,fC^A THE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ^ t / \ ^ y^c^ V&y-iiyU'S^j^ <1 1 l<^^ t&^4 PALLADTUS DE RE RUSTIOA. / M l< Ni iff i » i'liia THE MIDDLE -ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF PALLADTUS DE RE RUSTICA EDITED WITH CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES BY MARK LIDDELL. PART I - TEXT. BERLIN 1896. E. EBEIUNU (VOKM. C. vogts Verlag). TO MY tp:acher and friend ARTIILII S. NAPIER. Temporary Preface. If the text of the Middle-English Palhidius here pre- sented needs an apology, it may be found in the editor's belief that no carefully edited Middle -English MS. can be without value for the study of the history of our language and literature. While the poem itself may be of little literary interest, it possesses a philological importance which can scarcely be overrated. Besides having a great number of words not elsewhere recorded in Middle-English literature, it offers important evidence as to the history of the de- velopment of English syntax, which, furnished by a member of Duke Humphrey's household who boasted that the Duke himself had taught him verse-making and that he wrote his poem at the Duke's best, caiinot fail to be entitled to some consideration from English scholars. Both these points will be fully treated in a second part of this edition. The editor hopes, also, shortly to publish a brief discussion of the interesting and important words which this text contains. As the work has hitherto been accessible only in an edition quite unsuited, on account of its inaccuracies, to the purposes of scientific research, it has been thought worth while to make it available in a more reliable form; and the Fitzwilliam MS. has been chosen because of the internal evidence it offers of having been prepared for Duke Humphrey himself from the author's own copy. The later version found in the Bodley MS. has been used to correct the text where ever there apeared to be any deviation from the original of the translation. In all such cases the reading of the Fitzwilliam MS. is given at the bottom of the page. To make the Bodley text accessible to all who might wish to use it, a careful collation of the Early English Text — VITI — Society's odition with the Bodley MS. has been appended. Another reason for adhering as closely as possible to the Fitzwilliam MS., is the care with which it is written, and the remarkable accuracy of its spelling. That it also re- presents the dialect of the author will be clearly shown in the introduction. For the use of capitals, punctuation, and expansion of abbreviations, (denoted in the usual way by being printed in italic type) the editor alone is responsible. His endeavor has been to make the text as accurate as possible; and, wbile he knows that there may be errors in it, he hopes they may be as few as repeated careful collation can make them. It has been a source of great pleasure to tlic editor tbat he has been able to do his work in the Bodleian Library, the resources of which find such an early appreci- ation in the prologue to this poem. The editor's warmest thanks are due to Bodley's Librarian, who made tlie work possible by having Earl Fitzwilliam's MS. photographed; and to Mr. Madan for patient and continual help; and especially to Earl Fitzwilliam for the well-known hospitality of Wentworth Woodhouse. It only remains to add a word expressive of the gratitude which the editor feels to the late Prof. Zupitza. It would be out of place here to attempt to reveal the depth and warmth of the affection with which he cherishes the memory of this dearly loved master and friend; yet he can but hope that, if this work does not clearly enough bear the impress of his teaching and that of the pupil who now represents his ideals and aims, other work may follow to be more worthy of them. Oxford, April 1896. Mark LkJdelL ' r— __ ri'f^ " I 1-,7UU. ^ A^ - f\^ TABULA. Tabula; a, b, c. [fol. 1.] Ayer, watir, londo. and gouernaunce: 1; c, d. Probacioun of holsuni ayer: 1; e. Aray, axis, and instrumentis for tilmen: 21: e, f, g. Ablaqueacioun or excodicacioun of vynys: 23; a. Almaunttre, settyng, and good lond for hem: 27; f, g, h. 5 Almaundis, steepynge or watterynge forto sette: 28: a, b, c. Almaundis, to make tendir and swete: 28; e, f. ,• Almaundis, to be Avliite & longe durynge: 28; g. " Almaundis, to growe writen with lettris: 28; h. Almaundis, to so we & graffe in ffeueryeer: 50; f. 10 Appultreen, a general reule forto sette: 40; g. Anyse, 1 ( Ache, i . c. i. o A u 1 A m S. at Sowynge. Aborace,) lArage,) '^ ^ Assis, to re re: 70; d. Accharnys, gaderynge: 114; a. 15 Cildynge of housynge for husbondrie: 6: o. How bildyng is best to stonde: 6; f, g. Bildynge of wyntir housynge: 6: h. Bildynge, stuffe and craft for the same: 7: a, b. Bildyng, how to white: 8; c, d. 20 Bernys, to be drie sette: 9; d. 10 Ms. feueryeer. 2 Tabula. Bildyng thoil celar: 9; g, h. Bildynge the wyn celar: 9; b, c. Bildynge or makynge the cisterne: 8; f, g, & 9; a. Bildynge stablis, & stondyngc for hors & neet: 10; a, b. 25 Bildynge of muys: 10: d, g, & 11; a, b. Bildynge the columbaire: 10; e. Bricke wallis, and settynge of light: 7; g, h. Bildynge for hay, chaf, and tymber: 14; c. Bildynge of bathis: 20: c, d, e, f, g, h, &c. 30 Bildynge the backehous: 21; d. [fol. la.] Bricke makynge for bildynge: 79; e. Bildynge tymber, to falle in Noiiember: 114; b, &c. The bee yerd, how hit shal stonde: [19; a.] fflouris for been, and a chast keper: 19; b, &c. 35 Been, to be bought: 20; a, b. Been, seeknesse and helynge of hem; 70; e, &c. Been beth sumtyme to wel at ese: 71; a, b, c. Been, forto trace vnto their dwellyng: 74; f, &c. Been beth encreced in May and may not slepe 40 ffor the bridde bee that must be slayn: 79; b. Bee hyuys castracioun: 82; e, &c. Be war lest the bee fie fro thee: 83; a, &c. The kyng of been to knowe, & been to hyae: 83; d. The batayl of been to ben appesed: 83; c. 45 Been, to replenysh aftir their pestilence: 83; h. Bee hyuys, to dense & kepe in November: 112; a, b. Balke not thi lond, in L. at Lond. Boolis, to chese: 66; h, &c. Boolis, to make engender mahs or femalis: 67; b. 50 Boolis, to putte to their femalis, and for how many femalis oon male may suffise: 86; c, d. Blissounynge of sheep: 86; e, &c. Brennynge of pasturis: 88; g. Barly galatike,i fBeetis, i . r^ , ^ o5 r^ 1 . \ Ir^ . ' J m S. at Sowc. Barly eatery ne,l IBrasike, J 34 Beference omitted. 38 Ms. atese. Ta])ula. 3 Benys to rope and keope: 81; d. Cisterne, celar for oilis, wyn celar, and the columbary: in B. at Bildyngc Cucumber, in ffeueryeer to sowe, and make swete, 60 y/ithoutcn core, or longe as a reed: 57; c, d, e. Tabula; c, d, e, f. [fol. 2.] Cucumber is so fcrd of thundir that hit wole twrnc, and from oil hit wul clicche: 57; e. Cucumber, to make of what fourme thee list: 57; f. Cucumber, to graffe in brere and ferule: 57; g. 65 Corny s may not be touchid in flovvryng: 76; a, b. Cliicchis,v .Colcase, Cressis, Cunula, Commyn, Cicera, Cappare, > einiilis. \ I, Aier, Watir, Loud, and Ooueriiaiince. Aier and watir. 1. [fol. 13.]* De preceptis rei rustice. capituliim ^^riwmm. Consideraunce is taken at pn^dence What man me must enfowrme; and liusbondrie No retliorik do teche, or eloquence, As suw?me lian doon, hemself to magnifie. What cam therof? That wise men folie 5 Her wordis held. Yet other thus to blame We stinte, in caas men do by vs the same. Tilynge is vs^ to write of euery londe, With Goddis grace, eek pasture and housynge ffor husbondrie; how watir may be fonde; 89. e. 10 What is to rere or doon in euery thinge Plesaunce and Iruyt the tilman forto bringe As seeson wol; his appultreen, what hour Best is to sette, is part of oure labour. 1 . The illuminated initial wljich extends the loidth of the stanza encircles the arms of Hiimphrei/ Dul'e of Gloucester. 4 Ms. suwaiieri; B sum. 14 Ms. grafFe, B sette {Lat. poncnda). ^ interest nostra. * In hand B. Book I] Aier, Watlr, Loiul, and Gouornaunce. 25 De iiij rehus in quibus agricaltnva consistit. Capitulum secMndnm. In thingis iiij, al husbondrie mot'fet^dt^: 15 In watir, aier, in londe, and gouernaunce. ^ And iij the first, as watir, aier, and londe, Beth natural; the firthe- is of plesaunce And crafte of man. But this considerauncc Is first to haue, how thing is of nature" 20 In placis ther thou wolt ha the culture. And first biholde aboute, and se thyn aier; If hit be cleer and hool, stond out of fere. Thy watir eek bihold if hit be feier, Holsum & light, and outher springynge there, 25 Or ellis thidir brought from ellis where '^, Or that hit come of rayn. Ek se thy londe Be fertile, and commodiously stonde. De aieris probacione. Capitulum tercium. [fol. 115 a. J Good aier is there as dalis depe ar noone. And mystis derk no dayis makith nyght; 30 The contrey men colourid wel vchoone, Their wittis cleer and vnoffensid sight. Her voicis feire, her herynge pure and light -^ Al this is preef of holsum aier and clene, And ther as is contrair is aier vnclene. 35 De aqua probanda. Capitulum quart um. Ilhe watir out of gaseyn'^ or of myre^ - Be not ybrought, ner out of metal synke. That hit be fresh coloured first desire. Not moddy, but plesaunt and good to drynke; And smylle also therto in caas hit stynke. 40 If hit be cole in hete an hike' in colde. The bettir may me with that watir holde. 21 Ms. a man m-o1 ha c, B thowc Nvilt liaue the c. 1 industria. '-^ s. gouernaunce. -^ s. aer, aqua, terra. 4 ab aliunde. ^ lacuna. 6 palude. " tepida. 26 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Goucrnauiice. [Book I Yet al though these in watris feire appere, An hid defaiit is sumt^^me in nature Vndir couert, and therof tlius enquere, 45 If contrey men in Hkyng hele endure — Her hedis goode, lier chekis also pure, And lite or no complaynt inwith the brest, The longis' hool and wynded with the best. The longis woo comth oftc of yvel eirc; 50 The stomak als, of aier is ouertake. Take heede ek if the dwellers in that leir Her wombis, sidis, reynys, swelle or ake, If langour in their bladdris- ought awake. And yf thou se the puple sounde and fair, 55 No doute is in thi watir ner thyn aier. Londe. 2. [fol. U.] Be terre eleccione. Capitulum qiiintum. Fecundite se thus inwith thi londe: Se not the swerd*^ al nakid, white, vnclene; Al chalk*, or grauel^ grosshyng in thyn honde, Withouten moold admyxt, ner sondy^ lene, 60 Nor hungry cley', ner stonys ful vche rene; To ronke & weet, yolgh, bittir, salt, ragston^; Vale3ds hard and deep eek be ther noon. A roten swerd^ and welnygh blak, hit selue Suffisyng wel with gras^^ to ouerwrie, 65 And tough to glewe ayeyn though hit me delue; The fruyt therof not scabby ^\ roostid^-, drie; With walwort^" that good lond wol signifie. With risshis^^ rced^''"', gras^^', trefoiP^, phwnnys^^ wylde And breris''-^ fatte also go hit with childe. 70 50 Space left for large initial and afterward filled in with smaller one. 62 Ms. better, B bitter. 69 Ms. trofoil, B trefoil. 1 pulmone. ^ vesicis. ^ glebam. ^ creta. 5 arena. 6 sabulo {repeated in margin.) 7 iciuna glarea. 8 tcphua. 9 putris gleba. 10 gramiue. ^ scaber. i- torridus. 13 ebulo. i^ iunccis. 15 calamis. ^^ graraine. i'^ trifolia. i*^ prunis. ^^ rubis. Book I] Aior, Watir, Loud, and Goucriiaunce. •J< Coloured, stond not on to bisily To sc thy lond, but rather fattc and swete. To preue hit faat, a clod avisily Let take, and with good watir wel hit weto, And lokc yf hit he glewy, tough to tretc; 75 Or make a diche, and yf the moldc abounde And wol not in ayeyn, hit is fecounde. Yf hit be lene, hit gooth in al and more: Yf hit be mene\ hit wol be with the brinke. But forto take hit swete, atast alore 80 The bittrist erthe and w^erst that thou canst thvnke, An erthen potte as take and y[ijf hit drynke In watir sweete, and therupon let deme^. ffor vynys, lond to chese, eek most me yeme": In coors^ and in colour, solute and rare; [fol. 14 a. J 85 The treen^ theron light, fertil, faire, & longe As peris wilde and pluwmiys, busshis are: Not crokid, lene, or seek, but hool & stronge. Ne poole''' hit not, but goodly playn elonge; Ne picche hit not to soore into the vale, 00 Ne breke hit not al doun aboute a dale. Tempest, yf hit be. hilly, most assayle; An cuen feeld do chese, and in the mene. That watir be the cleef awey trauayle. Or hil or dale in mesure let demene. 95 But se thyn ayer be feir, and lond vnlene". An hier hil, that wynd that wold offende Let holde of, if no wodis thee defende. The londis fatte, or lene, or thicke, or rare, Or dric or moyst, and not withouten vice — 100 ffor dyuers seed, yet, they right needful are. 82 Ms. yf, B yeue. 83 Ms. swete, currected ht/ scribe A. 1 mediocris. 2 a^ terra sit dulcis. -^ attendenduni est. ^ corpore. •"' arbores. 6 stagnct Vfrbum est. "> pinguis. 28 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Gouernaunce. [Book I But take the fatte and raoyst is myn auise, Tlier work is leest and fruyt is meest of price; And aftir hit the thikke and ronke is best; But thikke and driel espie^& graunte hit rest. 105 De industria agriculture. Capitulum sextum. Ayer, watir, lond considred in nature, Now comth the craft. The craft is gouernaunce — Now euery word and sentence is of cure. The lord present, his feeld may best auaunce. The lond is good, the colour nought, perchaunce; 110 Therfore in hew^ be no greet diligence, ffor God by His plesaunce al wol dispense. Gouernaunce. 3. [fol. 15.] Yche graffe^ and grayne^ is good; but aftir preef, Do sowe or graffe; and seedis newe eschewe To sowe or graffe and triste in their boncheef. 115 Out of their lond eek seedis wol renewe And chaunge hem silf, as writith clerkis trewe, In placis weete al rather then in drie. ffor vynys now, a poynt of husbondrie: — Northward, in placis hoot; in placis colde, J 20 Southward; and temperaunt, in est and west. Yet of tilynge is dyuers resoun holde, But thuse* of thy prouynce, hit holde I best. To fructifie also this is honest, That yonge folk obey vnto their eldron 125 In gouernaunce as good and boxuni childron. To kitte^ a vyne is thingis iij tattende^: The vyne, and fru3^t, & place in whom they growe. Of eerly kittyng, braunchis fele ascende; Of lat kittyng comth grapis right ynough. 130 130 lat] erasure of e after t. 1 colore. 2 surculus. 3 semen. ^ vsum. 5 putare. 6 considerare. Book 1] Aier, Watlr, Loud, and Oouernaunce. 29 ffro febul lond, ck chaunge hem yf thou mowe, ffor man and trc fro febil lond to good, Who can, and wol not chaunge, I holde hym wood. And kitte^ hem streit aftir thi good vyndage. And, grapis fewe yhad, let kitte hem large. 135 Thyn yrons keep in hard & sharp vsage ffor graffyng & for kittynge, y the charge. And do thy dede er flour or gemme^ enlarge; Eek yf the plough mys do, the spade amende. In londis drie and hoot, no vyne extende. 140 In placis hoot, in placis ouerdrie [fol. 15 a.] Hit is no boote his vyne a man to sette. There as for hete he must hem ouerwrie^. Yet yf that wynd Vultwrnus ouersette A vyne in heete, or other blastis lette 145 Or brenne a vyne, in stre or other thyng To couert here is holden husbondyng. The bareyn braunche, yf* ronke & grene hit be, Ryght by let kitte hym of as mortal foo Of al thy tre. But bareyn lond thou fle 150 As pestilence. In donged lond also To sette '^ vynys yonge, as do not so. Eek Grekis sayn that aftir yeeris thre, Saue wortis^, so we in hem what euere hit be. Uche herbe also, they seyn, hit is to sowe 155 In londis drie, outake of hem the beene. The beene in londis weete is best to tlirowe. And sette^"^ not out thi londis^ faat or lene '^ To hym whos lond^ adioyneth on thy rene; ffor harm & stryf of that vpon thy selue 160 May rise, yhe & pe/chaunce ouer thee whelue. 135 And] glossed h^ d^. 167 In left margin: Nofa. 1 puta. '-^ gemma. 3 op^rire -^ quamuis. ^ vel sowe in. 6 caulis. '* non locabis. § g. vicino. So Aier, Watir, Loud, p.nd Gouernaimce. [Book I Tyle al thy feeld or al thy feeld is lorn. Thy whete, a wondir^ chaungyng, thryis sowe In lond to faat wol turne into other corn, And rie of whete ysowen wul vp growe, 165 As they that are expert in tilynge knowe. Uiche fre fro thingis iij thou twynne: SteriHte, infirmyte, and synnc. Gouernaunce. 4. [fol. 16.] In bareyn londe to sette or foster vynys, Destroy eth al the labour and expense. 170 In feeldis more-, in hillis nobler wyn is. Abound aunt wyn the north wynd wol dispense To vynys sette vppon his influence, The southern wynd enspirith bettir wyn; Now rayche^ or noble*, chees, the choys is tliyn. 175 Necessite nath neuere halyday — Tak hede of that, and feeldis temporate. Although hit be good sowynge; yet alway Or longe yf hit be drie in oon estate, Let sowe hit on, and God hit fortunate. 180 And yf thy wey^ be foul, hit is dampnable And neithir plesaunt, neither profitable. To tile a feeld, me most ha diligence) And balk hit not, but ere" hit vp bydene. A litel tiled wel wul quyte expencej 185 So take on honde as thou may wel sustene. The vynys blake away let take; eek grene And tendir vynys kitte, ar therby shent, And stakis longe ar vynys increment. Turne euery kirf^ aweyward from the grape 190 Lest droppyng do hit harm; ennoynteth eke 175 Ms. cloys, B choys. 176 In right margin: Nota. 1 interpositio, - s. vini. ^ s. vimim. ^ s. vinum. '"* via. 6 ara. 7 incisuram. \ I Book I] Aier, Watir, Loud, and CTOuernaunce. 31 The bmunchis kitte, and vi) they faste eschape A I i'aat & sad; deep lond* also thou seke, OJyuys^ grete out of that lond wol reke - Witli drasty wattry fruyt, and latte and h'te^ 195 Unsuftisaunt the costis forto ac(iuyte. Luke" ayer and tempur wynd, olyuys loue; [fol. IGa.] And vynys that vppon the liillis stonde, By processe vp beeth brought to their aboue — Yet not but footis iiij in febil londe, 200 And seuen foote in fatt, vp may they stonde; Eke as the grape- is grene and wol not shake, Vpbynde hit softe, and hit is vndirtake. Thy vyne in oon stede* alway, thou ne bynde, And delue hir cloos, for harniynge thy vyndage.^ 205 Eek deep and fertil lond hit is to fynde; And too feet deep*^ is good for corn tihige, And doubil tliat for treen', in depnes gage. A novel vyne vp gooth by diligence As fast as hit gooth doun by negligence. 210 And take on hond, in husbondynge of londe, As thou may here in maner and mesure. War arrogaunce in taking thyng on honde, ffor aftir pride in scorn thou mayst assure. And elder than oon yeer, n'o grayn in vre^ 215 Thou putte, in drede hit die. Eek hillis yeld is Wcl gretter grayn and fewer, then in feekl is. In spryngynge of the mone is best to sowe. In dayis warm; and treen vnprofitable, If that thy lond with hem be ouergrowe, 220 Diuide hit thus: that fatte & bering, able, Let plowe hit vp, and leef the lene, vnable, 213 In left margin: Nota. 204 Ms. noman b., B thou ne b. 209 3Is. nobul, B novel {Lat. novella). 214 Ms. me may, B tboii luaist. 1 olive. 2 crescero. ^ tepidum. ^ loco. ^ vmdimie. 6 alta. "<" aiboribus. ^ expe-rieucia. 32 Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goueriiaunce. [Book I Coue^t in woode; yet wul this, with trauaile And brennynge hit, thi fat l(*id countwruayle. Gouernaunce. 5. [fol. 17.] But when hit is so brent, by yeris fyue 225 As nygh hit not, and aftir shaltow se That hit as fatter lond wol crece and thryue. Tholyue, as Grekis seyn, shal plaunted be Of children clennesse in virgynyte, Perchaunce in reniembraunce how olyue tre 230 Is premynent to virgyne chastite. The greynys namys is no ned to telle, Ner, aftir tynie and placis, how they chaunge; Suffise hit thee, ther as thou kestist dwelle, To se the contrey seed; and seed estraunge. 235 Preue eek thonpreued greyne afore eschaunge. Lupyne and ficchis^ slayn, and on their roote Vpdried, are as dongyng, londis boote. And let hem drie vnslayn, and vp they drinke The londis iuce-. In place eek hoot and drie, 240 In champayn eek, and nygh the seis brinke By tyme vpon thy werk in vynys hie; And placis cold & moyst, or shade and hie Hathou noon hast. And this to kepe in houris, As wel as month, or dayes, thyn honour is. 245 And tilyng, whenne hit tyme is hit to do, Is not to rathe yf dayis thryis fyuei Hit be preuent; and not to late also, As for as longe. Eek cornys best wole thryue In opon lond, solute, acclyued blyue 250 Vpon the sunne; and lond is best for whete If hit be marly," thicke, and sumdel weete. 226 Ms. And, B As glossed dimitte iacere. 234 After hit erasure of 2 letters — to? 1 eruum. 2 siiccuw. 3 crotosa {sic). Book I] Aier, Watlr. Loiul. aiul Gouernaiince. 33 And barly lond is good solute and drie — [fol. 17a. ] That nianer molde, hath barly in delite; In cley lond if me sowe hit, hit wole die. 255 Trymenstre seedis^ eek is to respite To placis colde, of wyntir snowis white, Ther as the lond is weet in somer seson: And other way to worche, is conntitr- reson. Trymenstre" seed in heruest forto sowe 260 In londis cold is best; and yf thee nede In londis salt that treen or graynys growe, Thou must anoon on heruest plaunte or seede, The malice of that lond, or cause of drede, That wyntir with his shouris may of dryue. 205 Yet most hit haue an other thing to thryue, Sum grauel or sum watir lond kest vndir, If thou hit plante: and yf thou wolt hit sede, A comyn moolde amonge hit part asundir, And al the better wol thi werkis spede. 270 The stonys on thy lond is forto drede, ffor they beth somer hoot and wyntir colde: That vyne, & grayne, & tre distempur wolde. The lond aboute a roote^^ is to be moued Al vpsodoun, and flekis'"* shal we niakd 275 Of donge and molde; and first be molde admoued And after, donge. A premynent to make Vppon thi feeld, hym nyl y undirtake That is thy dere entere; and why? ior he Wol wene his werk be wel, how so euer hit be. 280 268 Ms. mo shal. /> thou wolt. 278 nyl added above tJie line htj scribe A. 1 trimonlris (v/c) satin, - ronlra. •» tr/montris. •* ratll- (•(MU. ^ cratis. 3 34 Aier, Watir, Lond. iind Gouernaunce. [Book I De agri eleccione vel situ. C//pitulura vrj. Gouernaunce. 6. [fol. 18.]* ri^o cliese^ or bie- a feel[d], consider this — A That is nature and his fecu7^dite Be not fordoon by husbondyng hit mis; Vnhusbondynge vndoth fcrtihte. Yet pose"' y that hit might amendid be, 285 The seurer is to treste in thingis sure; The hole is saaf, the hurte is forto cure. Yet as for seed, hit may wel ben amendid, But vines may ha vices worthy blame: To longe or brode, vptrailed or extendid, 290 As diuers men ban doon to fresshe her fame And fewe or febil grapis in the same Han growe, — a gret labour is to correcte A moold in this mane?- that is enfecte. The lond is thus to chese: in costis colde, 295 On south & est, se that hit feire encline, And that noon hil the sonne owt from hit holde; But from the cold Septemtrion decline, And from northwest ther chilling sonnys shine; In costis hoot, Septemtrioun thow take 800 Ther fruit & high plesaunce & helthis wake. And se the flood be good ther thow wilt dwelle. For oft of hit exalith myst ympure; And fle therfro[m] in caas hit myght the quelle. Be mire* also to dwelle, hit is not sewre, 305 And namly sowth & west that drie & dure'' In seson hoot; for causis pestilent Engendereth ther & wormes violent. 281 Ms. feel, B felde. 296 Ms. so, B se. 801 Ms. helth is, B helthes. 304 Ms. tlierfro, B ther from. 30G Ms. manly, B namely. 1 eligere. ^ co?«perare. '^ pono. * paludem. •"> ai-ent et iwdiirant verba sunt. * Folios 18 to 25 are written in hand C. I Book I] Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goueriiauuce. 35 De edificio. Capitulum viij. [fol. 18a.) rpli.vii hous, as wol thi t'ortunc & thi t'eckl. JL Let make hit vp, in craft and in niosnre P>1() Hit to reparc as may thi londo. foryeldo; Demened so that, if mysauenturc ffordo th^m hous, a yeer or too reciire' Hit atte mest. And sette hit sumdel hie ffor gladsom c^' for saddir ground l^ drie. .-Uo The fundament enlarge hit half a foote- Outwith the wouglr*; but first thy grount assay. If hit be ragge or roche, on hit thow foote^ In depth a foote or too, but uppon clay If tiiow wilt bildc, another is tharay: 320 Let delue & caste hit vp, vntil thow fynde Hit hard & hool, and tough hit self to bynde. Wyth orchard, or with gardyn, or with mede'"* Se that thyn hous with hem be vmbironne". The side in longe vppon the south/' let sprede, 325 The cornel rise vppon the wynter sonne; And gire hit from the colde west, if thow co^zne. Thus shal thyn hous be wynter warme & light. And sonier cold. And lo this craft is lyght". De hihernis & estiuis manc\omh\i& pauimentis. ix capituhim. 3 J.iek fourme hit so that faire hit stowde yfere, 330 ^ The wintir wonyng on the sonny side Ther Phebus with his bemys may hit chere..^^ And timbur strong enlace, hit forte abide. Kke paue or floore hit wel in somer tyde; But tymbre not thyn hous with diu^Tse kynde 335 Of treen, as asshe, cK: birche, c^ ook, c^ lynd(\ 318 Ms, &, n on. 1 recuret. ^^ pede. -^ oxtr« paricto///. -i iiiiulos. •"» prato. *' rirciinularii (.v/c). " facilia. 36 Aier, Watir, Loud, aiul Goiiernaunee. [Book I Gouernaunce. 7. [fol. 19.] This mapil, ook\ & asshe- eiiduretli longe In floryng, yf me feme hit wel or chaiuv' That in the tre the morter do no wronge*. On part of ]yme and tweyne of rubel'"^ haue: 840 Six finger thicke a floor therof thow pane With lyme & askys mixt with cole & sonde. A flake aboue in thiknesse of an bond. This flooryng wul be blak & wynter warm, And, licor shede, anon hit wol updrie. 345 But, lest the sonne in somer do hit harm, Tin somer hons northest & west let wrie. Witli marbil or ^Yith tile thy floryng wrie, — Or thus thow maist thy wynter floryng take, Or lyme & grauel mynge & therof make. 350 De arena cf; calce. Capitulum x. The bilder eke to knowe is necessary, What grauel and wlmt lyme is profitable. Grauellis dolue*^ in iij naturis" vary: In red, & hoor, & blak vnvariable. Of hem the reed is best, the hore is able, 355 The blake is werst; yet gripe hem in thyn hoiule, ffor grossing grauel finest wol be fonde. Ek preue hit thus: in clothus white hit kest. And, shaken out, if that the cloth be clene Withouton spot, that grauel is the best. 3G0 And if me may noon delue, in flood, or Icne Cley lond, or nigh the see, grauel let glene^. The see grauel is lattest for to drye, And lattest may thow therwith edifie, 864. For to drye over erasure. 1 que reus. - fraxinu*-. -^ palia st^^nas. 4 putrificando. 5 rudere. ^ fosse. "* vel eolouris. "^ colig«re {sic). JJook JJ Aicr, Watir, Loud, and Goucriiauiicc. 37 Tlio salt in liit thi werkis wol resoluc; [f(»l. ll)a.] 365 And lond grand anoon scttc in worcliinge Er Sonne or wynde or shouris^ hit dissolue. And flood grauel is good for couetjnge. Out of the see grauel the salt to bringe, Let drenche hit for a tyme in water sweto. 370 Thy lym- of stonys hard is thus to gete: Stoon tiburtine, or tioody columbine, Or si)ongi red, let brenne, or marbul ston; ffor bildyng, better is the harder myne; The fistulose & softer let hit goon 375 To couer with. & tweyn" of lyme in oon Of grauel mynge, and chalk in Hood gmucl A thredendell, wol sadde hit wonder wel. De latei'ic[i]is parietiOus C«pitulum xj. rphi wallis bricke*, \Yith bricke thou most coronc A A foote aboue & sumdel promynent 380 That they be storm or rayn be not fordone, And let hem drie erthen the bemys bent Or roof be layd uppon, lest al be schent ffor lacke of craft. Eke this is husbondrie — To couert hem \\i(h sum what whil they drie. 385 JJe lumine atdtiune d' altitudine. Capituluiu cij. Make lyght ynough aljoute on euery side, And loke, as the is taught, that est & west, And north t<: south thyn houses thou deuydc; In wynte?*, south, in veer i.^ heruest, est. Septemtrioun in somcr houseth best; 390 300 see added aboce tlt4i line in hand A. o79 Ms. lue most, li thou must. 380 Mss. aboute. 388 Ms, duuyso, B deuyde. 1 ymbres. - calcnn. •> partes. ^ mures {sic) latericios. B8 «Vicr, AVatir, Loiul, fiiid Goiu>rnaiuice. [Book I ^ * A40 And. as hit diietli, eft & eft hit dight. Thre kyrtils do tlieron. of marbul greyne: But first let on l)o dric, & then engre[y]ne A sniuller cote aboue on that, & thenne Tlic thridde on al. as snial as hit may renne. 420 Ve vitanda vallt frujida. C'rtpituluiii xvj. [fol. 20 a.] And war a thyng that mony men haue vsed, To drenche her dwellyng phice in dalis dope, Lest water shuld hem wonte, & foule excused; ffor helth is rather then the lust to kepe. The langour of thy lond is to biwepe, 425 In stede of welle or wenche haue a sisterne And rayn of al thy i)]ace in hit gouerne. De eisternia. C'rtpituluiii xvij. Let craft hit vp plesaunt as may suftlce Vnto thi self; as best is brood & longc. The gootys left in, sad thy ground assise, 430 And yote on hit tyl pauyng playn & stronge. This pauyng most me cure & labour longe, And clere hit vp: but frote hit wel ^vi^/^ lardc ffaat & decoct — thy werk wol the rewarde. When that is drie, v^) walle hit euery side 4:.^f In lyke maner, eek larde hit, harde hit wel Tyl water wol endwelle hit and abvde: And feede in hit thy watertissh & eei To nioue & clere & fressh hit euery deel, As though hit were a riuer or a welle. 44.' Now chenys how tamende, y am to telle. The chenys, holys, pittis, i)oolis mende, And thorgh the ston. yf that the water synkc, 418 Ms. eugrene, 7* engreyne. Rubric over 428. Ms. xviij. 40 x\ier, Waiir, Lond, and Cioueniaunce. [Book I Take picclic & taJgli, as need is the to spende, And boylo liem tyl they rysc vnto the brynkc 445 And let hit cole; eek yef hit lime to drynkc A lyte, and lyte & smal, but myn^'e hit yiirnc Tyl euery part vntyi on body turne. Gouernaunce. 9. [fol. 21.J When this sinient is niaad, hit most insinke Vchc hole & chene and euery lekyng ston; 450 And presse hit tliyke aboute on euery brinke. And holsum is that pii)is from hit goon To bringe aboute in water, oon by oon; To drynkc is this of waters lirst & best, Lycour of grace aboue, a thyng celcst. 455 De cella vinaria. Capituluni xviij. rilhy wyn selcr in cold Septcmtrion, A Wei derk & fer from ostis, bath, & stable, Middyng, cisterne, & thyngis euerychon That euel smelle. Ek se that hit be able As for thi fruit; another thyng notable — 460 Aboue hit al thi calcatori make. On either half a pitte, in wyn to take. Thre grees or iiij is up therto to go. Canels or pipis, wynes forth to lede Into the vat & tonnys, make also. 465 And pane hit, yf the list, in lengftjh & brede. A pitte in hit for wynes white or rede That ouerrenne of ignoraunt kepynge To make, is oon good poynt of husbondyng. De orreo & granario. xix capitulum. Thy bernys fer fro stynke & sumdel hie, 470 Thy stabil fer away therefro, thou sette. Ek se that they be wyndy, cold, & drie. 450 Ms. clene, B chene. 466 Ms. lengh, B lenght. I i I I lJ(H)k JJ Ait.T, W'alir, Loud, and (iouurnauiKo. 41 Thy l)erno also bo playn cK: hard tlio lletto; And t'ootis too to tliickc hit, tlioii ne lotto. ffor cuery groyne a placo is to doiiiso, 475 As largo as lor thy tyling wul siiflico. Thy garner and thi vessel for thy grayn, [fol. 2 1 a.] Make suwulol high, & wallo hit thus to thriuo: Oildroggis niixt with cloy mo may ym[)layn The wo wis with; & leuis of oliuc 480 In stodo of chaf, vppon thy wowis driiio; And drie hit wel, & then oyldroggo hit ofto, And sally may thy wheto in hit bo lofto. This maner craft wol hold out of thi whotc Gurgolions and other noyis bcstis. 485 The coriaundor leuis, lest hit swete, Is put theryn. Another craft vnlest is: ffro lloor to floor to chaungo hit ofto, his lost is. Conisa is an herbe as Grekis sayn That drie is goode to kest vnder the grayn. 490 De olefactorio. Crtpitulum xx. r|>hyn oilcolar sette on the somer side, -L Hold out the cold & let cum in the sonne At holys, so that in the wyntertide Thyn oil, with esi pressinge, out bo wonno. Oilmilles, wholis, wrongis, not bigonne 405 Of new, y nil not speke of now: but clone, Thyn oiles receptaclis thow demeno. Me may also doon other diligence Aboute an oilcolar, hit for to warmo: The pament vnderthirlod iS: suspense, 500 Beoto vnder lir, so smoke hit may not harmo A deel; & hete ok wul thyn hous enarmo As from the swyrd of wynter kene c^ coldo. Now husbondrv for stablis write v woldo. 42 Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goucrnaunce. [Book I Gouernaunce. 10. [fol. 22.] De stabulis equorum tC" houm. Capitulum xxj. Toward the sowtli thi stabul & tlii stal 505 ffor liors & neet thou sette, & getc in liglit Out of the north, & winter close hit al To holde out colde; in sonier yef hit sight Thyn hous to cole. And nygh thi bestis dight A iir in colde: hit wol thin exon mende, 510 And make hem feire, if they the tir attende. For harmynge of theire houf, eek sette hem drie; And for vche yok of exon in thi plough, Eighte foote in brede & goodly lenght outtric — The length, as from the horn into the sough 515 The brede is crosse. And planke hit stronge ynough Vnder thin hors. that hit be lyggyng softe Ynough & harde ynough to stonde olofte. De corte. Capitulum xxij. Eek on the south let make an hous for bestis, But ouerhoot attemporat to holde 520 (Of husbondri a poynt not this the lest is) Of forkis, & of boord, & bouwes colde, A stondyng most be maad and ouerfolde And coue^^ed wel with shingil, tile, or broom — Or segges ar as gode to my dome. 525 JJe auiarijs. 6'apitulum xxiij. Aboute, also, this hous make up thi mewis, ffor donge of fowlis is ful necessary To londtiling; but dong of gees eschewe is — Hit is right noght, hit is an aduersary To euery seed. Now euery brid hem wary, 530 And, whil the donge of hem is so to blame, Let hem not sitte among thi foulis tame. Eubric over 505 Ms. bouiin. 507 Mas. winterclose. 521 Ms. apoynt, B a^jointe. ^1 Book I] Aioi', Wnti!'. TiOnd, niul (ioiicniauiiro. 43 |f()l. 22 a. I J)e columhario. CV/pituluin x.ciiij. And in a tour with playn and wliitod walles And fenstellis iiij, a c()liinil)airo, As is the gise, away Iro tlicr thyn hallo is, 5:^5 Let sctte, as dowuys may therto repair(3; And in with make hem nest is mony a paire. Old spartea, that beestis with bceth shood, To spryng among the dowuys. is t'ul good. The wesil shal for this doon hem noon harm, 540 So hit be doon secre that no man se. Yet for the wesil vse another charm: Sum of the bond wherwith hath strangled be Sum mon (y p?'ay god letc hit neuer the) — Hang part of that in euery fenestel, 545 And from the wesil this wol wite hem wel. Yef hem comyn ynough c^ baume her pe;mys, And dowuys mo ynowe in wol they brynge. And if me wul ha mony briddis thennys, Let bene or barly bake or ficches tling 550 Aforn hem ofte. Also for her helping Let hong aboute, in diuerse stedis, rewe, x\nd bestis aduersaunt hem wol eschewe. [De turtarihus. Capitulum xxv.] Ynder thi coluerhous, in al the brede iAlake mewis tweyn, on lytel & obscure. 555 With whete &. milk in this thi turturs fede In somer faat ynough with lytel cure. But boile hit in swetnesse and oon mesure, A strik, is for six score on dayes mete; But water oft yfresshed thou hem gete. 560 Mubric over 533 J/^-. cohiiubaro. 534 M.s. fenstellis, B fenstelles andr. added later between t and 1). 540 Opposite this stanza in the left margin, in a handivritiny comparaticehj recent : frivolous and filthy. 554 Ruhric omitted. 556 Ms. milk, 7> mylde. 44 Aior, Watir, Loud, and (i<)U(3ninuuco. [Book I Goiiernaiinc(\ 11. |fol. 2'^.] De aniarijs tiirdormn. rV/pitiiliini .c.crj. And tliriissliis fecdc vppoii that other side (To fatte hem is auaihumt and plesauntj J5iit niaak this hoiis whorin they shal abide Light, clene. and pla.yn, with perchis tmnsuersaunt To sitte vppon, & boiiwis in to chaunte 565 Ychaiinged oft. Eek yef hem ligis groiinde Conimixt with flour, to make hem faat & rownd. The seed of mirte, if that thow maist liit gete, Of crabbc, yuy, lentiske, and wihle oliiio Let ycue hem now c^^ now for chaiinge of mete 570 With chaungid wat^^r oft. Eek frcssh, asbliuc As tliey beth take vnhiirt, with iiij or v Of thrusshis tamed, piitte hem in this mewe To do disport among tliis gestis newe. De (jallhiis inciibaturis. CaplinUnn xxvij. What wommon connot sotte an lien obrood 575 And bringe her briddis forth? The craft is lite; But askis, smoke, & dust is for hem gode. Ek best are liennis blake, & werst ar white And good ar yolgh. But if their appetite With draf of win be fed, anoon bareync 580 They beth; forthi therfrom thow hem rcfreyne. Wiltow they oftyn hacche & eyron grete Tliey legge, half boiled l)arly thow hem brynge; Twey crusis is oon day an [h]ennis mete That goth at large. & odde eyron in sprynge 585 Of Echates vuder thyn hen sittynge Do i)utte; as when the mone is dales dene Of age is good, and til he be xv."*' And other while an hen wul ha the pippe, |fol. 2;>a.l A whit pilet that wul the tonge enrounde; 5*.)0 That softly of wol with thy naylis slippe Anoon, & askis after on the wounde 576 Ms. the tliu. 584 Ms. oiinis, JJ lieuiies. Book I] Aior, Watir, Lond, and (Tonnrnaiince. 45 Do kcste, & dense hit, ley on ji^tirlec groiinde. Grounde alum ek \sith oil put in lier mouthis. Is good, c^ other thj^ng that not vnkouth is, 595 As staphisagre, niinget in theire mete Wol hele her tong. Another maladie Wol rise of sour lupine, yf they hit ete. As cornis that wol vnder growe her eye That, hut me lete hem out, the sight wol die. GOO Al csely me may vndo the skyn V^ith prickyng of a nelde or of a pyn. Taak wowmans milk and luce of portulake, And therwi^/i me may hele her eyen soore: Or hony, mixt \Nith salt armoniake G05 And comyn euenlich, is good therfore. And if thyn hen be louse, ther is more : Sle luys \\ith staphisagre c^ comyn I grounde in wyn c^^ luce of sour lupyn. [De iJavonibud. Capitulam xxxviij.] The pocok me may rere vp esely 010 If heestes wilde or theuys hem ne greue. Her briddis wul they feede vp bysily In feeldis forth, & up they goth at eue Intil a tre, lest they by nyght myscheue. But war the fox as whil they sitte abrood. ()I5 To sette hem in an iland is ful good. Goue^-naunce. 12. [fol. 24.] And for a cok beth hennys flue ynowe. The cok his eyron and his briddis hateth Vntil the crest uppon theire liedis growe. And first in ffeueryeer of loue he prateth, 020 And benis bake alite his loue abateth — 010 No (lesignation of chapters occurs until scribe B heijins again. G20 Ms. fou<;ryecr. Ms. pretoth. B. pratetli. 