GEOLOGY UNIVEHSiTY OF ItUNOIS LIBRARY AT ORBANA-CHAMPAIGN ^ GEaOGY Sich it was withdrawn on or betore Latest Date stamped below. Theft mutilation, and underlining of books Ire Usons for disciplinary act on and may Result in dismissal from the University. OCT f 3 1976 1977 L161 — O-1096 .^p^^-i^ ^yvjr- FIELDIANA • GEOLOGY Published by FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 16 December 19, 1969 No. 15 Mineral Assemblages and the Chemical History of Chondritic Meteorites Robert F. Mueller National Aeronautics and Space Administration GoDDARD Space Flight Center, Green Belt, Maryland and Edward J. Olsen i Curator, Mineralogy, Field Museum of Natural History « ABSTRACT An attempt has been made to correlate the mineralogical and bulk chemical characteristics and the textural and structural features of chondritic meteorites. The thermodynamic basis for the observed mineral assemblages of the ordinary chondrites is discussed in some detail with respect to the temperature of crystalli- zation, state of oxidation and the liquidus relations. The approximate oxidation fields of the ordinary, enstatite and carbonaceous chondrites are delineated and compared with a gas of solar composition. It is shown that the field of the ordi- nary chondrites is quite well defined and that these chondrites are more oxidized than the solar gas so that direct condensation from this medium is excluded. The evidence for initial high temperature liquidus crystallization for most ordinary chondrites is discussed, and it is concluded that the chondrites of uniform compo- sition probably represent rapid crystallization through liquidus temperatures, with perhaps some annealing to a near equilibrium distribution of Mg and Fe^~^ just below the liquidus. The nonuniform, disequilibrium chondrites appear to repre- sent, in part, a lower rate of cooling and crystallization and show evidence that they originated under conditions of varying oxidation. The observed textural features of the metal grains of most ordinary chondrites with the coexisting silicates are interpreted as having resulted, not from any mag- matic or mechanical processes but from transport and deposition from the vapor phase. This accounts well for nearly all the observed textural and structural features. The analytical relations are derived relating the normative olivine contents of the chondrites to the ratio of oxidized to reduced iron and consequently to the degree of oxidation. This derived relation is then compared with that observed for 43 chondrites and a good correspondence is found. This again tends to support Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-106197 No. 1084 377 ^^ ^^^^^ o' the Q^OLOQy MAY 1 5 1972 ^^^f^HX University of Illinois at Urbana-Chsmpaign 378 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 the approximate validity of Prior's rules when account is taken of analytical errors and a certain amount of variation in the bulk composition. A critique is also presented of certain views on the origin of chondrites which depend primarily on mineral chemistry and little agreement with these is found. INTRODUCTION In the past many hypotheses have been advanced for the origin of various classes of meteorites with the chondrites receiving the most attention. Concentration in these studies has been largely on the bulk chemical properties, but recently a keener appreciation for the importance of mineral chemistry and phase equilibria has been appar- ent. It has been more widely recognized that the relations between coexisting mineral phases are detailed expressions of the environment of crystallization and that it is more informative to work with min- erals and their inter-relations than with bulk meteorites. Recent detailed studies of the chondrites have revealed that they may be divided into two types depending on whether or not the sili- cates of a given meteorite are of almost constant composition through- out the meteorite and whether or not magnesium and ferrous iron are distributed in an orderly way between the silicates. The critical questions involved here are the mode of crystallization that can ac- count for the textural and chemical characteristics in each case, whether or not crystallization was from a melt, the rapidity of this crystallization and the extent to which equilibrium was attained. Since it has also been frequently proposed that some chondrites have undergone metamorphism or recrystallization, it is desirable to see to what extent this hypothesis is compatible with the observed tex- tures and predicted chemical relations. One of the most critical sets of data in this study is that relating to the temperature coefficient of the distribution of Mgand Fe"^"^ among the coexisting olivines and pyroxenes since it may tell us the temperature of crystallization and whether or not a given meteorite has been recrystallized. Un- fortunately, the experimental and observational data bearing on this problem are as yet inconclusive because of the large experimental uncertainties (Mueller, 1964). However, in the past the high tem- perature experimental data have been almost completely ignored by the advocates of metamorphism. We believe that these data require consideration in any interpretation of the temperature of crystallization. Another important issue concerns the disposition of the metal grains in chondrites, the mechanism by which these grains arrived at their present positions and their chemical relations to the silicates. MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 379 Then, also, the sequence of meteoritic types discovered by Prior (1916a) which presumably reflects different degrees of oxidation, im- plies a systematic and predictable