A_ Dictionary of Scientific Terms KE | A DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS ~— PRONUNCIATION, DERIVATION, AND DEFINITION OF TERMS IN BIOLOGY, BOTANY, ZOOLOGY, ANATOMY, CYTOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY BY I. F. HENDERSON, M.A. as W. D. HENDERSON, M.A., B.Sc., Pu.D., F.R.S.E. OLIVER AND BOYD EDINBURGH: TWEEDDALE COURT LONDON: STER ROW, EG ‘* FREEFAGE THIS compilation was undertaken as it was thought desirable that there should be available to students and scientists, an up-to-date work somewhat on the lines of Stormonth’s MZanual of Scientific Terms (1879, republished 1903). It contains definitions of about ten thousand terms, including several hundred lately coined expressions, many of which have not hitherto appeared in a dictionary. The work is expected to supply a want felt by many students and other readers of the Biological Sciences, as the usual handy-sized dictionary contains comparatively few purely scientific terms. The sub- jects selected for treatment are Biology and its allies, Anatomy, Botany, Zoology, Embryology, Cytology, Physiology; and some terms in Bacteriology and Palaeontology are included, In a first edition of a book of this kind, errors of omission are inevitable, as few people have convenient access to each text- book and treatise, even in one subject, as it makes its appearance Suggestions for additions will be welcomed and noted for future use, and should be accompanied by the name of the work in which the original definition is to be found; derivation offers no difficulty as a rule, but pronunciation might be indicated by coiners of entirely new terms. In the etymological section, Greek words have been trans- literated, as science and medical students are seldom acquainted with that language, and on the advice of an authority on Greek, the transliteration of certain combinations of letters represents the sound rather than the exact letters of the original; hence the frequent occurrence of such words as brangchia, hydor, etc. This work was begun by Mr J. H. Kenneth, who compiled most of the primary lists from which the whole has been elaborated. Mr Kenneth had completed upwards of three i § vi PREFACE hundred terms when ill-health prevented his continuing the work, and it was handed over to the present authors. We have to acknowledge our indebtedness to Professor J. H. Ashworth of Edinburgh University, who has very kindly read over the manuscript and given us some suggestions for additions. je ae 2 ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. NOTE AS TO PRONUNCIATION Ir has seemed expedient in many cases to give alternatives, as different centres of learning have different types of pronunciation ; again, as it is usage which determines correct pronunciation, and the terms are not everyday words, it will be long before a term which lends itself equally well to two methods will be fixed down to one. As to many anatomical and other purely Latin terms, students will probably follow the type of pronunciation, English or Continental, learned at school; in the latter case, the second alternative or some modification of it will be employed. Those who can readily pronounce ch as in loch, and who have so learned to pronounce the combination in Greek, will naturally introduce that sound into such words as branchial, brachyenemic ; although the & sound has been adopted in this as in other dictionaries, the other is not to be regarded as incorrect. The sound-symbols have been made as simple as possible, only the broader differences of vowel-sounds having been included. A general indication of pronunciation, rather than a critically exact reproduction, is what is wanted for the average reader of scientific works. In the case of words which have not previously appeared in a dictionary, and whose pronunciation is not clearly indicated by etymological or other rules, it remains for the coiner to indicate his preference. SOUND-SYMBOLS USED IN PRONUNCIATION a asin) fate. 6 asin not. 4 pe fat. é e form. 4 2 far. é - anatomy. ch ‘a church oi . toy. é ‘ e. OO yy .« good é : hen. ow yy cow e » her. s ” SO. g ss go sh ” lash gw oy guano. th - thin i 7” pine. u » pure i ” pin tl ” nut. j » gem ii gf French u k % cat. y is yard, kw; queen z - is. a sing. ater vision Co) - no. ABBREVIATIONS one adjective. ae adv. dverb opposite, appl. applied to “Pb lepnessd to. compare, pert pertaining to. dim diminutive. plu plura for example SING. singular. erb. anatomy. emb. ‘ embryology. : , bacteriology. pail. ‘ palaeontology. biol. : ‘ biology. Parse physiology. botany. Zool, : zoology. cytology. Arabic. ae : Latin. ¥ : - Anglo-Saxon. a ‘ Late Latin. Dut. : ‘ Dutch. Mal Malaysian French, M.E Middle English. Ger. German. O.F Old French. Gk. Greek, 0.H.G Old High German. Icelandic. Sp. - Spanish. Italian, Swed. . Swedish, viii A DICTIONARY OF SGIENTIviG TERMS ABA- abactinal (abak’tinal, were nal) a. Phe: 0b, ; tis, ray.] rom ; Appl. the area of an “echinoder body without tube-feet i the madreporite is eee included ; is abambulacral ; antambulacral ; opp. actinal (zoe, abam Gbkebaie ea) Ze ao, from; to Appl. the a of aa aa a body re r hat on which abaxial re a. [L. @é, from ; é Pert. that surface of Which the axis has not the same direction as the axis of the seed abbreviated (abré’viatéd) a, [L. ad, short. ]} Shortened ; The belly : l appi, structures, oo - a of organs situate closely related ” the a oa : abdomina res,—single or paired openings leading from the coelom to the exterior, in Cyclostomes and certain megs fishes (zoo/.). abdominal —contraction of ab- dominal wall muscles when the skin over the side of the abdomen is ee (phys.). e areas into regions, george the sl * divide d by 1 ABO- two horizontal and two vertical imaginary lines, viz., hypochondri (2), lum ingui tric, — abdominal ring in = a po of see Sones ool.). icaeateag. os ne of two openings in the fasciae of the abdominal muscles through which passes the spermatic cord in the male, and the round ligament female ; inguinal ring (az spore (abdu Dota ne [L. abducere, to way.] The ah can S nerve rion as the rectus extern beer turns the eyeball oneal _ abducere, on fro art ena) U. lead awa o w away the ede axis os abductor uennehg Nn. [L. abducere, to - way. ] muscle that draws a ‘limb or nae outwards (ana t) aberrant (abér‘ant) a. fh. aberare, to é species with characteristics not aia in acco bios, study racing: abomasum Pace ors abém’aztim) m. [L. @ m ; omasum, paunch. | The — _ font h Garbo of the opposi pa to, the m abort (4bért’) v. 18 torts pre- ABO- mature birth.] To be ciate in e born ma d turely (dzo/, abortion (3b6r'shitn) nm, [L. abortus, premature birth.] Premature birth ; arrest of development of an organ (biol, abranchiate (Abrang’kiat) a. [Gk. a, without ; Acme J gills] Without gills (zoo/.). abrupt (abriipt’) a. [L. ad, from ; rum- pere, to break.] Appearing as if roken, or cut off, at the extremity. tly-acuminate,—having a\broa extremity, as a leaf, from which a point arises (d0/.). ptly-pinnate,— the main axis of the e Nadas not winged, but bearing a number of on axes which are winged ork-la disorganization: shes fall i raed teat is due (40 abscission (Absish’iin) ee Te dere, to cut off.] The ieclne of parts (do¢. a rg bape *. {L. n.] The intus- ; the passa terial through living cells (ézo/., (Abstrik’shiin) #. [L. abstringere, to cut off.] The pro- cess of detaching “gre: (conidia) by the rounding o the tips of the sporophores, as in iildees (d02.), bterminal (Abtér'minal) a. [L. ad, from ; ferminus, poet Going from the end anes (ph abysmal (Abiz’mal) a. “Gk. abyssos, bottomless] Pee depths of the Manny (ab Gk. adyssos, ee Pert. depths of the ocean ; . 0 rienars 38 or material usually found there (bi0 acanaceous (Akan wehtis) akanos, thorn. ] Bek ese ae _ ote (det. ak is’al) a, a. " thorns or acantha ha) 7. oe —_—, thorn. ] Pri (402.); spinou process ous © (aickntha’ shiis) a. [Gk. akentha, thorn.] Bearing prickles. ACC- acanthin (akin’thin) ”. [Gk. akantha, thorn.] A subs —— — chitin, strontium sulphat ing the skeleton of the Radiolaeians as Se acanthion (Akan’thién) 7. [Gk. akan- The most prominent “Gk. . ak thorn ; & vitae the fruit covered with spines or pric rakes. steer eea (akan’thokéf’alis, -séf-) a. [Gk. a 4 thorn ; keph- ale, head ai a hooked pro- boscis (z00 d.). acanthocladous (akin’théklad'iis) a@ [Gk. a bathe, thorn ; £/ados, br ani Having spiny branche es. acanthocyst (akan’thésist) ”. [Gk akantha, thorn; ystis, bladder. ] A sac containing la lateral or reserve stylets in Nemerteans (zool. onical mass, the cl stylet in Nemerteans (zool.). can ésfe’ndt) a. [Gk. akantha, thorn ; pers wedge. ] Appi. an echinoid spine made up of solid we ns separated by porous tissue (zool. acanthozooid (akain’ th6z0’oid) #. akantha, thorn scolex of Cestodes as distinguished from the body or cystozooid (zool.). acapnia (Akap’ni [Gk. nos, without smoke.] Diminution or want of carbon dioxide (pfys.). acaulescent (Akélés’‘ént) a. [Gk. without ; —_ stalk.] Having a shorte ned s m (ot Fe So ase vie a we {hae celerare, to has ppl. craicle ge a Fsiies the rate of act ed Ays.). ac sig "ke tor) n. [L. accipere, to accept.] A body or substance which receives and unites with another substance or gas intro- duced Se accessorius (akséso’ ritis) m [L. cedere, to go A muscle aiding in the action of another ; the spinal —— or eleventh cranial nerve uvenaeny (aksés’6ri) a. [L. accedere, ACC- to go to.] Additional or accom- panying. ecessory bud,—an additional axillary — (60 Ex essory chro ie found £ in See sex- ote of salen animals whic uliar be- haviour and the stage it appears at, is considered by some authorities to be the factor that determines sex. “nerve (anat.).. accessory a duct,—Santo- rini’s duct (ana oe “Gakoméda’ shiin) #. ad, to ; commodus, fittin The adie of the eye for receiving clear oe of objects at different — t Gkrés’ént) a the we Scere, : ees | Appi. plants that continue to grow after flowering, o calyx continuing to grow after ik: linatio t.). accretion Ga shiin) # [L. @ scere, to incre — mente by the ees al additio iets agglomeration (io) accumbent (akiim’bént) 2. [L. s the radicle, as in Cruciferae sg centrous (Asén’ triis) a, [L.a, agi rt sistent os as in certai fishes (zoo acephalous Cker'alis, ~séf-) a Z i — oO ' w i te Sae a2) °. i] co oO ee ee) ct ° i=) “@ zool. acerose is érés) a. [L. acer, spew a Narrow and slender, with a sharp bot.). seat: as a pine-lea acervuline (Asér'villin) a. [L. acervus, heap.] Irregularly heaped to- gether, aff/. foraminiferal tests crea (Asér’viiliis) 7. = din - _.. heap. mall Sap cluster ; especially ‘of sporo- soldi mycelium (é0/.). 3 shape. ] scimitar ; “ail, leaf (d07.), gore ‘(as ACI- acervulus cerebri,—minute grains of a calcareous nature in the pineal may or may not take part in its formation (anaz. a. chetlos, lip.] aving the abellum undeveloped, as in some orchids (04). , [Gk gape.] A ioneaee: eed-vessel il does al not open ee cra Achillis tendo okie tén’dod) [Achilles, hero of the re who ad a vulnerable heel; L. endo, tendon. iter caaeg ; the cnemi chlamyd (ak’lamid’éiis) 2. [G a, without; chlamys, cloak.] Having : i linin of the nucleus (¢ matinic (Akro’ matin "ik) a. [Gk. a, without ; chroma, colour.] Pert ach omatin, r res mnbling achro- matin in its properties (cyZ.). cicular (Asik’ilar) a. [L. ula, small needle.] Like a needle in ape ; sharp-pointed (404). um (asik’tliim) # [L. acicuda, small needle.] One the sti setae in the parapodium of a worm (z00/.) acinaciform sini fom atk. acinaces, chaps word ; forma, cing a sabre or ous (asina’riiis) a. us, ry.] Paving ete vosicied o eae Algae (402.). ACI- acinus (As‘intis) 2. [L. acinus, berry.] ne of the pulpy drupes composing fruit of bramble or raspberry ot.) ; net sac- ove oat ean of a eens “ae Sithout : koilos, pontow.) | tone — not having a true body at acoelomate. acontia, akon tS, akon amy n. plu {Gk ation, sma javelin.] hreadtike processes =] the mesen- teric filaments arg with h stinging cells, in Actinians acotyledon (a’kotile’ dom) n. [Gk. a, without ; otyledon, a cup-shaped plant witout a coty- hollo w.] A Seton 4 (d0t.). ter,—a modification or ot due to disease or to use or disuse of a special organ or organs, which has actually made its appearance during the lifetime of the individual (61 (d20. ote (alerts pédot) a. [Gk. a, without ; kraspe n edge or t). acrocarp sd rokar’ sees > tak. akros, ‘ip; karpos, fruit.] Having the fructification ‘abe eae the axis (Jot.), acrocoracoid (4k’rékdr'akoid) 7. [Gk. akros, tip; korax, crow; etdos, shape. rocess at ‘the dorsal ‘rédint) a. " [Gk. akros, tip ; Bc tooth.}| Appl. tee th which are ankylosed by their “i (ena). the summit of a parapet of bone ana nerves converging at its point (dof). acrogenous (akr6j'éniis) a. [Gk, pase ACT- tip; genos, offspring.] Increasing in growth at the summit or growing —— (40 natal (élcrd'mt) a, [Gk. a ie omos, shoulder.] Pert. the acromion, ae artery, process, ligament, etc. = las avicular romio-cl “Ciera! mi6-klavik’- ular) [Gk. akromion, shoulder- summit; L. claviculus, dim —- key.] Appi. cent cover- acromion = en . "Gk. akros, summit shoulder.]} The ventral prolongation of the spina scapulae (ana Fe ngest arise nearest the apex (do7.). acverbanus (akr6ra’ es nm. |Gk. sents ummit ; ae grape. ve the m ; esh.] A pulpy pom equities from the union of ot.). [Gk. akros, Body at the apex of a A pate sesrmc the apical body ZO acrospire (ak’réspir) #. [Gk. akros, suminit ; sfez7a, something twisted. } The firet shoot or sprout, being fiery Pa at the end of a germinating acrospore ke réspor) #. ng akros, tip; sforos, seed, d ‘a k’tin ng/kima) n, Gk. aktis, ray; en, in; chein, to pour. r oe having a stellate appearance actinoblast (Aktin’ Sblist) nm. [Gk, aktis, astos, bud.| The mothe er-cell from which a spicule is developed (zo0/.). ACT- inocarpous putes piis)@. [Gk. ores ray; karpos, fruit.| Appl. plants _— Rowers and fruit radially arranged (6 actinodrome letin’ édro6m) a. [Gk. aktis, ray; dromo. me a running.] Veined palmately (4o¢ actinogonidial ak’tindgdmid'is al) 2. [Gk. aktis, ray; gonos, offspring.] ii, radiately arranged genital organs as in Stelleroids — actinoid een, age [Gk. aktis, ray ; eidos, S ayed, star-shaped. nomere 5 (aktin’émér) 7. [Gk. aett tis, ray ; — part.] A radial seg- ment (za. ac peeaom one (ak’tindmé6r fik), actino- morphous (ak’tindmér’fiis) 2. [Gk. aktis, ray ; — é, shape.] Appi. flowers which can be divided into like halves oy = vertical section t oo the centre; radiosym- actin oat (Ak’tindst) 7. [Gk. akizs, ray ; osteon, bone.