, p. !»1 ; /< /7. wiss. Nil:., iv, 1887, p. 218 '. ./ . \. is1.':;, p. 1 ',7 (BORN). The best are those of Mayer li'Tll. I find that MAYKK'S, beautifully made by JUNG,, works admirably and is most valuable. • \'"ther phni ig to nllow the sections to roll, but to control 'he rolli' To this end. the block of paraffin is pared to the -hajie nt a wcd-jv live or six times as long as broad,, the "bjri-t lieiiiL'- contained in the broad part, and the edge turned t(i\v:irds the knife (see Fig. 4). The sections are allowed to roll and come oil' as coils, the section of the object MI the outermost e««il, which will be found to be a very "I"1" ' indeed, very nearly tlat. Lay the coil on a slide '•nd downwards, warm gently, and the part con- objecl will unroll completely and lie quite flat. denali, Napoli, ]{)();}, p. 51) and V- //. /„„!. Ual.} 11K)(), p. KM.) lay a strip -pajier on the bh»ck. A defect opposite to that ••!' the rolling of sections is the :i"d the eriim].ling or puckering of sections, '"'"iig that the p;ir:iHin h;is been compressed by the knife "' "' being merely cul true by it. Such sections DT REDDING METHODS. MO besides showing creases or folds,, have a smaller area than that of the block from which they are cut. This is a bad fault, for the compression may obliterate important cavities or efface important limits between cell-layers, etc. It may be caused by a badly cutting knife, and is very easily caused by the paraffin being too soft. To prevent it, correct tin- knife or cool the paraffin, or re-imbed in harder paraffin. Very large sections tend to form folds on flic kiiiff, and are difficult in remove from it. MAYER (Grundzuge, LEE and MAYER, p. 94) gets them to wrap themselves round a glass or gelatin tube laid on the block- just in front of the knife-edge and rolled forwards as it progresses. When cut, the section is rolled off on to the surface of water. 147. Cutting Brittle Objects (Collodionisation). — Some objects are by nature so brittle that they break or crumble before the knife, or furnish sections so friable that it is impossible to mount them in the ordinary way. Ova are frequently in this case. A remedy for this state of things consists in covering the exposed surface of the object just before cut- ting each section with a thin layer of collodion, which serves to hold together the loose parts; and will enable the operator to cut sections considerably thinner than can be obtained in the usual way. The primitive form of the process was to place a drop of collodion on the free surface of each section just before cutting it. But this practice has two defects; the quantity of collodion employed sensibly softens the paraffin, and the thick layer of collodion when dry causes the sections to roll. MARK (Amer. Natural., 1885, p. 628; cf. Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.j 1885, p. 738) gives the following directions : "Have ready a little very fluid collodion in a small bottle, through the cork of which passes a small camel-hair brush, which just dips into the collodion with its tip. The collodion should be of such a consistency that when applied in a thin layer to a surface of paraffin it dries in two or three seconds without leaving a shiny surface. It must be diluted with ether as soon as it begins to show signs of doing so. "Take the brush out of the collodion, wipe it against the neck of the bottle, so as to have it merely moist with collodion, and quickly pass it over the free surface of tlie preparation, Care must be-taken not to let the collodion touch tin- v.- CHAPTER VIII. ,!]',,,, , ally nnf the one which is turned . as that will pn.l>;il)ly rauso the section . i,, th,. edge <>r under- surf ace of the knife. icllodion i- dry, which mi^ht to be in two or til--. n th. ; 'ii. withdraw the knife, and pass er tlic newly exposed surface of the U'hiUt tin's hiM layer of collodion is drying, take in fcion from the knife nnd place it with the collodion- 1 suri iovvn wards '.n a slide prepared with fixative of il.aiim. Tlicn mt the second . p. ]2; cf. Zeit. wiss. ': . \iii, I^'.'J. p. '»":'. employs a solution made by mixing a solution of • in .-tlit-r. of a syrupy consistency, with an equal volume of "ii. and dilutinn' tin- mixture with ethor until quite thin and liquid. . l^'l. p. 17") employs tiiji.-rli-iitnl jmraffin (of about Tin- lia> tli.- advantage of filling up any cavities there may be • bje.-ts. and also of y,,vro/////f/ flu- xi'i-f/'mix frcnn rolliiiy. A com- l"l'iii"iit of this process is described by LENDENFELD in V //.-.. \\iii. l!iu|. p. |x '.M;i;r..l,-i-h,,;k. p. ]s.!) employs a 1 per cent, solution of tl|(l sections to mil. and unrolls them by the water- pi-.. . I i/ /r.) ad. Is :, drops of oil of cedar to 15 c.c. of the • Intion of i-elloidin. and finds that rolling js prevented. Ribbon Section-cutting.- -If a scries of paraffin sections '"' rllt '" succession and not removed from the knife one by it, Inn allow,, 1 to hV undisturbed on the blade, it quently happens that they adhere to one another '" form a chain or ribbon which may be transferred to a slide without breaking up fhtening the labour of mounting a L-ies' 1(11 "'' :1 nbbon, the paraffin must be of a having the righl relation to the temperature of condly,the knife should be set 'illnlh' ""' blo<* of paraffin should be trimmed so ' !" !" :i ^raightedge parallel to the knife edgej and' IMBEDDING MKTIloDS. 97 the opposite edge should also be parallel to this. Ifc is l>y no means necessary to have recourse to special mechanical contrivances, as in the so-called ribbon microtomes; the Tlioma microtome is sufficient. But the automatic microtomes, and amongst them the Cambridge Rocking Microtome and the Miiiot, are certainly most advantageous for this purpose. If the paraffin is very hard, it is necessary for sections of 10 /LI, and advisable for thinner ones, to coat the Hock with softer paraffin. To do this, take paraffin of about 40° C. melting-point, melt it, heat it to about 80° on the water- bath, dip the block into it for an instant, and rapidly turn it over so that the fluid paraffin may run down away from the top part as much as possible. Allow it to cool, and pare away again the soft paraffin from the two sides that are not to be arranged parallel to the knife. Or, as I frequently prefer, simply plaster a wall of soft paraffin (superheated) on to the fore and aft faces of the block with a small spatula. Large blocks may have two coatings given them. It sometimes happens that the ribbon becomes electrified during the cutting, and twists and curls about in the air in a most fantastic and undesirable manner. It may be got flat by warming slightly. 149. Section Flattening. — The sections having been ob- tained may be cleared and mounted at once if they arc quite perfect, that is, neither rolled nor creased nor com- pressed. But should they in the least degree show any of these defects, they must first be unrolled or smoothed, 01 expanded to their proper dimensions. The most efficacious plan is combined treatment with fluid and heat. The sections are either floated on to the surhnv of warm water or warm alcohol contained in a suitable dish, which causes them to flatten out perfectly, and are then transferred to a slide, by floating them into position, <>r otherwise. Or the slide has a layer of water spread over it, the sections are laid on the water, and the slide is heated (to somewhat lelow the melting-point of the paraffin) until the sections flatten out, which happens in a few seconds. A special water-bath for flattening sections is described by in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xii, 1896, p. 447. 150. Clearing and Mounting.— The sections having been duly smoothed by one of these processes, and duly fixed to 7 CHAFFER MM. 5 . unless it is desired to keep them remains is to gel rid of the paraffin and may be. .Many solvents have ,!,,,! for this purpose :- -Turpentine, warm mixture of Pour parts of essence of turpentine ,te,a mixture of turpentine and oil ,luol, xylol, thin solution of Canada balsam ;,lv applicable to very thin sections), hot absolute j.lnha. or any other paraffin oil of low boiling- ;it. of tin \ylol and toluol are generally in most tin- best. Ueii/.ol and chloroform are too volatile :«• manipulation. If tin- slide IK- warmed to the melting-point of the paraffin, ids will Hillice t«> remove the paraffin if the slide plunged into a tube of \ylol or toluol. For thin sections, |n to lo M, it i- not necessai'y to irann at all. The sections in. muted direct from the xylol, or the slide may be Jit int<> a tub.- <>f alcohol to remove the solvent for >taini' ratlin x'.-tioii- can !»• -taim-tl without removal of the paraffin, so tli.-it at't.-r-tp-atni'-iit \\ith ;ilr.)h(il can be suppressed, but this is only [•ti-'iialiv ai.lvaiita-vi.iis. 151 Pure Paraffin.- h is now almost universally admitted t/ thai pure paraffin is superior for ordinary work to any of • many mixi nres with wax and the like that used to le rarailin varies enormously in hardness ac- "rdiiiLr t" the temperature1 of its surroundings. It should taken <•!' a melting-point suitable to the nire nf the laboratory. .-1 paraffin welting at 50° C. harder, i< i hat whidi in my experience gives the 90 long as ///< temperature of the laboratory is For higher temperatures a harder l»ire.l, ;md lor lower temperatures a softer one. "f undoubted e ..... petence prefer masses 11 harder than this; so, for instance, Heidenhain M';"''y Rabl (56°), Mayer (58° to 60° in ; in winter aboul 56 , but never less than 50°). "'" Hi:«t :it Naples the temperature during summer and autumn is over 22° C. in tbe 1: metimes over 30°. Temperatures such as IMBEDDING METHODS. \i\\ these are seldom realised in the British Isles, and, whilst I quite admit that such hard paraffin may have its raison d'etre for Naples, I hold that for that very reason it is in general unnecessarily hard for cooler climates. My recommendation of a relatively soft paraffin refers l<> work with the Thoma sliding microtome. Microtomes with fixed, knives, such as the Cambridge, the Minot, or the Reinhold-Giltay, will give good results with much harder paraffin, and, in fact, require such. Stout knives of hard steel will take a harder paraffin tlian thin ones of soft steel ; but the latter may be preferable I'm- soft masses. For thin sections a harder paraffin is required than I'm- thick ones. Hard objects require a harder paraffin than soft ones. BKASS (Zeit. wiss. Mik., ii, 1885; p. 300) recommends paraffin that has been kept for some years, as it lias less tendency to crystallise than new paraffin. Paraffin of various melting-points is easily found in com- merce. Intermediate sorts may be made by mixing hard and soft paraffin. I find that two parts of paraffin nieltiiiLr at 50° with one of paraffin melting at 36 C. give a in;, melting at 48° C., and a mixture of one part of that melting at 53° with one part of that melting at 45° gives a mas melting at 50° C. According to E. BURCHAEDT (Jena Zc-it. Nattinr., .\xxiv, 1900, p. 719) mixtures of paraffins of different melting-points give better results than an unmixed paraffin of the same melting-point as the mixture. He recommends 10 pan- of 40° paraffin + 1 of 45° + 1 of 52° + 1 of 58° + l> of r,D°. For methods for ascertaining melting-points see A'/V Chem. Centralb. ii, 1901, p. 507. 152. Overheated Paraffin.— SPEE (Zeit. wiss.Mik.,ii, lS-->. p. M takes paraffin of about 50° C. melting-point and heats it in a porcelain capsuL by means of a lamp until it has become brownish -\<-ll«>\v. ;ms. MiJc.j 1884, p. 414).--Ehrenbaum recommends a mass con- sisting of ten parts of colophonium to one of wax. The addition of wax makes the mass less brittle. Sections are obtained by grinding in the usual way. The mass is removed from them by means of turpentine followed by chloroform. 179. JOHNSTON E-LAVIS and VOSMAEK'S Balsam Method (Joiirn. 8oc.f 1887, p. 200). — Alcohol material is carefully COLLODION AND OTHER, LMBKDDINd METHODS. 117 and gradually saturated, first with benzol, and then with thin and thick solution of benzol-balsam. It is then dried for a day in the air and for several days more in a hot-air bath. When hard it is ground in the usual way. 180. WEIL'S Canada Balsam Method, see Zait. wis*. Mik., v, 1888, p, 200. 181. GIESBRECHT'S Shellac Method. — For hard parts only, spines of EJiinus, shell, etc., see Morph. Jahrb., vi, 1880, p. 95, or the abstract in LEE mid MAYER, Grundziige. Congelation Masses. 182. The Methods of Freezing.— For the requisite manipula- tions, and means of producing the requisite degiee of cold, see CARPENTER'S The Microscope (ether spray) ; JOHNE, Zeit. iviss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 370 (liquid carbonic acid) ; WOLFF, ibid., xxv, 1908, p. 175 (ethyl chloride); KKAUSE, ibid.} p. 289 (solid carbonic acid) ; JUNG, Verli. Ges. Naturf. Aertze, Ixix, 1898, p. 129 (ethyl chloride); BRISSY, G. R. Soc. BioL, Ixii, 1907, p. 1115 (liquid air). Fresh tissues may be, and are, frequently frozen without leing included in any mass. But the formation of ice crystals frequently causes tearing of delicate elements, and it is better to infiltrate the tissues with a mass that does not crystallise in the freezing mixture, but becomes simply hard and tough, such as one of those given below. When sections have been obtained, it is difficult to manipulate them. OLT (Zeit. u-iss. Mik., xxiii, 1906, p. 327) puts them into a 1 per cent, solution of gelatin, brings them therein on to a slide, hardens for an hour in vapour of formaldehyde, and soaks for a few minutes in formol of 10 per cent. ANITSCHKOW (ibid., xxvii, 1910, p. 73) puts them into alcohol of 50 per cent., gets them on to a slide prepared with Mayer's albumin, presses down with paper, puts into alcohol of 98 per cent., and thence through lower grades into water. 183. Gum and Syrup Masses.— HAMILTON (Journ. of Anat. and Phys., xii, 1878, p. 254) soaked tissues in syrup made with double refined sugar, 2 ounces ; water, 1 fluid ounce ; 118 CHAPTER IX. then washed the superfluous syrup from the surface,, and put into ordinary gum mucilage for an hour or so, and then imbedded in the freezing microtome with mucilage in the usual way. COLE (Methods of Microscopical Research, 1884, p. xxxix) takes gum mucilage (B. P.), 5 parts; syrup, 3 parts. (For brain and spinal cord, retina, and all tissues liable to come in pieces put 4 parts of syrup to five of gum.) Add 5 grains of pure carbolic acid to each ounce of the medium. (Gum mucilage [B. P.] is made by dissolving 4 ounces of picked gum acacia in 6 ounces of water. The syrup is made by dissolving 1 pound of loaf sugar in 1 pint of water and boiling.) The freezing is conducted as follows: — 'The gum and syrup is removed from the outside of the object by means of a cloth ; the spray is set going and a little gum mucilage painted on the freezing plate ; the object is placed on this and surrounded with gum mucilage ; it is thus saturated with gum a.nd syrup, but surrounded when being frozen with mucilage only. This combination prevents the sections from curling up on the one hand, or splintering from being too hard frozen on the other. Should freezing have been carried too far, wait for a few seconds. WEBB (The Microscope, ix, 1890, p. 344; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc.} 1890, p. 113) takes thick solution of dextrin in solution of carbolic acid in water (I in 40). 184. .Gelatin (SoLLAS, Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc., xxiv, 1884, pp.163, 164). Gum Gelatin (JACOBS, Amcr. Natural., 1885, p. 734). White of Egg (ROLLETT, DensJcschr. math, naturiv. Kl. k. Acad. Wiss. Wicn, 1885 ; Zeit. wiss. Mil:., 1886, p. 92).— Small portions of tissue brought in the white of a freshly laid egg on to the freezing stage, frozen and cut. Oil of Aniseed (KuHNE, Centralb.f. Bahteriol., xii, 1892, p. 28; Journ. Roy. M/'cr. Soc., 1892, p. 706; Y. A. MOORE, Amer. Mon. Mic. Journ., 1894, p. 373; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1895, p. 247). Anethol (anise camphor), STEPANOW, Zeit. wiss. Mile., xvii, 1900, p. 181. For details of these see previous editions. For DOLLKEN'S method of solidifying forniol by means of resorcin, see Zeit. wi^. Mlk., xiv, 1, 1897, p. 33. CHAPTER X. * SERIAL SECTION MOUNTING. 185. Choice of a Method. — I recommend the following :- For general work with paraffin sections, the combined water and albumen method, § 188. For very delicate work, the water method. For collodion sections, the albumen method • for large collodion sections, G-EAHAM KERK'S seems the most convenient. Methods for Paraffin Sections. *-' «v/ 186. The Water or Dessication Method.— GAULE (Arch. Anat. Phys.j Phys. Abth., 1881, p. 156) ; SUCHANNEK (Zeit. iciss. Mik., vii, 1891, p. 464) ; GULLAND (Journ. Anat. and Phys.} xxvi, 1891, p. 56) .; SCHIEFFERDECKER (Zeit. u'iss. Mik.} ix, 1892, p. 202) ; HEIDENHAIN (Kern nnd Protoplasma, p. 114) ; NUSBAUM (Anat. Anz.j xii, 2, 1896, p. 52) ; MAYER in the Grundzuge, LEE nnd MAYER, 1898, p. 113; DE GROOT (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1898, p. 62), and others. — The principle of this method is that the sections are made to adhere to the slide without the intervention of any cementing substance, being brought into intimate contact with the glass by being slowly drawn down by the evaporation of a layer of water on which they are floated. It is now practised, with unessential variations, as follows : (a) For sections that are large and not numerous. The sections are flattened out on water by one or other of the processes described in § 149. The slide is then drained and put away to dry until every trace of water has completely evaporated away from under the sections. This drying may be performed at the temperature of the laboratory, in which case many hours will be necessary (to be safe it will generally be necessary to leave the sections overnight). Or it maybe 120 CHAPTER X. performed in a stove or on a water-bath at a temperature a few degrees below the melting-point of the paraffin (best not above 40° C.), in which case fixation will be much more rapid, large thin sections being often sufficiently fixed in an hour, though thick ones will require half a dozen hours or more. The paraffin must not be allowed to melt before the sections are perfectly dry, the sections are sure to become detached if it does. Perfectly dry sections have a certain brilliant trans- parent look that is easily recognisable. As soon as dry the paraffin may be removed and they may be further treated as desired. To remove the paraffin all that is requisite is to put the slide into a tube of xylol or other good solvent, which in a few seconds, or minutes at most, removes the paraffin perfectly. Most workers first melt the paraffin, but I find this is not necessary. (6) For series of numerous small sections. Clean a slide perfectly, so that water will spread on it without any tendency to run into drops (see below). Breathe on it, and with a brush draw on it a streak of water as wide as the sections and a little longer than the first row of sections that it is intended to mount. With a dry brush arrange the first row of sections (which may be either loose ones or a length of a ribbon) on this streak. Breathe on the slide again, draw on it another streak of water under the first one and arrange the next row of sections on it, and so on until the slide is full. Then breathe on the slide again, and with the brush add a drop of water at each end of each row of sections, so as to enable them to expand freely ; then warm the slide so as to flatten out the sections, taking care not to melt the paraffin. Some persons do this by holding it over a small flame for a few seconds. I prefer to lay it on a slab of thick glass, warmed, watching the flattening of the sections through a lens if necessary. As soon as they are perfectly flat, draw off the excess of water from one corner of the mount with a dry brush, and put aside to dry as before (a). In order to succeed in this method it is absolutely essential that the sections be perfectly expanded and come into close contact with the slide at all points. And to ensure this it is necessary that the slide should be perfectly free from grease, so that the water may wet it equally everywhere. The test for this is, firstly, to breathe on the slide ; the SKIUAL SECTION MOUNTING. 121 moisture from the breath should condense on it evenly all over, and disappear evenly. Secondly, streaks of water drawn on it with a brush should not run. To obtain a slide that will fulfil these conditions, clean it well in the usual way, place a drop of water on it and rub it in thoroughly with a damp cloth and try the tests. If this does not suffice, take a turn of a corner of the cloth round a finger and rub it with a piece of chalk, then damp the cloth and rub the slide with it, finishing up with a clean part of the cloth and clean water (DE GROOT, loc. cit. supra). If after performing this operation twice the slide still refuses to take the water thoroughly, it should be rejected as incorrigible ; for there are apparently some sorts of glass that can never be got to wet properly. Mayer finds carbonate of magnesia or soda useful. G-UDERNATSCH (Zeit. wiss. Mikr., xxiv, 1908, p. 358) washes the slide well with potash soap, and arranges the sections on it whilst still wet. HELLY (ibid., 1906, p. 330) passes it two or three times over the flame of a Bunsen burner. Tap water seems preferable to distilled water ; it seems to spread better and give a stronger adhesion. NUSBATJM adds a trace of gum arable (one or two drops of mucilage to a glass of water) ; APATHY (MicrotechniJe, p. 126) adds 1 per cent, of Mayer's albumen (§ 187) ; and HENNEGUY (Lemons sur la Cellule, 18S6, p. 62) takes a 1 : 5000 solution of gelatin, with a trace of bichromate of potash, added just before using, and dries the slides exposed to light. Similarly, BURCHARDT (Jena Zeit., xxxiv, 1900, p. 719). Some workers have used alcohol (50 per cent, or 70 per cent.) instead of water ; but this I believe to be now generally abandoned. This is the most elegant method of any, as there is nothing on the slide except the sections that can stain, or appear as dirt in the mount. Tissues do not suffer from the drying, provided the material has been properly imbedded. Sections stick so fast by this method that they will stand watery or other fluids for weeks, so long as they are not alkaline. When successfully performed it is quite safe, provided that the sections are of a suitable nature. They must be such as to afford a sufficient continuous surface, everywhere in contact with the slide. Sections of parenchymatous organs stick well ; sections of thin-walled tubular organs stick badly. Sections of chitinous organs 122 CHAPTEIi X. are very unsafe. The larger and thinner sections are, the better do they stick, and vice versa. Sections from chromic or osmic material adhere less well than sections from alcohol or sublimate material. By taking a staining solution instead of pure water for expanding, the sections can be got to stain at the same time, and so be brought into balsam without passing through alcohol ; see MAYER, Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 320 ; SCHMORL, Path.-hist. Untersuchungsmethodtn, 1897, p. 38; SMITH, Journ. Anat. Phys., xxxiv, 1899, p. 151. 187. MAYER'S Albumen (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, iv, 1883; Interned. Monatschr.f. Anaf.} iv, 1887, p. 42). — White of egg, 50 c.c. ; glycerin, 50 c.c. ; salicylate of soda, 1 grin. Shake them well together, and filter into a clean bottle. The filter- ing may take days or a week, but the preparation does not spoil meanwhile. FRANCOTTE shakes up the albumen with a few drops of acetic acid before adding the other ingredients, and finds the filtering greatly quickened. So do I. Be careful with the acid. A very thin layer of the mixture is spread on a slide with a fine brush and well rubbed in with the finger (I prefer a small rubber " squeegee "). The sections are laid on it and pressed down lightly with a brush (if they will bear it). The slide may then be warmed for some minutes on a water- bath, and the paraffin removed with a solvent. It is not necessary to warm the slide at all; the paraffin can he removed in the cold if desired by putting the slide into toluol, xylol, or the like. But the slide must, in any ease, be treated icith alcohol after removal of the paraffin, in order to get rid of the glycerin, which will cause cloudiness if not perfectly removed. This method allows of the staining of sections on the slide with perfect safety, both with alcoholic and aqueous stains, provided they be not alkaline. According to my experience, the albumen method is abso- lutely safe, provided that alkaline fluids le avoided in the after-treatment. It has the defect that certain plasma stains (not chromatin stains) colour the albumen very strongly, and cannot be removed from it, and that sections are not expanded by it. SEIUAI, SEOTION MOUNTING. 123 It sometimes happens that the mixture after it has stood for some time becomes turbid, and at last coagulates, pass- ing into a caseous state ; or it may undergo a hyaline coagulation, drying up like amber. But up to the very last it does not in. general lose its adhesive properties. I have, however, found it to do so, after keeping for five or six years, so that, to be on the safe side, it may be well to make it up fresh every six months. HEIDENHAIN (Zeit. wiss. Mikr.} xxii, 1905, p. 331) makes it up with 1 grin, of blood albumen dissolved in 25 c.c. of water, and an equal volume of 50 per cent, alcohol. 188. The Albumen and Water Method (HENNEGUY, Journ. de I'Anat. et de la PhysioL, 1891, p. 398). — A drop of water is spread on a slide painted with Mayer's white.-of-egg mixture, the sections are arranged on it, the whole is warmed (not to the melting-point of the paraffin) until the sections flatten out ; the water is then evaporated off at a temperature of about 40° C., and as soon as it has sufficiently disappeared, which at that temperature will be in about ten to fifteen minutes, the slide is further treated as described last §. This is a most valuable method. It is quicker than the water method, and, for difficult material, safer. See also OHLMACHER, Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., April, 1893. The so-called " Japanese " method, attributed to IKEDA by REINKE (Zeit. wi>s. Milt., xii, 1895, p. 21), is merely that of HENNEGUY. MANN (Anut. Anz., viii, 1893, p. 442) shakes up white of egg with water, coats slides with it and dries them. He flattens sections on water at 40° C., lifts them out on a prepared slide, and dries for five minutes at 35° C. 189. Garlic-water. — HOLLANDE (Arch. d'Anat. Micr., xiii, 1911, p. 171) gives the following as more adhesive than albumen : — 50 g. of crushed and chopped garlic are rubbed up with 80 c.c. of chloroform-water (Codex, A.C.) and filtered after twenty-four hours. Use as albumen. 190. SCHALLIBAUM'S Collodion (Arch, milcr. Anat., xxii, 1883, p. 565). — One part of collodion shaken up with 3-4 parts of clove or lavender oil. Use as albumen. Sections can be treated with alcohol (not absolute) and divers staining fluids. I do not find it safe for this. E/ABL, how- ever (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1894, p. 170), finds that it is if you take 2 parts of collodion to 3 of clove oil, and make up fresh every four or five days. 124 CHAPTER X. 191. OBREGIA'S Method for Paraffin or C3lloidiu S actions (Neurologisches Centralb., ix, 1890, p. 295 ; G-ULLAND, Jo urn. of Path., February, 1893). — Slides, or glass plates of any size, are coated with a solution made of — Syrupy solution of powdered candy- sugar made with boiling distilled water . . . . .30 c.c. 95 per cent, alcohol . . . 20 „ Transparent syrupy solution of pure dextrin made by boiling with dis- tilled water . . . . 10 „ They are dried slowly for two or three days until the surface is just sticky to the moist finger. Paraffin sections are arranged and heated for a few minutes to a temperature slightly above the melting-point of the paraffin. The paraffin is removed by some solvent, and this in turn by absolute alcohol. The alcohol is poured off, and the sections are covered with solution of celloidin. The plates are left to evaporate for ten minutes in a horizontal position, then brought into water, in which the sheet of celloidin with the sections soon becomes detached, and may be further treated as desired, e. y. as in Weigert's process, § 198. The evapo- ration must not be artificially hastened. DIMMER (Zdt. wits. Mile., xvi, 1899, p. 44) coats the slides with a solution of about 16 parts of gelatin in 300 of warm water, and dries them (two days), and proceeds in other respects as above. A good method for large sections, equally applicable to paraffin sections, to celloidin sections, and to sections of material that has not been imbedded at all. For BLOCHMAN'S modification of Weigert's process, by means of which large sections can be preserved unmounted, see Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 189. 192. STRASSER'S Collodion Paper Method (ibid., iii, 188G, p. 346).- This is an extremely coni|>lir;iU'd modification of Weigert's method for celloidin sections, and is only adapted for use with STRASSER'S automatic ribbon-microtome. See Zdt. ivies. Mik., iii, 1886, p. 346 ; vi, 1889, p. 154 ; vii, I S'.HI, pp. ii:»o ai.d 3<»l; ix. INJJJ, p. y; xii, 1895, p. 154 ; and xiv, 1897, p. 3:>; also SCHOENKMANN, Hu'd.. xix, 1903, p. 333; STRASSER, ibid., p. 337 ; and RUIM-KICHT. ////./., xxviii. TJ12. p. 281. SERIAL SECTION MOUNTING. 125 Methods for Watery Sections. 193. FOJ/S Gelatin (FoL, Lehrb., p. 132). — Four grammes of gelatin are dissolved in 20 c.c. of glacial acetic acid by heating on a water-batli and agitation. To 5 c.c. of the solution add 70 c.c. of 70 per cent, alcohol and 1 to 2 c.c. of 5 percent, aqueous solution of chrome-alum. Pour the mix- ture on to the slide and allow it to dry. In a few hours the gelatin passes into the insoluble state. It retains, however, the property of swelling and becoming somewhat sticky in presence of water. The slide may then be immersed in water containing the sections ; these can be slid into their places, and the whole lifted out ; the sections will be found to be fixed. This method is specially intended for sections made under water, large celloidin sections amongst others. Similarly, RDPPRICHT, loc. cit., last §, with the needless com- plication of a seriation on Strasser's collodionised paper. STRASSEB (loc. cit., last §) also employs a dry gelatin film which he makes sticky by means of carbol-xylol. Methods for Celloidin Sections. 194. The Albumen Method. — I find that celloidin sections may be mounted on Mayer's albumen, and have the celloidin removed, if desired, by putting them into ether-alcohol. Care must be taken to press them down very thoroughly on to the albumen ; and it is well not to have them too wet. Similarily JORDAN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1898, p. 54), and ARGUTINSKY, ibid, xvii, 1900, p. 37. See also JORDAN (ibid., 192-194) ; DANTSCHAKOFF, ibid., xxv, 1908; p. 35; MAXIMOW, ibid., xxvi, 1909, p. 184; ANITSCHKOW, ibid., xxvii, 1910, p. 68 ; WEBER, ibid., xxix, 1912, p. 186 ; RUBASCHKIN,, Anat. Anz.j xxxi, 1907, p. 30. Weber paints over the series on the albumen with a layer of thin collodion, and puts into alcohol of 50 per cent., then into a mixture of equal parts of chloroform and absolute alcohol. After staining, pure absolute alcohol must be avoided. 195. SUMMERS' Ether Method (Amer. Mon. Mic. Journ.,1887, p. 73). — Place the sections in 95 per cent, alcohol for a 126 CHAPTER X. minute or two, arrange on the slide, and then pour over the sections sulphuric ether vapour, from a bottle partly full of liquid ether. The colloidin will immediately soften and become perfectly transparent. Place the slide in 80 per cent, alcohol, or even directly in 95 per cent, if desired. I have not myself found this method safe. Instead of pouring the ether vapour over the slide, it may, of course, be treated with ether vapour in a preparation glass or similar arrangement, which I think preferable. GAGE (Proc. Amer. Soc. Mic., 1892, p. 82) advises that the slide be one that has been previously coated with a 0'5 per cent, solution of white of egg and dried ; the collodion adheres much more strongly to an albuminised surface. AUBURTIN (Anat. Anz., xiii, 1897, p. 90) arranges on a clean slide, dehydrates the sections with blotting-paper and treatment with absolute alcohol, then drops 011 to them a mixture of alcohol and ether which dissolves out the celloidin from the sections, then allows the thin col- lodion thus formed to evaporate into a thin sheet on the slide. Then 70 per cent, alcohol and other desired reagents. Similarly, MAIER (Munch, meet. Wochenschr., Ivii, 1910, No. 12 ; Ztit. wiss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 385), but adding a treatment for ten to fifteen minutes with sulphide of carbon. See also MYERS, Arch. Anat. Phy*., Anat. Abth., 1902, p. 371 (com- plicated). 196. APATHY'S Oil of Bergamot Method (Mitth. Zool. 8tat. Neapel, 1887, p. 742 ; Zeit. wiss. Mil'., v, 1888, pp. 46 and 360, and vi, 1889, p. 167). — Cut with a knife smeared with yellow vaseline and wetted with 95 per cent, alcohol. Float the sections, as cut, on bergamot oil (must be green, must mix perfectly with 90 per cent, alcohol, and must not smell of turpentine), or on carbolxyol (Mikrotechnik, p. 176). The sections flatten themselves out on the surface of the oil ; and arc then transferred to a slide which (APATHY, Mikrotecltnik, pp. 127 and 176) has been previously collodionised and dried. If the sections are to be stained, the slide after removal of the bergamot oil, by a cigarette paper, is exposed for a few minutes to the vapour of a mixture of ether and alcohol, then brought into 90 per cent, alcohol, and after a quarter of an hour therein may be stained in any fluid that contains 70 per cent, alcohol or more. SERIAL SECT [ON" MOUNTING. 127 If it be desired to stain in a watery fluid, care must have been taken when arranging the sections to let the colloidin of each section overlap that of its neighbours at the edges, so that the ether vapour may fuse them all into one con- tinuous plate. This will become detached from the slide in watery fluids, and may then be treated as a single section. Terpinol may be taken instead of bergamot oil. 197. APATHY'S Series-on-the-Knife Method (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1888, p. 168). — The knife is well smeared with yellow vaseline, rubbed evenly on, and is wetted with alcohol of 70 to 90 per cent. As fast as the sections are cut they are drawn with a needle or small brush to a dry part of the blade, and there arranged in rows, the celloidin of each section overlapping or at least touching that of its neighbours. When a series (or several series, if you like) has been thus completed, the sections are dried by laying blotting-paper on them, and the series is painted over with some of the thinnest celloidin solution used for imbedding, is allowed to evaporate for five minutes in the air, and the knife is then removed and brought for half an hour into 70 per cent, alcohol. This hardens the celloidin around the sections into a continuous lamella, which can be easily detached by means of a scalpel, and stained, or further treated as desired. 198. WEIGEKT'S Collodion Method (Zeit. wiss. Mihr., 1885, p. 490). — Slides, or larger plates of glass, are prepared by coating them with collodion in a thin layer, as photographers do, and allowing them to dry (they may be kept thus in stock). Sections (cut wet with alcohol) are got on to one of these (by a roundabout process, not essential), and arranged in order, and gently pressed down with paper. Now remove with blotting-paper any excess of alcohol that may remain on or around the sections, pour collodion over them, and get it to spread in an even layer. As soon as this layer is dry at the surface you may write any necessary indications on it with a small brush charged with methylen blue (the colour will remain fast throughout all subsequent manipulations) . The plate may now be either put away till wanted in 80 per cent, alcohol, or may be brought into a staining fluid. 128 CHAPTER X. The watery fluid causes the double sheet of collodion to become detached from the glass, holding the sections fast between its folds. It is then easy to stain, wash, dehydrate, and mount in the usual way, merely taking care not to use alcohol of more than 90 to 96 per cent, for dehydration. Weigert recommends for clearing the mixture of xylol and carbolic acid (§ 167). The series should be cut into the desired lengths for mounting whilst in the alcohol. A good method for large and tliic'k sections. For BLOCHMAN'S modification see § 191. STRASSER takes gummed paper instead of the glass plates used in this process. See the papers quoted § 192. See also WINTERSTEINER (Zeii.wiss. Mile., x, 1893, p. 316) and KUBO (Arch. mik. Anat., Ixx, 1907, p. 173). 199. Obregia's Method. — Slides are prepared as directed (§ 191), the sections are arranged on them and covered with celloidin or photoxylin and evaporated as described, § 191. For DIMMER'S modification see also § 191. 200. Collodion Film Method— GRAHAM KERR (in litt., 1908) seriates on Kodak films. A film has the emulsion removed by hot water. The sections are arranged on a dry film, and the applications of a drop of absolute alcohol and ether (or an atmosphere of alcohol and ether) suffices to weld them into a mass with the film. The sheet may then be stained and mounted, or rolled up and stored in cedar oil. Other Methods for Celloidin Sections.— See §§ 193 (Foi.) and 182 (Oi/r). CHAPTER XI. STAINING. 201. The Molecular Processes involved in Staining. - The question whether the phenomena of staining and of industrial dyeing are chiefly of a chemical order, as held by some, or chiefly of a physical order, as held by others, is outside the province of this book. See (besides works on chemistry, amongst which may be mentioned BENE- DIKT and KNECHT, The Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours, London, 1889) FISCHER'S Fixirung, Fdrbung uitd Ban des Protoplasmus, Jena, G. Fischer, 1899 ; PAPPENHEIM'S Ghrundriss der Farbchemie, Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901 ; and the articles in Encycl. mik. Technik. 202. Histological Staining : Specific, Nuclear, and Plasmatic. — Stains are either general or special (otherwise called Spe- cific, or Selective, or Elective). A general stain is one that takes effect on all the elements of a preparation. A special, specific, selective, or elective stain is one that takes effect only on some of them, certain elements being made prominent by being coloured, the rest either remaining colourless or being coloured with a different intensity or in a different tone. To obtain this differentiation is the chief object for which colouring reagents are employed in micro- scopic anatomy. Two chief kinds of this selection may be distinguished- histological selection and cijtological selection. In the former an entire tissue or group of tissue elements is prominently stained, the elements of other sorts present in the prepara- tion, remaining colourless or being at all events differently stained, as in a successful impregnation of nerve-endings by means of gold chloride. This is the kind of stain that is generally meant by a specif c stain. In the latter the stain seizes on one of the constituent elements of cells in general, for instance, either on the chromatin of the nucleus, 9 130 CHAPTKK XI. or on one or other of the elements that go to make up the cytoplasm. Stains that thus exhibit a selective affinity for the sub- stance of nuclei — nuclear or chromatiu stains — form a class of stains of peculiar importance for the embryologist or zootomist. For they enable him to have the nuclei of tissues marked out by staining in the midst of the unstained material in such a way that they may form landmarks to catch the eye, which is then able to follow out with ease the contours and relations of the elements to which the nuclei belong. To these must be added another group of stains of the greatest importance to the cytologist and histologist, the plasmatic stains or plasma stains. These take effect es- pecially on elements of cells and tissues other than the chromatin — for instance, on the reticulum of cytoplasm, or on its granules, or on polar corpuscles, etc., or on the formed material of tissues. 203. Dyes : Basic, Acid, and Neutral.— The colouring matters, or dyes, employed either in industrial dyeing or in histo- logical staining are almost always salts. They are known as " basic," " acid," or "neutral ;> dyes. By a " basic " dye is meant one which is either a base or a compound in which a so-called " colour base ; ' (or molecular group to which the compound owes its colouring properties) is combined with a non-colouring acid. For instance, fuchsin or magenta is a basic dye. It is the hydrochloride of rosanilin, and its colouring properties are due to the rosanilin which exists as a base in the compound, and not to the hydrochloric acid of the compound. By an " acid;i dye is meant a compound in \vhich a so-called " colour-acid ' is combined with a non- colouring base. The dye known as acid fuchsin or acid nmgeiita (Siiurefuchsin) is an " acid ' colour. It is the soda-salt of di- or tri-sulphoconjugated rosanilin, that is of rosanilin di- or tri-sulphonic acid, and its colouring pro- perties are due to the rosanilin which exists as an acid in the compound, and not to the soda. Or, to take a simpler case, picrate of ammonia is. an " acid ' colour, and its colouring properties are evidently due to the picric acid in it, and not to the ammonia. STAINING. lol It is important to keep clearly in mind that in speaking of dyes the terms " acid " or " basic " refer to the characters of the colour acids or colour bases, and nob to those of the salts. An a acid ; dye may have a neutral or alkaline reaction (e. g> picrate of ammonia), and vice versa. Basic dyes are generally easily soluble in alcohol, less easily in water ; whilst the contrary is the case for acid dyes. The free colour bases or colour-acids are generally less soluble in water than their salts, for which reason they are so little used that they are hardly to be found in com- merce. It follows that such histological formulae as depend on setting free a colour-acid from its salt (e.g. as by precipi- tating it from eosin by means of alum, as advised by Ranvier and Wissotzky) are irrational. Colour-bases or colour-acids may themselves be colourless. The stain given by acid .dyes is fast to acids, and may be intensified by them ; whilst basic dyes are washed out by acids, but intensified by alkalies. " Neutral " dyes are compounds of a colour-base with a colour-acid. They are seldom or never prepared industrially, the only example that I can find mentioned in BENEDIKT and KNECHT'S Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours being artificial indigo. They are prepared for histological purposes by mixing the aqueous solutions^ of a basic and an acid dye. For instance, by mixing the acid picrate of ammonia with the basic hydrochloride of rosanilin, you can bring about the formation of sal ammoniac and picrate of rosanilin, which is a " neutral " colouring matter. They are generally insoluble in pure water, and hence precipitate when the mixture is made, but may be got to redissolve by adding an excess of the acid colour, or of the basic, and are always soluble in alcohol. They can also, as is often done, be formed in the tissues themselves by staining first with an acid dye, and then bringing the preparation, without first washing out, into a basic dye. EHRLICH and LAZARUS (" Die Ansernie," Wien, 1898, p. 26) state that the basic dyes methyl-green, methyleii-blue, amethyst violet (also pyroniii and rhodanjin), and the acid dyes Saurefuchsin, Orange G, and Narce'in, are peculiarly favourable for making neutral mixtures. See further as to the "neutral" colours, ROSIN, "Ueber erne neue Gruppe der Anilinfarbstoffen," in Berliner Tdin. Wochenschr., xii, 1898, 132 CHAPTEll XI. p. 251 : Zeit. f. iviss. Mik.. xvi, 2, 1899, p. 223; Juta'it. Roy. Hie. Soc., 1899. p. 547 ; Encycl. mile. Teclinik, 1903, p. 1028 ; PAPPENHEIM, op. cit. supra; HEIDENHAIN, Ancit. Anz., xx, 1901, p. 36. 294. The Chromatophily of Tissue-Elements. --The elements of tissues are distinguished as " basophilous/; " acido- philons/' and " neutrophilous," according as they seem to show a natural affinity for basic, acid, or neutral colouring matters respectively According to a generalisation due to EHELTCH (Zeit. ~klin. Ned., 1, 1880, p. 555 ; REICHERT AND Du-Bois REYMOND'S Arch. Anat. Pliys., Phys. Abtli., 1870, p. 571), the basic colours are in general chromatin stains — that is, they have a special affinity for the element of nuclei known as chromatin, so that they are mostly sharp nuclear stains, and chromatin is basophilous. The acid colours, on the other hand, are, according to him, in general plasma stains — that is, they have a special affinity for cytoplasm and intercellular substances, which are therefore acidopliilous. The neutral colours exhibit special affinities for certain cell- contents, and the elements affected by these are said to be neufrophilous. I think that that is a generalisation which requires some explanation and qualification. In practical histology we have to take account not only of the affinities for dyes of cellular elements in a physically and chemically unaltered state, but of the alterations in these affinities brought about by the action of fixatives and mordants. Now most fixing agents either diminish or increase the chromatophily of tissues; so also do all mordants, some of which may even invert the natural chromatophily of tissues (see §§ 205, 207). Then, too, we have to take account also of the resistance of the stain to the liquids employed for washing, I'm- dehydration, for clearing; in short, we have to take into account the way in which the dye behaves when employed as a regressive stain (§ 20(J). This is of peculiar importance in the case of the coal-tar colours, seeing that they are largely used for the regressive staining of sections destined to be dehydrated by alcohol and mounted in balsam. Now EhrlicVs experiments take no account of these conditions. (He worked with "cover-glass preparations" of isolated cells, such as blood and lymph cells, and was thus able to avoid STAINING. the prolonged washing necessary for most sections, and to suppress altogether the dehydration by alcohol, his cover- glass preparations being simply dried after staining in a stove.) In consequence, his chemical categories of basic colours and acid colours fail to correspond always in practice to the technical categories of chromatin stains and plasma stains. For instance, orange is an acid colour ; but used as a regressive stain I find ifc will give a very sharp stain of chromatin : it cannot, therefore, be classed as a mere plasma stain, though it is also a very good plasma stain. ISaure- fuchsin is a very acid colour. It behaves in general as a decided plasma stain. But used as a regressive stain it sometimes, under conditions which I am not able to specify, gives a very vigorous stain of chromatin. Safranin is a basic colour, but by the use of appropriate mordants it can be made to behave as a plasma stain. Methylen blue is a basic colour. But, as is well known, when employed according to the method worked out by Ehrlich for the so-called intra- vitam staining of nerves, it affords a stain that is essentially plasmatic, such staining of nuclei as may occur in this process being an accidental epiphenomenon. Nigrosin is, according to Ehrlich, an acid colour, and should therefore be essentially a plasma stain. Yet I find that, used as a regressive stain in the same way as safranin, it gives a vigorous chromatin stain, cytoplasm being only faintly coloured. Bordeaux is an acid colour, but it stains chro- matin as well as cytoplasm. Further, both carminic acid and haematein are acid dyes, but combined with the mordant, alum (as in alum-carmine or alum-ha3inatoxylin), they give nuclear stains. Indeed, ifc is not too much to assert that there is hardly any colour, either basic or acid, that may not be made to afford either a chromatin stain or a plasma stain, according to the way in which it is employed. There is, in practice, no absolute chromatophily of tissue-elements. 205. Substantive and Adjective Staining; Mordants.— In the industry of dyeing, colouring matters are divided into two classes, according to their behaviour with respect to the material to be dyed. Certain dyes are absorbed directly from their solutions by the material immersed therein, and 134 CHAPTER XI. combine with it directly. In this case the material is said to be substantively dyed, and the colouring matter is called a substantive colouring matter. Other dyes do not combine directly with the material to be acted on, but this material must first be charged with some substance known as a mordant (generally a metallic salt or hydrate) before it will combine with the colouring matter. These are known as adjectire colouring matters.* Mordants are bodies which have the property of com- bining on the one hand with the elements of tissues and on tlie other with the colouring principle of the dyes used, forming with the latter insoluble coloured compounds (known as Lakes), which are retained in the tissues. It follows that basic dyes require mordants of an acid character and acid dyes mordants of a basic character. The mordant may be introduced into the tissues either before the dye or at the same time with it. It may seem at first sight that the majority of histological stains are obtained by substantive staining of the tissues. But on reflection it will be seen that many of the histological stains that are obtained without intentional mordanting of the tissues should yet in strictness be attributed to the class of adjective stains. For whenever there is reason to suppose that the stain obtained results from a combination of the colouring matter with some metallic salt or hydrate that is not a constituent of the living tissue, but has been brought into it by the fixing or hardening reagents, it must be ad- mitted that these reagents play the part of mordants though only intentionally employed for another purpose. This would appear to be the case with the stains, or some of them, obtained after fixation with corrosive sublimate, picric acid, salts of iron, of platinum, of palladium, of uranium, and, for certain tissue elements and certain colours, chromium. And further, the mordanting substance may not only be present unintentionally in the fixing or hardening agents, it may be present unintentionally, or with imperfect realisation of its import, in the staining solutions themselves. Such is un- doubtedly the part played by alum in most of the stains in * For an excellent popular exposition of this subject see BENEDIKT and KNECHT'S Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours (George Bell an(i Sons). STAINING. 135 which it figures as an ingredient. Iodine also plays in some staining processes a part which seems only explicable on the supposition that it acts as a mordant. And in some processes an acid dye is made to act as a mordant for a subsequently employed basic dye. In some staining processes, however, mordants are inten- tionally resorted to in order to fix the stain. Mordanting has long been intentionally employed in some haematein staining processes, such as the iron-alum process of BENDA and M. HEIDENHAIN. More lately it has been resorted to for staining with tar colours. By combining with the elements of tissues, mordants confer on them an artificial cliromalopliily . This may take place to so great an extent that the original affinities of the tissues for dyes are not only masked but may be seemingly altered into their opposites, thus producing an " inversion " of their chromatophily. Thus by means of appropriate acid mordants certain basic anilins, which by the usual methods of regressive staining are pure chromatin stains, may be made to afford a pure plasma stain. — one not affecting chromatin at all, thus giving an " inversion " of the usual stain. It would seem that the nuclear stains obtained by carmine and hsema- toxylin should in strictness be classed as inversion stains. The colouring principle of carmine, carminic acid, is an acid body, and consequently a plasma stain. But in the form of carmine it is combined with the basic oxide alumina, which by mordanting the acid body nuclein confers 011 it a basic character and renders it acidophilous, thus producing an inver- sion of the natural staining affinity. So also with the acid dye hsernatein. So that we see that whilst basic dyes substantively employed are nuclear stains and acid dyes substantively employed are plasma stains, yet basic colours with acid mordants may give a plasma stain and acid colours with basic mordants may give a nuclear stain. 206. Metachromasy. — Adjective stains are of the colour of the lake formed by the mordant and the colouring principle of the dye. Sub- stantive stains are for the most part of the colour of the solution of the dye employed. But this is not always the case. There is a very small group of dyes, mostly basic tar-colours, which have the property of staining different elements of tissues in different colours, one of these being the same as that of the solution of the dye, and the other, or metachromatic colour, being the same as that of the free colour-base of the dye. For instance, the red dye, safranin, colours nuclei red, but muciii and the ground -substance of cartilage orange. The blue dye, methyl violet, stains normally blue ; but amyloid matter, Mastzellen, mucin, and cartilage, are stained red by it. Similarly with thionin, dahlia, gentian violet, toluidin blue, etc. In these cases the effect appears to be due to chemical reaction. But 136 CHAPTER XT. in other cases a similar effect has been shown to be due to the presence of impurities in the dyes ; so with iodine green and methyl green, which mostly contain an admixture of methyl violet. It has been held by some that nietachromasy is an optical pheno- menon, but that is clearly only true of certain cases. 207. The Preparation of Tissues for Staining.— It is generally found that precise stains can only be obtained with carefully fixed (i. e. hardened) tissues. Dead, but not artificially hardened tissues stain indeed, but not generally in a precise manner. Living tissue elements in general do not stain at all, but resist the action of colouring reagents till they are killed by them (see, however, next section). It appears probable, as was first pointed out, I believe, by MAYER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ii, 1880, p. 17), that most of the histological stains obtained with fixed tissues are brought about in one of two ways. Either they result from the combination of the colouring agent with certain organic or inorganic salts, — phosphates, for instance, that existed in the tissue elements during life and were thrown down in situ by the fixing or hardening agent employed, as seems to happen when such a fixing agent as alcohol is employed. Or they result from the combination of the colouring agent with certain compounds that did not pre-exist in the tissues, but were formed by the combination of the constituents of the tissues with the chemical elements brought to them by the fixing agent, as seems to happen when such a fixing agent as chromic acid is employed — the compounds in question being probably chiefly metal al humiliates. It follows that correct fixation and careful washing out are essential to the production of good stains. Objects which have been passed through alcohol generally stain better than those which have only been in watery fluids. But long preservation of tissues in alcohol is generally unfavourable to staining. 208. Staining " intra vitam." -Some few substances (which are almost always basic dyes) possess the property of staining -or rather, tingeing — living cells without greatly impairing ibcir vitality. Such are — in very dilute solutions — cyanin (or quinolem), methylen blue, Bismarck brown, anilin black, STAINING. 137 Congo red, neutral red, Nile blue, Janus green, and, under certain conditions, dahlia and eosin, gentian violet, with perhaps methyl violet, and some others. These reagents are best employed in a state of consider- able dilution, and in neutral or feebly alkaline solution — acids being of course toxic to cells. Thus employed, they will be found to tinge with colour the cytoplasm of certain cells during life ; never, so far as I can see, nuclear chromatin during life ; if this stain, it is a sign that death has set in. The stain is sometimes diffused throughout the general sub- stance of the cytoplasm, sometimes limited to certain granules in it. It has been asserted by some observers that the nucleus may be stained during the life of the cell by means of Bismarck brown, Congo red, methylen blue, neutral red, Nile blue, and safranin. But it is by no means clear from the statements of these writers that the coloration observed by them is localised in the chromatin of the nucleus. It would rather appear to be a diffuse coloration brought about by mechanical and momentary retention of the dye in the nucleus — which is a very different thing from a true nuclear stain. And in some of the cases reported it is by no means certain that the coloured nuclei were really in the living state. See hereon the article by FISCHEL (" Farbungen, intravitale ") in Encycl. mil:. Tecknik. I have myself made a considerable number of observa- sions on the subject of intra-vitam staining, and have come to the same conclusion as GALEOTTI (Zeit. wis*. Hik., xi, 1894, p. 172), and many recent writers, namely, that most of the so-called te intra-vitam ; stains are either not true stains or that the stained substances are not really living. The coloration appears mostly, if the cell that shows it has remained in a state of unimpaired vitality, to be due to simple absorption or imbibition of the colouring matter by the cell, not to a molecular combination of the colouring matter with any of the constituents of the cells. And when a more or less fast stain has been obtained, it is generally found that this is limited to cell-contents that do not appear to form an integral part of the living texture of the cell — to food-granules, or katabolic products, or tho like. 138 CHAPTKIt XT. FISCHEL (Anat. Hcfle, xvi, 1901, p. 417, and op. cit. supra) concludes in favour of the vitality of certain of the stained granules. Apart, however, from this question, it must be conceded that these so-called " vital stains" are frequently very useful. According to my experience, methylen blue is the most generally useful of them. It has (with Bismarck brown, Congo red, and neutral red) the valuable point that it is sufficiently soluble in saline solutions, and may therefore be employed with marine organisms by simply adding it to sea-water. The others are not thus soluble to a practical extent, but I find that gentian and dahlia become so if a trace of chloral hydrate — 0'25 per cent, is ample enough — be added to the saline solution. Any of these reagents maybe rubbed up with serum, or other " indifferent ' liquid. Methylen blue may be fixed in the tissues, and permanent preparations made, by one or other of the methods described in Chap. XVI. Bismarck brown stains may be fixed with 0'2 per cent, chromic acid or with sublimate solution (MAYER), or 1 per cent, osmic acid (LoisEL, Journ. de I'Anat. et de la Phys.j 1898, No. 2, p. 212 — a work that contains a good deal of information on the subject of intra-vitam stains), and the preparations may be stained with safranin, care being taken not to expose them too long to the action of alcohol. For the study of cell-granules, neutral red is perhaps the best. FISCHEL (" Unters. ueb. vitale Faerbungen," Leipzig. 1908) finds that alizarin is specific for nerves. Add excess of alizarin to boiling water, boil and filter, and add 1 vol. of the filtrate to the water containing the organisms (Cladocera). The stain takes several hours. For sulphorhodamin, which is selective for many organs (kidney, liver, uterus, skin, lymph-glands, etc.), see ANDREEW, in Virchow's Arch., cciv, 1911, p. 447. See also GOLLMAN, Proc. Roy. /SV., Ixxxv, 1912, p. 146 (trypan blue, i sain in blue, diamin blue, etc.) ; and GOLDMANN, " Die aeussere u. innere Sekretion, etc./' TUBINGEN, 1909, and " Neue Untersuch., etc.," ibid., 1912. 209. The Practice of Staining. — Selective staining is arrived at in two ways. In the one, which is called the progressive nii'thod, you make use of a colouring reagent that stains the STAINING. 139 elements desired to be selected more quickly than the elements you wish to have unstained ; and you stop the process and fix the colour at the moment when the former are just sufficiently stained, and the latter not affected to an injurious extent, or not affected at all, by the colour. This is what happens, for instance, when you stain the nuclei of a preparation by treatment with very dilute alum hasmatoxylin : you get, at a certain moment, a fairly pure nuclear stain ; but if you were to prolong the treatment, the extra-nuclear elements would take up the colour, and the selectivity of the stain would be lost. This is in general the method em- ployed for the colouring of specimens in bulk — a procedure which is not possible with most of the regressive strains. It is the old method of carmine and hasmatoxylin staining. The second, or regressive method, is the method of over- staining followed by partial decoloration. You begin by staining all the elements of your preparation indiscriminately, and you then wash out the colour from all the elements except those which you desire to have stained, these re- taining the colour more obstinately than the others, in virtue of their chemical or physical constitution. This is what happens, for instance, when you stain a section of one deep red in all its elements with safranin, and then, treating for a few seconds with alcohol, extract the colour from all but the chroma-tin and nucleoli of the nuclei. This method is in general applicable only to sections, and not to staining objects in bulk (the case of borax carmine, with a few others, is an exception). It is a method, however, of very wide applicability, and gives, perhaps, the most brilliant results that have hitherto been attained. It frequently enables us to obtain a powerful stain of certain elements that would not be sufficiently brought out by the progressive method. Tissues are stained either in bulk or in sections. For accurate work, such as is necessary in cytology and fre- quently in histology, it is greatly preferable, sometimes even necessary, to stain the sections, as by this means only is accurate control of the staining process under the microscope possible. Staining solutions are mostly made with either i rater or alcohol as a menstruum. Water is generally preferable so far as the quality of the stain is concerned; but alcohol is 140 CHAPTER xr. frequently indicated, both on account of its greater power of penetration and as being less injurious to tissues. It is a good rule not to let staining baths contain more than fifty per cent, of alcohol. Better results (as regards the quality of the stain, not as regards the preservation of the tissues) are generally obtained by prolonged staining in very dilute solutions, rather than by a short bath in a strong one. 210. Choice of a Stain. — The following may be recommended to the beginner for general work: — For sections. MAYER'S Jisemalum • or, for chroniosmium objects more especially, BENDA'S or HEIDENHAIN'S iron hasmatoxylin. For staining in toto Grenadier's alcoholic borax -car mine, or Mayer's carmalnm, or hamialum, unless the object be so impermeable as to require a very highly alcoholised stain, in which case take Mayer's paracarmine, or for chromic acid objects Mayer's hsemacalcium. For fresh tissues or small entire objects, methyl green, if it is not important to have permanent preparations; if it is, take carmalum or alum-carmine (but both of these may give precipitates with marine animals). Most of the carmine and haematoxylin solutions, properly used, give stains that are indefinitely permanent — at least in balsam. But most of the stains obtained with coal-tar dyes fade much in a few months or years. The most permanent are safranin, gentian violet, Bismark brown, and picric acid, which fade very little. Victoria blue, I find, is also fairly permanent. CHAPTER XI J. CARMINE AND COCHINEAL STAINS. 211. Carmine. — Carmine is by no means merely carminic acid with at most certain impurities. According to the analysis of LIEBERMANN (Per. J. Chem. Ges., Jahrg. 18, 1886, pp. 1969 — 1975) it is a very peculiar alumina-llme-protein compound of carminic acid, a true chemical compound from which at all events aluminium and calcium can no more be absent than sodium from salt. It results from the researches of MAYER (Mittk. Zool. Stat. Neapel., x, 1892, p. 480) that in the processes of histological staining (not of industrial dyeing) the active factors of the compound are, besides the carminic acid, always the alumina, and in some cases the lime. The oilier bases are inactive ; the nitrogenous matters, so far as they have any influence at all, are an obstacle, as it is they that give rise to the well-known putrefaction of the solutions. This being so, it follows that carminic acid may, if desired, le taken as the basis of staining solutions instead of carmine. Staining solutions thus prepared do not give essentially better stains than those made with carmine; but have the advan- tage of being of more constant composition. For carmine is a product which varies greatly from sample to sample. Carminic acid of sufficient purity is furnished by GKUBLER and HOLLBORN (or C. A. F. KAHLBAUM, in Berlin). It is soluble in water and weak alcohol (that of 70 per cent, only dissolves less than 3 per cent.) It cannot be used alone for staining, as it only gives in this way a weak and diffuse stain. 212. Cochineal. — According to MAYER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, x, 1892, p. 496), the active principle of extract or tincture of cochineal (as used in histology) is not free car- minic acid, but carminic acid chemically combined with a base which is not lime, but some alkali. The watery extract 142 CHAPTER XII. made with alum, or cochineal-alum carmine (§ 216), owes its staining-power to the formation of carminate of alumina (last §). The tincture made with pure alcohol, on the other hand, contains only the above-mentioned carminate of some alkali. This carminate alone stains weakly and diffusely (like carminic acid alone). But if in the tissues treated with it it meet with lime salts, alumina or magnesia salts, or even metallic salts capable of combining with it and forming insoluble coloured precipitates in the tissues, then a strong and selective stain may result. And if the necessary salts be added to the tincture itself, there results a solution containing the necessary elements for affording a strong and selective stain with all classes of objects. Hence Mayer's new formula, § 236. 213. General Remarks. —Carmine stains are chiefly used for staining entire objects, or tissues in bulk. In most cases this can be done more satisfactorily by means of carmine than by means of any other known agent. For most haBmatein solutions have a disastrous tendency to overstain ; and the tar-colours are generally inapplicable to staining in bulk. Grenadier's alcoholic borax-carmine may be recommended to the beginner as being the easiest of these stains to work with : or para-carmine, for objects which require a highly alcoholic solution. Carmalum, or one of the alum-carmines, is also an easy and safe reagent. Overstains may in all cases be washed out with weak IIC1 (e. tfi-nis. ; chloride of aluminium. (>•:> "Tin.; nitric arid of 1'20 sp.gr., •< drops; 50 per cent, alcohol, 100 c.c. Powder the cochineal and rub CARMINE AND COCHINEAL STAINS. 151 up with the salts, add the alcohol and acid, heat to boiling-point, leave to cool, leave for some days standing with frequent agitation, filter. Use as the old tincture, the objects being prepared and washed out with 50 per cent, alcohol. Mayer only recommends it as a succedaneum of paracarmine. Since this fluid contains in itself all the necessary salts (§ 212), it gives good results with all classes of objects. CHAPTER XIII. H.EMATEIN (H^MATOXYLIN) STAINS. 237. Introduction. — Hssmatoxylin is a dye extracted from logwood. It is a substance that oxidises very readily, thus becoming converted into Kasmatein, or, as often happens, into other more highly oxidised products. It appears to be now thoroughly well established (see NIEIZKI, Chemie der organ- ischen Farbstoffe, Berlin, Springer, 1889, pp. 215 — 21 7, and MAYER, Mitth. Zool. IS tat. Neapel, x, 1891, p. 170) that the colouring agent in solutions of logwood or hsematoxylin is not the hsematoxylin itself, but haematein formed in them (or, in some cases, one of the higher oxidation products). Hasmatein is an acid body, a " colour acid ;' (§§ 203, 205). Substantively employed, it is a very weak plasma stain. But combined with appropriate mordants it becomes basophilous, and can be made to give a powerful nuclear stain, or at the same time a nuclear and a selective plasma stain. The mordants employed in histology are aluminium, chrome, iron, copper, and (rarely) vanadium and molybdenum. Aluminium and iron are the mordants most employed, the former fur- nishing lakes used for progressive staining of material in bulk, the latter forming in most cases in the tissues a lake that requires differentiation, and is only applicable to the staining of sections. The presence of a sufficient amount of hssmatein in stain- ing solutions was formerly brought about by allowing solu- tions of hsematoxylin to oxidate spontaneously by exposure to air. The change thus brought about in the solutions is known as " ripening/' and until it has taken place the solu- tions are not fit to use for staining. It was discovered by MAYER and UNNA independently (see MAYER in Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, x, 1891, pp. 170 — 186 ; UNNA in Zeit. wiss. Mik.} viii, 1892, p. 483) that nothing is HJEMATEIN (KEMATOXYLIN) STAINS. 153 easier than to bring about this change artificially ; all that is necessary being, for instance, to add to a solution of haema- toxylin containing alum a little neutralised solution of peroxide of hydrogen or other powerful oxidising agent.* The solution becomes almost instantaneously dark blue, " ripe ; and fit for staining. Other methods of " ripening," or of preparing haematein separately, are given further on, and constitute a great progress. For under the old practice of leaving staining solutions to " ripen ; by the action of the air, it is necessary to wait for a long time before the reaction is obtained. During all this time, it may be weeks or months, there is no means, except repeated trial, of ascertain- ing whether the solution at any moment contains sufficient haematein to afford a good stain. And here a second difficulty arises: the oxidising process continuing, the solutions become " over-ripe "; the haematein, through further oxidation, passes over into colourless compounds, and the solutions begin to precipitate. They are therefore, in reality, a mixture in constantly varying proportions of " unripe," " ripe," and "overripe" constituents (the first and last being useless for staining purposes), and, in consequence, their staining power is very inconstant. Logically, therefore, as concluded by MAYER, not li£ema- toxylin, but hsetnatein, should be taken in the first instance for making the staining solution. This at once relieves us from the tedious and uncertain process of "ripening' in the old way. We have thus a ripe solution to begin with. But this is not always indicated ; for such solutions may easily over-oxidise, either in the bottle or on contact with the tissues. So that it is sometimes preferable to start from hsematoxylin. In this case, it should not be done by dissolving the haBmatoxylin straight away in the other ingredients of the staining solution. The solutions should be made up from a strong stock solution made by dissolving hasmatoxylin crystals in absolute alcohol : one in ten is a good proportion. This solution should be kept for a long time — months, at least, a year if possible ; it gradually becomes of a vinous red, and should not be used till it has * -Re-invented lately (Zeit. wiss. Mil:., xxix, 1912, p. 69) 'by PIAZZA, who adds to Boehiner's solution about 20 per cent., to Delafield's about 7 per cent., to Ehrlich's about 12 per cent, of peroxide of hydrogen. 154 CHAPTEII xnr. become quite dark. It has then become to a great extent oxidised into ha3inatein, and the staining solutions made up from it will be at once fairly ripe. Haematein (or haematoxylin) affords a stronger stain than carmine, and gives better results with tissues fixed in osmic or chromic mixtures". The alum solutions are indicated for staining in bulk, iron haematoxylin for sections. 238. Haematoxylin is found in commerce in the form of crystals,, either colourless or browned by oxidation,, easily soluble in either water, glycerin, or alcohol. Haematein is found in commerce as a brown powder, en- tirely, though with difficulty, soluble in distilled water and in alcohol, giving a yellowish-brown solution, which remains clear on addition of acetic acid. Alkalies dissolve it with a blue-violet tint. MAYER (Zeit. wise. Mik., xx, 1903, p. 409) prepares it as follows: 1 grin, of hseniatoxyliii is dissolved by boiling in not more than 10 c.c. of distilled water, and to the solution is added a hot solution of 0'2 grin. of iodate of sodium in about 2 c.c. of water. Mix well and cool by placing the recipient in cold water. After a couple of hours bring the mixture on to a filter, wash thereon with cold water to remove the excess of iodide of sodium that has formed, then dry the residue. There is also found in commerce an ammonia-compound of hgematein — haematein-Ammonialc, also known as Hsema- teinum crystallisatum ; this may be obtained in a sufficiently pure state from GRUBLER & HOLLBORN. This is somewhat more easily soluble in both water and alcohol than hsematein is, and does quite as well for staining purposes. It can be made as follows : 239. Haemateate of Ammonia (MAYER, Mittli. Zool. Stut. \. 1891, p. 172). — Dissolve 1 grm. of liseniatoxylin with the aid of heat in 20 c.c. of distilled water, filter if necessary, add 1 c.c. of caustic ammonia (of 0'875 sp. gr.), and bring the liquid into a capsule of such dimensions that its bottom be covered to a depth of not more than half a centimetre. Let the liquid evaporate at the ordinary temperature and be protected from dust. The dry product will consist of hsemateate of ammonia, about equal in weight to the hsematoxylin taken in the first instance. The evaporation should not be hastened by heat, as this may give rise to the formation of substances that are insoluble in alcohol. The preparation should not be toadied, until it is dry, with any other instruments than such as are made of glass, porcelain, or H/EMATUIN (ELEMATOXYLIN) STAINS. 155 platinum. The product is not of perfectly constant quality. It ought to dissolve easily in water or alcohol, and the solution should not become turbid on addition of acetic acid ; if it does, it is over-oxidised. 240. Iron Hsematoxylin, Generalities. — This method is due to BENDA (Verh. Phys. Ges., 1885— 1886, Nos. 12, 13, 14; Arch. Anat. Pkys.j 1886, p. 562 ; third ed. of this work, p. 365). The method was independently worked out about the same time by M. HEIDENHAIN. The method is almost universally practised in the form given by Heidenhain, not on account of any essential difference between the two, for there is none, but chiefly because Heideiihain has given more precise instructions concerning the process, After carefully comparing Heidenhain's process with Benda' s later process (next §), I find that the two give an absolutely identical stain ; that is to say, that if you mor- dant in Benda' s liquor ferri, next §, and differentiate in the same, you will get exactly the same effect as by mordanting in ferric alum and differentiating in the same. But you may vary the results somewhat by varying the differentiation. Benda has pointed out (Verb. Anat. Ges., xv, 1901, p. 156) that you may differentiate either by an agent which simply dissolves the lake — such as acetic or hydrochloric acid ; or by an oxidising agent, such as chromic acid, or the liquor ferri or the ferric alum. The former, he thinks, are the best for the demonstration of nuclear structures, the latter for cytoplasmic structures. For these he greatly recom- mends WEJGERT'S borax-ferricyanide mixture, as being the easiest and safest to employ. For myself, I find that differentiation in the iron salt (§ 241 or § 242) is sufficient for almost all purposes. Acetic acid of 30 per cent, acts much too quickly to be safe, and causes swelling of the tissues. Van GIBSON'S picro-saurefuchsin has been recommended as a differentiation fluid by Benda (Deutsch. med. Woclien- tchr.. 1898, No. 30). I find it gives very delicate differ- entiations, but acts very slowly, requiring nearly as many hours as the iron alum solution does minutes. The addition of the siiurefuchsin to the picric acid is, I find, not necessary, and may prove an injurious complication. In these processes hasmatoxylin is generally used for the 156. CHAPTER XIII. stain,, not hwmatein, the iron salt oxidising it into liauna- tein, or into a higher oxidation product. I have obtained some good stains with hasmatein, but also some very bad ones ; presumably the solutions easily over-oxidise on con- tact with the iron salt. The hasmatoxylin is generally dissolved in water. I frequently prefer alcohol, of 50 per cent., as less injurious to tissues. The method is a regressive one. It has been proposed to stain progressively, which I have tried, and had extremely bad results. The differentiation requires to be carefully timed. For this reason the method is only applicable to sections, which should be thin, best not over 10 ft. Iron haematoxylin is one of the most important of stains. It enables us to stain elements which cannot be selectively stained in any other way. The stain is very powerful, and of a certain optical quality that is peculiarly suited to the employment of high powers ; it will allow of the use of deeper eye-pieces than otlier stains. It will take effect on any material, and is quite permanent. Further details as to the characters of the stain are given in § 242. 241. BENDA'S later Iron Hsematoxylin (Verb. d. Anat. GW., vii, 1, 1893, p. 161). — Sections are mordanted for twenty- four hours in liquor ferri suphurici oxidati, P.G-.,1* diluted with one or two volumes of water. They are then well washed, first with distilled water, then with tap water, and are brought into a 1 per cent, solution of hsematoxylin in water, in which they remain till they have become thoroughly black. They are then washed and differentiated. The differentiation may be done either in 30 per cent, acetic acid, in which case the progress of the decoloration must be watched ; or in a weaker acid, which will not require watching ; or in the sulphate solution strongly diluted with water. I find that if the iron solution be taken for the differen- * This preparation consists of sulphate of iron, 80 parts ; water, 40 ; sulphuric, acid, 15 ; and nitric acid,. 18, and contains 10 per cent, of Fe. Doubtless the ferri per&ulplia,ti& /.'' * times harmfully, strong, and that the Liquor ferri may be diluted tenfold with advantage. The duration of the bath in the mordant is also for most purposes excessive as directed by Benda. I find that three to six hours in the solution diluted tenfold is generally sufficient, with favour- able material. 242. HEIDENHAIN'S Iron Haematoxylin (M. HEIDENHAIN, " Uber Kern und Protoplasma," in Festschr. filr Kolliker, 1892, p. 118). — Sections are treated from half an hour to at most two or three hours with a 1 '5 to 4 per cent, solution of ferric alum (ammonio-ferric sulphate). By this is always meant in histology the double salt of ammonium and sesqui- oxide of iron (NHJ3Fe2 (S04)pin clear violet crystals; the double salt of the protoxide, or salt of MOHR in green crystals,, will not serve. If the crystals have become yellow and opaque, they have gone bad, and should be rejected. They ought to be kept in a stoppered bottle, and the solution should be made in the cold (Arch. luik. AnaL, xliii, 1894, pp. 431, 435). The sections are then washed with water and stained for half an hour in tin aqueous solution (of about O'o per cent.) of haematoxylin. They are then rinsed with water, and again treated with the iron solution, which slowly washes out the stain. The progress of the differen- tiation ought to be controlled under the microscope. The sections should to this end be removed from time to time from the alum solution, and put into tap-water whilst they are being examined. This is favourable to the stain. As soon as a satisfactory differentiation has been obtained, the preparations are washed for at least a quarter of an hour in running water, but not more than an hour, and mounted. The results differ according to the duration of the treat- ment with the iron and the stain. If the baths have been of short duration, viz. not more than half an hour in the iron and as much in the stain, lilne preparations will be 158 CHAPTER XIII. obtained. These show a very intense and highly differen- tiated stain of nuclear structures, cytoplasmic structures being pale. If the baths in the iron and in the stain have been prolonged (twelve to eighteen hours) , and the sub- sequent' differentiation in the second iron bath also duly prolonged, black preparations will result. These show chromosomes stained, central corpuscles stained intensely black, cytoplasm sometimes colourless, sometimes grey, in which case achromatic spindle-fibres and cell-plates are stained, connective-tissue fibres black, red blood-corpuscles black, micro-organisms sharply stained, striated muscle very finely shown. Later (Zeit. iviss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 186) Heidenhain gives further instructions for the employment of this stain in the study of central corpuscles. All alcohol should be removed from the tissues,"* by means of distilled water before bringing them into the mordant. This should be a 2|- per cent, solution of ferric alum, not weaker. Leave the sections therein (fixed to slides by the water method, § 186) for six to twelve hours, or at least not less than three. Keep the slides upright in the mordant, not lying flat. Wash out irell with water before staining. Stain in a " ripened ' haema- toxylin solution, i. e. one that has stood for four weeks [of course, if you make it up with the ripened brown alcoholic solution recommended § 237 sub. fin., this will be superfluous]. Stain from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. U*e the same staining solution over and over again until it becomes spoilt ; for the solution after having been used gives a more ener- getic stain, owing to its containing a trace of iron brought over by the sections. Differentiate in a 2| per cent, solu- tion of ferric alum. Rinse for ten minutes in running water, clear with xylol, not with any essential oil, and mount in xylol-balsam. See also under ft Centrosomes." BIELASZEWICS (Bull. Acctfl. Cracovie, 1909, 2 serie, p. 152) differen- tiates with very weak solution of calcium chloride; GUARNIERI (Mon. Zool. ItaL, xvii, 1906, p. 44) with saturated solution of picric acid. GURWITSCH (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1902, p. 291) floods sections on the slide with mordant, warms on a water-bath till bubbles are given off *Why? I find my iron-alum solution, as well as the liquor ferri sulpli. oxid., last §, mix clear with alcohol without the least precipitate forming. H^MATEIN (H2BMATOXYLIN) STAINS. 159 or the mordant becomes turbid, then stains with the hsematoxylin. in the same way. The whole process takes about ten minutes. HELD (Arch. Anat. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1897, p. 277) adds to the staining bath a very little of the iron-alum solution until a scarcely perceptible precipitate is produced. A dangerous practice. I find it is not even safe to add a little of an over-used bath (supra). FRANCOTTE (Arch. Zool. Exper., vi, 1898, p. 200) mordants with tarlrate of iron, MALLORY (Journ. Exper. Med., v, 1900, p. 15) with chloride. 243. Iron Haematoxylin (BUTSCHLI, Unters. ilber miliroskopische Schdume u. das Protoplasma, etc., 1892, p. 80). — Sections treated with a weak brown aqueous solution of ferric acetate, washed with water, and stained in 0-5 per cent, aqueous solution of hsematoxylin. A stain of extraordinary intensity, used by Biitschli for sections, 1 /* in thickness, of Protozoa. 244. Weigert's Iron Haematoxylin Mixture (Zeit. uriss. Mi~k., xxi, 1904, p. 1). — Mix one part of a 1 per cent, solution of hsematoxylin in alcohol of 96 per cent, with one of a solution containing 4 c.c. of liq. ferri sesquichlor., 1 c.c. of officinal hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. T124) and 95 of water. The mixture may be kept for some days (until it begins to smell of ether), but is best used fresh. Stain sections for a few minutes ; 110 differentiation is necessary. For an earlier process of WEIGERT'S (Allg. Zeit. Psychiatr., 1894, p. 245) see last edition. MOREL and BASSAL (Journ. Anat. Phys., xlv, 1909, p. 632) stain in balk in "Weigert's mixture with the addition of 1 c.c. of 4 per cent, solu- tion of acetate of copper. 245. JANSSENS' Iron Haematoxylin ("Hematoxyline noire"; La- Cellule, xiv, 1897, p. 207). — A similar mixture to that of DELAFIELD, ferric alum being taken instead of ammonia alum, the rest as in Dela- field's. A progressive stain, nuclear : for yeast cells. 