LLELSELHLLL ELIS S SELES LLG LS SSS | By the Council of the Roya Society of London for Improving of Natural Knowledge. 5. we might nor only hope for Inventions to equalize thofe of Copernicus, ‘Galileo, Gilbert Harvy, and of others, whofe Names are.almoftloft, that were the Inventors of Gun=powder,theSeamans Compafs, Printing, Etching, -Graving; Microfcopes, &c.:. but' multitudes that may far exceed them fareven thofe cifcoweries feetn to bave been the: produ€is of fome: fuch mex thod, though but imperfett 5 What maynot be therefore expecied from it if thoronighly profecuted? Talking-and contention of Arguments would Jota tit divas labours 5: abiie EE Ee and ni ains bas z | fre Tre wie eters, viay einpa scftor'd by , = would icy oni and gieplae t old Hittoies, Experi enn Ehe: Pa ft ace. by the fame way, not only by beholding and contemplating, . but by ta- fing toothofe fruits of Natural knowledge, that were never yet forbidden, _- From hence the World inay be affified with variety of Inventions, new matter for Sciences nay be collegted; the old improv'd, and their raft — qubb'daway; and as tt is by the benefit: of Senfes that we receive all our Skill. in theworks of Nature,fo they alfo may be. wonderfully benefited by it, and may be guided to an.eafier and more exa&t performance. of their Offices ; tis not unlikely, but that we may find out wherein our S oe are | deficient, and as eaftly find wayes of repairing them.