| Basal bone of the aktis, ray; stoma, mouth.] The 9) ee oral ees Se of the star- sh actinotriehitim (ak’tinétrik’iim) =. [Gk. aktis, ray; thrix, hair. delicate unjointed horny fibre of mesoblastic origin found at the edge of all the fins in adult Tele- ostomes, probably homologous with the ceratotrichia of Elasmobranchs (z00 actinotrocha in gga [Gk. aktis, ray; tro chos, el.) Free- swimming larval ses a Phoronis zool. actinula . (aktin’il 4) a. [Gk. _ ) A larval stage in some H usae, in which a er a dail eee h, and tacles are formed, and cell differentiation has taken place before the larva is set free aculeate (Akii’leat) @. [L. ac “aculeu US, prickle, thorn.] Having caciien aculeus (aki’léis) » [L. aculeus, ADE- —— A prickle cas — the bark, as in the rose (é04.) ; stin satan ol.). acuminate (4ki’minat) a, [L. acumen, oint. rawn out into a long ts tapering (dof); pointed (z00 acuminiferous (Akiminifériis) a. [L. acumen, point; /erre, to carry.] c ulate (Ak’imin‘ulat) a. ee dim. of acumen, point. | ing a very sharp tapering point. suatetiban'e. [L. ac eer goes set Endi ng in a sharp poin acyclic (Asik’lik) @ (Gk. a, oro 3 hkyklos, circle.] * Appl. which the series of floral leaves are arranged in a spiral; off. (407.). adamantoblast (idiman’ rig 2 a [L. adamas, diamond ; Gk. tos, cell lower forms the enamel organ con- sists — of <0 rar (zool.). ambala’kral) a. Lo 8s to ; eatureitn to walk.] Appl. ossicles re structure adjacent to the = ral areas in Echino- a Zool. ad, t ducere, — gr ] Any muscle which bri my e part towards another (an saeiblente (Adésid’aat) a. [L. rom ; de, from; cadere, to ce po fallin ng, or coming nthe (dot.) ; appl. aacenta & (zo elocodonic (adelaide ‘tk, adé’- lékédén‘ik) a. [Gk. adelos, con- ADF- cealed ; hodon, pel Appi. the undetached medusome of certain Gymnoblastea, which degenerates ge discharging ripe sexual cells, free or ore eae eg _genophore or medusome (zoo/.). orphic (ad’élé mérfik, adé’- etomirtky ok, adelos, con- cealed ; morphe, shape.] Indefinite in form ; 3a = central cells of peptic glands (anaz.). elphous Adev'f ~ ee | m oo and _ diadelphous, which se ‘eddianehstrt "ad! énokiri, -ré) m. plu [Gk. aden, gland; cheir, hand.] Elaborate accessory copulatory organs, outgrowths of the atrial walls in the turbellarian genus Artioposthia (zoo/.). adenodactyli (ad’énddak’ tees -lé) m. plu. [Gk. aden, glan aktylos, finger. Pymike rah eich see adenoid (Aid’énoid) a. [Gk. aden, gland; ezdos, shape.] Pert. or resembling a gland; fer¢. or re- sembling lymphoid tissue. edenophore (ad’Endfor’) 7. [Gk. aden, land; pherein, to carry.| The stalk of a nectar gland (do¢. adenophyllous (ad’éndfiVis) a, [Gk. eee, gland ; phy//on, leaf. 1 Bear- ing glands on the leaves bot. ae gland; stemon, a spun d.] Pec Meg ng glands on the poh ot.). y Cases) m. |Gk. adesmos, or division ire adetopneusic (4d’étdpnii’sik) a. Gk. adetos, free; pnein, to breathe.] Having papulae or derma branchiae occurring beyond the abactinal surface, as in certain of E. ADR- haerere, to stick.] Condition of being united to, or separate from, one another, appl. elements of a whorl (402, adhesive cells,—Glandular or special- i cells found in various animals; n the tentacles of Ctenophores, on the epidermis of certain Turbel- larians, Ps the pedal disc of ydra adipose ad ipés) a. [L. adeps, fat.] Pert. or designating animal fat ; fatty (phys.). adipose tissue,—the special animal tissue for ~~ formation and storage of fat (phy. adminicula Cid’ mink’ ala) n. plu. (L. adminiculum, support.] Spines of a sia assisting in wriggling anther when its back is attached aetna its whole length to the ment, or to its continuation the Ghitiective e (bot). adnexa (Adnék’sa) 2. plu. [L. ad, to; nectere,tobind.] Certain structures it a of ab pee closely related any organ ‘éasenen (a Finekee) a. [L. a ; nectere, e es, Reaching re the stem only (407 me oot (ado'ra) a. [L. ad, to; os, h.] Near the mouth, a pert. the mentee (zool.). ad-radius (adra’ditis) mn {L, @ : radius, radius.| The oe - adrectal Ogre el) a. iL. ad, ‘to; rectum, rectum. ear to or seen connected with rectum (zool. renal (Adré’nal) a. [L. ad, to; renes, kidneys.] Suprarenal. renal , (adré’nalin, eee nalén) # [L. ad, to; venes, kidneys.] A cevpealie substance obtaited from suprarena extract (pAys.). adrostral (Adrés'tral) a. [L. ad, to; ADS- rostrum, beak.] Near to or closely era with the beak or rostrum ool.), ascertain (adsérp’ ow, nN. ag to ; sorbere, to suck i he oe = ofa shania in heml oc in a liqu urface in contact with he surface of another phase ; the adhesion of molecules to solid bodie s (phys.). aduncate kat) a. [L. aduncus, hoo the : “ie ked; bent in orm cavehent fad’ vehént) a [L. adve- to PE ” Appl. veins, afferent (anaz.). caeutiiaeas (advent s)@. [L. ad, to _— to e.] Accidental ; lage eo aicieg in abnormal positions (b0 - ros (ld spor as-) 2. p k. soros, wee i] aeci cased a of s bo7.). ous (ehh nathiis, a’- [Gk. aegitho and tis behind ; . a type of palate found in the Carinatae (200 aerial Ger ial) a, [L. aer, air.] In- habi iting ee air ; afp/. roots ete “only in oxyge appl. ba acter yt ay’ @ érob'tk) a. Tk, aer, air; ife.] Thriving only in abund- thet 7 aer, air ; siohiyse AFT- —- & ‘Erdstat) #. [L. aer, air; star stan air-sac cane bale o bird-bone (zooé.) aerostatic (a’éréstat oe 7 air; sta ‘are, to § cont aining 1 Re (zoo/.). erotaxis (a'érétak’sis) oe: as aer, air; pre meen The movement of ba i aa other micro-organisms towards or away from oxygen (f ys. ee (aérot’ répizm) nm. [Gk. r; trepein, to turn.] T coed Fo of plants to gases (d0t.). aesthacyte (&s'thisit) ” [Gk. A sensory cell of primitive animals esia (Esthé zi. oF = 7 ia sthesis, ast val) a [L. Pr fs Sg in, or pert. s etl "(és tiva ‘shiin) #. [L. aesti e mode in h aethalium 2 (etha’tiim, ath-) a [Gk. aithalos, soot. | aggregation of ag smodia beh igs a compound fru yce aheteitans “(@uersjt) [Gk. attia, di scourse. ] Abranch (an atinity “(afi n'iti) #. [L. afinis, related to.] Segoreneng ; similarity in all Without a flagellum, appendage in certain unicellular organisms ; t of a trypanosome not furnished with a flagellum (z0o/. rbirth (af’térbérth) n. A.S. acfter, behind; eran, to brin, forth.] Placenta — foetal mem- rshaft (af'térshaft) oe Medfter, behind ; shaft. mall stage wn in the neighbourhood superior umbilicus in th ee of most birds; in perce: bi iage.] hn oven directly ee adults without syngamy (zoo/.) agamic (A4gadm’ik) a. = ~ eer nog saeco} al; appl. pa a pes (btol.) ; erypogami (G02.). dg’dmo’bitim) 7. mar bon). agamogenesis (g’ ——— n, See @, without ; genests, generation. Puithino- genesis, ee ech (Ag’AmGjénét'ik) a. [Gk. a hout ; gamos, marriage genesis, ‘birth,] ’ Appl. asexual re- production. agamogony (Ag’Amég’éni) 7. [Gk. without ; gives rise to agametes ses ). (ag’amit gamic. agglomerate (Aglim erat) a [L. ad, to ; glomus, ball.] Clustered, as a head o owers. econ glootina’ gi ae oo ad, to; glutinare, to g The c @ n a medium, their oe loss of __ioility (bact.). lutinin oat aeger 4 [L. ad, ; glutinare, glue, A sub- hich is de, to cause a. gregare, to collect into a f ock. | Formed in a cluster (400., z00l.). ALA aggregate fruit,—a fruit formed peculiar movement of the pro plasm in the cells of the prec or tendrils of sensitive plants, which towards the point where the stimu- lus was applie =x thogenic organisms inhibiting the defensive reactions of the host (phys.). — (aglés’-at) ». [Gk. a, with- ; — ae Having no _tongui (00. thostomatous (Agndth’éstém’- watts) a. Sa a, without ; gvathos, jaw outh.] Having the cant sotienithed with jaws, as in the lamprey (zoo/. [Gk. a, jaw.] Having no jaw (z00/.). agrostology (Ag/rdst816j1) nm. [Gk. — _— ee That air bladder (ar’-blad’ér) m. [L. aer, air; A.S. d/edre, bladder The w adder, an agers formed b the alimentary canal in many fishes (zool.). in-walled cavities in the ; numerous ity i gravi aE rm a nu- eated cell ge. aleneots: (a’kiney, akinét) 2 [Gk, a. not; kinein, to move.] A resting cell in certain g reen hi which will later reprodice (60 “ ala (ald) #. ala, g.] Any winglike projection, é, - ‘ vomer ALA- (anat.); the lateral Lae of a papilionaceous flower; the mem- branous os pec on some seeds ot.). [L. ala, wing.] Win like ; pert. alae ; ‘axillary (ot { appl. ligaments, okies etc, anes = a. [L. ala, wing.] oad- py “bp. shells ; —— a 0 Sr system in Calcar i i ~ — of inequality of angles to grow eat Growin g whitish. nt albi albicant (Al’bikant) @. [L. care, to grow white.] Becoming white. a (aYbinizm) 2 [ bus, The absence of pigmenta- ency on its bod a plant shigg colourless chromatophores, absent eset eg rd or pe chro- moplasts albumen (alba mén) n. [L. albumen, white of egg.] The white of egg (zool.) ; Sanne material stored in the embryo albumin (Albi’min) 1. bumen, “sg os egg.] A protein occurring n blood serum, milk, and many au and segeuie ery ( m a u- album Peano "(ilbi’niim) ee 8 Pee ood or sete sete (duramen) ; the outer young of a dicotyledonous stem bo acces (alés'ithal) a. [Gk. 4, ~: ut; /ekithos, yolk. Ae with little or no yolk (00 aleurone (Alii aleuron, n. (Gk. flour.] Appl * proteid grains found ALL- in general protoplasm and used as reserve food-materials (407). alexin (Alék’sin) 7. [Gk. alexein, to ward off. substance as which destroys bacteria algin Gi jin) #. [L. alga, seaweed. | a substance of a gela tin character ned from certain Algae (phys. é Sone “@l’goid ) a. [L. alga, p canal, tract syst Betis “aise beggni % 65. ne ; Gk, sphe pee m.] The wing-like geo of the sphenoid forming part of the auierunk atten k) #. [L. ala, wing ; ‘| The thorax of an insect “when fused with the first segment of the abdomen. itanaele (alin tos) 7. tion or nutrition or both, and usually uniting with the chorion i mb.). tonic (Alds’étdn’ik) @. [Gk, so ee to change ; tonos, strain.] Assi move- sistomoroh (Gitomer ) a ee alle- ther > Saat co " one any pair of alternative ae (iol.). alliaceous (Alia’shiis) a. [L. al/ium, garlic.] Pert. the or postr family ; having a ell or taste like garlic (d02.). allogamy (alég’Ami) 7. [Gk. -_ ersonaye gamos, wean egy ae opp. fertilization, eben: iol.). ALL- alloiogenesis (al'oidjén’ésis) wm. ([Gk. alloios, different ; gemeszs, descent. The alternation in a life cigs of 1 form ; n of gener iesins "(ba zol.). peste (al’6pélaj'ik) a. [Gk. adlos, r; felagos, sea.| Pert. organ- isms or A a d Ma asma make n moulded. ] “Ap pl. the differentiated portion of call Stina cyt.) alloplast (Al'éplast) 7. (Gk. other ; ne formed.] A morpho- aical cell- nig of more than one canes of tiss a Sipe kivt Hoo. ~ [L. adluere, to.] Pert. or found in sien laid Heo pe running water (fa/.). alsinaceous (alsina’ shiis) @. [Gk. alsine, chickweed.] AZp/. a poly- petalous corolla where intervals occur between the petals, as in the chickweed (4o2.), ration theory,— explains the electromotive forces of nerve and muscle byalterations i in the chemical — sitio sea of si tissue at the ee alterna ° (Alternat, “eee fesse _ ee a erste one after another.] 4 leaves or s seesicetes : different levels on opposite sides of the stem (407), ernation of generations, — the ently produced, as in the po lypoid and medusoid stages of Hydroids biol.). alternati s,—it is the general rule that leaves of the diffe one ly Al'triséz) n. plu, [L. alérix, nourisher.] Appl. birds ng are hatched in a very mmature condition (zoo/. aint (aVala) #”. [L. alula, dim, of 10 AMB- ala, wing.| A small lobe separated off from the wing-base on its pos- terior edge in certain insects ; false wing of birds (zoo/.). alveola ite 6la) 7m. 3 colus, a vity. ] 2 sid on ae pane ce of an organ (0 alveolus, t small cavities in the — alveolar point—see pro: alveolate (alvé’ 6lat)a. [L. aes wa pi te Deeply pitted or honey- co sivas (alvé “6liis) 7. ‘agp a small pit.] A tooth socket or small pit or depression (amaz.) ; the pyramidal ossicle s Ate a tooth in the sea-urchin (zoo — ‘oath es te ett cavity.] white layer on the ven ntricular lveolus, C) cells occurring in the inner nuclear layer of the retina (anaz). ambidextrous (Am’bidék’striis) a. [L. ambo, both; dexter, right.] Able to use both hands with equal ease. — (4am’biénz) #. [L. amdire, to go round] A thigh muscle i in cer- tain birds, the the toes to grasp the perch lesal . ambiparous (Ambip’arii —— L. améo, oth; parere, to be : Appl. buds as they contain the benonaa of both flowers and leaves (404), i pee Gk. spore megasporangia and microsporangia bot. ambital (4m’bital) a. [L. amdire, to go round, Z. interambulacral me antambulacral plates of Aster- ; the outer — of arm of _Ophiuroias (zool, us (Am’bitiis) n. os ambire, to wo aroun The er edge or margin of a thing ; on outline of an echinoid shell viewed from the apical pole (zoo/.). AMB- 11 amboceptor (im’bisép’tér) 2 ([L. ambo, hoth; capere, to take.] An antibody or specific immune body a gesaetd for the ferment-like action of the complement on a to mn a tube-feet ot Ecbiadesties (zool. ambulacralia (Am’bulakra'lia) 7. “plu. [L. ambulare, to walk. mbu- lacral plates, z.e. plates through which the tube-feet protrude (zoo/.). ambulacriform (Ambilak’riférm) a. . ambula. sha re of ambulacra (zoo/.). cay (Amélifika’ prvi I. (M. E. amell, enamel ; L. ve, to make. | Formation of. sie ips eeainel nat. foxonen (Amél'6blast) # [M amell, enamel; Gk. d/aséos. ad A columnar or hexagonal cell about five times as long as it is broad, an enamel-forming cell ; a cell of ‘the eke m af the enamel organ (anat. amentaceous senkatafehie) @e{L. amentum, a thon ppl. plants bearing aments or ar csc (b02.). symone — tanya sehog a: mentum g ; ferre, to carry.] yetoston facies amentum (ime! tiim) #. [L. amentum, a thong.] A catkin, consisting of a bracted axis bearing unisexual flowers as in the poplar and willow ametabot (Amét’Abdlik) a. oF a, t; metabole, change.] Affi. ‘. W out; mzkros, small.] An element so small go even the ultramicro- sc only indicate it as a diffuse tenia ta in the track of the be cf. submicron (phy amicronucleate (Amikréniikleat) @ [Gk. a, without ; mikros, small ; ucleus, kernel.