cal. Flora; or, "anda of thie. Medical of the United States of. North. 3 r 100 — Full-Page - W 2 % printed in Green. 2 vols., m E bota sheep (worn), | Phi 1828-30. FIRST. EDITION. MEDICAL FLORA; OR, B MANUAL (| : MEDICAL BO ANY b T UNIDAD à peus y | NORTE 4 e RICA. CONTAIN a CAL PLANTS, WITH THEIR - NAN] ALITIES, PROPERTIES, _ Msrory, &e.: AND NOTES ARES. om. NEARLY 500 EqUIVAL: IN TWQ xL S. d CE qund A VOL P. E FIRST, WITH 52 PLATES. Medical: Plants ace éobigfand. Medicines prepared by the hands of ~~ = ee rho ziiwne $c. —Med. Princ. 31. A SELECTION OF ABOVE 100 FIGUR ij 3r DESCRIPTIONS OF MEDI- e Natural History, &c. in l'ran «iai caa Insütute of. PHILADELPHIA: Euro awp FUpuSRE ay ATEINSON & ALERAIDER, IR, No, 112 ‘Street, L0 : BE IT REMEMBFRED, that on the eleventh day of. Januaty, i in the fifty-second year of the Independence ‘of the United States of America, A: D. 1828, Atkinson “and Alexander of the said District, have deposited ia this office the Title of a Book the right whereof they » claim as de ai in the words following, to wit: at Medica Five: or, Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States see E America. Containing 4.selection of above one hundred figures and descriptions of medical plants, with their names, qualities, properties, history, &e.: and notes or * pI on nearly five hundred equivalent substitutes.—In two volumes. Volume the first, A——. » fifty-two Plates. Medical F lants are compound ‘medicinés prepared by the hase of f Katare, &e. "E rinc. 31. of B S idi His- e Franklia Institute of 7 BOS, Rafinesque, A. M.—Ph. tory, Kc. in Tran - A Philadelphia, ke. r sal Societies of-Cineinnati and Es Lu ion—the Philos and Lyceum gf New York—the Acad. of - . of Philadelphia—the Amer. Anta TES Kentucky In- e m d Bed E bare aie Amp. do at. Cur. Soc. of Bonn.— E Economica! ienna—the talian Inst.—the R. Inst. of DN. of Naples, &c. &e. &c. b ... In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled, An Act for the Encouragement of Learninz, by sccuring the copies of : Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Propriétors of such Copies, the times therein mentioned”—And Al so to aA ét, “An Act ron po entary to an Act, entitled,“ Am A Learning, by Eee the Copies o oos to the Authors and P. ;thereia mentioned," and exten + DR. SHORT, pen of Materia et e ES INTRODUCTION. 4. Tue Science of Botany was at all times intimately connected with medical kuowledge. 2. Several ancient nations, such as the Gre- cians, Romans, Hindoos, Chinese, &c. consi- dered Medical Botany as equivalent to both botanical and medical knowledge. - Be 3. Medicine was then, and is still among - rude nations, nothing more than the application of an empirical knowledge of vegetable sub- stances. : 4. Thence the usual vulgar division of Plants, into the five great Classes of ALIMENTS, SIM- PLES, Poisons, FLowrns and Weeps, or ali. _ mentary, medical, poisonous, ornamental and - useless: el — 5 009 OM MINI T NE -5. At the revival of learning in Europe, this notion being general, the first work . were of course mere sketches of M - tany, and comments on Grecian or Roma ters. cus PNIS cuit dE d _ 6. When Tournefort and Linneus, | ibou century ago, became botanieal reformers li INTRODUCTION. 7. Linnzus in his Materia Medica, gave a model of systematical Medical Botany, equally concise, perspicuous and accurate; but desti- tute of the help of figures. 8. This model was followed by Schoepf in his Materia Medica of North America, the first general work on our medical plants, pub- lished in Germany and in Latin towards 1787. This small work of Schoepf has never been translated nor republished in America, although highly deserving of it. j 9. When America was settled, the native - tribes were in possession of many valuable ve- getable remedies, discovered by long experi- ence, the knowledge of which they gradually imparted to their neighbours. 10. This knowledge partly adopted even as far as Europe, and partly rejected by medical skepticks, became scattered through our country in the hands of country practitioners, Herba- lists, Empiries and Botanists. : 11. Schoepf collected his materials from them, and noticed about three hundred and sixty plants as medical; but he did not go every where, nor exhaust the subject, since nearly double that number are aetually in common use in different States of the Union. t corr ae _ 13. Since the United States have become an _ independent and flourishing nation, much has - een done to teach and spread correct medical - Auówiedgk^ ces > | — 43. The establishment of Me Chairs of Materia. Medica, ..— Systematical Botany, . Gardens, Infirmaries, dieal Schools, of Medical and — Medical and E Hospitals, have largel INTRODUCTION. 111 contributed to impart Medical and Botanical knowledge, through the professional class. 14. This purpose has been aided by nume- rous publications of learned Physicians and Botanists, Medical Works, Pamphlets and Journals, Pharmacopeias, Dispensatories, In- augural Theses, &e. 45. Notwithstanding all these means, it is a positive and deplorable fact, that but few medi- eal practitioners, apply themselves to the Study of Botany, and therefore are deprived of the aid of comparative Medical Botany. | 16. It is not less certain, but still more de- plorable that beyond the immediate sphere of medical knowledge, the majority of the people are yet in prey to medical credulity, supersti- tion and delusions, in which they are confirmed by the repeated failures of Theorists, and the occasional success of Empirical Rivals. 17. Even in large cities and in the centre of - medical light, Empirics are thriving, because - they avail themselves of the resources afforded by active plants, often neglected or unknown to the regular practitioners. 48. It is not perhaps so well known that there are in this Age and in the United States, Ame- rican Marabouts who like the Marabouts of the wilds of Africa, attempt in some remote — places, to cure diseases by charms, prayers, blowing, spitting, &e. 2 — 49. lt is therefore needful to spread still © her correct medical knowledge; and the state of medical science is such in the Unitet States, as to require a greater diffusion of i == INTRODUCTION. acquired knowledge, aided by freedom of en- . quiry, liberal views, and mutual forbearance. 20. The practice of medicine is now exer- cised in the United States by three.sets of men or Classes of Practitioners. 1, The RATIONALS, 2, the Theorists, and 3. the Empirics. 21. The RarionaL medical men are liberal and modest, learned or well informed, neither intolerant nor deceitful, and ready to: learn or impart information., They -comprise the fm- ers, Eclectics, and Egxperimentalists. 22. The Improvers study nature and the hu- man frame, write their observations, and im- prove medical knowledge. 23. The Eelectics are those who select and adopt in practice, whatever is found most bene- ficial, and who change their prescriptions ac- omini ie suergenciesg circumstances and ac- quired knowledge 24. While the Experimentalists are those E are directed by experience and experi- ments, observations, dissections and facts. 25. But the Tueorists are often illiberal, intolerant, proud and conceited; they follow a peculiar theor y and mode of d with- | deviation, UR Ms but fow; veg ble 1 , They a d dE oe many Sects, ad 2 WES we war - among temscives and their rivals: T Such are esl n i Galenists, Mesme- 2 Tian8, - Chemicalists, eive d = eo d urnas are commonly id | e deceitful and reserved : they follow « = INTRODUCTION. Y secret or absurd mode of practice, or deal in patent remedies. 28. They include the Herbalists, vulgarly called Zndian or Hoot Doctors, and the Steam Doctors, who follow the old practice of the na- tives, the Quacks or dealers in Nostrums, the Patent Doctors, the Prescribers of receipts, the Marabouts, &c. 29. All these classes need instruction on the natural knowledge of medical substances, and it ought to be afforded to them, that they may become properly acquainted with those which they employ or may avail themselves of. 30. Medical Sciences have lately been widely enlarged, by borrowing the help of all the Na- tural Sciences; and the enlightened physicians begin to avail themselves of all the materials they can command, rendering all the Sciences subservient or auxiliaries to their pursuits. 31. By Botany, the great majority of medi- eal Substances are ascertained and become available: while the study of natural affinities enables to detect and compare botanical and medical Equivalents. — 32. Medical Botany teaching to know and appreciate the greatest number of articles em- ployed in Materia Medica, is become indispen- sable to the enlightened physician. 33. Vegetable Chemistry analyses vegetable substances, discovers their active principles, re- lative medical value, and ascertains the equi- — — valent or incompatible substances. DE 34. Even Pharmacy is become a science the aid of Botany and Chemistry. Druggists - and Pharmacians who sell vegetable Articles or _ > ; A 2 ee vi INTRODUCTION. Drugs ought to be botanically acquainted with them, so as to distinguish the genuine kinds, and detect the frauds or blunders of the collec- . tors and: herbalists. : 35. Works on Medical Bétaiy are of two — kinds, with or without figures. This last kind includes all the JMateria Medicas, Dispensa- tories, Pharmacologies, Pharmacopeias, Ke. which try to convey the knowledge of c Substances by mere descriptions. - y 36. The other kind, and the most pen em- E ploy, Iconography or figures, besides descrip- tive references, to give a complete knowledge ‘of the officinal plants: such are the Herbals, Medical Botanies, Medical Floras, Ke. 37. A Critical List shall be given of such Works or Essays relating to our Plants, which have been consulted: but the three principal works with figures, deserve perhaps a separate notice, [ . 88. Bigelow and W. Barton published some yerrs ago, and towards the same time, two vo- luminous and expensive Works on Medical Botany. Barton's Work in two volumes quarto, €ontains only fifty plants and figures, and — low's sixty i in three volumes quarto. - 3 39. Several plants are described and figured - | la both wo ducing the total number ae : pla en to about eighty, for which the price is about forty dollars or half a dollar | for every plant. - : 40. These imperfect and costly mote: have | ‘each. their. merit, -and although not free mc : .. errors and omissions, are useful assi stants to those who can afford to — them. Bigelow INTRODUCTION. Vii is the most learned, acenrate and useful, while Barton’s has often the best figures. | 41. Itis to be regretted that these authors by following the expensive plan of Weoodville’s Medical Botany have lessened their utility and public circulation. —. 42. Some years before the above publications, a herbalist or spurious Botanist, Samuel Henry, printed in New York, 1814, à Medical Herbal, . eomprising in one ocíavo volume of five dollars, about one hundred sixty medical plants, with . small fictitious figures. : 43. This Work is merely mentioned here to warn against it, It is a worthless book, with incorrect names, wrong descriptions, erroneous indications,*and figures mostly fictitious or misapplied. It is of no medical nor botanical account; yet it contains some of the Empirieal concealed knowledge, available in a few in- stances. es 44, Works of general utility ought to be ae- curate, complete, portable and cheap. Such alone ean spread the required correct know- ledge, and suit every elass of readers. T -— 45. The popular knowledge of the natural sciences has been prevented in the "United States, by the first works published on them having followed the model of the splendid Eu. ropean publications intended for the wealthy or public libraries. ge o: ~ 46. It is time that we should return to the pristine Linnean simplicity, and by the addition of cheap but correct figures of objects, engrar on copper, zine, pewter, stone or wood, to the eyes as well as the mind. — viii INTRODUCTION. 47. Such is the aim of the aetual work, which is intended as a portable manual of Medical Botany, for the daily use of medical Students, Physicians, Druggisis, Pharmacians, Chemists, Botanists, Florists, Herbalists, Collectors of herbs, heads of families, Infirmaries, &c. 48, It was many years in contemplation, and publicly proposed ever since 1816. It is now offered to the public, as + humble attempt to render one of the popular branches of medical and natural science, attainable and available by all. 49. The author has been collecting his mate- rials for many years, while travelling through fourteen states of the Union, and lecturing on medical plants in Transylvania University. 50. His qualifications for the task result from fifteen years of botanical and medical obser- vations and researches, and 8000 miles of bo- tanical travels, wherein he diligently enquired and elicited from the learned and the illiterate, the result of their practical experience. 51. Hehas never despised knowledge because imparted by an uncouth month, and has often made experiments on himself and others to test peculiar facts. — 52. Several Physieians and Botanists in Phi- ladelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Wil- nington, Winchester, Alexandria, Bethlehem, Pittsburg, Wheeling, - Lexington, Bowling- . green, Sandusky, &c. have at different times communicated to him additional facts, or con- firmed the properties of some plants, ny _ 53. He feels particularly indebted to the ob- liging kindness of several friends for many im- INTRODUCTION. ix portant facts or valuable communications, for which he feels happy to tender this public tes- timony of gratitude. —- 54. They are Dr. Mease, and Z. Collins. of Philadelphia. . | Drs. Short and Brown of Lexington. oi - Dr. Eoff of Wheeling. a, - Dr. Muller of New Harmony. Dr. Drake of Cincinnati. Dr. Crockett of Frankfort. Dr. Graham of Harrodsburg. Dr. Mac Williams of Washington City. Dr. Hales of Troy. : — Dr. Lawrence of New Lebanon. | Drs. L. Beck and Tully of Albany. _ Drs. Mitehell and Torre of New York : nearly six -hundred medical m ve “actually known and used as such igthe United States. many of which are merely medical equivalents. 56. ‘This number being too great for the pur- pose of a manual, one hundred and five of the most „active and: efficient medical Tyres have el d, figured and described. 57. The ot ers have been referred to these as f@ahstitutes or succedanea, when they possess nearly the same ostensible qualities and pro- - pertes. In fact they are mostly used for each other throughout the country. 58. Those selected include all the species-of Bigelow and W. Barton, with twenty-five addi. — tional species. It had been advised to reduce _ the whole number to fifty activ plants; —— luction would have left out x: INTRODUCTION. luable plants and not offered a sufficient quan- tity of generic ''vPEs or typical Equivalents. 59. When a Genus contains several medical species, only one is figured, unless their pro- perties are quite different, and the others are mentioned with some remarks as equivalent substitutes. The plants of genera not figured are inserted in the general table or appendix. 60. The Botanical alphabetic order has been © adopted, as the most easy, obvious and service- | able, since no scientific arrangement could have been equally available. 61. The medical arrangements are as nume- rous as the writers on Materia Medica. Every plant haviug commonly many properties, cannot be elassed into any definite medical order, but should belong to several at the same time. | . 62. The defective and indelieate sexual sys- tem of Linnzus is now too obsolete for the state of the science. | 63. The natural method would have been — preferred, if the novelty of the attempt had not — been anticipated as an obstacle to practical use. 64. Most of the figures have been drawn by the author, and a few reduced. from Bigelow or ` Barton; they have been engraved and printed - in a style suited to the assumed purpose, | _ 65. For the sake of perspieuity and conveni- - ence every : is divided into sections, The _ nat € head, and the Botanical name - _ 66. The English, French and German names are given, next the officinal names used jn Pharmacopeias, and last the vu m : l on ramos of the cont, viuis eto common INTRODUCTION. xi most every section or state. When a plant had received several botanical names, the obsolete are given as synonyms. . 67. After the names follow the botanical and medical authorities connected, the generic and specific characters, the complete botanical des- criptions, the locality or native places of growth, with the general history of the genus and spe- cies, forming the botanical sections of each ar- ticle. 68. The medical division contains the sen- sible and chemical qualities of the plant, with the medical properties, including uses, doses and preparations. 69. Equivalent substitutes, and various re- marks conclude the article. The plan of adding- medical substitutes is borrowed from the ex- - cellent French work of Peyrilhe on Medical Natural History. | 70. The knowledge of those medical Equi- valents will be found very useful, when the re- quired plants are not obtainable, while some substitute may perhaps be procured. It fol- lows of eourse that each Equivalent is vice- versa a mutual substitute in most cases: although the plants are seldom identical in power and activity. e A 71. Botanical accuracy has been strictly at- tended to throughout, and all the descriptions are original. To avoid other novelties, but few improvements have been attempted or sugges- ted in nomenclature or criticism. ‘Ihe locali- — ties are however greatly extended. Ep —— 72. In the medical part, brevity has been adopted, without impairing accuracy. All the xii INTRODUCTION. matter of Schoepf and subsequent poa has - been incorporated. ` Nothing essential has been - omitted, but discussions are avoided, and ex- iments merely stated in result. 73. This order and plan has enabled to give co. a complete knowledge of the objects in all their _ botanical, medical, chemical and historical | points of view: while the general principles of | the science are prefixed as prel y guides. - ET if this labour may suit all the ¢ classes of rea and all. those who employ medical. ate e wishes and object of the author will | € ; fulfilled. GENERAL PRINCIPLES or FIRST SECTION—BOTANICAL PRINCIPLES. 1. BOTANY is the science and knowledge of vegetable bodies or plants. 2- A botanical species is formed by the collective association of all the. individual bodies, which have a similar form. cific typical form. wrap Y 4. All the individuals of the same yc have i Mie forms, qualities and properties, but modified in some varieties. 5. The principal branches of Botany, are, Grossoroex, No- MENCLATURE, CLASSIFICATION, DESCRIPTIVE Botany, BorAwicAR uisrory and ParLosoray. ` 6. xüsassetàax gives names or Botanical terms to every Organ EC nts, and to all their modifications of form or structure. .. T. These names must be sought for in special botanical works; it is beyond this scope to notice. them here, except in general. — 8. NOMENCLATURE applies names to every. species, and succes- sive bienes of species, referring their Synonyms to each. > ` . These names derived chiefly from the Latin and Greek ME become universal, and common to all languages and ` nations, 10. Sxrxoxxws are of wo kinds, 1. Erroneous or obsolete botanical ——— Local siie aige reno employed ES by each nation. : 11. Craserricartos teaches how to co-ordinate the species mo —— E ments. 2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 12. GENERA are groups of species having the same essential Organs of fructification or reproduction, and affording the same collective characters in their structure and form. : 13. Onpzrs and Crassrs are successive groups of Genera af fording some similar general cbaracters. Families, Sections, Suhclasses are Divisions of these groups based upon some pecu: - liar considerations, 14. A Mxrrno» studies, seeks and preserves all the natural affinities of plants, grouping togethers: those which have the | greatest resemblance. - e. E t 15. Systems follow a peculiar acy; or are based upon a sin. gle consideration, without attending to natural affinities. f 16. Descriptive Borany gives accurate descriptions of all the © ‘species and their varieties, Genera and Groups of Genera. t 17. These Descriptions consist of two modes or parts l. | Complete Descriptions, 2. Dzrrwrrrows or abridged Descrip- tions, being the analytical epitome of the principal descriptive - 18. Boranicat nisrory includes many details and considera- : tions Comprising the Etymology of names, mode of growth, time 3 wering and seeding, cultivation, collection, discovering, ; 'oduci g» authors who have described plants, their biography, bibliography or knowledge of Botanical Books, criticism, &c.- 19. ‘The Locality of plants is a branch of Botanical history, A h has lately been separated and called Boraxrcar Gzoema- mr: ; it teaches the soils, climates and places where plants grow spontaneously, and also their migratioris, naturalization, &c. 20, BoraxrcAr,PmirosoPmY considers plants under all their. "points of view, which are many ; forming the following rc E 1. Oncaxworocer, studying their org x 2. Madii scs Ft : GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 3 afford the obvious descriptive characters, and form several series according to their vital use, as follows : 22. Nurrrrive Oreans-are the Cotyledons, Roots, Leaves, &c. The Roots are commonly under ground, and the Lzavzs above: while the Corriepons are within the seed. 23. Repropuctiye Oreans which are the 00200 Fruits and Seeds, with the Buds, Bulbs, and Gems. .24, Upon the flowers, fruit and seeds. are chiefly based the generic and other general characters ; being present and conspi ~ cuous in every plant except those of the lowest orders. - 25. The Roots, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruits assume a great variety of shapes, which have all peculiar names, and offer the specific characters and distinctions usually resorted to. | 26. Urnorpixe Oreans such as the stem and branches, the Scapes or leafless radical stems, Petioles, Pedicles, Nerves, &c. . 97. Preservine Oneaxs as the Barks, Cuticles, | 28. CxncviaTIYz Oneans which are the. Woo: Fibres, Vessels, &c. The Woody: Migne are Shrubs. 29. SECRETORY Oreans, such as Glands, Tus Hairs, 30. Accessory Oneans are the thorns, bracteoles, stipules, tendrils, tubercles, down, wool, &c. T 31. Inriorescence is the mode in which the flowers i an and unfolded, filament or support is eA Eh is called 34, The essential parts of the Prerrz are th | GER and the Srrama. The germ is the bud of f the 35. The Germ is usually free and central; but when it is connected or coherent with the perigone, it is called adherent o£. inferior, and the perigone becomes symphogyne or. | 36. The Strama isa pore, gland or pe ed bing, moving, vital, nutritive, reproductive, &c. + GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 37. The accessory parts of the flowers are the Penreows, Net: TARTES and BrACTEOLES. : 38. The Przréowr around the Stamina and Pistils is either single, double or multiple. When single it retains that name; but when double the exterior i$ called Carrx, and the interior Conór or Coxotta. In the multiple perigone, the inner range is the true Conor. E 39. The segments of the perigone and calix are called Serars, or folioles, and those of the Corol Prats. : 40. The Nxcranrás are Glands, scales, crowns, diaksrand otie appendages within the flower. — 1 —A41. The BnáacTrorrs are small leaves, scales, iR &e - around the flowers, when they resemble a perigone and sut round many flowers, they are called Pextanrae or common calix. 42. Plants being organized bodies like Animals, perform the - same vital functions, three of which are essential to life, and common to all plants, 1. Nurnrriox, 2. Growrs, 3. Rernopuc- TION. 43. The others are less essential, or less evident; they até 1. Circulation, 2, Respiration, 3. Secretion, 4. Irritability, 5. Ca lorification, 6. Solidification, &c. ` Plants are also like Animals subject to Sleep, hyemal Tor- t, Diseases, Necropsy and Death. . 45. The ANATOMICAL structure of plants offers a multitude a internal apparatus (about thirty kinds) formed by the aggre gation of vessels, fibres and tissues. | 46. The principal are the Cellular, fibrose, Kunden absot : 47. CHEMICAL BOTANY detects a ments in the Mixes substance mot Men; ps Wenatende t to asyet with fi fe i GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 5 50. Agriculture and Horticulture are two arts, having for spe- cial object the cultivation of useful'or ornamental plants, 51. Thesearts are closely connected with Botany, from which they borrow their materials. The general cultivation of medical plants in medical gardens is highly desirable. 52. Useful plants have three kinds of properties, 1. Alimen- tary, 2. Economical, 3. Medical.. The noxious and poisonous properties are included with the medical. 53. We are dependent upon vegetables for our food and drinko oursolid and liquid aliments; they furnish us materials for our dress, dves, fuel, buildings, arts and manufactures. 54. Every plant has two names and two characters, both Ge- neric and Specific. 55. The Generic name is the first and is a substantive, the * Specific follows and isan adjective appellation. 56. The Generic character is the collective definition ef the principal organic indications of each Genus, which constitute the TYPE of the Genus, . 57. The Specific eee is an oy eden sip. ofall the individuals forming a species, and it constitutes the TYPE of he species, 58. Orders and Families,.Classes and Sections have also sub- stantive names, and peculiar characters assigned to each. 59. Three great natural classes constitute the EA po don, 1. Dicorxxzs, 2. Monocoryzes, 3. ACOTYLES. .60. The .DICOTYLES are Vascuran plants, with concentric fien and vessels, and a bilobe or multilobe germination. They comprise two thirds of all the. shrubs and trees. 61. The MONOCOTYLES wa Vascuzar Plants with fascicu- lar fibres and vessels, and a lateral unilobe g er are the Palms, Lilies, Grasses, Ferns, and Mosses. -- 62, The ACOTYLES are CELLULAR plants without "da nor fibres, and destitute of lobes in the germination. Such are the Lichens, Algae and Fungi. - 63. These natural classes may be dividedia other Ma Mr oi — gabe 6 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. enumérated one hundred, now upwards of one hundred and Hy are known or designated. £ 65. Many of these being rather natural families may be -—— ` to about sixty-four great natural nem including upwards of two | hundred natural families. 66. Each natural family and order has some qualities and pro- perties, common to all their genera, and may therefore serve e Medical Indication. E PRINCIPLES or BOTANICAL CHEMISTRY. 1. Taz knowledge of the substances which enter into m : bodily composition of Plants, form a branch of Chemical Boies : called Vegetable Chemistry. 2. This branch of Chemistry is intimately cognected with Mee $ dical Botany, and becomes an essential part of it. 3. By it, the three Sciences of Botany, Chemistry, and patho d logy are rendered subservient to each other. UNE Chemistry borrows from Botany the true knowledge of the Plants, while Chemistry teaches Botany the nature of the Sube stances in these plants. : .5. The Medical Sciences receive from Vegetable Chemisty | the more intimate knowledge of the greatest proportion of Sub- a T m stances employed in practice. ; = sf. Chemistry acquires this knowledge by tests, analytical de- 1 bodies evolved in the plants. | 7. Vegetable life assimilates = 5. PECULIAR. Not men either in. pese hor GENERAL PRINCIPLES. £ 9. These Classes may be divided into Orders, Genera and Spe- cies of Chemical Bodies, each possessing peculiar properties and actions. 10. Vegetable Chemistry has not yet obtained the same cer- tainty and attention as Mineral Chemistry. It is now emerging | from the Clouds of ancient nb and becoming a Science of de- cided importance. 11. A small portion as yet of the endless chemical iaces of all the plants, has become known. 12. A long time will be required before the 60,000 ize plants be,analyzed, or even the 5000 Species df North America. 13. But some Substances are common to many different plants, and each active Genus has generally the same active principles. 14. The special knowledge of this branch of Medical Botany must be sought for in the Chemical Works. We shall merely give here a small Table of the principal Orders and. anes. lately detected and well ascertained. ~ ~- 15. It must be remembered that every plant contains many Elementary bodies, and that these Bodies are all their pristine Simple Elements. : 16. it is not our purpose to designate the properties of these Vegetable Substances. This knowledge constitutes Medical Chemistry, a new Science, or branch of Pharmacy. dme. 3Xifütogene. Azote. : 2. Order. SIMPLE and COMBUSTIBLE. G. - solu Car. bone. Phosphore. _3, Order. SIMPLE and OXIDABLE. G. The Metals, - € G. Airs.’ Waters: Limes. | ota hates: Silicates; Ec. 0 c ot Cx and either nutritive, or medical, or poisonous. doi 8 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. E. -H. Class—ANIMAL ELEMENTS—1 Order. 1. 0. COMPOUNDS of Carbone, Hydrogene, Oxigene and Azote. G. Glutten. Albumine. Gelatine. Adipocire. Fungin, &c. Ill. Class.—PECULIAR ELEMENTS.—4. Orders. 1. Order. AZOTES or Vegetable Alkalies,'containing Azote, - 3 Families. Carbonits. Oxigenits. Ammonits or true Alkalis. G. Ferment. Narcotine. Asparagine. Morphium. Quinine. Eupato- rine. Cornine. Daturine, &c. 2 2. Order. ACIDS, formed by Carbone, Hydrogene, with Oxi- gene in excess. G, Acetic. ‘Malic. . Oxalic.- Benzoic.. Citric. Tar- taric: Gallic, Moric.. Fungic, &c. 3. Order. WATERS, formed by. Carbone with Hydrógene and Oxigene i in the proportion of Water. G. Lignites. Fecules. Sac- charines. Gums. Amarines. Polychromites. Tannines. Extrac- tives. Mucilages, &c. E 4. Order. OILS, formed by Carborie, Oxigene, with Hydrogene : in excess. G. Gluines. Wax. Fixed Oils. Aromes. Resins. Picrines. | Acrines. Camphors, &c. * ECTION—MEDICAL PRINCIPLES. 1. Every vegetable substance produces effects on the human frame ; but these effects can only take place by actual contact of the parts, or their efuvia, 2. These effects are either grateful, or unpleasant. or noxious 3. Nutritive substances sustain life, the noxious impair. it; * while the medical preserve or restore health. $5, | GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 9 mediés; but vegetable substances afford the mildest, most effi cient, and most congenial to the human frame. 7. A vegetable substance is called active when producing strong or quick effects, and ^mnactive or — when producing weaker or slower effects. 8. But there is hardly a plant totally inert, and not ee in large doses seme sensation or effect. -9, Active plants and substartces are — known by the senses of smell or taste: while inert plants are scebtléss- and tasteless. E 10. The most active plano are not €. s the best for use, be- ing less grateful than others, and more liable to ae the func- tions of life. 11. Poisonous plants are all available as medicinal, and often the most active; but they are liable to the same e objection, in a greater degree. 12. Active and poisonous plants, must be used with care and judgment, sparingly and in small doses only. 13. Similar or consimilar tastes or sinells, i: lica e sin consimilar Qualities and Properties. ET TL 7 14, The sensible Qualities of plants are the results of their or- ganization, and chemical composition ; their medical Properties arise from these Qualities. 15. Plants ofthe same Genus have commonly the same quali- ties and properties, more or less unfolded. . 16. Genera of the same Natural Family or * Order, have often consimilar qu z 17. Modifications or E when the organization and locality 18. Artificial Systems, like the sexual system separating the most related Genera, and uniting the 108 cannot indicate medical affinities. 19. Where the artificial systems coincide with the natural me- thod; they may both answer the purpose of medical indications. 20. "Bes uel possess pep i — are 40 ^ GENERAL PRINCIPLES. — 799; Incompatible Su Substances are seldom or never found in og | same plant. nit o n t _ 23. Every plant has a peculiar and specific mode of action on j the human body, in health or disease. 24. Even congeneric and consimilar species have their ita fied effects at equal doses, which a difference i in the dose may. equalize. 25. The medical effects of the-same ines are nee modified by 1 the soil, climate, season, and age ; also by exhibition and dose. 26. Botanical affinities indicate medical ‘equivalents, which may be substituted to each other. - ee 27. But Experienoé alone can decide if the srbouttion will be available and efficacious, and teach when and how it ought to be made. 28. Vegetable Equivalents are either botanical or medical, and each of three dégrees. 29. In Botanical Equivalents these three degrees are: 1st Gos- GENERIC, belonging to the same genus: 2d ArrrrraTED belong- . PEIRESE aca ing to different genera of the ane famine 3d REMOTE, padri ; to remote genera. a: dd 1 Equivalents. efe the- pts: of 1. S»sereic Of — y the same-value, 2. Srmizan or producing the same - s effects, 3. CONSIMILAR or producing effects somewhat different.: — $1. Every MEDICAL PLANT IS A COMPOUND MEDICINE PREPARED | BY THE HANDS OF NATURE, in the most suitable form for exhibi- — -tiot and efficacy in suitable eases. - 32. Medical substances becoming more powerful by admixtures ; . those which enter by rital action into the organs. ions; are Ug ~ rendered more powerful by intimate co 2; 3. By combining sever ical p : | GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 11 tion on each other, must be avoided, unless a peculiar medical result is required. - 38. When an unexpected result lepus by a combination of substances, it must be corrected by suitable changes. 39. The active principles of medical plants may be obtained i in a concentrated form by chemical operations. 40. When these active principles are obtained, their. Mime are stronger and quicker ; but less congenial open ma. lese. than in their natural pristine combination. yi | | FOURTH SECTION—MEDICAL PROPERTIES. — 1, The medical properties were detected by chance, or as- -certained by indication, and confirmed by experience. 2. There are four kinds s isdiéationt, t: Botanical, 2 que mical, 3. Medical, 4. Evident. . 3. Botanical indications have already been alluded to, they are proximate or remote, and teach us Botanical Equivalents. = 4, Chemical indications result from analysis and te tion : when the same elements and substances are found in equal proportions ; the presumption must be that chemical — have been detected. 5. Medical indications are the result of medical inference ; when substances act alike or produce similar effects in- «some cases, they may do the same in other cases. 6, The most obvious im ons are however, sinis: which arise from the Evipence of the: sensible qualities. of plants. — T. These qualities are constituted by” — ent: reap to our senses by contact or eflluvia, — be 8. Each plant, and sometimes each part of a «plat; "^ a pecu- liar smell and taste, hardly alike in any two of them. D No plant i is mm rna — cate even the E ivisio: pin GRATEFUL or pel e may it m divided into: dish vade 1B — GENERAL PRINCIPLES. ‘ dred and fifty Genera: Sapors into ten series and as many gener | at least. : ; 12. The GRATEFUL Odors or Smells indicate wholesome properties, the three Series are j 1. Fnacnanr, indication of stimulants and sudorifics, ke. — 2. Aromaric—of stomachics, warm stimulants, &c. 1 3. Swxzrr—of Pectorals, Demulcents, Kc. $ 13. The UNPLEASANT Odors indicate active propera} their three Series are 1. Feria, indication of noxious plants, emetics, &c. 2. GRAVEOLENT— Of powerful medical plants. . S. Insrpsp—of Emollients, inert plants, &c. 14. GRATEFUL SAPORS or Tastes, belong to plants of mii properties. Their five Series are 4 1. Favors, belonging to palatable substances. 9. Spicx—to stimulants, sudorifics, stomachics; Eo, 3. Aci»—to Refrigerants, Diluents, &c, 4. SwEzT—to Nutrients, Demulcents, &c. 5. Sari or Satrisa—to Antiscorbutics, &c. i 15. UNPLEASANT SAPORS belong to plants of active pro- e Their five Series are, 5 a Navszovs, belonging ae Marantion, Emetics, . Cathartics, 2 Mes--to icles, ‘Stimulants, e raa iy Anthel iion Emenagogues, &c. ; 3. Brrren—to Tonics, Corroborants, &c. 4. AcerB—to Astringents, Diuretics, &c, 5. 1xsre1n—to Emollients, Demulcenta, Diluents, &c. : 16, The sense M is tib plasticos at Me | E xi GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 43 ' existent with these sensible qualities, are obviously indicated by ; them. ; mi plants of weak qualities and seemingly inert; are often possessed of unindicated active properties, resulting from chemical combinations or gazeous emanations, 20. Classifications of medical properties and remedies are end- less). aid of little use. Every writer on Materia Medica common- ly cc ives a new one. : : Sis A og 91. As much could be done here, or some one a d; TUR it will be sufficient to mention that the most general Distribu- - tion is at present in three Classes, 1 STIMULANT, 2 CHEMI- car, and 3 Mecuaxicarn Properties or Remedies. 22. Thefollowing alphabetical Glossary of the principal medi- cal properties, will probably be more useful for reference. ` ‘TABLE OF: PROPERTIES. — ABSORBENT, absorbing or involving noxious matter. — — —— ABSTERGENT or DETERGENT, cleaning foul ulcers and sores. x ANODYNE, soothing the nerves, allaying | P to Sedative and Nervine. ANTACID, chemical remedies, neutralizing Acids. AGGLUTINANT, uniting divided solids, Es ALTERATIVE, producing a change in the whole system, o Orr altering the appearance of local diseases. » ; AMBROSIAL, of VU. smell or. "taste, very palatable es restorative. tas " ANALEPTIC, gentle si t bs ANTIBILIOUS, correcting the Bile. — — ANTIDOTE or ALEXITERIAL, commonly count chemical remedies correcting the effects of poiso: ee ANTI-DYSENTERIC, against dysentery and bowel cortPlsints E local and mechanical, unless astringent. Se very similar — 44 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. ANTEROTIC, sedatives of venery. ANTISEPTIC or ANTIPUTRID, Tonic useful to prevent. external or internal mortification. ANTALKALINE, neutralizing alkalies. -—— APERIENT, promoting excretions. APHRODISIAC, stimulating Venery. AROMATIC, diffusible stimulant, heating the stomach and body. | ASTRINGENT, permanent stimulant, corrugating the fibres. — ATTENUANT, or DEOBSTRUENT, local stimulant, remov- | ing obstructions of the glands, liver, &c. BALSAMIC, mild healing stimulant. CALEFACIENT, local stimulant, heating the parts. == CARMINATIVE, or RUCTANT, local stimulant, e: winds. CARDIAC or CORDIAL, acting on the heart, and increasing, its muscular action. : CATHARTIC or PURGATI YE, local stimulants cleaning de bowels. CAUSTIC, local stimulants, burning the parts, CEPHALIC, curing the head ache. - CHOLOGOGUE, purging the bile. CONSOLIDANT, a kind of tonic, repairing defects in solids. : -—- CORROBORANT, a kind of stomachic, giving strength: S smoothing or lubricating the skin. DEMULCENT, mechanical remedy, shielding the suce from acrid matter, and lubricating the organs. DEPILATORY, removing the hair. ‘DIAPHORETIC, increasing the insensible exhalation of the skin and lungs. - DIFFUSIBLE, spreading through the whole frame. __ DILUENTS, diluting and expelling morbific matter, incre | = E DEM o skin, ! DIURETIC, stimulant, increasing the discharge from the bladde! and kidneys, expelling accumulated fluids, and promoting discharges. _ EFFLUVIAL, aoc gazeous emanations hi - DRASTIC, cathartics purging with violence and pain, | A a | | L GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 45 EMENAGOGUE, increasing the menstrual discharge. ] EMETIC or VOMITIVE, local stimulant producing a dis- . charge from the stomach. s EMOLLIENT, the opposite of tonic, relaxing the fibres. EPISPASTIC or BLISTER, local stimulant, acting on the ` skin and membranes, blistering them, &c. 1 ERODENT, removing spots and warts of the skin. ERRHINE, promoting sneezing and a discharge from the nose. ESCHAROTIC, corroding and decomposing the skin and other solids. EXHANTHEMATIC, useful for Exhanthems. EXHAURIENT, exhausting vital powers. EXCITANT, stimulant exciting the vital functions. EXPECTORANT, promoting expectoration. FEBRIFUGE, curing fevers, one of the effects of tonics. HEPATIC, useful in diseases ofthe Liver. ..... HUMECTANT, a kind of Diluent moistening the solids. J HYDRAGOGUE, a kind of Diuretic; discharging waters. | INCITANT or INCISIVE, stimulant, acting on the glandular system. INEBRIATING or EXHILARATING, producing ipM 00 in different degrees. 3 INVISCANT or COAGULANT, mucilaginous remedies, thick- - eningthe fluids. ~~ LAXATIVE, useful against constipation and mild purgatives. > LITHONTHRIPTIC, chemical remedy, dissolving the gravel or stone in | the bladder, or bezoars of the liver. LOCHIAL, a mild Menagogue. - NARCOTIC or STUPEFIANT, diffusible stimulant, : on the nervous and vascular system, producing sleep, s death in large doses. NAUSEANTS, producing Nausea without Emesis, NEPHRITIC, local stimulant of the kidneys. Jt. ting sleep, useful in hysterics, epilepsy, &c. NOXIOUS or DELETERIOUS, or PERNICIOUS, or Bassron, or I5. $ GENERAL PRINCIPLES. ODONTALGIC, allaying or curing the b ache. OPHTHALMIC, useful in diseáses of the Eyes. ——- PECTORAL, useful in diseases of the breast and lungs. PELLENT or REPELLENT, charging the course of discar ges, or repelling the morbid fluids. — PHTHIRIAC or PSORIC, destroying Lice and Itch. : PHRENETIC or PHANTASTIC, acting on the brain, p ducing delirium and dreams. x PROPELLENT, moving the fud 9 pos. + — PROPHYLACTIC, preserving health, or presenti, ape | de, o 3 — — - REFRIGERANT, cooling, lessening the heat of the body, | a | laying local or general inflammations, i RESTORATIVE, restoring strength. REVIVING, diffusible stimulant, relieving from s ] torpors, and necropsy. f 1EP ERCUSIVE, throwing back an eruption, a kind of repel i lent. po REVULSIVE, a local stimulant, - promoting a change or : 5 opical remedy, exciting redness and festa = I SEDATIVE, allaying i inordinate motions and pains, by lessen dog "the action of thie heart and circulation of the blood. _ SIALOGOGUE or SOR a tY, Adegi salivation. gelation of the solids, acting on the lymphatic system, use - _scrofula, &c. : = are —— SOPORIFIC or HYPNOTIC, promotii - SORBEFACIENT, raising pimples A CREE a remedy supposed to GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 17 SYPHILITIC, useful in syphilis and venereal diseases. TONIC, permanent stimulant, acting on the whole body, in- creasing the tone of the ‘fibres, &c. TOPICAL, a remedy acting by external application. UTERINE, acting on the uterus, — — .URETHRAL or STRANGURIAL, a local stimulant, acting on the Urethra, producing Strangury, &c. VIRULENT, of strong active properties, producing powerful and somewhat noxious effects. VULNERARY, healing wounds and sores. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 1. Physicians do not agree on the mode of action of the pro- perties, nor the proximate and intricate operation of remedies ; but the ultimate effects and results being ascertained, they are sufficient for practical use. 2, Drugs are Vegetable substances prepared for use, and kept for sale by Druggists or Pharmacians. —— a 3. Those which are imported, are often adu ferior kinds are substituted ; for instance Peruvian Bark or Crx- cHona, and Saffron or Crocus, are hardly to be met with in the U. S, —Caribean bark or Porrraxpra, and Bastard Saffron or CAR- THAMUS, are usually sold instead, which are very weak substitutes. 4, This arises from a want of medical inspections and officinal ige: the results are, that prescriptions fail, physicians pointed, and patients suffer. 5. To avoid in part these evils, it is desirable to employ our own genuine medical substances, whenever they afford sufficient - remedies and suitable equivalents. 6. Medical substances being often imo iri age, sirable to obtain them fresh, or in yearly rotation. of ‘Fresh and genuine substances can only be obtained at all s from medical gardens, or honest dealers. 8. The best medical gardens in the United States x A ey 7 18 = GENERAL PRINCIPLES. | portable f: Pharmacians would do : to supply themselves 1 with them, or to imitate their useful industry. ! 10. Several of our medical lants and drugs are - already an object of trade to Europe and elsewhere. Many more may be- — come in demand, when their valuable properties will be better known. 3 11. A new branch of trade may thus be opened, which it is | our duty to encourage, by collecting and cultivating our es ] plants. E 12, Herbalists and Collectors edo ignorant and deceitful. - The best way to prevent their frauds]and correct their blunders | is, by enlightening the: n, adopting botanical names, and — 1 spurious drugs. CRITICAL TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL AUTHORS | AND WORKS CONSULTED. - E Apawnson families of plants. Paris, = Arron, hortus kewensis—had many new American plants. 5 ARMACOPETA, OF rather of the United States. jn on Monarda punctata. Fig. h AER , collections towards a Materia Medica of the EF Tu suns: Phil. 1798, and Suplt. 1804— many medical pin e : ` genter indicated, no descriptions nor figures, : a Banton, 1. Vegetable Materia Medica of the United St Phil. 2 vols. 4to. 50 fig.—2. Flora of North America, 3 vols. 106 fig.—Another costly work’ mentioning abou - ofN. Amer, - Descriptions short and flin << ` BECK, i rimi in Siti GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 19 CARPENTER, on Ci CHAPMAN, Materia À Med lac |—mentions some American plants, dec Cuanzzvorx, useful plants Cuide; with figures. Czarrox, Flora Virginica, with medical indications. a Cozrx, Specifica Canadensis, in Amenit, Acad. Cozprw, useful plants of New York. Conxvr, Plants of Canada, in Latin and Wiehe ¿ Coxe, American Dispensatory, 7th Edit. pation 1827. ; ful compilation, few original indications on plants, — CULLEN, Materia Medica, Amer. Ed. Philad. Currer, Plants of New England, rude attempt, many botanical mistakes, some medical indications, Dzcawnorrzr. 1. French Flora. 2. Species Plantanum. 3. Si- nopsis pl. 4. Theory of Botany. 5. Medical Natural Families, &c. —All classical works, following and improving the natural me- . thod, the species pl. is not yet completed. Drcrroxarr des Sciences Medicales. Paris. DISPENSARTES, or American Edition of] DrsserTATIONS On Medical Plants, Ln à j« Shultz, Eberle, Tullv, Mead, Atlee, Cogswell, Dinon, Waka Dupuy, Horsefield, Macbride, Mease, ke. &c. - Dnaxz, Picture of Cincinnati with a list of medical pa Drayton, View of South Carolina, with ditto. Vocum quee Botaniste Cultivateur, : vols, 8vo. ES 1816.- : Doria Aiie Ed. of New ‘Edinburg cerei Dvnawzr, Arbres et Arbu Paris. ^ Eaton, Manual of the Botany of the States, 4th Ed. Albany, 1824—A popul good as a Flora. is i o- ErrwzwTs of Botany, by B. Barton, Wildenow, Nec ether, Mirbel, Scopoli, Sprengel, Link, Sumner, Smith, Lea, Thornton, Locke, ra e e pyr &c vitete are by De- * 20 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Garvex, Observations on the plants of Carolina. Gronovivs, Flora Virginica from Clayton’s. Hewrr, Medical herbal, 1 vol. 8yo. New York, 1814 —Empe f rical, erroneous in names, descriptions, facts and figures, some - medical facts, and local names. 1 Hvxrzn, Narrative, 1 vol. 8yo. Philad. 1824,—Another impo tor, he has given a list of western medical plants with Osage | names, not to be depended upon nor ascertained. h INAUGURAL Theses of Medical Students, some on medical plans | with experiments. E A. Ives, Amer. Ed. of Paris De ri 2 vols. yo: New 1 York, 1825.—Many medical plants introduced. “E. Ivzs, Tracts and Observations in Journals. A Joursazs, Many Medical and Scientific, Med. Repository, - Med. Recorder, Med. Register, Med. Museum, New Eng. Med. Journal, Silliman’s Journal, Philad. Journal of Med., B. Barton's Journal, &c. é Jusstev, Genera phantarum. Paris, 1789. Karm, Travels in North America. Lamark, Dictionary of Botany, &c. Lavnzxcz, Catalogue of Medical Plants, cultivated at the Medi cal Garden of New Lebanon, New York. Lewis and Cranxr, Travels to the Pacific Ocean. : Liwwzus, 1. Philosophy of Botany. 2. Genera Plantarum. — 3. Species Plantarum, 4, Materia Medica. 5. Amenitates A | mica, &c. 6. Systema Vegetabilium, £c.—Al classical works. - MAcBRIDE, Medical remarks in Elliott’s Flora. MarsrAfL, American Grove. Philad. 1785, Mzasz, Medical Tracts and Dissertations, . Mrenavx, Flora boreali Americana, 2: ( ;. Svo. Pasi, 1803.— Edited by Richard, ees some — i “G ENERAL “PRINCIPLES. 91 'Philad. 1819. Good e rE work. —2. Elements of Botany. 1 vol. Bost. 1827 pee s him, not keeping pace pas ac- tual knowledge. PERSOON, Sinopsis Plantarum, 2 vols. Paris, 1805 & 7.—Excel- - - lent manual,, Medical Natural History in French, 2 vols. 8vo. 1805.—Excellent work and plan, including the officinal plants. Puarsracoreras of London, Dublin, Edinburg, Paris, ' Thatcher, Coxe, Dr. Paris, «e. e Punsn, Flora Americ. Septentr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815; has - but many oversights, classical, till a better Flora is given; has - some figures and medical indications. JRarixzsqvz, 1. New Gen. & Sp. of Amer. plants, and remarks on Amer. and Naturalized plants, in Med. Repository, N. York, 1808.—2. Precis des Deconvertes Pal. 1814.—3. Principles of Somiology Pal. 1814.—4. Encycl Journal of Sicily, 1814.—5. Analysis of Nature, 1815.—-6. Florula of Louisiana. N. York, 1817. —T. Florula Kentuckensis, 1825,—8, "Many * tions, &c. eir » Rosin, Travels in Louisiana, 3 "m 8vo. ca a: with an Account of the Plants at the end. Romer, Systema Segetabilium, Zurich, 1818. SaLispurY, Tracts and Botanical Dissertations. Donde. Materia Medica Americana potissimum regni vegeta- is, > 1787, —Classical on our Materia Medica. Peter Barro, 3 ancien octor, Dispensary A guide for Empirics, some medical facts ; biit it is difficult to as- — _certain to what species they apply, no AS nor figures, nor correct names are given. Swzpravn, Materia Medica, Paris, & Latin. Sao gee Tnarenzm, Pharmacopeia,—the first to introduce many new I Samu Tuoxrsory New Guide to Health. 22 GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Cryptogamia, N. Y. 1826.—3. Many Botanical Tracts.—An accu. rate writer; classical works, Tur, Medical Tracts in Journals, &c. Virmay, Summa plantarum, 6 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1789. Warrzn, Flora Caroliniana, 1789—only a florula. Witpexow, Species plantarum.—Laborious heavy work on | the linnzan plan, carried as far as the Ferns. Woopvitrr, Medical Botany, in 4 vols, 4to. with coloured — figures, London.—Expensive work, noticing about one tenth of | the medical plants known. BEATA ZoLLICKOFFER, Materia Medica of the United States, Balt. 1826, No descriptions, and many errors. AAN ne mec = EXPLANATION OF SOME BOTANICAL TERMS. n out of order or irregular. Axillary, situated at the corner between the stem and leaves. - — Biennial, lasting two years. Bifid, divided in two, trifid when in three, &c. 3 Binate, twin leaves or flowers. E Bract, a floral leaf, bracteole a small one. Bulb, scaly thick root like Onions, Tulips, &e. Campanulate, shaped like a bell. ae Capsul, a dry fruit opening by valves or holes. — — Cells, the internal divisions oF the. uit, one celled or unilocu- lar, two celled or bilocular, three celled or trilocular, $e. . Ciliate, having hairs o "TP < ce GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 23 Dioical, having staminate and pistilate flowers on different i in- dividuals. : Disk, the flat part of a leaf or poer &c. Discolor, leaves having two colors Distichal, in two flat rows. Drupe, a stone fruit like Peach or Plumb. Elliptic, oblong with rounded ends as an ellipsis. 'Exsert, protruding out of the flowers, &c. HAMM, a small bundle of leaves or flowers, Ce then m culate Filiform, shaped like a thread. 2 Fistulose, a hollow stem, &c. Flexuose, bent in many ways, or crooked. Floret ar Floscule, a small flower in compound flowers. Foliole or leaflet, a small leaf of compound leaves. í Fronde, leaves bearing the fructification, or stems shaped like eaves. ms phe shaped like a spindle. Hastate, AT rt Shaped Imbricate, slanting over each other? like tiles or Inferior, below something. Inflorescence, mode in which the flowers grow. Involucre, bracteoles surrounding or annexed to several dete Labiate, flowers with one or two lips uni or bilabiate. Lanceolate, shaped like a lance. Legume, the pods of Peas, Beans, &e. Ligulate, like a small tongue. Lobe, a rounded segment, lobed n lobes. Lyrate, shaped like a 1 -Monoical, having : nate and — pes on the same lant. E ? Muricate, covered with Pres quiste. zs © — Nerves, prominent fibres in the leaves, ke: Neutral, flowers without Stamina nor pistile wid atrio: ; Oblique or Obliqual, having aslanting position, oblique lea es like those of the Elm, have two unequal sides. Obtuse, not sharp, blunted or rounded. Opposite, situated one over the other, dar, perfectly round. ` Oval, shaped like an egg. - Panicle, a loose bunch of flowers, much divided. Pappus, the. downy or bristly calix of florets. — Parted, cut into inc 2—3—4—-5 parti Pedicel, a. molis po ipeum ME oo Pedunele, the flowers and fruits. — E mte the involucre or — flowers. Ət. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. | A E Da. es e 3 = Td "us $ etal, parts or leaves of the Corolla, monopétal or peripetal having segments ; 2—3—4—5 petal, having as many leaves or pet polypetai having many petals. a . Perennial, lasting several years. ` Persistent, not failing off. : ` ` Petiole, support of the leaf : petiolate having a petiole. 4; i Phoranthe, the central part of compound flowers bearing the |. florets. : id o eqs Ramose, branching, divided into branches. Receptacle, the place where the seeds are attached. Reniform, shaped like a kidney. Retuse, blunt and notched. E Rugose, wrinkled or roughened by nerves, &c. 1 Runcinate, cut up into sharp segments like a barbed arrow. Sazittate, shaped like a forked arrow. — ` Scape; stem, surrounded by radical leaves. —— =~ E E. , A part not quite divided. — — ` o e folioles of the Calix or Perigone. 3 | Raving no EPA ares! à + i toothed like a saw. iliqne, the pods of Turnip, Cabbage, &c. Sinuate, having sinuses. | Solitary, standing by itself. Spa a thick support of many crowded flowers. ` a, Involucre surrounding a Spadix, or involving flower | , a hollow appendage to some flowers. i Stipule, appendage to some leaves. «ES . Subulate, shaped like an awl. t i .. Superior, standing above somet Terminal, standing at the end. — like cloth. —— E e and pistilate flowers © | uode ACORUS CALAMUS. > 25 FRENCH Name—Acore ODORANT. = AE mican «Bern ole German Name—Ka.mvs. Orricinat Names—Calamus Aromaticus, Calami Radix. VuLcar Names—Flag-root, Sweet Cane, Myrtle Flag, Sweet Grass, Sweet Root, Sweet Rush. | AvTHOoRITIEs—Linnzus, Michaux, Pursh, Dispen- - saries, Schoepf, Woodville, Thacher, Coxe, Swediaur, _ Bigelow's Sequel, W. Barton fig. 30 bad, Ke. Gc. — — 4 Genus Aconvs—Spadix cylindrical with crowded . flowers. Perigone simple, six-parted persistent. : - Stamina six pericentric. Germen one, no style, CET cd = ma punctiform. Capsuls three celled, many seeded. < . — Species A. Canamus Var. Americ anus—Leaves - and stems sword shaped, ancipital, stems longer. | Spadix cylindrical, obtuse, solitary, oblique, n ; i, . dial lateral. Capsulg oblong acute. Y | DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, Voci collat. . jointed, rugose, nearly cylindrical, from six to . twenty-four inches long, joints from half an inch to an ineh long, white, with triangular shades, or rings _ of brown and. rose ; the inside is spongy, and loses much by dessieation ; bunches of coarse fibres hang i ee and ‘tary brown fibres spread gel > 38 ALETRIS. No. 4, sharp at the end: they are of a pale green or glan- cous, and bleach in winter or by drying; the longest are four inches—Stem from one to two feet high, very simple and upright, scapiform or nearly naked, with remote scales, whitish, adpressed, sometimes changing into leaves, subulate, acute. Flowers white, forming a long slender scattered spike; each flower has a minute bract and very short pedicel; shape oblong, spreading into six acute segments like a star at the top, the outside has a mealy, rugose appearance—six short stamina are in- serted near the mouth, anthers cordate. Germ one, central (not inferior) pyramidal. Style one, separable into three. Capsul triangular, clothed by the perigone, triangular, three valved at the top, three celled, and with many centra! minute seeds. HISTORY—A true natural genus peculiar to North America, and containing two species very similar to each other. The 4. Aurea differs merely by narrower leaves, and yellow flowers more cam- panulate. The 2. fragrans, and others of Africa, must form a peculiar genus, the Osmanthes, different from this in habit and fruit. Both American species have the same properties. : This gm does not belong to Liliacea nor 4s- hos s; but to ALoipzs, next to @oes and Cri- aum, i in he natural arrangement, In the Linnzan Atranksi in HEXANDRIA Mónogynia. Aletris means a miller in Greek, and farinosa means mealy in dais both nin SEA To be SAk appearance of . the flowers, - : | | i No. 4. ALETRIS. 39 This species has a wide range, being found from New England to Georgia, and west to Kentucky and Missouri. But the 4. urea is confined to the south from Carolina to Alabama. ‘The A. farinosa is also more abundant in the south, and always confined to dry aud poor soils, in sunny glades and fields. It is unknown in the rich limestone soils and alluvial re- gions. In Kentucky and the west it is confined to the hilly glades, open prairies and barrens of the knob-hills. It is estival, blossoming in June and July. Many vulgar names given to it are common to other plants, dissimilar in properties if not in aspect. The Veratrum luteum or dioicum which is also ealled Star-grass, may be distinguished by its thick plumose dioieal spike. The Sisyrinchium, another Star-grass, has single, blue and triandrous flowers, besides long grass leaves. Unicorn-root is also a name of Veratrum and of Neottia. Ague-rdot isa name applicable to a-dezen.roots. Such is the con- fusion arising from vulgar names. The root is the part employed, and being small, does not afford. mueh hope to become an article of trade. = ^ — QuaLrries—The root contains an intense bitter emulsive resin. soluble in Aleohol, somewhat similar ‘to Aloes, but less cathartic. This bitter principle is also partly soluble in water. The tincture is render- ed milky by water. ‘The resin is therefore different - from Amarine and Aloine, and is perhaps a peculiar compound, Vies, formed by Amarine, an oil e = a gum. lea 30 ALETRIS. y No. 4. * PROPERTIES —The root is intensely bitter, like Quassia and Aloes, It is a pure resinous bitter, and not cathartic like Aloes. It is tonic, stomachic, nar- £otic and repercussive. It is employed by many coun- try physicians, and Indian Doctors, and highly valued by them as well as the Indians. But small doses .only must be used, because large ones produce nausea, dizziness and narcotie effects ; twelve grains of the powdered root is to be the largest dose. In repeated -small doses it invigorates the appetite. "The infusion or decoetion is still preferable and may be substituted to Quassia. It cures-the flatulent and hysteric cholic . gnd is said to relieve the chronic rheumatism, either in powder, tincture or cordial. In fevers it avails speedily... Bitters made of it are too powerful. A mild cordial is the best spirituous preparation. Dose three small glasses each day. Sugsrrrurzs—Quassia—Frasera or Columbo— asalto angularis or Centaury, &c. and -all the pure intense bitter plants, »( Remarxs—The figure given for Aletris by Henry is perhaps the Neottia Cernua ; and his account is full of blunders as usual with him... Bigelow’s figure makes. the root Groaned the loses too. enn and too No. D. ANDROMEDA ARBOREA No, 5. ANDROMEDA. 41 No. 5. ANDROMEDA ARBOREA. Enevish Name--SORREL TREE. Frence NAME—ÀANDROMEDIER. German Name—Saver Baum. OrricixAL Name—Andromeda folia, lignum, &e’ Vuiear Names—Sour Tree, Sour Wood, Elk Tree, Elk Wood, Sorrel Wood, Sour Leaf. - AvTHoRrTIEs—Linneus, Clayton, Michaux Flora and Sylva, Pursh, Elliot, Schoepf, W. Barton Flora fig. 30. E = == Genus AwpromeDA—Calix minute five parted. Corolla ovate or cylindric, border five cleft. Stami- na ten inclosed equal. One Pistil superior inclosed, style pentagonal. Capsul five celled, five valved, - - valves septiferous, many minute seeds, ` Species A. Arsorea—Leaves petiolate, oblong acuminate, smooth, beneath glaucous ; Panicle termi- - nal and loose, flowers racemose and lateral Co- rolla ovoid pubescent, anthers linear mutie, — DESCRIPTION—A small tree from fifteen ^s forty feet high, seldom fifty to sixty. Branehes ¢y- lindrical, slender. Bark of the stem light brown, of the old branches reddish, of the young shoots green. Leaves large, crowded, alternate and petiolate, from three to six inches long, from one to two broad, _ oblong, base acute, end acuminate, margin often um- - E D2 42 ANDROMEDA. No. 5. dulate, entire, or sometimes serrulate, nerve with regular veins, surface smooth, glossy, green above, glaucous beneath, the young leaves are slightly downy at first. Flowers white, terminal, one third of an inch long, | forming a large, loose panicle, composed of many long and loose racemes, bearing each from twelve to twenty flowers pedunculate, alternate and secund— Calix small, greenish, with five acute teeth—Corolla pubescent ovate with five acute teeth—Stamina and Pistil inside of the Corolla; ten equal filaments, an- thers small mutie linear—Pistil one, germ oval, style pentagonal persistent, stigma obtuse—Capsuls ovate mucronate, reddish Brown, with five-cells con- taining many small subulate seeds, imbricate and | membranaceous. - HISTORY—The Genus Andromeda belongs to the natural order of Exrcipes or extensive heath tribe; and to Decanpria Monogynia of Linnzus. The name is poetical or mythological, being dedicated to the Nymph Andromeda. — This species is the largest and the only tree of the genus, whence its specific name ; all the others being shrubs, many of which are ornamental like this, and mostly native of North America. This tree attains its largest size in the most southern states; but be- comes almost a shrub in Tennessee and Kentucky. It blossoms in May. — - The common names of this tree have all a reference te acidity of the leaves and wood. The elk and deer eat those leaves, and even cattle like them. They are palatable and allay thirst whee shamed by the hunters in want of water. LocaLrrr—The Alleghany . mountains, and the hills and valleys diverging from them, as far as their most southern limits in Georgia and Alabama; but seldom met north of Virginia and Kent icky, althoug Schoepf gives New York as its northern range, It - is unknown in the alluvial and limestone regions. | QUALITIES—A fine acid, (is it the malic acid ?) similar to that of the cranberries and whortleberries is diffused throughout this tree, and most unfolded in the leaves ; but some astringency Ex to. a mixture of gallic acid. ; TE PROPERTIES—The E. and wood i are a diee astringent acid, refreshing, cooling, allaying thirst, and antifebrile. Clayton says that a decoetion of the leaves mitigates the ardour of fevers, and helps their cure. It is useful in all cases where a refrige- rant astringent is needed. A kind of lemonade can be made with it. It may be substituted to the Rhus glabrum,or shumac, and the cranbesries. Like shu- mae the leaves impart a black color to wool. The wood is soft, reddish, and will not burn ; but like the buek- eye wood may be used to make okip hats and paper. - Susstirures—Shumac berries—Pomegranate— Strawberries—Cranberries—C urrants—Sorre!s,&c.—= with many other mild vegetable astringents and acids. -Remarxs—B. Barton mentions the 4. Mariana - another species as pernicious, but a decoction of it useful in uleers of delest lpi Abi toic : perhaps substituted, t Adis 44 ANTHEM IS. No. 6. No. 6. ANTHEMIS COTULA. Exerisa Name—WILD CAMOMILE. Frencn NAmeE-—CamoMILE PUANTE. German NawE—STINKENDE KAMILLE. OrriciNAL Names—Cotula, Camomila Spuria. Vutear Namer—May-Weed, Dogs Fennel, Dil- ly, Dilweed, Fieldweed, &c. Auyrtuorrries—Linneus, Wildenow, Pursh, La- mark, Schoepf, Dispensaries, Bigelow Seq. W. Bar- ton Mat. Med. fig. 14. Genus Awrmemis—Flowers compound radiate Perianthe hemispherical imbricate. Rays above five, female. Phoranthe conical, chaffy. Seeds naked. Species A. CoruLa—Annual puberulent, stem angular, furrowed, branched. Leaves bipinnatifid, sessile, carinate, pinnules linear, acute. Peduncles grooved, naked, thicker above ; chaff bristly, seeds obovate, four sided, furrowed. DESCRIPTION—Root annual, crooked, fibrous. Stem and leaves covered with short, adpressed, wooly irs. Stem from one to two feet high, erect and very much branched, irregularly angular and striated 5 branches corymbose. Leaves alternate sessile, flat, - doubly pinnatifid, or almost pinnate, earinate beneath in the middle; pinnules flat ee acute, entire or ne i No. 6 : ee ANTHEMIS COTULA. ; > No. 6. 45 | Flowers many, forming ‘a terminal corymb ; each . On a naked pedunele, erect, grooved and thicker up- _ wards. . Perianthe or common calyx, hemispherical, imbricated hairy, rough ; scales linear, pale green, -nearly equal, scariose on the margin and end. The central florets of the disk are numerous and bright _ yellow ; those of the rays are ligular, from seven to twelve, and white. Phoranthe or common recepta- ele conieal, covered with short bristly chaff, or palea. Central florets tubular, glandular, five-toothed, with five stamina, anthera united. Germ inferior obo- vate. uo sige a Stigmas two filiform . reflexed. - : Rays or Hole pe don stamina, oblong, two nerved, bidentate or tridentate at the end. — . Seeds brown, obovate, four sided, grooved and tuberculated. HISTOR Y—The genus Coruza of Tournefort has been blended with AnTHEMis by Linneus, from which the naked seeds, without a membranaceous appendage, and the conical instead of convex phoran- the, partly distinguish it, so as to p allen si or section at least. o s There appears to be some fine between the A. Cotula of the north and south of Europe and . our American plant; but although the various bota- nical descriptions offer several trifling diversities, they hardly amount to specific distinctions. Our de- $ prn, is pti more fetid, ang omen ay 5 scription applies to the American plant. The Euro- - 46 ANTHPMIs. No.6. A neca : = seen both, and once had distinguished this by the - name of 4. Cotuloides ; but being unwilling to inno- - vate in this work, I have followed our Botanists in uniting the plants of both continents, although I great- | ly doubt the botanieal propriety of it. | It blossoms from June to November, affording @ profusion of flowers in succession, of the size of Camomile, but never double. The whole plant hasa ` strong graveolent smell, disagreeable to some per- | sons, but not fetid. It is not eaten by cattle nor domestie animals. The name of Anthemis is Greek, and applies to the - profusion of flowers. Cotula isa diminutive of Cota another plant of the same genus. Anthemis belongs to the natural tribe of RADIATES, - section of Anthemides. In the Linnean system it i$ placed in class SYNGENESIA. Order Polygamia Su- | — Kg | ‘Abundant as it is, the collection of it becomes easy; | the whole plant may be dried when in bloom, or p blossoms alone may be collected. | LocaLrry—Our plant is indigenous and not natu- ralized as mentioned by some Botanists. It is spread all over the United States from Maine to Louisiana; but confined almost every where to open fields. H _ is never found in woods, but delights in the sun, road e sides, stony places and old fields, or near towns and villages. It is scarce in mountains, but prefers the limestone soils and plains. It is extremely abundant. . On the Ohio and in the Western States, covering ne- glected fields, and alternating in fallows with the Iron- No. 6. weed or Vernonia. It is deemed a troublesome weed, although being annual it is easily destroyed by early ploughings. QuaLrries—Graveolent, bitter, and nauseous; the smell of the plant resides in a Volatile Oil, pos- sessed of a strong or graveolent aroma, and, diffused throug) out the plant, although more concentrated in the flowers. It issimilar to the smell of Camomile, but more pungent, and less balsamic. This oil is bitter and communicates a bitterish acrid taste to the whole plant. PROPERTIES—The same as those of Camomile, but weaker and less pleasant to the taste: it may be substituted thereto with safety. It is an active tonic, - sodorifie, stimulant, anodyne, emetic, and repellent ; extensively used throughout the country for rheuma- tism, hysterics, epilepsy, dropsy, asthma, serofula, &c. both internally and externally. The external use in warm baths or fomentations is próper in rheumatism, hysterie fits, suffocations, hemorrhoidal swellings, pains and contusions. The decoction and infusion are given for colds, fevers, rheumatism, asthma, &c. but a single cupful, if too strong, may produce vomiting, . and even a weak infusion nauseates the stomach. It ) acts alwaysas a sudorific, promoting copious sweating, - and is often beneficial as an auxiliary to an emetic. In large doses it becomes emetic: in small ones it is . a gentle tonic and diaphoretic, useful whenever it is needful to promote perspiration in fevers. Its advan- tages in epilepsy, dropsy and scrofula, are doubtful. - The European plant is said to blister the hands, which | ds not the case with ours, | di Pr oer 48 : ANTETMIS. No. 6, — — "SussrrroTEs—Üamomile or Matricaria Chamo- mila—Eupatorium perfoliatum—Ruta vulgaris or Rue—Hedeoma pulegioides or } enny-royal— Merrubium Vulgare or Horehound— Achillea mil- lefolium or Yarrow— Tunacetum or Tansey, with all the graveolent bitter tonics and sudorifics. -Remarxs—The figure in Henry’s, under the name of May weed, is quite fictitious, having entire leaves; but his article applies to this plant. No. APOCYNUM ANDROSEMIFOLIUM. No. 7 |. APOOYNUNM. ; 49 No. 7. APOCYNUM ANDROSEMIFOLIUM. Excrisu Name—BITTER DOGSBANE. French Name—Apocyn AMER. E German NAME—FLIEGEN FANGEMDES. OrriciNAL Name—Apocynum radix. VuLcar Names—Milk-weed, Bitter-root, Honey- bloom, Catchfly, Flytrap, Ipecac. AvurHoRITIEs—Linnzus, Kalm, Michaux, Pursh, Schoepf, Elliot, Bigelow, fig. 36, &c. Genus Arocynum—Calyx five cleft. Corolla bell . shaped, five cleft. Five Corpuscles surrounding the germ. Five Anthers alternating with them, conni- vent and adhering by the middle to the stegyne or cover of the pistils, which are two, small and conceal- ed; succeeded by two follicles, with numerous downy seeds. ; Species A. ANDROSEMIFOLIUM—Smooth, stem - erect, dichotome ; leaves petiolate, opposite, entire, acute»; cymes nodding, lateral, and terminal, beyond the leaves. Follicles linear. E DESCRIPTION —Root perennial, large, bitter and milky like the whole plant. Stem very smooth as well as the leaves, lactecent and with a tough fibrous - bark : from three to five feet high, with few branches _ and leaves, cylindrical, often rose coloured : forked — several times upwards. Leaves opposite, petiolate E í E 59 | APOCYNUM. No. 7; _ pale beneath, ovate, acute, entire, two or three inches long, with one large nerve. Flowers on cymose racemes, lateral and terminal; always longer than the leaves, lax nodding and few flowered. Minute acute bracts on the peduncles. Calyx short, five cleft, acute. Corolla white, tinged with red, similar to a little bell, divided into five spreading acute segments at the top. Stamina five, with short filaments, anthers connivent arrow shap- ed, cohering with the stegyne or singular body co- vering and concealing the pistils, (mistaken for a stig- ma by many Botanists): it is thick and round. Five glandular corpuscles, (called nectaries by some,) al- ternate with the stamina. Two pistils ovate, con- cealed, two sessile stigmas. Fruit a pair of follicles, slender, linear, acute, drooping, cylindrical. Seeds numerous, oblong, embricate, seated on a central re- ceptacle or spermophore, and crowned by a long down. — HISTORY—A pretty" and interesting plant be longing toa very distinct genus, which gives name to a large natural tribe of plants the Apocynes, distin- guished by the singular stegyne, double follicles, &c In the Linnean system they are put in PENTANDRIA gynia, o the stegyne y was mistaken for 2 mum. There are some other species of the same genus in North America, but none so pretty i : oe MR ies, while in this the flow" - 1 means dogsbane in Greek, v the | implies the similitude of the leaves to | TM 9 eT No. 7. APOCYNUM. öt ers are larger, flesh or rose coloured. The Mp. can- nabinum has been used by the Americans to make a kind of hemp: the fibrous tough bark of all the spe- cies are calculated to afford it by maceration. All - have a bitter milky juice, and yet the flowers smeli of honey, and produce that sweet substance. Bees and other insects, collect this honey; but small flies are often caught by inserting their probos- cis between the fissures of the anthers, where it is not easy for them to extricate it ; they are often seen dead in that confined situation, after unavailing strug- gles. Whence one of the names of this plant, Catch- fly. No animals eat it. Locarrry—Rather a common plant, found from Canada to Georgia and Missouri. It grows in woods, hills, dry or sandy soils, along fences, and over old fields : it is rare in limestone soils, and rieh land. It blossoms in summer from June to July. QuaLrries—Kalm has mentioned this plant to be poisonous and blistering like Rhus Verniz ; but it is quite harmless. The root when chewed has an in- tensely bitter and unpleasant taste, perceptible in the whole plant in a lesser degree, except the flowers, and arising from the bitter milk it contains. The decoc- tion is of a red colour and very bitter. The spiritu- ous solution is colourless but bitter. It contains there- fore a bitter principle soluble in water and alcohol, and a colouring principle not soluble in alcohol; be- sides a volatile oil and caoutchouc. PROPERTIES. This is a very active plant, high d ly valued by the Southern Indians. It is tonic, - | 52 APOCYNUM. No. f. emetic, alterative and syphilitic. The root is the | most powerful part: but it must be used fresh, since — time diminishes or destroys its power. At the dose of thirty grains of the fresh powdered root, it acts as - an emetic, equal to Ipecacuana ; in smaller doses it is a tonic, useful in dyspepsia and fevers. The Chicka- saw and Choctaw Nations employ it in syphilis, and consider it a specific, they use the fresh root chewed, swallowing only the juice. This later use has been | introduced into Tennessee and Kentucky as a great | secret. It must act as a tonic in all those cases, to- nies being often emetic and antivenereal. An ob- jection to this plant is its nauseous bitter taste. Many substitutes may be found of a less disagreeable na- ture, SussTITUTEs—pecacuana— Eupatorium perfo- atus PrehanzÀee epicrina— Lobelia siphilitica — —Aletris fatieeBunicuta ‘marilandica—Eu- | Mikitenie ihya; Be. and all bitter tonics 0r emetics, - “Rewanxs—Barton and Siting have not mentioned this plant. Bigelow represents it with leaves t00 sharp or acuminate. All the other species of the same genus have the same properties in a lesser degree- The 2. cannabinum is distinguished from this by smaller leaves and flowers in shorter panicles ; while the 4. hype has prostrated stems with nar- re iro and grows only on ms banks of streams ` No. 8, ARALIA NUDICAULIS No. 8. 53 No. $, ARALIA NUDICAULIS. Ewerirsm Name—SMALL SPIKENARD. FRENCH Name—Perit Nan». German NAME—NARDWURZEL ÁRALIE. OrriciNAL Names—Aralia radix, Nardus Ameri- canus. Vutear Names—Spiknard, Sassaparil, Sarsaparil- la, Wild Liquorice, Sweet-root. AvrHoniTIEs—Linnzus, Wildenow, Michaux, Pursh, Schoepf, Colden, Dispensaries, Bigelow Se- quel, ra A Genus AraLra—Calix united or superior five- toothed. Petals five entire. Stamina five epigyne alternate. Pistil united to the calix, five styles and stigmas. Berry erowned by the calix and styles, five celled, five seeded—Flowers in simple umbels. Species A. NunicauLis—Stem naked, straight, smooth, bearing three umbels without involucrum: - _ leaves radical, biternate ; folioles ovate, acuminate, serrulate. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, brown, yellow- ish, cylindrical, creeping twisted, sometimes many feet long, thickness of the finger. One stem and one leaf mostly rising together, and less than two feet - high. The stem is straight, leafless, cylindric, with | three small simple naked umbels at the end. Leaf E2 4 54 ARALIA. Nok biternate or with nine folioles, the lateral ones sessile, the terminal ones petiolate, all ovate, oblong, round- ed at the base, end acuminate, margin serrulate, sur- face smooth. Sometimes some folioles are coales- cent. ; Flowers from twelve to thirty in each umbel, pe- dunculate, small, yellowish. Calix greenish, obconi- cal, united to the pistil, crowned with five teeth. Petals five, oboval, obtuse, yellowish white. Five stamina and five styles filiform. Berries small, round, similar to Elder berries in size. ; HISTORY—The genus Aralia is the type of a natural tribe the ARALIpEs, to which Panaz or Gin- seng belongs likewise ; this last differing only by hav- ing two styles and two cells instead of five. This family differs from the UmbeLLATE by producing berries instead of two seeds. All the plants of this genus and family have active properties. Two other American species 2. racemosa and A. hispida, have the same properties as this, and may be used for each other. . The 4. spinosa or Angelica Tree partakes of the same, and also of the properties of Angelica root and Xanthoxylum. = *dralia belongs to PENTANDRIA pentagynia of = in N It is often called À la, the root being similar to that article, and a ving : similar properties. It might become an arti- «e of trade as such, and deserves to be cultivated. — LocaLrry—Found from New-England to Carolina; ind Indiana, more common in the north than the — No. 8, 55 "iih > dk delights M dabas: diligi and valleys, good soils, &c. E QuaLrries—The whole plant i is balsamic, iagi and has a warm aromatic sweetish taste ; ; most un- folded in the root and berries. "They contain muci- lage, aroma, and an essential milky oil or balsam. PROPERTIES—Al the Spikenards or Aralias are popular medical plants throughout the United States : they made part of the Materia Medica of the native tribes, and are extensively used by country practitioners. They are vulnerary, pectoral, sudori- fie, stimulant, diaphoretie, cordial, depurative, &c. The roots and berries. REA ind spi- nosa the bark. x: E : The roots bruised or chewed, or in palio al used for all kinds of wounds and ulcers by the In- dians. Fomentations and cataplasms are useful for cutaneous affections, erysipels and ring-worms. An infusion or a decoction of the same, are efficient sub- stitutes for those of Sarsaparilla, (and more powerful,) in all diseases of the blood, syphilitie complaints, chronical rheumatism, loealpains, eardialgy, belly- ache, &c. Asa pectoral both roots and berries may be used in syrups, cordials, decoctions, de. and have -been found useful in coughs, catarrh, cachexia, lan- gour, pains in the breast, &c. The cordial of Spike- nard berries is recommended for the gout, and the juice or essential oil for the ear-ache and deafness. SussTirurEes—All the Arsliss—Elder-—Sarsapga tl rilla—Guayac—Angelica-root—Cunila mariana— —— Sassafras—Ginseng—Eryngium aquaticum—Xan- E 56 ARALIA. No. $. thozylum or Prickly Ash— Magnolia Bark— Collin- sonia Canadensis, &c. and many aromatic stimu- Miis: | | ; Remarxs—Henry calls this plant Nardus Ame- ricanus, and his figure is fictitious, being like Fennel. Since all our species may-be substituted to each other, and we can only give the figure of one at pre- sent, it may be well to add a short notice of each. - A. racemosa or Large Spikenard—Root larger and thicker. Plant larger. Stem leafy, feaves similar to A. nudicaulis, but with larger and cordate folioles. Flowers in large axillary clusters, formed of many racemose umbels—Common from Canada to Alabama. 4. hispida or Rough Spikenard—Stem hispid, leaves decomposed, folioles small oval, umbels ter- minal, .&c.—Confined to Canada, New-England, New-York, and the Alleghanies. — 4. spinosa or Spikenard 'Tree, called also Angeli- ca Tree, Tooth-Ache Tree, and Prickly Elder—A small tree full of thorns, leaves ample, decomposed, prickly. F lowers terminal, forming an ample pani- . cle of umbels—From New-York to Georgia, and . west to Missouri, &c. ; e No. 9, y - ARBUTUS UVA-URSL No. 9. ARBUTUS. 57 No. 9, — ARBUTUS UVA. ‘URES, ExcLrsm Name—BE AR-BERRY. aen French NawE— BoussERoLE Ritsu p’Ours.. German NAME—ERDBEARTEGE SANDBEERE. | OrriciNAL Name—Uva-Ursi. i Vurear Names—Mountain Box, Redberry, Up- land Cranberry. Aurnorrries—Linneus, Woodville, Michaux, Pursh, J. S. Mitchell, Murray, Girardi, Dispensa- ries, Schoepf, Ferriar, Dehaen, B. Barton, | fig. 6, and Sequel, Kc. Genus Arsurus—Calix five parted and free. Co- rolla ovate, five toothed. ‘Stamina ten basilar, fila- ments hairy, anthers bifid, each part bipore. One pistil, one style, ipn simple, Berry free, five celled. ; Species 4. Uva- Ursi—Stem procumbent ; leaves scattered, cuneate, obovate, entire, coriaceous : flow- ers in small clusters, peduncles reflexed, bracteolate : berries globular, smooth, five seeded. — DESCRIPTION-—Roots perennial, creeping, slen- der. Stems procumbent, trailing, cespitose, radicate, the young shoots tending upwards, cylindric, cuticle pealing off. Leaves numerous, scattered, variable in - shape, narrow or broad, always acute and alternate at the base, on short petiols, thick, a evergreen, | 58 ARBUTUS. No. and smooth, shining above, pale beneath, margin en- tire, thick or rounded, and nearly obtuse. ag Flowers nearly terminal in a small racemose clus- ter, from si to twelve together, of a pale, rosy, flesh color. Peduncles shorter than the flowers, colored, reflexed, with some minute acute bracts, two of which in the middle. Calix colored, with five rounded acute-segments. Corolla ovate, urceolate, white with a rosy tinge, transparent at the base, contracted above; hairy inside, with five acute, short, and reflexed seg- ments or teeth. Ten equal stamina inserted at the base of the corolla, with hairy, short, cuneate fila- ments, anthers equal in length, bifid, each part with two pores. Germ round, style straight, longer than the stamina, stigma obtuse. A blaek indented and persistent ring around the base of the germ, called nectary or gynophore. Berries globular, depressed, of a searlet color, pulp insipid, mealy, five seeds al- - HISTORY—The G. Arbutus is very near to Vat cinium, (whortleberry,) differing chiefly by the free calix and berry, and to Andromeda, which has a cap- sul instead of a berry for fruit. It is divided into two _ Sections or subgenera, (by some considered as gene- ra.) 1. Unedo, having a rough, many seeded berry: 9. Mairania, a smooth five seeded berry. To this last belongs our actual species. Arbutus is an an- nam » Mairania is dedicated to the French phi- _ Latin. It was known under this last-name to the | Greeks, and Galen mentions it as a medical plant. No. 9. : ARBUTUs. 