variation in the norms of the min- erals according to the reaction, pyroxene + metal + 02^ olivine. It is interesting to compare these theoretical norms with those calculated from the analyses, since this provides a further test of Prior's rules. In this paper an attempt is made to answer some of these ques- tions or at least to set limits to which hypotheses must conform regardless of specific modes of origin. While no attempt is made to review' again all the hypotheses proposed previously, a critique of certain views which depend primarily on mineral chemistry is pre- sented and these are compared with observational data and thermo- dynamic and kinetic considerations. PHASE RELATIONS Equilibrium Between Crystals and Gases The major phase relations among the crystalline phases and with the associated gas may be expressed in terms of the following reac- tions (Mueller, 1963) : i,\ olivine pyroxene olivine pyroxene ^MgjSiOn + FeSiOj ?=^ ^Fe2Si04 + MgSiOj pyroxene (2) 2MgSi03+2Fe + O2 ^=^ Fe2Si04 + MgeSiO^ pyroxene metal gas oliv 2MgSi03 + 2Fe + O2 ■> C/-, . \-^z pyroxene metal gas olivine FeSiOj + Fe + ^Oe. ^ Fe2Si04 (3) Only two of these reactions are independent, so that any two may be used in the analysis of the phase relations. However, because of the lack of reliable thermal data for FeSiOa (f errosilite) , it is con- venient to use (1) and (2) rather than (3). Then the corresponding equations of equilibrium may be written as K, -~ Y (\ - y ' ^ Mg \ ' ^Mg ' yOl / . _ yPX . '^Mg V ' /^Mg/ * A comprehensive review of the various hypotheses on the origin of the various meteorite classes, including the chondrites, has recently been presented by Anders (1964). 380 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 (5) K x;)^ ( I - K/ 2 , ,,px ,2 /^M \ 2 x:r (a:.v p. ' Mg ' \ ^-'Fe '2 In these expressions X(ol/Mg) and X(px/Mg) represent the atomic fraction Mg/(Mg + Fe^''") in olivine and pyroxene respectively; a (M/Fe), the relative activity of iron in the metal; and P(02), the fugacity of oxygen. In the derivation of these equations, it has been assumed, on the basis of certain criteria (Mueller, 1964), that both olivines and pyroxenes behave essentially as ideal solutions. If equation (4) holds approximately, then, as was shown by Ramberg and DeVore (1951), the coexisting olivines and pyroxenes provide us with a simple thermometer for the environment of crys- tallization. It was previously shown (Mueller, 1964), on the basis of optical data obtained by Ringwood (1961) that for the chondritic meteorites Ki approximates 1.13, and it was argued that this coeffi- cient decreases with increasing temperature.' Recently, a valuable body of new data on the compositions of coexisting olivines and pyroxenes from 95 chondrites was presented by Keil and Fredriksson (1964). These data were obtained on the the electron microprobe and appear to be of a high order of precision. Of the total, 86 specimens showed almost constant or uniform com- position of the silicates throughout the individual meteorite speci- men. Keil and Fredriksson termed these "ordinary chondrites"; however, we shall refer to them as "uniform chondrites" since the term "ordinary" is usually applied to a broader class. The values of Fe^'^/(Fe^"'' +Mg) for the 86 uniform chondrites have been plotted on the conventional Roozeboom diagram in Figure 1. These data agree to a surprising degree with the optical data of Ringwood (1961) but show a more distinct division into three groups which coincide with high (H) and low (L) iron groups of Urey and Craig (1953) and a group designated "LL" by Keil and Fredriksson. This latter group has been included with the L group here. The data representing the latest experimental work on this sys- tem are also shown in Figure 1. It may be significant that of the points representing intermediate values^ of Fe^'*"/(Fe^"''+Mg), those * The opposite result was obtained by Craig (1964). However, his conclusion is unwarranted when account is taken of uncertainties in the data used. ^ It may be shown that values of Ki calculated from extreme values of Fe2+/ (Fe2++Mg) have greater uncertainties than those calculated from intermediate values. MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 381 of Ernst lie farthest from the 45° line. Since these represent the lowest temperatures of synthesis (^-'1200°K), they are consistent with a high temperature of crystallization for the chondrite mineral pairs. 0.4 0.3 - LiJ > _J O f 02 C\J(D +^ CVJFeSi03 > Fe2Si04 Fig. 4. Enlarged portion of Figure 3 to illustrate the idealized limiting case of rapid cooling and crystallization. The point P represents the initial bulk composi- tion. The dashed lines ol'-P-Px", which also passes through the Si02 apex, repre- sents cooled mixtures of crystals or glass of varying olivine/pyroxene ratios and constant Mg/Fe2+. The lines ol'-px', ol" px° and ol"-px" represent near-equilib- rium tie lines at temperatures which are probably just below the liquidus. positions and between the quantities of reduced and oxidized iron.