| Appi. fragments of certain Protozoa in which t AMP- = the thread-like ee of the uclear materia nitiferou (on Snitir’é riis) @, th tion and retraction of pseudopodia (zoo/.). (amé’bi Gk. amoibe, change ; L. forma, shape.] Shaped like or cpeniiibsling an xineebe (biol.). oebocyte (amé@bisit) # [Gk amoibe, change; yfos, ho Any cell having the shay perties of an ri certain cells in erms ; a ncoepee (zool.). amoeboid (amé’boid) a. [Gk. — change; eRe ape.] Resembling an aes in shape or in properties (zo amoebula (Amé'biila) 7. [Gk. oe chan ge] € swarm-spore o oceiaa an when furnished with pseucdopodtia (zool.). amorph (Aamérfiis) a. without; morphe, shape.| terminate, or of Sie, ae form. amph rosis mfiarthrd’sis) n. [Gk. amphi, bot .; arthron, joint.] A slightly mo vable arti culation, as mphysis = syndesmosis (ana A). amphiaster (Am’fids’tér) 7. Tk ree Seeks 3; aster, star.] The two asters connected by the achromatic spindle rmed_ in mitotic cell division (cyz). amphibious (Amfib’iiis) a. Gk, amphi, both; dios, life.] Adapted for life either on land or in water (3 iol.). amphib e (4m’fiblis’tik) a. [Gk. amphi, both; d/astos, bud.] Having unequal segmentation, afp/. telo- ecithal ee with complete segmen- sistion (diol. iblastula (Am’fiblas’tala) 2. [Gk. Bere) both ; d/astos, bud.] Stage n the development of certain sponges, in whi sterior end of composed of gran ocytes, and nula th anterior end of Gnaailane cells (zoo/.). AMP- 12 (am’fibd!'ik) [Gk. h; dallein, to throw.] Capable of turning backwards or forwards, as the outer toe of certain pe Aap bodies are differentiated in som amen re ae gation pe: sharply ply diferentiated gam us (an‘iség evthtis, ‘En’- ioe maths) a, [Gk a, not; Zsos, ANI- equal ; guathos, jaw.) Having the teeth in ~ e upper and lower jaws wntike e (z00 — "nism ‘ériis) a. (Gk. no equal ; meros, part.] a ate ad number rs of parts in the floral whorls eural 1 soos rea) a. k. a, not; 7sos, ; pleura, side.] Unsymmetrical Sauer lly. anisopogonous (Anisdpdg’éniis) @ [Gk. not; zsos, equal ; on, beard.] Unequally webbed with reference to feathers (zoo/.). a, not; zsos, equal; pferon, wing.] Une a winged; app/. seeds (0. re (Aniséspor) #2. [Gk. a, not ; ios equal ; sporos, seed.] orphic spore, the sexe differing in size (do7.). monous (Anisdéstém’dniis) a@. Sh stamens unequa of a in the pte floral whorls cpa camara ‘ik) a. [Gk. a not ; dips equa irepein, to turn. | Appil.e eggs ah predetermined axis or axes Soot ankylosis, chylosis. anlage anla’gé) 7 ‘- [Ger. a i The first accumulatio of a structure, ene or part (em nt)a@. [L. annectere, to bind together.] Lake ng, appl. intermediate species or genera d) @. at meets seg; ce.) Con _ structures or anes i thas are off o —, yearly ; living for a year cay (bo annual ring,—on of the sd seen in sections of aiceiiedeos indicat- a secondary growth of a year annular (An‘ulir) @. [L. annulus, ANT- ring.]| Api. certain fibrous bands or fascia in connect ion with the owin the es 75 — a in their interio Ls queens ea seals nee ili) A/w. of annulus. — (an‘iltis a a Any of the ring- ‘like struc- ates (wat ; the special pe! in the fern m, by the action of oestru: m (Ané 'striim) n. [Gke@ gad-fly.] The non- e anomophy. mega: a k. nomalos, uneven; phyllon, leaf.] With prapeliete placed ” leaves anorganology (An’érgan6!’6ji) 7. [Gk. a, not ; 97, sets atmos ent ; /ogos, udy of non-living things (4z0/.). anosmatie (Andsmiat'ik) a [Gk. @ without ; mn smell.] Having no sense of smell (DAys. antambulacral os ‘ambala’kral) a. [Gk. ant, agains ambulare, to Not iaate on rg poe n'tébra’kitim) #. [L. 5 rachin z,arm.] The for esponding portion of the ine: Sac: pe ool.). antecubital (An’tékt’ oe [L. ante, before ; nuaiysee elbow.] Anterior to the elbow antedorsal ral (inter sil) & ° ae before ; dorsum, back.] Contes in front of the dorsal fin in fishes temarginal (an’témar'jinal) @. [L. ern before; margo, an edge.] ANT- Appl. sori of ferns when they lie within the margin of the oe (d0t.). antenna (Antén’a) 7. tenna, a sail-yard.] A jointed entee on = rt of an insect or crustacea 7 antennary (antén’ari) a. [L. antenna, Like or feré. or situ- “: ee — al) 7. m, from allantenna pry a 6 specifically the ink pair of antennae ol.). anteposition (An’tépézish’iin) 7. [L. ante, be ponere, to place.] Superposition of whorls in a flower typically alternating (S08. —— (Anté’riér) @. $38 anterior, earer the head end (ool “anab) ; 3 ventra human nat ; facing outwards from the axis (dof. anthela nthe’ 13) nm. [Gk. anthein, to bloom he cymose inflorescence of the rush-family (do7. anther (An'thér) 7. (Gk. anthos, 2 t of the eee which contains the pollen (d0 atheidofo) n. 2p “Gk. anthos, flower ; zoon, animal.] -Male sexual cells in pi as (bot.). antherozooids (An’thérézo'oidz) 2. plu. anthos, flower ; karpos, fruit.] A multiple fruits such as ie straw- nate -— z). ulis (An’thékdél’i 2. = thocyanin (An’thési’anin) 7. [Gk anthos, flower ; kyanos, ae blue.] Blue or he ’ colouring matter in Pieaeees eaves (in psiehh yee nN. [Gk EE, flower ; £ya cup.] T discoid crown of the. roptoooid a in Madrepore development Scteediati (anthé’ditim) #. [Gk. anthos, pad a oe Seber ee ] The tulum o of flowers ofa te ie plan t (bo — a théjén’ ésis) n. [Gk. anthos, oe rtain aah ids the pro- a of both malesand females by ual forms (z00. cpkiices (anthof’i iliis) a [Gk ieee a pb s erry ba love.] Fond o ; appl. certain in- sects other living among or oe eeding on flowers (za — (an “hotor) n. [Gk. anthos, flow erein, to bear. longa- tion pe the thalamus between calyx and corolla (d04 ota. as thétak’st s) a [Gk. anthos, flow Seeger arrangement. | The eerste fe of flowers on an _ fee anth e (An’thézin’thin) Gk, ant rat OR flower; xanthos, yellow. ] Yellow colouring pigment of flowers Paras thropogenesis (An’ arpeges ests). e ontGk. anthropos, man; gene scent, — n.] Theory of the od Sa "of m pom mir “Ga — ree ts antiron Ss, resem- bla aT Resembling man ; appl. Simian A sige (zool.). anthropology ae Ythrspol jt) nm. [Gk. anthropos, man ; Jogos. secon The natural history of m Lg agen , hrdpémbx fis) pei ; morphe, antiae antiae, foreloc poate of the bill-ridge of some birds (go cantinns (an'tibdd’) #2. [Gk._antz, against; A.S bodig, body.] ARA- tissue consisting of thin-walled um (araknidiiiim) #. [Gk. arackite spider. ] he spinning apparatus of a spider, including spinning-glands and _ spinnerets (zool.). —, (a rak’noid) a. [Gk. arach- eidos, form.] Like a é, spider ; “ ob web ; consist ing of fine en- rages a resembling a cobweb = of (0t.); @ in membrane the ce ae ervous system, com- posed of Jeteases connective tissue pert, or serrated = spider age ). rescent (4r’borés’ént) a. [L. in te a eee) arbor, e; Gk. efdos, like.] Tree- like, designating ge —— structure of a protozoan oe r vitae a a the ‘cerebellum in vertical section (ana butean ‘arbi tein) a, [L. arbutus, rawbe -| Of or Pert. the steeebeery ee (b07.). e (4rkad’) 7. [L. arcus,a bow.] An varcad channel or J by bony arch, as nd _ temporal arches in the skull (anat), ha es (Ar’kédsits) 2. flu. [Gk archaios, ancient ; ky tos, Cells arising from u psec and ultimately giving germ- -cells and gametes pe , haeostomatous (Ar’kédstém‘atiis) a. [Gk. archaios, primitive; stoma, Vv archi, ones first; L. centrum centre.] Centra fo rmed by fusion of basal g grow cualia external to chordal sheath ; of. chordacentra archebiosis (av kebie’sts) nm (Gk. gga sega aay archiblast (Arkibldst) 7. archichlamyd archicoel (Ar’kisél) 2 ARC- arche, beginning ; dios, life.] The origin of life (dz0/.). re (ar’kego’ come - [Gk. arche, pelea. ng; gono spring ; sae of mosses caring ele (d0t.), Gk. archegonium (Ar’kégd’niiim) 7 arche, beginning ; | mo offspring. A female or. gaaptieres are ieaied,, an od i in w the young rete begins its pees ment anon (arkén’térén) 7”. [Gk. arche, beginning ; aes ron, gut. ] The cavity of the gastrula which forms ae primitive ae of the embryo sirttieapte (hs laine n. ([Gk. arche, agit ing; sporos, seed.] tetrahedral or ie appease cell of a sporangium (40 archiamphiaster (Av kidim' fis! tér) n. [Gk. archi, first; amphi, on both “tm aster, star. | forming the first body in cell maturation (cyz). [Gk. archi, Egg first ; d/astos, bud.] proto- plasm. archiblastic ring hae a. [Gk. archi, first ; das. Having archiblastula (Arkiblas’tila) 7. archi, first ; blastos, bud.] a hollow ball of cells derived from a total and equal se ook eater OG. Gk egg with total and equal sepabiee: tion (cyz) ( k. archi, first ; Aarpos, fruit.] ie spirally rebrum kis sérébrim) 7, “"rGk. part first ; L. cerebrum, pro The primitive br rain, as the supra- 1 ganglia of higher Invertebrates (z0o/.). eous (Av kiklimid’é iis) a. [Gk. archi, wee ; chlamys, cloak.] Having no petals, or having petals entirely jokin from one another [Gk. archi, first ; pe hallow’ The primary body-cavity or space between the svimsenttley anal and ectoderm in deve Fe Sin “of various groups of animals (zoo/.). ARC. 22 aro (arkig’6ni) ”. [Gk. archi, ; gonos, offspring.] The first scum of life by spontaneous genera- tion (dz0/.). archinephric (arkinéf'rik) @ [Gk. archi, first ; Bratt kidney.] ApAl. t on the pronephric tubules Fie pi archinephros (Ar’ nee rés) 2. [Gk. archi, first ; nephros, kidney.] The Lionedat bite kidne y (emd.). wm (Ar kipal tim) m [Gk archi, fers L. pallium, a mantile.] he olfa actory region of the cerebral hemispheres (pAys. se see n. the attraction sphere, rays, and _ spindle-fibres arcicentrous pagar tras) “@ _ 11. bow entrum, centre.] Appl. vertebral pind in which the centra are mainly a from the arch tissue (emb., an arciferous (Arsif’ériis) a. bow ; ee to carry.] Appi. toral arch of toads, etc., where the emai ng and coracoid are widely ated and connected by a large arched epicoracoid (z0 ae Eee en (ar’sifd w a, shape shat d "Tike aera | re moss Ge eee tris) a, [L. centrum, centre.] Appi. ol.). bsén’ gio m. Ths arcus, bow; ¢ raion. ntre.| A ARM- the vertebral column of fishes zo0l.). arcuate — [L. arcus, bow.] rved o Spe like a bow, ardellae (Ardél’e) n. plu. ([Gk, ardetn, to sprinkle.] Small apothecia of certain lichens having the appear- ance of — ot). area saith )#. [L. area, ground-space.] urface, = area opaca, area seo tay » (em arenaceo se iatnd ‘shiis) a. [L. arena, sand. avis the properties or circle round a nipple ; the iris bordering tissue (zool.) ; the areas defined b cracks on the Sutace of oes Aa f areolar (4 lat) a. [L. areola, space] "88 or ie an areola, having dis spaces or Eitesttices (602.) ; eels is appl. a with the fibres loosely attached (zoo/. — (Arjén’téal) a, silve A layer o Sontaniay calcic oo (zo0/.). argenteous ry) én’téiis) a. [L. teus, silve y i argenteum Cas etm) 2. [L. axgen- ro atophores in fishes (z0o/.), aril ‘Gr il), arillus ts ae illo m arillode many brachycerous Diptera (zoo/.). Aristotle’s lantern (Aristit'lz), tie oe apparatus of the s urchin rac ger as ture (4r'miatiir) m [L. arma, weapons. ease which serves to defend, as hai Ewch lon. thorns (402.) ; spines, sings etc. (zool.). ARO- rolium eee n. -[Gk. arole, pet: sence .| Pad between the claw on tarsus of Orthoptera o< y res pilorum,—bundles of non- striped. muscular fibres pai seca h the hair follicles;—on con- traction, they render the hair more erect (Phys.). arrhenoplasm (irén’éplazm) #. [Gk arrenos, male; plasma, something —— Male plasm, in reference to the theory that all protoplasm consists of arrhenoplasm and thely- os (dz07.). enotoky (4réndt'6ki) #. [Gk. spore male ; Zoos, birth.] Pro- duction of males parthenogenetic- arte [L. arteria, arte . an artery, or the system of channels by which the i issues “7 the body from the heart ; 7. blood, duct, gland rp -)e rial sclerosis,—hardening = ve walls of the arteries, said to con tribute to natural death ck arteriole es ériol [L. arterio/a, small a ry] A small or branch artery hin artery (4r ter 7. [L. arteria, artery.] “si bec which oe blood from to body (a ionv««,;, arthrit ik). se [Gk. arthron, joint.) Pert. or at a (anat.). (ar'throbrang’kié, -kia) #. plu. [Gk te ca gills.] Joint-gills, arising t the junction of ——s append- rst rthropods (zoo/.). arthrodia (arthrd ata) [Gk. arthron, i oint admitting of only gliding movements (amaz.). hrodial (Arthr arthron, joint.] membranes connecting thoracic ndages with trunk, as in (Gk. arthron, joint ; , par on An seuobod podyongenen or somite (zool.). arthropod thrépid) a. (Gk. arthron, joint ; oi foot ] Of or ert. the Arthropoda a (z00 : us (arthrop irs} a. [Gk. pteron, wing.] rous arthron, joint; 23 ASC- Having jointed fin-rays, as in fishes 0 re pe h’réspor) #, _[Gk. arthron, joint; sforos, seed.) A resting hhactesiat cell (d07.). arthrosterigmata (4r’thréstérig’mata) n, plu. (Gk. arthron, joint; sterigma, arthrost rthrés'traktis) a, [Gk. aren , joint ; ostrakon, shell.] Having a segmented shell (zo0o/.). articular (artikilar) a, [L. articulus, joint.] er?. or situated at a joint eth ab lamellae, surface, capsule, etc. (anat.). culated Artik’alated) a. [L. arti- eles joint.] Jointed; se aint asily at ats poin aainaaten artikula ‘shiin) 7. iL. reign joint.) A joint, arnt segments (zoo/.), or seg- ents of a stem (404. artifact (4r'tifakt) #~ [L. avs, ; facere, to make.] ppearance n produced by a Pe or other artificial means (dzo/ aaviotoety: dati a (Gk. 4 1; finger. ] ving = tetas number of fingers or a (zo arytenoid (Gre ett a. [Gk st ge a pitcher.] Pitcher-like, ack of appl. tw pena aa at the the larynx, also glands, swellings, etc, (ana (as ae Ss'ki, as'ké) m. plu. £00 ascidia (Asi tu. , little bag. Pitcher-leaves, as in Nepenthes (d07.). ascigerous (Asijériis) a ae askos, bag ; L. gerere, to bea aring asci, as certain hyphae in Fungi z.). ascocarp (As'kikarp) #. [Gk. askos ruit.| The protective bag ; 4arfos, fruit covering investing the asci (do¢ ascogenous (Askdyjéniis) 4. k. askos, »b ( ascogonium (is kég6’ ae « ASC- 24 askos, bag ; gtgnesthaz, to produce.] A sac-like structure in which the een bodies are formed bot ascospore (4s‘késpor) 2. [Gk. askos, bag; spforos, seed.]| One of the Spores contained | in an von (d0t.). us,— i, which se asexual ‘(asth ‘ta a. [Gk. ci ei ou sex.] Having n pee ‘instal organs ; 2 genetic or vegetative as afi. repro- duction (d70/.). (as’pekt) #. -{L. ad, look.] Look, epant nce, point of view (é7o/.). sceheehy (Aspériti) 7. [L. asper, ugh.] Roughness as on certain asp: ate (ds’piddbrang’ = a. [Gk. “ashi shield ; drangch gills.]