oT age”. — BRITISH MUSEUM, NATURAL HISTORY GATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS COLLECTED BY MR. & MRS. P. A. TALBOT IN THE OBAN DISTRICT SOUTH NIGERIA BY A. B. RENDLE, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. KEEPER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HisTORY) E. G. BAKER, F.L.S., ano H. F. WERNHAM, B.Sc. ASSISTANTS IN THE DEPARTMENT S. MOORE, F.L.S., AND OTHERS WITH SEVENTEEN PLATES : LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND SOLD BY LoNGMANS & Co., 39, PATERNOSTER Row, E.C.; B. QUARITCH, 11, GRAFTON STREET, NEw BOND STREET, W. ; DULAU & Co, LTD, 37, SOHO SQUARE, W.; AND AT THE British MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL Roan, S.W. 1913 (AU rights reserved) » Mio. Bet. Garden 1913 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W PREFACE THE following account of the plants of the Oban District of South Nigeria has been drawn up from the collections made by Mr. and Mrs. P. Amaury Talbot in the years 1909 to 1912, during Mr. Talbot/s period of Government service in the District, „and presented by them to the Museum. Mrs. Talbot also made a very large and beautiful series of drawings of the plants, reproductions of which she proposes to publish in a separate book. The plants have been determined and the novelties described by members of the Department of Botany, with the assistance of Mr. 8. Moore in various orders, Mr. H. N. Ridley who has worked out the Zingiberacee and Marantacex, and Miss A. Lorrain Smith who has determined the Lichens. For descrip- tions of a few new species I am indebted to Mr. Sprague and Mr. Hutchinson of the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens, Kew. The authorship of each portion of the work is indicated exactly in the text. Mr. Talbot has supplied a short account of the district and of the general character of its vegetation; and notes on many of the plants by Mr. and Mrs. Talbot are incorporated with the descriptive matter. : A. B. RENDLE. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, April, 1913. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION x a FLOWERING PLANTS— DICOTYLEDONS, Polypetale by Wawa e Baker à E Gamopetale ‘ ‘ Rubiacee by H. P. Wernham Composit® by S. Moore Ebenaces and Apocynacex by H. F. Wernham Asclepiadacex® by S. Moore . Loganiacez by S. Moore and H. F. Wernham Convolvulaces by A. B. Rendle s Pedalineze by H. F. Wernham Acanthacese by S. Moore : : Verbenacee by H. F. Wernham . å Monochlamydeæ by S. Moore . * MOoNOCOTYLEDONS å Orchidaceæ by A. B. Randi. : ; i Zingiberacex by H. N. Ridley x 5 Dioscoreaces to Gramine by A. B. Rendle s Funcı by J. Ramsbottom . 3 Systematic List OF PLANTS COLLECTED ; ; Frowering PLANTS by E. G. Baker, H. F. Wernham, S. Moore, A. B. Rendle and H. N. vendis ‘ i E = s Ferns by A. Gepp : : \ : š i Mosszs by A. Gepp . i 7 i : CUR i Funai by J. Ramsbottom . = + : : : 2 LicHENS by A. Lorrain Smith 2 : " INDEX . A : . i = Er lasr or PLATES INTRODUCTION Tux following notes on the general character and vegetation of the Oban district have been kindly supplied by Mr. Talbot. The Oban district of South Nigeria * lies within the bend of the Cross River at a distance of 40 to 100 miles from the Gulf of Guinea. It is bounded on the East by the German Cameroons, of which it is, botanically speaking, an offshoot, though apparently exceeding its neighbour in the luxuriance of its vegetation. Throughout the length and breadth of the land hardly a level spot is to be found. The average height above the sea-line varies from about 300 to 900 feet, with masses of hills rising towards the centre into a clearly marked watershed, nearly 4000 feet high. The greater number of these hills have been climbed by us, but haighé seemed hardly to influence the luxuriance, or even type, of vegetation. The rocks of the district are very ancient and consist mostly of gneiss or granite, pierced by veins of iron ore- and other minerals. The weathering of these has produced a soil very favourable to growth. This, mixed with the deep accumulation of rich vegetable humus and mould in the dense shade of these tropical forests, forms, in the warm damp climate, a kind of vast natural forcing bed, from which spring an almost inexhaustible variety of flowering plants and trees. These grow up with such incredible rapidity that I have found it difficult to recognise sites, which were under cultivation five years before. The land is drained by a close network of rivers, which meander through the deep green of the “bush,” like the veins of some giant leaf, or leap down the hill-sides in a series of cancigies and waterfalls. The forests of Oban are usually described as within the ever- green belt, but, though evergreens predominate, more careful study discloses the presence of a very large proportion of deciduous trees, many of which burst into leaf and flower twice * A map of the district will be found with Mr. Talbot's communication to the Geographical J enge en 637). vili INTRODUCTION every year. Several are even known to bloom four times in the - year, while on the other hand some cauliflorous trees only blossom every two or three years. Natives, whose information in other cases proved trustworthy, declared that certain ones only flower once in seven years. The number of different species to be found in these forests is immense and may be computed to average at least 400 to 500 distinet species to the square mile. Among these are to be found a large number of valuable economie trees, such as cam-wood, ebony, rubbers and mahoganies of enormous size, scented and otherwise. The state of age gradation among all such trees is more satisfactory too in this district than that in the greater part of the Protectorate. The annual rainfall, carefully kept during my tenure of office, averages 175 inches, and the humidity may be a contributory cause to the extraordinary large number of cauliflorous trees. The unusual rainfall and the heavy dews, which last all through the dry season, act too as protective agents in rendering impossible destruction by forest fires. A very considerable part of the district has at one time or other been under cultivation. The system of farming consists in roughly clearing the land in January and February, by cutting and burning the smaller growth, while the great trees are left standing. This has, however, affected the type of forest less than would otherwise have been the case, owing partly to the scanty population, about four to the square mile, and also to the large number of trees, which, according to the superstition of the people, must neither be destroyed nor planted, but left untroubled by human interference. A considerable part of the land may be regarded as virgin bush, and is perhaps the only: important survival of that vast primeval belt, which once extended over the greater part of South Nigeria. In order to be convinced that the forests of Oban are to a great extent true primary forest one has only to leave a native path in the remote parts of the interior and cut one's way for a short distance through the tangle of lianes, often of the girth of our Northern tree-trunks, which hang between giant boles, 200 to 300 feet high, and, in the case of cotton trees, over 80 feet in cir- cumference. Oncethe path has been lost sight of, one may wander for days without coming across a trace of human habitation. P. AMAURY TALBOT. INTRODUCTION 1x The collection includes 1,016 species and varieties, 195 of which are new; there are nine new genera. The new genera are Alphonseopsis and Dennettia in the order Anonacem, the former allied to the Indian genus Alphonsea, the latter to Melodorum ; Crateranthus, a genus of Myrtacesw intermediate in structure between Napoleona and the tropical South American Asteranthos ; Afrohamelia (Rubiaces) most nearly allied to the tropieal American Hamelia, and, in the same order, Dorothea and Diplosporopsis, new members of the tribe Gardenieæ, and Globulostylis, the affinity of which is with Cuviera in the tribe Vangueriex ; Scyphostrychnos (Loganiaces) closely allied to Strych- nos; Talbotia,* a member of the tribe Justiciææ in the order Acanthacex ; and Amauriella, a member of the subfamily Philo- dendroide in Araces. Of the new species seven belong to the order Anonaces, three to Violaces, three to Guttifer®, one to Malvaces, six to Sterculiacez, including four new Colas, two to Geraniaces, two to Meliacex, two to Olacacex, one to Celastracee, three to Sapindacem, three to Anacardiacew, five to Leguminos®, one to Rosacew, eight to Myrtacee six of which belong to the genus Napoleona, three to Melastomace:, thirty-four to Rubiaceæ, one to Ebenace», one to Oleacee, twelve to Apocynacem, four to Asclepiadacex, nine to Loganiacex, one to Convolvulacew, one to Pedalinesm, twenty-one to Acanthacee, four to Verbenaces, three to Aristolochiacex, three to Laurinew, two to Euphorbia- cer, twenty to Orchidace:, two to Liliacez, and three to Aracem. A few specimens have been included in the enumeration which were collected on a journey through Nigeria and the North Cameroons to the Bornu Country and Lake Chad ; the locality of these is indicated in each case. A full list of the plants collected on this journey forms an Appendix to Miss O. Macleod's “ Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa." Mr. Talbot refers to the extraordinary large number of cauli- florous trees and special attention was paid to these when collect- ing, and Mrs. Talbot has also made careful coloured drawings of the flowers. Many of them are new. Such are several species _ of Cola, Napoleona and Drypetes, species of Tetrastemma, Omphalocarpum, Diospyros and others. * This is equivalent to Afrofittonia Lindau in Engl. Jahrb. xlix. 406, published March 28, 1913, and thus too late for notice in this memoir. X INTRODUCTION A valuable discovery from an economic point of view is that of Poga oleosa Pierre (Rhizophoracee), hitherto known only from the Gaboon, the seeds of which are remarkably rich in oil. As indicated in Mr. Talbot’s note the district adjoins the Cameroons and is botanically an extension of the evergreen rain- forest area of that district. The systematic list shews that the flora is practically identical with that of the Cameroons; a pro- portion approaching half the plants collected has hitherto been known only from that area. Apart from this endemic or Cameroons element there is a strong representation of what may be called the Gulf of Guinea flora, that is of species more or less widely distributed from Sierra Leone to the Gaboon. The more Southern Congo-Angolan element is much less marked and the collection contains comparatively few plants representing a general tropical African distribution. In the determination of the plants considerable help has been obtained from the rich tropical African material in the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens, Kew ; our thanks are due to the Director for some determinations in the order Euphorbiacex, and also to members of the Staff for advice kindly given in connection with other orders. Specimens of a large proportion of Mr. and Mrs. Talbot's plants have also been presented to Kew.—-[A. B. R.] FLOWERING PLANTS DICOTYLEDONS POLYPETALA By Epmunp G. BAKER, F.L.S. ANONACER. THE collection contains a remarkable number of curious and interesting ınembers of this family. There are two new genera, Dennettia and Alphonseopsis. The former belongs to the tribe Xylopiee and is allied to Melodorum, the latter is allied to the Indian genus Alphonsea. Uvaria obanensis sp. nov. is a showy plant with large flowers generally in fascicles of three ; and Uvaria anonoides sp. nov. is closely allied to U. latifolia Scott Elliot. There are good specimens of Pachypodanthium Staudtii Engler & Diels, which has not been previously recorded for Nigeria. Unona obanensis sp. nov. is closely allied to U. hirsuta Benth. ; and U. Millenii Engler & Diels was previously known only from Lagos. ' There ‚are four species of Monodora and two species of Tetrastemma ; one of the latter is probably T. Solheidii De Wild., previously known from the Congo, the other has much larger flowers (4-5 cm. long), but we await better material. Uvaria obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex scandens, ramu- lis teretibus ; foliorum petiolo brevi supra canaliculato, lamina oblonga subcoriacea adulta praeter costam glabra apice acuta basi rotundata vel levissime subeordata nervis lateralibus utrinque 9-13 ante marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis nervis secun- dariis tenuibus subtus reticulatis ; floribus magnis in fasciculos saepissime 3-floros et laterales dispositis; bracteis fusco-tomentellis pedicellos amplectentibus; sepalis crassis late ovatis longitudi- naliter striatis; petalis crassis concavis semiorbieularibus basi subcordatis interioribus breviter unguiculatis ; staminibus numero- B 2 -SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS sis connectivo ultra thecas lineares producto ; carpellis numerosis extus pilosis ; fructu haud viso. Oban; nn. 1579, 1603. X Leaves 15-20 em. long, 5:5-7:0 cm. broad ; petioles about 8 mm. long. Sepals thick, 9-10 mm. long + 11 mm. broad. Petals 6, 20- 30 mm. long and about as broad. Stamens + 3 mm. long. Car- pels + 5 mm. long. Noticeable on account of the subeoriaceous, almost glabrous, oblong leaves, and the lateral fascicles of generally 3 flowers, with thick, suborbicular petals 20-80 mm. long and broad. (Central petals dull orange, three outside petals dull apricot, markings deepest wine-red.—P. A. T.] Uvaria anonoides Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex repens (fide cl. detect.), ramulis novellis fusco-tomentosis ; foliis ellipticis vel oblongo-ellipticis vel oblongo-ovatis superne praeter costam ner- vosque fere glabris subtus pallidioribus apice acuminatis basi rotundatis nervis lateralibus 9-12 ante marginem arcu intra- marginali conjunctis nervis secundariis tenuibus, foliorum petiolo brevi superne canaliculato ; floribus mediocribus solitariis ; pedun- culo stricto in sicco longitudinaliter striato ; sepalis alte connatis segmentis crassiusculis ; staminibus numerosis connectivo crasso thecas superante ; carpellis hirsutis staminibus parum longioribus stigmatibus dilatatis. Oban ; n. 1558. Leaves 8-15 em. long, 50-75 mm. broad; lateral nerves and mid- rib below conspicuous. Sepals + 5-7 mm. long. Petals concave, riim 12-13 mm. long + 15 mm. broad. Stamens 9:5 mm. ong. Closely allied to Uvaria latifolia Engler & Diels (Anona lati- folia Scott Elliot). U. anonoides Bak. fil. | U. latifolia Engler & Diels. Leaves 8-15 em. long, 5-7 | Leaves 2-3 dm. long, "7-1 em. broad. dm. broad. Calyz, total diameter 12-14 Calyz, total diameter + 16 mm. mm. Petals 12-13 mm. long, + 15 Petals 15-20 mm. long, 18-22 mm. broad. mm. broad. Stamens 2°5 mm. lcng. | Stamens 4—5 mm. long. ALPHONSEOPSIS Bak. fil. gen. nov. Flores hermaphroditi. Calyx parvus, breviter cupularis, tri- angularis, 3-sepalus, petalis multo brevior. Petala 6 biseriatim valvata, inter se subaequalia, ovata, adscendentia, crasse coriacea. Stamina & arcte imbricata, receptae et : ulo depresse subl;emisphaerico insidentia, crassiuscula, connectivo ultra loculos conspicue truncato ; pollinis grana inter se libera, Carpella 3-4, inter se libera, stig- mate subsessili pileato-capitato, ovulis circ. 22 ventralibus biseriatis. Ex € ANONACEE (E. G. Baker) 3 Arbuscula. Folia breviter petiolata, ampla, pergamacea. Flores inter minores, in axillis solitarii, pedunculis abbreviatis validis bracteis imbricatis onustis. The affinity of this genus is with Uvariastrum Engler, which has flowers with three large sepals, outer petals much longer than the inner, and bilobed, verrucose stigmas. Jt is also near the Indian genus Alphonsea Hook. f. & Thoms., but its calyx and the con- nection of its stamens are quite different. ` Alphonseopsis parviflora sp. unica. Arbuscula; foliis oblongis vel ellipticis glaucis superne glabris basi cuneatis apice acuminatis nervis lateralibus 9-11 adscendentibus costa superne impressa nervis secundariis inconspicuis foliorum petiolo brevis- simo ; floribus ex nodis ramorum ortis parviusculis ; calyce arcte connato crassiusculo; petalis valvatis, tribus exterioribus cras- siusculis extrinsecus sericeis, tribus interioribus parum minoribus concavis crassiusculis ; staminibus numerosis apice dilatatis extror- sum thecas gerentibus, thecis linearibus longitudinaliter dehiscen- tibus; carpellis paucis (saepe circ. 4) ovulis pluribus biseriatim dispositis. (Pl. 1.) Oban ; n. 1607. A small tree about 5 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 18-23 em. long, 4:5-7:0 cm. broad; petiole about 4 mm. long. Pedicels thick, short, about 4-6 mm. long. Bracts several, imbri- cating. Outer petals 8, ovate, sessile, 8-9 mm. long, inner petals 3, t 7 mm. long. [Sepals pale snuffy bronze, petals cream, leaves on the back pale duck's egg blue.—P. A. T.] Uvariastrum Zenkeri Engler & Diels var. nov. nigritanum Bak. fl. Ramuli cinereo-corticati ; foliis pergamaceis oblongis acuminatis quam iis typi minoribus petiolo brevi suffultis ; floribus quam iis typi minoribus ; sepalis ovatis acuminatis crassiusculis. Oban ; n. 1841. Tree about 15 metres high. Leaves oblong or oblong-obovate, acuminate, 9-13°5 em. long, 3-4 em. broad; petioles t 2 mm. long. Sepals + 17 mm. long. Differs from the type in the smaller leaves, and the smaller flowers with thicker sepals which arise from the trunk and branches. Cleistopholis albida Engler & Diels var. nov. longipedicellata Bak.fil. Caulis volubilis ; foliis quam in typo majoribus oblongo- ovatis subtus glaucis; floribus longiuscule pedicellatis ; petalis exterioribus cordato-ovatis ; fructu oblongo 3—4-plo longo quam lato iis Popowiae obovatae Engler & Diels subsimili. Oban ; nn. 15£9, 1677. Leaves oblong or ovate-oblong, acuminate, 8-15 em. long, 3:C- 5:8 em. broad. Pedicels slender, 2:0-3:0 em. long. T? petals i : 2% 4 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS f 10 mm. long. Fruit with pedicel 2:0-2:5 cm. long, oblong, 576 mm. diam. Differs from the type by the larger leaves, the flower-pedicels and the longer outer petals. [Sepals bronzy-green, outside petals pale cream, inside shaded, mauve at base. — P. A. T. The petals of n. 1677 are somewhat narrower and more pointed. Unona obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor sec. cl. detectorem ramulis fusco-hirsutis ; foliorum petiolo brevi, lamina membranacea supra glabrescente subtus praecipue ad nervos fusco-hirsuta nervis lateralibus utrinque 9-12 nervis secundariis subtus prominulis oblonga vel oblongo-obovata apice subito in acumen attenuata basi cordata; pedunculo subterminali vel laterali fusco-hirsuto saepissime 1-floro ; bracteis latioribus quam longis semiamplexi- caulibus hirsutis; sepalis ovatis hirsutis basi cordatis quam petalis exterioribus 3—4-plo brevioribus; petalis exterioribus majusculis erassis fusco-hirsutis late ovatis petalis 3 interioribus crassis glabris quam petalis exterioribus subduplo minoribus ; staminibus numerosis connectivo ultra thecas dilatato; carpidiis numerosis ovario fusco-hirsuto in stylum brevem sursum crassi- orem attenuato. Species ad U. hirsutam Benth. valde accedens differt foliis angustioribus, bracteis latioribus. Oban; nn. 1246, 1323. 5 Tree 20-25 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 10-15 cm. long, 9:0-4:5 em. broad; petiole 2-8 mm. long. Sepals + 7 mm. long. Outer petals concave, + 23 mm. long; inner petals 13-15 mm. long. Carpels + 2 mm. long, style shorter than the ovary. This belongs to the series in which the inner petals are similar to the outer, but smaller. Closely allied to U. hirsuta Benth. from Fernando Po, but differs in the narrower leaves and semiamplexieaul, broad, hairy bract situated towards the base of the peduncle. [Bark dull grey lichen-green. Two sepals bronze, four petals white. Stamens numerous, anthers orange, filaments white. Small buds dull pink, afterwards bronze.—P. A. T Popowia nigritana Bak.fil sp. nov. Frutex scandens sec. cl. detectorem, ramulis tenuibus teretibus; foliis oblongis vel oblongo-oblanceolatis apice acutis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 6—7 nervis secundariis tenuibus costa superne impressa, foliorum petiolo brevi; floribus axillaribus pedunculis dichotome cymosis; sepalis triangularibus parvis fusco-tomentosis ; petalis exterioribus majoribus concavis crassis incurvatis fusco-tomentosis interioribus angustioribus ; staminibus 9 filamentis in connec- tivum amplum pediforme centrum versus floris horizontaliter protensum dilatatis thecis minutis infra connectivi prolongationem dorsalibus ; carpellis 6—7, stilo brevi. Oban; n. 1550. Leaves very slightly pubescent, paler below, 8-12 em. long, e ANONACER (E. G. Baker) 5 3-4°5 cm. broad; petiole 3-5 mm. long. Pedicels 7-10 mm. long. Outer petals + 7 mm. long, + 4 mm. broad; inner petals t 2 mm. broad. Stamens + 1:5 mm. long, much dilated. Carpels with style 2:0-2°5 mm. pubescent. Allied to Popowia foliosa Engler & Diels, but differs by the narrower leaves, shorter cymes and larger petals. [Three sepals pale bronze, six petals pale creamy-yellow, stamens = A T groups of three, centres cream shading into dark brown.— DX T. Hexalobus monopetalus Engler & Diels var. parvifolius Bak. fil. in Macleod, ** Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa,” 301. Frutex vel arbor parva ramulis adultis cinereo-corticatis ; foliorum petiolo brevissimo, lamina chartacea vel subcoriacea oblonga supra nitida subtus fere glabra quam in typo minore; floribus ad axillas solitariis subsessilibus ; petalis anguste lanceo- latis corrugatis basi connatis ; carpellis 3-4. French Ubangi, Lere to Ham. Leaf, petiole 1-2 mm. long; lamina 4-6 cm. long, 15-21 mm. broad. Sepals 6 mm. long ; petals 18-20 mm. long. Differs from the type in having smaller leaves and fewer carpels, 3-4 instead of 4-6. M. Chevalier collected the type on his Chari-Lake Chad Expedition near Kaga Mibra (n. 6486). DENNETTIA Bak. fil. gen. nov. Calyx in alabastro minimo, cupuliformis, deinde in sepala 2 vel rarius 3 semiorbicularia basi connata rumpens. Petala 3, crassa, concava, libera, uniseriatim valvata, aequalia vel parum inaequalia, quam sepala plane longiora. Stamina parva, numero- sissima, sessilia, connectivo ultra thecas lineares vix producto truncato, antheris rimis linearibus dehiscentibus. Carpella 15—20, libera, stylo continuo truncato, ovulis pluribus biseriatis. Arbor mediocris. Folia alterna, chartacea, foliorum petiolo brevi. Flores hermaphroditi, solitarii vel bini, magnitudine mediocri, brevipedunculati, ex ramis adultis orti, Receptaculum convexum. Dennettia tripetala sp. unica. Arbor mediocris sec. cl. detect. ramulis cortice cinereo tectis; foliorum petiolo brevi superne canaliculato lamina oblonga vel oblongo-lanceolata chartacea superne nitida apice acuta basi cuneata nervis lateralibus tenuibus 10-12 ante marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis, nervis secundariis tenuibus subtus reticulatis; Jjloribus magnitudine mediocri solitariis vel binis pedunculatis ex ramis adultis ortis ; calyce e sepalis semiorbieularibus 2 vel rarius 3 composito; petalis 3 crassis concavis extus fusco-tomentosis ; staminibus parvis numerosis connectivo ultra thecas lineares vix producto ; 6 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS carpellis 15-20 extrinsecus cinereo-tomentosis ovulis pluribus ventrale biseriatim dispositis. (Pl. 2.) Oban; n. 1496. South Nigeria, Dennett, n. 44 (Herb. Kew.) Leaves 9-14 cm. long, 4:5-6 cm. broad; lateral nerves not - conspicuous, glabrous except the midrib; petioles 3-4 mm. long. Peduncles short. Petals 8, uniseriately valvate, 10-11 mm. long. Stamens about 1 mm. long. A very curious and interesting tree, at once distinguished by the 2 rarely 3 sepals, the 3 rather thick, concave, valvate petals, the numerous small stamens with the connective very slightly produced and the 15-20 carpels with the ovules biseriately arranged. Named in honour of Mr. R. E. Dennett, who first collected this tree in Southern Nigeria and whose specimens are in the Kew Herbarium. The alliance of this genus is with Thonnera, but the flowers are hermaphrodite and not on long peduncles, and the receptacle is a different shape. Mr. H. N. Ridley, who kindly examined this plant, considers that it should be placed in the Group Xylopieæ next to Melodorum. It is also allied to certain rather abnormal species of Anona of the Sect. Atte, especially A. echinata Dunal. VIOLACEA. Alsodeia crassifolia Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex ramulis teretibus; foliorum petiolo mediocri, lamina papyraceo-coriacea glabra magna ellipiica vel oblongo-ovata vel ovato-lanceolata apice acuminata basi late cuneata margine integro nervis | lateralibus 10-12 ante marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis superne nitidis subtus pallidioribus ; floribus racemoso-paniculatis, inflorescentiis petiolo longioribus; bracteis lanceolatis ; sepalis ovatis concavis petalis brevioribus ; petalis oblongis margine ciliatis ; staminum tubo quam antheris breviori connectivo ultra thecas producto; orario glabro stylo tereti glabro columnari ; capsula triloculari. Oban; n. 1260. is Shrub 2-3 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 15-27 em. long, 6-10°5 em. broad; petioles 2-5-4 cm. long. Panicles 2°5-6 cm. long. Sepals + 3 mm. long. Petals + 4-5 mm. long. Staminal tube short; filaments short. Anthers appendaged; connective produced into an ovate-triangular appendage. Capsule 20-92 mm. long. This is probably identical with the plant colleeted by Mann in the Gaboon and referred to A. Welwitschii Oliver in the Flora of Tropical Africa. It differs in several points from Welwitsch, n. 882, from Golungo Alto. [Petals dull yellow.— P. A. T. Alsodeia obanensis Bak. fil. Sp. nov. Arbustula ramulis cortice cinereo tectis; foliorum petiolo mediocri, lamina membra- nacea apice acuminata basi in petiolum alatum angustata nervis lateralibus utrinque 9-15 ante marginem arcu intramarginali VIOLACEJE (E. G. Baker) T conjunctis nervis secundariis tenuibus; floribus e nodis ortis pedicellatis; sepalis parvis ovato-triangularibus ; petalis lanceo- latis per anthesin reflexis ; connectivo ultra thecas produeto ; antheris appendiculis 2 subulatis instructis staminum tubo fere obsoleto; stylo filiformi; capsula extrinsecus reticulata. Oban ; n. 606. A small free about 6-7 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 14-80 cm. long, 4:5-10 em. broad. Sepals about 1:5 mm. long. Petals narrow, + 5 mm. long. Anthers slightly connate, sessile, or nearly so. Allied to A. cauliflora Oliver and a member of the subgenus Petalandra, Sect. 2, Synandra of Engler. [Petals eream, centres bright yellow.—P. A. T.] Alsodeia Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex ramulis teretibus pubescentibus ; foliorum petiolo brevi, lamina membranacea subtus pallidiora oblonga apice acuminata margine leviter serrulata basi cuneata nervis lateralibus utrinque 10-13 ante marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis nervis secundariis tenuibus; floribus paniculatis terminalibus ; bracteis lineari-lanceolatis ; sepalis ovatis quam petalis brevioribus margine ciliatis ; petalis ovato-lanceolatis margine ciliatis; stamínum tubo antheris fere aequilongo, con- nectivo ultra thecas producto; ovario subgloboso pubescente, stylo claviformi quam ovario cire. 3-plo longiori. Oban ; n. 478. ; Shrub about 2 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 12-20 em. . long, 8:5-5:0 cm. broad; petiole 5-6 mm. long. Sepals + 6 mm. long. Petals + 8 mm. long. Connective produced into a flat lanceo- late appendage. Style + 5 mm. long. Capsule not seen. Allied to A. Johnstonii Stapf from Liberia. GUTTIFERE. Pentadesma nigritana Bak. fil. sp. nov. Verisimiliter arbor ramulis cortice nigrescente ; foliis quam iis P. butyraceae Sabine minoribus cuneato-oblanceolatis vel cuneato-obovatis apice brevite« acutis integerrimis petiolo brevi superne canaliculato suffultis nervis lateralibus crebris parallelis; floribus apicem versus ramu- lorum paucis pedunculatis; sepalis 5 imbricatis crassis carnosis ovatis 2 exterioribus quam interioribus minoribus ; petalis 3 crassis sepalis interioribus subsimilibus basin versus interne carinatis ; staminibus numerosis brevissime pentadelphis adelphis polyandris cum glandulis totidem prominulis disci alternantibus ; antheris loculis 2 parallelis linearibus angustis rima longitudinali dehiscentibus ; ovario pyriformi 5-loculari in stilum contracto apice radiato 5-lobo ; fructu ignoto. Oban; n. 1742. Leaves glabrous, coriaceous, 10-14 em. long, 30-48 mm. broad ; 8 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS lateral nerves 1-1:5 mm. apart; petioles 8-10 mm. long. Sepals 2, exterior smaller ovate or ovate-lanceolate; apex rounded, + 3 em. long, interior longer. Petals 4:5-5 cm. long, 8-8:5 cm. broad. Anthers 7-8 mm. long. Pentadesma grandifolia Bak. fil sp. nov. Verisimiliter arbor ramulis siceitate longitrorsum striatis ; foliis oppositis amplis papyraceıs oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis apice obtusis vel acutis basi cuneatis subtus glandulis emersis sparsim tectis nervis lateralibus crebris parallelis, costa subtus prominente petiolo erasso suffultis ; floribus hermaphroditis ; sepalis 5 imbri- catis erassis ovatis 2 exterioribus quam interioribus minoribus quam iis P. butyraceae Sabine brevioribus ; petalis crassis sepalis interioribus subsimilibus basin versus interne carinatis ; staminibus numerosis pentadelphis adelphis polyandris cum glandulis totidem disei alternantibus, antheris loculis 2 parallelis linearibus angustis rima longitudinali dehiscentibus; ovario pyriformi 5-loculari in stilum contracto apice radiato 5-lobo ; fructu ignoto. Oban; n. 1265. Leaves 25-30 em. long, 7-0-9-5 cm. broad; petioles 10-20 mm. long. Sepals 2 exterior + 22-28 mm. long, interior 3 em. long. The distinguishing features of this species are the large oblong leaves with numerous glands and with numerous lateral nerves which are about 2 mm. apart, and the exterior sepals 22-28 mm. long. The leaves are larger and the exterior sepals shorter than in P. butyracea Sabine (Hooker's Icones, t. 2465). CLAVIS OF SPECIES. a. Leaves coriaceous, cuneate-oblanceolate or cuneate-obovate, 10-14 em. long. Exterior sepals + 30 mm. long. Ti ngama RE ER Nigeria. 8. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or ovate-oblong, 14-24 cm. long. Exterior sepals 30-40 mm. long. P. butyracea Sabine... Sierra Leone, St. Thomas. y. Leaves papyraceous, oblong, 25-30 cm. long. Exterior sepals 22-28 mm. long. P. grandifolia Bak. fil x P. maritima Pierre, in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris, ii. 1926 (1896), is known to me only from the description. The flowers and leaves are unknown. Gareinia Mannii Oliv. var. nov. brevipedicellata Bak. fil. Arbor, foliis oblongo-ovatis vel ellipticis petiolatis; floribus tetrameris axillaribus paucis pedicellis quam iis typi manifeste brevioribus. Oban; n. 1508. A tree 7-8 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot) Leaves 10-12 em. long, 4:0-5:5 em. broad; petioles 6-7 mm. long. GUTTIFERZ (E. G. Baker) 9 [Centre of flower dark red, stamens and anthers buff, filaments orange, sepals pale green. —P. A. T.] Garcinia (Tagmanthera) obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex ramulis glabris; foliis oppositis petiolatis ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis nervis lateralibus numerosis angulo cire. 60—80^ patentibus longe acuminatis basi cuneatis costa subtus valde prominente nervis secundariis tenuibus inter primarios paucis a costa abeuntibus aliisque inter primarios oblique transversis numerosis; floribus tetrameris axillaribus paucis interdum solitariis ; pedicellis strictis calyce pluries longioribus ; sepalis ovatis vel suborbiculari-ovatis calyce brevioribus exterioribus quam interioribus brevioribus ; staminibus tetradelphis ; ovarío obconico 4-loculari; stigmate late peltato. A G. Mannii Oliver facile cognita foliis latioribus. Oban ; n. 1334. ; A shrub about 1-2 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot); internodes 3-4 em. long. Leaves without the acuminate apex 7-10 em. long, 8:5-5 em. broad, glabrous, costa impressed above; petioles 5-7 mm. long, acuminate apex 15-25 mm. long. Pedicels 5-8 mm. long. Sepals 4, 2 large. 2 small. Petals longer than the sepals, 7-8 mm. long. Anthers 10-12 semicircular. This plant belongs to the Sect. Tagmanthera Pierre; the lateral nerves of the leaves are numerous, the flowers solitary or few, the - pedieels 6-8 mm. long, the petals 7-8 mm. long, phalanges of stamens 4. It is allied to G. punctata Oliver and G. Preussi? Engler, and especially to G. Mannii Oliver and to G. epunctata Stapf. [Fruit bright orange.—P. A. T.] MALVACER. Hibiseus grewioides Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbuscula, ramis cinereo-corticatis, ramulis hispidis ; foliorum petiolis brevibus hispidis, lamina oblongo-oblanceolata vel oblongo-obovata mem- branacea inaequilaterali basi cuneata vel cuneato-rotundata apice acuminata margine in parte inferiore integra in parte superiore remote dentata superne praeter costam glabra subtus costa hispida nervis lateralibus tenuibus 5-7 arcuatis nervis secundariis reticulatis; stipulis linearibus hispidis ; floribus paucis solitariis vel 2—3; bracteolis in: cupulam connatis calyce 2—3- plo brevioribus; calycis tubo quam dentibus longiori; petalis oblongo-obovatis basi maculatis extrinsecus cinereo-pubescentibus ; columna staminea antheras numerosas gerente ; ovario 5-loculari ; styli ramis 5, stigmatibus capitatis ; fructu ignoto. Oban, near Owum ; n. 1343. A small tree 4-5 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Petioles 3-6 mm. long. Leaves 9-18 cm. long, 4-5 cm. broad, strongly 3-nerved at the base. Calyx cupuliform, + 7 mm. long, 5-dentate. Petals 20-23 mm. long. Staminal column 17-18 mm. long. Noticeable on account of the membranous, unequal-sided, oblong- 10 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS oblanceolate or oblong-obovate, mueronate leaves with short petioles, the connate eupuliform involuere, the staminal column antheriferous for 12-13 mm. of its length. [Petals yellow.—P. A. T.] STERCULIACEE. The collection contains a number of cauliflorous species of Cola. Among the novelties there are two which are of special interest. In Cola schizandra sp. nov. the anthers instead of being in a continuous ring in the male flowers are cut up into phalanges, and for this I venture to propose a new subgenus— Schizocola. Cola schizandra is allied to Cola digitata Masters, but I have been unable to obtain male flowers of this latter plant to dissect. The other novelty to which attention should be called is Cola gigas sp. nov. with flowers 7-8 cm. long. The exact affinity of the latter plant is somewhat doubtful at present, as it is not closely allied to any other member of the genus; it is evidently à most striking novelty. Two other novelties are Cola Talbotii and Cola Buntingii, both members of the subgenus Cheirocola, the latter collected by Mr. R. H. Bunting in Liberia. Another novelty is C. arcuata belonging to the subgenus Haplocola, and allied to C. flavovelutina K. Schum. and C. Gilgiana Engler. Cola (Haplocola) areuata Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbor erecta ramulis teretibus cortice cinereo substriato obtectis; foliis tenuiter coriaceis superne glabris lanceolato-oblongis vel anguste oblongis apice valde acuminatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 8-9 prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis subtus prominulis petiolo mediocri suffultis; floribus parvis e ramulis ortis; flore masculo andreeceo uniseriato androgynophoro antheris longiori et pilis plus minus obtecto, flore foemineo calyce ultra medium in lacinias 5 triangulares et acutas diviso ; ovario plus minus trimero tomentoso ; fructu ignoto. Oban; n. 29, Leaves 12:0-22: 5 em. long, 3-62 cm. br Male flower: Anthers + 1 mm. long, long. Female flowers: Calyx hairy, A member of the series Integrifolie of the subgenus Haplocola. Allied to C. flavo-velutina K. Schum. and C. Gilgiana Engler, but differing from both these species in the narrower leaves. oad ; petioles 1-5 em. long. androgynophore 8:0-8:5 mm. 6—7 mm. long. Cola (Cheirocola) gigas Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor mediocris 3 foliis digitatis foliolis circ. 5 foliolis intermediis majoribus basi cuneatis apice acuminatis grosse et acute lobatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 14-16 prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis foliolis exterioribus inaequilateralibus latere exteriore grosse et : STERCULIACEZ (E. G. Baker) 11 acute lobatis apice acuminatis quam foliolis intermediis minoribus omnibus sessilibus foliorum petiolo longitudinaliter striato longo vel longissimo ; floribus masculis ex ligno vetere ortis maximis ; bracteis ad basin pedicellorum ovatis; pedicells brevibus ; alabastris ellipsoideis dense hirsutis; calyce ellipsoideo urceolato externe striato lobis 5 ovatis patentibus; antheris uniseriatis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus ; carpellis 4, fulvo-tomentosis stig- matibus erassis. (Pl. 3, A.) Oban. In flower Oct. 22; n. 160. Tree 10-18 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves somewhat similar to those of Cola digitata Masters. Intermediate leaflet 40—15 em. long, 24-26 cm. long; petiole + 36-40 cm. long, covered with wool at first, perhaps glabrous eventually. Flowers crimson- purple, large, 7-8 em. long, showy, arising two or three together from the stem. The distinguishing features of this species are the 5-foliolate lobed leaves with sessile leaflets and a long petiole, the intermediate leaflets are 40-45 cm. long, the exterior leaflets much shorter; the large flowers arising from the old wood in clusters of two or three; the ellipsoidal urceolate calyx 5-lobed towards the apex, 7-8 cm. long. As Mr. Ridley observed to me the flowers of this species bear con- siderable resemblance to those of a species of Thottea in Aristo- lochiacee. [Calyx very dark red ; buds bright yellow-brown.—P. A. T.] Cola (Cheirocola) Talbotii Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbor; foliis longe petiolatis digitatis foliolis 5 sessilibus foliolis exterioribus inaequilateralibus quam intermediis minoribus oblongis acuminatis nervis lateralibus circ. 10-11 foliolis intermediis majoribus oblongo-oblanceolatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 12-14 arcuatis foliolis superne glabris subtus pallidioribus ; calyce in flore mas- culo pro genere mediocri campanulato usque ad medium 5-lobo lobis ovatis acutis; flore masculo e ligno vetere fasciculato andreceo uniseriato thecis linearibus; flore foemineo ovario. tetramero, stigmate crasso; folliculis pedicellatis rubris apice acuminatis pendulis. Oban, Kwa river; n. 4. Leaves, leaflets not lobed, outer leaflets 20-21 cm. long. about 5-6 em. broad; middle leaflet + 31 em. long, + 9 em. broad. Calyx of the female flower larger than the male, + 15 mm. long. Carpels 4-5 mm. long. Pod 9-10 cm. long. Allied to Cola pachycarpa DC. in the subgenus Cheirocola, but there are fewer leaflets, and the flowers are smaller, and to Cola pulcherrima Engler in Engl. Jahrb. xlv. pp. 335-337, t. 8, from which it differs by the smaller calyx. p. [Flowers very dark red, stigmas cream-coloured. Pod red-pinkish on the underside.—P. A. T.] I have added the description of the following species found by Mr. R. H. Bunting in Liberia. 12 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Cola (Cheirocola) Buntingii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor modice alta ; foliis in specimine nostro 5-foliolatis foliolis coriaceis apice acuminatis basi cuneatis oblanceolatis intermediis majoribus nervis lateralibus arcuatis 13-15 subtus prominulis foliolis exterioribus minoribus omnibus petiolulatis petiolo communi tereti longiusculo ; floribus paniculatis e ligno vetere trunci ortis pedunculatis; calyce pro genere mediocri extus ferrugineo- tomentoso; flore masculo andræcio uniseriato androgynophori antheras lineares subaequante vel longiori, flore foemineo ovario pentamero tomentoso antheris abortivis uniserialibus ad basin cineto ; follieulis majusculis plurispermis seminibus majusculis testa alba edule (sec. cl. detectorem). Liberia, R. H. Bunting, Begwai Bush. In flower Sept. 1910. A tree about 20 ft. Leaves, middle leaflets + 30 em. long, 6:5- 7'0 em. broad ; petiolules + 3:5 em. long, common petiole + "47 cm. long. Flowers of medium size, pedunculate arising from the trunk. Calyx + 12-13 mm. ; lobes oblong acute. Follicles + 14 em. long, pinkish-red on outside and glossy. Seed-coat white, glistening waxy. Exterior of cotyledons purplish-red, interior darkish crimson. Embryo tomentose with brown scaly hairs. A member of the subgenus Cheirocola allied to C. pachycarpa K. Schum., C. rostrata K. Schum. and C. Flamignii De Wild. The distinguishing features of this species are the 5-foliolate leaves with oblanceolate acuminate petiolulate leaflets, and long common petiole; flowers in short panicles arising from the trunk ; calyx ferrugineous-tomentose externally + 12-13 mm.; andrecium uniseriate in the male flowers ; ovary pentamerous, surrounded by a ring of abortive anthers in the female, flowers shorter than the calyx- tube; follicles pinkish-red, and glossy. 'CLAVIS OF SPECIES OF SUBGENUS CHEIROCOLA. A. All leaflets entire. (a) Branches lepidote. * Leaflets 3, C. lepidota K. Schum... Cameroons, Nigeria. ** Leaflets 5-9. C. argentea Masters ........ EN Cua RU NEIN ae Cameroons. (b) Branches not lepidote. f Flowers small. Calyx 5-6 mm. du rfe. ep UM UNDE DE SA E a Gaboon tt Flowers larger. Calyx + 10-15 mm. ° Leaflets 5, sessile. C, Tao Pak. B. ooo sod arca Nigeria. U. Duntingel Bak o S SS VA Liberia. ttf Flowers larger. Calyx + 17-30 mm. ? Leaflets + 5 obovate-lanceolate, rostrate, Calyx t 17-20 mm. STERCULIACER (E. G. Baker) 13 CQ vosteata K; Bolmm. in nn Cameroons, Nigeria. °° Leaflets 7-9 lanceolate or suboblanceolate, acuminate. Calyx t 20-22 mm. C..pachycarpa K. Bohm ni ann Cameroons. °°° Leaflets 7-9 oblanceolate, petiolulate. Calyx 25-30 mm. C. Flamignit De Wild. ................: OSA PASQUA EU DIR Congo. B. Middle leaflets or leaflet lobed. T Flowers small. Calyx + 5 mm. Leaflets 5, glabrous, petiolulate. C. Quintas Engler ...... override ee St. Thomas. tt Flowers larger than preceding, of medium size. ? Leaflets 5, glabrous above, sessile. C. pulcherrima Engler os icici cise ASE sisi pres rre ee Cameroons. °° Leaflets 5-7-9 (ex Masters), petiolulate. . C. digitata Masters | ......... Prince's Island, Cameroons, Nigeria. Ttt Flowers very large. Calyx 7-8 em. Leaflets t 5, sessile. O: pigas Bak. Bl ner Nigeria. Cola (Autocola) lateritia K. Schum. var. nov. nigeriea Bak. fil. Arbuscula sec. cl. detectorem ; foliis coriaceis late ovatis; floribus 4-5-meris pedicellatis ; flore foemineo quam in typo majori; carpidiis 4-5. Oban, Itaiyo River; n. 1313. Tree about 10 metres high; petioles + 15 em. Leaves 17-25 em. long, 15-17 em. broad. Calyx (Fl. 9) 9-10 mm. long. ; C. Sereti De Wild. is evidently a close ally, but the ovary is described as trimerous. P icu of flower bright pink, sepals cream, stigma brown.— LAKE ee Cola cauliflora Masters in Oliver Fl. Trop. Afr. i. 221 is founded on specimens from three localities—the Gaboon River, River Kongui, and Ambas Bay. The description states that the leaves are either subsessile or with stalks 2 in. in length. The plant from the river Kongui is Cola flavo-velutina K. Schum., and the plant from Ambas Bay is Cola micrantha K. Schum. Sehizoeola subgen. nov. Stamina in phalanges 4 disposita. Cola sehizandra Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbuscula ; foliis circ. ` T-foliolatis foliolis papyraceis glabris ellipticis vel oblongis apice acuminatis basi in petiolulum attenuatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 8-10 arcuatis subtus prominulis foliolis exterioribus quam inter- mediis minoribus petiolo communi longo suffultis ; floribus e ramulis ortis; calyce ultra medium 4-lobo lobis crassis ; fl. masc. staminibus in phalanges 4 dispositis thecis linearibus ; fructu (sec. 14 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS cl. detectorem) longe stipitato coccineo apice acuminato seminibus nitidis nigris. (Pl. 3, B.) Oban ; n. 1598. Small tree 3-4 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Intermediate leaflets 30-34 em. long, 75-86 mm. broad; exterior leaflets t 20 em. long + 60 mm. broad; petiolules 25-40 mm. long, common petiole + 80 em. long. Peduncle short. Calyx of d flowers + 12 mm. long, androgynophore short, the anthers tetradelphous not in a complete ring. : Closely allied to Cola digitata Masters. The distinguishing features of this plant are the digitately 7-8-foliolate leaves with oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, petiolulate, acuminate leaflets entire or occasionally sublobate; the 4-lobed calyx with rather thiek lobes, total length + 10-12 mm.; the anthers in 4 phalanges not in a continuous ring. : I venture to place this species in a new subgenus Schizocola, on account of the structure of the andrecium. I have not had an opportunity of dissecting male flowers of C. digitata Masters, but Schumann (Sterculiacee African®, 123) describes the anthers as arranged in a ring. Seaphopetalum parvifolium Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbuscula ramis gracilibus teretibus glabratis; foliis parviusculis breviter petiolatis, petiolo fusco-pubescente, oblongis vel subobovato- oblongis apice in acumen longum attenuatis basi acutis inte- gerrimis glabris nervis lateralibus utrinque circ. 7-8 nervis | secundariis reticulatis, stipulis subulatis quam petiolis brevioribus ; floribus saepissime solitariis breviter pedicellatis ; calyce alte bi- vel tri-lobo coriaceo, sepalis ellipticis ; petalis cucullatis sepala subaequantibus ; tubo stamineo obpyramidato angulato staminodiis reflexis ; ovario oviformi quinquelobo. Ab S. Blackii Masters differt foliis minoribus floribus saepissime solitariis non racemosis. Oban, Obutong Road; n. 1264. i Small tree about 10 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 9-11 cm. long, 30-35 mm. broad; petioles 3-4 mm. long. Stipules + 2 mm. long. Calyx deeply generally 2-lobed, 8-9 mm. long. Petals strongly veined t 7 mm. long. Staminal tube about 5 min. high. ET This species belongs to the Sect. Euscaphopetalum K. Schum., _ and is noticeable on account of its rather small leaves, largely —— acuminate at the apex, and generally solitary flowers. [Flowers bright yellow, sepals bright palish green.—P. A. T.] = Scaphopetalum Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbuscula, ramulis teretibus ; foliis papyraceis oblongis basi cuneatis apice in acumen longum abrupte attenuatis nervis lateralibus 9-10 erecto-patenti- - bus prope marginem conjunctis margine undulato foliorum petiolo | brevi; floribus mediocriter pedicellatis fasciculatis ; bracteolis minutis ; sepalis 5 herbaceis ovatis acutis quam petalis longioribus ; petalis concavis cucullatis apice 3-denticulatis dorso papillosis STERCULIACEE (E. G. Baker) 15 tubo stamineo obpyramidato angulato sinubus antheriferis ; ovario oviformi quinquelobo, stylo incluso ; fructu ignoto. Oban; n. 1562. A small tree 7-10 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 10-18 em. long, 4-6 cm. broad; petiole 4-5 mm. long. Pedicels terete, 10-17 mm. long. Sepals t 15 mm. long. - Petals about 10 mm. long. Belongs to Euscaphopetalum to the series with 5 herbaceous sepals. [Sepals dull pink outside, dull purplish-red on inside, petals ribbed yellow, anthers cream, stigma pale dull pink, andreecium deep wine- red at base.—P. A. T. : TILIACEJE. Pentadiplandra Brazzeana Baillon (ex descript.). Oban ; n. 1241. The description of this very rare plant (in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris, i. 611 (1886) ) is short and incomplete, and although there seems no reason to doubt the genus to which Mr. Talbot’s plant should be referred, its specific identity must, in the absence of material for comparison, at present remain somewhat uncertain. Broadly speaking, P. Brazzeana is a Grewia with petals much longer than the sepals and definite (10) stamens in two series of 5 each, and these characters Mr. Talbot’s specimens possess. A few notes are here appended. Rami subteretes, foliosi, glabri. Folia alterna, elliptica vel anguste oblongo-obovata, apicem versus cuspidato-acuminata, apice obtusa, basi in petiolum brevem cuneatim angustata, tenuiter coriacea, utrinque nitentia necnon perspicue reticulata. Flores polygami, longipedicellati, in racemos axillares breves pauciflores dispositi. Sepala lanceolato-oblonga, obtusa, petalis triplo breviora. Petala oblongo-spathulata, apice attenuata, basi glandula magna suborbiculari praedita. Stamina petalis breviora, toro brevi superne in discum crassum lobatum exeunte inserta. Ovarium ellipsoideum in stylum crassum se ipsum breviter excedentem attenuatum, 5-loculare, ovulis in loculis pluribus 2-serialibus. Leaves 10-18 x 8:5 — 5 cm.; petioles about 5 mm. long. Axis of raceme 3-10 mm. long; pedicels 7-12 mm. long, slender. Sepals 8 mm., petals about 25 mm. long; gland of the latter shallowly erateriform, nearly 3 mm. in diameter. Torus sulcate, 1:25 mm. high, not counting the 1 mm. disk.—[S. Moore. | Oubanguia alata Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor mediocris ramulis alatis ; foliis papyraceis vel papyraceo-coriaceis subsessilibus alternis oblongis acuminatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 4—6 arcuatis prope marginem arcu intramarginali con- junetis nervis secundariis tenuibus utrinque glabris foliorum petiolo brevissimo ; infiorescentia paniculata ramis divaricatis plus minus angulatis ; calyce cupulari margine ciliato dentibus LÀ 16 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS obsoletis vel subobsoletis ; petalis 6 angustis valvatis calyce 2-3-plo longioribus ; staminibus numerosis ima basi connatis fila- mentis filiformibus antheris brevibus ; stylo gracili levissime clavi- formi; ovario 4-loculari ovulis in quoque loculo 2 ab apice pendulis ; fructu uniloculari, 1-spermo. Oban, Obutong Road; n. 1513. à Tree about 10-12 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves grey-cinereous above, 9-20 em. long, 4-8 em. broad; petioles 1-2 mm. long. Bracteoles small, subopposite 1:0-1:5 mm. long. Petals 6, 10-12 mm. long. Anthers not 1mm. long. Fruit oblong-ovoid, pruinose +12 mm. long + 7 mm. broad. Seed obpyramidal, bearing near the tops shreds of the ovarian septa + 6 mm. long. [Stems green. Fruit bright mauve-blue. Anthers bright aureolin. Pistil white. Filaments cream. Petals shell-pink inside, white outside.—P. A. T.] The species of this genus which have been already described are :— (1) O. africana Baill. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris, ii. 869 (1890). Hab. Gaboon. (2) O. laurifolia Pierre ex De Wild. Miss. Laurent, 150 (1905). Egassea laurifolia, Pierre in De Wild, Étud. fl. Bas et Moy. Congo 1, 31, t. xvii. (1903). Hab. Congo. (3) O. Laurentii De Wild. in Durand Syll. Fl. Congo, p. 67. Egassea Laurentii, De Wild. Étud. fl. Bas et Moy. Congo 2, 310 (1908). Hab. Congo. (4) O. Pierreana De Wild. Miss. Laurent, 150 (1905). Egassea Pierreana De Wild. Etud. fl. Bas et Moy. Congo 1, 82, t. 18. Hab. Congo. GERANIACEE, Oxalis (Biophytum) Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Species habitu O. dendroidis H. B. K. Caule lignoso elato nudo sursum tomentoso ; foliis in apice caulis arcte approximatis ; foliolis durius- culis paripinnatis 15-20 jugis setoso-ciliatis superioribus oblique rhonbeis vel oblique oblongo-obovatis inferioribus minoribus prae- cipue subtus prominente nervosis; pedunculis nullis ; pedicellis gracilibus ; calyce profunde quinquepartito laciniis longis nervoso- striatis lanceolatis conspicue acuminatis ; petalís 5 in sicco albidis oblongis calyce longioribus; staminibus inclusis 10 ima basi connatis alternatim longioribus; ovario quinqueloculari stylis gracilibus. Ab O. sensitiva L. differt ob pedunculorum absentiam. Oban ; n. 1409. This plant is allied to Biophytum Petersian Klot in Peters Mossamb., Bot. t. oe anum Klotzsch, figured Stem 10-15 cm. long. Leaves 4-8 cm. long; distal leaflets * GERANIACEÆ (E. G. Baker) 17 ae mm. long; proximal leaflets 2-4 mm. long. Calyx + 5 mm. ong. The distinguishing features of this plant are the leaflets in 15-20 pairs, the absence of the peduncle, and the narrow white petals. A plant in the Kew Herbarium, from the Rev. W. C. Thomson, from Old Calabar, n. 24, is probably identical with the above. Impatiens Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Herba caule glabro in sicco longitudinaliter striato internodiis inferioribus longiusculis superioribus brevioribus; foliis alternis membranaceis ovato- lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis basi rotundatis vel late cuneatis acutis apice ipso obtusis sparse hirtulis margine erenato-serratis crenaturis mucronatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 6-9 arcuatis petiolo mediocri suffultis ; racemis axillaribus folio longioribus saepissime laxe 6-9-floris pedunculis pedicellisque hirtulis ; bracteis ad pedicellorum basin angustis pedicellis multoties brevi- oribus ; sepalis angustis ; labello subito in calcar filiforme longum contracto; alis latere exteriore profunde lobatis vexillo multo longioribus; vexillo ovato in sicco coeruleo ; fructu apice acuto basi cuneato. Oban ; n. 430. Herb 15-20 cm. high. Leaves 7-10 em. long, 4:0-4:5 broad; petioles 10-22 mm. long. .Hacemes 10-15 em. long, 6-9-flowered. Pedicels patent, 20-27 mm. long. Bracts + 2-3 mm. long. Spur 25-30 mm. long. Wings + 15 mm. long. The distinguishing features of this plant, which belongs to the Sect. Longieornes Warb., are the alternate, petiolate, slightly hairy leaves, the 6-9-flowered lax racemes longer than the leaves, the pedicels slender, 20-27 mm. long and the long slender spur (25-27 mm.) and lobed wings. Allied to I. filicornw Hook. fil from the Cameroons, but I. Talbotit has much larger flowers. Allied also to I. pleistantha Gilg, in Engler Jahrb. xlii. 194, but I. Talbotii has slightly hairy smaller leaves and shorter petioles, and the racemes are lax, not dense. SIMARUBACER. Balanites aegyptiaca Del. var. anglolensis Welw., hitherto known only from Angola, was collected between Garua and Golombe, North Cameroons. MELIACEZE. Guarea parviflora Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex; foliolis circ. 9 oblongo-oblanceolatis vel oblongis viridibus apice acuminatis foliolis distalibus majoribus quam proximalibus subduplo longi- oribus nervis lateralibus in distalibus utrinque 9—10 arcuatis in proximalibus 5—8 ; floribus parvis in paniculam dispositis ; calycis tubo brevi dentibus brevibus; petalis albis lineari-oblongis ; tubo Dum c 18 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS stamineo glabro quam petalis parum breviori ; antheris oblongis ; ovario glabro sursum in stylum glabrum attenuato, stigmate discoideo. A G. nigerica floribus minoribus et ovario glabro recedit. Oban; n. 1281. Shrub about 7 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaflets distal 12-13 em. long, 3:7-4:8 cm. broad, proximal 4:5 em.-7:5 cm. long, 2:8-3:2 cm. broad. Panicle t 15 cm. long. Calyz tube + 1mm. long. Petals about 4-5 mm. long. Staminal tube about 4 mm. long. Anthers + 1 mm. long. Very closely allied to Guarea leptotricha Harms. It differs prin- cipally in the much shorter hairs on the leaf-rachis, in the longer and narrower leaflets, and the smaller calyx. [Flowers ereamy-pink ; centre cream.—P. A. T.] Guarea nigerica Bak. fil sp. nov. Frutex; foliis impari- pinnatis ; foliolis 7 breviter petiolulatis vel subsessilibus cuneato- obovatis foliolis proximalibus minoribus oblongo-ovatis omnibus in acumen abrupte attenuatis nervis lateralibus in foliolis distalibus utrinque 15-20 in proximalibus paucioribus petiolo communi puberulo; floribus albis in paniculam racemiformam dispositis ad ramos abbreviatos paniculae glomerulatim digestis ; calycis tubo campanulato dentibus acutis vel subobsoletis ; petalis 5 lineari- oblongis calyce 3-4-plo longioribus ; tubo stamineo glabro sursum parum angustato ; antheris 10 parvis ellipticis ; ovario stipitato sursum in stylum attenuato stigmate late discoideo ; fructu ignoto. Ab Heckeldora latifolia Pierre differt ovario pubescente. Oban ; n. 1350. Shrub 3-7 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaflets, distal 14-20 cm. long, 5-7:5 cm. broad, proximal 7:0-7:5 cm. long, 3-4 em. broad, petiolules 1-2 mm. long, common petiole + 20 cm. long. Rachis of inflorescence + 30 em. long, lateral branches 5-15 mm. long. Calyx 2:5-8:0 mm. long, puberulous. Petals 8-9 mm. long. Staminal tube 6-7 mm. long. Anthers -'75 mm. long. Ovary pubescent, unilocular, stipe inflated at the middle, parietal placentas 2 each, bearing 2 collateral ovules. I have followed Dr. Harms in considering the genus Heckeldora Pierre as synonymous with Guarea. Guarea glomerulata Harms var. nov. obanensis Bak. fil Verisimiliter frutex ; foliis multijugis, foliolis oblongis basi cune- atis apice acuminatis petiolulatis ; floribus quam in typo majoribus ; calyce hirsuto saepius 4-dentato; petalis 4 oblongis; antheris 8 paullulo infra apicem tubi insertis ; ovario extus dense hirsuto ; stigmate discoideo. Oban ; nn. 1280-1285. Leaflets about 12 in number, distal 15-16 em. long, 4-5 em. broad ; proximal shorter 10-13 cm. long, 4:5-50 em. broad. Calyz + 2:5 cm. long. Petals 9-10 mm. long, longer than in the type. Staminal tube + 8 mm. long. Anthers 8, 1:0-1:9 mm. long. CHAILLETIACE& (E. G. Baker) - 19 CHAILLETIACEZE. Diehapetalum Thomsonii Engler var. nov. obanense Bak. fil. Arbuscula ramulis cortice cinereo tectis ; foliis pergamaceis quam in typo latioribus oblongo-ovatis vel ovatis utrinque glabris apice breviter acuminatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 6-7; inflorescentia glomerata petiolo breviori vel aequilongo; petalis spathulatis ad } longitudinis fissis; ovario hirto. Oban; n. 1627. Leaves 10-15 em. long t 7 em. broad; petiole 8-10 mm. long. Flowers in many-flowered sessile glomerules which are + 2 cm. in diameter. Sepals oblong-lanceolate + 3 mm. long. Petals t 5 mm. long. Differs from the type in the shape of the leaves, &c. [Sepals pale drab-green, petals thin, orange, filaments white, anthers drab,—P. A. T.] CELASTRACEE. Salaeia Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex scandens sec. cl. detectorem ramis glabris plus minus angulatis; foliis oppositis breviuscule petiolatis subcoriaceis oblongis vel elliptico-oblongis apice acuminatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 5-8 subtus ut costa prominentibus nervis secundariis reticulatis glabris ; floribus pro genere majusculis in foliorum axillis pluribus, pedicellis mediocribus ; alabastris subovoideis ; calycis lobis ovatis exterioribus manifeste minoribus margine hyalinis; petalis calyce 2—3-plo longioribus oblongis vel ovato-oblongis ; staminibus 3 intra discum crassiusculum annularem insertis, filamentis applanatis antheris late cordiformibus filamentis brevioribus rimis longitudi- nalibus extrorsum dehiscentibus ; ovario conico apice in stylum manifestum attenuato, 3-loculari. Oban; n. 1687. Internodes 6-7 cm. long. Leaves 12-22 em. long, 5°5-8°6 cm. broad; petioles 9-14 mm. long. Pedicels 4-7 mm. long. Eexterior sepals 2 mm. long, interior 3 mm. long. Petals + 8 mm. long. — This plant belongs to the series in which the anthers dehisce longitudinally—the flowers are rather large and arise from the axils of the large sub-coriaceous, glabrous leaves. [Sepals pale yellow, outline bright brown, petals yellow-creamy in high lights, dise cream, stamens with cream filaments, brownish- yellow anthers.—P. A. T.] SAPINDACEZ. Chytranthus macrophyllus Gilg var. nov. obanensis Bak. fil. Arbor, cortice brunneo ; foliis pinnatis circ. 5-6-jugis, rhachi fusco-tomentella, foliolis maximis inferioribus quam > rg i 20 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS minoribus oblongo-ovatis supra praeter costam glabris nitidis apice breviter acuminatis basi cuneatis utrinque nervis lateralibus 20-22, foliolis superioribus majoribus maximis nervis lateralibus 21-24 ante marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis nervis secundariis reticulatis ; inflorescentiis pseudo-racemosis elongatis spiciformibus e trunco erumpentibus rhachi angulata tomentella ; floribus in cymulas saepissime 2-6-floras dispositis, alabastris subglobosis pulcherrime atro-rubro-tomentosis ; bracteis bracteo- lisque parvis; calyce in parte 1—2 inferiore connato extrinsecus tomentoso ; petalis 3-5 oblanceolatis vel late oblanceolatis calyce longioribus squamula instructis ; staminibus circ. 8-9 disco maximo valde excentrico, filamentis hirtellis ; ovario rudimentario ; fructu non viso. Oban; n. 1596. Tree + 20 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves large 5-6-jugate ; proximal leaflets + 95 cm. long, 9-10 cm. broad; distal leaflets 35-45 em. long, 11-15 em. broad; midrib and lateral veins below prominent; rachis 40-50 em. or perhaps longer; petiolules thickened 8-10 mm. long. Inflorescence from the nodes of the old wood 20-85 cm. long. Calyx 7-8 mm. long. Petals 8-10 mm. long, 2°5-3°5 mm. broad. i Noticeable on account of the large leaves with 5-6 pairs of leaflets, the distal leaflets being 11—15 cm. broad, the buds subglobose. and covered with a dark violet tomentum and the broadly oblanceolate petals longer than the calyx. Differs from the type in the petals being distinetly longer than the calyx, in the inflorescence being longer (20-35 em.) and in the leaflets being broader (11-15 em.). Glossolepis Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor; foliis pinnatis multifoliolatis foliolis 8-9-jugis glabris oblongis apice acuminatis apice ipso obtusis nervis lateralibus utrinque 13-15 juxta marginem conjunctis foliolorum petiolulo brevi crassiusculo petiolo communi glabro longitudinaliter striato basi incrassato ; floribus masc. pseudo-racemosis brevipedicellatis in cymulas sepissime 2-4-floras dispositis; calycis segmentis acutis; petalis angustis dorso hirtis basin versus squamis instructis ; staminibus circ. 12 inequilongis filamentis hirtis ; disco magno excentrico : ovario crudo ; floribus fem. ignotis. Oban ; n. 1686. Leaves 60-85 cm. long, leaflets 15-20 cm. long, 5°5-6°0 em. broad, shining above, secondary nerves reticulate below ; petiolules 2-6 mm. long. Inflorescence + 22 em. long. Calyx 11 mm. long. Petals +11 mm. long. Stamens, filaments 10-12 mm. long. Differs from G. macrobotrys Gilg in having 8-9 pairs of leaflets ae = 4-5, and from G. Pilgeriana Gilg in the shorter acumen e leaf. Aporrhiza Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbuscula ramulis fusco-pubescentibus ; foliis magnis pinnatis rhachi brevissime SAPINDACEZ (E. G. Baker) 21 pubescente foliolis 4-5-jugis oblongis apice acuminatis distalibus quam proximalibus majoribus subcoriaceis supra nitidis subtus opacis nervis lateralibus numerosis 8-12 inter sese parallelis supra paullo subtus valde prominentibus venis minoribus pulcherrime et densissime reticulatis ; inflorescentiis terminalibus paniculatis brevissime flavescenti-pubescentibus quam inflores- _centiis C. wrophyllae Gilg longioribus foliis subaequilongis ramis multifloris cymulas confertas gerentibus; bracteis bracteolisque angustis ; calyce profunde 5-fido laciniis ovato-lanceolatis ; petalis calyce longioribus oblanceolatis hirtis ; capsula biscutellari semper biloculari breviter stipitata tomento brevissimo cano induta lateraliter compressa rimis lateralibus loculicide dehiscente. Oban ; n. 416. Tree about 7-10 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Proximal leaflets 6:0-10 em. long, 8:5-4:5 em. broad; distal leaflets reach 15 em. long and 5:5 em. in breadth. Petioles 2-8 mm. long. The whole leaf is + 30 em. long. Inflorescence 80-85 em. long. Calyx + 5 mm. long. Petals £ 5 mm. long. Fruit, one side often aborted, one fully developed side is + 10-12 mm. in diameter, 13-14 mm. in height. Differs from A. urophylla Gilg in the inflorescence being longer and in the fruit in this species not being so generally symmetrical. The fruit is not inflated as in A. paniculata Radl. and the leaves are different. Bersama lobulata Sprague & Hutchins. sp. nov. ; aff. B. paul- linioidi Baker, a qua foliolis numerosioribus integris, calycis lobo antico conspicue bifido vel trifido distinguitur. _ Arbor; ramuli robusti, brunnei, tenuiter fulvo-pubescentes, basi perulis stipularibus imbricatis triangulari-ovatis subobtusis ad 2:3 em. longis et 1*5 cm. latis rigide pergamentaceis intra glabris extra fulvo-tomentellis instructi ; folia 12-25 em. longa, rhachis exalata, supra late canaliculata, parce pubescens, foliola circiter 12-juga, superiora subsessilia, inferiora breviter petiolu- lata, superiora opposita, inferiora subalterna, lanceolata, oblongo- lanceolata vel elliptico-oblonga, acute acuminata, basi obtusa, inaequalia, integra, 3—7 em. longa, 1:3-2:7 cm. lata, firme chartacea, nitidula, utrinque glabra, nervis lateralibus utrinque 10-12 arcuatis intra marginem anastomosantibus prominentibus, venis laxissimis indistinctis ; stipulae lanceolatae, 1-2 em. longae, ad 8 mm. latae, ceterum ut in perulis ; racemi ramulorum apices . versus aggregati, circiter 15 cm. longi; rhachis robusta, basi circiter 3 mm. diametro, fulvo-pubescens ; bracteae subulato- filiformes, 1-1:5 mm. longae, dense pubescentes; pedicelli patentes, 1—1:2 cm. longi, puberuli; calyx extra minute puberulus vel fere glaber, intra glaber, lobi posticus et laterales ovati, apice obtusissimi vel rotundati, 4-5 mm. longi, 2:5-3 mm. lati, coriacei, minute ciliolati, lobus anticus superne bifidus, vel trifidus lobulo intermedio minimo, 5 mm. longus et latus ; petala 22 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS coriacea, recurva, subaequalia, lineari- vel spathulato-oblanceolata, apice rotundata, ad 1:2 cm. longa, 3 mm. lata, ungue intra glabro, ceterum utrinque dense appresse pubescentia ; stamina 5 vel 4, filamenta circiter 5 mm. longa, carnosa, inferne latiora et complanata, extra medio breviter villosa, intra inferne pubes- centia, antherae 2:5 mm. longae, parce pilosae ; discus posticus, l mm. altus, carnosus, glaber; ovarium obliquum, appresse pilosum, stylus 7 mm. longus, inferne parce puberulus, stigma subglobosum, 1 mm. diametro. Oban; n. 1376 (Herb. Kew.).—[T. A. S. & J. H.] ANACARDIACER. Triehoseypha Talbotii Bak. fil sp. nov. Ramuli striati teretes; foliis imparipinnatis circ. 3-jugis cum impari petiolo terete longitudinaliter striato fusco-pubescente foliolis magnis papyraceis ellipticis vel ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis apice acuminatis basi late cuneatis superne praeter costam impressam fere glabris nervis lateralibus utrinque 10-13 arcuatis prope marginem conjunctis jugis distantibus foliolis omnibus petiolulo breviuscule crasso instructis ; panicula laxissima in axillis foliorum superiorum multiramosa ramis divaricatis, pedicellis tenuibus quam floribus : saepissime longioribus; bracteolis angustis quam pedicellis brevi- oribus; calycis lobis ovatis quam petalis 2-3-plo brevioribus ; petalis ovatis nervis conspicuis ; staminibus quam petalis paullulum brevioribus; disco glabro. Oban; n. 579. Leaflets 20-25 cm. long, 10-14 em. broad. Petiolules 5-7 mm. long. Flowers + 3 mm. in diameter. Allied to T. camerunensis Engler, but distinguished by the form of the terminal leaflet. Triehoseypha longipetala Bak. fil sp. nov. Verisimiliter arbuscula ; foliis imparipinnatis foliolis praeter costam glabris in speciminibus mihi obviis 6—7 oblongis vel ovatis subcoriaceis basi cuneatis apice acuminatis in foliolis oblongis nervis lateralibus utrinque circ. 10-12 in foliolis ovatis circ. 9 juxta marginem inter se conjungentibus costa subtus prominente pubescente nervis secundariis subtus prominulis reticulatis; floribus pro genere majusculis saepe hermaphroditis in paniculam brevem et densam : dispositis ; calyce 4-lobo lobis ovatis petalis breviori; petalis pro genere majusculis ovatis acutis ; stylis 3 divergentibus stigmatibus capitellatis ; disco hirto; ovario uniloculari, ovulis solitariis pendulis. Oban ; n. 1681. Rachis t 35 cm. long; petiolules 3-4 mm. long, larger leaflets 20-23 cm. long t 7 cm. broad; smaller leaflets 14-16 cm. long, ANACARDIACER (E. G. Baker) 23 6'5-8 em. broad. Panicles many-flowered, + 8-12 em. long; rachis ee pedicels often longer than the flower. Petals 4-5 mm. ong. Allied to T. Mannii Hook. fil. The distinguishing features of this species are the imparipinnate leaves with 6-7 leaflets; the generally hermaphrodite flowers with ovate petals 4-5 mm. long, in a dense, short, many-flowered panicle 8-12 em. long ; and the hairy disc. Nothospondias Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Arbor elata, foliolis circa 15 breviter petiolulatis oblongis vel anguste oblongo- ovatis utrinque obtusis basi saepe obliquis papyraceis glabris; paniculís quam folia brevioribus minute fulvo-pubescentibus cito glabrescentibus; calycis pubescentis puberulive lobis deltoideis obtusis tubo brevioribus; petalis oblongis obtusis sepalis duplo longioribus reflexis; ovario ovoideo-oblongo apice truncato pro- minenter 8-sulcato sursum piloso ceterum glabro; stylo abbreviato apice 4-lobulato. Oban ; n. 230. j Axis of leaf about 7 dm. in length, swollen quite at the base, fistular, purplish-brown, shining. Leaflets usually 15-18 cm. long, 4-5 cm. broad, the basal obliquity not very marked and sometimes absent, greenish-brown when dry above, brown below, on both faces palely lucent; lateral nerves prominent on the underside, usually 6-8 on each side of midrib, openly arched, anfractuose towards the margin of the leaf; petiolules 5-7 mm. long. Panicle 30 cm. or more in length, its branches ascending or patent, and some- times so patent that the panicle may measure nearly 40 cm. across ; main axis as well as branches ancipitous. Flowers 6 to the fascicle or less; bracts about ‘3 mm. long, like the 3-4 mm. long pedicels tawny pubescent. Functionally male flowers alone seen. Calyx nearly 2 mm. long. Petals 5 mm. long, inserted upon a sort of torus (gland?) rather more than ‘5 mm. in height. Filaments 5-6 mm. long, the lower portion of each lying in one of the furrows of the ovary. Ovary with its four cells reduced to minute resin-filled cavities, 1*5 mm. long; style "3 mm. long. Several flowers were examined, but all proved to be males. The plant may thus possibly be diccious. S i The short stipe (torus) at the top of which the petals are inserted passed unnoticed by Engler when establishing the genus. - This stipe is certainly not present in some of the flowers of N. Staudtii Engl. examined, but in other cases there seems to be a perceptible interval between the insertion of the calycine whorl and the petaline. As N. Staudtii is polygamous, the variation in question may perhaps have some relation to this fact. It must be added that Ifailed to find either in N. Staudtiü or in N. Talbotii the dilated, deeply 4-lobed dise Engler describes. This, too, would therefore appear to be an inconstant character. : : lrrespective of certain floral points, the two species can be dis- tinguished on sight by the different leaflets.— [S. M.] 24 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS CONNARACEE. Spiropetalum liberosepalum Bak. fil. sp. nov. Verisimiliter frutex, foliis imparipinnatis 1-2-jugis rhachi tereti glabra foliolis distincte articulatis breviter petiolulatis rigide chartaceis oblongo-lanceolatis vel ovato-lanceolatis apice in acumen attenuatis basi rotundatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 4—5 arcuatis ante marginem conjunctis fol. terminali lateralibus longiore et latiore; inflorescentiis axillaribus pluri- vel multi-floris racemis foliis 3-4-plo brevioribus; pedunculis teretibus fusco-tomentellis ; caleycis lobis fusco-tomentellis fere ad basin liberis; petalis lineariligulatis calyce cire. 3-plo longioribus sub anthesi apice convolutis; staminibus 10 inaequilongis ; ovariis 5 sessilibus in stylos 5 filiformes calyci subaequilongos productis ; fructu ignoto. A S. odoro Gilg differt racemis longioribus, calyce non ad medium connato &c. Oban; n. 14044. Branches glabrous. Leaves lateral, leaflets glabrous, S-10 cm. long, 2°5-4°0 cm. broad, terminal leaflets 9-11 cm. long, 8:5-4:5 cm. broad; petiolules + 4 mm. long. Racemes 2-4 cm. long. Bracts 1-1:5 mm. long. Calyx + 4mm.long. Petals 12-14 mm. long. The distinguishing features of this plant are the 1-2-jugate imparipinnate leaves with chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate leaflets; the racemes about 2-4 cm. long; the nearly free sepals; and the linear-ligulate petals 12-14 mm. long. LEGUMINOSE. There are six new species of Leguminosz in the collection and three new varieties. Crotalaria Parsonsii sp. nov. (Section Simplicifolie) is a near ally of C. Vogelii Benth. and C. lineari- folia De Wild. Baphia obanensis sp. nov. belongs to the Sect. Delaria and has racemes of flowers from the old branches. There are two species of Angylocalyx. Dr. Taubert described this genus in Engler's Bot. Jahrb. xxiii. 172 (1897), the short racemes of flowers coming from the old wood and the ovary being adnate to the dorsal side of the calyx-tube. In the Flora of Tropical Africa, ii. 254, my father described Sophora oligophylla, but this belongs to Angylocalyx, and as the plant is in the present collection, n. 1251, I give a description of it under this genus. There is a very fine new species of Berlinia, which I have named B. Craibiana, and a new Macrolobium. Crotalaria (Simplicifolie) Parsonsii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Caulis erectus ramosus teres hirsutus; stipulis angustis linearibus ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis adpresse pilosis apice mucronatis basi cuneatis costa subtus conspicua petiolo brevi suffultis ; floribus LEGUMINOSA (E. G. Baker) 25 parviusculis in racemos elongatos terminales et laterales dispositis ; bracteis angustis quam pedicellis longioribus ; calycis tubo hirsuto dentibus brevibus ; vewillo, luteo calyce longiori ; alis unguiculatis vexillo brevioribus; carina dorso angulo recto curvata hinc in rostrum gracilem attenuata apice acuta; ovario lineari ; legumine ignoto. Nigeria: River Benue, Talbot, n. 449; Lokoja, A. C. Parsons, n. L 38 (Herb. Kew.). Stem 4-5 ft. (fide Dr. Parsons), branches ascending. Stipules 3-4 mm. long. Leaves hirsute, 6-8 em. long, 5-11 mm. broad; petioles 2-4 mm. long. Bracts 5-6 mm. long; bracteoles narrow. Standard yellow with brown lines, + 9 mm. long. Wings with claw t 7mm.long. Carina bent ata right angle with claws, 8-9 mm. long. Closely allied to C. Vogelii Benth. in the Simplieifolie. It differs by its shorter calyx-teeth, &c. : It is also closely allied to C. linearifolia De Wild. Etudes Fl. Bas et Moyen Congo, 257, t. xiv. figs. 8-9, but differs by the broader leaves and acute, not blunt, apex of the carina. The distinguishing features of this plant are the terete, hirsute, branched stem 1-1°6 metre high; the linear-lanceolate, hirsute leaves with a petiole 2-4 mm. long; the rather lax, virgate racemes of rather small, yellow flowers; the carina + 7-9 mm. long, bent at a ~ right angle with a slender rostrum. Baphia (Delaria) obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor mediocris sec. cl. detectorem ramulis cinereo-corticatis ; foliis papyraceis ovatis vel ellipticis glabris vel glabriusculis basi late cuneatis vel cuneato-rotundatis apice mucronatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 5—6 arcuatis prope marginem inter se conjungentibus petiolo brevi suffultis; floribus pro genere parviusculis racemosis e ramis . vetustioribus ortis; pedicellis gracilibus striatis patentibus teretibus; bracteolis late ovatis parvis; calyce glabro spathaceo membranaceo ; vexillo obovato bilobo calyce paullo longiori; alis late oblongis basi unguiculatis; carina naviculariformi ungue brevi; filamentis filiformibus; ovario lineari curvato in stylum gradatim attenuato. Oban ; n. 1682. Tree about 10 metres high. Leaves 8-13 em. long, 4:5-6:5 em. broad; petiole 5-6 mm. long. Flowers in lax racemes from the stem and old branches. Pedicels 6-8 mm. long. Calyx + 7-8 mm. long. Standard slightly longer than the calyx. Carina about 10 mm. long. [Flower stalks vivid dark green, calyx green. Standard white, yellow at base, other petals white. Pistil and filaments green, anthers dull yellow.—P. A. T.] s Baphia orbiculata Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor ramulis teretibus superne fusco-tomentellis ; foliis coriaceis ovalibus vel suborbi- cularibus vel ovatis supra glabris subtus pubescentibus nervis lateralibus 6-8 apice saepe rotundatis basi rotundatis vel leviter 26 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS subcordatis petiolo mediocri suffultis; floribus ad axillas fasci- culatis; pedicellis fusco-tomentosis, bracteolis 2 ovatis fusco- tomentosis calyce brevioribus; calyce extus fusco-tomentoso per anthesin spathaceo-fisso ; vexillo orbiculato ; alis oblongis carinam aequantibus vel paullulum superantibus; carina leviter incurva obtusa petalis dorso subcohaerantibus ; staminibus liberis antheris filamentis multo brevioribus; ovario subsessili fusco-villoso stylo tenui incurvo stigmate parvo terminali. Oban; n. 1557. Tree about 8-12 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves suborbicular, coriaceous, + 6-7 cm. long and broad, upper leaves ovate or obovate, lateral nerves patent, conspicuous below, petioles 1-2 cm. long. Calyx 13-15 mm. long. Wings + 15 mm. long. Carina + 15 mm. long. Noticeable on account of the suborbicular coriaceous leaves, fasci- culate axillary flowers, thick spathaceous calyx and slightly incurved obtuse carina about 15 mm. long. Belongs to the Sect. Delaria § 1 Genuine Harms. Allied to B. maxima Baker; differs in the shape of the leaves, &e. [Two bracts dull bronze, sepals dull bronze outside, white inside, five petals white with a yellow mark down centre, stigma white, ovary dull bronzy-green.—P. A. T.] Baphia leptobotrys Harms var. nov. nigeriea Bak. fil. Frutex scandens sec. cl. detectorem, ramulis teretibus ; foliis oblongis acuminatis papyraceis quam iis typi longioribus et angustioribus petiolo mediocri suffultis ; floribus in racemos laxos dispositis ; bracteolis parvis. Oban, Kwa River; n. 1554. Leaves 8-13 cm. long, 3-5 cm. broad; petioles about 25 mm. long. Racemes 2-6 cm. long. [Sepals pale green, petals white. —P. A. T.] Angyloealyx oligophyllus Bak. fil. comb. nov. Sophora oligophylla Baker in Fl. Trop. Afr. ii. 254. Frutex vel arbuscula ; folis 5foliolatis rhachi tereti glabra, foliolis chartaceis proxi- malibus ovatis vel ovato-oblongis apice longe cuspidato-acuminatis basi rotundatis foliolis distalibus majoribus ellipticis vel oblongo- ellipticis apice cuspidato-acuminatis nervis lateralibus in foliolis proximalibus 5-6 in distalibus 7-8 arcuatis ; floribus breviter pedicellatis racemosis racemis brevibus e ligno adultiore erum- pentibus; calycis tubo cylindrico sursum curvato basi inferiore saccato-umbonato limbo oblique cupulato tubo longiori; vezillo ovato-spathulato basi sensim in unguem attenuato calycis limbo 2—3-plo longiori; alis vexillo brevioribus anguste oblongis; fila- mentis glabris antheris oblongis ; ovario angusto. . Oban ; n. 1251. Leaflets alternate, proximal leaflets 11-13 em. long, 47-57 mm. broad ; distal leaflets longer, 18-22 cm. long, 6-7 cm. broad; common LEGUMINOS& (E. G. Baker) 27 rachis + 16 cm. long; petiolules 5-6 mm, long. Calyx-tube striate, glabrous, + 7 mm. long; limb 9-10 mm. Standard, total length + 24 mm. long, with green mark up the middle extending to a white rim round the edge. Differs from A, ramiflorus Taub. by the proximal leaflets being much more lengthily (+ 2cm.) cuspidate-acuminate at the apex and the standard being + 24 mm. long instead of 10-11 mm. (Jide Taubert), and the calyx-limb being 9-10 instead of 6 mm. (fide Taubert). Differs from A. Vermeulenii De Wild. in the longer limb of the calyx, ke. Angylocalyx trifoliolatus Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex vel arbus- cula; foliis chartaceis trifoliolatis foliolis inter majores generis proximalibus minoribus late ovatis vel orbiculariovatis apice breviter acuminatis basi rotundatis nervis lateralibus superne impressis utrinque cire. 5-6 foliolis terminalibus majoribus nervis lateralibus 7—8 basi cuneatis rhachi communi glabra folio- lorum petiolulis brevibus incrassatis; floribus racemosis racemis breviusculis e ligno adultiore erumpentibus ; calycis tubo cylindrico lineato limbo oblique cupulato tubo longiori; vezillo ovato- spathulato in unguem attenuato calycis limbo 2—3-plo longiori ; filamentis glabris; ovario angusto pubescente in stipitem longum attenuato ; legumine ignoto. Oban ; n. 74. Leaflets lateral, 13-18 em. long, 8°5-10°3 cm. broad; terminal leaflets longer, 22-23 cm. long + 14 cm. broad. Racemes + 2:5 cm. long; pedicels 3-4 mm. long. Calyx-tube + T mm. long; limb + 8 mm. long. Standard (including claw) + 26 mm. long. Wings narrow. The distinguishing features of this species are the trifoliolate leaves with large terminal leaflets and short apices to the leaflets ; the racemes + 2-5 cm. long; the calyx-tube + 7 mm. long, the limbs slightly longer; the standard + 26 mm. long; and the linear pubescent ovary. Berlinia Craibiana Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbor alta; foliis imparipinnatis circ. 4-jugis cum impari foliolis papyraceis proxi- malibus minoribus ovatis glabris nervis lateralibus circ. 6 foliolis distalibus majoribus oblongis vel oblongo-obovatis nervis laterali- bus 7-10 nervis secundariis tenuibus reticulatis apice breviter acuminatis basi cuneatis foliolorum petiolulo brevi; floribus pani- culatis ; bracteolis crassis obovatis concavis extrinsecus fusco- pubescentibus vel fusco-tomentellis ; calycis tubo pubescente cylindrico segmentis angustis tenuibus elongatis ; petalis 5 summo longe unguiculato spathulato-obovato inferioribus minoribus ; staminibus 10 basi connatis filamentis elongatis teretibus ; ovario stipitato cano vel fusco-tomentoso, stylo filiformi, stigmate parvo terminali ; legumine ignoto. i ; 28 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Oban; n. 1524. = Tree about 40 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot) Proximal leaflets + 9 em. long, + 5 cm. broad ; distal leaflets 12-16 cm. long, 5:5- 6:5 em. broad; leaf-rachis fusco-tomentellous. Bracts 45-50 mm. long. Calyx-segments petaloid, 80-35 mm. long. Largest petal, together with claw, 6-7 cm. long, others much smaller. Stamens, filaments + 7 cm. long. Closely allied to B. acuminata Solander, but differs in the character of the inflorescence and the pubescent calyx-tube ; the smaller petals are distinctly shorter than the calyx. I have named this plant in honour of Mr. W. Craib of the Kew Herbarium. [Petals, 5 white, 1 large, 2 small and 8 smaller; 5 sepals palest green ; 10 stamens, anthers dull brown.—P. A. 74 Maerolobium obanense Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbor mediocris sec. el. detectorem ramulis teretibus ; foliis paripinnatis saepissime -Jugis foliolis distalibus majoribus oblongo-obovatis apice acutis basi euneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque + 7 subtus prominulis foliolis proximalibus minoribus ovatis vel ellipticis apice acutis basi late cuneatis omnibus petiolulis crassiusculis breviusculis rhachi pubescente ; inflorescentiis elongatis racemoso-paniculatis rhachi angulata fulvo-pubescente ; bracteolis oblongis concavis alabastrum 2-valvatim includentibus extrinsecus fulvo-pubescen- tibus ; calycis segmentis oblongis ; petalis saepissime 4 unguiculatis in alabastro complicato-cucullatis ; staminibus perfectis longis liberis; ovario hirsuto stipitato stipite calycis tubo adnato multiovulato, stylo filiformi ; legumine juvenili hirsuto. Oban ; n. 1428, Leaves, distal pair of leaflets 15-16 cm. long, 6:5-7:2 em. broad, proximal pair of leaflets 8-9 cm. long, 4:5-5:0 em. broad. Bracteoles 10-14 mm. long. Largest petal unguiculate + 15 mm. long. [Braets bright green, shaded bronze; 4 sepals pale green ; 5 petals white, base of petals cream; pistil pale green; style white; stigma pale yellow ; stamens 3 white.—P. A. T] Maerolobium demonstrans Oliver var. nov. Talbotii Bak. fil. Arbor parva ; foliis abrupte pinnatis circ. 3-jugis foliolis oblongo- obovatis vel oblongis basi inaequilateraliter subcordatis ; floribus paniculatis; bracteolis ovatis alabastrum 2-valvatim includenti- bus; calycis segmentis angustis; petalo quinto majore reliquis minoribus ; staminibus perfectis 3; ovario ferrugineo-hirto; stylo filiformi hirto ; leguminibus oblique oblongis lateraliter compressis sutura superiore parum incrassata lateraliter conspicue nervosis. Oban, Obutong Road; n. 1504. Tree about 7 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Diff-rs from type in the narrower Jeaflets and more or less hairy style, that of the type being described as glabrous. The largest petal, together with the claw, is + 15 mm. long, and not so caudate at the base as figured by Baillon. LEGUMINOS& (E. G. Baker) 29 Maerolobium leptorrhachis Harms var. nov. nigerieum Bak. fil. Verisimiliter arbor ; foliis abrupte pinnatis circ. 2-jugis foliolis oblongo-oblanceolis nervis lateralibus 13-16 prope marginem con- junetis rhachi non alata; floribus racemoso-paniculatis rhachi valde elongata hujus ramis patentibus quam iis typi longi- oribus ; bracteolis 2 concavis; petalo summo unguiculato reliquis ininoribus. Oban; n. 502. Leaflets 20-25 cm. long, 8:0-8:5 em. broad; rachis not alate. Rachis of inflorescence + 90 cm. long. ROSACEZE. i Acioa Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbuscula ramulis cinereo- tomentosis ; foliis oblongis vel ovato-oblongis coriaceis basi rotundatis apice acuminatis supra nitidis costa subtus impressa tomentosa nervis lateralibus utrinque 7-9 foliorum petiolo brevi, stipulis saepissime delapsis dorso hirsutis ; floribus in racemos axillares dispositis racemis foliis brevioribus; calycis tubo elongato einereo-tomentoso basi tenui lobis oblongis petalis calyce longioribus; staminibus numerosis filamentis plus minus monadelphis antheris parvis; ovario cinereo-villoso fauci calycis excentrice adnato. Oban ; n. 1533. Tree about 7 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 9:5-18 cm. long, 4*0-5:2 em. broad; petioles + 3 mm. long. Racemes 8:5-4:5 cm. long. Calyx-tube 92:8-2:4 em. long, lobes + 6 mm. long. Petals at an early period deeiduous, white. Style long, slender. Very closely allied to A. Dinklagei Engler. Differs in the smaller stipules, the midrib of the leaf being impressed below, the much smaller flowers with narrower lobes of the calyx and the narrower bracteoles. [The pistil is bright dark green at tip, white at base; the stamens have very dark green anthers, filaments gradually paler from where they join, quite white at base; hairs on the ovary bright yellow. —P. A. T.] MYRTACEZ. The collection contains a very curious and interesting new genus Crateranthus, allied to Asteranthos and Napoleona. It differs from Napoleona, as will be seen from the figure, in the stamens and other characters. Some of the most interesting plants in the collection are the new species of Napoleona. In the species of this genus which have been hitherto described the flowers are solitary or in twos or threes, but Napoleona Eyertonii, one of the new species in the present collection, has a paniculate inflorescence, and in two other novelties the flowers are in 30 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS clusters of 5-30. In Napoleona parviflora sp. nov., the leaves are small, glaucous and very acuminate, and the flowers are small. I have included the description of Napoleona Gossweileri sp. nov., which is strikingly different from the other species of the genus. It comes from Angola, and was collected by Mr. John Gossweiler. Eugenia obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex sec. cl. detec- torem ramulis tenuibus plus minus applanatis glabrescentibus ; foliis subcoriaceis ellipticis glauco-viridibus acuminatis apice ipso obtusis utrinque glabris nervis lateralibus tenuibus utrinque 8-12 juxta marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis nervis secundariis tenuibus costa superne impressa foliorum petiolo brevi superne canaliculato ; floribus in axillis foliorum glomerulatis glomerulis paucifloris subsessilibus ; sepalis 4 ovatis concavis margine ciliatis quam petalis brevioribus extrinsecus pubescentibus ; petalis ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis calyce subduplo longioribus ; staminibus numero- sissimis filamentis filiformibus petalis brevioribus antheris parvi- usculis; stylo filiformi. Oban ; n. 1651. Leaves opposite, 7:5-10 em. long, 2:8-8:5 cm. broad; petioles 2-3 mm. long. Sepals t 2 mm. long. Petals + 6 mm. long. This plant is probably conspecific with Mann, n. 263, from Fernando Po, which has been wrongly referred to E. calophylloides DC. It is also allied to E. Zenkeri Engler, but has narrower leaves. Napoleona parviflora Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor ramis insigniter angulatis argenteo-albidis ; foliis parviusculis oblongis apice longe et insigniter acuminatis basi late cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 5-7 foliorum petiolo brevissimo superne canaliculato ; floribus axillaribus parviusculis; calycis tubo ex- trinsecus plus minus verrucoso limbo valvatim 5-fido ; verticillo primo in membranam orbiculatam petaloideam in ligulas circ. 26 plus minus connato, verticillo tertio in cupulam petaloideam connato apice in ligulas fisso ; verticillo interiore centrum versus inflexo ; fructu depresso-globoso calycis limbo coronato. Oban ; n. 198. i Leaves 9-10°5 cm. long, including the acumen, 2-3 cm. broad; acumen + 15 mm. long. Flowers small, diameter 22-25 mm. Calyx lacinie triangular acute; first verticil more or less cut up into lacinie ; third verticil a membranous cup cut up into lacinie; staminiferous verticil with inflexed filaments. Allied to N. Vogelii Hook. & Planchon, but the leaves are narrower and the flowers smaller. The distinguishing features of this species are the small, oblong, very acuminate leaves with a subspathulate apex, the small flowers (the total diameter being 92-95 mm.), the third vertieil stands up instead of bending over. MYRTACE& (E. G. Baker) 31 Napoleona Alexanderi D. Talbot & Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor vel arbuscula, ramulis teretibus fere glabris; foliis oblongo- obovatis apice cuspidatis margine fere integris vel sinuato- crenatis supra subnitentibus costa tenuiter impressa nervis lateralibus divergentibus utrinque 8-10 subtus prominentibus petiolo brevi suffultis ; floribus axillaribus 3-5 fasciculatis sub- sessilibus ; bracteolis rotundatis ; sepalis 5 acutis triangularibus ; verticillo primo petaloideo orbiculato rotato albido-lacteo centrum versus roseo margine crenulato subtus nervis radiantibus circ. 35 donato; verticillo tertio e segmentis circ. 35 superne liberis et centrum versus inflexis basi in cupulam connatis ; verticillo interiore e filamentis cire. 20 plano-linearibus inflexis ; stylo brevi apice in discum peltatum expanso, stigmatibus 5 versus margines disci radiantibus ; fructu depresse subgloboso ambitu obsolete 5-lobo vestigiis calycis coronato circ. 6-loculari seminibus in quoque loculo solitariis. Oban ; n. 9974. A tree reaching a height of 30 metres. Leaves 18-21 cm. long, t 7:5 cm. broad; petiole + 5 mm. long. Flowers, first petaloid verticil about 40 mm. in diameter, creamy-white, rose-coloured towards the centre, with about 35 radiating nerves; second verticil composed of about 45 linear segments. Interior verticil composed of about 20 flat, linear, inflexed filaments. Fruit + 7 cm. in diameter. The leading characteristics of this species are the oblong-obovate, cuspidate leaves; the flowers in fascicles of 3-5, the first verticil creamy-white, rose-coloured towards the centre, about 40 mm. in diameter, the third verticil carmine at the base, composed of about 35 linear inflexed segments and not erect, and the depressed globose fruit, about 7 cm. in diameter, obsoletely 5-lobed. Named after the late Captain Boyd Alexander. Napoleona megaearpa Bak. fil. sp. nov. Verisimiliter arbor ramulis angulatis ; foliis papyraceo-coriaceis oblongis vel oblongo- Oblanceolatis apice insigniter cuspidatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus 8-9 prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis nervis secundariis tenuibus reticulatis petiolo brevi crasso limbo sub 30-plo breviore; floribus mediocribus axillaribus; sepalis acutis ovatis apice extus 2-3 glandulosis ; verticillo primo petaloideo rotato subtus nervis crassis radiantibus 26-30 donato in lacinias plus minus fisso ; verticillo secundo in filamentis liberis fisso; verticillo tertio e filamentis superne liberis inferne in cupulam connatis; verticillo interiore e filamentis cire. 20 com- posito et centrum versus inflexo ; ovario infero 5-loculari ; fructu sec. cl. detectorem maximo. Oban ; n. 194. Leaves 18-24 cm. long, 55-70 mm. broad; petiole thick, 6-7 mm. long. Flowers, first verticil petaloid more or less broken up into laciniae about 40 mm. in diameter; second vertieil of linear seg- 32 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS ments; third verticil of free segments above, but joined into a cup below ; interior verticil of about 20 inflexed filaments. This species is allied to N. cuspidata Miers. It is noticeable on account of the oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, distinetly cu-pidate, papyraceo-coriaceous leaves, 18-24 cm. long, 55-70 mm. broad, and the flowers about 40 mm. in diameter, the first petaloid verticil being more or less broken up into laciniae. Napoleona Gossweileri Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex semper- virens ; foliis parviusculis oblongo-oblanceolatis vel. anguste oblongis margine integris apice obtusis basi cuneatis coriaceis superne glabris nervis lateralibus utrinque 6-7 nervis secundariis tenuibus subtus reticulatis petiolo brevi limbo sub 30-plo breviore ; floribus mediocribus saepissime solitariis ex apicibus ramulorum oriundis ; sepalis 5 ovatis acutis apice extus biglandulosis ; verti- eillo primo petaloideo eupuliformi subtus nervis crassis circ. 35 radiantibus donato ; verticillo secundo e filamentis linearibus liberis composito; verticillo tertio e segmentis plano-linearibus apice liberis basi in cupulam connatis ; verticillo interiore e fila- mentis plano-linearibus et centrum ver: l sus inflexis ; ovario infero 5-loculari ; fructu depresse globoso sepalis coronato extus plus minus verrucoso. d Angola : plentiful east of Rio Cuebe; between Rio Cambambe and Rio Cuartiri, ‚ Gossweiler; n. 2609; in open dwarfy thickets at Kassuango Kuiriri, Gossweiler; n. 3361. An evergreen shrub with a woody rootstock. Leaves 5-75 cm. long, 20-25 mm. broad ; petiole + 2 mm. long. Flowers fragrant, rose-white to pure white (Gossweiler). First verticil petaloid, cupuli- form, with about 35 ribs, 45-50 mm. in diameter; second verticil of radiating linear segments; third verticil of about 40 flat linear segments united into a cup below; interior verticil inflexed. Ovary 5-locular. Fruit crowned with the remains of the calyx, depressed- globose, verrucose externally. : iine KE. en een by the rather small, coriaceous, - ceolate or oblong leaves, 5-7°5 3 . broad, blunt at the apex, k en : and by the flowers at the apex of Free oia with a cupuliform, petaloid, first vertieil 45-50 bed in Napoleona Talbotii Bak. fil. Sp. nov. Arbor ramulis glabris subangulatis ; foliis subcoriaceis glabris oblongis vel ER oblanceolatis apice in acumen attenuatis basi late cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 8-9 „prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis petiolo: brevissimo superne canaliculato quam lamina circ. 40-plo breviore ; floribus majusculis e trunco ortis plus in eupulam connatis ; verticillo MYRTACER (E. G. Baker) 33 centrum versus inflexo ; ovario infero 5-loculari ; fructu depresse globoso calycis limbo coronato 10-lobato. Oban; n. 195. In flower August 10. Leaves 14-20 em. long, 4:5-5 cm. broad; petioles about 2 mm. long. Sepals greenish-cream. First vertieil cream-coloured, some- what cut up into segments, 4-5 em. in diameter; second verticil composed of free segments ; third verticil composed of segments free above and connate into a cup below; interior vertieil composed of inflexed filaments. Ovary 5-locular. Fruit depressed-globose, 10- lobed, brown. The distinguishing features of this species are the oblong or oblong-oblanceolate acuminate leaves; the medium-sized flowers distinetly pedicellate in clusters of 5-10; the corolla cream-coloured and much cut up; the deep mauve dog-tooth markings at the base of the third whorl; and the 10-lobed fruit. Napoleona Gaseoignei Bak. fil. sp. nov. Arbor ramulis glabris ; foliis oblongis vel oblongo-oblanceolatis apice in acumen attenuatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 7-9 prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjungentibus petiolo brevi superne canaliculato quam lamina circ. 60-65-plo breviore ; floribus inter mediocres generis numerosis (saepissime 10-30) e trunco ortis albis vel lacteo-albis; verticillo primo cupuliformi petaloideo orbiculato circ. 25-plicato lacteo-albo; vertieillo secundo in lacinias lineares et numerosas fisso; verticillo tertio basi in cupulam connato superne libero albo ; verticillo interiore centrum versus inflexo ; ovario 5-loculari ; fructu depresso-globoso conspicue 9-lobato calycis limbo coronato. Oban, Obutong Road ; n. 1223. Leaves 95-96 em. long, 60-64 mm. broad; petiole about 4 mm. long. Flowers in clusters of 10-30. First verticil cream-coloured petaloid orbieular with 25-80 ribs, 30-35 mm. in diameter; second verticil composed of linear free segments ; third verticil connate into a cup below, free above, white; interior verticil composed of linear filaments inflexed towards the centre of the flower, white. Fruit 3°5-4°0 em. in diameter. The distinguishing features of this species are the oblong or oblong-oblanceolate acuminate leaves; the flowers 30-35 mm. in diameter in clusters of 10-80, first verticil cream-coloured, the remaining portion of the flower white; and the depressed-globose fruit conspicuously 5-lobed, crowned with the remains of the calyx. Named in honour of Mrs. Trench Gascoigne in recognition of her keen interest in Tropical plants. Napoleona Egertonii Bak. fil sp. nov. Arbor sec. cl. detectorem ; foliis oblongo-obovatis subcoriaceis apice cuspidatis basi cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque 4-5 arcuatim adscenden- tibus petiolo brevi suffultis superne nitidis subtus nervis costaque strigoso-pubescentibus; inflorescentia maxime mira paniculata pedunculata ; calyce adhaerente 5-fido laciniis pem - 34 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS lanceolatis ; verticillo primo concavo-hemisphaerico petaloideo ; verticillo secundo profunde in lacinias angustas et puberulas patentes fisso; verticillo interiore margine multifido inflexo ; staminibus circ. 24 filamentis membranaceis latis ; disco annulari j ovario carnoso loculis 5, stylo pentagono, stigmate disciformi. pentagono. (Pl. 4B.) Oban; n. 997. Leaves 17-18 cm. long, 7:5-8:0 em. broad; petiole about 6 mm. long. Calyx about 11 mm. long, laciniae + 9 mm. long. First petaloid verticil about 42 mm. in diameter, concave, hemispherical; second verticil deeply cut into narrow puberulous, patent laciniæ ; interior verticil with multifid margin. The paniculate inflorescence is a noticeable feature of this species. Named after the late Governor of Southern Nigeria, Sir Walter Egerton. CLAVIS OF SPECIES OF NAPOLEONA. A. Flowers solitary or in 2's or 3's, very rarely more numerous. a. Flowers small, 22-95 mm. in diam Leaves small, 9-10°5 cm. long, apex very acuminate. EN pororaa Bak BE. AOR ELDELE bue B. Flowers small, + 26 mm. in diam. Leaves large, + 18-25 cm. long, shortly and bluntly acuminate. 2. N. Mannii Miers................... are Fernando Po. y. Flowers medium-sized or large. (a) Corolla ultramarine-blue. Leaves oblong-ovate, 11-15 cm. long. B. Imperiale BERN SN anne. Benin. (b) Corolla reddish-purple. Leaves oblong-elliptical, 9-14 em. long. Eee I Senegambia. (c) Corolla exterior portion yellow, inside reddish. Leaves elliptical, rather small, 8-10 cm. long. 5. N. Vogelit Hook. & Planch.................... Lagos, Cape Palmas. (d) Corolla exterior apricot-yellow, reddish in middle. : Leaves oblong-elliptical, 11-16 cm. long. 6. N. Whitfieldü Lemaire ............................ Sierra Leone, &c. (e) Corolla exterior apricot-yellow, interior rose-coloured. Leaves obovate-oblong, 12-19 cm. long. V. NS Miers Hook. Bl... Ss een Trop. W. Africa, Oban. : (f) Corolla margin pále yellow, purple in middle. Leaves oblong, euspidate, 15-21 cm. long. BEN: ouspidata Mibi. in Lo o Old Calabar. (g) Corolla at first milky-white, later discolorous. Leaves oblong-obovate, cuspidate, 12-20 cm. long. MYRTACEJE (E. G. Baker) 35 9. N. Alewandert. Talbot & Bak.fil.................... 2... Oban. (h) Corolla colour not known. Leavesoblong-oblanceolate or elliptical-oblanceolate, cuspidate, 18-24 cm. long. Fruit large. 10. N. megacarpa Bali Gli is una Oban. (©) Corolla white or rose-white. . Leaves small, oblong-oblanceolate or oblong, 5- 1:5 em. long. UL NS Owner Duk Hio dior o A IRL Od Angola. B. Flowers in clusters of 5-10, pedicellate. _ Corolla white, deep mauve dog-tooth marking at base of third whorl. 