* The first quantitative expression of Prior's rules as concerns the amount of oxidized and reduced iron was provided by Urey and Craig (1953) who showed that the relation between these quantities must be linear with a negative slope if the rules are strictly applicable. The actual relation found by them from the meteorite analyses was only a crude approximation to that expression and showed clustering of the analyses into the familiar high and low iron groups. The other part of Prior's rules, that relating the intensive com- positional parameters of the silicates and metal was first discovered empirically by Ringwood (1961), but it was later shown (Mueller, 1963) that the observational curve agreed in form with that of the equation of condition for the oxidation of iron at constant Mg, Si, ' Prior believed that the sequence of types could be traced back to a parent magma of varying oxidation state. However, his observations do not require such a magma since all the relations could be derived equally by subsolidus oxidation or reduction. MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 391 Ni and total iron. The form of the curve generated is highly dis- tinctive, and although Prior's rules may be satisfied in a variety of ways in a qualitative sense, only one general shape of curve is pos- sible under the quantitative constraints. Prior's oxidation sequence may be formally regarded as having originated by the displacement to the right of reactions (2) and (3).' If we begin with a meteorite of a certain fixed quantity of Mg, Si, Ni and total Fe, then the quantity of olivine increases from some initial value as pyroxene and metal disappear. Also, according to equation (5), P(0)2 is approximately proportional to X(ol/Fe)/a(M/Fe)^ if X(ol/Fe)~X(px/Fe) is as shown by Figure 1. Thus, X(ol/Fe)^ X(px/Fe)~X(S/Fe), where X(S/Fe) refers to the silicates as a whole. Also, a(M/'Fe) is approximately proportional to X(M/Fe) = Fe/(Fe+Ni) in the metal. The ratio X(S/Fe)/X(M/Fe), which we designate as R, is then a measure, in terms of intensive parame- ters, of the degree of oxidation. Thus, the olivine content is some increasing function of R. If we designate the molecular normative olivine content as L, we have the following definitions: R = Xl X"e moles(Mg,Fe)2Si04 moles (Mg,Fe)2Si04+ moles (Mg,Fe)Si03+moles metallic Fe The analytical relation between L and R may be found by com- bining reactions (2) and (3) since the olivine content will depend only on the ratio (Mg, Fe)0/Si02 but not on MgO/FeO. Thus, we write (10) (Mg,Fe)Si03 + Fe +^02-^ (Mg,Fe)2Si04 At any stage of oxidation we designate the "extent of the reac- tion" in moles of reacted pyroxene and iron as a. Thus, each reacted mole of (Mg, Fe)Si03 and Fe produces one mole of (Mg, Fe) 28104. We designate the number of moles of pyroxene and metallic iron ini- tially present as px° and Fe°, respectively. Also, if there is any olivine present at the beginning of the process we designate this as 0!°. Since initially all the iron is reduced, 0!° refers to Mg2Si04 only. ' This formalism does not imply that the members of the sequence were neces- sarily derived from each other by either oxidation or reduction. 392 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Thus, for any stage (11) R -- Q:[(Fe°-a)^Ni] (Fe°-a:)(Px°+2oi°-^fl:) (12) L = 0:^01° px° + or+ Fe°-CL It is now possible to compare the theoretical relation between L and R with observed values of these quantities. Observed values of L and R for 43 chondrites of uniform com- position are given in Table 1 and are plotted in Figure 5. Most of these chondrites represent bulk analyses selected by Urey and Craig (1953) as "superior" and whose coexisting olivines and pyroxenes were analyzed by Keil and Fredriksson (1964). To this group have also been added certain specimens for which recent bulk analyses and mineral determinations were available and which served to extend the compositional range. In addition, one enstatite chondrite analysis, that of Daniels Kuil (Prior, 1916b), is also presented for comparison. The arithmetic means of the various quantities of the high and low iron groups are also given in Table 1. The points representing these mean values are also shown in Figures 3 and 5. In Figure 5 a straight line was extended through these values for comparison with the distribution. It is apparent that this line must fall near any straight line approximation curve for the distribution, except that the latter would lie a little to the left of the plotted line. Nonetheless, the slope would be nearly the same. However, any such approxima- curve would be meaningless since in theory the curve is not a straight line and, as we shall see, could not in any event accommodate the inhomogeneous data of Table 1. In Figure 6 are shown examples of the family of theoretical curves obtained by the elimination of a from equations (11) and (12) and with the parameters Px°, Fe° and ol° in the range of meteorite com- positions. We have also included the line of mean values from Fig- ure 5, for comparison. Curve 1 of Figure 6 represents the hypotheti- cal "pure enstatite chondrite" with 01°= 0 and all initial Mg and Si occurring in pyroxene. Curves (2) and (3) represent more realistic compositions with initial olivine, which is equivalent to MgOSi02. These excess olivine contents may be compared directly with the mean values for the high and low iron groups of Figure 3 by project- ing through their points from the FeO corner to the Mg2Si04- MgSiOa join. Such a projection shows that L°, the initial value of MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 393 L, is approximately 0.1 for both groups but that it is a little smaller for the low iron group. Although there is much scatter in the points of Figure 5, the dis- tribution is obviously an approximation to the theoretical curves in the middle and upper ranges of values where the slopes are in essen- tial agreement. The marked deviation in the lower range indicates that the bulk compositions are not constant and that crossing of the theoretical curves results. It has not been determined whether this is due to errors in the analyses or whether it results from the excess total iron content of the high iron group relative to the low iron group. Figure 6 is an alternative quantitative expression of Prior's rules to the relations discussed