| Pert, or resembling the Aspidobranchiata, group of rears Be (zool.). lanchni Pi ep od nik) a. [Gk an, Without inet canal (go0o0/.). ss pes a. [Gk. a, with- seed.] Having no cath isim’¥la’ shiin) 7. to; similis: like. protoplasm of, stags hon associati ad, Conversion into ingested nutrient n (8s0" sia ‘shiin) 2. Se to; secaes fellow.]_ Adheren gregari te) astely (Asté’li) — 3 without ; stele, pillar.] —— of a central cylinder ma — boi.). es tGk as The r-s esd ped pe the chromosomes ae 8 mitosis (cyZ). asterion (Asté'rid we (Gk. aster, star.} The regio the e postero- lateral fontanelle saveane lambdoid, parieto- mastoid, and occi ipito- lance. } Star-sha pertaining to the star-fish Se ATR- cap aly 7 gage (As'téréspon’diliis) : _— star; sphondylos, tebra.] vi centrum with ing bee roe Solelliad plates — " astomatous (Ast6ém’ mig, a. [Gk. without; s/oma, mo Not hav nee a mouth (zool, )5 i oe epidermic a (bot). astomous (asto’miis) a. [Gk, a, with out; stoma, mouth.] ithout tomi or | of peeeecence : bursting season y (d00. astragalus dstriig lis) = ne. um, centre.| The centro- some (cy7. astrosphere (is 8 5 [Gk. aster, sphaira, ball.]| The central ae ss of the nater ——s the rays ; the aster exclusi be divid into similar halves by any vertical axis (diol. asymmetry (asim’étri) 2. [Gk. a, with- with; metron, measure.] ot symmetry. [L. atavus, Reversion, the oc- a characteristic of a remote ancestor not observed in e immediate ancestors i} co > [L. afavus, ser by, or " [Gk. a inner room. (02.). tol). senviatie (at’avis’ - a. ancestor.] Pe. tending to pool ig (bt athalamous (ithatamss) a without ; thalamos, dless.] Without — Riche roan pc n. surrounding a body o: ae (zoo.). atrial (@'trial) a. [L. atrium, a central oh ea sii stead: Pert. atrium ; appl, cavity, pore, canal, siphon, lobe s (zool.). Mm ; lOS, Connecting’ the atrium and the coelom; af#/. funnels, of uncertain * netion, in Cephalo- chorda (zo ee @ ‘rips nm. [L. atrium centra orUus, ‘channel 1] The o nin te from the atrial cavity to i exterior in Cephalochorda ol.). 20 atrioventricular (Atriévéntrik’ waa a. iL: —— pep eee ventriculus, small cavity.] the pecan, cealikar srcciane 2 fy heart ; appl. bundles, groove, openings (anat .). atrium - ian) #,. [i mt cham The two anterior cavi- ties eart; the tympanic cavity (anat.) ; a chamber surround in in icates and Cepha alochordates (zool.). atrochal (at’rékal) a. [Gk. a, with- out ; picker, when Without the pr reoral bat of cilia; appl. tro- chophore stage when the 5 circlet is se ent and the ace a ees uniformly with cilia nice (at’ eto & [Gk. a, ome ephein, to nourish.}] Emac ation ; diminution se size and function of a part or organ (é7o/.). atropous (at'répiis) a. [Gk. @, with- out ; /vepetn, to turn Appi. ovule in proper position, 7. "é. not inverted (d atterminal (Attér’minal) a. [L. ad, to; ‘verminus, end.] wards a terminal; aff/. current directed toward the thermal cross-section YS). attraction (Atrik’shiin) # [ tractus, dra n oO it, as an attraction cone (ot). opened ede Fie § —— = ear.| Pert. the hearing appara ase Antes esc toe ossicle, a canal, meatus, nerve, tentacle, etc. Auerbach’s plexus,—a gangliated plexus of non- adaeset nerve- fibres, found between the two layers of the muscular coat of the small 25 AUT- intestine ; the plexus myentericus (phys. [L. augere, nerves rising augm entor (6gmén oe a. to saceeane’| “Abi rom the ss He Aes an ctin the heart, antago- istic relation to he waar ac- celerator (phys. aulostomatous (ore corns) a. [Gk. — tube ; so outh.] rhs tubular pag i poet (zool.). saa (6x1) a. [L. auris,ear.] Pert. ear or hearing, ouricts een Be LL. ee little The ral ear ; ear- ifke lobed appeiniie (zool, 1) the anterior chamber on each up side of tl of the or — canis érik’t it auricula, little eal An ae auricular (érik’ilar) = [L. auricula, small ear,] ert. an auricle ; ‘a artery, nerve, tubercle, vein (anat.). auricularia (6rik’ila’ria) m (L. re small ear.] A type ih nie among the Holithacans und auriculars,—. ~/u., ear coverts of birds. auriculate (6rik’alat) a. capa ear. are id ; appl. leaf with lobes separa’ eter rest oO binds, hastate- coated =e) [L. auricula, uriculo- ventricular (érik’ilé-vén- anni’ lar) a. sEete , or connecting the auricle and ventricle of the heart ; appl. bande. os aurophore (ér‘éfor) 7. Gk. pherein, to ages An o projecting from the base of pneu- 7 hore of ator Siphonophores ‘inaaead c pat Bi [Gk. — self. om a ait chalone autoblast Pid Oblast) #. A 105, eh se ioss onuaiaene sis (6t’ Skatal'ists) nm, [Gk. Gk. autos, ss inde- secretion of i autochthon (Oak the) a Wek. autos, AUT- self ; indigenous species Soom bio utocyst (6t'dsist) n. [Gk. autos, self; acayres bladder.] Athickm embrane formed by the Neosporidia separat- i them fromthe host tissues (zoo/.). ermalia (6t Spee n. plu, sel skin. ] Dermal ee with “ieial cross within the dermal membrane (zoo/.). autoecious (dté’shiis) a. [Gk. au/os, self; — house.] AZf/. rusts cidium form inhabits the same joe as the uredoform stage chthon, the ground.] An of plant or ot.). autogamy ((tég’ami) #7. [Gk. auéos, self; gamos, oo Self- fertilization (diol. autogenesis (6t’é ojen'ésts) n. k, autos, self; genesis, birth.) Spon- taneous generation togenetic (ét’djénétik) @ [Gk. autos, self ; genesis, birth.]| Repro- — spontaneously, apf/. body- ikea (6tdj’Eni) 7, Be coma “ety (6t5g’6ni) [Gk. autos. gonos, olepring Auto- nésis. atctpats (6tdlisis) 7 [Gk. autos, self ; oo a loosing.] Self. dige sti asta caraore Mot dmik’sis) 2, [Gk. autos, The union iol. ae (6t’6ndm‘ik) a. [Gk. autos, momos, province.] Self- appl. of certain involuntary es and of secreting glands (phys. momous (6tin’émiis). a. Auto- nomic autophagous (détdf’dgiis) a. Gk. birds self; phagein, to eat.] Appi. on secreted at Rey animal itself; cf autophyll Araiter® 10 6fildj’Eni) m, [Gk, autos, self; phyllon, leaf; genos, AUX- birth.] Growth of one leaf upon or out of another (do/. utophyta (ét’dfita) k. ae self ; phyton, weet: Plants which obtain food in the ordinary way ; ¢f. saprophyta (404). autoskeleton (6t’éskél’étén) ”. [Gk. autos, self ; skeletos, dried. ] ‘A true tia formed within the animal ft eae A (dt fon oe a. [Gk. autos, oe stylos, pillar.] Having the isda lar ach self-supporting, aad _auticulating with the skull dire ol,). cutotomy “(Otee émi) #. [Gk. aufos, self ; ome, cutting.) Self-amputa- tion - ts ae as = certain worms and a pods (za cutotronhi (e Strdf'ik) a. [Gk. autos, self; m,tonourish.| Procur- ing feat “independently ; appl. plants i e —— sapro- phytic nor parasitic (dot. autotropism (étdt’ répizm) m. [Gk. autos, self ; _—— to turn.) Tendency to grow a straight line; aff. plants unaffected by external influence (pAy autozooid (ét’ —— nm. iGk. autos, self ; zoom, animal; e#dos, resem- blance.] An independent pe dom zooid or individual (zoo/. "[Gk. ein, to increase. } erm appl. coated agents which induce cell- division in leucocytes and other cells (cy#. auximone (@k’simon) nm. [Gk. auat- mos, moting growth] An accessory. owth-stimulating or pro —— factor in the food of plants (zo/.). re (5k’séspor) #. [Gk. —- to increase; sforos, seed.) diatom which, having veached i limit of size, by teh gp cro escapes from its =— and uniting with a similar one gives rise $0 a new plant 2). auxotonic ee ik) a. [Gk. uxein, to increase ; fonos, strain.] a by growth ; appl. ve- s oO maepeoe plants . ent aianittonic (dot.) ; against an pei es te resistance (phys.). AVE- avenaceous (Avéna'shiis) a. [L. avena, oats.] Pert. oats (doz). culari (vileala’ rit te aoe avicula, dim. of avis, bird.] In mu ovable attachments re- sembling a bird’s etescy (zool.). awn (6n) | pasien ahne, chaff ] The “beard” of grass, aie etc, (do7.), axial (4k’sial) a. [L. axzs, axis. 7] Pert. axis = a (di0/.). ent,—the ceabaal emp of pees gener FE such a e stiff radiating pseudopodia of ena of the Protozoa (good. us,—a nearly vertical canal oO nus, and communicating aborally with = stone canal (zoo/.). axial eton,—the skeleton of the ge = trunk, as off. the skeleton es. The axilla, arm-pit.] The angle between a leaf or branch and the axis from which it springs (d00.). axile (ak’s il) a. [L. axilla, arm-pit.] Pert, situated in or belon ares to upposed to surround the axial _olinder (anat. axilla (aksil’a) 7. ei axilla, arm-pit.] The arm-pit (avatz.) ; an axil (404). posing, Sksiari) @ L. axilla, arm-pit.] Pert. ‘he axil ; a the aps 2 buds (404.) ; we axis, axis ; petere, to seek.] Passing towards the pt Ae of the axon, api. nerve impulses (piys.). axis (4k’sis) ~. [L. axis, ax a ie 9 main stem or central cylinder (ot) ; the fundamentally 7 line o structure; the cond ncal reso oe at.). axis cylinder,—the central tract of a nerve fen the impulse transmitter — axon (ak/sin) 7 [Gk. axon, axle.] e The axis- se Hea _" of a multi- polar nerve-cell (anat.). axoneme (ik’séném) #. [Gk. avon, BAC- axle ; nema, thread.] One of the three threads of the main strand ool. ion si Seranstrichia of fin- -rays (zool. axopodium (ak’sépd’diiim) #. T axon, axle ; pous, foot.]| A pseudo- podium \ with axial filament paige ). axle ; siylos, er = oz age " flexible of engi substance forming a aot orting a or the body of many Flagelates (zool.). say fcomorazes? Goad nee a. Paes hia, vile] havee the aul or cfenidia. ee dev: (z00 veloped on one side (z azygoma cate (a nom a. one a, without ; zygoma,a bar.] With- out a zygoma or cheek. bone arch (zool. azygos (Ai gods, azigds) # [Ge % without; zygon, yoke 7 An pert muscle, artery, vein, eae (ana azygosperm (4zigispérm) # [G 4 without ; é sygon, yoke; sperma, eed.] An azygospore Pf mg n. [Gk, A gamete without foe each a azygous (azigiis, az'igiis) 2. [Gk. a, without ; ian yoke.] Unpaired. B bacea (bak’A) wm [L. dacca, berry.] A pulpy fruit (d02.). baeceate (bak’at) a. [L. dacca, berry.] Pulp, fleshy (407), ciferous (baiksif’ériis) a. [L. daa try ; ferre, to bear.] Berry- ae ale (b01t.). baceiform (paki) a. [L. dacca, e€ pe.] Berry- shaped ( bacillus (bist'is) nm. [L. dactllum, smal An elongated rod- like ete a_ single-celled fungus (607.). 4 bacteriology (bak’téridl’éji) 2. [Gk. BAC- 28 bakterion, rod; logos, discourse.] The science dealing with ae age aged structure, and effects of Bac Scacirsia (bakté’ridli’sin) 7. [Gk. ’ kterion, small rod ; /yein, to loose. | A substance which neutralizes the -eseay of or destroys Bacteria (phys. a n. plu. [L. bilan, —- two scales.] The halte or poisers of dipterous baneets 200. basal (bia’sal) @ Pe -basal BAS- [L. SNS Pe. at oF near the ‘ ganglia saat ‘connec cerebrum with other centres Ays gi . e,—a thickening at the base of a Aancllate, the centrosome, in certain Protozoa (zoo/. sal leaf,—one of the leaves pro- ae near the base of the stem base. ] ate placenta,—arises from the proxi- mal end of ovary (do¢. “(soo 2.). balanoid (bal’anoid) a, [Gk. dalanos, ‘dos, like acorn; ez ike.] Pert. barnacles; Echinoderms, which are situated acorn-sha ool, at the top or near the top of the wre n. (Gk. dalaustion, stalk in Crinoids, and in Echinoids tree-blos An it, many- form part of the magia disc (zool.). celled, many- -seeded, a basal wall,—the first plane of division a with tough pericarps _ the oospores of Ferns on Mosses baleen (balén’) 7. [L. dalaena, whale The horn y plates attached to ) m., basal upper jaw et true whales ; ants Pe (basi’N) plu. [L. basis, ba se.] A bone (zoo/.). bone of variable structure arising (bam) 7. Ss peneenes beleas} from the fusion of pterygiophores fragrant pace n plant ; a soothing and supporting fish fins (00. oly. A ointment (do balsamiferous rous (bal’ grays aot. Feet aa - (basa'lé, basal’a a gland containing ‘the acini or balsamum, balsam to bear.] pase —— portion s (anat.). Producing balsam (bot. eolar (ba’siilve’élir) a. [L. barb (barb) #, [L. barba, | beard.] One basis, base ; se soled Ex- of delicate thread-like structures arenes obliquely from a feather nd forming the vane (z0o0/.) ; a a teckea hair-like bristle (402). barbate (bar’bat *. earded eo tending from — to centre of alveolar arch (am basibranch ba stbrding/ Ki) n. [Gk. basis, base ; brangchia, gills.] L, darba, beard.] The median ventral or basal i of a_ branchial basichromat (ba’sikr6 fase n. head of various abe lees ee [Gk. basis, base ; chroma, olour. ] - rbélat, barbelat) a. The deeply staining ges Hom of L. Jbarba, bear With | stiff nuclear network ; chromatin (cy/) ooked hair-like —_— (0t.). basiconic sensillae,—upright conical barbicel (bAr’bisél) L. darba, clavate sense hairs, immovable at bar . © (oa) nance on a feather their base and having thin chitinous covering (zoo i.). [L. dardula, asicranial (ba’sikra’niil) @. [Gk e peristome of (bot) basis, base ; kranion, skull.] ree osses Ot. ). t u barbule Ug eniey [L. barbula, dim (a - at the base of the s hooked processe fringing the barbs of a feather (zo (barstal’sis) mn. [Gk. daros, basis, base; pherei o bear. spatophions which ieee basidia weight ; /axis, arrangement.] The basidi bisid’ Gk. oe against a pressure stimulus Ls = eegle ery _— spore or scoilinme stance from BAS. a basidium; a_basidiogonidium pasidium (basid’itim) #. [Gk. asts, ase.