59 A ——— Belonging to the natural order of Exicrnzs, (heath — tribe,) section with berries: and to DecANDRIA Mo- nogynia of Linnzus. Locazrry—This plant is artimi. alió the northern hemisphere in Europe, Asia and America. In Europe, found from Lapland to the Pyrenees and Apenines. In Asia, from Armenia and the Volga to Kamtschatka. While in America it grows from Ice- land and Greenland to Hudson Bay and Alaska, ex- tending south to Canada, New-England, the high- lands, and hills of north New-Jersey. _ It covers dry, stony and gravelly soils, barren AP ite and even nan woods. It blossoms late, d the sms non: are. -ripe in winter. These are eaten by bears, and many other animals. z $ The leaves are chiefly used, and may be easily dried. In Sweden and Russia they form an article of trade, being used to tan Russia leather. Whey hogin to be collected in America. fan E The Indians smoke them like tobacco, unns call them Sagack-homi in Canada. They dye black. — —— Mtra e astringent, sty ptic and bitterish; inodorous. It abounds in Tannin, which is the active principle, and is easily soluble in water. The other substances are mucus, resin, lime, and bitter extrac- tive. PROPERTIES—Astringent, tonic and diuretic. : It was extolled once in Europe as a remedy against gravel; but has since been found to be only a tois able palliative in nephritis, gravel, calculous cases; dile 60 ARBUTUS. No. 9. disury, strangury, acting as an astringent, useful even when other remedies fail. Dr. Wistar, B. Barton, Mitchell, Bigelow, &c. recommend it in those cases. It has also been used for leucorhea, gonorhea, the ca tarrh of the bladder, menorhagia, debility, diabetes, ennuresis, disentery, ulcerations of the kidneys and bladder, and has often given relief or even cured ; yet more efficient tonic remedies may be substituted, - Jt was once recommended in pulmonary consump- tion ; but it only abates the hectic fever. ; The powder, decoction or syrup, may be used. 'T'he doses are from five to twenty-five grains of the powder, or a wine glass of the decoction every hour. A syrup'of the leaves and berries is made in Sweden, which is preferable. : Sunstirures—Chimaphila or PipsisevaEr* „geron Philadelphicum, &c.—Heuchera or Alum- root —Geranium maculatum—Statice Caroliniant —Asparagus—Strawberries—Tannin—and many 4 |. tringehts, acids, tonics and diuretics. __Remanxs—The figure of Henry is fictitious. No. 10.. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. No. 10, 61 No. 1 o. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. Exarrsn Name—SNAKEROOT BIRTHWORT. FRENCH NawE-—SERPENTAIRE DE VIRGINIE. . German NAME—SCHLANGEN ÜSTERLUZEY. OrriciNAL Name—Serpentaria Virginiana, VuLear Names—Virginia Snakeroot, Snakeweed, Snagrel, AvTHonrTIES—Linnzus, Schoepf, Woodville, Pursh, Elliot, Catesby, Colden, Cornutus, Moseley, B. Barton, Bigelow fig. 49, W. Bart. 2. fig. 28, and all the Dispensaries, Pharmacopeías and Me. = dicas, &e. . CLAMARE Genus AnrsToLocH1A—Perigone tubular colored, base swelling, tube tortuose, limb labiate, often ligu- lar. Nocorolla. Germ inferior : stigma sessile lobed, surrounded by six stamina epigynous sessile. Capsul . six celled, many seeded. Species A. SERPENTARIA—Stem simple fetta leaves lanceolate, cordate, entire, and acuminate: ' fiowers bilabiate subradical, peduncles curved, uni- flore, scaly and jointed, - DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, knotty and gib- bose, brown and very fibrous, fibres long, small, yel- low when fresh—Stems round, slender, weak, flex- uose, jointed, less than a feot high, bearing from three to seven leaves, and from one to three flowers—Leaves —— E * F ¿ $ : E 62 ARISTOLOCHIA. No. 10, ES alternate and petiolate, oblong or lanceolate, base cor- dolate, end acuminate, margin entire, sometimes un- dulate, surface smooth or pubescent, of a pale green. Flowers nearly radical and solitary, on peduncles cur- ved, jointed, colored, with some small scales. Germ inferior, perigone redish or purplish, tube crooked, limb bilabiate, upper lip notched, lower entire, both Short and lobular. Six sessile anthers, oblong, ob- tuse, attached to the sides of a large round sessile stigma. Capsul oboval, with six angles, six cells, and many minute seeds. . HISTORY—The genus Aristolochia requires à thorough investigation and reform, being rather a fa- mily than a genus: two subgenera at least must be made of it. 1. Glossula. Flowers unilabiate and ligular. True ` type of the genus. 2. Pistolochia. Flowérs bilabiate and ringent. To this belong A. serpentaria, A. ringens, A. bilabia- ta, &e. While many species widely deviating from the ge- neric characters must form peculiar genera, such as | Siphisia. Flowers not labiate, limb equal trilobe. Such are A. sipho, A. tripteris, A. tomentosa, &e. ... Endodeca. With twelve stamina, Ex. A. dodecan- dra, and perhaps Bigelow’s A. serpentaria. $ _ Zinomeia.. With only five stamina, capsul five .. The actual species is yet. The Virginia Snakeroot of Commerce is col- No. 10. ARISTOLOCHI 0 A . -63 » A tata, A. tomentosa, and many called .4. serpenta- ría, because they have consimilar leaves and roots, while the flowers are different. The .2. serpentaria of W. Barton appears to be a peculiar variety, with long slender peduncles, having few scales and not co- lored, while the flowers are small, purple, and hard- ly bilabiate. Bigelow’s plant, which is from the Southern States, has the leaves trinervate, less acuminate, and more undulate; while the flowers are large, bilabiate and red, scales many and broad, stamina twelve! and stigma lobed convolute. . This may be a distinct species be- longing perhaps to Endodeca. Our figure is from a large flowered variety et the western glades ; but many other varieties exist there, one has broad leaves. All these plants blossom but seldom or once in their lives, in May or June; being very similar to each - other, (except 4. tomentosa,) they are collected in- diseriminately. The roots alone enter into Com- merce, and sell for more than the Seneca re They are an article of exportation to Europe. — Aristolochia belongs with Asarum to the nat : order of AsamrpEs. Linnzus has put it into Gywan- DRIA hezandria. : LocALriry—In shady woods from New-England to Florida and Missouri, most abundant in the Allegha- ny and Cumberland mountains, scarce in the alluvial and limestone regions. .. QvaxrrIEs— The root has an agreeable, penetrating, — aromatic smell, somewhat similar to Valerian and — 64 ARISTOLOCHIA. No, 10, * Spruce: and a warm biiterish pungent taste. It contains pure camphor, a resin, a bitterish extractive, and a strong essential oil. By distillation a pearly fluid is produced. By infusion in alcohol, it gives a yellow or green tincture ; and in water a brown li- quor: the tincture is most powerful. By decoction or distillation much of its active principles evaporate. PROPERTIES—Diaphoretic, tonic, anodyne, an- lispasmodie, cordial, antiseptic, vermifuge, exanthe- matic, alexitere, and a powerful stimulant of the whole system. It was first introduced into Materia Medica asa remedy against snake bites, whence its name, and was used as such by the Indians, with many other plants : it acts then as a sudorific and antiseptic. It is useful in the low stage of fevers to support strength and allay irregular actions: too stimulant in infam- matory fevers and disorders; but an excellent auxili- ary to Peruvian bark and other tonics in intermit- tents, enabling the stomach to bear them, and increas- ing their effects. In remittent fevers it is preferable to bark. It is deservedly a popular country remedy in infusion, for pleurisy, exanthems, cachexia, catarrh, rheumatism, &c. acting as a sudorific. In bilious pleurisy it has been found highly serviceable : in bi- Hous complaints it checks vomiting and tranquillizes . the stomach. In typhus and typhoid pneumonia it CU) oom SR ard at peer ing mortification, and abating the symptoms. Thus the Snakeroot may be deemed an active and _ Valuable medicine, it is often associated with other to- = mics, and camphor, opium, valerian , &e. to increase ——— PA No. 10. 65 their action. It is probably a good substitute for cam- phor and valerian in many cases, The doses of the powder are from ten to thirty grains, often repeated, or an ounce of the warm infusion every three hours. Wine is an excellent vehicle for it in fevers. Many compound tinctures contain it. - When too stimulant Spikenard (Aralia) and Elder (Sambucus) may be substituted to advantage. SusasTITUTEs—-Üamphor-— Rosemary-— Seneca Snakeroot— Eupatorium perfoliatum—AÁsarum Canadense and Firginicum—Al the native Aris- tolochias—Gaultheria procumbens, and many other tonic and diaphoretic stimulants. -_Remarxs—The bark, seeds, and roots of the 4. Sipho, (or Siphisia glabra,) called vulgarly Dutch- man-pipe flower or Pipe Vine, may be substituted, having the same properties. It is a tall vine, with large cordate smooth leaves, and brown flowers like a pipe with a trilobe mouth, growing on the Ohio, &c. A. tomentosa (or Siphisia tomentosa) is a low vine, with cordate woolly leaves, growing in the Western States, A. hastata is a small plant, with long narrow leaves, having obtuse aurieles at the base: it grows in the Southern States. The roots of these two last are often mixed with the common kind in the shops. Henry's figure represents probably the 4. tomen» £osa, but the leaves are too sharp. »2 66 ; ARUM. No. 11. No. 11. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Enexisa NameTHREE-LEAVED ARUM. Frencn Name—Piep-pe-VEAUTRIPHYLLE. German NAME—DREYBLATTRIGE Aron. OrricinaL Name—Arisarum trifolium, Arum ra- dix. VULGAR Niue Indias Turnip, Dragon Root, Dragon Turnip, Pepper Turnip. AvrHonIrTIEs—Linnzus, Michaux, Pursh, Elliot, Schoepf, Dispensaries, Bigelow fig. 4, Sequel, &c. Genus Arum—Spathe univalve cucullate, convo- jute at the base. Spadix naked above : no perianthe. . Stamina and pistils naked separated at the base of the spadix: filaments with two or four anthers ; berries conglomerate, one celled, few seeded. - Species A. triphyllum—Leaves radical, ternate, folioles sessile, oval, acuminate, entire and smooth : seape with one spathe ovate acuminate, inflexed : spa- - dix club shaped, shorter : flowers polygamous, trioi- RIPTION—Root perennial, round, flatten- d ous, with many white fibres around the base: skin dark, loose, and wrinkled.— Leaves one or two : on long sheathing petiols, three folioles very smooth and sharp, pale beneath, oval or rhomboidal or ob- ^ long, entire or undulated, with regular parallel nerves. “ ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. © No. 11. Scape or leafless stem, tunicated at the base by vagi- nated membranaceous acute sheaths, supporting one large upright spathe, tubular at the base, hooded at the top, either green or purple, or varkhok with both colours in stripes within. Spadix cylindric, ob- tuse at the top, also variable in colour, bear ng the flowers at the base where it is contracted. Some plants. have only stamina, others pistils, and others have both, wherefore it is polygamous trioicious. Anthers two or four on short crowded filaments. Pistils crowd- ed below, round, without styles, stigma punctiform. Sometimes abortive pistils and stamina intermixed. The upper part of the spadix withers with the spathe, while the pistils grow into a large compact head of shining scarlet berries. HISTORY —Arum is the type of a natural family, the Anorpzs, among Monocotyle plants. In the Lin- nz;an system it has been put in Gynandria or in Po- lyandria ; yet. many species are polygamous. Lin- neus did very improperly, and against his own bota- nical rules, “change the | previous name of "Tournefort Arisarum into Arum, which isa mere termination of many other genera, dsarum, Comarum, Ke: : triphyllum means three leaved. The A. tryphillum blossoms with us from May & to July, and in the summer bears its bright scarlet: ber- ries. The vulgar names are common to all the North ‘American species, which have similar roots. Their leaves are sensible to a harsh grasp like Onoclea sen sibilis, and the A. dracontium coils them when ple ed, The seeds and roots may be rendered e 68 | AROM. No tte 7 A, esculentum (notwithstanding their caustic pun- gency) by long coction ; they were eaten by the In- dians roasted and otherwise. LocaLirr—All over North America in woods: it is said to extend to South America as far as Brazil; but probably a different species is found there. All soils and regions appear to suit this plant: it delights however in good, rich, and shady grounds. QuaLrries—The whole plant, and particularly the root, is violently acrid, pungent, and even caustic to the tongue, but not to the skin. It burns worse than Capsicum or Cayenne pepper. This active princi- ple is a peculiar substance, roine, highly volatile, having no affinity with water, alcohol, oil or acids, and becoming an inflammable gas by heat or distilla- tion. The roots yield one fourth of their weight of a pure amylaceous matter, like starch or arrow-root, or a fine white delicate nutritive fecula, by the same process as Cassava or Jatropha manihot. PROPERTIES—Powerful acrid, stimulant, inci- sive, restorative, expectorant, calefacient, carmina- tive and diaphoretic. The fresh roots are too caus- tic to be used internally, unless much diluted, and when dry they are often inert, unless they have been dried very quick, or kept buried in sand or earth. It must be used in substance mixed with milk or mo- isses since it does not impart its pungency to any iquor ; or the fresh roots must be grated, or reduced toa pulp, with three times their weight of sugar, thus forming a conserve, the dose of which is a t tea spoonful twice a day. + In these forms it is used for flatulence, cramp in the stomach, asthmatic and consumptive affections. It quickens circulation, and promises to be a useful to- pical stimulant when the acrid principle may be ren- dered available. It has been found beneficial in lin- gering atrophy, debilitated habits, great prostration in typhoid fevers, deep seated rheumatic pains, | or pains in the breast, chronic catarrh, &c. Suasrrrures—Copsicum—Salep—Erythronium— : Squill—Arrow-root—Polygonum hydropiper—Salvia urticifolia—Cyclamen europeum—Arum dracontium, and other native Arums—besides Ranunculus bulbo- sus, and some other acrid pungent substances. —— . Remarxs—A. dracontium bas a large pedate af, with five to fifteen oblong segments, and grows in | the Southern and Western States. A. virginicum has sharp, wide, cordate leaves, and grows in Virginia, &c. A. sagitefolium has sharp, long, sagittated leaves, and grows from New-York to Carolina. All these have similar roots, seeds, and properties. Henry has assumed the name and figure of de Be ropean A, maculatum for this plant. 0 ASARUM. No. is. No. 1 x ASARUM CANADENSE. EseLrisH Name—BROADLEAF ASARABACCA: Frexcu Name—AsARET DU CANADA. German Name—Canapiscue HAsELWURZ. OrriciNAL Names—Asari Canadensis, radix and herba. = ; : Vvrcan Names—Wild Ginger, Indian Ginger, Ce nada Snakeroot, Heart Snakeroot, Coltsfoot, &c. Avtuoririzs—Linnzus, Schoepf, Michaux, Pursh, Cornut, Coxe, Dispensaries, B. Barton, W. Barton, fig 32, Bigelow fig. 15 and Sequel. Synonyms—A. latifolium of Salisbury. A. caro- | linianum of Walter. —— me. wi Lis RR E M eat E _ Genus Asarvum—Perigone urceolate trifid. Sta- mina twelve epigynous, anthers adnate. Germ coa- leseent with the base of the perigone, style short, stigma stellated six parted. Capsul six locular, many seeded.—Siemless, leaves radical geminate, flowers solitary in the bifurcation. Species 4. Canadense—Leaves broad ,reniform, en- : tire, puberulent :- flower woolly, tripartite, segments . DESCRIPTION-— Roots perennial, creeping; - fleshy, cylindric, jointed, with scattered fibres, brown outside, white inside. —Radical leaves, geminate, pu- escent, with long and round petioles, reniform Or — AP TN Kcu E No 42, > ASARUM CANADENSE. __ : - ; : Y NS NN NS N eS INS SS "S 7, Ay P A A t ASS > = No. 12. | ASARUM. | rt kidney shaped, broad, entire, tip often mucronate but obtuse, surface puberulent, veined like a net work, and often spotted, glaucous beneath. No stems. Flower solitary between the two leaves, on a curved peduncle, tomentose, purple, darker inside. Peri- gone with three equal segments, acuminate reflexed. Stamina twelve unequal, filaments mueronate, an- thers adnate laterally. Three filiform nectaries or abortive stamina, alternating with the segments. Style conical grooved, or six coalescent styles, crown- ed by six thick revolute stigmas. Capsul round, hexa- gonal, crowned, and with many small seeds. HISTORY—A humble stemless plant, with flow- ers nearly concealed in the ground. It has many va- rieties, with small or large leaves, rounded or muero- nate, spotted or unspotted ; the flowers also vary in colour from greenish purple to dark purple: they blossom in May and June. Asarum is an ancient name, the genus gives name ; to a natural order AsamrpEs, called Aristolochides A by Jussieu, and Sarmentacea by Linnæus. In the Linnean system it is placed either in Dodecandria or Gynandria. It has been called Canadense, because first noticed in Canada, the name Jatifolia of my would be preferable. The names of Wild Ginger, Heart Snakeroot, &e. _ are common to all the other species. “he roots are — often collected and sold for Virginia Snakeroot, al - though very different in appearance, but similar in | taste, smell and properties. They deserve to be tected more extensively, as an article of trade ys ASARUM. No. 12, _ _ ——Á'| eet portation ; being an excellent substitute for ginger in every instance. i Locarrry—From Canada to Carolina and Missou- ri, in shady woods, it is most abundant in hills, val- leys, and rich alluvions. QuaLrries—The whole plant, but particularly the root, has an agreeable aromatic bitterish taste, inter- mediate between Ginger and Aristolochia serpentaria; but more pleasant, warm, and pungent. The smell is spicy and strong. The active substances are a vo latile oil, possessingsthe taste and smell of the plant, with a red and bitter resin, both soluble in alcohol ; ¡they contain besides much fecula and mucilage. PROPERTIES—Aromatic stimulant and diapho- retic, cordial, emenagogue, subtonic, errhine, &c.; but not properly emetic like the 4. europeum, al- . though often mentioned as such. It is a grateful sub- . stitute of the Serpentaria in many cases. It is useful 3 cachexia, melancholy, palpitations, low fevers, 3 le e, obstrurti 10ns, hoopi ng-cough, &c. The Boas must be small and often repeated, since it be- comes nauseous in large doses. The best preparation : is a cordial made with the tineture and syrup; the tincture is coloured dark red by the resin. = . The dried leaves make a fine stimulating and ce | snuff, , When reduced to powder, which may be ill disorders of the head and eyes. g “wine or beer may be made by the infu- the we pa in fermenting wine or beer- ioe eee ss —Á No. 12. ASARUM. 73 SSNS rus benzoin, with many aromatic stimulants, and all the other American species of this genus. Remargs—A. Virginicum may be known by its smooth gordate leaves ; it is found from Maryland te - Georgia and Tennessee, particularly in mountains, and is still more grateful than 4. Canadense. — — A. arifolium has smooth, hastated, spotted leaves, and a tubular flower ; it is found in Carolina and Ten- nessee. The figure of Henry represents the leaves sharp, which is never the case, and he calls it Swamp Asa- rabocca, although never growing in swamps. T 7h : ASCLEPIAS. No. 13. No. 13. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA, E ExcLisu Name—ORANGE SWALLOW-WORT. FRENCH Name—HouATTE TUBEREUSE. German NAME—KNOLLIGE SCHWALBENWURZ. OrriciNAL Name—A. tuberosa radix. Vurcag Names—Pleurisy root, Butterfly weed, Flux root, Wind root, White root, Silk weed, Canada root, &c. AvrHoriTiss—Linnzus, Schoepf, Michaux, Pursh, B. Barton, Chapman, Thacher, Dispensaries, Parker, Tully, Bigelow, Med. Bot. fig. 26 & Seq. W. Bar- . ton M. Med. fig. > — Genus Ascrerras—Calix quinquefid. Corolla five parted, flat or retiexed, bearing five auricles with ap- pendages, and a large central truncate stegyne, Sup” porting and concealing the five stamina, covering the two pistils : which are succeeded by two follicles. Species A. Tusrnosa—Hairy, leaves scattered, variable, nearly sessile, oblong or lanceolate, entire: a with subulate bracts, flowers lax and orange m .. DESCRIPTION Root. perennial, large, fleshy, white, of variable form, fusiform, erooked or branch- Mn = or ascending or pro" LI mal ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA 1 : ORANGE SWALLOW-WORT. A No. 1$. ASOLEPIAS. — 70 beneath, entire or undulate, oblong or lanceolate, or nearly linear, obtuse or acute. Several terminal or lateral umbels, divaricate, with subulate bracts for involucre. Flowers erect, pedun- cled, and of a bright orange color. Calix small re- flexed, five parted. Corolla reflexed, five parted, seg- ments oblong ; auricles ereet, nearly as long, euculate, with mobráal appendages or horns. Stegyne tough, pyramidal, having five coalescent stamina around, each with two cells and two masses of pollen suspend- ed by a threat. Two pistils completely concealed by the stegyne; germs ovate with short styles, stigmas obtuse.—Follicles two, often abortive, lanceolate, acute, erect, downy, dehiscent laterally ; seeds many, imbricate, flat, ovate, connected to a longitudinal re- ceptacle by long silken hairs. HISTORY—The beautiful genus AscrEPIA$ e longs to the natural order of Arocynes, section 4s- clepides. In en it t has been put in PENTANDRIA dig 3 the singu. ' the flower is such diera as well be eonsidered as ES m or mona: le phous! the flowers appear to have a double coisi inner one has five lobes called neetaries or auricles, This structure renders, however, the genus very na- tural and easily recognizable. It is dedicated to Es- culapius, the ancient god of medicine, under his Grecian name of Aselepias. - "This species is easily known at first sight e its bright orange flowers blossoming in July and . 4 gust, among all the numerous Men conge 76 ASCLEPIAS. No, 13. ^ species; which are upwards of thirty. It is a very ornamental plant, although inodorous, while many others are sweet scented. The roots which are near- ly tuberous, have given name to it, although the 4. acuminata is also tuberous. The 4. decumbens of some Botanists is only one of its varieties: it is very the stems and leaves. All the Asclepias are milky; but this less than others. They all produce a fine glossy and silky down in the follicles or pods ; which has been used for beds, hats, cloth and paper. This down makes excellent beds and pillows, being elastie, and one pound and an half occupying a cubic foot. Light and soft hats are made with it: the staple is too short to be spun and woven alone ; but it may be mixed with flax, cotton, wool and raw silk. It makes excellent paper, and the stalks of the plants afford it likewise, as in flax and Apocynum. The 4. syriaca or Silky Swallow-wort producing more of the down, has been cultivated for the purpose, and a pound of down produced from forty to fifty plants. Its young shoots are edible like poke, and the flowers gos a honey by com- pression. The 4. syriaca, 4. pa and several other species, have similar medical properties, and may be — to this, although somewhat less active- «. Locarrry— Found all over the United States, but : Nt aleman in the South; it prefers open situ&- : tions, poor and gravelly soils, along gravelly streams = and on hills. Rare in rich and loamy soila-- 5:35 ¿ /. QuaLrries—The root is brittle when dry, and easi- — No. 13 3 p ly reduced to powder ; it is somewhat bitter, but not unpleasant : it contains a bitter extractive and fecula, both soluble in boiling water. When fresh the root, as well as the whole plant, is rather ne sub- acrid and nauseous. PROPERTIES—Subtonic, da ne rant, diuretic, laxative, escarotic, carminative, antis- pasmodic, &c. It is a valuable popular remedy, and a mild sudorific, acting safely without stimulating the body. It is supposed to act specifically on the lungs, to promote suppressed expectoration, and to relieve the breathing of pleuritic patients. It appears to ex- ert a mild tonic effect, as well as stimulant power over the excretories. It relieves the dyspnoea and pains . in the chest. It often acts as a mild cathartic, suita- ble for the complaints of children ; it is also useful in £holie, hysteria, menorhagia, dysentery, &c. In the low state of typhus fever, it has produced ‘perspiration when other sudorifics had failed. In pneumonia and catarrh it is always beneficial. It re- stores the tone of the stomach and digestive powers. It has been given in asthma, emit — and even for worms. v All these valuable properties, many of which are well attested, entitle it to general notice; to become - an article of commeree, be kept in shops, ke. The doses are from tweaty to thirty grains of the powdered root three times a day, ora gill of the de- eoction and infusion every few hours: a vinous infu- sion and-a decoction in milk are also recommended in some cases. i a 2 79 ASCLEPIAS. No. 13. SubsTITUTES—Snakeroots—Myrrh—Spikenard— Squill—-Asarabaca—-Sassafras—-Tolu—Apocynum androsemifolium——Liquorice——Ginseng-—Many other Swallow-worts, &c. Remarxs—It may be useful to notice some other species possessing the same properties. 4. syriaca or common Silkweed, grows all over the United States near streams; it has large oblong opposite leaves, white beneath, and large globular umbels of sweet scented flowers of a lilac color. 4. incarnata, grows also near streams every where, has lanceolate leaves, opposite and acute; flowers flesh colored or red, scentless. A. acuminata, also near streams in New-Jersey, Se. with opposite ovate acuminate leaves, flowers red terally redexed. Stamina ten, free unequal. Pistil stipitate, ventricose, many seeded—Leaves ternate. : Species B. rrncrortA—Y ery smooth and branched, - leaves small nearly sessile, folioles cuneate, obovate, obtuse ; racemes terminal, few flowered ; pods ovate on long pedicles. —DESCRIPTION-— Root perennial, large and woody, irregular, blackish outside, yellowish within, fibres lighter. Stems two or three feet high, round and smooth, yellowish green with black dots, very much 80 | BAPTISIA. No. t. ramified ; but branches thin and with small. leaves. These leaves are alternate, and with three folioles nearly sessile, obovate, smooth, of a bluish green; stipules minute, evanescent, oblong, acute. —F lowers bright yellow, in small loose spikes at the end of - branches, pea like, but smaller.—UCalix campanulate bilabiate, upper lip entire or ‘notched, lower trifid.— - Stamina inclosed deciduous.—Pistil single and stipi- - tate, succeeded by a swelled oblong pod of a bluish black color, with a row of small rattling seeds. HISTORY This plant has the appearance ofa — small shrub and broom : it blossoms in J uly and Au- — gust. The whole plant (even the flowers) often be- come black in the fall or in a herbarium; it dyes 2 kind of blue like Indigo; but greatly ‘altar. The young shoots are eaten like those of Poke in New- England, and are like it of a drastic nature. It is often used to keep off the flies from horses, as these insects appear to avoid it. Several other species grow in the Southern and Mesure States, which have probably similar quali- ties. The B. australis with large blue flowers, very ornamental, grows on the bebe of streams: the P. alba has white flowers, &c. These plants were an- nexed to Sophora by Linnzus, and to Podalyria by een until properly separated by Vente si cerent e enero baring free stamina: s also to Dees No, 14 BAPTISIA. 8i Locarrry—Found all over the United States from Maine to Louisiana and Illinois, in woods, and on hills; it prefers dry and poor soils, is unknown im rich loamy soils, and seldom met in alluvions. QuaLrries—The whole plant, but particularly the root, is nauseous, subacrid, subastringent, but inodo- rous. It is active and dangerous in its fresh state, if taken internally ; but loses much of its action by long keeping, and by boiling. Its active principles are lit- tle known ; it contains tannin, indigo, and an acid. PROPERTIES—Astringent, antiseptic, febrituge, * diaphoretie, purgative, emetic and sti mulant. Xt js a valuable remedy for all kinds of ulcers, even the foulest, either gangrenose, phagedenie, or syphilitic: also for almost every sore, such as malignant ulcerous sore throat, mercurial,sore mouth, sore nipples, aph- thous, chronic sore eyes, painful acrid sores, and every uleerous affection. It must be used externally in strong decoction as a wash or in aef — poultice, or ointment with lard or cream. 1 This is one of the most powerful vegetable anti- septies in putrid disorder and in internal mortific: it may be given internally at the dose of half an ounce of a decoction, made with twenty times its weight of water. It stops gangrene, has cured Scarlatina angi- nosa, inverted uterus, and sometimes putrid and ty” phus fevers. As a uini it inimi T venient and apn: jn results. : 32 BERBERIS. No. 15. No. 15. BERBERIS CANADENSIS. Excrisg Name—BARBERRY. Fresca Nawrz—EriNz VINETTE. German Name—Bersenirze. - Orrrernar Name—Berberis baccae, &c. Vutear Name—American Barberry bush. | Synonyms—Berberis V ulgaris Var. Canadensis | of Linnzus, Michaux, dc. AvTnorities—Linnzus, M ichaux, Pursh, Schoepf, several Dispensaries, and Mat. Med. __ J Genus Bereeris—Calix free with six sepals or fo lioles, and three small bracts outside. - Corolla with six petals, biglandular at the base. Stamina six, op posite to the petals. One free pistil, germ oblong; stigma sessile and umbilieate. Berry one celled, 1wo-four seeded. e , | Species B. Canaprnsts—Shrubby, upright, bran- ches dotted, with triple thorns ; leaves fasciculate obo vate, remote serrulate : racemes nodding or drooping .. DESCRIPTION. A pretty shrub rising from four ejght feet high, with long bending branches, hav- r 5 No. 15. | BERBERIS CANADENSIS s dra . di RRY No. 15. 83 nodding or pendulous ; they are yellow, on long pe- dicels, and rather small. “he petals are oblong ob- tuse, and have each two glands and a stamen at the base. "The berries hang in loose bunches, they are oblong and red, smaller and less juicy than in the com- mon garden Barberry of Europe. HISTORY — Berberis is an ancient name, it is the type of the natural order of BerBerIbgs. In the Lin- nean system it is placed in Hexanpria monogynia. This species was E a variety of the B. vul- garis of Europe, till Pursh s differs from it. de blos: oms in . ripens the berries in Jane abortive. S The stamina of the ds are irritable, wid end with elasticity towards the pistil. It is supposed that the vicinity of this shtub is injurious to wheat, and this has been noticed as one of the instances of yege- table antipathy or incompatible vicinity. It is liable - to the rust, sterility, and many other diseases. _ LocaLrrr—From Canada to Virginia, in moun- tains, hills, among rocks, &e, Common in New- England in rocky fields: rare in the West and in rich soils. Qvarrrres— The whole shrub (even the root) is acid ; in the berries this acid becomes very pleasant, and is probably the tartaric; but mixed with some as- tringency ; the bark is yellow and bitter. | PROPERTIES—Antiseptic, acid, subastringent, refrigerant, &e. The berries, leaves, bark and ot: may be used in pd Me pas 84 BERBERIS. No. 15. arrhea, summer flux, and all kinds-of acute inflamma- tions, A syrup, jelly, conserve, &c are made with them, which prove very palatable, cooling, and bene- ficial in those complaints, as auxiliary remedies. It has also been used in the jaundice and other diseases; but with less success and certainty. The bark has very different properties : it is tonic and purgative; it has been given in Leucorheea, aphthes, jaundice, &c- it also dyes of a yellow color. ScvssrrTUTEs— Red Currants—Pomegranate—Le- mon Juice—Cream of Tartar—/ndromeda Arborea —Callicarpa Americana—Ozxalis—Common Bar- berry—Tamarinds, and all strong vegetable acids— also Elixir of Vitriol, &c. 16 BOTROPHIS SE ARIA. ENT . * No. 16, BOTROPHIS. 85 N O. 1 6. BOTROPHIS SERPENTARIA. ExcLisa Name—BLACK SNAKE-ROOT, Frencn NAME—SERPENTAIRE NOIRE. GERMAN Name—Scuwarz SCHLANGEWURZ. OrriciNAL Name—Serpentaria nigra. Vurear Names—Squaw root, Rich weed, Rattle weed, Rattle-Snake-root, Black Cohosh &c. Synonrms—Actea racemosa, Lin. &c. Cimicifu- ga Serpentaria, Pursh, &c. Macrotrys, Sub- G. Ra- finesque and Decandolle. AUTHORITIES—Linnæus, Schoepf, Coldeñ, Mi- chaux, Pursh, B. Barton, Elliot, Decandolle, some. Dispensaries, Tully, Big. Sequel, Sc. G. Boss qii G Acres. — _{G. CIMICIFREGA. . 1. Cal. four leav Calix four leaved.|Calix four leaved. 2. Corolla, with|Corolla, with fo ar Corolla with four many minute large flat petals, i-a sac at petals. P Fos there many.|Stamina many. . ¡Stamina many. 4. Pistil one. Pistil one. ` Pistils several. 5. Capsul dehis-Berry not open- Several dehiscent cent longitudi- ing. capsuls. — 6. Seeds many la-¡Seeds lateral. {Seeds scaly. - - Species B. linis Lecce ample, decom- posed or re folioles ovate acute, E 36 BOTROPHIS. No. 16, jagged ; raceme terminal, very long, more or less bent: flowers scattered, peduncled, bracteolate. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, blackish, thick, with long fibres.—Stem simple straight, from three to six feet high, smooth, angular, furrowed, often crooked—leaves few and alternate, one nearly radical, remote, ample, decomposed, tripinnate, upper one bipinnate ; folioles sessile, opposite, three to seven on each last division of the petiole, oval or lanceolate, acuminate, smooth, pale beneath, with yellowish re- ticulated veins, margin unequally. jagged, or sharply : serrate, particularly outside : the last foliole is trifid. Flowers in a long terminal raceme, from one to three feet long, often with one or two shorter ones near its base. This raceme is cylindrical, white, al- ways bent er crooked at first ; the flowers are scatter- ed, lax, often geminate or fasciculate, on short pedun- eles, with a subulate braet. The calix is white, like 2 corolla, with four thick rounded and obtuse sepals; - the petals are very small, shorter than the calix and stamina: these last form a pencil, the filaments are white, club shaped ; the anthers yellow, oblong; terminal. Pistil oval, without style, stigma sessile, . Jateraland flattened. — Capsul blackish and dry, with one cell and a longitudinal receptacle, opposite to the Op which many flat seeds are attached. - plant has many varieties, one is dwarf, a fo No. 16. 87 HISTORY-—Notwithstanding my reluctance to in- novate in this work, I am compelled to separate this plant from the Genera Áctea and Cimicifuga, to which it has been by turns united. I did so ever | since 1808, calling it Macrotrys, which meant dong raceme, which name Decandolle has adopted as a subgenus of Actea; but this name being delusive, too harsh, and an abbreviation of Macrobotrys, I have framed a better one, meaning Snake raceme: the ra- ceme or long spike of flowers being mostly crooked, and like a snake. To convince any one of the neces- sity of this change and impossibility of leaving this plant with Aetea or Cimicifuga, I have given the _ characters of the three genera in opposition to each other, whereby the striking difference in the pene, pistils and fruit, will be perceived at once. : Actea and Botrophis belong to a peculiar natural family, the Acrxi1pEs, having single pistils and fruits: while Cimicifuga belongs to Ranuncurives with several pistils. Botrophis must be put with Actea in - PorvANDRIA monogynia, while Cimicifuga belongs to Potyanpria pentagynia or polygynia. The Actea japonica is probably a Botrophis. The American species hes an extensive range; and was used by all the Indians. It blossoms in June and July. The whole plant, and even the flowers are medical. Locanrry—All over the United States, from Maine to Florida, Louisiana and Missouri, also in 3 Canada and Texas ; very common in open woods, rich - grounds ; and sides of hills; less common in rock 55 BOTROPHIS. No. 16, mountains and sunny glades, very rare in moist and wampy soils. QuaLrries—The root and plant have rather an un- pleasant smell, and a disagreeable nauseous taste. — Schoepf considers it as nearly poisoneus, and to be "sed with caution, yet powerful and hefoie. lt has not been analyzed, but appears to contain extractive and a fetid oil. PROPERTIES— Astringent, diuretic, vinis anodyne, repellent, emenagogue, subtonie, de. It is anartiele of the materia medica of the Indians, much used by them in rheumatism, and also in facilitating - parturition, whence its name of Squaw-root. It has been found useful in sore-throat, as a gargle : also in dropsy, hysteries and psora, in decoction alone, or united with Sanguinaria Canadensis. ltis a bene- ficial auxiliary in the treatment of acute and chronic _ rheumatism. It is used by the Indian doctors for . agues and fevers, which it cures like Eupatorium perfoliatum, by a profuse perspiration. Yellow fe- ver is said to have been cured by it, after an emetic had been taken. — This is one of the numerous Indian cures for the bites of snakes : they use the reot chewed and ap- E Nurse the wound ; but they consider the Eryn- jum aquai nid E. yuccefolium (corn Snake- or Rattle-snake flag) as by far more powerful { ient. A decoction of the root cures theitch! i fort ases of horses and cattle, is said _ fo purge them, expel their worms and- date: the quer” EC raín,- cea a. dreneh.. x* No. 16. UNE pee alba $ 2. rubra —Eryngi- um aquaticum $ E. yuccefolium— Eupatorium. perfoliatum—Snakeroots—Spikenards or Aralias— Cohosh or Caulophyllum—Juniper and other similar sudorifics and diuretics. Remarxs—Not figured in Bigelow 1 nor. works. Henry's figure of the Squawroot, whi h he wrongly calls Asclepias purpurascens, is a bad re- presentation of this plant; but his description and text apply to some other plant. The Actea alba or Whiteberry Snakeroot, which has the same properties, will be known by a shorter stem, smaller leaves, short, oblong raceme, with round white berries like wax. It grows from New York to Tennessee, in rich woods. The A. rubra or Redberry Snakeroot, hardly dif- fers from. A. alba, but has red berries and is less a common. | "se two plants are also called Baneberries, and diet berries are poisonous. - They aie called White and Red Cohosh by the Inc ians: the blue Cohosh is the Caulophyllum, and ‘the black Cohosh, the Botro- : phis. n2 99 BRASLNIA. No. 17; - No. 1%. BRASENIA HYDROPELTIS. Exes Name—WATER-SHIELD. FRENCH Name—HYDROPELTE. GERMAN NAME—W ASSERSCHILD. OrricixAL Name—Gelatina aquatica, Brasenia. Vuiear Names—Frogleaf, Little Water Lily, Water Jelly, Deerfood. Synonyms—Hydropeltis purpurea, Michaux, &c. AvuTHORITIEs—Schreber, Wildenow, Persoon, Mi- chaux, Pursh, Elliot, Nuttal, «ce. Genus Sika d Pulgeue "ue eolored, roliform, with six equal sepals or petals, stamina = “many, shorter, hypogynous, anthers adnate: many -~ pistils, germs sessile with a style. Fruit, many small one-seeded achenes, . Species B. HyvroreLris—Roots creeping, leaves floating, alternate, peltate, elliptie, entire, gelatinous beneath; flowers axillary, solitary, peduncled. . . DESCRIPTION—The roots are perennial, creep- . ing under water and mud, cylindrie, jointed. with . bundles of fibres at the joints—Stems many, growing q fill the leaves reach the surface of the water, almost si ila to the roots—Leaves alternate, on very long ES ' tioles, floating on the water, ofa regular el- "liptie form, like an oblong shield, entire and obtuse, smooth and lucid above, with blc radiating veu * Lr. seid Dum ac f li j ( iso. 17. BRASENTA. 91 white and veinless beneath, but covered with a coat of pale jelly, sometimes purplish : the leaves are Sven or three inches long. OV we a Flowers on long axillary and solitary peduncles, similar to the petioles: these flowers are ofa dark pur- ple color, the six petals are oblong and acute : Stami- na from twenty to thirty, shorter than the petals, sur- rounding the pistils which are from twelve to twenty, germs oblong, styles short, stigma obtuse, Achenes or small nuts naked, maturing under water, oval ob- long. . ae uUo ox - nknown io Linnzus; HISTORY—This plant was u it was first deseribed by Schreber, and called Bras- enia, from a German botanist, Brasen: Michaux changed improperly that name into Hydropeltis, meaning water-shield in Greek ; both names may be retained, but Brasenia has a prior claim to be the generie. Only one speciesis known. It belongs to the natural order of RANUNCULIDES, and to Poryanpria polygynia of Linneus. It blos- soms in July and August. The flowers are pretty, but have no smell: the leaves are very singular, and af- ford one of the few instances of pure homogenous ve- - getable jelly, being spontaneously produced, and co- vering the whole under surface of the leaves, the stems and petioles are also more or less covered with it Deer and cattle are very fond of eating these leaves: they resort to the places where they grow — plentifully, and even swim in the water in search of ` them. € o LocaLirr—From Carolina to Kentucky, and 92 BRASENIA. No. 17, - — _ _ __ ___ ——————— TT rida, rare in Virginia, Missouri and Kentucky, found only in some local places, but there extremely abun- dant, and spreading so as to cover the whole surface of ponds, lakes, marshes and sluggish streams. QvALrITIEs— The plant has no smell, but the taste is subastringent and bitterish ; the jelly is a pure muci- lage similar to that of Lichen and Sesamum, and — S evolved; beeoming gummose in rey ing. PROPERTIES—Mucilaginous, astringent, demul- cent, tonic, nutritive, &c. Intermediate between Lichen Islandicus and the Water Lilies. The fresh leaves may be used like Lichen, in pulmonary com- plaints and dysentery : when dry the gelatinous mat- ter almost disappears, yet they impart mucilage te water. If no virose quality exists in this plant, as the taste of deer for it appears to indicate, it may become a useful substitute or auxiliary to Lichen in phthisis, inflammations, debility, &c. boiled into decoction or jelly. SuzsTITUTEs—Lun gwortor Pulmonaisa— Lichens —Atrow-root—Salep—Nymphea & Nelumbium— | Polypodium—Adi anthum— T'ussilago—Elecampane Liqu ice—Marshmallow—Sesamum—Flaxseed- s—Unnoticed as yet by all medical wri- l known to the Indians. LSet, ..., : MARILANDICA. 0, N CASSIA Bé. ME. CASSIA. D3 ME CASSIA MARILANDICA. Enetish NAME—AMERICAN SENNA. - FRENCH NaME—SENNE' D'AMERIQUE. GERMAN Name—MArILANDISCHE Cassra. OrriciNAL Names—Senna Americana, folia, dic. Vurear Names—Wild Senna, Loeust plant. AvutHoriries—Linnzus, Michaux, Pursh, Schoepf, Coxe, Thacher, Chapman, Barton, e Bart, fig. z 12, Big. fig. 39, € Seq. $ = ed Genus Cassra—Calix five parted, duous and unequal. Corolla with five | pe- tals. Stamina ten, unequal and free, the three up- per sterile, the three lower longer, anthérs lineaf 'urve A Pod: bivalve, curved, mee with eight or ten pairs of oblong | | petiole uniglandular : racemes allas and. terminal, panicled: pods linear, flat and pendulous, | Bro -DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, eo irre- gular, woody, black, fibrose—Stems many, nearly smooth, upright, from three tosix feet high, cylindri- eal and simple—Leaves alternate, not. many, large, horizontal ; petioles compressed, channelled above, _ with an ovate stipitate gland at the base, bearing from — gight to teu ecmnald Gide scie are 94 CASSIA. No. 18. smooth, green above, pale beneath, with short uni. glandular petioles, shape ovate, oblong or lanceolate entire, equal, mucronate at the end—stipules subu- late, ciliate, deciduous. Flowers of a bright or golden yellow, forming a panicle, although partly axillary and in short racemes, having each from five to fifteen flowers; peduncles furrowed, pedicels long, glandular, with short bracts. Calix colored, witb five oval obtuse and unequal seg- ments. Petals five, spatulate, concave, obtuse, une- qual, two lower larger. Stamina with yellow fila- ments and brown anthers, the three upper filaments have abortive anthers, the three lower filaments are - longest, crooked, with long rostrated anthers, all the anthers open by a terminal pore. Germ deflexed with the lower stamina and hairy, style ascending, stigma hairy. The fruitsor pods are pendulous, linear, hard- ly curved, flat and membranaceous, a little hairy, blackish, from two to four inches long, holding from twelve to twenty seeds, or small brown beans. HISTORY—The genus Cassia, although very striking by the structure of its flowers, varies much in its pods, and must be divided into many gener? ; Tournefort and Gaertnesr had separated the Cassia fistula ax. with cylindrical, pulpy, evalve pods, cal- ling t hers Senna ; but Persoon, dc. called the ! by the new name of CatAartocarpts: the name Lou co-dér conss. This was » and if I was not unwillingto increase this 7 om on a Senna i y - thartics, some kinds oceasion gripings and yet are no No. 18. ».— CASSIA. 93 dias x given to it because sent first from Maryland to fe rope. Cassia is an oriental name, desived from AKeinichh, name of the Cassia lignea and fistula. The genus belongs to the natural order of Leetmrnose, section Lomentaceous. In the Linnean system it is placed in - DeEcANDRIA monogynia, although it has only seven fertile stamina. This plant blossoms from June to August; the best time to collect it, isin September, when the pods are ripe; since they are with the leaves, the efficient _ parts of the plant. It has been ascertained that this — — plant is more efficaeious o oss deett | ought therefore, to superse.le it altog and even to be exported to E 4 dia senna is said by Bigelow to be a |e pap The Senna of the shops is obtained from different plants, Cassia lanceolata, C. Senna, C. italica, &c. and even from Cynanchum olefolium. Locarrrr—Found from Massachusetts to Mis- souri and Georgia, in rich moist and alluvial soils, — near streams principally. Very common in the west- ern States. QuaLrries—The taste of the leaves is slightly nau- seous: they have no smell; they contain resin ex. tractive and a volatile oil. The infusion and decoction have the taste of the plant ; the distilled water is nau- seous; the tincture is dark brown and rendered tur- bid by water. PROPERTIES—All the Sennas are simple ca- B 96 CASSIA. — No. 184 ee == so active as rhubarb or jalap. This kind operates with | mildness and certainty, at the dose of an ounce in de- coction : both the leaves and pods are employed ; the | infusion is weaker, the tineture is less available, al- | though stronger. They may enter into compound laxatives and cathartics, &c. SugstrrurEes—Senna—Cassia uer c vica | Juglans Cinerea—-Podophyllum peltatum—-Castor oil, and all mild purgatives, besides the following spe- eies of Cassia; which are, however, still left active. Remarxs—Clayton and Schoepf, mentions the €. — ligustrina as equal to Senna: it grows from Virginia to Georgia, has seven pairs of lanceolate, unequal fo- lioles, and oblong curved pods. C. chamecrista, small plant found every where in | dry "ilesit has many pairs of linear folioles, and | e flowers with two purple spots. C sehia, or sensitive Senna, similar to the fore- going, but with very small flowers: common. C. toroides, N. Sp. or sickle Senna, is perhaps the C. tora of some botanists; found from Georgia to Kentucky, it has three pairs of ovate folioles and long fuleated axillary pods. _ a - M All the American Sennas have yellow flowers.— — > says that the C. bi flora is antisyphilitic. figute of the American Senna is fictitious, rs of folioles and regular. terminal 19 * 1DES 01 HYLLUM THALICTR CAULOP o O H y No. 19. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. Exerisu Name —BLUEBERRY COHOSH.. Fresca Name—Conocue Brev. German Name—B av Conoscnz. OrricinaL Name—Caulophyllum radix. Vurear Names—Cohosh, Cohush, Blueberry, Papoose root, Squaw root, Blue Ginseng, Yellow Ginseng. Synonyms—Leontfice aa roid ficii Sc, AvTHonRITIEs—Michaux, Pursh, Elliot and some dispensaries. Notin Barton nor Bigelow. SS Genus CavLopnyittum—Calix colored with six equal sepals. Corolla with 6 small petals, opposite to the sepals of the calix and much shorter. Stamina six op- posite to the petals, anthers opening laterally. One central free pistil, one Style and Stigma.. Fruita glo- bular one seeded drupe.—Leaves three on a trifurcate stem. Species C. THALICTROIDES—Very smooth, three leaves with three dissected or lobed folioles, the ter- minal cordate: in the centre a dichotome corymb, shorter than the leaves. DESCRIPTION —Whole plant lom two to four feet high.—Root perennial, yellow inside, brow: outside, hard, irregular, knobby, branched, with m | i | 98 CAULOPHYLLUM. - No. 1 | angina, fibres—Stem upright, straight, smooth, trifurcate at the top or dividing into three leaves, in the centre of which comes out the panicle of flowers—Leaves pe tiolate smooth, pinnate lobed, with three, very sel- dom five folioles, the lateral ones nearly sessile, oval or oblong, inequally bifid and acute: the terminal fo- liole separated, larger, subeordate, with five, seldom three, unequal lobes or segments, oval and acute. Flowers in a short central loose corymb, yellowish green, rather small ; rachis slender, dichotome, with minute bracts at each division. Each flower pedun- cled, with six equal elliptic obtuse sepals—Petals six very small, opposite and notched, with each an op- posite longer stamen, filaments short, anthers elliptic bilocular, opening on each side—Germ globular, style short, stigma obtuse—Drupes resembling ber- Ties suceeed ihe: blossoms; they are smootb ofa dark blue, globular, rather large, with only one hard seed. = HISTORY—This genus which includes only one . . species, was united to Leontice by Linnzus; butse- parated by Michaux; they both belong to the natural family of BerBErRIDES, and to HExANDRIA monogy- nia. Caulophyllum implies that the stem and leaves are connected as it were, and the specific name alludes ... to the leaves being similar to many Thalictrums—Co- . hosh was the indigenous name of this plant, and a à better « one than Blueberry, the usual one in many p ts: it blossoms in May and June, while the leaves yet tender and smali, the berries are ripe in sum- ies soak habi sitim, ced siia: to No. 19. 99 This is a medical plant of the Indians, and although ; not yet introduced into our officinal books, deserves to be better known. I have found it often used in the country and by Indian Doetors; Smith and Hen- ry extol it. Locatiry—All over the United States, from Ca- nada and New England to Missouri and Georgia ; but chiefy on mountains and shady hills, rare in - plains and glades, yet often found in deep fertile soils, swampy and moist grounds ; in river islands, &c. QvAriTrEs— The root is the only part used: in smell and taste, it partakes of Ginseng and Seneca root, and is sometimes mistaken for both. It is sweet- ish, a little pungent and aromatie: the infusion and tincture are yellow—it contains a gum, resin and oil, Prorerties—Demulcent, antispasmodic, emena- gogue, sudorifie, &c. It is used by the Indians and their imitators for rheumatism, dropsy, cholie, sore E pluma a constant use of a tea y the root Të two. or three weeks before their time. As a powerful emenagogue it promotes delivery, m menstruation, and dropsical discharges. It may be used in warm infusion, de- coction, tineture, syrup or cordial. SuasTITUTEs—Sauguinaria ca nadensis—Penny- royal—Polygala Senega— Snake roots—Red Cedar —Spikenard—Camphor—Ginseng, Ke. Remarks—The figure of Henry has trifoliate Teaves and the berries on the leaves! mes Y 400 CEPHALANTHUS. ~ No. 20, | No. 20. CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS. ENcrisu Name—BUTTON-WOOD SHRUB. French NAME—CÜEPHALANTHE D'AMERIQUE. . German NAME—AMERICANISCHE WEISSBALL. Orricivar Names—Cephalanthus Cortex, &e. VvrcaAR Names—White Ball, Little Snowball, Swampwood, Pond Dogwood, Globe flower, in Lou- isiana Bois de Marais. Avruoritirs—Lin. Mich. Pursh, Elliot, Robin, . W. Bart. Fl. fig. 91. 0 mn Genus CrrnaLANTHUs—Flowers erowded on 2 globular and hairy phoranthe. atideda: torona r- 1, four cleft, epigyne, bearing four stamina equal and protruding. Pistil one cohe- rent with the calix, style long, stigma globose. Cap- sule two celled, two seeded, nearly bipartible, and each cell nearly bivalve, valves uniserial. | Species C. occipENTALIs— Leaves ternate or oppo- = site, petiolate, oval-accuminate, entire and smooth: . heads of flowers terminal, peduncled, upright. ESCI RIP" TON—A_ fine ornamental shrub from to fifteen feet high, very branched ; bark Ha e with: jie agh No. 20. 101 inches long, oval, base acute, end acuminate, margin often undulate, smoeth on both sides, but glaucous beneath, nerves often red, veins yellow. Flowers terminal peduncled, forming round balls of a cream white color, and sweet scented, fringed all over by the protruding Stamina and styles, nearly as large as a walnut. Phoranthe or common recepta- cle globular and hairy, flowers erowded all over it. Calix coherent with the pistil, with four small acute teeth— Corolla inserted on the Pistil, tubular or nearly funnel form, with four ovate segments. Sta- mina and style filiform, double the length of the Co- rolla, anthers and stigma yellow—Capsuls small, crowded, formed by two semibivalve cells, the valves opposite to cach other, the two outside valves angular, each cell has only one seed. LocaLrrr—All over the United States from Cana- da to Louisiana, Missouri and Florida; mostly found near streams, ponds, swamps, lakes, Se. HISTORY —Cephalanthus means head-flower in Greek, alluding to the globular form of the blossoms. Linneus only knew this species, and gave to it the name of occidental. It is peculiar to North America 5 the same kind said to be found in Cochinchina is a different species; but there are several varieties in the United States, not yet well noticed, some of which may be perhaps peculiar species; such are Var. pubescens, with pubescent leaves, in Georgia. Var. macrophylla, with large leaves half a foot. long, corolla hairy inside : in Louisiana, &c- : 12 102 CEPHALANTHUS. No. 90 Var. obtusifolia, leaves oval-oblong, obtuse, not undulate: in New York. They all blossom in summer, July and August: the flowers have a peculiar fragrant smell, similar to Jessamine. The wood is brittle and useless. The Genus belongs to the great natural order of RusracEOUS, forming with Nauclea, &c. a peculiar section or family, with capitate flowers. It ranks in Terranpria Monogynia. Quatirres—The whole shrub active, and bitter- ish, the bitterness is most enfolded in the bark of the roots: this bark and the inner bark of the stem are brittle, somewhat resembling Cascarilla and Dog- wood, in appearance and qualities. It has not been analyzed; but contains an essential oil, besides the usual principles of tonic barks: the oil is most abun- dant in the flowers. s PROPERTIES—Tonic, febrifuge, cathartic, dia- _ phoretie, &e. The flowers, leaves, bark of stems and roots, are used by the Southern Indians, and the French settlers of Louisiana. It has not yet been noticed in our materia medica, and is even omitted by Schoepf and Henry; but it deserves further atten- . tion. A fine fragrant syrup may be made with the _ flowers and leaves, which is a mild tonic and laxative- ‘ho mast monti is the bark of the root. A decoe- of it, eures intermittent fevers, acting on the bow- sam time, is useful in relaxed bowels, &c. M p is ; No. 21 è T. | ; ; * CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTHICUM. : PT i — 3 = 103 No. 21. CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM. Exerrm NawE-—WORMSEED GOOSEFOOT, French NAME—ÅNSERINE VERMIPUGE. | - GERMAN NAME— WURMSAMEN GANSEFUSS. | OrriciNAL Name—Chenopodium seu Botrys An- thelminticum. Vuzcar Names—Jerusalem Oak, Wormwood, Worm seed, Stinking weed. dk eremi cliens y Michaux, Pursh ; Schoepf, B. Barton, Mease, Wilkins, Coxe, Thacher, Chap- man, Stoker, Big. seq. W. Bart. Mat. Me. fig. 44. mem ete ` Genus Cuexoronrum—Perigone simple persistent, ealiform, five parted, Stamina five perigyne. Pistil free with a bifid style. Seed single, lenticular, co- vered by the perigone. Species Cu. ANTHELMINT¿CUM.—Leaves oval-ob- long, sessile, sinuate-toothed : flowers terminal, ses- sile, in glomerules, forming lea ds: Fac spikes. : re y DESCRIPTION—Root paa and breschalas dies Stem upright, grooved and branched, branches fasti- - giate, giving a shrubby appearance tothe whole plant, which rises from two to five feet in height—Leaves sessile, alternate or scattered ; attenuated at both ends, oval or oblong, rather thick, dotted beneath, margin sinuate by large unequal obtuse teeth, nerves Me j conspicuous. Flowers very small, numerous and yellowis 104 CHENOPODIUM. No. 2t, like the whole plant, forming large, loose leafless ter- minal panicles, composed of many slender alterning small spikes, and these of many small scattered une- qual glomerules, containing from five totwelve sessile flowers. Calix or simple perigone with five short oval segments; stamina opposite to the segments, and protruding. Styles bifid or trifid, filiform, lon- ger than the stamina. Seed flat, lenticular, shining, covered by the persistent calix. | HISTORY —ihe whole plant has a strong, pun- gent smell, somewhat like valerian, which is disgust- ing to many persons ; this smell is easily known and enables to distinguish it from some other consimilar species, which are often blended with it : such are the Ch. ambrosioides & Ch. botrys, whose smell is agree- able and fragrant, although strong. _ The genus belongs to the natural order of ATRIPLI- ces, and to Penranpria digynia of Linnzus. The generic name means Goosefoot in Greek, the specific refers to its value against worms. _ It blossoms from July to September, at which time the plant may be collected and dried ; but ifthe seeds are wanted, October is the best time, although they ripen in succession during all the autumn. The plant . is now sometimes cultivated for medical uses, both in - America and Eweese. The dried plant retains the pe culiar smell. X Locarrrr—From New England to Missouri and rgia, more abundant and age in the South : nin old fields, along fences, in alluvions, £T? bbis ds and even in s streets ; ¡Jess ins No. 21. QuaLITIEs— The strong and lasting smell of the whole plant, is owing to an “essential oil, very pene- trating or pungent, and in which resides the medical property. It is diffused throughout the plant, parti- éularly in the globular dots of the leaves, and the seeds. The taste is bitter, acrid and aromatic. PROPERTIES—A powerful vermifuge used both in America and Europe; found equal to the officinal — wormseed, which is the Artemisia Santolina, a very different plant, native of Syria and Africa. It expels speedily, the Lumbrics and other worms of the in- testines. It must be given in repeated small doses, and the mest palatable form: the seeds and their es- sential oil are the most efficacious, eight or ten drops ofthe oil, mixed with sugar are a common dose for. dE ehild, or a table spoonful morning and night fasting, Se of an electuary mode of the potter: seeds with — ASA in milk; of the rcc (or eved iir juice,) are also used. Children often dislike the strong smell of this medicine, and it must be disguised by orange peel E or sweet substances. The seeds > in the pharmacies, but the last is often adulterated — with oil of Botrys or of Turpentine; which lessen its 5 power; it may then be known by a less pungent: smell. This plant has only been employed against worms, as yet, but it possesses probably all the properties of the CA. Botrys and amb» osicides, which are pecto- ral, resolvent, earminative and emenagogue: useful in — — . asthma, suppressed menstrations, Se. z SvBsTITUTES—-Spigelia or Pinkroot—. eS and oil are now kept _ 106 CHENOPODIUM. No. 21. — d cardinalis —W ormwood—Silene Virginica—Pola- nisia graveolens, and all other vermifuges. Remarxs—Many other species of Chenopodi- um are medical; but none vermifuge like this : those which approximates in appearance and smell are the following ; which must not be mistaken for this al- though useful in other respects. Ch. botrys or sweet Jerusalem oak, has oblong ob- tuse sinuate leaves, and crowded panicles. Common all over the United States, in sand and gravel near streams. Ch. ambrosioides or Fragrant Jerusalem oak, has narrow or lanceolate toothed leayes, and leafy pani- cles, with a very fragrant smell, stronger than in the foregoing. Grows promiscuously with Ch. anthel- Minticume . The whimsical name of Jerusalum oak has been | firen ta these plants, from a fanciful similitude to the | Menea Baro represents probably the CA. botrys. No. 22. | CICUTA MACULATA. No. 22. $ CICUTA MACULATA. Eyoerish NAME—AMERICAN HEMLOCK. . Fresca Name—Crieve p’AMERIQUE. — aiii GERMAN NAME—AMERICANISCHE SCHIERLING. |. OrricinaL Names—Cicuta Americana. VuLear Names—Snakeweed, Death of man, Wa- ter Parsley, Poison root, Wild hemlock, Children’s bane. AvTnonrTIEs—Linnzus,. cit — B. p ton, Ely, Stockbridge, pav, Ae d£. - Genus Cicura—Flowers S idis. : No invo- lueres, involucels many leaved and short; calix sym- . phogyne, crown five toothed : petals oboval, entire, inflexed ; five long stamina; Fruit orbicular, crown- ed ; with ten furrows, bipartible, bisperme. Species C. macuLara—Root _fasciculate, tube- rose: Stem hollow and stri 1 leaves | tripinnate,. folioles lanceolote, serrate, acuminate, te eeth mucro- nate, veins exmedial: involucels acute, flowers lax. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, composed of many oblong fleshy tubers, of a finger’s size—Stem from three to six feet high, hollow, striated, jointed, purple or green, smooth and branched.— Leaves smooth, decomposed, alternate with petioles elasping at the base, bilobe, membranaceous ; decreasing in size upwards, where they are only ternate, while the lower are tripinnate or triternate, folioles sessile, 408 CICUTA. No. 22% | = = posite, lanceolate, serrate, acuminate, with veins end- : ing at the notches, which is very unusual. Flowers whiteinterminalum bels,withoutinvolueres, — umbels with seven to twelve umbellules, each having from: twelve to twenty flowers, upright, not erowd- ed: Involucels very short, oblong, acute ; calix con- nected with the pistil, erowned, crown with five minute segments. Petals five obovate, white, entire, end inflexed. Filaments longer filiform, anthers oval. Twoshort recurved styles. Fruit nearly globular, divisible into two seeds as in all the umbellate plants, each is flat inside, convex outside, with five furrows. Locarrry—In wet meadows, pastures, and ditch- es; near streams and swamps, from New England to _ Georgia and Ohio: also in the mountains of Penn- sylvania and Virginia.—Blossoming in summer, from ‘July to August. ' HISTORY The genus Cicuta is one of the poi- sonous hemlocks; the Conium maculatum, is, how- ever, considered as the true hemlock and the most | virulent: butthe deadly poison of that name (ren- - dered famous by the death of Socrates) was a com- ~ pound beverage. In the United States, the same i name is capriciously given to a beautiful and useful — species of Fir-tree, — Both Cicuta and Conium belong to the natural or- r of UMBELLATE, or Umbelliferous plants, and to ‘TANDRIA digynia of Linnzus, although they DESEE Ve er y cuta was the old latin name, m aculata means | |, it isa very | 109 Ko. 22. cc D ^ bad specific name; which Bigelow would have changed into fasciculata, if changes or old names should not be avoided. — Many umbellate plants growing near "waters are poisonous, although the Sweet Sisily or Myrrhis is not. The root of the last is often sought for by chil- dren, who like its sweet taste; but are apt to mistake this and many other poisonous plants for it, by which mistake several have been poisoned. It would be well to avoid all similar plants; or at least to attend to their different smell and taste, which is strong and disagreeable in all the pernicious kinds. These deleterious plants appear to lose some of their virulence when growing in a drier soil, or cul- tivated in gardens. Sheep and goats eat them with impunity, and even cattle do not appear injured by them when mixed with hay. Several persons searching for Angelica root, Sweet flag, Sweet Sisily (which have all a pleasant aromatic E smell and taste,) la some have died ii poison were violent convulsions, ing mouth, — a bleeding nose, dilated pupils, fixed eyes, Sic. When — vomiting was produced naturally, they were saved, after being very sick for, three days, with stupor, — paleness, &c. Persons poisoned in this way, ought therefore to evacuate the stomach, by tickling the throat, or taking an emetic; sulphate of zine is the ha: š eaten this root by mistake, anå 1 The effects of the . most speedy. Vinegar or Lemon juice may also be — - given to neutralize the narcotic poison, and next Cas- tor oil, mild purgatiyes, pene cofee, Sc. after y miting. 110 CICUTA. No. 22; QuaLrries—The root has a strong penetrating smell and taste, its bark contains a yellowish juice in small cavities. The juice of the root is viscid, resin- ous, dissolves in alcohol, and is precipitated by wa- ter. It produces a thick volatile oil by distillation, and a resin of a dark orange color is left. The de- coction of the root is whitish. The extract of the whole plant is dark and has a nauseous smell. PROPERTIES—A strong narcotic, solvent, and good substitute for the Conium maculatum, being more powerful, and requiring a lesser dose. A few grains of the dried leaves or extract have been given in schirrose and scrofulous tumors and ulcers, with equal advantage; but a larger dose produces nausea and vomiting : the doses should be very small, often repeated and t [ ally increased. It has been used — in gargle for. the sore throat, but safer substances — ought to be referred. UTES— Co; iiim maculatum-—— Angelica atropurpurca, and other violent narcotics. _ Remarxs—The Indians when tired of life, are said to poison themselves with the roots of this plant and the bali. dre 4x. atropurpurca. | j j A m . COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. No, 23. 114 COLLINSONIA CAN ADEN SIS. XENcLrisH Nawg—BROADLEAF COLLINSONIA Fresca Name—CoLLIiNSONE DU CANADA. i GERMAN NAME—CANADISCHE COLLINSONIE; Orricinat Name—Collinsonia. Vurear Names—Richweed, Richleaf, Heal-all, Horseweed, Knot-root, Stone-root, Knot-weed, &c. AUTHORITIES—Lin. Mich. Pursh, Schoepf, Mease, &c. T Ep ae sE c E — K Genus Cotitxsonta—Calix campanulate, bilabiate, tire teothed. Cosollatubulese, hat5us unequdi-sub-bi-*—— labiate, campanulate, upper lip very short, notehed, lower lip fringed. Stamina two or four, or rather AC which are often sterile, or without an- Jne | se stigma lateral. Fruit 4 1 Meer lowish, Species C. can rri RR s^ ag eme am- ple, petiolate, cordate, serrate, acuminate : panicle lax, teeth of the calix subulate, equal to the tube of the corolla, two fertile stamina. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, knotty, depres- sed, hard with many slender fibres—Stem simple, round, straight, about two feet high.—Only two or y three pe of large thin leaves, on long petioles, «ut £13 . COLLINSONIA. | No 23. = date at the base, broadly ovate, acuminate, with broad teeth, surface smooth, with small veins. — Inflorescence in a terminal leafless panicle, formed by branched racemes—F lowers opposite on long pe- duneles, with short subulate bracteoles. Calix cam- panulate, with five subulate teeth. forming two lips, the lower lip is longer and with two segments. Co- rolla yellowish, tubular at the base, spreading above in two lips; the upper lip is very short and notched, the lower lip is lobed on the sides, and fringed around. Two long protruding stamina, filaments fili- form, anthers oval. Style protruding. Sceds often abortive, and only one ripening. HISTORY—Collinsonia is a genus peculiar to North America, and dedicated to Collinson, an Ea- * glish botanist and philosopher. It was at first formed by this single species, but has since been increased by E many others, which have all the same habit: where- by the genus is easily distinguished from the Salvia (Sage), Monarda and Lycopus, genera belonging to the same natural order of Lasrarz, and section of Diandrous. But this genus offers the anomaly of having some tetrandrous species: wherefore it might be placed both in Diandria, Tetrandria or Didyna- : X apesar > — The species with four stamina are C. Anisata, C. longiflora & C. Verticillaris fl. ludov. They must of course. form Murs subgenus, which I have ¿q pe y am jualities and properties, as well as the striking habit of large leaves and — fringed flowers often yel- ow. The C. canadensis is a handsome estival plant, alossoming from July to September. Locatiry—Found from Canada to Carolina, in woods ; rare towards the south and confined to rich _ valleys; very common in the mountains of Pennsyl- vania and New York. It disappears west of the moun» tains; but is replaced by other congeneric species. Qvarrrizs—The whole plant has a strong balsamic smell, ‘somewhat similar to that of Salvia Sclarea : it is sweeter and stronger in the blossoms and worse in the root. It affords by distillation an essential: oil; possessing the same smell. The taste is pungent and warm. PROPERTI Ear, coroborant, earmina- * tive, subtonic, diuretic, and a warm stimulant. Itap- - pears to combine the properties of Sage, Mint and Woundwort: (Anthyllis Vulneraria) therefore it may be substituted to them. It is one of the plants called Heal-all, in the United States, beeause they cure sores and wounds: the Indians employ this plant for hat purpose. In the mountains and hills of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Carolina, this genus is con- sidered as a panacea, and used outwardly and inward- ly in many disorders; it is applied in poultice and. wash for bruises, sores, blows, falls, wounds, sprains, _ a contusions, and taken like tea for head aches, cholics, — cramps, dropsy, igs, &c. The whole plants x9 -— i TEN iit COLLINSONIA. No. 95. are used, both fresh and dry : they are alse employed for the sore-backs of horses. Accordingto Schoepf, it is useful in the dumb fe- ver, lochial cholie, bites of snakes, and for rheuma- tic pains, in strong frietions of the leaves. Dr. Mease relates that the root infused in cider-has cured the dropsy. i SUBSTITUTES—Acorus Calamus—Aniseed—Sal- via or Sage—Monarda or Horsemint—Mentha or Mint—Cunila or Dittany—and many other labiate plants.—For sores Baptisia tinctoria—Solanum _ Virginicum—Galaz rotundifolia, &c. i .. REMARKS—A! the other species of this genus have the same smell, taste and properties: they are equal- dy employed. "The C. anisata has a finer smell, . somewhat similar to aniseed, by which it may be easi- _ ly dknown. The other species are'so much alike as = to be easily blended, or taken for each ether. They . have, however, narrower leaves, often hairy : and the C. tuberosa has a larger softer root. _ The most common and officinal in Kentucky, Ohie &c.s a new species, which I have called C. angusti- Jolia; it is about a foot high, has smooth lanceolate _ or oblong leaves, three inches long, acute at both 3 ends, margin crenate serrate; racemes slender, flow- ` ers small, yellowish, teeth of the calix acute, shorter - an the tube ; corolla less fringed than in the others; long stamina, €^ d No. 24, 113 ERE o ll. COMPTONIA ASPLENIFOLTA. Escuisa Name —SHRUBBY SWEETFERN. FRENCH Name—CoMPTONIER ODORANT. - T “GERMAN NAME—STREIFENFARREN. E OrriciNAL Names—Comptonia, Dulcifilix nite Vurcan Names—Sweet-fern, Sweet-bush, Sweet- ferry, Fern-bush, Fern-gale, Spleenwort-bush, &c. Syyonrms—Liguidambar peregrinum $ L. asple- nifolia of Linneus. Myrica asplenifolia Gronovius. AUTHORITIES—Linneus, Aiton, Michaux, Pursh, Schoepf, B. Barton, W. Barten, M. M. fig. 19, &c. cue Genus Compronta—Monoical, amentaeeous—M, — fl. in long cylindrical catkins, scales one flowered, perigone two-leaved, three forked stamina, six anthers. F. fi, in globular inferior catkins, scales one flowered, perigone six leaved, one pistil, two. Den: fruit i evalve, one-seeded nut or achene. Species C. Asp POE ind i ed, sessile, narrow lanceolate, alternately crenate-si- | nuate. DESCRIPTION—A small shrub from two to dn feet high, with many crooked branches and long hori- zontal roots— Leaves alternate, crowded, sessile, with two small oval acute stipules at the base, fromthree to — five inches tong, ‘half an inch broad, acute at both - ends, with a strong midule nerye ; each side 1 - 116 COMPTONIA. NoÀ ly sinuate by large equal obtuse lobules—Flowers ap- pearing before the leaves ; the male in many superior lateral and cylindrical catkins, the female inferiorin a few globular or oval lateral catkins— scales of both catkins imbricated concave, reniform, acuminate, Ca- ducous and one flowered. Male flowers with a two- leaved perigone, shorter than the scales, each part equal and keeled. Six stamina or anthers, on three short forked filaments. Female flowers with a bristly perigone of six filiform persistent segments, longer - than the scales. Pistil oval, two capillary styles. Seeds evalve oval nuts or achenes, compressed yel- low, forming a round burr. HISTORY—This pretty shrub forms by itseif a solitary genus of the natural order AMENTACEOUS, de- dicated by Solander and Aiton to Compton, an En- glish bishop, and friend of Botany. It may be placed in Monorcia triandria or hexandria or triudel- . It has been called Sweet-fern, owing to its singular .. leaves, similar to the Spleenwort fern, and having à pleasant spicy scent. It blossoms very early in March and April, before the leaves are unfelded. — . Linnzus had united it to Liquidambar or the sweet xm gum tree, and Gronovius before him to Myrica or wax _ shrub, which have a similar inflorescence. Locauiry—From New England to Carolina, on | pt alluvial peta in poor, sao s and sandy, : No, 24, E COMPTONIA. 417 —Qe New Jersey, &c. but e disappearing west of, the mountains, and unknown to the western plains. QuaLrries—The whole plant, but chiefly the leaves have a peculiar strong smell, of a sweet and balsamic nature; becoming stronger by pressing or bruising them. It contains the benzoic acid, tannin and a resi- nous substance. The taste is balsamie and pungent, PROPERTIES—Astringent, tonic, calefacient, cephalic, balsamic, expectarant, &e. It possesses all ' the properties of the tonic and astringent balsams, Barton recommends it for diarrhea, loose bowels and the summer complaint of children, or cholera infan- tum, in the form of a weak decoction ; but it is used. in Pennsylvania and Virginia for many other diseases, such as all children's bowel complaints, (where it dormsa grateful drink tor them) in rhachitis, in debili- | = ty, in feversas a diluent tonic; in rheumatism and contusions it is less available. The root chewed stops blood-spitting, aecording to Schoepf. Upon the whole this shrub appears to be deserving of further atten- tion, I have seen it employed throughout the country as a substitute or auxiliary 4o the more Lope bal- | sams, in asthma, bronchitis, Ke. x Sussrirures—Storax—Tolu—-Sassafras—Laur benzoin--Agrimony — Mitchella repens-—Gaultheria procumbens, and all mild balsamic astringents, ` 1 18 CONIUM. No. 23. No. 25. , CONIUM MACULATUM. Ewerisu Name—COMMON HEMLOCK. Fresca Name—Crievr COMMUNE. GERMAN NAME—(GEMEINE SCHIERLING. - Orricinar Name—Conium, Cicuta officinalis. . Vurear Names—Poison Parsley, Spotted Pars- ley. Aurmorrries—Linnens, Schoepf, Murray, Cul- len, Coxe, many Dispens. Bigelow, fig. 11, and Seq. Genu M —Flowers umbellate, with many —Teáved involucres, and dimi : E conereté with the pistil, margin entire. Petals five entire inflexed. Stamina five, Styles two. Fruit bi- , partible, two seeded, oval, compressed, ribbed, ribs wrinkled or crenate. Species C. MacvrLATuM— Stem round, hollow, striated, and spotted: leaves decomposed, bi or tripinnate, folioles opposite, uie pinnatifid : fruit a with undulated BE... DESC RIPTION—Root omnia scented, branch- form—Stem from two to four feet high, ran: , smooth, round, striated, hollow, jointed, 1 with h oblong purplish dotts—Leaves smooth, de- Nw CONIUM MACULATUM. No. 23. Flowers in terminal peduncled umbels, with an in- volucre of ten to twelve lanceolate, reflected, acute leaflets —Umbellules from six to nine on long pedun- cles, inyolucels with three or four similar Jeaflets situ- ated on one side. Flowers very small and white. Calix without apparent teeth—Petals. five, oval, in- flexed, obtuse and entire at the end—Stamina five, as long as the petals. Pistil coherent with the calix, rounded, bearing the petals and stamina; Styles two, reflexed outside. Fruit nearly oval compressed, with erenate ribs, separating into two elliptical seeds, flat inside, convex outside. ; HISTORY— The Conium of the Greeks and the Cicuta of the Romans, was a poisonous plant, the juice of which was used to produce death in Ceos and E - Athens. Socrates and Phocion, two virtuous, emi- nent and innocent Athenians, were condemned to - drink it, and their death has rendered famous, that poisonous potion. ^ Either this plant or the Cícuta —— virosa of Europe afforded it, or a compound beve- rage was made from several poisonous umbelliferous plants, which procured a speedy but tranquil disso- a lution. = It has since been found, that these plants, like ma- ny other poisons, have valuable medical properties, nearly similar in all the deleterious species of this - family. The Conium maculatum, is the most em- ployed, and must be distinguished from others, either more or less active, by its botanical characters; be- D sides its strong smell, spotted stems, parsley leaves, - 3 The power of this plant vary exceedingly 120 CONIUM. No. 25: * acce C addis cording to the place and climate where it grows, the time when collected, and the preparations of it. It is most powerful in warm climates, in the sum- mer, and when full grown. Some persons are hardly affected by it: while others are more susceptible; on these it produces dizziness, nausea, disturbed sight, faintness, &c. which symptoms appear in half an hour and last half a day or more. A large dose pro- ‘duces worse symptoms, vertigo, paralysis, convul- sions and death. There is little danger of being poi- . soned by this plant through mistake, owing to its bad smell: yet there are instances on record that children have taken it for parsley and the root for carrot: whereby sickness and death have been produced. In ; the Pole. States the ih Muri is more dan- Sat in summer PR Siro LAU- It belongs like all the UMBELLATE to PEN- A DRIA digynia of Linnæus. - —"Locarrry—Native of Europe; but now naturaliz- “ed in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Vit ` ginia, Ohio, $e. mostly found in old fields, near roads and fences, on the banks of rivers, &e. Very com- mon in some local spots; but not found every where- — Quarrrigs— The whole plant has a disagreeable virose smell (somewhat like the arine of a cat) which 'eomes stronger when the leaves are bruised. The “contains in the spring a milky juice, highly vir- nt. The essential e acrid principles of thi n No, 25. . 191 light, but not. ue fire. It contains Gum, an a green fecula, Resin, Albumen and many alkalies : but no ‘essential oil. The taste is E and nau- seous. ; PROPERTIES—A iie acrid mircotic bí resolvent; but the uncertainty of its action lessens its value. It is never dangerous in very small doses, often repeated, and gradually increased. It is also an efficient anodyne, sedative and antispasmodic, useful to allay pain in acute diseases. It has been recom: mended in many chronic diseases, such as cancer, _ epilepsy, mania, syphilis, &c. but in those cases it acts only as a palliation to pain, like opium, to which it is often preferable, as less constipating. The diseases in which it has been found usefu chronic abeesses, schirrose tumors, foul ulcers, ric- : kets, earies, repelled iteh, abdominal and internal swellings, obstructions, hemicrania, dropsy of the joints, obstinate ophthalmia and cataracts, &c. In all these cases it acts as an efficient n. and s vent. True shine eif Candle cannot be. cured by it; but obstinate and scrofulous tumors or swelled testi- — cles (which terminate in, or are mistaken for sehir- rus) have been removed by its use. The effects of this plant are so variable, that some physicians have pronounced it inert or a mere diuretic, having been deceived in their prescriptions — bad preparations or otherwise. Z In tie douleureux it has afforded relief or even ef- — “fected a cure, when nothing else could avail. iile E à 422 CoNIUM. — . No.25, - * itis highly extolled in jaundice, removing the yel: lowness in a short time, and curing the disease, when not too complicated. It has also a relaxing effect in facilitating the passage of biliary concretions. Although recommended for the whooping cough, it is not a safe medicine for children. The best way to administer it, is that of the pow- dered leaves, beginning with two or three grains, and increasing the doses gradually. The leaves must preserve their green color to be efficient. Yet the most usual form is the green extract, beginning with one to five grains ; but it is difficultto regulate the do- ses, each parcel having a different strength, and being even nearly inert when made with dry leaves, or young plants, or with too much heat, or when become old. It would therefore be desirable to procure the Coneine ofa permanent strength. An extract from the seeds . is said to be stronger and produces giddiness very Soon. Externally it has been used in cataplasms for carcinoma, syphilis, leprosy and obstructions. Vine- gar and lemon juice are the antidotes for the poison or over-doses of this plant. SussTITUTEs— Üicuta maculatam/Angelica atro- purpurea—Datura stramonium—Hyosciamus ni- - qu alnum dulcamara—Opium, &c. : RzxAnxs— The white and milky root of this phnt S considered a violent poison and not used, although 1 might be more efficient than the leaves. It cannot 1s green, and it de found bat whenerek the m Ne. 26... — CONVOLVULUS PANDURATUS. ~ No. 26, _Ó - > = No. 26. CONVOLVULUS PANDURATUS. Enerisn Name —MECHAMECK BIN rie m “Frenca NAME—LISERON MECHAMEC. ^ -GERMAN NAME—GEIGENBLATTRIGE WINDE. OrrrciwAn Names—Convolv. pandurati seu Pseu- do-mechoacana, radix. Vurear Names—Wild Potatoe, Wild Rhubarb, Mechameck, Wild Jalap, Man in the ground, Meco- acan, Potatoe Vine, Kussander, Kassader, &c. 7 AvrHonrrIES—Linnzus, Schoepf, Coxe, Disp.. Bigelow pue: B. Barton, Nuttal, W. € Y M M. fig. P ts al. Mti ———— m nma Genus CowvoLvuLus—Calix five parted, segments - unequal imbricated. — Corolla bell or funnel shaped, limbus equal, nearly entire, with five folds and teeth. | Five unequal stamina on the corolla. .. One pistil sur» rounded by a glandular disk, one style, sala ifi orbilobe. Capsule bilocular, few seeded. = = = = Species C. Panpuratus—Root tuberose ; stem - twining 5 5 leaves cordate, acute, entire or pandurate ; : peduncles multiflore, calix mutie, corolla funnel. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, very large, cy- lindrie or fusiform, from two to four feet long, as > thick as the arm, yellowish outside, whitish and mil- _ ky inside, with many fissures, often branched below 4194 COONVOLVULES. Ba and attenuated above.—Stem procumbent or climbing, round, purplish, from three to twelve feet long, some- times branched—Leaves cordate at the base, broad, alternate, petiolate, margin entire or undulate, or lobed on the sides like a fiddle, very sharp, but hard- ly acuminate, smooth, deep green above, pale green below. Flowers in fascicles of iw. to six, on long pedun- cles, longer than the petioles, and axillary, pedicels un- equal. Calix with five unequal segments, ovate ob- tuse, concave, mutic, two smaller opposite outside— Corolla large, funnel shaped, about two or three in- ches long, and as broad above, base tubulose, color white or incarnate or purplish. Stamina white, fila- ments filiform, unequal, inclosed, anthers oblong. . Style white, filiform, stigma bipartite, segments li- ear. Capsule oblong, with two cells and four seeds. - HISTORY—A great botanical confusion had arisen | de genus, and the natural tribe of VoLyuLIDes or Convolvulacea, of which it is the type. The genera of this family had not been well fixed, and Zpomeá . particularly was so little distinguished from Convsl- vulus that many species were considered as belonging to both! It is now ascertained (as I pointed out in a = . dissertation published in 1820) that the inequality: -of the stamina is the principal character of the family, and that Ipomea is distinguished, not by the variable rolla, but by the trilocular capsul and capitate or. obe stigma. Both genera contain a multitude of many of which are medical, such as C. Sca- rp: À toms ke, whioh are all _ The true jalap of commerce has been ascribed to se- veral plants, and a controversy exists on the subjeet. "This plant is one of the false jalaps, the others are the Ipomea macrorhiza of Michaux, found from. Georgia to Yucatan on the sandy shores, and several Bind- weeds growing in South America. The true C. j lapa appears to grow on the Andes of South America and Mexico. Our C. panduratus has also been mistaken for Sca- mony, Rhubarb and Mechoacan. The native namg of Mechameck ought to be given to it asa distinc- - tive appellation, It blossoms in summer, from June to August. It was named panduratus by Linnzus, | because the leaves are often lobed on the sides like a fiddle ; but this does not always happen, and some plants have all the leaves eordate and entire. The cathartic properties of this plant and of de mea macrorhiza have been denied by Bigelow, Baldwin, &c. and even the latter considered as edible; but it appears. that all the species of these two ge nera, having milky roots, are more or. ne har particularly when fresh, EE eet They both belong to PeENTANDRIA mono Linneus. Convolvulus, (ike Booleulus)derivestrom - the twining habit of the genus. ca LocaLiry—Common all over the United States, from Canada and New England to Florida and Mis- souri, in poor and loose soils, sandy and slaty fields, : gravelly hills and alluvions, open. dum: and thickets; — but seldom in shady woods. 2.2220 niai -QuaLrries—The taste and smell of the rate ap- proximate to Seamony and Jalap; but are less. L2 426 CONVOLVULUS. No. 26. seous andacrid. This root may be known by its size, yellowish color, and crevisses. It is milky when fresh. The extract from it resembles Scamony and "possesses the same properties. PROPERTIES—Cathartic, diuretie and pectoral. It acts like jalap, rhubarb, briony and scamony at a larger dose, when given in substance ; but the extract from the fresh root is more efficient, and is a mild ca- thartie at a small dose of ten or twelve grains. It is seldom used by physicians, but often by Indian doc- tors. Itisa safe substitute for the more costly roots above mentioned, and as a root often weighs twenty pounds, it might be made an article of trade. “As a diuretic it is useful in gravel, strangury, dropsy, &c. it enables to evacuate small calculous granulations, - and may be taken in substance or decoction. Asa pectoral it has been used for consumptive coughs and ma ; asyrup is made of it with Skunk cabbage, at purpose. CHEN Bere. alap——Rhubarb—-Scamony--— - Briony—Erigeron Sp. —-Pyrola umbellata—As- clepias tuberosa, &c. Remarxs—lIt is asserted that the Indians can han- . dle Rattle-snakes with impunity, after wetting their qeda with the milky juice of the root of this plant, - or of Arum triphyllum. T err figureis erroneous, having triangular leaves . bracteolate flowers. The root must be collected at the end of summer; to be dried ought to be cut in slices, li O N COPTIS . TRIFOLIA = No. 27. COPTIS TRIF OLIA. = Exarru Name—COMMON GOLDTHREAD. French Name—Copris TRIPHYLLE. GERMAN Name—KLeInsTE CHRISTWURZ. Orrictnat Names—Helleborus trifolius, Coptis, Fibraurea, &c. Vutear Names—Gold-Thread, Mouthroot. Synonyms—Helleborus trifolius Linnwus, de. Fibra aurea Colden and Schoepf. Anemone groel- andica Oeder. Chryza fibraurea Raf. — a AvTHoRITIES—Linnæus, Michaux, Pursh, Salis- bury, Schoepf, Pallas, Oeder, Thacher, Coxe, B. Barton, Bigelow, M. B. fig. 5, & Sequel, W. Bart, V. M. M. fig 34. Genus Copris—Calix corolliform and caducous, ; with five or six leaves. Corolla with five or six nec- _ tariform cucullate petals. Many hypogynous stamina. - Pistils five to eight, stipitate, germs oblong, styles re- _ curved. Capsuls as many, stipitate, oblong, beaked, — one celled, many seeded, dehiscent longitudinally, — Species C. rrrrot1a—Roots filiform, creeping ; leaves sub-radical, ternate ; folioles sessile, rounded, crenate; scapes one flowered. DESCRIPTION—Roots perennial, creeping, fili- form, of a bright yellow, with many small fibres— Caudex or base of d aed and radical leaves, cover. 128 COPTIS. No. 27, ed with imbricate scales, ovate acuminate and yellow- ish—Leaves evergreen, on long slender petioles, pro- ceeding from the caudex, with ternate folioles, ses- sile, rounded or obovate, base acute, margin with unequal acuminate crenatures and lobes, surface smooth, firm and veined. Scapes as long as the leaves, slender filiform, with one flower and a minute mucro- nate bract under it.’ Flowers about halfan inch wide, with a white co- rolliform calix of five, six or seven sepals or folioles, oblong, obtuse, concave. Petals as many, shorter, nectariform, obovate, hollow, yellow at the top. Sta- mina many, filaments slender and white, anthers rounded, adnate and yellow. Pistils fromfive to eight. stipitate germs shorter than the gynophore or base, oblong, acute, compressed. Styles short and curved, stigmas acute. Capsules like the pistils naked, the ca- lix having fallen off, umbellate, on long divaricate pe- dicels, oblong rostrate, unilocular, dehiscent on the inner side, and many seeds attached to the other side. HISTORY This plant was erroneously united to Helleborus by Liunzus. I proposed to call it Chry- za, in 1808: it was since called Copéis by Salisbury; ies although my name is anterior and more descriptive, and Fibraurea of Colden would have been good also, am so little tenacious as to admit the Coptis which s already been adopted by many. The principal stinctions are found in the stipitate pistils and cap-- sides es petals not bilabiate. Mya new genus No. 27. 129 petals, and two seeded capsuls. Many botanists call the petals of this plant nectaries, and the calix corol- Ja, thus saying that they have no calyx: but the na- tural affinities teach that wherever the perigone is dou- ble, the inner range is the corolla, whatever be its form. Both Coptis and Helleborus belong to PoLvANDRÍA polygynia of Linnzus, and to the RANUNCULACEOUS tribe, or natural order ApNANTHERIA, section with irregular petals, and dehiscent fruits. This plant blos- soms early in the spring of the cold regions or in May. The roots are the only parts used; they are of a fine golden color, whence the name. "They ought to be collected in the summer, and are easily dried ; but not easily reduced to powder. The plant itself is a pretty evergreen, having the appearance of the straw- Ee berry plant. LocALITY—A borcal plant found from Canada to Greenland and Iceland on the east, and to Siberia on the west. The most southern limits are New En- gland, New York, and the shores of Lake Erie. It is commonly found in mossy swamps and bogs of evergreen woods; but also on the rocks of the White Mountains, Labrador, Newfoundland, &e. QuaLrries—A pure intense bitter, without smell, nor astringency, consisting of extractive matter and a bitter principle, soluble in water and alcohol: the tincture is yellow. PROPERTIES-— Tonic and stomachic, premoting digestion, strengthening the viscera, useful in dyspep- sia, debility, convalescence from fevers, and whenever 430 - OOPTIS. — No. 27. a pure bitter is required; being a good substitute for Quassia, Columbo, Gentian, &c. A tincture made with an ounce of the roots in a pound of diluted alco- hol, is recommended in doses of a tea spoonful thrice a day, or ten to twenty grains of the powder: both agree with the stomach. It has been used for ulceration of the mouth, in gar- gle, &c. but Bigelow pretends that it is inert in that case, being devoid of astringency ; and to other arti- cles added to it, are to be ascribed the benefit it may have afforded. SusstirurEs—-Quassia—-Columbo— Menyanthes trifoliata—Frasera verticillata—Aletris farinosa-- Sabbatia angularis, and other pure bitters. No. 28. 3 CORNUS FLORIDA. - es <= y Nr TT VIGA 7 No .28. = CORNUS. 431 No. 28. CORNUS FLORIDA. Excrnism Name—COMMON DOGWOOD. FRENCH NAME—CORNOUILLER FLEURI. : GERMAN NAME—SCHONBLUHENDER HARTRIEGEL. OrriciNAL Name—Cornus florida. VuLear Names—Dogwood, Dogtree, Boxtree, Florid Cornel, Monhacaniminschi, &c. AurHorrries—Lin. Mich. Pursh, Schoepf, Cates- by, Thacher, Coxe, Carpenter, Elliot, B. ee fig. 28, and Seq. W. Bart. fig. 3, &c. Genus Cornus—Calix symphogyne, four toothed. Petals four, small and broad. Stamina four, epigyne alternating with petals. One style and stigma. Fruit a drupe inclosing a bilocular two seeded nut. Species C. Fuorrpa—Asborescent ; leaves oppo- site, ovate, acuminate, base acute, glaucous beneath : Involucres corolliform, nearly obcordate ; dpt ovate and scarlet. DESCRIPTION—Stem rising from fifteen to thir- ty feet, with a rough blackish bark full of fissures: branches opposite, spreading, with reddish bark and rings where the old leaves grew.—Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval, entire, base acute, end aeuminate, q. L beneath, with strong parallel veins. 432 CORNUS. No. 28; Flowers terminal, appearing when the leaves are young, with a large four leaved involucre three in- ehes broad, commonly mistaken for the blossom, white, obcordate, veined. The true flowers are in the centre, small, crowded, sessile, yellowish. Calix cam panulate, symplrogyne, with four obtuse teeth. Co- rolla with four oblong, obtuse petals. Stamina four erect, anthers oblong, style short, erect, stigma ob- tuse. Fruits several oval scarlet drupes, with a nut inside having two cells and two seeds. HISTORY—The genus Cornus or Cornel, must be divided into two sections, those species having the flowers capitate, sessile, and with an involucre, are the true Dogwoods, (Cynoxylon), and those with cym- ose, naked flowers, are the true Cornels. It belongs with Hedera to the natural family of HEpERAczs, and to TETRANDRIA monogynia of Linneus. Cornus is the ancient latin name of the Cornels, and florida im- - plies that the blossoms are more conspicuous than in any other species. The C. florida is a handsome tree, enlivening the woods in the spring by a profusion of large white blossoms, and bearing in the fall clusters of beautiful scarlet berries. In Louisiana, where it is ealled Bois bouton, or Bois de fleche, (Budwood and Arrow- | wood) it blossoms in February ; in the middle states _in April and May, and more northwardly in June. It lasts a fortnight in full bloom, and every where indi- s according to the Indians, when Indian corn iste. 'Fhis tree grows very slow, and the wood is hard, compact, heavy and durable; it is white outside, and chocolate color in the centre, taking a very fine polish. Tt may be used like Boxwood, and when stained of a light yellow color, resembles it altogether. Allkinds of tools and instruments are made with it, also iege: of wheels, teeth of harrows, spoons, dic. Me Locazrrr—All over the United States, and iaaii in every soil, from Massachusetts to Louisiana, and from Florida to Missouri. Most abundant in swampy and moist woods. - ; Qvarrrigs--The bark of the root, stem and saab is bitter, astringent and slightly aromatic. By analysis. it has been found to contain in different proportion = the same substancesas Cinchona, having more of Gum _ mucilage, extractive and Gallic acid, and less of Re- sin, Quinine, and Tannin, The Quinine of the Cor- nus has been called Cornine, it has all the properties : of the genuine Sulphate of Quinine, but very little is . afforded, The double distilled water of Cornus is Ae mon color, that ef Cinchona is reddish.. iss ie The extract of Cornus is less bitter mre more as- tringent than that of the best Cinchona, but pr ble to the extract of the inferior kinds. T This extract contains all the tonic properties, the resin alone is merely stimulant. . The bark of the root - is the strongest ; it is more soluble in water than Cin- chona. The fresh bark frequently disagrees with the . stomach, andis improved by keeping at least one year. _ PROPERTIES—Tonic, astringent, antiseptic, co- - roborant and stimulant, It is one of the best n: E M 134 No. 28. substitutes for Cinchona, although evidently different in some respects; the powdered bark quickens the pulse, and sometimes produces pains in the bowels ; but the Sulphate of Cornine and the extract are not so stimulant. They are used in intermittent and remit- tent feversalso, typhus and all febrile disorders. The doses of the powder are from twenty-five to thirty- five grains, often repeated. The Cornine like Quinine. In cases of debility it acts as a corroborant; it may be joined in practice with Gentian, Colombo, Camo- mile, Liriodendron, Seneca root, &c. It is often used in decoction in the country, and even the twigs are chewed as a prophylactic against fevers. Drunkards use a tincture of the berries as a bitter forthe same purpose and for indigestion. y The flowers have the same properties, and are, chiefly used. by the Indians, in warm infusion for fevers and cholies. All these preparations have a more agreeable bitterness than the Peruvian bark. -. It is said that the twigs rubbed orchewed, clean and 3 inp sound the gums and teeth. A decoction of the bark is used to cure the distemper of horses called the yellow water. Joined with sassafras it is employed in strong warm decoction to clean foul ulcers and ean- cers. Lastly, a kind of black ink can be made with the = ped in the usual way, instead of galls. /BsTITUTES—Üinchona—Liriodendron—-Ma3- : -sp—Pinckneya— Cephalanthus , and most of _ same tonie > Propert, s, and may be. d No. 28; 135 - substituted to the C. florida. Three of the best — known as most efficient will be mentioned here. 1. Cornus Sericea or Blueberry Cornel, vulgarly ealled Swamp Dogwood or Rose Willow, is a shrub from six to twelve feet high, growing from Canada to Virginia, near swamps and streams. There is a - figure of it in W. Barton, fig. 9. The leaves are like those of C. florida, and silky beneath, but the flowers are very different, in large terminal cymes, without involucrum, yellowish white, and sueceeded by large elusters of small round blue berries.—The bark is less bitter, more. P PRESE: and m to the taste than in C. florida. : 9. ©. circinnata or i. Nivel Cornel, ako 2 called Alder Dogwood, is a shrub with warty twigs, large rounded leaves, woolly beneath: the. flowers ‘are in cymes, without involucrum. It grows from Canada to Pennsylvania.—Prof. E Ives of New Ha- ven, and Dr. A. Ives of New York, extol this kind, they say it resembles the pale Peruvian Bark, Cin- : chona lancifolia : an ounce of the bark yields by boil- ing 150 grains, of an astringent and intensely bitter : extract. In use it is found preferable to Colombo and Cinchona cordifolia, it is much employed in the Northern States, in substance and otherwise, for diarrhea, dyspepsia; butis too heating in fevers. 3. C. alba or Wax-berry Cornel, is also a shrub, growing from New England to Siberia in Asia, with — broad ovate leaves, white beneath, flowers in cymes, _ berries round, white like wax. —All these blossom. from May to June: many birds are fond of their e ries and the beavers eat their bark. is OUNLA No. 29 No. 29. CUNILA MARIANA. Exerrsu Namr—AMERICAN DITTANY. French NaMr—CuNILE D'AMERIQUE. GERMAN NAME— A MERICANISCHE CUNILE. " OrriciNaL Name—Cunila herba. - Vutear Naurs— Mountain Dittany, Stone Mint, wid Basil, Sweet Horsemint, &c. J Avuruorrrres—Linneus, Schoepf, Mich. Pursh, - Elliot, Torrey, Stokes, W. de fig. 42, Sc» =—__ | E -Genus. CosiraA—Calix ek ans iiei with five - subequal teeth. Corolla tubular, ririgent, upper lip’ ee erect flat emarginate, lower lip three parted. Two DRE ed fertile stamina, two sterile stam. very short. . Germen four lobed, style exerted, stigma lateral. : Four seeds within the ealix closed by hairs. — Species C. MAnraxA—Smooth, stems slender and Andaba: leaves opposite, sessile, punctate, ovate, re- . mote, steretós, flowers in terminal fasciculate corymbs. CRIPTION—Root perennial, fibrous, yel- irplish; slender, hard brittle, with many brachi- note branches.—Leaves remote, s sessile, yee No: 29. E CUNILA MARIANA. * No. 29. 437 E — color, forming terminal clusters or corymbs, by the - union of several branched fascicles of three to seven flowers, with very small short oblong bracteoles. . Each flower peduncled and naked, calix green nearly - cylindrical with ten furrows, and five small sharp teeth nearly equal. Corolla twice as long as the ` calix, nearly cylindric, with two short jipa! lower lip larger with three rounded lobes, upper lip smaller, flat and notched. Four stamina, two of which are long, slender and protruding with the style, bearing small didy mous anthers: two small, very short, without anthers.—Fruit formed by four small obovate seeds at the bottom of the persistent calix, mouth of it closed by hairs. - : HISTORY—This genus belongs to the great ut | tural order of Lanrare, section with two fertile filaments, next tó the genera Lycopus, Collinsonia and Hedeoma. It ranks with them in Diendria monogynia of Linnzus. It contains now only this species, which has been called mariana because first sent to Europe from Maryland. Linnzus dad | uhited it to Satureja at first, and called it S. ori- ME ganoides. When he made a new genus of it, he united with it the C. pulegioides, which is now |- Hedeoma pulegioides: these are examples of the. botanical vacillations and errors, to which great writers are liable when they wish to improve the science, and are not ashamed of pne them- selves. - The C. mariana is a pretty plant, with a fragrant smell, similar to v am and pe i 138 CUNILA. No. 29. is commonly ealled by this last name throughout the United States; but is very different from the Dit- tany of the gardens, which is the Dictamnus _ fraxinella, and the other Dittanies of Europe, Ori- ganum dictamnus, Marrubium pseudodictamnus, .&c. Our Dittany is peculiar to America, and distin- guished by its corymbose flowers, which blossom i in . summer from July to September. LocaLrrr—All over the mountains and dry hills - from New England to Kentucky and Carolina, com- mon among rocks and sides of hills, unknown in the ^ plains and alluvions. QuaLrries—The whole plant has a warm fragrant aromatic pungent taste and smell, residing in an es- sential oil, which can easily be extracted by distilla- E tion, and approximates to the oil of Origanum, but is more balsamic. It is the most fragrant of all the native labiate. plants, and the essential oil has a very strong balsamic fragrance. Á PROPERTIES Stimulant, nervine, sudorific, subtonic, vulnerary, cephalic, &e. "The whole plant is used, and usually taken in warm infusion: Dit-. _ tany tea is a popular remedy throughout the Country. ~ for colds, headaches, and whenever it is requisite. to . excite a gentle perspiration. It partakes of the pro- perties of all the grateful aromatic labiate plants, and . also of Camomile, 2n£Aemis Cotula, and the Eupa- 7 perfoliatum : while it affords a more palata- | 3 Tts ae | tea is preferable to that of. No 29. 139 Hedeoma. Solidago Odora comes nearest to this, by its fragrance ; but is weaker and not so grateful. It relieves nervous headaches and. hysterical disor- ders. It is used in Carolina, Kentucky, &c. in Teus, * to excite perspiration, and suppressed menstr E &c. It is a useful drink in nervous diseases, dia 3 and indigestion, Externally it is employed like Co/- linsonia for bruises, sprains, Sc. but is not so effi- cient. According to Schoepf, it was one of the plants resorted to for curing the bites of snakes; the juice was mixed with milk for this purpose. There are fifty plants in the ‘United States, employed occasion- _ ally as an antidote for this purpose, which. merely act as sudorifics The essential oil possesses all the pro- - perties of the plant, and a few drops of it are sufficient to impart them to mixtures. Susstirures—Besides the plants mentioned above all the mild sudorifies, and Eryngium yucefolium, bites Tanmoy, Sasherenis a Inula ae Sic, 440 CYPRIPEDIUM. No. 30. No. 30. CYPRIPEDIUM LUTEUM. Eworrsu Name—YeLLow LADIES SLIPPER. French NaMeE—SABOT DE VENUS JAUNE. German Name—Guxs FRAUENSCHUH. OrrrciNAL Name—Cypripedium radix. - VuncGAR Names—Mocasin flower, Yellows, Blesiiof heart, American Valerian, Yellow Umbil, Male Mervine, Noah’s Ark, &c. Svsoxvus—Cypripedium Calceolus Var. b. Lin. —Cupr. luteum Aiton—C. flavescens Redoute—C. pubescens and C. parviflorum Wildenow, Salisbury, Persoon, Pursh, Elliot, Torrey, Eaton, W. Barton,&c. AvrmonrriEs—Wildenow, Aiton, Pursh, Elliot: W. Bart. flora fig. 74, &c. =—= m 2e Crerireorum—Perigone symphogyne con- . erete with the germen at the base, with five unequal — sepals or divisions, superior and often colored; the - innermost or labellum larger, different, ventricose, - split. Central pillar or gonophore bearing two Anthers and a terminal lobe. - Species C. Lureum—Stem leafy, leaves broad. often acute and pubescent ; flowers with the labellum shorter than the other sepals, saccate and compressed, inner sepals linear spiral and very long, cara obe deltoid nearly obtuse. ¡ON ¡Roots perennial with many Ms. al -— q No. 30. 3 444 yellowish cast, diverging horizontally from the cau- dex.—Stems one to five from the same caudex, sim- _ ple, erect, often pubescent and angular, rising one or - two feet, three to seven leaves, and one to three flowers. Leaves alternate, sessile, sheathing, ovate or - oblong, acute pubescent or smooth, but always entire and with many parallel nerves, green above, paler be- neath. ; Flowers sessile, when more than one, each hadi bracteal leaf. Germen concrete or inferior, green, eylindrical, often curved. Perigone with five unequal and different sepals, called thts by the Linnean Bo- tanists: two are external oblong or lanceolate, acute, longer than the labellum and green : two are internal longer, narrower, spirally contorted and green: the fifth or innermost and lower, called Labellum, is to- tally different from the others, shorter but larger, .yellow with or without red spots, hollow like a bag, convex beneath, rounded in front, split above with inflexed margins. Style and stamina concrete in the centre, above the germen, forming a : intra pe lar, flattened above into an oblong de toid lobe, 2 posed to be the stigma by some Botanists, ant he E ing before two anthers, lodged in separate cells.—The fruit is an oblong capsul, with one cell, three valves, and a multitude of minute seeds, as in all the Orchi- deous tribe. . HISTORY —The cnt! order of the Wem to whieh this plant belongs, isa very striking and peculiar tribe of Monocotyle vegetables, which even — - Linnzus considered as natural, and put in his clas: 442 - OYPRIPEDIUM. . No. 50. —ÓM É— Gynandria and order Diandria, although most of them are truly monandrous. He called their peri- gone, a corolla, because often colored, and deemed the labellum a nectary, while it is evidently a part of the perigone or sexual covering. The generic name of Cypripedium, means Venus! Shoe ; it is a splendid genus containing several beautiful American and Asiatic species. Many Botanists have made two : species, C. pubescens and C. parviflorum of this, to which the previous and better name of C. luteum ought to be restored. I have ascertained that they | form only one species, affording many varieties, some of which are 1. C. L. Var. Mubya, entirely ideas . the flowers. -2. C. L. Var. glabrum, nearly smooth. a €. L. Var. e slightly pubescent, - E + 5. C. L. Var. maculatum, labellum more or less i .. spotted, with red dots, lobule often red. 6. C. L. Var. biflorum, with two flowers and | No. 30, - This plant blossoms in May and ade it is si valued in gardens for its beauty and singularity, but itis difficult to cultivate: it willseldom grow from seeds; the roots must be taken up with earth round them, and transplanted in a congenial rich light - soil. For medical use, they must be collected. in the fall, or early in the spring, carefully dried and re- * duced to powder. LocaLirr—Found all over the United States, from New England to Louisiana ; but very rare in some places, while it is common in the hills and swamps of New York, the Highlands, Green and Catskill Mountains, and also i in the pes and ee of im : Western States. | QuaLrries—The roots are the ya medical fi: 3 they have a pungent, mucilaginous taste, and a pe- culiar smell, somewhat nauseous. They contain ex- tractive, gum, fecula, and perhaps a small portion of essential oil. PROPERTIES—It is with some satisfaction that J am enabled to introduce, for the first time, this*beau- tiful genus into our Materia Medica : all the species are equally medical; they havelong been known to. the Indians, who called them Mocasín flower, and were used by the Empirics of New England, parti- cularly Samuel Thompson. Their properties how- . ever have been tested and confirmed by Dr. Hales of Troy, Dr. Tully of Albany, &c. The most efficient - -is the C. luteum, next C. acaule, and last C. spec- tabile and C. candidum. | Neither Schoepf nor any E other medical writer has mentioned them. No. 30. 444 They are sedative, nervine, antispasmodic, óc. and — the best American substitute for Valerian in almost all cases. They produce beneficial effects in all nerv- ous diseases and hysterical affections, by allaying pain, quieting the nerves and promoting sleep. They are also used in hemicrania, epilepsy, tremors, nervous fevers, Sc. They are preferable to Opium. in many cases, having no baneful nor narcotic effects. | The dose is a tea spoonful of the powder, diluted in » sugar water, or any other convenient form. As in Valerian, the nervine power is increased by combina- tion with mild tonics. The powder alone has been. used; but an extract might be also efficient, unless” the active principle is very volatile. j It is well known that the roots of all the tubercular Orchideous, afford the officinal Salep, which is so Mehl: esteemed in Asia as aphrodisiac, nutritive and. ral. The roots of many species of Orchis could . afford. it in Am erica. The Cypripedium having long fleshy roots appear to afford a different kind of ‘substance, by their efficiency as egnásalents to Vale- rian and Opium. ; Svusstirvres—All the s species of this fine genus ; being equally nervine, it will be well to notice them, . o as to be easily known. _ C. acaule or Red Ladies’ Slipper, Dwarf. Umbil, -Two radical leaves, one large red flower on a. stem. Common i in New Jersey, and on the -plains of the Atlantic States. Best substitute.. Ahere i is a bad fig E . C. pase F or. Red wi White Ladies? 9 Slip- per, Female Nervine, ‘&c.—Stem leafy, one or two flowers white and rose. colored, sepals. oval and short | —Rare from New York to Louisiana, 3x —- 8. C. candidum, or White Ladies* Slipper, W iit Umbil, &c.—Stem leafy, flower white, sepals longer than the labellum—Rare in deep woods, Pennsylva-- nia to Ohio. The other succedanea may be Valeriana officinalis —Humulus lupulus or hops— Ulmus fulva—Arni- ca Montana— Doronicum sp.—Cunila mariana— Inula helenium, &c. Remarks—The ii plants - which dave long roots like the Cypripedium, appear to have dif- ferent properties from those which have round or oval tubercles. The Goodyera is antiscrofulous. The Genus Cladorhiza or Corallorhiza, which has fleshy branched roots, has also active properties, Sic. The Habenaria fimbriata has anthelmintic roots, - and the Haé orbiculata is one of the Heal-alls or com- mon Vulneraries. . All the bulbs of our tubercular Orchideou i more or less like Salep, Aphrodisiae and Uterine. But one of them the Aplectrum hyemale, (called. formerly Cymbidium and Corallorhiza by other Botanists,) commonly known by the vulgar name of n Adam and Eve, furnishes a kind of Glue, and has ac- tive properties. A species of the same genus Aplec- = trum. lutescens which grows in the Western States, D is said to be a powerful Uterine, employed. by: the In- . dian Women to procure abortion. : N No. 31. ^ DATURA STRAMONIUM. Ewarrm Name—COMMON THORN APPLE. -Frencu NAME—STRAMOINE VULGAIRE. German NAME—GEMEINE STECHAPFEL. Orricinat Name—Stramonium. . VULGAR Names-—Jamestownweed, Jimson, Stink- ^na Sic. ^ Avrnorrries—Linn. ná all botanical writers, : Schoepf, Stoerck, B. Barton, Marcet, Hufeland, — Woodville, Fisher, Cullen, Murray, Chapman, Ar- ` eher, Thatcher, Tes A. Ives, Bigelow, fig. 1. & Seq. E ewe E —— Genus Darema cals tubular, angular, deciduous, ; Co Lee funnel-shaped, plaited, five Pistil one, style fili- je. Sapient four celled, four valved, species D. Srramontum—Stem dichotome; leaves erne oval, sinuate-angular, acute, smooth: flowers solitary, capsuls erect, ovate, thorny. : DESCRIPTION— Root annual, white, crooked. ati sila; base de a wre ipea acute, E by large digas acute teeth, n No. 31. nodding, large, white or blueish. | Calix monophylle, tubular, with five angles and teeth, deciduous, but leaving a rim at the base. Corolla twice as long, monopetalous, base tubular, subangular, aus with five angles, plaits and teeth, these last are acumina Stamina five, filaments coherent with the tube, fli- form, equal, anthers oblong erect. . Germen central, free, but the base concrete with the persistent rim of —— the calix, oval, hairy; one style filfform, as long as the stamina, one stigma bilobe at the base or sub- reniform. Fruit a large fleshy capsule, ovate, thorny, with four valves opening at the top, inside with four cells. Many black seeds filling each cell, and at- tached to a central receptacle in each. cell, De reniform. : HISTORY—The Genus Datura belongs to the Lurives of Linneus or SoLANEA of Jussieu; but ought to be the type of a peculiar family DATURINES, hardly different from the ConvoLvuLIDEs, except by having equal stamina. It is one of the numerous genera of the linnean Pentandria Nana y nia, Es Some obscurity appear to exist on this spe seyeral others, owing to mistakes of the best bot Linnzus blended the Datura tatula of Africa, wit variety of D. Stramonium, and the D. metel hardly differs from both. Individual varieties answering to — — these three species, are found in the United States; but they have all the same properties, as well as the D. fastuosa and D. ferox of the East Indies. The — following varieties are common with us, and are linked by impensaptibla changes. 448 DATURA. No. 31. 1. Var. Tatuloides. Stem purple dotted with green; leaves subtruncate at the base, flowers purplish. This is the D. tatula of some botanists, but not the real one of South Africa and Asia. 2. Var. Cordata. Leaves cordate at the base, stem green, flowers pale bluish. 3. Var. Angustifolia. Leaves pee c ege /sinuate, flowers pale bluish. - 4, Var. Phystloides. Leaves oblique at the base, viseid, flowers white. —&. Var. Meteloides. Stem viscid, tall, leaves sub- ‘cordate pubescent viscid, flowers white, nodding.— This is the D. metel of some Botanists, but not the true kind of Africa, which has globose capsuls, and leaves nearly entire. (006. Vat; aile; Stem green without EA, flowers . This pleat has ende oem sometimes four | long, with leaves from three to seven inches E long, of a lurid aspect. It has been formerly culti- . vated for its beautiful blossoms, although they havea . lurid smell. Children use them’ as yet for garlands, by forming strings of the flowers within each other. - otwithstanding its noxious qualities, I have seen ows, Sheep and Goats browze on the leaves. Y blossoms from May to September, in the Southern and in the Northern from July to October, g yet blossoms when the seeds of the first are ripe. It is killed by the frost with us; — teme: a sma a A k | many strange effects on the human s system, according. to the doses and constitutions. The leaves eaten boiled, have occasioned delirium and intoxication for ` many days, without producing death, or else madness - | or tetanus and death. The Antidotes of this poison are emetics, vegetable acids, and strong coffee. The vulgar name of Jimson is a corruption from : Jamestown; as it is said to have spread from the town of that name in Virginia. Locarrry—One of the erratic or wandering plants, common to all the parts of the world, and spreading with the utmost facility. It is probably a native of Persia and India; but has spread to Europe, Africa and America. Tt was once thought to be a native of North America; but it has spread in it only since its ' colonization: the Indians call it the White people's. plant. Its migrations and colonies might be traced from Virginia, and New England. In the Western States it has sprung only since their late settlement, . and from seeds carried there as a pretty garden plant. It is now become a noxious weed, infesting the fields, 7 &c.; but as it is annual, it might easily be destroyed by pulling it before seed time. It is commonly met s with near houses, along the roads, in commons, old. : fields, &c., never in woods nor mountains, and B — found in all the States; also in Canada, and beyond 2 Louisiana to Mexico, and even to Peru in South Ame- QvarrriEs— The whole plant has a fetid, lurid and. narcotic smell, causing head ache and stupor ; it has a bitter and nauseous taste. It contains gum, N 2 150 DATURA. No. 31. carbonate of ammonia, nitrate of potash, malic acid, and a peculiar alkaline principle called Daturin, to which most of its activity is ascribed. Daturin eris- talizes in quadrangular prisms, and is only soluble in boiling alcohol: yet the plant yields its properties - to Water and Alcohol, because the Daturin is com- | bined with the acid and forms a soluble mallate of Daturin. | PROPERTIES This loathsome weed is one of . those bounties of nature scattered almost every where, - and possessing energetic medical powers. Itis narcotic, phantastie, antispasmodic, anti-epileptic, anodyne, sedative, &c. and externally refrigerant, detergent, resolvent, Sic. It has been recommended by Physi- cians in Asia, Europe and America, in Epilepsy; rheumatic pains, tic douleureux, Gout and all kinds of pains, Mania, Convulsions, Asthma, Chorea, Sciatica, and ‘externally for burnings, scaldings, tumors, , cancer and piles. It is now a common = of Materia Medica every where; but it fails some- times and requires care in the exhibition, owing 10 its noxious qualities when taken internally in too great quantity. It produces then Vertigo, confusion dilatation of the pupil, loss of ig, BS pe tremors of the limbs, loss of motion, dry thros aroat, 4, anxiety, faintness, . delirium, con : and death. Vinegar neutralizes the Datu- A as well as all vegetable acids; but an emetic i5 serviceable wh by narcotics. No. 31. to. MA sensibility? ini pain, to cause a ie | vous shock attended with some nausea, a feeling of intoxication and suffocation, to have little influence — on the pulse, to relax the bowels, to dilate the eyes, —— &c., followed by a sensation of ease acid li which _ induces sleep. »- It has been too much extolled by some writers; = but the results of the numerous eases in which it has been given, are as follows:—In asthma, itis only a, palliative, useful in the paroxysms, , but useless in ple thorie cases, it is commonly smoked like Tobacco, a practice likely to be attended with some danger, and suitable only for smokers. In Mania it is of -= use except in some cases difficult to be asce but in Epilepsy and Convulsions it cures the Td cal fits, while it avails not in the sudden fits. It is highly serviceable in Chronic acute diseases, such as Sciatica, Syphilitic pains, disease of the spine, para- plegia, Cancer of the breast, uterine pains, rheuma- tism, &c., also in chorea and dysmenorhea, strangury - and Calculus, acting in all those cases as an anti modie. In tie douleureux it has only : orded relief - in some eases, and has verd repeated doses, t it has failed in others. ES Externally it is a safer and certain — > burns, tumors, gout, ulcers, inflammations and some cutaneous eruptions. The leaves or their ointment - are applied to the parts, they promote the granulations or cicatrization of the worse ulcers. and afford speedy — relief in piles and painful hemorrhoidal tumors, Sur | geons use them topically to enlarge the pupil of the 152 | DATURA. No. 31. Il————— —ár—À eye previous to the operation of Cataract. It is said that the leaves applied to the head, produce: sleep and dreams. The plant may be gathered for use at any time; but it is best when in blossom. -All the parts of the plant are efficient even the root; but the seeds contain more Daturin, and are preferable in | some instances. . Many preparations mali for internal use; but , the distilled water is nearly inert. ‘The powdered .. leaves, juice, extract, decoction, tineture, &c. are all available; for external use an ointment is made by ‘simmering one pound of fresh leaves in three pounds at lard. The doses for internal use are to be very small. Dr. Bigelow recommends the following: one Aun». of sn powdered leaves or extract, half a grain ered seeds, one quarter of a grain of extract and from 15 to 20 drops of the tine- d others say that even one-eighth of ent dose to begin with. One pound No. ; 3 2 . : DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA. : No, 33. E No. 32. Bete, DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA. ExaLisu Name—PERSIMON TREE. French NAME—PLAQUEMINIER. GrnwAN Name—Persimon Baum. OrricinAL Name—Diospyros. Vurear Names—Persimons, Yellow Plums, Win- ter Plums, Guaiacan, Seeded Plums, Pishmin, &c. AvrHoniTIES—Lin, Mich. Fl. and Sylva, Pursh, Eaton, Torrey, Elliott, Schoepf, Kalm, Pee Woodhouse, Coxe, Brickell, Zollickoffer, &e. Genus Drosryros—Diclinous, Calix 4 to 8 | Corolla rotate or urceolate 4 to 8 cleft. Staminate flowers with 8 to 20 Stam. filaments free with one or two anthers. Pistilate fiowers with one Pistil, a. . short style and 4 to 6 stigmas. Berry with 8 to 12 seeds.— Trees with alternate leaves. — — > — Species D. Virervrana—Leaves ovate « blong, acu- "minate, entire, smooth, pale and étiéulite ® ) petiolate; petiols pubescent; Berries solitary f DESCRIPTION The Persimon is a com tree rising from 15 to 60 feet, with a smooth. b: and spreading branches. The leaves are from ree to five inches long, shining above, whitish or pa and reticulate beneath, oval or oblong, base acute end or tip acuminate, margin entire, on short alter- nate and Mei coc These e vary in 15h DIOSPYROS. + he S2 ~ _ e 1mm size, and some varieties have them glaucous or pu- bescent beneath. Buds smooth. Flowers lateral, extra axillary, solitary, nearly sessile or on a short pedicel. Calix spreading persis- tent, commonly 4 cleft, seldom 5 or 6 cleft, seg- ments oval acute shorter than the Corolla, which is - yellowish, with as many segments as the calix, broad — ovate, acute. Diclinous blossoms on separate trees or dioical, sometimes a complete flower occurs, in which are as many stigmas as segments to the Calix, and double the number of Stamina. The filaments - are short, free or inserted on the calix instead of the corolla, depressed, anthers bilobe. One Pistil, ger- men round, style very short, stigmas obtuse, spread- ing.—Fruit a globular yellow berry, similar to a plum, with a thin skin, fleshy pulp and many com- : sed. hard seeds. 'TOI Y— This. gens, amply e evinces the ab- y of the Linnean system, since hardly two spe- it have the same number of stamina. . Linnzus put it in his class Polygamia ; it is now put in Dioe- _ cia octandria, although many species have 10 or 12 or 16 or 20 Stamina, and 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 Styles or tigmas. It however belongs to a yery natural family Ez NACEOUS. The whole genus appears to need r e d vided in many Sub Genera T De Lotus, 3 Firginian &c- — Ebenum. Cal. 5 Segm. Stam. 10. Berry 101 Dimia, with 2 or 3 Styles, type D. digyna. 2s Chlorozylon, type D. ditto. — — — cS Gonopyros, Cal. and Cor. 5 fid. Berry angular or oe lobed. : E The D. Virginiana is 5j no means a definite cies. Pursh and Michaux, jun. have noticed that two species are probably blended under thàt name: to one of them Pursh gave the name of D. pubescens. I have ascertained three principal varieties at least, (and there are more) which might almost be deemed po^ cific; they are ; 1. Var. Macrocarpa. Tat se uiia ee beneath, fruit very large—Southern States. ; 2. Var. Concolor. Leaves middle size, hardly p beneath, somewhat obtuse, fruit of a good size. — 5. Var. Microcarpa. Leaves large acute, pubescent beneath, fruit very small.—Virginia, &e. This is the D. pubescens of Pursh, who says that the leaves are tomentose beneath, petioles longer, &c. The blossoms are of a pale yellow ; they appear in May and June, v yet small and not quite unfolded. The b only ripe late in the fall, and after frost; semble a yellow plum, but are globular: before their maturity they are exceedingly acerb and astringen but when fully ripe and soft, become sweet, and hav a fine flavor. These berries were one of the sp taneous fruits used by the native Tribes ; who pre- served them in various ways, dried them and “mad a paste with them : also a kind of Beer or Wine 156 DIOSPYROS. No. 32. 5 : Li liquor contains alcohol, which has been attempted to be extracted; but too many substances afford it al- ready. A gum exudes sometimes from the tree, but in "small quantity. The Persimon Beer is made by forming the fruits into cakes with bran, drying them inan oven, and bruising these cakes afterwards in water. The large variety has fruits as big as an egg, and deserves to be cultivated on a large scale as a fruit tree. The wood is hard and fine, suitable for tools and many other domestic articles. To make Persimon Wine the skin of the ripe fruits ought to be taken off, as it contains too much astringency. Locatiry—From New York to Louisiana, rare 2t: the 42d degree of Mitte, common in the [ er Back bitter and acerb, containing in Extractive, &e. Fruit sweet and well fla- E d when ripe, containing sugar, mucilage, gallic acid and several other substances. . . PROPERTIES-— Bark astringent, styptic, tonic, corroborant, antiseptic, Sc. Ripe fruits subastrin- gent patient antiseptic, anthelmintic, &e. The bark al part: it is extremely order rit > kiad with anes It is used in Carolina and Tennessee for intermit- - is also a powerful antiseptic, and | ‘Some id endauler F | tonic, useful in. sere f No. 32, - = it, as well as its equivalent the Sorbus Americana as the best succedanea to Cinchona. It has been useful in ulcers, and ulcerous sorethroat. The doses — are the same as common tonics either in substance or extract. It has not yet been analysed; but probably contains a peculiar principle, Diospyrine, whieh is” by far more astringent than Cornine or even Quinine, owing to its union to the gallicacid. = == In the South of Europe the Diospyros Lotus, which is very much like the Var, microcarpa, is called holy wood, and employed as a substitute for Guayae wood. This may. piven pne nipilar properties. The unripe fruit a nearly ae same. properties a as the bark; but is too austere and very styptic. The ripe fruit is very palatable, sweet and vinous; it has been used to kill the worms of children. Sussrrrures—Sorbus Americana—Prunus Nir- giniana—Quercus rubra—Spirea tomentosa— Pinckneya bracteata—Cinchona Sp. and most of the Astringent Tonics. - COUPE ge Remarxs—The Persimons, Wild a apes, P (Asimina) Hickorynuts, Pecans, Walnuts, Cl e Chineapins, Filberts, Whortleberries, Cranberries, Strawberries, Mulberries, Raspberries, Bike e = Crab Apples, Wild Plums, &c. were ' the fruits of the E native tribes. Several have been introduced already in our gardens; but the Persimon has not yet been cultivated, although no fruit deserves it better: it pro- mises to improve in flavor and size under the care. of the gardener, affording a fine table fruit, mam —À and a peculiar kind of wine. | TP o 458 — | DIRCA. at No. E 33. DIRCA PALUSTRIS. EwxarisuH Name—SWAMP LEATHERWOOD. Frenca NAME—DIRCIER TRIFLORE. German NAwE—LEDER-HOLZ. © Orricinat Name—Dirca. ^ VULGAR Names Leatherwood, Moosewood, Swampwood, Ropebark, (Bois de plomb in Canada.) — AvTHORITIEs—Linnzus, Pursh, Kalm, Bartram, Duhamel, fig. £19. Torrey, Eaton, Elliott, Locke, B. Barton, Zollickoffer, Bigelow, fig. 37, &c. ila y fühtisbhaped, fey entire, edge nina => perigynous, exserted, fos AR D. e ira po lated; leaves eves — oval, pta i A — (IRCA PALUSTRIS. —— == > s : - 9 e * Flowers. cin 2 and before the leaves come out, forming in the fall within termir where they hybernate, buds with many oblo airy scales, and three flowers. Peduncle bearing | fa: icl = of three flowers, formed by three cohering pedi Each flower yellow, half an inch long, with a simpl perigone, called Corolla by Linnzus because it is co- lored: this perigone is drooping, tubular, contracted at the base and middle, campanulate at the end, with, eight obscure teeth on the margin, Eight Stamina inserted on the perigone, with slender flaments plonger. than the perigone, and alte: ez anthers rounded. Gerinen long filiform curved style inserted base, Stigma acute. Fruit a small orange beri, oval, ag acute, with a single seed. m HISTORY —One of the few American genera con- i taining as yet a single species. It is a very distinct: genus belonging to the natural family of DAPHNIDES, called Thymelea by Jussieu and Veprecule by Lin- — nzeus, and also to Octandria monogynia of his sexual _ system. The specific name palustris impl grows in swamps; but it is oftener found on the of rivers and even among rocks. — The blossoms are scentless and appear very early — in the Spring,as soon as the Maples blossoms, long! be- > fore the leaves are unfolded. The bark is very tough, B can hardly be broken, and tearing in long stripes i a E used as yet in many parts for ropes, a practice bor- rowed from the Indian tribes: the wood is also flexi he berries are - poiseuento: children must ay D 460 . DIRGA: No: 33. them: if eaten by mistake, an emetic must be re- sorted to. Locarrry—From Maine and Canada to Georgia near streams, and in shady swamps, rare west of the Alleghany mountains, yet occuring in Ohio and Kentucky. QuaLrries—The bark and root have a peculiar nauseous smell, and unpleasant acrimonious taste; they contain an aerid resin, bitterish extractive, mu- cilage, &c.: the resin or active principle, is only so- luble in boiling alcohol. The decoction and extract are bitter, but not acrimonious. PROPERTIES—Enmetic, cathartic, yutieftoiétt epispastie, &e. and the berries narcotic. The fresh root and bark in substance at the dose of five to ten : grains produce vomiting, with a sense of heat in the stomach, and sometimes act as a cathartie also. They are an active and dangerous medieine, to which less : ious substances ought to be preferred. Ap- x plied to the skin they produce rubefaction and vesi- eation in thirty hours; this appears a more safe mode - to use them, as they might become auxiliaries to the . Spanish flies. The berries produce nausea, giddiness, stupor, dilatation of the pupil and. insensibility like other narcotics, Bigelow considers this plant as a ibstitute for the Polygala Senega; but this last is by Sar better and safer, and therefore preferable. We not told whether it acts like the Polygala and is int, sudorifie, - fio. Ta the midh this dente of its utility. When the pe is chewed it produces salivation, it is so tough that it cannot be - reduced. to powder, but fórms only | a kind of Tint The watery preparations are nearly inert. — — Sumsrirures—All the milder emetics and acrid T substances, Cantharides—Baptisia tinctoria - E um maculatum—- Polygala senega——Apocynum T androsemifolium— Eupatorium per foliatum—Ra- nunculus sp.—Euphorbia corollata and E. Ipeca- euina—RAus Sp.—Clematis Sp. Sc. Remarks—Our native epispastics are little known as yet. and deserve attention. The Juglans Cinerea and the Oil of Sassafras are wit x Dire likely to become practically i = We have also in the United States, several. of Cantharides, such as Cantharis Vittata. C. ginata, C. atrata, C. cinerea, &c. which are equal. _ to the officinal Spanish flies, and would be available - oF if not sQ scarce, A rA 462 ERIGERON. S342. IU No. 34, ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUM. . ExarLisH Name—SKEVISH FLEABANE. FRENCH Name—ERIGERON DE PHILADELPHIE. German Name—Sxewiscu BERUSUNGSKRAUT. Vuitear Names—Skevish, Scabish, Sweet Sca- bious, Daisy, Cocash, Frostweed, Fieldweed, Squaw- weed, &c. l AvuTHoRITIEs—Linn. Mich. Pursh, Pers. Torrey, © Eaton, B. Barton, Depuy, Hales, A. Ives, Bigelow . Seq. Thatcher, Coxe. W. Bart. fig. 20. ^ — Genus Enrernox—Flowers compound radiate. Pe- ianthe imbricated, folioles subulate unequal. Pho- he naked. Rays ligulate, linear, entire, nume- us, pistillate ; central flowers of the disk tubular e ete or staminate, five toothed. Seeds oblong crowned by a simple pappus. Species. E. PuinapELPHICUM—Pubescent, leaves cuneate oblong obtuse, lower petiolate, upper semi- amplexicaule, nearly entire subciliate: flowers co- ry mbose, rays twice as tong, as pre hemispherical 8 anthe. DESCRIPTION— Roots perennial E gros by many inii thick fibres. The whole a "No. 34. — PB o ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUM. No. 34, == = = oblong, base cuneate decurrent on a long petiole, - nearly obtuse, margin ciliate entire or seldom serrate : upper leaves sessile or nearly amplexicaule, cuneate, | narrow oblong, obtuse, entire, alternate remote: floral leaves small lanceolate, Ko ias Flowers numerous forming a Ec Cory, 4 peduncles scattered, slender, bearing one to three — flowers. Buds globular. Perianthe or common calix hemispherical, formed by many subulate, adpressed folioles. Flowers radiate, half an inch in diameter, with yellow disk and rays white, bluish or purplish. Rays or radial. florets ligular numerous, spreading, crowding, narrow, entire entire, pistilate. Florets of ¿he disk, convex, erowded, the central ones sometimes . staminate and abortive. Phoranthe or common Te- ceptacle, bearing all the florets, flat, naked, pitted, —— Germen of the pistillate and complete florets oblong — smooth, having a symphogyne calix forming above e : pilose pappus which crowns the seeds. Each floret produces a single seed. LocaLrrY—Found all over the United States, +. though bearing the name of Philadelphian. - = E in New England, New York, Ohio, Kentucky, M ae souri, and as far South as Louisiana and Gorgi ‘Tt = is a field plant, seldom seen in woods and mountains; _ but covering sometimes whole fields, dry meadows, eommons and glades. In old fields it is deemed a pernicious weed, like the other kinds which com- — monly accompany it. HISTORY—Three species (if not more) of this : genus have similar properties, and will therefore be included in this article, the other two are, ERIGERON. 1. Erigeron heterophyllum, (Aster Annuus of Linneus) Jagged Fleabane, which merely differs from this by broader jagged difforme leaves, the ra- dical and inferior ovate, sinuate dentate, acute, the upper one lanceolate subpinnatif, and the floral entire —Common in meadows, &e., mixed with E. phila- delphicum. Figured by W. Barton, fig. 21. Biennual. - Erigeron Canadense, Canada Fleabane. It has linear crowded entire leaves; flowers paniculate, very small, with oblong perianthe and rays exceedingly short. One of the most common weeds from Canada to Kentucky, and yet perhaps the most efficient of tha three: It infests old fields, and has been spread - jin Europe by chance. Very variable, principal varie- ties 1. Uniflorum, 2. Pusillum, 8. Maritimum, _ A4. Firgatum, 5. Serratum, 6. Lanceolatum, &e. -A multitude of vulgar : names are applied. to these c MESSER Fleabane is the. true English name, Daisy alludes to the flowers. which are similar to those of - the true Daisy or Bellis perennis, but the Bellis in- tegrifolia i is the true American Daisy. Scabious is erroneous, since they are nothing like thé genus Scabiosa, Skevish derives perhaps from Scabious or from Cocash the Indian name. "They all blossom from July to October, or until Be deemed bad weeds; but are easily d. The E. canadensis is annual. | is a-genus of the RAprATE Order next to. er, of which it meg differs by m numerous osin, P er T have a peculiar E: most unfolded by rubbing them, which is not dis- - agreeable. "Their taste is astringent, acrimonious and bitter: the “smell and taste are most unfolded in E. canadense and E. philadelphicum. They Tannin, Amarine, Extractive, Gallic A eic a essential Oil. This Oil is very peculiar, as fluid as E Water, of a pale yellow color, a peculiar. smel somewhat like Lemon, but stronger and a very acrid taste. It holds probably in solution Acrine or a pe- culiar substance Erigerine. PROPERTIES—These Weeds are valuable medi- caments, possessing very active powers; they are Diuretic, Sudorific, Astringent, Styptie, Menagogue, Pectoral and Tonic in a high degree, and act in a — mode peculiar to themselves, by means of their acrid — quality. Their Oil is so powerful that two or three drops dissolved in Alcohol, have arrested suddenly uterine hemorrhagy, in the hands of Dr. Hales of Troy, who employs the Oil of E. canadense. This — kind is most used in New England and New York, - the others in Pennsylvania and New Jer z r y whole plants are available. s The Diseases already relieved or cured by these s plants are Chronic Diarrhea, Ascites, Disury, Nep! hri- — tis, Gravel, Gout, Anasarca, Suppressed Me 3 tions, Dropsy, Hydrothorax, Dry Coughs, Cutaneous — Eruptions, Hemorrhagies, Dimness, Rash, Cold hands ‘and feet, $e. The whole plants are used fresh or — ' dried, in infusion, decoction or tincture. "Their ex- PF tract is rather fetid, more astringent than the i 166 IRIGERON. — == or tincture; but less than the Oil, which is one of the most efficient vegetable Styptics. This extract and a syrup of the plant have been given usefully in dry coughs, hemoptysis, and internal hemorrhages.: The dose is from five to ten grains of the extract, often repeated. As diuretic the infusion, decoction and tincture are preferable and more active; they have increased the daily evacuation of urine from 24 to 67 ounces. A pint or two of the former may be taken daily; they agree well with the stomach, even when Squill and Digitalis are intolerable: the dose of the tincture is from two to four drachms daily; it is made by di- gesting one ounce of the leaves in a pound of proof Spirit. -They are beneficial in all diseases of the bladder and kidneys, attended with pain andirritation, in which they give speedy relief. Also in all com- E id cases of gravel and gout. In rheumatism they d : not been tried, although they are sudorific. In . all Dropsical disorders they act as diuretic. In chro- nie Diarrhcea as astringent and have cured it without auxiliary. They are even useful externally in wounds, also in hard tumors and büboes, which a cataplasm of the _ fresh plants dissolve as it were. But the most valu- - property is the astringent and styptic power of which has saved many lives in parturition — terine hemorrhagy. A saturated solution of in Alcohol is applied and a little given in, "1 f leous P. . Since these plants appear to increase as well as to prevent several discharges from the body, they must not act as other diuretic and astringent remedies ; but by a peculiar acrid effect on the system, worthy of investigation, I highly recommend these plants. to medical attention. They were known to the E ern Indians by the name of Cocash or Squaw- : as menagogue and diureties, and are often emp oy ed ie by Herbalists. They may be collected for medical ~ use at any time when in blossom. SussTITUTES— Eryngium yucefolium and Aqua ticum, or Corn-snake root, said to be the stron | diuretic and sudorific of the Southern States— Bofro- = phis Serpentaria—Pyrola umbellata, maculata, &e.—Daucus Carota and other diuretics.—For as- tringents Spirea tomentosa—Heuchera Sp.—Statice Caroliniana—Arbutus Uva Ursa—Geranium ma- culatum—Comptonia asplenifolia, ke. Remarxs—Other species of this genus may possess — — the same properties: they are very similar to each — other. The following might . E. bellidifolium or Daisy. Flea E, Integrifolium, or Slender Fleabane, : E. purpureum, or Purple Fleabane. - E. strigosum, or Rough Fleabane, Pets a 468 ERYTHRONIUM. amd No. 35. ERYTHRONIUM FLAVUM. ExcLisa Name—YELLOW SNAKELEAF. Frencu Name—Dent-pe-Cuien JAUNE. German Name—Getze Hunpzaun. _Orricinal Name—Erythronium. Vourear Names—Yellow Adder's tongue, Adder- ‘leaf, Dog-Violet, Rattle Snake violet, Lamb’s tongue, - Serofula root, Yellow Snow drop, &c. : TET SvNoxvus— E. flavum Smith. E. americanum Ker, Nuttal, Torrey, &c. E. dens-canis Mich. Eaton, &c. E. lanceolatum Pursh. E. longi folie > - Poiret, > EC Pursh, Smith, Nuttal, ott, Torrey, Bigelow, fig. 58, and IRP W. > flora fig. 33, Coxe, Zollickoffer, &c. A . Genus Eryrurontum—Perigone corolliform, with “six deciduous colored sepals, subequal, campanulate; the three inner ones with a fossule at the base. Sta- mina six subequal, inserted at the base of each sepal. ie pistil; germ turbinate, Style fistulose, Stigma T -three lobed. Capsul obovate, three celled, lved, with many ovate seeds.—Stem with opposite leaves and one flower, root bulbous. E. Fravum—Leaves subequal, subradical, autres: e mi flower > N 0. 33. ERYTHRONIUM FLAVUM. A A ; tarbinate triangular, Style fistulose, Stigma | claya Stem partly under mae two lear earine radical because near the ground, the whole plant smooth and shining; Stem white g ple above; slender cylindrical from five to twelve inches. long, two sessile-leaves: on the first year of = growth only one leaf is produced, and it is es broader and elliptic. Leaves a little une u being commonly narrower or smaller; they ar fr three to seven inches long, lanceolate’ or” ral-lance = late, shining and glabrous, veinless and with a sigle E nerve, often spotted by large irregular spots of a dull —— brown above, pale and unspotted below, and with an obtuse callous point. A single flower at the end of the Stem, o one e inch : long, nodding, of a yellow. r, SO ; E mixture of red outside by a strip external sepals or petals, diese neeo ed, sometimes acute, while the inner ones. are lanceolate; obtuse, quite yellow, veinless, with-a cal lous notch on each side at the base, and a furrow in. the middle above the fossule or little pitt of the base, E above the Stamina, which are inserted quite at the : base, shorter than the sepals, yellow, with depressed _ subulate filaments, and depressed linear ithik Germ. M eS 170 ERYTHRONIUM. No 2$ — prismatic trilobe above. The Capsul is naked, turbi- nate triangular, with three cells. and many largas seeds. = - HISTORY —This "- genus was long formed by a single species E. dens-canis growing in Europe and Asia, to which was referred this at first. Several species have since been discovered in America, and they afford many varieties, some of which may on further attentior net peculiar species. They all possess the sar ‘operties as well as a striking peculiar generic habit, nicht similar to Claytonia, Clintonia, Mayanthus, &c. The Stem has been mis- taken for a Scape by many, because it is partly sub- terraneous. When this species was distinguished from E. dens-cdnis, several names were given to it by Botanists nearly at the same- time, I have chosen > best i s oldest also, applying to its yellow ie "others have white flowers ; the | of Americanum so often proposed, is become ‘absurd now. The varieties of this yellow species — I have detected are, "1. Var. Viperinum, Leaves canaliculate with large reddish brown spots; external “sepals acuminate, veined with red outside, all the sepals with- small > "Thisis probably the kind figured by W. Barton. 2. Var. Croceum, Leaves narrow flat with small i os ee ee . Tulipa and Fritillaria. It belompeito-Hessndrio No.35. . a ÍMicociate bract, dedica sia. This is eame teatum of Boott and Bigelow, from Minos and the Alleghany; probably a peculiar species.” 4. Var. Lucidum, Leaves unspotted, : oblong lanceolate, flowers qui e ] figured here. 5. Var. Glaucum, Leaves —: glass, flower yellow with some red veins. — . 6. Var. Latifolium, Leaves broad oval or elliptic flat, seldom spotted, flower Peen A : 7. Var. Grandiflorum. . 8. Var. Parviflorum, — e Many strange vulgar names. eus iuge to these plants, the spotted kinds are called Snakeleaf, . Adder's tongue or leaf, because compared to Snake's spots, while the unspotted kinds become Lamb’s tongue. The Goodyera and Hieratium Venosum are also called Rattle Snake leaf and used as equiva- lents. Snow-drop alludes to its early blossoms, com- Palit ooa In faet it is ip the Sinit States the vernal blossoms, serving tbe clive in gardens although scentless. = Erythronium is a generic et AE di. applying to the red spots of the leaves. The genus belongs to the fine natural order of LILIACEA, near monegynia of Linneus, = - 4172 LocaLrre—lIt grows from New England to: Ohio and south to Carolina; in the Western States it is often superseded by the E. albidum,- which extends - from New York to Missouri and Tennessee. They both grow in woods, and under the shade of its shrubs or plants. QvaLITIEs—The whole plante but edi the root, contains fecula, mucilage; a resin, and some iple abet: sid “When dry, the root o The root: or: bulb and the leaves - are emetic, emollient, suppurative and. antiscrofu- . lous when fresh, nutritive when dry. The plant, | es eyed «same. properties as the : ilies; e uoa of an O! lose: den gore inde y y inconvenient and unsafe emetic, Bigelow to try it as a substitute of Colchicum: al- elong to Sate rag This No, 35. — Soe wa raees sérofulous sores. Bi elow mentions that even bulbs of Tulips and Daffodils have acted asemetics sometimes, The roots and leaves of this plant boiling, like -canis ; oth i emetic and nauseous, while eed that the Ardo. canis makes good broth in Siberia, Salep could be made of these roots by sea them afterwards. Sunsrirures—Erythronium albidum and Good- yera pubescens for Scrofula, Salep, Roots of Acrid Liliaceous plants, many Emetic roots, &c. Remarks—The E idum, White Snakeleaf or Snow-drop, will be known. by its blui | white bloss soms, and trifid. stigma. It offers as many varieties as the E. flavum, such as 1. Cerulescens, 2. Candi- dum, 3. Maculatum, 4. Angustifolium, 5. Bractea- tum, 6. Grandiflorum, 7. Parviflorum, 8. Clan- destinum, 9. Glaucum, &c. Found from New York * cm dr - ® "T. > zy p2 | * CHE —— iaa No. 36. x Ne. 36. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. ge Nawe—BONESET. ‘Ferenca NAwEg—EvurPATOIRE PERCEFEUILLE. - GERMAN Nauz— DunciwACHSENER WASSER- DOST. OFFICINAL Name —Eupatorium perfoljatum. —VuLear «Names—Thorough-wort, Boneset, Joe- pye, Teazel, Feverwort, Swéating-plant, "Thorough- stets t ud ndian S; ge — n pucr d e B en and tai Bigelow, fig. bw Barton, fig. 37. Te - ee — Genus Evparortum—Flowers compound floscu- lose. Perianthe -imbrieate, r oe oblong or cy- : Style exserted bifid. eeds c subplumose.—Leaves commonly opposite or vci late, is Ta Spe: ies E. rearottarex—Stem villose, cylindre; . == No. 36. . : us - EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. above in a —— Mo t a dep corymb ; “from two to five feet high, roun with flexuose hairs; the whole. plant. haw: ish green color, and even the flowers are of a dull white. Leaves opposite, decussate, eonnate at the base, | or united to each other there, where broadest, and gra- dually tapering to a sharp point, from three to eight — inches. Jong, narrow. oblong, rough above; woolly be- > neath, margin serrulate, upper leaves aban: not united; .. This plant may be so managed as to act as a tonic, a sudorific, a laxative or an emetic, as required. No other tonic of equal activity can be-exhibited in fevers, . with less. danger of increasing excitement or produc- ing congestion : the only objection. to its general use is its nauseous and disagreeable taste. In substance or cold »-. ap and combined "with. aromatics it Se yw codici dean ness, a cold infusion has speedily restored the tone of the stomach. Zollickofer extols it s acting as a diaphoretie, whence pel ar name of perspiration. ` Eberle says t that. rrhal be removed by drinking. a weak going to bed. It is particularly useful i in ae Tndi- gestion of old people: and may be used as an auxiliary. to other tonics and emetics in.all cases. The extract and syrup preserve all the is and are less tor to the palate. — - Tt Common. Horehound—Asclepias tubero. dra— Botrophis—Yarrow, Tansey and Piste nl &e. Besides the following species of the same Genus. 1. E. teucrifolium or Rough Boneset (Wild hore- hound, &c.) has rough sessile ovate leaves, with some teeth at ee the. c i white with five florets. = PARE a sese de e o Rapid to Kentucky. It has the same properties as E. perfolia- tum, has been used in fevers and gravel, &c. 180: EUPATOBIUM. No3 3. E. verticillatum or Tall Boneset (Joepye, &c.) Stem solid, smooth, five to eight feet high, leaves whorled three to five, sessile, oyate-lanceolate, base attenuate, unequally «serrate, smooth: flowers pur- plish with many florets—With.E. purpureum, same properties often blended together. | 4..E. maculatum or Spotted Boneset. Stem solid suleate, spotted; leaves petiolate, ovate-lanceolate, bcp Ss four. to fir is exceedingly © common ja vw Worm States, eaten pee No dT. : EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. — No. 37. Exc11sn Name—BLOOMING SPURGE. FreNcu Name—TITHYMALE FLEURI. | ^ German Name—Bium WOLFSMILCH. Orricivat Names—Ipecacuana, Euphorbia radix. Vuzcar Names—Milkweed, Ipecacuana, Picac, Hippo, Ipecac, Persely, Milk-purslain, W hite-pursely, Indian Physic, Purge-root, Emetie-root, Bowman- root, Apple-root, Snake’s milk, and Peheca in Loui- - siana. Avruorrries—Lin. Clayton, Schoepf, Michaux, Pursh, Torrey, M‘Keen, Zollickoffer, A. Ives, B. Barton, Coxe, W. Bart. Eberle, Bigelow, fig. 53, and Seq. — Genus EUPHORBIA Be cpoical. Perianthe persistent naked, each has one bi articulated to a pedicel. - l eentral, stipitate, one germ, three bifid styles. Cap- - sul stipitate, three celled, cells formed by the iny E > ed valves, one or two seeded. E ecies E. CoroLaTa—Stem simple erect 5 eaves - re | sessile, oblong-euneate, obtuse, entire; umbel - | with five rays and leaves, rays pind with two oblong - vr Ws Pistilate Le sol 182. EUPHORBIA. No. 37 > e aan a ^ bracts; flowers pedicellate, rotate, five lobed, corolli- form ; capsuls smooth. DESCRIPTION—Root perennial, large, one inch thick, two feet long, yellowish. Several Stems from two to five feet high, simple, round, erect, often smooth, Leaves sessile, entire scattered, often crowd- ed, oblong, obovate, cuneate or linear, flat or revolute, smooth or hairy, .A large terminal umbel with five rays, and as many leaves in a whorl, similar to the stem leaves. Rays trifid and next dichotomous, each fork has two oblong bracts. Perianthé (mistaken for the Calix by Linnzus, &c.) large, rotate, white, with five rounded flat segments, looking like a corol. Five small inner segments (nectaries of Lin.) like obtuse projections at the base of the segments. A dozen of Stamina, evolving gradually, each is a true flower on a pedicel, with an articulate filament and a bilobe anther. Many perianthes without pistil, when ex- it is central, stipitate, nodding, rounded, with thre ee bifid Styles. Capsul three cocca or formed by three valves rolled in and making three cells, each with a seed convex outside, eos inside, where it is inserted. Locarrry—From Canada to Florida and Louisi- ana, in dry soils, barren fields, among stones and rocks, also in glades, seldom in woods und never near f norin rich alluvial soils. - sare | | Lin. al COMER. Pe- E No. 37. —— " F 7 Pd diffuse or AA dichotome, articulated: leaves opposite, sessile, entire, variable, round, oboval, elliptic, oblong, lanceolate or linear: Flowers solitary at the forks, on long pedicels, peri- anthe small, campanulate five lobed: capsuls - round and smooth.—Confined to the great Atlantic all region extending from New Jersey to Florida and | Mexico, along the Sea: very common there in sands and Pine woods. It blossoms from June to August, and affords a multitude of varieties, such as 1. Cespi- tosa, 2. Prostrata, 3. Rotundifolia, 4. Lanceolata, 5. Uniflora, &c. this last has only a single white flower, with procumbent stem, and obovate leaves. I described it in 1808, as a N. Sp. E. uniflora. 6. Rubra, the whole plant is red, 7. Portulacoides with erect stems and oval leaves, described by Linneus asa peculiar species.—Root grey, white inside, very long. It is figured by Bigelow fig. 52 and by W. Barton, fig. 18. 2. E. hypericifolio Lin. (also E. maculata of Lin.) Black Spurge, (or Spotted Pursely, black Pursely, &c.) Annual, smooth, dichotome, . rect. - procumbent, divaricated : leaves opposite, petiolate, - oblique, subfalcate, oblong, serrate, acute ; flowers ter- minal fasciculate, perianthe four lobed and white, cap- es suls smooth.—Common all over the United States, in fields, Sic. Several Varieties, 1. Prostrata, 2. Mul- — tiflora, 3. Maculata with a pee qois on each leaf- 4. Simplex, de. ` E The varieties of E. covollala: are i Linearis all the leaves linear obtuse. 2. Pubescens, Stems : d 184 : EUPHORBIA. No. 37, leaves pubescent. 3. Rosea flowers tinged with rose color. 4. Pauciflora only 5 or 6 flowers, &e. They all blossom in Summer, from June to September, and ‘make a pretty appearance by their fine umbels of snowy blossoms: they are bad weeds in some fields, and all animals ayoid them. : In these plants, we have quite efficient substitutes for the Brazilian Ipecacuana, Calicocea, which is often adulterated or old in our shops. We could even port them as true Equivalents of the officinal Ipe- ~gacuana. The E. hypericifolia, however, which is an annual plant is available as an herb, while the E. Ipecacuana has a large root from four to six feet . long, which might be exported and afforded cheap. : : Ri is a singular o ooineidenEs, thet v name given to -Emetic-root. The E ekot emetica and ecacuana furnish also similar emetics; The Genus Euphorbia has been named after Eu- - ‘phorbus, physician of Juba, king of Mauritania, who . brought tbe Euphorbium or Juice of the E. ofici- . malis into practice. It is a very extensive and ano- malous peen divided into = ‘sections. ed he species are medical, n more er: less a difioult to manage, and n lar No. 37. doses they bring on violent pains, heat and thir ; , de- bility, cold sweats and even death. The E. helios- copia and a species akin to E. peplus grow also in the United States and have been used in Europe in small doses, as well as the E. esula, dulcis, exigua, : characias, palustris, cyparissias, &e. Each hasa — peculiar mode of action, and the Æ. officinalis of Africa produces a blistering gum. They -are all milky plants. 7 QuaLrrries—These plants have been analysed by Barton, Bigelow and Zollickoffery they contain mu- eilage, sugar, starch, Caoutchoue, Resin, an essential Oil, Tannin, and a peculiar principle similar to Emeta, which is soluble in Aleohol and colors it yellow, but insoluble in Water, forming oxalic Acid with Nitric Acid, it might be called Oxalemis. The ana- lysis of the true Ipecacuana differs from this and gives Starch forty, Gum twenty, Wax six, Fibrine twenty, Oil two, Emetine or Acidified Emeta sixteen parts. The roots and leaves of these Euphorbia have a sweetish taste subastringent and not unpleasant, with a peculiar smell, when rubbed; but n« s nor smell: the milk is ind es 055 = PROPERTIES—Emetic, cathartic, disphoreti; expectorant, astringent, rubefacient, blistering, and stimulant. "These plants are highly recommended by . some physicians as equivalent to the officinal Ipecac, which ; it is said they ought to supersede ; but Bige- low contends that they are less mild and bland, and although equal or even stronger, are not so useful in all indications. "They were formerly considered too 29 486 - EUPHORBIA. No. 37, . violent in their operation; but have since been found to be manageable and safe: the action is always pro- portionate to the quantity taken, which does not hap- pen with common Ipecac. As a cathartic they have been found equal or better than Jalap or Scammony ; requiring only half the dose, ten grains will com- monly purge well, while twenty-five to thirty grains produce repeated evacuations from the stomach. Given in large doses they excite violent vomiting, ended with heat, vertigo, dizziness and debility. The E. corollata. appears to be the most efficient since it purges at the dose of three to ten grains, and vomits at ten to twenty. But a diversity has been . noticed in various constitutions, the same doses being sometimes inert, cathartic or emetic, or both in some - instances; they often produce hausea even in small doses, and then act as diaphoret ies like Ipecac, to which they are preferable by haying no unpleasant xen ite: nor exeiting pains and spasms. E - The medical properties reside in the thick bark of * the root, which forms two thirds of the whole root, and produces one twelfth of watery extract, and one tenth of alcoholic extract. They may be substituted to | Ipecac in all the pharmaceutical preparations, wine, ; tincture, extraet, &c.; the emetic dose of the wine is h ounce, of. the extract three. to five grains, When | 1 ze or four E rains of the powder + it may be com- d with c | 5 | , produces: vesieation i in about twelve ree or r three da s: . diseases in which these give have been. employed are Dropsy, asthma, also hooping e fevers, but we have no great evidence of their suecess, except in Asthma when they act as pectoral sudorifies. The Æ. hypericifolia appears to differ in its effects from the two others, it is an annual, the herb being employed instead of the root ; it has been brought into notice by Zollickoffer, who says that it is moria | gent and slightly narcotie ; but it is also purgative After evacuations, he prescribes it in tea-s onfuls the decoction, for Cholera infantum, diarrhea md dysentery. This plant is also one of those proa the salivation of horses; called Slabbering, when eaten by them through chance in meadows, and the remedy _ for which are Cabbage leaves. All our Spurges are - Ss more or less active plants, 1 those = large perennial - roots are all emetic, while inua tive or pernicious. One species. a eploid peplus Americana) is said to cause the milk fever, or disease of Cows and cattle which render their milk. or flesh pernicious. It grows from New-York to Ten- nessee, on rocks near streams. Bya strange mis the capsuls of the Æ. dathyrus (Capper plant of New England) are pickled instead of Cappers, being ani i pan a the Can Spinosa or true Capper, and - 488 EUPHORBIA. No. 3. | are not found unpalatable, although they: cannot bes healthy condiment. SuasrITUTES— G'illenia Pu Cana densis—Lobelia inflata—Ascleyias Sp.— Erythro- nium Sp.—Eupatorium per foliatum—Ofiicinal Ipe cacuana and other active Emetics. Remarxs—The figure of Henry, under the name — of Bowman's root is fictitious; the true Bowmas’s root is the Zepfandra. _ - The helioscapia, which grew in the Northern States, has nearly the properties of the E. Aypericifolia, 35 was well as the E. polygonifolia a small annual plant, growing on the sea shores from New England f? , Florida, and spreading flat on the sand. “No 38. ee FRAGARIA VESCA.' FRAGARIA- ENGLISH Name —COMMON STRAWBERI Fresca NAME—FRAISIER SAUVAGE. ae German Name—Gemeine ÉRDBEERE. OrriciNAL Name—Fragaria baccae. VULGAR Names—American Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Synosyms—F. virginiana and F. R E Wildenow, Persoon, Pursh, &c. Aurnonitizs——Lin. Clayton, Colden, Cutler, Schoepf, Michaux, Pursh, Torrey, Eaton, many bo- tanical works and some Materia Med, de E : — "€ ) seanta—Calix t ten cleft, subequal, bear- ] o Sees Lar, = deciduous, bearing many -Pistils LEN 1 = forming together a pulpy many seeded Berry uavun E trifoliate, serrate, stipulate. 4 | - Species F. Vesca—Stoloniferous and hairy ; ; nd s «cal leaves as long as the stems, stem leaves few, sub- folioles subsessile, oboval, lateral ones oblique. — ESCRIPTION—Root perennial, creeping, knot- bunches of fibres at the knots. Stems of two bent, stoloniferous, creeping, ty; -kinds, some proeumb 490 PRAGARIA. EX rooting, slender, with few small leaves, and commonly sterile; true stems upright or reclined, short, with few leaves; both stems and leaves are more or less hairy. Leaves either radical or caulinal, the former on long petiols, the others nearly similar when at the base of the stem; but much smaller and with short petioles when higher up: stipules lanceolate or oblong, acute: three folioles sessile or nearly so, the middle one subpetiolate, nearly equal, but the lateral ones commonly oblique, and with fewer teeth inside; shape oboyal or oval or nearly round, margin broadly ser- rate, surface with regular veins, lower surface pale. and more hairy. Flowers one or many on each stem, with pedicels erect or drooping, Calix spreading or reflexed, di- vided into ten acute segments, the alternate somewhat shorter. Five white petals, oboval or obcordate in- serted on the calix. Many small stamina inserted there also, with short filiform filaments and small ‘round anthers. Pistils many, very small, oval, with a small sessile stigma, forming a convex head, being’ inserted on a fleshy gynophore, which grows, becomes pulpy and colored, involving the pistils or the small seeds succeeding them, and forming together the fruit or Strawberry, which is either round or oval, and : Saleen or * punetibe = little pitts, each corres- thought that all the Strawberries of the five parts of a the world, formed only one species, the actual one. 5 Others have thought otherwise and attempted to dis- tinguish several species and varieties, among those found in America, Africa, Asia and Polynesiaş but the difficulty has been to ascertain (as among the Roses) which are the specific or constant forms and which are variable deviations. If every deviation of form, color, direction, pubes- cence and composition, was to be considered specific, we should have 100 kinds of Strawberries, and indeed some gardeners have described thirty or forty kinds, while more accurate botanists only acknowledge ten to fifteen species as yet. Meantime these species have all the same habit and flowers, differing only by some inconspicuous details. Our wild Strawberry was long thought the F. vesca, until Wildenow and Pursh made two new species of it, In attending to the many varieties which I have seen in my travels, I thought that three or ior. more spent could ie: made from- to the conclusion that they were oly nemoe F. vesca, and that the whole genus requires arevision. I could mention about twenty varieties of our wild Strawberries and seventeen from our gardens; but — shall confine myself to seven of the most remarkable Ev Var: Uniflora, stems simple, one imei ete leaved, as long as the radical leaves, folioles sessile, — suboval, incise-serrate; calix spreading or erect, pe- - 492 FRAGARIA. No. 38. i - tals rounded, fruits rounded or depressed—Common * in glades. This is figured here. $. Van inilio Nearly stemless, stems short — leafless, two to five flowered, concealed by large radi- - eal leaves, folioles oboval, sessile; calix spreading or - reflexed, fruit round or oval.—Rare in New York, Ohio, &e. 3. Var. Pumila. Stems short, one to two flower- ; - ed, leaves shorter, very small oval and oboval, with adpressed silvery hairs, calix spreading and nd small. -— In the mountains of Virginia &c. one or two inches high. 4. Var. Glabra. Stems two to three flowered, leaves ample, longer, nearly smooth, folioles oboval, subsessile, (ruit oval. On the banks of the Ohio, Ten- nessee, Cumberland, &c. _5. Var. Aprica: Stems one cr. — leayes rter, hairy, glaucous beneath, folioles subsessile and oboval, calix spreading, fruit suboval.—Very eommon in the western glades, and open fields from New Jersey to Virginia. 