earlier. The limits imposed on the obser- vational evidence for Prior's rules have been discussed by a number of authors. For example, Craig (1964) is of the opinion that the chondrites as a whole approximate Prior's rules, but that the indi- vidual groups do not. However, it is difficult to see how this can be true since there are only two major groups and these groups are well distiguished by only certain types of data. For example, they are not well distinguished in Figure 5 which shows a continuous distri- bution of points. Keil and Fredriksson (1964) also attempted to show that the part of the rules relating to the quantities of oxidized and reduced iron did not hold. However, they plotted values for olivine and pyroxene separately (Keil and Fredriksson, 1964, fig. 11) without taking account of the total quantity of FeO as governed also by the amounts of these phases. This type of plot certainly cannot provide a test for the rules. Still, as was pointed out by these same authors, there are some large discrepancies between the ratio Fe^"*"/ Fe^'^+Mg) as calculated from the bulk compositions and the same quantity as limited by the observed mineral compositions. Some of these discrepancies show up clearly in Figure 5. For example, the two points representing Collespicoli and Djati-Pengilon, which lie farthest from the line in the lower part of the diagram, show very large dis- crepancies of this type (Keil and Fredricksson, 1964, table 6). Yet some other specimens such as Tomhannock Creek and Forksville, which also show discrepancies, do not plot unusually far from the line. In such cases the scatter attributable to analytical error is probably compensated by some other factor. This is quite possible since, even if all chemical analytical errors were absent, great scatter could still occur because of the expected independent variations in MgO, Si02 and total Fe, which to a large extent are also responsible for devia- tions from Prior's rules. 1.0 0.9 \ 1 1 r o "HIGH iron" group - n "LOW IRON" GROUP L 0.8 0.7 h 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 J L 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 R Fig. 5. Molecular normative olivine content L, of 43 uniform chondrites plotted against the ratio of oxidized to reduced iron R (see text). The straight line joins the arithmetic means of the high and low iron groups. 394 MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 395 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I.I 1.2 R Fig. 6. Theoretical plot of the molecular normative olivine content L as a function of R for various Mg/Fe^+ ratios expressed or "initial olivine" 01°. The line (0) of mean values is the same as that shown in Figure 5. Note the similarity of slopes of (0) and curve (3) in the upper and middle ranges and the divergence of the two slopes in the lower range of (0). RELATIONS BETWEEN MINERAL CHEMISTRY AND TEXTURES Chondrites of Uniform Composition Comprehensive knowledge of the history of the chondritic mete- orites can come only through the interpretation of their textures and the correlation of grain and chondrule types with the mineral chem- istry. This is more difficult than the deduction of the physico- chemical environment from phase relations since we are here faced with identifying the mechanisms which comprise what may have been a complex series of interwoven chemical and mechanical events. Given this state of affairs, it seems desirable to copy to a certain degree our procedure in phase equilibrium studies and discuss only 396 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 those mechanisms of sufficient generality to encompass the most observations. The division of the chondrites into a uniform or "equihbrium" type, on one hand, and variable or nonequilibrium type, on the other, is convenient, but it is probable that a gradation between the two groups exists. The nature and orderliness of the distributions of Mg and Fe^"*" shown by Figure 1 points to the attainment of a measure of chemical equilibrium; however, it seems improbable that perfect equilibrium was ever attained even within this group. This may be seen by considering the mixture of phases of different densities which comprise these bodies. If even a weak gravitational field existed at the place of formation, it is certain that the bodies were not in me- chanical equilibrium (and hence also not in perfect chemical equi- librium), since there should then have been a segregation of silicate and metal phases. Of course, this state of mechanical disequilibrium is common enough in terrestrial metamorphic rocks which exhibit a fairly close approach to local chemical equilibrium.' The explana- tion is to be found in the high viscosities of solids which prevent their attaining the level appropriate to their densities. However, if the metal and silicate components of meteorites had been associated when either or both were molten, separation should have occurred in a gravitational field. Any cursory examination of large slabs of chondrites (such as those in the Field Museum of Natural History) reveals their striking uniformity in the distribution of metal grains. However, many of these same specimens, some of which range up to 0.5 meter in dimen- sion, also contain segregations of metal in the forms of veins which appear to mark healed fractures. Specific examples of such mete- orites are the chondrites Farmington, Cullison, Bluff, Arapahoe and Rose City. Also, it is well known that the metal grains are usually highly irregular and of an interstitial character. A typical relation between the metal and silicates is shown in Figure 7 from the chon- drite Allegan. The metal here is closely molded to the