| A special cell of proc (does forming spores by abstriction basidorsal os —_ sal) a. [L. ag bas back. anit poe rap neural elite which fuses es the neural process in the ee ed. (ba’sifiked) a. [L. daszs, ast.] At- innate, or the filament attached to base of anther (do¢. ba’sif w’ gal, ’ basif'igal) a. bas lage. Having the conebere versed in the embryo- sac (bo7.). yal (ba’sihi'al) ~ ([Gk. Jdasiés, base ; Ayoetdes, Y-shaped.] Broa : median pla ate, the basal or media ventral portion of the hyoid ach (zool.). basilar (basilar) 2. [L. dass, = Pert. or sia the base ; appl. a crest, mbrane, plexus pa 2), Plate (mb ), style (602). basil’ik) @ [Gk. meas, gee Appl. a large vein on the inner side of the biceps of the arm (anat.). ba’siling’gwal) a. [L. es ling a, tongue. (2 basioccipital aac sees,¢ ital) ». [L. ast. t, back of head. ] eat resis or element in the occipital region of the skull (a nat.). on (ba'sién) #. [L. dasés, base.] The middle of the cnaecen margin of the foramen magnum (anaz.). basiophthalmite (ba’siéfthal’mit) #. [Gk. dasis, base ; ophthalmos, eye.) The srociti} joint of the eye-stalk in Crustaceans (za basipetal (basip’ét: =e a. |Gk. dasis, base ; L. petere, to seek. ] Develop- ing from apex to base ; appl. leaves and inflorescences (éo7.). sphenoid (z0 basite: 29 BDE- basipodite wengesd ae me 5s eee bas one or cartilage in other fishes zool.). pterygoid (ba’siptérigoid) #. [Gk. basis, - ase ; Dferygion, little wing. A proc ie7e the basisphenoid i some binds ol.). basisphenoid ‘sisfeé’noid) #, [Gk. basis, base én, rion ¥ a eidos, resemblance or bone between the basiocepital ne pre- ot.). “(ba ‘sitém’poral) #. [L. fais, paee; a temporary. ] A broad membrane bone cov ering the basisphenoidal rani of the skull (zoo/.), hanteaeciteet Saeh eon a. [L. basts, base vertebra.] Appi. dectbcal: tach ‘emerging on a mage a (anat. (ba’séfil) [Gk. basis, ps philein, ae "love Appl. leucocytes having a strong affinity for Bee sae (pays. bast (ba ra: S. baest, bast.] The inner ene ark of certain trees ; the stron obtained from certain trees ; phloem (doz. —the ala spuria, a sisting of three quill feathers born on as first digit of bird’s aie (zool. pathylimneti bathys, deep ; Hanets Rng in ar. habiting the deep sea (zoo bat rid, yey gi tba) a. ick 5 Fe ras = ert, the deepest depths of the sea (zoo/.). ‘eabialidin: (bata ki an) a, [Gk, éa- trachos, frog-] oe to frogs and toads bdelloid (dél’ ia) a. ([Gk. ddella, leec — me se nce. } Seach i e appearance of a leech (soo 51). BEA- beard (bérd) #. [A.S. deard, a beard.] Any of the arrangements of hairs on the ads of animals which resemble a man’s beard (zool.) ; the barbed or here hair-like out- siete on grain (do7/.). belemn re jt agree bélém’noid) a. [Gk. belemnon, dart ; efdos, resem blanc oy Shape ed like a dart (zool.) ; So < tes radon eat (anat.). solid mass of cells, atead oo the ectoderm and lying between the ordinary ectoderm joe the mesogloea at the apex of the medusoid bud, which later becomes hollow and ultim ately forms the oo cavity of the medusoid ool.). Bellini’s ducts,— the larger _ benthos nin “(bér't) n. [A.S. berie, berry.] The egg of a lobster, or of a cra fish ; the dark knob-like structure “rat Ny two tapering points (40 biarticulate (bart alae) wice t). a. [L. és, joint.] Two- capsular (bikip’ silir) a La Ott, twice ; capsu/la, little bor] “ois two capsules or vessels (40 me ikar'inat) @ rr are carina, ke keel-like processes (60 te (bikar palit). a. “nt bis, twice; Gk. karpos, fruit.) With two carpels yon ings of ular (bisélil Sr) a. [L. dzs, twice ; roti ye cell.] Composed of viene Is (407.). Gitolen) m. [L. dis, twice; 30 BIE- |] A muscle with two ns (anat.). — ones ital) a. [L. d¢s, twice ; caput, head.] — biceps (amaz.). caput, head Pewee groov a gr n the upper par humerus tee < gp acranieg ohare a. [L. dis, 3 ? bind) With two nicht erage n the foot (zo bleonjugate (bik joogat) a. [L. és, wice ; ; jugum, yoke.| With two piso sets of pairs bot. eae —, a. [L. dés, twice ; cornu. n.| With two horn-like sts aol bicostate (bikés'tat) a. [L. dis, twice ; costa, - | Having two longitudinal ribs, as in a leaf (dot.). earns bo biscuspid (bikiis’pid) a. [L. ds, twice ; cuspis, point.] Having two cusps or points Got, Zool, bicuspid A premolar tooth (anat.). icuspid valve,—the mitral valve of the heart (anat.). bicyclic (bistk’lik) a. oo bis, twice ; . kyklos, ae Arranged i two whorls (402). Bidder's ia,—a_ collection of nerve-cells in the frog, in the region of the auriculo-ventricular groove, whence fibres are ee to the rest ct sa heart << Bidde: mentary ovary attached to the anterior end of th functional (zoo/.). bidental (idea) a a. [L. dis, twice ; ing two teeth, or h-like pro madiaconiate (of adentiaay a. [L. : re) ith two small teeth or fot ike processes, as some scales (zool. mnial (bién’ial) a. t bis, twice ; BIF- annus, eae Lasting for two — (b0 aces (eek sial, bifa’shal, bifas’ya 1) Me Fn OES twice ; facies, face.] Appl. leaves with distinct upper ee eee surfaces ; dorso-ventral bitarious Spe Hk a. [L. dés, twice ; Jari, t k.] Arranged in two nt as one row on each side of xis (40 pind (if ta) a. aim bis, twice ; Jjindere - to split.] orked, opening with a median — (cool bo biflabellate fabél’at) a is bis, twice ye ellum, fan.] Doubly flabellat te, each side of the antennal joints sending out flabellate pro- cesses (zool.). te (biflajél’at) a ([L. d2s, twice ; flagellum, whip.] Having two lash-like appendages or flag- ella (zool., bot.). biflex (bi 7fléks) a [Le des, twice; vos to bend. With two cides (biflo’rat) a. [L. dzs, twice ; ; flora, flowers.] Producing tw peas, or bearing two meer pifoliate ge a. is bis, twice ; beng , leaf.] Appi. compound lea two leaflets (do7.). Robin sige n) #. [L. dis, twice ; forts, door.] ‘Aw obion ong ipohiien b proximal (zoo. minate “Citatina a. {ie des, eee Doubly- ( bijugate sugare, to ed With two he a Secon taptate toria’ biat) a. [L. d2s, twice ; iain, lip.] Two-lipped, as some oe (b0 we (bitin élar, bilamél’ar) a, twice; /ame/la, pate For of two plates ; having two eee os ee bilaminar inir) @ [L. dis, twice ; Hn ma plate. ] Having iL. “dis 31 BIN- two plate-like layers ; diploblastic (zool,). — (bilat’éral) a. [L. ds, twice ; ing two sides es is ilirubin ee ‘bin) #. . [L. 6 pereives ruber, re a.) a ‘sacncpaiee a pigmen nt (pay. rain (biliver'din) n. [L. déles, Cees e F. -_ green.] A green hae pi ment — by oxidation o bilirubin ( phy bilobate (lob) ‘a [L. ds, twice ; a s, rounded flap.] Having o lobes biloba “Costa Be tl lobulus, dim. of lobus, bule ) bilocellate eens) a. Divided (bot. pilocular (bilék’tlar) a. be no twice ; locus, place. Containing two cavities or chambers oie ae biloculine (bildk‘ilin) a. fh bis, twice ; Siig little place. into two. compar ments cham bilo pincthonh (bildf’édént) a. [L. és, twice; Gk. /ophos, ridge; odous, tooth.] Appi. molar teeth of tapir, which have gues joining the two anterior and_two posterior cusps (zool.). pimaculate os a, [L. dés, twice; macula, spot.| Marked with two: aoe or stains (zo0/.). b ous (bim’aniis) a. [L. dzs, twice; manus, hand.| Having two hands; 7. certain of the sae (zool.). ee oe ‘tizm) #. [L. bimuscular Leone ines a s (zool. b fission,—the division of a cell into two by an apparently eo two m BIN- 32 division of nucleus and cytoplasm (zool.). binary nomenclature,—see binomial re. leaflets ; growing in pairs — ace es a. . nodus, nob.| Having two nodes, ue d [L, 22 's, twice ; mel Gocidiog: ‘of t 5 names (it. nelature,—the system of double 1 sacs = ven to plants — fe “ey the generic © specif as Felis (genus) tiers ‘Gpectes inomialism ie twice ; ice n system of binomial nomenclature biol.). ee (bint’kléar) a. [L. dé, ice ; nucleus, small nut.] Having ns nuclei (dzo0/.), oak (ovékém’ istri) #. [Gk. bios, life; chemos, ju iced The chemistry of living —— (z0/.). biocoenosis (bi’Gsénd’sis) Gk. bios, life ; 4oznos, one itieaoeed Asso- ciation of forms “ life on any given cafes sia (di04 The e itbie vial phe- rama 8 - a ee bins, life ; genos, Ore ring, Ah thetical vital u eel << genesis (bi s life ; genesis, birth ees of the descent of living ae from living matte —omne vivum e vivo; opp. — ae a bioge — recapitulation ee biogenous (bidjéniis) a. [Gk. ife ; genos, _offsprin tnhabitien living os as Bacteria (diol.), SyEni) 7. [Gk. dios, life ; genesis, prehe The science of the BIO- of plants (phytogeography) and animals (zoogeogr ee ch ye biological (bidl6j'ikal) @ 20S, the ecient of life (d%0 iol.). ‘oji) a. [Gk. bcos, lites s, discourse.] The science of life biometrics Pangea so n. ([Gk. dios, life ; re.]| The stat- panel ae of | ma om organisms biometry — étri), ena re bion (bi’dn [Gk. ns ivi An inde sin it living pe bionergy (bidn’érji) 7. Lap ek life : nergeia, action.] Vital force bionomics (biéndm’iks) ”. [Gk. 4705, life ; os, law.| The study of organisms in relation to their ir n. [Gk. dios, life ; pherein, si seplier A hypothetical vital unit, of which a group forms [Gk. dzos, life ; phyton, plant.) A plant which gets sustenance from living organisms zm) #. ([Gk. d7o5, lasm (bi’6pla life ; plasma, something moulded. ] Livin ng m . organon Sinenenene ni the physiological se neces- sarily a morphological unit (d70/.). bios (bi'és) 2. [Gk. 4705, life. ] Organic life, plant or 4. biostatics (bi’ merged n the bios, d flora of a biotic "bite ik) a. [Gk ae Pert. life ; vital (dzo/.). us bi’ 6to'ntis) 2. life.] [Gk. dios, ee ee Pee ee aI ed eer ee | ee ey eT BIO- life; ‘¢onos, strain.] The ratio between assimilation and dissimila- tion of the biogens (phys. biovulate (bidv'ilat) a. [L. bis 's, twice ; Containing two ovules (dot. bipaleolate aegis [L. dis, alea, chaff.] "Furnished twice ; alma, palm o of the ha nd.| Lobed with the lobes again lobed ot.). a (biparrétal) a. [L. ; paries, wall.] ‘ike ea ao connected with the two parietal [L. dzs, twice ; parere, to b get.) Having two young at a time (z00 bipectinate (bape na) = [L. 2 ss 25 eclnom , comb.] Having the margins farnished aah teeth like a comb (4o+., zoo. biped (bi’péd) x. aie bis, Po a ; pes, foot.] A two-footed a bipenniform (bi Sn'iform) a a. "Le twice ; Jenna, fe geek : -Jorma,shape} Feather-shaped, w sides the vane of e - ual te. gers a muscles (ava bipetalous “7 Sls) a ([L. dts, twice ; a petalon, \eaf.] With two peal ( “Coping are eee ¢ ae SS e; pinna, feather.] An aster- oid | larva with rene and post-oral bands of pint di zool.). apy [L. bis, twice ; ; pinna, feather.] Having leaflet twice ; pre , feath . findere , to cleave.] t se segmented — these segments again divided bipinnatipartite (bi i pinat'ipartit) a. [L. dis, twice ; | feather ; partiri, to divide Bipin nnatifid, but with pole or extending nearly to iat midrib (doz, et - (bi isiote ‘sékt) a. ([L. eather ; secare, but with 33 BIT- ninleets Sie Sri a. [L. dis, twice ; plica fold.] Having two folds. ‘ecuie ° posil’iis) pe sce 3 poctllum microsclere with curve ode -shaped expansion at each end bipolar ‘(bipo’ lar) a. [L. d¢s, twice ; k. polos, pivot.] Having a pro- cess = each end or pole, afi. bipolasity * or potari) nt. fi bis, ses; the two distinct poles, as the vegetative and animal Fe in an egg (dzo/.). biramose (bira rb ; ramus, peanek T Divided tata tw branches. biramous,—biramo birostrate (birds erat) ae 1h. Oa beak.] Furnished o | pore Trematodes birth- sparing of the rediae of Tre- matodes (za. biseptate (Disép'tat) 2 [L. dés, t tain a m, fence.] Having two part tio serial (bisé’rial) a. [L. dis, twice ; at series.| Arranged in two beeareate oat ‘at) a. [L. d¢s, twice ; sa aving marginal teeth which none ‘themselves notched (éo7¢.). sual, ye ék’shiial) a. [L. des. is; twick e; pommel avin both eure and foaisia reproductive organs (d7o/.). bist: ” panic (0 ’stéfan'ik) a. [L. dzs, t stephanos, crown. | Joining ‘= ‘two points where the coronal suture ee the superior re ridges (anat. istipulate Nag alat) a. [L,. dé, tem. ] Provided WICe ; (zool. bitemporal (bitém’péral) a. [L. d2s, wice; ‘emporalis, temporary. | Cc BIT- Appl. the two 9 A bones; a line joining the posterior ends of the wit ge division ternate (4o/. valent (biva’lént, biv’alént) a [L. itself again a musse shell (zool.); or a seed-capsule of ee ——- bot.). i bivente mec onitag tér sérvi isis) n. {i bis, schon venter ec sisting of two fleshy broad ends with a enigae tendinous portion in the mid le (anaz.). biventral ee tral) a, [L. ds, twice; . muscles of the bis, tw — se Seamites “Got) ; with two ptipes (zool.). bivium — iim) ” [L. twice ; via, way.] Geterally the posterior pair of ‘ambulatral areas in certa with air or fluid “(bot pei abigesathe cysticercus stage bh tai wien: S (zo0/.). blade (bina) A. << lac leaf.] The part of leaf of grasses (40t:). blastaea (blasté’4) 7, [Gk. blastos, bud.] A planaea or ciliated planula, ‘ios hypothetical stage in evolution eeeel (blas’télaz’ma) 7., blastel- asmata (blas'téldz’mata) piu. [Gk e forma- — of the epiblast and lepechtiad en astema (blaisté’mA) 7., blastema (Dlste’mata) plu. [Gk. reermete “ge mh i ormative substance be e€ primordiu organ yen .: the thallus of a fiche 34 BLA- oe ae Sgendioverss ye a. [Gk. blastos. karpos, fruit.] De- anne while still cemeacel by the pericarp (404. blastocheme (blis 'tokém) n. {SK blastos, bud; ochema, vessel.| A ae ee individual in some Medus blastochyle (blis'tokil) 7. [Gk. dlastos, bud ; chy/os, juice.] The fluid ina blastocoel, or segmentation cael platocoel (blas’tésél) 7, bud ; £oi/os, hollow. | tion-cavity b.). [Gk. dlasios, Thesegmenta- of a developing ovum ves meee eee tédérm) #. [Gk. blastos, bud; derma, skin.] The __ germinal disc (emb, re aD of cells, an early stage — nthe develop- ment of a fertilized ovu Stetr ate BT "TGk. blastos, bud ; [Gk. — ry genos, offspring. ] Appl. inactive idioplasm Iter- able till time and place of activity are hates (emd.). blastom (blas’ témér) n. (Gk. Masiee, © bud ; meros, part.] One of the cells formed during the primary divisions of an egg (em lastoneuropore (blis’ ténii ‘répor) # [Gk. dlastos, tak neuron, Nerve ; poros, ssage. A temporary passage connecting blastopore and neuropore (emzd.), blastophore (blis’ téfor) )a. [Gk. d/astos, bud ; pherein, to bear. ] a origin = plumule (40/,) ; Alcyon- aria the reproductive body; giving rise usually to buds; the central of the spermocyte mass in sii nics BLA- orms, which remains unchanged phere ~ setae aig (zool.). mes (blds’tépo [Gk. dlastos, ; Poros, passa he The cavity aint po the archenteron of the gastrula blastos ae: (blas'tsfér) n. tentacles absent, phores (zoo/.). blastozooid (blds'tézd’oid) #. [Gk. blastos, bud; zoom, animal; etdos, ren e] A larval bud in of —— budding in Ancidisi: — (basta) . — dim. of Gk. blasto. d.] llow globe of cells, “ith ean omar one layer thick (em blastulati m (lis il shiin) #. [L. Wasnt, little b d.] Fecntetion of blastulae (em gz of plants,— exudation a watery sap from ve ae: due to root- ‘pressure (Bot). eritance,—mixed race or recisg: gono- eens ver ints Sercher “ [A.S. dlan- dan, to mix.] blepharoblast (ber aroblist) n. [Gk. 7 Sanccalae e-lid ; blastos, bud.] See blep bl wpiarounnak net (bléf'sroplist) me: fio, in ain ae ck seg oulded.] A centros ich is in relation rs (ana cont (bis eee) nm. [A. S. dblowan, . ow. subcutaneous bubble o bladder filled with fluid; a acs [A.S. d/éd, blood. ] waste products (phys ) 35 BON- blood cells,—cells derived by mitosis from the ordinary mesoderm cells, at first somewhat # similar to lympho- cytes ; the primitive haematoblasts (ph blood ec s,—crystals of haemo- od i up with chloroform or ae (phys.). blood dust,—the — which fat is seen in bloo ‘ae means of the ultramicroscope phys. bl islands, — isolated _reddish patches in the me sacuaii which panied Bac Socio aa rang foun enclose mesodermal syncytium (ph ys.). lood — colourless bodies about one-third the size of the red corpuscles, and nucleated when the Ted corpuscles are nucleated (phys. } amas bodies found in the blood, each with a_ small nuclear-like structure (phys. blood serum, —the fluid or plasma left after removal of the corpuscles and fibrin (phys.). b vessel,—any vessel or space which blood circulates ; cued nly used in regard to special vessels with well-defined walls (anat.). bloom,—a layer of wax particles on the external surface of certain ches ; 5 “uM. E, “blober, a ubble.] The fat of whales, ving between the outer skin and muscle a, _— cont ood disease pro- its ed | “ie “fungus, causing a bluish discoloration (40 body blight,—a veal disease of pear trees eae ). body ca —the coelom or space in ete roel viscera, etc., lie; it is mesode in ori igin, nd is schizocoelic or enterocoelic in lg (anat.). y a somatic as distinct from a germ. ce y band of ae connecting the oro 1 end of a embryo with the anien (emé.). bone (bon) #. [A.S.dam,bone.] Con- BOO- nective tissue in which the ground- substance is eels with salts of lime (anaz.). book gill,—a gill composed of delicate leaf-like lamellae placed one over the other like leaves of a book, as Nceys oe lus (zool.). ung,—a gill similar to a book Bet but modified for air-breathing, a en to the exterior only by small slit, as in Scarce (zool.). booted (boot’ éd) a. [O.F. doute, Dot] quipped with et horny. plates of +o as feet of some birds Sovastes bordered pit, is form of pit developed on the walls of tracheides, caused b ortion of bi wall Ae a unthickened (408 bossela’ bos‘élatéd) a. [M.E. bosse, kn ne Covered er knobs, as some mollusc cheats (zo bosset (bds’ét) [M. > ose, knob.] i n formation Y blooms on only one side of the axis (d0t.). botany, pee < [Gk. dotane, pas- re.