12, N. Talbot Bak. BL... e lee a Oban. C. Flowers in clusters of 10-30. Corolla cream-coloured, rest of flower white with no dog- tooth marking. IB, N. Gescow nd Bak Bl. eos uo coi one orav ecc Oban. D. Flowers paniculate. BEING Egeortona Bal, HE oes eure enne —Á— Oban. CRATERANTHUS Bak. fil. gen. nov. Calycis tubus brevissimus, limbus 3-partitus, lobi coriacei superne herbacei. Series simplex in membranam cupuliformem petaloideam circ. 30-plicatam expansa, margine revoluta breviter lobata, extrinsecus costae maxime prominentes dorso supra medium processu brevi crassiusculo compresso onustae. Stamina numero- sissima, Oo-seriata; filamentis elongatis antheris basifixis longi- tudinaliter dehiscentibus. Stylus crassus, apicem versus attenua- tus; stigmate parvo. Ovarium semi-superum, 3-loculare, ovulis in quoque loculo pluribus, campylotropis. Discus parvus, integer, ovarium circumdans. Arbor. Rami alati. Folia alterna brevipetiolata semper- virentia integerrima pennivenia impunctata. Flores speciosi ad axillas solitarii. Bracteae paucae vel numerosae imbricatae ovatae semiamplexicaules externe parvae interiores gradatim majores. This interesting novelty is intermediate in structure between the genera Napoleona and Asteranthos a Tropical South American genus. It differs from Napoleona in having only a single whorl between calyx and stamens, and not 3 as in that genus. It differs from Asteranthos in the calyx, &e. The terminology of the different parts of the flower of these curious and somewhat anomalous Myrtaceæ differs in different botanical works. Dr. Niedenzu, in Engl. & Prantl Pflanzenfamilien III. 7, considers these plants apetalous. is 36 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS C. Talbotii sp. unica. Arbor alta sec. cl. detectorem, ramulis bilateraliter late alatis; foliis alternis majusculis brevissime petiolatis tenuiter coriaceis griseis utrinque glabris costa subtus conspieua basi saepe inaequaliter subcordatis apice saepissime acutis apice ipso obtusis nervis lateralibus utrinque 10-14 prope marginem arcu intramarginali conjunctis; „floribus axillaribus solitariis; calyce coriaceo superne membranaceo 3-partito aesti- vatione valvato; serie simplici in membranam cupuliformem petaloideam circ. 30-plicatam connata margine recurvata punicea ; staminibus numerosis epipetalis basin versus corollae insertis pluriserialibus ; stylo lineari-filiformi, stigmate parvo; ovario semisupero ovulis in quoque loculo pluribus. (Pl. 5.) Oban, Ndekke, Ekong Road ; n. 5. Tree + 86 metres. Branches dull grey-green or brown, winged in parts. .Leaves of form with crimson flowers 25-40 cm. long, 8-10 em. broad; leaves of form with rose-pink flowers smaller oblong-obovate, or oblong greyish; costa prominent below; petioles thick, 3-4 mm. long. Flowers showy. Bracts pale green. Stamino- dial corona cupuliform, about 30-ribbed, margin revolute, creamy- white, ribs pink, between ribs bright cerise (fide Mrs. Talbot), 30-35 mm. high. Fruit shaded carmine (fide Mrs. Talbot). Var. parvifolia. Folia quam ea typi minora et apice obtusiora ; floribus roseis. Oban ; n. 54. This variety differs in having shorter blunter leaves and rose pink flowers. Leaves 15-16 cm. long, 7-9 em. broad. . Var. multibraeteata. Folia glauco-viridia iis typi sub- similia; a typo differt bracteis numerosioribus in seriebus 4—5 dispositis. Oban ; no. 1643. Differs from the type in having the bracts in 4-5 rows instead of generally 2. MELASTOMACEE. Dissotis Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. Suffrutex videtur, caule erecto ramoso + angulato plus minus scabro; foliis ovato- lanceolatis distantibus petiolatis apice basique acutis D-nerviis utrinque pilis conspersis petiolo superne canaliculato ad 1 longi- tudinis laminam subaequante ; floribus in capitulis dispositis, capitulis bracteis involucratis breviter pedunculatis saepe 5-7- floris; bracteis late ovatis apice mucronatis ; calycis tubo ovoideo- globoso apicem versus annulis 2 ciliarum eircumdato laciniis lanceolatis glabris ; petalis margine ciliatis; ovario disco setoso coronato 5-loculari. MELASTOMACE (E. G. Baker) 37 Oban; n. 591. Apparently an undershrub with ascending branches. Leaves 7-11 em. long, 28-27 mm. broad, covered with hairs on both sides; petioles 15-17 mm. long. Flowers in dense pedunculate capitula. Calyx- tube with 9 rings of bristles towards the apex—the upper ring complete, the lower more or less incomplete. This species is allied to Dissotis capitata Hook. fil. The dis- tinguishing features are the erect branching stem; the ovate-lanceo- late, petiolate, 5-nerved leaves; the pentamerous flowers in dense generally 5-7-flowered pedunculate heads; the calyx-tube surrounded near the apex with two rings of bristles, the upper a complete ring, the lower incomplete. Memecylon applanatum Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex ramis teretiusculis cortice cinereo tectis; foliis breviter petiolatis oblongis vel elliptieis coriaceo-papyraceis utrinque opacis apice longissime acuminatis basi cuneatis l-nerviis nervis transver- salibus subtus non vel vix conspicuis venis omnino inconspicuis ; Jloribus in foliorum axillis in cymas subumbelliformes breviter pedunculatas dispositis pedunculis applanatis cymis paucifloris pedicellis mediocribus ; receptaculi parte superiore pateriformi ; sepalis triangulariformibus ; petalis late ovatis latioribus quam longis staminibus aequalibus filamentis filiformibus ; antheris brevibus loculis rima antice dehiscentibus ; ovario omnino adhae- rente ; stylo filiformi staminibus aequilongo vel paullo longiori. Oban ; n. 1606. Shrub about 8 or 4 metres high (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves 18-20 em. long, 5:5-7:0 em. broad; petioles 5-7 mm. long, l-nerved ; lateral nerves inconspicuous. Flowers in the axils of the leaves in 3-5-flowered pedunculate subumbelliform cymes. Peduncles flattened, 5-8 mm. long. Pedicels slender terete, 5-8 mm. long. : The noticeable features of this species are the coriaceo- papyraceous, oblong or elliptical, 1-nerved leaves, generally 18-20 em. long; the flowers in the axils of the leaves in subumbelliform TM peduneulate cymes ; and the flattened peduncles 5-8 mm. ong. : [Calyx palest green, petals thin cobalt-blue, filaments thin blue, anthers pale yellow.—P. A. T.] Memecylon obanense Bak. fil. sp. nov. Frutex ramulis subteretibus brunneis ; foliis crassiusculis ellipticis vel oblongis apice acuminatis basi acutis subtus jugo laterali tenui prope marginem percurrente in nervulos utrinque 9-10 tranversales curvato at illis aequivalido venis supra inconspicuis; floribus paniculato-eymosis cymis in axillis foliorum dispositis laxe multi- floris pedicellis tenuibus; bracteolis ad pedicellorum basin brevi- bus; receptaculi parte superiore pateriformi vix dentato; petalis concavis latioribus quam longis margine hyalinis; staminibus stylo subaequilongis ; stylo tereti; fruetu ignoto. 38 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Oban; n. 486. Shrub 3-4 metres (fide Mrs. Talbot). Leaves with lateral nerves not conspicuous above, intramarginal nerve not conspicuous, curving to meet each of the lateral nerves, 10-17 cm. long, 4-6 cm. broad; petiole 5-7 ma. long. Flowers paniculate. Cymes 4°0-6°5 cm. long, reaching 4-1 the length of the leaves, laxly many-flowered. Calyx hardly dentate at the margin. Petals rather broader than long, + 2:5 mm. long, 8:5-4:0 mm. broad. Allied to M. calophyllum Gilg, but differs in the much larger inflorescence, &c. The distinguishing features of this plant are the rather thick, oblong or elliptical leaves, 10-17 cm. long, the lateral nerves not being very conspicuous above; the marginal nerve is about 1-2 mm. from the margin, and eurves to meet each of the lateral nerves; the panieulate cymes in the axils of the leaves are 4°0-6°5 cm. long. Memeeylon Zenkeri Gilg var. nov. parvifolium Bak. fil. Frutex ; foliis breviter petiolatis subcoriaceis vel rigide chartaceis ovatis apice acuminatis basi acutiusculis jugo laterali in nervulos utrinque 8-10 valde curvato et illis manifeste conspicuis aequi- valido; floribus pedicellatis pedicellis in foliorum axillis dispositis cymis 2-6-floris; bracteis ad pedicellorum basin parvis; petalis ovatis. Oban ; n. 1739. à : Leaves 5-10 cm. long, 2:5-8:8 em. broad: petiole 2-3 mm. long. Differs from the type principally in the ovate-acuminate smaller leaves. Allied to M. Wilwerthii De Wild. COMBRETACE £X. Combretum paueinervium Engler & Diels var. nov. obanense Bak. fil. Frutex vel arbuscula; foliis coriaceis ovato-oblongis apice acuminatis basi late cuneatis nervis lateralibus utrinque circ. 6; floribus minutis patentibus; receptaculo superiore sub- patelliformi extus lepidotulo; petalis quam in typo angustioribus apice saepissime glabris. Oban, Obutong Road; n. 1676. Leaves 7'5-11 em. long, 4:4-5:5 em. broad; petioles 9-10 mm. long. Petals narrow. Differs from the type in the leaves being broadly cuneate at the base, and the petals being narrow and generally glabrous at the apex. RUBIACEÆ (H. F. Wernham) 39 GAMOPETAL. By H. F. Wernuam, B.Sc.; excepting Composite, Asclepiadaceze (Loganiacex (in part) ), and Acan- thacee, by SPENCER MOORE, F.L.S.; and Convol- vulacex, by Dr. A. B. RENDLE, F.R.S. RUBIACEE, This family is the most numerously represented in the whole collection, and some valuable additions—in the way both of rare Species already described and of novelties—have been made. There are 35 new species, and of these six belong to four new genera— Afrohamelia, Dorothea, Diplosporopsis, Globulostylis—the two latter including each:two species. Afrohamelia is interesting as being nearly related to Hamelia, a genus confined to the tropies of the New World; and its morphology is particularly curious. The bracts are large and foliaceous, the inflorescences appearing to arise from the middle of the stalk, to which the peduncle is adnate ; the leaves are almost exactly similar, but much smaller.’ Dorothea, a near ally of Randia, is especially interesting for its zygomorphic flowers—a rare feature in this family. Sabicea has yielded as many as four very distinct new species. Bandia Talbotii has large showy flowers 21 decimetres long. Coffea Talbotii is a curious new species which I have assigned to this genus only after considerable hesitation ; the fruit is a red fusiform berry, crowned by the persistent calyx-limb. Cremaspora Thomsoni Hiern. Hiern’s description (Fl. Trop. Afr. iii. 126) seems to have been based on immature flowers; the Talbot specimen (n. 1049) affords excellent material The corolla-tube is 7 mm. and the lobes 6 mm. long, and the fruit, hitherto unavailable, is 1*5 cm. long. Coffea subeordata Hiern. The corolla-lobes and stamens are much larger than stated in Fl. Trop. Afr. iii. 184, but the Talbot plant (n. 243) is otherwise identical with the type, and agrees with the original description in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. Il. i. 174. Cephaélis Mannii Hiern n. 154. The peduncles are several feet long, instead of about 1 foot, as known from previous specimens. 40 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Uncaria Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis tetra- gonis in angulis pubescentibus ; foliis latiuscule lanceolatis bre- viter acuminatis apice obtusiusculo basi rotundatis, supra glabris infra praecipue super venas ferrugineo-pubescentibus, nervis secundariis distantibus, petiolo breve puberulo; floribus majusculis pro rata longe pedicellatis ; calyce ut pedicello dense ferrugineo- sericeo, tubi parte epigyna infundibulari ovarium excedente lobis triangularibus obtusis ; corollae extus griseo-sericez tubo gracili longissimo lobis oblongis mucronulatis ; stigmate parum ampliato. Oban ; n. 168. Leaves 9-11 em. long, 3-4 em. broad; petioles to 9 mm. long. Capitulum 8-9 cm. in diameter. Pedicels to more than 1 em. long. Part of calyx-tube above ovary 8 mm. long, lobes 1*5 mm. long. Corolla-tube 2'5 cm., lobes 5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad. Differs from U. africana G. Don, the only other African species hitherto described, especially in the much longer corolla-tube and in the hairy covering of the shoot. Pausinystalia Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor Cory- nanthis habitu nisi inflorescentia glabra; foliis elliptico-oblongis glaberrimis supra nitentibus, utrinque brevissime acuminatis apice subacuto, petiolis longiusculis, venis prominentibus mediana supra canaliculata ; stipulis lanceolatis mox deciduis ; floribus sessilibus in paniculis multifloris trichotomis minutissime fulvo- pubescentibus longiuscule pedunculatis nec folia excedentibus ; calyce extus ut inflorescentiae ramulis induto dentibus deltoideis minutis intus dense tomentosis; corollae glaberrimae tubo intra calycem brevissime cylindraceo supra globoso sulcato, lobis linear- ibus crassiusculis. Oban ; n. 1493. Leaves 19-16 cm. long, 5-6 em. broad, with 10-12 secondary veins on each side of the midrib, making with it an angle of about 50°, somewhat curved. Stipules 1-5 cm. long, 3-4 mm. broad. Flowers about 1 em. long, of which about 1 mm. is oceupied by the calyx. Corolla-lobes 7-8 mm. This species is readily distinguishable from those previously described by the relatively thick corolla-lobes and the conspicuously pubescent calyces. Mussaenda Afzelioides Wernham sp.nov. Frutex scandens ramulis teretibus vel sulcatis fulvo-tomentosis ; foliis ovalibus breviter acuminatis acutis basi plerumque obtusis, infra palli- dioribus, utrinque breviter scabro-hispidis, venis praesertim subtus conspicuis, petiolo breve; stipulis triangularibus extus dense sericeo-pubescentibus acutis saepius bifidis; floribus in cymis pedunculatis tomentosis densis pedicellatis ; calycis lobis oblongis acutis extus appresse flavo-pubescentibus, uno nonnunquam in laminam petiolatam ovalem hispidam basi angustatam apice RUBIACER (H. F. Wernham) 41 rotundato vel mucronulato obtuso producto ; corollae tubo gracili extus infra puberulo insuper adpresse-tomentoso pilis nec deflexis, lobis parvis ovatis acuto-acuminatis. Oban; n. 212. Leaves 12-14 cm. long, 6-7 cm. broad; lateral veins, 12-14 pairs, tertiary veins oblique. Stipules 6 mm. long. Calyx 4 mm. long, lobes 2:5 mm. long, rather more than 1 mm. broad; the foliaceous lobe about 7:5 cm. long, 8:5 cm. broad, with stalk nearly 1:5 cm. long. Corolla-tube 2:9 cm. long; limb 1:3 em. wide. ` Like M. Afzelii G. Don, in the vegetative organs, but at once dis- tinguishable by the pedicellate flowers, the smaller calyx and the indumentum of the corolla. Urophyllum Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis divaricatis gracilibus puberulis; foliis ellipticis vel elliptico- oblongis acuminatis utrinque acutis, siccitate infra rubescentibus, utrinque nisi super venas infra obscure puberulas glaberrimis, nervo mediano veluti secundariis paucis distantibus infra con- spicuis supra obscuris tertiariis utrinque conspicuis plurimis trans- versis approximatis, petiolo brevi puberulo; stipulis subulatis ; Jloribus pentameris parvis minutissime puberulis pedicellatis axillaribus solitariis vel in cymis 2-3-floris sessilibus; calycis limbo patente brevissime denticulato. Oban ; n. 225. Flowering branches 20-80 em. long. Leaves 8:5-8 cm, long x 1:5-9:8 em. broad; petioles to 4 mm. long; secondary lateral veins 4-5 pairs. Stipules 6 mm. long. Flower-buds 8:5 mm. long, pedicel 1:5 mm. Near U. Afzelii Hiern, differing in the much broader leaves with close transverse venation of the tertiary nerves, and in the solitary or subsolitary flowers. Sabieea geophiloides Wernham sp. nov. Herba hirsuta repens caule prostrato radicante ; foliis parvis ovatis vel ellipticis basi acutis apice obtusis utrinque hirsutis, petiolo hirsuto longius- culo; stipulis breviter oblongis rotundatis extus pilosis intus glabris mox reflexis ; floribus sessilibus in capitulis pedunculo gracile ut bracteorum late ovatorum involucra sparsiuscule piloso 3 ovario pilis articulatis ascendentibus dense hirsuto ; calycis tubo cylindrieo et lobis longe lineari-lanceolatis tubum excedentibus pilis similibus patentibus multo minus dense induto; corollae anguste infundibularis tubo extus pubescente lobis triangularibus glabratis erectis. Oban; n. 255. Nkami. Breet eke ler em. high. Leaves 3-8°5 em. long, 1*5-1:8 em. brodd ; petiole 5-10 mm. long; lateral veins 6-9 pairs, not very distinct, even on the lower side. Stipules 8:5 mm. long, 8 mm. broad at base. Peduncles over 2 cm. long. Bracts 1:8 em. long, 8 mm. broad. Ovary 7 mm.; calyx-tube 4 mm.; lobes 8-9 mm. 42 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS long, the latter over 1 mm. broad. Corolla-tube 1:2 cm. long, nearly 5 mm. wide at the mouth; lobes 3:5 mm. long. The nearest affinity seems to be with S. pilosa Hiern, but there are several points of essential difference. Sabicea pedicellata Wernham sp. nov. Frutex scandens ramis florentibus teretibus junioribus cano-araneoso-pubescen- tibus demum glabrescentibus ; foliis breviuscule petiolatis ovato- elliptieis obtusiusculis basi subrotundatis acuminatis obtusis supra glabris subtus dense lanato-tomentosis discoloribus ; stipulis a basi lata ovatis obtusis diutius persistentibus demum reflexis ; capitulis axillaribus multifloris longiuscule pedunculatis, pedunculis tomentosis multo petiolos excedentibus, bracteis paucis ovatis vel orbieularibus extus tomentosis vix basi connatis uniseriatis in- volucrantibus ; floribus pedicellis longis tomentosis ; calyce extus breviuscule brunneo-griseo-lanato, lobis brevibus oblongis subacutis intus discoloribus glabratis tubum aequantibus demum reflexis ; corolla tubulosa a basi gradatim leniter ampliata lobis deltoideis parvis dorso pubescentibus extus nisi loborum basin versus puberulam glabrata ; ovario pentamero. Oban; n. 1367; Obutong, old road from falls. Leaves 8-10 em. long, 3:5-5 cm. broad; petioles to about 1 cm. long; secondary lateral veins 19-14 pairs; stipules 4 mm. long, 2:2 mm. wide. Peduncles 1:5-3 em. long ; capitula 2 cm. in diameter. Bracts 5:5 mm. long, 5 mm. wide. Pedicels to 5:5 mm. long. Calyz, including ovary, 2 mm. long; lobes 2 mm. long, 1 mm. broad. Corolla to 8 mm. long, 2:5 mm. wide at the mouth ; lobes scarcely 1mm. long. Near S. capitellata Benth., but distinguished among other features by the long peduncles and pedicels, the uniseriate involuere, and the short relatively broad calyx-lobes. Sabieea xanthotrieha Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis praecipue novellis dense et patule flavo-griseo-hirsutis démum glabrescentibus ; foliis inter maxima chartaceis elliptico-ovatis vel oblongis, apice subacuto leniterque acuminato basi acutis vel subrotundatis, petiolo longo sparsim tomentoso necnon pilis paucis, supra subnitentibus ad venam medianam densiuscule aliter sparse pilosis margine dense ciliolato subtus hispidiusculis praesertim in venis approximatis obscure tomentosis ; stipulis inter maximas lanceolatis vel ovato-orbicularibus acutis extus ad basin pilosis insuper glabratis minute papillosis; floribus pedi- cellatis in eymis capitulatis exinvolucratis caulifloris sessilibus dispositis ; calycis pubescentis tubo breviter cylindraceo lobis longe filiformibus rigidiusculis; corolla anguste tubulosa insuper ampliata glabra lobis parvis triangularibus ; ovario quadriloculare ; fructu baccato glabro a calycis limbo laciniisque persistentibus coronato. Oban ; n. 249. . Leaves reaching 45 cm. long, 18 em. broad, with petiole 5 cm. RUBIACE& (H. F. Wernham) 43 long; secondary lateral veins about 24 pairs. Stipules 9:7-8:4 cm. long, 1:2-2-2 em. wide. Fruiting pedicels about 5 mm.long. Calya- tube with ovary 4 mm., lobes nearly 1 em. long. Corolla 1:5 cm., lobes barely 1 mm. long. Near S. geantha Hiern, but differs in the habit, indumentum, the longer calyx-lobes and the four-celled ovary. Sabieea Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex sarmentosus ramulis strigosis ; foliis ellipticis supra scabrellis subtus sparsis- sime nisi in venis densiuscule strigosis, petiolo strigoso brevi; stipulis ovalibus pro genere inter minores; floribus in capitulis brevissime pedunculatis confertis; bracteis paucis ovalibus involu- crantibus basi connatis ; calycis limbo in laciniis brevibus lineari- bus diviso ; corolla extus superne strigosa lobis brevibus angustis ; ovario extus densissime cano-sericeo-hirsuto. Oban ; n. 2032. Leaves 8-9 x 8:5-4 cm.; petiole up to 1 em. Capitula about 1 cm. in diameter. Calyx-lobes 8 mm. ; corolla 1 cm. long. Near S. capitellata Benth., but readily distinguished by the indu- mentum of the leaves and bracts, and the tendency to aggregation of the capitula at the ends of the flowering shoots. AFROHAMELIA Wernham, Hameliearum nov. gen. Calycis tubus hemisphaericus ; limbi lobi 5 brevissimi erecti persistentes. Corolla subeampanulata, in alabastro oblongo acu- minato plerumque costata, basi nec constricto, fauce glaberrima ; limbi lobi 5, breves triangulares stricte contorti. Stamina 5, tubo corolae basin versus inserta, filamentis brevibus; antherae basifixae inclusae, anguste lineari-elongatae, basi bifidae. Discus tumidus. Ovarium 2-loculare; stylus breviusculus, stigmate anguste fusiformi sulcato ; ovula in loculis perplurima, placentis septo aflixis inserta. Bacca magna oblonga utrinque angustata disco tumido coronata 2-locularis polysperma. Semina minima valde rugosa et angulata, testa non sculpta. i Arbores vel frutices saepius scandentes ramulis validiusculis. Folia opposita petiolata, stipulis interpetiolaribus. Flores in eymis abbreviatis paucifloris lateralibus quisque bractea magna foliacea stipata dispositi. A very distinct genus, the nearest ally being the tropical American Hamelia, from which this differs chiefly in the contorted s»stivation of the corolla and the large two-chambered oblong fruit; the latter recalls many species of Hamelia in the persistent and conspicuous disc. The corollas in the two genera are very similar, both in bud and in open flower; but the characteristically ventricose base of the tube in Hamelia is absent in our genus. The typically secund arrangement of the flowers in the American genus does not occur in the type of Afrohamelia; and the large foliaceous bract subtending each cyme is distinctive. 44 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Afrohamelia braeteata Wernham sp. unica. Frutex scandens glabrescens ramulis tortis curvatis divaricatis novellis minute pubescentibus ; foliis ovato-oblongis basi subeordatis acuminatis apice obtuso, utrinque nisi infra in vena media et venarum secundarum axillis minute puberulis pilis basi bulbosis glabris, petiolo longiusculo pubescente; stipulis minute pubescentibus brevissimis latissimis breviter apiculatis persistentibus ; cymis parvis inconspicuis, pedunculo tenui longiusculo glabro ; bractea petiolata foliis simili multo tamen majore ovali basi acuta vix acuminata, petiolo ad pedunculum longiuscule adnato ; calyce pubescente ; corolla extus subglabra lobis latis obtusis marginibus involutis ; bacea glabra. (Pl. 6.) Oban ; n. 1662. : The cymes are really terminal on short axillary shoots, but they appear to be borne laterally on the stalks of the large leaf-like bracts. The trwe leaves are 7-10 cm. long and 3-6 cm. broad, with petioles up to 2:5 cm. long. Stipular band barely exceeding 1 mm. in width ; apiculus about the same length. The bracts are 14-17 cm. long and 9-11 em. broad, with stalk 2:5 em. or more long. The cymes, at most 1°5 cm. long, are borne, on peduncles 2-3 em. long, terminally on lateral shoots about 1 cm. in length. Calyx less than 1 mm. long; corolla-tube 9 mm. long, 4 mm. wide above; lobes over 2 mm. long and 3 mm. broad at the base. Anthers 8 mm.; style and stigma 5 mm, long. Fruit 3 cm. long, including the persistent disc, 3-4 mm. long, and 1 em. in diameter. Tarenna Talbotii Wernham sp.nov. Frutex ramulis sulcato- quadrangularibus internodis longiusculis minute strigillosis ; foliis ellipticis utrinque angustatis breviter acuminatis apice obtuso, utrinque nisi in venis strigillosis glaberrimis petiolatis ; stipulis triangularibus acuminatis nigricantibus ; floribus subsessilibus in cymis trichotomis ramulis griseis strigilloso-pubescentibus con- fertis, cymulis longiuscule pedunculatis bracteis stipulis forma similibus sed minoribus; calycis extus griseo-sericei dentibus brevissimis triangularibus acutis ; corollae extus glaberrimae tubo brevi lobos oblongos obtusos nec multo superante. Oban ; n. 1548. ‚Leaves 15-20 x 6-8 cm., with petiole not exceeding 2 cm. Stipules to 6 mm. x 4 mm, Calyx and ovary 3°5-4 mm.; teeth minute. Corolla-tube 5 mm.; lobes 4-4°5 mm. Style exserted, 5 mm. Near T. conferta Hiern, from which it differs especially in the very short calyx-teeth. Tarenna baeonoides Wernham sp. nov. Frutex nisi inflores- centia glaber ramulis curvatis horizontaliter divaricatis; foliis elliptico-oblongis breviter pedicellatis basi plerumque rotundatis breviter acuminatis apice obtuso; stipulis in brevem vaginam lateraliter eiliatam connatis brevissime acute-apiculatis; eymis RUBIACEZ (H. F. Wernham) 45 pubescentibus terminalibus densifloris trichotomis ; bracteis subu- latis; calycis puberuli tubulosi lobis puberulis obtusis tubum vix aequantibus; corollae glaberrimae lobis albidis oblongis apice rotundatis quam tubus viridis minoribus; antheris linearibus exsertis ; stylo insuper vix ampliato glaberrimo indiviso; ovula pauciuscula. Oban ; n. 1595. Leaves 8-15 cm. long, 8:5-5 cm. broad; petiole, to about 1:3 cm. long; lateral veins 5-6 pairs. Stipules barely 8 mm. long. Cymes 9-4 cm. wide, and the same length. Calyx-tube and lobes, each about 2 mm. long. Corolla-tube 7-8 mm. long; lobes 7 mm. long, 3 mm. broad. Anthers 6'5 mm. long, style exserted about 8 mm. Randia immanifolia Wernham sp. nov. Arbor ramulis glaberrimis validis angulatis ; foliis inter maxima omnino glabris sessilibus obovatis vel oblanceolatis basi angustatis subauricu- latis ; stipulis validissimis coriaceis suborbicularibus extus asperis intus sericeis apice acuminatis basi breviter connatis, inflores- centias axillares densissimas sessiles subvaginantibus ; floribus fortiter suaveolentibus sessilibus densissime glomeratis; calycis brevissimi tubo late campanulato pubescente, lobis linearibus demum reflexis densissime cano-villosis ; corollae tubo gracili insuper leniter ampliato extus modice pubescente hispidulo, lobis sinistro contortis 6-8 vel pluribus oblongis longiusculis pubes- centibus subacutis ; antheris oblongo-linearibus subsessilibus ; ovario saepius triloculare; stigmate brevissime 3-lobato; baccis globosis maculatis. Oban; n. 189. Leaves about 100 cm. long, 32 cm. wide. Stipules usually about 3 em. long, 3-5 cm. wide. Calyz-tube 5 mm. long, lobes 3 mm. Corolla-tube 4:5-8 cm. long ; lobes 1:5 cm. long. Readily distinguished by the very large sessile leaves and the tough stipules enclosing the long sessile polymerous flowers with their whitish hairy ealyces densely pressed together. The material, which includes a single leaf only, is supplemented by an excellent line-drawing by Mrs. Talbot, with several notes, which have been used in the above description. Randia Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor ramulis strietis glabrescentibus cortice rugosulo ; foliis coriaceis glaberrimis obovato-lanceolatis breviter acuminatis apice acuto basi angustatis venis paucis infra conspicuis, petiolo valido aspero breviusculo lignoso transversim rugosulo; floribus 5-meris axillaribus solitariis vel per paria pedicellatis braeteis lanceolatis bracteolis triangu- laribus parvis ut pedicelli crassi minute rufo-pubescentibus ; calycis pubescentis tubo cylindrico insuper ampliato valde angulato demtibus subulatis prolongatis; corollae carnosae dense brunneo-pubescentis tubo longissimo gracili insuper gradatim nec 46 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS multo ampliato, lobis late ovatis acutiusculis basi intus maculatis : antheris oblongis ut stigma clavatum vix exsertis. Oban ; n. 917. Leaves 17-19 cm. long, 6-7 em. broad; petioles up to nearly 2 em. long ; secondary veins 7-8 lateral pairs. Floral pedicels 9 cm. or more long. Calyx-tube 9:8 cm. long, 7 mm. wide above; teeth 1 em. long or more. Corolla-tube 20-25 cm. long, about 2:5 cm. wide at the mouth; lobes 4:5 cm. long, about 2:5 em. wide. Anthers 5.5 cm. long. Near R. malleifera Benth. & Hook. fil, but differs in its much longer eorolla-tube which is gradually and but little widened towards the top. DOROTHEA Wernham, Gardeniearum gen. nov. Calyx turbinatus denticulatus vel subinteger calyculatus. Corolla zygomorpha tubo plus minus elongato incurvo in maturi- tate fere ad basin fisso, intus infra medium villoso ; limbi lobi plerumque 6, ascendentibus vel suberectis stricte contorti. Stamina 6 fauci corollae inserta ; antherae dorso affixae, sessiles, anguste lineares. Discus brevissime cylindricus, sparse pilosus. Ovarium 2-loculare ; stylus simplex validiusculus glaber e medio floris pendulus, stigmate indiviso ; ovula in loculis haud numerosa, in placentis carnosis oblongis a septi apice pendulis immersa. Fructus... Arbores vel frutices. Folia opposita. Flores inter majusculos in cymis paucifloris axillaribus dispositi. A genus allied to Randia, but at once distinguished by the characters of the corolla and style. Dorothea Talbotii Wernham sp. unica. Arbor ramulis glabris gracilibus mox cortice dilute cinereo indutis ; foliis ellipticis utrinque angustatis glabratis acutis brevissime petiolatis, venis secundariis paucis infra conspicuis ascendentibus ; stipulis per- sistentibus deltoideis subacutis intus villosis ; Jloribus pedicellatis in cymis sessilibus axillaribus 2~3-floris dispositis ; bracteolis ovatis plerumque 2 paribus in caleyculo connatis pubescentibus ; calycis extus sericeo-pubescentis tubo infundibulari rugoso, limbo discolore insuper angustato margine subtruncato vel denticulato ; corollae tubo extus argenteo-sericeo-pubescente in alabastro valde curvato demum rectiore intus inferne glabro insuper usque ad faucem densissime villoso deinde insuper breviter pubescente, lobis undulatis oblongis acutiusculis utrinque pubescentibus per paria dispositis ; antheris elongatis basi vix bilobatis apice acutis corollae fissione apparentibus conspicuis, (Pl. 7.) Oban ; n. 1546. Leaves 12-18 em. long, 4:5-8:5 cm. broad; petioles seldom as much as 5 mm. long. Stipules 5 mm. long. Pedicel about 5 mm. long. Calyz-tube and limb each 5 mm. long. Corolla-tube about RUBIACEE (H. F. Wernham) 47 4'5 cm. long, lobes 1:5 cm. or more long and 5-6 mm. broad; tube glabrous within for 9 mm. above base, this part being succeeded by the densely villous region, over 1 em. long. Anthers 2 cm. long. DIPLOSPOROPSIS Wernham, Gardeniearum gen. nov. Calycis tubus obconicus calyculatus ; limbus in lobis majusculis latiusculis partitus. Corolla hypocraterimorpha tubo mediocre fauce glabra; limbi lobi 5 patentes, stricte contorti. Stamina 5 fauci corollae inserta filamentis tenuibus brevissimis ; antherae dorso aflixae inclusae lineares. Discus tumidus. Ovarium 2-loculare; stylus brevis glaber, ramis oblongis ; ovula in quoque loculo 2 in placenta parviuscula a septi apice pendula vix impressa, majuscula, compressa. Fructus... . Arbores foliis oppositis, floribus in axillis fascieulatis inter mediocres. A genus allied to Tricalysia and Diplospora, distinguished by the arrangement of the ovules and the included anthers, which recall those of Randia. Diplosporopsis eoffeoides Wernham sp. nov. Arbor glabra; foliis magnis obovatis utrinque angustatis basi auriculatis apice caudato-acuminatis brevissime petiolatis, venis supra impressis infra prominentibus ; stipulis lanceolatis longe setaceo-acuminatis dorso costa mediana conspicua ; florum fasciculis glabris paucifloris conferte sessilibus ; calyculi simplicis segmentis ovato-lanceolatis, calycis tubum sulcatum fere excedentibus ; calycis lobis majusculis ovatis subacutis; corollae tubo graciliusculo in staminum regione parum ampliato, lobis oblongis acutis tubi dimidium excedentibus. (Pl. 8.) ! Oban ; n. 1649. Leaves 80 cm. long together with acumen (nearly 2:5 em. long), and 11-12 cm. broad; petiole rarely more than 7 mm. long. Stipules, including the almost hair-like acumen, 2:5—3 cm. long. Calyx-tube 3-4 mm. long, lobes 4 mm. long. Corolla-tube 1:5 cm, long; lobes 1 em. long, 3°5 mm. broad. Diplosporopsis Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor nisi flores glaberrima ramulis complanatis ; foliis magnis, brevissime et valide petiolatis, ellipticis vel obovatis basi cordatis subauriculatis inaequalibus, venispraesertimsubtus conspicuis, breviter acuminatis apice obtuso ; stipulis magnis late ovatis longe ac leniter acuminatis acutis ; floribus in fasciculis axillaribus paucifloris sessilibus ; calycis — lobis pro rata parvis rotundatis obtusis ciliatis intus basi villosis ; corollae tubo insuper extus minutissime appresse pubescente, lobis carnosiusculis ovato-oblongis obtusis apice reflexo utrinque minute pubescentibus ; antheris longe linearibus. Oban ; n. 1056. Uppermost leaves 21 cm. long, 9 cm. broad; ordinary leaves — 48 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS 34 cm. long, 20 em. broad, with petiole about 1°5 cm. long; lateral veins 12-15 pairs. Stipules 4:8 cm. long, 2'5 cm. broad. Corolla- tube 1°8 em. long; lobes about the same length and up to 5 mm. wide. Anthers 8-9 mm. long. : Distinct from the preceding species in the broader leaves and stipules, the broader and more fleshy corolla-lobes, ete. Triealysia pleiomera Hutchinson sp. nov. Species foliis magnis, corollae lobis numerosis mox reflexis, antheris villosis valde distincta. Ramuli subteretes, glabri. Folia oblonga, breviter subacute acuminata, basi rotundata, 20-23 cm. longa, 7:5-8:5 cm. lata, tenuiter chartacea, utrinque glabra, nitidula, nervis lateralibus utrinque 9-10 arcuatim ascendentibus conspicuis infra promi- nentibus, nervis tertiariis laxis subparallelis distinctis e costa sub angulo recto ortis; petioli 1 cm. longi, plano-convexi, glabri ; stipulae intrapetiolares, connatae, truncatae, 2:5—3 mm. longae, intra appresse pubescentes, ciliatae. Cymae axillares, subsessiles, 10—15-florae, circiter 3:5 cm. diametro; bracteae stipulis similes ; pedicelli ad 5 mm. longi, glabri; bracteolae connatae, calycis basin circumdantes, breviter acuminatae, extra puberulae. Calyx tubulosus, 4 mm. longus, minute denticulatus, extra appresse pubescens, intra pilis brevibus nigris setulosus. Corollae tubus eylindrieus, 1 cm. longus, extra costatus, glaber, intra arachnoideo-pubescens, 11-12-lobatus, lobis mox reflexis oblanceolato-obovatis vel subspathulatis breviter acute acuminatis circiter 8 mm. longis et 3 mm. latis extra pubescentibus intra versus apicem puberulis. Stamina 11-12; filamenta corollae fauci inserta, erecta, 5 mm. longa, glabra; antherae erectae, 5 mm. longae, villosae. Ovarium 3-loculare, loculis circiter 4-ovulatis ; stylus exsertus, 1*5 cm. longus, basin versus glaber, superne pubescens, bilobus, lobis 2:5 mm. longis obtusis. Oban; n. 1277 (Herb. Kew.). [J. H.] Cremaspora glabra Wernham sp. nov. Frutex nisi foliorum basis saepe puberulus glabratus, ramulis gracilibus rectis horizontal- iter divaricatis; foliis lanceolatis vel ellipticis vel oblongis utrinque angustatis basi nonnunquam subrotundatis acuminatis apice obtuso, breviter petiolatis, venis secundariis infra conspicuis, paucis distantibus ; stipulis deciduis brevissimis latis apiculatis ; floribus glaberrimis in cymis sessilibus axillaribus paucifloris fasciculatis ; calycis utrinque glabri lobis rotundatis; corollae tubo brevi quam lobi oblongo-lanceolati obtusi multo minoribus ; stylo glabro bilobato. Oban; n. 1536. Leaves varying from an average of about 7:5 cm. x 9:5 em. to an oblong shape 9:5 cm. x 4:6 em.; secondary veins 3-4 pairs ; petiole to 5 mm. Stipules about 1 mm.long. Calyz-segments, 2 cm. x 2 mm. RUBIACE# (H. F. Wernham) 49 Corolla-tube, 4-45 mm. long; lobes, 7:5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad. Anthers almost 5 mm. long. Distinct for its almost complete want of hairs extending even to the style. Cremaspora Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis = gracilibus junioribus fulvo-pilosis deinde glabrescentibus ; foliis petiolatis elliptico-oblongis supra glabris infra praecipue super venas fulvo-pilosis basi deltoideis vel vix rotundatis apice breviter acuminato acuto vel obtuso; stipulis subulato-setaceis ; floribus sessilibus in cymulis axillaribus 2—6-floris; calyce dense hirto- tomentoso ; corolla nisi in ore pubescente glaberrima. Oban; n. 287. Leaves up to 8:5 em. long and 3:5 cm. broad. The densely pilose leaf-stalks are about 6 mm. long usually, and the stipules, which arise from a hairy base, measure 7-8 mm. in length. The calyx is less than 1 mm. long, the corolla-tube barely 3 mm., and the lobes about 1mm. Related to the East African C. confluens K. Schum., but at once distinguished by the indumentum and by the glabrous corolla. Vangueria argentea Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis gracilibus teretibus, novellis tomento ferrugineo minuto indutis ; foliis brevissime petiolatis ellipticis vel oblongis breviter et obtuse acuminatis basi rotundatis supra nisi in venis puberulis pilis perpaucis minutis sparsissime indutis subtus minutissime et densissime molliter argenteo-pubescentibus valde discoloribus ; stipulis a basi lato truncato anguste oblongo-apiculatis mox deciduis apicem versus glabrescentibus ; floribus axillaribus soli- tariis vel geminis pedicellis basi bracteolatis alabastra obovata acuta acuminato-mucronata aequantibus ; calyce brevissime den- tato ; corolla extus ut ovarium turbinatum glaberrima ad medium in lobos triangulares subeaudatos divisa; stigmate lobato ; bacca pisiformi. Oban; n. 215. Leaves 9-11 em. long, 4-5 em. broad; petiole 2-3 mm. long. Stipules, broad basal part 2 mm. long, apiculus a little longer. Pedicels, 5-7 mm. Calyx with ovary less than 2 mm. long. Corolla- tube 3-4 mm. long; lobes the same length, 2 mm. broad at the mouth. Berry 6-7 mm. in diameter. : Readily distinguishable by the silvery grey indumentum on the ey side of the leaves. Its nearest ally seems to be V. ozyanthus {. Schum. GLOBULOSTYLIS Wernham, Vangueriearum gen. nov. Calycis tubus campanulatus ; limbi lobi plerumque 5, foliacei subaequales corollae tubum superantes. Corolla campanulata, tubo brevi intus fauce annulo cirrhoso paleaceo cincto, aliter glabro; limbi lobi 5 subcoriacei plus minus longe acuminati vel caudati, valvati. Stamina 5 ore vel fauce corollae inserta, filamentis ; E Mo. Bot. Garden 21913 50 ^ - . SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS breviusculis ; antherae dorso basi affixae, exsertae, lanceolatae basi loculis discretis. Discus depressus nec lobatus. Ovarium plerumque 5-loculare ; stylus crassiusculus medio in globum depressum corollae fauces claudentem inflatus utrinque attenuatus, stigmate majus- culo mitraeformi peltato ; ovula in loculis solitaria infra apicem loculi pendula amphitropa. Fructus drupaceus majusculus basi plerumque attenuatus. Arbores vel frutices ; folia opposita, stipulis interpetiolaribus. Flores inter medioeres in umbellis involucratis brevibus axilla- ribus dispositi. Undoubtedly a member of the tribe Vanguerier, and unique in the structure of the style. The nearest genus is Cuviera, from which this new genus differs further in the regularly simply umbellate and small inflorescences. G. Talbotii Wernham, sp. nov. Frutex ramulis teretibus ; foliis elliptico-oblongis brevissime acuminatis apice subacuto vel obtuso basi acutiusculis, breviter petiolatis, venis infra promi- nentibus secundariis distantibus ; stipulis a basi lata subulatis acutis; umbellis per paria in axillis sessilibus, bracteis rotundis; calycis lobis late ovatis apice rotundato, ciliatis aliter glabris ; corollae tubo conspieue 5-costato, costis prominentibus pilosis superne in caudam villosam prolongatis, lobis anguste triangu- laribus apicem versus implicatis ; staminibus corollae ore insertis ; ovario 5-loculari, styli globo mediano flavo-hispido, obscure lobato. (Pl. 9.) Oban ; n. 2051. Leaves 14-18 cm. long, 5-7 cm. broad; petiole 1 em. or more long. Veins 5-6 on each side of the midrib, anastomosing in arches some distance from the margin. Stipules up to 8 mm. long. Umbels 2-3 cm. in diameter, 2 cm. long. Bracts 2-3 mm. long. Pedicels 4 mm. long. Calyx-lobes 9 mm. long, 7 mm. wide, tube 2 mm. long. Corolla-tube 4 mm. long, the ring of cirrhi inserted at about 1:5 mm. from the base; lobes 8-9 mm. (including the terminal seta), 3 mm. broad at the base. Style 5:5 mm. long; median globe 8 mm. wide. G. minor Wernham sp. nov. Arbor parva ramulis gracilibus ; foliis oblongis vel obovatis brevissime acuminatis apice rotundato basi acutiusculis, venis distantibus, brevissime petiolatis ; stipulis in brevem vaginam cohaerentibus apice in caudam brevem producto ; umbellis pedunculatis, per paria in axillis dispositis pro rata paucifloris, bracteis in verticillo suborbicularibus ; calycis lobis late ovatis glaberrimis nec ciliatis ; corolla extus glaberrima, lobis brevissime acuminatis vix caudatis glaberrimis ; staminibus corollae ore insertis ; ovario 5-loculari, stylo brevi globo mediano hispidulo ; drupa magna globosa. Oban ; n. 247. Leaves 11-18 em. long, 4:5-5 cm. broad; petiole 3 mm. long. Stipular sheath 1'5 mm.; acumen 6 mm. long. Peduncle 6 mm. RUBIACE& (H. F. Wernham) 5I long; pedicels 4 mm. Mature umbels 2-3 cm. in diameter. Calyx- lobes 6 mm. long, 5 mm. wide; corolla-tube 3 mm., lobes 5-6 mm. long. Berry over 3 cm. in diameter. Distinguishable at once from the previous species by the quite glabrous and smaller flowers, and the very short petioles. Craterispermum aristatum Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaberrimus ramulis flavicantibus ; foliis elliptico-oblongis vel obovatis brevissime acuminatis apice acuto basi cuneatis, petiolo validiusculo, rigide coriaceis, vena media infra valde prominente supra impressa, nervis secundariis paucis reticulo interveniente supra conspicuo ; stipulis connatis coriaceis mox deciduis deltoideis ; floribus in cymis capitatis breviter pedicellatis conspicue aristato- bracteatis sessilibus ; bracteis subconnatis, lineari-subulatis a basi ovata carinata cymas excedentibus ; calycis dentibus subulatis tubo multo brevioribus denticulis interjectis ; corolla extus glabra intus fauce lobisque ovato-lanceolatis subacutis tubo minoribus villosa; staminum filamentis antheras excedentibus exsertas ; stylo incluso apice vix incrassato, stigmate bilobato. Oban ; n. 251. Leaves 15-23 cm. long, 6-8 em. broad or more; secondary veins about 5 on each side of the midrib; petiole reaching nearly 2 cm. Stipules 4-5 mm. long. Peduncles 3 mm. long. Cymes less than 1 cm. broad. Bracís 8 mm. to over 1 em. long. Calyz-tube 1:5 mm., teeth less than 1 mm. long. Corolla-tube 6 mm. long; lobes 4 mm. long and 2 mm. broad at the base. Anthers little more than 1 mm. long; filaments nearly twice that length. Style 2 mm. long. Conspicuous for the capitate inflorescences with aristate braets. Ixora obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaberrimus ramulis nodosis; foliis obovato-lanceolatis breviter acuminatis apice obtusiusculo venis secundariis distantibus petiolo brevi validiusculo ; inflorescentia laxa trichotoma pauciflora nec ampla breviter pedunculata, bracteis minutiusculis ; floribus tetrameris inter breviores; calycis limbo brevissime dentato ; corollae lobis obtusis quam tubi gracilis dimidium manifeste brevioribus. Oban ; n. 230. ' Leaves 18 cm. x 6'5 cm., with 7-8 pairs of manifest lateral nerves, and petiole 5-8 mm. long. Inflorescence not more than 5 cm. long, including peduncle barely 1 cm., and about the same width. Calyz 2 mm. Corolla-tube 13-14 mm; lobes 6 mm. long. Anthers 5 mm. long; style exserted 5 mm. : i =. Related to I. riparia Hiern and I. guineensis Benth., differing from the former in the laxer inflorescence and relatively wider corolla- limb, and from the latter in the shorter flowers, leaves more narrowed at the base, etc. Ixora Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramosus glaber- rimus ramulis rectis nodosis ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis subcoriaceis utrinque angustatis acutis infra discoloribus venis ar E 52 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS distantibus nee conspicuis brevissime petiolatis; stipulis minimis subulato-acuminatis ; inflorescentia laxiuscula sessile trichotoma nec ampla ; bracteis minutis ; floribus inter minores subsessilibus ; calycis limbo integerrimo; corollae lobis 4 subobtusis tubi dimidium vix aequantibus. Oban; n. 2038. Leaves 11-12 em. x 3-3°5 cm.; petioles rarely so much as 5 mm., secondary lateral veins about 6 pairs manifest. Stipules about 2:5 mm. long. Inflorescence about 3 em. long and 5-6 cm. wide. Calyx and ovary 29:5 mm. long. Corolla-tube 9 mm.; lobes 3:5-40 long. Anthers 3-4 mm. long. Near I. riparia Hiern, but distinct in the narrower, thicker leaves, and looser and larger inflorescence, etc. Pavetta Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber; foliis magnis longe petiolatis anguste elliptico-oblongis leniter acuminatis obtusis basi cuneatis valde obliquis ; stipulis deltoideis validiusculis asperis; floribus 4-meris parvis in cymis subsessilibus glabris axillaribus dispositis ; pedicellis brevibus validis ; calycis dentibus deltoideis acutis patentibus; corollae extus glaberrimae lobis viridibus oblongis intus obscure puberulis apice rotundato reflexis tubum albidum aequantibus vel parum excedentibus ; stylo exserto stigmate clavato puberulo ; disco glaberrimo ; bacca minima. Oban; n. 1638. Leaves 32 em. long, 8:5 cm. broad; petiole about 7:5 cm. long; secondary veins about a dozen pairs. Stipules 4-6 mm. long. Calyx, including ovary, 2 mm. long. Corolla-tube 8:5-4 mm. long; lobes the same length, and 2 mm. wide. Anthers 2 mm. long. Style exserted about 3 mm. Berry barely 2 mm. in diameter. Notable for the long, rather narrow leaves, and small flowers in abbreviated axillary cymes. Coffea Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis gracilibus pubescentibus ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis utrinque acutis longius- cule acuminatis apice valde obtuso, utrinque nisi infra in vena media sparsissime puberulis glabris, petiolo brevissimo pubes- cente; stipulis pubescentibus basi triangularibus insuper setaceo- acuminatis ; floribus parvis solitariis axillaribus, pedicello pubes- cente longiusculo supra medium et basi bracteolis in calyculis connatis superioribus 2 vel pluribus subulatis stipatis; calycis pubescentis limbo subinfundibulari, lobis 4-5 subulatis erectis corollae tubum nonnunquam fere aequantibus ; corollae tubo breviusculo extus glabro, ore villoso, lobis 6 nisi in margine obscure ciliatis basique pilosis glabris oblongis brevissime acumi- natis acutis tubum subaequantibus patentibus ; antheris exsertis ; bacca fusiformi minutiuscule et sparse puberula coccinea a calycis limbo persistente coronata. Oban ; n. 1620. Leaves 7-14 cm. long, 8-4 cm. wide; petiole 8 mm. long. RUBIACE:E (H. F. Wernham) 53 Stipules (including seta) 5 mm. long. Pedicel about 5 mm. long, increasing to nearly 1:5 in the fruit. Calyx-limb about 1 mm. long, with lobes 2 mm. or more long. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long ; lobes 6 mm. long and over 2 mm. broad. Anthers 4 mm. ; filaments over 1 mm. long. Fruit 1:5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide. A remarkable plant, quite distinct from all other species of Coffea, especially in the calyx-limb and fruit. The latter characters almost entitle it to the rank of a separate genus. Psyehotria alatipes Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis dichotomis levibus glabris; foliis oblanceolatis vel ellipticis basi in petiolum brevem angustatis apice brevissime acuminatis obtusis utrinque glaberrimis venis distantibus reticulo tertiario manifesto; stipulis subcoriaceis apice bifidis ovato-lanceolatis ; inflorescentia paniculata valde diffusa laxissima pyramidali ebrac- teata; pedunculo longo ramisque anguste alatis; floribus longe pedicellatis mediocribus ; bacca pisiformi costata. Oban ; n. 241. Leaves 12-20 cm. x 5-7 cm., with petiole not more than 1°5 cm. ; lateral veins about 10 pairs. Stipules 1 cm. x 5 mm. Peduncle about 6 cm. long, and 3 mm. broad, including the wings. Pedicels 9-4 mm. long, or more. Inflorescence about 15 cm. long (including. peduncle) and 9 em. wide. The nearest affinity seems to be with P. monticola Hiern, but the points of distinction are numerous and clear. Psyehotria obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis fragilibus cortice tumido indutis; foliis obovatis vel ellipticis breviter acuminatis basi angustatis petiolo gracili longiusculo utrinque glaberrimis venosis membranaceis; stipulis ovatis coriaceis concavis deciduis ; inflorescentia abbreviata subglobosa simplice vel 2—4-divisa ebracteata pedunculis brevis- simis; floribus pluribus pro genere majusculis 5-meris pedicellis conspicuis; calyce campanulato limbo dentibus acutis triangu- laribus longiusculis ; corollae tubo cylindraceo fauce dense barbato lobis oblongis apice incurvis. Oban ; n. 244. Leaves 95 em. x 8 em. or more; lateral nerves about 15 pairs with conspicuous tertiary reticulum; petiole 2-4 cm. Stipules 5mm. x 9:5 mm. Peduncles 5-10 mm. at most. Pedicels 2-3 mm. Calyx 2 mm., teeth up to 1 mm. long. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. ; lobes 1-1:5 mm. long. The whole inflorescence rarely so much as 4 cm. broad, each globose cyme about 1*5 em. broad. Distinct in its large leaves and compact inflorescences of tubular flowers with toothed calyces. The nearest ally is apparently P. sciadephora Hiern, which has smaller leaves with short stalks and much smaller flowers. Psyehotria Dorotheae Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis validis ; foliis magnis late lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis acutis 54 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS glaberrimis venis paucis petiolo elongato; stipulis inter majores crassis ovatis fere ad medium bifidis densissime ferrugineo- pubescentibus ; inflorescentia parva globosa densiuscula breviuscule pedunculata ebracteata ; floribus brevibus subsessilibus penta- meris ; calycis limbo subintegro ; corollae lobis demum subreflexis ore barbato. Oban ; n. 1561. Leaves over 20 cm. x 6 cm.; secondary veins 7-8 pairs; petiole 5-7 em. Stipules 1:5 cm. x 1 em. Peduncle 1:5 cm. Cyme 1-2 em. in diameter. Flowers 3-3°5 mm. long. Near P. recurva K. Schum., but differs in the size, shape and venation of the leaves, and the denser, many-flowered clusters. Psyehotria vitieoides Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis nodosis teretibus levibus ; foliis ellipticis utrinque acutis glaberrimis venis transversis paucis petiolo longissimo tenero ; stipulis caducissimis ; inflorescentia parva laxa ebracteata pauciflora pedunculo gracili longiusculo ; floribus pro genere majusculis breviter pedicellatis ; calycis limbo subintegro ; corollae anguste infundibularis lobis parvis ore nec barbato. Oban ; n. 2080. Leaves about 16 cm. x 6 em. ; secondary nerves 8 pairs. Petiole 7-8 em. long. Peduncle over 3 cm.long. Pedicels about 1 mm. Panicle about 2 cm. x 1:5 cm. Flowers 5 mm. long. Near P. laneifolia K. Schum., but distinet in the long petioles, larger flowers, etc. Psychotria potanthera Wernham sp. nov Frutex glaber ramulis medullosis; foliis elliptico-oblongis utrinque angustatis venis secundariis distantibus infra prominentibus utrinque glabris - petiolo longiusculo ; stipulis ovato-oblongis caducis ; inflorescentia parva laxiuscula paniculata breviter pedunculata ebracteata ; floribus pentameris anguste infundibularibus brevissime pedicel- latis; calycis limbo integro ; corollae lobis longiusculis patentibus ; antheris linearibus longe exsertis ; filamentis tenerrimis. Oban ; n. 240. : Leaves 15-21 cm. x 5-7 cm.; secondary nerves, about 12 pairs. Petiole up to 4 cm. long. Stipules 5 mm. x 8mm. Peduncle barely l cm. long. Panicle less than 2 cm. across and 1:5 cm. long. Corolla- tube 3:5 mm.; lobes 2:5 mm. Stamens exserted up to 4 mm. Near P. refractiloba K. Schum., but distinct in the longer petioles, looser inflorescences, and more slender flowers. Psychotria Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramis striatis teretibus ; foliis crassiuscule pergamaceis lineari-lanceolatis glaberrimis, basi in petiolum longiusculum leniter angustatis apice obtuso vel subaeuto, marginibus revolutis, costa media praesertim subtus prominente, venis secundariis paucis nec conspicuis ; stipulis brevibus triangularibus apiculatis ; floribus RUBIACEÆ (H. F. Wernham) 55 glabris pro genere mediocribus pedicellatis in cymis corymbosis 3-5-chotomis dispositis, pedunculis longis; calycis limbo sub- integro; corollae tubo longiusculo insuper vix ampliato lobis oblongis brevissime acuminatis subacutis reflexis antheras breviter elliptico-oblongas omnino exsertas excedentibus ; bacca nitente glaberrima pisiformi. Oban ; n. 1054. A leafy shrub with greenish shoots ; the willow-like leaves measure from 9 to 15 em. in length and 1 em. to over 2 cm. in width, gradually narrowing into the slender petiole 1-2 cm. long; there are at most 6 distant secondary nerves on either side of the midrib. Stipules 2-3 mm. long. Peduncles 4-5 cm. long. Cymes barely 4 em. long and the same in width. Corolla-tube 8 mm. or longer; lobes lmm. Berry 5-6 mm. in diameter. Near P. recurva Hiern, but the leaves are thicker, the stipules entire, and the inflorescence more branched in our species. Triehostaehys Krausiana Wernham sp. nov. Frutex hu- millimus ramulis compressis novellis pubescentibus demum glabre- scentibus ; foliis obovato-lanceolatis, basi cuneatis apice vix acuminatis subacutis utrinque glabris vel subtus obsolete in venis minutissime puberulis, petiolo brevi pubescente tenui; stipulis suborbicularibus reflexis basi nec connatis obtusis ; floribus pilosis minutis in spica breviuscula interrupta dispositis, pedunculo pubescente; calycis hirsuti lobis triangularibus acutis tubum vix aequantibus. Oban; n. 1045. Marshy places. ; Leaves 12-20 cm. long, 6-8 cm. broad; petiole 3-16 mm. long. Stipules 6-8 mm. x 6-8 mm. Peduncle 2:5 cm. long; spike about the same length. Calyx barely 1 mm. long. Corolla 2 mm. long. Near T. interrupta K. Schum., but Dr. Krause, who has been so good as to compare Talbot’s plant with the type of Schumann’s species at Berlin, informs me that the latter has much longer spikes, flowers not hairy, and differently-shaped stipules. Triehostachys Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex caulibus simplicibus insuper dense pilosis infra glabrescentibus cortice cinereo; foliis plerumque oblanceolatis, basi angustatis vix acuminatis, apice acuto, utrinque hispido-pilosis, petiolo tenui longiusculo piloso; stipulis hirsutis infra in vaginam connatis supra bifidis fere setaceis ; floribus pentameris in capitulo breviter pedunculato sessilibus; calycis lobis lanceolatis tubum exce- dentibus pilosis ; corolla calycem duplo superante ; sfylo incluso bilobato. | Oban ; n. 1041. ; : Leaves 11-18 em. long, 3-5:5 em. broad; petioles reaching nearly 2 cm. long. Stipular sheath 4 mm. long; the sete about the same length. Pedunele 8 mm.; capitulum about 1:5 cm. in diameter. Calyx 4 mm. Corolla-tube 6:5 mm.; lobes 2 mm. long. 56 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Near T. aurea Hiern, but distinguished by the shape and indumentum of the leaves, the long petioles, the stipules, etc. Lasianthus Mannii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis com- planatis dense praecipue in nodis hirsutis ; foliis petiolatis obovato- lanceolatis vel ellipticis breviter acuminatis acutis basi cuneatis subtus praecipue in nervis et margine supra in vena media sola sparse hirsutis; stipulis a basi lata triangularibus ut ramuli indutis; floribus in cymis alaribus 3-4-floris sessilibus inter minimos 5-meris ; corollae tubo extus glabro lobis lanceolatis obtusis irregulariter pilosis ; drupa 10-lobata depresso-globosa. Oban ; n. 266. ! The leaves are from 19 to 24 em. long and 6°5 to 8 cm. broad; the densely hairy petiole is from 3 to 4 em. long. Leaf-veins well-marked on both sides of the leaf, divaricate, meeting the midrib perpendicularly and curving upwards until parallel with the margin; the veins are closely set, 11-14 pairs with nearly the same number of shorter veins intervening. Stipules 7 mm. or longer, 5-6 mm. broad at the base. Flowers barely 5 mm. long. Fruit 4-5 mm. in diameter, with a broad 10-furrowed crown. Its nearest ally is L. batangensis K. Schum., from which it differs in the much larger and differently-shaped leaves and longer petioles, in the leaf-venation, in the arrangement of the flowers, and in the size of the fruit. Our species is apparently identical with the plant collected by Mann on the Gaboon River (n. 917), preserved in the Kew Herbarium, although the latter is not quite so hairy (vide Hiern, in Fl. Trop. Afr. iii. 228). ; COMPOSITZE by Mr. S. Moore. Contrary to what is usually found in an African collection, the Composite form quite an inconspicuous element in the one under notice, and indeed the Composite flora of Upper Guinea is a poor one at best. One sees the same relative poverty when comparison is drawn between Eastern Brazil and Amazonia, India and the Malay Peninsula, and the interior of Australia and its northern coasts. In these cases the country more open in character and drier in climate is the richer in Composite, a fact of high antecedent probability, seeing that the fruit is edis- persed chiefly by means of the pappus, and in a moist, densely afforested district this dispersal would be restricted not only by. liability of the pappus to collapse, but because the thickly growing vegetation would form an obstacle to the achenes in their flight. Vernonia frondosa Oliver & Hiern (n. 494) is a fine species hitherto unrepresented in the National Herbarium. Sphaeranthus ($ Pauciflori) Talbotii S. Moore (in Macleod “Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa,” 303). Herba veri- similiter humilis; ramis subsparsim foliosis anguste alatis cito COMPOSITE (S. Moore) or glabris ; foliis parvis oblongis vel lineari-oblongis apice mucronu- latis basi longe decurrentibus integris vel obscure denticulatis primo puberulis dein glabris, capitulorum glomerulis pro rata parvis breviter subsphaeroideis pedunculatis ; bracteis exterioribus 6 ovatis acutis vel brevissime spinuloso-acuminatis éxtus scabridule pubescentibus ; bracteis capitula stipantibus lineari-oblongis apice subito dilatatis truncatis necnon margine ciliolatis ipso mucronu- latis ; involucri phyllis 4-5 lineari-oblongis apice truncatis ipso saepe acutis; flosculis fem. 4-5 hermaph. 1, horum corollis paullulum supra basin constrictis ceterum cylindricis. North Cameroons, Garua to Golombe ; n. 1005. Branches slender, white, with narrow herbaceous wings barely 1 mm. wide. Leaves up to 25 x 4 mm., those on the branchlets. usually reduced to about 10 x 2mm. Glomerules about 10 mm. in diameter, composed of a large number of capitula. Peduncles at most 5 mm. long. ‘Outer bracts 8-4 mm. long, 2 mm. at the widest part, firm in texture, greyish-green when dry. Bracts of the capitula 8:5 mm. long, "75 mm. broad, somewhat cymbiform, provided with short stiff hairs near the apex on the outer side. Involucral leaves 3 mm. long, like the bracts scarious. Corollas of the hermaphrodite florets pale purple, 1'5 mm. long, the same length as those of the filiform female florets, which stand on exceedingly slender pedicels 1-1:5 mm. in length. Young achenes 2 mm. long, papillose. Achenes of the female florets 1 mm. long, covered with spreading hairs. This might be mistaken on a first view for S. peduncularis DC. which inter alia has 6-leaved involucres. Its position in the genus is near S. Steetzii Oliver & Hiern. Centaurea Perrottetii DC. is referred in the Flora of Tropical Africa to C. Calcitrapa—wrongly, I think. The single specimen -in the collection (n. 1007) agrees fairly well with C. Perrottetii, ' and still better with some Nigerian specimens in the Kew herbarium. EBENACEZ. Diospyros Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor ramulis sub- virgatis foliosis ; foliis glaberrimis alternis oblongis mediocribus breviter acuminatis acutis, petiolo brevi valido lignoso, venis paucis supra impressis subtus prominentibus ; floribus femineis in cymis ferrugineo-lanatis compositis cymulis 2-3-floris, pedicellis validis rufo-lanuginosis longiuseulis ; calyce ferrugineo campanulato 5-dentato dentibus crassis triangularibus subacutis ; corolla carnosa extus glabrescente lobis oblongis obtusis; staminodiis 6-7-rufo- strigosis ; ovario densissime pilis ferrugineis: patentibus induto; stigmatibus 5 lanceolatis crassis extus dense rufo-pilosis intus glabris. Oban ; n. 1560. Leaves to about 13 em. x 5°5cm., subcoriaceous, with stalk barely 6-7 mm. long; lateral nerves 5-6 pairs. Flower-stalk (9) 1-1:5 em. 58 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS long, 3-4. mm. or more thick. Calyx-tube about 5 mm.; teeth 5-6 mm. long and about the same width at base. Corolla-tube 1 em. wide at base and 1:2 em. long; lobes about the same length and 6 mm. broad. Not far removed from D. Gilgiana Gürke, but distinct in the 9 flowers; and near D. mamiacensis Gürke, from which it may be separated by the characters of the leaves, calyx and corolla. Jasminum Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis gracilibus fulvo-pubescentibus ; foliis suboppositis simplicibus oblongis vel ovatis vel suborbicularibus basi plerumque cordatis leniter acuminatis acutis obscure nisi infra super venas irregu- lariter ferrugineo-tomentosis puberulis, petiolo pubescente brevi ; floribus pedicellatis 7—8-meris in cymis ramosis plus minus elongatis laxis dispositis ; calycis lobis setaceis tubum plus quam duplo excedentibus ; corollae glabrae lobis anguste lanceolatis quam tubus haud multo brevioribus vel tubum subaequantibus. Oban ; n. 336. ; Leaves variable in shape and size, from about 3 cm. x 2 cm. to 7 x 4 cm.; petiole to 1-3 cm. long. Floral pedicels to 2 cm. long. Calyz-tube barely exceeding 2 mm. in length; the setaceous lobes 7 mm. long. Corolla-tube to 1:9 em. long; lobes 1:7 cm. long and barely 2 mm. wide at the base. Near the East African J. tomentosum Knobl., differing in the indumentum of the leaves and calyx-lobes and in the shape of the corolla-lobes. APOCYNACEE. This family is well represented in the collection, which includes the twelve following novelties. The specimen of Carpodinus violacea K. Schum. (n. 1445) has ROLE tendrils, hitherto unknown (see Fl. Trop. Afr. iv. pt. 1, 80). Vahadenia Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex subscandens glaberrimus ; foliis ellipticis nitentibus coriaceis vix acuminatis obtusissimis basi rotundatis vel subcordatis, venis secundariis paucis utrinque valde conspicuis, petiolo brevi; floribus breviter pedicellatis inter magnos in eymis compositis longe peduneulatis paucifloris, pedunculo axillari in cirrho plerumque commutato ; calycis segmentis subliberis latissime ovatis saepe sparse ciliatis involutis, basis glandulis ovatis vel lanceolatis multiseriatis A corollae tubo longo lobis latiuscule oblongis obtusis. Oban ; n. 1634. Leaves 10-13 cm. long, 5-6°5 cm. broad ; petiole about 5 mm. long ; secondary veins 5-7 pairs. JPeduncles about 10 cm. long. Pedicels 9:5 mm. long. Calyz-segments about 4 mm. x 4 mm. Corolla-tube 2 cm. or more long ; lobes 1:5 em. long, 5 mm. broad. Distinet in the shape and venation of the leaves and their very APOCYNACEÆ (H. F. Wernham) 59 short petioles, in the short ciliate calyx-segments, and in the long tube of the corolla with its broad lobes. Landolphia Stapfiana Wernham sp. nov. Frutex scandens nisi flores glaberrimus ; foliis oblongis acuminatis apice obtuso basi subacutis subcoriaceis, venis praecipue subtus conspicuis secundariis rectis intra marginem in arcubus anastomosantibus, petiolo valido; panieulis subglobosis brevissime pedunculatis multifloris fulvo-tomentosis ; bracteis parvis rotundatis similiter indutis plus minus persistentibus ; calyce parvo fulvo-tomentoso lobis brevibus subtriangularibus ; corollae tubo extus fulvo- pubescente, in medio latissimo sub lobis constricto, lobis oblongis obtusis dorso pubescentibus ore villoso. Oban; n. 1617. Leaves 13-15 em. long, 4-5 cm. broad ; petioles about 1 em. long; lateral veins 12-16 pairs. Inflorescences about 4:5 em. wide. Calyx barely 3 mm. long. Corolla-tube 7 mm. long; lobes about the same. Near L. owariensis Beauv., but differs in the more compact sessile inflorescences, the shape of the calyx-segments, and the longer corolla- lobes with rounded apices. Landolphia ($ Ancylobotrys) stipulosa S. Moore sp. nov. Planta scandens caule valido subtereti fulvo-hirsuto ; foliis breviter petiolatis obovato-oblongis apice cuspidato-caudatis ipso longissime ae tenuissime acuminatis basi cordatis tenuiter coriaceis supra costa media puberula exempta fere omnino glabris necnon nitentibus subtus in nervis hispide pubescentibus costis lateralibus "utrinque 8-10 patentibus marginem versus arcuatis ut costa media pag. sup. planis leviterve impressis pag. inf. eminentibus reticulo undique prominente ; glandulis axillaribus in setas longis- simas piloso-hispidas transformatis ; panicula elongata pedun- culata hispide pubescente ramulos plures fere suboppositos patentes apice multifloros in axillis setiferos hispide pubescentes emittente; calyce ultra medium diviso hispido segmentis oblongo- ovatis obtusis; corollae tubo paullo supra basin inflato inde contracto extus puberulo lobis tubo circa sequilongis lineari-lanceo- latis; antheris lanceolatis basin versus tubo insertis; ovario ovoideo glabro; stylo columnari stigma semiaequante; bacca magnitudine et vultu Citri Aurantü L. Oban ; n. 846. Leaves about 15 em. long, 6:5-7 em. broad, drying a chestnut- ' brown, somewhat paler on the lower side, the acumen 2-5 em. long, filiform near the top; petiole 1 cm. long, hispid-pubescent. sete several together, reaching almost 4 cm. in length, but oftener about 9:5 cm., dark when dry. Panicle almost 40 cm. long, its lower branches at most 4:5 em. long, the upper about 2:5 em. Bracís setiform, + 3 mm. long. Pedicels usually 2:5-8 mm. long. Flowers white. Calyx 3 mm. long. Tube of corolla nearly 1'5 cm. long, at the base 1*5 mm. wide, suddenly enlarging to 2-5 mm., in its upper part 2 mm. wide; lobes not quite 1:5 em. long. Ovary * 60 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS 1:25 mm., style 1 mm. long; basal part of stigma 1 mm. long, and lobes the same length. Berry almost 1 dem. in diameter. A remarkable plant, recognised at once by the stipule-like trans- formed axillary glands. The flowers having become dry in a manner rendering dissection very difficult, recourse has been had to Mrs. Talbot's excellent coloured drawing for details of thecorolla. (S. Moore.) Landolphia Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex scandens ramulis ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; foliis nisi super venam mediam subtus sparsiuscule pilosis glabris, elliptico-oblongis breviter acuminatis apiee obtuso basi acutis vel subrotundatis, venis secundariis densiuscule approximatis, petiolo brevi dense piloso- tomentoso ; floribus parvis sessilibus in eymulis laxiusculis multifloris pseudo-alaribus ramulis rigidulis sparse tomentosis nodoso-sinuatis ; bracteis calycem amplectentibus ut sepala late rotundatis paleaceis ciliolatis glabris; corollae tubo brevi minute ` pubescente infra lobos globoso-dilatato, lobis lanceolatis tubum subaequantibus, nisi in apice subacuto pilosis glabris, marginibus basin versus incurvatis canalem brevem constrictum formantibus å ovario strigoso-tomentoso, stylo glabro calycem excedente. Oban; n. 1088. : Leaves 6-8:5 em. x 2°5-3 em.; petiole 2-4 mm. long. Secondary veins many, not usually well-marked throughout the leaf. Cymes approximately spherical, about 2:5 cm. in diameter. Flowers about 6 mm. long. Calyx barely 8 mm. long. Corolla-tube 8:5 mm. ; lobes 3 mm. long. A very distinct species, with the general habit of a Clitandra, at once recognisable by the very small flowers, the chaffy bracts and sepals, and the close-veined leaves. Clitandra longituba Wernham sp. nov. Frutex scandens nisi bracteis sepalisque minute ciliolatis glaberrimus ; foliis coriaceis plerumque oblongis basi obtusis vel rotundatis apice breviter subito acuminatis obtusissimis breviter petiolatis, venis secundariis dense approximatis rectis nec valde conspicuis ; cymis multifloris sessilibus alaribus, bracteis parvis ovato-lanceolatis subacutis patentibus ; florum pedicellatorum sepalis ovatis obtusis ; corollae tubo gracili lobos lanceolatos acuminatos obtusiusculos saltem duplo excedente. Oban ; n. 1577. Leaves 10-16 em. long (including acumen about 1*3 em. long) and 5-6 em. broad; petiole-barely 1 cm. long. Sepals 1 mm. long. Corolla-tube 1-1:4 cm., the cream-coloured lobes 6-9 mm. Related, apparently, to C. eirrhosa Radlk., but at once distinguish- able by the shape of the corolla-lobes. Clitandra Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis gracilibus ; foliis nitentibus petiolatis glaberrimis ellipticis non- nunquam fere obovatis basi acutiusculis vel subrotundatis apice in acumen longiusculum lineari-oblongum obtusum producto, nervis APOCYNACEJE (H. F. Wernham) 61 secundariis pro rata distantibus; cymis densiusculis sessilibus alaribus; floribus inter parvos, bracteis minutis deltoideis ut calycis brevis dentes scariosis; corollae tubo pro rata valido supra medium constricto deinde infra lobos lanceolatos obtusos ampliato ; ovario pubescente stylo filiformi. Oban ; n. 1039. Leaves 5-7 em. long, with acumen 1-1°5 em. long, and 3-3°5 em. wide. Cymes rarely much more than 1 em. broad. Flowers 5 mm. long. Calyx about 1 mm. long. Corolla-tube 8-4 mm.; lobes 1:5 mm. long. Near C. parvifolia Stapt, but differs chiefly in the calyx and pistil. Carpodinus oxyanthoides Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber, cirrhis flagelliformibus scandens, ramulis cortice cinereo squamato indutis gracilibus ; foliis oblongis vel ellipticis cuspidato-acuminatis obtusis basi acutis interdum vix rotundatis glaberrimis, venis infra prominentibus secundariis paucis in arcubus gracilibus a margine distantibus anastomosantibus, petiolo brevi validiusculo ; floribus alaribus solitariis, alabastris longis tenuissimis; calycis segmentis late ovatis dorso carinatis obtusis ciliolatis aliter glaberrimis ; corollae tubo gracillimo infra lobos glabros obtusos lineares quam tubus multo minores ampliato intus infra stamina sparse piloso ; antheris lanceolatis ; ovario styloque incluso villosis. Oban ; 1443. Leaves 7-11 em. long, 4:5-5:5 cm. broad, with acumen about 1 em. long, 2:5 mm. broad; 4-5 prominent secondary veins on either side of the midrib as viewed from below; above, these veins are much less well-defined and, like the midrib, depressed; petiole up to 1 cm. long. Corolla-tube 2*5 cm. long, and scarcely more than 1:5 mm. broad in the upper dilated part; lobes 175 cm. long at most. Anthers 1: 5 mm. long. : Nearly related to C. congolensis Stapf, but differs in the longer and broader leaf-acumen with obtuse apex, and in the longer and more slender flowers with relatively shorter lobes. | Carpodinus Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex scandens glaberrimus ramulis gracilibus basi tumidis; foliis ellipticis basi rotundatis abrupte acuminatis apice obtusissimo breviter petio- latis, venis secundariis horizontalibus demum curvatis ascenden- tibus infra marginem in arcubus latis anastomosantibus distantibus ut vena media supra parum conspicuis impressis canaliculatis infra prominentibus, reticulo tertio plerumque horizontale nervis paucis; floribus glabris subsessilibus alabastris inter longissimos in cymas axillares paucifloras sessiles aggregatis ; calycis segmentis oblongo-ovatis obtusis margine minutissime ciliato- pubescentibus; corollae tubo gracili infra lobos lineares tubum subaequantes ampliato. Oban ; n. 1055. Y. Leaves 9-11 em. long (with acumen nearly 1:5 em. long, 2:5 mm. 62 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS broad), 5:5-6:5 em. broad; petiole 6-15 mm. long, curved, swollen at the base; secondary nerves 8-11 pairs. Flower-buds up to 3°5 cm. long or more. Calyx-segments 8 mm. long, 175 mm. broad. Corolla- tube 9 em. ; lobes about the same length and little more than 1 mm. ` broad. Related to C. violacea K. Schum. and C. glabra Pierre, from which it differs in the venation and shape of the leaves and the larger flowers. Pleiocarpa Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor glabra ramulis nodosis teretiusculis cortice rugoso vel striato ; foliis majusculis supra olivaceo- infra luteo-viridibus petiolatis anguste elliptico- oblongis basi angustatis brevissime caudato-acuminatis apice obtuso, costa et nervis secundariis subtus prominentibus supra valde impressis; floribus in cymulis alaribus paucifloris sessilibus; sepalis oblongis obtusis; corollae tubo gracili lobis obovatis vel oblongis latiusculis ; ovarii carpella quinque 4-5- ovulatis. Oban ; n. 1037. Leaves 15-20 em. long with acumen 2-25 cm. long, and 4:5-6 cm. broad; petiole rarely much more than 1 cm. long; secondary veins distant, about 10 on each side of the midrib. Sepals 3 mm. long. Corolla-tube 9:9 em. long ; lobes 1:3 cm. long x 4-5 mm. broad. The affinity is with P. mutica Benth., but there are many and clear points of difference. Voaeanga magnifolia Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaberrimus ramulis valde compressis; foliis obovatis vel late oblanceolatis basin versus angustatis apice subito angustato sessilibus vel brevissime petiolatis basi nonnunquam cordatis plerumque tamen acutis, venis secundariis infra prominentibus approximatis ; cymis ad apicem pedunculi dichotomis a foliis multo excessis ; bracteis caducis; floribus longiuscule pedicellatis ; calyce inter breviores in lobos oblongos apice rotundatos fere ad medium diviso ; corollae tubo contorto ad medium et infra lobos constricto in calyce incluso lobis ovalibus apice obtuso tubum longitudine excedentibus. Oban ; n. 1053. $ Adult leaves 22:5 em. long, 11:5 em. broad; petioles rarely as much as 3 mm. long; secondary veins 16-20 pairs. Peduncles about 10 cm. long. Cymes 6-7 em. long, 7-8 em. wide. Pedicels to nearly 2:5 cm. long. Calyx nearly 8 mm. long; lobes 3°5 mm. broad. Corolla-tube 8 mm. ; lobes 173 cm. long, 7-8 mm. broad. Voaeanga obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis teretibus novellis compressis cortice dilute cinereo indutis ; foliis glaberrimis majusculis plerumque oblanceolatis acuminatis basi cuneatis petiolatis, venis distantibus ; floribus pedicellatis majusculis in cymis glabris paucifloris longiuscule pedunculatis folia tamen vix excedentibus dispositis; bracteis late ovatis APOCYNACEJE (H. F. Wernham) 63 concavis acutis persistentibus majusculis ; calyce late campanulato extus glabro lobis ovatis subacutis tubum vix aequantibus ; corollae tubo contorto extus glabro infra medium et iterum infra lobos valde constricto lobis oblongo-lanceolatis glabris acutiusculis tubum excedentibus. Oban ; n. 2071. Leaves 17-22 cm. long, 5-5°5 em. broad; petioles 1:7 cm. long; lateral veins 8-10 pairs, Peduncles to 17 em. long, about 4-flowered. Bracts about 1 em. long, and the same width in the broadest part. Calyz-tube T mm. long and rather more in width ; lobes variable, the average about 5 mm. x 4mm. Corolla-tube 1*8 cm. long, the lower constriction 5 mm. above the base, 4 mm. wide in the median dilated part; lobes 1*6 em. or more long, and about 2*5 mm. broad. The nearest affinity seems to be with V. Zenkeri Stapf, but the difference is clearly seen in the larger leaves and longer petioles, and in the shape and size of the corolla-lobes and longer tube of the new species. Voaeanga Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis novellis valde compressis demum teretibus foliosis nodosis ; foliis plerumque parviusculis oblanceolatis brevissime acuminatis utrinque acutis glabris petiolo tenui compresso; floribus pro genere inter minimos in cymis solitariis vel geminis umbellatis glabriusculis pedunculatis dispositis, pedicellis longiusculis ; brac- teis ovatis obtusis concavis tardiuscule deciduis; calyce late campanulato extus glaberrimo vix ad medium in lobos fere albidos late triangulares vel oblongos acutiusculos demum recurvatos diviso; corollae glabrate tubo brevi lobos excedente circa medium staminifero, limbi demum valde reflexi lobis oblongis subacutis ; antherarum apicibus fere exsertis. Oban ; n. 1624. The leaves vary a good deal in size; theaverage for the adult leaves is about 9 em. long, 3:5 cm. wide, the largest being 15 em. x 5*5 cm. Secondary veins 10-12 pairs. Petiole 6-8 mm. long. Inflorescence 3-4 cm. wide. Peduncles 2-8: 5 em. long at first, at length attaining 6-7 cm. Bracts 8 mm. long, boat-shaped. Floral pedicels 7 mm. long. Calyx-tube 3-4 mm. long; lobes about the same length, and as much as 3 mm. wide at the base. Corolla-tube cream-coloured, 7 mm. long, the pale primrose lobes as much as 4 mm. long. Related to V. diplochlamys K. Schum., from which it differs in its more complete glabrousness, the longer floral pedicels, the smaller calyx and much smaller corolla, with lobes considerably shorter than the tube. ASCLEPIADACEE by Mr. S. Moore. Batesanthus Talbotii S. Moore sp.nov. Planta scandens caule distanter folioso hac atque illac verruculoso glabro ; foliis breviter petiolatis ovatis vel late ovato-oblongis apicem versus attenuatis apice acuminatis basi cordatis membranaceis utrinque scabridis ; 64 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS stipulis interpetiolaribus perspicuis argute dentatis reflexis ; pani- culis axilaribus folis paullo brevioribus; bracteis parvis ovatis mox deciduis; pedicellis floribus circiter aequilongis glabris; calycis segmentis ovatis obtusissimis puberulis; corollae glabrae lobis tubum multo excedentibus obovato-oblongis obtusis ; coronae lobis emarginatis; staminum filamentis coronae lobis aequilongis crassiusculis compressis; antheris late oblongis quam filamenta longioribus ; stylo staminibus breviore ; folliculis ovoideo-oblongis obtusis superne paullo angustatis glabris. Oban ; nn. 2091, 2074. Twining by means of a rather slender chocolate-coloured, when dry prominently striated, somewhat verruculose stem. Leaves drying brown-green, covered with very short scabrous emergences and provided with a vast number of minute glands pellucid in transmitted light, mostly 10-13 x 6-8 cm., though occasionally only 7-8 x 4 em., the terminal cusp about 1 cm. long; lateral nerves about 7 pairs, inserted upon the midrib nearly at a right angle; petioles + 2 cm. long. Stipules rigid, chocolate-coloured, about 3 mm. long. Panicles 7-11 em. long and about 8:5 em. across. Peduncles 3 cm. long; pedicels 5-8 mm., and bracts barely 2 mm. Segments of calyx 1-5 x 1-1'25 mm. Corolla bright purple inside, paler within; tube scarcely 2 mm. long; lobes 7 x 8:5 mm. Corona '3 mm. long, its lobes erecto-patent, ‘75 mm. long. Free part of filaments *5 mm. long; anthers 115 mm. long. Pollinia rhombic, including the stalk 1:25 mm. in length. Obtusely conical apex of style about "5 mm. long. follicles dark brown, 8-8:5 ‘em. long, about 2 cm. broad. Seeds 5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate unilaterally keeled, except for the 2:5 em. long (pale brown) coma glabrous. Easily distinguished from B. purpurea N.E. Br., hitherto the only known species, by the scabrid leaves drying brown, the short in- florescences and the much smaller flowers. : Var. grandifolia var. nov. A typo discrepans ob folia majora, sicca fusca, necnon corollas majores. Oban ; n. 68. : Stems purplish, warted. Leaves 15 x 9 em. Corolla-lobes 10 x 4:5-5 mm. This looks very different from the type, and should possibly be regarded as a distinct species. Seeamone eonostyla S. Moore sp. nov. Planta caule volubili subdistanter folioso glabro ; foliis petiolatis ovatis apice breviter cuspidulatis ipso acuminatis basi breviter cordatis tenuiter membranaceis utrinsecus glabris; cymis ex axillis omnibus superioribus oriundis simplicibus dichotomeve paniculatis paten- tibus paucifloris; bracteis minimis lanceolatis; pedicellis ut pedunculi filiformibus glabris ; floribus quam pedicelli manifeste brevioribus ; calycis segmentis ovato-lanceolatis acutis; corollae rotato-campanulatae ultra medium divisae lobis ovatis obtusis- simis margine crispulis ; coronae phyllis quam columna staminea ASCLEPIADACE& (S. Moore) 65 brevioribus subulatis patentibus carnosulis fuscis; stylo columnam stamineam bene excedente anguste conico integro. Oban ; n. 1030. A slender-stemmed twining plant. Leaves when full grown 4-5 x 2:5-3 cm., exceedingly thin in texture, drying green and markedly paler beneath, provided with a large number of minute immersed pellueid glands; petioles 1-2 cm. long, sometimes of unequal length in the pairs, scabridulous. Cymes short or elongated, sometimes 1 cm., more often 5-6 em. long; in the latter case 7 cm. more or less in diameter. Common peduncle very short or absent; partial pedun- cles at most 4 em. long. Pedicels usually 5-8 mm. long. Bracts about 1 mm.in length. Flowers green. Segments of calyx 1:95 mm. long. Hapanded corolla 6 mm. in diameter; tube 1:25 mm. long; lobes 2:5 x 2:5 mm. — Staminal column, including the appendages to the anthers, about 1 mm. long. Coronal leaves about "4 mm. long, blackish. Style exserted beyond the staminal column to a length of nearly 1 mm. Differs from S. leonense N. E. Br., chiefly in the cordate (not cuneate) leaves, the glabrous cymes and the conical entire style. Ceropegia Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule volubili superne frequenter folioso glabro; foliis sat longe petiolatis ovatis longiuscule caudato-acuminatis basi cordatis membranaceis pag. sup. fere omnino glabris pag. inf. in nervis sparsissime puberulis glabrisve; floribus majusculis solitariis vel in cymis umbellatis perpaucifloris dispositis pedunculis glabris calycem excedentibus insidentibus ; calycis segmentis elongatis linearibus sursum longe attenuatis glabris; corollae extus et intus fere glabrae tubo basi inflato inde subito contracto paullo infra medium indeque usque ad fauces optime dilatatas amplificato lobis tubo multo brevioribus apice connatis oblongis obtusis fere glabris ; coronae phyllis exterioribus in cupulam brevem connatis late ovatis apice bilobis lobis caudato-acuminatis intus pilis longis obsitis margine sparsissime ciliatis phyllis interioribus exteriora circa duplo excedentibus lineari-oblongis apice dilatatis ipso obtusis. Oban ; n. 116. Leaves mostly 6 em. long, 3 em. broad, the narrowed portion at most 2 cm. long; petioles somewhat twisted at the base, about 3 em. long. Peduncles also twisted at the base, usually 1:5-3 em. long. Segments of the calyz becoming patent, 1-2 cm. long. Corolla a dirty white with purple blotching, the tube almost 4 em. long, 4-5 mm. wide at the base, then contracted to 2 mm. and expanding at the mouth to 9-12 mm.; lobes 1:5 em. long, 5 mm. broad. Cupule of the outer corona "4 mm. deep, its leaves about 1:2 x 1 mm.; leaves of the inner corona 2 x "2 mm. To be inserted in the genus next C. Johnsoni N.E. Br., which has smaller, less deeply cordate leaves, a much shorter calyx and a Shorter corolla less swollen both at base and throat. Judging from material to hand, the corolla -varies somewhat in 66 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS shape; this may be due to drying; Mrs. Talbot’s excellent coloured drawing gives but slight evidence of such variation. Ceropegia anceps S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule volubili ancipiti folioso glabro; foliis oblanceolatis vel oblanceolato- obovatis breviter caudato-acuminatis apice acutis basi in petiolum gracilem quam sese breviorem cuneatim angustatis membranaceis vel potius levissime crassiusculis utrobique glabris vel summum in nervis microscopice puberulis ; cymis umbellatis pedunculatis pauci- necnon mediocri-floris bracteis parvis subulatis stipatis ; calycis segmentis subulatis puberulis; corollae extus fere glabrae tubo basi inflato inde usque ad fauces iterum dilatatas tenui lobis tubo manifeste brevioribus oblongis replicatis apice cohaerentibus ; coronae phyllis exterioribus ima basi connatis subquadratis sursum in cornua duo filiformia pilis sparsis longis donata exeuntibus phyllis interioribus ut exteriora columnam stamineam facile superantibus erectis lineari-oblongis obtusis. Oban; n. 174. Stem at most 2 mm. wide, marked with sparse longitudinal striation. Leaves 4-5 cm. long in the blade and 15-20 mm. broad, when dry darkish above, paler beneath, the acuminate end 7-9 mm. long; petioles 10-13 mm. long, glabrous. Cymes usually 4-6-flowered, but sometimes less, their peduncles 6-15 mm. long. Bracts about 1:5 mm. long. Flowers creamy-white, with dark brown blotches. Calyx barely 3 mm. long. Tube of corolla 19-22 mm. long, at the very bottom 1:5 mm. wide, the inflated base 4-5 mm. wide, the narrow part 1:5 mm. and the throat suddenly expanded to 6 mm.; corolla lobes 7 mm. long. Leaves of the outer corona 2 mm. long, the two horns or lobes proceeding from the right and left corner respectively 1 mm. long; leaves of inner corona 2:25 mm. long. Staminal column 2 mm. long. : à : This also is near C. Johnsoni N.E. Br., but its stem, leaves and corona are different. LOGANIACEJE by Mr. S. Moore & Mr. H. F. Wernham. Mostuea angustifolia Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis gracilibus virgatis; foliis glabris subsessilibus lanceolatis non- nunquam obliquis utrinque acuminatis apice subobtuso in ramulis lateralibus brevibus florescentibus confertis ; floribus parvulis in cymis subumbellatis glabris paucifloris tenuiter pedunculatis dispositis, bracteis et bracteolis minutis vel obsoletis pedicellis longiusculis glabris ; calyce brevissimo dentibus lanceolatis tubum excedentibus ; corollae tubo anguste infundibulari lobis rotundatis ; capsulae lobis divaricatis oblongis rotundatis. : Oban ; n. 1085. The leaves are 4-5°5 cm. long by 1:2-1:5 em. broad. The pedun- cles of the mature inflorescences may be as much as 1:8 cm. long. Floral pedicels 1-2 mm. or more, increasing to about 1 cm. in the LOGANIACER (H. F. Wernham) 67 fruiting stage. Calyx1mm.long; corolla-tube 8 mm., lobes 1:5 mm. long. Fruit 12 mm. broad, septum 5 mm. long. Differs from most species of the genus in its narrow lanceolate leaves. Most nearly related, probably, to M. Dinklagei Gilg. from which it differs in its glabrous character and in its very small ealyx. Anthocleista microphylla Wernham sp. nov. Arbor glabra ramulis inermibus cortice squamoso dilute brunneo transversim rupto indutis ; foliis subcoriaceis ellipticis pro genere parvis basi in petiolum brevissimum subito angustatis brevissime acuminatis apice subacuto ; floribus in cymis umbellatis compositis laxius- culis dispositis ; calycis lobis suborbicularibus aequalibus ; corollae tubo calycem duplo excedente nec valde insuper ampliato, lobis tubi partem exsertam subaequantibus latiuscule oblongis apice obtuso reflexo; stylo antheras excedente; bracteolis deltoideis coriaceis carinatis, bracteis similibus. Oban; n. 304. Leaves quite small for the genus, about 7 cm. long and 3°5 cm. broad. The very short petioles have a very broad, almost sheathing base, and an interpetiolar line is clearly observable at the node. There are 5-6 secondary veins on either side of the midrib, but these are usually only faintly discernible on the lower side of the leaf. The inflorescence just exceeds theleaves. The calyz is barely 6 mm. long ; the corolla-tube 19 to 14 mm. long, and the lobes about 1 em. long | and 4 mm. broad. Anthers 6-7 mm. long. The nearest affinity among the species hitherto described is A. pulcherrima Gilg, but the present species is at once distinguished by the shape, size and venation of the leaves, and by the much smaller flowers. Anthoeleista obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Arbor glabra ramulis inermibus ; foliis coriaceis parviusculis oblanceolatis basi cuneatis in petiolum brevem angustatis petiolo incrassato et ampliato caulem amplectente apice brevissime acuminato sub- acuto venis secundariis valde utrinque obscuris vel evanidis; jloribus in cymis paucifloris umbellatis compositis, bracteis bracteolisque coriaceis ovato-lanceolatis obtusis; calycis lobis inter maximos oblongis apice rotundato interioribus latioribus ; corollae tubo supra calycem ampliato breviter campanulato lobis elliptico-oblongis latiusculis apice rotundato. Oban, Obarekkai; n. 305. Leaves small for the genus, 12-15 em. long, 3-6 cm. broad, petiole 5-10 mm. long. A pair of small leaves, 3:5 em. long and 1:8 cm. broad, usually subtends the inflorescence, which exceeds the foliage- leaves. Calyx about 1:5 cm. long, outer lobes 6 mm., inner 8 mm., broad, strongly concave. Corolla-tube 2 cm. long altogether, of which the campanulate part exserted beyond the calyx measures 5 mm. Corolla-lobes 1:1 em. long and 5-6 mm. broad. This species approaches A. laxiflora Baker, from which it differs in the shape and size of the leaves and calyx-lobes. F 68 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Anthoeleista Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Arbor glaberrima ramulis spinis geminis validis armatis ; foliis in apice ramulorum confertis oblanceolatis sessilibus basi auriculatis apice subacuto apicem versus nec acuminatis venis praecipue subtus conspicuis ; Jloribus ymbellatis in cymis compositis ; calycis lobis exterioribus suborbicularibus ; corollae tubo infra cylindraceo supra calycem ampliato lobis oblongo-lanceolatis vix acutis 16-18; bracteis bracteolisque induratis brevissimis truncatis latissimis ; bacca ellipsoidea majuscula. : Oban ; nn. 177, 1448, 2027. Leaves very large, the uppermost attaining 35 em. in length and 13 cm. in breadth, considerably exceeding the inflorescences; the lower, to judge from n. 1448, may be 150-200 cm. long. Calyx nearly 15 mm. long. Corolla over 2'5 cm. long; lobes 13 mm. long and 6-7 mm. broad. Berry 3:5 cm. long, and about 3 cm. broad. The affinities of this species are with A. lanceolata Gilg, but it is A distinguished by the character of the corolla and the shape of the leaves. Strychnos ($ Intermediae) pansa S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex ramulis subteretibus patentissimis pubescentibus cirriferis cirris simplicibus antrorsum curvatis neenon incrassatis ; foliis pro rata mediocribus vel parvis breviter petiolatis ovatis vel ovato-oblongis apiee obtusissimis sed saepius cuspidato-attenuatis ipso acutis vel obtusis basi rotundatis vel truncatis nonnunquam leviter cordatis tenuiter coriaceis utrinque costa centrali puberula exempta glabris fere a basi 3-nervibus adjecta costa marginali parum perspicua ac revera quam reticulum haud magis aspectabili ; cymis axillaribus brevibus paucifloris glabris; floribus parvulis tetrameris pedicellis quam sese plerumque longioribus insidentibus ; calyce parvo segmentis deltoideis obtusis vel obtusiusculis margine ciliatis; corollae parvulae campanulatae tubo calycem sub- aequante comparate lato intus glabro lobis ovatis obtuse acutis extus puberulis intus prope medium pilorum linea onustis ; ME antheris aequilongis ; orario globoso ut stylus inclusus glabro. Oban ; n. 1661. A climbing shrub with slender leafy branches giving off spreading branchlets at a right angle or nearly so; tendrils 8 to nearly 4 cm. long, pubescent. Leaves various in size and shape, now 9 x 3:5 cm., often 6: 5-8 x 2°7-3 cm., sometimes reduced to 2°5-4 x 2-2°5 em. or even less, drying bright green, paler below; pair of lateral nerves ascending, arcuate-anfractuose in the upper half or rather more of their course, running for the most part at 3-5 mm. distance from the margin; ordinary lateral nerves about 6 pairs, inserted on the midrib almost at a right angle, together with interpolated secondary nerves and the rather lax reticulum prominent on both sides of the leaf; petioles stout, 2-3 mm. long, pubescent. Cymes about 5 mm. long. Bracts cymbiform, 1-2 mm. long; pedicels + 2 mm. long. Flowers LOGANIACER (S. Moore) | 69 bright orange. Calyz not quite 1 mm. in length. Tube of corolla 1 mm. long, scarcely 2 mm. wide at the throat ; lobes 1°25 mm. long, its hairs villous, white. Filaments and anthers each "75 mm. long. Ovary "75 mm. in diameter. Style "3 mm. long. Closely allied to S. malacoclados C. H. Wright, but somewhat different in foliage and markedly so in the lax glabrous cymes and larger calyces. Stryehnos ($ Intermediae) Talbotiae S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex erectus ramulis ecirrosis teretibus crebro foliosis primo fusco- purpureis dein cinereis glabris; foliis petiolatis ovatis prope apicem subito cuspidato-attenuatis apice obtusis basi rotundatis vel subito subcuneatis utrobique nitentibus coriaceis glabris D-nervibus jugo proximali basali a jugo distali aliquantum remoto ambobus usque ad apicem margini parallelis parum anfractuosis ; cymis axillaribus sessilibus brevibus satis densifloris; bracteis parvulis ovatis obtusis dorso puberulis margine ciliolatis ; floribus pentameris ; calycis segmentis late ovatis obtusis puberulis margine ciliolatis; corollae campanulatae extus subtiliter sericeo-pubescentis lobis quam tubus intus ad fauces pilorum annulo instructus paullo longioribus triangularibus obtusiusculis ; filamentis quam antherae brevioribus villosulis; ovario subgloboso glabro stylo incluso crasso piloso aequilongo ; bacca subglobosa magnitudine cerasum grande paullo excedente exocarpio dense coriaceo leviter nitente obducta. Oban ; n. 2077. Leaves 7-12 x 4-8 cm., drying grey or greyish-brown, somewhut paler on the lower side; nerves slightly impressed on the upper side, prominent on the lower, midrib more prominent than the lateral pairs, basal pair of the latter usually somewhat the less prominent ; nervelets numerous, inserted on the midrib at varying angles, dividing to form an open reticulum easily visible on the lower side, with some difficulty on the upper; petioles stout, channelled above, 5-7 mm. long. Cymes 2-2°5 x 2°5-3 em. ; branches several, minutely hairy, the ultimate ones ending in three flowers of which the central is sessile and the lateral supported by pedicels about 1 mm. in length. Bracts as long as and closely apposed to the pedicels. Segments of calyx 1 mm. long. Corolla 3:25 mm. long, of which 1:25 belongs to the tube. Filaments flattened and fleshy, ‘75 mm. long; anthers broadly oblong-ovate, very obtuse, 1 mm. long. Ovary and style each 1 mm. long. Berry 20-25 x 18-20 mm., with a brown exocarp in the dry state. Seeds not seen. S. Siaudtii Gilg, to which this seems nearest, has narrower leaves with the basal pair of lateral nerves not nearly so prominent, larger flowers with a double ring of hairs in the tube of the corolla, exserted style, etc. Stryehnos ($ Intermediae) memeeyloides S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex erectus ramis copiose foliosis ramulos patentes emittentibus scabriuseule pubescentibus tandem glabrescentibus ; foliis breviter 70 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS petiolatis oblongo-ovatis apice cuspidulatis ipso obtusis basi obtusissimis rotundatisve tenuiter coriaceis nervis puberulis pubescentibusve pag. inf. exemptis glabris utrinsecus nitidis 5-nervibus jugo proximali submarginali satis obscuro apicem versus evanescente jugo distali paullulum supra basin exeunte optime aspectabili dimidio superiori arcuato-anfractuoso ut costa centralis et jugum proximale et reticulum sublaxum supra plano vel brevissime elevato subtus prominente; cymis axillaribus nisi terminalibus abbreviatis densifloris ; bracteis obovatis obtusis dorso puberulis margine ciliolatis; floribus pentameris; calycis segmentis suborbicularibus puberulis ciliolatis ; corollae puberulae paullulum ultra medium divisae tubo calyci subaequilongo intus in faucibus pilorum annulo instructo lobis triangularibus obtu- siuseulis: filamentis antheris brevioribus villosulis ; ovario late ovoideo ut stylus crassiusculus se ipsum paullulum excedens piloso. Oban ; n. 2078. Leaves usually 12-17 em. long, 5-6°5 em. broad, olive-green when dry, brighter on the underside ; petioles stout, shallowly channelled on the upper side, pubescent, 5 mm. long. Cymes 1-2 x 1-2°5 cm., the branches short and pubescent. Bracts mostly 2-4 mm. long. Pedicels + 1:5 mm. long, pubescent. Calyz-segments scarcely 2 mm. long. Tube of corolla broadening upwards, 1:75 mm. long, 1:25 mm. wide at the base, nearly 2 mm. at the throat; lobes 2:25 mm. long. Filaments *5 mm. long; anthers oblong-ovoid, 1 mm. long. Ovary 1:25 mm. in length, narrowing upwards into the fleshy style, which is 1:75 mm. in length and like it pilose. Allied to the last from which it differs in foliage, calyx, &c. Var. effusior. Folia oblongo-lanceolata, pleraque 14-17 X 4-6 em. Cymae satis laxae, 2-2:5 x 2:5-3 em. Corollae lobi ovato-oblongi. Oban ; n. 2079. Stryehnos ($ Intermediae) pusilliflora S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex scandens espinosus? ecirrosus? ramulis angulis rectis vel fere rectis abeuntibus teretibus glabris cortice cinereo vel sordide albo circumdatis vetustioribus lenticellis eminentibus profuse donatis ; foliis majuseulis petiolatis oblongo-ovatis cuspidato-acuminatis apice obtusis basi cuneatis tenuiter coriaceis glabris trinervibus (addito jugo basali intramarginali mediocriter perspicuo) jugi lateralis nervis "5-1 em. a basi costae centrali conjunctis folii margini stricte parallelis ut costa centralis pag. inf. optime eminentibus ordinis inf. nervis numerosis jugo laterali angulis rectis insertis; eymis axillaribus tenuibus erebro ramosis pluri- necnon laxi-floris glabris; bracteis parvis lanceolatis pedicellis brevioribus; calycis parvuli glabri segmentis ovato-deltoideis obtusissimis; corollae parvae tetramerae triente inf. gamopetalae LOGANIACER (S. Moore) 71 tubo calycem excedente a basi amplificato intus glabro lobis oblongis obtusis intus praesertim dimidio proximali pubescentibus ; staminibus faucibus affixis breviter exsertis; ovario subgloboso quam stylus longiore. Oban ; n. 1256. A copiously branching seandent shrub. Leaves + 10 x 5 em., the largest 15 x 6:5 cm., grey-green in the dry state, palely shining on both surfaces; midrib somewhat prominent on the upper side, excavated down the middle; lateral nerves and the reticulum pro- minent on both sides; petioles + 1 cm. in length, concave on the upper side. Cymes very slender, 2-4:5 cm. long and about the same in diameter. Bracts +1 mm. long; pedicels mostly 1-3 mm. Calyx "5 m. long, its lobes 4 mm. Corolla 2:5 mm. long, the tube -75 mm., the lobes 1:75 mm. Filaments ‘4 mm. long; anthers as long, broadly ovate. Ovary "75 mm; style ‘5 mm. long. Fruit unknown. The very slender open cymes, the small flowers and relatively large leaves with the two lateral nerves running parallel to the margin without any interrupting curves, are the chief characteristies of this species. SCYPHOSTRYCHNOS S. Moore, gen. nov. Calyx 5-partitus; segmenta lata, imbricata. Corolla hypo- craterimorpha ; fauces squamis in tubum exsertum alte connatis coronam referentibus onustae ; lobi 5, aestivatione valvati. Stamina 5, ad basin coronae inserta, corollae lobis alternantia ; filamenta brevia ; antherae dorsifixae, 2-loculares. Discus brevis- simus, cupuliformis, ore denticulato. Ovarium 2-loculare ; stylus filiformis ; stigma capitatum ; ovula quove in loculo co, pluriseriata. Frutex alte scandens. Folia opposita, paullo supra basin trinervia. Flores in cymas axillares pedunculatas trichotome panieulatas plurifloras nonnunquam in cirros validos uncinatos mutatas digesti. Bracteae parvae. Seyphostryehnos Talbotii S. Moore sp. unica. Planta glabra ramis validis teretibus cortice cinereo obductis; foliis breviter petiolatis ovatis vel ovato-oblongis apice cuspidulatis ipso obtusis basi truncato-rotundatis coriaceis supra nitidis prominenterque reticulato-nervosis subtus nervis paucis lateralibus eminentibus exemptis subobseure reticulatis; cymis foliis multo brevioribus pedunculis validis nitentibus insidentibus ; bracteis cymbiformibus calyci arcte applicatis ; calycis segmentis rotundato-deltoideis obtusis vel obtusissimis fulvo-ciliolatis; corollae tubo calycem duplo superante lobis ovato-oblongis obtusis tubo subaequilongis ; antheris oblongis corona fere omnino inclusis ; ovario ovoideo in stylum se ipsum excedentem angustato. (Pl. 10.) Oban ; n. 1664. Leaves very coriaceous, mostly 14-20 cm. long and 8-11:5 em. broad, but sometimes markedly smaller, e.g., 7-9 x 5°5-7 cm., brown "a SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS when dry, somewhat paler and not at all shining on the underside ; lateral pair of nerves arising from the midrib at from less than 1 cm. to nearly 2 em. from the base of the leaf, each nerve traversing about one-half of the leaf in an arch of no great curvature which never approaches the leaf-margin, and at length anastomoses with the lowest of the three other lateral nerves; the nerves are flat above and prominent below; petioles about 12 mm. long, channelled above, stout. Tendril-bearing branch 9 cm. long, with two pairs of tendrils 6 cm. apart; tendrils woody, 4:5-6 cm. long, much curved and swollen in the upper part. Cymes + 6 cm. long, 8-4 em. in diameter. Peduncles 2 cm. long; central flower of each cymule usually sessile or subsessile, lateral flowers on pedicels up to 8 mm. in length. Bracts 1:5-2mm.long. Calyz92:5mm.long. Corolla palest yellow, tube quite glabrous inside, 5 mm. long, 3-8:5 mm. broad; lobes 6 mm. long, like the tube somewhat fleshy. “ Corona." 