46 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Gouernauce. [Book I Ryght nere a del yf that he ete hem warme, ffor they wol rather his corrage eiiarnie. The cok confesseth emynet Cupide When he is gemmy tayl bygynnyth sphiy 025 About hymself, so fair on eiiery side That neuer foul was in so fressh aray. A shought^^ryng, a flusshyng, & a fray He maketh then, & turneth hyni aboute, Al gold bygoon Jiis tail & wyngis stoute. 030 The pohen ek excusid, if me sette Anotlier hen her eyron forth to brynge, Wol legge in on yeer thries dew as dette: V at the first, and iiij at eft leggynge, And after, iij or ii. But for bredynge, 635 To sette an hen on eyron ix is good, ffoure of hir owne & v of pocok blood. The first day of the mone is this to do — The x*^^*^ day the iiij away be take. And other iiij enstore her place into. 640 To turne heni ofte, also, good heed to take. ffor schc may not the turnyng vndertake. Yet take for that a strong hen & a gret; A litel hen on fewer most be sette. The xxx^tii ^^y g()Qtli ail out of the shelle, [fol. 21 n.] (Mo And oon norice may xxv lede — So say not y, but [so] sayth Columelle — ffyftene, y sey, suffice oon hen to fede. And first for hem spryng wynes white or reed On barly seed; or puis decoct & cold G50 To yef hem first, is good & holsum holde. And after, hacked leek or teudir chesis Let fede hem with: but whey let hold hem fro: G25 emynetj 7> eniyiicnt— 6w note. Cu)2 Ms. or, 7> lior. 643 Ms. hoin, B lieii. G47 Ms. but saytli, Ji hut so saitli. Book I| Aier, Watir, Loud, and Gouernaunce. 47 Eok plucke away the feet ^ yef hem bresis. And monthis vj hit is to fede hem so, (j55 And after yef liem barly to & to Ri<^ht as the Jyst; hut xxx daies okle, They with their norcc into the feld he tolde. She now behynde, t^ now sche goth hyfore And clocketh hem: hut when she fynt a corn. (iOO She chicketh hem & lavth hit hem bvfore. Hem ledyng hom at nyght lest they he lorn. Eke hele hem of the pippe, as is byforn Of hennys taught. But when their crestis sprynge, As seek ar they as childron in tothyngc. 005 [Be fasianis. Capitulum xx'ix^ Fesauntis vp to bryug, is thus to do: * Tak noon but of oon yeer, for infecounde Are old: and first in ]\Iarche vppon they go Theyr wyuys, but the malis nought abounde In coitu, though they be fatte c^^ rownde. 070 Oji cok for hennys tweyne, and euery hen Wol onys sitte on eyron twyes ten. GoueT'naunce. 13. [fol. 25.] A cow?mune hen may wel apon xv Of hem be sette, and of hyr owne a fewe: And chaunge hem as byforn at dayes dene^ 075 At xxx dayes ende owt wol they schcwe; ffyrst feede hem dayes thries fine arewe With barly coct & cold & wyn bispronge-: And after bresed whete & bresis"' longe. Aunt eiron* yef hem eke. And kepe hem fro 080 The water for the pippe; and yf hit haue hem. With garlec stampid wel c^ tar"' therto 6G0 Ms. acorn, B acorne. 680 Ms. kept, B kopo. 1 X. '-^ iisperso. -^ locustis. ^ fonuii*;\r//m oiia. "^ pix lii|uida. 48 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Cxoueriiaunce. [Book I Her bekis^ frotyd hard & saad, wol saue hem. Her tongis eke, ryght as an hen, to shaiie hem, And ryght as hennys- hele her maladye, 685 Is good. To fatte hem eke is husbondrie. With whete a strike, or otlier half a stryke Of barly mele, enoyled"' offed lyte, In dayes thries x, let make hem slyke And faat ynough, so tliat tlieyr appetite 690 Be seruyd wel, and that non offis white Englame vppon tlie rootes of theyr tonge, ffor that and honger sleth this briddis yonge. [De anseribus, Capituliim xxx.] The goos \Nith grasse* & water vp is broiiglit; To plaiint and tre an open foo is she; 6^5 Her bytyng harmeth corn, her dong is noght. Take for oon male of hem females threJ tfc^. . And twie a yeer deplumed may they be, In spryngyng tyme and heruest tyme. Eke make ffor hem, if other water wont, a lake. 700 For wont^ of gresse, on trefoil*^ let hem byte, [fol. 25:i.] On gooldis wilde', on letuce*^, greekish hey*'. The hoddid^" goos, the broun^^ goos, as the wln'te Is not fecounde. And why? ffor, as they se}'. Out of the kynde of wilde gees com they. 705 ffro Marche kalendis gees to sette obrood Vntil the day be lengest, is ful good. 691 Ms. office, B offes. G95 Ms. Tlio, B To. 707 omitted hy the scribe and added by him at b<>itis agrostib^s. ^ lactnce. ^ feno groeo. 1^ varii color/ interpositio translatoris. * Jn hand B. 4 50 Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goviernauiice. [Book I De pissinis. Capitulam xxxj. ri^his doon\ is other thyngis forto do: JL Twey poondis- must thou make in erthe or stooii, Not fer from home, and bryng watir therto Of sprynge or rayn"; for watir foui'^ that oon To swymme. also thy beestis to to goon; 740 That other weete in hidis*^, yerdis drie, Lupyne and other [thyng] for husbondrie. De fenili paleario lignarioqne. Capitnhim xx.cij, I^or hey,** for cliaf', for tymber^, and for reedis® Mak housyng as thee list, hit is no charge ^*\ In drie and wyndy placis ther no drede is 745 Of firyng hem; and for that, al at large. Away from home ordeyne hem y thee charge ^^: A fyr is foul affray in thingis drie. And now for donge^-, another husbondrie. De sterculinio. Capitulum xxxiij. rilhy myddyng sette hit weete, as hit may rote 750 J- And sauour nought; eek sette hit out of sight. The seed of thorn in hit wol dede and dote. Thyn assis^" donge is rathest forto dight A gard^^n with; sheep^* donge is next of myght, And aftir geet^^ and neet,^*' eek hors and maris^'; 755 But donge of swyn^^ the werst of al this w^are is. Askis^** beth good and so hoot is no donge [fol. 26 a.] Of foul as of the dowue-^ a^^ quyshte^- out take. And oon yeer oold is nought for herbis yonge 740 Mss. togoon. 742 Ms. omits thyng, B thing. 1 h° d*^. 2 pissiuras. -^ scatebra vel pluuia. * anib«/5 aqua- ticis. ^ madefacias coria. ^ fcno. " palea. ^ ligno. ^ cannis. ^^ non refert. n precipio tihi. 12 finio. i'^ assinorum [!] i^ oiiiuni. 1''^ caprar^^m. 16 bourn. ^'* cquoriim et equar?/w/. 1*^ ^orcartwi. 1^ cineres. 20 coluwtbe. 2i ijC ^o [evidently referring to the clause ichich follows.] 22 palunibc. ff^ La y>^ g^ rcf^C ^ c c^^^'^y^ u>i t ^^ M Book I] Aier, Watir, Loud, and Gouernaunce. 51 And good for corn, but elder thou forsake. 760 ffresh donge is best thy meedis^ vfith to make. See slyiiie- al fresh ywesshe and slynie of flood, With other donge ymynged, is right good. De locis orti d' pomarij sepesque serendo. Copitulum xxxiiij. rphy gardyn and thyn orchard,'^ sette hem nygh. A The gardyn fro the myddyng* softe enclyne 765 That luce^ of that amonge thyn herbis sigh; And watir in sum stede away declyne. Eek yf thee lakke a welle^, a wynche' enmyne; And yf thou may not so, let make a stewe^ With rayn watir, thyn herbis to renewe; 770 And yf that helpe hit not, let delue hit deepe Thre foote or iiij in wise of pastynyng. That hit may in hit silf his moystour kepe. And euery lond al though a man may bryng, With help of dongyng hit, into tilyng, 775 Yet is the chalk'* or cley lond forto eschewe, And from the rede also thy garth^^ remewe. Eek yf thy garth be drie in his nature, Departe hit, and in wyntir southward delue Hit vp, and in the somer do thy cure 780 Vppon Septemtrioun to ouerwhelue Hit vpsodoun: thus wol hit saue hit selue. The garth eek closed is in dyuerse wise — Diucrsed wittis dyuersly diuise. Gouernaunce. 15. [fol. 27.] Hym hketh^^ best a daubed wougli^-, and he^'^ 785 Wol haue a wal of cley and stoon, and stonys Withouten cley another w^ol hit be; Another with a diche aboute ygoon is — 1 prata. 2 limus. 3 pomarum {sic). 4 stcrculinio. '^ succus. ♦' fons. "^ puteuin. ^ piscinain. ^^ cretu. ^^ ortum. H aliciii placet. ^'^ paries, i-^ alius. 4* 52 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Gouernaunce. [Book I War that, for that the werst of euerychoon is, That diche wol drie vp liumours of thy londe: 790 Yit if thy garth ^ he mire, a diche may stoiide. Oon plaunteth thorn, another soweth seedis; But brembiP seed" and seed of houndis thorn^ Dooth wel; and gedir that as ripe as nede is. With fxchis^ flour ywattrid wel biforn, 795 Let ncdle al this seed. Lest hit be lorn, In ropis kept this confect meddilh^nge Be, til tlie tyme of veer or of spryngynge. Thenne ere'' a doubil forgh" iij foote asondir As fer as thou wilt close, and deepe a foote. 800 This roopis with this seedis close hem vndir; Light molde aboute and on, anoon let wroote. This doon,^ at xx dayis ende a roote In erthe, a braunche in ayer, wol reche aboute. Now rayle hem, and of closure is no doute. 805 Let veer go delue, if heruest shal go sowe. If veer shal sowe hit, heruest most go tielue; So shal ereither werk ben ouerblowe With coold or hoot vndir the signys twelue. Mark out thi tabUs^ vchon bi hyni selue: 810 Six foote in brede, and xij in length is best To dense and make on euery side honest. [fol. 27a.] In placis weete^^ or moyst^', mak euery brinke Too foote in heigth, oon foote in placis drie. And yf thyn humour from thyn herbis synke, 815 804 In right margin opposite : tropus. 807 In right margin opposite: Metonomia. 1 orius. 2 rubi. 3 mor[i id est bjati The gloss is hlotttd. •^ lubi canini. 5 erui. ^ ara. '' sulcum. ^^ h° d^ 9 vel beddis. 10 bumidis. !• irri^uis. Book 1 1 Aicr, Watir, Loud, and Goucniaiince. 5B Dispose hit so that hit fro phicis hie Dcsccndc, and do^ thy lond to fructfic, And thennys to another part procede: And so to euery part as hit is nede. To sowe and graffe although y sette a tynie, 820 Yet graffe and sowe as men do thee biside. In placis cold, thyn heruest seed bytyme Is best to haste, in springinge seed tabide;i In phicis hoot eek chaunge ereithir tide. To graffe and sowe in growynge of the mone, 825 And kitte or mowe in wanyng, is to done. De ramedis ortoT\m\ vel agri. Capitulum xxxv. .or blychcnyng- and niyst* take chaf* & raf'"^ And ley hit on thy land in duyers stedis; And when thou sist the myst, let brenne vp cliaf And raf. Eek as for hail" a russet wcede' is 830 To kest vpon the querne."^ Also hit nede is Al blody axis" here, and heuen threte In hardy wise, as hym to sleen t)r bete. Girde eek thy garth ^^ aboute in vynys white, Or, sprad^^ the wyngis out, sette vp an oule^- — 835 Why laugh ^'^ ye so? this craft is not so lite; Or take thy spadis^^, rakis^'\ knyf, and shoulc^". And euery toole in beris grees^" defoule. Eek summe ban stamped oil with grees of beris To grece her vynys knyf, for dyuers deris; 840 822 Ms. And ther is cold, B In places cold. 825 Opposite in left margin: No^a. 830 Ms. as r. w. B a r. w. 839 Opposite in left margin: ypalage. 1 faciat. - rubigine. '^ nebula. * paleas. ^ pwrgamonta. ^ grandinc. "^ paniut*' russcus. ^ molam. ^ cnieutas secures. 10 ortum. 11 h^ d*^. ^'-^ buboiieni. i-^ intfrpositio. ^^ vangas. 15 rastra. i^ tribulam. i"^ vrcino cepo. ;^ 54 Aier, Watir, Lniid, and Gouernaiince. [Book I Gouernaiince. 16. [fol. 28.] But that a man most do fill pr^^uely, That nere a workman witc. And this is good ffor frost and myst and wormys sikirlyj But as y triste in Crist tliat shedde his bloodj ffor vs, whos tristith this, 1 hold hym wood. 845 Myn aucto^ grandine. ^ circa ortuni. ^ ingressu. ^ pa- histrem tcstudinc???. lO rcsupinaj??. n vigore. 12 supinam. 13 in- terpositio. i-i ymagineiii. i^ speculo. \, yJ^JYvA^ ([\i-Cl'Mi| \/^ K^ , - '^U,!-^^^^ , Book I| Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goueruaunc©* o9 Tli3^ sccdis ^vith cucumber rotis groundc |fol. 29a.] Let stepo,^ aud saaf of cuery mys they are. Anotlier thyng that lightly may be founde, The caluair of an horsid asse'- or marc," Sette vp that— that wole make al wel to faro 985 On cuery side as fer as hit may se; Thus'^ seith the book, and thus I trowe*^ hit be. De area triture. Capitulum xxxvj. rphy thresshyng" tloor be not to fer away A ffor beryng and for stelyng as the gise is Of seruauntis. Of flynt ek, yf thou may, 990 This floor be maad, or hewen stoon bi sisis. Or watir myxt the grount, the iij'^^ wise is, Vpshette aboute, and trampled \with catcl, Maad playn and [dried] aftir, wol do wcl. And nygh hit make a place high, playn, & pure, 995 When neede is, ther to cole' vpon thy corn. This Avol auayle and make hit longe endure; Thennc aftir to thy berne hit may be born. Eek lest thy grayn in shouris^ shul be lorn, Right holsum is to haue an hous biside, 1003 That for a shour'* in that hit myght abide. But make hit high, on euery half perllablc, ffer fro thy garth,^^ thyn orchard, & thy vynys; ffor right as chaff and donge is profitable On rootis, and vpbryngith breed & wynys, 1005 Right so the same, vppon the top a pyne is. The flouris and the buddis wol they drie. And thorle hem thorgh. and make hem so to die. 991 Ms. bisisis, B besides. 994 Ms. omits dried. B dried. 1005 Mujht margin: metonomia. 1006 3/6'. pony is, i> pynnc is. ^ raacerare. '^ s. now virgi;?/**. '^ equae non virginis. ^ interpositio. •"> (luia lalia non viduiit. ^ ana. '* refrigerare. '^ iiu- bribiis. 9 imbre. lo orto. 60 -'^'6v, Watir, Loud, and Gouernaunce. [Book I Goiiernaimce. 19. [fol. 31.] De apium castris. Capitulum xx.cvij. rplie be yerd^ be not fer, but fair aside, J- Gladsom-, secrete, and lioote, al fro the wynde, 1010 Square, and so bigge, into hit that no theef stride, Ther flouris in colouris of their kynde. In busshis, treen, & herbis they" nia}^ fynde — Herbe origane, and tyme, and violette; Eek aiTadille"* and sauery there be sette, 1015 And curiage^ and gladiol the longe; Eek amarak, and other fresshest flouris — Eosmary,*' yuy, rose, and lily spronge In busshis. Eek the blossom greet socour is Of euery tre ther swetnesse in the flour is — 1020 Ook, fold, and birche, eek terebynt and lynde. But vtre' that is nought, leue hit byhynde. Of tyme is wex^ and bony maad swettest; Of tymbra, peletur and origon. Is next to that; and aftir hem is best 1025 Of rosemary and sauery; thenne is noon So good as they but rustyk swete vchoon. Septemtrion sette treen vppon his side ; And busshe^ aboute vndir the wal diuide, And aftir busshis, herbis to the playn, 1030 A sobur brook amydde or ellis a welle With pullis^" faire; and bowis ore hit trayn So lough and rare, on hem that bees^^ may dwellc 1016 No space between this and preceding stanza. 1 apium ortus. ^^ apricus. 3 apes. * rododaphnos. ^ curiago. ^ Y09 marinus. "^ taxus. ^ ccra. '^ irutices. lo lacuuus [sic). 11 bees (sic). c^5 Q^\^ I \^- I Book I] Aier, Watir, Lond, and Goueraaunce. 01 And drynke ynougli; but fer awoy propelle Horrendc odour of kichen, hath, gutteris^. 1035 Eddris^ to sleen and foulis" out to fere is. The keper pure and chast and with hem ofte, |fol.nia.| His hyuys^ hauynge redy forto take His swarmys'"' yonge, and sette hem feire olofte. The smelle of donge and crabbis brent, aslake 1040 Awey from hem; and placis that wole make A voys^* ayeyn, as ofte as me wole calle, Is nought for hem; eek nought is titymalle. This tapsia, this w^ermot, and eleure,' Cucumber wilde, and euery bitter kynde 1045 Of herbe is nought for hem. As hem is leuere, Let make her hyuys alle of thynner rynde^ Hit is not angry hoot ner coold vnkynde. Take ferule eek, or saly twiggis take Ye may, but potters hyuys thou forsake. lOfiO Or make an hyue of boordis lyk a stonde,*' ffor that is good, or hewe an holowe tree^^ And therof make hem hyuys [in] to stonde^^ But thre foot hie on stulpis must ther be A floor for hem: wel whited thou hit see, 1055 So maad that lisardis^^ niay not ascende, Ner wickid worm, their castels forto offende. Thyn hyuys ^^ heer thou sette alite a sundir. Her entre turne hit faire vp[on] the south, No larger than a be may trede in vndir. 1000 Wikettis*^ too or thre let make hem couth, That yf a wickid worme oon holis mouth 1053 Ms. omits in, B into. 1058 Ms. a litil, B alite. 1059 Ms. vp the south, B upon the s. 1 fusoriis. 2 serpentes. 3 aues. ■* apiaria. ^ cxaniina. ^ s. ecco. '^ eleborus. 8 jntmori cortice. ^ cupo. i'* eauum lig- num. 11 stare, i'-^ lacerte. i-^ apiaria. i^ portuhis. 62 Aier, Watlr, Lond, and Gouernaunce. [Book I Bisege or stoppe, another opun be/ And from the wickid worm thus saf thy bee^ Gouernaunce. 20. [fol. 32.] De a^nbus emendis. Capitulum xxxviij. TO bey'"' thy been biholde hem riche and fulle, 1065 Or preue hem by their murmurs* magnitude, Or se the swarme; and cair^ hem yf thou wulle, By nyght vpon thy bak; hem, softe enclude, And toward nyght her yatis thou reclude. But bey hem not to fer out from thyn ayer, 1070 ffor chaunge of ayer may putte hem in dispeir. Thre dayis tlienne hit is to taken heede If al the swarm out at the yatis go; And yf they do, thenne hit is forto drede Lest they purpose in hast to ben ago. 1075 Yet wene*' men that they wul not do so, • Aboute her hole a heyfer caluy[s] thost* So that me cleme^, and this is Htel cost. De balneis. Capitulum xxxix. Hit is not straunge, if watir wole suffise, An luisbonde on his bath to be bithought, 1080 ffor therof may plesaunce and helthe arise. Toward the sonne on drie hit must be wrought. Southwest and south the sonnys^ in be brouglit. That al the day hit may be warm and light. The cellis suspensuris thus thou dight: 1085 First floore hit ij feet thicke enclynynge softe The fourneis ward, so that the flaume vpbende The cellis forto chere and chaufe olofte: And pilis^^ maad of tills must ascende 106B In left margin tradiiccio. 1007 cair] B carle aee note. 1077 Ms. caluy, B calues. 1 sit. '^ apeni. 8 comparare. * iiiunnims. '"^ vehere. ^ cre- dunt. 7 vituli pri'mogieniti sUrcus. ^ allinaiur. 9 '^el ligbtis. JO pile. Book I] Aior, Watir, Loiul, and Gouernaunce. 03 Too feet and half, and twey feet wyde attende 1090 Hem forto sette; and vi)oa hem thou spreede A marbul floor, or tilo hit yet for nede. A niilyair of leed', the bottum^ brasse"', [fol. 32a.] Anend the setis sette hit so withoute The fourneys, and the tier therundir i)asse. 1095 A condit coold into hit l)riiige aboute. Make pipis, watir warm inward to spoute. The ceilis square oblonge, as x in breede As for XV in lengthe, is out to sprede, For heet in streit is grettir than in barge. 1 100 But setis* make yfourmed as thee list. Thy somer ceilis lightis let enlarge Vppon the north: but'' wyntir ceilis wist** ffrom north; the southern wynd is best, as wist ' Fs wel. And al the wesshe^ out of tin bathis 1105 The gardyn thorgh to go, therto no scathe is. The chaumbwrs in the bathis may be wrought As is cisterne, hit wul be wel the strenger, And other weyis fele, if they be sought, As clene as hit, al though they be vnstrenger. 11 10 Thy wynter hous to sette eek study lenger Vppon thy bath, for lo the grounde is maade. And hete of hit thy wyntir hous wol glade. De malthis calidarijs rel frigidarijs. xl capitiilum. Conuenyent hit is to knowe, of bathis Whil speche is mad, what malthis bote & coldo 1115 Are able, ther as chynyng, clift, or skathe is. To make hit hool and watir wel to holde. ffor bathis hoot, ammoniak is tolde 1102 Ms. lightis lightis. 1118 Left maryin: 1. reniedium. I miliarium plmnbeurn. 2 fuiidiim. -^ creiim. ** solia, 5 h*^ d". •* sfniatis. "^ scituni, '^ olunies. G4 Aier, Watir, Lond, and Gouernaunce. [Book I Right good, with brymstoon resolute ypitte Aboute in euery chjnyng, clift, or slitte. 1120 Gouernaunce. 21. [fol. 83.] Or thus: hard picche and wex tak euen wight And lierdis^ witli: pix liqm^de herto eche- An haiuendel; and grounden shellis dight With Hour of lym — al this commyxt wul decho^ Euery defaute and al the woundis leche. 1125 White wax, hard picche, remysse ammonyake — This iij co?»myxt therefore is good to take. Or thus: amnioniak remysse and figis'^ With pix liquide^ and herdis^ sore ygrounde^, To cleme^ vppon, right suffisauntly bigge is. 1130 Or flour of lyme in oil if thou confounde, And helde hit in, vphelith hit bigrounde; But kepe hit drie a while. Eek bolis blood ^ With oil and flour of lyme adm3"xt, is good. Eek oister shellis drie and al togrounde^^ 1135 With hard picche and with figis dooth the same. But malthis colde in other craft let founde: Ox blood with picche and syndir^^ al toframe^-, And make hit lyk a salue, and ouerflame Vclie hole and chene; or siftid askis^^ dene 1140 And seuum molton, held in euery chene. A De pistrino. Capitulum xlj. nd yf thy watir come in aboundaunce, As myche as may thy bathis ouerflowe 1120 Ms. yputte, B ypilte. 1121 In left margin 2. reme- dium and in left margin opposite following: 1120 3. remediuw, 1128 4. remediuwi, 1131 5. remediuw?, 1133 6. remediuw, 1135 7. reraedium, 1137 8. reraedium, 1140 9. remediuni. 1138 Ms. fyndir. 1 stupam. 2 appone. 3 claude (sic). ^ ficus. ="' pice liquide. *j sliipa. 7 tiisa. 8 allinero. ^ taurinMS sanguis. 1^ contuse. 11 scorio (sic). 1'-^ co^iminue. i^ cribellatum cmerem. 4 Book Ij Aier, AVatir, Lond, and Gouernaunce. 65 Thy baklious^ therwitlial good is tauaunce; A watir mvllc herwith tliou may auowe 1145 To make, in sparyng beestis that shal pi owe, As hors and oxe; and so with litil care Shal watir cornys grynde and beestis spare. Be instrument is agrestium. Caj^itulum xlij. [fol. 33 a. J Mak redy now vche needful instrument. Let se the litel plough, the large also 1150 The londis forto enhaunce and vp to hent Ther as the soil is moyst: yet tolls mo, The mattok,- twibil,^' picoys* forth to go — The sawis^ longe and short, eek knyuys crokid ffor vyne and bough, with sithis, ciclis hokid/' 1155 And crokid sithis egged' on the bakke; Shewe forth also the cambwr^ knyuys lite, . In plauntis yonge a braunche away to takke. The hokis that the fern*' away shal bite, And billis^^ al this breris^^ vp to smyte. 1100 Get rakis, crokis, adsis,^- and bicornys,^'^ And doubil bityng axis^* for this thornA^s. Heer most be markyng^^ yrons for oure beestis, And toolis forto gelde,^''' and clippe, and shere. Eek lether cootis vs to were honest is, 1165 So their cuculle aboute our senile were;^' And botis, cokirs, myttens most we were^^ — ffor^^ husbondis and hunters al this good is, ffor-*^ they must walke in breris & in woodis. 1168 Ms. hunteris, B hunters. 1 pistrinum. 2 bidens. '> dolobra. * ligo. 5 serre. 6 falsi- ic) et falcibus messoris. '' acute. ^ curuos, 9 felicem. 1 pistrmum. •^ bidens. ^> dolobra. * ligo. ^ i bus (sic) et falcibus messoris. '' acute. ^ curuoi 10 runcones. ii vepres. 12 rastrw, sarculos, ascias. 1^ secures, i^^ cauteres. i<^ forramenta castrator/r»/. i. ia ,.i.: 1Q on ~.*~ curuos, 9 felicem. 1-^ bicorncs. ■'^ souurtjs. "^^ i;auit;it;s. ^" JDiTuiui'iiia L';isiiiin)i/j//f. ^ ' S. caput esset. 18 uti. l^ pro. -^ qtim. GQ Aier, Watir, Loud, and Goueriiauuce. [Book I [fol. 34.] And lieer an ende as of this tirst[e] book 1170 Of husbondrie, and ther beth other twelue Vntouchid yit that y not vndirtook To do. But thus y seide vnto my sehie: 'Y wul assay hem vp to plowe & dehie'. A lord to plese, how swete is to laboure: 1175 ffor that men heuc and shone and ouenvlielue. Lo thus hit is, and thus y Crist honoure: Laude, ymne, honour, empire & songe vnto The flour of lesse spronge in Bethleem, Whom Symeon seid of, and Anne, and moo 1180 In oon bisought Osanne at lersalem; ffor now is goon, hope y, the werre of hem My foon, and y doon nerre His prince Hm^^frey. This incorrect, aferd lest fuke or wem Enfect, y to this due directe, and sey: 1185 S' erenous prince! or thus: 0 pnncis flour! Or thus: 0 prince in pees and due in werre! Or nay: 0 Goddis knyght and Cristis tour! Or ellis thus: 0 londis lif and sterre Of light! Or ellis: Thynge of thyngis derre! — 1190 Or y noot what, excedyng so nature, That who thow art to sayn my wittis erre, Not oonly god ner oonly creature. [fol. 34a.] ^ 1 But God, me semeth, best thou mayst resemble «-^ ^ fvoM-,";) *i [,;„. ffor verite, lustice, and mansuetude, 1195 And other mo that in thy brest assemble Whiche euery lif suffisith to conclude. To the these incorrectid versis rude, 1170 This epilogue is not found in B. 1181 In right margin in same hand and in red ink: sincopa, 1189,1190 Ms. Orellis. I Book I) Aier, Watlr, [vonfl, and Goueriiaunce. 67 Noot y not why ner how niys iiietrified, Thus ofre y, pra[i]yng thy celcitude 1200 Do that my wrong and they be iustified. My bone is graunt and to correction n That half is doon; that other half mot stonde In hope as j-it vndir protectioun. As while y speke apart with this husbonde, 1205 And telle hym forth the tilynge of his londe In euery place and seson of the yeer, Now God leue al be sadly vndirstonde. ♦ And first wul y bygynne At lanyueer. 1200 Ms. prayng. 1202 There is an mlervnl of 6 lines hefiveen this and the preceding stanza. 5* 11. lANYVEEE, lanyueer. 2?). [fol. 85.] De ahlaqueandis vitihus. Fvimum ccqntnhwi. At lanyueer ablaqueacioun The vynys axe in placis temporate. Italiens excodicacioiin Hit calle, and hit is hem to desolate Of erthe, and al from euery roote abate. 5 Thus delues maad, on hem shal wete & hete (They^ too doth al) engender gTai)is grete. De pratis abstinendts in locis maeris. ij capitulnni. In placis glade ^ [and lene], in placis drie The medis"' clensid tyme is now to make, And heestis from now forth from hem to crie: 10 The feeldis fatte and drie on hem to wake And breke^ hem vp — but at the weendyng'* slake 1 Large illuminated A exUndmg the icidth of 0 versfs. 8 3Is, omits and 1., B and 1. 1 int6!rposic/o. '^ prata. '^ apricis. ^ proscindero. ^' versuram. Book II] Iaiiyu(;cr. 69 T|li]e yook, tliyn oxon nekkis forto cole; I^ut drawyng- by the horn is no good scole. The balkis that they calle vncred lond^ 15 And oiierheed, bihold that ther be noon. The cloddis mailed be with mannes bond. To wite yf al be wel, thy self aloon Transuersal thorgh the forghis euerichoon Let russhe - a rodde,"' and make hem oft this went, 20 And thi ploughmen wol not be necligent. The fenny fecld [hit] is not forto plowe, Lest al the yeer hit aftir be to tough To plow^e. Ek, as me seith, no thing w^ol growe Thre yeer on h)ndis drier then ynough 25 And rayn bywet, so torn vp with the i)lough. Demene [hit] in the mene of moyst and drie: Ek sowe hit so and hit wol multiplie. l)e ordeo yalatico serendo. Hi} cainiwlwm. [f'ol, 35 a.] At lanys monys Idus, temporate Ground is to sowe in barly galatyke*. 30 Viij busshell seed an aker lond is ate, But first se that the w^vnter ha be like\ Now cinches^, sowe in faat & moyst lond, like' Thre strike an aker seed; yet ofte hit faileth So wete or hete in tlouryng hit assayleth. 35 ])e vicia serenda now ad pahidtim sed ad semen hahendum. vj cap. And whan this Ian us xxv dayes Is old, is best thi ticchis^ forto sowe ffor seed, but not for fodder *, for no nay is 13 Ms. Te, B The. 21 Ms. feeld is not, li fceld it is not. 27 Ms. Demene in, B Demeene it in. 1 inaratam t<'yrani. - ponas. ^ particani (sic). ^ ordeu.v* galaticuw. "^ placida vel clemens. 6 cicercule. "^ letantur. 8 vici{\s. 9 pahulo. 70 lanyueer. [Book 11 That^ snaylis^ rather, latte hem for to growe. Vij busshell on an aker lond bis to we 40 When al the dewe^^ is offe, in hoiiris warmc; And hele'* hem, lest the nj^ghtis [wete] hem harme. De feno greco serendo leyendfij semmis causa,, vij capitulum. Feyngrek*"' to haue of seed, is to be sowe In Italie ene in this lanys ende; Vij strike vpon an aker is to thro we. 45 But plowed thynne & smale is to comende. ffor fyngris foure yf lower thou descende 'Vp may hit not. ffor thy with plowes liglit Summe^ ere'-c^*^^owe & rake hit with forth right. De heruo serendo tC" de sariendis frumentis. viij capitulum. Also the taaris^ in this lanys ende 50 Is good to sowx in placis drie & lene; V strike vpon an aker is to spende. This moone, in sonny dayes & serene, Withouten frost, thi cornys wede hem clene. Yet wol this werk the roote, as su^wmen'^ telle, 55 Vnhele^^ or kerue, and cold hit after quelle. lanyueer. 24. [fol. 36.J Whan whete is quaterfoyle & barly fyue, And puis & benys fyngris foure ascende Abouen erthe, hit is to wede hem blyue. The lupyne is no wedyng on to spende; Withouten help hymself hit wol defende 60 ffrom wedis alle; hit rootis hath but oon, And yf me wede hit, slayn hit is anoon. 39. latte] B lette. 42 3/6-. nyghtis hem, B nyglitos weete hem. 1 qmn. 2 Hnaces (sic). ^ ros. ^ operi. '^ fenuwi grecum. 6 aliqui. 7 erant {sic). 8 heruuw. ^ aliqui. 10 detegere. Book IT] lanyuccr. 71 Tliy bene ywcdid twycs wol avaylc, 80 wol hit fructitie in grettest wise. 65 Of oon to liaue a stryke^ is good trauaylc — Myn auctonr seith tlierto they wol arise. To wede (^k cornys drie, is no good gise, ffor blychenyng after that werk is drede; Yet barly drie, hit harmeth not to wede. 70 De pastinandi generibus (C- scrohibus vitiiim. x capituluni. f-phis mone is good to make in pastynynge X That may be maad dyuers in wises thre: In deluyng [al], or plowyng, or dichynge. The lond vnclene al doluen up mot be, Of rootis, fern-, cK: weed", to make hit fre; 75 But yf thy lond be leye^ clene of wedis, With diche^* or forgh'' to pastyne hit, no drede is. The forgh is best, ille humour out to wise. Elonge ek, as thee likith best, thy lond; Too foote & half the brede is to dyuyse. 80 Tlienne, yf the vyne is dight with ma^nes bond. Too fote & half ther must vnered ' stond: But other wise yf vynys shal be plowed, ffeet V or sixe of leye is hem alowed. Too fote ct half in brede & thre in length, [fol. 36a] 85 Yf diches plese, hem make, and thre feet depc; With mannys bond to tylc, or oxen strength, Thyn entre space in oon maner thou kepe. JJiit lest the sciouns^ crokidly vp crepe, 73 Ms. oiiiUs al; 7:^ alio. 74 In right margin : Vrimub' modus pastinandi. 79 Right uuirgin: socund«6' modus pasti- iiaudi. 84 Ms. of sixe. B or s. 86 Left margin : iij modus pastinandi. ' raodium. - filice. '^ herbis noxeis. ^ nouale. ^ scrobo. sulco. ~* non aratuj/z. ^ sarmenta. 72 lanj^neer. [Book II And Iiarmed be whan irons depe synkc, 90 Pare al the dichis cuen, playn the brinke. The first is good ij fote & half or thre ffeet depe to turne vp alle, but diligent Thou be lest balkis vndirclosed be. The wardeyn with his rodde experient 95 May be therof, thorgh putty ng euer}^ went. Ek hepe vp euery roote of feme & breris And euery wede. as vsed euery where is. l)e tabulis vinearum. xi caiAiwlxxm The tablis for thi vynys may stow make Here aftir as thee list, or as thi londe 100 Wol axe. An aker al hool may thou take, Or half an aker wel therynne may stonde, Ek of the thridde part hit may be fonde; The firthe part an aker wole be square. In londis mesuryng yet craftis are. 105 De mensura postini Italica. xii capiiulum. Of pastynyng thus mesure eue7;y side: A tabul square an aker^ lond to holde, ffeet scoris- nyne in lengthe, as fele in wide; Let square hit so; therout of may be tolde Of squaris x feet"^ wide, whoso biholde, 110 [CCC] square of x^, and twyes twelue*'^ — (This noumbre Avole thyn aker^ ouerwhelue.) lauyueer. 25. [fol. 37.J This noumbre what thee likith to pastyne Discusseth al. Decempedes' xviij'^^, 92 Left margin itej'um de ^rlmo motZo pastinaudi. Ill Ms. space left for cec but not filled in, B CCC. 100 31s. Ere, B Here. 106 Ms. Off (ff majuscule). 1 iugorum. - ceninnt octogiiita. "^ decempedarum. * decem- pede. -^ xxiiij. '^ iiigeriim. "? squares of x fote. Book IIj lanyueer. 73 Renombre hem hut [tymcs] twyes nync\ 115 Decempeclcs tlierof ther shal be sene [ccc, iiij and iij, and xvij"^j As was bifore. Vclic aker out thow trace In this maner, of large or litel space. l)e solo, lO celo, ib locis panyendis vineis cowgruente. xiij ca\}\i\\\\\\w. Thy vynys soil- be not to niolsh-' or hard. 120 But sumdel molsh; neithir to faat ne lenc*. But so wel fat: ne piccbe hit not dounward, Ne splate hit not to f[l]at, but sumwhat lenc. Of drie & weet also kepe hit the niene. In bitter soil or salt sette I no vynys — 125 In soylis so corrupt ful sory wyn is. The mene is best thyn ayer to qualifie, Yet sumdel warme is better than to cold. Than ayer al weet is better sumdel drie; But vynes fere^ of wynd & stormys cold. 130 Rude erthe and namly wodlond best is hold ffor pastynyng, and werst is holden there As sumtyme olde vyneyerdis were. Yet yf thou tile hit of necessite, Let exercise and ere hit ofte biforn, 135 That rootis old & drosse^' out clensed bo, And eue?y tilth' out of this feeld be torn; So vynes yonge in hit ther shal be born. Ragston & thinges hard, in cold and hete Relaxed, bereth vyneyerdes grete. 140 115 Ms. but twyes nyne, B but tymes twyrs nyde (sic) 117 Space left for line, but not filled in.\ it is here supplied from B. 123 Ms. fat, B ilatte. 124 3Is. Or, B of. 1 xviij. '^ solum. '^ solutum. ^ exile. '"' formidant. •' caries. 7 squalor. 74 lanyueer. [Book II [fol. 37a.J Molsli cley\ & stanry- lond, & stiryng stonys Commyxt with mold, and flynt that ertlie is vndcr (Of cold & inoyst conseruatour, flynt stoon is — The rootis and the sonne hit halt a sonder^j Ek places into whom from hillis sonder* 145 The londis swete, and valeis that the flood Ypfillith — al this is for vynys good. Lond argillose, & not cley bi hit selue, Is commodose; and ther as wrecchid grencs, Sour*"^ lond, to weet, or salt is, neuer deliie; 15 And alwey thristy^ drilond in repreue is. Vndonged sleek wole make hem lene, as prc^ue is; In reed erthe ek a V3me is hard to take, Though aftirward sumdel therynne hit wake. But this lond is ful wikked to be wrought, 155 To hard in hete and ouer softe in wete. Now speke of good lond, leuyng that is nought, As welny rare, attemporauntly mete'; The mydday sonne ek stonde hit with to mete In placis colde, and to Septemtrioun 1()0 In placis bote enclyne hit sumwhat doun. In placis cole^ enclyne hit on the eest. If est or southern wyndis nought enuye; And yf they do, turne hem southwest or west. Impedymentis, rootis out thou trie, 1(^5 And tradde'-' hit so that wikkid herbis die. Too fote & half the feld, & thre the cleves^^ And iiij an hil pastyned deep to cheue is; lanyueer. 26. [fol. 38.J Ronk^^ lond a fote & half, a valey twey 141 B stany. 165 Ms. ought, B oute. 1 resoluta glarea. '-^ calculosa. -^ ab i/micem •^ seperantur. '"> amara. 6 siticulosus. '^ mediocris. ^ tepidus. '' calca. 10 cliui. 11 vliginosa. t Book II] lanyueer. 7o ffeet deep is at tlie best. Ex\)ert ynougli 170 Am y that vyiies i)reuetli best yf they Be sette anoon aftir the spade or plou<^h. Er then the lond be woxeii sadde or tough. That this is good whether me plowe or dehie Myn auctor seith, he sawe the preef himsehie. 175 J)e lactuca, nanstucio, alijs serendis. xiiij Crtpituluni. Letuce^ is to be sette in lanyueer Or December, the plantes to remeue In ffeueryeer; other in ifeueryeer Let sowe, and in Aprih' her i)launtis meuc. Ek sowe hem al the yeer, wel wole tliey p/cue LSO In ronk and donged, fertil lond. But sette Hem not but euen kitte & donge ywette. Sette yf they be, let bare hem, yeue hem donge; Moyst donged lond c^ lough hem likith best. The wedis with an bond most vp be wronge. 185 And they that thynnest stondith beth ghiddest. Or sh"tte her leues, growen so wel prest, And with a shelle- or hutte"' adoun hem pressed, And they wol glade c^ fatte vndir this presse.*'^ They wole be white, as men suppose, yf ye 190 Amonge hem grauel springe, and in the foyles GraueJ be bounde. Ek suche her seed may be, They wexith hard; and sumtyme on the soil is Hit longe, or on the tyme; ek euery foile is Maad tender, twyes yf hit be transplaunted. 11)5 Now Cometh a crafte is worthy to ben hauntcul. In herbis letuce vmbigoon wol growe: [fol. iJSa.J But ye most take a bay" of gotis donjre" 188 Right marginal note to or reading vel turfe. 1 lactuca. 2 testa. -^ gleba. ^ preme. •'* prelo. 6 bachaiii. 7 capn'ni stercoris. 76 lanyueer. [Book II And with an aP, as craftly as ye mowe. So make bit liolgh & putte in seedis yongc, 200 Basilicon-, radish •', & rucul* stronge. Letuce'^ & cresce^'; &', donged wel this bay, Do sette hit in as fyn lond as ye may. The raphe is roote^, al other in" letiice Vpgooth, & al on high, they wole deiiyde, 205 Vchc herbe in his colour, odour, & luce. Heere is an helful thyng, a wondir wride . Yet other men in other craft abide; As for the same a letuce vp they pliicke, And from his roote vche foil awey thei crucke, 210 And pricke her place, & sette in hem this seedis. The raphe outake, and lappe hit faire in donge, And sette hit; vp they goth vche as her seed is, And letuce in their leues vmbiyonge^^ — 0 blisful God, that nature is so stronge! 215 Letuce of lac derived is, perchaunce, ffor mvlk hit hath or veueth aboundaui^ce. Now cresses ^^ sowe, & sette hem when thee list^-, Of placis, ayer, or hour ha they no doute. Dongyng they noon desire ^'^ and though he>n list 220 Humor, they axe hit not: ek grete & stoute With letuce vp they goth. And al the route Of rucul seme hit like this, cool also. Oarlec, vlpike ek sowe hem now bo too. 199 Ms. anal, B a nal. 200 3Js. liolugli, B liolowc. 204 Ms.r. of al, B r. alle. 211 Over pricke is ■written in hand A vel poy — The corresponding gloss in B is pointe. 1 sudula {subula). 2 ocimiiin. 3 radicis. ^ esure (eruceT). ^> lactucae. 6 narstucij (sic). "^ h" d^. ^ radix. 9 vel with, loambiunt. ii narstucium (sic). ^2 placet. ^^ appetant. JX ,-.A Book II I Ianyuf;er. 77 Itinyueer. 27. [fol. 159.] De pomis n. sorho, amygdala, et vuce iiujlandi. xv capitiilum. In lane, in ffeueryeer and Marclie in coold, 225 Ertlie, October and Noueniber in hoot^ Erthe, is settyng of seruys nobiil hold, So that their applis riped with foot hoot- The semynair be sett in. Ek y woot. My silf expert, of apples treen han growe 2^50 Right faire, and brought vp fruytis right ynowc. At Noueniber to plaunte hem in hoot lond, At thende of Marche in cookie, at lanyueer is And ffeueryeer in tempre lond, yfond Ryght good. And hilly, moyst lond, cold welner, is 235 Their loue, and fattist lond her grettest cheer is; Ek ther as serues fairest and thickest Vpsprynge is certeyn preef of land fattest. The plauntis bigge'' a depper delf desireth And larger space, as wynd may hem to shake: 240 That gretith-^ hem. Ek as the caas requireth, If hery wormys rede her feestis make Inwith the pith'', vnhurt^ thy tre, thou take Out summe of hem, & brenne hem nygh biside, And outher wol they die or nought abide. 