246. HANSEN'S Iron Hsematoxylin (Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxii, 1905, p. 55). —A solution of 10 grms. ferric alum in 150 c.c. water is added to a solution of 1'6 grin, hsematoxylin in 75 c.c. water, the mixture heated to boiling-point and cooled without access of air. Filter before use. To get a pure nuclear stain, add dilute sulphuric acid. 247. Aluminium Hsematein (Alum Haematoxylin) Generalities. -The mordant and dye are generally combined in a single staining bath, giving a progressive stain. The stain is in different tones of bine or red according to the composition of the staining solution. Neutral or alkaline solutions give a blue stain ; acid solutions give a red one. In order to get a l)lue stain in preparations that have come ont red through 160 CHAPTER XIII. the acidity of the staining bath, it is a common practice to treat them with weak ammonia, in the belief that the blue colour is restored by neutralisation of the acid that is the cause of the redness. According to MAYER,, the ammonia acts, not by neutralising the acid, but by precipitating the alumina, which carries down the hrematein with it (if no alumina were present the colour would be purple, not blue).* The same result can generally be obtained by merely washing out with common tap-water, which is usually sufficiently alkaline, and can be obtained with certainty by treatment with bicarbonate of soda or acetate of soda or potash. And this is the preferable course, as ammonia is certainly a dangerous thing to treat delicate tissues with. Of course this is a different question from that of neutralising with an alkali tissues that have been treated with an acid to correct over-staining. Here the neutralisation may be indicated in the interest of the preservation of the stain. SQUIRE (Methods, p. 22) finds that sections can be blued in a few seconds by treatment with a I : 1000 solution of bicar- bonate of soda in distilled water. MAYKR holds that acetate of potash is the most inoffensive reagent to take ; a strength of 0'5 to 1 per cent, may be taken. Several of these solutions have a great tendency to over- stain. Over-stains may be corrected by washing out with weak acids (e.g. O'l to 0*2 or even 0'5 per cent, of hydro- chloric acid, or with oxalic or tartaric acid), but this is not favourable to the permanence of the stain. CARNOY (La Cellule, xii, 2, 1897> p. 215) recommends iodised water. If acids be used, it is well to neutralise afterwards with ammonia or bicarbonate of soda (O'l per cent.). Bicarbonate of soda may be used for neutralisation with 70 per cent, alcohol as the vehicle (VON WISTINGHAUSEN, Mitth. Zool. 8 tat. Neapel, x, 1891, p. 41). Over-staining may be avoided by staining very slowly in dilute solutions. The purest chromatin stains are obtained by staining for a short time (sublimate sections half an hour, say) in solutions of medium strength, such as hasmalum diluted ten to twenty-fold with water. The stain obtained * FISCHER, in his Fixirung, Farbung u. Bau des Protoplasmits, pp. 150, 157, does not admit this explanation. He proposes another one of a highly speculative nature. H^EMATETN (HJIMATOXYLIN) STAINS. 1 f>1 either with very strong solutions, or with the slow stain of the dilute solutions, is at the same time a plasma-stain, which of course may or may not be desired. MAYER says that very dilute solutions will give a pure nuclear stain if they have been diluted with alum-solution, or have been acidified. Chromosniium material will not yield a pure chromatin stain unless it is very fresh • it is consequently next to im- possible to obtain the reaction with paraffin sections of such material ; they constantly give a plasma-stain in addition to the chromatin stain, which is not the case with sublimate material. The stain is fairly permanent in balsam, but is very liable to fade a little, and may fade a great deal. If acids have been used after staining, great care should be taken to wash them out thoroughly before mounting. In aqueous media the stain cannot be relied on to keep (this refers to the old solu- tions : MAYEE finds that his ha3matein preparations have kept well for at least some months in glycerin, if not acid, and, with certain precautions, in balsam). Turpentine-balsam should not be used. Formulae §§ 248 to 259 give aqueous solutions ; and §§ 260 to 263 alcoholic ones. 248. MAYER'S Hsemalum, Newer Formula (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xx, 1903, p. 409). — H&matoxylin, 1 grm. ; water, 1 litre. Dis- solve, and add 0'2 grm. of iodate of sodium (NaI03) and 50 grms. of alum, dissolve and filter. This is an amended formula. The original one (Mittli. Zool. S!«f . Neapel, x, 1891, p. 172) was : One grm. of hxmatein (or the ammonia snll , §§ 238, 239) dissolved with heat in 50 c.c. of 90 per cent, alcohol, and added to a solution of 50 gr. of alum in a litre of distilled water. This solution does not keep very well, but may be made more stable by adding 50 grms. of chloral hydrate and 1 grin, of citric (or acetic) acid. It stains equally well, either at first, or later. Con- centrated, it stains sometimes almost instantaneously, or in any case very rapidly. (Spring water or tap-water contain- ing lime must not be used for diluting ; perhaps weak solution of alum in distilled water is the best means of all.) After staining, sections may be washed out either with 11 162 CHAPTER XIII. distilled or common water. It is admirable for staining in bulU. Large objects will, however, require twenty-four hours' staining, and should- be washed out for the same time (this should be done with 1 per cent, alum solution if a sharp nuclear stain be desired). All alum must be care- fully washed out of the tissues before mounting in balsam ; and it is well to blue the stain with tap-water or otherwise, § 257. The stain is generally a nuclear one ; in any case such may be obtained by washing out with alum-solution. Mayer's preparations have kept well in glycerin (care being taken not to have it acid), also in balsam. If oil of bergamot be used for clearing, it must be thoroughly removed b}T means of oil of turpentine before mounting, and oil of cloves is dangerous. It is best (Mayer, in litt.) to use only xylol, benzol, or ' chloroform, and to mount in xylol-balsam or chloroform -balsam or benzol-balsam. Haemalum may be mixed with alum-carmine, Saurefuchsin, or the like, to make a double staining mixture ; but it seems preferable to use the solutions in succession. 249. MAYER'S Acid Hsemalum (Mitth. Zuol. Stat. Neapel, x, 1891, p. 174). — This is hsemalum with 2 per cent, glacial acetic acid (or 4 per cent, common acetic acid). To be used as the last, washing out with ordinary water in order to obtain a blue-violet tint of stain. The solution keeps better. 250. UNNA'S Half-ripe Constant Stock Solution (Zeit. wiss. Mil:.. viii, 1892, p. 483). Hseinatoxylin . . . . . . . . 1 Alum .10 Alcohol 100 Water . 200 Sublimed sulphur 2 If the sulphur be added to the haematoxylin solution only when the latter has become somewhat strongly blue, i. c. after two or three days' time, the stage of oxidation attained by the solution will be fixed for some time by the sulphur, and according to Unna the solution will remain " constant " in staining power. MAYER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 309) finds that the sulphur process does not preserve the solutions for long, whilst glycerin does ; see below, 4i GLYCH^EMALUM." 251. MAYER'S Glychaemalum (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 310). — Hsumatein (or haemateate of ammonia) 0'4.grm. (to be rubbed up in a few drops of glycerin) ; alum, 5 grms. ; glycerin, 30 ; distilled water, 70. The stain is not purely nuclear, but may be made so by ILEMATKIN (lI.^MATOXYUN) STAINS. 163 washing out with alum solution or a weak acid. The solution keeps admirably . RAWITZ (Leiffaden, 2nd ed., p. 63) takes 1 grin, hsematein, 6 grms. ammonia alum, 200 grms. each of water and glycerin. Or (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxv, 1909, p. 391) 1 grm. hsenmtein, 10 grms. of nitrate of aluminium, 250 grms. each of water and glycerin. 252. HANSEN'S Solution (Zool. Anz., 1895, p. 158). — See fourth edition. Hansen oxidises a mixture of alum and hsematoxylin by means of per- manganate of potash. I find it does not keep. See also MAYER in Mitth. Zool. Mat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 30:), or the Grundzilge, LEE and MAYER, 1901, p. 171. 253. HARRIS'S Solution (Micr. Bull., xv, 1898, p. 47 ; Journ. App. Mic., iii, p. 777). — Aluni-hsematoxylin solution ripened by addition of mercuric oxide. MAYER (Grundziige, 1901, p. 171) finds the formula " gives too much hsematein." 254. Bbhmer's Hsematoxylin (Arch. mik. Artat., iv, 1868, p. 345 ; Acrzt. IntelligenzbL, Baiern., 1865, p. 382).— Make (A) a solution of hamiatox. cryst. 1 part, alcohol (absolute) 12 parts and (B) alum 1 part, water 240. For staining, add two or three drops of A to a watch-glassful of B. The alcoholic solution of haematoxylin ought to be old and dark (§ 237). 255. Delafield's Hsematoxylin (Zeit. wiss. Mik., ii, 1885, p. 288 • frequently attributed erroneously to GTRKNACHER or PRUDDEN). — To 400 c.c. of saturated solution of ammonia- alum (that is about 1 to 11 of water) add 4 grms. of liasmatox. cryst. dissolved in 25 c.c. of strong alcohol. Leave it exposed to the light and air in an unstoppered bottle for three or four days. Filter, and add 100 c.c. of glycerin and 100 c.c. of methylic alcohol (CH40). Allow the solution to stand (uncorked) until the colour is sufficiently dark, then filter. This solution keeps for years. It is well to allow it to ripen for at least two months before using it. For staining, enough of the solution should be added to pure water to make a very dilute stain. It is an extremely powerful stain. It is still much used. I find that when well rimmed — for years rather than months — it is quite a first-class stain. BUTSCHLI (Unters. iib. mikroscopisclie Schiiumc u, d«s Protoplasma, 164 CHAPTER XIII. etc., 1892) recommends, under the name of " acid hseniatoxylm." solution of Delafield very strongly diluted, and with enough acetic acid added to it to give it a decidedly red tint. This gives a sharper and more differ- entiated nuclear stain than the usual solution. MARTINOTTI (Zeit. iviss. M>~k., xxvii, 1910, p. 31) makes it up with O2 per cent, of lisematein, and less alum (2 per cent.). 256. Ehrlich's Acid Haematoxylin (Zeit. wiss. Mik., 1886, p. 150). — Water 100 c.c., absolute alcohol 100, glycerin 100, glacial acetic acid 10, hsematoxylin 2 grms., alum in excess. Let the mixture ripen in the light (with occasional admission of air) until it acquires a dark red colour. It will then keep, with constant staining power, for years, if kept in a well-stoppered bottle. It is very appropriate for staining in bulk, as over-staining does not occur. I find it excellent. MANN (ibid., xi, 1895, p. 487) makes up this stain with an equal quantity of haematein instead of hsematoxylin. MAYER (Grundr.iio ZWAARDEMAKER (ibid., iv, 1887, p. 212) makes a mixture of about equal parts of alcoholic safranin solution and anilin water (saturated solution of anilin oil in water ; — to make it, shake up anilin oil with water, and filter). This, 1 find, will keep for many months, perhaps indefinitely. I myself use equal parts of saturated solution in anilin water, and saturated solution in absolute alcohol. Differentiation. — For general directions see §§ 281 and 282. 12 178 CHAPTER XIV. FLEMMING'S acid differentiation (Zeit. wins. Mik., i, 1884, p. 350) .--Differentiate; until hardly any more colour comes away, in alcohol acidulated with about 0'5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid, followed by pure alcohol and clove oil. (You may use the HC1 in watery solution if yon prefer it.) Or you may use a lower strength, viz. Ol per cent, at most (see Arch. mik. Anat., xxxvii, 1891, p. 249) ; and this I find is generally preferable. Objects are supposed to have been well fixed — twelve hours at least — in the strong chromo-aceto-osniic mixture, and stained for some hours. In this way you get kinetic chromatin and nucleoli alone stained. PODWYSSOZKI (Beitr. ?.. Path. Anal., i, 1886, p. 289) differentiates (for from a few seconds to two minutes) in a strongly alcoholic solution of picric acid, followed by pure alcohol. Same results (except that the stain will be brownish instead of pure red). BABES recommends treatment with iodine, according to the method of G-RAM (see next section). This process has also been recommended by PEENANT (Int. Monatsschr. Anat.} etc., iv, 1887, p. 368). It has been shown by OHLMACHEK, (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., vol. xx, No. 5, February 4th, 1893, p. Ill) that if tissues be treated with iodine or picric acid after staining with safranin, there may be produced in the tissue elements a precipitate of a dark red substance of a crystalline nature, but of lanceolate, semiluiiar, falciform, or navicellar forms. The precipitate is formed both in normal and pathological tissue, readily in carcinoinatous tissues ; and Ohlmacher concludes that many of the bodies that have been described as " coccidia," "" sporozoa," or other " parasites " of carcinoma are nothing but particles of this pre- cipitate. See also the differentiation process of MARTINOTTI and RESEGOTTI (Zeit. iviss. Mik., iv, 1887, p. 328) for alcohol-fixed material ; and of GAKBINI (Zeit. iviss. Mil;., v. 2, 1888, p. 170). In preparations made with chromo-aceto-osniic acid, safranin stains, besides nuclei, elastic fibres, the cell bodies of certain horny epithelia, and the contents of certain gland- cells (mucin, under certain imperfectly ascertained condi- tions). The stain is perfectly permanent. 287. Gentian Violet may be used in aqueous solution, or as directed for safranin. NUCLEAR STAINS WITH COAL-TAU DVMS. In some cases it may be useful to employ the method devised by GKAM for the differentiation of bacteria in tissues (Fortschr. d. Medicin., ii, 1884, No. 6; Brif-ish M per cent, to make up 100 volumes. Cool rapidly, rinse, dehydrate, and 184 CHAPTER XV. pass through bergamot oil, or xylol or benzol (not clove-oil) into balsam. Brings oufc bacteria (red) in organic liquids. The mixture may be had from Griibler & Hollborn. 893. Orange G. — This is the benzenazo-beta-naphthol- disulphonate of soda (to be obtained from Griibler & Hollborn,, and not to be confounded with about a dozen other colours that are on the market under the name of " Orange/' with or without a suffix). As indicated by its chemical description, this is an " acid ' ' colour. It is easily soluble in water, less so in alcohol. Use as «/ directed for Saurefuchsin. Almost, if not quite, as precise a stain as Saurefuchsin. It does not overstain, but may wash out other dyes. 294. Saurefuchsin and Orange G. — I have had good results by mixing the aqueous solutions of these two dyes, but unfor- tunately have not noted the proportions. SQUIRE (Methods and Formulae, p. 42) takes 1 grin. Saurefuchsin, 6 grins. Orange G. in 60 c.c. of alcohol, and 240 c.c. of water. See also under " connective tissues." 295. EHBLICH-BIONDI Mixture (or EHRLICH-BIONDI-HEI- DENHAIN Mixture) (Pfluger's Arch., xliii, 1888, p. 40). To 100 c.c. saturated aqueous solution of orange add with continual agitation 20 c.c. saturated aqueous solution of Saurefuchsin (Acid Fuchsin) and 50 c.c. of a like solution of methyl green. (According to Kranse [Arcli.mil-. Anat.,x\u, 1893, p. 59], 100 parts of water will dissolve about 20 of Saurefuchsin [Rubin S], 8 of orange G. and 8 of methyl green.) The solutions must be absolutely saturated. which only happens after several days. Dilute the mixture with 60 to 100 volumes of water. The dilute solution ought to redden if acetic acid be added to it ; and if a drop be placed on blotting-paper it should form a spot bluish green in the centre, orange at the periphery. If the orange zone is surrounded by a broader red zone, the mixture contains too much fuchsin. According to M. HEIDENHAIN (" Uebor Kern n. Proto- plasma/3 in Ft>*txclir. f. KuU'ikcr, 1802, p. 115) the orange to be nsod should be " Orange G "; the Acid Kuchsin or Smire- PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAR J)YKS. 185 • fuchsin should be " Rubin S ' (" Hubin ' is a synonym of Fuchsin) and the methyl green should be " Methylgriin 00. '; And it is absolutely necessary that these ingredients be those prepared under those names by the Actienfabrik fur Anilin- fdbrikation in Berlin. They can be obtained from Grubler & Hollborn, either separately, or as a mixture of the three dyes in powder (which I do not recommend). The strong solutions directed to be taken readily precipi- tate on being mixed. To avoid this it is recommended by SQUIRE (Methods and Formula, etc., p. 37) to dilute them before mixing1. o Other proportions for the mixture have been recommended by KRAUSE (loc. cit. supra), viz. 4 c.c. of the Siurefuchsin solution, 7 of the orange G and 8 of the metliyl green ; the mixture to be diluted 50 to 100-fold with water. THOME (Arch. mik. Anat., Hi, 1898, p. 820) gives the proportions 2:5: 8, and dilutes 100-fold. Stain sections (N.B. sections only) for six to twenty-four hours. Dehydrate with alcohol, clear with xylol, and mount in xylol balsam. In the intention of the observers who have elaborated this stain it is a progressive stain, and not a regressive one. It does not require any differentiation, and the sections should be got through the alcohol into xylol as quickly as possible in order to avoid any extraction of the methyl green, which easily comes away in the alcohol. DRUNER (Jena. Zeit., xxix, 1894, p. 276) stains for ten minutes in the concentrated solution, treats for one minute with alcohol containing O'l per cent, of hydrochloric acid, and then with neutral alcohol. The best results are obtained with sublimate 'material; chrom-osmium material, and the like, give a much inferior stain. Preparations made with the usual mixture, as given above, are liable to fade; by acidifying the mixture a stronger and more sharpty selective stain is obtained, which does not fade. But too much acid must not be added, as this would cause a staining of the interfilar substances. According to the Eucycl. mik. Tcchnik, you may add 15. to 24 drops of 0'2 per cent, acetic acid to 100 c.c. of the diluted solution. Another process of acidification is given l>y M. HEIDENHAIN (Uebcr 186 CHAPTMR XV. Kern und Protoplasma, p. 116); for this see fourth edition. See also ISRAEL (Praktikum Path. Hist., 2 Aufl., Berlin, 1893, p. 69) ; TRAMBUSTI (Ricerche Lab. Anat. Roma, v, 1896, p. 82; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 357) : and THOME (op. cit. supra). EISEN (Proc. Calif. Acad. [3], i, 1897, p. 8) acidifies with oxalic acid. After acidification the solution must not be filtered, and if it has been kept for some time a little more acid must be added. Before staining (M. HEIDENHAIN, loc. cit.}, sections should be treated for a couple of hours with Ol per cent, acetic acid, then for ten to fifteen minutes with officinal tincture of iodine, and be rinsed with alcohol before bringing into the stain. The treatment with acid is necessary in order to ensure having1 the sections acid on mounting1 in balsam. The o O primary object of the iodine is to remove any sublimate from the preparations, but it also is said to enhance the power of staining of the chromatin with methyl green, and to produce a more selective staining of protoplasmic elements. The stain is a very fine one when successful. But it is very capricious. The correct result should be a precise chromatin stain combined with a precise stain of the plastin element of cytoplasm by the Saurefuchsin. Now the least defect or excess of acidity causes the plasma stain of the Saurefuchsin to become a diffuse one, instead of being sharply limited to the plastin element. It is difficult to dehydrate the sections without losing the methyl green. For this reason the stain will only work with very thin sections: to be quite sure of good results, the sections should be of not more than 3 [i in thickness, and if they are over 5 the desired results are almost hopeless. The stain keeps very badly. I admit that the method has its raison d'etre for the very special objects for which it was imagined -for the researches on cell-granulations for which EIIELICH employed the three colours, or for the researches on the plastin element of cytoplasm for which MARTIN HEIDENHAIN employed the mixture ; for the study of gland cells ; and for similar objects. But to recommend it, as has been done, as a general stain for ordinary work, is nothing but mis- chievous exaggeration. For it is far from having the qualities that should be possessed by a normal section stain. PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAft DYES. 187 Workers have at length found this out, and it is now but little used except for the special purposes above indicated. 296. EHRLICH'S " Triacid " Mixture.— This name would seem to indicate that the mixture contains three "acid" colours, which is not the case, methyl green being a strongly "basic ' colour. Ehrlich explains in a letter to Mayer (see also EHRLICH and LAZARUS, Die An&mie, 1898, p. 26) that it is so called " because in it all the three basic groups of the methyl green are combined with the acid dye-stuffs." A very pretty conundrum ! The latest receipt (op. cit., p. 28) is as follows : Prepare separately saturated solutions of orange G, Siiurefuchsin, and methyl green, and let them clarify by settling. Then mix, in the order given, using the same measure-glass, 13 to 14 c.c. of the orange, 6 to 7 of the Saurefuchsin, 15 of distilled water, 15 of alcohol, 12^ of the methyl green, 10 of alcohol, and 10 of glycerin. After adding the methyl green, shake well, but do not filter. The mixture keeps well. I find its qualities and defects to be much those of the Ehrlich -Biondi mixture. The stain seems more powerful but less delicate, and the methyl green in it appears to have more resistance to alcohol, so that it is better adapted for ordinary work. MAYER (Grmidziifjc, LEE & MAYER, p. 197) has simplified the formula, tlms : Take 1 g. methyl green, 2 g. orange, 3 g. Sanrefnschin. and dis- solve in a mixture of 45 c.c. water, 10 c.c. glycerin, and 20 c.c. alcohol of Cj •/ 90 per cent. MOREL and DOLERIS (C. R. Soc. BioL, liv, 1902, p. 1255) mix 1 vol. of the solution with one of 8 per cent, formalin and add O'l per cent, of acetic acid, and state that thus the methyl green is better fixed in the nuclei. 297. PIANESE'S Saurefuchsin-malachite Green (from MULLEB, Arch. Zellforsch., viii, 1912, p. 4) consists of 0'5 grm. malachite green, O'l grm. Saurefuchsin, and O'Ol grm. Martins yellow in 150 c.c. water and 50 c.c. alcohol. Stain for 24 hours, differentiate with alcohol, con- taining 1 to 2 drops of HC1 per 200 c.c. 298. Picric Acid.- -Picric acid gives useful plasma stains after carmine and ha?niatoxylin. The inc.dii* operandi con- lists merely in adding picric acid to the alcohols employed for dehydrating the objects. 188 CHAPTER XV. Picric acid has considerable power of washing out other anilin stains ; and in combination u'ith hydrochloric acid it very greatly enhances the power with which this acid washes out carmine stains. It should, therefore, not be added to the acidulated alcohol taken for differentiating borax- carmine stains, or the like, but only to the neutral alcohol used after- wards. It has the great quality that it can be used for staining entire objects, and is much indicated for such objects as small Arthropods or Nematodes, mounted whole. It can in some cases be employed by dissolving it in the solution of another dye (see Picro-carmine, LEGAL'S alum- carmine, § 219, etc.) ; or (for sections) ~by dissolving it in the xylol or chloroform used for clearing. Though picric acid is a useful ground stain, it is at most a rough one, being very diffuse. It stains, however, horn, chitin, muscle and erythrocytes, with special en erg}7. According to FROHLICH (Zeit. iciss. Mil:., xxvii, 1910, p. 31-9) picraminic acid (from Griibler & Hollborn) has some advantages over picric acid. 299. VAN GIBSON'S Picro-Saurefuchsin (from Zeit. wiss. Mil-., xiii, 1896, p. 344) .--To a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid is added a few drops of saturated aqueous solution of Saurefuchsin, until the mixture has become garnet-red. Or (Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., xix, 1898, p. 105) to 100 parts of the picric acid solution add 5 parts of 1 per cent, solution of Saurefuchsin. After staining (sections only), rinse with water, dehydrate, and clear in oil of origanum. OHLMACHEU (Joiirn. Exper. Med., ii, 1897, p. 675) adds 0'5 per cent, of Saurefuchsin to a saturated solution of picric acid which has been diluted with an equal quantity of water. He uses this after previous staining with gentian violet. RAMON Y CAJAL recommends 0*1 grm. of Saurefuchsin to 100 of saturated solution of picric acid (ScHAFFER. Zeit. iviss. Zool, Ixvi, 1899, p. 236). HANSUN (Anat. An?.., xv, 1898, p. 152) adds 5 c.c. of 2 per cent, solution of Siiurefuchsin to 100 c.c. saturated solution of picric acid, and for staining adds to 3 c.c. of the mixture one third of a drop of 2 per cent, acetic acid, stains for a few minutes or hours, rinses in 3 c.c. of wntcr with 2 drops PLASMA STAINS WJT11 COAL-TAIt UVUS. 189 of the acidified stain added, dehydrates, clears with xylol, and mounts in xylol-balsam. Connective- tissue red, olastin and all other elements yellow. WEIGEET (Zeit. ivisa. Mik., 1904, p. 3) adds 10 parts of 1 per cent. Saurefuchsin to 100 of saturated picric acid. See also MOLLEK, op. cit., xv, 1898, p. 172. This stain is generally used as a contrast stain to follow hgematoxylin. APATHY (Beh-rens* Tubelleiij 3rd ed., p. 129) takes for this purpose 1 grin, of Saurefuclisin in 500 c.c. of saturated solution of pier ate of ammonia. WILHELMI (Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel, xxii, 1909, p. 18) takes 0'2 grm. Saurefuclisin, 0'8 grin, picrate of ammonia, 10 grin, absolute alcohol, and 89 grin, water. E. and T. SAVINI (Zed. wiss. Mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 31) use a formula due to BENDA. Ninety-five volumes of saturated solution of picrate of ammonia are mixed with 5 volumes of 1 per cent, solution of Saurefuclisin. For use, two to four drops of saturated solution of picric acid are added to 10 c.c. of the mixture. This neither overstains nor attacks the primary stain. 200. FLEMMING'S Orange Method (Arch. mik. Anat., xxxvii, 1891, pp. 249 and 685).— Stain sections of Flemning or Hermann material in strong alcoholic safranin solution diluted with anilin water (§ 286) ; differentiate in absolute alcohol, containing at most O'l per cent, of hydrochloric acid, until hardly any more colour comes away ; stain for one to three hours in gentian violet (§ 287) ; wash for a short time in distilled water ; treat with concentrated, or at least fairly strong, aqueous solution of orange G. After at most a few minutes, whilst pale violet clouds are still being given off from the sections 011 agitation, bring them into absolute alcohol until hardly any more colour conies away, clear in clove or bergamot oil, and mount in darnar or balsam before the last pale clouds of colour have ceased to come away. The orange must be orange G. WINIWARTER and SAINMONT (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxv, 1908, p. 157, and Arch.^Biol., xxiv, 1909, p. 15) stain for 24 hours in the gentian, wash out after the orange for 2 to 3 hours in 100 c.c. absolute alcohol with three to four drops of HC1, and differentiate finally with oil of cloves. This is not a triple stain in the sense of giving three different colours in the result ; it is a nuclear and plasmatic stain in mixed tones; the orange, apparently, combines with the gentian to form a " neutral ' dye, soluble in excess of the orange (§ 203) which thus differentia tee the stain. 190 CHAP FEU XV. See also FLEMMING in Arch. Anat. Phys. Anat. Abth., 1897, p. 175. Never popular, this clumsy and uncertain process is now little used. 301. REINKE'S Orange Method (Arch. mik. Anat., xliv, 2, 1894, p. 262). — To a concentrated aqueous solution of gentian violet are added " a few drops " of a like solution of orange G. The solution precipitates in part , owing to the formation of an imperfectly soluble " neutral '' colour, but becomes almost clear again if an excess of water be added. The solution is not to be filtered, but the sections are to be stained in the mixture made almost clear by addition of water. It is said that the " neutral " solution may be preserved for future use by adding to it one third of alcohol. After staining (sections previously stained with safranin), you differentiate rapidly with alcohol and clear with clove oil. I have tried this process and obtained exactly the same results as with Flemniing's process, and so have other workers. AKNOLD'S Orange Method (Arch. Zellforsch., iii, 1909, p. 434).- Sections (of chrome material) are treated for five minutes with solution of equal parts of iodine and iodide of potassium in alcohol of 40 per cent., then washed and stained for 4 hours in saturated solution of safranin in alcohol of 75 per cent. : then washed and put for 5 to 15 minutes into solution, of seven parts of methylen blue, 0'5 of carbonate of soda and 100 of water, washed, dehydrated, and treated until pale blue with solution of orange G. in oil of cloves. Cytoplasmic reticulum blue on orange ground, nucleoli and ceiitrosoines red. Instead of the safranin, basic fuchsin may be taken. 302. BONNEY'S Triple Stain (Virdww's Arcli., cxciii, 1908, p. 547; and elsewhere). — Stain sections (of acetic alcohol or sublimate material, not chrome or formol material) for two minutes in a solution of 0'25 parts methyl violet and 1 part pyronin in 100 of water. Wipe slide dry, and flood twice with the following : 2 per cent, aqueous solution of orange G, boiled and filtered, is added drop by drop to 100 c.c. of acetone, with agitation, until there is formed a flocculent precipitate, which redissolves on further addition of the orange. Wash rapidly in pure acetone, and pass through xylol into balsam. Chromatiii violet, cytoplasm red, con- nective tissue yellow, keratin violet. Not adapted for blood films. 303. Bordeaux R. — An " acid J' dye, giving a general stain taking effect both on chromatin and cytoplasm, and, I con- sider, a very good plasma stain. I use for chrom-osmium material a 1 per cent, solution, and stain for twelve to twenty-four hours. The stain is sufficiently fast. PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAIt DYUS. 191 304. Bordeaux K-, Thioniii, and Methyl Green (G-R VBERS, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiii, 4, 18D6, p. 460). 395. Congo Rsd (Congoroth) (see G-RIE.SBACH, in Zeit. wiss. Mik., iii, 1866,, p. 379). — An "acid' colour. Its solution becomes blue in presence of the least trace of free acid (hence Con<2ro is a valuable reasrent for demonstrating the \ O O O . presence of free acid in tissues ; see the papers quoted loc. cit.). A stain much of the same nature as Saurefuchsin. It is useful for staining some objects during life (see ante, § 208). CABNOY (La Cellule, xii, 1897, p. 216) has had very good results with it after hsematoxylin of DELAFIULD. He used 0*5 per cent, solution in water. Note that this colour is not to be confounded with other Congos, as Congo yellow, or brilliant Congo. It is one of the azo dyes. 306. Congo-Corinth. — Also an acid dye. HEIDENHAIN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xx, 1903, p. 179) recommends Congo -Corinth G (or the allied colour Benzopurpurin 6 B) (Elberfelder Farbwerke). Sections must be made alkaline before staining, by treating them with very weak sal ammoniac or caustic soda, in alcohol. After staining, pass through absolute alcohol into xylol. Used after alum ha3inotoxylin, the stain of which it does not cause to fade. 307. Benzopurpurin.— According to GRIESBACH (loc. cit., § 305), another "acid" colour very similar in its results to Congo red. See also ZSCHOKKE (ibid., v, 1888, p. 466), who recommends Benzopurpurin B, and says that weak aqueous solutions should be used for staining, which is effected in a few minutes, and alcohol for washing out. Deltapurpurin may be used in the same way. See last § as to the necessity of alJcalising the sections, which Heideii- hain states is necessary with all dyes of this group. 308. Blauschwarz B and Brillantscbwarz 3 B (HEIDENHAIN, op. cit., § 306, p. 183). — Acid azo dyes. To be used in 1 per cent, solution with sections of sublimate material, staining for five to ten minutes. Then stain is a basic dye, snch as toluidin blue or safranin. 309. Neutral Red (Neutralroth) (EmiLicn, Allg. med. Zeit., 1894, pp. 2, 20 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1894,, p. 250 ; GALEOTTI, ibid., p. 193). — A " basic " dye. The term" neutral" refers to the hue of its solution. Its neutral red tint is turned bright red by acids, yellow by alkalies. The stain in tissues is in general metachromatio, nuclei being red, cell-bodies yellow (cf. ROSIN, in Deutsche med. Wochenschr., xxiv, 1898, p. 615; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi; 2, 1899; p. 238). Up to the 192 CHAPTER xvr. present this colour has chiefly been employed for intra-vitam staining. Tadpoles kept for a day or two in a solution of 1 : 10,000 or 100,000 absorb so considerable a quantity of the colour that all their tissues appear of a dark red. The stain is limited to cytoplasmic granules (EHRLICH), and to the contents of mucus cells (GALEOTTI). According to EHRLICII and LAZARUS (Spec. Pathol. und Therapie, herausgeg. von NOTHNAGEL, viii, I, 1898, p. 1 ; Zeit. f. u-ixs. Mile., xv, 3, 1899, p. 338) it may be used for intra-vitam staining of tissues in the same way as methylen blue, by injection or immersion with contact of air. It is especially a granule stain. Similar results are recorded by ARNOLD (Anat. Anz., xvi, 1899, p. 568, and xxi, 1902, p. 418). See also EHRLICH and LAZAUUS, Ansemie, i, 1898, p. 85 ; LOISEL (Journ. de I' Anat. et de la Physiol., 1898, pp. 197, 210, 217) (intra-vitam staining of sponges) ; and PROWAZEK (Zeit. iviss. Zool.j Ixii, 1897, p. 187) (intra-vitam staining of Protozoa). I myself have had very good results with it as an intra- vitam stain. According to GOLOVINE (Zeit. u'iss. Mile., xix, 1902, p. 176), the stain may be fixed in the tissues by means of sublimate, chromic acid, bichromates, picric acid, or platinum chloride, followed by molybdate of ammonium. It has also been found useful for staining, in hardened material, the corpuscles of NJSSL (q. v.) in nerve-cells. S. MAYER (Lotos, Prague, 1896, No. 2) states that it also stains degenerating myelin. The solutions that have been employed for staining fixed material are strong aqueous ones, I per cent, to concentrated. 310. The Eosins, found in commerce under the names of Eosin, Saffrosin, Primerose Soluble. Phloxin, Bengal Rose, Ery- throsin, Pyrosin B, Rose B, a 1'Eau, etc., are all " acid ; phthalein colours. They are not quite identical in their properties. Most of them are soluble both in alcohol and in water, but some only in alcohol ("Primerose a I'Alcool"). They are all diffuse stains, formerly much used as con- trast stains, less so now. HANSEN (Anat. Hefte, xxvii, 1905, p. 620) adds 1 drop of acetic acid of 2 per cent, to 9 c.c. of 1 per cent, eosin, which makes the stain more selective. For Bengal Rose see GRIESBACH, Zool. An?.., 1883, p. 172. PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAB DYES. 193 Eosin is a specific stain for red blood-corpuscles, and also for certain granules of leucocytes (see under " Blood "). The yolk of some ova takes the stain strongly, so that it is useful in some embryological researches. 311. EHRLICH'S Indulin-Aurantia-Eosin, or Acidophilous Mixture, or Mixture C, or Mixture for Eosinophilous Cells (from the formula kindly sent me by Dr. GRUBLEE). — Indulin, aurantia, and eosin, of each two parts ; glycerin, thirty parts. This gives a very thick, syrupy solution. To use it, cover- glass preparations may be floated on to it ; or sections on slides may have a few drops poured on to them, the slide being laid flat till the stain has taken effect (twenty-four hours for Flemming material). I find that with Flemming material it gives a powerful and good stain, which is much more resistant to alcohol than that of the EHRLICH-BIONDI mixture, and is, therefore, much more adapted to ordinary work. The stain keeps well. ISRAEL (Prdktilc. Path. Hist., Berlin, 1893, p. 68) gives a more complicated receipt. 312. Methyl Green and Eosin (CALBERLA, Morph. Jahrb., in, 1877, Heft 3, p. 625 ; LIST, Zeit. wiss. Mil-., ii, 1885, p. 147 ; BALBIANI, Ann. Microgr., Paris, vii, 1895, p. 245 ; RHUMBLER, Zeit. wiss. Zool.,lxi, 1895, p. 38). — See early editions. 313. Methylen Blue and Eosin (CHENZINSKY, quoted from Zeit. wiss. MiJc., xi, 2, 1894, p. 269). Methylen blue, sol. sat. in water . . . .40 Eosin, 0'5 per cent, in 70 per cent, alcohol . . 20 Distilled water, or glycerin 40 This solution will only keep for about eight days. PIANESE (ibid., xi, 1894, p. 345) adds a considerable proportion of carbonate of lithia. See also the mixture of BREMER (Arch. mile. Anat., xlv, 1895, p. 446). I have tried CHENZINSKY'S mixture as a tissue stain, without good results ; but see ROSIN, Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1898, p. 251 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 223, and xvii, 1900, p. 333. See also LAURENT (Centralb. aUg. Path., xi, 1 900, p. 86 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvii, 1900, p. 201). 314. MALLORY'S Eosin and Methylen Blue (Journ. med. Research, January, 1904). — Sections of ZENKER material (other sublimate material not so good) are stained for half to three quarters of an hour at 56° C. in 5 per cent, aqueous solution of eosin, rinsed and flooded with solution 13 194 CHAPTER XV. of one part of methylen blue, and one of potassium carbonate in 100 of water, diluted with about seven parts of water. After forty minutes they are flooded (not washed) with water, and differentiated for about 5 minutes in alcohol of 95 per cent. Absolute alcohol, xylol, balsam. 315. Other Eosin and Methylen -blue Stains. — For some very important ones see under " Blood." 316. Light Green (Lichtgriin S. F.).— An " acid " colour, soluble in water or alcohol,, and a good plasma stain. BENDA (Verh. physiol. G-es. Berlin, Dec. 18th, 1891, Nos. 4 u. 5) stains sections for twenty-four hours in anilin-water safranin solution, then for about half a minute in a solution of 0*5 grm. Lichtgriin or Saureviolett (Grubler) in 200 c.c. of alcohol, dehydrates and mounts in balsam. This process gives a very elegant stain, but requires very thin sections, and there is always risk of the safranin being washed out. The Lichtgriin stain unfortunately does not keep at all well. See also PBENANT, Arch. mik. Anat., vii, 1905, p. 430, and GITJEYSSE, C.R. Sue. Bwl, Ixii, 1907, p. 1212. 317. Janus Green (MICHAELIS, Arch. mik. Anat., Iv, 1900, p. 565). — Used in solution of 1 : 30.000 for staining certain granules (pancreas, salivary glands, etc.) in the fresh state. 318. Malachite Green (syn. Solid Green, Victoria Green, New Green, Benzoyl Green, Fast Green). — A basic colour, which has been used as a plasma stain for the ova of Ascaris by VAN BENEDEN and NEYT. These authors used it for glycerin preparations ; it can hardly be got into balsam. FLEMMING (Arch. milt. Anat. xix, 1881, p. 324) attributes to it a special affinity for nucleoli. 319. Iodine Grean (" HOFMANN'S Grim "), see GRIESBACH (Zool. Anz., No. 117, vol. v, 1882, p. 406).— Stain essentially that of methyl green, but plasma often violet through the presence of a violet impurity (MA.YER, Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 311 ; see also earlier editions). It is now only used by botanists. 320. Thiophen Green (Thiophengrun), see KRATJSE, Intern. Mon- . Anat., etc., iv, 1887, Heft 2. 321. Coerulein S., a green "acid" dye, is recommended for the staining of muscle-fibrils by M. v. LENHOSSEK (Anat. Anz., xvi, 1899, p. 339). — See also HEIDENHAIN, Hid., xx, 1901, p. 37, and RAWITZ. ibid.. xxi, 1902, p. 554. 1'LASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAU DYES. 195 322. Quinolein Blue (Cyanin, Chinolinblau ; v. RANVIER, Trait*', p. 102). — Quinolein is said by Ranvier to Lave the property of staining fatty matters an intense blue. It is useful for staining Infusoria, which in dilute solution it stains during life. See the methods of CERTES. From the reactions mentioned by Ranvier it would seem that his " bleu de quinolcme " is not the preparation that usually goes under that name. See EHRLICH, in Arch. mik. Anat., xiii, 1877, p. 266. 323. Indulin and Nigrosin. — Indulin, Nigrosin, Indigen, Coupier's Blue, Fast Blue R, Fast Blue B, Blackley Blue, Guernsey Blue, Indigo substitute are the names of brands of a group of dyes, mostly " acid/' related to the base violanilm. According to BEHRENS the name Indulin is generally given to a bluish brand, and that of Nigrosin to a blacker one. Nigrosin, used with sublimate material, I find stains both nuclei and cytoplasm, the chromatin strongly. It will not give the stain at all with chrom-osmium material. According to CALBERLA (Morpli. Jahrb., iii, 1877, p. 627) the concen- trated-aqueous solution of Indulin should be diluted with six volumes of water. Sections will stain in the dilute solution in five to twenty minutes. He also says that it never stains nuclei ; the remaining cell- contents and intercellular substance are stained blue. This seems to me to be, roughly, correct. 324. Safranin and Nigrosin (or Indigo-Carmine) (KossiNSKi, Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1880, p. 61).— See early editions. 325. Picro-Nigrosin, PFITZKR (Deutscli.Botau. Geselhch., 1883, p. 44) dissolves nigrosin in a saturated solution of picric acid in water, and uses it for fixing and staining at the same time, on the slide. See also under " Connective Tissues." 326. Anilin Blue.— Under this title are comprised various " basic '' derivatives of the base rosanilin. They occur under the names Spirit Soluble Blue (Bleu Alcool), Gentian Plue 6 B, Spirit Blue 0, Opal Blue, Bleu de Nuit, Blue Lumiere, Parma Bleu, Blue de Lyon. Some authors give the name Bleu de Nuit and Griindstichblau as synonyms of Bleu de Lyon. The Encycl. mik. Technik. says it is " Anilinblan B — 6 B," with many synonyms, or designations of brands, Parma blue being "Anilinblau R or 2 R." I find it a fairly good stain, giving very good differentiations of nerve-tissue and of cartilage (as has already been pointed out by BAUM GARTEN and by JACOBY). MAURICE and SCHULGIN stain in bulk with it after borax-carmine, using a very dilute alcoholic solution. 196 CHAPTER XV. BAUMGAKTEN and JACOBY stain sections in a 0*2 per cent. alcoholic solution. TONKOFF (Arch. mik. An at., Ivi, 1900, p. 394) adds a little tincture of iodine to the solution of the dye, or mordants the sections with iodine. SKROBANSKY (Intern. Monatsschr. Anat., xxi, 1904, p. 20) uses it in water with picric acid. 327. Carmine Blue (Bleu Carmin Aqueux, from Meister, Lucius, and Brunig, at Hochst-a-M.). — JANSSENS (La Cellule, ix, 1893, p. 9) states that this colour possesses a special affinity for the parts of cyto- plasm that are undergoing cuticular differentiation. He uses it in alcoholic solution acidified. 328.; Methyl Blue. — Under this title are comprised some other derivatives of the base rosanilin. They are" acid ' colours. Here belong Methyl Blue, Cotton Blue, Water Blue (Wasserblau), Methyl Water-Blue, China Blue (Chinablau), Soluble Blue. Amongst these Water Blue (Wasserblau) possesses some useful properties. According to MITROPHANOW (quoted from Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 18£8, p. 513), used in concentrated aqueous solution it gives a very good double stain with safranin. Jt is very resistant to alcohol. Using the Wasser- blau first, and then the safranin, I have had some interesting results. The Wasserblau must be used first. With chrom- osmium material, twelve to twenty-four hours in the blue, and four or five in the safranin, may not be too much. My stains have not kept well. MANN (Methods, etc., p. 216) uses a mixture of 35 parts 1 per cent, solution of eosin, 45 of methyl blue, and 100 of water. He has also (Zeit. iciss. Mik., xi; 1894, p. 490) used a similar mixture for nerve-cells. 329. Anilin Blue-black. — A preparation cited under this name has been recommended by BEVAN LEWIS and others for nervous tissue. The dye used by them cannot now be identified. Dr. GRUBLER writes me that the anilin blue-black of his list is the oxyazo colour blue- black B or AZOSCHWARZ ; but that dye had not been discovered when Bevan Lewis wrote. See also HEIDENHAIN in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xx, 1903, p. 185, and xxv, 1909, p. 407. 330. Violet B (or Methyl Violet B) (S. MAYER, Sifzl. k. k. Akad. u-isfi. Wien, iii Abth, February, 1882). — Used in solutions of 1 grin, of the colour to 300 grms. of 0'5 per cent. PLASMA STAINS WITH COAL-TAR DYKS. 197 salt solution, and with fresh tissues that have not been treated with any reagent whatever, this colour gives a stain so selective of the elements of the vascular system that favourable objects, such as serous membranes, appear as if injected. The preparations do not keep well ; acetate of potash is the least unsatisfactory medium for mounting them in, or a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and saturated solution of pi crate of ammonia (Aii'it. Anz., 1892, p. 221). See also under " Plasmafibrils." The allied dye, Crystal Violet, has been employed for stain- ing sections, e.g. by KIIOMA.YER and others. BMNDA (Nenrol. Gentralb., xix, 1900, p. 792) stains in a mixture of 1 vol. saturated sol. of the dye in 70 per cent, alcohol, 1 vol. 1 per cent. sol. of hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent, alcohol, and 2 vols. of anilin water, the liquid being warmed until vapour is given off, then cooled and the sections dried with blotting- paper, treated one minute with 30 per cent, acetic acid, dehydrated with alcohol and cleared with xylol. 331. Kresyl Violet. — An oxyazin dye, giving metachromatic stains. HERXHEIMER (Arch. mik. Anat., liii, 1899, p. 519, and liv, p. 289) stains sections of skin with Kresyl-echtviolett. Nuclei blue, plasma reddish. Similarly FICK (Centralb. ally. Path., xiii, 1902, p. 987; Zeit. iviss. Mile., xx, 1903, p. 223), staining for three or four minutes in a concentrated aqueous solution, and differentiating in alcohol until the connective tissue has become colourless. Keratohyaliii violet-red to salmon- coloured. 332. Saureviolett, see § 316. 333. Benzoazurin may be made to give either a diffuse or a nuclear stain, according to MARTIN (see Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 193). 334. RAWITZ' "Inversion" Plasma Stains. — It has been discovered by RAWITZ that by means of appropriate mordants certain basic anilins, which by the usual methods of regressive staining are pure chromatin stains, may be made to afford a pure plasma stain, thus giving an "in- version" of the usual stain. The stain, in my opinion, is a vile one. For details see fourth edition, or RAWITZ (Sitzb. Gesnaturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1894, p. 174 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1895, p. 503 ; and his Leitfaden f. hist. Untersuchungen, Jena, 1895, p. 76). 335. Artificial Alizarin (RAWITZ, Anat. Anz., xi, 10, 1895, p. 295).- A double stain by means of artificial Alizarin, or Alizarm-cyanin, requiring the use of special mordants supplied by the colour manu- facturers, and very complicated. See fifth edition. 198 CHAPTER XV. RAWITZ (Zeit. iviss. Mile.. 1909, pp. 393 and 395) also recommends a solution of 1 grm. of Saure-Alizarinblau 33B (or Sauregriin G) (both from Hochst), 10 grins, ammonia alum, 100 c.c. glycerin, and 100 c.c. water. SZUTZ (ibid., xxix, 1912, p. 289) fixes in a mixture of 15 c.c. 1 per cent, platinum chloride, 15 c.c. formol, and 30 c.c. saturated solution of sublimate, makes paraffin sections, and stains them with Heidenhaiii's iron-hsematoxylin. They are then treated for five to six hours with 5 per cent, solution of aluminium acetate, rinsed, and stained for five to six hours with Beiida's sulphalizarinate of soda (given under " Mito- chondria "), and got into balsam. A red plasma stain, affecting plasma- fibrils. For intra vifam stains with alizarin see § 208 (FISCHEL), and NILSSON, Zool. Anz., xxxv, 1909, p. 196. 336. ForBENDA's Alizarin Stalls, sce'under "Centrosoines/' " Mitochondria/' and " Neuroglia." CHAPTER XVI. METHYLEN BLUE. 337. Methylen Blue is a " basic " dye, being the chloride or the zinc chloride double salt of tetramethylthionin. It appears that some persons have confounded it with the " acid " dye methyl blue, to which it has not, histologically, any resemblance. Commercial methylen blue sometimes contains as an im- purity a small quantity of a reddish dye, which used to be taken to be methylen red. This impurity is present from the beginnning in many brands of methylen blue, is frequently developed in solutions of the dye that have been long kept (so-called u ripened r solutions), and is still more frequently found in kept alkaline solutions. According to NOCHT (Centralb. Bakteriol, xxv, 1899, pp. 764-769; Zeit. wiss. Mik,., xvi, 1899, p. 225) it is not methylen red, nor methylen violet either, but a new colour, for which NOCHT proposes the name " Roth arts Methylenblau." According to MICH^LIS (Centralb. Bakteriol., xxix, 1901, p. 763, and xxx, 1901, p. 626 ; Zeit. wins. Nik., xviii, 1902, p. 305, and xix, 1902, p. 68) confirmed later by NOCHT, REOTER, and GIEMSA, this dye is Methylenazur, an oxidation-product of methylen blue, already described by BERNTHSEN in 1885. It is an energetic dye, of markedly metachromatic action, and to it are due the metachromatic effects of methylen blue solutions (mefchylen blue itself is not metachromatic). The presence of this dye as an impurity in methylen blue is not always an undesirable factor; on the contrary, it sometimes affords differentiations of elements of tissues or of cells that cannot be produced by any other means. Methylen blue that contains it is known as polychrome methylen blue, and is employed for staining certain cell-granules. UNNA (Zeit. iciss. Mik., viii, 1892, p. 483) makes this as follows : 200 CHAPTER XVI. A solution of one part of methylen blue and one of carbonate of potash in twenty of alcohol and a hundred of water is evaporated down to a hundred parts. (It may be used at once, or after diluting with an equal volume of anilin water, for sections, which after staining may be differentiated with glycol, creosol, or Unna's glycerin-ether mixture — all of which, as well as the polychrome methylen blue, can be obtained from Griibler & Hollborn.) MICII^LIS (op. cit.) makes it as follows : 2 gr. of medicinal methylen blue are dissolved in 200 c.c. of water, an4 10 c.c. of -j1^ normal solu- tion of caustic soda added. Boil for a quarter of an hour; after cooling add 10 c.c. of yV normal sulphuric acid, and filter. Methylenazur is isolated from methylen blue by the prolonged action of an alkali or of silver oxide. It seems also that it is formed in certain mixtures of methylen blue witheosin (ROMANOWSKY, LAVERAN, GIEMSA and others), by means of the eosin, which in these mixtures acts chemi- cally, and can be replaced by resorcin. hydroquiiion, and the like. It is best procured from Griibler & Hollborn, who supply it pure as "Azur I," and mixed with an equal quantity of methylen blue as " Azur II." See further as to this dye under " Stains for Blood." There are several sorts of methylen blue sold, the most important being — " methylen blue, according to EHELICH " ; " methylen blue, according to KOCH " ; " methylen blue BX, according to S. MATER" ; " Methylenblau, medic, pur." The colour to be employed for intra-vitam nerve staining should be as pure as possible. APATHY (Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1893, p. 466) writes that the best — in fact, the only one that will give exactly the results described by him — is that of E. MERCK, of Darmstadt, described as " wedicinischcs Methylen- blau." DOGIEL (Encycl. mik. Technik., 1st edition, p. 811) has had his best results with " Methylenblau n. Ehrlich," or " BX," obtained from Grubler & Hollborn. 338. The Uses of Methylen Blue. — As a histological reagent it is used for sections of hardened central nervous tissue, in which it gives a specific stain of medullated nerves. It gives more or less specific stains of the basophilous granula- tions of " Mastzellen' and plasma-cells, and the granules of NISSL iii nerve-cells, also inucin. It is much used — in the form of mixtures affording metliylen azur — in the study of METHYLEN BLUE. 201 blood,, blood parasites, and similar objects. For all of these see the respective sections in Part II. Further, it stains a large number of tissues infra vitam, with little or no inter- ference with their vital functions. And last, not least, it can be made to furnish stains of nerve tissue, intercellular cement substances, lymph spaces, and the like, that are essentially identical with those furnished by a successful impregnation with gold or silver, and are obtained with greater ease and certainty ; with this difference, however, that gold stains a larger number of the nervous elements that are present in a preparation, sometimes the totality of them; whilst methylen blue stains only a selection of them, so bringing them more prominently before the eye, and allowing them to be traced for greater distances. These two uses form the subject of this chapter. 339. Staining in toto during Life. — Small and permeable aquatic organisms may be stained during life by adding to the water in which they are confined enough methylen blue to give it a very light tint. After a time they will be found to be partially stained — that is, it will be found that certain tissues have taken up the colour, others remaining colourless. If now you put back the animals into the tinted water and wait, you will find after a further lapse of time that further groups of tissues have become stained. Thus it was found by EHRLICH (Biol. Centralb., vi, 1886, p. 214; Abh. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, February 25th, 1885) that on injection of the colour into living animals axis-cylinders of sensory nerves stain, whilst motor nerves remain colourless. [The motor nerves, however, "will also stain, though later than the sensory nerves.] It might be supposed that by continuing the staining for a sufficient time, a point would be arrived at at which all the tissues would be found to be stained. This, however, is not the case. It is always found that the stained tissues only keep the colour that they have taken up for a short time after they have attained the maximum degree of coloration of which they are susceptible, and then begin to discharge the colour even more quickly than they took it up. According to EHKLICH this decoloration is explained as follows : methylen blue, on contact with reduc- ing agents in alkaline solution, can be reduced to a colourless 202 CHAPTER XVI. body, its " leucobase." Now living or recently dead tissue elements are, or may be, both alkaline and very greedy of oxygen, and thus act on the dye as reducing agents. The leucobase thus formed is easily reoxidised into methyleii blue by oxidising substances, or acids, or even by the mere contact of air — which latter property is taken advantage of in practice. It follows that a total stain of all the tissues of a living intact organism can hardly be obtained under these con- ditions, but that a specific stain of one group or another of elements may be obtained in one of two ways. If the tissue to be studied be one that stains earlier than the others, it may be studied during life at the period at which it alone has attained the desired intensity of coloration. If it be one that stains later than the others, it may be studied at the period at which the earlier stained elements have already passed their point of maximum coloration and have become sufficiently decoloured, the later stained ones being at a point of desired intensity. Or the observer may fix the stain in either of these stages and preserve it for leisurely study by means of one of the processes given § 343. The proper strength of the very dilute solutions to be employed for the staining of living organisms must be made out by experiment for each object. I think the tint is practically a sufficient guide, but it may be stated that when in doubt a strength of ] : 100.000 may be taken, and in- creased or diminished as occasion may seem to require. ZOJA (Rendic E. 1st. Lombardo, xxv, 1892 ; Ze-it. wiss. Mile., ix, 1892, p. 208) finds that for Hydra the right strength is from 1 : 20,000 to 1 : 10,000. The stain is capricious. It is not possible to predict without trial which tissues will stain first in any organism. The stain penetrates very badly, which is no doubt one cause of its capriciousness. Gland cells generally stain early ; then, in no definable order, other epithelium cells, fat cells, plasma cells, " Mastzellen/' blood and lymph corpuscles, elastic fibres, smooth muscle, striated muscle. There are other elements that stain in the living state, but not when the staining is performed by simple immersion of intact animals in a dilute staining solution in the manner we are considering. Chief amongst these are nerve-fibres and ganglion-cells, ichiclt METHYLEN BLUE. 203 remain 'unstained in the intact organism. To get these stained, it is necessary to isolate them sufficiently, as explained in the following sections. 340. Staining Nervous Tissue during Life. — It was made out by EHRLICH (op. cit., last §) that by injecting a solution of methylen blue into the vessels or tissues of living animals and shortly afterwards cutting out and examining small pieces of their tissues, these will be found to be intensely stained in some of their elements (chiefly nervous). If the tissues are mounted under a cover- glass, the stain will fade in a short time ; but if the cover-glass be removed, so that oxygen can have access to the tissues, the stain will be restored, as explained last §. The chief elements stained in this way are peripheral nerves, and amongst these more especially axis-cylinders of sensory nerves. Ehrlich held that the stain so obtained is a product of a vital reaction of the tissues, and that it cannot be obtained with dead material. DOGIEL, however (Arch. mik. Anut., xxxv, 1890, pp. 305 et *eq.), found that muscle nerves of limbs of the frog could be stained as much as from three to eight days after the limbs had been removed from the animal. He concludes, indeed, that the reaction shows that the nerves were still living at that time. But it seems more natural to conclude with APATHY (Zeit. ids*. Mik.} ix; 1892, pp. 15 ft s(q.) that nerve-tissue can be stained after life has ceased. APATHY has directly experimented on this point, and sums up the necessary conditions as follows : The tissue need not be living, but must be fresh ; nothing must have been extracted from it chemically, and its natural state must not have been essentially changed by physical means. For example, the tissue must not have been treated with even dilute glycerin, nor with alcohol, though a treatment for a short time with physiological salt solution is not very hurtful ; it must not have been coagulated by heat. MICHAILOW (Hid., xxvii, 1910, p. 7) prefers tissues that have lain from one and a half to two hours after the death of the subject in Ringer's salt solution. As above explained, the primary stain obtained by injecting methylen blue, or immersing tissues in it, only lasts a very short time. In order to get it to last long enough for 204 CHAPTER XVI. study, it must be re-blued by oxidation (see last §). It is therefore the usual practice to dissect out the tissues to be examined, and leave them for some time exposed to the air. This is done in order that they may take up from the air the necessary oxygen. Another consideration that justifies the practice is that by exposure to air the preparations take up a trace of ammonia, and APATHY has experimentally established that this is an important factor in the sharpness of the stain. Ehrlich also (op. cit.) holds that an alkaline reaction of the tissues is a necessary condition to the stain. Apathy further holds that the stain is a regressive one, easily washed out by the surrounding liquid ; and in order to prevent this washing-out being excessively rapid, it is desirable to have it go on in presence of as little liquid as possible . 341. The Modes of Staining. — The practice of the earlier workers at this subject was (following EHELICH) to inject methylen blue into the vascular system or body-cavity of a living animal, wait a sufficient time, then remove the organ for further preparation and study. And there appears to have been a belief with some workers that it was essential that the stain should have been brought about by injection of the colouring matter into the entire animal. It is now known that the reaction can often be equally well obtained by removing an organ and subjecting it to a bath of the colouring matter in the usual way. But in some cases it seems that injection is preferable, if not necessary. 342. The Solutions employed.— The solutions used for injec- tion are generally made in salt solution (physiological, or a little weaker) ; those for staining by immersion, either in salt solution or other " indifferent" liquid, or in pure water. The earlier workers generally took concentrated solutions. Thus ARNSTEIN (Anat. Anz., 1887, p. 125) injected 1 c.c. of saturated (i. e. about 4 per cent.) solution into the vena cutanea magna of frogs, and removed the organ to be investigated after the lapse of an hour. BIEDERMANN (Sitzb. Al\ad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Nat. CL, 1888, p. 8) injected 0'5 to 1 c.c. of a nearly saturated solution in 0'6 per cent, salt solution into the thorax of crayfishes, and left the animals for from two METHYLEN BLUE. 205 to four hours before killing them. S. MAYER (Zeit. u-isn. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 423) took a strength of 1 : 300 or 400 of 0'5 per cent, salt solution. The solutions of RETZIUS are of the same strength. But the tendency of more recent practice is decidedly towards the employment of weaker solutions. APATHY (ibid., ix, 1892, pp. 25, 26 et seq.) finds that it is not only superfluous, but positively disadvantageous, to take solutions stronger than 1 : 1000. DOGIEL (Encycl. Mik. Technik., 1st ed., p. 815) recommends J to J per cent., or at most £ per cent. For warm-blooded animals the solution should be warmed to 36° or 37° C., and before sending in the injection the blood-vessels should be well washed out with similarly warmed salt solution. The injected organs may be removed after 20 to 30 minutes. They should be placed on a thin layer of spun glass moistened with weak (i to -j*g- per cent.) methylen blue, or simply spread out on a slide, and the whole placed in a Petri dish with a layer of the methylen blue on the bottom. The dish is best placed in a stove at 36° C., and after 15 to 30 minutes (if the pieces are thin) or 1 hour to 1| hours (if they are thick) specimens may be removed for examination or preservation ; or, without using the stove, specimens may be removed 10 to 20 minutes after injection, placed on a slide, and moistened with weak methylen blue or salt solution, and brought under the microscope. Then as soon as the stain is sufficiently brought out (40 to 60 minutes) they may be fixed (§ 343). For staining by immersion the solutions should, if anything, be still weaker. DOGIEL (ArcJi. mik. Anat., xxxv, 1890, p. 305) places objects in a few drops of aqueous or vitreous humour, to which are added two or three drops of a j1^ to -fe per cent, solution of methylen blue in physiological (0*75 per cent.) salt solution, and exposes them therein to the air. In thin pieces of tissues the stain begins to take effect in five or ten minutes, and attains its maximum in from fifteen to twenty minutes. For thicker specimens — retina, for instance — several hours may be necessary. The reaction is quickened by putting the preparations into a stove kept at 30° to 35° C. EOUGET (Compt. Rend., 1893, p. 802) employed a 0'05 per cent, solution in 0'6 per cent, solution (for muscles of Batra- chia). ALLEN (Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1894, pp. 461, 483) takes for embryos of the lobster a solution of 0*1 per cent, in 206 CHAPTER XVI. 0*75 per cent, salt solution, and dilutes it with 15 to 20 volumes of sea-water. SEIDENMANN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvii, 1900, p. 239) takes for the choroid a solution of 0'02 percent, in 0-5 per cent, salt solution. LAVDOWSKY (ibid., xii, 1895, p. 177) takes y1^ to J per cent, in white of egg, or serum. Similarly YOUNG (ibid., xv, 1898, p. 253). MICHAILOW (ibid., xxvii, 1910, p. 10) takes £ to ^ per cent, in Ringer's salt solution (for nerves of Mammals). APATHY (Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1892, p. 15 ; see also his Mikrotechnik , p. 172) proceeds as follows for Hirudinea and other invertebrates. A portion of the ventral cord is ex- posed, or dissected out. If it be desired to stain as many ganglion cells as possible, as well as fibres, the lateral nerves, as well as the connectives, should be cut through near a ganglion. The preparation is then treated with the stain. This is, for the demonstration chiefly of fibres in Hirudo and Pontobdella, either a 1 : 1000 solution in 0'5 to 0*75 per cent, salt solution, allowed to act for ten minutes ; or a 1 : 10,000 solution allowed to act for an hour to an hour and a half ; or a 1 : 100,000 solution allowed to act for three hours (Lum- bricus requires twice these times; Astacus and Unio require three times ; medullated nerves of vertebrates four times) , For the demonstration of ganglion cells the stain is allowed to act three or four times as long. The preparations from the 1 : 1000 solution are then washed in salt solution for an hour ; those from the 1 : 10,000 solution for a quarter of an hour ; those from the 1 : 100,000 solution need not be washed at all. They are then treated with one of the ammoniacal fixing and differentiating liquids described in § 343. This is done by pouring the liquid over them, and leaving them in it without moving them about in it for at least an hour, and by preference in the dark. The further treatment is as described in § 343. The object of the ammonia in these liquids is to differ- entiate the stain — to produce an artificial " secondary diffe- rentiation." It acts by washing out the absorbed colour from certain elements, others resisting longer. See also, for Hirudinea, SANCHEZ, in Trab. Lab. Invest. Biol. Univ. Madrid, vii, 1909, fasc. 1-4, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 393 (injection of solutions of 0'2, 0*1, or 0*05 per cent., with further treatment as Apathy or Bethe). MKTHYLENT BLUE. 207 343. Fixation of the Stain.- -The stain obtained by any of these methods may be fixed, and more or less permanent preparations be made by one or other of the following- methods : ARNSTEIN (Anat. Anz., 1887, p. 551) puts the tissue for half an hour into saturated aqueous solution of picrate of ammonia. S. MAYER (Zeit. wins. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 422) preferred a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and saturated picrate of ammonia solution, which served to fix the colour and mount the preparations in. This was also in principle the method of RETZIUS (Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Phy*., vii, 1890, p. 328). DOGIEL (Eiicycl. mik. Techn., ii, p. 105) puts for 2 to 24 hours into saturated aqueous picrate of ammonia, and then into equal parts of glycerin and the picrate solution. (Thin membranes, and the like, may be fixed with 1 or 2 per cent, of 2 per cent, osmic acid solution added to the picrate solution and stained with picro- car mine before putting into the glycerin mixture.) Other workers have employed saturated solution of iodine in iodide of potassium (so ARNSTEIN) or picro-carmine (so FEIST, Arch. Anat. Enttvickel, 1890, p. 116; cf. Zeit. u-iss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 231), the latter having the advan- tage of preserving the true blue of the stain if it be not allowed to act too long, and the preparation be mounted in pure glycerin. Picric acid has been used by LAVDOWSKY. but this after •/ careful study is rejected by DOGIEL. APATHY (op. cit., § 342) brings preparations either into a concentrated aqueous solution of picrate of ammonia free from picric acid, and containing five drops of concentrated ammonia for every 100 c.c. ; or, which is generally prefer- able, into a 1 to 2 per cent, freshly prepared solution of neutral carbonate of ammonia saturated with picrate. They remain in either of these solutions, preferably in the dark, for at least an hour. They are then brought into a small quantity of saturated solution of picrate of ammonia in 50 per cent, glycerin, where they remain until thoroughly saturated. They are then removed into a saturated solution of the picrate in a mixture of 2 parts 50 per cent, glycerin, 1 part cold saturated sugar solution, and 1 part similarly 208 CHAPTER, XVI. prepared gum-arabic solution. When thoroughly penetrated with this they are removed and mounted in the following gum-syrup medium (loc. cit., p. 37) : Picked gum-arabic . . .50 grms. Cane-sugar (not candied) . 50 „ Distilled water . . . 50 „ Dissolve over a water-bath and add 0*05 grm. thymol. (This mounting medium sets quickly and as hard as balsam, so that no cementing of the mounts is necessary. Farrants' medium [with omission of the arsenious acid] will also do. In neither case should either ammonium picrate or methylen blue be added to the medium.) Preparations that have been fully differentiated (§ 342) do not keep more than a few weeks ; whilst those, in which the differentiation has not been carried to the point of thorough tinctorial isolation of the nenro-fibrils have kept for five or six years (APATHY, Mittli. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1897, p. 712). PLESCHKO (Anat. Anz., xiii, 1897, p. 16) fixes with picrate, and then puts into 10 per cent, formol for a few days. The methods described next § are also available for material not destined to be sectioned. 344. Methods for Sections. — The preceding methods do not give preparations that will resist the operations necessary for imbedding in paraffin or mounting in balsam. A strong solution of platinum chloride is said to do this (see FEIST, Arch. Anat. Entw., 1890, p. 116), but the preparations are not very satisfactory. For the earlier method of PAKKER (Zool. Anzeig., 1892, p. 375) with methylal see early editions. Later (Mitth. Zool. 8tat. Neapel, xii, 1895, p. 4) he fixes the stain by dehy- drating the objects in successive alcohols of 30, 50, 70, 95, and 100 per cent, strength, each containing 8 per cent, of corrosive sublimate, then brings them into a mixture of the last with an equal volume of xylol, and lastly into pure xylol. For the earlier method of BETHE (Arch. mik. Anat., xliv, 1894, p. 585), see last edition. BETHK'S later method (Anat. An?.., xii, 1896, p. 438) is as follows : After staining, pieces of tissue of 2 to 3 mm. MBTHYLEN BLUtf. 201) thickness are treated for ten to fifteen minutes with a con- centrated aqneous solution of picrate of ammonia and then brought into a solution of I grin, of molybdate of ammonium, either in 20 of water, or in 10 of water and 10 of 0-5 per cent, osmic acid or 2 per cent, chromic acid ; or into a solution of phosphomolybdate of sodium in the same propor- tions, each of these solutions having added to it 1 drop of hydrochloric acid, and if desired 1 grin, of peroxide of hydrogen. They remain in one of these solutions for three quarters to one hour (or from four hours to twelve in the osmic acid one), and are then passed through water, alcohol, xylol, balsam, or paraffin. (The objects that have been treated with one of the solutions of the sodium salt are not thoroughly resistant to alcohol, so that for them it is well to cool the alcohol to under 15°C.) Sections may be after- stained with alum carmine, or ic neutral } tar colours. Slight modifications of this method are given by DOGIEL (Arch. mik. Anat., xlix, 1897, p. 772; liii, 1898, p. 237; Zeit. wiss. Zool.} Ixvi, 1899, p. 361 ; and Encycl. mik* Technik, 1903, p. 825, and 1910, p. 108). He omits the peroxide, the hydrochloric acid, and the cooling. Bethe (Zeit. iciss. MiJc.j xvii, 1900, p. 21) does not approve of these modifications. Further modifications of the molybdenum method have been published by LEONTOWITSCH (Intern. Monatsschr. Anat., xviii, 1901, p. 142). MICHAILOW (Zeit. wiss. Mik.} xxvii, 1910, p. 19) adds to 8 per cent, solution of molybdate 0'5 per cent, of formalin, leaves the objects in a large quantity of it (filtered) for 24 hours at 37° C., washes with warm water, and passes through alcohol and xylol into xylol-damar (not balsam) . See also SCHMIDT (Arch. Ges. Phys., ciii, 1906, p. 522). HARRIS (Philadelphia Medical Journ., May 14th, 1898), after staining, rinses with water, and brings into a saturated solution of either ferrocyanide or ferricyanide of potassium which has been cooled to within a few degrees of zero (a trace of osmic acid may be added to prevent macera- tion). They remain therein for three to twenty-four hours, and are then washed in distilled water for an hour, and are dehydrated in absolute alcohol kept at a low temperature, cleared in xylol or cedar oil, and imbedded in paraffin. 14 210 CHAPTEU XVI. 34-5. Impregnation of Epithelia, Lymph-spaces, etc. (DOGIEL, Arch. mik. Anat., xxxiii, 1889, p. 440 et seq.). — Suitable pieces of tissue (thin membrane by preference) are brought fresh into a 4 per cent, solution of methylen blue in physiological salt solution (in the Encycl. mik. Teclinik, 1903; p. 827,, Dogiel gives the strength of the methylen blue as ^ to 1 per cent.). After a few minutes therein they are brought into saturated solution of picrate of ammonia, soaked therein for half an hour or more, then washed in fresh picrate of ammonia solution, and examined in dilute glycerin. If it be wished only to demonstrate the outlines of endo- thelium cells, the bath in the stain should be a short one, not longer than ten minutes in general; whilst if it be desired to obtain an impregnation of ground-substance of tissue, so as to have a negative image of juice canals or other spaces, the staining should be prolonged to fifteen or thirty minutes. If it be desired to preserve the preparations permanently, .they had better be mounted in glycerin saturated with picrate of ammonia, or (Encycl. } 1910, ii, p. 110) fixed with ammonium molybdate and a trace of osmium. The effect is practically identical (except as regards the colour) with that of a negative impregnation with silver nitrate. S. MAYER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 422) stains tissues for about ten minutes in a 1 : 300 or 400 solution of methylen blue in 0'5 per cent, salt solution, rinses in salt solution, and puts up in the giycerin-picrate of ammonia mixture given § 343. The images are generally positive after injection of the colour into the vascular system; negative after immersion of the tissues. TIMOFEJEW (Anat. Anz., xxxv, 1909, p. 296) impregnates for 15 to 20 minutes in a solution of 1 : 3000 or 4000 strength, fixes with a very weak solution of ammonium picrate in salt solution, and puts up in a mixture of 50 c.c. glycerin, 50 c.c. water, and 35 c.c. saturated solution of the picrate : or fixes with ammonium molybdate of 8 per cent, and mounts in balsam. 346. Toluidin Blue or Thionin as succedanea of methylen blue. — HARRIS (Philadephia Med. Journ., May 14th, 1898) has found that there is 110 reaction of methylen blue that METHYLEN CLUE. cannot be equally well obtained with toluidin blue or thionin. For staining pieces of tissue lie takes : Toluidin blue,, Ol per cent. sol. in phy- siological salt solution . . .2 parts Ammonium chloride 0*25 per cent, in water . . . . . .1 part Egg albumen . . . . 1 „ For injections he uses 1 part of the dye to 1000 of physio- logical salt solution. Any of the methylen blue fixing methods may be employed and the whole technique is the same. L. MARTINOTTI (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxvii, 1910, p. 24) recommends a polychrome toluidin blue, made by adding 0'5 per cent, of lithium carbonate to a 1 per cent, solution of the dye and keeping till a purple-red tone appears. Or, a stock solution made of 1 grm. toluidin blue, 0'5 grin, lithium carbonate, glycerin 20 grins., alcohol 5 grms., and water 75. CHAPTER XVII. METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION METHODS). 347. The Characters of Impregnation Stains. — By impregna- tion is understood a mode of coloration in which a colouring matter is deposited in tissues in the form of a precipitate — the impregnated elements becoming in consequence opaque. By staining, on the other hand,, is understood a mode of coloration in which the colouring matter is retained by the tissues as if in a state of solution, showing no visible solid particles under the microscope, the stained elements remaining in consequence transparent. But it is not right to draw a hard and fast line between the two kinds of coloration. Some of the metallic salts treated of in this chapter give, besides an impregnation, in some cases a true stain. And some of the dyes that have been treated of in the preceding chapters give, besides a stain, a true impregnation. Methylen blue, for instance, will give in one and the same preparation an impregnation and a stain ; and in most gold chloride prepara- tions the coloration is in places of the nature of a finely divided solid deposit, in others a perfectly transparent stain. 348. Negative and Positive Impregnations. — In a negative impregnation intercellular substances alone are coloured, the cells themselves remaining colourless or very lightly tinted. In a positive impregnation the cells are stained and the inter- cellular spaces are unstained. (A directly contrary statement, made in a recent Ijehrbuch, is erroneous.) Negative impregnation is generally held to ^primary because brought about by the direct reduction of a metal in the intercellular spaces ; posi- tive impregnation to be secondary (in the case of silver nitrate at least) because it is brought about by the solution in the liquids of the tissues of the metallic deposit formed by a primary impregnation, and the con- METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION METHODS). 213 sequent staining of the cells by the new solution of metallic salt thus formed. These secondary impregnations takes place when the reduction of the metal in the primary impregnation is not sufficiently energetic (see on these points His, Schweizer Zeit. Heilk., ii, Heft 1, p. 1 ; GIERKE, Zeit. wiss. Mik., i, p. 393 ; RANVIER, Traite, p. 107). As to the nature of the black or brown deposit or stain formed in the intercellular spaces in cases of primary impregnation see SCHWALBE, Arch. mik. Anat., vi, 1870, p. 5 ,• GIERKE'S Fcirberei zu mikroskopischen Zivecken, in vols. i and ii of Zeit. wiss. Mik. ; JOSEPH, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1888 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1, 1894, p. 42 et seq. It evidently cannot consist of metallic silver, as it is soluble in hyposulphite of soda. See also MACALLUM, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixxvi, 1905, p. 217, and ACHARD and REYNAUD, C. R. Soc. Biol., Ixi, 1906, p. 43 349. Action of Light on Solutions of Metallic Salts. — Stock solutions of metallic salts are generally kept in the dark, or at least in coloured bottles, under the belief that exposure to light reduces them. It has been pointed out in § 35 that in the case of osmic acid, not light, but dust is the reducing agent, and that solutions may be exposed to light with impunity if dust be absolutely denied access to them. I have now good evidence to the effect that the same is the case with other metallic solutions ; and the point is raised whether such solutions are not positively improved for im- pregnation purposes by exposure to light ! Dr. LINDSAY JOHNSON writes me as follows : " One may (I find by experiment) state as a rule without exception that all the solutions of the chlorides and nitrates of the metals will keep indefinitely in clean white stoppered bottles in the sunlight ; and as far as osmium, uranium, gold and silver, and platinum are concerned, actually improve or ripen by a good sunning. All photographers tell me their papers salt more evenly by old well-sunned silver nitrate than by a fresh solution kept in the dark ; and I go so far as to say that this is one of the reasons why gold stains are so unsatisfactory. " APATHY (Milt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1897, p. 722) leaves his gold solutions exposed to light, so long as there are no tissues in them. 350. State of the Tissues to be Impregnated. — The majority of stains given by dye* are only obtained with tissues that have been changed in their composition by the action of fixing and 214 CHAPTEE XVII. preservative reagents. With metallic impregnations the case is different ; perfectly fresh tissues — that is, such as are either living, or at all events have not been treated by any reagent whatever — will also impregnate with the greatest ease and precision. Indeed, some impregnations will not succeed at all with tissues that are not fresh in the sense above explained. Silver. 351. Silver Nitrate: Generalities. — The principles of its employment are given by RANVIER (Traite, p. 105) as follows : Silver nitrate may be employed either in solution or in the solid state. The latter method is useful for the study of the cornea and of fibrous tissues, but is not suitable for epithelia. For the cornea, for instance, proceed as follows : The eye having been removed, a piece of silver nitrate is quickly rubbed over the anterior surface of the cornea, which is then detached and placed in distilled water; it is then brushed with a camel's hair brush in order to remove the epithelium. The cornea is then exposed to the action of light. It will be found that the nitrate has traversed the epithelium and soaked into the fibrous tissue, on the surface of which it is reduced by the light. The cells of the tissues will be found unstained. It is generally employed in solution, in the following manner : In the case of a membrane, such as the epiploon, the membrane must be stretched like a drum-head over a porcelain dish,"* and icaslied first with distilled water, and then washed with a solution of silver nitrate. In order to obtain a powerful stain it is necessary that this part of the operation be performed in direct sunlight, or at least in a very brilliant light. As soon as the tissue has begun to turn of a blackish grey the membrane is removed, washed * The Hoggans Histological Rings will be found much more con- venient. They are vulcanite rings made in pairs, in which one ring just fits into the other, so as to clip and stretch pieces of membrane between them. They will be found described and figured in Journ. Roy. Mir. Soc., ii, 1879, p. 357, and in BOBIN'S Journ. de VAnat., 1879, p. 54. They may be obtained of Burge & Warren, 42, Kirby Street, Hattcn Garden, London, E.G. METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION MKTITODS). 215 • in distilled water, and mounted on a slide in some suitable examination medium. If the membrane were left in the water the cells would become detached, and would not be found in the finished preparation. If the membrane had not been stretched as directed the silver would be precipitated not only in the intercellular spaces, but in all the small folds of the surface. If the membrane had not been washed with distilled water before impregnation there would have been formed a deposit of silver on every spot on which a portion of an albuminate was present, and these deposits might easily be mistaken for a normal structure of the tissue. It is thus that impurities in the specimen have been described as stomata of the tissue. If the solution be taken too weak — for instance, 1 : 500 or 1 : 1000, or if the light be not brilliant — a general instead of an interstitial stain will result ; nuclei will be most stained, then protoplasm, and the intercellular substance will contain but very little silver. In general in a good " impregnation ' the contents of the cells, and especially nuclei, are quite in- visible. The tissues should be constantly agitated in the silver- bath in order to avoid the formation on their surfaces of deposits of chlorides and albuminates of silver. These impregnations only succeed with fresh tissues. 352. Silver Nitrate : the Solutions to be employed (RANVIER) . — The solutions generally employed by RANVIER vary in strength from 1 : 300 to 1 : 500. Thus 1 : SCO is used for the epiploon, pulmonary endothelium, cartilage, tendon ; whilst a strength of 1 : 500 is employed for the phrenic centre, and the epithelium of the intestine. For the endothelium of blood-vessels (by injection) solutions of 1 : 500 to 1 : 800 are taken. M. DUVAL (Precis, p. 229) takes solutions of 1, 2, or at most 3 per cent. v. RECKLINGHAUSEN used, for the cornea, a strength of from 1 : 400 to 1 : 500 (Die Lymphgefasse, etc., Berlin, 1862, p. 5). ROBINSKI (Arch, de PJiysioL, 1869, p. 451) used solutions varying between O'l and 0'2 per cent., which he allowed to act for thirty seconds, 216 CHAPTER XVII. ROUGET (Arch, de Physiol., 1873, p. 603) employed solutions as weak as 1 : 750, or even 1 : 1000, exposing tlie tissues to their action several times over, and washing them with water after each bath. The HERTVHGS take,, for marine animals, a 1 per cent. solution (Jen. Zeit. Nat ark., xvi, pp. 313 and 324). The HOGGANS (Journ. of Anat. and PhysioL, xv, 1881, p. 477) take for lymphatics a 1 per cent, solution. TOURNEUX and HERRMANN (ROBIN'S Journal de I'Anat., 1876, p. 200) took for the epithelia of Invertebrates 3 : 1000, and in some cases weaker solutions, — for one hour, washing out with alcohol of 90 per cent. HOYER (Arcli. mik. Anat., 1876, p. 6 19) takes a solution of nitrate of silver, and adds ammonia to it until the precipitate that is formed just redissolves, then dilutes the solution until it contains from 0'75 to 0'50 per cent, of the salt. This ammonio-nitrate solution has the advantage of impregnating absolutely nothing but endothelium or epithelium ; connective tissue is not affected by it. RANVIER'S injection-mass for impregnating endothelium is given under " Injection." DEKHUYSEN (Anat. Anz., iv, 1889, No. 25, p. 789) has applied to terrestrial animals the method of HARMER for marine animals (§ 356). For details see previous editions. REGAUD (Journ. Anat. et Phy*., xxx, 1894, p. 719) recom- mends for the study of lymphatics a process devised by RENAUT, for the details of which see also previous editions. 353. Other Salts of Silver.