2:5 mm. long, its lobes about "5 mm. long. Filaments 1 mm., anthers 2 mm. long. Ovary 3 mm. long, style 4 mm. The genus has all the characters of Strychnos, with the addition of the so-called ** corona." CONVOLVULACEE by Dr. A. B. Rendle. The collection includes thirty-four species, sixteen of which belong to the genus Ipomoea. The majority are more or less widely spread in Tropical Africa or tropical countries generally. Eight are restricted to West Tropical Africa, including Lepi- &temon parviflorus Pilger and Ipomoea Hierniana Rendle, previously known only from the Cameroons, I. velutipes Welw. from S. Cameroons and Angola, and I. micrantha Hallier f. from the Cameroons and. Ashanti. : Prevostea nigeriea Rendle sp. nov. Planta scandens caule tenui; foliis ... ; floribus apice et sub apice pedunculorum axillarium aggregatis ; bracteis minutis lineari-oblongis vel -oblanceolatis dorso ferrugine hirsutulis; sepalis 2 exterioribus ovato-cordatis obtusis veluti pedicello tenui dorso praecipue superne ferrugine hirsutulis, sepalis interioribus parvis late ovatis acutis; corolla urceolata alba parva segmentis brevibus rotundatis demum recurvis sub ore ferrugine pubescente ; antheris ante anthesin reversis ; stylo paene ad basin diviso, brachiis inaequali- bus stigmatibus late ellipsoideis ; fructu indehiscente ovoideo styli basi persistente coronato monospermo, sepalis accrescentibus rotunde ovatis vel suborbicularibus cordatis. Oban ; n. 1484. Said to be leafless in the flowering and fruiting stage. Peduncles apparently short, stiff, bearing a large number of crowded flowers; pedicels 6-7 mm. long. Outer sepals 5-8 mm. long, the outermost in the fruiting stage to 4'5 cm. long and as broad, the inner about 2-5 cm. Corolla 1*4 em. long by 8 mm. in diameter ; segments 1 mm. long. Fruit (unripe) about 1 cm. long without the beak. CONVOLVULACE (A. B. Rendle) 73 A distinct species characterised by its small urceolate flowers densely crowded towards the top of the short axillary peduncles. Merremia pes-draconis Hallier f. var. nigeriea var. nov. A typo differt foliis magis evolutis, calyce breviore glabro et corolla minore. River Benue; n. 832. Leaf-stalks *5 to 3 em. long (8 mm. in the species); blades to 9:5 cm. long (6 cm. in the species); deeply palmately-pinnately 7-lobed (5-lobed in the species). Calyx glabrous, 2 em. long (the outer sepals are hairy and 12 mm. long in the species). Corolla 2 cm. long (2:7 mm. in the species). M. pes-draconis is represented only by a specimen “en état plutot mauvais" in the Brussels Herbarium, collected by Descamps in the Congo Free State (Kasai distriet). Dr. De Wildeman has kindly compared a Nigerian specimen with the type; he says, “ It is certainly near M. pes-draconis, but is distinguished by longer-stalked leaves, with a more developed limb, more numerous lobes and a more hairy lower surface, by a more glabrous and shorter calyx and a relatively reduced corolla." The Nigerian plant may represent a distinct but closely allied species, but in view of the unsatisfactory character of the material of M. pes-draconis I prefer to regard the differences at present as merely of varietal value. PEDALINEE. Sesamum Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Herba suffrutescens erecta pubescens caule tereti striato inferne glabrescente ; foliis simplicibus inferioribus ellipticis pro genere latis basi angustatis apice acuminato vel rotundato margine subintegro utrinque sparsi- uscule pilesis, petiolis pro rata longis, superioribus angustioribus lineari-oblongis distincte tamen petiolatis apice acuto utrinque pilosis margine minute et irregulariter serratis ; floribus majusculis ; calycis lobis lineari-lanceolatis ; capsula majuscula rostrata late oblonga pilosa. ; Oban ; n. 1036. Lower leaves 6-9 cm. long x 2-2°4 cm. broad; petiole 2-2°5 em. long; upper leaves about 4 cm. long x 8 mm. broad. Calyx 6-7 mm. long. Corolla-tube 8 cm. long, largest lobe 1 cm. long and 1:3 cm. broad. Fruit 8-8:5 cm. long, and 8-9 mm. broad. Seeds 2:8 mm. long, 2:1 mm. in broadest part, with radiating wrinkles. Notable for the broad leaves and large capsules. ACANTHACEJ by Mr. S. Moore. A few genera of Acanthacex, such as Dischistocalyx, Whitfieldia, Physacanthus, Lankesteria and Thomandersia, are exclusively or largely West African. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot's discovery of a new genus (Talbotia) is therefore no matter for surprise. 74 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Crossandrella Dusenii S. Moore comb. nov, Syn. Pseudo- blepharis Dusenii Lindau, Acanthus Dusenii Clarke, Crossandrella lawispicata Clarke. The Uganda plant which served as the type of Clarke's Crossandrella laxispicata is identical in every respect with the plant from the Cameroons. Adhatoda Buchholzii S. Moore comb. nov. (Duvernoia Buch- holzii Lindau). Some of the specimens agree with Lindau’s description, which, the species being unrepresented in this country, is all one has to go upon. Clarke’s (Flora Trop. Afr. v. 223) reference of D. Buchholzii to Adhatoda maculata Clarke (Justicia maculata T. And.) is obviously a mistake, for, to take only one point, A. maculata has, as Clarke says correctly, lanceo- late bracts, while Lindau describes the bracts of his plant as ovate. Moreover in general appearance the two are quite unlike. The matter has become further confused by Zenker's n. 2229, a plant with large ovate bracteoles, having been distributed as * Duvernoia Buchholzii Lindau," whereas Lindau says his D. Buchholzii has the bracteoles minute (winzig). Furthermore, as if this were not enough, Zenker n. 2755, a plant with large sub- orbicular bracts, has been sent out as “Duvernoia maculata (T. And.) Lindau.” Speeimens named as above show much variety in their foliage and braets. Some agree perfectly in these respects with Lindau's description; others have short and broad leaves rotundate at base and short stalks, and from these leaves there may be a passage into sessile sometimes amplexicaul leaves 2:5-5 cm. in length, the uppermost forming a transition to the oldest bracts. The largest of these latter organs may be as much as 2 cm. in breadth, thus greatly exceeding the dimension (7 mm.) given by Lindau. But as these variations may occur on one and the same individual, there can be no question of specifie divergence here. The plant is thrown into rivers with the object of poisoning fish. — Afromendoneia iodioides S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex scandens ramis distanter foliosis pilis fulvis subsparsim hispidis; foliis amplis petiolatis late ovatis apice subito cuspidulato-attenuatis ipso obtusis coriaceis supra glabris subtus presertim in nervis sub- sparsim fulvo-hispidis ; floribus in axillis paucis pedicellis bracteolas circiter aequantibus insidentibus ; bracteolis cymbiformibus obtusis triente inferiori connatis ut pedicelli dense fulvo-hirsutis ; ealycis brevissimi glabri ore undulato ; corollae tubo ex bracteolis vix eminentibus superne gradatim amplificato glabro lobis late obovatis obtusissimis tubo brevioribus; staminwm superiorum antheris obtusis inferiorum apice appendice brevi curvato onustis ; disco maxime prominente crassissimo ; ovario subsphaeroideo glabro 1-loculo ; stylo piloso ; ovulis binis. Oban; n. 388. Leaves 9-12 cm. long, 6:5-9 cm. broad, when dry greyish and ACANTHACEJE (S. Moore) 15 wrinkled upon the upper side; lateral ribs on each side 3, the basal, coursing close to the margin, sometimes obscure, prominent on the lower side, openly arching, the reticulum well seen especially on the underside. Pedicels + 1:5 em. long. Bracteoles 15 mm. long, puberulous within. Calyx 1 mm. long, or rather more. Tube of corolla 16 mm. long, 8 mm. wide below and 8 mm. at the throat; lobes about 8 x 8 mm. Smaller anthers 5 mm. long, larger 7 mm. Disc 2 x 3 mm. Style about 1:5 mm. long. Allied to A. phytocrenoides Gilg, but with quite different bracteoles among other features; these latter organs are more like those of A. madagascariensis S. Moore. Brillantaisia Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule ascen- dente cito glabro; foliis lanceolatis acutis breviterve acuminatis basi in petiolum longum haud alatum extenuatis (summis etiam petiolatis etsi valde imminutis) margine undulatis papyraceis glabris : panicula folia paullo excedente laxa pauciflora glanduloso- pubescente ; pedicellis calyce brevioribus ambobus glanduloso- pubescentibus ; calycis segmentis anguste linearibus obtusis seg- mento postico quam cetera paullo longiori; corollae pro rata parvae tubo calycem manifeste excedente extus glabro limbum circiter semiaequante; staminibus subexsertis ; ovario circa 12- ovulato ; stylo exserto glabro; capsula parva calycem vix duplo superante attenuata glanduloso-pubescente. Oban ; n. 2000. Stem soon turning woody, somewhat tumid at the nodes, 2-3 mm. in diameter. Limb of leaf about 8 x 2:5 cm., paler on the under- side, on both sides copiously provided with eystoliths; petioles 1:5-8 em. long; uppermost leaves 15 x 5 mm. on petioles of about 2mm. Panicle 12 x 10cm. Bracteoles narrowly linear, 8 mm. or more long. Segments of calyx 5-8 mm. long, '15-'25 mm. broad, hinder segment 8-10 mm. long. Corolla 2 cm. long, blue; the tube 7 mm. long, 9:5 mm. below and 5 mm. at the throat; upper lip 13 mm. long; its lobes 4 x 2 mm.; lower lip 11 mm. long, with lobes 2x1.9mm. Filaments 13 mm. long, pubescent at one side of the base, otherwise glabrous. Anthers 4"5 mm., long. Staminodes pilose, 8 mm. long, their rudimentary anther rather more than 1 mm. in length. Ovary 8 mm., style 19 mm. long, the latter pubescent below. Capsule ending in & very short and blunt point, 16-18 mm. long, 1-2 mm. broad. : The corolla’ of this plant is that of B. Lamium Benth., but its calyx has longer, obtuse, unequal segments, and the leaves are very dissimilar. i Physacanthus Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Herba infraspitha- mea caule simplici inferne ad nodos radicante pubescente ; foliis parvis ovatis vel suborbicularibus utrinque obtusissimis margine undulatis vel undulato-denticulatis membranaceis supra ‚strigose pilosulis subtus in nervis minute pubescentibus petiolis limbo brevioribus pubescentibus ; floribus solitariis breviter pedunculatis ; calyee oblongo herbaceo puberulo lobis deltoideis acutis ; corollae 76 . SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS tubo calycem longe excedente sub limbo levissime amplificato puberulo ore dense pubescente lobis obovatis obtusissimis ; ovario oblongo glabro; stylo incluso piloso. Oban; n. 972. Leaves 2:5-3 x 1'7-2'2 cm., when dry olive-green above, grey below, nerves conspieuous on the underside, the reticulum very open ; petioles usually 8-15 mm. long. Peduncles about 5 mm. long, pubescent. Flowers violet-blue. Calyx + 2 em. long, 6 mm. broad in the dry state, bright green; lobes 3 mm.long. Tube of corolla 4:5 cm. long, 1 mm. broad below, at the mouth scarcely 2 mm.; lobes 8 x 6 mm. Fertile anther-cell linear-oblong, 1:8 cm. long. Ovary about 5 mm., style 8:5 cm. long. Recognised by the oblong calyx together with the very short leaves. The ovary of the flower examined having been partially destroyed by insects, the description of that organ may have to be corrected. There is a coloured drawing of this plant. Disehistoealyx ruellioides S. Moore sp. nov. Fruticulus ramulis tetragonis foliosis pubescentibus; foliis petiolatis ovatis obovatisve apice obtusissimis vel acuminatis basi acutis vel acumi- natis margine crenulato-undulatis membranaceis glabris ; floribus approximatis (inferioribus subdistantibus) breviter pedicellatis in racemum brevem pauciflorum digestis ; bracteis linearibus calyci saepe fere aequilongis ut calycis segmenta cystolithis albidis copiosissime praeditis ; bracteolis parvulis subulatis ; calycis segmentis posticis fere usque basin liberis omnibus elongatis linearibus acutis ; corollae majusculae glabrae tubo dimidio inferiore satis angusto superne dilatato lobis late obovatis rotund- atis tubo multo brevioribus ; staminibus inclusis antheris oblongis basi nequaquam divergentibus muticis connectivo breviter ex- currente; capsula cylindrica obtusa basi haud angustata circa 24-sperma glabra. Oban ; nn. 885, 1527. Lamina of leaf up to 16 x 7 em., but usually less (youngest leaves 5 x 3-4 cm.), faintly shining, on either side thickly strewn with cystoliths; petioles 1-3 em. long. Inflorescences (corollas not included) 6-10 cm. long. Pedicels 2-3 mm. long. Bract mostly 1-2 cm., bracteoles only 2 mm. long. Flowers blue-mauve. Calyx 2*5 cm. long, the segments 1-1'5 mm. wide, posticous ones united only for 1 mm. Corolla 4-5 em. long; tube 3-4 mm. wide below, and 8-11 mm. above; lobes about 12 mm. long. Filaments puberulous, 5-7 mm. long. Anthers 4x 1 mm. Capsule t 2 cm. long, brown, faintly shining. Seeds suborbicular, dark, 1*5 mm. in diameter. A very distinct species, known at once by its narrow bracts and calyx-segments. D. togoensis Lindau has the segments of its calyx still narrower, but is in many other respects quite different. A North Cameroons specimen (imperfect) in the British Museum (Conran, sine no.), communicated from Berlin under the name of Dischistocalyx Buchholzii Lindau, appears to come very close to this. The Cameroons plant does not agree with the description of ACANTHACER (S. Moore) 77 D. Buchholzii, a species referred by Clarke to Acanthopale on account of its having but 2 ovules in each cell of the ovary. Disehistoealyx obanensis S. Moore sp. nov. Fruticulus ramulis subteretibus glabrescentibus ; foliis longipetiolatis amplis ellipticis apice acutis breviterve cuspidulato-caudatis basi acutis membranaceis supra glabris subtus in nervis minute fulvo-pubes- centibus pag. utraque cystolithis minutis creberrime indutis ; flori- bus spicatis spicis axillaribus terminalibusve oppositis vel alternis plerisque breviter pedunculatis quam folia multo brevioribus ; bracteis amplis late obovatis obtusissimis glanduloso-puberulis, bracteolis minutis subulatis ; calycis puberuli segmentis oblongis obtusis anticis quam postica 3 alte connata majoribus ; corollae majusculae tubo triente inferiori cylindrico superne gradatim dilatato glabro lobis suborbicularibus tubo plane brevioribus ; staminibus inclusis antherarum loculis apice mucronulatis ; ovario cylindrico glabro ; stylo puberulo superne incrassato necnon glabro, ovulis quove in loculo circa 10. Oban ; nn. 73, 1485. Leaves at most 17 x 6°5-7 cm., usually + 10 x 6 cm., becoming dark in drying, very faintly shining; petioles 2—4*5 em, long. Spikes 4-7 x 1'5 cm., their peduncles from nearly nothing to 15 mm. in length. Bracts about 18 x 18 mm.; bracteoles about 1 mm. long. Front segments of calyx obtuse, 14 x 3-4 mm. ; hind segments acute, 14 x 2-2:25 mm., the free part only 3 mm. long. Corolla pale violet, 4:5 cm. long; tube 2-3 mm. in diameter below, 15 mm. at the throat; lobes about 1 cm. long. Anthers 4mm. long. Ovary 3 mm. Style 24 mm. long; stigmatic branch 4 mm. long. Capsule 11 mm. long. Seeds dark, 1:5 x 1 mm. This differs from D. grandifolius Clarke chiefly in the bracts and the smaller calyx with lobes united nearly to the top. Lankesteria thyrsoidea S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex caule erecto subdistanter folioso fulvo-pubescente ; foliis breviter petio- latis obovatis obtusis vel obtusissimis ad medium usque gradatim amplificatis basi obtusis tenuiter membranaceis supra glabris subtus ad nervos pubescentibus ; floribus albis vel dilute lavandu- laceis in panicula anguste thyrsoidea piloso-hirsuta dispositis ; bracteis anguste lineari-lanceolatis longe acuminatis ut calycis segmenta linearia superne longe extenuata piloso-hirtis; corollae tubo filiformi calycem excedente extus puberulo lobis aliquan- tulum obliquis obovatis obtusissimis nonnunquam emarginatis ; antherarum loculis basi mucronulatis; ovulis quove in loculo solitariis. Oban ; nn. 434, 1471, 1646. [Also in the Kew Herbarium, Southern Nigeria ; Holland, 180, 229.] Leaves up to 19:5 x 4:5 cm., often about 10 x 4 em.; petioles +1 em. long, densely pubescent. Panicles t 6 x 3 cm. Bracts +1 em. long, at most 2 mm. broad. Calyz 17 mm. long, the 78 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS segments with glandular hairs at the apex and simple ones elsewhere. Tube of corolla 22 mm. long, barely "5 mm. in diameter; limb about 19 mm. in diameter. Cells of the anthers 1:8 mm. long. Ovary oblong, glabrous, 1 mm. long. Easily distinguished from L. parviflora Lindl., with which it is liable to be confused, by the thyrsoid inflorescence and the smaller white or pale mauve corollas. Mrs. Talbot tells me the flowers are also sometimes pink. Ono of the Holland labels at Kew gives the flowers as ** white," the other as “ pink, yellow centre." Phaylopsis Talbotii S. Mooresp. nov. Planta herbacea erecta ramosa ramis gracilibus paucifoliosis glanduloso-pubescentibus cito glabrescentibus ; foliis parvis longipetiolatis ellipticis obtusis basi longiuseule extenuatis necnon obliquis tenuiter membranaceis supra sparsim strigilloso-pilosis subtus in nervis puberulis ceterum glabris; cymis mox sparsis tandem distantibus prima juventute solummodo strobilum referentibus; foliis floralibus subor- bicularibus basi rotundato-truncatis apice obtusissimis dorso glanduloso-puberulis margine pilis longis simplieibus glandulosis intermixtis hirsuto-ciliatis ; calycis segmento postico ovato acuto eleganter reticulato-nervoso decolori ut segmenta cetera anguste lineari-lanceolata obtuse acuta glanduloso-pubescente ; corollae parvulae tubo cylindrico limbo bilabiato quam tubus breviore ; antheris inclusis, loculis basi obscure mucronulatis ; ovario anguste ovoideo apice ipso ut stylus omnino piloso. Oban ; n. 977. Branches up to nearly 40 em. in length, throwing out at intervals shorter branchlets, bearing leaves in the axils of many of which are cymes. Blade of leaf usually 8:5-5:0 em. long, 15 mm. broad, or somewhat less in the widest part, the uppermost few reduced in size ; petioles slender, indeed almost filiform, up to 2 cm. in length, though mostly shorter. Cymes soon separated by distances of 8-4 mm. or more, the oldest ultimately some 2 cm. apart. Floral leaves about 8 x 7 mm., pale greenish-yellow, the nervation prominent upon the back. Hind segment of calyx 6:5 x 38:5 mm.; front segments 5 mm., lateral pair 4:5 mm. long. Corolla barely 5 mm. long, the tube rather more than 75 mm. broad; upper lip 1 mm. long, divided to the middle into two broadly oblong obtuse lobes; lower lip 1:5 mm. long, the mid lobe "75 x "75 mm., lateral lobes as long but a little narrower. Anthers "5 mm. long. Ovary 1 mm. long, style scarcely 2:5 mm. Capsule acute or acuminate, 5 mm. long, attenuated base 1 mm. long. Near P. obliqua T. And., but at once distinguished from it by its broad floral leaves. Crossandra Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Verisimiliter suffrutex caule erecto valido pallide fulvo-tomentoso ; foliis petiolatis anguste obovato-oblongis obtusis vel obtusissimis basi cordatis mem- branaceis supra glabris subtus in nervis pubescentibus; spicis cylindricis folia subaequantibus multifloris ; bracteis ovato-oblongis ACANTHACEX (S. Moore) 19 apice truncatis vel emarginatis ipso mucronatis apicem versus margine spinuloso-denticulatis vel integris papyraceis glabris; bracteolis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis calyce brevioribus ; calycis segmentis inter se subaequalibus lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis integris anticis vero (an semper?) sparsissime spinuloso-denticulatis omnibus nervo unico percursis ; corollae tubo ex bracteis eminente faucibus levissime ampliato lobis tubo multo brevioribus inter se subsimilibus oblongo-ovatis obtusis; staminibus faucibus affixis antheris apice mucronulatis; pollinis granis subsphaeroideis subtilissime punctatis ; ovario ellipsoideo glabro. Oban ; n. 1026. Leaves 7-10 x 8:0—4:5 cm., drying brown-green above and greyish below ; petioles 1 to nearly 3 em. long, stout, covered with the same pale fulvous tomentum as the stem. Spikes 5-9 cm. long, about 1:5 em. broad, the lowest bracts generally entire, 10-13 mm. long, the upper ones 20 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, all traversed by several rather prominent longitudinal nerves, with transverse con- necting nervules. Bracteoles 6 mm. long, like the calyx subscarious and glabrous. Segments of calyx 9 mm. long, 1 mm. broad about half way up; midrib prominent, especially at the base, each with several closely packed longitudinal nerves on either side of the midrib. Tube of corolla 18 mm. long, nearly 2 mm. wide at the throat, elsewhere 1 mm. ; lobes about 11:0 x 4:5 mm. Filaments rather more than 1 mm. long, bearded above. Anthers slightly curved, 2 lines long. Ovary 2:5 mm. long. Style thickened towards . the apex, slightly hairy, 2 em. long. Stigma 2-lobed, rather more than 1 mm. in length. Readily known from C. puberula Klotzsch and C. guineensis Nees by the truneate braets and the calyx. The spheroidal pollen is abnormal, though it should not be forgotten that two quite different kinds of pollen are found in the neighbouring genus Stenandrium. Apparently referable to the above, and differing from it only in the larger and longer-stalked leaves and the larger bracts, are specimens of Bates, nn. 490 and 546 from Batanga. At Kew the specimens have affixed to them a MS. name of Pierre, who considered them to belong to a new genus. Crossandra elatior S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex metralis caule erecto valido folioso griseo-tomentoso ; foliis petiolatis majusculis ovato-oblongis vel oblongo-obovatis obtusis vel obtusissimis basi cordatis pergamaceis supra glabris subtus griseo-pubescentibus dein glabrescentibus ; spica subsessili foliis circiter aequilonga ; bracteis lanceolatis apice spinuloso-acuminatis margine argute spinuloso- dentatis papyraceis puberulis; bracteolis lanceolato-oblongis spinuloso-acuminatis calycem facile superantibus; calycis seg- mentis oblongo-lanceolatis spinuloso-acuminatis integris vel infra apicem subevanide denticulatis papyraceis exterioribus quam interiora majoribus segmento quoque nervo centrali percurso additis utrinque nervis minus conspicuis; corollae tubo exserto superne leviter amplificato lobis quam tubus multo brevioribus 80 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS obovatis posticis quam ceteri minoribus; staminibus paullulum infra fauces insertis antheris oblongis apice incurvo-extenuatis barbatis ; pollinis granis normalibus. Oban ; n. 101. A handsome plant about 3 feet high. Leaves up to 16 x 9 cm., often about 12 x 6 em., sometimes markedly narrowed at some distance from the base, i.e., somewhat panduriform, when dry olive- green above and grey below; petioles 1-2 cm. long, greyish tomentose. Spike when fully grown about 16 cm. long, the axis covered with a grey pubescence. Bracts 22-25 mm. long, usually with several spinulose teeth upon each edge, purple in the living state. Bracteoles 13 mm. long. Larger segments of calyx 9:0 x 1:75 mm., smaller segments 8:0 x 1°5 mm. Corolla white, with a purple spot at the base of each posticous lobe; tube barely 80 mm. long, 1:5 mm. broad, widening to 2 mm. near the top; antieous lobes about 20 x 19 mm., posticous 12 x 8mm. Anthers 2:5 mm. long. This also is near C. guineensis Nees, differing from it in habit, in the spine-toothed bracts and the calyx. The acuminate bracts serve to distinguish it on sight from C. Talbotii; but there are other points, including the pollen, in which the two are diverse. TALBOTIA S. Moore, Justiciearum gen. nov. Calyx 5-partitus, segmentis inter se fere aequalibus. Corollae tubus cylindraceus, faucibus haud dilatatus; limbus bilabiatus, labio postico erecto bidentato antico aestivatione exteriore 3-lobo. Stamina 4, didynama, corollae faucibus inserta, filamentis ima basi per paria connatis ; antherae staminum anticorum 2-loculares, staminum posticorum l-loculares, loculis angustis parallelis muticis, staminum anticorum altero altero altius affixo. Pollinis grana pileiformia spinis brevibus copiose obsita verisimiliter facie interiori fissura lineari praedita. Discus cupularis. Stylus filiformis; stigma bilamellatum. Ovula quove in loculo 2. Herba humilis, caule radicante. Folia comparate lata, inte- gerrima. Flores inter minores, in spicas strobiliformes axillares vel pseudoterminales late bracteatas digesti. Bracteolae calycem multo excedentes. Talbotia radieans S. Moore sp. unica. Herba caule gracili repente ad nodos omnes radicante sparsim folioso ; ramis adscen- dentibus pubescentibus ; foliis ovatis apice rotundatis ipso nonnun- quam obtusis basi rotundatis chartaceis supra glabris necnon eysto- lithis perspieuis copiosissime inspersis subtus in nervis eleganter reticulatis dense pubescentibus petiolis quam sese plane brevi- oribus dense pubescentibus insidentibus ; spicis folia aequantibus vel quam ea brevioribus pedunculo suffuleiente pubescente saepius longioribus; floribus in axillis bractearum sessilibus; bracteis obovatis apice rotundatis basi attenuatis dorso puberulis margine pilis simplicibus glandulosisque ciliatis herbaceis ; bracteolis quam ACANTHACEA (S. Moore) 8l bracteae saepius paullo brevioribus spathulato-oblongis obtusis margine ciliatis ; calycis parvuli segmentis lineari-lanceolatis apice in appendicem filiformem exeuntibus glandulis parvis inspersis ; corollae tubo glabro calycem multo excedente aliquantulum torto limbi extus puberuli labio postico late oblongo quam anticum paullo longiore labii antici lobis lateralibus oblongis obtusis lobo intermedio ovato-oblongo obtuso :equilongis ; staminibus anticis longiuscule exsertis; ovario oblongo-ovoideo sursum piloso ; stylo exserto glabro. (Pl. 11, figs. 1—6.) Oban, Ako-Aking Road; n. 971. A prostrate rooting herb, the ascending flower-bearing branches eventually rooting in their turn. Bladeof leaf usually 3-5 x 2:5-3:5cm., grey-green when dry, paler below and with an open network of pro- minent hairy nerves; petioles 1-1:5 (rarely up to 9:5) cm. long. Bracts about 10 x 7 mm. Bracteoles 8-10 mm. long, 1:75 mm. wide at the broadest part. Spikes usually 2-4 cm. long, on peduncles of 1-2 em. Calyx about 29:5 mm. long. Tube of corolla 9 mm. long, 3 mm. broad. Upper lip 7:5 x 8 mm.; lower lip 7 mm. long, the lateral lobes 4:5 x 2 mm., the middle lobe 4:5 x 8 mm. Filaments of front pair of stamens 4 mm. long, of hind pair 2mm. Anthers 2 mm. long. Pollen-grains about 70 p in diameter (55-80 u). Ovary 1:5 mm. long. Style 12 mm. long. Capsule not seen. The position of this very distinet genus is somewhat uncertain, but in view of all circumstances the neighbourhood of Lepidagathis would seem to be its proper location. It should be observed that the supposed slit on the inner face of the pollen-grains was not clearly made out. Justieia ($ Gendarussa) nigeriea S. Moore sp.nov. Fruticulus rariramosus ramis elongatis distanter foliosis minute puberulis dein glabris; foliis petiolatis amplis ovato-oblongis vel oblongo- obovatis apice caudato-acuminatis ipso obtusis basi saepe obliqua itaque obtusis margine crenulato-undulatis tenuiter coriaceis nitidis costis pag. inf. minute puberulis exemptis glabris; panieulis spici- formibus elongatis multifloris minute puberulis ; foliis floralibus saepissime parvis lineari-oblongis ut bracteae bracteolaeque parvae necnon subulatae minute puberulis ; floribus subsessilibus ; calycis puberuli segmentis 5 lanceolatis obtuse acutis; corollae tubo ex calyce paullo eminente superne levissime amplificato palato intruso limbi extus minute pubescentis labio postico late ovato bidentato quam anticum usque ad medium 3-lobum paullulum breviore; antherarum loculo sup. breviter calcarato inf. calcari valido ineurvo onusto ; orario pubescente ; stylo pilosulo. Oban ; nn. 995, 2008. Apparently a shrub with stoutish sparingly leafy branches. Blade of leaf 8-14 x 4-6 cm., drying brownish, the ribbing rather prominent, especially on the underside; petioles 1-3 cm. long, with the same clothing of very minute brown hairs found upon branches, leaves, &e. Spikes simple or very sparingly branched below, reaching almost 82 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS 30 em. in length, though usually shorter, at most 12 mm. broad, but usually much less, the internodes between the partial inflorescences diminishing from 2 em. at the bottom of well-grown spikes to 2 mm. or less at the top. Peduncles + 4 cm. long. Floral leaves at most (and then very oecasionally) up to 15 mm. in length, usually only 3-5 mm. Bracts and bracteoles about 2 mm. long. Calyx 8:5 mm. long, the segments each with 3 longitudinal nerves. Corolla-tube 4:5 long, 2 mm. wide at bottom, at the throat 3 mm.; upper lip 4:0 x 8-5. mm.; lower lip 4:5 mm. long; its middle lobe 2:5 x 2'0 mm., side lobes 2:5 x 1:5 mm. Upper cell of anthers 1:5 mm. long, lower cell 2 mm. Ovary subcylindric, a trifle narrowed at the top, barely 2 mm. long. Style 6 mm. long. Near J. pyramidata Clarke, but with marked differences in shape of leaves, inflorescence and flowers. It is said to stupefy fish, like other species of this genus and of Adhatoda. Justieia ($ Gendarussa) tenuipes S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule abbreviato plerumque simplici paucifolioso dense pubescente ; foliis satis approximatis (haud rosulatis) ovatis vel ovato- oblongis utrinque rotundatis vel apice obtusissimis membranaceis supra cito fere glabris subtus in nervis pubescentibus nisi fere glabris margine ciliatis petiolis brevibus dense pubescentibus insidentibus ; eymis paniculatis terminalibus vel ex axillis summis oriundis folia paullo excedentibus laxe paucifloris tenuissimis glanduloso-piloso-pubescentibus ; bracteis parvis linearibus acutis bracteolas aequantibus ; calyce bracteas longe excedente 5-partito segmentis linearibus acuminatis ut bracteae bracteolaeque glandu- loso-puberulis ; corollae mediocris tubo calyce longiore cylindrico labio antico tubo breviore obovato breviter lobato lobo inter- medio quam laterales latiore lobo postico quam anticus plane breviore ovato bidentato ; antheris subinclusis harum loculo inf. breviter debiliterque calcarato; ovario ovoideo-oblongo minu- tissime pubescente ; stylo pilosulo; capsula basi longe stipitata acuta pubescente 4-sperma. Oban ; n. 1483. ; A small plant with the habit of Jerdonia indica Wight, and other lowly Gesneraceae. Lower part of stem creeping and rooting at the nodes, upper part ascending, usually simple, but occasionally throwing out a weak side-branch. Leaves three or four pairs, younger at» intervals of 5-7 mm., the lower more distant; blade up to ' 6 or 7 em. long and 3:5-8:7 em. broad, but often much smaller, e.g., 9:0 x 1'5 cm., the nervation very prominent on the underside, especially in the case of larger leaves; petioles stout, 3-8 mm. long. Inflorescence of very small specimens reduced to a single lengthily pedunculate flower, but usually of cymes, which may reach 10 x 6 em., of which 3:5 em. belongs to the filiform peduncle, the main axis giving off usually 2 pairs of lateral branches, whieh may themselves braneh again, each branch at the top producing & cymule of 2-8 subsessile or peduncled flowers, the branches and - peduncles filiform and pilose-pubescent. Bracts and bracteoles | ACANTHACER (S. Moore) 83 2:5-9:0 mm. long. Flowers pale mauve. Calyx 8 mm. long, with somewhat unequal segments. Corolla-tube 10 mm. long, 2 mm. wide; upper lip 5 mm. long, 3:5 mm. broad, rounded distally and topped with a small 2-toothed cusp less than 1 mm. long; lower lip 6:5 x 3°75 mm. Anther-cells linear, the upper 1-2 mm. long, the - lower (including the spur) 1°75 mm. Ovary 1:5 mm. ; style 12 mm. long. Capsule 18-14 mm. long, the stipe 6:5-8:5 mm. long and about 1 mm. wide, the seed-bearing part 2mm. wide. Seeds brown, minutely warted, the lower 1:5 mm. in diameter, the upper smaller and perhaps not functional. A remarkable plant, unlike any African Justicia known to me. It should be inserted in the genus at the end of $ Gendarussa after J. glabra Roxb. : Justieia ($ Gendarussa) Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Fruti- culus ramis foliosis ad nodos aliquantulum tumidis minute fulvo- pubescentibus deinde glabrescentibus ; foliis satis longe breviusve petiolatis ovatis apice cuspidato-acuminatis ipso obtusis basi obtusis membranaceis supra glabris subtus in nervis minute pubescentibus ; foliis floralibus paucis senioribus lanceolatis vel ovato-lanceolatis exemptis parvis lineari-lanceolatis subulatisve minute pubescen- tibus; floribus submediocribus breviter pedicellatis in paniculam elongatam apertam crebro ramosam minute pubescentem digestis ; bracteis bracteolisque parvis lanceolato-oblongis obtuse acutis; calycis segmentis 5 lanceolato-oblongis obtusis acutisve minute pubescentibus; corollae extus puberulae tubo calycem excedente satis lato faucibus haud dilatato labio antico late rotundato- obovato ultra medium diviso labium posticum ovato-deltoideum apice retusum aequante ; antherarum loc. inf. incurvo-calcarato ; ovario minute pubescente ; stylo incluso puberulo ; capsula inferne compressa. Oban; n. 1425, . Blade of leaf at most 14 x 6:5 cm., usually 8-9 x 4-4:5 em., green when dry, somewhat paler below; petioles of the largest leaves 3 em. long, of the smaller 1 cm. or less, channelled above, minutely pubescent. Panicle 16-29 x 5-9 cm., the main axis straight, the lateral branches springing from it at about a right angle and mostly 2-4 cm. long. Oldest floral. leaves 2:5-8 cm. long, 8-10 mm. broad, the rest 2-10 mm. long. Flowers unilateral upon the partial inflor- escences, cream-white with dark crimson lines. Pedicels 1-5 mm. long. Bracts and bracteoles about 1 mm. Calyz 5 mm. long. Tube of corolla 7 mm. long, 3 mm. broad; lips 5 mm. long, the upper nearly 5 mm. wide at the base, the lower about 4 mm. wide, with lobes 3 mm. in length; palate very intrusive. Filaments 3 mm. long. Upper cell of anthers 1'2 mm. long, lower cell narrower, 1-75 mm. long, including the strongly curved spur. Ovary 2 mm. long. Style 6'5 mm. long. Capsule 18 mm. long, the compressed basal part 10 mm. broad, the fertile part 3:5 mm. Seeds with a brown finely warted testa, about 2 mm. in diameter; retinacula truncate. ; Near the last, but with different inflorescence and flowers. This is one of the plants used by the natives to stupefy fish. - ; ae — 62 84 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Justieia ($ Gendarussa) thyrsiflora S. Moore sp. nov. Fruti- culus ramis prolixis distanter foliosis fulvo-pubescentibus deinde glabrescentibus; foliis ellipticis apicem versus attenuatis apice obtusis basi in petiolum brevem attenuatis raro rotundatis firme membranaceis glabris ; foliis floralibus parvis linearibus pubescenti- bus ; floribus pro rata parvis in paniculam thyrsoideam peduncu- latam multiflorem dense fulvo-pubescentem dispositis ; bracteis bracteolisque parvulis subulatis pubescentibus; pedicellis brevis- simis; calycis pubescentis segmentis 5 lanceolatis acutis ; corollae extus puberulae tubo calycem duplo superante superne vix aucto labio postico anticum .breviter excedente late ovato bilobo labio antico adusque medium trilobo lobo intermedio quam laterales majori; antherarum loculo inf. valide calcarato ; ovario glabro; stylo piloso. , : Oban ; n. 976. A low shrub with lengthy branches sparsely leafy. Leaves usually 7-10 x 3°5-5 cm., but sometimes smaller, e.g., 5 x 9:5 cm., those of & pair often unequal in size, olive-green when dried; petioles about 5 mm. long, pubescent. Peduncle of thyrsus 7 cm. long. Inflorescence itself at most 9 cm. long and 3:5 em. in breadth below, narrowing upwards. Flowers subsessile, produced on one side of the partial inflorescences. Floral leaves about 5 mm. long. Bracts and bracteoles 1'5 mm. long. Calyx 8 5-4 mm.inlength. Corolla-tube 4 mm. long, 1:5 mm. wide at the base, and but little exceeding 2 mm. at the throat. Upper lip 4'5 x 2:5 mm.; lobes very obtuse, barely 1 mm. long; lower lip 4 x 3 mm., its middle lobe 2 x 1:5 mm., the side lobes 2 x 1mm. Anthers exserted, the upper of either pair of cells scarcely more than 1 mm. long, the lower including the strong, nearly straight obtuse white spur almost 2 mm.in length. Ovary 1:5 mm. long. This has much the appearance of J. laza T. And. and its allies; its characteristic features are, in association with the thyrsoid fulvous- pubescent inflorescence, the linear floral leaves and the small flowers. Siphonoglossa Maeleodiae S. Moore in Macleod ** Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa," 304. Herba caule ascendente ali- quanto geniculato satis distanter folioso piloso vel sparsim piloso-puberulo ; foliis brevipetiolatis lineari- rarius oblongo-lanceo- latis obtusis membranaceis praesertim juxta basin piloso-puberulis mox fere glabris margine ciliolatis ; floribus in axillis superioribus 2-3 sessilibus subsessilibusve; bractea calyci circa aequilonga anguste lineari-lanceolata obtuse acuta margine pilis piloso- hispidulis ciliata; bracteolis parvulis anguste lineari-oblongis glabris ; calyeis segmentis 5 inter se inaequalibus lineari-lanceo- latis longe acuminatis margine ciliolatis ; corollae tubo calycem manifeste excedente anguste cylindrico faucibus leviter ampli- ficato dimidio superiori puberulo ceterum glabro labio antico elongato adusque medium diviso lobis lateralibus ovato-oblongis . intermedio ovato aequilongis omnibus obtusissimis labio postico abbreviato quadrato-ovato apice retuso; staminibus breviter ACANTHACEAX (S. Moore) 85 exsertis antherarum loculis linearibus loc. inf. solum calcarato ; stylo apice 2-dentato puberulo ; capsula anguste obovoidea acuta superne puberula alibi glabra 4-sperma. North Nigeria, R. Benue. Leaves 8-5 cm. long, 4-8 mm. broad, drying green; petioles 2-4 mm. long. Bracts in flowering stage 10 mm., in fruiting stage 12 mm. long; bracteoles 2-2°5 mm. long. Limb of corolla purple. Segments of calyx in flower 6-8 mm., in fruit 8-10 mm. long. Corolla when moistened 28 mm. long; tube 17 mm. long, + 1:5 mm. broad, at the throat 2 mm. broad; lower lip 11 mm. long, its lobes 5*5 mm. long; upper lip 7 mm. long. Upper cell of anther 1:6 mm. long, lower (including the slightly eurved spur) 2 mm. Pollen-grains usually with 4 rows of tubercles on either side of each pore. Style 2 cm. long. Capsule 11 mm. long, compressed below. Seeds tubercled, brown, rather more than 1 mm. across. At first sight this looks rather like Justicia Galeopsis T. And., but the narrower leaves and of course the long corolla-tube are easy distinguishing features. According to Lindau's views this is an Aulojusticia, but I agree with Bentham & Clarke in placing the allies of the plant just described in the genus Siphonoglossa. Barleria ($ Acanthoidea) bornuensis S. Moore in Macleod * Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa," 304. Frutex vel fruticulus ramosus ramis crebro foliosis aliquantulum flexuosis ad nodos leviter tumidis juventute pubescentibus dein glabris ; foliis parvis subsessilibus oblongis vel oblongo-ovatis breviter spinoso-acuminatis integris raro sparsissime spinuloso-denticulatis coriaceis pagina utravis pilis strigillosis appressis onustis ; spinis inter-petiolaribus binis patentibus vel ascendenti-patentibus sim- plicibus vel juxta basin 1-3-denticulatis ventre planis dorso convexis apice pungentibus sordide albis glabris; bracteis spinis interpetiolaribus similibus ; floribus in axillis superioribus soli- tariis subsessilibus ; calycis parvuli puberuli segmento antico ovato-oblongo apice bidentato margine integro segmento postico antico subsimili apice obtuso segmentis lateralibus oblongis obtusis quam reliqua paullo longioribus omnibus herbaceis; corollae violaceae tubo calycem excedente triente superiori ampliato lobis omnibus inter se subsimilibus late rotundato-obovatis lobo antico altius soluto ; staminibus 2 subinclusis ; staminodiis 2 antheris parvis gaudientibus tertium anthera orbum haud vel paullulum superantibus; ovario ovoideo glabro; ovulis quove in loculo 2; capsula anguste ovoideo-oblonga basi apiceque angustata. Lake Chad District ; n. 1009. Leaves 8-18 x 4-7 mm., the terminal spinelet about 1:5 mm. long, drying a darkish grey-green; petioles at most not much exceeding 1 mm. in length. Interpetiolar spines + 1 cm. long, not very strong but sharply pointed. Outer segments of calyx 6 mm. long, 3-3°2 mm. broad ; inner segments 7 mm. long, all the segments ciliolate at the margin. Corolla 84 mm. long; tube in front 15 mm., behind 22 mm. 86 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS long, 8:5 mm. wide below, increasing to double that width at the throat; lobes 19 mm. long (front one 18 mm.) and 8-10 mm. broad. Staminal filaments 15 mm. long. Anthers ovate-oblong, 4:5 mm. long. Staminodes 5-6 mm. long. Ovary 9:5 mm. long. Style glabrous except for the pilose base, 25 mm.long. Capsule 12 mm. long, 6 mm. wide at the widest part, apparently 4-seeded, but seeds not seen. Much like B. triacantha Hochst. in habit, but different from it in several respects, notably in the calyx. For the lateral segments of the calyx to exceed the outer segments, as they do here, is very unusual in the genus. Barleria ($ Eu-Barleria) Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex espinosus ramulis tetragonis frequenter foliosis ad nodos aliquan- tulum tumidos piloso-puberulis tandem glabris; foliis petiolatis oblongo-ovatis apicem versus subito attenuatis apice mucronulatis papyraceis pagina utravis glabris leviterque nitentibus ; floribus pluribus ex axillis superioribus approximatis ortis inflorescentiam densam ovoideam constituentibus breviter pedicellatis ; bracteis calyce brevioribus linearibus puberulis; calycis extus sparsim puberuli intus pubescentis segmentis exterioribus late ovatis margine undulatis vel rarissime dentatis ciliatis segmento postico apice acuto segmentis anticis fere ad apicem usque connatis segmentis lateralibus quam exteriora multo brevioribus lanceolatis acutis ; corollae cyaneae extus puberulae tubo calyci subaequilongo cylindrico lobis anguste oblongo-obovatis posticis paullo minoribus antico altius soluto; staminibus longe exsertis staminodiis 3 abbreviatis inter se subaequalibus 2 antheram parvam fulcientibus ; ovario late ovoideo acuto glabro ; stylo exserto glabro. . Oban; n. 1396. A shrub with smooth trailing leafy branchlets. Leaves 7-9 x 2'5-5 cm., the uppermost about 4*5 x 2 cm., drying a dark olive-green, the underside sparsely studded with pale straw-coloured cystoliths, nervation to the naked eye rather obscure; petioles from 2 mm. in the uppermost leaves to 1:5-2:5 em. in the lower, channelled and puberulous above. Inflorescences (omitting the corollas) 4-5 x 8:5 em. Bracts 8 mm. long, scarcely 1 mm. broad. Pedicels 8 mm. long. Flowers white with faint mauve shading. Posticous segment of calyx 20 x 14 mm.; anticous 15 x 12 mm., its two terminal teeth 1-2 mm. long; lateral segments 7 mm. long, densely ciliated. Tube of corolla 17 x 4 mm.; front segment 28 mm. long, other segments 22 mm., the front segment 12 mm., the lateral 10 mm., and the hinder pair 7 mm. : broad. Filaments thick and fleshy, 4:7 cm. long. Anthers 8 mm. long; staminodes, like the filaments dilated at the base, 3 mm. long, their anthers 1*5 mm. in length. Ovary2mm.long. Style 6 cm. long. The affinity is with B. Brownti S. Moore, a Uganda plant which it much resembles in leaf and inflorescence. That species, however, has much smaller and differently-shaped ealyx-segments and corollas, ete., different in several respects. I am indebted to Mr. Turrill, of the Kew Herbarium, for directing my attention to this as a new . Species of Barleria. : ACANTHACER (S. Moore) 87 Asystasia dryadum 8. Moore sp. nov. Herba ramis ramu- lisque gracilibus sparsim foliosis cito glabris ; foliis petiolatis ovatis apicem versus angustatis apice obtusis basi rotundatis obtusisve membranaceis glabris; floribus pro rata mediocribus in racemis terminalibus abbreviatis paucifloris dispositis ; bracteis bracteolisque parvulis subulatis acutis; calycis segmentis anguste oblongo- lanceolatis acutis intus mieroscopice puberulis ceterum glabris vel fere glabris; corollae tubo ex calyce eminente a basi usque ad fauces gradatim dilatato glabro lobis quam tubus plane brevioribus inter se subaequalibus late obovatis obtusissimis ; staminibus infra medium tubum insertis antherarum loculo altero paullulum altius affixo loculis omnibus basi obtusis muticis ; ovario fulvo-tomentoso ; stylo apice brevissime bilobo. Oban; n. 991. Slender, divaricate, somewhat anfractuose, trailing branches sub- — distantly leaf-bearing. Blade of leaf usually 2:5-4 x 1:8-1:7 em., at most (and that rarely) 6 x 2'5 cm., brownish-green when dry; petioles 5-12 mm. long, usually with a few short hairs upon them. ‘Racemes 3-flowered (exclusive of the corollas), 2-5' 5 em. long, including the 5-25 mm. long pedunele. Pedicels 1-2 mm. long. Bracts and bracteoles about 1°5 mm. long. Segments of calyx 9 mm. long, 1-8-2 mm. wide in the widest part, often with a few microscopical hairs on the outer side and with faint traces of ciliation on the margin. Corolla-tube 20-22 mm. long, when moistened 3 mm. wide near the base, expanding to 9 mm. at the throat. Lobes 7 x 5-6 mm. Fila- ments inserted at 7 mm. from base of corolla, the longer pair 5 mm. long, the shorter scarcely 9 mm. Anthers 1:25 mm. long. Ovary ovoid, narrowed above and passing into the style, 8 mm. long. Style glabrous, about 1 em. long. The affinity of this is with 4. Buettneri Lindau, which is different in leaf, calyx, anthers, and a few other points of minor importance. No. 9914, also from Oban, is probably to be referred here, though its longer petioles, greater number of flowers to the raceme, and strongly ciliate calyx-segments, are special features. Adhatoda aurieulata S. Moore sp. nov. Suffrutex ramis quad- rangularibus juventute fulvo-pubescentibus dein glabrescentibus ; foliis amplis oblongo obovatis obtusis basi biauriculatis papyraceis supra pilis sparsis strigillosis appressis exemptis fere glabris subtus - in nervis fulvo-pubescentibus petiolis brevibus validis dense pube- scentibus; spicis ex axilla foliorum paris summi sub alabastro apicali oriundis simplicibus pedunculatis foliis brevioribus sparsim pubescentibus ; bracteis calycibus brevioribus lanceolatis obtuse- acutis ut calyx bracteolaeque sibi ipsis subsimiles sparsim pubescentibus ; calycis segmentis 5 lineari-lanceolatis acutis ; corollae extus pubescentis tubo calyce breviore ad fauces subito contracto limbo tubo subaequilongo labio antico alte tripartito postico emarginato; antherarum loculis inaequialtis loc. inf. breviter obtuseque calcarato ; ovario fulvo-villoso ; stylo deorsum 88 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS puberulo; capsula inferne compressa superne ovoidea acuta fulvo-pubescente 4-sperma. . Oban; n. 2011. Also Cameroons; Zenker, n. 4395. Blade of leaf 20-28 cm. long, 7-11 em. broad, spreading in the dried state and greyish-green, the basal auricles deltoid, acute, about 5 x 7 mm.; petioles 8-20 mm. long. Spikes solitary or one from each axil immediately beneath the apical bud, erect, 15-18 cm. long (of which a length of 5-6 cm. belongs to the peduncle) and about 1 cm. broad. Bracts and bracteoles 5-6 mm. long, those of the upper flowers somewhat smaller. Segments of calyx 9 mm. long, with faint longi- tudinal nervation. Corolla-tube 4:5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, at the throat contracted to 2 mm. ; upper lip galeate, oblong-ovate, 5*5 mm. long; lower lip 5:5 mm. long, its lobes oblong, obtuse, and 4:5 mm. long. Stamens ascending beneath the galea. Filaments fleshy, puber- ulous, about 5 mm. long; anther-cells broadly oblong, rather more than 2 mm. in length. Ovary 2 mm. and style 8:5 mm. long. Capsule 27 mm. long, the barren part l7 x 2-3 mm., the seed-bearing part 10 x 6 mm. Seeds oval-oblong, with a dark nearly smooth testa, about 4 mm. long, the curved retinacula ending in a sharp point. The shape of the leaves and the small flowers with deeply tripartite lower lip and puberulous filaments are the chief points separating this from A. tristis Nees. Hypoestes ($ Apolyton) Talbotiae S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule inferne radicante superne ascendente sparsim ramoso quad- rangulari glabro ramulos tenues minute puberulos emittente ; foliis oblongo- rarius ovato-lanceolatis acutis in petiolum brevem angus- tatis utrinque glabris ; involucris bifloris (flore secundo verisimiliter haud maturante) inter se satis distantibus in paniculas racemosas laxas elongatas minute puberulas digestis ; bracteolis exterioribus liberis inter se subaequalibus anguste lineari-lanceolatis acutis minute pubescentibus margine ciliolatis ; bracteolis interioribus exterioribus similibus nisi paullo minoribus; calyce bracteolas exteriores semiaequante circa adusque medium divisis segmentis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis ciliatis ; corollae extus piloso-puberu- lae tubo involucrum aequante sursum levissime ampliato limbi tubum excedentis labio antico obovato labio postico anguste lanceolato-oblongo integro ; filamentis pubescentibus ; stylo glabro ; ovulis in loculis 2. Oban, station garden ; n. 2005. A lowly plant, the stem reaching two spans' height above its decumbent rooting portion. Leaves usually 4-6 x 1°5-2°5 cm., but the largest up to 12 x 4 cm., dark on the upper side when dry and paler below; petioles of the smaller leaves 5 mm. long or less, of the largest 1:5-2 mm. Panicle about 8-10 cm. long and 6 cm. in diameter, slender and very lax, its lower branches 6 em. or more in length, the uppermost 2-5 cm.; intervals between the involucres + 10 mm.,the youngest closer together. Floral leaves, all except the lowest, subulate, acute, 2-3 mm. long. Outer involucral leaves 9-10 mm. long, inner 8 mm. Calyz 4:5 mm. long. Flowers bright ACANTHACEJE (S. Moore) 89 magenta. Corolla 23 mm. long;.tube barely 10 mm. long, 1 mm. or slightly more wide in its lower part, and only 2 mm. at the throat; lower lip 13 mm. long, 6:5 mm. at the widest part, its lobes deltoid- rotundate, and 1:25 mm. long, the mid-lobe 2:25 mm. broad. Filaments stout, 10 mm. in length. Anther-cells 2 mm. long. Ovary 1:5 mm. Style 17 mm. long. Quite unlike any African species known to me. In habit it resembles H. phyllostachys Bak. from Madagascar, but to mention one point only, the involucres of the two are different. - Rungia dimorpha S. Moore sp. nov. Herba caule erecto distanter folioso bifariatim pubescente mox glabro ; foliis ovatis (summis lanceolato-ovatis) apicem versus acuminatis apice ipso obtusis vel emarginatis basi in petiolum brevem angustatis papyraceis utrinsecus (nervis puberulis nisi pubescentibus exclusis) glabris ; spicis elongatis breviter pedunculatis terminalibus axilla- ribusve solitariis vel 2-3-nis quam folia brevioribus ; bracteis arcte imbricatis dimorphis sc. sterilibus ovatis sursum gradatim angus- tatis apice obtusis vel obtuse acutis basi breviter amplexicaulibus quam fertiles obovatae obtusissimae subito brevissime cuspidulatae basi leviter cordatae longioribus bracteis omnibus papyraceis laete viridibus margine angustissime decoloribus ut spicarum axis glandulo-pubescentibus ; bracteolis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis quam bractea stipans paullulum brevioribus ; calycis segmentis 5 angus- tissime lineari-lanceolatis acutis bracteolas aequantibus glanduloso- pubescentibus ; corollae tubo calycem breviter excedente superne gradatim ampliato labio antico suborbieulari breviter 3-lobo lobis lateralibus quam intermedius latioribus labio postico deltoideo- triangulari apice integro; antherarum loc. sup. basi appendice lata obtusissima onusto loc. inf. basi incurvo-calcarato ; capsula oblonga puberula 4-sperma. Oban; n. 1528. Branches somewhat wiry, swollen at the nodes, drying blackish. Leaves usually about 12 x 5:5 cm., a few 7-10 x 2:5-4 cm., deep green when dry and palely shining ; petioles + 1 cm. long, pubescent above. Spikes (ineluding the 1 em. long peduncle) generally 8-12 cm. long, 1°5-2 em. broad. Sterile bracts mostly 11-15 x 6-8 mm.; fertile bracts about 10 x 6 mm. Bracteoles 6 x 1°75 mm., glandular pubescent. Segments of calyx somewhat unequal, 6-7 x ‘5 mm. Tube of nearly glabrous pale greenish corolla 9 mm. long, 2 mm. wide below, at the throat 4 mm.; lower lip 5 x 6:5 mm., the lobes scarcely 1 mm. long; upper lip purple-dotted, 4:5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at the base. Filaments exserted to a length of 2:5 mm. ; upper cell of anther 1:5 mm. long, lower cell 1°75 mm. Pollen ellipsoidal with a narrow and a broader finely tuberculate band between each of the six pores. Ovary 1'5 mm. long; style 9 mm. Capsule 7 mm. long, flattened base as long as the fertile part. Seeds suborbieular with brown, finely tubercled testa, "5 mm. in diameter. Allied to R. obcordata Lindau, which has uniform bracts and different flowers. 