245 If they uyV here, a wegge^ out of a bronde Ywrought dryue yn the roote; or sumdel fro Let diche, and feld with asshen, let hit stonde. Ek graffe hem in Aprile is good to do In whit thorn, in hem silf, in quynce^' also, 250 In tronke^^ or rynde^\ Her fruyt ek ji' thou wollc Ha kept, a party hard thou must hem i)ullo. 231 Ms. ynougli, B ynowe. 245 outhorj u written above. 1 calida. - e uestijrio. •> robustum. ^ grandcscit. •"' medulla. ^ h" d^. 7 nolimt, ^ cuuciim, •' cidDiico. I*' tninco. n cortico. 78 lanyueer. [Book II [fol. 39 a] And when the.y softe, hem putte in pottis hte Of erthe, and cley her mouthis; sette hem depe Too fote, and vnder sunne ay they delite, 255 And tradde^ hem fast aboue, and let hem slepe. Ek shtte & sondried", thou mayst hem kepe, And when the list, in water hoote revire" They wil, and taste ene as the h'st desire. Summe haue hem grene ypuld, and stoon & all 260 They honge hem vp in place opake'^ and drie; And wyn meUite, as seid is, saue hem shall. Aysel & wyn ek out of hem men trie, As out of peris, but yf bokis lie. Thyn almaund tre thou sette in lanyueer, 265 And yet as good for that is ffeueryeer. In October and Nouember they sette Hem ther as lond is drie, as wel the seedis As scions from the grettist rote yfette. But for this tre the semynair in dede is 270 To delue a fote and half deep, wheryn nede is An hondful depe, too feet to sette a sonder. Ek south & Sonne is good to sette hem vnder. The feeldis calculose, ek hard and drie They loue, and hattest ayer, forthy^ they ripe 275 And floureth with. Ek of the yonge out trie Oon heer, oon theer, and elhswhere hem dripe; Let stonde as fele as may thi lond begripe. Sette ek noon almaundes but grete and newe : And hem is best in ffeueryeer remewe. 280 254 Ms. chey, B cley. 265 Left margin: De araigdalo. 268 Ms. londis, B lande is. 1 calca. 2 g(5i]g siccata. •'» reuirere. * i^^i Jerke. ^ qift'a. i 1 t Book II] lanyueer. 79 Liiiyucer. 28. [fol. 40.] A clay afore her settyng hem to stepe^ In meth is good, ))iit wattre hit wel for this; Miche hony niyglit hem harme. And summe he??? kepe Thre nyght in molten'^ donge, and do not mys; The lirthe nyght in meth hit steped"' is. 285 Then is hit in the semynair"* ysovve Or sette, and in good tyme vp shal liit growe. And wattre hem eum' mone in droughtis'' thrie: Ek delue hem [al] aboute, and wede hem clene. Donge ek thi semynair to multiplie 290 Hem in. But plaunte hem twenty fote atwene. Or at the lest asondre hem xv. In Nouember kitte of the bowes drie, Superfluent & thick e ek vtter trie. If beestis bite hem, bitter wole thei be. 295 But m^ige" hem not in tynies whan they iloure, ffor therof wole anoon the blossum fle. Her fertile age is feir & for thonoure; The bareyn with a tirbrond' pyn socour, Dryue in the bored roote; or a llynt stoon 300 So do, that hym the barke may ouergoon. In placis cold yf frostis l)e to doute, As Marcial seith, this is remedie: Er flouryng tyme, her rootes bare abonte^ To make, and stoonys white a companye B05 With grauel to his rootis forto plie; And whan they burgyne out wel lijk to preue, This stonys & grauel me may remeue. He seith also their tender fruyt to make. [fol. 40 :i.] Er than they Iloure al bare^ hem at the roote; 310 289 Ms. hem aboute, B hem alle aboute. 1 macerare. 2 liquide (sic). 3 maceratum. ^ seminario. ^» in siccitate. 6 circumfodo. '^ lode. '^ adiuua. ^^ doiiuda. 80 lanyueer. [Book II Warme water certeyn dayes on hem slake. And bitter yf they be, this be their boote : Thre fyngris from the stook the^ lond remote, Let makQ a kaue ille humour out to swete-, And this wol out of bitter make hem swete". 815 Or, bored thcrgh the stook, an honyed pyn Dryue yn, or daube her roote in swynys donge. But whan their fruyt is ripe as take hit yn, And that is whan their huske is drie & clonge. Withouten care a man may kepe hem longe; 320 And yf theyr huske of esily nyl* goon. Ley hem in chaf and it wole of anoon. Wesshe hem in see licour, when they be clene, Or watir salt, and whit they longe endure. In December or lanyueer demene, 325 Or ffeueryeer in cold lond, a mesure. To graffe an almaunt tre whos graffys pure Out of the toppe. Ek graffe in stocke or rynde, In pechis and ek in their propur kynde This Grekis seyn almaundes me may make 330 With lettris growe, her shellis to disclose And write vpon'' the cornel, hool outake. Or this or that; and faire aboute hit close In cley & swynys donge, and so repose, And in their fruyt thy lettris wol be clere. 335 The nutte^ is to be sette in lanyueere. lanyueer. 29. [fol. 4L] Mo[i]st, hilly, cold, & stony lond they lone; With humour ek they lyue in tempur stedis'. Ek sette hem so and thenne as seid aboue Of thalmaund is. In Nouember ek nede is 340 To suwne & drie hem sumdeel. Also spede is 336 In left margin : De mice. 337 Ms, Most, B Moist. 340 Ms. Nouembre, B Nouember. 1 h^d*^. 2 exudore. -^ dulcia. ^ nolit. '"^ vel into. ^^ nux. ^ locis. I Book IT] Tanyueer. 81 In lanyueer and ifeum-ero to stepc^ Hem oon clay, into loud er then they crepe. Sette hem transiierse, oon side intort the gronndo. But sette their tre to loke on tliaquylone. 1545 A stoon or tile vndir the roote enrounde, That liit go not doun right a stalk alone But sprede aboute. Ek gladder hcth ther none Then they transpl[a]unted ofte. At iij yeer olde ]n hoot lond hem trt/nsplaunte, at tweyne in colde. 350 Their roote vncutte, yf- other tren'' me cutte, Oon' plaunte in oon ox donge is doun to settel I j And askis with, the hete apart to putte Of donge in doon, lest hit adure"* and lette. This aske in tender rynde^ a tre wol frette, 355 As men bileeue, or fruytis densite fforth bringe: of smal^ conceyue immensitc^. In delues^ depe is sette their appetite, Their magnitude a larger lond requyreth. Ek to no tre their droppyng is delite, 3()0 Her brethron & her owne kynde hit ireth". And in their age a mylging^*^ they desireth, Lest they therynne al hoor yberded goo; And Chanel ek their tronke vnto the too. [fol. 41 a.] The benefice of suniiQ & wynde wol harde^^ 3(55 Hem sure ynough that were yn way to dede. And 3^f thy note is knotty or to harde^-, Toslitte his rynde ille humours out to lede; 342 Ms. feueryere. 349 Ms. tmnsplunted. 361 Ms. 1)10 thorn, B brere thorne. 363 Ms. Let, 7>* Lest. 368 Ms. humouris, B humours. 1 iiiacryare. '■^ pro (i^tmuis. -^ arhores. ^ bronno. "» cortice. *j creature. "^ supple doi. ^ scrobih/^v. ^ irritat. io c/rcumfos- suram. H duroscere. 12 dura. 6 82 lanyiif'er. [Book II The rootis forto croppe. ek summen rede', A stake of box do thoroiif]^h this bored rooto-: \M0 An iron nayl*^ or copron here is boote. And yf thou wolt ha nuttis Tarentyne^. ffor antis'' lappe a kirnel saai in woUe*', And in thy seniynary hit reclyne. Ek chaunge a beryng niittre yf thou wolle* iV75 Into that kynde, as wete hit at the fiille Thrie euery mone a yer in lie^ allone, And Tarentyne his notis wexe vchont And whan their huske agooth hem, they beth ripe: Ek so they must be sette. And hem to kep(^ 1)80 Let close hem in a barel or a pipe Maad of their owne tre; or let hem slepe In greet -^j or chaff, or oynouns yf^^ they wepe. ffor thei their bitter sour wole mortifie; Or kepe hem in her owne leues drie. PxSf) And Marcial seith notes sheled grene, As grene in hony putte a yere endure. And drynke of this licour wol cure vp clene The pipes and the gomes, as is sure Thi^ Marcial expert vppon this cure. Ii90 In plumtre^\ in theym silf, in crabbe tre. At lanyueer ygraffed may they be. lanyueer. 30. [fol. 42.] I)e pomis tuber um. xvj* capWnlnm. Now tuberis in quyncis^^ me may graffe^-': Now sette is pechis boon; now almaunttre And plomtre wol conceyue a peches graffe^*, 395 376 Ms. wite, li wete. 377 Ms. ayer, B a yere. I I consuluwt. 2 radicem. -^ clauis. * illius ciuitatis. >> for- mices (sic). 6 lana. '^ velis. ^ lixiua (sic). 9 harena. i*^> p/'o {.{uamuis, ^1 pruiio. ^'^ cidoneo. l^ inserere. 14 surculuni, * }See Notes. s-a- tx c^. SU^ .. n-^>^. 5, v/ Book II I lanyuoor. H'd In (laniacene ek graffed may liit be; In preco(iua, the A\yne, ek men hit se. Now cheritre to graffe^ and pechis wilde And i)lomtre, er in gumnw, liit go with childc De signandis an'imalibus dh lardi (& 2)erwaniiii ((^ echini d' rapic im/ecc'wne. xvij ca. And nowe is tyme, as tellith Columelle, 400 The him bis and the becstis more c^' lossc To marke: and rapis make wel to smehe In condyment, is now the tyma expresse. Echinus erchon fisshe is, as y gesse — This fish & lard & flicchis salt to kepe- 405 In iuste confeccioun, now takith kepe*'. De oieo mirtino. cviij capiiulum. In lanus oyl confecte of mirtis bay is ill this maner: an vnce of foylis take, A pound of oyle, and x vnce of this bay is: In half^ a sester aged wyn do shake, 4lo And al this thing to boylc at oonys make. This wyn is in this werk, lest foylis drie This boylyng wokle eschewe & brenne or frie. De wino mirtite. xix capMxdnm. NOW mirtite wyn is maad of mirtis bayis. Thre"^ sester bayis broke in x of wyn 4 1.") That aged is; so steped xix dayes, Wrynge out the mirte & dense hit, putte theryn'' A scriple of foyl, and half a scriple of fyn Saffron; to this, x pound of hony swete And best; this wol be plesaunt drynke c^- sete. 420 402 rapis make wel] in hand A orer trasure. 410 Jl/.v. agyn, B aged. 420 In right margin: grana (|iiatr/- quiin\n4^ scWpuli pro pondere sume. 1 reZ men gratte. ^ s^Miaic ■' attondilo. i cMiin.V f.^/>) . u li*^ d*^. 6 impoue. 84 lanyueer. |Book II De oleo laurmo. xx capilulum. [fol. 42 a.] Of laiiris bay an oyle is now confecte: Take of this lauris bayis fele & grete And ripe; in sethyng water hem deiecte. So lete bem sethyng longe tyme swete; And after that the swymniyng oyl do gete 425 Into sumthyng, with fethers feire & clene, And in sum goodly vessel hit demene. Be oleo lentisctno. xxj ca^iitnlmw, Oyl lentescyne is maad in this manere: Lentiskis greynes fele and ripe a slepe Thou brynge a day and nyght to hete yfere; 4:^0 Thenne hongyng in a basket, let hem wepe, But in sum honest thyng their teris kepe; As oyl lauryne is lentiscyne of take, Whos rigour hoot water most vnderslake^ De gallinarMm pfiria fl" cedexda mater ie ad fahricam. xxij i(- xxiij ca. Now hennys- legge vppon"' their wynter rest; 485 Now forto hacche are hennys sette abrood^. Now matere is to falle in sesoun best ffor pale, or hegge, or jious, or shippe in flood. In old ek of this mone is this moost good. This mone and December were oon in space 440 Of houris in myn auctours tyme & place. De horis. xxiiij capiinlnm. The first hour xxix fote'' is fixe, xix^*' another hour, and thries v^ The thridde hour is: the firtlie is twies sixe^, The fifthe is x, the sixthe is ix asblive; 445 The seueth ^ as v, and eight as iiij " vpthrive ; 441 Ms. auctoris, B auctours. 1 suwjmitigare . 2 galline. -^ aftir. 4 incubaro. 53 ped^.«J. 6 XV. "^ xij. ^ s. X. 9 s. 12. ^ Book IT] laDyucer. 85 A.s iij ^ is nyne, as ij is ten-, the iurme" Tlielleuth^ is witlr"'. Let Pallady soy for mc Deo gracias. And here an ende as to the gouernaunce [fol. 4:>. ] In lanyueer vppon this husbondrie. 450 Now hope y se this poised in hahiunce Of hym that kan best knovve yf hit niys wrie In my defaut. And hym wul y supplie — My bhssed h)rd, mene y, the due Homfrey — Kight as hym thynketh best, do iustifio 455 My wronge & this. And thus to Crist y sey: Louynge honour and iubilo, lesu, To the doth yer & hour, persone & place, Erthe, aier, tir, see, gresse, herbe. odour, vertu; ffoil, flour, fruyt, greyn, & tro thonkyng thi gmce, 4(30 That now fauour and liberte purchace, As He doth liom socour. Thy Pnnce hym selue ffortilite wul now hibour outtrace, And our vtilite wul plowe & delue. Now garth and mode odouris sprede. How white 405 And rede her flouris l)rede and redyuyue, Beth graynis dede and helpe in dede ascite At nede; and vynis spede, and tren vp blyue As molbery, garnat, chery. tholyue Hery peche, hard pery, and euery kynde Of tren chery: and men mery shal thryue, 470 Heer y their Lord hery[e], His werkis fynde, And vnto Hym vpward their hondis holde [fol. 4^n.l With infynyte ympnysyng armonye: His Prmce also they thonke a thousant folde. Therto the bee, fouL fish, & beestis crie, 475 454 lord added above in name hand and inl'. 471 Ms. hery. 1 XV. '^ s. xix. ^5 s. prima liora. -^ s. xi. •'» xxix. 1^- 80 Taiiyiuer. [Book II And sayn attoiiys tliey will fructific; ffor now shal art attende vppon nature. Now lit", essence, and wit shal magnitie The creatour of euery creature. A[nd] now my lord biholdith on his book. 480 I'for sothe al nought, he gynnyth crossis make With a plummet and y noot whow his look, His cheer is straunge, eschaunge. Almeest y quake, ffor ferd y shrynke away, no leue y take. ffarwel, my Lord! do forth for y am heer, 485 And metur muse out of this prosis blake. And heer y wul sette on At ffeueryeer. 477 art written a^ove in same hand and ink. 480 Ms. A now. III. FEVERYEER. ffeueryeer. 32. [fol. 44.]* l)e pratis seruandis d' letamen saturandis. I capitulmn. A t ffeueryeer in places teniijorate j^\. The inedes for to kepe is to hygynne. And fede hem that he lene at pooure estate With donge. as liuna gynneth wexe it wynne Vppon the nyght: ek newer, gretter wynne ^ 5 Is to [the] gresse. And ley hit on the side Aboue, al thorgh that luce of hit may glyde. l)e proscindendin collibus. ij capitulum. At places warme, in dayes lyth & drye, Is now the hilly londys vp to ere. Trimenstre seed in erthe is now to strie.- if.i ca. lo Now wold also thy puis be sowen there *'0" <^n. As thynne, & resolute, ct faate hit were, And namlv dry. And whi? Lest luxurie And humor excessif go make hit dye. They may be sowe vntyl the mone he 15 At daves twelue. And forto make hem I'retc f5' ft Ma. Is to gresse, />' Is to the gresse. 1 cowmodum. - semynare. • In hand C. 88 Fcvoiycer. [Book III And uppc anoon, commixt thou most heni sec Witli drie donge, & theryii lette hem swete Tvl daies foiire. As for oon aker mete A strik of hem, hit schal be so siiffisid. 20 And chicc[hjes so we afore as I deiiysed. Be serendo can[n]abo. v ca/jituluiu. Last in this mone eke hemp is to be sowc In donget fatty playn, weet & depe londe; ■ A fote of sqware in, six sedis may growe. Now lond, that medicine is fore yfonde, lib (Wherof at sowing hem to vnderstonde Y wol yow do) ye moste hit plowe eftsones: Ek dilygently clodde^ hit, pyke owt stones. At Marche Kalendes in the soile ydight [fol. 44a.J In gardyn wise, is flores forth to sprcde 30 X foote, & strecche hem 1 feet forthright, ffrom eyther side al esely to wede: And watter hit as oft as hit is nede. This lond thus sette, old donge is hit to seruc And, greythed thus, til Auerel reserue. 85 De heruo. vij ca. De curandis vitibus tO arboribas. vij ca. Yet in this mone is forto sowe tares And not in Marche, lest they enoye thi bestis; Till oxon myght be wood therof as haris. Now old vryne at tre & wyne a feest is Vppon theire rote as ofte as ere hit kest is. 40 Summen suppose vryne hem schuld appeyre, But hit wol make her fruitis feele & feyre. Oildregges fresshe is profitabul holde To kest amonge, & rathest in olyue; 21 Ms. chicces sawe, B cliicches sowe. 22 liubricj Ms. canabo. 28 Ms. cloddy, B cloddc. 42 Ms. irutus, B fiuNles. 1 occa. Book 111 I Foveryeer. 89 But this ii iiion most do in dayos coldti, 45 Er then the i'eniour hoot on hem aryue. Now harli gahitik is for to thriue: Abowten Marchc Kalendes yf me sowe Hit in cold lond, white & saad wol hit ^rowe. De ponendis vitibus, pastino, ve\ scrobibus, ve\ snlci hatctli. 97 Ms. tre, B trie. 98 Ms. ner to hie, B nor of to hie. 1 minor. "^ vel knottes. 1 B(.ok IJIJ Fcvury.'c^r. 01 But lieiii tliat knclctli doiin lor vbcrtc — Oil bougli may hotter then another be. Jn5 And this a signe is of fertilite: In places hard yf frutis niultiplie. Veil bough ek from the rote vp traih'd i)0 With fruit: & thoo let marke & signifie, The same at settyng time owt for to trie. IK) But see ther be noon old vpon the ende, ffor hit wolrote & al'corrupte &' shende. ,•''•1. ■ • •.' .:; .• n: .« • . . ffeueryer. 34. [fol. 46. | The squorges ^ hie cS: graffes from the foldc, Though they vvol growe, & scions pampinari Wit fruit for fruitful let hem not be tolde : 115 ffor they from fruit to bareynesse wol vary When they be sctte, & then hem wolt thow wary. But writhe not the hed of thy sarment When hit is sette, ner do hit no torment. And vines wold be, sette in plesaunt dayes 120 And warm, vnbrende in sonnes or in wvnde. As cutte & sette, or yf they han delayes, So saf hem moist that t^hay may kepe her kyndc Whil spryngyng tyme endureth, liaue in myndc In placis cold, X^ moist, & faat, byvvette l-!5 With schoures often, vines for to sette. The syons schal be sette a cubit long; And ther as lond is faat do sette hem wide, And thikke in lene lond, so that among Hem in tin pastinated lond diuyde l:'»o Thre foot of opon lond on euery side: So shal thow^ in an acre tabu I mette MMM & DC scions sette. 115 Ms. or, II for. 118 sarment] I'irst irrittcu sunuent. 119 Ms. uer to do hit. B ner do hit. 1 flagilla (sic). 92 FeA'erveer. [Book III Too fote & half yf they be sette atwynne, V^D sauc tvvyes twelue 135 Sarmentes wol fille up the loncl withy nne An aker tahal tiled by hit selue. And whether thow thi londis ere or deliie, Orthward & afterlong extende a lyne, And put a stike in place of cueij vine. 140 Then kest adoun thi scions here & there, [fol. 46 a. J And ynipe in oon in euery stikis place. Oon maner vyn yf all thi londys here, A wickid yer niyght cum & all difface. Do diuers vynes sette in diuerce space 145 And wynes goode of iiij or v ha mynde, And seuered by hem self sette euery kynd. Thy vines old ek graffe hem tabul mele: Hit wol be feyre, hit wol be profitabul: Thus esily their fruites may me dele,' 150 The rathest rypyng grapes in theyr tal)ul, That other may cum after as they abul. Thus better wyn & smeller bisinesse Shal be, as knoweth tillers expressc. But this in pasty[ny]ng & ered lond 155 Is rewle, & not ther as be deluis made: Sarmentes there in angles iiij stonde And, as sey.th Columelle, hit is to glade Hem, yf the lond be lene in euery slade, With faat erth, yf^ me fecche hit elliswhere 100 ffro places fer or nygh & bryng hit there. Wyndraf- is good also commyxt with donge; But yf thow%sette a plaunte or a sleuyng-', Putte in a lytel moysty molde amonge, 1 But do no cley therto for eny tliynge. 165 Too gemmes vppon erthe eke for to sprynge 135 Ms. thelup, B twelue. 155 Ms. pastyiig, B pasty nyng. 1 pro quamuis. '^ vinacia. -' plantain vel malliolum. I Book III I Ffveryeer. 98 To leiie is good, the sonncr wol they take. Now comth a craft arbustes^ for to make. l)e, arbustis id est vitibus d' plantis nrbornm v it i fern rum. .r en, rpliat yf the lyst to haue a groue- of vynis, A Let phiuntes in thy seminari sette. 170 But trie hem owt of hit that gentyl vine is; And when they roote & wexe a litel gretto, To stonde about her tre let liem be fettc. The seminary is euen doluen bnde Too foote & half deep plauntes [in] to stonde. 175 In that thi scions or thy plauntes may Be sette alyte asonder; gemmes'' three Of scions vnder molde is sette alway, And yeres too when [that] they rooted be, Translate hem, be they scions, be they tro. 180 The scabby branches & the vexid rootes To cutte avay for dyuerse harmys bote is. Too scions in oon diche'* hit is to sette That neyther other touche asonder so, Theyr growyng forto encumber or to lette. 185 But feyre vp by the sides let hem go. The first yer fil hit not, as seyth Mago^: But fille hit ful vp at the yeres ende. The depper wol the roote of hem descende. But tliis is in hoot land cowuenient 190 And not in cold ther moyst wol putritie The rootes: hele hem ther is myn entent. And plauntes for to sette also thow trie; Asshe, popler, elm — tho thre wol multiplio, As semeth me, in euery maner lond: 195 Yet Columelle is so not understonde. 169 Rubric] Ms. v, B x. 173 fettej Ms. fato. B leito. 175 Ms. omits in, B in to stande. 179 Ms. omits that, B whenne that. 1 arbusta. 2 arbustiuw. '^ rel ioyntos. ^ /v/ deliie. -""^ s. ille auctor. 94 Feveryeer. [Book III Her plauntes in this mone hit is to sette, [fol. 47a.] Not fer tlw vyne: and in thy feld for corn If they be sette, a xl foote of mette .. , , Vche ehii away from other most be born. 200 So may thow sowe, & not thi seed be lorn, In londis faate. & yf thy lond be lene, Tlien sette hem not but xx foote atwene. A scion sette hit vj feet from his tre, Lest that the tre increce & hit oppresse. 205 ftrom bestis kept wi^/i dichyng most hit br.- Tlie vyne ek to the tre with bondes dresse. A better craft is for this besinesse: Let make a skeppe^ of twygge a foote in brede, - And suwidel lesse al though hit be, no drede; 210 This bryng vnto a tre v^ith w[ynes spradde], And thorgh the l)othom therof make a gappe, That thorgh that gappe a scion may be la(Ule: This sk[e]p vnto the tre thow bynde <& happe,. And lille hit ^\^th quik molde, & therin wrappo 215 This scion in the skeppe a lite ywounde Or writhed in this lytel skeppe grounde. Withynne a yer wel rooted wol hit be '^•• Inwith this skeppe, vnder whos bothum sliolde ■ ■ ' Hit so be kytte & born vnto the tre' ^220 Ther hit schal growe: & sette hit feire in moldo - - The skeppe & al, so wol hit take & holde Withouten doute; as fele as er the lyste . Do serue hem thus & in theire growyng triste, 197 this] t added above the line. 211 wynes spradde] In Ms. the verse ends icith the w o/" wyneS and a hlanlc space is left for the rest, of the line, B vynes spredde. 214 sleep] blotted. 216 Ms. a liter intortum ywounde, B a lite ywounde witlt (floss intortum above. 218 Ms. ayer. 220 Ms. kycte. 1 corbicjilaw/. Book nil Feveryeer, on •J2.". ffcueryeer. 36. [fol. 48.] [IJe. vineis prouincialihus. xj capitulum.j Prouyntial is diuerse kynde of vynys: The best is lyke a bosh ythied breef. Til liit be strong, siistened fii'st this vine is: And strong, allone hit stont in his boncheef. Next liit beth born vp vynes best of preef Vpbounde, orbiciiler & turned rounde; 2.30 And last is liit that stra light lith on the ground. [De i)utandis vineis communibus et hamilibus. .cij en.] In londis temperate & suwdel colde Goode tyme is now the vynes kitt to bo, And ther they multiplie many folde. Tho vines that Septemtrion doth se. 235 To cutte in spryngyng tyme auyse the. That other part that loketli on the sonne. To cutte in heruest newe is not bygonne. And strength alway the thegli in thi kittyng. Too hardnes in on wyne is not to make. 240 The croked, febul, faat, c^ mys growing And ek the greyiie branche awaj^ thow take; The lower branche in goodly place awake. Let suffer that a gem me or too extende, Thy vines to repare or forto amende. 245 In esy places hier may they trayle; In lene or hoot, declyue or stormy stedys Let hem be lowe. al so this wol avayl. In places fatte. of vche an arm no nede is Of branches mo then too: also hit spede is 250 To deme vppon the bygnesse of the vyne As what wol make hit stonde cV: what declyne. The vynes hie & of fecundite, ffol. 48 a.] In branches viij ynough is to dilate. 225, 232 Ms. omits rubrics here supplied from B. 230 Ms. A:, B ill. 96 Feveryeer. [Book III About his thegli^ let no tbj'ng growyng be, 255 But if bit axe to be reaocate; And yf tbe st()k be holgh or co^^cauate, Purge of tbe clede; oyl dregges on tbe woundc Wit ertb ydon, wol bele bit vp bygrounde. And take away tbe torn & bongyng ryndc, 260 Tbe dregges wol tbe fewer be be grounde. Tbe mosse^ away do tbat wherere ye fynde. And in tbe barde if tbat tbow make a w^ounde, Adownward suwidel ienyng most bit rounde. Tbe clawes" drie & scabbid, old, vnsely, 205 Kitte al away, & kepe up tbat is wely. And if tby vynes footes iiij ascende, Tben amies iiij is goode fortb forto streync. If hit be lene, in vcbe an arm extende; A branebe if bit be fatte, extende vp tweyno. 270 But all out of oon side yf tbow bem treyno, As tbyng witb leyt^ forsmyton, wol tbey die; For tby do way tbat febul busbondrye. Vppon tbe barde or on tbe to]) ne leuc^ Tbi scions. Wbi? for tbat is to fecoundc, 275 Tbe top witb lytel fruit wol al for leue*'. Amyddes wol tbe best scions be founde. A lyte aboue bis gem me ek make tbe wounde, And turne bit from tbe gem me m case bit wepe; Tbe turnyng may tbe terys vtter drepe. 280 ffeueryeer. 37. [fol. 49.] De })iitac\one arhasti. xiij capituluni. The vine ysette into tbe tre to growe, His first matier at tbe tbridde or secounde 256 Mb-, reuocate vel renouate (cf. above III :^ 16). B rcnocato. 250 Ms. by grounde, B bygrounde. 261 Ms. })cgrounde, B by grounde. 281 Ruhric Ms. vij, B xiiij. 1 Cms. - muscus. ^ ungues. * fulgoro. ■"• dimittas. '» pnni- pinare. Book III] Fever>-eer. 97 Gemme is to cutte: and Query yer alowe Hit yp tencrece & wynes fortabounde. Yf thow wold haue on bowis hem fecounde. 285 But fewer for to haue S: gretter wynes, Into thy trees top lede vp thy vynes. In bigger bowis fele, in feynter fewe Branches do traile: e^ cutte hem by this reson: Tho that the grapis were vppou by rewe 290 The forme yer, now cutte hem of this seson. The ramail from the fressher bough to leson Is good, and euej-y yer hem forte ynbynde Is confort &: refresshyng to theire kynde. And maak thi tre that euery bough extende 295 By otlier forth, as lyne yleyd by lyne. An elme in faat lond viij feet may aseende, In lene lond at vij hym reclyne. In dewy, clowdy lond thi tre for yyne Kit hit that est & west his bowis ronne. 300 The yynes sides bete yj^pon the sonne. To thicke-yppon the tre do not the yyne, And yf on faile yprere another tre. And make hem lough in cleuis that dechne: In playn er ronk lond, heyer may they be. 305 But bondis harde in yyne is not to se: Do bondes softe & esy for to were Therou, lest bondis harde hit kerue or tere. [fol. 49 a.] De putadone prouintialium vitium. xiiij capituluni. Adight yine in prouyntial manere Thatlyke a busshe ypstont. iiij amies make 310 287 top] short stroke over p. 290 Ms. that grapis, B that the grapis. 299 dewy] y added above tlt^ Hue in same haml. 300 Ms. rowne, B ronne. 302 Ms. The thicke, B To thicke. 305 Ms. playner, B plaine or. 98 Feveryeor. [Book III And branches leue on liein as they may here. The vyne orbiculer with canne or stake Vp born, in comyn fourme her cuttyng take. The stra[ii]ght vine on the grounde gemnies too The first yer leef, and after mo & mo. IU5 De nouelle putacione. xv cajpitulimi. Anouel vine, as telleth Colunielle, After the formest yer to oon matere To fourme is goode, & not, as other telle, The secunde yer to kitte of al j^fere, That they or dede or pampinary were; 320 But better is to leue a gemme or too. In bigger vynes rather this is do : First help hem vp with canne ik litel stakis, And yef hem strenger, yeres after thre. At yeres iiij, vp iij materes takes 325 On heni; al ronk yf that the londis be. The branches ek kitte of fro vyne or tre, And brere & roote, & al impediment In hast is from the deluer to [ben] hent. De propag'mihus. xvi capitulum. Now husbondrie his olde vines plecheth. 330 The long endurid, old, forfreton vine Is not to helpe, as Columelle techeth. To delue hit vnder al, but to reclyne Hit lyke a bowe and vnder lond hit myne; ffor, as he seith, the cors ydolue in grounde, )^35 The rootes w^ol abounde, & al confounde. ffeueryeer. 38. [fol. 50.] He seyth also that after yeres tvveyne Tliis bowes in to branches wol abounde; 314 Ms. straght, B streght. 329 Ms. to hont with space for 3 letters between the two words. B to been Lent. IT i Book III] Foveryeer. 99 But tilicrs uppou tliys tliyiig cowi)lc3yiie That, yf me ciitto liem after the seciindc 340 Wynter, they wol be seke, and in the groiinde Her rootis faile, & sodenly the}' die. ffor graffyng now conith crafty husbondrye. Di'. insitionibus xoij capitdlum. And in tliis nione in places warnie & glade Thy graffyng good hit is to solennize. 345 In thrc maner graffinges may be made, And twe[y]ne of hem is now to do the gyse: In somer doon the thridde hath his deiiyse: On in the stook, oon graffeth vndor rynde\ Emplasteryng another doth in kynde. 350 Thus graffe vnder the rynde a bough or tre: There cicatrice is noon but playn & clene, So sawe hit that the bark vnbresed be, And smothe hit after with thy knyues kene; A wTgge of boon or yron putte bytwene 355 The bark & tre, welnygh iij finger depe, Auysily the rynde vnhurt to kepe. Out with this wcgge-, in with a graffe anon That oon half cutte, the pith hool, /^ bonde, And in the clouen hedes for to stonde 347 Ms. twene, B tweyne. 349 Ms. grafl'c. B grnftVtli. 366 Ms. graf. B graffe. 868 Ms. hynrt, />' bynde. 1 cortice. - cunoo. 100 Feveryeer. [Book III They graffes doon on either side yschaue 370 Sharp as a wegge, her pith so that they saue. A uegge in hit ther most be pitte aforn. That, hit piikl out, the tre theron may clinge. This eyther craft for spryngyng tyme is born, • And worcheth while the mone is in spryngyng, 375 When graffes gynneth swelle in burgynyng. ffertile, & fressh, ek knotty, sprongen newe Thy graffes be, so that estward they grewe. The graffes be thy litel linger grette. And forkid as with forkis oon or too 380 With gemmes fele aboute on hem ysette. The yonger tre, tlic better wol hit do, But nigh the grounde hit most be cutte, & so Sette in, tlie graffe atwixe his tre & rynde: And, as is taught afore, is liit to bynde. 385 And other take a graf of that gretnesse As is the stoclve that they wol first deuyde. This graf unto that wol they shape & dresse, That bark \with bark acord; on either side They cleye & bynde hit wel. But for to abyde 390 And growe, hit helpeth wel to do good lond The stokke abowte, vntil the graffe vpstonde. ffeueryeer. 39. [fol. 51.] A diligent husbond enfourmed me That doutles euery grafting w-ol comprende, "^ Vntempred lime^ yf with the graffes be 395 • '^ Putte in the plages ther they shal descend e. j He seyd ereithe[r] sappe wol condescende f Vnto that mene, & glew hem self in fere, In mariage ymyxte as though they were. 370 jyh. Thy, B thai. 372 No space between this and the preceding stanza. 391 to] very Wee do, 393 Ms. he, B inc. 397 Ms. ereithe, B her either. 398 vnto] ivritten vn ; to added above. 1 viscum. Book III] Feveryeer. 101 Of eiiiplastryng is after in his mono. 400 Ek Columelle hath told another crafte To graffe: vnto the pith^ hit is to done A tre to hore, and se no thyng be hifte Inwith this bore, and thenne a graffes shaft Of vyne or tre ^\ith gemnies oon or too 405 Be euen mete into that bore ydo. With cley & niosse hit close aiiysily. Thus in an elm a mon may graff a vyne. A Spaynald taught me wonder gisily To graffe, and baad me thcron not deuyne — 410 In peches hit was preued tymes ix"«: As for to take an arm gret withi ])ough Too cubit long or more, t^ saad ynough; He seyd amyddes thorgh y most hit bore-, And ther hit growed, cro])pe a plaunte of peche 415 And ther vpi)on let slippe adoun this borc'^, That eyther Ih.hI into the lond forth reche; Bende as a bowe or vynes that men pleche, And cleme hit, mose hit, bynd hit soft abowte; Qwod he, 'thus wol hit growe hit is no doute.' 420 A yer ygoon, they too wol ioyne as on; |fol, 51 a.] Then cutte away the rote vnder the bowe And ley good erth on eu(?ry side & on: Withouten bones fruit ther on wol growe. In places moyst & ronk is most to trowe 425 Vppon this crafte, for wythy loueth wete And childron on another tre to gete. De instituendis oliuetis. xviij capituhim. rilliis mone in places temporate, oliue J- In pastine or in tables brynkes sette. Or in theire groundes, beth to growe c^' thiiue. 430 412 Ms. bought, B bougli. 42(5 Ms. flbr. 1 medulla. '-^ penetrare. "^ foramen. 102 Feverveer. [Bbok III And owt of th}^ pastine yf tlie}^ be fette, The bed & euery bough or smal or grette Kitte of a cubit; & an hondful longe They most be sette, yf they schal ha no wronge. Showue in a staake afore, & in do iveste 435 Sum barly seed, & kitte of euery drie. Her hedis cley & mose & bynde hem feste. The same side vppon the sowth to wrye As dede byforn, is holden husbondrie. Let sette hem fest asonder thries v\ 440 Or twyes x- as best is hem to tliryue. Plucke vp vche weed aboute; at euery rayn Do delue vp smal the mold of euery rote, Let mynge hit wel, & putte hit on ayein, A[nd] more a litel herre vppon hit wrote. 445 But in his place yf thow wolt haue hym soote, Lond myxt with cley, or sondy cley, faat sonde, Lond thicke & quycke, is goode in hem to stonde. ffeueryeer. 40. [fol. 52.] The potters cley, the wlonk^ or sondy lene. And nakyd cley, nys nought; for though hit take, 450 Hit wil not cheue. Ek ther as ooke hath bene Or crab[be] tre, tholiues hit forsake; The rootes wol their oyl or slen or slake. Northward of feruent ground, southward of colde. And enter bothe, of hilly lond they wolde. 455 Her bayes namj^s: on is pausia. Another orchas, thenne is radius, Licinia, sergi, comynia,'' And mony mo calde otherwey then thus Whos namys schal vnwreton be for vs. 460 437 Ms. mosy, B mose. 444 myuge] dot of blue ink over m. !| Ms. ayen, B ayeine. 445 Ms. A, B And. 452 Ms. crabtre, B crabbtre (cf. II 391). 1 XV. ''^ XX. y uliginosa. Book III J Feveryeer. 103 Oyl paiicia wliil hit is grcne is best, But sone in age hit is corrupt & lest. Licinia lier oil is best of al. But sergia hath most in (juantite. Suffice of hem to sey in general. 465 The grettest for the bord p?*eseruid be, The smallest for thyn oyl ykept thow se. Ther corn is. sette hem xl foote atweoe And XXV there as lond is lene: And west southwest^ hem for to order best is. 470 In deluys drie and footes iiij depe Idolue; & if the place is saaf for beestis, Vnnethe owt of the lond thow lete hem crepe; And elles here, hem seluen for to kepe ffrom bestis bite. And ther as wanteth stonis 475 Cley myxt with dong in settyng with hem doon is. Ther raynes faile & lond is ouerdrie, A[ndJ nedeth to be wet & here oliue, And plaunte is noon hem with to multiplie, Let set in to thy semynari bliue 480 Oliues bowis vj feet long or flue. And V yer old, transplaunte hem in this mone To places colde, as best it is to done. I knowe hem that han take olyues yonge, (This wey is light and more vtilite) 485 In wodis or desertis vp yspronge. Ikytte & set a cubit long to be. And plauntis fele han spronge of suche a tre. But in thi seminari most they roote, With donge & molde admixt vnto their roote. 490 473 lete] written let and e added above. 476 Ms. dam, B doon. 477 Ms. iaynes. 478 Ms. A ncdetb, B And i\. 490 Ms. thi roote, B thaire r. 1 in fauoniuw. 104 Feveiyecr. [Book III I)e pomiferis arhoribws in getierali. xix capitulura. NOW appiiltreen tovTard Septemtrion In pastine is the seson to dispose, That by & by shal of be seid vchon. Loond that is good for vines may be chose As good for hem; but xxx footis pose 495 Vche order of from other. Crop & tayl To sane in settyng hem. is thyn auail. Yef euery kynde an order by hymselve, Lest myghty treen the smale adoun oppresse. And as thi plaimtes growed, so thow delue 500 Hem up, & so to stond ayeyn hem dresse. ffrom clyf to phvyn, from lene vnto fatnesse, ffrom dried lond to moyste, is hem to bring; TranspLaunte hem so, & sone up wol they spring. ffeueryere. 41. [fol. 5^.] The stock yf thow wolt sette, hit do to stonde 505 Thre foote in hegth; & plauntes for to sette Tweyne in oon delue is not to take on hondc ffor wormys, & lest either other lette. In placis drie also they most be wette. Yet Columelle, he seith of seedes sowe 510 Or nottes, woll best beryng treen vpgrowe. De vitibus cij plantis circumfodiendls. xx capitiilum. NOW by the see cost & in hoot contre Thy wynys delue or er, as is to done. Now stakid & vpbounden wol they be. Olyues now & other treen ychone 515 Do donge hem in decresyng of the mone; The gretter tre, the gretter quantite Therof, and half so moche a lytel tre. Fyrst fro the roote abate of al the molde, A[nd] mynge it wel with donge and kest it on 520 498 Ms. hymself, B hymseluo. 499 Ms. Left, B. Lest 501 Ms. deresse, B dresse. 505 do] added abo 'e the line in some hand. 508 Ms. best eicher, B lest either. 520 3Is. A mynge, J5 And m. Book III] Feveryeer. 105 Ayeyn, Ek in the semynary sliolde The plauntes now he mylged euerychon, And braunches now superfluetit of troon; And rootys smale of noon vtilite Cutte of for lettyng of fertilite. 525 De liliis, rosis, croco cb violis serendin. xxj cripitulum. rphis mone is eke rosaries to make A With setes, or me may her sedes sowe. The floiire inwith the rose is not to take, But bayes that as lytel peres growe. By broun colour &. softnesse is to knowc 530 Yf they be rype. Ek now is to repare Rosayres olde & drynesse of to pare. Now vmbedekie hem, and yf they be rare, Me may hem thyke, endusyng plauntes mo. Wyth craft ek roses erly ryped are: 535 Twe[y]ne hondbrede of, abowte her rootes do A deluyng make, and euery day therto Do water warm. Now lilly bulbes sowe Or sette, and wede hem that of rather growe. In wedyng hem thow most be diligent 540 ffor hurtyng of her bulbe or of her eye. But bulbes smale vp from her moder hent Let put in other lond to multiplie. The violet to plaunte is now to trie. Now saffron bulbes beth to sette or sowe, 545 Or subtilli to delue, yf that they growe. IJe lino, xxij ca. l)e cannetis d' aspsiTagis [tt] plantis salicum vel geneste & seminariis mirti iO latiri. xxiij Crt'". NOW summe in soil ydonged linseed sowe — X busshel serueth for an aker lond; 535 Ma. of roses, B eke roses. 536 Ms. Twene, B Tweyne. 538 Ms. sowe or sette the next verse becjinning ivith And wede; between warm ami now appears \\ in Ms,; in B the verses are arranged as in text. 539 thatj Ms. put. 106 Feveryeor. [Book III fful subtil flaxe & snial tlierof wol growe, And also thicke & long as hit may stonde. 550 Cannetis now with craftes may be fonde: In delues breef this Cannes eyon do, And vche of half a fote his felow^ fro. . In places drie & hoot me most assigne Hem moldes moyst; and ther as it is cold. 555 To wete is nought, to drie is nought: benigae Is good, so that the toun water doun folde Streght hem among. Sperages seed ek hold Is good to sowe hem with, with hem to springe, ffor Cannes & sperage haue oon tylynge. 560 ffeueryeer. 