— ALFEROW (Arch. Phys., i, 1874, p. 694) employs the picrate, lactate, acetate, and citrate, in solution of 1 : 800? and adds a small quantity of the acid of the salt taken (10 to 15 drops of a concentrated solution of the acid to 800 c.c. of the solution of the salt). This decomposes the precipitates formed by the action of the silver salt on the chlorides, carbonates, and other substances existing in the tissues. REGAUD and DUBREUIL (CM. Ass. Anat., 5 Sess. 1903, p. 122) take a fresh solution of protargol or a mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent. protargol and 1 per cent, osmic acid, thus avoiding precipitates. 354. Silver Nitrate : Reduction.— Reduction may be effected in other media than distilled water. v. RECKLINGITAUSEN washed his preparations in salt solution before exposing them to the light in distilled water (Arcli. METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION METHODS). 217 path. Anat., xix, p. 451). Physiological salt solution (0'75 per cent.) is commonly used for these washings. MULLKR (Arch. f. path. Anat., xxxi, p. 110), after impreg- nation by immersion for two or three minutes in a 1 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver in the dark, adds to the solution a small quantity of 1 per cent, solution of iodide of silver (dissolved by the aid of a little iodide of potassium). After being agitated in this mixture the preparations are washed with distilled water, and exposed to the light for two days in a 1 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver (see also GIERKE, in Zeit. wiss. Mil'., i, 1884, p. 396). ROUGET (Arch, de Physiol., 1873, p. 603) reduces in glycerin; SZUTZ (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxix, 1912, p. 291) in glycerin with ^ of formol. SATTLEU (Arch. Mik. Anat., xxi, p. 672) exposes to the light for a few minutes in water acidulated with acetic or formic acid. THANHOFFER (Das Mikroskop, 1880) employs a 2 per cent, solution of acetic acid. KRAUSS brings his preparations, after washing, into a light red solution of permanganate of potash. Reduction takes place very quickly, even in the dark. OPPITZ puts for two or three minutes into a 0'25 or 0'50 per cent, solution of chloride of tin. JAKIMOVITCH (Juurn. de VAnat., xxiii, 1888, p. 142) brings nerve preparations, as soon as they have become of a dark brown colour, into a mixture of formic acid 1 part, amyl alcohol 1 part, and water 100 parts, and exposes to the light for five to seven days, the mixture being renewed from time to time. DEKHUYSEN (op. cit., last §) reduces in oil of cloves, after dehydration. 355. Fixation. — LEGEOS (Journ. de V Anat., 1868, p. 275) washes his preparations, after reduction, in hyposulphite of soda, to prevent after- blackening. According to DUVAL (Precis, p. 230) they should be washed for a few seconds only in 2 per cent, solution and then in distilled water. GEROTA (Arch. Anat. Phys., Phys. Abtli., 1897, p. 428) reduces in a hydroqninone developing solution, followed by fixation in hyposulphite of soda, just as in photography. 356. Impregnation of Marine Animals.^ — On account of the 218 CHAPTER, XVII. chlorides that bathe the tissues of marine animals, these cannot be treated directly with nitrate of silver. HEBTWIG (Jen. Zeit., xiv, 1880,, p. 322) recommends fixing them with a weak solution of osmic acid, then washing with distilled water until the wash-water gives no more than an insignificant precipitate with silver nitrate, and then treating for six minutes with 1 per cent, solution of silver nitrate. HARMER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, v, 1884, p. 445) washes them for some time (half an hour) in a 5 per cent, solution of nitrate of potash in distilled water ; they may then be treated with silver nitrate in the usual way. For some animals he recommends a 4*5 per cent, solution of sulphate of soda. 357. Double-staining Silver-stained Tissues. — The nuclei of tissues impregnated with silver may be stained with the usual reagents, provided that solutions containing free am- monia be avoided. These stains will only succeed, however, with successful negative impregnations, as nuclei that have been impregnated will not take the second stain. Impregnation with silver may be followed by impregna- tion with gold. In this case the gold generally substitutes itself for the silver in the tissues, and though the results are sharp and precise, the effect of a double stain is not pro- duced. See hereon GEROTA, loc. cit., § 355. 358. Impregnation of Nerve Tissue. — For this subject, u-hicli includes the important hichromate-and-silver method o/GoiGi, and the neurofibril methods of BIELSCHGWSKY and RAMON Y CAJAL, see Part II. These give important results, not only with Nervous tissue, hut uith various forms of Connective //.v*?/e, mitochondria! formations 3 etc. Gold. 359. The Characters of Gold Impregnations.— Gold chloride differs from nitrate of silver in that it generally gives positive (§ 348) impregnations only. It generally gives negative images only with such tissues as have first received a negative impregnation with silver, the gold substituting itself for the silver. In order to obtain these images you METALLIC STAINS (IMPREGNATION METHODS). 219 first impregnate very lightly with silver ; reduce ; treat for a few minutes with a 0*5 per cent, solution of gold chloride, and reduce in acidulated distilled water. This process, however, is in but little use, and except for certain special studies on the cornea and on connective tissue, the almost exclusive function of gold chloride is the impregnation of nervous tissue, for which it exhibits a remarkable selectivity. 360. Pre-impregnation and Post-impregnation. — Gold methods may be divided into two groups : viz. pre -impregnation methods, characterised by employing perfectly fresh tissues, and post-impregnation methods, characterised by the employ- ment of fixed and hardened tissues. Both are chiefly used for nervous tissue. They give in some respects opposite results. Pre-impregnation gives nuclei unstained, cytoplasm rather strongly stained, axis-cylinders reddish-violet. Post- impregnation gives nuclei sharply stained, cytoplasm pale, axis-cylinders black, and (when successful) showing their neurofibrils sharply distinguished from the interfibrillar substance. In APATHY'S view (Mittli. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1897, p. 718) successful gold preparations should show a true stain, not an impregnation (§ 347), the stain being brought about by the formation of gold oxide (AuO) which combines with the tissue elements. He advises in consequence that prepara- tions should not he moved about more than can be helped in the reducing bath, so that the colouring oxide may not be washed away from the tissues before the stain has taken effect. 361. As to the Commercial Salts of Gold.— SQUIEE'S Methods and Formulae, etc. (p. 43), says : " Commercial chloride of gold is not the pure chloride, AuCl3, but the crystallised double chloride of gold and sodium, containing 50 per cent, of metallic gold. " Commercial chloride of gold and sodium is the above crystallised double chloride mixed with an equal weight of chloride of sodium, and contains 25 per cent, of metallic gold." This, however, appears not to be the case in Germany. 220 CHAPTER XVII. Dr. G-RUBLER, writing to MAYER (see the Grundzuge, LEE und MAYER, p. 215), says: "Aurum chloratum fuscum contains about 53 per cent. Au, the flavum about 48 per cent. ; in both of them there should be only water and hydrochloric acid besides the gold, no sodium chloride. Pure Auronatrmm chloratum contains 147 per cent, of sodium chloride, though samples are found in commerce with much more." APATHY (Mitth. Zool 8 tat. Neapel, xii, 1897, p. 722) formerly employed the aurum chloratum flavum, but now prefers the fuscum. A. Pre-impregnation. 362. The State of the Tissues to be impregnated.— The once classical rule, that for researches on nerve-endings the tissues should be taken perfectly fresh, seems not to be valid for all cases. For DKASCH (Sitzb. Akad. Wi&s. Wien, 1881, p. 171, and 1881, p. 516; and Ahhand. math.-phys. Cl. K. Sach. Ges. Wiss., xiv, No. 5, 1887 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., iv, 1887, p. 492) finds that better results are obtained with tissues that have been allowed to lie after death for twelve, twenty-four, or even forty-eight hours in a cool place. 363. COHNHEIM'S Method (Virchow's Arch., Bd. xxxviii, pp. 346 — 349 ; Strieker s Handb., p. 1100).— Fresh pieces of cornea (or other tissue) are put into 0'5 per cent, solution of chloride of gold until thoroughly yellow, and then exposed to the light in water acidulated with acetic acid until the gold is thoroughly reduced, which happens in the course of a few days at latest. They are then mounted in acidulated glycerin. Results very uncertain and anything but permanent. 364. LOWJT'S Method (Sifzgsbe mounted in this medium direct from absolute alcohol. Celloidin sections can be mounted direct from 96 per cent. Stains keep well, according to VOSSELER, but MAYER finds hnemalum stains fade in it. SUCHANNEK (ibid., vii, 1896, p. 463) prepares it with equal parts of Venice turpentine and 11 fit f nil absolute alcohol. EXAMINATION AND PRESERVATION MEDIA. 247 448. Thickened Oil of Turpentine lias been used as a mount- ing medium by some workers. To prepare it, pour some oil into a plate, cover it lightly so as to protect it from dust without excluding the air, and leave it until it has attained a syrupy consistency. 449. GILSON'S Sandarac Media (La Cellule, xxiii, 1906, p. 427 : the formulas have not been published, on account of the extreme difficulty of preparation, but the products are on sale by Griibler & Hollborn, even if not listed). There are three of these. They are all of them solutions of gum Sandarac in " Camsal 3 and other solvents (" Camsal ' is a liquid formed by the mutual solution of the two solids salol and camphor). (1) Camsal balsam (baume au camsal), propylic alcohol formula ; a mixture of sandarac, camsal, and propylic alcohol, n — 1-478. (2) Camsal balsam, isobutylic alcohol formula, n = 1'485. (3) Euparal, a mixture of camsal, sandarac, eucalyptol, and paraldehyde, n = 1'483. There are two sorts of this, the colourless and the green (" euparal vert"), the latter con- taining a salt of copper, which intensifies Jisematoxylin stains. Objects may be prepared for mounting in camsal balsam by a bath of propylic or isobutylic alcohol ; and for euparal by a bath of the special solvent (supplied by Grubler & Hollborn under the name of " essence d'euparal"). But this is not necessary. Objects may always be mounted direct from absolute alcohol, and even at a pinch from alcohol of 70 per cent. I myself generally prefer alcohol of 95 per cent, (absolute is dangerously volatile for sections). In difficult cases you may pass through a mixture of the medium and the solvent. These media work very kindly, and do not dry too rapidly. They are not ( ttidant, and preserve delicate stains (perfectly, so far as I know). The mounts seem to keep perfectly, without scaling : all of mine, the oldest being eight years old, have kept without the slightest deterioration in any r espect. The primary intention of these media is to spare delicate objects the usual treatment with absolute alcohol and 248 CHAPTER XIX. essential oils. But they have another useful property — their low index of refraction. I find that that of euparal is just right for most delicate cytological researches, giving just the desired increase of visibility to unstained elements. Thus I frequently find that unstained spindles which are totally invisible in balsam become strongly visible in the most minute details in euparal. The camsal balsam, n = 1'478, I have also sometimes found valuable, but its index is a little too low for most things, and I generally prefer euparal, which I find I am now using almost as much as balsam. I consider that all the media which have been recommended on the score of a slightly lower index than balsam, such as damar, colophonium, Venice turpentine, castor-oil, are now superseded by these media. 450. Sandarac (LAVDOWSKY, from Ref. Handbook Med. Sci., Supp. p. 438). — Gum sandarac 30 grs., absolute alcohol 50c.c. Not trustworthy, the mounts scale badly. 451 . Photographic Negative Varnish (for mounting large sections without cover- glasses). — See WEIGERT, Zeit. wiss. Mik., iv, 1887, p. 209. 452. Castor Oil.— See GRENACHER, Abhandl. naturf. Ges. Halle-a.-S., Bd. xvi; Zeit. iviss. Mik., 1885, p. 244. I have not had good results with it. 453. Terpinol.— n = 1'4S4. See § 131. 454. Parolein (a pure form of paraffinum liquiduni) is recom- mended by COLES (Lancet, 1911, p. 878) as being quite neutral and preserving certain coal tar stains. Ring mounts with Apathy's gum syrup, § 343. Its index is T471, which I find too low for most things. 455. Cedar Oil.— See § 442, sub. fin. 456. Gum Thus, dissolved in xylol, is recommended by EISEN, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 201. 457. Styrax and Liquidambar.— See Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1883, p. 741 ; ib., 1884, pp. 318, 475, 655, and 827 ; and the places there quoted. Also Bull. Soc. Beige de Mic., 188 1, p. 178; and FOL, Lehrb., p. 141. These are very highly refractive media, therefore seldom useful in histology. CHAPTER XX. CEMENTS AND VARNISHES. 458. Introduction. — Two, or at most three, of the media given below will certainly be found sufficient for all useful purposes. For many years I have used only one cement (BELL'S). I recommend, this both as a cement and varnish; gold size maybe found useful for turning cells ; and MILLER'S caoutchouc cement may be kept for occasions on which the utmost solidity is required. Marine glue is only necessary for making glass cells. For the operations of mounting in fluids, and of making cells and ringing, see CARPENTER'S The Microscope. CARPENTER lays great stress on the principle that the cements or varnishes used for fluid mounts should always be such as contain no mixture of solid particles, for those that do always become porous after a certain lapse of time. All fluid mounts should have the edges of tJie cover carefully dried and be ringed u'itli glycerin jelly before applying a cement ; ly this means all danger of running in is done away with. See §§ 460 and 461. But no method yet devised will make a glycerine mount absolutely permanent. See also AUBERT, The Microscope, xi, 1891, 150, and Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1891, p. 692 ; BECK, The Microscope, xi, 1891, pp. 338, 368, and Journ. Roy. Me. Soc., 1892, p. 293; BEHRENS' Tabcllen zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten (Bruhn, Braunschweig, 1892) ; EOUSSELET, Journ. Quek. Mic. Club, vii, 1898, p. 93 ; and as to the comparative tenacity of divers cements, BEHRENS, Zeit iriss. Mik., ii, 1885, p. 54, and AUBERT Amer. Hon. Mic. Journ., 1885, p. 227; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1886, p. 173. — BEHRENS gives the palm to amber varnish ; AUBEUT places MILLER'S caoutchouc cement at the head of the list, LOVETT'S cement coming halfway down, and 250 CHAPTER XX. zinc white cement at the bottom, with less than one quarter the tenacity of the caoutchouc cement. 459. Paraffin. — Temporary mounts may be closed with paraffin, or white wax, by applying it with a bent wire, as described § 47 L and be made more or less permanent by varnishing. 460. Gelatin Cement. — MARSH'S Section-cutting, 2nd ed., p. 104). — Take half an ounce of NELSON'S opaque gelatin, soak well in water, melt in the usual way, stir in 3 drops of creasote. It is used warm. When the ring of gelatin has become quite set and dry, it may be painted over with a solution of bichromate of potash made by dissolving 10 grains of the salt in an ounce of water. This should be done in daylight, in order to render the gelatin insoluble. The cover may then be finished with BELI/S cement. This process is particularly adapted for glycerin mounts. 461. The Paper Cell Method. — By means of two punches I cut out rings of paper of about a millimetre in breadth, and of about a millimetre smaller in diameter than the cover- glass. Moisten the paper ring with mounting fluid, and centre it on the slide. Fill the cell thus formed with mounting fluid ; arrange the object in it ; put the cover on ; fill the annular space between the paper and the margin of the cover with glycerin jelly (a turn-table may be useful for this) ; and as soon as the gelatin has set turn a ring of gold- size on it, and when that is quite dry, varnish with BELL'S cement. For greater safety, the gelatin may be treated with bich- romate, according to MAKSH'S plan, last §. 462. ROUSSELET'S Method for Aqueous Mounts (op. cit.} § 458). — Close the mount with a ring of a mixture of two parts of a solution of damar in benzol and one part gold-size. "When dry, put on three or four thin coats of pure gold-size at intervals of twenty-four hours, and finish with a ring of WAKD'S brown cement. 463. WARD'S Brown Cement is a shellac-alcohol solution CEMENTS AND VARNISHES. 251 made by E. Ward, Oxford Road, Manchester. Its best sol- vent is a mixture of wood-naphtha and alcohol. ROUSSELET considers it the best shellac varnish he has met with, better than BELL'S. 464. BELL'S Cement.— Composition unknown. May be ob- tained from the opticians, or from J. Bell & Co., chemists, 338, Oxford Street, London. This varnish sets quickly. The cover should be ringed with glycerin jelly before apply- ing the varnish, especially with glycerin. It is soluble in ether or chloroform. It is not attacked by oil of cedar. 465. MILLER'S Caoutchouc Cement. — Composition unknown. May be obtained from the opticians. A very tenacious and quickly drying cement. It may be diluted by a mixture of equal parts of chloroform and strong alcohol (see ROUSSELET, Journ. Queli. Club., v, ii, 1895, p. 8). 466. CLARKE'S Spirit-proof Cement. — Mr. CH. ROUSSELET has highly recommended this to me. It may be procured from Mr. J. Bolton, 25, Balshall Heath Road, Birmingham. ROUSSELET finds it the best he has tried for alcoholic liquids, but not perfectly proof against watery media. 467. Asphalt Varnish (Bitume de Juch'e). — Unquestionably one of the best of these media, either as a cement or a varnish, provided it be procured of good quality. It can be procured from the opticians. s 468. Brunswick Black. — See early editions, or BEALE, How to Work, etc., p. 49. 469. Gold- Size. — Best obtained from the opticians. It is soluble in oil~of turpentine. A. good cement, when of good quality, and very useful for turning cells. 470. Marine Glue. — Found in commerce. CARPENTER says the best is that known as G K 4. Best obtained from the opticians. It is soluble in ether, naphtha, or solution of potash. Its use is for nttacliing glass cells to slides, and for 252 CHAPTER XX. all cases in which it is desired to cement glass to glass. Used warm. 471. Turpentine, Venice Turpentine (CSOKOR, Arch. mik. Anat.j xxi, 1882, p. 353 ; PARKER, Amer. Hon. Mik. Jo urn., ii, 1881, pp. 229-30). — Venice turpentine, or common resi- nous turpentine, evaporated by heat until brittle on cooling. It is used for closing glycerin mounts in the following manner : Square covers are used, and superfluous glycerin is cleaned away from the edges in the usual way. The cement is then put on with a piece of wire bent at right angles ; the short arm of the wire should be just the length of the side of the cover-glass. The wire is heated in a spirit lamp, plunged into the cement, some of which adheres to it, and then brought down flat upon the slide at the margin of the cover. The turpentine distributes itself evenly along the side of the cover, and hardens immediately, so that the slide may be cleaned as soon as the four sides are finished. It is claimed for this cement that it is perfectly secure and never runs in. It sets hard in a few seconds. 472. Colophonium and Wax (KRONIG, Arch. mik.Anat., 1886, p. 657). — Seven to 9 parts of colophonium are added piece- meal to 2 parts of melted wax, the whole filtered and left to cool. For use, the mass is melted by placing the contain- ing vessel in hot water. The cement is not attacked by water, glycerin, or caustic potash. VOSSELER (Zeit. li'lss. M'ik., vii, 1891, p. 462) takes 1 part of Venice turpentine to 2 to 3 of white wax. 473. APATHY'S Cement for Glycerin Mounts (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 171). --Equal parts of hard (60° C. melting-point) paraffin and Canada balsam. Heat together in a porcelain capsule until the mass takes on a golden tint and no longer emits vapours of turpentine. Used by warming and apply- ing with a glass rod or brass spatula. One application is enough. Does not run in, and never cracks. 474. Canada Balsam, or Damar. — Cells are sometimes made with these. They are elegant, but in my experience are not reliable for per- manent mounts. 475. Amber Varnish. — BUHRKNS finds this cement to possess CEMENTS AND VARNISHES. 253 an extreme tenacity. That used by liini may be obtained from Griibler & Hollborn. 476. Amber and Copal Varnish (HEYDENREICH, Zeit. wiss. Mil:., 1885, p. 338). — Extremely complicated. 477. Shellac Varnish (BEALE, p. 28). — A thick solution of shellac in alcohol. The Micro. Dictionary says that the addition of 20 drops of castor oil to the ounce is an improvement. Untrustworthy. 478. Sealing-Wax Varnish (Micro. Diet., " Cements").— Add enough spirit of wine to cover coarsely powdered sealing-wax, and digest at a gentle heat. This should only be used as a varnish, never as a cement, as it is apt to become brittle and to lose its hold upon glass after a time. 479. Tolu Balsam Cement (CAENOY'S Biol. Cell.,, p. 129).- Tolu balsam, 2 parts, Canada balsam 1, saturated solution of shellac in chloroform,, 2 parts. Add enough chloroform to bring the mixture to a syrupy consistence. Carnoy finds this cement superior to all others. PART II. SPECIAL METHODS AND EXAMPLES. CHAPTER XXI. INJECTION — GELATIN MASSES (WAEM). 480. Introduction. — Injection masses are composed of a coloured substance called the colouring mass, and of a sub- stance with which that is combined called the vehicle. For instructions as to the operation of injecting, and the necessary apparatus, see the Micrographic Dictionary, RUTHER- FORD'S and SCHAFER'S Practical Histology, the treatises of ROBIN and RANVIER, BEALE'S How to Work with the Micro- scope, the Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Mikroscopischen Ana- tomie of FOL; and (for apparatus especially) the article in the Enci/cl. d. mik. Technik. For injections for the study of the angiology of Vertebrates the practice of Robin and Ranvier may safely be followed. For injections of Invertebrates (and indeed, for vertebrates if it is desired to demonstrate the minute structure of environing tissues at the same time as the distribution of vessels) masses not containing gelatin are, I think, generally preferable to gelatin masses ; and I would recommend as particularly convenient the Prussian blue glycerin masses of BEALE. Glycerin masses have the great advantage that they are used cold. All formulae which only give opaque masses, or are only suitable for coarse injections for naked eye study, have been suppressed. 481. Vaso-dilators. — In order that an injection may run freely it is necessary that the vessels of the subject be in a relaxed state. To this end the older anatomists used to wait until rigor mortis had passed off before injecting. But it is evidently preferable in the interest of the proper preservation of the tissues to inject before rigor mortis has set in. Un- fortunately, when this is done, it is found that most injection- 17 258 CHAPTER XXI. masses; — glycerin masses especially — stimulate the contraction of the vessels, so that frequently it is very difficult to get the injection in. In these cases it may be advisable to use a vaso-dilator. The animal may be anassthetised with a mix- ture of ether and nitrite of amyl, and finally killed with pure nitrite. Or, after killing by nitrite, a little nitrite of amyl in salt solution may be injected before the injection mass is thrown in. In any case it is advisable to add a little nitrite to the mass just before using. The relaxing power is very great (see OVIATT and SARGENT;.in St. Louis Med. Journ., 1886, p. 207; and Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1887, p. 341). Or, morphia may be added to the injection mass, or one per cent, of lactic acid. MOZEJKO (Ze.it. wiss. mik., xvi, 1909, p. 545) prefers a saturated solution of Peptonum siccum, which has the advantage of hindering coagulation. For warm-blooded animals the mass should be warmed to body- temperature ; and in all cases masses that tend to dehydrate tissues should be avoided if possible. ROBIN'S Masses. 482. ROBIN'S Gelatin Vehicle (Traite, p. 30). — One part of gelatin soaked and melted in 7, 8, 9, or even 10 parts of water, on a water bath. This vehicle, like all gelatin masses, is liable to be attacked by mould if kept long ; camphor and carbolic acid do not suffice to preserve it. Chloral hydrate 2 per cent, is said to do so. 483. ROBIN'S Glycerin-gelatin Vehicle (Traite, p. 32). — Dis- solve in a water-bath 50 grms. of gelatin in 300 grins, of water, in which has been dissolved some arsenious acid ; add of glycerine 150 grms., and of carbolic acid a few drops. Unlike the pure gelatin vehicles, this mass does keep in- definitely. FRANKL (Zeit. /. wiss. Zool., Ixiii, 1897, p. 28) prepares a similar vehicle, and adds to it a little solution of corrosive sublimate and a crystal of thymol. 484. ROBIN'S Carmine Colouring Mass (Traite, p. 33). — Rub up 3 grms. of carmine with a little water and enough ammonia to dissolve it. Add 50 grins, of glycerin and filter. INJECTION — OE LATIN MASSKS (WARM). 259 Take 50 grms. of glycerin with 5 grms. of acetic acid, and add it by degrees to the carmine-glycerine, until a slightly acid reaction is obtained (as tested by very sensitive blue test-paper, moistened and held over the mixture). One part of this mixture is to be added to 3 or 4 parts of the vehicles given above. 435. Robin's Ferrocyaniie of Copper Colouring Mass (ibid., p. 34).— Take- (1) Ferrocyaiiide of potassium (concentrated solution) . 20 c.c. Glycerin . . . . . . . . . 50 ,, (2) Sulphate of copper (concentrated solution) . . 35 „ Glycerin . . . . . . . . . 50 „ Mix (l)'and (2) slowly, with agitation; at the moment of injecting combine with 3 volumes of vehicle. 486. ROBIN'S Prussian Blue Colouring Mass (ibid., p. 35, and 2nd ed., p. 1013). Take— (A) Ferrocyanide of potassium* (sol. sat.) . 90 c.c. Glycerin . . . . . . 50 „ (B) Liquid perchloride of iron at 30° Baume 3 ,, Glycerin . . . . . . 50 „ Mix slowly and combine the mixture with 3 parts of vehicle. It is well to add a few drops of HC1. Carmine-gelatin Masses. 487. RANVIEK'S Carmine Gelatine Mass (Trait e technique, p. 116). — Take 5 grms. Paris gelatin, soak until quite swollen and soft, wash, drain and melt it in the water it has absorbed over a water bath. When melted add slowly, and with continual agitation, 2^- grms. of carmine rubbed up with a little water, and just enough ammonia, added drop by drop, to dissolve the carmine into a transparent solution. The mixture is now neutralised by adding cautiously, drop by drop, with continual agitation, a solution of 1 part of glacial acetic acid in two parts of water. (When the mass is near neutrality, dilute the acetic acid still further.) The instant of saturation is determined by the smell of the solu- tion, which gradually changes from ammoniacal to sour. As Erratim " Sulphocyanide " in 1st edition of ROBIN'S Traite, 260 CHAPTER XXI. soon as the sour smell is perceived the liquid must be exa- mined under the microscope. If it contains a granular precipitate of carmine, too much acid has been added, and it must be thrown away. The mass, having been perfectly neutralised, is strained through new flannel. 488. How to Neutralise a Carmine Mass (VILLE, Gaz. held. d. Sci. med. de. Montpellier, Fev., 1882; maybe had separately from Delahaye et Lecrosnier, Paris). — VILLE points out that when carmine is treated with ammonia a certain proportion of the ammonia combines with the carmine and the rest remains in excess. It is this excess that it is required to neutralise precisely, not the whole of the ammonia employed. To neutralise the acidity of commercial gelatin, it should be washed for an hour or so in running water. As to the neutralisation of the colouring mass, VILLE is of opinion that the sour smell cannot be safely relied on in practice, and prefers to employ dichroic litmus paper (litmus paper sensitised so as to be capable of being used equally for the demonstration of acids and bases). For directions for preparing this see loc. cit. or previous editions. 489. HOYER'S Carmine-Gelatin Mass (Bid. Centralb., 1882, p. 21). — Take a concentrated gelatin solution and add to it the needful quantity of neutral carmine staining solution (loc. cit., p. 17). Digest in a water-bath until the dark violet-red colour begins to pass into a bright red tint. Then add 5—10 per cent, by volumes of glycerin, and at least 2 per cent, by weight of chloral, in a concentrated solution, and strain. 490. FOL'S Carmine-Gelatin Mass (Lehrl., p. 13). This can be kept in the dry state for an indefinite length of time. Gelatin in sheets is cut into strips which are macerated for two days in carmine solution (prepared by diluting one volume of strong ammonia with three of water and adding carmine to saturation, and filtering after a day or two). The strips are then rinsed and put for a few hours into water acidulated with acetic acid, then washed on a sieve for several hours in running water, dried on parch- ment paper, or on a net, and preserved for future use. To INJECTION- -GELATIN MASSES (WAHRl). 261 get the mass ready for use, the strips are soaked for an hour in water, and melted on a water-bath in 10 to 20 parts of water. For another process, which is said to give somewhat better results, but is more complicated, see loc. cit., or Zeit. wiss. Zool., xxxviii, p. 492, or previous editions. 491. KRAUSE'S Carmine-Gelatin Mass (Zeit. wiss. Milt., xxvi, 1909, p. 1). — 100 grins, gelatin soaked in water, put for two to three days into a solution of 15 grms. carmine in 2 litres of water with 100 grms. of borax, washed, treated for a short time with hydrochloric acid of 2 per cent., washed, melted and preserved with camphor. 492. Other Carmine Gelatin Masses. — THIERSCH'S, see Arch. mik. Anat., 1865, p. 148. GERLACH'S, see RANVIER, Traite, p. 118, CARTER'S, see BEALE, p. 113. DAVIES, see his Prep, and Mounting of Mic. Objects, p. 138. Blue Gelatin Masses. 493. ROBIN'S Prussian Blue Gelatin Mass (see § 486). 494. RANVIER'S Prussian Blue Gelatin Mass (Traite, p. 119). —Make a concentrated solution of sulphate of peroxide of iron in distilled water, and pour it gradually into a concen- trated solution of yellow prussiate of potash. There is produced a precipitate of insoluble Prussian blue. Wash this on a felt strainer, underneath which is arranged a paper filter in a glass funnel, for some days, until the liquid begins to run off blue from the second filter. The Prussian blue has now become soluble. The strainer is turned inside out and agitated in distilled water ; the Prussian blue will dissolve if the quantity of water be sufficient. The solution may now be injected just as it is, or it may be kept in bottles till wanted, or evaporated in a stove, and the solid residuum put away in bottle. For injections, if a simple aqueous solution be taken, it should be saturated. Such a mass never transudes through the walls of vessels. Or it may be combined with one fourth of glycerin, or with one twenty-fifth of gelatin soaked for an hour in water and melted over a water bath in the water it has absorbed. The gelatin is to be poured gradually into the Prussian blue, on the water bath, stirring continually 262 CHAPTER XXI. until the curdy precipitate that forms at first Las dis- appeared. Filter through new flannel and keep at 40 C. until injected. 495. BRUCKE'S Soluble Berlin Blue (Arch. milt. Anat., 1865, p. 87). — Make a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium containing 217 grins. of the salt to 1 litre of water, and one of 1 part commercial chloride of iron in 10 parts water. Take equal volumes of each, and add to each of them twice its volume of a cold saturated solution of sulphate of soda. Pour the chloride solution into the ferrocyanide solution, stirring con- tinually. Wash the precipitate on a filter until soluble, dry it, press between blotting paper in a press, break the mass in pieces, and dry in the air. The concentrated solution of the colouring matter is to be gelatinised with just so much gelatin that the mass forms a jelly when cold. For another method, see previous editions. 496. Other Blue Gelatin Masses. — HOYER'S, Arch, milt. Anat., 1876, p. 6-49; GUIGNET'S, Journ. de Microgr.,lS89,p. 94; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1889, p. 463 ; THIERSCH'S, Arch. mile. Anat., i, 1865, p. 148 ; FOL'S, Zeit. wiss. Zool., xxxviii, 1883, p. 494 ; and previous editions. Other Colours. 497. HOYEII'S Silver Nitrate Yellow Gelatin Mass (BiuL Cen- tralbl., ii, 1882, pp. 19, 22). — A concentrated solution of gelatin is mixed with an equal volume of a 4 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver and warmed. To this is added a very small quantity of an aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid, which reduces the silver in a few seconds ; chloral and glycerin are added as directed § 489. This mass is yellow in the capillaries and brown in the larger vessels. 498. Other Colours.— HOYER'S Green (Bid. Centralb., ii, 1882, p. 19). Made by mixing a blue mass and a yellow mass. THIERSCH'S G-reen (Arch. mik. Anat., 1865, p. 149). ROBIN'S SCHEELE'S Green (ROBIN, Traite, p. 37). HARTJNG'S White (see FREY, Le Microscope, p. 190). FREY'S White (ibid.). TEICHMANN'S White (ibid., p. 191). FOL'S Brown (Zeit. wiss. Zool., xxxviii, 1883, p. 494). MILLER'S Purple (see Amer. Mon. Mic. Journ., 1888, p. 50 ; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1888, p. 518). FOL'S Lead Chromate (Lehrb., p. 15). ROBIN'S Cadmium (his Traite, p. 36). THIERSCH'S Lead Chromate (Arch. mik. Anat., 1865, p. 149). HOYER'S Lead Chromate (Hid., 1867, p. 136); or, for any of these, see early editions. l.\fJECTLON- -GELATIN MASSES (WAllM). 263 499. RANVIER'S G-elatin Mass for Impregnation (2Vm'£e,p.l23). — Concentrated solution of gelatin, 2, 3, or 4 parts ; 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution, 1 part. NEUVILLE (Ann. Sci. Nat., xiii, 1901, p. 36) takes a solution of 10 grms. of soaked gelatin in 100 c.c. of 1 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver. 500. FRIEDENTHAL'S Hardening Mass (Centralb. Phys., xiii, 1899, p. 267). — A 10 per cent, solution of gelatin, combined with a colouring mass, and with 1 vol. of 4 per cent, formol, serves for injecting vessels and hardening the tissues at the same time. CHAPTER XXI J. INJECTIONS -- OTHER MASSES (COLD). 501. FOL'S Metagelatin Vehicle (Lehrl., p. 17). — If a slight proportion of ammonia be added to a solution of gelatin, and the solution be heated for several hours, the solution passes into the state of metagelatin, that is, a state in which it no longer coagulates on cooling and can be injected without warming. Colouring masses may be added to this vehicle, which may also be thinned by the addition of weak alcohol. After injection the preparations are thrown into strong alcohol or chromic acid, which sets the mass. According to the Encycl. mik. TechniJc., metagelatin is usually prepared by warming with concentrated acetic or oxalic acid. It may be neutralised afterwards with car- bonate of lime. 502. TANDLER'S Gold Gelatin Mass (Zeit. vAss. mik., xviii, 1901, p. 22). — Five grins, of gelatin are soaked in 100 c.c. of water, warmed and melted, and combined with Berlin blue. Then 5 to 6 grms. of iodide of potassium are slowly incorporated. The mass generally remains liquid enough for injection down to a temperature of 17° C., but if it should coagulate a little more iodide should be added. After injection you may fix with 5 per cent, formol. The speci- mens will bear decalcification with hydrochloric or sul- phurous acid. PEARL (Journ. Appl. Micr., v, 1902, p. 1736) takes 8 to 10 per cent, of the iodide. MAYER (G-rundziige LEE and MAYER, 1910, p. 250) takes simply 10 grms. gelatin, 10 grms. hydrate of chloral and 100 c.c. water. MOZEJKO (Zeit. wisx. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 374), finds that INJECTIONS — OTHER MASSES (COLD). 265 10 per cent (or more) of sodium salicylate will retard the setting of gelatin for hours at normal temperatures. Any of these masses may be made to set in the tissues by means of weak formol. Glycerin Masse*. 503. BEALE'S Carmine Glycerine Mass (How to Work, etc., p. 95). — Five grains of carmine are dissolved in a little water with about five drops of ammonia, and added to half an ounce of glycerin. Then add half an ounce of glycerin with eight or ten drops of acetic or hydrochloric acid, gradually, with agitation. Test with blue litmus paper, and if necessary add more acid till the reaction is decidedly acid. Then add half an ounce of glycerin, two drachms of alcohol, and six drachms of water. I have found this useful, but not so good as the two following. 504. BKALH/S Prussian Blue (Hoiv to Work, etc., p. 93). Common glycerin . . . . 1 ounce. Spirits of wine . . . 1 „ Ferrocyanide of potassium . . .12 grains. Tincture of perchloride of iron . . 1 drachm. Water . . . . . .4 ounces. Dissolve the ferrocyanide in one ounce of the water and glycerin, and add the tincture of iron to another ounce. These solutions should be mixed together very gradually, and well shaken in a bottle, the iron being added to the solution of the ferrocyanide of potassium. Next the spirit and the rest of water are to be added very gradually, the mixture being constantly shaken. Injected specimens should be preserved in acidulated glycerin (e. g. with 1 per cent, acetic acid), otherwise the colour may fade. 505. BEALE'S Acid Prussian Blue (ibid., p. 296). Price's glycerin . . . .2 fluid ounces. Tinct. of sesquichloride of iron . .10 drops. Ferrocyanide of potassium . . .3- grains. Strong hydrochloric acid . . .3 drops. Water 1 ounce. 2(36 CHAPTER XXII. Proceed as before, dissolving the ferrocyanide in one half of the glycerin, the iron in the other, and adding the latter drop by drop to the former. Finally add the water and HC1. Two drachms of alcohol may be added to the whole if desired. I find this excellent. 506. RANVIER'S Prussian Blue Glycerin Mass (Trait?, p. 120). — The Prussian blue fluid, § 494, mixed with one fourth of glycerin. 507. THOMA'S Indigo-Carmine (Arch. Anat. Phys., Anat. ' AUh.j 1899, p. 270). — Dissolve 0*15 grm. sulphindigotate of soda in 50 c.c. water, filter, add 40 c.c. glycerin and gradually, with agitation, 10 c.c. of a filtered 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride in water. If desired, 3 c.c. of a 1 per cent, solution of morphia may be added to dilate arteries. A fine precipitate is formed, which is injected with the mass. 508. Gamboge Glycerin (HARTING, Das Mikroskop, 1866, 2, Theil, p. 124). — Gamboge rubbed up with water and added to glycerin ; or a saturated alcoholic solution of gamboge added to a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and water. Any excess of alcohol may be got rid of by allowing the mass to stand for twenty-four hours. 509. Other Colours. — Any of the colouring masses, §§ 485 to 498, or other suitable colouring masses, combined with glycerin, either dilute or pure. Purely Aqueous Masses. 510. RANVIER'S Prussian Blue Aqueous Mass (Traite, p. 120). — The soluble Prussian blue, § 494, injected without any vehicle. It does not extravasate. 511. MULLER'S Berlin Blue (Arch. Mik. Anat., 1865, p. 150). --Precipitate a concentrated solution of Berlin blue by means of i to 1 volume of 90 'per cent, alcohol. The precipitate is very finely divided ; and the fluid may be injected at once. 512. MAYER'S Berlin Blue (Mitth. Zuol. Stat. Neapel, 1888, p. 307.) — A solution of 10 c.c. of tincture of perchloride of INJECTIONS — OTHER MASSES (COLD) . 267 iron in 500 c.c. of water is added to a solution of 20 gr. of yellow prussiate of potash in 500 c.c. of water, allowed to stand for twelve hours, decanted, the deposit washed with distilled water on a filter until the washings come through dark blue (one to two days), and the blue dissolved in about a litre of water. It is well to add a little acetic acid and to put up the objects in an acid liquid. 513. EMERY'S Aqueous Carmine (ibid., 1881, p. 21). — To a 10 per cent, ammoiiiacal solution of carmine is added acetic acid, with continual stirring, until the colour of the solution changes to blood-red. The supernatant clear solution is injected cold without further preparation- The injected organs are thrown at once into stroug alcohol to fix the carmine. For injection of fishes. 514.— TAGUOHI'S Indian Ink (Arch. mik. Anat., 1888, p. 565). — Chinese or (better) Japanese ink well rubbed up on a hone until a fluid is obtained that does not run when dropped on thin blotting-paper, nor form a grey ring round the drop. Inject until the preparation appears quite black, and throw it into some hardening liquid (not pure water) . DELLA ROSA (Ver. Anat. Ges., 1900, p. 141) recommends the liquid Chinese ink sold in the shops. Partially Aqueous Masses. 515. JOSEPH'S White-of-Egg (Ber.naturw. Sect. Schles. Ges., 1879, pp. 86—40; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., ii, 1882, p. 274).— " Filtered white-of-egg, diluted with 1 to 5 per cent, of car- mine solution. . . . This mass remains liquid when cold, coagulates in dilute nitric acid, chromic or osmic acid, and remains transparent in the vessels." For invertebrates. GROSSER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvii, 1900, p, 178) rubs up Indian ink with white-of-egg ; HOFFMANN (Zeit. Morph. Authrop., iii, 1901, p. 240) with blood-serum; so also HAMBURGER, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxv, 1908, p. 1 (2 vols. of the ink — " Perltusche " — to 3 of serum). 516. BJELOUSSOW'S Gum Arabic Mass (Arch. Anat. Phys., 18S5, p. 379). — Make a syrupy solution of gum arabic and a saturated solution of borax in water. Mix the solutions in such proportions as to have in the mixture 1 part of borax 268 CHAPTER XXII. to 2 of gum arable. Rub up the transparent, almost insoluble mass with distilled water, added little by little, then force it through a fine-grained cloth. Repeat these operations until there is obtained a mass that is free from clots. It should then coagulate in the presence of alcohol, undergoing at the same time a dilatation to twice its original volume. The vehicle thus prepared may be combined with any colouring mass except cadmium and cobalt. After injection the preparation is thrown into alcohol, and the mass sets immediately, swelling up as above described, and consequently showing vessels largely distended. Cold-blooded animals may be injected whilst alive with this mass. It does not flow out of cut vessels. Injections keep well in alcohol. If it be desired to remove the mass from any part of a preparation, this is easily done with dilute acetic acid. 517. Milk has been recently recommended by FISCHER (Centralb. allg. Path., xiii, 1902, p. 277; Zeit. iviss. Mik. xx, 1903, p. 224). It runs well, does not extravasate, and can be used for auto-injection of the living subject. After injection it should be coagulated by putting the organs for at least twenty-four hours into a mixture of 75 parts of formol, 15 of acetic acid, and 1000 of water (pure formol will not do). They are then sectioned, and the sections stained with Sudan III or Scharlach R, which stain the milk. They cannot be mounted in balsam. Celloidin and other Masses. 518. SCHIEFFERDECKER'S Celloidin Masses (Arch. Anat. PJtys., 1882 [Anat. AbtliJ], p. 201). (For Corrosion preparations). — See previous editions ; HOCHSTETTER'S Modification of SCHIEFFERDECKER'S Mass (Anat. Anz., 1886, p. 51); BUDGE'S Asphaltum Mass (Arch. Mik. Anat., xiv, 1877, p. 70), or early editions; HOYER'S Shellac Mass (Arch. Mik. Anat., 1876, p. 645). For this and that of BELLARMINOW (Anat. Anz., 1888, p. 605), see early editions ; HOYER'S Oil-colour Masses (Internal. Monatsschr. Anat., 1887, p. 341); SEVEREANU'S, Verh. Anat. Ges., 21 vers, 1906, p. 275; PANSCH'S Starch Mass (Arch. Anat. Entw., 1877, p. 480; 1880, pp. 232, 371 ; 1881, p. 76 ; 1 882, p. 60 ; 1883, p. 265 ; and a modification of the same by GAGE, Amer. Mon. Mic. Journ., 1888, p. 195) ; TEICH- MANN'S Linseed-Oil Masses (8. B. Math. Kl. KraJcau Alcad., vii, pp. 108, 158 ; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1882, pp. 125 and 716, and 1895, p. 704). INJECTIONS — OTHER MASSES (COLD). 269 FLINT'S Celluloid (Amer. Journ. Anat., i, 1902, p. 270); HUBER'S (ibid., vi, 1907, p. 393); KRASSUSKAJA'S Photoxylin (Anat., Heft. 2, xiii, 1904 p. 521). 519. Natural Injections (ROBIN, Traite, p. 6). — To preserve these throw the organs into a liquid composed of 10 parts of tincture of perchloride of iron and 100 parts of water. RETTERER and ZENKER use solution of Miiller, see Journ. Anat. Phys., 1894, p. 336, and Arch. Path. Anat., 1894, p. 147. CHAPTER XXIII. MACERATION, DIGESTION, AND CORROSION. j Maceration. 520. Methods of Dissociation. — It is sometimes necessary, in order to obtain a complete knowledge of the forms of the elements of a tissue, that the elements be artificially sepa- rated from their place in the tissue and separately studied after they have been isolated both from neighbouring ele- ments and from any interstitial cement-substances that may be present in the tissue. Simple teasing with needles is often insufficient, as the cement-substances are frequently tougher than the elements themselves, so that the latter are torn and destroyed in the process. In this case recourse must be had to maceration, by which is meant prolonged soaking (generally for days rather than hours) in media which have the property of dissolving, or at least softening, the cement substances or the elements of the tissue that it is not wished to study, whilst preserving the forms of those it is desired to isolate. When this softening has been effected, the isolation is completed by teasing, or by agitation with liquid in a test-tube, or by the method of tapping, which last gives in many cases (many epithelia, for instance) results which could not be attained in any other way. The macerated tissue is placed on a slide and covered with a thin glass cover supported at the corners on four little feet made of pellets of soft wax. By tapping the cover with a needle it is now gradually pressed down, whilst at the same time the cells of the tissue are segregated by the repeated shocks. When the segregation has proceeded far enough, mounting medium may be added and the mount closed. A good material for making wax feet is obtained (VOSSELER, Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 1891, p. 461) by melting white wax and stirring into it one half to two thirds of Venice turpentine. MACERATION, DIGESTION, AND CORROSION. 271 The most desirable macerating media are those which, whilst dissolving intercellular substances, do not attack the cells themselves. Those which contain colloids have been found to give the best results in this respect. Iodised serum is an example. 521. Iodised Serum (Chap. XIX). — The manner of employing it for maceration is as follows : Apiece of tissue smaller than a pea must be taken, and placed in 4 or 5 c.c. of weakly iodised serum in a well-closed vessel. After one day's soaking the maceration is generally sufficient, and the preparation may be completed by teasing or pressing out, as indicated last § ; if not, the soaking must be continued, fresh iodine being added as often as the serum becomes pale by the absorption of the iodine by the tissues. By taking this precaution the maceration may be prolonged for several weeks. This method is intended to be applied to the preparation of fresh tissues, the iodine playing the part of a fixing agent with regard to protoplasm, which it slightly hardens. 522. Iodide of Potassium (ARNOLD, Arch. mik. Anat., lii, 1898, pp. 135 and 763).— 10 c.c. of 10 per cent, aqueous sol. of potassic iodide with 5 to 10 drops of a similar solution, containing also 5 per cent, of iodine. 523. Alcohol. — RANVIEE employs one-third alcohol (1 part of 90 per cent, alcohol to 2 parts of water) . Epithelia will macerate well in this in twenty-four hours. It macerates more rapidly than iodised serum. Other strengths of alcohol may be used, either stronger (equal parts of alcohol and water) or weaker (| alcohol, for isolation of the nerve-fibres of the retina, for instance — THIN). 524. Salt Solution. — 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride is a valuable macerating medium. Weaker strengths, down to 0*6 per cent., are also used. 525. MOLESCHOTT and PJSO BOKMU'S Sodium Chloride and Alcohol (MOLESCHOTT'S Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre, xi, pp. 99 — 107 ; RANVIER, Trait e, p. 242).--10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride, 5 volumes ; absolute alcohol, 1 volume. 272 CHAPTER XXIII. For vibratile epithelium RAN VIE R finds the mixture in- ferior to one-third alcohol. 526. Sodium Chloride and Formaldehyde. — G-AGE recommends the addition of 2 parts of formalin to 1000 parts of normal salt solution (quoted from FISH, Proc. Amer. Mic. Soc., xvii, 1895, p. 328). 527. Caustic Potash, Caustic Soda. — These solutions should be employed strong, 35 to 50 per cent. (MOLESCHOTT) ; so em- ployed they do not greatly alter the forms of cells, whilst weak solutions destroy all the elements. (Weak solutions may, however, be employed for dissociating the cells of epi- dermis, hairs, and nails.) The strong solutions may be em- ployed by simply treating the tissues with them on the slide. To make permanent preparations, the alkali should be neutralised by adding acetic acid, which forms with caustic potash acetate of potash, which constitutes a mounting medium (see BEHRENS, KOSSEL, and SCHIEFFERDECKER, Das Mikroskop, i, 1889, p. 156). See also GAGE, Proc. Amer. Soc. of Microscopists, 1889, p. 35. 528. Baryta- water, Lime-water (FoL, Lehrb., p. 110). — Baryta- water will macerate nerve, muscle, and connective tissue in a few hours, lime-water in a few days. 529. Sulphocyanides of Ammonium and Potassium (STIRLING, Journ. Anat. and Phys., xvii, 1883, p. 208). — 10 per cent, solution of either of these salts, for epithelium. Macerate small pieces for twenty- four to forty-eight hours. SOULIER (Travaux de Vlnst. Zool, de Montpellier, Nouv. Ser., 2, 1891, p. 171) has found that STIRLING'S solution greatly deteriorates cellular elements, but that good results are obtained by combining it with a fixing agent. The best results were obtained with a 2 per cent, solution of sulphocyanide combined with liquid of RIPART and PETIT ; good ones, by combining liquid of RIPART and PETIT with artificial serum of KRONECKER instead of sulphocyanide, or with pepsin, eau de Javelle, 10 per cent, sulphate of soda, or 1'5 per cent, solution of caustic soda ; also by combining solutions of chloride of sodium, or solutions of caustic potash or soda, with any of the usual fixing agents. 530. LANDOIS'S Solution (Arch. mikr. Anat., 1885, p. 445). Saturated sol. of neutral chromate of ammonia 5 parts. Saturated sol. of phosphate of potash . . 5 „ Saturated sol. of sulphate of soda . . . 5 „ Distilled water . . . . . . 100 „ , DIGESTION, AND COltllOSION. 273 Small pieces of tissue are macerated for one to three, or even four to five clays, in the liquid, then brought for twenty- four hours into ammonia carmine diluted with one volume of the macerating liquid. GIERKE particularly recommends this liquid for all sorts of macerations, but especially for the central nervous system, for which he finds it superior to all other agents. It is also recommended for the same purpose by NANSEN (v. Zeit. wiss. MA-., v, 1888, p. 242). 531. Bichromate of Potash. — 0*2 per cent. EISIG (Fauna u. Flora Golf. Neapel, 16 Monog., 1887, p. 297) macerates Capitellidaa in 0*5 to 1 per cent, solution for months or years, a little thymol being added against mould. Miiller's Solution, diluted to same strength, or combined with saliva, has also been used. BROCK (for nervous system of Mollusca, Intern. Monatssch. An at., i, 1884, p. 849) takes equal parts of 10 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash and visceral fluid of the animal. 532. Permanganate of Potash. — Is recommended, either alone or combined with alum, as the best dissociating agent for the fibres of the cornea (RoLLETT, Strieker' '*• Handbuchj p. 1108). I have found it, for some objects, very energetic. 533. Chromic Acid.— Generally employed of a strength of about 0'02 per cent. Specially useful for nerve tissues and smooth muscle. Twenty-four hours' maceration will suffice for nerve tissue. About 10 c.c. of the solution should be taken for a cube of 5 mm. of the tissue (RANVIER). 534. Osmic and Acetic Acid (the HERTWIGS, Dax Nerven- •systeiH u. die Sinnesorgane der Medusen,, Leipzig, 1878, and Jen. Zeitschr., xiii, 1879, p. 457). 0'05 per cent, osmic acid . . 1 part. 0'2 „ acetic acid . 1 „ Hedusse are to be treated with this mixture for two or three minutes, according to size, and then washed in repeated •changes of O'l per cent, acetic acid until all traces of free 18 274 CHAPTER XX II I. osmic acid are removed ; they then remain for a day in O'l per cent, acetic acid, are washed in water, stained in BKALE'S carmine, and preserved in glycerin. For Actiniai the osmic acid is taken weaker, O04 per cent. ; both the solutions are made with sea water ; and the washing- out is done with 0'2 per cent, acetic acid. If the maceration is complete, stain with picro-cannine ; if not, with BEALK'S carmine. 535. MOBIUS'S Media (Morpli. Jahrb., xii, 1887, p. 174). 1. One part of sea water with 4 to 6 parts of O4 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash. 2. O25 per cent, chromic acid, 0*1 per cent, osmic acid, O'l per cent, acetic acid, dissolved in sea water. For Lamellibranchiata. Macerate for several days. 536. Nitric Acid. — Most useful for the maceration of muscle. The strength used is 20 per cent. After twenty-four hours3 maceration in this, isolated muscle-fibres may generally be obtained by shaking the tissue with water in a test-tube. Preparations may afterwards be washed with water and put up in strong solution of alum, in which they may be pre- served for a long time (HOPKINS, Proc. Amer. Soc. of Micro- scopixts, 1890, p. 165). Maceration is greatly aided by heat, and at a temperature of 40° to 50° 0. may be sufficiently complete in an hour (GAGE). A mixture of equal parts of nitric acid, glycerin, and water is recommended by MAUCACCI (Arch. Ital. Blot., iv, 1883, p. 293) for smooth muscle. 537. Nitric Acid and Chlorate of Potash (KtJHNE, Ueber die periphvrisdien Endorgane, etc., 1862; RANVIER, Traite, p. 79). — Chlorate of potash is mixed, in a watch-glass, with four times its volume of nitric acid. A piece of muscle is buried in the mixture for half an hour, and then agitated with water in a test-tube, by which means it entirely breaks up into isolated fibres. 538. Nitric and Acetic Acid (APATHY, Zeit. wiss. Mik., x, 1898, p. 49). — 3 vols. glacial acetic acid, 3 of nitric acid, and 20 each of water, glycerin, and absolute alcohol. Macerate leeches for twenty-four hours, and bring them into 70 per cent, alcohol, in which they swell; then A i ACE RATION, DIGESTION, AND CORROSION. 275 after twenty- four hours, 50 per cent, glycerin, changed till the acid is removed. 539. Hydrochloric Acid. — KONIGSTEIN (Sitzb. Akad. Wien, Ixxi, 1875) takes (for gold-impregnated cornese) equal parts of the concen- trated acid, glycerin, and water; FREUD (ibid., Ixxviii, 1879, p. 102, for nerve-impregnations) 10 parts of acid, 7 of water, 3 of glycerin; and SCHUBERG and SCHRODER (Zeit. iviss. Zool., Ixxvi, 1904, p. 516) take (for fresh muscles of Hirudinea) hydrochloric acid of 5 per cent. 510. BELA HALLER'S Mixture (Morphol. Jahrb., xi, p. 321). -One part glacial acetic acid, 1 part glycerin, 2 parts water. For the central nervous system of Mollusca a maceration of thirty to forty minutes may be sufficient. 541. Sulphuric Acid (RANVIEE, Traite, p. 78). — Macerate for twenty-four hours in 30 grins, of water, to which are added 4 to 5 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. Agitate. For nasal mucosa, crystalline, retina, etc. ODENIUS found very dilute sulphuric acid to be the best reagent for the study of nerve endings in tactile hairs. He macerated hair-follicles for from eight to fourteen days in a solution of from 3 to 4 grains of " English sulphuric acid ' to the ounce of water Hot concentrated sulphuric acid serves to dissociate horny epidermic structures (horn, hair, nails). 542. Oxalic Acid. — Maceration for many days in concen- trated solution of oxalic acid has been found useful in the study of nerve-endings. 543. SCIIIEFFERDECKER'S Methyl Mixture (for the retina) (Arch. mik. Anut., xxviii, 1886, p. 305). — Ten parts of gly- cerin, 1 part of methyl alcohol, and 20 parts of distilled water. Macerate for several days (perfectly fresh tissue). 544. GAGE'S Picric Alcohol (Proc. Amer. Soc. of Microscopists, 1890, p. 120). — 95 per cent, alcohol, 250 parts; water, 750; picric acid, 1. Recommended especially for epithelia and muscle. A few hours suffice. 545. Chloral Hydrate. — In not too strong solution, from 2 to 5 per cent, for instance, chloral hydrate is a rnild macerating 276 CHAPTER XXIII. agent that admirably preserves delicate elements. LAVDOW- SKY (Arch. m-ik. Anat., 1876, p. 359) recommends it greatly for salivary glands, HICKSON (Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci.} 1885, p. 244) for the retina of Arthropods. 546. Lysol (REINKE, Anat. Anz.} viii, 1892, p. 582).- -10 per cent, solution in distilled water or in water with alcohol and glycerin. Spermatozoa of the rat or cortical cells of hairs are said to be resolved into fibrils in a few minutes, epithelial cells of salamandra to be dissociated instantaneously. Digestion. 547. Digestion is maceration in organic juices, which by dissolving out some of the constituents of tissues earlier than others serves to isolate those which resist. The chief liquids employed are gastric juice (or pepsin) and pancreatic juice (pancreatin or trypsin). Pepsin is best employed in acidified solution, pancreatin in alkaline. The most favourable temperature for digestion is about 40° C. Pepsin digests albuminoids, collagen substance and mucin, more or less readily, elastin more slowly. Nuclein. is either not dissolved or very slowly. Keratin, neurokeratin, chitin, fat and carbohydrates are not attacked. Pancreatin (trypsin) digests albuminoids, nuclein, mucin, and elastic tissue; whilst collagen substance, reticular tissue, chitin, horny substances, fat and carbohydrates are not attacked. Tissues for digestion should be fresh, or fixed with alcohol, not with chromic acid or other salts of the heavy metals. 548. Pepsin (BEALE'S, Archive* of Medicine, i, 1858, pp. 296 — 3 16) .--The mucus expressed from the stomach glands of the pig is rapidly dried on glass plates, powdered, and kept in stoppered bottles. Eight tenths of a grain will dissolve 100 grains of coagulated white of egg. To prepare the digestion fluid, the powder is dissolved in distilled water, and the solution filtered. Or the powder may be dissolved in glycerin. The tissues to be digested may be MACERATION, DIGESTION, AND CORROSION. 277 kept for some hours in the liquid at a temperature of 100° F. (37° C.) BRUCKE'S (from CAENOY'S Biologie cellulaire, p. 94). Glycerinated extract of pig's stomach . 1 vol. 0*2 per cent, solution of HC1 . . .3 vols. Thymol, a few crystals. BICKFALVI'S (CentraU. med. Wiss., 1883, p. 838).— One grm. of dried stomachal mucosa is mixed with 20 c.c of 0*5 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and put into an incubator for three or four hours, then filtered. Macerate for not more than half an hour to an hour. KUSKOW'S (Arch. mile. Anat., xxx, p. 32). — One part of pepsin dissolved in 200 parts of 3 per cent, solution of oxalic acid. The solution should be freshly prepared, and the objects (sections of hardened Ligamentum Nnchse) remain in it at the ordinary temperature for ten to forty minutes. 549. Pancreatin. — SCHIEFFERDECKER'S (ZeiL iciss. Mik., iii, 1886, p. 483). — A saturated solution of the "Pankreatinum siccum," prepared by Dr. Witte, Rostock, is made in distilled water, cold, and filtered. Pieces of tissue (epidermis) are macerated in it for three to four hours at about body temperature. KUHNE'S (Unters. a. d. Phys. Inst. Univ. Heidelberg, i, 2, 1877, p. 219). -Very complicated. See also GEDOELST, La Cellule, iii, 1887, p. 117, and v, 1889, p. 126 ; MAAS, Festsclir. Kup/er, 1899, p. 211, and HOEHL, Arch. Anat. Phys., Anat. AUh., 1897, p. 136 (i to f per cent, solution of Mall's or Merck's pancreatin, with O3 per cent, of carbonate of soda ; for demonstrating adenoid tissue in paraffin sections). Corrosion. 550. Corrosion is the operation of destroying the soft parts that surround hard parts that it is desired to study ; in short, a means of cleansing hard parts for microscopic study. It has been applied to the removal of surrounding tissue from injected vessels or cavities. For this, see ALTMANN'S Method (Arch. mil\. Anat., 1879, p. 471, or previous editions) ; also REJSEK (Bibliogr. Anat., iv, 1897, p. 229) ; BRUHL(^I£«. Anz,, xiv, 1898, p. 418) ; DENKER (Anat. Ilefte., 1900, p 300) ; THOMA and FROMHERZ (Arch. Entu-icl-elungsmecli, vii, 1898. 278 CHAPTER XXIII. p. 678) ; PEABODY (Z. Bull, Boston, 1897, p. 164). The fol- lowing sections relate chiefly to the cleansing of native hard parts. 551. Caustic Potash, Caustic Soda, Nitric Acid.— Boiling, or long soaking in a strong solution of either of these is an efficient means of removing soft parts from skeletal structures (appendages of Arthropods, spicula of sponges, etc.). 552. Eau de Javelle (Hypochlorite of Potash) (NOLL, Zoo/. Anzeig., 122, 1882, p. 528). — A piece of sponge, or similar object, is brought on to a slide and treated with a few drops of eau de Javelle, in which it remains until all soft parts are dissolved. (With thin pieces this happens in twenty to thirty minutes.) The preparation is then cautiously treated with acetic acid, which removes all precipitates that may have formed, dehydrated, and mounted in balsam. The process is applicable to calcareous structures. 553. Eau de Labarraque (Hypochlorite of Soda) may be used in the same way as eau de Javelle. Looss (Zool. Anzeitj., 1885, p. 333) finds that either of these solutions will com- pletely dissolve chitin in a short time with the aid of heat. For this purpose the commercial solution should be taken concentrated and boiling. If solutions diluted with 4 to 6 volumes of water be taken, and chitinous structures be macerated in them for twenty- four hours or more, according to size, the chitin is not dis- solved, but becomes transparent, soft and permeable to staining fluids, aqueous as well as alcoholic. The most delicate structures, such as nerve-endings, are stated not to be injured by the treatment. The method is applicable to Nematodes and their ova, and also to the removal of the albumen from ova of Amphibia, etc. CHAPTER XXIV. DECALOIFIOATION, DESIL1CEKIUATION, AND P,LKACIIING. Decalcification. 554. Decalcification. — In order to obtain the best results, it is important to employ only material that has been duly fixed and hardened, and it is well not to put too much confidence in reagents that are said to have the property of hardening and decalcifying fresh material at the same time.. It is generally well also to employ fluids that contain substances having a shrinking1 action on tissues, so as to o O y neutralise the swelling frequently brought about by the decalcifying acids. Large quantities of liquid should be employed. After decalcification the excess of acid should be carefully removed by washing, not in water, which favours swelling, but in some liquid that has rather a shrinking action, c. g. alum solution. Lastly, the tissues should be neutralised by «/ ^ »/ treatment with carbonate of lime, or a salt of lithium or sodium or the like. ROUSSKAU (Ze.H. irixs. Mile., xiv, 1897, p. 207) imbeds fixed material in celloidin, brings it into 85 per cent, alcohol, decalcifies in a very acid mixture (15 to 40 percent, of nitric acid in alcohol), washes out the acid in alcohol containing precipitated carbonate of lime, then cuts sections. This for Porifera, corals, Kchinoderms, etc. Tissues are said to be well preserved. This process has been applied to the study of the temporal bone of Mammals by STEIN (An at. Anz., xvii, 1900, p. 318). Similarly BODECKER (Zeit. u-iss. jl///.-., xii, p. 190; xxv, p. 21 ; xxvi, p. 206 ; and xxviii, p. 158), in a complicated way, adding the acid ((> to 10 per cent.) to the tliin celloidin solution taken for imbedding. 280 CHAPTER XKTY. 555. Decalcification of ! Bone. — I take the following from BUSCH, Arch. mil:. Anat., xiv, 1877, p. 481; see also HAUG, in Zeit. u'iss. Mil:., viii, 1891, p. 1 ; and SCHAFFEK, ibid., xix, 1903, pp. 308 and 441, and Iris paper in the EncycL mil:. Technik. The most widely used, though not the best, agent for decalcification is hydrochloric acid. Its action is rapid, even when every dilute, but causes serious swelling of the tissues. To remedy this, chromic acid or alcohol may be added to it. Or a 3 per cent, solution of the acid may be taken and have dissolved in it 10 to 15 per cent, of common salt. Or (WALDEYEE) to a j^Vo Per ceilt. solution of chloride of palladium may be added -^ of its volume of HC1. Chromic acid is also much used, but has a very weak de- calcifying action and a strong shrinking action on tissues. For this reason it should never be used in solutions of more than 1 per cent, strength, and for delicate structures much lower strengths must be taken. Phosphoric acid has been recommended for vonng bones. J- •/ O Acetic, lactic, and pyroligneous acids have considerable decalcifying power, but cause great swelling. Picric acid has a very slow action, and is only suitable for very small structures. 556. Nitric Acid (Buscn, loc. cit.}. — To all other agents BUSCH prefers nitric acid, which causes no swelling and acts most efficaciously. One volume of chemically pure nitric acid of sp. gr. 1'25 is diluted with 10 vols. water. It may be used of this strength for very large and tough bones ; for young bones it may be diluted down to 1 per cent. Fresh bones are first laid for three clays in 95 per cent, alcohol ; they are then placed in the nitric acid, which i* changed daily ,iov eight or ten days. They must be removed as soon as the decalcification is complete, or else they will become stained yellow. When removed they are washed for one or two hours in running water and placed in 95 per cent, alcohol. This is changed after a few days for fresh alcohol. Young and foetal bones may be placed in the first instance DECALCIFICATION, PESILIOfFICATION, AND BLEACTTINO. 281 in a mixture containing 1 per cent, bichromate of potash and T\j- per cent, chromic acid, and decalcified with nitric a,cid of 1 to 2 per cent., to which may be added a small quantity of chromic acid (y1^ per cent.) or bichromate of potash (1 per cent.). By putting them afterwards into alcohol a green stain is obtained. 557. Nitric Acid (SCHAFI-ER, Zeit. wins. Mik.} xix, 1903, p. 460). — SCHAFFER also finds nitric acid the best reagent. It should be taken pure ; the addition of formol, alcohol, or the like, slows the reaction. The best strength is from 3 to 5 per cent. Objects must not be washed out directly with water, and washing in salt solution, alcohol, phloroglucin, or formol is not sufficient to prevent swelling. Alum in 5 per cent, solution is good, but not necessary. Material should be well fixed and imbedded in celloidin (§ 554) ; harden in alcohol; remove the alcohol with water; put for 12 to 24 hours (large specimens longer) into nitric acid of 3 to 5 per cent , then into a 5 per cent, solution of sulphate of lithium or sodium, to be changed once in the course of 12 to 24 hours; running water, 48 hours; alcohol. 558. Nitric Acid and Alcohol. — 3 per cent, of nitric acid in 70 per cent, alcohol. MAYER has long used 5 per cent, acid in 90 per cent, alcohol. Soak specimens for several days or weeks. Pure nitric acid, even if weak, readily exercises a gelatinising action on bone ; whilst the addition of alcohol (or of alum) counteracts this action (Fisn, Ref. Handb. Med. Sci., Supp., p. 425). THOMA (Zeit. u-isft. MA-., viii, 2, 1891, p. 191) takes five vols. of 95 per cent, alcohol and 1 volume pure concentrated nitric acid. Leave bones in this mixture, changing the liquid every two or three days, until thoroughly decalcified, which should happen, even with large bones, in two or three weeks. Wash out until every trace of acid is removed (i. e. for some days after no acid reaction is obtained with litmus paper) in 95 per cent, alcohol containing an excess of precipitated carbonate of lime. This may take eight to fourteen days, after which the tissues will stain well and may be treated as desired. 282 CHAPTER XXIV. 559. Nitric Acid and Formol. — SCIIRIDDE (Hfematol. Techn., Jena, 1910, p. 21) decalcifies material fixed in formol or formol-Miiller in a mixture of 1 part of formol, 1 of nitric acid, and 9 of water. 560. Nitric Acid and Alum (GAGE, quoted from FISH, § 558). — A saturated aqueous solution of alum is diluted with an equal volume of water, and to each 100 c.c. of the dilute solution is added 5 c.c. of strong nitric acid. Change every two or three days, until the decalcification is complete. For teeth this is said to be, perhaps, a better decalcifier than the alcohol mixture. 561. Sulphurous Acid (ZTEGLEI?, Festsclir. /. Nupffcr, 1899, p. 51). — A saturated solution in water. Wash out for 24 hours. Acts rapidly and preserves well. Best used after fixation with formol. 562. Hydrochloric Acid (see § 555). — RANVIER says that it may be taken of 50 per cent, strength, and then has a very rapid action. To counteract the swelling action of the acid, sodium chloride may be added (VON EBNER), see HAUG'S paper quoted § 555. He takes either 100 c.c. cold saturated solution of sodium chloride in water, 100 c.c. water, and 4 c.c. hydrochloric acid. Preparations to he placed in this, and 1 to 2 c.c. hydrochloric acid added daily until they are soft. Or, 2'5 parts of hydrochloric acid, 500 of alcohol, 100 of water, and 2'5 of sodium chloride. HAUG prefers the proportions of TO to 5'0 of acid, 70 of alcohol, 30 of water, and 0'5 of salt. 563. Hydrochloric Acid and Chromic Acid (BAYERL, Arcli. mil:. Anat., 1885, p. 35). — Equal parts of 3 per cent, chromic acid and 1 per cent, hydrochloric acid. For ossifying cartilage. HAUG recommends equal parts of 1 per cent, hydrochloric acid and 1 per cent, chromic acid (loc. cit.). 564. Hydrochloric Acid and Glycerin. — Glycerin, 95 ; hydrochloric acid, 5 (SQUIRE'S Methods and Formula, p. 12). 565. Trichloracetic Acid. — PARTSCH (Verl. 6V*. D. Naturf. Aoize, 1895, 2 Tlic.il, 2 Halfte, p. 26) uses a 5 per cent, aqueous solution, and NETJBERGER (Ccnfmlh. Pliys., xi, 1897, p. 494) a 4 per cent. one. Action energetic, preservation said to be excellent. DEOALCIFICATJON, PESlLICIFICATION, AND BLEACHING. 283 566. Picric Acid should be taken saturated and changed frequently. Its action is weak, but it gives good results with small objects. Picro-nitric or Picro-hydrochloric Acid. — Action very rapid. 567. Phosphoric Acid. — 10 to 15 per cent. (HAUG, loc. cit. in § 555). Somewhat slow, staining not good. According to SCHAFFER, § 557, it produces swelling. 568. Lactic Acid. — 10 per cent, or more. Fairly rapid, preserves well, and may be recommended (HAUG, loc. cit.). 569. Chromic Acid is employed in strengths of from O'l per cent, to 2 per cent, (but see § 555), the maceration lasting two or three weeks (in the case of bone). It is better to take the acid weak at first, and increase the strength gradually. Action excessively slow. 570. Chromic and Nitric Acid. — SEILER (FoL, Lehrb., p. 112) takes 70 volumes of 1 per cent, chromic acid, 3 of nitric acid, and 200 of water. The action is still excessively slow, frequently requiring months to be complete. 571. Chromo-aceto osmic Acid (VAN VER STRICHT, Arch. BioL, ix, 1889, p. 29; and SCHAFFER, Zeit. wiss. Mik., x, 1893, p. 179). — Objects to be left in it for months, the liquid being changed at first every two days, afterwards less frequently. Structure well preserved. 572. Arsenic Acid. — 4 per cent, aqueous solution, used at a tempera- ture of 30° to 40° C. (SQUIRE'S Methods and Formulx, etc., p. 11). 573. Phloroglucin with Acids (ANDEER, Centralb. med. Wiss., xii, xxxiii, pp. 193, 579 ; Intern. Monatsschr., i, p. 350 ; HAUG, Zeit. wiss. Mik., viii, 1891, p. 8; FERRERI, ibid., ix, 1892, p. 236; Bull. R. A'-cad. Med. di Boma, 1892, p. G7). — This is said to be the most rapid method of any. Phloroglucin by itself is not a solvent of lime salts ; its function in the mixture given below is so to protect the organic elements of tissues against the action of the mineral acid that this can l)e used in a much more concentrated form than would be otherwise advisable. ANDEER takes a saturated solution in warm water, and adds to it 5 to 50 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Wash out in running water. Other acids than hydrochloric may, of course, be taken. See HAUG, Zeit. wiss. Mik., viii, 1891, p. 8, and FERRERI, Bull. Ac/id. Med. Roma, 1892, p. 67, or (for both) fifth edition. Desilicification. 574. Hydrofluoric Acid (MAYER, Zool. Auz., 1881, p. 593).— The objects are brought -in alcohol into a glass vessel coated 284 CHAPTER XXIV. internally with paraffin. Hydrofluoric acid is then added drop by drop (taking great care to avoid the fumes, which attack mucous membranes with great energy). Small pieces of siliceous sponges will be completely desilicified in a few hours, or at most a day. The tissues do not suffer. For sponges I find that this dangerous method can be avoided. If well imbedded, sections may be made from them without previous removal of the spicula, which appear to break off sharp before the knife. ROUSSEAU imbeds the objects in celloidin, as described § 554, then brings the block, in a covered caoutchouc dish, for a day or two into a mixture of 50 c.c. alcohol and 20 to 30 drops of hydrofluoric acid, and washes out the acid with alcohol containing carbonate of lithia in powder. Bleaching. 575. MAYKR'S Chlorine Method (Mitt I. ZooL Stat. Neapel, ii, 1881, p. 8). — Put into a glass tube a few crystals of chlorate of potash, add two or three drops of hydrochloric acid, and as soon as the green colour of the evolving chlorine has begun to show itself, add a few cubic centimetres of alcohol of 50 to 70 per cent. Now put the objects (which must have previously been soaked in alcohol of 70 to 90 per cent.) into the tube. They float at first, but eventually sink. They will be found bleached in from a quarter of an hour to one or two days, without the tissues having suffered. Only in obstinate cases should the liquid be warmed or more acid taken. Sections on slide* may be bleached in this way. Instead of hydrochloric acid nitric acid may be taken, in which case the active agent evolved is oxygen instead of chlorine. This method serves both for removing natural pigments, such as those of the skin or of the eyes of Arthropods, and also for bleaching material that has been blackened by osmic acid, and, according to renewed experiments of MAYER'S, is to be preferred to the peroxide of hydrogen method. For bleaching chitin of -insects, not alcohol but water should be added to the chlorate and acid (MAYER), Arch. Anat . P//7/.9., 1874, p. 321). See also MAYER in Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxiv, 1907, p. 353 (paraffin sections exposed to the vapour of chlorine water). DUCALCL-^IOATION, DUS1UCIF1CAT10N, AND BLEACHING. 285 GRYNFELTT and MESTREZAT ( C. R. Soc. BioL, Ixi, 1906, p. 87) add 2 c.c. of 20 per cent, solution of chloric acid (HC1O3) to 15 c.c. of alcohol and put sections (of retina) into it for several hours at 42° C. 576. Eau de Labarraque. Eau de Javelle (see §§ 552, 553).— These are bleaching agents. For the manner of preparing a similar solution see early editions, or Journ. de Microgr., 1887, p. 154, or Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1887, p. 518. Of course, the method cannot be used for bleaching soft parts which it is desired to preserve. 577. Peroxide of Hydrogen (Oxygenated Water) (POUCHET'S method, M. DUVAL, Precis, etc., p. 234). — Macerate in glycerin/ to which has been added a little oxygenated water (§ 35), 5 to 6 drops to a watch-glass of glycerin. SOLGEU (Centralbl. med. Wiss., xxi, 1883, p. 177) takes a 3 per cent, solution of peroxide. FURST (Morph. Arb. Schicalbe, vi, 1896, p. 529) points out that after a time it macerates. The method serves both for removing pigments and for bleaching osmic and chromic material. 578. Peroxide of Sodium (CARAZZI, Zool. Anz., 444, 1894, p. 135). — See precious editions. 579. Peroxide of Magnesium (MAYER, Grundzuge, p. 290). — Use as chlorine, § 575. A slow but delicate method. 580. Sulphurous Acid. — Prof. GILSON writes me that he finds alcoholic solution of sulphurous anhydride (S03) very con- venient for the rapid decoloration of bichromate objects. A few drops suffice. MONCKEBEEG and BETHE (Arch. mik. Auat., liv, 1899, p. 135) obtain the acid by adding to 10 c.c. of a 2 per cent, solution of bisulphate of sodium 2 to 4 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Objects are put into the freshly prepared solution for six to twelve hours. 581. Permanganate of Potash. — ALFIERI (Monitore Zool. Ital., viii, 1897, p. 57) bleaches celloidiii sections of the choroid, etc., for eight to twenty-four hours in a 1 : 2000 solution of permanganate of potash, then washes them out for a few hours in a solution of oxalic acid of 1 : 300 strength, or weaker. 582. GREN ACKER'S Mixture for Eyes of Arthropods and other Animals (Abli. nat. Ges. Halle-a.-S,, xvi ; Zeit. wiss. Milt., 1885, p. 244). Glycerin ....... 1 part. 80 per cent, alcohol 2 parts. Mix and add 2 to 3 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. 286 CHAPTER XXIV. Pigments (i. e. those in question) dissolve in this fluid, and so doing- form a stain which suffices in twelve to twenty-four hours for staining the nuclei of the preparation. 583. Nitric Acid. — PARKER (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, U.S.A.. 1889, p. 173) treats sections (of eyes of scorpions) fixed to the slide with SCHALLIIJAUM'S medium, for about a minute with a solution of up to 50 per cent, of nitric acid in alcohol, or, still better, with a 35 per cent, solution of a mixture of equal parts of nitric and hydrochloric acid in alcohol. To make the solution, the acid should be poured slowly into the alcohol (not vice versa), and the mixture kept cool. JANDER (Zeit. iviss. Mik., xv, 1898, p. 163) takes for removal of pig- ments SEILER'S chromo-nitric acid (§ 570) ; twelve to forty-eight hours is enough for small objects. See also under " Arthropoda." 584. Caustic Soda. — RAWITZ (Leitfadeti, p. 29) dissolves the pigment of the mantle of Lamellibranchia by means of 3 to 9 drops of officinal caustic soda solution added to 15 to 20 c.c. of 96 per cent, alcohol. CHAPTER XXV. EMJBRYOLOGICAL METHODS.* 585. Artificial Fecundation. — This practice, which affords the readiest means of obtaining the early stages of develop- ment of many animals, may be very easily carried out in the case of the Amphibia an ura, Teleostea, Cyclostomata, Echino- dermata, and many Vermes and Ccelenterata. In the case of the Amphibia, both. the female and the male should be laid opon, and the ova should be extracted from the uterus and placed in a watch-glass or dissecting dish, and treated with water in which the testes, or, better, the vasa differentia, of the male have been teased. Females of Teleostea are easily spawned by manipulating the belly with a gentle pressure ; and_ the milt may be obtained from the males in the same way. (It may occa- sionally be necessary, as in the case of the Stickleback, to kill the male, and dissect out the testes and tease them.) The spermatozoa of fish, especially those of the Salmonidae, lose their vitality very rapidly in water ; it is, therefore, advisable to add the milt immediately to the spawned ova, then add a little water, and after a few minutes put the whole into a suitable hatching apparatus with running water. Artificial fecundation of Invertebrates is easily performed in a similar way. For methods of artificial Parthenogenesis see HARVEY, Biol. Ball. Wood's Hole, 1910, p. 269. * The sections in this chapter treating of Mammalia, Aves, and Pisces, closely follow the Trait e des Methodes Techniques, LEE et HENNEGUY, and are due almost entirely to HENNEGUY. The corresponding parts of the Grundzilye, LEE and MAYER, are taken from this work, and there- fore also due to HENNEGUY, which I regret to observe has not always been understood, though duly pointed out in the Preface to the first edition of the Grandznge. 288 riiAlTER XXV. 586. Superficial Examination. --The development of some animals, particularly some invertebrates, may be to a certain extent followed by observations of the living ova under the microscope. This may usefully be done in the case of various Teleosteans, such as the Stickleback, the Perch, Macropodus, and several pelagic forms, and with Chironomus, Aselluts aqiiaticus, Ascidians, Planorbis, many Ccelenterata, etc. Some ova of Insecta and Arachnida which are completely opaque under normal conditions become transparent if they are placed in a drop of oil ; if care be taken to let their surface be simply impregnated with the oil, the normal course of development is not interfered with (BALJBIANI). 587. Fixation. — Osmic acid, employed either alone or in combination with other reagents, is an excellent fixing agent for small embryos, but not at all a good one for large ones, It causes cellular elements to shrink somewhat, and therefore brings out very clearly the slits that separate germinal layers, and any channels or other cavities that may be in course of formation. In virtue of its property of blackening fatty matters, myelin amongst them, it is of service in the study of the development of the nervous system. Chromic acid is indispensable for the study of the external forms of embryos ; it brings out elevations and depressions clearly, and preserves admirably the mutual relations of the parts ; but it does not always preserve the forms of cells faithfully, and is a hindrance to staining in bulk. Picric liquids have an action which is the opposite of that of osmic acid ; they cause cellular elements to swell some- what, and thus have a tendency to obliterate spaces that may exist in the tissues. But notwithstanding this defect, the picric compounds, and especially Kleinenberg's picro- sulphuric acid, are amongst the best of embryological fixing agents. SCHEIDDE (Zeit. wiss. Milt., xxvii, 1910, p. 362) finds Orth's " Formol-Miiller } in general the best fixative. Fix for not more than 24 hours, and pass through graded alcohols (20 minutes in each) into absolute (1 to 2 hours), cedar oil, xylol, and paraffin. EMBRYOLOGIOAL METHODS. 289 RABL (Zeit. wiss. Mill., xi, 1894, p. 165) recommends for embryos of Vertebrates, and also for other objects, his platinic sublimate, § 76. This serves for a large number of blasto- derms and young embryos (Pisces, Amphibia, Aves, Mam- malia). Advanced embryos of Teleostea ought to be fixed in the warmed mixture, in order to avoid rupture of the muscles and shrinkage of the chorda. Some of his best results were obtained by a not too pro- longed fixation in a mixture of Platinic chloride, 1 per cent, solution . 1 vol. Picric acid, saturated aqueous . . 2 vols Distilled water . . . . 7 „ BABL'S picro-sublimate mixture has been given § 70. It is recommended especially for somewhat advanced embryos, such as embryo chicks from the third or fourth day, and other embryos of a similar size. BOVEBI ( Verli. Phys. Med. Ges. Wurzburg, xxxix, 1895, p. 4), in order to imbed and cut together numbers of ova of Echinoderms, wraps them in pieces of sloughed epidermis of Cryptobranchus (of course, other Urodela will do). SOBOTTA (Arch. mik. Anat., 1, 1897, p. 31) takes pieces of amnios of Mammalia. SANZO (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxi, 1904, p. 449) describes an automatic apparatus for fixing material at definite stages. 588. PETER'S Double-stain for Yolk and Tissue, see § 224. 589. Removal of Albumen. — The thick layers of albumen that surround many ova are a serious obstacle to the penetra- tion of reagents. CHILD (Arch. Entwickelungsmech., ix, 1900, p. 587) gives the following as of very general applicability. After fixation (in any way except with chromic acid) the ova are brought through graduated alcohols up to that of 80 per cent., in which they are hardened. They are then brought down again through successive alcohols into water acidified lightly with any acid (except chromic acid), and the albumen is found to become transparent and dissolve. 590. Reconstruction of Embryos from Sections. — To facilitate the study of series of sections, recourse may be had to graphic or plastic reconstruction of the objects. In simple cases it may be -sufficient to adopt the plan 19 290 CHAPTER XXV. described by SCHAFFER (Zeit. iciss. Mil'., vii, 1890, p. 342). Careful outlines of the sections to be reconstructed are drawn on tracing paper with the aid of the camera lucida, super- posed, and held up against the light for examination by transparence. VOSMAER (Anat. Anz.} xvi, 1899, p. 269) draws on plates of celluloid, and sets them up in a rack for ex- amination. KERB (Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., xlv, 1902, p. 1) draws on plates of ground glass which he afterwards super- poses and makes transparent by oil of cloves run in between them. PENSA (Zeit. wiss. Mikr.} xxvii, 1910, p. 48) takes sheets of lithographic gelatin. WOODWORTH (Zeit. wiss. Alik.