6. Var. Sylvatica. Stems 1-5 flowered as lof as the leaves, folioles broad oval, subsessile, smooth above, calix spreading, fruit round or oyal—This is probably the F. virginiana: of many; common in small, but highly fl and ripe from’ M | $s0 April and May. Strawberries aré deserve y ed as vocat and Ee top nm ives Fe ja ma to the natural fevily of dise COSES next to- Rubus pni and: to mead dria a polygynia of Linns gms doli i in’ cold pa aes Fé ues intai warm countries. They are found on the Hi mountains of the centre of Asia, and from Natolia to” Siberia and Japan in that Continéht ; ; they grow all Europ e, on Mount Atlas « of Africa, on the moun- taste, the flowers have a le e Mem ta frais 1 amero fragrant siall, — —— acid fi V commonly considered asan astiphoot food, apt ; deserve a place among medicaments, which are not | the worse I should think for being palatable. Lin- nzus introduced them in his Materia Medica, as well as Schoepf, &c. They are diluent, refrigerant, sub- astringent, analeptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, pectoral, eccoprotic, &e: . They are useful in fevers, Gravel, Sate Seurvy,. and Phthisis. They are cooling, pro- ration, give relief in diseases of the blad- eys, upon which they act powerfully, npart a violet smell and high color to Hoffman and Linnzus have long ago extolled them in gout and phthisis; persons labouring under these chronic complaints ought to eat them frequently when in Season,-and use at other times their Syrup. ccessive dose of either is however liable to pro- pai a ag the bladder, with : ed myself" But used E va possess also the property of ing chilblains, their water is used in France for t purpose as a wash. A fine wine can be made j » although they a are . Both have been the diuretic or x Sie - propert a Remarxs—The Arhutus Unedo | or Sessor tree of Europe, is a fine ev nd or | shrub, producing large. berries simili? to Stra but belonging to different orders of plants, the Br cornes and Decandria Monogynia like the EETA Uva ursi, These berries are edible but less acid than Strawberries, and they : are emetic even at a moderate 3 dose, as I} have myslí oui This fine shrub berry shrub with us; but erro ries hardly resemble ies tag : with four or five warty lobes, nof eatable, a and w any of their properties. The leaves of this shrub, however, as well as of Evonymus atropurpureus (the Wahoon or Arrow wood of the West and South) make - a fine pectoral tea, much. used for colds, a cå- tarrh, xem ie The "o 4L Ne 39: ^ -FRASERA VERTICILLATA. —ENncLISH Namz—AMERICAN COLOMBO. Frexcu a bp a CoLomso. z jm Bc Frasera E. i Lin. Sw. frasera Genus Frasera—Calix persistent, four parted- orolla spreading, rotate, four parted, segments ellip- h having in the middle a large bearded gland. mina four short, “alterne with the ae ogee One FRASERA VERTICILLATA. laticeslate, acute: ‘flowers 2 a : pyramidal bracts opposite. E DESCRIPTION—Root ama. large, yellow, rugose, suberose, hard, horizontal, spindle *sh: two feet long sometimes, with few fibres. The whol plant perfectly smooth, stem from fiveto ten feet hig} cylindrical, érect, solid; with few branches, exceptat - the top, where they form a part of the pyramidal i in- florescence. Leaves. all verticillate, $ sessile and w—— with a single nerve: 2 radical leaves v" E! de > spread upon the and, they : use, from five to twelve oe inches long and fro the whole ‘plant in the first jor T grows. The stem leaves are e Ta Worki of four to eight, seldom more or less, : smäller and narrower than the radical leaves, the lowest àre narrow oblong, the up- per lanceolate, acute, and sometimes undulate. Plowdeiyelicwiar wie; ^ ^as large, forming ,- an elegant pyramidal y br: of which . are axillary to le: equi cillate or —— -— | ades P: e.) le parted, spreading, segments a lance sistent, nearly as long as the Cite urene s one inch in diameter, open, flat, deeply four parted, with four elliptic cruciate se ts, margin somewhat in- - - flexed, end cueullate obtuse, a large gland in the mid- nu eem convex on both side, ciliate. The fo (x20 E £98 FRASERA. No: 39 stamina opposite to the sinuses and inserted on them, filaments short, subulated, anthers oval oblong, base notehed. Germen central oval, compressed, desinent into a style as long, and having two thick glandular stigmas. Capsul yellowish, borne. on the persistent calix, oval, acuminate, very compressed, margin thin, sides, subconvex, with. a suture, opening in two flat valves, one celled. Seeds flat, elliptic, imbricated, winged around, inserted. on the: e-Sutures of the valves. Sometimes a few flowers.] have. five or six stamina, and as many segments to the Corolla. Locarigy—It_ grows West, South and North of the Alleghany mountains; but neither on them, nor East of them. Jt is spread from the western parts of New York to Missouri. and. thence to. Alabama and. Carolina. .. Jt is. found io rich woody lands, open glades and meadows. Rare in some places, in others. extremely abundant... pos HISTORY—One.of. the handsomest native wes of America: I haye seen it in the western glades of - Kentucky ten feet high, with.a pyramid of erowded blossoms 4 or 5 feet long. . They are scentless and in full bloom from May to July... It is a true triennial, the root, sending. only onthe third year.a stem and flowers.. ee à = _ Linnæus, a not. know. well this plant, and cd : it Swertia difformis: ‘ large that botanical spe- 2 qe. of it are generally defective like the Me. TE . mame, expressing its generi OS icon — central glands, while. dieit. pw 2 at the | base of. each- e t . | medical, and. very * ‘similar to Calumba,- “once € alled — Colombo also, the Coceulus palmatus: Ut is become a kind of substitute for it, andan. artiele of trade on that account, being >> al colapi in ‘thes western. : Natural ender of linn rustic diario, du to Tetrandria. nE i PG de sn Pct tractive, Amarine, ani | Resin; pude contains Cin j Tonic, antiseptic and febrifuge when dry. When first brought into notice it was supposed to be equal to the Calumba, and substituted thereto; but has been found to be inferior, A. Ives even contends that it is infe- rior to many other native tonics. It has however the advantage over them to afford a very large root, often weighing several sounds, and to sell cheap: it is about equal to Gentian thubatb, in diseases of dé Kt has eure a wide spread gaugrene of the low r limbs by F internal use and ex- ‘ternal application, wiles ark fioe. failed. It avails in termittents like other pure bitters, and is exten- > Lin the Western States in Fevers, Cholics, usea, relaxe ‘stomach, and bowels, Indi- irgative it is substituted to Rhu- ieul: nly for. Children and. wi wee EF lé in the n of pregnane he + has the advantage , heatir tuie body. . Cold Water i is said to add to efficiency and prevent nausea or emesis. A tea- z spoonful of the powder in hot water and sugar wil} give immediate relief in ease of heavy food, loading niak stomach. < ki is $. ood corrector of the bile 202 GAUTIERA. par No. 40. GAUTIERA REPENS. Enettsa Naug—MOUNTAIN-TEA. Fresca Nawn—Gavrrere RAMPANTE. p Ornmar N antes —Gaulther ay TH Eaton, Torrey, B. Bart. fig. : 15. Coxe; er, > Bie. oe 92 bad and Seq. —— Genus Cira —Calix campanulate five cleft persistent with two scales at the base. Corolla oval five toothed. Stamina ten equal, on the base of the . Corolla, filaments hairy, anthers bifid above, ten scales alternate with the filaments. Germen, ed : : E E = GAUTIERA REPENS. = . é . y 4 í bé RE x CREEPING POLLOM, siii: ima: Flowers few, ter La drooping poipuelos” dem yellowish, with fet fibres. Stems se right, few inches «high, slender, base nal few scales. Leaves terminal, nearly fascieulate, ui equal, few, three to five on short petiols, s “coriaceous oval or oboval, pale beneath, acute, with some short mucronate teeth, — -> t Flowers few, terminal, subaxillary, on voe downy ptduneles. ! a louble, external bifid, scaly, itio thse: flesh white or fles E of a rose color, pe pin, det n of the corolla, alterne with ten small seales, anthers ob- ; long orange color, bilobe two-horned, dehiscent out | side, pollen white. Germ round, depressed resting - on SPERM. ten scales or teeth. Style- tuse. nent. The fruit i is sul, inclosed within the fle ix, whi i the appearance of a round scarlet. perfora the size of a pea. me ee Locatrry—On hills and baiti in sie enka, Pine woods, rocky and sandy soils, from Maine to Carolina and Indiana ; ste AM limestone plains. — . * HISTORY —Dedicated to Des Gautier of Seed. d by Kalm, wrohgly mispelt Gaultheria and Gualthe- ria by many ; but errors ought not to be copiada ever, thus the misname of procumbens given to it — must at last be changed into G. repens, since it is creeping and not procumbent. -Tt belongs to the Na- tural family of Errcrwes or BicorNes, and to Decan- dria monogynia of Linneus. | apt - | The whole plant has long been known and used as — a pleasant common drink in the country by the name E" mountain-tea. “The berries have a peculiar grate- ful flavor, and wb e eren rather ~ fine favor to heir flesh, lin the fall mà stakes when | "The p apt blossoms from June to September. ulti ade of local names. : "" x —— " — bresit, à in: sita very y agreeable aa refreshing 1 be- verage, much pie to: ^s ai China Tes. plant as a Maese Paci cordial, &c. = injurious in fevers. : Diserrrurxs— Mengrag Spine or Ginseng the md and taste of Ge ti Oil and principle, and may Pay be ay | equivalents. "They are Gautiera _hispidula and Spirea ulmaria, roots of Polygala paucifolia and Spirea lobata, bark of Betula lenta or Sweet Birch | ha m a are e: called Pollom by the Indians. = oiha — num dulcamara, S. parilla, Mezereon, Silingiesgieaia, Snake 00 RAP am kn beta No. 41. 3 GENTIANA CATESBEI. Exerisu Name—CATESBIAN GENTIAN, FaENcH NAme—GENTIANE DE CATESBY. German Name—Kareseys Enzian. Orricina Name—Gentiana Catesbiana. Vungar Names—Blue Gentian, — Gen- tian, Blue-bells, Bitter-root. — — ~ AvuTHORITIEs—Catesby fig. ...., Walter, Elliott, Macbride, Bigelow, fig. 34, and Seq. Coxe Disp. Elie as, T 235 A p! Genus Gori x4 Qalix campanulate four or five eleft, segments unequal. "Corolla with a tubular base, And a variable limb, with four to fifteen lobes or ' teeth. Stamina five equal, inserted on the«ube, not . exserted. One stipitate Germen oblong, two stigmas o eto Capsule 1 celled, 2 valved, : Spies G. Sarti new leaves oppo- NS 41. EVE GENTIANA CATESBEL seule, rough in the margin. —Flowers sessile crowded terminal head, of six to twelvé, : by an involucrum of four leaves and some lanceolate bracts, oftensome axillary flowers below the head. Calix with segments longer than the base, linear-lanceolate, unequal, acute. Corolla large two inches long, : of a fine azure blue, base short tubular, limb large, plaited, swelled, tubular, open at the top; border ten cleft; five smaller lobes alternating with the others, but op- posite to the calieinal and stamina, bifid, acute, cili- ate: the five larger lobes rounded, acute, entire. Five Stamina: shorter than the corolla, with mis lanceolate, compressed, stipitate; style very short, two oblong reflexed stigmas. Capsule oblong, aeu at both ends, one celled, two valved, many small seeds inserted on the vetet or a "m pasai on each valve. Marti grows from Carolina to Adabima after Catesby, who gave an n imperfeet at of it long before. Itis one of our best native medical Gentians, - but we have many others ; in the Northern States ce A G. quinqueflora is the oficinal kind. T: ue + All the Gentians. ¿AN mere qi Min ; bitter in the roots or leaves. There are many species - in the United States, some of which have only lately = been noticed and many are as yet undescribed, The y —ÁÀ — Genus Gentiana took its name from Gentius, king o! of Illyria, it gives its name to a large Natural Family, and belongs to Pentandria digynia of Linnzus, although it has often more or less than five Stamina, and seldom ifever two styles. That genus is a very heterogerie- ous one, although striking by its habit; but the flowers have the peculiarity of being variable in shapes and numbers; wherefore many botanists have ration- ally divided it into subgenera, which might be rather deemed Genera. Almost all our species belong to the S. G. Preumonunthe having oblong or tubular Corolla, “and five Stamina, ‘except the G. crinita — which belongs to S. G. Eublephis having four Sta- mina and a hypocrateriform ciliated Corolla. While the officinal Gentian € or G. Tutea of Europe belongs to ; having notated — with Des » POL Th" eni -— a mucila : ‘sweetish taste, followed a ‘bitterness 1 y E! 208. GENTIANA. No. ål: ee A = o to the *officinal Gentian in strength and efficacy, it invigorates the stomach, and is very. useful in de- bility of the stomach and the digestive o creases the appetite, prevents the acidificatic enables the Stomach to bear and digest so | food, and thus cures Indigestion or Dyspepsia. It is much used in the Southern States in hectic and nervous fevers, pneumonia, &c. acting as a sudorific tonic. It may be used like common Gentian in general debility, Marasm, Hysteria, and even Gout. Also united to PR a tay SEES and other fevers. The grains. di pes doses the ‘Gantiins prove e è tharti like Frasera. They enter in all digestive $ i ; and preparations. Sunstirutes—Frasera Verticillata, Maiyah, Triosteum, Coptis, Sabbatia, Xanthorhiza, &e., besides sie aik, the native Gentians that follow. $n, and ‘all medical, - leem | here a complete account of them 1, with new kinds. a ee 1. G. Quingueflora Lin, Pa BBS n. Easily its branched winged Stem; small _ oval, clasping leaves ; flowers five cleft, small, axillary ; by bunches of three, four or five and bl —Common from New England to Kentucky, and the best sub- stitute, the whole plant may be used, being intensely bitter like Sabbatia angularis. Annual. : 3. G. Amarelloides Michaux or Yellow 25 . 210 —— GENTIANA. Nodo Gentian. Differs from the former by oval lanceolate - leaves, stem round with four small angles, flowers — axillary and terminal, yellowish, calix longer foliace- ous,—In Kentucky, Illinois, &c. Equal to the former. Annual . 3. G. Crinita Wild. Fringed nia Easily known by its lanceolate leaves, large solitary flowers - on long pedaneles with a fringed four cleft corolla, S An elegant species- found, from New ee to olina, Perennial like all the following... - 5 a Saponaria Lin. Soap Gentian. Leaves oval lanceolate, acute, trinerve, flowers verticillate, sessile; calix with short oval segments: corolla ob- long, with ten teeth, the interior unequally trifid.— Common from New England to Virginia, medical. - 5. G. Clausa Raf. Closed Gentian. Stem round E oyate Mera -acuginate, subtri- icill: sessile tà Salix four: to six cleft short, closed prre cames ica bilobe. On the Taconick and. tance mountains, flowers. blue, X No. ee the: internal: folds- + dentionlate:—In the Al eghan gular, be pre ipti imt: lo sile: Corolla ventricose, closed, five left, - simple, aeute.—In New York, TA flowers yellowish white. - T» : 9. G. Heterophylla Raf. eer Ge Stem sipia erect, round, smooth ; leaves subtrinerve, lower ob- ns obtuse; medial wr. ae per oblong’ age: nessee, tesi ‘of a we bluish grey.--$ called Flux-root and used for the Disentery. - ^10. G. Serpentaria Raf. Snake-root .G. - smooth, flexuose, subangular; leaves obovate long, -su 01 s platos s undulated : $e. Flowers tulle foretell Sg - folds lacerated.—In Indiana, Mio e. Root his 212 GENTIANA. No, dl. ia ——A short, oblong: Cais nearly campanulate, five cleft, $ | internal folds lacerated—Common in the glades of | Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, &c. Stem sometimes enly four inches, and flower above one inch, blue. Var. biflora, stem upright, two flowered. Dedicated to Dr. Short of Kentucky, who has communicated to me several of the fine following new species. 12. G- Torreyana or Torreyan. Stem erect, rough, quadrangular, leaves linear-lanceolate, obtuse, glau- cous, short, twice as long as the intervals, uninerve, elasping, often reyolute. Flowers three to five, ter- minal, sessile, calicinal segments linear, as long as the tube: Corolla nearly campanulate, five cleft, segments acute, inner folds entire—In the glades with the fore- going, flowers blue, one inch long. Dedicated to Dr. Tene p 13, G. Rigida Raf. ‘Stiff G. Stem stiff, round, ; leaves. anceolate, acute, stiff, small, subtri- d clasping, longer than the intervals. Flowers one to five termina}, calicinal segments linear, as long as the tube: Corolla campanulate five cleft, segments acute, inner folds entire—In West Kentucky, Ten- nessee, &c. wee cei, faite blab, one inch long; this, long as the — Á ! T & owes thre tire mind wed ale T flowers 1 1-2 Melia bl e. Dedicated to liott. 15, G. Gracilis Raf. Slender € T slender, rough, “round ancipital; leaves w ce intervals, not spreading, linear, uninerve, lower obtuse, upper acute: Flowers two to- ‘sile, long and slender, ealieine segments li long as the tube: Corolla slender, tubular-sub-ez panulate, five cleft, segments deep, acuminate, inner folds simple—Ia West. Kentucky. It has neither the leaves. ciliate and undulate : as in G. Jineuris nor the Ine Leaves in both one inch lon an long. A 03 x 16..G. Avillaris Raf. em a. Stem rótni, z rough; leaves oblong lanceolate, acute at both ends, — twice as. "ro as the tostada: flowers axil- ers one inch, with two ‘andsolste | racts a 17. G. Collinsiana Raf. CollinsianG. Stem rc and, smooth ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, trinerve, longer - than the intervals; flowers capitate, involucrate, seg- i ments of the calix lanceolate, acute, as long as the tube: Corolla campanulate, five cleft, segments mu- cronate, inner folds rounded, notched.—A fine species leaves three inches long, flowers two inches, blue.— 214 GENTIANA. No. 4l, EN yas ences MAS, s In the glades of Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and West Kentucky. Dedicated to Z. Collins. - I have never seen the G. pneumonanthe nor C. Villosa of Linneus. I suspect that the true G. pneu- monanthe of Europe, does not grow in America, all our species being different from the European, and that either G. gracilis or G. torreyana was meant by Michaux: -As for G. villosa it is a doubtful plant, ‘seen by very few botanists, all our Gentians have -smooth leaves, I suspect that it may be a hairy variety The aboye account may be considered as a concise monography of our Gentians; but there are some other species in the southern states. The perennial "kinds, which are the most numerous, have their medi- . einal properties concentrated in the roots, which may a es Hon a therefore useful in hemop- | They e edly excellent in the Indian Chocolate of Empirics. The doses: are a daily aoe of the weak decoction; or about 60 grains daily, into three doses: this powder ma Te mixed with honey. A table-spoo: of the tincfüre- — — in some. edis s. "Th plants mentioned as eiii to it; the cta al and G. urbanum, also the Stylypus Vernus. | > RremArxs—The JE. urbanum does not grow in America, although : aienea by some. The G. rivale from this; by its locality in - the radical leaves pinnate, eauline tk large purplish nodding flowers. “Itis s efficient than this kind. My we dad vernus is a new v annual plani, TO are as follows: 8. Stylypus. Calix n cleft, = pa Feltesed. es Daten Nauz—WESPERN DROPWORT. FRENCH NAME—GILLENTA OCCIDENTALE. GERMAN Nenni- pa. OrricixAL Name—Gillen' nee Nauss— Indian. Physic, - A trifoliata Var. Auct. — AUTHORITIES—Pursh, Wildenow, Schoepf, Thatch- er, Coxe, Duncan, Nuttal, Monch, Eberle, A. Ives, Baum, W. Bart. fig. 6, &e. GILLENIA | ` SA tee) a Mi nerve, border uem i ; in the lower leaves often pinnatif.- thin terminal corymbs, peduncles cling: > campanulate with five teeth; petals white, three i ne: as long, linear lanceolate, a little unequal, base cunei- form, and nearly obtuse. Stamina short, inclosed, : anthers round yellow. Pistil central free, five parted, - five filiform Styles, five tags P five connected Capsuls, &c. duh cu R^ Doo ede uoo Pos ME Locarrri-—Found only West of the Alleghany - mountains, from Ohio and West Virginia to Missouri and Louisiana ; rare in the limestone and alluvialre- - gions, very common in the hilly and sand-stone re- - gions, growing always in poor or gravelly soils, both in woods and glades. ——- —— — — HISTOR Y—This genus contains two species, this - and G. trifoliata, which has similar — and larger plant, wiii x püles and fewer flowers, à y ed by Barton and Bigelow; but resembles this sc much as notto need it. - 5 & Both blossom in June and A] and are DI cribed. at offers many varieties, 4. Uniflora, 2. Pin- natifida, 3. Virgata, 4. Variegata, &c. Cattle do. not eat it. ES QuaLrries—Roots scentless, taste bitter but not unpleasant. Containing a resin, extractive, lignine, fecula, amarine, and. a. coloring. matter, which dies the solntioas rob e i Se ERTIES—Both . species are. enbtic, cathar- . tie, ay tonic; ‘but the G. stipulacea is by far the - hest and strongest. It has even happened that the G. trifoliata has proved inert, in some cases, when old, or taken from cultivated plants: while the G. cea has never failed, and supersedes'the Ipecac practice rage. the West. Itisas ; shorbia corol- the fall, and kept s not inert as supposed. The grains of the powder. It ope- | E In small doses it be- used in . The In- No. 45. ; HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA. No. 45. Exerrsu Name—WINTER WITCH Fresca Name—HAmMAMELIER D’HYVER. s GERMAN NAME—HEXEHASEL. | E Orricinat N AME—Hamamelis Cortex, - HE ' Vuraan NawEs— Witch hazel, ‘Snapping hazel- nut, Winter bloom, | ‘Pistachoe nut, &c. : Aurmorrries—Lin. | Mich. Pursh, Cutler, Schoepf, Mitchell, Colden, Cate rtesby, 78, Elliott, &c. — mS Cetus HamamertsÑCalix four cleft, persistent, - with scales at the base. Petals four long and linear. - Stamina four opposite to the petals. Filaments broad and short, anthers adnate, two celled, dehiscent by vertical valves, one ji emm ode Capsule cori ceous nut-like, two € ly above, valves cleft: one o Species Sr. Vircinica—Le: smooth, base obliquely’ cordate, margin erose ers in small ee. calix and frit p externally. — — A 3 _DESCRIPTION—A shrub from six to ten p faint teeth, ee obtuse, ena obtuse, nerves pro- minent. * E Flowers on short pes ae, clustered three to five together, in several places along the branches. Calix small, but enlarging with the fruit, with three or four scales at the base, divided into four thick oval pubescent segments. Petals: yellow, much, longer, linear, obtuse, ote. undulate ate or ı revolute. ‘Stamina r than. the calix. Pistil o . Fruit 3 tlike pue i and split. above, pubescént, lors, with two celis eontaining each an oblong black seed, with a broad arilla at the base. - This capsule is one year ripening, and opens with are and ingianiancousiy with 3 l and EET. n near r stony i i ir plains and alluvions. s STORY. Thisis a very singular. Genus, formed by Linneus with the Z'rilopus of Mitchell, which. name he ought not to have changed for the actual, which i is the Greek. name of the Mespilus or Medlar : ies, several are now us, monoical and in the South where they are called er Pistachoe nuts, although quite unlike the Pistacia = vera or true Pistachoe of the Mediterranean. They a are similar in shape to the esculent Pine seeds of Pinus picea, cylindrical, shining black outside, whit and farinaceous inside, rather oily and palatable, = The shrub resembles very much in the appearance _ of the leaves and nuts, the common hazelnut, Cory- dus Americana ; but the blossoms are totally different, - It has become in the United States the Witch hazel, | affording the divining rods, employed by the adepts — of the occult arts, to find or pretend to find Water, Ores, Salt, &e. unuer ground. The Alnus and Cory- lus are often substituted, a forked branch is used, the _ two branches held in both hands; when and where the point drops, the springs or metals sought for, are said to be! A belief in this vain practice is as ye widely spread. > EET It belongs to the Natural Order vm Bensenmes, divtinguistet hy ppo: tals a the section or family sonia. Also to Tetrand : Quariries—The bark and | mev — bitter, very astringent, levi shoves taste: "Phe smell is not unpleasant. It has not analyzed as yet, but probably contains tannin, an Ee pts and an — oil. 52 ET Phe oi value diis shrub highl and it is is p used in the North by herbalists. The : E a Bi pai pa s 2m ki MX = ^ 3 - — + inflamed eyes, Sc. in cataplasm or poultice or wash. A tea is made with the leaves, and employed for many purposes, in amenorrhea, bowel complaints, pains-in the sides, menstrual effusions, bleeding of the stomach, &e. In this last case, the chewed leaves, decoction of the bark or tea of the leaves, are all em- ployed. with great advantage. A strong infusion is _ given in injection for bowel complaints. It is said to be a mild yet efficient astringent in all cases, and a safe substitute of Statice, . Myrica and Rubus. SvasriTUTEs— Conium maculatum—Viburnum — acerifolium and V. dentatum—Nymphe 6 Myrica cerifera—Agrimonia Eupator — Sp.—Rhus typhinum and R. glabrum— roliniana and. many other mild. PE ae north the H. par- used. Iti is distinguished by smaller | oct beneath, hardly cordate at the base, undulate and sinuate, The shrub is smaller; with blossoms of a brighter yellow, and. um in mountains. The H. mae or Bigli: Witch hazel, is ful tumors and piles, external inflammations, sore and 46. HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES a No. 46.. Exanrnm NamE—AMERICAN PENN YROYA Fresca Name—Hepeome Povtior. => GERMAN Name—PoLEYBLATTRIGE. OrricinAL Name—Hedeoma herba. 3 Vurear Names—Pennyroyal, Tickweed, Stink- ing Balm, Squaw-mint, &c. x SrxoxyAs— Melissa pulegioides Lin. Cunilü pu- legisides Lin. and many botanists. Ex “ara SENE Mich. Pursh, Persoon, Kalm, . Schoepf, Thacher, Cullen, Big. seq., Duncan, Eberle, Zollickoffer, Chapman, Elliott, B. Barton, W. Bar- ton, M. M. fig. 41. Genus Hzproma—Calix bilabiate, ten striated, base" gibbose, upper Pe are lower with two subulate — w opposite, small, oblong a or TOM on short — petioles, base attenuated, end subacute, margin with | small remote serratures, surface rough or pubescent, | mérved and pale beneath. Flowers all along the branches in axillary whorls of six, nodding, on short pedicels, very small. Calix as above, Se Corolla very small, hardly longer, white, with the lips purple, base slender, then | campanulate. with. two small lips, the upper rounded, seldom. ‘notched, the lower with-two rounded lateral . lobes, and an obcordate middle lobe. Stamina avd style filiform, anthers oblong. Stigma lateral acute, _ Fruit four small oblong seeds ia the persistent calix, “mouth closed by the ciliated bristles of the lower lip. . Loca.iry—Very commen and abundant all over the United States, and in Canada, in dry woods. sand ; rd 2 alluvions, roads, stony [Y —Its was the fate of this plant to be süe- ees dy. united by Linnzus and other botanists to Melissa and Cunila, until distinguished and named savage and it is as yet commonly blended, even | . females are sometimes fond of it as well as o No. 46. = deoma means sweet smelling in Greek; ‘the v ole plant is scented; but the smell- far Bin agr 'ealile, - being strong and graveclonts many persons, however, - | like it and call it pungent, reviving and- pleasant: Ruta graveolens, although both very graveolent Es QuaLrries—The smell and taste are very warm, | pungent, strong, and hardly aromatic, but pleasant or — disagreeable according to different personal affections. The medical principle resides in an essential oil, me | sessing eminently the same smell and taste. = PROPERTIES—Carminative, resolvent, peto diaphoretic, antispasmodic, menagogue, pellent, stimu- - lant, &e. It is a popular remedy throughout the coun- try for female complaints, suppressed menstrugtions, hysterics, &e. It is chiefly beneficial in obstructed: - eatamenia, and recent cases of suppressions, given as a sweetened tea, with the pediluvium. Eberle, how- ever, deems its menagogue property problematical, and useful only as ¡e-wohielecformibes. A that; E he is mistaken, is prov jes € * a promotes expectoration in de: whoo} DE leviates spasms, pains in the hips, and the spe sm die — or dyspeptic symptoms í of menstruation. Schoepi = 2 mentions it for palpitations, fevers and gout; but it is too ‘stimulant i in fevers. A warm cataplasm of the E ; useful in severe pains, and thrilling palpita- : - Zollickoffer says that it is a valuable medicine = in — —— Sotme herbalists * No. 46.5 — —M — ——— - - - — and promote perspiration. Although it affords one of the most popular graveolent tea, there are many other. _ lgbiatpe pla ats which are equivalent to it and more ble withal: the best are Mint, Dittany, Balms, onarda, Isanthus, &c. The oilis now kept ja pharmaeies, and often used instead of the infusion, da mixtures, &c. TUTE ees ‘Si TOR pulegium piperita—Cunila mariana—Isanthus ceru- Quia graveolens—Salvia officinalis— Melissa uniperus Sp.—Rosmarinus officinalis— ia tinctoria—Polygala senega, ke. - Pa e is cs -to att ch -themselves to " t. These troublesome ever: r the pa and: Le- reeds grow, upon which they ln the limestone plains. ¿with this plant or its oil, insects will avoid you, or if they have taken hold, the oil kills them, A strong decoction of the plant is equally encia | anda Becas decoction of Tobacco as s likenise T . .. HELENIUM AUTUMNALE. No. AT. HELENIUM AUTUMNALE = a ete £ Excirsa Name—COMMON SNEEZE Frencu Nawr—HELENIE D'AUTOMNE.= ' German NAME—NIESSENKRAUT. ~~ OrricrxAL Name—Helenium. Z - Vurcar Names—Sneezeweed pee wam] Sunflower, False Sunflower, Yellow Star, Oxeyes= AvrTHoRrrTIEs—Lin- Misk- Pusha Torta ott, Cornut, Ci eh ; styliferous, from 15 to. 20: ese sa hemi: herieal, naked, chaífy on the margin, ioni ts complete, four five cleft. į = — DESCRIPTION—Root dp aid S. ra Stems from three to seven feet high, erect, ar e s br the decurrent leaves, branched and COs 236 HELENIUM. (No df. ane m TOC Flowers corymbose, golden yellow, large, one ortwo inches in diameter. Peduncles axillary, uniflore, with one oval lanceolate bract, clavate or thicker upwards. Perianthe with many unequal linear acate segments. Phoranthe semiglobose, with chaffs near the «rays, lanceolate. Rays from five to twenty; spreading flat, or sometimes rather reflexed, shape cuneate, end broad trilobe, middle lobe often smaller. Disk greenish yellow convex, florets small crowded five cleft, with syngenesious stamina, a bifid style, oblong germ, pappus formed by three to five chaffs subulate and awned. Locatiry—lIt grows all over the United States, and from Canada to Texas and Florida, in wet mea- cries and d Sees = eS overflowed > gus has. employed. m pecife m or Elecampane as a one in. ance, owing to a faint resem- blanee. - The nium was said by the Greeks to have : sprung from the tears of the fair Helen. This was once a unique species, but now several others are d, which grow in the Southern States. It be- to the pes Order af dioere where it is the Sn UE PUR" No. 47. Quaeris tin plant has ps any an the taste is bitter, and a little ‘pungent or even acrid. tt has not been analyzed ; but.contains aparine; extrac~ tive and an oil. PROPERTIES—Tonic, febrifugo, errhine. Clay- ton and Schoepf mention its use in intermittents ; but ES it is not extensively employed as yet in fevers : while | it is known and employed all over the country. "a valuable Errhine. The whole plant reduced to pow- - * der act as such ; but the flowers and particularly the - central florets are powerful sternutatory. A very small pinch of their powder produces a lasting sneez- - ing. 'Fhe late B. Barton has eminently extolled it, as a substitute to more acrid Errhines, either alone or united to other ingredients. It may be used in — diseases of the head, deafness, anavrosis, head-ache, hemicrania, rheumatism or congestions in the head and jaws, Ue. T he shocks of sneezing are often use- E ful in those cases, when other remedies can hardly — avail. This plant has poi ether proper- : ties, little known as yet, and des inv SunsrITUTES—ÀS a tonic y gi ui other herbaceous tonics. As am errhine, Canadense, Sanguinaria canadensis, Myrica fera, “Tobacco and Cephalic Snuffs. Besides the - Helenium quadridentatum of Louisiana and Florida, - -which will be known by its lower leaves pina, ‘upper — Lodi se flotets quim or op 1 n Hn No. 48. Bans Name—COMMON N LIVERWORT. FrenCGo Name—HePATIQUE TRILOBE. GERMAN NAmME—LEBERKRAUT. OrriciNAL Name—Hepatica. - Vorean N. AM: — Liverweed, Poems Noble uc = - $xSoxvM z nemone eri Linn: &c. AvrHoRiTIEs—Linn, Schoepf, Pursit Torrey; Boa; poto Sc. i * s EEEE ficis digi near the E lobed, lobes vere Sides and scapes ecd in length = and hairy, scapes uniflora, flowers fesse before the ; merle and eo: | - No, EPATICA No. 48. ` four to eight inches long, invested at the base with several membranaceous slaty del round, bear- ing a single flower. = - E Flowers terminal, g at first, spreading when unfolded. - Involuere resembling a calix, very ha hairs grey and long, segments very deep, oval, en obtuse. Perigone like a Corolla bluish, purplish or white, sepals elliptic obtuse, equal, but in two or three series. Filaments subulate, anthers elliptic, pale yellow. Pistils and seeds oval, acute. Locazrry—A boreal plant, native of the northern parts of Europe, Asia and Ameri , spreading in this last continent from | Labrador tt . Virginia and the Pacific Ocean, common in woods, hills and moun- E tains of the United States from New E to Kentucky. HISTORY—A pretty vernal plant, the Pae. dm the winter, and early in the spring the flowers come out, even when snow is yet falling: they last from > March to May, are zather pretty and dening culti- i vation. The variet ES 1 dh iloba $. Parviflora, flo In Kentucky, perhaps a pe liar 2 Tournefort established this genus, Lied eus wrong blended it with Anemone, it has again been sepa: rated lately. The name derives from its hepatie y pro- perties. It belongs tothe Natural Order of ADNATES or Ranunculaceous, and to Polyandria polygynia. | Quazrrirs—Seentless and nearly insipid, not bitters : 240 BEPATICA. No. 48, A PROPERTIES—Subtonic, subastringent, hepatic, deobstruent, pectoral, demulcent. It was known to the ancients as a medical plant, and Linnzus has it in his Materia Medica; but it had fallen into disuse, its properties being very mild. It was formerly used in fevers, liver complaints, indigestion, cachexy, hypo- chondria and hernia. -It has lately been brought to notiee in America for hemoptysis and eoughs, it has been used in Virginia with benefit in the form of a strong infusion, dvenk: cold. | Jt may be serviceable in hepatisis and hepatic phthisis, as well as all com- plaints arising from dyspepsic and hypochondrie affec- tions; it may be used as a tea, warm or cold and ad- libitum ; but it bas no effect on the lungs cdd that of a mild demulcent astringent. Svastirvras—/igrimonia—Geum E —E ci _ HEUCHERA ACERIFOLIA. - = WE ee ae. AES ath -. No. 49. N 9, 49. HEUCHERA ACERIFOLIA. - ENGLISH "Naxr-—MAPLELEAF AL MROOT. > Frenca NAME—HEUCHERE ERABLE. CAR German Name—ALAUNWURZEL. Orricinan Name—Heuchera radix. VULGAR Names——Alumroot, Sanicle, Ground Maple, Cliffweed, Split-rock, &c. AUTHORITIES for the x nee Mid Pursh, Nuttal, Eaton, ' ge i Stokes, B. Bart 3a on, Bigelow seq. ^ aer lickoffer, Coxe, Ste. "~ — ~ E. 4 a e. Genus Hevonpra—Calix persistent, eampanulate, five cleft. Five entire equal lanceolate petals inser ted on the ealix. Five stamina idserted on the € ealix. Pistil central, fi bifid, biloeular, date and jagged, with a terminal panicle of flower Species H. Acum rante IÓN hirsut yes smooth, glaucous beneath, acutely five cleft; unequally = — watr mucronate : IÉ 'smóoth, € > 212 e No. 49. . and Mee mem Hno o five cleft, sometimes seven cleft or even nine cleft; segments angular, acute, unequally toothed, teeth short, round- ed, mucronate; only five branched nerves : both sur- faces smooth, upper green, lower glaucous. . Scapes y one or two feet 3 >; nonea], but -small pm of peetina ed bracts at the base of the branches, which are scattered and irregularly divided with small subulate braeteoles at the lower divisions: pedicels longer than the flower. Calix with esh colored, fiia- beaks, with Many small Locarrry—In the mountains, hills, cliffs and fis- sures of rocks in Kentucky, Tennessee, West Vir- 243 ‘species are North gener and a de same peculiar habit. EU Linnzus only knew. one. insi. ds two, Nuttal three, Pursh five, and 1 know seven, besides many varieties, without being sure of having seen all the species of Pursh and Elliott. As this genus is ,yet in a great confusion and uncertainty, I shall men- | Bion here only those which I have seen: d are be- sides the actual. 1. H. Viscida of Rais (or H. cortusa of Mi- chaux, the H. americana of Jaenenss. sa and We Bart. fig. 40.) Vieidly pub a little scabrous, leaves-oblong many rounded. lobes, and une ual surface concolor: panicle short ` short, obtuse, petals short lanceolate, stamin ed.—The most common species east: of the mountains, rare to the west: petals rose, Tl ties are 1. Mucwapayite, $ g. mpm» Push): Entirely- hairy, - leaves CO! th acuti lobes, panicle laxiflore, minutiflore, pedicels filiform; calix acute, petals short, &c.—In the Alleghany m moun- tains of Virginia, Carolina, &e F Mes: iae small, | | No. 49. petals “hite: E 3. H. Pulverulent ap e Pursh, tc.) p . Leaves. 'erule it-pubescent, cordate, with acute lobes, toothed, smooth beneath; apo puso below, | nthe mountains rom No. 49, England to Pennsylvania: petals red and Jelov. War, 1. Rubra, 2. Grandiflora, &c. et 4. H. Squamosa Raf. Petioles pilose, leaves sub- hirsute, ciliate, cordate, acutely seven lobed, denticu- Jate, glaucous beneath: scapes hairy, with oval distant scales ; ; panicle short or oval, crowded, and scaly, pe- dicels short, calix obtuse, stamina exserted.—In the, mountains of Maryland and Virginia, thé Cumberlands majaleton of Kentucky, &e. Leaves rather small, € Sect E JA Laziflora, ae H iran Raf. Patioles iiobis leaves re- niform rounded, faintly lobed and toothed, eiliolate, concolor, sub-hirsute — smooth — su date obtusely lobed, mucronate-denticulate ; panicle laxiflore, elongated, minutiflore, led and stamina a short. dn the Cumberland : monntdins:: nme! 0€ No. 49. alum, but nearly scentless. They contain nearly the same elements as Geranium maculatum, but more tannin and acid. PROPERTIES—The root of these plants is a pow- erful astringent styptie, antiseptie, vulnerary and de- tergent, probably equal to. Geranium maculatum and Spirea tomentosa. It was used by the Indians, and is still used in Kentucky and the Alleghany moun- tains, in powder, as an external remedy in sores, wounds, ulcers, and even cancers: it is one of the bases of the canopy powders of Empiriseà united to Orobanche, Hydras: At 1s em : tic in internal ‘and external. hemorrhagy, bleeding o the nose, foul or indolent ulcers, wounds 2 cuts. It, is seldom taken internally the taste being so inten- - sively astringent ; but it promises useful even in very small doses, whenever astringents are indi- cated. Coxe says that the Alumroot. has been sold for the Colchicum, to which it w— no pita in-form nor properties. — us ge uerum SossriTUTEs— Geranium, Geum, + Sp. and other com pues ned s 246 EUMULUS. No. 50. e ML | HUMULUS LUPULUS. Exerirsu Name—COMMON HOP. Fes Mp ot € COMMUN. “Ives: Alibert, Coxe; Eberle, Matin; ye pra Bigelow, fig. 60 and Seq. sete, sharply serrate, ‘rough: mime flow- ry peduncled. | Stem annual, 3 from right to left, ES No- 50) >= E HUMULUS LUPULUS. No. 50. =~ teeth; surface very rough mita main nerves and many veins. Flowers numerous id: oie The staminate on different individuals, forming axillary - panicles, with two or four bracts, reflexed, opposite, petiolate, oval: each flower peduncled, Perigone calieiform, with five oblong obtuse concave and spreading sepals: five stamina, filaments short, anthers oblong, opening . by two terminal pores. Pistilate flowers forming oval, opposite, axillary, drooping and peduncled strabiles or cones. Scales imbricate, oval, acute, tubular at the base, eaeh covering two sessile flowers. Perigone (Corolla of Linnzus) shorter than the scales, lateral, oval obtuse, infolding the pistil by the edges. Germen rounded, compressed, two short styles, two long subulate and downy stigmas. -Esh flower produces a single round seed. Locazrrr—Native of Europe and America, d A cultivated aene in both continents. — found it its groves, thickets, — HISTORY—This vine is ornam and u It is extensively cultivated cesa: = quors ar used, and forms a profitable branch of agriculture. E 'The fertile plants alone are raised, since the medical and qa qnn are bank nr e as eei » * 248 ; HUMULUS. No. 50, > Ds anamen appear in the summer, and although uncolored are not devoid of elegance. Humulus belongs to the Natural Order emos or Unticrpes, and to Dioecia pentandria. It has but this species, both names are ancient. . QuaLiries—The whole plant, but particularly the aia have a s fragrant sub-narcotic smell, and a bit- omatic taste. A. Ives has shown ell. reside i in a fine impalpable inklec over the fertile plants, and chiefly on the strobiles, which may be separated by Soushing and sifting. This powder has been called Lupulin, although it is not a proximate principle, but a dry secretion from the plant, and a compound sub- tauco containing the active principles and properties. E contains cent Bees wea of lignin, : EU tiv m ET is very tts it becomes soft "ad adhesive by handling: the strobiles contains one-sixth of their weight of it, and it may be available in brewing like n one dicat deii to six pounds of j| slant, fiat chiefly the and th Lapin are tonic, narcotic, phan- ust -— jo — anti- . aromatic flavor, besides a small edo of their pia ties; but by the habitual use of these liquors all the good effects are destroyed. The hop-beer made with molasses, hops and yeast, is a better — ep, ani an agreeable, refreshing, tonic beverage. As a medicinal article hops have been piat »* many physicians, and employed in Nephritis, Gravel, Gout, Phrenitis, Alopecia, Luxations, artieular Rheu- matism, Dyspepsia, Scrophula, Rachitis, Eresy pelas, Debility, Strangury, Hysterie and Nervous com- plaints, Cancer, Se. As mers atamachie and corro- borant, they are available in disease: d 4 debility or a loss of tone in the st m: powers afe weak in this as 1 ell as perties aseribed to them, which, h . der them usefulwhen mild rem | po - As a narcotic and sedative they opera mil uud are often preferable to opium: they induee slee o RU out producing the bad. effects of opium. | Even th » E and a pillow: of hops )pi 'omoting. sleep. Poultices and ii omm applieations for painful swellings. - "Their antilithie = and diuretic property is questionable, they" au a i most act as palliative, and are sometimes : - but available in the strangury produced by Cantha- > rides. Besidés allaying pain and producing sleep, > E hops have been found to reduce pulsations from 96 to pos 60, while rendering the pulse more firm. "They are useful in the weakness and watchfulness of hysterie patients. An ointment of hops is a palliative in ! 250 HUMULUS. Ko, 50, last stage of Caneer. They are said to act as antisep- tic and corroborant in bowel complaints. Some phy- sicians consider them as general alterative of the sys- tem. Schoepf mentions the seeds as used in Obstipa- tion. Zollickoffer has used the flowers to relieve the madè ith them ; the tinc- : formerly most used. | tincture, extract and upulin are employed. — ‘Boiling water ve the Lupulin. The doses must be ; mà gradually inereased, beginning with one — grain of Lupulin, four of the extract, a tea spoonful of the tincture, or two ounces of the infusion. An over r dose poer. sore throat, nausea, purgings t tre- -RüstARxs—The iii liquors brewed in the United States, instead of being a wholesome beverage, are often re dered diitotinus by the substitution or ad- -ditin of ierant narcotic: Se the harmless te sa rice Wormwood, Quas- vidit Ne 51. HYDRASTIS CANADE? (SIS. Excrisk Name—YELLOW PUCOON. FazwcH Name—HYDRASTE DU CANADA. German Name—Gerzs Pocxvan. à OrriciNAL Name—Hydrastis radix.. _ Vvrcag Names—Yellowroot, Ground Raspberry, Yellowpaint, MEL, car. ra rus Indian pus Eyebalm, ke. = iss Synoxyms—Was nadensis Mi ph yllum verum Linn. Has Ens | AvTHORITIEs—Linn. Mich. Pursh, Miller, Elliot, Eaton, Torrey, Stokes, Coxe, B. Bar on, W. Barton, fig. 26, bad. == Genus Hvorasris—Perigone simple, : peeled, three leaved, caducons. Sta linear. Pistils many forming very short, stigmas compresse berry, formed by acines or à ds. Species M. Canadensis—Stem two eaver leaves unequal, alterne, lower petiolate, e palmate, cordate, three to seven lobed, lébes ET unequally poma. i] mn = on a short pe dE a AS. i DESCRIP TION—Root perennia low, tortuose, knobby, writikled, nb fibres. Stem a foot high or less, iile, di, | RON i, pik oe died, tap sih two da! alterne leaves, First leaf ; la e, cordate, palmate, five or seven lobed, sinuses oblong and obtuse, lobes . oval, unequal, acute, with irregular sharp serratures, five branched nerves. The upper or second leaf similar, but sessile and commonly trilobe. These leaves are not quite ed when the blossoms ap- *e ur 2d shorter than "Three petals or pet oid leaves, flesh or rose color J, oval, obtuse, equal. “Many unequal filaments, shorter than the petals, linear and com- pressed; anthers oblong, obtuse, compressed. Many Pistils oval, crowded forming an oval héad, styles very short, stigma dilated, bed. Berry red and * oval, formed by many oblong grains or acines ; fleshy, obtus irieated by the pese styles, each one ALITY =: 1 Canada and Maine to Carolina ind y in T rich shad y woods, on the banks of streams, sides of hills, deep valleys: very common in w est ia Indiana, abi, &c., rare in lime- y petias the E and pistils bia n = aod is very duthy: like : a e ofthis plans, that he waited No. 51. it at first, with Hydrophyllum he after while Sigal . the name Hydrastis of Ellis, whieh is a very bad name meaning imbibing water, while this plant is. not at.all aquatic. The name of Miller Warnera would have been better, and 1 should have adopted this last and called it Warnera diphylla or tinctoria if established errors were not so difficult to correct. The vulgar names of this plant are also various, and — common to many others, yellow root is a name given it may become a valuable dye. eS -Hydrastis belongs to the RAcUNCULACEOUS rd where it forms a very distinct genus, by its- bei like seeds. Also to Polyandria polygynia, — : QvALITIEs— The root is only used, it is juicy when fresh, and loses two thirds of its weight by d x The taste is exceedingly bitter, rather pungent am nauseous. The smell is strong and virose. — Kcon- - tains Amarine, Extractive, several salts, and a pecu- - liar principle Hydrastin of a yellow color, pas PROPERTIES—Tonic, ophthalmic, de t gee, This plant is much used in Ohio, Kentaeky, — &e. for diseases of the eyes, the juice or an infusion | | are used as a wash, in sore or inflamed eyes. 1t is considered a specific by the Indians for that disorder; they also employ it for sore legs, and many external sd B Ee g 254 HYDRASTIS. No. 51. complaints, a as a topical tonic. - Internally iti is used as a bitter tonie, in infusion or tincture in disorders of the stomach, the liver, &c., and is equivalent to «2 /e- tris and Coptis. Itis said to enter into compound remedies for the Cancer, acting as a mild detergent tonic, and the Cherokees are supposed to use it in that disent; but oes AE Known. The proper- ing, and the infusion for the Dropsy. SUBSTITUTES—Je ffersonia binata—Coptis trifolia Xanthorhiza, Aletris, Sanguinaria, Sigillaria, — . Frasera, Menyanthes, &c. But none of these is so z efficacious: for sore eyes, except perhaps the Jeffer- Cancer Viburnum. dentatum, Rumex 52. HYOSCIAMUS NIGER L4 No. 52. No. 52. HYOSCIAMUS NIGER, : Eneuisy Name—BLACK HENBA] FRENCH Name—JusquiAME NOIRE. GERMAN Name—Scuwarz BILSENKRAUT. OrriciNAL Name—Hyosciamus. VvrcAn Names—Henbane, Poison-Tobacco, ° Stinking Aou &el 2 with five unequal din. "Corolla funne five unequal lobes. . Stamina five, unequal. oval, stile filiform declinate, stigma obtuse. two celled, many seede d, opereulate. — : Species H. niger—V iscid hairy, leaves cla lower oval oblong, acute, sinuate or undulate : unilateral, sessile, calix with sharp teeth, | corol eulate, with rounded lobes. : | DESCRIPTION Root biennial fusiform, w The whole plant glaucous, hairy, glutinous, lu etid. Misses feet M co ee . 256 — | HYOSCIAMUS. Nou 52, britiched. Lower leaves of the: stem similar, crowded, alterne, clasping: upper leaves smaller, narrower, nearly entire. ; 7 Flowers forming unilateral rows on the branches, extra axillary and opposed to the leayes. Calix urceo- late with five short acute and stiff segments. Corolla irregular, funnel shaped, with five unequal, spreading, = rounded and entire ‘lobes, with acute sinuses: this co- -rolla is of a dingy yell ow, with a pretty net work of : Stamina inserted in the tube of the ` corolla; filaments filiform unequal; anthers oblong, s large, yellow. Style slender, longer than stamina, | with an obtuse stigma. Capsule rounded, invested dr the. .ealix, two celled, opening by.a circular lid. e s numerous, unequal, small, oblong, brownish. ) - In the Northern and Eastern States de a: very rare in Ohio : wn in the South. It is sup- z d to be a naturalized plant, being found merely near houses, roads, rubbish, in old fields and gardens. is ore an European plant, scattered all over No. 52. little danger of using it inadvertantly. - The whole plant, roots and leaves, produce the usual effects of narcotics, It blossoms in June and July. The seeds — are said to have the property of keeping long under ground, and germinating whenever brought to lig QuaLrries—T he taste is insipid, slightly acrid and mucilaginous; but the smell is virose, rank, strong, fetid, pernicious and narcotie, which, however, is lost by exsiccation: when burnt it smells like Tobacco. It contains resin, mucilage, extractive, gallic acid, nitrates and other. Salts, } i line and crystalline actis decompose by red heat. [ stroy the narcotie power of t -luted alcohol extract it, — "The whole plant may be used; but the seeds contain - more Hyosciam. Externe ytho bovis dona lense employed in cataplasm or an ointment made of them: while internally. the extract and tincture are used. The extract ought to be made with ti 5- sated juice without boiling, the doses are from. one ten grains. This plant operates as a powerful iarcotie, and if taken in large doses, it produces drowsiness, : intense thirst, Anxiety, head ache, irregular hard pulse, - «vertigo, intoxication, delirium, dilatation of the pupil, + difficulty of breathing, aphonia, trismus, coma, afall- le vision or blind- ness, convulsions, a D0 Dplexy. loss of speech, cold « tremities, blue face, typhomani: : * HYOSOLAMUS. No. 52. grene, and death. A single dose of one grain has even produced delirium in nervous persons. The root _ having been mistaken and eaten for Parsnip, has caused many of these alarming symptoms : thé remedies are vegetable acids, sulphate. of iron, &c. which neutralize the poison, and emeties which discharge it. The internal use of this poison has been recom- Saree - epilepsy, hemoptysis, coliea pictorum, ; oone Hysteria, mania, melancholy, trismus, ns, $ 1s arthritis, ‘glandular swellings, te “ulcerations, asthma, spasmodic coughs, tic douleureux, Sc. by many physicians, and deemed a good substitute to opium and stramonium in most eases; but it is not so safe nor certain, and far less ae uniform i in its operation; the smallest doses are apt to produce nausea, head ache, laborious sleep, confusion E of ideas and even delirium. ` T 1 , therefore it E t Wc considered as one of : Ae hot Rageous narcotics, It ought to be handled by experienced physicians only, and always begun by ‘minute doses gradually increased. It may be prefer- able to opium in some cases, as it is rather laxative than constipating, and does not stimulate the body. is often failed in epilepsy and convulsions. It acts dn spasmodie coughs, the leaves are directed to ed in olive or almond oil, and the oil used s. It is highly praised in Tie united te xide of. Zinc. It has been found useful 1 com Mint Se. : No.2 | HYOSOLAMUS 259 to that of. Stramonium. It may be safely employed in painful swellings, schirrous or scrofulous or can- cerous ulcers, inflamed piles, indolent tumors or milk indurations of the breast, wandering rheumatic pains, inflamed eyes, spasms of the bowels; inflammation of the kidneys, urethra, bowels, testicles, &c.; in chordee, blind piles, and all painful external affections, as a very efficient topical anodyne. The fresh or powder- ed leaves are used as well as poultices with bread and” milk, or liniments in wax and oil, Injections of it for bowel complaints ought to be given in decoction of milk. ` The extract has been used to prepare for . ophthalmic operations, by dilating the pupil, contract- ing the iris and diminishing sensibility. _ The smoke of the leaves and seeds, directed by a funnel toa cari- w- 0 ous tooth, is said to cure odontalgy ; but the practice a may be deleterious and attended with danger. Susstirures— Datura Stramonium-—Atropa ` belladonna—Solanum Sp.—Conium—-Cicuta-— Tobacco, Opium and other powerful narcotics. The Hyosciamus albus of Europe is a milder eq ivalent, as well as Humulus or hops. — : C + ES For the sake of icit! &elferal details adis. been omitted; and during the process of the work, many additional facts have been evolved or procured: some of which are of sufficient importance to be added, and will be ees blended with casual cor- rections. ` fa = Some plantsemight be locked for in this first iia which will be fou in the second, such for instance are Pn and Gyromia, pei yrola and J | ANTI-EMETIC, preventing nausea and « emesis. ; ANTILACTEAL, draining the milk in the breast. = Becuic, serviceable against. = CosMETIC, softening the skin. Eccornoric, | re Fraser, cutta, 1810. 262 . MEDICAL PLANTS. No. 1. Acorus Canamus—It contains also fecula and extrac-_ tive; decoction destroys its activity: much employed in the East Indies in infusion for the bowel complaints of children. 2. AprantHuM Peparum—Also corroborant and diuretic, useful in obstructions. The 4. trapeziforme is its substitute in the West Indies, a pectoral syrup is made from it. E Acnrmonta E VPATO A— The roots and whole plant boil- | sts for diabetes and incontinence of y r the. > tape-worm j is Agrimony tea. with alum id honey. “The roots | are said to ba more astringent than the | ves the Indians ee in fevers, gad some empi- ‘rics fo h hon „iti is said also to be gliuretic and T E qn . . ALETRIS FaniNosA—Another vulgar name is Black root. ~ Himili one of its Indian names implies the same. It isa powerful and dangerous substance, drastic even in small doses, larger ones produce vertigo and bloody stools: it is also consider- ed i cesi by the Indians. s z 5. ANDROMEDA ARBOREA—This tree indicates a poor soil, the Indians make a rows with the wood and.smoke the leaves as .Shumac and Tobacco. They also, use the leaves for dropsy in cold decoction mixt with Prunus Virginiana. : E AxTHEMIS Corura— Other names, Wild Camomile, Piss- weed, &e. The essential oil is bluish as that of Camomile. It contains also resin, extractive and amarine; boiling dissipates the active principles. The fowers and the disk florets particularly, are most active; they are impaired by keeping. A weak or cold d infusion is anti-emetic, while a strong or warm one is emetic. 2 per are.sometimes used as an external jscutient, and are bene- | injections for irte spasmodic dics, &c. IFO ——À are several varie- vertigo. It ls also pe háii a ali purge the bile cure costiveness. ‘Zollickofier has used it it in —M T 8. ARALIA A the species of aut bear also in New England the names of Life-of-man, Pettymorel, Pigeon eed &c. and the A. spinosa Shot bush. — act sometimes as dians eat thant made*aith their ‘wine similar to Elder” wine roots and leaves chewed speedily; Dr. Sp. informed me that — of a — accidental va Foxberry, Checkerberry, Ec. Th sáb: lack; the berries are sometimes bak milik 264 roots and Prunus. Burson and Eberle prescribe it for chronic asthma and catarrh, aphthous sore throat, rheumatism, tinea capitis, tetters, &c. in consumption it is only a palliative, lessening the cough and dyspnea. The dose of the powder is from twelve to forty grains; an electuary or emulsion are convenient forms. An ointment is made for external use in rheumatism, tinea, &c. The seeds'appear fo have all the properties of the root with double the strength, and being less liable to lose their activity, ougnt te become the officinal substitute in half doses. The vulgar -of Wake vil’s nip are also given to this plant. The A. sequinum acatar Bel). and the West Indies is. used for the yaws, dropsy = am for which our Arums might SEXE T REE ia, 1. Macrophyllum, 2 Pumilum, 3. Acutifolium, I have lately seen this Var. with acute leaves in the Taconick mountains. The Westem Indians use it as a styptic for wounds, and an abortive also. A large dose produces pyrosis and water brash, besides nausea. 1t may be combined with tonies to advantage. 13. AsCLEPIAS Tuserosa—Varieties, 1. Prealta, 2. CE bens, 3. Undulata. 4. Angustifolia, &c, The Southern Indians mploy it in dysentery, dropsy and asthma, also as an emetic in large doses, and | they. use the powder externally in venereal chan- cres as well as fungous ulcers. They make a kind of hemp with the stem, like that of 4. debilis and Apoeynum cannabinum, and use it for strings to bows. The silk makes better wicks for can- dies than cotton. The 4. asthmatica of the East Indies, and A. cusassavica of the West Indies, are emetic also and used in elysters for dysentery and piles. Mease says that our 4, tuberosa a safe and powerful diuretic. Burson extols it in Marasmus or o] Cholera — and diseases attending the dentition thartic destitute of smell and taste, he pre- les. A. Ives considers it equivalent . dentalis.of. Florida and South An SC 7 cures. performed in. New York, but it iiim n — often happen. The .4. serpsnioria of L uisiana, is used in lIn- dians against snakes. = - 14. BAPTISIA A A E e Min; fomentations, and emploped. against snake. Mita Ag: the ees Indians. e v pad 15. BERBERIS ASAS Y nnm. ME e E and Sourberry. In the north the berries are pickled. A tos. of the bark is used for indigettion, and an infusion in wine as pu : tive. The root and bark with alum or lye produce a beautiful. yellow dye for leather and cloth. . 16. Borroputs SERPENTARIA—It has been found to be nar- cotic, nervine and tonic, A full dose produces nausea, vertigo, anxiety, pains, restlessness, unegsinesa, dilatation of pupil, quick. : small pulse, &e. These effects are has been used as a substitute ing symptoms of nary. phthi: imparts tone to the system ni ture, infusion and powder have 1 17. BnAsENIA HyDROPELTIS—It 4 to some New Englend and New York. Substitute of«Hepakica- i 18, Cass1A MARILANDICA—It might be. tried as a. ) of the €. herpetica or Ripgworm bush juice is used against itch and yaws, lieved to be a counterpoison of the. seeds ‘of the €. ciliata of Louis coffee. 19. CAULOPHYLLUM Tuaxicm 20. CEPHALANTHUS , M CERE. bush. Es ui AAA ANTHELMINTHICUS — 266 - P3 liable to lose its activity. The powder of. the leaves gathered "when the seeds dre ripe, and dried in the shade is the best exhibi- "tion. Large doses produce vertigo, cardialgy, coma and even death. ae c s 23. CoLLINSONIA Canapensis—Sometimes called Horse- balm in. the north. The C. anisata is called Anise-root in the = and used for flatulency. E ComPTONIA AsPLENIFOLIA—Other names Meadow fern it for serofula- Peri we the vade: ns or leaves butter. for. the. ies m: Sores. A syrup is 135. cR E ovis CUR i Botefehl i in itera ulcerations, ‘serophulous, malignant and sanious ulcers, Lepra and Elephan- tiasis, Mania, &c. It ought te be taken in sufficient doses to produce vertigo. 26. ConvotvuLus PANDURA TUS—Ít is said that hogs eat the roots, And that. indians. wal bandia sinket: after washing- thoir ive y and alone - for it and sore throat. It is also good for sore eyes like Hydrastis, of which it appears equivalent. 28. Cornus Fror1pa—Called sometimes Bitter Redberry. It ought never to be taken fresh, because it affects the bowels in that state: it is beneficial in debility of the stomach and loss of appetite. The Southern Indians use it in poultice for sores. The also APR coma all our been informed that in Onondaga and other. vinta eot New York, several physicians rely upon a decoction of hi of C. spectubile as a valuable antispasmodi , Which. proves effectual remedy in many cases when the common medicines have failed : doses a table spoonful of the duros icu VO i of the root in a pint of water. ES 31. DATURA anotan ae eae in ihe West] n The leaves applied to the head eure the head ache, and applied. to the-joints they relieve the gout. A tincture of the seeds is — — said to be preferable to Laudanum for convulsions, &c. eset the ue extract by far superior to that of Conium. ; 32. Diospyros VIRGINIANA—One of the remedies used e 3 herbalists for the dysentery, isa apenas» wit M united. to C EE Prunus, Rumez and Rhubarb. : ; á zu 33. Dirca Patustris—Also called. 94. ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUM. 35. ERITHRONIUM FLAVUM. 36. EvPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. 37. EvPHoRnBIA CoRoLLATA—Used by the Southern — in fevers and bowel complaints. ; 38. FRAGARIA VESCA. ‘ lie 39. FRASERA VxTiCHLLATO—Found also West of the Missis- | ite peto of th for- fevers, debility, &e. i dren to ‘strengthen them complaints, although too simaan? ‘bat it is z= a ; catarrh. The geom le TE m GILLENTA | j 268 3 sippi wet used by the Indians asa. valuable emetic and sudorific in fevers, bowel complaints, &c. 45. HAMAMELIS — iócalled Sina: by the Osage Indians, and used for ulcers, tumors, sores, &c. in poultice. 46. HEpEoMa PuLEGIOIDEs. ` 47; HELENIUM AUTUMNALE. : 48. HePATICA TRILOBA. — ——— .49. HEUCHERA ACERIFOLIA. > NOTICE. The second volume shall follow this in a few months, and con- tain from fifty to sixty plates and articles, many of which, upon omitted by B elow and Hajen; Uhous, Verbena, i i Pterospora, Smilax, Viburnum, ralis, Ruta, Spirea, Vitis, &c. The last article including a monogrephy of the North American MEDICAL FLORA; OR MANUAL OF THE 4 MEDICAL BQ) J AINING GURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF MEDI- v4 NAMES, QUALITIES, PROPERTIES, NOTES OR REMARES ON NEARLY PAUIVALENT SUBSTITUTES, tu A SELECTION OF AROVK CAL PLANTS, WITH ' VOLUME THE SECOND, A ITH 48 PLATES. Medical Plants are compound Medicines, by the hands of - .—Med. ren p i dud ee Nature, &c. BY C. S. NESQUE, A. M.7PH. D. — — Ex-Prof. of Botany, Natural History, X Cin Transylv. University of Lex- — — ington, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, &c. EE. Member of the Medical Societies of Cincinnati and Lexington—the Philos. Soc. and Lyceum of New York—the Acad. of Nat. Sc, of Philadelphia—the Amer, Antiq. Society—the Kentucky Institute—the Linnean Soc. of Paris—the Imp. Nat. Cur. Soc. of Bonn.—the Imp. Eco- — nomical Soc. of Vienna—the R. Italian Inst.—the R. Inst. of Nat. Sc. of. Naples, &jc. &c. A (CR, —— PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL C. ATKINSON, i No. 112, Chesnut Street. L— d —— 1830. vania, to wit: the eleventh day of January, in the of the United States of America, e said district hath deposited in vhereof they claim as Proprie- fermes : Botany Redde — — . Co a seled es, quai gures an: Modo sl E cd paene a : : and notes or remarks on equivalent sub- stitutes.—In two volumes. y Em jaz : Volume the first, Ai with RN tors, in the words following 4 o ‘Medical ; or Manual of jy the MEE. > Nature, &c. A j : ed. Princ. 31. j Rafinesque, A. ccs Ex-Prof. PE E e a Transy kaira Lexin t in Institute o of the i cin Charts, and Books, to the authors and ‘ poe of “such ‘copies, 1 times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled, An supplementary | to an Act, entitled “An Act f for the Encouragement of ue d , by securing the copies. of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the au- thors roprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," benefits Sect = pert M deóping, capat. | JD. CALDWELL clerk of he Baster Dari of Pernejionin INTRODUCTION — TO THE SECOND VOLUME. | A 1. After some delay arising from various causes, I have the pleasure to present to the public the second an last Volume of my Medical Flora of the United tates. 2. It will be seen that although this second Volume — - has assumed somewhat a different shape, it has lost —— zn by the change, but rather improved in matter and - vaiue. AS Roxy AL RUE 3. The plan closely pursued in the first Volume was - that of Bigelow and Barton, with the improvements of — — alphabetical order, separation and condensation of facts. — — This plan was by no means the best, and limited very — much the number of medical selections. E 4. If Lhad pursued the same plan throughout, it was . my intention to have added afterwards a third Volume — — or Supplement, including all the Medical plants omitted _ by this mode, with tables of Equivalents and other need- ful cuca. z EEEE I ee ES 5. By a trifling change effected in this Volume, 1 have been il to min n these additional Plants and re- marks without further extension of the work. - 6. If I had followed my own inclinati set, I might have included all our dical plan single thick Volume, and all the Figures in anoth - er Vo- —À so as to answer still better the purpose of _ 7. To render this Volume egeta to answer the desirable purpose, it has been divided in two parts, the - first of which contains the selected Articles and Plants — that belong to the plan of the first Volume. : 8. While the second part shall include several oth selected plants and figures, united to a general account all our Medical plants and Equivalents, forming a se à x INTRODUCTION. alphabetical series. Whereby this Volume may become a work by itself, or a kind of Lexicon of our Medical Plants. — . 9. This Lexicon will include the whole of our actual acquired knowledge on such useful plants, by blending the officinal details of Schoepf and the early writers, with those of the latter observers, besides many new and un- published facts collected by myself during many years of botanical and medical researches. 10. I hope thereby to satisfy the wishes of those, who have so well received the first volume, notwithstanding its limited character, and have repeatedly urged me to complete this work. - 11. A list of our Medical equivalents was only promi- sed by me and expected by them ; but I have done more, and united together all our Medical plants, thus to be kept all in view, that by future experiments, their respective . medical value may be further ascertained. — 12, It is a sad mistake of some Physicians to consider - the increase of officinal tools as an evil. The lazy pro- pensity that would reduce our stock of remedies to a few rell known plants, i to be deplored as rendering the A very different course is pursued by active and is investigators of medical properties; they enlarge „of usefulness, increase our medical means, in- icate all the available substitutes, and ascertain the best equivalents in specific cases. - 14. In Europe they extend their researches to all the jur of gue The Society of Pharmacy of Paris : published a monthly journal since 1812, in which are found numberless discoveries and Analyses of medical nts from all the parts of the world... London a Medico-Botanical Society has been es- hose object is chiefly to ascertain the medical ll the plants, and to send to the most re- search of medical substances and equiva- efore our duty at least to study our own, ther than diminish our actual know- - INTRODUCTION. 4 - 17. Thus we shall furnish our share towards a great work not yet undertaken, although See needed, a General and Comparative Account of all the Medical Plants of the whole globe, for which the Medical Floras of Europe, Hindostan, Brazil, West Indies, and the United States, begin to offer the materials. Me e 18. All our numberless officinal works on Materia - Medica, are as yet mere rude or — attempts of this kind. Not one has ever mentioned one tenth of the plants - in actual use; the authors confining themselves to the - narrow circle of their own experience or knowledge. 19. During the period that has elapsed since the pub- lication of the first volume, I have been able to consult many additional works and authors, and thus availed myself of their help. A list of them will follow this in- troduction. z i AU Um 20. I have received considerable assistance in that way — — from some public Libraries, such as those of the Philoso- _ hical Society of Philadelphia, and the Lyceum of Nat. — istory of New York for instance, and also from the _ Medical Library of my friend Dr. S. Betton of German- town. D x 21. In Bartram's Botanical Garden near Philadelphia, — — now owned by Colonel Carr, which is the oldest and best. of the kind in the United States, and particularly rich in native plants, I have met with the most liberal assistance, - from the worthy owner. _ T R E 22. By these various means the practical value of this - work has been increased; the first volume was well re- - ceived, sot E limited range, and. ed as a text book in somé Medical Institutions. I trust that - this volume will be found still more practical and useful. - 23. The number of plates will amount to 100 as pro- mised, but including 106 figures. A few of the figures - of Bigelow and Barton belonging to well known plants _ may be omitted, but the number of those not figured by — them will be increased, amounting to 32 in this volume, while only 14 were in the first. — y 24. It might have been well if I had omitted the figures of the Dogwood, Persimon, and Hops in the volume, being so well known to almost every body, an will accordingly omit in a Poke, Tobacco, . ap INTRODUCTION. tree, Sassafras, Blackberry, &c. so well known without is he 25. The other deviations from the previous plan will be easily perceived. None of them are very material. The chief aim has been to reduce the extent of the Re articles and to increase the indications. . 26. i the proposed extent of this volume allows of sufficient space, sereo useful tables will be added to it, Supplements: Qpe o£ he additions f d impro ed style has been greats but I to aia fulfilled. by it one of the aims in view, the uction of a complete and correct practical work. > Philadelphia, May, 1830. C. S. R. A a — TIONAL WORKS CONSULTED. iof N "York ol Si is XE, Travels in the U. States, Milan, 1789. GLASS, "Plants of the North West. . Earow, Manual of Botany, 5th edition, 1829, is be- come almost a general Flora of the United States, but mady omissions yet. _Gameotp, Medical Plants of the Cherokis. Hiram, Medical Plants of Brazil, Paris. OSSELYN, Early account of New pred L DE PHARMACIE, Paris, 1812 to 1830. "E, Monographies of Viola, Ruellia, &c. English Na AE Classifications ‘Nat. | dria tet ia po y mina, opposed to the corolla. Berry one celled ed. Shrubs or trees, leaves alternate. Sp. Jlez opaca. Leaves oval lanceolate, acute at both ends, evergreen, shining, spinose-dentate ; fascicles of of flowers loose on the young branches, peeing com- nd. * fours see DESCRIPTION. A tree from 10 to 40 feet hi in the North, larger i in the South: green leaves, formin Red a comp teeth, on short es, mar : ends sharp, texture Lopes The flowers ar llo ish white, in small fascides on tl : branches” + berries are scarlet, round and gov t HISTORY. The Genus Hex of Lie contains many heterogeneous cles, some are pol gamous S or dioical; have S 2 or > ¿o a cell e cells in "he berry, a corolla or none, &c. It D" to be re- modelled. As early as 1817 1 separated the Zlez Cana- — densis, calling it Nem ; 1 has dioical flow S ers, calix 5 = E a rare sti capt Auge ria The Mer obeordata = a = naf * 8:3 : ILEX. - No. 53. Genera Palria and Macucua united-to it, are also dis- tinct. The llege Cm or Vomitoria must form a par- ticuliar genus, if it ha$ the corolla 4 lobed, the stamina alternate to it, 4 cellel ber as Elliot says: I pro- pose to call it Hieraphyllus Our Iex opaca was formerly. biended with the Z. aqui- folium of Europe, Aiton se rated. it, although hardly different. It is | vera a a tree in the Southern idulate with. fewer and smaller ‘0 ting: DOLI: re re ees grows also in Virginig, - ca Island to Florida,, ol oral Region. e berries remain oh théfitree throughout the inter; and form a fine contrast with the deep green leaves. It blossoms in May. It is Intro- duced in gardens as ornamental, and forms fine hedges. The bark of the branches is very viscid, and produces the best bird lime by boiling: it contains gum, wax, a resin, many salts, Sic. ; variety 1. Margie L aquifolium, if nt me y were 2. . teeth. 3. Acuminata, with narrow and very sharp leaves & . Globosa, small, with a globose foliage, &c. . PROPERTIES. Those of 1. aquifolium and J. opaca = ‘to be the same. The root, bark, leaves, and berries are used. They are mucilaginous and a little bitter, par- cularly the berries, which are reckoned resolvent, pec- ral, demulcent, and laxative. The decoction and wine as been used for coughs, pleurisy, colics, constipation, ver, gout, rheumatism, &c. an "externally as a cata- sm in tumours. Their juice also in jaundice. The shave the same but weaker effects. The bark gives bitter mucilage, aee a fever, diabetes, and an application in pe says the leaves No 54. —— ILLICIUM. 9 Among the Southern species, two, spread from N Carolinato Louisiana near the sea shore, are chie 1. Hex Cassine of Michaux (my Hierophyllus) wrongly called 7. vomitoria by Lin. who gave the name of Z cas- sena to the 2d species, or 7. dahoon of Michaux, Walter, - Elliot, &c. Both are evergreen shrubs, called Cassena, Fapoon, and Dahoon by the Indians. The true Cassena- is reckoned a holy plant by many southern tribes, being used in their religious rites and solemn councils to clear - the stomach and the head by emesis and diuresis. Wo- men are use it. It is collected with care, and forms an article of trade among tribes. They often tor- rify slightly the leaves before using them. They are inodofous, taste subaromatic and fervid, useful in foul stomach, fevers; diabetes, smallpox, &c. as a mild emetic but the Indians’ Black Drink is a strong decoction of it. and a violent, although harmless v In Carolina, the inhabitants of. ihe sea side swa E no good water to , purify it by boiling it little Cassena (perhaps ] d0urnu. 138 221 it ad warm, as the Chinese do SES daily tea . drin The Dahoon is used as a substitute to the Sr E ' many other shrubs appear to be used indiscriminately for - making the Black Drink, the Cassine ramulosa of the Flora of Louisiana for instances which isa isa true Cassine of Lin. Names. Florida Ame. Fr. Badiane de la Pote Vulgar. Staranise, Sweet Laurel. _ m i. Classification. Nat. Order of Magnolides. Poly yand ir P cns riora Calix 6leaved. Corolla 7 to 27 i rs Many stamina and pistils. Capsules r m seal a iental P bivalve, one seeded. 10 ILLICIUM. No. 54. ag low star in the centre. jS ind s u for an article PROPE The Bark of 7. floridanum is bitter, ngent, aromatic, with a spicy taste and smell. x. tonic, stimulant, and diaphoretic chiefly, like the - barks of the Magnolias and of Cascarilla, to which it is equivalent. Bigelow has found in it mucilage, extractive, d an aroma soluble in the distilled water. "The leaves seeds have the same qualities. It may be substitu- for Cascarilla in some peculiar fevers, and for the e of commerce, which the Chinese chew after r as a stomachic and sweetener of the breath. They also as condiment in some dishes, in tea and sher- burning it as a perfume and considering it as il No. 55. E = No. 55. JEFFERSONIA BARTONI. Names. Common Twinleaf. Fr. Jeffersone. Vulgar, Yellow Root, Helmetpod, Ground Squirrel Pea — Classif. Nat. Order of Berberides.- Octandria mono- gynia L. . Genus JEFFERSONIA. Calyx 4 leaved, caducous, 8 petals, 8 stamina opposed to the petals, one pistil. Stigma sessile. Capsule obovate, substipitate, one celled, opening near the top by a transversal cut, top operculated. Seeds many, arillated, inserted on one side, opposite the fissure. Leaves all radical binate on long petioles. Scapes uniflore. + Ünly one species was known, but in 1820 I discover- - ed the J. ata in Kentucky, and in 1830 ,observed | the J. lobata in Carr’s garden, near Philadelphia. Their — . habit and properties being identic, I include them allin — T ced this article, and give their specific differences. * - — 1. J. Bartoni, Mx. Folioles pendulous, entire, ob- lique, acute. Le subclavate, stigma four lobed, cap- : sule angular behind. ! 2. J. adorata, Raf. Folioles pendulous, entire, ob- . lique, acuté. Scape filiform, stigma ke ane sessile, cap- su poble m Varieties—1. Undulata. 2. Par- vifolia. 3. Bo. 9 : E yol Sed AI | DESCRIPTION of the S. bartoni. Root large, peren- nial, yellow, multiform. Radical leaves on long erect dile ad e m poop m petioles, binate or twin, with two oblique folicles insert- — ed on one side, each oval, acute, smooth.. Scapes erect - naked, thicker above, bearing one single flower,very much like that of Sanguinaria, ies inodorous. Petals ob- long, lanceolate, obtuse, longer than the calyx. Anthers - yellow. Pod coriaceus, covered with a lid like a helmet. - HISTORY. A very singular plant, mistaken by Lin- neus for a Popdopyllum aoa called P. . dis- tinguished by Dr. B. Barton, VE dedisti it i 12 JUNIPERUS. No. 56. philosopher, naturalist, and Statesman, Jefferson. . He called it binata, a name applying to all the species. Michaux gave it the actual name. It has since been wrongly united to the Nat. Order of Podophylacea; but I ascertained in 1820 that it belongs to Berberides, having the stamina equal, and opposed to the petals. It has a few varieties such as 1. Cespitosa, 2. Grandiflora, 3. Undulata, 4. Rosea, &c. It is found from Virginia and Maryland to Ohio and Missouri, chiefly near streams and rivers; it ea nown in Carolina, since Elliot has omit- ted it. By the singular leaves and seed-vessels, fragrant flowers of E _ the taste, smell, and properties. It is yellow like the Eye- . | ger, it tsains of 2 . root, but much lar ins of a yellow colour, an X ingent and nauseous,, like Hydrastis and many ther s. - is not cathartic so far as I know. "The Indi ed this plant in Dropsy, and as a diure- tic. The root alone is available. I have seen some weighing a pound: the shape is very variable, but fre- quently knobby. _ It is very efficacious as a topical to- nic in sore eyes and sore legs. Other properties little . known as yet, but deserving investigation. No. 56. JUNIPERUS. 13 filament. Fertile filament, globose, three scales, coadu- nate, stigma gaping. Berry formed by the united fleshy scales, inclosing one to three nuts. ES Sp. Juniperus communis. L. — Shrubby erect, leaves alternate, spreading, linear, mucronate, shining above, labrous beneath. Instead of giving the full description of is well known shrub, which the above, and the figure is amply sufficient to distinguish, I shall add the cha- racters of some other species, which possess similar qualities, and which I mean to include in this article. 2. Sp. Juniperus depressa, Raf. 1817. (J. com- munis Big. fig. 44.) Stems cespitose, depressed, spread- ing, decumbent. Leaves ternate, spreading, subulate, mucronate, with a white stripe above, convex beneath, as long as the berries: staminate, amentsternate, sessile, obovate. Berries smooth, elliptic. Considered as a variety of the former by many botanists, but very dis- tinct, berries larger, branches trigone, forming circular bushes, twelve to fifteen feet round. In New York, New England, Canada, &c. "The Dwarf Cedar, found by Lewis and Clarke on the Yellow Stone river, with branches spreading like vines, and rooted beneath, is per- haps the same, or a peculiar kind J. radicatus: or the following: 3. Sp. Juniperus prostrata. N. Stems prostrate, creep- ing. Pace imbricate in four rows, ovate, submucro- nate, glandular. Berries oblong, tubercular. On sea shores, lakes, &c. of the Northern States, called Dwarf Sp Jes eee co rs *- gs uniperus virginiana. or common Red Cedar.) Arborescent. Leaves imbricate, in three or four scaly rows, ovate, lanceolate, young ones acerose, noe Berries ate ‘tubercular. This tree is are over North America; in the South it reaches y feet. — a ; X Sp. Juniperus bermudiana. L. (Sea side Red Cedar.) Arborescent, inferior, leaves ternate, u per leaves opposite in four rows, decurrent, subulate, spreading, pungent: berries le. In the Bermuda Islands and the sea shore of Carolina, Florida, &c. The three last species called Cedars in America, (the true — Cedar is the Larix q. of Syria) have often been — — 14 ; JUNIPERUS. No. 56. blended by writers and described for each other. They all have small rough berries, with only one or two seeds, three stamina, or rather anthers, three internal scales, - (called corolla,) in the female ament, and three styles. They ought to form a peculiar sub-genus, which I pro- pose to call Zuzylon, meaning good wood. 6. “Sp. Juniperus Sabina (Savin.) Shrubby, leaves opposite, in four rows, glandular, lanceotate, commonly obtuse. On rocks in Canada and New England. Seve- ral species are blended here; the American, Asiatic, and European kinds are perhaps different; a low variety of ie 3d, has often been mistaken for it. HISTORY. A fine and useful genus of Evergreens, Trees, and Shrubs, highly valued as ornamental in gar- - dens for hedges, the medical berries, and the fine wood of the large kinds. They are chiefly found in the cold climates of the two hemispheres. A great confusion exists among our Botanical writers respecting our Ame- rican species. The J. depressa has repeatedly been considered as J. communis, and figured even as such by . Bigelow, who also can hardly distinguish the Savin from the Cedar. The characters must be sought for in the . berries and flowers. The Cedar varies much with and soil, and some even deem the fifth specie one of its varieties; but its purple berries are pa I have no materials before me to notice the flowers of all the species; but the berries are as follows: i. J. communis. Berries globose, pediculated, small, much shorter than the leaves, smooth, three seeded, .. bluish. — 2. J. depressa. B. elliptic, subsessile, nearly as long as the leaves, smooth, three seeded, glaucous. | m prostrata. B. oval, oblong, warty, two seeded, 4. J. virginiana. B. oval, pom, small, warty, one. o seeded, glaucous, bluish. : bermudiana. B. cibo, warty, purplish. sabina. Four kinds or sp. at least. 3. Exc berries odi - eldi bu Oregon, in the U. S. 2. No. 56. © ~» JUNIPERUS. : 15 berries globular, three seeded. 