42. [fol. 54.] Cannetes old ek tyme is now to wede, And of to kytte hit that their roote vneseth, And hem that rote, or crookidly procede; The bareyn eyles canne also displeseth. Now vilous. busshes, bromes, thyng that eseth, 565 Let plante. And now of mirte & laures bayis To make or tyle a semynary, day is. De ortis et dinersis herhis. xxiiij capitulum. . And at this mones Idus is good hour To make a gardyn hegge, as is byforn Itaught, when the was seid [in] ticchis flour 570 The seed to kepe of brere & hoiindes thorn, ffor heggis made of hit schal not be torn. The Greke seyth of scions of fatty brere, As vynes sette, an hegge a man may rere. But euery day me most hit delue & wete 575 Yntil hit take. Ek letuce is now sowe, In Aprile hit to plaunte in other lete. Now tesul, cresse. & coriaunder growe: 553 And] dot over and under d; jB And. 570 Ms. seid f., B saidd in f. 575 Ms. wede, B weete. 578, 579, 580 over erasure, traces of 579 and 580 appearing in 578 and 579. Book III] Feveryeer. 107 Now popy seed in ^rounde is good to tlirowe: Now saury seed in taat vndunged londe 580 Doth wel, & nygh the see best wol hit stonde. Smalc oynouns be with hit, or by hem selue Isowe. Ek hem in ver & in heruest They sowe; whos seed in molde, if that me delue The body smaJ, the hed wol be grettest. 585 Bot oynons as for seed to sette is best; The hed wol dwyne away as hit wold dye, The croppe encrese, & sedes mu[ljtyplie. Faat lond, ydonged, moyst, & well ywroght |fol. 54a.J 0[3;]nons desire; in hit let beddis make, 590 Vche herbe & roote owt of hit feetly sought. A plesaunt day & cleer to sowe in take, And grettest wol the growyng mone hem make, And swete ynough; the wanyng of the mone Wol make hem smale & bitter eumxhone. 505 Let hem be thyn ynough, & wede hem ofte, And yf the lyst her hedis for to swelle, Plucke of the fojles al aboute on loft, So wol the iuce inwith her hedis dwelle. And they that schal of sedes here a bell. 600 Let rayle hem vp, and when thayre sedys blake. That thay rype beth of that a signe is take. Half drie vp plucke hem, in the sonne hem drie. Now dile in places colde is gode to sowe; Hit may with euety ayre vnder the skye, 605 Gladder hit is ther warmer wyndes bio we. And watter hem, if showres be to slowx, But wede hem selde: ek suwme han this bileue. That bare yleft ther schal no foul hit greue. Senvy let sowe hit now, & cool seed bothe, 610 589 Ms. mutyplie, B niultplie. 590 J/s. Onons, jB Oyuons. 608 Ms, biliue, B bilevp. 609 Ms. other srhnl, 7? there shal 1| w erased after no. 610 Ms. Initial omitted. 108 Feveryeer. [Book III And when the list; welwrought faat lond they loue, And sondj', cleyi, graiieloiis they lothe. But if hit reyned day & nyght aboue, Ther may no wether harm hem ner remoue. But set hem southward sonner, wol they preue; 615 Septemtrion wol make hem latter cheue, ffeueryer. 43. [fol. 55.] But the[re] they wol be grete & sauour well. The clyf they loue and faat ydongid londe, And weded wel hit mot ben euery dell. Ek sumdel fer asonder most they stonde. 620 To make hem hoor as frost ek craft is fondc: Let grounden glas go syfte on hem aboute, When thejT trefoyl or quaterfoyl is owte; This wol hem make in vigour longe dwelle, And for to sethe ek tender wol they be. 625 To hold hem grene, ek chargeth Coiumelle, Ther rootes in see froth wrapped to se, And therwithall of donge a quantite. And sette hem grete aparti, for though longe Er then they take hit be, they wol be stronge. 630 In wynter sette hem in a warme da}^, In somer, when the sonne goth to reste; And hele her lond the widder wol they splay. Old brasik seed to rape eschaungeth feste. And nygh this mones Idus ek is best 635 Sponge of sperage or new of sedis fourme, Or olde as now me may sette & refourme. Me semeth this is gode & profitabul: Wilde asperages rotes mon}^ trie Inte erthe ytilde, or stony lond is abull 640 Ynough for hem; for they wol multiplie 611 3Is. faa, B fatte. 617 Ms. the they, B tlierc thai. 619 wel hit] blotted. 629 Ms. thoght, H though. 641 Ms. the wol, B thai wol. Book III] Feveryeer. 100 Thcr as jil other tre[en] & lierbis deye. And euery yer in scopis hem to brenne And thicker, gretter, svvetter, wol vp renne. [fol. 55 a.] Now malue is sowe, and myntes^ plaunte or roote^ 645 In phices moyst or water nygh, is sowe. No donged faat lond axeth they to roote" So hit be ghidde. Ek fenel wol vp growe, So hit be ghidde, in stony lond ythrowe. Pasneppes* seed or i)launtes faat & rare, 650 Pastined depe, ysette in this nione are. Now cunula is sowe & hath culture As oynons'"^ or garlec''; & now cerfoyl After this nionys ydus do thy cure To sowe in faat & moyst, ydonged soyl. 655 Now betes sowe, & synke or quaterfoyl Transplauntc: and somer thorgh hem may me sowe. In faat lond, moyst & donged wol they growe. The rootes wold in donge ydippid be, And delue hem ofte and make hem feeste of dongfe. 660 And now tin leek ysowen is to se; To make hem frough, kitte of the bladys longe Pyght as they growyng beth ij monthes yong. And ryght ther in her beddis let hem dwelle. Yet othowrwise enfourmeth Columelle. 665 And when ye plaunto hit. donge & water do Therto; but heded yf thow list it haue, In ver let sowe, in October go to And transplauntc hit; faat londis wol it crauo, 642 Ms. tre ivith space for 3 letters between tre and &, B treon. 643 scopis] written schopis and then h expunged. 647 axeth theyj blot covering h tli. 658 Betioeen tha tiro stanzas a verse (? 658) has been erased. 1 myntes. 2 radicein. •* radicare. ^ pastinate (pastinace? or the gloss may belong to word beneath, as G!)0 is written over a-asure of 651). '> cepule. ^ allium. 110 Feveryoer. [Book III Plajm, doliien clepe & donged best hit sauo; 670 And wede hit oft. Ek thike ysowe is frough And rare 3'sowe is heded grete & tough. ! ffeueryeer. 44. [fol. 56.] A fynger gret is round ynough to sette, And in the myddcs cutte of euery blade. The rootes ek ycutte & vmbiwette 675 With dong is good her spryngyng forto glade. An bond asonder sette hem with thy spade. And when they rooteth, reise hem with thi bond, That they suspence aparti so may stonde. So wol they fynd a space vnder theyr roote, 680 And hedc hit full. Ek forto make hem grete Do seedes feel yfere, & they wol roote Ifere, and in on body wol they grete. And rape seed in to their hedes gete Al yronles, wol make hem growe faste; 685 And ofte ydoon the faster wj\ they haste. The chibol now ther as cannetes growe His eyon so we, of cutte as is the reed; Al softly in the doluen lond hem throwe, And sowe hem by a lyne other a threed. 690 Thre feet to stond asonder is her speed. The bulbes of colcases settyng sone In londis moyst & faat, is goode this mone. They setteth nought by thaires qualite, And glaad beth they to stonde abowte a welle 695 That humor euer may ther butler be. From hem yf thow defende eke cokies telle. In theyr groyng almest they euer dwelle. Now comyn & anyse is faatte ysowe In donged lond & weded wel to growe. 700 670 Ms. sowe, 7? sauc. G81 j\h. fall, B fiil. 691 Tlire feet] over erasure. 695 Ahs. avvelle. Book III] Feveryeer. Ill J)(i diaersis arOoribus in pomario. xxc c«pituluiii. ri^lie pertre plauntc is sette in places coklc J- At ft'eueryer, and tlier as is warme ayre In Noueniher: and then ek good is holde To graf hem ther moyste erthe is her goode leyr; So shal tlie fruit be grette and floures feir. 705 They in suche erthe as vynes h)ue abounde; ffaat lond niacth niyghty treen &. ryght fecounde. A stanry pere is seyd to chaunge his mete In esy lond ygraffed yf he be. Hit is bot happe of plaunte a tre to gete. 710 And if thow wilt, taak of a gentil tre, Not wilde at all, wzY/ioute asperite; When hit is too yer old or iii to thryue, Good is to set hit as men sette olyue. But set hem rotyd wel in delues w^'de, 715 Thre foot or iiij in hegth & cropped feyre: With cley & mosse here hedys hode & hyde. Ek seedes sowen peris wol repeire; Nature is suche hit is not to dispeyre Latte if she be, for targyng may not be 720 ffastidiose in here eternyte. But long hit is a mon ther on to dwelle. Theyr noblesse ek they wol departe fro: Therfore is better do as y wol telle: In Nouember the wild[e] tre to do 725 [Be graffed, first sette and rooted to] In deluys large ynough c^ doluen depe, That rootes esyly may vnder crepe. ffeue^Teer. 45. [fol. 57.] Do graf him in hem self and they wol be Tender & swete. Ek they may not endure: 730 702 Ms. feueryeer. 718 Ms. seed sowen, B seedes sowen. 720 Ms. Lacte. 725 Ms. wild, B wilde. 720 Omitted in Ms. and omission noted by cross; here supjtlied / rom B. 729 Ms. and wol, B and thai wol. 112 Feveryeer. [Book III And if me ^raf hem in a notlier tre The langer wol they last in lesse cure. And XXX foot asonder for lesure Is hem to sette. Ek humor is avayle To hem, & delue hem ofte is good trauaile 735 Hit is so gode that in the blossomyng She wil not lese a flour that forth is brought. The deluer is to help her with deluyng; And euery other yer she wold be wroght With spade, & dong is therto to be sought. 740 Ox dong aboute her roote if that me trete. The pomes sadde & braune wil hit gete. And summe also doth askes y^ith this donge — They seyn ther of ther wol good toste arise. The kynd of hem to telle hit is to long, 745 Whil theyre tylyng is not in dyuerse gyse. The pertre seek is helid in this wyse: Let make hit bare, & bore hit throgh the rote. And driue a pin therin wol don hit bote. Or ellis thus: let bore hit thorgh the stook, 750 And do therin a pyn made of a bronde; And yf the wonteth that, tak of an ook. And wormes wol ther none in hit be fonde, Yf ofte vppon the rootes as they stonde. The boles galle enfusid be. & more 755 ffor blossomyng to long is herof lore. Of wynes olde hit is to take dregges [fol. 57a.] (The dregges most be newe) & dales thre Infounde hem on thi trees feet and legges, So wol the blossum parte from the tre. 760 And lapidose yf that thi peris be. Let Yoyde al erth & stones from the roote, And sift in other erth & this is boote; 734 Ms. hom, P ham. 73G Ms, Hit is gode, 7? Tt is so goode. 750 Ms. on threes, B on thi trees. Book III] Feveryeer. 11^ But wete hit oftc & longe, or this is nought. To graffe is goodc in Marche & ffeueryeer — 7G5 How for to graffe, afore hit most be sought In rynde & stook for graffyng the maneer. Ther is also graffyng in trees seer, As nielo, ahnaunde, & thorn, as seith Virgile, ffoold, asshes, quynce; & punyk, cleef his stile. 770 The pertre graffe ygraffed for to be, Er then the day be lengest oon yer olde Most been; & er me sette hym in the tre. The tendron & the leuys of thow folde. But when the dayes gynneth short & colde, 775 Then graffe hem that the tender croppis bcrc; And graffyng is for euery maner pere. To make a saury per & wel smyllyng, In dayes fcyre & wanyng of the monc, (ffrom xxij dales old vvanynge 780 Til dayes viij,) mth lionde hit is to done That fruit be pulde, & of oon kynde alone. ffrom vij vnto x, from ij til v — These houres vj owtake thi peris bliue, ffeueryeer. 46. [fol. 58.] So they be drie, & not caduke & harde, 785 And hool & siimdel grene; and then hem do In sum vessel ypicchid wel; vpwarde The bottom, do this vessel closid so, And where a place is with a brook thorgh go, Contynuelly ther hide hem in the grounde. 790 ffor peris yet another craft is founde: As for to pulle hem hard of flessh & skyn, And hepe hem vp. But when they gynneth softe, Let take an erthon potte & putte hem in. And picclie hit fast, & cley hit wel oloft, 795 767 In right maryin : 38 b &c. in hand A. 110 punyk] written in hand A. 793 Ms. kcpe, B hcep. 114 Feveryeer. [Book III And deliie hit vnder molde inwitli thy crofte Ther as the sonne al day vppon hit schine. And suwnne in whete or chaf wol hem reclyne, And other take hem tough, and faste enclose Hem in a potte ypicchid or ^ith cley 800 Ystopped fast, & in the sond dispose Hit in the sonne; and other men wil ley Her peris tough in hony so that they Ne towche not. Ek peris men deuyde, And pike awey the greyne of euery side, 805 And pyked so, in sonnes hem they drie. On hoileth water salt, & scometh clene; Ther into cold his peris wol he trie. Then inte a pieced potte he wol hem glene; Or salt water on day & nyght hem lene, 810 Then fresh water too dales on hem stepe, In bragot thenne, or wyne, or meth, hem kepe. Of peris wyne is maade, if they be grounde [fol. 58 a.] And thorgh a rare saak ^ith fors ywronge. Yet somer wol hit soure, & so confounde, 815 And wynter wol endure & kepe hit longe. Of peres sowre & wild hit is no wronge Aycel to brynge, al ripe yf that they be Ytake & kepte vphepid dales thre; Then in a vessel se that they be do, 820 And water with of rayn or of the well; Then hele hit feire, or se that hit be so, And XXX dayes therin let hem dwelle; Now aisel taake vnto thyn vse, or selle. But se what quantite therof thow take, 825 With water up the summe ayeyn thow make. And make liquamen castimoniall Of peres thus: take peres right mature, 801 dispose] in hand A over erasure of ivordhetjinning withy. Book III] Feveryeer. 1 1 5 And with liool salt licm trcclc, & ilesshc & all; When they both resolute, in stondis pure 830 Or erthen pottes picched saaf & seure; And after monethes iij do hem suspende, And righ[t] goode licour of hem wol desccnde. His tast is goode & whitysshe his colour; ffor that, when salt & hit is doon yfeer, 835 A blackysh wyn co7??myxt hit doth socour. And in the mono of Marche & ffeueryetr The meles graffed beth, but there as clere Is aier, & hoot, & drie, hit may be do In October & Nouember also. 840 ffeueryeer. 47. [fol. 59.] Her kyndes forto write y wol not waste, ffaat lond they loue & moiste [in] his nature. In cley or in grauell men moston haste To wattre hem ofte. In hillis is to cure To sette hem on the south, yf they schal vre. 845 They growe also in places colde yf theyer Be somdel warme & helpyng to their layer. Also they growe in places harde & wete. And wormy wol they be in drie & lene. And hem to graffe as peris me may trete. 850 The plough or spade aboute hem be not sene, ffor thi the bette in medes may they bene. And donge although they noon or litel craue. Yet gladly wol they take & gladly haue; And namly askis medlid ther with all. 855 They loueth ek to dwell in region Ther as the hete is neither gret ny small. Ek they beth apte vnto putacion Of bowes drye, or foule elacion. This tre is olde cxnoon, & in his age 860 He goth out of his kynde into datage. 833 Ms. righ, B right: 842 Ms. aunts in. B moisto iu. 8* 116 Feveryeer. [Book III Caduce if that the fruit be, cleef the root And putte in hit a ston & hit wol dwelle. ffor rotyng of the crop the galle is boote To towche hem ^ith of neutes grene. Ek quelle 865 Her wormes thus: taak swynes donge, & melle Hit with vryne of man or oxes galle, And meles wormes this wol sleen hem alle. Yf wormes fele vppon hem be wi^/iowte [fol. 59a.] A scrape of braas let scrape hem of therwith, 870 And cleme uppon the wounde^ oxdong aboute. And ouer thicke yf that the fruytes beth. Pluck e of the febul fruit, as reson seth, Hem to discharge, and luce ek then wol dresse Hit into theym that ar of gentilesse. 875 In pertre^, thorn ^ in plomme* & apultre, In serue^ & peche^, in plane' & populer^, In wilous may this melis graffid be. But trie hem wel that schal be kept ore yeer; Let ley hem derk as wynd may not com neer, 880 And do feir stre vppon their fleyke ^ hem vnder, On heepes feire a litel space asonder. This heppes most me now & now deuide, Yet beth there diuerse folk seyn diuerse wise. And oon in picchid pottes wol hem hide, 885 Another hath of cley another gise, Yet hath the thridde of hem a fressh deuise — Only the lytepo feet to cleme in cley, And on a floor with chaf bistrowed ley, And ther vppon they couer hem \^ith stre. 890 The meles round, ycald orbiculer, Withowton care a yer may keped be. 891 ycald] a made out of o hy adding loop to top and tag to bottom. The same in B. 892 Ms. aver, B a yere. 1 vulniis. 2 piro. 3 spino, 4 pruno. & sorbo (sic). 6 persico. '^ platano. 8 populo. 9 create {sic), lo pediculos. A I Book III] Feveryeer. 117 And other drcnclie hem in the water cleer Of cisterne or of wynche, yclosid necr In crthen pottes picched at the fulle. 895 And other meles wol with hondes puUe, ffeueryeer. 48. [fol. 60.] Afld dippe her litel feet in picche al warme, And so in ordre ley hem on a tabuU; And nuttre leuis vnder wol not harme. Ek populer or fir is profitabuli 900 To make & lye among hem scobes abull; And let her petifeet dounward be wende, And touche hem not vntil they schal be spende. Aysel & wyne of meles me may make As is aboue enfourmed of the pere. 905 To graffe a quynce is diuers tyme ytake. Their plauntes y ha seyn in ytail here, The cite nygh, ysette in ffeuerj^eer, Or in the frount of Marche, in donged molde So that they rooted were & ryght wel liolde; 910 Holde ban they so that in the yeer secoiinde ffruit han they hadde. Yf that me sette hem grete, In thende of October th[e]y wol abounde, Or sone in Nouember yf that me trete Hem into place of drinesse & of hete. 915 But ther as dry hit is they most be wette; They loue in cold & moyst eke to be sette. They here anoon in places temperate, And forth they come in cleues & in playnes; They loueth lond deuexe & inclinate. 920 Men graffeth of theyr toppes & their treynes; That werk or seelde auaile or sone yslayn ys. And wide hem so that, though the winde him shake, No drope of oon vntil another take. 897 Folio numbered 38. 913 Ms. thy, B thai. 918 Ms, in p. a noon, B anoon in p. 118 Feveryeer. [Book III Yt they be sette sniale, lielpe hem with donge; [fol. 60 a.] Yf they be grete, askes & chalk do to. And ones serue hem thus in al yer long. Eterne humor wol grete hem, & also Hit wol them rype sone: & yf ther no Reyn be, me most hem wete & vmbidelue. 930 This doon, let God therwith alone Hymselue. At Marche or ffeueryeer in iondis colde, At October & Nouember in hete. But they be dolue abowten as they wolde, Other me shal of hem no fruytes gete, 985 Or owt of kynd. Also this y yow hete — I preuyd haue ykytte yf that they be, They wol been owt of vice in libcrte. Thy tre is seek, oyldregges water mynge, Ylyche of eyther, held hit to the roote: 940 Or let quyk lyme with chalk resoluyng synge, Or reseyn mixt \Yith taar that is to soote, Ennoynte abowte of this, for this dooth boote; Or maak the rootes baare, and ley arowte Of quynces to, to go the roote abowte. 945 Do this from yeer to yeer, & they beth saaffe ffrom vice. Ek ther ayeyn they nyl not dure. In ffeueryeer this quynces is to graffe; The rynde as in the stook is not so seure, Hem in to graffe. And graffyng is tassure 950 In hem of euery fruit — punyk & serue, And apultren ek best for hem they serue. ffeueryeer. 49. [fol. 61.] Theyre yong[e] treen, ther iuce^ is, [in] the rynde^ Is good to graffe; and olde yf that they be, 942 soote] ot altered from et. 947 Ms. the raycyii, B ther ayeine. 948 3fs. feuerj^ecr. 949 3Is. to, B so. 953 3Is. yong-, B yonge. || Ms. is the r., B is in the r. 1 succus. 2 cortice. Book III] Feveryeer. 119 To graffe licin at the rootc hit is her kyndc, 955 Ther as the soyl as well the bark as tre Hatli beneficed with hiimydite. Hem rype ypold, men kepe in diuers wise; And first of tiles ^ tweyne is oon deuyse: Do hem bytwene & cleye hit euery side. 960 Or in defrute^ or passe ^ sethe hem feire. The grettest wol another owt deuide, And in figtrees leues mony a peire"^ He wol do folde of hem, so nyl they peire^. Another wol in places drie cnclude 965 Hem, & the wynde & ayres both exclude. He wol with yuer or with reed deuyde^ Hem vppon iiij, & take away the core, And inte a potful hony let hem slide; He doth hem hool in hony, lesse & more, 970 But rj^pe ynough beth best this kepyng fore. And suwme in mylde, and suwme ychaued depe^, And summe in swete [wynes] wol hem kepe. On with his muste hem closeth in the tonne; Another seith that in a panne al newe 975 Do hem with dried cley, & they beth wonne. Now & in Nouember is to renewe The siliqua^ in plaunte & seedes trewe. Hit loueth places nygh the sees side. And places harde & drie, eke feldes wide. 980 Expere am y that they [in] places warnie [fol. 61 a.] Wol best abounde, ywattred yf they be. In Ms. 964 follows 965 and the displacement is corrected hy a ivritten before 964 and b, before 965, in red inl', in hand A. 973 Ms. omits wjmes, B wynes. Ms. omits in, B in. 1 tegulis. '^ Glossed in left margin: defructu id est sapa niustum decoctiim ad cowsu>«pc/one»i diiar? mulso. 7 ovillo iacte. 1 Book IV] Marche. 145 Summe ek cleie vche of hem in his vessel, And in a place of derknesse kepe hem wel. 490 Hem summe in cedur scohe/ & summe in stre Mynute, and summe in smal chaf, wel witliolde. Now meddellers- in hoot lond gladdest be, So hit be moyst; they come also in colde Lond, sondy fatnes rathest y{ hit holde; 495 With stonys mixt hit stont in argillous Lond, and with grauel mixt in glareous. In Nouember & Marche her braunchis" sctte* In donged lond, subact, ereither ende In donge ydoon. Their increment to fette 500 Is fer, and vmbideluyng wol hem mende. Kittyng they loue and lite humour to spende A Ofte in the drought! The seed also is so we, ) ^-^ orrr<^' But hope is long on hit er fruytis growe. Marche. 63. [fol. 75.] A pyn of bras the wormes of to dr3^ue, 505 Or oildregges^, or mannys olde vryne. Or quyk lyme — lite of that, lest hit vnthryuc — Or kest on watir of decoct lupyne; ffor bareynnes yet men from that declyne. Mynge aske^ of vyne & donge, & hem infounde 510 Vnto the roote and they wol be fecounde. Aysel and askis' tempred with rubrike^ Ykest on hem sleeth doun this auntis'' alio. Out of the roote a pece^^ it is to pike, Yf that [the] fruyt myslike & from hem falle: 515 This pece amydde his trunke hit is to malle^*. And in hymsylf graffe hym in ffeueryere. In mele also; ek graffe hym in the pere. 515 Ms. omits the, B the fruyte. 1 scobe. '^ mospihis. -^ taloas, ^ sere, -'^ amiirc«i. f> cinores. ■< cineres. ^ rubrica. •♦ formicas. ^^ fnistnim. >• percntrre. 10 146 Marohe. [Book IV The graffe is to be taak amj^dcle his tre, The toppis vicious are often sene. 520 In trunkis clouen graffed must they be, Not in the ryndis — they beth fastyng lene. To kepe, ypuld not melowy^ but grene Wold be. Longe on the tre they wol endure; Ek they in picchid pottis kept ar sure. 525 Suspence in rewle, hein kepe with pusk condite, Ypuld in myddis of a day serene, Or in smal chaf asonder hem alite. Semymature also me may hem glene,^ And dsijQS v in salt watir hem lene;'^ 530 Infounde hem thenne vntil they swymme, & depe In hony this fruyt ripe ynough thou kepe. The fig* to plaunte in hoot lond best is holde [fol. 75a.] In Nouember; and ther is tempur londe, In ffeueryeer; and ther as lond is colde, 535 In Marche or in Aprile hit do to stonde. A toppe^ of hit to sette other a wonde^ Is holden best right in Aprilis ende, When grene & luce vppon hem doth ascende. The plauntys sette is stonys to sustene, 540 And donged lond vpon the rootys spende. And cannys knottys pike out hem by dene; The tender croppe for cold herwith defende In placis cold. A top^, iij braunched thende, Of ij yeer age or iij, toward the sonne 545 Icutte & sette, as here is taught, is wonne. The greyne inwith the grounde is so to stonde That graffes iij on erthe abouen goon; 526 Bight margin: Piisca est vineacea facta ex aqt«a, pro- iecto musto extracto; vel acetum aqwa mixtiim. 533 A cross over best. 534 Ms. Nouembre, B November. 535 Ms. feueryeer. 1 micia. '^ collig6?re. 3 macerearo {sic). ^ ficus. ''^ caciiinon. ^ taleam. '' cacumew. Book IV] Marchc. 147 But cleue hit softe, yf tliat thou setto a wondc"', And in this clift do feire a litel stoon. 550 In ffeueryeer & Marche my silf aloon In ytahe ha set fig plauntis grete, And right that yeer, ek of her fruytis etc. But hem I sette in wel pastyned londo, And they tributed with felicite. 555 The knotty plaunte is best, for they that stoude • Iknotted scars lackith fertilite. And they that in the semynary be Matured wel, & plaunted so, w^ol sprynge Vp feire, & pomys gentylyst forth brynge. 560 Marche 64. [fol. 76.] A bolbe of squylle ek summen wol deuyde, And therynto this plaunte of figtre trie, And bynde hit so therto that hit abide. They loueth spacis large and deluys hye. And londis that beth harde, smal, and drie, 565 To sauour wel. In sharp and stony lond, [And] almest eriwhere ek may they stonde. . Tho that in hillis growe or placis colde Han litel mylk; for thy they may not dure Til hit be hoot. And best her vse is holde 570 As they beth grene and grete, of sauour pure, Argute ynough. But fatter figge and sure To kepe, in hoot lond and in feeld is spronge. Their kyndis to reherce hit is to longe; Suflicith this, that alle haue oon culture. 575 And as the Carike^ hath, yef hem distaunce. In places passyng cold, hit is most sure Precox to plaunte; her fruyt they sone enhaunce, 556 Ms. ft'or. 5G5 harde] ovcq' erasure and written as one word with smal, B hardde and. 567 Ms. Almest eriwhoro, B And almoost eiiery where. 1 taleam. 2 careo (sic). 10* 148 Mar die. [Book l\ Er sboures come. Eke hit wole most auaunce, In londis that beth estiuoiis for hete, 580 The.figtre latly ripyng forto gete. Hit ioieth doluen ofte, and hit to donge In heruest is auail; donge of the mewe^ Is best for hem. The roted & mys spronge Let kitte hem of, and so that they may sewe 585 Abrood by grounde. Her taste is ek eschewe In placis weet; and hem therof to boote, Kest askis on their circumcised roote. Summen ek sette amonge hem caprifige^ [fol. 76a.] Tre, that hit nede not for remedie 590 To honge on euery tre that trees fige. In luyn as sonne is hext, to caprifie The fig tre is; that is to signyfie, The figes"^ grene of caprifigtre, rende"^ With tre maad like a sawe^, on hem suspende. 595 For laak of that, a yerde of southernwode^ Let honge vp that. Or thus: take rammys hornys^, Kest hem aboute her rootes, they beth goode; Or Galium that in elmys leuys born is, Their aboundaunce, as good as rammys horn is. 600 Or thus: the turgent trunk let scarifie, That humour effluent out of hit hie. To maak hem saaf from wormys. sette a bough Of terebynt other a birchen stalke;^ Do that wit figtre plauntis in the slough 605 Enuerse, and wormys in hem wol not walke. Or brasen scrapis out of euery dalke Hem scrape. Oildreggis oon, and olde vryne Another, to their rootis wol recl^^ne. 588 kest] line of red through est. 1 aniario. '^ capnfici. '^ grosses. 4 pertusos. ^' sorie (.nVc). ^ abrotani. ^ arietina coriiua. ^ taleam. Book IV] Marche. 149 Oon vseth cley,^ another oil, and lie- GIO With quyk lynic wole her dennes ha fordo. Yf auntys"^ vnto hem ennoyous be, Rubrike with picche and butter must be do The trunk aboute, and vtter wol they go. Picche corotyne* vphanged in the tre 615 ffor auntys, seith another, he wol se: Marche. 65. [fol. 77.| Yf figtre caste his fruyt, oildregges on, Rubrike another water mixt wol do Vppon the tre; the thridde is forth ygoon, The flood crabbe and a braunche of rue also 620 Vp hongeth he; sefroth'^ the ferthe is go To honge vp, and the fifthe he seith a sithe'' Maad for lupyne is [vp] to honge asswithe. Another seith the rootis shal be bored, A wegge in euery boore ek shal he steke. 625 The rynde another hath with axis scored. But when the leuys gynneth out to breke. Of figes fatte and fele hit is to speke: Right as they first bigynne in germynynge. Their hiest top choppe of for ony thynge; 630 Or choppe of that amy d ward in the tre. And premature yf that the list enlonge Their grossis, whenne as grete as benys be So tacke hem of. Ek yf thee thynke hem longe Vnripe, in oil & luce of scalons longe 635 With pepur mixt, ennoynte her pomys, whenne Their grossiS rody wexing me may kenne. And in Apriie a figtre graffed is ,Vnder the rynde. And yf the tre be yonge,' The clouen stook to graffe is not amys. 640 623 Ms. omits vp, B upp. 1 bituniino. 2 tercius. -^ forniicc. ^ picom coratiiumi. •"' al{.^aiii. 6 falx. '^ novelle. 150 Marche. [Book IV And wrie hem fest, lest wynd therynto yonge^ Ek next the grounde ykitt wol sonnest fonge.- Men graffe in luyn: oon yeer olde graffc is take, And more or lesse as nought is to forsake. And in April figtreen inoculate [fol. 77a.] 645 May best be ther as drie londis be, And ek in luyl ther lond is mediate. At October in luke" lond plecheth* he. In caprifige and in molbery tre ffigtre men graffeth for to multiplie; 650 And oon wole vse a graffe, another the eye.^ Ek figges grene in hony may me kepe So they ne touche. Outher in gourdis grene Make euery fige a doner*' in to crepe. And that was cutte of, close hit after clene, 655 And honge hem ther no fir ne smoke is'sene. A fresh pot oon hem seured picchith yne. And doth this pot swymme in a tonne of wyne. And Marcial seith men in dyuers wise Her figis kepe, and, oon for euerychone, 660 As Campanie hem kepeth shal suffise: On fleykis breede & drie hem is to done And, yet alsoft, in basketis' repone; And [in] an ouen hoot, vppon iij stonys ffor brennyng hit, this figgy basket done is. 665 >Vhan they beth bake, al hoot into a stene Let hem be pressed, picchid, and ywrie. Their leuj'-s done the pot & hem bitwenc. ffor rayn, in sonne yf thou ne mayst hem drie, Hote askis may this fleykis vnder strie 670 In house in stede of sonne; and, dried so, In chistis^ smale or coffynys hem do. 664 Ms. And an, B And in an. 666 3Is. blake, B bake {Latin discocta). 1 intereat. 2 cowprehendere. ^ tepia. -* propagat. ^ oculo, 6 caueanj. 7 qualis. 8 cistellis. I I Book IV] Marche. 151 Marchc. 66. [fol. 78.] Of figtre toppis, plauntis now they make, And dyuers fruyt oon figtrc forth to bringe; Too bowes, oon blaak & oon whyt, they take 675 And bynde, and wethe^ hem so that gt^rmynynge Commixt vp ^o; thus sette hem forto springe In moist, ydonged lond annexed so That they en ^ germynaunt togidre go. They oned'^ thus, fruyt of dyuers colour 680 Vpbrynge in this dyuysed vnyte. This peres graffe & pomes swete or sour, As serve & quyns,"^ plomme & molbery tre. The ix*^ Kalende of April doon this be. Pistacia is graffed now to growe 685 In cold lond, and pynappul seed" is sow. De comparandis bobus, comparandu- tauris & vaccis. xi c«"'. And tyme is now thyn oxon to be bought. And be they bought or of thi propurte. Hem now to greithe is good, for ought or nought. Now be they lene, & shewith as they be, 690 And light to tame her contumacite. Ther are in hem certeyn signys spectable Which is teschewe, and whiche is profitable. Take oxon yonge, ylymed grete and square, Ychisted sadde, in brawnes risyng grete, 695 Whos frounte is crispe and glaad, large eres are. Their lippes and their eyen blaak as gete*'; With hornys strong & straugh is good to gete, Compact a runcuF nek, dewlapped side Vnto the kne, and nosed vpward wide. 700 674 Ms. fruytis, B fruite. Ms. they bringe, B to bryngc. 678 Ms. most, B moist. 691 Ms. tametheir with stroke above and beloiv betiveen e and t, £ tame her. 699 Ms. dewallaped, B dewlapped. 1 torquent. '^ oculi. ^ adunati. ^ cidoDium (sic). & semcu pini. ^ gagate. ^ torora (sic). 152 Marclie. [Book IV Ysliildrcd wide is ^ood, an huge breste, [fol. 78 a.] No litel wombe, and wel out raught the side*/ The leendis^ brood, plajm baak & streght is beste; The thies sadde and senowy", not to side/ With grete cleen,*'^ and taylis longe and wide, 705 The body thorgh yhered tliicke and breef; The reed cok)ur is best and broun is leef. Bette is to take of contre then of straunge, Ther as witli soil or ayeris qualite Tliey be not temptid as to fynde hit chaunge. 710 Or thus taak hem that of like contre be. And of alle other this is forto se That euen strengthed thou to gidre dresse, The feebeller lest that the stronge oppresse. Their thewis is to se that they be meke, 715 Quyk, and aferd of clamour and of gode,^ And euer appetent metes to seke. The fodder grene is best as for their foode; ffor fawte of that, gete other thingis goode; And fodder hem as tbay beth setto on werke. 720 ffor boh's ek now tyme is forto karke. Take bohs that beth high, ylymed huge, Of myddil age, and rather yonge then olde: A ferdful face, his nec^e in many a jiige' Yfretted grete, and htel homes wolde 725 He haue; ywombed streyt is hkly holde. The kiyn also this tyme hit i^ to trie; Do chese hem that be chested huge & hie. Marche. 67. [fol. 79.] Forheded hie and wombed longe and wide, Blak hornys feire and eyen grete and blake, 730 729 Ms. wombe, B wombed. 1 lade {for latere?). '^ luwbis. ^ neruosi. * longi. ^ vngulig. 6 stimuli. 7 toris. "Qr^AD^ ZTPvA/lVo^ C^rV^T^^ (!^ O^^ W^^ /5^^/^i^ C/2A^ . P^ ^^^UtKfi^ A cO-^^A^ A-vi^ lLuU\ 'J^2AJUjb " -J Book IV] Marche. 153 Wcl hcred eris and dewlappis side, With tailis gretc, and litol cleen^ thou take. Blak herod theyes short, y undirtake That good ar they. Oaluyng from iij yeer olde Til X is best, and other with not holde. 735 Thyn olde away to do be diligent, To werk or what thou wilt, & taak in yonge. The Grekis seyn that the lift- instrument. The lift stoon, of this bolis beestis [stronge], Knytte hym fast in his porce & let hym honge 740 In coitu, and he shal gendre malis; And his right stoon vp knytt gendrith femalis. But in this caas they musten ben abstened ffrom generacionis liberte. Til they therto be verry hoot for tened. 745 And ha thy droue" in wynter nygh the see, In places glade; in hillis may hit be In somer, namly ther as busshis growe And herbcs for their fosteryng ynowe. Though they be better fed aboute Hood, 750 Yet luke water best helpith their fcture."^ Rayn watir luke in lakis, that is good ffor hem; flood watir cold is in nature. This droues may the wynter colde endure Theroute*'^ al wyntir tliorgh, yf hit be nede; 755 But for thy kiyn^ in calf hit is to drede. [fol. 79a.] Lest they ha wrong let make hem closes wide. Their stallis ek beth of vtilite With stonys paued wel from side to side, 739 Ms. omits stronge, B stronge. 749 Ma. fostryng enough, B fosteryng ynowe. 751 'Ms. kepith, B helpeth. 755 Ms. Throute, B Theroute. 1 ungulis. "^ siuistruiu. -^ armeutum. ^ caluyng. 5 sub diuo. 6 vaccis. 154 Marche. [Book IV Or grauelled; ek flored may they be 760 With cley, and lenyng sumdel so that the Humour may passe. Ek southward stonde hit; colde Blastis, suwithing obiect, ek from liem holde. De hohus domandis. xij capitulum. Oxon^ may now be tamed thre yeer okle; That at v yeris age is hard to do. 7(i5 Their tamyng is by the bed hem to holde Whil they beth yonge, & stroke hem to and to With bond; and make afore her stallis so Enlarged rowme, outward whan they betli wende That no thyng hem afere, or ought offende. 770 And footes vij longe their stakis stonde To teye hem to. But fully hem to tame Chese out the feirest day that may be fonde, Ther no tempest or thyng is worthy blame; Now bringe hem oon and oon to yok by name, 775 And yf they be rebel, so let hem stonde ffastyng oon day and nyght in yokis bonde. Now glose hem feire, & brynge hem, not bihynde But right afore, of metis sum likynge. And stroke hem nose and bak. Ek thenne is kynde 780 Cleer wyn^ on hem al esily to sprynge. But w^ar the horn and heelis lest they flinge A flappe to thee. At this yf they bigynne, And take effect, therfro they wole not twynne. Marche. 68. [fol. 80.] Thus tamed, her palate and mouthis frote 785 With saltis,-' and salt grees pound pecis^ take, And iij of hem putte in thyn oxen throte. A sester wyne in with an horn let shake, 764 Ms. eer, B yeer. 766 Erasure of a letter after the. 7C7 Ms. yoke partly covered by a blot, B yonge. 768 Gloss over make illegible on account of blot. 782 flynge] in hand A. 788 Eight margin: Sextarius vini continet duas libras. I boues. 2 merum, "^ salibus. ^ offas. Hook IV] Marche. 155 In (laycs thre their ragyng wol aslake. And other teniptc hem first on werkis smale, 790 In ered lond the plough as forto hale. A shorter way: the wilde oxe with the tame Yyoked be to teclie hym how to do; And in the forgh doun yf he sitte as lame, No fier, no strok, no prickyng come hym to, 795 But bynde his feet that he ner stoude ner go. This doon, he wole for hunger & for drie Go from this vice, and vse [hit] not past twye. De equis, equabus ct^ inillis & etate eonmi. xiij cw^y Fed stalons^ faat goth now to gentyl maris, And they replete, ayeyn goth they to stabul. 800 Oon horses wit for ouer fele ek bare is; Let euery stolon haue as he is abul, So may they longe endure and profitabul. A yong & lusty hors yf hit shal thrive, May ha but twies vj or thries v; 805 Yef other like her strengthes qualite. But thingis iiij in hem is to biholde: ffourme and colour, merite and beaute. ffirst fourme hym thus: gret rowme his body holde And sad, for lakke of strengthe vnlike to folde; 810 Her sidis longe, her altitude abounde. And buttokes haue they right grete & rounde. Ybrestid brode, and al the body lift [fol. 80 a.] In brawnys grete and knotty densite. With holgh horn high yshood, saad foot & swift. 815 Now haue an eye aboute on their beaute — The parties beth these in that to se: A litel dried lied; vppon the bonys Is best if that the skyn wel streyt ydone is. Their eres short- & sharp,^ their eyen stepe^ 820 795 come] blot covers co, B come. 798 Ms. omits hit, B it. J emissarij. 2 breuis. ^ argute. * magni. 156 Mprche. [Book IV Their nasis tliorlid^ wide and patent be, Their tail and mane- enlargid wide and depe, Their houf" al sad fixe in rotundite. Colouris now to knowe attendith ye: The bay is good colour; & broun'^ purpure; 825 The liard & the white ^, and broun^ is sure. The walnyed^ is good, also the blake Is fyn colour, the falow and herthued^; The pomly gray^ for hym y vndirtake, The gray^^, the goldenhered,^^ & the scued.^^ 830 And next hem in merit is dyuers hued: Black bay, & permixt gray, raousdon^'' also, The foniy, spotty hu, and many mo. But stalons best beth clere in oon coloured, Alle other left, but yf the magnytude 835 Of their merite hem that beth discoloured Excuse, and in a maner so exclude. Tin maris take of like similitude; But rathest be their bulk & wombes large; This craft in gentyl haras is to charge. 840 Marche. 69. [fol. 81.] Alle other marys may be with their males- Al yeer at large; and this is their nature. That monthis twelue in fole euery female is. Another thing in stalons ^^ is to cure. That they be sette a sonder for lesure 845 When they beth wode; and do this maner drouys In somer ther is colde and thicke of grouys. In wynter ther is fattest and plesaunt, And sumdel hard, to sette at lirmyte 825 Left margin: mirreus %st press^t^ cmhi purpura. Ms. ' perny, B permixt. 