90 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Dicliptera obanensis S. Moore sp. nov. Herba spithamea vel paullo ultra caule inferne decumbente radicante superne ascen- dente simplici (anne semper?) gracili puberulo cito fere glabro; foliis petiolatis elliptieis apice saepissime acuminatis ipso obtusis basi acuminatis acutisve utrinque glabris ; involucris 2-floris (flore altero valde imminuto) inter se satis distantibus oppositis vel alternis in paniculis racemiformibus plerumque terminalibus quam folia brevioribus dispositis; foliis floralibus parvulis lineari- subulatis patentibus recurvisve; bracteolis exterioribus parum inaequalibus ovatis acutis fere glabris laete viridibus ; bracteolis interioribus quam exteriores multo minoribus lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis decoloribus margine ciliolatis ; calycis bracteolas int. longe excedentis segmentis anguste lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis subdistanter granduloso-ciliatis ; corolla a bracteolis ext. leviter superata ejus tubo labium excedente sursum leviter amplificato labiis ovatis lab. sup. apice retuso lab. inf. tridentato ; staminibus exsertis ; capsula late obovoidea acuta basi longiuscule stipitata sparsim pubescente 4-sperma. Oban ; n. 1363. Leaves 6-18 em. long, 2°5-5 em. broad, bright green when dry, paler on the lower side, those of opposite pairs sometimes unequal in size; petioles up to 3 cm. in length, but usually about 1 cm. and in the case of the uppermost leaves sometimes even shorter. Inflores- cences at most 7 cm. long, the axis slender and sometimes anfractuose, the interspaces between the involucres 5-10 mm. long, but the upper- most closer together. Floral leaves rather rigid, about 4 mm. long. Peduncles up to 3 mm. long, puberulous. The larger of the outer bracteoles 14-16 x 7'5-8°5 mm., the smaller about 13 x 6 mm.; inner bracteoles 275 mm. long. Calyx nearly 6 mm. long. Corolla- tube 8:5 mm. long, 1*5 mm. wide, increased at the throat to 2:5 mm.; upper lip 4 x 2:75 mm., lower lip 4:5 x 2°25 mm. Filaments 2 mm. long; anther cells 1 mm. Ovary 1:5 mm. long; glabrous style 10mm. Capsule mm. long, the seed-bearing portion 4:5 mm. long. peaks rather more than 1 mm. in diameter, very minutely tubercled, ` rown. To be inserted in the genus next D. alternans Lindau, which has somewhat different leaves and much smaller bracteoles, corollas and capsule, VERBENACEA, Clerodendron Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis patule et sparsiuscule pilis articulatis longiusculis indutis ; foliis elliptieis papyraceis utrinque sparse pilosis supra nitentibus breviter acuminatis acutis basi rotundatis margine integro petiolo breviuseulo parte inferiore demum uncam validam lignosam nonnunquam formante ; floribus capitatis bracteatis breviter pedicellatis, bracteis parvis lanceolatis; calyce cam- panulato fere ad medium in lobos ovatos membranaceos articulato- VERBENACER (H. F. Wernham) 91 pilosos acutissimos diviso; corolla longe tubulosa extus pilis glandulosis sparsim pubescente, tubo tenui vix incurvo apice vix ampliato, lobis subaequalibus ; staminibus cum stylo longissime exsertis. Oban ; n. 341. Leaves up to 20 cm. x 11 em., with stalk 8:5 em. long. Flower- heads 2*5-8 cm. in diameter, sessile or nearly so. Bracts up to lem. x 8 mm. Calyz-segments about 1:9 em. x 7 mm. Corolla- tube exserted 2-5 cm. beyond calyx, lobes 7 mm. long. Near C. capitatum Schum. & Thonn., but flowers much shorter. Clerodendron obanense Wernham sp. nov. Frutex ramulis subteretibus levibus fistulosis fragilibus; foliis obovato-lanceolatis breviter subito acuminatis apice obtusiusculo, margine integro, utrinque glaberrimis basi subrotundis longiuscule petiolatis, petioli parte inferiore indurante persistente ; /loribus capitatis lateralibus, pedicellis tenuibus; calyce membranaceo fere ad basin in lobos ovatos breviter setaceo-acuminatos acutissimos sparse praecipue in margine articulato-pilosos diviso ; corollae tubo tenui recto elongato apice parum ampliato, pilis glandulis paucis con- spersis, lobis subglabris subaequalibus patentibus ; genitalibus nec longissime exsertis. Oban ; n. 2081. Leaves 25 cm. long, including acumen 2 cm., 11-12 cm. broad; petiole 5 cm., including persistent lower part 1:5 cm. long. Inflores- cence, without the corollas, about 4:5 cm. in diameter. Calyz- segments about 12 mm. x 5 mm. Corolla-tube exserted 4 cm. beyond the calyx; lobes 12-14 mm. long. Similar to the preceding, but distinct in the want of hairs, complete in the vegetative parts, and almost complete in the flowers; also in the size of the leaves and flowers. Vitex bogalensis Wernham sp. nov. Frutex parvus ramulis nisi novellis dense ferrugineo-pubescentibus glabris, cortice cinereo- cano indutis; foliis palmate compositis 3—5-foliolatis, petiolo longiuseulo ramulorum modo indutis, foliolis plerumque sessilibus obovatis parvis basi cuneatis brevissime acuminatis obtusisutrinque praesertim iu venis subtus prominentibus supra impressis pubes- centibus, glandulus minutissimis pellucidis; floribus in cymis axillaribus plus minus paucifloris laxiusculis pedunculo petiolum subaequante necnon ei simili; bracteis lineari-setaceis ; calyce campanulato villosissimo lobis triangularibus subacutis tubum aequantibus; corolla extus praecipue in lobis pubescente tubo calycem multo excedente; staminibus exsertis; fructu globoso nisi apice flavo-tomentoso glabrato. North Cameroons, Bogalo Peak, near summit, n. 1046. Middle leaflet 4 cm. long, 1*7 cm. broad; lateral leaflets 3 cm. long, 1*2 em. broad; petiole 2:7 cm. long. Peduneles 2 em. Bracts to 4 mm. long. Calyx about 3 mm. long, including lobes 1:5 mm. 92 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS long. Corolla-tube about 5 mm. long; lobes 2 mm. Fruit about 1 cm. in diameter. Vitex obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Frutex subglaber ramulis fistulosis; foliis digitatim compositis longe petiolatis petiolo minutissime puberulo ; foliolis plerumque obovatis subito breviter acuminatis utrinque acutis supra scabridiusculis infra nisi in venis minute pubescentibus glabratis glandulosis, petiolulis mediorum trium longiusculis lateralium brevissimis ; inflorescentia | laxissima cymorum 3—4-florum pedunculatorum panicula terminali minutissime ferrugineo-pubescente ebracteata ; florum parvorum pedicellis pubescentibus bracteolis minutis ; calycis limbo integro ; corollae multiglandulosae tubo valde curvato multo e calyce exserto, lobis superioribus brevibus latissimis labio inferiore ovato longo marginibus reflexis. Oban ; n. 1044, : Terminal and lateral leaflets about equal, 12 cm. long, with acumen 1:5-2 cm., and nearly 6 cm. broad; basal lateral leaflets 6°5-8°5 cm. long with acumen 1-1:3 cm., and 8-4:5 cm. broad. Terminal petiolule 1:8 em. long; petiole 10-15 cm. long, Main rachis of inflorescence over 20 em. long, lateral branches 10 em. or more long. Pedicels 2-4 mm. Calyx 2 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at the gaping mouth. Corolla-tube about 5 mm. long, bent almost at right angles at the middle, lower lip over 2 mm. long. Near V. thyrsiflora Baker, differing in the shape of the leaflets and characters of the inflorescence. MONOCHLAMYDE. By SPENCER MOORE, F.L.S. ARISTOLOCHIACER. Aristolochia tribrachiata S. Moore sp. nov. Planta caule volubili distanter folioso cortice griseo maxime rimoso obducto ; foliis petiolatis amplis oblongo-ovatis basi rotundatis levissimeve cordatis trinervibus nitidulis coriaceis glabris ; cymis subsessilibus paucifloris; pedicellis (cum ovario) floribus brevioribus ; bracteis parvulis ovato-lanceolatis; perianthii extus glabri utriculo oblique ovoideo tubo anguste infundibulari utriculum paullo excedente intus sparsim piloso limbo inequaliter 3-lobo lobis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis quam tubus longioribus; gynostemio breviter stipitato; staminibus stylisque 9. i Oban; n. 1542, ; Thick twining stem twisted and somewhat compressed. Leaves ARISTOLOCHIACER (S. Moore) 93 {extremity not seen) 15 x 8'5 cm., when dry green and shining; lateral nerves 4 pairs (including the basal pair), distant, inserted upon the midrib at about a right angle, strongly arcuate and anfractuose towards the margin, together with the reticulum flat or nearly so on the upper side and very prominent on the lower; petioles stout, nearly 8 em. long. Thick woody base of inflorescence about 5 mm. in length. Bracts about 3 mm. long. Pedicels (with ovary) 2°5-4 em. long. Perianth, according to Mrs. Talbot's drawing, yellowish-white on the outside, the lobes reddish-purple with white streaks; utricle 23-25 mm. long, 15-17 nim. broad; tube 27 mm. long, at bottom 6-8 mm., at top 10-12 mm. broad ; longer lobes 48 mm. long, smaller third lobe 40 mm. Stalk of gynostemium 1:5 mm. long. Anthers oblong, 2:25 mm. long, the same length as the erect branches of the stigma. ; To be inserted in the genus next A. Staudtii Engl., a species known to me by description only, which has smaller and narrower leaves and shorter stalks, differently coloured flowers with a longer and broader utricle, a longer tube and a longer stalk to the much larger gynostemium. The leaves serve to distinguish the plant at sight from A. triactina Hook. fil. No. 213 with somewhat larger dull yellow purple-streaked perianth-lobes may be a form of this, but its leaves are unknown. Aristolochia Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Planta scandens caule florescentis tempore nudo; foliis ignotis; floribus in fasciculis subsessilibus paucifloris ex ramis foliis destitutis oriundis; pedi- — cellis (cum ovario) quam flores brevioribus puberulis; perianthii extus glabri utriculo obliquo ovoideo quam tubus deorsum cylin- dricus sursum infundibularis paullo breviore limbo brevi uno latere in caudam attenuatam perianthium ipsum excedentem exeunte; gynostemio breviter stipitato ; staminibus necnon stylis 9. (Pl. 11, fig. 7.) E Oban; nn. 128, 2310. Stem, according to Mrs. Talbot's drawing, about 1 cm. in diameter, here and there nodose, surrounded by a spirally twisted cortex. Peduncles about 5 mm. long and 3 mm. in diameter. Pedicels 3-4 cm. long. Perianth pale yellowish-green, with several dark longitudinal unbranched or rarely branching nerves, when dry dark brown or almost black; utricle 20-22 x 11-13 mm.; tube 38 mm. long, in its lower half 10-12 mm. wide, expanding above to 26 mm., clothed inside with numerous reflexed black bulbous-based hairs and a row of ordinary hairs separating it from the utricle; limb emarginate at the side opposite to that from which the tail is given off, otherwise entire, 25 x 15 mm.; tail + 10 em. long, nearly 9 mm. wide at its point of origin, immediately narrowing to ‘5 mm., and towards the tip expanding to 1 mm. or somewhat more. Stalk of the gynostemium 1:5 mm. long. Anthers oblong, 2 mm. long or a little more. Branches of the stigma incurved just below the acute tip, 1:5 mm. long. , on sight by its remarkable perianth, somewhat in the style of though abundantly diverse from that of A. foetens Lindl., and markedly smaller than that of A. flagellata Stapf. 94 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Var. longissima. Cauda maxime elongata, saepe ternatim divisa, 20-25 cm. long, triente superiore usque ad 2-3 mm. diam. dilatata. Oban ; n. 1642. : : The upper part of the perianth-tube of this supposed variety is more curved than that of type specimens, otherwise except for the very long tails there seems no difference. As with the type, no leaves of this are to hand. The perianth is very pale green in colour with dark purple spots, and the hairs in the throat are pure white. The single fruit sent consists of two oblong portions (apparently the two halves, though the ends do not quite match), each 10 em. long and 3 em. in diameter, deeply 6-suleate and in colour a dark brown; the seeds are cordate, palely shining and 1 cm. long. Aristolochia tenuicauda S. Moore sp. nov. Planta perianthii extus mieroscopice puberuli utriculo obliquo late ovoideo tubo inferne cylindrico superne curvato-infundibulari quam utriculus plane longiore limbo abbreviato uno latere tridentato dente utroque in caudam elongatam tenuissimam exeunte; gynostemio stipitato ; staminibus 9 ; stylis 9. Oban ; n. 2318. i i |... Stem and leaves not seen, but certainly a twiner. Perianth dark- coloured and leathery when dry, traversed by several longitudinal nerves, reticulum not very plainly seen; utricle 2:5 cm. long, 1:5 em. broad, projecting beyond the narrower lowest part of the tube; tube arching above, inside pilose with white hairs, 4:5 cm. long, 10 mm. broad at the base, i4 mm. at the middle, and 30 mm. immediately below the limb, mouth emarginate at the end opposite to that bearing the tails, its three teeth about 2 mm. long, tails very slender up to 20 cm. long, about "3 mm. wide, but distally widening to about 1 mm. Stalk of gynostemium 2 mm. long. Anthers narrowly oblong, 3 mm. long. Branches of stigma with short incurved tails, nearly 3 mm. long. Nearly allied to the last, but the perianth of A. tenwicauda is larger, the utricle more prominent, the upper part of the tube more curved, the mouth wider, the place of the single tail is always taken by the three slender tails, and the anthers and styles are longer. LAURINEAE. Tylostemon ($ Ennearrhena) Talbotiae S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex elatus ramis subteretibus glabris cortice cinereo cireumda- tis ; foliis amplis oblongo-ellipticis apice cuspidato-acuminatis ipso obtusis basi in petiolum brevem crassum canaliculatam angustatis | glandulis immersis creberrime inspersis pergamaceis utrinsecus glabris vel fere glabris; panieulis extra-axillaribus subtermina- libusve effusis minute subfulvo-pubescentibus ramulis pluribus — oppositis alternisve ascendentibus vel patulis pedicellis ut ramuli filiformibus satis elongatis ; perianthio pro rata majuseuloturbinato —— LAURINE& (S. Moore) 95 extus minute pubescente intus villoso quam lobi subrotundati obtusiusculi plane longiore; staminum serr. 1 & 2 filamentis antheris fere aequilatis basi vix angustatis utrobique pubescentibus staminum ser. 3 filamentis quam antherae aequilongae paullo angustioribus villosis basi biglandulosis; staminodiis minutis linearibus villosis ; ovario ut stylus glabro. Oban; n. 1539. Leaves at most 18-20 x 6-7 cm., sometimes 12-14 x 4-5 cm., greyish-green when dry below, brownish above; lateral nerves about Son each side of the midrib, with numerous interposed nerves of lower order all, together with the reticulum, prominent on both sides ; petioles about 1 cm. long. Panicles at most 15 em. long and 9 cm. broad, the peduncle frequently 3-5 em. long, the branches anfrac- tuose and usually 2-4 cm. long. Bracts subfugacious, lanceolate. minutely tawny-tomentose, 4 mm. long. Pedicels 2-6 (or even 7) mm. in length. Perianth green, 3 mm. long, of which 2 mm. belong to the tube; lobes 1 mm. long, 1:3 mm. broad. Stamens of the two outer whorls 1 mm. broad and rather more than that in length; extrorse stamens 1:5 mm. long, with filaments 1 mm. wide and somewhat broader anthers, the pale green glands nearly ‘5 mm. in diameter. Staminodes difficult to find among the hairs of the inner side of the perianth, less than 1 mm. long. Ovary broadly ovoid, 1 mm. long. Style half as long again as the ovary, swollen in its lower part. Near T. longipes Stapf, which has smaller leaves, a glabrous perianth, different stamens and staminodes and ovary as long as the style. Tylostemon ($ Ennearrhena) myreiaefolius S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex ramis subteretibus glabris cortice cinereo obductis ; foliis petiolatis oblongo-ellipticis apice cuspidato- vel caudato-attenuatis ipso obtusis ima basi cuneatis tenuiter coriaceis utrinque glabris neenon nitentibus; paniculis extra-axillaribus quam folia ple- rumque brevioribus pedunculo brevi ramulis alternis nisi sub- oppositis patulis ut pedicelli alabastra aequantes vel breviter superantes glabris vel summum sparsissime puberulis; bracteis persistentibus ; perianthio mediocri campanulato glabro lobis sub- orbicularibus subaequilongo ; staminum serr. 1 & 2 filamentis late oblongis quam antherae longioribus dorso pubescentibus ; staminum ser. 3 his subsimilibus basi biglandulosis ; staminodiis cordatis apice acutis dorso-pubescentibus ; ovario subgloboso quam stylus - 2 manifeste breviore glabro. Oban; n. 2334, Leaves usually 8-12 em. long and 8:5-5:0 cm. broad, but occasionally as small as 5 x 2°5 cm., drying brownish or olive-green; _ lateral nerves about 6 on each side of the midrib, with numerous ~ intervening nervelets almost as prominent as themselves, widely arching towards the leaf-margin, together with the reticulum prominent on both faces; petioles widely excavated on the upper side, 4 mm. long. Panicles about 7 cm. long and 5 em. broad, with s 96 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS peduncles 1 cm. or so long, and very slender branches of thrice that length. Bracts 2-3 mm. long, ovate or ovate-oblong, obtuse, minutely silky pubescent on the back. Pedicels usually 1-2 mm. long. -Perianth-tube 1:25 mm. long; lobes 1:5 mm. ciliolate. Stamens of the two outer whorls 1:15 x 0:8 mm., of the extrorse whorl 1:15 mm. long, the glands at the*base of these obovoid and nearly 1 mm. in length. Staminodia barely 1 mm. long. Ovary "5 mm. Style nearly 1 mm. long. Allied to the last. It differs from T. longipes Stapf, inter alia, in the more shortly petioled shining conspicuously nerved leaves, the persistent braets, the smaller flowers on shorter pedicels and the diverse stamens. Tylostemon ($ Ennearrhena) foliosus S. Moore sp. nov. Frutex ramis subteretibus glabris cortice badio obductis ; foliis mediocribus breviter petiolatis ellipticis utrinque obtusis coriaceis glabris; paniculis terminalibus nisi ex axillis summis oriundis quam folia multoties brevioribus e ramulis paucis patentibus sistentibus subtiliter fulvo-pubescentibus ; bracteis satis perspicuis ovato-cymbiformibus acutis dorso minute fulvo-tomentosis ; pedicellis flores plerumque aequantibus vel excedentibus ; peri- anthii turbinati extus minute pubescentis intus fere glabri lobis quam tubus brevioribus suborbicularibus margine ciliolatis ; staminum serr. 1 & 2 filamentis brevibus quam antherae sub- orbiculares deorsum necnon dorso villosae angustioribus ; staminum ser. 3 filamentis latis villosis antheras conoideas glabras circa aequantibus biglandulosis ; staminodiis triangularibus acutis villosis; ovario subgloboso glabro quam stylus glaber crassus apicem versus attenuatus paullulum breviore. ` - Oban; n. 2342. A bushy shrub. Leaves 12-18 x 3-4 cm., drying olive-green above and brown below; lateral nerves 7-8 pairs, dividing and inarching at some little distance from the midrib, together with the reticulum prominent on both sides of the leaf; petioles about 1 cm. long, stout, channelled above, drying black. Panicles 1-3 cm. long, from less than 1 em. to nearly 4 em. across, the latter measurement referring to the terminal inflorescence. Bracts 3-4 mm. long. Pedicels often 8-4 mm. in length, those of flowers at the top of the branchlets often reduced to 1 mm. Flowers 2 mm. long, and the same in diameter; tube 1:25 mm., lobes '75 mm. long. Stamens of whorls I. and II. not quite 1 mm. long, of the third whorl 1 mm.; glands of the latter small, about "2 mm. in diameter. Staminodes "8 mm. long. Ovary about :75 in diameter. Style 1 mm. long. In foliage this is very like T. obscurus Stapf, but that has markedly smaller flowers, besides belonging to the $ Hexarrhena, Its position in the genus seems to be next T. cinnamomeus Stapf. EUPHORBIACEJ (S. Moore) 97 EUPHORBIACEE. Drypetes obanensis S. Moore sp. nov. Arbuscula ramulis . gracilibus subteretibus crebro foliosis minute pubescentibus ; foliis breviter petiolatis ovato-oblongis vel lanceolato-ovatis apice cuspi- dato-acuminatis ipso obtusis basi obliquis obtusis raro rotundatis margine dimidio superiori distanter serrulato-denticulatis tenuiter coriaceis glabris nitidulis costis lateralibus utrinque 4—6 (raro 7) aperte arcuatis costulis intermediis satis prominulis pluribus ; forum fasciculis ramulis vetustioribus insidentibus floribus masc. solummodo cognitis pedicellis abbreviatis suffultis ; sepalis 5 late imbricatis suborbicularibus margine ciliolatis ceteroquin glabris ; staminibus circa 14 filamentis quam antherae longioribus ; disco rugoso. Oban ; nn. 677, 2310. A small tree. Branchlets patent or erecto-patent, 1-2 mm. in diameter. Leaves mostly 6-10 cm. long. 2:5-4-0 cm. broad, occasionally reaching 11:0 x 5:5 cm., or reduced to 5:0 x 1:5 em or even less, greenish-grey when dried, the midrib very prominent on the underside and flat or almost so above; petioles about 5 mm. long, like their supporting branchlets covered with a brown pubescence. Fascicles of flowers about 1 cm. in diameter. Pedicels stoutish, at most barely 3 mm. long. Sepals 8:5 x8 mm. Filaments 2 mm. long, anthers 1 mm. Disk 8 mm. in diameter. - So far as clavis characters go, this comes near D. spinoso-dentata Hutchins. and D. minor Hutchins., of which both have leaves diverse in size, shape and toothing, as well as much larger flowers. Drypetes Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. Arbor ramulis subtere- tibus crebro foliosis cortice fusco longitrorsum rimoso mox circum- datis; foliis breviter petiolatis elongatis late oblongis apice cuspidato-acuminatis ipso obtusis obtusiusculisve basin versus aliquanto angustatis basi obtusissimis levissimeve cordatis margine integris coriaceis glabris costis lateralibus utrinque ultra 20 additis costulis numerosis sibi ipsis fere aeque aspectabilibus costa centrali pag. sup. impressa pag. inf. optime prominente ; Jloribus ad nodos ramorum defoliatorum fasciculatis; pedicellis filiformibus quam flores longioribus ; florum masc. sepalis 5 aesti- vatione late imbricatis rotundato-ovatis obtusissimis ; staminibus 11-13 filamentis sepalis fere aequilongis ; antheris ovato-oblongis quam filamenta manifeste brevioribus; disco plano; floribus fem. haud visis. Oban; n. 8. Leafy branches about 4 mm. in diameter. Leaves 18-93 cm. long, 5-6 cm. broad, grey-green, somewhat shining; petioles stout, 5 mm. long. Pedicels 8 mm. long. Sepals 8:5-4 x 2:5-83 mm. Fila- ments 8 mm. long. Anthers scarcely 1:5 mm. Dise 2 mm. in diameter. To be inserted next to D. Afzelii Hutchins., a species of which the male flowers are unknown. The leaves of the two are manifestly different. : ü 98 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS MONOCOTYLEDONS. By Dr. A. B. RENDLE, F.R.S. (excepting Zingiberaceae by H. N. Ribrey, C.M.G. F.R.S.). ORCHIDACEE. The collection contains seventy species, of which twenty are new. Their affinity is almost exclusively West Tropical African, and as might be expected a large proportion occur also in the Cameroons, seventeen species being hitherto known only from that area. Among these is the genus Auxopus recently described by Dr. Schlechter from a single locality. Nineteen species have a wider distribution through the region bordering on the Gulf of Guinea from Sierra Leone to Gaboon, including Prince's Island and the Island of St. Thomas; Habenaria barrina Ridl. has hitherto been known only from St. Thomas. A smaller number, seven, are more generally West Tropical African, extending southwards to the French Congo or Angola. Platanthera helleborina Rolfe and Habenaria procera Lindl. are interesting additions, being previously recorded only from Sierra Leone, the latter known apparently only from Lindley’s figure (Bot. Reg. t. 1858), with which the Nigerian specimen agrees. Two of the new species belonging respectively to Bulbophyllum and Habenaria have also been sent from Liberia by Mr. R. H. Bunting. It is with much regret that I have felt compelled to quote the species of Listrostachys and Mystacidium under Angraecum. Dr. Schlechter has recently given repeated instances of cases where the affinity deduced from general characters is at variance with that deduced from the single character of the pollinia and their appendages; species obviously closely allied must be artificially separated on this criterion. The multiplicity of names borne by many of the species is an indication of the unsatisfactory nature of the system which continues to maintain this distinction. An example is afforded by the species which I originally described as Listrostachys clavata; the pollinia were attached by their caudicles to a single gland, which, however, being easily separable into two parts, was on this account referred by Mr. Rolfe to Mystacidium. More recently Dr. Schlechter, in describing a new species, Angraecum affine (in which the two pollen-stalks are attached to a common gland), mentions as its nearest ally the - * ORCHIDACE (A. D. Rendle) 99 species in question, which he calls A. clavatum. Unfortunately the trivial is already occupied in Angraecum, so a new one must be found for my original plant. I have suggested multinominatum. Bulbophyllum Buntingii Rendle sp. nov. Planta pseudo- bulbis rhizomate lignoso tereti repente inter se distantibus com- presso-ovoideis triangulatis monophyllis; foliis oblongis super basin angustatis valde obtusis; scapo folia valde excedente pro majore parte florifero internodiis inferioribus (5) bracteis scariosis ocreiformibus vaginatis; bracteis florentibus scariosis ascendentibus ovato-lanceolatis acutis ovarium excedentibus ; floribus albis breviter pedicellatis; sepalis subaequalibus lanceo- latis acuminatis, lateralibus basi in mentum breve obtusum pro- tractis ; petalis parvulis elliptico-lanceolatis acutis ; labello parvo crasso elliptico, lateribus super basin latam usque ad partem anteriorem ovatam acuminatam reversis, disco callis geminis obtusis medio instructo; columna dentibus 2 erectis ipsi subaequalibus instructa. (Pl. 12, figs. 1-3.) Oban; n. 935. Liberia, Begwai; R. H. Bunting; in flower Oet. 25. Rhizome tough, 2 to nearly 8 mm. thick, bearing the pseudobulbs at somewhat regular intervals of about 2 cm. Pseudobulbs 1:5-2 cm. long, 1°5 or less in thickness. Leaves to 7 cm. long, 1:5-1:8 cm. broad. Scape 15-22 cm. long, sheathing bracts about 1 em. long. Raceme 13-20 cm. long. Flowering bracts 4&5 mm. long. Sepals 5 mm. long. Petals 9:5 mm.; lip barely exceeding 2 mm., the recurved margin flattened anteriorly and folded downwards posteriorly to join the subquadrate base, which narrows abruptly into a short stalk. Column "5 mm. long. Near B. flavidum Lindl., but distinguished by its somewhat remarkable lip-structure. Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle sp. nov. Herba epiphytica pseudobulbis anguste-ovoideis approximatis monophyllis siccis flavidis ; radicibus tenuibus intertextis ; foliis linearibus apice obtusiusculis basi attenuatis scapum excedentibus; scapo tenui super basin brevem vaginatam florifero flexuoso vel arcuato; bracteis membranaceis siccis albidis ovato-lanceolatis subacutis ovario cum pedicello subaequilongis; floribus parvis siccis stramineis; sepalis subaequalibus triangulari-lanceolatis acumi- natis, lateralibus latioribus; petalis parvulis elliptico-oblongis obtusis ; labello parvulo recurvato oblongo obtuso, lobis lateralibus suberectis obtusis basi instructo ; columna breve dentibus binis acuminatis erectis instructa. (Pl. 12, figs. 4, 5.) Oban ; n. 933. Rhizome hidden by the crowded pseudobulbs and the mass of slender roots. Pseudobulbs 2-2°5 cm. long, 1 cm. or less in diameter. Leaves to 19:5 em. long, :5—:6 cm. broad. Scape to 10 cm. long, bracts 2:5-3 mm. long. Sepals 4-4°5 mm. long, ew mm. n9 100 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS broad, lateral 1:25 mm. Petals 1:2 mm. long; lip 1 mm. long. Column barely 1 mm. long, teeth barely ‘5 mm. long. Ovary and pedicel subequal, together 2-2°5 mm. long. Near B. flavidum Lindl. from Sierra Leone, but distinguished by the long narrow leaves, characters of the lip, &c. Bulbophyllum Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. Planta epiphytica rhizomate tereti super radices tenues dense intertextas divaricate ramoso ; pseudobulbis frequentibus vivis fusiformibus siecis tenuibus rugosis diphyllis; foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis; scapo saepe tenue cum spica dense et distiche florifera folia excedente, internodiis e. 10 bracteis pro maxima parte arcte vaginatis; bracteis floriferis magnis cymbiformibus acutis purpureo-tinctis flores primum celantibus demum flore aperto explicatis ; floribus parvis; sepalis roseis lanceolato-acuminatis 3-nerviis subaequalibus ; petalis linearibus minutis; labello atrate-roseo mobili e basi anguste cordata lineari subacuto margine dense ciliato ; columna brevi crassa processubus aequilongis erectis apice instructa. (PI. 12, figs. 6, 7.) Oban; n. 981; in flower Dec. 11. Rhizome bent sharply at the origin of each pseudobulb, the segments 1-1:5 cm. long, 2 mm. or more thick, spreading over the matted slender branching roots; pseudobulbs 8-7-5 cm. long, much shrivelled and slender when dry. Leaves 5-10 cm. long, '7-1 cm. broad. Scape 8-13 cm. long to base of spike, from less than 1-1: 5 mm. thick. Spike 8 to more than 10 cm. long, ultimately reflexed. Flowering bracts 6-7 mm.long. Sepals 4 mm. long. Petals 1:2mm. long ; lip 8:3 mm. long, becoming violently agitated when the flower is touched. Column "3 mm. long, narrow pointed processes from the upper angles 8 mm. long. Allied to B. Manni Hook. fil (Cameroon Mts.), of which it suggests a small edition, being smaller in all its parts. Also near B. gravidum Lindl. (Fernando Po), but differs in its longer, narrower spike, smaller flowers, linear lip, &c. . Bulbophyllum Dorotheae Rendle sp. nov. "Herba semipedalis pseudobulbis compresso-ovoideis 3-angulatis flavidis aggregatis monophyllis; foliis oblongis basi breviter angustatis obtusis; scapo gracili curvulo pro majore parte (2) bracteis ocreiformibus acutis laxe vestito, racemo haud densifloro ; bracteis oblongis vel - ellipticis obtusis ovarium cum pedicello paullo excedentibus haud reflexis ; floribus subsessilibus atrate roseis (e spec. sicco) ; sepalo dorsali oblongo-lanceolato obtuso, sepp. lateralibus triangulari- faleatis angustiore; petalis oblongo-spathulatis ; labello crassius- culo lanceolato valde recurvato margine quam parte centrali tenuiore et ciliolato; columna valida brachiis erectis geminis lineari-subulatis instructa; capsula oblique-ellipsoidea. (Pl. 12, fig. 8.) Oban ; n. 934. Pseudobulbs reaching 2 em. high by 1:2 cm. in diameter, densely ORCHIDACE& (A. D. Rendle) 101 crowded on the rhizome. Roots dense slender, branching. Leaves 4:5-9 em. long, 1:4-2:2 cin. broad. Scape to 16 cm. long, less than 1 mm. thick, bearing at the five nodes below the inflorescence narrow ‘sheathing bracts 1-'5 cm. long. Raceme 5 em. long. Flowers (in one specimen) seventeen. Bracts 2-2'5 mm. long. Sepals 8:5 mm. long, the dorsal 1:5, the lateral 2 mm. broad, the broad united base of the latter forming a blunt chin; the margin minutely papillose. Petals 2 mm. long by "6 mm. broad ; lip 1°75 mm. long, barely 1 mm. broad. Column "5 mm. long, the slender arms *75 mm. long. Stalk with ovary barely 2 mm. long. Fruit 8 mm. long. Evidently near the Congo species B. nanum De Wild. (from the description) which it apparently resembles closely in habit, but differs in absolute and relative sizes of the sepals and petals and in the form of the lip. Bulbophyllum obanense Rendle sp. nov. Planta minor pseudobulbis (in vivo) anguste ellipticis suleatis diphyllis, in rhizomate valido rubescente distantibus, cataphyllis scariosis supra medium circumtectis ; foliis lineari-oblongis basi in petiolum angustatis obtusis ; scapo folia paullo excedente, bracteis brevibus specimine 5 rubescentibus e basi vaginante ovatis; spicae rhachide compressa floribus ochroleueis in marginibus tenuibus distiche ordinatis ; bracteis concavis dorso carinatis mucronulatis floribus brevioribus ; sepalis triangulari-ovatis acuminatis, dorsali paullo breviore; petalis linearibus ; labello crasso glabro trilobo, lobis basalibus rotunde oblongis, lobo medio late oblongo recurvo margine crispulo, carina obtusa mediana usque ad basin lobi medii instructo ; columna brevi crassa dentibus 2 obtusis instructa. (Pl. 12, figs. 9, 10.) Oban, top of Niaji Peak; n. 932; in flower Oct. 28. i Described from a single specimen 1:7 cm. high and a coloured sketch. Distance between pseudobulbs 6-7 cm., rhizome bearing reddish sheathing scales at the node, woody, 3 mm. thick; a tuft of slender filiform roots from the base of each pseudobulb. Pseudobulb 3-4°5 em. long, 1:2 cm. thick (when fresh). Leaves 6-11 cm. long, 1:2 to nearly 2 cm. broad. Scape 10-13 cm. long to base of spike. Bracts 6-7 mm. long. Spike 6 cm. long, rhachis 2-3 mm. broad. Flowering bracts 4 mm. long. Dorsal sepal barely exceeding 5 mm. long; lateral 5:75 mm. Petals 8:5 mm.; lip 2:25 mm., greatest breadth equal to length ; median lobe 1 mm. broad, with a raised line just within the margin. Column 1:3 mm. long. Evidently very closely allied to the Congo species, B. platirachis, described and figured by De Wildeman (Miss. Em. Laurent, 223, t. lv.), which it ré&embles in habit, but is a larger plant and differs in the absolute and relative length of the parts of the flower. B. obanense is characterised by its 3-lobed lip, but the details of the lip of B. platirachis are not described. Bulbophyllum Amauryae Rendle sp. nov. Planta parva epiphytiea pseudobulbis ovoideis dense aggregatis monophyllis ; folio lineari utrinque attenuato obtusiusculo vel breviter acuto; scapo filiforme folia duplo excedente parte inferiore bracteis 102 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS 4 tubuliformibus distantibus instructo superne flexuoso et florifero ; bracteis ovato-acuminatis scariosis pedicellum brevem cum ovario paullo excedentibus; sepalis triangulari-caudato- acuminatis; petalis ellipticis apiculatis ; labello e basi hastato- cordata anguste oblongo-triangulari acuminato margine ciliolato, disco jugis binis superne convergentibus instructo ; columna brevi processubus binis subulatis instructa. (Pl. 12, figs. 11, 12.) Oban ; n. 952. Pseudobulbs "5 cm.—"7 em. long on the nodes of a slender branching raceme forming a cespitose mass. Leaves 5-8 em. long, 3:5-4 cm. broad. Scapes to 13 cm. long, with 3-4 distant tubuliform bracts below and bearing up to about ten flowers on the upper zigzag portion. Flowering bracts about 2 mm. long. Sepals 8 mm. long; the lateral 175 mm. broad at the base; the dorsal just over 1 mm. Petals 2 mm. long by. ‘8 mm. broad ; lip 2:25 mm. long by 1:25 mm. broad at the base. Column barely 1 mm. long, bearing a pair of long subulate processes. Near B. intertextum Lindl. (Niger Delta) and B. viride Rolfe (Sierra Leone), but distinguished at once by the long narrow linear leaves, and also by minute floral details. Polystaehya obanensis Rendle sp. nov. Rhizoma lignosum flexuosum complanatum ascendens, radicibus numerosis et pseudo- bulbis marcescentibus seriatim approximatis instructum ; pseudo- bulbo compresso 4-angulato binodo, quoque folium singulum anguste oblongum saepissime basin versus angustatum et scapum terminale gerente; inflorescentia puberula basi bractea mem- branacea apice subacuta arcte vaginata superne laxe ramosa, bracteis superioribus e basi ovata longe acuminatis ; floribus siccis luteis puberulis; sepalo dorsale anguste elliptico acuto 3-nervio, sepp. lateralibus triangularibus acutis mentum obtuse obconicum efformantibus ; petalis lineari-oblanceolatis acutis ; labello e basi unguiculata trilobato, lobis lateralibus brevibus rotundatis, lobo medio suborbiculari apiculato disco incrassato ; columna brevi crassa. (Pl. 13, figs. 1, 2.) Oban ; n. 930. ' Plant 20-25 cm. high. Rhizome 4-5 mm. broad to 12 cm. long in the specimens collected, internodes 1:5-2 em. long. Pseudobulbs 35-4 em. long, to 1*5 em. broad, enveloped below by the persistent leaf- sheaths, and bearing its leaf a little below the apex. Leaf 8:5-14 cm. long, 1:3-2 cm. broad. Peduncle 4*5-5:5 em. long; sheathing bract 2-8 em. Panicle 6-11 em. long, usually with two branches. Fertile bracts 5-6 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 6:5—1:5 mm. long, 2°5-2°6 mm. broad; lateral seps. 7°5-8°5 mm. long; chin 4 mm. long. Petals 6-6°5 mm. long, 1:5 mm. broad; lip 7:5 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, with an upwardly broadening thickening from the base to a little below the middle, and a central thickening on the apical lobe. Column 2 mm. long. ; . Apparently near P. epiphytica De Wild. (from Katanga), but istinguished by its larger flowers and lip-characters. ; ME ORCHIDACER (A. B. Rendle) 103 Polystachya Dorotheae Rendle sp. nov. Caules subcom- pressae approximatae basi paullo inflatae et vaginis scariosis circumdatae ; foliis caulinis 4 e vaginis elongatis tubuliformibus lineari-oblongis vel lineari-oblanceolatis apice inaequali acutius- culis; scapo elongato bracteis scariosis parte inferiore tubuli- formibus arcte vestito superne nudo et puberulo ramoso, ramis multifloris ; bracteis florentibus ovatis superne acuminatis et recurvatis; floribus inter mediocres glabri ; sepalo dorsale elliptico- oblongo obtuso mucronato, sepp. lateralibus triangulari-oblongis subito et breviter acutis mentum obtusum efformantibus ; petalis linearibus apice spathulatis; labello trilobo basi cum crista mediana suffulto, lobis lateralibus late oblongis apice rotundatis margine integro, lobo mediano lato emarginato crenulato medio cristato ; capsula subsessili fusiformi. (Pl. 13, figs. 3, 4.) Oban ; n. 861. Plant 6 cm. high. Stem leafy below, passing above into the panicle. Leaves 10-30 cm. long, 2-3 cm. broad. Panicle 18 cm. long, branches (in fruit) to 8°5 cm. long. Flowering bracts 3 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 4:5 mm. long; lateral sepals, greatest length 7 mm., chin 4:5 mm. Peíals 4:5 mm. long, broadening at the apex to ‘7 mm.; lip 6 mm. long, greatest breadth 4:5 mm. Column short, thick, 2 mm. long. Fruit 17-18 mm. long. A member of the tessellata group of species, and from the descrip- tion and figure near the Congo species P. Huyghei De Wild., but distinguished by details of the flower such as blunt dorsal sepal and lip-lobe, spathulate petals, &c. Polystaehya nigeriea Rendle sp. nov. Species inter minores caulibus compressis basi in pseudobulbum fusiformem incrassatis ; foliis distichis a vagina compressa siccis sejunctis, lamina e basi plicata ligulata apice inaequali obtusa emarginata; scapo supra folia bracteis binis compressis spathaeformibus vestito puberulo densifloro ; bracteis florentibus e basi triangulare setaceis flores excedentibus saepe reflexis; floribus parvis glabris breviter pedicellatis ; sepalo dorsali late ovato concavo acuminato, sepp. lateralibus triangulari-ovatis breviter caudatis, mento late rotundato ; petalis lineari-acutis ; labello trilobo lobis lateralibus rhomboideis erectis, lobo mediano ovato-acuminato ; columna brevi crassa, rostello dentibus binis acutis instructo. (Pl. 13, figs. 5-9.) Oban ; n. 929. Stems 10-17 em. high, surrounded at the base by a mass of slender roots, and often associated with the persistent remains of stems of previous seasons. Leaves 4-11 cm. long, 9-18 mm. broad, separating from the persistent sheaths when dried. Raceme to 7 cm. long, or more. Flowering bracts to 8 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 2°5-2°75 mm. long; lateral sepals 8:5 mm. long, length of base 2:5 mm. Petals 2:5 mm. long; lip 2:6 mm. long; lateral lobes 1:5 mm. long; mid-lobe 1:75 mm. long. Column 2:5 mm. long. Ovary with pedicel glabrous, 3 mm. long. ; 104 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS Near P. polychaete Krünzl, but & smaller plant with larger flowers, which differ in having tailed sepals, linear petals, and in the characters of the lip. Polystaehya setieaulis Rendle sp. nov. Herba parvula caulibus filiformibus pluribus in rhizomate brevi aggregatis, rhizomate radicibus densis intertextis celato, caule supra basin vaginis scariosis vestitam foliato ; foliis saepe 3 suberectis e vagina basi anguste tubuliforme linearibus, apice mucronatis ; racemo brevi paucifloro valde supra folia eminente; bracteis approximatis concavis e basi lata triangulari-ovatis acutis; flore (unus solum exstat) minuto luteo (?) breviter pedicellato ; sepalo dorsali concavo elliptico acuto, sepp. lateralibus transverse extensis oblique ovatis acutis carinulatis, basi in mentum latum rhomboideum obtusum productis; petalis parvulis late ellipticis ; labello indiviso e basi attenuata rhomboideo obtuso; columna brevi crassa late alata; anthera superne rotundata antrorsum rostrata ; capsula ellipsoidea. (Pl. 13, figs. 10-12.) Oban ; n. 926. Plants 5-9 cm. high. Leaves jointed with the sheath about 2 cm. long, 1:5 mm. broad; mid-vein conspicuous on the lower face. Raceme to 1 cm. long, sometimes with a short branch from the thread-like basal bract. Flowering bracts 1 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 1 mm. long; lateral 1 mm. long, 29:8 mm. broad; chin equal to dorsal sepal. Petal -75 mm. long; lip 1°75 mm. long, just over 1 mm. broad. Column "5 mm. long. Capsule 4 mm. long. A very distinct little species. Angraecum obanense Rendle sp. nov. Planta caule scandente internodiis basibus foliorum persistentibus occultis ; foliis anguste cuneato-oblongis apice inaequaliter bilobis; racemis brevibus subrigidis axillaribus (interdum geminis) basin folii penetrantibus multifloris ; bracteis brevibus amplexicaulibus truncatis ; floribus minutis ; sepalo dorsali elliptico truncato obsolete apiculato, sepp. lateralibus paullo angustioribus ellipticis obtusis supra medium carinatis apice incrassatis dorso sparse furfuraceis ; petalis orbi- cularibus ; labello oblato breviter apieulato, caleare brevi inflato velut ovario sparse furfuraceo ; polliniorum stipite singulo (7); rostello lineari inflexo. (Pl. 14, figs. 1, 2.) : Oban; n. 896. SA Stem broken off above, 3 mm. thick, fixed by long roots which pierce the leaf-sheaths ; internodes barely 1 cm. long. Leaves 7:5-9 em. long, 1°5 to nearly 2 cm. broad. Racemes about 2 cm. long. Bracts barely 1 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 9:2 x 1:85 mm.; lateral sepals 2:2 x 1-1 mm. Petals 1:6 mm. long and broad ; lip spreading, 1:35 mm. long, 3 mm. broad; spur 2 mm. long, 1 mm. thick. Ovary with pedicel 2:5 mm. long. .In habit this species recalls A. lepidotum Reichb. f., but differs in the more elongated racemes, suggesting rather those of A. ORCHIDACE® (A, D. Rendle) 105 clavatum Rolfe; the minute flower with the short spur is also distinctive. Angraecum murieulatum Rendle sp. nov. Planta pendens (?) caule elongato ramoso foliato basi radicibus cinerascentibus dense muriculatis affixo, internodiis vaginis persistentibus occultis ; foliis brevibus lineari-oblongis apice inaequaliter bilobis ; racemis probabiliter brevibus vaginas basi penetrantibus; sepalis late oblongis acutis 4-nerviis, lateralibus basi obliqua sub calcare connatis; petalis lineari-oblongis acuminatis 3-nerviis ; labello petalis subaequilongo basi incrassato et lobis minutis lateralibus dentiformibus instructo, lobo medio anguste triangulari-acuminato ; calcare longo filiformi ; columna brevi crassa; rostello producto superne angustato et apice bifido. (Pl. 14, figs. 3-5.) Oban; n. 904. : The somewhat stout widely branching stem is attached on the lower portion by numerous stoutish branching roots, the surface of which is densely covered with minute whitish papille. Stem and branches are incomplete in the specimen (a somewhat withered one) ; the main axis measures 4:5 dm. Internodes barely 1:5 em. long, about 4 mm. thick. Leaves 5-6:5 cm. long, 7-9 mm. broad. The flowers are described from a few detached specimens; no trace of the inflorescence remains except the basal attachment penetrating the leaf-sheath. Sepals 7 mm. long, barely 8 mm. broad. Petals 6:5 mm. long, 1'5 mm. broad just above the slightly dilated base; lip 6:5 mm. long, consisting mainly of the middle lobe, 1:5 mm. broad; spur 3 cm. long. Column 1:75 mm. long. Ovary and pedicel T mm. long. Closely allied to A. lepidotum Reichb. f. (Liberia, Lagos, Niger Delta and Congo), but distinguished by its slightly more slender stems, narrower leaves, and larger flowers with a much longer spur. Angraecum brunneo-maeulatum Rendle sp. nov. Herba parva epiphytica caule brevi e rhizomate lignoso oriundo; foliis confertis distichis coriaceis lineari-angustatis acutis apice bilobo lobo altero longissimo acuto; floribus parvis externe brunneo- furfuraceis in racemis brevibus axillaribus congestis; bracteis conspieuis coriaceis ovatis acutis flores juveniles tegentibus ; sepalis crassiusculis, sep. dorsali lanceolato acuto, sep. lateralibus oblique rhomboideis apice triangulari acutis dorso carinatis ; petalis lineari-oblongis obtusis; labello crassiuseulo trilobo, lobis lateralibus late obtusis erectis, lobo mediano late rotundato marginibus crispulatis siccis inflexis, calcare brevi crasso genieulato; polliniis caudiculae simplici attenuatae affixis, glan- dula lineari-oblonga ; rostello elongato angusto apice abrupte inflexo. (Pl. 14, figs. 6-9.) : Oban, Ekong Ndingane Road; n. 943; in flower May. Described from a single specimen. The stem, 2:5 cm. long, is attached to a stout contracted rhizome bearing long sparsely branching roots, and is quite hidden by the closely overlapping persistent leaf- 106 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS bases, the edge of which is scarious and pale brown. Leaves dark green to 17 cm. long by "5 em. broad. Racemes about 1 cm. long; bracts 4-5 mm. long. Flowers white spotted on the outside (backs of sepals, venter of lip, spur and ovary) with dark brown scale-like hairs. Dorsal sepal 2:7 mm. long, lateral sepals 89:5 mm. long by 1:7 mm. Petals of much thinner texture than sepals, 2°75 mm. long; lip 4 mm. long from the base of the spur, white with a bright green patch on the tip of the side lobes, spur transparent green, 2:5 mm. long. Column 1°6 m. long; caudicle 1:5 mm. long, gland 1°25 mm. Near A. clandestinum Lindl., which it resembles in the general structure of its flowers; the flowers are, however, only about half the of those of A. clandestinum, which, moreover, has ensiform eaves, Angraecum Straussii Schlechter. Oban; n. 940. Previously collected by A. Strauss near Moliwe in the Cameroons. The leaves in the Nigerian plants are larger than in the type, reaching 14 cm. long by ‘7 cm. broad. A sketch by Mrs. Talbot shows them as much as 1*2 cm. broad. The colours of the flowers, as noted by Mrs. Talbot, are: sepals and petals white, lip cream with bright green marks at the base of the disc, pedicel and. ovary pale brown with minute spots of darker brown. Angraeeum angustipetalum Rendle sp. nov. Planta caule compresso vaginis foliorum persistentibus vestito ; foliis lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis apice bilobo lobo altero longissimo acumi- nato; pedunculis tenuibus unifloris (?) quoque vaginam folii . penetrante et basi bractea brevi tubuliforme instructo ; floribus longius pedicellatis, pedicello filiforme ; sepalis lineari-acuminatis 5-nerviis; petalis e basi latiore angustissime lineari-acuminatis (siccis filiformibus) ; labello ovato acuto; calcare ab ore lato gradatim angustato medio filiforme deinde gradatim inflato ; columna crassa. (Pl. 14, figs. 10-12.) Oban ; n. 890. ; The specimen consists of several detached shoots, the longest 14 em. Internodes about 1:29 cm. long, the compressed almost keeled leaf-sheaths to *6 em. broad; leaves 7:5-9 cm. long, 1:2-2:2 em. broad. Peduncles 1-1:8 cm. long; pedicels with ovary about 2 cm. Sepal about 2 cm. long by 2 mm. broad, the dorsal slightly: exceeding the lateral; petals as long as the lateral sepals, less than "5 mm. broad at the middle; lip 1-8 cm. long by 7 mm. broad; spur 2 em. long, 2 mm. in diameter below the mouth; 1-1:25 mm. at the inflated apex. A distinet species allied to and recalling in habit Angraecum astroarche Ridl. from the Island of St. Thomas, but with much smaller flowers, resembling more in size those of A. verrucosum Rendle from Mt. Milanji, Nyassaland. The slender almost thread- like petals are very characteristic. Also closely allied to Mystacidium zn Rolfe from Old Calabar, which, however, has a differently shaped lip. j : ir ps P ORCHIDACER (A. B. Rendle) 107 Angraeeum Egertonii Rendle sp. nov. Planta caulescens radicibus tenuibus ; caule compresso vaginis foliorum persistentibus vestito; foliis siccis membranaceis patentibus planis ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis apice breviter et inaequaliter bilobis; racemis tenuibus axillaribus 2—3-floris, pedunculo filiformi bracteis 1-2 tubuliformibus brevibus obtusis instructo; bracteis floriferis ovatis acutis; sepalis lanceolatis acuminatis incomplete 7-nerviis ; petalis lineari-angustatis acutis subfalcatis ; labello integro ovato breviter apiculato concavo, carina mediana instructo, inferne in calcar patens transgrediente ; calcare superne infundibuliforme medio tenui apice clavato; columna brevi crassa superne late auriculata. (Pl. 15, figs. 1, 2.) Oban ; n. 889. Stems 10-22 em. long; internodes about 8 mm. long, with enve- loping sheath 2-3 mm. broad. Leaves 2°5-4 em. long, 1:3-1:8 cm. broad. Racemes about 3 cm. long; lower bracts 2°5-3 mm. long; Jlowering bracts 3-3:5 mm. Flowers membranous when dry; sepals 9*5 mm. long by barely 2:5 mm. broad. Petals barely 8:5 mm. long by 1:5 mm. broad; lip as long as the petals, with a low keel running . for about half the distance from the middle towards the base; spur 6:5 mm. long. Of the same circle of affinity as the last species (4. angustipetalum), but differs in its short broad leaves and smaller flowers. Evidently closely allied (from the description) to A: affine Schlechter from the Cameroons, which, however, has larger oblong-ligulate leaves. : Angraecum multinominatum nom. nov. The synonymy of this species is as follows :—Listrostachys clavata Rendle in Journ. Bot. xxxiii. 251 (1895); Mystacidium clavatum Rolfe in Flor. Trop. Afr. vii. 172 (1897); Angraecum clavatum Schlechter in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. xxxviii. 