590.5 FI N.S. ^,103 ■Deo 10, 2004 Biology SEP 0 9 2005 H Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 103 The Millipede Collections of the World Petra Sierwald Abigail Julia Reft December 10, 2004 Publication 1532 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Information for Contributors to Fieldiana Fieldiana is a peer-reviewed monographic series published by the Field Museum. The series publishes the research of staff members and our research associates. The page charge currently is $65 per page. This figure is subject to change. All authors are encouraged to provide funding to support the production of their works. Submission procedures: A submission procedures document is available from the scientific editor of the journal and on the Museum's web site (by 2004). Manuscripts submitted for review should be prepared using standard electronic software and submitted to the scientific editor in three photocopies. The scientific editor also requires the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least five suggested reviewers. All elements of the work, including the illustrations, must be completed before the manuscript is submitted. References should be styled according to a recent Fieldiana publication, which may also be consulted for order of elements (title page, table of contents, list of illustrations, abstract, and the like). The decision of the scientific editor to accept or reject a work is final. Length: As a monographic series, Fieldiana publishes mid-length works. We do not publish short, journal-article-length works. As a general rule, we are unable to accommodate manuscripts of less than 75-100 manuscript pages. Authors seeking an exemption for a manuscript of fewer pages should consult the scientific editor. Fieldiana also is unable to publish extremely long works without substantial support from the author. The publication of long works should be arranged well in advance with the scientific editor. Please bear in mind: Changes on page proofs are very expensive. Author-generated changes on page proofs can only be made if the author agrees in advance to pay for them. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY FIELDIANA Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 103 The Millipede Collections of the World Petra Sierwald Department of Zoology Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 U.S.A. Abigail Julia Reft Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Kansas 3002 Haworth Lawrence, Kansas 66045 USA. Accepted March 8, 2004 Published December 10, 2004 Publication 1532 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ^.OLGGY LIBRARY 101 BUKWLL HALL &P 0 9 2005 © 2004 Field Museum of Natural History ISSN 0015-0754 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Contents Abstract 1 Materials and Methods 2 Format of Collection Descriptions 3 Organization of the Catalog and Accuracy of Collection Descriptions 3 Results 4 Fossil Millipede Collections 5 Technical Notes on Millipede Collections 7 Acknowledgments 8 Collection Survey 30 Literature Cited 93 Appendix: Questionnaire, Millipede Collection Survey 95 Tables 1 . Number of Institutions Housing Millipede Collections 9 2. Millipede Collections of the World 10 3. Deposition of Millipede Type Specimens 11 4. Alphabetical List of Collection Abbreviations 18 in The Millipede Collections of the World Petra Sierwald Abigail Julia Reft Abstract The present catalog of millipede specimen collections of the world lists 268 biological collec- tion institutions from 143 countries. The data in the catalog are derived from a questionnaire- based survey forwarded by standard mail and electronically to more than 1,000 biological collection institutions worldwide. For 54 countries, no millipede collections could be identified. Nine private collections are listed, though we assume these are underrepresented in this catalog. Although the catalog focuses on collections of Recent millipede material, a preliminary list of 43 collections containing fossil millipedes is included. Each listed Recent millipede collection is described using the data captured through the questionnaire, giving details on the size of the collection, type material and type authors, organization and cataloging status of the collections, and geographic coverage of the holdings. Of the 268 millipede collections, nine collections house more than 20,000 specimen lots and 77 house more than 1,000 specimen lots. The accuracy of the descriptions of these 77 collections was proofed by the respective curators in charge between July 2003 and February 2004. Type material is reported from 89 collections, with six collections harboring more than 1,000 type lots each. More than 21,400 type lots (including all type categories) were reported by the collections. The data on type material are also presented in a reference table, listing for each millipede species author all collections that reported types from this author. Important voucher material of several millipede authors is noted for the collections that house them. The collections are listed by country and for large countries also by provinces or states. For each millipede collection, the mailing address of the institution, telephone and fax numbers, and name of the curatorial staff are given, as are the correspondents' e-mail addresses. Arthropods commonly referred to as Myriap- oda comprise the classes Chilopoda (cen- tipedes), Diplopoda (millipedes), Symphyla, and Pauropoda. The last two, Symphyla and Pauro- poda, contain relatively few described species at this time — fewer than 500 each. Centipedes are estimated to comprise about 3,000 described spe- cies, which are currently classified in five orders and more than 20 families. The most species-rich group of the Myriapoda is the millipedes, with more than 10,000 described species, classified in at least 15 orders, 144 families (Shelley, 2003), and 2,950 genera. None of the four myriapod groups is comprehensively cataloged at the spe- cies level, but for millipedes, genus-level cata- logs (Jeekel, 1971; Hoffman, 1980; Shelley et al., 2000) are available covering all genera de- scribed between 1758 and 1999 (see Sierwald, 2001). Biodiversity, the variety of all life forms on our planet, has become the focal point of many public, political, and scientific discussions, often culmi- FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, N.S., NO. 103, DECEMBER 10, 2004, PP. 1-100 nating in the acknowledgment of a biodiversity crisis. The current rapid loss of species is com- parable to the mass extinction events in Earth's history (NSB, 1989). However, while the fact of loss is indisputable, its magnitude is uncertain: apart from a few large-bodied organisms (mainly vertebrates and seed plants), most living species remain undiscovered, not even existing as names in the scientific literature. Estimates of the planet's species richness vary widely, but up to 85% of existing species are assumed to be unknown to science (Systematica Agenda, 2000, 1994). Com- pleting a global inventory of biodiversity (Mis- sion I, Systematics Agenda 2000, 1994) will re- quire the collection of some specimens of all spe- cies in the (few) places where they still thrive, a description of their characteristics, the naming of them, and the depositing of type and voucher specimens in publicly accessible biological spec- imen collections. Biological specimen collections play a pivotal role in this endeavor; such collec- tions have maintained identified material of the known fauna and flora for more than two centu- ries, and must continue to do so. Furthermore, a good portion of the unknown flora and fauna can be found in the unsorted and unidentified backlog of specimen collections. The European community recently recognized the lack of collection accessibility as a central im- pediment to all forms of biological research and established BioCASE: A Biodiversity Collection Access Service for Europe (see http://www. biocase.org/default.shtml). "The BioCASE proj- ect will establish a web-based information service providing researchers with unified access to bio- logical collections in Europe ... to enhance the over-all value of biological collections as an es- sential, but presently fragmented and under-ex- ploited European research infrastructure for en- vironmental sciences, systematics, and life scienc- es in general." Such a registry of collections represents an im- provement of scientific infrastructure, but signifi- cant challenges remain: specimen collections worldwide suffer from a notorious lack of re- sources. This is especially true for collections of invertebrates belonging to taxonomically neglect- ed groups, with myriapods being a case in point. In contrast to vertebrate collections, which often are completely computerized and thus highly ac- cessible, invertebrate collection holdings are rare- ly electronically captured. Furthermore, collec- tions of such taxon groups reside within extensive arthropod and invertebrate collections, often cared for by a single curator or collection manager. For many taxonomically neglected organism groups, such as the Myriapoda, we do not even know where such useful specimen collections might be located. In 1972, the 2nd International Congress of Myriapodology recommended that "myriapo- dologists throughout the world . . . bring together the information needed for a world-list of collec- tions in this field" (Kraus, 1974). With the present catalog of the millipede collections of the world, this recommendation is implemented more than 30 years later for one of the myriapod groups. Most collections listed here as harboring milli- pede collections also house specimens of the re- maining three myriapod groups — centipedes, pau- ropods, and symphylans — and accordingly this catalog will be of use for research focusing on these groups as well. Materials and Methods When we began this project, in 1999, we first as- sembled a worldwide list of natural history mu- seums and other biological collection institutions. Initially, the list was based on three main sources: (1) the listing of insect and spider collections of the world by Arnett et al. (1993), (2) the global listing of arachnid collections by Saunier (1980), and (3) a list of North American millipede collec- tions provided by Dr. Rowland Shelley (unpub- lished). As the project progressed, Internet search- es were used to locate previously unlisted insti- tutions that might harbor arthropod collections. Address changes and contact information (names, e-mail addresses, and fax numbers for curatorial staff) were gathered through Web searches as well. During the final stages of manuscript prep- aration, in July 2003, curatorial staff of millipede collections with more than 1,000 reported lots (see Table 2, 74 collections) proofed and updated the description for their collections. Nearly all collections reported back to us, and all requested changes were made in the manuscript. A questionnaire was designed to assemble baseline data on available scientific millipede col- lections. Decisions as to which information ought to be gathered were guided largely by the data types assembled by Saunier (1980) for arachnid collections and those presented by Arnett et al. (1993) for insect and spider collections. A copy of the questionnaire can be found in Appendix 1 . The survey focused on three types of information: FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY (1) type lots (including all formal type categories) and associated data (especially type catalogs and species authors), (2) the general collection (size and condition), distinguishing between the formed collection (lots identified at least to family level) and the backlog (unidentified or identified to order level), and (3) the level and type of collection cataloging (from accession files on index cards to electronic databases). Data provided here for the general collection include the size of the collec- tion (number of lots; a lot is defined as all spec- imens belonging to a single species collected at a single collecting event, usually the content of a "vial" in the identified [= formed] collection), the size and organization of the backlog (whether identified to order level), the physical arrangement of the collection, the preservation of specimens, and the main geographic regions covered by the collection. The final section of the questionnaire captured data on associated collections such as re- prints, microscope slides, and bulk samples, as well as information on current collection growth. Initially, about 600 questionnaires were mailed to museums and biological collection institutions around the world. As the project progressed and more biological collection institutions were con- tacted, the questionnaire was forwarded electron- ically to the curatorial staff of the collections. We also contacted numerous researchers in the fields of myriapodology and arachnology to locate pre- viously unknown collections. Many myriapod col- lections come under the responsibility of arachnid curators, who supported this project through their generous assistance. The membership lists of the International Society of Arachnology (Annuaire des Arachnologistes Mondiaux) and of the Centre International de Myriapodologie in the C. I. M. Bulletin, as well as participant lists of past Inter- national Congresses of Arachnology (Chicago, USA, 1998, and Badplas, South Africa, 2001) and of the International Congresses of Myriapodology (Bialowieza, Poland, 1999, and Mtunzini, South Africa, 2002) supplied up-to-date e-mail and mailing addresses used during this project. Format of Collection Descriptions Most millipede collections are described in the following format: Name of collection, Name of Museum/Institution, Address (Institutional Abbreviation, see Table 4) Curatorial Staff: Name Phone: Country code-area code-number Fax: Country code-area code-number E-mail: Address Number of type lots (species author names; author names separated by ";". Joint authorship is des- ignated with &). Separate type collection estab- lished? Type catalog information. General collec- tion: total number of lots (est. or count); number of lots identified to family; number of lots in backlog (identified to order?). Preservation (spec- imen storage), label types (printed with laser or dot-matrix printer, typed, handwritten, other). Col- lection organization (alphabetical, systematic, geographic order, or other). Collection catalog: file cards, catalog books, accession records, and/ or electronic catalogs (taxon or lot/specimen- based flat-file or relational database). If individual lot numbers have been assigned, this is indicated in the collection description. Geographic coverage of holdings was reported by the collections in the following more or less inclusive categories: Ne- arctic (western and eastern North America), Mid- dle America (Central America, West Indies), Neo- tropics, Palearctic (Europe, Mediterranean/north- ern Africa, Asia), Oriental (India, Southeast Asia), Ethiopian (western, eastern, and southern Africa), Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands. Associ- ated collections: reprint and microscope slides collections, specific voucher material, prints, slides, bulk samples. Estimated yearly collection growth. Organization of the Catalog and Accuracy of Collection Descriptions The listing of biological collection institutions contacted during the study with the descriptions of their millipede collections forms the main part of this work. We attempted to establish contact with more than 1 ,000 institutions. Despite repeat- ed efforts, there are a number of institutions from which no response was received. These institu- tions are listed in the first paragraph under each country name. The biological collection institu- tions are organized in alphabetical order of the country. Institutions we contacted that do not cur- rently house millipede collections are listed under each country or province, before the descriptions of millipede collections. Such information may be considered unnecessary by some users of this cat- alog; however, many institutions with the word "Insect" or "Arthropod" in their name could po- SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD tentially have millipede holdings. We obtained at least one confirmation for each of the institutions listed as lacking millipede collections, either from the curatorial staff or from a taxon specialist fa- miliar with the institution. The data were entered as the respondents pro- vided them. The amount and type of data received varied to a certain degree, and thus not all collec- tion descriptions are fully congruent. Some survey questions were not relevant to small collections, or these small collections have no designated cu- ratorial staff overseeing the diplopod collection, resulting in less information than that obtained from larger collections. Larger collections were more likely to benefit from specifically assigned personnel. Table 1 lists countries with the number of millipede collections reported from each coun- try. Table 2 lists millipede collections by size (based on the number of reported lots). The size of collections, as given in lot numbers, is often estimated (abbreviated as "est." in the collection descriptions) by the respondent, since most col- lections are not completely cataloged. For a small number of collections, actual counts are given. Ta- ble 3 contains information on the deposition of millipede type specimens. For each author de- scribing millipede species, the abbreviations of the institutions housing the respective type spec- imens are listed. The information in this table was compiled from the information provided by the curators and has not been verified against the orig- inal taxonomic literature, by the curators in charge of the collections, or by us. In many collections, the type holdings are not separated from the main collection, and type catalogs exist for only a few collections. Therefore, Table 3 is almost certainly incomplete and may contain erroneous entries. Ta- ble 3 will be posted on Field Museum's Milli- PEET Web site (http://www.finnh.org/research- collections/zoology/zoosites/millipeet/home. html), and curators are encouraged to check the information and e-mail updates to the senior au- thor. Table 4 is an alphabetical list of all collection abbreviations as they appear in this work. We tried to clear all used abbreviations with the cu- rators in charge of the respective collection. This list is largely in concordance with the collection abbreviation list maintained on the Web site by the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Hawaii, USA), but in some cases collections requested that a dif- ferent abbreviation be used (Abbreviations for Insect and Spider Collections of the World; http:// hhs.hishopmuseum.org/codens/codens-inst.html). Our millipede collection catalog contains a few col- lections not listed on the Bishop Museum Web site. We established new abbreviations for these col- lections after communicating with the curatorial staff. We did not establish or list abbreviations for institutions we contacted that do not currently house millipede collections and that are not listed on the Bishop Museum Web site. Results Millipede collections and, by extension, myriapod collections occur in a patchy distribution around the globe. Because myriapods suffer from general research neglect, vast regions of the world and many countries do not have any known collec- tions of these organisms (Table 1). Regions with- out reported millipede collections typically lack natural history collections in general (compare to Arnett et al., 1993). The largest number of milli- pede collections are found in North America, with 113 collections (78 in the United States), and in Europe, with 90 collections (15 in the United Kingdom and 14 in Germany). Australia, South Africa, and Japan report 14, 7, and 5 collections, respectively. All other areas are underserved with regard to millipedes, especially most of Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. In some cases, millipede material from such areas can be found in some of the large myriapod collections outside the source country, as Bueno-Villegas et al. (2004) recently noted for Mexican millipede material. For this reason, the questionnaire re- quested data on the geographic origin of millipede material, and these data are included in each col- lection description. We identified a total of 268 millipede collec- tions (Table 4. indicated in bold) worldwide. Of these, 173 collections house between 50 and more than 20,000 lots (Table 2). In comparison, Saunier (1980) listed 140 arachnid collections worldwide. Specimen collections of the class Diplopoda are typically housed with other myriapod material, the centipedes, symphylans. and pauropods. These myriapod collections are most commonly associ- ated with the entomology departments of their in- stitutions. In some cases they are cared for within an invertebrate section. Large myriapod collec- tions are typically united with arachnid collections in a section on Arachnida and Myriapoda (e.g., at the National Museum of Natural History. Wash- ington. D.C.. USA). While several myriapod col- lections are currently curated by a staff taxon spe- FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY cialist, in many collections the curatorial staff is responsible for a wide range of nonhexapod groups (sometimes even for all invertebrates). The lack of staff taxon specialists hampers the devel- opment of these collections. Myriapod and thus millipede collections suffer worldwide from neglect due to resource shortag- es. Many large millipede collections have some form of accession records in catalog books; some kept species-level index card catalogs (e.g., SMF). Insofar as most millipede collections are not fully cataloged (electronically or otherwise), the data on the size of the collection are often estimated. A total of 67 collections reported some form of electronic databasing, nearly equally divided into those employing lot- or specimen-based data models (28 collections) and taxon-based efforts (26 collections; a few collections did not specify the data model). Electronic data capture is also roughly equally split into flat-file (22 collections) and relational databases (30 collections). Current- ly, only three collections (INHS, ISNB, and ZMUC) provide online catalogs of their holdings. Many collections report computerization in pro- gress (e.g., among others, FMNH, MNHN, SMNK, and USNM). Such efforts are noted in each collection description. Concern for type material is rooted in its im- portance for systematic research and stabilization of the classification. For that reason, many bio- logical specimen institutions physically separate type holdings from the general collection. Thirty- eight of the 89 millipede collections harboring types have separated the types from the main col- lection. Because of safety concerns, type material is frequently subject to stringent limitations for the purpose of loans and shipments. Some collec- tions require the use of costly courier services for transport of type material and subject the borrow- ing institution or researcher to the charges both ways (e.g., ZMUH). Such practices reduce the availability of type material and hamper the al- ready fragile field of taxonomic research in dip- lopods. Because the type material of developing countries is almost exclusively housed in the older museums of the developed world, this practice discriminates against progress in millipede biodi- versity studies in poorly researched regions. Type catalogs, on the other hand, support research pro- gress and have been published by a number of collections. Recently, six type catalogs became available online (BCPM, GNM, INHS, MCZ, WAMP, and ZMUC). As listed in the present cat- alog, more than 21,400 millipede type lots (in- cluding all formal type categories) were reported by the collections (this includes conservative es- timates for collections that reported an unknown number of type lots). Considering the estimated number of 10,000 nominal millipede species, and assuming that on average, millipede species are based on two or three type specimens, the number of reported type lots is encouraging. It indicates that the type specimens of most millipede species are safe and available in museums for future study, and demonstrates that scientific collections are successful in carrying out their most important mission. Many millipede holdings are historic without current collection growth, and some harbor large amounts of unsorted backlog. Some substantial collections with valuable historic voucher material linger in warehouses and basements, separated from curatorial expertise. The accessibility of a significant number of millipede collections in North America and Europe is due to the efforts of two myriapodologists, Drs. Richard L. Hoff- man (Virginia Museum of Natural History) and Rowland M. Shelley (North Carolina State Mu- seum of Natural Sciences). Both lent their exper- tise to various collections, sorted and identified material, organized type collections, and arranged collections systematically during their visits over the past three decades. Other myriapodologists also shouldered some of the burden by caring for collections they visited in particular regions of the world. Private millipede collections may be underrep- resented in this catalog; certain private collec- tions, some of them containing paratypes, prefer not to be listed. We are aware of the following private collections (also listed in the main part of this work): Puerto Rico, USA, Dr. Antonio Perez- Asso; Venezuela, Caracas, Dr. Manuel Gonzalez Sponga; South Korea, Chonbuk University, Dr. L- Y Lim; and Japan, Dr. Tsurusaki, Mr. Kiyoshi Ishii, Mr. Mitsuo Takano, Dr. Keizaburo Shino- hara, and Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Nishikawa. Collec- tions held privately or at universities in the past, such as the Chamberlin and Causey collections, are now located at the USNM and the FSCA, re- spectively, and are listed with their current insti- tutions. Fossil Millipede Collections Assembling a catalog of collections of Recent millipede specimens was the main objective of SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD this project; we did not specifically contact insti- tutions likely to harbor fossil millipede material. However, Drs. G. Edgecombe (AMS), J. Dunlop (ZMB), S. I. Golovatch (IPEE), J. T. Hannibal (CLEV), O. Kraus (University of Hamburg), and W. A. Shear (Hampden-Sydney College, VA) pro- vided us with a preliminary list of collections housing significant fossil millipede material, which is given here. It should be noted that most of these data have not been proofed by the cited collections. Fossil diplopod specimens are almost always housed in the geology or paleontology de- partments of institutions and not likely to be cu- rated by the curator for Recent millipede material. Austria, Vienna (NHMW, Geologisch-Palaonto- logische Abteilung). Australia, Brisbane (Queensland Museum [QM], Jurassic millipede fossils); Sydney (Australian Museum [AMS], Silurian and Devonian milli- pedes). Canada, New Brunswick, Saint John (New Brunswick Museum [NBMB], Devonian and Carboniferous forms; http://www.gnb.ca/ 0130/); Quebec, Novelle, Pare de Miguasha (Natural History Museum of Miguasha Park [MHNM], Devonian millipede fossils; curator: Dr. S. Desbiens). Czech Republic, Prague (National Museum [NMPC], Carboniferous [Gaskohle] and Me- sozoic specimens figured and described by Fritsch); Ostrava/Moravia (Museum of Ostra- va, Pennsylvanian, Karvina material described by Susta 1928 and 1932, Pribyl 1960, and Re- hor & Rehorova 1972). France, Montceau-les-Mines (Musee des Fossi- les, Carboniferous material); Autun (Musee d'Histoire Naturelle); Strasbourg (Universite Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, Grauvogel-Stamm Collection, Triassic millipedes). Germany, Berlin (Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humbolt-Universitat, Geologisch-Palaontolo- gische Abteilung of the University, Koch & Berendt's types, also material from the Gaskoh- le [Carboniferous, Czech Republic], unidentified Bitterfeld Amber material); ChemnitzJSachsen (Museum fur Naturkunde, Pennsylvanian material); Clausthal-Zellerfeld/Schleswig-Hol- stein (Technische Universitat, Pennsylvanian material, Prof. Dr. C. Bauckmann); Frankfurt/ Hessen (Senckenberg Museum [SMF], Abteil- ung fiir Palaontologie und Historische Geolo- gic Devonian material, St0rmer types); Frei- berg/Sachsen (Geologisches Institut, Bergakad- emie, Permian material; http://www.tu-/reiberg. de/~~geowsam/pasa/index.html; curator: Dr. Gaitzsch); Hamburg (Geologisch-Palaontolo- gisches Institut der Universitat Hamburg; Wolf- gang Weitschat's extensive collection of Amber inclusions); Miinchen/Bayern (Munich) (Bayr- ische Staatssammlung Palaontologie und histor- ische Geologie, Pennsylvanian, Saarland speci- mens described by Reinhard Foerster 1973); Miinster/Westfalen (Westfalisches Museum fiir Naturkunde — Planetarium; Pennsylvanian; Rib- nitz-Damgarten/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [Deutsches Bernstein Museum; http://www. bernsteinmuseum. info/] ; Schleusingen/Thiirin- gen (Naturhistorisches Museum Schloss Bert- holdsburg, Carboniferous forms; http://www. museum-schleusingen.de/frameseite.html); Stuttgart/BadenWiirttemberg (Staatliches Mu- seum fiir Naturkunde in Stuttgart [SMNS], ex- tensive collection of Dominican amber fossils; http: ///www. naturkundemuseum-bw.de/). Pri- vate collections: M. Thiele-Bourcier, Kirkel- Neuhausel (Pennsylvanian, Saarland); J. Wun- derlich, Straubenhardt (Amber). Hungary, Budapest (Geological Institute of Hun- gary, Cenozoic material; http://www.mafi.hu/). Poland, Warsaw (Muzeum Ziemi, Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences, houses am- ber fossil millipedes [J. Wytwer in litt.] and may house types of amber fossil millipede spe- cies described by Dzik; http://www.hermuz.hu/ engweb/nws/amberl .htm). Russia, Moscow (Laboratory of Arthropods, Pa- laeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow [PIN], types of fossil millipede species described by Martynov; http://www.palaeoentomolog.ru/english.html). United Kingdom, Aberdeen (University of Ab- erdeen, Department of Geology, Paleozoic forms); Birmingham (Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham, Carbon- iferous forms); Belfast (Ulster Museum, Silu- rian material, Shear & Selden types); Edin- burgh (National Museum of Scotland [NMS], Section for Invertebrate Palaeontology, various Paleozoic material; curator: Dr. Lyall I. Ander- son); Glasgow (Hunterian Museum, Carbonif- erous forms); Keyworth, Nottingham (Biostra- tigraphy Museum of the British Geological Sur- vey; Carboniferous material and younger, in- cluding some type, figured and cited material, data courtesy Dr. Mike Howe, chief curator); London (The Natural History Museum [BMNH], Cockerell's types, millipedes from FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY East African Rift Valley hominid sites, and oth- er material); Manchester (Manchester Museum [MMUE], Horrocks Collection from the Upper Carboniferous of Bickershaw Colliery, Lanca- shire); Manchester (Earth Sciences Department, Manchester University, Dr. Paul Selden). United States, Connecticut, New Haven (Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, Pennsylvanian, Mazon Creek material); Illinois, Chicago (Field Museum of Natural History [FMNH, Department of Geology], large collec- tion of Mazon Creek millipedes [Mississippian and Pennsylvanian, Euphoberiida, Oniscomor- pha, etc.]; collection manager: Charlene Frick- er); Illinois, Rockford (Burpee Museum, Penn- sylvanian, Mazon Creek millipedes); Illinois, Springfield (Illinois State Museum, Pennsylva- nian, Mazon Creek millipedes); Illinois, Ur- hana— Champaign (University of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign, Pennsylvanian, Mazon Creek specimens); Kansas, Lawrence (Division of Paleontology, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Carboniferous forms, cura- tor: Dr. Roger Kaesler; collection manager: Al- ice Hart); Massachusetts, Cambridge (Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology [MCZ], De- partment of Invertebrate Paleontology); New Mexico, Albuquerque (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Carboniferous millipedes from Kinney Quarry and Carrizo Arroyo, http://museums.state.nm.us/nmmnh/ nmmnh.html); New York, New York (American Museum of Natural History, Devonian material [Wilson & Shear types], amber specimens); Ohio, Cleveland (Cleveland Museum [CLEV] few specimens, some type and figured materi- al); Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh (Carnegie Muse- um of Natural History, Section of Invertebrate Paleontology; Carboniferous forms); Washing- ton, D.C (National Museum of Natural History [USNM], Department of Paleobiology, exten- sive fossil material, Devonian [Kjellesvig- Waering types] and Mesozoic, Scudder types, amber specimens). Technical Notes on Millipede Collections Specimen preservation. — Some historic millipede collections contain dried, pinned specimens. Most collections use straight ethanol (70%- 80%). We (FMNH) found reduced alcohol con- centration (below 65%) in jars containing large- bodied specimens and increased the concentra- tion during top-off maintenance. Ethanol is de- natured in some collections (methyl-ethyl- ketone, MEK [SMNG, MHNG]; industrial methylated spirits, IMS [BMNH, CUMZ, HMUG, IPSM, NMWC]). Isopropanol is used in several collections (e.g., by FSCA). Mesibov (QVMAG) reported degradation (whitish patch- es on integument) of polydesmid specimens in isopropanol. After changing the collection to 75% to 80% ethanol, no further degradation was observed. In some collections, glycerin is added (UVCC, SMNK) to keep the specimens moist in case the ethanol evaporates. Dr. R. M. Shelley does not recommend adding glycerin, because specimens have to be cleaned before examinations. Preserved millipedes harden con- siderably; often the animals are rolled up into a spiral (or ball, in the case of volvating groups). Preserved in such a position, exami- nation of the gonopods (in all helminthomorph groups) and of the mouth parts is very difficult. For species-level determination, it is necessary to break the animals apart. Consequently, mil- lipedes in collections are rarely intact. Posterior body rings especially are often found loose in the vials. Preservation of live-collected specimens. — Hoff- man (in litt.) explained that the anterior body sections of millipedes preserve soon after the animals are placed in alcohol because the al- cohol enters the body through the mouth open- ing and around the gonopods. The anterior muscles harden considerably, while the poste- rior end of the body is not preserved fast enough, causing the posterior rings to become loose and detach from the body. When starting off with living animals, Hoffman recommends killing them with ethyl acetate (in a jar con- taining a soaked paper towel). This causes the exoskeleton to soften and the segments to spread apart because of internally generated C02. After the desired degree of expansion oc- curs, transfer into 70% alcohol is required. Mil- lipedes preserved in this way remain straight and soft and can be handled freely without damage to legs and antennae. Whether or not ethyl acetate is used to kill and expand speci- mens, it is mandatory that the middle and pos- terior thirds of the body of large specimens be injected with 80% alcohol, using a fine hypo- dermic needle, between several segments, to ensure adequate internal fixation. Dissection. — Species-level determination usually requires the examination of gonopods, which SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 7 are dissected off the animals. Gonopods were often mounted permanently on microscope slides, and slides were stored separately from the specimens. Several collections listed here maintain separate microscope slide collections. Such separate collections require special record keeping of specimens and slides. More recent- ly, many collections store dissected gonopods in genitalia vials with their original specimens. Specimen storage. — The majority of collections store specimens in glass vials with cotton plugs or plastic stoppers. The vials are kept in etha- nol-filled glass jars, facilitating regular ethanol top-off maintenance. Some collections store specimens in screw-cap vials or neoprene- stopped patent-lip vials. The vials are then stored in boxes or various racks. Specimen labels. — Most millipede collections use handwritten (pencil or India ink) and typed (al- cohol-proof ribbon) collection labels; laser- printed labels are rarely used because most col- lections did not receive recent attention or add- ed significant amount of material after laser printers became available. As others have also reported, we (FMNH) found that laser-printed labels are not safe for extended time periods (e.g., letters fall off the label paper). Currently, we use a Lexmark ink-jet printer with alcohol- proof ink for label production. Arrangement of collection. — Most collections are arranged by order, with families (and genera within families) in alphabetical order. Associated collections. — Some collections con- tain extensive unsorted soil bulk samples (Ber- lese, pitfall traps). Such sample and residue col- lections will contain large amounts of myriapod material (besides other soil arthropods). The existence of such sample material is listed in each collection description if we were made aware of them. Acknowledgments. Gordon Nishida (Bishop Museum, Hawaii) provided us with an electronic copy of the address list used in Arnett et al. (1993), Insect and Spider Collections of the World. Dr. Rowland Shelley (North Carolina Mu- seum of Natural Sciences) furnished us with an extensive list of North American millipede collec- tions, most of which he visited personally. Several colleagues assisted by providing data for specific countries: Julian Bueno-Villegas for Mexican col- lections, T Cekalovich for Chilean collections, Dr. Golovatch for collections in Russia and other for- mer Soviet republics, and Dr. Jana Tufova (e-mail: tufova@prfnw.upol.cz) for collections in the Czech Republic. Drs. Shelley, Hoffman, Shear, Enghoff, and Golovatch helped assemble the table of millipede species authors. We are deeply indebted to all dedicated curatorial staff, who collaborated with us generously, made special trips to visit collec- tions outside their institutions, and safeguard the world's collections of biodiversity. James Loud- erman assisted in assembling the tables. Drs. J. Dunlop, P. Jager, V. Stagl, and S. I. Golovatch provided helpful comments during the preparation of the manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge Drs. J. Dunlop, S. I. Golovatch, and O. Kraus, and anonymous reviewers for many helpful comments on previous drafts of the manuscript, which was ably shepherded through the review process by Dr. William Burger. This project was supported in full by a National Science Foundation grant in the PEET program (DEB 97-12438) to Petra Sierwald and William A. Shear (Hampden-Sydney, Virgin- ia) and by the Field Museum of Natural History. FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY o £ < 60 u oi J3 c TO — 3 O V) >. I— c 3 O U 0 < g cBxi * -3 .a i fa — O) M z£i5 .2 1 ■5 a ~ v So 3 _ .ii 3 5 « iff 3 wt/5 rt-(s- — forq-M't'H-' — ^->tnr)MNOio — -h^"^^>d E .2 « * « 9 "g § « e3*2 9 5 K I c .5 c > > -3 5 .3 .3 C/5 D TO U .2 >> "« S C 3 S ST liljJieji -NN-O-'-'^O-OOO) r3 TO £ £.2 ■a e 1) to O 3 o el s .9 2 E X TO TO Sue in & V o fflUUUQO^^ZixDa. d T) 5 a — i 3 n U 3 UN — Bfl ■t 5 9 /") c- — i (N O 8 S "° 2 c § c S « 5 -2 a's to ga w" g b « IS fi « ° *! W aj O t9 n 1) F VI o 00 T3 . 3 u £? 