1 nares. '^ sesaries (caesaries). ^ ungula. * mirreus. 5 albus. t! pressus. "? glaucus. ^ ceruinus. 9 scutulatus. i^ russeus. 11 aureus, i'-^ guttatus. 13 murinus. i* omissariis (sic). l..^^ t^'"^^ ^^AO^ r^ Book IV] Marche. 157 Their hornys^ on their feet — this let hem haunt. 850 Impacient yf that femalis be And wol no male, her naturalite With stamped swille embawme other ennoynt. And they wole sone enabul in that ioynt. Fro colde and honger holde hem that beth srrete 855 In fole. and yef hem phice at their pleasaunce. And gentil femalis that malis gote, Vche other yeer be kept fro fecundaunce. That they may mylke her folis aboundaunce: So shal they be the bigger, huge and pure. 860 AUe other take as comth of hem no cure. A stalon may bigynne at yeris v. And his female at yeris ij conceyueth: But after yeris x their coltis blyue Shal neuer go, the priker they disceyueth. 865 ffolis with hond to touche a corser weyueth: Hit hurtith hem to hondel or to holde. Defende hem eke as resoun wol from colde. In folis as they are adolescentis, [fol. 81a.] Yf they be goode as myche is forto se 870 As is biforn wel seid of their parentis: Quyk, swift and stiryng with hillarite. Now folis too yeer old may tamed be: Take brawny bodied, huge, argute & longe. Smale ballockyng. and eucre short vphonge: 875 In other thyng taak hem their fadir like. So thewed that from high quyete & reste,- Anoon they may be stered forto prike: And fastest priked. turnyng at the beste, Now hard be hit not eft to make hym reste.^ 880 Their mvddel teeth aboue at too veer aire They cause, at yeeris iiij another gage: 859 may added above in same hand. 1 vngulas. - requie. "^ requiesivre. 158 Marche. [Book IV Er yeeris sixe out goth the gomes stronge: The caused first at yeeris sixe are euen^; At vij yeer are alle ylike longe, 885 The markis of their age ar lost at seuen. Their browis liore, her templis holgh vneuen^, The teeth out seeth. Now alle fourfoted beestis, And namly hors, to gelde yholden best is. l)e mulino genere & asinis. xiiij eapitulum. This mulis forto make who so delyte, 890 A mare yboned sadde, ybulked grete, Yfourmcd nobully, most ben elite; And though she be not swift, a stronge oon gete Of yeeris foure vnto this werk to trete. Til yeeris x she for this admissure 895 Is good, but this mot haue a bisy cure. Marche. 70. [fol. 82.]* The mare yf thasse eschewe, on his female As tempte hym first, and whanne he gynneth ride, His wyf is out, this mare is into hale; Whil he doth oon, that otlier hold aside, 900 ffor furious in lust he wole abide And do, but yf he bite hir in his rage. Let labouryng his melancoly swage. A male ek of an hors and of an asse Is had, and of a wilde asse^ and a mare. 905 But gentiler in kynde neuer nasse Than of the mare and asse yfourmcd are. Of asses* wilde and mares better nare Ther no stalouns, of whom the geniture ffor to be stronge and swift me may assure. 910 A staloun asse ybolked, brawny '^, sadde 902 Ms. omits hir, B bite hir. I 1 equantur. ''^ incquantwr. ^ ouagro. * onag^ros. '"' musculosw-^. ♦ In hand D. Book IV 1' Marche. 159 And large ylimed, stronge & steyth, al blaak Or moushcred or reed is to been hadde — But choys yf that ther be, moushered taak. And discolour in browes hath a laak, 915 And eres ek; but what? That their ospringe' Of variaunt coloures forth they bringe. Thre yeres age is leest, and x is meest. And from hir damme a she asse^ oon ycr olde Do putte in sharp pastures that the beest 920 In tender age on labour gynne bolde. The male aselle in feeldes forto holde Hit needful is, for he to diligent Labour wole take and ek be negligent. [fol. 82 a.] De apium iufirmitatibns et curacione. xv crt"'. The bee^ this Marche is wont to be ful sike, 925 That after wynter cold and abstynent On titymalle and elmes gynneth pike That bitter be, wherof anoon relent Ther wombes are; and soone be they shent, But yf me helpe anoon with medicine. 930 Now rewe on hem and helpe hem out of pyne. Wyne Amynee with pomgarnates* grayn. Or reyson graynes with dew Siriake^ And myghty wyne — al this ygrounden playn And boyled in sharp wyne is forto take, 935 And into Htel treen trowes shake. Or rosmaryn** in meth' decoct, congele,"* And yef hit hem in gutters,^ hem to hele. And clorded^ yf their backes be, silent And slough, a thing horribul to biholde, 940 And corces dede out beryng diligent, 913 3h\ it, ^B is. 919 yerj erasure of e after r. 923 Ms. tfor. 1 sobolem. 2 asina. ^ apes. ^ iiiali garnati. « rore siriaco. 6 rorem marinum. 7 mulsa. ^ imbricihus. ^ contracte. 160 Marche. [Book IV Chaneles^ is to make of Cannes'^ olde That vche of hem a quantite may holde; Putte hony into hem and ponder galle, Or ponder rose, and hit wole hele hem alle. 945 Moost spedy is the roten combes kerne Away, and if the swarme is bnt of fewe, Tlier empty combes of the same serne. But taak the kennest knyf of al the rewe To do this softly with, lest al remewe, 950 And they seynge her dwellyng so forfare. Go tie away with gret compleyn and care. Marche. 71. [fol. 83.] Ek ofte ennoyeth hem felicite, As floures oner fele of whom they trie So faste hony, that on fecundite 955 They thenketh not ner how to multiplie. But doth hemself trauail vntil they die. ffor thy yf combes ronke of hony wepe,"'' Thre dayes stopped vp at home hem kepe. Thus stopped vp, to generacioun 960 And bringing babes forth they wole attende. Their dwelling places expurgacion Of euery filthe, about April Kalende, Wole haue of right ther wynter hath hit shende. Now pike out moughthes,* attercoppes,^ wormes," 965 And butterflies whos thost engendring worm is. Smoke of ensense effuse in drie ox donge Do vnder hem to hele hem and socoure. Til hcruest do this ofte yf hit be longe. Al sobour, chaste, vneten metes soure, 970 ffrom bathes aliene, vnclene odoure 952 B coinpleynt, c/. note, 962 expurgacion] r added above in same hand. 1 caiifiles. '^ cannis. -^ vel drepc. ^ tinnas. 5 araneas. 6 vermiculos. 7 pupilioncs. t Book IV] Marche. 161 And sauces alle and metes salt, auyse Thee wel to been^ in doing been^ seruyse. [With Octobrc Marche houres feet beth euen. The first hath xxv feet; xv 975 ffeet hath the secounde houre, the thridde xj; The fourthe hath viij, and v vp six sustene, And six hath v. In vj, vij demene, And so goo forth. X hath feet thries v, Xj goth with xxv blyve.] 980 [fol. 83 a.] Now Marche is doon, and to correction n His book is goon, as other dede afore. Of hym that seid "y tliy protectioun ffrom al thy foon aduersaunt, lesse & more," And his bihest stedfest is euermore. 985 Honour, empire, and iubilatioun To lesu. Crist in special therfore — My Lif! my Light! my right Sauacioun! Ayeyn to werk am y sette, and y haste. "Com of, let se who be the sharpe penne, 990 The tyme is riche and synne is hit to waste" Euery moment seith, "Ris, y go, com thenne^ To iugement". 0 what may y sey thenne,^ That mony an hour ha spende and not al wel? But mercy, God! Now husht of this, for renne 995 I must, and heer bigynne At Auerel. 975 The "De horis" stanza is omitted; space has been left for it and the letter D in right margin marl's its place. The stanza is here supplied from B. 995 Ms. ffor. 1 osse. 2 apibus. 3 jnde. ^ tune. 11 I Y. APRILE. Aprile. 72. [fol. 84.] De medica serenda d^ disciplina eius. Pnmum cw^\ At Aaerel medike^ is forto sowe In beddes fourmed as is taught biforn, That ones sowen, yeres x wole growe. And yerly iiij or tymes sixe yshorn, Hit dongeth londes lene, & beestes lorn 5 ffor lene hit fedeth vp, and seeke ariseth. Thre hors a yer an aker wel suffiseth. A cruse ^ is for a bed ynough to take Of footes V in brede & doubil longe. And wrie hem quycly with a treen rake, 10 Lest that the sonne vpbrenne or do hem wronge. ffrom thennes do noon yron hem amonge, But oonly tre. And good is wede hem ofte, Lest wedes ille oppresse hem yonge and softe. First repe hit laat. that seedes sumdell shake, 15 And after repe hit as thee thenketh good; And fodder for thi beestes therof make ffirst scant ;'^ hit swelleth and encreseth blood. And watter wel the lond ther as hit stood. 1 Initial embraces 5 verses. 10 a] like a m ycalde 7//891. 1 medica. '^ ciatus. 3 parce. Book V] Aprile. 163 Six sitlie aycr repe hit, as ofte hit wede, 20 And yeres x ther is of hit no drede. l)e serenda olea, de vineis d* cetera. s. ciilidr. 6 serotinos. ^ agnos. 8 admissura. ^ i^(^i radul id est rubricam. 10 apis. 168 Aprile. [Book V The well or water that the been gooth to, 165 Let hem goon in as fele as wol in go, And after hem the hole yclosed be; And first let oon of hem out of hit flee, Aprile. 75. [fol. 87.] And folow fast, for thiderward they dwelle Straught wol they fle. And whan thou may not se 170 No lenger hir, another forth to telle Let go, for thiderward ek wol she fle; But sewe vppon. Do thus fro bee to bee, Thus wole they lede oon to their dwellyng place. But in the mornyng gynne hem thus to trace, 175 That al the day vnto thy sewt suffise, ffor toward nyght in restyng they assure. Or thus : a thing with hony thou deuyse To sette as by the welle of their pasture. When oon hath tasted hit, anoon his cure 180 Doth he to brynge his brethren to that feeste. And that they haunte anoon the meest & leeste. Now se the cours how they go to & fro. And sewe hem hoom. Yf they ben in a kave, Bismoke hem, out of hit anoon they go. 185 Then make a sowne^ on bras, & thou shalt haue Hem lightyng in sum bush or tre; now shaue Hem into an hyue. If they be in a tre, Ther hous ouer and vnder sawed be. Ypwrappe hem clene & sette hem with thin liiues. 190 To frote^ her houses wel with citriage"'' And herbes swete, is plesaunt to their lyues. If this be doon while veer is yong of age. The welles nygh, of vnfeyned curage 165 Ms. they, B the. 177 Ms. nygh, J5 nyght. I 1 sonituw. 2 perfricare. 3 citriagine. Book V] Aprile. 169 Of been tlierto wole come a multitude. 195 Now war that theues nouglit tlii craft delude. Now purge her hyues, sle the butterflie^ [fol. 87 a.] That in the malwes flouring wol aboundc. A brasen vessel streyte with brinkes hie, A light at n^^ght make stondyng in the grounde: 200 The butterflies wole this light enrounde And brcnne hemself; thus may me hem dcstroye Vchone anoon, that thinges fcle ennoye. Be hoTiS. Octaiium capitulum. Avrel with September in houris oon is: Oon, twyis twelue, and tweyne hath twyis vij; 205 Thre, twyis v, and iiij hath vij onys, And V hath v, and vj hath iij foote cucn. Now vij, viij, and ix & x, xi, With V and iiij & iij, and ij & I Beth hour for hour & foot for foot to goon. 210 And heer an ende, er then y wende, y fynde; Eek done is in this mone art taught aforn, 0 Saluatour! o lesse fflour so kynde, Of oon for euerychoon that list be born, And for vs hynge, a crowne vsynge of thorn! 215 Honour be to The, fflour of flouris! Ay Thy princis werk away fro derk vpborn So make, as heer y take ayeyn At May. 196 Ms. delute, B delude. 197 Ms. their, B lier. 202 Ms. destoye, o added above in same hand, B destroye. 204 Buhric and ''De Hurts'' stanza, as icell as epilogue, in hand A. 208 Ms. xij, B xi. papilioues. VI. MAY. May. 76. [fol. 88.] Be jjanico & milio c^ feno reddendo. Pnmum ca^^\ A t May in placis that ben coldc & wete, JL Panyk & myldc in their maner is sowe. m Now eiiery grayne almeest hath flouros swete; Vntouched now the tihnan let hem growe. Barly & whete & sengul seedes owe 5 Viij dayes floure & xl dayes grete^ Withouten flour, ripnesse^ vntil they gete. Al doubil seed, as benes^, peses* be. And other puls^, a xl dayes lloure, And greteth with. In places nygh the see, 10 In places drie & colde, now tyme and houre Is hey to mowe. And yf the rayn bishoure, Wende hit not til hit be parfit drie. Now to the vyne is efte to haue an eye. De noueXle sarmentia reliquendis. ij c«'». Consider now sarmentes^ tender, yonge, 15 And leue a fewe of hem that saddest be, And holde her amies vp til they be stronge. A yong vyne hath ynowe on ij or iij 1 Initial embraces 5 verses. 2 In right margin: 54; h. 1 grandescere. '^ maturitate. ^ fabe. •* pisa. & ligumi»a {sic). 6 scions. Book VI] May. 171 Amies; and svvcthcd hem to geder se, Lest wyndes rude hem breke & ouerthrowe, . 20 And no mater be lefte on hem to growe. This mone is ek for pampinacioim Conuenient — void leves puld to be; But sette vppon this occupaciouw Whil that me may with no difficulte 25 With fyngres lightly twyk hem from the tre. This craft wol fede vp grapes fatte & grete And Phebus wol go ripe hem with his hete. De pvoscindendis et aperiendis nouis agris. iij ccv». [fol. 88a.] NOW feeldes fatte in herbes ouergrowe Is good to plowe, and leyes vp to breke. 80 Se whether drie or weet, or playn or rowe Hit be, or ful of bosh or stones steke. Let diclie hit deep that humour out may leke, If hit be weet. A comyn diche in kynde To make is lighter then the diches blynde. 35 A forgh^ iij footes deep thy londes thorgh, With grauel or with litel pibbul stonys Vnto the mydward hid ayeyn this forgh, And euen therthe aboue ascaunz her noon is, And thus do efte as ofte as good to doon is. 40 But hede hit that the hedes of hem alle, Into sum gret diche picchelonges falle; Thumour^ shal passe and thus thi lond be saued. And stones yf thee lacketh, this is boote: Sarment, or stre, or loppe in hit be graued. 45 If ther be treen, vpstocke hem by the roote; Her oon, ther oon, to leue afer remote I holde hit good. If hit be ful of stonys, ffor closure of thy feeld, better stuf noon is. 43 Ms. T. thus shal, B omits thus. || 3/6'. and lond, B and thus thi lande. 1 sulcuw. 'i humor. 172 May. [Book VI Haue up this stones; storne vnto the wallis, 50 They may thy feeld vnkomber & defende. If risshes, gresse, or fern inwith this wal is, With eryng ofte her lyues wol be spende. Lupyne or benes sowen ofte, anende Of hem wol make, yf eiier as they springe 55 Her hedes with a sikel of thou flynge. De ahlaqueatis arboribus occandis et cetera, iiij ca^. May. 77. [fol. 89.] Now vyne and tre that were ablaqueate, To couer hem hit is conuenient. Now as the treen beth cladde in her estate ffor gutteryng^ to he we is and to hent. 60 A comyn busshel gret circumferent, Or litel lesse, oon of thi workers falle That kunyngest is of his felons alle. The semynair is doluen in this mone Al bisily. In places ouer colde 65 And pluuyous, oiyues is to done To kitte, and mosse^ awey be rased wolde. The feeld ek now, ther as me sowe shulde Lupyn for dongyng lond, to plowe hit nede is. Now turne ayeyn to gardeyn sowyng seedys: 70 De spacijs Oftorxim. pastinandis & seminibus sevendis. v ca"^. ihe spaces that in heruest sowe or sede Me wol, may best ha now their pastynynge. Now ache is sowe, and how, biforn take heede. Melouns & coriaunder sowen, sprynge. Of gourdes •'^, tasyH, radish, now sowyng 75 Is good. Now rue is sette, and now transplaunte A leek, so drynk vpbolde hym forto avaunte. 55 Ms. euery, B euer. 67 awey] e altered from a. 70 seedys] d liJce am ycalde III 891. 73 In right margin: 72. h. i 1 ruderibt<5. '^ muscus. 3 cucurbite. ^ cardui. rv 1/ 1 Book VI] May. 173 De pomis florentibus et cetera, vj cajyitulum. In places hoot now pomgarnatos^ floure-, That Marcial k meruayl doth of telle. Into a potte of erthe encluce a floure '^ 8C Vppon his bough doun bouaden thcr to dwelle. To fillyng of this pott the fruyt wol swelle By heruest tyme; and than his magnitude By brekyng of this pot me may disclude. In londes hoot the peches* in this mone [fol. 89 a.] 85 Emplastred are, and now in londes colde The citurtre^ to tile is good to done In diuers wise, as is tofore ytolde. Now zizifus & figtre forto holde, Men sette or graffe in colde or chillyng londe. 90 The palme ek now men setteth forth to stonde. De castrandis vitalis S cetera, vij capitulum. ow Mago seith is good castracioun N' Of litel veles^ whil their age is tender fferul to cleve an occupacioun Be first, and presse in hit their stones slender; 95 So wole they dwyne away that shulde engender. In veer and heruest ek spryngyng the mone, Is best, as seith this Mago, this to done. Other with tynnen tonges' take her strynges, ffirst bounden lest they nold not graunte hem leve^, 100 And feire of with a knyf they cutte her thinges-\ But sumdel on the strynges heed they leue^^; This stauncheth blood and al wol not bireue Her stordy myght. Her woundes let enlyne With aske of wyne, and with spume argentyne^^ 105 79 Right margin: The same afore: 60, d. 88 Left margin: 61, d & cetera, per iota. 92 Mago] glossed pro nomew (for praenomen?) or perhaps pro no/a. 1 mala punica. '^ florere. ^ florcin. persicus. *> citruw. 6 vitulor/o«. 7 ferulam. 8 stagiieis forcipib//^'. i' liconciain. i^^ s. testiculos. 11 dimittunt. i"-^ spuma argeiiti. < 174 May. [Book VI With abstynence of drynk and litel mete, After this feest, as fede hem daies thre Grene herbes; croppes swettest let hem ete, And bowes softe and toppe of tender tre Bidewed or biwet whether hit be. 110 Tar mixt with aske and oil after iij dayes Ennoynte his wounde, & saaf thi beest for ay is. May. 78. [fol. 90.] Castracioun in better wise is founde In dayes late: as first a beest to bynde, And, bounden so, to holde hym fast to grounde, 115 And streyne in tre the witnes of his kynde, And with a brennyng ax away bihynde To hewe hem bothe. Or haue a thing therfore Maad like a swerd this folk away to score. This yron maad, thi rewle of tre ley to 120 This thingis streit, and with this brennyng yre 1 So smyte hem of, quycly that hit be do; So wol the wo be short of litel yre. Ek skyn and strynges seryng so tenfire Vpstauncheth blood, and closith so the wounde 125 That, saue a cicatrice, is nought yfounde. De tonsuris ouium. viij capitulmn. NOW sheep beth shorn in placis temporate. [ffor] sheep yshorn make vncture of lupynys. The luce of hit decoct le[y] first therate With dreggis bothe of oyie and aged wynys, 130 Of iche yliche; a thing for sheep, this fyn is. Herwith ennoynte hem alle, and aftir thre Dayes let ouer wasshe hem in the see. And yf the see be fer, licoar of heuen With litil salt decoct, this beest ennoynte. 135 Out wasshe of hit, but do this long er euen, 109 Ms. toppcs, B toppe. 128 3Is. omits for, B for. |i vncture] cture over erasure. 129 31s. le, B omits ley. ^tAJtt, Book VI] May. 175 And ouer yeer they wol been in good poynte Withouten scorf or scalle in cors or ioynte. Also they shal ha softe encrisped wolle And wondirly prolonged at the fuUe. 140 De casio faciendo. Nonum capitalum. [fol. 90 a.] Alfresh the mylk is crodded now to chese^ With crudde of kyde, or lambe, otlier of calf, Or flour of tasuP wilde. Oon of hem chese", Or that pellet-i that closith eueryhalf*^ The chike or pyiouncrawe, hool either half. 145 With figtre mylk^', fresh niylk also wol turne. Then wringe hit, presse hit, vndir poundes storne; And, sunidel sadde, vpdo hit in a colde Place other derk; and aftir ynder presse Constreyne hit efte, and salt aboute hit folde ; 150 So sadder yet, let saddest hit compresse. When hit is wel confourmed to sadnesse. On fleykes logge hem, vche oon so from other That nere a sistir touche nere a brother. But ther the place is cloos, is hem tenclude, 155 And holde out wynde, although he rowne or crie; So wol their fatnesse and teneritude With hem be stille. And yf a chese is drie, Hit is a nice, and so is many an iye If hit see with — that comth yf sonny ng brendde, 160 Or mych of salt or lite of presse hit shende. Another in fresh mylk to make of chese Pynuttis^ grene ystamped wol be do; Another wol ha tyme a man to brese, And clensed often, luce of hit do to 165 151 let] added above in different (?) hand, B omits. 159 Ms. auice, B avyce. 164 3Is. aman to presse, B a m. to brese. 1 caseu7». 2 cardui. -^ cligc. 4 poUiculam. •"' vndiiiuo. 'J lactc ficulneo. 7 nucleos pineos, ivroiKjly placed over Another in 10^. 176 May. [Book VI To turne hit with. To sauour so or so Hit may be maad with puttyng to pygment, Or pepur, or sum other condyment. May. 79. [fol. 91.] J)e examinibu.s apuin augmentatis. x capitiilum. Of been the swarmys now bigynne encrese, Now in the honycombe is bred the bee, 170 The grete bridde — and kynges douteless Men sayn they been, but Grekis sayn they be Clept oestros — and good is hem to sle, ffor they the swarm vnrestith, so they crie. Now as is taught [yit] sle the buttirflye. 175 De paui mentis in solar ijs faciendis. xj ca'^\ At Mayes eende a solar is to pane, And rather not, lest frostis hit enfecte. A double cours of boording first hit haue, Don transuersal, another cours directe. . With chaf or fern this boordis do be tecte, 180 And therupon do stonys hondful grete, And wel foottempred morter theron trete. Then with a barre^ inbete hit, batte hit ofte, And playne hit rough; but er hit fully drie, Brik bipedal chaneled^ bringe on lofte, 185 This floor that be suffising forto wrie. The chanels fynger gret thou most espic On eueryhalf this brik too feet of brede, That lyme and oil the ioynt to gidre lede. This scyment, brik, stoon, cley, togeder drie 190 And knytte into oon, til [n]oon humour be thrynne. Now yote on that scyment clept testacye"^ Six fynger thikke, and yerdis is no synne 169 Ms. of b. now the s. bigynne, B of b. the s. nowe b. 171 Ms. doutless, B doutelees. 175 Ms. omits yit, B yit slee. |1 Bight margin: 75, e 191 noon] 3Is. oon, B noon. 1 vecte. 2 canaculatuwi (canalicuJatiim). ^ testacium. Book VI] May. 1*77 To alto flappe hit with. Now brode & thynne Tilette^ or tabulette^ of marbul stoou 195 Empresse, and neuer shal this werk agoon. De lateribus faciendis. Duodecimiim capitiilura. [fol. 91a.] NOW brik is maad of white erthe or rubrike Or cley", for that is maad in somer heete To sone is drie, and forto chyne is like. Thus make hem: sifted^ erthe and chaf^ to trete 200 And tempre longe, and, fourmed, sonne outswete Thumour; turne hem; too feet long euer}' brik Be and oon foote brood, iiij vnches thik. De rosato. xiij cu"^. De oho liliaeio. xiiij ca^^. In sestres sixe of oold wyn, purged roseJ Thre dayes first, v pound is forto do; 205 The xxx^^ day x pound hony dispose In hit, wel scomede first, and vse hit so. Take x pound oyl; x lih'es therto Be do, and xl daies sette hit throute^ In glaas^, & maad hit is, no lenger doute. 210 De oleo roseo. xv ca^^^. De rodomelle. xvj ca^. In euery pound of oil an vnce of rose Ypurged putte, and hange hit dayes seuen In Sonne and mone, and after Oilderose^ Me may baptize and name hit cording euen. And xl dayes to biholde on heuen, 215 In luce of rose a sester that wel smelle, A pound hony, and name hit rodomelJe. De rosis viridibus seruandis. xvij ca»\ Take roses that bigynneth forto vnclosel And cleue a reed that stont & growith grene; Do theyni theryn and let hit on hem close; 220 196 Bight margin: yperbole. 198 3Is. ffor. 214 3Is, acording, B cording. 218 Bubric] Ms. seruendis, B servandis. s, 1 tesellas. 2 tabulas. j^ crcta. 4 cnbratu?«. 5 paleas. 6 despumati. 7 sub diuo. 8 vitro. 9 oleu?« roseum. 12 178 May. [Book Vl Thus til thee list, hem wol this reed sustene. Other condite hem kepe in pottes clene With pyk manyte & couching throute^ alway. August in houris cordyng is with May. May. 80. [fol. 92.] De horis Maij et Augusti. xviij copituZum. Half pryme hath xxiij feet, and pryme 225 Hath xiiij, and half vndron hath but ix; High vndron vj, and iiij hath mydday tyme. And noon hath iij. Now Phebus wol declync Tort Occident, and lenger lemys^ shyne. Thyn afternoon to thy fornoon confourme 230 In feet from hour tyl hour, as is the fourme. Deo gracias. Lo May is ronne away in litil space — The tonge is short, and longe is his sentence. fforride y se my gide and hym y trace, As he as swyft to be yit y dispence. 235 0 Sone o[f] God allone, o Sapience, 0 Hope, of synys drope or fraude immuyn, Louynge y to The synge as my science Kan do, and forth y go to werk At luyn. 226 Lat. Hora II et X, pedes XIII. "12^ Left margin: sincopa. 236 Ms. o, B of. 1 sub diuo. 2 vel lemys (? for bemys as in B). VII. lUYN. De area ad trituram paranda^ Primwrn ca^^itulum. At luyn a floor for tliressliing thus thei make: They pare hit first, and lightly after gcte Hit doluen smal; and chaf therto they take, Oildreggis^ fresh thei tempur with & trete Hit euen playn abrood. This helpith whete 5 ffrom auntys^ & fro mys.^ Now pibbul stoonys They bete in and other that cordyng stoon ys, And aftir suffre they the sonne hit drie. [fol. 92 a.] And this is oon; another wey is fonde, As first the floor to dense and aftir strie 10 Hit al with weet; and so wel weet the londe, Do beestis smale in hit to stire and stonde , And make hem rowte abowte & trede & strayne Hit wel; and so to drie hit they complaync* De messibus. Secundum capitulum. NOW gynneth barly repe^ and is tanende® 15 Er theer' to breke and shede hit; for as whete Hit is not clad ner cloked side and eende. 1 Initial embraces 5 verses. 16 Ms. flor. 17 Ms. croked, B cloked. 1 araurcam. 2 formicis. '^ muv'ihus. 4 complanant. ^ messis. 6 consu?«manda, 7 spica. 12* (4 180 luyn. [Book VII OoD daywerk^ of a good ripman^ may gete V strik; a feebuller for iij may swete. And that the corn may grete, vppon the grounde, 20 They sayn, is good to lete [hit] ly vnbounde. This monys eende, in placis nygh the see And hoot and drie, is gonnen repyng whete. But first, yf hit be ripe, is forto se If al the lond attonys rody grete, 25 Enclyne, and thonke vnlaced so for hete. The playner part of ffraunce a craft hath fonde To repe in litel space a world of londe. Oon oxis werk al heruest vp shal take With litel mannes help, and in this wise: 30 A squared carre on whelis too they make, And borde hit bredyng vp of certeyn sise, That tort the brinke hit brede alway & rise. His chaule aforn, tliat shal ete vp the whete, Is not right high, but so [of] euen mete. 35 luyn. 81. [fol. 93.] That iowe^ is toothed thicke as the mesure Of eres* wol not passe hem vpward bende. And bakward^ beth twey thilles^ maad ful sure; And forward hath a drey; and in that ende An meke ox that wol drawe, & stonde, & wende 40 Wei yoked be; and forward make hit fare, And euery corn^ wole start into this chare ;^ This teeth wole bite hem so, that beth bifornys, And fere hem in. The drouer^ ay in kynde Do lifte & lethe, as lough & high the corn is, 45 That shal trippe in, the chaf fletyng bihynde. 21 Ms. lete ly, B lete it I. 25 Bight Margin: Meta- phora. 27 Ms. fraunce. 35 3Is. omits of, B of. 44 Bight margin: paragoge. 39 ende] written eende, mid first o partly erased. 1 una opera. 2 messoris. 3 s. tabula anterior. * spicaruwj. 5 temonos. ^ veJ mon. "^ vebioulum. 8 bubulco. Book VII] luyn. 181 Thus shal an ox in dayes fewe vpwynde An heruest al. This carre is thus to cary In feld lond playn, ther chaf nys necessari. De agris proscindendis, vineis occandis <&c. iij capitulum. In coldest lond thing left vndon in May^ 50 May now be doon, as feeldes me may plowe. In grasy^ cold lond, vynes rootes may^ Ek now be wrie. Ek now the ficches rowe* Collect may be; and feyngreek doun to rowe^ ffor fodder^ now is tyme, and euery puls^ 55 Ther lond is cold is heruest now to huls.^ Now potage^ ware in askes mynge, and kepe In oil barelles^^ or salt tubbis^^ done; Saad cleyed wel, they saaf beth leyd to slepe. Now benys in decresyng of the mone, 60 Er day and er she rise, vpplucked sone, Maad clene, and sette vp wel refrigerate, ffrom grobbis^^ saaf wol kepe vp their estate. Lupyne also collect is in this mone; [fol. 93a.] And yf me wolle, anoon hit may be sowe, 65 Eight from the floor, as fast as hit is done. But fer away fro humour hit bistowe In that garner that stont not ouerlowe. To kepe hem longe; and rathest yf the smeke^^ Perpetuel vppon their dwellyng reke. 70 De diuersis herbis serendis. iiij capitulum. Brasike is sowe at stondyng of the sonne; And at the hed of Aust hit is to plaunt In londis wete, or ellis rayn bironne. And ache also is sowen come deuaunt; 53 Ms. biwrie, B be wrie. 54 Ms. feyngreel, B fayn- greel. Ms. do, B to. 74 Eight margin: 72; h. 1 Maio. 2 berbosa. 3 possunt. ^ rugosam. 5 g. resecare. 6 s. pabulo. 7 legumina. ^ cum strepitu metere. 9 lenticiilam. 10 vasis olearijs. H salsamentarijs. 12 g^rgulionib^^*. 13 fum2<^\ 182 luyn. [Book VII Bete & radich exemseth their liaunt; 75 Letuce and coriander, yf me wete Her lond, vpgroweth now this herbis sete.^ De pomis^ de flore punici &c. v ca^^jitulum. Yet may the pomgarnates flour enclude An 3rthen potte, as twye is taught biforn, To make a pome of mighty magnitude. 80 Now peris, melis^ ouerthicke, ar torn Away the vicious, lest luce ylorn On hem shulde be, that gentyl fruyt myght spende. Now zizifus in cold lond wole ascende. The figtre, as forseith his disciplyne, 85 This mone in ceson is to cap rifle. Now haue y wist men graffe hem viij or ix^^. Now peche in places cold is putte in theye.'*^ The plaunte of palm men vmbideluyng hie. In luyl and now solempne insition 90 Hath treen, that men calle emplastration. luyn. 82. [fol. 94.] Emplasturyng accordith with the tre That hath a luce of fatnesse in the rynde, As figge, olyue, and other suche be; Ek Marcial seith peche is of that kynde. 95 Thus hit is doon, as we in bokes fynde: Of feirest treen loke vp the braunches clere, That fertilest and fresshest yonge appere; Yndir the fresshest gemme al subtily, That gemme vnhurt, with yron reise a rynde. 100 The tre that shal emplastred be therby 75 Right margin: 73; g, h. 77 sete] foUoived hy vel swete in both Mss. 78 Right margin : ypalage. 79 Right margin : 90, d. 77, d. 85 Right margin: 64; e, f, g, h. 92 Rubri- cator has omitted the small initial. 97 Ms. vpon, B uppe {Lat. circumsignabis). 1 salubres. 2 xnela. ^ iuoculatwr. Book VII] luyn. 183 Taak of the gemme and barke, and therto bynde This gemme vnhurt, and so in boondis wynde Hit softe; his gemme aboue al that excede; Oon gemme as for another so succede. 105 Do donge vppon and vmbe^ on euery side, And bynde hit to. The bowes of that tre That heier beth, let hewe of or diuyde Away; and daies xx let hit be. Vnbynde hit thenne, and ther expertly se 110 How oon tre is intil another ronne. Thus better fruyt of bitter fruyt is wonne. De vitulis castrandis, de easio, & ouium tonsura. vi capitulum. Ek in this mone is maad castracion Of calues, as is taught alite aforn. Therynne is subtil operacion, 115 In memory wel worthy to be born. And craft to make cheses be not lorn But used now. And now in placis colde Solempnite of sheryng sheep is holde. Be apihus, cera, mella, &c. vij capitulum. [fol. 94 a.] And in this mone is ek castracion 120 Of hyues ronke of hony fild, the swnme^ Wherof is this significacion] i^ Al subtilly and smale yf that they summej*'' \^ Al hugely and haske'* yf that they humme, As houses holgh their voices multiplye, 125 A signe is that their combes beth ful drie. The dranes^ ek, that beth this bees grete, To drawen out with gret attencioun, 112 first fruyt written above in same hand. 114 Bi'jht margin: 77; f, g, h. Ill JiigJit margin: 78; c, cy lond is kest lupyne; But sowe hit er the coldes angri bite. 60 Hit hatith slymy lond & marlis white, And as wel lene hit loueth and rubrike. To sowe oon aker sufficeth x strike. De piso serendo. vj capitiiliim. De slsano. vij capitulum. Late in this mone is pese ysowe in light [fol. 105 a.] Lond & solute; in wete hit liketh growe; 65 With strykis iiij an aker lond is dight. Sysane in faat soil & grauel is sowe; Six sester on oon aker lond is throwe. Late in this mone is ek to breke vp londe Ther medica shal sowen be to stonde. 70 47 In right margin: Seduw Qst Sfnermum id est cardus benedictM5. 55 thei] added above in hand A. 57 Muhric] Ms. caterino, B Canterino. || Ms. cantereyne, B Canteryne. 58 Ms. anaker. 62 Ms. hit loveth lene with two short parallel strolces before hit and two after and above loveth, B lene it loveth. 67 In right margin: Sisanuw G.st semen plwris vnctuositatis. 1 terra, 2 trite, 3 hordeu?w cantennum. I Book X] September. 207 IJe vieia, feno greco & farragine serendis. C'apitulum viij^^. NOW first the ficche is sowen & feyngreek; Oon akcr scrued is with strikis vij. ffarrage in rcstyf lond, ydonged eek Is doon; x stryke is for oon aker euen, And out of molde er colde eek must hit heuen. 75 Til May hit wol suffice vppon to fecde, But lenger not then Marche yf hit shal seede. De lupino serendo et euertcndo. ix cajpituliim. Also taak heede in this Septembre mone, Where erthis are out of fecundite And lene, and nygh this monys Idus sone 80 Lupyne into tho londis sowen be; And whan they shewe vp their fertilite, So turne hem with the plough to putrilie, And after that thy lond shal multiplie. De pratis nouellis formandis. x ca^pitulum. NOW medis^ newe enfourme yf that thee like; 85 Lond dewy faat, so lenyng, somdel playne, In places like a valey hem thou pyke, Where humour nys not longe ner to shor[t] slayn. Al other lond of medis hath disdeyn; Yet lond solute & lene yf hit be softe, 90 Wol here gresse, yf hit be wattred ofte. September. 94. [fol. 106.] This tyme is to be stocked euery tre. Away with herbis brode; ek roote & bough And vche impediment outtaken be, Ek exercise hit after with the plough. 95 When hit of erthe is resolute ynowgh, The cloddis broke, and piked out the stoonys, ffresh dongyng tyme in wanyng of thy mone is. 71 Ms. feyn greek. 82 Their fertilite] r and fertilite over erasure. 88 Mss. shor. 1 prata. 208 September. [Book X For eny thyng no beest vppon hit trede; Vneven hit they wolde, hit is to drede. 100 And yf old moos^ thy medis ouerlede, Let shaiie hit clene away in lengthe & brede; The shauen ground with seed of hay let seede. Ek forto sle this moos^ is don no wronge, If askes ofte about on hit be spronge. 105 And yf thi mede is drossy, bareyn, olde, Let plough hit eft, & playne hit eft doun lowe; Eryng is good for aged medis holde. The rape is sowe in hem; ek ficches throwe, Beth therwith hey seed better forto growe. 110 Tyl hit be hard, vnwattred must hit be, Le[s]t al the werk corrupte humydite. Be vindemia celehranda. xi cap\l\il\xm. This mone in placis warme & nygh the see, Vyndage is hugely to solempnyse; In placis colde arayed fore is he. 115 The tonnys forto picche is to deuyse: A tonne of too hundrid congys suffice With poundis xij of picche; and more or lesse After the quantite therof thou gesse. Summen to xx pound of picche, a pound [fol. 106a.] 120 Of wax wol do, to cse hit lest hit Icpe In colde. Ek wyn to taste & smylle sound, ffro bitter picche also thy wynes kepe/" Vppon the grayn in grapis ek take kepe;* Yf they be broune and summe ek b[l]ake be 125 That is [a] token of maturitee. 112 Ms. Let, B Lest. 117 congys] glossed in right margin: Congium mcnsura liqiudorw>n sex continens sextaria & sextarim/i sex libras. 125 Ms. bake, B blake. 126 Ms. omits a, B a. 1 niuscus, 2 rniiscus. "^ ciistodins. * attendas. Book X] September. 209 De panico & milio metendis' ac faselo sorendo. xij capitulum. NOW in sum Steele is panyk^ rope and m3ide;^ ffasele also is sowen now for mete. Now gynnes"^ forto take foulis wylde And othere beestis, be they smale or grete, 130 By nyghf is wrought and al to honde ygete, To exercise at October Kalende That ioyneth right vpon the Id us ende. De ijajiauare, hrasica, timo, origano, &c. xiij capitulum. Chesbollis^ now beth so we in hoot & drie AUone or other seed with; and hit sowe 135 Ther as thyng hath be brent, w^ol multiplie Best, as they sayn. And now brasik to growe ffor Nouember plauntyng, in lond is throwe, Wherof in wynter wortis me may haue, And in veer of the same croppis craue. 140 Thy garth in spryngyng tyme to be sowe, Thre footis depe may now pastyned be; At wanyng raone is donge in hit to throwe. Now tyme, of plaunte or seed, vtilite Wol do, that loueth lene and and nygh the see. 145 Sowe origon whan day and nyght is longe Yliche, and watter hit til hit be spronge; September. 95. [fol. 107.] Hit loueth donge and sharped stony londe. Now capparis ysowen is also. That bi hit self is best to make stonde, 150 ffor why his luce is other herbis foo; So diche hym in that fer he may not go. In somer tyme hym liketh wel to glade. That whan Virgilis doun goth, gynneth fade. 127 Chapter begins with small initial. 128 In left margin: faselum est ganus \ogumims raulto meliMS p?*ae (? (\Ham) pisa. 139 Ms. saue, B haue. 141 Ms. grath, B garth. 149 Ms. carparis, B capparis. 1 panicuw. 2 miliuwi. '^ machinas. ^ iioctu. ^ papauer. 14 210 September. [Book X And gith is last eke in this mone ysowe, 155 Cresses^ and dele also in tenipur londe Or hoot. Radish in drie also [wol] growe. Passnepe & cerfoile also forth may stonde. At October Kalendis kest with honde Letuce and bete, ek coriander seedis. 160 Now rape and neep ysowen good in deede is, De pomis scilicet de tiiherihus. xiiij Crtpitulum. NOW tuberis at October Kalendis Or ffeueryere, by cornels or sleuynge, The bisynesse of settynge ful wel spende is, Whos tender youthe applaudeth cherisshinge. 165 With roote a plaunte vppuld & sett, wol springe. Oxdonge enoynte and cleyed in faat londe. With seefroth^ vppon shellis, vp wol fonde. Thre greynys suw?me out of an appul take And, Sonne ydried, sette hem iij and iij; 170 Oon spryng nature of greynes iij wol make, That wet and doluen bisily must be. And oon yeer olde hem plaunted is to se. So wole their fruyt be swete. In lanyueer Graffe hym in quynce," & eke in ffeueryeer. 175 And graffe hit best in plumme^ & pirytre,^ [fol. 107 a.] In melis Calabrik; and with a rynde,^ Or skeppe,"^ or potte ^ ydonged molde be Vpholden to the graffe, vntil hit fynde Almest the toppe. The same craft is kynde 180 ffor melis ek. This tubre fruyt men ke[pc] In mylde or picchid pottis leid to slepe. 157 Ms. omits wol, 5 wol. 163 Ms. feueryere. 181 Ms. ke, B kepe. 1 nnrstusciu?.i {sic). '^ marina al — ga {sic). 3 cidoneo. 4 pruno, 53 piro. 6 cortice. "* qualo. ^ fictili. ^ook X] September. 211 . De inserendis arboribus. vij cw^. In Septembre the propagacioun. In londis suche as told is of bifore, Is best to sette in occupacioun, ffor now they makith rootis lesse and more. 60 And why? for braunche now may they nomore. Summen also now graffeth vyne and tree, But that in hattist lond is wont to be. De oliuetis instituendis & purgandis. [vii c".] [fol. 109 a.] In places now that hattest beth and feire, As erst is seid, make vp thjn oliuete. 