} xiv, 1897, p. 15) proceeds as follows : (1) Draw an axial line of the length of the object multiplied by the magnifi- cation employed. (2) Measure with a micrometer the greatest diameter of each section. (3) Plot these diameters down transversely on the axial line at distances correspond- ing to the -thickness of the sections multiplied by the magnification. (4) Join the extremities of these diameters ; this will give you an outline of the object. (5) Measure off on each section the nearest and farthest limits (from the margin) of the organs to be filled in, and plot them down on the transverse lines (3), and join the points as before, i. c. from section to section ; this will give you the outlines of the organs. This process is best applicable to reconstruction from transverse sections, but it can be applied to reconstruction from sections in any plane if the object can be provided with a plane of definition at right angles to the plane of section. This may be established by cutting off one end of the object, or the like (see also Orientation, §§ 142, 161). To make a simple plastic reconstruction, camera drawings (or photographs) of the sections (all made at the same magnification) are pasted on pieces of cardboard of a thick- ness equal to that of the sections multiplied by the magnifi- cation employed. Then the parts of the drawings representing the cavities of the objects are cut out with a knife or fret- saw, cutting through the cardboard ; and the pieces of fret- work thus obtained are pasted together. For more elaLorate processes of plastic reconstruction (very compli- cated and seldom necessary) see BORN, " Die Platteninodellirmetliode," in Arch. mile. Anat., 1883, p. 591. and Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 433; EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS. 291 STRASSER, ibid., iii, 1886, p. 179, and iv, pp. 168 and 330 ; KASTSCHENKO, ibid., iv, 1887, pp. 235-6 and 353, and v, 1888, p. 173; SCHAPER, ibid., xiii, 1897, p. 446; ALEXANDER, ibid., p. 334, and xv, 1899, p. 446; PETER, ibid., xxii, 1906, p. 530; BORN and PETER, ibid., xv, 1, p. 31 ; and Verh. Anat. Ges., xiii, 1899, p. 134 ; JOHNSTON, Anat. Anz., xvi, 1899, p. 261 ; FOL, Lehrb., p. 35 or previous editions; BROMAN, Anat. Hefte, xi, 1899, p. 557 ; PETER, " Die Methoden d. Rekonstruction ' (Fischer, Jena, 1906); SCHONEMANN, Anat. Hefte, xviii, 1901, p. 117; GAGE, Anat. Record, i, 1907, p. 167 ; NEUMAYER, Festschr. f. Kupffer, 1899, p. 459 ; MARK, Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci., xiii, 1907, p. 629 (electric wax-cutter for cutting out plates). HILL (Ball. Johns Hopkins Hosp., xvii, 1906, p. 114) finds that embryos of mammalia taken from 95 per cent, alcohol and put into caustic potash of 1 per cent, become so transparent that they can be studied without cutting and reconstructing. Mammalia. 591, Rabbit — Dissection. — For the study of the early stages the ova must be sought for in the tubiv a certain number of hours after copulation. The dehiscence of the follicles takes place about ten hours after the first coitus. The tnbre and cornua having been dissected out should be allowed to cool, and remain until the muscular contractions have ceased. Then, with the aid of fine scissors or a good scalpel, all the folds of the genital duct are carefully freed from their peritoneal investment. The tubas are then (if the ova are still within them, which is the case up to the end of the third day after coition) laid out on a long slip of glass, and slit up longitudinally by means of a pair of fine, sharp scissors. By means of needles and forceps the tubal mucosa is spread out so as to smooth out its folds as much as possible, and is carefully looked over with a strong lens or with a lower power of the microscope. When the ova are found, a drop of some " indifferent ' liquid is dropped on each, and it is carefully taken up with the point of a scalpel, a cataract needle, or a small pipette. They may be examined in the peritoneal fluid of the mother if the animal has been killed, or in its aqueous humour, or in amniotic liquid, or in blood-serum, or in KRONECKER'S or other artificial serum. If you have not been able to find the ova with the lens or the microscope, scrape off the epithelium of the tubal mucosa with a small scalpel, mix it with a little indifferent liquid, 292 CHAPTER XXV. and look for the ova under the microscope by transmitted light. Another method, employed by KOLLIKKR, consists in in- jecting solution of MrJLLER or weak osmic acid into the oviduct by means of a small syringe, and collecting the liquid that runs out in a series of watch-glasses in which the ova can very easily be found by the microscope. The same doe may be made to serve for two observations, at some hours' or days' interval. A longitudinal incision of 8 to 10 centimetres' length is made on the median or a lateral line of the abdomen ; an assistant keeps the intestines in their place ; a ligature is placed at the base of one of the uterine corn.ua, beneath the neck, and a second ligature around the mesometrmm and mesovarium. The ovary, the tuba, and the cornu of that side are then detached with scissors. The abdomen is then closed by means of a few sutures passing through the muscle-layers and the skin. The animals support the operation perfectly well, and the development of the ova of the opposite side is not in the least interfered with. When it is desired to study these the animal may be killed, or may be subjected to a secondary laparotomy if it be desired to preserve it for ulterior observations. During the fourth, fifth, and sixth days after copulation the ova of the rabbit are free in the uterine cornua; they are easily visible to the naked eye, and may be extracted by the same manipulations as those of the tubes. After the sixth day they are at rest in the uterus, but have not yet contracted adhesions with the mucosa, so that they can still be extracted whole. At this stage the parts of the cornua where the ova are lodged are easily distinguishable by their peculiar aspect, the ova forming eminences of the size of a pea. The cornua should be cut up transversely into as many segments as there are eminences, care being taken to have the ova in the centre of the segments. You then fix each segment by means of two pins on the bottom of a dissecting dish, with the meso- metrial surface downwards and the ovular eminence upwards. The dissecting-dish is then filled up with serum or liquid of MiiLLER, or Ol per cent, solution of osmic acid, or KLEINEN- BERG'S picro-sulphuric acid, or nitric acid, or acetate of uranium solution. With a small scalpel a longitudinal in- cision is made on the surface of the ovular eminence, not passing deeper than the muscular layer ; the underlying uterine mucosa is then gently dilacerated with two pairs of small forceps, and the ovum set free in the liquid. EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS. 293 From the moment tlie ova have become adherent to the uterine mucosa they can no longer be extracted whole. The embryo being always situated on the mesometrial surface, the ovular eminence is opened by a crucial incision, and the strip of mucosa to which the embryo remains adherent is fixed with pins on the bottom of the dish. ED. v. BENEDEN (see Arch, de Biol.} v, fasc. iii, 1885, p. 378) has been able by operating in this way in serum of Kronecker, and keeping the whole at blood temperature, to observe the circulation of the embryo for hours together. (If this be desired to be done, the crucial incision should not be too extended, so as to leave the terminal sinus intact.) RETTEKER (C. R. Soc. de Bwl.y 1887, p. 99) advises that for ova of the seventh day the segment of uterus containing them be opened on tin1 mesometrial surface, for at that date no adhesion has yet been contracted with that side. By running in liquid of Kleinenberg by means of a pipette between the ovum and the free surface of the uterus, the ovum may be got away in the shape of a closed vesicle. For the study of living eggs (of Rats and Mice) see MARK and LONG, Cont. Zool. l. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 1912, No. 225 (description of constant temperature chamber and circulation slide). 592. RABBIT ; Microscopic Preparations.-— In order to make permanent preparations of the different stages of fecundation and segmentation, v. BENEDEN (Arch, de Biol., i, I, 1880, p. 149) brings the living ovum into a drop of 1 per cent, osmic acid on a slide, and thence into solution of Miiller (or bichromate of ammonia or solution of Kleinenberg). After an hour the liquid is changed, and the whole is put into a moist chamber, where it remains for two or three days. It is then treated with glycerin of gradually increasing strength, and at last mounted in pure glycerin acidified with formic acid. Ova may be stained after careful washing. In order to bring gut the outlines of blastoderm cells the living ovum maybe brought into one third percent, solution of nitrate of silver. After remaining there for half a minute to two minutes, according to the age of the vesicle, it is brought into pure water and exposed to the light. After the end of the third day the blastodermic vesicle 294 CHAPTER XXV. can be opened with fine needles, and the blastoderm washed, stained, or impregnated with gold, and mounted in glycerin or balsam. For embryonic areas and more advanced embryos KOILIKER recommends putting the ovum into 0*5 per cent, solution of osmic acid until it has taken on a somewhat dark tint, which happens in about an hour, and then treating it with successive alcohols for several hours. If the ovum be adherent to the uterine mucosa the portion of the membrane to which it is fixed should be left, stretched out with pins, in O'l per cent, solution of osmic acid for from four to six hours. The blasto- dermic vesicle can then easily be removed, and further treated as before. For sections KOLLIKEE fixes with osmic acid. v. BENEDEN treats the ova for twenty-four hours with 1 per cent, solution of chromic acid, then washes well, and brings them through successive alcohols. Chromic acid has the advantage of hardening thoroughly the vesicle, and maintaining at the same time the epiblast cells perfectly adherent to the zona pellucida. v. BEN EDEN also recommends the liquid of Kleinenberg. HENNEGUY writes that he fre- quently employs it for embryonic areas and embryos of various ages, always with excellent results. FoPs modifica- tion of the liquid of Flemming, and Hanvier and Vignal's osmic acid and alcohol mixture (§ 36) also give excellent results. For staining, HENNEGUY recommends borax-carmine, or Delafield's haematoxylm for small embryos ; for large ones he found that his acetic acid alum-carmine was the only reagent that would give a good stain in the mass. For sections imbed in paraffin. £ee also WEYSSE, Proc. A-iner. Acad. Arts, and Sci., 1894, p. 285 (blastodermic vesicle of Sus fcrofa) ; SOBOTTA, Arch. mik. Aiiat., xlv, 1895, p. 15 (ovum of the Mouse; fixation in FLEW MING'S weak mixture, sections stained with BENDA'S iron ' haematoxylin), and Aimt. Hrfte, 1 Abth., viii, 1897sr 476 (Rabbit ; fixation with liquid of Flemming or pic with 2 per cent, acetic acid) ; BONNET, Hid., ix, L)7, p. 426 (Dog; fixation in sublimate) ; SELK^KA, Stiid.EtJw. d. Thi<'re} Wiesbaden, 1883, p. 5, and 1887, p. 107 (picrosulphuric acid for the mouse, and picric acid with -j1^ per cent, of chromic acid for Didelphys) ; KEII:EL, Ncnj'h. Arl., ii, 1893, p. 1J (Sus scrofa) ; NEUMAYEK, Fc'stxchr. /. Kitjffer, 1899, p. 458 EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS. 295 (embryos of the sheep best fixed in Carnoy's acetic acid,, alcohol, and chloroform, § 85) ; WINIWAKTER, Arch. Biol, xvii, 1900, p. 39 (mixture of 50 parts saturated sublimate in salt solution, 50 parts alcohol, 20 of 1 per cent, platinum chloride, and 5 of acetic acid) ; SPEE, Encycl. Hik. Techn., 1910, p. 353 (cornua of Cavia fixed for 12 to 24 hours in sublimate, and1 put into 0%5 per cent, osmic acid till light brown, then into iodine alcohol, in which the osmium is reduced) ; WIDAKOAVICH, Zeif. u-iss. Zool., xciv, 1909, p. 243 (Mus rattiiSj fixation in Zeiiker's mixture, or 2 parts of alcohol of 80 per cent, with 1 of formol ; also instructions for dissection). Aces. 593. Superficial Examination. — Instructions on this head are given in FOSTER and BALFOUH'S Elements of Embryology. The following is of more recent publication. If it be desired to observe a living embryo by transmitted light, the egg should be opened under salt solution, as de- scribed below. A little of the white is then removed through the window, the egg is lifted out of the liquid, and a ring of gummed paper is placed on the yolk so as to surround the embryonic area. As soon as the paper adheres to the vitel- line membrane, which will be in a few minutes, a circular incision is made in the blastoderm outside the paper ring. The egg is put back into the salt solution, and the paper ring removed, carrying with it the vitelline membrane and the blastoderm, which may then be brought into a watch- glass or on to a slide and examined under the microscope (DUVAL). 594. Gerlach's Window Method (Nature, 1886, p. 497).— Remove with scissors the shell from the small end of the egg ; take out a little white by means of a pipette; the blastoderm will become placed under- neath the window just made, and the white that has been taken out may be replaced on it. Paint the margins of the window with guni mucilage, andtobuild up on the gum a little circular wall of cotton wool ; place on it a small watch-glass (or circular cover glass), and ring it with gum. When the gum is dry the cover is further fixed in its place by means of collodion and amber varnish, and the egg is put back in its normal position in the incubator. The progress of the development may be followed lip to the fifth day through the window. 296 CHAPTER XXV. A description of further developments of this method, with figures of special apparatus, will be found in Ancd. Anz., ii, 1887, pp. 583, 609. See also PATON, Juurn. Exper. Zool., xi, 1911, p. 469 (cultivation of the embryo in vitro). 595. Preparation. — During the first twenty-four hours of incubation it is extremely difficult to separate the blastoderm from the yolk, and they should be fixed and hardened to- gether.* In later stages, when the embryo is conspicuous,, the blastoderm can easily be separated from the yolk, which is very advantageous. To open the egg, lay it on its side and break the shell at the broad end by means of a sharp rap ; then carefully remove the shell bit by bit by breaking it away with forceps, working away from the broad end until the blastoderm is exposed. The egg should be opened in salt solution, then lifted up a little, so as to have the blasto- derm above the surface of the liquid ; the blastoderm is then treated with some fixing solution dropped on it from a pipette (1 per cent, solution of osmic acid, or Ranvier and Vignal's osmic acid and alcohol mixture, iodised serum, solution of Kleinenberg, 10 per cent, nitric acid, etc.). By keeping the upper end of the pipette closed, and the lower end in contact with the liquid on the blastoderm, the blasto- derm may be kept well immersed for a few minutes, and should then be found to be sufficiently fixed to be excised. (Of course, if you prefer it, you can open the egg in a bath of any fixing liquid [10 per cent, nitric acid being convenient for this purpose] of such a depth as to cover the yolk ; and having exposed the blastoderm, leave it till fixed [fifteen to twenty minutes] ; but I think the procedure above described will generally be found more convenient.) The egg is put back into the salt solution, and a circular incision made round the embryonic area. The blastoderm may then be floated out and got into a watch-glass, in which it may be examined, or may be brought into a hardening liquid. ANDREWS (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxi, 1904, p. 177) separates the blasto- derm at this stage by injecting picro-sulphuric acid (not any rapidly acting fixative) firstly between the blastoderm and the vitelline mem- brane, so as to separate the two above, and then between the blastoderm and the yolk, so as to free the blastoderm below and float it up. This done, the membrane may be incised and the blastoderm removed. The injection is best done with a pipette having a fine point bent upwards. EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS. 297 Before putting it into the hardening fluid, the portion of vitelline membrane that covers the blastoderm should be removed with forceps and shaking. Fixation in 10 per cent nitric acid has the advantage of greatly facilitating the separation of the blastoderm. The acid should be allowed to act for ten minutes, after which it is well to bring the preparation into 2 per cent, solution of alum (cf. HOFMANN, Zeit. wiss. mik.,Xj 1893, p. 485). MITKO- PHANOW (Anat. Hefte, xii, 1899,, p. 200) fixes with nitric acid of 3 per cent., SUSCHKIN (Nouv. Mem. !$oc. Nat. Moscow, xvi, 1899, p. 34) with sublimate ; FISCHKL (Morph. Jahrb., xxiv, 1896, p. 371) with Rabl's platino-sublimate, § 76 (embryos of the duck) ; PATTERSON (BioL Bull. Wood's Hole, xiii, 1907, p. 252) with picro-sulphuric acid containing 8 per cent, of acetic acid, for an hour (ova of Columba) ; HOSKINS (Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., iv, 1907, p. 176), after removing shell, for 5 to 15 minutes in a mixture of 3 parts of 10 per cent, formol with 1 of 10 per cent, nitric acid, and then excises the embryo. In order to counteract the turning up of the edges of the blastoderm that generally happens during the process of hardening, it is well to get the blastoderm spread out on the convex surface of a watch-glass, and leave it so during the hardening. For hardening HENNEGUY prefers the osmic acid and alcohol mixture of Ranvier and Vignal, or Flemming's mixture fol- lowed by successive alcohols. Stain and imbed by the usual methods. Up to about the fiftieth hour embryos may be mounted entire in glycerin or balsam. 596. M. DUVAL'S Orientation Method (Ann. So. Nat., 1884, p. 3). — In the early stages of the development of the ova of Aves, before the appearance of the primitive streak, it is difficult to obtain a correct orientation of the hardened cica- tricula, so as to be able to make sections in any desired direc- tion. DUVAL, starting from the fact that during incubation the embryo is almost always found to be lying on the yolk .in such a position that the big end of the egg is to the left, and the little end to the right of it, marks the position of the blastoderm in the following way. 298 CHAPTER XXV. With a strip of paper 5 millimetres wide and 50 millimetres long you construct a sort of triangular bottomless box. You lay this on the yolk, enclosing the cicatricula in such a posi- tion that the base of the triangle corresponds to what will be the anterior region of the embryo, and its apex to the pos- terior region ; that is to say, if the big end of the egg is to your left, the apex of the triangle will point towards you. You now, by means of a pipette, fill the paper triangle with 0*3 per cent, solution of osmic acid. As soon as the prepara- tion begins to darken you put the whole egg into weak chromic acid, remove the white, and put the rest into clean chromic acid solution for several days. After hardening you will find on the surface of the yolk a black triangular area, which en- closes the cicatricula and marks its position ; you cut out this area with scissors and a scalpel, and complete the harden- ing with chromic acid and alcohol. See also the method of Hi ROTA, Jo-urn. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1895, p. 118. 597. KIUNKA'S Orientation Method (Auat. Hej'te, 1 Abth., iii, 1894, p. 414). — Open the egg under salt solution, free it from the shell and albumen, and mark the poles by sticking into it, at about a centimetre from the blastoderm, two hedge- hog spines, the one at the obtuse end being marked with a red thread. Put the whole for ten minutes into water at 90° C., then bring into 70 per cent, alcohol, and after twenty- four hours cut out the blastoderm and a little }'olk round it in the shape of an isosceles triangle, whose base marks the anterior end of the blastoderm. Paraffin sections stained with borax-carmine, washed out witli acid alcohol containing one drop of concentrated solution of Orange G for each 5 c.c., which stains the yolk. 598. VIALLETON'S Method (Anat. Anz., vii, 1892, p. 624).— Egg opened in salt solution, blastoderm excised and removed to a glass plate, then treated with 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution, washed with water, and put into 70 per cent, alcohol for six to twelve hours in the dark. Borax-carmine, alcohol, damar. "599. BOHM and OPPEL (Taschenluch, 1896, p. 80) fix ova with fairly large embryos in a mixture of 20 parts 3 to 5 per cent, nitric acid and 1 to 2 parts 1 per cent, silver nitrate. EMBKYOLCHUCAL MtiTHODS. 290 Reptilia. 600. General Directions. — The methods described above for birds are applicable to reptiles. During the early stages the blastoderm should be hardened in situ on the yolk ; later the embryo can be isolated, and treated separately. BOHM and OITEL (Taschenbuch, 1900,, p. 186) remove the shell under salt solution, fix in sublimate with 20 per cent, acetic acid, or in Lo BIANCO'S chromo-sublimate (§ 72), then remove the blastoderm and bring it into alcohol. 601. Special Cases. — MITSUKURI (Jowrn. Coll. Sc. Japan, vi, 189 i, p. 229) fixes embryos of tortoises chiefly with picro- sulphuric acid. To study the blastoderm he removes the whole of .the shell and as much as possible of the albumen, marks the place where the blastoderm lies with a hair, brings the whole, with the blastoderm uppermost, into the fixative, and a.fter a few hours cuts out the blastoderm and further hardens it by itself. Young embryos generally adhere to the shell and can, therefore, be fixed in a piece of it made to serve as a watch-glass, then after half-an-hour can be removed from it and further hardened alone. If the embryonal membranes have been formed, the shell may be scraped away at some spot and there treated with picro- sulphuric acid until a small hole is formed ; then by working away from this spot, by means of scraping and dropping acid on to it, the whole of the shell may be removed. WILL (Zool. Jalirb,, Abth. Morplt., vi, 1892, p. 8) opens ova of Platy dactyl us in the fixative (chiefly chromic acid, or chromo-aceto-osmic acid with very little osmic acid) and hardens the embryos on the yolk ; so also for Ciat-ndo and Lacerta (1893 and 1895). MEHNERT (Anat. Anz., xi, 1895, p. 257) does not approve of these methods ; for his own see Morph. Arb. Schwalbe, i, 1891, p. 370. GERHARDT (Anat. Anz., xx, 190J, p. 244) fixes ova of Tropidvnotus for 24 hours in Nowak's mixture, § 112. BALLOWITZ (EiitwicM. d. Kreiizotter, 1903, p. 19) first fixes segments of the uterus, each containing an ovum, for 1 or 2 hours, then tears them open with forceps, isolates the ova, and puts them into fresh fixative, and thence into alcohol of 40 per cent. 300 CHAPTER XXV. NICOLAS (Arch. Anat. Hie.., 1900, p. 457) finds the best fixative for ova of the slow-worm, as for other large ova, is BOLTINGS picro-formol (§ 110). See also PKRENYI, § 48, and Zool. Anz.} 1888, pp. 139 and 196, and other methods in early editions. Amphibia. 602. Preliminary. — In order to prepare ova for section- cutting, it is essential to begin by removing their thick coats of albumen. This may be done by putting them for two or three days into 1 per cent, solution of chromic acid, and shaking well ; but ova thus treated are very brittle, and do not afford good sections. A better method is that described by WHITMAN (Amer. Natural., xxii, 1888, p. 857.), and by BLOCHMANN (Zool. Am., 1889, p. 269). WHITMAN puts the fixed eggs into a 10 per cent, solution of sodium hypochlorite diluted with 5 to 6 volumes of water, and leaves them there till they can be shaken free, which happens (for Necturus) in a few minutes. BLOCHMANN takes eau de Javelle (potas- sium hypochlorite), and dilutes it with 3 to 4 volumes of water, and agitates the eggs previously fixed with solution of Flemming, for fifteen to thirty minutes in it. See also § 589. LEBRUN (La Cellule, xix, 1902, p. 316) advises fixing ova of Anura for not less than 1| hours in liquid of Gilsor., § 69. The outer envelopes are then hard, and may be easily incised and the ovum extracted by pressing on the pole opposite to the incision. The operation should not be delayed until after hardening in alcohol. Similarly (ibid., xx, 1902, p. 12), for Urodela. GUYER (Amer. Nat., xli, 1907, p. 400) finds it suffice to roll the ova (either fresh or fixed, but before bringing into alcohol) on blotting paper. 603. Imbedding.— A great difficulty with the ova of Am- phibia lies in their becoming extremely brittle on imbedding in paraffin. CAKNOY and LEBRUN (La Cellule, xii, 1897, p. 212) fix ovaries or ovarian ova for fifteen minutes to three quarters of an hour (but see last §) in Gilson^s mercuro-nitric fluid, § 69, and preserve them in 80 per cent, alcohol. To imbed, they are brought for a quarter of an hour into 95 per EMBRYOLOGICAL METHODS. 301 cent, alcohol, five minutes in absolute alcohol, then into a mixture of alcohol and chloroform in equal parts, and as soon as they sink in that they are put into pure chloroform. Paraffin is added to the chloroform, enough to about double the volume of the whole, and the whole is put for about three hours into a stove at 35° C. Lastly, the ova are put for not more than fice minutes into a bath of pure paraffin at 52° C. Later (ibid., xix, 1902, p. 317) LEBRUN explains that it is important not to dehydrate completely with -absolute alcohol ; the ova should be left in alcohol of 96 per cent, until chloro- form can be added without the mixture becoming turbid, and a second bath of clean paraffin should be added. See also MORGAN, Devel. of the Frog's Egg, New York, 1897, p. 171. 604. Siredon.- -The ova are easier to prepare than those of the An ura, because the yolk is separated from the albu- minous layer by a wide space filled with a liquid that is not coagulated by reagents. Put the eggs for a few hours into picro-sulphuric acid, then pierce the inner chorion with fine scissors or needles, and gently press out the ovum. Harden in alcohol. FICK (Zeif. iciss. ZooL, Ivi, 1893, p. 529) uses a mixture of 250 parts of 1 per cent, chromic acid, I of acetic acid, and 750 of water. 605. Triton ( SCOTT and OSBORN, Quart. Journ. Mic. Soc., 1879, p. 449). --The albumen is here present in the form of several concentric coats, which are very delicate. Incise each of them separately with fine scissors, turn out the ovum, and fix it in solution of Kleinenberg. HERTWIG (Jen. Zeit. Naturw., 1881—2, p. 291) puts the eggs into a mixture of equal parts of 2 per cent, acetic acid and 0'5 per cent, chromic acid. After ten hours he incises the membranes, opening one end of the inner chorion, and turns out the embryos and brings them into successive alcohols. MICHAELIS (Arch. mile. Anat., xlviii, 1896, p. 528) fixes ova, with their envelopes, in a mixture of concentrated sublimate solution and concentrated picric acid, twenty parts each, glacial acetic acid 1, and water 40, but removes the envelopes before bringing into alcohol. 302 CHAPTER XXV. 606, Salamandra (RABL, Morphol. Jahrb., xii, 2, 1886, p. 252). — For his more recent methods see § 587. G-KONROSS (Anat. Anz., xiv, 1898, p. 461) fixes the ova with a mixture of 50 parts each of saturated sublimate and 0'5 per cent, chromic acid with one part of acetic acid. 607. Rana (0. HERTWIG, Jen. Zeit. Naturw., xvi, 18S3, p. 249). — The ova are thrown into nearly boiling water (90° to 96 C.) for five or ten minutes. The albuminous envelope of the ovum is then cut open, and the ovum extracted under water. The ova are then brought into 0'5 per cent, chromic acid for not more than twelve hours, or into alcohol of 70, 80, and 90 per cent. Chromic acid makes ova brittle and attacks the pigment, whilst alcohol preserves it, which is frequently important for the study of the germinal layers. MORGAN (Anier. Nat., xxv, 1891, p. 759, and Derel. of the Frog's Egg, 1897, p. 171) has the following. During the periods in which it is difficult or impossible to remove the inner jelly-membrane the eggs can be freed as follows : Each egg is cut out with scissors from the general jelly-mass, and put for from one to twelve hours into saturated solution of picric acid in 70 per cent, alcohol containing 2 per cent, of sulphuric acid. Wash in several changes of alcohol of 70 per cent. About the second day in this the inner membrane begins to swell, and on the third or fourth day may be pierced by a needle, and the egg removed and placed in 80 percent, alcohol (see also WHITMAN, Metli. of Research, p. 156). SCHULTZE (Arch. mik. Anat., Iv, 1899, p. 174) removes with scissors the outer layers of albumen, and puts the ova for five minutes in 2 per cent, formol warmed to 75 or 80° C. The membrane left on the ova then rises up suffi- ciently to allow the ova to be got out with needles. See also BORN (ibid., xliii, 1894, p. 1). KING (Journ. Morph., xvii, 1901, p. 295, and xix, 1908, p. 370) fixes (for a few minutes) the spawn (of Bufo) in sublimate (saturated with 5 per cent, of acetic acid), or in Flemming, Zenker, or Hermann, brings into alcohol, first of 50 and then 80 per cent., and removes the jelly after a few days. BLES (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, -xli, 1905, p. 792) takes for ova formol of 10 per cent., but for embryos and larvre the mixture given § 109, EMBRYOLOGfOAL METHODS. 303 BOUIN takes for larva) of Rana the formol-sublimate mixture 6 112. 0 608. Sulphate of Copper Liquid (FoL, Lehrbuch, p. 106, after REMAK and GOETTE) ; for hardening ova of Amphibia : 2 per cent, solution of sulphate of copper . 50 c.c. Alcohol of 25 per cent. . . . 50 ., Rectified wood vinegar . . 35 drops. Pisces. 609. Teleostea in General.- -The ova of many of the bony fishes can be studied by transmitted light in the living state; but those of the Salinonida) must be hardened and removed from their envelopes for the study of the external forms of the embryo. To this end they may be put for a few minutes into water containing 1 to 2 per cent, of acetic acid, and thence into 1 per cent, chromic acid. After three days the capsule of the ovum may be opened at the side opposite to the embryo, and be removed with fine forceps. The ovum is put for twenty-four hours into distilled water, and then into suc- cessive alcohols. Embryos thus prepared show no deforma- tion, but the vitellus rapidly becomes excessively hard and brittle, so as greatly to interfere with section-cutting. The following processes give good results as regards section-cutting. Put the ova for a few minutes into 1 per cent, osmic acid ; as soon as they have taken on a light brown colour bring them into Muller's solution. Open them therein with fine scissors — the vitellus, which immediately coagulates on con- tact with air, dissolves, on the contrary, in Miiller's solution — and the germ and cortical layer can be extracted from the capsule of the ovum. They should be left in clean Mtiller's solution for a few days, then washed with water for twenty- four hours, and brought through successive alcohols. Another method (HENNEGUY) is as follows : The ova are fixed in solution of Kleineiiberg containing 10 per cent, of acetic acid. After ten minutes they are opened in water containing 10 per cent, of acetic acid, which dissolves the vitellus. The embryos are put for a few hours into pure 304 CHAPTER XXV. solution of Kleinenberg, and are then brought through alcohol of gradually increasing strength. CHILD (quoted from SUMNER; Mem. New York Acad. Sci., ii, WOO, p. 78) fixes for about a minute in sublimate with 10 per cent, of acetic acid, and brings into formalin of 10 per cent., which is said to give a good fixation of the embryo without the yolk becoming hard. 610. KOLLMANN'S Fixative (KOLLMANN, Arch. Anat. Phys., 1885, p. 296). Bichromic of potash . . . . .5 per 100. Chromic acid . . . . . . 2 ,, Concentrated nitric acid . . . . 2 ,, For ova of Teleostea. Fix for twelve hours, wash with water for twelve hours, then remove the chorion, and put the ova into 70 per cent. alcohol. 611. RABL'S Method see § 587 ; for KOWALEWSKY'S see Zeit. wiss. Zool, xliii, 1886, p. 434, or Third Edition. 612. Salmonidse. — HENNEGUY'S methods have been given, § 609. KOPSCH (Arch. mik. Anat., li, 1897, p. 184), on the sug- gestion of VIRCHOW, fixes embryos for five or ten minutes in a mixture of 1 part of chromic acid to 50 of glacial acetic acid and 450 of water, then removes into chromic acid of 1 : 500, and as soon as may be removes the capsule and yolk under salt solution, and completes the hardening in the chromic acid or the saturated sublimate solution. Similarly, BEHRENS (Anat. Hefte, x, 1898, p. 233).— He opens the ova in the salt solution from the antipolar side, and frees the embryo from the yolk that remains by blowing the latter away with a fine-pointed glass tube. Similarly also SOBOTTA (ibid., 1902, p. 579). GUDGER (Proc. U.S. Nation. Mns., xxix, 1906, p. 448) fixes blastoderms in fresh liquid of Perenyi, which does not make the yolk too hard ; later stages in WORCESTER'S liquid (9 parts of saturated solution of sublimate in formol of 10 per cent, and 1 part of acetic acid), for half an hour to an hour, and brings gradually into alcohol of 70 per cent. BOUIN (C. R. Soc. Biol., Iv, 1903, p. 1691) fixes for 36 to 48 hours in picro-formol. RABL-RUCKHARD'S Method (Arch. Anat. Entw., 1882, p. 118).— Fix in 10 per cent, nitric acid for fifteen minutes. Remove the membranes to EMUKYOUMiK'AI, METHODS. o05 avoid deformation of the embryos, and put the ova back into the acid for an hour. Wash out in 1 to 2 per cent, solution of alum for an hour and harden in alcohol. Modification of this method by GOUONOWITSCH (see Morph. Jahrb., x, 1884, p. 381). 613> Selachia. — BEARD (Anat. Anz., xviii, 1900, p. 556) has found that the best fixatives for embryos of Raja are RabPs picro-platinic mixture, § 587 and sublimate. Living embryos can be observed by scraping the shell thin with a knife (KASTSCHENKO, Anat. Anz,, iii, 1888, p. 445, and His, Arch. Anat. Phys. Anat. AbtJi., 1897, p. 3). See also BKAUS, Morpli. Jahrb., xxxv, 1906, p. 250. 614. Amphioxus. — SOBOTTA (Arch, mil-. Anat.,, 1, 1897,, p. 20) fixes for twenty-four hours in liquid of Flemming ; HATSCHEK (Arb. Zool. lust. Wien., iv, 1881) in picro-sulphuric acid. Impregnation takes place in the evening, and seg- mentation is completed during the night. LEOROS (Grnndziige, LEU and MAYER, 1910, p. 288) fixes ova and embryos in equal parts of formol and Flemming. Sublimate is not good ; RabPs mixtures are better. Larvae and young animals ought first to be ana3sthetised with cocain in sea-water. After fixation they should remain only for as short a time as possible in alcohol. CfcUiFONTAiNE (Arcli . Biol., xxii, 1906, p. 287) fixes with Flemming or Hermann. For study of ova in toto he orients them on a slide in clove-oil-collodion which he sets with chloroform, and adds balsam. For sectioning, he orients in the same way on a layer of paraffin spread on a cover glass, and imbeds the whole in paraffin. 615. Pelagic Fish Ova. — WHITMAN (Amer. Natural, xvii, 1883, pp. 1204-5; and Methods of Research, etc., p. 152). — Fix by treatment first for five to ten minutes with a mixture of equal parts of sea-water and ^ per cent, osmic acid solution, and then for one or two days with a solution (due to Eisig) of equal parts of 0P25 per cent, platinum chloride and 1 per cent, chromic acid. Prick the membrane before transferring to alcohol. See also AGASSIZ and WHITMAN, uiProc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xx, 1884; and COLLINGE, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hint., x, 1892, p. 228. RAFFAELE (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1895, p. 169) fixes chiefly with liquid of Hermann (1 to 2 days), or with a mixture of Mingazzini (absolute alcohol 1, acetic acid 1, saturated sublimate solution in water 2). HEINKE and EHKENBAUM (Wins. Meeresunt. Komm. Wiss. Unt. D. 20 :>06 CHAPTKK xxv. Meere,.iii, Heligoland, 1900, pp. 205 and 213) prefer formol with 39 vols. of sea- water. Tunicata. 616. Ova.— DAVIDOFF (Mittli. Zool Stat. Nvapel, ix, 1, 1889, p. 118) fixes the ova of Dislaplia with a mixture of 3 parts of saturated solution of corrosive sublimate and 1 of glacial acetic acid for from half an hour to an hour ; or with a mixture of 3 parts of saturated solution of picric acid and 1 of glacial acetic acid for threo to four hours ; then 70 per cent, alcohol. CASTLE (Bidl. Hum. Harvard Coll., xxvii, 1896, p. 213j advises for ova of Ciona liquid of Perenyi for twenty minutes, followed by 70 per cent, alcohol for twenty-four hours, and for the larvae picro-nitric acid. 617. Test-Cells of Ascidians (MORGAN, Journ. of Horpliol., iv, 1890, p. 195). — Tease fresh ovaries in very weak osmic acid, wash in distilled water, treat for half an hour with 1 per cent, silver nitrate, wash for half an hour in 2 per cent, acetic acid and reduce in sunlight. Imbed in paraffin. By this process the limits of the follicle cells are demon- strated. 618. Buds.— PIZON (Ann. Sc. Nat., xix, 1893, p. 5) studies the gemmation of the composite Ascidians either on entire conns, which he first bleaches with peroxide of hydrogen and then stains; or by making sections, after auresthetising the colonies with cocain of 1 : 1000, fixing in glacial acetic acid or picro-sulphuric or liquid of Flemming, and staining in toto with borax carmine or alum carmine, or with a strong solution of methylen blue in alcohol of 90 or 100 per cent, (after BERNARD, ibid., ix, 1890, p. 97). HITTER (Journ. of Horph., xii, 1896, p. 150) recommends for fixing Perophora and Goodsiria picro-sulphuric acid. Bryozoa. 619. Statoblasts. — BRAEM (Bill. Zool., Chun and Leuckart, 6 Heft, 1890, p. 95) fixest statoblasts of Cristatella with hot concentrated solution of sublimate for ten minutes, brings them into water and there incises them with a razor, and after half an hour passes them gradually into alcohol. He stains with picro-carmine. UMBIIYOLOGICAL METHODS. 307 Mollusca. 620. Cephalopoda (Ussow, Arch, du li-iol., ii, 188], p. 582).- Segmenting ova are placed in 2 per cent, solution of chromic acid for two minutes, and then in distilled water, to which a little acetic acid (one drop to a watch-glassful) has been added, for two minutes. If an incision be now made into the egg-membrane the yolk flows away and the blastoderm remains ; if any yolk still cling to it, it may be removed by pouring away the water and adding more. WATASE (Journ. of Morphol.} iv, 1891, p. 249) kills the ova in the macerating mixture of the Hertwigs (§ 534), and as soon as the blastoderm turns white and opaque removes it under dilute glycerin. Treatment with liquid of Perenyi is recommended for surface views. VIALLETON (Ann. Sc. Nat., vi, 18S7, p. 168) brings ovarian ova of Sepia into a freshly prepared mixture of picro-snlphuric acid and 2 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash in equal parts, and after one or two minutes incises them in the equator, fixes for an hour and a half in picro- sulphuric acid the halves that contain the formative vitellus, separates this from the nutritive vitellus with a spatula, spreads it out, and hardens it in alcohol of 70 to 90 per cent. He fixes entire ova in liquid of Flemming or osmic acid. KOKSCHELT (Festschrift Leu chart, Leipzig, 1892, p. 348) fixes advanced embryos of Loligo in liquid of Flemming, sublimate, picro-sulphuric acid, or 0'2 per cent, chromic acid. This last is specially good for young embryos if it is washed out with many changes of picric acid. FAUSSKK (Mitth. ZooL Stat. Neapd, xiv, 1900, p. 83) recommends picro-nitric acid. Fix in this, harden in alcohol, bring the ova, still in their albumen, into hamialum, stain for 24 hours, wash in 1 per cent, alum solution for 24 hours, when the albumen will be found softened so that the ova can easily be extracted. 621. Gastropoda (HENNEGUY). — Ova of Helix may be fixed for from four to six hours in Mayer's picro-nitric acid. The carbonate of lime that encrusts the external membrane is thus dissolved, and the albuminous coat of the egg is 308 CHAPTER XXV. coagulated. The egg is opened with needles, the albumen comes away in bits, and the embryo can be removed. HENCHMAN (Ball. Mas. Conip. Zool., Harvard, xx, 1890, p. 171) fixes ova of LI max with 0'33 per cent, chromic acid, or with liquid of Perenyi. It is best to remove only the outer envelope before putting into the chromic acid, the inner membrane being removed after two or three minutes therein. Where Perenyi is used the membranes must be removed first, as the albumen will else coagulate in such a way as to prevent the removal of the embryos. MEISENHEIMER (Zeit. wiss. ZooL, Ixii, 1896, p. 417) dissects out the embryos of Limax and fixes them with picro-sulphuric acid or concentrated sublimate. Advanced embryos are first got into extension by means of 2 per cent, cocaine, or are rapidly killed with hot sublimate. SCHMIDT (Entw. Pulmonaten, Dorpat, 1891, p. 4) fixes the ova in toto with concentrated sublimate, and dissects them out afterwards. Similarly KOFOID (Ball. Mtis. Harvard Coll., xxvii, 1895, p. 35). Or, preferably, the ova are put into salt solution, the shell removed, the albumen removed with a pipette full of salt solution, which dissolves it ; the ova are then fixed for one minute in FoFs modification of liquid of Flemming, and brought direct into Orth's picro-litlmm-carmine. See also LINVILLE, ibid., 1900, p. 215, who adopts this method of shelling, but prefers fixing in acetic-acid-sublimate, or liquid of Perenyi. HEYDEU (Zeit. wiss. ZooL, xciii, 1909, p. 92), before imbed- ding embryos of Arion that have been fixed with sublimate, treats them for an hour or two with carbonate of soda of one tenth to one fifteenth per cent., which makes the stomach and intestine less brittle. HOLMES (Jour-ti. ofMcrpli., 11)00, p. 371) teases the egg-capsules of Plun- orbis in nitrate of silver of f per cent, .exposes to sunlight until the cell- limits come out, rinses with 0'2 per cent, hyposulphite of soda, puts for a few minutes into picric acid, and then through alcohol into balsam. See also WASHBURN,^wer. Anat.,\xvm, 1894, p. 528 (liquid of Flem- ming or 0'3 per cent, chromic acid, or 1 per cent, osmic acid, followed by liquid of Merkel). CONKLIN (Journ. of Morph., xiii, 1897, p. 7) fixs ova of Crepidula for fifteen to thirty minutes in picro-sulphuric acid, and stains with dilute acidified hajiiiatoxylhi of Delafield. EMBKYOLOCHCAL METHODS. 309 KOSTANECKI and WIER,/K.T>KI (Arcli. inik. Aunt., xlvii, 1896, ]). 313) tix the spawn of Pliysa fontiiialis either in 1 1 to 2 per cent, nitric acid, or in " sublimate and 3 per cent, nitric acid in the proportion of 2 : I" and bring tli rough suc- cessive alcohols. They imbed entire ova in paraffin, but isolated embryos in celloidin. «/ 622. CHITON, see MBTCALP, Stud, ttinl. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., v, 1893, p. 251. (Ova with young- embryos put for 20 to 45 seconds into eau de Labarraque, then into water, in which the chorion swells and can easily be removed.) 623. Lam3llibran3hiata. - STAUFFACHEK (Jena Zeit., xxviii, 1893, p. 196) fixes embryos of Cyclax in sublimate, stains with hseunalurn, and cuts in paraffin. LILLIE (Jt.uru. of Morpli., x, 1895, p. 7) fixes ova of Unio for ten to twenty minutes in liquid of Perenyi, and preserves them in 70 per cent, alcohol, or advanced embryos with liquid of Merkel or sublimate, larvae with OG5 to (H per cent, osmic acid, preserving them in glycerin. Glochidia may be cut with the shell in paraffin of 58° melting-point ; they may be anaesthetised with chloral hydrate before fixing. Aithropoda. 624. Fixation of Ova. — In many cases the ova of Arthropods are best fixed by heat (§ 13). This may be followed either by alcohol or some watery hardening agent. If it be desired to avoid heating, picro-nitric acid may be tried. 625. Removal of Membranes. — It may often be advisable not to attempt to remove them, but to soften them with eau, de Javelle or eau de Labarraque (see § 553). MORGAN (Amer. Natural., xxii, 1888, p. 357) recommends (for the ova of Periplttneta) eau de Labarraque diluted with five to eight volumes of water, and slightly warmed. This will soften the chitin membranes sufficiently in thirty to sixty minutes, if employed before fixing. Fixed ova take longer. The fluid must, of course, not be allowed to penetrate into the interior of the ovum. 626. HENKING'S Methods (Ze.it. «••/».id.} xlviii, 1896, p. 184) employed concentrated sublimate solution, or 3 per cent, nitric acid or mixtures of these two, for ovarian ova. VAN BENEDEN and NEYT (Bull. Acad. Bdg., 1887, p. 214) took equal parts of alcohol and acetic acid. BOVKKI (Jena Zeit.j xxi, 1887, p. 423) fixed in his picro-acetic acid, § 95 — a clearly inadequate method. GULICK (Aich. Zellforsch., vi, 1911) has " fixed " ova of Heteruki* for 22 hours in one third saturated picric acid with 3 per cent, of glacial acetic acid, and had them develop in alcohol of 70 per cent, to stages representing a normal development of several weeks. BORING (Arch. ZeUforsch., iv, 1909, p. 121) spreads ova of Ascaria on a layer of Mayer's albumen on a slide, sets the albumen with a drop of formol, fixes with 4 parts of alcohol to 1 of acetic acid, stains in alcoholic hydrochloric acid carmine, and mounts in glycerin. ARTOM (Zeit. iviss. M-ik., xxv, 1908, p. 5) freezes segments of the uteri of Ascan's in salt water, and cuts them with the freezing microtome into disks 30 fi thick, and fixes these with divers liquids. CERFONTAINE (ibid., xxix, 1912, p. 305) brings fixed ova from alcohol into absolute alcohol with 1 per cent, of clove oil, evaporates this doAvn to one tenth, puts into absolute alcohol with 5 per cent, of clove oil, evaporates again down to one tenth, then into the same with 5 per cent, of collodion added, evaporates almost entirely away, and passes through cedar oil into paraffin. Echinodermata, Ccelenterata, and Port/era. See the chapter on " Zoological Methods." CHAPTER XXVI. ( ' \ TOLOG ICAL M KTHODS . 644. Study of Living Cells. — In the young larva) of Am- phibia, bufcli An lira and Urodela, the gilb and caudal " fin," and sometimes other regions, may be studied in the living state. The Iarva3 may be fixed in a suitable eel], or wrapped in moist blotting-paper, or may be curarised ; or the tail may be excised. (It is preferable to cut through the larva close in front of the hind limbs.) In the living animal the epithelial cells and nuclei (in the state of repose) are so transparent as to be hardly visible in the natural state. They may, however, be brought out by curarising the larva ; or, still better, by placing the cura- rised larva for half an hour in 1 per cent, chloride of sodium solution. Normal larvae may be used for the study of the active state of the nucleus, but much time is saved by using curare. Curare. — Dissolve 1 part of curare in 100 parts water, and add 100 parts of glycerin. Of this mixture add from 5 to 10 drops (according to the size of the larva), or even more for large Iarva3, to a watch-glassful of water. From half to one hour of immersion is necessary for curarisation. The larvse need not be left in the solution until they become quite motionless ; as soon as their movements have become slow they may be taken out and placed on a slide, wrapped in blotting-paper. If they be replaced in water they return to the normal state in eight or ten hours, and may be re-cura- rised several times. Other Narcotics. — Three per cent, alcohol or 3 per cent, ether, or infusion of tobacco, may be used in a similar way. 318 CHAPTER XXVI. These reagents cause no obstruction to the processes of cell- division. Indifferent Media, — One per cent, salt solution, iodised serum, syrup, cold water ( + 1°C.), and warm water (35 — 40° 0.). The tail may be excised from the living animal and studied for a long time in these media (PfiREMESCHKO, Arch, tnik. Anal., xvi, 1879, p. 437). For the processes of staining living cells see § 208. 645. Study of Fresh and Lightly Fixed Cells.— So-called " indifferent ; liquids must not be believed to be without action on nuclei. Iodised serum, salt solution, serum, aqueous humour, lymph, better deserve the name of weak hardening agents. Between these and such energetic hardening agents as Flemming's mixture come such light fixing agents as picric acid or very dilute acetic acid. These it is whose employment is indicated for the study of fresh isolated cells. A typical example of this kind of work is as follows : Tease out a piece of living tissue in a drop of acidulated solution of methyl green (0'75 per cent, of acetic acid). This is a delicate fixing agent, killing cells instantly without change of form. Complete the fixation by exposing the pre- paration for a quarter of an hour to vapour of osmium, and add a drop of solution of Ripart and Petit and a cover. Or you may fix the preparation, after teasing, with vapour of osmium for half a minute to two minutes, then add a drop of methyl green, and after five minutes wash out with I per cent, acetic acid, and add solution of Ripart and Petit and cover. Or you may kill and fix the cells by teasing in solution of Hi part and Petit (to which you may add a trace of osmic acid if you like), and afterwards stain with methyl green. I have found Pictet/s chloride of manganese (§403) useful as an examination medium. A little solution of dahlia may be added to it. HENKING (Zeit. wiss. Mik.} viii, 189 J, p. 156) recommends a liquid composed of — Water 80 c.c. Glycerin . . . . 16 „ Formic acid . . . . 3 „ Osmic acid of 1 per cent. . . 1 „ Dahlia ...... 0*04 grm. CYTOLOG1CAL METHODS. 319 Other fixing agents, such as picric acid or weak sublimate solution, may of course be used. Other stains, too, such as Bismarck brown, and of .course other examination media than solution of llipart may be employed. But, for general purposes, the methyl - green - osmium - and - Ripart's - medium method gives such good results, and is so very convenient, that it may be called a classical method for the study of fresh cells. 646. Some Micro chemical Reactions. — Metliyl green is a test for chromatinj in so far as (with fresh cells) it colours nothing but the chromatin in, t/ie nucleus, see § 276. It is, however, not a perfect test, for the intensity of the coloration it pro- duces varies greatly in different nuclei, and may in certain nuclei be extremely weak, or (apparently) even altogether wanting. In these cases other tests must be applied in order to establish with certainty the presence or absence of that element. Chromatin is distinguished from albuminoids by not being soluble, as these are, in water and in weak mineral acids, such as O'l per cent, hydrochloric acid. It is easily soluble in concentrated mineral acids, in alkalies, even when very dilute, and in some alkaline salts, such as carbonate of potash and biphosphate of soda. In the presence of 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride it swells up into a gelatinous mass, or even, as frequently happens, dissolves entirely (CAENOY,_Bio£. Cell., pp. 208 — 9). It is only partially digestible (when in situ in the nucleus) in the usual laboratory digestion fluids. The solvents of chromatin that are the most useful in practice are 1 per cent, caustic potash, fuming hydrochloric acid, or cyanide of potassium, or carbonate of potash. These last generally give better results than dilute alkalies. They may be employed in solutions of 40 to 50 per cent, strength. If it be desired to remove all the chromatin from a nucleus the reaction must be prolonged, sometimes to as much as two or three days, especially if the operation be conducted on a slide and under a cover-glass, which is the safer plan. These operations must be performed on fresh cells, for hardening agents render chromatin almost insoluble in ammonia, potash, or sodic phosphate, etc. Hydrochloric 320 rilAL'TEll XXVI. acid; however, still swells and dissolves it, though with difficulty. \j Chromatm resists the action of dit/i.-sliue fluids much longer than the albumins do ; so that a moderate digestion serves to free the chromosomes from any caryoplasmic gran illa- tions that may obscure them, whilst at the same time it clears up the cytoplasm. UNNA (Monatschr. prakt. Derm., xxxiii, 1901, p. 342) digests tissues in solutions of sodium chloride, to remove the granoplasm. For Glycoyen see CREIGHTON, The Formative Property of Glycoyen, London, 1896; GAGE, Trans. Amer. Micr. Sec., xxviii, 1908, p. 203; KATO, Arch. Ges. Phys., cxxvii, 1909, p. 125 ; BEST, Zeit. wiss. Mikr., xx, 1904, p. 358, and xxiii, 1909, p. 319 ; BUSCH, Arch. Intern. Phys., iii, 1905, p. 51 ; MAYER, Zeit. wiss. Mihr., xxvi, 1909, p. 513 ; ARNOLD, Sitzb. Heidelberg. Acad. Wiss., 1909, p. 1, 1910, p. 3, and 1911, 14 Abh. ; Arch. Path. Anat., cxciii, 1908, p. 175 ; Arch. milt. Anat., Ixxiii, 1909, p. 265 ; Ixxvii, 1911, p. 346 ; Beitr. path. Anat., li, 1911, p. 439 ; FRAENKEL, Virchoivs Arch., 1911, p. 197 ; ZIEGWALLNER, Zeit. iviss. Mile., xxviii, 1911, p. 152 ; NEUBERT. Beitr. path. Anat., xlv, 1909, p. 38 ; ERHARD, Arch. Zellforsch., viii, 1912, pp. 447 and 507 ; EHRLICH and LAZARUS, Die Anaemie, 1898, p. 30 ; PEKELHARING, Petrus Camper, Deel I, 1901, p. 231 ; DRIESSEN, Zsit. wiss. Mik., xxii, 1905, p. 422 ; FISCHER, Anat. Anz., xxvi, 1905, p. 399; FIESSINGER, C. R. Sac. Biol.,lxvi, 1909, p. 183; NEUKIRCH, Arch. path. Anat., cc, 1910, p. 82; YASTARINI-CRESI, Att. Ace. Med. Chir. Napoli, xli, 1907, p. 350, and xliii, 1909, p. 109 ; SILBERMANN and OzOROWiTZ, Ball. Soc. Sci. Bucarest, xvii, 1908, p. 43. For Phosphorus see MACALLUM, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixiii, 1898, p. 467 ; HEINE, Zeit. Phys. Chemie, xxii, 1896, p. 132; BENSLEY, Biol. Bull. Wood's Holl, x, 1906, p. 62 ; SCOTT, Joimi. Phys. Cambridge, xxxv, 1906, p. 119. For Iron see MACALLUM. Eryeb. Phys. Wiesbaden, vii, 1908, p. 565 ; TIRMANN, Goerbersdorfer Veroe/entL, ii, 1898, p. Ill ; MACALLUM, Quart. Joiun. Micr. Sci., xxxviii, 1895, p. 175 ; SCHNEIDER, Mittli. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1895, p. '208; CARNOY and LEBRUN, La Cellule, xii, 1897, p. 275 ; SUMITA, Arch. path. Anat., cc, 1910, p. 2cO ; ZALESKI, Zeit. Phys. Chemie, xiv, 1890; WASSERMANN, Anat. Hefte, xlii, 1910, p. 2ho. For Copper see BOYCE and HERDMAN, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixii, 1897, p. 35 ; MACALLUM, Joiu-n. Phys. Camiridye, xxii, 1897, p. 92; MARFORI, Arch. Ital Biol., xxx, 1898, p. 186. For Zinc see MENDEL and BRADLEY, Amer. Journ. Phys., xiv, 1905, p. 320. For Lime salts see GRANDIS and MAININI, Arch. Ital. Biol., xxxiv, 1900, p. 75 ; SCHAFFER, Zeit. u-iss. Zool., Ixxxix, 1908, p. 13 ; LEUTERT, Encycl. mikr. Technik, ii, p. 588; STOELTZNER, Arch. path. Anat., clxxx, 1905, p. 363 MACALLUM, Eryel. Phys. Wiesbaden, vii, 1908, p. 612. OYTOLOGICAL MKTHODS. 321 For Potassium see MACALLUM, Journ. Phys. Cambridge, xxxii, 1905, p. 95 ; Ergeb. Pliys. Wiesbaden, vii, 1908, p. 600. For Guanin see GIACOMO, Zeit. iviss. MiJc., xxvii, 1910, p. 257. Concerning the microchemistry of the cell in general see further fourth edition; also CARNOY & LEBRUN, La Cellule, xii, 2, 1897, p. 194; ZIMMER- MANN, Die Morphologic u. Physiologic des PflanzUchen Zelllternes, Jena, 1896 (treats also of the animal cell) ; HAECKER, Praxis u. Theorie der Zellemmd Sefruchtungslehre, Jena; PRENANT, Jown. Anat. Phys., xlvi, 1910, p. 343. 647. Cytological Fixing Agents.- -A fixing agent that is good for one element of a cell is not necessarily good for all others. As regards the nucleus, all fixatives should be acid; for if not they will not satisfactorily preserve either chromatin or nucleoli. For instance, bichromate of potash, if not rendered acid, fixes chromosomes and nucleoli in a distended state so that clear images of them are not obtained. Acids contract them somewhat, and so give them sharper outlines. The fixatives mostly employed for nuclei are liquid of FLEMMING and liquid of HERMANN. There is a slight differ- ence between them. Liquid of Hermann, owing to the platinum chloride, causes chromatin to shrink more than liquid of Flemming does, and for this reason is supposed to give clearer images of chromosomes, especially of their splitting. I find that it generally make s^hem shrink too much, and that it is not at all good for spindles. For many, if not most objects, I prefer to these two reagents BOUIN'S picro-formol, which gives a highly faithful preserva- tion and a more penetrating and equable fixation. Alongside of this I would place CAUNOY & LKBKUN'S acetic- acid-sublimate fluid, which gives equally fine images of chromosomes, and is still more penetrating. It is, however, not so good for spindles. For these I recommend Flemming (picro-formol does not give quite such bold images). Some of the finest chromosomes I have seen have been fixed with LINDSAY JOHNSON'S mixture (§ 44), and liquid of TELLYESNICZKY has given me others nearly if not quite as good. As regards the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is made up of two elements : a fibrillar element — the spongioplasm or mi tome ; 21 322 Oil AFTER XXVI. and a more or less granular liquid that bathes it — the hyaloplasm or enchylema. It does not follow that a reagent that will fix one of these will also fix the other. Nor is it always desirable that both should be equally fixed. If you fix both, you will have a full fixation ; but in that case the granules of the hyaloplasm (be they vital, or be they only "precipitation forms/' see § 29), and the secretions or other enclosures that may be present in it, may so mask the fibrils of the spongioplasm as to interfere with the observa- tion of it. So that if the latter is the principal object of study, a thin fixation, one in which the spongioplasm is entirely preserved, but the hyaloplasm only partly, may be the better. The spongioplasm is the easier to fix of the two, and the majority of acid fixatives will preserve it more or less. The best images I have obtained are those given by liquid of Flemming or Hermann in cells in which the action of the reagent has been moderate, i. e. insufficient to thoroughly fix the hyaloplasm at the same time. Nearly, if not quite, as good, is Bourn's picro-formol, which has the great advan- tage of being very favourable for plasma-staining. I have also had very good results with vom Rath's picro-osmic and picro-platinosmic mixtures, and with acid sublimate. Hyaloplasm is not nearly so easy to fix, and there are only two reagents in common use that readily give a really full fixation of it; these are osmic acid axidbichr ornate of potash. Osmic acid acts as a fixative of hyaloplasm in liquid of Flemming or Hermann, but only gives a full fixation in the outer layers of the material ; and in these it easily happens that many or most of the cells are ruined by over-fixation (see § 35). This defect may be to a certain degree corrected by taking the osmic acid weaker than is usual. Thus by successively reducing the proportion of this ingredient in liquid of Hermann,* I have found that it can be brought down to * NIESSING (Arch. mik. An at., xlvi, 1895, p. 147) lisis the following two modifications of Hermann's mixture : (1) Platinum chloride, 10 per cent, solution . . 25 Osmic acid, 2 per cent. . . . . .20 Glacial acetic acid ...... 5 Distilled water . 50 CYTOL'OCUCAL METHODS. 323 one eighth of the prescribed amount without loss of the dis- tinctive characters of the fixation. The defect of want of penetration seems to be incurable (see §§ 35 and 42). Substitution of more highly penetrat- ing reagents, such as picric acid, for the chromic acid or platinum chloride, does not help in the least; you only get the osmic fixation outside, no whit deeper than before, and a picro-acetic fixation, instead of a chrqmo- or platino-acetic one, in the deeper layers, that is all. In view of these defects of osmic mixtures, it may often be advisable, where hyaloplasm, or its enclosures, is the chief object of study, to have recourse to bichromate of potash. The formula that has given me the finest fixations is that of LINDSAY JOHNSON, but it has the drawback that there is risk of osmication in the outer layers. In this respect liquid of Tellyesniczky, § 52, is to be preferred. Corrosive sublimate gives a fairly full fixation ; but I believe it frequently produces serious artefacts, HEIDENHAIN'S " Lanthanin ' being one of them. Hcidenhaiir's solution, § 64, containing as it does some 11 per cent, of sublimate, without the addition of any acid to neutralise its shrinking action, seems to me to be an inadmissibly coarse reagent. I have, however, obtained with liquid of Carnoy-Lebrun, § 86, some most excellent fixations of cytoplasm. The aqueous solutions of sublimate are frequently used in preference to liquid of Flemming on account of the facilities they afford for the employment of certain stains ; but to that end I prefer BOUIN'S picro-f ormol . ALTMANN'S fixtives for nuclei see fifth edition, or Arch. Aunt. 1802, p. 223, and his Elementarorgamsmen, 1890. His mixture for his graiiula see § 43. See also THEOHARI (Journ. de I'A-nat., xxxvi, 1900, p. 216). (2) The same with a saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate instead of the water. They are both of them, in my opinion, as ill-imagined as possible. They contain some three times as much platinum chloride as Hermann's, and Hermann's contains already quite as much as it can bear, and, I think, much more than is advisable : see the proportions in the mixtures §§ 44 and 49. RABL (An at. Anz., iv, 1889, p. 21) employed it of from T\Y to i per cent, strength, which seems to me much nearer the mark. 324 CHAPTER XXVI. 648. Chromatin Stains. — For fresh tissues see § 645. For sections of hardened tissues, stains should be chosen amongst those that give a very intense as well as a very sharp coloration. Some years ago safranin and gentian violet were the most used. At the present time their place has been taken by the iron hrematoxylin of BENDA or HEID- ENHAIN. An alum haematoxylin such as well-ripened Dela- field's, or Ehrlich's, °r hremalum, may also give very good results. See also Thionin, Kernschwarz, and Iron Carmine, § 220. For BATAILLON and KoEHLER'sborax-methylen-blue see Comptes Rendus, cxvii, 1893, p. 521. 619. Nucleoli are " acidophilous ; in so far as, in fixed material, they select the acid dye or dyes from mixtures such as the Ehrlich-Biondi stain. With this they stain mostly red, sometimes orange. With fresh material they do not stain at all with acid methyl green (distinction from chromatin). But in fixed material treated with basic dyes (safranin, gentian, etc.) by the regressive method they stain more energetically than resting chromatin, and at least as much so as chromatin in the kinetic state. With iron-haematoxylin they stain sometimes full black, sometimes grey with a black shell. They can frequently be well demonstrated in unstained preparations examined in water, being brought out by their superior refractivity, and are sometimes visible in the living cell. One of the best ways of demonstrating them is to fix with strong liquid of Flemming, and stain with safranin, followed by differentiation with acid alcohol (§ 286). OBST (Zeit. wiss. ZooL, Ixvi, 1899) fixes in sublimate, stains in borax carmine, and then stains the sections for three hours in very dilute aqueous methyl green or solid green. Nucleoli blue, chromatin red. BUCHNER (Arch. Zellforscli., iii, 1909, p. 337) has found this useful for distinguishing the accessory chromosome in testis cells of Orfchoptera — normal chromosomes red, accessory and chromatin nucleoli blue-violet. ZIMMEUMANN (Zfiil l. wiss. If///., 1896, p. 463) stains for 10 minutes in a fresh mixture of 9 parts O'l per cent, aqueous CYTOLOGICAL METHODS. 325 iodine green with 11 parts concentrated aqueous solution of fuchsin, and differentiates in absolute alcohol with 1 per cent, of acetic acid and O'l per cent, of iodine. Nucleoli red, chromatm blue. FJSCHBR (Fixirung, etc., p. 140) adds 30 drops of hot O'l per cent, fuchsin solution to 100 c.c. of 0*3 to 0*5 per cent, solution of methyl green. MONTGOMERY (Journ. Morpli., xv, 1899) stains for an hour in Ehrlich's haematoxylin, and then for five minutes in con- centrated aqueous eosin, or first with concentrated aqueous methylen blue, and then with concentrated alcoholic solution of Brazilin. See also REDDINGIUS, Virchow's Arch., clxii, 1900, p. 206. For nucleoli of ova, LIST, Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1896, p. 480 ; of nerve-cells, RUZICKA, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1898, p. 453, and LEVI, Rio. Pat. Nerv. Meat. Firenze, iii, 1898, p. 289. 650. Plasma Stains. — I have been unable to discover a single thoroughly satisfactory one. Almost all of them colour too readily the enchylema or hyaloplasm at the same time as the spongioplasm. And, on the other hand, there are many important elements of cells which cannot be got to stain sufficiently. I consider Siiurefuchsin the most generally recommendable, especially after iron hamiatoxylin. See also Bordeaux R. Flemming's Orange Method has been much used. It is very capricious and unreliable. Ehrlich-Biondi mixture is a celebrated plasma stain. The Iron-Haemateiu Lakes of Beiida and M. Heidenhain give good plasma stains, according to the degree of extrac- tion, and would be inferior to none were it not that they stain in the same tone as the chromatin. See also Ehrlich/s tri-acid, and his acidophilous mixture, also yold chloride, Apathy's process, § 371, and Kemschii'arz, Imperfectly stained plasma structures can often be well brought out by mounting in Euparal instead of balsam. 651. Centrosomes.- -These can be stained by some "acid' anilin dyes, better by a " neutral J dye (e. y. Flemming's orange method, or the Ehrlich-Biondi-Heidenhain stain) . But by far the lest stain is iron-h&matoxylin. 326 CHAPTER XXVI. It is said by Heidenhaiii that the stain is obtained in a sharper form by combining the hyematoxylin. stain with a foregoing stain with Bordeaux R. He directs (Arch. mik. Anat., xlii, 1894, p. 665) that the sections (sublimate sections were used by him) are to be stained for twenty-four hours or more in " a weak " solution of Bordeaux, until they have attained such an intensity of colour as that " they would just be fit for microscopic examination with high powers" (/. c., p. 440, note), and that they be then brought into the ferric alum. After mordanting and staining, the ha3matoxylin is to be extracted in the iron alum until the chroniatin has become entirely or almost entirely colourless. Instead of Bordeaux, " anilin blue " may be used in the same way. The images of these objects given by iron-heematoxylin require to be interpreted with special care. For they sometimes exhibit the phenomenon termed by FISCHEE (Fixirung, Fdrbuny und Ban des Protoplasmas, 1899, p. 31, et passim) " Spiegelfaerbung," that is — a bull's eye effect. Globular or even elongated objects, such as chromosomes, do not always yield up their stain simultaneously and equally throughout their whole depth, but lose it suddenly and entirely in their outer layers, whilst retaining it in its full strength in their deeper layers. The still-stained parts thus remain separated from the decoloured parts by a sharply- defined limit ; so that a spherical granule in this state will show a central point deeply stained — the bull's eye — and around it a perfectly colourless area — the white of the target. And when the object is in balsam it is frequently quite impossible to distinguish the outer limit of this colourless area, so that the whole object appears to have only the dimensions of the stained area. It seems that certain erroneous observations that have been published have been due to this deception. HERMANN (Arch. mik. Anat., xxxvii, 4, 1891, p. 583) recommends a modification of the hsematoxylin impregnation method of PAL, for which see fourth edition ; also his paper, " Methodeii zum Stadium des Archo- plasmas" in Ergebnisse der Anatomie, Band ii, 1892 (1893), p. 23. For HEIDENHAIN'S Vanadium hsematoxylin, see § 269. BENDA (Verli. Phy». Ges. Berlin, November, 1900, Nr. 1-2; Verh. Anat. Ges., xv, 1901, p. 167) gives the following as succedanea of the iron hsematoxyliii method : The material is to be fixed in alcohol of about 93 per cent, for two days, then treated for twenty-four hours with nitric acid diluted with 10 vols. of water. Then bichromate of potash of 2 per cent., twenty-four hours ; chromic acid of 1 per cent., forty-eight hours; water, twenty-four hours; alcohol; paraffin (or sections by CYTOLOGICAL MKTHODS. 327 freezing). The sections are stained either by iron hasmatoxylin (twenty- four hours in the mordant and in the stain, with differentiation in Weigert's borax-ferricyanide), or by either of the two following methods : («) The sections are oxidised for five minutes in 0'5 per cent, solution of permanganate of potash, reduced in PAL'S oxalic mixture till they become white (about three minutes), dried with blotting-paper flooded with WEIGERT'S methyl-violet-oxalic mixture, or with the crystal-violet solution, § 330, dried, rinsed with solution of LTJGOL, rinsed, dried again with blotting paper, differentiated with a mixture of equal parts of xylol and anilin oil, dried, rinsed with xylol, balsam. (b) Sections mordanted twenty-four hours in iron alum of 4 per cent, or liquor ferri, § 241, diluted with 2 vols. of water, rinsed, stained twenty- four hours in the sol. of sulphalizarinate of soda, § 653, rinsed, mopped with blotting-paper, warmed in O'l per cent. sol. of toluidin blue till vapour is given off, stained fifteen minutes more in the same solution whilst cooling, dipped in acetic acid of 1 per cent., dried with blotting- paper, dipped in alcohol, differentiated about ten minutes in beech-wood creosote, dried with blotting-paper, rinsed many times with xylol, then balsam. The Nel>enltcrn of spermatic cells may be studied by tlie methods indicated for centrosomes. Kernschwarz is also very useful here. 652. Cell Granules. — For the study of the conspicuous " granules," undoubtedly metabolic products, occurring in certain gland-cells and blood- and lymph-corpuscles, and in certain elements belonging to the group of connective tissues, see the sections on " Connective Tissues." The most gener- ally employed stains are the mixtures of EHKLICH. Intro, vitam staining is useful here (see § 208). See also ARNOLD, Anat. An?.., xxi, 1902, p. 417. BENDA (Verh. phys. Ges. Berlin, 1899-1900, Nr. 1-4, and Verh. Anat. Ges., xv, 1901, p. 172) gives the following method for demonstrating secretion-granules and distinguish- ing them from other granules : Harden for 24 hours in 10 per cent, formalin, then for one day in 0'25 per cent, chromic acid, one in 0'33 per cent, and 2 to 3 in 0'5 per cent., wash one day in water, dehydrate and make paraffin sections. Then stain with one of Ehrlich's mixtures, accord- ing as the granulations are basophilous, acidopliilous, or neutropliilous. The metliylen-blue and eosin process of Michaelis is recommended. For PUENANT'S Ergastoplasm see especially GARNIER, 328 CHAPTER XXVI. BHiliogr. Anat., Nov. 6th, 1897, p. 278,, and Juurn. de-VAnat., xxxvi, 1900, p. 22, and under " Mitochondria," next §. ALTMANN (Sttidlen i'iber die Zelle, 1886 ; Die Elementarorganismeu Leipzig, 1890 ; Arch. f. Aunt. u. Entwickel, 1892, p. 223; also Zeit. f. wiss. Milt., vii, 2, 1890, p. 199; ix, 3, 1893, p. 331; and L. and R. ZOJA, in Mem. R. 1st. Lombardo d,i Sci. e Lettere , xvi, 3, vii, p. 237) demon- strates his " Bioblasts " by fixing for twenty-four hours in a mixture of equal parts of 5 per cent, bichromate of potash and 2 per cent, osmic acid, imbedding in paraffin, staining sections for a minute 011 the slide held over a flame with a solution of 20 grins, of acid fuchsin in 100 c.c. of anilin water (§ 286), and washing out with saturated alcoholic solution of picric acid diluted with 2 volumes of water, heat being used as before to aid the differentiation, and finally clearing with xylol and mounting in balsam. See hereon the critique of FISCHER, in his Fixiruny, Faerbung, u. Ban des Protoplasmas, pp. 108, 295 (these granules mainly artefacts). 653. Mitochondria (Chondriosomes, Chondriokonts, Chromidia, Ergastoplasm, etc.). — These formations are fixed, more or less abundantly, by most of the usual fixatives. But some kinds of them seem to be attacked by organic acids ; so that it is well to reduce the proportion of these in mixtures. 'I'h us BENDA for this purpose makes up Flemming's strong mixture with only three to six drops of acetic acid to 15 c.c. of the chromic, and 4 c.c. of the osmic. MKVES (Eiicycl. mill. Techn., 1910, i, p. 476) takes 15 c.c. of chromic acid of 0'5 to 1 per cent., containing 1 per cent, of sodium chloride, with 3 to 4 c.c. of osmic acid of 2 per cent., and three to four drops of acetic acid. Similarly, DUESBERG (Arch. Zdlfurtich., iv, 1910, p. 605). CHAMPY (Arch. d'Anat. Mi,:, xiii, 1911, p. 55) takes 7 parts of bichromate of potash of 8 per cent., 7 of chromic acid of 1 per cent., and 4 of osmic acid of 2 per cent. Or iodide of sodium 15 grins. ; water 800 grins. ; formol 200 grins. ; iodide of mercury to saturation. Or simply formol. Some workers take ALTMANN'S osmic acid and bichromate, §43; so MEVES, Arch. miJc. Anat., Ixxvi, 1911, p. 683. REGAUD (Arch. Anat. mic., xi, 1910, fasc. 2 and 3) fixes either in 100 parts of 3 per cent, bichromate of potash with 20 of formol and 5 of acetic acid; or 80 parts of the bi- chromate to 20 of formol without acetic acid; or in 20 parts saturated aqueous picric acid with 5 of formol ; or in formol of 10 per cent. ; and in either case mordants for one to OYTOLOGICAL METHODS. 329 four weeks in bichromate of 3 per cent., and stains in iron haematoxylin. Mitochondria are frequently found stained by many of the current stains, iron haematoxylin in particular sometimes staining them with a sharpness that is not attained by any other method. These results are more or less accidental and sporadic : but it is claimed for BEN DA'S alizarin method that it gives a certain and specific stain of them, enabling them to be distinguished from other morphologically similar formations. BKNDA'S Alizarin Method (Ergebnisse der Anat., xii, 1902 (1903), p. 752, and other places) is as follows: — Harden for eight days in strong liquid of Flemining (the acetic acid therein being reduced to three drops). Wash for an hour in water and put for twenty-four hours into a mixture of equal parts of pyroligneous acid and 1 per cent, chromic acid, then for twenty-four hours into bichromate of potash of 2 per cent., wash for twenty-four hours and imbed in paraffin. Sections on the slide are mordanted for twenty-four hours with 4 per cent, solution of ferric alum or diluted liq. ferri sulfur. oxydat., then rinsed with water and put for twenty-four hours into an amber-yellow aqueous solution of Kahlbaum's sulf alizarin ate of soda, prepared by dropping 1 c.c. of saturated alcoholic solution thereof into 80 to 100 c.c. of water. Rinse in water, Hood the slides with the solution of crystal violet § 330, diluted with an equal vol. of water, and warm till vapour is given off. Rinse, differentiate one or two minutes in oO per cent, acetic acid (till the nuclei come out reddish), wash in running water for five to ten minutes, dry with blotting paper, dip into absolute alcohol, pass through bergamot oil into xylol and balsam. Mitochondria violet, chromatin and " archoplasm ' brown-red, certain secretion granules pale violet, centrosomes red violet. Instead of the staining solution prescribed above (which may be kept in stock) you may take (Encycl., ii, p. 198) a freshly prepared mixture of equal parts of anil in water and saturated alcoholic solution of crystal violet — and this is to be preferred. PRENANT (Jouni. de VAnat. ct Pliys., xlvi, 1910, p. 217) finds tlmt methylen or toluidin blue, or other basic dyes, may he used instead of the crystal violet. 330 CHAPTER XXVI. See also some modifications by KOLSTER, Bcitr. path. Anat., li, 1911, p. 209, consisting in fixation and mordanting in certain chrome alum and chromium fluoride mixtures. DUESBERG (loc. cit. ante) has found that the treatment with the chromic and pyroligneous acid and bichromate may be suppressed— with advantage. SZUTS employs the aluminium-alizarin stain given § 335, in lieu of the iron-alizarin for Benda's process. Some workers (so MEVES) prefer to harden as BENDA, but to stain with iron hsematoxylin instead of by the alizarin process ; the special hardening rendering the hsematoxylin stain sufficiently specific. Thus also DINGIER, Arch. Zell- forsch., iv, 1910, p. 673. ARNOLD (ibid., viii, 1912, p. 256) stains first with iron haematoxylin, differentiates, stains for twenty to thirty min- utes with saturated aqueous solution of thionin, passes up to absolute alcohol, stains for two minutes with Orange Gr. dissolved in clove oil, and passes through xylol into balsam. Chromatin blue, chondriosomes black. PENSA (ibid. p. 612) has studied the mitochondria and chloroplasts in plant cells by RAMON Y CAJAL'S silver method for neurofibrils, applied to sections of fresh tissues (a few minutes to an hour in silver of 1 to 2 per cent., reduction for ten minutes to an hour in a hydroquinoii bath). RENAUT (Comptes rend.,clii, 1911, p. 536) demonstrates mitochondria in fresh cartilage cells by mounting sections in a mixture of artificial serum and saturated aqueous solution of methyl violet 5 B. CHAPTER XXVII. TEGUMENTAliY ORGANS. 654. Epithelium. — Both for surface views and for sections good results are obtained by the nitrate of silver method, the methylen blue method, the percJduride of iron and pyrogallol method of the Hoggans, § 375, the osmic acid and pyrogallol process, § 374, and by iron-hsematoxylin. For the purpose of separating the epidermis from the corium, LOEWY (Arch. tnik-. Anat., xxxvii, 1891, p. 159) recommends macerating for twenty-four to forty-eight hours, at a temperature of about 40° C., in 6 per cent, pyroligneous acid. Acetic acid of J per cent. (PHILIPPSON) is also good. MINOT (Amer. Nat., xx, 1886, p. 575) macerates embryos for several days in 0'6 per cent, salt solution, MITROPHANOW (Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 573) for a quarter of an hour in 3 per cent, nitric acid, then 1 hour in one-third alcohol, and, if need be, 24 in stronger alcohol. MAYBE (Lotos, 2, xii, 1892) exposes the cornea or membrana nictitans of Rana, Bufo, and Mus for half a minute to the vapour of acetic acid, and then puts it into 0'5 per cent, salt solution. For ciliated epithelium see the methods of Engelmann under " Mollusca." 655. Intercellular Bridges (and Canals), Prickle Cells.— See IDE, in La Cellule, iv, 1888, p. 409, and v, 1889, p. 321 ; also KOLOSSOW, Arch. utik. Anat., lii, 1898, p. 1. KOLOSSOW used an osmic-acid-tamiin stain, § 374. See also FLEMMING, Anat. Hefte, 1 Abth, vi, 1895, p. 1. Besides maceration, impregnation may be useful ; MITRO- PHANOW (Arch. Anat. Phys., Phys. Abth., 1884, p. 191) has used gold chloride. 332 CHAPTER XXVII. UNNA (Monatsschr. prakt. Derm., xxxvii, 1903, p. 1) has described a highly complicated process with Wasserblau and orcein, see Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxi, 1904, p. 68. 656. Plasma-fibrils of Epithelium. — KROMAYER'S process (Arch. inik. Anat., xxxix, 1892, p. 141) is as follows : Sections are stained for five minutes in a mixture of equal volumes of anil in water (§ 286) and concentrated aqueous solution of methyl violet 6 B. They are well washed in water and treated with solution of iodine in iodide of potassium until they become blue-black (one to thirty seconds). They are again washed with water, dried with blotting-paper, and treated with a mixture of 1 vol. of anil in to 2 vols. of xylol until sufficiently differentiated, when they are brought into pure xylol. Very thin sections will require more xylol in proportion to the anilin, viz. 1 : 3 or 1 : 4 ; thicker ones may require more anilin, viz. 3 : 5 or 3 : 3. Gentian or Krystall- violett will do instead of methyl violet, but not quite so well. See also EHRMANN and JADASSOHN, Arcli. Dermatol. u. Syphilis, 1892, 1, p. 303 ; Zeit. iriss. Mil:, ix, 1893, p. 356 ; HERX- HEIMEI:, Arch. 'inik. Anat., liii, 1899, p. 510 ; and ROSENSTADT, iltid., Ixxv, 1910, p. 659 (takes the differentiating mixture much weaker in .anilin). UNNA (Monatsschr. prakt. Derm., xix, 1894, p. 1 and p. 277, et se9) CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 345 recommends for staining/res/i tissue Yiolet B, § 330. Elastic fibres and smooth muscle also stain, but of different tints. DUBREUIL (C. R. Ass. Anat.j vi Sess., 1904, p. 62) uses a mixture of 23 vols. 1 per cent, picric acid and 2 vols. 1 per cent, methyl blue — with a foregoing stain with car m alum or safranin. For RANVIER'S method of artificial oedemata for the study of areolar tissue, see his Traite, p. 329. 682. UNNA'S Orcein Method. — (Encycl. mik. Techn., 1910, p. 250). Sections are stained for ten minutes in Griibler's polychrome methylen blue. They are then washed with water, mopped up, and brought for fifteen minutes into a neutral 1 per cent, solution of orcein in absolute alcohol, rinsed in pure alcohol, cleared in bergamot oil, and mounted. Collagenous ground-substance dark red, muscle bluish, elastic fibres sometimes dark red. Material may be fixed in almost any way except with nitric or picric acid, formol, or liquids of Miiller and Hermann. 683. UNNA'S Methylen- blue + Saurefuchsm (UNNA, in Encycl. mik. Technikj 1910, p. 247). Stain for 2-5 minutes in poly- chrome methylen blue solution (Grubler). Wash and stain for 10—15 minutes in " (0'5 per cent.) Saurefuchsm + (33 per cent.) tannin-mixture (Grubler) ." Water, alcohol, essence, balsam. Collagen, protoplasm, and muscle red, nuclei and keratin blue. On Flemming material, elastin blue. Liquids of Hermann and Erlicki, formol and copper fixatives incompatible. 684. UNNA'S Safranin + Wasserblau (ibid.). Ten minutes in 1 percent, safranin. Wash. Ten to 15 minutes in (" 1 per cent.) Wasserblau + (33 per cent.) tannin mixture." Wash. Stains in opposite colours to the last. Formol and liquid of Hermann contra-indicated for fixing. 685. Flemming's Orange Method is said to give a very sharp differentiation of developing fibrils. 686. MALLOIIY (Zcit. iriss. Mil:,., xviii, 1901, p. 17-1")) stains sections of sublimate or Zenker material for a few minutes in Saurefuclisin of O'l per cent., mordants for a few minutes in 1 per cent, phosphomolybdic 346 CHAPTER XXIX. acid and stains for 2 to 20 minutes in anilin bine 0'5 grins.. Orange G. 2, oxalic acid 2, and water 100. His phosphotungstic hsematoxylin. stains connective tissue sharply, but does not differentiate it sufficiently from elastic tissue and muscle. 687. For the complicated procedure of HORNOWSKI see ibid., xxvi, 1909, p. 138. 688. For DELAMARE'S mixture of orcein, haematoxylin, Saurefuchsin and picric acid see Verh. Anat. Ges., xix, 1905, p. 227. 689. MASSON (C. R. Soc. Bid., Ixx, 1911, p. 573), stains first in hsemalum, then in eosin, and then for a few minutes in 1 per cent, solu- tion of saffron in tap water (made by boiling). Connective tissue, bone, and cartilage, yellow. 690. Benecke's stain for fibrils (Verh. Anat. Ges., vii, 1893, p. 165) is essentially that of KROMAYER, § 656. 691. Bielschowsky's SILVER METHOD (post, under ' Neitro- fibrils') has been used for connective-tissue fibrils. SNESSARKW (Anat. An?.., xxxvi, 1910, p. 401) employs it as follows : Tissue is hardened in neutral formol and sectioned with a freezing microtome. The sections are put for at least 4 clays into iron alum of 2'5 to 10 per cent., changed daily. The}7 are then silvered for 36 to 48 hours in nitrate of silver of 10 per cent., then treated with the oxide bath and reduced in formol of 20 per cent. Collagen fibres grey, but fine con- nective networks black, nerve fibres unstained or only weakly stained. See also MARESCH, Zeit. iriss. Mik., xxiii, 1900, p. 356 ; STUDNICKA, ibid., p. 416; ZIMMERMANN, ibid., xxv, 1908, p. 10; LEVI, Monit. zool. Hal., 1908, p. 290; HEINRICH, Arch. Mik. Anat., Ixxiv, 1909, p. 786 (dentine) : INSABATO, Arch. Ital. Anat. Emb., viii, 1909, p. 375 (silvers Flemming material) ; ATHANASIU and DRAGOIU, 0. R. Acad. >SV/., cli, 1910, p. 551 (Ramon y CajaPs silver process, with alcohol fixation). Elastic Tissue. 682. Elastic Tissue, Generalities. — Elastic fibres have a great affinity for osmium, staining with much more rapidity than most other tissue elements. They are not changed by CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 347 caustic soda or potash. They are normally acidophilous, but are easily rendered artificially basophilous by means of chromic acid or other mordants, and then stain with great energy with basic dyes. Hence a group of stains of which those of Lustgarten and Martinotti are types. They have a natural affinity for orcein, whence stains of the Taenzer- Unna type. For a review of the older methods of BALZER, UNNA, LUSTGARTEN, and HERXHEIMER, see the paper by Gr. MARTINOTTI, in Zeit. wiss. Mik.s iv, 1887, p. 31 ; also Encycl. mik. Teclinik., art, " Elastin." 693. Victoria Blue (LUSTGARTEN). See § 289. 694. Safranin (Gr. MARTINOTTI, loc. cit., § 692). — Fix in a chromic liquid, wash, stain for forty-eight hours in strong (5 per cent. Pfitzner's) solution of safranin, wash, dehydrate, clear, and mount in balsam. Elastic fibres black. The staining will be performed quicker if it be done at the temperature of an incubating stove (GRIESBACH, ibid., iv, 1887, p. 442). See also FERRIA (ibid., v, 1888, p. 342). See also MIBELLI, Mon. Zool. Itcdiano, 1, p. 17, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 225 (the report in Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1890, p. 803, is vitiated by a misprint). Other basic dyes have been recommended. 695. Kresofuchsin (ROTHIG, see § 289). 696. Orcein. — This method is due to TAENZER, and as modified by UNNA is known as the TAENZER-UNNA method, see third edition, or Monatssch. prakt. Dermatol., xii, 1891, p. 394. UNNA'S Modified Orcein Method (Monatssch. prakt. DermatoL, xix, 1894, p. 397; Zeit. wiss. Mi^., xii, 1895, p. 240).— Griibler's orcein 1 part, hydrochloric acid 1 part, absolute alcohol 100 parts. Stain sections for thirty to sixty minutes, or for ten to fifteen at 30° C., rinse in alcohol, clear, and mount. Elastin dark brown, collagen light brown. See alsoMerk. Siiz. Akad. Wiss. TF^.,cviii,1899,p. 335; xix, 1903, p. 361 (he takes 2 per cent, of nitric acid instead of the hydro- chloric, and stains six to twenty-four hours) ; WOLFF, ibid., p. 488 ; the article " Elastin" in Encycl. mil-. Technik. ; and E. and T. SAVINI, Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 34. 348 CHAPTER XXIX. 697. WEIGERT'S Resorcin-Fuchsin Method (Centralb. allg. Path., ix, 1898, p. 290).--! per cent, of basic fuchsin and 2 per cent, of resorcin (or of carbolic acid) are dissolved in water. 