2 2 c o C « 55 3 * O * O H SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD Table 2. Millipede Collections of the World: Size of Collections Collection Size Collections No. of Collec- tions > 20,000 lots FSCA, GNM, ITMM, IZCAS, MNHN, NSMT, USNM, VMNH. ZMMU 9 10,000-20.000 lots AMNH. CAS, MFS, MHNG. MRAC, NHMW, SMNG, SMNK, ZMAN, ZMB, ZMUC 11 5.000-10.000 lots ARPA. BMNH, FMNH. HNHM, MCZ, MVNH, MZUL, NCSM. NZAC, QVMAG, RMNH, SMF, ZSMC 13 1,000-5.000 lots 500-1.000 lots 100-500 lots 50-100 lots AMNZ. AMS. ANIC, BFIC, CIDA, CLSHU, CMNH. CMNZ, IEXA. INBC, 44 INHS, LACM, MBCG. MNHC, MNMS, MRSN, MSNM, MUSM, MZHF, MZUF, NDSU, NHMA, NMBA, NMPC, NMSA, NTPC, OUMNH, PMSL, QM, SAMC, SEMC, SOFM, UCDC, UNAM, UWBM, UWCP, VUA, WAMP, WSU, WVUC, ZIN, ZMUH, ZMUN, ZSI CMNI, HZMZ, ICNUN, IMLA, IZNASB, MNRJ, MONZ, MPEG. MVMA, 20 MZLU, NMBZ, NMNW. PMNH, SNMC. TMSA, TKPM. UMSP, UNIPD, ZUMA, ZMUB BCPM, BMSA, BNM, BPBM, BYU, CBFC, CSCA, CUMZ. DEBU. DENH. 58~ EIUC, EMEC, IBSV, INBR INPA, PEE, IRCW. ISUI, IZUI, MCNZ, MCPM. MCSN, MEMU, MGDL, MIUP, MLPA, MLUH, MMBC, MCSNVR, MTEC, MZCR, MZLS, MZSP, NCHU, NCMK, NHMK, NHMWC, NHRI, OLML, OSEC, ROME, SAM, SDMC, SMTD, SZMN, TMMC, UCMS, UGCA, ULKY, UMB. UMMZ, UMRM, UQIC, UVCC, UVGC, UZIU, VDAM, ZMUG, ZRC AMGS. CNC, CSUC, CUCC, EMAU, FCE. HMUG, IICT, IJSM, IPSM. LSAM, LUNZ, MAMU, MNSL, SBMN, TTCC, UADE, UCMC, WINC, ZFMK, ZMUZ 21 Size unknown, collec- tion contains types ANSP, ISNB, MCNV, MFS, MZPW, MZUMRE, NHRS. PRRP. UABS, UFMI 10 10 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 3. Deposition of Millipede Type Specimens Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Abrous-Kherbouch & Maudes MNHN Absolon & Lang Am Stein BNM Attems BMNH, GNM, ISNB, MCZ, MFS, MNHN, MRAC, MZLU, NHRS, NMBA, NMSA, NHMW, RMNH, SAMC, SMF, USNM, VMNH, WAMR ZMAN, ZMB, ZMUH, ZSMC Beauvois MNHN, ZIN Berlese BMNH, MFS, MNHN, ZMB Bigler BMN, NMBA Blower BMNH Blower & Rolfe Blower & Rundle VMNH Bollman ANSP, BMNH, USNM Borre MNHN Bosc Lost (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Bouvier MNHN Brade-Birks BMNH Brandt RMNH, USNM, ZIN, ZMB Brolemann AMS, BMNH, MFS, MNHN, MSNM, MZSP, MZUF, NHMW, USNM, ZSMC Brolemann & Brade-Birks MNHN Brolemann & Verhoeff MNHN Buckett & Gardner MHNG, UCDC, VMNH Butler Carl FSCA, HNHM, ISNB, MHNG, MNMS, NHMW, NMBA, SMF, VMNH, ZMB, ZMUC, ZMUH Causey AMNH, ANSP, BMNH, CAS, FSCA, INHS, MCZ, USNM, VMNH Causey & Tiemann FSCA Ceuca MZUF, SMF Chamberlin AMNH, ANSP, BCPM, BMNH, CAS, EMEC, FMNH, FSCA, INBC, MFS, MCZ, MHNG, SMF, UNAM, USNM, VMNH, ZMUC Chamberlin & Hoffman SMF, USNM Chamberlin & Mulaik USNM Chamberlin & Wang AMNH, USNM Conde CMNZ, MHNG Conde & Demange MNHN Conde & Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin Museum of Nancy (fide Monique Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin [MNHN]) Note: This table lists all authors currently known to us who have described millipede species. The type speci- mens of the species they described can be found in the museums and collections indicated by their institutions' abbreviations. This list is certainly not complete. The data were assembled from the responses we received. The original taxonomic literature was not consulted. In some cases, the listed institutions may not actually house the type material of the author but rather voucher material. Respondents did not always distinguish between types and voucher material. SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 11 Table 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Conde & Terver Museum of Nancy (fide Monique Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin [MNHN]) Cook ANSR FSCA. MFS. SMF. USNM. VMNH. ZMB. ZMUH Cook & Collins USNM Cook & Loomis FSCA, MCZ, MHNG, USNM, VMNH Cope ANSP, USNM Curtis Daday HNHM, MFS, Heidelberg (Germany) Dalla Torre Demange BMNH, GNM, MNHN. MRAC. MZLU, NMBA, RMNH, SMF, USNM, ZMUC, ZMUH Demange & Mauries MNHN. MRAC DeSaussure MHNG, ZMB DeSaussure & Humbert BMNH, MHNG. ZMUH DeSaussure & Zehntner MNHG, ZMB Desjardins Lost (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Drury Eichwald ZIN Enghoff BMNH. CAS. CUMZ. FSCA. GNM. MBCG. MCZ. MHNG. MZLU. MZPW, MZUL, NHMW, NHRS, NMBA, SMF. SOFM, TKPM, VMNH, ZIN, ZMAN, ZMMU, ZMUC, ZMUH Enghoff & Golovatch AMNH. BMNH. ZIN Erichson ZMB Eschscholtz Fabricius BMNH Faes MZLS, ZMUZ Fanzago MFS, UNIPD Fedrizzi MFS. UNIPD Gardner UCDC Gardner & Casey UCDC Gardner & Shelley UCDC Gerstacker ANSP, ZMB, ZMUH Gerstfeldt ZIN Gervais BMNH. FMNH. MNHN. ZIN Gervais & Goudot MNHN Girard USNM Golovatch BMNH, GNM. IBSV, INPA, MHNG, MZSP, MZUL. NHMW. NMBA. NSMT, SMF, SOFM. TAU, VMNH, ZIN. ZMAN. ZMMU. ZMUC. ZMUH, ZSMC Golovatch & Enghoff BMNH, ZIN, ZMUC Golovatch & Korsos HNHM, ZIN Golovatch & Mikhaljova IBSV, ZIN, ZSMC 12 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Golovatch & Sierwald FMNH Golovatch , Vohland, & Hoffman FMNH, MPEG, MUSM Golovatch & Wytwer MZPW, TAU Gray Gressitt CAS Haase RMNH Haga NSMT Harger Heller Hewitt AMGS Hoffman Ishii & Choi Jacot Jawlowski Jedryczkowski Jeekel Jocque Johns Johnson Karsch Keeton Kenyon Kincaid Koch, C. L. AMNH, ANSP, BMNH, BPBM, CAS, CUMZ, FMNH, FSCA, INBP, INPA, MCZ, MHNG, MRAC, MZSP, NHMW, NMBA, NMBZ, RMNH, SMF, SOFM, UFMI, USNM, VMNH, WAMP, ZMMU, ZMUC, ZMUH, ZSMC Hoffman & Burkhalter CAS, VMNH Hoffman & Flores VMNH Hoffman & Howell FSCA, MRAC, VMNH, ZMUC, ZMUH Hoffman & Knight VMNH Hoffman & Lohmander VMNH, ZMUH Hoffman & Mahsberg VMNH Hoffman & Orcutt USNM, VMNH Holloway MONZ Humbert MHNG Humbert & DeSaussure MHNG, MNHN, NHMW Humphreys & Shear WAMP (Fide William Shear [Hampden-Sydney College]) Hutton CMNZ Ishii NSMT Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Japan (fide Tsutomu Tanabe [TKPM]) MCZ MZPW BMNH, MNHN, NHRS, RMNH, ZMAN, ZMUC MRAC AMS, CMNZ, MFS, MONZ, NHMW, NZAC, USNM, VMNH BMNH, MFS, NHMW, USNM, ZMB, ZMUH AMNH, MCZ, USNM, VMNH USNM UWBM BMNH, ZIN, ZMB, ZMUZ, ZSMC SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 13 Table 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Koch, L. BMNH, NHMW, ZMB, ZMUH, ZSMC Korsos HNHM, NSMT Korsos & Golovatch HNHM Korsos & Read HNHM Krabbe ZMUC, ZMUH Krabbe & Enghoff VMNH. ZMUC, ZMUH Kraepelin ZMUH Kraus BMNH, IMLA, MRAC, NHMW, NHRS, NMSA, SMF, USNM, UMB Lang Latreille BMNH Latzel FSCA, GNM, MCZ, MFS, MNHN, NHMW, ZMB, ZMUH Lawrence BMNH, MZLU, NMSA, TMSA Leach BMNH, MFS, ZMB LeGuillou Lost (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Lignau ZIN, ZMB Lim Lim & Mikhaljova Linnaeus BMNH, UZIU Lohmander BMNH, GNM, NMBA, ZIN, ZMB Loksa HNHM, SMF Loksina & Golovatch ZIN Loomis BMNH, FMNH, FSCA, MCZ, MFS, MHNG, USNM, VMNH Loomis & Davenport USNM, VMNH Loomis & Hoffman USNM, VMNH Loomis & Schmitt FSCA Lucas BMNH, MFS, MNHN Manfredi MSNM Marquet & Conde Museum of Nancy (fide Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin [MNHN]) Mauries BMNH, CMNZ, FMNH, GNM, MHNG, MNHN. MRAC, MZLU, NHMW, QM, SMF, SOFM, ZMMU, ZMUC, ZMUH Mauries & Barraqueta MNHN Mauries & Enghoff MNHN, MZPW Mauries, Golovatch, & Stoev MNHN, SOFM Mauries & Gonzalez MNHN (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Mauries & Heymer MNHN, SOFM Mauries & Karamaouna MNHN Mauries & Maurin MNHN Mauries & Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin MNHN Mauries & Silva MNHN Mauries & Vicente MNHN 14 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens McNeill SMF, USNM Meinert BMNH, MFS, SMF, ZMUC Menge ZMB Mikhaljova IBSV, NHMW, ZIN, ZMMU Mikhaljova & Kim SOFM Mikhaljova & Lim Minelli BMNH Miyosi NSMT, Osaka Museum of Natural History, Japan; all types of species de- scribed before World War II destroyed in 1945 (fide Tsutomu Tanabe [TKPM]) Mrsic PMSL Murakami NSMT Murakami & Irie NSMT (fide Tsutomu Tanbe [TKPM]) Murakami & Kawasawa Murakami & Paik NSMT (fide Tsutomu Tanabe [TKPM]) Muralewicz ZMMU Murray UCDC Nemec MFS Newport MFS Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin BMNH, MNHN Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin & Conde ZMUC Olivier BMNH Packard BMNH, MCZ Packard & Ryder Palmen MZHF Perez-Asso MCZ, MNHC Perty BMNH Peters BMNH, MFS, MHNG, ZMB, ZMUH Pierce USNM Pierrard MNHN in part; personal collection in Belgium (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MHNH]) Pocock BMNH, INHS, MCSN, MFS, MNHN, MRSN, MZUF, USNM, ZMAN, ZMUH Porat GNM, ISNB, MFS, NHRS, NHMW, UZIU Rafinesque ZIN Read BMNH, GNM, NHMW, ZMUC, ZMUH Ribaut MFS, MNHN, NHMW, SMF, ZMB Risso Rosicky Rothenbiihler MHNG, MZLS, ZMB, personal collection lost (Pedroli-Christen, 1993) Ryder USNM SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 15 Tablh 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Sager Say BMNH, ZIN Schiotz ZMUC Schubart BMNH, MLPA, MNHN, MNRJ, MZLU, MZSP, NHMW, ZMB, ZMUC, ZMUH, ZSMC Shear AMNH, AMS, BMNH, BPBM, CAS, HNHM, MCZ, MHNG, SMF, SOFM, TKPM, VMNH, WAMR ZMMU Shear & Mesibov AMS, QM, QVMAG, WAMP Shear & Peck USNM (fide William Shear [Hampden-Sydney College!) Shear & Tanabe NSMT TKPM, VMNH (fide Tsutomu Tanabe |TKPM|) Shear & Tsurusaki NSMT VMNH (fide Tsutomu Tanabe [TKPMD Shear, Tsurusaki, & Tanabe NSMT, VMNH Shelley BCPM, BMNH, CAS, FMNH, FSCA, MCZ, MHNG. NCSM, UCDC, USNM, UWBM, VMNH, WSU, ZMMU Shelley & Bauer UCDC, VMNH, WSU Shelley & Crawford NMNW, VMNH Shinohara NSMT Silvestri AMNH, BMNH, CUMZ, HNHM, ISNB, MCSN, MFS, MHNG, MRSN, MZUF, NHMW, NHRS, PMNH, SMF, USNM, ZMB, ZMUC, ZMUG, ZMUH Sinclair CUMZ, MFS Spelda ZMUH Strasser MCNV, MHNG, MNHN, MZUL, MZUMRE, NHMW, SMF. SOFM. ZMB. ZSMC Stoev SOFM Stuxberg GNM, NHRS Tabacaru NHMW Tabacaru & Negrea MZPW Takakuwa BMNH Takakuwa & Miyosi IMLA Takashima & Haga NSMT (tide Tsutomu Tanabe |TKPM]) Tanabe, Ishii, & Yin Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, China (fide Tsutomu Tanabe [TKPM]) Tanabe BMNH, NSMT, TKPM Tanabe & Shinohara TKPM Thaler BMNH Tomosvary HNHM, MFS Turk BMNH Vachon MNHN (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Van den Spiegel MRAC Van den Spiegel & Hoffman MRAC Velez PRRP 16 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 3. Continued Millipede Species Author Museum Housing Type Specimens Verhoeff AMS, BMNH, GNM, MFS, MHNG, MZLU, NHMW, NHRS, NMSA, SMF, SOFM, USNM, ZIN, ZMB, ZMMU, ZMUH, ZSMC Victor Lost (fide Jean-Paul Muries [MNHN]) Villers Lost (fide Jean-Paul Muries [MNHN]) Vicente MNHN and Barcelona (fide Jean-Paul Mauries [MNHN]) Vicente & Maudes MNHN Voges ZMUH Waga ZIN Wang, D. IZCAS Wang, Y. M. Wang, Y. M., & Tang, M. C. ZRC Williams & Hefner INHS, VMNH, ZSMC Wood ANSP, FSCA, NHMW, UCDC, USNM Zhang IZCAS Zhang & Li IZCAS SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 17 Table 4. Alphabetical List of Collection Abbreviations, with Country and Name of Collection Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Namez ABS USA, Florida, Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station ACNB Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton, Agriculture Canada Research Station AEIC USA, Florida, Gainesville, American Entomological Institute AGRL Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, Lethbridge Research Station AHBC USA, Utah, St. George, Dixie College AMGS T South Africa, Cape Province, Grahamstown, Albany Museum AMNH T USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History AMNZ New Zealand, Auckland, Auckland War Memorial Museum, formerly the Auckland In- stitute and Museum AMS T Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, Australian Museum ANIC Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra City, CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection ANSP T USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences APEI Canada, Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Agriculture Canada Research Station APHI USA, Maryland, Baltimore, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ARPA Private collection of Dr. Antonio Perez-Asso ASAY Armenia, Yerevan, Academy of Sciences of Armenia ASCU Australia, New South Wales, Orange, Orange Agricultural Institute, Agricultural Scientif- ic Collections Unit ASUT USA, Arizona, Tempe, Arizona State University, Frank M. Hasbrouck Insect Collection AUBL Lebanon, Beirut, American University of Beirut, Museum of Natural History AUEM USA, Alabama, Auburn, Auburn University BAMZ Bermuda, Hamilton, Bermuda Natural History Museum and Aquarium BCPM T Canada, British Columbia, Victoria, Royal British Columbia Museum (British Columbia Provincial Museum) BDWC Canada, Ontario, Windsor, University of Windsor BENHS United Kingdom, London, British Entomological and Natural History Society BFIC France, Brunoy, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle BFW Austria, Wien, Bundesamt und Forschungszentrum fur Wald BIDA USA, Idaho, Boise, Boise State University BMBN United Kingdom, Brighton, Booth Museum of Natural History BMGB Barbados, St. Ann's Garrison, Barbados Museum and Historical Society BMNH T United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum, formerly British Museum Nat- ural History BMSA South Africa, Bloemfontein, National Museum Bloemfontein BMSC USA, New York, Buffalo, Buffalo Museum of Science BMUK BNHS United Kingdom, Bolton, Bolton Museum India, Maharashtra, Bombay, Bombay Natural History Society Note: This list was based originally on the coden list given in Arnett et al. (1993). See http:// hbs.bisphopmuseum.org/codens/codens-inst.html for the complete and updated list of the Insect and Spider Col- lections in the World. Normal type: no millipede collection. Bold: Collections housing millipedes; T indicates collections housing type specimens. FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation I Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name BNM T Switzerland, Chur, Bundner Natur-Museum BPBM T USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum BYU USA, Utah, Provo, Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum CAES USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station CARE Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Caribbean Epidemiology Centre CARS Surinam, Paramaribo, University of Surinam, Center for Agricultural Research CAS T USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences CASM USA, Illinois, Chicago, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Peggy Notebaert Nature Muse- um, formerly Museum of Natural History CBFC Bolivia, La Paz, Coleccion Boliviana de Fauna CBMJ Japan, Chiba, Chiba Prefectural Museum cccz Malawi, Zomba, University of Malawi CENA Nicaragua, Managua, Centro Nacional de Proteccion Vegetal CENG Nicaragua, Nueva Guinea, Zelaya, Centro Experimental de Nueva Guinea CEST Trinidad and Tobago, Centeno, Central Experiment Station CFUA Chile, Valdivia, Universidad Austral de Chile CIBN Mexico, La Paz, Coleccion de Aracnologfa y Entomologfa del CIB (Centro de Investiga- ciones Biologicas), Centro de Investigaciones del Noroeste CIDA USA, Idaho, Caldwell, Albertson College, Museum of Natural History CISM USA, Michigan, Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook Institute of Science CLEV USA, Ohio, Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Natural History CLMP Australia, Western Australia, Como, Department of Conservation and Land Management CLNP USA, Oregon, Crater Lake, Crater Lake National Park CLSHU China, Baoding, Hebei, College of the Life Sciences, Hebei University CMBK United Kingdom, Bristol, The City Museum and Art Gallery CMNH USA, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Natural History CMNI Canada, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, General Invertebrate Collection CMNZ T New Zealand, Christchurch, Canterbury Museum CMSC USA, Tennessee, Nashville, Adventure Science Center, formerly the Cumberland Muse- um and Science Center CMUR United Kingdom, Reading, Cole Museum, Division of Zoology, School of Animal and Microbial Sciences, University of Reading CNC Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects CNHS United Kingdom, South Croydon, Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society CNMC USA, Colorado, Fruita, Colorado National Monument COLST USA, Georgia, Columbus, Columbus State University CRICYT Argentina, Mendoza, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientfficas y Tecnicas CSCA USA, California, Sacramento, California State Collection of Arthropods CSDS USA, California, Baker, Desert Studies Center CSLB USA, California, Long Beach, California State University at Long Beach csuc USA, Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado State University cucc USA, South Carolina, Clemson, Clemson University SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 19 Tablk 4. Continued Abbreviation 1 Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name CUIC USA. New York, Ithaca, Cornell University CUMZ T United Kingdom, Cambridge, University Museum DAFH Hong Kong, New Territories, Sheung Shui, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries DEBU Canada, Ontario, Guelph, University of Guelph DEI Germany, Eberswalde Finow, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut DENH USA. New Hampshire, Durham, University of New Hampshire DFEC USA, New York, Syracuse, State University of New York DFRU Canada, New Brunswick, Fredericton, University of New Brunswick DMNH USA, Ohio, Dayton, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, formerly Dayton Museum of Natural History DMSA South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, Durban Natural Science Museum DNHC USA. Colorado, Denver, Denver Museum of Natural History DORC United Kingdom, Dorchester, Dorset County Museum DVNM USA, California, Death Valley, Death Valley National Monument DZUP Brazil, Parana, Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Parana, Museu de Entomologia Pe. Je- sus Santiago Moure EAPZ Honduras. Tegucigalpa. Escuela Agricola Panamericana EBDS Spain, Sevilla, Estacion Biologica de Donana ECOL Belgium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Collection du Laboratoire d'EcoIogie EDNC USA. North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina Department of Agriculture EELM Peru, Lima, Estacion Experimental Agricola de la Molina EGNP USA, Florida, Homestead, Everglades National Park EIHU Japan, Hokkaido. Sapporo, Hokkaido University EIUC USA, Illinois, Charleston, Eastern Illinois University ELMF USA, Maine, Augusta, Maine Forest Service EMAU Germany, Greifswald, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald EMBT Thailand, Bangkok, Department of Agriculture EMEC T USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology ESEC Egypt, Cairo, Entomological Society of Egypt ESUG USA, Guam, Mangilao, University of Guam ESUW USA, Wyoming, Laramie, University of Wyoming ETHZ Switzerland, Zurich, Erdgenossische Technische Hochschule-Zentrum FAMU USA, Florida, Tallahassee, Florida A&M University FACS China, Fujian, Shaxian, Fujian Agricultural College FCDA USA, California, Fresno, Fresno County Department of Agriculture FCE Uruguay, Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias FCNI Australia, New South Wales, Beecroft, Forest Commission of N.S.W. FCTH Australia, Tasmania, Hobart, Forestry Commission of Tasmania FHKS USA, Kansas, Hays, Fort Hays State University FIDS Canada, Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie, Great Lakes Forest Research Laboratory, Forest In- sect and Disease Survey FMNH USA, Illinois, Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History 20 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name FNML Netherlands, Leeuwarden, Fries Natuurhistorisch Museum FRNZ New Zealand, Rotorua, Forest Research Institute FSAG Belgium, Gembloux, Zoologie Generale et Appliquee FSCA T USA, Florida, Gainesville, Division of Plant Industry, Florida State Collection of Arthro- pods FSMC USA, Florida, Gainesville, University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History, Allyn Museum GCNP USA, Arizona, Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park GLNP USA, Montana, West Glacier, Glacier National Park GNM T Sweden, Goteborg, Naturhistoriska Museet GRSW Namibia, Gobabeb, Desert Ecological Research Unit GSMNP USA, Tennessee, Gatlinburg, Great Smoky Mountains National Park HCCA USA, Nebraska, Hastings, Hastings College HDOA USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii Department of Agriculture HLMD Germany, Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt HMNS USA, Texas, Houston, Houston Museum of Natural Science HMUG United Kingdom, Glasgow, Glasgow University, Hunterian Museum HNHM T Hungary. Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum HNSA Austria, Salzburg, Haus der Natur HZMZ Croatia, Zagreb, Hrvatski Narodni Zooloski Muzej IBSV T Russia, Vladivstok, Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ICBU Canada, Quebec, Lennoxville, Bishop's University, Natural History Museum ICIS USA, Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho State University, Idaho Museum of Natural History ICNUN Colombia, Bogata, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia IDEA Chile, Arica, Universidad de Tarapaca, Instituto de Agronomia IEGG Italy, Bologna, Universita di Bologna — Alma Mater Studiorum, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali — DiSTA — Entomologia, Viale G. Fanin, formerly Univ- ersita di Bologna, Instituto de Entomologia "Guido Grandi" IEVB Belgium, Liege, Universite de Liege, Institut de Zoologie (Institut Ed. Van Beneden) IEXA Mexico, Veracruz, Xalapa, Instituto de Ecologfa Coleccion Entomologica, acronym new- ly established IICT Portugal, Lisboa, Centro de Zoologia do I.I.C.T IJSM Jamaica, Kingston, Institute of Jamaica, Natural History Museum IMLA T Argentina, Tucuman, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Fundacion e Instituto Miguel Lillo INBC T Costa Rica, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio) INBP T Paraguay, Asuncion, Inventario Biologico Nacional (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Paraguay) INHS T USA, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey INLA Chile, La Cruz, INIA Subestacion Experimental Control Biologico La Cruz INPA T Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Colecao Siste- matica de Entomologia SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 21 Table 4. Continued Abbreviation 1 Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name IPEE Russia, Moscow. A. N. Severtzov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Rus- sian Academy of the Sciences; formerly the Institute for Evolution, Morphology, and Ecology of Animals (IEME) IPSM United Kingdom, Ipswich, Ipswich Museum IRCW USA. Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wisconsin ISMC USA, Indiana, Indianapolis, Indiana Department of Natural Resources ISNB T Belgium, Brussels. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique ISUC USA, Illinois, Normal, Illinois State University ISUI USA, Iowa, Ames, Iowa State University ITLJ Japan, Ibaraki, Tsukuba, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences ITMM Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey IUIC USA. Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana University IZAC Cuba. Habana ( = Havana), Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Instituto de Zoologfa IZCAS T China, Beijing, Academia Sinica, Institute of Zoology IZNASB Belarus, Minsk, Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences Belarus IZUI Austria, Innsbruck, Institut ftir Zoologie der Universitat Innsbruck JATH Hungary, Szeged, University of Szeged JBWM Canada. Manitoba, Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, J. B. Wallis Museum of Entomol- ogy JPMP Hungary, Pecas. Janus Pannonius Museum JTNM USA. California, Twentynine Palms, Joshua Tree National Monument KIPC Personal collection of Kiyoshi Ishii KPMC Michigan, Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo Public Museum KSBS USA, Kansas, Lawrence, University of Kansas, State Biological Survey of Kansas KSUC USA, Kansas, Manhattan, Kansas State University KUEC Japan. Fukuoka, Kyushu University LACM USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History LBIT France, Toulouse, Laboratoire de Biologie des Insectes LEMQ Canada, Quebec, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, McGill University. Lyman Entomological Mu- seum LPSP USA, Delaware, Kirkwood, Lumus Pond State Park, Whale Wallow Nature Center LSAM USA, Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, Louisiana State Arthropod Museum LSUK United Kingdom, London, Linnean Society LUNZ New Zealand, Lincoln, Lincoln University MACN Argentina, Buenos Aires, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales MAGD Australia, Northern Territory, Darwin, Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences MAMU Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, University of Sydney, Macleay Museum MANF T France, Nancy, Museum Aquarium of Nancy MB Portugal, Lisbon, Museu Bocage, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Universidade de Lisboa MBCG T Italy, Bergamo, Museo di Scienze Naturali "Enrico CaffV' 22 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation MCNV MCNZ Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name Italy, Venice, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo- Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul MCPM MCSC USA, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee City Public Museum USA, Colorado, Colorado Springs, May Natural History Museum MCSN T Italy, Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" MCSNVR T? Italy, Verona, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale MCZ T USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology MEMU USA, Mississippi, Mississippi, Mississippi State University MFS T Italy, Portici (Naples), Museo Fillippo Silvestri e Collezioni dell'Istituto di Entomologia Agraria, Istituto di Entomologia Agraria, Universita di Napoli Federico II MGDL Luxembourg, Musee d'Histoire Naturelle du Grand-Duchy de Luxembourg MHNC Switzerland, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musee d'Histoire Naturelle MHNG T Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle MHNL France, Lyon, Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon MHNN Switzerland, Neuchatel, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle MHNV Chile, Valparaiso, Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso MIUP Panama, Universidad de Panama, Museo Invertebrados Graham B. Fairchild MLPA T Argentina, La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Museo de la Plata MLUH Germany, Halle (Saale), Martin-Luther-Universitat, Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie MMBC Czech Republic, Brno, Moravske Muzeum (Moravian Museum) MMMN Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature MMUE United Kingdom, Manchester, The University, Manchester Museum MNCR Costa Rica, San Jose, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica MNFD Germany, Freiburg/Breisgau, Museum fiir Naturkunde MNGC Guatemala, Guatemala City, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural MNHC T Cuba, Habana (= Havana), Museo Nacional de Historia Natural MNHN T France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle MNHP USA, New Jersey, Princeton, Princeton University MNMS T Spain, Madrid, Museo National de Ciencias Naturales MNNC Chile, Santiago, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural MNRJ T Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Cristovao, Universidade do Rio Janeiro, Museu Nacional MNSL Germany, Leipzig, Naturkundemuseum MONZ T New Zealand, Wellington, Museum of New Zealand MPEG T Brazil, Para, Belem, Museu Paraense Emflio Goeldi MRAC T Belgium, Tervuren, Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale MRSN T Italy, Torino, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali MSNM T Italy, Milano, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale MSSC USA, Texas, Wichita Falls, Midwestern State University MSUC USA, Michigan, East Lansing, Michigan State University MTEC USA, Montana, Bozeman, Montana State University SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 23 Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name MUCR Costa Rica. Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad de Costa Rica, Museo de Insectos MUDH Netherlands, The Hague, Museon MUNC Canada, Newfoundland. St. John's, Memorial University of Newfoundland MUNZ New Zealand, Palmerston North, Massey University MUSM T Peru, Lima, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Museo de Historia Natural MVEN Netherlands, Enschede, Natuurhistorisch Museum MVHN Spain, Valencia, Museu Valencia d' Historia Natural MVMA Australia, Victoria, Abbotsford, Museum of Victoria MWNH Germany, Wiesbaden, Museum Wiesbaden, Department of Natural Science MZCR Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad de Costa Rica, Museo de Zoologia MZHF T Finland, Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Zoological Museum MZLS 9 Switzerland, Lausanne, Musee Zoologique MZLU T Sweden, Lund, Lund University MZNA Spain, Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, Museum of Zoology MZPW T Poland, Warszawa (= Warsaw), Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology MZSP T Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo MZUF T Italy, Firenze, Museo Zoologico "La Specola" MZUL T Italy, Rome, Museo di Zoologia dell'Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" MZUMRE Italy, Modena, Museo di Zoologia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia NARI Guyana, Demerara, National Agricultural Research Institute NBMB Canada, New Brunswick, St. John, New Brunswick Museum NCHU Taiwan (Republic of China), Taichung, National Chung Hsing University NCMK United Kingdom, Norwich, Norwich Castle Museum NCSM T USA, North Carolina, Raleigh. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences NCSU USA, North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina State University Insect Collection NDFC Canada, Newfoundland, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Department of Forestry NDSU USA, North Dakota, Fargo, North Dakota State University NFRC Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, Northern Forest Research Centre NHMA Denmark, E. Jutland, Arhus, Natural History Museum NHME Netherlands, Maastricht, Natuurhistorisch Museum NHMK Austria, Klagenfurt, Landesmuseum fur Karnten NHMM Germany, Mainz, Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz NHMN United Kingdom, Nottingham, Nottingham Natural History Museum (Wollaton Hall) NHMR Netherlands, Rotterdam, Natuurhistorisch Museum NHMW T Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien NHRI Iceland, Reykjavik, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, formerly the Icelandic Muse- um of Natural History NHRS NJSM Sweden, Stockholm, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet USA, New Jersey, Trenton, New Jersey State Museum NKUM China, Tianjin, Tianjin, Nankai University 24 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name NMBA T Switzerland, Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum NMBS Switzerland, Bern, Naturhistorisches Museum NMBZ T Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe NMCL Germany, Coburg, Naturkunde-Museum NMKE Kenya, Nairobi, National Museum of Kenya NMLS Switzerland, Luzern, Natur-Museum Luzern NMNS Taiwan (Republic of China), Taichung, National Museum of Natural Science NMNW T Namibia, Windhoek, National Museum of Namibia NMPC Czech Republic, Praha (= Prague), National Museum (Natural History) NMSA T South Africa, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Natal Museum NMWC United Kingdom, Cardiff, National Museum of Wales NNKN Netherlands, Tilburg, Noordbrabants Natuurmuseum NRNZ New Zealand, Whangarei, Northland Regional Museum NSMT T Japan, Tokyo, National Science Museum (Natural History) NTPC Personal collection of Nobuo Tsurusaki NYSM USA, New York, Albany, New York State Museum NZAC T New Zealand, Auckland, Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZCS Suriname, Paramaribo, University, National Zoological Collection of Suriname ODAC USA, Oregon, Salem, Oregon Department of Agriculture OHBR Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Ontario Hydro OHSC USA, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio Historical Society OLML Austria, Linz, Oberosterreichisches Landesmuseum OMNO USA, Oklahoma, Norman, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Museum of Natural His- tory OMNZ New Zealand, Dunedin, Otago Museum ONNC New Caledonia, Noumea, Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d'Outre-Mer OSAC USA, Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon State Arthropod Collection, Oregon State University OSAL USA, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio State University Acarology Laboratory OSEC USA, Oklahoma, Stillwater, Oklahoma State University, K. C. Emerson Museum osu USA, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio State University OUMNH ? United Kingdom, Oxford, University Museum, Hope Entomological Collections PADA USA, Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture PANZ New Zealand, Auckland, National Plant Pest Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Forestry (collection contains the Plant Protection Center Collection [PPCC]) PCNZ New Zealand, Lincoln, National Plant Pest Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Forestry, formerly Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Lincoln Plant Health Station PFRA Canada, Saskatchewan, Indian Head, Tree Nursery PINN USA, California, Paicines, Pinnacles National Monument PMAE Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, Provincial Museum of Alberta PMAG United Kingdom, Perth, Perth Museum and Art Gallery SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 25 Table 4. Continued Abbreviation 1 Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name PMAU United Kingdom. Priestgate, Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery PMNH T USA. Connecticut. New Haven, Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History PMSL Slovenia. Ljubljana. Slovene Museum of Natural History PNPC USA. Oklahoma, Sulphur, Chickasaw National Recreational Area, formerly Piatt Nation- al Park PPCC New Zealand, Auckland, Lynfield Agricultural, Plant Protection Centre Collection, see PANZ PPCD USA. West Virginia, Charleston. West Virginia Department of Agriculture PPRI South Africa. Gauteng, Pretoria, Plant Protection Research Institute PRRP T USA. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, University of Puerto Rico PSUC USA, Pennsylvania, University Park, Pennsylvania State University, Frost Entomological Museum PURC USA, Indiana, West Lafayette. Purdue University QM T Australia, Queensland, South Brisbane, Queensland Museum QMOR Canada. Quebec, Montreal, University of Montreal, Collection Entomologique Ouellet- Robert QVMAG T Australia. Tasmania, Launceston, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery RMNH T Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum ("Naturalis"); formerly Rijks- museum van Natuurlijke Historie RMSC USA. Colorado, Fort Collins, Rocky Mountain Research station, formerly the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station ROME Canada. Ontario, Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum RSME United Kingdom. Edinburgh. National Museums of Scotland SACC USA, Iowa, Davenport, St. Ambrose College SAM Australia, South Australia, Adelaide, South Australian Museum SAMC T South Africa, Cape Town, South African Museum SANC South Africa, Pretoria, South African National Collection of Insects SBMN USA, California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History SCSC USA, Minnesota, St. Cloud, Saint Cloud State University SDMC USA, California, San Diego, San Diego Natural History Museum SDSU USA, South Dakota, Brookings. South Dakota State University. Severin-McDaniel Insect Collection SEAN Nicaragua, Leon, Servicio Entomologico Autonomo, Museo Entomologico SEMC ? USA. Kansas. Lawrence, University of Kansas, Snow Entomological Museum SFAC USA, Texas, Nacogdoches, Stephen F. Austin State University SFVS USA. California. Northridge, San Fernando Valley State University SIIS USA, New York, Staten Island. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences SIZK Ukraine, Kiev, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology SJAC USA, California, Stockton, San Joaquin County Agriculture Commissioner SJSC USA, California. San Jose, San Jose State University, J. Gordon Edwards Museum of Entomology SLJG Austria. Graz, Steiermarkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum 26 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name SLSC USA, Missouri, St. Louis, St. Louis Science Center SMDV Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver, University of British Columbia, Spencer Museum SMF T Germany, Frankfurt-am-Main, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg SMJM Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Museum smm; Germany, Gorlitz, Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde SMNH Canada, Saskatchewan, Regina, Royal Saskatchewan Museum SMNK Germany, Karlruhe, Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde Karlsruhe SMNS Germany, Stuttgart, Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde SMOC Czech Republic, Opava, Slezske Muzeum Opava SMPM USA, Minnesota, St. Paul, Science Museum of Minnesota SMSM Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak Museum SMTD Germany, Dresden, Staatliches Museum fiir Tierkunde SMVM Seychelles, Mahe, Union Vale, National Archives and Museum SNMB Germany, Braunschweig, Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum SNMC Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovenske Narodne Muzeum SOFM T Bulgaria, Sofia, National Museum of Natural History SSMS Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname State Museum STRI Panama, Balboa (via USA, Florida, Miami), Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute SUEL Hungary, Zirc, Natural History Museum of Bakony Mountains SWRS USA, Arizona, Portal, Southwestern Research Station SZMN Russia, Novosibirsk, Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Zoological Museum TAMU USA, Texas, College Station, Texas A&M University TARI Taiwan (Republic of China), Taichung, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute TAU T Israel, Tel Aviv, Zoological Museum, Tel Aviv University TIHU Israel, Jerusalem, Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection, Department of Evolution, Systemat- ics and Ecology, Hebrew University TKPM T Japan, Tokushima, Tokushima Prefectural Museum TLMF Austria, Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum TMMC T USA, Texas, Austin, Texas Memorial Museum TMSA T South Africa, Gauteng, Pretoria, Transvaal Museum TTCC USA, Texas, Lubbock, Texas Tech University UABD USA, Alabama, Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama UABS Spain, Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona), Unidad de Zoologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal I Ecologia, Facultat di Ciencies, Universitat Autdnoma de Barcelona UADE USA, Arkansas, Fayetteville, University of Arkansas UASM Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, University of Alberta, E. H. Strickland Entomological Mu- seum UCCC Chile, Concepcion, Universidad de Concepcion, Museo de Zoologia UCDC USA, California, Davis, University of California, R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology UCFC USA, Florida, Orlando, University of Central Florida SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name UCMC USA, Colorado. Boulder. University of Colorado Museum UCMS USA. Connecticut. Storrs, University of Connecticut UCR USA. California. Riverside. University of California ucvc Chile, Valparaiso, Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso UDCC USA, Delaware. Newark. University of Delaware UFMI T Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Bio- ciencias UGCA USA, Georgia. Athens. University of Georgia UGZM UHM UVGC UWBM Mexico. Jalisco. Zapopan, Universidad de Guadalajara. Centro de Estudios en Zoologia USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, University of Hawaii, Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture. Department of Entomology ULKY USA, Kentucky. Louisville. University of Louisville UMB T Germany. Bremen. Ubersee-Museum Bremen UMDC USA. Maryland. College Park. University of Maryland UMDE USA, Maine, Orono, University of Maine UMEC USA, Massachusetts. Amherst. University of Massachusetts UMIC USA, Mississippi, University. University of Mississippi UMMZ USA. Michigan. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology UMRM USA. Missouri. Columbia. University of Missouri, W. R. Enns Entomology Museum UMSP USA. Minnesota. St. Paul. University of Minnesota UNAC Nicaragua. Managua. Universidad Nacional Agraria UNAD Peru, Lima. Universidad Nacional Agraria UNAM T Mexico. Mexico D.E, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico UNAN Nicaragua, Leon, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua UNIPD T Italy, Padova, University of Padova UNMC USA. New Mexico. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico UNSM USA, Nebraska. Lincoln. University of Nebraska State Museum UOIC USA. Oregon, Eugene, University of Oregon UOPJ Japan. Osaka. Sakai. Osaka Prefecture University UPRG Peru. Lambayeque. Universidad Nacional "Pedro Ruiz Gallo" UQIC Australia, Queensland. St. Lucia, University of Queensland URIC USA. Rhode Island. Kingston. University of Rhode Island URMU Uruguay. Montevideo. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural USNM T USA. Washington D.C.. National Museum of Natural History, formerly United States National Museum UVCC USA, Vermont. Burlington. University of Vermont Guatemala. Guatemala City. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. Collecion de Artropo- dos USA, Washington, Seattle, University of Washington. Burke Museum UWCP Poland, Wroclaw. University of Wroclaw 28 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 4. Continued Abbreviation T Name of Collection, Preceded by Country Name UWIC Trinadad and Tobago, St. Augustine, University of the West Indies uwoc Canada, Ontario, London, University of Western Ontario UZIU T Sweden, Uppsala, Uppsala University VDAM Australia, Victoria, Burnley, Victoria Department of Food and Agriculture, Institute of Plant Science VMNH T USA, Virginia, Martinsville, Virginia Museum of Natural History VNGA Austria, Dornbirn, Vorarlberger Naturschau VPIC USA, Virginia, Blacksburg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VUA Netherlands, Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit VUWE New Zealand, Wellington, Victoria University WAMP T Australia, Western Australia, Perth, Western Australian Museum WFBM USA, Idaho, Moscow, University of Idaho, W F. Barr Entomological Collection WINC Australia, South Australia, Glen Osmond, Adelaide University, Waite Campus, Waite In- sect and Nematode Collection WIUC USA, Illinois, Macomb, Western Illinois University wsu T USA, Washington, Pullman, Washington State University, Maurice T James Entomologi- cal Collection wvuc USA, West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia University WWSP USA, North Carolina, Southern Pines, Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve ZFMK Germany, Bonn, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum "Alexander Koenig" ZIN T Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute ZLMU Japan, Nagoya, Meijo University ZMAN T Netherlands, Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum ZMB T Germany, Berlin, Museum fiir Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat ZMKG Germany, Kiel, Zoologisches Museum Kiel ZMKU Ukraine, Kiev, Zoological Museum ZMMU T Russia, Moscow, Zoological Museum, University of Moscow ZMUA Greece, Athens, University of Athens, Zoological Museum ZMUB Norway, Bergen, University of Bergen, Zoological Museum ZMUC T Denmark, K0benhavn (=Copenhagen), The Natural History Museum of Denmark ZMUG Germany, Gottingen, Zoologisches Museum der Universitat Gottingen ZMUH T Germany, Hamburg, Universitat Hamburg, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Muse- um ZMUN Norway, Oslo, University of Oslo, Zoological Museum ZMUZ Switzerland, Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich, Zurich ZRC T Singapore, National University of Singapore, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Zoological Reference Collection ZSI India, Uttaranchal, Zoological Survey of India, North Regional Station ZSMC T Germany, MUnchen (= Munich), Zoologische Staatssammlung SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 29 COLLECTION SURVEY List of millipede collections, arranged alphabetically by country ALGERIA No contact was established with Musee de Beni Abbes (Centre Nacional de recherche sur les zones arides, Beni Abbes, W. Bechar). ANGOLA No contact was established with Museu do Dundo (Rua de Nossa Senhora de Muxima, Luanda). ARGENTINA No contact was established with Coleccion Ento- mologica, Catedra de Zoologia Agrfcola, Univer- sidad Nacional de Cuyo (Alte Brown 500, C.P. 5505, Chacras de Coria-Lujan de Cuyo, Mendo- za); Instituto de Investigaciones Entomologicas Salta "INESALT" (9 Julio 14, Rosario de Lerma, Salta 4405); and Instituto Patagonico de Ciencias Naturales de San Martin de los Andes (Casilla de Correo no. 7, 8370 San Martin de Los Andes, Neuquen). rm CRICYT (Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas), Av. Ruiz Leal s/n Parque, General San Martin, Mendoza, Argentina, CP 5500 (CRICYT) Curatorial Staff: Sergio Roig-Jufient E-mail: saroig@lab.cricyt.edu.ar Very small millipede collection. 777 Division de Entomologia, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Av. Angel, Gallardo 470 (C.C. 220, sue. 5), Buenos Aires J 405 DJR (MACN) Curatorial Staff: Christina Luisa Scioscia Phone: 54-11-9825243 Fax: 54-11-9824494 E-mail: scioscia@mvanbegov.ar Types: none. Collection: unspecified number of lots, not identified to order. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings mainly from the Neotropics. Associated collections: none. Museo de La Plata, Divison Invertebrados, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata (MLPA) Curatorial Staff: Louis Alberto Pereira Phone: 54-221-4257744 Fax: 54-221-4257527 E-mail: myriapo@ infovia.com. ar, lpereira@ museo. fcnym.unlp.edu.ar Types: 10 lots (Schubart). Types are separated from collection, and a type catalog is available from the curator. Collection: 95 lots (est.): 50 in backlog. Collection labels are handwritten. Col- lection is cataloged in catalog books and comput- erized (taxon-based relational database). Holdings mainly from the Neotropics. Associated collec- tions: none. Collection growth: 10 lots per year. Coleccion de Invertebrados, Fundacion Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, San Miguel de Tucumdn, 4000 Tucumdn (IMLA) Curatorial Staff: Luis Emilio Grosso Phone: 54-381-4230056 Fax: 54-381-4330868 E-mail: fmlzoo@tucbbs.com.ar Types: five lots (Kraus; Takakuwa & Miyosi). Types are separated from the formed collection; no type catalog is available. Collection: 485 lots (count): 250 lots identified to family; 235 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged by collection num- ber. The formed collection is cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings mainly from the Neotropics. Associated collections: none. ARMENIA, REPUBLIC OF National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Insti- tute of Zoology, Marshall Baghramian Avenue 24, 375019 Yerevan (AS AY) Curatorial Staff: M. Kalashian E-mail: mkalashian@yahoo.com No millipede collection. AUSTRALIA Biological collection institutions are arranged by Australian provinces. The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Forest Com- 30 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY mission of N.S.W. (P.O. Box 100, Beecroft, New South Wales 2119 [FCNI]; curatorial staff: Dr. Deborah Kent), Queensland Department of Pri- mary Industries (Division of Plant Protection, Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Queensland 4068; curatorial staff: J. F. Donaldson), Tasmanian For- est Insect Collection (Forestry Commission, 79 Melville Street, GPO Box 207 B, Hobart, Tas- mania 7001 [FCTH]; curatorial staff: Mr. R. Bash- ford; all specimens sent to R. Mesibov at [QVMAG]), and Department of Zoology (Uni- versity of Western Australia, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia 6009 [US AC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Barbara York Main; millipede specimens passed on to Western Australian Museum). Australian Capital Territory CSIRO, Division of Entomology, P.O. Box 1 700, Canberra, ACT 2601 (ANIC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. R. B. Halliday Phone: 61-2-62464085 Fax: 61-2-62464000 E-mail: bruceh@ento.csiro.au Types: none. Collection: 1,000 lots (est.): 100 identified at least to family level; 900 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by family. Formed collec- tion is not cataloged. All material from Australia. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. New South Wales Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000 (AMS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Michael Gray; Collection Manager: Graham Milledge Phone: 61-2-93206201 Fax: 61-2-93206050 E-mail: grahamm@austmus.gov.au Types: 82 lots (Brolemann; Johns; Shear; Shear & Mesibov; Verhoeff). Types are separated from the formed collection. Type catalog is available at http://www. amonline. net.au/spiders/collections/ types/index.cfm. Collection: 1,250 lots (count): 265 lots identified to family; 985 lots partly iden- tified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with ei- ther a laser or a dot-matrix printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. The formed collection is partly cataloged and computerized (taxon-based relational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Ex- tensive holdings from Australia and some hold- ings from the Neotropics, Europe, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Associated collections: historical reprint and actively growing bulk sam- ple collections. Estimated collection growth: 30 lots per year. Note: The museum also houses Si- lurian and Devonian fossil millipede specimens. Macleay Insect Collection, Macleay Museum, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006 (MAMU)' Curatorial Staff: Margaret Humphrey Phone: 61-2-93512274 Fax: 61-2-93515646 E-mail: humphreym@agric.usyd.edu.au It is not known whether any types are present. Collection: 50 lots (est.): none identified and many unlabeled. Historical collection dating from mid- 1700s. Specimens are pinned and stored in drawers; labels (if present) are handwritten. Col- lection is not cataloged. Material includes speci- mens from western North America, Central Amer- ica, the Palearctic, India, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and Australia. Associated collections: none; collection growth: none. NSW Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit, NSW Agriculture, Forest Road, Orange, New South Wales 2800 (ASCU) Curatorial Staff: Murray J. Fletcher Phone: 61-2-63913943 Fax: 61-2-63913899 E-mail: murray.fletcher@agric.nsw.gov.au Types: none. Collection consists of 34 lots, partly identified to order, mostly unsorted. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Estimat- ed collection growth: one lot per year. The milli- pedes in this collection are those that have been submitted for identification, usually as nuisances in houses. Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Terri- tory, P.O. Box 4646, Darwin, Northern Territory 0801 (MAGD) Curatorial Staff: Gavin Dally Phone: 61-8-89998201 SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 31 Types: none. Collection: 40 lots (count): five iden- tified at least to family level. Collection is housed in six jars; 35 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten and laser printed (laser-printed labels were baked prior to immersion in ethanol). Col- lection is not cataloged. All specimens from Aus- tralia (Northern Territory). Associated collections: none. Collection growth: none. Queensland rm Insect collection, Department of Entomology, University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Queens- land 4067 (UQIC) Curatorial Staff: Greg Daniels Phone: 61-7-33657084 Fax: 61-7-33651922 E-mail: g.daniels@ento.uq.edu.au Types: none. Collection: 200 lots (est.). Collection is arranged in numbered jars. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is cataloged on file cards. Holdings mainly from Australia; some specimens from the Pacific Islands. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Estimated col- lection growth: two to five lots per year. ibt Queensland Museum, Grey Street, P. O. Box 3300, South Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland 4101 (QM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Robert J. Raven Phone: 61-7-38407698 Fax: 61-7-38461226 E-mail: RobertR@qm.qld.gov.au Types: seven lots (Maudes; Shear & Mesibov). Types are separated from the formed collection. A type catalog is available from the curator. Col- lection: 2,000 lots (est.): 500 lots identified to family; 300 lots identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70%-80% ethanol; col- lection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten (printer labels are baked for 5 min- utes). Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. The formed collection is partly cataloged and computerized (lot- or specimen-based rela- tional database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Extensive holdings from Australia and the Pacific Islands; some specimens from South- east Asia and New Zealand. Associated collec- tions: historical reprint collection and actively growing bulk sample collections. Estimated col- lection growth: 300 lots per year. Note: The mu- seum also houses Jurassic fossil millipede speci- mens. South Australia South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Ade- laide 5000, South Australia (SAM) Curatorial Staff: Mrs. Jan A. Forrest Phone: 61-8-8207750 Fax: 61-8-82077222 E-mail: forrest.jan@saugov.sa.gov.au Types: none. Collection: 275 to 300 lots (est.): 240 (est.) identified at least to family; 50 lots in backlog (est.), identified to order. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; labels are handwritten and laser printed (laser labels heated to fuse ink into paper). Formed collection is organized by system- atic arrangement. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings mainly from Australia; some specimens from Asia and the Pacific Islands. Associated col- lections: a small historical reprint collection. Es- timated collection growth: 20 to 30 lots per year. Waite Insect and Nematode Collection, Waite Campus, University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064 (WINC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John Jennings Phone: 61-8-83037277 Fax: 61-8-83794095 E-mail: john.jennings@adelaide.edu.au Types: none. Collection: 66 lots (count): about 50 identified to family; backlog partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is arranged sys- tematically. The formed collection is not cata- loged. Holdings mainly from Australia. Associ- ated collections: historical microscope slide and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Tasmania Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Wel- lington Street, Launceston, Tasmania 7250 (QVMAG) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Robert Mesibov Phone: 61-3-63233777 Fax: 61-3-63233776 E-mail: mesibov@southcom.com.au Types: 22 lots (Shear & Mesibov). Types are sep- 32 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY arated from the collection, and a type catalog is available through R. Mesibov. Collection: 6,200 lots (est.): 5,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 1,000 lots identified to order; 200 lots (est.) in bulk backlog. Specimens are stored in 80% etha- nol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is electronically cataloged (about two-thirds com- plete) in lot-based database, each lot identified by unique QVMAG numbers. Extensive general holdings from Tasmania. R. Mesibov maintains a database of all Tasmanian millipede specimens in collections. Estimated collection growth: several hundred lots per year. Victoria Victorian Agricultural Insect Collection, Agricul- ture Victoria PMB 15, Southeastern Mail Centre, Victoria 3176 (VDAM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. M. Malipatil Phone: 61-3-92109222 Fax: 61-3-98003521 E-mail: mallik.malipatil@nre.vic.gov.au Types: none. Collection: 100 lots (est.). Speci- mens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. All specimens from Australia (Victoria). Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Annual collection growth: unspecified. Department of Entomology, Museum of Victoria, 71 Victoria Crescent, Abbotsford, VICT 3067 (MVMA) Curatorial Staff: K. L. Walker/Peter Lillywhite E-mail: plwhite@museum.vic.gov.au, kwalker@museum.vic.gov.au Types: none. Collection: 550 vials: 510 vials iden- tified to family; 40 vials in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. The collection is arranged system- atically. The formed collection is not cataloged. Western Australia CALM Science Division, Department of Conser- vation and Land Management, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983 (CLMP) Curatorial Staff: T E. Burbidge Fax: 61-8-93340327 Types: none. Collection: 40 lots (est.): none iden- tified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. All specimens from southwestern Aus- tralia. Estimated collection growth: currently more than 100 lots per year from active pitfall sampling program. Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000 (WAMP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Mark S. Harvey Phone: 61-8-94272737 Fax: 61-8-94272882 E-mail: mark.harvey@museum.wa.gov.au Types: 17 lots (Attems; Hoffman; Shear; Shear & Mesibov). Types are separated from the collec- tion, and a type catalog is available at http:// www.museum.wa.gov.au/collections/terrJnvert/ typesin3.html. Collection: 1,000 lots (est.): about 500 identified at least to family; 500 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written and laser printed. Collection is arranged by order and within order by family. Collection is computerized (lot- or specimen-based relational database). Holdings mainly from Australia; some material from Southeast Asia. Associated collec- tions: none. Estimated collection growth: 75 lots per year. AUSTRIA The following institutions do not house millipede collections (confirmed by Dr. V Stagl [NHMW]): Voralberger Naturschau (Markestrasse 33, A-6850 Dornbirn [VNGA]; curatorial staff: Herbert Wal- degger), Steiermarkisches Landesmuseum (Joan- neum, Abt. fur Zoologie, Raubergasse 10, A-8045 Graz [SLJG]; curatorial staff: Juliana Madler), Ti- roler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum (Museum- strasse 15, A-6020 Innsbruck [TLMF]; curatorial staff: Dr. Peter Huemer), Haus der Natur (Mu- seumsplatz 5, A-5020 Salzburg [HNS A]; curato- rial staff: Dr. Stiiber), and Sammlung des Bun- desamtes und Forschungszentrums fiir Wald (Seckendorff, Gudentweg 8, A-1131 Wien [BFW]; curatorial staff: Hannes Krehan). Institutfiir Zoologie, Universitdt Innsbruck, Tech- nikerstrasse 25, A-6020 Innsbruck (IZUI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Konrad Thaler Fax: 43-512-5072930 E-mail: Konrad.Thaler@uibk.ac.at SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 33 Types: none. Collection: 200 lots (est.): all iden- tified to family. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Holdings from Europe. Collection contains voucher material de- posited by Verhoeff, distributed by him at irreg- ular intervals from his fieldwork (diploma thesis). 7OT Landesmuseum fur Kdrnten, Zool. Abteilung, Mu- seumstrasse 2, A-9020 Klagenfurt (NHMK) Curatorial Staff: Paul Mildner E-mail: paul. mildner @schatzsuche. at Types: none. Collection: 100 vials (est.). Speci- mens are stored in ethanol. Holdings from the Pa- learctic. Biologiezentrum des OO. Landesmuseums, J.-W.- Klein-Str. 73, A-4040 Linz (OLML) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Erna Aescht Phone: 43-732-75973353 Fax: 43-732-75973399 E-mail: e. aescht @landesmuseum-linz.ac. at Types: none. Collection: 130 lots: backlog partly identified to order. Most specimens are stored in ethanol; 20 specimens are dried. Collection labels are handwritten. The collection is not cataloged. Holdings from Europe (Mediterranean) and north- ern Africa. Associated collections: historical re- print and bulk sample collections. J77r Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Burgring 7, A-1040 Wien (NHMW) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Verena Stagl Phone: 43-1-52177323 Fax: 43-1-52177327 E-mail: verena. stagl @nhm-wien.ac. at Types: about 1,800 lots (Attems; Brolemann; Carl; Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffman; Humbert & DeSaussure; Johns; Karsch; L. Koch; Kraus; Latz- el; Mauries; Mikhaljova; Porat; Read; Ribaut; Schubart; Silvestri; Strasser; Tabacaru; Verhoeff; Wood). Types are not separated from the collec- tion. Published type catalog for some groups is available (Wirkner et al., 2002). Collection: 15,000 lots (est.): all identified to family; no back- log. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collec- tion labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged systematically, with species ordered alphabetical- ly within genus. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and accession records and is computerized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collec- tions: actively growing reprint collection (cata- loged) and historical microscope slide collection (cataloged) and bulk sample collections. Major holdings from Europe, the Mediterranean/north- ern Africa, and southern Africa; some material from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotrop- ics, Asia, Oriental regions, western and eastern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Extensive voucher material deposited by Attems; see Stagl (2003) for a description of the myriapod collections of the Naturhistorisches Mu- seum. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. Note: The Geologisch-Palaontologische Ab- teilung of the museum houses a significant col- lection of fossil millipedes. AZERBAIJAN No contact was established with Institute of Zo- ology, Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Kvar- tal 504, Proezd 1 128 Baku, GSP 370073). BANGLADESH No contact was established with Zoology Muse- um (University of Dhaka, Dhaka-2). BARBADOS No contact was established with Caribbean Agri- cultural Research Institute (IPC Project Collec- tion, Sugar Technology Research Unit, Edge-Hill, St. Thomas). Barbados Museum and Historical Society, St. Ann's Garrison (BMGB) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Devenish No millipede collection. BELARUS Institute of Zoology of NAS, Akademicheskaya, 27, Minsk 220072 (IZNASB) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Svetlana Maksimova Phone: 375-172-842192 Fax: 375-172-841036 E-mail: soilzool@biobel.bas-net.by Types: none. Collection: 750 lots: 250 identified to family, 110 in backlog; backlog identified to order. Labels are typed and handwritten. Collec- 34 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY tion is arranged systematically. Collection is cat- aloged in catalog books and accession records. In- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. Hold- ings mainly from Europe. Associated collections: historical photographs, prints, and slides. Curator maintains both male and female examples of all species of millipedes that occur in Belarus. BELGIUM No contact was established with Royal Belgian Society for Geological and Archeological Studies (Laboratoire de Biologie Souterraine de Ramioul, rue de la Grotte 128, B-4400 Flemalle; curatorial staff: Mr. Jean-Marie Hubart). According to the Web site "Biodiversity Resources in Belgium" (http://www.br.fgov.be/BIODIV/), the Laboratoire houses a collection of cave animals, including millipedes from Belgium (Dethier, 1998). The fol- lowing institutions do not house millipede collec- tions (confirmed by Dr. D. Van den Spiegel [MRAC]): Faculte universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux (Unite de Zoologie Generale et Appliquee, Prof. Charles Gaspar, Pas- sage des Deportes 2, B-5030 Gembloux [FSAG]; curatorial staff: Prof. G. Pierrard), Musee de Zool- ogie (Universite de Liege, Institut de Zoologie, Quai van Beneden 22, B-4020 Liege [IEVB]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Ruwer), and Collection du La- boratoire d'Ecologie (Place Croix du sud No. 5, B-1348 Louvain-la-neuve [ECOL]; curatorial staff: Prof. P. Lebrun). Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Bel- gique, Departement Entomologie, rue Vautier 29, B-1000 Bruxelles (ISNB) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jerome Constant Phone: 32-2-6274134 Fax: 32-2-6274132 E-mail: Jerome.Constant@naturalsciences.be Types: 78 lots (Attems; Carl; Porat; Silvestri). Type lots are not separated from the main collec- tion. Collection: unspecified number of lots; back- log partly identified to order. Collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by genus. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; labels are handwritten or typed. Electronic collection catalog is taxon based in relational database. Available at: http://www. natuurwetenschappen.be/collections/entomo/ diplopoda.htm. Estimated collection growth: 20 to 50 lots per year. Royal Africa Museum, B-3080 Tervuren (MRAC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Didier Van den Spiegel Phone: 32-2-7695411 Fax: 32-2-7695695 E-mail: dvdspiegel@africamuseum.be Types: 1,005 lots: 141 holotypes, 364 paratypes, 486 syntypes, 1 allotype, 6 lectotypes, 7 paralec- totypes (Attems; Demange; Demange & Mauries; Hoffman; Hoffman & Howell; Jocque; Kraus; Mauries; Van den Spiegel; Van den Spiegel & Hoffman). Types are not separated from the formed collection, but all holotypes and paratypes are clearly marked with colored labels (red and blue, respectively). Currently, no type catalog is available. Collection: 19,000 lots (est.): 18,398 identified at least to family; specimens in backlog partly identified to order. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Specimens are stored in ethanol; labels are handwritten or dot-matrix printed. Collection is cataloged. The catalog is computerized (specimen-based relational data- base). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Extensive holdings from Africa. Associated col- lections: actively growing reprint collection. Es- timated collection growth: 100 lots per year. BERMUDA No contact was established with Bermuda De- partment of Agriculture and Fisheries (Botanical Gardens, P.O. Box HM 834, Hamilton 5). Bermuda Natural History Museum and Aquarium, P.O. Box, Hamilton (BAMZ) Curator: Dr. Wolfgang Sterrer Phone: 1-441-2932727 Fax: 1-441-2933176 E-mail: wsterrer@sargassbbsr.edu Types: none. Six lots, two identified at least to family. Collection is arranged systematically. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cata- loged. All specimens from Bermuda. Estimated collection growth: one lot per year. BOLIVIA Centro de Biodiversidad y Genetica (Universidad Mayor de San Simon, P.O. Box 538, Cochabam- ba; curatorial staff: Dr. Luis F. Aguirre; e-mail: SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 35 laguirre@fcyt.umss.edu. bo) does not house a mil- lipede collection. 1777T Coleccion Boliviano de Fauna, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Calle 27 Cota Cota, La Paz (CBFC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jaime Sarmiento/Nohelia Mercado Phone: 591-2-792582/795364 E-mail: iecbf@ceibo.entelnet.bo Types: none. Collection: 163 lots: 28 lots identi- fied to family level; 135 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer. Collection is arranged systematically and geographically. Collection is cataloged and com- puterized. Holdings from the Neotropics. BOTSWANA No contact was established with National Muse- um and Art Gallery (Churchill Road, Indepen- dence Avenue, P.O. Box 131, Gaberone). BRAZIL No contact was established with Museum of En- tomology (Universidade Federal de Vigosa, 36.750 Vicosa, Minas Gerais). Museu de Ento- mologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure (Universidade Federal do Parana, Departamento de Zoologia, C.P. 19020, 81531-970 Curitiba, PR [DZUP]; cu- ratorial staff: Ms. Maria Christina de Almeida) does not house a millipede collection. 777r Institute Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Av. Andre Araiijo, 2936 — Bairro Petropolis, 69060- 001 Manaus, Amazonas (INPA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Celio Magalhaes Phone: 55-92-6433146 Fax: 55-92-6433146 E-mail: celiomag@inpa.gov.br Types: 145 lots (Golovatch; Hoffman). Types are not separated from the formed collection. No type catalog is available. Collection: 193 lots (count): 173 lots identified to family; 20 lots partly iden- tified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% eth- anol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. The formed collection is cataloged and computerized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from the Neotrop- ics. Associated collections: electronically cata- loged reprints, microscope slides, and bulk sam- ples. Estimated collection growth: 16 lots per year. Federal University of Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Correa da Costa s/n Bioscience Institute — De- partment of Biology and Zoology, Cuiabd, Mato Grosso 78060-900 (UFMI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Marinez Isaac Marques E-mail: m.marque@terra.com.br Types: one type lot (Hoffman). Types are not sep- arated from the formed collection. Collection: un- specified number of lots; backlog partly identified to order. Specimens are preserved in ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten. The formed collec- tion is partly cataloged in catalog books. Holdings from the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Neo- tropics). Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Coodenacao de Zoologia, Campus de Pesquisa, Av. Perimetral, Guamd, Belem, Para 66040-170 (MPEG) Curatorial Staff: Alexandre Bonaldo Phone: 55-91-2176110 Fax: 55-91-2490466 E-mail: bonaldo@museu-goeldi.br Types: one lot (Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman). Types are separated from the formed collection. Collection: 800 lots (est.): 100 lots identified to family. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol. Pro- visional labels for collection are printed on an ink- jet printer, and definitive labels are photocopied from provisional labels. Collection is arranged by family. The formed collection is partly cataloged and computerized (lot- or specimen-based rela- tional database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from the Neotropics. Estimat- ed collection growth: 100 lots per year. Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo- Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Dr. Salvador Franca, 1427 C.P. 1188, 90.000 Porto Allegre, RS (MCNZ) Curatorial Staff: Erica Helena Buckup Phone: 55-51-3361511 Ramal [ext] 155 Fax: 55-51-3363306 E-mail: Erica@fzb.org.br Types: none. Collection: 440 lots (count). Speci- 36 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY mens are stored in 80% ethanol; labels are hand- written. Collection is cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. All material from the Neotropics. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Avenida Nazare, 481, Sao Paulo, 04263-000, Sao Paulo (MZSP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jose Luis Moreira Leme/ Dr. Luis Ricardo Simone Phone: 55-11-61658129 Fax: 55-11-61658108 E-mail: lrsimone@usp.br Types: 166 lots (Brolemann; Golovatch; Hoff- man; Schubart). Types are not separated from the formed collection. A type catalog is available from the curator. Collection: 96 drawers (40 X 50 cm) with snap-cap glasses. All specimens in back- log are identified to order. Collection labels are either handwritten or typed. The formed collec- tion is partly cataloged in catalog books. Holdings mainly from the Neotropics, and some are from the Nearctic and Europe. Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Museu Nacional — UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista s/n, Sao Cristovao, 20.940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ (MNRJ) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Adriano B. Phone: 55-21-25688262 E-mail: adrik@alternex.com.br Kury Types: 14 lots (Schubart). Types are separated from the formed collection. Type catalog is forth- coming. Collection: 575 lots (est.): 325 lots (count) identified to family; 250 lots in backlog partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged in systematic order. The formed collec- tion is cataloged and computerized (lot- or spec- imen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings mainly from the Neo- tropics; some specimens from the Nearctic, Eu- rope, Southeast Asia, and southern Africa. Asso- ciated collections: historical reprint collection (electronically cataloged). BULGARIA National Museum of Natural History Tzar Osvo- boditel Boulevard 1, 1000 Sofia (SOFM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Pavel Stoev Phone: 359-2-9873680 E-mail: stoev@nmnh.bas.bg Types: 69 lots (Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffman; Mauries; Mauries, Golovatch, & Stoev; Mauries & Heymer; Mikhaljova & Kim; Shear; Stoev & Enghoff; Strasser; Verhoeff). Types are separated from the collection, and a type catalog is available (Stoev & Beron, 2001). Collection: about 3,000 lots: 1,000 identified to family; 2,000 in backlog. Backlog is partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol, and some are dried; collection labels are handwritten, typed, and laser printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by genera within families and orders. The collection is computerized (species-based flat file; publica- tion online forthcoming). Extensive holdings from the Palearctic, Oriental and Ethiopian regions, Middle America, and the Pacific Islands (New Guinea); some material from the Neotropics. Fo- cus is on cave-dwelling millipedes and those from high altitudes from several regions. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection and historical microscope slide collection. Esti- mated collection growth: 200 lots per year. CANADA No contact was established with Plant Sciences, Alberta Environmental Center (Vegreville, AB T0B 4L0); Insect Reference Collection (Forest In- sect and Disease Survey, Newfoundland Forest Research Centre, Environment Canada, P.O. Box 6028, St. Johns, NL AIC 5X8); Insectry (Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, R.R. #1, Belmont NS BOM ICO); Biology Department, McMaster University (1280 Main Street, West Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1); Insect Collection (De- partment of Biology, University of Laval, Quebec, PQ GIK 7P4); Agriculture Canada, Regina Re- search Station (5000 Wascana Parkway, P.O. Box 440, Regina, SK S4P 3A2); London Research Centre (Agriculture Canada, 1400 Western Road, London, ON N6G 2V4); Forest Insect and Dis- ease Survey Reference Collection, Forestry Can- ada— Maritimes Region (P.O. Box 4000, Freder- icton, NB E3B 5P7); A. D. Picket Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory (Department of Biology, Nova Scotia Agricultural College P.O. Box 550, Turo NS B2N 5E3); and Newfoundland Insectarium (P.O. Box 476, Trans Canada High- way, Deer Lake NL A0K 2E0). SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 37 Alberta E-mail: needham@zoology.ubc.ca The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Centre Natural and Human Sciences (Athabasca University, Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3; curatorial staff: Dr. Robert Holmberg), Provincial Museum of Alberta (12845 102nd Avenue, Ed- monton, AB T5N 0M6 [PMAE]; curatorial staff: Terry Thormin), and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Research Center, P.O. Box 3000, Leth- bridge, AB A8, T1J 4B1 [AGRL]; curatorial staff: J. R. Byers). inn- Northern Forestry Centre Arthropod Collection, Canadian Forest Service, 5320-122 Street, Ed- monton AB T6H 3S5 (NFRC) Curatorial Staff: Greg Pohl Phone: 1-780-4357211 Fax: 1-780-4357211 E-mail: gpohl@nrcan.gc.ca Types: none. Collection: 10 lots (est.): all uniden- tified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer or handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. All material from the Nearctic. Associated collec- tions: historical microsope slides and actively growing reprint, photograph, print, slide, and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. 7777 E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum, Depart- ment of Biological Sciences, CW405 Biological Sciences Building, University of Alberta, Edmon- ton AB T6G 2E9 (UASM) Curatorial Staff: Dan Shpeley E-mail: dshpeley@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca Types: none. Very small unidentified collection, mostly from Mexico. British Columbia The Department of Biology (University of Vic- toria, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2; curatorial staff: Dr. Neville Winchester; small teaching collection) does not house a millipede collection. TO- Spencer Museum, Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of British Columbia, 6270 University Bou- levard, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (SMDV) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Karen Needham Phone: 1-604-8223379 Fax: 1-604-8222416 Types: none. Collection: 43 vials: 30 vials iden- tified to family; 13 vials in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is arranged in alphabetical order of families. Collection is not cataloged. Associated collections: none. Holdings from western North America. Estimated collection growth: one lot per year. Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection, Royal British Columbia Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC V8W 9W2 (BCPM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Rob Cannings Phone: 1-250-3568242 Fax: 1-250-3568197 E-mail: RCannings@royalbcmuseum.bc.ca Types: 10 lots (Chamberlin; Shelley). Types are separated from the formed collection. A type cat- alog is available at http.V/www.royalbcmuseum. bc.ca/research-collectionsdept/nat-hist/papers/ typelist/typelist.html. Collection: 420 lots (est.): 170 lots (est.) identified to family level; 250 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged in alphabetical order of families. Collection is partly cataloged and computerized. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from west- ern North America. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Manitoba Manitoba Museum, 141 Leila Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2V R3B (MMMN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gavin Hanke/Janis Kla- pecki Phone: 1-204-9562830 Fax: 1-204-9423679 E-mail: jklapecki@manitobamuseum.ca Contains the Criddle Reference Collection of lo- cal insects from the late 1800s. Types: none. Col- lection: fewer than eight lots: all identified to fam- ily by Dr. Rowland Shelley (NCSM). Collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not currently cataloged but will be in the future. J. B. Wallis Museum, 213 Animal Science Build- ing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 (JBWM) 38 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Curatorial Staff: Dr. R. E. Roughley Phone: 1-204-4746023 Fax: 1-204-4747628 E-mail: rob_roughly@umanitoba.ca Types: none. Small millipede collection. Speci- mens are stored in 70% ethanol. All holdings from Canada. Most specimens were collected from pitfall trap samples on tallgrass prairie. New Brunswick The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Agriculture Canada Research Station (P.O. Box 20280, Fredericton, NB E3B 4ZT [ACNB]; curatorial staff: Dr. Giles Boiteau) and Department of Forest Resources (University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB E3B 5 A3 [DFRU]; curatorial staff: Dan Quiring). New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Avenue, St. John, NB E2K 2E5 (NBMB) Curatorial Staff: Donald McAlpine E-mail: dmcalpin@nb.aibn.com No millipede collection. Note: The museum hous- es fossil millipedes from the Carboniferous. Newfoundland The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Insect Reference Collection (New- foundland Department of Forestry, Forest Protec- tion Division, P.O. Box 2006, Herald Building, Corner Brook, NL A2H 6J8 [NDFC]; curatorial staff: Shiyou Li) and Insect Collection (Biology Department, Memorial University of Newfound- land, St. Johns, NL AIC 5S7 [MUNC]; curatorial staff: Dr. D. J. Larson). Ontario The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Department of Biological Sciences (University of Windsor, Windsor ON N9B 3P4 [BDWC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Jan Ciborowski), Department of Zoology Collection (Biological and Geological Sciences Building, University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B7 [UWOC]; curatorial staff: Dr. W W. Judd), Forest Insect and Disease Survey (Great Lakes Forest Research Laboratory, Box 490, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5M7 [FIDS]; curatorial staff: Kathryn Nystrom), Biological Survey of Canada (Terres- trial Arthropods, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, ON KIP 6P4; curatorial staff: Dr. Hugh V. Danks; the Biological Survey is a coordinating group and does not itself hold collections), Ontario Hydro (Biological Re- search Section, 00 Kipling Avenue KD 118, To- ronto, ON M8Z 5S4 [OHBR]; data courtesy of S. A. Marshall [DEBU]), and Prince Edward Island Agriculture Canada Research Station (P.O. Box 1210, Charlottetown, PE CIA 7M8 [APEI]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Christine Noronha). Department of Entomology, Royal Ontario Mu- m seum, 100 Queen 's Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C6 (ROME) Curatorial Staff: Brad Hubley Phone: 1-416-5865764 Fax: 1-416-5865553 E-mail: bradh@rom.on.ca Types: none. Collection: 400 lots (est.): 200 lots identified to family; 200 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by order, family, genus, and species. The formed collection is cataloged in ac- cession records and computerized (lot- or speci- men-based relational database). Holdings from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, and Southeast Asia. Associated collections: historical reprint and actively growing bulk sample collec- tions. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Department of Environmental Biology, University n ofGuelph, Guelph, ON NIG 2WI (DEBU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Matthias Buck/Dr. S. A. Marshall Phone: 1-519-8244120 ext. 52582 Fax: 1-519-8370442 E-mail: mbuck@evb.uoguelph.ca, samarsha@uoguelph.ca Web site: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~samarsha Types: none. Collection: 100 lots: all from Ontar- io and all identified by Dr. Rowland Shelley (NCSM). Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Associated collections: actively grow- ing photograph, print, and slide collections. Canadian National Collection of Insects, ECORC, n Research Branch, Ottawa, ON KIA OC6 (CNC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Charles Dondale (emeri- tus) SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 39 Phone: 1-613-7591812 E-mail: cdond@istar.ca Types: none. Collection: 70 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten and typed (with alcohol- proof ribbon). Collection is not cataloged. All ma- terial from the Nearctic. Collection growth: none. (777T General Invertebrate Collection, Canadian Mu- seum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D (1740 Pink Road, Aylmer, QC J9H 5E1) Ottawa, ON KIP 6P4 (CMNI) Curatorial Staff: Jean-Marc Gagnon Phone: 1-613-3644066 Fax: 1-613-3644027 E-mail: jmgagnon@mus-nature.ca Types: none. Collection: 565 lots (count): 441 lots identified to family; 124 lots in backlog. Speci- mens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or hand- written (most printed on laser, then copied on pho- tocopier with liquid toner). Collection is arranged alphabetically by diplopod order. The formed col- lection is partly cataloged in catalog books, ac- cession records, and computerized (lot- or speci- men-based relational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings mainly from eastern North America; some specimens from western North America and the West Indies. Associated collections: none. Quebec The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Collection Entomologique Ouellet- Robert (Department of Biological Sciences, Uni- versity of Montreal, C.R 6128, Montreal, QC H3C 3J7 [QMOR]; curatorial staff: Dr. P. P. Harper) and Insect Collection (Natural History Museum, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, QC JIM IZ7 [ICBU]; curatorial staff: Dr. Don F. J. Hilton). rar Lyman Entomological Museum, MacDonald Col- lege, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, Ste- Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9 (LEMQ) Curator: Stephanie Boucher Phone: 1-514-3987914 Fax: 1-514-3987990 E-mail: sboucher@nrs.mcgill.ca Small, unidentified millipede collection, partially dry. Material from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and South Africa. No millipedes added to the collec- tion during the past 20 years. Saskatchewan PFRA Tree Nursery (Indian Head, SK 50G 2KO [PFRA]; curatorial staff: Dr. B. Neill) does not house a millipede collection. Royal Saskatchewan Museum, 2340 Albert Street, Regina SK S4P 3V7 (SMNH) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Keith Roney Phone: 1-306-7872801 Fax: 1-306-7872645 E-mail: kroney@mach.gov.sk.ca Types: none. Collection: 20 lots (est.): some iden- tified to species. Labels are laser printed. Collec- tion is not cataloged. All material from Saskatch- ewan. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC No contact was established with Station Experi- mental de la Maboke par M'Baiki. CHILE According to Dr. Camousseight (MNNC), the mil- lipede collection of Fransisco Silva disappeared after his passing in 1990. The following institu- tions do not house millipede collections (data courtesy of Dr. Camousseight and Tomas Ceka- lovic): Coleccion Entomologica del Instituto de Agronomia (Universidad de Tarapaca, Casilla 6 D, Arica [IDEA]; curatorial staff: Mauricio Jimenez R.), Inia Subestacion Experimental de Control Biologico la Cruz (Casilla 3, La Cruz, VA. Region [INLA]; curatorial staff: Dr. Renato Ripa S.), Coleccion Nacional de Insectos (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 787, Santi- ago [MNNC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Ariel Camous- seight, Dr. Fresia Rojas, and M.Sc. Mario Elgue- ta), Museo Entomologico (Facultad de Agron- omia, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 853, Valdivia [CFUA]; data courtesy of Mario Elgueta [MNNC]); and Universidad Catolica de Valparai- so (Casilla 4059, Valparaiso [UCVC]; curatorial staff: Haroldo Toro). Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso, Casilla 3208, Correo 3, Valparaiso (MHNV) 40 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Curatorial Staff: Dr. Sergio O. Zunino Phone: 56-32-257441 Fax: 56-32-220846 E-mail: mhnv@ctcinteret.cl Types: none. A small number of unidentified lots. Collection is not cataloged. Labels are handwrit- ten. All material from the Neotropics (Chile). Museo de Zoologia, Universidad de Conception, Casilla 2407-10, Conception (UCCC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jorge Artigas E-mail: jartigas@udec.cl Small millipede collection with some identified material (data courtesy of Tomas Cekalovic). CHINA No contact was established with Department of Plant Protection, North- West Agricultural Univer- sity (Yanglingzhen, Shaanxi Province 712100); Department of Plant Protection, Beijing Agricul- tural University (Beijing 100094); Insect Collec- tion, Forest Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry (Beijing 100091); Beijing Natural History Museum (126 Tien Chaio Street, Beijing); China Entomological Research Institute Collec- tion (105 Xingang West Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province); Insect Collection, Re- search Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan Uni- versity (Guangzhou); Department of Plant Protec- tion, Nanjing Agricultural University (Nanjing 210014); Laboratory of Taxonomy and Ecology Institute of Entomology and Museum of Shangai Institute of Entomology (Academia Sinica, 225 Chungking Road [S.J, Shanghai 200025, Shangai Province); Department of Plant Protection, South- west Agricultural University (Chongqing 630716); Kunming Institute of Zoology (Acade- mia, Kunming 650107); and Department of Plant Protection, Zhejian Agricultural University (Hangzhou 310029). According to Prof. Dr. Shu- qiang Li (IZCAS), most of these are unlikely to harbor significant millipede collections. Biologi- cal Control Research Institute (Fujian Agricultural College, Shaxian, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 [FACS]; curatorial staff: Prof. Dr. Lin Nai-quan) does not house a millipede collection. Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Scienc- es, 25 Bei-Si-Huan-Xi-Lu Street, Beijing, 100080 (IZCAS) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Dr. Shuqiang Li/Meng Kaibayer Phone: 86-10-62561874 Fax: 86-10-62577533 E-mail: lisq@panda.ioz.ac.cn Types: about 40 lots (est.; Wang D.; Zhang; Zhang & Li). Types are separated from the rest of the collection, and a type catalog is available from the curator. Collection: 20,000 lots (est.): 18,000 lots identified to family; 2,000 lots in backlog identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a la- ser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged systematically. The formed collection is not currently cataloged but is in the process of being cataloged and computerized. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from Asia and Europe. Estimated collection growth: 50 lots per year. The College of Life Sciences, 88 Hezuo Road, Baoding, 071002, Hebei Province, Department of Biology, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei Prov- ince (CLSHU) Curatorial Staff: Zhi-shun Song Phone: 86-312-5015447 Fax: 86-312-5079627 E-mail: songzhishunl23@sohu.com Collection: 1,000 lots: all identified to order. La- bels are handwritten. Holdings mainly from Asia and Oriental regions. Insect Collection of Nankai University, Depart- ment of Biology, 94 Weijin Road, Tianjin 300071 (NKUM) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Dr. Wenjun Bu E-mail: wenjunbu@nankai.edu.cn Teaching collection of millipedes. COLOMBIA No contact was established with Coleccion Ento- mologica "Luis Maria Murillo" (ICA, Tibaitata, Apartado Aereo 151123, El Dorado, Bogota), Museo de Entomologica "Francisco Luis Galle- go" (Departamento de Biologfa, Facultad de Ciencias, A.A. 3840, Medellin), and Coleccion Entomologica, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecu- arias (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Apar- tado Aereo 237, Palmira). SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 41 mm Universidad National de Colombia, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Ciudad Universitaria, Apar- tado Aereo 7495, Bogota (ICNUN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Eduardo Florez Daza Phone: 57-1-3165000 ext. 11544 Fax: 57-1-3165365 E-mail: eflorez@ciencias.unal.edu.co Types: none. Collection: 500 lots (est.): 375 lots identified to family; 60 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. The formed collection is partly cata- loged in catalog books and computerized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from the Neotrop- ics. Associated collections: historical and actively growing reprint collection (electronic catalog). Estimated collection growth: 50 lots per year. Ac- cording to Dr. Florez, the Universidad Nacional de Colombia holds the only millipede collection of scientific interest in the country. COSTA RICA The following institutions do not house millipede collections (data courtesy of Zaidett Barrientos [INBC]): Museo Nacional de Costa Rica (Apar- tado 749-1000, San Jose [MNCR]; curatorial staff: Lorena San Ramon de Gallegos) and Museo de Insectos, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria [MUCR]; curatorial staff: Dr. Paul Hanson). mm Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Apdo. 22- 3100, Santo Domingo, Heredia (INBC) Curatorial Staff: Zaidett Barrientos Phone: 506-244-0690 ext 792 Fax: 506-244-2816 E-mail: zbarr@inbio.ac.cr Types: two (Chamberlin). Types are not separated from the formed collection. Collection: 1,000 lots (est.): 900 (est.) identified at least to family (col- lection is arranged alphabetically by family); 100 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten (from 2001 on the collection will have labels printed on plastic paper with alcohol-proof rib- bon). Collection is cataloged in catalog books. The catalog is computerized (lot- or specimen- based flat file). Individual lot numbers are cur- rently being assigned, and lots will be bar-coded. Holdings from Central America. Museo de Zoologfa, Escuela de Biologia, Univ- ersidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Montes de Oca, 2060 San Jose (MZCR) Curatorial Staff: Rita Vargas Phone: 506-207-4468 Fax: 506-207-4216 E-mail: mzucr@biologia.ucr.ac.cr, ritav@biologia.ucr.ac.cr Types: none. Collection: 138 lots (count): 75 iden- tified to family; 63 in backlog identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; labels are handwritten. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and is computerized. All material from Central America. CROATIA Department of Zoology, Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, HR-10 000 Zagreb (HZMZ) Curatorial Staff: Ms. Martina Sasic Phone: 385-1-4851700 Fax: 385-1-4851644 E-mail: Martina.Sasic@hpm.hr Note: Formerly the Hrvatski Narodni Zooloski Muzej. Types: none. Collection: 554 lots (count): 553 lots identified to family; three jars identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in eth- anol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged systematically. The collection is not cataloged. Holdings from Europe. CUBA Instituto de Zoologfa (Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Capitolio Nacional, La Habana 2, Ciudad de la Habana [IZAC]; curatorial staff: Luis F. de Armas C.) does not house a millipede collection. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba, Obispo No. 61, Ciudad de la Habana, 10 100 (MNHC) Curatorial Staff: Alina Lomba Phone: 53-7-8639361 E-mail: cocuyo@mnhnc.inf.cu Types: 22 lots (Perez-Asso). Types are separated 42 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY from the formed collection. A type catalog is available from the curator. Collection: 3,388 lots: all except 20 identified to family. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwrit- ten. Collection is not organized. The formed col- lection is cataloged in catalog books and comput- erized (taxon-based relational database). Individ- ual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Holdings from the West Indies. Estimated collec- tion growth: 10 lots per year. CZECH REPUBLIC No contact was established with Krajske Muzeum Vychodnich Cech (Husovo Namesti 124, Hradec Kralove 500 02), Ostravske Museum (Masary- kovo namesti 1, 728 41 Ostrava), Muzeum Vy- chodnich Cech Eliscino Nabrezi (500 01 Hradec Kralove), and Regionalni Muzeum v Koline (De- partment of Natural Sciences, Brandlova 27, 280 02 Kolin). The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Karlovarske Museum (Za- mecky vrch 22, 360 01 Karlovy Vary), Mestske Mudrunkovo vlastivedne muzeum v Ricanech (Rydlova 14/271, 251 01 Ricany u Prahy; cura- torial staff: Jan Vit-Trcka), Okresni muzeum So- kolov (Zamecka 1, 356 05 Sokolov; curatorial staff: Dr. Jan Michalek); Okresni Vlastivedne mu- zeum Sumperk (Hlavni trida 22, 787 31 Sum- perk), South Bohemian Museum in Ceske Bude- jovice (Department of Natural Sciences, Dukelska 1, 370 51 Ceske Budejovice; curatorial staff: Zde- nek Kletecka), South Moravian Museum in Zno- jmo (curatorial staff: Dr. Antonin Reiter), Mu- zeum Beskyd Frydek-Mistek (Hluboka 66, 738 01 Frydek-Mistek; curatorial staff: Dr. Rohacova), and West Bohemian Museum in Plzen (Depart- ment of Zoology, Tylova 22, 306 37 Plzen; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Roman Vacik). r Slezske zemske museum, Dept. of Entomology Tyrsova 1, 746 46 Opava (SMOC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jindrich Rohacek Phone/Fax: 420-553622999 E-mail: szmoprir@iol.cz, szmred@szmo.cz Web site: http://www.szmo.cz Small millipede collection, all specimens dry. t National Museum, Department of Zoology, Vd- clavske nam. 68, 115 79 Praha 1 (NMPC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Antonin Kurka Phone: 420-224497252 E-mail: akurka@seznam.cz Web site: http://www.nm.cz Types: none. Collection: 1,330 lots: 330 lots iden- tified to family; 1,000 lots identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol. Collec- tion labels are typed or handwritten. Collection is arranged systematically. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Note: The museum houses Carboniferous and Mesozoic fossil milli- pede material (e.g., voucher material of fossil mil- lipedes described by Fritsch in "Die Fauna der Gaskohle") in the Department of Palaeontology (curator: Dr. Vojtich Turek). Moravske zemske museum [Moravian Museum], Department of Entomology, Hviezdoslavova 29a, 627 00 Brno (MMBC) Curatorial Staff: Jiri Kolibac E-mail: ento.kol@volny.cz Types: none. Collection: 100 lots: 30 lots identi- fied to family. Collection labels are handwritten. Holdings from the Palearctic and western Africa. DENMARK Natural History Museum, DK-8000 Arhus (NHMA) Universitetsparken, Curatorial Staff: Dr. Peter Gjelstrup Phone: 45-86-129777 Fax: 45-86-130882 E-mail: pg@nathist.aau.dk Web site: http://www.naturhistoriskmuseum.dk Types: none. Collection: 3,000 lots (est.): 300 lots (est.) identified to family; 2,700 lots partly iden- tified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. The formed collection is partly cataloged. No in- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. Exten- sive holdings from Europe; some specimens from Mediterranean countries/northern Africa. The Natural History Museum of Denmark, Uni- versity of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 K0benhavn 0 (ZMUC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Henrik Enghoff Phone: 45-35321103 Fax: 45-35321010 E-mail: henghoff@zmuc.ku.dk SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 43 Web site: http://www.zmuc.dk/ Types: 198 lots (Carl; Chamberlin; Demange; Enghoff; Golovatch; Golovatch & Enghoff; Hoff- man; Hoffman & Howell; Jeekel; Krabbe; Krabbe & Enghoff; Mauries; Meinert; Nguyen Duy-Jac- quemin & Conde; Read; Schiotz; Schubart; Sil- vestri). Types are separated from the formed col- lection. No separate type catalog is available, but types are marked on species list in online species- based catalog at http://www.zmuc.dk/EntoWeb/ collections-databaser/diplo.html. Collection: 15,000 lots (est.): fewer than 750 lots (est.) in backlog; most of the backlog is identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, dot-matrix printed, or typed. Collection is arranged systematically with Danish material in separate collection. Eighty-five millipede families are represented. Extensive holdings from Europe, Mediterranean/northern Africa, Southeast Asia, and western and eastern Africa; some material from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, India, southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection and microscope slide collection. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC No contact was established with Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Plaza de Cultura, Santo Do- mingo). According to Antonio Perez-Asso (e-mail: hparaiso@caribe.net), there are no milli- pede collections in the Dominican Republic. ECUADOR No contact was established with Quito Catholic Zoological Museum (Department de Biologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, 12 de Octubre y Carrion, Apartado 2184, Quito), Insect Collection (Charles, Galapagos), and Darwin Re- search Station (Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz). EGYPT Entomological Society Museum, 14 Sharia Rams- es, Cairo (ESEC) Curatorial Staff: unknown According to Dr. Hisham El-Hennawy, there is currently no millipede collection, but plans are under way to build a collection. ETHIOPIA No contact was established with Natural History Museum (Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ab- aba). DOMINION OF FIJI No contact was established with The Entomolo- gist, Ministry of Primary Industries (Koronivia Research Station, Nausori), and Insect Collection, Department of Biology (School of Natural Re- sources, University of the South Pacific, P.O. Box 1168, Laucala Bay, Suva). According to Tino Gonsalves (BPBM), there are no millipede collec- tions in Fiji. FINLAND Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, P.O. Box 17 (P. Rautatiekatu 13), FIN- 00014 University of Helsinki (MZHF) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Juhani Terhivuo Phone: 358-9-19128844 Fax: 358-9-19128843 E-mail: juhani.terhivuo@helsinki.fi Web site: http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/ Type lot: one (Trichopetalum jawlowskii Palmen, 1951). Collection: 1,970 lots (est.): 1,150 lots (est.) identified at least to family; 820 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by genus. Collection is sep- arated into material from Finland and from other regions. Manual species-level collection catalog. Holdings mainly from the Nearctic, the Palearctic, and Oriental and Ethiopian regions. Associated collection: historical microscope slide collection. Collection growth: up to 10 lots per year. FRANCE Collections of fossil millipedes are housed in the Musee d'Histoire Naturelle in Autun and the Mu- see des Fossiles in Montceau-les-Mines (see the Results section) and most likely also in the Mu- 44 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY seum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. The following institutions do not house millipede col- lections: Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon (28 Blvd Des Beiges, F-69006 Lyon, Rhone [MHNL]; curatorial staff: Prof. Janine Gibert) and Labora- toire de Biologie des Insectes (118 Route de Nar- bonne, F-31077 Toulouse [LBIT]; curatorial staff: Prof. Dr. Jacques Bitsch; the laboratory does not exist anymore; data courtesy of Prof. Louis De- harveng [MNHN]; e-mail: deharven@mnhn.fr). Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Labora- toire de Zoologie (Arthropodes) du M.N. H.N. 61 rue de Buff on, F -7 5005 Paris (MNHN) Curator: Monique Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin/ Jean-Jacques Geoffroy Phone: 33-1-40793582 Fax: 33-1-40793863 E-mail: monguyen@mnhn.fr, geoffroy@mnhn.fr Web site: http://www.mnhn.fr/ Types: about 2,000 lots (est.; Abrous-Kherbouche & Mauries; Attems; Beauvois; Berlese; Borre; Bouvier; Brolemann; Brolemann & Brade-Birks; Brolemann & Verhoeff; Conde & Demange; De- mange; Demange & Mauries; Gervais; Gervais & Goudot; Humbert & DeSaussure; Jeekel; Latzel; Lucas; Mauries; Mauries & Barraqueta; Mauries & Enghoff; Mauries, Golovatch, & Stoev; Mau- ries & Heymer; Mauries & Karamaouna; Mauries & Maurin; Mauries & Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin; Mauries & Silva; Mauries & Vicente; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin; Pocock; Ribaut; Schubart; Stras- ser; Vicente & Mauries). Types are not separated from the formed collection. Type catalog is forth- coming. Collection: 15,000 jars (150,000 vials) (est.): 10,000 jars (100,000 vials) identified to family level; 5,000 jars partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% alcohol; collection labels are handwritten, typed, and print- ed with both laser and dot-matrix printers. Suc- cessive labels are maintained in the vials and jars, showing the history of the identification. Collec- tion is arranged taxonomically, and jars and vials are numbered. The formed collection is partly cat- aloged in catalog books and partially computer- ized (lot- or specimen-based relational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Hold- ings are worldwide in scope, with particularly ex- tensive material from western and central Africa, the Indo-Pacific Islands, Indochina, Madagascar and adjacent archipelagos, South and Central America, and the Caribbean. The collection con- tains voucher material by Attems, Brolemann, De- mange, Enghoff, Gervais, Golovatch, Hoffman, Kime, Kraus, Lucas, Mauries, Read, Shear, Ver- hoeff, and Vicente. Associated collections: active- ly growing microscope slide, photograph, print and slide, and bulk sample collections and an ex- tensive historical and actively growing reprint col- lection (electronically cataloged). Iconographie: millipede species catalog on index cards, begun by Brolemann (see: http://www.mnhn.fr/assoc/ myriapoda/ICONOHWB.HTM). A duplicate set of the Iconographie is available at the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH, Chicago, USA). Es- timated collection growth: 50 lots per year. CNRS, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle I. E. G. B., Laboratoire d'Ecologie Generate, 4 Av- enue du Petit Chateau, F-91800 Brunoy (BFIC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jean-Jacques Geoffroy Phone: 33-1-60479222 Fax: 33-1-60465719 E-mail: geoffroy@mnhn.fr Types: none. Collection: 2,500 lots (count) (about 25,000 specimens): 1,500 lots identified at least to family level; 1,000 lots (est.) in backlog. Spec- imens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is ar- ranged systematically. Unidentified lots arranged are geographically. Collection is partly comput- erized (lot-based relational database). Extensive holdings from Europe and Mediterranean/northern Africa; some material from the Nearctic, Central America, Asia, Oriental regions, western and east- ern Africa. Associated collections: actively grow- ing reprint and photograph, print, and slide col- lection. Estimated collection growth: 50 lots per year. Museum Aquarium of Nancy, 34, rue Sainte Cath- erine, F-54000 Nancy (MANF) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Jean Brun-Bellut Phone: 33-3-83329997 Fax: 33-3-83366003 E-mail: all-man@man.uhp-nancy.fr, brunbell@ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr Types: several lots of Polyxenida described by Conde & Jacquemin, Conde & Terver, and Mar- quet & Conde (data courtesy of Dr. Nugyen-Duy- Jacquemin). SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 45 FRENCH GUIANA No contact was established with Department of Entomology, Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique D'Outre-Mer (Boite Postal 165, 97305 Cayenne Cedex). GEORGIA According to Dr. S. I. Golovatch (IPEE), a small millipede collection may be housed in the Muse- um of Georgia, Tbilisi (Dr. A. M. Gegechkori). No contact was established with Museum or the Plant Protection Institute (Tbilisi). GERMANY Germany recently formed the "Zentralregister biologischer Forschungssammlungen in Deutsch- land" (ZEFOD) (Inventory of biological research collections in Germany). ZEFOD aims at provid- ing a structural and content-oriented description of biological collections in Germany online with continuous updates {http://ice.zadi.de/zefod/ index.html). (Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Dr. Irina Brake, Dr. Karl-Heinz Lampe, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, tel: 0228/9122-285, fax: 0228/9122-291; e-mail: i.brake.zfmk@uni-bonn.de; web site: http://ice.zadi.de/zefod/sammlungen-2.cfm). A list of biological collections in Germany can also be found on the Web site of the Biological Research Collections in Germany (Biologische Sammlungs- objekte in Deutschland at http://www. biologic uni-ulm.de/museum/). No contact was established with Lobbecke-Museum und Aquazoo (Postfach 10 11 20, Kaiserswerther Str., D-40474 Diissel- dorf); Institut fur Zoologie, Universitat-Erlangen- Nurnberg (Universitatsstrasse 19, D-91054 Er- langen); and Museum der Natur Gotha (Parkallee 15, Postfach 217, D-99867 Gotha). The following institutions do not house millipede collections: In- sect Collection (Staatliches Naturhistorisches Mu- seum, Pockelstrasse 10A, D-38106 Braunschweig [SNMB]; curatorial staff: Dr. Jiirgen Hevers), In- sektensammlung des Natur-Museums der Cobur- ger Landesstiftung (Park 6, D-96450 Coburg [NMCL]), Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (Zoologische Abteilung, Friedensplatz 1, D-64283 Darmstadt [HLMD1; curatorial staff: Dr. Wolf- gang Schneider), Deutsches Entomologisches In- stitut (Schicklerstr. 5, D- 16225 Eberswalde-Finow [DEI]; curatorial staff: Prof. Dr. H. H. Dathe), and Museum fur Naturkunde (Gerberau 32, D-79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wlirttemberg [MNFD]; data courtesy of Dr. Peter Weygoldt, University of Freiburg, Germany). Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universi- tdt zu Berlin, Bereich Zoologisches Museum, In- validenstrasse 43, D- 101 15 Berlin (ZMB) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jason Dunlop/Dr. Shahin Nawai Phone: 49-30-20938516 Fax: 49-30-20938528 E-mail: Jason.Dunlop@museum.hu-berlin.de Web site: http://www.museum.hu-berlin.de Types: 1,792 lots (Attems; Berlese; Brandt; Carl; Cook; DeSaussure; DeSaussure & Zehntner; Er- ichson; Gerstacker; Karsch; C. L. Koch; L. Koch; Latzel; Leach; Lignau; Lohmander; Menge; Pe- ters; Ribaut; Rothenbiihler; Schubart; Silvestri; Strasser; Verhoeff). Types currently are not sep- arated from the formed collection; organizational changes are forthcoming, likely to database types through the GBIF project. Complete type catalogs are available (Mortiz & Fischer, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978a, 1978b, 1979). Collection: 17,000 lots (est.) identified to family: 900 jars (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is arranged systematically. Collection is cataloged on file cards and in catalog books; individual lot numbers have been assigned. Ex- tensive holdings from Europe, Mediterranean/ northern Africa, Southeast Asia, and Ethiopian re- gions; some holdings are from the Nearctic, Asia, and Central America. Associated collections: his- torical and current reprint collection (about 1 ,900 references, all databased in EndNote) and micro- scope slide collection (Verhoeff and Schubart ma- terial form separate slide collection). Estimated collection growth: less than one lot per year. Note: Types of fossil millipedes described by Koch & Berendt and other fossil millipede material are housed in Geologisch-Palaontologische Abteilung of the Museum. Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum "Alexander Koenig," Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn 1 (ZFMK) Curatorial Staff: Bernhard A. Huber (Dr. Franz Krapp. emeritus) Phone: 49-228-9122294 46 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Fax: 49-228-9122212 E-mail: b.huber.zfmk@uni-bonn.de Types: none. Collection: 70 lots (est.), none iden- tified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged by lot number. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings from Europe and western Africa. As- sociated collections: historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: none. Ubersee-Museum Bremen, D-28195 Bremen (UMB) Bahnhofsplatz 13, Curatorial Staff: Peter-Rene Becker Phone: 49-421-16038-140 Fax: 49-421-16038-99 E-mail: pr.becker@uebersee-museum.de Types: 20 lots (Kraus), types not separated from the formed collection. Collection: 164 lots: 141 lots identified to family; 23 identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol/formaldehyde; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is cataloged and arranged in systematic order. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Hold- ings from eastern Africa; some material from the remaining geographic regions. Associated collec- tions: none. Estimated collection growth: un- known. m Department of Entomology and Department of Arachnology Collections, Staatliches Museum fiir Tierkunde, A B Meyer Gebdude, Konigsbriicker Landstrasse 159, D-01109 Dresden (SMTD) Curatorial Staff: Karin Schniebs Types: none. Collection: 200 lots (est.): not iden- tified. Collection labels are handwritten or typed. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings are mainly from Europe. Extensive alcohol collections, for- merly housed in the "Zwinger" in Dresden, were lost in a fire in 1849 (Zwingerbrand). Most mil- lipede material, including Silvestri types from 1897, were lost during the bombing of Dresden on October 7, 1944, when the museum was de- stroyed. Silvestri's collection in Portici (see Italy) contains paratypes of the types destroyed in Dres- den (R. L. Hoffman, in litt.). ot Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Sencken- berg, Arachnologie, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt-am-Main (SMF) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Peter Jager Phone: 49-69-7542340/7542336 Fax: 49-69-746238 E-mail : Peter. Jaeger @ Senckenberg.de, Julia.Altmann@Senckenberg.de Web site: http://www.senckenberg. un i-frankfu rt. de/fis. htm Types: more than 800 lots (Attems; Carl; Ceuca; Chamberlin; Chamberlin & Hoffman; Cook; De- mange; Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffmann; Kraus; Loksa; Mauries; McNeill; Meinert; Ribaut; Shear; Silvestri; Strasser; Verhoeff). Types are not sepa- rated from the formed collection. Type catalog is not available. Collection: 7,000 lots (est.): 6,710 identified at least to family. A negligible number of lots in the backlog, all identified to order. Spec- imens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or typed. Collection is arranged by catalog numbers. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and file cards. Individual lot num- bers have been assigned. Collection contains the orders Callipodida, Chordeumatida, Glomerida, Julida (including Spirostreptida and Spirobolida), Polydesmida, and Polyxenida. Extensive holdings are from the Neotropics (Peru), the Palearctic, Southeast Asia, and western Africa. Some speci- mens from southern Africa. Voucher material: Martens Himalaya collection (identified and de- scribed by Golovatch). Associated collections: historical reprint and microscope slide collections. Annual collection growth: unspecified. Note: The Abteilung fiir Palaontologie und Historische Geo- logie houses fossil millipede material, among oth- ers St0rmer types. Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, FOB 300154, D-02806 Gorlitz (SMNG) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Karin Voigtlander Phone: 49-3581-7610/761 1/7612/7613 Fax: 49-3581-476062 E-mail: Karin. Voigtlaender@SMNG.SMWK. SACHSEN.DE Types: none. Collection: 12,806 bulk lots (count): about 43,000 specimens of soil arthropods iden- tified to species level; 1,000 bulk lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol (denatured with methyl-ethyl-ketone [MEK]). Collection labels are handwritten or printed with a laser printer. Collection is arranged systemati- cally. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and computerized (taxon-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Extensive holdings from Europe; some holdings from Mediterranean/ northern Africa and Asia. Associated collections: SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 47 actively growing reprint collection, historical mi- croscope slide collection, and an extensive bulk sample collection. Estimated collection growth: 400 bulk lots per year. rm Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald, Zoo- logisches Institut und Museum, J. S. Bach-Str. 11/ 12, D- 17489 Greifswald (EMAU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. D. Schittek Phone: 49-3834-864271 Fax: 49-3834-864252 E-mail: zool.museum@uni.greifswald.de Types: none. Collection: 85 lots: all identified to family level. Unspecified number of lots in back- log, identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collec- tion is arranged systematically. Collection is cat- aloged in catalog books and accession records. In- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. ■m Institut fur Zoologie der Martin-Luther-Universi- tiit, Domplatz 4, D-06099 Halle (Saale) (MLUH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Karla Schneider Phone: 49-345-5526444 Fax: 49-345-5527152 E-mail: schneider@zoologie.uni-halle.de Types: none. Collection: 150 specimens (52 spe- cies). Collection is cataloged in an inventory book. All holdings from the Palearctic. Collection growth: none. This is a historical collection; ma- terial was collected between 1860 and 1900. m Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Abteilung Entomologie, Universitdt Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D-20146 Hamburg (ZMUH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. H. Dastych Phone: 49-40-42838 6379 Fax: 49-40-42838 3937 E-mail: dastych@zoologie.uni-hamburg.de Types: 517 lots (Attems; Carl; Cook; Demange; DeSaussure; Enghoff; Gerstacker (?); Golovatch; Hoffman; Hoffman & Howell; Hoffman & Loh- mander; Karsch; L. Koch; Krabbe; Krabbe & Enghoff; Kraepelin; Latzel; Mauries; Peters (?); Pocock; Read; Schubart; Silvestri; Spelda; Ver- hoeff; Voges). Type catalog is published (Weid- ner, 1960; updated: Rack, 1973). Collection: 3,000 lots (count): identified at least to family lev- el. About 1,000 species are represented in collec- tion, more than 500 as types. Small number of lots in backlog partly identified to order. Speci- mens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or typed. Collection is arranged systematically, families within orders, by R. L. Hoffman (1973). Collection is cataloged on file cards and in catalog books. All orders are repre- sented except Siphoniulida. Most material from the Palearctic. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection and small microscope slide collection. Annual collection growth: very limited. Borrowers may be assessed outgoing shipping costs. Note: Fossil millipedes of Wolf- gang Weitschat's extensive collection of amber in- clusions are housed in the Geologisch-Palaonto- logisches Institut der Universitat Hamburg. Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Erbprinzenstrasse 13, D-76133 Karlsruhe (SMNK) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Hubert Hofer Phone: 49-721-1752136 Fax: 49-721-1752110 E-mail: hubert.hoefer@smnk.de Types: none known. Some of the specimens of the historical collection might be paratypes. Collec- tion: 10,092 lots (est.): 92 lots (count) identified to family; 10,000 lots (est.) partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol, often with 1%— 5% glycerine; collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged in order of acquisition, as there are extensive unsorted holdings. The formed collection is cataloged in catalog books and com- puterized (lot- or specimen-based relational data- base). Improved online access to the database is forthcoming (see http://www.naturkundemuseum- karlsruhe.de/spelda-smnkmill.htm). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collec- tions: historical and actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections, both of which are elec- tronically cataloged, and actively growing collec- tions of photographs, prints, and slides. Extensive holdings from the Neotropics, and Europe; some material from the Mediterrranean/northern Africa and eastern Africa. The collection contains Ver- hoeff voucher material. Zoologisches Museum Kiel, Christian-Albrechts- Universitdt zu Kiel, Hegewischstrasse 3,D 24105, Kiel (ZMKG) Curatorial Staff: Rudolf Konig Phone: 49-431-8805170 48 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Fax: 49-431-8805177 E-mail: zoolmuseum@email.uni-kiel.de Types: none. Collection: 28 lots: 17 lots identified to family level; nine lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically. It is not known if the collection is cataloged. Holdings from the Nearctic, the Neotropics, Europe, Med- iterranean/northern Africa, and Southeast Asia. Collection growth: none. Naturkundemuseum Leipzig, Lortzingstrasse 3, D-04105 Leipzig (MNSL) Curatorial Staff: Ronald Schiller Phone: 49-341-9822123 Fax: 49-341-9822122 Types: none. Collection: 60 lots (est.): none iden- tified. Collection is arranged geographically. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is partly cataloged. All material from Europe. Entomological Collection, Naturhistorisches Mu- seum Mainz, Reichklarastrasse 10, D-55116 Mainz (NHMM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Fr. O. Neuffer/Dr. Ulrich Schmidt Phone: 49-6131-122646, 49-6131-122647 E-mail: lsnhmmz@mail.uni-mainz.de Types: none. Collection: 10 lots (est.): none iden- tified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Material from Europe, Mediterranean/ northern Africa, and eastern Africa. Estimated collection growth: one lot per year. Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munchhausenstras- se 21, D-81247 Miinchen 60 (ZSMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Roland Melzer/Stefan Friedrich Phone: 49-89-8107141 Fax: 49-89-8107300 E-mail: melzer@zsm.mwn.de Types: 3,100 lots (Attems; Brolemann; Golo- vatch; Golovatch & Mikhaljova; Hoffman; C. L. Koch; L. Koch; Schubart; Strasser; Verhoeff; Wil- liams & Hefner). Number of type specimens and list of authors likely are incomplete, and prepa- ration of a type catalog is in progress. Types are not separated from the formed collection. Collec- tion: 6,500 lots (est.): 6,250 lots (est.) identified to family; 250 lots identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with an ink-jet printer, typed, or hand- written. The collection is arranged systematically at the family level and alphabetically at the genus level. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books and computerized (taxon-based re- lational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: historical and actively growing reprint and microscope slide collections, both of which are electronically cat- aloged, and actively growing collections of pho- tographs, prints, and slides. Extensive holdings from Europe and the Mediterranean/northern Af- rica; some holdings from other regions. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year. Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart (SMNS) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Dr. W. Schawaller E-mail: schawaller.smns® naturkundemuseum-bw.de No Recent millipede collection. The museum houses an extensive collection of fossil millipedes in Dominican amber (curator: Dr. Gunther Bech- ly). Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlung (Zoologische Sektion), Museum Wiesbaden, Friedrich-Ebert-Al- lee 2, D-65185 Wiesbaden (MWNH) Curatorial Staff: Fritz Geller-Grimm Phone: 49-611-3352178 Fax: 49-611-3352192 E-mail: f.geller-grimm@museum-wiesbaden.de No millipede collection. All alcohol material was destroyed during World War II. Remains of al- cohol collections were transferred to Darmstadt (HLMD); no millipede collection is reported for Darmstadt. Zoologisches Museum der Universitdt Heidelberg, Im Neuheimer Feld 230, D-69120 Heidelberg Curatorial Staff: Siegfried Sparing Phone: 49-6221-545532 Fax: 49-6221-544913 E-mail: siegfried.sparing@urz.uni- heidelberg.de No millipede collection. Apparently the collection once held historic material, including types by Daday (label was found). SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 49 Zoologisches Museum der Universitat Gottingen, Berliner Str. 28, D-37073 Gottingen (ZMUG) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gert Troster/Prof. Dr. Rainer Willmann Phone: 49-551-395524 Fax: 49-551-395579 E-mail: gtroest@gwdg.de, rwillmal@gwdg.de Types: 23 lots (Silvestri). Types are not separated from the collection, and no type catalog is avail- able. Collection: 275 lots (count): 191 lots iden- tified to family; 84 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. The formed collection is cataloged in cat- alog books and computerized (taxon-based rela- tional database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Main holdings from the Neotropics and Europe; some holdings from Southeast Asia and Ethiopian regions. GHANA No contact was established with Department of Biological Sciences, Museum of Natural History (University of Science and Technology, Kumasi). GREECE GUADELOUPE No contact was established with Institut de Re- serches Entomologique de la Caribe (B.R 119, Pointe-a-Pitre). GUATEMALA No contact was established with Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Finca la Aurora, Zone 13, Guatemala City). Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (MNGC) (Guatemala City, Calle Mariscal Cruz, 1-56 Zone 10, Guatemala, C.A. [MNGC]; cura- torial staff: Sergio Perez) does not house a milli- pede collection. Coleccion de Artrdpodos, Laboratorio de Ento- mologia Sistemdtica, Edificio 11-309 18 Ave. 11- 95, zona 15, Vista Hermosa 111, Apartado Postal 82, 01901 (UVGC) Curatorial Staff: Enio Cano Phone: 502-3640336 al 40 ext. 436 Fax: 502-3698336 E-mail: ecano@uvg.edu. gt Collection: 400 vials. Specimens are stored in 80% propanol. All holdings from Guatemala and neighboring countries. This is the largest collec- tion in Guatemala. No contact was established with Goulandris Nat- ural History Museum (Kifissia). m Zoological Museum of the University of Athens, Department of Biology, University of Athens, Pa- nepistimioupolis, GR-157 84, Athens (ZMUA) Curatorial Staff: Anastasios Legakis Phone: 30-210-7274372 Fax: 30-210-7274249 E-mail: alegakis@biol.uoa.gr Types: none. Collection: 550 vials: 500 vials iden- tified to family; 50 vials in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically. The formed collection is partly cataloged in accession records. No individual lot numbers have been as- signed. Associated collections: historical and ac- tively growing reprint collection. Holdings from Europe and the Mediterranean/northern Africa. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year. GUINEA No contact was established with Local Museum (B.R 1 14, N'Zerekore). GUINEA-BISSAU No contact was established with Museum of Por- tuguese Guinea (Praco do Imperio, Bissau). GUYANA No contact was established with Insect Collection, University of Guyana (Georgetown). G. S. A. Compound, Mon Repos, East Coast De- merara (NARI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Leslie Munroe 50 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Phone: 592-220-2450/2456 Fax: 592-220-2075 No millipede collection. HONDURAS No contact was established with Coleccion Ento- mologica, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Foresta- les (Apartado 2, Siguatepeque, Comayagua); Co- leccion de Insectos del Valle del Guyape (Olan- cho, Direccion Agricola Regional no. 5, Minister- io de Recursos Naturales, Juticalpa, Olancho); and Escuela Nacional de Agricultura (Catacamas, Olancho). Coleccion del Inventario Agroecologico, Depto. de Protection Vegetal, Escuela Agricola Pana- mericana, Apartado 93, Tegucigalpa (EAPZ) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ronald D. Cave E-mail: rcave@zamorano.edu. hn No millipede collection. HONG KONG Agricultural and Fisheries Department, Hong Kong Government Tai Lung Farm, Lintongmei, Fan Kam Road, Sheung Shui, New Territories (DAFH) Curatorial Staff: Stephen Lai E-mail: aoppafd@netvigator.com No millipede collection. HUNGARY The following institutions do not house millipede collections (data courtesy of Dr. Zoltan Korsos [HNHM]): Department of Ecology (University of Szeged, H-6701 Szeged, Pf.: 51 [JATH]; curato- rial staff: Prof. Dr. Galle), Bakony Termeszettu- domanyi Muzeum/Bakony Museum (Rakoczi ter 1, H-8420 Zirk [SUEL]; curatorial staff: Dr. San- dor Toth), and Janus Pannonius Museum (Pecas, P.O. Box 158, H-7601 Pecas [JPMP]; curatorial staff: Dr. Akos Uherkovich). t Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross U. 13, H-1088 Budapest (HNHM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Zoltan Korsos Phone: 36-1-2677007 Fax: 36-1-3171669 E-mail: korsos@zoo.zoo.nhmus.hu Types: 150 lots (Carl; Daday; Golovatch & Kor- sos; Korsos; Korsos & Golovatch; Korsos & Read; Loksa; Shear; Silvestri; Tomosvary). Types are separated from the general collection, and a type catalog is available (Korsos, 1983). Collec- tion: 6,000 lots (est.): 2,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 4,000 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% isopropanol or 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, laser printed, or typed. Collection is arranged systematically by order. Genera are ar- ranged alphabetically in orders. Collection is cat- aloged on file cards. The catalog is computerized (taxon-based flat file; individual lots are not num- bered). All orders except Glomeridesmida and Si- phoniulida are represented. Extensive holdings from Europe, southern Asia, and eastern Africa; some material from other regions. Associated col- lections: actively growing reprint collection and microscope slide collection. Estimated collection growth: 200 lots per year. ICELAND Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Hlemmur 3, P.O. Box 5320, 125 Reykjavik (NHRI) Curatorial Staff: Erling Olafsson Phone: 354-590-0500 Fax: 354-590-0595 E-mail: erling@ni.is (This institution was formerly the Museum of Natural History.) Types: none. Collection: 265 lots (count): all iden- tified to family. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. The collection is cataloged and com- puterized (taxon-based relational database). Indi- vidual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from Europe. According to Erling Olafsson, there are no other millipede collections in Iceland. INDIA No contact was established with National Zoolog- ical Collection, Zoological Survey of India (34 Chittaranjan Avenue, Calcutta 700 012); Division of Entomology, National Pusa Collections, Indian SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 51 Agriculture Research Institute (New Delhi 110012, Haryana); Entomological Collection, Kerala Forest Research Institute (Peechi 680 653, Trichur District, Kerala); Zoological Museum, Department of Zoology, Madras Christian College (Tamba Ram, Madras 600 059, Tamil nadu); and Insect and Spider Collection, National Museum of Natural History (Ficci Museum Building, Barak- hamba Road, New Delhi 110001). Insect Collec- tion (Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, Opp Lion Gate, Shagat Singh Road, Bom- bay 400023, Maharashtra [BNHS]; curatorial staff: Mr. J. C. Daniel) does not house a millipede collection. All material from Israel (data courtesy of Dr. S. I. Golovatch [IPEE]). Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection, Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Hebrew Uni- versity, Jerusalem 91904 (TIHU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. G. Phone: 972-2-585111 Fax: 972-2-584741 Levy Types: none. Collection: one jar of unidentified specimens stored in ethanol. Conde (Polyxenida) and Attems voucher material. mn Zoological Survey of India, Northern Regional Station, 218 Kaulagarh Road, Dehra Dun, 248195 Uttaranchal (ZSI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Vinod Khanna Phone: 91-135-2756349, 2754939, 2758362, 2747555 Fax: 91-135-2758362 E-mail: drvkhanna@sancharnet.in Collection: 1,000 lots (est.): unidentified. Collec- tion labels are handwritten. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. All material is from India. INDONESIA No contact was established with Museum Zoolo- gicum Bogoriense (P.O. Box 110, Jala, Juanda 3, Bogor, Java). IRAQ No contact was established with Iraq Natural His- tory Museum (Waziriya, Baghdad). ISRAEL 7777 Insect Collection, Zoological Museum, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978 (TAU) Curatorial Staff: Yehuda Benayahu E-mail: YehudaB@tauex.tau.ac.il Types: 13 lots (Golovatch; Golovatch & Wytwer). Collection: about 300 lots (est.). Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels printed or handwritten, and lots are arranged systematically. ITALY No contact was established with Societa per gli Studi Naturalistica della Romagna (C.P 144 1-47021 Cesena). The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Museo di Storia Naturale dell' Universita di Pisa (via Roma 79, 1-5601 1 Calci [Pi], Certosa di Calci; data courtesy of Dr. Marco Dellacasa) and Universita di Bolo- gna— Alma Mater Studiorum (Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali — DiSTA — Entomologia, Viale G. Fanin, 42, 1-40127 Bolo- gna [IEGG]; this institution was formerly named "Instituto di Entomologia 'G. Grandi' dell' Universita degli Studi di Bologna"; curatorial staff: Stefano Maini). Museo di Scienze Natural i "Enrico Caffi, " Piazza Cittadella 10, 1-24129 Bergamo (MBCG) Curatorial Staff: Valle Marco Phone: 39-035-286012 Fax: 39-035-233154 E-mail: mvalle@comune.bg.it Types: three lots (Enghoff). Types are not sepa- rated from the formed collection, and no type cat- alog is available. Collection: 1,500 lots (est.): 860 lots identified to family; 640 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in eth- anol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged sys- tematically. The formed collection is partly cata- loged. Holdings mainly from Europe; some hold- ings from the Mediterranean/northern Africa. Museo Zoologico "La Specola," University of Florence, Via Romana 17, 1-50125 Florence (MZUF) Curatorial Staff: Sarah Whitman 52 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Phone: 39-055-2288254 Fax: 39-055-225325 E-mail: sarah@unifi.it Web site: http://www.specola.unifi.it Types: 17 lots (Brolemann; Ceuca; Pocock; Sil- vestri). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Col- lection: 2,198 lots (count): 1,405 identified at least to family; 793 lots in backlog (count), all identi- fied to order. Specimens are stored in 70% etha- nol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Unidentified lots are arranged geographi- cally. Collection is partly cataloged in accession records. The catalog is computerized (lot- or spec- imen-based flat file; individual lot numbers have been assigned). Main holdings from the Palearc- tic, India, and eastern Africa; some specimens from the Nearctic, Central America, western and southern Africa, and Australia. Associated collec- tions: actively growing reprint collection and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. t Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Do- ria, " Via Brigata Ligura 9, 1-16121 Genoa (MCSN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Roberto Poggi/Giuliano Doria Phone: 39-010-564567 Fax: 39-010-566319 Types: unspecified number of lots (Pocock; Sil- vestri). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Col- lection: 370 lots (est.). Collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically. Collection is not cataloged. t Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 1-20121 Milano (MSNM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Carlo Pesarini Phone: 39-02-88463280 Fax: 39-02-88463281 Types: 139 lots (Brolemann; Manfredi). Types are separated from the formed collection. A type cat- alog is available (Manfredi, 1976; Leonardi et al., 1995). Collection: 900 vials. Collection labels are handwritten. The collection is arranged alphabet- ically. All lots of the formed collection are cata- loged in catalog books and accession records. No individual lot numbers. Associated collections: historical microscope slide collection. Holdings from Europe, Mediterranean, and northern and eastern Africa. This is a historical collection; it has not grown since Manfredi's research ended. Museo di Zoologia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, via Universita 4, 1-41100 Modena (MZUMRE) Curatorial Staff: Paolo Tongiorgi Phone: 39-059-2055563 E-mail: tongiorg@unimo.it Types: paratypes of Amblyiulus tongiorgii (Stras- ser). Small millipede collection. Collection is not cataloged. Department of Biology, University of Padova, Via Ugo Bassi 58 B, 1-35131 Padova (UNIPD) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Alessandro Minelli Phone: 39-049-8276303 Fax: 39-049-8276230 E-mail: alessandro.minelli@unipd.it Types: none in general collection. Collection: 800 lots (est.): 500 lots identified to family (est.); 300 lots identified to order in backlog. Collection la- bels are printed with a laser printer or handwrit- ten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by gen- era. The formed collection is not cataloged. As- sociated collections: actively growing reprint col- lection and historical microscope slide collection. Also, the "Canestrini collection" is housed here, consisting of 100 lots (est.), including type lots (Fanzago; Fedrizzi). The types are not separated from the rest of this collection, and no type cat- alog is available. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. This collection is arranged in the original order of accession and together with centipedes. The collection is cata- loged in accession records. Associated collec- tions: historical reprint collection. Holdings from Europe. Museo di Entomologia e Zoologia, Dip. di Ento- mologia e Zoologia Agraria dell' Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico 11, " Via Universita, 100-80055 Portici (Napoli) (MFS) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Gennaro Viggiani/Bru- no Espinosa Phone: 39-081-2539192 Fax: 39-081-7755145 E-mail: genviggi@unina.it Types: 700 lots (Attems; Berlese; Brolemann; SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 53 Chamberlin; Cook; Daday; Fanzago; Fedrizzi; Johns; Karsch; Latzel; Leach; Loomis; Lucas; Meinert; Nemec; Newport; Peters; Pocock; Porat; Ribaut; Silvestri; Sinclair; Tomosvary; Verhoeff). The type collection contains paratypes of the Sil- vestri's 1897 types, which were housed in Dres- den and destroyed during World War II (R. L. Hoffman, in litt.). Types are separated from the collection, and a type catalog is available (Vig- giani, 1973). Collection: 11,000 lots: 7,000 lots identified to family; 4,000 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are typewritten or handwritten. Collection is arranged geographically and system- atically. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: historical reprint and microscope slide collections. Exten- sive holdings from Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, Mediterranean/northern Africa, and Oriental regions; some holdings from the West In- dies and Ethiopian regions. 1777 Museo di Zoologia dell'Universita di Roma "La Sapienza," Viale dell'Univesita, 32, 1-00185 Roma (MZUL) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Augusto Vigna Tagli- anti Phone: 39-06-49914742 Fax: 39-06-4958259 E-mail: augusto. vignataglianti@uniromal .it Types: 1,520 lots (Enghoff; Golovatch; Strasser). Types are not separated from the formed collec- tion, and no type catalog is available. Collection: 5,000 lots: 3,000 lots identified to family; 2,000 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Speci- mens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged geographically. The formed collection is partly cataloged and computerized. Extensive holdings from Central America and the Palearctic; some material from eastern and south- ern Africa. Associated collections: actively grow- ing reprint and microscope slide collections. rm Museo Regionale Scienze Naturali, Via Giolitti 36, 1-10123 Torino (MRSN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Lisa Levi Phone: 39-011-4323074 Fax: 39-011-4323331 E-mail: lisa.levi@regione.piemonte.it Types: 160 (Pocock; Silvestri). Types will be sep- arated from the general collection, and a type cat- alog is forthcoming. Collection: 2,500 specimens (est.): 107 genera and 252 species represented. A large but unknown number of lots are in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabet- ically by genera. Collection is cataloged in catalog books. Extensive holdings are from the Neotrop- ics, Europe, Mediterranean/northern Africa, and eastern Africa (Uganda). Some specimens from Central America, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Associated collections: historical reprint collec- tion. This collection was formerly housed in the Museo e Istituto de Zoologia Sistematica, Uni- versity of Turin. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia, S. Croce no. 1730, 1-30135 Venice (MCNV) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Mauro Bon Phone: 39-041-2405211 Fax: 39-041-721000 E-mail: mauro.bon@comune.venezia.it Types: two lots (Strasser). Small millipede collec- tion. Specimens are maintained in 65% ethanol. This collection includes some cave material from the private collection of M. G. Paoletti. Speci- mens identified to specific level were evaluated by C. Strasser and A. Minelli. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Lun- gadige Porta Vittoria, 9, 1-37129 Verona (MCSNVR) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Leonardo Latella/Dr. Roberta Salmaso Phone: 39-045-8079419 Fax: 39-045-8035639 E-mail: leonardo_latella@comune.verona.it, roberta.salmaso@commune.verona.it Types: unknown number of lots. Collection: 150 jars (count). Backlog is partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged geo- graphically and systematically. The formed col- lection is cataloged and computerized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Main holdings from Mediter- ranean/northern Africa; some material from the Neotropics, Southeast Asia, and eastern Africa. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. The collection may house type material (authors Strasser, Mauries, and possibly others; data cour- tesy of A. Minelli [UNIPD]). 54 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY JAMAICA No contact with Department of Zoology, Univer- sity of the West Indies (Kingston, Mona, Kingston 7). r Natural History Museum, Institute of Jamaica, 12-16 East Street, Kingston (IJSM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Elaine Fisher Phone: 876-922-06206 Fax: 876-922-1147 E-mail: nhd.ioj @ mail.infochan.com Types: none. Collection: 87 lots (count): Seven identified at least to family; 80 lots (est.) in back- log. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collec- tion labels are handwritten. Collection is not cat- aloged. Holdings from the West Indies (Jamaica). Associated collections: historical bulk sample col- lection (P. F. Bellinger collection). Estimated col- lection growth: one lot per year. JAPAN Drs. Tanabe (TKPM) and Ono (NSMT) assisted generously in compiling data on millipede collec- tions in Japan. The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Entomological Lab- oratory (Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Univer- sity, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581 [KUEC]; curatorial staff: Prof. Jun-ichi Yukawa/ Dr. Satoshi Kamitani), Insect Collection (Zoolog- ical Laboratory, Meijo University, Tenpaku-Ku, Nagoya 468 [ZLMU]; curatorial staff: Dr. Yutaka Arita), Entomological Laboratory (University of Osaka, Osaka 599-8531, Sakai Pref. [UOPJ]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. T Hirowatari); Entomological Institute (Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Uni- versity, Sapporo 060-8589 [EIHU]; curatorial staff: Prof. Masaaki Suwa), and Laboratory of In- sect Systematics (National Institute of Agro-En- vironmental Sciences, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibar- aki Pref., 305-8604 [ITLJ]; curatorial staff: Dr. T Matsumura). r Chiba Prefectural Museum, Aoba-cho 955-2, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260-8682 (CBMJ) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Yasunori Hagino E-mail: hagino@chiba-muse.or.jp Small, uncurated millipede collection. r Dr. Keizaburo Shinohara, 2-7-4 Wakamiya, Ichi- hara-shi, Chiba 290-0006 Large personal collections (data courtesy of Dr. Hirotsugu Ono [NSMT]). Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Nishikawa, Biological Labo- ratory, Otemon Gakuin University, 2-1-15, Nish- iai, lbaraki-shi, Osaka 567-8502 Large personal collection from Japan, Nepal, Chi- na, and Vietnam. He published several papers with Dr. Murakami (data courtesy of Dr. Hirot- sugu Ono [NSMT]). Tokushima Prefectural Museum, Bunka-no-mori, Hachiman-cho, Mukaiderayama, Tokushima, 770- 8070 (TKPM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Tsutomu Tanabe Phone: 81-88-6683636 Fax: 81-88-6687197 E-mail: tanabe@staff.comet.go.jp Types: six lots (Enghoff; Shear; Tanabe; Tanabe & Shinohara). Collection: 850 lots (count). Spec- imens are stored in 75%-80% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or dot-matrix printed. Col- lection is arranged systematically. Collection is electronically cataloged (specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Most material from Japan. Associated collections: ac- tively growing collections of photographs, prints, and slides. Mr. Kiyoshi Ishii, Department of Biology, Dokkyo University of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi-ken, 321- 0293 (UIPC) E-mail: k-ishii@dokkyomed.ac.jp Substantial personal collection; types of species he described are housed in his collection (data courtesy of Drs. Tsunomi Tanabe [TKPM] and Hirotsugu Ono [NSMT]). National Science Museum, Tokyo, Hyakunin-cho 3-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073 (NSMT) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Hirotsugu Ono Phone: 81-3-33642311 Fax: 81-3-33647104 E-mail: ono@kahaku.go.jp Types: 50 lots (est.; Golovatch; Haga; Ishii; Kor- sos; Murakami; Shear, Tsurusaki, & Tanabe; Shi- nohara; Tanabe). Types are not separated from the general collection, and no type catalog is avail- able. Collection: 20,000 lots (est.): 300 (est.) iden- tified at least to family; large number of lots in SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 55 backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 95% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged by catalog number. Collection is cataloged in catalog books. Exten- sive holdings from Japan; some specimens from Southeast Asia. Special collections: the Murakami collection is deposited here. ■am Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Education, and Regional Sciences, Tottori University, Tottori 680 8551 (NTPC) Personal collection of Dr. Nobuo Tsurusaki Phone: 81-857-315110 Fax: 81-857-315110 E-mail: ntsuru@fed.tottori-u.ac.jp Types: none. Collection: 1,400 lots (est.): 1,200 identified to family; 200 in backlog partly iden- tified to order. Specimens are stored in 80% eth- anol; collection labels are printed with dot-matrix printer or handwritten. Collection organization: unknown. Collection is partly cataloged in catalog books and computerized (taxon-based relational database). Associated collections: actively grow- ing reprint and bulk sample collections. All hold- ings from Asia. Estimated collection growth: 100 lots per year. ttttt Mr. Mitsuo Takano, Tsurumi Joshi, Highschool, 2-2-1 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama- shi, Kan- agawa, 230-0063 Substantial personal collection (data courtesy of Dr. Hirotsugu Ono [NSMT]). KENYA No contact was established with K. A. R. I. Forest Insects Reference Collection, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari, P.O. Box 57811, Nairo- bi), and National Agricultural Research Labora- tories (P.O. Box 14733, Nairobi). HOT Section of Entomology, National Museum of Ken- ya, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi (NMKE) Curatorial Staff: Wanja Kinuthia E-mail: eafrinet@africaonline.co.ke Small millipede collection. weon National University, Kangweon Province), and Korean Entomological Institute (Korea Uni- versity, Seoul). According to Prof. Bo-Keun Seo (e-mail: bkseo@kmu.ac.kr), there are no milli- pede collections in South Korea. However, Dr. Kil- Young Lim (2001, Chonbuk University) pub- lished on the diplopods of Korea and apparently maintains a personal collection. LEBANON Natural History Museum, Biology Department, American University of Beirut, Beirut (AUBL) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Khouzama Knio E-mail: kknio@aub.edu. lb Small teaching collection. LIBYA No contact was established with Natural History Museum (The Castle, Tripoli). LUXEMBOURG Musee National d'Histoire Naturelle du Grand- Duchy de Luxembourg, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg (MGDL) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Marc Meyer E-mail: mmeyer@mnhn.lu Types: none. Collection: several hundred vials; 30 specimens identified to species. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol. All collecting sites and species are cataloged in a database (LUXNAT). All specimens are from Luxembourg. The milli- pede collection of this institution is currently cu- rated by Dr. R. D. Kime (e-mail: des.kime® skynet.be). MACAU REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) No contact was established with Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture (Kang- No contact was established with Camara Munic- ipal Das Has (Island Government of Macau, De- partment De Servicos Agrarios, Parque Da Re- serva De Siac Pai Van Cloane Island). 56 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY MADAGASCAR No contact was established with Laboratoire de Zoologie (E. E. S. S. Ankatso, University of An- tananarivo). It is unlikely that a millipede collec- tion exists in Madagascar (data courtesy of Dr. S. Goodman [FMNH]). MALAWI No contact was established with Department of Agricultural Resources Collection (Ministry of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Bvumbwe Experimental Station, P.O. Box 5748, Limbe), Museum of Malawi (P.O. Box 30360, Chichiri, Blantyre), and Department of Forestry Collection (Ministry of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 270, Zomba). Department of Biology Collection, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, P.O. Box 280, Zomba (CCCZ) Curatorial Staff: Dr. C. O. Dudley Phone: 265-522-222 Fax: 265-522-046 Currently there is no millipede collection, but a plan exists to build a collection. MALAYSIA No contact was established with National Muse- um (Damansara Road, Kuala Lumpur) and Insti- tute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conser- vation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (943000 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak). The following insti- tutions do not house millipede collections: Ento- mology Unit (Forest Research Institute Malaysia [FIRM], Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur; curatorial staff: Dr. Laurence G. Kirton), Sabah Museum (Jalan Muzium, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah [SMJM]; curatorial staff: Jaffit Majuakim), Natu- ral History Division (Sarawak Museum Kuching, 93566 Kuching, Sarawak [SMSM]; curatorial staff: Charles Leh Moi Ung), and Forest Research Center (Forestry Department, P.O. Box 1407, 90715 Sandakan, Sabah; curatorial staff: Dr. Chey Vun Khen). MAURITIUS No contact was established with Natural History Museum, Mauritius Institute (P.O. Box 56, Port Louis), and the Mauritius Sugar Industry Re- search Institute (Reduitt). MEXICO No contact was established with Coleccion de En- tomologia (Centro de Entomologia y Acarologfa, Colegio de Postgraduados, 56230 Chapingo), Co- leccion Central de Insectos (Instituto Nacional De Investigaciones Forestales y Agro-Pecuarias, Apartado Postal 112, Celaya, GTO), Coleccion Nacional De Insectos (Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad De Mexico, Apartado 18845, Dele- gacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 1 1800, D.F.), Es- tacion de Biologia "Chamela" (Universidad Na- cional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado 2 1 , 48980 San Patricio, Jalisco), and Coleccion de Insectos (Centro de Investigaciones Agricolas del Noroes- te, Apartado 515, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora). La- boratorio de Entomologia Forestal/Fauna del Sue- lo (Instituto de Fitosanidad, Colegio de Postgrad- uados, Montecillo, Edo. de Mexico, Mexico 56230; curatorial staff: Dr. Armando Equihua) does not house a millipede collection. Coleccion Nacional de Ardcnidos, Instituto de mm Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Apartado Postal 70-153, C.P. 04510, Mexico, D.F. (UNAM) Curatorial Staff: Griselda Montiel-Parra Phone: 52-55-6229147 ext. 47854 Fax: 52-55-5500164 E-mail: grismp@ibiologia.unam.mx Type lots: eight (Chamberlin). Collection: 1,015 specimens. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol. All holdings from Mexico. Coleccion de Insectos, Instituto Tecnologico de mm Monterrey, Escuela de Agricultura, Monterrey, N.L. (ITMM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Luis Orlando Tejada Phone: 52-81-83582000 E-mail: ltejada@campus.mty.itesm.mx Types: number of lots unknown. Collection: 50,000 lots (est.). Backlog is identified to order. Collection labels are handwritten or typed. Col- lection is arranged alphabetically by family. Col- lection is not cataloged. Most holdings from Mex- ico; some from other parts of Central America. Associated collection: historical microscope slide collection. Estimated collection growth: 500 lots SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 57 per year (mostly collected by students from the area around Monterrey). Note: The number of re- ported lots appears high. We were unable to es- tablish contact with the curator to verify the size of the collection. 77777T Coleccion Entomologica del Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Universidad de Guadalajara, Apdo. Postal 234, 45100 Zapopan, Jalisco (UGZM) Curatorial Staff: Jose Luis Navarrete-Heredia E-mail: snavarre@maiz.cucba.udg.mx Web site: http://mx.geocities.com/hugofierros/ index.html Types: none. Collection: 28 lots: unidentified. rnm Coleccion de Aracnologia y Entomologia del CIB (Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas), Centro de Investigacion.es del Noroeste, Apdo. Postal 128, La Paz, B.C.S. 23000 (CIBN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Maria Luisa Jimenez Phone: 52-612-1253626 ext. 3321 Fax: 52-612-1253633 ext. 3351 E-mail: ljimenez@cibnor.mx Small millipede collection. All specimens from Sierra de la Laguna. Turn "1EXA Coleccion Entomologica," Instituto de Ecologia, A. C, Km 2.5 antigua carretera a Coa- tepec # 351, Congregacion El Haya. C.P. 91070 Xalapa, Veracruz (IEXA) Curatorial Staff: M. C. Patricia Rojas Fernan- dez Phone: 52-228-8421800 ext. 4406 Fax: 52-228-8187809 E-mail: projas@ecologia.edu. mx Types: None. Collection: 3,500 specimens repre- senting 13 orders. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collec- tion is arranged alphabetically by order. Collec- tion is cataloged. Main holdings from Mexico; some from Guatemala, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Africa. Associated collections: none. Note: The abbreviation IEXA, used in this publication, was newly established. MONACO No contact was established with Musee Oceano- graphique de Monaco (Avenue Saint-Martin, 98000). MOROCCO No contact was established with Institut Scienti- fique Cheripen (Avenue Biar-Nay, Rabat). MOZAMBIQUE No contact was established with Dr. Alvaro de Castro Provincial Museum (Largo do Podrao das Descobertas, Maputo). MYANMAR There are no known millipede collections in Myanmar (personal communication to senior au- thor from U Kin Maung Zaw, director for wildlife and conservation. Forestry Department). NAMIBIA The Desert Ecological Research Unit of Namibia (at Gobabeb, P.O. Box 1592, Swakopmund [GRSW]; curatorial staff: Dr. Joh Henschel) does not house a millipede collection. National Museum of Namibia, P.O. Box 1203, Windhoek 9000 (NMNW) Curatorial Staff: Tharina Bird Phone: 264-61-276829 Fax: 264-61-228636 E-mail: tharina@natmus.cul.na, tharinabird @ webmail.co.za Types: one (Shelley & Crawford), separated from the general collection. Collection: 670 lots (count): 50 identified at least to family; 100 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70%- 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and accession records. The catalog is com- puterized (taxon-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Most material from southern Africa. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. NEPAL No contact was established with National Muse- um of Nepal (P.O. Box 180, Chauni, Kathmandu). 58 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY NETHERLANDS Dr. Matty Berg (VUA) confirmed the existence of three scientific millipede collections in the Neth- erlands. The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Museon (Department of Bi- ology, Stadhouderslaan 41, NL-2517 HV The Hague [MUDH]; curatorial staff: Rob T A. Schouten), Natuurhistorisch Museum (M. H. Tromplaan 19, 7511 Enschede [MVEN]; curato- rial staff: Frans van Stuyvenberg), Insect Collec- tion (Fries Natuurhistorisch Museum, Schoen- makersperk 2, 8911 EM Leeuwarden [FNML]; curatorial staff: Johannes Fokkema), Insect Col- lection (Noordbrabants Natuurmuseum, Spoorlaan 434, NL-5038CH, Tilburg, [NNKN]; curatorial staff: Dr. F. Ellenbroek), Natural History Museum (De Bosquetplein 6-7, Postbus 882, NL-6200 AW, Maastricht [NHME]; curatorial staff: Dr. F. N. Dingemans-Bakels), and Insect Collection (Na- tuurhistorisch Museum, Van Serssenlaan 4, Post- bus 23452, NL-3001 KL Rotterdam [NHMR]; cu- ratorial staff: J. W. F. Reumer). Vrije Universiteit, Institute of Ecological Science, Department of Animal Ecology, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam (VUA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Matty P. Berg Phone: 31-20-4447077 Fax: 31-20-4447123 E-mail: matty.berg@ecology.falw.vu.nl Types: none. Collection: 2,000 lots (est.): all iden- tified to family. Specimens are stored in 70% eth- anol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is arranged sys- tematically. The collection is cataloged and elec- tronically databased (lot or specimen based). In- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. All holdings are from the Netherlands. Estimated col- lection growth: 150 lots per year. Department of Entomology, Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH Amsterdam (ZMAN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ben Brugge Phone: 31-20-5256240 Fax: 31-20-5256528 E-mail: brugge@science.uva.nl Types: unknown number of lots (Attems; Engh- off; Golovatch; Jeekel; Pocock). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Collection: 10,000 lots (est.): 9,500 lots (est.) identified to family; 500 lots part- ly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are print- ed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Extensive holdings from the West Indies, the Neotropics, Europe, Mediterranean/northern Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia; some hold- ings from western North America, Central Amer- ica, India, Ethiopian regions, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Associated collections: active- ly growing reprint and microscope slides collec- tions. Estimated collection growth: 40 lots per year. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, 1 P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden (RMNH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Erik J. van Nieukerken Phone: 31-71-5687682 Fax: 31-71-5687666 E-mail: nieukerken@naturalis.nnm.nl Web site: http://www.naturalis.nl/ Types: 100 lots (est.; Attems; Brandt; Demange; Haase; Hoffman; Jeekel). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Collection: 5,500 lots (est.): 2,515 identified at least to family; 3,000 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written or laser or dot-matrix printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Collection is cataloged in file cards and catalog books. The cat- alog will be computerized in the near future. In- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. Exten- sive holdings from Europe and Southeast Asia; some specimens from the Neotropics, Mediterra- nean/northern Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Is- lands. Associated collections: historical reprint and slide collections. Actively growing bulk sam- ple collection from pitfall traps. Estimated collec- tion growth: 40 lots per year. NEW CALEDONIA Laboratoire de Zoologie Appliquee, Orston, Boite Postale A 5, Noumea (ONNC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. J. Chazeau E-mail: Jean.chazeau@noumea.ird.nc No millipede collection. Most collecting was done in collaboration with the staff of the Paris muse- SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 59 um (MNHN); material collected is housed at MNHN. NEW ZEALAND The following institutions do not house millipede collections (data courtesy of P. M. Johns [CMNZ1): National Plant Pest Reference Labo- ratory (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, P.O. Box 24, Lincoln; (PCNZ) curatorial staff: Alan Flynn), New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Re- search Institute (Invermay Agricultural Centre, Private Bag, Mosgiel; curatorial staff: Dr. B. I. P. Barratt; all material passed on to Canterbury Mu- seum), Department of Ecology (Massey Univer- sity, Private Bag, Palmerston North [MUNZ]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Murray Potter), Forest Research Institute (Private Bag, Rotorua [FRNZ]; curatorial staff: Mr. M. J. Nuttall), School of Biological Sci- ences (Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington [VUWE]; curatorial staff: Dr. G. W. Gibbs), Northland Regional Museum (P.O. Box 1359, Whangarei [NRNZ]; curatorial staff: Dr. Bruce Young), and Whangarei Museum (State Highway 14 Maunu, P.O. Box 10, 135 Te Mai Whangarei; curatorial staff: Stefan Tengblad). Auckland War Memorial Museum, Auckland Do- main Drive, Private Bag 92018, Auckland (AMNZ) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John W Early Phone: 64-9-3067042 Fax: 64-9-3067091 E-mail: jearly@aucklandmuseum.com Note: Formerly the Auckland Institute and Mu- seum. Types: none. Collection: 1,136 lots: 203 lots identified to family level, evaluated by G. Ar- chey; 933 lots identified to order in backlog, eval- uated by J. Early. Collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Col- lection is arranged alphabetically by family. Col- lection is not cataloged. Holdings from New Zea- land and the Pacific Islands. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Re- search, 120 Mt. Albert Road, Private Bag 92170, Auckland (NZAC) Curatorial Staff: Grace Hall/Trevor Crosby Phone: 64-9-8154200 Fax: 64-9-8497093 E-mail: hallgr @ landcareresearch.co.nz Types: a few lots (Johns). Collection: 6,000 lots (est.): 1,000 vials in formed collection identified at least to family level; backlog is identified to order. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; col- lection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. The formed collection is organized geographically. Collection is not cataloged. As- sociated collections: historical reprint, photo- graph, print slide, and bulk sample collections. Main holdings from New Zealand; some from Australia and the Pacific Islands. National Plant Pest Reference Laboratory, Min- istry of Agriculture and Forestry, 131 Boundary Road, Blockhouse Bay, P.O. Box 2095 Auckland 1015 (PANZ) Curatorial Staff: Olwyn Green Phone: 64-9-6266036 Fax: 64-9-6274086 E-mail: greeno@maf.govt.nz Types: none. Collection: 13 lots: 3 lots identified to family; 10 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged in alphabetical order of families and partly cataloged in accession records. Associated collec- tions: actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections. Holdings from New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. This collection contains the Plant Protection Center Collection (PPCC). Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Avenue, Christ- church 8001 (CMNZ) Curatorial Staff: Peter M. Johns Phone: 64-3-3665000 Fax: 64-3-3665622 E-mail: P.Johns @zool. canterbury. ac.nz Types: 35 lots (Conde; Hutton; Johns; Mauries). Types are separated from the formed collection, and a type catalog is available (Johns, 2000). Col- lection: 2,000 lots (est.): 1,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 1,000 lots in backlog (est.), all identified to order. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol and some specimens are stored dried; col- lection labels are handwritten and laser printed. Collection is arranged systematically. Collection is computerized (taxon-based relational database). All identified specimens have grid-referenced sites, and distribution maps can be produced. 60 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Main holdings from New Zealand; some speci- mens from Australia and the Pacific Islands. As- sociated collection: historical reprint collection and actively growing bulk sample collection. Es- timated collection growth: 20 lots per year. Otago Museum, 419 Great King Street, P.O. Box 6202, Dunedin (OMNZ) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Brian Patrick Small collection (data courtesy of P. M. Johns [CMNZ]). Entomology Research Museum, Lincoln Univer- sity, Cnr Ellesmere Junction and Springs Roads, P.O. Box 84, Canterbury (LUNZ) Curatorial Staff: John Marris Phone: 64-3-3252811 Fax: 64-3-3253844 E-mail: marris @lincoln.ac.nz Types: none. Collection: 70 lots (est.): none iden- tified to family level, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or hand- written. Collection is not cataloged. All material is from New Zealand. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. Entomological Collection, Museum of New Zea- land, Te Papa Tongarewa, Private Bag, Welling- ton (MONZ) Curator/Collection Manager: Dr. Phil Sirvid Phone: 64-4-3817362 Fax: 64-4-3817310 E-mail: phils@tepapa.govt.nz Types: 25 lots of paratypes (Holloway; Johns). Collection: 600 lots (est.): 450 (est.) identified at least to family; 150 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, laser printed, or typed. The formed collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by family. Unidentified ma- terial is arranged geographically. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings mainly from New Zealand; some specimens from the Pacific Islands. Asso- ciated collections: actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: 50 lots per year. NICARAGUA None of the institutions contacted during the pro- ject reported a millipede collection (data con- firmed by Jean-Michel Maes [SEAN]): Centro Experimental de Nueva Guinea, Zelaya (CENG; institution may no longer exist); Centro Nacional de Protection Vegetal (Cenaprove) (Museo de En- tomologia, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Managua [CENA]; curatorial staff: Ms. Maria Pedrina Cordova); Museo Entomologico (Asocia- cion Nicaraguense de Entomologia, AP 527 — Leon [SEAN]; curatorial staff: Jean-Michel Maes; e-mail: jmmaes@ibw.com.ni); Museo Entomolo- gico, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua [UN AC]; curatorial staff: Ms. Alba de la Liana); and Museo Entomologico (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, Leon [UN AN]; curato- rial staff: Ms. Miriam Corrales). NORWAY Museum of Zoology, University of Bergen, Mu- n seplass 3, N-5007 Bergen (ZMUB) Curatorial Staff: Lita Greve Jensen Phone: 47-5-5582912 Fax: 47-5-5589677 E-mail: Lita.Greve.Jensen@zmb.uib.no Types: none. Collection: 800 lots (est.): large number of lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70%-80% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is arranged geographically. Collection is cataloged on file cards, and comput- erization is under way. Most material from Eu- rope; collection contains Verhoeff voucher mate- rial. Museum of Zoology, Sars GT. 1, N-0562 Oslo n (ZMUN) Curatorial Staff: Karsten Sunday Phone: 47-22-851682 Fax: 47-22-851837 E-mail: karsten.sund@nhm.uio.no Collection: a few thousand specimens: 2,100 specimens (est.) identified lots from Norway; 230 identified specimens from Tristan da Cunha (At- lantic Island, 37.08°S, 12.28°W, UK). Backlog: a few thousand undetermined specimens from Nor- way and a few thousand undetermined specimens from other countries. OMAN No contact was established with National Insect Collection (Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 668, Muscat). SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 61 PAKISTAN PARAGUAY No contact was established with Department of Zoology (University of Punjab, Lahore). PANAMA No contact was established with Museo de Ento- mologfa (Facultad de Agronomfa, Universidad de Panama, Octavio Mendez Pereira). No millipede collection in Panama other than one at MIUP (data courtesy of Dr. Diomedes Quintero Arias [MIUP]). The Smithsonian Tropical Research In- stitute (P.O. Box 2072, Balboa [STRI]; curatorial staff: Dr. Annette Aiello; e-mail: aielloa@tivoli. si.edu) does not house a millipede collection. Laboratorio de Artropodos Venenosos (LAV), Museo de Invertebrados Graham B. Fairchild, Universidad de Panama, Estafeta Universitaria 0824, Edificio Investigaciones Biologicas, Facul- tad de Ciencias, Planta baja, Panama (MIUP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Diomedes Quintero Arias Phone: 507-2127758 Fax: 507-2128148 E-mail: DQUINTER@ancon.up.ac.pa Types: none. Collection: 285 lots (count): 131 lots identified to family level; 154 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 95% ethanol. Collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged sys- tematically. The formed collection is partly cata- loged and computerized. Most holdings from Central America; some from eastern North Amer- ica, the West Indies, and the Neotropics. Estimat- ed collection growth: 10 lots per year. PAPUA NEW GUINEA No contact was established with Central Refer- ence Insect Collection (Department of Primary In- dustry, P.O. Box 2141, Boroko, N.C.D.); National Forest Insect Collection (Forest Research Centre, P.O. Box 314, Lae, Morobe Province); Depart- ment of Biology, Entomology Collection (Univer- sity of Papua New Guinea, P.O. Box 320, Uni- versity, N.C.D.); and Wau Ecology Institute (P.O. Box 77, Wau). Inventario Biologico Nacional, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, Sueur sal 1, Campus U.N.A., Central XI, 2169 CDP (INBP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John A. Kochalka Phone: 595-21-585208 Fax: 595-21-585208 E-mail: mnhnp@sce.cnc. una. py One paratype (Hoffman 1995, Gonorygma ko- chalkai). Collection: 147 lots (count): 18 identi- fied at least to family level (Polydesmida: 6 lots, Chelodesmidae, Paradoxosomatidae; Spirobolida, Rhinocricidae: 3, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae: 9); 129 lots (count) in backlog, most identified to order (Julida: 2 lots, Polydesmida: 40, Polyxeni- da: 9, Polyzoniida: 1, Spirobolida: 9, Stemmiuli- da: 68). Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is arranged systematically (families and genera arranged alphabetically within each order). Collection catalog is computerized (taxon- based flat file). Most material from the Neotropics (Paraguay); some specimens from eastern North America. Estimated collection growth: seven lots per year. PERU The following institutions do not house millipede collections (data courtesy of Dr. Diana Silva [CAS, MUSMJ): Museo de Entomologfa (Esta- cion Experimental Agricola de la Molina, Minis- terio de Agricultura y Alimentacion, Lima [EELM]), Museo de Entomologfa (Universidad Nacional Agraria, Apartado 456, La Molina, Lima [UN AD]; curatorial staff: unknown), and Depar- tamento de Fitotecnica (Museo de Entomologfa, Universidad Nacional "Pedro Ruiz Gallo," Apar- tado 3, Lambayeque [UPRG]). Coleccion del Departmento de Entomologfa, Mu- seo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Na- cional Mayor de San Marcos, Avenida Arenales 1256, Apartado Postal 14-0434, Lima- 14 (MUSM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gerardo Lamas Muller/ Diana Silva Phone: 51-1-4710117 ext. 27 Fax: 51-1-2655819 E-mail: glamasm@unmsm.edu. pe 62 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Types: unknown number of lots (about 12 type lots by Golovatch, Vohland & Hoffman). Collec- tion: 2,000 (est.): 20 lots identified to family; 1,980 lots identified to order in backlog. Speci- mens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabet- ically. The formed collection is not cataloged. All holdings from the Neotropics. Collection growth: active. PHILIPPINES No contact was established with Entomology Col- lection (University of San Carlos, Cebu City 6401), Department of Entomology (University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna), Biological Museum (Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte), Entomology and Plant Pathology Division (P.O. Box 3127, 1271 Makati City), and Institute of Biology (University of Philippines at Diliman, College of Science, Diliman 1101 Que- zon City). POLAND lipede material and types of species described by Dzik. Museum of Natural History, University of Wro- claw, H. Sienkiewicza 21, PL-50-335 Wroclaw (UWCP) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Dr. Andrzej Wiktor/Dr. Beata M. Pokryszko Phone: 48-71-3225044 Fax: 48-71-3225044 E-mail: awiktor@biol.uni.wroc.pl, bepok@biol.uni.wroc.pl Types: none. Collection: 1,550 lots (est.): 615 identified at least to family; 900 lots in backlog (est.), all identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol; labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is arranged systematically (Hoffman, 1980). Unidentified material is arranged geo- graphically. The formed collection is not cata- loged. Individual lot numbers have been assigned to types. Most material from the Palearctic. As- sociated collections: actively growing reprint col- lection. Estimated collection growth: 20 to 50 lots per year. No contact was established with Institute of Sys- tematics and Evolution of Animals — Museum (Sebastiana 9, PL-3 1-049 Krakow). Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Polish Acad- emy of Science, Wilcza 64, PL-00-679 Warszawa (MZPW) Curatorial Staff: Jolanta Wytwer E-mail: jolawyt@miiz.waw.pl Web site: http://www.miiz.waw.pl/english.html Types: unknown number of lots (Enghoff; Golo- vatch & Wytwer; Jedryczkowski; Mauries & Enghoff; possibly others). No type catalog is available. Collection (currently stored off-site in the village of Lomna): 350 jars containing vials. Collection labels are handwritten. Collection is mostly unidentified; all identified material is from Poland. Unsorted material is arranged geographi- cally. Some material has been identified by Go- lovatch, Enghoff, Tabacaru & Negrea, Dziadosz, Jedryczkowski, and possibly others. Collection is not cataloged; some Polish species are cataloged on file cards. Unidentified holdings from the Neo- tropics, the Palearctic, Southeast Asia, and eastern and southern Africa. Note: The Muzeum Ziemi of the Polish Academy of Sciences houses fossil mil- PORTUGAL No contact was established with Museu e Labor- atorio Zoologico da Faculdade de Ciencias (Univ- ersidade de Coimbra, Coimbra). Museu Bocage (Dept. Zoologia e Antropologia), Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Universi- dade de Lisboa, Rua de Escola Politecnica, 1269- 102 Lisboa (MB) Curatorial Staff: Alexandra Marcal Correia Phone: 351-21-3965853 Fax: 351-21-3969784 E-mail: amarcal@fc.ul.pt Types: none. Collection: 3 lots (count). Lots are identified to order. Collection labels are handwrit- ten. Collection is cataloged on file cards. Euro- pean material only. Centro de Zoologia do 1. 