65 And al that longeth to the semynaire Of oliuetis, time is on to swete. Oliues white ek now confite hem swete 53 In right- margin: Metononiia. 56 doon] o added above in same hand. 63 Ms. fattist, B hattest. 64 Rubric] viij capitulum omitted. \\ now] added above between that and hattest in hand A; immediately below it are two short parallel strol'es ; B nowc that. 66 Ms. their, B tlie. 67 omitted and afterivai'd supplied in right margin in hand A; a double cross in 3ls. marks the place where it belonps. It is in its proper place in B. \ librare, 216 October. [Book XI iVs shal be taught. Ek there is warm & drie Ablaqueate hem that they may vndrie^ 70 Pulle of Yclie plaiinte, as chargeth Columelle; Yet thynkith me the saddest ere amonge Were husbondrie a parcell forto dwelle, That whan the damme is feynt, the child be stroiige, In stede of semynary werk to fonge 75 On fote & go. Ek at iij yeer is holde Hem good to donge, and naml}^ ther is colde. Six pound of gootis donge is for oon tre, Or euery tre a stryke of askes gage. The mosse away yrased from hem be. 80 Ek Columelle hem kitteth viij yeer age; But I say bareyn, feynt, or in dotage If bowes be, hem yerly vtter trie, And helpe hem thus, yf they nyl fructifie: Tnto the pith a ffrensh^ wymbul;" inbore; 85 Threste in a braunche of roggy wilde olyue — Thrcste hit in faste; and to their rootis score, Al nakid maad, oildregges kest as blyue, Or old vryne; in this maner do thryue'* A bareyn tre to childe. In this corage, 90 Hem forto graffe is good, as seyn the sage. October. 98. [fol. 110.] Remedium si viia compluta est. ix capituluni. Now purge vp brook and diche. Ek yi greet rayn The grape hath weet, aftir the formest hete Of must^ of hem comyng, as Grekis sayn, Is best al into other vessel gete; 95 The water wol bihynd al heuy lete. 85 Ms, frensh. 92 Rubric in hand A. The chapter begins with small initial || greet] erasure of letter after t. \\ rayn] r in hand A. 1 humere. 2 gallica. -"^ torebra. "^ swyue auctor dicit. 5 musti. 217 October. ^ [Book XI This wyn tmnslated thus is saaf and pure And watterles, forvvhy hit liath his cure. De oleo viridi d* laurino. Capitulum x. Fresshest olyue is taken, so dyuers As his colour is, and to dwelle ore cue 100 Let brede hem, lest they hete and be the wers; Ek euery drie or roten cors remeue. And rather hool than grounden salt, let screue On hem, iij stryk on x strike of oliue, And into skeppis newe hem haste asblyue. 105 This sauery salt al nyght so let hem drynke, And erly sette on werkynge hem the wringe; A sauery oil ther wol out of hit synke. But first with water warm is to bisprynge The chanels^ of this oil & vesselynge. 110 Le[s]t rancour oil cnfecte, do fier away. Now ek is oil to make of laury bay.- De herbis in orto serendis cf? plantandis. xi cnpitulum. The wynter goold"^ is sowen in this mone That loueth weet, solute, & grauel londe; In salt londe nygh the see they spryngeth soone. 115 But make hem bordis playn vppon to stonde, Lest rootis bare, yf molde fie, be fonde. And katirfoyl when they beth vp yspronge, Transplaunte hem into londe ydight with donge. The tasuP plaunte is also now to sette, [fol. llOu.j V20 Thre foote vche oon of hem from other stonde, The rootis cropped first, & donge yvvette; Thenne increment in hem is to be fonde; In wynter dayes drie, vppon their londe Let donge and askes keste. Ek now is sowe 125 Senuey that wold in hardest lond be strowe; 99 Rubric in hand A. The initial /v omitted, a small f standing at the beginning of the stanza. Ill Ms. Let, B Lest 1 14 weot] e added above in same hand. 1 chanales {sic). '^ laury bacis {sic). 3 incida [intiba?). ^ carduus. 218 October. [Book XI Yet euery where hit makith plaunte & flour, And fedde hit is to duste hit ofte and weede, . But litel ioy hath hit of myche humour. And as for seed, in natal soil hit feede; 130 Transplauntyng as for mete, is better deede To make hem stronge. If hit withynne is grene, ffor sauce or seed that grayne is to sustene. This mone is malue^ ysowe, and to be longe The wynter lettith hit, or gret to thryue, 135 And glad is hit of faat lond, wete, & donge. Ek hem transplaunte at leues iiij or v; The tendir plaunte is take anoon & blyue Vpgoth; and sekknl beth the grete ysette. And they that stille stondith sauereth bctte. 140 But to faste into croppis lest they rise, Ley soft a litel clod on, or a stoon. Oft weded, rare ysette, ek is their gise, But so pull vp the wedis oon & oon That roote of hit be meued therby noon. 145 And yf me make a knotte on euery roote. They wole be frogh^ ynough & tender swoote. October. 99. [fol. HI.] Now dile is sowe in placis temporate, Also the mynte is in this mone ysowe. And oy nouns forto sowe ek tyme is ate; 150 Pasnepe and origon and tyme is throwe In moolde as now. Ek armarik wol growe Now sowe or sette; and bete in londis drie [Is] in this mone ysette to multiplic. Now leek, ysowe in veer, trt^fnsplaunted be 155 That hit may hede; and ofte aboute hit weede; \b2 amdr\k] glossed in right margin: id est raphanits agrestig. 154 Ms. In this m. y sette, B Is in this m. ysette, 1 raalua. "^ sectiles. Book XI] October. 219 Ek lyftc her plaunte a litcl (|uantite, So holgh to stondc & in the heed to sprcde. Basih'con ek now to sowe j reede, That spryngith soone yf aysel on hem reyne — 160 I mene on hem al light yf hit me spreyne. De pomis colendis & pomis condiendis. xij capituluiu. ho wol do puruyaunce in worldis longe, The pahnes forto sette he must ha mynde. Now datis bones trie out fatt and yonge,' And hem that fresshest newe are in their kynde; 165 Hem vndir erthe in molde and askis wynde. Aprile or May the plaunte is in to sette; Hoot lond they loue, and often to be wette. Solute or sondy londis they requyre, So that aboute or vndir hem be do 170 A certeyn of faat lond, as they desire. And hem transplaunte oon yeer of age or too; But do this first in luyn and luyl also. Ek delue hit ofte, and [forto] kepe of hete, Ay with and with lycour on hit to trete. 175 Salt water helpith palme, or of nature [fol. Ill a.] Or maad; and yf the tre bigynne seeke^ The dreggis old of wynes wole hit cure, So hit vnto the bared rootis seeke^. The heer do barbe away from eyther cheeke 180 Of euery roote; or make a saly pyn, And in the rootis clift let dryue hit in. The lond is nought for fruyt that palmes growe Vntiled yn. Pistace is in this mone 161 Ms. alligbt, B al light. 107 Ms. into, B in to. 174 Ms. omits forto, B forto kepe. 183 The scribe began the stanza on the blank line usually left between two stanzas where q small t followed by a perpendicular stroke ap2)ears. egrotare. 2 querat, 220 October. [Book XI Of plauntcs sette other of luittis so we. 185 But man & wow^man sett to gidrc, soiie Wol fructitie, and so hit is to done. The man is he that hath vnder his rynde, Lik bonys, longe stony s as mankynde. And other use another dih'gence: 190 They smytetli out the heed of skeppis smale, And donged molde in hit they wol dispense, And theryn do pistacis iij by tale, And of liem all vp wol ther ryse a staled In ffeueryeer whan hit is woxen stronge, 195 Yf me transplaunte hit not, me doth it wronge. He loueth moist & hoot & often drynke. In terebynt at ffeueryeer is he Ygraffed; and in Marche, as other thynke, He may be graffed in an almauntre^. 200 Cold ayer & weet lond hath the chiritre; Their frutis wole be smale in placis warme, And hetis that beth greete ek wol hem harme. October. 100. [fol. 112.] In hillis sette vp gooth with mery cheer; And now transplaunted beth their plauntis wilde, 205 In Nouember also; but lanyveer, When they beth take & gynneth go with childe, Hem is hit good to graffe in dayes mylde. J Or in this monys thre their pomes sprynge^ In molde, and palmes faste of hit wole sprynge*. 210 I preued haue encrece of cheritre; The yerdis that my vyne y sette vnto Anoon hath growen vppe an huge tre In lanyueer. And Nouember also. 195 Ms. feueiycer. T J 1 planta. '-^ ami^dalo. 3 sere. * nasci. Book XI] October. 221 And otlior seyn in October thorto, 215 Is hem to ^^niffe in triinke, as Marcyal Seith; I in rynde ha t'onde hit <:;ood at al. And, as lie seitli, in triinke whos wol hem do Most pike away tlie (k)\vne^ of ul the tre: ffor many a j>raffe, he seith, hit hath fordo. 220 This obscruance is to be kept, seith he, In chiritreen and alle that gummy be: To graffe hem wlian no gumme vppon \\cm growe. Or elh's whan In't styntith out to flowe. In phme, and in liymself, in populeer 225 He graffed is, & in the plow me tre. In delues depe he is of mery cheer; Gret rowme and deluyng ofte loueth he. Kitte hem that dote or drie or densed be. They hateth donge, hit doth hem out of kynde. 230 Now craft to haue hem stonles kepe in mynde: [fol. 112a.J Withouten stoon wel wol they growe and cheue, As Marcyal seith, yf a tender tree Me kitte at footis tweyne, and thenne hit cleue Vnto the roote, and with an yron se 235 The mary rased out: and closed be Hit soone ayen, and i)ynde hit, wrappe in donge His heed and either half the slitte in longe. And in oon yeer vpheleth hit attonys: Thenne in hit do graffis that neiier berc, 240 Therof wol be chiries withouten stonys. And that the trunkis rote[th| yf thou here. Humour itake, out of hem hit to pere, 217 Ms. hafonde. 232 Withouten] Initial V (wer swall indistinct w. 242 Ms. rote. B roteth. 243 itake] i written above in later hand and omission noted b// inrertcd car^d B ytake. 1 lanugiuewj. 222 October. [Book Xl Bigrounde iato the stok hit is to bore. Yf auntis^ harme, a craft is ek therfore: 245 Held on the tre the luce of portulake, Half aysel myxt, and forth they goth yfeer. Or wyne clreggis wole make hem thennes slake, As flouris gynne. And yf Canyciiler So make hem feynt, hoot, & of drury cheer, 250 A sester take at vche of wellis thre, And on their roote at eve hit pourid se; But let not Ecate^ this craft espie. Outher an herbe is clept Symphoryake Ylike a crowne, aboute her body plie, 255 Or nygh the roote a couche of hit thou make. And chiries in the sonne y dried take And kepe, as they by gynne in rivullynge*". This mone also the male* is sett to sprynge; October. 101. [fol. 113.] This male is sette in londis hoot & drie. 260 At Nouember Kalendis quynce^ and serue*^ In semynayr is sett to multiplie. And of the same an almauntre they serue'. Now pyne^ is sowe; and pomys forto obserue In condyment is now to make, afore 265 Of vche of hem as erst is taught the lore. De apibus castrandis. xiij capitulmn. Castracioun the been haue eft this mone. As seid is erst, yf they be riche; & ellis To leue hem half their goodis is to done. And yf pouerte appere in their selHs, 270 That robbeth hem, wel worthy go to helle is. 257 Ms. ydried thou take, B omits thou. 261 Ms. quyncis, B quynce. 267 In right margin: 82; e, f, g, h. 1 formice. 2 luna. 3 rugas ha&ere. 4 niali. ^ cidoneuwi. 6 sorbus. '^ faciunt. S pinus. I I Book XI J Octob er. 223 Hony and wex as erst, is now to make. What shal be seid of wyn, is tent to take. De vinis pomorun). xiiij cap\i\il\im. I^hat I ha redde, and Grekis in their feith - Afferme, y thenke hit heerc to you dechare: 275 This difference in wyn, their writyng seith, Ther is, that swettist wynes heuy are; The white a party salt is not to spare — The bledder helpith hit; the yolgh coloured Digestioun is gretly by socoured. 280 The stiptyk whyte a stomak that is laxe Wole helpe, enducyng colour that is pale, And lesse of blood in man therof wol waxe. ffrom grapis blake a myghty wyn wole hale, And swete of rede, and s wettest from the smale. 285 And fro the white is drawe a comyn wyn , But condyment hit thus to make hit fyn : The muste, decoct to his medietee [fol, 113 a.] Or thridde part, they casteth to their wyne. But Grekis haue an other subtiltee: 290 Of see quyete vptaketh they maryne Water purest; oon yeer they lete hit fyne, Wherof, they seyn, so maad is the nature Of bitternesse or salt that hit is sure. This age al ille odour eschaungeth sweete. 295 The eightith part therof in must they do; The fiftith part of gipse^ is therto meete, And aftir dayes iij they goth therto, And myghtyly they route hit to and fro. Thus dight, they seyn that longe hit wol endure 300 And in colour be resplendent and pure. Yche dayes ix a wyn is to be moued, And namly whan ther is a latte vyndage. 275 Ms. haredde. 290 Ms. subtiliteo, B subtiltee. 1 plaster. 224 October. [Book XI By seyng ofte is what to holde yproued And what is good to sende on pilgrymage. 305 Of resyn^ drie and stamped summen gage Thre vncis into a tonne, and alto meue Hit, and hit shal endure as they bileue. The must that is byrayned thus they cure^: By taste they wite yf hit birayned be; 310 The XX*' part away to boile, her cure^ Is first, of gipse an hundreth quantite Doon with; and other wole hit boyled se Vntil the fifthe part of hit consume, And after yeeris iiij in vse assume. 315 October. 102. [fol. 114.] Of wynys soure is taught to make swete Wit barly flour, and not but cruses* too — As for a smal vessel so myche is mete; An hour into the wyn let hit be do. And oon doth dregge of swete wyn therto; 320 Of gliricide a part he hath infuse Al drie, & longe yshogged, it wol vse. And best odour hath wyn in dayes lite. The bay of myrte agrest, montane, and drie, Yf that me grynde, or braiyng alto smyte, 325 And into a wyn barel doun let hem sie^ And after dayes ten theroutof trie. Or flouris swete of vyne or other tre. In vmbre dried, may reserued be. But bray hem smal, & presse hem in a newe 330 Vessel; and when thou wilt, on kadis thre Of wyn a certeyn of this flouris snewe, And closid fast vpon the vessel se; At dayes sixe ydronken may hit be. And forto make a wyn to drynke swete, 335 Of saturege or fenel putte in meete. ^ resino. '-^ sanaiit. •'^ cura. * ciati. ^ descende. jLJk»«***»^^VV^_f»»^ Book XI J October. ^25 Other the fruyt of pynys nuttis too Wole bake, and in a cloth into the wynys A^essel let honge, and cleme hit wel therto; At dayes v yserued this swete wyn is. 340 To other craft an ere ek forto enclyne is — How wynes yonge as olde shal appere; Who liketh ha that craft may lerne hit heere. [fol. 114a.] The soure almaund & wermode & feyn greek — ffrote hem yfere as myche as wole suffise, 345 The gumme of fructifiyng pynes eek, And bray al as wel as thou canst dyuyse; A cruce^ into a stene of wyn dyuyse. Confected thus, ther wol be wynys grete. Lest they enfecte is ferther now to trete: 350 Taak aloen & mirre & magma with Saffron, of yche yliche, and thus demene: With braiyng when they maad to poudre beth, Let mynge hem with an hony that is clene; A cruse of this now putte in a wyn stene, 355 And saaf they are. And wynes of oon yere At passyng age is thus to make appere: An vnce of melion, of ghciride^ Thre vnce, and take as myche of nard celtike; Let stampe hem also smal as may bitide 360 With aloes tweync vncis epatike; Let vessel hit, & sette hit vp in smyke^. Six sponful putte in fifty sester wyn Wol make hit auntceaunt appere & fyn. The wynys browne eschaungeth into white*, 365 Yf that me putte in hit lomente'^ of bene. To putte also in oon galoun the white e Of eyron thre and shake hit in his stene, 1 datum. '^ gliciridie. -^ fumo. 4 alba. f> lomentuwj. <^ al- borcm. 15 226 October. [Book XI The next[e] day alwhite hit wol be clene. Of Afre^ pese yf thou do to loment, 370 The same day [hit] serueth thyn entent. October. 103. [fol. 115.] The vyne also they sayn hath the nature, That vynes yf me brenne, or whyte or blake, And keste hem into wyne, me may be sure The wyn colour after the vynys take, 375 ffor whyt of whyt, & broun of broun shal.wake. But therof into a tonne a stryk doon be. That is X stene, and ther be dayes thre. So close hit, xl dayes let hit reste. An esy wyn a man to make stronge: — 380 Take leef or roote or caule of malve agrest^ And boyle hit; keste so thy wyn amonge. Or gipse or askis twey cotuls no wronge Thy wynes doth; iij piluls of cupresse. Or leef of box an hondful, therto gesse, 385 Or ache^ seed & askis of sarment, Wherof the flaume hath left a cors exile. The bodi so not al the boonys brent. Also a man may in oon dayes while So trete a stordy* wyn that hit shal smyle, 390 And of a rough drynker be cleer and best — Now se, the craft is esy and honest: Take pepur cornys x & twye as fele Pistacies; hem with a quantite Of wyn to stamp e as smal as thou may dele, 395 And to six sester wyn commyxt hit be, And route hem so that they to gidre fle. Now let hem reste; and dense hem, and to vse Hem right anoon ther wol noman refuse. 369 3Iss. next. 371 Ms. omits hit, B it. 390 Ms. To trete, B So trete. 1 affra. 2 altee (altheae). 3 apij. 4 austeram. Book XI] October. 227 [fol. 115 a.] A troubuF wyn anoon a man may pure: 400 Seuen curnels^ of a pynappul do In oon sester of wyn that is impure, And trauayle hit a tyme to and fro, And aftir suffre hit to reste go. Anoon hit wol resseyue a puryte; 405 So clensid thanne & vsid may hit be. Cretenses were ytaught of Appollo*"^, As it is seid: — of aloes epatyk ffoure vncis, and of sqmnuant therto Asmyche, and oon vnce of fynest mastyk; 410 ffyn mirre an vnce, and of the pisce indyk But half an vnce; a vnce of mascul thure Wei smelly nge, and an vnce of pepur dure — Bete al this smal, and sarce hit smothe at al. And whan thi must boyl[eth], scome of the grape 415 That wol rise & be superficial, So take hem that not oon of hem escape; Taak gipse & hit with stampyng alto frape, Sarce hit; thre sester ytalike be do To stenes x of wyn yscomed so. 420 But first this wyn forseid the fourthe part Into sum other vessel is to brynge. Therto this gipse is aftir to depart. And with a reed al grene of fresh growynge, Too dayes in his tonne hit alto flynge; 425 The thridde day of this wyn in x stene. Let sponys foure of this poudir demene. 404 And] small d added above in hand A. 407 Cre- tenses] Initial omitted hy ruhricator\ small c in its place. 414 smothe] o very like o. 515 3Is. boyl, B boileth. 426 iu x] over erasure. 1 feculentu?». 2 nuclis {s^ic). 3 doo sap«e«iie. 16* ^^8 October. [Book XI October. 104. [fol. 116.] Thenne vnto hit the fourthe part be do That fro was take, and so iille vp the tonne; And moue hit long[e] tyme to and fro, 430 Til al this spice among this must be ronne ; So stoppe hit vp al saaf from wynde or sonne. Yet leef a litel hole out at to brethe Their hetes estuant forto alethe; And aftir xl dayes this spiracle 435 Is vp to close; and when the list hit drynke — The tast therof wole fare as a miracle. But whan wyn is to moue, vppon this thynke: A nakid child may best vppon hit swynke. Or oon as pure as he. In lynyment 440 ffor tonnes best doth askis of sarment. Good stomak wyn & counter pestilence Thus make: Of fynest must in oon metrete, Er hit be at the state of his feruence. Eight vnce of grounden wermode^ in a shete 445 Dependaunt honge, and xl dayes swete, Thenne out hit take. In lomys^ smaller hent This must, and vse hit as wyn pestilent. Now they condite her must egestioun, That wol with gipse her wynys medicyne. 450 In light smal wyn withouten questioun Too sester gipse ynowe is to reclyne. An hundrid conge wyn to that assigne; And if the wyn be saad & myghty, rounde, Therto shal oon sester of gipse abounde. 455 430 Mss. long. 431 Ms. rowne. 432 sonne] o begun as u. 442 Ms. pestilencic, JB pestilence. 449 Ms. twey, B thai. 1 absinthij. 2 xascis (?) or verasci5(?) Book XI] October. 229 [fol. 116 a.] De rosato sine rosa faciendo. xv ca/>ituZwm. NOW is rosate ymaad withoutcn rose: Taak leiies grene yiiough of citurtre, And in [a] palmy basket hem dispose, And into mustc that yet not feruent be Depose, & close or fast hit closed se. 460 This taken out at xl daies eende, Kest hony to and as rosate hit spende. De vinis pomorum.. xvj capitulum. De ynomeUe. xvij capitulum. NOW euery wyne of pomys is to make, As craft is taught bifore vche in his mone. Of grete & noble vynys now let take 465 Of muste as myche as semeth thee to done — At xx*^ daies ende is not to sone; Out of the pitte after that hit is do, The fifthe part of hony rough putto\ (Not scorned, fyn, wel stampid must hit be) 470 Vntil hit white, and moue hit myghtily With reed al grene, and xl daies se, Or better 1*^, doon contynuely, Ay with a shete ycouertid clenly. Aftir this tyme in hondis clene vphent 475 Al that wol swymme & be supcrfluent. So gipse hit vp, and kepc hit for thyn age — Hit bette is kept in picchid loonies smale. And next at ver let gipse hem, and forth gage, And in a celle of cold erthe hem avale 480 In flood grauel; or ther the^^ stonde a dale Do make, & drenche hem thryn. Tyl worldis longe This drynkis wole abide and ay be stronge. 458 Ms. in pahuy, B in a palmy. 470 Space for initial filled hij Not and line of red ink drawn through the original ot. ^ apponere. 230 October. [Book XT October. 105. [fol. 117.] Be defruto careno & sapa. xviij capiiulwni. Defrut, carene, & sape in oon maneer Of muste is maad, defrut of deseruynge 485 Til tliicke hit be. Carene is boylid neer ffrom thre til too, but sape vnto oon let bringe ffrom thre; and al this craft nys but bolynge. But sape is best, yf quyncis therwith be Decoct, and al the fier maad of figtre. 490 De passo. xix capituZum. NOW passe ^ is maad that Affryk vseth make Aforn vyndage, and thus this craft they trete : A multitude of reysouns puld they take, And into russhy frayels rare hem gete. And myghtily with yerdes first hem bete, 495 Vntil this werk the grapis so dissolue; And thenne hem to the pressis they deuolue. Ther pressid out is al that out wole passe ^, And vndir kept into sum vessel clene; And this licour Affrikis callith passe ^. 500 As hony me may kepe hit in a stene; In stede of whom, in metis hit demene. This condyment is esy & iocounde Wherof inflacioun shal noon redounde. De cidonite. xx capMMlum. Take quyncis* ripe & pare hem, hewe hem small 505 And alfor smal, but keste away the core, ffor hit is nought to this effect at all. In hony thenne vpboyle hem lesse & more, Til hit be haluendel that was bifore; Do pepir within boyling smallest grounde. 510 This is the first maner, and the secounde, Another wise, is this: taak sestris too [fol. 117a.] Of luce of quynce, and oon sester aysel 1 passun [sic). 2 effluere. 3 passun {sic). ^ cidonea. Book XI J October. 231 And half, ek too sester hony therto; This niynge, and boyle hit al to gidre wel, 515 Til hit be hony faat and thicke vche del. Of piper and gyngcr twcyne vncis grounde To pouder smal, is therto forto infounde. J)e fermento miistorum seruando. xxj cap'itulum. Agaloun muste from vnder feet do to A stryk flour of newe whete, and hit let drie 520 In sunne; and wete hit eft and drie hit, do Yet eft the same. In smallest loues plie, And drie hit hard in sonne; in pottis trie; Now gipse hit fast, and vse this ferment ffor musty breed whom this wol condiment. 525 De vun passa Greca eondienda. xxij capitu?um. The reysoun Greek in this mane?' they make: They se where hongith grapis goode & swete. The stortis softe in hondis w^ole they take, And writhe hem, and so writhen wole they lete Hem honge & drie awhile in sonnes hete; 530 And aftir hem in shadowe they suspende. Her vessel while in dightyng they contende. The leef of vyne, al drie & chillyng coold, Vndir they do, and theryn grapes presse, And with their hondis fast adoun hem foold, 535 So fille hit vp, and therto leues dresse. In drie & cold ther smoke is noon expresse, Hem kepith they. This October vpborn With feet is as in Marche is seid biforn. October. 106. [fol. 118.] De horis Octohris. xxiij cap\twl\im. The first & last hour xxv euen; 540 And next the first & last hour is xv. The thridde hour from the first & last xj 514 Ms. serster, B sester. 525 wol] added above in hand A.. 232 October. [Book XI Hath; and the firthe on viij is to sustene. Next noon on eithir side, on six demene, And noon hyni silf stont short on footis v. 545 And why? ffor Phebus so short made hy[m] thryue. Deo gracias. October spende, 0 Sonne, 0 Light superne: 0 Trine and Oon^ louyng honour, empire Withouten ende vnto Thy myght eterne! That shyne & goon our princis flour aspire 450 Magre thy foon; so list vche hour, and gire His spere aright that, sauyng Oon, so cleer Sterre is ther noon in al our emyspire ; Vndir whos sight y gynne on Nouembeer. 546 Ms. for. || Ms. hy, B him. XII. NOUEMBER. De satione t'ritici, f arris, ordei, fahe & lenticnle, i crtpituluiii. Nouember wol vfith whete & far be sowe In lawful wise & with solemnyte; V stryk vpon an aker is to strowe. With barly wol this mone ek sowe^z be, And benes, vnto greet felicite; 5 Right faat or donged lond they loueth best, Or valey ther hillis fatnesse hath rest. And clodde^ hem large, as wel they may be wrie. [fol. 1 1 8a.] Ek suwmen seyn the benes satioun In placis coold is best to fructifie, 10 On hem yf me do noon occasioun, ffor cloddis wol ther germinacioun Obumbre from the coold, & wel defende. They peireth lond but lite, & naught amende, For Columelle affermeth that a feeld 15 ffor whete is rather proued profitable That bare is, than the feeld ther benes yeeld Hath been. And for an aker faat is able 1 Initial embraces 5 lines. In right margin: Noueiuber. occa. 234 Nouember. [Book XII Six stryk to sowe, and lesse is aboundable In mene lond. But sad lond wol the bene 20 Indwelle, and hatith nebulose and lene. And when the mone is dales oold xv And so not repercusse as of the sonne, Sowe hem; but other seyn bette is xiiij. ffrom weedis they with capoun blood bironne 25 Beth saaf, as Grekis seyn that theron konne. Too dales stept, anoon they wol arise. Now lyne and puis is sowe as is the glse. De pratis et de vitibus. Secundum capitulum. 1^'ow mede is first to make, as seid is erst. -^y Now vynys sette in placis hoot & drie, 30 Now also to proiiyne is not the werst Yong vyne, & plauntis vmbideluyng hie; And also hem that nakid beth let wrie. Ek er then Ide vch merges curuature Of thre yecr old kit from the roote, is sure. 35 Nouember. 107. [fol. 119.] De vinea veteri in iugo ve\ percula repsiranda. iij capitulum. From hennes forth the vynys that trauayle On perchis or forkis, and ouerlonge [An] encumbraunce are and of nought auayle, Bihold hem; yf their tronk be hool and stronge, Ablaqueate hem, feede hem faat with donge, 40 And kitte hem short ouer the lond no v ffeet long allyng, and thus make hem to thryue. Ther as the grenest piece is of the rynde Thy sharpist yron take, and with the poynt^ On either side afore & also byhynde, 45 So goodly by & by hit is to poynt; ffor Columelle affermyth in that ioynt 27 stept] e over erasure. 28 In left margin: 41, g. 34 Left margin: 37, h. 38 Ms. omits An, B An encombraunce are. mucrone. Book XII] Nouember. 235 To germyne, and in veer therout to stare Mater thy vyne al newly to rcpare. De putandis vitibus & arhorihus nc oleo faciendo. iiij cupitulum. Putacioun autumnal celebrate 50 Is now in vyne & tre ther nys no coolcl. Olyue is puld of colour variate; Make oil of hem alblak on to biholdc. Olyue & other treen thus best is holde, The croppe to kitte, and saue on euery side 55 The bowes [profluent] for fruyt tabide. But wliere is lond vnkept and insolent, Take from the tronke al clone, vntil so hie As beestis may by noon experiment ■ Atteyne; and there let bowis multiphe, 60 And afte7iong on euery side hem plie, Salutyng^ eest & west, & north & south. Yet alwey war the touche of beestis mouth. De oUuetis ponendis & curandis. v caj^itulum. [fol. ll9a.J ri^ liolyue is now ther lond is hoot and drie JL Ysette as erst is seid. Wei wol this tre 65 Encrece in litel moyst and placis hie. Wei froted, wold he fatte ydonged be, And waggid with wynd of feracite. An[d] cure hem as biforn. Now corbes fyne Beth maad; in temp^^r lond eke oil lauryne. 70 De albo vlpico cepulis & plantis carduaruni. rj capitulum. rrihis mone vlpike & garlec is to sowe; -i White erthe hit wol, doluen withouten dongc. Maak redes ^ in the bord, and ther bistowe Hem in the coppe, atwene in brede & longe ffyngris but iiij ek deep sette is their wronge. 75 51 Ms. vynys, B vyne. 55 3Is. sawe, B saue. 5G Ms. omits profluent, B profluent. 65 In left margin: 97; e, f, i,'. 69 3Is. baskettis corbes fyne, B has the same (cf. Ill; :J10). 69 Ms. An, B And. 1 vel loutyng tort. 2 succulos {sic). 236 Nouember. [Book XII And wede hem wel, so wol they wexe fele. But forto hede hem gret, trede dou?2 the stele; So shal the iuce into their hedis go. And whenne the mone is doun, also thei telle, Hem yf me sowe and puUe hem vp also, 80 Of cruelte no thing wole in hem smelle. In chaf or smoke ykept wel wol they dwelle. Now oynouns sowe, and tasul^ in his place Let plaunte, and cunel sowe, ek armarace. De persico, pinu, piwiis^ castanets & alijs pomis. vij c»>. NOW ther is hoot, and ell in lanyueer, 85 The pechis boon in pastyne is to sette ; To sundre hem -too footis best hit were. The plauntes spronge, into other placis fette And sette hem, depe iij or ij hondis mette. But picche adoun the poynt intort the grounde. 90 Another craft yet other folk han founde: Nouember. 108. [fol. 120.] The bones to be sette first wol they drye A dayes fewe; and thenne in askis molde They mynge, and hit they into skeppis^ trie; In this their dried bones wol they holde. 95 I say that men myght kepe hem as they wolde. And eriwhere also say I they sprynge; Yet sum place hath best and lengest durynge — Ther warm aier is and grauel londis weete; ffor ther is cold and wyndy they wol dye, 100 If no defence away the coldis bete. And delue hem ofte, eke herbis vtter trye. Transplaunte hem too yeer old to multiplie In delues short, and nygh vchon tyl other, That from the storm of hete vche helpe his brother. 105 77 trede] d altered from t. 99 weete] second e added above in same hand. 1 carduum. 2 qualcs. Book XII] Nouember. 237 Ablaquyatynge hem in herucst hie, Her owne foiles yef hem as for donge. And kitte of euery rotcn thyng or drie, ffor grene yf that me kitte of, that is wronge — That sleeth hem vp. Ek seke yf the be longe, 110 Wyndreggis old in water let infounde; Yef hem this drynke, anoon they wolc be soiinde. And Grekis sayn that pechis me may make Ywriton growe, yf that me first hem sette, And after dayes vij vp hem take; 115 By thenne out wol a spronke of hem be lette Vppon the shelle; and out the curnel fette, And write on what thee list with cynabare; To close anoon the boon theron do care. Their kyndis beth: oon is peche Armenye [fol. 120a.] 120 Precox is next, the thridde is duracyne — But yf this tree to sore in sonne drie, Hepe erthe aboute and homour vespertyne. Ek thing obiect the feruour of declyne. A serpent skyn doon on this tre men lete 125 Auaylaunt be to saue hit in greet hete. For frostis now do donge aboute a peche. Or water myxt wyndregges. Or the best Of benes boyled water may be leche To sle the frost; and yf wormys vnrest 130 Hem, aske oildregges myxt on hem be kest, Or ox talgh with the thridde part aysel — Ereither kest on hem wol sle hem wel. The fruyt caduke is goodly thus to cure: Of therebynte or birche into the roote 135 108 ofj added above in same hand. 118 cynabare] glossed in right margin: cinabaruw fit ex sulplmrc it argento uiuo. 124 Ms. abiect, B obiect. 125 Ms. Icttc, ./> lete. 1:53 Ereither] re added in same hand, r on the line, c above. 238 Nouember. [Book XII Or trunk indrive a pyn, and hit is sure. ffor fallyng fruyt or holdyng forth to roote, The myddil into bore also is boote, And put a saly stake in hit. With craft ffro rotyng & ryuyng they be byraft: 140 Lowe on the trunke as wounde hym in the rynde; A lite homour whanne out of hit is runne, With chaued cley the wounde ayeyn do bynde. And whanne their floury ng is so bigu^^ne, While thr[i]e aboute his cours gireth the sunne, 145 With sestris iij of gootis mylk hem wete, And ther wol be the peches swete and grete. Nouember. 109. [fol. 121.] Yppon their bowes spartea to honge Is good for hem; or sparte^ v[n]til hem bynde. In lanyueer or ffeueryeer no wronge 150 Is graffyng hem, but cordyng to their kynde, If lond be coold. And hoot lond yf they fynde, In Nouember. But taak their graffis lowe And nygh the stok, for gladdist wol the! growe. The toppis takith not, or nought endure. 155 Graffe in hym self or plumme or almauntre; But Armenye and Precoqua beth sure In plumme. In almaunt, durycynys be Lengest to growe in meest fertilite. Aprile & May hem wol enoculayre^ 160 Ther as the lond is hoot in placis faire. Ytalyens enoculacioun In thende of May or nygh ther luyn bigynne In peches sayn good occupacioun. Emplasturyng of hem eke is no synne, 165 141 3Is. Sowe, B Lowe. 145 Ms. thre, B thrie. 148 Ms. do, B to. 149 Ms. vtil, B vntil. 154 3Is. flfor. spartum. 2 inoculare. Book XIT] Nouember. 239 And rede oute of the plane ygraffed wynne. The duracyne is kept in oximelle With dreggis myxt, wel forto taste & smelle. The bonys oute, as figgis suwmen drie Hem and suspende. Ek y ha seen the bonys 170 Detracte of duracyne in hony trie, So kept that gladder tastyng neuer noon is. Hoot picche a droppe yf into vch aveP gon is, That so they be coart to swymme in sape — Enclude hem, and al harm they shal escape. 175 [fol. 121a.] They sayn the pyne^ vnto al thyng vnder sowe Is commodose. And his sowing is this: His curnels"^ wol in hoot & drier growe In October or Nouember not mys; In ffeueryeer or Marche, ther coold weet is. 180 In smal lond nygh the see among the hillis And stony s wide & fresh, this tre at wille is. In wyndy moyst encreceth they right grete. But with this tre what ground euere shal growe. As is for other treen is not to trete; 185 But p[l]owe hit, whete on hit as me wold sowe, And right as whete in hit the sedis sowe. And wrie hit light, an hondbrede hit descende. And let no beest his tender youthe offende. Thre dayes watteryng vp helpith eke 100 To grete encrece, and his translacioun The pynys fruyt [wol] esy make and mckc Ek plauntis ban this procuracioun Vnto their gret multiplica[ci]oun: 166 3Is. plane is graffed, B plane ygraffed. 170 Ms. haseen. 180 Ms, fteuerycer. 180 3Is. powe, B plowe. 190 watteryng] e added above in same hand. 192 3Is. omits wol, B wol. 194 Ms. multiplicaoun, B multiplicacioun. 1 vmbilicum. '^ pin? nuclei. '240 Nouember. [Book XII That first is doon the seed with molde & donge 195 In skeppis vnder lond to ere vp yonge; Whan they come vp the smallest fro they do, So that the saddist faster may ascende; At thre yeer old, this skeppis broken fro, In delues large adoun shal they descende. 200 And donge, as myche as molde, aboute Yiem spende ; A flake of this, a flake of that they make. So hath a kake of molde of donge a kake. Nouember. 110. [fob 122.] But se wel that the cheef rote oon directe Be hool translate vnto his summyte, 205 Withouten hurt, and in no wise enfecte. Patacioun so helpith hem to the. That too so high ascende hem shal me se As me wol wene; and their nuttis abide "Wol on the tre and ripe vntil this tyde; 210 Yet pulle hem rather than they flete atwynne. Their nuttis must be clensid forto kepe; Newe erthen pottis summen kepe hem ynne. So they in erthe & with their shellis slepe. Now plommes boon to sowe is too bond depe 215 In lond subact. The same in ffeueryeer ffirst stept in lie, vp goth with gladder cheer. This plaunte is sette, vptake in lanyveer As from the codde, and nygh the monys eende. Or plaunte hem nygh the Ide of ffeueryeer, 220 The rootis wel in dongynge vmbiwende. In faat lond moyst thei ioyfulliche ascewde. And ther is warm eke hugely they bolde; Yet not for thy thei may endure in colde. Ther cleyi londis are and lapidose, 225 With donge is good to helpe hem & excuse 215 Ms. bej, B boon. 217 Ms, with good cheer, B with gladder chere. Book XII] Nouember. 241 Lest their fruyt falle and be vermiculose. The plauntis from the rootis ek refuse Not vp to pulle; ek plauntis fair excuse To stonde vnpuld, that they be not to seke^ 230 And hele in this maner thi prunys seke^: Oyldreggis^ watertcmprid euenly [fol. 122 a.] Let kest on hem, or ox vryne alone, Or old vryne admyxt vneuenly With water partis too; or of an one ^ 235 Askis, and rathest of sarment, be done On hem. And yf caduk their fruytis be, Dryue in the roote of olyastre tre. Rubrike and taar^ wormys & auntis sleth, Boon esy on for harmyng of the tre, 240 Lest medycyne eschaunge into the deth. Ydoluen ofte & weet, holpen they be. They graffed are in Marche extremyte, In trunke or rynde. Hem graffeth also summe. In Tanyveer er then they wepe gumnie. 245 In almaunt, in hymsilf, in malo, in peche Is graffid plow?me. And plommes suwmen drie. And hem on fleykis kepe; and other teche Whan seewater or dreggis boilyng frie. The plommes fresh collect therinto trie. 250 Hem taken up so drieth they in sonne Or in an oven"^ luke, and they beth wonne. Chasten^ wol vp of plauntis that alone Vpgrowe, or of his seedis multiplie. The plaunte in yeeris too wole gynne grone 255 ffor seek, and perauenture he wol dye. 249 seewater] first e added above. 251 Ms. so up so with stroke of s in 2nd. so doubled, B uppe so. 255 Ms. growe, B grone. 1 quaerende. 2 languidas. 3 armucam (sic). * lociimi (lofiiim). 5 furno. 6 pix liquida. 7 furno. 8 castanea. 16 242 Nouember. [Book XII ffresh, ripe, & grete of hem to sette outrie; In Nouember hem sette and vp they crepe. And thus to sowe in ffeueryeer hem kepe: Nouember. 111. [fol. 123.] Drie hem in shade and hem to gidre hepe; 260 With flood grauel let diligence hem wrie, And XXX dayes vnder that hem kepe; Then doon of that, hem into water trie, Ther swymmyth seeke, & hoole adoun wol hie. Ayeyn the goode vndir grauel be do, 265 And tried efte; and thries preue hem so. Hem that remayne al sikur maystow sowe. Summe in grauel hem closith and so kepe^. In lond solute and softe vp wole they growe, But as of grauel lond no thing they kepe^. 270 In sondy lond they stonde yf that hit wepe; Blaak erthe is apte, and lond carbunculyne; And ragstoon-" alto rapte/, is for hem digne. They growe vnnethe in sad lond or rubrik, And for no thing the cley [they] may not vsc. 275 The cold estate of heuen wel they like, A party warme also they not refuse, Ner clyues ther humour is not excluse. They loueth derk Septemtrioun biholde. And best in pasty natid lond thei holde. 