4. True Savin with spreading leaves, berries compressed, bluish. The J. montana of Europe, was once reckoned as one of the J. communis. It has crowded leaves, a cespitose . stem, berries ovoid, not globular; while the J. communis has slender, remote leaves, stem erect, berries globular, ` dark blue. Our American kind appears intermediate by having the stem erect, shrubby; but the leaves ` crowded and broader, with larger berries. It is found in Pennsylvania, Maryland, &c. on hills and mountains. PROPERTIES. Alike in all the species, stronger in the Savins, less violent in J. virginiana and the Ce- dars, weaker in the true Junipers. They are stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative, eccoprotic, anthel- . mintic, emmenagogue, &c. The berries, leaves, and wood may be used; the berries have a strong, pungent, aromatic smell and ‘taste, somewhat sweet and bitter, containing an essential oil, tannin, and a sweet muci- lage. The leaves and wood contain some of the oil also, in which resides the active properties. The leaves are more acrid and bitter than the berries. The wood has a weaker taste and a better smell, owing to a kind of resin called Sandarac, which it exudes in warm countries, and resembling Copal, by a part being only soluble in Ether. This renders the wood very durable and obnoxious to insects. Boxes made of it preserve woollens from moths. The Cedar wood is light, close ined, reddish, much used for posts, tubs, pencils, &c. carpenters, ship-builders, coopers, turners: it is one ok our best timber, and preserves a long while its pe liar odour. um = The Oil of Juniper is chiefly distilled from the bi the Italian berries are the best; the American yi much less oil. They impart their flavour to al - liquors, and form the well known gin, which acquires - some diuretic properties. The oil is useful in dropsy, in debility of the stomach and intestines, palsy of the bladder, and uterine obstructions. The doses must be : minute; a a decoction of the berries and leaves may be — — gubstituted. A kind of beer is made with the berries in Lapland; they improve also the spruce beer. a ee olic 16 | KALMIA. No. 57. The leaves of Savin are the officinal parts. Those of . our Cedars are used as equivalents with us, under the “name of Savin; but they are weaker than the e Savin, and often fail as emmenagogue, because the doses are regulated upon the European prescriptions. They have all the properties of the Junipers in a higher and even violent degree; they increase all the secretions, but may produce hemorrhagy and abortion, acting chiefly on the uterus. Pregnant women ought never to use them; but they are very useful in dropsical complaints, menstrual suppressions, also in rheumatism, gout, worms, &c. in powder, conserve, or tincture. None but expe- rienced physicians ought to prescribe them. Farriers use them frequently in diseases of horses. Externally, the VOTES leaves may be applied to warts, venereal excrescences, ulcers, carious bones, psora, tinea, and gangrenous sores, to heal them. "The fresh leaves mixed with lard and wax, form a good perpetual epipastic, ert to a vesicated surface, keeping it open, and changing the discharge from a serous to a puriform ap- pearance. la No. 57. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Names. Broadleaf Kalmia. Fr. Grande Kalmie. - Vulgar. Laurel, Mountain Laurel, Rose Laurel, Cali- cobush, Big Ivy, Spoonwood, Lambkill, Sheep-poison, Wicke, &c. aei Nat. Ord. of Rhodoracea. Decandria mono- _ Genus Karmia. Cal. five parted, corolla hypocrateri- oa red, with ten — e PM. anthers d in the cavities, one pistil, style, and stigma, cap- re celled, man ido. : E p ia latifolia. L. Leaves clustered, petiolate, ate, acute, entire: corymbs terminal, viscid, . A shrub, four to ten feet high, - č, coriacious, very smooth, lucid - No. 57. KALMIA. - * i HN above, pale beneath, entire, acute at both ends, on short petioles, and growing at the end of the — in pe ters. Flowers very handsome, in terminal compoun corymbs, trichotome, pubescent viscid, with small su- bulate tracteas. Flowers large, corolla A a rose ipl tube short, limbus like a cup, with five short acute lo ten lon staminas, lodging their antlers in the ten cavi- ties of the corolla. HISTORY. A beautiful genus of evergreen shrubs, peculiar to North America, dedicated to Kalm, a Swedish traveller and botanist; several species belong to it, E. highly valued in gardens as ornamental: this is the largest and most splendid. Their vernal blossoms are pasta, but scentless. The K. latifolia grows = over e mountains and hills of the United States. It pro- duces many varieties, such as 1. Alba, all the flowers white. 2. Maeulata, with purple spots. 3. T'rnata, ph ne leaves. 4. Acuminata. 5. Ovatifolia, orea, &c. : : P s It has been by many deemed poisonous to men and — cattle. Itis certainly deleterious to horses, calves, and sheep feeding on it in winter, because indigestible to them. Sheep, if not soon relieved by oil, will swell p die. Yet e = goats feed e bas o! and an igest them. e American partridge, feeding on the bacada ps kinten, is ps by some to become Eure = as - Bees collect honey on the flowers. ew 3 is soft when fresh, but Peur hard and dense, nearly similar to box, much used for tools, instruments, and — ase UR Kalmia grows yery slow, and lives a cen- —— All the species of this genus having equal lpr perties, de ought to be slightly mentioned. uh 2. K. angustifolia, or Sheep Laurel. Leaves ternate, po porem rusty beneath. E 3 ne 3. K. glauca, or Swamp Laurel. Leaves opposite, oblong, glaucous beneath. oe 4. K. rosmarinifolia. Leaves opposite, linear, revo- lute, green beneath. 5 jr _ b. K. cuneata. Leaves scattered, sessile, c oblong, pubescent beneath. P Carolina, &c. .— 5 18 LEONTODON. No. 58. 6. K. hirsuta. Hairy, leaves opposite and alternate, lanceolate, flowers axillary, solitary. Southern States. PROPERTIES. Narcotic, errhine, antisiphylitic, antiherpetic, &c. Rather dangerous internally, if it be true that the Indians killed themselves by a strong de- coction of it. More useful externally; powdered leaves employed in tinea capitis, and in some fevers: with lard, they form a good ointment for herpes. Bigelow found in them tannin, resin, and mucilage only, yet Thomas . asserts its narcotic qualities, and that the decoction even in small doses, produced vertigo, which Bigelow-is inclined to disbelieve. Elliot states that the negroes of Carolina use the K. angustifolia and K. hirsuta in a strong wash to cure the itch of men and dogs; it smarts, but cures effectually. It has also been used in psora and other cutaneous affections. It is stated to have been used in syphilis, but how is not told, probably in sores and ulcers. The brown powder of the leaves and seeds are errhine. Their tincture is powerful and dan- y a few drops killed a rattle snake. No. 58. LEONTODON TARAXACUM. Names. Common Dandelion. Fr. Pissenlit commun. Vulgar. Pissabed, Puff-ball, Sc. Classif. Nat. Order of Cichoracca. Syngenesia . Equalis L. Genus Lrowropow. Perianthe, or common cal double, both polyphylle, many ligular florets, wie in à pars stipitate and plumose. ontodon taraxacum. L. Outer calyx reflexed, stulose and one-flowered, leaves runcinate, with It is a perennial plant, with the ical, smooth, oblong, and acute, cut up on a runcinate form, sometimes almost pinnati- sior ute, toothed, unequal, like teeth of acute, only one large mid rib; se, smooth, milky when No. 58. - LEONTODON. 19 broken, bearing only one blossom, and growing in le! while the blossom unfolds and decays. The two perianthes have lanceolate acute sepals, the outer ones shorter, lax, and spreading or reflexed, the inner one closely erect. Florets yellow, numerous, unequal, tigular, with five teeth; succeeded by black seeds, bear- ing b white stipitate plumose pappus, forming a spheri- HISTORY. This well known plant is common to Europe, Asia, and America, in pastures and meadows; - it is spread all over the United States, and is really a native, not introduced. It blossoms during the whole year in succession from April to October. Although deemed a weed, it is not injurious. It spreads very fast by its seeds borne to a great distance by winds. Chil- dren use the seed-balls for playthings, as they may be blown off at a single blast. "The name of Dandelion derives from dent de lion, an old French name, ery son lion’s tooth. The leaves were compared to lion’s tee by the Greeks and Romans. It affords many varieties: 1. Laciniata. 2. Sinuata. 3.Lanceolata. 4. Polyphylla. 5. Uniflora. 6. Longifolia, Kc. PROPERTIES. Deobstruent, diuretic, hepatic, sub- tonic, corroborant, aperient, &c. The taste is slightly bitter, but not unpleasant; the leaves and root may be used, They contain a green resin, fecula, sugar, nitrate of potash and of lime, acetate of lime, &c. An excel- lent ular remedy for liver Rare obstructions, — jaundice, dropsy, hypochondria, &c. e most usual way is to eat the leaves in salad in the spring; they may be bleached like Endive, and in the same way. The juice of the leaves is also used, and their extract is very efficient. It promotes all the secretions, aud removes — obstructions of the viscera and glands. It is an excel- lent diet for scrofulous, dropsical, and hypochondrical pg ug has been sped. vi induration of the liver, vel, itch, impetegines, - sia, and consumption. D de last it acts only as : mild deobstruent. It is very good for th — The milky juice of the stems removes freckles of the skin. - Pe 29 LEPTANDRA. - No. 59. No. 59. LEPTANDRA PURPUREA. Names. Purple Leptandra. Fr. Leptandre rou Vulgar. Quitel, Hini, Physic-root, Black-root, Whorly- wort, Culvert-root, Brinton-root, Bowman-root. Classif. Nat. Ord. Pederotia. Diandria monogynia L. Genus Lerranpra. Calix 5 parted, corolla tubular, nearly equal, 4 fid, 2 stamina, and 1 style, both long and slender. Capsule oval, bilocula, semi-bivalve. Seeds many and central. Leaves verticillate, flowers spiked. —. Sp. Leptandra purpurea. Raf. Smooth, stem round, leaves ternate, sessile, elliptic, both ends acute, unequally serrate, spike a verticillate, base interrupted. DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, large, black, with many long fibres. Stem 15 to 20 inches high, simple, erect, smooth, round. Leaves whorled by three, sessile, smooth, longer than the intermodes below, shorter above: of a broad oblong form, breadth 2-5ths of the length, somewhat — cuneate and entire at the base, end acute, margin with unequal serrate teeth, sometimes double serrate in the middle ; nerved and pale beneath. Flowers in a hand- some single terminal, spike 3 to 4 inches long, purplish, . rachis angular, bearing crowded whorls of flowers, sepa- rated towards the base; each flower has a small bract, oval, acuminate. Calix with 5 equal divisions, oval acu- minate, somewhat ciliate, corolla tubular, cylindric, lim- bus with 4 oval acute divisions, nearly equal. Two fila- ments twice as long as the corolla, anthers fulvous, ob- long, obtuse, sulcate. Style as long as filaments, stig- ma simple acute. the Genus Callistachya in 1803, but find- Brown had established an Australian genus of e, I changed it to Eustachya: both meaning fine No. 59. LEPTANDRA. 21 cribed the purple kind. The others were the Ve- ronica Sibirica of L. or Leptandra Cerulea, and the P. virginica of 'Thunberg, very different from ours, which must be called Z. japonica, besides the true V. virginica of L. which I designate as follows, and call 2. Leptandra alba; stem angular and smooth, leaves ` verticillated, commonly by five, semi-petiolate, lanceolate, acuminate, unequally and mucronately serrate, spikes dense, cylindrical, flowers white. i This is therefore very different from my purpurea. It is, however, the most common species, being found all over the United States, while the Z. purpurea is confin- ed to the savanas of the South and the West. They have both the same properties, and are used promiscuously. The Z. alba has many varieties, such as—1. Gua. drifolia. 2. Multicaulis. 3. Polystachya. 4. Macrosta- drya. 5. Tuve, Sic. The £L. purpurea has fewer—1, Heterophylla, upper leaves opposite, ovate. 2. Prolifera, spike subramose. 3, Pallida, with pale or whitish flowers. | CER, A. third species of this genus appears to grow in the United States, very different from the L. alba and pur- purea. It is the Veronica virginica described by Vahl and Poiset, but not L. Mr. Schriveinitz has found it in orti Carolina; it may be called and designated as ollow: 3. Leptandra villosa. Stem round, branched, hairy, and brown; leaves oval lanceolate, subpetiolate, su serrate, acuminate, hairy, and brownish beneath, lower whorls by five, upper by three or four, aud sessile; spike cylindrical, pubescent, base lax, bracts subulate, calix lanceolate, unequal, flowers white. m eer These plants blossom in summer, and are very orna- mental, but scentless. "They have many local names; the Delaware Indians call them Quitel; the Missouri and Hini; black root is a name common to many plants and liable to deceives the Pterocaulon is thus called in the South, and the Botrophis in many parts. The local names of Bowman, Brinton, Culvert, were given from men who used the roots in practice. — — irt PROPERTIES. The root alone 1s medical; it is ho er and nauseous, has never been analyzed, and - ly used in warm decoction as purgative 22 LOBELIA. ~ No. 60° emetic, acting somewhat like the Zupatorium and Fer- bena hastata; some boil itin milk for a milder cathartic, or asa sudorific in pleurisy. A strong decoction of the fresh roots is a violent and disagreeable, but effectual and popular remedy in the Western States for the sum- mer bilious fevers; some physicians depend upon it alto- ether. The roots loose much of their virulence by - ing, and a drachm of the powder becomes an uncer- tain purgative: while, when fresh, they are drastic and dangerous in substance, and said to produce bloody sisi dizziness, vertigo, and abortion. The safest way is to use it in weak and cold infusion. Employed also for rheumatism, spasms, and bilious complaints. No. 60. LOBELIA INFLATA. Names. Common Lobelia. Fr. Lobelieenflee. Vul- gar. Indian Tobacco, Wild Tobacco, Emetic Weed, Puke Weed, Asthma Weed. E S E Order of Lobelides. Syngenesia mo- - Genus Loseria. Calyx superior, five cleft. Corolla m talous, irregular, five cleft, tube cleft on one side, ro mina, epigyuous, monadelphous, and syngene- . sious, one style and stigma, capsule two or three celled, cells wd by pores, many minute seeds. : x3 Lobelia Sata, L. Branching and hairy, leaves sessile, ovate, denticulate, flowers in slender racemes, axillary to oblong bracts, capsules swelled. DESCRIPTION. Biennial plant, one or two feet high, stem milky, erect, ramose, flexuose, subangular, leaves alternate, oval or oblong, acute, sessile, "mi-amplexicaule, unequally serrate or toothed, pu- cent, racemes of flowers terminal, erect, foliose; * remote, each nearly sessile and axillary to a ewhat similar to the leaves, but smaller, es sma es lower flowers peduncu oval, globose; calyx with five a weal bine, No 60; LOBELIA. 28 - HISTORY. The genus Lobelia is dedicated to Lo- bel, an old botanist. It contains a great variety of species, fifteen of which grow in the United States; many are handsome ornamental plants. This species is not such, but has very important qualities. It grows all over the United States in fields and woods, blossoming from July to November ; the flowers are very small, but ingular; when broken, a milky acrid juice is emitted; the root is fibrous, yellowish white, acrid and nauseous: it is biennial, throwing out the first year only a few ra- dical roundish leaves. When horses and cattle eat it, they are salivated, producing what is commonly called the Slavers, which debilitates them, and for which cab- bage leaves are said to be a remedy. I was informed that some horses eat it on purpose to medicate them- selves; several Euphorbias produce the same effect. It produces many varieties, es as—1. Simplex. 2. Ela- tior. 3. Albiflora. 4. Angustifolia, &c. — 1. PROPERTIES. One of the most powerful and effi- cient emetic, narcotic, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, su- vorific, diuretic, anti-asthmaic, and sialagogue. It con- tains an acrid principle, caoutchoue, and extractive, ac- cording to Dr. Bigelow. In its effects it acts very much like tobacco, but the action is more speedy, diffusible, and short; besides, affecting even those who are accus- tomed to tobacco. The herbalist, Samuel Thompson, claims in his guide of health to have discovered the perties of this plant towards 1790; but the Indians knew some of them; it was one of their puke weeds, used by them to clear the stomach and head in their great coun- _ cils. Its medical properties have since been confirmed - and elucidated by Doctors Cutler, Dorsey, Thatcher, Bigelow, Barton, Bradstreet, Randall, Eberle, &c. It is now extensively used, although many physicians con- sider it as a deleterious narcotic, uncertain and rous in practice: while Thompson denies it, and consi- ders it as harmless, depending almost altogether upon it in his new and singular practice of medicine, borrowed is chiefly from the steaming and puking practice of the — — Indian tribes. The whole plant is used, but the most — powerful part are the seeds, as in Hyosciamus. The edical effects are speedy and very powerful, but 24 LOBELIA. | No. 60. rious, according to the preparations, doses, and tempe- raments. In large doses, it is a deadly narcotic, like tobacco and henbane, producing alarming symptoms, continual vomiting, trembling, cold sweat, wd even death. It appears to act upon the brain rather than the stomach, as usual with narcotics, and is therefore dan- gerous in practice, unless prescribed with great care and caution. In strong doses it produces great relaxa- tion, giddiness, head-ache, debility, and ¿contas in moderate doses it causes sickness in the stomach romina, a prickly sensation through the whole system, acting therefore on the nervous system, and being a very diffusible stimulant of it. rd has been recommended in some shape or other for almost every disease; but those for which it is most effi- cient are spasmodic asthma, bronchial cough, tetanus or lockjaw, and strangulated hernia. In asthma parti- cularly, it appears to be almost a specific, although it has failed in some cases when the disease was not spas- modic; it has lately been introduced in Europe as a remedy for this complaint, and with decided advantage. It must be used in that case until it produces nausea and vomiting, while for the other diseases, itis better to give small doses, frequently repeated; it avails thus for pneumonia and cough caused by accumulated mucus in the bronchias. For hernia, it is given in injection, like tobacco, which produces a complete relaxation, when the hernia can easily be reduced. Its effects in croup, rheumatism, dyspepsia, roping e catarrh, leucor- hea, &c. are more doubtful: althou has not yet been properly pursued. The pr 'hompson to use it in every thing, fevers, con- » Measles, jaundice, &c. is preposterous. It is er c for common us 2 because it prostrates the patient without relieving the symptoms. It is, however, the base of many quack medicines for consumption, which are violent and dan- ous; they are erroneously called. Indian specifies, fhe Indians having no specific for the disease, but. only palliatives. — di A T. , This plant loses its active properties by- boiling or | even scalding. It must be used in substance or tinc- ture 5 the'seeds and young leaves are strongest; the whole plant is commonly collected in the fall when in seed, and pulverised. One single gtain is sometimes sufficient to produce emesis, while a moderate dose is said to be about ten grains of the powder... A tea spoon full of the tincture is the usual dose; when made with the seeds it is more efficient, and Mr. Cannon has told me that a single dose has cured the lockjaw, by relaxing instantly the jaws and the whole system; it must be poured by the sides of the mouth. “One pound of the Las is diac to be Ais ae in a gallon Et erated cohol. The aqueous cold infusion is equally good. I consis shackist and most available use OF ths cu to be in all nervous diseases, fits, convulsions, s asms, asthma, tetanus, St. Vitus! dance, and perhaps hydro- phobia. I venture. to recommend its trial in all these disorders, but not to depend upon it in any other. The other species of this genus ought to be investi- gated; some, by their taste, appear to have properties somewhat similar, but milder, and. thus perhaps are pre- ferable; such are the Lobelia si hilitica, L. cardinalis, L. claytoniana, &e.- The two first named have already attracted some attention ; they are called blue and red Cardinal Flowers, and are handsome ornamental plants, They are figured by W. Barton fig. 47 and 53, : L. siphilitico has large blue flowers in a foliose spike, calyx with reflexed sinusses and oblong leaves; com- mon in woods and roads. t has been analyzed in France, and found to contain a new substance similar to butter, sugar, mucilage, and malates, besides traces of amarine, silex, iron, muriate and phosphate of lime, lignin, &c. It is a lactecent, acrid, and nauseous plant also, which has been deemed long ago to be diuretic, — — repellent, cathartic, pingtic, and anti-siphilitic; but its: — + * LYCOPUS. No. 61: properties : are rather similar to Z. inflata, although less active; it is chiefly sudorific and diuretic, and fis pro- - perties ase not so easily destroyed by heat, since it is used in decoction. iene n e root: has been chiefly used instead of the plant ; de five to twenty grains of the extract in dropsy. The Northern Indians used it for the cure of syphilis, in conjunction with Prunus and Podophyjllum, and in strong decoction, wash- ing also the ulcers with it, and sprinklin ng them with the powder of í 3 but-it has faile nihe tands of ` ph: vailed i TS the- Stomach» a ani on causes Found near streams ae marshes. - "Thé taste is similar to Z. inflata. The. root has chiefly been employed in decoction by the Cherokeé Indians in Eu. and It is said Ba hese Me E es x four or fiv me corolla tu- - upper segment broade istam Stamina, de ha retuse > DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, creeping, = fibrous, stem erect, commonly simple, somewhat r ; with four furrows and four obtuse angles, leaves o site, sessile, acuminate, or attenuated and entire at b Ne ends, remote serrate in the middle; broad lanceolate, as — — long as the internodes, somewhat Trough, covered with — glandular dots beneath; flowers sessile, in small axillary whorls, very small, two small subulate bracteas under _ each flower, calix with four ovate-lanceolate and acute > segments, corolla white, tubular, with four small round lobes, upper larger and notched, two stamina; hardly exert, filiform, style exert, four seeds longer than the e obovate, compressed, crenate at the top. : HISTORY. The genus Lycopus merely differs from Mentha, or mint, by having only two stamina. iicet of four. The name means Wolf oot. This species mu i long seeds.. Tt eis many varieties; some of which might even be deemed species, they are; ' 1. Var. Gracilis. Stem simple, one or twi feet high, slender, leaves remote. i 2. Var. Microphylus. -Bouch,diliucods, read s small, oval lanceolate, . nde piem >. Papi, s i E E A medical -other species he 1 M | rent properties, and ma: | althe is similar, by Men o de € with All GOTT ie cn 3 c LYCOPUS. No. 61. spinose segments, seeds shorter and obtuse, not crenu- lated. As they are also medical, I shall give their cha- racters. XM d ME rr E AGAM l. Lycopus vulgaris, Pers. or L. sinuatus E. ( Euro- peus L.) Smooth, stem branched, with four sharp an- gles, leaves crowded, sinuate, lanceolate, with long acute teeth, both ends attenuated. Several varieties: 1, Zrachigonus with: rough angles, teeth. lanceolate. 2. Repens (Lyc. sinuatus of Elliot.) Creeping, leaves - Common to [xd ar _ 2. Lycopus heterophyllus, Raf. (Exaltatus, Elliot, not L.) Stem tall and branched, angles acute, leaves petio- date, pinnatifid, segments narrow, subserrate, upper leaves sessile, linear lanceolate, subserrate. Varieties 1. Bipinnatifidus. 2. Dissectus. 3. Angustatus. 3. Lycopus longifolius, Raf. (angustifolius, Elliot.) d and acute; all the ongated, remote ser- racilis.. 2. Li- Stem simple, hispid, angles striate > leaves all similar, | ceolate, rem e, serrate, sub- io) acuminate, whorls pauciflore. Var. 1. Hirsu- tus. 2. Flexuosus. > : | serrate, smooth, suckers pecumbent, flowers nearly E ants, blossoming in sum- iter, ditches, creeks, swamps, to mint, their properties are at all stimulant nor heating. es dots. mentions its qualiti but to some it described as : e ee i -is ; ^ a 1] es * š narcotics in existence. It acts somewhat like Digita- very beneficial; allays irritation and cough, b is said to be most useful when febrile excitement has - been subdued; but J have seen it to subdue it by itself, or with other-tonics. I have made many experiments. on this plant, and the results are, that although it c not cure the consum useful in hemoptysi flammation. I con 30 LYCOPUS. - No. 61. astringent, HO q "may; per- im fevers and in- No. 62. MAGNOLIA MACRO. ^H x ———— Hr Mogoda a feuille. Vulgar. Laurel, Elk Wood, Itomico, Silve leaf, Bigleaf, Nihar; Beaver i bip Paik bloc a A “Classif. Nat. Ord: Magnolidia. | Po nia L. o E Genus Macworra. Calix three leaved, six ‘or - nine petals, many stamina, pistils many, ruibricste on a re- ceptacle oval or oblong, capsules many, united in. cones, bivalve, one or two seeded, ‘seeds’ fleshy berry like cape ia lla, Mx. Branches Agree me ullar:' eaves- very. ample, obovate - base subcordate, - pco scan A pet: tuse, cone oval DESCRIPTION. A small white, leaves at the end of the brane very from a foot to a yard long, very smooth, white beneath, and bright green above, base narrow and cordate, end broader, but acute, margin entire, flowers solitary at the end et : | the branches, very large, sometimes one foot broad when expanded, petals six, white, with-a red spot the indi cuneate at the um obo long, ob- | $2 ; ist "Sina ES de beautiful genus vt American tr es. in size ve the — grandifto d AIRES T CR AM telam di: Rockcastle and Cumberland rivers, and at the 1 where it forms a — feature in the M es MAGNOLIA. No. 62. is rare in gardens, and highly valued; it requires a ks white soft wood of little use, except the M. grandiflora, plank and timber. All have vernal white flowers, except M. cordata, which has yellow flowers. All our fol- lowing species are equally medical. oes s . grandiflora. Large evergreen tree, leaves oval la beneath, six petals oboyate, cones ce ees Fees fon |. 4. M. glau “Shrubby, not evergreen, leaves ellipti a obtuse, glaucous beneath, nine petals, obovate, cones =$ M. acuminata. Large tree, not evergreen, leaves oval, uar pubescent beneath, nine obovate petals, etala. Small tree, not ev leaves No.63. . MENYANTHE 9. M. pyramidata. Large treë, not € obovate, base sagittate, green beneath, petal - RROPERTIES. The, medical parts in the of their strength, are the bark of the root, i the trees, the cones, buds, and leaves. 'They contain ~ 34 MENYANTHES. . No. 63. stigma bifid, capsule ovate, one celled, bivalve, seeds numerous, inserted on the valves. Sp. Menyanthes verna, Raf. Radical leaves triparted, segments oblong obovate, obtuse, erose, scapes grace- mose, longer than the leaves, raceme conical, bracts ovate, concave, shorter than the peduncles, corolla fring- ed at the base, not ciliated. —— DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, creeping, jointed, leaves and scapes proceeding from the joints, sheathed at the base by eli oblong, obtuse stipules, leaves on long terete petioles, cut up into three deep segments or folioles, sessile, oblong, oboval, obtuse; somewhat repand or erose on the margin, thick and glabrous, scape as- cendiug, terete smooth, about a foot high, bearing a co- nical raceme of flowers. Peduncles scattered, streight axillary to shorter bracts, ovate, obtuse, concave, cali subcampansitate, five parted, acute; corolla white, with a red tinge, a short tube, five oval acute segments, spreading or revolute, fringed at the base above, by ob- tuse fibres, five short erect stamens, anthers sagittate, germ ovate, style terete, persistent, stigma compressed and bifid, capsule with two valves, bearing. numerous minute seeds im- e cA C. - HISTORY. - This plant is common to the north of the two continents. The American plant, figured here, is confined to the North, in Canada, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, but it spreads in the mountains as far South as Virginia. It forms a peculiar species called variety Minor, by Michaux and Bigelow, which is well distinguished from the JM. trifoliata of Europe, of which the characters are : M. trifoliata. L. Leaves triparted, segments oval, -~ Obtuse, repand, scapes racemose, shorter than the : leaves, raceme slender, bracts lanceolate acute, co- rolla ciliated- and * fringed all over above ; flowers = colour, blossoming in summer. It is a beautiful t, growing in or near marshes, bogs, ponds, and blossoming in April and May. the generic s Moonflower ; it is one of the shamroc fi A pur- anth mintic, No. 64. > Sic. asin M. trifoliata, The whole plant is bitter, like — Gentian, but the root is more intensely so. It contains a resin and an extractive matter, soluble in WAGE. and alcohol, much esteemed in Europe, and even esteemed a kind of panacea in Germany. In small doses of about _ ten grains, it imparte vigour to the stomach and the hec frame, cures intermittent and remittent fevers, &c. — iam doses of a drachm, or a strong decoction, it acts — Eupatorium perfoliatum, producing purging, vomit- vs and profuse perspiration. Its unpleasant bitter taste renders it inconvenient for that purpose. It has been used with success in many other disorders, gout, rheumatism, herpes, dropsy, scurvy, and- worms. It keeps off the paroxysm of gout, and. Boerhaave cured himself by drinking its juice with whey. Its tea was found good in cutaneous and scorbutic affections. It acts as a powerful bitter tonic, and may be used when- - ever indicated; the powder, tincture, and i on are equally efficient. - In Laplan: n: E stituted for hop js in beer; one o d of hops. Sheep will sometimes eat it, notwithstanding its bitterness. ; No. 64, _MONARDA | COCCINEA. us Mosanna. Caix ches imet ri p^ ringent, with a long tube, upper lip near, inv ving the filaments, lower lip reheat oed two Yong exert sta- - mina, one style lateral four the — persistent cali: ; Sp. Monarda coccir gls, l leaves petiolate; la Ea bescent, subserratez flowers cts ce l coloured; scarlet, Many varieties 63$ MONARDA. No. 64 deemed species, but all the Monardas with scarlet flow- ers, appear to me to form only one species, and as the Linnean name of M. didyma applies to only one varie- ty, I have changed it for a better one. : 1, Var. Cordata. Leaves subcordate, oval lanceolate, acuminate. : 2. Var. Didyma. Leaves ovate, acuminate, heads ouble. : z ; 3. Var: Prolifera. Leaves oval or lanceolate, heads ferous. — Ege y E. BARI e = - 4. Var. Grandiflora. Leaves oval lanceolate, acute, heads simple, very large. This is figured here. - 5. Var. Angustifolia. Leaves ovate lanceolate, acu- minate, base attenuated, stem slender. - DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, large fibrose stem, erect, three to four feet high, branched, tetragone, angles , acute, somewhat pubescent; leaves opposite, petiolate, . commonly oval lanceolate, but sometimes almost ovate, base round or subcordate, end acute or acumiñate, mar- in with remote serratures, surface pubescent and nerved. lowers in terminal multiflore heads, of a bright scarlet olour, the heads sometimes proliferous, involucrate by . large lanceolate bracts, co red, acuminate, mem- a e a 5 — ae ere Tk smaller bracts . Interjected; calix tubular, cylindrica » Striated, with — five subulate equal teeth; iow very large, tube com- pressed, the two lips elongated narrow, upper curved, channelled, notched, lower with three smal obes; sta- . Mina and style,long and filiform. HISTORY. One of the handsomest plants of North * America, with sweet leaves and many heads of\fiowers — of a bright scarlet. It is cultivated i ens of America an for its beauty, an „the garde fore be : ivided into three subgenera, - as fe lows: - 1. True Monarda. Calyx with five equal eeth, : ers capitate, involucrate, such as 1. M. coccinea. 9. M. fistulosa. 3. M. oblongata. 4. M. clinopodia. M. purpurea. 6. M. bradburiana. 7. M. scabra. 8. M. ru- ) s. Raf. Calyx with five unequal teeth, ate, involucrate. M. punctata. ` 3. Blephilia. Raf. Calyx bilabiate, upper lip shores, bidentate, lower tridentate, flowers verticillate, brac- teated. 1. M. hirsuta. 2. M. ciliata, 3. M. becki, &c. I have seen in the Western States many new species or varieties of this genus ; but. I am not yet prepared to give a complete. monography of them. I shall merely indicate here three presumed new species of mine. 1. M. rigida. R. Stem simple, stiff, rough, leaves sessile, amplexicaule, rough, oval, subcordate, Ere entire, acute, head 3 inveluc late, minate, stiff, flowers pale purple. In: ntuc among rocky hills. A true Monarda. " 2. M. virgata. R. Stems simple, smooth, fistolose, angles acute, leaves very far remote, petiolate, lanceo- late, acute, base subcordate, glaucous beneath, nearly entire ; head terminal, small ; involucre oblong, acute, ciliate 5 flowers a pale flesh. colo Prairies of m Pede J J piede Eurasia 1 Ta icky, Flowers purple z as well as the brac es PROPERTIES. The whole p i e a tall smell, Sr ae similar to Dittany and Balm; much bruised. The taste is ungent, warm, It is sd tonic, fel i ee Mess alic and volatile oil, of an ! 38 MONARDA. No. 64. fevers ; it appears to be equal to camomile, and makes a more palatable tea. It has been called Oswego tea, be- cause first used by the Indians near Oswego lake. It unites the properties of sage, Melissa, and Anthemis, to which it is equivalent; but it is more effectual than either, particularly in fevers, pleurisies, Sic. besides being used successfully in many other diseases, such as ardour of urine, piles, rheumatism, hemiplegia, paralysis, coldness of limbs, cholic, &c. The properties have been investigated by Schoepf, Atlee, Eberle, and myself. The EI is become an officinal article, kept erage pee os copling diuretics. They are often substi- and sa des ipee but they must «contain violent Since 100 pounds of leaves give only. bre al ga of the st [Reus ra and for P bie off ink stains from sath cloth _ and paper. A good conserve and syrup of oxalis leaves were made, which are pleasant medical ions; they are now, however, superseded by currant jelly and other A sete of acid fruits. E. Eon Oxtconi. alex: superior Sins Coo segments revolu: t E sind 49 of a long description of this efinitions of two other specie overed is new. _ ‘Sp. Oxycoca vulgaris. Stem filiform, c creeping, na ked, leaves ovate revolute, obtuse, entire; s ments of the corolla oval; berry. purple, oval, and small. Tn the North of Europe and Boreal America, in bogs. - 3. Sp. Oxycoca Berberiden. Raf. Stem filiform Dried, suberect; leaves oblong, obtuse, revolute, entire, hardly glaucous beneath; peduncles solitary, elongated, style incurved; berries red, oblong, oblique at the base. Dis- covered by Mr. John Carr, in Raccoon Swamp, in New Jersey, cultivated in Bartram’s garden. 4. Sp. Ozycoca erythrocarpa. Pers. Stem erect, leaves _ oval, acuminate, serrulate, ciliated: berries scarlet... sin 2 dex mountains phos A ag 7. lar ub-genus. ciphylla, Raf. 1817. lonia, 1820. Lasierpa, Torrey, 18253.) Sim á quadrifid. Flowers and i 'rries lated, calic bivalve. — : Es 5. Sp. Oxycoca pida. Bers. 1805. (White. an- berry, White Pollom, Sweetberry.) Stem procumbent, hispid; leaves oval, rounded, acuminate, hispid, entire, - sessile: corolla campanulate, quadrifid: berries subsessile, caliculate, white, g deam and hispid. In Boreal Ame- rica, Canada, » ‘Gatskill. and Alleghany mountains. multitude of iren. t. iie having lx A leaves like Gau HISTORY. Another ae ER olishe: Linneeus, and united to F by &c. The name must be modified. tes eem there is a genus of insects called Cocot, c - The 50 OXYCOCA. No. 69. ease. The large Cranberries peculiar to. America, are the most usually gathered for our markets, and are even exported to Europe and the West Indies: keeping pretty well in barrels, and still better in bottles. ‘They grow from Labrador to New Jersey, Michigan, and the moun- tains of Carolina in swamps, called Cranberry Swamps, when bearing them in abundance. They are usually as large as cherries,.and somewhat similar in shape and color, although there appears to be some varieties of them. 1. Coccinea, almost scarlet. 2. Macidata, spotted of yellow and red. 3. Ovata, fruits oval. 4. Globosa, fruits lobular. The second or European species is not larger than a The third is similar in size and shape to Barberries. But the white or sweet Cranberry has very different qualities, the berries are snowy white, and similar to those of the Snowberry or Symphoria alba; they are quite sweet and taste somewhat like those of the Red Pollom or Gautiera. The Indians used to dry these fruits for use, they were called .Atoca and Atopa in Canada, «Ampimecan by the Chippeways; Pollom was the name of the sweet kind. : . PROPERTIES. Refrigerant, laxative, anti-bilious, anti-putrid, diuretic, sub-astringent, &c. Useful in fe- vers, diarrhoea, scurvy, dropsy, and many other dis- eases. Their acid is said to be the oxalic and malic acid. Cranberry tarts are one of the American table luxuries. Their juice mixed with sugar or alcohol keeps a long while, and forms a fine acidulous drink with wa- ter, allaying thirst, and lessening the heat of the bedy. The berries last throughout the winter on the bushes, and are found in our markets from September to April ; Ra m: early and unripe, they are less red and acid, with more astringency. A rob and syrup is made ‘The Huckleberries, Bilberries or Whortleberries pro- £ hirt: ies of the genus Vaccinium, Y Er lack; their taste is sweet, sub- b-astrin and vinous. The P. corymbosum, y te &c. furnish E No. 70. OEVRIA RENIFORMIS. Names. Boreal Sourdock. Fr. Oxyrie reniforme. Vulgar. Mountain Sorrel, Welsh Sorrel. _Classif. Nat. Ord. Polygonia. Diandria digynia L. "Genus Oxvnmia. Calix simple four leaved, two inner folioles larger; no corolla ; 2 to 6 stamens ; two styles, stigmas plumose. E nut compressed, witha broad winged margin. = sa ` Sp. o g E Stem branched erect; ; radical and lower leaves on long petioles, reniform, undulate, SCRIPT lobed ; flowers in slender racemes. ‘Rost. l; stem a foot high or less, erect, slender, with alternate branches ; radical leaves on very long petioles, Spt shaped, obtuse, . thick, smooth, with waved mar n; stem leaves alter- — — nate tiolate, subcordate, rounded, emarginate, sinuate —— or lobed; fiowers in slender ae ne v mias T cemes, often geminate, opposite, reddi calyx Wi . two outer oblong folioles, and the ew two inner tes double to six. - o 8 AAA HISTORY This nt was the Rumer di E Linnaeus, late ea pecul genus by R. wn, | and very fa It grows in the e Norür of Europ, and the Boreal t of America, in Greenland, Labra- dor, and Canada. It blossoms in the spring. The whole plant has a sour austere taste, like Sheep-sorrel Jus c common in the United States, T d X abali meluda them 52 PANAX. No. 71. to a little sulphur. They are useful in scurvy, sores, and ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, diarrhoea, putrid and inflammatory disorders, &c. They have also been used in itich, wens, ring-worms, and even cancer.. The juice or decoction is used externally and internally. Chiefly good in scorbutic affections, and equivalent of Oxalis in other respects. No. 71. PANAX QUID t | Names. American Ginseng. Fr. Ginseng d'Ame- rique. Vulgar. Ginseng-root, Nis Barsutogen, Red- berry, Five-fingers, Gensang. ; Classif. Nat Ord. Araliacea. Pentandria digynia L. Genus Paxax. Calyx superior five toothed. Corolla of five petals. Stamens five. Styles two; berry two seeded; some flowers only staminate, or with one or three styles and seeds. Sp. Panax quinquefolium. Root fusiform, wrinkled ; stem with three verticillate leaves, digitate with five un- equal petiolate folioles, umbel central pedunculate. Msby varieties: > c eens A I. Var. Americanum. Raf. or Cuneatum, (figured here.) Three large folioles, cuneiform or oblong obovate, acuminate, equally serrate, two at the base much small- - er, ovate, acuminate, sometimes missing; flowers white. In North America, in the Western States. 2. Var. Obovatum. Raf. (figured by Barton fig. 45. Three large folioles, obovate, acuminate, unequally an duplicate serrate, two smaller folioles, ovate ormissing; flowers white. In North America, in the Atlantic States. - 9. Var. Asiaticum. Raf. or Ovatum. (figured by Du- halde, &c.) Folioles nearly equal, all oval lanceolate, acute, serrulate; flowers purplish. In Central an tern Asia, in Manchuria, Corea, &c. i ‘RIPTION of the variety Americanum. Root al Bots yellowish white, fusiform, wrinkled -often forked, someti iculated in Now Me = PANAX: 53 central pedun :duncle at the end petioles swelled at the base ring five folioles, each also petiolated, (sometimes iy three, very seldom seven,) unequal, smooth, with c ci € bristles on the veins above; the two lower ones very small oval acuminate, the three middl ones larger, cuneiform or oblong, broader above, acumi- nate; all with sharp equal serratures, except at the _ base; flowers in a globose umbel, supported yacen- > - tral erect peduncle, and a short involucrum, subu- late; these flowers are small, with white petals ; ovary oval, adherent, with a five toothed calyx, and two styles clavate recurved ; petals five, oval, oblong, obtuse ; five erect ‘stamens, with round anthers; fruit, red. ber- ries, commonly bilobed, with two semi-globose seeds; sometimes only-one style, and a dimidiate berry, or three styles with a trilobe and three seeded berry ; some flowers are abortive, or simply staminate, and some plants produce only such with anger petals; calyx pearly entire, eii 2 e E 2 dde STORY. This plant is the famous Ginsei adopted in English and French. The Manchus call it Orhota, meaning queen of plants. The Jesuits, who _ had known this plant in Tartary, found it afterwards in — Canada, towards 1718, and a profitable trade was begun with China, which has since undergone many fluctua- tions. In 1748, the root sold over one dollar the Ib. in * Canada, and ne ollars in China ; it has since he Chinese, who have many kinds of Ginseng, ac ted the American, but soon found out : that it was ferior kind. The large yellow forked roots, : ne dried in their po manner so as to be semi-transy by the same s ET. 54 PANAX. No. 71- this. Nay, it appears that there are even several varie- ties or species in North America, of which the figures of Bigelow (or mine) and of Barton, form two at least. The same happens probably in Asia ; we have only the figure of one Asiatic kind to ascertain well this het; but the medical writers of China distinguish at least ten kinds of Ginseng, some of which must be produced by very different plants : they are, 1. The true Ginseng of Manchuria, my variety Asia- ticum, with og juicy forked roots, yellow and strong. .. 9. Ginseng of Corea, with large soft roots, commonly four leaves. . - este = 3. Of Petsi and Taighan, white firm small roots, taste mild, leaves purple. 4. Of Sinlo, roots one foot long, with-branches similar to the arms and legs of a man. ; 5. Of Chantang, long and thin roots, with many branches, very valuable. -. 6. Of Leaotong, roots smooth and yellow outside, white inside. 7. Of Hiang; with sweet roots. rd i baechu, small short roots, of little value. 1as ng. here 10. Of Kil smell ; it must, therefore, possess nearly the perties, although in am inferior degree perhaps; our In- dian tribes did employ them : we may thus avail selves of them, add. their cheapness. ought not to. them the less available, as probably larger doses answer all the indications. ‘The Huron tribes call- root Garantogen, - -root like a man. They are scattered all over the. Northern and Western Síates, - from Canada to Missouri and Alabama, also in the Alle- £hany mountains as far as Carolina ; the first variety is the most common, the second is found in Pennsylvania, and the South, seldom mixed with the other. They are — rare plants in some parts, while in some districts they E were very abundant, delighting chiefly in deep and rich — — woods ; but they have been nearly extirpated from seve- ral places b: the collectors, and the annual supply is now much Ana o n Gunn cit karen the remote western regions. It may soon be needful to cultivate them, is ot by transplantati nd the Shakers | trees, ^ PROPERTIES. The roots have a ated smell; the taste is sweet a ] 1 rated sme obe que are- fine both fresh and dry; E edulcorant, expect 56 PANAX. No. 71. This is one of the plants upon which I have made many experiments, and ascertamed that some of the properties ascribed to the roots by the Chinese are not exaggerated, although I cannot vouch for the whole. I shall; therefore, begin by giving the Chinese account of them. The Chinese medical writers, who have written CIE ae weak lungs. It gives appetite, and assists digestion, preventing troublesome dreams, fainting fits, pal pitations and sudden frights. It renovates the vital spirits, di- lates the heart, clears the sight, strengthens the judg- ment, making the body light and active, and the mind . stronger and vigorous. It invigorates old people, and prolongs their life. It is useful for feeble breathing, short breath, and asthma. It removes all the disorders of weakness and debility, nay, is also aphrodisiac, and eures hypochondriacal, nervous, and hysterical affec- tions. It removes also vertigo, “dimness, head-ache, tenesmus, fainting, sweating, fevers, windy bowels, dys- pepsia, and vomiting, &c. Such are the-wonderful pro- perties ascribed to this plant by the Chinese authors, after the experience of 2000 years or more. The physicians - often unite it to orange peel, ginger, liquorice, cinna- a yellow and are the three These properties must more or less belong also to our - American kinds ; nay, the Chinese consider the Co; frey root as often equivalent to Ginseng. The Ginsen ears to partake of the propertiesof —— valerian, zedo: rosemary, and comfrey, of which it may be the su tute. The European and American physicians who have tried ours, differ in opinion on the subject, which may be ascribed to some using only young or bad roots. - Many consider it asa mere aromatic demulcent ; others as a gentle stimulant, or recommend it in nervous disor- ders, debility, marasm, and the senile cough. The In- — dians of Canada and our empirics use it for asthma, - weak stomach, debility, pains in the bores, excessive venery, gravelly complaints, &c. It is often used as a masticatory and answers the purpose of Angelica, as a - restorative stomachic. A tincture is used by drunkards. The watery „decoction preserves all the properties as well as the extract, which is a very In zi experiments, I have chi powder. TI have Sata. a good stomachic, re: e and nervine remedy. It acts upon the nervous system in a mild manner, and revives it. Our American Gin- seng is so mild that it may be used in pretty large doses, - nay, as far as an ounce. ^ Dr. Cutler and Dr. Greenway | ve long ago stated to have found it useful, even in small doses of ten to tw ains, in convulsions, ver- tea, Kentteki and Virginia. the roots and leaves as a good ar in fevers. Some Indians have a 1 tha De women fruitful. -This article appears, therefore, to de- - serve further attention, instead of total neglect. _ 58 PINCKNEY A. No. 72. Classif. Nat. Order of Rubiacea, Pentandria monog. L. Genus PiwckwEva. Calyx superior-five parted unè- ual colored, one or two segments, larger bracteiform. Corolla tubular, border five cleft recurved. Stamens five exserted, inserted at the base of the tube. One style ; capsule rounded bivalve bilocular, dissepiment double ; seeds winged. : Sp. Pinckneya pubens. -Leaves opposite petiolate, oval, acute at both ends, subtomentose beneath ; flowers terminal comes. eae te . DESCRIPTION. Large shrub, with many stems, from fifteeri to twenty-five feet high, branches opposite tomentose. Leaves ci with stipules and petioles, oval, four or five inches long, acute at both ends, pe- tioles and lower surface very pubescent, or nearly to- mentose, margin entire; flowers tefminal, cymose, rather large, one or two inches long ; calyx pubescent, colour- ed of yellow and red, four segments, smaller, angular, acute, one or two larger, obovate, obtuse, reticulate with red ; corolla white, spotted with red ; five long stamens, _ filaments filiform, erect, white, anthers brown ; pistil à ys capsule round, compressed, thin, cartilaginous; » .. HISTORY. Discovered by Bartram, in Georgia and Florida, called by him Mussenda bracteata. ichaux established the genus, dedicated to General Pinckney, a botanist, peer and statesman ; it is intermediate between Cinchona and Mussenda. Only one species is Known, found from Carolina to Louisiana, along the sea coast, in cool, shady groves and swamps, on the banks of rivers, Ke. It blossoms in June and July, and is very ornamental. The genus Cinchona, producing the: Peru- Vian bark, extends no further north than the West In- dies; this shrub appears to be the representative and substitute of it on the north continent, by its near orga- m nization and ua ities, e 4 ere : IES. ENDE to those of the Pe- bark is bitter, and contains is the officinal part. It has long been , in intermittent fevers with No. 73. PODOPHYLLUM. Six cases out of seven are said to have beon e eured. The wder, infusion, and decoction are — ES bas from twenty to sixty grains. of TE the best vehicle must be mild wine, as for common bai i We have no account of aný uae: use eing atte = cif olia, "wie i it is nearest ire e vice may be 3 tried in fevers, rheumatism, gangrene, and all the diseases where Pale Bark is need or in- dicated. No.73. PODOPHYLLUM MON NR Names. Mountain May pec ed "OM ee -Mar pie nxor ds : Classif. Nat. Order o nogynia L. Genus Popornyiium. Calyx three leaved deciduous. Six to nine petals. Eight to fifteen stamina, anthers ad- nate. One pistil, no style, stigma sessile multilobe. and r teacea. Polyandria mate, sinus yc se; nea ed at the end; petals adovat; cO - T | stamina twelve to fifteen ; berry ovate, vello » most common kind found all over the States, many — da Pumilun. 2. Elatior. 3. Grandi- 4. tum. — 5. oe 6. Oligo- 2s. montanum, =e e deeply furrowed ; leaves palmate, n sae nem ae o re iiem cce u al teeth ; petals e, “six to seven, sta- mina seven to nine, berry oblong, — In ‘te 60 PODOPHYLLUM. No. 78: Alleghany mountains, from New-York to Virginia. Va- riety 1. Acuminatum. 2. Parviflorum. 3. P. callicarpum. Raf. in Flor. Lud. sp. 20. Stem short, equal to the petioles ; leaves peltate palmate, six segments, obo ifid, with unequal teeth ; petals six round, concave ; stamina ten ; berry mna white and rose coloured. In Louisiana and Texas. Flowers large, smelling like orange flowers ; berry small. 3, same habit, but well distinguished ; the P. montanum, by the slender furrowed stem, sharp bifid leaves, not _ peltate, and narrow petals ; the P. callicarpum, by the Short stem and leaves, small white fruit, &c. They are j 1 figured the second as perennial and May ar 3 the fruit is mer, and is edible, tasting some- Asimina. The [Sec have eet smell ; the generic name means leaf : PROPERTIES. -One of the best native cathartics ; itis equal to jala pe alittle more. drastic, but uite safe and ailing. e root is used. d As brittle, and ly powdered ; the 3 the bi qual In pa E ee it proves a gradual aid T Ten grains alone of the ^ gradas : ken at Fat fight purges the next morning. It is chief; useful in bilious complaints, and by its. decided jera- tion supersedes the use of a previous emetic ; Ee ome- times emesis is produced oo Text whei 19 larg iti oae nrs ascites; anaiari Theu- be «cts ote ~ REpsF, Sc. by Dr. Burson and others. . The Cherokees use. it against worms, which are expelled by its drastic effects. Dr. Zollickoffer denies this pro- perty. The leaves are said to be narcotic. No cattle ever eat them. A drench of the whole fresh plant in decoction, will purge a horse completely. RUE of the leaves in decoction killed a dog. e employ the fresh juice of the root for the cure of — ness, by putting a few drops in the ear. The: pre des it asa cure for p ; t They like a. ndian tribes. A fine © r them in 1 Louisiana. To thé, this fruit is hardly pala ble, and the root is so nauseous that I employ a syrup of it like the Cherokees, which becomes — a mild and not unpleasant tive, two n being a dose. — Small pim of if aa the etam diver the pulse from 77 — and are useful in eem "exea a No. Names. Common Clammy- veole. Vulgar. Stink-weed, Mustard, False Mustard. Classif. 2rd, 62 * POLANISIA. No, 74, Sp. Polanisia graveolens, Raf. Pubescent viscid, erect. Leaves petiolate, trifoliate, folioles sessile, ob- long, acute: raceme foliose, siliques oblong, acute, glandular, reticulated. DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, white, branched. Stem erect, simple or branched, one to three feet high, pubescent viscose, terete. Leaves alternate petiolate, with three. sessile oblong acute, unequal and. entire folioles, viscid like the stems, Flowers in terminal ra- cemes, lengthening by degrees, rather crowded by leaves, becoming very.small above, each flower axillary and solitary on a long peduncle. Calyx coloured of white and rose, with four unequal folioles, two narrow acute, two breader unequal. Petals white, erect, a lit- tle longer, unequal, cuneate, emarginate ; stamina eight to fifteen, some longer and some shorter than the petals, fastigiate, filiform, red, anthers round. Pistils and sili- que ss abeve. The whole plant has a strong graveolent smell. this is ‘peculiar o ‘orth y a is found all over it, from Canada to Louisiana, on the-sandy and gravelly by Schoepf and Barton. 1. Elatior, three or four feet ed. 2, Simplex. 3. Cespitosa. the whole plant is such, are similar to. those of ecoction, powder, e doses. An ac- 1 tive st may be distilled from it; E it is not re in use. Itisa popular remedy i in some parts of Ohio a d ‘Canada ; but I am not' prepared to state wheth be equally. sure as the worm seed. owe want ments on it ; I do not belii i ic in a very harmless . degree, s . that it is a deleterious active plant: his : have never been published. By its smell, it appeat ars to have similar properties with the Erigeron graveolens of Europe, and thus it may be diuretic and antispasmodic. e— - No. 75. POLYGALA PAUCIFOLIA. ` Names. Dwarf Milkwort. Fr. Polygale naine. Vul gar. Little Pollom, Evergreen Snakeroot. A. = uar. Nat. Order Polygalides. Diadelphia, L. - - Genus Po veALA. Calyx p en e f une- a € dn eq ^L One piste poe two celled, two valved. Subgenus TriciispermMa. Raf. 1814. Corolla three parted, two segments like wings one semi-tubular cari- ides: base nectariform, top mbriate. Style clavate, stigma bilabiate truncate. ded with. ‘a trivalve — not pubescent. — . 5 Polyga . Mx. or Zricli: terete. Stems procu ; or two surculi, with abortiv ll leaves, an ni 3 top-of the stem assurgent, eree , three high, simple, -— terete, 64 POLYGALA. No. 75. shorter ; only six stamina in two fascicles of three. Pis- tils and seeds as described in Triclisperma. HISTORY. A pretty little plant, found commonly in granitic hills, from New England to Carolina, chiefly in the Blue mountains ; rare in the Alleghany or Secan- dary mountains. It blossoms in the spring. Many va- rieties : 1. Apogonia, nearly beardless, probably the P. uniflora of Mx. 2. Procumbens. 3. Heterantha. Sur- culi with apterous flowers. 4. Quadriflora. 5. Albi- flora, Ke. s : ex d The genus Polygala is a cahos, rather a family than a genus ; the Heisteria, abolished by L. must be restor- ed. The stamina are far from being always eight, as stated by L. I ascertained as early as 1803, that this plant was hardly a Polygala, except in habit, the arilla and stamina being the chief differences, and I established the genus Triclisperma in 1814, which must be a sub- enus at least. PROPERTIES. The whole plant, but chiefly the root, has a sweet pungent taste, and somewhat the smell of Gautiera. Its properties are similar to it, and to Po- lygala senega. It is stimulant, sudorific, restorative, &c. It may be used in tea or decoction : being milder - than either; it may be very useful when the Senega would be too stimulant, and it may perhaps answer all its effects in asthma, rheumatism, dropsy, y . It must contain the Gautiera oil, but it has not been distilled + from it as yet. : Several North American species of Polygala are me- dical ; such as P. senega, P. rubella, P. sanguinea, &c. _ The first is the common officinal Senega Snake-root, well known in materia medica, and kept in all the chops u - ger pe will Pim Fen grains of th emetic plentiful evacuation Sage e Teis injurious in € E = o dont ting it a general uir. tn In p. it o i es the morbid membrane. It is very beneficial in chronic rheumatism, the asthma of old people, and inveterate dropsy ; small and moderate doses prove good sudorifics. The P. sanguinea has the same taste and properties, being a milder sce ; but the P. rubella or polygama, figuted by Bigelow 54, has different ` properties, being bitter and oe though likewise stimulant and expectorant ; ) rs to resemble muelas the. roii of eoe S Names. e AA Fr. Renouee vulgaire. Vulgar. Knotgrass, Birdweed. : Classif. Nat. Order of Pylygonea. Octandria tri > — P Mee enus OLYGONUM. erigone sup e, uneq wada and | a s six to One pi DESCRIPTION. A well known annual plant, variable, procumbent or erect, diffuse, with many ... der branches, leaves narrow lanceolate, se! 66 POLYGONUM. No. 76. HISTORY. This genus includes the genera Fago- ¿pyrum or Buckwheat, Persicaria and Helxine, united by Linnzus with little propriety, The Persicaria with two styles and a lenticular seed, form a very distinct subgenus at least. The Fagopyrum has an equal pe- rigone, with a glandular nectarium. Polygonum means with many knots. This species is found every where in Europe and America, in fields, blossoming all the ear round. PROPERTIES. The whole plant is astringent, vul- nerary, diuretic, subtonié, &c. although it [aem little smell and taste, It is useful in wounds, faintness, dropsies, prolapsus, hemorrhagy, and whenever mild astringents are réquired. In China, it is used as well as the P. chinense and P. barbatum, to die of a black and brown color. The P. convoloulus, distinguished by climbing stems and sagitate leaves, is called Chizahaw, by the Osages, and is used in dropsies, producing a pro- fuse diuresis; large doses of a tea are taken; the leaves are smoked as a lusury and a fine tobacco. The bod. according to Schoepf, $ the root is a strong as- » Geranium and Statice, igy of the sto- c gir e ue , (or Persicaria maculata) i Cutler relates, tħat the ashes make soap jr o nostrum to dissolve the in the bladder. Th Age -in gravel, coughs, | a good vermifuge. All Satie nvaid ieee a in ponds, and even snakes fear them. They fine the te with alum i €: Curage it eii asily k = by its ees wounds, ophthal- ^ dosi ie p. Renoncule acre: F ul. rcups, low lister W ee Pilewort, | MeadowBloom. iro S s Nat. ^ No. 80. RANUNCULUS. 73 .DESCRIPTION. Root fibrose, fasciculat peren- nial. Stem two feet high, with many branches and flowers, terete, pubescent, erect. Leaves alte: nate, pe- tiolate, broadly triparted, pubescent, segments broad _ lanceolate, with many unequal gashes, all acute ; the upper leaves almost sessile, with three linear entire seg- ments. Flowers corymbose, large and yellow, pedun- cles ual, not furrowed. Calyx with five spreading folioles, hairy, oval, obtuse. Petals rounded, entire. Seeds in a globose head. HISTORY. An extensive genus ; nearly all the spe- cies have similar active properties, except R. auricomus, R. lanuginosus, R. flammula, R. aquatilis, and a few others which are mild and not acrid. The R, sceleratus, R. bulbosus, R. repens, R. fascicularis, R. pennsylvanicus, &c. are chiefly used with us; the two first, as well as R. acris, are supposed to have been imported from Eu- rope with grass. seeds, but now gr abundantly in our meadows and pastures, which they adorn with yello blossoms in the spring. Although very acrid when fresh, - they become mild by drying, and do not spoil the hay, becoming harmless to cattle, whozavoid them careful when growing. Sheep and goats, however, eat the R. acris, and hogs like the roots of R. bulbosus. The mild kinds are liked by cattle, and cows fed on them give good milk. The Æ. sceleratus is very similar to R.acris, but with smooth leaves and grooved peduncles. The R. bulbosus is easily known by its bulbous root, and the R. fascicularis by a bundle of fleshy roots. They are com- mon alt over the United States. ER IU PROPERTIES.: The whole plant, but chiefly the roots, of all those species, are of a burning, acrid, and corrosive taste when fresh. They act on the rubefacient and escharotics. ese properties were known very anciently, and they were used for common blisters before Spanish flies became in general use. The acrid principle, like that of .4rum, is volatile, and disap- pears by the application of heat or even desication, but may be preserved by distillation : the distilled water being very acrid, and holding in solution a peculiar sub- - stance, Acroide, which crystallizes, is inflammable, and hardly soluble in any ee The acrimony of d, a ae skin as T s RANUNCULUS. | No. 80. these plants is so powerful that it inflames and corrodes the lips and tongue of men and cattle, acts as a violent steruntatory, and if swallowed, they bring on great pain, heat, inflammation of the stomach, and even death. Applied to the skin, they produce redness, erosion, and ulceration, but little pain : the beggars in Europe em- ploy them to produce ugly sores and ulcers, which are neither nin nor dangerous, in order to excite com- passion. When used for blisters, oet in half an hour, and never cause strangur cantharides. 'Yhey however act very diffei different indivi- duals, sometimes mildly and beneficially, sometimes violently, producing pr and bad ulcers, difficult to heal. ‘To prevent the effect from spreading, the blister . must be applied through a perforation in an adhesive _ plaster. Like the poison of the Rhus, it has hardly any effect on some individuals, while in others it spreads ' fast, inflames the parts, and even causes gangrene. — They have, however, often been used as external stimu- - - lants, in rheumatism, hip disease, sciatica, piles, hemi- —- erania, fixed pains, &c.; when applied to the scalp E via, it tumifies the hair without breaking the ular practice once existed in Europe, to ‘applying them to the wrists roretic, and R. auricomus - aying ith the blossoms ; but EE RUTA; m No. 81. RUTA GRAVEOLENS Names. Common Rue. Fr. Rue vulgaire. a Classif. Nat. Order of Rutaceous. Decandria mono- ` gynia L. S M e Genus Rura. Calyx four or five parted. Corolla Be four or five concave petals. Stamens eight orten. Pis- —— til surrounded by eight or ten melliferous nectaries. - One style and stigma. Capsule four or five lobed, four . or five celled. 3 i Sp. Ruta graveolens, L. Sufruticose, leaves decom- pound, folioles oblong obtuse, the terminal obovate :` flowers dichotomous, octandrous, the central one decan- drous, petals entire. oeren dl DESCRIPTION. Root perennial. Stem shrubby at the base, three to four feet high, branched, terete. Leaves alternate, smooth, plaucens. decan und or bi- pa and tripinnated, folioles sessile, unequ , ob- ong, obtuse, and entire, the last foliole larger obovate. . Flowers yellow, in a terminal cynose and dichotome panide. Petals large, rounded, entire, concave. Sta- mens equal. Only one central flower, the first unfold- ed has five petals and ten stamens ; all the others have four petals and eight stamens. HISTORY. This shrubby plant is a native : south of Europe and north Africa; it is cultivated in our gardens, is become naturalized and even spontaneou with us. It blossoms in summer. The whol a strong peculiar smell, almost foetid whe there are some persons, chiefly females, PROPERTIES. A feetid oil, strongly impre; with the rutaceous smell, which congeals easily, a almost corrosive, forms the active element of this pl: it is distilled from the whole plant when in blossom 2 seeds. The leaves and their extract are also used; . - their taste is acrid, bitterish, very penetrating and un- < grateful : yet some persons can eat the leaves as a relish, - while others are blistered by mere handling. "They anti-spasmodic, deobstruent, stimulant, heating, rub cient, and blistering, useful in spasmodic af 76 SABBATIA. No. 82. hysteria, hypocondria, obstructions, obstructed secre- tions : also in rheumatism of the joints, feet, and loins, applied externally. Their effects in gout and hepatitis are more doubtful. No. 82. SABBATIA ANGULARIS. Names. Angular- Centaury. Fr. Centaurée angu- _ leuse. Vulgar. Rosepink, Wild Succory, Bitterbloom. Classif. Nat. Order of Gentianides. Pentandria mo- orvnia L. . - Genus Sasparia. Calyx persistent, four to twelve arted. Corolla rotate, four to twelve parted. Stamens ‘our to twelve, anthers revolute. One pistil and style, two spiral stigmas. Capsule one celled, bivalve. Sp. Sabbatia angularis. P. Stem erect corymbose, square and winged : leaves clasping, ovate, acute : seg- - ments of the calyx lanceolate, half as long as the corolla; stamens five. ; -— DESCRIPTION. Root annual, fibrous, and yellow. Stem one or two feet high, with opposite branches, form- -ing a corymb, smooth, square, with small wi on the . angles. Leaves opposite, quite sessile, silba and clasping, very smooth, nerved, ovate acute, very entire. _ Flowers terminal, handsome, inodorous, forming a large corymb. Calyx base pentagone, five lanceolate seg- ments. Corolla with obovate spreading segments, twice - as long as the calyx, of a fine rose colour. Stamens . five, erect, filaments short filiform, anthers oblong, re- à the anthesis. Pistil ovate, e terete, two e with many is genus, dedicated 1 > a Roman bo- to Chironia by Linnzus; it hardly deese which have seven e a seven welve ed corolla an S. calycosa, S Ds, S. coriacea, S. No. 82. ' . . SABBATIA, - ee meadows of the United States, and blossoms in summer. — It has some varieties : 1. .Albiflora. 2. Latifolia. 3. Pau- — ciflora. 4. Elatior. It resembles exceedingly the S. - . Centaurium of Europe, which differs only by the round stem, and the $. corymbosa of our swamps, whic has à square stem without wings, and a subulate calyx. All — the species of this genus are handsome ornamented — lants; my S. maritima, as well as S. stellaris of Pursh, [reca beautiful central star of two colors in the flower. All the species are medical, and nearly equivalents, although the $. angularis is the most bitter and strongest; next to it are S. corymbosa, S. gracilis, and my two following new species : = 1. S. maritima. Raf. 1802. Stem dichotome terete ; leaves lanceolate acute ; calyx campanulate, segments linear, subequal to the corolla, which is white, with lobes ovate oblong, and a central 'ellow and rose star. On the sea shore of New Jersey, Sw York, &c. 5 plant has been erroneously blended with the S. sfe s which has a corymbose stem, leaves narrower, calyx turbinate, corolla three times as long, lobes rose obovate —— obtuse, the central star yellow and red. In the Southern States. 2. S. nivea. Raf. Stem slender, with four angles ; leaves distant, cuneate, oblong ; flowers trichotome, ca- lyx turbinate, segments equa subulate, corolla double - ` in length, snowy white, segments LAUDE cuneate ob- > er r " 3 ng tuse. Discovered in 1824, in east Kentuc river Cum cidedly better than the Europ used for fevers before the Pei Every part of the plant afford a pu ble in water and alcohol. country as a stomachi mittent fevers. It. mittent, nervous, | in may be given in every stage. ` notes appetite and ine It is said also to be a me gue and vei fuge in a warm decoction. The most usual way t. Wen s; rd | 78 SANGUINARIA. No. 83. it is in cold infusion. A good stomachic and febrifu tincture is made with it, calamus, and orange peel. In powder, the dose is from ten to twenty grains. Wine 15 a good vehicle for it, a wine glass being a dose. Quite - equivalent of Gentian. No. 83. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. - Names. Common Bloodroot. Fr. Sanguinaire du Ca- nada. Vulgar. Red Puccoon, Bloodwort, Redroot, Pau- son, Turmeric. - Classif. Nat. Order of Papaveracea. Polyandria mo- nogynia L. . Genus SANGUINARIA. Calyx two leaves deciduous. Corolla with seven to fourteen petals. Many stamina. Pistil oblong, stigma sessile bilobed. Capsule one celled, bivalve, seeds arillate. ~ Sp. Sanguinaria canadensis, L. Radical leaves cor- . and thick, knobby, with some fibres, brownish red oui- . Side, pale within, emitting a bright orange juice; end alling as soon iy with eight white g, commonly with eight white e tarada Peters ones, a lit- us many and short, anthers oblong, compressed. No style, stigma e, nearly bilobe. Capsule oblong, both ends E ERA No. 83. SANGUINARIA. _ 79 1. Parviflora. 2. Cespitosa. 3. Reniformis. 4. Renens. 5. Multipetala, with double petals. 6. Stenopetala, with a narrow linear acute petals. Is it a new species? It is a vernal plant, blossoming in April and May, found — in woods from Canada to Louisiana, Florida, and Mis- souri. It is handsome, but inodorous. When the plant is in blossom, the leaves are small; they continue to - grow oe Z afterwards. PROPERTIES. The root is the officinal part: itis: one of the most valuable medical articles of our country, and already begins to be introduced into general prac- - tice. It is an acrid narcotic, emetic, deobstruent, dia- phoretic, expectorant, vermifuge, escharotic, and at the same time stimulant, tonic. ‘The chemical analysis has detected in it chinconin, a resin, an acrid gum resin, ae ge fecula, saints and x porelinc ee alkali calle anguinarine, Dana, whic is of an orange color, and forms veloc salts with acids. Alcohol dis- solves the color of the root better than water; paper and cloth oes these solutions are dyed of a salmon color. The Indians used the red juice to paint themselves, and dye or stain skins, baskets, &c. It has not yet been much used in dyeing, although it- stains wool of a fine orange color; the mordants are alumine and muriosul- phate of tin, for silk, cotton, &c. The taste of this root - 1s acrid and bitter, burning the mouth and throat: in powdering the dried root, the nose and throat are effect- _ ed. A large dose, from eight to twenty grains, is dan- _ imness, and emesis. In small doses of two to four rains, it produces nausea without vomiting, and acc« erates the circulation, while in minute doses f le: gt a grain, it acts like a tonic, and lessens the frequency of _ the pulse like Digitalis. The best way to use it isin — . tincture, diluted in wine or other vehicles. Ten drops of it acts as stimulant, diaphoretic, and deobstruent. When used as an emetic, it apes the worms from the — stomach. Itis, however, a violent and dangerous eme- tic ; milder ones are to be preferred. Schoepf mentions that a decoction of the root was used in onorrhcea, bites | of serpents, jaundice, and in bilious seases ; these properties are doubtful. The juice being acrid and e SANGUINARIA. No. 83. rosive, was used for warts. Thatcher says it is the base of Rawson's bitters, a remedy for jaundice. From thirty to eighty drops of the tincture in wine, twice a day, is a good prophylacted for intermittents, marshy fevers, and inward fevers. It is very bitter, increases the appetite and tone of the stomach. But it is beneficial in many other diseases of the liver and lungs, typhoid pneumo- nia, hooping cough, torpor of the liver, hydrothorax, croup, amenorrhea, asthma, peripneumonia trachealis, incipient consumption, ulcerous sorethroat, nos lis, dysentery, inflammatory - lly in ulcers, polypus of the nose, 1 eshy excre- senses, and a ns | medical plants unite so many useful properties ; = but it requires to be administered with skilful hands, = and may become. cn in empirical hands. Dr. Tully has investigated them very carefully : he says that it unites all the beneficial effects of Squills, Seneka rel a ten M tel No. 84. SCUTELLARIA. 81 stimulant. In confirmed phthisis, it is only a palliative. It must not be given to pregnant women, since it is known to act on the uterus powerfully, and even cause. abortion ; whence its use in amenorrhea. It may be used in powder, electuary, pills, syrup, extract, decoe- tion, wine tincture, and common tincture; but the doses must be regulated by the cases : it loses much of its strength hr keeping. after powdering or preparing in any way 5 but the dry roots keep very well. ze Although the roots alone are commonly used, the leaves have some of the same properties, and are power- ful, nay, deleterious stimulants. The farriers use them in diseases of horses, to make them sweat, shed their coat, &c. The seeds are violent narcotics, similar to - those of Stramonium, producing fever, delirium, diluted pupil, &c. They have been used as incitants, diapho- retics, and diuretics, but are dangerous and deleterious. They are seldom collected, although the roots are com- monly collected in summer, when they are ripe. — lá ÀÀ No. 84. SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA. Names., Officinal Sculleap. Fr. Toque lateriflore. Vulgar. Madweed, Hoodwort, Blue Pimpornel. Classif. Nat. Order of Labiate. Didynamia gym- gem c ion ees arias 2 Se Genus ScurELLARrA. Calyx bilabiate, persistent, up- per lip SD eee ppercu E Corolla bilabiate, upper lip concave entir , lowe: lobe. Stamens cliclynamom. Four seeds in t calyx. leaves petiolate and thin, ovate dentate, the lower ones subcordate : racemes axillary, leafy. E DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, fibrous, yellow. Stem erect, one to three feet high, much branched, dif- fuse, smooth, quadrangular: branches opposite divari- cate. Leaves on long petioles, thin or nearly membra- naceous, opposite distichal, subcordate on the ste ovate on the branches, dentate, acute, somewhat Sp. Scutellaria lateriflora. L. Branched and smooth ; nu 82 ~ SCUTELLARIA. No. 84. Flowers pale blue, on long lateral axillary racemes, bracteated by bracts ovate acute, entire, subsessile, each flower axillary to one bract and pedunculated, bracts distichal, flowers unilateral. . Calyx scutellate. Seeds oval verrucose.. à vapid bitterish. The varieties 2. Pumila. 3. Ramosissi Dr. Tully have strenuously asserted this, but without Th S one and denyi g, inst rs roperties. - : one fourth of soluble matter, and may yet be ormed. "The drj ¿AE tea, a gill 1 plant applied to the wound. A pu pher is often given at the same time. This plant is now almost neglected like the Anagallis phenicea and Alis- ma plantago, which enjoyed once a reputation for hy- drophobia ; but we have so few presumed remedies Le this dreadful disease, and it is so desirable to confirm the properties of those supposed available, that it is needful to encourage rather than discourage every at- tempt to throw light on the subject No. 85. SIGILLARIA MULTIFLORA. — Names. Multiflore Sealwort. Fr. Sigillaire multi- | fore. Vulgar. Solomon Seal, Sealroot, Dropberry. Classif. Nat. Order of Asparagoides. Hexandria mo- n nia ls s ee on ES : ium es d = : z Den SIGILLARIA. | ne tubular, six cleft. Sta- mens six, i lin the upper part of the tube. One - pistil, one style, one stigma. Berry three celled, ce two seeded. Flowers azillary to stem leaves. Ee 84 SIGILLARIA. No. 85. Sp. Sigillaria multiflora. Raf. Stem terete, leaves clasping oblong oval, acute, smooth, peduncles nodding multiflore. - : DESCRIPTION. Root perennial, horizontal, thick, wrinkled, premorse. Stem simple, erect, two or-three feet high, smooth and round. Leaves alternate, longer than the internodos, oblong acute, broad or suboval, base clasping, entire, multinerve, very smooth. Flowers white, pretty large, nearly one inch long, several on xillary reflexed pe wnstes,-thremte-five-seasile. Berry HISTORY. Linneeus and the Linneen botanists have united half a dozen genera under the name of Convalla- . ria, which thus has no characters of its own ; they are ., 1. Convallaria. L. Perigone corolliform campanulate, six cleft. Six stamens. Berry three celled. Scapes racemose. Lillies of the valley. ^C. majalis and C. japonica. 2. Globeria. Raf. Perigone corolliform globular, six toothed. Six stamens. Scape spicated. È spicata of Dero es liluvian plant has been called Sigillaria by Brongniart, oy ae called Sigillites. If he Gee cise changed, I offer another substitute as good, Azvillaria. 4. Mayanthemum. Pers. (Similacina, Desf. a bad M. stellatum, M. racemosum, mpanul de, i des d, cells pol No. 85. SIGILLARIA. 35 Convallaria umbellata by authors, distinguished by my- self, 1. CL nutans. 2. Cl. odorata. 3. Cl. podanisia, 4. Cl. parviflora. 5. Cl. multifiora. 1 E It is absurd to consider all these genera as one genus, without any collective characters ; they are not even pi since their habit and flowers are widely dif- _ erent. Lie A a x om 1 d x The S. multiflora is found all over the United States, on hills ; it blossoms in June and July. The other Ame- - rican species of Sigillaria, such as S. biflora, S. latifo- lia, S. pubescens, &c. are all called Solomon Seal, and having similar properties, will be included here. eg PROPERTIES. The roots of those plants are chiefly used. They are demulcent, restringent, corroborant, depurative, vulnerary, cosmetic, cephalic, nervine, &c. Their smell is vapid, the taste rather mucilagiuous and sweetish : they contain gum, sugar, mucilage, and fe~ cula. Their properties are so mile that. they 6i - be 2 = d.- In $ i 0 eaten, particularly when - dr E a flour and good bread is ma 1 them. Our Indians. collected them as an article of food. The Indians of- Oregon or Columbia fiver eat the berries, calling them Solma, which name is surprisingly similar to ours. The young shoots may be eaten like Ae Poke, according to Cutler.- Schoepf says that the bruised root is employes in.ophthalmy or sore eyes. - They are also useful in poultice, for in of the skin. -A vinous’ i 86 SOLANUM. No. 86. No. 86. SOLANUM DULCAMARA. Names, Bitter-sweet Nightshade. Fr. Solane dou- ceamere. Vulgar. Bitter-sweet Vine, Nightshade Vine, " Violet bloom, Scarlet Berry. . — Classif. Nat. Order of Lurides. Pentandria mono- gynia L. = Genus SoLANUM- E Calyx five cleft, persistent. Co- -Stamens five, anthers coherent. style and stigma. xuose : leaves. ovate, subcordate, uricles at the base : panicles cymose. with two a - DESCRIPTION. Woody vine, creeping or climbing to the extent of five or six feet, base woody, end or last shoots herbaceous, flexuose, without thorns, smootlt, te- _of a. pretty violet A ute. Corolla ; lanceolate, be separate at least: nd corolla, 6 to 12 parted, erry multilocular. The E LM No. 86. OLANUM. 87 3. Otiliz. Raf. Calyx appendiculated. Stamens not connivent. Seeds osseous. S.licioides, Kc. 4. Androcera. N. Calyx swelled, caducous. Corolla subringent. Stamens unequal, anthers free, hornlike: Style declinated. Berry dry. 4. lobata or S. heteranthum of Pursh. eee ee 3 The S. dulcamara is a true Solanum. It is a native of Europe, Asia, and North America, "where it grows in the Easterh and Northern States, from New England to Ohio, &c. in shady fertile grounds, blossoming from June to August, The berries stand om the vine till very late. "There are uor varieties of this plant, such as, 1. Heterophylla, common kind. 2.Jsophylia, leaves consi- milar not auriculated. 3.Maritima, with pubescent leaves. 4. Repens, stem procumbent and creeping. 5. Pandurata, leaves lyrate, pandurate. These two last most frequent in the wild state in America. It isa handsome vine. often cultivated in gardens © - — — — PROPERTIES. - The whole plant is used as a depu rative, deobstruent, antihe etic, narcotic, diuretic, ano- dyne, repellent, &c. The taste is sweetish and bitter, whence the name ; the smell is somewhat nauseous, but. much less so than in S. nigrum and other species. Its” active principles are the solanic acid, a peculiar sub- stance, called Solania, a mucous extractive, &c.: they are more soluble in water than in alcohol. A very be- neficial article. in many diseases, now neglected Die chemical school, but adequate to produc I the good effects of sulphur, antimony, and mercury, in chronic rheumatism, gout, secondar , incipi phthisis, asthma, jaundice, affections. It has also been used im plet monia, dyslochia, amenorrhea, and scroful . x ternally, it is very useful in contusion, the itch, herpetie soe agen schirrous swellings, nay, even the 2 rete cancer, and the worst kinds of ulcers. The common way to use it is in decoction; but the American varie- ties are very powerful ; Bigelow states that a few grains of the fresh leaves, or a small cup of the decoction have been known to vomit? A great difference in stren is observed in the various parcels kept in the shops ; 1 plants growing in a dry soil and warm climates ar pet 38 SOLANUM. No. 86. strongest ; by drying, much of their strength is lost. A slight nausea, vertigo, and palpitation, are evidences of | its operation. A palatable syrup may be made with it and some aromatic substances. In general, it increases all the secretions and excretions, excite the heart and arteries, and in large doses, produces emesis, spasms, delirium, giddiness, palpitations, convulsions, and in- sensibitity. . e Te first dus, imu be cu moderate and gra- dually increased, beginning with one cation. or five Zu © cerium thr application of the juice and green leaves. It is perhaps the No. 87. SPIGELIA. 89 fowls. They have been used internally for Sedo: of the stomach and bowels, ardor of urine, dropsical complaints, internal and syphilitic pains, obstinate her- - petic and scorbutic eruptions, ulcers of a cancerous na- ture, &c. The dose, one or two ains. Externally, they are still more useful in. pon! tice, for headache, phlegmon, schirrous, erysipelas, painful inflamed sores, even scrofulous and cancerous, foul chronic ulcers, and every other disease of the skin. — -.———— No. 87. SPIGELIA MARILANDICA. Names. Common Pinkroot. Spigelie officinale. Vulgar. Carolina Pink, iiid: I dian Pink, Jen Root, Unstitla. cue. e 3 Classif. Nat. Order of Gentiai n ade ifm Sick. Calyx five parts ient. e rolla funnel shape, five cleft. Stamens five, inserted near - the opening. One style, exert, stigma fusiform. Capsule bilobed bilocular, many seeded. Sp. Spigelia marilandica. L. Perennial, stem simple, quadrangular, leaves opposite sessile, ovate lanceolate ; terminal raceme of uj lateral fusiform flowers.. DESCRIPTION. R PR with many bet fe ee Lg S pmi ms, with four nd segments, lik 1.8 serted near Na eae ut d decur ren oblong. Pistil ovate, small, style. , below, with a fusiform pubescent acute sti ma. Capsul on the reflexed calyx,-with two globular] lobes an d cell: and many seeds. uti ira H 2 99 SPIGELIA, No. 87. 4 HISTORY.. A beautiful plant, very ornamental by its bright blossoms, although scentless. Found in the ‘Southern and Western States, from Maryland to Ken- tucky and Florida; very abundant in some peculiar places, such as the glades of Carolina and west Ken- tucky, where it is collected as an article of trade. It blossoms in June and July. It has the following varie- ties: 1. Distachya. 2. Pubera, Stem, nerves, and margin of leaves pubescent. 3. Pallida, with pale red flowers. 4. can Hos rare. 5. Angustifolia, leaves nearly lanceolate. 