200 c.c. of the solution are raised to boiling-point in a capsule, and 25 c.c. of Liquor ferri sesquichlorati P. G. are added, and the whole is boiled, with stirring, for two to five minutes more. A precipitate is formed. After cooling the liquid is filtered, and the precipitate which remains on the filter is brought back into the capsule, and there boiled with 200 c.c. of 94 per cent, alcohol. Allow to cool, filter, make up the filtrate to 200 c.c. with alcohol, and add 4 c.c. of hydrochloric acid. WOLFRUM (Zeit. wiss. Mik,., xxv, 1908, p. 219) adds 10 to 15 per cent, of acetone to the mixture. Stain sections (of material fixed in any way) for twenty minutes to an hour, wash with alcohol, clear with xylol (not with an essence). Elastic fibres dark blue on a light ground. MINERVJNI (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 161) gives a variant with safranin instead of fuchsin. See also PRANTER, ibid., xix, 1903, p. 361 ; B. FISCHER, Virchow's Arch., clxx, 1902, p. 285, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., xx, 1903, p. 40 (chemistry of the dyes obtained by these processes, which lie calls " Fuchselm," " Safranelin," etc.) ; HART, Centralb. allg. Path., xix, 1908. p. 1 ; and CILIMBARIS, Arch. mik. Auat., Ixxv, 1910, p. 708. 698. Haematoxylin Methods. — HARRIS (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1902, p. 290) makes an " Elasthsematein " as follows : Hsematoxylin 0'2 grins., aluminium chloride O'l grms., alcohol of 50 per cent. 100 c.c.. boil and add mercuric oxide 0'6 grms., filter and add 1 drop of HC1. Keep for some weeks. Stain for five or ten minutes, put into alcohol with 1 per cent, of nitric acid for one minute, then pure alcohol. See also DE WITT, Anat. Rec., i, 1897, p. 74; DUERCK, Arch. Path. Anat., clxxxix, 1907, p. 62; VERHOEFF, Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1908, No. 11. MALLORY'S phosphotungstic haematoxylin is good, but not specific. 699. Other Methods for Elastic Tissue : For the elastic tissue of the skin see PASSARGE and KROSING, Derm. Stud., xviii, 1894. See also for staining and dissociation AGABABOW, Arch. mik. Anat., ], 1897, p. 566ctseq. For C. MARTINOTTI'S silver impregnation see Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 521, or Arch. Ital. Biol, xi, 1889, p. 257. SCHUMACHER (Arch. mik. Anat., lv, 1899. p. 151) l,ns liad good results (for the spleen) with picro-nigrosin, § 681. See also § 733. CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 349 Plasma Cells. 700. Plasma Cells and " Mastzellen " ; Generalities. — Plasma cells, of which " Mastzellen ' are a sub-species, are cells found in or along with connective tissue, and distinguished by their hypertrophied and very granular cytoplasm and poorly staining nucleus. The granules are highly basophi- lous, much more so than the nuclei ; they stain with special energy with basic aniliiis, and mostly nietachroniatically. They do not, however, stain with pure methyl green. The nuclei either do not stain at all or not in the normal way, except with pure methyl green. According to UNNA in Encycl. in Hi. Techn.j 1910, ii, p. 411, material should be fixed in chemically pure absolute alcohol and sectioned in celloidin. Care should be taken to avoid contamination of the liquids by tannin ; corks, and supports for imbedding, should be soaked for some hours before use in 2 per cent, carbonate of soda. 701. MastzeUjm (NoRDMANiSFj Bcitr. z. Kenntniss d. Mastzellen, Inaugural diss., Helmstedt, 1881). — A concentrated solution of vesuvin containing 4 to 5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Stain for a few minutes, and dehydrate with absolute alcohol. 702. Plasma Cells, UNNA'S Later Methods (UNNA, in E-ncyd. mik. Teclm., 1910, ii, p. 411). A. — For Large Plasma Cells. (1) Ten minutes in Griibler's polychrome methylen blue solution, wash and drain. Fifteen minutes in 1 per cent, orcein solution (Griibler), without acid ; absolute alcohol, so long as methylen blue conies away abundantly ; bergamot oil, balsam. (2) Methylen blue as above, 2 minutes. Wash well. Then two minutes in glycerin-ether mixture* (Griibler) diluted with 4 volumes of water. Wash thoroughly (2 to 5 minutes) ; absolute alcohol, bergamot oil, balsam. (3) Modification of a method of PAPPENHEIM (Virchow's * Glycerin ether CGHJOO3, is a glycerin anhydride. It is a differen- tiating agent for basic dyes. The glycerin-ether mixture in question contains alcohol and glycerin, and can be obtained from Griibler. 350 CHAPTER XXIX. Arch., clxiv, 1901, p. 111). Ten minutes in the warm, 20° to 40° C., in Griibler's carbol-pyronin-methyl-green mixture. Cuul nip'ully, by plunging' the recipient containing the tissues into cold water. Remove the tissues with a platinum wire and rinse. Absolute alcohol, bergamot oil, balsam. STROPENI (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxix, 1913, p. oOl!) takes acridin red instead of the pyroiiin. This will work after various fixatives. I). — 'For small Plavnia Cells. (4) As No. '2, vtipra, but only half a minute in the glycerin- ether. (5) After removal of the celloidin from the sections with alcohol and ether, five minutes 'in polychrome methylen blue, wash, dry with blotting-paper, dehydrate (about a minute) in a mixture of 2 parts alcohol to o of xylol, then one minute in xylol; then 5 to 10 minutes in alum-anilin (pre- pared by allowing anilin oil to stand over a layer of powdered alum a couple of fingers deep) ; xylol, balsam. (6) As No. 3, supra, after a foregoing stain of two minutes in polychrome methylen blue. See also EHULICH in Virchow's Arch., clxxv, 1904, p. 198. 703. EHELICH'S Original Method for Mastzellen (Arch. mlk. Anat.j xii, 1876, p. 263). — Stain, for at least twelve hours in — Absolute alcohol . . 50 c c. Water . . . .100 c.c. Acid. acet. glacial . . 12| c.c. — to which has been added enough dahlia to give an almost saturated solution. Wash out with alcohol, and mount in resinified turpentine. See also SCHIEFFERDECKER and KOSSEL'S Gewebelelire, p. 329. 704. Mastzellen, UNNA'S Latest Methods (Etici/cL mik. Tecltn., 1910, ii, p. 72). — (1) Stain three hours to overnight in poly- chrome methylen blue with a knife-pointful of alum to a watch-glass of the stain, rinse ; alcohol, oil, balsam. (2) Stain in polychrome methylen blue quarter of an hour, rinse, then ten minutes in glycerin-ether, § 702, wash thoroughly, alcohol, oil, balsam. CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 351 These methods inve a specific metachromatic stain of Mast- O I zellen on a liiHit oTouud. See also lor. dt two other methods O O ' demonstrating plasma cells at tlie same time. 705. Other Methods for Plasma Cells and. Mastzelleii. — See, inter itltus (in previous editions) PAPPENHEIM, Virchow's Arch., clxvi, I'.'ol, p. 427; BERGONZINI, Anat. Anz., 1891, p. 506; SCHRIDDE, Anat. Hefte, xxviii, 1905, p. 698; MAXIMOW, Arch. mik. Anat., Ixvii, 1906, p. 686 ; ScHAFFEit, Cetitrabt. Phys., xxi, 1907, p. 261 (fixation in absolute alcohol or 2 parts alcohol to 1 of formol, staining for half an hour in methyleii blue, thionm or toluidin blue, in 70 per cent, alcohol with 1 per cent, of HC1) ; RANVIER, C. R. Acad. Sci., 1890, p. 165 (his "Clasmatocytes": fix with osmium, stain with aqueous methyl violet 5B). 'Fat. 706. Fat and Lecithin. — According to LOISEL (C. R. Soc. .j lv, 1903, p. 703) lecithin is much less soluble than neutral fats in turpentine or ether, and in general much more stainable. To demonstrate lecithin, he advises as follows : After fixation,, mordant the tissues with alum ; leave them as little as possible in alcohol ; dehydrate with acetone, ether, or benzin ; stain with hajmatoxylin, gentian, methyl green, toluidin blue, Saurefuchsin or orange Gr, which stain lecithin strongly, whilst leaving fat unstained. . DEFLANDEE (Journ. Anat. Phyx., 1904, p. 80) fixes in formol of 4 per cent, and brings into acetone, in which fat is dissolved, but not lecithin, which can then be stained by osmium. See also CIACCIO, Arcli. Zellforsch., v, 1910, p. 235; and FISCHLER, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxii, 1905, p. 262. 707. Mounting Fat. — Oamicated fat can generally be mounted in balsam without special precaution. For delicate fats, it may suffice to avoid absolute alcohol and essences as much as possible, and mount direct in alcohol balsam or e-icpctral, or clear with cedar oil, which has little solvent action. For very delicate fats it may be necessary to avoid alcohol of more than 70 per cent., or avoid it altogether, and mount in glycerin or levulose. 708. Removal of Fat. — Fat can generally be dissolved out by alcohol, ether, or chloroform and the like. Osmicated 352 CHAPTER XXIX. fat is more resistant, but can be removed in a few hours or days by means of oil of turpentine, ether, creosote, xylol, clove oil, of chloroform. See FLEMMING in Zeit. wis*. Mikr., 1889, pp. 39, 178. 709. Stains for Fat.- -The simplest, and perhaps the best is osmic acid. This stains certain fatty bodies black, but not all. According to ALTMANN, STARKE, and HANDWEKCK, only free oleic acid and olein are directly blackened by osmic acid ; stearin and palniitin, and stearic and palmitic acid are only browned by it, with an after-blackening which is produced by subsequent treatment with alcohol. Neither reaction occurs with the fatty bodies in the solid state, and can only be obtained when they are either in a state of fusion or solution (from the paper of HANDWERCK in Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1898, p. 177). See also LOISEL, G. R., Soc. Biol., 1903, p. 826. MULON, Zeit. iciss. Mik., xxii, 1905, p. 138 ; GOLODETZ, Chem. Rev. Fett. u Harz-In-dustrie,xvi\, 1910, p. 70 (Zeit. wiss. Mil-., xxviii, 1911, p. 213). For quinolein blue, see § 322. DADDI (Arch. ItaL BioL, xxvi, 1896, p. 143) stains fat in tissues by treating for 5 to 10 minutes with concentrated alcoholic solution of Sudan III, washing for the same time with alcohol, mopping up with blotting paper, and mounting in glycerine. Similarly KIEDER, see Zeit. wiss. Mikr., xv, 1898, p. 211. The alcohol for making the stain should be of 70 per cent., according to most authors, though SATA (Beitr. patJi. Anat., xxviii, 1900, p. 461 ; Zeit. iciss. Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 67) employs 96 per cent. ROSENTHAL (ibid., xix, p. 469 ; Verh. path. Ges., September, 1899, p. 440) insists that the washing-out be done with alcohol of exactly 50 per cent. MICHAELIS (Vir chow's Arch., clxiv, 1901, p. 'J63) recom- mends Scharlach R (syn. " Fettponceau "). Stain for fifteen to thirty minutes in a saturated solution in 70 per cent, alcohol, and mount in glycerin or levulose. Other authors also commend this stain. HEKXHEIMER (DeutscJie med. Wochenschr., xxvii, 1901, p. 607 ; Zeit. iciss. Mik., xix, 1902, p. 66) makes a solution of 70 parts of absolute alcohol, 10 of water, 20 of 10 per cent, caustic soda, and Scharlach R to saturation. Thia makes a stronger CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 353 solution, and stains in a couple of minutes. Wash out with alcohol of 70 per cent. With either solution the staining* must be done in a covered vessel or the stain will precipitate. Similarly BELL, Amer. Jonrn. Anat., ix, 1909, p. 401, and Anat. Bec.t iv, 1910, p. 199. HERKHEIMER also (Oentralb. ally. Path., xiv, 1903, p. 841 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxi, 1904, p. 57) recommends a saturated solution of the dye in a mixture of equal parts of acetone and 70 per cent, alcohol. He also (DeiitscJie vied. Wochenschr., xxvii, 1901, p. 607; Zeit. wi#s. Mik.j xix, 1902, p. 67) has had very fine results by staining for twenty minutes in a saturated solution of Indophenol in 70 per cent, alcohol. MOLLISON (Zeit. wisa. ZooL, Ixxvii, 1904, p. 529) has had good results by staining gelatin sections for a few minutes in strong extract of Alkanna in 96 per cent, alcohol, and mounting in glycerin or syrup. LORKAIN SMITH (Juurn. Path. Bact., xii, 1907, p. 1) finds that Nile blue stains fatty acids blue and neutral fats reddish. Similarly EISENBKKG (Virchow'ts Arch., cxcix, 1910, p. 502) who recommends aqueous solution of Nilblau BB. BENDA (ibid., clxi, 1900, p. 194) finds that free fatty acids can be detected by Weigert's neuroglia mordant. See also BERNER, Hid., clxxxvii, 1907, p. 360, and FISCHLER, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxii, 1905, p. 263. OKAJIMA (ibid., xxix, 1912, p. 67) extracts red capsicum berries for some days with alcohol, and evaporates down to one fifth. This stains only fatty bodies' : amongst them, my el in. See also KINGSBURY, Anat. Rec., v, 1911, p. 313. 710. Bone, Non-decalcified. — RANVIER (Traitr, p. 297) has the following : Bones should be plunged into water, without being allowed to dry, as soon as the surrounding soft parts have been * For a detailed review of the whole subject, see the paper of SCHAFFER in Zeit. wiss. Mik., x, 1893, p. 167, or the article " Knocheii mid Z ah ne " hi Encycl. milt. Tecliui.lt. 23 854 OH APT Kit XXIX. removed, and should be divided into lengths with a saw whilst wet. The medulla should then be driven out from the central canal by means of a jet of water ; spongy bones should be treated as follows : An epiphysis having been removed, together with a small portion of the diaphysis, a piece of caoutchouc tubing is fixed by a ligature on to the cut end of the diaphysis, and the free end of the piece of tubing adapted to a tap through which water flows under pressure ; they are then put to macerate for several months, the liquid being changed from time to time. As soon as all the soft parts are perfectly destroyed, the bones may be left to dry. Thin sections may then be cut with a saw and prepared by rubbing down with pumice-stone. Compact pumice-stone should be taken and cut in the direction of its fibres. The surface should be moistened with water and the section of bone rubbed down on it with the fingers. When both sides of the sections have been rubbed smooth in this way, another pumice-stone may be taken, the section placed between the two, and the rubbing continued. As soon as the section is thin enough to be almost transparent it is polished by rubbing with water (with the fingers) on a Turkey hone or lithographic stone. Spongy bone should be soaked in gam and dried before rubbing down (but see VON KOCH'S copal process, and EHRENBAUM'S colophonium process). SCHAFFER (Zeit. iviss. Mile., x, 1893, p. 171) grinds and polishes on stones of graduated fineness. For the process of WEIL for bones and teeth see § 180. ROSE (Anat. Anz., vii, 1892, pp. 512-519) follows Koch's process. He penetrates first with a mixture of cedar oil and xylol, then with pure xylol, and imbeds in solution of Damar in chloroform or xylol. The method can be combined with Golgi's impregnation. WHITE (Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1891, p. 307) recommends the following : Sections of osseous or dental tissue should be cut or ground down moderately thin, and soaked in ether for twenty-four hours or more. They should then be put for two or three days into a thin solution of fuchsin in collodion, then into spirit to harden the collodion. After this they are ground down to the requisite; thinness between two plates of old ground glass, with water and pumice CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 355 powder, and mounted, surface dry, in stiff balsam or styrax, care being taken to use as little heat as possible. Lacunae, canaliculi, and dentinal tubuli are found infiltrated by the coloured collodion. MATSCHINSKY (Arch. mik. Anat., xxxix, 1892, p. 151, and xlvi, 1895, p. 290), after grinding, impregnates with nitrate of silver. For similar method of RUPRECHT, see Zeit wiss. Mile., xiii, 1896, p. 21, wherein see also quoted (p. 23) a method of ZIMMERMANN. CSOKOR (Verli. anat. Ges., 1892, p. 270) describes a saw which will cut fresh bone to 120 jt; and ARNDT (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 146) a double saw which will also give very thin sections. 711. Mounting. — To show lacunae and canaliculi injected with air, take a section, or piece of very thin flat bone, quite dry. Place on a slide a small lump of solid balsam, and apply just enough heat to melt it. Do the same with a cover glass, place the bone in the balsam, cover, and cool rapidly. 712. Sections of Bones or Teeth showing the Soft Parts. — NKALEY (Amer. Hon. Mic. Journ., 1884, p. 142; Journ. Roy. Mic. Sor.j 1885, p. 348) says that perfectly fresh portions of bone or teeth may be ground with emery on a dentist's lathe, and good sections, with the soft parts in situ, obtained in half an hour. HOPEWELL-SMITH (Joimi. Brit. Dent. Ass., xi, 1890, p. 310; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1890, p. 529) says that for preparing sections of teeth showing odontoblasts in situ the best plan is to take embryonic tissues. A lower jaw of au embryonic kitten or pup may be taken, and hardened in solution of Miiller followed by alcohol, then cut with a freezing micro- tome. WEIL (loc. cit., § ]80) fixes pieces of fresh teeth in subli- mate, stains with borax-carmine, brings them through alcohol into chloroform and chloroform-balsam, and after hardening this by heat proceeds to grind as usual (§ 177). See also ROSE, § 710. For the study of the vessels in teeth, LEPKOWSKY (Anat. Hefte, viii, 1897, p. 568) injects with Berlin blue, hardens the teeth with a piece of the jaw for one or two days in 50 per cent, formol, decalcifies in 10 per cent, nitric acid (eight 356 CHAPTER XXIX. to fourteen days, change frequently) and makes celloidin sections. For decalcification of teeth see also § 554 (ROUSSEAU, BODECKER and FLETSCHMANN) . Bodecker finds Rousseau's process not applicable to human teeth : the acid must be added to the fluid celloidin. 713. YIVANTE (Intern. Monassclir. Anat. n. Phys., ix, 1892, p. 398) impregnates portions of frontal bone of four to six months calves, which are not more than 3 to 4 mm. thick, by Golgi's rapid bicromate and silver process. After impregnation the specimens should be decalcified in von Ebner's mixture (§ 562), well washed with water, and brought into solution of carbonate of soda, and finally imbedded in paraffin. For his cjumolem blue method see fourth edition. For UNDERWOOD'S gold process for teeth, and for that of LEPKOWSKI, see third edition, or Anat. Anz., 1892, p. 294. LAW (Proc. Roy. Soc. Mcd., i, 1908, p. 45) studies nerve-endings in teeth of mammals by treating paraffin sections of decalcified tissue with BETHE'S molybdenum toluidin blue (details in Joitrn. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1908, p. 518). 714. Bone, Decalcified (FLEMMING, Zeit. wiss. mik., 1886, p. 47). — Sections of decalcified bone are soaked in water, dehydrated with alcohol, underpressure, dried underpressure and mounted in hard balsam melted on the slide. They show the lacunar system injected with air as in non-decalcified sections (§ 711). 715. Stains for Cartilage and Decalcified Bone. — See hereon SCHAFFER in Zeit. iviss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 1 ; and Encycl. mik. Technik., art. "Knochen." KOLLIKER (Zeit. wiss. Zool., xliv, 1886, p. 662) treats sections of decalcified bone with concentrated acetic acid until they become transparent, and then puts for one quarter to one minute into a concentrated solution of indigo-carmine, washes and mounts in glycerin or balsam. The fibres of Sharpey appear red, the remaining bone substance blue. SCHAFFER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 17) employed at one time a safranin method modified from BOUMA (Centralb. med. Wiss., 1883, p. 866), for which see previous editions. He now (Encycl. mik. Tech., 1910, i, p. 762) stains sections for twenty-four hours in a bath of 20 c.c. of water with one drop of 1 per cent, solution of safranin (or thionin) and CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 357 (apparently) mounts in balsam. The safranin stain will keep if the material is cartilage which has been fixed in picro- snblimate ; otherwise it must be fixed with ammonium molybdate of 5 per cent, before dehydrating. SOHMORL (Centralb. allg. Path., x, 1899, p. 745) stains in a mixture of 2 c.c. concentrated solution of thionin in alcohol of 50 per cent, and 10 c.c. of water for ten minutes, rinses and puts into saturated aqueous picric acid for thirty to sixty seconds. Rinse and pass through graded alcohols into origanum oil or carbol-xylol and balsam. Matrix yellow, cells red, fat-cells violet. He also describes a more complicated method with thionin and phosphotungstic or phosphomolybdic acid. MOLL (Centralb. PhysioL, xiii, 1899, p. 225) stains embry- onic cartilage for six to twenty-four hours in orcein 0*5 gr., alcohol 40, water 20, hydrochloric acid 20 drops, and mounts in balsam. Matrix blue, nuclei red. KALLIUS (Anat. Hefte, xxx, 1905, p. 9) stains first with borax carmine or alum-carmine, then (sections) for ten minutes in saturated solution of thionin, and washes out with alcohol of 70 per cent. Said to be specific for embryonic cartilage. VASTARINI-CEESI (Att. Accad. med.-chir. Napoli, 1907, p. 4) stains sections of embryonic cartilage with borax carmine, then with muchsematein (alcoholic solution without acid), and then with orange Gr. in alcohol. BAYERL'S method for ossifying cartilage (Arch. mik. Anat., 1885, p. 35) : — Portions of ossified cartilage are decalcified as directed § 563, cut in paraffin, stained in Merkel's carmine and indigo-carmine mixture, and mounted in balsam. MAYER (Grundziige, LEE & MAYER, 1910, p. 393) prefers to all these resorcin fuchsin, § 697, the precipitate being freed from iron chloride by washing before dissolving in the alcohol. Aqueous solution of benzoazurin lias been commended as a stain for ossifying cartilage by ZSCHOKKE, see Zeit. wiss. Mik., x, 1893, p. 381. A process of BAUMGARTEN'S has been given, § 388. MOERNER (Skandinavisches Arch. Physiol, i, 1889, p. 216 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 508) gives several stains for traclieal cartilage, chiefly as microchemical tests, for which see third edition. See also a critique of these methods by WOLTERS in Arch. mik. Anat. xxxvii, 1891, p. 492 ; and on the whole subject of cartilage see SCHIEF- FERDECKER'S Gewebelehre, p. 331. 358 CHAPTER XXIX. FUSARI (Arch. Ital. BioL, xxv, 1896, p. 200) makes sections of fresh cartilage, puts them for twenty-four hours into 1 per cent, nitrate of silver, washes, dehydrates, and exposes to the light in balsam. See also DISSE, Anal. Anz., xxxv, 11)09, p. 318, a stain for dentine, (hsemalum followed by a mixture of Saiirerubiii and Orange G) ; and RETTERER and LELIEVRE, C. 11. Soc. BioL, Ixx, 1911, p. 030. 716. Cartilaginous Skeletons of embryos (VAN WIJHE, Proc. K. Almd. Wetcnsch. Amsterdam, 1902, p. 47) may be studied by staining ombryos for a week in a solution of 0'25 grm. methylen blue in lOOc.c.of 70 per cent, alcohol with 1 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Wash out in alcohol with 1 per cent, of hydrochloric acid until no more colour comes away (about a week) and mount in balsam. The cartilage remains blue, till the other tissues being colourless. Similarly, LUNDVALL (Anat. AHZ., xxv, 1904. p, 219, and xl, 1912, p. 639) using toluidin blue. Similarly also BAKAY (Verli. Anat.Ges., 1902, p. 248), with Bismarck brown, (the embryos having been previously treated with nitric acid of 3 per cent.). CHAPTER XXX. BLOOD AND GLANDS. Blood. 717. Fixing1 and Preserving Methods-- -The school of Ehrlich used to fix by lieat. A film of blood was spread on a cover- glass and allowed to dry in the air, and then fixed by passing the cover a few times, three to ten or twenty, through a flame, or by laying it face downwards on a hot plate kept for several minutes or as much as two hours at a temperature at which water not only boils but assumes the spheroidal state (1 10° to 150° C.). For details see GULLAND, Scottish Med. Journ., April, 1899, p. 312; RUBINSTEIN, Zvit. wiss. Mik.j xiv, 1898, p. 456 ; ZIELINA, ibid., p. 463. But I believe they have now well-nigh abandoned this barbarous practice. In ivet methods either the blood is mixed at once, on being drawn, with some fixing and preserving medium, and studied as a fluid mount, or films are prepared and put into a fixing liquid before they have had time to dry ; or after drying in the air without heat for a few seconds (at most 10 t/ */ \ to 30). To make a film, place a very small drop of blood on a perfectly clean slide. Bring down on to the slide the edge of another slide held over it at a slope ; move this along till it touches the edge of the drop and the blood runs along the angle between the two slides. Then move the second slide away from the drop, and the blood will follow it and be drawn out into a film without being crushed. Similarly with two cover-glasses, to make a cover-glass film, which can be floated face down on to fixing or staining liquids in a watch-glass. 360 CHAPTER XXX. Some persons make films by flattening blood between two cover-glasses wliich are afterwards separated by sliding tlie one over the other ; but that produces an injurious kneading of the cellular elements. Most of the usual fixing agents are applicable to blood. But it is often necessary to employ only such as are favour- able to certain stains. Those most recommended in this respect are alcohol, formol, sublimate (should not be too strong), osmic acid in very light fixation, or absolute methyl alcohol, wliich is an energetic fixative of dried films. Air-dried films ought to be fixed before putting into aqueous or glycerin stains, else they will wash off; but this is not necessary for alcoholic stains. 718. Fixing and Preserving in Bulk. — Most morphologists are agreed that by far the most faithful fixing agent for blood- corpuscles is osmic acid. A drop or two of blood (BiONDi recommends two drops exactly) is mixed with 5 c.c. of osmic acid solution, and allowed to remain in it for from one to twenty-four hours. As a rule the osmic acid should be strong — 1 to 2 per cent. Fixed specimens may be preserved for use in acetate of potash solution (MAX FLESCH, Zeit. wiss. Mik., v, 1888, p. 83). GIUUSBACH also (ibid., 1890, p. 328) combines the osmic acid with certain stains. He mentions methyl green, methyl violet, crystal violet, safranin, eosin, Saurefuchsin, rhodamin, and iodine in potassic iodide. Eossi (ibid., vi, 1889, p. 475) advises a mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent, osmic acid, water, and strong solution of methyl green, permanent mounts being made by means of glycerin cautiously added. EWALD (Zeit. Biol., xxxiv, 1897, p. 257) mixes three to four drops of blood of amphibia or reptiles with 10 c.c. of a solution of 0'5 per cent, osmic acid in 0'5 per cent, salt solution (for mammals 0*6 to 0'7 per cent, salt), siphons off the supernatant liquid after twenty-four hours with his capil- lary siphon (§ 3, p. 4), and substitutes water, alum-carmine, etc., and lastly, 50 per cent, alcohol. WEIDENREICH (Arch. mik. Anat., Ixxii, 1908, p. 213) lays a cover with a drop of blood on it on a layer of agar-agar (1 per cent, in salt solution of 0*8 per cent.) and after five MLOOD AND GLANDS. 361 minutes runs in osmie acid of 1 per cent.,, and after five minutes more removes the cover. DEKHUYSEN (Anat. Anz., xix, 1901, p. 536) recommends a mixture of either 3 or 9 vols. of 2 per cent, osmic acid with 1 of 6 per cent, acetic acid, containing ^ per cent, of methylen blue, which he calls " Osmacet/' The mercurial liquids of Pacini (§ 414) used to be con- sidered good. HAYEM (" Du Sang" etc., Paris, 1889; see also Zeit. wis*. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 335) has the following formula : sublimate 0'5, salt 1, sulphate of soda 5, and water 200. This should be mixed with blood in the proportion of about 1 : 100. Eosin may be added to it. Lo WIT'S formula (Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xcv, 1887, p. 144) consists of 5 c.c. cold saturated sublimate solution, 5 grins, sulphate of soda, 2 grms. salt, and 300 c.c. water. Mosso finds that both of these are too weak in sublimate. DUBOSCQ (Arch. Zool. Exper., vi, 1899, p. 481) uses (for blood of Chilopoda) a solution of acetic acid, copper acetate, copper chloride, osmic acid, thionin, 1 grm. each, water 400, which, mixed with the blood, fixes and stains in about two minutes. Formol has lately been used. MARCANO (Arch, de Med. Exper., xi, 1899, p. 434) mixes fresh blood with a mixture of 100 parts of sodium sulphate of sp. gr. 1*020 and 1 of forrnol ; or with water 85 to 100 parts, sodium chloride ], and formol 1. KIZER (Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1900, p. 128) simply mixes 1 drop of blood with 3 of 2 per cent, formalin, and allows to stand for an hour. SCHRIDDE (Uxmat. Tt'chii. Jena, 1910, p. 17) lets blood drop into a mixture of I part of formol, 9 of liquid of Miiller, and 10 of water, fixes therein for 2 to 4 hours at 40° C., filters, washes and brings through alcohol and chloroform into paraffin for sectioning. 719. Fixing and Preserving in films. — MUIR (Journ. of Anat. and Phys., xxvi, 1892) makes cover-glass films and drops them into saturated sublimate solution, and after half an hour washes, dehydrates, and passes through xylol into balsam. GULLAND (Brit. Ned. Jouin., March 13th, 1897; Scottish Med. Journ., April, 1899) makes cover-glass films, and after 362 CHAPTER XXX. a few seconds drops them face downwards into a solution of— Absolute alcohol saturated with eosin . 25 c.c. Pure ether . . . . 25 „ Sublimate in absolute alcohol (2 grins. to 10 c.c.) . . . . . 5 drops. After three or four minutes they are washed, stained, and mounted in balsam. For JUNNKK'S fixing and staining and staining method, see next §. Many recent authors fix wet films with formol. BENARIO (Dent. med. Wochenschr.j 1895, p. 572) mixes 1 part of 10 per cent, formol with 9 of alcohol (the mixture must be freshly prepared), and plunges films into it for a minute. Similarly GUIXAND, with \ part of formol to 9 of alcohol. Similarly WEKMEL (see Zeit. irixs. J\lik.} xvi, 1899, p. 50), who combines various stains (methylen blue, eosin, gentian, etc.) with the formol. EDINGTON (Brit. Med. Jonrn., 1900, p. 19) exposes films for J5 to 30 minutes to ra-pour of formol under a bell-jar. SCOTT (Juurn. of Path, and Bacter., vii, 1900, p. 131) exposes films to the vapour for about 5 seconds and drops into absolute alcohol, and after 15 minutes stains and mounts. A short exposure (30 seconds) to vapour of osmium has also been recommended. 720. Stains for Blood. — Fre^h (unfixed) blood can be stained on the slide. TOISON (Jovrn. Sci. nn'd. de Lille, fev., 1885; Zeit. iviss. Mil'., 1885, p. 398) recommends that it be mixed with the following fluid : Distilled water . . .160 c.c. Glycerin (neutral, 30° Baume) 30 „ Pure sulphate of sodium . . 8 grammes. Pure chloride of sodium . . 1 gramme. Methyl violet 5 B . . 0'25 „ (The methyl violet is to be dissolved in the glycerin with one half of the water added to it; the two salts are to be dissolved in the other half of the water, and the two solu- tions are to be mixed and filtered.) This mixture stains leucocytes sharply, which facilitates enumeration. i:l,OOD AND GLANDS. 363 BIZZOZERO and TOKKU (Arch. Sci. Mwlirhr., 1880, p. 390) dilute a drop with normal salt solution containing a little methyl violet 3 which stains nuclei intensely, cytoplasm less intensely. Similarly GiGLio-Tos (Zeit. wiss. J////., 1898, p. 166), diluting with saturated solution of neutral red in salt O solution, which stains haemoglobigenous granules in five to ten minutes. This is also recommended by EHRLICH and LAZARUS, see § 309. Similarly also Ross (Trans. Path. #oc., 1907, p. 117), using polychrome methylen blue. LEVADITI (Journ. Phys. path. Gcu., Paris, 1901, p. 425) allows solution of Brillantkresylblau in alcohol to dry on a slide, puts a drop of blood on the dried layer, and covers. Similarly CESAKIS-DEMEL (Arch. path. Anat., 1909, p. 92), with a mixture of this dye and Sudan III ; and NAKANJSHI (Centralb. Bakt., 1901, p. 98), with methylen blue BB. Fixed films may be treated with the usual tissue stains, i'ovin being an important one, as it stains rose-red all parts of blood-cells that contain haemoglobin. EHRLICH'S acid luumatoxylin, with 0'5 gr. of eosin dissolved in it, is a good general stain. Or, stain with luemalum, and then with eosin (0'5 per cent, in alcohol or water). EHRLICH'S triacid, § 296, gives good general views, and demonstrates neutrophilous granules. His mixture for eosino- philous cells has been given, § 311. PAPPENHEIM'S panoptic triacid (on sale by Griibler) is Khrlich's triacid with methylen blue in place of the methyl green. CHENZINSKI'S mixture, which is good, has been given, § 313. Stain for six to twenty-four hours in a stove. This gives rise to precipitates. To avoid them (WILLEBRAND, Deutsch. med. Wochensclir., 1901, p. 57) you may make a mixture of equal parts of 0'5 per cent, solution of eosin in 70 per cent. alcohol and saturated solution of methylen blue in water, and add acetic acid of 1 per cent, drop by drop till the mixture begins to turn red, and filter before use. Or (MICHAELIS, Hid., 1899, No. 30) make (a) a mixture of 20 parts 1 per cent, aqueous methylen blue with 20 of absolute alcohol, and (6) a mixture of 12 parts 1 per cent, aqueous eosin with 364 CHAPTER XXX. 28 of acetone, and for staining mix equal parts of these and stain for half a minute to ten minutes. JENNER (Lancet, 1899, No. 6, p. 370) mixes equal parts of 1*2 to 1*25 per cent, water-soluble eosin (Griibler's) and 1 per cent, methylen blue, filters after twenty-four hours, washes the precipitate on the filter, dries it, and dissolves it in 200 parts of absolute methyl alcohol (the solution can be had ready made from Griibler & Hollborn). (Or, simply mix 125 c.c. of 0'5 per cent, solution of the eosin in methyl alcohol with 100 c.c. of 0'5 per cent, solution of methylen blue.) Cover-glass films are floated on to this, in which they are fixed and stained in three minutes. Wash off the stain with a little water (not under the tap), dry, and mount in balsam. Erythrocytes red, all nuclei blue, parasites blue, but with unstained nuclei. The methods of MAY and GRUNWALD are closely similar to this. ASSMANN (Munch, med. Wochenschr., 190l>, No. 28 ; " Das eosinsaure Methylenblau," Leipzig, 1908, p. 35) treats fresh films for half a minute to three minutes in a Petri dish with a few drops of Jenner's solution (from Griibler & Hollborn), then pours on 20 c.c. of distilled water with five drops of j1^- per cent, solution of lithium carbonate, leaves for five minutes, rinses in distilled water, dries with blotting paper, and mounts in neutral balsam. The foregoing mixtures give a stain — seemingly due to the formation of an eosinate of methylen blue — in which the nuclei of blood-cells are blue and their plasma red to violet. It was made out by ROMANOWSKY (St. Petersburger med. Wochenschr., 1891) that under certain conditions mixtures of these two dyes give a stain which is in some respects the inverse of this, blood-cells being stained in divers hues, according to their kinds, and any protozoan parasites that may be present showing red nuclei and Hue plasma ; which greatly facilitates their detection and diagnosis. This re- action appears to be due to the formation of an eosinate — not of methylen blue, but — of Methylenazur, § 377. The method, only vaguely indicated by Romanowsky, has under- gone, at the hands of ZIEMANN, ZETTNOW, NOCHT, REUTER, MICHAELIS, RUGE, MAURER, IRISHMAN, GiuMSA and others, numerous modifications which have culminated in the BLOOD AND GLANDS. 365 establishment of a process worked out by GTIEMSA as perhaps the most trustworthy and efficient of " Romanowsky " stains. This is as follows : GIEMSA'S Azur-eosin process. You start with a mixture of eosin with metltylenazur (instead of methylen blue). This mixture is very troublesome to prepare, and is best obtained ready made from Griibler & Hollborn (their " Giemsa'sche Loesung fiir Romanowsky-faerbung "*) , Air-dried films (Deutsch. med. Wochenschr., 1907,, No. 17) are fixed in alcohol or in methyl-alcohol (two to three minutes), and dried with blotting paper. They are treated for ten to fifteen minutes with a dilution of 1 drop of the stock mixture to 1 c.c. of water, washed under a tap, dried with blotting paper, and again dried in the air and mounted in balsam, or (preferably) preserved unmounted. All reagents, especially the balsam, must be strictly free from acid. Wet films (ibid., 1909, p. 1751) are treated as follows: Fix them for twelve to twenty-four hours in a mixture of 2 parts saturated aqueous solution of sublimate with 1 of absolute alcohol. ^ Wash, and treat for five to ten minutes with a mixture of 2 parts of iodide of potassium, 100 of water, and 3 of Lugol's solution. Wash, and treat for ten minutes with 0*5 per cent, solution of sodium thiosulphate. Wash, and stain as above (changing the stain for fresh after half an hour), for one to twelve hours. Then pass through mixtures of acetone with first 5, then 30, then 50 parts per cent, of xylol into pure xylol, and mount in cedar oil. This process is applicable to sections. Or (ibid., 1910, p. 2476) a slide is placed in a Petri dish and covered with a mixture of equal parts of metltyl-alcoliol and slock mixture. After half a minute this is poured off and enough distilled water poured in to cover the slide, and the whole is rocked to mix the two. After three to five minutes, wash in running water, dry, and mount in cedar oil. By any of these processes nuclei (red) are demonstrated not only in hasmatozoa, but in many bacteria, spirocha3ta9, coccidia, sarcosporidia, etc. * To make this up from Griibler's powders, dissolve 3 grins, of Azur Il-eosin and 8 decigrammes of Azur II, in 125 grins, of glycerin and 375 of methyl-alcohol. 366 CHAPTER XXX. See also, for paraffin sections, SCHUBERG, in Detttsch. med. Woclienschr., xxxv, 1909, No. 48, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 161, who passes through acetone and xylol into balsam. The older Eomanowsky stains published by the authors mentioned above, as also Laveran's " Bleu Borrel } seem to be superseded by Giemsa's. IRISHMAN'S Romano wsky Stain (Brit. med. Jonrn., March 16th and September 21st, 1901) is as follows : To a 1 per cent, solution of Grubler's medicinal methylen blue in water add 0*5 per cent, of sodium carbonate, heat to 65° C. for twelve hours and let stand for ten days. Then add an equal volume of 0*1 per cent, solution of Grubler's Eosin extra B, let stand for six to twelve hours, collect the resulting pre- cipitate on a filter, wash it until the wash water comes off colourless, dry and powder. For staining, dissolve 0'15 grin, in 100 c.c. of pure methyl alcohol. Stain cover-glass films (air-dried) for five to ten minutes ; flood the film with water for one minute, and examine, or dry (without heat) and mount in xylol balsam. Nuclei in shades of red, cytoplasm bluish, parasites blue with ruby red chromatin. RAADT (Munch, med. Wochenschr., 1911, No. 27 ; Zeit. ivivs. Mik., 1912, p. 236) obtains a Romanowsky stain of blood and parasites with JKNNER'S solution. Films fixed with alcohol and ether are first stained for five to ten minutes in solution of one part methylenblau med. puriss. Hoechst, 0'5 part of lithium carbonate and 100 of water, kept for at least three weeks and diluted with 10 vols. of water. Rinse with water, dry with blotting paper, flood with JENNEK'S solution diluted with 2 or 3 vols. of water, and stain for five to ten minutes. Wash, dry with blotting paper, and mount. 721. PAPPENHEIM (Anat. Anz., xlii, 1912, p. 525) recommends the following for sections of haemopoietic tissues, and also of kidney, liver, hypophysis, suprarenals, lung, intestinal epithelium and central nervous system. Fix in Orth's Formol-Miiller, stain sections for twenty minutes in a stove in " aqueous diluted alcoholic '' solution of MAY-GRUNWALD or JENNER diluted Vith 8 vols. of water; after-stain for forty minutes in the stove in " aqueous GIEMSA solution (15 c.c. of water with 10 drops of glacial acetic acid) " ; differentiate in 100 c.c. of water with 5 to 6 drops of acetic acid ; wash, dry between blotting-paper ; dehydrate in mixture of equal parts of acetone and nKsolute alcohol, and mount in BLOOD AND GLANDS. 36 1-7 neutral balsam. The result is not a Romaiiowsky stain, but a pale methylen-blue-eosin stain. See also WRIGHT, Pub. Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., iii, 1910, p. 1, or Jow-n. R. Micr. Soc., 1910, p. 783. For the special technique of eosinophilous cells see MARTINOTTI in Zeit. wiss. Mikr., xxvi, 1909, p. 4 (alphabetical bibliography of eight pages.) 722. Demonstration of Blood-plates of Bizzozero (KEMP, Studies from the Biol. Lab. Julms Hopkins Univ., May, 1886, iii, No. 6 ; Nature, 1886, p. 132). — A somewhat large drop of blood is placed on a slide, and quickly washed with a small stream of normal salt solution. The blood-plates are not washed away, because they have the property of adhering to glass. They may be stained with solution of 0'02 per cent, of methyl violet or 1 : 3000 of gentian violet, in salt solution. To make permanent preparations of them, they should first be fixed, by putting a drop of osmic acid solution on the finger before pricking it. They may also be stained in films, especially by the Romanowsky method. According to PAPPENHEIM (" Farb- chemie," p. 107) Wasserblau is almost specific for them. WRIGHT (Journ. Morph., xxi, 1910, p. 274) studies them in tissues, after fixation with formol or sublimate (not Zonker) by staining with a modified Giemsa stain, and bringing through acetone and oil of turpentine into turpentine colophonium. Details loc. cit. or Journ. Roy. mic. 8<>c., 1910, p. 78:1 See also DEKHUYSEN, An at. An?.., xix, ll'Ol. p. 533 ; KOPSCLI, Intern. MonatscJir. Anat. Phys, xxi, 1004, p. 3i4, and xxiii, 1906, p. 359 ; DEETJEN, Zeit. phys. Cliem., Ixiii, 1909, p. 1. 723. WEIGHT'S Fibrin Stain (Fortschr. d. Med., v, 1887, No. 8, p. 228). — Sections (alcohol material) are stained in a saturated solution of gentian or methyl violet in anilin water (§ 286). They are brought on to a slide and mopped up with blotting-paper, and a little Lugol's solution is poured on to them. After this has been allowed to act for a sufficient time they are mopped up with blotting-paper, and a drop of anilin is poured on to them. The anilin soon becomes dark, and is then changed for fresh once or twice. The anilin is 368 CHAPTER XXX. then thoroughly removed by means of xylol, and a drop of balsam and a cover are added. This stain may be applied to celloidin sections without previous removal of the celloidin. See also the modifications of this method by KROMAYER (§ 656) ; BENECKE (§ 690) ; UNNA (Monatssch. prakt. DermaL, xx, 1895, p. 140) ; WOLFF (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xv, 1899, p. 310) ; and one of another sort by KOCKEL, Centralb. allg. Path., x, 1899). Glands. 724. Mucin. — HOYER (Arch, mil: Anat., xxxvi, 1890, p. 310) finds that the mucin of mucus cells and goblet cells stains with basic tar colours and with alum htematoxylin, but not with acid tar colours. He obtained his best results by means of thionin, and good ones with toluidin blue, both of these giving a metachromatic stain — tissues blue, mucin reddish — and also with methylen blue (which is particularly useful from its power of bringing out the merest traces of mucin), safranin, etc. Tissues should be fixed for two to eight hours in 5 per cent, sublimate solution, and paraffin sections stained for five to fifteen minutes in a very dilute aqueous solution of the dye (two drops of saturated solution to 5 c.c. of water). Hyaline cartilage, the jelly of Wharton, and the Mastzellen of Ehrlich give the same reactions with basic dyes as mucin does. See also SUSSDORF, Deutsche. Zeit. Thiermed., xiv, pp. 345, 349 (Zeit. wis*. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 205) ; BIZZOZERO, Atti. If. Accad. di Sci. di Torino, 1889 to 1892 (reports in Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 61 ; and ix, 1892, p. 219) ; also UNNA, ibid., xiii, 1896, p. 42. The safranin reaction is not obtained with all brands of the dye ; that of Bindschedler and Busch, in Bale, gives it, whilst safranin 0 of Griibler does not. UNNA employs chiefly polychrome methylen blue. As regards the thionin stain, see HARI, Arch. Mik. Anat., Iviii, 1901, p. 678. BRUNO (Bull. Soc. Nat. Na.poli, 1905, p. 220) fixes and stains the skin of the frog in a mixture of 100 c.c. of forinol of 1'25 per cent, with 8 c.c. of ] per cent, solution of thionin. Mucus glands red. BLOOD AND GLANDS. 369 KULTSCHIZKY (Arch. mik. Anat., xlix, 1897, p. 8) fixes in his mixture (§ 57), and stains sections either in safranin with 2 per cent, acetic acid,, or in a similar solution of neutral red (two to three days, washing out with alcohol). MAYER (Mitt. Zuol. Stat. Neapel., xii, 1896, p. 303, or last edition) gives the following two formulae for mixtures that stain exclusively mucus. 725. MAYER'S Muci carmine (op. cit., last §). — One gramme of car- mine, and 0'5 grni. of aluminium chloride with 2 c.c. of distilled water heated over a small flame for two minutes, and made up to 100 c.c. with 50 per cent, alcohol. This gives a stock solution, which is as a rule to be diluted for use tenfold with distilled or tap water. 726. MAYER'S Muchaematein (ibid.). — Hsematein 0'2 grm., alu- minium chloride O'l grm. glycerin 40 c.c., water 60 c.c. An alcoholic solution may be made by dissolving in 100 c.c. of 70 per cent, alcohol, with or without the addition of two drops of nitric acid. v 727. Mucicarminic Acid (RAWITZ, Anat. Anz., xv, 1899, p. 439). — One gramme of carminic acid, 2 of aluminium chloride, and 100 c.c., of 50 per cent, alcohol. 728. Goblet Cells. — So far as these contain mucin they give the reactions above described, see PANETH, Arch. mik. Anat., xxxi, 1888, p. 113 ct seq. ; LIST, ibid., xxvii, 1886, p. 481 ; and GUYEISSE, C. R. Soc. BioL, 1907, p. 1212. For intestinal epithelium, especially the cells of PANETH, see also MARTIN, Unters. uel>. Oberfldchen n. Driisenepitliel, Leipzig, 1910; and KULL, Arch. mik. Anat., Ixxvii, 1911, p. 541 (sections stained with alum ha3inatoxylin, treated for 20 to 30 seconds with tincture of iodine, stained a few minutes with Victoria blue, then with eosin). 729. Salivary Glands. — SOLGER (Untertt. z. Naturlehre d. Menschen, xv, 5 and 6, pp. 2- -15; Festschr. f, Geyenbanr, ii, 1896, p. 211) demonstrates the granules in serous cells and half-moons of the submaxillary gland by hardening in a 10 per cent, solution of formol, and then making sections and staining with hsematoxylin of Delafield or of Ehrlich, the granules taking the stain. KRAUSE (Arch. mik. Anat., xlv, 1895 p. 94) stains sections either with Heidenhain's iron hsema-toxylin or with Ehrlich- Biondi mixture or tliionin. See also KRAUSE, ibid., xlix, 1897, p. 709; and MULLER, Zeit. wis*. ZooL, 1898, p. 640. 24 370 CHAPTER XXX. GRAND-MOURSEL and THIBONDEAU (C. R. Soc. Biol., liii, 1901, p. 187) recommend for pancreas NICOLLE'S " thionine pheniquee," which stains the ins ill tv) of Langerhans hardly at all, the rest strongly. 730. Gastric Glands. — KOLSTER, (Zeit. iviss. Mik., xii, 1895 p. 314) differentiates the two kinds of cells in stomach glands by over-staining with hasmatoxylin, washing out with alcohol containing 1 per cent, of HC1, blueing with alcohol containing 1 per cent, of ammonia, and, after washing, staining for one to five minutes in a weak solution of Saurefuchsin. Peptic cells blue, parietal cells red. Osmic material cannot be employed. CADE (Arch. Anat. Micr., iv, 1901, p. 4) stains material fixed with Bourn's picroformol in Victoria blue of 1 per cent. R. and L. MONTI (Rich. Lab. Anat. Roma, ix, 1902) demon- strate ducts and canaliculi of delomorphous cells by Golgi's bichromate and silver impregnation, especially with reju- venated material (see SACEUDOTTI), leaving it for 5 or 6 days in half-saturated sulphate of copper, then for 24 hours in the osmic-bichromate mixture. You can imbed in paraffin (rapidly). . . . » 731. Intestine. — BEKSLEY (Amer. Journ. Anat.., v, 1906 p. 323) stains sections of glands of Lieberkiihn in a mixture of equal parts of saturated solutions of Orange G and Saurerubin, and then with toluidin blue, and mounts in balsam. 732. Liver. — BRAUS (Denhschr. Med. Nat. Ge#. Jena, v, 1896. p. 307) demonstrates the bile capillaries by the rapid method of GOLGI, hardening in a mixture of one part formol with three parts liquid of M tiller or ^ per cent, chromic acid. EPPINGER (Beitr. path. Anat., xxxi, 1902, p. 230) studies them by means of a complicated modification of WEIGEKT'S neuroglia stain, and CIECHANOWSKI (Anat. Anz., xxi, 1902, p. 426) by means of WEIGERT'S myelin stain (the 1885 method). OPEL (Anat. Anz., v, 18DO, p. 144; vi, 1891, p. 168) puts pieces of liver or spleen (alcohol material) for twenty-four hours into a solution of neutral chromate of potash (4 to BLOOD AND GLANDS. 371 10 per cent.), then for twenty-four hours into a J per cent, solution of silver nitrate, washes, dehydrates, and cuts without imbedding. The lattice fibres are only stained near the surface, so that tangential sections must be made. Similarly BERKLEY, ibid., 1893, p. 772, fixing in picric acid, then in an osmium bichromate mixture, and then silvering. See also RANVIEE,, Journ. de Microgr., ix, x, 1885-6; IGACUSCHI, in Arch. path. Anat., xcvii, p. 142, or ZcM. wits. Mik., 1885, p. 243 (gold process for study of fibrous networks) ; KUPFFER, Sitzb. Ges.f. Morph., etc., Mimchen, Juli, 1889, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 506 ; KRAUSE .(Arch. mik. Anat., xlii, 1893, p. 57); and TIMOFEJEW, Anat. Anz,, xxxv 1909, p. 296 (sections of frozen tissue stained with methyleii blue). 733. Spleen. — For lattice fires, see OPPEL, last §. KULTSCHITZKY (Arch. mik. Anat., xlvi, 1895, p. 675) studies the musculature in. sections (of material from liquid of Miiller) stained for a clay or more in a solution of lakmoid in ether and mounted in balsam. For elastic fibres he puts sections for half an hour or a day into a mixture of 800 parts 96 per cent, alcohol, 40 parts 1 per cent, solution of carbonate of potash, 2 parts Magdala red, and 1 part inethylen blue. For the blood-vessels he puts sections of Miiller material for a few minutes into a solution of one or two parts of Siturerubiu in 400 parts of 3 per cent, acetic acid, washes out in 2 per cent, acetic acid, and after-stains in a similar solution of helianthin or Wasserblau until the red only remains in the erythrocytes. See also WHITING (Trans. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh xxxviii, 1896, p. oil) ; SCHUMACHEK (Arch mik. Anat., Iv, 1899, p. 151) ; WEIDENKEICH (ibid., Iviii, 1901, p. 251). 734. Lymphatic Glands. — For lattice-fibres especially, see KOESSLE & TOSHIBA, Beitr. path. Anat., xlv, 1909, p. 110, or Zeit. wiss. mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 295. Sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin, or Weigert's iron luematoxylin, or Bielschowsky's neurofibril stain as applied by MARESCH, Inc. cit., § 691. The sections should not remain for more than 15 to 30 minutes in the oxide bath. 372 CHAPTER XXX. See also for the thymus some very complicated methods of SALKIND, Anat. Ariz., xli, 1912, Nos. 6 and 7. 735. Kidney. — SAUER (Arch. mik. Anat., xlvi, 1895, p. 110) finds that for the renal epithelium the best fixative is Carney's acetic alcohol with chloroform (three to five hours, washing out with absolute alcohol). A mixture of nine parts alcohol with one of nitric acid is also good, as is liquid of Perenyi. He stains with iron ha3inatoxylin, and after-stains in a very weak solution of Saurerubin in 90 per cent, alcohol, which stains the ciliary plateau. He macerates with iodised serum or one-third alcohol, staining afterwards with dahlia. ARNOLD (Anat. Anz., xxi, 1902, p. 417) employs intra vitam staining methods for the study of the granules of the epithelium cells. Sections of fresh kidney are cut with a Valentin's knife, and brought into a very dilute solution of neutral red, or methylen blue, in which the granules stain in a few minutes or hours. Or saturated solutions of the dyes, or of indigo carmine, may be injected subcutaneously during life, at intervals of fifteen to twenty minutes, and after two to five injections the organ may be excised and sections made and examined (see §§ 208 and 342 to 344). CHAPTER XXXT. NERVOUS SYSTEM GENERAL METHODS. 736. Introduction. — Microscopical research into the struc- ture of the nervous system pursues two ends. Either it is desired to elucidate the internal organisation of nerve-cells and nerve-fibres, the processes employed to this end forming a group of cytological methods, or it is desired to study the forms of nerve-cells, the distribution of the divers groups of nerve- cells in the grey matter, the connections that are formed by means of nerve-fibres between them, and to follow out the course of the tracts of fibres that enter into the constitution of the white matter of the cerebro-spinal axis, the processes employed forming a group of the anatomical methods of neurology. A large proportion of the methods used in the study of nerve-tissue in peripheral organs having already been des- cribed in the chapters on " Methylen Bine," " Impregnation Methods," " Tegumentary Organs," and "Muscle and Tendon/' the following chapters are chiefly devoted to methods for the study of the central nervous system. For minute details concerning the dissection and hardening of the encepliala of Man and the larger Vertebrates see MERCIER, Lcs Coupes tin Systt.-me Nerveux Central, 1894, Paris, Rueff) ; DEJERINE, Anatomic des Centres Nerveux, Paris, 1895; BEVAN LEWIS, The Human Brain, London, Churchill; OBERSTEINER, Anleitwig Hem Studium <7es Banes d. nervosen Central or (jane im gesunden u. Icranlcen Zustande, Leipzig, Toeplitz ; VAN WALSEM, Verh. Altad. Wdensclt. Amsterdam, vii, 1899; BONVICINT, Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxvi, 1909, p. 410 ; BATON. Die liirt. Untcr- suchungensmethoden dcs Nervensy stems, Wiir/burg, 1905; and Sri EL- MEYER, Teclmik d. in Hero. Untersuchung d. N erven systems, Berlin, 1911, and VENDEROVICS, Anat. Anz., xxxix, 1911, p. 414. FIXATION. 737. Fixation by Injection.— Fixation, in the proper sense of the word, is, of course, out of the question in the case of 374 CHAPTER XXXI. the human subject. But in the case of the lower animals it is possible to introduce fixing liquids into the living nerve- centres by means of injection, thus ensuring a much better penetration of the reagents than can be obtained by simple immersion. GOLGI (Arch. Ital. de Biologie, t. vii, 1886, p. 30) injects 2*5 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash, through the carotid if he wishes to limit the hardening to the encephalon, or through the aorta if he desires to fix the spinal cord. DE QUEEVAIN (Virchow's Archiv, cxxxiii, 1893, p. 489) injects solution of Miiller warmed to body heat. For dogs 300 to 400 c.c. are required, for cats one third to one half that quantity. After injection the whole organ is put into solution of Miiller for some weeks. (Further details in fourth edition.) MANN (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xi, 1894, p. 482) injects through the aorta. He first injects for about twenty seconds physio- logical salt solution warmed to 39° C. to wash out the capil- laries, then saturated solution of corrosive sublimate, warmed to 39° C. After five minutes of injection the brain is re- moved and put for twelve hours into the same sublimate solution, after which it is either put for permanent preserva- tion into O'l per cent, solution of sublimate, or is at once passed through alcohol for imbedding in paraffin. See also § 741 (GEROTA) and STRONG (New York Acad. of Sci., January 13th, 1896; Anat. Anz., xi, 21, 1896, p. 655; Journ. Gomp. Nenrnl., xiii, 1903, p. 291) ; and McFARLAND (Journ. App. Alicr., ii, 1899, p. 541). HARDENING. 738. Hardening by the Freezing Method. — The ether freezing method is to be preferred. The sections should be floated on to water, treated for a minute on the slide with 0'25 per cent, osmic acid solution, and stained or otherwise treated as desired. See §§ 182 and 183. For a detailed description of these manipulations see BEVAN LEWIS'S The Human Brain. Also NAGEOTTE, C. E. Soc. />?>>/., Ixvii, 1909, p. 542, who finds that if the tissues are soaked for twenty-four hours before cutting in formol of 3 per cent, the formation of ice crystals is diminished. NERVOUS SYSTEM — GENERAL METHODS. 375 739. Hardening by Reagents. — If large pieces of nerve- tissue are to be hardened, it is necessary to take special precautions in order to prevent them from becoming deformed by their own weight during the process. Spinal cord or small specimens of any region of the encephalon may be cut into slices of a few millimetres' thickness, laid out on cotton-wool, and brought on the wool into a vessel in which they may have the hardening liquid poured over them. Or, still better, the preparations may be suspended in the liquid, see § 34. Another plan, which is good, is to add to the hardening liquid enough glycerin or salt to make the preparations just float. If the preparations are placed on the bottom of the vessel, they should never be placed one on another. If it be desired to harden voluminous organs without dividing them into portions, they should at least be incised as deeply as possible in the less important regions. It is perhaps better in general not to remove the membranes at first (except the dura mater), as they serve to give support to the tissues. The pia mater and a.rachnoid may be removed partially or entirely later on, when the hardening has already made some progress. With material intended for the Golgi impregnation it is well not to remove them at all. The spinal cord, the medulla oblongata, and the pons Varolii may be hardened in toto. The dura mater should be removed at once, and the preparation hung up in a cylinder- glass with a weight attached to its lower end, in order to counteract the torsions of the tissues that may otherwise occur. The cerebrum should have pings of cotton-wool put into the fissure of Sylvius, and as far as possible between the convolutions. Unless there are special reasons to the con- trary, the brain should be divided into two symmetrical halves by a sagittal cut passing through the median plane of the corpus callosum. BETZ recommends that after a few hours in the hardening liquid the pia mater should be re- moved wherever it is accessible, and the choroid plexuses also. The cerebellum should be treated after the same manner. The hardening action of most solutions is greatly enchanced by heat. Thus WEIGERT (Ce-n trail), med. Wiss., 1882, p. 819; Zeit. uh Jahrb., xxxiv, 1905, p. 150) adds a little Saurefuchsin to the mixture. 750. KAISER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 471) stains sections of spinal cord for a few hours in a solution of 1 pint of naphthylunim brown, 200 NERVOUS SYSTWM — GENERAL METHODS. 385 of water, and 100 of alcohol, washes with alcohol, clears with origanum oil, and mounts. 751. Alizarin. — SCHJROTTEK (N enrol. Centralb., xxi, 1902,, p. 338 ; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xix, 1903, p. 381) stains sections for twenty-four hours in a 1 to 2 per cent, solution of sul- phalizarinate of soda, differentiates for ^ to 1 minute in tap-water, dehydrates, and mounts. This is a general stain, but demonstrates Nissl bodies and other internal details. 752. NISSL'S methyl en-blue is used as a general stain by some. ROTHIG (Folia NeurobioL, ii, 1909, p. 385 ; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 282) fixes and stains for about four weeks in saturated solution of Methylenazur I (Griibler) in formol of 10 per cent., puts for ten to fifteen minutes into aceton, then for twelve hours into chloroform, and imbeds in paraffin. He also has a process with trichloracetate of lead and methylenazur. RAWITZ (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxvi, 1910, p. 341) has some complicated methods with Indulin, Indamin blue, and Azosaureblau, which take twenty-eight days ; and (ibid., xxviii, 1911, p. 1) others wiilifuclisin and azofuchsin which take over thirty-six days. KAPPEE.S (ibid., p. 417) describes a stain of chromic material with extract of elderberries. SCARPATETTI (Neurol. Centralb., xvi, 1897, p. 211 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 91) stains sections of formol material for five minutes in 1 per cent, hsematoxyliii, treats for five minutes with concentrated solution of neutral acetate of! copper, differentiates with Weigert's borax-ferri-cyanide, treats with concentrated solution of carbonate of lithia, washes and mounts. Myeliii is not stained. 753. MALLORY'S Phospho-molybdic-acidHgematoxylin has been given, § 271. For the extremely complicated modification of AUERBACH, see Neurol. Centralb., xvi, 1897, p. 439, or Zeit. wiss. MiL, xiv, 1897, p. 402, and for that of KODIS see § 271. 754. Haematoxylin and S'iurefuchsin. — FINOTTI (Virclww's Arch., cxliii, 1896, p. 133 ; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 236) stains in hamui- toxylin, counter-stains for three minutes with 0'5 to 1 per cent, solution of Siiurefuchsin, and differentiates in 75 per cent, alcohol containing a very little caustic potash. VAN GIBSON'S hsematoxylin and piero-Saurefuchsm, § 398, gives useful general views of nerve-cells, axis -cylinders, and neuroglia. 755. ALT (Miincli. med. Wochenschr., 1892, No. 4; Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1, 1892, p. 81) stains for a couple of hours in solution of Congo red in absolute alcohol, and washes out with pure alcohol. For peripheral axis-cylinders, and other elements. 25 CHAPTER XXXII. NERVOUS SYSTEM — CYTOLOG1CAL METHODS. 756. Introduction.- -The ordinary methods of cytology are of course available for nerve-cells. But there are two characteristic elements of tliese cells — the tigroid substance, and the system of neuro-fibrils, which require, for minute study, special methods such as the following. A. Methods for Cells, demonstrating Tigroid Substance. 757. Tigroid substance is a markedly basophilous element, occurring in the form of granules or larger irregular blocks known as the " bodies of NISSL." It takes up basic anilin dyes, but does not hold them with such special energy, as for example, the chromatin of nuclei. It is usually stained by the regressive method, with very careful differentiation. The material is usually fixed .with alcohol, formol, or subli- mate. VAN GEHUCHTEN and NELIS (La Cellule, xiv, 1898, p. 374) recommend GILSON'S mixture, § 69. All the following stains have the defect of keeping badly ; they generally do not last more than a few months. 758. NISSI/S Methylen-blue Method (Neurol. Centralb., 1894, p. 508). — Fresh material is hardened in 96 per cent, alcohol, and sectioned without imbedding. The sections are floated on to the following stain poured into a watch-glass : Methylen blue (Methylenblau B. pat.) . 3 '75 parts. Venice soap ..... 1'75 „ Distilled water . . . . . lOOO'O „ (This stain should not be used fresh, but kept for at least three months.) The watch-glass is warmed over a flame to about 65 to 70° C. till bubbles are given off. The sections are then brought for an instant (5 to 20 seconds) into a mixture of NERVOUS SYSTEM — CYTOL()(JLOAL METHODS. 387 10 parts of anilin oil with 90 parts of 90 per cent, alcohol, and as soon as no more colour is given off from them are gut on to a slide, dried with filter-paper, cleared with oil of cajeput, dried again with filter-paper, treated with a few drops of henzin, and mounted. VAN GEHUCHTEN (in litt.) prefers to take paraffin section*, mounted on slides by the water method, and stain them for five or six hours in NissFs mixture in a stove kept at 35° to 40° 0. REHM (Hunch, med. Wochenschr., 1892, No. 13 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1893, p. 387) stains for half a minute to a minute in a hot 0*1 per cent, of methylen blue, washes in 96 per cent, alcohol till no more colour conies away, clears with origanum oil, and mounts in balsam. GOTHARD (C. R. Soc. BioL, v, 1898, p. 530) stains cel- loiilin sections for twenty-four hours, without heat, in Unna's polychromatic methylen blue and differentiates in a mixture of 5 parts of creosote, 4 of oil of cajeput, 5 of xylol, and 16 of absolute alcohol. LUITHLEN and SORGO (Nenrol. Centralb , xvii, 1898, p. 640) differentiate in Unna's glycerin-ether mixture (§ 702), remove this with absolute alcohol, and clear in origanum oil. LENNHOFF (ibiJ., 1910, p. 1) recommends polychrome methylen blue for 2 minutes, followed by Griibler's " Karbol- Methylgrun-Pyronin ; for 20 minutes. LORD (Journ. Ment. Sci., October, 1898) makes sections of fresh tissue, frozen, treats them for a few seconds with a mixture of equal parts of 6 per cent, formaldehyde and saturated solution of picric acid, then rinses, and warms till bubbles appear in 5 per cent, solution of methylen blue. MENTZ VON KROGH (Centralb. Bakt.,\vm, 19J1, p. 95) stains paraffin sections for 5 minutes in polychrome methylen blue, treats for 1 to 15 with 2 per cent, chromic acid, differentiates till blue with 5 per cent, tannin, and mounts in balsam. Shows also axis cylinders. See also GOLDSCHEIDER & FLATAU, Normale und. path. Anat. der Nervenzellen, etc., Berlin, Kornfeld, 1898 (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xvi, 1899, p. 102), and NISSL'S remarks thereon, Deutsche Zeit. Nervenheilk., xiii, 1899, p. 318 (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 370) ; Cox, Inttrn. Monatsschr. Anat. Phys., xv, 1898, Heft 8 ; MYERS, Anat. Record, 1908, p. 434 ; 388 CHAPTER XXXI J. ILBERG, Neurol. Centralb., 1896, No. 18 ; SAVINI, Centralb. Bakt.. 1909, p. 697. 759. Methylen Blue and Erythrosin. — HELD (Anat. Phys.jAnat. Abth.} 1895, 1896, p. 399) stains sections on slides, with the; aid of a gentle heat, for one or two minutes in a solution of 1 grin, of Griibler's erythrosin in 150 of water with two drops of glacial acetic acid; washes out with water, and stains in a mixture of equal parts of Nissl's methylen. blue and 5 per cent solution of acetone, warming strongly the while, until all odour of acetone has disappeared. After cooling he differentiates with O'l per cent, solution of alum until the sections appear reddish, rinses in water, dehydrates as rapidly as possible in absolute alcohol, and passes through xylol into balsam. See further hereon HELD, op. cit., 1897, pp. 226 — 233, 273 — 305 (Supplementband), and BOCCARDI, Man. Zuol. ItaL, x, 1899, p. 141 (stains in a mixture of erythrosin O'l, toluidin blue, 0'2, and water 100 parts, and differentiates in 0*5 per cent, alum solution). 760. Thionin. — LENHOSSEK (Fein. Ban. d. Nerveiisy stems, Berlin, 1894, p. 149) stains sections of formal material for five minutes in a concentrated aqueous solution of thionin, rinses with water, and mounts as Nissl. The stain does not keep well. Similarly RAMON Y CAJAL, Man. de Anat. Path. Gen., 1896 (see Zeit. wiss Mik., xv, 1899, p. 375), and LUXENBURG, Neurol. Centralb., xviii, 1899, p. 629. 761. Toluidin Blue. — LENHOSSEK (Neurol. Centralb., xvii, 1898, p. 577 ; Zeit. ivixs. Mik., xv, 1899, p. 492). Sections are stained on slides for a night in concentrated solution of toluidin blue, rinsed in water, quickly differentiated with alcohol, cleared with xylol or carbolic-acid xylol, and mounted in balsam. Similarly POLUMORDWINOW (Zeit. wixs. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 371, who stains in a very weak alkaline solution, 1 part of 1 per cent, solution to 119 of water and 1 of carbonate of soda, 762. Neutral Red. — JULIUSBURGER (Neurol. Centralb., xvi, 1897, p. 2f;9) stains sections of formol material, for half to three quarters of a minute in n:arm 1 per cent, solution of NKu-VOUS SYSTKM — nYTOLOfUOA [, MimTOPS. 389 neutral red,, dehydrates in alcohol, and passes through bergamot oil to balsam. ROSIN (Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1898, No. 39, p. 615; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 238) stains in concentrated aqueous solution, washes out thoroughly with water, and passes through alcohol (must bo free from acid) into xylol and balsam. Granules of Nissl red, nucleoli red, all the rest yellow. 763. Alizarin.— See § 751. 764. Cresyl Violet- BIELSCHOWSKY per cent, for seven diiys at 35° C., or six days at 40° C. The rest :is NERVOUS SYSTEM — OYTOLOGrCAL METHODS. 393 Formula la.* Good impregnations of nerve-centres of adults, of peripheral nerve-endings, of regenerating nerves, and of early embryos and of young fishes. Impregnates medullated (and many non-medullated) fibres (black), large and medium neurones (fibrils brown), the basket fibres of cells of Purkinje, the granular layer, and in the cerebrum large and medium pyramidal cells and nerve-fibres. Results fairly constant, but sometimes showing a granular precipitate of unknown origin. To binder this precipitate, and at the same time to hasten the impregnation, it is well to add to the alcohol certain substances which Ramon calls " accelerators. }i Such are chloral hydrate, veronal, pyridin, nicotin, ethylamin, anti- pyrin, and others. Hypnotics, particularly veronal and chloral, and in a less degree pyridin and ammonia, also act as rejuvenatorft, reviving the susceptibility of impregnation which has been lost by tissues that have lain too long in alcohol. Ramon has thus succeeded with nieces of cerebrum and cerebellum that had i. been half a year in alcohol. Formula 2a A. — Fixation for 24 to 48 hours in alcohol of 9(j per cent, with 2 per cent, of hydrate of Moral added. Silver bath of 1*5 per cent, for five days in the stove. The rest as usual. Veronal (same proportion) gives the same result, as do also stdplional, trional, Jiedonal, etc. The results are very constant. Medullated fibres welF shown. Formula 2a B.— Fix (time not stated) in alcohol with 10 to 20 per cent, of pyridin, wash for some hours in pure alcohol, and silver as usual (5 days). Results regular and constant. Formula 2a C.— Fix for 24 hours in 50 c.c. of alcohol with ten drops of nicotin. Mop up with blotting paper, without washing, and silver as usual for five days (or four at 40 C.). Good results with adult tissues, especialty spinal cord. Good penetration and less shrinkage than with pure alcohol. If the impregnation of inner layers should be too weak, the sections may be toned with — Water ... . 100 c.c, Sulpliocyanide of ammonim:: 3 gr. Hyposulphite of sodium 3 „ 1 per cent, gold chloride . a few drops. 394 CHAPTER XXXII. Formula 2a D. — Fix for 24 hours in allijl alcohol (the industrial product will do). Wash for some hours in several changes of water. Put for a day into 50 c.c. of alcohol with 4 drops of ammonia. Silver for 4 days at 35 to 38 C., and reduce as usual. Good for human tissues, especially fibre plexuses of cerebrum and cerebellum. Instead of allyl alcohol you may take acetal or aceton. Put for six hours into aceton with 25 per cent, of water, then for 24 into pure aceton. Formula 3a. — Fixation in ammoniacal alcohol for 20 to 48 hours. The most generally useful formula is, 50 c.c. of alcohol of 96 per cent, with four to five drops of ammonia (of 22° strength). But for cerebrum not more than one to three drops : for cerebellum, ganglia, spinal cord and regenerating tracts, four drops : for neurofibrils of the large neurons of the bulb and cord, nine to ten drops. To avoid shrinkage, it is well to begin by putting for six hours into alcohol of 70 per cent., then 85 per cent, without ammonia, then for the rest of the time into the ammoniacal alcohol. Do not wash, but mop up with blotting paper before putting into the silver. Silver for four to four and a half days (small specimens) at 40° C., or medium to large (3 to 4 mm. thick) for 5 days at 32° to 35° C. So long as the tissues are only yellowish-white, they are not ripe for reduction ; light grey indicates ripeness ; dark grey over-ripeness. Reduce as formula la. Specimens may be decalcified, after reducing and washing, conveniently in alcohol of 96 per cent, with a few drops of nitric acid. For delicate impregnation of fibrils of the soma of large and medium neurones, this formula is superior to all others. It gives good results with the majority of nerve centres, and is particularly good for non-medullated fibres, peri-cellular baskets of cerebellum, buds of Held and Auerbach in the oblongata, for human sympathetic, and for the study of regenerating elements. Formula 3a A.— Fix in 50 c.c. of alcohol with 10 grm. of glycerin and six to ten drops of ammonia. Good for retina, non-medullated fibres, nml esprcinlly .the buds of Held and Auerbach. Formula 3a B.— Fix in 50 c.c. of alcohol with 1'5 c.c. of SYSTEM — f'YTOLOGICAL METHODS. -395 33 per cent, alcoholic solution of ethylamine. Results tlie same as with ammoniacal alcohol. Formula 4a. — Pieces of tissue of not move than 4 mm. in thickness are fixed for six to twelve hours in formal of 15 per cent. Wash for six or more hours in running water.* Put for 24 hours into 50 c.c. of alcohol with five drops of ammonia. Wipe. with blotting paper, silver for 5 days (or four if the stove is at 38° to 40° C.). The rest as usual. Sharp impregnation of the finer fibres of nerve centres, and of the terminal buds of pericellular nests. Adult tissues give better results than young ones. Energetic stain of the arborisations of the mossy fibres of the cerebellum. Formula 4a A. — Fix in "a mixture of formol and alcohol." Wash out thoroughly with running water, and silver and reduce as usual. Fixation more rapid and better, results similar to those of 3«. Formula 5a. — Small pieces put first for 6 to 8 hours into a mixture of equal parts of distilled water and pyridin, then for 18 to 24 hours into pure pyridin . Wash for several hours in running water, and put for a day into alcohol of 90 per cent. Wipe, and put for 4 to 5 days into the silver at 35° to 38° C., and reduce as usual. Not very good for adult organs, but superior to all others for the earliest phases of neurogenesis, and good for regenerative processes. Formula 6a. — Put for 24 hours into 50 c.c. of water with 5 grms. of hydrate of chloral, rinse and put into 50 c.c. of alcohol of 96 per cent, with five drops of ammonia (time not stated). Wipe with blotting paper and put for 4 to 5 days at 35° to 38° C. into nitrate of silver of 1'5 per cent , and reduce as usual. Results very constant, without shrinkage. Stains perfectly the fine plexuses of cerebrum, bulb and cord, the Purkinje baskets and mossy fibres ; also motor plates. Nuclei sufficiently stained to enable cells to be easily recognised. Good for regenerating nerves. Formula 6a A. — Fix for 24 hours in Moral of 10 per cent., wash for 6, and put direct into the silver. Stove four days. Results similar to those of la. Medullated fibres well stained. * If formol (or pyridin or the like) be not thoroughly removed by washing, the stain will he weakened, and of a light reddish tone. (But I am not clear that this vigorous washing out is altogether advisable. x 396 CHAPTER XXXU. Formula 7a. — Fix for 24 hours in Merck's fbro-lysin, wash for 6, pat for 24 into 50 c.c. of alcohol with five drops of ammonia. The rest as usual. Instead of fibrolysin, lysidin may be taken. Application of the Foregoing Method* to Different Objects of Study. (1) For the study of the evolution of neuroblasts and nerve fibres in very early embryos, it is absolutely necessary to avoid fixing with formol, or alcohol with an accelerator, or am- moniacal liquids. The best formula are 2a and 5a. Applic- able to all vertebrates, but preferably to embryos of birds and fishes. (2) For late embryos and fwti of mammals.- — Besides the above, 3a, 6a and alcohol with an accelerator. Best subjects, embryos of chick from the fifth day, and of rabbit from the tenth to the twelfth. Or newborn birds, with ammonia alcohol or 5a. (3) For sympathetic ganglia. — Formula 3a, or pure alcohols or 4a and 5a. Best with man. Dog, cat, and rabbit give mostly weak reactions. The visceral ganglia are the most difficult. (4) Sensory ganglia. — Formula 2a, or 3a. Easy. (5) Cerebellum. — The most favourable of all nerve centres. For Purkinje cells, la or 3a. For the baskets, climbing fibres, and medium and small dendrites, 2a, or its variants. For terminal rosettes and collaterals of mossy fibres, and for the plexuses of the granular layer, 4a, or sometimes 5a or 6a. For the stellate cells of the molecular layer, 2a and 3a, on the dog. (6) Cerebrum. — In general, the same formula? as for the cerebellum, especially la, for pyramids of young dogs and cats (of eight to twenty days). In formula 3a, the propor- tion of ammonia should be diminished. For fine plexuses, 4a, 5a, and 6a. (7) Spinal cord and bulb. — All the formulae are applicable. For ncurofibrils of motor cells the best subject is the dog of four to fifteen days, with formula 3a, with a large dose of ammonia (ten drops). Also the alcoholic fixatives witli an accelerator. For medullated fibres, large and small, 2a or XlfiltVOUS SYSTEM — CYTOLOG1CAL .METHODS. 397 6a. For buds of Held und Auerbach, and for fine plexuses, 4a, 3a A, or 5a. (8) Ganglia of Invertebrates. — For the medicinal leech (not for other leeches), la with 3 to 6 per cent, of nitrate. For Usemopis, Aulostomum, Pontobdella and Glossiphonia, 2a or. better 3a, with not more than two to five drops of ammonia, and silver of 3 per cent., three to three and a half days. For further details see SANCHEZ in Trab. Lab. Invest. Blol. Madrid, vii, 1909, p. 31, or Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 392. Lumbrieus is generally refractory to Ramon's methods. BOULE (Le Nevraxe, x, 1909, p. 15) obtains good impregna- tions by acidifying the fixatives. He takes (A) formol of 25 per cent, with 5 per cent, of acetic acid, or (B) the same with 0*5 per cent, of ammonia added, or (C) 100 c.c. alcohol, 25 c.c. formol, 5 c.c. acetic acid and 0*5 c.c. ammonia. These results are confirmed by KOWALSKT, La Cellule, xxv, 1909, p. 292, who also gets impregnations by simply starving worms for several days, or exposing them to cold (—5° C.) for a quarter of an hour. (9) Regenerating nerve tissue. — For nerves operated a month or more previously, 2a or 3a with not more than three drops of ammonia will stain equally the old and the new fibres. For nerves operated not more than two to ten days previously, 3a with 4 to 6 drops of ammonia, 5a with pyridin and 4a, also sometimes 6a. For regenerations in cord, cerebrum and cerebellum, 3a with three drops of ammonia, or 5a with pyridin, or pure alcohol. 769. Variants of RAMON'S Methods. — BESTA (Eiv. Path. Nerv. Mettt., Firenze, xv, 1910, p. 333) fixes for 48 hours in alcohol with 5 per cent, nitric acid, neutralises in alcohol with ammonia, and silvers and reduces as Ramon. KATO (Folia NeurobiuL, ii, 1908, No. 3 ; Zeit. wiss. MiJer., xxvi, 1909, p. 281) fixes in formol of 10 to 15 per cent., and silvers for one to five days at 35° C. in 5 per cent, argentamin to which has been added nitrate of silver of 3 per cent, in excess, and reduces in 10 per cent, formol with 1 per cent, of hydroquiiion. PUSATERI (Arch. Path. Anat., 195 Bd., 1909, p. 547) fixes for three to six days at 35° to 38° C. in a mixture of 45 c.c. of tachiol (10 per cent, solution of fluoride of silver) with 155 of water, rinses and reduces for 24 hours in formol of 5 to 10 per cent, with 1 to 2 per cent, of hydro - quinon. He tones the paraffin sections in 10 c.c. of water with 2 398 CHAPTER XXXII. drops of acetic acid and five of 1 per cent, gold chloride, and fixes with hyposulphite of soda of 5 per cent. LIESEGANG (Kolloidchemie, Beihefte, iii, 1911, H. 7 ; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xxviii, 1912, p. 369) makes sections of formol material by the /m?z/m/ process, and silvers them until yellow. He then adds to the silver bath an equal volume of 50 per cent, solution of gum arable and the same amount of saturated solution of hydroquinon. After one or two min- utes the sections are brought into 10 per cent, solution of hyposulphite of sodium, washed and mounted. Results said to be the same as by the usual process. 770. BIELSCHOWSKY'S Methods (BIELSCHOWSKY and WOLFF, Biol. Central^., xxv, 1905, p. 683). — Objects of not more than 2 mm. in thickness are fixed in neutral formol of 6 to 10 per cent, (time not stated), washed out well with distilled water, and put for at least two days into nitrate of silver of 2 per cent, in the dark. Wash for a few minutes, and put for half an hour to several hours into a bath made as follows : — To nitrate -of silver of 10 per cent, add drop by drop 40 per cent, solution of caustic soda until no further pre- cipitate is formed (this will be about 5 drops to 10 c.c.), dissolve the precipitate almost entirely in just enough ammonia, filter and add 4 to 5 vols. of water. The solution will only keep for a few hours. After this bath, wash again, put for 1 to 6 hours into formol of 4 to 5 per cent., dehydrate and bring through xylol into paraffin. Sections are toned on the slide for 1 to 2 hours in chloride of gold of one tenth to one twentieth per cent, (which it is well to neutralise with lithium carbonate), rinsed, fixed for 5 to 15 minutes in hypo- sulphite of soda of 5 per cent., washed for 6 to 12 hours in running water and mounted in balsam. If nuclei take the impregnation, the fibril stain will not have succeeded, but there may be a useful stain of other elements, especially tigroid matter. SCHLEMMER (Zeit, iviss. Mik.3 xxvii, 1910, p. 22) makes the oxide bath by adding the caustic soda in excess, and washing the precipitate by repeated decantations until the wash water no longer gives an alkaline reaction, takes it up with ammonia and filters through spun glass, and thus obtains a solution which will keep for several days. I find the filtering is not necessary. For older forms of this method see last ecL} and Neur. Cuntndb., xxiii, 1903, p. 977, and xxiv, 1904, p. 387 (the NElvVOUS 8VSTKM— OYTOLDfaCAL METHODS. 399 toning bath is here 10 c.c. of water with 2 to 3 drops of 1 per cent, gold chloride, and 2 to 3 of acetic acid. BIKLSCHOWSKY (Joiirn Psych. Neurol., xii, 1909,, p. 135 ; Ze-it. iv ess. Mik., xxviii, 1911, p. 226) also has a method with pyridin. Formol material, up to one cubic centimetre for adult tissue, and up to 5 centimetres long for embryos, is put for 3 to 4 days into pyridin, washed for some hours in several changes of distilled water, and put for 3 to 5 days into nitrate of silver of 3 per cent, at a tempera- ture of 36 C. It is then put for 24 hours into an oxide bath made as follows : Precipitate 5 c.c. of 20 per cent, solu- tion of silver nitrate by 5 drops of caustic soda of 40 per cent,, dissolve in ammonia, q. s., add 100 c.c. of water (and, to hinder formation of precipitates in the tissues, a few drops of ammonia). After this bath, wash for a couple of hours in many changes of distilled water, and reduce in formol of 20 per cent., dehydrate and make paraffin sections. These may be toned, but there is not much gained by it. He also (ibid.} makes sections by the freezing method, of formol material, and puts them for 24 to 48 hours into pyridin, and washes them out well with water as before. They are then put for 24 hours (or more) into 3 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver at the normal temperature ; then into the oxide bath prepared as before, but with only 20 c.c. of water instead of 100, and without addition of ammonia (the bath ought not to contain an excess of ammonia recog- nisable by the smell). They remain in this until yellowish- brown, but not more than half an hour, are well washed, and reduced in formol of 20 per cent. They are then toned with gold and fixed with hyposulphite as described ante. By these pyridin methods intra-cellular fibrils are generally not so well shown as by the older method, but axis cylinders come out better, and glia remains unstained. The method succeeds even with material that has been for years in acid formol, and gives a uniform impregnation of entire blocks f tissue. SCHUTZ (N enrol. Zentraib., xxvii, 1908, p. 909) finds that the times given by Bielschowsky are too short — which is not at all my experience. For toning, he puts the sections for 10 minutes into 10 c.c. of water with two drops of acetic acid, then for 30 to 45 into 10 c.c. of water with three drop 400 CHAPTER XXXLI. of 1 per cent, gold chloride (until blackish-grey). He fixes for 3 to 5 minutes in 10 c.c. of sodium hyposulphite of 5 per cent, with one drop of acid sodium sulphite, and washes out for 24 hours in distilled water. PATON (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xviii, 1907, p. 576) fixes fish embryos in 4 per cent, formol neutralised with carbonate of magnesia, makes both silver baths only f to 1 per cent, strong, washes with weak acetic acid, and reduces in 10 c.c. of 1 per cent, hydroquinon with 1 c.c. of formol. After toning, he stains with 1 per cent, solution of eosin in absolute alcohol. SAND (G. R. Ass. Anat. Bruxelles, 1910; Billiugr. anat. Supp.j 1910, p. 128) gives the following as entirely certain for man, dog, cat and rabbit. Specimens of not more than 5 mm. in thickness are fixed for 48 hours in a freshly prepared mixture of 90 parts of acetone and 10 of nitric acid (change for fresh after half an hour and once again within 24 hours). Wash out for at least 6 hours in pure aceton, changed two or three times. Make paraffin sections, and silver for three days at about 37° C. in 20 per cent, solution of silver nitrate. Put for ten minutes into a mixture (at least three days old) of 1000 parts of water, 10 of acetate of sodium, 5 of gallic acid, and 3 of tannin (to be changed if it becomes turbid) . Mount at once or tone until grey (five minutes) in 80 parts of water with 17 of 2 per cent, solution of sulphocyanide of ammonium and 3 of 2 per cent, solution of gold chloride, and fix for a few seconds in 5 per cent, solution of hyposulphite of soda. Neurofibrils grey-violet, shown in cells, dendrites and axones. Terminal buds of Held also clearly shown, and nothing else stained. You may after-stain in any way, even with Weigert's or Benda's neuroglia stain. BOEKE (Anat. Anz., xxxv, 1909, p. 136) says that Bielschowsky's method will succeed after many kinds of fixation, even that by picrc- sulphuric acid. For embryos he finds the best is 10 parts of formol to 90 of 60 per cent, alcohol, the objects being washed out with pure formol of 10 to 12 per cent, until all the alcohol is removed, before silvering. LUGARO (Monit. Zool. ItaL, xv, 1S04, p. 353) has a highly complicated method with collaryol (colloidal silver) which has not met with favour. NERVOUS SYSTEM — CTTOLOGICAL METHODS. 