280 Pastyne hit depe a foote & half, or plowe Hit by & by, & wel with donge hit feede, And theryn do thy chastyns forto growe; A foote depe the crafte is hem to seede. Sette vp a stick vppon hem thee to leede, 285 258 Ms. Nouembj'e, B November. 260 3Is. kepe, B hepe. 275 3Is. omits they, B thai. 278 Erasure before excluse. 285 Ms. stryke, B stick. 1 custodiunt. 2 optant. 3 tofus 4 confractz^. Book XII] Nouember. 243 And sette in euery stedc or iij or v, But footis iiij a sonder, hem to thryue. Transplauntyngc hem is best at yeeris too, [fol. 123a.] So gutt[er]yug the water from hem shelue; Yf water stonde on hem, they beth fordo. 290 Also this tre may pleched be hym selue. Ek bysily the yonge hit is to delue. In Marche and September putacioun To chasten is incrementacioun. They graffed beth in rynde, as y ha preued, 295 I[n] Marche and in Aprile, and right wel do. Inoculyng also in hem hath cheued. In saly yf me graffe hem, forth they go, And ripith late, and tasteth not but so. Chasteyn[i]s kest on fleykis me may kepe, 300 Or vnder sond a sonder leid to slepe. And other hem in erthen pottis do. And delueth hem in placis that beth drie. In bechen baskettis men saue also This fruyt, so they [with cley] be staunche ywrie, 305 Or smellest barly chaf aboute hem plie; Or baskettis of seggis me may vse. So they be thykke, and saue ther recluse. This mone in place[s drie] and regiouns coolde, The piry wilde^ is sette, graffed to be; 310 Citur^ & quynce" ek pomgarnat^ to holde. The serue and medler & selyque tre, The moUebery, the chery, and figtre, 289 Ms. guttyng, B guttoryng. 290 on] n added above in hand A. 291 pleched] c altered from s. 29(5 Ms. I, B in, 800 Ms. Chasteyns, B Chasteynes. \\ lleykisj k added on the line and is above, in hand A. 305 Ms. omits with cley, B with cley. 308 3Is. their, B ther. 309 Ms. in place and r., B in places and 11. {Lat. locis calidis ac siccis regionibus.) 1 pirus agrestifs. 2 citrus. 3 cydoneus. 4 malu»« punicum. 16* 244 Nouember. [Book XII Almauiidis & luglande in seinynaire, A[s] crafte is taught biforn, is to repaire. 315 Nouember. 112. [fol. 124.] De apibus. Capitulum octauum. At gynnyng of this moone, of thamaryke^ And other flouris wylde vseth the bee^ Hony, though hit be smal, sumdel to pyke; Their wynter store is resoun that hit be.**^ Now clensed al their housis is to se, 320 ffor wynter meuyng lyk is hem to harme; But do this in a faire day & a warme. Let swepe^ hem with a wynge, & with a penne Or fether of a foul, ther as an honde May not come to, pike al the filthis thenne.^ 325 Stoppe euery chene aboute her housis fonde With cleyed donge, and ouer ther they stonde A tegument of brom or suche extende, Hem fro tempest & cooldis to defende. Bemedium vitibns. Capitulum ix. In placis glade & warme, yf vyne abounde 380 In leef & haue of fruyt but pouerte, Now kitte hem short, & they wole be fQcounde. In cold lond this in ffeueryeer doon be,; And yf they mende not, yheped se Askis or flood grauel aboute her roote 335 That summen stones dryue into for boote. [Bemedium sterili viti. x capitulum.] The same place & tynie, a bareyn vyne Is thus to cure: his stok is first to cleue And ther enclude a stoon; ek old vryne Let cotuls^ iiij aboute hit helde at eue; 340 315 Ms. A crafte, B As crafte. || In left margin: 90; f, g. 316 Bubric in hand A. 330 Bubric in hand A. 337 Bubric omitted. 1 thamaride (sic). 2 apes. 3 fit. * scopare. 5 inde. 6 cu- tulas (sic). Book XII J Nouember. 245 And al the molde aboute is to remeue, That this licour the rootes to descende. Ek ley to lond & donge, and they wole mcndc. [fol. 124 a.]* De rosario ex paucis virgulis institnendo, xi capitulum. Rosair^ in ffeueryeer al though me make, Now make hit ther is warme & nygh the see. 345 The gemmy graffys with their crokis^ take Of fyngris iiij. ypleshed is to se Wei donged and ywattered to be; And oon yeer old transplaunte hem forth to stonde. So braunches fewe vpfille a huge londe. 350 Vt vua vsqyxQi ad ver servetur in vite. xij capitulum. The Grekis scyn that grapes in their vyne Til veer is thus to kepe: aboute a tre In shady place, impleet of grapes fyne, Let make a delf iij footis deep to be And brood too foote, and sond inkest thou se; 355 Ther cannes styke; on hem sarmentis"^ plie, With grapes faire & sounde aparty hie; To wrie hem that no reyn vppon hem drepe. They sayn eke fruyt or grape in tre or vyne With erthen pottis thus a man may kepe: 360 This fruyt in hem suspended to reclyne, And wrie hem that noon ayer vppon hem shyne; So beth they saaf. Eke appules brought a slepe In gips *, to longe abide and neuei'e wepe. De gregibus ouilli generis et cajmni ac ordine pascendi, xiij ca"\ First in this mone is generacioun 365 Of lambes. That is, sone as they be born, 343 Erasure before raende. 344 Li left margin- 41; d, e, f. 348 ywattered] first e added above tt. 351 Rubric] Ms. veer. || The] has small initial. 367 J\[s. as. 1 rosarium. 2 genicwlis. 3 s. scions. * gipso. • Verses 344—5:25 are torn out of B. 246 Nouember. [Book XII Attende vppon this ocupacioun, That fro their moclir teetis^ they be torn. The formest myl[k] clept boystyng^, out aforn Let heerdis mylke — vnese hit myght hem do; 370 And close hem with her dammes dayes too. Nouember. 113. [fol. 125.] And aftir close hem warme in place obscure, The dammes flokked forth & hoom at cue. And til the lamb be strengthed to pasture, Hym first and last his modir mylk releue. 375 With bran", medik^, or barly flour bouncheue Also they wole. And whan they wexeth stronge. Do with their damme afeeld this babis yonge. Sheep pasture is in falowis^, medys drie; The mersh^ is nought, and wodis wollis tere. 380 Ek salt among their fodder is to strie, Or in their drynke — hit hugely wole chere Thi sheep. And lest the wynter hungur dere, With hay or chaf or ficche is hem to feede, Or yef hem elm or asshen leef for neede. 385 Pasture hem first ther gresse is dewy, swete; Then oures foure aftir the sonne ascende, And doun on hem descend e, a feruent hete, To welle or flood the flook be brought on ende Their mouthes drie on wateris to spende. 390 And when the sonne is oner hoot and hie. With shade of hille or wodis thou hem wrie. Westynge' the sunne and waynyng of the hete, At ascendence of dewes vespertyne The flok vnto the pasture is to trete. 395 But while hete of Canyculers shyne, 369 3Is. myl. 1 vberibM5. 2 colostra. 3 furfure. ^ medica. 5 noualibi^ pratis. 6 pallustria (sic). 7 tendente ad occidentem. Book XII] Nouembcr. 247 Pasture hem that their hedis ay declyne ffrommart the sonne. In veer & wynter tyne^ Hem intil frost be goon, and boor pruyne. The Grekish sheep and also Tarentyne [fol. 125a.] 400 In housis fedde [ar], rather then pasture; And hem on bored plankis they reclyne, ffor fowlyng of their precious tecture, Wherof to make is mannj^s couerture, That is their flees^ Ek wasshen iij a yeer, 405 With oil and wyn tennoynte hit is mysteer. For serpentis that ofte vnder the foolde Wol dare, is cedur brent, or hertis horn, Or wymmen beer; galbane ek good is hoolde To brenne, so this wormys to be lorn. 410 Goot bukkis'^ from females now forborn Ne may not be, that they at veer the prime May kidis haue acordyng to the tyme. That bukke is best that hath vndir his chekis Twey wartis* smale; and grete ycorsid be 415 That theyed faat & short yneckid eke is. And hath an heed of litel quantite. Bent ered & white hered thou hym se, So hit be thikke & longe. Ek oon yeer oolde Is good, & so til sixe on wol he holde. 420 The goot be bodied like, with pappes grete, — Ha not so fele of hem as of the sheepe. Ivy, crabtre, & lentiske hedes mete. Is good to make hem my Ik outrennyng wepe. They thre yeer oold their birthis best vp kepe, 425 And hem that j^onger kyde is best to sle. At viij yeer age also their dammes fle. 399 goon] :^nd. o lools like u. 401 Ms. fedde rather. 1 Claude. 2 yollus. 3 hirci. l verruculas. 248 Nouember. [Book XII Nouember. 114. [fol. 126.] De glandibus legendis, xiiij capitulum. De materia cedenda, xv capitulum. Now mast^ to glene^ out goth womman & childe. And now is tyme, in wanyng of the moone, Tymber to falle, yf that thou thynke bilde. 430 But hewe hem half a too is first to done, That humour out may renne; and not to sone Hem smyte doun. Of grest vtilite Is fyr^, and meest of durabilite. Fyr first is stronge & best, enduryng longe; 435 Next is larex; for fyir is hit so sure That gablis yf thyn housis therof fonge. And tablis vndir tilyng, ha no cure ffor brennyng of thyn hous, for hit wole dure And nought enflaume. Ook* is also durable, 440 And as for erthe werkis profitable. For bildyng ek escule^ is good mateer; Chasteyne is wondir sad, and in the feelde Or hous or vtter werkis or entier, ffor drie or wete hit neuer wol hit yelde;^ 445 Sauyng his wight, ek no vice hit may yelde.' Beche^ he wole rote in wete, in drie endure. And populer the same is in nature. Saly^ & lynde^^ is needful in sculpture. An hous [yjmaad of aller is but shent; 450 Yet ther the ground is myre, weet, vnsure, Pile in aller as for the fundament. Ek elm & asshe ydried beth rigent. And while they beth vndried, so curuable, ffor shippis that they beth right profitable. 455 433 In right margin: Sincopa. 436 Ms. fifor. 439 Ms. ffor. 450 Ms. maad. 1 glandes. 2 colligere. 3 abies. ^ querc««5. 5 esculus. 6 dedere. 7 reddere. 8 I'agus. 9 salix. lo tilia. / Book XII] Nouembcr. 249 Cupresse a nobul tre! Good is carpync.^ [fol. 120 a.] The pyne^ ek tlicr as drie is wol endure. That he ne rote y fond a craft in Sardyne: The hemes that to werkis beth future, A twehuonth to be leid in water pure, 460 Or in grauel vndir the sees brinke, At euery flood salt water so to drynke. Cedur vnwet wol dure. Ek on the south In tymbur fald is more vtilite Then that is in the northern wyndis mouth; 465 Yet is hit streighter feir vppon to se. Now ther is drie & hoot a gretter tre Transplaunted be, the bowes hole & roote ; But wete hyni ofte, and donge aboute hym wrote. De oleo faciendo. Decimum septimum capitidam. The Grekis seyn that oylis forto make, 470 As mych olyue as me may presse ere eve Ipiked, is the mylle vnto to take, Goyng suspense her bones not to grcue. Of flesh oonly the first oyle best wol preue In basketis"' of wythy twiggis wrought. 475 The noblest and best oyle first is sought — That oil is best that flowith out allone. With walkers* cley is salt so doon therto. The spissitude of hit to ha fordone; And whanne her dregges sattled doun beth go, 480 At dayes thries x is hit to do In glas vessel. And aftir oil secounde Is maad, that on a sadder mylle is grounde. 461 Ms. brynge. 467 In left margin in red: xvi cap-". 468 rooto] o added above. 469 hym] y altered from e. 474 wol] final e erased. carpini<5, 2 pinus. 3 canistris. -^ nitro. 250 Nouember. [Book XII Nouember. 115. [fob 127.] Vt oleum simile lihurnico fiat, xviij ca^^itulum. Ek seith the Greek ,yh'ke lyburnyke oil ys A man may make his oil[e] grenc & best: 485 Drie violette, ek laure & cipre^ foylis, Igrounde al smal, with saltes al to threst, Idried — kest in al this and vnrest Hit vexing longe; and aftir let hit stonde A while, and vse hit — good hit shal be fonde. 490 [Vt oleum sordidum purges.] GapituJum decimum nonum. If oil be foule, taak hoot salt alto grounde, And kest hit in, and diligently wrie. And in a while al pure hit wole be fonde. And yf hit be not sauered worth a flie, Olyues grene ygrounde in hit let stie, 495 The bonys piked out. ffor oon metrete. Too chonykes to kest is mesure mete. Ther bayes lakke, olyues croppis bray An[d] kest in with. And summe it wol suspende In thoil vessel vntyl the thridde day, 500 Inwith a shete; and tho iij dayes spende, They vessel hit. And other inte hit sende Old tile maad hoot, and summen in a shete Suspendith barly breed hit forto swete, And whan they hem ha chaunged twye or thrie, 505 Into other lomes wole they hit translate, And salt vpon [hit] suffisauntly strie. Ek yf a beest in hit be deed of late Or longe, ensclaundryng thodoures state, 485 Ms. oil grene. 487'"ilf5. saltest. 4Qi Ms. Buhric incom- plete. II Ms. Iff. 499 Ms. An kest. || wol] final e erased. 501 shete] Ms. swete, {Lat. intra lintcum). 502 inte] e altered from o. 505 Initial omitted hy rubricator. 507 3Is. vpou suffisauntly. ciperum. Book XII] Nouember. 251 In oon mctrctc an handful coriaumlcr 510 Wol voidc away the vile odoures sclaundcr. Horrend odour percliauncc abidith stillc; [fol. TiTa.J Let chaungc, and putte in coriaunder newc, And chaunge hit oftc vntil hit better sniylle, And forto taaste vpon be not eschevvc. 515 At dales sixe ek best is hit remewe To lomes newe, other to vessel clene\ With vynegre other with aysel maad clene-. And other stampith seedis of feyn Greek, And kest hem yn. Ek suwmen broondes tende 520 Of olyue tre, and in this licour seek Hem quencheth they, the sauoiir forto amende. Yf hit be sour, let into hit descende That al forbrayed grapis excrement, On ballis maad, in seruyng thyn entent. 525 [De oleo rancido curandoj Capitidum vicesimiim primuin. For brousty" oil, whit wex is to resolue In fynest oil, and theryn throwe hit so; Hoot salt ygrounde is on hit to dissolue, And in a vessel cleyed al be do; So wol hit mende odour and taast also. 530 In erthe vche oil to kepe, is his nature Whom salt or fir or water hoot may pure. De condiendis oliuis. xxij cap'itwlum. This moone is maad olyue in condiment; That is dyuers: oon ol^^f Columbare^ Ther ilakith first, olyue as fundament, 535 And after that the pulioles are; A flake on that hony and saltis rare, Vv. 519 — 525 are partly torn out of B; fur what remains see Appendix. 527 Part of rubric omitted;] B omits alto- gether. 1 niunda. 2 recensita recensita (sic). 3 rancido. ^ columbaris. 252 Nouember. [Book XII Or flake otyue; and fenel graffes be Theron, or birche or dile or olyue tre. Nouembre. 116. [fol. 128.] Of Rjsel oon emyne^ on hit they slake; 540 They keste also theron of barmys^ rude. So shal hit rise alwey flake aftir flake, Vntil the vessel haue his plenitude. This thyng so ful, is goodly forto enclude. Ehte olyues xl dayes stepe^ 545 In oil barm*, and thanne out the barm^ let drepe; Of aisel oon, of defrut partes too, And mynte yhewe as smal as hit may be, Kest into these olyues; fille hit so That they ouer the brinkis fleting se. 550 Olyue vnhurt, in vaporosite Of bathes oon nyght be on fleyke or table; And so a morow salted, they beth able; So beth they oonly dayes viij endured. Olyue vnhurt, in barm^ of oil is do, 555 That aftir xl dayes vp is pured; And swetter forto haue hit, do therto Too partis sape, and aisel oon; also To haue hit sharp, of aisel tweyne infounde And oon of sape, as may the sharp abounde. 560 A sester passe', a yespon^ al to grounde Of cyner^, of old wyn a quantite; ffoil of cupresse a part in hit contounde.^^ Let menge al this; olyues now let se, 541 In right margin: Emia [sic) est sexterii medietas. Sextarium continet sex libras. Vv. 540 — 551 are torn out of B. See Appendix. 552 Ms. myght, B nyght. 1 eminara. ''^ raurie. ^ macera. * rauria. ^ muriam. muria. '^ passi. ^ quantum manw5 ntraque capere possit. cineris. lo contunde. Book XII] Nouember. 253 Suche as vnhurt beth, taken from the tre, 565 Don in and dreynt; a crust vpon hit make, And fille hit to the bririke vntil liit take. Olyues that me fyndeth lying crispe, [fol. 128a.] With rugis drawe, in salt it is to sprynge^; But first with liondis hem to gidre rispe; 570 So let hem take in sonne a welowynge. Ley vnder laure, and flakis vp let springe^. Defrute and saturey a yespon be Yboyled as with wattris too or thre. Whenne hit is colde vppon this baycs keste 575 Hit, and a litel salt be doon therto. A bundel origane in hit doth beste. With bayes puld ek other men thus do: They takith rue^ and persely also; This couchith they bitwene in eu^ry place, 580 And aftir hepe vppon salt cymynace. Aysel theron and hony wol they slake, And last of fynest oil a quantite. Ek of the tre beth puld olyues blake; They with oil barm* compoost, vp wasshon be. 585 Too doole hony to boyle oon of wyn se, Defructe half that, ydoon; and boiled so, Let stire hit wel and aysel mynge into; And strowe on origan, cold yf hit be. Olyues puld with hondis, pedifete 590 And al, be water sprongcn dayes thre; Thenne intil barm^ of oil is hem to trete. A senyght past, into sum lome" hem gete, 569 3Is. bi added above to in liand A and inverted cavet between to and sprynge. 580 doole] c added above. 593 In left margin: sincopa. 1 aspergere. '^ exurgere. ^ rucam. * muriu. ^ muriam. 6 vas. 254 Nouember. [Book XII With must and eysel fille til hit flowe; And wrie hit, holis leuynge vp to blowe. 595 Nouember. 117. [fob 129.] De horis. Vicesimum tercium cajntulnm. AS ffeueryeer forth goth Nouember mone: On xxvij feet eerly and late, And next to hem xvj vprenneth sone. Xiij is thridde, and firthe in x hath state. Mydday & ouernoon til viij abate. 600 A mydde is noon vpstondyng right for vij, As I seide erst, yf that y metred even. Deo gracias. Thus bokis twelue anende, and oon is rest, ' Hit selue vnbende vppon, which book is laste.^ 0 kyngis Kyng, 0 Lord, 0 Thyng hiest, 605 Loujmg record and rynge her stryngis chaste To thyn honour; of fyn sauour that haste A flour to taste, odour to caste. Al yeer Thy due attende, of fuke vnblende, or laste^ Vnshende, and ende vs sende of Decembeer. 610 595 blowe] Ms. plowe. 598 Sc/meider''s text has „Hora L 11 et X, pedes'i 601 vpstondyng] Ms. vnstondyng. 602 In l\ \ right margin: 93; b. 607 sauour] Ms. fauour. 1 vltimws. '^ defectu. XIII. DECEMBRE. De serendis frumentis, faha & lini semine. i capitulum. December hath al maner whete j^sowe And barly als, as in the last sesoun. The benes lete at Icte vij throwe In lonci, for aftir wynter is no resoun To sowe hem — Why? ffor then her thrift is gesoiui. 5 Vnto the forseid Ide ck of December, Lynseed^ to sowe is needful. to remember. De facietidis pastinis S cedenda materie. t'j capiUihim. [fol. 129 a.] Aftir this monys Ide in pastynyngc Is good to delue, as taught is albiforn. Of tymber now is also good fallynge; 10 Now stakis make, and lepes for thy corn; Now oil of laure & mirtis bay is torn, And of lentiske. Ek maad is wyn mirtite, As seid is erst, whoos hath theryn delite. 1 Initial embraces 5 verses; the small initials of the remaining two verses have been omitted bt/ the rubricator. The title of the month is in the right margin. 12 Marginal note to laure: 30; c, &c. 13 Marginal note to wyn: ol ; o, \ 52; f, g. 1 lini semen. ^6 Decembre. [Book XIII De herbis in ortis. iij capitulum. The letuse in this moone is so to sowe, 15 In ffeueryeer that hit translacioun May haue. And garlec now in lond is throwe ; Vlpike and oynouns in their stacioun To growe. Ek senvey^ sem^'nacioun, And cane] bothe ha now, the disciplyne 20 Of whom is taught aforn & craftis fyne. [De pomis: in eo de hypomelidihus et aliorum mensiam pomis. iiij capitulumj AS Marcial seith ypom elides Beth appultreen whos fruyt is lyk a serue^. A comniyn tre statured dout[e]lees, With whitly flour coloured, whos obserue. 25 To worthy men the fruyt is worthy serue*"^, ffor as he seith. hit is so tart and swete That wel is hym that with that fruyt may mete. In December his curnel* is to sette In lomes smale. His plaunte in ffeueryeer 30 Transplaunted is; but se hit thombe grette And stronge, er me transplaunte hit fer & nere. In lond that is solute and donge yfere, Not depe hem sette, and from the wynd hem wrie With donge, in caas his blastis cause hem drie. 35 Decembre. 118. [fol. 130.] This gentyl tre wol growe in euery londe; But placis glade and warm & nygh the see — In stony grounde ek loueth he to stonde. Of coold afeerd hit is. But graffed be Hit may not, and not long endurith he. 40 His fruyt in picched pottis me may kepe, In drosse^ of grape or applis leid to slepe. 20 cunelj 3Is. curiiel. 22 Euhric omitted. Ms. doutlees. 1 sinnpis. 2 sorbo. 3 seruire. ^ nucleus. ^' vinaceis. Book XIII 1 Decembre. 257 De rapis condiendis. Quintum capiinlwm. "l^ow rape in peecis sniale is to divide, -L^ And lightly boyle; and diligently drie That noon humour in nere a part abide. 45 Into aysel tenipred mustard thenne hem trye; The vessel fild be closid clene or wrie. Bite on, and as they taastith taak hem neer. Nouember doth this same, and lanyuere. T>e echinis jjnruis ti? lardo saliendis. vj crtpitulum, NOW nygh the see ther Phebes^ increment 50 Al closid fish & conkis- causith swelle, Echynys flesh with saltis condyment Be cured, as men vseth craft to telle. This same as longe as wynter dayes dwelle, Wei may be doon. Rk bacon me may salte, 55 And larde, vntil the wynter sesoun halte. Also this mone, in wode and groues lowe. Ther bayes beth and benes ripe enrounde, Gynnes"* be sette, of euery bridde vnknowe, Throsshes to take, and other foul on grounde. 60 ffoulynge is good til Marche on hit abounde. December is atton with lanyueer In length, and foot for foot they goth yfeere. De horis. Sept im urn cap it id um. [fol. 130 a.] They first & last, on xxix stonde; And next the first and last on x & ix"*^; 65 As for the thridde is thries v yfonde; To foure and eight ek footes xij assigne; To X, mydday & ouet*noon declyne, And noon to ix""". Yf y be not to blame, In lanyueer of sentence is the same. 70 Deo firracias. &' 66 yfonde] altered from ystonde hi/ f rasing t and croasing s. 1 lune. '^ conchas. ^^ laquei. 17 268 Decembre. [Book XIII Laude, ymne, honour be to the fflour lesu. Ymne vnto the, our right, our souHs light; Honowr the do good werk, life, light, vertu; Be our good Lord gouernjng al our myght; To right werk gouernyng, yef vs wit, right; The our lif al, vs fostM?'ing right thus, fflour, soulis light, our, wit right to the dight. lesu, light, vertu, myght, right thus dight vs. My wit, my word, my werk The magnifietJi, 0 kyngis Kynge, 0 Lord of lordis hie, 80 Whos grace a princis flour honorifieth, That in nature hym like is noon to trie. Gramerci, Lord, that list eek mortifie My wronge, y hope, and do me sumdel rise Thy self in hym to se. Yet treste y crie 85 Thy laude, and his honour eft preconise. Explicit. 73 life] Ms. light. A collation of the Early English Text Society's Edition of Palladius onHnsbondry with Ms. Bodl. Add. A. 369 (formerly in Colchester Castle).* Tabnla. [The first leaf is missing from Bodl. Add. A. 369. Fol. 1 is subscribed 'a.ij\J (fol. 1.) Cisterne celar for oyles, wyne celar, and columbary in B at Bildyng. Chiches Colcase v Campas: 17; h, & 16; f, g. Cresses Cappare I Cunula^ Coriaundre / in S atte Sowyng. Cowmyn Cerfoile Cicera Cucumber ' Cucumber, in ffeu^rer yere to sowe, and make swete and longe withouten core, or elles ]yke a rede in lengtbe: 57; c, d, e. Cocumber is so ferde of thounder that it turueth, and from oiles it woll clicche awaye: 57; e. To make cucuwibres of what fournie the list: 57; f. To graffe cucumber in breere and ferule: 57; g. Cannetes, in fteuerer to make: 81; g, h. Chastentree, plantyng and settyng in November: 111; a. &c. Citurtree,2 tylling in Marche: 61; d, &c. & 62; a, b. Citurtree, graffyng, and of his ett'rnito in fruyte and floures: 62: c, d. Citurtrees bitter mary to chaunge into swete: 62; e. Citurfruyte to kepe: 62; f, g. Citurtrees, tillyng in May: 77; e. ' chyues or cyues written above. - orenges. * It seemed best in making this collation to note all variations from the text of the Ms., as >\ ell as the actual misreadin^s of the Editor. As usual, italic type is used to mark, expanded al)V)reviations and square brackets for words or letters supplied by the editor. — 260 — Citurtree, plauntjng in luyn: 86; b. Cornes may not be touched in floury ng: 76; a, b. Chiritree, in October graffyng and setting, and what lande is good for hem: 99; h, & ICO; a, b, c. Chiries, to growe withouten stones : 100 d, e, f, Remedie for rootynge of chiritrees, and for auntz: 100; f, g, h. Coltes, or foles of hors, to knowe in Marche: 69; e, f. Causinge of teeth: 69 g. Calues, geldyng in dyuers wyse in May: 77; f, g, h, & 78; a, b. Castracioun of calues in luyn: 82; d. Chese, makyng, kepinge, and counfltyng in May: 78; o, &c. Carene, defruyte and sape counfit in October: 105; a, Cydonite counfit in Octobre: 105: d, e. Tabuhi. (fol. la.) Dales beth not to duelle inne: 8; e. Douves, to multiplie: 10; f. To saue douves from the wesell: 10; f. Donge, or myddyng, howe it shal stonde: 14; d, e. Deluyng, dyvers tyraes; 15; d. Deluyng aboute vynes or treen: 41; b, c. Date stones to sette in October: 99; c, d. Defruyte, to counfit in October: 105; a. Erthe, in L atte Londe. Excodicac«oun of wynes in lanuarie : 28 ; a. Eringe of londe, in L atte Londe. Exon to chese in Marche: 66; c, &c. Exon of dyvers condiciouws: 66; f, g. Exon tamynge: 67; f, g, h. Exon tamyng in otherwyse: 68: a, b. Emplastryng solempne in luyn: 81; li, & 82; a, b, c. Emplastringe in luyll: 86; a. Emplastering in Aust: 89; d. Feelde, in L atte Lande. fFeeldes to I'eye, discreciou/?.: 6; a. ffleen, for to destroie: 17; b, c. ffloring for thresshing: 18: f, g, h. ffallyng tymbre in lanuarie: MO; g. ffigtree plantyng in March p : 0:>: c f. g, li. ffigtree, lande, and settyng in iij ni.inciy: 63; f, g, h, & 64; a, [b, c. d. ffigtree, to caprifie and scarifie, with nioche remedy: 64; e, &c. ffigtree that casteth his fruyte, goode remedie: 65; a, b, c. ffiges, fele and fatte to make: 65; c. ffiges, sone ripe, to be lately ripe, and econtra: 65; c. ffigtree graffyng vnder rynde in Aprill: 65; d. ffigtree plechyng and inoculinge: 65; e. ffiges, keping: 65; g, h. Tabula, (fol. 2.) ffiges of dyvers colours vpon oon tree: 66; a, b. ffigtree settyng in May : 77 ; e. ffigtree caprified and graff'ed in Fuyn : 81; li. ffallyng of tymber for gutters in May: 77; a. ffeyngreek hervest for fodder in luyn: 81; c. — 261 — fficches ] f ffeyn£?reek \ • u n. a ffern and segges to destroye in Aust: 88; h. fferment, musty: 105; f. ffesauntes, to rcre and fatte: 12; h, & 13; a, b, c. GouuerncfMnco is the grete crafte of husbondrie: 2; h. Graynes in S atte Seed. Gravel, p?'eef, and grosshing gravel is best: 7; c, d. Garner niakyng: 9; e. f. Garden, howe it shal stande: 14: f, g, h. Garden closure: 15: a, b, <;, and also 82; b, c. (iardyn, remedie: 15: g, h, cV: 16 al thourgh, & 17 & 18 til f. Grafle in the countree gyse: 15; f. Graffyng in iij mnncrs: in the rynde, in the stocke, and emplast- ring in ffeueror: 38; c, &c. Graftes, chesyng, gretenesse and shappe: 38; g, h. Graffinge of vynes in elmes: 39; b, c. Graffyng peches to growe withoute stones: 39; c, d, e, Graffyng and settyng of poretreen in ffeuerer: 49; e. Graffyng of niolbury tree: 49; f, g. Graffyng pertree and citurtrec in Aust: 89; d. Grape vngreyned in dyvers nianer raaade: 52; a, b, c, d." Grapes, white and blake in oon vyne: 53; a. Grapes, whicho for the borde, whiche for the wyne: '33; c. Grapes, to kepe in the wyne til veer: 112; f, g. h. Garlek 1 f Gooldes I • a ♦^^ c!^,„„ Goordes M Gith j ^" ^ ^^"" ^"^^^^^• Tabula, (fol. 2a.) Greek reysons: 105; g, h. Gresse, to destroie in iij maners: 87; b. Geese, to rere and fatte: 13: d, e, &c. Goot buckes, to chese and gouuerne: 113; f, g, h. Gynnes, makyng for foulinge in September: 98; f. Gynnes and foulynge in December; 118; d. Husbondrie standeth in iiij thinges: 1; c. Haliday hath noon, necessitee: 4; b. Housyng, in B atte Bildyng. Hempe holihocke, in S atte Sowyng. Hors and exon standyng, in B atte Bildyng. Hors stalons putto forth to mares in Marche: 68; c. d. Hors sholde haue iiij thinges: fourme, coloure, merite, and pul- critude: 68; d, e, &c. Hors stalons age, and mares: 69; d. Stalons of asses with her age: 70; b, c. Hennes, to rere and make hem ofte hacche: 11; c, d. Hennes, to hele of the pippe and cornes: 11; e, f, g. Hony counfit: 82; h, & 83; a. Hony and wexe of dyvers herbes: 19; c. Hony onsake(6'»'c') counfit: 91; h. Heruest in luyn: 80; f, g. Heruest in luyl: 85; c. Heruest of panyk in September: 94; f. Houros in lanuarie: 30; h. Houres in luyl: 88; a. Houres in ffeuerer: 53; b. Houros in August: 92; a. — 262 — Houres in Marche: 71; b. Houres in September: 96; a. Houres in Aprill: 75; f. Houres in October: 106; a. Houres in May: 80; a. Houres in November: 117; a. Houres in luyn: 84; h, a, Houres in December: 118; e. luglandes: 5; e, f. Karene defruite and sape counfit: 105; a. Landes elef'tioun: 2; a, e, f, g. Tabula. (fol. 3.) Londe feble; fertile lande: 2; b, c, d. Lande bareyn is to be fledde fro: 3; h. Lande is not to be balked: 4; c, & 23; c. Lande profounde for greet olyues: 4: d. Lande is to take on hande as men may til: 4; g. Lande ouergrowe is hoi pen with gouuernance: 4; h. Lande for wheete and barly: 5; d, e. Lande that is salt to be remedied: 5; f, g. Lande chesyng in colde countree: 6; c. Lande fenny nys to eree or plowe: 23; d, Lande for vynes: 25; b, &c. Lande ofte ereed or plowed: 30; d, e! Lande for meles: 87; a, b. Lande for quynces: 48; c, d. Lande for molbury tree: 49; h. Lande, plowyng in lanuarie: 23; b, c, d. In flfeuerer: 32; b, d. In Marche: 54; g. In Aprill: 72; g. Lande, plowing in May: 76; e. Lande, plowyng in luyn: 81; c. Lande, plowyng and stookkyng in luyl : 85; c, d. Lande, plowyng in^ August: 88; d. Lande, plowyng in September: 92; d, e, & 94; a. Lande, donginge in September: 92; f, g. Lande, to remedie for euel humour: 93; a, b. Lande, to remedie for eve) bestes: 93; b, c. Landes, weete, woddy, stony, or wedy, to remedie: 76; e, &c. Lyme, the makyng therof : 7 ; f. Lilies, to sette or sowe: 41; e, f. Letuce sowyng, and to make white letuce: 26; b, c, d. Tabula, (fol. 3a.) Letuce with other herbes in a wridc: 26; e, f, g. Letuce and lynseed, in S atte Sowing. Leek seede, sowyng, to make tender leeke6', and grete heded leeke6': 43; g, h. Leek plauntes; the gretenesse, the raaner of kittyng, the blades and rootes, and to make hem heded grete: 88; a, b. Lupyne, reping, kepyng and sowyng: 81, e. Lambes to rere: 112; h, & 113; a. Liquamen castimonial: 46; g, h. Lard, bacons, & echyne fisshe to salt: 118; c. Molde is to be moeved aboute a roote^: 5; h. Mues, in B atte Bildyng. Middyng or donghill: 14; d. in added above in same hand. ^ Ms. aroote. — 263 — Markyng of beestes, and niakyng condimcntz; 30; b. Medues in leene and drie lande: 23; b. Medys in tempre lande: 32; a. Medys, iu colde lande to dense: 54; g. Medys, newe to make: 93: h, & 14; a, b, c. Meles, to grafie in ffeuerer: 86; h. Meles, lande to growe in: 47; a, b. Meles, to remedie: 87; d, e. Meles may be grafted in dyvers treen : 47; f. Meles, fruyte kepinge: 87; f, g, h. Moldewarpps, to sle: 56; g, h. 17; d, e. Meles, maade aisell ;ind wyne of; 48; b. Melons to [sette]' in Marche, and make swete as mylk and smellyng as roses: 57; b. Meddelers, to sette in March: 62; g, h. Meddelers, to rcmndie for wormes and make fertile: 63; a. Meddelers, to remedie for auntes and castyng fruyte; 63; b. Meddelers, to grafte und to kepe: 63; b, c, d. Molbery tree, tilynge in ffeuerer: 49; f. g, h. Tabula, (fol. 4.) Plantyng molbery tree, remedie for hem, and grafting of the same: Mixe sowyng and settyng iu Marche: 50; d, e, [50; a, b, c. Mastik tree to plaunte and graff in Marche: 50; e. Maleapultreen in October to sette: 101; a. Male apples to counfit in October: a. Malues | f Myntes I • a , , o Medice n MJlde j ^^ ^ '^"^ S°^^°^- Mares, to chese and gouucrne: 68; h, & 69; a, b, c. Mules, to haue in dyvers Avyses: 69; h, & 70; a, b. VTuttrees, to sette in lanuurie: 28; h, & 29; a, b, c, d. 1^ Remedy for nuttrees, and nuttes Tarentyne: 29; f. To kepe nuttes: 29; g, h. Nepes and rapes in luyll to sowe, and make grete: 85; e; &c. Olyve is to be planted of children: 5; a. Olyves grete stande in depe lande: 4; d. Olyuetes, to sette in ffeuerer, and goode lande for hem: 39; [f. g, h. Olyue bayes of dyvers names, and order ot thaire standyng: 40; d. Olyues to rere withouten olyve planter: 40: e, Olyues to seek to hele in Marche: 55; h. Olyves bareyne to make here: 56; a, b. Olyves, graffyng in A prill that fior destroy e hem not: 72; d, e, f, g. Olyvetes, to ordeigne, sette, and donge, in October: 97; e, f, g. Olyues bareyne to bring into beringe, cum coitu suo: 97; h. Olyues, putaciou/A in Nouember with oil niakyng: 107; c, d. Olyues, to sette and cure in November: 107; e. Oile myrtite made iu lanuarie: 30; c. Oile lauryne, in lanuarie maade: 30; e. Oile lentiscyne maade in lanuarie; 30; f. Oile liliate counfit in May: 79; f. Oile de rose counlit in May: 79; g. Oile verde counfit in October: 98; b. 1 Blank space in 3Is. the width of 7 letters. — 264 — Oile lauryne counfit in October: 98: c. ^., , . .^ , .,. , Tabula, (fol. 4a.) Oile makyng m November: 114; ^, h. ^ ^ Oile like liburnyke in Noueraber: 115; a. Oyle filthy to pure in Nouember: 115; b. Oyle euel smellyng to amende: 115; b, c. Oyle browsty smellyng to amende: 115; g. Olyues to counfit in dyvers wyse: 115; h, & 116; per iotum. Oyle dregges and vryne for olyues: 32; f, g. Origon, Oynons in S atte Sowyng. Oxen in E atte Exon. Poocok to rere: 11; h, & 12 til h. Poondes for water foule: 14; b. Pastynyng in dyvers wyse in lanuaric: 24; c, &c. Puis, sowyng in lanuarie: 24; b, c. Plowing of lande. in L atte Lande. Peche tylling in ffeuerer; to growe withoute stones: 39; c, d, e. Peches emplastringe in May: 77; e. Peches, inoculacioun, a fygtree in luyn: 81; li. Peches, settyng in November: 107; h, & 108; a, b. Peches, ablaqueac«oun, putacion, and sanacioun: 108; c. Peches, to growe writen with le^res: 108; d. Peches of iij kyndes, and dyvers remedie: 108: e, f, g. Peches, to make greet and swete: 108; h. Peches, graffyng, inoculynge, plasturinge, and kepinge, with dyuers remedie for hem: 109; a, &c. Perys, settyng and graffyng in ffeuerer: 44; e, f, g, h. Perys, tender, swete, sauery, and long lastynge: 45; a, b, c. Peertrees seke, to hele in dyvers wyse: 45; c, d. Peertrees, that thai blossum not to longe : 45; e. Peres stony, to remedy: 45; e, f. Peres may be graffed in dyuers trees: 45; f. Peres, to graffe by good crafte: 45; g. Peres to be saury to ete: 45; h & 46; a. Peres to kepe, dyvers crafte: 46; b, c, d. •{•'■) Peres, to be ouertaken in luyn: 81; g. Perre, or wyne of peres, in ffeuerer: 46; e, f. Peres, made aysel of in ffeuerer: 46; e, f. Peres, ymaade liquamen castimanial of: 46; g, h. Pomgarnette, settyng in Marche: 59; d, &c. Pomgarnettes, to be swete: 59; g, h. Pomgarnette^, from chappinge, from wormes, and from corruptinge, to kepe: 60; a, b. Pomgarnette6f, to be fecounde & white grayned: 60; c. Pomgarnette*', to be meruaylously grete: 60; d, and in May. 77; d, and in luyn: 81 ; g. Pomgarnette^, to multiplie: 60; e. Pomgarnette^, graffyng in Marche : 60 ; e, f. Pomgarnettes, kepinge: 60; f, g, h. & 61; a. h. Pomgarnette*, made wyne of: 61; b. c. Pistace, to plaunte and graffe in ffeue?'er: 50; f. Pistace tillynge in Ootober: 99; f, g. Pynappultree, in ffeuerer tilled: 50; f. Pynappultree, sawyng and plauntynge in November: 109; e, f, g, h. — 265 — Pynappultroe, kyttyng and kcpingo tlunrn fnijt, with more of plautyng: 110; a. b. Palme, deluynge aboiite in luyn: 81; h. Palmes, to tille in Xouember; 99; c. d, e, 1". Pouduryng of vyncs in Marche: 55; c. Pastynynge landcs in May: 77; c. Pills and potageware: he?uest in luyn: 81; c, d. l^lumtree, to sowe, plaunte,"remedye, and to graffe in Nouember: 110; b, &c. Pasture for sheepe: 113; b, c, d. Pastynynge the gardyn in Septemb^^r: 94; li. Tabula, (fol. oa.j Pasnepe \ I Panvk I • c .* e^ r, , ,/ ID r in b attc bowyiig. Pelettour 1 1 Peses J -^ ^ Pauyng selers in May: 79; f, g, h, b, c, d. Paving selers in luyn: 84; c. Pavyng in September: 95; f. Passe oounfit in November: 105; b, c. Quyiices. to graffe in ff'euerer: 48; b, c, Quyncos, tillynge and rcmt'dy for hem: 48; e, f, g. Quynces, graflyng and keping of hem: 49; a. &c. Rosaries, to make and repare in ffeucrer: 41 ; d, e. Roses sone ripe to haue: 41; e. Rosate counfit in May: 79; f. Rotes, to kepe Iresshe: 79; h. Rosate counfit withouten roses in Nouember: 104; c. Rosaries of fewe braunches to make in Nouember; 112; p. Rodomelle counfit in May: 79; g. Rajjes to chaunge into neepes and econtra; 85; f. Radisshe, to make swete and howe mocho is to be sowe in oon aker lande: 89; b, c. Rapes, counfit in December: 118; b. Reysons Greek, to make in November; 105; g, li. Raues, wilde; Rue in S atte Sowyng. Reping in luyn: 80; f, g. Reping of all the heniest with oon oxe, good crafte. 