1. C. T., Div. Aranoen- tomologia, R. De Junqueira 14, 1300 Lisboa (IICT) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Luis F. Mendes Phone: 351-21-3637055 Fax: 351-21-3622626 SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 63 Types: none. Collection: 69 lots (count): 13 iden- tified at least to family. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged geographically. Collection is cataloged in catalog books. Holdings from the Palearctic, Oriental regions, and western and east- ern Africa. Estimated collection growth: three lots per year. PUERTO RICO No contact was established with Entomological Pioneering Research Laboratory (University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00708). mm The private collection of Dr. Antonio Perez- Asso, P.O. Box 846, Coto Laurel, PR 00780 (ARPA) E-mail: hparaiso@caribe.net Types: none. Collection: 5,000 specimens (est.). Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol. This col- lection consists of millipedes collected in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. The collection is cataloged. mm Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Box 23360, San Juan, PR 00931- 3360 (PRRP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Thomas E-mail: rthomas@upracd.upr.clu.edu This millipede collection contains the types of Dr. Velez. However, many if not all have been lost. The collection is uncurated and in need of cura- torial attention (data courtesy of Dr. Antonio Perez-Asso; e-mail: hparaiso@caribe.net). No contact was established with the curator. REUNION No contact was established with Museum of Nat- ural History (Jardin De L'Est, Saint-Denis). ROMANIA No contact was established with Muzeul de Istoria Naturala "Grigore Antipa" (L. Chaussee Kisselef 1, Bucharest), Muzeul de Istoria Naturala (Bdul Independentei 16, 7600, IASI), Muzeul Orasului Sf. Gheorghe (Strada 16 Februaruul 10, Sf. Gheorghe), Muzeul Brukenthal (Piata Republicii 4, Sibiu), and Colectia de Insecte a Muzeului Ju- detean Covasna (Strada 16 Februarie Nr. 10, 400 Sfintu Gheorghe, Judetul Covasna). According to Dr. Carol Prunescu (e-mail: prunescu@biochim. ro), there are no millipede collections in Romania. RUSSIA Zoological Institute, Diplopoda Collection, Univ- ersitetskaya nab., 1, St. Petersburg, 199034 (ZIN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Victor A. Krivokhatsky Phone: 7-812-3281212 Fax: 7-812-1140444 E-mail: kva@zisp.spb.ru Types: 1,000 lots (Beauvois; Brandt; Eichwald; Enghoff; Enghoff & Golovatch; Gerstfeldt; Ger- vais (?); Golovatch; Golovatch & Enghoff; Go- lovatch & Korsos; Golovatch & Mikhaljova; C. L. Koch (?); Lignau; Lohmander; Lokshina & Go- lovatch; Mikhalijova; Rafinesque (?); Say (?); Verhoeff; Waga). Types are not separated from the formed collection; a type catalog is in preparation. Collection: 2,200 lots (est.): 2,000 identified to family; 200 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol, and some specimens are dry; col- lection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged in alphabetical order of families. Collec- tion is cataloged on file cards and catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Most orders are represented in formed collection with the exception of Glomeridesmida, Platydesmida, Polyxenida, Siphoniulida, and Stemmiulida. Voucher material is by Verhoeff. Extensive hold- ings from the Palearctic and Southeast Asia; some material from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, India, Ethiopian regions, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year. Zoological Museum, University of Moscow, Bol- shaya Nikitskaya 6, Moscow 103009 (ZMMU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Arkady A. Shileyko Phone: 7-095-2925796 Fax: 7-095-2033767 E-mail: schileykol965@mail.ru Types: 100 lots (Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffman; Mauries; Mikhaljova; Muralewicz; Shear; Shel- ley; Verhoeff). Types are separated from the formed collection; no type catalog is available. Collection: 45,000 lots (est.): 5,000 lots (est.) identified to family; 40,000 lots partly identified 64 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collec- tion is arranged alphabetically by genera and by species within each genus. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collec- tions: historical and actively growing reprint, mi- croscope slide, and bulk sample collections. The collection contains about 100 species of Ver- hoeff 's voucher material. Extensive holdings from Europe, Mediterranean/northern Africa, and Asia; some holdings from the Nearctic, Middle Ameri- ca, and the Neotropics. Estimated collection growth: 150 lots per year. A. N. Severtzov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of the Sciences, Leninsky prospekt. 33, Moscow 119071 (IPEE) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Sergei Golovatch Phone: 7-095-9390834 Fax: 7-095-9545534 E-mail: sgol@orc.ru Types: none. Collection: 400 lots (est.): all iden- tified to family level. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collec- tion contains voucher specimens identified by H. Lohmander, S. Golovatch, and others. Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. 100-letiya 159, Vladivostok 690022 (IBSV) Curatorial Staff: Dr. E. V. Mikhaljova Phone: 7-4232-311133 Fax: 7-4232-310193 E-mail: ibss@eastnet.febras.ru Types: 43 lots (Golovatch; Golovatch & Mikhal- jova; Mikhaljova). Types are separated from the formed collection. A type catalog is available from the curator. Collection: 95 lots: 90 lots iden- tified to family; five lots identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in alcohol; collec- tion labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged systematically and by geographic region. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Main holdings from the eastern Palearctic; some material from Southeast Asia. Associated collections: none. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Siberian Zoological Museum, Institute for System- atics and Ecology of Animals, Frunze Street-11, 630091 Novosibirsk (SZMN) Curatorial Staff: Miss Galina Azarkina Phone: 7-3832-170633 Fax: 7-3832-170973 E-mail: mu3@eco.nsc.ru Types: none. Collection: 250 specimens. Speci- mens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are either printed with a laser printer or handwritten. The collection is arranged systematically. The col- lection is not cataloged but is listed at http:// www.bionet.nsc.ru/szmn/Inverteb/Diplopoda.htm. Holdings from Europe and Asia. ST. LUCIA No contact was established with Research and Development Station (Windward Islands Banana Grower's Association, P.O. Box 115, Castries). SEYCHELLES National Archives and Museum Division, P.O. Box 720, Victoria, Mahe (SMVM) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Alain Lucas/Mrs. Mary May Albert Phone: 284-321333 Fax: 284-322113 E-mail: seymus@seychelles.net Types: none. Two dry lots, both identified to fam- ily. SINGAPORE Zoological Reference Collection, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Department of Biologi- cal Science, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 119260 (ZRC) Curatorial Staff: Mrs. Yang Chang Man/Lua Hui Kheng Phone: 65-68745082 Fax: 65-77448101 E-mail: dbsycm@nus.edu. sg Types: five lots (Wang, Y M., & Tang, M. C). Types are separated from the formed collection. No type catalog is available. Collection: 130 lots (est.): 30 lots identified to family; 100 lots in backlog. Collection labels are either typewritten or handwritten. Collection is arranged in alpha- betical order of families, genus, and species. The SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 65 formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. All holdings from Southeast Asia. Estimated col- lection growth: five lots per year. SLOVAKIA ■jmr Slovenske Ndrodne-Muzeum, Prirodovedne Mu- zeum, Zoologicke Oddelenie, Vajanskeho Ndbre- zie 2, P.O. Box 13, 810 06 Bratislava 16 (SNMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Vladimir Jansky E-mail: entomo@snm.sk Types: none. Collection: 500 lots. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are typed or handwritten. Collection is arranged systematical- ly. The formed collection is partly cataloged in catalog books and accession records. Holdings from Europe. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year. SLOVENIA The Department of Biology (Biotechnical Faculty, Univerza v Ljubljani, Vecna pot 111, p.p. 2995, 1001 Ljubljana; curatorial staff: Dr. Boris Sket) does not house a millipede collection. 77777 Slovene Museum of Natural History, Presernova 20, P.O. Box 290, 1001 Ljubljana (PMSL) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Tomi Trilar Phone: 386-61-2410960 Fax: 386-61-2410953 E-mail: ttrilar@pms-lj.si Types: none. Collection: 4,000 lots. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. This is the collection of Dr. Narcis Mrsic and is in need of curatorial attention. The specimens and data are now in the process of be- ing restored and will probably require two more years. At that time the collection will be available to the scientific community. SOLOMON ISLANDS No contact was established with Ministry of Nat- ural Resources (Honiara). SOUTH AFRICA The South African National Collection of Insects (Biosystematics Division, Plant Protection Re- sarch Institute, Private Bag XI 34, Pretoria 0001 [SANC]; curatorial staff: Dr. G. L. Prinsloo) does not house a millipede collection. National Museum, P.O. Box 266, Bloemfontein 9300 (BMSA) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Leon Lotz E-mail: arachnol@nasmus.co.za Types: none. Collection: 116 lots (count). Speci- mens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten and laser printed. Formed collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Collection is computerized with individual lot numbers. Hold- ings mainly from southern Africa. Entomology Department, South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000 (SAMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Hamish Robertson/Mar- gie Cochrane Phone: 27-21-4243330 Fax: 27-21-4246716 E-mail: mcochrane@samuseum.ac.za Types: 500 to 600 lots (est.; Attems). Most geni- talia of types are currently housed in the Natur- historisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. Efforts are under way to associate type specimens with specimen parts, mainly genitalia. Types are sep- arated from the formed collection. Collection: 1,976 lots (count): 1,900 (est.) identified at least to family; 200 lots (est.) in backlog, partly iden- tified to order. Specimens are stored in 80% eth- anol, and some are dried; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged by order, and families are arranged alphabetically within orders. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and elec- tronically in relational database. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Main holdings from southern Africa. Associated collection: a micro- scope slide collection. Estimated collection growth: 60 lots per year. Durban Natural Science Museum, P.O. Box 4085, Durban 4000 (DMSA) Curatorial Staff: Guy Redman Phone: 27-31-3112243 Fax: 27-31-3112242 E-mail: guyr@crsu.durban.gov.za Small collection (about 30 lots), currently with Dr. 66 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Michelle Hamer (University of Natal; e-mail: HamerM@nu.ac.za). Albany Museum, Somerset Street, Grahamstown 6139, Eastern Cape Providence (AMGS) Curatorial Staff: Sarah K. Gess Phone: 27-46-6222312 Fax: 27-46-6222398 E-mail: S.Gess@ru.ac.za Types: six lots (Hewitt). Types are not separated from the formed collection. Collection: 94 lots: 85 lots in formed collection; nine lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is not cata- loged. Holdings from southern Africa. Natal Museum, 237 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg 3200, Kwazulu-Natal (NMSA) Curatorial Staff: Debbie Jennings Phone: 27-33-3451404 Fax: 27-33-3450561 E-mail: djennings@nmsa.org. za Types: 200 lots (est.; Attems; Kraus; Lawrence; Verhoeff). Collection: 1,600 lots (est.): 1,500 (est.) identified at least to family; 100 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten or printed on a dot- matrix printer. Collection is arranged by order and family, and genera and species are arranged al- phabetically within families. Collection is cata- loged in catalog books. Collection is computer- ized (flat file). Main holdings from southern Africa; some material from eastern Africa. Asso- ciated collection: historical reprint collection. Es- timated collection growth: 200 lots per year. Transvaal Museum, Paul Kruger Street 432, Pre- toria 0001 (TMSA) Curatorial Staff: Klaas Manamela/Barbara Dombrowsky Phone: 27-12-3227632 E-mail: Dombrow@nfi.co.za Types: one type lot (Lawrence), not separated from the formed collection. Collection: 858 lots (evaluated by K. Manamela, M. Hamer, and G. T Redman): 328 lots identified to family level; 530 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Collec- tion is arranged in alphabetical order of families. The formed collection is cataloged in catalog books and accession records and computerized (lot- or specimen-based relational database). In- dividual lot numbers have been assigned. Hold- ings mainly from southern Africa. Associated col- lections: historical reprint collection. ARC-PPRI, 600 Southpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria 0084 (PPRI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. A. S. Dippenaar-Schoe- man Phone: 27-12-3293269 Fax: 27-12-3293278 E-mail: rietasd@plant2.agric.za Types: none. Collection: five lots (count): four lots identified to family; one lot identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Holdings are computerized (taxon-based relational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Hold- ings from southern Africa. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. SPAIN No contact was established with Zoology Depart- ment, Universidad de la Laguna (Tenerife), Mu- seo Zoologfa (Apartado de Correos 593, Barce- lona), and Catedra de Entomologfa (E. T S. In- genieros de Montes, Universidad Politecnica, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid). The Estacion Biol- ogica de Donana (C/Paraguay 1, Sevilla [EBDS]; curatorial staff: Dr. Xim Cerda) does not house a millipede collection. Unidad de Zoologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia, Facultat de Ciencies, Universitat Autdnoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Cerdanyola del Voiles {Barcelona) (UABS) Curatorial Staff: Maite Carrasson Phone: 34-935-812618 Fax: 34-935-811321 E-mail: d.bave@uab.es This is the collection of Dr. M. Cristina Vicente. Collection is not cataloged. Further information is not available, as there is no collections manager assigned to this collection. However, the labora- tory makes the collection available to visiting re- searchers. Museum of Zoology, University of Navarra, P.O. Box 177, Pamplona (Navarra), 31080 (MZNA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Enrique Baquero SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 67 Phone: 34-948-425600 Fax: 34-948-425649 E-mail: unzyec@unav.es Web site: http://www.unav.es/unzyec/eng/ Types: none. Small collection of samples partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in etha- nol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is computerized (taxon-based database). Holdings from Europe and Mediterranean/northern Africa. SRI LANKA No contact was established with National Muse- um (Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, Colombo 7). SUDAN No contact was established with Sudan Natural History Museum (University of Khartoum, Gama Avenue, P.O. Box 321, Khartoum). 77777 Museo National de Ciencias Naturales, C/Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2, Madrid 28006 (MNMS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Miguel Villena Sanchez- Valero Phone: 34-91-4111328 ext. 1105 E-mail: miguelv@mncn.csic.es Types: six lots (Carl). Types are separated from the formed collection. No type catalog is avail- able. Collection: 1,793 (count): 1,372 lots identi- fied to family; 421 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with an ink-jet printer. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order and by catalog number. The formed collection is cat- aloged in catalog books and is computerized (lot- or specimen-based relational database). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Main holdings from Mediterranean/northern Africa and eastern Africa; some holdings from Europe and Southeast Asia. Estimated collection growth: six lots per year. to7jt Museu Valencia d'Histdria Natural, Fundacion Entomologica Torres Sala, Paseo de la Pechina no. 15, 46008 Valencia (MVHN) Curatorial Staff: Sergio Montagud Alario E-mail: sergio.montagud@uv.es Types: none. Collection: 5,000 lots (est.): 1,500 lots identified to family; 3,500 partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a dot- matrix printer or handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged geographically and by family. The formed collection is partly cataloged and computerized (taxon-based database). Extensive holdings from Europe and Mediterranean/northern Africa. As- sociated collections: actively growing microscope slide and photograph, print, and slide collections. SURINAME The Center for Agricultural Research (University of Suriname, Paramaribo [CARS]) and the Botan- ical and Zoological Collection (Suriname State Museum, P.O. Box 2306, Mededelingen, Para- maribo [SSMS]; curatorial staff: Dr. Gloria C. Leurs) do not house millipede collections. All zoological collections of the latter were given to the National Zoological Collection (data courtesy of Helene Hiwat [NZCS]). National Zoological Collection of Suriname, De- partment of Zoology, University of Suriname, Ley- sweg, P.O. Box 9212, Paramaribo (NZCS) Curatorial Staff: Helene Hiwat E-mail: nzcs@cq-link.sr Types: none. Collection: fewer than 50 lots. Spec- imens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer. All data are in- cluded in computerized database. All material from Suriname. SWEDEN Lund University Zoological Museum, Helgonav. 3, SE-22362 Lund (MZLU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Lars Lundqvist/Dr. Roy Danielsson Phone: 46-46-2229330, 46-46-2229334 Fax: 46-46-2224541 E-mail: Lars.Lundqvist@zool.lu.se, Roy.Danielsson@zool.lu.se Types: 202 lots (Attems; Demange; Enghoff; Lawrence; Mauries; Schubart; Verhoeff). The types are separated from the formed collection; no type catalog is available. Collection (including all myriapods): 2,000 lots (est.): 1,800 lots (est.) 68 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY identified to family; 200 lots partly identified to order in backlog. An estimated 800 lots of this collection are Diplopoda. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, and handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged systematically and geographically. All lots of the formed collection are cataloged in catalog books and computerized (taxon-based flat file). No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: historical reprint collec- tion. Main holdings from Europe and southern Af- rica; some holdings from the Mediterranean/ northern Africa, Oriental regions, and western Af- rica. Museum of Evolution, Zoology Section, Evolu- tionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Nor- byvagen 16, SE-75236 Uppsala (UZIU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Mats Eriksson Phone: 46-18-4712668 Fax: 46-18-4712794 E-mail: mats.eriksson@evolmuseum.uu.se, zoology@evolmuseum.uu.se Types: 17 lots (Linnaeus; Porat). The types are separated from the formed collection, and a type catalog is available (Wallin, 1991). Collection: 250 lots (est.): 200 lots (est.) identified to family; 50 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Spec- imens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically. All lots of the formed collection are cataloged in cat- alog books and computerized (lot- or specimen- based relational database). Catalog should be available via the Internet in 2004. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collec- tions: historical reprint collection. Main holdings from Europe; some holdings from the Nearctic, the Neotropics, the Mediterranean/northern Afri- ca, Asia, western Africa, and Australia. ed from the formed collection, and a type catalog is available at http://www.gnm.se. Collection: 40,000 lots (est.): 17,500 lots identified to family; 22,500 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or hand- written. Collection is mostly arranged systemati- cally, though there is some geographic arrange- ment. The formed collection is partly cataloged in accession records. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: historical reprint and microscope slide collections. Exten- sive holdings from Europe; some holdings from the Nearctic, Middle America, the Neotropics, the Mediterranean/northern Africa, Asia, Oriental re- gions, Australia, and the Pacific islands. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department rar, of Entomology, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm (NHRS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Torbjorn Kronestedt Phone: 46-8-51954260 Fax: 46-8-51954099 E-mail: torbjorn.kronestedt@nrm.se Types: unknown number of lots (Attems; Engh- off; Jeekel; Kraus; Porat; Silvestri; Stuxberg; Ver- hoeff). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Col- lection: unspecified number of lots. Backlog is partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. The formed collection is partly cataloged and com- puterized (flat file). Associated collections: histor- ical reprint and microscope slide collections. Holdings mainly from the Nearctic, the Palearctic, and Oriental and Ethiopian regions; some hold- ings from Australia, the Neotropics, and the West Indies. Annual collection growth: unspecified. Goteborgs Naturhistoriska Museet, Box 7283, SE- 402 35, Goteborg (GNM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ted von Proschwitz/Dr. Goran Andersson Phone: 46-31-7752400 Fax: 46-31-129807 E-mail: info@gnm.se, goran.andersson@gnm.se Types: 146 lots (Attems; Demange; Enghoff; Go- lovatch; Latzel; Lohmander; Mauries; Porat; Read; Stuxberg; Verhoeff). The types are separat- SWITZERLAND In connection with the European BioCASE Proj- ect (http://www.biocase.org/), Switzerland recent- ly established MeDaCollect, an online service as- sembling comparative data on its natural his- tory collections at http://sanw-webfin.unibe.ch/ biodiversity/medacollect/index-d.html. Pedroli- Christen (1993) reviewed the Swiss myriapod col- lections. The following institutions do not house milli- pede collections: Naturhistorisches Museum Bern SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 69 (Bernastrasse 15, CH-3005 Bern [NMBS]; cura- torial staff: Dr. Christian Kropf), Musee d'Histoire Naturelle (CH-2300 La Chaux-De-Fonds [MHNC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Marcel S. Jacquat), and Entomologisches Institut (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule-Zentrum, Universitat- strasse 2, CH-8006, Zurich [ETHZ]; curatorial staff: Prof. Dr. W. Sauter, retired; data courtesy of Dr. P. Schwendinger [MHNG]). rar Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, CH-8006 Zurich (ZMUZ) Curatorial Staff: Prof. Paul Ward/Dr. Marianne Haffner Phone: 41-1-635 4790 Fax: 41-1-635 4780 E-mail: marhaff@ zoolmus.unizh.cn Types: unknown. Collection: 64 lots. Collection contains voucher material of Faes and C. L. Koch. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol. Collection is cataloged on file cards. Holdings from South- east Asia (Sumatra). 7777 Biindner Natur-Museum, Masanserstr. 31, CH- 7000 Chur (BNM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jiirg Paul Miiller Phone: 41-81-2572841 Fax: 41-81-2572850 E-mail: juerg.paul.mueller@bnm.gr.ch, info@bnm.gr.ch Types: 14 lots (Am Stein), three lots (Bigler). Type catalogs are available (Bigler, 1929; Am Stein, 1857); see also Pedroli-Christen (1993). Collection contains voucher material by Am Stein (34 lots) and Bigler (384 lots). Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; labels are handwritten. The collection is catalogued. Associated collections: historical microscope slides. Holdings from the western Paleartic. Collection growth: none. 7777 Zoology Department, Naturhistorisches Museum, Augustinergasse 2, CH-4001 Basel (NMBA) Curatorial Staff: Drs. Ambros Haenggi/Edi Stockli/Urs Wiist Phone: 41-61-2665537 Fax: 41-61-2665546 E-mail: ambros. haenggi@bs.ch, eduard.stoeckli@bs.ch Types: 200 lots (est.; Attems; Bigler; Carl; De- mange; Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffman; Lohman- der). Types are not separated from the formed col- lection. A type catalog will be available at http://www.nmb.bs.ch. Collection: 1,600 lots (est.): 1,125 lots (count) in formed collection; about 500 lots partly identified to order in back- log. Collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is orga- nized in alphabetical order of genus and species within families. All lots of the formed collection are cataloged in catalog books or index cards and computerized (taxon-based flat file, copied from catalog). Individual lot numbers have been as- signed. Associated collections: historical reprint and microscope slide collections and actively growing bulk sample collection. Extensive hold- ings from Europe, Mediterranean/northern Africa, Southeast Asia; some holdings from the Nearctic, Middle America, the Neotropics, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and Ethiopian regions. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Case Postale 6434, CH-1211, Geneva 6 (MHNG) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Peter Schwendinger Phone: 41-22-418 6330 Fax: 41-22-4186301 E-mail: peter.schwendinger@mhn.ville-ge.ch Types: 312 holotypes and 276 paratypes (Buckett & Gardner; Carl; Chamberlin; Conde; Cook & Loomis; DeSaussure; DeSaussure & Humbert; DeSaussure & Zehntner; Enghoff; Golovatch; Hoffman; Humbert; Humbert & DeSaussure; Loomis; Mauries; Peters; Shear; Shelley; Silves- tri; Strasser; Verhoeff). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Collection: 10,000 lots (est.): 8,000 (est.) identified at least to family. Collection: 1,852 lots (count) in backlog: partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol de- naturalized with MEC; collection labels are hand- written, laser printed, or typed. Collection is ar- ranged systematically (Hoffman, 1980); genera and species are arranged alphabetically within families. Taxonomic coverage: 2,326 species in 593 genera and 88 families. Collection is cata- loged on file cards. No individual lot numbers. Extensive holdings from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, the Palearctic, Oriental regions, and eastern Africa; some specimens from western Africa, the Pacific Islands, and Australia. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection (contains complete diplopod literature 70 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY libraries of DeSaussure, Carl, Humbert, and Stras- ser). Musee cantonal de Zoologie, Palais de Rumine Place de la Riponne 6, CP 448, CH-1005 Lau- sanne 77(MZLS) Curatorial Staff: Anne Freitag Phone: 41-21-3163460 Fax: 41-21-3163479 E-mail: anne.freitag@serac.vd.ch Types: none. Collection: 261 lots: 258 lots iden- tified to family; three lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or printed with a dot-matrix printer (ribbon may not be alcohol- proof). Collection is arranged by family and geo- graphically (two groups: Palearctics and other). Collection is not cataloged. Collection contains voucher material from Faes (gonopod slides lost) and material identified by Rothenbuhler. Collec- tion is currently stored in a depot 30 kilometers from the city. Associated collections: historical re- print collection. Holdings mainly from Europe; some holdings from the Mediterranean/northern Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and western and southern Africa. Insect Collection of Natur-Museum Luzern, Ka- sernenplatz 6, CH-6003, Luzern (NMLS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Peter Herger/Dr. Ladis- laus Reser E-mail: peter.herger@lu.ch, ladislaus. reser @lu.ch Very small collection. TAIWAN No contact was established with Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (53 Nan-Hai Road, Taipei); De- partment of Zoology-Entomology (National Tai- wan University, Taipei), Biology Institute (Tungchai University, Box 851, Taichung), Tai- wan Provincial Museum (No. 2 Siang-Yang Road, Taipei), and Division of Plant Protection (Taiwan Provincial Government, Department of Agricul- ture, Nan-Tou). The Insect Collection (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, 189 Chungcheng Road, Wufeng, Taichung 41301 [TARI]; curato- rial staff: Mr. Liangyih Chou) does not house a millipede collection. National Museum of Natural Science, 1 Kuan Chien Road, Taichung 400 (NMNS) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Kwen-Shen Lee E-mail: kslee@mail.nmns.edu.tw Types: none. Collection: nine lots: all unidenti- fied. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; col- lection labels are handwritten. Department of Life Sciences, National Chung- Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kwang Road, Tai- chung 402 (NCHU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Sheng-Hai Wu Phone: 886-4-22854923 Fax: 886-4-22851797 E-mail: shwu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw Types: none. Collection: 400 lots (est.): 30 iden- tified to family level; more than 200 in backlog. Specimens are stored in isopropanol. Collection is not organized. Estimated collection growth: 100 lots per year. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Rue des Terreaux 14, CH-2000 Neuchatel (MHNN) Curatorial Staff: Jean-Paul Haenni Phone: 41-32-7177960 Fax: 41-32-7177969 E-mail: jean-paul. haenni @unine.ch, info.museum@unine.ch Web site: http://www.museum-neuchatel.ch/ Types: none. Collection: about 5,000 lots, pre- served in 70% ethanol. Collection is databased. All holdings from Switzerland, collected mainly by A. Pedroli-Christen (1970-1993). Collection growth: none. TANZANIA No contact was established with University of Dar Es Salaam (P.O. Box 35064, Dar Es Salaam). Ac- cording to K. W. Howel (in litt. to R. L. Hoff- man), there are no millipede collections in Tan- zania. THAILAND There are no diplopod collections in Thailand (data courtesy of Dr. A. Lewvanich [EMBT], En- tomology and Zoology Division, Department of SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 71 Agriculture, Pathoyothin Road, Bangkhen, Bang- kok 10900; e-mail: angoonl@yahoo.com). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO No contact was established with International In- stitute of Biological Control (Gordon Street, Cu- repe). The following institutions do not house mil- liede collections: Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (16 Jamaica Boulevard, Port of Spain [CARE]; curatorial staff: Dr. Samuel Rawlins/Karen Pol- son), Insect Collection (Department of Biological Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Au- gustine [UWIC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Christopher K. Starr), and Insect Collection (Central Experi- ment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Food Production, Centeno, Via Armo Po [CEST]; curatorial staff: Ms. Cyntra Persad). UGANDA No contact was established with Natural History (Uganda Museum, 5-7 Kira Road, P.O. Box 365, Kampala) and Herbarium and Insect Collection (Kawanda Agricultural Research Station, P.O. Box 7065, Kampala). UKRAINE No contact was established with Zoological Mu- seum (Vladimirskaya SS, Kiev [ZMKU]). /. /. Schmalhausen Institute for Zoology, National Academy of Sciences, B. Khmelnitsky Str. 15, 252601 Kiev (SIZK) Curatorial Staff: Dr. E. E. Perkovsky E-mail: perkovsky@fromru.com No millipede collection. According to Dr. Perkov- sky, there are no millipede collections in Kiev, though there may be collections elsewhere in the Ukraine. UNITED KINGDOM No contact was established with The Yorkshire Museum (Museum Street, York, Yorkshire). The British Myriapod and Isopod Group supports re- search in the British Isles, organizes field meet- ings, produces a bulletin, and supports a recording scheme to develop distribution maps for milli- pedes, centipedes, and isopods in the British Isles. See http://www. salticus. demon, co. uk/bmig/html/ info.html. The University Museum in Aberdeen and the Museum of Geology in Birmingham house fossil millipede material. The following institutions do not house milli- pede collections: Dorset County Museum (Natural History Research Collection, High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset DTI 1XA [DORC]; curatorial staff: Mr. Richard De Peyer/Kate Hebditch), Pe- terborough Museum and Art Gallery (Priestgate, Peterborough PE1 ILF [PMAU]; curatorial staff: Ms. Glenys Wass), and Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society (96A Brighton Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 6 AD [CNHS]; curatorial staff: John Greig). The Linnean Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1V OLQ (LSUK) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John Marsden/Dr. V. R. Southgate Phone: 44-20-74344479 Fax: 44-20-72879364 E-mail: john@linnean.org, vrs@nhm.ac.uk No reply was received. Hope Entomological Collections, Oxford Univer- sity Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Ox- ford, OX1 3PW (OUMNH) Curator: Prof. Stephen Simpson/Darren J. Mann Phone: 44-1865-272976/272977 Fax: 44-1865-272970 E-mail: darren.mann@oum.ox.ac.uk Web site: http://www.oum.ox.ac.uk/ Types: unknown. Dry collection (includes all myriapods): 220 specimens from two collections. The F. W. Hope/J. O. Westwood collection (in- cluding material from G. Newport and C. Dar- win): 200 specimens (est.), worldwide localities, data very brief or none, mostly unidentified, some identified to genus. The J. Miers collection (do- nated in 1880): 20 specimens (est.), mostly from South America, data brief or none, some identified to species. Wet collection (includes all myria- pods): 1,400 specimens from two collections and an ecological survey. The E. H. Eason collection (active 1949-1999): 1,000 specimens (est.) from various British localities, full locality data, all identified to species and 50 specimens from Eu- rope also with full locality data and identified to 72 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY species. Collection is databased, and a list of spe- cies is available. The E. Taylor collection (donat- ed 1950): 50 specimens (est.) from the Oxford area. The Wytham Ecological Survey (I960-) collection: 300 specimens from Wytham Wood, Oxford, with detailed notes on habitat and fully cross-referenced card index. Collection growth: not significant. Cole Museum, Division of Zoology, School of An- imal and Microbial Sciences, University of Read- ing, Reading, RG6 6AJ (CMUR) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Steve Hopkin E-mail: s.p.hopkin@reading.ac.uk A small millipede collection of local common species only is currently in storage during a re- furbishment program. Natural History, Bolton Museum, he Mans Cres- cent, Bolton, Lancashire, BLI ISE (BMUK) Curatorial Staff: Steve Garland Phone: 44-1204-332221 Fax: 44-1204-332241 Types: none. Collection: 40 lots (est.): 30 identi- fied to family level; 10 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged systematical- ly. Collection is cataloged on file cards. All spec- imens from local collections. Estimated collection growth: none. Brighton Borough Council, Booth Museum of Natural History, 194 Dyke Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 5AA (BMBN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gerald Legg Very small millipede collection. Department of Natural History, The City Museum and Art Gallery, Queen's Road, Bristol, BS8 1RL (CMBK) Curatorial Staff: Ms. Samantha Hallett E-mail: sam_hallett@bristol-city.gov.uk A small, unidentified collection. University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 3EJ (CUMZ) Curatorial Staff: Prof. M. Akam/Ray Sym- onds/Dr. Richard Preece Phone: 44-1223-336650 Fax: 44-1223-336679 E-mail: umzc@zoo.cam.ac.uk Types: 32 lots (Enghoff; Hoffman; Silvestri; Sin- clair). Types are not separated from the formed collection, and no type catalog is available. Col- lection: 250 lots (est.): all identified at least to family. Specimens are stored in 70% IMS (indus- trial methylated spirits); collection labels are handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by genera. Collection is cataloged in file cards, catalog books, and accession records. The catalog is computerized (specimen-based relational data- base); individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from Central America, the Neotropics, the western Palearctic, Mediterranean/northern Africa, India, Southeast Asia, western Africa, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Associated collections: reprint collection that is actively growing and microscope slides. Estimated collec- tion growth: two lots per year. Department of Biodiversity, National Museum and Galleries of Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NP (NMWC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Mike Wilson/Julian Cart- er Phone: 44-29-20573324 E-mail: julian.carter@nmgw.ac.uk Types: none. Collection: 430 lots (counted): all identified to family level. Specimens are stored in 70%-80% IMS (industrial methylated spirits); lat- er samples have 4% propylene glycol added. Col- lection labels are handwritten or printed with an ink-jet printer. Collection is arranged systemati- cally. Collection is not cataloged but is comput- erized (taxon-based relational database). Acces- sion records have been kept. Individual lot num- bers have been assigned. Holdings are from Europe. Estimated collection growth: fewer than 10 lots per year. Insect Collection, Department of Natural History, National Museums of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 UF, Scotland (RSME) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Graham Rotheray Phone: 44-131-2474243 Fax: 44-131-2204819 E-mail: g.rotheray@nms.ac.uk Small millipede collection. Most specimens are from Scotland. Note: The section of Invertebrate Palaeontology houses fossil millipede specimens SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 73 from the Paleozoic (curator: Dr. Lyall I. Ander- son). mn- Hunterian Museum: Zoology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GI2 8QQ, Scotland (HMUG) Curatorial Staff: Margaret Reilly E-mail: mreilly@museum.gla-ac.uk Types: none. Collection: 50 lots (est.): 20 identi- fied at least to family level; 30 lots in backlog. Specimens stored in 70% IMS (industrial meth- ylated spirits); collection labels are handwritten or dot-matrix printed. Collection is arranged geo- graphically. Collection is cataloged in accession records. All material from Europe. Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Note: The museum houses fossil millipedes from the Car- boniferous. n777- Ipswich Museum, High Street, Ipswich, IPI 3QH (IPSM) Curatorial Staff: David Lampard Phone: 44-1473-433546 Fax: 44-1473-433558 E-mail: david.lampard@ipswich.gov.uk Types: none. Collection: 50+ lots (est.): all iden- tified at least to family level. Collection is orga- nized as part of a larger collection, including Arachnida, Isopoda, etc. Specimens are stored in 70% IMS (industrial methylated spirits); collec- tion labels are handwritten. Collection catalog is available from Mr. Paul Lee. The entire collection is being made by Mr. Paul Lee, the UK national recorder for the British Myriapod and Isopod Group. It contains voucher material from the county of Suffolk. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. TOT Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD (BMNH) Curatorial Staff: Mrs. Janet Becalloni/Mr. Paul Hillyard Phone: 44-20-79425127 Fax: 44-20-79425190 E-mail: J.Beccaloni@nmh.ac.uk, pdh@nhm.ac.uk Types: 800 lots (est.; Attems; Berlese; Blower; Bollman; Brade-Birks; Brolemann; Causey; Chamberlin; Demange; DeSaussure & Humbert; Enghoff; Enghoff & Golovatch; Fabricius; Ger- vais; Golovatch; Golovatch & Enghoff; Hoffman; Jeekel; Karsch; C. L. Koch; L. Koch; Kraus; La- treille; Lawrence; Leach; Linnaeus; Lohmander; Loomis; Lucas; Mauries; Meinert; Minelli; Nguy- en Duy-Jacquemin; Olivier; Packard; Perty; Pe- ters; Pocock; Read; Say; Schubart; Shear; Shelley; Silvestri; Takakuwa; Tanabe: Thaler; Turk; Ver- hoeff). Types are currently being separated from the formed collection; no type catalog is available. Collection: 5,000 lots (est.): 4,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 1,000 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% IMS (industrial methylated spirits); collec- tion labels are handwritten or ink-jet printed (with alcohol-resistant ink). Collection is arranged sys- tematically (Hoffman, 1980). Unidentified mate- rial is arranged geographically. Collection is cat- aloged in catalog books, accession records, and a species-level database, including type data. The catalog is currently being computerized at the spe- cies level. Extensive holdings from Central Amer- ica, the Neotropics, the Palearctic, Oriental and Ethiopian regions, and Australia; some specimens from New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and the Nearctic. Associated collections: historical reprint and slide collections. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. The museum charges visiting researchers a "facilities fee" when visiting the museum's collections. Note: The Department of Palaeontology houses fossil millipedes and Cock- erell types (curator: Dr. A. Ross; e-mail: A.Ross@nhm.ac.uk). British Entomological and Natural History Soci- ety, The Pelham-Clinton Building, Dinton Pas- tures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, Reading, Berkshire, RGW 0TH (BENHS) Curatorial Staff: John Muggleton E-mail: jmuggleton@compuserve.com The society does not currently maintain a collec- tion; however, the British Myriapod and Isopod Group is planning to develop a representative ref- erence collection at BENHS that will contain all myriapod species found in the British Isles. Department of Zoology, Manchester Museum, The University, Manchester, MI3 9PL (MMUE) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Dmitri Logunov E-mail: dmitri.v.logunov@man.ac.uk Collection: unknown number of lots; collection of J. G. Blower is housed here. Note: Fossil milli- 74 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY pedes are housed in the Department of Palaeon- tology. Norwich Castle Museum, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, The Shirehall, Market Ave- nue, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3JQ (NCMK) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Tony Irwin Phone: 44-1603-493642 Fax: 44-1603-493623 E-mail: tony.irwin.mus@norfolk.gov.uk Types: none. Collection: 200 lots (est.): partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in etha- nol; collection labels are printed with a laser print- er or dot-matrix printer or handwritten. The col- lection is not cataloged. All holdings from Eu- rope. Nottingham Natural History Museum, Walloton Hall, Walloton Park, Nottingham, NG8 2AE (NHMN) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Sheila Wright Phone: 44-115-9153900 E-mail: SheilaW@ncmg.demon.co.uk Small millipede collection, part of collection of Nottinghamshire invertebrates created by Prof. John Wesley Carr, around 1900-1910. Perth Museum and Art Gallery, George Street, Perth, Tayside, PH15LB (PMAG) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Mark Simmons Phone: 44-1738-632488 Fax: 44-1738-443505 E-mail: museum@pkc.gov.uk Types: none. Small millipede collection and a his- torical reprint collection. UNITED STATES No contact was established with Diablo Valley College (321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94533), Clements' Museum of Exotic Insects (William B. Clements, 3004 Casteen Road, Lees- burg, FL 32748-8549), Insect Collections (Sul Ross State College, Alpine, TX 79830), Collec- tion of Insects (Box 5640, Biology, Northern Ar- izona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011), Depart- ment of Entomology Collection (University of Ar- izona, Tucson, AZ 85721), Hawaii Volcanoes Na- tional Park (U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, P.O. Box 52, Hawaii Na- tional Park, HI 96718), Museum Collections of Zion National Park (Springdale, UT 84767), De- partment of Biology (Entomological Museum, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84332), De- partment of Biology Collection (Texas A&M Uni- versity, Kingsville, TX 78363), Museum Collec- tions of Carlsbad Caverns National Park (3225 National Park Highway, Carlsbad, NM 88220), Insect Collection (Rutgers — The State University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903), Nevada State De- partment of Agriculture (P.O. Box 11100, Reno, NV 89510), Laboratory of Arthropod Diversity (Biology Department, Chadron State College, Chadron, NE 69337), Southern Illinois University Entomology Collection and Invertebrate Collec- tion (Research Museum of Zoology, Southern Il- linois University, Carbondale, IL 6 1 820), and Ar- thropod Collection (Cincinnati Museum of Natu- ral History, 1720 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45202). Alabama The Insect Collection (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 [UABD]; curatorial staff: Dr. G. Milton Ward) does not house a millipede collection. Auburn University Entomological Museum, De- partment of Entomology, Auburn University, Au- burn AL 36849 (AUEM) Curatorial Staff: unknown Types: none. Collection: 40 to 50 samples (data courtesy of Dr. R. M. Shelley [NCSM]). Arizona The Southwestern Research Station of the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History (Portal, AZ 85632 [SWRS]; curatorial staff: Dr. Wade C. Sherbrooke) and the Frank M. Hasbrouck Insect Collection (Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281-3571 [ASUT]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Michael E. Douglas) do not house millipede collections. Grand Canyon National Park, Museum Collec- tion, P.O. Box 129, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023 (GCNP) Curatorial Staff: Colleen Hyde Phone: 1-928-638-7769 Fax: 1-928-638-7769 E-mail: Colleen_Hyde@nps.gov SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 75 Collection consists of three unidentified milli- pedes. Arkansas nm Department of Entomology Collection, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (UADE) Curatorial Staff: Dr. J. B. Whitfield. Collec- tion Manager: Dr. J. K. Barnes Phone: 1-479-575-2482 E-mail: jwhifie@comp.uark.edu Types: none. Collection: 97 lots (count): none identified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or printed (meth- od unknown). Collection is not cataloged. All specimens from eastern North America. California The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Death Valley Museum (P.O. Box 579, Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, CA 92328 [DVNM]; curatorial staff: Blair Daven- port), Museum Collections of Pinnacles National Monument (5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043 [PINN]; curatorial staff: Tom Leatherman), and Museum Collections of Joshua Tree National Monument (74485 National Monument Drive, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 [JTNM]; curatorial staff: Heidi Beck). TUT Desert Studies Center, California Desert Studies Consortium, % Department of Biological Science, California State University, Fullerton, P.O. Box 6850, Fullerton, CA 92834-6850 (CSDS) Curatorial Staff: Prof. William Presch Phone: 1-714-278-2428 Fax: 1-714-278-2428 E-mail: Wpresch@fullerton.edu Web site: http://biology.fullerton.edu/facilities/ dsc/zzyzx.html Small millipede collection with representatives of local species; not cataloged. I777T Essig Museum of Entomology, 201 Wei I man Hall #3112, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (EMEC) Curatorial Staff: Cheryl B. Ban- Phone: 1-510-643-0804 Fax: 1-510-642-0804 E-mail: cbarr@nature.berkeley.edu Type: one {Polydesmus sastianus Chamberlin). Type is separated from the collection. Collection: 313 lots (count): unknown number of unidentified lots in backlog (sorted to order). Specimens are stored in 70%-75% ethanol; collection labels are offset printed. Collection is arranged alphabeti- cally by family and genera. Collection is not cat- aloged, though plans are to computerize (taxon- based relational database) in the future. Most ma- terial is from western North America, and some specimens are from Central America. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (UCDC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Lynn S. Kimsey; Collec- tion Manager: Steve Heydon Phone: 1-530-752-0493 Fax: 1-530-752-9464 E-mail: slheydon@ucdavis.edu Types: 43 lots (Buckett & Gardner; Gardner; Gardner & Casey; Gardner & Shelley; Murray; Shelley; Shelley & Bauer; Wood). Types are sep- arated from the formed collection, and a type cat- alog is available from the collection manager. Collection: 4,000 lots (est.): 3,900 identified to family; 100 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are printed with laser printer. Collection is arranged systematically by Rowland M. Shelley (NCSM) following Hoff- man (1980). Collection is not cataloged. Exten- sive holdings from western North America, Cen- tral America, and the Neotropics; some material from eastern North America, the West Indies, Asia, and Australia. Associated collections: his- torical reprint and microscope slide and actively growing bulk sample collections. Estimated col- lection growth: 25 lots per year. Fresno Co. Department of Agriculture, 1730 South Maple, Fresno, CA 93702 (FCDA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Norman J. Smith Types: none. Collection: 14 lots; 10 identified to family level. Specimens are stored in 70% isopro- pyl alcohol; labels are handwritten and typed. Collection is not cataloged. Tropical millipedes have been sent to Rowland M. Shelley (NCSM). Material is mainly from western North America, Central America, and eastern Africa. Entomological Collections, California State Uni- versity at Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840 (CSLB) 76 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Curatorial Staff: E. L. Sleeper No millipede collection (transferred to Los An- geles County Museum; data courtesy of Dr. Row- land Shelley [NCSM]). Insect Collection, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007 (LACM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Brian Brown Phone: 1-213-763-3363 Fax: 1-213-746-2999 E-mail: bbrown@nhm.org Web site: http://www.nhm.org/research/ entomology Types: none. Collection: 100 to 200 lots of spec- imens stored in ethanol and 3,000 (est.) dry and pinned xystodesmid millipedes from California. Pinned collection currently with Dr. Rowland Shelley (NCSM). The alcohol collection is not or- ganized. Department of Biology, Californa State University at Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330-8303 (SFVS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. David Gray Phone: 1-818-677-7653 Fax: 1-818-677-2034 E-mail: dave.gray@csun.edu Small millipede collection. Department of Entomology, Entomology Research Museum, University of California-Riverside, Riv- erside, CA 92521 (UCR) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Doug Yanega Phone: 1-909-787-4315 E-mail: dyanega@pop.ucr.edu Small millipede collection (fewer than 30 spe- cies). Collection contains the majority of local taxa. California State Collection of Arthropods/Califor- nia Department of Food and Agriculture, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832 (CSCA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Chuck Bellamy E-mail: cbellamy@cdfa.ca.gov Types: none. Collection: 146 lots (count): 81 lots identified to family; 65 lots identified to order in backlog. Specimens are preserved in isopropyl al- cohol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged alphabetically by family. Collection is not cataloged. Associated collections: historical re- print collection. Holdings mainly from western North America; some holdings from eastern North America, the West Indies, India, and the Pacific Islands. Collection growth: variable. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Santa Bar- bara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (SBMN) Curatorial Staff: Michael S. Caterino Phone: 1-805-682-4711 Fax: 1-805-563-0574 E-mail: mcaterino@sbnature2.org Types: none. Collection: 60 lots: partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are preserved in 70%-80% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Associated collections: historical reprint and actively growing bulk sample collec- tions. Holdings from western North America. Es- timated collection growth: 20 lots per year. San Diego Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 121390, San Diego, CA 92112-1390 (SDMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Paisley S. Cato Phone: 1-619-255-0226 Fax: 1-619-232-0246 E-mail: pcato@sdnhm.org Types: none. Collection consists of fewer than 119 lots. Backlog is partly identified to order. Specimens are preserved in 70% ethanol; collec- tion labels are handwritten. Collection is not cat- aloged. Collection has been in storage lately be- cause of construction. Material mainly from west- ern North America; some material from eastern North America and Central America. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118 (CAS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Charles Griswold Phone: 1-415-750-7231 Fax: 1-415-750-7228 E-mail: cgriswold@calacademy.org Types: 50 lots (Causey; Chamberlin; Enghoff; Gres- sit; Hoffman; Hoffman & Burkhalter; Shear; Shel- ley). Types are separated from the formed collec- tion, and a type catalog is available electronically at SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 77 www. calacademy. org/ research/ entomology/ types/ diplofam.htm. Collection: 12,000 lots (est.): 8,000 identified at least to family; 4,000 lots in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, dot- matrix printed, photo-offset printed, or typed. Col- lection is arranged within orders alphabetically by family, genus and species. All orders except Si- phoniulida are represented in the collection. Exten- sive holdings from western North America, Central America, the Neotropics, India, Ethiopian regions (Madagascar), and Australia; some material from eastern North America, Europe, Asia (China), Southeast Asia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Is- lands. Associated collections: small historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: 250 lots per year. mn- J. Gordon Edwards Entomology Museum, San Jose State University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0100 (SJSC) Curatorial Staff: Stanley Vaughn E-mail: sevaughn@email.sjsu.edu Small millipede collection. 17773- San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner's Office, 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA 92505 (SJAC) Curatorial Staff: Laurence Allen Phone: 1-209-468-3300 Fax: 1-209-468-3300 E-mail: jallan@co.san-joaquin.ca.us Types: none. Collection 10 lots: all identified to family. Collection is arranged systematically. Es- timated collection growth: one lot per year. Colorado The following institutions do not house millipede collections: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Moun- tain Research Station (2150A Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891 [RMSC]; curatorial staff: Janine E. Powell); Museum Collections, Colorado National Monument (Fruita, CO 81521 [CNMC]; curatorial staff: Lisa Claussen); and May Natural History Museum (710 Rock Creek Canyon Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80926 [MCSC]; curatorial staff: Mr. John M. May). vm University of Colorado Museum, Campus Box 218, Boulder CO 80309 (UCMC) Curatorial Staff: Rosanne Humphrey Phone: 1-303-492-7359 Fax: 1-303-735-0128 E-mail: rosanne.humphrey@colorado.edu Types: none. Collection: 93 lots (count): 42 iden- tified at least to family level; 40 lots (est.) in back- log, partly identified to order level. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or typed. Collection is arranged by catalog num- bers (UMC number). Collection is cataloged on file cards and in catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Main holdings from the Nearctic, Mexico, and Asia (Taiwan and Ja- pan). Associated collections: actively growing re- print collection. Annual collection growth: un- specified. Denver Museum of Natural History, 2001 Colo- rado Boulevard, Denver, CO 80205-5798 (DNHC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Paula Cushing/Bill Alther Phone: 1-303-370-6442 Fax: 1-303-331-6492 E-mail: PCushing@dmnh.org Types: none. Collection: 10 lots (est.): not iden- tified to family or order level. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written or printed with a dot-matrix printer. Col- lection is not cataloged. Material from the Nearc- tic. C. P. Gillette Arthropod Biodiversity Museum, Department of Entomology, Colorado State Uni- versity, Fort Collins, CO 80523 (CSUC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. B. C. Kondratieff Phone: 1-970-491-7314 Fax: 1-970-491-3862 E-mail: bkondrat@ceres.agsci.colostate.edu Types: none. Collection: 80 lots (est.) from west- ern North America. Connecticut The Department of Entomology Collection (Con- necticut Agriculture Experiment Station, Box 1106, New Haven, CT 06504 [CAES]; curatorial staff: Louis A. Magnarelli) does not house a mil- lipede collection. Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural His- tory, 170 Whitney Avenue, P.O. Box 2081 18, New Haven, CT 06520-8118 (PMNH) 78 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Curatorial Staff: Drs. Raymond Pupedis/Leo- nard E. Munstermann Phone: 1-203-432-5001 Fax: 1-203-432-9816 E-mail: raymond.pupedis@yale.edu Types: four lots (Silvestri). Types are separated from the rest of the collection; no type catalog is available. Collection: 555 vials (est.): 370 vials identified to family; 185 vials partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are typed or handwritten. Collec- tion is arranged systematically. The collection is partly cataloged in catalog books. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated col- lections: historical reprint, microscope slide, pho- tograph, print, slide, and bulk sample collections. The microscope slide and bulk sample collections are actively growing. Main holdings from the Ne- arctic; some holdings from other regions. Note: The museum houses fossil millipede material from Mazon Creek in the Department of Inver- tebrate Paleontology. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Box U-43, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3043 (UCMS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Jane O'Donnell Phone: 1-860-486-4451 Fax: 1-860-486-6364 E-mail : bioadm4 @ uconnvm.uconn.edu Types: none. Collection: 392 lots (est.): formed collection consists of 146 lots, with 12 identified species; 234 lots (count) in backlog, partly iden- tified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% eth- anol; collection labels are handwritten or typed. Collection is arranged alphabetically. Collection is electronically cataloged (taxon-based flat file). Main holdings from eastern North America; some material from the West Indies, the Neotropics, Eu- rope, and western and southern Africa. Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: fewer than five lots per year. Delaware The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Delaware Museum of Natural History (4840 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807), In- sects of Delaware (Lumus Pond State Park, Whale Wallow Nature Center, Route 71, Bear, DE 19701 [LPSP]; curatorial staff: Florence Taylor), and De- partment of Entomology and Applied Ecology Collection (University of Delaware, Newark, DE 1971 1 [UDCC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Charles Bart- lett). Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution, NHB 105, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 (USNM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. J. A. Coddington/Dana DeRoche Phone: 1-202-357-4108/357-4148 Fax: 1-202-786-2894 E-mail: Coddington.jon@nmnh.si.edu, Deroched @ nmnh.si .edu Types: 1,604 lots (Attems; Bollman; Brandt; Bro- lemann; Causey; Chamberlin; Chamberlin & Hoffman; Chamberlin & Mulaik; Chamberlin & Wang; Cook; Cook & Loomis; Cope; Demange; Girard; Hoffman; Hoffman & Orcutt; Johns; Karsch; Keeton; Kenyon; Kraus; Loomis; Loomis & Davenport; Loomis & Hoffman; McNeill; Pierce; Pocock; Ryder; Shelley; Silvestri; Ver- hoeff; Wood). Types are separated from the formed collection. A type catalog draft is avail- able from the curator on request. Collection: 25,000 lots (est. from 2,000 0.5-L jars): 21,000 (est.) identified to family, 3,500 in backlog, iden- tified to order or class. Material is preserved in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a dot- matrix printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order, family, and ge- nus. Collection is cataloged on accession records and computerized (relational database, available on request as spreadsheet); electronic data will be moved to database software system KE-EMu (http://www.kesoftware.com/ and http://www. kesoftware.com/emu/). In descending order of fre- quency, holdings from the Nearctic (813 jars), Central America, Oriental regions, Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, Oceania, Asia, and Australian and Ethiopian (39 jars) regions. Associated collections: historical reprint, micro- scope slide, photograph, print, slide, and bulk sample collections. This collection houses the Bollman, Loomis, Chamberlin, and a small part of the Causey (see FSCA) collections. The Cham- berlin collection was originally housed at the Uni- versity of Utah. Note: Fossil millipedes (Devoni- an, Kjellesvig-Waering types, Mesozoic, and oth- er fossil material) are curated in the Department of Paleobiology. Florida The following institutions do not house millipede collections: American Entomological Institute SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 79 (3005 SW 56th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32608 [AEIC]; curatorial staff: Dr. David Wahl); Muse- um Collections of Everglades National Park (40001 State Road 9336, Homestead, FL 33034 [EGNP]; curatorial staff: Nancy J. Russell); Arch- bold Biological Station Collection (P.O. Box 2057, Lake Placid, FL 32852-2057 [ABS]; cura- torial staff: Dr. Mark Deyrup); Entomology, Cen- ter for Water Quality (College of Engineering Sci- ences, Technology and Agriculture, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 [FAMU]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Manuel Pescador); and Allyn Museum of Entomology (3621 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34234 [FSMC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Jacqueline Miller [Lepidoptera collection only]). mr Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Division of Plant Industry, P.O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614 (FSCA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. G. B. Edwards Phone: 1-352-372-3505 Fax: 1-352-334-0737 E-mail: edwardg@ doacs.state.fi. us Types: 372 lots (Carl; Causey; Causey & Tie- mann; Chamberlin; Cook; Cook & Loomis; Eng- hoff; Hoffman; Hoffman & Howell; Latzel; Loomis; Loomis & Schmitt; Shelley; Wood). Types are separated from the formed collection, and a type catalog is available from the curator. Collection contains numerous apparent manu- script names of Causey's that are labeled as ho- lotypes and are not included in the type lot num- ber given above. Collection: 25,000 lots (est.): 22,500 (est.) identified at least to family; 2,500 lots (est.) in backlog, mostly identified to order. Specimens are stored in isopropanol; collection labels are handwritten, laser printed, or typed on a typewriter. Collection is arranged by order; fam- ily level and below is arranged alphabetically. Collection is electronically cataloged (taxon- based flat file). Holdings include most of Causey's collection and voucher material from Loomis, Muma, Johnson, and others. Extensive holdings from Central America and the Nearctic; some specimens from the Neotropics. Associated col- lections: actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: 100 lots per year. mi Arthropod Collection, Biology Department, Uni- versity of Central Florida, P.O. Box 25000, Or- lando, FL 32816-2368 (UCFC) Curatorial Staff: Stuart M. Fullerton Types: none. Collection: 20 to 30 lots (est.). Spec- imens are stored in 70% isopropanol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Georgia Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collec- tion, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (UGCA) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Joseph V. McHugh/Cecil L. Smith Phone: 1-706-542-3574 Fax: 1-706-542-2279 E-mail: jmchugh@bugs.ent.uga.edu, clsmith@uga.edu Types: none. Collection: 399 lots: 341 lots iden- tified to family; 58 lots in backlog. Collection is arranged systematically to family level. Collection is not cataloged. Most holdings from Georgia and other southeastern states. Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: less than 25 lots per year. Columbus State University, Department of Biol- ogy, 151 LeNoir Hall, Columbus, GA 31907 (COLST) Curatorial Staff: Prof. George Stanton Phone: 1-706-568-2065 Fax: 1-706-569-3133 E-mail: stanton_george@colstate.edu Small millipede collection. Hawaii Department of Entomology (College of Tropical Agriculture, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu HI 96822 [UHM]: curato- rial staff: Kenneth Kaneshiro) does not house a millipede collection. Division of Plant Industry, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, 1428 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96814 (HDOA) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Bernarr Kumashiro E-mail: Benarr.R.Kumashiro@hawaii.gov Collection: eight lots, all identified to family. Specimens are maintained in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or hand- written. Collection is not cataloged. Associated collections: historical reprint and photograph, print, and slide collections. Estimated collection 80 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY growth: one lot per year. Holdings from the Pa- cific Islands. Department of Entomology, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, HI 96817-2704 (BPBM) Curatorial Staff: Tino Gonsalves Phone: 1-808-848-4196 Fax: 1-808-847-8252 E-mail: tino@bishopmuseum.org Types: two lots (Hoffman; Shear). Types are sep- arated from the formed collection; type catalog is available at http://www.bishopmuseum.org/ research/natsci/ento/arthrotypesearch.html. Col- lection: 209 lots (counted): 193 identified to fam- ily; 16 lots partly identified to order in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with an ink-jet printer or hand- written. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order, then by family. Collection is not cataloged. Accession records have been kept. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated col- lections: historical and actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections. Main holdings from the Pacific Islands; some holdings from the Ne- arctic. Estimated collection growth: unknown. This collection is part of a historic Hawaiian col- lection from the 1890s (collected by R. C. L. Per- kins). Idaho The Department of Biology (Boise State Univer- sity, Boise, ID 83725 [BID A]; curatorial staff: Dr. Ian Robertson) does not house a millipede collec- tion. Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, Al- bertson College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID 83605 (CIDA) Curatorial Staff: Mr. William H. Clark Phone: 1-208-459-5507 Fax: 1-208-454-2077 E-mail: bclark@acofi.edu Types: none. Collection: 1 ,000 lots (est.): 50 iden- tified at least to family; 1,050 lots (est.) in back- log, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written, printed with a laser printer, or typed. Col- lection is arranged alphabetically by family and genera. Collection is not cataloged. Plans to com- puterize (specimen-based relational database) are under way. Holdings mainly from Mexico (Baja California); some material from western North America (Idaho). Associated collections: actively growing reprint and bulk sample collections. Es- timated collection growth: 100 lots per year. W. F. Barr Entomology Collection, Entomology Division, Department of Plant, Soil and Environ- mental Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2339 (WFBM) Curatorial Staff: Frank W. Merickel Phone: 1-208-885-7079 Fax: 1-208-885-7760 E-mail: fmerickel@uidaho.edu Small millipede collection, mostly unidentified. Idaho Museum of Natural History, Campus Box 8044, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 (ICIS) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Stefan Sommer Phone: 1-208-282-5841 Fax: 1-208-282-5960 E-mail: sommstef@isu.edu Currently no millipede collection; collecting ef- forts are under way. Illinois Department of Biological Sciences Collection (Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455 [WIUC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Richard Anderson) and Department of Biological Sciences (Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761 [ISUC]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Douglas Whitman) do not house millipede collections. The Burpee Museum of Natural History (737 North Main Street, Rockford IL 61 103); the Illinois State Museum (Spring and Edwards Streets, Springfield IL 62706); and the Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (245 Natural History Build- ing, 1301 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801) each house fossil millipede collections only. Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Department of Biological Sciences, Charleston, IL 61920 (EIUC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard Funk Phone: 1-217-581-3126 E-mail: cfrcf@eiu.edu Types: none. Collection: 216 lots: 115 lots iden- tified to family (all identified by Shelley SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 81 [NCSM]); 101 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are typed or handwritten. Collection is arranged systemati- cally. Collection is not cataloged. No individual lot numbers. Main holdings from eastern North America: some from western North America. Es- timated collection growth: 20 lots per year. 777777 Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection, 607 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, 1L 61820 (INHS) Curatorial Staff: Colin Favret Phone: 1-217-244-2149 Fax: 1-217-333-4949 E-mail: crf@uiuc.edu Types: 27 lots (Causey; Pocock; Williams & Hef- ner). Types are separated from the formed collec- tion. A type catalog is available at http://www. inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/collections/insect/insectintro. html. Collection: 1,432 lots (count): 820 identified to family; 612 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written, typed, and printed with a dot-matrix print- er. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order, then family, genus, and species. Collection is electronically cataloged (lot- or specimen-based relational database) and available at http://www. inhs. uiuc. edu/cbd/collections/insect. html. Individ- ual lot numbers have been assigned. Material mainly from eastern North America; some mate- rial from western North America, Central Amer- ica, and the Neotropics. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. 777777- Insect Collection, Field Museum of Natural His- tory, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 (FMNH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Petra Sierwald Phone: 1-312-665-7744/7742 Fax: 1-312-665-7754 E-mail: psierwald@fieldmuseum.org Web site: http://www.finnh.org/ Types: 300 types, 180 species (Chamberlin; Ger- vais; Golovatch, Vohland, & Hoffman; Hoffman; Loomis; Mauries; Shelley). Types are separated from the formed collection, and a type catalog is forthcoming. Collection: 7,000 lots (est.): 5,500 identified to family level; 1,216 (count) in backlog partly identified to order. Specimens are main- tained in 70% or 90% ethanol: collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or hand- written. Collection is arranged alphabetically by families within each of the 15 millipede orders; all orders are represented. Catalog is computer- ized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Associated collections: actively growing reprint and extensive bulk sample collections. Index card catalog of millipede species (duplicate of the Paris museum [MNHN] iconographie) is maintained. Extensive holdings from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics. and southern Africa; some material from the West Indies, the Palearctic, Oriental re- gions, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and western and eastern Africa. Collection growth: 300 lots per year. Note: An extensive col- lection of fossil millipede specimens from Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian) are housed in the Geology Department: collection manager: Charlene Fricker (cfricker @ fieldmuseum.org). Chicago Academy of Sciences, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 2430 North Clark Street, Chi- cago, IL 60614 (CASM) Curatorial Staff: Steve Sullivan Phone: 1-773-755-5100 E-mail: ssullivan@naturemuseum.org Collection: 10 lots: neither identified nor cata- loged. Specimens are stored in ethanol or dried. Collection labels are handwritten. Indiana The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Department of Biology Collection (Indiana University. Bloomington. IN 47401 [IUIC]; curatorial staff: Jennifer Tarter); Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Division of En- tomology (402 West Washington Street. Room W- 290, Indianapolis, IN 46204 [ISMC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Robert D. Waltz); and Entomology Re- search Collection (Department of Entomology. Purdue University. West Lafayette. IN 47907 [PURC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Arwin V. Provon- sha). Iowa The Saint Ambrose College Collection (Depart- ment of Biology, St. Ambrose College, Daven- port, I A 52803 [SACC]; curatorial staff: Dr. John Horn) does not house a millipede collection. Iowa State University Insect Collection, Depart- ment of Entomology, Iowa State University Ames, IA 50010-3222 (ISUI) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Greg Courtney 82 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Phone: 1-515-294-4017 Fax: 1-515-294-5957 E-mail: gwcourt@iastate.edu Types: none. Collection: 100 lots (est.): all iden- tified to order but none to family. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are hand- written. Collection is not cataloged. All material from North America (Iowa). Estimated collection growth: none. Kansas The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Collection of Insects (Sternberg Mu- seum, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS 67601 [FHKS]; curatorial staff: Dr. Richard Pack- auskas), State Biological Survey of Kansas (In- vertebrates Collection, 2045 Constant Avenue, Campus West, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66044 [KSBS]; curatorial staff: Dr. Paul Liechti), and Department of Entomology Collec- tion, Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS 66502 [KSUC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Gregory Zol- nerowich). Division of Entomology, University of Kansas Natural History Museum, 1460 Jayhawk Boule- vard— Snow Hall, University of Kansas, Lawr- ence, KS 66045-7523 (SEMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. James S. Ashe/Dr. Mi- chael S. Engel; Collection Manager: Dr. Za- chary H. Falin Phone: 1-785-864-3034 Fax: 1-785-864-5260 E-mail: ashe@ku.edu, msengel@ku.edu, ksem@ku.edu Web site: http://www.nhm.ku.edu/research. html Types: unknown. Collection: 1,500 lots (est.): 50 lots (est.) identified to family. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are print- ed with a laser or dot-matrix printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is arranged alphabetically by species. Collection is not cataloged. No indi- vidual lot numbers have been assigned. Associ- ated collections: historical bulk sample collection. Most holdings from the Nearctic, particularly western North America; some holdings from the Neotropics. Note: The Division of Invertebrate Paleontology of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum houses fossil millipede speci- mens. Kentucky Department of Biology Insect Collection, Univer- sity of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292-0001 (ULKY) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Charles V. Covell, Jr. Phone: 1-502-852-5942 Fax: 1-502-852-0725 E-mail: covell@louisville.edu Types: none. Collection: 100 lots (est.): none identified. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collection is ar- ranged by class only. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings are from eastern North America. Asso- ciated collections: historical reprint collection and historical bulk sample collection. Louisiana Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, 402 Life Sci- ences Building, Department of Entomology, Lou- isiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (LSAM) Curatorial Staff: Victoria Bayless Phone: 1-225-578-1838 Fax: 1-225-578-1643 E-mail: vmosele@lsu.edu Types: none. Collection: 50 lots (est.): few spec- imens each and bulk samples of a few hundred unsorted millipedes. Specimens are stored in eth- anol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, and handwritten. Collection is com- puterized (taxon-based relational database). As- sociated collections: historical reprint collection and actively growing Berlese bulk sample collec- tion. Material mainly from eastern North Ameri- ca, Central America, the Neotropics, western Af- rica, and New Zealand. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year. Maine The Entomological Laboratory Collection (Maine Forest Service, 50 Hospital Street, Augusta, ME 04330 [ELMF]; curatorial staff: Richard G. Dear- born) and the Department of Entomology Collec- tion (University of Maine, Orono, ME 04473 [UMDE]; curatorial staff: Dr. Stephen A. Woods) do not house millipede collections. Maryland The USDA-APHIS-PPQ, National Identification Services (4700 River Road, Unit 133, Riverdale, SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 83 MD 20737 [APHIJ; curatorial staff: Mr. J. F. Cav- ey) and the Department of Entomology Collection (University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 [UMDC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Jeffrey W. Shultz) do not house millipede collections. Massachusetts The Department of Entomology (Fernald Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 [UMEC]; curatorial staff: Benjamin B. Normark) does not house a millipede collection. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Invertebrate Department, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (MCZ) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gonzalo Giribet/Laura Leibensperger Phone: 1-617-495-2447 Fax: 1-617-495-5667 E-mail: lleibens@oeb.harvard.edu Types: 1,600 lots (est.), including paratypes (At- tems; Causey; Chamberlin; Cook & Loomis; Enghoff; Hoffman; Jacot; Keeton; Latzel; Loom- is; Packard; Perez-Asso; Shear; Shelley). Types are separated from the formed collection, and a type catalog is available at http://www.mcz. harvard.edu/Departments/InvertZoo/myriapod- col.htm. Collection: 5,000 lots (est.): 3,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 2,000 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 80%-85% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, daisy-wheel printed, and typed. Col- lection is arranged systematically by order and within order alphabetically by family and genus. Collection is cataloged (types only) in file cards. Extensive holdings from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, Southeast Asia, Ethio- pian regions, and the Pacific Islands; some spec- imens from the Palearctic, India, Australia, and New Zealand. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection and bulk sample col- lection. Estimated collection growth: 5 to 10 lots per year. Note: The Department of Invertebrate Paleontology houses a few fossil millipede spec- imens; collection manager: Dr. Fred Collier. Michigan The Cranbrook Institute of Science (Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 [CISM]; curatorial staff: Mark Uhen/Carole DeFord) and Kalamazoo Nature Center (7000 North Westnedge Avenue, Kalama- zoo, MI 49009-6309; curatorial staff: Janet Wright; all collection material from Kalamazoo Public Museum [KPMC] was transferred here) do not house millipede collections. Division of Insects, Museum of Zoology, Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 (UMMZ) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Mark F. O'Brien Phone: 1-734-647-2199 Fax: 1-734-763-4080 E-mail: mfobrien@umich.edu Types: none. Collection: 250 lots (est.): 230 iden- tified at least to family level (most determined by R. M. Shelley [NCSM] and R. L. Hoffmann [VMNH]); 20 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; labels are handwritten, dot-matrix printed, laser printed, or typed. Collec- tion is arranged alphabetically. Collection is not cataloged. Material from the Nearctic, Central America, the Neotropics, Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Estimated collection growth: fewer than five lots per year. Department of Entomology Collection, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1115 (MSUC) Curatorial Staff: Dick Snider/Renate Snider E-mail: snider@msu.edu, sniderr@msu.edu Small millipede collection. Minnesota Department of Biology Collection, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN 56301 (SCSC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ralph Gundersen Phone: 1-320-255-4136 E-mail : rgundersen @ stcloudstate.edu Collection: 5 to 10 lots, unidentified; from Bolivia and Ecuador. University of Minnesota Insect Collection, De- partment of Entomology, 219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 (UMSP) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Philip J. Clausen Phone: 1-612-624-1254 Fax: 1-612-625-5299 E-mail: claus004@tc.umn.edu Types: none. Collection: 742 lots (count): 677 identified at least to family level; 65 lots (count) in backlog, all identified to order level. Specimens 84 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, laser printed, or typed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family within each or- der. Collection is cataloged on file cards. Holdings mainly from eastern North America; some speci- mens from western North America, Central Amer- ica, and the Neotropics. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. tot Science Museum of Minnesota, 30 East 10th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 (SMPM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard J. Oehlenschla- ger E-mail: dicko@smm.org Collection: a few pinned specimens, two undeter- mined Spirobolidae from Michigan, five undeter- mined Polydesmidae from Michigan and Wiscon- sin, and one undetermined spirostreptid from In- dia. Mississippi The University of Mississippi Insect Collection (Department of Biology, University of Mississip- pi, University, MS 38677 [UMIC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Paul K Lago) does not house a millipede collection. Tm Mississippi Entomological Museum, Box 9775, Mississippi State, MS 39762 (MEMU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard L. Brown/Ter- ence L. Schiefer Phone: 1-662-325-2085 Fax: 1-662-325-8837 E-mail: moth@ra.msstate.edu Types: none. Collection: 420 lots: 300 identified to family level; 120 in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are typed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order and family. Collection is not cataloged. Material from eastern North America. Collection growth: six lots per year. Missouri The St. Louis Science Center (5050 Oakland Av- enue, St. Louis, MO 63110 [SLSC]; curatorial staff: Melinda Frillman) does not house a milli- pede collection. TOT W. R. Enns Entomology Museum, Department of Entomology, 1-87 Agriculture Building, Univer- sity of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 (UMRM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Robert W. Sites/Kristin B. Simpson Phone: 1-573-882-2345/2419 Fax: 1-573-882-1469 E-mail: bugs@missouri.edu, simpsonk@missouri.edu Types: none. Collection: 150 vials: 100 vials iden- tified to family; 50 vials in backlog. Collection labels are typed, handwritten, or photoreduced. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings mainly from the Nearctic. Montana The Museum Collections of Glacier National Park (West Glacier, MT 59936 [GLNP]; curatorial staff: Deirdre Shaw) does not house a millipede collection. Department of Entomology, Montana State Uni- versity, Bozeman, MT 59717 (MTEC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Michael A. Ivie Phone: 1-406-994-4610 Fax: 1-406-994-6029 E-mail: mivie@montana.edu Types: none. Collection: 100 lots (est.): 50 iden- tified at least to family level; 50 lots (est.) in back- log. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collec- tion labels are mostly handwritten, and some are printed with a laser printer. Collection is arranged geographically. Collection is not cataloged. Hold- ings mainly from the West Indies; some speci- mens from the Nearctic, the Palearctic, southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Associated collections: actively growing Berlese bulk sample collection. Nebraska The Collection of Arthropods (Hastings College, 7th and Turner Avenue, Hastings, NE 68901 [HCCA]; curatorial staff: Dr. Bill Beachly) does not house a millipede collection. University of Nebraska State Museum, W436 Ne- braska Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-05143 (UNSM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Brett C. Ratcliffe Phone: 1-402-472-2614 Fax: 1-402-472-8949 E-mail: bratcliffel@unl.edu Types: none. Collection: 31 lots (count). Speci- SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 85 mens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family and genus. Collection is not cataloged. Material from the Nearctic, Central America, and the Neotropics. Collection growth: low. New Hampshire Insect Collection, Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 (DENH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Donald S. Chandler Phone: 1-603-862-1735 Fax: 1-603-862-1713 E-mail: dscl@christa.unh.edu Types: none. Collection: 100 lots (count): partly identified to order level. Collection labels are handwritten or printed with a laser printer. Col- lection is not cataloged. All material is from the Nearctic. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection and historical bulk sample col- lection. Collection growth: none. New Jersey The Princeton University Museum of Natural His- tory (Guyot Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 [MNHP]; curatorial staff: Elizabeth Horn) and Bureau of Natural History (New Jersey State Museum, New Jersey Department of State, CN-530 Trenton, NJ 08625-0530 [NJSM]; cura- torial staff: Mr. David C. Parris) do not house mil- lipede collections. New Mexico The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Sciences in Albuquerque houses a fossil millipede collection. Division of Arthropods, Department of Biology Museum of Southwestern Biology, MSC 03 2020 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091 (UNMC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Sandra L. Brantley Phone: 1-505-277-4225 Fax: 1-505-277-0304 E-mail: sbrantle@unm.edu Millipede collection of specimens collected in pit- fall traps in local desert. This collection has not been organized or cataloged. However, plans are under way to organize, catalog, and build this col- lection. New York New York State Museum, Cal Survey, 3132 Cul- tural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 (NYSM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Timothy McCabe E-mail: tmccabe@mail.nysed.gov No millipede collection beyond small teaching collection. Assumed Chamberlin type specimen not found. Insect Collection, Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14211- 1293 (BMSC) Curatorial Staff: Marc C. Potzler Phone: 1-716-896-5200 ext. 374 Fax: 1-716-897-6723 E-mail: mpotzler@sciencebuff.org Collection consists of 19 pinned or pointed and air-dried specimens and nine vials. Specimens in vials are maintained in 80% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer or hand- written. Collection is not organized. Collection is not cataloged, though individual lot numbers have been assigned. Almost all pinned material from Venezuela; a few specimens from the United States. All alcohol material is from New York. Insect Collection, Department of Entomology Cornell University, 2144 Comstock Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-0901 (CUIC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. James K. Liebherr/Rick Hoebeke Phone: 1-607-255-4507 E-mail: JKL5@Cornell.edu Collection: about 40 jars identified at least to fam- ily; unspecified backlog partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are typed and handwritten. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings are from the Nearctic. It is a historical collection of Keeton and Hoffman. Col- lection growth: none. Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024 (AMNH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Lorenzo Prendini Phone: 1-212-769-5843 Fax: 1-212-769-5277 E-mail: lorenzo@amnh.org Types: 370 lots (est.; Causey; Chamberlin; Cham- 86 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY berlin & Wang; Enghoff & Golovatch; Hoffman; Keeton; Shear; Shear & Mesibov; Shear & Peck; Shelley; Silvestri; Wood). Types are separated from the formed collection; a card catalog of types is available. Collection: 5,320 lots (est.): 3,850 (est.) identified at least to family; 1,470 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Spec- imens are stored in 75%-80% ethanol; collection labels are dot-matrix printed, typed, and hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings worldwide in scope. Associated collections: reprint collection and historical microscope slide collection. The collection contains Verhoeff voucher material. Es- timated collection growth: 50 lots per year. Note: The Department of Paleontology houses fossil millipede specimens; among these Devonian ar- thropleurid material (Wilson & Shear types). Stat en Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, 75 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island, NY 10301 (SIIS) Curatorial Staff: Edward Johnson Phone: 1-718-727-1135 ext. 16 Small millipede collection (fewer than 50 speci- mens). College of Environmental Science and Forestry Collection, State University of New York, Syra- cuse, NY 13210 (DFEC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Frank E. Kurczewski Phone: 1-315-470-6753 Teaching collection only. North Carolina The Plant Protection Section (Plant Industry Di- vision, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 27611 [EDNC]; cu- ratorial staff: Steven Schmidt) and Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve (400 North Fort Bragg Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387 [WWSP]; curatorial staff: Scott Hartley) do not house mil- lipede collections. NCSU Insect Collection, Department of Entomol- ogy, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 17695-7613 (NCSU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Lewis L. Deitz/Bob Blinn Phone: 1-919-515-3595 Fax: 1-919-515-7746 E-mail: lewis_deitz@ncsu.edu, bob_blinn@ncsu.edu Web site: www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/ Museum/HomePage Types: none. Collection: 26 lots (count). Speci- mens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or laser printed. Collection is not cat- aloged. Material from eastern North America. Research Lab, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Road, Ra- leigh, NC 27607 (NCSM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Rowland M. Shelley Phone: 1-919-733-7450 Fax: 1-919-715-2294 E-mail: rowland.shelley@ncmail.net Types: More than 50 lots (Shelley). Types are sep- arated from the formed collection. No type cata- log is available. Collection: 9,000 lots evaluated by Rowland M. Shelley: all identified to family level and beyond. Backlog: none. Collection la- bels are printed with a laser or dot-matrix printer, typed, or handwritten. Collection is arranged sys- tematically. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and computerized. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collections: per- sonal reprint collection. Holdings mainly from the Nearctic; some material from Central America, the Neotropics, and Southeast Asia. North Dakota N. D. State Insect Reference Collection Entomol- ogy Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (NDSU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Gerald Fauske Phone: 1-701-231-9491 Fax: 1-701-231-8557 E-mail: Gerald.Fauske@ndsu.nodak.edu Types: none. Collection: 1,420 lots (est.): 42 (count) identified at least to family; 1,380 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order, though large amounts are unsorted. Specimens are stored in 80% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten and typed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family and genus. Unidentified material is ar- ranged by locality and date. Collection is not cat- aloged. Holdings are mainly from eastern North America (tallgrass prairies in western Minnesota). Associated collections: actively growing bulk sample collection from prairie inventory project. Estimated collection growth: 320 lots per year. SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 87 Ohio The Ohio State University Insect Collection (1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 [OSU]; cu- ratorial staff: Dr. Norman Johnson) and Boonshoft Museum of Discovery (2600 DeWeese Parkway, Dayton. OH 45414 [DMNH]; curatorial staff: Donna Lewis; formerly Dayton Museum of Nat- ural History) do not house millipede collections. 777777 Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106 (CLEV) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Joe Keiper E-mail: jkeiper@cmnh.org No organized collection. About 12 specimens, un- identified and locally collected. Collection growth: unlikely. Note: The museum houses some fossil millipede specimens and fossil type mate- rial: curator: Dr. J. T. Hannibal (e-mail: jhanniba@cmnh.org). 777777 Ohio State University Acarology Laboratory, Mu- seum of Biological Diversity, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212-1192 (OSAL) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Hans Klompen E-mail: klompen. 1 @osu.edu No organized millipede collection. About 12 jars of mostly Narceus annularis and undetermined backlog. 777777 Ohio Historical Society Insect Collection, 1982 Velma Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211 (OHSC) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Robert C. Glotzhober Phone: 1-614-297-2633 Fax: 1-614-297-2233 E-mail: bglotzhober@ohiohistory.org Types: none. Small number of lots. Specimens are stored in ethanol; labels are handwritten. Collec- tion is cataloged in catalog books. Material from eastern North America. Oklahoma The Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (Uni- versity of Oklahoma, 2401 Chautauqua Avenue, Norman, OK 73069-7029 [OMNO]; curatorial staff: Dr. Laurie J. Vitt) and Chickasaw National Recreational Area (P.O. Box 201, Sulphur, OK 73086 [PNPC]; curatorial staff: Ms. Judy Reeder) do not house millipede collections. K. C. Emerson Museum, Department of Entomol- ogy, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 (OSEC) Curatorial Staff: Mr. Don C. Arnold Phone: 1-405-744-9397 Fax: 1-405-744-6039 E-mail: entodca@okstate.edu Types: none. Collection: 129 lots (count): 70 iden- tified at least to family level; 59 lots (count) in backlog. Collection labels are handwritten, dot- matrix printed, or typed. Collection is cataloged on file cards. Material is from eastern North America (nearly all from Oklahoma). Associated collections: historical reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: five lots per year. Oregon The following institutions do not house millipede collections: Museum Collections of Crater Lake National Park (P.O. Box 7, Crater Lake. OR 97604 [CLNP]; curatorial staff: Ms. Mary Ben- terou). Museum of Natural History (University of Oregon, Eugene. OR 97403 [UOIC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Don Dumond). and Entomology Muse- um (Oregon Department of Agriculture, 635 Cap- itol NE, Salem, Oregon 97310-01 10 [ODAC]; cu- ratorial staff: Mr. Richard L. Westcott). Oregon State Arthropod Collection, Department of Entomology, 2046 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 (OS AC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Darlene Judd E-mail: juddd@mail.science.orst.edu Small millipede collection. Pennsylvania The Arthropod Collection (Bureau of Plant Indus- try, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 [PAD A]; curatorial staff: Jim Stimmel) does not house a millipede collection. Department of Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Phil- adelphia, PA 19103-1195 (ANSP) Curatorial Staff: Jason D. Weintraub Phone: 1-215-299-1189 Fax: 1-215-299-1182 E-mail: weintraub@acnatsci.org Types: 118 lots (Bollman; Causey; Chamberlin; 88 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Cook; Cope; Gerstacker; Hoffman; Wood). Types are not separated from the formed collection. A type catalog is forthcoming (2004-2005). Collec- tion: unspecified number of lots. Collection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer, typed, or handwritten. The collection is not organized and not cataloged. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings from the Nearctic and Middle America. Estimated collection growth: 200 lots per year. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburg, PA 15213 (CMNH) Curatorial Staff: Robert L. Davidson Phone: 1-412-688-3259 Fax: 1-412-688-8670 E-mail: davidsonr@carnegiemuseums.org Types: none. Collection: 3,000 lots: 500 lots iden- tified to family; 2,500 lots in backlog. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are printed with a laser printer, typed, or handwritten. The formed collection is not organized and not cata- loged. No individual lot numbers have been as- signed. Associated collections: historical reprint collection and actively growing bulk sample col- lection. Extensive holdings from eastern North America and the West Indies; some holdings from the Neotropics and western Africa. Estimated col- lection growth: 100 lots per year. Note: The Sec- tion of Invertebrate Paleontology houses fossil millipede specimens. Frost Entomological Museum, Department of En- tomology, Pennsylvania State University, Univer- sity Park, PA 16802 (PSUC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. K. C. Kim Phone: 1-814-863-2863 Fax: 1-814-865-3048 E-mail: kck@psu.edu Types: none. Collection: about six lots. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family, genus, and species. Collection labels are laser printed. Col- lection is computerized (lot or specimen based). Material from eastern North America. Rhode Island The Department of Biological Sciences Collection (University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 [URIC]; curatorial staff: Dr. Kerwin E. Hyland) does not house a millipede collection. South Carolina Department of Entomology Collection, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29631 (CUCC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John C. Morse/Will K. Reeves Phone: 1-864-656-5070 Fax: 1-864-656-5069 E-mail: wreeves@clemson.edu Types: none. Collection consists of 50 lots: all identified to family level; four lots in backlog, identified to order. Specimens are stored primarily in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, print- ed with a laser printer, and typed. Collection is cataloged on file cards and computerized (taxon- based flat file). Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Material is from west- ern North America (South Carolina) and the West Indies (Dominica). Estimated collection growth: zero to two lots per year. South Dakota The Severin-McDaniel Insect Collection (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State Univer- sity, Brookings, SD 57007 [SDSU]; curatorial staff: Dr. Paul J. Johnson) does not house a mil- lipede collection. Tennessee The Adventure Science Center (800 Fort Negley Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37203 [CMSC]; cura- torial staff: Herschell Parker; formerly the Cum- berland Museum and Science Center) does not house a millipede collection. Museum Collection of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, TN 37738 (GSMNP) Curatorial Staff: Andriean Mayor E-mail: mayor@nps.gov, grsm_smokies_information@nps.gov Currently, all millipede material from GSMNP is on loan to Richard L. Hoffman (VMNH). Texas The Houston Museum of Natural Science (One Herman Circle Drive, Houston, TX 77030 [HMNS]; curatorial staff: Nancy Greig) does not house a millipede collection. Soil Arthropod Collection, Texas Memorial Mu- seum, 2400 Trinity Street, Austin, TX 78705 (TMMC) SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 89 Curatorial Staff: Dr. Chris Durden/James Red- dell Phone: 1-512-471-4823 Fax: 1-512-471-9775 E-mail: drdn@mail.utexas.edu Types: two lots (author unknown). Types are sep- arated from the formed collection. Collection: 260 lots (est.): about 20 lots identified to family; 260 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are handwritten, typed, or printed with a dot-matix printer. Collection is organized by geography, DSL (day/site/list) number, and family. Collection is cataloged in catalog books and is computerized (lot- or specimen-based flat file). Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Associated collec- tions: historical reprint, microscope slides, pho- tograph, print, slide, and bulk sample collections. Estimated collection growth: three lots per year. Department of Entomology Insects Collection, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2475 (TAMU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John D. Oswald/Edward G. Riley Phone: 1-979-845-9711 Fax: 1-979-845-6305 E-mail: j-oswald@tamu.edu, egrchry so @ tamu.edu Collection: 46 vials: none identified to order. Specimens are maintained in 80% ethanol. Very few specimens older than 15 years. Twenty-nine vials from the Nearactic (almost all from Texas); 15 vials from the Neotropics (mostly Mexico and Panama). Museum of Texas Tech University, Division of In- vertebrates, Natural Science Research Laborato- ry, Texas Tech University, Fourth and Indiana, Lubbock, TX 79409-3 191 '(TTCC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Marilyn Houck Phone: 1-806-742-4814 Fax: 1-806-742-0362 E-mail: marilyn.houck@ttu.edu Collection: fewer than 100 lots (est.). Specimens are stored in 70%-80% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer and hand- written. Collection is not cataloged. All of the millipedes in the TTCC collection were transferred to the Texas Memorial Museum in 1989. Any specimens referred to in the litera- ture as being from here prior to that date are now at TMMC. Museum anticipates increasing hold- ings in all arthropod groups. Department of Biology, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962 (SFAC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Don Hay E-mail: dhay@sfasu.edu Millipede collection was apparently misplaced af- ter renovation. Department of Biology, Midwestern State Univer- sity, 3410 Taft, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 (MSSC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Norman Horner E-mail: norman.horner@mwsu.edu Types: none. Collection: 42 lots (mostly identified by Shelley [NCSM]): 35 lots identified to family; seven lots in backlog. Utah Entomology Section, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 (BYU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard W. Baumann Phone: 1-801-378-5492 E-mail: richard-baumann@byn.edu Types: none. Collection: 220 lots (est.): 180 lots (count) identified at least to family level; 40 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 75% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten or offset printed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by order and family. Collection is computerized (tax- on-based flat file), and an online catalog is forth- coming. Most material from the Nearctic; some from Central America and Asia. Associated col- lections: historical reprint collection (library of R. V. Chamberlin). Estimated collection growth: 50 lots per year. Dixie College, St. George, UT 84770 (AHBC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Andrew H. Barnum Phone: 1-435-652-7771 Types: none. Fewer than 25 lots: all identified by R. M. Shelley [NCSM] to family level. Specimens are stored in ethanol; collection labels are hand- written or laser printed. Collection is computer- ized. Material from western North America. Col- lection growth: insignificant. 90 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Vermont University of Vermont Invertebrate Collection, Department of Zoology Collection, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-0086 (UVCC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ross T. Bell Phone: 1-802-656-4349 Types: none. Collection: 100 to 150 lots (est.): 50 identified at least to family; backlog is partly iden- tified to order. Specimens are stored in 70%-80% ethanol, some with glycerol; collection labels are handwritten, laser printed, and typed. Collection is not cataloged. Material mainly from the Nearc- tic and Central America; a few specimens from Australia. Estimated collection growth: 20 lots per year (from student fieldwork). Virgina The Virginia Museum of Natural History at Vir- ginia Tech (428 North Main Street, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0542 [VPIC]; curatorial staff: Llyn Sharp) does not house a millipede collection. Virginia Museum of Natural History, 1001 Doug- las Avenue, Martinsville, VA 24112 (VMNH) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard L. Hoffman Phone: 1-276-666-8629 E-mail: rhoffman@vmnh.org Types: 500 to 600 lots (est.; Attems; Blower & Rundle; Buckett & Gardner; Carl; Causey; Cham- berlin; Cook; Cook & Loomis; Enghoff; Golo- vatch; Hoffman; Hoffman & Burkhalter; Hoffman & Flores; Hoffman & Howell; Hoffman & Knight; Hoffman & Lohmander; Hoffman & Mahsberg; Hoffman & Orcutt; Johns; Keeton; Krabbe & Enghoff; Loomis; Loomis & Daven- port; Loomis & Hoffman; Shear; Shear, Tsurusaki & Tanabe; Shelley; Shelley & Bauer; Shelley & Crawford; Williams & Hefner). Types are not sep- arated from the formed collection, and a type cat- alog is being compiled. Collection: 20,000 to 30,000 lots (est.): approximately 20,000 identified at least to family; fewer than 5,000 to 10,000 lots (est.) in backlog, partly identified to order. Spec- imens are stored in 60%-70% isopropanol; col- lection labels are typed. Collection is arranged systematically (Hoffman, 1980, updated). The collection is cataloged on file cards (up to about 1970 only). Extensive holdings are from eastern North America, the Neotropics (Brazil and Co- lombia), and eastern Africa (Tanzania). Some specimens from western North America, Central America, Asia, Oriental regions, western Africa, southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. Recently, extensive material from the Smoky Mountains, collected through the on- going All Taxon Biological Inventory (ATBI; see GSMNP) was deposited at VMNH. Associated collections: actively growing reprint and photo- graph, print, and slide collections. Washington James Entomological Collection, Department of Entomology Collection, Washington State Univer- sity, Pullman, WA 99164-6382 (WSU) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Richard S. Zack Phone: 1-509-335-3394 Fax: 1-509-335-1009 E-mail: zack@mail.wsu.edu Types: some paratypes (Shelley; Shelley & Bauer). Collection: 1,200 lots (est.): 1,000 (est.) identified at least to family; 200 lots (est.) in back- log, identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are mostly offset printed, and some are handwritten. In the future, collection labels will be printed with a laser print- er. Collection is arranged systematically by order. Collection is not cataloged. Most material from western North America; some specimens from the Neotropics and Southeast Asia. Associated collec- tions: both actively growing and historical reprint collection, microscope slide collection, and pho- tograph, print, and slide collection. Estimated col- lection growth: 25 lots per year. Burke Museum, University of Washington, Box 353010, Seattle, WA 98195-3010 (UWBM) Curatorial Staff: Rod Crawford Phone: 1-206-543-9853 Fax: 1-206-685-3039 E-mail: tiso@u. washington.edu Types: three lots (Kincaid; Shelley). Types are not separated from the formed collection. Collection: 2,500 lots (est.): about 1,500 identified to family; 1,000 in backlog identified to order. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer, typed, or hand- written. Collection is arranged systematically and geographically. Holdings mainly from western North America; some material from eastern North America. Estimated collection growth: 75 lots per year. SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 91 West Virginia West Virginia University, Agricultural Sciences Building, Evansdale Drive, Plant and Soil Scienc- es, Morgantown, WV 26506 (WVUC) Curatorial Staff: Dr. John Strazanac Phone: 1-304-293-6023 Fax: 1-304-293-2960 E-mail: jstrazan@wvu.edu Types: none. Collection: 3,500 lots (est.): except for 20 vials, all unidentified. Collection labels are printed with a dot-matrix printer. Collection is ar- ranged in geographic and chronological order. Collection is not cataloged. All material from eastern North America (West Virginia and Virgin- ia). Associated collections: historical and actively growing bulk sample collection. Plant Industries Division, West Virginia Depart- ment of Agriculture, Charleston, WV 25305 (PPCD) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Charles C. Coffman/Dr. Shawn Clark Types: none. Collection: 10 lots: none identified. Wisconsin Insect Research Collection, Department of Ento- mology, 346 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706- 1598 (IRCW) Curatorial Staff: Steven J. Krauth Phone: 1-608-262-0056 Fax: 1-608-262-3322 E-mail: krauth@entomology.wisc.edu Types: none. Collection: 106 lots (count): 14 lots identified at least to family level; 92 lots identified to order in backlog. Collection labels are typed. Collection is arranged alphabetically by family. Collection is not cataloged. No individual lot numbers have been assigned. Holdings mainly from eastern North America. Associated collec- tions: historical reprint collection. Bulk pitfall samples from a multiple-year survey of Wisconsin prairies include unsorted millipedes. Estimated collection growth: two lots per year. Insect Collection, Milwaukee Public Museum, 800 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233 (MCPM) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Allen M. Young/Joan Jass Phone: 1-414-278-2761 Fax: 1-414-278-6100 E-mail: jass@mpm.edu Types: none. Collection: 199 lots (count): all iden- tified at least to family level; an unknown number of lots in backlog. Collection is arranged alpha- betically by family. Specimens stored in ethanol. and some old specimens are pinned; collection la- bels are handwritten, typed, and printed with a dot-matrix printer. Collection is cataloged in ac- cession records and computerized (taxon-based relational database). Data captured are order, fam- ily, identification, determiner, locality, and size of lot. Holdings mainly from the Nearctic. Central America, and the Neotropics. Associated collec- tions: actively growing reprint collection. Esti- mated collection growth: 10 lots per year. Wyoming Rocky Mountain Systematic Entomology Labora- tory, Department of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sci- ences, Box 3354, University' of Wyoming Laramie, WY 8207 J (ESUW) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Scott R. Shaw E-mail: braconid@uwyo.edu No formal millipede collection; teaching collec- tion only. Guam Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam 96913 (ESUG) Curatorial Staff: Dr. Ross Miller E-mail: rmiller@uog9.uog.edu No millipede collection other than small teaching collection. URUGUAY No contact was established with Instituto de Biol- ogia, Facultad de Tristan Narvaja 1674 (C.C. 10.773 Montevideo). The Museos Nacionales de Historia Natural y Antropologia (Casilla de Cor- reo 399, 11000 Montevideo [URMU]; curatorial staff: Dr. Alvaro Mones) does not house a milli- pede collection. Facultad de Ciencias, Igud 4225, Montevideo 11400 (FCE) Curatorial Staff: Alba Bentos/Miguel Simo 92 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Phone: 598-2-525-8618 Fax: 598-2-525-8617 E-mail: bentos@ fcien.edu. uy, simo@fcien.edu. uy Types: none. Collection: 52 lots: backlog is partly identified to order. Collection labels are handwrit- ten. Most of collection is identified as either Ju- liformia or Polydesmoidea and arranged system- atically. Collection is not cataloged. Holdings from the Neotropics (Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil). VENEZUELA Dr. Manuel Gonzalez Sponga in Caracas main- tains a personal millipede collection. No further information is available. ZIMBABWE iTT Invertebrate Collection, National Museum, P.O. Box 240, Centenary Park, Bulawayo (NMBZ) Curatorial Staff: Mrs. M. J. Fitzpatrick/F. Ny- athi Phone: 263-9-60045/6 Fax: 263-9-64019 E-mail: fitzpatrick@gatorzw.com Type: one lot (Hoffman). Collection: 856 lots (count): all identified at least to family; 20 lots (est.) in backlog. Specimens are stored in 70% ethanol; collection labels are handwritten. Collec- tion is arranged alphabetically by family. Collec- tion is cataloged in file cards and catalog books. Individual lot numbers have been assigned. Entire collection is from southern Africa. Associated collections: actively growing reprint collection. Estimated collection growth: 10 lots per year. Literature Cited Including all published millipede type catalogs Am Stein, J. G. 1857. Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der Myriapoden und Crustaceen Graubundens. Jahresbe- richt der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubundens, Neue Folge 2: 112-148. Arnett, R. H., G. A. Samuelson, and G. M. Nishidia. 1993. The Insect and Spider Collections of the World. Flora & Fauna Handbook No. 11. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. Bigler, W. 1929. Die Diplopodenfauna des Schweizer- ischen Nationalparks. Ergebnisse der wissenschaft- lichen Untersuchung des Schweizerischen National- parks, 5: 1-87. Bueno-Villegas, J., P. Sierwald, and J. E. Bond. 2004. Diplopoda. In Bousquets, Jorge Lloreute and J. J. Morrone, eds. Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogeogra- fia de Artropodos de Mexico, Vol. IV. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, p. 569-599. Dethier, M. 1998. La collection Delhez. 1. Catalogue provisoire. Bulletin des Chercheurs de la Wallonie, 38: 33-76. [non vidi] Geoffroy, J. J., J. -P. Mauries, M. Nguyen Duy-Jac- quemin, and J.-M. Demange, eds. 2002. Annuaire mondial des Myriapodologistes. Bulletin du Centre In- ternational de Myriapodologie, 35. C. I. M. Paris. Hoffman, R. L. 1980. Classification of the Diplopoda. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneve. International Society of Arachnology. 2001. An- nuaire des Arachnologistes Mondiaux. Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin. Jeekel, C. A. W. 1971. Nomenclator Generum et fami- liarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family- group names in the class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758 to the end of 1957. Mono- grafieen van der Nederlandse Entomologische Veren- iging, 5. Johns, P. M. 2000. Canterbury Museum invertebrate types other than arachnid, insect and molluscan. Re- cords of Canterbury Museum, 16: 83-93. Korsos, Z. 1983. Diplopod types in the Hungarian Nat- ural History Museum, I. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 75: 117-120. Kraus, O. 1974. Minutes of the Plenary Session of Con- gress; 2nd International Congress of Myriapodology. In Blower, J. G., ed., Myriapoda. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 32, Academic Press. Leonardi M., A. Quaroni, F. Rigato, and S. Scali. 1995. Le collezioni del Museo Civico di Storia Na- turale di Milano. Atti della Societa Italiano di Scienze e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 135(1): 3-296. Lim, Kil- Young. 2001. Taxonomy of Millipedes (Ar- thropoda: Diplopoda) in Korea. Ph.D. thesis, Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea. Manfredi, P. 1976. Catalogo dei tipi del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. IV I tipi dei Miriapodi (Diplopoda e Chilopoda). Atti della Societa Italiano di Scienze e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 117: 214-238. Moritz, M., and S.-C Fischer. 1973. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 1: Polyxenida, Glomerida, Sphaerotheriida, Glomeridesmida, Polyzonida, Cras- pedosomatida (Striariidae, Trachysomatidae, Chamae- somatidae, Orobainosomatidae, Mastigophorophylli- dae, Neoatractosomatidae, Verhoeffiidae, Heterolatz- eliidae, Conotylidae, Diplomaragnidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 49: 323- 375. . 1974. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 2: Craspedosomatida (Chordeumatidae, Anthroleuco- SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 93 somatidae, Anthogonidae, Entomobielziidae, Rothen- biihleriidae, Brachychaeteumatidae, Haplobainosoma- tidae, Attemsiidae, Craspedosomatidae, Callipodidae, Lysiopetalidae), Stemmiulida, Spirostreptida. Mittei- lungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 50: 351-385. 1975. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologisehen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 3: Julida, Spirobolida. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoolo- gischen Museum in Berlin, 51: 199-255. 1978a. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 4: Polydesmida (Paradoxosomatidea, Sphaeriodesmi- dea, Polydesmidea). Teil 5: Erganzugen (Teile 1 bis 3). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 54: 99-160. 1978b. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 6: Nachtrag zu den Teilen 1 bis 4. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 54: 333-343. 1979. Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. II. Chilopoda. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Ber- lin, 55: 297-352. Pedroli-Christen, A. 1993. Faunistik der Tausendfus- sler der Schweiz (Diplopoda). Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae, 14, Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune. Rack, G. 1973. Die Entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Instituts und Zoologischen Museum der Universitat. III. Teil (Nachtrag). Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Institut, 70: 105-118. Samuelson, A., and N. Evenhuis. 2003. Insect and Spi- der Collections of the World Website, http://hbs. bishopmuseum.org/codens/codens-r-us.html. Saunier, F. 1980. Catalogue des Collections Arachnol- ogiques Mondiales. Centre International de Documen- tation Arachnologique (C. I. D. A., now International Society for Arachnology), 61, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris. Shelley, R. M. 2003. A revised, annotated, family-level classification of the Diplopoda. Arthropoda Selecta, 11(3): 187-207. Shelley, R. M., P. Sierwald, S. B. Kiser, and S. I. Golovatch. 2000. Nomenclator Generum et famili- arum Diplopodorum II. Pensoft, Sofia, Moscow. Sierwald, P., ed. 2001. Nomenclator Generum Diplo- podorum. A complete listing of all genus-group names in the class Diplopoda from 1758 through 1999. By Jeekel, C. A. W., R. L. Hoffman, R. M. Shelley, P. Sierwald, S. B. Kiser, and S. I. Golovatch, http:// www.fmnh.org/research-collections/zooIogy/zoosites/ millipeet/nomenclator.html. Sierwald, P., G. Gurda, and J. E. Bond. In prep. Types of the class Diplopoda at the Field Museum. Fieldiana. Stagl, V. 2003. Zur Geschichte der Myriapoden-For- schung in Osterreich und der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Naturhsistorischen Museums in Wien. Denisia, 8: 165-178. Stoev, P., and P. Beron. 2001. On the type specimens of Myriapoda (Chilopoda, Diplopoda) in the collec- tion of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia. Arthropoda Selecta, 9(2): 91-102. Systematics Agenda 2000. 1994. Systematics Agenda 2000: Exploring the Biosphere. Technical Report. American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Society of Systematic Biologists, and Willi Hennig Society, New York. Viggiani, G. 1973. Le specie descritte da Filippo Sil- vestri (1873-1949). Bollettino del Laboratorio di En- tomologia "Filippo Silvestri," Portici, 30(1972- 1973): 351-418. Wallin, L. 1991. Catalog of type specimens. 2. General Zoology. Uppsala University. 80 pp. [non vidi] Weidner, H. 1960. Die entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Staatsinstituts und Zoologischen Museums Hamburg. III. Teil, Chilopoda und Progo- neata. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoolo- gischen Museum und Institut, 58: 57-104. Wirkner, C. S., V. Stagl, and N. Turk. 2002. Type specimens of the Chordeumatida in the Natural His- tory Museum Vienna. Kataloge der wissenschaftlich- en Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 16, Myriapoda (1): 1-31. Zentralregister Biologischer Forschungssammlungen in Deutschland, http://ice.zadi.de/zefod/index.html. 94 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Name Institution Street address Appendix 1 — Questionnaire MILLIPEDE COLLECTION SURVEY Field Museum of Natural History City Postal Code State Country Phone (Country code-area code-number) Fax (Country code-area code-number) E-mail Name of respondent Name of curator/collection manager in charge of millipede collection Size of collection, estimated/known number of lots including backlog (= not identified to family level) Total number of lots (= specimens series): Evaluation by: Number of lots in formed collection (at least identified to family level): Number of lots in backlog: Backlog identified to order level? Evaluation by: Evaluation by: □ Yes or □ No or □ Partly (check one) Specimen storage Preservation fluid used: Check all that apply. □ Specimens stored in vials with cotton stoppers, vials stored in jars □ Specimens stored in vials with neoprene stoppers, vials stored in jars □ Specimens stored in vials with neoprene stoppers, vials stored in racks □ Other: Collection labels Check all that apply. □ Printed with laser printer □ Printed with dot-matrix printer and alcohol-proof ribbon (give brand name, source of ribbon) □ Typewriter, alcohol-proof ribbon □ Handwritten labels Comments SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 95 Collection organization of formed collection (e.g., alphabetical order of families, systematic arrangement, geographic, other) Collection catalog Are the collection holdings cataloged? □ Yes □ All lots of the formed collection cataloged □ Formed collection partly cataloged □ No (check one) Catalog type (check all that apply) □ File cards □ Catalog books □ Accession Records Have individual lot numbers been assigned? □ Yes □ No If computerized, please give some detail of the catalog. Data model used: Database type used: Comments (types of data captured, bar coding): Are you interested in sharing information regarding collection computerization? □ Yes □ No (check one) D Computerized Type material Number of type lots: Are the types separated from the collection? □ Yes Type catalog available? □ Yes If published, please give reference: □ No □ No (check one) (check one) Associated collections (check all that apply) Reprint collection: □ historical Microscope slides: □ historical Photographs, prints, slides: □ historical Bulk samples: □ historical □ actively growing □ catalog □ actively growing □ catalog □ actively growing □ catalog □ actively growing □ catalog □ electronic catalog □ electronic catalog □ electronic catalog □ electronic catalog Other collections (e.g., particular habitats, collecting methods, expeditions, historical collections) Collection growth Average number of lots added annually During the last five years Through professional expeditions or fieldwork Through purchase From miscellaneous sources, gifts, etc. 96 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY If possible, please provide an estimate of amount of material for each geographic region represented your collection. Realm Region Extensive material Some material Nearctic □ □ Western North America □ □ Eastern North America □ □ Middle America Central America D □ West Indies □ □ Neotropic □ □ Palearctic □ □ Europe (western Palearctic) □ □ Mediterranean/northern Africa □ □ Asia (eastern Palearctic) □ □ Oriental □ □ India □ □ Southeast Asia □ □ Ethiopian D □ Western Africa □ □ Eastern Africa □ □ Southern Africa □ □ Australia □ □ New Zealand □ □ Pacific Islands □ □ SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 97 A list of types and authors would be most helpful following all author names for which your museum for future researchers. Please make check marks houses type specimens. Author Types Abrous-Kherbouche & Mauries □ Absolon & Lang □ Am Stein □ Attems D Beauvois □ Berlese D Bigler □ Blickett & Gardner □ Blower □ Blower & Rolfe □ Blower & Rundle □ Bollman □ Borre □ Bosc □ Bouvier D Brade-Birks □ Brandt □ Brolemann □ Brolemann & Brade-Birks □ Brolemann & Verhoeff □ Butler □ Carl □ Causey D Ceuca □ Chamberlin □ Chamberlin & Hoffman □ Chamberlin & Mulaik □ Chamberlin & Wang □ Conde □ Conde & Demange □ Conde & Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin D Conde & Terver D Cook □ Cook & Collins D Author Types Cook & Loomis □ Cope □ Curtis □ Daday □ Dal la Torre □ Demange □ Demange & Mauries □ Desjardins □ Drury □ Eichwald D Enghoff □ Enghoff & Golovatch □ Erichson □ Eschscholtz □ Fabricius D Faes □ Fanzago □ Fedrizzi D Gardner □ Gardner & Shelley □ Gerstacker □ Gerstfeldt □ Gervais D Gervais & Goudot □ Girard □ Glaubrecht & Spelda □ Golovatch □ Golovatch & Enghoff □ Golovatch & Korsos □ Golovatch & Mikhaljova □ Gray □ Gressitt □ Haga □ Harger □ 98 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Heller □ Hoffman □ Hoffman & Burkhalter □ Hoffman & Flores □ Hoffman & Howell □ Hoffman & Knight □ Hoffman & Lohmander □ Hoffman & Mahsberg □ Hoffman & Orcutt □ Humbert □ Humbert & Saussure □ Humphreys & Shear □ Ishii □ Ishii & Choi □ Jacot □ Jawlowski □ Jedryczkowski □ Jeekel □ Johns □ Johnson □ Karsch □ Keeton □ Kenyon □ Kincaid □ Koch, C. L. □ Koch, L. □ Korsos □ Korsos & Golovatch □ Korsos & Read □ Krabbe D Krabbe & Enghoff □ Kraus D Lang □ Latreille □ Latzel D Lawrence □ Leach D LeGuillou □ Lignau □ Linnaeus □ Lohmander □ Loksa □ Lokshina & Golovatch □ Loomis D Loomis & Davenport □ Loomis & Hoffman D Lucas □ Manfredi □ Marquet & Conde □ Mauries □ Mauries & Barraqueta □ Mauries & Enghoff □ Mauries & Gonzalez □ Mauries & Heymer □ Mauries & Karamaouna □ Mauries & Maurin q Mauries & Silva □ Mauries & Vincente □ McNeill □ Meinert □ Menge □ Mikhaljova □ Mikhaljova & Kim □ Minelli D Miyosi □ Mrsic □ Murakami □ Murakami & Irie □ Murakami & Kawasawa □ Murakami & Paik □ Murray □ Nemec □ Newport □ Nguyen Duy-Jacqemin □ SIERWALD & REFT: MILLIPEDE COLLECTIONS OF THE WORLD 99 Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin & Conde Z Olivier □ Packard D Packard & Ryder D Pedroli-Christen □ Petty □ Peters D Pierce □ Pierrard Z Pocock □ Porat □ Rafinesque □ Read □ Ribaut □ Risso □ Rosicky □ Rothenbuhler □ Ryder □ Sager □ Saussure □ Saussure & Humbert □ Saussure & Zehntner □ Say □ Schiotz □ Schubart □ Shear □ Shear & Mesibov □ Shear & Peck □ Shear & Tanabe □ Shear & Tsurusaki D Shear, Tsurusaki, & Tanabe D Shelley □ Shelley & Bauer □ Shelley & Crawford □ Shinohara □ Silvestri □ Sinclair □ Spelda □ Strasser □ Stuxberg □ Tabacaru □ Tabacaru & Negrea □ Takakuwa □ Takakuwa & Miyosi □ Takashima & Haga □ Tanabe □ Tanabe, Ishii, & Yin □ Tanabe & Shinohara □ Thaler □ Tomosvary □ Turk □ Vachon □ Velez □ Verhoeff □ Victor □ Villers D Vincente & Mauries □ Voges □ Waga □ Wang, D. □ Wang. Y. M. □ Wang. Y. M.. & Tang. M. C. □ Williams & Hefner □ Wood □ Zhang □ Zhang & Li □ 100 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 Telephone: (312) 665-7055