401 771. Neurofibrils : Gold Methods. — APATHY'S gold method, § 371, gives perhaps the sharpest stain which has yet been obtained— with certain invertebrates, but only with these: and even with these it is difficult and uncertain. JORIS (Bull. Akad. Med. Belt/., April 30th, 1904) gives the following as being certain. Material fixed by the usual methods is put for 8 to 12 hours into a 5 per cent, solution of ammonium molybdate, then imbedded in paraffin. The sections (fixed on slides by the water method) must be washed for many hours or days in water. They are then treated for about ten minutes with a 1'5 per cent, solution of colloidal gold in water, rinsed and mounted. The stain is permanent. The colloidal p'old used was obtained from the Chemische O Fubrik HEYDEN, in Radebeul- Dresden. It will dissolve in about a day. 772. Neurofibrils, Molybdenum-Toluidin Blue (BETHE, Zeit. wi*s. Mik.j xvii, 1900, p. 13). — Pieces of central nervous system (of Vertebrates) are fixed for twenty-four hours in nitric acid of from 3 per cent, to 7'5 per cent, strength, and brought direct into alcohol of 96 per cent, for a day or more. They are put for twelve to twenty-four hours into a mixture of one part of ammonia (of sp. gr. 0*95) with three of water and eight of 96 per cent, alcohol, then for six to twelve hours into pure alcohol ; they are then put for twenty-four hours into a mixture of one part concentrated hydrochloric acid with three of water and eight to twelve of alcohol, then for ten to twelve into pure alcohol, and thence for not more than two to six hours into water. They are now mordanted for twenty-four hours in a 4 per cent, solution of ammonium molybdate, brought for 24 hours into alcohol, and imbedded in paraffin (not celloidin). Sections are seriated on albumen (irithout water), then passed through xylol and alcohol into water, and " differentiated ' — by which tbe author means washed out — with water. About 1 to 1*5 c.c. of distilled water should be poured on to the slide so as to form over the sections a layer 1'5 to 2 mm. deep, and the slide is put for two to ten minutes into a stove heated to not more than 55 to 60° C. The sections are then rinsed several times with water, a solution of one part of tolnidin blue in 3000 of 26 402 CHAPTER XXXIT. water is poured on to them, they are again stoved for ten minutes, rinsed with water, treated with 96 per cent, alcohol till no more colour comes away, and passed through absolute alcohol and xylol into xylol balsam. The method is also applicable to invertebrates, for which other fixations than nitric acid are admissible, and the impregnation with the molybdate may be done on the sections instead of the uncut tissues. The results are not so certain as for vertebrates. LUGARO (Riv. Pat. Nerv. Went., Firenze, x, 1905, p. 269) modifies this by fixing in nitric acid dissolved (to 1 per cent.) in aceton. DONAGGIO (Ann. Nerrol. Napoli, 1904, p. 161) fixes pieces not more than 5 mm. thick for five to six days in pyridin, changed at least once, washes in water, and mordants for twenty-four hours in ammonium molybdate 4 grins., water 100, hydrochloric acid 4 drops. Wash, get into paraffin, treat sections on slide for one minute with Avater, stain for three to thirty minutes in a 1 : 10,000 solution of ihionin, and mount ; or, better, first treat again for fifteen to thirty minutes with molybdate solution. JADERHOLM (Arch. mik. Anat., Ixvii, 1905, p. 108) finds that the pyridin causes enormous shrinkage, and that the thionin agglutinates the fibrils. PARAVICINI (Boll. Mus. Z. Anat. Comp., Torino, xx, 1905, p. 514) fixes and mordants in the dark, and differentiates after staining with extremely weak hydrochloric acid. See also TOMASELLI, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxiii, 1907, p. 422. and MONTANARI, ibid., xxviii, 1911, p. 22, who describes observations which seem to throw doubt on the objectivity of the network described by Donnggio. 773. Neurofibrils, APATHY'S Hsematein Method (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel., xii, 1897, p. 712). — Material may be fixed with sublimate, liquid of Zenker, picro-sulphuric acid, or any mixture that is not inimical to staining with alum hsematoxylin, and should be preserved in 90 per cent, alcohol. Portions are stained for at least forty-eight hours in the haematem solution 1 A, § 259, and are then washed for up to twenty-four hours in absolutely pure distilled water, preferably suspended therein. Before the stain has become washed out? of the iieurofibrils, it is fixed therein by putting the preparations for three to five hours into S2^rin(j water, after which they are put back for not more than two hours into distilled water, dehydrated as rapidly as possible by hanging them up NERVOUS SYSTKM — CYTOLOCHCAL METHODS. 403 in absolute alcohol, and imbedded (they must be protected from the light whilst in the chloroform through which they are passed into paraffin, or whilst in celloidiii). Sections are made and mounted in a resin or in neutral glycerin. This method has given splendid results with Hirudinea and some other invertebrates, but I believe has not yet been successful with vertebrates. 774. Neurofibrils, Berlin Blue (S. MEYER, Anat. Anz., xx, 1902, p. 535). — Material is best fixed in 10 per cent, formol, then mordanted for eight to twenty days in ferrocyaiiide of potassium of 2 5 per cent, (or this salt may be added to the fixative), then put for two to four days into iron alum of 10 per cent. Wash for several hours, imbed in paraffin, and mount sections in balsam. Besides iieurofibrils, the sheath of Schwann and the constrictions of Ranvier are stained. Like the Golgi chrome- silver process, this method gives a partial impregnation, only certain elements taking on the stain. 775. The Methylen blue intra vilam method is important, see the processes of APATHY, DOGIEL, and BETHE in Chapter XVI. 776. The methods of Cox for the fibrils of spinal -ganglion cells, Zeit. iviss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 498, and Anat. Hefte, x, 1898, p. 98, seem to be definitively superseded. 777. Golgi's INTRA-CELLULAR NETWORK. — For the study of his apparato reticolare interno, GOLGI (Verh. Anat. Ges., xiv, 1900, p. 174) uses a mixture due to VERATTI, consisting of — • 5 per cent, bichromate . . .30 parts 0*1 per cent, platinum chloride . . 30 „ 1 per cent, osmic acid . . 15 to 30 ,, and after hardening therein puts (for a time varying from a few hours to ten days) into a mixture of 1 part of bichro- mate of 3 or 4 per cent, with two of saturated solution of sulphate of copper, and thence into silver nitrate of 0*8 to 1 per cent. See further Verh. Anat. Ges., xiv Vers._, 1900, p. 174. More recently (Arch. Ital. BioL, xlix, 1908, p. 272 ; Mou. Z. Ital., xix, 1908, p. 263) he fixes for six to eight hours in a mixture of equal parts of 20 per cent, formol, saturated solution of arsenious acid, and alcohol of 96 per cent., and then puts for one to three hours (or days) into nitrate of silver of 1 per cent. He then reduces in any developer, usually 20 grms. 404 CHAPTER XXXTI. • hydroquinon, 5 grins, sodium sulphite, 50 c.c. formol of 20 per cent., and 1000 c.c. water. Wash and imbed, preferably in celloidin. Tone the sections until grey in 1000 c.c. water with 30 grins, each of hyposulphite of soda and sulphocyanide of ammonium and 10 per cent, of 1 per cent, gold chloride. It is well, though not necessary, to treat them first with a solution of 0'5 grm. of permanganate of potash and 1 grm. of sulphuric acid in 1000 of water, and then with 1 per cent, solution of oxalic acid, before mounting. LEGENDRE (Anat. Anz., xxxvi, 1910, p. 209) omits the toning and per- manganate, and imbeds in paraffin. Similarly, COLLIN et LUCIEN, Biblioyr. Anat. Supp., 1909, p. 238. SARAGNONE (Patologica, i, 1909, p. 536; Jmtrn. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1910, p. 256) silvers with a mixture of 30 c.c. of tacliiol (10 per cent, solution of silver fluoride) with 100 of water. BESTA (Anat. Anz., xxxvi, 1910, p. 477) fixes for two days in 20 parts of formol with two of acetic aldehyde and 80 of water, washes for twenty-four hours in distilled water changed 7 or 8 times, and puts for two days into 4 per cent, solution of ammonium molybdate, makes paraffin sections, stains in a 1 : 1000 solution of thionin, differentiates in 3 parts of creosote to 1 of absolute alcohol, and passes through pure creosote and xylol into neutral balsam. Recommended for Purkinje cells and spinal ganglia of young subjects. KOPSCH (Sitzb. Acad. Wiss. Wien, xl, 1902, p. 929 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xx, 1904, p. 347) demonstrates it in spinal ganglion cells as follows; the ganglia are put for eight days (or exceptionally, a few more), into osmic acid of 2 per cent, and paraffin sections made. The network becomes quite black and is sharply demonstrated, unless the impregnation has been too prolonged, in which case the rest of the cell body becomes blackened also. SJOVALL (Auat. Hefte, xxx, 1906, p. 362) fixes in formol before treat- ing with the osmic acid. 778. Medullary Sheath (Nemoceratin, etc.).— GOLGI (quoted from REZZONICO, Arcli. per la Sri. mcd., iv, 1870, p. 85) puts pieces of spiral cord into 2 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash, for eight to fifteen days in summer, or a month in winter. Wash, and put into 0'75 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver, for two or three days in summer, or eight or ten or more in winter. Pass through alcohol into oil of turpentine, tease therein, and mount in damar. Expose to sunlight therein for eight to ten days; or to diffused day- light for twenty to forty days. Demonstrates funnels and spirals, NERVOUS SYSTEM — CYTOLOGIOAL METHODS. 405 For peripheral nerves, GOLGI (ibil., p. 288) puts pieces into the bichromate for from four hours to at most two days, passing specimens at intervals into the silver, where they remain for twelve to twenty-four hours. Wash in several changes of alcohol, tease therein, and pass through oil of turpentine into damar. Reduce therein in direct sun- light for a few days or weeks. The preparations keep well. He also (ibid., p. 238) puts pieces into a mixture of 10 parts 2 per cent, bichromate with 2 of 1 per cent, osmic acid, and passes them on into the silver at intervals of three hours, after the first four, during twenty-four hours. The silver is of 0'5 per cent, strength, and the pieces remain in it for any time not less than eight hours. The rest as before. Results somewhat more precise, but the stain does not keep in damar. It is important that the nerve should not have been stretched. SALA (Verh. Anat. Ges., 1900, p. 176) employs the method of VEKATJI for the intracellular network, last §. See also concerning these methods MONDINO, op. cit., viii, p. 45, and PETRONE, Intern. Munatssclir. Anat., v, 1888. GALLI (Zett. WINS. Mik., iii, 1880, p. 467) puts for eighteen to twenty days into solution of Mtiller, then stains for fifteen to twenty minutes in aqueous solution of China blue, washes out in alcohol, clears in essence of turpentine, and mounts in damar. PLAINER (Zeit. wins. J\lik., vi, 1889, p. 186) fixes for several days in a mixture of 1 part of Liq. Ferri Perchlor. (Ph. G., ed. 2) and 3 to 4 parts of water or alcohol, washes out well in water and stains for several days or weeks in a concentrated solution of " Echtgriin ; in 75 per cent, alcohol. See also BKER, Jahrb. Pttyrhiatrie, ii, 1893, 1 Heft. Cox (Anut. Hefte, i, 1898, p. 75) fixes nerves in osmic acid of 2 per cent, (rabbit) or 1 per cent, (frog), washes, de- hydrates, clears with bergamot oil, and mounts in balsam. The bergamot oil dissolves out the myelin, and leaves the neuroceratin visible. It may be necessary to leave the nerves for forty-eight hours in the oil. CORNING (Anat. Anz., xvii, 1900, p. 309) studies the net- work in the ischiatic of the frog on sections of sublimate • 41 material strongly stained with iron hsematoxylin. See also KAPLAN (Arch. Psychiatr., xxxv, 1902, p. 825 ; 406 CHAPTEIt XXXII. Zeit. ids*. Mik.} xix, 1903, p. 508) — sections stained with Saurefuchsin and differentiated by the method of PAL. GKDOELST (La Cellule, v, 1889, p. 136) has the following: (a) A nerve is treated with liquid of PEKENYJ, either pure or with addition of a trace of osmic acid, and examined in glycerin. By this treatment the myelin loses its excessive refractivity and the network comes out clearly. (b) Silver nitrate. Good images, but uncertain, (r) Treatment with a mixture of osmic acid of 1 per cent, and absolute alcohol. The network comes out black. CHAPTER XXXIII. MYELIN STAINS. 779. Iron Haematoxylin.--! find the simplest way to make a myelin stain is to make paraffin sections of formol material and stain them with iron hsematoxylin, exactly as for central corpuscles (say twelve to fourteen hours in the mordant, six in the haematoxylin, and about two minutes for the differen- tiation). Sections best not over 15 /.*. You may after-stain the cells (which are only grey) with carmalum, but not for more than half an hour, or the hsematoxylin will be attacked. The stain is not so aasthetic as Weigert's, but quite as sharp. Axis cylinders are not shown. Similarly REGAUD, C. R. Acad. Sci., clxviii, 1909, p. 861, but adding a chrome mordantage either concurrently with the formol fixation, or subsequently. Also NAGEOTTE, C. R. Sue. Biol , Ixvii, 1909, p. 542, with sections of formol material by the freezing method; HOUSE R, Jo urn. Comp. Neurol. and Psych., x, 1901, p. 65, and BROOKOVEK, il>id., xx, 1910, No. 2 ; SPIELMEYER, Neurol. Zentralb., xxix, 1910, p. 348, and his Technik. d. mikro. Untersuch. d. Nerventy stems, 1911, p. 87, with sections of 25 to 35 ,u by the freezing method ; LOYEZ, C. R. Sue., Biol., Ixix, 1910, p. 511, who differentiates first lightly, till the grey begins to come out, in the iron alum, then washes, and differentiates further in Weigert's borax ferricyanide ; GILBERT, Zuit. iciss. Mil'., xxviii, 1911, p. 279, who mordants with iron alum, stains with molyfrdic acid h&matoxylin, and differentiates with the borax ferricyanide ; STOELZNER, ibid., xxiii, 1906, p. 329, who mordants celloidin sections of formol material for five minutes in Liq. ferri sesquichlorati, stains in ha?matoxylin of 0'5 per cent., and differentiates in the mordant or in borax ferricyanide ; and Koms, Arcli. mik. Anat., lix, 1901, p. 211, who fixes for one or two days in 408 CHAPTER XXX11I. saturated solution of cyanide of mercury, hardens in 10 per cent, formol, and stains sections of frozen material by Heidenhain's iron hsematoxylin. 780. WEIGERT'S Methods. — There have been in all three methods of WEIGERT — the 1884 method, the 1885 method, and the 1891 method. The 1884 method (Fortschr. d. Med., 1884, pp. 113, 190; Zuit. wiss. Mik.} 1884, pp. 290, 564), which depends on the formation of a chrome lake of ha3inatoxylin, may be con- sidered to be superseded. Not so the two others, which depend on the formation of a copper lake in addition to the chrome lake. 781. WEIGERT'S 1885 Method (Fortschr. d. Med., 1885, p. 136 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., 1885, pp. 399, 481 ; Ergebnisse der Anatomic, y{, 1896 [1897], -p. 10). — The tissues are to be hardened in bichromate of potash. WEIGERT takes (Ergeb- nisse, p. 10) a 5 per cent, solution, and if time is an object hardens in a stove. (Other bichromate mixtures will do, e. g. Miillei^s, Kultschizky's, Zenker's ; Erlicki's is not to be recommended.) The tissues are " ripe ' for staining when the hardening has been carried to a certain point. They are first (Ergebnisse, p. 13) yellow, without differentiation of the grey matter from the white; these are unripe. Later they show the grey matter light brown, the white matter dark brown ; and these are ripe. More lately (ibid., p. 14) he added to the bichromate solution 2 per cent, of chrome alum or of fluoride of chromium, which hastens the hardening, so that small specimens become brown and ripe in four to five days, without stoving. After hardening, the preparation is imbedded in celloidin (if desired ; imbedding is not obligatory) and hardened in the usual way. The hardened block is put for one or two days, in an incubating stove, into saturated solution of neutral acetate of copper diluted with one volume of water. By this treatment the tissues become green and the celloidin bluish-green. The preparation may then be kept till wanted for sectioning in 80 per cent, alcohol. MYELIN STAINS. 409 Sections are made, well washed in water, and brought into a stain composed of — Ha3inatoxylin . . . . 0*75 to 1 part. Alcohol . . . . .10 parts. Water . . . . 90 „ Saturated solution of lithium carbonate 1 part. They remain there for spinal cord, two hours ; medullary layers of brain, two hours ; cortical layers, twenty-four hours. They are then again well washed with water, and brought into a decolorising solution composed of — Borax . . . . . 2'0 parts Ferricyanide of potassium . . 2*5 ,, Water ..... 200'0 „ They remain there until complete differentiation of the nerves (half an hour to several hours), and are then well washed with water (running, or changed several times), dehydrated, and mounted in balsam. They may be previously stained, if desired, with alum-carmine for the demonstration of nuclei. The method is applicable to the study of peripheral nerves as well as to nerve-centres, and also to the study of lymphatic glands, skin (see SCHIEFFERDECKER, Anat. Anz.3 ii, 1887, p. 680), bile capillaries, and other objects. The process is applicable to tissues that have been hardened in alcohol or in any other way, provided that they be put into a solution of a chromic salt until they become brown, before mordanting them in the copper solution. It is not necessary that the mordanting be done in bulk. MAX FLUSCH (Zeit. tms. Mik.y iii, 1880, p. 50) prefers (following LICHTHEIM) to make the sections first, and mordant them separately. VASSALE (quoted from BATON'S Hist. Untersuchungsmeth. (1. Nervensy stems, Wiirzburg, 1905, p. 124) first stains the sections in 1 per cent, hsematoxylin, for three to five minutes, then puts for three to five minutes into saturated solution of acetate of copper, and differentiates. 782. WEIGEKT'S 1891 Method (Dent ache -mcd. Wuche 42, 1891, p. 1184; fait, iciss. Mil'., viii, 1891, p. 392).— The 410 CHAPTER XXXIII. material is to be hardened in bichromate and imbedded in celloidin (see last §). It is then (according to the latest form of the process, Encycl. mik. Teclinik., 1903,, p. 942 ; for the earlier form see last ed.) put for 24 hours in a stove into a solution of 2-£ parts of fluoride of chromium, 5 of acetate of copper, and 5 of acetic acid in 100 of water.* Sections are then made and stained for from four to twenty-four hours at the temperature of the room in a freshly prepared mixture of 9 vols. of (A) a mixture of 7 c.c. of saturated aqueous solution of carbonate of lithium with 93 c.c. of water, and 1 vol. of (13) a solution of 1 grin, of hsematoxylin in 10 c.c. of alcohol (A and B may be kept in stock, but A must not be too old). The sections should be loose ones, and not thicker than 0'025 mm. They are then washed in several changes of water, and treated with 90 per cent, alcohol, followed by carbolic-acid-and-xylol mixture (for a short time only), or by a mixture of 2 parts of anilin oil with 1 of xylol, then pure xylol and xylol balsam (not chloroform balsam). It was, however, found that preparations thus made, without differential ion, did not keep well, and WEIGERT (Ergelmiste J. Anat., iii, 1894, p. 21) reverted to the practice of differentiating with the borax-ferri cyanide mixture, last §. Later still (Encycl. mik. Tvclmilc., 1903, p. 942) he employed a stain composed of equal parts of (A) a mixture of 4 c.c. of the officinal Liquor ferri scsquichlorati with 96 of water, and (B) a mixture of 10 c.c. of 10 per cent, solution of haematoxylin in alcohol with 90 of 96 per cent, alcohol. The two must be mixed immediately before use, and the sections should remain in the stain over night or longer, then be rinsed and differentiated as usual. This has the advantage of demonstrating very fine fibres, and of giving a colourless ground . For difficult objects the differentiating liquid may be diluted with water, and gives better results than dilute acetic or hydrochloric acid or the like, which were formerly recommended. Formol material may (Ergelnisse, vi, 1897, p. 14) be Instead of the chromium fluoride, you may take chrome alum, as Weigert did at one time, and as some still do. But then you must boil, as directed for Weiyert's Neuroglia stain, § MYEL1N STAINS. 411 employed if mordanted till brown (four or five days) in ,5 per cent, solution of bichromate with 2 per cent, of chromium fluoride. P. MEYER (Neurol. Zentralb., xxviii, 1909, p. 353; Zeit. inss. Mil:, xxvi, 1909, p. 488) imbeds and cuts before putting- into the copper fluid. Modifications of Weigert's Method. 783. PAL'S Method (Wien. wed. Jahrb., 1886; Zeit. wise. Mik., iv, 1887, p. 92; Med. Jahrb., 1887, p. 589; Zeit. u-iss. Mik., 1888, p. 88).- -You proceed at first as in WEIGERT'S process, but omitting the copper bath, and you stain as in WEIGEKT'S process. After staining in the haematoxylin solution the sections are washed in water (if they are not stained of a deep blue a trace of lithium carbonate must be added to the water). They are then brought for ticenty to thirty seconds into 0*25 per cent, solution of permanganate of potash, rinsed in water, and brought into a decolouring solution composed of — Acid. Oxalic, pur. . . . . I'O Potassium Sulphite* (Kalium iSulfuro- sum [S03K2]) . . . 1-0 Aq. Dest. . . . . . 200'0 In a few seconds the grey substance of the sections is de- colourised, the white matter remaining blue. The sections should now be well washed out, and may be double-stained with Magdala red or eosin, or (better) with picrocarmine or acetic-acid-carmine. PAL'S process gives brilliant results, the ground of the preparations being totally colourless. WEIGERT (Ergebnisse, vi, p. 21) considers that for very thick sections it is superior to his own. But it is not so safe for verv fine fibres. »f MARCUS stains l>y the Pal method sections of material hardened in formalin, as described § 741. GUDDEN (Neurol. Centrcdb., xvi, 1897, p. 24) makes celloidin sections of material hardened in 5-10 per cent, formol followed by alcohol, treats them for ten hours with 0*55 per cent, chromic acid, rinses with water, and treats with 80 per cent, alcohol, then stains by the method of Pal, adding to the hsematoxylin a few drops of dilute nitric acid (MlNNICH). Not " sulphide," as erroneously yiveii in MERCIEK'S Les Coupes du Neiveux Central, p. 190. 412 CHAPTER XXX II I. TSCHERNYSCHEW and KARUSiN (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 354'), stains for twenty four hours in the haBmatoxylin of KULTSCHITZKY, next §. So also PAVLOW, (Ibid., xxi, 1904, p. 14, taking the permanganate twice as strong as Pal. KOZOWSKY (Neurol. Zentralb., xxiii, 1904, p. 1041) stains as Weigert, and differentiates the sections first with 1 per cent, permanganate, till the grey comes out brown, and finishes the differentiation with Liq. ferri sesq uich lorati. POTTER (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvii, 1910, p. 238) stains as Weigert, last§, and differentiates first in permanganate of 0'25 per cent., then in borax ferricyanide. 784. KAISER (Neurol Ctntralb., xii, 1893, pp. 364, 368; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xi, 1894, p. 249) hardens first in liquid of Miiller, then for eight days in liquid of MARCHI (§ 796), mordants sections for five minutes with sesquichloride of iron (1 part to 1 of water and 3 of 70 per cent, alcohol), stains, and differentiates with Pal's liquid. For details see early editions. BOLTON (Journ. of Anat. and Pliys., xxxii, 1898, p. 245) makes sections of formalin material, and mordants them for a few minutes in 1 per cent, osmic acid, or for a few hours in iron-alum or ammonium molybdate, stains in KULTSCHITZKY'S ha^matoxylin (next §), and differentiates by Pal's process. Similarly WYNN, ibid., 1900, p. 381. LASLETT (Lancet, 1898, p. 321 ; Journ. Eoy. Mic. Soc., 1898, p. 600) mordants in liquid of Marchi (1 week), makes sections, stains by KULT- SCHITZKY'S method, and differentiates by PAL'S. 785. KULTSCHITZKY'S method (Anat. An?.., 1839,, p. 223, and 1890, p. 519). — Specimens are hardened for one or two mon tli s in solution of Erlicki, imbedded in celloidin or photo- xylin, and cat. Sections are stained for from one to three hours, or as much as twenty-four, in a stain made by adding 1 grin, of ha3inatoxylin dissolved in a little alcohol to 100 c.c. of 2 per cent, acetic acid. They are washed out in saturated solution of carbonate of lithia or soda. Differentiation is not necessary., but by adding to the car- bonate of lithia solution 10 per cent, of a 1 per cent, solu- tion of red prussiate of potash, and decolorising therein for two or three hours or more, a sharper stain is obtained. After this the sections are well washed in water and mounted in balsam. Myelin dark blue. WOLTEKS (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 189J, p. 466) proceeds as Kultschitzky,, except that lie stains at 45° C. for twenty-four MYELTN STAINS. 413 Lours, after which the sections are dipped in solution of Miiller, and differentiated by the method of Pal. Similarly KAES (ibid., viii, 1891, p. 388 ; Neurol. Central^., 1891,, No. 15). Myelin dark blue, cells yellow-brown. 786. MITROPHANOW (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xiii, 1896, p. 361) mordants photoxylin sections for at least twenty-four hours at 40° C. in a mixture of equal parts of saturated aqueous solution of acetate of copper and 90 per cent, alcohol, stains for ten minutes in Kultschitzky's hsematoxylin, and differentiates with Weigert's ferricyanide. 787. BEKKLEY'S Rapid Method (Neurol. Central!)., xi, 9, 1892, p. 270; Zeit. wis*. Mik., x, 1893, p. 370).— Slices of tissue of not more than two and a half millimetres in thick- ness are hardened for twenty-four to thirty hours in mixture of Flemming, at a temperature of 25° C., then in absolute alcohol, then imbedded in celloidin and cut. After washing in water the sections are put overnight into a saturated solution of acetate of copper (or simply warmed therein to 35° to 40° C. for half an hour). They are then washed, and stained for fifteen to twenty minutes in a lithium carbonate haBmatoxylin similar to Weigert's, warmed to 40° C., allowed to cool, and differentiated for one to three minutes in Weigert's ferricyanide liquid, which may be diluted if desired with one third of water. 788. HILL (Brain, 1896, p. 1; Phil Trans., 184, B, 1894, p. 399) stains well- washed M tiller material in bulk in alum carmine, cuts, mordants for twenty-four hours in half- saturated acetate of copper, stains and differentiates as Weigert, taking the differentiating fluid only half as strong. 789. BENDA'S Rapid Method (Berlin. Idin. WochenccJir., No. ,32, 1903). — Sections of formal material by the freezing process (alcohol being avoided) are stained (without any mordanting) for twenty-four hours in Boehmer's hgematoxylin, differentiated with Weigert's ferri- cyanide, and mounted in balsam. Only recommended for peripheral nerves, or for preliminary examination of the central nervous system. Similarly, NAGEOTTE, C. R. Soc. Biol., 1908, p. 408, staining with hsemalum. Similarly the Encyd. mile. TccltniTf., 1910, ii. p. 239, with fn?h material cut by the freezing process, and the sections mounted in levulose (as alcohol somewhat extracts the stain). 414 CHAPTKR XXXFIT. 793. STRICETLCM (Arch. Mik. Anat., Ixii, 1903, p. 734) stains small nerve-centre* in bulk (after mordanting in Weigerfc's bichromate and fluoride mixture, § 781) with Weigert's haematoxylin (four to six days), washes for a couple of da}^s in 70 per cent, alcohol, makes paraffin section*, and differ- entiates them by the method of Weigert or Pal. 791. BESTA (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxiv, 1907, p. 185) mordants nerves for one to three days in 100 c.c. of water with '25 of formol and 4 grins, of Merck's ammonia-chloride of tin, cuts in paraffin, stains in MALLORY'S hamiatoxylin and differentiates in solution of iodine in iodide of potassium. 792. Gallein. — ARONSON (Centralb. med. Wits., 1890, p. 577) stains sections of material hardened in liquid of Erlicki or Miiller (these must be mordanted with acetate of copper) for twelve to twenty-four hours in a solution of 3 to 4 c.c. of Gallein (Griibler & Co.) in 100 c.c. of water with 20 of alcohol and three drops of concentrated solution of carbonate of soda. They are then differentiated by the method of Weigert, or Pal. Nerve-fibres red. A second stain with Methyleii blue may follow (best after differentiating with permanganate). Similarly SCHROTTER (Centralb. allg. Path., xiii, 1902, p. 512). 793. SCHROTTER (Neurol. Centralb., xxi, 1902, p. 338; Zeit. wiss. xix, 1903, p. 381) also stains sections for two to three hours in a 5 per cent, solution of sidplializarlnate of sod-t, to which is added a few drops of 5 per cent, oxalic acid (enough to give an orange tint), then differ- entiates until no more colour comes away, in carbonate of soda solution of jo3oo strength, and mounts in balsam. Myelin red, on a colourless ground. 794. Toluidin Blue and Methylen Blue. — HARRIS (Philadelphia Med. Journ., May 14th, 1898) stains sections (of material hardened as for Weigert's stain) for several hours in a 1 per cent, solution of toluidin blue in 1 per cent, borax solution, and differentiates in saturated aqueous solution of tannic acid. Similarly, but with methylen blue, in a complicated way FRAENKEL, Neurol. Centralb., xxii, 1903, p. 76(3 (Zeit. wiss., Mik., xx, 1904, p. 345). BING ami ELLERMANN (Arch. Anat. Phys., Phys. Abth., 1901, p. 260) harden in 9 parts of acetone to 1 of formol, cut without embedding, stain for five to ten minutes in saturated Methylen blue, and put for one or two into saturated picric acid. 795. Other Modifications or Similar Methods.— FLECHSIG, Arch. Anat. Phys., Phys. Abth., 1889, p. 537 ; BREGLIA, Zeit. iviss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 36; Rossi, ibid., vi, 1889, p. 182; MERCIER, ibid., vii, 181)1, p. 480; HAUG, ibid., p. 153; WALSEM, ibid., xi, 1894, p. 236; ROBERTSON, ibid., xiv, 1897, p. 80 (Brit. Med. Journ., 1897. p. 651). MY EL IN STAINS. 415 STRONG (Journ. Comp. Near., xiii, 1903, p. 291) finds bichromate of copper (of 2 to 3 per cent.) the best mordant ; and that the mordanting is best done before bringing into celloidiii. After staining, he treats for half a minute with osmic acid of 0P25 per cent., and differentiates as PAL. 798. MARCHES Method (for Deganerata Nerves) (Rivista spvrim. di Freniutria, 1887, p. 208 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1893, p. 350). --Small pieces of tissue are hardened for a week in solution of Miiller, and then put for a few days into a mixture of 2 parts solution of Miiller and 1 part 1 per cent, osmic acid solution. Sections are cut, best without imbedding, and mounted in balsam. The sheaths in normal cv nerves then acquire a yellow coloration, those of degenerated tracts a black one. This process therefore gives positive images of the degenerated elements, Weigert's process only giving negative ones. For a critical review of this method and its modifications see WEIGERT, in Ergebnisse der Anatomie, vii, 1897 (1898), pp. 1 — 8; MATUSZEWSKF, Arch. path. Anat., 1905, p. 12; DE LANGE, Le Nevraxe, x, 1909, p. 83 ; and LEWY, Fol. Neurobiol., ii, 1909, p. 471 (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xxvi, 1909, p. 290). The method has been applied to tissues that have been hardened in formal ; but this, according to WEIGERT, does not seem recommeiidable. FINOTTI (Virchow's Arch., cxliii, 1896, p. 133) makes sections of material that has been in liquid of Miiller for not more than a few weeks or months, and puts them for four to ten hours (in the dark) into a freshly prepared mixture of one or two parts of 1 per cent, osmic acid and one part of a concentrated solution of picric acid in one-third alcohol. For peripheral nerves, myelin (normal), black. ORE (Journ. Path, and Bact., vi, 1900, p. 387 ; Jonni. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1900, p. 399) treats with a mixture of 8 c.c. of 2 per cent, osmic acid, and 2 c.c. 1 per cent, acetic acid, which increases the penetration. VASSALE (Arch. Hal. Biol., 1895, p. 91) takes 75 c.c. of solution of Miiller, 25 c.c. of 1 per cent, osmic acid, and 20 drops of nitric , 1 ed., p. 1086) they should be fixed for a quarter of an hour in osmic acid vapour. 798. AZOULAY'S Osmic Acid Method (Anat. Anz., x, 1894, p. 25). — (A) Sections of Miiller material are put for five to fifteen minutes into solution of osmic acid of 1 : 500 or 1 : 1000 strength. Rinse with water, and put them for two to five minutes into a 5 or 10 per cent, solution of tannin, warming them therein over a flame till vapours are given off, or in a stove at 50 to 55 C. Wash for five minutes in water, double-stain if desired with carmine or eosin, and mount in balsam. If the sections are too thick it will be necessary to differentiate by PAL'S process, or by eau dc Javelle diluted with 50 volumes of water. (B) Material that has been in an osmic mixture (liquid of Flemming, of Marchi, or of Golgi). Sections as before, then the tannin bath, warming for three to ten minutes, and the rest as before. 799. HELLER AND GUMPEBTZ (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xii, 1896, p. 385) give for peripheral nerves, and HELLER (op. cit., xv, 1899, p. 495) for central nervous system, the following: Sections of Miiller material are put into 1 per cent, osmic MYFJiTN STAINS. 417 acid (twenty-four hours at 37 C. for peripheral nerves ; ten minutes, or thirty at the normal temperature, for central). They are treated with pyrogallic acid (a photographic developer will do) till the nerves are black, then with a violet-coloured solution of permanganate of potash till the sections become brown, then with 2 per cent, oxalic acid till they become yellow-green. Wash out well between each operation. Similarly, TELJATNIK (Neurol. Centralb., 1897, p. 521) ; ROBERTSON (Brit. Med. Journ., 1897, p. 651 ; Journ. Roy. Hie. Soc., 1897, p. 175), the material being previously mordanted with Weigert's chrome-alum- copper fluid for neuroglia ; and OUR, Journ. Path, and Bact., vi, 1900, p. 387. See also ROSSOLIMO & BUSCH, Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiv, 1897, p. 55. WITTMAACK (Arch. Ohrenheilk., Ixi, 1905 ; Encycl. mik. Technik, ii, p. 241) mordants till green (temporal bones) in 90 parts of Miiller with 10 of formol and 3 to 5 of acetic acid, decalcifies with nitric acid and formol, treats sections (paraffin or celloidin) for a few minutes with osmic acid of 2 per cent., and reduces in pyrogallol of 5 per cent. Shows the least traces of myelin. 800. Iron. — ALLERHAND (Neurol. Centralb., xvi, 1897, p. 727; Encycl. mile. Teclinilc., p. 944) puts sections of Miiller material for fifteen minutes into warm 50 per cent, solution of Liquor ferri sesquichlorati. then for an hour or two into 20 per cent, tannin solution (old and brown). They are then differentiated by the method of PAL, taking, however, the liquids twice as strong. An iron-alum process is described by STRONG in Journ. comp. Neurol., xiii, 1903, p. 291. 801. Silver Nitrate. — VASTARINI-CRESI (Att. Accad. Med.-Chir. Napoli, 1, 1896) hardens in formol, cuts thick sections, washes them with 40 per cent, alcohol, puts them in the dark into 1 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver in alcohol of 40 to 70 per cent., then washes thoroughly. Similarly, MOSSE (Arch. mile. Anat., lix, 1901, p. 401), impregnating bichroniic material with 1 per cent, solution of argentamin, and reduc- ing in 10 per cent, pyrogallic acid, and differentiating by the method of PAL. (Argentamin is an alkaline solution of equal parts of phosphate of silver and ethylendiamin in 10 parts of water). 802. Polarisation. — Myelin can sometimes be detected in fresh material by the polariscope, see AMBRONN & HELD, Ber. Math. Phys. Gen. Wiss. Leipzig., 1895, p. 37, and GAD & HEYMANS, Arch. Anat. Phys., Phys. Abth., 1890, p. 531. 27 418 CHAPTER XXXIII. My elin-and- axis-cylinder Stains. 803. Methylen Blue. — SAHLI (Zeit. wiss. Milt., 1885, p. 1) stains sections of tissue hardened in bichromate for several hours in concen- trated aqueous solution of methylen blue, rinses with water, and stains for five minutes in saturated aqueous solution of Saurefuchsin. If now the sections be rinsed with alcohol and brought into a liberal quantity of water, the stain becomes differentiated, axis-cylinders being shown coloured red and the myelin sheaths blue. Or, the sections are stained for a few minutes or hours in : Water 40 parts. Saturated aqueous solution of methylen blue 24 „ 5 per cent, solution of borax . . . 16 ,, —then washed either in water or alcohol until the grey matter comes out, cleared with cedar oil and mounted in balsam. « - . 804. Saurefuchsin. — FINOTTI (Virchoivs Archiv, cxliii, 1896, p. 133) stains strongly in Delafield's hsematoxylm, then for a few seconds in concentrated solution of picric acid, then in 0'5 per cent. Saurefuchsin, and treats with alkaline alcohol (caustic potash). OHLMACHER (Journ. Exfer. Med., ii, 1897, p. 675) stains sections for one minute with anilin-water gentian, then for a few seconds in a solu- tion of 0'5 per cent Saurefuchsin in saturated solution of picric acid diluted with one volume of water, and differentiates with alcohol and clove oil. KAPLAN (Arch. Psychiatr., xxxv, 1902, p. 825) mordants (for months) in Miiller, stains sections for a day or more in ^ per cent, aqueous Saurefuchsin, rinses in water acidulated with HC1, and differentiates by the method of PAL (permanganate and potassium sulphite). 805. Safranin. — ADAMKIEWICS (Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. Naturw. KL, 1884, p. 245 ; Zeit. wiss. Mile., 1884, p. 587). — Stains sections of Miiller material in concentrated solution of safranin, differentiates in alcohol and clove oil, brings back again into water, washes in water acidi- fied with acetic acid, and stains in methylen blue. Myelin red, nuclei violet. Similarly CIAGLINSKI (Zeit. wiss. Mik., viii, 1891, p. 19) and STEOEBE (ibid., x, 1893, p. 336), the former employing safranin followed by anilin blue, whilst the latter first stains with anilin blue, then differentiates with alcohol containing a very little caustic potash, and after-stains with safranin. 806. Congo Red.— NISSL (Zeit. wiss. Mile., 1886, p. 398) stains for 3 days in Congo red (5 parts to 400 of water) and differentiates in alcohol with 3 per cent, of nitric acid. 807. OTHER METHODS. — For PALADINO' ^palladium chloride methods see last ed., or Rendic R. Accad. Scienze, Napoli, iv, 1890, p. 14, and 1891 [1892], p. 227; and Sol!. Accad. Mcd, Rcma, xix, 1S93, p. 256; Arch. Jtal. Biol., xx, 1894, p. 40. For WOLTERS' vanadium chloride process see next chapter. CHAPTER XXXIV. AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDRITE STAINS (GOLGI AND OTHERS). 808. Introduction. — There are three chief methods for the anatomical (§ 736) study of axis-cylinders and protoplasmic nerve-cell processes, viz. the methylen-blue intra-vitam method, the bichromate-and-silver method of GOLGI, and the bichromate-and-snblimate method of GOLGI. The two latter, with some other methods suitable for the same or similar purposes, form the subject of this chapter. 809. The Methods of GOLGI. There are two methods of GOLGI, viz. the Bichromate and Nitrate of Silver Method and the Corrosive Sublimate Method. The bichromate and nitrate of silver method has been worked out by GOLGI in three forms — the slow process, the rapid process, and the mixed process.* The rapid process is the one that is the most in use at the present time, and may be taken to be the classical method of inquiry into the finer relations of the neurons in hardened tissue. General characters of the impregnation. — The preparations have not in the least the appearance of stains, and are even very different in aspect from the impregnations obtained by the ordinary methods of impregnating with silver or gold. * In a recent text-book, the Leitfaden of RAWITZ, the sublimate method is called " the slow method of GOLGI," and the bichromate and silver nitrate method is given under the form of the slow process, and called " the rapid method of GOLGI." RAWITZ further attributes the rapid method to RAMON Y CAJAL, which is equally erroneous. Similar con- fusions are made by MERCIER in his Coupes du Systcme Nerveux Central, and by POLLACK and other authors. Valuable accounts of the silver method have been given by v. LENHOSSEK in his FeinereSau d. Nerven- systents, 2nd edit., 1805, and by KALLIUS in the art. " Golgische Methode " in the Encijcl. mik. Technik,, 1903. 420 CHAPTER XXXIV. The impregnation is a partial one, by which is meant that of all the elements, whether nervous or not, that are present in a preparation, only a limited number are coloured. That is one of the great advantages of the method. For if all the elements present were coloured equally, you would not be able to see the wood for the trees, for you would hardly be able to follow any one element for more than a very short distance. But Golgi's method selects from among the ele- ments present a small number which it stains with a great intensity and very completely — that is to say, throughout a great length, so that they are both very clearly separated from those elements that have remained uncoloured, and also can be followed out for a great distance. Axis-cylinders are generally impregnated only so long as they are not medullated. In the adult the method stains nerve-cells and their processes, so far as these are not myelinated ; but if it be wished to impregnate the axis- cylinders of the cerebro-spinal axis the method is best applied to embryos or new-born animals at a time when the fibres have not become surrounded by their sheath of my elm. There is no other method which will allow cell -processes to be followed out for such great distances. But the method does not demonstrate at the same time the histological detail of other tissues that may be present in the preparations, and all cytological detail is lost. It is par excellence a special method. Nervous tissue is not the only thing that is impregnated in these preparations ; neuroglia, connective tissue, fibrils, etc., are impregnated, and the method has been applied with success to the study of such things as bile-capillaries, gland- ducts, and the like. Both on account of this character, and on account of the capriciousness with which the impregnation takes hold of only certain elements of the preparations, care must be exercised in the interpretation of the images obtained. A further source of possible error is found in the fact that the method frequently gives precipitation-forms of the silver salt that simulate dendrites and other structures (see FRIED- LAENDER in Zeit. iciss. Mik., xii, 1895, p. 168, and the plate in the following number.) The method has been applied with success to the tissues AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDIIITE STAINS. 421 of Invertebrates — Insects. Lumbricus, Tubifex. Helix. Limax, ' */ s Distvmum, Astacus, Actinida, etc. The method has been described at length by GOLGI in the Archive* Italiennes de Biologie, t. iv, 1883, p. 32 et seq., and vii, 18S6, p. 15 et seq. The following account is from the latter paper. The earlier form of the method should not be followed. 810. GOLGI'.S Bichromate and Nitrate of Silver Method, SLOW Process (loc. cit.} p. 17). — (a) The hardening. — The tissues must be hardened in a bichromate solution. Either pure bichromate of potash may be employed, or liquid of Miiller (the reaction can be obtained with liquid of Erlicki, but it is not to be recommended). The normal practice is to take bichromate of potash, beginning with a strength of 2 per cent., and changing this frequently for fresh solutions of gradually increased strength, 2^, 3, 4, and 5 per cent. The tissue should be as fresh as possible ; though satisfactory results may sometimes be obtained from material taken twenty-four to forty-eight hours after death.* It should be in pieces of not more than 1 c.cm. or 1^- c.cm. in size. The most difficult point of the method consists in hitting off the exact degree of hardening in the bichromate that should be allowed before passing to the next stage. In summer good results may be obtained after fifteen to twenty days, and the material may continue in a favourable state for impregnation up to thirty, forty, or fifty days. In cold weather good results can seldom be obtained under a month : when obtained, the material may continue to give good results up to two, three, and even four months of hardening. The only way to make sure is to pass trial portions of the tissue at intervals into the silver-bath, in summer frequently, in winter every eight or ten days, and observe whether the reaction is obtained. Good results are obtained by injecting the organs with the hardening fluid (2*5 per cent, bichromate). See § 737. Stoving at a temperature of 20 to 25 C. is useful for * Material that has been hardened in forinol may also be used. See § 817 (GEROTA and BOLTON), and v. LENHOSSEK'S Feinere Bau d. Nercensy stems, p. 2o. I have had good results with material that had been three months in forinol (I have not tried older). 422 CHAPTER XXXIV. abridging the hardening,, but there is risk of over-hardening ; and GOLGI thinks the results are never quite so delicate as after hardening in the cold. (b) Impregnation. — As soon as the pieces of tissue have attained the proper degree of hardening, they are brought into a bath of nitrate of silver. The usual strength of this bath is 0*75 per cent., but 0*50 per cent, may be taken for material that has not been quite enough hardened, and solu- tions of 1 per cent, may be used for material that has been slightly over-hardened. The solution may be acidified (see RAMON Y CAJAL, § 819). A large quantity of solution should be taken for the bath. The moment the pieces of tissue are put into the silver- bath an abundant precipitate is formed. This of course weakens the bath pro tanto. It is therefore well, before putting the pieces into the final silver-bath, to first wash them well in a weaker silver solution, until on being put into a fresh quantity of it no further precipitate is formed. Used solutions will do for this purpose. The final silver- bath in general needs no further attention, unless it be that sometimes, in the case of tissues that have taken up a great deal of bichromate of potash, the solution may after six to ten hours become somewhat yellow, in which case it should be changed for fresh. It is not necessary to keep the preparations in the dark during the impregnation bath ; in winter it is well to keep them in a warm place. The "time normally necessary for impregnation by the silver is from twenty-four to forty-eight hours (forty-eight being quite exceptional). But tissues may remain in the bath without hurt for days, weeks, or months. (c) Preservation. — As soon as a trial has shown that a sufficiently satisfactory impregnation has been obtained the pieces are brought into alcohol. The alcohol is changed two or three times, or even more, until it remains trans- parent even after the preparations have been two or three days in it ; for in view of good preservation it is necessary that the excess of nitrate of silver should be washed out from them thoroughly. Sections are now made (see § 821). They are to be washed very thoroughly in three or four changes of absolute AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDB1TE STAINS. 423 alcohol. They are then cleared, first in creasote, in which they should remain only a few minutes, then in oil of turpen- tine, in which they should remain for ten to fifteen minutes (they may remain there for days without hurt). They are then mounted in da-mar (rather than in balsam), and without a cover. Preparations mounted under covers in the usual way always go bad sooner or later, whilst those that are mounted without a cover keep very well, especially if tliry be kept in the dark. GOLGI states that he has a large number that have kept without change for nine years. As a general rule thick sections (50 to 60 /i or more) show much more than thin ones, but do not seem to keep so well. The order in which the elements of tissues impregnate is generally — first, axis-cylinders, then ganglion cells, and lastly neuroglia cells. 811. GOLGI'S Bichromate and Nitrate of Silver Method, RAPID process (op. cit., p. 33). Small pieces of very fresh tissue are thrown into — Bichromate solution of 2 to 2*5 per cent. strength . . . . .8 parts. Osmic acid of 1 per cent, strength . 2 „ (Or, later, two parts of bichromate of 3 per cent, to 1 of the osmic acid.) The tissues begin to be in a fit state for taking the silver impregnation from the second or third day ; in the next following days they are in a still more favourable state, but the favourable moment does not last long ; the faculty of impregnation soon declines, and is generally quite lost by the tenth or twelfth day. The silver impregnation is conducted exactly as in the slow process, and sections are prepared and mounted in the same manner. (I find that they should not be left in alcohol for more than an hour or so before mounting.) There is this difference, that the impregnated material cannot be preserved for any length of time in alcohol, but must not remain for more than tii'o days in it. But it may be kept in the silver solution until wanted for sectioning. According to VAN GEHUCHTEN (La Cellule, vi, 1890, p. 405), material may be kept for six months in the silver, with advantage, showing abundant reductions where none were 424 CHAPTER XXXIV. found after forty-eight hours. But it must be kept in the dark. The following notes as to the proper duration of the hardening pro- cess in different cases are taken from the papers quoted and other sources, most of which may be found in v. LENHOSSEK, op. cit., p. 23. Spinal cord of chick, from the sixth to the tenth day of incubation- twelve to forty-eight hours in the mixture (up to the fifth day the em- bryos may be treated whole, later the vertebral column should be dis- sected out and cut into two or three segments ; it need not be opened). The spinal column of new-born rats and mice should be treated in the same way, and remain in the mixture for twenty-four hours (for spinal ganglia), or for two to six days for the cord itself. (The eiicephaloii of these subjects may be treated in just the same way, without being dis- sected out.) VON LENHOSSEK (op. cit., p. 10) recommends for human (foetal) cord two to three days for neuroglia, three to five for nerve-cells, and five to seven for nerve-fibres and collaterals. Cerebellum of new-bom subjects, three to five days in the mixture. Cerebral cortex of young subjects, two to three days (Mice), or as much as five (Babbit, Cat) ; cortex of adults, eight to fifteen days. The most favourable region of the brain is the cornu Ammonis, especially in the Rabbit. Retina — twenty-four to forty-eight hours in the mixture, then " double " impregnation (§ 815). Sympathetic — three to seven days in the mixture, and two in the silver : then double impregnation. Spinal cord of larvae of Amphibia. The entire Iarva3 (best 2 to 2'5 centimetres long) should be put for two to five days into the mixture, and for one to two into the silver. Epidermis of Lwfribricus—iloroe to six days in the mixture, and two in the silver, or double impregnation if necessary. SMIRNOW makes the mixture of equal parts of 5 per cent, bichromate and 1 per cent, osmic acid, and leaves in it for five to twenty-eight days, and one to two days in the silver (0'75 per cent.). Nervous system of Helix (glia-cells). The above mixture for eight to ten days, then silver of 0*75 to 1 per cent. As a general rule, the younger the subject, the shorter should the hardening be. If it has been too short, sections will have a brownish- red opaque aspect, with precipitates, and irregular impregnation of cells and fibres. If it has been too long, the ground will be yellow, without precipitates, but with no impregnated element?, or hardly any. AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDEITE STAINS. 425 This process has the advantage of great rapidity, and of sureness and delicacy of result,, and is the one that has found the most favour with other workers. But for methodical study of any given part of the nervous system GOLGI himself prefers the following : 812. G-OLGI'S Bichromate and Nitrate of Silver Method, MIXED Process (op. cit., p. 34). — Fresh pieces of tissue are put for periods varying from two to twenty-five or thirty days into the usual bichromate solution (§ 810). Every two or three or four days some of them are passed on into the osmio-bichromate mixture of the rapid process, hardened therein for from three or four to eight or ten days, and finally impregnated with silver, and subsequently treated exactly as in the rapid process. The reasons for which GTOLGI prefers this process are — the certainty of obtaining samples of the reaction in many stages of intensity, if a sufficient number of pieces of tissue have been operated on ; the advantage of having at one's dis- position a notable time — some twenty-five days — during which the tissues are in a fit state for taking the silver, and the possibility of greatly hastening the process whenever desired by simply bringing the pieces over at once into the osmic mixture ; lastly, a still greater delicacy of result, especially remarkable in the demonstration of axones. 813. Theory of the Impregnation. — It used to be held that the reaction depends on the formation in the tissues of a precipitate of some salt of silver. But this seems incorrect. I find (in accordance with LENHOSSEK, ( Feinere Bau d. Nervensystems/ p. 19) that the coloration is not due to a visible precipitate, but is a true stain, accompanied (in unsuccessful impregnations) by a precipitate which does not help the stain but is injurious to it. It has been maintained that the stain is merely superficial, and the method has been called an " incrustation method." I find that it extends throughout the whole thickness of the impregnated elements. The chemical nature of the stain has not been made out. A critical review of the Golgi method by WEIGERT may be found in Eryebnisxe der Anafomie, v, 1895 (1896), p. 7. See also HILL (Brain, part 73, 1896, p. ]), AZOULAY (Comptus licml. 426 CUAPTEIt XXXIV. Soc. Biol. [10], i, 1894, p. 839) ; and KALLIUS (Encycl. mik. Technik., Art. " Golgi'sche Methode." Modifications concerning the Impregnation of the Tissues. 814. RAMON Y CA.TAL (Zeit. reins. Mik., vii, 1890,, p. 332) gives 3 per cent, as the strength of the bichromate in the mixture for the rapid process,, and in numerous other places has given it as 3*5 per cent. This latter strength has been adopted by most of the workers who use the rapid process, and the mixture containing this proportion of bichromate is generally known as RAMON Y CAJAI/S mixture. 815. RAMON Y CAJAI/S Double-Impregnation Process (Trab. Lab. Hist. Med. Barcelona, 1891 ; La Cellule, vii, 1891, p. 130). — Sometimes the usual rapid method fails to give good impregnations. These, however, may frequently be obtained by putting the tissues back for a day or two into the osmium- bichromate mixture, or into a weaker one containing only two parts of osmic acid solution to 20 of the bichromate. After this they are washed quickly with distilled water, and put for a second time into the silver solution for thirty-six to forty-eight hours. It is important to hit off the proper duration of the first impregnation in the bichromate. If it has been too long (four days) or too short (one day), the second impregnation will not succeed. In this case a third impregnation must be resorted to, the objects being again treated with the weak osmium-bichromate mixture, and after- wards again with the silver solution. This modification of the original process is the most impor- tant that has hitherto been made. 816. GOLGI'S Process for Rejuvenation of Over-hardened Tissues.- -Tissues that have been much too long in the osmium- bichromate mixture will no longer take on the silver impregna- tion. They can, however, be rejuvenated and made to impregnate in the following manner, due to GOLGI, and published by SACERDOTTI (Intern. Monatssrhr., xi, 1894, p. 326). They are washed in a half-saturated solution of acetate of copper until they no longer give a precipitate, and are then put back again for five or six days into the osmium-bichromate mixture. Sections, it is said, will bear mounting in thickened oil of cedar under a cover. AXIS-CYLINDER AND DEN UNITE STAINS. 427 More recently (Cinquantenaire Soc. Biol., 1899, p. 514) Golgi puts for some hours or clays into a mixture of equal parts of bichromate of 2 to 3 per cent, and sulphate of copper of 4 to 5 per cent., or into the cupric mixture used for the intra-cellular network, § 777. GEMELLI (Anat. Anz., xliii, 1913, p. 414) takes a mixture of " acetate of copper (4 per cent.) and bichromate of potash (5 per cent.)." Time not stated. 817. Formaldehyde for the Rapid Process. — STRONG (Anat. Anz., x, 1895, p. 494) finds that formaldehyde can with advantage be substituted for the osmic acid in the osmio- bichromic mixture of GOLGI'S rapid process. He adds from 2'5 to 5 per cent, of formalin to the (3*5 to 5 per cent.) bichromate solution. The advantage is that the stage of hardening favourable for impregnation lasts longer ; in other words, the formalde- hyde bichromate does not over-harden. DUEIG (ibid., p. 659) obtained the best results by means of 3 per cent, bichromate solutions containing 4 to 6 per cent, of formaldehyde, hardening therein for three days, and after silvering for two days putting back into the mixture and proceeding as in Ramon y CajaFs double impregnation process. FISH (Proc. Amer. Hie. Soc., xvii, 1895, p. 319) takes : Formalin . . . . . 2 c.c. 3 per cent, bichromate . . . 100 „ leaving the tissues three days in this liquid and three days in the silver nitrate (J per cent.). Or, with advantage : Liquid of Miiller . . . .100 c.c. 10 per cent, formalin . . . 2 „ 1 per cent, osmic acid . . . 1 „ ODIER (La Rachicocainisation, Geneve, 1903, p. 27) takes two parts of undiluted formalin, instead of the 10 per cent. The formalin and bichromate mixtures should be kept in the dark. It is well only to make them up at the instant of usiiiy them. Odier finds these mixtures afford a more abundant impregnation, with fewer precipitates. KOPSCH (Anat. Anz., xi, 1896, p. 727) takes 4 parts of 3'5 per cent, bichromate solution, and 1 of commercial formaldc- 428 CHAPTER XXXIV. hyde solution, and after twenty-four hours transfers to pure 3-5 per cent, bichromate for at least 2 days (retina), or 3 to 6 (central organs) . He finds that by this means precipitates are almost entirely avoided. This I also find, but I seem to get a too abundant impregnation of capillaries. G-EROTA (Intern. Monattsschr. Anat., xiii, 1896, p. 108) first hardens (brain) for a week or two in 5 to 10 per cent, formol solution, then puts small pieces for three to five days into 4 per cent, bichromate, then into the silver. Similarly BOLTON (Lancet, 1898, p. 218; Journ. Roy. Hie. Sue., 1898,' p. 244). SCHREIBER (Anat. Anz.j xiv, 1898, p. 275) obtained good results (on appendages of Crustacea which were impervious to the osintc mixture) with mixtures of five parts 2'5 per cent, bichromate to one of 4 per cent, formaldehyde, or one part 2*5 per cent, bichromate to two of 5 per cent, formalde- hyde, the specimens remaining for one day in the first, for two days in the second. Similarly DUBOSCQ (Arch. z. Exper., 1899, p. 483), warm- ing the mixture to 40 C. VAN GEHUCHTEN (in litt.)} and other observers, have not obtained good results with formaldehyde. KALLIUS (Encycl., p. 564) finds these mixtures good for brain, but not so much so for other organs. 818. Acetic Aldehyde. — VASSALE and DONAGGIO (Monitor e Zool., Hal., vi, 1895, p. 82) harden pieces of at most 1 cm. in thickness for fifteen to twenty days in a mixture of five parts of aldehyde with 100 of 3 to 4 per cent, bichromate, changing the fluid after a few days, as soon as it has become dark. The rest as Golgi. 819. Modifications of the Silver Impregation. — RAMON Y CAJAL (Rev. trim. Hist., No. 2, 1888, note) found the addition of a very little formic acid to the silver bath facilitated reduction. According to VAN GEHUCHTEN (La Cellule, vii, 1891, p. 83), 1 drop of the acid should be added to 100 c.c. of the silver. But the practice is now generally abandoned. BERKELEY (Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., vi, 1897, p. 1 ; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1898, p. 242) impregnates, after hardening in the osmio- bichromate, in a freshly prepared solution of two drops of 10 per cent, phosphomolyhic acid to 00 c.c. of 1 per cent, silver nitrate, which in winter should be kept at a temperature of about 26° C. HILL (op. cit., § 813) takes instead of silver nitrate a £ per cent, solu- tion of silver nitrite, with O'l per cent, of formic acid added. AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDIUTE STAINS. 429 GUDDEN (N enrol. Centralb., xx, 1901, p. 152) takes the lactate of silver (sold as " actol ") and finds it much more penetrating. FAJERSTAJN (ibid., p. 98) uses ammonio-nitrate in a complicated way. 820. Avoidance of Precipitates. — G-OLGI'S process frequently gives rise to the formation at the surface of the preparations of voluminous precipitates that are destructive of the clear- ness of the images. SEHRWALD (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 456) has found that this can be avoided as follows. A 10 per cent, solution of gelatin in water is made. The tissues are coated with this, by dipping and cooling several times, or are imbedded in it, in a paper imbedding box, with the aid of a little heat, and are brought therein into the silver- bath. After the silvering the gelatin is removed before cutting by warm water saturated with chromate of silver. MARTINOTTJ wraps the tissue simply in blotting-paper, but this does not appear to be efficacious. ATHIAS takes wafer-papers. RAMON Y CAJAL covers tissues with a layer of congealed blood, which need not be removed before cutting, or with collodion, or peritoneal membrane. See Retina. Modifications concerning the Preservation of the Preparations. 821. Cutting. — The chief quality of GOLGI'S process is that it admits of the following of nerve-cell processes for a very great distance. Evidently this cannot be done with very thin sections. And as sufficiently thin ones can be obtained without imbedding, the general practice is simply to wash the preparations taken from the silver-bath with water, fix them to a cork with gum, put the whole into alcohol for a few minutes to harden the gum, and cut with a microtome without imbedding. But imbedding is possible, if it can be got through rapidly enough. Pieces of tissue as small as possible should be dehydrated in from half an hour to two hours, put for the same time into thin celloidin, then coated with thick celloidin, gummed on a cork and cut, the sections being* collodionised if necessary. Thin specimens such as retina may be soaked for a short time in celloidin, put between two slabs of solid celloidin lightly pressed together, and the whole cut after a short treatment with alcohol of 70 per cent. Similarly with paraffin. The tissues should be got 430 CHAPTER XXXIV. quickly through the lower grades of alcohol, and not remain for more than a few hours in alcohol of 95 per cent, or absolute. They should be cleared with cedar oil (xylol attacks the impregnation), and put direct into paraffin of as low a melting point as possible. The cedar oil should be used over and over again, as it takes up a little silver (see BROOKOVER, Journ. Comp. Neurol., xx, 1910, p. 49). 822. Mounting.- -Without special precautions, the stain will not keep in sections mounted under a cover in the usual way. An elaborate discussion (for which see previous editions] between SEHRWALD (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vi, 1890, p. 443), SAMASSA (ibid., vii, 1890, p. 26), and FICK (ibid., viii, 1891, p. 168) furnishes the net practical result that watery fluids should be avoided as much as possible during- the after- treatment, and that sections should either be mounted with- out a cover, or on a cover raised free of contact with the slide by means of wax feet or the like, or, for study, inverted over the aperture of a hollowed-out wooden slide ; or that the balsam of the mount shouldbe rendered perfectly anhydrous by careful heating on the slide, with the section in it, until it immediately sets hard on cooling, before the cover is applied. This last method is also recommended by HUBER (Anat. An?.., vii, 1892, p. 587). I think it is safer to keep the mount uncovered till the sections have become quite dry in it, and the balsam (applied from time to time in thin layers) quite hard; then cover with a warmed cover pressed down. But if mounting under a cover at once be preferred, one of the following methods may be employed. 823. GREPPIN'S Process (Arch. Anat. Entw. Anat. Abth., 1889, Supp., p. 55). — Sections are treated for thirty to forty seconds (until whitish) with 10 per cent, solution of hydrobromic acid, and then well washed in several changes of water and mounted under a cover in the usual way. They can be further reduced in sunlight if desired. Further details in previous editions. 824. OBREGIA'S Process (Virchow's Archtv, cxxii, 1890, p. 387).- Sections are brought from absolute alcohol into a mixture of eight to ten drops of 1 per cent, solution of gold chloride with 10 c.c. of absolute alcohol, which should be prepared half an hour beforehand and exposed to diffused light until the sections are placed in it, when it should be AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDBITE STAINS. 431 put into the dark. After fifteen to thirty minutes therein, according to their thickness, the sections are quickly washed in 50 per cent, alcohol, then in water, then treated for five or ten minutes (not more) with 10 per cent, solution of hyposulphite of soda. They are lastly washed well with water, and may be then mounted at once in balsam under a cover, or if desired may be previously stained with carmine or hgematoxylin, or Pal's modification of Weigert's process, or the like. 825. KALLIUS (Anat. Hefte, ii, 1892, p. 271) has worked out the follow- ing process. Take 20 c.c. commercial hydroquinone developing solution and 230 c.c. distilled water (the hydroquinone solution may be made up with 5 grins, hydroquinone, 40 grins, sodium sulphite, 75 grins, carbonate of potassium, and 250 grnis. distilled water). At the instant of using, further dilute the solution with one third to one half its volume of absolute alcohol, and put the sections (from which the unreduced silver has been removed as far as possible by washing in many changes of alcohol) into it for several minutes ; they become dark grey to black. They are then put for ten to fifteen minutes into 70 per cent, alcohol, then brought for five minutes into solution of hyposulphite of soda (about 10 parts to 50 of water), and thence into a large quantity of distilled water, where they should remain for twenty-four hours or more. Lastly, dehydrate in the usual way and mount under a cover. After-staining with carmine, etc., may be employed. CURRERI (Anat. Anz., xxxii, 1908, p. 432) after fixing tones for a short time in 0'7 grins, gold chloride, 3 grms. sodium acetate, and 100 c.c. water. 826. ZIMMERMANN'S Process (Arch. mile. Anat., Hi, 1898, p. 554).- Sections are brought from alcohol into a large quantity of a mixture of 1 part physiological salt solution and 2 parts 96 per cent, alcohol. They must be kept in motion therein for ten to fifteen minutes, after which they are brought into alcohol of 75 to 96 per cent, in a bright light, until they have become dark (half a day). They may be after-stained with thioniii (cells blue). Later (Arch. Nik. Anat., Ixxviii, 1911, p. 199) he reduces in 20 c.c. of saturated solution of carbonate of soda with 0'5 grin, of adurol for several hours, and after-stains with hsemalum or alum cochineal. TJte Sublimate Method. 827. GOLQI'S Bichromate and Sublimate Method (Archivio per le Scieiize MedicJie, 1878, p. 3; Archives Italiennes de Biologie, iv, 1X83, p. 32; vii, 1886, p. 35). — For hardening, use either a solution of bichromate of potash progressively raised from 1 per cent, to 24- per cent., or Miiller's solution. It is best to take small pieces of tissue (not more than 1 to 2 c.c.), large quantities of liquid, and change the latter frequently. But the reaction can be obtained with much larger pieces. 432 CHAPTER XXXIV. even entire hemispheres. In this case the brain should at first be treated by repeated injections of the liquid. Fifteen to twenty days' immersion will suffice, or even six to eight, but twenty to thirty should be preferred, and an immersion of several months is not injurious. The tissues when hardened are passed direct from the bichromate into 0'5 per cent, solution of bichloride of mercury. An immersion of eight to ten days therein is necessary in order to obtain a complete reaction (or for entire hemispheres two months or more). The solution must at first be changed every day, and later on as often as it becomes yellow. At the end of the reaction the preparations will be found decolourised, and offering the aspect of fresh tissue. They may be left in the bichloride for any time. In Rendiconti R. 1st. Lombardo di Sci. Milano, 2, xxiv, 1891, pp. 594, 656 (see Zeit. wiss. Hik., viii, 3, 1891, p. 388), GOLGI says that for the study of the " diffuse nervous reticulum " of the central nervous system the best results are obtained by keeping the preparations in 1 per cent, sublimate for a very long time, two years being not too much in some cases. The reaction may be said to have begun by the time the tissues are nearly decolourised. From that time onwards sections may be made day by day and mounted if successful. Before mounting, the sections must be repeatedly washed with water, otherwise they will be spoilt by the formation of a black precipitate. (In the last place quoted GOLGI says that after washing they may be toned by putting them for a few minutes into a photographic fixing-and-toning bath, after which it is well to wash them again, and stain them with some acid carmine solution.) Mount in balsam or (prefer- ably) glycerin. The elements acted on are — (1) The ganglion cells, with all their processes and ramifications. (2) Nuclei, which is not the case with the silver process. (3) Neuroglia cells. But the reaction in this case is far less precise and complete than that obtained by the silver process. (4) The blood- vessels, and particularly their muscular fibre cells. The method is said to give good results only with the cortex of the cerebral convolutions, hardly any results at all with the spinal cord, and very scanty results with the cere- AXIS-CYLINDEK AND DEND1UTE STAINS. belluni. It is superior to the silver method in that the reaction can always be obtained with perfect certainty in a certain time ; that the preparations can be perfectly pre- served by the usual methods; and that large pieces of tissue can be impregnated. It generally gives a more abundant impregnation than the silver method. 8ee also FLATAU, in Arch. mik. Anat., xlv, 1895, p. 158. Modifications of Gulyi's Bichromate and ft ultimate Method. 828. PAL [Erratini " Tal," loc. cit.'] (Gitzz. deyli Ospitali, 1886, No. 68) finds that if sections made by this process be treated with solution of sodium sulphide, a much darker stain is obtained. Sections may then advantageously be double-stained with Magdala red. Golgi's method may be combined with Weigert's nerve stain (see PAL, W-len. med. Jahrb., 1886 ; Zeit. wiss. Mil:., v, 1887, p. 93). For FLECHSIG'S modifications, see Arch. An at. Phys., Pliyslol. Abth., 1889, p. 537. 829. Cox (Arch. mik. Anat., xxxvii, 1891,, p. 16) finds the sublimate and bichromate may be used together. He used a fluid consisting' of 20 parts 5 per cent, bichromate, 20 parts 5 per cent, sublimate, 16 parts 5 per cent, simple chromate of potash, and 30 to 40 parts of water. (The chromate should be diluted with the water before adding it.) The mixture should be as little acid as possible. The pieces of tissue should be small. The duration of the impregnation is from two to three months. There is considerable difficulty in preserving sections, which are best made with a freezing microtome, alcohol being avoided, treated for an hour or two with 5 per cent, solution of sodium carbonate, and mounted without a cover, in a medium composed of — gum sandarac, 75 gr. ; camphor, 15 ; oil of turpentine, 30 ; oil of lavender, 22'5 ; alcohol, 75 ; castor oil, 5—10 drops. For examination, add a drop of castor oil, and cover. Dr. A. SANDEUS writes me (June, 1898) that the stain keeps very well if the sublimate be well removed by washing in many changes of alcohol, and the tissues passed through alcohol and ether into celloidin, and the sections mounted in chloroform-balsam under a cover. I find the stain, keeps ; but the preparations quickly develop opaque granules that are very undesirable. BREMER (Anat. Rec., 1910, p. 265) cuts in celloidin and stains with alum hsematein and eosin. 28 434 CHAPTER XXX[V. For the very complicated platinum-substitution processes of ROBERT- SON and MACDONALD see Jouni. Ment. Sc''.,xlvii, 1901, p. 327 ; orJouni. lloij. Mic. tioc., 1902, p. 501. 83D. ZiEHEN'sGold and Sublimate Method (Neurol. Centralb., x, 1891, p. 65). — Small pieces of fresh material are thrown into a large quantity of a mixture of 1 per cent, sublimate solution and 1 per cent, chloride of gold solution in equal parts. They remain therein for at least three weeks, preferably for several months (up to five), by which time they will have become of a metallic red-brown colour. They are gummed on cork and sectioned without imbedding. The sections are treated either with LUGOI/S solution diluted with four volumes of water, or with dilute tincture of iodine, until duly differentiated, then washed and mounted in balsam. Both medullated and noii-medullated nerve-fibres are stained, also nerve and glia cells and their processes. 831. KKOHNTHAL'S Lsad Sulphide Impregnation (Ncurol. Cen- tmlb., xviii, 1899, No. 5 ; Zeif. wiss. Mlk., xvi, 1899, p. 235) consists in treating tissues first with formate of lead and then with hydric sulphide. The formate is prepared by dropping formic acid slowly into solution of acetate of lead. White crystals of formate of lead are abundantly formed ; the mother liquor is filtered off, and the crystals are dis- solved to saturation in water. The solution is mixed with an equal volume of 10 per cent, formol ; pieces of brain or spinal cord are put into the mixture for five days, and are then brought direct into a mixture of equal parts of 10 per cent, formol and hydric sulphide solution. After five days therein they are cut in celloidin, and the sections mounted in xylol-balsam under a cover. They seem to be quite perma- nent. Nerve-cells as well as nerve-fibres are impregnated. The impregnation is a very complete one. CORNING (Anat. An?.., xvii, 1900, p. 108) hardens the tissues with 10 per cent, formol before bringing them into the formol-formate mixture, and so obtains better results. He obtains his formate of lead direct from MERCK (Plumbum fonuicicum). He prefers to cut without imbedding. Other details loc. cit. AXIS-OYLlNDEIi AND DENDUITE STAINS. 435 832. WOLTER'S Chloride of Vanadium process (Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 1891, p. 471) : The material (either central or peripheral nervous tissue) is hardened in the bichromate liquid of KULTSCHITZY, § 55, followed by alcohol, as there described. Sections are mor- danted for twenty-four hours in a mixture of 2 parts of 10 per cent, solution of chloride of vanadium and 3 parts of 3 per cent, solution of acetate of aluminium, washed for ten minutes in water, and stained for twenty-four hours in a solution of 2 grins, of hsematoxylin (dissolved in a little alcohol) in 100 c.c. of 2 per cent, acetic acid. They are washed out until they are of a light blue-red colour in 80 per cent, alcohol acidulated with 0*5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Remove the acid thoroughly by washing with pure alcohol, dehydrate, clear with origanum oil, and mount. Chiefly an axis-cylinder stain, myelin being coloured only if the differentiation in the acid alcohol is insufficient, but cells are also stained. 833. Methylen Blue. — MEYER (Arch. mik. Anat.,x.lvi, 1895, p. 282, and xlvii, 1896, p. 734) has obtained good results (for the central nervous system, not for the peripheral) by means of subcutaneous injection. Large quantities of solution must be injected, in several portions, at intervals of one to several hours. After some time the organs should be thrown direct into the bath of BETHE, § 344, and remain in it till the next day. RAMON Y CAJAL (Rev. Trim. Micr., Madrid, i, 1890, p. 123 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik.,x.iv, 1897, p. 92) stains by "propagation" or '' diffusion." The" brain is exposed (rabbit) and the cortex is divided into slices of a couple of millimetres thickness by means of a razor. The slices are then covered on both sides either with finely powdered methyleii blue, or with a saturated solution of the same, the slices are replaced in their natural positions, the brain case is replaced for half an hour, after which the slices are removed and fixed for a couple of hours with Bethe's ammonium molybdate, washed, hardened for three or four hours in a mixture of 5 parts 1 per cent, platinum chloride, 40 parts f orniol, and 60 parts water, further treated for a few minutes with platinum chloride in alcohol (1 in 300), and if small enough imbedded in paraffin. The sections should be dehydrated with alcohol containing 0'3 per cent, of platinum chloride, and may be cleared with xylol or bergamot oil and mounted. The stain is stronger and more complete than that of the other methylen blue methods. CATOIS (Comptes Rend., cxxiv, 1897, p. 124) injects con- 436 CHAPTER xxxrv. centrated methylen blue into the body-cavity of FISHES, removes the brain after half an hour, puts slices of it into the same solution for half an hour, and fixes as usual. LENNHOFF (Neurol. Zentralb., 1910, p. 1) has some com- plicated methods with polychrome inethylen blue and sulpho-cyanide of potassium, or ferricyanide. 834. LENNHOFF'S Iron Method (ibid.). — Sections put for thirty seconds into 2 c.c. of 15 per cent, solution of tannin with 3 drops of 5 per cent, solution of oxalic acid, rinsed in water, then for a few seconds in 1 per cent, solution of chloride of iron till no further blackening occurs, then washed, dehydrated and mounted in balsam. Axis cylinders black, cells grey. 835. FAJERSTAJN'S Haematoxylin (Pohi. Arch. BioL Med. Wiss., i, 1901, p. 189). — Sections by the freezing method of material fixed for two to seven days in formol of 5 to 10 per cent, mordanted for five to twenty-four hours in chromic acid of 0'25 to 0*5 per cent., well washed, stained for twenty- four hours in 1 per cent, aqueous ha3inatoxylin, and differen- tiated by the method of PAL. Other Methods. 836. NABIAS (C. R. Soc. BioL, Ivi, 1904, p. 426) treats sections until yellow with solution of 1 grin, iodine and 2 grins, iodide of potassium in 300 of water, washes, treats for a few minutes with 1 per cent, chloride of gold, washes and reduces in anilin or resorcin in water (1 : 100, or less for the latter) and mounts in balsam. APATHY'S Gold Method has been given § 371. GERLACH'S Bichromate and Gold Process Las been given. § 369. For a complicated Gold Method of RAMON Y CAJAL, see Rev. trim. Micr., v, 1900, p. 95 ; or Zeit. irifs. Mik., xix, 1902, p. 187. For UPSON'S exceedingly complicated Gold and Iron and Vana- dium Methods see MERCIER, in Zeit. wits. Mik., vii, 1891, p. 474; or in his Coiqies dn tii/xti-me Nerveux Central, p. 234; or early editions. For FAJERSTAJN'S complicated Silver Method see Neurol. Ccntralb., xx, 1901, p. 98 ; or Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 214. MAGINI'S Zinc Chloride Process (see Soil. Accad. Med. di Roma, 1886; Zeit. wiss. Mik., 1888, p. 87, or early editions). AXIS-CYLINDER AND DENDRITE STAINS. 437 MONTI'S Copper Process, see Atti. R. Accad. Lined Roma, Rendic., v, 1889, p. 705 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 72. Anthracen Ink (Leoiihardi's, obtainable from Griibler) is used in a complicated way by KAPLAN, Arch.. Psycliiatr., xxxv, 1902, p. 825 (Zeit. wiss. MiJc., xix, 1903, p. 510). — STRAHUBER, Centralb. allg. Path., xiii, 1901, p. 422 (Zeit. wiss. Milt., xviii, 1902, p. 482) (pathological). MALLORY'S pliospho-niolybdic hsematoxylin, see § 271. SAHLI'S methods, see § 803. DONAGGIO'S Tin stain, see § 273. And see also under Nearonbrils. CHAPTER XXXV. NEUROGLIA, AND SENSE ORGANS. Newroglia. 837. INTRODUCTION. — Nenroglia cells may be isolated by teasing, and may be stained in many ways (see RANVIER, Traite.j p. 1063), by osmic acid, nigrosin, carmine, orcein. Iron haematoxylin is said to give good results with the lower vertebrates. (I have not found it so.) But by far the best method for the study of the forms and relations both of ependyma cells and astrocytes is the Bichromate -and- silver Impregnation of GOLGI, the best material being that which has been for not more than two or three days in the osmio- bichromic mixture. This method, however, does not tinctorially differentiate between neuroglia-cells and nerve-cells, and is of no use for mapping out tracts of neuroglia as a whole. The following methods are intended for this. They either stain neuroglia more or less specifically, leaving other tissues unstained (WEIGERT), or stain it in a different tone to other tissues. None of them are satisfactory. WEIGERT'S process stains the processes of the cells (his " fibres ") intensely, whilst leaving the cell-body unstained ; and in consequence, if exclusively followed, may lead to erroneous conclusions. 838. WEIGERT'S Neuroglia Stain (WEIGERT'S Beitr. zur Kenntniss der normalen menschlichen Neuroglia, Frank furt- a-M., 1895; and his art. " Ncurogliafdrbung* in Encycl. MiJf. Technik).- — Pieces of very fresh tissue of not more than half a centimetre in thickness are put for at least four days into 10 per cent, formol. They are then mordanted for four or five days in an incubating stove (or for at least eight days at the temperature of the laboratory) in a solution containing NEUROGLIA, AND SENSE ORGANS. 439 5 per cent, of neutral acetate of copper, 5 per cent, of acetic acid, and 2i per cent, of chronic alum, in water. Add the alum to the water, raise to boiling point, and add the acetic acid and the acetate, powdered (or [EwycL, 2nd ed., p. 303] instead of the chrome alum, you may take chromium fluoride, which obviates the necessity of boiling). If preferred, the mordant may be dissolved in the formol solution, so that the hardening and mordanting are done at the same time. After the mordanting the tissues are washed with water, dehydrated, imbedded in celloidin, and sectioned. The sections (not too thick) are treated for ten minutes with a |- per cent, solution of permanganate of potash, and well washed in water. They are then treated for two to four hours with a solution of (l Chromogen." This is a naphthalin compound prepared by the Hoechst dye manufactory. The solution to be used is prepared as follows : 5 per cent, of " Chromogen" and 5 per cent, of formic acid (of 1'20 sp. gr., about four times as strong as the officinal) are dissolved in water, and the solution carefully filtered. To 90 c.c. of the filtrate are added 10 c.c. of 10 per cent, solution of sodium sulphite. After this bath, the sections are put till next day into a saturated (5 per cent.) solution of Chromogen. (Instead of the Chromogen treatment, you may simply treat the sections with PAL'S potassium sulphite, § 783, and the results will be nearly as good.) They are next carefully washed and stained. This is best done oil the zlide. The stain is a warm-saturated solution of methyl violet in alcohol of 70 to 80 per cent, (to which, after cooling and decanting, there may be added, if desired, 5 per cent, of 5 per cent, aqueous solution of oxalic acid). The sections are treated with this for a few seconds to one minute, and mopped up with blotting-paper, then treated for an instant with saturated solution of iodine in iodide of potassium of 5 per cent. They are then differentiated till clear and light blue with a mixture of anilin and xylol in equal parts. Wash this out thoroughly with pure xylol, and mount in balsam, or, preferably, turpentine colophonium. Glia fibres and nuclei blue, cytoplasm invisible. This method only gives good results with the human subject. 440 CHAPTER XXXV. MALLORY (Journ. Exper. Med., 1897, p. 532) fixes tissues for four days in 10 per cent, solution of formalin, then for four to eight in saturated solution of picric acid (or for the same time in a mixture of the two), then mordants for four to six days at 37° C. in 5 per cent, solution of bichromate of ammonia, makes sections (celloidin) and stains them in WEiGERT's/fcmi. stain. STORCH (Virchoiv's Arch., clvii, 1899, p. 127; Zeit. iviss. Mile., xvi, 1900, p. 475), instead of mordanting the material in bulk with the copper fluid, first makes celloidin sections. BARTEL (Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxi, 1904, p. 18) first makes paraffin sections and treats them with all the reagents without removing the paraffin, until they have passed the anilin-xylol mixture, which should consist of 1 of anilin to 10 of xylol (or more), and be allowed to act for twelve to twenty-four hours. SAND takes material fixed as for his neurofibril stain, p. 400, and stains it as Weigert. See also AGUERRE and KRAUSE, Arch. Mik. Anat., clii, 1900, p. 509 ; and WIMMER, Zeit. wiss. Mile., xxiv, 1907, p. 192. RUBASCHKIN (Arch. mik. Anat., Ixiv, 1904, p. 577) injects centres of small mammals with the fixing liquid. To make this, take 100 parts of 2'5 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash and 0'5 to 1 of acetate of copper, boil, and add 2'5 to 3 of glacial acetic acid. To this (which may be kept in stock) add just before use 10 per cent, of formol. Inject warm, and after ten minutes dissect out and harden in the liquid for five to seven days at 35° to 40° C. Dry super- ficially, put for six to twelve hours in alcohol of 95 per cent., and get into celloidin or paraffin. Stain sections on slide for six to twelve hours in saturated aqueous solution of methyl- violet B; treat for half a minute to a minute with Gram's iodine in iodide of potassium (1 : 200 or 300) ; differentiate in anilin or clove oil and pass through xylol into balsam. Said to give very sharp results with small mammals. 