80; g, h. i^r. Reping in luyll: 85; c. Soil or grounde in L atte Lande is to be fonde. Seed is to consider: 5; b. Sowe in the countre manor: 15; f. Sowe in lanuarie ficches and feyngreek: 23; e, f. g. Cresses: 27; h. Sowe in ffeuerer puis in dry lande: 32; b. c. ITemppe and tares: 32; d, e, f. Tabula, (fol. 6.) Letuce, cresses, tasels, coriaunder, popy, saury, senvey, oynet, oynons, dile, and coolseede: 42; c, d, o, f. g, h. Malues, myntes, fenol, pastnepe, cunula.' corfoi!t\ betes and leek sedo: 43; e, I'v-c. Sowe and sette chibols and colcase, commyii ami anys: 44; c, d. Sowe in March, mylde: 54; g. Chiches and cicera: 55; a, b, c. ^ chyves. — 266 — Senuey and dile: 56; h. Hocke, arniorace, wilde raue. Icekes, betes, Ictuce, cappare, saury, colcase, cresses, gooldes, aud raue: 57; a. Cucumber: 57; c; sperage: 57: h; rue. nr.d what lande is best for hem: 58; e, f, g, h; gourdes: 58; h, & 59; a, b; panyk: 54; h; blite and pelettour: 59; b, c. Sowe in Aprill medike: 72; a. b, c; brasik and ache: 72; h. Thre kyndes of ache: 73: a; arage: 73; d; basilicon, and se wonder tillinge therof; howe his floures chaungeth colours, and howe it chaungeth in to other herbes. Also sowe cucumber, melons, pelletur, cappare, leeke, colcase, coriaunder, betes, letuce, oynons, myntes, gourdes, and gooldes: 73; e, f. Sowe in May mylde and panyk: 76; a. Ache, melons, coriaunder, gourdes, tasul, radisshe, and sette rue and leeke: 77; c. Sowe in luyn brasike, ache, betes, radysshe, and letuce: 81; f. Experience of seede: 84; c, d. Sowe in luyl oynons, radysshe, arage, nepes, and rapes: 85; e, f, g. Sowe in Aust rape, nepe, and radisshe: 88; h. Sowe in September whete and ador: 92; h; barly cante;-yne, lupyne, peeses and sisane, fficches, ffeyngreck, and forage, ffasele: 93; d, e, f; popy, brasyk, and origon: 94: g, h; Cappare, gith, cresses, dile, radysshe, pasnepe, cerfoile, letuce, betes, coriaunder, rapes, and nepes: 95; a, b. Tabula, (fol. 6a.) Sowe in October whete and ador, sisane, ffasele, lynseed: 96; d, e, f: Gooldes. senuey: 98; d, e, f : dyle, myntes, oynons, pasnepe, origon, wilde nepe, tyme, leekseede, bete*', basilicon: 99; a, b. Sowe in Nouember whete, ffar, benes, barly, lentis, and lyne: 106; d, e, f, g; garlik, vlpike, oynons, tasuK cunel, &armarace: 107; f, g; almaunde*^ and iuglande^: 111; h. Sowe in December wheete, barly, benes, and lynseede; 117; d. Sette safferon in ffeuerer: 41; f; cannete.s: 42; a. Sette aud grafFe peres: 44; e, f, g, h. Sette in Marche garlyk.' cunel, oynons, and v[l]pyke: 56; h; origon and milons: 57; a, b: pomgarnette: 59; d, &c. Sette in Aprill ziziphus: 73; g, h. Sette in May zizife and figtree: 77; e. Sette in September and graffe tubres: 95;.c, d, e. Sette in November wilde piri, (itrus, quynce, pomgarnette, Serue, meddeler, silique, molbury. chiritree, & figtree: 111; h. Sette greet treeii: 1J8; f. Serues, sette in lanuarie: 27; a. Seruys, bareyn, to make here, and to kepe hem: 27; d, e, f. Scions of vynes to sette in ff'euerer: 33: f, g, h. Scions, thaire lengthe and space betwene hem: 34; c, d. Semynary, what it is: 35; a. Sperage, spounge, and to haue goode sperage: 43; c, d. Sponge of sperage, to make in Marche: 58; a, b, c, d. Siliqua, to plaunte and sowe in fleuerer: 49; d. Semynary deluynge in May: 77; b. Sisane, in Sowyng. Sape counfit in November: 105; a. Sowes to chese long syded: 50; h. Soues, howe long goetL with pigge : 51 ; b. Swyne, what soil is best fore: 51; c, d. Stalons, in H atte Hors. Stalons, asses, in H ther. — 2r,7 — Shepn shering in May with good enoyntynge: 78; c. d. Sheep shering in luyn: 82; d. Sheep feble to putte awaic in Iiiyll: H7; b, c. Tabula. (fol.T.j Sheep tuppes to chcse and ewes for hem, and for to make hem here males or females in Iiiyll: 86; e, &:r. Shepe rering, or lambes rering: 112; h, & 1113; a. Sheepe to pasture in Noueraber 113; [b, c, d, e. Tares to sowe in lanuarie: 23; h. In ffeiieror: 32: f. Tasul, tillinge in Marche: 56: c, S:c. per tolum. Tasul, plauntyng in October: 98; e. Tubrcs, sowe and graffe in ffeucrer: 50; e. Tubrcs, setlyng in Sep1rnib to pulle] omit brackets; likewise in gloss to elonge. 90 picche. 91 alle doune. 93 euen P. 5. 96 lande. vnlene. 97 wynde. 101 dyvers. ncdoful. 103 Her] Ther. 105 thikke. espie. graunt. 106 (fol. 10a.) J^eft Margin: vj ca'". Right Margin: (iouuernaunce. 107 gouuernaunce. 108 euery. 109 auaunce. 113 The] Tche, 114 sedes. 117 chaunge hem self. 121 Southwarde. temporaunt. 122 Yit. 123 chuse] thus(>. P. (J. 125 vnto. 126 gouuernynge. 130 ynowe. 132 Right margin : Nota. 134 (fol. 11.) 135 grapes] gl. h^ d". and badde] yhadde.136 vsage. 138 germ] gemme. 141 oucr. 143 ouer. 144 Yit. ouer- sette. 146 other. 147 couert. 148 greno. 150 bareino. 151 lande. 1,52 yonge. P. 7. 153 saycn. 154 Saue. cuer. 156 outake. 159 adi- oyneth. 160 striff'e. vpon. 161 p^rchaunce. ouer whelue. 162 ifol. 11a.) or alle. 163 chaungyng. 164 other. 165 vp. 167 things*-. 168 Serilitee (sic). 171 more] gl. s. vino {sic). 172 Aboundaunt. 175 moclic] gl. s. vinuwi. noble] gl. s. \hmm. 176 neuei'. 178 Left margin: nota. 180 Lette. P. 8. 182 neither, neither. 183 haue. ]84vppe. 187grene 189 long. 190 (fol. 12.) Tourne euer3^ In right margin: Gouuernrt«uce. 192 vp. fast. 193 lande. thou s. 194 lande. 195 drasty. 196 Vnsuftisaunt. 197 olyues lowe. 198 vpon. 200 lande. 201 souen. vp. thai. 203 Vp. bynde. vndertake. 204 i.«?] in. euer. 205 deluo. 206 lande. 207 goode. 209 vyne vp. 210 faslo. doun. P. t>. 213 in] on. In right margin: Nota. ' 215 vre. 217 then. 218 (fol. 12a.) 219 warme. vnprofitable. 220 lande. ouergrowe. 222 Lette. vp. louo. Iceno. vnable 223 Couert. trauuille. 224 counteruaille. 225 whenne. '^26 As nygh it not] gl. s. dimitte iacere. thowe. 227 crece] gl. cr(>sce/-e face;e. 230 IVrchauncc 231 premynent. 233 Ner. howe. 234 Suffise. thowe. 235 se. se'.'d(\ 236 Preue. vnpreued greyne. 237 leeches. 2.18 Vp driede. P. 10. 239 vnsleyne. vp. 242 He tyme vpon. 244 Haur. 246 (fol. 13.) In right margin: Gouuernaunce. 247 yf] ///. pro (j^/amuis. 248 do] imperfect b 249 longe. 251 Vppon. 254 maney. In right mart/in : ypalagc. 256 Trymenstre] gl. trinenstris (.s^ic). sednessj gl. sacio. 257 wyntor. 259 — 270 — And other, counter] gl. contra. 260 Trymenstre. heruest. 261 landes. nede] gl. id est serere. 263 heruest. 266 baue. P. 11. 267 grauel. vnder. 268 plaunte. 269 cowmune. moolde amonge. a sonder. 274 (f'oJ. 13a.) lande. moeued. 276 admoeued. 277 premynent. 278 Vppon. nyl. vndertake. 281 Bubric] De Agri electione vel situ. In right margin: Ca'« vij. and below : De agri elect^'orze. 281 chiese or beye. 282 fecun- ditee. 283 housbondyng. 284 Vnhusbondyng. vndooth. 285 Yit. 287 saue. hurte. 289 baue. 290 vptrailed. 291 baue. fressbe. 294 moolde. P. 12. 295 chiese. 297 oute. 299 ther. 302 (fol. 14.) wilt. 306 drie] gl. arent et indurant verbum est. 309 Bubric] De edificio. In ri()ht margin: viij ca. 310 vp. 312 mysseauenture. 313 bous. yere. 314 atte." 315 "grounde. 317 tbi g. 318 Yf. 319 vppon. 320 Yf. other. 321 Lete delue. vp vntil. 322 herdde. P. 13. 324 vmbi- ronne. 325 vpon. 326 vpon. hi right margin: ypalage. 328 shal. warme. 329 loo. 330 (fol. 14a.) Bubric] De hibernis & estiuis raansi- onibus & pauimentis. In left margin: ix cap'". 331 syde. 333 tymbre. forto. 335 tymbro. 336 asshe. 337 The] Tliis. 338 flooryng. feme] ///. filice sternas. weele] no gloss, thave] gl. palias sternas. 339 wrongej ///. s. putrcfaciendo. 340 part. baue. 343 aboue. 345 vp. 350 grauel. P. 14. 351 Bubric] De caice & arena. In left margin: x capn\ 352 grauel. 353 G[r]auelles dolue. natures] gl. vel This is notable. 354 vnvariable. 356 fonde] onde over an erasure. 358 (fol. 15.) In right margin: Governawnce. 360 grauel. 361 delue. floode. 362 grauel. 363 grauel. 865 resolue. 366 lande] gl. que fossilis est. grauel. sette. 367 sonne. dissolue. 368 grauel. coueryng. 369 grauel. 374 niynej gl. s. minera. 376 couer. tweyne] gl. s. partes, oon] gl. parte. 377 grauel. grauel. P. 15. 379 Bubric] De latericiis parietibus. xj cam. vvith brike. 383 vppon. 385 couert. 386 (fol. 15a.) Bubrik] De lumiwe s1ac«one & altitudine. In left margin: xij ca-". euerie. 388 deuyde. 389 heruest. 390 somer. 393 Bubric] De cameris canniciis. In left margin: xiij ca"». 395 vpsette. 396 foote. 398 vp. 400 tfatte] gl. rrassa. reed] gl. canna. ygrounde. 403 vpon. 404 grauel. commixt. ther on. 405 mixt. 406 vppe. P. 16. 407 Bubric] De ope?*e albario. In left margin: xiiij ca"*. 408 Lyme. 412 alle- gluy. relent. 413 conuenient. 414 ('fol. 16.) Bubric] De tectoriis. In right margin: xv cap"». 415 first/ 417 Thre. 418 aboue. 420 The thridde. 421 Bubric] De Yitande valle frigida. In right margin : xvj ca'". haue vsbd. 422 duellyng. place] final s erased, depe. 426 haue. 427 euery. gouuern. 428 Bubric] Do cisternis. In right margin : xvij ca'". vp 429 Vnto. 430 The] gl. b" do. guttures] gl. fusoriis. left] gl. relictis. grounde. 431 yote. tilpauyng] gl. testacium pavimentum. 432 pauyng. laboure. 433 vp. larde] gl. lardo rel axungia. P. 17. 435 v^pwalle. euery. 436 weell. 437 enduelle. 438 waterfissb. eell. 439 fressli aswell. 440 ryuer. 441 Nowe. 442 (fol. 16a.) 444 picdie. 445 vp. 446 lete. yeue. 447 mynge] gl. comisce. yornej gl. sepe. 448 euery. vntil. 450 Vche euery. 451 euery. 453 water. 454 first of] is over an erasure. 455 Lycoure. aboue. 456 Bubric] De cella Vinaria. In right margin: xviij ca"'. cold. 458 euerichoon. 459 euel. 460 other. 461 Aboue. tbi c. P. 18. 463 vp. 465 vat] t over erasure. 466 lenght. 468 ouer. 470 (fol. 17.) Bubric] De horreo & grnnario. In right margin: xix ca"'. 473 hardde. 474 twoo. 475 euery. deuyse. 477 Thy. 478 sumdell. thryue. 481 vpon thy. 483 thy. 487 vnleest. 488 ffro f. 489'groke6'. 490 vnder. P. ID. 491 Bubric]J)e Olefactorio. /// right margin : xx ca'". 492 oute. 493 Atte. 494 pressure oute. 495 wbeles. 4 oyles. 4 98 ^fol. 17a ) Bubric] Do stabulis equorMm et bourn. 500 -- 271 — vnder, 501 vnder. 502 heete. 504 Nowe. 505 Towarde. In right margin: xxj ca'". 508 outc. somer. yeue. 509 nygh] final c or t erased. 510 cold. 512 harmyng. 513 yok. 514 lenght. 515 lenght. into, souglij gl. locwm pro fimo boii»/;/. 517 Vnder. 518 ynough. P. 20. 519 Huh- ric] Do corte. In right margin: xxij ca'". 528 ouerfolde. 525 goodf. doome. 526 (fol. 18.) Rubric] De auiariis. In right margin: xxiij ca'". vp. 528 dounge eschewo. 529 aduersarie. 530 euery. nowe euerio. 531 youre. 582 Youre, toiirne oiite your. 533 Rubric] De columhario. In right margin: xxiiij ca"'. 534 feiiestelles] cursive r inserted between t and e; also r written above. 535 ther. 538 spartea] gl. nota. 540 wesell. 542 vse an otlier. 544 Sum men I pray god lettc it neuer the. 545 euery. fenestell] cursive r inserted as in line 534. P. 21. 547 comniyne. baume] u written over v. 548 ynowe. 540 haue. 55" ij. 9 uowe. 11 feeldeA' laatte. In left margin: De proscindendis agricolis] ricolis ivritten in different hand and ink. 12 atte. 14 In left margin: ca™. iij, drawyng. 15 balke^v. vnered. 16 ouerheled] eled written in different hand over erasure. 19 Transuersall, euerichone. 20 lusshe. rodde] gl. particaui. P. 45. 23 after. 27 Deraeene. 29 (fol. 30.) Title] lanyveer over middle of page. Rubric] Do ordeo galatico serend. In right margin: iiij ca'". lanvers. 31 londe. 32 haue. like] gl. placida vel clemeus. In right margin: v ca"". 33 Nowe. like] gl. lctant«r. 35 assaileth. 36 Rubric] De vicia serenda nou ad pabulum sed ad semen habendum. Janus. In right margin: vj ca'". 37 ficches. 40 busshels. 41 alle. 42 hele] gl. operi 43 Rubric] De feno greco sorendo legendi seme«is causa. In right .margin: vij ca'". haui'. 44 lauus. 45 vpou. 46 co/;mieude. 48 Vpp P. 46. 50 Rubric] De heruo serendo & de sariendis frumeut«*\ 18 — 274 — lanes. In right margin: viij ca'". 53 souny. In right margin: ix ca"^ 54 wede. 56 kerve. cold, after. 57 (fol. 30a.) Title] lanyveer. 59 Abouen. blyue. 62 wedes] es over erasure. 64 beene. auaille. 65 To] So. 66 haue. trauaille. 68 weede. 69 after. 70 weede. 71 Etibric] De pastinandi generibus & scrobibus vitiii>». In right margin: x. ca"'. 78 delujng. 74 Thi] The. vnclene. doliien vppe. In left margin: primns modus pastinand[i]. P. 47. 79 londe. In left margin: secundus modus pastinand[i]. 80 deuyse. 81 Thenne. 82 vnereed. 83 otherwyse. 85 (fol. Sl.j Title] lanyveer. In right margin : Tercius modus pastinandi. 89 vp. 91 euen. 92 In right margin : Jt( rum de pr/mo modo pastinandi. 93 vp alle. 94 vnderclosed. 96 euery. 97 vppe euerie. breres. 98 euerie. vsed eaeri. 99 Eubric] De tabulis vincarum. In right margin: xij ca*". 100 Hereafter. P. 48, 106 Eubric] De mensura pastini Italica. In right mar^m, xiii ca'«. pastynyng. eue?y. 109 Lete. lllthelue. 112 nomber. ouer- ■whelue. 113 (fol. 31a.) T/^Ze] lanyveer. nomber. 114xviij. llSRenomber. twyes. 117 omit (v. cccxxiv). In right margin: id est cccxxiiij. 120 Eubric] De solo & celo & locis pange?;d/A- vineis congrueniihus. In right margin: xiiij ca'". 123 lene] gl. inclinet. 130 fere. 131 And] Rude. P. 49. 135 excercise. 186 oute. 137 euery. 139 heete. 140 greete. Catchword Molssh cley. 141 (fol. 32.) Title] lanyveer. Molsh cley] gl. resolute glarea. 142 Co^^myxt. vnder. 143 conseruatour. 145 sonderj gl. seperantwr (sic). 146 swete. 147 Vpfilleth alle. that] this 148 selue. 149 commodiouse. "wrecched. 150 neuer delue. 151 lande. repnue. 152 Vndounged sleek, preue. 154 is] it. 156 ouer. 157 Nowe speko. leuyng. 158 atten.norauntly. P. 50. 163 enuye. 165 Impedimentes. 169 (fol. 32a.) Title] lai^yveer. Kong] gl. vliginosa. 170 beste. 171 preueth. yf. 172 after. 174 delue. 175 him sehie. 11 Q Eubric] De lactuca narstucio & aliis serendis." In left margin: xiiij cam. 177 December, remeeve. 178 ffeuerer either, ffeueryere. 182 euen. 183 youe. 184 lough. 185 weeded, vppe. 187 prest. 188 presse] gl. premo. 189 vnder. presse] gl. prelo. P. 51. 191 grauel. 192 Grauel. seed. 194 euery. 196 commeth. 197 (fol. 33.) Title] lanyveer. vmbigoon. 201 radissh. 202 and dounged] gl. ho do. bay] gl. bacha. 104 in] gl. vel with. 205 Vpgoothe. deuyde. 206 luce. 208 other. 209 vppe. 211 pricke] gl. vel pointe. seedes. 213 vppe. 215 In left margin: auctor. 216 deriuyed. 217 yeueth. abundaunce] erasure over aunce. P. 52. 218 Nowe. 219 houre haue. doute. 222 vp. 223 seme. 224 vlpike. 225 (fol. 33a.) Eubric] De pomis sive sorbo. Amigdalo & nuce luglandi. In left margin: xv ca"». ffeueryere. 226 October. Nouember. 227 serues. hold. 228 foolhoote] gl. euestgio. 230 haue. 231 vppe 232 Xouember. plaunte. 233 In] Atte. Marche. in] at. 234 rfeueryer. tempur. 337 serues. 238 Vppe. 239 plauntes. 241 That greteth] gl. grandescit. 243 the pitb] gl. raeduUo. vnhurt] gl. h^ a^. the] thi. P. 53. 251 fruite. 252 Haue. 253 (fol. 34.) Title] lanyveer. when. 255 vnder. 256 aboue. 259 euen. 260 haue. grene. 261 vppe. opake] gl. rel derk. 262 saue. 263 Aysel. 265 almaund. lanyver. In rigid margin: De amigdalo. 266 yit. is] in. 267 October. Neuember. 269 yfette. 271 delue. wherein nede. 272 deepe. 273 southe. vnder. P. 54. 274 fceldes. 275 loue. 27 7 elles- where. 278 stande. 279 noone almoundei". 280 ffeueryere. 281 (fol. 34a.) Title] lanyveer. 282 watter] er over erasure. 284 moltou] gl. rel liquide. 287 sette and in. vp. 288 euery moone. droughthes. 289 delue. 291 plaunte. atwenc. 292 atte. 293 Nouember. 294 vtter. 297 anoone] over erasure, fle] fl over erasure. 300 stoone. P. 55. 3t)2 eoldde yf. 303 saithe. 305 stones. 307 that] thai, preue. 309 (fol. 35.) — 275 — gaithe. 311 water. 313 the 1.] (jl. h" d^. 316 thourgh. 319 whenne. 323 Wessho. '.Vl'^ December. lanyveer. 326 ffeueryere, 327 alraount 329 proi)re, P. 5(». 330 f^rckes-. 331 k^tres. 332 upon] yl. vet into. 33(WV(/c///to7v/ Dc mice. 337 (fol. '6ba.) In left viargin: De nuce. 339 abouo. 34(» AlinoiiiKles, Xouoinbfr. 342 lanyver. ffeueryer. stepe. 344 transuerse. 346 stoone. vnrlei". 349 ti-arKsplaunted. atte. oldo. 350 atweyne. 351 vncutte.yf] yl. pro quaniii'is. otiier. 352 plaunte. 357 smal] gl. vel creature, con- ceyue] no ylos.s. P. 57. 358 delues. 360 droppyng. 362 araylging] yl. circum fossuram. 363 therein. 1564 tuuicke] trunke. vnto 365 (fol. 36.) benefice. 36S euel. 370 doo. 371 topton] copron 372 haue. 373 antes] yl. forniicis. saue. 377 euery. 383 yf] gl. pro quamui.s-. P. 58. 386 grene. 3S7 grenc. 388 vp. 390 vpon. 392 Atte lanyveer. thay, 3!)3 (fol. 36a.) Htihric] De poniis tuberuni. Jn left margin: xvj ca™. 394 boonj yl. rel stoon. nowe almound. 395 plomtreo. conceyue. gratfe] yl. sircuhim. 397 precoqua. 399 plomtree. gumme. 400 Rubric] De signandis animalibus &: lardi et pernarwm et echini et rapi confeccto/je. hi left maryiit: xvij ca"». 404 I] y. 405 larde. flicches. 406 iuste con- fccciou/i. 407 Rubric] De oleo niirtino. In left inaryin: xviij ca^n. lanus. 408 vnce. 409 vnce. P. 51). 414 Rubric] De vino niirtite. In left margin: xix ca"'. Nowe. 415 Tiiree] gl. h" d". 417 put] gl. impone. therein. 420 drynk. 421 (fol. 37.) Title] lanyveer. Rubric] De oleo laurino. In rigfit margin: xx can\ oile. nowe. 422 the] this, 423 deiecte. 425. after, swynmiyng, 428 Rubric] De oleo lentiscino. In right margin: xxj ca"'. 430 heete. 432 soni. 534 rigour vnderslake. 435 Rubric] De gallinarum partu et cedenda niaterie ad fabricandi0. 442 Rubric] De horis. In riy/tt maryin: xxiiij ca'". first. 443 other, thries v] yl. xv. 444 twies vj] yl. xij. 446 vij as v] yl. s. x. viiij as iv] yl. s. xij. upthryve] ///. crescunt. 447As iij is nyne] yl. s. xv. as ij is ten] yl. s. xix. formej yl. s. prima Imra. 448 Thelleueth] yl. s. xj. with] yl. s. xxix. Book III. p. (il. (fol. 37a.) Title] FEVERYERE. 1 Rubric] sern- andis & letamixe. In left margin: prtraum ca^. In riyht marytn: fl'everyeev. tleueryere. 3 leene atte pouere. 4 dounge. wynne] yl. lucrari. 5 Vpon. Wynne] yl. co modiim. 6 grafle] gresse. 7 Aboue. luce, glydo] y!. rrl Slide. 8 Jn left maryin: ij ca"'. 9 vppe. 10 In left marytn: iij ca*". strie] ] o altered from a. 28 cluddc] yl. occa. 29 (fol. 38.) Title] fieveryer. (lanyueer era^eflf.) In] Atte. kalcnde.v. 31 strecche. 32 alle. 34 laude. olde. serue. 35 til. reserue. 36 Rubric] De heruo vij ^i^\ de c. vitibw*'. arboribi/.s' viij ca'". In right margin: vij ca'". 39 In right margin: viij ca'". Nowe bryne] vryne. 40 Vppon. roote. eree] *'/;<«// final e added. 41 vryne. 42 feire. 47 Nowe. P. 03. 50 the] thi. 51 whoo.«J. 52 so that thaire. 53 conuenient. 57 (fol. 38a.) Title] Heveryere. 58 lene] gl. s. landc. 64 saie. 65 euery. 66 discrecon. 68 euery. 69 is] — 276 — it. 70 nomber. 72 &. 73 Vnto. 74 sauour. 77 euer. P. 64. 78 chaunge. 79 after. 80 uot] not. 81 meene] (jl. s. minor. 85 (fol. 39.) Title] ffeveryer. (lanyveer erased). 87 blossommyiif:-. flonryng. 89 vp. 90 chaunge. 94 chaunge. 95 lande. 99 gerames] (jl. vel knottes. 100 braunche. 101 chaunge. 102 aboundaunt. 103 grape] ap over erasure. twoo. 104 kneleth doune. vbertoe. 105 other. P. 65. 108 vptrailed. 110 The saoie atte s. Ill vpon. 113 (fol. 39a.) Title] ft'everyere. fold. 118 the s.] thi s. 121 vnbrende. 122 haue. 123 saue. 124 spryn<. Rubric] herbis. 570 ticches. 571 kepe, 575 euerie. delue. 576 Vntil. Ek, 577 plaunte. 578 coriaunder. 580 Nowe sauery. vndoungod. P. 82. 583 Isowe. heruest, ^88 Catchword ftatte loud. 589 (fol. 48.) ffatte. 590 Ovnons. 595 bittir. 590 luce. 601 vppe. 603 vp. 604 Nowe. 605 euerie. vnder. 608 haue. 609 shal, P. 83. 610 seede. 616 Septemtrione. 617 (fol. 48a.) Title^ tl'euerer. there] gl. in Septemtrione. sauoure. 618 loue. 619 eueridell. 620 a sonder. 634 brasic. 637 newe] nowe. P. 84. 638 goode. 639 Wilde. ()40 hable. 642 alle. 643 euery. 645 (fol, 49.) Title] tteuerer. plaunte. 647 Nowe. 648 vppe. 650 seede. plauntes. 653 oynons. nowe. 654 After, ydus. 656 synke. 657 Transplaunte. hem may me s. 660 delue. ()61 nowe, 664 leve] lette. 665 Tit otherwise. P. 85. 666 plaunte. water. 667 haue. 668 October. 669 transplaunte. londe.v. 670 doluer.. saue. 673 (fol. 49a.) Title] tleuerer. 674 cutte. euery. 675 vmbiwette. 677 hande. 678 reise. 680 vnder. 681 ful. 684 seede. 686 ydoone. 687 nowe. Cannete.v. 688 even] gl. 0(/< right margin: XXX cam. 1151 wounde. 1152 fruyte. llo5 vuderkest. 1156 Rulnic] confecc«o. cowmaundeth. In rigid margin: xxxj"^ ca"". 1157 mirte*. 1158 vnces. 1159 the] thi. and wrie] ywrie. 1160 All. 1164 presse. thai. 1165 stene. In left margin: Cotula co>;tine/ ciatos tres. 1166 vnto. 1167 eiectyng. 1168 declyne] gl. s. sle. P. 103. 1170 rasate. In right margin: xxxij'^"^ ca'". 1172 Sarniente*- scions, sum. 1174 arnonge vndure] gl. resolue. 1175 lie] gl. lixiuum. 1176 vppe. Book IV. P. 104, Title] Marche. {^Marche'"' begins at top of fol. 58a., two stanzas Iraving been omitted. The missing stanzas appear in tfte Fit: William Ms. irhere theg am on the same page with a stanza of interlude. The gatJtering, iv/iose signature is ,,h,''' /*• regular and complete.) 1 In left margin opposite rubric: p?"imuni ca'". Atte inarches, contree. 2 Puta- cjouw. In rigfit margin: Marche. 3 Atte. Heueryere. In rigfit margin: 35 pro to^MW & 37; a, b, c, d. 4 vntil. 6 wlio so. 9 Vnolde vnrende. 10 ygemmed. 13 saue vppon. otlu-r. 16 truncke. 19 vppon. 21 this] gl. s. vento. P. 105. 22 atte. 24 vppon. 25 vnwynk. 26 braunche. 29 (fol. 59.) Title] Marche. dissoluod euer. 32 delue. 34 euery. 35 In right margin: singula singulis. 40 thair. 42 In right margin: 33: f, g, h & 34; c, d. 43 In right margin: ij ca"'. 46 vnder. 48 BernetesJ gl. berneta. 49 it] orer erasure. P. 100. 50 In right margin: iij ca"'. 56 sexster. In right margin: Sextariuni continet sex libras. 57 (fol. 59a.) Title] Marche. In left margin: iiij ca">. 58 stepe] yl. mac<;ra. 59 But] Hit vppe. 61 lukewater. 63 loue. heruest. 64 In left margin opposite nilyric:\ ca"^. & vj ca"i. 66 fleueryere. 71 Hubric] nouellis pulverar.d/** vitib^.s- fodiendis &c. In left margin : vij ca^^^. Nowo puluerisod. 72 Kalende.v. 73 October, sle. wcede*". 74 lande. 75 vppe. 76 delue. 77 vppe. p. 107. 78 sw.ethe. 82 vpholde. heiiynesse. S3 In right margin: sin- copa. 85 (fol. 60.) 7V(7e] Marche. 86 aboue. 87 Vnconnyngly. 01 In rigid margin: Eflevigesis. 92 ouer. 93 saue. 96 fedo. S8 aftfr. 98 vnibyfiehio. sooc!(\ 101 vpon. 1 ryne] vrvne. ir'4 plaist*/- il] is P. ION. I» 7 vppon. lOi) Jn ug/d margin: t'ongius contiiu-t vj Si-xi[:irjia; scxtaiiuni. sex libras. yniujotej /;/. i/^nnovi-as. lln basket lull. Ill olhrr. 112 Bryuej Vryue.113 (fol. 60a.j 117 thee.s. lib thorowe. twoo. 125 semynaiy. — 280 — 126 vppe. the] thi. 127 In left margin opposite rubric: h.^. ca»i. 129 vppe. 13S a sender. P. 109. 134 ynu^rse. 137 vuto. yointe. 139 Vntil. plaunte vppe. 141 (fol. 61.) Title] Marche. 144 luce, either. 146 vp. 147 haue. vngueut. 149 plaunte*'. 150 horde] gl. rel a bedde, 153 euery. 156 cattes] gl. catos. 157 touche hem w. 158 wesell. haue. 159 oth. 178 haue. 179 transuersal an other. 181 thervpon. 182 footc tcmpred. 188 euery, brik. 189 ioiutp .togedre. P. 150. — 284 — 190 togedre. 193 jerdes. 194 nowo. &. 195 Tilette] gl. tesellas. 196 In left margin: yperbole. 197 In left margin: xij ca^n. No we. 200 &. 202 longe euery. 203 broode. 204 (fol. 84.) Title] May. In right margin: xiij ca'«. & xiiij ca'". 206 is for to. 207 & vse. 209 oute] gl. sub diuo. 210 glasse] gl. vitro, longer. 211 euery. vnce. 218 & m. after, oilderose] gl. oleum roseum. 214 &, 216 luce. P. 157. 218 In right margin: xvij ca"\ vnclose. 228 &. 225 Bubric] &. p^-mie li. 220 vndron. 227 vndron. 229 lemes] gl. vel bemes. In right margin: Sincopa. 230 after noone. 232 (fol. 84a.) Rubric] & prefac«o. So] Lo. 234 fforth] gl. vel forride. 237 drope. 239 luyn. Book VIL p. 158. Title] lUTN. 1 In left margin: p-imum cd^. luyn 2 after. 6 &. 8 suffre. 9 an other. 10 after. 12 &. 13 & s. 15 (fol. 85.) Title] luyn. In right margin: Secundum Cap"\ Nowe. repe. anende] gl. consummanda. 20 vpon. 21 lete. vnbounde. P. 150. 23 hoote. 25 In right margin: Metaphora. 26 vnlaced. 29 vp. 32 vp. 34 vp. 36 iowe] gl. s. tabula anterior. 37 erees] gl. spicarm>i. vpwardc. 42 euery. corne] gl. vel man. chare] gl. yehiciiUim. 48 (fol. 85a.) Title] luyn. In right margin: paragoge. 45 lift. 47 vpwynde. P. 160. 50 In right margin opposite rubric, iij ca'^. vndoon. 51 now] not. feeldes. 52 grasy] gl. herbosa. may] gl. possunt. 58 nowo. ficches] gl. viciarn. rowe] gl. rugosawi. 54 fayngreck] k imperfect. 55 foddir. euery. 56 heruest, liuls] gl. cum stepitu metere. 59 saue. 61 &. vpplucked. 62 &. vp. 63 grobbes] gl. gurgulionibzts. saue. vp. 64 Lupyne. 66 faste. 69 sraekej gl. i\imus. 70 perpetuel vppon. 71 (fol. 86.) Title] luyn. Bubric] lierbis. In right margin: my^ ca'Ti. 74 deuaunt. In right margin: 72; h. 75 In right margin: 73; g, h. 76 & Coriaunder. 77 vp. sete vel swete. P. 161. 78 Buhric — et] de. In right margin opposite rubric: v"» ca"i. In right margin: y pal age. 79 In right margin: 60;d&77;d. 81 omit and. ouer. 82 luce. 84 ziziphus. 85 In right margin: 64; e. f, g, li. 87 haue. 88 cold. 89 plaunte. vmbydeluyng. 90 luyl. insicioun. 91 emplastraciou??. 93 luce. 96 booker. 97 vppe. braunches. 99 (fol. 86a.) Title] luyn. Vnder. 100 vnhurt. 102 &. &. 103 vnhurt. 104 aboue. 105 an other. P. 162. 106 vpon &. vmbe] gl. circa, euery. 108 deuj^de. 110 Vnbynde. Ill Howe. 113 Bubric — omni] ouiuw. In left margin: vj cam. 114 In right margin: 11 \ f, g, h. 117 In right margin: 78; e &c. pro iotum. 118 vsed. 119 sheepe. In right margin: 78; c, d. 120 In left margin: vij ca^. castrac^oun. 121 somme] gl. suwmia. 122 significac^uN. 123 Alle. summe] gl. mwrmMrent. 124 haske. humme. 125 omit (sic). Here last sheet of gathering „?" and first of „m" are missing. P. 163. (Here is inserted a sheet of July that belongs just after fol. 88.) 127 (fol. 87.) Thus] ISo. sifte. 131 vptemperyng. 183 haue. In right margin: 79; f. 134 Bubric] Alfica. Alfike. 135 vppon. In right margin: xij can\ 136 ooen. 140 luyn & luyl. footer. 141 xx] xxij. pr«me. In right margin: xiij ca^.' 142 vndern. vndern. 144 Nowe. chaise] chare, vpthrive. 146 wried] gl. vel stied. 148 (fol. 87a.) [This stanza icritten large in same hand and underlined in red.) saluz. ymne. 149 lubile. 150 iesse. rootes. 151 maieste. is] gl. vel art. sitte'. 152 He] gl. vel So. 153 That] gl. vel Thi. cloos. vs. 154 yit. 155 vp. — 285 — Book VIII. p. 164. (fol. 87a.) Title] lUYLL. 1 Eubric] omit &c. In left marfjin opi^osite rubric: Pn'mum cap"', vp. 3 whilcj (jl. tempus. 4 In right margin-. 80; f, g, li. 6 vpp. grovvc] vv like w witit, two dots beneath. 7 iiowe. 8 luiuc amonge. 0 caste] rjl. prosternero. 10 ouerthrowe. 11 wynes. 12 ponder] gl. puluerate. 13 Canyciilere. 14 Haue vppe. brende. 15 (fol. 88.) Title] luyll. Babric] seminibws. In right margin: SecwndMm ca"*. 16 weete. Arage. 18 maliies. 12 feld65. V. 165. 22 loueth. heldes] gl. deuexa. 27 lande. 28 ayeinc vppe. 32 suffisaunt. 35 other, greete. 36 haue. 40 plaunte. 43 (fol. 88a.) Title] luyll. Hubric] ImplastraciO^^e. In left margin opposite rubric: iij cam. emplastrac«ou?2. In right margin: ypalage. 45 haue. inoculactou/<. In right margin: 81; h, & 82; a, b, c. 48 vnto. P. 166. 50 Nowe plaunted. In right margin: Orenge qwaere. 51 wattred. 53 eneye. 56 Alraaundes. 57 In left margin opposite rubric: iiij ca"'. 59 atte. nowe. 60 AUe. 62 &. 63 werth] werk. 64 abondaunce. 66 caluyng. avaunce. 68 Iche. 70 in] to. 71 (fol. 89.) Title] luyll. 74 begete. P. 167. 82 vntil. wolle. 85 loDge. 86 woolly. 87 Suche. thi. 88 haue vbertee. 90 vnclothe. 95 ofre] gl. vel profre. 96 coffre] gl. ventreni vel matr/ceni. 99 (fol. 89a.) Title] luyll. sheepe. 103 su^jmcn. P. 16S. 106 In left martjin: ym cam. 108 vppe. 109 Cipur] gl. ciprei. tonges] gl. bidentes. 110 toles] coles, fourneys. Ill grasses] MS. grafFos (sic). 112 fordo. 113 In left margin opposite rubric: vjt"i". ca™. 116 Wei. 119 Ikest. 120 & s. 122 xUi. 125 solueth. 127 (fol. 90.) Title] luyll. Canyculer. In right margin: vij cam, 130 naked] gl. inuestes. In right margin: Carcnariu//i Gst vas musti. 132 alle. after. 133 xxxti. P. 160. 134 In right margin: viij cam. 135 harde6". 137 myddilwardes. 139 vnces. 141 xlti. 143 picched. 146 anynce. snial] gl. aliquantulum. 147 vse. 148 In rigid margin: ix'" ca">. 150 thervppon. 151 spaynyssh. 153 thingecf. vse. 154 luyl. luyn. haue. 155 (fol. 90a.) 'Title] luyll. In left margin opposite rubric: decimum ca'". 159 leueth. 161 vppon. P. 170. 162 Hubric] 1. & \)raeh\cio. (This stanza written larger and underlined in red.) 164 disioyut. 165 yit. 168 Thi Prmce I mene. Book IX. P. 171. 1 Rubric: de agris exilibw^ arandis & vindeniia paranda. In left margin opposite rubric: Pr/nium cam. J^ l^/t margin: Aust. 2 fcelde^'. 5 omit (arayed). 7 vynes roote vnwried] vnw d' cd over erasures 8 (fol. 91.) Title] Aust. In right margin: Secundum ca"'. 12 vppe. 14 Alle. 15 Rubric] vitibu^'. pampinac/ou//. In right margin: iij cam. nj ouertake. 17 occupac/ou?^ 18 yre] gl. vel hete. 19 obumbrac/ou;*. 20 lougly. 21 vp. P. 172. 22 Rubric] vrendis. In right margin: iiij cum. 27 vppe. 28 glaade. 29 In right margin: v cam. 31 winter. 36 (fol. 91a.) Title] Aust. novel. 37 thyne. 41 dounge. 46 besinessc. 48 Vnneth. P. 173. 53 brasik. 55 vtter. 57 Rubric] apib«*\ In left margin opposite rubric, on two lines with bracket: vj ca™ i^ vij cam. 50 suwimen. 60 sharnebodde] gl. crabrones. 62 vndoone. 64 (fol. 92.) {Out of place in MS. being bound so as to follow 93. The binding is modern.) Nowe. vp. In right margin: viij cam. 65 ley. right. 68 In] -^- — 286 — An. vpon. 69 picche. yerae] gl. concidera. 71 vnsmellyng. 72 vnswete. 74 vp. kepe] gl. in cavernis terre. 76 Vncertainly. P. 174. 79 Certayne. &. vbertee. 80 aboundaiice. 84 & s. luke] gl. tepide. vnsweete. 86 Vnder. 90 yvy] gl. hedera. vyne] gl. vitis. 92 (fol. 92a.) Title] Aust. vpdelue. 94 a doune. 95 ygrounde] gl. scoured. 96 downewarde. vpwarde. bothora. 97 moolde. 98 Vppon. vntil. 103 vneled. alete] gl. resolvir. P. 175. 106 woolle. 108 we] rae. 118 Septentrioun. 119 Goode. raultiplicaciouH. 120 (fol. 93.) Title] Aust. to] w. In right margin: ix ca"'. 121 alum] gl. alumen. 123 deluers. 125 Butif. 129 this werk is. 130 haue. 132 euer. thorle] gl. perfores. P. 176. 134 vppe. 135 holde. 138 thai] thou. 140 Admyxtioun. 146 thay. 147 doute. 148 (fol. 93a.) Title] Aust. In left margin opposite: xn». can*. 152 goode. 154 licoi^r. 158 The] Tho. P. 177. 162 In left margin opposite rubric: xj ca^ii. 163 Chanels. omit (in). 165 Chanel. 166 euery. 168 haue. 169 thi. 170 alone, thorough. 174 lede] gl. ducere. 175 lede] gl. plumbare. Catchword In conditis. 176 (fol. 94.) Title] Aust. 178 haue. 183 ioyntes. 184 mixt. 187 vnhoolsom. P. 178. 190 Rubric] ponderibM5 fistulari^m. In right margin: xij ca^^. 192 thousande. 195 fewe. 197 Counfit. honyonfake. In right margin: xiij ca^^^ 198 luce. 199 mightely. 202 vnder. 203 after, cloos. 204 (fol. 94a.) In left margin opposite rubric: xviij ca™. 205 To] Lo. 208 after. 209 after. 210 vp. 211 Bubric] libri & prefac^o. {Stanza ivriUen larger and underlined in red.) alpha & O. 212 gynnylynglcs. 213 vntil. 216 iugement. 217 vphinge. 218 Septembeer. Book X. p. 179. Title] SEPTEMBER. 1 In left margin above rubric: Prosite rubric: xj cam. 1I6 picche. 118—119 In left margin: Congmm mensura liquidoruw sex co?jtinens sextaria & sexteriuwi sex libras. 120 (fol. 97.) picche. 123 picche. wynes. Between 123 & 124: shoidd be inseiied 126, ivhich has been misplaced by the editor. 126 Vpon. 127 Bubric] metend<6'. Nowe. In right margin: xij cam. 128—129 In right margin: ffaselum est genus — 287 — legurwms multo melius quam Pisa. 131 hande. 132 excercise. 133 ioyneth. vpon. P. 184. 134 Uubric] papavere. In right margin: xiij cam 139 haue. 145 louoth. 147 til. 148 (fol. 97a.) Title] September, loueth. 151 hir] his. luce. 151 diche. 153 Soraer. 158 Pasneepe. 159 October. 160 Coriaunder. P. 185, 162 In left margin opposite rubric: xiiij ca"^. kalendes. 163 ffeueryere. 166 vp. 168 vpon. vppo. 169 summe. 172 doluen. 174 lanyveer. 175 ffeueryeer. 176 (fol. 98.) 179 vntil. 182 Milde. picched. 183 Rubric: pauimentis & lateribus xv cai". de diamo xxvj ca^. (sic.) In right margin: xv ca™ et xvj ca"^ 184 descrived. In right margin: 79; f, g, h. 187 luce. alay. 188 Vp. 189 vntil. P. 186. 190 Uubric] seruandis. vnhurt. In right margin: xvij ca"!. 191 Neither. 193 corrupc«on. 194 tenes] gl. botr/onum tenaces. blent] gl. vel brent. 197 Rubric] De vite cuiu| In right /) margin : xviij ca"^. 202 September. 204 (fol. 98a.) In left margin opposite rubric: nouum capi". xiij and xi] gl. xxiiij. 208 afte?*. 210 other. 211 Rubric] September & prefacio. [This stanza written as last epilogue.) 212 vnto. 213 vs. 216 desse. bolde. Book XL p. 187. Title] OCTOB^E. 1 Rubric] cant erino, &c. In left 2^ margin opposite rubric: p?-imum ca™. 2 lust. 3 vntil. 5 endej diligenter. 8 (fol. 99.) Title] October. 10 No we ficches. 11 Sysa^. In right j ^ric/ margin: 93; e. 12 after. 15 In right margin: Sect<«d«mf ca"». liketh. / t*^ 17 euery. P. 188. 22 In right margin opposite rubric: iij ca"^. 25 ' Reputeth] gl. vel accounteth. 28 craftes] graffes. 29 Rubric] propa- gandis. In right margin: iiij ca^n. 33 reparyng. 35 (fol. 99a.) Title] October, wynter. 40 there. 41 dominac/ouw. 42 efte ablaqueaciou/t. 43 Rubric] ablaqueanda nouella. oinit vitibus. In left margin opposite rubric: v ca'". After. 45 vnto. 47 ner. P. 189. 53 December. 57 Rubric] vtilli^ate propagaciom5 vj ca"^. de inserewd/s arboribus vij ca™. In left margin opposite rubric: vj ca^a & vij cai^. propagacion. 59 occupac/on 61 branche. 64 (fol. 100.) Title] October. 65 vppe. In right margin: viij cam. 67 Olyvete*. 69 Olyves. 70 vndrie. 72 Yit. P. 190. 79 euery. 83 vtter. 85 vnto. frenssh. 89 (^Ide vryne. 92 (fol. . CX 100a.) Title] October. In left margin opposite rubric: ix ca™. 94 must] gl. rausti. cowmyng. greke^. 96 heirylete] heuy lete. On left margin opposite rubric: x ca'". 101 and. 102 euerie. P. 191. 109 bispringe. 113 Rubric] he^-bis. In left margin opposite rubric: xj ca'". 114 loueth. 116 Space for ivord of G letters between hem and pla3'no. vpon. 120 (fol. 101.) Title] October. 121 iche. 124 vppon. 127 euerv. 128 fedde. 129 ioy. 130 seede. P. 192. 135 grot. 144 vppe. 146\Hierie. 148 (fol. 101a.) Title] October. 152 nowo Eke Armarik. 157 And] Eke. P. 193. 162 In left margin opposite rubric: xij ca"'. purveaunce. 163 haue. 166 vnder. 170 vnder. 174 delue. 175 Catchword Salt water. 176 (fol. 102.) Title] October. 177 soke] gl. ogrotare. 179 sekej gl. querat. 180 barbe. 181 ouerio. 184 Vntilled. 186 togedor. 188 vnder. 189 man kynde. P. 194. 190 vse. 192 dispenco. 194 vp. ther rise a. 195 fieueryere. whcnne. 197 loueth. 198 in] atte. 204 (fol. 102a.) Title] October, vp gooth. 205 plaunte^-. 213 vn. 214 lanyveer. 216 truncke. P 195. 221 obseruaunce. 223 gumme vpon. 232 (fol. 103.) Title] October. 237 ayeine. 23S either. 239 vppo. P. 190. 246 luce. 250 faynte. 258 ryvullyngo. 260 (fol. 103a.) Title\ October. The] This, londes. 2G1 Atte. ' ane] and. 267 In left — . 288 — margin opposite ruhrie: xiij ca"\ In right margin: 42; e, f. g, h. 269 half. 271 belle. P. 197. 274. In left margin opposite rubric: xiiij cam. grekes. 277 wynes wjnes heuy. 280 socoured. 286 commune. 287 is] it. 288 (fol. 104.) Title] October. 290 bane. 298 after. 299 migbt^ly. P. 198. 303 wbenne. 304 bolde. 306 reseyne. summen. 307 Thre vnces. 316 (fol. 104a.) Title] October. 320 dothe. 321 gliricide. 322 Alle. 324 montane. 329 vmbre. P. 199. 333 fasto vppon. 335 dryuk. 338 wynys. 339 wel. 341 eke for to. 342 wynes. 343 Wo. haue. 344 (fol. 105.) Title] October, greek. Tn MS. line 348 follows line 350. 351 mirre. 353 brayng. 356 saue. P. 200. 358 vnce. 359 vnce. 362 vppe. 363 v] 1. 370 afrej gl. affra. 371 serueth. 372 (fol. 105a.) Title] October. 375 after. 377 strik. 381 Malowel gl. altee. 385 tberto. P. 201. 387 cors. 392 Nowe. 393 &. 396 cowmixt. 400 (fol. 106.) Title] October, trouble] gl. feculentum. 404 omit (to). 406 vsed. 407 Appollo. 409 vnces. 8qi«nuant. 410 vnce. mastik. 411 vnce. 412 vnce. vnce. 413 vnce. P. 202. 415 the] tbi. 424 grene. 428 (fol. 106a.) Title] October, vnto. 432 vppe alle. 436 vppe. 437 myracle. 438 vppon. 439 vppon. P. 203. 442 countitv*. 443 trete] 710 gloss. 445 vnce. 448 vse. 449 egestioun. 451 questioun. 456 (fol. 107.) Title] October, In right margin: xv ca™. 457 grene. Citurtree. 463 Bubric] pomorum xvj can\ de ynomelle xvij ca™. Nowe euerie. 463 — 464 In right margin: xvj ca>" et xvij ca™. P. 204. 475 vp bent. 477 vppe. 478 But] Hit. 484 (fol. 107a.) Title] October. Rubric] Defructo. Li left margin opposite rubric: viij ca™. 485 deservyng. 486 tbicke it be Carene. 487 vnto. 488 nys. 491 Nowe. vsetb. In left margin opposite rubric: xix ca^. 496 Vntil. with] werk. desolue. 497 devolue. P. 205. 499 vuder. 503 locounde. 505 In left margin: xx ca™. 508 vp. 509 baluendel. 512 (fol. 108.) Title] October. An other. 513 omit (of). 517 vnces. 519 vnder. In right margin: xxj ca^. 522 loues. 524 Nowe. P. 206. 526 Rubric] vva. greca. In right margin: xxij ca»«. 531 after. 533 leef. 534 Vnder. 535 a doon. 538 vpborn. 540 (fol. 108a.) Rubric] October. In left margin opposite rubric: xxiij ca»i. 543 houre] om corrected to on. 546 phebus. 547 Rubric] continuacio libror«»». 547 superne. 559 vnto. 552 sauyng. 554 Vnder. Book XII. I ^ p. 207. Title] NOVEMBER. 1 In left margin above rubric : I WW Pnmum ca'". Rubric] fabc. lenticide. 3 vpon. 5 vnto. 6 loueth. 8 (fol. 109.) Title] November. 9 su>»men, satiom?. 11 do. occa- / . cfoui^. 12 germinacioun. 13 wel. 18 ancre. P. 208. 23 repercusse. 26 saue. ther. 29 In right margin: '-Secundum ca'". 31 provyne. 32 vmbydeluyng. 34 curuature. 36 (fol. 109a.) Rubric] veteri. iugo. percula repanda. In left margin opposite rubric: iij ca'«. 39 truncke. 42 thrive. 45 places. 44 Tbi. 47 iointe. P. 209. 50 Rubric] \\i\hus. arborib«6'. In left margin opposite rubric: iiij ca'". 55 saue. 56 profluent. , 57 vnkept. 58 vntil. 61 euery. 62 Salutyng] gl. vel r.'', louting tort. Catchword The olyvc. 64 (fol. 110.) Title] November. In /et*"- Ze/'i margin: v ca. 65 wot] woi. In right margin; 97; e, f, g. 69 bas- kettes corbes fyuo. 71 Rubric: D allio, vlpico, cepll 191 translaciouH. 193 procuractouH. 194 Vnto. raultiplicaciouu "l96* viider. vp. 198 faster. 20'J delues. 204 (fol. Il2a.) 205 vnto 207 Putactouu. 210 vntil. 211 BiitJ Yit. 213 su/nnien. 217 vn P •>|"i 218 vptake. 222 ioyfiilliohe. 224 cold. 229 vp. 230 seke] i// que'rendo 232 (fol. U3.J 233 vryne. 234 vryno. vnevealy. 242 Vdoluen' P. 216. 246 nialo. 251 vppe. 253 vppe. 254 Vpgrow.« 257 ffresshe' 260 (fol. 113a.) 262 xxx-. 267 sekir. 268 S(wn:ue. 26!) up '?■;> Klak" is] it. lond. 273 raptej (j^- conlractw*. P. 217. 274 vnneth "-^75 noo thing, vso. 278 Ner. 279 septentriou/i. 285 vppe. 286 euerie 287 h[e]ni. 288 (fol. 114.) 294 chasten, incrementaciou. 300 fleikes' P. 218. 303 dulueth. 304 saue. 308 saue. 309 omit (drie) 310 grarted. 311 Citur and Qvynce. 312 Meddeler. 314 Almaundes lug- lande. 316 (fol. Ji4a.) In Uft martjin opposite rubric- viij cam 317 vscth. 326 eucry chene. 328 suche. 329 ct. P. 219. 330 Utibric] hixM/iant. In left maryin opposite rubric: ix cam. 332 fecounde 333 fleveryere. 338 stocke. 339 vryne. 341 nioolde. (Here 1H3 verses are missing, the number of the next line is 5j:J6.) 526 hrowstvl 7/ rancidu resolue. 528 dissoluo. 529 wriedj cleyed. 531 iclw. P. 220. ' 536 after {Here arc Vi verses enlirel!/ missing, and two partli/ so.) 550 fletyng se* 551 in vaporosito. 552 Of bathes oon nyght be on fleyko or table 5.53 And so Amorwe salted thai beth able. {Next line is do4.) 555 barm 556 after. 558 i^. 559 sharppe. Aisel. 561 passe] gl. passi. 562 cyuer] gl. cineris a] no wyne. gloss, yespon] gl. q. m. u. cap<^rro p 565 vnhurt. The last 43 lines of book XII and tite whole of Book XIII are viissitig from this MS. University of British Columbia Library DATE DUE /, U- . a-: ',/f?J •A|'^' 1 f ! FORM No. 310 Ix) O ■ n »■- ■•ac 1 -J CO 5 1 li- w 1 X I CO _J •J z: u 1 I u ) V- •in- AGRICULTURE i FORESTRY : LiPl^vARY FH Y LTURE ;3Y