6. Parviflora. The genus is dedicated to Spigeli, an Italian botanist. The Cherokees call it Un- stiles Ga rS Mekaa or Starflower. It has been ex- tirpated in many places by collectors, and is now very rare in Maryland and Virginia. PROPERTIES. The root is the officinal part, and is an article of trade. -It is narcotic, vermifuge, seda- tive, cathartic, and febrifuge ; but the stem and leaves have the same properties. When fresh, they are always narcotic, like Digitalis and Datura ; but when dry they their si th, the roots even quicker than the eaves, and when the article has long been exposed to the air, it becomes nearly inert, whence the various opinions on its effects. As a narcotic, it is preferable ta Digitalis, and milder, never causing sudden prostra- tion, yet it lessens and soothes the morbid irritability of the heart, arteries, and nerves. In large doses, it causes vertigo, dilatation of the upil, headache: stupor, flushed face, intoxication, and delirium. - The chemical analysis gives as constituent, mucus, extractive, gallic acid, and a peculiar volatile substance called Spigeline. Wateris the best menstruum. The smell js not ? N , the taste and thus it is not disliked » The Cherokees made f lant, and they have been y physicians. It has chiefly attracted ge and for diseases of children, con- fever, &c. It is generally united to a "ste tine.” The Osages use it as PARTE and seda- gs d Io it in t flushed A heck and lips; he also deem | it ke E in dysentery. ` A vinous infusion has been found useful in intermittents, the protracted remittent fever of infants, convulsions of children, &c. It appears peculiarly suita- ble for their diseases. e S. lmica of rok tes pe is ete, as the name — Aum omes ‘Steeple Bush, Rosy Bush, ! leaf. - Classif. Nat. Order of paces Ic gynia L. Genus SPIREA. - ent nouk : : ER 92 SPIREA. No. 88. HISTORY. A fine genus, containing several pretty shrubs ; this is one of the prettiest, and is very orna- mental, by its leaves of two colors, and large panicles of red blossoms. It blossoms in July and August, and is common from New England to Carolina and Kentucky, in moist grounds, meadows, Sic. The varieties are, 1. Pumila. 2. Paniculata. 3. Albiflora. 4. Ferruginea. PROPERTIES. The whole plant is inodorous, but the taste is pleasantly bitter we powerfully astringent. It contains tannin, gallic acid, bitter extractive, &c. all soluble in water. Formerly used by the Mohegan tribe of Indians .and the herbalists ; brought to notice only towards 1810, by Dr. Cogswell, of Hartford. a and Cutler have omitted it. Drs. Mead, Ives, and Tully have since recommended it as a very good astringent and tonic. -'The whole plant may be used, but the root is the least valuable part. The extract of it, prepared by the Shakers and others, is the best form ; dose 4 to 6 grains, every two or three hours, in dysentery and chronic diar- a, cholera infantum, debility of the bowels and the "n e of the. bowels, and other diseases where astringents are required. It appears to be equal if not superior to Kino and Catechu, because it never disagrees with the stomach; all its virtues are soluble in water, is a bitter tonic, and can behad pure and genuine. It is eg useful in the secondary stages of bowel complaints, when the inflammation has been partly sub- dued, either alone or combined with-ipecac, opium, &c. It has been used abread by seamen, with great benefit, in the cholera morbus and chronic diarrhea of the tro- pical climates, even in the first stage. United to milk and sugar, it forms a : ples drink for the pro- ted stage of cholera. — to be equivalent to m. maculatum and circinata in most ie first is less tonic, and the last a better lonskokaogacha-of the Osage Indians is is shrub ; they use the dry root and stems as . t ingents, to stop blood and he- the. infusion; No. 89. STATICE. nE rea opulifolia, a lar shrub, ; TO Wi th banks E vh trifid fave nd whit E trigynous blossoms, and commonly called Ni nearly the same properties, and is an equiv have used the extract with equal success. It is chiefl used by the herbalists in external applications for fomen- tations, pot tices, burns, morti ficatior swellings. - M it is the Str i of the Osages or is it Prinos? or Hydrangea?) it is also cathartic, febrifuge, u and anthelmintic ; the roots, bark, and twigs are "aed in asthma, colds, “fevers, bowel complaints, &c. chiefly in warm infusions. But many shrubs bear the name of Nineback in the United States. lakroot pesas 3 ; Classif. Nat Order of Staticea. "Peliandri mono- gynia L. Genus Srarice. Calyx monophyllous, scarious, and ps ‘Pet: "One sed 5, inserti on their claws. ne see Radical leaves, hs on ; with only one steed uite en ire and at on the T 94 STATICE. No. 89 obtuse. Pistil small obovate, 5 styles shorter than the stamens. Seed oblong. e HISTORY. This Plant is deemed by many a variety of St. linunium of Europe, which, however, differs by the leaves oblong undulate and larger flowers, while the St. gmetini or Asiatic, akin species, has obovate leaves and angular scapes. It was first distinguished by Wal- ter, and grows on our sea shores, near salt marshes, from New England to Florida. It blossoms in summer. The varieties are : 1. 2lbiflora. 3. Cespitosa. 3. Pumiia. 4. Ramosissima. - 3. Longifolia. It is strange that the ‘name of Rosemary, belonging to a very different shrub, the Rosmarinus officinalis, should be given to this plant in America: the true English name is Thrift. Neither the root nor plant has any smell. PROPERTIES. The root is the officinal part ; it is one of the most powerful vegetable astringent and styp- tic, even stronger than St. limonium, Geranium macula- fum, and Kino, and equal to Galls, since an equal quan- tity of both makes ink equally black. It contains tan- nin, gallic acid, extractive, muriate of soda, &c. Water - and alcohol are both solvents of it, but thedastis even stronger, and the cold infusion more powerful than the hot. "The roots are kept in shops: they are chiefly used in aphtha, ulcers of the mouth and e o uet he- morrhage, cynanche maligna, relaxed bowels, cholera infantum, chronic dysentery, &c. in which they are emi- nently beneficial, béing also antiseptic. It often avails when otherastringents and tonics have failed. It isa kind of specific, as a gargle, in ulcerous sorethroat or scarlatina anginosa. In dysentery, it must be given after purgatives. It has been employed also in a wash or in- Jections, in gonorrhea, -gleets, and immoderate flow of - menses. For internal use “the decoction or infusion Sweetened (or a syrup "be employed in small re- í doses. The taste’ is very styptic and somewhat ay be made more palatable by some useful properties are well attested ar l- physicians. Zollickoffer alone states thatit d emetic, but probably by mistake. — Ace No. 90. SYMPHYTUM. 95 No. 90. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. _ "Names. Common Comfrey. Fr. Consou -Classif. Nat. Order of Borragmnes. or Pentandria monogynia L. - Genus Sympnyrum. Calyx five parted, -pè Corolla funnel shaped, limbus tubulate ventricose, e * closed by 5 subulate appendages. Five stamina iu the tube. Pistil prep: e style and stigma. Four seeds. Sp. Symphytum oficinal . L. Stem erect and w leaves oval lanceolate, all sessile, decurrent, acute, ru ose: racemes nedding, glomerated, and secund. DESCRIPTION. Msi cee me » whitish, thick, er ; lindrical, : g or branched. Stem 3 or 4 feet hich, upright, br ar and winged, rough ; branches erect. - E sessile decurrent, oblong, at- lowers. in terminal racemes, _ Corolla ; inia, growing tarieousl e meadows, &c. iia, growing in fae and vei "The varieties. Ri Pee pureum, with purple flowers and spreading calyx. 2. Ni- oot black. 3.Elatior. 4.Pumilum. 5. Albi native American species of thi to the ruunt. the policies and lanceolatis eoe nate ; racemes. Size 4 feet, lower leata at — PROPERTIES. The whole plant, but -e in use ; the S. hirsutum is probably ve p. add the t lante is: muci 96 TRILLIUM. No. 91. strangury, and many other diseases internally, while ex- ternally they are useful bruised and applied to ruptures and sprains. The mucilage of these roots is equal to that of Althea or Marshmallows, but much more useful, bein united to astringency. The Comfrey may be used with great advantage in hemorrhage of the bowels, stomach, and lungs, erosions of the intestines, salt rheum, gonor- rhea, and fluor albus, ardor of urine, &c. It is much va- lued in Europe and China, also by our herbalists, but wrohgly omitted by all our medical writers, except in preserving health ; pills, lozenges, and bo de of lo and taken dail Pctri ee by people of weak and debilitated habits. In Europe, a conserve and syrup is used. The infusion, decoction, &c. are equally good; . the doses need not be very nice, as the effects are mild. Our herbalists unite it to Burdock and Yarrow, to cure the clap, using at the same time injections of Statice or Tormentil. Boiled in milk, it becomes the best prepara- tion for diseases of the bowels and urinary organs. It may be safely employed in all diseases of debility, re- laxation, and overflowing. It is said to act as a pallia- tive at least in nephitic pains and gravel, to prevent the recurrence of bleeding from the lungs and stomach, and to strengthen while it lubricates all the solids. No, 91. TRILLIUM LATIFOLIUM. ` - Names. Broadleaf Bethroot. Fr. Triole dilatee. Puk- gar. Bethroot, Rattlesnake Root, Wakerobin, Cough- root, Indian Balm, Ground Lily, Jews Harp, Indian ges ie d e M E Clan Nat. Ord. ol Aapstaguides. Hexand — Classif. Nat. Ord. of Asparagoides. Hexandria tri- Xenus Tanarum. -Perigone double marcescent, each — exterior caliciform, interior corolliform. Six - rted at the base of the segments, nearly ar. Pistil oval, 3 linear stigmas, wi celled polysperm. Constant habit Bio Nis 91... z jo Sp. Trillium lat ltifol m. See sp. n5. a x HISTORY. beautiful natural genus is pille: tn to North America ; the nearest g y are the European —— Paris, mul merel: y by perigone 8 parted, 8 stamens, 4 stig 4 eais 2. The American Medeola, which has a simple caducous 6-parted perigone, whorl of several leaves, flowers umbellate. Linnæus had on- ly 3 species of Z'rillium. Tr. sessile, Tr. erectum, and — Tr. cernuum. ps Pursh, Nuttal, Elliot, Beck, &c.. have i increas n javi ceriiload as many as 33 species, ERES all bear the above : RO et the Pede 2 their Ep pee divide the genus. into 3 subgenera. ; l. Sessilium. Petals erect, anthers what: | Tass flat, stigmas sessile. Flowers sessile, erect. bee ks E a L. E : 1. 1.8p. Trilium lo rum. E ing, ovate acute, 5 nerved : petals lanceolate, ‘twice long as the calyx, sessile, acute and | purple. The is E of modern. authors, aucti name is wrong and illusiv. ua pe 5 Ww "e. Tr. rotundifolium. Raf. 1 Tara Spreading, rt ovate, one? acuminate, 5 nerved 98 TRILLIUM. * No. 91. erect lanceolate, petals rather longer lanceolate, obtuse, undulate, dark purple, sessile; stamens short. From Lake Erie to Tennessee. Var. 1. Flexicaule, 2. Rubri- caule. 3. Maculatum. 4. Orbiculatum. 5. Pallidum. 6. Undulatum. 3. Tr. isanthum, Raf. Leaves drooping sessile, oval elliptic, with an obtuse point, 5 nerved. Calyx and pe- tals equal, erect, oblong acute ; stamens nearly as long. In Ohio, Kentucky, Arkansas. Petals pale purple. Var. . Tome d Mem irum. 2. Parvifk 4. Tr. tinctorium. Raf. leaves a oad sessile, oval lanceolate, acute trinerve : calyx and petals equal erect, oval lanceolate acute. In the islands of the Missouri river. Is it a variety of Tr. isanthum2 5. Tr, viride. Beck. Leaves ovate acute, maculate ; Calyx ovate lanceolate erect obtuse, petals green, ra- ther longer, spatulate and thick: stamens short. In Missouri. 6. Tr. recurvatum. Beck. Leaves subpetiolate, ovate lanceolate acute trinerve. Calyx recurved lanceolate acute, petals equal to it, ovate lanceolate, purple : sta- rum. _— OE TEES E LS > Root concatenate, red ins mens short. From Kentucky to Missouri. Variety 1. Sessilifolium. 2. Obovatum. 3. Maculatum. 4. Un- T. Tr. angustifolium. Raf. Stem slender, leaves lan- ceolate acuminate, trinerve, undulate, often erect: ca- lyx erect linear lanceolate acute, petals equal, white, lanceolate obtuse ; stamens short. In Kentucky, &c. Variety 1. Gracile. 2. Stenopetalum. 3. Maculatum. 4. Roseum. “em E E. - 8. Tr. membranaceum. Raf. Stem: slender; leaves sessile, thin, and membranaceous, ovate elliptic, obtuse trinerve: calyx erect, ovate lanceolate, obtuse, petals subequal, cuneate acuminate. Glades of Ken- linois, and Missouri. Flower small, petals of | purple. Var. 1. Z/lipticum. 2. Obovatum. latum. Raf. Leaves petiolate, oval, rve: calyx reflexed,. lanceolate pe ot iculate, oval, oblong, _ - indiana, west No. 91. | TRILLIUM. Kentucky, -4 Yar Te Crassicanle, 21 -10. Tr. Refolafum. Pursh. "Leaves long oval lanceolate acute trinerve: calyx e lanceolate linear acute, longer than the calyx. - mountains Taconick, Alleghany, &c. ` : 2. ^S. G. Ant. pium.. * 11. Tr. acuminatum. Raf. 1807. fae sessile, ovate acuminate, undulate, trinerve ; peduncle erect, equal to the leaves, calyx and petals subequal lanceo- .— late acuminate. In the mountains Alleghany. Petals” red, not reflexed. 29 * 12. Tr. pictum. Pursh. (Tr.erythrocarpum: Michaux.) Leaves oval acuminate, base rounded, subpetiolate, five nerved, peduncle nearly erect, shorter than the leaves, calyx lanceolate acute, petals recu acute, twice as long as the caly to Carolina, petals white, with purp red, Var. 1. Undulatum. 2. Ro. T5. Tr. amblopsis. Raf. Leaves p al se acumen, t ne t, than the leaves : cat and pelais subequal, n: E ceolate, obtuse. In the mountains Alleghany, &c. Pe- tals white. Var. 1. Longifolium. 2. Incarnatum. 3. Un- dulatum. 4. Stenopetalum. 5. Angustifolium. 6. Pumi- lum. 7. Cuneatum. Petals cuneiform. 14. 7r. Pusilium. Michaux. Leaves sessile. oval ob- : peduncl ct and caly: vilia small als of: cme subsessile, subrhom > end acuminate, trinerve : lado nearly as clined, flower nodding; calyx and petals. lanceolate acute. From wd w istil red. | oideum. 6. m 100 TRILLIUM. No. 91. 16. Tr. flavum. Raf. Leaves sessile, rhomboidal acu- minate, trinerve : peduncle as long, erect, flower nod- . ding : calyx narrow lanceolate, petals longer lanceolate, yellow, acute. In the mountains from New York to Virginia, rare. E ai 17. Tr. pendulum. Wildenow. Leaves sessile, rhom- boidal acuminate, base acute, trinerve: peduncle in- clined, flower drooping; calyx and petals subequal, oval acuminate, petals white, with red veins. In the mountains Catskill, Alleghany, &c. 18. Tr. undulatum. Raf. E : 307. W. and Elliot. Leaves sessile, ovate acuminate, ulate, trinerve : peduncle . erect, calyx lanceolate, petals much longer, undulate? oblong, obtuse, dark purple. Mountains Alleghany in nnsylvania, &c. — — 19. Tr. brevipetalum. Raf. Leaves sessile, ovate rhomboidal acuminate, base acute, trinerve : peduncle erect, elongated, calyx lanceolate acute ; petals shorter, ovate, undulate, acute, white. Near the lakes Ontario and Erie. Var. 1. Zatifolium. 2. Roseum. 20. Tr.ovatum. Pursh. Leaves sessile, ovate, gra- dually acute, trinerve: peduncle erect, calyx linear, etals long and larger, oblong lanceolate acute, and irple. — Bayt She. c o ^ -21. Tr. obovatum. Pursh. Leaves sessile, ovate rhom- boidal, acuminate : peduncle erect, calyx oval lanceo- > petals equal obovate obtuse flat, flesh colored. 1 Canada to Ohio. 22. Tr. grandiflorum. Salisbury.( Tr. rhomboidum Mz.) Leaves sessile, ovate rhomboidal, acuminate, base acute, . 5 muerved, reticulate: peduncle inclined, elongated, ca- - lyx ovate, lanceolate acute, petals longer, obovate acute, white. From lake Ontario to Virginia an c etals thin, reticulate, forming a ca i : ase connivent. Var. 1. Roseum. 2. Elatior. 3. Rhom- - 4. Pumilum. 5.Parviflorum. 6. Macropium. atum. 8. Longifolium. Often called Ground well as the following species. "in - lirioides. Raf. Leaves shortly petiolate, ovate ounded, trinerve and reticulate : pe- ect, lanceolate e; ite. Near lake No. 91. 101 Erie, in the glades of Olio, Illinois, Ec Comun i smaller: than the last, flower also nearly c à Var. 1. Parviflorum. 2. Pumitum. 3. Roseum.. 4. Cras- sicaule. 5. Longifolium. 6. Maculatum. 7. Undulatum. 24. Tr. obcordatum. Raf. Stem short and thick, leaves inclined, calyx lanceol: oth, Movato obtuse, white. Fu the mountains D miy is. it a variety of Tr. grandiflorum? only 4 inches high. 25. Tr. latifollum. Raf. (figured here.) Leaves sub- sessile, very broad, dilatate, p than long, subrhom- boidal, undulate, | both ends shortly acuminate, man nerved and reticulate ; ; peduncle a ng and = A calyx and pe revolute; s stem thic ; and all the next- ee whi Elliot) S BT utes int; spatulate ovate acuminate, - trinerve reticulate : peduncle drooping, petals dar ple, longer than-the calyx, ovate lanceolate. In th mountains Alleghany. 7 27. Tr. nervosum. Elliot. Leaves sessile, o ceolate, both ends acute, membranac C re 5 as ured by Catesby Tr. xx of Linnzeus. Var. 1. ' 102 TRILLIUM. No. 91 30. Tr. medium. Raf. (Tr. cernuum of our modern botanists.) Leaves shortly petiolate, broadly rhomboidal, both ends abruptly acuminate, 5 nerved, reticulate ; pe- duncle recurved short, calyx and petals equal, ovate lanceolate acuminate, flat white. From New England to Virginia. Var. 1. Gracile. 9. Pudicum. 3. Undula- tum. 4. Grandiflorúm. 31. Tr. glaucum. Raf. Leaves sessile, broad deltoid, both ends acute, glaucous beneath, 5 nerved and reticu- late: peduncle reflexed, calyx and petals subequal, oval o ees calyx erect, petals reflexed back, and white. In Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, Maryland. Virginia, &c. This is the 7r. cernuum of W. Barton, Fl. Am. fig. 40. de $2. Tr. divaricatum. Raf. Leaves sessile, obovate acuminate: peduncle divergent, horizontal, petals lan- ceolate acute, longer@han the calyx, flat and purple. LE =~ Alleghany and Cumberland mountains, six inches sigh. 3. S. G. Delostylium. stylosum. Nuttal. Leaves with short petioles, ceolate, acute at both ends; peduncle recurved, ort, petals oblong obtuse, undulate, larger than alyx, a style as long as the stigmas. In the South- States. Stem a foot high or less, slender, petals rose colored. This is probably the Tr. cernuum of Michaux. — PROPERTIES. I have the pleasure to introduce im * Sim, No. 91. — TRILLIUM. 103 longiflorum, Tr. rotundifolium, Sic. They are all astrin- ent, restringent, pectoral, tonic, antiseptic, alterative, c. ‘Their roots are commonly oblong or terete, tube- rose, brown outside, white inside, from 1 to 5 inches long, with a few branches or fibres ; they have a faint - smell, cedar, and a peculiar aromatic taste, somewhat like copaivi. Being chewed, they pro- duce salivation and tears, with heat in the throat, and next a sensation of coolness over the whole system. These are indications of active properties. They have not yet been analyzed. They are employed internally in hematuria or bloody urine, uterine hemorrhage, immo- derate menstrual discharge, blood spitting, hectic fever, asthma, catarrhal cough, profluvia, hes eit er in powder, dose a tea spoonful, or in infusion. External , they are very beneficial in tumors, indolent and putrid ulcers, carbuncles, and mortification, in a poultice by itself, or still better united with Sanguinaria. As an astringent and restringent, they are milder or weaker than Gera- nium and Erigeron, but not so heating. As a tonic, they appear very beneficial, nay, a certain cure, with bloodroot, for inflamed carbuncles and ulcers, after a purge; it is said that they obviate or prevent gangrene and the need of cutting off mortified limbs. Even the . Missouri. They. _rattle-snakes, both in men and cattle. Mr Hawkins saw an Indian make the experiment for a of rum : how it acts was not stat | ndians Missouri call them Mochar New f, meaning heat and cold : it is their palliative for consumption. The - sessile species are called Jewsharp in Kentucky, and used for sores and ulcers. The Tr. tinctorium is one of the red oe entern Indians ; the roots stain b the hands, and dye red with alum. — — : N. B. Sp. V edm a the Sessiliem. Pe 34. Tr. maculatum. Raf. (Tr. sessile, Elliot.) Stem spotted, Jeaves sessile ovate acute, trinerve, spotted : calyx erect oblong, petals spatulate, twice as long, dark purple. In Carolina, Kc. : 104 TUSSILAGO. No. 92. No. 92. TUSSILAGO FRIGIDA. Names. Boreal Coltsfoot. Fr. Tussilage glaciale. Classif. Nat. Order of Corymbiferots. Syngenesia superflua L. e Genus Tussitaco. Perianthe simple, equal, multipar- tite, membranaceous, swelled below. Phoranthe naked. Pappus simple sessile. Many narrow female rays. Sp. Tussilago frigida. L. Radical leaves on long pe- tioles, cordate, unequally toothed, woolly beneath. *Seapes multiflore, thyrsus oblong fastigiate bracteate, flowers radiate. DESCRIPTION. Root perennial. Leaves all radi- cal, petioles long, thick, canaliculate ; leaves cordate rounded or subdeltoid, nearly obtuse, many unequal teeth, green and rugose above, woolly and white be- neath. Scape longer than the leaves, terete and thick, 9 to 12 inches high, with some remote lanceolate acute $c: any flowers, forming a thyrsus or oblong ra- ne sias UAAR axillary to su- Di , rays white, disk purpl TORY "i 'enus with io; RAE often po- . lygamous ical, with evident or obsolete rays, whence the enera 1. Farfara, flowers radiate. 2. È - tasites, flowers discoidal. 3. Anandria, dioical. This species 15 a native of the boreal regions of the three con- tinents, Europe, Asia, and America, in the mountains of Lapland, Norway, Siberia, Canada, Maine, Labrador, Greenland, &c. It blossoms in June. We have also in America the common Coltsfoot or 7. farfara of Europe, - found in New England, New York, Ohio, &c. lt blos- somsin April, before the leaves spring up ; easily known yellow radiate flowers, scapes uniflore and scaly; - | cordate, angular. Both species will be included ing similar medical qualities. Tussilago, de- as useful for it. i ants are used, but powdered leaves is a v cephalic, removing di structions in the nose, headache, &c. _ the'herb-tobacco? used for that purpose in ind. Our medical writers have neglected the Coltsfoot, or — spoken of it as nearly inert, but it is a mistake ; Cutler and Henry alone mention it as useful ; the Shakers and _ herbalists use it beneficially. Their powers in diseases ` of the breast are not strong, but available for consump- tive coughs and hooping cough, in warm infusion, sweet- or boiled in milk. A strong decoc- ened with honey, or — Names. Shovel Pickerel ., Pond Shovel, $ longest. Sta b Pistil oblong, one fil single oblong seed, c oofs cree, , per La 106 UNISEMA. No. 93. consider this as the type of the acum Pontedoria, al- though L. positively says that the fruit of it is 3 locular and many seeded. All the servile American botanists, and even Torrey, who has verified the fruit, have fol- - lowed this absurdity. The Linnean genus Pontederia, was, and is yet, a cahos ; many genera have been taken from it, Phrynium, Heterandra, Leptanthus, Schollera, &c.; the first; which is monandrous, belong to the Dry- mirhezous, the others form the natural order,of Ponte- . derides, along with the true G. Pontederia, of which the typeis P. azurea, P. natans, P. dilatata, P. vaginalis, fon _the tropical climates, with a trilocular polysperm capsule. The whole genus, however, must be carefully examined again, as some species may have a different fruit or flower. I have already ascertained two other new genera blended with it. 1. Lunania. Raf. Corolla tubular, 6 cleft» unequal, 3 filaments and anthers in the tube, one style, 6 stigmas, capsule 3 locular, 3 valve polysperm. My Z. PP. am is the P. limosa of L. native of Jamaica, Mexico, and Texas, different from the Leptanthus ovalis of North America; mistaken for it by some. 1t has leaves cor- date e, scapes lateral uniflore. Dedicated to Lunan, of the hortus Jamaicensis. © | ~ 2 Calcarunia. Raf. The P. hastata L. of Asia, which has one of the 6 filaments with a spur, and three ; My genus Unisema is quite peculiar to North Ame- rica, and perfectly natural in habit. It must be the type of a new natural order indicated in 1815 by me, and distinguished from all the monocotyle plants by peri- gone and stamens unequal, a single seed, which has several affinities with the orders of Alismaceous, Dra- contides, Orontides, Piperides, Comelines, and Ponte- certained by myself, which our Linnzan botanists, even Torrey, persist to consider as more varieties, they have a-general natural habit. They all water, ponds, streams, &c. and are perfectly perennial roots creep like those of Nym- thas many species, _ > EL seeds, hick | e an ses, are y : oblong ob Se Eo a central cylindrical embryo ; they germinate only under. water, and whe fresh. I have d: noticed as many as 9 species. 1. Sp. Unisema deltifolia. Raf. Radical leaves, per- fectly Slo deltoid-or shovelform, base acute, end ob- tuse ; stem ea oblong del deltoid, undulate; base subreni- form, lobes rounded + spike elongated, segments of the flower oval obtuse. In west entucky, Tennessee, Alabama, &c. Sa aga ties three feet high, 8 inches longs s Li Sp. U. pur 3. Sp. U. media. Raf. Leaves oblong cordate, cordate, end obtuse ; stem leaf consimilar, s ike. [a drical, segments of the flower oblong obtuse. pn Ix ^ York to. sie Var. 1. Albiflora, 2. Angustifolia. th in U. obliga Raf. L ore or less obl wi i oid. p- Ti obtuse, spike c flower oval. to 5 feet high. V. r F 4 Eaa: 4 108 VERONICA. No. 94. spike cylindrical, segments oblong. In Virginia, found by Mr. Hingston in 1800, seen in his herbariam in 1804. - 8. Sp. U. heterophylla. Raf. Leaves narrow, oblong or lanceolate, base subcordate or nearly rounded, end ob- tuse, spike oblong, segments linear oblong. From New York to Louisiana. Stem only 12 to 18 inches high. Var. 1. Lanceolata. 9. Stenocardia. Leaves small, of- . ten variable on the same nee difolic Leaves rounded obtuse, 2 - 9. Sp. U. rol p nted not: Pontederia lar cordate leaves, and aves fo ammations on the surfa polysperm. " . . Sp. Veronica becabunga.. L. Stem erect, € leaves subsessile, ovate à ac opposite, multiflore, capsules. -obcordate ate, compr ar. Americana. Raf. (or Procumbens.) Stem cumbent, rooted at the base; leaves. elli ptical, petiolate, subserrate, > cae ‘swelled, bcordates DESCRIPTION of the American variety. Root rennial, fibrose, white. Stem cree ing at the l : surgent afterwards, about a foot high, with few branches round and smooth. Leaves opposite, on short ied very smooth, oblong base rounded, end acute, subser- rate. Racemes on long axillary opposite e les ; elongate, and multiflore; flowers on lary to linear bracts, corolla blue. - swelled, although subcom HIS’ TOR T genus species, and was fruitful in anomalies. nera Hebe and Leptandra, have been divided from it. [have long ago reformed it still further, by establishing some other genera and subgenera with it. The genera are: 1. Eod Raf. Calyx equal, 4 parted. Corolla: tu- bular, quadrifidsequal. Capsule oblong: acute, type F. ri oo D 7 e i 2 no - VERONICA. No. 94. 9. S. G. Endasia. Raf. Corolla 4 parted, undulate cuneate, tube hairy. Capsule oval, 4 valved. V. crenu- lata, V. mautima, V.spuria, V. spicata, V. complicata. Is it also a N. G.? 'The actual species is native of the two continents, but in America it is at least a striking variety, if not spe- cies. It grows from Canada to Virginia and Kentucky, near waters, brooks, &c. blossoming in June. . Many other European species, equally medical, are found all over the United States, such as the V. serpyl- lifolia, V. peregrina, V. scutellata, V. arvensis, V. agres- tis, V. officinalis, &c. they all appear to differ'a little from the European types. The Y. officinalis or common Speedwell, the most valuable, is distinguished by stem creeping, hairy, with ovate rounded crenate leaves, and flowers spicate lateral, I have discovered a new species in west Kentucky, near to Y. scutellata, which 1 call V. connata, Raf. it has divaricate branches, leaves con- nate, linear lanceolate and sharp. "PROPERTIES. The Y. becabunga, V. peregrina, and Y. serpyllifolia, ave chiefly used with us as weak ‘stimulants, discutient, anti-scrofulous, hepatic, antiscor- ureti¢: while the F. officinalis, which is No. 95. 5 as mild stimulants, strengthen the stomach, promote diuresis, and are said to the. liver, so as to remove melancholy or h cal affections. Names. Horse Bean. Fr. Feve commune. Vulgar. Windsor Bean, Big Bean, Sweet Bean. Classif. Nat. Order of Leguminose. Diadelphia de- candria L. ds To Genus Vicra. Calyx tubular, bilabiate, upper lip ‘ notched, lower trifid. Corolla papilionaceous, vexillum notched, adpressed. Stamina 9, monadelphous, 1 free. Stigma bearded transversely below. Pod oblong poly- sperm, seeds round or compressed. aee Sp. Ficia faba. L. Leaves without tendrils, folioles, ovate, entire, stipules sagittate, base flowers ternate sessile: pods erect, turgid, « pressed. A Sek Hu DESCRIPTION. Root annual. Stem erect, 9 to 5 feet high, flexuose terete, seldom branched. Leaves alternate, with sigittate acute stipules, toothed at the base, from 4 to 6 folioles, alternate sessile, ovate acute, entire, no tendrils. Flowers axillary, sessile, commonly — ternate, or from 2 to 10 racemose, , erect, oblong, xs thicker Gai; Vs beigit hones HISTORY. The Y epi are more connected by babit- than c . Pris er F— 112 VICIA. No. 95. 3 S. G. Vicia. Pod elongate compressed, seeds glo- bular. 1 The Faba is the true Bean of the ancients, and not the Phaseolus. It is a native of Persia, but has been cultivated in Europe, from the most remote antiquity. It _is cultivated also in the United States, the gardens of the North, or fields in the South, and I have seen it become spontaneous there. It is, however, not yet valued as it t, and not given to horses, maize being used instead. It has many varieties, like all long cultivated plants : the best are hardly known with us. It blossoms in the- spring flowers are very pretty and sw t scented. The sare: 1. Megasperma, tall plant, with long pods and seeds an inch long. 2. £quina, folioles ovate oblong, seeds elliptical. 3. Zurgida. 4. Obtusifolia. — 5. Rubra, with red seeds. 6. Media. 7. Nigra. 8. Ra- cemosa. 9. Odoratissima. It is a valuable plant for farmers ; it grows any where, never fails to give a good crop, an acre may produce 100 bushels of seeds and 10 tons of fodder. It is food for men and cattle, a delicacy 3 reen, ornamental, medical, and improves the land The whole plant is useful, leaves, is a fodder; it-is-equal iceloyer H it agreeably, fresh or dry. Buried . distilled water is fragrant and smoothens the skin. The green unripe seeds are a delicacy, similar to green peas, and as highly valued in Europe ; in Italy they are eaten raw, with salt, or boiled and cooked in fifty ways. They . are scarce 1n our markets, although as easily cultivated as peas. When ripe and dry, the not more so than oth No. 96. XANTHOXYLON. - 113 equally nourishing. The flour of beans is ‘resolvent flours of the Galenic school, emple cally for poultices over tumors, swelled gla thumes, and even cancer, to promote süppui internal use is said to be useful in gravelly complaints. dme. os ee The Vicia sativa or Common Vetch, a native with us, is cultivated in Europe for fodder, and the small round seeds similar to Peas ; it is also neglected as yet with us, and being inferior to Vicia faba, is not so commenda- - ble: it can, however, be cultivated broad cast, while - the Bean requires to be drilled, unless it is wanted for mere fodder. We have several other species of native Vicia, V. craccoides, V. americana, V. caroliniana, ali much liked by cattle, and whose cultivation might be attempted. My V. craccoides is the V. cracca of our botanists, but is very different from the European species. No. 96. XANTHOXYLON FRAXINEUM. | Names. Shrubby Prickly Ash. Fr. Xanthoxyle frene. See Vulgar. Toothache Bush, Pellitory, Yellow Wood, Su- - terberry. oe Classif. Nat. Order of Cnestides. Pentandria tri- — ia L. ÍA a Yarasa rolla. r 3 ith 9 or 11 folioles op s lateral, 3 or 4 stipi ti SCRIPTION. Shrub 5 to 10 feet | scattered prickles, shar es alternate, oddly 114 XANTHOXYLON. No. 96. "Diclinous polygamous, some shrubs bearing pistillate fiowers, and others two kinds, both staminate and com- plete or perfect. These last have a 5 parted calyx with segments erect, oblong obtuse. Five stamens on the base of the gynoplure, filaments subulate, anthers sagit- . tate, 4 celled. Central gynophore divided into the stipes of the pistils, which are 3 or 4, oval, with a convergin terete style and obtuse stigma. Staminate flowers wit an oval trifid abortive gynoplure. Pistillate flowers with a smaller calyx. Capsules stipitate, elliptical punctate, reddish green, two valved, with one seed, oval and - HISTORY. This genus, whose name means yellow wood, and which many botanists write Zanthoxylum by PEDE — mistake, has many anomalies, because accuracy appears of very little moment to the Linnzan botanists. It must be divided in at least 4 subgenera or genera, thus : 1. Dimeium. Raf. 1815. No corolla, 3 stamens, 3 pistils and capsules, type X. spinosum, X. emargina- — tum, X. acuminatum. : No. 96. PROPERTIES. “The: whole: shrub. is” pos: active properties; the leaves and fruit sme like the rind of lemons, and afford a similar vola The smell of the leaves is more like Ria pi “The bark is the officinal the smell and taste are acrid, pungent, aromatic. It is sialagogue, stimulant, pellent, astringent, sudorific, pa itic, odontalgie, i The chemical analyst . Staples, has given two oils, one volatile, see, xed and green, resin, gum, - fibre, a colored matter, and a peculiar substance aie thozyline, which crystallizes, resembles Piperine, and is soluble in warm alcohol. The leaves contain chiefly mucilage, gallic acid and a volatile oil. This article miss to be equivalent to Mezereon and Guayacum in rties. "The acrimony is not felt at first, when the = or liquid is taken in the mouth, but unfolds itself gradually by a exe sensation on the tongue and — palate. It * deemed like them vazu useful in chronic rheumatism, producing a sense of heat in the stomach, a tendency to perspiration and speedy relief, given in full doses p 10 to 20 grains, 3 times daily, or we decoction of one ounce in 4 or 5 doses. It seldom pro- duces nausea or effects on the bowels. It however has failed in some obstinate cases. In small doses it becomes diaphoretic, and removes rheumatic pains. This is a reat article in the Materia Medica of our Indians; it is called Hantola by the western tribes 3 they prefer the bark of me root, and use itin decoction for ene go- prod mou merel mi ng the other pain, which : mouth me X ier. employ the bad a seed in powder, to cure intermittent fevers. : e ol the eo has a It is v taint. mercury. 116 XANTHOXYLON. No. 96. The X. clava of the South has all the same properties and even to a higher d The chewed bark is sat to cure tooth-ache in a few minutes; to be beneficial in sore throat and mouth, also in palsy of the tongue or any muscle of the throat. In the West Indies, where it 15 called Prickly Yellow Wood, the wood, bark and roots are deemed excellent internally and externally i in syphi- litic complaints and ulcers ; wonderful cures have been performed there and with us by the herbalists, of vene- real buboes, venereal sorethroat, crab yaws, malignant and phaged ic bs at &e. Soi Sa «i also a valuable - roots or their decoction was eco used. TUS E sie fran neum has probably all the same effects. - The X. glandulosum (Pseudopetalon) of Louisiana, a tree 40 feet high, has a white bark, of a strong smell and burning taste: it is used for aromatic baths, to cure rheumatism ; delicate persons are apt to feel indisposed by its use. "The roots are employed depen asa - vermifuge for horses. This d will be known by its ‘atonal T "alco ous flowers. Many ignorant her ists, koffer, call. likewise” Prickly Ash, the — whose true name is Prickly Elder or ica tree, and use them indifferently. But the Aralia, although a v e stimulant, Siphoretic and = ada has by no means all the properties of this N. B. This concludes the first part of this work, or the selected articles ; but two articles omitted i the . st series of the first volume, will i nt, after which shall fice te SUPPLEMENT EE TO THE SELECTED ARTICLES. No. 97. CHELONE GLABRA. Names. Common Snakes. Fr. Chelonide zie. Vulgar. Turtle head, Turtle bloom, Shell flower, &c. c Nat Order of Personate. Didynamia angios- permia Genus CheLoxE. Calyx five parted, caliculate by 3 braets. Corolla ringent, ventricose, convex above, mouth gaping with 2 smal all lips and 5 lobes. Stamina did mous, anthers woolly, a.sterile filament besides. - op sule two celled biva ve. Reeds WARY with a membra- naceous margin. | EA as Sp. Chelone | ra. L. Smooth 3 sessile, lanceolate « acuminate flowers in dense termina spikes. DESCRIPTION. This plant has so Dany striking varieties, that no description can apply to all; they, however, agree in having a perennial root, stem erect, 2 to 5 feet high, with 4 obtuse. ar flowers terminal in a dense sessile short e each flow ile and axil- dr to 3- Baw 2 commonly ovate a aly riy base o ¿da oan tara e 1. Ch. alba. Stem simple, so bene, ihe lower alternate :- A CHELONE. _ No. 97° 4. Ch. purpurea. Stem simple, leaves petiolate oblong, flowers purplish. — 5. Ch. obliquea. Stem simple, leaves subpetiolate oblique at the base. E 6. Ch. elatior. Stem simple, 4 or 5 feet high, leaves —— broad lanceolate, spike oblong, flowers purplish white. X 7. Ch.capitata. Stem branched, 2 feet high, square : leaves petiolate lanceolate, floral leaves ovate lanceolate: Spike short capitate, flowers purplish white. ' HISTORY. All these plants are handsome, with sin- lar ornamental and large blossoms, but scentless. Phey grow from New England to Louisiana, near brooks and waters, and blossoms from July to November. The variety Capitata is peculiar to the Western States. The Linnean genus Chelone is now very natural, since the G. Pentoslemon was divided from it. It is peculiar to North America. The name means turtle and is not good, Chelonanthus or Ophianthes, would have been better. Some other species equally medical are found in the Southern States ; Ch. /yoni will be known by its cor- date leaves, and Ch. latifolia by ovate leaves, besides = PROPERTIES. I have the pleasure to introduce these active plants nts into Materia Medica. They have 3 omitted by all our writers, even Schoepf. I am in- à ed to Dr. Lawrence, of New Lebanon, for the first knowledge of their properties, and he to the Indians and . Shakers. They are powerful tonic, cathartic, hepatic; _ and anti-herpetic. The whole plant is used, but strictly the leaves; they are extensively bitter, one of the strong- est of our bi Nost y GALIUM- - 11$ is laxative, but in full doses it purges the bile anc the system of the morbid or superfluous bile, rer the yellowness of the skin in jaundice and liver « es. The dose is a drachm of the powdered leaves 3 times daily. The wine of it in small repeated doses, has nearly the same effect, although neither so ily nor vio- lently. The Indians use a strong decoction the whole lant in eruptive diseases, biles, orrhoids, &c. ew plants promise to become more useful in skilful hands ; it ought to be tried in yellow fever and bilious fevers, the tropical liver complant, &c. It may be ad- ded to many wine bitters, and antibilious medicines. ——— -~ No. 98. GALIUM . VERUM. Names. Common Cle vi p. Caillelait commun. Vulgar. Bedstraw, Cleavewort, Goose grass, — 2 ly Clabbergrass, Milk sweet, Poor Robin, Gravel | Classif. Nat. Order of Rubiacea. Fonda mono- nia L. Dat GaLrum. Calyx superior 4 toothed. Corolla rotate 4 cleft. Stamens 4. Stigmas 2. Seeds 2 globose, smooth or hispid, leaves in whorls. Sp. Galium Verum. L. Stem erect; whorls common- d of 8 leaves, linear, grooved, voee flo iS smoot! Root slender and angular. Leaves mall s or Ye linear acute, ea 120 GALIUM. No. 98; form now the subgenus Aparine. We have many species of this genus in North America, 20 or more ; several are yet undescribed. I am not yet prepared to give their monography. This species being common to Eu- rope and America, is one of the best known. It grows from Canada to New York and Obio, in pastures, mea- dows and river banks, blossoming in June and July. Many other species are probably medical; but we only use the G. verum.and G. aperine,-common in woods, trailing, rough, with white lateral flowers and m» seeds. The circezans has sweet leaves, tasting like liquorice.. The G. tinctorium and G. boreale, called Sa- voyan in Canada, are useful plants, the creeping red roots dye of a beautiful red like madder with acids ; the Indians use them for their beautiful red dye. Schoepf says that Gs tinctorium coagulates milk like G. verum, and is useful for diseases of the skin. PROPERTIES. The G. verum and also G.aparine are ancient medical plants; the whole plants are used ; as subastringent, discutient, antiscorbutic, aperient, diu- retic, nervine, &c. Although neglected. lately by medi- eal writers, because apparently inert ; they are by no means-s0. The taste is bitterish and acid. The flowers have an acid, their property of coagulating milk, to «which the name alludes, x now ascertained = be false ; and itis no longer used for that purpose. In the South of Europe, Artichokes are now used instead of Rennet. which spoils the taste of milk, and sweet congealed milk is thus procured, very palatable and healthy. Externally applied in poultice, it is a good discutient for indolent tumors, strumous swellings and tumors of the breast. Internally it is used in decoction sweetened with honeys _ for suppression of urine and gravelly complaints, in vy, dropsy, hysterics, epilepsy, gout, &c. There are Les. record-of hi ing -these diseases. Use- No99&10. VITIS: E 1M put in the pails when the cows are mi | color and taste of green cheese prodi d by the Meli- lotus or Sweet Luzerne, used in the same way. Cows and cattle are very fond of the G. verum and . -No.99&100. VITIS. _ Names. Grape Vine. Fr. Vignes Classif. Nat. Order of Sarmentacea. Pol yeatais tris propose to give here a monography of ' ave ascertained but I must coi E 122 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. useful in making them known, and may lead to a better one when all may be examined on my plan. Many va- riets have no doubt escaped my researches, they abound in the woods, since the seeds do not always re-produce the identic kind, and Major Adlum has stated to me to have seen 200 varieties at least: some, however, differ but slightly ; my enumeration is ample enough to in- clude all the principal kinds. My distinguishing cha- racters will be taken from all the parts, branches, pe- tioles, leaves, flowers, and fruits. I will thus offer int has hardly been done yet for the Grapes of Europe, Asia, and Africa; it will be the result of my observa- tions during many years and many thousand miles of travels. Our vines being all wild (except a few trans- planted in gardens) exhibit the spontaneous operation of nature and hybridity in this fine and valuable genus. The following are the genera akin to Vitis, and be- longing to the same natural order of Sarmentacea, distin- . guished by Stamens equal in number to the petals ; op- posed to them and inserted on a hypogynous disk: one pistil and stigma, fruit a berry. — > . Ci “L. Calyx entire. Petals 4, not coherent. cup-like. Berry one seeded. Many No. 99 & 100. 123 tuse teeth. Petals 5, oval concave hooded. Disk 5 Sfar- rowed. Stamens 5, inserted in the furrows. Pistil infe- rior adherent, style filiform. Berry pisiform cre locular, 2 or 4 seeds pbcordate. : Of the true species of Vitis, the greatest abit native of North America. The F. indica (under whose name many species or varieties are also blended) and V. heptaphylla ave from tropical climates; while the V. vinifera or common Wine Grape, with its numerous varieties, are found in temperate climates, from China to Spain and Barbary. Several other species cil known are found in Africa and Asia. After enumerating - our American vines, 1 shall briefly notice these oth Grapes, since all are interesting acmátrls economical. For the. fake of perspicuity, this. mibe shall bed i- vided into 5 parts or sections. 1. Account of our vines. 2. Account of foreign vines. 3. Properties and use of vines and grapes. 4. Cultivation of vines o 5. Principles of the art to make good wine. — by no means conihlent hat they are ae thus 3 series of vines with g obular berries. With leaves > 124 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. or less cordate or reniform at the base, and toothed on the margin, with five branched nerves and deciduous stipules. Flowers in bunches, thyrsoidal or paniculate, small, more or less fragrant, greenish yellow, complete or pistiliferous or staminiferous, on 3 different indivi- duals, blossoming in May and June. Fruit from the size of a pea to that of a plumb. I. Series. Frondarania. Raf. Berries globular or de- pressed. Leaves tomentose beneath, tomentum arach- noidal colored, yellow, fulvous, rufous, rusty, white, cinerous or glaucous. > 1. Sp. Vitis fulva, Raf. ( V. estivalis of many botanists, not of Mx. nor Elliot.) Yellow Grape. Branches tomen- tose. Petioles shorter. Leaves broad cordate, 3or 5 lobed, unequally dentate, sinusses rounded, yellow or fulvous beneath. Racemes oblong. Berries round and small. It grows from Canada to Virginia, on rocky river banks. The leaves become smoother when old; the fruits are commonly of a deep bluish purple, and are ripe in Au- gust. The varieties are: 1. Sinuata, leaves sinuate pal- mate, coarsely toothed. 2. Quinqueloba, all the leaves ith 5 lobes. 3. Corallina, leaves yellow beneath, fruit En a fine red color and delicious taste. In Vir- perhaps a peculiar species, called Red Grape and _ 2. V.ursina, Raf. Raccoon Grape. Branches striated, fulvous tomentose. Petioles shorter fulvous tomentose. Leaves reniform 5 lobed, base reniform, sinusses round- ed, lobes oval acuminate, with a few large teeth, pubes- cent above, rusty gray beneath, nerves fulvous. From -Ohio to Louisiana and Texas, near streams, called Bear and Raccoon Grape, because greedily eaten by these animals. Grapes of middle size, commonly purplish, rand October. Young leaves rusty be- .. . gripe in Septe ns. 4. Alba. 5. Heterophylla. 6. Triloba. ` axatilis, Raf. Stony Grape. See tab. 99, fig. ety longipes. Branches flexuose nearly smooth. ve, Cerulea, berries dark blue, 2. Prolifera. e variable. Leaves variable cordate, often "We o PRONUM. No. 99 & 100. ! — VITIS. DET Many varieties : 1. Longipes, anche fulvous. hairy. Petioles very long, rusty. Leaves trilobe, bas reniform. 2. Media. Petioles shorter. Leaves ovate 3-5 lobed, base _ acute cordate. 3. Blandina. Petioles long. Leaves cordate trifid, base acute cordate, lobes near or even overlaping as in V. blanda. Perhaps several species, but leaves oi ten variable on same vine. Grapes good. : » - Dissected vine. + See tab. 100, fig. G. “Branches tomentose rusty. Petioles very short. round, tomentose rusty. Leaves palmate multilobe, base oval acute, sinusses oboval rounded, segments | bilobe, the middle ones trilobe, lobes oval "lanceolate ` acute, with but few acute teeth, ovp above, rusty glaucous beneath, nerves rusty. Found on the Washita and Red River, cultivated at Bartram’s garden. Grape _ large, good and sweet. Var. 1. Rubripes. Petioles red. - Leaves smaller, 5 lobed, lobes oval entire acuminate, without lobes, Lg. gray beneath, nerves. RAREST: As it Spee as species See x x. 5. V. digitata. a Ral. A ae P 1 rufous. Leaves palmate 5 lobed, base ee à very broad, lobes lanceolate unequal toothed, white be- neath, nerves rufous stellate hairy. Berries black and small. In Virginia, Carolina, &c. Grapes sii = Chicken Grapes. ra 6. V. bracteata, Raf. (V. labrusca, Walte stiva- lis, Eliot) Sour Gr Branches and potiglass tomen- as austere. ^ . ^ : zs V. caliosa. Raf. "Conde Me Branches : tioles striated pubescent. Petioles subequal. Leaves. - -subtrilobe acute, E» minute callous de lei 126 ` Vit. No. 99 & 100. subtrifid acute, with unequal obtuse teeth, smooth above, pale gray beneath. Racemes small. Berries globular, ` “purplish black and small. From Canada to Ohio and. Virginia, large vine, blossoms in July, fruits only ripe after frost, in small bunches, rather dense, of an acid bad taste. - 9. Y. serotina. Raf. Late Grape. Branches procum- bent pilose, sometimes rooting. Petioles subequal pubes- cent. Leaves cordate palmate, 5 lobed, hardly crenate, sinusses rounded, lobes rounded acuminate, hairy above, ay beneath. Berries small and black. From Ohio to issouri and Kentucky, in glades, near streams. Grape austere, ripe in October. Var. 1. Repens. 2. Micracina. 3. Sanguinaria. Bloody grape of Missouri. Berries sweet, black outside, red inside. 10. F. glareosa. Raf. Trailing Grape. Branches pro- cumbent, trailing, elongated and smooth. Petioles sub- equal smooth. Leaves remote, cordate sagittate, broad, subtrifid, serrate, smooth above, white beneath. Berries of many botanists, but very different from V. labrusca of Europe.) Fox Grape. Branches slender striatéd pubes- ed by many names, Fox Grape, Bullet Grape, Bull pe, Frost Grape, Tough Grape. In woods and hedges, oms in Juneand July. Leaves ample, rusty beneath ig. Flowers green, peduncles hairy, a short t commonly purple, with a hard skin and a taste foxy. Many varieties: 1. Alba, ber- Nigra, berries black, austere and harsh. as large as a plumb, of a deep purple, . lkton oe Blamb-Grege 4. Rue No. 99 & 100. VITIS. : 27 o 12. V. labruscoides. Mg. and Raf. ve Branches round and smooth. Petioles subequal, hi pubescent: Leaves reniform at the base, trifid quin- quefid, acute, with un nal acute callous tenths: sinusses acute, smooth above, g cous beneath. Racemes small. Berries large, De icy and sweet. From New = _York to Yi and auster | “but uk ee ripe with a sweet rich juice. = Var. 1. Wor jenes Grape, smaller berries, juice dark red, sweet and rough. 3. Pulposa, Luffborou - Grape, | ber- ries yery "uo of a so b. pulp issolving in a r cR e size 4 ge in Ein i in ege. Es tioles similar, subequal, Leaves cordate 5 lobed, coriaceous with sre acute teeth, lobes acute, very wrinkled above, beneath glau- cous. Racemes elongate compound. From New York to. Ohio, blossoms in June. Fruit unknown. 14. V. canina. Raf. Dogs Grape. Branches round and smooth. e striated pilose short. Leaves oval cor- — dle.lobe ee - VITIS. No. 99 & 100. hard, foxy. In Pennsylvania. Leaves as broad as longs ue = V. ; ifida ifd G > purple, Petioles subequal pubes & . acid. From Pennsylvania to gree one of the Chick- en Grapes. Leaves 6 inches long and broad. s acute, lo No99&10. VITIS. —— m thin skin and white sweet musky juice. Many given to it, Madeira Grape, although a true r zei Grape, Powell Grape, Clifton Grape, &c. Th sins de Cote, or Sand Game of Louisiana, appear a variety. The leaves are arachnoidal at first, but often become nearly smooth when old. Many var. 1. Flava, grapes of a yellow white. 2. Viridis. Green Bland. Fruit smaller, green when ripe, yet sweet and juicy, ripens early in July near Catskill mountains. 3. Caroliniana. Smaller grapes. 4. Arenaria. Sand Grape of Louisiana and Arkansas. Leaves nearly smooth, except nerves be- neath, but similar in shape, grapes dark blue, very sweet, skin thicker. 5. Heteroloba. Oddleaf Grape. Leaves with unequal lobes at the base and top, base lobes approximated or overleaping, upper lobes larger unequal sharp, with large teeth. In Ohio. Perhapsso are peculiar species. = : € 20. V. ciliata. Raf. See tab. 100, fig. E. | Grape. Petioles striated hairy subequal. L cordate 5 lobed, base with remote lóbes, sinusse: lobes narrow acute, teeth large remote ciliolate, hairy above, dirty gray beneath, nerves fulvous gray. Berries blue, large, very sweet and juicy. Found in New Jer- sey. Begins to be cultivated, fruit as sweet as sugar, somewhat like the Bland Grape, but blue, and leaves - totally different. : : TI. Series. Lasipia, Berries globular or depressed. 130 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. fid, elongate acuminate, teeth large unequal acuminate, smooth above, glaucous beneath, sparingly pilose, chiefly on the nerves. Berries depressed and sweet. Found near Orwisburg, on the Schuylkill, in Pennsylvania, and cul- tivated in gardens. Leaves very thin, pretty large, about 5 inches long and 5 broad. Grapes very good. 3 Varie- ties, white, purple, and black. This species appears to answer completely to the description of the V. riparia of Poiret, (not of the sin à which was the Vigne des Battures of Louisiana, and thus this fine grape is from Pennsylvania to Louisiana. - e - 23. V. acerifolia. Raf. See tab. 99, fig. C. Mapleleaf Grape. Trailing. Petiole very short, striated, ‘pilose, redish. Leaves reniform trifid, base dilatate, nerve not marginal : sinusses-acute, segments acuminate fal- , cate, teeth very large, unequal and sharp, smooth and pale or glaucescent on both sides, nerves pubescent above ‘and beneath, margin also pubescent. Brought from the Oregon mountains by the expedition of Long, cultivated in Bartram’s garden. Ithas not given fruits as yet, but they are said to be very good and juicy. Leaves very much like those of oido. 4 to 6 inches long and broad, a little variable, more or less gashed, sometimes sinusses very narrow, that of the base sometimes round. 24. V. montana, Raf. Mountain Grape. Branches decumbent, round and smooth. Petioles round and smooth, longer than the leaves. Leaves cordate trifid acute, mem- branaceous, unequally serrate, smooth and lucid above, ubescent and pale beneath. Berries small and black. n the Alleghany mountains from New York to Carolina. A small trailing vine, near to Y. Odoratisima, but leaves larger, petioles longer, flowers hardly odorous, fruit asini ne. AE : y d. s ee. S BERTA e ¿AA Raf. Dwarf Grape. Branches. pro- - cumbent green, round and smooth. Petioles round, smooth, exceedingly short, one fourth only. Leaves very ovate acute subangular, base reniform, margin sub- lar, with unequal mucronate teeth, both si reel paringly pilose. Small vine trailingon P oM : x Gn No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 131 given to all the small black Grapes, as Fox Grape to all the large and tough indifferently. uet 96. V. columbina, Raf. Pidgeon Grape. Branches round, smooth. Petioles round, subequal nearly smooth. Leaves palmate 5 lobed, base subreniform, lobes bilobe, terminal tailobe, lobules unequally ovate angular acute, sinusses rounded notched, teeth remote callose : upper surface smooth, beneath nerves pubescent and rusty. Racemes slender. Large vine, growing from New York to Louisiana, in woods, somewhat similar to V. mulfilo- ba in the shape of the leaves, but berries small, blackish, sweetish, eaten by the wild pidgeons like many others. 27. V. populifolia, Raf. Poplar Grape. Branches slen- der, gree smooth and striated. Petioles short, half in length, slender striated, pilose above. Leaves ovate del- toid, acuminate, base truncate or reniform, end hard! trifid, acutely serrate, smooth on both sides, nerves pi- lose above and beneath, pale beneath. Fruit small and black. Pennsylvania and Alleghany mountains. Leaves | 4 inches long, 3 broad, petioles 2. Fruit very small, bit- terish, bad tasted. — — y 28. V. cordifolia, Mx. P. N. (V. vulpina, Torrey and Eaton.) Frost Grape. Branches round and smooth. Pe- tioles slender subequal pilose. Leaves cordate acumi- nate, sometimes angular, unequally serrate, smooth on both sides, nerves pilose. Racemes ose multillore. Ber- s ea ida vine and Mignonette vine, for the profusion of "ue 132 VITIS. No, 99 & 100. the blossoms smelling like Reseda odorata. Var. 1. Vi- ridis, berries greenish. 2. Purpurea, berries purplish. MI. Series. Hypoleia. Berries globular or depressed. Leaves smooth beneath, but commonly pubescent at the axilla of the nerves. have united it to Y. riparia. Var. 1. Atropurpurea, grapes purplish black acerb, on the Ohio and Green vers. 2. Purpurea, grapes purple and sweet, in Ohio. 3. Ni- Petioles equal to leaves, grapes black, fine flavor, io. 4. Alba. Grapes white, in New York. _ $1.°V. Amara, Raf. Bitter Grape. Branches striated and smooth. Petioles very short, smooth, purplish. Leaves. cordate acuminate, base obtuse, lobes distant, unequally toothed ) i pale beneath, nerves brown, with bearded axillas. Ber- - ries small, black and bitter. Found near Philadelphia by Mr. Carr, and cultivated in Bartram’s garden. Leaves about 6 inches long, 6 broad, petioles 2. Berries pisi- , form, intolerable bitter, with two seeds and hardly any pulp e d 32, V. vulpina or museadina, Raf. 4 à, L., Abbot, Walter, Smith. - olia, Mx. | line G pubescent. » teeth rounded mucronate, smooth on both sides, _ No. 99 & 100. VITIS. . 133. all.” As Fhave not seen this species, I have chiefly. relied on Elliot's a The leaves are 2 or. 3. inches long and broad. It blossoms in July and August: 6 to 8 flowers to the branches of the racemes. The fruit is large, 7 to 9 lines in diameter, oblate spheroidal or flattened, witha thick skin, purplish or bluish black ; taste pleasant, sweet and musky, makes a very good wine. - S8. V. angulatá, Raf. See. tab. 99, fig. p. Angular Grape. Branches cespitose, stiff, de cl and síriated, smooth and purple. Petioles subequal slender subpilose. Leaves "me cordate rounded obtuse, with a few large lobular obtuse teeth, base acute, lobes divaricate, e E on both sides, axilla of the nerves bearded, m ilose. Fruit black, sweet and juicy. From ve am rkansas mà Ri in glades, forming a bush, sel- Sol climbing. ated at Bartram’s garden. Many shy, y A s E: à; fe qe pi nerves be aih a8 in Ap or series ner sparingly Old m nearly smooth, angles of the stem acute, fruit small, 34, erakoa, Raf. Warty Grape. Branches round, stiff, smooth, warty or dotted. Petioles short, smooth. Leaves enel reniform acute, with large acute ad base subtruncate. reniform, both -—L om nd and smooth. ry name is given in in Carolina Leaves inches broad, 13 k fruit is white, sweet and good. .. = = ~ 35. V. peltata, Rat or P. floridana. Florida Grape. Petioles short and smooth. Leaves drooping, ovate cor- date — base subpeltate, split acutely, lo! proxi- cote teeth all. EE. smooth and green 134 VITIS. No. 99 & 100" quem nerves instead of veins, as usual. Fruit un- nown. X 36. Y. integrifolia, Raf. flor. Louis, 1817. Orbicular Grape.. Leaves orbicular, entire, base hardly cordate, no teeth nor lobes. A doubtful species, inserted on the authority of Robin, but hardly described by him. From Louisiana. : qually toothed. SE, dire rellow veins. emes with many ombellules, inear lanceolate bract. -Berries small and black. species, which Poiset deseribes as the V. vulpina of È. is totally different fram it, and I stronglysuspect only a variety of my F. bracteata, improperly described a> smooth beneath. — 88. V. palmata, Vahl. Palmate Grape. Branches smooth purple. Leaves palmate cordate, segments lan- ceolate acute, lateral ones with lanceolate teeth, the ter- minal serrate: Raceme oblong and shórt. Only described i Wahi, grown in Európe from seeds sent from Americ erhapsa variety of my V. multiloba. Stipules lance tach ates + g 2 _ IV. Series. Aglobulia. Berries not globular nor de- pressed, but oblong or oval, as commonly in V. vinifera. 39. F. Virginiana. Poiret. Virginia Grape. Branches smooth -and red. Leaves coriaceous, ovate cordate 5 lobed, lobes unequal rounded, terminal large acuminate. teeth unequal short acute, above lucid, beneath with pu- bescent.merves. Berries oval. Described by Poiret from Y by Mr. Hingston fre ^ garden specimens, sent mac. +: Racemes nearly simple, pedicels s No: 99 & 100. VITIS. 135 liptical, A very interesting and valllable species, with ad EN x US. à multitude-of- unda. such as Alexander, Tusker, Schuylkill; Madeira, Múuscadel, Clifton, Legoux, Cape, Isabella, Catawba, Tokay, Mun cy Grapes, &c. all belonging to one kind, althoughform- ing several varieties. They are real native grapes, found from Pennsylvania te Carolina and Ohio, ia woods. The grapes are plentiful, large, fine, with a tough skin and a rich Sweet juice. Already mtich cultivated and valued for eating and wine. The chief varieties are : 1. Fulga- ris. Alexander Grape. Petioles longer, leaves larger; va- riable on „the same vine, often lobed. with broad óvate acute lobes and narrow obtuse sinusses. Fruit blackish, as large-as the-end of a finger. 2.“Tsabélla. Isabella Grape, eed here. Leaves commonly trifid; fruit large and purple : found in North Carolina. 3. Media. Ciifton Grape. Smaller grape than the first, and” not so sweet. 4."Catabiana. Catawba Grape, from "North Carolina Leaves large, commonly trilobe, , hilac o white, accordi grapes like a*Plamb. A ess AN. B. By the above enumeration of oursGrapes, 1 have done for this genus what Michaux did for our Oaks. wing to the great confusion of former authors, and the liffieulty of comparing the-leaves and fruits‘of all the I should wish. Rigid ce these species es isider some-as hybrids: if they can find good permanent collective characters, let them re- - 136 VITIS. No: 99. & 100. distinct. It remains for me to apply the same pau hal brusca, V. pinnata, V. laciniosa, have been so considered T g, elliptic, or suboboval. - -Vard rape. Small leaves and branches, i grapes small loose, thick | jui “subequal. Grapes black arger and sweeter. 3. Ger No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 137 1. Yellow unequal berries. .2. Red. 3. Maite green, musk y. Var, 4. Moschata. Muscat Grape. Leaves $ lobed, with unequal segments and teeth, bunches long, grape very sweet and musky. 6 subvarieties. 1. White. 2. Green. 3. Yellow. 4. Red, rounder grapes. 5. Small black. 6. Black Constantia. 7. Persian. . 8. Syracuse. red. 2. Gray. 10. lee Christi, black. 3 Var. 5. Zibiba. Muscatel or Raisin Grape. Very large, musky delicious flaver, pulp firm. Sev. var. 1. White. 2. Green. 3. As large as Walnuts, from Mount Atlas. A. Large da from Syria. 5.Black, thick skin. 6.Red, from Greece. 7. ae white. 8. Sicily white. 9. Dam- son Grape, large purple like a Plumb. : Var. 6. Malvesta. Malmsey Grape. Leaves like Mus- cat, grape large, “Juicy, uo sweet, not musky. 1. Ma- deira purple, hard. skin. 2. Sicily, purple, smaller. 3. Yellow. Var: 7. Nigraria. Claret Grape, with thick Black. skin, -a bloom it, juicy pulj p, not musky. - Sub- | pani Italian. 3. Calabrian. 4. Tripoli e. 5. Lombard or Canaan, with large bunches of 4 to 10 lb. weight. 6. Claret Grape, small, juice red like blood, taste harsh. Var. 8. Violacea. Purple Grape. Skin commonly thick, austere, purplish, pulp firm not musky. 1. Violet color. 2. Light purple. 3. Spanish, a little juicy. 4. Small and harsh. 3. sl very large. . Var. 9. Aurea. Golden Grapé, Leaves velvet-like mi not. lobed, . guna. eath, berries. pues ob- T sapec aE ies; E 1. Bur und y. 2, Spanish ‘aw areata ue juice, : fume, makes the fine golden Straw! ] Var. 10. Versicolor. Varied Grape. 1 ves variegated of red, yellow and green. A Grapes mixt of black and "white. 2. White and red. 5. Yellow and green, 4. Alep- po black and white. Curious, but indifferent. Perhaps var. of bicolor. | up Grape, P adipis or pale co- lor, skin rat ¡, Very cy, not musky, hardly sweet. 2. Blanq ice. 2. Medoc. 3. Malaga. E roms 5, Grecian bluish white. 6. White Has burg. ES d i 138 VITIS. No. 99-& 100. 7. Teneriffe or Vidonia. 8. Madeira Vidonia, producing the strong dry Wine. 9. Bagoal of Madeira, sweeter. 10: Fayal. 11.Sicily Greca. 12.Sicily harsh. 13.Graves. . 14. White bitterish. 15. Rhenish or Hock. 16. Lisbon. 17. Alpine acid. Var. 12. Perla. Pearl Grape. Leaves 5 lobed, much cutup. Grapes oblong, hard, greenish. 1. Large Pearl. 2. Small Pearl 3. Sicily Perna. 4. White. 5. Straw color. Var. 13. Felina, Cat's Grape. Small pale green, soft, juicy, disagreeable taste. pex ar. 14. Acetaría. Ve IL. Series. Berries nearly round, but yet diameter Var. 17. Oporto. Portugal Grape. "Leaves large, with Var, 18. Tinto. Tinto Grape. Similar to Oporto, but with sweeter and blacker juice. 1. Spanish Tinto. 2. Tintilla. 3. Alicant. 4. Calabria. 5. Grecian. - Var. 19. Tineforia. Coloring Grape. Leaves 5 lobed; deeply toothed, bunches unequal : [E bod hard, ed, wit k and austere juice. Only used to color Leaves 1 al * F 4. Fee No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 139 Var. 22. Syriaca. Syrian Grape. Large, of a delicious flavor, juicy, red or black. 1. Damascus black. 2. Jeru- salem, red musky. 3. Morillon, black early. 4. Morella of Italy. 5. Lisbon juicy, black. 6. Black Frontignac, iky, smaller. 7. Grisly, mixt of red, brown, and ellow. 7 Var. 23. Malvagia. Malvesy Grape. Similar to Malm- sey, but rounder and musky, white or yellow. 1. Cyprus. 2. Sicily. 3. Yellow. 4. Mingrelia or prolific, bunches 10 to 501b. - : Var. 24. Laxa. Loose Grape. Petioles slender and gray, leaves hardly lobed, unequally sinuate: grapes arge white, loose. 1. Gouais of France. 2. Persian. Var. 25. Prolifica. Prolific Grape. Leaves thick, hard- ly lobed, sinuate: grapes black, not sweet, austere, middle size or small. 1. Common gamet. 2. Leaves tri- lobe smaller. 3.Grecian. Are great bearers, but make bad Wine, and spoil the good. The above include all the chief varieties and subva- rieties of what I consider as the original Wine Grape. I shall next enumerate 15 other kinds, commonly con- sidered as varieties, but widely different in the leaves, &c. so as to afford permanent specific distinctions. 1 therefore propose them as species, or at least subspecies. Linnzus deemed also the Y. laciniosa a peculiar species. HI. Series. Vines specifically different from the F. vinifera. 43. F. labrusca, Raf. Wild Grape: Branches trailing striated. Petioles subequal pilose. Leaves ample cor- date, 3 or 5 lobed, whitish beneath, (white when young) smooth abore Giry wail yoan) When cute: orsel, serrated. Racemes em imma short and lax, flowers all fertile, petals pilose at the top. Berries globular, small, black and acid. Native of Italy, Greece, Sicily, Bar- bary, &c. the only wild Grape of Europe, deemed by some the original of all the cultivated Grapes, by others a degenerated kind : both opinions a false, since it is known by history that the Wine Grape came from Asia, and (M Sk Mica net change into Labrusea. The blossoms are fragrant as in our Y. riparia, and the ber- ries like the American Chicken Grapes, quite spherical, not eatable nor suitable for Wine. s 140 VITIS. No. 99 £ 100. 44. V. farinosa, Raf. Mealy Grape. Leaves trilobe, lateral lobes bilobate, covered with a hoary powder, downy in youth. Racemes short compact. Berries oval. Var. 1. Black and-large. 2. White and large. 3. White and small Often called Miller's Grape, good to eat. makes bad Wine. a 45. P. cana, Raf. Hoary Grape. Petioles thick and ,red. Leaves hardly 5 lobed,. with large teeth, green above, white tomentose beneath. Berries round, yellow- ish, sweet. Var. 1. Common. 2. Rochelle, leaves 5 lobed, White, sweet, subacid, thin skin. 3. Leaves rarte COT oles double teeth, white tomen- , black and white on the | V.cana? and is V. vini- 47. V. saccharina, Raf. Sugar Grape. Leaves semi 5 lobed, villose and pale beneath, small subequal teeth. Racemes small conical subsessile. Berries round or ob- ong, very sweet. Var. 1. Pineau Grape. Oblong dense Te ish. 2. Griset Grape. Bunch deformed, grape round, o^ s ix. Leaves lohed laciniate, Berries round, white or ‘3. Parvifolia. . : 50.3 . punctata trilobe, deeph toni €emes short. No..99.& 100. VITIS. 141 a J laciniosa, E. Cutleaf Grápez«Leaves digitate, olioles subpinnatifid, unequal obtuse, pale and smooth beneath. Racemes simple oval pendulous. - Ber- ries rounded sweetand acid. Var.1. White oval. 2.W round aud small. „3: White and red. de Grand oli 5. Dissecta. " Ces 54. Y. pinnata, Vabl. Branches amooth, "md pur- plish. Leaves. with 5 folioles, ovate petiolate serrate smooth; terminal lobe subsessile, lower ones often auricu- late outside, pale and smooth beneath. Racemes twice compound, partial ombellulate. Grape not known. Ge- nus doubtful, folioles 2 inches long. 55. K. corinthigea; Raf. Currants Grape. Leaves Targe 5 lobed, lobes laciniate by lone acute teeth, downy > neath. Berries small and round. Var, 1. White. 2, Red. 3. Transparent, 4, Sultana or Apyrena, without seeds, Native of Greece, 56. V, maura, Raf, Morocco Grape. . Leaves Sabai- mate, teeth. wi acute, ende beneath. Mg m like a heart, un large. "War. 1. Vi ». 2, Tawn Me oe purple > Native of- North Africa, m and Bombay. el poe or et, ort Olin acute, with hard ma and indrieal = xe [^ po varies of P Ya oe nif d, and ries p hend: In Malabar Mem E E 59. F "Thunb Japan . Branches . smooth in c downy beneath. Fl ; Lon; Ppesiet es In = called. fhere odori "eme m 2 A DNE P 142 VITIs. No..99 & 100. les branched, d, 5 petals cohering ma as in Filise 3 es of Grape Vines ‘ =o : and Wines, A UE ; Every etse useful Vines is valuable and ava able. The countries w ee they ate a staple, boest > cae a * No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 143 were known very early, and many ‘Wines made at very E 52 i UM E Vines live from 100 to 500 years, when allowed full Tor butter, and saleables to market, to Sc. Cattle are fond of them: the of them with sugar. i The blossoms of the fragrant kinds are used as per- fume, and to give this perfume to Wine, being put in when fermenting. ; * From the Grapes are made, 1. Verjuice. 2, Must. 3. Syrup. 4. Grape butter. 5. Sugar. 6. Wines. 7. Boiled Wines, 8: Nectar. 9. Piquette. 10. Lees. 11. Vinegar 12- Brand: . Alcohol, 14 Varnish. 15. Preserves, be s ar sins. 18. Tartar or Argol. 19. " "di ay ordials. 20:Perf i ate one of the most palatable and healthy fruit of the table, of which there is a succession from the end of June to November: they may even be preserved fresh the whole winter in saw dust, and are thus exported. “Phe seeds of Grapes are*eaten by fowls, pidgeons and iey are astringent And oily. A fine fixed oil is re in Parma, Lombardy, and to Olive oil, and used for fry ‘husks and peduncles are a va- luable manure. “When burnt, they make the best Pot- ash used for soft soap. Argol or Tartar is extracted from the Tees or settlings of Wine, and is incrusted fn the 144 VITIS, No. 99 & 100. vats and casks: burned lees are called Wine ashes. From Argol are made tartaric acid and cream of tartar. Acetic acid is made from vinegar. : Verjuice is the juice of unripe Grapes and chiefly of the Verjuice Grapes, which néver ripen. It is acid and harsh, containing malic acid, tartrate of potash, and ex- tractive. It is used as a condiment like vinegar and lime juice. It is cooling and laxative : a peculiar Wine can be made with it by the addition of sugar, which re- sembles fine Cider or Champaigne, according to the mode of fermenting; A p Ripe Gaps contain 1. Tartaric acid. 2. Sugar. 3. Wa- ter, and 4. Mucilage, in different proportion, according to the kinds : these are the essential elements of Wine before fermentation. The adventitious elements are : 1. Malic acid. 2. Carbonic acid. 3. Potash. 4. Tannin. 5. Aroma. 6. Coloring principle, which are not always present, except tannin, which is always found in the husk or skin, as well as. the peduncles and seeds of the Grapes. Ripe Grapes are cooling, antiseptic, and nutri- tious: when eaten in large quantities, they become diu- retic, laxative, and pectoral. They form an excellent diet in all inflammatory diseases, incipient phthisis, phlegmasis, convalescence from fevers, &e. The sweet- est and well flavored kinds are the best, all the harsh and bad tasted are only fit to make Wine. It is with Grapes as with Apples, the best for the table do not al- ways make the best Wine or Cider. Among American Grapes, out of 40 species, we have only 17 suitable to make good Wine, and among these only 8 very palata- ble, such as the Bland, Alexander, Scupernong, Musea- dine, Elsinburg, Owisburg, River and Maple Grapes, with their varieties. ucc c er No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 145 are almost restored to the primitive state of Grapes ; they become very emolient, pectoral, and laxative. We cxi make raisins in America with most of the 8 kinds mentioned above as palatable, aud also with some of the large Fox Grapes. à Many culinary preparations are made with fresh Grapes and Raisins, such as pies, tarts, plumb puddings, dumplings, preserves, jellies, &e.- In America, we use for pies and tarts almost all the kinds except the bitter sort, and even the smallest Chicken and Pidgeon Grapes: they improve and enlarge by cooking. Grape Butter is made like Apple Butter, by boiling the Must or juice of the Grapes to the consistence of hauey ; it is much used in Europe and Asia, the Freüch call it Raisinet ; the best is made sweeter and granular by the addition of sugar, and is then one of the greatest delicacies. We could easily make it with our Grapes. ee The unboiled and unfermented Must or recent juice is used as a pleasant and cooling beverage, with water and su ' Oriental countries ; it is called Sker- bet. ich liked by the Mahometans, who are forbid the use of wine ; several kinds are made by the addition of raisins, cinnamon, rose water, spices and other ingre- dients; the best is cooled withsnow. Syrup and sugar can be made from Must and raisivs.. The Must of sweet ^ 146 VITIS. No. 99 & 100- Wines produced by the various Grapes, their mixture, climate and soil, cultivation and manipulation, care and skill. Perhaps 3000 kinds! of which 500 in France, 700 in Italy, 600 in Spain and Portugal, 100 in Germa- ny and Hungary, 300 in Greece and Turkey, 100 in Persia, 200 in Thibet and China, 150 in Egypt and Bar- bary, 30 in South Africa, 50 in the Atlantic Islands, 60 in North America, 40 in South America. But several of these differ li i T The cohol. 3. Sugar. 5. Tannin. 6. A co in each Wine P 8 classes, red, sweetened, exquisite 3 1. Hed Wines owe their color to the colorin they are the most common, often called table M Clarets, they vary fre the thinnéss of water m pale purple to black, and from the thickness of syrup. When š old, they l ea No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 147 can produce no other unless sugar is added. The colors are white or pale red. : oo 5. Astringent Wines contain more tannin, they are commonly red, rough and austere. Such are Port or Oporto, Cataloni Roussillon, &c. Useful for persons of lax fibres, or who havé andue evacuations ; but liable to bring on gout. = —— 2 i 6. Strong Wines have an excess of alcohol, which makes them affect the head ; they are commonly white or brown. Such are Madeira, Teneriffe, Lisbon, &c. Unless drank very moderately, they produce intoxica- tion, dyspepsia, inflammation, and chronic diseases. 7. Sweet Wines contain much sagar, some strength and perfume, they are commonly white or pale, but some are red also, commonly thick, luscious, dehghtiul, acting as mild cordials, and very ngurishiug. Such are Cyprus, Malaga, Lachryma, Mascat, Malmsey, Constantia, &c. Used moderately, they are reviving, tonic, stimulant, 5 > E m sof z E pe M E E a Fines abi in delicious and fragrant , are sweet, but not strong. Such are Tokay and Nectar, the best of all Wines or Cordials, the best kinds 12. quite limpid, fine. 13, Chambertin, red fine, sweet perfume. 14. Vofnay, red, very fine, de- lightful smell. 15. “Grillet, white brisk perfumed, sweet 148 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. when young, dry when old. 16. Hermitage, red fine per- fumed. 17. Golden Hermitage, golden. color, delicious - perfume and flavor. 18. Medoc, or best perfumed Claret, 19. Graves, white Claret. 20. Roussillon, red, rough. 21. Muscat, white. sweet, delicious. 99. Ciotat, similar, but thin. Most of these best wines are drank as luxuries or medical tonics, and the very best are seldom export- ed, costing from 1 to $5 the bottle. SrAxisu Wines. I. 7info, black, thick, strong. 2. Tin- tillo, ditto red. 3. Seco, white dry bitterish. 4. Xeres, orSherry, white, dry, nutty, strong. 5. Pazaret, white sweet, high flavor. 6. Grenada, amber color, very sweet when young, losing the sweetness by age 7. Albaflora, like Hock, white, not so dry. 8. Sweet Malaga, brown, sweet, strong, a fine cordial when old. 9. Dry Malaga, whiter, thinner and dry. 10. .Z/icant, red, strong, very tonic. 11.Catalonia, red and rough like Port. 12.Malm- sey, sweet, redish, fine flavor. “13, Red Malaga, fine strong. 14 Salamanca, pale red fine. No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 149 nello, bright and pleasant. 25. Greco, yellow pungent sweet. 26. Morello, black strong. 27. Vesuvio, red strong. 28. Ischia, pale strong. 29. Pergola, pale, thin, flat. 30. Passola, fine, made with shrivelled grapes. 31. Miele, yellow, as sweet as honey. 32. Corsican, simi- lar to Catalonia. 33. Sardinian, similar to Burgundy, many kinds. The [talian wines are hardly known out of Italy, being seldom exported ; those of south Italy alone keep well. i SrcıLian Wines. 1. Di Pasto, pale strong. 2. Cata- nía, similar, with the pitch taste. 3. Mascali, red, strong. 4. Etna, white, firy.. 5. Palermo, pale red, strong, bat thin. 6. Castelvetrano, yellow, strong, limpid. The Mar- sala or Sicily Madeira is made with this Castelvetrano, brandy, bitter almonds, &c. well fined and kept two years. 7. Tusa, sweet brown, flavor of Cyprus. 8. Sira- cusa, sweet strong, yellow like Muscat. 9. Voto and Lipari, strong pale rough. 10. Modica, pale red, flavor Tia. Swiss Wises. 1. De Vaud, dry like Rhenish. 2. Neuf- chatel, red, like Burgundy. 3. Boudry, red, good flavor. 4. Montagnard, thin and acid. German Wives. Commonly dry and acid. 1. Zreves. a specific for gravel. 2.Hock, white, very dry. 3. Rhe- nish, white. delicate. 4. Berg, sirong and perfumed. rg, fine red. 6. Bohemia, like Durand delicate, di keep. 8. 2ustrian, greenish, strong. Spitz, fine. 11. Ty- Marlas and Common inly produced in the South. 1.Zim- lite, fine. 3. Zangarog, disa- . Kaffa hem Ties of Crimea. - 8. Sudagh, white, sweet, similar to Hungarian. : 6. Cut- Grecian Woes, 1. Carlovitz, red, finebrisk. 2.Po- sega, white, fine flavor. 3. Dalmatian, red, strong fine. N 2 150 VITIS. No. 99.& 100. 4. Lissa, dark red, -very strong, the strongest of all wines. 5. Morea, red perfumed. 6. Napoli Malmsey. 7. Maimsey of Mount Ida in Candia. 8. Vectar of Can- dia, exquisite, delicate sweet. 9. Sumos, sweet and acid white. 10. Nectar of Scio, sweet astringent. 11. Seio, pale red, fine. 12. Tenedos, like Medoc. 13. Tenedos, red Muscat. 14. Santorin, very sweet and: agreeable, but sulphurous. 15. Pitch wine, brown, with the taste of tar. 16. Holy wine, very fine. 17. Cyprus, sweet per- fumed, red when young, yellów when old, similar to Malaga, a fine cordial and stomachic. —__ Asraric Wines. 1-Smyrna, red, strong, fine. 2. 4s- tracan, red, similar to Lacrima. 3. Caspian, like Mo- selle. 4. Caspian, Champaigne. 5. Kuma, red light thin. 6. Tartury, strong, made very intoxicating by poppies. 7. Tiflis, tine wine made from wild grapes! 8. Armenian, red and white, fine strong. 9. Syrian Claret. 10. Da- mascus, golden dry. 11. Lebanon, thick perfumed red. 12. Gold wine, yellow, from Syria. 13. Jerusalem, white ood, 14. Sana in Arabia, go:d. 15. Shiraz, red harsh, eh flavor. 16. Nectar of Shiraz, white sweet, strong - perfumed. 17. Ispahan, white fines 18. Tabriz, red and white, many kinds. 19. Shirvan, red like best claret. 29. Afgan, similar. 21. Many wines in Bukaria, Thibet and China, hardly known. Arrnican Wines. 1. Jews wine, red, good. 2. Berber, white, fine. 3. Madeira or Vidonia, dry, strong, yellow, flavor of bitter almonds. 4. Bagoal of Madeira, sweeter. 5.Pingo, Malmsey of Madeira, exquisite. 6. Tinto of Ma- deira, red, perfumed, austere, useful in dysentery. 7.Cu- € white, similar to Lisbon. 8. Fidonia ef Tenerife, - similar to Madeira when old. 9. Gomer, white, sharp. lim- E as water, flavor of Madeira. 10. Palma, yellow, ight dry. 11, Palma Malmsey, flavor of Pine apple. 12. Fayal, white, thin, strong. 13. Azorian, pale de No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 151 and bad tasted. The wine made in the West Indies with V. glomerata and V. maritima, is red, harsh acid. Norra American Wines. Are made from Canada to Mexico, chiefly from native grapes. In the United States, 17 species can make good wine, either alone or with a little sugar. The principal wines already made are,-1. Vincennes, pale red, light. 2. Vevay, red, acid. 3. Vevay prime, brown and sweetish, fine. 3. Alesander, pale red, flavor of raspberries, and similar to best Bur- gundy, made with Y. prolifera. 4. Bland, acid, strong, yellow, made with Y. blanda. 5. Lufborough, red, rick fine musky flavor. 6. Catawba, yellow, fine body and perfume. 7. Seupernong, yellow, limpid, very strong, firy when brandy is added. 8. Muscadine, yellow, sweet perfumed, 9. Catskill, strong, between Madeira and Port in taste and color. 10. Coopers, brown, similar to Lisbon, but acidule. 11. £Llsinburg, fine flavor. 12. Or- wisburg, very fine, white. 13. Zsabella, pale and fine. 14. Worthington, similar to Port. 15. Winter wine, dark red, acid and harsh. 16. York, red, harsh. 17. Harmony, red, acid, good. 18. Alabama, brown, fine, Xc. The Eu- ropean vines thrive in our gardens, and produce good eatable grapes with some care 3 but are often injured in the fields by late frosts, and de not ripen well, or give a thin acid juice unsuitable for good wine : we must, therefore, rely on our native hardy grapes, some of which are equal to the best exotic. — ~ ‘Lhe Mexican wines made from Spanish vines, produce wines similar to Spanish, but little known as yet." - Good wines have wonderful effects on the human sys- tem. Externally they are useful in frictions and lotions, in cases of focal debility ; they may restore to life new born and very weak children, likely to die, by merely rubbing it øn their stomach. — -— Internally they are good for suckling. infants, trou- bled with werms, or with weak bowels, a teaspoon ful! is sufficient for them with milk or sugar. A popular vermifuge for-ebildren in Haly, is a mixture oi wine, lime juice, olive oil, and sugar. Children, youths, and rolls: ought to abstain from the daily use of it, and. then it will be a.cordial for them in almost all the dis- eases. The use of wine as a beverage ought to begin 152 VITIS, No. 99 & 100. only when the body is ri e, and always with modera- tion, avoiding all those adulterated by brandy or perni- cious ingredients, as are Madeira, ort, and Sherry, which are never pure ; the best wines for daily use be- ing the French wines, Clarets, Burgundy, Malaga. Lis- bon, Fayal, Samos, Cyprus, besides our own American wines. | n An old age. ood. td RUM more needful, they pport strength and Wie. Plato called them e milk o old age. An old Ttalian proverb ays, th -wir eS if wine the milk of old age. dulge with benefit in their daily us xcess, and always with water in large ‘Temperance does not consist in abstaining but in using with moderation, and with water, nc ` the good and mild. The Temperance So lately established with us, have done a great deal of xa in. checking the vile habit of drinking spirituous liquors, - but have done wrong in proscribing such wines : they. | re the vile trash called Port and Vhen wines are drank in exi i duse they produce and in excess intoxication duce the puls tl No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 153 diseases, gout, epilepsy, pleurisy, palsy, tremors, ner- vous diseases, liver complaints, dropsy of the chest, consumptions, inflammatory fevers, dyspepsia, madness, apoplexy, Kc. and they entail them on their offspring |. This disease is rare in wine countries, not one in 500 becoming drunkards there, as they are despised and hooted ; while in countries where wines are scarce, England, Sweden, Russia, and the United States, five at least in 100 become drunkards, and get beastly drunk on strong liquors and strong wines, rum, brandy, whis- key, Port and Madeira, without being despised as they ought, drunkenness being rather considered as a bad habit or infirmity, than a mora! disease or shameful vice, The best cure for drunkenness are abstinence, mild and cooling drinks, bathing and emetics, besides moral re- straint, religious feeling, and public opinion. There would be no more drunkards if they were all despised and avoided by men and women! or put into hospitals as sick, insane, vicious, and criminal. 