chondrules but is not restricted to any one chondrule. Metal apophyses extend into the surrounding matrix of silicates. These facts regarding the form and disposition of metal grains within the body of the meteorite and the segregation into veins seem to argue for a high degree of mobility of the metal after or at the time of consolidation of the bodies. They thus appear to rule out both ' This local equilibrium is usually restricted to volumes less than one cubic centimeter (Mueller, 1960). MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 397 i mm Fig. 7. Drawing of thin section of the chondrite Allegan illustrating typical silicate-metal relations. magmatic and mechanical processes as important in the formation of the existing textural relations. A detailed study of the structural and textural relations of metal particles in chondrites was undertaken by Urey and Mayeda (1959). Many of the grains observed by them seemed to exhibit complicated mechanical and thermal histories. Some grains were found to con- sist of plessite while others combined large crystals of pure kamacite and taenite. In a few cases truncated diffusion borders indicated mechanical disruption. From this Urey and Mayeda concluded that the grains had been derived from a pre-existing "primary object" which had been broken up and reconstituted to form the meteorites. 398 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 However, R. E. Marringer (Mason and Wiik, 1961) has discussed this problem in terms of the Mocs chondrite and concluded that the disruption of metal grains appears to have occurred essentially in place. As we shall see, it is also easy to account for such features as individual crystals of kamacite and taenite which were not de- rived by unmixing. One of the best known mechanisms of crystallization and mineral- forming processes is deposition from a fluid or vapor phase. We have already called attention to the high vapor pressures of the metals near the silicate liquidus and indicated that this favored rapid trans- port and deposition of metal. There is also experimental evidence which supports this contention. Thus, Morelock (1962) described the growth of iron whiskers from vapor at temperatures as low as 1333°K with 200m whiskers formed in 16 hours. The deposition of iron and nickel from the vapor phase goes a long way in explaining the observed textural features. It accounts especially well for the interstitial and irregular character of the metal particles, and the common occurrence of veins indicates that trans- port and deposition continued after the meteorites consolidated enough to fracture. This type of deposition is also capable of ac- counting for the variety of occurrences of kamacite and taenite observed by Urey and Mayeda (1959). Thus, for example, isolated grains of either of these might grow from the vapor below the trans- formation curve without the appearance of exsolution textures. How- ever, such low temperature growth should be much slower than that just below the silicate liquidus. If growth occurred from the vapor phase, one might expect some relation between the distribution of metal grains and the available interstitial space. It seems conceivable that the excess iron of the high iron group might therefore be attributable to a higher porosity at the time of consolidation. If consolidation of the chondrites oc- curred in some type of parent body with a metal core, it might have happened that iron vapor transported from the hot, metal-rich inte- rior deposited between the silicate grains, filling most of the avail- able space. There can be very little doubt that the unique textural features of the chondrites result from some mode of crystallization on the liquidus. This crystallization mechanism has time after time given rise to a variety of chondrule forms which fall roughly into the fol- lowing major groups: 1) barred olivine with interstitial rest crystals or glass, 2) porphyritic olivine with a microcrystalline ground mass MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 399 or glass, 3) granular olivine with a microcrystalline ground mass or glass and 4) nearly pure pyroxene chondrules, usually with an eccen- tric radiating structure. Frequently all four forms of these chon- drules occur within the same thin section although they may vary greatly in abundance. Furthermore, they seem to occur without any obvious relation to the ordinary chondrite subdivisions. They are all common in both the high and low iron groups and within the uni- form and variable chondrites as well. For example, such high iron group uniform chondrites as Allegan, Barbotan and Kesen all contain a variety of well-defined chondrules as do also the low iron group representatives Albareto, AMnanello, Aussun and Bjurbole.' In most of these chondrites the glassy-appearing material has appar- ently devitrified or consisted of microcrystals from the start. How- ever, fairly convincing evidence for true glass in the Breitscheid chondrite was presented by Hentschel (1959). Yet recently much emphasis has been given by Wood (1963a) to a few low-iron group chondrites, such as Lissa and Bath Furnace, that show only a few well-developed chondrules, and these have been taken to represent the end products of a metamorphic sequence. In the uniform chondrites we are then faced with the difficulty of reconciling the coexistence in a single meteorite of widely different chondrule types with the apparent uniformity of mineral composi- tion throughout the specimen and with the additional evidence of rapid quenching from the liquidus. Thus, if we accept the results of the electron probe, optical and X-ray investigations, this uniform- ity applies to chondrules