| That sie 2g of biology _ dealing with bothridi (beet fim) We... (GK. Meret trench. | a phyllidium (zoo/.). bothrium (both’ritim) 7. [Gk. dothros, c er; a sucking groove of Cestoids ( the form of a bunch of Ss (bot). grape bouillon (boo’'ying) 7. [F. douillir, to boil.| An infusion of beef for the co pobberene of germs ( phys.). Bowman’s e,—the ent of an excretory aaiale. one side of which projects into bee nearly filling the cavity (anat. Bowman’s (bo'm dnz),— serous -cnipteck in the corium of the olfactory membrane (anaz.), 36 BRA- braceate (brak’at) a. ([L. Jdraccae, breeches.] Afp/. birds having additional feathers on legs or feet (zool.). brachelytrous (brakélitriis) a. [Gk. brachys, short; elytron, wing. ] ait — elytra, or wing covers (zo brachial (br rigta) a. [L. drachium, Pert. arm, arm-like. brachiate et a. [L. brace nched ; having opposite cane heuaches on alternate sides bot.). go sie ee a fe brachiu ; ferre, to carry.] Sencthad: brachigerous,—brachifer brachiocephalic (oriole -séf-) [L. dra m; Gk. kephale, fies Pert "ahs and head, appl. hart (ana. brac eek (brak'i6ka’bital) a {Lh oa hium, arm ; cubitum, ei aan Pert. arm and forearm (zo rachio: (brakiola i) n. [L. brachiolum, a small arm.) A larval Pua of certain starfishes (zoo/. brachiorachidi ay ornate: an) a. [L. & riches, arm ; Mo. spine.] Pert, arm and spin brachium —— We They eo - zum, arm, arm or branching structure ; the aoe limb of verte- brates (zo 00 ik brachycerous (brakis’ériis) a. [Gk. brachys, short; keras, J] ort- horned ; with short antennae eric brachycnemic (brak’ikné’mik) a. brachys, short; neme. ibis. da of Zoant ids w e. si pro eme is ao (zool.). brachydont pigeon nt) a. [Gk. brachys, s ‘adele, fe oth. ] molar teeth its low ala (zool. ). brac —brachydon hyodon brachyourous (brak‘ioo’ nis) a. Brach- brachyp: “ot gir aera ral) a. [ce ack, saat, ; Pleuron, side.| With short pleura or ide. plates ( (zool.). rachypod oe! rakip gm a. [Gk. brachys, s ; fous, foot.) With short Gee ian ), or ok (bo1.). brachypterous (brakip’tériis) 4. [Gk. BRA- brachys, short ; pferon, wing.] With short wings (zoo brachystomatous (brak’istdm’ — a. [Gk. drachys, short ; stoma, mouth.] With short proboscis ; appl. pa insects (zoo/.). yural (brak’iii’r pei a. Having brachys, short; oura, tail.] ° n ie ek “ below the —— appl. certain crabs (zool. (brakt) [L. dractea, thin al] A floral leaf ; a modified leaf in whose axil a flower a hydrophyllium in iphoesiae ct the distal exite of sixth appendage of Apus seales,—small scales developed directly on the axis of cones; cf erous es (do1.). bracteal (br. rak'téal) a. [L. dbractea, ey metal plate.] Like a bract (404. bracteate (brak’téat) a. [L. dractea, thin metal plate.] Having bracts (dot. bracted, —brac (brakt @iform) a. [L. waae. — plate; petites shape. ] Bractea rsa kara [L. dractea, metal plate.] AZp/. flowers with —— (600.). rik’tédl) nm. [L. éractea, paw ge plate.] Secondary bract at the hase _- flower (407.). bracteose (brak’téds) a. Bie bracte. metal plate.] With many bracts (do8. )- bractlet,—brac brain (bran) 7. OM. E. brayne, brain.] The osneenee > the nervous system ; the ous matter venniies oa the anterior end of the spinal a lying in the skull ; in inverte es, the supraoeso- — or reaenane Pa ganglia branch ga n. (It. dranca, claw.] A bough; a principal earning teens a re or axis (404) ; a prin- cipal _— of an artery, vein, or ne (ora e’kid) #., branchia: (br, ik gets plu. See athe chia, gills. ) Gills (zoo/.). 37 BRE- branchiac eae Sigal < Lege brang- chia, a ] bony or weinaiat arch, came “of the laced on the cartilaginous — side of the nx posterior to the hyoid be and supporting gill bars (zo feaekinte® ‘(bring’kia at) «ee -fGk. brangchia, gills.| Having gills branchicolous (bran gee cis) a. Lhe cet gills olere, to in bit.] Parasitic on an gills ; abil. preted Crustaceans (zoo/.), branchiform (ring kor a. [Gk. brangchia, gills; L. forma, shape.] Shenley (zool.). branchihyal (brang’kihi’4l) @. [Gk. brangchia, gills ; hyoetdes, Y-shaped. One of the elements of a branchial a ee ol.). rdiac (br. optima mTGk. roomier rs gills ; kardia , hea rt] Pert. gills and heart iven vo ventrally flere the aakidiaa 8 heart beanchiomere (bran g ki soma n. part A iopallial (br. oGk tag tr ge ; L. pallium .| Pert. gill and mantle of Molluscs (zoo/. N, branchiostegal (brang’kids'tégal) a. aes peameente, gills ; — par r pert. whe ots cov padibease rays, € satiny branchioste te (ordng’Lidstej) n sf Sralirehin, gills; stege, covering.] The branchiostegal membrane (zool.). branchlostegite (brang kids’ tégit) #. [Gk. drangchia, gills; stege, roof.] The ex panded faveral portion of the carapace forming the gill cover in aire Crustaceans (zoo/. ranchireme (bring’kirém) 7 [Gk. " raugelae, Gis: mus, oar.] branchiate lim : : ‘ai of the locomotory and respiratory limbs of a Branchiopod (zoo/.) rnan, to t bregma (br . sy fore part of head.] That part o BRE- the skull ae frontals and parietals meet (2 brevi bananas. brevis, short ; short tail (za ool. revifoliate (brév boc he = = ha brevis, short ; foes , leaf.] Having short leaves s (bot revilingual (brév iting’ gwal) a. [L. ingua, tongue.]| li). = iké good ye , tail.] Witha i wi Cu et cea L. gop meet: a Pas With short wings (z (z00 revirostrate ee "trat) a. brevis, aks rostrum, beak. | With short beak or bill, “ birds (zool.). —the obliquus in- ferior, the shortest muscle of the eye = ones soe broe: us (brék’idéd’rémiis) a. ick. Droches, oop ; ; aromein, to run.]} App rves in leaves when they form one within the blade (404). bronchia (bréng’kia) #. plu. k. sige: arty tube.] The subdivisions nches of each bronchus (nat). hial (bring’kial) a. (Gk. drong- sie. windpipe. ] a = bronchi. [Gk. ern windpi ey small nal branch of the bronchi anad bronchopulmo “grad (bréng’képiil’mon- ari) a. [Gk. drongchos, windpipe ; L. pulmo, lung.) Pert. bronchi and lungs (az, Anos Whaat (bréng’kétra’kéal) = [Gk. brongchos, windpipe ; trachea, trachea.] Pert, Saal and sciclien (anat. on cular (b Tubes connecting the trachea with the lungs (anat -) pouch,—a sac-like cavity into which the €ggs or embryos are placed, i = — they pass a stage of their development; a space 38 BUL- formed by overlapping plates attached to the bases of the thor- acic limbs in certain Crustacea zool. rown pody,—a brown, rounded mass of compacted degenerate organs in some phone (zool. ro ments s,—the passive vibratory ciremedte of fine gran- ules when suspended in a fluid. b funnel le pair of organs on dorsal aspect of posterior end of pharynx, opening posteriorly into the atrium, and anteriorly into the coelom, supposed to be acces- sory excretory organs in Amphioxus ol.). (zo beg fear (bridl’6ji) #. [Gk. éryon, Sgn patna, J The science taker with mosses (. bryophyte (bridfit) #. "TGk. b moss; phyton, a, Any of che mosses or liverworts ot.). “Gk. bryon, A Po iyzoon, =. — from the moss-like appear € (z0 ‘eect (bike) a. [L. ducca, Ebeck. 8 a to the cheek or mouth nat.) Dadetnator (biik’sina’tdr) #. [L. duc- cina, a } = broad thin muscle of the k (an baocolatial ara a. [L.ducca, c li Pert. the mouth cavity a lips (anat.). buccolingual (biik’éling’gwal) a. [L. bucca, cheek ; lingua, tongue.] Pert. cheeks and tongue (anat. [L. ducca, cheek nat.). co <3 or aera (bearing arin ea a. eos cheek ; me in sake primitive animals bulb (biilb) m. [L. bulbus, globular BUL- root.]} A part resembling a bulb (anat.) ; a specialized underground bud with thick fleshy leaves which affor ae during de- velopment (40 —— (bar). a. UL bulbus, globular ot.] or a bulb-like genera ‘ally rn paralysis from of the medulla oblongata cae: a fae bulbiferous (biilbif’ériis) a. [L. dub “ erre,tocarry.] Bulb- arise baibil (bit bil) eo aie bulbus, bab y axillary bud bulbus, bulb ; mucleus, kernel. medulla stores ams: ee nuclei of the cranial nerves ( bulbous (biil’biis) a. [L. ave bulb. ] Like a bulb; deve ping from a ulb ; having "bulbs gee bulbus (biil’biis) 7. [L. bulbus, bulb. ] knob-like part found in con- bulla (bool’A, bila) # ([L. 2 water-bubble. ] Appl. ‘the founded prominence formed by the > ear; the tympanic "Dalla (an bullate (bool’at) a. [L. bulla, water- bubble.] Blistered-like ; puckered af like a savoy-cabbage leaf (d07.). _ (bi’nédént) a. [Gk. pee odous, toot Having ae teeth with ioe conical cusps ool.). shang ‘aig ve a. [Gk. dounos, mound. 7, cusps of cheek- teeth, low and conical (zoo/. punolophodont (bi ndl6of’é ;dont) a. Gk. dounos, mound ; Jophos, crest ; odous, tooth.] Between bunodont and lophodont in structure, appl. ene teeth (z00 enodont (bi’néséle’ nédont) a. 3 selene, moon ; odous, tooth.] Having the internal cusps bunoid, the external selenoid ; appl. cheek- teeth (zoo/.). bursa (bir's’) #. [L. dursa, pure} a sac-like ot) ; a sac filled w scid fluid at joints to peor fiction (anat.). pursa copulatrix,—a genital pouch CAE- in Lepidoptera and Turbellarians zool. bursicule phe: sikal) #. [L. dim en A small ae “(eal byssos, fine flax.] Pert. (zool.). byssus (bis vis) byssos, fine flax.] The mat of ster gl filaments, secreted in a g n bi- valve Molluscs, by which Ra ne? themselves to one another and to rocks, etc. (z00/. ys. a. [Gk the byssus [Gk. C cachalote (kash’aldt) #. [Sp. cacha- lote, the s ti ah whale.] The sperm whale (zo0/.). : es (ka fo) n. [Gk. hados, ; pherein, to bear.] A dorsal rocess in certain of the free- swimming Tunicates on which the buds are borne (zoo/.). an as agp en (kida'sibrang’kiat) L. caduc from cadere, to ll; Gk. brangchia, gills.] With ae zool.). ae) a 7. caducus, a o fall.] Perf. parts that fall off le early, e.g. calyx (dot. 2 (sé é’kiim [L. caecus, hg am A blind fast bt or pouch fr pati pa the alimentary rad ana Caenogaea (se npje’a) m. [Gk. hainos, wag ts eland.] A zoogeographical ich is included the Nearctic, Palearctic, and Oriental regions; cf. Hogaea; also pe Caino, S =f = caenoge’ enesis (sé’ndjén’ésis) #. [Gk. kainos, s, birth.] The non-phylogenetic processes in the development of any individual ool. Caencacks (séndzd'ik) a. [Gk. kainos, recent ; zoe, life.] Pert. the geo- logical 8 pare sa ge to recent times ; at a (sts pitas) a. nis caespus. CAL- 40 Pert, turf; turf.] having low, closely matted stems : wit Le calamus, The quill of a feather calcaneum (kalka’neiim) ». [L. calx, eel.| The heel; a large bone in the tarsus which forms the heel and rs vastiac i i as of | bins yore at., ear (kal’kar) ti. laser a al ae hollow crsionpation or tube a the base of a sepal or petal (ot) ; a spur-like process on the | wing of birds which is not a digit a tibial spine in insects ; a proc i — a, [L. cal- y.] wing on soil d ve decomposition of cal- careous rocks (40. alcariform (ak form) a> [TG calcar, a spur; forma, shape. ] Spur-like. calearine (kal’kt rin) a. [L. calcar,a spur.] Pert. the hi npetackpus minor #.). calciferous (kalsif‘ériis) a. [L. ¢ oes Tbibbe to carry. ] Coates ime SatttSestion "(kalsifika’ shin) #, [L. calx, lime ; facere, to make.] The oS eoeggen ‘of lime be in a tissue cabdeerets (kala a [hee lime ; gerere, to carry.] ioc’ or containing fine salts (d7o/.). c alsiv’6riis) a. [L. calx, lime ; vorare, to devour.) Appi. plants which live on limestone (d0t.). calicle,—see cal Callosal (k4ld’ si) a [L. callosus, hard.] Pert. the — callosum (anat.). callosities Semin n. plu. [L. lositas, hard de: , Or on rk of a plant, whic often CAL- tie i ts the general surface (dot. —_— caves) nm. [L. callus, callous in.