7 The medical properties of good wines on temperate persons are numerous. They are useful in all atonic diseases arising from debility, in scrofula, scurvy, ra- chitis, paleness, leucorrhea, promoting digestion, stimu- lating the heart, increasing ake heat of the body, They are the best vehicles for tonic medicines used in all fe- vers, debilities, prostrations, &c. Wine is to be forbid or avoided by those who have a nervous, irritable, or lethoric constitution, or some inflammatory diseases ; ut even then some acid wines, well watered, may be available and serviceable, = i Several parincotons gk ime "deserve to be known, Must is the pure untermented juice. Puretcine is made of Must alone. Impure or brewed wines have ingredients added. Colored wines have a coloring matter added, Tired wine is made with different grapes. It is adulte- vines are united after fining. Brandy wines adulterased by brandy, like Madeira and Port. Moustille is sharp and “wine stil fermenting. Boirep wine is reduced aj ickened by boiling. P. quette, wine made by throwing water on the husks after pressure, it is like cider, and 1s drank without water by — the labourers, Protopion wine made without pressure A 154 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. of the sweetest grapes. Essence of wine made by expos- ing wine to frost, throwing off the icicles, and thus con- wine it comes from, serves to give it to other wines, or to make false brandy with alkol and water: E ` Suelled wine is such as was stopped in fermenting by AEDEM W Im ya tei init, ET a s > ways preferable 1 ents used o No. 99 & 100. VIFIS. 155 used. The Iron wine was known to the ancients ; it was made by putting rusty nails into it, or quenching in it nails made red hot : it isa powerful tonic and restora- tive. The Emetic wine is now made with tartar emetic dissolved into wine: it is one of the most certain and less disagreeable emetics. Every febrifuge medicament ought to be given in mild wine, as it increases the effect. Vinegar is the result of acetic fermentation ; the best is made with sour wine, both red and white. Any bad wine unfit to drink becomes vinegar by itself after a while. When wanted quick, it must be put into a bar- rel washed with boiling water. Vinegar is used as a con- diment in sallads and many dishes: to make pickles, sauces, syrup, distilled vinegar, acetic acid, medicated vinegars, perfumed vinegars, &c. [tis highly medical, antiseptic, refrigerant, analeptic, &c. The external use of it is very useful in fevers, ‘head aches, syncope, as- phyxia, hysteric and nervous affections. From it are made the vinegar of squills, colchicum, opium, camphor, Sc. Vinegar can be discolored and made as clear as water, by filtration over animal charcoal or burnt bones: and it is then a good vehicle for perfumes, scented wa- ters and washes used by ladies. ‘The ancient Romans drank vinegar and water. A kind of lemonade may be made with it and sugar. The syrup of vinegar is very refreshing in summer. Pickles are only good when the substances pickled are healthy, thus boiled. beets, car- rots, onions, tomatos, &c. make good pickles, while pick- led cucumbers, walnuts, cayenne pepper, &c. are very bid o 0 7c Ae | ed wine, consistitig of alcohol, w. wine. t contains ner half of alcohol. Wines produce more or less brandy, accord- ater, firy ta te, and becomes mel- $ 5 ealthy, even drank mo- 156 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. intoxication and the disease of intemperance. It acts on the stomach and brain as a pernicious stimulant and cor- rosive. It is, however, used medically in sudden chills of the stomach by gout or cold water ; but warm wine has exactly the same effect. Externally it is often em- ployed in bruises, contusions, wounds, sprains, as a sti- mulant and resolvent, A peculiar kind called aniseed brandy, (Zambu in Sicily) is made in Italy with wine and aniseeds, which makes water milky. Brandy is call- ed oil proof when. lighter than olive oil, a drop sinking in it. To know how much oil proof brandy any wine will give, boil slowly a measure of it, as soon as the vapour rises set fire to it, and when the blaze sub- sides, take it from the fire and measure it again ; the de- ficiency will be the brandy contained in the wine. A very pernicious custom consists in adding brandy to weak wines; brandy thus added never amalgamates well, decomposes the wine by a slow process, and changes the wine into bad grog! Whenever strength is required in wine, the e. must be put in the Mast before fer- . mentation, by which it is incorporated and modified ; the alcohol of wine is always so chemically combined as to be harmless. Fruits preserved in brandy are very "unhealthy. ` adus The only proper use.of brandy is to make alcohol by istillation : this of course can only be done in a second rful solvent of many um cal No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 157 mildersand luscious ; but yet the alcoholic cordials are ernicious, even in small doses, and pure good wines are y far better for all the purposes of cordials: "Phe best use of alcohol is for economical fuel to heat and cook in tin vessels, = Wine and water is; after all, the best of all bevé- rages, and the most healthy, when mild wines alone are used. -Wines of good. body are those that bear a great deal of water without losing their flavor. - All white wines bear water sparingly, and some are spoiled by it, such as Madeira, Graves and Hock, while Clarets are improved by it, and bear from 3 to 5 parts of water to one of wine. Some thick and strong wines bear 15 or 20 parts of water. The strongest of all wines, such as Lissa and Cutnar, give 40 per cent of alcohol, or 80 per centof brandy. The strong wines, such as Port, Ma- deira, Marsala, Sherry, Lisbon, &c. hold from 40 to 60 per cent of brandy. "Phe mild wines from 20 to 40-only: the mildest (and thus the best) is Tokay, which has on y 37 brandy, or 10 per cent alcohol, no more than cider ! The quantity of brandy afforded by mild wines is thus the measure of their healthiness and body. Clarets have 50 to 36. Burgundy 30 te 32. Hock 27 to 30. Cham- paigne 25 to 27. Muscat 22 to 25, &c. The mildér they are the less water they bear, and vice versa. "Section YY. Principles of the cultivation of Grape Vines, a and chiefly in North America. 1. Itis not my intention to give an elaborate treatise on the cultivation of vines all over the world, but rather practical hints on the management in the United-States of our own kinds. ee Re E , 8. Vines being cultivated in all paris of the world, in different climates and soils, require different manage- uty are often not kept alike, even in the same coun- l thrive under several modes of cultivation. . neral, temperate climates (from which they are re. the best for them : the boreal and tro- [8 e for them, as the excess of hsthem, — tivated for wine every Er gland, Netherlands, Denmark, Swe- 158 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. den, Prussia, Poland, and Russia, and even there are found in gardens producing grapes for the table ; but their juice has not sugar enough to make tolerable wine. 5. In North America, the wild vines grow as far as Canada, in lat. 45, and from thence to the Gulf of Mexico: how far south they extend in Mexico is not known. Wherever found wild, wine can be made. In Europe, the wine limits extend from lat. 48 to 50 N. and south to Africa. our native grapes, towards the No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 159 fruit for the table ; but when planted in exposed vine- yards, the late frosts and heavy showers of the spring in- jure them or render them sterile. "E. 11. A capital mistake was the attempt to make Ma- deira wine in America, instead of American wine. Our climate and soil being neither dry nor volcanic as in Madeira, could never produce similar wine, even if we had the Vidonia or Madeira Grape, and knew how to cultivate it and manage the wine. Besides Madeira, although a fashionable and costly wine, is bad, unhealthy, and not worthy of our attention. The same with Port wine. .12. These and other.causes have discouraged the at- tempts of a vine company established on purpose in Pennsylvania. Mr. Legoux, the manager, by his decep- tions in grapes, calling them by false names, and his bad management, threw discredit on the attempt. However, "by calling our Bland and Alexander grapes, Madeira wid Cape, he was instrumental in diffusing them amon those who would not have noticed nor bought them if known as native vines. 13. Notwithstanding these difficulties, many patriotic individuals have persisted in the endeavor to make the United States a wine country, by establishing nurseries and vineyards, Such were Major Adium, of George- town, and. Mr. Dufour, of Vevay, who have also both published works on the cultivation of vines. Mr. Samuel Maurick, of South Carolina (the first exporter of our cotton in 1784) who established a large vineyard at Pen- dleton. Mr. Thomas Echelberger, of York, Penn. who has been instrumental in esi ablis ing 20 vineyards tar York. os = 14, In 1825 1 collected an account of our principal vineyards and nurseries of vines. They were then only 0 of 20 acres each, altogether 600 acres. While now; in 1830, they amount to 200 of 3 to 40 acres, or nearly 5000 acres of vineyards, Thus having increased tenfold within 5 years, at-which rate they promise to become a permanent and increasing cultivation. 15. Wishing o preser: e the names of the public bene- factors who had in 1825 established our first vineyards, 160 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. I herewith insert their names.: They are independent of the vineyards of York, Vevay, and Vincennes. In New York, George Gibbs, Swift, Prince, Lan- sing. Loubat, &c. In Pennsylvania, Carr, James, Potter, A Webb, Le- goux, Echelberger, E. Bonsall, Stoys, Lemoine, Rapp. In Delaware, Broome, J. Gibbs, &c. in Mies d Adlum, W. ier: e: Ania R. Sin- n: &c. , — Int Checteau, . "Call. a e New Jersey, Cooper at Linden Another at Mount olly. In Ohio, Gen. Harrison, Longworth, Dufour, &c. - In Indiana, Rapp of Harmony, the French of Vue cennes. = -In Alabama, Dr. 8. Brown, and at Eagleville. a The. IE crop of wine with us is 300. gallons E Ys, whee. 2700 vines. — D roduced a jua -of wine, and $ s per-aere, value $675 in 1823, besides $200 for. uttings. - One acre of Poe did then let for $200 or 300, thus value of the acre about $5000! = was in poor ‘soil unfit for wheat, and for. mere aret. 17. Now. in 1830, that common French Claret often be No. 99 & 100. VITIS. x: 161 times there is a total failure when ditis deo the- blos- soms ; but an extra good crop of 500 or 600 gallons commonly follows and covers their loss. 20. The cultivation of the vines includes several con- siderations, a choice of ground, soil, and vines, repair- ing the ground, planting, manuring, ‘dressing, trimming, grafting, harvesting, besides the diseases of the vines and grapes. 21. Vines may grow any where, but do not thrive equally every where. Table grapes thrive best in shel- tered gardens, espaliers, and bowers, producing more and better fruit. Wine grapes thrive best of all on the east- ern slope of hills exposed to the rising sun, and in a vol- canie or gravelly soil, producing stronger and better wine. 22. All our native grapes will grow well near to iir native soil, and produce different wines. Some species are peculiar to t ie Southern States, and will not thrive so well north of the Potomac and Ohio rivers. The grow ‘spontaneously in rich soils, or loam; sand. H, rocks, near streams : in fact every where, but seldom i in clay and mountains. 23. The best situations for native vineyards are Shel- tered valleys, banks of streams, on the eastern and southern sides of hills in the Northern States ; but sii I3 d sem or eater wired “so h they may ni. — tsterms =>. . A Volcanic, scarce with us. 2. Psendovol- New Y ork and Connecticut. 3. Granitic, rot- Sandstone gravel. 5. Gravel and sand. ut soils. 7. Rich or loamy soils are c] ve amp and cold soils, which rine i barrens. will do. Th i$ À e worst soils for all other agricultural p rposes are the best for vines. Many mil- * Hons of acres of Our rocky, gravelly, or barren soils, now — worth any te re thus, if turned. w ae- 162 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. yards, give $50 at least neat yearly income, becoming worth $500 or more an acre, at a small expense of a few years. A single million of acres of vines might produce yearly 200 millions of gallons of wine, worth 550,000,000 at 6nly 25 cents, and affording from 10 to 20 gallons yearly to each individual for beverage. 26. In the choice of vines, select those that grow best rile with us. 27. If we raise our vines from seeds, we are never sure to have the same kind, a variety will often spring up: besides half of those thus raised are sterile or male different treatment. or on the sides trimming they No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 168 trimming. When kept underas usual in vineyards b annual cutting, they only last from 40 to 60 y dd thus'less than the European vines. Sees 32. The best foreign grapes ought to be raised in shel - tered gardens for table fruit. Even the most delicate and granite dered dros them for wine, the I es of the wine itself, an decayed leaves of the vines are also excellent on'one acre. The more on the acre the greater the ex- penses at first, but also the greater the produce áfter- i64 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. wards. Each good vine ought to bear from 30 to 60 clus- ters of grapes, ; weighing from 5 to 15lbs. 38. The rows must run north and south, so as to-have the full advantage of the rising and setting sun, or: from north east to south west, so as to be better. shelter- ed from those winds which with us bring sudden rains and storms, while the first E pe ‘others fon the bleak vernal north west wind. : > inae pi pons J in the vineyard fir - acre, if on “odu cin DS. give 3 lons of. Pues UN hil when Sent rera many crops can be raised in the intervals, such as potatoes, turnips, beans, &c. Ttisa prejudice tő think this injurious to the vines : it is not so, provided the crops are such as require previous ploughing and do not shade the vines. 40. But different grapes must not be planted pro- miscuously, so as to prevent the mixture of blossoms, pollen, and change of fruit. Each kind ought to be kept NIS, and even divided b feni walls, hedges, or meadows, forming a gae Phy inel itsel | ' cuttings in pits óra OSEE one or two Feet deep,” made with Pad or plough, and filled with ood manured ea "ndr made soil with-some n gravel, or ashes at the bottom, below the EUR 42. The time of planting is from October e : the best months are November and March. If. nt in the fall, cover each plant with a little hillock, ver it in the spring. If er be water them. No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 165 ing the bottom of it and pressing the earth. close to it with the foot. Put the whole in except the upper bud, which is to become the shoot, all the others, 4 or 5, are to become roots. Sometimes 2 buds may be left out. 46. Keep the ground very clean and free of weeds at- all times, but above all the first years, by working it often with the plough or hoe, or by pulling the weeds. At the end of ke first year, cover each vine with a hil- lock in November, and uncover it the next spring. 47. Second year. Begin to preserve the vine either by rubbing the buds or cutting weak shoots, leaving only 2 or 3 strong buds or shoots. Put in the stakes or poles on which they are to climb. Plough or hoe the ground and clear the weeds. .. 48, Third year. Rub off the lower buds and prune the side shoots. Put on cross poles if meant to be used. Plough, hoe, and weed. Many vines will begin to bear grapes this ye . — —— — = = - 49. The fourth year ought to be the first crop, a full bearing beginning at 5 or 6 years old. The annual “trimming must then depend on the mode PME al adopted for cultivation. 50. It is well to rub off in the spring all the buds ex- cept such as are meant to bear, in the summer to cut off - all aaa or weak shoots without blossoms, and in the fa | toumake cuttings for planting, selling, or burn- But it must be re- veakens the vine as Ege „Europe as cheap and light: the ed for standing stakes. — ^ ~ row on the spring shoots, is therefore need- . All dangling branches must be raised ; when trees are the support, they ma 166 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. be led from one to the other, still less pruning is requir- ed with trees for support. a 53. In warm countries, vines must be left well shaded by the leaves. In a cold climate or a cold season, it is usual to cut many leaves so as to expose the grapes to the sun to ripen well. Leaves, shoots, and grapes must never be pulled, but cut with the sickle, knife, or nail. 54. In a dry climate, a circular hollow ought to be dug at the foot of the vine, so as to allow rain to collect there, while in a wet climate or season, the reverse is needful, and a small hillock must be raisi t 55. When the vineyard is in full bearing, a single poems or hoeing is required, very early in the Spring. Manuring is only required once in 3 or 5 years, similar to what has been mentioned already ; the whole ground need not be manured, but merely the foot of each vine in the winter. Dung compost, in small quantity, is very ood. ; per Grafting is needful upon bad or sterile vines or seedlings, &c.. It must be performed in March, with good scions and cuttings by cleft, grafting and binding with clay : also by approach in a pot. Good grafts ought to bear fruit the same year. In gardens, a variety of | a sedet be procured. Our wild vines are ex- cellent hard y supports for all exotic grapes, which thus become less liable to early motions of the sap. .57. The crop or harvest of grapes is called vintage. it is always a season of festivity. Although grapes may be produced for eating from July to November, the vin- tage is always in September, when most are Tipe. clusters are cut with a kni and red DES the vat or press. : OP gs No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 167 remedy for this, but the diseased leaves and fruit ought to be cut off. i ue. dd 60. Another kind of blight happens in the critical time of the vines being in blossom, T à heavy shower then falls, the pollen or farina is drowned, and cannot ferti- lize the fruit buds. ‘This sometimes spoils. the whole. crop. If we could shelter the vines from our south west vernal storms by buildings, walls, woods, or a thick fo- liage, this would seldom happen. Never work the vines when in blossom. 61. The yellows are caused by the root becoming weak by bad food or overbearing. The leaves then become sickly and yellow. This is more easily cured by re- moving the leaves, pruning the shoots, cutting some clus- ters, but above all by manuring, removing the earth E around the root, and re-placing it with good com- post. pe 62. Some small caterpillars group under the leaves, cürl and eat them. Tora e destroyed by cutting the leaves attacked, and crushing the insects under foot. Bugs and other insects feeding on the vines are not dan- gerous. No Aphis is found on our vines, and rio insects men are paid ón because heras 1 ape also depredators. Vineyards ou; . or.éasily accessible, on - . 64. Let us. r : keeping up a vineyard, c culating all charges as cash to be. E MH sabes $1 to 10 ; ng the same and manure --- -8-to-10 1000 to 3000 cuttings, if bought, -> =- | 5 te. 30 Planting ^ dene dto e x Expen penses of first year, m > $16 to 70 168 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. Brought forward, - =- - - $16 to 7 Second year, poles, canes, &c. te - 5 io 10 Cultivation, pruning, &e.. == <- =- 5 to 8 T'hird year, cultivation, &c. SE 5o .8 Fourth year, cultivation, manure, &c. a to 8 Total, - - $56 to 104 +65. This shows the lowest ani highest cost, the me- dium may be $40 or 50 per: acre. On. the fourth year the — his. e co y 150 A pe "€ froth $10 to 30, or S5 to 10 for cul- dvabon, pruning, manure, and. the remainder for making and. keeping the wine, while thé income will be from $100-to 200, for 2 to 400 gallons of wine at 50 cents, or -half if only sold at 25 cents. Thus, at the lowest, leav- ing a yearly clear income of $40 to 100, or as much --— s for ever as was spent at first to plant the vine- The land will be worth from $500 to 1000 the’ ane o may let at $25 to $50 to tenants. Thus . vine. ‘is worth halfa dollar, and planis. 300,000 vines, acquires a fortune of a y Beome of $2000 or more! Sesion Y. Remi les o Vini ction, or the ar. mr if = = oe we I do not inéan to give img all kinds — ; b the art, with their a No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 169 Burgundy, Oporto, Malmsey, Carcavelos, _ 4 man more. Let us be honest and give them as + wit pompous. American names if we like. - 4. Wines can be made with almost all juicy EO al- though the real wines are the produce of the grapes. Thus, currants, gooseberries, elder berries, huckle-ber- ries, persimons, black-berries, oranges, peaches, pears, 28, pine apples, &c. have all been used to mks p. culiar wines. Those of apples and pears are cal ed Cider and Perry. Each other kind ought to have also a peculiar name, because they all differ somewhat from wine. 5. These fruit or domestic wines will only be men- tioned slightly. The wine of currants or Ribesium, is the most im aportant- for us, because it is already often made, is nearest to the best grape wines, and can be made to any. amount ith profit. Several kinds are which . not spoiled by the ad- duy ad rnicious! at an ati sale. uH and-no tartaric acid. But it requires no brandy nor whiskey. To make it more like wine, some good wine, with a lit- tle quicklime and argol, may be put into it before fer- mentation. 7. Mr. Dyers’ currant yard near Providence, Rhode Pe may. erem ane as an — wor pA of imi- sling a 75 1900, or 800, deduct e acre ucing g r $8 , € a casks cultivation, &c. as I was indulge: ens rate, the whole yard would give 64, * * 170 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. 9. Wine making is a chemical operation, in which a due proportion of needful elements is essentially requi- site. No liquor is a wine unless it has undergone the real vinous fermentation. 10. The needful elements of fermentation are, 1. Su- gar. 2. Water. 3. Tartaric acid. 4. Mucilage. The ad- ventitious elements, which may or may not exist, are tannin, potash, carbonic and malic acids, arome, color- ing principle, &c. 11. The Must is the liquor produced by grapes. A perfect Must ought to have a due proportion of the four elements of wine. When deficient in any, it ought to be supplied, if we want to make good wine. If any ele- ment is in excess, it ought to be corrected. 12. The due proportion of sugar or sweet principle, is 3lb. in one gallon of Must. When less, the Must makes a very dry or weak wine, when more, a very sweet wine. ‘The sugar is changed by fermentation into alco- hol, chemically combined in the wine, and only evolved as a vapor by fire or the process of distilling. In all sweet wines, a portion of the sugar is not decomposed, still more involving and weakening the alcohol. 13. The due proportion of tartaric acid and mucilage does not exceed 5 per cent. of each. The excess of tar- taric acid makes the wine sour or acid. When deficient, or supplied by malic acid, the wine is deficient in body and strength. Malic acid changes wine into cider lt quors; grapes have little malic acid, whence best to make wine. > " 14. Currants, gooseberries, blackberries, apples, &c- containing too much malic acid, and no tartaric acid, can never make but bad and sharp cider wines by them- selves; but by the addition of quicklime, the acid IS nd correcte tartaric acid may be sup- uice, and sugar strengthens it; eficien fermentation the No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 171 of lees. "Wine hardly retains any mucilage when clear; it ought to be precipitated in the process of fermentation and clarification along with tartar and potash. 16. Fannin, or the astringent principle, is communi- cated to wine by the peduncles, husks, and seeds, whence rough wines are made, such as Port. Delicate wines ought to have no perceptible astringency or roughness, and the seeds ought not to be bruised in mashing the grapes, nor allowed to fall in the Must, nor the husks neither. 17. The arome, or peculiar taste and smell of wines, also called flavor and bouquet, is produced by a fixed oil, different in almost every kind of grape and wine. A peculiar grateful flavor and scent enhances the value of wine many fold, (witness Tokay) and all excellent wines ought to have this quality. 18. To preserve the arome of wines, it is needful to stop-the feren Aaa before the natural ae of if and to «procure it to deficient grapes, some peculiar flavored Soltau cs silastic pares inthe Must while ferment- ing. In this depends the art or secret of making valua- ble wines, worth from $1 to 5a gallon, instead of 5 to 25 cents. Each celebrated vineyard has a peculiar secret process. Time and experience alone can teach us this secret art to its full extent. 19. Yet we know the substances employed ; they are oil of best grapes, vine blossoms, Reseda, or Mignonette, cowslip blossoms er Primula, elder blossoms, violets, oris root or Jris florentina, raspberries, strawberries, &c. In Cyprus, they are. lax blossoms.” In Xeres, Madeira, and Marsala, bitter almonds are employed. “These substances are, suspended in the casks in bags, while fermentation is proceeding. a . A -= when dried, give a rich ou 3. To currant wine, 172 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. 21. The coloring principle is immaterial to wines. There are wines of all colors, clear as water, white, yel- low, green, hyacinth, red, brown, black, &c. These colors do not impart any value to wine; although the finest and dearest wines are commonly pale, yet € stantia and Lachryma, &c. are red. — — T 22. Some wines lose their color or change it by age. Any wine can be made colorless, or.clear as water by infiltration through animal charcoal or ivory black. It may be colored afterwards. to any shade of yello 4 lc e of wine. Some kind of grapes are 23. Therefore, the essential operations to correct a bad Must, or to make a good Must and wine, are to ob- viate any deficiency in the juice of the grapes or other- fruits, by supplying the due proportion of sugar, tartaric ^ acid, mucilage, and water that may be lacking, besides destroying or absorbing the malic acid, avoiding the gathering the grapes, cai " uic preserving the wine, obviating the defects and diseases. It is even a part of this art how to drink the different wines. 25. Carbonic acid is always evolved in the act of fer- mentation, and escapes with some alcohol by evapora- tion. When restrained and prevented from escapi produces the brisk and spark ing win i ., tation is all take its course: all the day time and t wines, none but the sound - No. 99 & 100. viris. = — 27. The thin skin grapes require peculiar care in handling. Our native grapes have all a thick skin, and require little care. Tokay and some other delicate wines, are made with grapes so soft as to drop their juice by their mere weight. All wines thus made without mash- ing, were called Protopion by the ancient Greeks ; they are the very best.. e ee _ 28. Must and wine are made not only with ripe grapes, but also with unripe ones, also shrivelled or over ripe ones from the vines, grapes kept on straw, scalded or half dried grapes, nay, even with raisins and vine leaves. - Very different wines are thus made. 30. "The due proportion is 40lbs. of fruit to 5 gallons of water, added by degrees while mashing. Then add 30lbs. of sugar, half a pound of crude tartar, the whole . should make 10 gallons of Must at least. Keep 12 hours, strain, put in a tub or vat, coyer with a blanket and boards, keep two days, put ne% in casks with a vent hole m . Decant in December, fine it several wines of sweet. 3 very valuable wines, but : They never require addition of sugar. seldom made, although many good sweet v a them. Raisins must be scale ted as common Must. ce very hard, a r sufficient to ES P2 * i74 | VITIS, No. 99 & 100. Then ferment it as above for green grape wine. If a sweet wine is desired, more sugar is required, and the — must be stopped by racking in sulphured casks. 33. There are many ways to procure the juice of ripe grapes. Mashing is the most ancient, and as yet, the most usual. This is done for common and cheap wines by trampling the grapes under naked feet over the boards of the vats, where they are heaped, by walking and dancing over them. Although this antique process appears not very clean, yet it is not more unclean than kneading the bread dough with the hands, and besides the fermentation purifies the juice completely. -84. But for the best or valuable wines, the grapes are mashed by rollers in a trough, or a peculiar press with a circular trough. Juicy grapes are very easily mashed ; the hard or tough grapes even require but little pres- sure, and nothing like apples for cider. Our fox pele with tough pulp, require rather to be left standing after bruising or mashing, so as to allow the pulp to dissolve, before the juice is extracted. 55. Im no case are the seeds to be bruised, else the wine will be ei and harsh : thus any hard pressure that might mash the seeds and husks is to be avoided. When the pedo in the vats, and are allowed to re- main there during'the fermentation, they impart an aus- tere taste tothe wine. It is therefore essential to avoid seeds, husks, and peduncles, in making delicate wines, unless we wish to imitate Port wine. "This may be done by straining. 3 — 36. Commonly fifteen pounds of grapes ought to afford Ae one gallon of Must, and 5 gallons of Must ought te give 4 gallons e, after fermenting, settlin fining. i e more, and 3 ess, thus Si 12 to 18lbs. of gra A deficient Must No. 99 & 100. WEBER o 175 into which it is changed by fermentation. Therefore, adding sugar tothe Must, if not sweet — is equal to giving strength to it, and is by far preferable to add- ing brandy then or afterwards. Poa 39. Sugar is seldom added to weak wines in Europe, because it is too dear: while brandy is added because it is cheap. We apes avoid this error in America; where the reverse happens. In Spain, they often add the brandy to the Must, this makes Sherry tolerable. In. Port, Madeira, &c. the brandy is added after fer- mentation, and thus they become Wine Gnocs! 40. ru dera spirituous liquors added to the Must or wine besides brandy, spoils the wine completely ; rum and whiskey, above all, give a very bad burning - which spoils it also and makes it fi | 41. In many countrie: Xe taste. Peach brandy is used. for our Scupernong wine, cheap, it is hardly needful. When the whole Must is boiled, very sweet wines are produced. 42. To know the strength of the Must, which varies every year, let it be weighed with the hydrometer or any other means. A good Must ought to weigh at least one tenth more than water, or 1.100 up to 1.140 when water weighs 1.000. Or ifa gallon of water weighs Slbs. a gi ood Mus! veigh Ilb: ié- more. wild grapes give a ; 5s Mauscadine or Scupern d a much sugar is required to — 'Fhis will vary from 4 to 20 to produce strong excellent French and Ita- d, sugar be- any time by decanting or separating the liquor from the 176 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. 44, Water is seldom wanted to dilute the Must, unless to make Piquette, or a very thin poor wine, in quantity rather than quality. Coarse sugar is the best to sweeten the Must, because it contains mucilage. Syrup will do as wells. but molasses will not do, unless aot of their bad taste by charcoal. Honey gives a flat taste to wine. Our maple sugar will do very well, and also. the fresh syrup or molasses of maple. - : 45. Mucilage is the leaven of wine; it separates by fermentation into lees that sink, and fro’ or that rises. Whenever mucilage rem: wi liable to ferment again even in bot therefore, whole must be separated by racking and fining. If a second. fermentation is needed, it may be produced by putting any wine over lees, and mixing them by rolling the casks. se : 46. Yeast of beer must never be used for any wine, not even currant wine ; it gives a bitter taste of hops, an ammoniacal flavor and flatness. A wine leaven, use- ful for all artificial wines, may be prepared by drying the lees and froth of wine : it may be kept long for use. _ A7. So true are these principles, that sugar and vege- table mucilage or extract may form wine alone with wa- ter, but tartar adds to the strength and ‘helps the fer- mentation by paña the change of sugar into alcohol. But such artificial wine would be tasteless unless flavor- ed by fruits. > e - 48. Sweet wines are the best of all wines, because the whole sugar has not been converted into alcohol, either by a deficiency of mucilage or by the fermentation being suspended before the end of it: which maybe done at and d froth, then straining o fa et O a tartar is ilage of the grapes- hit is said to pro- No. 99 & 100. VITIS. 177 ut one gallon of slacked lime for 100 gallons of wine. Pidgeon dung, being almost pure lime, is often used for the sanie purpose. It is often collected and sold for this purpose in Europe. If not sparingly used, the urin- ous taste is still Worse in the wine. Ground plaster is also used. to casks after strain- ntinue in a slow state always preferred. «1 cate a taste and ce an ine, therefore, the inside expe always to be €l e best casks are made of _ oak or chesnut staves; the larger they are the better, — for the sake of uniformity inthe winé. = : ^ 58. Each change of casks leaving the lees behind, ; called a racking, the best wines require several, á Es oe o 178 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. thus a set of casks on purpose. Sulphuring is the ope- ration by which a cask or the wine is impregnated with sulphuric acid, whereby the mucilage is precipitated and the fermentation stopped. The black oxide of manga- nese has the same properties. EC. 57. A sulphuring liquor may be made by the action of sulphuric acid on saw dust, the fumes being conveyed to the wine, and some of the dust liquid thrown in it. However, the most usual mode is to famigate the empty cask, bolero racking, by burning sulphur matches in 58. Another mode has lately been found to c 3 ermentation in wine or other liquors, or even to prevent it altogether. Tt is the use of. Sulphite of Potash (not the sulphate) diluted in them. A single ounce weight of it will do for 600 or 800 gallons. EP 59. Fining or clarifying the wine is the next ópera- tion, and ist dettat before bottling. Many sub- stances are employed, sand, gypsum, fishglue or isinglass, salt, gum, starch, rice, milk, charcoal, albumen or white &c. They all act in the same way, r, acid, and every remain of ie. A m e" ends on the foul- y degrees. — Eg No. 99 & 100. - t VITIS. : 179 1 gun, it increases it. Charcoal, plaster, and lime must then he are only used for mixing and improving (or spoiling) others. Some dark wines serve to color the pale clarets wine, or some inferior qua ‘and ought to be drank = 180 VITIS. No. 99 & 100. those that keep well, and are improved by age and a sea voyage : they are commonly sweet and Heb. These best wines must be drank alone, in small lasses, like cor- dials. Good table wines ought to bear from 3 to. 6 times edi bulk of water, to be improved by it, and always drank with it. 68. Delicate and superior wines ought to be bottled as soon as perfectly clear and 6 to 9 months old, particu- larly if to be transported. Common wines ought to. be kept or sent in. barrels or quarter casks. - are only useful at the vineyards by travelling, and are better thar ‘owe to the shaking and time elapsed. -~ | e "Mustiness, ki ea Medii and- ropiness are the four principal diseases of wines. When wines ac- quire a musty or bad taste, they may be restored by charcoal and toasted bread put in gradually. To mend harsh wines, put in it gradually milk, salt, and sand. If too acid, sugar, lime, or ground gypsum, or add sweet wine to it. Lead formerly used, is a poison, and must never. be mployed, as it makes the wines deleterious, lics, & When wines getr ropy; | must net | uch ne onal trouble will produce s superior — of double value at least. The same grapes may produce several kinds, white or red, sweet or dry, de or sparkling according to the mode of fermenting. ugar must be wd io ner gels the wines, and never bra LEXICON : $8. | MEDICAL EQ IV ALENTS: OR prol Boro rid of all the Medical Plants of the United States omitted in the 100 selected Arti- cles, with additions and corrections, $e. 1. This second part of the present work could easily have ‘been enlarged to a size equal to the first. But it must be limited to a mere catalogue of additional medi- cal, plants, with a short account of their us and aA perües. = = ee 2. ny of dai of the jaca tonal, nts are as. valuable as. ss onger. ‘Sabha are the genera ae xm. «race Sina- pis, Croton, Mentha, Quercus, Esculus, Hieracium, Ni- * cotiana, Viburnum, Laurus, Lactuca, Morus, Prunus, Phytolaca, Liatris, Pinus, Sambucus, and many more. 3. No botanical account can here be given 3 the bota- nical names will enable to consult books on the subject. When the plants are undescribed in Michaux,: Pursh, Nuttall, Tit, "ot a they will be. ee “chiefly py ) e Bigelow, Smith: Henry, ` cob ea y Jione, > > Kalm, Ives, the two Bartons, Drayton, Sambal d, ER hott, Coxe, Zollickoffer, Eberle, &c. ‘Thus includi result of the ho : actual. knowle plants. E * i 5. Whe | other, they.mé m E iep may have: arate pro he whole will evince how. i is our vegeta teria Medica, and how y Se to-all need 182 ABALON. 6. Many economical uses will be added, as well as several useful or remarkable facts worthy of notice. Most of the vulgar names will also be given. —— Áo — ABALON (Adamson) ALBIFLORUM, Raf. Blazing Star, Devis Bit, Devil's Root, Rattle-snake Root, Een- horn, &c. (Verateum luteum, E. Melanthium divicum, T. Helonias dioiea of others.) Root large tuberous, nau- goug pigeni bitter. It is tonic, diuretic, sialagogue, and vermifuge ia Infa doses, metic. : Be i Ex : = is +cattle feeding on'it.. The decoction kills insects, bugs. and lice. Corn steeped 24 hours in it before sowing, is “not eaten by birds. “Used by empirics and Indians for cholics, fevers, worms, &c. As wash in scurvy, which produces diuresis by the mere external "application. Carver relates an Indian story about being once a cure for all disorders, the devil bit off part of the root to "lessen ]t has been driven “useful, “samed, ABSYNTHIUM. taken internally on loaf su 188 Je T om gar. It tur- pentine and storax. : e ee 134 ACER. dens. sometimes spontaneous. Taste intensely bitter, smell strong, contains an essential oil and bitter extrac- tive. Very valuable: medical plant. , Two scruples of the extract cure intermittents. Useful in cachetic, hy- dropic and hypochondriac affections, in jaundice, against worms, &c. Essential oil dark green, a powerful stimu- lant, antispasmodie, and vermifuge. T he wormwood wine is an excellent tonic ; wine, ale and beer are me- dicated by it. Sometimes substituted for hops. in brew- ing. Leaves excellent topical resolvent, applied to swell- ed breast and tumors. The ashes produce the salt of u ravel, and to dissolye the stones any other properties, Very early as formerly believed. - known. It is said the continual use of this plant has gout, increased the milk of nurses, removed tools, gu Med curled ma- dies wool and ACNIDA. 185 iromev2. saccharinum, 4. nigra, Arrubra, A. dasicar- pa, and 4. negundo, (now called Negundium fraxini- folium.) The two first, Sugar Maple and Black Maple, afford the most. This sugar is equal to the cane sugar of Saccharum officinarum. When badly made, it is dark and has an empyreumatic taste. When properly made, it granulates well; may be easily refined into loaf sugar, and has a pure sweet taste. The syrup made by boiling the sap is very good : when boiled longer, it be- comes sugar with little care. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, L. Farrow, Milfoil. Common to Europe and America, from Canada to Loui- siana, in woods and fields. Whole plant used. Bitter and nidorose, tonic, restringent, and vulnerary, but sub- narcotic. and inebriant. Used for hemorrhoids, dysen- tery, hemoptysis, menstrual affeci oun chondria, and cancer. The employed. “Phe American plant European, and has lately been e dt often happens with our plants, our warm st Europe. - *. x ACHRAS SAPOTA, L. + hama. Fine s be i sion for nephritis, dysury, a «ACNIDA CARMABINA, was the best white hemp of the Nor ee a E a 2 Lc eee 186 AGARICUS. made nets, ropes, thréad, and purses with it. The seeds were eaten by them. > — ACONITUM NAPELLUS, L. Wolfsbane. Schoepf says that it grows. in Virginia, no one else has seen it ; he must have mistaken for it the A. wneinatum, our onl native species, which erows from Virginia to Missouri, and has probably similar qualities. "The Wolfsbane is an acrid nauseous poison, but diuretic, drastic, pellent, sudorific, errhine, vesicatory, &c. Producing vertigo and convulsions. It is, however, Medi in oe in mi- a A Ap a irm pem E. CTEA "ALBA. ‘and RUBRA. White and pm aa or - Baneberr x Foadroot. From Canada to Caro- lina, in woods. Root bitter, repellent, nervine, used for debility in Canada. Equivalent of Botrophis. Plant and berries poisonous, said to be liked by toads. Berries white or.xed in the second species. Wrongly blended ae with A. spicata or A. nigra of Europe, which has M RIS Many species, all called formerly - Dr. Eoff informed me that they rubbing with the leaves. ATUM, Add, Mrs. Gambold kees psed. a strong decoction of it as s! this would indicate greater activity ns plant. ADE E GLABERRIMA, Raf. 1815. (Urtica pv- l weed. Very common. Very different uite smooth and cool. The leaves applied ised give immediate relief in inflammations = veilings., $ a wash, they cure the topical ` Called: Newasha, meaninz liar grateful strong ALLIUM. 187 nanie for all perennial fungi eee trees and of a spongy nature : useful to make spunk or touch wood to light easily fire with. "Those growing on pines and hickories are commonly deemed best. = Axa AGAVE AMERICANA, L. Flowering Aloes. Ma- guey of Mexico. Zabara of Cuba, Spain, and Sicily. From Carolina and Florida to Mexico. Valuable econo- mical plant. Radical leaves evergreen, 2 to 6 feet long, the inside is edible after coction, tasting like lemonade. The juicesflowing from the young central leaves cut off is sweetish, by fermentation it produces the Pulque or Mexican beer ; by coction, syrup, honey, and sugar can be made of it. The old leaves dressed like flax, ees duce a strong white silky thread ; the Mexican cloth and paper were made from it, also fine fringe and lace. The central stem grows in a few months 18 to 20 feet high, bearing a beautiful pyramid of yellow blossoms. ft is a false notion to suppose that it blossoins on! y once in 100 years; this happens once in 15 to 25 years, and afterwards the plant dies, but the root sends off lateral offsets. "Phe stems are used for light rafts and posts; cattle and sheep feed on the blossoms. Cultivated for hedges and use in Mexico, Spain, Sicily, and Barbary. Worthy of attention in Florida. xs AGAVE VIRGINICA, L. Virginia Aloes, Rattle- spake master. Root bitter, tincture used for cholics, chewed in obstinate diarrhcea by the Cherokees, violent, but efficient. EIU DE à -ALCHEMILLA ALPINA, E. Ladies’ man the White mountains, andin Canada. Astrin valent Of Potentitigg = € 9 ALETRIS AUREA, Mx. Add; ha: d, harsh bitter root, used in vinegar for dropsical fevers in Carolina. Elliot. ALISMA PLAN TAGO, L. Water Plantain. Had ence much celebrity in Russia, as a cure for hydropho- bia’; time has not confirmed this valuable property. ^ ALIMA ODORATA, Raf, FI. lud. Sweet Plantain. The whole plant odorous, used for wounds and bruises in Louisiana. Z 2 ES LLIUM, L. Wild Garlic, Lan 8, A. canadense most common, ; y e MOSE B milk and butter of cows feeding on them. The ve a bad taste | - 188 ALNUS. used for gravel. The Cherokees use them in cookery. Many species cultivated in gardens and fields. .4. safi- vum or common Garlick, is a well known condiment, highly medical, externally as a stimulant, rubefacient, and blistering, internally as a diffusible stimulant, diu- retic, expectorant, sudorific, &c. useful in diseases of a languid character and interrupted secretion, catarrhal disorders, and chronic cough, pituitous and spasmodic asthma, flatulent cholics, hysterical and. dropsical com- plaints, intermittent and typhoid fevers, retention of urine, &c. It is also a powerful vermifuge, and has ex- pelled the tenia. 1t is given in substance, conserve, milk, wine, &c. Properties residing in a yellow, thick, acrid oil. Applied to the sole of the feet as an excellent revulsion from disorders of the head. Ointment or poul- tice repellent, discutient, diuretic, and cures deafness produced by atony or rheumatism. ‘The excessive use of garlick in cookery, may produce head-ache, flatulence, fetid breath, thirst, inflammations, fevers, and bloody piles. Parsley and celery correct partly its strong smell and taste, and also that ef onions. ALLIUM CEPA, L. or Cepa vulgaris, Tt. Onions. Have the same properties as garlick, but weaker. Very useful as food in dropsies and suppressed urine. Onions correct the taste of fish, and can cure the bad effects pro- duced by bad fish, salt, smoked, or putrid. ‘They pro- mote secretions and excite appetite. Their excess pre- duces flatulence, thirst, head-ache, bad dreams, and may derange the central functions. Externally, they form good cataplasms for suppurating tumors. Raw onions can only suit strong stomachs, they render the breath of- fensive. When boiled or stewed, they are palatable and healthy... The ancients thought that onions and garlic - could cure or prevent the ue... The A. porrum ot Leeks, have the same qualities and uses, they are still ions : beth roots and leaves used. . — 1. Black aider. AMANITA. 189 a light- charcoal, the “gry best for gunpowder. The A. undulata, A. gluti 38; also called Alder with-us, has different pro bears red berries ; both are called Sulling by the Cana- da tribes, who use the bark in poultice for swellings and strainss - vs ALSINE MEDIA, L. Chick?weed.. Antiscorbutic. and pectoral may be eaten boiled for greens. . Birds are fond of it. : ALTHEA OFFICINALIS, L. Marsh Mallow. Eu- ropean. plant, becomes spontaneous: with us. in many laces. - Plant and root mucilaginous, demulcent, emo- ient ; used in cataplasms, gargles, fomentations, clys- ters, and decoctions, for diseases of the throat and lungs, bowels, bladder, and urethra, also for pains, irritations, and inflammations. Equivalent to mallow and gum Arabic, but better. In oun lozenges of it are used. America. Several are. excellent for food, the best are, A, muscaria, A. deliciosa, A. edulis, A. campestris, A. albella, A. aurantiaca, A. protera, A. ovoidea, ic. All the European species are found with us, 50 kinds are eaten in France, 100 kinds in Ital y. Here we are afraid of them, and only eat 2. or 3. An easy test can teach us which are harmless: boil or cook a white onie with them, i: 190 AMYGDALUS. cultivated in dung beds and cellars, by sow- ing the little bulbs or name AMARANTHUS, L. Amaranth, Princefeather. Ma- ny species cultivated for beauty, and many wild. The leaves of several-can be eaten boiled like spimage ; in Louisiana they eat my A. diacanthus, Raf. The A. san- guineus, L. called Lovely bleeding, is a powerful: styp- tie, the decoction is in popular use to stop the flow of menses, when other remedies have failed. The A, pu- milus, Raf. may be pickled like other fleshy sea plants. LIS. ATAMASCO, L. Ground lily, Stag- 7i Said to poison horses and cattle, producing Stageers. Beautiful vernal white ^ AMBROSIA, L. Ragweed. The A. elatior and other "species with jagged leaves bear that name, called also Carrot-weed, Conot-weed, Bastard Wormwood. Bad weeds in old fields, not eaten by cattle ; if cows eat it ‘by chance, their milk becomes bitter : the plant deemed emollient and antiseptic in fermentations, the seeds nixed. with wheat, give a bad bitter taste to bread. The í tied Horseweed and Wild Hemp, was sake a kind of hemp and ropes; LONOIC A, Elliot. ( G/ycine do, L.) greedy of-this_ plant, and destroy . e, ought to be cultivated for fodder- peas, and as good to eat. I k ne it for the-table. . Almond tree, -Cub ANDROMEDA. 191 AMYGDALUS PERSICA. Peach trees. Was culti- vated by the Indian tribes before Columbus, either indi- genous or brought from Asia. Now commonjfrom Ca- nada to Louisiana, in orchards: Fruit delicious. -Win can be made with it. Peach brandy. is a pernicious liquor. Peach kernels are similar to bitter almonds. The peach blossoms are bitter; anodyne, carminative, diuretic, and vermifuge, much employed in Europe for worms, colic, gravel, &c. in the form of tea. Said also to subdue inebriation and deafness. "The peach leaves have the same properties, but are weaker, more bitter, and less agreeable, sometimes purgative in large doses. Deserving attention as an efficient vermifuge. AMYGDALUS GLABRA, Dee. Nectarine. Peculiar species, and not a variety of peach. © Properties similar to peach, but much weaker. Rare with us. =~ AMYRIS FLORIDANA, Nuttal. Florida Balsam tree. The berries are black and fragrant, the. leaves aromatic. Properties similar to Z. maritima and .4.bal- samifera of the West Indies, called Rosewoods, cepha- lic, diaphoretie, used for weak eyes, &c. The whole genus is balsamic, producing Gum Elemi, Balm of Gi- lead, &c. i very fine and hard. The nut good and healthy; the bl sudati de black, and | rt, yet 1 As H obia b Boerhaave, and ever since. Employed in Europe for | of calves. ANDROMED L. the 4. nitida "of Carolina, Sour wood or Pipestem, is equivalent of Kalmia for the itch} the leaves are acrid, the bark dies purple with copperas. 192 ANGELICA. The A. angustifolia, or Pitt of the Florida tribes, is also uivalent of Aalmia. The A. mariana or Wicke, like- wise very useful in the ground itch of-negro's feet. The A. racemosa or White Pepperbush, White Osier, is used for baskets and fish flakes. The powder on the leaves and buds of 4. pulverulenta or Mealybush, and other kinds is a powerful errhine : even the powdered leaves are such. i ANDROPOGON, L. Sedge Grass: Many species, disliked by cattle because coarse and dry ; but the 4. ciliatus makes good hay in Florida. Some of our spe- cies may be equivalent to 2. schenanthus and A. nardus, -ANEMONE VIRGINICA, L. Windbloom.. Kalm y ari ney in alcohol, are used in edon- t , being put in the hollow teeth. ANET IM FENICULUM, L. Fennel. Cultivated and often spontaneous. Seeds pungent, aromatic, equi- valent to anniseeds, but a different flavor. The sweet fennel is bleached and eaten like cellery in Haly. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA, L. JMasterwort. From Canada to Carolina. The root has a strong smell, when fresh it is a poison, the juice is acrid and blisters ‘the lips 5 the Indians of Canada use it for suicide. But when doy, it loses its virulenee, and becomes a warm aromatic, similar to: lovage. .Cutler-says the stems are Ec 9x68 xam exe, ANGELICA LUCIDA, L. Angelic root, Belly-ache root. Nendo of the Virginian Indians. #hite root of the Southern tribes. Equivalent of Ginseng and officinal Angelica.. Root like Ginseng, taste simi ar, smell like aniseed. . Highly valued by the Southern Indians, and cultivated by them : used as a carminative, and in cook- y-_ This root is said to give the excellent flavor to Arginia and eek, when ho on it. It is ? - APOCYNUM. 193 The Missouri tribes call it Zagonihah, and mix it with tobacco to smoke; they also eat it, but it often produces indigestion. : ee he ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM, L. Sweetgrass. Makes fragrant hay ; cows fed on it give a very fine milk : sheep feeding on it produce excellent mutton. APIOS TUBEROSA, P. (Glycine apios, L.) Indian Potato, Potato Pea. Hopniss of the Delaware tribes. Noa of the Missouri tribes. Zucaha of the Southern tribes. Hanke or White apple of the Oregon tribes. Valuable plant, formerly cultivated by the Indians (yet by the Creeks) for the roots, which are like potatoes, or rather like Helianthus tuberosus, and the seeds like peas and as good. Deserving to be cultivated by us. The roots are white, tender, very good boiled or roasted, and in soups, or even raw when dried. E mG n APIUM GRAVEOLENS, L. Cellery. Much culti- vated. When bleached a good pot herb ; root, petioles, and leaves are excellent in soups, ragouts, fried, &c. They are stomachic, excite appetite, correct the alka- lescence of meatand fish. Very useful in obstructions and liver complaints. When eaten raw less healthy, | impairing digestion, but correcting fetid breath. APIUM PETROSELINUM, L. Common Parsley. Cultivated for condiment and very medical. Diuretic and sudorific, the root chiefly so, and with sweetish taste. In decoction, it incre the suppression and s ry, gives re pains, better still if united to n epilepsy. "The seeds have been used in syphilis, — APLOCERA MARITIMA, Raf* (Monocera, E.) Toothache Grass of Carolina. Root bitter, sialagogue, — used for the tooth-ache : or eaten by cows affect — their milk, giving it a bad tas 194 ARALIA. fuge, and pectoral, according to doses aud forms. Six grains of the powdér is sudorific, 30 grains will purge and vomit, useful in asthma united to E wd Also used in dropsies, rheumatism, and whooping cough by empirics. All the species nearly equal, and deserving attention. AQUILEGIA CANADENSIS, L. Red Columbine. A beautiful native flower, adorning our rocks, cultivated -for beauty. Equivalent of 4g. vulgaris, which is diu- . retic, menagogue, sudorific, antiscorbutic; and aperitive. ‘The roots, flowers, and seeds are used in Europe ; the seeds are acrid oily, taken in vinous infusions for jaun- dice. - d ag TOM — ARABIS RHOMBOIDES, Mx. Meadow Cress. Equi- valent of Water Cresses, the tuberous root edible as well as the leaves, similar to Radishes, taste like Coch- learia. ARACHIS HYPOGEA, L. Ground Nut, Pea Nut. Cultivated from Maryland to Florida. Erroneously call- ed Pistachoe Nut in Carolina, the name belongs to the Pistacia of Sicily and Syria. Called Pindars in the West Indies. Cultivated by the Indians from Florida .to Brazil before Columbus, by the name of Mani. Yet Bae Creek tribes, who raise large crops in pure sand. he seeds or beans are oily, they produce much oil fit for all uses; commonly eaten roasted in the shell or pod: nutritive, demulcent and pectoral. A kind € chocolate can be made with them, quite inferior, thou taste similar. Ei i à RALIA SPINOSA, L. Prickly Elder, Shot Bush. Tree, &c. Valuable medical tree, the . cathartic ifie, sialagog | ARNICA, 7. 395 but milder. The leaves and seeds are pectoral. Add to 4. nudicaulis, used for bilious complaints as a ptisan in Canada, and 2. racemosa by the Indians as carmina- tive, pectoral and antiseptic, in coughs, pains in the breast, mortification; the root with horse radish, made - in poultice for the feet in general dropsy. The juice of the berries and oil of the seeds is said to cure ear ache and deafness, poured in the ears. ARCTIUM LAPPA, L. Burdock. Common to both continents, Root valuable, diuretic, diaphoretic and detergent, equivalent to Aralia and Smilax. Useful in rheumatism, scurvy, syphilis, nephritis, phlogosis, oede- ma, gravel and gout. These properties are mild, since the boiled roots, stems and leaves are eaten in Canada; nay, the root even raw, like radishes, the taste is sweet- ish austere: the use of it makes the urine milky, and , produces flatulence. The seeds are bitter snd purgative. ARETHUSA BULBOSA, L. The bruised bulbs use- and opht imic, lose only a they are narcotic. The capsul in diarrhea and dysentery. _ pear to unite the properties Celandine. 196 ASCLEPIAS. good. My A. cordata also with redish- berries. The +hokeberzies are produced by 4 or 5 species of shrubby by the dec fine snu E. icum, the fresh leaves St ‘LEP . E Indians of Louisiana use - Serpentaria, A A —— of rattle snakes. ASPIDIUM. 197 dysentery, and as emetics, chiefly the 4. syriaca, A. incarnata, and A. obtusifolia. ee ASIMINA, Dec. Ty, (Annona sp. L. Pore others.) Papaw, Custard Apple. Asiminier in Lo The A. triloba, found from Ohio to Mexico. F a bad smell, but when ripe after frost, the pulp is $i luscious, yellow, similar to Custards. It is laxative and healthy. A wine is made of it, qu and good, useful for aphthas of children. The ski the fruit and the seeds are fetid, smell similar to Datura. The A. grandiflora of Florida, has large fragrant white blossoms, and a fruit like Cucumber, rough outside, but with a fine hard yellow pulp inside, delicious and whole- some. The A. incarnata has also a fine fruit. All these shrubs deserve cultivation. ‘The Indians make stron ropes with their bark. os ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS, L. Sparrow Grass. Cultivated, often spontaneous. The shoots a well known vernal luxury, very healthy, diuretic, giving a strong smell to urine, purifying the blood, pectoral, sedative, and sudorific ; but the excessive use is said to bring on ^ gout. The root and seeds are aperient, diuretic, aphro- ` disiac, &c. useful in gravel, nephritis, &c. A peculiar substance, asparagine, found in them. Valuable dietin many diseases of the breast, heart, kidneys and bladder, it allays the inordinate action of the heart. A syrup made with the green part of the shoots, is useful when out of season. Alcohol is made with the berries. — ASPIDIUM, Sm. Malefern, Sweetbrake. W nearly 25 species, many are medical: the 4... leaves. Plinius knew its vermifuge po AM the pectoral, diaphoretic and demulcent. The Aspi gives by analysis, a peculiar fatty substance, tannin, sugar, starch, gelatine, lignine, &c. > R2 198 AZALEA. taste is bitterish, sweetish, subastringent and mucilagi- nous. Used in Eng land to flavor Ale. ASPLENIUM, Ys Spleenfern. Many species. Equi- alént of 4. trichomanes and V4. iata, "e as 4. ebeneum, nanoides, rhizophyllum, &c. Mild astringent, pec- and corroborant, aperient and diuretic, useful for tions, gravel, syphilis, to clean the sae ba hy- dria, &c. in decoction. ER, L. Starwort. A fine prolific genus, we have y 100 species. Never before introduced in Materia I p indebted to Dr. Lawrence, of New Le- y the following indications. The4. novanglia yed in decoction internally, with a strong de- c externally, in many eruptive diseases of the skin: it removes also the poisonous state of the skin caused by ` Rhus or Shumac. The 4. cordifolius is an excellent aromatic nervine, in many cases preferable to Valerian. e. otber species must be equally good, such as 4. eus and those with a strong scent ; they ought to ied ee gauivalente of Valerian in 1 epilepsy, spasms, T RIPLEX; L. o E Severa sp ecies. 4. lacinia- @ is refrigerant, watery, edible, simi ar and equivalent te-Purslain.. 4. halamoides, Raf. or Sea Orach, is simi- - Tar, also anodyne, useful in gout as a-cataplasm, = starch ; the young shoots are eaten like Asparagus. - hostes or Garden Orach, eaten like Spinage. : AVENA SATIVA, L. Common Oats. Seeds nutri- demulcent, refrigerant, equal to Barley in fevers el. Oat cakes: are eaten like Buckwheat cakes cotldhd.. . Oatmeal is eaten in lands io hk no made in into | fo wants — "boiled. to a a ili Oaie is the chief food food o: BATSCHIA. 2 199 that the blossoms are made into fragrant conserves. in the North. = AZEDARACA AMENA. Tt. 1700. (Melia aze L.) Bead tree, Hoop tree, Pride tree. The old good - name of Tournefort, Adanson, Jussien, Sc. is much bet ter than Melia of L. being part of Bromelia and Melian- ~~ thus. Native of Arkansas and Texas. Cultivated from Carolina to Louisiana, often called there Pride of China. Valuable, elegant and medical tree, growing any where from America to Japan, improving sandy soils, bearing transplantation and lopping at any age. Good coarse wood, fine fuel ; cattle eat the leaves, hogs and birds the berries. Inner white bark of the roots excellent ver- n Pencil tree. _ E Ornamental when in seed. r seent lik and Jacobeu, indicating medical properties. ~ ^ BAMBUSA ARUNDINACEA, J. Bambu Cane. In Florida, below lat. 28. Very useful for rods, props, light carpentry, vessels, and other domestic uses. The young shoots are edible, boiled or pickled.- ^ . Y BATSCHIA Puecoon, Red paint, Alcanet. Se- veral em must be thë Anchusa virgi- niang f. Red root, used asa die am paint b: iso as a vermifuge. Perhaps 200 BLITUM. valent of Anchusa and Rubia, dyeing deep orange rather than red. ~ BERBERIS. Add, barberies are used in Egypt in the plague and violent fevers. BETA VULGARIS, L. Garden Beet. Root sweet, “good food boiled, baked or pickled. Leaves diluent, refrigerant, useful in sore eyes, head ache, tooth ache, coryza, Sc. applied on the parts: the best dressing for inflammations, cutcers, suttons. As good as spinage for greens. Blossoms errhine. Beet sugar is made in France on a large scale, is nearly as good as cane sugar, but lighter: the mashed roots after the juice is pressed ou excellent food for cattle. out, are e: + e BETULA, L. Birch Tree. Valuable trees for the timber, sap and bark. . The best is B. lenta; many vul- names, Sweet Birch, Black B. Cherry B. Spice B. ountain Mahogany. Wood much used by cabinet makers, takes a fine polish : bark with a sweet spicy smell and taste, like Gautiera, alterative and antiscro- BROMELIA. 201 BOLETUS, L. Touchwood. Fungi with pores be- neath ; we have nearly 200 species : those with cells beneath are my G. Phorima; Polyporus has a c i stem, Dedalea a labyrinth beneath, Fistulina h tubes beneath. The true Boletus are sessile, equivalent to Agaricus to make tinder and styptic lint. A. einna- barinus dies red. B. suberosus is made into corks in Sweden. B. igniarius and B. fomentarius chiefly used. for spunk or tinder. B. marginatus exudes an acid. B. odoratus and B. suaveolens smell like anniseed, their powder preserves clothes from insects, used in Europe with honey in phthisis. The B. laricis is tonic and used in fevers. Almost all the fleshy species of Poly- porus are edible, test same as for Amanita, B. edulis, B. juglandis, &c. are excellent. : BOTROPHIS. Add, used for rheumatic pains, dis- eases of languor and squirrous tumors, in tincture or decoction, by the Cherokees and Southern tribes. . __ BOTRYCHIUM, Mx. Rattlesnake Ferns. Several species, mild qm equivalent of Osmunda. BRASSICA OLERACEA, L. Cabbage. Well known vegetable, healthy, antiscorbutic, pectoral when boiled. Raw in coldslaw, or pickled in sourcrout, almost indi- gestible. Cauliflowers still better than cabbage, the best taste like beef marrow. Cabbage is good food for cattle, but spoils the milk of cows. Eaten by horses, the leaves cure the salivation or slabber. It contains sulphur. BRASSICA RAPA, L. Turnips. Nutritive, fat, flatulent, aphrodisiac, diuretic. Spontaneous with us The Rutabaga is a variety much liked by cattle. Leaves good boiled for greens. "Phe seeds produce much oil; . this oil, as well as the decoction and soup of the roots, useful in gravel, cholic, asthma, aphtha, strangury, otal- gy, &c. "The Br. napus (Kale or Cole) is a native of Arkansas, little known as yet with us: the leaves bleached like Cellery, are sweet and tender ; the oil o Coleseed or Br. campestris, almost exclusively used in Holland, Bog and Flanders, to cook and burn. — BROMELIA ANANAS,. a- Pine Apple. Cuitivate in Floridaw Delicious fruit. diuretic, menagogue aphrodisiac: an excellent wine like Malmsey mad mm, . CAETHA 8S, S E uU x. laxativ e, diaeta wenagogdes ^», Excellent for cattle, purges them. UNIAS AMERICANA, Raf. Seacole. The 2. ca- of Schoepf, B. maritima of others. On the sea Acrid, diuretic, antiscorbutic. Edible, makes e pickle for my; ; root mixed with area in Ca: 100 years old. Wood rz d very hard, implements and wood cuts. Leaves and ba tter, fetid, purgative, pellent, sudorific, alterative, anti yphilitic, Said to be equivalent of Styllingia in pues 3 also used in epilepsy and hysterics, also for “CACALIA, L. Caraway. Manz. species. All more or less ameibant like Mallow, the C. reniformis (called E Cabba el) used | beet le ves. C eee d Rant aro y very troubl EE pu | A y are edible, acid, sweet- K s useful for dropsi in T Dale, Miller, Se CAPSICUM. . 203 similar to capers when fae The juice stains yellow. Said to be equivalent of Chelidonium. - xum s CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS, L. Sweet Shrub, Allspice. Fine shrub, much esteemed for the blossoms smelling like Pine-apple. The bark is aromatic, similar to cinnamon, the seeds taste like Pimento : often use in the South for substitutes to spices ; yet said to poi- son dogs and wolves. The root is a very strong emetic. CANNABIS SATIVA, L. Common Hemp. Well known, often spontaneous. Leaves and seeds virose, narcotic, phantastic, anodyne, repellent. Leaves used as Tobacco in the East Indies, under the name of Bang, smoked and chewed, pernicious, they exhilirate at first, but soon affect the head like opium ; the excessive use brings on stupidity, mania, and many diseases like to- bacco. Boiled in oil they form a.good liniment for rheu- matism. Used before sute ea pesstsons to produce stupor. “The emulsion of the seeds useful for gonorrhea. leucorrhea, jaundice and impotency. Hemp seed oil is bland and good for lamps. Hemp beer intoxicates. - CAPRARIA BIFLORA, L. Carib Tea. Florida and Louisiana. Used as tea in the West Indies, taste. very different from tea. APSICUM, L. Cayenne Pepper. The C. baccatum wild in Florida. C. annuus cultivated every where. Axi of Haytians. Chile of Mexicans. Fruit a well kaown condiment, very strong stimulant, acrid and burning. The abuse or even use of it, often produce fevers and inflammatory disorders, liver coniplaints, obstruction bloody piles, sores, &c. Useful in food only for flatu- lence, it is never of service to the healthy, but is medi- cal to the sick, stimulating the stomach, exciting the nerves in lethargic and paralytic affections. Often used as a gargle in palsy of the tongue, I or ulcerated sore throat. Externally a good stimulant and rubefacient in chronic rheumatism, palsy, gout, tooth ache, drop- sies, used in cataplasm or tincture rabbed on. Employed in the West Indies in the cachexy or morbid debility of negroes. A specific in the relaxed sere eyes, in a weak _wash. The powder Me on socks will cure the cold- ness of the feet. It has become a principal article in _ the practice of the empiric Thompson, to retain, as be 204 CARTHAMUS. . says, the vital heat and cause a free perspiration : he boasts of having used it in all diseases, in doses of half to one teaspoon full, with good effect, to have cured es, fevers, spotted fevers, &c. with it, and to have always found it harmless. This must be false, it cannot be harmless in inflammatory disorders, nay, rather per- nicious. By Dr. Conwell’s analysis, it contains a pecu- liar substance, Capsicine, azote, mucilage, nitrate of potash, a coloring matter, &c. "CARDAMINE, L. Ladies’ Smock. Many species. Equivalent of Nasturtium, but more diuretic, nervine and diaphoretic. Roots said to be purgative. Leaves edible. Flowers most efficient, used in powder for epi- epsy, hysterics, chorea and spasmodic asthma, united to 'alerian. CAREX, L. Sedge. A tribe of grasses rather than genus : nearly 150 species lately ascertained with us, by Schweinitz, Torrey, Dewey, and myself. Not much liked by cattle: the large kinds make a rough kind of hay 3 those of salt marshes rather better owing to the salt taste ; useful to consolidate marshes and sands. Those with odorous roots are medical, like C. arenaria of Europe, edible, stomachic, diuretic, equivalent of sar- = saparilla, gayac and Dactylon. E : ARICA PAPAYA, L. Papay. Wild in Florida, fine evergreen tropical tree: fruit like a pear, good to eat: milk of the unripe fruit a fine vermifuge, one dose is said to kill all worms, and even the tapeworm, a dose. of castor oil is taken next to expel them. CEANOTHUS. — 205 upon as the true Saffron or Crocus, which has other pro- erties. E. -CASSINE PERAGUA, L.Schoepf. lex vomitoria, Ait. This, by some, is said to be the true Cassine of the Florida tribes ; but C. amulosa, Raf. Ilex cassine and dahon, Viburnum cassinoides, are all equally so named and used. The leaves are bitterish, sudorific and diure- tic, vomitive and purgative in strong decoctions, called black drink by the diana. Said to be useful in gravel, nephitis, diabetes, fevers, and small pox. * crofülous : it is astringent, depurat "The root is better than the leaves, th tea, similar to Bohea, in the war of ed, and make a red alous 206 CHAMEROPS. tion, It is even useful in inveterate syphilis and chronic tumors. Probably equivalent of Stilingia. CELASTRUS SCANDENS, L.Fevertwig,Staffvine, Bittersweet. Equivalent of Dulcamara and. Mezereon, but weaker. Bark used, emetic, antisyphilitic, discutient; externally it expels indurated tumors, and the swelling of cow bags... CELTIS, L.. Nettle tree, Hackberry in the West. Sugar-berry tree in the South. Seyeral species, with yellow, purple and brown berries. Bark anodyne, cool- the sente € ED TAUREA, | t1. ‘Several sp ecies cultiy ated, some have be c spontaneous. C. benedicta, (1 jessed or ely Thistle) a good medical plant : léaves, flowers «seeds used, vemy bitter, somewhat nauseous, tonic and diuretic, purgative and.sub- and stomachie, sud emetic, repellent and antacid. Employed in decoction, infusion, extract, for agues, pleurisy, gout, cachexy, ano- rexia, vertigo, head ache, whooping cough, and even the lague. Itis also hepatic, and ib il to correct the bile. F: anus, Ela | Blucbotiles, has long beer itt p» ine, silica many fou also spontaneous quivalents, all called. Knapwee E e - Add, inner bark agreeable bit-, ter, much “used for coughs, and in a for palsy in Carolina ; also diuretic, | tak: ills. ing. . Berries sweet, Ei good neat useful f d $ T 207 chiefly used to make hats, baskets, fans-and mats, with the leaves. The Ch. palmetto or Royal Palmetto, the largest rising 80 feet, wood spongy, valuable because in- corruptible in water, and never eaten by worm S, used for wharves and forts, resisting cannon balls. "The cen- tral cabbage is delicious, trees often wantonly destroyed for it. Sap now little used, although affording Palm - wine d PR E : : CHARA, L. Water Feathers. Aquatic pm, with a fetid smell, said to be antispasmodic and vermifuge. They contain a peculiar substance, Charine, similar to animal matter, a fetid green oil, and many salts, chiefly carbonate of lime; produced by crustaceous Polyps co- vering the plants. =~ CHEIRANTHUS, L. Wallflower. Several species cultivated, sweet scented nervineg The Ch. asper, N. of the West, is called Bitter root by the Indians, intensel bitter, and used by them asa tonic. = — CHELIDONIUM. MAJUS, L. Celandine, ive.’ Whole p d, the juice or sap is a y ) kh. and- bitter, which extirpates warts, cu ET mil ringworms, and cleans old ulcers. Diuretic and diaph retic, aperient and hepatic, stimulant and detergen Beneficial in dropsy, cachexy, jaundice, oedema, tabes yellow juice tic. Seldom used in ery us sions, gravelly pains, In Portugal, leaves infused i Eu dese Eh pi A n 208 CICHORIUM. . CHIMANTHUS AMYGDALINUS, Raf. Fl. lud. (Prunus Carolin, L.) Winter Laurel, Laurier Amande in Louisiana. Evemmeen tree, blossoming in winter. ¿Leaves give flavor of almonds to milk, creams, &c. Said — "X0 poison cattle. * ‘CHIOCOCCA RACEMOSA, L. Snowberry, David root. From Florida to Brazil. Root bitter, pungent, nauseous, diuretic and menagogue, alterative and stimu- t. Used in decoction, tincture or powder for dropsy, LUM, Lin. leaves odorous, ecoction pungent, thisis and tinea. - ter Carpet. Succulent, CITRUS. 209 tic, detergent and corroborant. Useful in obstructions, jaundice, cachexy, hectic fevers, hypochondria, agues and bilious fevers, hemorrhage, gout, cutaneous erup tions, debility of the bowels, &c. The whole plant uses the juice, extract and syrup. The root roasted and ground makes a substitute for coffee in Europe, tasting bitterish and sweetish. A syrup of it with rhubarb, oats, &c. used for all diseases of the liver, kidneys, skin and blood, fevers, cholics, &c. "The C. endivia or Garden Endive, eaten as a sallad, has similar properties, much weaker. The seeds were cold seeds of the Galenic school. Succory is also tinctorial, and dies yellow. - We ELE Add, the yellow juice of the root dies ellow. ep P CIRCEA,L. Two species, their roots die yellow, leaves useful in decoction and cataplasm, for pi s and condyloma, en T ; CISSAMPELOS SMILACINA, L. C: ol lent of C. pareira. S E. EE oF A, : Rock Used by empirics for enring scrofula, in decoction and cataplasms. ‘The roots throw off small white icicles. -CITRUS AURANTIUM, L. Orange trce. Native of South Florida. Cultivated from Florida to Louisiana. Very useful tree. Wood similar to Box, but softer. Leaves bitter, anodyne, diaphoretic, stomachic, formin a fn médical Ada" in nel t ous 210 CLEMATIS. cooling, useful against scurvy and in fevers : the Orange- ade made with it and sugar, also the Orange wine. Orange juice and sea salt is a popular purgative in Ja- maica. Seeds bitter, forming a bitter emulsion as good as the leaves or buds, and vermifuge. CITRUS MEDICA, L. Lemon tree. With the last and equivalent. . Many varieties, Zimes, Citron, Berga- mot, &c. The oils of Lemon peel and Bergamot peel well known as perfumes. ‘Thick rind of Citrons fine tonic preserve. Inner bark white, tonic. Leaves, blos- soms and seeds like those of Oranges; Juice very acid, containing much citric acid and mucilage, fine condi- ment, lemonade grateful drink, very useful in all fevers, scurvy, gravel, &c. Antiseptic, refrigerant, diuretic and anti-emetic. Punch isa bad drink, it gives head ache and dyspepsia. Wine punch is grateful and healthy. _ Citric acid is used in the arts. Oil of lemons to take off spots of grease. Lime juice purified of the mucilage, employed as mordaunt by the dyers. — — Et A CLADRASTIS TINCYORIA, Raf. (Virgilia, Mx.) ellow Ash, Fustic tree; Yellow Locust. From Ken- Alabama. Fine tree, wood yellow and soft, berry and Fustic, fine canoes made with it. =: ight yel it is laxative, and ‘ots purgative. Flowers fragrant, like Robi- , The turners use the wood, it is good for inlayiag. it dyes pale yellow like Pusti - — ~ = 5 = CLAVARIA, L. Coral or Club Mushrooms. AH the fleshy kinds edible. The €. coralloides and C, cinerea er. EA ost all the spe- “Cl. vitalba, and Cl. recta blossoms acrid, raising poison internally, loses COFFEA. 911 stance, Clematine, similar fo gluten. Bruised green leaves used by our empirics as escharotic for foul vene- real ulcers, and detergent of other sores. > =- €LEOME EDULIS, Raf. Fl. lud. Leaves eaten in gombos, smell like Assafcetida. Cl. pentaphylla also. e it smells of garlic ^ - Td CLINO ODIUM, L. Dogmint. Equivalent of We- peta: much weaker. — -= ; P CLINTONIA, Raf. Five species. See Sigillaria. Blueberry, Cuscum by Algic tribes. Leaves used by them as a plaster for bruises and old sores, applied wet or bruised. Berries sweetish, edible. CNICUS, J. Thistles. Bad weeds, the Canada this- tle or Cr. arrensis above all. Those with bitter roots . tonic, used in poultices by Cherokees. My Cn. edulis of (Sison do, L.) ^ feme. 212 CORALLINA. coction, promotes digestion, revives and keeps awake, being antinarcotic and antidote of opium ; useful in asthma, chronic catarrh, gout, head ache, diarrhea, fe- vers, menstrual suppressions, scrofula, &c. It is astrin- gent, antiseptic, stimulant at first, sedative afterwards. The abuse produces tremors, nervous diseases and pal- sy! Baneful to nervous, hot, choleric and phthisical persons. : i COLUTEA, L. Bladder Senna. Equivalent of Sen- na, leaves purgative, dose 1 to 3 ounces in decoction: COMANDRA, N. or Thesium umbellatum, L. Toad Flax. Used for fevers by the Algic tribes. = -= COMMELINA, L. Dayflower. We have 10 species blended under C. virginica and C. communis, forming even peculiar genera, 2nanthopus, Allotria, Nephrallus, Raf. All equivalent. Root antifebrile, leaves eaten by the Indians as greens, emollient, pectoral and anodyne. «The blossoms afford a fine azure blue, by a peculiar pro- cess, called Hoosaki in Japan. 2 _ COMPTONIA. Add, can make ink. Boiled in milk od for all fluxes, tooth ache and sore mouth. = gative.. 3 CONFERVA, L. Watermoss. Can make paper, used mucilaginous. i, E. Buttonbush. South dlitic in decoction. —— CONV L > L. Lily of the Valley. ountams Alleghany. Flowers very fragrant, sternu- e CONVALLARÍA MAJALI Several species, with , antispasmodic, nervine. avoyane jaune of the Ca- die skins, wool and flax CUCUMIS. 213 species ; the C. officinalis contains carbonate of lime and magnesia, gelatine, albumen, sea salt,&c.2 OREOPSIS, L. Tickseed. The flowers of nearly all the species seni a | red dye to the Indians, similar. to Carthamus, €. auriculatus used by the Cherokees. — CORNUS. Add, bark of €. sericea, smoked like to- bacco by the Western tribes ; the black fruits of C. po- lygama, Raf. Fl. lud. very good to eat. 'C. paniculata has been substituted to C. florida, CORYLUS AMERICANA, L. Hazelnut, Filberts. Good fruit, giving relief in nephritis : affords much bit of a bad smell, anodyne, odontalgic. CRATEGUS, L. Hawthorn, Thorn trees. Many spe- cies. Fruits of several edible, red or yellow, acid or sweetish, making fine stomachic preserves, useful for diarrhoea and antiemetic; such are Cr. coccinea, Cr. to- mentosa, Cr. crusgalli. . The leaves and flowers of this, last, used as pectoralgin coughs mede caes bad asc a tea: the shrubjmakes fine he: CRINUM 4 Splendid plant, substituted to Squills like the Cr. lati- folium of East Indies, but weaker. CROTON, L. Several species roduce the Cascarilla bark, Cr. eleutherea, Cr. cascarilla, Cr. odorifera and Ck balsamifera ; the two first grow in Florida and Ba- hama. Bark aromatic, fragrant, smoke musky, taste pungent, bitter. lt contains resin, volatile oil, mucilage and a bitter principle- < Tonie, € ; evers, measles, flatulent colic, the thrush of children, nar ternal popes m € dudo de tincture 20 to 60 drops, it oses ac y by -CUCUBALUS BEHEN, L. Campion T Sca Pk. Root anthelmintic, emetic in large doses. — CUCUMIS, L. Several spe ies cultivated, chiefly C sativus or Cucumber fruit -mucilaginous, un- healthy unripe, raw thy boiled, fried or stewed, Seve. al ns 214 _CYNARA. The seeds of both cooling in emulsions and used in stran- ay, Lai fevers, &c. — = are the Squashes, very healthy boiled. C. lagenaria, (Gourd or Calabash) alos a dead child ; it kills rattl nose wr . with a stick. _ fragrant, the oil drives. Xf insects and worms. - of e wood stomachic. - CURCUMA LONGA, L. . Turmeric. Cultivated in Florida and Louisiana. Valuable yellow dye, principal ingredient of Curry powder. Weak aromatic smell and taste, slightly bitter. Gentle stimulant, diuretic, deob- struent and Cons, useful in jaundice, diseases of the liver, gravel, cachexy, dropsy, agues, obstructions, men- al suppressions, &c. Externally, it resolves tumors. It dyes saliva and urine yellow. Very healthy pe DECEMIUM. 215 healthy raw. ‘The petioles very good bleached like Cellery. — CYNODON DACTYLON. Dog’s Grass, Bermuda Grass. Root sweet, mucilaginous, aperitive, refrigerants contains sugar and vanilline. Much used in Europe in decoction, to cool and purify the system. Valuable hay. CYNOGLOSSUM, L. Hound's tongue. Root vulne- rary, styptic, used in wounds and fluxes. The leaves are narcotic, smoked like tobacco. "The seeds are mu- cilaginous. CYPERUS, L. Bullrush. Many species, disliked by cattle, used. for mats by the Indians. €. esculentus, or Ground Nuts. Roots edible, sudorific, diuretic, useful after fevers. Emulsions, mush, cakes, coffee and cho- colate made of them by different preparations, besides a fine golden sweet oil. C. hydra (Nut s, or Horse grass of the South) is a bad weed, roots like horse hair, with round nuts equal to the last in part, it spoils fields, but consolidates sandy soils. The C. articulatus of Flo- rida, ( Adrue in Jamaica) has roots stimulant, aromatic, equivalent to Aristolochia serpentaria. €. odoratus, C. and bitter, also tannin : deemed stomachic, carminative, — menagogue, useful in gravel, à e Ha pressions. gos E. 216 DIGITARIA. DECODON VERTICILLATUM, Gm. (Lythrum, L.) Grasspoly. Baneful to farmers, causing abortion in mares and cows browsing it in winter. Equivalent of -Lythrum. 3 DELPHIDIUM, Raf. (Delphinium, L. same as Del- phinus!) Larkspur. Many genera blended here, Sta- phisagria, Consolida, Ajaxia, Plectrornis, Raf. D. sta- phisagria or Stavesacre in Virginia, Schoepf. Seeds bit- > ter, nauseous and burning, owing to acrid oil and del- phine ; powerful drastic and hydragogue, dangerous, ex- cept in minute doses ; powders used externally for cuta- neous eruptions, itch, lice, tooth ache. D. consolida ‘spontaneous in fields, milder equivalent. Flowers bitter, ophthalmic, used for gravel and chronic sore eyes in rose water. Seeds of D. exaltatum and D. consolida, found useful in spasmodic asthma, the tincture is used by drops, and gradually increased. i DENDROPOGON USNEOIDES, Raf. /Tillandsia, L.) Only 3 stamens, Elliott. Spanish Moss. From Ca- rolina to South America, on trees. Very useful winter food of cattle. When rotted in water, only a black elastic fibre like horse hair remains, used to stuff mat- ‘tresses, saddles, chairs, to make ropes and cables. Pauska of the Western tribe Also medical, best grow- ing on Liquidambar, used in sudorific baths, the infu- sion is pectoral in catarrh, asthma, $e. uel Ss DIANTHUS, L. Clove Pink, Carnation. - Fragrant flowers, cordial, sudorific, alexitere, used in potions, conserves, and to give a pleasant flavor and color to me dical syrups, vinegars, &c. DICLYTHRA, M. (Fumaria cucullaria, L.) - Colic weed, Dutchman breeches. Several species. Root tube- ^ ‘rose, used for tumours, when eaten gives the cholic, the decoction purifies the blood. Equivalent of Fumaria. . DIERVILLA CANADENSIS, Tt. (Lonicera diervilla, _ L.) Nauseous, pellent, antisyphilitic ; has been used - for disury, gonorrhea and syphilis, but is not efficient. DIGI IA, Mx. (Crop grass, Crab grass.) Several cies, D. sanguinalis, D. villosa, D. filiformis, D. di- 3; valuable grasses in the South, best fodder for | April to Jun equivalent of Cynodon EQUISETUM. 