of nearly pure olivine and to those of nearly pure pyroxene. If we assume that each chondrule represents a speci- men of pure liquid or of a liquid-crystal suspension, then systems of varying composition always gave rise to the same mineral composi- tions. This was refered to as "Fredriksson's paradox" by Suess (1964) and is an impossible state of affairs under either equilibrium or fractional crystallization. Keil and Fredriksson (1964) found it difficult to believe that equilibrium could be attained under conditions of rapid cooling from the liquidus and attempted to show by references to the Bowen and Schairer (1935) phase diagram that the olivines contained too much magnesium relative to the pyroxenes. While this conclusion does not seem acceptable in terms of later experimental work (fig. 1), the degree to which equilibrium was approached and the temperatures 1 Based on the Field Museum of Natural History collection. 400 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 represented by the observed meteorite distributions are far from clear. An interesting suggestion was made by Fredriksson (1963) that rap- idly cooled chondrules would give rise to olivine grains of almost constant composition in a glassy matrix and that this matrix would later devitrify to pyroxene and plagioclase. Presumably, the glass would also have a nearly constant Mg and Fe^""" content. We have already discussed an extension of this idea in relation to Figure 4 in which the ideal limiting case of constant Mg/Fe^"*" ratio for chondrules of varying olivine and pyroxene content was considered. We still need, however, to consider a mechanism by which the different chon- drules can be derived. It is possible to outline a scheme for obtaining the four major chondrule types through some unspecified process which brings about disruption of a liquid-crystal suspension so that separation of these components can occur. The general scheme is shown in Figure 8. Obviously, such a mechanism must be highly dependent on the am- bient temperature and the kinetic properties of crystals and liquid. According to this scheme, the barred olivine and radiating enstatite chondrules come closest to representing possible liquids. Only the barred type would have a high probability of representing the liquid of the bulk meteorite composition, although it could also represent liquids of varying degrees of differentiation. In contrast, the radiat- ing pyroxene type could, assuming it consists of almost pure pyrox- ene, represent only liquids near the pyroxene join. The porphyritic condrules, at least where well developed, should indicate a period of relatively slow cooling and crystallization in the olivine field before the disruptive process. Consequently, their crys- tals should be more Mg-rich than those formed by quenching. Presumably, the granular olivine chondrules are nearly pure oli- vine with most of the rest liquid excluded. They may in some cases be gradational into the porphyritic type. An examination of thin sections shows that the various chondrules are frequently composites. Thus, for example, the composite porphy- ritic and barred olivine type observed in Allegan and the combined porphyritic and radiating types in Aussun may indicate a period of slow cooling before the ultimate quench. The porphyritic chondrules are usually not as abundant as other types so that any Mg-rich crys- tals they contain might go undetected. If the unspecified disruptive process brings about a separation of crystals and liquid, the allowable variation is between the tie lines ol'-px' and ol"-px" of Figure 4 as already discussed. This allowable MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 401 LIQUID OF \ CHONDRITIC ^ COMPOSITION barred porphyritic OLIVINE a LIQUID granular radiating Pyroxene CHONDRULE TYPE Fig. 8. General scheme for the derivation of various chondrule types by an unspecified, rapid disruptive process which brings about separation of crystals and liquid. variation is not large and might be reduced by the chemical analyti- cal limitations. However, we have already concluded that the ideal limiting case is probably not realized, so that we must either call upon a modified mechanism in which a distribution of Mg and Fe^+ occurs during quenching or one in which variations are annealed out below the liquidus. The nature of the distribution shown by Fig- ure 1 indicates that if the former takes place, the distribution cannot have occurred between olivine and liquid or a liquid-like glass since the liquid is always richer in Fe^"^ than either crystal. It may be that the extreme cases of Mg-rich olivine and Fe^''"-rich liquid are not realizable in a rapid quench but that a continuous rapid adjustment of olivine crystal to microcrystalline pyroxene or pyroxene-like glass represented by the tie lines is realizable. The only alternative to 402 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 this seems to be the annealing adjustment to an approximate equi- librium distribution between the olivine and devitrifying glass just below liquidus. The latter would be considered a form of meta- morphism by some. It seems likely that there is a close relation between the chondrule structures and the limitations imposed by crystallization kinetics. As an illustration, the widths of the bars in barred olivine chondrules are usually in the range of 10-- mm. and this may represent the dif- fusion length of Si'*"'' at the temperature at which crystallization occurs. It would seem that such correlations would open a fruitful line of investigation in the future. Chondrites of Variable Composition These chondrites are characterized by a variability of composi- tion of their olivines and