839. Benda's Methods (Neurol. Centralb., xix, 1900, p. 796, and his art " Neitroglinfiirbiuig" jEncycl. Mile. Teclinik., ii, p. 308) are as follows : The material is to be fixed with alcohol, and further treated with nitric acid, etc., as directed for centrosomes, § 651, and paraffin sections are made and fixed to slides and the paraffin removed. They are then mordanted and stained as directed under (6), § 651 and differentiated and mounted as there described. Glia fibres and nuclei blue, the rest red. Besides this, BENDA also recommends hardening and making paraffin s cbions as described, then staining with the modified WE IGERT stain given for central corpuscles under (n), § 651 ; or, staining with HEIDENHAIN'S NEUBOGLIA, AND SENSE ORGANS. 411 iron hrematoxylin, and differentiating with 2 per cent, iron-alum or WEIGERT'S borax-ferricyanide mixture. See also MEVES, Arch. mi'k. Auat., Ixxi. 1908, p. 573. 840. MALLORY'S Haematoxylin Stains (Journ. Exper. Med., v, 1900, p. 19). — Tissues to be fixed, mordanted, and cut as directed under MALLORY, § 838. The sections are put for a quarter of an hour into 0*5 per cent, solution of permanganate of potash, washed and put for a quarter of an hour into 1 per cent, solution of oxalic acid, well washed and stained for twelve to twenty-four hours or more in Mallory's phospho- tungstic hrematoxylin. Wash, dehydrate in 95 per cent, alcohol, clear with organum oil, mount in xylol-balsam. Axis-cylinders and nerve-cells pink, neuroglia blue. To get a more isolated stain of neuroglia, the sections should be brought for five to twenty minutes, after staining, into a 30 per cent, alcoholic solution of dry sesquichloride of iron. Neuroglia and fibrin blue, the rest colourless. MALLORY'S phospho-molybdic hgematoxylin may also be taken for the stain, but is less elective. DA FANO (Ricerche Lab. Anat. Roma, xii, 1906, p. Ill) fixes in a mixture of 72 vols. of pyridin with 28 of nitric acid of 50 per cent, and stains as Mallory. Or, he fixes in a mixture of 3 vols. of nitrate of pyridin with 1 vol. of osmic acid of 1 per cent., and stains with Benda's alizarin toluidin blue. FIEANDT (Arch. milt. Anat., Ixxvi, 1910. p. 15) describes a very complicated modification of Mallory's phosphotungstic lisematoxylin. method. ALZHEIMER (quoted from SPIELMEYER'S " Tcclmik d. mik. Untersuch. d. Nervensystems" p. 106) fixes in Weigert's mordant (with formol) and stains with Mallory's phos[ homolybdic haematoxylin. EISATH (Arch. Psychiatr. u. NervenheilJc., xlviii, 1911, p. 896; Zeit. wiss. Mile., 1913, p. 420) has a highly complicated modification of the same stain, specially for glia granules. 841. AN GLADE and MOREL (Rev. NeuroL, ix, 1901, p. 157) harden in a mixture of 3 parts of liquid of FOL (§ 42), with 1 of 7 per cent, sublimate solution, dehydrate with alcohol followed by aceton, make pnraflin sections and stain in saturated aqueous solution of Victoria line, heated till it steams, rinse with liquid of Gram (§ 287), differentiate with xylol 1 part, anilin 2 parts, and mount in balsam. Simple, applicable to lower animals, and gives very sharp images. 442 CHAPTER XXXV. Similarly, in a very complicated way, L'HERMITTE and GTJCCIONE, Semaine Medicale, xxix, 1909, No. 18, and MERZBACHEE,, Journ. f. Psych, u. NeuroL, xii, 1909, p. 1 (Zeit. wlss. Mile., xxviii, 191], p. 229). ' See also GALESESCU, C.E. Soc. Biol., Ixv, 1908, p. 429 (sections mor- danted with resorcin and stained witli methyl -violet and oxalic acid). 842. Saurerubin. — KULTSCHITZKY (Anal. Anz., viii, 1893, p. 357) stains paraffin sections (of material hardened in his copper liquid, § 55), either for five to ten seconds with a mixture of 1 grin. Saurerubin (Rubin S.), 400 c.c. 2 per cent, acetic acid, and 400 c.c. saturated solution of picric acid, or for half an hour in a mixture of 3 to 5 c.c. of the above stain with 100 c.c. of 96 per cent, alcohol and washes out well with alcohol. Glia violet, ganglion cells and axis cylinders reddish. Insignificant modifications are described by POPOW, Zeit. wiss. Mile., xiii, 1896, p. 358, and BURCHARDT, La Cellule, xii, 1897, p. 364. 843. YAMAGIWA (Virclww's Arch., clx, 1900, p. 358) hardens very smctll pieces of tissues for a month or more in liquid of Miiller, makes celloidin sections, stains for twelve hours in saturated alcoholic solution of eosin, then for four to six in saturated solution of aiiilin blue in water, and dif- ferentiates in dilute alcohol with a very little caustic potash. Water, alcohol, origanium oil, balsam. Neuroglia red, axis-cylinders blue. 844. ACHUCARRO (Sol. Soc. Espan. Biol.} Madrid, 1911, p. 139; Zr.it. wiss. Nik., xxix, 1912, p. 238) puts sections of frozen formol material into cold saturated solution of tannin, warms till vapour is given off, rinses, and puts into 10 c.c. of water with 6 to 8 drops of Bielschowsky's oxide of silver solution (undiluted). As soon as they turn yellow they are put into formol of 10 percent., and after about 10 minutes washed and mounted. By mordanting the material with 5 per cent, acetate of copper, or Weigert's mordant, and silvering by Ramon y Cajal's process, he gets a stain of the amoeboid cells of the cortex. Retina * 845. Fixation and Hardening.- -Notwithstanding the Encycl. mik. Technik., 2nd edition, p. 75, I hold that osmic acid is by far the best fixing agent. The retina of small eyes is best prepared by fixing the entire unopened bulb with osmium Besides the sources quoted in the text, see SELIGMANN, Die mikro- skopischen Untersuchungsmethoden des Auyes, Berlin, S. Karger (Karl- strasse 13), 1899; GREEF Anleitung zur M/hr. Untersuch. d. Auges, Berlin, Hirschwald, 1898; and the Art. "Retina" in Encycl. Technik., 2nd edition, p. 575. NEU110GLIA, AND SENSE OKGANS. 443 vapour. According to RANVIER (Traite3 p. 954) you may fix the eye of a triton (without having previously opened the bulb — the sclerotic being very thin) by exposing it for ten minutes to vapour of osmium. Then divide it by an equatorial incision, and put the posterior pole for a few hours into one-third alcohol. Somewhat larger eyes, such as those of the sheep and calf, may be fixed in solutions without being opened. But it is generally the better practice to make an equatorial incision, and free the posterior hemisphere before putting it into the liquid. The older practice was to use strong solutions of pure osmic acid alone ; but most of the best recent work has been done with chromic mixtures following the osmium. Dr. Lindsay Johnson tells me that he now gets the best results by suspending the globe over the steam of a 1 per cent, osmic acid solution raised to the temperature at which vapour is seen to be given off (but not to boiling point), for five minutes in the case of human adults, or for one to three minutes in the case of human infants, all monkeys and small mammals, as in them the sclerotics are very thin. As soon as the sclerotic is felt to be firm to the touch, it should be opened by a small nick with a razor just behind the ciliary body ; or if the eye be that of an adult, the cornea and lens may be removed. The eye is then put for twelve hours into the mixture, § 44 ; it is then washed in running water, and suspended in a large volume of 2 '5 per cent, bichromate of potash for two days, then passed gradually through successive alcohols, beginning with 20 per cent., and ending with absolute, taking five days from first to last. Similarly RocnoN-DuviGNEAUD (Arch. Anat. Micr., ix, 1907, p. 317;. Other hardening liquids, however, also give good results, provided that the fixation by the osmic acid has been properly performed : amongst them liquid of Flemminc/, and that of Miiller. Formaldehyde mixtures he does not recom- mend. LEBER (Miinch. med. Wochenschr., xli, 30, 1894; Zeit. iviss. Mik., xii, 1895, p. 256) advises a solution of formol 1, water 10. After a few days' hardening in this, the eyes may be cut through, it is said, without de- 444 CHAPTER XXXV. rangement of the parts. The retina lies flat, and is at least as well pre- served as with solution of Miiller. See also HIPPEL (Arch. f. Ophthaim., xlv, 1898, p. 286; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xvi, 1899, p. 79), who finds that formol fixes the lens badly, the retina well, so far at least as the absence of folds from shrinkage is con- cerned ; and HERZOG (Arcli. mik. Anat., lx, 1902, p. 517, and Encycl- mil;. Technik., p. 75), who also approves of formol, but insists that it should be acid, and adds 3 to 5 per cent, of acetic acid. KOLMEB (Arch. Gesammte Phys., cxxix, p. 35), fixes for twelve to twenty-four hours in a mixture of 4 parts saturated solution of bichro- mate, 4 of formol of 10 per cent., and 1 of acetic acid. BENDA (Vcrh. Ges. Naturf. Mrzte, Ixxi Vers., 1900, p. 459) fixes in nitric acid of 10 per cent., and hardens in liquid of Miiller, twenty-four hours in each. ZURN (Arch. Anat. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1902, Supp., p. 106) advises (for mammals) fixing in saturated solution of sublimate in salt solution of 0*6 per cent., with 1 to 1| per cent, of acetic acid after removing the anterior pole and the vitreous. Wash out in alcohol of 35 per cent, made 5 per cent, stronger each day up to 50 per cent. ; then pass on to stronger and cedar oil and paraffin. 846. Staining.- -For general views I recommend iron- haematoxylin, followed by Saurefuchsin or Picro-Saurefuch- sin, or preceded by Bordeaux ; or Kernschwarz, followed by safranin, or the Ehrlich-Biondi stain. The Methylen-blue intra-vitam stain has given valuable results ; see the methods of DOGIEL. But the most important method is the bichromate- and- silver impregnation of GOLGI, first applied to this object by TARTUFERI (Intern. Monatsschr., 1887). This author employed the rapid process. So also RAMON Y CAJAL (La Cellule, ix, 1893, p. 121) with the double-impregnation process, § 815. To avoid the formation of precipitates on the tissues, he covers the retina, before silvering, with a piece of peritoneal membrane, or a thin layer of collodion. Or, better, lie rolls the retina (op. cit., p. 130). After removing the vitreous, the retina is cut away around the papilla with a punch or fine scalpel, and separated from the choroid. It is then rolled up (after being cut into quadrants or not), so as to form a solid block. This is painted with 2 per cent, celloidin, which is allowed to dry for a few seconds, and the whole is put into the bichromate mixture, and further treated as a solid mass of tissue. Ramon also employs his neurofibril silver method, see Intern. Monatsttchr. Anat. Phys., xxi, 1904, p. 393. NEUROGLIA, AND SENSE ORGANS. 445 GOLGI'S sublimate impregnation (Cox's form) has also been successfully employed by KRAUSK and RAMON. The bichromate-and-silver method serves for the study of the fibres of Miiller and neurpglia cells,, as well as neurones. Weigert's neuro^lia stain does not jrivo <>'ood results. •— ' O o O LENNOX (Arch.f. Opthalm., xxxii, 1 ; Zeit. iviss. Mik., iii, 188(5, p. 408) has used "Weigert's hsematoxylin method. KUHNT (Jen. Zeit. Naturw., Bd. xxiv, H. 1, 1889, p. 177) employs Pal's modification. Similarly SCHAFFER (Sitzb. Alcad. wiss. Wien., xcix, 1890), 3, p. 110 ; Zeit. wiss. Mile., viii, 1891, p. 227). These methods give a differential stain of rods and cones. For the zoiiula and ciliary body see MAWAS, Arch. d'Anat. micr., xii, 1910, p. 103. 847, Dissociation. — For maceration preparations you may use weak solutions (0'2 to 0'5 per cent.) of osmic acid for fixation, and then macerate in 0'02 per cent, chromic acid (M. SCHULTZE), or in iodised serum (M. SCHULTZE), or in dilute alcohol (LANDOLT), or in Miiller's solution, or (RANVIER, Traite, p. 957) in pure water, for two or three days. THIN (Journ. of Anat., 1879, p. 139) obtained very good results by fixing for thirty-six to forty-eight hours in one-third alcohol, or in 25 per cent, alcohol, and then staining and teasing. SCHIEFFERDECKER macerates fresh retina for several days in the methyl mixture, § 543. KRAUSE (Intern. Monatsschr. Anat., 1884, p. 225) recom- mends treatment for several days with 10 per cent, chloral hydrate solution ; the rods and cones are well preserved. Inner Ear. 848. Inner Ear, Dissection. — For the dissection of the human ear see POLITZER, " Die anatomische u. histologische Zergliederung d. men- schlichen Gehoroganes," Stuttgart (Enke), 1889 (Zeit. iviss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 3(54). Amongst the lower mammalia, the (/;u'iir«-j><5:>, and 1910, p. 542) puts for half an hour into water at 40° to 50° C., removes the shell, and injects carmine by auto-injection through the heart. For occluding vessels he takes cotton- wool soaked with gelatin and pi aster-of -Paris. He takes for a vaso-dilator a saturated solution of peptonum siccnni. 863. Maceration Methods for Epithelium. ENGELMANN (Pfluger's Arch., xxiii, 1880, p. 505) macerates the intestine of Cycles in osmic acid of 0'2 per cent, (after having warmed the animal for a short time to 45° to 50° C.), or in concentrated boracic acid solution. Cilia .- -¥\\Q entire intra-cellular fibre apparatus may be isolated by teasing fresh epithelium from the intestine of a Lamellibranch (p. g. Anodotita) in either bichromate of potash of 4 per cent, or salt solution of 10 per cent. To get good views of the apparatus in situ in the body of the cell, macerate for not more than an hour in concentrated solution of boracic or salicylic acid. Very dilute osmic acid (e.g. O'l per cent.) gives also, good results. The "lateral cells " of the gills are best treated with strong boracic acid solution (five parts cold saturated aqueous solution to one part water). BELA LT ALLER'S Mixture, see § 540 ; BROCK'S Medium, § 531 ; MOBIUS'S Media, § 535; the second of these is much recom- mended by DROST (Morpliol. Jahrb., xii, 1866, p. 103) for Cardium and My a. PATTEN (Hitth. Zool. 8 tat. Neapcl, vi, 1886, p. 736) takes sulphuric acid, 40 drops to 50 grin, of water. Kntire molluscs, without the shell, may be kept in it for months. BKRNAUD (Ann. Sci. Nat., ix, 1890, p. 191) macerates the mantle of Prosobranchs in a mixture of one part each of glycerin and acetic acid, two parts each of 90 per cent, alcohol and 0*1 per cent, chromic acid and forty parts water, which acts in from a quarter of an hour to three hours. He also (pp. 102, 306) uses a weak solution of chloride of ruthenium, especially for nerve-tracts, mucus-cells and cilia. Alcohol material may be macerated iu a mixture of one pnrt glycerin, two of acetic acid and forty of water. 454 CHAPTER xxxvr. 864. Mucus Glands.— RACOVITZA (Arch. ZooL exper. [3], ii, 1894, p. 8) studies these in Nudibranchs (and Annelids) by killing with acetic acid, staining in toto with methyl green dissolved in liquid of HIPART and PETIT, and after three to six days, when only the glands show the stain, examining in mixture of equal parts of glycerin and the liquid. Arthropoda. 865. General Methods for Anthropoda.— As general methods for the study of chitinous structures, the methods worked out by Paul Mayer (see §§ 8 and 06) are excellent. It is, at all events, absolutely necessary, in the preparation of entire organisms or unopened organs, that all processes of fixation, washing and staining should be done with fluids possessing great penetrating power. Hence picric acid combinations should in general be used for fixing, and alcoholic fluids for washing and staining. Concentrated picro-sulphnric acid (or picro-nitric) is the most generally useful fixative, and 70 per cent, alcohol is the most useful strength for washing out. Alcoholic picro-sulphnric acid may be indicated for fixing in some cases. But if the animals or organs can first be properly opened, the usual methods may be employed. 866. Crustacea. — Some forms are very satisfactorily fixed with sublimate. Such are the Copepoda and the larvae of Decapoda. It is sometimes indicated to use the sublimate in alcoholic solution. Some Copepoda, however (Copilia, Sappliirina) , are better preserved by means of weak osmic acid, and so are the Ostracoda. In many cases the osmic acid will produce a sufficient differentiation of the tissues, so that further staining may be dispensed with; so for Copilia and Phyllosori.a. The pyrogallic process (§ 374) may be useful. GIESBRECHT takes for marine Copepods a concentrated solution of picric acid in sea water, to which a little osmic and acetic acid may be added. For fresh-water forms, ZACH ARIAS (Zool. Aiiz., xxii, 1899, p. 72) takes chromo-acetic acid. GIESBRECHT fixes larvae of Stomatopoda for 5 to 10 minutes in formol of 10 per cent, warmed to 40° or 50° C., opens them in sea writer and puts for 1| to 2i hours into formol 1 METHODS FOR INVRRTEBRATHS. 1-55 part and sea water 5 parts, and brings into alcohol of 70 per cent. STAFFERS (La Cellule, xxv, 1909, p. 356) fixes Sympoda in GILSON'S copper formol, § 115, or in HORNELL'S mixture of 100 parts of 5 per cent, formol with 40 of alcohol ; and for softening the chitin puts for 12 to 3G hours into 3 per cent, solution of sublimate with 5 per cent, of nitric acid. NETTOVITCH (Arb. z. Inst. Wien, xiii, 1900,p. 3) RxesArgulus with liquid of Tellyesniczky, § 52, warmed to 50° C. For FISCHEI/S intra-vitam stain of Cladocera with alizarin etc,, see § 208. 867. Tracheata.— KENYON (Tufts Coll Stud., No. 4, 1896, p. 80) fixes Pauropoda in Carney's acetic alcohol and chloro- form, § 85, cuts them in two for staining, etc., and imbeds in cellpidin followed by paraffin. HENNINGS (Zeit. u-isa. J///c., xvii, 1900, p. 311) takes- Nitric acid 16 parts, chromic acid of 0'5 per cent. 16 parts, sublimate saturated in 60 per cent, alcohol 24 parts, picric acid saturated in water 12, and absolute alcohol 42, fixes for twelve to twenty-four hours, and washes out with iodine alcohol. He says that this mixture not only fixes, but softens chitin enough to allow of paraffin sections being made through hard parts. HAMANN (Sitz. Natnrw. Freunde Berlin, 1897, p. 2) fixes small Tracheata in 10 per cent, formol and finds the chitin sufficiently soft for sections to be made. VAN LEUUWEN (Zool.Anz.}xxxu, 1907, p. 318) takes for larvae of Hexapoda 12 parts of 1 per cent, solution of picric acid in absolute alcohol, 2 of chloroform, 2 of formol, and 1 of acetic acid. HOLLANDE (Arch. d'Anal. mic., xiii, 1911, p. 171), takes 12 parts of saturated solution of picric acid in formol of 40 per cent., 54 of absolute alcohol, 3 of benzene, and 1 of nitric acid, and finds that this fixes quickly enough not to make chitin too hard. NUTTALL, COOPER and ROBINSON (Parnsitology, 1908, i, p. 163), fix for a few minutes in hot picrosulplmric acid. 868. Methods for Clearing and Softening Chitin.- -The methods of Looss have been described § 553, those of HENNINGS and HAMANN last 456 CHAPTER XXXVI. LIST (Zeit. iriss. Mik., 1886, p. 212) treats Cocciche (after hardening) for eighteen to twenty-four hours with can de Javelle, diluted with four volumes of water. After washing out they may be imbedded in paraffin, and good sections obtained. BALING (Dissert. Marburg. 1906, p. 11) boils larva? of Tencbrio for some minutes in eau de Labarraque, the heat serving to fix the soft parts, which in successful cases are well preserved. Wash out with warm water, then alcohol. SAZEPIN'S method for antennae of Chilognatha (Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Peters!)., xxxii, 1884, pp. 11, 12) consists in steep- ing antennas (that have been dehydrated with alcohol) for twenty-four hours in chloroform containing a drop of fuming nitric acid (shake occasionally). BETHE (Zool. Jahrb., viii, 1895, p. 544) puts tclsons of My sis for eight to fourteen days into 40 per cent, alcohol, to which nitric acid is gradually added, so that by the end of that time they have been brought into alcohol containing 20 per cent, of the acid. This softens the chitin, and some- what breaks down the structure of the otolith, so that good sections through it are occasionally obtained. Similarly HERBST, Arch. Entirickelungsmech ix, 1899, p. 291. See also the depigmentation processes, §§ 575 — 584. 869. Test for Chitin (ZANDER, Pflihjers Arch., Ixvi, 1897, p. 545).— Treat for a short time with a drop of freshly prepared solution of iodine in iodide of potassium and add a drop of concentrated chloride of zinc. This is then removed with water as far as possible, and the violet reaction is obtained. See also WESTER, Zool. Jalirb., Ablh. Syst., xxviii, 1910, p. 531. 870. BETHE'S Stain for Chitin (loc. cit., § 868).— Sections are put for three or four minutes into a freshly prepared 10 per cent, solution of anilin hydrochloride, to which has been added one drop of hydrochloric acid for every 10 c.c. They are then rinsed in water, and the slide is put with the sections downwards into 10 per cent, solution of bichro- mate of potash. The stain is at first green, but becomes blue in tap water or alcohol containing ammonia. MAYER simply uses a solution of pyrogallol in alcohol or glycerin ; and HOFMANN (Zeit. wiss. Zool, Ixxxix, 1908, p. 684) puts for a day or more into raw pyroligneous acid. 871. Tracheae may be studied by the Golgi bichromate and METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES. 457 silver process. MARTIN (G.R. Soc. Philomath., 1893, p. 3) injects them with indigo white (through the body cavity), and puts into hot water from which the air has been expelled by boiling. Tracheae blue. 872. Brain of Bees. — KENYON (Jonrn. Comp. Neurol., vi, 1896, p. 137; Jonrn. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1897, p. 80) treats by the GOI.GI process (seldom successful), or hardens in a mixture of one part formol and two of 5 per cent, sulphate of copper, followed by staining in Mallory's phospho-molybdic haematoxylin. JONESCU (Jena. Zeit., xlv, 1909, p. Ill) has employed the silver methods of Ramon y Cajal and Bielschowsky and Wolff. 873. Ventral Cord.— FLOYD (Mark. Anniv. vol. 1904, p. 355) fixes the gang'lia of Periplaneta for eighty minutes with / fj O -L O «/ vapour of formol, and brings into alcohol. See also BINET, Jonrn. Anat. Pliys., xxx, 1894, p. 469. 874. Eyes of Arthropods. — For the methods of LANKESTER and BOURNE (Quart. Journ. Mic. 8ci., 1883, p. 180 : LimulusJ • HICKSON (ibid., 1885, p. 243: Mused); PARKER (Bull. ]\Ius. Harvard Coll., xx. 1890, p. 1 ; Zeit. iri*s. Mil:., viii, 1891, p. 82 : Homarus) see early editions. PARKER (Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii, 1895, p. 1) also applies the methylen blue method to the retina and optic ganglia in Decapods, especially in Astacns. He injects O'l c.c. of a 0'2 per cent, solution into the ventral sinus. After twelve to fifteen hours the animals are killed, the ganglia (jiiickly dissected out, and the stain fixed as described, § 344. For his method for eyes of Scorpions see § 583. For the methods of PUKCELL for the eyes of Phalangida see Zeit. wins. Zool., Iviii, 1894, p. 1. He has the following stain. The cephalothorax is removed and brought for twenty minutes into 50 per cent, alcohol warmed to 45° or 50° C., and saturated with picric acid. The pigment dissolves in this solution and stains the nuclei and some other parts of the rhabdoms, so that no further stain is required. HENNINGS (Zcit. ?ms. Milt., xvii, 1900, p. 326) depigments sections by putting then for ten minutes (Musca) to twelve 458 CHAPTER XXXVI. hours (Myriopoda) into a mixture of 2 parts of 80 per cent, alcohol with one of glycerin and 2 per cent, of nitric acid,, best kept at 35° C. The elements are well preserved. WIDMANN (Zeit. iviss. ZooL, xc, 1908, p. 260) makes the lens of Arachnida fit for sectioning by putting for a day or so into alcohol with 10 to 15 per cent, of nitric acid ; and bleaches sections with 1 part of chlorine water to 2 of alcohol. See also ROSENSTADT, Arch. mil'. Anat., xlvii, 1896, p. 478; YIALLANES, Ann. Sci. nat., xiii, 1892, p. 354; and DIETRICH, Zeit. iris*. ZooL, xcii, 1909, p. 465 (fixes in alcoholic formol, and bleaches with dilute aqua rerjla). 875. Injections (Arachnida and Crustacea especially). — ABIE SCHNEIDER (Toilettes Zool.} ii, 1892, p. 123) recom- mends lithographic Indian ink, the animals being narcotised with chloroform, then injected and thrown into strong alcohol. Similary CADSARD (Bull. $r. France Belg., xxix, 1896, p. 16). 876. Arctiscoida (DoYERE, Arch. mil'. Aiu.it., 1865, p. 105). — Exa- mination of living animals after partial asphyxiation in boiled water. See early edition*. Venues. 877. Chsetopoda : Cleansing Intestine. — KUKENTHAL (Journ. Roy. Alic. >SYr, 1888, p. 1044) putsLumbricus intoa glass vessel filled with bits of moistened blotting-paper. They gradually evacuate the earthy particles from the gut, and fill it instead with paper. YOGT and YLTNG (Trait <' (TAnat. Comp. Prat., v) recom- mend coffee-grounds instead of paper, as they cut better after imbedding. JOEST (Arcl. Entu'iMuiigsmecli., v, 1897, p. 425) simply keeps the worms for a few days in moist linen, and finds the gut empty. PEARL (Journ. a-p^l. Mic.} iii, 190], p. 680) injects alcohol of 6 per cent, through the gut of narcotised worms. 878. Chsetopoda : Fixation. — Lnmlricns may be anaesthetised by putting the animals into water with a few drops of chloro- form. PEKKIKE puts them into water in a shallow dish, sets up a watch-glass with chloroform in the corner of it, and covers the whole. METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES. 459 CERFONTAINE (Arch, de Biol., x, 1890, p. 327) injects inter- stitial! v about 2 c.c. of a 1 : 500 solution of curare. a/ JAQUET (Bib. Anat., iii, 1895, p. 32) kills Lumbricus in extension in 1 part of nitric acid to 125 of water. COLLIN (Zeit. wiss. ZooL, xlvi, 1888, p. 474) puts Criodrilns Jacunm into a closed vessel with a little water, and hangs up in it a strip of blotting-paper soaked in chloroform. KUKKN- THAL (Die mil-. Teclmik, 1885 ; Zeit. inss. Mik,, 188(3, p. 61) puts Annelids into a glass cylinder filled with water to the height of 10 centimetres, and then pours 70 per cent, alcohol to a depth of one to two centimeters on to the water. For Opheliadae he also employs O'l per cent, of chloral hydrate in sea water. Many marine Chastopoda may be successfully narcotised (Lo BIANCO) in sea water containing 5 per cent, of alcohol, or by means of the mixture § 18. The PolyeJiieta sedentaria may sometimes be satisfactorily fixed by bringing them rapidy into corrosive sublimate. Cold, not hot, solutions should be taken, as heat frequently shrivels up the branchiae. Eunice and Onnphi* may be treated in the same way. Lo BIANCO advises killing Cluetopteridre, Sternaspida3, Spirogr aphis, Prot/ula. by putting them for half an hour into 1 per cent, chromic acid. Some of the sedentaria may bo got protruded from their tubes by leaving them for some hours in O'l per cent, chloral hydrate in sea water. For EJSIG'S methods for Capitellida? see Fauna u. Flora Golf. Ncapel, xvi, 1887, p. 295. See also § 14 (lemon juice), and the methods §§ 20 to 20, 39 and 49. 879. Blood-vessels of Annelids (KUKENTHAL, Zeit. iv-iss. Nik., 1886, p. 61). — The animals should be laid open and put for two or three hours into aqua rcgia (4 parts of nitric acid to 2 of hydrochloric acid). Vessels black, on a yellow ground. BEEGH (Anat. Ueftc, xlv, 19i 0, p. 392, and xlix, 1900, p. 599) puts small Annelids for a week or more into equal parts of 1 per cent, nitric acid and 1 per cent, nitrate of silver, or into 50 parts of nitrate, 25 of formic acid, and 25 of water, dissects out the organs and exposes to light. Marine forms may be treated by HARMER'S process. 460 CHATTEI? xxxvr. 830. Nerves of Annelids.- -The methylen blue method and the bichromate of silver method of G-olgi (the rapid method). For the latter see v. LENHOSSEK (Arch. mik. Anal., xxxix, p. 102). LANGDON (Journ. Comp. Neur., x, 1900, p. 4) injects strong solution of methylen blue into the body cavity of Nereis, and puts the animal for some hours into sea-water in the dark, fixes the stain by Bethe's method, and makes paraffin sections. See also M. LEWIS, Anat. An?.., xii, 1896, p. 292 ; ATHESON, ibid., xvi, 1899, p. 497 • and the methods of APATHY §§ 34:2, 368, 37], and 773. 881. Hirudinea- — For the methods of killing see those given for Lumbrlcusin § 878, also §§20 to 26, and 49. WHITMAN (Melh. in mic. Anat , p. 27) recommends that they be killed with sublimate. I have obtained better results myself by narcotising with carbonic acid (§ 26), and fixing with liquid of Flemming. I have also found that lemon juice kills them in a state of very fair extension. APATHY succeeds with alcohol of 40 per cent. GRAF (Jen. Zeit., 1893, p. 165) has obtained good results by narcotising with decoction of tobacco. 882. Injection. — WHITMAN (Amer. Natural., 1886, p. 318) states that very perfect natural injections may often be obtained from leeches that have been hardened in weak chromic acid or other chromic liquid. JACQDET (Mittli. Zool. 8 tat. Neapel, 1885, p. 298), for artificial injections, puts leeches into water with a very small quantity of chloroform, and allows them to remain a day or two in the water before injecting them. 883. Nervous System. — Impregnation with gold. BRISTOL (Journ. of Morph., xv, 1898, p. 17) kills in formic acid of 15 to 20 per cent., puts for twenty-five minutes into 1 per cent. gold chloride, reduces in formic acid of 1 per cent, (twelve to eighteen hours), and imbeds in paraffin. See also §§ 342, 368, 371 and 773. 884. Nephridia. — SHEARER (Quart. Journ. Micr. 8d., Iv, 1910, p. 288) stains Histriobdella intra vitnni with very weak METHODS FOR INVEUTKIHtATES. 401 solution of Methyl blue, which allows the course of the nephridia to be made out. 885. Gephyrea. — VOGT and YUNG (An at. Comp. Prat., p. 373) direct that Siphunculus nudusloe kept for some days in perfectly clean basins of sea water, changed every day, in order that the intestine of the animals may be got free from sand, and then anaesthetised with chloroform. WARD (Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Cambridge, Harvard Coll.,-* xxi, 3, p. 144) puts them into a shallow dish with sea water and pours 5 per cent, alcohol in a thin film on to the surface of the water, and as soon as they make no contractions on being stimulated removes to 50 per cent, alcohol. Lo BIANCO says killing with O5 per cent, chromic acid or with O'l per cent, chloral hydrate in sea water may be tried. Phascolosoma and Phoronis should be treated by the alcohol method, larvae of Sipunculus with cocaine, § 21. APEL (Zeit. u:iss. ZooL, xlii, 1885, p. 461) puts Priapulus and Haticryptus into a vessel with sea water and heats on a water-bath to 40° C. ; or they may be thrown into boiling water, which paralyses them so that they can be quickly cut open and thrown into ^ per cent, chromic acid or picro- sulphuric acid. 886. Eotatoria. — For quieting them for study in the living- state, WEBER (Arch, de BioL, viii, 4, 1888, p. 713) finds that 2 per cent, solution of hydrochlorate of cocaine gives the best results. Warm water gave him good results for large species, such as those of Hydatina and Bracliionus. HAUDY (Journ. Boy. Mic. Soc., 1889, p. 475) recommends thick syrup added drop by drop to the water. HUDSON (ibid., p. 47G) mentions weak solution of salicylic acid. VOLK (Jahrb. Hamburg, uiss. Anst., xviii, 1901, p. 164) quiets them in -quince mucilage, 40 grin, of the seeds to 1 litre of water. Cf. § 917. HIRSCHFELDER (Zcit. wiss. ZooL, xcvi, 1910, p. 211) studies them living in neutral red of 1 : 50,000. See also §§ 23, 24 and 27. Methylene blue, § 339, may be found useful. Permanent preparations may be made by the method of ROUSSKLET (Journ. Quekett Mic. Club, v, March, 1895, p. 1) : The animals are got together in a watch glass and are nar- 462 CHAPTER XXXVJ. cotised by adding to the water at intervals a lew drops of the following mixture: Hydrochlorate of cocaine 2 per cent, solution . 3 parts. Methylated spirit . . . . . . 1 „ Water 6 „ As soon as the cilia have ceased to beat, or are seen to be on the point of ceasing to beat, they are fixed by adding a drop of liquid of Fleinming or of J per cent, osmic acid. After half a minute or less the animals are taken out with a pipette, and thoroughly washed bypassing them through two or three watch glasses of distilled water. They are then definitely mounted in a mixture of formol 2£ parts, distilled water 37| parts. ZOGRAF (Comptes Rend., cxxiv, 1897, p. 245) narcotises as ROUSSELET, but without the spirit, fixes with osmic acid for two to four minutes, then replaces this by raw pyroligneous acid diluted with eight to ten volumes of water, and after five to ten minutes washes in several changes of water, and passes through successive alcohols into glycerin or balsam. LENSSEN (La Cellule,, xiv, 1898, p. 428) for the embryology of Hydatina, kills with hot saturated sublimate, dehydrates, stains lightly, imbeds in paraffin and stains with hasmalum. HIRSCHFELDER (op. cit. supra} narcotises with cocaine, and fixes with Fol's picro-chromic acid. BEAUCHAWP (Arch. Zool. Evpt'r., iv, 1906, p. 29) finds 1 per cent, stovaine better than cocaine for some forms. He (ibid., x, 1909, p. 77) fixes for five to ten minutes in four parts of 1 per cent, osmic acid with one of 6 per cent, sublimate and five of 5 per cent, bichromate of potash, and one drop of acetic acid for each 2 c.c., and imbeds in celloidin, and then through chloroform in paraffin (three to ten minutes). See also TOZER (Jonrn. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1909, p. 24). 887. Acanthocaphali. — SAEFFTIGEN (MurpJi. Jahrl., x, 1884, p. 120) obtained the best results by killing gradually with O'l per cent, osmic acid; the animals placed in this contract during the first hours, but stretch out again and die fully extended. Similarly with O'l per cent, chromic acid; Echino- rhynci live for days in it, but eventually die fully extended. HAMANN (Jen. Zeit., xxv, 1890, p. 113) has succeeded with sub- limate, and also with alcohol containing a little platinum chloride. METHODS FOR INVERTEBItATES. 4Go KAISER (Billinth. Zool., H. vii, I Halfte, 1891, p. 3) found that a saturated aqueous solution of cyanide of mercury, wanned to 45° to 50° C., and allowed to act for from fifteen to sixty minutes, and then washed out with 70 per cent, alcohol, was the best of all fixing media. 888. Nematodes. --The impermeable cuticle is a great obstacle to preparation. According to Looss (ZooL Auz., 1885, p. -)18) this difficulty may be overcome in the manner described in § 553. For fixing, most recent authors recommend sublimate solutions ; chromic solutions seem to have a tendency to make the worms brittle. But, according to ZUR STRASSEN (Zeit. wiss. Zool., liv, p. 655), Bradynema rigidum ought to be fixed for at least twelve hours in mixture of Flemming. AUGSTEIN (Arch. Naturg.j Ix, 1894, p. 255) takes for Stroiigyius Jilaria Mayer's picro-nitric acid. VEJDOVSKY (Zeit. u'iss. Zool., Ivii, 1894, p. 645) advises for Gordius 0*5 per cent, chromic acid (twenty-four hours). Lo BIANCO employs for marine forms concentrated subli- mate or picro-sulphuric acid. Looss (Zool. Anz.j xxiv, 1901, p. 309) prefers hot (80° to 90° C.) alcohol of 70 per cent. GrLAUE (Zeit. wiss. ZooL, xcv, 1910, p. 554) kills Ascarit* in a hot mixture of 100 parts of saturated sublimate, 100 of alcohol, and 1 of acetic acid. Staining is frequently difficult, and sometimes alcoholic carmine, § 234A, is the only thing that will give fair results. BRAUN (see Joarn. Roy. Hie. Soc., 1885, p. 897) recommends that small unstained Nematodes be mounted in a mixture of 20 parts gelatin, 100 parts glycerin, 120 parts water, and 2 parts carbolic acid, which is melted at the moment of using. Canada balsam, curiously enough is said to sometimes make Nematodes opaque. Demonstration of living Trichinae. — BARNES (Amur. Mo>i. mile. Jouni.. xiv, 1893, p. 104) digests trichinised muscle (of the size of a pea) in a mixture of 3 gr. of pepsin, 2 dr. of water, and 2 minims of hydrochloric acid, kept at body temperature for about three hours. The flesh and cysts being dissolved, the fluid is poured into a conical glass, and allowed to settle ; the trichinae are drawn off from the bottom with a pipette, got on to a slide with water and examined on a hot stage. GRAHAM (Arch. mik. Anat., 1, 1897, p. 216) isolates Trichina; by 464 CHAPTER XXXVI. macerating for one or two days in 2 per cent, acetic acid, staining with aceto-carmine, and teasing. 889. Nemertina. — My best results have always been obtained by fixing with cold saturated sublimate solution, acidified with acetic acid. The other usual fixing agents, such as the osmic and chromic mixtures, seem to act as irri- tants, and provoke such violent muscular contractions that the whole of the tissues are crushed out of shape by them. Prof. DU PLESSIS has suggested to me fixing with hot (almost boiling) water. I have tried it and found the animals die in extension, without vomiting their proboscis. So also JOUBIN, Dull. Mas. Hist. Nat., 1905, p. 326. I have tried FOETTINGER'S chloral hydrate method (§ 20). My specimens died fairly extended, but vomited their pro- boscides. According to Lo BIANCO narcotisation with a solution of O'l to 0'2 per cent, in sea water for six to twelve hours is useful. OESTERGREN (§ 18) recommends his ether water. DENDY (see Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1893, p. 116) has succeeded with Geonemertes by exposing it for half a minute to the vapour of chloroform. For staining fixed specimens in toto I have found that it is well-nigh necessary to employ alcoholic stains. Borax- carmine or Mayer's alcoholic carmine may be recommended; not so cochineal or haBinatoxylin stains, on account of the energy with which they are held by the inucin in the skin. Sections by the paraffin method, after penetration with oil of cedar (chloroform will fail to penetrate sometimes after a lapse of weeks). BURGER (Fauna u. Flora Golf. Neapel, xxii, 1895, p. 443) studies the nervous system, nephridia, skin, muscle and intestine by the intra vitam me thy leu-blue method. He injects the animals with 0'5 per cent, solution in distilled water, or 0'5 per cent, salt water, and allows them to lie for to twelve hours or more in moist blotting paper. See also MONTGOMERY (Zool. Jalu-b., Abth. Morpli.,^, 1897, p. 6) ; and BOHMIG (Zcit. iviss. Zool., Ixiv, 1898, p, 484). 890, Cestodes. — As pointed out by VOGT and YUNG (Trailr d'Anat. Comp. Prat., p. 204), the observation of the living METHODS FOB INVERTEBRATES. 465 animal may be of service, especially in the study of the excretory system. And, as shown by PINTNER, Tasmse may be preserved alive for several days in common water to which a little white of egg has been added. TOWEU (ZooL Jahrb.j xiii, 1899,, p. 363) has kept Moniezia <\rpansa alive for several days in a mixture of 100 c.c. of tap water, 10 gr. of white of egg, 2 of pepsin, 2 of sugar, and 5 of prepared beef (" Bovox"). Chloride of sodium, he says, should be avoided. LONNBERG (Centralb. BakterioL, xi, 1892, p. 89; Jonrn. Boy. Hie. Soc., 1892, p. 281) hns kept Trisenophorus iwdu- losus alive for a month in a slightly acid pepsin-peptone solution containing from 3 to 4 per cent, of nutritive matter and less than 1 per cent, of NaCl. For the nervous system, TOWER (ZooL Anz., xix, 1896, p. 323) fixes in a picro-platin-osmic mixture (stronger than that of 0. vom RATH, § 101) for ten hours, then treats for several hours with crude pyroligneous acid, and lastly with alcohol, and imbeds in paraffin. ZERNECKE (ZooL Jahrb., Abth. Anat., ix, 1895, p. 92) kills Liyula in the osmio-bichromic mixture of GOLGI (4 : 1), impregnates as usual, makes sections in liver, and treats them by the hydroquinon process of KALLIUS. Besides the peri- pheral and central nervous system, muscle-fibres, parenchyma cells, and the excretory vascular system are impregnated. He has also obtained good results by the methylen-blue method. BLOCHMANN (Binl. Ceutralb., xv, 1895, p. 14) recommends the bichromate and sublimate method of GOLGI. See also KOHLER, Zeit. iviss. ZooL, Ivii, 1894, p. 386 (stretches Tsenia3 round a glass plate or on cork, and fixes with 5 per cent, sublimate) ; LUHE, Centralb. Bald., xxx, 1901, p. 166, and RANSOM, U. S. Nation. Mus. Bull., Ixix, 1909, p. 8. 891. Trematodes (FISCHER, Zeit. wiss. ZooL, 1884, p. 1).— Opisthotrema cochleare may be mounted entire in balsam. For sectioning, he recommends a mass made by dissolving 15 parts of soap in 17 '5 parts of 96 per cent, alcohol. The sections should be studied in glycerin. Lo BIANCO fixes Trematodes with hot saturated sublimate. Looss (Arcli. wilt. Anat., 1895, p. 7) takes for Billiarzia 30 466 CHAPTER XXXVI. warm (50° to 60° C.) 1 per cent, sublimate in 70 per cent, alcohol. BETTENDOEF (Zool. Jahrb., Abtli. Morph., x, 1897, p. 308) has had good results with the rapid Grolgi method only on Distoma hepaticum, and prefers methylen blue. HA VET (La Cellule, xvii, 1900, p. 353) has also had results with the Golgi method on this form, and also with thionin, (after fixing with sublimate), which demonstrates tigroid substance. Cercarise. — SCHWAEZE (Zeit. wiss. Zool., xliii, 1886, p. 45) found that the only fixing agent that would preserve the histolosrical detail of these forms was cold saturated sublimate o solution warmed to 35 —40 C. For an " indifferent } liquid, HOFMANN (Zool. Jahrb., xii, 1899, p. 176) takes 1 part of white of egg in 9 of normal salt solution. 892. Turbellaria.— BEAUN (Zeit. wis*. Mil", iii, 1886, p. 398) gets entire animals (Rhabdocoela) on to a slide, lightly flattens out with a cover, and kills by running in a mixture of three parts of liquid of Lang with one of 1 per cent, osmic acid solution. (BoHMia \ibid. ~\t commenting on this, says that for some of the tissues, such as muscle and body parenchyma, nitric acid and picro-sulphuric acid are very useful.) Sections may be made by the paraffin method. DELAGE (Arch, de Zool. exp., iv, 2, 1886) recommends fixation (of Rhabdoccela Accela) by an osmium-carmine mixture, for which see loc. cit., or by concentrated solution of sulphate of iron. Liquid of Lang was not successful. For staining, he recommends either the osmium-carmine or impreg- nation with gold (^ formic acid, two minutes ; 1 per cent, gold chloride, ten minutes ; 2 per cent, formic acid, two or three days in the dark.) BOHMIG (Zeit. 10188. Mile., iii, 1886, p. 239) has obtained instructive images with Plagiostomidse fixed with sublimate and stained with the osmium-carmine. G-EAFF (Turbellaria Accela, Leipzig, 1891 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., ix, 1892, p. 76) says that chromo-aceto-osmic acid, followed by haomatoxylin, is good for the skin, but not for the Rhabdites, which in Acoela and Alloiocoela seem to be destroyed by swelling. The same method is also good for the parenchyma of Ampliiclioerus cinereus, Convoluta paradoza METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES. 4f)7 and C. sordida. Sublimate is good for Convoluta Roscoffensis. The nervous system may be investigated by the methods of For Dendrocoela sublimate solutions, sometimes hot, appear indicated for fixing ; see the mixture of LANG, § 64, also CHICHKUPP (Arch. de. BioL, xii, 1892, p. 438). ARNOLD (Arch. ZettforscJi., iii, 1909, p. 433) kills Detidro- ctt'lnm in extension (?) with strong liquid of Flemming. OESTERGREN narcotises Dendrocoelum with his ether-water, § 18. JAENICHEN (Zeit. wiss. Zool., Ixii, 1896, p. 256) advises for Planaria, eyes epecially, picro-sulphuric acid for an hour or two ; osmic acid is not good, and liquid of Miiller macerates. He stains with borax-carmine, makes sections, and puts them for ten minutes into osmic acid, then for five minutes into pyroligneous acid, on the top of the stove. He macerates the visual rods in a mixture of one part common salt, one of acetic acid, and 100 of water. He bleaches the pigment of the eyes with peroxide of hydrogen. WILHKLMI (ibid., Ixxx, 1906, p. 548) throws Triclads into almost boiling mixture of Zenker, and after 10 to 30 minutes removes to water for some hours, and then passes into iodine alcohol. Echinvdermata. 893. Holothurioidea.- -These are difficult to fix on account of their contracting with such violence under the influence of irritating reagents as to expel their viscera through the oral or cloacal aperture. VOGT and YUNG (Anat. Comp. Prat., p. 641) sa}^ that Cucumaria Planci (G. doliolum, Marenzeller) is free from this vice ; but they recommend that it be killed with fresh water, or by slow intoxication, § 25. Synapta may be allowed to die in a mixture of equal parts of sea water and ether or chloroform (S. Lo BIANCO). OESTERGREN (§ 18) puts Synapta into his ether water, but Dendrochirota first into magnesium sulphate of 1 to 2 per cent., for some hours. GEROULD (Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll., xxix, 1896, p. 125) paralyses Caudina with sulphate of magnesia, § 24, and fixes with liquid of Perenyi (or sublimate for the ovaries). 468 CHAPTER XXXVI. Holothurids, Dr. WEBER informs me, are admirably pre- served in formaldehyde; a weak solution is sufficient. For the staining of muscles with methyleii blue, see IWANZOFF, Arch. mik. Anat., xlix. 1897, p. 103; and for the study of calcareous plates, see WOODLAND, Quart. Journ. Micr.Sci., xlix, 1906, p. 534 (fixation with osmic acid, staining with picro-carmine, followed by Lichtgriin). 894. Echinoidea. — I advise that they be killed by injection of some fixing liquid. For preservation, formaldehyde has proved admirable in all respects, and greatly superior to alcohol (WEBER). Lo BIANCO kills by pouring over them (mouth upwards) a mixture of ten parts acetic acid and one of 1 per cent, chromic acid, and brings at once into weak alcohol. Or he makes two holes in#the shell, lets the water run out and alcohol run in. Sections of spines may be made by grinding, see § 177. Spicula and the skeleton of pedicellaria3 may be cleaned by eaii dc Jarelle, see DODERLEIN (in'ss. Ergeb. Tiefiee-Exped., v, 1906, p. 67). 895. Asteroidea. — HAMAKN (Beitr. Hint. Echinodcrmen, ii, 1885, p. 2) injects the living animal with a fixing liquid through the tip of a ray. The ambulacra! feet and the branchias are soon distended by the fluid, and the animal is then thrown into a quantity of the same reagent. In order to study the eyes, with the pigment preserved in situ, they should be removed by dissection, should be hardened in a mixture of equal parts of 1 per cent, osmic acid and 1 per cent, acetic acid, and sectioned in a glycerin gum mass, or some other mass that does not necessitate treat- ment with alcohol (which dissolves out the pigment, leaving the pigmented cells perfectly hyaline). For maceration use one-third alcohol, the aceto-osmic mixture failing to preserve the rods of the pigmented cells. Formaldehyde is not to be recommended for the preservation of Asteroidea (WEBKR). See also Lo BIANCO, (.p. cit. (he kills Brisitiga with absolute alcohol), also §§ 17, 200 896. Ophiuridea should in general be killed in freak water if it be desired to avoid rupture of the rays (!)E CASTELLARNAU, La Est. Zool. dii Napoles, p. 135). METHODS FOIl INVUltTEBlUmS. 469 Lo BIANCO kills small forms with weak alcohol, Ophwp&ila with absolute alcohol, and Ophiomysea with 0'5 per cent, chromic acid. Russo (Richerche Lab. Anat. Roma, iv, 1895, p. 157) fixes OphiotUriM for an hour or two in 0'5 per cent, osmic acid and then decalcifies in solution of Miiller for six to ten days. Or he fixes for three minutes in a mixture of t\vo parts concentrated sublimate solution, one part 70 per cent, alcohol, and one part acetic acid (sp. gr. 1'06), and decalcifies in Miiller or in 70 per cent, alcohol with 10 per cent, of acetic acid. He stains with paracarmine. 897. Crinoidea. — Lo BIANCO (loc. cit., p. 458) fixes Antedon rosacea with 70 per cent, alcohol, A. phalangium with 90 per cent. 898. Larvae of Echinodermata (from instructions written down for me by Dr. BARROIS). — For the study of the metamor- phoses of the Echhioidea and Ophiuridea it is necessary to obtain preparations that show the calcareous skeleton preserved intact (a point of considerable importance, since this skeleton frequently affords landmarks of the greatest value), and that give clear views of the region of formation of the young Echinodertti (which is generally opaque in the living larva). They should also possess sufficient stiffness to allow of the larva being turned about in any desired way, and placed in any position under the microscope. Pluteus larvoe should be fixed in a cold saturated solution of corrosive sublimate, for not more than two or three minutes, then washed with water, and brought into dilute Mayer's cochineal (§ 235). This should be so dilute as to possess a barely perceptible tinge of colour. They should remain in it for from twelve to twenty-four hours, being carefully watched the while, and removed from it at the right moment and mounted in balsam, or, which is frequently better, in oil of cloves or cedar- wood/ Auricularia and Dipinnaria. — As above, but the earlier stages of the metamorphosis of Auricularia are better studied by fixing with osmic acid, staining with Beale's carmine, and mounting in glycerin. Larvse of Coinatulu are best fixed with liquid of Lang, 470 CHAPTER XXXVI. and stained with dilute borax-cramine. It is important (for preparations that are not destined to be sectioned) to use only dilute borax-carmine, as the strong solution produces an over-stain that cannot easily be reduced. Narcotisation by chloral hydrate before fixing is useful, especially for the study of Pentacrinus Iarva3 and of the voung Si/naptse formed from Auricularia. Without this precaution you generally get preparations of larvae either shut up (Pentacrinus) , or entirely deformed by contraction (young Synaptae). See also MACBRIDE 011 the development of Amphiura squamata, Quart. Jo urn. Micr. Sci., xxxiv, 1892, p. 131 (osmicacid followed by liquid of Midler and alcohol ; decalcification with nitric acid in alcohol ; stain- ing with Mayer's paracarmine or hsemahmi) ; and SEELIGER on the de- velopment of Antedon, Zoul. Jahrb., Abth. Aunt., vi, 1892, p. 161. MACBRIDE (Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., xxxviii, 1896, p. 340) fixes larvae of Asterina in osmic acid, brings into liquid of Miiller for twelve to four- teen hours, imbeds in celloidiii followed by paraffin (see § 171). and stains sections with carmalum or Delafield's hamiatoxylin, best after a foregoing stain of twenty-four hours in borax carmine. MAYER (Gr-itndzuye, LEE and MAYEK, 1910, p. 486) arranges a number of fixed iind stained Plutei on a sheet of gelatin foil gummed to a slide with euparal, dehydrates by adding alcohol by drops, and adds euparal and a cover. See also WOODLAND, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., xlix, 1905, p. 307. Coelenterata. 899. Thread-cells. — IWANZOFF (Bull. Soc. Nut. M< scou, x, 189(>, p. 97) advises for the Nematocysts of Actinia) maceration by the HERT- WIG'S method, § 534, or better, fixation for two to five minutes with vapour of osmium followed by a short washing with sea water or distilled water. For Medusae he also advises the HERTWIG'S method, § 534, or treat- ment with a solution containing methyl green and gentian violet with a little osmic acid. 900. LITTLE (Journ. App. Mic., vi, 1903, p. 2116; Journ. Hoy. Mic. Soc., 1903, p. 237) kills Hydra in hot saturated sublimate in 70 per cent, alcohol, washes Avith alcohol, stains for five minutes in strong solution of methyleii blue, dehy- METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES. 471 drates rapidly, clears with cedar or bergamot oil, and mounts in balsam. Nemafcocytes blue, the rest unstained. 901. Actinida. — For narcotisation methods see §§ 15 to 26. 902. Fixation. — In Le Atlinie, Fauna u. Flora d. Golfes v. Neapelj ANDRES says that hot corrosive sublimate often gives good results. In the case of the larger forms the solution should be injected into the gastric cavity. Freezing sometimes gives good results. A vessel contain- ing Actinias is put into a recipient containing an ice-and-salt freezing mixture and surrounded by cotton-wool. After freezing, the block of ice containing the animals is thawed in alcohol or some other fixing liquid. DUERDEN (Journ. lust. Jamaica, ii, 1898, p. 449) narcotises with magnesium sulphate, § 24, and fixes with formol of 8 to 5 per cent. 903. Maceration. — For the HERTWIGS' method (Jen. Zeit.} 1879, p. 457) see § 534. The tissues should be left to macerate in the acetic acid for at least a day, and may then be teased in glycerin. LIST (Zeit. wiss. Hik., iv, 1887, p. 211) treats tentacles of Anthea cere us and Sagartia parasitica for ten minutes with a mixture of 100 c.c. of sea water with 30 c.c. of Flemming's strong liquid, then washes out for two or three hours in 0*2 per cent, acetic acid, and teases in dilute glycerin. Picro-carmine may be used for staining. 904. Nervous system. — This group is generally held to be refractory to the Golgi impregnation. HA VET, however (La Cellule, xviii, 1901, p. 388), has obtained good results by the rapid method on young specimens of Metridium dianthus. Besides nerve-cells, there are impregnated ne arc-muscular cells, gland-cells, and nematocytes. Leave for 5 to 8 days in the osmic micture. He has also had good results by the intra vitam methylen blue method (this is also good for nematocytes). So also has GROSELJ (Arl. Zool. List. Univ. Wieiij xvii, 1909, p. 269), adding the dye to the water with the animals till it gives a steel-blue tint. 472 CHAPTER XXXVI. 905. Zoantharia with Calcareous Skeletons are difficult to deal with on account of the great contracfcility of the polyps. Sublimate solution, which ought very often to be taken boiling, sometimes gives good results. See also Lo BIANCO, loc. cit., p. 446. Sections. — See §§177 and 178,, for undecalcified specimens. 906. The Alcyonaria have also extremely contractile polyps. In a former edition I suggested for their fixation either hot sublimate solution or glacial acetic acid (§ 84). S. Lo BIANCO has since recommended essentially similar processes. GAKBINI (Manuale, p. 151) drenches them with ether, and brings into strong alcohol. WILSON (Mittlt. Zuol Stat. Neapel, 1884, p. 3) kills Alcyo- naria with a mixture of one part of strong acetic acid and two parts of concentrated solution of corrosive sublimate, the animals being removed as soon as dead and hardened for two or three hours in concentrated sublimate solution. 907. Zoantharia and Alcyonaria. — BRAUN (Zool. Anz., 1886,p. 458) inundates Alcyonium palmatum, Sympodium coralloides, Gorgonia verrucosa, Caryophyllia cyathus, and Palythoa axinellse with a mixture of 20 to 25 c.c. of concentrated solution of sublimate in sea water with four to five drops of 1 per cent, osmic acid, and after five minutes passes into successive alcohols. (This method also gives good results with Hydra and some Bryozoa and Rotifers.) See also § ]4. BUJOR (Arch. Zool. wper., ix, 1901, p. 50) kills Vtretilluyi in sea water containing 10 percent, each of formol and ether, and after a minute passes into 2 per cent, solution of formol in sea water. 908. Hydroidea, Polypoid Forms. — For suitable narcotisation methods see §§ 15 et seq. For killing by heat see § 13. Fixation.- -In general the polyps may be very well killed in saturated sublimate solution, in which they should be plunged for an instant merely, and be brought into alcohol. METHODS KOlt INVMUTEUKATUS. 473 The solution should be employed cold in general for (lymno- blastea, hot for most Calyptoblastea. Ether attentively administered gives good results with Campanularidae. Hydra is very easily killed by a drop of osmic acid on a slide. For the methylen-blue intra vitam method, see Chapter XVI; also HAD/I, Arb. ZooL lust. Wien, xvii, 1909, mu in two parts of saturated sublimate with one of alcohol and a little acetic acid, and stains sections for as much as four days in GIEMSA'S mixture, rinses with alcohol and passes through xylol into balsam. LEGER (ibid., iii, 1904, p. 311) fixes cysts for a minute in " acetic sublimate," puts for a minute into absolute alcohol, and stains as a smear with ha^malum or iron hrematoxylin. BRARIL (Arch. Zool. Exper., 4, iv, 1905, p. 74) fixes them for twei^^-four hours in a mixture of 1 grin, picric acid, 15 c.c. acetic acid, 60 c.c. formol and 150 c.c. alcohol of 80 per cent., and stains paraffin sections in iron hrematoxylin followed by eosin and orange G., or Lichtgriin and picric acid. 924. Hsematozoa. — GRASSI (Aft. Accad. Lined, iii, 1900, p. 357) demonstrates the Malaria-parasites in the intestine, 480 CHAPTER XXXVI. body -cavity and salivary glands of Anopheles by treating them with normal salt solution containing 2 per cent, of formol (pure formol produces swellings) , or in a mixture of 1'5 grin, of salt and 250 c.c. of water with the white of an egg. He fixes with sublimate, makes paraffin sections, and stains with ha3malum or iron haBmatoxylin. He stains the Sporozoites by making cover-glass preparations which are allowed to dry, put for twenty-five minutes into absolute alcohol, and stained b}^ the process of ROMANOWSKY, § 720. For minute instructions for the application of this process to sections, see GIUMSA, Deittsch. med. Wochenschr., xxxvi, No. 12, 1910; and SCHUBERG, ibid., xxxv, No. 40, 1909 (Zeit. wiss. Mik, xxvii, 1910, pp. 160, 161 and 513). For clinical methods, see COLES, The Diseases of the Shod, London, J. & A. Churchill, 1905. BRADFORD and PLIMMER (Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.} xlv, 1902, p. 452) fix Trypanosomes in vapour of equal parts of acetic acid and 2 per cent, osmic acid, or with GTDLLAND'S formol and absolute alcohol, and stain with methylen blue and eosin, and mount in turpentine colophonium. HINDLE (Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool.} vi, 1909, p. 129) makes smears on cover glasses coated with albumen, fixes for five minutes in liquid of Flemming, passes through water up to absolute alcohol, then for ten minutes into alcohol of 80 per cent, with a good proportion of iodine in potassic iodide, then into 30 per cent, alcohol, and stains with iron haBmatoxylin or safranin, then with polychrome methylen blue, and lastly with UNNA'S orange with tannin, and gets quickly through alcohol into xylol and balsam. MIKCHIN (Quart. Journ. Micr. 8ci.} liii, 1909, p. 762) makes cover-glass smears, fixes them with vapours of osmic acid (with or without acetic acid), and mounts them dry, or in balsam after fixing in liquids and various stains, amongst these that of TWORT. Half-saturated solutions of neutral red and Lichtgriin are mixed, the precipitate dried and dis- solved to about O'l per cent, in methyl alcohol with 5 per cent, of glycerin. Three parts of this are diluted with 1 of water, the smears stained for an hour, differentiated with UNXA'S glycerin-ether, and mounted in balsam. This stain works best after fixation with sublimate. POLICARD (C. R. Soc. Biul.} Ixviii, 1910, p. 505) stains METHODS FOR INVERTEBRATES. 481 Trypanosomes intra vitam by adding a drop of concentrated solution o£ neutral red to the edge of a drop of blood spread between slide and cover, 925. Flagellata. — LAUTERBORN (Zeit. witss. ZooL, lix, 1895, p. 170) fixes Geratium for about ten minutes in liquid of Plemmingj puts into alcohol for twenty-four hours, brings back into water, bleaches if necessary with hydrogen per- oxide, and stains with picrocarmine or Delafield's hsematoxylin. He also imbeds in paraffin, § 921, and stains sections with iron hasmatoxylin. ZACHARIAS (ZooL Anz., xxii, 1899, p. 72) fixes Uroglena, etc., with a mixture of 2 vols. saturated aqueous solution of boracic acid and 3 of saturated sublimate. 926. Stains for Flagella. — The ROMANOWSKY stain will give a red stain of the flagella of some forms. The method of LOFFLER (Centralbl. BakterioL, vi, 1889, p. 209 ; vii, 1890, p. 625 ; Zeit. wise. Mik., vi, 1889, p. 359 ; vii, 3, 1890, p. 368; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1889, p. 711; 1890, p. 678) is as follows. To 10 c.c. of a 20 per cent, solution of tannin are added 5 c.c. of cold saturated solution of ferrous sulphate and 1 c.c. of (either aqueous or alcoholic) solution of fuchsin, methyl violet, or " Wollschwarz." Cover-glass preparations are made and fixed in a flame in the usual way, special care being taken not to over-heat. Whilst still warm the preparation is treated with mordant (i. e. the above-des- cribed mixture), and is heated for half a minute, until the liquid begins to vaporise, after which it is washed in distilled water and then in alcohol. It is then treated in a similar manner with the stain, which consists of a saturated solution of f uchsin in anilin water (p. 177), the solution being pre- ferably neutralised to the point of precipitation by cautious addition of O'l per cent, soda solution. See also LIEBETANZ, Arch. Protistenk., xix, 1910, p. 23. BUNGE (Journ. l\oy. Mic. Soc., 1894, p. 640; Zdt. wiss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 96) makes the mordant by mixing three parts of the tannin solution with I of liquor ferri sesquichlorati diluted twentyfold with water, and lets the mixture ripen for some days exposed to the air, or (Journ., 1895, pp. 129, 248) adds to it a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, until it 31 482 CHAPTER XXXVI. becomes red-brown, when it is shaken up and filtered on to the cover- glass and allowed to act for a minute. The cover- glass is then mopped up and dried, and stained with carbol- gentian. KOERNER and FISCHER (quoted from Encycl. mil:. Techn. p. 514) make the mordant with 2 parts of tannin, 20 of water, 4 of ferrous sulphate solution of 1 : 2 strength, and 1 of saturated alcoholic solution of f uchsin. Warm, let it act for a minute, rinse and stain with anilin-water-fuchsin, or earbol- fuchsin. Similarly ELLIS (Gentralb. Bakt., xxi, 1903, p. 241 ; Journ. Roy. Hie. Soc., 1904, p. 249), but staining with Saureviolett, 1 part to 75 of alcohol and 75 of water. PEPPLER (Centralb. Bakt., xxix, 1901, p. 376; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 222) makes the mordant with 20 parts of tannin in 80 of water, and 15 parts of 2*5 per cent, chromic acid added gradually. This mordant will keep for months. Rossi (Arch, per le Sc. med., xxiv, 1900, p. 297 ; Zeit. wiss, Mik., xviii, 1901, p. 226) takes for the mordant a solution of 25 grms. of tannic acid in 100 of caustic potash of 0*1 per cent., which will keep indefinitely. The stain is ZiehPs carbol-fuchsin, § 289. Cover-glasses are prepared with a drop of culture, dried, and treated with 1 drop of the mordant and at the same time 4 to 5 of the stain, allowed to remain for 15 to 20 minutes, washed, and mounted. See also Centralb. Bakt., xxxiii, 1903, p. 572 (Zeit. iviss. Nik., xix, 1903, p. 517). GTEMELLT (Centralb., xxxiii, 1903, p. 316 ; Zeit. wiss. Mik., xix, 1903, p. 516) mordants for 10 to 20 minutes in 0'025 per cent, permanganate of potash, rinses and stains for 15 to 30 minutes in a mixture of 20 parts 0'75 per cent, aqueous solution of calcium chloride and 1 part of 1 per cent, neutral red solution. A method of PITPJELD is described by KENDALL, Journ. app. Mic., v, 1902, p. 1836 (Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1902, p. 502). The mordant consists of 10 parts of 10 per cent, tannin solu- tion, 5 parts of saturated sublimate solution, 5 of saturated solution of alum, and 5 of carbol fuchsin. Mordant for a minute with heat, and stain with a mixture of 2 parts satu- rated aqueous solution of gentian violet with 10 of saturated solution of alum. METHODS FOE INVERTEBRATES. 483 VAN ERMENGEM (Journ., 1894, p. 405) fixes for a few minutes with a mixture of 1 part 2 per cent, osmic acid, and 2 parts 10 to 25 per cent, solution of tannin, washes, treats with 0'25 to 0'5 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver, then for a few seconds with a mixture of 5 parts gallic acid, 3 of tannin, 10 of acetate of soda, and 350 of water, then puts back again into the silver for a short time, then washes and mounts. See also STEPHENS, ibid., 1898, p. 685, and Gordon, ibid., 1899, p. 235, and the methods of TRENKMANN (Gentralb., vi, 1889, p. 433 ; Z&it. iciss. Mik., vii, 1890, p. 79) ; BROWN (Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1893, p. 268) ; JDLIEN (ibid., 1894, p. 403) ; SCLAVO (Zeit. wiss. Mik., xiii, 1896, p. 96) ; HESSERT (ibid., p. 96); MUIR (Journ. Roy. J\lic. Soc., 1899, p. 235); McCRORiE (ibid., 1897, p. 251; he stains for two minutes in a mixture of equal parts of concentrated solution of night-blue, 10 per cent, solution of alum, and 10 per cent, solution of tannic acid) ; ZETTNOW (ibid., 1899, pp. (362, 664) ; MORTON (ibid., 1900, p. 131) ; WELCKE (ibid., p. 132) ; LKVADITI, C. R, Soc. Biol., lix, 1905, p. 326 (for Spirochsete pallida, RAMON'S neurofibril stain) ; MEIROWSKY, Miinch. tneJ. Wochenschr., Ivii, 1910, No. 27; KAI.B, ibid., No. 26 (Ze!t. n-iss. Mils., xxix, 1912, pp. 123, 124; both for Spirochsete). APPENDIX 927. Chemicals, Stains, and Apparatus. — Addresses from which it is recommended that these be obtained are given in § 11. 928. Cleaning Slides and Covers. — New ones should first be soaked in one of the following liquids : strong sulphuric, hydrochloric or nitric acid, or aqua regia, or a mixture of an ounce each of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash with from 8 to 12 ounces of water, then washed first with water and lastly with alcohol, and dried with a clean cloth. For u*ed ones, if a balsam mount, warm, push the cover into a vessel with x\lol or other solvent of the mount, and «/ put the slide into another vessel with the same, leave for a few days, and then put into strong alcohol. If this is not sufficient, treat as for new ones. Some persons boil in lysol, which I do not find efficacious. For the final treatment, see p. 121. 929. Gum for Labels. — Labels stuck on glass often strip off. This may be avoided (MARPMANN, Zett. Anyew. Mik.} ii, 1896, p. 151 ; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1897, p. 84) by means of the following adhesive : 120 grammes of gum arabic are dissolved in a quarter of a litre of water, and 30 grammes of gum tra- gacanth in a similar quantity. After a few hours the tra- gacanth solution is shaken until it froths, and mixed with the gum arabic solution. Strain through linen and add 150 grammes of glycerin previously mixed with 2^ grammes of oil of thyme. PEIRCE (Journ. app. Mic., ii, 1899, p. 627 ; Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1900, p. 404) finds that if the end of the slide be painted with a thin solution of balsam, it may be written on with ink when dry, and the record preserved by a second coat painted over it. For other receipts see early editions. INDEX The numbers refer to the pages. A. ABBE, mounting medium, 244 Absolute alcohol, 59 — 61, 235 Acanthocephali, 462 Acetate of copper, 56 Acetate of lead. 381 Acetate of potash, for bluing haema- tein stains, 160; for mounting, 238 ; refractive index, 235 Acetate of silver. 216 Acetate of uranium, 57 Acetic acid, action in fixing mixtures, 22, 23 -24," 45, 54; fixing with, 53; Lo BIANCO'S "concentrated/' 54; due proportions in mixtures, 54 ; various mixtures, 55 et seq. ; for decalcification, 280 Acetic acid carmine, 145 Acetic alcohol, 55, 381 ; ditto with sublimate, 55 Acetic bichromate, 42 Aceto carmine, 145 Acetone, for celloidin imbedding, 105 ; for dehydration, 4 ; for hardening, 63; for imbedding, 81 ; chloroform, 15 ; formol, 67 ; sublimate solution, 48 ACHABD and REYNAUD, impregna- tion, 213 ACHUCABBO, neuroglia, 442 Acid alcohol, 62 " Acid " dyes, 130 Acid, free, test for, 191 Acid fuchsin, 183 Acid magenta, 183 Acid rubin, 183 Acidophilous elements, 132 Acidophilous mixture, 193 Acids, see Acetic, Chromic, Hydro- chloric, Nitric, Osmic, etc. Acids, Congo red as a test for, 191 Acridin red, 350 Actiniae, 13, 14, 17, 274, 470, 471 Actinida, 470, 471 Actol, 429 ADAMKIEWICS, niyelin stain, 418 Addresses, for instruments and re- agents, 10, 11 Adipose tissue, 351, 352 Adjective staining, 133 AGABABOW, elastic tissue, 348 AGASSIZ and WHITMAN, pelagic ova, 305 AGUEBBE and KBAUSB, neuroglia, 440 Albumen, examination media, 237, 239 ; freezing method, 118 ; in- jection mass, 267 ; section-fixing process, 122, 123, 125 ; removal from ova, 289, 300 Alcohol, for dehydration, 3 ; for preservation, 4 ; for narcotisa- tion, 14 ; for fixing, 59 — 62 ; for hardening, 61 ; for maceration, 271 ; removal of, 5 ; absolute, 61, 235 ; acetic, 55 ; one-third, 62 ; hydrochloric acid, 62 ; tests for water, 62 ; table for diluting, 60 ; ethylic, index of refraction^ 235 Alcohol balsam, 246 Alcohol, methyl, for narcotisation, 15 ; refractive index, 235 Alcoholic carmines, 148 — 150 486 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Alcoholic cochineal, 150 Alcoholic foruiol, 65 Alcyonaria, 472 Alcyonella, 15 Alcyonium, 13 Aldehyde, 428 ALEXANDER, reconstruction, 291 ALFEROW, silver impregnation, 216 ALFIERI, bleaching, 285 Alizarin, artificial, 197 ; for nerve- tissue, 385, 414; for iieuroglia, 327 ; for mitochondria, 329 ; intra vitam, 138 Alkanna for staining, 353 ALLEN, gum and glycerine, 240 ALLEN, methylen blue, 205 ALLERHAND, myeliu stain, 417 ALT, axis-cylinder stain, 385 ALTMANN, bleaching, 31 ; osmicated fat, 352; osmic and bichromic Amphipoda, embryology, 313 Amyl nitrite, 258 Amyloid matter, 171 ANDEER, phloroglucin, 283 ANDREEW, sulphorhodamin, 138 ANDRES, nicotine narcotisation, 13 ; Actiniae, 14, 471 ; imbedding squares, 79 ; Actinida, 471 ANDREWS, imbedding apparatus, 79 ; osmic acid, 29 ; blastoderm of Aves, 296 Anethol, 118 ANGLADE and MOREL, neuroglia, 441 ANGUS and Co., 10 ANILE, section cutting, 94 Anilin, for clearing, 4, 73, 111; for imbedding, 73; as a mordant, 177 ; refractive index, 235 Anilin blue, 195, 230 Anilin blue-black, 196, 384 mixture, 37; nitric acid, 39; Anilin dyes, generalities, 169 et corrosion, 277 ; fixatives for nuclei, 323 ; bioblasts, 328 Alum, ammonia, solubility, 163 Alum, ferric, 157 Alum-carmine, 142, 143; ditto with picric acid, 145 Alum-ha3iuatoxylin stains, 159 et seq. ; general characters, 159; bluing them, 159 Aluminium chloride carmine, 144 ALZHEIMER, neuroglia, 441 AMANN, lactophenol, 241 ; high re- fractive medium, 213 Amber varnish, 252, 253 AMBRONN and HELD, polarisation, 417 Am mar, resine de, 246 Ammonia-alum, 163 Ammonia-carmine, 146 ; how to neutralise, 259, 260. Ammonia, chromate of, 44 Ammonio-nitrate of silver, 216, 398 Ammonium molybdate impregna- tion, 227, 401, 402 Amphibia, embryology, 300 — 303 Amphibia, larvae, 317 * Amphioxus, 305 seq.; and see Coal-tar colours. Anilin green, 170 Anilin oil, see Anilin*. Anilin red, 181 Anilin violet, 172 Anilin water, 177 Aniseed oil, 118, 235 ANITSCHKOW, freezing method, 117 ; serial sections, 125 Annelids, 458 ; narcotisation, 15, 18, 458, 459 Anodonta, 16 Antennae, 456 Anthozoa, 470 Anthracen ink stain, 437 APATHY, washing sublimate material, 46 ; alcoholic sublimate, 48 ; osmic sublimate, 224 ; paraffin imbedding, 81, 83 ; knife posi- tion, 90, 91 ; knife-holder, 93 ; section-cutting, 96 ; paraffin mass, 98; gelatin imbedding, 101 ; celloidin imbedding, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110; serial sections, water method^ 121 ; methods for celloidin sec- tions, 126, 127 ; hseinatein mix- JNDKX. 487 The numbers refer to the pages. ture I A, 164 ; alcoholic hsemo- toxylin stain, 166 ; methylen blue, 200, 203, 205, 206, 207; cement for glycerin mounts, 240, 252 ; maceration, 274 ; muscle of Vermes, 342 ; gum syrup, 208, gold chloride, 219, 220, 223, 224 ; neuro-fibrils, 371, 402; formol mixture, 67 ; picro-siiurefuchsin, 189 ; Canada balsam, 245 ; killing Hirudinea, 460 APEL, Gephyrea, 461 Apparato reticolare of GOLGI, 403, 404 Aqueous humour, 237 Araneida, embryology, 312 Arctiscoida, 458 Areolar tissue, 345 Argentamin, 397, 417 Argulus, fixation of, 455 ARGUTINSKY, serial sections, 125 Argyroneta, ova, 313 Avion, embryology, 308 AKNDT, bone, 355 ARNOLD G., fixing mixture, 51 ; orange method, 190; Dendro- ccelmn, 467 ARNOLD, J., neutral red, 191 ; maceration, 271 ; glycogeu, 320 ; cell granules, 327 ; mitochondria, 330 ; kidney, 372 ARNSTEIN, methylen blue, 204, 207 ; gold method, 334 ; papillae foli- atae, 335 ARONSON, nerve-stain, with gallein, 414 Arsenic acid, 283 Artefacts of fixation, 22, 43 Arthropoda, 454 — 458; embryology, 309—313 Artificial alizarin, 197, 327, 329, 385, 414 Artificial feciindation, 287 Artificial serum, 238 ARTOM, embryology of Ascaris, 316 Ascavis, fixation, 463 ; ova, 55, 56, 194, 315 Ascidians, 17,418; gemmation, 306; test-cells, 306 Asphalt varnish, 251 ; injection, 268 Asphyxiation, 17 ASSMANN, blood, 364 Astacus, embryology, 313 Asteroidea, 468 ; larvae, 469 ; eyes, 457 ATHANASIU and DRAGOIU, connective tissue, 346 ATHESON, Annelids, 460 ATHIAS, Golgi impregnation, 429 AUBERT, cements, 249 AUBURTIN, serial sections, 126 AUERBACH, staining nerve-cells, 385, 389 ; axis-cylinder-stain, 385 AUGSTEIN, Strongylus, 463 Aurantia, 193 Auvicularia, 469 Aves, embryology, 295 — 298 Axis-cylinder, stains for, 418 et seq. ; structure, 389—403 Azofuchsin, 385 Azosaureblau, 385 Azoschwarz, 196 AZOULAY, osmic acid nerve-stain, 227, 416 ; Golgi's impregnation, 425 Azur I, azur II, 200, 365 Azur-eosin, 365 B. BABCOCK, celloidin blocks, 110 BABES, safranin, 177, 178 BAKAY, cartilage, 358 BAKER, C., address, 10 BALBIANI, methyl green and eosin, 193 ; embryological methods, 288,312; Protozoa, 478 BALBIANI et HENNEGUY, Protozoa, 475 BALLOWITZ, muscle of Cephalopoda, 342 ; electric organs, 339, 340 ; embryologcal methods, 299 Balsam, Canada, 235, 245, 246 Balsam, for imbedding, 116, 117; as a cement, 252 Balsam, Tolu, 235 Balsams, 244 488 INDKX. The numbers i BALZEB and UNNA, elastic tissue, 347 Barium bichromate, 41 BARNES, Trichinae, 463 BARROIS, larvae of Echinoderms, 469 BARTEL, iieuroglia, 440 Baryta water, 272 "Basic" dyes, 130 Basophilous elements, 132 BASTIAN, gold method, 222 BATAILLON, ova of Ascaris, 315 BATAILLON and KOEHLER, methylen blue, 324 BAUMGARTEN, ble-u de Lyon, 195 ; carmine and bleu de Lyon, 231 BAYERL, decalcification, 232 ; carti- lage, 357 ; stain, 230 BATON, iieurofibrils, 390 BEALE, shellac varnish, 253 ; injec- tions, 265 ; digestion, 276 BEARD, ova of Raja, 305 BEAUCHAMP, Rotifers, 462 BECK, J., cements, 249 BECKER, microtome, 11 BEDOT, Siphonophora, 473 Bee, brain of, 457 BEER, medullated nerve, 405 BEHRENS, G., embryology of Sal- moiiidae, 304 BEHRENS, W., refractive indices, 234 ; maceration, 272 ; cement, 249, 252 ; clove oil, 71 ; levulose, 241 ; biniodido of mercury, 243 BEL A HALLER, maceration, 275 BELLARMINOW, injection, 268 BELL, fat, 353 BELL'S cement, 251 BENAKIO, blood, 362 BENDA, nitric acid fixation, 39 ; iron hsematoxyliiij 155, 156; copper hsematoxylin, 167 ; Lichtgriin stain, 194; Saureviolett stain, 194; neuroglia stains, 440; crystal violet, 197 ; mitochondria stain, 329 ; centrosome stains, 326; alizarin, 327, 3-9; secre- tion granules, lil'T ; rapid myelin stain, 413 ; retina, 144 ; picro- efer to the pages. saurefuchsin, 189, 344; fatty acids, 353 BENECKE, stain for fibrils, 346 BENEDECENTI, formol, 61- BENEDEN, VAN, sublimate solution, 45 ; acetic acid, 54 ; acetic alcohol, 55 ; malachite green, 194 ; embryology of rabbit, 293, 294; of Txnia, 314; of Ascaris, 316. BENEDIKT and KNECHT, dyeing, 129 Bengal rose, 192 BENGTSSON, larvse of Diptera, 310 BENSLEY, fixing mixture, 51 ; intes- tine, 370 ; phosphorus, 320 Benzin colophonium, 246 Benzoazurin, 181, 197, 357 Benzol, for clearing, 73 ; for im- bedding, 81, 83 Benzopurpurin, 191 Benzoyl green, 194 BERG, imbedding, 86 Bergamot oil, for clearing, 71, 235 : for imbedding, 81 BERGH, Annelids, 459 BERGONZINI, plasma cells and Mast- zellen, 351 BERKLEY, rapid nerve-stain, 413 ; Golgi impregnation, 428; liver, 371 Berlin blue impregnation, 403 Berlin blue injections, 262, 266 BERNARD, maceration of mollusca, 453 BERNER, fat, 353 BERNHEIM, gold method, 223 BEST, glycogen, 320 UESTA, silver stain, 397 ; intra- cellular network, 404 ; myelin stain, 414 BETHE, treatment of osmic material, 31 ; methylen blue, 208 ; neuro- fibrils, 401 ; stain for chitin, 456 ; telsons, 456 BETTENDORF, Distoma, 466 BETZ, nervous centres, 375, 379 BEVAN LEWIS, see LEWIS. BIA- co, S. Lo, sec L',» BIANCO. INDEX. 489 The numbers refer to the pages. Bichloride of mercury, see Sublimate. Bichromate of ammonia, 44, 376, 379, 380 Bichromate of barium, 41 Bichromate of calcium, 4 1 , 44 Bichromate of copper, 41, 415 Bichromate of potash, generalities, 41 ; for hardening, 41 ; for fix- ing, 40, and hardening, 376, 378, 379, 380; for maceration, 273 Bichromate of silver impregnation, see GOLGI. Bichromate and osmic mixtures, 37, 38 ; other mixtures, 42 — 44 Bichromate material, action of light on, 41 ; bleaching, 42, 285 Bichromates, 41 BICKFALVI, digestion, 277 BIEDERMANN, methylen blue, 204 ; nerve and muscle, 337, 338 BIELASZEWICS, iron haematoxylin, 158 BIELSCHOWSKY, neurofibrils, 346, 390, 398, 399 BIELSCHOWSKY and BRUEHL, inner ear, 446 BIELSCHOWSKY and PLIEN, nerve- cells, 389 BIELSCHOWSKY and WOLFF, neuro- fibrils, 398 BIGELOW, scyphistomes, 473 BINET, bleaching, 30 ; ganglia of Hexapods, 457 BING and ELLEBMANN, medullated nerve, 67 Biniodide of mercury mounting me- dium, 243 Bioblasts of ALTMANN, 328 BIONIH, staining mixture, 184; blood, 360 Bipinnaria, 469 Bismarck brown, intra vitam, 136, 138 ; progressive, 172 ; regres- sive, 181 Bitume de Judee, 251 BIZZOZEKO, blood-plates, 367 ; glands, 368 BIZZOZERO and TORRE, blood, 363 BJELOUSSOW, injection, 267 Blackley blue, 195 Bladder of frog, 342 Blattida, embryology, 311 Blauschwarz, 191 Bleaching, osmic material, 30 ; bi- chromate material 42; chromic material, 33 ; in general, 284 — 286 ; gold material, 225 BLES, fixative, 65 ; ova of Amphibia 302 Bleu alcool, 195 Bleu Borrel, 366 Bleu carmin, 196 Bleu de Lyon, 195, 230 Bleu de nuit, 195 Bleu lumiere, 195,230 BLOCHMAN, series sections, 124 ; ova of Amphibia, 300; Cestodes, 465 ; Brachiopoda, 449 Blood, 359—368 Blood-parasites, 479 — 481 Blue-black, 196, 384 BLUM, formol, 64, 65 ; celloidin im- bedding, 108 BOBRETZKY, ova of Lepidoptera, 310 BOCCARDI, gold method, 223 ; stain for nerve-cells, 388 BODECKER, decalcification, 279, 356 BOECK, neurofibrils, 400 BOHM gold method, 222 BOHM and OPPEL, artificial serum ; 237 ; egg of fowl, 298 ; bichro- mate, 41 ; ova of reptiles, 299 BOHMER, haematoxylin, 163 BOHMIG, Turbellaria, 466 ; Nemer- tina, 464 BOLTON, myelin stain, 412 ; Golgi's impregnation, 428 Bone, 280—283, 353—357, and see Decalcification. BONNET, embryology of dog, 294 BONNEY, triple stain, 190 BONVICINI, hardening brain, 380 Borax carmine, 148 Borax methylen blue, 324 BORDAGE, double imbedding, 115 490 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Bordeaux R., 190, 191 I BROMAN, reconstruction, 291 BORGERT, paraffin imbedding, 79 BORING, ova of Ascaris, 316 BORN, section-stretcher, 94 ; recon- struction, 290, 291 ; ova of Rana, 302 BORRBL, fixing mixture, 39 ; picro- indigo-carmine, 230 BORREL'S blue, 366 BOUIN, picric formol, 65, 66 ; subli- mate formol, 66 ; larvae of Rana, 303 ; ova of Salmonidse, 304 BOULE, neurofibrils, 397 BOUMA, cartilage, 356 BOVERI, picro-acetic acid, 58 ; im- bedding small objects, 289 ; ova of Ascaris, 316 BOYCE and HERDMANN, copper, 320 Brachiopoda, 449 BRADFORD and PLIMMER, trypano- somes, 480 BRADY, chloral hydrate, 238 BRAEM, statoblasts, 306 Brain, see Neurological methods. BRANCA, formol mixture, 66 BRANDT, glycerin jelly, 242 ; infu- soria, 476 ; Sphserozoa, 479 BRASIL, Sporozoa, 479 BRASS, paraffin, 81, 99 ; Protozoa, 40, 477 BRA UN, mounting medium for Nema- todes, 463 ; Turbellaria, 466 ; Zoantharia and Alcyonaria, 472 BRAUS, fixation by injection, 25 ; ova of Selachia, 305 ; liver, 370 Brazilin, 228 BRECKNER, double imbedding, 114 BREGLIA, nerve stain, 414 BREMER, methylen blue and eosin, 193 ; Cox's sublimate impregna- tion, 433 BRESSLAU, Mesostomidae, 314 Brillantschwarz, 191 BRINKMANN, paraffin imbedding, 85 BRISSY, freezing, 117 BRISTOL, bleaching, 30; Hirudinea, 460 BROCK, maceration, 273 BROOKOVER, myelin stain, 407 ; Golgi impregnation, 430 Brown cement, 250 BROWN, flagella, 483 BRUCKE, Berlin blue, 262; digestion, 277 BRUEL, embryology of Diptera, 310 BRUHL, corrosion, 277 BRUN, glucose medium, 240 BRUNO, mucus glands, 368 BRUNOTTI, gelatin imbedding, 100 Brunswick black, 251 Bryozoa, 16, 449, 472; statoblasts, 306 BUCHNER, accessory chromosome, 324 BUDGE, injections, 268 Buds of Ascidians, 306 BUEHLER, staining nerve-cells, 389 BUJOR, Veretillum, 472 BUMPUS, thyme oil, 72 ; celloidin sections, 112 BUNGE, stain for flagella, 481 BURCHAROT, E., bichromates, 41, 376 ; paraffin, 99 ; fixing mix- tures, 41 ; pyroligneous - acid - carmine, 145 ; pyroligneous - acid-hsematoxylin, 164 ; methyl green, 170 ; serial sections, 121 ; neuroglia, 442 BURCKHARDT, brain of Protopterus, 382 BURGER, Nemertina, 464 BURZYNSKI, gelatin imbedding, 101 BUSCH, osmic mixture, 32 ; nerve- stain, 416 ; eosin, 231 ; decalcifi- cation, 280 ; glycogen, 320 BUSSE, celloidin, 103, 104, 106, 108 BUTSCHLI, acid haematoxylin, 163 ; iron hasmatoxylin, 159 Buzzi, eleidin, 333 C. CADE, gastric glands, 370 CAJAL, RAMON Y, see RAMON Y CAJAL. Cajeput oil, 72 INDEX. 491 The numbers refer to the pages. CALBERLA, methyl green, 170 ; ditto and eosin, 193 ; indulin, 195 ; glycerin mixture, 242 Calcium chloride, 235, 238 ; bichro- mate, 41 CALLEJA, picro-indigo-carmine, 230 CALVET, Bryozoa, 449 Cambridge microtomes, 10, 11 Camsal, camsal balsam, 247 Canada balsam, index, 235 ; for im- bedding, 116; for mounting, 245, 246 ; as a cement, 252 CANFIELD, iris, 342 Caoutchouc cement, 249, 251 Capitellidae, 15, 459 Capsicum, extract, 353 CARAZZT, peroxide of sodium, 285 Carbol pyronin, 183 Carbolic acid, index, 235 ; for clear- ing, 73, 111 Carbolic fuchsin, 181 Carbon sulphide, refraction, 235 ; for imbedding, 82 Carbon tetrachloride, 81, 82 Carbonic acid for narcotisation, 18 Carmalum, 144, 146 ; with indigo- carmine, 230 Carmine, generalities, 141, 142 ; analysis, 141 ; stains in general, 142 ; formulae for stains, 142 et seq. ; aqueous, 142 ; alcoholic, 148 — 150; combination stains, 229—231 Carmine blue, 196 Carmine solutions, to neutralise, 259, 260 Carminic acid, 141 CASNOY, cajeput oil, 72 ; acetic al- cohol, 55 ; Congo red, 191 ; salt solution, 236 ; tannin solution, 239 ; cement, 253 ; micro- chemical reactions, 319 CARNOY and LEBRUN, ova of Am- phibia, 300 ; ditto of Ascaris, 315 ; micro-chemistry, 320, 321 CARPENTER, freezing, 117 ; section grinding, 115; cements and varnishes, 249 CARRIERE and BURGER, ova of Chali- codoma, 611 CARTER, injection, 261 Cartilage, 356—358 Cassia oil, 71, 235 CASTELLARNAU, DE, Ophiuridea, 468 CASTLE, ova of Ciona, 306 Castor oil, 235, 248 CATOis,methylen blue impregnation, 435 CATTANEO, palladium chloride, 52 ; Protozoa, 477 CAULLERY, Ascidians, 448 CAUSARD, injection of spiders, 458 Caustic soda or potash, see Soda and Potash. CAVAZZANI, hsematoxyliu and Siiure- fuchsin, 232 CAVALIE, electric organs, 339 Cedar- wood oil, index, 235 ; for clearing, 70; imbedding, 81, 82, 83 ; for preserving, 5 ; for mounting, 245 ; for dissecting in, 8 Cell division, see Cytological me- thods. Celloidin imbedding, 102 et seq. ; generalities, 102, 103 ; prelimi- nary preparation, 103 ; celloidin bath, 104 ; imbedding, 105 ; orientation, 106 ; hardening, 106—108; preserving blocks, 108; fixing blocks to microtome, 109 ; cutting, 110 ; clearing and mounting, 110 ; the new me- thod, 112; Gilson's rapid, 112; the dry cutting method, 113; celloidin and paraffin method, 114 ; injections, 268 Celloidinum inelasticum, 103 Cells, paper for mounting, 250 Cells, study of, see Cytological methods. Celluloid injection mass, 269 Cement for celloidin blocks, 109 Cements and varnishes, 249 et seq. Central corpuscles, centrosomes, etc., 158, 325 492 INDEX. The numbers r Central nervous system, see Nervous centres and Neurological me- thods. Cephalopoda, 450 ; embryology, 307 ; eyes, 451 Cercarise, 466 Cerebrum, cerebellum, see Neuro- logical methods. CERFONTAINE, Amphioxus, 305; As- caris, 316 ; Lumbricus, 459 CERTES, Infusoria, 476, 477 CESARIS-DEMEL, blood, 363 Cestodes, 464 ; embryology, 314 Chsetopoda, 458-460 Chalicodoma, ova, 611 CHAMPY, mitochondria, 328 CHEATLE, dehydration apparatus, 3 Chemicals, 11 CHENZINSKY, methylen blue and eosin, 193 CHICHKOFF, Turbellaria, 467 CHILD, ova of fishes, 304 ; removal of albumen, 289 CHILESOTTI, nerve-stain, 384 Chilopoda, 455 Chinablau, 196, 405 China blue, 196, 405 Chinolinblau, chinolin blue, 195 Chitin, 278, 455, 456 Chiton, eyes, 452 ; embryology, 309 Chloral hydrate, for narcotisation, 15 ; preservative solutions, 238, 240, 243 ; for maceration, 275 Chlorate of potash for maceration, 274 Chloreton, 15 Chloride of aluminium carmine, 144 Chloride of calcium, 235, 238 Chloride of copper fixative, 56 Chloride of gold, see Gold chloride. Chloride of iridium, 52 Chloride of magnesium, narcotisa- tion, 17 Chloride of manganese, 237 Chloride of osmium, 52 Chloride of palladium, for fixing, 52 ; for staining, 227, 418 ; for de- calcifying, 280 efer to the pages. Chloride of platinum, 51 ; mixtures, 38, 40, 52, 289, 322 Chloride of ruthenium, 227 Chloride of sodium, see Salt. Chloride of vanadium stain, 435 Chloride of zinc, 53, 381, 436 Chlorine for bleaching, 284 Chloroform, for narcotisation, 14 ; for clearing, 73 ; for imbedding, 81, 82, 83, 84 Cholesterin, 333 Chondriokonts, 328 Chondriosomes, 328 Choroid, 285 Chromate, neutral, of ammonia, 44 Chromate of lead impregnation, 227 Chromate of silver, see GOLGI. Chromates, 40 Chromatin, reactions, 319 Chromatin stains, defined, 130; the coal-tar, 169 — 181 ; cytological, 324 Chromatophily, 132, 135 Chrome hsematoxylin, 166 Chromic acid, generalities, 32 ; fixing with, 32 ; washing out, 32 ; hardening with, 34; action of light, 33 ; mixtures, 38 et seq., 40, 67 ; for maceration, 273 ; for decalcification, 280, 283 Chromidia, 328 Chromium fluoride, 408, 410 Chromium sulphate for hardening, 380 Chronio-acetic acid, 35 Chromo-aceto-osmic acid, 35 — 37 ; for decalcification, 283 Chromo-formic acid, 35 Chromo-formol, 67 Chromogen, 439 Chromo-nitric acid, 39; for bleaching, 286 Chromo-osmic acid, 35 Chromo-picric acid, 59 Chromo-platinic mixture, 40 Chromo sublimate, 50 CIACCIO, C., sublimate mixture, 48 ; fat, 351 INDEX. 