917 . DIONEA MUSCIPULA, L. form two species, D. corymbosa and D. sessiliflora, Raf. Wonderful plants, irritable, equivalent of Drosera. aoe -DIOSCOREA, L. Fam root. Many species produce yams. D. sativa cultivated in Louisiana, healthy, but insipid roots, very nourishing. D. villosa or Wild Fam, used by the Western tribes, roots and meal. Leaves also edible. — Pes ur es DIOSPYROS. Add, Piakmin or Ougoust of Western tribes, a wine made by them. Seeds good for the gra- vel in infusion. DIPSACUS, L. Teasel. Now spontaneous, heads used by fullers, root tonic aperitive» water held by the leaves ds excellent 218 : ERYTHRONIUM. food for cattle in winter. AIL the rough species used to scour and clean. Used in Italy for a ‘cattle diu- retic, given to exen-voiding blos he E. tuberosum, F Raf. of Oregon, roots food of Indians. — “Some tall spe- Nell by om Missouri HAS are used for SON E aln Snakerdot. Many species very active, diuretic and sudorific. E. iia E. fe- tidum and E. yucefolium, mostly uset, this last alse called Corn Snakeroot. said to be the best cure for rat- tle snake bites chewed aud laid on the wound. Æ. . feti- À V them f They unite E. aa to Iris in dropsy. - a very powerful sudorific, quite equal to Dorsteni rayerva in fevers. Requiring investi pestre of Europa has M. OFFICINALE, i - Hedge Mustard. soo Am gent, diuretic, used. for asthma, n cused by EUPHORBIA. 219 ESCULUS, L. Buckeye, Horse chesnut. All our sp. belong to the sub G. Pavia, and are equivalent. Their roots are saponaceous and narcotic, used boiled instead of soap for woollens: the Indians stupify and catch fish with them. The wood is very soft and white, it cannot burn ; it is made in the west into small tough and white chips for hats like Poplar in Europe: paper can be made with the shavings : Indians make bowls and spoons with if. Branches, leaves and nuts narcotic, with a nauseous smell: cattle eating them are poisoned, the symptoms are a wry neck, fixed eyes, swelled body, constipation, palsy, convalsions and death : the remedy is oil poured in the mouth and injected. Dr. Mac Dowell, of Dan- ville, has tried the powder of the rind and found 10 grains in powder equal to 3 grains of opium. The pound- ed nuts used in poultices, the root in diarrhea by In- dians. Deserving investigation : possensingg groben the uses of the Asiatic horse chesnut, E. hipocastanea, which has an astringent tonic bark, containing Esculine, equal to willow bark in agues before the fits, typhus, gangrene. ‘The fruits give much starch, and may be eaten after being deprived of the bitter narcotic princi- pa : used also as sternutatory in ophthalmia and head aches, : Se ESOPON GLAUCUM, Raf. Fl. lud. Equivalent of Chicorea. i : EUDISTEMON, Raf. Pepper grass. The Cochlearia coronopus of Schoepf, since united bees enera Bis- cutella, Lepidium, Senebiera, Coronopus. Diite all. Mild tonic, astringent, diuretic, gives b milk of cows. 2 A A co EUPATORIUM. Add, in small doses altera tiscorbutic and pectoral. Æ. perpureum, antis Schoepf. E. crassifiium, Raf. Fl. lud. herbed chev of Louisiana, used for wounds. Æ. pilosum, E. rotunc folium and E. scabridum, bitter, stomachic, tonic and febrifuge, used for snake’s bites and as equ foliatum. “The 1 alkali, in white peculiar taste, 220 FILINGUIS. seeds are eaten like Capers with us, it has lately been found in Europe that the ripe seeds contain 44 per cent. of a purgative oil, similar to that of Croton tiglium, but mild and not drastic : dose from 3 to 8- dene * The E. helioscopia gives a similar oil. The pretty Æ. leucoloma, Raf. (marginata, N. not:Kunth) of Arkansas is used by Indians as emetic and sudorific in fevers, bowel com- plaints. By handling it, some persons are poisoned as Í nervous cramp in the hand wT UPHR ASIA OFEICIN, Spindlebush, Wahoon. A 'ruits i decoction or powder equiv. of E aphisagria, for the itch and destroying ve -FAGUS, = Berek trees. Leaves i in decoction useful for burns, ‘scalding and frost nipping. Bark also used with oil or butter. Nuts edible, much liked by hogs, contain much sweet oil, proper for all uses. Wood less valuable than chesnut. Shade baneful to grass, beech fruitful. Ashes Lang for ' potash. Beech shav- FEDIA RAD IATA, Mx. Valeriana, L. Sch.) Lamb e, Corn - Good sweet sallad, in winter ang E "Deemed diuretic and. useful for hypochon- “FICUS CARICA, L. Fig tree. Cult. Spontaneous in Florida. Milk of the tree caustic, takes off spots from the skin, becomes a kind of gum elastic by drying. i soft, spongy. Leaves emollient. Figs contain sugar and mucilage; very nourishing fresh and laxative, pectoral, emollient,- hepatic, herpetic, abies Ke. Useful cholic, constipation: nally in e boes, phlegmons, anthrax, in of fresh figs is inds are pectoral, beer. Un- FUCUS. 921 ment made with oil for burns and piles ; in tea for dfar- rhea and dysentery. FISTULINA HYPODRIS, Bull. (Boletus hepaticus, Dec.) Liver Mushroom. Eatable when young, topical calmant in gout. FLOERKEA, W. Sweet Sallad. Edible, good and Sweet. à FRAGARIA. Add, dried for use in Europe, used in coughs, phthisis, mania, melancholy and gont. Roots bitter astringent, contain tannin and gallic acid, the de- coction is red, and dies the alvine excretions, used in blenorrhagy, diarrhea, hemorrhage, and also as a diu- retic. FRASERA. Add, used by empirics in cold infusion or oxymel for griping cholics, nausea and costiveness of pregnancy. FRAXINUS, L. Ash trees. Many sp. Valuable wood, compact, elastic, used for implements, screws, wheels, &c. Bark bitter astringent, used for hemorrhages and agues. Leaves for bites of snakes in poultice. Seeds penes dessicative, said to prevent obesity! Ashes iuretic, and eaten in Greenland, Iceland, $e Being urni, they furnish the kelp used for glass: iodine was first on them and it keeps them healthy p Pa are CSS fuge, diuretic, deobstraent, resolvent, $ bronchocele, sevofulous swell [assiste lei all g icn is TZ 222 GEASTRUM. an ounce for 3 doses in powder with honey, or decoc- tion. We used instead the F. natans, (Sea Oak or Guif- weed) Kalm says it was given in fevers and to women in childbed: Josselyn in wine for gout. The esculent Swallow nests of India are made with the F. corneus. Vases as hard as leather made with F. potatorum of Australia. The F. natans is edible also, used for fevers and retention of urine in Germany. F. serratus gives mostiodine. The charcoal or ethiops of F. vesiculosus, used for la, contains fücic acid, resin, a mE l t er RIA OFFICINALIS, L. Fumitory. Tonic bitter, antiscorbutic, depurative : useful for exanthema, prurient itching, scurvy spots, scabs, weak stomach, in Mus extract or wine. IIR d FUNGI. Mushrooms. Extensive-class of plants, of which a multitude found with us. Many are edible and yield sugar, 150 are eaten in Italy, nearly all found with p> Saag: TN genera Amanita, Boletus, Phallus, t Hydnum, Tuber, Lycoperdon, Se. Helvella a and Boletus laricis are [ eua and febri- fuge. Tinder, corks, ink, &c. are made with several. Fungine is a peculiar substance found in them. All the tough, lactescent, deliquescent and fetid kinds are poi- sonous if eaten, being acrid, narcotic, causing inflamwa- tion of the stomach and bowels, great thirst, gripi convulsions and death. The remedies are emetics, pur- gative injections, antispasmodics, emollients, acidulous drinks, Sc. .— x ites GALARDIA AMARA, Raf. FI. lud. fragrant, eq. of GLECHOMA. 223 has the peridium like a star instead of the volva. Dust inside styptic, absorbent, ophthalmic, gastritic, &c. Used in amputations, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, ulcers and in- tertrigo. Schoepf. : : GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS, J. (Bignonia do, L.) Jessamine, Woodbine. Root and flowers narcotic, their efluvia may cause stupor, tincture of the root used for rheumatism in frictions. GENISTA TINCTORIA. Dyers’ broom, Greenwood, Woodwaxen. Often spontaneous. Dyes yellow like Re- seda. Decoction diuretic, leaves and seeds mild purga- tive, the seeds sometiines emetic, used for hydrophobia in Russia. They contain a yellow fat, a straw colored matter, osmazome, albumen, wax, mucilage, tannin, con- crete oil, &c. G. scoparia, branches used for brooms, seeds also purgative. The bark of all the sp. give a kind of flax, G. juncea chiefly. GENTIANA. Add, G. ochrolenca and G. catesbei often called Simpson root or Snakesroot in the South, nauseous, used for bites of snakes, nervous fevers, pneu- monia, Sic. GERANIUM. Add, G. robertianum or Herbrobert, Rockweed, musky smell, astringent and diuretic, gives relief in gravel and blenorrhagy, good cataplasm for ery- sipelas, gargarism in sorethroat : used for the disease of cattle called bloody water. GERARDIA QUERCIFOLIA, Mx. Golden Oak. Specific of the Sioux for the bite of rattle snakes, used tee for the tooth gehe: fo ee GEUM. Add, the analysis of the root has given tan- nin, adraganthine, gum, resin, peculiar oil heavier than water. The G. radiatum, Mx. is probably the G. odo- ratissimum of Bartram's travels, or Spiceroot, the roots taste like Cloves and Pimento, and may be used like them, ur D: | - c es GILLENIA. Add, given to horses in Carolina to mend their appetite. Elliott... l GLEC HOMA HEDERACEA, L. Ground Ivy, Ale- lic; Used for coughs, ob- | the [ungs and kidneys ; also in 224 GOODYERA. jaundice and hypochondriac cholic, asthma, &c. Snuffed up the nose it has cured inveterate head aches. Used in tea, united to cherry bark; for sore eyes united to Celandine.. It makes ale antiscorbutic and tonic. Said to be banefül to horses. > GLEDITSIA, L. Honey Locust. Useful tree, good wood, leaves and pods liked by cattle and sheep, the pods have a sweet acid pulp, good to eat, good beer and metheglin made with it. The prickly kind used for hedges. Equivalent in America of the Ceratonia or Ca- ki nauseous root, yet eaten roasted b ther sp. called Cahohamo by the Oregon veet and good, tasting like sweet potatoes. - ‘APHALIUM, L. Cudweed. The Gn. margari- ceum also called Silver leaf, None so pretty, is ano- dyne and pectoral, used in colds and coughs, pains in cum, White p Poor robin or Ra cure themselves at once. ae GONOLOBUS HIRSUTUS, Mx. Negro vine. Root drastic, acting on the bowels like Colocynth. The juice serves to poison arrows in Guyana. Deserving esamina- tion. Found in North and South America. . ower. Rovt tuberose, fragrant, nervine. Equiv- of GUAYACUM. 225 plied bruised to the sores, renewed ove 3 hours, and the warm infusion used as tea freely, also to wash the sores. Tt is employed by the Indians, and has effected some cures, GORDONIA LASIANTHUS, L. Swamp Laurel. Beautiful tree, reaching 100 feet, wood coarse but beau- tiful, cinnamon color, veined of white, yellow and brown, used for inlaying, &c. The inner bark dyes wool, cot- ton, linen and deer skins of a redish or sorre) color ; equal to oak for tanning. Beautiful fragrant blossoms lasting nearly the whole year. Leaves in the fall be- come versicolor, yellow, red and brown. GOSSYPIUM, L. Cotton. 'Two sp. cult. from Vir- ginia and Kentucky to the Gulf of Mexico, C. herbaceum and G. hirsutum, are become a valuable staple of the Southern States, might be cult. as far N. as Long Isl- and. G. arboreum, G. indicum, G. religiosum, &c. are cult. in the East and West Indies. ‘The whole plant useful. Leaves emollient, eq. to Mallow. - Seeds sweet oily, liked by cattle and poultry, emulsion useful for ne- ritis, giving much sweet oil available for many pur- JOses, similar to almond oil : we could make several mil- ions of gallons at 25 cents the gallon! Cotton wool is a peculiar chemical principle, Gossypine : medical use for ear ache and tooth ache, but makes bad lint for wounds, the fibres being with flat sharp edges and irritating. Used for making threads, cloth, quilts, wicks, fringes, from Canada to Gu in that name. 226 HELIANTHUS. nutatory, depurative, alterative, repellent, &c. Very useful for gout, rheumatism, syphilis, diseases of the skin, tooth ache, ozena and scrofulous affections. The tincture, wine and powders are the most powerful pre- parations, in large doses it is purgative, it produces dia- horesis when the body is kept warm and diuresis when =e cool. GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS, Mx. Coffee tree. Mahogany, Nickar tree, Bondue. From Ohio to Loui- siana. Fine wood, hard, often veined. Leaves purga- tive containing Cyfisine, a bitter nauseous principle. Seeds one of the best substitutes for Coffee, much used —GYNEMA BALSAMICA, Raf. Fl. lud. Baume des Sauvages of Louisiana. Strong aromatic sweet smell, a powerful stomachic and sudorific used like tea. HABENARIA, W.equiv. of Orchis. | HAMILTONIA OLEIFERA, W. Oil nut. Pro ducing an oil similar to that of Beech nuts and Filberts. HEDERA HELIX, L. Joy. Cult: Wood very hard, Leaves bitterish, vulnerary, used for ulcers, issues, ra- chitis, ozena, epiphora, atrophy : macerated in vinegar, it cures the ulcers of the feet. Berries acid. Equiv. of Elder berries. . . Be Re ve HEDYCHLOE PUMILA, Raf. (Killingia do. L., Sweet grass. Eaten by sheep, produces the fine mut- ton of the west, also ridi milk and butter of cows. HERACLEUM. 227 HELICHROA, Raf. Several sp. called Rudbeckia purpurea by L. Red Sunflower. Root acrid and burning, used in syphilis by the Mandans ; Schoepf says to cure the ulcers on the back of horses. HELICTERES, L. A sp. found in Florida and Ba- hama, the root bitterish, used for ulcers, exanthems and whitlows. T scribed in mania, coma, dropsy, psora, amenorrhea, &c.: es be used with great caution. and diuretic by others. They have failed to give even relief in e of the ade with them has béen used with little 228 HIERACIUM. 3 drachms for a long while, with a strong infusion of the leaves and tops at night. Requiring attention, as we have so few remedies for this cruel disease. Leaves used as maturative in cataplasms. Seeds incisive. Roots and leaves used by empirics for many other complaints, cholics, flatulence, asthma, amenorrhea, disorders of the brain, agues, palsy, apoplexy, &c. in doses of one drachm. Probably equiv. of Angelica and Imperatoria. —— HIBISCUS, L. Water Mallow, Sweatweed. Many R^ all furnish by. maceration of the stems, tow, flax, cloth, silk, and paper: ought to be cultivated for this. Root of H. moscheutos paregoric. Our H. speciosus, H. coccineus and H. croceus, Raf. cult. for the splendid blossoms. H. abelmoschus cult. for the musky and eme- tie seeds. H. esculentus or Okra, cult. for the pods, a fine mucilaginous vegetable when unripe, in soups, boiled or stewed, main ingredient of Gombos or Calalous, a famous dish, luscious and aphrodisiac. Seeds pectoral, make a good flour and a substitute for coffee. HICORYA, Raf. 1807. (Carya N. 1818, Juglans sp. L.) Hickory tree. Very useful. Good heavy wood, best for fuel. Leaves sweet scented, nervine. - Vernal sap sweetish and acid, producing syrup, sugar and beer like Maples. Tendrils of the young roots edible, eaten by Indians when hungry. They made milk, oil and many dishes with the nuts. As good as Walnuts, sweeter ; some have hard shells, the best, H. oliva or Pecan, and H. sulcata or Shellbark, have soft shells. The Pignut hickories, such as H. amara, H. porcina and H. aquatica have bitter nuts, their bark is styptic. The inner bark of some sp. chiefly H. oblonga is cathartic. Equiv. of Juglans cinerea. HIERACIUM VENOSUM, L. Hawkweed, Blood- wort, Snake plantain, &c. Antiseptic, vuluerary, as- tringent, sudorific, pectoral, &c. Active plant, root and leaves used, bitterish : long used bruised or chewed and applied for bites of rattle and pilot snakes, known to wepf, lately confirmed by Dr. Haran, who made ex- ments on it. Used by empiries in tea or syrup. la, amenorrhea, hem * hage, umi c Sue. t the nose. " a ge pet be pini e "the H. HYPERICUM. 229 gronovi only used, the roots said to cure toothache, and the fresh leaves to destroy warts. Ee HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA, L. Manchenil tree. In Florida. Poisonous, the shade and effluvia dangerous, affecting chiefly children. Narcotic poison producing sleep, tremors, convulsions, &c. Milky juice acrid cor- rosive, a féw drops kill worms, root also vermifuge, but a dangerous one. Gum similarand equal to Guayacine. The milk is burning, blistering, inflames and depilates the skin. p „ HOPEA TINCTORIA, L. Sweet leaf, Horse sugar. Delaware to Florida. Useful tree. Root stomachic, de- purative. Leaves sweet, eaten with avidity by horses and cattle, their decoction dyes wool and silk of a bright DEUM VULGARE, L. Barley. Cult. Seeds contain hordeine 55, starch 32, sweet gum 9, gluton 3, yellow resin 1. They produce 70 per vet e our, y shes, eq. of ` HURA CREPITA ss E E. a 230 ICTODES. dye oils red, infused in sweet oil or bears grease, they make a fine red balsamic ointment for wounds, sores, swellings, ulcers, tumors, rough skin, &c. .The tea of the leaves gives relief in diseases of the breast and lungs. Used for many other disorders by empirics, in diarrhea, menorhea, hysterics, hypochondria, mania and low spi- xits.. A syrup made with sage, specific. for- croup, dose a tablespoon full for a.12 months child, half if 6 months old. Used with Zris and Sanguinaria for sore mouths and throat. An ointment of it with Bittersweet, Elder- : ra, said to be a specific : ird breast ssouri tribes. Root aromatic, sméll be- t and Lemon, diureti Mfuge, much valued. by the Ind fine tea from the t more active. - Singular plant, blossoming in winter before foliation. Smell nauseous, similar to Mephitis or the Skunk, Pole- ‘volatile, cannot be retained ots contain an acrid princi- INULA. 251 pert epilepsy, dropsy, scurvy, chronic rheumatism, erratic and spasmodic pains, parturition, amenorhea, worms, &c. Doses in asthma 20 to 50 grains of the eke All preparations with heat are less. powerful. he syrup is a mild one, useful in senil catarrh. In de- licate stomachs, this plant produces nausea, emesis, headache, vertigo and dimness, even in small doses. The leaves are less powerful, but the seeds most active, requiring smaller doses, being pungent, containing albu- men and a fixed acrid oil. Leaves externally used for “wounds and ulcers, herpes and cutaneous affections, bruised and applied.: also used to dress blisters, pro- moting the discharge. It is said that bears are fond of this plant and feed on it. The lotion of the A cures the itch. - “IMPATIENS, L. Touchmenot, Jewel weedy ‘Slippers, ^ Celandine, Quickinthehand, Weathercocks, _ Twos Le fulva and pallida, both in common | use for jaund asthma, asatea. In m s emetic, eccop diuretic. Leaves used for piles and wash for v woun they dye wool saffron color and yellow. E AMPERATORIA, L. Imperial Masterwort. Cult. Root. bitter, acrid, aromatic: carminative, sudorific, menagogue, &c. Used for flatulence, cholics, hysterics, — agues, palsy and even Es ide said to make women fruitful. = INDIGOFERA, L. nds lant The wild, d. tinctoria- ), Whose blue | 232 ISIPHIA, to that-of Loin: pectoral, laxative, Kc. The seeds maye JUGLANS. 253 pentine smell, used as pellent and diuretic in decoction for dropsy, cachexy, zout, &c. The seeds are bitterish and stronger. a IVA FRUTESCENS, L. Bastard Jesuit bark. Sea shores, bark smelling like Elder flowers, tonic, eq. of Sambucus. Leaves fragrant, may be pickled. E JACOBEA, Tt. All the radiated Senecios of L. J. ^ aurea, (Ragwort, Liferoot, Anumguah of Indians)is an active plant, aromatic and pungent, roots and radical ¿leaves chiefly used ; diuretic, deobstruent, vulnerary, repellent, pectoral, febrifuge and menagogue. Useful m gua, sugilation, pains in the breast, chronic coughs, ebility, amenorhea, ke. in tea or powders. The In- dians call it the female flower, using the blossoms for menstrual suppressions attended with debility. relieve melancholy and cause cheerfulness, t epilepsy, cure the gravel, and to dissolve c blood. It acts as a ge i activity resides in a gra: J. baisamita are nearly € 21 i : Roberts root of Schoepf, it is an acrid bitterish tonic, said to kill sheep and horses, used for diseases of the — skins, ulcers and the yaws, drank and the powder ap- plied. J. lobata or Butterweed is also active. JANIPHA, Kunth. Jatropha, L. The J (my Bivonea, 1814) Sandnetile, Sea shor nia to Florida, burns ds hike : acrid, seeds purgati the Maniho or Mar 234 LACTUCA. tisyphilitic. Nuts very*oily, flatulent ; the oil fit for painters and lamps, it is said to expel worms and even the tapeworms taken with sugar. J. fraxinea has a better nut, similar to the J. regia or European Walnut. The J. cinerea (fig. 32 of Bigelow) has the most sac- charine sap, equal to Maples, a tree gives 4 to 5 gallons weekly when tapped, and eight gallons afford one pound of Sugar. . Fresh. ter bark rubefacient and blistering, the lint of it, to dress. the bites.of snakes. Inner > nr mats, carpets, Sc. seeds are- u diarrhea and fluxes; — — Rena = KRAMERIA LANCEOLATA, I . Perhaps e uiv. of the valuable Kr. triandra (or Ratanhia officinalis, Rak) of Peru, a very valuable astringent tonic. E KUHNIA, L. 3 sp. Weak eq. of Eupatorium. ~ LACTUCA, L. Lettuce. Several sp. all equivalents. L. elongata most commonly used. L. gigantea, Raf. 10 feet high. Bitter milk of all affords the Zactucarium or Tridace, or lettuce opium. Useful and powerful ano- dyne, diaphoretic, laxative and diuretic. The extract very efficient in pills for the dropsy and ascites. The Z. sativa or e Lettuce is — Eateu in sallad, : : cooked it acts as a good refrigerant, pareg | anodyne: guod topical ygec e 8 LAURUS. 935 sponge, is similar to opium when inspissated.. The ex- tract of the whole plant, although less pure, is quite equivalent, 24lbs. of Lettuce give 11b. of it. The tinc- ture is also equal to that of opium. ^ A better equiv. in all cases for opium, although the doses must be double, because inducing sleep without delirium or irritation : it holds no narcotine nor morphine, but some elastine, wa- ter, extractive and salts. The Z. fistulosa, Raf. Fl. lud. is not bitter, properties between Lactuca and Chicorea. LAMIUM, L. Deadnettle, Henbit. Two sp. wild. Z. purpureum and L. amplexicaule, said to be corroborant and cephalic, sudorific and laxative, used by empirics for gout and rheumatism with Xanihowylon, and for a cephalic snuff with Asarum. -~ met 3 “LANTANA,L Sagetree, Blueberry, Cailleau in. Louisiana. Two sp. L. Jloridana, Raf. and Z By Raf. mistaken for Z. camara and 4L. ann | Baha- tea, said- bet- c, useful in fevers, but of the blossoms is the sp. valuab Canada to Mexico and Bri ers fragrant and spicy lar to Fennel, swee! ^ oil heavier than wate! ton we use instead 236 LEONURUS. of the blossoms for.a vernal purification of the blood. The powder of the leaves used to make glutinous Gom- bos. Leaves and buds used to flavor some Beers and Spirits, Also deemed vulnerary and resolvent chewed and applied, or menagoue and corroborant for women in tea ; useful in scurvy, cachexy, flatulence, &c. Bowls and cups made of the wood, when fresh it drives bugs and moths. The bark dyes wood of a fine orange color with urine, called Shiki by Missouri tribes, and smoked ES in E ] : 3 .. ai a Y y zu , All- T nt, more eich all the ae used in tea or powder, chie args ant and epurative, also as to- nic and vermifuge. Good febrifuge in agues. Red ber- ries once used like Pimento, afford a fine stimulant oil. used for bruises, cholics, itch and rheumatism, leaves and berries for dysentery. All the other species more or less equivalents, Z. carolinensis and L. catesbiana, Mx. (L. indica and Borbonia, Schoepf) called Redbay, Redlaurel, Sweetbay, Toluchluco of Indians. are fine Evergreens, wood like Mahogany, dyes beautiful black : bark acrid aromatic, substituted n: leaves aromatic, bitter-sweet, twigs and ve a sweet mucilage. Z. ludoviciana, Raf. Fl. sed like Z. nobilis of Europe, wood dyeing yellow, leaves used in cookery. L. persea or Avogado pear, Avocat in Louisia- na, large good fruit like a pear, taste like Pistacia, deemed aphrodisiac : buds and leaves stomachie, carmi- native, menagogue and resolutive, used for cholics, histe- rics, jaandi ie, itch, &c. iL : LEDUM, L. Marsh'tea, Labrador tea. Both L. pa- desire and L. latifolium, boreal plants, used as tea, con- ns 20 chemical substances, even wax and osmazome, very near to Chinese tea, but stronger, owing toa fra- «grant resin. Leaves bitterish nidorose, ceph lic, pecto- — è themic, &c. Useful in coughs, exanth leprosy, Sic. in strong decoction, | to be narcoticand phan LICHEN. 237 LEPARGYREA, Raf. 1816. Silverbush, Hippophae canadensis, L. Sheperdia, N. Berries purgative. LEPIDIUM VIRGINICUM, L. Peppercress, From Canada to Guyana, probably many sp. blended, forming my G. Dileptium, Fl. lud. with 2 stamens, D. diffusum and precoz 9 sp. there ascertained, equiv. Eaten as cresses. All acrid, diuretic, antiscorbutie, antiscrofu- lous: used in scurvy, dropsy, asthma, scrofula, hernia, rayel, & a diet. j LEPTAMNIUM VIRGINIANUM, Raf.1810. Oro- banche do, L. Epifagus! N. 1818. Cancer root, Beech drops. Root and stem astringent, bitterish, nauseous, known to Schoepf as useful in cancers : base of Martin’s powders (with white arsenic, sulphur and. Ranunculus) a painful remedy for curing cancers by application, but hurtful im scrofula and scrofulous cancers. A one of be smelling like turpentine or juniper, holding a peculiar balsamic resin, but no oil: properties partly soluble m a watery decoction, wholly in alcohol. Most powerful diu- retles, acting mildly, may be used ad libitum : also dis- a s deobstruent. Very useful , pains in the breast, after pains of 238 LINARIA. moptysis; jaundice, diabetes, emaciation, pituitous ara] uten, other s - of G. Usne are a used for hemorrhage, hernia and epilepsy. All the red by maceration in urine: they are now called Rocella tinctoria, fucopsis, Gyrophora pustulata, Lecanora pa na, scurvy ing T gut k “and a green pigment with ceru , mal ment can be prepared. LILACA VULGARIS, Tt (Syringa, L.) -Lilac Y 00d stat $ a fat. oil smelling like Rosewood oil, the infusion is yellow balsamic. e bitterish, affording by jon a resin similar to Dra- isos: Extract een buds a pure bitter, used ike Cinchona in Italy rs. Bi pe ‘LILIUM, L. Ziy. N roasted, poultices good + conserve made with the LIRIODENDRON. 259 sore eyes, jaundice, dropsy, chiefly for piles in oint- ment. LINNEUSIA BOREALIS, L. 7winffower, Ground vine. Bitterish subastringent,*diuretic, eq. of Arbutus, used also for rheumatism and disorders of the skin. — LINUM VIRGINIANUM, L. Wild Flax, Wech- kenah of the Missouri tribes, whole plant laxative, pec- toral and sudorific, used for cough and asthma. Common Flax or E. usitatissimum is become spontaneous, pro- ducing tow, flax and linen. Seeds medical, demulcent, en emollient, &c. Flaxseed tea used in coughs, ematuria, cholic, gravel, hemoptysis, gout, dysuria, &c. Flaxseed or Linseed oil much used by painters, being dessicative, said to expel the worms of children, given mixt with sugar. LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA, L. Sweet gum, White zum. Beautiful fragrant tea from N. Y. to Mexi- co. Much used by the Indians. Inner bark in tea for nervous diseases, leaves for smoking 3 buds sudorific and febrifuge, cure fevers in 2 or 3 days. The gum was the copal or incense of the Mexicans, a fragrant perfume ; used as a drawing plaster by the Cherokees, also for diarrhea, dysentery, itch, Sc. Wood compact, tough, ` warps but takes fine polish. The balsam made by coc- tion of the branches «similar to Storax, gray, acad, fia- grant. Leaves smell delightful, cephalic and corrobo-" rant, make a fragrant tobacco, E ae LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA, L, Tulip tree, Poplar. Twovarieties. 1: Alba acutiloba or White wood. — 2. Flava obtusiloba.or Yeilow wood. Valuable, orna- mental aud medical. Reaching 120 feet high and 30 round. Durable pgs part Se s and tough, but subject to warp, the yellow kind softer and brittle. Æspe- ou longa. of the Osages, use bark of the roots and seeds as febrifuge and vermifuge for children. Fi und 3 from Lake Chany ain to Texas, in rich soils. Medical... eq. of Magnolia, less aromatic and more a t. Bark 240 MALVA. and extract. Contains gum, resin, mucus, fecula, mu- 'riatic acid, an oil, &c. A palliative in phthisis. Some- times used: in cholera infantum and worms, also in the botts of horses. Often united to Cornus, Quercus and Prinos. Inner bark of the root most powerful : a fine ‘cordial made with it Leaves used by Cherokees in poultice for sores and headache, ointment for inflamma- _tions and mortifications : make the milk of cows bitter. Extract of reot equal to Gentian. Remedy for syphilitic ulcers of the nose, Seeds laxative. ~ ¡ELFOS RAYA, L. Gromwell. 8 sp. Equiv. of = LOLIUM, "L. Darnel. Seeds "narcotic, ernicious when mixt with wheat, make the bread bad, unhealthy. - LONICERA, L, Honeysuckle. All sp. leaves and flowers bitterish, mucilaginous, astringent, detersive, Sic. A sirup used for sorethroat, irritation of the lungs. LUDWIGIA, L. . Several sp. subastringent. ae LUPINUS PERENNIS, Linn. Lupin, Fingerleaf. Grows in meet sandy soil and improves it, liked by _ horses and s ES Seeds bitter and flatulent, edible by lixivation. like L. sativus of Europe, flour resolutive. . LYCOPERDON, L. n eum Edible when young. - LYCOPODIUM, L. i nine, À ws Many E davanti lag y iuretic, me- - nagogue, drastic, nervine, 1uar at and cor- roborant. Used in dropsy; gout, sc icürvy, pressions. Externally for ulcers of oap rpig: lica, Kc. They kill lice and insects, dye various co- bes mou bad wines, inflammable, pollen, much used i in yrotec P SIMACHIA QUADRIFOLIA, L. Crosswort, Yellow balm. Subastringent, stomachic, expectorants a e tea for colds, coughs, mmt t kmeng, chee ad te, &c. LEYTHRUM SALICARI. Ar Lo ` _ Subastringent, muci ous. — in diarrhea and ee - E l, | Af ` VA, L. . fall MAYZEA. 241 cally in inflammations, much used in fomentations, cata- lasms and clysters: also in dysentery, acrid humors. lowers and seeds pectoral in coughs, Sóreness of the throat and lungs. Carolina to Brazil. Root yielding a large quantity of . . peculiar fecula, forming a jelly in hot water. One acre dysmenorrhea, hysteria, obstructions, jaundice, cachexy, coughs, dropsy, &c. It removes the salivation of mer- ` eury! In large doses laxative. Base of the ns Cesar i remedy against rattle snakes united to Gnaphalium. The Rey candy, tea with honey. often employed. ` - MARTYNIA PROBOSCIDEA, L. Doubieclaw. On _the Mississippi. Fruits make good pickles when young. ^ MATRICARIA, L. Featherfen. Cult. Eq. of An- themis. Aperient, menagogue —MAYZEA. CEREALIS, - Mes Indian Corn, ` m bl. sia 2500 years ago! in Tarta Polo! aña ica before € . "roduci m Wi 942 MENTHA. licate food, but heavy and breeding worms in children. A black acid oil is distilled by desc ension from the cobs in Kentucky, used to cure ringworms, The meal eaten in cakes, bredd, puddings, mush, this last deemed useful in Italy asa Sets in atrophy, dysentery, phthisis, &c. It” contains 71 of fecula, besides albumen, gum, sugar, wa- ter, iron, many salts, and 3 per cent. of Zeine, peculiar substance, between gluten and resin, similar to yellow wax, elastic, not combustible. : MEDEOLA VIRGINICA, Linn. Cucumber root. - Wrongly called Gyromia b yN. since M. asparagoides . was long ago madea N.G. Root succulent, eaten by the _. Indians like Cucumbers, good taste, when much is eaten ots | our E ydragogue, but not emetic as sup- PMELANTHIUM VIRGINICUM, L. Quafidil. Root used by Cherokees zs a poison for crows, and a sure but violent remedy for the itch. MELILOTUS, Tt. Melilot Clover. Tus sp: tb pe and white blossom iS, both native, sweet scented eaves, make fine hay, giving rich milk, butter and cheese. The flowers and leaves pectoral, emollient, re- solvent, lubricant, used for Ppl Jencorrhes, coughs, &c, also topically. 2 a MELISSA, L. Balm. 3'sp. spontaneous. dud equis. M. officinalis, M. hepela and M. sylva Raf. Plea- sant smell, make fragrant tea. Stimulant, antispasmo-_ dic, stomachic, expectorant, menagogue, pellent, resol vent. Useful in obstructions, suppressions, headache, piles, pleurisy, asthma, hysteria, inflammatory fevers, &c. Eq. of Monarda. MELOTHRIA NIGRA, Raf. A. N. 1820. Very dif ferent from M. pendula of West Indies. Blackberry vine. Charopesha and Shagahinga of Missouri tribes. Root very bitter, vermifuge. Berries black and small, while M. pendula has them as large as pie pope unripe, and eaten ripe in West Indies. — - MED ISPE RMUM. HA iid , MORUS. 243 lant, carminative, stomachic, resolvent, pellent, anti- emetic. Much used in sauces, conserves, paste, candy, distilled water and oil. The oil contains camphor and all the properties, dose a few drops.. Useful to allay - spasmodic affections of the stomach and bowels, obviate nausea, check emesis, expel flutulence, prevent cramps in the stomach, also in cholics, hysteria, whooping cough, &c. Used by drunkards to flavor and modify their drams or slings. x MIEGIA MACROSPERMA, Pers. Cane. Several var. from 6inches to 15 feet high. Kentucky to Texas. Seeds like oats, larger, give good flour, produced only once in 3 or 4 years. Fine-angling rods, walking canes, - weaving looms. Winter food of cattle, much destroyed” by them. The Natchez made bread and mats with it. MIMOSA, L. or Acacia, W. Several sp. M. eburnea - first plant growing on the sea sand of Florida. M. far- nesiana from Florida to Mexico, Popniat, "Goldbriar, flowers fragrant but strong, used in perfumery, give head ache to nervous persons : seeds give a fetid breath. "The beautiful M. julibrisin naturalized as far north as Pennsylvania. — A. ` MIRABILIS, L. False Jalap, Four o'clock. 3 sp. Cult. Rootuncertain cathartic, 2 drachms often produce only one stool, used in bowel complaints. One Ib. yields „one ounce of resin. — ` MITCHELLA REPENS,L. Partridge berry. Mild p Red berries mild astringent, a popular re plant, Nestroot, E. 244 MYRICA. Young shoots, used for their twisted cloth... All the sp. are eq. fruits containing tartaric acid, white Mulberries sweeter. Leaves of all can feed the silk worm like M. alba, our native kinds give stronger silk. The white Mulberry was found by Soto in 1540, by Laudoniere in 1567, and by Joutel in 1685, from Florida to Texas, it is not the M. alba, but my M. tomentosa, Raf. Fl. lud. Ehe Black Mulberry of Louisiana and Texas is my M- scabra. — - Eu 22€ t. MUSA, L. Banana, Plantain tree. Native of Florida below lat. 28. Several sp. cult. in all tropical climates. _. ‘The most valuable of ali trees. Each tree produces 100. bs. of delicious food, one acre holds 1600 trees, and 000lbs. of food, while wheat only 1200lbs. per 2 re, and es 4000lbs. Fruits excellent, edible in - many ways. Young shoots edible boiled. Stews give bread and wine from pulp and juice, when old afford ropes, thread and tinder, leaves a thatch, c+ $ — YRICA, L. Sweetgale, Bayberry, Wazxberry,Wax- myrile, All the sp. equiv. Valuable evergreen shrubs. Leaves fragrant, balsamic, containing like the bark tan- nin, resin, gallic acid and mucilage ; they are emetic. pectoral, astringent, nervine, subnarcotic, cephalic, ver- mifuge, menagogue, stomachie, &c. Useful in uterine hemorrhage, hysterical complaints, palsies, cholics and scrofula in powders, decoction and tea, ‘The tea of M. gale milder, formerly drank in Europe as tea, and leaves > putin soups, used in. Russia for gout, fevers, itch and imsects, The bark chewed is a good sialagogue, made into snuff it is a powerful errhine : taste acrid, stimu- lant, in large doses of a drachm it produces a burning sensation and vomiting, sometimes diuresis. Bark of the root used fer the tooth ache. ~The inner bark pounded soft dispels-scrofulous swellings and sores, a strong tea of the leaves-being drank also. A tincture of the berries ith Heracleum 18 used for —_ flatulent cholies and js. The buds dye yellow. The berries. covered eculiar wax, easily extracted by b Hes hey give 32 per t. of- P NICOTIANA. 245 tively medical, astringent, vulnerary, anodyne, subnar- cotic. Dr. Fahnestock announced in 1822, that it is a specific for typhoid dysentery : this valuable bic AH has been confirmed, I have verified it on myself in diar- rhea, others in cholera morbus : it was known in Ken- tucky before 1822. It is used in powder, pills or lozenges, made with sugar and mucilage. , MYRTUS COMMUNIS, L. Common myrtle. Cult. fragrant, leaves astringent, corroborant, dye purple: two var. with black or yellow berries, austere, sweetish, eaten in Greece and Sicily, useful for diarrhea, a sirup made with them. NEGUNDIUM FRAXINEA, Raf. Eq. of Acer. NEPETA CATARIA, L. Catmint, Catnip. Bit- terish, hircose smell, liked by cats. Resolvent, pellent, cephalic, menagogue, carminative, vermifuge, antispas- modic. Useful fo: hysterics, some fevers, a specific in — chlorosis. 2 x axe NERIUM OLEANDER, L. Rose Laurel. tiv. Poisonous for men and cattle: milky juice caustic, takes off spots in the eyes. Leaves acrid errhine, use- ful for itch, ringworms and rheumatism, either boiled, an powder, or infused in oil. MS - NEVROSPERMA BALSAMINA, Raf. 1820. Dec. Balsam vine. Probably Momordica do. L. but a different peus nay, our sp. somewhat different from the tropical -kind called Cerasee in Jamaica. Found from Florida to Texas. Cult. in gardens for use." Root useful in jaun- dice, liver complaints, mesentery, powder emetic, equiv. of Bryonia, leaves also emetic in decoction.- Pulp of the fruit vulnerary, red oil made by infusion like Hype ricum, much used and excellent for wounds, bruises, 246 NICOTIANA, it, whence the name, see my memoirs on Maize and To- bacco. All equiv. Nauseous narcotics, poisonous weeds, disgusting taste and smell; first used by the priests of Indian nations to intoxicate and appear inspired, adopt- ed by the idle savages and the vicious civilized men asa stimulant narcotic to tickle the throat and nose. Its baneful effects are well known, but disregarded-by the- vicious and selfish because used to it. A poison at first, many always loath it. Chewing is the very worst mode for health, smoking the most offensive, unless we use mild kinds or mix it with sweet herbs as the Asiatic and Indian do. The constant use of it spoils the breath, smell, saliva and stomach, dims thesight, hurts the brain, - ss lungs and liver, causing dyspepsia, tremors, he- Kits, Scurvy, consumption, apoplexy, cardialgy, &c. Total abstinence or mild substitutes are the needful re- medies.. Medically and topically a powerful anodyne, antispasmodic, emetic, sedative, antiherpetic, errhine, &c. Useful in all diseases of the skin, hysterics, tooth- ache, schirrus, epilepsy, worms, &c... The smoke or infusion injected revives vital action in locked. jaw, ol stináte constipation, ileus, strangulated hernia ; baneful in asphyxia and parturition, bay, always dangerous, à strong injection may kill. In very small doses eq. of Digitalis as a violent diuretic for dropsy, &c. in tite- ture. Juice of green leaves instantly cures the sauging of nettles. Poultices of leaves with vinegar applied to. stomach cause vomiting, applied to abdomen, expel worms; useful when emetics and vermifuges cannot be ~ taken. Much care is required in using the ointment for psora, tinea, and the wine or tincture for disury. .. The use often attended with tremors, giddiness, fainting, &c. The seeds equally poisonous, a. dan rous vermifu e. Green thick oii of leaves a. violent poison, one drop can killa dog! - Two other active substances found. Im it, cine and Nicotine. The N. quadrivalvis is the on Missouri tribes, used in decoction with Water cutient of abscesses, local tumors; leaves app! l inflammations 3 poulti e OPUNEA: 247 leaves and snuff destroy all kinds of insects, moths, ca- terpillars, Ste. ` ; a NYSSA, L. Tupelo, Peperidge, Sourgum, Black- gum. Six sp. of trees eq. Wood white, very soft when fresh, very light, tough and compact when dry, much used for bowls, implements, wheels, tubs, troughs, &c. Fruits bitter and acid. N. coecinea, Bartr. Ogeechee tree, Lime tree has a red acid fruit, size of a plumb, used like limes in the. South, i - OCYMUM BASILICUM, L. Sweet basil. Aromatic, stimulant, cardiac, used in cookery- Cult. -. : ODOSTEMON, Raf. 1817. Mahonia; N. 1818. Moun- tain holly. Purple acid berries, Eq. to Zerberis. OENOTHERA BIENNIS, L. Sundrop, Primrose tree, Scabish. Young roots- edible boiled or pickleds Leaves vulnerary bruised and applied to wounds. Flow- ers fragrant and phosphorescent at night. Schoe the O. molissima, L. (leaves linear lanc. undul.) o by our authors, from N. Y. to Carolina in fields, , is also vulnerary. The beautiful O.grandiffora is equally so, and perhaps all the sp. ee E ae OLEA- EUROPEA, L. Olive tree. Cult. in S. Green fruit lixiviated and salted for food, ripe fruit dryed. Olives are tonic and stomachic, produce the best sweet oil, so useful for food and light. Deemed a panacea in A used for ulcers and sores. . .— ~ OPHIORHIZA MITREO a ruon ae Africa-and Greece for wounds, sores, cholics, tenesmus, ~ ^ : as da cs "c de E 248 ORONTIUM. our sp. but in O. coccinea size of a pear, of a livid pur- ple, juice scarlet, acid and cool like Pomegranate, very diuretic, tinges urine of a bloody color, yet very whole- some. Young leaves eaten by negroes like Hibiscus, split leaves good emollient topic for acute rheumatism, baked for chronic ulcers, gout and wounds. ‘The juite and gum used for the gravel. : — ORCHIS, L. Salep, Twinroot. All the sp. with tu- berous twin roots become Salep by dessication, analep- tic and pectoral. O. morioand mascula chiefly produce the Oriental Salep- -All the fragrant sp. are stimulant and nervine, once deemed aphrodisiac. O. fragrans, Ew Useful in tea for cough, asthma, chlorosis, oedema. Lo- ' disorders. "The distill- ed oil has all the properties, it i$ acrid and caustic, burns the skin, relieves toothache. O. majorana, or Sweet Marjoram, is eq. but milder, very grateful, used . in cookery, cult. s — HOGALUM L. Bethlehemstar. Root edible emollient. I goa ed eat OROBANCHE AMERICANA, Linn. Broomrapt, Earthclub, Clapwort. Astringent, antiseptic and anti- syphilitic, deemed in the West a specific for pam and syphilis. Useful for obstinate ulcers, aphthose and erpetic sores, diarrhea and dysentery. © =- 2 =- ONTIUM AQUATICU! > L. Tawkin, Useful OSMUNDA. 249 ORYZA SATIVA, L. Rice. Cult. many” Sp. and Var. little known yet: the O. mutica or Mountain Rice is cult. in the West. Excellent food, and even suitable to invalids, convalescent, and the phthisical. Boiled in soups, puddings, &c. - Pilau or Serom is the Rice boiled dry, the chief food of Hindus, Chinese, Turks, &c. Made grateful by spices, oil, butter, meat, fowls, and lish, their substitute for bread. The Rice flour has 85 250 PASSIFLORA. OXYPOLIS, Raf. G. formed by Sium rigidum, tri- cuspidatum, denticulatum, teretifolium and Angelica tri- quinata, Mx. All poisonous or dangerous plants. Eq. to Sium. — - PANCRATIUM, L. Squilily. Fresh roots emetic like tulip and narcissus, eq. to squills, much weaker : diuretic given in decoction to horses for diarrhea. PANICUM, L. Panic grass. P. miliaceum or com- - grass carol ative sp. all coarse grasses, P. glaucum and others called Catgrass, Barn- grass, bad weeds in fields, ^ — ~ E. 70M ` PAPAVER, L. Poppy. Al the sp. produce opium. P. rheas, now Spent. mildest, flowers emollient, demul- cent, anodyne, pectoral, used in tea, also a fine red sy- rup: capsules mild eq. of Zactuea. The P. somni rum cult. for beauty, seeds, and opium: seeds afford 25 per cent of fine useful sweet oil, and much meee not narcotic, eaten torrified for cakes. Unripe capsules ve milk by excision, Which is opium when inspissated. ee medical books for properties of opium, too much used by physicians, being'a dangerous stimulant, nar- cotic, sedative, Sc: in facta rank poison: best mode to employ it in frictions. Two active elements of it the Morphine or sedative principle; and the Warcotine have lately been separated and- the morphine used in minute doses without producing delirium or ir itation, — « Bee phylla and P. rufa Raf. are new. Juice ot € cocti "ille fi CUP de E ots PHYTOLACA 251 PASTINACA SATIVA, L. Parsnep. Root escu- lent, sweet, diuretic, flatulent, seeds aromatic used in agues. Root.of wild parsnep acrid, emetic, producing sores by handling. x: PEDICULARIS, L.” Lousewort. P. Gladiata is one of the vulnerary plants called Healall. P. canaden- sis deemed by Indians to cure Rattlesnake bites. PELTANDRA, Raf. 1817. (Lecontea Ty. 1824) Five sp. blended in Arum sagitfolium. Taroho, Tuckah, Wampee of Indian tribes. Fresh roots and seeds acrid, pungent, stimulant, s to Arum; but mild and edible when.roasted or boiled : Sucato ce ie Ae 252 PORTULACA. by birds and fowls, give bad taste to their flesh : furnish a purple evanescent stain and ink, and a fixed blue dye with urine for mordaunt. Leaves used by farriers for d fragrant. and balsamic, gout, burn chronic catarrh and Wiseases of the kidne 20 elements, oil, populine, &c. Inner bark used b bitters for fai je. PRUNUS. 255 children with worms. A cool salve made with it for sore lips and nipples. ' pH & POTENTILLA, L.. Cinquefoil. All the sp. mild spongy ume: by coction becomes edible. | P ANTHES, L.-Gall of the Earth, Dewitt snake- purgative and ver t PRUNUS, L. Cherry genus, we have nearly 40 wild sp. of which I have pre- pared a monography, only 25 described by authors. All our wild Plumbs esculent, some cult. by Indians, make Eod pew geeserves, &c. The best are 1. Pr. angustifo- ta, Cherokee Plumb, yellow, fine. 2. P; inea, Raf. 254 PYRUS. poison ‘cattle, berries intoxicate birds, used for cherry . bounce, baneful : kernels equal to bitter almonds. Com- mon cherries and plumbs cultiy.. Prunes are laxative, cherries refrigerant. Pr. armeniaca or Apricot, fine fruit, the abuse produce fevers. Cerasine gum produced by all. PTELEA, Lin. Wingseed, Boispuant in Louisiana. 3 sp. Leaves vulnerary, vermifuge, in tea or poultice: PTERILIS, Raf. Pteris, L. Brake, Roots of all edi- ble, vermifuge, leaves fragrant, used in beer. ~ PTEROCAULON, Elliot. Blackroot, Hinih of West- ern Indians. Root alterative, detergent, drastic, abor- tive. It may cause bloody stools, vertigo and dizziness ven in small dos ys : doses. Said to be used for phthisis by Florida tribes, but must be dangerous internally, also to clean ulcers. = EE n PULMONARIA, L. Zungwort. 6 sp. Equiv. Root vulnerary, eq. of. Symphytum. Leaves used in diseases of the lungs, influenza and hooping cough, with Marru- bium and Prunus : smoked by some Indians like to- bacco. PUNICA GRANATUM, L. Pomegranate. Cultiv. Fruit acid refrigerant, useful for fevers. Flowers tonic, astringent, injection for chronic diarrhea, prolapsus, cephalgy, &c. Rind of fruit sty tic, makes ink, used for tanning and Pd souris Inner bark of the root yellow, QUERCUS. 255 9r common Pear; cult. better and healthier fruit, Perry better than Cider, wood very useful, as hard as ebony. P. cydonia, Quince. Astringent fruit, sirup and pre- serves used for diarrhea, cholera, cholic, nausea. Eaten raw in Italy. Seeds fine mucilage, inviscant, demulcent, coagulate water. QUAMASIA ESCULENTA, Raf. 1817. Quamash, Bear grass, Wild Hyacinth. Wrongly united to Scilla and Phalangium, Kentucky to Oregon. Onion sweet, esculent, makes a fine bread tasting like Pumpkin bread. sed in poultice for inflamed breast. QUERCUS, L. Oak. Nearly 40 sp. All valuable and medical. Useful wood, bark, sap, galls and fruits called acorns. Fine timber used for staves, casks, fences, shin- gles, boards, houses, ships, &c. Acorns often esculent, taste of chesnuts. Q. edulis, Raf. and Q. prinos sweet and good even raw, in Q. virons good roasted and afford Sweet oil, the bitter kinds become worse by roasting, but sweet by boiling, Indians make oil and bread of them. Sap of Q. prinos, &c. acid sweet, make a beer like Beech sap. Wood of Q virens and Q. laurifolia (Live Oak, Laurel Oak) as heavy as Guayac, eannot split, nails driven in cannot be taken off, hardens by age, strong, compact, durable, our best timber; the next furnished by Q. alba, obtusiloba, prinos, montana, &c. Bark used 256 RHUS. QUINARIA, Raf. Creeper. 2 sp. Q. hederacea and hirsuta blended with Hedera, Vitis and Ampelopsis. Beautiful vines. Leaves bitter, eq. of Hedera. * . RAPHANUS SATIVUS, L. Radish. Cult and wild. Root attenuant, diuretic, stimulant, carminative, eruc- tive. . Useful in convulsive asthma, rancedo, ischuria. . RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS, L. Buckthorn. Na- tive. . Berries used to make sap green. Drastic hydra- gogue, nauseous bitter. Used in dropsy, rheumatism irst. Dose 20 fresh and gout, cause griping nausea a onic astrin- a. Bark of it useful low denies their narcotic quality. Contains tannin and resin, Bark used as stimulant, it increases the heat of brum, typhinum and c litic, used by Indians, much tannin, make the Morocco le silk black, good astringent for all fl ries m k. Fresh roots use RICINUS. 257 powder used for piles and wounds. "The juice removes warts and tetters, is the fine red mordaunt of Indian dyes. Seeds afford oil for lamps.. Sacacomi article of trade in Canada, made by drying the berries in ovens after bread, fine substitute of tobacco, those who use it. loath tobacco! Kinikah of western tribes is root and leaves, half mixt with their tobacco, used also for dropsy. Galls of Shumacs lately found equal to Aleppo galls. Second series, R. vernix, pumilum, radicans and toxi- cum, called Poison wood or vines, are poisonous even by handling, or exposure to the effluvia in some persons, causing a distressing cutaneous disease or eresypela : remedy rest, evacuations and parsley poultice, ice and lead. Acrid milky juice, becomes black in the air, forms indelible ink, inspissated becomes fine black resin and varnish, with cinnabar red yarnish of Japan. Root used in chronic asthma, anasarca, phthisis, obstinate herpetic eruptions. Extract of leaves chiefly used, a specific in palsy, doses a grain, also for hemiplegia and rheuma- tism. Contain tannin, gallic acid, green fecula, foxine resin, &c. poisonous gas is carbonated hydrogen. Æ. cotinus is cultiv. Feather tree, wood dyes fine orange, leaves tan well. » : . RIBES, L. Gooseberries and Currants. Nearly 30 — sp. wild. R.nigrum on Kennebec river. Roots in in- fusion, bark in gargles used for eruptive fevers, dysen- tery of cattle, fruits and jelly for sorethroat. Anodyne, diuretic, pellent, depurative, used in angina, exanthems, dysentery, hydrophobia, scabs and ictus. A fine cordial made of black currants. 2B. rigens smells like Zctodes. R. rubrum, fruit very cooling, useful in bilious and high fevers, jelly very grateful. Wine made with currants and gooseberries. Many edible sp. in Alleghany and Oregon mountains, deserving cultivation. RICINUS COMMUNIS,L.Palmacristi,Castor, Cult. wild, Leaves revulsive emollient, cure swelled breast, and dispel the milk of nurses at weaning by mere application. Seeds drastic, vermifuge. Castor oil mild purgative, useful in iliac and painters’ cholic, ne hritis, worms, constipation, &c. It bed thick, viscid like ae oil, sweet when fresh, acrid when old. Seeds give 6€ ae cent. of oil, an acre p 100 to 150 gallons, may b FE: f 258 RUBUS. used for lamps, quite soluble in alcohol. Dose 1 or 2 ounces in lemon syrup, emulsion, broth, coffee, choco- late, &c. : e ROBINIA ACACIA, L. Black Locust. Very use- ful tree, fine timber, leaves greedily eaten by cattle. Inner bark sweetish like liquorice, emetic, cathartic and ectoral, according to doses, root best ; much used by idioma and negroes. | Blossoms fragrant laxative, liked Seeds oily. Wood used for posts, rafts, bows, Sic. Ehowah of Western tribes. =i ueen of flowers, we Roots, galls, buds sugar, my- ric oil, ve Blossoms of red roses similar, stypt d, fine con- serves ; while pale or whit ; ascena chiefly 3 . E are laxative, a fine syrup used for children. Rose water fine perfume, useful for sore eyes. . Oil of Roses or Otto delightful perfume, stimulant, the best made from R. moschata, Fruits edible, but give the cholic, preserves made.. R. macrocarpa, Raf. size of pigeon egg. very good. Leaves make a good palatable tea, chiefly the Eglantine Roses with fragrant leaves. Petals of A. gallica, smell increased by drying. E EE RUBIA, L. Madder, 9 native sp. R: tinctoria cult. all eq. Roots fine red dye, principally Rubine and Ali-, zarine. Dyes bones, milk and urine of animals fed on it... Menagogue and deobstruent, used for suppressions. jaundice, diseases of bones, rachitis and atrophy of children, doses 2010 80 sraiua: = x RUBUS, L. Bramble. Nearl tfu SALICORNIA, 259 Ripe fruits, preserves, jam, jelly or syrup grateful and beneficial in diarhea, gravel, hemoptysis, phthisis, sore- throat, putrid and malignant fevers, scurvy. Black- berries dye purple, are more astringent and acid. Raspberries afford delicious distilled water, beer, mead and wine. Said to dissolve tartar of teeth. Twigs dye silk and wool. - = RUMEX, L. Dock. 25 sp. mostly eq. R. britanica, sanguineus and aquaticus, chiefly used. Roots astrin- gent, deobstruent, tonic, diaphoretic: useful in scurvy, cutaneous eruptions, syphilis, ulcers of the mouth, foul ulcers, itch, cancerous tumours, &c. in decoction, wine, lotion. They dye yellow. “Contain sulphur, starch, oxalate of lime, &c. Syrup with Prunus or Diospyros used for dysentery. Leaves edible equal to spinage. R. patientia, obtusus, acutus and erispus, similar, but root less astringent, laxative or purgative, diuretic, seeds used in dysentery. Æ. acetosa or sorrel is cult. fine acid vegetable, laxative, refrigerant and antiscorbutic. R. acetosella or sheep sorrel, similar but subastringent. SABAL, Ad. Sand palm, Latanier, 7 sp. eq. of cha- merops for mats, hats, baskets, thatch, fans. Fruits bad, in S. adansoni black and sweet. SACCHARUM, L. Sugar Cane. Sugar is made with S. officinarum, the taller-and hardier Tahiti cane - ives most, S. sinensis Chinese sugar, S. violaceum ava sugar, the worst kind, but gives most rum. Suga is edulcorant, relaxant, pectoral, vulnerary. Affordmg molasses, tui Vb pi cordials, &c. Used as ood, condiment, and preservative. E. qur iA s -SAGITTARIA, Ag Arrowleaf, Katnip 7 Lenaps, JFapatu of Oregon tribes, 12 sp. eq. valuable esculent roots of Indicus, (cult. in China and Japan) trade with it, make bread, soups, dishes, &c. Refrigerant, sub- astringent; useful applied to feet for yaws and dropsi- cal legs; leaves applied to breast dispel milk of nurses like dpi V A n — je SALICORNIA, L. Kelpwort, Samphire. All sp. furnish Kelp by burning. Edible, fine pickle, liked by sheep: med. eq. of Fucus. Antiscorbutic, give appe- tite, used as deobstruent in abscesses, scelotyrbe, hyper- 260 SAMBUCUS. sarcosis, scrofula, pie tumors and swellings: Cori- tains Soda and Io ine. SALSOLA, L. Barilla. All the sp. produce Barilla or crude Soda: cult. in Spain and Sicily for it. Stimu- lant, antacid, diuretic, &c. Ae nee te ee SALVIA, L. Sage. Several sp. S. lyrata, clayton, mexicana, $c. called Cancerweed, fresh leaves used to dispel warts, tumors, said to have cured Cancers. E officinalis cult. grateful subtonic, nervine, uterine, sto- machic, useful in languor, convalescence, aphthas, soft gums, to dispel milk, kc. - Sagetea chiefly used, leaves also in cookery. — — quce We co ONE, . SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS, L. Black Elder. Root and inner bark acrid purgative, berries laxative, baneful to birds and fowls: acid, afford Wine, Alcohol and Oil. Shade deemed baneful, leaves being subnarcotic, said to cure the rot of sheep, laxative, nauseous, a cooling oint- ment made with them, poison for insect mice. Bark dyes black, boiled and applied to : DR is: toothache, in small doses diuretic deobs in obstinate glandular obstruction and drop of berries aperient, diuretic a aphoretic coughs and costiveness. You - But Elder flowei SCHUBERTIA. 261 S. pubens and ebuloides, Raf. or Mountain Red Elder Dwarf Elder, are eq. SAMOLUS VALERANDI, L. Bitterish, edible in salad or boiled. Eq. of Veronica becabunga. e SANICULA MARILANDICA, L. Sanicle. Sub- tonic, astringent, antisyphilitic. Useful for leucorrhea, gonorrhea and syphilis, hemorhagy, dysentery, Sc: whole plant used in decoction, also vulnerary and bal- samic, root for tumors and wounds of horses. SAPINDUS FALCATUS, Raf. Soaptree. S. sapo- naria of Schoepf and Elliott, but different from tropical Sp. Nuts saponaceous, viscose, sweetish, bitterish acrid; used as a soap but spoils linen, also in chlorosis and leucorrhea. Eh SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS, b. Soapwort. Spont.- active. Contain Saponine 17, Gum 16, Resin 12, extract 12 per cent. Tonic, diaphoretic, hepatic, &c. Useful in jaundice, obstruction, gout, rheumatism, syphilis, her- paie diseases, liver complaints, cachexy, leucorrhea, c. in decoction: Eq. to Smilax in syphilis. Deemed diuretic, menagogue, and vermifuge formerly. ‘Taste bitterish, spumescent with water, used like soap in Eu- rope. Lately used in scrofulous and venerea ulcers. Dose 2 ounces, boiled and taken in one day by degrees. S. villosa, Raf. FL lud. aud S. viscaria are eq. SAROTHRA GENTIANOIDES, Rame groundpine... Vulnerary traumatic : used in contusions, bruises d pogo! i, -€unik and Conium, boil- ed and applied A Eo uro SAURUE ERNUUS, L. Lizard tail. Roots 262 SESAMUM. black, known by bark only. Nuts balsamic fragrant, their resin makes a fine orange varnish ; diuretic, carminative, pellent in decoction. = : SCLEROTIUM CLAVUS, Dec: or Sphacelia sege- tum of others. The ergot of rye, parasitic fungus. Poi- sonous, causing dreadful dry gangrene when mixt with rye bread. Contains rocella or violet color, fulvous „chrome, sweet oil, ammoniac, ferment and phosphoric acid. Specific as uterine be to help parturition, in doses of 5 to 10 grains. Dangero bortive for wo- -SCORZO Cult. healthy es- mena D =. | | P el lagogue, | C. » _SCROPHULARIA, L. Figwort, Holmesweed, Heal- all. 4 native sp. S. marilandica. lanceolata, S. hastata Raf. Fl. lud: and sylvatica, Raf. - All eq. to IS. nodoso, aquatica and canina of Europe. Bad rank smell, like Elder, bitter acrid. Vulnerary, resolutive, antiscrofu- lous in decoction, poultice and steam bath. Much used in N. Jersey, N. Y. and New England ; often united to Cistus and tonics. Deemed good for all kind of sores in men and cattle, cures the scab-of dogs and swine. ~ SECALE CEREALE, L. Eye. Cult. Flour résolvent, contains starch 60, gluten 10, mucilage 11, sugar 3, alba- men 3 cent. Good sweet heayy bread. —. c P SELINON CANADENSE, Linn. or Cnidium do. Deemed eq. of S. palustre lately found atonic, useful in epilepsy in doses 10 to 20 grains, in convulsions of chil- ren, dose 2 gr. In larger doses poisonous. e c M - SENECIO, Lin. Groundsel, Fireweed. Vi acrid tonic, astringent, useful in hemorrhage, headache, inflammations, salt rheum, herr skin, chiefly externally. 8. chiefly used. Emetic in large gantea, 8 ig sweet, edible, Birds like the leaves. SESAMUM, L. me SINAPIS. 263 Seeds eaten with Maize, make good cakes with honey, put in bread to flavor it. Emulsion pectoral. - Horses, cattle and fowls grow fat on them. Leaves fine emol- lient, thicken water like Sassafrine, very good for diar- thea and dysentery as common drink. eds give 90 per cent. of. oil! mild, sweet, keeps many years, fit for food and lamps, laxative like Castor oil, equivalent and better, not nauseous. _ E SICYOS ANGULATA, L. Bryony, Wild Cucumber. Root and seeds bitter, purgative, diuretic, eq. of Bryony in dropsies, Canada to Mexico. SIDA, L. Softy. Eq. of Malva. S. spinosa and rhom- bifolia, used as tea in the west, leaves roasted first, good, palatable and diuretic. == E SIDEROXYLON, Lin. Jronwood, Turlbay. Very hard wood, berries sweetish astringent, useful in diar- rhea. ot, such as S. virginica, pennsylvani- ea, caroliniana Es ar B EE y tine Sunflower. Several sp. forme, Raf. produce by exudation and incision a fine clean teeth. — _SILENE, L. Wild Pink. Several sp. have a vermi- fuge deleterious ri 7 c ungeha? — ^ SILPHIUM Purpenti n S. gummifer, nthaceum, undulatum, Raf. reni- ds and bitterish gum like Frankincense, white or amber color, chewed by Indians to sweeten breath and -SINAPIS, L. Mustard: Cult. a p. S. gra and alba eq. — , forms Sina- very useful revulsions in fevers. Otherwise stimu- 264 SMILAX. alba or white Mustard seeds chiefly used whole in large doses, proved by Gassicourt to be merely laxative, near- ly inert. Nay, larger doses still or infusion are emetic by irritating the stomach : may cause convulsions in children when mixt with bread. Decoction in small «doses aperient and diuretic. SISYRINCHIUM. Lim. Lily grass, Scurvy grass. Eaten by horses and cattle. Root yellow acrid, decoc- tion purgative, said by empirics to be antidote of subli- mate! wag ag ote of Cochlearia! A — SIUM, L. Water Parsne p. Several wild sp. Equiv. rum, deleterious plant, yet deemed diuretic, gogue, herpetic, lithontriptic, cures obstinate cuta- neous diseases, 6 spoons full of juice in a day said not -to hurt the head, stomach, nor bowels... Doubtful to me. S. latifolium certainly ‘poisonous. S. rugosum, Raf. called Muskrat weed, because Muskrats feed on it, and Indians baitthe traps with it. Roots tuberose, poisonous to men, but boiled useful for tumors and bruises. as. sisarum or Skiret, cult. in Europe, rare with us, roots Sweet, esculent, astringent, vulnerary, useful in hemop- tysis and internal hemorrhage, B. oe. SMILAX, L. foem, $ genus. we have 25 sp. divided by me in 3 G. Nemezia, ($ her- bacea and pedunculata) and Parillaz with monosp. ber- ries, ($. pumila laurifolia).’ AM more or less eq. Sm. sarsaparilla best known; Sm. pseudo china largest roots, extend 100 feet in damp soils forming clusters. Much used by southern Indians for food in meal, cakes, frit- ters, jelly, mush, &c. "The fecula is a red brown flour. Good beer made with Sassafras and molasses, purifi . Valuable prolific gene SPONGIA. 265 SOLIDAGO ODORA, Ait. Sweet Goldenrod. Pro- lific genus, we have nearly 70 sp. This easily known by its sweet scent near to aniseed. Essential oil of it has same scent, much used for head ache, in frictions: Whole. plant aromatic stimulant, diaphoretic, carmina- tive, useful in flatulence, nausea, spasms of the stomach, chiefly used as a grateful tea. Leaves prepared like tea, have been sent to China, much used in some parts of our country, used in fevers by Cherokis. Some other sp. also medical, but more astringent, aperient, corroborant, useful in gravel, ulceration of the bladder, fevers, dropsy, cachexy, lax bowels, S. virgaurea (wild) and the subodorous sp. chiefly used. A species said by Schoepf to be used for wounds and bites of rattlesnakes in decoction, also in tumors, angina, pains in the breast. and viscid tumors. ; i SONCHUS, L. Mild eq. of Lactuca.. Many sp. S. oleraceous edible, milk dispels warts. ^ — : SORBUS, L. Mountain € free. 3 sp. eq. Bark smells and tastes like cherry bark, equal to it, more astringent, fine tonic, antiseptic, contains Prussic brooms. S: vulgare, seeds alford flour, cakes, coffee and 266 TAMARINDUS. STEREIMIS, Raf. 3 sp. blended with llecebrum, Gomphrena and Achyranthes by authors. St. repens, Jicoideum and vermicularie. Diuretic, subastringent, useful in ischury and disury. STILLINGÍA SYLVATICA, L. Fawroot, Marco- ry, Cockup hat, Queens delight. Large woody root, pur- gative, alterative, antisyphilitic. Very active, specific in Jaws, sores, ulcers, chiefly. syphilitic and all venereal diseases, also lepra and elephantiasis. Ingredient of Swaim's panacea. -STYRANDRA, Raf. Harewost, Adders tongue, Ma- tasbuck of Algic tribes. Root diuretic, eq. of Sizillaria. STYRAX; L. Spring Orange. Blossoms fragrant hike orange, balsamic, aphrodisiac. Bark vulnerary, deer care their wounds by rubbing against the tree. SURIANA MARITIMA, L. Florida, Bahama. Bark mucilagiuous, used for sore lips. - E SWIETENIA MAHOGANI, L. Mahogany tree. In South Florida. Wood very useful and beautiful. Bark bitter astringent, tonic, febrifuge, used in fevers? ‘Shavings of wood in diarrhea. xr ¿SYMPHORIA, J. Raccoon berry, Bluewood.- 3 sp- Eq. $. racemosa, glomerata (Snowberry) and debilis, Raf. Root tonic astringent, used for agues in Virginia. Bark of it for syphilis by Western tribes. Active febri- fuge in Small doses, = — . m oa TANACETUM VULGARE. L. Tansey. Cult. now spopt. Bitter nidorose, peculiar strong smell, eq. of 4n- themis when fresh, sudorific, pellent, menagogue, ver- mifuge, carminative, deobstruent, a balsamic tonic sto- machic. Tansey tea much used in fevers, agues, Câ- chexy, hysterics, dropsy, strangury, &c. deemed very efficient in gout, it strengthens the stomach and kidneys. When dry milder, but fine stimulant and yermifuge, equal to Contra. The flowers contain an alkali Zana- cetine, the tanacetic acid, phosphate of lime, &c. Leaves besides tannin, gallic acid, peculiar oil. Poultice of to dye and. Lese yw. Sal «leaves cure sprains and bruises, used puddings. They dye green and thesflowers yello eserve meat from flies. — - ed NDUS INDIC THEAPHYLLA. 267 acid, refrigerant, laxative, quenches thirst, useful in fe- vers, constipation, gout. A kind of beverage made with it, very grateful in summer heat. Contains sugar, citric acid, gum, water, salts, &c. eS TAXUS, L. Few, Chinwood. 2 sp. T. canadensis and baceata. Wood red, hard, useful. Leayes baneful to cattle and sheep. Berries edible, contain sugar, gum, malic and phosphoric acids, a red fat; but seeds acrid, pernicious, oily, the oil of it used for lamps in Japan. a SC innt albus, Sc. = —"FHASPIUM, N. (Thapsia sp. L.) Roun: heart. Vul- d di Zn wp ribe tu it many uses in diseases di 268 TOXY LON. of the head, bladder, breast, stomach, &c. they say it removes obstructions, quenches thirst, revives heart, pu- rifies brain! prevents drowsiness and lethargy, clears the sight, dispels wind. &c. Boiled in vinegar used in diarrhea and tenesmus. The seeds furnish good lamp oil, seeds and oil useful for colds and asthma. The ane of strong tea may cause tremors, palsy, epilepsy, lexy, mania, &c. THUYA OCCIDENTALIS, Arbor Vita, White Ce- dar Fine tree, only 36 feet high and 14 inches diameter when 150 years o old. - i of fresh leaves with beal H um: matism, decoction usefal in 1 : och scurvy, gout, &c. Distilled Js; Ts potitice of the cones and Polypodium, | k remove the wors rheumatic pains. HYMUS SERPY LLUM, | Spontaneous. Pennsylvania. ^ Fine fra; and stimulant. TIARELLA CORDIFOLIA, L. Paasemung of 4 pic tribes, ioo mucilaginous pectoral. "TIL _ Linden, Basswood, Whitewood, ‘Sp 0 0 umug or Sugumuck of Mohegans, Sucuy J u r Afric tribes. - Beautiful =op useful - rees, we haye 5 sp. with. T. stenopetala, Raf. Fl. lud. All eq- Wood very white aud soft, used for canoes, models, spoons, "ine Take &c. when dry it swims like. X TRITICUM. 269 dyes yellow, best bows made of it, hard and elastic. Useful for hedges, grows quick from mere cuttings. . TRADESCANTIA, L. Spider flower. 12 sp. orna mental, leaves much liked as greens by Cherokis. TRAGOPOGON, Lin. Oyster root. Fine vegetable, cult: and spont. Root tasting like oysters. TREMELLA, L. Fai Many sp. that growing on Maples deemed useful in sore throat. TRIADENUM PURPURASCENS, Raf.1807. Hy- pericum virginicum, L. Schoepf. ‘Tincture of flowers used in cholics, against vomiting, &c. TRICHODIUM, Mx. Walter grass. Smooth and Sweet sugary grass, perennial, good winter fodder in the South. TRIFOLIUM, L. Clover. Valuable fodder, flowers fragrant, give much honey to bees. White clover or Tr. repens blossoms once used in gout, subastringent. We have 15 sp. Tr. stoloniferum or Buffaloe clover worth TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM or MAJUS, Linn. Fever root, Tinker weed, Horse Ginseng, Ipecac, Wild Coffee, White Ginseng, Sincky of Indians. Root pur- gative, emetic, diuretic, tonic, Se. taste bitter and nau- seous; 5lbs. give 2lb. of extract, yields no resin nor oil. A mild purge, eq. of jalap in doses of 20 to 30 grains in powder, or half of extract. -In larger doses emetic. Impaired by age. Useful in fevers, agues, pleuritis, &c. Leaves diaphoretic, seeds-used as. coffee by the Ger- mans mear Lancaster. Zr. angustifolium or Minus, is equivale = oo. uu M TRITICUM, L. . Wheat. Valuable cereal grasses, manysp. cult. Affording straw, paper, hats, flour, bran, shorts, semola, vermicelli, macaroni, nudles, gruel, por- ridge, pastry, cakes, bread, crackers, biscuit, starch, toasts, soups, &c. Tr. spelta equal to pearl barley. Tr. monococum affords best gruel and a good beer. Tr, Schoepf, eq. of Cynodon, sweet s 8 270 . “TYPHA. aperient, diuretic, vermifuge, decoction in obstructions. T. durum or flinty wheat, makes best Semoln or coarse a and this the best vermicelli and other Italian figured gruels and nudles, very healthy as diet for inva- lids, convalescents. .. TROPEOLUM MAJUS, Lin. Nasturtium, Indian cress. Leaves and flowers eaten in sallad and soups, subacrid, diuretic, antiscorbutic. - - TUBER, L. Trufle, Tuckaho. Subterranean Fungus, he most d of all food. We have several native 3 istingu. : -Bosc mentions lina, of fine taste, Ceelen to eat; but in- aro ean 7f odorous, contains albumen, nmoniac, ph lime, arome. Very nourishing, aphrodisiac. Man o € rup made with them. Eaten greedily à destroyed by- 083, d y s and wolves. = TUCAHUS, Raf. or Gemmularia. Tückahee, Tucka- hoo of Indian tribes. Very different genus from Z'uber and from Uperhiza of Bosc, although same native name, nay all esculent roots called Tuckuho, such as Apios and» Patatos. Also subterranean fungus, Tuber has internal veins, Tuckahus & solid white mass, with wrinkles: and gemules outside. Several sp. I have seen 3. 7. ru- gosus, leviusculus and albidus. Parasite on the roots of Oaks and Hickories when young, detached when old- T. rugosus reach 40lb. weight. Fungose when fresh; hard brittle like starch when dry, tasteless, inodorous, esculent; eaten by Indians in many ways 5 asserted by Dr. Macbride to be altogether m ified ae fecula nor brine ! . ieee : TULIPA, L. Tulip. Cult. = ndn Ar Fresh roots emetic. A native sp. 7. montano, - dur Cat. YO aen Reed. delete, He E A eq. useful. ‘Roots suba ingent, febrifuge, esculent, nth of a fine fecula similar t sa a. ULVA. 271 and lime make a cement as hard as marble. Seeds kill mice. Ought to be cult. in swamps. ULMUS FULVA, Mx. Red, Slippery or Sweet Elm. This sp. is the best officinal Elm. The inner bark is used, it is fulvous, rather brittle and very mucilaginous. lt contains fecula, ulmine and gum. Edible, very mild, yet very efficient demulcent, diuretic, pectoral, deob- struent, emollient, &c. Used in decoction, infusion, poultice, &c. The powder is a flour making a jelly like arrow root with warm water. Useful in all urinary and bowel complaints, strangury, sorethroat; catarrh, pneu- monia, pleurisy, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, dropsy, scurvy, scorbutic spots, herpes, inveterate erup- tions and even lepra. It has cured lepra being continued several months. When most diuresis is produced, the effect is certain. Beneficial in diarrhea, dysentery, cho- lera infantum, &c. Very nutritive, but eaten alone pro- duces sour stomach and eructations. Medical doses of the flour a small spoon full, with as much sugar dissolved in water. "Very useful mener. in poultice for ulcers, tumors, swellings, shot wounds, (help to extract the ball) chilblains; burns, cutaneous eruptions, eresypelas, felons, old inveterate sores, scabs; sore mouth or thrush. in wash. It allays inflammation, promotes suppurationand . heals speedily. Equivalent to sarsaparilla 1n. almost all cases! A specific to procure easy labour to pregnant women by using the tea for 2: months previous, well known to Indian women, whose easy parturition has often been noficed.; now Mes in general use. Said to have cured fevers by repeated topical poultices on the abdomen: We have 6 other native Elm trees, all eq. but less efficient, bark tougher, often bitterish and subastringent. In Norway bread is made with it.. The outside bark soaked in water makes ropes. Wood very " tough and durable, used for wheels, tools, Ko. Seeds are esculent. Leaves emollient. eas ULVA, L: Sea Lettuce.. Many sp- edible, in sallad, boiled or pickled, such as U. lactuca, umbilicalis, palma- ta, edulis, ciliata, &c. Liked by sheep, contain iodine, mild eq. of Fucus, furnish good manure, U. saccharina, very good boiled in milk, contains 20 substances, mucus, hydeledute of potiiis o. 272 VACCINIUM. URTICA, L. Nettles. 15 native sp. all nearly eq. U. dioica best known as medical. Diuretic, pectoral, sub- astringent. Used in decoction for nephritis, gravel, he- morrhage, hemoptysis, jaundice, bloody urine, bloody piles, &c. The property of stinging ed fresh, called urtication, formerly used as a powerful stimulant. and rubefacient, a lsies and to cause revulsions instead of sinapisims. en dry no longer stinging. Cultiv. in Sweden for fodder, E ea fed on it give much milk and AO M rated and frisky. Stimu- . late fowls lay many eggs. S ng shoots are boiled or v thate e ma sof all afford a kind - oe flax, cloth and paper. _ Usnivea: cult. for A “canabina bed p nsis (sub G. i ie once begun UVULARIA, L. Baiki All e although LE. perfoliata and grandiflora mostly zi t saci when fresh, with a fine wees Me cient v Cart as anervine, but much less the saliva swallowed, it cures mea Se Said to be equal to Hieracium nervosum in bites of rattle” snakes. Useful in wounds and sores. Decoction of the plant in sore mouth, inflamed lar «die and gums. - Shoots edible le when dry and cooked: — VERBASCUM. 273 VALERIANA PAUCIFLORA, Mx. American Ka- lerian. Leaves edible in sallad. Root may be tried in nervous diseases, perhaps eq. of Y, officinalis. VANILLA. A sp. grows in S. Florida and Bahama, perhaps V. claviculata. The true Vanilla is V. aroma- tca. Pods of all the sp. delightful smell and taste, am- brosiac, stimulant, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, corrobo- rant, cephalic, diuretic, Useful in melancholy, atecnia, diseases of languor, Sc. Commonly used to perfume chocolate, ice creams, sweet meats, &c. VERATRUM VIRIDE, P. (Album, Sch. Mx.) Ich- weed, Hellebore, Indianpoke, Earthgall, Devilbit Wolf bane, Dackretier, Puppet root, &c. Poisonous active plant. Root employed, acrid nauseous, drastic emetic, errhine, accoprotic, repellent, powerful stimulant, fol- lowed by sedative effects, escharotic and inflamming the skin if applied to it... Useful. in epilepsy, cophosis, acute rheumatism ; amd topi tinea capitis, cutaneous aff is- But a powertul dangerous article, requiring caution in exhi- bition ; doses 3 to 10 grains o! pa as emetic, but often fails in some persons, and always acts tardily. Wine of it used for gout, with 7 opium, doses 15 to 30 drops repeated. Ointment used externally, has happen- ed to cause emesis by application even on the legs? Tt is à poison for all insects in decoction, noxious to swine, sheep, geese, fowls ; intexicated by stee : in it. In gout it re cures resta Keeps à toni ASCUM THAP elvet, equal to flan p 274 VIBRUNUM. coughs, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, proctalgy : they con- tain gum, sacarin, chlorophylle, yellow resin, volatile oil, the oleic, malic and phosphoric acids. Blossoms of s thapsoides and blattaria are equivalent, nay, perhaps all the sp. VERBENA, L. Vervain, Purvain. Bitterish, sub- astringent, tonic. deobstruent, sudorific, &c. - Our best medical sp. is V. hastata, (Wild Hysop, Simplersjoy) stronger bitter, emetic, expectorant, tonic, a good sub- stitute to Eupatorium, but much weaker, used in agues and fevers. Said by Thompson to be next to Lobelia for an emetic in tea or powder, to check fevers and inci ent phthisis. — V. urticifolia herb useless, but root bit- NUS ter, used against the eresypela of Rhus with milk and oak bark. V. spuria and others eq. to V. officinali, as vulnerary, febrifuge, used in hemicrania, obstructions, agues, coughs, gravel, worms, scrofula, icteris; wounds. Was the holy herb of Greeks and Druids, used as pana- cea, m incantations and to drive evil spirits. VERBESINA VIRGINICA, L. Herbe a3 quarts in Lonisiana. "Valuable sudorific and depurative of Indian tribes: roots used in decoction. mE . VERNONIA, Ait. Zronweed. Al the sp-equiv. Roots bitterish, used for fevers in Kentucky, spirituous bitters made. Schoepf says used against poisons! Stems afford a Kind of hemp, V. altissima 10 feet high. Leaves astringent, used for sorethroat. o VIBURNUM, L. Many sp. medical and useful. Y. acerifolium or Dockmockie, leaves applied to inflamed tumors by Indians. Fruits of many edible, V. oxycocus and edule resemble Cranberries and are equal, those of V. prunifolium aud others, blue sweetish acid edible. Bark of many smoked like tobacco by Western tribes. Leaves of F. cassinoides, levigatum, prunifolium use for tea in the South.. Bark of V. lantana and others give glue like flex. V. dentatum, (Mealy tree, Arrow wood and Tily of Indians.) - Bark used by the Indians and Shakers as a diuretic and detergent, bitterish, con- ains a peculiar fragrant oil ; used im decoction daily creeper, become spont. Leaves bitter ac x XANTHIUM. 275 useful in hemorrhoids, dysentery,- hemoptysis, leücor- rhea, fluxes ; also antilacteal or repelling milk. VIOLA, L. Violet. Prolific genus, we have nearly 40 native sp. Properties more or. less alike in all. Roots commonly mild emetic and cathartic, leaves emollient laxative, blossoms and seeds laxative, pectoral, Sic. All the parts contain the Violine, a peculiar kind of Emetine. Flowers of the fragrant V. odorata cult. much used for a grateful tea and syrup, used for cough, sorethroat, con- süpation, often given to children. We have only two fragrant wild sp. eq. Y. canadensis and blanda, smell Sweeter but fainter. Roots bitterish acrid, tonic in doses of 10 grains, purgative 25 to 30, emetic 40 to 50, also used as depurative in diseases of the skin. P. tricolor, arvensis and calcarata used in Europe, their leaves also purgative.. We use chiefly V. clandestina, rotundifolia, palmata, heterophylla, sometimes called Healall. Leaves emollient, suppurative, used for wounds and sores, bruis- ed or in poultices. Elliott says the negroes eat the leaves of the two last in soups D o o E VISCUM Te Malla Gey. pie My V. seroti- e e num is monoical triandrous. Leaves contain nitrate of potash, jump in the fire before burning. - Fruits viscose, birdlime made with them. Contain wax, glue, gum, vis- cine insoluble, clorophylle, iron, salts, &c. They are lubricant, sweetish, A antiepileptic. Leaves and berries given in tea or powder for epileptic fits, convul- sions, vertigo, pleuritis, dysentery. By no means inert, although now neglected. -Once the sacred plant of the Druids. Powder must be used fresh, aud in | ge doses. VITEX AGNUSCASTUS, L. Chaste tree. Found by Schoepf in Virginia and Carolina. Leaves discutient, dispel swellings of joints and testicles, applied warm. Seeds acrid, aromatic, nidorose, stimulant, subastringent, used in hysteria and Fani oats 3 but by no means seda- tive as formerly thought. — — — : XANTHIUM, Fi Burweed, Burthistle, Clotburr, 2 native sp. X. crassum and undulatum, Raf. mistaken for X. strumarium and orientale by authors. X. spino- sum is besides become spont. All eq. bitterish subaerid, dy yellow; astringent, pellent, diaphoretic. | Useful in scrofula, herpes, eresypelas. Seeds or burs baneful to sheep, spoil their wool with it. 276 ZIZANIA. XANTHORHIZA. APIFOLIA, Marshall. Fellow wort. Southern shrub with yellow roots and stems, dye- ing silk yellow and weol drab color, without mordaunt, — but neither cotton nor linen, dyes olive green with Prus- sian blue and alum. Fine and pure tonic bitter, con- taining bitter resin and gum, equiv. of Frasera, dose in fevers 40 grains. Bark stronger than the wood. Infusion yellow, a pleasant mild stomachic bitter. . XYRIS, L. Eyegrass, Headgrass. Several sp. eq. Roots and leaves ¿Used against lepra and diseases of the skin by: the | us. E YUCCA osa or Palmetto Royal is a fine sand fences when y ‘oung leaves . aloifolia.) Roots edible. aromatic bitterish, en alti for the gout. F. k Aloes, i inst of soi woollens and blankets by Indians. Intoxicate fish when furnishing W. Suge ‘coral fruits in conical strobile, covere SAZANIA,L te: , s 4 k s tle in the South, while "hey refuse Z. mi eel and like rice when cleaned, excellent food, sa good flour, cakes, soups. Chief food of In: lat. 40 and 50. Grows and bea entifully : E ponds and lakes, ought to be:spre night become the rice of the igi No. 53. R ILEX OPACA. 2| ILLICIUM FLORIDANUM. e re a EN N Oe 56. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS. - À No. 97. —. - 58. TARAXACUM. No. LEONTODUM 2 LEPTANDRA PURPUREA No. 60. : LOBELIA INFLATA. No. 61. LYCOPUS VERGENICUS. ^ COMMON BUGLEWEED. : y No. 62. = - MAGNOLIA MACROPHYLLA. | N Ge 63. dee MENYANTHES YERNA. ‘No. 64. : S MONARDA COCCINEA. : No. Gb- a NASTURTIUM PALUSTRE. 4 D NELUMBIUM LUTEUM. E NE OI, : NYMPHEA ODORATA. No. 69. : : pat _ 9XY€0€CA MACROCARFA.. aes 3 No. TI. A PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM | s PUBEN. EX, d.t, E. PINCKNE N Oe 13. ; PODOPHYLLUM MONTANUM. s. x GRAVEO POLANISIA No LI " 5 . POLYGALA PAUCIFOLIA. : No. O». 76. | ae Fig - -POLYGONUM AVICULARÉ. ' Fig. 2. -POLYGONUM PERSICARIA. N Qe rie 5 E. : POLYPODIUM VULGARE. We = ri T= - No. 79. > PYROLA MACULATA. * RANUNCULUS ACRIS. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. ` N 0s $82. | 2 z SABBATIA ANGULARIS. | N Qa. 83. SANGUINAREA CANADENSIS. bj - COMMON BLOODROOT. ~ SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA. tp icm TA My OFFICINAL SCULLCAP. E t : N Oe SIGILLARIA S5. xm MULTIFLORA. : SEALWORT. No. 86. SOLANUM DULCAMARA. - N Oe 8S. SPIGELIA CR N Os 88. SPIREA TOMENTOSA. 7 RED MEADOW SWEET. — 1 2: N Ge 89. | STATICE CAROLINIANA. D hor P | c Nos 00: SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. É- | COMMON COMFREY. | . - à N Oe 91. n TRILLIUM LATIFOLIUM. Ll QT £ 5 ; No. 92. TUSSILAGO FRIGIDA. " | N 0» 93. UNISEMA DELTIFOLIA. * stadi roel L PIG RE WEED : A " N D N Oe 94. VERON ICA BECABUNGA.—Var. Amer. | ' : N O. 96. | XANTHOXYLON FRAXINEUM, . \ SHRUBBY PRICKLY-ASH. p pe N Os 97. CHELONE GLABRA. COMMON SNAKEHEAD. No. 98. GALIUM VERUM. COMMON CLEAVERS. : . No: 99. VITIS: A.—VW. Saxatilis. B.—V. Longifolia. C€.—V. Acerifolia. D.—V. Angulata. > : B.—Longleaf Grape. D.—Angular do. No. 100. VITIS. E.—Y. Ciliata. F.—V. Prolifera. G.—V. Multiflora. H.—V. Blanda. iQ E.—Elsinburg Grape. F'.—Isabella Grape.