pyroxenes both with respect to position within the specimen and by a lack of orderly distribution relations between the silicates. Significant variations of this type were found in eight chondrites by Keil and Fredriksson (1964). An extensive investigation of variability in the carbonaceous chondrite Murray was also made by Fredriksson and Keil (1964) and of Chainpur by Keil et al. (1964). Recently variation has also been found in 11 more chondrites by Dodd and Van Schmus (1965). In the Chainpur chondrite (Keil et al., 1964) both pyroxene and olivine from the same chondrule show values of Fe^''"/(Fe^"'' + Mg) of about 0.05 whereas in other chondrules the minerals are far more iron rich. Also, generally, the olivine shows a larger range of compo- sitions than the associated pyroxene grains, which is compatible with a wider expected range of crystallization for the former mineral. In addition, some grains show marked compositional zoning with the iron content increasing outward. As was pointed out by Keil and Fredriksson (1964), this zonal structure and variability seems more compatible with a slower rate of cooling than one can imagine for the uniform chondrites. In order to explain the coexistence of Mg-rich pyroxenes and oli- vines, we must call on a different mechanism. A suitable one is that of reduction of some of the meteoritic material which then becomes mixed with that which is more oxidized so that the average for the meteorite is attained. This is equivalent to moving the bulk com- position point of the reduced material toward the Mg2-Si04-MgSi03 join, as has already been stated. MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 403 It seems that mixtures of materials of varying oxidation state is a characteristic also of many of the carbonaceous chondrites which as a class appear somewhat similar to the variable ordinary chon- drites under discussion here. Dodd and Van Schmus (1965) inter- preted the latter group as representing a recrystallization sequence based on correlation of such features as degree of variation of the iron content of olivines with the presence of glass and the extent of chondrule-matrix intergrowth. However, as these authors themselves pointed out, these correlations are very difficult and uncertain. In the opinion of the writers, even their interpretation of the Bruder- heim chondrite as "strongly recrystallized" and as representing the end of the sequence is open to serious doubt. It is difficult, for ex- ample, to see how this meteorite could have retained its observed isotopic fractionation between chondrules and matrix if this were true (Merrihue, 1963). The observed properties of Bruderheim agree more closely with the scheme of rapid crystallization outlined here for the uniform chondrites. CRITIQUE OF SOME PREVIOUS CONCLUSIONS ON THE CHONDRITES Of the modern ideas on the origin of the chondrites and chon- drules only those of Mason (1960) and Wood (1963a,b) rest primarily on a mineralogical base, so that they become valid subjects of this type of critique. Their authors have committed themselves to definite positions which are open to test by presently-available information. Mason arrived at the opinion that chondrules were derived from pre-existing hydrous silicates by crystallization in the solid state, that they were analogous to porphyroblasts and resulted from ther- mal metamorphism. In view of the wealth of evidence presented here and elsewhere (Keil and Fredriksson, 1964) for a high tempera- ture liquidus history, it would seem that this and analogous views are no longer tenable. Wood argued that the ordinary chondrites were derived from par- ent material represented by the single specimen Renazzo by a type of "metamorphic" recrystallization. The Fe^+-poor chondrules of this meteorite, which lie in a more oxidized matrix consisting of Fe^'''-rich ferrite and silicates (Mason and Wiik, 1962), were shown by him to be compatible with the oxidation state of a gas of solar composition at high temperatures (~2000°K). The matrix on the other hand presumably could be in equilibrium with the solar gas only at much lower temperatures, as is shown also by Figure 2. The mechanical mixture of these high and low temperature products 404 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 ^ would, if heated, be expected to strive for an intermediate state. Ac- cording to Wood (1963a), this was attained when "Fe^"*" from the fine Fe304 grains diffused into the chondrule minerals." Wood (1963b) also presented a detailed set of time scales for this process operating at different temperatures. His calculations were presumably based on diffusion coefficients deduced by Naughton and Fujikawa (1959) (Wood, 1963a) . Wood does not seem to have concerned himself with the necessity of exchanging Mg^+ ions in the same process, although this could in principle be the rate controlling factor. Also, the work of Naughton and Fujikawa refers to intergranular diffusion which, as is well known, is almost always much faster than lattice diffusion. Certainly the magnitude of the change required in Wood's hypothesis requires lattice diffusion to be the major type operative so that the time scales presented by him have no validity whatever. The validity of Wood's scheme has also been challenged on other grounds. Keil and Fredriksson (1964) noted that contrary to his hypothesis there appeared to be no connection between the iron con- tent of the silicates and the distinctness of chrondritic texture. Even a very cursory examination shows that some of the most iron-rich silicates occur in meteorites with well-defined chondrule structure, microlitic texture and glass. Wood himself (1963a, p. 169) notes features of