} g of shell - like material within the umbilicus of a e orms oe the cu surface of any stem or branch ot.). caloricity Pte n. [L. calere, to se — animals, the ate maintain- Also spelt cal calvarium ava eft) n. [L.calvus, bald.] —— or upper portion of the skull (ana calycanthemy cavikiin’ a m. [Gk. kalyx, ~ calyx ; anthemon, a flower.] ormal Sevelopment of various parts of the calyx into petals (doz. ciflorous kalisifld’riis) a@. [L. calyx, a calyx; flos,a flower.] Appi. owers in which stamens aia petals are adnate to the calyx (404). calyciform (kalis'iférm) a. [L. calyx, a calyx ife rma, shape.] Calyx- like in sha ot.). calycine (ea sin) a. [fh mabe, = — J a calyx; cup-like (Bot mt calysle “Ceti kl) ~. [L. calyculus, a litt yx.] An epicalyx (604.) ; a of ri cup-shaped cavities in a coral; a theca in a Hydro (2001.). calyptoblastic (kalip’ ee fe a. (Gk. natn. hidden a bud.] P vdrdias | in area ‘the ioe incties persons or gonophores are enclosed in e —— ca (zool.). Gk. bra gills.] With gills not visible from the roe ra (z00. /.). Ali tra) n. calcite’ alyptra, iadeoaedinn (kalip'tréjén) ». (Gk, CAL- kalyptra, a cap; genesis, birth.] The special layer of cells lying rowing the kidney (anatz.) ; certain Hydroids, the cup-like body of the eb sR see cambiform ‘pifdrm) Beet he cambium, ede nge ; forma, shape.] Essentially similar to cambium cells (do¢. cambiogenetic tum, cha birth] Appi. cells which = Piacmno eeitofeae n. [L.cambium, ge he soft tissue from w root an ark are foamed i the stems and roots of ot.). Cambrian (kim’briin) a, [L. Cambria, 3} 2 ot. the oe division of the ee era (fa camerati ra’ ay n. [L. comernity vaulting: Division into 700 number of separate chambers Zool. —— (kam érdstom’) #2. {L. om chamber; sfoma, a outh.] The hollowed- under rane ce of the “hood” certain ee (zoo. mp'té tédrém) a. [Gk. ptodrome AS aadaa flexible ; dromos, a course. J Pert. leaf ve enation in which the secondary veins bend forward and anastomose pan reaching the margin (doz4.). (kim’bi6j capes a. StS, campylospermous (kim Lie ti a. [Gk. Bk. hawapylos; curved; sperm a seed. 7. seeds witha Saiive along the inner face (0 ‘ pylotropous (kim pildt nin a. a in tissue ; a groove in the soft parts of various animals; a 41 CAP- passage or bees found in the tissues of nu plan canalicular (eanalil alain) a. canaliculus, a small channel.] Pert. 1 anals. culus weraaysein ad M. : liculus, mall channel.] Canaliculi plu.) me small canals connecting the w another or w = — canals in bone nnels the rt, of natees yee for various secant canaliform (kanal me [L. canalis, a canal ; Lee , shape.] Canal-like taiokt ‘ean hae: a [L. can- bered.] Consisting inner, more tissue structure; api. the spongy, portion of bony (anat. cancrisocial (kang’kriso’shal) a. [L. bh; cng map ally.} ic on the shell of, ar are nashesees with, a crab (z00 —_ sane "ka ‘nin) #. [L. canzs, a dog.] The tooth next to the a caee, a ‘ft fa canine tooth, or to idge or groove on the urface of the superior maxillary — pone “(kin’dn bin) #. ig the limb from hoc the enlarged and fused metacarpals tarsals ; s, in birds the tarso- metatarsus (z00. canthus (kin “nae n. [Gk. — a pack-saddle.] The angle wher per and lower eyelids ccaiee anat. eagitiony (1 ee ed —— of the sate iewnial vessels ic parts of the body, e, eg ——- lymph, or biliary capillarie ne a (kap'ilit’ itm, ‘apilish’tim) among which the spores are found (dot. capitate (kap'itat) a. [L. caput, the CAP- ad.] Enlarged or swollen at the tip (sool.); gathered sf sapaent to a mass a the apex in inflorescence capit — apt nm. [L. cape, the head.] n articulatory pro ea at the end of a bone, e.g. on the humerus for the cee: ’ tacle esate sey, an involucre (do02.). eapreolate (kapré@6lat, kap’rédlat) a. [L. capreols, a tendril, Supplied with tendrils (407). capsule (kap’siil) 7. om capsula, a little box.] A sac-like membrane enclosing either — = or a ool.) ; any vessel pth fire aso seeds, or fruits (404). kp’ siilif’ ériis) a. [L. case alittle box ; ferre, to carry.] With or forming a capsule (Azo/., anai.), ca) a capsulogenous,—cap- sulifero caput (kip rit) n. [L. caput, the head.] Head ; a knob-like swelling at the apex (anat,, zool.), carapace (k: Ar'ipas) 7. [Sp. carapacho, covering.] A shield covering the whole or part of the back of certain animals,—it may be chitinous or bony (zoo/.). carbohydrates ee “ti n. plu. [. — coal; Gk. hydr co Com 8 of me bon, eve and oxygen, generally speaking bs Fy hyde or ketone alcohols or con- Sedestion products thereof (470/.). kar’bin n didk’sid) Z, tw oxys, sharp.] Carbonic acid gas; aheavy, colourles u y the de- composition of organic substances ( phys.). 42 CAR- carboniferous (kar’bonif’ériis) @. [L. measures, ~ fossils found in chest strata (p pal. carcerule (kAr’ erelt. mths ee a prison.}| A superior, dry, m celled fruit, with indehiscent pret or few-seeded carpels cohering by their united styles to a central axis (dot. zool. [Gk. kardia, the ert, near or supp ying ; appl. sinus, artery, e c impulse,—the motion caused by the ra id it increase in the tension of the ventricle (phys. meen (zool.). cardinal sinuses apie in Cuvier’s ¢ ace oe Demintent i t fishes, aaa in other vertebrates (s (z00. eardo (kAr'd6) m. “tL. cardo, a hinge.] The hinge of a bivalve shell ; the basal ~ of the maxilla in insects op : ous flower in which the stamens and pistils are contained ; id n the bracts of certain grasses (do4.) earinate (kdr'inat) a keel.] aving a ridge or keel (z07.). cariniform a tenes a. [L.carina, a keel; forma, shape.|_ Keel- shaped (ézo/.). upper the protocone is reduced, in the lower the metaconid (z00/.). carni Sage ériis) @. —— flesh ; CAR- uerein plants which feed on the pro eet of en —— insects (d02.). carotid (karét‘id) a. k. karos, heavy sleep. eo. . the chief arteries in the neck (anaz., zoo/.). e (kar spare, Karpa'le) 7 EL. carpus, — .] One of the ‘bones of the wrist (anaz.). gars ae ee Nn. — [Gk. karpos, waht .]| The m dified leaves which The fifth in certain poj’ éniis) @. [Gk. harpos, fruit ; genos, bi rth,] Appl. to be ar’ pogo fruit; gigne 7p . of the ower portion arp, in Thallophytes, hick aamae oe female nucleus (40 carpolith (kar’pélith) ». [Gk. karpos, fruit ; /ithos, stone.] (dot. A fossil fruit carpometacarpus (kar’pémétakar’piis) L. carpus, wrist ; meta, after. ] The portion of the wing skeleton of a iird formed by the fusion of the carpal and meta- — bones eae carpo pay tg = f'giis) a. [Gk. fate “fa t; ee to eat.) Feeding on fruit (e (gool.). carpophore (kar 'pifor) 7. Sage —— fruit ; 5 Plerein to bear of t of wer caete carpopodite (ktxpip ber dee Phe carpus, wrist ; pous, a foot.] The third joint - a = leg of certain Crustaceans (zool.) carposperm (k4r’péspérm) #. [Gk. i fruit ; sperma, a seed.}] T oosphe certain ‘Thallophytes after —— (bot). ar’ péspéran a arpos, fruit ; m. _[Gk. seed; anggeion, a vessel.] The 43 . CAT- terminal cells of the filaments that are developed from the fertilized carpogonium in some Thallophytes (607.). carpospore (k4r’péspor) #. [Gk. karpos, fruit; sforos, seed.] A spore of those formed at the end of the filaments which are developed from the carpogonium (b00.). earpus (kar'ptis) 7. [L. ca: The wrist ; the region of the carpus (anai., 200 cartilage (kar’tilaj) ~ [L. cartilago, cartilage.] Gristle ; a translucent, bluish-white tissue, firm and at the same of the skeleton, most of which are in the se represented by carti- lage (ana = ca pig (kartin ng’k 1)». [L. caruncula, mall piece of flesh. ] A naked, mites (zo0/.) ; = of outgrow various regions of t seed, et ae fectaliintions dot). caryo,—s caryopsis (kar bp tala ws [Gk. yon, a nut; opszs, appeara Sesh s A perior, one- elled, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit with a thin dry membranous pericarp 5 sesgsines united with the seed (éo7.). in (ka’séin) m. [L. caseus, cheese.] A nucleoalbumin proteid ilk, separated by the action of rennet ( phys.). at (kasid’€iis) a. [L. cassis, a Imet.] Helmet-like (404). new ts oe iG of the ‘distiact forms found certain social insects (zoo/.). rate (kds’trat) a. [L. castrare, to castrate.] ert. flowers from which the androecium has been removed ot. )» cata-,— catalysis “(eatalisis) 1 (Gk. fafa, down; /ysis, a ‘onl ing.} The picileraiion or retardation of a reaction due to the presence of a CAT- substance which apparently remains unchanged, ¢ etc. catenoid (kait'énoid) a. [L. catena, a chain. n-like ; a“ certain protozoan colonies (zo. catenula’ n’alat) a. wt. catena, a chain. ] Chain like ; aff/. colonies of bacter colo in cattus, a L. pilosus, hairy. ] The ving ¥ worm-like larva of many [A.S. catkin, a of apace with wers and pendulous [L. cauda, a tail.] A tail, or tail-like appendage ; the e posterior end of the abdomen of certain insects suggesting the pee of an eleventh a (zoo, pe (k6’dal) on cauda, a tail.] iecutaca (ed dat) a a. TL. oudde a tail.] Having a tail, e.g. caudate e nucleus, a mass of gray matter in the corpus striatum (anaz. caudatolenticular (kéda'toléntik’alar) . 64 nuclei of the corpus en Jase bh é caudex (ké’déks) m. [L. caudex, a ry stump.] The axis oe stem of y plant (404.). caudicle (ké’dikl) . [Dzm. , ata The stalks of the pollinia in Pig zt). caul (k6l) 7. [M.E. tale, a covering. | An enclosing membrane (amaz.). és/ént) a caulescent (kél [L. caulis, a stalk.] With leaf-bearing stem above ground (. caulicol (k6lik’éliis) a. [L. goer 44 cell linea cell organ,— CEL- stalk ; forma, shape.] Stem-like bot.). cauligenous (kélijénitis) @ [Gk birth. ] stem bundles not passing into the leaves (b02.). ulocarpous (k6'15kAr’piis) a. [Gk. kaulos, a stem; arpos, a fruit. | With fruit- bearing stem (402.). caulome (ké/lém) #7. [Gk. 4aulos, a stem.] The stem structure of a plant as a whole (404). cavities ; hollow, or resembling a hollow ; aff/. tissue, nerve, arteries (anat.). cavicorn (kavikérn) a. [L. cavus, hollow; cornu, horn.] Hollow- certain of the sate . the helix n which an organ or part oe ek: (anat.). L. cella, a compartment. ] mall cavity or a unit s of protoplasm, —_— con- ing a nucleus 3 cella, a Moving om Il (phy 5.) collipetal ‘Gel ea) a. [- cella, a cell; tere, seek.| Moving psaash ae a cell ‘ (ply) . e, — the vation of a tissue or part froma definite blatis: mere of the embryo (47zo0/.). cell membrane,— a grey as cell- wall (z0/.). art of a cell having a special function, as a centrosome ( sor —the equatorial thickening cell of he spills fibres from which the partition wall arises during division of plant cells (cy). 11 sap,—the more fluid ground sub- stance of the cell or nucleus (cy#.). the —e CEL- — (séValar) a. [L. cellula, a cell.] Pert. or nadine of aa Waal ). ose (sél’iilds [L. cellula, a small cell.] A carbohydrate form- ing the main pa he cell walls lants, ene found i in the tests of Siticates (diol. cell-wall,—the ‘investing portion of which Sioced be extremely may be strong and (cyt. mentum, ca : substa and physically allied to vesting the root, neck, and crowns of ee ae ce —the method of seed aactitation by which seeds are jerked out from the fruit only by a high wind (d04. centradenia (sén’ tride’nia) trum, The given to the Se. of siphonophore re oneg found in the Disconectae Situate 3 in the centre pert. a vertebral centrum (amat.). centrale (séntra'lé, ‘séntral’a) nt. centrum, a centre. one in the wrist or "ankle situated between the ane. sén'tral) a. [L. aes a centre. entrum, a centre.| Affi. leaves which are Sele ecng or terete ntrifu, t youngest flowers towards the outside (404) ; Pp al, sippsrorms (sén’'tridl) ». [L. centrum, a centre.}| The central getter of the centrosome, in some authors ; in others, the centrosome itself (cyz.). centripetal (séntrip’étal) @ [ centrum, a centre; felere, to seek.] Appi. racemose __ inflor- escences the m peri extremities to nerve centres (avat.). 45 CEP- centripetal canals,—blind canals growing from the circular canal backwards towards the apex of wii bell in certain Trachomedusae ‘ool.). controdestno ose (sén ‘trédés’més), cen- esmus (sén’trédés’miis) #. [Gk. entrom a centre ; desmos, a ban d.] bril or system of fibrils tempo- si connecting the two centro- rein Ss (cyt.). centrodorsal Se trod6 —_ a {ix centrum, aC a back.) aa the plate i in the onal of the stalked Crinoids (go ool. 5 centrogenous a kentron, a centre ; geno. we Appl. a prep sonenty of sea wack meet in a com rpg centre and grow outwards (zool centrolecithal “(sén’ trélés‘ithal) a. [Gk. entron, = centre ; /ekithos, yolk.| Appi. ovum with its yolk secreted in the centre (diol.). centroplasm (sén’ a nm. [Gk. kentron, = Pare py @, some- thing moulded.] The per ee of the cirerereeh (cyt. centrosome (sén 'trsom) nm. [Gk. ene! (cyt. me ; noe astrosphere ; the cyt. a ee hell [Gk. hep. fe anthos, a 5 beweh: The capitulum in com- bot.). ron (kéf'alétrin, séf- = [Gk. hephale, the head ; efron, he belly. The anterior region of : Lint uli 001. copnate ill séf-)a. [Gk. gage: d.] Pert. the head ; uaa 2 fe cephalis (kéf'alis, st) . (Gk. CEP- 46 kephale, the head.] The upper- most chamber of zens Radio- larian shells (zoo/. cephalization (kef’aliza: ‘shin, s&f-) 7. [Gk. dephae, the head. ] nine g of the anterior end i [Gk. sporozoan about to proceed to spore-formation (z00, cephalopods (kéf’alépédz, oe n. plu. [Gk . kephale, the head; ous, the foot. ] Animals with muscular, sucker-bearin ng arms on the head See (zool.). ostegite a to Rig séf-) 7, ork. kephale, Id (z00 ec il séf-) m. [Gk. ead; stylos, a_pillar.] The anterior en nd of the notochord enclosed i in its sheath, in chondro- crania = a eases] ment in the pupa of insects (zoo/. a (kéf sloth’ raks, si F) [Gk. kephale, head; thor. eis] The ody-region fenned by the fusion of head a [Gk. or are ot.). al (kér’Atodhi’ al, sér-) m. [Gk, a horn ; next below the epihyal (z00/.). cereal (sér’kAl [Gk. herkos, tail.] Pert, the tail (zool, e = oe [Gk. herkos, il. ] eecie larva with a slightly "eke d body and long tail (zoo/.). cerci (sér’ké, sér’si) m. piu. [Gk. CER- kerkos, oe Baines appendages at the end o abdomen in many Arthropods tae ). cere ts ax.] A ld dake patch ot ‘the praca end “0 bes bill in birds, on whic the n open sacehatiar eee ébéar)a. [L. cerebrum, the brain.] | Per#, the hind-brain rebellum (sér’ébél'iim) ie cerebrum, the brain The — — of the third primary vesicle (an cerebral (sér’ — ore [L. cerebrum, rain.] Pert, the brain; pert. — a part “ the brain or cerebral hemisphere cerebrifugal (sér’ Sbrifi’ gal) meme (shév'rin) a. peed 7, V-sha articulating with the ventral metas CHI- of the spinal column in the caudal region of many vertebrates (zo0/.). chiasma (kiadz’ma) 7. chiazein, ecus — oO chiastoneural (kids’ténii ral) @ a. [Gk iis diagonally arranged ; ron sanerved Appi. certain Caitio- pods in which the visceral nerve Riek set and form a (200 bias ees ir) n. plu. [Gk. chetlos, lip.] A pair of processes between the sich eee of appendages in S (go ol.). ao. wa a substance in Arthropods te os chla- Ss, a cloak with a — (zool.). cea a a aes us (klimid’éiis) @. [Gk. vac a 7 Gay Pert. flower and ere (dot. re (klim’ poate aT A ans, Fy coak : ; sporos thic async resting spore ie in many ungi, as yeast chloragen (kld’rajén) a. ck, ey grass green ; genos, descent.] Appi. yellow cells found in connection 1) Annelids ; chlora, chloranthy (kloran’t oss n. (Gk: chloros, grass green ; anthos, fi Re- version of floral neat ck to ordinary aoe leave gra Plastos, ed.] ry lropholk -carrying mantel — nk réplas'tid) . [Gk. ighioes gras reen ; tema moulded. ] ane granule plastid containing chlor couhsAl. Gok in plant-cells exposed to light Z. (bi 48 CHO- chlorosis Sree [Gk. chloros, gress ere n.] A baie condition plane. owing to lack of certain minerals, due mainly to want light chlorotic “Clbrdt'tk) a, Sk chloros, grass green. Appl. plants or organs of plants devoid of chloro- phyll (604.). choana (k0‘dna) [Gk. choane, funnel.] Any ee -shaped open- ing (anat.). nnel ; Ss, like. shaped; afp/.eye muscle in Reptiles k6’an Seo soma, body.] In sponges, the inner tage with flagel- late cells (zoo/. choledoch (k3YEddk) a. [Gk. chole, bile chos, ee) — Appl. common bile d = (k6lé'ik) a. “[Gk. chole, nue.