493 The numbers refer to the pages. CIACCIO, G. V., gold method, 222; corpuscles of Golgi, 341 ; cornea, 336 CIAGLINSKI, myelin stain, 418 CIECHANOWSKI, liver, 370 Cilia of Infusoria, 475, 477 Ciliated epithelium, 453 CILIMBAKIS, muscle -spindles, 338 ; elastic tissue, 348 Cinnamon oil, 71, 235 dona, 17, 306 Citrate of silver, 216 Cladocera, 313 CLARKE'S spirit-proof cement, 251 Clasmatocytes, 351 CLAUDIUS, vegetal dyes, 229 Cleaning slides and covers, 121, 484 Clearing, generalities, 5, 68 et seq ; clearing agents, 70 et seq. ; practice of, 69 ; choice of an agent, 70 ; celloidin sections, 1 10 ; paraffin sections, 98 Clove oil, for minute dissections, 8, 71; refractive index, 235; for clearing, 70 ; for imbedding, 81 ; for differentiating stains, 175 Coal-tar colours, 169 et seq ; regres- sive staining with, 173 ; progres- sive ditto, 170; cho of, 169; chromatin stains, 170—181 > plasma stains, 182 COBB, differentiator, 3 Cocaine, narcotisation, 16 Coccidae, 456 Coccidia, 479 Cochineal, generalities, 141 ; aqueous, PARTSCH'S, 143 ; CZOKOR'S, 143 ; RABL'S, 144 ; alcoholic, MAYER'S, 150; iron, 146 Cochlea, 445—447 COE, Miracidia, 315 Ccelenterata, 470 — 474 Coerulein, 194 COHNHEIM, gold method, 220 COLE, freezing method, 118 Coleoptera, embryology, 311 COLES, parolein, 248 ; malaria para- sites, 480 Collagen, 344 Collargol, 400 COLLIN, Criodrilus, 459 COLLIN and LUCIEN, intracellular network, 404 COLLINGE, pelagic ova, 305 Collodion for fixing sections, 123, 124,125 — 128 Collodion imbedding, 102 et seq. ; and see Celloidin Collodionisation of sections, 95, 383 Colloidal gold, 401 Colloxylin, 103 Colophonium, for imbedding, 116; for mounting, 246 ; index, 235 ; cement, 252 Colour-acids, 130 Colour-bases, 130 COLUCCI, balsam, 246 Coma/ula, larvae, 469 Combination stains, 228 et seq. ; carmine combinations, 229 ; haematein ditto, 231 Congelation imbedding methods, 117 Congo red, 191, 385, 418, 474;- Corinth, 191 CONKLIN, ova of Crepidula, 308 Connective tissues, 344 et seq. CONSER, Bryozoa, 449 Cooling paraffin, 87 Copal, section method, 115 ; varnish, 253 Copepoda, 454; embryology, 313 Copper, detection of, 320 Copper, sulphate, 43, 303, 473; chloride and acetatt1, 56 ; im- pregnation, 227, 437 ; nitrate, 57, 67 Copper formol, 67 Copper haematoxylin, 167 Corals, 472 Cjrallin, 181 CORI, narcotisation, 15 ; cocaine, 16; keeping osmic acid, 28 ; chromo- aceto-osmic acid, 36 Cornea, 273, 331, 335 CORNING, Krohnthal's impregnation, 434 ; medullated nerve, 405 494 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Corpuscles, tactile, 334 ; of Herbst and Grandry, 334 ; of Meissner, 335 ; of Golgi, 340 ; of Meissner and Krause, 335 CORTI and FERRARA, pyronin, 183 Corrosion, 268, 277, 278 Corrosive sublimate, see Sublimate. Cotton blue, 196 Coupler's blue, 195 Cox, Nissl's stain, 387, 389 ; medul- lated nerve, 405 ; sublimate im- pregnation, 433 ; neurofibrils, 403 Creasote, index, 235 ; for clearing, 73, 111; imbedding, 81 CREIGHTON, glycogen, 320 Crepidula, 308 Cresyl violet, 197, 389 Crinoidea, 469 Cristatella, 15 Crustacea, 454 ; embryology, 3] 3 Crystal violet, 197 Crystalline, 336 CSOKOR, cement, 252 ; bone, 355 ; and see CZOKOR. Ctenophora, 474 CUCCATI, soda carmine, 146 Cupric sulphate for fixing, 43, 473; for staining, 227 Curarisation, 317 CURRERI, toning bath, 431 CURSCHMANN, amyloid matter, 171 Cyanin, 195 Cyanide of mercury, 381 CYBULSKT, gold impregnations, 225 Cyclas, ova, 309 Cytological methods, 317 et seq. ; living cells, 317 ; fresh cells, 318 ; microchemical reactions, 319, 320 ; fixing agents, 321 ; chromatin stains, 324 ; plasma stains, 325 ; granules, 327 ; cen- trosomes, 325 ; nucleoli, 324 ; for nerve tissue, 386 CZOKOR, cochineal, 143 ; turpentine cement, 252 D. DADDI, fat, 352 DA FANO, neuroglia, 441 DAHLGREN, sublimate, 51 ; double imbedding, 114 Dahlia, 180 DAKIN, injection of Acephala, 452 Damar (dammar), gum, 235, 246 DANTSCHAKOFF, serial sections, 125 DAVIDOFF, ova of Distaplia, 306 Siphonophora, 473 DAVIES, injection, 261 De-alcoholisation, 5, 68 et seq. ; choice of an agent, 70 Decalcification, 279 — 283 Decapoda, 454; embryology, 313 DECKER, section-stretcher, 94 DEECKE, encephalon, 380, 383 DEFL ANDRE, fat and lecithin, 351 DEJERINE, sections of brain, 383 DE GROOT, serial sections, 121 ; iron- carmalum, 146; picro-magnesia carmine, 148 ; alcoholic hsema- lum, 165 Dehydration, 2 — 5 DEKHUYSEN, silver impregnation, 216, 217 ; bichromate mixture, 43; blood, 361, 367; salt solu- tion, 237 DELAFIELD, hcematoxylin, 163 DEL AGE, Turbellaria, 466 ; larvae of sponges, 475 DELAMARE, connective-tissue stain 346 DELLA KOSA, injection, 267 DELLA VALLE, ova of Orchesfia, 313 Deltapurpurin, 191 DENDY, Geonemertes, 464 DENKER, corrosion, 277 DENNE, paraffin imbedding, 84 ; orientation, 87 Depigmentation, 284—286 DE QUERVAIN, nervous tissue, 374 Desilicification, 283 DE VECCHI, celloidin, 105 DE WITT, elastic tissue, 348 DEWITZ, injection of molluscs, 452 Dextrin freezing jiiass, 118 INDEX. 495 The numbers refer to the pages. Differentiation, optical, by fixation, 20, 22, 37 Differentiator, Cobb's, 3 ; Has well's, 3 ; Cheatle's, 3 ; Schultze's, 4 ; Kolster's, 4 Diffusion apparatus, 3 Digestion, 276, 277, 320 DIMMER, serial sections, 124 DING LER, mitochondria, 330 DIOMIDOFF, nervous tissue, 381 Diptera, embryology, 310 DISSE, stain for dentine, 358 Dissections, minute, 6, 8 Dissociation, methods of, 270 Disfaplia, 306 Distoma, Miracidia, 315 ; staining, 466 DODERLEIN, Echinoidea, 468 DOG IE L, methylen blue, 200, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210 ; corpuscles of Herbst and Grandry, 334, 392 ; corpuscles of Krause, 335 ; cor- puscles of Golgi, 341 ; ulfactive organs, 335 ; iris, 342 ; retina, 444 DOLBET & Co., address, 11 DOLLKEN, formol imbedding method, 118 ; soap imbedding, 100 Donacia, ova, 311 DONAGGIO, tin haematoxylin, 168 ; neurofibrils, 402 DONALDSON, nervous centres, 381 DOSTOIEWSKY, iris, 342 Doiible imbedding, 114 Double stains, see Stains, combined. DOYERE, Arctiscoida, 458 DRASCH, gold impregnation, 220 DREUW, eleidin, 333 DREYER, nervous system of Nudi- branchiata, 451 DRIESSEN, glycogen, 320 DROST, epithelium of mollusca, 453 DRUENER, fixation by injection, 25 ; osmic sublimate, 50; Ehrlich- Biondi stain, 185 DUBOSCQ, blood, 361 ; Golgi impreg- nation, 428 DUBREUIL, connective tissue, 345 DUERCK, elastic tissue, 34S DUERDEN, Actiniae, 471 DUESBERG, mitochondria, 328, 330 DUNHAM, celloidin sections, 111 Du PLESSIS, Nernertians, 464 DURIG, Golgi's impregnation, 427 DUVAL, collodion imbedding, 102, 103 ; silver impregnation, 215, 217; carmine and anilin blue, 230; embryology of birds, 295, 297 ; hardening brain, 380 ; pur- purin, 229 Dyes, basic, acid, and neutral, 130 ; vegetal, 229 E. Ear, inner, 445 Eau de Javelle, 278, 285 ; Eau de Labarraque, 278, 285 EBNER, VON, decalcification, 282 Echinodermata, 18, 467 — 470 Echtgriin, 405 EDINGER, liquid of Erlicki, 43 ; bleaching, 33 EDINGTON, blood, 362 Eggs, of fowl, 295 et seq. ; and see Embryological methods. EHLERS, fixative", 35 EHRENBAUM, section grinding, 116 EHRLICH, acid hsematoxylin, 164; classification of dyes, 132 ; tri- acid mixture, 187 ; acidophilous mixture, 193 ; mixture C (eosino- philous), 193 ; indulin-aurantia- eosin, 193 ; neutral red, 191 ; methylen blue, 200, 203 ; Mast- zellen, 350 ; plasma cells, 350 ; quinolein blue, 195 ; eosino- philous cells, 193 ; blood films, 359 EHRLICH and LAZARUS, glycoyen, 320 ; neutral dyes, 131 EHRLICH- HIONDI-HEIDENHAIN stain, 184, 344 EHRMANN and JADASSOHN, plasma fibrils, 332 EICHLER, labyrinth, 447 EIMER and AMEND, address, 11 496 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. EISATH, neuroglia, 441 EISEN, iridium chloride, 52 ; osmium chloride, 52 ; Ehrlich - Biondi stain, 186 ; ruthenium red, 227 ; Brazilin, 228 ; gum Thus, 248 EISENBERG, fat, 353 EISIG, alcohol narcotisation, 15; Capitellidae, 15, 459 ; chroino- platinic mixture, 40 ; macera- tion, 273 EISMOND, quieting Infusoria, 476 EKMAN, Brachiopoda, 449 Elasthsematein, 348 Elastic tissue, 344, 346—348 ; of spleen, 371 Electric organs, 339 Electrification of paraffin, 97 Eleidin, 333 ELLIS, flagella, 482 ELSCHNIG, celloidin, 104 Embryological methods, 287 et seq. ; generalities, 287—291 ; Am- phibia, 300 ; Arthropoda, 309— 313; Aves, 295-298; Bryozoa, 306 ; Echinodermata, 469 ; Mam- malia, 291—295 ; Mollusca, 307- 309 ; Pisces, 303—306 ; Porifera, 475 ; Eeptilia, 299 ; Tunicata, 806; Venues, 314— 316 EMERY, injection, 267 Encephalon, see Neurological me- thods. ENGELMANN, isotonic liquids, 237 ; epithelium, 453 ENRIQUES, liver of Mollusca, 450 Entire objects, preparation of, 8 ENTZ, orientation, 87 ; Protozoa, 477, 478 Eosin, 192 ; with hsemotoxylin, 231 ; with methyl green, 193 Eosin and methylen blue, 193 Eosinophilous mixture, 193 Epeira, ova, 3 1 2 Epidermis, 331 Epithelium, 331 ; renal, 372 ; ciliated, 453 EPPINGER, liver, 370 Ergastoplasm, 327, 328 ERHARD, glycogen, 320 ERLANGER, VON, ova of Ascaris, 315 ERLICKI, liquid of, 43, 378 ERMENGEM, VAN, stain for flagella, 483 ERNST, horny tissues, 334 ERRERA, nigrosin, 181 Erythrosin, 192 Essences, see Oil, and Clearing. ETERNOD, paraffin blocks, 89 Ether, for narcotisation, 14, 317 ; for preserving, 5 Eucain, 16 Euparal, 247 EVERARD, DEMOOR, and MASSART, haematoxylin and eosin, 232 EWALD, capillary siphon, 4; section- washing apparatus, 4; blood, 360 Examination and preservation me- dia, watery, 234 — 238 ; mercurial, 239 ; various, 239-241 ; glycerin, 241 ; jellies, 242 ; resinous, 244- 248 ; high refractive liquids, 243, 244 EXNER, medullated nerve-fibres, 416 EYCLESHYMER, celloidin imbedding, 106, 111, 112 Eyes, of Mollusca, 451, 452; of Arthropods, 457 ; of Asteroidea, 468 ; of Turbellaria, 467 F. FABRE-DOMERGUE, syrup, 238 ; glu- cose medium, 240; Protozoa, 477, 478 FAIRCHILD, washing cylinders, 4 FAJERSTAJN, nerve - endings, 335; hwmatoxylin nerve-stain, 436 ; Golgi's nerve-stain, 429 ; silver nerve- stain, 436 FANO, neuroglia, 441 FAKRANTS, mounting medium, 239 Fast blue, 195 Fast green, 194 Fat, 71, 351 et seq. Fatty bodies, blackening by osmic acid, 352 INDEX. 497 The numbers reftr to the paye*. FAURET FREBIIET, mitochondria, 475 FAUSSKK, ova of Cephalopoda, 307 Fecundation, artificial, 287 FEDERICI, double imbedding, 115 FEIST, methylen blue, 207, 208; spinal cord, 383 FKLIZAT and BRANCA, thionin, 180 FERRERI, decalcification, 283 FERRIA, elastic tissue, 347 Ferric alum, 157 Ferricyanide of potassium for bleach- ing, 31 Ferrocyanide of copper, injection, 259 Fettponceau, 352 Fibrin, stains for, 3(57, 368 FICK, Golgi's impregnation, 430 ; kresyl violet, 197 ; ova of Axo- lotl, 301 ; keratohyalin, 333 FIEANDT, neuroglia, 441 FIEDLER, Spongilla, 474 FIELD and MARTIN, paraffin imbed- ding, 82, 87 ; double imbedding, 114 FIESSINGER, glycogen, 320 FINOTTI, Marchi's nerve stain, 415 , myelin, 418 ; axis-cylinder stain; 385 FISCHEL, staining, 137, 138 ; embryos of duck, 297 FISCHER, A., Fixirung, Fu/bung und Bau des Profoplasmas, 21 ; theory of fixation, 21 — 24; ditto of staining, 129 ; hsematein stains, 100; methyl green, 170, gly- cogen, 320 ; nucleoli, 325 ; Spiegelf iirbung, 326 ; bioblasts, 328 FISCHER, B., injection, 268 ; fuch- selin, safranelin, 348 FISCHER, E., gold method, 220 ; nerve and muscle, 338 FISCHER, H., glycerin jelly, 243 FISCHER, P. M., soap-imbedding, for Trematodes, 465 FISCHLER, fat, 351, 353 FISH, oil of thyme, 72; colloidin imbedding, 105, 111,112; decal- cifk-ation, 2SL ; hardening ner- vous tissue, 377,381,382; Golgi's impregnation, 427; picro-subli- mate, 50 Fixation, 2, 19, 28 et seq.; by injec- tion, 373 ; of marine animals, 26 ; embryos, 288 Fixation images, 21 Fixation precipitates, 21 Fixing agents, action of, 10, 20, 134 ; characters of the usual, 22 ; choice of, for beginners, 24 ; the various, 28—67; cytological, 321 ; cmbryological, 288 ; nerve centres, 373, 375 Flagella, 48 L Flagellata, 481 FLATAU, hardening brain, 377 ; Golgi's sublimate method, 433 Flattening sections, 97 FLECHSIG, gold method, 222; nerve- stain, 414; Golgi's impregnation, 433 F LEMMING, preservation, 5 ; acetic acid, 53 ; chromo-acetic acid, 35 ; chromo-aceto osmic, 35-; action of bichromate, 40 ; picro osmic acid, 59; safranin, 177, J78; dahlia, 180 ; connective tissue, 345; Orange method, 189; epi- thelium, 331 ; bone, 356; eyes of Gastropoda, 451 ; injection of Acephala, 452 ; nucleoli, 1 94 FLESCH, chromo-osmic acid, 35 ; Weigert's nerve - stain, 409 ; inner ear, 447; blood, 360; mounting medium, 244 FLINT, injection, 269 FLORMAN, celloidin, 108 Floscularise, 16 FLOYD, ganglia of Periplaneta, 457 Fluorides, 408, 410 FoA, fixing mixture, 51 ; staining mixture, 232 FOETTINGER, narcotisation, 15 FOL, narcotisation, 18 ; treatment of osmic material, 30, 31 ; chromo- aceto-osmic acid, 36 ; nitric acid, 32 498 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. 39; perchloridc of iron, 53; FftENZEL, mercuro-nitric mixture, 48 picro-chromic acid, 50 ; vacuum FREUD, maceration, 275 FREY, H., artificial serum, 238 ; wliite injection, 262 FRIEDENTHAL, injection, 263 ; fixa- tive, 57 imbedding, 86 ; serial sections, 125 ; gold impregnation, 225 ; iron stain, 227 ; orseille, 229 ; injections, meta gelatin, 264 ; injections, carmine, 260 ; injec- tions, Berlin blue, 262 ; injec- tions, brown and yellow, 262 ; maceration, 272 ; reconstruction of sections, 291; ova of Ascaris, 315 ; Tintinnodea, 478 ; absolute alcohol, 61 FOOT and STROBELL, section cutting, 93 Formaldehyde, 63 ; as a mordant, 176 ; for maceration, 272 ; for uervoiis tissue, 376 — 378 ; for the Golgi impregnation, 427 ; and see Formol. Formalin, see Formaldehyde. Formalose, see Formaldehyde. Formic acid carmine, 145 Formol, generalities, 63; for harden- ing, 63, 64, 376-378 ; for fixing, 63, 64; mixtures, 65 — 67; for hardening celloidin, 108 ; as an imbedding mass, 118; as a re- ducing agent, 6i, 225; as a mordant, 176 ; for gelatin im- bedding, 101 ; for nerve centres, 376 ; for the Golgi impregna- tion, 427 " Formol-Miiller," 66, 380 Fowl, embryology of, 295—298 FRANCOTTE, vacuum imbedding, 86 ; section-stretcher, 94 ; hsematoxy- lin, 159 ; ova of Polyclads, 314 j albumen fixative, 122 FRAENKEL, myelin stain, 414; gly- cogen, 320 FRANKL, imbedding box, 79 ; injec- tion, 258 FREEBORN, connective tissue, 344 ; nerve tissue, 38 i ; picronigrosin, 344 Freezing section method, 117, 374 FRENKEL, palladium chloride, 52 FRIEDLAENDER, Golgi's impregna- tion, 420; cupric sulphate fixa- tion, 473 FROHLICH, picraminic acid, 188 Fuchseliii, 348 Fuchsin, basic, 130, 181 ; acid, 130, 183 Fuchsin, carbolic, 181 ; resorcin, 348 Fuchsin S., 183 FUHR MANN, imbedding, 86; celloidin, 105 FUNCK, honing knives, 91 FURST, bleaching, 285 FUSARI, cartilage, 358 Fuss, acetone, 63 G. GAD and HEYMANS, polarisation, 417 GAGE, picric alcohol, 58 ; clearing mixture, 73 ; section - stretcher, 94; celloidin sections, 110, 112, 126 ; albumen fluid, 239 ; starch injection, 268; maceration, 272, 274, 275 ; decalcification, 282 ; reconstruction, 291 ; glycogen, 320 GALEOTTI, infra vifam staining, 137 ; neutral red, 191 GALESESCU, neurogiia, 442 Gallein, 414 GALLI, nem'oceratioii, 405 Gamboge injection, 266 GANDOLFI, double imbedding, 115 GARBINI, safranin, 178; Alcyonaria, 472 GARDINER, ova of Polychoems, 314 Garlic water, 123 GARNIER, ergastoplasm, 327 ; picro- formol, 65 GASKELL, gelatin imbedding, 101 Gastric glands, 370 INDEX. 499 The numbers refer to the pages. Gastropoda, 17, 449—454; embryo- logy, 307 ; eyes, 451 GAUDLITZ, pyronm, 183 GAULE, fixing liquid, 47 ; serial sec- tions, 119 Gaultheria, oil of, 72 GAVAZZKNI, trichohyalm, 333 GAY-LUSSAC, table for diluting alco- hol, 60 GEBERG, gold method, 223 ; corpuscles of Herbst, 334 GEBHARDT, crystalline, 336 GEDOELST, digestion, 277 ; medul- lated nerve, 406 GEHUCHTEN, VAN, acetic alcohol, 55 ; sectioning nervous system, 383 ; Nissl's stain, 386, 387; Golgi's impregnation, 423, 428; nerve- endings, 447 Gelatin, imbedding, 100; freezing- mass, 118; section fixative, 12], 125 ; injection masses, 257 — 264 ; injection masses, carmine, 259— 261 ; injection masses, blue, 261, 262 ; other colours, 262 ; mount- ing media, 242, 243 Gelatin cement, 250 GEMELLI, rejuvenating mixture, 427 ; flagella, 482 Gemmation of Ascidians, 306 GEMMILL, imbedding, 86 Gentian blue, 195 Gentian violet, 178 GEOFFROY, gelatin medium, 243 Gephyrea, 461 GERHARDT, embryological methods, 299 GERLACH, J., carmine injection, 261 ; gold method, 224 GERLACH, L., glycerin jelly, 100 ; embryology of birds, 295 ; nerve - endings in muscle, 337 GEKOTA, formol, 64, 378 ; silver im- pregnation, 217 ; Golgi's im- pregnation, 428 GEROULD, Caudina, 467 GIACOMO, guanin, 321 GIEMSA, stain, 365, 480 GIERKE, impregnation, 213, 227 ; maceration, 273 ; aniliii, blue- black, 384 ; eosin, 232 GIESBRECHT, clearing, 69: imbedding trays, 78 ; squares, 79 ; paraffin imbedding, 83 ; section grinding, 1 17 ; Copepods, 454 GIBSON, VAN, origanum oil, 72 ; anilin oil, 111; picro-Saurefuchsin, 188, 232 ; Siiuref uchsin with hcema- toxylin, 232, 385 ; formalin for nerve-tissue, 377 GiGLio-Tos, blood, 363 GILBERT, myelin stain, 407 GILSON, mercuro-nitric fixing fluid, 49; zinc chloride fixing fluid, 53 ; acetic alcohol with subli- mate, 55 ; nitrate of copper, 57, 67 ; bleaching bichromate material, 42, 285 ; rapid celloidin method, 1 12 ; mercurial examina- tion liquid, 239 ; glycerin jelly, 243 ; sandarac mounting media, 247 Glands, 368—372 Glass, refractive index, 235 GLAUE, fixation of Ascaris, 463 Glochidia, 309 Glucose mounting media, 240 Glue, marine, 251 Glycerin and alcohol mixtures, 241 Glycerin and gum, 239, 240 Glycerin ether, 349 Glycerin injections, 265, 266 Glycerin jellies, for imbedding, 100, 101 ; for mounting, 242, 243 Glycerin, refractive index, 235, 241 ; mounting media,241 — 243; extra refractive, 241 ; method of mounting in, 241, 249, 250 Glychaemalum, 162 Glycogen, 320 GOADBY'S fluids, 239 Goblet-cells, 369 GOETTE, hardening ova, 303 Gold chloride, impregnations, 218 ; commercial salts, 219 ; pre-im- pregnation, 219; post-impregna- 500 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. tiou, 219, 224 ; marine animals, 225 ; preserving preparations, 225; and see the names of authors. Gold size, 249, 251 Gold toning baths, see Toning baths. Gold, colloidal, 401 GOLDMANN, intra vltam stains, 138 GOLDSCHEIDER and FLATAU, NissFs stain, 387 GOLGI, chromate of silver impregna- tion : introduction, 418 — 421 ; slow process, 421 — 423 ; rapid process, 423 — 425 ; mixed pro- cess, 425 ; variations, 426 — 431 ; gold method, 224 ; fixation by injection, 374; bichromate and sublimate method, 431 ; intra- cellular net, 403 ; neuroceratin, 404 GOLGI, corpuscles of, 340 GOLLMAN, infra vitam stains, 138 GOLODETZ, fat, 352 GOLODETZ and UNNA, iron stain, 227 ; manganese stain, 227 ; cholesterin, 333 GOLOVIN, hseruatoxylin, 167 GOLOVINE, neutral red, 192 GORDON, stain for fiagella, 483 GOBONOWITSCH, embryology of Sal- monidse, 305 GOTHARD, Nissl's stain, 387 GRABERG, stain, 191 GRAEFE, solvents of paraffin, 81 GRAF, chromic mixture, 35 ; forinol, 65 ; Hirudinea, 460 GRAFF, VON, Turbellaria, 466 GRAHAM, Trichinse, 463 GRAM, staining method, 179 GRANDRT, corpuscles, 334 GRAND-MOURSEL and TRIBONDEAU, pancreas, 370 GHANDIS and MAININI, lime salts, 320 Granule cells, 349 — 351 ; and see Leu- cocytes. Granules, 327 Grape-sugar imbedding, 115 Graphic or plastic reconstruction, 289 ; and see Orientation. GRASER, staining methods, 172, 181 GRASSI, hajmatozoa, 479 GRAY, inner ear, 447 GREEF, methods for the eye, 442 Gregarinse, 478, 479 GRENACHER, alum carmine, 142 ; borax- carmine, 148 ; hydrochloric acid carmine, 149 ; hsematoxylin, 163 ; purpurin, 229 ; castor oil for mounting, 248; bleaching mixture, 285 ; eyes of molluscs, 451 GREPPIN, Golgi's impregnation, 430 GRIEB, alum-carmine, 143 GRIESBACH, Congo red, 191 ; benzo- purpurin, 191 ; Bengal rose, 192 iodine green, 194 ; elastic tissue, 347 ; blood, 360 Grinding sections, 115 GRONROSS, ova of Salamandra, 302 GROSE LJ, Actinida, nervous system, 471 GROSSER, injection, 267 GROOT, PE, serial sections, 119 ; iron carmalum, 146 GRUBLER and HOLLBORN, address, 1 1 ; anilin blue-black, 196 ; salts of gold, 220 Griiiipulver, 170 GRUNSTEIN, bladder of frog, 343 Grimstichblau, 195 GRTNFELTT and MESTREZAT, bleach- ing, 285 Guanin, detection of, 321 GUDDEN, Pal's nerve-stain, 411 ; Golgi's, 429 GUDERNATSCH, serial sections, 121 GUDGER, embryological methods, 301 GUEGUEN, methyl salicylate, 72 Guernsey blue, 195 GUIEYSSE, double stain, 194; goblet cells, 369 GUIGNET, injection, 262 GULICK, ova of Heterakis, 316 GULLAND, serial sections, 119, 124 ; blood, 359, 361, 362 j formol, 65 INDEX. 501 The numbers refer to the pages. Gum, imbedding, 115; for freezing, 117, 118; mounting media, 239, 240 ; injection mass, 267 ; muci- lage, 118 ; for labels, 484 Gum damar, 235, 246 Gum sandarac for mounting, 24S Gum Thus, 248 GURWITSCH, haematoxylin, 158 GUYEB, ova of Amphibia, 300 Gymnotus, 340 H. HADZI, Hydroidea, 473 HAECKER, micro-chemistry of the cell, 321 ; Cladocera, 313 Haemacalcium, 165 Hamialum, 161, 162, 165 Hsemalum and indigo-carmine, 230 Haemastrontium, 165 Haemateate of ammonia, 154 Haematein, generalities, 152 — 154 ; formulae for stains, 155 et seq. ; and see Haematoxylin. Haematoxylin, generalities, 152 ; al- coholic stock solution, 153 ; UNNA'S solution, 162, ]64; characters of alum-hsematoxylin stains, 159 ; formulae for stains, 155 et seq. ; the iron compounds, 155 — 159 ; other compounds, 159 et seq. Haematoxylin and eosin, 231 ; and picro - Siiurefuchsin, 232 ; and safranin, 232 ; and Siiuref uchsin, 232, 385 ; combination stains, 23 L Hsematozoa, 479 HAENSEL, liquid of, 59 HAHN, cooling paraffin, 88 Hair, 333 MALLE and BORN, celloidin imbed- ding, 106 HALLE rc, BELA, maceration, 275 HAM INN, Acanthocephali, 462; As- teroidea, 468 ; Chilopoda, 455 HAMBURGER, ova of Argyroneta, 313 ; salt solution, 237 ; injection, 267 HAMILTON, freezing method, 117; hardening brain, 380 HANDWERCK, osmicated fat, 352 HANSEN, haematoxylin, 159, 163, 166 ; picro - siiuref uchsin, 188 ; iron cochineal, 146 ; eosin, 192 HANTSCH, glycerin liquid, 242 Hardening, generalities, 26 ; practice of, 27 ; nerve-centres, 374 Hardening agents, see Fixing agents. HARDY, Rotatoria, 461 HARI, mucin, 368 HARMER, silver impregnation, 218 HARRIS, haematoxylin, 348 ; toluidin blue, 163, 180, 210; methylen blue, 209 ; thionin, 210 ; nerve- stain, 414 ; eucain, 16 ; elasthse- matein, 348 HARTING, calcium chloride, 238 ; white injection, 262 ; gamboge injection, 266 HARVEY, artificial parthenogenesis, 287 HASWELL, dehydration apparatus, 3 ; embryology of Cestodes, 314 HATSCHEK, Amphioxus, 305 HAVET, Distoma, 466; Metridium, 471 HAUG, decalcification, 280, 282, 283 ; nerve-stain, 414 HAYEM, blood, 361 Heat, for killing, 12 HECKERT, ova of Trematodes, 315 HEIDECKE, paraffin imbedding, 85 HEIDENHAIN, M., sublimate solution, 47; paraffin imbedding, 82, 98; serial sections, 119, 123; iron- hoematoxylin, 157, 326 ; Ehrlich- Biondi stain, 184, 185, 186; Bordeaux E,., 326; vanadium haematoxylin, 167 ; Coarulein S., 194 ; Blauschwarz, Brillant- schwarz, 191, 196; "Subtriessig," 56 ; glycerin jelly, 243 ; salicylic acid, 56 ; neutral dyes, 132 ; Congo Corinth, 191 ; Benzo purpurin, 191. HEIDENHAIN, R., chrome haematoxy- lin, 166 ; Ehrlich-Biondi stain, 184 502 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. HEIDER, paraffin sections, 96 HEINE, phosphorus, 320 HEINKE and EHRENBAUM, pelagic ova, 305 HEINRICH, connective tissue, 346 HELD, sublimate solution, 48 ; stain for nerve-cells, 388 ; iron hsema- toxylin, 159; formol mixture, 67 ; section cutting, 93 Helix, 16, 307, 424, 450 HELLER, and GUMPERTZ, medullated nerve, 416 HELLT, fixing mixture, 51 ; serial sections, 121 HENCHMAN, ova of Limax, 308 HENKING, section cutting, 96 ; em- bryology of Arthropoda, 309, 310, 312; examination liquid, 318 HENNEGUY, overstains, 142 ; section- fixing, 120, 123 ; alum-carmine, 143 ; permanganate method, 176 ; embryological methods, 291- 294, 296, 297, 300, 303, 307; Protozoa, 476; re-staining old mounts, 7 HENNINGS, Chilopoda, 455 ; eyes of Arthropods, 457 HENOCQUE, gold method, 222 HERBST, corpuscles, 334, 392 ; Crus- tacea, 456 HERLA, stain for ova, 172 HERMANN, platino-aceto-osmic acid, 38, 322; safranin and gentian stain, 179 ; osmic acid and pyro- ligneous acid stain, 226; cyto- logical methods, 326 ; papilla; foliatse, 335 HERRICK, ova of Astacus, 313 HERTWIG, silver impregnation, 216, 218 ; maceration, 273 ; Medusae and Actinise, 273, 473 ; ova of Triton, 301 ; ova of Rana, 302 HERXHEIMER, plasma fibrils, 332 ; Kresylviolet, 197 ; fat, 352, 353 ; elastic tissue, 347 HERZOG, retina, 444 HESCHL, amyloid degeneration, 171 HESSE, Heteropoda, 452 ; eye of Pecten, 452 HBSSERT, flagella, 483 Heterakis, ova, 316 Heteropoda, eyes, 451 HEURCK, VAN, mounting medium, 244 HEYDENREICH, amber varnish, 253 HEYDER, embryos of Arion, 308 HEYMANS, Cephalopoda, 450 HEYMONS, embryology of Blattida, 311 HICKSON, Brazilin, 228, 229 ; eosin and hsematoxylin, 231 ; macera- tion, 276 ; eyes of Musca, 457 HILL, A., nerve-stain, 413 ; Golgi's impregnation, 425, 428 HILL, E. C., embryological method, 291 HINDLE, Hsematozoa, 480 HIPPEL, retina, 444 HIROTA, egg of fowl, 298 Hirudinea, 16, 206, 397, 460 HIRSCHFELDER, Rotifers, 461, 462 HIRSCHLER, ova of Doncicici, 311 His, nitric acid fixation, 39 ; impreg- nation, 213 ; embryos of Sela- chia, 305 HOCHSTETTER, injection, 268 HOEHL, bichromate and osmic acid, 38 ; digestion, 277 HOFER, hydroxylamin, 16 HOFFMANN, E. H., blastoderm of birds, 297 HOFFMANN, F. W., vacuum imbed- ding, 85 HOFFMANN, R. W., stain for chitin, 456 ; orientation, 87 HOFMANN, K., Cercarise, 466 HOFMANN, M., injection, 267 HOFMANN'S Grim, 194 HOGGAN, histological rings, 214 ; iron stain, 227 ; silver nitrate, 216 HOLL, imbedding, 81 HOLLANDS, serial sections, 123 fixation of Tracheata, 455 HOLMES, ova of Planorbis, 308 1NDMX. 503 The numbers r HOLMGREN, fixatives, 56 Holothurioidea, 18, 467 Homarus, embryology, 313 Honing knives, 91 HOPEWELL-SMITH, odontoblasts, 355 HOPKINS, maceration, 274 Horn, 333 HORNOWSKI, connective tissue, 346 HOSKINS, embryological method, 297 HOUSER, myelin stain, 407 HOYER, silver impregnation, 216: gold impregnation, 222 ; mount- ing medium, 24-0 ; carmine- gelatin injection, 260 ; blue gela- tin injection, 262 ; yellow gela- tin injection, 262 ; green gelatin injection, 262 ; shellac injection, 268 ; oil-colour injection, 268 5 mucin, 368 ; fixing mixture, 51 HOYER, jun., formol, 64 ; imbedding, 80 HRDLICKA, hardening brain, 378 HUBER, Golgi's impregnation, 430 ; injection, 269 HUDSON, Rotifers, 461 HYATT, shellac imbedding, 115 Hydra, 16, 202, 472, 473 Hydrate of chloral, see Chloral. Hydrochloric acid, for decalcifica- tion, 280, 282; for maceration, 275 Hydrochloric acid alcohol, 62 Hydrochloric acid carmine, 149 Hydrofluoric acid, 283, 284 Hydrogen peroxide, for narcotisation, 18 ; for bleaching, 30, 33, 285 Hydroidea, 18, 472 Hydroxylamin, narcotisation, 16 Hymenoptera, 311 Hypertonic liquids, 236 Hypochlorite of potash, 278, 285 Hypochlorite of soda, 278, 285 Hyposulphite fixing baths, 217, 393, 398, 400 Hypotonic liquids, 236 I. IDE, double imbedding, 114 ; opithe- lium, 331 efer io the pages. IGACUSCHI, liver, 371 IIJIMA, embryology of Planaria, 314 IKEDA, section-fixing, 123 ILBERG, Nissl's stain, 388 Imbedding, defined, 6 ; small objects, 79, 289, 478 Imbedding methods, 75 ; manipula- tions, 76 et seq. ; trays, thimbles, 76 ; boxes, 78 ; trough, 79 ; in vacuo, 85 ; paraffin, 81 et seq. ; soap, 100, 465; gelatin, 100; celloidin (collodion), 102 Immobilisation of small organisms, 461, 476 Impregnation defined, 212 ; positive and negative, 212 ; primary and secondary, 212 Impregnation methods, 212 ; silver, 214—218 ; gold, 218-225 ; other metals, 226, 227 Indamin blue, 385 Index of visibility, 234, 245 Indian ink injection, 267, 458 Indices of refraction, 234, 235 Indifferent liquids, 235 el seq. Indigen, 195 Indigo, 229 Indigo carmine, 229; for injection, 266 Indigo substitute, 195 Indophenol, 353 Indulin, 195 Indulin-aurantia-eosin, 193 Infusoria, 475 et seq. Injections, 257 ; gelatin, 257 — 264 ; other masses, 264 — 268 ; natural, 269, 459, 460 ; of Mollusca, 452 ; of Arthropods, 458; of Hiru- dinea, 460 Inner ear, 445 INSABATO, connective tissue, 346 Insects, see Arthropoda. Instruments, 9 Intercellular bridges and canals, 331 Intestine, 370 Intracellular network of Grolgi, 403, 404 Infra vitam staining, 136, 201,202, 203 504 INDEX. The numbers r Inversion stains, 135 lodate of sodium, 32 Iodide of potassium, 46, 53, 271 Iodine, for removing sublimate, 46 ; for fixing, 53 ; for hardening, 379 ; LUGOL'S solution, 53 Iodine green, 194 Iodised serum, 237, 238 ; maceration in, 271 Iridium chloride, 52 Iris, 342 Iron alum, fixative, 53 ; mordant, 157 Iron, ammonio-sulphate, 157 Iron, detection of, 320 Iron, impregnations, 227 Iron perchloride, see Perchloride. Iron, pyrogallate, 227 Iron-Brazilin, 229 Iron-carmine, 145, 146 Iron-cochineal, 146 Iron-haematoxylin, 155—159, 407 Isotonic liquids, 235 et seq. ISRAEL, Ehrlich-Biondi stain, 186; acidophilous mixture, 193 ; orcein, 229 IWANZOFP, electric organs, 340; nematocysts, 470; Holothurids, 468 J. JACKSON, clearing, 69 JACOBS, freezing mass, 118 JACOBY, bleu de Lyon, 195 JADERHOLM, neurofibrils, 402 JABNICHEN, Planaria, 467 JAGER, glycerin liquid, 242 JAKIMOVITCH, silver impregnation, 217 JANDER, bleaching, 286 JANSSENS, iron hsematoxylin, 159 ; bleu carmine, 196 Janus green, 194 Japanese section-fixing method, 123 JAQUET, leeches, 460; Lumbricus, 459 JAVBLLE, eau de, 278, 285 JELQEKSMA, aniliu blue black, 384 efer to the pages. JELINEK, picric acid, 57 ; " Stabilit," 110 Jellies, see Glycerin. JENNER, blood, 364, 366 JENNINGS, Eotatoria, 314 JENSEN, Infusoria, 476 JOEST, Annelids, 458 JOHNE, freezing, 117 JOHNSON, Lindsay, fixing mixture, 38, 54 ; cement for collodion blocks, 109 ; sunning metallic solutions, 213 ; gold impregna- tion, 223 ; retina, 443 JOHNSTON, reconstruction, 291 ; paraffin mass, 99 ; picronigrosin, 384 JOHNSTONE-LAVIS, section grinding, 116 JOLIET, gum imbedding, 115 JONESCU, brain of bees, 457 JORDAN, clearing agents, 69, 112; imbedding box, 79; imbedding, 114 ; orienting, 87 ; cutting, 96 ; serial sections, 125 JORIS, neurofibrils, 401 JOSEPH, silver impregnation, 213 ; in- jection, 267 ; eleidin, 333 JOUBIN, Nemertians, 464 JULIEN, flagella, 483 JULIUSBURGER, stain for nerve-cells, 388 < JUNG, K., microtomes, etc , address, 10; knife-holders, 93; freezing, 117 K. KADYI, soap imbedding, 100; nerve- stain, 384 ; hardening brain, 378 KAES, nerve-stain, 413 KAISER, sublimate solution, 45 ; gly- cerin jelly, 100 ; Bismarck brown, 181; nerve-stains, 384, 412; Acanthocephali, 463 KALB, stain for Spiroclixte, 483 KALLIUS, Golgi's impregnation, 426, 428, 431 ; cartilage, 357 KAPLAN, neuroceratin, 405 ; axis cylinder stain, 437 ; myelin stain, 418 INDEX. 505 The numbers refer to the pages. KAPPERS, cooling paraffin, 88 ; elder- berry stain, 385 KAPPERS and KETJEN, nerve-tissue, 384 KARAWAIEW, Protozoa, 478, 479 ; Anobium, 312 KASTSCHENKO, reconstruction, 291 ; embryos of Raja, 305 KATO, glycogen, 320; silver stain, 397 KATZ, inner ear, 448 KEIBEL, embryology of Sus, 294 KEMP, blood-platelets, 367 KENDALL, flagella, 482 KENT, fixative, 53 KENYON, pliospho-molybdic hsema- toxylin, 167 ; Panropoda, 455 ; brain of bees, 457 Keratohyalin, 333 Kernschwarz, 228 KERR, orientation, 86; serial sections, 128 ; reconstruction, 290 KERSCHNER, gold method, 221 Kidney, 372 Killing, generalities, 12; various pro- cesses, 12 — 18 KING, ova of Bufo, 302 ; hardening brain, 381 KINGSBURY, fat, 353 KINGSLEY, ova of Limulus, 313 KIONKA, egg of fowl, 298 KISHI, inner ear, 446 KINSHINOUYE, embryology of Ara- neida, 312 ; of Limulus, 313 KISSLING, melting-points of paraffin, 99 KIZER, blood, 361 KLEBS, glycerin jelly, 100 KLEIN, chromic acid, 34 ; cornea, 335 ; intestine, 44 KLEINENBERG, picro-sulphuric acid, 58 ; haematoxylin, 164 KLINGMULLER and VEIEL, sublamin, 51 Knife position, 89—93 Knife-holders, 92 Knives, microtome, 90 ; honing, 91 KNOWEN, orientation, 87 KOCH, VON, section method, 115 KOCKEL, fibrin, 368 KODIS, molybdic hsernatoxylin, 167; myelin stain, 407 ; hardening nerve-tissue, 381 KOERNER and FISCHER, flagella, 482 KOFOID, embryology of Gastropoda, 308 KOGANEI, iris, 342 KOHLER, Tsenise, 465 KOHN, fixing mixture, 51 KOLLIKER, ova of rabbit, 292, 294 ; bone, 356 KOLLMANN, fixing ova, 304 KOLMER, epiderm of Lumbricus, 392 ; fixation, 25 ; retina, 444 KOLMER and WOLFF, imbedding, 86 KOLOSSOW, osmic mixtures, 32 ; gold method, 223 ; osmic acid stain, 227; epithelium, 331 KOLSTER, gastric glands, 370 ; dehy- dration, 4 ; imbedding, 86 ; mito- chondria, 330 KONIGSTEIN, maceration, 275 KOPSCH, embryology of Salmonidae, 304 ; Golgi impregnation, 427 ; Golgi network, 404; eyes of Ce- phalopods, 452 ; blood-plates, 367 KOROTNEKF, narcotisation, 14 KORSCHELT, embryology of Loligo, 307 ; Protozoa, 477 KOSSINSKI, stain, 195 KOSTANECKI and SIEDLECKI, ova of Ascaris, 316 ; sublimate mixture 49 KOSTANECKI and WIERZEJSKI, ova of Phi/sa, 309 KOTLAREWSKY, ganglion cells, 381 KOWALEWSKY, fishes, embryology ,30 A KOWALSKI, neurofibrils, 397 KOZOWSKY, myelin stain, 412 KRASSUSKAJA, injection, 269 KRAUSE, E, , Ehrlich-Biondi stain, 184; freezing, 117; injection, 261 ; thiophen green, 194 ; liver, 371 ; retina, 445 ; salivary glands, 369 ; corpuscles of, 335 ; section cutting, 93 506 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. KRAUSS, silver impregnation, 217 Kreasote, refractive index, 235 ; for clearing, 73, 111 KRECKER, chloreton, 15 Kresofuchsin, 181 Kresyl violet, 197, 333 KRIEGBAUM, washing apparatus, 4 KROGH, MENTZ VON, stain for nerve - cells, 387 KROHNTHAL, lead impregnation, 434 KROMAYER, plasma fibrils, 332 ; fibrin stain, 368 KRONECKER'S serum, 237 KRONIG, cement, 252 KRUEGER, embryology of Harpactida, 313 KRYSINSKT, photoxylin, 103 KUHNE, H., freezing method, 118 KUHNE, W., maceration, 274 ; diges- tion, 277 KUHNT, retina, 445 KUKENTHAL, narcotisation, 16,459; blood-vessels, 459 ; intestine of Luinbricus, 458 KULL, goblet cells, 369 KULTSCHITZKY, preservation, 5 ; fix- ing liquids, 43, 44; double imbedding, 114; tactile cor- puscles, 334 ; hsematoxylin nerve-stain, 412 ; neuroglia, 442 ; elastic tissue, 371 ; mucus cells, 369; spleen, 371 KUPFFER, axis-cylinder stain, 389 ; liver, 371 KUSKOW, digestion, 277 L. LABARRAQUE, eau de, 278, 285 Labyrinth, 445 — 447 LACHI, formol for nerve-tissue, 377 Lactate of silver, 216, 429 Lactic acid, 280, 283 Lactophenol, 241 LAFFONT, keratohyalin, 333 Lakes, 134 Lnmellibranchiata, 274, 286, 449- 454 ; embryology, 309 ; eyes, 45 :i LAMBERT, ova of Epeira, 312 LANDOIS, impregnations, 227 ; ma- ceration, 272 LANDOLT, retina, 445 LANG, liquid of, 48 ; Helix, 450 LANGDON, nervous system of Nereis, 460 LANGE, DE, Marchi's stain, 415 LANGERHANS, mounting medium, 240 ; tactile corpuscles, 334 LANKESTER and BOURNE, eyes of Limulus, 457 LANSBERG, Protozoa, 477 Larvae of Amphibia, 317; of sponges, 475 LASLETT, nerve-stain, 412 Lattice fibres, 371 LAURENT, methylen blue and eosin, 193 ; orcein, 229 LAUTERBORN, Protozoa, 79, 478, 481 LAUTH, violet, 179 LAVDOWSKT, formol mixture, 65 ; chromo-platinic mixture, 40 ; bichromate and sublimate, 44; methylen blue, 206 ; chloral preservative solution, 238 ; san- darac for mounting, 248 ; cochlea, 447 ; maceration, 276 LAVERAN, blood, 366 ; bleu Borrel, 366 LAW, teeth, 356 LAWRENCE, glycerin jelly, 242 Lead acetate, 381 Lead chromate, impregnation, 227 Lead sulphide, impregnation, 227, 434 LEBER, impregnations, 227 ; retina, 443 LICBRUN, ova of Amphibia, 300 Lecithin, 351 LEE, A. B., preservation of material, 5 ; dissections, 8 ; lemon-juice for fixing, 13 ; narcotisation, 17, 18 ; keeping osmic acid, 28 ; bleach- ing osmic material, 31 ; making up chromoaceto-osmic, 36 ; nitric acid for fixing, 39; sublimate solution, 45; picro acetic acid, INDEX. 507 The numbers refer to the pages. 58 ; formol, 64; cedar oil, 5, 70, 82; 83; oil of turpentine, 72, 81; paraf- fin imbedding, 82, 83; paraffin masses, 98 ; celloidin imbedding, 104, 106, 108, 113 ; Mayer's albu- men,122,125 ; serial sections,! 19 ; stains recommended, 140, 384 ; Ehrlich - Biondi stain, 186 ; gentian and orange stain, 190 ; neutral red, 192; gold impreg- nation, 222, 225 ; intra vitam staining, 137 ; iron - carmine, 145 ; iron-hoematoxylin, 155, 156 ; bleu de Lyon, 195 ; safranin, 169, 177 ; stains for nerve-tissue, 384 ; toluidin blue, 180 ; Saure- fuchsiu, 183 ; osmic acid and pyrogallol, 226 ; Kernschwarz, 228 ; glycerin liquid, 242 ; desi- lification, 284; cedar oil for mounting, 245 ; paper cell mounting method, 250; cyto- logical methods, 318, 321 et seq. ; Alcyonaria, 472 ; Hirudinea, 460; Nemertina, 464; hardening nerve-centres, 377 ; sponges, 284, 474 ; neuro-fibrils, 391, 398, 399; myelin stain, 407; Golgi impregnation, 425 ; retina, 442, 444 ; Pyrosoma, 448 ; Opis- thobranchiata, 450 LEETJWEN, VAN, fixation of Hexapods, 455 LEFEVRE, imbedding trough, 79 LEGAL, picro-alum carmine, 145 LEGENDRE, intracellular network, 404 ; nervous system of Pul- monata, 451 LEQER, Sporozoa, 479 LEGROS, silver impregnation, 217 ; Amphioxus, 305 LEISHMAN, stain for blood, 366 Lemon-juice for fixing, 13 Lemons, oil of, 235 LENDENFELD, VON, section cutting, 93 ; sponges, 474 LENDVAI, honing knives, 91 LENNHOFF stain for nerve-cells, 387 ; methylen blue impregnation, 436 ; iron stain for axis cylin- ders, 436 LENHOSSEK, VON, comilein, 194; stains for nerve -cells, 388 ; Golgi method, 424; eyes of Cephalo- pods, 452 ; nerves of Annelids, 460 ; tongue of rabbit, 335 ; picro - sublimate, 50 ; platino- sublimate, 52 LENNOX, retina, 445 LENS, crystalline, 336 LENSSEN, Eotatoria, 314, 462 LEONTOWITSCH, methylen blue, 209 Lepidoptera, embryology, 310 LEPKOWSKY, teeth, 355, 356 LEUCKHART, imbedding boxes, 78 Leucobases, 202 Leucocytes, see Blood and Granules. LEUTERT, lime salts, 320 LEVADITI, blood, 363 ; stain for Spirochtete, 483 LEVI, nucleoli of nerve-cells, 325 ; connective tissue, 346 Levulose for mounting, 241 LEWIS, BEVAN, anilin blue-black, 196, 384 ; hardening brain, 379 ; staining ditto, 384 LEWIS, M., nerves of Annelids, 460 LEWY, Marchi's stain, 415 L'HERMITTE and GUCCIONE, neiiro- glia, 442 Lichtgriin, 194 LIEBERMANN, carmine, 141 LIEBETANZ, stain for flagella, 481 LIESEGANG, sections of brain, 388 ; silver stain, 898 Light, action on alcohol with chromic material, 33; on metallic salts, 213 Light green, 194 LILLIE, embryology of Unio, 309 Limax, ova, 308 Lime-water, 272 Lime salts, detection of, 320 Limulus, embryology, 313 Linaloa, oil of, 112 508 INDEX. The numbers r LINDSAY JOHNSON, see JOHNSON. Linseed oil injection, 268 LINTWAREW, acetone, 63 LINVILLE, ova of Limax, 308 Liquid of Miiller, of Erlicki, of Merkel, etc., see the names of the respective authors. Liquidambar. 248 Liquor ferri sulphurici oxidati, 156 LIST, methyl green and eosin, 193 ; hsematoxylin and eosin, 231 ; goblet-cells, 369 ; Coccidse, 456 ; Actinida, 471 ; nucleoli, 325 ; Mytilidse, 450. Lithium carmine, 147 LITTLE, nematocytes, 470 Liver, 370 ; of Mollusca, 450 Lo BIANCO, tobacco narcotisation, 13 ; alcohol narcotisation, 14 ; chloral narcotisation, 15 ; poi- soning method, 17 ; acetic acid, 54 ; chromo - acetic acid, 35 ; chromo-osmic acid, 35 ; picro- chromic acid, 59 ; osmic acid and bichromate, 37 ; sublimate solution, 45 ; chromic sublimate, 50 ; acid alcohol, 62 ; chromo- f ormol, 67 ; methods for marine animals, 448 et seq. ; Alcyonaria, 472 ; Asteroidea, 468 ; Brachio- poda, 449 ; Bryozoa, 449 ; Chseto- poda, 459; Crinoidea, 469; Ctenophora, 474; Echinoidea, 468; Gastropoda, 450; Gephyrea, 461 ; Holothurioidea, 467 ; La- mellibranchs, 449 ; Mollusca, 449, 450; Nematoda, 463; Ne- mertina, 464 ; Ophiuridea, 469 ; Protozoa, 478, 479; Siphono- phora, 473 ; Trematodes, 465 ; Tunicata, 448 ; Zoantharia, 472 LOCKE, salt solution, 237 LOCY, embryology of Araneida, 312 LOEWENTHAL, liquid of Erlicki, 43 ; carmine, 149 LOEWY, epidermis, 331 LOFFLER, stain for flagella, 481 LOISEL, intra vitam staining, 138 ; efer to the pages. neutral red, 1£^.; fat and lecithin, 351, 352 LONGHI, Protozoa, 478 LONG WORTH, corpuscles of Krause, 335 LONNBERG, Trixnophorus, 465 Looss, eau de Labarraque, 278 ; Nematodes, 463 ; Bilharzia, 465, LORD, stain for nerve-cells, 387 LOWIT, gold method, 220; blood, 361 LOYEZ, myelin stain, 407 LUGARO, neurofibrils, 400, 402 LUGOL, iodine solution, 53 LUHE, Cestodes, 465 LUITHLEN and SORGO, Nissl's stain, 387 Lumbricus, neurofibrils, 397 ; epi- dermis, 424 ; killing and fixing, 458, 459 LUNDVALL, cartilaginous skeletons, 358 LUSTGARTEN, Victoria blue, 180, 347 LUXENBURG, stain for nerve-cells, 388 Lymphatic glands, 371 LYON, immobilisation of Infusoria, 476 Lysol, for maceration, 276 M. MAAS, carmine and malachite green, 231; digestion, 277; larvae of sponges, 475 MACALLUM, carmine and indigo-car- mine, 230; impregnation, 213; phosphorus, 320 ; copper, 320 ; lime salts, 320 ; potassium, 321 MACBRIDE, Amphiura, 470 Maceration, 270 et seq. ; of epithe- lium, 331, 453 ; of muscle, 342 ; of Actinida, 471 MACDONALD, impregnation method, 434 Magdala red, 181 Magenta, 181, 230 Magenta S, 183 INDEX. 509 The numbers refer to the pages. MAGINI, zinc impregnation, 436 Magnesia-carmine, 147 Magnesium, chloride or sulphate, narcotisation, 17 ; peroxide, 285 MAHRENTHAL, osmic acid stain, 227 MAIER, serial sections, 126 Malachite green, 194, 231 M o I ap tent ru s, 340 Malaria-parasites, 479 MALASSEZ, salt solution, 237 MALLOBY, eosin and methyleii blue, 193 ; aiiilin blue and orange for connective tissue, 345 ; phospho- molybdic hsematoxylin, 167 ; phospho-tungstic hsematoxylin,- 167, 348; iron hannatoxylin, 159 ; neuroglia, 440, 441 Mammalia, embryology, 291 Manchester brown, 172 MANFREDI, gold method, 223 Manganese chloride, 227, 237 MANN, bleaching, 31 ; celloidin, 104; chromo- sublimate, 50; picro- sublimate, 50, 66 ; osmio-subli- mate, 50 ; fixing nerve-centres, 374, 381 ; formol mixtures, 66 ; haematein stain, 164 ; serial sec- tions, 123; toluidin blue, 180; methyl blue and eosiu, 196 MAIICACCI, maceration, 274 MARC A NO, blood, 361 MARCHI, corpuscles of Golgi, 341 ; degenerate nerves, 415 ; mucus of Gastropoda, 450 MARCHOUX, formol mixture, 67 MARCUS, formol for spinal cord, 377, 411 MARESCH, connective tissue, 346 Marine animals, precautions in pre- paring, 26 ; silver impregnation, 217 ; gold impregnation, 225 Marine glue, 251 MARK, collodionising sections, 95; wax cutter, 291 MARK and LONG, living ova, 293 MARPMANN, gum for labels, 484 MARSH, carmine and indigo-carmine, 230; gelatin cement, 250 MARTIN, benzo - azurin, 181, 197 ; goblet-cells, 369; injection of tracheae, 457 MARTINOTTI, C., elastic tissue, 347, 348 ; Golgi impregnation, 129 MARTINOTTI, G., aniliii blue-black, 384 ; picro-nigrosiu, 384 ; elastic tissue, 347 MARTINOTTI, L., liaematoxylin, 164 ; toluidin blue, 211; eosinophilous cells, 367 MARTINOTTI and RESEGOTTI, saf ranin, 178 MASON, nervous system of reptiles, 382 MASSON, connective tissue, 346 Mastzellen, 349 — 351 MATSCHINSKY, bone, 355 MATUSZEWSKI, Marchi's stain, 415 MAURICE and SCHULGIN, bleu de Lyon, 195, 230 MAWAS, retina, 445 MAXIMO w, sublimate and bichro- mate, 51 ; serial sections, 125 ; plasma cells, 351 MAY and GRUENWALD, blood, 364 MAYER, A. G., narcotisation, 17 MAYER, P., preparing marine ani- mals, 26 ; bleaching osmic ob- jects, 31 ; washing out chromic objects, 33 ; formol, 64 ; washing sublimate material, 46; picro- sulphuric acid, 58; picro-nitric, 58 ; picro-hydrochloric, 59 ; acid alcohol, 62 ; paraffin imbedding, 78, 80, 83, 98; water-bath, 85, 88 ; serial sections, water method, 119; albumen method, 122; section stretcher, 94 ; theory of staining, 136 ; staining with carmine, 141 ; staining with cochineal, 141; carmalum, 144; aluminium chloride carmine stain, 144 ; alum-carmine, 143 ; magnesia- carmine, 147 ; picro- carmine, 147 ; picro-magnesia- carmine, 148 ; paracarmine, 149 ; hydrochloric acid carmine, 149 ; 510 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. alcoholic cochineal, 150 ; theory MERCIER, nerve-stain, 414 of haematoxylin staining, 152, 153; heematein, 154; hsemateate of ammonia, 154 ; bluing hsema- tein stains, 160; haemaluni; 161, 162; glychsemalum, 162; Ehrlich's haematoxylin, 164 ; hsemacalcium, 165 ; methyl green, 170; iodine green, 194; triacid mixture, 187 ; carmine and indigo-carmine, 230; hse- maluni and indigo-carmine, 230 ; mucicarmiiie, 369 ; muchsema- tein, 369 ; stain for chitiii, 456 ; decalcification, 281 ; desilicifica- tion, 283; bleaching, 284, 285; injection, 264, 266 ; mucus, 360 ; terpinol, 73 ; orientation, 87, 470 ; cutting large sections, 95 ; staining through paraffin, 122 ; double imbedding, 115 ; haeina- strontium, 165 ; glycogen, 320 ; cartilage, 357 ; mounting Plutei, 470 MAYER, P., ANDRES, and GIESBRECHT, section- stretcher, 94 MAYER, P., and SCHOEBEL, kiiife- holders, 93 MAYER, S., neutral red, 192 ; violet, 196; methylen blue, 205, 207, 210; cornea, 331; connective tissue, 344. MAYSEL, Bismarck brown, 172 McCLURE, nerve-cells of Pulmonata, 451 McCRORiE,night-blue for flagella,483 MCFARLAND, fixing method, 374 Medullated nerves, structure, 404 -406 ; stains for, 407—418 Medusae, 17, 273, 473 MEHNERT, embryological methods, 299 MEIROWSKY, stain for Spirochsete, 483 MEISENHEIMER, embryology of Limax, 308 MEISSNER, corpuscles of, 335 ; cooling paraffin, 88 MKNDEL and BRADLEY, zinc, 320 Mercuric mixtures, 47 et seq., 239 ; and see Sublimate. Mercury, bichloride, see Sublimate ; biiiiodide, 243 ; cyanide, 381 MERK, elastic tissue, 347 MERKEL, chromo-platiiiic mixture, 40 ; carmine and iudigo-carniine, 230 MERKEL and KRAUSE, molybdenum impregnation, 227 MERKEL and SCHIEFFERDECKER, cel- loidin imbedding, 102 MERTON, eyes of Mollusca, 452 MERZ BACKER, iieuroglia, 442 Metachromasy, 135 Metagelatin, 264 Metallic salts, action of light on, 213 Metallic stains, 212 METCALF, embryology of Chiton, 309 Methyl alcohol, for narcotisation, 15 ; refractive index, 235 Methyl blue, 196 Methyl green, 170 Methyl green and eosin, 193 Methyl mixture, 275 Methyl salicylate, 72 Methyi violet, 172, 196 ; test for, 170 J- progressive stain, 172 ; regres- sive, 181 Methyl violet B, 196 Methylal, for dehydration, 4, 208 Methylanilin green, 170 Methylanilin violet, 172 Methylenazur, 199, 200 Methyleu blue, chemistry of, 199 ; uses of, 200; for intra vitam staining, 201 ; for central nervous system, 418, 435 ; for impregna- tion, 203—210 ; generalities, 199 ; staining nervous tissue, 203 — 210,386— 388,414,418,435; stain- ing by injection or immersion, 204 ; diffusion processes, 435 ; the solutions employed, 204 ; pre- servation of the preparations, 207 — 209 ; impregnation of epi- thelia, etc, 210 INDEX. 511 The numbers refer to the pages. Methylen blue, polychrome, 199 Methylen blue and eosin, 193 Methylen blue and erythrosin, 388 Methylen red, 199 METZNER, toluidin blue, 181 MEVKS, liquid of Fie mining, 35, 36 ; imbedding capsules, 80 ; mito- chondria, 328, 330; neuroglia, 441 MEYER, E, celloidin sections, 112, 115 ; re -staining, 7 MEYER, P., Weigert's myelin stain, 411 MEYER, SEMI, methylen blue for nerve-centres, 435; Berlin blue stain, 403 MIBELLI, elastic tissue, 347 MICHAELIS, ova of Triton, 301 ; Janus green, 194 ; methylen- azur, 199 ; Scharlach E, for fat, 352; stain for blood, 363 ; poly- chrome methylen blue, 200 ' MICIIAILOW, methylen blue, 203, 206, 209 Micro-chemistry of tli3 cell, 319 et seq. Microtome knives, 89—93; micro- tomes, 9 MIGULA, glycerised serum, 238 Milk, injection mass, 268 MILLER, caoutchouc cement, 249, 251 ; injection, 262 MINCHIN, sponges, 474 ; hsematozoa, 480 MINERVINI, elastic tissue, 348 MINGAZZINI, sublimate mixture, 56 MINNICH, Pal's haematoxylin, 411 MINOT, microtome, 10; celloidin sec- tions, 111 ; epidermis, 331 Miracidia, 315 Mitochondria, 328, 475 MITROPHANOW, double imbedding, 115; Wasserblau, 196; nerve- stain, 413 ; blastoderm of birds, 297 ; epidermis, 331 ; organs of sixth sense, 335 MITSUKURI, embryology of tortoise, 299 MOBIUS, maceration, 274 MOERNER, cartilage, 357 MOLESCHOTT, maceration, 272 MOLESCHOTT and Piso BORME, maceration, 271 MOLLER, picro-Siiurefuchsin, 189; formol mixture, 66 MOLL, cartilage, 357 MOLLISON, fat, 353 Mollusca, 449 et seq. ; embryology, 307-309 Molluscoida, 449 Molybdate of ammonium, impregna- tion, 227, 401 Molybdenum stains for neurofibrils, 401, 402 ; toluidin blue, 401 ; thionin, 402 Molybdic heematoxylin, 167 MONCKEBERG and BETHE, treatment of osmic material, 31, 285 MONDINO, medullated nerve, 405 Monobromide of naphthalin, 235, 244 MONT AN A R i, neurofibrils, 402 MONTGOMERY, Nemertina, 464 ; Araneida, 312 ; nucleoli, 325 MONTI, A., copper impregnation, 437 MONTI, E. and L., gastric glands, 370 MOORE, V. A., freezing method, 118 Mordants, 133 et seq. MOREAUX, formol mixture, 66 MOREL and BASSAL, hamiatoxylin, 159 MOREL and DOLERIS, triacid, 187 MORGAN, embryology of Amphibia, 301, 302; of Ascidians., 306; of Periplaneta, 309, 311 Morphia, as a vaso-dilator, 258 MORTON, fiagella, 483 MOSELEY, shell, 452 MOSSE, myelin stain, 417 ; Nissl stain, 389 Motor nerve-endings, 337 et seq. Mounting in fluids, 249, 250 Mounting media, sec Examination and Preservation. MOZEJKO, injections, 258, 264, 453 512 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Muchaematein, 369 M uc icar mine, 369 Mucicarminic acid,, 369 Muein, 368-370 Mucus, removal from Gastropoda, 450 Mucus cells, 368—370, 454 Mucus glands, 454 MUIR, blood, 361 ; flagella, 483 MULLENIX, inner ear, 4i6 MULLER, C. F., silver impregnation, 217 MULLER, E., salivary glands, 369 MULLER, H., solution of, 42 ; for maceration, 273 MULLER, J., paraffin imbedding, 85 MULLER, W., injection, 266 MULON, fat, 352 MUNSON, chloral hydrate, 238 Muscle, smooth, 341 ; striated, 337 ; nerve-endings in, 337 Muscle cells, 337 MUSKENS, salt solution, 2-,7 Myelin, 404—406 Myeliu stains, 407 — 418 MYERS, celloidin, 105; serial sections, 126 ; Nissl's stain, 387 Myxosporidia, 479 N. NABIAS, E. DE, nervous system of Pulnioiiata, 451 ; axis cylinder stain, 436 NAGEOTTE, freezing section method, 374 ; myelin stain, 407, 413 Nails, 333 NAKANISHI, blood, 363 NANSEN, maceration, 273 Naphtha, for imbedding, 82 Naphthalin, monobromide of, 2.j5, 244 Naphthalin red, 181 Naphthylamin brown, 384 Narcotisation, 13 et seq. NATHUSIUS, VON, horn, 333 Natural injections, 269, 459, 460 NEALEY, bone and teeth, 355 NEELSEN and SCHIEFFERDECKER, clearing agents, 68; cedar oil, 70; organ! um oil, 71 ; sandal- wood oil, 72 Negative impregnation, 212 NELIS, hardening ganglia, 67. 381 Nematocysts, 470 Nematoda, 278, 463 ; embi-yology, 315 Nemertina, 464 Nephelis, 18 Nephridia, of Histriobdella, 460 Nerve-cells, 388 et seq. Nerve-endings in muscle and tendon, 337 — 341 ; in skin and others, 331— 336; and see 447 and Methy- len blue and Neurological methods Nerve-fibres, stracture, 389 — 406 Nervenzellensequivalentbild, 376 Nervous centres of Reptiles, Fishes, and Amphibia, 382 ; of Gastro- poda, 451 ; of Arthropods, 457; of Verrnes, 460; of Actinida, 471 ; and see Neurological methods Nervous system, sec Neurological methods NESTEKOFFSKY, gold method, 222 NETTOVITCH, Argulus, 455 NETTOVITCH, fixation of Argulu*, 455 NEUBEEGER, decalcification, 282 NEUBERT, glycogen, 320 NEU KIRCH, glycogen, 320 NEUMAYEK, knife-wedges, 92 ; em- bryos of sheep, 294 ; reconstruc- tion, 291 ; celloidin, 105 Neuroceratin, 404 Neuro-fibrils, 389—403 Neuroglia, 438 — 442 Neurological methods, 373 ; introduc- tion and general methods, 373— 385 ; cytological methods, 386 — 406; myelin stains, 407—418; myelin and axis -cylinder ditto, 418 ; axis -cylinder and proto- plasm ditto, 419 — 437 ; retina, INDEX. 513 The numbers refer to the pages. inner ear, 442 — 447 ; neuroglia, 438 Neutral chromate of ammonia, 44 "Neutral" dyes, 130 Neutral red, 191 ; for nerve-cells, 388 ; for mucus cells, 360 Neutralisation, 260 Neutrophilous elements, 132 NEUVILLE, injection, 263 New green, 194 NICOLAS, gelatin imbedding, 101 ; osmic mixture, 32 ; ova of Anguis, 300 NICOLLB, thionin, 180, 370 NICOLLB and CANTACUZENE, impreg- nation, 227 Nicotin for narcotisation, 13 NIESSING, fixing liquids, 322 NIETZKT, hsematein, 152 Night blue, 483 Nigrosin, as a chromatin stain, 181 ; as a plasma stain, 195 ; for nerve- tissue, 384 NIKIFOROW, clearing mixture, 111 Nile blue, 353 NILSSON, alizarin stain, 198 NISSL, stain for nerve -cells, 386; hardening nerve-cells, 376, 379 ; ^quivalentbild, 376 ; Marchi's nerve stain, 415 ; Congo red myelin stain, 418 Nissl bodies, 386 Nitrate of copper, 57 Nitrate of silver impregnation, 214 — 218 ; generalities, 214 ; solu- tions, 215 ; reduction, 216 ; fixa- tion, 217; marine animals, 217 ; injections, 262, 263; vulcanite rings for, 214 ; and see Neuro- logical methods, Connective tissues, etc. Nitric acid, for fixing and hardening, 39, 67, 381 ; for maceration, 274 ; for corrosion, 278 ; for decalcification, 280, 281, 282 ; for bleaching, 286 Nitrite, of amyl, 258; of silver, 428 NOACK, orientation, 89 NOCHT, methylen blue and red, 199 NOLL, corrosion, 278; spicules, 475 NOKDMANN, plasma cells, 349 Normal salt solution, 236 NORRIS and SHAKESPEARE, carmine and indigo-carmine, 230 NOWAK, water-bath, 97 : fixing mix- ture, 66 NOWIK, corpuscles of Herbst, 334 Nuclear stains, 130; with coal-tar dyes, 169 Nuclei, see Cytological methods. Nuclein, reactions, 319 Nucleoli, 194, 324 NUSBAUM, serial sections, 12 L NUTTALL, COOPER and ROBINSON, Tracheata, 455 O. hardening nerve- OBEESTEINER, centres, 378, 379 OBREGIA, serial sections, 124, 128 ; Golgi's impregnation, 430 OBST, nucleoli, 324 ODENIUS, maceration, 275 ODIER, Golgi impregnation, 427 OHLMACHER, sublimate alcohol, 48, 381 ; section fixing, 123 ; mordant- ing with formalin, 176 ; safraniu artefacts, 178 ; picro-Siiurefuch- sin, 188 ; myelin stain, 418 Oil, of aniseed, 118, 235; bergamot, 71, 81 ; anilin, 73, 235 ; cassia, 71, 235 ; cajeput, 72 ; cedar, 5, 8, 70, 81, 82, 83, 235 ; cinnamon, 71, 235; cloves, 8, 70, 81, 235; lemons, 235 ; origanum, 71 ; sandle-Avood, 72 ; thyme, 72 ; turpentine, 72, 81, 235, 247; olive, 235 ; linaloa, 112 OKAJIMA, fat, 353 Olfactive organs, 335, 447 Olive oil, refraction, 235 OLT, freezing method, 117 Opal blue, 195 Ophiuridea, 468 OPPEL, liver and spleen, 370, 371 OPPITZ, silver impregnation, 217 33 514 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Optical differentiation, 20, 22, 37 Orange G, 184/.187, 189 Orcein, Israel's method, 229 ; Unna's, 345, 347 Orcein-Wasserblau mixture, 334 Orchella, 229 Orientation, in paraffin, 86, 87 ; in celloidin, 106 ; of blocks, 88 ; of ova, 297 Origanum oil, 71 ORR, Marclii's nerve-stain, 415, 417 Orseille, 229 ORTH, " Formol-Muller," 66, 380; lithium carmine, 147 Orthoptera, embryology, 611 Osmic acid, generalities, 28, 31 ; how to keep, 28 ; regeneration of, 29 ; fixation with, 29; after-treat- ment, 30 ; characters of the fixa- tion, 31 ; blackening of fat, 352 ; mixtures, 31, 35 et seq. ; sub- limate mixtures, 50 ; picric mixtures, 59 ; stains with pyro- gallol, pyroligneous acid or tan- nin, 226 ; for hardening, 381 ; stains for niediillated nerve, 416, 417 ; for maceration, 273 Csmic-bichromic mixtures, 37, 38 Osmio-sublimate mixtures, 50 Osmium hsematoxyliu, 168 Osmium, see Osmic acid. Osmium- carmine, 466 Osmium chloride, 52 Osmosis, to avoid, 3 OSTERGREN, ether-water, 15 ; Nerner- tians, 464 ; Dendroccelum, 467 ; St/napta, 467 Ostracoda, 454 Otocyst of Mysis, 456 Ova, see Einbryological methods. Ovens, 85 OVERTON, bleaching, 30, 33; fixing with iodine, 53 ; fixing Algse, 44 OVIATT and SARGENT, injecting, 258 Oxalic acid, for maceration, 275 Oxychloride of ruthenium, 227 Oxygenated water, for narcotisation, 18 ; for bleaching, 30, 285 P. PACAUT, picro- sublimate, 50 PACINI, preservative liquids, 239 PAL, nerve-stain, 411 ; Golgi's subli- mate method, 433 PALADINO, nerve-stain, 418 Palladium chloride, for fixing, 52 ; staining, 227, 418 ; decalcifying, 280 Palladium chloride, 52, 227, 280, 418 Pancreas, 370 Pancreatin digestion fluid, 276, 277 PANETH, goblet-cells, 369 Panoptic stain, 363 PANSCH, starch injection, 268 Paper cell mounting method, 250 Paper trays and thimbles, 77, 78 Papillae foliatse, 335 PAPPENHEIM, plasma cells, 349, 351 ; panoptic stain, 363 ; blood-plates, 367 ; chemistry of staining, 129; neutral dyes, 132; methyl green and pyronin, 183, 350 ; liBenio- poietic tissues, 366 ; sublimate fixative, 48 Paracarmine, 149 Paraffin, for preserving material, 5 ; solvents of, 81, 82; imbedding in, 81 — 87, orienting in, 86 ; cut- ting, 88— 96; ribbons, 96; coat- ing blocks of, 97 ; electrification of, 97 ; masses recommended, 98 ; mounting sections, 98 ; ascertain- ment of melting point, 99 ; over- heated, 99 ; cement, 250, 252 Paraffinum liquidum, 235 PARAVICINI, neurofibrils, 402 Paris violet, 172 PARKER, dehydration, 4 ; niethylen blue, 208; turpentine cement, 252 ; bleaching, 286 ; eyes of Arthropods, 457 PARKER and FLOYD, formol for brain, 377 Parma blue, 195 Parolein, 248 Parthenogenesis, 287 •INDEX. 515 The numbers r PARTSCH, cochineal, 143 ; decalcifica- tion, 282 PASSARGE and KROSING, elastic tissue, 348 PATELLANI, hseniatoxylin, 167 PATON, embryological method, 296 neurofibrils, 400 PATTEN, orientation in paraffin, 86 ; embryology of Blattida, 311 ; eyes of Lamellibranchs, 452 maceration of" Mullusca, 453 PATTERSON, ova of Columba, 297 Pauropoda, 455 PAYLOW, ceiloidin, 104 ; Pal's nerve- stain, 412 Pedicellarise, 468 PEABODT, corrosion, 278 PEIRCE, labelling slides, 484 PEKELHARING, glycogen, 320 Pelagic ova, 305 Pelletierin, 450 PENSA, reconstruction, 290 ; mito- chondria, 330 Pentacrinus, 470 PEPPLER, flagella, 482 Pepsin digestion fluids, 276 Perchloride of iron, for fixing, 53 ; for staining, 227 PEREMEscHKO,larvae of Amphibia,318 PERENYI, chromo-nitric acid, 39, 300 PEREZ, pupae of Diptera, 310 Periplaneta, embryology, 309, 311 Permanganate of potash, for bleach- ing, 30, 285 ; for mordanting, 176 ; for maceration, 273 Peroxide of hydrogen, for narcotisa- tion, 18 ; for bleaching, 30, 285 Peroxide of magnesium, 285 Peroxide of sodium, 285 PERRIER, Lumbricus, 458 PETER, orienting, 87 ; iron cochineal, 146 ; reconstruction, 291 Petroleum-ether, 81, 82 PETRONE, medullated nerve, 405 PETRUSKEWITSCH, fixing liquid, 49 ; ova of Hymenoptera, 611 PFEIFFER VON WELLHEIM, iron-car- mine, 145 efer to the pages. PFISTER, hardening nerve-centres, 376 PFITZER, picro-nigrosin, 195 PFITZNER, safranin, 177 ; Protozoa, 477 Phalangida, embryology, 312 Phenicienne, La, 172 Phenol sublimate, 48 Phenylen brown, 172 PHILIPPSON, epidermis, 331 Phloroglucin, 283 Phloxin, 192 Phospho-molybdic hsematoxylin, 167 Phosphoric acid, 280, 283 Phosphorus, detection of, 320 Phospho-tungstic hsematoxylin, 167 Photoxylin for imbedding, 102, 103 ; for injection, 269 Physa, ova, 309 Physiological salt solution, 236 PIANESE, formic acid carmine, 145; methylen blue and eosin, 193 ; carmine and picro-nigrosin, 231 ; Saurefuchsin, 187 PIAZZA, ripening hsematoxylin, 153 Picrate of ammonia, 130 Picrate of silver, 216 Picric acid, 57 ; washing out, 57 ; as a plasma stain, 187 ; for decalci- fication, 280, 283 Picric alcohol, 58, 275 Picro-acetic acid, 58 Picro-alum-carmiiie, 145 Picro-carmine, 147, 148 Picro-chromic acid, 59 Picro-formol, 65 Picro-hydrochloric acid, 59, 283 Picro-indigo-carmiiie, 230 Picro-magnesia-carmine, 148 Picro-nigrosin, 195, 231, 344, 384 Picro-nitric acid, 58, 283 Picro-nitro-chromic acid, 59 Picro-osmic acid, 59 Picro-platinic mixtures, 59, 66, 289 Picro-Siiurefuchsin, 188, 344 ; with haematoxylin, 232 Picro-sublimate mixtures, 49 Picro-sulphuric acid, 58 33§ 516 INDEX. Tlie numbers refer to the pages. PICTET, examination liquid, 237 Pigment, removal of, 456, 457 ; and see Bleaching. Pigment spots, artificial, 43, 381 PINTNER, Ttenise, 465; osmic acid, 28 Pisces, embryology, 303 PISENTI, alum-carmine, 143 PITFIELD, flagella, 482 PIZON, gemmation of Ascidians, 306 Planaria, 466, 467 ; embryology, 314 PlanorMs, embryology, 308 Plasma cells, 349—351 Plasma fibrils, 332 Plasma stains, defined, 130 ; the coal-tar, 182; cytological, 325 — 330 Plastic reconstruction of sections, 290 Platino-aceto-osmic acid, 38 Platino-sublimate mixtures, 52 Platinum chloride, 51 ; mixtures, 38 ; 40, 52, 289, 322 PLATNER, medullated nerve, 53, 405 ; Kernschwarz, 228 PLECNIC, imbedding, 82 PLESCHKO, niethylen blue, 208 PLESSIS, Du, see Du PLESSIS. Plufeus, 150, 469 . PODWTSSOZKI, fixing mixture, 36 ; safranin, 178 Poisoning, 17 et seq. POLAILLON, iron impregnation, 227 Polarisation, for myelin, 417 POLICARD, Trypanosomes, 480 POLICE, hsematoxylin, 167 POLITZER, inner ear, 445 POLTJMORDWINOW, stain for nerve- cells, 388 Polychaerus ova, 314 Polychrome toluidin blue, 211 Polychrome niythylen blue, 199 POLZAM, soap imbedding, 100 POPOW, neuroglia, 442 Porifera, 474, 475 Positive impregnation, 212 Poso, paraffin imbedding, 85, 383 Post-impregnation, 219, 224 Potash, for maceration, 272 ; for corrosion, 278 ; acetate of, see Acetate ; bichromate of, see Bi- chromate ; hypochlorite of, see Hypochlorite ; permanganate of, see Permanganate. Potassium, detection of, 321 Potassium bichromate, see Bichro- mate. Potassium ferricyanide, for bleach- ing, 31 Potassium permanganate, for bleach- ing, 30, 285 ; as a mordant, 176 ; for maceration,, 273 POTTER, myelin stain, 412 POUCHET, bleaching, 285 PRANTER, imbedding, 82 ; elastic tissue, 347, 348 Pre-impregnation, 219, 220 PRENANT, safranin, 178, 194; cochlea, 446; trgastoplasm, 327 ; micro - chemistry, 321; mitochondria, 329 Preservation of material, 4 Preservative media, see Examination and Preservation. PRETER, star-fishes, 14 Prickle -cells, 331 Primerose, 192 PRINGLE, vacuum imbedding, 86 PRITCHAED, chromic acid mixture, 34 ; reducing liquid, 222 ; coch- lea, 447 Progressive staining, 138, 169 — 173 Protargol, 216 Protozoa, 474 — 483 PROWAZEK, neutral red, 192 PRUDDEN, hsematoxylin, 163 Prussian blue, impregnation, 227 ; injections, 259, 261, 262, 265, 266 ; soluble, 261, 262 PRZESMTCKI, Protozoa, 477, 479 PUKCELL, eyes of Phalangida, 457; ova of Atta, 312 Purpurin, 229 PUSATERI, silver stain, 397 Pyridin, 62 Pyrogallate of iron stain, 227 INDEX. 517 The numbers refer to the pages. Pyrogallate of osmium stain, 226 Pyroligneous acid, 280 Pyroligneous acid carmine, 145 Pyroligneons acid hsematoxylin, 164 Pyroiiin, 183, lyO, 350 Pyrosiii, 192 Pyrosoma, 462 Pyroxylin, 105 Q. QTJERVAIN, DE, fixation of nervous tissue, 374 Quieting Infusoria, etc., 461, 476 Quiiioiem blue, 195 R. RAADT, blood parasites, 366 Eabbit, embryology, 291—294 RABL, chromo-formic acid, 35 ; picro- sublimate, 49 ; platinum-sub- limate, 52 ; platinum chloride, 52, 289; paraffin sections, 96, 98 ; cochineal, 144 ; hsematoxylin and safranin, 232; embryologi- cal methods, 289, 302, 304; horny tissues, 333 ; crystalline, 336 ; section fixing, 123 RABL-RUCKHARD, embryology of Sal- monidse, 304 RACOVITZA, mucus glands, 454 RAFFAHLE, pelagic ova, 305 Raja, 305, 340 RAMON Y CAJAL, picro-Saurefuchsin, 188 ; picro-indigo - caraiine, 230, 344 ; nerve-endings in muscle, 338 ; stain for nerve-cells, 388 ; Gi-olgi impregnation, 426, 428, 429 ; methylen blue, 435 ; retina, 444 ; connective tissue, 344 ; neurofibrils, 390—398; myelin stain, 416; gold impregnation, 436 Rana, embryology, 302 RANDOLPH, chloreton, 15 RANSOM, Cestodes, 465 RANVIER, osmic acid, 31 ; chromic acid, 34; one-third alcohol, 62; absolute alcohol, 62 ; ammonia- carmine, 146 ; picro-carmine, 147 ; quinole'iii blue, 195 ; pur- purin, 229 ; impregnation, secon- dary, 213 ; impregnation, with silver, 214, 215 ; with gold and formic acid, 221 ; with gold and lemon-juice, 221 ; after blacken- ing of gold, 225 ; iodised serum, 237 ; injections, carmine, 259 ; injections, Prussian blue, 261, 266 ; impregnation injections, 263 ; maceration, 271, 273, 275 • decalcification, 282 ; tactile corpuscles, 334; cornea, 335, 336 ; nerve and muscle, 338 ; plasma fibrils, 333; corpuscles of Golgi, 340 ; bladder of frog, 343 ; medullated nerve, 416 ; electric organs, 339 ; retina, 443, 445 ; areolar tissiie, 345 ; eleidin, 333; clasmatocytes, 351; bone, 353 ; cochlea, 446 ; glands, 371 RAWITZ, picro nitro-chroiuic acid, 59 ; picro-nitro-osmic acid, 59 ; carmalum, 144 ; inversion stains, 197 ; artificial alizarin, 197 ; bleaching, 286 ; mucicarminic acid, 369 ; eyes of Lamelli- branchs, 452; phospho-tungstic fixative, 39; cochineal, 144; glychaemalum, 163 ; coerulein, 194 ; osmium stain, 226 ; harden- ing brain, 380 ; stains f or nerve centres, 385 Reagents, 11 RECKLINGHAUSEN, silver impregna- tion, 215, 216 Reconstruction, from sections, 289 ; and see Orientation. REDDING, gold impregnations, 225 REDDINGIUS, nucleoli, 325 REDENBAUGH, narcotisation, 17 Refraction, indices of, 235 ; of proto- plasm, 20, 234 RE GAUD, silver impregnation ; 216 > ha3matoxylin stain, 232 ; mito- chondria, 328 ; myelin stain, 407 518 INDEX. The numbers r EEGAUD and DUBREUIL, protargol, 216 Regressive staining, 139 ; with tar colours, general directions, 173 — 176, 180 REHM, benzin colophoimiin, 246 > stains for nerve- cells, 387 REICHENBACH, ova of Astacus, 313 REICHERT, microtome, 10 REINHOLD-GILTAY, microtome, 11 EEINKE, gentian and orange stain, 190 ; lysol, 276 ; horny tissue, 333 EEJSEK, corrosion, 277 Eejuvenation of Golgi material, 426 EEMAK, hardening ova, 303 Eemounting, 7 EENAUT, hsematoxylin and eosin, 232 ; silver staining, 216 ; cornea, 336 ; mitochondria, 330 Eeptilia, embryology, 299 ; nervous centres, 382 EESEGOTTI, staining by substitution, 175 ; safranin, 178 Eesins and balsams, 244 Eesorciu, imbedding method, 118 Eesorcin fuchsin, 348 Ee-staiuing old mounts, 7 Retina, 19,442-445 RETTERER, embryology of rabbit, 293 ; bichromate sublimate, 51 ; tendon, 340 ; smooth muscle, 342 EETTERER and LELIEVRE, muscle and tendon, 340 EETTERER and ZELLNER, natural in- jections, 269 EETZITJS, methylen blue, 205, 207 EEZZONICO, medullated nerve, 404 Ehabdites, 466 Rhopalxa, 17 EHUMBLER, paraffin imbedding, 79 ; methyl green and eosin, 193 EIBBERT, phospho-molybdic hsema- toxylin, 167 Ribbon, section-cutting, 92, 96 RICHARDS, narcotisation, 16 EIEDER, fat, 352 EINGER'S solution, 236 efer to the pages. Ringing wet mounts, 249, 250, 252 EIPART and PETIT'S liquid, 56, 318 Eipening of hsematoxylin, 152 — 154 EITTER, Ascidians, 306 EGBERT, Aplysia, 450 EOBERTSON, imbedding method, 115 ; nerve-stains, 414, 417 ; platinum, impregnation, 434 EOBIN, injections, 258, 259, 262 ; natural injections, 269 EOBINSKI, silver impregnation, 215 ; crystalline, 336 RocHON-DuviGNEAUD, retina, 443 RODIN, salt solutions, 237 EOESSLE and TOSHIBA, lymphatic glands, 371 EOLLETT, freezing method, 118 ; cor- nea, 273, 336 ROMANOWSKY, stain, 364, 480 EOOSEVELT, pyrogallate of iron, 227 ROSE, bone, 354 Eose B a 1'eau, 192 Eose de naphthaline, 181 Rosein, 181 ROSENSTADT, plasma fibrils, 332; eyes of Decapods, 458 ROSENTHAL, fat, 352 ROSIN, " neutral " dyes, 131, 193 . neutral red, 191, 389 Ross, blood, 363 Rossi, nerve stain, 414 ; blood, 360 ; flagella, 482 ROSSOLIMOW and BUSCH, nerve-stain, 417 Eotatoria, 461, 472 ; embryology, 314 Roth aus Methylenblau, 199 ROTHIG, Kresofuchsin, 181 ; stains for nervous tissue, 385 ROUGET, methylen blue, 205; silver impregnation, 216, 217 ROUSSEAU, decalcification, 279, 356; desilicification, 284 ; sponges, 474 ROUSSELET, cements, 250, 251 ; aqueous mounts, 250 ; Rotatoria, 461 INDEX. 519 The numbers refer to the pages. RUBASCHKIN, neuroglia, 440 ; serial sections, 125 Rubin, basic, 181 ; " acid/' Eubin S, 183 RUBINSTEIN, blood, 359 RTJFFINI, corpuscles of Golgi, 341 RUPPRICHT, serial sections, 124, 125 RUPRECHT, bone, 355 Russo, Ophiothrix, 469 Ruthenium, impregnation, 227 ; red, 227 RUZICKA, nerve-cells, 325; orcein, 229 ; nucleoli, 325 RYDER, double imbedding, 114 S. SABUSSOW, double imbedding, 114 SACERDOTTI, Golgi's impregnation, 426 SAEFFTIGEN, Echinorhyncus, 462 Saffrosin, 192 Safranelin, 348 Safranin, 176-178 ; for elastic tissue, 347 ; for bone, 356 ; for mucus cells, 368 ; for nerves, 418 ; with indigo-carmine or nigrosin, 195 ; with Wasserblau, 196 ; with Lichtgriin or Satire- violett, 194 ; with Kernschwarz, 228 ; with hsematoxylin, 232 SAHLI, balsam, 245 ; hardening nerve- centres, 376, 378 ; inyelin and axis-cylinder stains, 418 SAL A, neuroceratin, 405 Salamandra, embryology, 302 Salicylic acid, 56 BALING, ova of Tenebno, 312 ; larvse of Tenebrio, 456 Salivary glands, 369 SALKIND, thymus, 372 Salmonidae, embryology, 304 Salpa, 448 Salt solution, 236 ; for maceration, 271, 272 Salts, metallic, action of light on, 213 SAMASSA, Golgi's impregnation, 430 ; Ctenophora, 474 SAMTER, paraffin imbedding, 79, 87 SANCHEZ, methylen blue, 206 ; neuro- fibrils, 397 SAND, neuro-fibrils, 400; neuroglia, 440 Sandal-wood oil, 72 Sandarac for mounting, 247, 248 SANDERS, Cox's sublimate impregna- tion, 433 SANKEY, anilin blue-black, 384 SANZO, apparatus for fixing, 289 SARAGNONE, intracellular network, 404 SARCOLEMMA, 337 SAT A, fat, 352 SATTLER, silver impregnation, 217 SAUER, kidney, 372 Saurefuchsin, 130, 183 ; and orange, 184, 232 ; and hseniatoxylin, 232 Saurerubin, 183 Saureviolett, 194 SAVILLE KENT, Infusoria, 53 SAVINI, picro- Saurefuchsin, 189, 344 ; elastic tissue, 347 ; Nissl's stain, 388 SAZEPIN, antennae, 456 SCALA, Protozoa, 478 SCARPATETTI, axis cylinder- and cell- stain, 385 SCHAFER, muscle-cells, 337 SCHAFFER, decalcification, 280, 281, 283 ; reconstruction, 290 ; retina, 445 ; bone, 353, 354, 356 ; dehy- dration, 4 ; paraffin blocks, 89 ; lime salts, 320 ; connective tissue, 344 ; plasma cells, 351 SCHALLIBAUM, collodion, 123 SCHANZE, microtome, 9 SCHAPER, reconstruction, 291 Scharlach R., 352 SCHAUDINN, Protozoa, 478, 479 SCHENK, acetate of uranium, 57 SCHEWIAKOFF, Protozoa, 478 SCHIEFFERDECKER, clearing agents, 68, 71 ; serial sections, 119 ; cel- loidin imbedding, 103 ; injec- tions, 268 ; methyl mixture, 275 ; digestion, 277 ; retina, 445 ; car- 520 INDEX. The numbers r tilage, 357 ; muscle, 337 ; micro- tome knives, 90 ; Weigert's myelin stain, 409 SCHLEMMER, silver bath, 398 SCHMAUS, anilin blue-black, 384 ; nerve-stain, 384 SCHMIDT, F., embryology of Pul- monata, 308 SCHMIDT, Gf., inethylen blue, 209 SCHMORL, bone, 357 ; serial sections, 122 SCHNEIDER, AIME, injection of Ai*- thropods, 458 SCHNEIDER, ANTON, aceto-carmine, 145 SCHNEIDER, R., iron, 320 SCHOEBEL, washing apparatus, 4 SCHOLZ, acetone, 63 SCHONEMANN, serial sections, 124; reconstruction, 291 SCHONLEIN, Aplysia, 450 SCHREIBER, Golgi's impregnation,428 SCHRIDDE, decalcification, 282 ; fixa- tion, 288 ; plasma-cells, 351 ; blood, 361 SCHROTTER, stains f or nervous tissue, 385, 414 SCHUBERG, dahlia, 180 ; Romanowsky stain, 366, 480 ; cilia of Infusoria, 475 SCHUBERG and SCHROEDER, macera- tion, 275 SCHULTZ, smooth muscle, 342 SCHULTZE, F. E., palladium chloride, 52, 227 ; section-stretcher, 94 ; dehydration, 4 SCHULTZE, MAX, iodised serum, 237 ; acetate of potash, 30, 238 ; retina, 445 SCHULTZE, O., ova of Amphibia, 302 ; hseraatoxyliu, 166, 168 ; muscle and tendon, 340 SCHUMACHER, elastic tissue, 348; spleen, 371 SCHURMAYER, Infusoria, 476 SCHUTZ, iieurofibrils, 399 SCHWALBE, impregnation, 213 ; coch- lea, 445 efer to the pages. SCHWARZE, Cercarise, 466 SCHYDLOWSKI, paraffin imbedding, 79 SCLAVO, flagella, 483 SCOTT, F. H., blood, 362 ; phosphorus, 320 SCOTT, S., inner ear, 447 SCOTT and OSBORN, embryology of Triton, 301 Scyphistomes, 473 Sealing-wax varnish, 253 Secretion granules, 327 Sections, collodionisation, 95, 383 ; chitting paraffin, 93 ; ribbons of, 96 ; rolling of, 93—95 ; flatten- ing, 97 ; mounting, 119 et seq. ; reconstruction from, 289 Section-flattening, 97 Section-grinding, 115 Section-stretchers, 94 Section- stretching, 93 — 95 SEELIGER, Antedon, 470 SEHRWALD, Golgi's impregnation, 429, 430 SEIDENMANN, inethylen blue, 206 SEILER, carmine and indigo-carmine, 229; alcohol balsam, 246; de- calcification, 283 Selachii, embryology, 305 ; blood, 237 SELENKA, imbedding apparatus, 79, 88 ; embryology, 294 SELIGMANN, methods for the eye, 442 Serial section mounting, 119 et seq. ; paraffin sections, 119 et seq. ; watery sections, 125 ; celloidin sections, 125 Serum, iodised, 237, 238 ; maceration in, 271 SEVEREANU, injection, 268 SHEARER, nephridia, 460 Shell, 452 Shellac, for imbedding, 115, 117 ; varnish, 253 ; injection masses, 268 Sida, ova, 313 " Siebdosen," 4 INDEX. 521 The numbers refer to the pages. SIEBENMANN, labyrinth, 447 Sieve-dishes, 4 SlLBERMANN and OZOROWITZ, glyCO- gen, 320 Silver nitrate, see Nitrate of silver. Silver, other salts, 216 Siphon, Ewald's capillary, 4 Siphonophora, 473 Siredon, embryology, 301 Sixth sense, 335 SJOBRING, formol, 64 SJOVALL, intracellular network, 404 Skin, 331 et seq. SKROBANSKT, anilin blue, 196 Slides, cleaning, 121, 484 SMIRNOW, tactile corpuscles, 334; epidermis of Lunibricus, 424 SMITH, GK, eyes of Gastropoda, 451 SMITH, HOPEWELL, odontoblasts, 355 SMITH, LORRAIN, fat, 353 SMITH, S., serial sections, 122 Smooth muscle, 341 SNESSAREW, connective tissue, 346 Soap imbedding, 100, 465 SOBOTTA, imbedding ova, 289 ; ova of mouse, 294 ; of rabbit, 294; of Salnionidse, 304 ; of Amphioxus, 305 Soda, for maceration, 272 ; for corro- sion, 278 ; for bleaching, 286 ; hypochlorite of, seeHypochlorite. Soda carmine, 146, 384 Sodium, iodate, 32 ; chloride, 236 ; peroxide, 285 Solferino, 181 SOLGER, bleaching, 285 ; salivary glands, 369 ; sarcolemma, 337 Solid green, 194 SOLLAS, freezing mass, 118 SONNENBRODT, bichromate of calcium liquid, 44 ; ovary of fowl, 44 SOULIER, maceration, 272 SOUZA, pyridin, 62 SPEE, prepared paraffin, 99 Sphserozoa, 479 Spicules of sponges, 278, 474 SPIELMETER, myelin stain, 407 " Spiegelf arbung/' 326 Spinal cord, see Neurological methods. Spines of Echinoidea, 468 Spirit-proof cement, 251 Spirit blue, 195 Spleen, 371 Sponges, 278, 474, 475 Sporozoa, 478, 479 SPULER, sublimate, 48, 51, 66; formol mixture, 66 ; iron cochi- neal, 146 SQUIRE, benzol, toluol, xylol, 73 ; origanum oil, 72 ; bluing haenia- toxylin stains, 160; Kleinen- berg's hseniatoxylin, 165 ; methyl green, 172; Saurefuchsin, 184 ; Ehiiich-Biondi stain, 185 ; salts of gold, 219 ; heeniatoxylin and Saurefuchsin, 232; glycerin jelly, 242 ; decalcification, 282, 283 S SOBOLEW, honing knives, 91 " Stabilit," 110 STAHL, immobilisation of Infusoria, 476 Staining, in bulk and on the slide, 7 ; tubes for, 7 ; reagents for, 11 ; generalities on, 129 — 142 ; with carmine, 141 ; with hsematoxylin, 152; with tar colours, 169; practice of, 138 ; old nioiints, 7 ; theories of, 129 ; progressive, 138, 169; regressive, 139, 173; sub- stantive and adjective, 133 ; by substitution, 175; intra vitam, 136,201,203 Stains, combined, 228 et seq. ; com- bined, with carmine, 229; com- bined, with hsematein, 231 Stains, kinds of, 129 ; specific, 129 ; nuclear, 130, 324 ; plasmatic, 130 ; inverted, 135 ; choice of, 140 ; cytological, 324—330 ; metallic, 212—227 STAFFERS, fixation of Sympoda, 455 Starch, injection, 268 STARKE, osniicated fat, 352 STATKEWITSCH, Protozoa, 476 522 INDEX. The numbers r Statoblasts, 306 STAUFFACHER, embryology of Cyclas, 309 STEIN, temporal bone, 279, 446 STEINACH, sieve-dishes, 4 STEMPELL, Sporozoa, 479 STEPANOW, celloidin, 114; double imbedding, 114; freezing me- thod, 118 STEPHENS, stain for flagella, 483 STEPHEN SON'S high. refractive medium, 243 STERLING, double imbedding, 114 STIRLING, maceration, 272 STOELZNER, sublimate solution, 48 ; lime salts, 320; myelin stain, 407 STOHR, eosin, 231 Storax, see Styrax. STORCH, "Weigert's neuroglia stain, 440 Stovaine, for narcotisation, 462 Stoves, 85 STRAHUBER, axis cylinder stain, 437 STRASSER, section -stretcher, 94 ; col- lodion-paper method, 124, 128; gelatin method, 125 ; recon- struction, 291 ; imbedding nervous system, 383 STRECKER, hardening and staining, 378 STREETER, myelin stain, 414 STRICHT, VAN DER, bergamot oil and fatty granules, 71 ; decalcifica- tion, 283 ; ova of Turbellaria, 314 STRICKER, gum imbedding, 115 STROEBE, myelin stain, 418 STRONG, fixing nerve-centres, 382 ; Golgi impregnation, 427 ; myelin stain, 415, 417 ; fixing mixture, 67 STROPENI, plasma cells, 350 STUDNICKA, connective tissue, 346 Stylaria, 18 Styrax, 248 Sublamin, 51 Sublimate, corrosive, generalities, efer to the pages. 45 ; fixation with, 45 et seq. ; acetic solutions, 45 ; various mixtures, 47, 48, 50, 66 ; alcoholic, 48 ; preservative liquids, 239 ; hardening, 381 Substantive staining, 133 Substitiition in staining, 175 Subtriessig, 56 SUCHANNEK. sieve-dishes, 4; berga- mot oil, 71 ; anilin oil, 73 ; serial sections, 119; Venice turpentine, 246 Sudan III, 352 SULIMA, chloreton, 15 Sulphate of copper, for fixing, 43, 303, 473 ; for staining, 227 ; for impregnation, 437 Sulphate of chromium, 380 Sulphate of iron, 156 Sulphate of magnesia, narcotisation, 17 Sulphide of carbon, 82, 235 Sulphides for impregnation, 227 Sulphindigotate of soda, 229 Sulphocyanides, 272 Sulphorhodamin, 138 Sulphur, refractive index, 235 Sulphuric acid, for maceration, 275 Sulphurous acid, for bleaching osmic material, 31 ; for bichromate ditto, 42, 285; for fixing, 44; for decalcification, 282 SUMITA, iron, 320 SUMMERS, ether method, 125 Sunning metallic salts, 213 SUSCHKIN, embryos of birds, 297 SUSSDORF, mucin, 368 SUSUKI, dehydration, 4 Syrup, mounting media, 238 ; for freezing, 117, 118 SZUTZ, alizarin stain, 198 ; gold method, 225 ; niito-chondria, 330 T. Tachiol, 397 Tactile corpuscles, 334 Tsenia, 465 ; ova, 314 TAENZER, elastic tissue, 347 INDEX. 523 The numbers r TAFANI, inner ear, 447 TAGUCHI, injection, 267 " TAL," G-olgi's sublimate method, 433 TANDLER, injection, 264 Tannin, examination medium, 239 ; for demonstrating cilia, 477 Tar colours, 169 et seq. Tardigrada, 458 TARTUFERI, cornea, 336 ; retina, 444 Teeth, 354-356 Tegumeutary organs, 331 — 336 TEICHMANN, white injection, 262; linseed oil injection, 268 Teleostea, embryology, 303 TELJATNIK, myelin stain, 417 TELLYESNICKY, nitric acid, 39 ; acetic bichromate, 42 ; formol mixture, 65 ; toning bath, 392 Telsoris, 456 Tendon, 340 et seq. Tenebrio, ova, 312 ; larvae, 456 Terpiuol, 72 ; index, 235 Test-cells of Ascidians, 306 Tetrachloride of carbon, 81, 82 THANHOFFER, silver nitrate, 217 THATE, microtome, 10 THEOHARI, granules, 323 Tlieridiuni, ova, 312 THIERSCH, indigo-carmine, 229 ; car- mine injection, 261 ; Prussian blue injection, 262 ; green and yellow injection, 262 Thimbles, paper, 78 THIN, retina, 271 Thionin, 179 ; for impregnation, 210 ; for nerve-cells, 388 ; for mucus- cells, 368 Thiophen green, 194 THOMA, microtome, 9 ; decalcifica- tion, 281 ; corrosion, 277 ; injec- tion, 260 THOME, Ehrlich-Biondi stain, 185 Thread-cells, 470 Thus, gum, 248 Thyme oil, 72 Thymus, 372 Tigroid bodies, 386—389, 398 efer to the pages. TIMOFEJEW, hardening nerve-tissue, 381 ; niethylen bkie, 210 ; liver, 371 Tin haematoxylin, 168 Tiiitimiodea, 478 TIRMANN, iron, 320 TISCHATKIN, dehydration, 4 TIZZONI, alum-carmine, 143 Tobacco narcotisation, 13, 17, 317 TOISON, blood, 362 Tolu balsam, 235 ; cement, 253 Toluen, see Toluol. Toluidin blue, chromatin stain, 180 ; for impregnation, 210; for nerve- cells, 388 ; for neuro-fibrils, 401 for myelin, 414 Toluol, for clearing, 73 ; for imbed- ding, 81 ; for preserving, 5 TOMASELLI, iieuro- fibrils, 402 Tongue, of frog, 335 ; of rabbit, 335 Toning baths for silver stains, 392, 393, 397, 398, 399, 431 TONKOFF, bleu de Lyon, 196 TORNIER, haematoxylin and subli- mate, 166 Torpedo, 339 Tortoise, embryology, 299 TOURNEUX and HERRMANN, silver impregnation, 216 TOWER, Cestodes, 465 TOZER, Eotifers, 462 Tracheae, 456 Tracheata, 455 TRAMBUSTI, Ehrlich-Biondi stain, 186 Trays for imbedding, 77 Trematodes, 465 ; embryology, 315 TRENKMANN, stain for flagella, 483 TREZEBINSKI, ganglion cells, 381 Triacid mixture, 187 Trichinae, 463 Trichloracetic acid, 56, 282 Trichlorlactic acid, 56 Trichohyalin, 333 Triton, embryology, 301 Trypanosomes, 480 Trypsin digestion, 276, 277 TSCHERNISCHEFF, colloxylin, 103, 114 524 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. TSCHERXTSCHEW and KARUSIN, nerve- stain, 412 TSCHISCH, liquid of Eiiicki, 43 TUBBY, celloidin, 104 Tubes for staining on slide, 7 TULLBERG, narcotisation, 17 Tunicata, 448 ; embryology, 306 ; gemmation, 306 Turbellaria, 466; embryology, 306, 314 Turpentine, cement, 252 Turpentine, oil of, for clearing, 72 ; for imbedding, 81 ; for mount- ing, 247 Turpentine, Venice, 246; cement, 252 TWORT, stain for blood-parasites, 480 U. UEXKULL, asphyxiation, 18 UNDERWOOD, teeth, 356 Unio, ova and glochidia, 309 UNNA, osmic mixture, 32 ; washing out chromic objects, 33 ; ripen- ing- hsematoxylin, 152 ; hsenia- toxylin solution, 162, 164 ; kera- tohyalin, 333 ; plasma fibrils, 332 ; smooth muscle, 341 ; con- nective tissue, 344, 345 ; plasma cells and Mastzellen, 349, 350; elastic tissue, 347 ; fibrin, 368 ; mucin, 368 ; celloidin, 103 ; prickle cells, 332 ; glycerin ether, 349 ; oil of Gaultheria, 72 ; carbol-pyronin, 183 ; poly- chrome methyleii blue, 199; digestion, 320; "Wasserblau and orcein, 332, 334, 341, 344 ; tyro- sin, 334 ; orcein for elastic tissue. 317 UNNA and GOLODETZ, iron stain, 227 ; keratohyalin, 333 UPSON, impregnation methods, 384, 436 Uranium, acetate, 57 Ussow, ova of Cephalopoda, 307 V. Vacuum imbedding, 85, 86 VALLE, BELLA, Amphipoda, 313 VAN BENEDEN, see BENEDEN ; and for all names with the prefix VAN see the patronymics. Vanadium chloride stain, 435 Vanadium hsematoxylin, 167 Varnish, negative, for mounting, 248 Varnishes, 249 et seq. Vaso-dilators for injections, 257, 453 VASSALE, Weigert's nerve- stain, 409 ; Marches nerve stain, 415 VASSALE and DONAGGIO, Golgi's im- pregnation, 428 VASTARINI-CRESI, medullated nerve, 417 ; section ciitting,'94 ; gly co- gen, 320 ; cartilage, 357 VEJAS, nerve-tissue, 384 VEJDOVSKY, Gordi-us, 463 VENDEROVIC, Marchi's nerve stain, 416 Venice turpentine, for mounting, 246 ; cement, 252 Ventral cord, of Arthropods, 457 VERATTI, Golgi impregnation, 403 VERHOEFF, elastic tissue, 348 Veretillum, 13 Veridine, 170 Vermes, 458 et seq.; embryology, 314—316 Vert en cristaux, v. lumiere, v. d'Eusebe, v. d'alcali, 170 VERWORN, Cristatella, 15 Vesiivin, 172 VIALLANES, collodion imbedding, 107 ; gold method, 221 ; eyes 9f Palinurus, 458 VIALLETON, ova of fowl, 298 ; of Cephalopods, 307 Victoria blue, 180 Victoria green, 194 VIGNAL, osmic acid, 31 VILLE, carmine injections, 260 Violet B, 196 ; of Lauth, 179 VIRCHOW, action of light on chromic objects, 33 INDEX. 525 The numbers r Visibility, index of, 234, 245 VIVANTE, bone, 356 VOGT and YUNG, Annelids, 458 ; G-ephyrea, 461 ; Cestodes, 464 ; Holothurids, 467 VOLK, peroxide of hydrogen, 18 ; Rotifers, 461 VOM RATH, picro- sublimate mix- tures, 50 ; osmio- sublimate, 50 ; picro - osmic acid, 59 ; picro- platinic mixtures, 59 VON EBNER, see EBNER ; and for all names with the prefix VON see the respective patronymics. Vorticellidse, 16 VOSMAER, section grinding, 116 ; re- construction, 290 VOSMAER and PEKELHARING, sponges, 474 VOSSELER, Venice turpentine, 246; wax feet, 270 ; cement, 252 W. WADDINGTON, narcotisation, 14 ; fix- ing Infusoria, 44 ; demonstrating cilia, 477 WAITE, ova of Homarus, 313 WALDEYER, decalcification, 280 ; cochlea, 447 WALSEM, VAN, knife warmer, 93 ; paraffin, 99 ; nerve-stain, 414 WARD, asphyxiation, 18; Sipuncidus, 461 WARD'S brown cement, 250 WASHBURN, embryology of Gastro- poda, 308 W ashing out fixing liquids, 2, 25, 32 WASIELEWSKY, Sporozoa, 479 Wasserblaii, 196, 345, 341 WASSERMANN, iron, 320 WATASE, ova of Cephalopoda, 307 Water, fresh or warm, for killing, 18 ; refractive index, 235 ; sea- water, do., 235 ; as an examina- tion medium, 236; method for serial sections, 119 ; test for, 62 Water-baths, 85 Water-blue, 196 efer to the pages. Wax feet, 270 WEBB, dextrin freezing mass, 118 WEBER, A., serial sections, 125 WEBER, E., Rotatoria, 461 ; Echino- idea, 468 ; Siphonophora, 473 ; Asteroidea, 468 ; Holothurids, 468 WEBSTER, naphtha for imbedding, 82 WEDL, orchella, 229 WEIDENREICH, eleidin, 333 ; blood, 360 ; spleen, 371 WEIGERT, serial sections, 127 ; clear- ing celloidin, 111 ; Bismarck brown, 172 ; picro -Saurefuch sin, 189, 233 ; varnish, for mounting, 248; hardening nerve centres, 375, 377 ; stain for nuclear figures, 159 ; myelin stains, 408 — 414, 415 ; Golgi's impregna- tion, 425 ; neuroglia stain, 438 ; elastic tissue, 348 ; fibrin stain, 367 ; iron hsematoxylin, 159, 233 WEIL, section-grinding, 117 ; teeth, 355 WEISS, P., address, 11 WELCKE, flagella, 483 WELLHEIM, PFEIFFER VON, iron-car- mine, 145 WERMEL, blood, 362 WERNER, smooth muscle, 342 WESTER, chitiii, 456 WETSSE, embryology of Sus, 294 Whartoriian jelly, 368 WHEELER, embryology of Blattida, 311 Whetting knives, 91 WHITE, bone and teeth, 354 White of egg, freezing method, 118 ; section fixatives, 122, 123 ; exa- mination media, 237, 239 ; in- jection mass, 267 ; refractive index, 235 WHITING, spleen, 371 WHITMAN, chromo-platinic mixture, 40 ; ova of Amphibia, 300, 302 ; pelagic ova, 305 ; Hirudinea, 460 WICKERSHEIMEK'S fluid, 239 34 526 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. WIDAKOWICH, embryology of mouse, 295 WIDMANN, eyes of Arachnida, 458 WIJHE, VAN, ammonia-carmine, 146 ; picro-carmine, 147 ; cartilagi- nous skeletons, 358 WILHELMI, Triclads, 67, 467 ; double imbedding, 114; picro Saure- fuchsin, 189 WILL, embryological methods, 299 "WlLLE BRAND, blood, 363 WIMMER, neuroglia, 440 WiNrwARTER, embryological me- thods, 295 WINIWARTER and SAINMONT, orange method, 189 WILSON, Alcyonaria, 472 ; orienta- tion, 87 ; imbedding box, 79 WINTERSTEINER, serial sections, 128 WISTINGHAUSEN, VON, haBmatein stains, 160 WITT, DE, elastic tissue, 348 WITTMAACK, my elm stain, 417; inner ear, 446 WOLFF, ELISE, staining bichromate material, 42 ; thionin stains, 180; fibrin, 368; elastic tissue, 347 ; orcein, 229 WOLFF, M., freezing, 117 WOLFF, W., bladder of frog, 342 WOLFRUM, elastic tissue, 348 Wollschwartz, 481 WOLTERS, hsematoxylin nerve-stain, 412; vanadium nerve-stain, 435 ; cartilage and bone, 357 WOODLAND, Holothurids, 468 ; larvse of Echinoderms, 470 WOOD WORTH, orienting in paraffin, 87 ; reconstruction, 290 WRIGHT, blood - cells, 367 ; blood- plates, 367 WUNDERER, nerve-endings, 338 WYNN, nerve-stain, 412 X. Xylol, index of, 235 ; for clearing paraffin sections, 73 ; celloidin sections, 111 ; for imbedding, 81, 82, 83 ; for preserving, 5 Xylol balsam, 235, 245 Y. YAMAGIWA, neuroglia. 442 YOUNG, methylene blue, 206 YVON, test for water, 62 Z. ZACHARIAS, acetic alcohol, 55 ; iron- carmine, 146 ; Flagellata, 481 ; Copepoda; 454 ZALESKI, iron, 320 ZANDER, test for Chitin, 456 ZAWARSIN, cornea, 336 ZENKER, fixing mixture, 50 ZERNECKE, Ligula, 465 ZKTTNOW, flagella, 483 ZIEGLER, decalcification, 282 ZIEGWALLNER, glycogen, 320 ZIEHEN, gold and sublimate method, 434 ZIEHL, carbolic fuchsin, 181 ZIELINA, blood, 359 ZIMMER, picro-acetic acid, 58 ZIMMERMANN, A., sieve-dishes, 4; micro -chemistry, 321 ; nucleoli, 324 ZIMMERMANN, K. W., Golgi's impreg- nation, 431 ; bone, 355 ; con- nective tissue, 346 Zinc chloride, for fixing, 53 ; for hardening, 381 ; for impregna- tion, 436 Zinc, detection of, 320 Zoantharia, 472 ZOGRAF, Eotatoria, 462 ; Protozoa, 478 ZOJA, methylen blue, 202; ova of Ascaris, 315; Protozoa, 478; bioblasts, 328 ZSCHIESCHE, larvse of Alcyonidium, 449 ZSCHOKKE, benzo-purpurin, 191 ; cartilage, 357 ZUR STRASSEN, ova of Ascaris, 315 ; Bradynema, 483 ZURN, retina, 444 ZWAARDEMAKER, safranin, 177 ADLARD AND SON, IMPR., LONDON AND DORKING. 6 ; • • B ^ I • fe . • • ' • U • Hl •• •,' - H • ' ll jjUm :