20 (1905), non Rolfe op. cit. 145. Angraecum Dorotheae Rendle sp. nov. Planta caule lignoso radicibus crassiusculis frequentibus scandente ; foliis coriaceis multinerviis cuneato-oblongis vel cuneato-ligulatis plus minusve falcatis apice asymmetrice acutis; racemis numerosis axillaribus (saepe geminis) folia aequantibus vel longioribus paene ad basin floriferis ; bracteis brevibus truncatis amplexicaulibus ; Jloribus siccis pallidis inter minores; sepalo dorsali. elliptico- - lanceolato acuto 3-nervio vix carinato, sepp. lateralibus dorsali similibus apice crassiusculis minute cucullatis dorso carinatis ; petalis oblongo-lanceolatis subacutis sub medio 3-nerviis ; labello late ellipsoideo valde apiculato integro margine crispulo, ore anguste infundibuliforme in calcar curvulum tenue sub medio leviter incrassatum transeunte; columma crassa, rostello producto apice bifido. (Pl. 15, figs. 3—5.) Oban; nn. 914, 915. Apparently a showy plant; the stout woody stem reaching "5 cm. 108 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS thick is attached by numerous distichously spreading branched roots, which penetrate the covering of the short persistent sheathing leaf- - bases. Leaves on the larger specimen (n. 915) 20-22-5 em. long by 4-4:5 cm. broad, narrowing more or less rapidly downwards; on the smaller specimen (n. 914) 15°5-20 em. long, 2-3 em. broad. Racemes to 25 em. long, two developing successively in the same leaf-axil. Bracts 1'5 mm. long, broadly cup-shaped. Sepals 6:5-7 mm. long by 2-2:3 mm. broad. Petals 5 mm. by 1:8 mm.; lip 6 mm. by 4:5 mm.; spur 7mm.byl'’5mm. Column 2:3 mm. long; rostellum barely 1 mm. long. Allied to L. bidens Rolfe, which it resembles in habit, but is distinguished by its upwardly broadening leaves, larger flowers with longer non-clavate spur and other details. Angraeeum Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. Herba epiphytica pusilla caule brevi crasso; foliis ensiformibus obtusis ; scapo tiliforme folis duplo longiore parte inferiore bracteis scariosis brunneis quam internodia brevioribus vaginato ; racemo 10-floro ; bracteis subpatentibus concavis ovatis acutis flore brevioribus ; floribus siccis pallidis ; sepalo dorsali concavo oblongo subobtuso, sepp. lateralibus paullo longioribus subacutis ; petalis ellipticis apiculatis ; labello e basi cordata ovato-triangulare acuto, calcare inflato paullo longiore ad apicem obtusum angustato ; columna brevi, rostello producto bifurcato ; polliniis ellipsoideis, caudiculis (2) supra incrassatis et excavatis. (Pl. 15, figs. 6, 7.) Oban ; n. 941. A tiny plant, the single specimen 3:5 em. high, with four shortly ensiform leaves about 1:5 cm. long and barely *4 mm. broad, crowded on the very short stem from which springs a tuft of filiform roots. Sterile portion of scape with five nodes, sheathing bracts 2°2 em. long, narrowing and acute above the middle. Spike 1*7 cm. long. Bracts 2 mm. long. Flowers 2 mm. long, exeluding ovary with pedicel which together are a little over 1 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 1:8 mm. long by "75 mm. broad when flattened ; lateral sepals 2 mm. by ‘7 mm. Petals 1:6 mm. by '75 mm.; lip 1 6 mm. long; spur 1:7 mm. Column ‘6 mm. long. Evidently near L. Zenkeri Krünzl. from the Cameroons, a plant which I have not seen, but which differs (from the description) in its much longer (4-5 em.) proportionately narrower leaves, the biapicu- late lateral sepals, and ovate-oblong lip. Vanilla nigeriea Rendle sp. nov. Planta scandens caule foliato verruculoso ; foliis petiolatis e basi rotundata lineari- oblongis acuminatis, petiolo brevi late canaliculato ; racemo simplici folio multoties breviore circa 6-floro, rhachi crassa ; bracteis late ovatis subacutis; floribus albidis, sepalis et petalis ellipticis subobtusis ; labello late saccato basi bigibba columnae adnato marginibus reflexis crenulatis roseo-striatis, ore inflexo fimbriis crassis instructo ; rostello late elliptico. Oban ; n. 776. Leaves 17-24 em. long, 4-4:5 cm. broad; petiole 1:5 em. long. ORCHIDACE& (A. D. Rendle) 109 Raceme 6-7 cm. long. Bracts 4 mm. long. Flowers 7:5 cm. long and broad. Sepals and petals 4 cm. long by 1:5-2 cm. broad; lip 3 em. long, 1:5 cm. broad at base, 2:5 cm. at the mouth. Column 2 em. long, adnate to the lip for 1:2 cm. of its length. Rostellum 4-5 mm. long. A very distinct species. Platylepis Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. Herba sesquipedalis caule basi repente in sicco prominente quadrangulari glabro foliato; foliis e basi vaginante angusta petiolum simulante inde latioribus ellipticis vel anguste obovatis subacutis 5-7- nervis glabris; scapo bracteato, bracteis siccis papyraceis acutis, inferioribus vaginantibus late ovatis, florentibus ellipticis vel oblongis dorso glanduloso-pilosis ovarium subaequantibus ; racemo dense multifloro ; floribus in sicco erectis; sepalis ligu- latis, in vivo superne recurvatis, apice carnosulis et cucullatis, dorso sparse glanduloso-pilosis ; petalis anguste linearibus superne spathulatis sepalo dorsali adnatis ; labello basi saccata bigibbo, parte inferiore columnae adnato, limbo late oblongo, dorso sub apice semiorbiculari recurvato callis geminis oblongis incrassato, callis geminis dentiformibus in quoque sacculo instructo ; capsula anguste ellipsoidea apice angustata. (Pl. 15, figs. 8, 9.) Oban ; n. 1463. n Plant about 5 dm. high. Stem 2 mm. thick. Leaves 15-20 cm. long including the sheath (2-4 cm. long) and the narrow petiole-like portion (2-5 cm. long), 8:5-5 cm. broad; at the base of the scape is a much smaller leaf. Scape, including raceme (to 10 cm. long), about 2:5 dm. long, sheathed at the base by the small uppermost leaf. Lowest bract 3: 5 cm. long, the upper gradually shorter; fertile bracts ‚10-12 mm. long. Flower, excluding ovary, 9 mm. long. Sepals 9 mm. long. Petals 8 mm.; lip 7 mm., adnate for 4 mm. to the front of the column. Rostellum with two long acuminate lobes which are level with the top of the lip. Capsule 13 mm. long. At once distinguished from P. glandulosa Reichb. fil by the longer and larger leaves, the slightly larger flower, the lip-structure, and the longer fruit. There is in Herb. Kew. an apparently identical specimen in fruit, collected in Uganda (Mawokate, 3900 ft.) by E. Brown (n. 169). - Habenaria Buntingii Rendle sp. nov. Planta pedalis ad sesquipedalis rhizomate repente et radicibus dense villosis ; caule debile basi supra vestigia foliorum vaginis foliorum 2 oblongo- ellipticorum subacutorum laxe vestito; foliis caulinis parvis in bracteas amplexicaules acuminatas transeuntibus; spica sublaxiflora ; bracteis lanceolatis acuminatis 3-nerviis ovarium subaequantibus vel excedentibus ; sepalo dorsali ovali obtuso quam sepp. lateralia falcato-ovata paullo breviore; petalis integris lineari-angustatis sepala lateralia subaequantibus ; labello tripartito segmentis e basi latiore lineari-filiformibus ; calcare geniculato | 110 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS clavato ovarium aequante ; processubus stigmaticis satis conspicuis antherae canales subaequantibus; anthera pro flore magna. (Pl. 15, figs. 10, 11.) Oban; n. 774. Liberia, Gonyon, Bassa; R. H. Bunting, n. 33; ** flowers white to greenish.” The Liberian specimens are taller and stouter than the Nigerian, reaching 4:6 dm. in height with a thickness of 3 mm., the large radical leaves 15 em. long (including the lax sheathing base) by 3 em. broad, the spike 9 cm. long. The Nigerian plants range from 17-82 cm. long, with a slender stem 1-1:5 mm. thick, and radical leaves 6-10 cm. long and a shorter, laxer-flowered spike. Fertile bracts 12-18 mm. long. Dorsal sepal 5-6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad; lateral sepals 6-7°5 mm. long by 2:75-3 mm. broad. Petals 7 mm. long by *5 mm. broad; lip-segments 6-8 mm. long; spur 12 mm. long; stigmatic processes 1 mm. long. Anther 2 mm. long. Apparently (from the description) allied to H. physuriformis Krünzl. from the Cameroons, but a larger plant with larger flowers. Kränzlin (in Engl. Jahrb. xliii. 395) places this in his section Replicatae, though the petals are deseribed as undivided; it would seem more fitly placed in the section Tridactylae. Habenaria barrina Ridl. in Bolet. Soc. Brot. v. 202. Oban : n. 923. A single specimen which is of interest as the species has hitherto been known only from the Island of St. Thomas. By some misunderstanding Rolfe (in Flor. Trop. Afr. viii. 230) cites the species as a synonym of H. thomana Reichb. f. The two plants differ remarkably in habit; H. thomana has a tuft of rather large radical leaves, while the cauline leaves pass rapidly into bracts ; in H. barrina, on the other hand, there are no radical leaves, and the lower part of the stem bears reduced leaves which pass above into the more or less lanceolate foliage-leaves occupying - the upper part of the stem almost to the base of the inflorescence. The flowers also differ in the two species: in H. thomana the two divisions of the petal are strikingly unequal, in H. barrina nearly equal ; in H. thomana the lateral lobes of the lip are comparatively broad, falcate and retuse, in H. barrina slender, resembling the median lobe ; the length of stigmatic processes and anther-canals is also very different in the two species. ZINGIBERACE by Mr. H. N. Ridley. Aframomum seeptrum K. Schum. Oban ; nn. 85, 1594, 1605. The form sent is apparently one-flowered. The picture sent with the specimens gives the flowers of a beautiful violet, with white bracts, the lip violet with a paler centre and some yellow streaks in the mouth. The lip is completely convolute round the stamen. The plant figured in the Botanical Magazine (t. 5761) is much paler in colour, only tinted violet. The fruit is smooth and scarlet. ZINGIBERACEZE (H. N. Ridley) 183 A. cereum Hook. fil. Oban; n. 83. The flowers are shown by.a drawing to be pure white. A. eitratum Pereira. Oban; n. 90. A beautiful drawing from life gives the large bracts as white-veined and shaded at the base with violet outside, and darker red-brown within; the calyx white, with violet shadows; the lip rosy-white, darkening on the edge and in the throat. The stalk of the leafy stem and long curling bilobed ligule are purplish ; the lamina of the leaf is tinted in parts red and purplish. Costus paueiflorus K. Schum. Represented by a coloured drawing. The corolla is rose-pink with a central yellow blotch on the lip. Costus (Metacostus) Talbotii Ridl. sp. nov. Planta epiphytica caule gracili ramoso elongato ; foliis ellipticis acuminatis vel longe acuminatis subcoriaceis glabris, basibus rotundatis vel breviter angustatis, nervis (in sicco conspicuis) circiter 14, petiolo brevi; ligulis tubulosis elongatis papyraceis brunneis glabris internodia in toto vel ultra medium tegentibus; spicis lateralibus extra- axillaribus ; bracteis ovatis coriaceis obtusis latis primo pubescen- tibus mox in marginibus solum hirtis, supremis carinis brevibus obtusis mucroniformibus ; floribus multis in paria digestis ; calyce cyathiformi superne dilatato rubro aequaliter tridentato ; corollae tubo calycem aequante, lobis oblongis obtusis roseis ; labello late obovato marginibus undulatis albo linea mediana pilis brevibus atrorubentibus tecta ; anthera labello breviore, connectivo (appen- dice) elongato angustiore, basi lobis 2 brevibus onusta; ovario obscure trilobo apice minute pubescenti. Oban; n. 1521. Also Cameroons, Bipinde; Zenker, n. 8893 in Herb. Kew. Caulis internodiis 2 cm. longis, 5 mm. in diametro ; foliis 15-17 cm. longis, 3 em. latis, acumine 2 cm. longo, petiolo 4 mm. longo; spica 2 cm. longa; corolla 2 em. longa, 1 cm. lata ; labello 3 em. longo, 1 em. lato. This species is allied to C. lateriflorus Baker in its lateral inflor- escence which is unusualin the genus. It differs from that species in its narrower elliptic less coriaceous leaves, the presence of large ovate bracts on the capitulum and smaller flowers. According to the field-notes the bracts are bright transparent pink, paler, almost white, at the base; the corolla white, with bright yellow in the mouth of the lip. z Halopegia azurea K. Schum. There are a number of specimens and three sketches of Halopegia which ditfer somewhat in appearance. We have first the typical form, in which the _ flower-spikes are still enclosed in the sheath of the subtending E12 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS leaf, but emitting their flowers. The drawing of this form gives the flowers of a pure blue. These resemble closely the types of the plant as described by Schumann, collected in the Cameroons by Preuss (n. 352) and in the East Gaboon by Bates (n. 548). The second drawing (n. 57) shows a plant differing in that the spikes are freed from the leaf-sheath and spreading sub- horizontally. The flower here is given as of a lilac colour. The specimens corresponding to this drawing resemble those of the typical H. azurea except that the spikes have spread from the sheath. In other specimens the spikes in two or three fascicles are quite free and spreading, and elongated to as much as 30 em. I conclude that these are only a later stage development of the form which commences to flower before the spikes are actually free of the petiole-sheath. The flowers are very thin and fugacious and preserve ill ; the foliage and fruit, however, are the same in all. A third form or state has a single spike emitted directly from the rhizome without any of the basal leaves or sheaths developed into true leaves. The few specimens are rather poor, and the drawing is only a pencil sketch. It is quite possible that this is a distinct species, but it may be an occasional sport of an inflorescence in which the foliar stem has been suppressed or not evolved. A similar modification occurs occasionally in Globba, Costus afer, C. speciosus and other members of the family. This interesting and charming genus whose distribution— Africa, Burma and Java—is peculiar, requires further in- vestigation, DIOSCOREACEZ. Dioseorea polyantha Rendle. Oban; n. 781. The specimen is in male flower ; the flowers correspond with those of the type specimen from Angola, but the leaves are partly opposite. The other species collected are generally distributed in Tropical or West Tropical Africa. LILIACEZ. The specimens representing this order are generally more or less widely distributed in Tropical Africa. Of the eight species of Dracaena two are Nigerian, namely, D. @odsefiana Sander (Lagos) and D. cylindrica Hook. f. (Calabar). Two species of Chlorophytum are from the Cameroons, and one from Sierra Leone. Dracaena Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. Planta foliis infra spicam aggregatis sessilibus linearibus utrinque angustatis acuminatis basi vaginantibus, nervo mediano crasso per totum D LILIACEZE (A. B. Rendle) 113 longitudinem in dorso conspicuo; scapo brevi bracteis paucisfoliaceis superne deminutis instructo ; inflorescentia densa cylindrica, floribus in axillis bractearum foliacearum quam spica tota paullo longiorum agglomeratis; perianthii tubo anguste cylindrico seg- mentis linearibus siccis recurvis longiore ; staminibus segmenta subaequantibus. Oban ; n. 1532. The stem is not present, the specimens consist of a terminal leaf- tuft from the centre of which springs a short stout scape bearing a dense cylindrical bracteate panicle. Leaves to 8 dm. long by 2:5 cm. broad, narrowing very gradually from above the middle to à breadth of less than 1 em. above the broadly sheathing base. Scape 3-5 em. long. Spike 8-12 em. long, 5-6 cm. thick. Perianth-tube 1:5 cm. long, 1:5 mm. thick; segments 1:3 cm. long. Apparently near D. Preussii Engl. (from the description), but distinguished by the much narrower leaves and rather larger flowers. Chlorophytum Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. Herba ut apparet elata; foliis herbaceis utrinque glabris lanceolatis longe acu- minatis, basi in petiolum longum ima basi vaginatim dilatatum angustatis, costa media haud distincta, nervis longitudinalibus 7-10 utrinque subaequaliter prominentibus percursis; inflores- centia paniculata, ramis tenuibus ascendentibus e bracteis tenuiter acuminatis oriundis plus minusve laxifloris; floribus pluri- fascieulatis, braeteis e basi concava angustatis apice tenuiter acuminatis margine scariosis, pedicellis supra medium articulatis perianthio longioribus ; perianthii segmentis lineari-oblongis obtusis trinerviis staminibus aequilongis ; capsula suborbiculari vertice profunde emarginata triloba ; seminibus nigris discoideis margine incurvis rugulosis. Oban; n. 781. Stem and root not known; in the two leaves present the stalk is 17-18 em. long, channelled above, the blade 2:6-2:9 dm. long by 4-7 cm. broad. Inflorescence 6*5 dm. long, the flowers laxly arranged in fascicles on the widely separated slender branches and the upper part of the main axis. Fertile bracts 1'4—:4 cm. long. Pedicels. 8-9 mm. long. Perianth-segments 6-6: 5 mm. long by 1-5 mm. broad. Capsule 7 mm. long by 6 mm. broad. Seeds 2 mm. in diameter. Apparently near C. Thollonianum Hua (ex descript.) from the Freneh Congo, but distinguished by the large panicled inflorescence. Also evidently near another Congo species C. Sereti De Wild. (ex descript. et fig., but differing in the narrower leaves, paniculate inflorescence, smaller flowers, &c. COMMELINACEA, These comprise species more or less widely distributed in Tropical Africa, and include a number of well-known tropical weeds. 1 114 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS ARACEÆ. The species collected are mainly restricted to the Gulf of Guinea area, and are useful in extending our knowledge of the distribution of the species concerned. Such are Amorphophallus accrensis N. E. Br., from the Gold Coast, a fine specimen with an appendix to the spadix nearly 7 dm. long and 6°5 cm. thick just above the base, Nephthytis Poissonii N. E. Br., Anubias lanceolata N. E. Br. and Raphidophora pusilla N. E. Br., from the Cameroons and Gaboon; Anubias Afzelii Schott has hitherto been recorded only from Sierra Leone. Anchomanes nigritianus is a new species with a striking inflorescence. Other novelties are Nephthytis Talbotii and Amauriella, a new genus allied to Anubias, but distinguished by the character of the andræcium. Anchomanes nigritianus Rendle sp. nov. Planta ut appa- ret eximia; spatha ovata crassiuscula atro-purpurea ; spadice spathae 4 aequante lilacino; inflorescentia feminea masculain subaequante ; sfaminibus subprismaticis quadrangularibus, thecis linearibus connectivo crassiusculo truncato superatis; ovario obovoideo in stilum crassum attenuato, stigmate crasso verrucoso declivo. Oban, near Etara; n. 1247. In flower October. The specimen consists only of the spathe and spadix. The spathe, which is borne on a broken peduncle 15 em. long, bearing small thorns, is about 4 dm. long, the spadix 8-10 em. Stamens 4*5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick ; pollen-saes 8:3 mm. ome Ovary 2-2-5 mm. long, style 1-1:5 mm. long, stigma 2 mm. r . Distinguished from the other species of the genus by the similar length of the male and female portions of the flower-spike. Mrs. Talbot has also sent a natural-size pencil sketch of the spathe with the following notes :—‘‘ Great wine-coloured red velvety arum. Outer sheath pinkish, smooth surface; central pillar almost white-mauve at top deepening to mauve lower down, covered with thick yellow stamens. Base of pillar cream ; dark red pistils. Stalk dull cream with dull red shadings, tiny thorns deep dark red." Nephthytis Talbotii Rendlesp.nov. Herba glabra rhizomate crasso ; foliis tripartitis, segmentis subaequalibus oblanceolatis vel lateralibus anguste obovatis acuminatis, seg. mediano unicostato, costa in segmentis lateralibus nervis 2 validis ascendentibus superne convergentibus comitata, nervis lateralibus prominulis pluribus ascendo-patentibus; pedunculo basi foliis cataphyllis vaginato petiolo breviore; spatha elliptica apice apiculata basi decurrente, demum subpatente; spadicis stipite inferne spathae adnato ; inflorescentia feminea masculam aequante ; pistilla breviter subquadrangulari-ovoidea apice in stylum brevissimum stigmate coronatum attenuata ; ovulo anatropo, mieropyle fundum ARACEÆ (A. D. Rendle) 115 spectante; floribus masculis saepe 4-andris ; stamine prismatico, thecis longitudinalibus ; baccis subglobosis. Oban ; n. 766. Rhizome 8 mm. thick. Leaf 18 em. long, segments about 5:5 cm. broad; petiole slender 2 dm. long. Peduncle 8:5 cm. long; spathe 8 em. long; spadix, stalk 7 mm. long, flowering portion 1:2 cm. long, female portion 5 mm. thick, male portion 8:5 mm. Pistil 2 mm. long; stamen 1°25 mm. long. Berry about 1 cm. in diameter. Near N. Poissonii N. E. Br. but distinguished by the tripartite leaf recalling that of Cercestis Afzelii Schott. AMAURIELLA Rendle gen. nov. Flores unisexuales nudi. Flores masculi 2-3-andri ; stamina subcuneata basi connata vertice rotundata et antheris geminis parallelis rimis longitudinalibus dehiscentibus tecta. Flores feminei 2-gyni ; ovarium biloculare ; ovulis plurimis hemianatropis funieulo in longo placenta centrali affixis, micropyle fundum spectante ; stylus subnullus, stigma discoideum. Herba folio petiolato trisecto, segmentis unicostatis, venis primariis frequentibus parallelis prominulis. Pedunculus solitarius folio brevior; spatha convoluta demum superne aperta; spadix protrudens ; inflorescentia feminea libera cum mascula contigua, floribus usque ad apicem dense aggregatis. A member of the subfamily Philodendroidee near Anubias, but distinguished by the partially separated stamens with apical anthers and the trisected leaf. The genus is named in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. P. Amaury Talbot; there is already a genus Amauria (Benth.) in Composite. Amauriella obanensis Rendle sp. unica. Herba glabra folii segmento mediano late lanceolato, segmentis lateralibus brevioribus faleate oblanceolatis obtusis; pedunculo petiolo breviore ; spatha superne aperta flores masculos ostendente ; spadice breviter stipitata, inflorescentia feminea mascula 4-plo breviore ; ovario subgloboso. (Pl. 16.) Oban; n. 1532. : Leaf, median segment 2:5 dm. long, 9:5 cm. broad, lateral © segments 16-17 cm. long, 4:5-5 em. broad, stalk (broken off below) 12 cm. long. Peduncle 10°5 em. long; spathe 2-5 cm. long; spadix (not including short stalk) 2:5 em., female portion "5 cm. long, male portion 2 em. long, barely "5 em. thick. Male flowers 1*5 mm. long, anthers barely 1 mm. long. Ovary 1 jmm. long, emitting copious mucilage when cut in water. 116 i SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS CYPERACEÆ. The collection contains only four species, three of which are distributed in West and Central Tropical Africa; the fourth Mapania amplivaginata K. Schum. has hitherto been recorded only from the Cameroons. GRAMINEÆ. Comparatively few grasses were collected, and these are mainly of wide distribution in the tropics. Two of special interest are Guaduella Ledermannii Pilger and a specimen which is probably identical with G. Zenkeri Pilger; both these have been previously recorded only from the Cameroons. FUNGE By J. RAMSBOTTOM, B.A. Lentinus Tuber-regium Fr. The first description and illustra- tion of this fungus is by Rumphius (Herb. Amboin. vi. lib. xi. 120, t. 57 (1750)). The figure represents what seems to be a smooth block of earth on which six agarics are growing. Rumphius calls the former Tuber-regium and the latter Boleti. He gives a long account of the Tuber: it is very common in spring and autumn during the rainy seasons, and it is then quite soft and not durable. When planted and watered with warm water it produced the Boleti, but perished the next year. In size it varies from the size of a man’s fist to that of a child’s head. A list of native names for the Tuber is given and it is stated that it is quite common in certain islands, under grass on the mountains and at the roots of tall trees. In spite of this statement it seems that it has not been again met with in the East Indies. Fries in his Systema Mycologicum i. 174 (1821) places the “ Boletus” in the genus Agaricus and gives a diagnosis drawn up from Rumphius’ description. He queries whether the * matrix " is Scleroderma, but later (Syst. Mycol. ii. 243 (1823)) he places it with Selerotium Cocos in his new genus Pachyma. Afterwards in the Epicrisis (392 (1836-8)) the fungus becomes Lentinus Tuber-regium : the statement * non vidi” is added. The next record of L. Tuber-regium is apparently that of Hennings, in Engler Bot. Jahrb. xiv. 351 (1891). He records two specimens, one from Mombassa and one from the Cameroons, and gives a description of the fungus which has been found several times since in the latter district. In the present collection there are eight specimens of L. Tuber-regium, representing a series from the youngest stages where the fruit appears as a small cone of tissue (Pl. 17, fig. 1) to large specimens over 20 cm. across the cap. In only one case is there a perfect sclerotium, which is an irregular structure measuring in its greatest dimensions 16 x 15 x 10 cm. This bears nine fruit bodies, one of which is very much larger than the others (cf. Rumphius—“ Boletus crescit aliquando simplex, aliquando duplex, aliquando plures simul, quorum tamen semper unus maximus est") There seems little doubt that the fungus 118 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS is Rumphius’ Tuber-regium, and also that it is the one described by Hennings. There are, however, one or two facts which may be added to Hennings’ description. The squamules which are present in such quantity on the young pileus do not later disappear. Owing to the expansion of the pileus they become widely dispersed and smaller, but in the largest specimen in the collection with a pileus 24 cm. across the squamules can still be clearly seen. The gills bifurcate at the base and undergo further divisions and anastomoses, but the exact procedure has not been made out. The greatest length of stipe is 13 cm., the greatest width 2:5 em., and the greatest height of a fungus, excluding the sclerotium, 28 cm. The felt of the stipes (which has quite disappeared from the oldest specimens) is usually a dirty fawn colour. Hennings describes it as “ weiss." In a spirit specimen, the colour is in places much darker, the upper parts of the stipes having dark squamule-like patches while the bases are almost black. The stipe is usually equal but sometimes attenuate upwards. In the case of the complete sclerotium, the surface is very uneven ; on the projecting areas the colour is usually dark brown or black ; where hollows oecur the surface is clothed with a felt which is similar in appearance to that on the stipe. On the upper surface of the sclerotium there are some adhering wood fibres which may be of significance with regard to the habitat. In section the sclerotium has a white chalky appearance. In 1891 Cohn and Schroeter (in Abhandl. Naturw. Verein Hamburg xi. 4) described a new species of Lentinus, L. Woer- manni, which they had succeeded in growing from a sclerotium also obtained from the Cameroons. Their figures of the fungus resemble greatly the stage of L. Tuber-regium shown in fig. 2. The only point of distinction is the colour of the stipe which is almost black, but, as stated above, one of the specimens of the present collection, preserved in spirit, bears three fruiting bodies with very dark stipes. The resemblance between the two fungi extends to the microscopie structure. In neither case have spores attached to the basidia been demonstrated. The hyphae of the trama in L. Woermanni were about “2 mm." [2 p] broad and thick-walled. In the specimens of L. Tuber-regium examined they are 2-3 u wide; the club-shaped basidia are a little longer and measure 3-4 u across. The cystidia, as in L. Woermanni, are usually merely a little longer and wider than the basidia, but at times they project rather more above the hymenium; the _ greatest width measured was 7 u. The shape of the cystidia is however quite characteristic and agrees exactly with Schroeter's description, “am Scheitel kegelförmig zugespitzte Cystiden, an deren Scheitel sich kleine, etwa 2 mm. [2 u] breite kugelfórmige farblose Zellen bildeten, die sich schliesslich abgliederten." FUNGI (J. Ramsbottom) 119 Moreover the microscopic structure of the sclerotium in L. Tuber-regium is exactly similar to that described by Schroeter, and afterwards by Bommer, in L. Woermanni. The internal tissue is of two kinds: (1) hyphae 2-3 „ wide, undulating, knotty, geniculate but little ramified ; and (2) globose, elliptical or elongate structures 10-20 p in diameter. With regard to the exterior Schroeter recorded one thin layer composed of brown, strongly interwoven filaments 3-4 u wide, with a very narrow lumen. Bommer noted a more marked differentiation at the exterior of the sclerotium: an outer layer 50 p thick of cells with sclerotised walls, consisting of an inner and outer portion ; beneath this a second layer about 75 p thick with the hyphal walls less sclerotised. The same differentiation has been observed in certain sections of the sclerotium of L. Tuber-regium, but the layers are not at all so definite as Bommer’s account would suggest. The felt in the hollows of the sclerotium, first noticed by Bommer, is similar to that of the stipe. In both instances it consists of straight hyphae usually about 2 p wide with very refringent contents. In 1901 Massee (in Kew Bull. 163) published a new species, Lentinus flavidus, from Old Calabar. The pileus is described as smooth, the stipe as “ densissime velutino-hispidulus, brunneus,” the spores as elliptical 10 x 44. The fungus grows singly from a sclerotium. Miss Wakefield (in Kew Bull. 1912) records the same fungus from Nigeria and suggests that it may possibly be the same as L. Tuber-regium; she kindly showed me the two specimens at Kew, and there is not the slightest doubt that both are young specimens of L. Tuber-regium. In the type-specimen of L. flavidus the squamules are not very well marked, but they are distinctly present. : It is evident that the plant which was described by Rumphius and so long lost sight of, is fairly common in West Africa, and it is probable that L. Woermanni Cohn & Schroet. and certainly that L. flavidus Mass. are merely stages of the same fungus. Two other species of Lentinus which grow from sclerotia, L. Cyathus B. & Br. and L. scleroticola Murr., have also been examined. The types are in the National Herbarium. They are quite distinct from one another and from L. Tuber-regium. Polystietus sacer Fr. This specimen shows an interesting abnormality. A single stipe starts from the sclerotium, which bifurcates a little above halfway. The main stipe evidently grew the more quickly and formed a normal pileus. The branch, though slower in growth, apparently continued to grow some time longer as it has forced its way through the first formed pileus, and then produced a second normal one over it. A20 -~ SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED. FLOWERING PLANTS. DICOTYLEDONS. POLYPETAL. By Epmunp G. BAKER. NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. RANUNCULACEE. Clematis grandiflora DC. 1411 Sierra Leone to Congo. ANONACEJE. Uvaria connivens Benth. 404 Fernando Po; Ambas Bay. U. anonoides Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1558 U. obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1579, 1603 Uvariastrum Zenkeri Engl. & 3,1341 Type from Cameroons. Diels var. nov. nigritanum Bak. fil. Alphonseopsis parviflora Bak. 1607 fil. gen. & sp. nov. Pachypodanthium Staudtii 1494 Cameroons. Engl. & Diels Cleistopholis albida Engl. & 1559 Type from Cameroons, iels var. nov. longipedicel- lata Bak, fil. en Manni Engl. & 1477 Cameroons ; Congo. iels Unona obanensis Bak. fil. sp. 1246 nov. U. Millenii Engl. & Diels 199 Lagos. Popowia Vogelii Baill. 41 Upper Guinea. P. nigritana Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1550 Piptostigma pilosum Oliver 1336 Old Calabar. P. latipetalum Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1290 Xylopia oxypetala Oliver . 13583,1486 Upper Guinea; Niamniam nd; Ituri. X. Quintasii Engl. & Diels 1302 St. Thomas Is. forma SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 121 NAME. Xylopia aethiopica A. Rich. Dennettia tripetala Bak. fil, gen. & sp. nov. Artabotrys Thomsoni Oliver Monodora Myristica Dunal M. brevipes Benth. M. tenuifolia Benth. M. crispata Engl. & Diels Tetrastemma Solheidii De Wild. MENISPERMACER. Penianthus longifolius Miers P. Zenkeri Diels Jateorrhiza strigosa Miers Stephania laetificata Oliver Cissampelos Pareira L, var. owariensis Beauv. CAPPARIDACER. Cleome ciliata Schum. & Thonn. Ritchiea erecta Hook. fil. VIOLACER, Ionidium enneaspermum Vent. Alsodeia caudata Oliver A. obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. A. crassifolia Bak. fil. sp. nov. A. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. BIXACEÆ. Oncoba dentata Oliver O. glauca Hook. O. Mannii Oliver O. spinosa Forsk. var. ango- lensis Oliver Dovyalis Zenkeri Gilg Phyllobotryum spathulatum Müll. Arg. Seottellia kamerunensis Gilg t POLYGALACEÆ. Carpolobia alba Don var. parvi- folia Oliver Securidaca Welwitschii Oliver NUMBER, 226^ 1496 1407 1388 1433 1362 1499 1516, 1517 1444 1358 163, 449, 1327, 1328 594 1257 595. 441, 1495, 1456 1262 1492 44h 419, 404 dám DISTRIBUTION. Upper Guinea. Cameroons; Gaboon; Upper Congo; Congo. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo. Princes Island. Upper Guinea ; Sierra Leone ; Cameroons ; Nigeria. Upper Guinea. Congo. Fernando Po; Cameroons; Gaboon; Belgian Congo. Upper Guinea. Fernando Po; Congo. Upper and Lower Guinea. . Widely distributed. Cameroons; Upper Guinea to Congo. Fernando Po. : Widely distributed. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea, Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Var. from Angola. Cameroons, Gaboon. Cameroons. — Upper Guinea. Angola and Cameroons to … Uganda. 122 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. HYPERICACER. Haronga paniculata Lodd. 440,540 Widely distributed. GUTTIFERE. Allanblackia floribunda Oliver 1335-1337, Upper Guinea. 1338 Pentadesma grandifolia Bak. fil. 1265 sp. nov. x P. nigritana Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1742 Symphonia globulifera Linn. fil. 220 Upper and Lower Guinea. var. africana Vesque Garcinia Staudtii Engl. 1588 Cameroons. G. densivenia Engl. 999 Cameroons. G. obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1834 G. Mannii Olivervar.nov.brevi- 1503 Type from Cameroons. pedicellata Bak. fil. G. punctata Oliver 1637 Upper and Lower Guinea.. MALVACEX. Sida linifolia Cav. 1408 Widely distributed. Abutilon zanzibaricum Bojer 1389 Upper Guinea; Mozambique. Hibiscus surattensis L. 1410 Widely distributed. H. grewioides Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1343 STERCULIACER, Cola flaviflora Engl. & K. 15 Cameroons. Krause (ex descript.) C. chlamydantha K. Schum. 6 Cameroons; Congo. C. marsupium K. Schum. 24,1338 Cameroons; Gaboon. C. flavo-velutina K. Schum. 1736 Cameroons. C. flavo-velutina K. Schum. var. 1737 nov. obanensis Bak. fil. C. arcuata Bak. fil. sp. nov. 29 C. micrantha K. Schum. _ 188 Cameroons. . C. semicarpophylla K. Schum. 1585 Cameroons. C. lepidota K. Schum. 124, 1382, Cameroons. 1570 C. rostrata K. Schum. 1626 Cameroons. C. pachycarpa K. Schum. 1738 Cameroons. C. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. 439 Cameroons. C. digitata Mast. 160, 1244 Cameroons; Gaboon ; Belgian Congo ; Liberia. C. gigas Bak. fil. sp. nov. 160 C. vera K. Schum. 1322, 1344 Upper Guinea. C. lateritia K. Schum. var. nov. 1313 Type from Cameroons. nigerica Bak. fil. C. schizandra Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1598 Melochia corchorifolia L. 1455 Widely distributed. Scaphopetalum Blackii Mast. 1464 Cameroons ; Gaboon. 1562 S. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. Scaphopetalum parvifolium Bak. fil. sp. nov. Buettneria africana Mast. TILIACE®. Grewia africana Mast. G. coriacea Mast. G. oligoneura Sprague G. malacocarpa Mast. G. mollis Juss. (Lake Chad) G. tetragastris R. Br. (G. 142, 1345 giganteiflora K. Schum.) Pentadiplandra Brazzeana Baill. Glyphæa grewioides Hook. fil. Diplanthemum viridiflorum K. Schum. Oubanguia alata Dak. fil. sp. nov. MALPIGHIACE®, Heteropterys africana Juss. LINAcE®. Hugonia macrophylla Oliver H. Planchoni Hook. HUMIRIACER, Saccoglottis gabunensis Urb. GERANIACES, Impatiens macroptera Hook. fil. I. Talbotii Bak, fil. sp. nov. Oxalis sensitiva L. O. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. RUTACEE. Clausena anisata Oliver Limonia Preussii Engl, SIMARUBACEE. Balanites zgyptiaca Del. var. angolensis Welw. (N. Came- roons) Hannoa Klaineana Pierre OcHNACEX. Ouratea calophylla Engl. (Gom- phia calophylla Hook. fil.) O. m Engl. (G. affinis Hook. O. Mannii Engl (G. Mannii Hook. fil.) NUMBER. 1264 438, 1388 1743 1233 1241 433 1729 1513 1271 1545 1640 1745 123 DISTRIBUTION. Upper and Lower Guinea; Uganda. Upper Guinea; Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons ; Congo. Upper Guinea. Nile Land. Upper Guinea. Fernando Po; Congo. West Africa to Uganda. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Old Calabar; Gaboon. Sierra Leone. Cameroons; Gaboon. Cameroons. Widely distributed. "Tropical Africa. Togo; Cameroons; Congo. Var. from Angola. Gaboon. Nigeria; Cameroons; Fer- nando Po, Fernando Po; Cameroons. Fernando Po. QA SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS NANE. Ouratea elongata Gilg (G. elongata Oliver) O, Oliveriana Gilg O. nigroviolacea Gilg BURSERACEE, Pachylobus balsamifera Guil- laum Canarium macrophyllum Oliver MELIACEX. Turræa propinqua Hook. fil. Turreanthus Mannii Baill. T. Zenkeri Harms Trichilia Zenkeri Harms T. Laurentii De Wild. (ex de- script.) Guarea glomerulata Harms var. 1280, 1285 nov. obanensis Bak. fil. G. nigerica Bak. fil. sp. nov. G, parviflora Bak. fil. sp. nov. Carapa guineensis Sweet OLACACER, Rhaptopetalum Oliver. Ptychopetalum Oliver. Olax Zenkeri Engl. O. inseulpta Hutchins. sp. nov. O. Durandii Engl. Strombosia grandifolia Hook. 1403, 1439, fil. 1465 Leptaulus daphnoides Oliver Leptaulinia Zenkeri Engl. Desmostachys Preussii Engl. Iodes Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. I. africana Oliver CHAILLETIACE®, Dichapetalum Rudatisii Engl. (ex deseript.) D. Zenkeri Engl. D. Thomsonii Engl. var. nov. obanense Bak. fil. D. Johnstonii Engl. CELASTRACEJX. Salacia senegalensis DC. S. cornifolia Hook. fil var. crassisepala Oliver coriaceum petiolatum NUMBER. 1746 1282 1713 1715 1349 1352 1547 1370 1711 1350 1281 1462 562 1747 1394 1334 1353 420 1410 21, 100 572 1578 19 1631 1627 1763 1284 1668 DISTRIBUTION. 423, 1371 Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Gaboon. Upper Guinea. Nigeria; St. Thomas Is. Old Calabar River. Cameroons. Cameroons. Congo. Type from Cameroons. Sierra Leone. S. Nigeria; Fernando Po. Cameroons. Cameroons. Congo. Cameroons ; Congo. Nigeria to Congo and Uganda. Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons. - Type from Old Calabar. Cross River. Upper Guinea, Old Calabar. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. NUMBER, Salacia loloensis Loes. 1704 S. alata De Wild. (ex descript.) 1611 S. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1705 S. Dusenii Loes. 1420 S. Zenkeri Loes. 15894 Hippocratea isotricha Loes. 1275 H. macrophylla Vahl 1406 VITACER. Cissus Smithiana Planch. 561 C. producta Afzel. 428, 570 C. rufescens Guill. & Perr. 1219 (Lake Chad & Bornu) C. ibuensis Hook. fil. 453 SAPINDACE. Cardiospermum grandiflorum 1363 Sweet var. elegans Radlk. Allophyllus africanus Beauv. 1291, 1365 A. grandifolius Radlk. 1393 A. longipetiolatus Gilg 413 A. hirtellus Hook, fil. 442 Chytranthus macrophyllus Gilg 1583, 1596 var. nov. obanensis Bak. fil. C. setosus Radlk. 1399 Glossolepis Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. 1686 nov. Laccodiscus dasycarpus Gilg 415 L. ferrugineus Radlk. 1750 Deinbollia cuneifolia Baker 1751 D. maxima Gilg 1289, 1290 Aporrhiza Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. 416 nov. Placodiscus leptostachys Radlk. 1438 Bersama lobulata Sprague & 1376 Hutchins. sp. nov. ANACARDIACEE. Nothospondias TalbotiiS.Moore 230 sp. nov. Trichoscypha Braunii Engl. 87 T. Preussii Engl. 81 T. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. ; T. paniculata Engl. 1725 T. longipetala Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1681 CONNARACEE, Rourea fasciculata Gilg var. 504 flagellifera Gilg 125 DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons. Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Cameroons to Angola. Upper and Lower Guinea to Usambara. Upper Guinea; Lake Chad, Kordofan; Trop. West Africa. Widely distributed. Upper Guinea; Nile Land. Cameroons. Cameroons to Congo. Nigeria. Cameroons. "Old Calabar ; Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons, Congo. Cameroons, Cameroons. Angola. 126 NAME. NUMBER. Rourea Zenkeri Gilg 1629 R. hypovellerea Gilg 1724 Agelæa fragrans Gilg 1294 Cnestis ferruginea DC. 508 C. macrantha Baill. 1706 Connarus Smeathmannii DC. 1295, 1296 C. Mannii Baker 1707 Spiropetalum liberosepalum 975 , Bak. fil. sp. nov. LEGUMINOSÆ. Crotalaria Parsonsii Bak. fil. 449 sp. nov. C. Doniana Benth. 1310 Millettia calabarica Dunn 1708 M. Zechiana Harms 1426 M. hypolampra Harms 578 Ormocarpum coronilloides 590, 1616 Hook. fil. Mucuna urens DC. 1317 Vigna membranacea Rich. 445 Rhynehosia calycina Guill. & 1748 Perr. . Dalbergia saxatilis Hook. fil, 1449 Lonchocarpus cyanescens 120 Benth. L. Barteri Benth. 588, 1308 Derris leptorrhachis Harms 1309 forma Leptoderris reticulatus Dunn 1511 Baphia nitida Afzel. 579 B. erassifolia Harms 1718, 1719 B. leptobotrys Harms 591 B. leptobotrys Harms var. nov. 1554 nigerica Bak. fil. B. spathacea Hook. fil. 1331, 1555 B. orbieulata Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1557 B. obanensis Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1682 Angylocalyx oligophyllus Bak. 1251 fil A. trifoliolatus Bak, fil. 74 Duparquetia orchidacea Baill. 1709 Distemonanthus Benthamianus 14, 1479 Baill. Berlinia bracteosa Benth. 1312 B. Craibiana Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1594 Macrolobium demonstrans Oliv. 1504 var. nov. Talbotii Bak. fil. 1498 M. obanense Bak. fil. sp. nov. - SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Widely distributed. Old Calabar. Upper Guinea; Belgian Congo. Old Calabar. Sierra Leone. Calabar. Togo. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Widely distributed. Nile Land. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea, Upper Guinea ; Congo. Cameroons. Western Lagos. Upper Guinea, Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Old Calabar River. Oban. Cameroons. Cameroons. Fernando Po. Type from Gaboon. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 127 NAME. Macrolobium Palisotii Benth. M. leptorrhachis Harms var. nov. nigericum Bak. fil. M. lamprophyllum Harms Afzelia Zenkeri Harms Didelotia africana Baill. Baikiea insignis Benth. Schotia humboldtioides Oliver Cynometra Afzelii DC. C. longituba Harms Calpocalyx Dinklagei Harms Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth. Parkia filicoidea Welw. (Lake Chad) P. Zenkeri Harms Mimosa pudica L. Albizzia fastigiata E. Mey. Calliandra portoricensis Benth. ROSACER. Acioa pallescens Baill. A. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. A. icondere Baill. Griffonia Barteri Hook. fil. Parinarium chrysophyllum Oliver CRASSULACEE. Kalanchoe crenata Haw. Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb. RHIZOPHORACEX. Dactylopetalum Mannii Hook. fil. Poga oleosa Pierre COMBRETACEX. Combretum ense Bak. fil. C. mucronatum Schum. & Thonn. C. dolichopetalum Engl. & Diels : C. bracteatum Engl. & Diels MYRTACEÆ. Napoleona parviflora Bak. fil. sp. nov. ; N. Miersii Hook. fil, paucinervium Engl. & Diels var. nov. oban- NUMBER. 1429 582 1656 1468 1461 1749 1440 444, 1309 1567 1641 1348 1372, 1625 497, 1370 1755 ‚ 1510 1757 1636 1676 1386 1333, 1344 17 193 998 DISTRIBUTION. Upper Guinea ; Congo; An- gola. Type from Cameroons. Cameroons, Cameroons, Gaboon. Cameroons, Cameroons, Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Cameroons, Widely distributed. Upper and Lower Guinea; Mozambique district. Cameroons. Widely distributed. Widely distributed. Trop. America; W. Africa. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Cameroons, Widely distributed. Widely distributed. : St. Thomas Is. Gaboon. Type from the Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Belgian Congo. . Sierra Leone to Cameroons. Cameroons; Angola. W. Tropical Africa, 128 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. Napoleona cuspidata Miers 1400 . Nigeria. N. Alexanderi Talbot & Bak. 997a fil. sp. nov. — N. megacarpa Bak. fil. sp. nov. 194 N. Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. nov. 195 N. Gascoignei Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1223 N. Egertonii Bak. fil. sp. nov. 997 Crateranthus Talbotii Bak. fil. 5, 5a, 1643 gen. & sp. nov. with vars. Eugenia obanensis Bak. fil. sp. 1651 nov. MELASTOMACEX, | Dissotis Talbotii Bak. fil. sp. 591 nóv. i D. prostrata Triana 1700 Upper Guinea; Angola; Mo- zambique district. - D. theæfolia Benth. 1257 Upper Guinea, Sakersia africana Hook. fil. 1347 Cameroons. Memecylon obanense Bak. fil. 486 sp. nov. M. applanatum Bak. fil. sp. nov. 1606 M. Machairacme Gilg 203 Cameroons. M. Zenkeri Gilg var. nov. par- 1739 Type from Cameroons. vifolium Bak. fil. M. candidum Gilg (small-leaved 1717 Cameroons. form) Myrianthemum mirabile Gilg 587 Type from Cameroons; Ga- var. nov, dentatum Bak. fil. boon. SAMYDACEÆ. ` Pyramidocarpus Blackii Oliver 1767 River Muni. Homalium stipulaceum Welw. 1390 Upper and Lower Guinea. H. africanum Benth. 1419, 1814 Upper Guinea. Casearia bule Gilg 1630 Cameroons. PASSIFLORACEÆ. Barteria fistulosa Mast. 471 Cameroons, Adenia lobata Engl. 1619, 1659 Sierra. Leone; Cameroons; Angola. A. Mannii Engl. 1754 Ambas Bay. Paropsia Pritzelii Warb. 1623 Cameroons. Soyauxia bipindensis Gilg 1614 Cameroons. CUCURBITACEE, Momordica cissoides Planch. | 14284 Upper and Lower Guinea. Luffa ægyptiaca Mill. 463 Widely spread. Dimorphochlamys Mannii 1385, 13854 Calabar; Fernando Po; - Hook. fil. Cameroons, SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 129 NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. BEGONIACER, Begonia polygonoides Hook. fil. 1740 Old Calabar. B. excelsa Hook. fil. 1541 Cameroons. B. squamulosa Hook. fil. 1741 Cameroons. UMBELLIFERR. Hydrocotyle bonariensis Lam. 461, 1421 Widely distributed. ARALIACEJE, Heptapleurum Barteri Hiern 462 Cameroons. GAMOPETALE. By H. F. WERNHAM ; excepting Composite, Asclepiadacex, and Acanthaces, by SPENCER MOORE, and Convolvulacex, by Dr. A. B. RENDLE. NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. RUBIACER, Sarcocephalus sambucinus 1604 Upper Guinea. K. Schum. Mitragyna africana Korth. 355 ^ Upper Guinea; Gazelle River. (River Benue) M. macrophylla Hiern 2093 Upper and Lower Guinea; North Central. Uncaria africana G. Don 274, 2022 Upper ce and Mascarene Islands. U. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 168 ote he biafranum 218,256 Princes Island; Cameroons. ern Corynanthe pachyceras K. Sch. 2044 Cameroons. Pausinystalia Talbotii Wern- 1493 m sp. nov. Argostemma pumilum Benn. 144,345 Sierra Leone; N. India. Virecta multiflora Smith 282 Upper Guinea to Uganda. V. procumbens Smith 253 Upper Guinea; Congo. on Peltospermum 207, 242 Upper Guinea; Congo. ern *O. senegalensis Hiern 260 Upper Guinea; Nile Land. *O. grandiflora Hiern 257 Upper Guinea; Nile Land. O. lancifolia DC. 226 Upper and Lower Guinea; Central Africa. *O. corymbosa L. 265 Common throughout the tropics. K 130 SOUTH NAME. NUMBER. Hekistocarpa minutiflora 252 Hook. fil. Mussenda arcuata Poir. 208, 1052 M. Isertiana DC. 2068 M. tenuiflora Benth. 1050 M.elegans Schum. & Thonn. 273, 1047 M.Afzelioides Wernham sp.nov. 212, 275 Urophyllum Talbotii Wernham 225 sp. nov. Sabicea floribunda K. Schum. 228 S. calycina Benth. 1144 S. pedicellata Wernham sp. nov. 1367, 2033 S. geophiloides Wernham sp. 255 nov. S. gigantostipula K. Schum. 259 S. speciosa K. Schum. 1040 S. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 2032 S. xanthotricha Wernham sp. 249 nov. Afrohamelia bracteata Wern- 1662 ham gen. & sp. nov. Heinsia jasminiflora DC. 9776, 981, 347 Bertiera laxa Benth. 51 B. racemosa K. Schum. 1310 B. breviflora Hiern 209 B. bracteolata Hiern 1288, 2060 B. retrofracta K. Schum. 236 Dictyandra arborescens Welw. 1515 Leptactina densiflora Hook. f. 220, 1613 L. euosmia K. Schum. 283 Tarenna grandiflora Hiern 279 T. bipindensis Wernham (Cho- 229, 1048 melia bipind. K. Schum.) T.fusco-flava S. Moore (C. fusco- 232 flava K. Schum.) T. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1548 T.baconioides Wernham sp.nov. 1595 Randia acuminata Benth. 210 R. genipeflora DC. 1553 R. macrantha DC. 254, 1672 R. maculata DC. 182, 206 R. octomera Benth. & Hook. f. 219 NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Old Calabar ; Cameroons. Tropical Africa; Mascarene Islands. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea ; Golungo Alto. Upper Guinea; Monbuttu; Golungo Alto. Cameroons. Cameroons; S. Nigeria; Congo. : Cameroons. Cameroons, Upper Guinea chiefly; also Angola and Mozambique district. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea; Congo. Sierra Leone ; Cameroons. Cameroons, Upper Guinea; Uganda. S. Nigeria. Cameroons. Fernando Po; Cameroons. Cameroons. Angola ; Cameroons; Angola, Upper Guinea; Congo; Mon- buttu. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea; Angola. West Africa to Uganda. Old Calabar; Fernando Po; Congo, SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. Randia cladantha K. Schum. R. exserta K. Schum. R. immanifolia Wernham sp. nov. R. longipedicellata K. Schum. R. physophylla K. Schum. R. streptocaulon K. Schum. R. Talbotii Wernham, sp. nov. Wernham Dorothea Talbotii gen. & sp. nov. Gardenia Thunbergia Linn. fil. (Bornu) G. Vogelii Hook. fil. G. abbeokutæ Hiern G. fernandensis Hiern G. Kalbreyeri Hiern G. ochroleuca K. Schum. G. spathiealyx K. Schum. Oxyanthus speciosus DC. O. unilocularis Hiern O. laxiflorus K. Schum. Amaralia bignonizflora Welw. A. calycina K. Schum. Cremaspora africana Benth. C. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. C. glabra Wernham sp. nov. C. Thomsoni Hiern Diplosporopsis coffeoides Wern- ham gen. & sp. nov. D. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Canthium Thonningii Benth. C. acutiflorum Hiern C. caudatiflorum Hiern C. venosum Oliver var. pubescens Hiern C. Afzelianum Hiern Canthium calycophilum Wern- ham (Plectronia calycopbila K. Schum.) Vangueria argentea Wernham nov. sp. ig Cuviera subulifiora Benth. C. trilocularis Hiern Globulostylis Talbotii Wern- ham gen. & sp. nov. NUMBER. 131 DISTRIBUTION. 145, 214B Cameroons. 1544 © 189 80, 262 165, 278 211A 217 1546 271- 1243 288 289, 1232 1314, 1359, 2034 202 Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Tropical and South Africa. Upper Guinea; Congo; Cen- tral Africa. Cameroons. Fernando Po; Sierra Leone. S. Nigeria. Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Angola; Congo; German "East Africa. Upper Guinea, Cameroons, Upper Guinea; Angola; Menbuttu; Niamniam. Cameroons. Tropical Africa. Old Calabar. „Guinea. Old Calabar ; Cameroons. Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone; Nigeria. Sierra Leone; siena Cameroons. Sierra Leone; South Nigeria; Fernando Po. Old Calabar. x2 132 NAME. Globulostylis minor Wernham sp. nov. Craterispermum laurinum Benth. C. aristatum Wernham sp. nov. C. cerinanthum Hiern Ixora riparia Hiern I. tetramera K. Schum. I. viridiflora K. Schum. I. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. I. obanensis Wernham sp. nov. Pavetta brachycalyx Hiern P. hispida Hiern P. brachycoryne K. Schum. P. glaucescens Hiern P. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. NUMBER. 247 Coffea subcordata Hiern (forma 243, 1523 floribus magnis) C. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Psilanthus Mannii Hook. fil. Rutidea rufipilis Hiern R. Smithii Hiern R. decorticata Hiern Morinda longiflora G. Don Psychotria humilis Hiern P. sciadephora Hiern P. mierothyrsus K. Schum. P. reptans Benth. P. alatipes Wernham sp. nov. P. obanensis Wernham sp. nov. P. Dorothee Wernham sp. nov. P. viticoides Wernham sp. nov. P. potanthera Wernham sp. nov. P. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. Chasalia Anselii K. Schum. Grumilea venosa Hiern G. micrantha Hiern Geophila reniformis D. Don G. uniflora Hiern G. Afzelii Hiern G. obvallata Hiern Cephaélis peduncularis Salisb. 1620 1414 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Uganda. Cameroons. Cameroons. Fernando Po. S. Nigeria; Cameroons. Sierra Leone; Congo. Sierra Leone and South Ni- geria to E. Tropical Africa. Sierra Leone; Cameroons; Congo. Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Congo; he gola; N. Central. Corisco Bay. Cameroons. Cameroons, Upper Guinea; Angola, Cameroons ; Upper Guinea; Congo. Cameroons. Sierra Leone; S. Nigeria. St. Thomas Is.; S. Nigeria; Angola; Tropical Asia and America. S. Nigeria; Lower Guinea; Congo. Upper Guinea; Angola. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea and Angola to Uganda. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 133 NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. Cephaélis Mannii Hiern 154, 240 Old Calabar; Fernando Po; Cameroons. Trichostachys Talbotii Wern- 1041 ham sp. nov. T. Krausiana Wernham sp. nov. 1045 *Lasianthus Mannii Wernham 266 Gaboon. sp. nov. Diodia scandens Sw. 206, 2031 Tropical Africa; Madagascar; Tropical America. Spermacoce ramisparsa Benth. 227 Upper Guinea; Mascarene Is. *Octodon filifolium Sch.& Thonn. 357 Upper Guinea; Niamniam. *O. setosum Hiern Upper Guinea. *Mitracarpum scabrum Zucc. 270, 355A Tropical Africa; Cape de Verde Is. COMPOSITÆ. Sparganophorus Vaillantii 399 Introduced from Tropical Gaertn. America. Vernonia senegalensis Less. 397 Tropical Africa. V. amygdalina Delile 2014 Tropical Africa. V. Kotschyana Sch. Bip. 2015 N. Cameroons to Somaliland. V. frondosa Oliver & Hiern 494 Nigeria; Cameroons; Congo. V. conferta Benth. 264, 398 West Tropical Africa; Congo. 1498 Adenostemma viscosum Forst. 394 Tropical Africa; Asia; Poly- nesia. Mikania scandens Willd. 395 A a age and subtropical P : Microglossa Afzelii O. Hoffm, 1671 Sierra Leone to Uganda. Conyza persicefolia Oliver & 999 Tropical Africa. Hiern Sphæranthus Talbotii S. Moore 1005 (N. Cameroons) Aspilia latifolia Oliver & Hiern 987 Liberia to Congo Free State. Melanthera Brownei Sch. Bip. 389,986 Tropical and South Africa. Spilanthes caulirhiza DC. 974 Tropical and South Africa. Synedrella nodiflora Gaertn. 392 A widely dispersed weed of erican origin. Emilia sagittata DC. 998 A tropical weed. Crassocephalum biafre S. Moore 1549 Sierra Leone; Cameroons. C. sarcobasis S. Moore 1064 Tropical Africa; Madagascar. (River Benue) C. crepidioides S. Moore 1003 Tropical Africa; Mascarene Islands. Centaurea Perrottetii DC. 1007 Senegambia. (N. Cameroons) CAMPANULACEE, galeopsoides Engl. & 1259 Cameroons. iels * River Benue. : 134 NAME. NUMBER. SAPOTACEG, Omphalocarpum Radlkoferi 361 Baill. EBENACER. Diospyros incarnata Gürke 1417 D. Preussii Gürke 1329, 1452 D. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1560 OLEACEE. Jasminum Zenkeri Gilg 335 J. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 336 APOCYNACEA, Landolphia senegalensis DC. 296 L. ochracea K. Schum. 292 L. owariensis Beauv. 1658, 2049 L. glaberrima A. Chev. 1655 L. stipulosa S. Moore sp. nov. 346 L. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1038 L. Stapfiana Wernham sp. 1617 nov. Vahadenia Talbotii Wernham 1634 sp. nov. Clitandra cirrhosa Radlk. 1351, 1537 C. leptantha Hallier f. 1526, 2047 C. longituba Wernham sp.nov. 1577 C. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1039 Carpodinus Barteri Stapf 297 C. rufinervis Pierre 2030 C, violacea K. Schum. 1445 C. uniflora Stapf 298, 1480 C. oxyanthoides Wernham sp. 1443 nov. C. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1055 Picralima Klaineana Pierre 2194, 1690 Pleiocarpa bicarpellata Stapf 365 P, mutica Benth. 1565, 1654 P. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. 1037 Thevetia neriifolia Juss. 178 Rauwolfia vomitoria Stapf 2046 Alstonia congensis Engl. 2098 Callichilia inequalis Stapf 291, 2063 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons. Cameroons, Cameroons. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo Free State. French Sudan. Cameroons; Gaboon. Cameroons; Gaboon. Upper Guinea, Gaboon. Cameroons. Cameroons; Gaboon. Old Calabar; Cameroons ; Gaboon ; Congo Free State, Cameroons. S. Nigeria; Cameroons. Tropical S. America. Probably an escape. Western Tropical Africa; Congo Free State; German East Africa. Senegambia to Lower Congo; British East Africa. Cameroons; Gaboon. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 135 NAME. Callichilia Barteri Stapf Gabunia glandulosa Stapf G. longiflora Stapf Conopharyngia ^ pachysiphon Stapf C. durissima Stapf C. brachyantha Stapf C. (?) penduliflora Stapf Voacanga obtusa K. Schum. V. psilocalyx Pierre V. Zenkeri Stapf V. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. V. obanensis Wernham sp. nov. V. magnifolia Wernham sp. nov. Strophanthus gratus Franch. S. Tholloni Franch, S. hispidus DC. S. Bullenianus Mast. S. Preussii Engl. & Pax S. sarmentosus DC. Funtumia africana Stapf Alafia lucida Stapf Holalafia multiflora Stapt Baissea laxiflora Stapf Oneinotis gracilis Stapf O. campanulata K. Schum. Motandra guineensis A.DC, Adenium Honghel A.DC. (French Ubangi) ASCLEPIADACEJE. Batesanthus Talbotii S. Moore Sp. nov. B. Talbotii var. grandifolius S. Moore Periploca nigrescens Afzel. Secamone myrtifolia Benth. S. conostyla S. Moore sp. nov. Kanahia consimilis N. E. Br. NUMBER. 2048 1481 1525 1397 90a, 2054 80a 2029 211 364 1349, 1479 1466 301 300 2053 594, 1675. 1692 2062 294 2016 376, 3764, 1028 1030 1551 DISTRIBUTION, Upper Guinea, Liberia; Sierra Leone. Fernando Po. Lower Niger; Lagos. Cameroons; Gaboon, Cameroons; Fernando Po. Cameroons. Upper and Lower Guinea; South Central; Uganda. Gaboon. Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Gaboon. Cameroons; Gaboon. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo Free State. South Nigeria; Gaboon. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo Free State. | Upper Guinea; Lower Congo. Upper Guinea; Gaboon; Lower Congo. Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea; Congo Free State. S. Nigeria; Cameroons; Ga- boon. Gold Coast. Cameroons. Upper Guinea; Congo Free State. Upper Guinea. Sierra Leone to Congo Free State. ; Senegambia to Congo. South Nigeria; Cameroons. 136 NAME. NUMBER. Dæmia extensa R. Br, 997 Cynanchum Adaline K.Schum, 373, 2012 Tylophora sylvatica Decne. 374, 375, 961 T. oblonga N. E. Br. 2018 T. liberica N. E. Br. (River 1013 Benue, N. Nigeria) Marsdenia racemosa K. Schum. 1004, 2079 M. efulensis N. E. Br. 1684 Ceropegia Talbotii S. Moore 116 sp. nov. C. anceps S. Moore sp. nov. 174 LOGANIACE;E, Mostuea Thomsoni Benth. 306 M. angustifolia Wernham sp. 1035 nov. Usteria guineensis Willd. 303 Strychnos aculeata Soler. 2013 S. pansa S. Moore sp. nov. 1661 S. Talbotie S. Moore sp. nov. 2077 S. memecyloides S. Moore sp. 2078 nov. S. memecyloides var. nov.effusior 92079 S. Moore S. pusilliflora S. Moore sp. nov. 1256 Seyphostrychnos Talboti S. 1664 Moore gen. & sp. nov. Anthocleista Talbotii ham sp. nov. A. microphylla Wernham sp. nov. A, obanensis Wernham sp. nov. GENTIANACER. Schultesia stenophylla latifolia Mart. var. HYDROPHYLLACEÆ, *Hydrolea graminifolia A. W. Benn. BORAGINACER. Cordia Zenkeri Gürke *Varronia abyssinica DC. Heliotropium strigosum Willd. (N. Cameroons) H. undulatum Vahl (Garua to Golombe) Wern- 177, 1448, 2027 304 305 329 332 330 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Tropical and S. Africa; Mada- gascar; India. Cameroons; French Congo. Tropical Africa ; Cameroons. Fernando Po. Liberia. Gold Coast to Congo. Cameroons. Old Calabar. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Senegambia; Sierra Leone. Probably introduced from Brazil. Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Nile Land; Nyasaland; An- gola; Arabia. Cameroons. Africa; West Asia. * French Ubangi, Tuburi Marsh. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. NUMBER. CONYOLYULACEX. *Evolvulus alsinoides L. 199 Bonamia cymosa Hallier fil. 88a Neuropeltis acuminata Benth. Prevostea nigerica Rendle sp. nov. 1484 Jacquemontia capitata G. Don 838 (Yola, R. Benue) _ 5 Hewittia bicolor Wight 798 Merremia kentrocaulos Rendle 1817, *818 137 DISTRIBUTION, Widely spread in the tropics, Upper Guinea, Upper Guinea, Tropical and South Africa; Mascarene Islands. Tropical Africa; Natal; Tro- pical Asia. Tropical Africa, M. umbellata Hallier fil. 791 Upper Guinea; German East Africa; Tropical America. *M. pes-draconis Hallier f. var. 832 The species occurs in the nigerica Rendle var. nov. Congo. M. pentaphylla Hallier fil. ie 108 Widely spread in the tropics. 1793 M. angustifolia Hallier fil. $796, *834 Tropical and South Africa. IM. pinnata Hallier fil, 828 Upper Guinea; Eastern Tropical Africa. *M. emarginata Hallier fil. 795 Angola; East Tropical Africa; Tropical Asia. M. convolvulacea Dennst. +790, 1819, Tropical Africa; Mascarene *835 Islands; Tropical Asia. *Lepistemon africanus Oliver 197 Tropical Africa, L. parviflorus Pilger 805 Cameroons. Calonyction speciosum Choisy 825 Widely spread in the tropics. Astrochlena Stuhlmannii Hal- 827 Nigeria; Eastern Tropical lier fil. (Yola, R. Benue) ica. Ipomca eriocarpa R. Br. *893, *894 Tropical Africa; Madagascar; 1829 Tropical Asia to W. Aus- tralia. I. involucrata Beauv. §813, 814 Tropical Africa. *I. argentaurata Hallier fil. 810 Togo; Lagos; N. Nigeria. I. amena Choisy *811, 1830 West Tropical and Central Africa; Nubia. I. velutipes Welw. 812 Angola; South Cameroons. *I. Wightii Choisy 808 East Tropicalto South Africa; Madagascar ; Tropical Asia. *T, hederacea Jacq. 822 Widely spread in the tropics. tI. ochracea G, Don 815 West Tropical Africa. I. micrantha Hallier fil. Ashanti; Cameroons. +I. acanthocarpa Hochst. 816 Cordofan ; Senegal. *L aquatica Forsk. 831 Tropical Africa ; Tropical Asia to W. Australia. +I. asarifolia Roem. & Schult. 809 Upper Guinea; Angola; Nile land; Tropical Asia and Tropical America. * River Benue, N. Nigeria. + French Congo. . + N. Cameroons. § Lake Chad and Bornu. 138 SOUTH NAME. Ipomoea dissecta Willd. I. lilacina Bl. I. Hierniana Rendle I. digitata L. SOLANACEZX. Solanum duplosinuatum Klotzsch Physalis angulata L. P. minima L. (R. Benue) Schwenkia americana L. (N. Cameroons; R. Benue) SCROPHULARIACEX, Lindernia diffusa Wettst. Scoparia dulcis L. Alectra senegalensis Benth. Buchnera longifolia Klotzsch (Garua to Golombe) Striga brachycalyx Skan S. Thunbergii Benth. (N. Cameroons) S. hermonthica Benth. (R. Benue) S. senegalensis Benth. S. lutea Lour. S. macrantha Benth. (Lere to Ham) S. Warneckei Engl. (Bogalo, R. Benue) Rhamphicarpa fistulosa Benth. (Lere to Ham) Sopubia ramosa Hochst. LENTIBULARIACER. Utricularia striatula Smith (Lere to Ham) U. reflexa Oliver (Lere to Ham) U. stellaris Linn. f. (Lere to Ham) * River Benue, N. Nigeria. NUMBER. NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. *806, t807 Tropical and South Africa; Tropical Asia; Australia. Islands. 1802, $808, Tropical Africa; Mascarene 1804 801 800 Cosmopolitan in the tropics. 1061 Tropical and South Africa. 1060 Upper Guinea; Angola. 1059 Tropical Africa. 819, 1031 Western Tropical Africa generally ; Niamniam ; Brazil. 315 Guinea; Lower Congo; Madagascar ; Tropical America. 914 Cosmopolitan in the tropies. 317 Upper Guinea ; Mozambique district. 325 Upper Guinea; Eritrea; Uganda; Mozambique dis- trict. 1033 Northern Nigeria. 323 Angola; British Central Africa; South Africa. 310 Nile Land ; Congo Free State; Amboland ; Egypt and Arabia. 308 Upper Guinea; Abyssinia; Amboland; Mozambique. 309, 1034 Tropical Africa; South rica; Mascarenes ; Tro- pical Asia. 324 Upper Guinea; Angola. 312 Togo. 3923 Tropical Africa; . South Africa; Madagascar. 316 Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea; German East Africa; Tropical Asia. Tropical Africa. Tropical and South Africa; agascar; India to Tropical Australia. + French Congo. t N. Cameroons. Cameroons (Bipinde). § Lake Chad and Bornu. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. BIGNONIACER. Stereospermum Kunthianum Cham. (Tuburi Marsh; Lake Chad) Newbouldia levis Seem, Markhamia tomentosa K. Sch. Spathodea campanulata Beauv. Kigelia africana Benth. K. acutifolia Sprague PEDALINES. Sesamum radiatum Schum. S. alatum Thonn. (Garua to Golombe) S. Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. ‘ ACANTHACE, Afromendoncia iodioides Moore sp. nov. Thunbergia Vogeliana Benth. T. cynanchifolia Benth. Elytraria crenata Vahl Nelsonia campestris R. Br. Zenkerina kamerunensis Engl. Brillantaisia Lamium Benth. 8. B. Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. B. nitens Lindau B. owariensis Beauv. Endosiphon obliquus OC. B. Clarke Paulowilhelmia togoensis Lin- dau Physacanthus Talboti S. Moore sp. nov. Dischistocalyx obanensis $. Moore sp. nov. D. ruellioides S. Moore sp. nov. D. thunbergiæflorus Benth. Whitfieldia longifolia T. And. Lankesteria thyrsoidea S. Moore sp. nov. L. elegans T. And. L. Barteri Hook. fil. Phaylopsis longifolia T. Thoms. nt Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. epharis pinguior C. B. Clarke (North Mods NUMBER. 328, 342 2056 2055 931A 34, 185, 1994, 1016 115 1057 327 1036 388 139 DISTRIBUTION. Generally distributed over Tropical Africa, excepting Lower Guinea. Upper Guinea; St. Thomas; Gaboon; Congo Free State. Upper Guinea. Upper and Lower Guinea; Congo Free State. Upper Guinea. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea; Nile and Mozambique districts. Cameroons; Fernando Po. French Guinea to Cameroons. Tropical Africa and Asia. Throughout the tropics. Cameroons. Sierra Leone to Congo Free State. Sierra Leone to Congo. South Nigeria; Cameroons. French Congo. Togo; Nigeria. Fernando Po. Tropical Africa. Gold Coast to French Congo. Nigeria to Congo Free State. Tropical Africa. ; Nyasaland. : 140 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS NAME. NUMBER. Crossandrella Dusenii S. 17A Moore Acanthus montanus T. And. 1027, 2006 Crossandra guineensis Nees 101, 134, 846 C. Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. 1026 C. elatior S. Moore sp. nov. 101 Thomandersia laurifolia Baill. 381 Talbotia radicans S. Moore 971 gen. & sp. nov. Lepidagathis laguroidea T. And. 984, 2003 Asystasia parvula C. B. Clarke 989, 1029, 1508 À. dryadum S. Moore sp. nov. 991 A. Vogeliana Benth. 990 A. macrophylla Lindau 2010 Filetia africana Lindau 380, 985 Barleria Talbotii S. Moore sp. 1896 nov. B. bornuensis S. Moore sp. nov. (N. Nigeria) Eranthemum nigritianum T. 1356, 1392, And. 1436, 1448, 1538 E. hypocrateriforme Roem. & 1552 Schult. E. Ludovicianum Büttn. 379, 1423, 1437 Justicia tenella T. And. 378 J. insularis T, And. 983 J. Galeopsis T. And. 1024 J. laxa T. And. - 70, 102, 978 J. thyrsiflora S. Moore sp. nov. 976 J. Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. 1425 J. nigerica S. Moore sp. nov. 995, 2008 J. tenuipes S. Moore sp. nov. 1483 Adhatoda orbicularis C. B. 975, 2007 Olarke A, tristis Nees 50, 996 A, auriculata S. Moore sp. nov. 2011 A. Buchholzii S. Moore 372, 1025, 2076 A. maculata C. B. Clarke 1405 Rhinacanthus parviflorus T. 1365 And. Graptophyllum ` glandulosum 377 Turrill DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons to Uganda. Tropical Africa. Nigeria to Uganda. Nigeria to Congo. North Tropical Africa. Somali Land and British East Africa to Nigeria. Ashanti to Congo. Cameroons; French Congo. Cameroons; French Congo. Sierra Leone to Uganda and Angola. Sierra Leone to Cameroons. Ashanti to Uganda and Congo Free State. Senegambia to German East Africa and Madagascar. Sierra Leone to French Congo. North Tropical Africa. Cameroons to French Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons (Zenker, 4395). Cameroons. Cameroons ; Fernando Po. Cameroons; Congo Free State. S. Nigeria; Cameroons. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 141 NAME. Schaueria populifolia C. B. Clarke Hypoestes Talbotie S. Moore sp. nov. H. Barteri T. And. H. Staudtii Lindau H. verticillaris R. Br. Rungia grandis T. And. R. dimorpha S. Moore sp. nov. R. congoensis C. B. Clarke Dicliptera obanensis S. Moore sp. nov. VERBENACEX. Lantana salvifolia Jacq. forma magnibracteata (R. Benue) Lippia adoensis Hochst. (French Ubangi) Stachytarpheta angustifolia Vahl S. indica Vahl Clerodendron bipindense Gürke 1530, 2058 C. Barteri Baker (forma longe- petiolata) . splendens G. Don . Buchholzii Gürke . Buettneri Gürke . scandens Beauv. . melanophyllum S. Moore . Talbotii Wernham sp. nov. obanense Wernham sp. nov. Vitex oxycuspis Baker V. bipindensis Gürke V. bogalensis Wernham sp. nov. (N. Cameroons) V. obanensis Wernham sp. nov. LABIATE, Ocimum americanum L. Platystoma africanum Beauv. Acrocephalus polytrichus Baker Hoslundia opposita Vahl (R. Benue) JEolanthus pubescens Benth. (R. Benue) Coleus decurrens Giirke 66606000 NUMBER. 993 2005 2020 982, 1409, 2019 1373 1394 1528 1391 1363 352 322 353 307 1491 1051 340, 2059 118 1032 369 DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons. Nigeria ; Cameroons. Cameroons. Tropical and South Africa; Arabia, : Sierra Leone to Angola. Cameroons ; Congo Land, Generally in the tropics of Africa and India, and in South Africa. Upper and Lower Guinea to Abyssinia and British East Africa. Upper Guinea; Angola; Congo Free State. Widely distributed in the tropics. Cameroons. S. Nigeria. Upper and Lower Guinea. Cameroons; Gaboon; Uganda. Cameroons; Gaboon. Upper Guinea. Uganda. Nigeria, Cameroons. Tropics generally. Tropical Africa; India. Niger region. Topa and South Africa; Upper Guinea. Cameroons, 142 NAME. NUMBER. Solenostemon ocymoides 368, 2066 Schum. & Thonn. SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Guinea to Angola. Hyptis brevipes Poit. 344, 366 Tropical Africa, Asia and America. ; H. pectinata Poit. 371 Widely spread in tropics; native of America. Leonotis pallida Benth. 2064 Upper Guinea; Nyasaland; Nile Land. $ MONOCHLAMYDEÆ. By SPENCER MOORE. NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. AMARANTACEJE, Celosia argentea L. 138, 1394 Tropical Africa and Asia. C. trigyna L. 1794, 660 Tropical Africa; also in Madagascar and Arabia. Amaranthus spinosus L. 601 Tropical Africa; India. ZErva lanata Juss. 602 Tropical Africa and Asia. Æ. tomentosa Forsk. 924 _ Tropiċal Africa and North Africa to India. Achyranthes bidentata Bl. 2311 Cameroons and Angola to Nyasaland. A. aquatica R. Br. (N. Came- 1504 Nubia; India. roons) Pandiaka involucrata Hook, fil. 6794 Togo Land to Nigeria. (River Benue) | P. Heudelotii Hook. fil. 6124, 6594 Tropical Africa. (R. Benue; N. Cameroons) Gomphrena globosa L. 794,662 An American plant natural- (R. Benue) ised in the Old World. POLYGONACEÆ. Brunnichia africana Welw. 1497 Liberia to Angola. var. glabra Dammer PHYTOLACCACEÆ. Mohlana nemoralis Mart. 661 Tropical Africa; Madagascar ; Tropical America. Phytolacca dodecandra L'Hérit. 1381 Tropical Africa; Natal. ARISTOLOCHIACEE. Aristolochia tribrachiata S. 213, 1542 Moore sp. nov. A. Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. 198, 2310 and var. longissima 1642. A. tenuicauda S. Moore sp. nov. 2318 2338, er A. Goldieana Hook. f. Sierra Leone ; er Fer- nando Po. 2 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. NUMBER. PIPERACER. Piper umbellatum L. 172 P, guineense Schum. & Thonn. 2329 Peperomia fernandopoiana 2324 GDO. MYRISTICACER. Pycnanthus microcephala 53 Stapf Scyphocephalium Mannii 1507, 1673 Warb, MONIMIACEX, Glossocalyx longicuspis Benth. 84 LAURINEZ. ` Tylostemon minutiflorus 14954, Stapt 2301 T. Talboti:e S. Moore sp. nov. 1539 T. myreiefolius S. Moore sp. 2384 nov. T. foliosus S. Moore sp. nov. 2342 THYMELEACER. Dicranolepis stenosiphon Gilg e: ea. 3. D. grandiflora Engl. 21a LORANTHACEE. Loranthus kamerunensis Engl. 606 L. nigritanus Hook. fil, 1572 L. Braunii Engl. 1522 L. dodoneifolius DC. 1214. (N. Cameroons) à L. bangwensis Engl. & K. 605 Krause Viscum decurrens Baker & 669 Sprague V. grandifolium Engl, 604 BALANOPHORACEÆ. Thonningia sanguinea Vahl 15904 EUPHORBIACES. Euphorbia cervicornu Baill. 2309 Dichostema glaucescens Pierre 2328 Bridelia micrantha Baill. 2331 Uapaca guineensis Müll. Arg. 652, 671 Antidesma laciniatum Müll. 665, 676, Arg. 2336, 233 > 143 DISTRIBUTION. Widely distributed in the tropics. Tropical Africa. Cameroons; Fernando Po. Fernando Po. Nigeria ; Cameroons. Cameroons; French Congo. - French Congo. Cameroons. Gold Coast to Cameroons. Cameroons. Nigeria; Cameroons. Nigeria to Congo Land. Senegambia to Nigeria; Uganda. Senegambia to Cameroons. Nigeria to Congo Free State. Cameroons. Sierra Leone to Congo. Nigeria to Congo. Cameroons to Belgian Congo. Sierra Leone to Uganda. Nigeria to Congo Free State. 144 NAME. NUMBER. SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. A. membranaceum Müll. Arg. 611,612,670 Sierra Leone to Congo Land. Protomegabaria Stapfiana 2325, 2326 Hutchins. Thecacoris gymnogyne Pax 1496, 1503 Mesobotrya Dusenii Hutchins. 11, 16, 609, 1581 M. sparsiflora Hutchins, 1492 M. Barteri Hutchins. 637, 638 M. Griffoniana Hutchins. 186 M. pauciflora Pax 616, 1683 Drypetes similis Hutchins. 619, 1495 D. inzqualis Hutchins. 678 D. principum Hutchins. 679 D. stipularis Hutchins. 1645, 2337 D, Talbotii S. Moore sp. nov. 8 D. obanensis S. Moore sp. nov. 677, 2310 Phyllanthus floribundus Müll. 622, 1509, A 15094 P. Dusenii Hutchins. 2323 P. odontadenius Müll. Arg. 623 Microdesmis puberula Hook. fil. 681 M. Zenkeri Pax 692, 6924 Jatropha curcas L. 1321, 1372, 1499 Ricinodendron africanus Müll. 2333 Arg. Croton amabilis Müll. Arg. 109, 153, 2302 Oyrtogonone argentea Prain 1590 Manniophyton africanum Müll. 180, 614 Arg Crotonogyne strigosa Prain (sp. 659 nov. in Kew Bull. 1912, 191) C. Preussii Pax 691, 694 Hasskarlia oppositifolia Pax 640 Erythrococca Welwitschiana 663 Prain Claoxylon hexandrum Müll, Årg. Acalypha paniculata Miq. 693 Mareya spicata Baill. 617 M. micrantha Mill. Arg. 45, 667, 2303 Alchornea cordata Benth. 12, 682, 1319 A. floribunda Müll. Arg. 2304, 2305 Mallotus subulatus Müll. Arg. g a M. oppositifolius var. glabrata 697 Müll. Arg. Cleidion Preussii Baker 615 1352, 1352a Fernando Po; Ivory Coast to French Guinea. Cameroons; French Congo. Cameroons to French Congo. Sierra Leone to Gold Coast. Nigeria to Spanish Guinea. French Congo. Cameroons to Congo. Cameroons. Sierra Leone. Princes Island. Spanish Guinea. Tropical Africa. Cameroons. Gold Coast to Angola. Senegambia to Nigeria. Cameroons to Angola. America; widely cultivated in Old World. Tropical Africa. Sierra Leone to Nigeria. Cameroons; Spanish Guinea. Sierra Leone to Belgian Congo and Angola. Cameroons. Liberia, Cameroons to Angola. Cameroons; Belgian Congo. Tropical Africa; India. Senegambia to Belgian Congo. Nigeria to French Congo. Tropical Africa. Nigeria to Belgian Congo. Guinea Coast to Belgian Congo. Tropical Africa; Madagascar. Cameroons. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED NAME. Macaranga occidentalis Müll. Arg. M. Paxii Prain M. rosea Pax M. Zenkeri Pax Arg. Dalechampia ipomexfolia Benth. NUMBER. 1431* 610 112, 1377 2311, 2366 Plukenetia conophora Müll. 1509, 2306, 2307 683 Pycnocoma macrophylla Benth. 33a, 699 145 DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons; Fernando Po. S. Nigeria; Cameroons. Cameroons to Belgian Congo and Angola. S. Nigeria to Belgian Congo. Sierra Leone to Belgian Congo. Liberia to Belgian Congo. Cameroons to Belgian Congo. Tragia Benthami Baker 613 Tropical Africa. Eee Pax var. nigritana 1494 Cameroons to Uganda. rain T. Preussii Pax 624 Cameroons. Sapium guineense O. Kuntze 666 Sierra Leone to Cameroons and Princes Island. ÜRTICACEE. Trema guineensis Priem. var 688 Tropical Africa; Madagascar. parvifolia Engl. Treculia obovoidea N. E. Br. 23164, S. Nigeria; Cameroons. (T. Staudtii Engl.). 2321, 2335 Urera cameroonensis Wedd. 1501 Cameroons to Uganda. Behmeria platyphylla Don 686 Tropical Africa to East Indies and Polynesia. Pouzolzia guineensis Benth. 689 Senegambia to Congo Land. MONOCOTYLEDONS. By Dr. A. B. RENDLE ; Zingiberacee and Marantacex, by H. N. RIDLEY. | NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. BURMANNIACER. Gymnosiphon squamatus 700, 715 West Tropical Africa. Wright G. congestus Wright 716 Cameroons. ORCHIDACEÆ. Liparis guineensis Lindl. 777 West Tropical Africa. L. tridens Krånzl. 872, 873 Cameroons. L. epiphytica Schlechter 871 Cameroons. “in Fl. Trop. Afr. vi. pt. 1, 986, this number by an evident oversight has been referred to M. rosea L 146 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS NAME. NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION. Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindl. 925 Sierra Leone ; Cameroons. B. nudiscapum Rolfe 779 Sierra Leone; Congo. B. viride Rolfe 955 Sierra Leone. B. Amaury: Rendle sp. nov. 952 B. Buntingii Rendle sp. nov. 935 . Liberia. B. nigritianum Rendle sp. nov. 933 B. Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. 931 B. Dorotheæ Rendle sp. nov. 934 B. ph&opogon Schlechter 778 Cameroons. B. obanense Rendle sp. nov. , 932 Megaclinium Millenii Rolfe 1576 Lagos. Ancistrochilus Thomsonianus 88 Cameroons. Rolfe Eulophia euglossa Reichb. fil. 162 West Tropical Africa. E. lurida Lindl. 772 West Tropical Africa. Ansellia africana Lindl. 954 Fernando Po; Congo. Polystachya pyramidalis Lindl. ^ 908 S. Nigeria; Liberia (R. H. f Bunting). P. laxiflora Lindl. 865 Upper Guinea; Gaboon. P. obanensis Rendle sp. nov. 930 P. tesselata Lindl. 862, 868 West Tropical Africa. P. Dorothez Rendle sp. nov. 861 P. ramulosa Lindl. 864 Sierra Leone; Ashanti; Congo. P. Adansoniz Reichb. fil. 867 Cameroons; Angola. P. polychete Krünzl. 927,928 Cameroons; Congo; Victoria Nyanza. P. nigerica Rendle sp. nov. 929 P. supfiana Schlechter 866 Cameroons, P. Preussii Kránzl. 919 Cameroons. P. Talbotii Rolfe 835 P. seticaulis Rendle sp. nov. 926 Angrecum Eichlerianum 899 Cameroons; South Central Kränzl. Africa. A. obanense Rendle sp. nov. 896 A.muriculatum Rendlesp.nov. 904 A. esespitosum Rolfe 891 Cameroons, A. scandens Schlechter 893° Cameroons, A. brunneo-maculatum Rendle 943 sp. nov. A. Straussii Schlechter 940 Cameroons. A. angustipetalum Rendle sp. 890 nov. A. Egertonii Rendle sp. nov. 889 A. Batesii Rendle (Mystacidium 897 Cameroons, Batesii Rolfe) A. curvatum Schlechter . 938 Ashanti. A. distichum Lindl. 784 Sierra Leone to Gaboon. A. podochiloides Schlechter 894 Cameroons, _ A. Schumannii Kränzl. 895 Cameroons. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 147 NAME. NUMBER. Angrecum multinominatum 888 Rendle A. caudatum Lindl. 898 A. Chailluanum Hook. fil. 119, 135, 901 A. Aschersonii Krünzl. 936 A. bidens Rendle (Listrostachys 912, 913 bidens Rolfe) A. Dorothez Rendle sp. nov. 914, 915 A. pertusum Lindl. 916 A. pellucidum Lindl. 900 A. Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. 941 A. subulatum Lindl, 902 A. pungens Schlechter 892 Vanilla nigerica Rendle sp. nov. 776 Zeuxine Batesii Rolfe 920, 921 Z. elongata Rolfe 2408 Z. Stammleri Schlechter 922 Cheirostylis lepida Rolfe 870 Platylepis Talbotii Rendle sp. 1463 nov. Auxopus kamerunensisSchlech- 1450 ter Maniella Gustavi Reichb. fil. 1339 Platanthera helleborina Rolfe 869 Habenaria procera Lindl. 773 H. Weileriana Schlechter 868 H. Buntingii Rendle sp. nov. 774 H. barrina Ridl. 923 H. macrandra Lindl. 775 ZINGIBERACEJE, Aframomum pilosum Oliver. & 94 Hanbury A. sceptrum K. Schum. . 85, 1594, . 1605 A. cereum K. Schum. 83 A. Daniellii K. Schum. 14 A. biauriculatum K. Schum. 82, 88 A, citratum Pereira 90 Renealmia africana Benth. 1652 R. eineinnata Baker 876 Costus Lucanusianus Braun & 840 K. Schum. C. Dinklagei K. Schum. 839 C. Englerianus K. Schum. 885 C. Talbotii Ridl. sp. nov. 90, 1521 DISTRIBUTION. Upper Guinea. Sierra Leone; Niger; Congo. West Tropical Africa. Cameroons. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea. Upper Guinea; Congo. Upper Guinea; Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons; Gaboon. Sierra Leone; Princes Is.; Congo. Cameroons. Cameroons ; St. Thomas Is. Cameroons. Cameroons; St. Thomas Is. Sierra Leone. : Sierra Leone; Congo. Cameroons. Liberia. St. Thomas Is. Upper Guinea; Angola. Cameroons. Cameroons; Lower Guinea. Cameroons ; Gaboon. Cameroons ; Gaboon ; Angola. Cameroons ; Gaboon. Cameroons; Congo. Cameroons. Sierra Leone ; Cameroons. Cameroons. erui L 2 148 D. Godseffiana Sander NAME. NUMBER. MARANTACEÆ. Sarcophrynium oxycarpum K. 880 Schum. S. prionogonium K., Schum. 877 S. brachystachyum K. Schum. 883 Hybophrynium Braunianum K. 874 Schum. Trachyphrynium violaceum 883a Ridl. Phrynium confertum K. Schum. 884 Halopegia azurea K. Schum. 57 Clinogyne purpurea Ridl. 882 C. flexuosa K. Schum. 92, 93 C. filipes Benth. 881 C. holostachya K. Schum. 875 Thalia Welwitschii Ridl. (Lere 878, 879 to Ham, French Ubangi & R. Benue) HÆMODORACEÆ. Sansevieria Laurentii De Wild. 2406 Cyanastrum cordifolium Oliver 911 ÄAMARYLLIDACEE. Crinum purpurascens Herb. 907 C. giganteum Andr. 905 DIOSCOREACER. Dioscorea bulbifera L. 131, 717 D. hirtiflora Benth. 718, 722, 724 D. polyantha Rendle 781 D. Preussii Pax 780 D. prehensilis Benth. (also R. 738 Benue) 721, 723, 726, 727, 728 D. minutiflora Engl. 120, 182 LILIACEE. Smilax Kraussiana Meissn. 701 Asparagus Pauli - Gulielmi 733 Solms (Lake Chad & Bornu) Dracæna arborea Link 740 D. Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. 1532 D. fragrans Gawl. 1412 D. camerooniana Baker 730 D. sureulosa Lindl. 146 1421 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons ; Congo. Cameroons, West Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa. Cameroons; Congo; Angola. Niamniam ; Cameroons ; Congo ; Gaboon. Angola. Sierra Leone. Upper Guinea; Cameroons. Cameroons; Gaboon. Angola. Belgian Congo (Stanleyville). West Tropical Africa. Corisco Island ; Congo. Tropical Africa. Cultivated. West Tropical Africa. Angola. Cameroons; Congo; Angola. Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa; Congo. Tropical and South Africa. Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa; Congo. Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea. Lagos. 7 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 149 NAME. NUMBER. Dracena elliptica Thunb. & 2405 Dalm. D. cylindrica Hook. fil. Chlorophytum Afzelii Baker C. alismeefolium Baker C. Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. C. petiolatum Baker C. debile Baker Urginea micrantha (Lake Chad & Bornu) Gloriosa superba L. COMMELINACEX, Pollia condensata C. B. Clarke Palisota bracteosa C. B. Clarke P. Barteri Hook. fil. P. ambigua C. B. Clarke P. thyrsiflora Benth. Commelina nudiflora L. C. benghalensis L. C. Forskalæi Vahl C. capitata Benth. Polyspatha panieulata Benth. Aneilema sinicum Lindl. A. beniniense Kunth A. ovato-oblongum Beauv. Cyanotis lanata Benth. Floscopa africana C. B. Clarke F. Mannii C. B. Clarke PALMACEE. Raphia monbuttorum Drude Eremospatha macrocarpa Wendl. ÅRACEÆ. Amorphophallus dracontioides N. E. Br. (Lake Chad & Bornu) A. accrensis N. E. Br. Anchomanes difformis Engl. A. nigritianus Rendle sp. nov. Nephthytis Poissonii N. E. Br. N. Talbotii Rendle sp. nov. c m dnas mirabile N. E. r. Culeasia striolata Engl. Cercestis Afzelii Schott Solms 2404 858 859 731 732 860 736 783 743, 744 741 748 752, 753 751 755 749 909 756 948 1446 98 DISTRIBUTION. Tropical Africa; Asia. Calabar. Sierra Leone. Cameroons; Gaboon. Tropical Cameroons. West Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa; Tropical Asia, Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea; St. Thomas Is. Cameroons ; Congo. West Tropical Africa ; Congo. West Tropical Africa. A tropical weed. Old World tropics. Tropical Africa to India. Tropical Africa. Upper Guinea ; Congo. Tropical and South Africa; Tropical Asia, Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa ; Congo; Tropical South America. Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa ; Congo. Gaboon, East and Central Tropical Africa. Sierra Leone; Nigeria. Upper Guinea. Gold Coast. Tropical Africa. Cameroons; Gaboon. West and Central Tropical 946, 1532 Cameroons 766, 1961 Upper Guinea. 150 NAME. Cercestis Dinklagei Engl. Anubias Afzelii Schott A. lanceolata N. E. Br. Amauriella obanensis gen. & sp. nov. Raphidophora pusilla N. E. Br. Rendle ÅLISMACEÆ. Limnophyton fluitans Graebner ERIOCAULACEÆ. Eriocaulon bifistulosum Van Heurck & Müll. Arg. (Lere to Ham) E. elegantulum Engl. (Tuburi rshes) CYPERACER. Cyperus fertilis Boeck. Hypolytrum africanum Nees Mapania amplivaginata K. Schum. Scleria ovuligera Nees GRAMINE. Sorghum halepense Nees S. vulgare Pers. Isachne Buettneri Hack. Panicum brizanthum Hochst. P. crus-pavonis Nees P. arborescens L. P. uncinatum Raddi Setaria mauritiana Spreng. Oplismenus africanus Beauv. Pennisetum setosum A. Rich. Olyra latifolia L. Leptaspis cochleata Thwaites Sporobolus indicus R. Br. Trichopterix simplex Benth. Centotheca lappacea Desv. Streptogyne crinita Beauv. Guaduella Ledermannii Pilger G. Zenkeri deum SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS DISTRIBUTION. Liberia; Cameroons; Gaboon. Sierra Leone. S. Nigeria; Cameroons. Gaboon. Cameroons. Tropical Africa; Madagascar. Central and East Tropical ca. West and Central Tropical Africa. West and Central Tropical Africa. Cameroons. West and Central Tropical Africa. Widely distributed. Widely cultivated. West Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa ; America. Tropical Africa ; Asia. Widely spread in Tropies. Widely spread in Tropics. Tropical Africa; Tropical America. Widely spread in tropics. Tropical and South Africa; Tropical America. Tropical Africa; Comoro Is. ; Ceylon. Tropical and South Africa. Tropical and South Africa, Old World tropics. Tropics of Africa and Ame- rica; India, Cameroons. Cameroons. Tropical Tropical SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 151 FERNS. By Antony Gerr, M.A., F.LS. FiLICALES. NAME. Gleichenia dichotoma Willd. Hymenophyllum emersum Baker H. polyanthos Sw. | Pteris quadriaurita Retz. Asplenium vagans Baker A. (Anisogonium) decussatum Sw. Nephrodium (Lastrea) subquinquefida Hook. var. securidiforme Hook. N. (Lastrea) albopunctatum Desv. Nephrolepis exaltata Schott N. ramosa Moore Polypodium (Dictyopteris) sparsi- florum Hook. P. (Phymatodes) lycopodioides L. Antrophyum Mannianum Hook. Acrostichum (Stenochlsena) sorbifo- lium L. A. (Chrysodium) Heudelotii Hook. Lygodium Smithianum Presl (L. pin- natifidum Baker) Platycerium stemaria Desv. Marattia fraxinea Smith i Azolla pinnata R. Br. (River Benue; North Cameroons) DISTRIBUTION. Tropics and sub-tropics. East African islands ; Ceylon. Tropical Africa and America. Tropics and sub-tropics. St. Thomas Is. ; Madagascar. Tropies of the Old World. Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa; Mascarene Is.; Amboyna; Fiji. Tropics. Tropics of the Old World. West Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa and America. Tropical Africa. Tropics. Tropical Africa. West Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa; Madagascar. Asia; Africa; Tropical Australia. Tropical Asia and Africa; Aus- tralia. LYCOPODIALES. Lycopodium gnidioides Linn. fil. South Africa; Mascarene Is. MOSSES. NAME. Macromitrium levatum Mitt. Pilotrichella sordido-viridis C. Muell. By Antony GEPP. DISTRIBUTION. Cameroons. Cameroons. 152 SOUTH NIGERIAN PLANTS FUNGI. * By J. RAMSBOTTOM. ASCOMYCETES. NAME. DISCOMYCETES Trichoscypha Hindsii Berk. PYRENOMYCETES *Hypoxylon coccineum Bull. DISTRIBUTION. Indo-China; Africa ; Neotropica ; Oceania. Universal. BASIDIOMYCETES. Hymenomycetes. AGARICACEJE *Marasmius ferrugineus Berk, Lentinus velutinus Fr. L. Tuber-regium Fr. *L. pallidus B. & C. Lenzites applanata Fr. POLYPORACEÆ *Polyporus adustus Fr. Fomes rugosus Nees *F. lucidus Fr. Polystictus sacer Fr. P. sacer var. juruensis P. Henn. P. xanthopus Fr. P. flabelliformis Klotzsch *P. carneo-niger Berk. Hexagonia Deschampsii Hariot *Favolus brasiliensis Fr. THELEPHORACEÆ Stereum elegans Mey. S. involutum Klotzsch *S. versicolor Fr. S. lobatum Fr. CLAVARIACER Africa; Neotropica; Oceania. Indo-China; Africa. Indo-China; Africa. Indo-China; Africa. Indo-China; Africa; Neotropica. Universal, Indo-China; Neotropica. Universal. Indo-China; Africa. Neotropica, Indo-China; Africa ; Neotropica ; Oceania. Indo-China; Africa ; Neotropica ; Oceania. Oceania. Indo-China. Indo-China; Nearctica; Neo- tropica ; Africa; Oceania. Indo-China; Africa; ; Neotropica ; Oceania. Africa. Africa; Nearctica; Neotropica ; Oceania. Indo-China; Nearctica; Neo- tropica. *Lachnocladium semivestitum B. & C. Nearctica. * Species thus indicated Sante included in a previous consignment which was worked out at Kew by Miss E. M. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED 153 Gasteromycetes. NAME. DISTRIBUTION. Dictyophora phalloidea Desv. Indo-China; Africa ; Neotropica ; Oceania. Geaster fimbriatus Fr. Universal. HYPHOMYCETES. STILBACEJE Gibellula phialobasia Penz. & Sacc. Indo-China. LICHENS. By Miss A. Lorrain SMITH, F.L.S. NAME. DISTRIBUTION. COLLEMACE/E Leptogium bullatum Nyl. — Oceania; Neotropica. USNEACEÆ Usnea angulata Ach.subsp. Niaji Peak, 2000 ft. goniodes Wain. U. articulata Hoffm. Niaji Peak, 2000 ft. & 3000 ft. U. arthroclada Fée subsp. Nkami, 2000 ft. arthrocladodes Wain. | U. dasypoga Fr. U. florida Hoffm. Niaji Hill. do. var. australis Wain. Niaji Peak, 2000 ft. U. rigida Wain. Niaji Peak, 2000 ft. Ramalina calicaris Fr. var. iyu PARMELIACEZE Parmelia Hildebrandtii Krempelh. P. melanothrix Wain. P. olivetorum var. esore- diata Wain. P. latissima Fée Nkami. Nkami, 500 ft. Nkami, 500 ft. P. relicina Fr. Niaji Peak, 2000 ft. PHYSCIACEÆ Physcia leucomela Mich. CÆNOGONIACEÆ Cenogonium Linkii nb. PYRENULACEJE Pyrenula gibberosa Wain. Niaji Peak, 3000 ft. Palearctica; Africa; Neotropica. Africa; Oceania; Neo- tropica. Africa. Universal. Universal. Oceania; Africa. Africa. Universal. Africa. Africa; Neotropica. Africa. Africa ; Neotro- Palearctica ; Oceania ; INDEX (Names in the systematic list are not included) ACANTHACE 73 Acanthus Dusenii Clarke 74 Acioa Talbotii Bak. fil. 99 Adhatoda auriculata S. Moore 87 Buchholzii S. Moore 74 Aframomum cereum Hook. fil. 111 citratum Pereira 111 sceptrum K. Schum. 110 AFROHAMELIA Wernham 43 bracteata Wernham 44 Afromendoncia iodioides S. Moore 74 | ALPHONSEOPSIS Bak. fil. 2 parviflora Bak. fil. 3 Alsodeia crassifolia Bak. fil. 6 obanensis Bak. fil. 6 Talbotii Bak. fil. 7 AMAURIELLA Rendle 115 obanensis Rendle 115 Amorphophalus accrensis N. E. Br. ÅNACARDIACEÆ 22 Anchomanes nigritianus Rendle 114 ers angustipetalum Rendle brunneo-maculatum Rendle 105 clavatum Schlechter 107 Dorothee Rendle 107 Egertonii Rendle 107 . multinominatum Rendle 107 muriculatum Rendle 105 obanense Rendle 104 Straussii Schlechter 106 Talbotii Rendle 108 Angylocalyx oligophyllus Bak. fil. 96 trifoliolatus Bak. fil. 27 ÅNONACEÆ 1 oe microphylla Wernham obanensis Wernham 67 Talbotii Wernham 68 ACE 58 Aporrhiza Talbotii Bak. fil. 20 CEÆ 114 Aristolochia Talbotii S. Moore 93 tenuicauda S. Moore 94 tribrachiata S. Moore 92 STOLOCHIACE 92 ASCLEPIADACEJE 63 . Asystasia dryadum S. Moore 87 Balanites egyptiaca Del. 17 Baphia leptobotrys Harms 26 Baphia obanensis Bak. fil. 25 orbiculata Bak. fil. 25 Barleria bornuensis S. Moore 85 Talbotii S. Moore 86 Batesanthus Talbotii S. Moore 63 Berlinia Craibiana Bak. fil. 27 Bersama lobulata Sprague d Hutchins. 91 Brillantaisia Talbotii S. Moore 75 Bulbophyllum Amaury: Rendle 101 Buntingii Rendle 99 Dorothex Rendle 100 nigritianum Rendle 99 obanense Rendle 101 Talbotii Rendle 100 | Carpodinus oxyanthoides Wernham 61 Talbotii Wernham 61 violacea K. Schum. 58 CELASTRACEÆ 19 $ Centaurea Perrottetii DC. 57 Cephaëlis Mannii Hiern 39 Ceropegia anceps S. Moore 66 Talbotii S. Moore 65 CHAILLETIACES 19 Chlorophytum Talbotii Rendle 113 Ohytranthus macrophyllus Gilg 19 Cleistopholis albida Engl. d Diels 3 Clerodendron obanense Wernham 91 Talbotii Wernham 90 Clitandra longituba Wernham 60 Talbotii Wernham 60 Coffea subcordata Hiern 39 Talbotii Wernham 52 Cola arcuata Bak. fil. 10 argentea Masters 12 Buntingii Bak. fil. 12 cauliflora Masters 13 crispiflora K. Schum. 12 digitata Masters 13 ignii De Wild. 13 igas Bak. fil. 10, 18 fateriiia i Schum. 13 lepidota K. Schum. 12 pachycarpa K. Schum. 13 ulcherrima Engl. 13 Quinfasil Engl. 13 rostrata K. Schum. 13 schizandra Bak. fil. 13 Talbotii Bak. fil. 11, 12 COMBRETACEÆ 38 x 156 Combretum paueinervium Engl. & Diels 38 COMMELINACEÆ 113 COMPOSITÆ 56 CONNARACER 24 CONVOLVULACEE 72 Costus pauciflorus K. Schum. 111 Talbotii Ridl. 111 OnATERANTHUS Bak. fil. 35 Talbotii Bak. fil. 36 Craterispermum aristatum Wern- ham 51 Cremaspora glabra Wernham 48 Talbotii Wernham 49 Thomsoni Hiern 39 Crossandra elatior S. Moore 79 Talbotii S. Moore 78 Crossandrella Dusenii S, Moore 74 laxispicata Clarke 74 Crotalaria Parsonsii Bak. fil. 24 OvPERACEZ 116 DENNETTIA Bak. fil. 5 tripetala Bak. fil. 5 Dichapetalum Thomsonii Engl. 19 Dicliptera obanensis S. Moore 90 DIOSCOREACEÆ 119 Dioscorea polyantha Rendle 119 Diospyros Talbotii Wernham 57 DIPLOSPOROPSIS Wernham 47 coffeoides Wernham 41 Talbotii Wernham 47 Dischistocalyx obanensis S. Moore 77 . ruellioides S. Moore 76 Dissotis Talbotii Bak. fil. 36 DOROTHEA Wernham 46 Talbotii Wernham 46 Dracæna Talbotii Rendle 112 tes obanensis S. Moore 97 Talbotii S. Moore 97 Duvernoia Buchholzii Lindau 74 EBENACER 57 Eugenia obanensis Bak. fil. 30 EvPHOoRBIACEZX 97 Funai 117 Garcinia Mannii Oliv. 8 GERANIACER 16 GLOBULOSTYLIS Wernham 49 minor Wernham 50 Talbotii Wernham 50 i Glossolepis Talbotii Bak. fil. 20 GRAMINEÆ 116 Guarea glomerulata Harms 18 nigerica 2. fil. 18 parviflora Bak. fil. 17 GUTTIFERE 7 INDEX Habenaria barrina Ridl. 110 Buntingii Rendle 109 procera Lindl. 98 thomana Reichb. f. 110 Halopegia azurea K. Schum. 111 Hexalobus monopetalus Engl. & Diels 5 Hibiscus grewioides Bak. fil. 9 Hypoestes Talbotie S. Moore 88 Impatiens Talbotii Bak. fil. 17 Ixora obanensis Wernham 51 Talbotii Wernham 51 Jasminum Talbotii Wernham 58 Justicia nigerica S. Moore 81 Talbotii S. Moore 83 tenuipes S. Moore 82 thyrsiflora S. Moore 84 Landolphia Stapfiana Wernham 50 stipulosa S. Moore 59 Talbotii Wernham 60 Lankesteria thyrsoidea S. Moore 77 Lasianthus Mannii Wernham 56 LAURINEU 94 LEGUMINOSÆ 24 à Lentinus Cyathus B. d Br. 119 flavidus Massee 119 ` scleroticola Murr. 119 Tuber-regium Fr. 117 Woermanni Cohn d Schroet. 119 LinríAcEz 112 Listrostachys clavata Rendle 107 LOGANIACEE 66 Macrolobium demonstrans Oliv. 28 leptorrhachis Harms 29 obanense Bak. fil. 28 MALVACEÆ 9 MzrasTOMACEZ 36 Memecylon applanatum Bak. fil. 37 obanense Bak. fil. 37 Zenkeri Gilg 38 MELIACEÆ 17 Merremia pes-draconis Hall. f. 73 Mostuea angustifolia Wernham 66 Mussenda Afzelioides Wernham 40 MYRTACEÆ 29 Mystacidium clavatum Rolfe 107 Napoleona Alexanderi D. Talbot & Bak. fil. 31, 35 cuspidata Miers 34 Egertonii Bak. fil. 33, 35 Gascoignei Bak. fil. 33, 35 Gossweileri Bak. fil. 32, 35 Heudelotii Juss. 34 imperialis Beauv. 34 INDEX Napoleona Mannii Miers 34 megacarpa Bak. fil. 31, 35 Miersii Hook. fil. 34 parviflora Bak. fil. 30, 34 Talbotii Bak. fil. 32, 35 Vogelii Hook. & Planch. 34 Whitfieldii Lemaire 34 Nephthytis Talbotii Rendle 115 Nothospondias Staudtii Engl. 23 Talbotii S. Moore 23 ORCHIDACEÆ 98 Oubanguia africana Baill. 16 alata Bak. fil. 15 Laurentii De Wild. 16 laurifolia Pierre 16 Pierreana De Wild. 16 Oxalis Talbotii Bak. fil. 16 Pausinystalia Talbotii Wernham 40 Pavetta Talbotii Wernham 52 PEDALINE 73 Pentadesma butyracea Sabine 8 grandifolia Bak. fil. 8 maritima Pierre 8 nigritana Bak. fil. 7, 8 obanensis Bak. fil. 9 Pentadiplandra Brazzeana Baill. 15 Phaylopsis Talbotii S. Moore 78 Physacanthus Talbotii S. Moore 75 Platylepis Talbotii Rendle 109 Pleiocarpa Talbotii Wernham 62 Polystachya Dorothex Rendle 103 nigerica Rendle 103 obanensis Rendle 102 seticaulis Rendle 104 Polystictus sacer Fr. 119 Popowia nigritana Bak. fil. 4 Prevostea nigerica Rendle 72 Pseudoblepharis Dusenii Lindau 74 Psychotria alatipes Wernham 58 Dorothee Wernham 53 Obanensis Wernham 53 potanthera WernAam 54 Talbotii Wernham 54 viticoides Wernham 54 Randia immanifolia Wernham 45 Talbotii Wernham 45 : ROSACEÆ 29 RUBIACEÆ 39 Rungia dimorpha S. Moore 89 Sabicea geophiloides WernAam 41 pedicellata Wernham 42 Talbotii Wernham 48 xanthotricha Wernham 42 Salacia Talbotii Bak. fil. 19 157 SaPINDACE 19 Seaphopetalum parvifolium Bak. l. 14 Talbotii Bak. fil. 14 Schizocola Bak. fil. 13 SCYPHOSTRYCHNOS S. Moore T1 Talbotii S. Moore T1 Secamone conostyla S. Moore 64 Sesamum Talbotii Wernham 73 SIMARUBACEJE 17 Siphonoglossa Macleodie S. Moore 84 Sophora oligophylla Baker 26 Spheranthus Talbotii S. Moore 56 Spiropetalum liberosepalum Bak. i. 24 STERCULIACEE 10 Strychnos memecyloides S. Moore 69 pansa S. Moore 68 pusilliflora S. Moore 70 Talbotie S. Moore 69 TALBOTIA S. Moore 80 radicans S. Moore 80 Tarenna baconoides Wernham 44 Talbotii Wernham 44 TILIACEÆ 15 Tricalysia pleiomera Hutchins. 48 Trichoscypha longipetala Bak. fil. 22 Talbotii Bak. fil. 22 Trichostachys Krausiana Wernham 55 Talbotii Wernham 55 Tylostemon foliosus S. Moore 96 myrciefolius S. Moore 95 Talbotie S. Moore 94 Uncaria Talbotii Wernham 40 Unona obanensis Bak. fil. 4 Urophyllum Talbotii Wernham 41 Uvaria anonoides Bak. fil. 2 latifolia Engl. € Diels 2 obanensis Bak. fil. 1 ; Uvariastrum Zenkeri Engl. Diels 3 Vahadenia Talbotii Wernham 58 Vangueria argentea Wernham 49 Vanilla nigerica Rendle 108 VERBENACEE 90 — : Vernonia frondosa Oliv. & Hiern 56 m Voacanga magnifolia Wernham 62 obanensis Wernham 62 Talbotii Wernham 63 ZINGIBERACE 110 : PLATE PLATE PLATE PLATE ee * PLATE PLATE PLATE PLATE a PS} PLATE Prats 10. Prats 11. PLATE 12. Prats 18. Prats 14. PLATE 15. PLATE 16. PLATE 17. LIST OF PLATES Alphonseopsis parviflora Bak. fil. Dennettia tripetala Bak. fil. 1-4, Cola gigas Bak. fil. ; 5, C. schizandra Bak. fil. 1, 2, Napoleona Talbotii Bak. fil.; 3, 4, N. Egertonii Bak. fil. Crateranthus Talbotii Bak. fil. Afrohamelia bracteata Wernham, Dorothea Talbotii Wernham. Diplosporopsis coffeoides Wernham. Globulostylis Talbotii Wernham. Scyphostrychnos Talbotii S. Moore. 1-6, Talbotia radicans S. Moore; 7, Aristolochia Talbotii S. Moore. 1-8, Bulbophyllum Buntingii Rendle; 4, 5, B. nigritianum Rendle ; 6, 7, B. Talbotii Rendle; 8, B. Dorothee Rendle; .9, 10, B. obanense Rendle ; 11, 12, B. Amaurye Rendle. 1, 2, Polystachya obanensis Rendle; 8,4, P. Dorothex Rendle ; 5-9, P. nigerica Rendle; 10-12, P. seticaulis Rendle. 1, 2, Angrecum obanense Rendle; 3-5, A. muriculatum Rendle ; 6-9, A. brunneo-maculatum Rendle; 10-12, A. angus- tipetalum Rendle. 1, 2,Angrecum Egertonii Rendle; 3-5, A. Dorothee Rendle ; 6, 7, A. Talbotii Rendle; 8, 9, Platylepis Talbotii Rendle; 10, 11, Habenaria Buntingii Rendle. Amauriella obanensis Rendle. Lentinus Tuber-regium Fr. PUE South Nigerian Plants Plate ı Alphonseopsis parviflora Bak. fil. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Dennettia tripetala Bak. fil. l. Portion of branch, natural size. 2. Calyx and receptacle, natural size. 3. Flower after removal of perianth x 2. 4. Stamen x 8. 5. Carpel x 8. 6. Carpel eut lengthwise, shewing ovules, x 8. South Nigerian Plants Plate 2 Dennettia tripetala Bak. fil. LI EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Cola gigas Bak. fil. l. Leaf x }. 2. Flower and young flower-buds springing from stem, natural size. (From a drawing by Mrs. Talbot.) 3. Base of male flower laid open, shewing synandrium. 4. Base of female flower laid open, shewing carpels, * 2. Cola schizandra Bak. fil. 5. Flower x 2. Plate 3 South Nigerian Plants Bak. fil; 5, C. schizandra Bak. fil. gigas 14, Cola EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Napoleona Talbotii Bak. fil. l. End of leaf-branch x 4. ; 2. Portion of stem shewing flower and fruit, natural size. (From a drawing by Mrs. Talbot.) Napoleona Egertonii Bak. fil. 3. End of leaf-branch x 3 4. Inflorescence, natural size. South Nigerian Plants : Plate 4 I, 2, Napoleona Talbotii Bak. fiL; 3, 4, N. Egertonii Bak. fil. - oo eT EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Crateranthus Talbotii Bak. fil. . Portion of branch x 1. Calyx x 1. Section shewing insertion of stamens, natural size. Stamen x 5. . Section of ovary, natural size. . Fruit x 1. Plate 5 Plants igerian . South N : $ E | E E Š QD OO DO Fe EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Afrohamelia bracteata Wernham - Portion of plant x 2. . Flower-bud x 2. . Flower x 2. Flower in longitudinal section x 2. Ovary in transverse section x 8. - Fruit, natural size. Plate 6 South Nigerian Plants af | EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Plate 7 Plants igerian South N Dorothea Talbotii Wernham OUH wm — EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Diplosporopsis coffeoides Wernham . Portion of plant x 4. . Flower-bud x 2. . Flower in longitudinal section x 2. . Ovary in longitudinal section x 10. . Ovary in transverse section x 10. Plate 8 South Nigerian Plants om wre EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Globulostylis Talbotii Wernham . Portion of plant, natural size. . Flower-bud x 2. . Flower-bud in longitudinal section x 4. Flower x 2. Ovary in transverse section x 6. Style x 3, shewing the globe, a. South Nigerian Plants Plate 9 m A t A Globulostylis Talbotii Wernham i * v Plate ro South Nigerian Plants iaa aono c: . ee nines Scyphostrychnos Talbotii S. Moore euro Ne EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Talbotia radicans S. Moore . Portion of plant, natural size. . Bract with bracteoles etc. seen from the axial side x 3. . Corolla opened lengthwise x 21. . A two-celled and a one-celled anther x 8. . Pollen-grains x 150. Ovary shewing one of the cells opened longi- tudinally x 10. Aristolochia Talbotii S. Moore . Flower, natural size. Plate 11 South Nigerian Plants ia radicans S. Moore — 7. Aristolochia Talbotii S. Moore 1—6, T: EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Bulbophyllum Buntingii Rendle . Flower x 8. . Lip viewed from above x 16. Lip viewed from the side x 16. goo Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle . Foot of column with lip viewed from the side x 16. . Same viewed from above x 16, oe Bulbophyllum Talbotii Rendle 6 Flower x 8. 7. Petal x 16, Bulbophyllum Dorotheae Rendle 8. Flower x 8. Bulbophyllum obanense Rendle 9. Flower x 8. 10. Lip viewed from above x 10. Bulbophyllum Amauryae Rendle 11. Portion of plant, natural size. 12. Flower x 8. South Nigerian Plants Plate ı2 Bulbophyllum species EXPLANATION OF PLATE 13 Polystachya obanensis Rendle 1. Inflorescence, natural size. 2. Lip x 4. Polystachya Dorotheae Rendle 3. Flower x 2. 4. Lip x 4. Polystachya nigerica Rendle 5. Plant, natural size. 6. Flower x 4. 7. Lip viewed from above x 10. 8, 9. Side views of lip x 10. Polystachya seticaulis Rendle 10. Plant, natural size. 1l. Flower x 8. 12. Lip x 10. South Nigerian Plants Plate 13 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 Angraecum obanense Rendle 1. Leaf, natural size. 2. Flower x 5. Angraecum muriculatum Rendle . Portion of shoot, natural size. . Flower, natural size. . Portion of flower shewing dorsal sepal, lip and column x 4. CU o Angraecum brunneo-maculatum Rendle . Portion of plant, natural size. . Flower x 5. . Pollinium x 8. . Anther x 8. OOND Angraecum angustipetalum Rendle 10. Portion of shoot, natural size. 11. Lip and spur, side view, natural size. 12. Lip, front view, natural size. Plate 14 South Nigerian Plants LU EUR BAR. N od EXPLANATION OF PLATE 15 Angraecum Egertonii Rendle . Portion of plant, natural size. . Flower x 2. noe Angraecum Dorotheae Rendle . Leaf and flower-spike, natural size. . Flower x 2. «Hp x 4, om IO Angraecum Talbotii Rendle . Plant, natural size. . Flower x 10. “I C» Platylepis Talbotii Rendle 8. Flower after removal of one lateral sepal x 4. 9. Lip viewed from above x 4. Habenaria Buntingii Rendle 10. Flower x 2. li. Column x 8. South Nigerian Plants Plate ı5 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16 Amauriella obanensis Rendle Leaf x 1. Inflorescence, natural size. Spadix x 2. Two male flowers viewed from side x 16. Same seen from above x 16. Pistil viewed from side x 16. Pistil cut lengthwise x 16. . Pistil eut transversely x 16. . Pistil viewed from above x 16. . Ovules x 32. Pear ew EI ee South Nigerian Plants Plate 16 ~ Amauriella Talbotii Rendle _ EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17 Lentinus Tuber-regium Fr. l. Section of sclerotium with developing sporophores x 4 2. Sporophores at later stage x 1. 3. Pileus reversed to shew squamules x 1. 4. Sclerotium with one large and eight small sporophores x 1. South Nigerian Plants Plate 17 Lentinus Tuber-regium Fr.