several chondrites which are not possible to reconcile with his hypothesis, and says: ". . .in some respects the concept of thermal metamorphism taxes credibility." He concludes, nevertheless: "In spite of these difficulties, the evidence seems very strong to me that most of the ordinary chondrites have been metamorphosed." In contrast to the contradictory character of Wood's scheme for chondrite metamorphism, his attempts to correlate the mineral chem- istry with the physicochemical environment of the hypothetical solar nebula appears to form a valid approach. His application of the methods first introduced by Urey (1952) have the advantage of mak- ing use of stable mineral compounds rather than such substances as MgO, FeO, etc. However, we have seen that few meteorites are re- duced enough to have been equilibrated with the solar gas at the high temperatures implied by their mineralogy. As Wood himself indi- cated, it is possible that condensation occurred in regions which had been relatively depleted in hydrogen so that more iron-rich silicates were possible. Perhaps this is a natural and predictable consequence of the processes which gave rise to the condensed bodies of our solar system. I MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 405 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writers would like to express their thanks to Dr. H. B. Wiik for making available to them several unpublished meteorite analyses, and to Mrs. Dorothy Walker for typing the manuscript. The writers are grateful to the National Science Foundation which provided sup- port for this work under grants GP-3688 and GA-307. 406 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Table 1. — Normalized mole fractions of bulk compositions, normative olivine (L) and ratios of oxidized to reduced iron (R) for 43 ordinary chondrites. The normalized mole fractions result from the subtraction from the original analy- ses of quantities of oxides corresponding to normative albite, anorthite, ortho- clase, wollastonite, chromite, ilmenite and Ca3P208. In the source column for the bulk analyses U & C refers to Urey and Craig (1953). Additional sources of analyses are as follows: Duke et al. (1961): Bruderheim; Mason (1963): Yonozu; Mason and Wiik (1961, 1963): Ottawa, Chateau Renard, Mocs, New Concord, Richardson, Estacado, and Knyahinya; Miyashiro (1962b,c): Kes- sen, Mino; Miyashiro et al. (1963a,b,c): Sone, Tomita, and Kasamatu; Mura- yama et al. (1962): Sasagase; Prior (1916b): Daniel's Kuil; Vilcsek (1959): Breitscheid; Wiik (1956, 1965): Farmington, Hamlet, Hokmark, Holbrook, Kyushu, Ochansk, Rose City, Tomhannock Creek, and Varvik. *Refers to chondrites for which mineral analyses exist (Keil and Fredriksson, 1964) and whose average values appear in the last two rows. These averages appear as points in Figure 3 with the corresponding tie lines. The values of L and R are plotted in Figure 5. Bulk Source of Bulk Analysis Mole Fraction Name Type MgO FeO Si02 L R Albareto* L U&C 0.4716 0.1625 0.3659 0.631 0.296 Allegan* H U&C 0.4848 0.1009 0.4143 0.231 0.186 Beaver Creek* H U&C 0.4677 0.1103 0.4219 0.248 0.206 Bjurbole L U&C 0.4798 0.1329 0.3873 0.476 0.243 Breitscheid* H Vilcsek 0.5154 0.0863 0.3984 0.318 0.1.54 Buderheim* L Duke et al. 0.4619 0.1421 0.3960 0.427 0.272 Chantonnay* L U&C 0.4790 0.1554 0.3656 0.595 0.285 Chateau Renard* L Mason & Wiik 0.4749 0.1289 0.3962 0.417 0.243 Collescipoli* H U&C 0.5348 0.0704 0.3948 0.308 0.125 Coon Butte* L U&C 0.4369 0.1406 0.4225 0.302 0.279 Daniel's Kuil EC Prior 0.4961 0.0001 0.5038 0 0 Djati-Pengilon* H U&C 0.4302 0.1566 0.4132 0.251 0.298 Ekeby* H U&C 0.4874 0.1249 0.3877 0.351 0.224 Estacado* H Mason & Wiik 0.4583 0.1354 0.4062 0.306 0.250 Farmington* L Wiik 0.4498 0.1496 0.4007 0.416 0.289 Forest City* H U&C 0.5013 0.0947 0.4040 0.286 0.169 Forksville L U&C 0.4515 0.1789 0.3696 0.577 0.321 Hamlet L Wiik 0.4462 0.1690 0.3848 0.554 0.357 Hessle* H U&C 0.4764 0.1250 0.3986 0.320 0.233 Hokmark* L Wiik 0.4449 0.1658 0.3893 0.361 0.239 Holbrook* L Wiik 0.4684 0.1218 0.4097 0.364 0.236 Homestead* L U&C 0.4698 0.1300 0.4002 0.376 0.242 Kasamatu H Miyashiro et al. 0.5048 0.0964 0.3988 0.303 0.175 Kesen* H Miyashiro 0.4916 0.1093 0.3991 0.292 0.197 Knyahinya* L Mason & Wiik 0.4498 0.1612 0.3889 0.521 0.341 Kyushu* L Wiik 0.4438 0.1520 0.4042 0.402 0.307 Merua* H U&C 0.4894 0.0832 0.4273 0.211 0.159 Mino L Miyashiro 0.4747 0.1352 0.3901 0.444 0.253 Mocs* L Mason & Wiik 0.4700 0.1194 0.4106 0.346 0.230 New Concord* L Mason & Wiik 0.4731 0.1203 0.4065 0.368 0.232 MUELLER AND OLSEN: CHONDRITIC METEORITES 407 Table 1 (Continued) Bulk Source of Mole Fracti on Bulk ^ Name Type Analysis MgO FeO SiO. L R Oakley* H U&C 0.4857 0.1143 0.4000 0.326 0.212 Ochansk* H Wiik 0.5052 0.0835 0.4113 0.253 0.153 Ottawa L Mason & Wiik 0.4448 0.1763 0.3790 0.593 0.384 Richardton* H Mason & Wiik 0.4874 0.1173 0.3953 0.312 0.210 Rose City H Wiik 0.5136 0.0715 0.4148 0.191 0.132 Sasagase H Murayama et al. 0.4862 0.1073 0.4064 0.292 0.197 Soko-Banja* Sone L H U&C Miyashiro 0.4395 0.1681 0.3924 0.500 0.364 et al. 0.4891 0.1153 0.3956 0.329 0.210 Stalldalen* H U&C 0.4877 0.0935 0.4188 0.235 0.175 St. Michel L U&C 0.4776 0.1434 0.3790 0.504 0.263 Tomhannock Creek* H Wiik 0.4506 0.1559 0.3935 0.394 0.293 Tomita L Miyashiro etal. 0.4705 0.1333 0.3962 0.399 0.251 Varvik* L Wiik 0.4380 0.1765 0.3855 0.576 0.472 Yonozu H Mason 0.4878 0.1114 0.4008 0.304 0.204 Av H (Total) 0.4878 0.1075 0.4048 0.289 0.199 Av L (Total) 0.4598 0.1482 0.3919 0.462 0.290 Av H (K&F) 0.4846 0.1101 0.4053 Av L (K&F) 0.4594 0.1454 0.3951 REFERENCES Aller, L. H. 1961. The abundance of the elements. Interscience, New York. 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