rah 4 “sous nono oF. DRIED PLANTS MADE BY ae. a. SEES PORT TRION, AND VICINITY, CALIFORNIA, NEAR BASS Ms: AND LONG. 119,9 1857-8. ‘BY asa GRAY, M.D. peck orerao a 14, ony re ad Aacere: Don. ora, Gray. oliolis 4 Hack Sete Benth.. a, Nuit, petalis 2 if Cercocarpus S essiibed at. us exfue priesertim 27. (nothera | biennis, Z. var,” | igs? {4 3. u wail ing ne (var. oi — cy id = ¢ jarkia nt on: Clarkia yada sa nov.) : age linearibus Ben ashi ate positian ibis ‘his itighisl Clarkia Solehells ap goto ma, Spach.) elegans ; the: foliage (which, with the | - flower-buda, is minutely ok Gane an re-~ P e middle © claw is toothless; while the blossoms are racemosely disposed the simple stem or branches as in C. elegans, in bud strongly drooping. There are no seales at the base ae the fila- ments; but the throat of the short funnel-form tube of the calyx is evenly and densely bearded with villous hairs. Petals purple lade. Capsules rather slender, uschneria C; Sway Preal., um, Mahl. 34. Mentzelia albic ite, Ds wgi. 85. Mesarrhiza Calif bre 36. Cicuta maculata, 37. Berula angnstiioli i ‘ 38. Edosmia Gairdneri, Vui/. 89. Peucedanum utriealatira, Nutt. 40. Galium boreale, L. re Erigeron Doug!asii, To rr. fray. oe 43. Leptosyne Douglasii, DC. 44. Helianthus lenticularis, Dewal. + enactis clabriuscula, YC. var megacephala,. Gray, in Fl W hipp!, 46. Bu rrielia gracilis, D¢ 47. Bahia eiae De ; -or pink, often with a deeper-colored spot toward the’ base of the b sessile, or the lowest subsessile. 48. oe ‘ade sey oa as Si 9, \T 1 DC. 40, Lavia “gaillartiotder) dibok. G Arn. appo aibo; foltis pinnatif- iis, i =. corymbosa, DC. 52. Achillea Millefolinm, L. 5% Senecio Deu iglasii, DC. 64 Sonchns asper, Vill. 55. Calnis Hnearifolta, DC. 56. Macrorliynchus grandifloras, Vutt. 57.. Arete ; et are larger, less lobed, more amplexicaul, (and most of em really perfoliate,) and the angles or lobes less hrcA ned in ©. (Mucronea, Benth.) Californica ; ag four teeth of the involucre also tipped with a shorter awn, not mide the latter, especially the three inner ones, conspicuously fimb: ate-laciniate. Otherwise this plant closely resembles Beciiou's M * Chorizanthe merely in the laxer inflorescence. _ ine, stamens,) i is an intersting tins plainly connecting Lastar- ing the perigonium when that is fully vera the divisions * the tl Te a gil does not be’ong Remy’s C. commissuralis, which © from true ria, Bemy, with the other Eriogoneous genera. The verticil- : _