| Pert. acid contained in ox bile e; 2p Gigkasiasis (kélés'térin) 7. [Gk. chole, bile ; stereos, solid.] A white fatty alcoho 1 found in nerve tissue, bile, peak and other animal substances tion CHLON (p cholochrome (k6'lékr n:. (Gk. chole, bile; chroma, colour.] A bile pigment (phys. cholohaematin in (K6'1oh8! matin) #. [Gk. chole, bile ; haima, blood.] A pig- ment develope din the bile of hondrifica: a tebe arin canny [Gk. eaves, cartilage ; L, facere, to make.] Conversion into cartil- age (p. h “(kon n’drijén) en . [Gk chondros, cartilage ; genos, descent.] The base matrix of ail cartilaginous substance, a collagen (pAys.). CHO- ehondrin (kén’drin) #. [Gk. ¢ sient cartilage.] A gelatinous substanc Sbtkians from cartilage (fh es (kéndrideoma s. n. plu. chondriosom eo oe cartilage; soma sae. Permanent feebly refractive eh found in cell protoplas which are probably combinations f fatty — or of phosphate of albumen (dio chondroblast tant (kon dréblast) 2. [Gk. A e; dlastos, bud.] A cartilage-producing cell ( “ohys.) chond (kén’dréklast) #. [Gk. hondros, cartilage ; £/asfos, broken A pees cartilage cells (phy mite sac ary k6n’drokra ‘aiim) n. “ick. skull,] ake tilaginous condition, either tem- os, or per- manently as in some fishes (zo0o/., anat.). chondrogenesis (ké oaks nm. Gk. chondros, cartilage; genesis, descent. ] e pro oduction or forma- MUCUS ; . €1a@0S, tOrm re (k6n‘dréfor) m. [Gk. S eartita e; pherein, to — ructure which supports the hinge cartilage in a bivalve shell (zool. - chondroskel on (kén oe It. [Gk. ¢ se Boe i cartilage leton, a dried body.] A phot sa ste skeleton a ). ous hondroste: (k6n’dréstér’nal) . "tGk. a cartilage ; s¢erno a breast. | oi “ rib canilages me chorda (k6r’da) n. ([Gk. chorde, a 49 CHO- string.] The not cairn ; in — tendinous vaphey ached to the valves of the hear by cboudal sheath nto a number of — (zool.). spregencd (kér'dat) a. [Gk. chorde, Hav ving a notochord (zoo sd chordotonal es. a. [Gk. chorde, a string ; 5, a tone. Appi. rod-like or aaa like struc- tures, auditory in natur os 7 various parts of the body of insects (zoo/.). ilaris (ko’ri¢ kapianis, -kap’- chorion (koe) » n. [Gk. cho tivated . skin.] An mbtyoiie: " membra som Ps and _ enclosing the amnion (¢7 chorion (korin'tk) a. [Gk. chorion, skin. ] the chorion (em#.). chorioretinal (ks orev) a. [Gk. chorion, L. retina, the ree hon “thoraid abd retina ocmuins big iri a. [Gk. ; petalon, a \eaf.] bot.). Z.). chorisepalous (k6’risép’aliis) a. [Gk. choris, septate ; ; sepalon, a opal} so ng the sepals separate (407). risis (k6'ri sis) n. k Gk. choris, r of [Gk. chorion, rm.] Appi. delicate and highly vascular membranes ; nm. the layer of the e oo, between retina and sclerotic (anat. choroidal (kéroid’a l) a. [Gk chorion skin; éé ees ‘orm. | the c ee (koro jl) m [Gk. choros, place; /ogos, Slacwues e.) The CHR- science which deals with the dis- tribution of organs zol.). chromaffin § (kr6é — G3: Hak. chroma, colour affinis, re- lated.] Appl. — forming the medullary — of the suprarenal bodi unt of their yellow colour frog cauanen with chromic salts ; chromophil (f/ys.). tie ématik)a. [G k. = colour.] | Colourable Mees of : _ Staining reagents (Gio. i.). by coalescence of chromosomes after ase in mitosis (d04). which contains nucleic acid proteids Sheol stains we a dyes ve ). n n, — wnis Ww inbed body, “the aid ete of certain a (z001.). chromatoid grains, eadily stainable grains in cell protoplasm, = of an albuminous nature (cy/.). chromatolysis (kro’ nator. m. [Gk. chroma, colour ; iain. to break up.] Disintegration an and final disappear- os ta in injured sce (ph ophore (kr ‘mtofor) [Gk , to bear. ] he general term @ OL coloured plastids of plants and ani (cyt.) ; a pigment cell, which under control of the sympathetic nervous system can be altered in = to moons a colour change (zool.). chromatoplasm (kro matéplizm) n. Gk. aha colour; D/asma, some- thing moulded.] =~ colour or pigment —— in cells (cyt.). chromatospheri oe ee imitate) nN. [Gk. chroma, c spha globe.] A nucleolus, which ey Ws "4). midia (krémid‘ia) chroma, colour eta sg wee particles of chromatin (cy2). ch es rémid'idsomz’) n plu. (Gk. chroma, colour; soma, dy. he smallest chromatin particles of —— the chromidial mass is made (cyz.). kro /méblast) m. [Gk. See colour; d/astos, a bud. emby ryonic cell giving rise to a sercsens we (di0/.). 50 CHR- chromogen (krd’méjén) #. [Gk. chroma, colour; genos, birth.] The material in nts which will de- velop into colouring matter (04) chromo e (krd’'méjén’ik) a [Gk chroma, c ; genos, birth.] Colour - producing ; appli. an- chromomere (kro’mémér) #. [Gk. — colour ; eros, part.] One the chromatin granules of which a a chromosome i is a and which =F globules found in the retina of birds, Pier fishes, and mar- supials (zoo/.). chrom (kr6’mofil) op. a. 2 1G chroma, colour ; pile, to love. | Chromaffin, which s chromophilous (kromat' i lis) a. [Gk ehvbed: erties, loving. ] ae readily (io a chrom (kr6'moéfor) mw. —[Gk. pe neo aaa pherein, om bear. ] Any substance ‘to whose presence colour in a compound is due anit chromoplast (kro’méplast) . [Gk ce colour ; P/astos, moulded} also chromop lastid. A ured plastid or — body abe hai Pika (dz0/.). (kro’mépro'téid) 7. Gk. chroma, colour ; Protos, first.] ber of which is definite for the cells of a species, into which the chromatin resolves itself during a s (cyt.). hrysalis (kris‘alis) 7. [Gk. chrysos, g' “The pupa stage of certain insects (zo rysoc: crpou : (kris! 6kar’piis) a. [Gk. chrysos Jae) wees, fruit. | With golden ee (ais atin {° gold; phyli eaf,. colouring aoe me in plants, a de- composition product of chlcrophyl (0t.). ° ic =a rk. cAry SOS, B% ellow CHY- chylaceous (kila’shiis) a. [Gk. era uice. } td gee like nature; [Gk. chylos, ae Lymph contain ning globules emulsified fat found in the aciaads oh juice; L. on chylifieatio mn. The Mises tion of ciyis (phy. spleen i ériis) a. i chylos, L. ferre, to carr Chyle- sora appl. t ae or vessels LYS. chy ifie (kilif’tk) a. [Gk. chylos, juice ; L. facere, to make.] Chyle-pro- ducing ; afp/. the true stomach of insects (zoo/.). locaulous (kilocoY'ts) a <{GE 55 a stem.] ; er. ‘The aie aie tam ra chylophyllous (ki Isfit'is) a. [Gk. _ chylos, juice; phyllon, a leaf.) With fleshy leaves ; appl. certain se Ey: ot.). (ki — ‘sis) 7. ch rae pat e to produce.] The a ot vies ; kim G sensi cpit Sto: Gk. ayia: juice ; make.] The ager? of converting food into chyme (fAys.). ricial e, new “Fbrillar connective closes and draws together wounds anat.). cicatricle emis 9 — tricula (sik’atrik’tla) Le wound.] The “athdasions: in eptile eggs (emd.) ; scar in the a e of previous attach- sia of an organ (zoo/.) ; the mark left after the healing up of a wound in plants cieatrix (sik’a strike, sika’triks) #. [L. oorstaee a nd.} Cicatricle, whic eC. cicinnal (sisin’Al) a. [Gk. &kinnos, a curled lock.] Afp/. uniparous cymose branching in which the 51 CIN- daughter axes are sree oa right and left alternately (407. iia) #. plu. [L. ‘cilium, an Hairlike vibratile out- bic mar. Scn) hairlike meet (bot) ; eyelashes (anat “3 ciliary (sil'fari) a ([L. ¢. atid Pert. ce; ares in the cilium, an appl. certain eyeball (anat., eas (sil’i at) a. [L. cilium, an eye- lid.] Provided with cilia (d¢0/.). um,—an ithelium passages, cells, the h hairlike Noaigrowtls (zool., phys.). agen 2 tt iégrad) a. [L. célium, ; gradus, a step.] Pro- ra rad ciliary movement (zoo/.). ct a protozoan ge spore with a “coat of cilia (zo c stm) * white alkaloid ere in various types of Rubiacea cinnus (sess) [Gk. £kinnos, k. a — rled A scorpioid cyme cimelies (sing’klidéz) #. plu. [Gk. Perfora- ° Asiticatia for the extrusion of acontia (zool.). cinclis ad gate] n. [Gk. kingkiis, a latticed gate.] Sing. of cinclides, hic cingulate. (ang ‘gulat) a. gulum a! Having a girdle or aicuean cingulum ah gta we. [Li cen gulum, a girdle.] Any structure whic i ridge ut ciliary zone on the disc of rotifers (anat., zool.). CIR- ; the sineaining the protoplasm of SS (sér'Kilis) nm [L.¢ cle.] Any ri ing a conical space with the articles cavity as apex __(anat., phys .). oe Siw Ff doe Soe ge [L. circum, went 3; Jerre, to bean) Appl. cartilages which surround etroumnutation a shiin) 2. [L. cévcum, around; nutare, to swim.] The irre egulat elliptical or spiral movement exhibited by the apex of a growing stem or shoot bot. t). cumoe eal = (sér’kiimésdf’- ajé’al) [L. circum, around; Gk tsophagos, the gullet Appl. structures or or din 3 bolus, end of axle.] Appi. animals found at the Poles (cook, scissil eee kiimsis‘il) @. © [L. circum, around ; Sscindere, to cut. the form of dehiscence _exhibited by a pyxidium (ot). | TL circum, aroun d; vallare, t wall.] In Protozoa, the nomena - 52 CLA- ae an cirrhi,—see mend cirrose (sirds’, sir'és) a. [L. cirrus, a a With cirri " (gool.) ; with tendrils (404). c irtis) 2., (sir'l) plu. L. cirrus, a nck) “Tendrils vege ; the appendages of barnacles jointed filaments of the axis or a m structures = the appendages of insects (zoo cladanthous “eds this) a [Gk klados, a sprout ; rmina short lateral branches (4o¢. (klad’6toik’tis) a. [Gk. klados,a sprout ; azfos, self ; ig house. ith a idia on a Stalk (do¢. ocarpous (klid’ dkAr piis) @. [Gk. karpos, a fruit.] bes : (k gre a sprout ; 1] ee. cladode T hie n. [Gk. klados, a sprout.| A the ities enous (klid6j’éniis) a. [Gk lados, sprout; genos, birth.] Cladanthous, which . get Egret m. [Gk. Ala dos, a ‘a Hades, ne cladophyll (klad’éfil) #. [G Cladode, a sprout ; phy//on, a leaf. which see, = Pentel aah sis [Gk hla ; prosis, falling} ake ding of twigs instead of leaves (do/,). cladose penbnn klidés’) a. [Gk. klados, as out -] — (d701.). The. go =, hither (00 thlieake osit, klas’maté- c sit) # 7” Ck Alasma, a fragment ; CLA- kytos, hollow.| A soft, much vacuo- ted, very variable cell in areolar hy s. tissue laspers alas’ pérz) nm. plu. [M.E. claspen, to hold.} Rod-like shanes ‘bot clathrate (klith’ rat) a. [Gk. &lethra, a lattice. ae like (d7o/.). (klés’trim) #. [L. claus- “the oy bar. hernias a thin 1 substance lateral to the exter capsule, bounding the lentiform nat, clava (kla’va) 2 "tL clava, a club.] The knob- tike end of the antennae of certain Mees (zool.) ; the elon- gated swelling at the end of the fasciculus gracilis | anat. clavate — [L. clava, a club.] Clu Tg soy Backend re one end (diol clavicle itv) rae § Be ot a ai ] The th formin Lay of the shoulder vine (anat.) ; in animals, vi clavicularium (klav ala iim) oe clavis, y-] epiplastron of a ke Chateati Siar corresponding to the clavicles of other forms (zoo/.). wula (kl4vila) # ([L. clava, a club.]} A monactinal modification of a triaxon spicule; one of the minute pi the fascioles of Spatangidae (zoo/.) ; the clavate sporophore of certain Fungi bo clavus (kla’vii s)#. [L.clavus, a nail.] The part of an elytron lying next to “the scutellum in Gemnihters (z0 claw “8) nm. [A.S. clawu, a claw.] The stalk of a oe (d04.); a sharp curved nail on a finger or toe ; the forceps of caitain crustaceans ; a curved process on the limbs of insects (zool. ng foo t—t _ agape” pro- of the second geri (klé’vaj) 7. ML coe. series of ka aryo- 53 CLI- kinetic divisions which change the egg into a multicellular embryo cleavage nucleus,—the nucleus of the the male and female pronuclei (cy¢.). dista ge oe ee reg {SG klets- tos, c ; ka tp fruit.] Cleisto- _ihecium, "whith leistocarpous (cir 'stokar’ pists, hon Bikes closed ; 4arpos, fruit.] Appl. mosses with non- sutiealate capsules (4074. cleistogamous ous (klist3g’Amis) a. [Gk. kleistos, closed ; gamos, marriage. Pert. or possessed of characteristics of cleistogamy (dot.). eistogamy (kli’stég’Ami) [Gk kleistos, closed ; with leistogarmons 2 flowers (40 a kli’stéthé 'shitim) n. [Gk. Aletstos, closed ; theke, An ascocarp which remains and produces its spores internally ot). eleithrum (kli‘thriim) #. [Gk. £/ei- € pair of additional [Gk. i anthers in Orchids (404). clinidium (kli pach oot dn [Gk. &Zine, a bed nt ina Bi mages ehich pesdces | spree clinosporan, n. anggeion, a vesse .]| Pycnidi ium, — (xtitet'im) 1 So clitellae, pack-saddle.] saddle or snsaiea ‘glandular “sation of the skin of certain worms (zo. parses beg Gris) 7. (Gk. hieicin, to part of the vulva (am clivus (kli’viis) 7. iL. eo a hill.] CLO- 54 A shallow depression in the sphen- oid, behind the dorsum sellae (anat). cloaca (k16aka, kl6’aka) #. [L. cloaca, a sewer e common chamber into which intestinal, genital, and urinary canals open, in vertebrates ept most mammals (zo. clone (klén) 2. — tion; a a twig.] ma, which elonus (k16’niis) 7. “TGk. kionos, est motion.] A series of muscular con- tractions when the in dividual co tractions are ra planed ; incom- plete tetanus Gly elump (kliimp) Ger. klump, a rm lumps or Aaa (do7. ). elypeal (klip’éal) a. [L. clypeus, aon Pert. the clypeus ofi sanpete (zool. clypeate asi aro a. [L. clypeu shield.]. Rou or buckler- ike (di01.) ; —. s ages s (zoo —_— (klipé’6la), clypeole (klip YES) [L. clypeus, a shield.] A sporo- piyll in the ones of an Equisetum clypeus iis) #. [L. clypeus, a shield. ae dec shield of tie “natens median part of an insect’s head (zool.) ; a rial d of tissue round the mouth of a perithecium of certain Fungi (d04,). a (némid‘iiim, knémid‘itim) Gk. Anemis, a legging.| The Gwar oi of a bird’s leg devoid of feather enemis (ni mis, knémis) #. [Gk. ae a ipa g.} The shin or tibia (zool., anat.). nrda, knt'da) n. (Gk. Rnide,a nettle.] A cnidoblast. enidoblast (ni‘ dablist, eerie e [Gk. knide, a nettle ; 4 ud.] A stinging = a ee By barbed trigger-like process projecting saeraally, oe nd in cer- n an enterates (zoo/ saeseouat tt ¥désil, kni’ désil) nm. [Gk. knide, a nettle; L. czlium, an lid.] A minute process projecting externally from a cnidoblast (z0o/.). enidophore (nidéfdr, knidéfor) x. [Gk. Anide, a nettle; pPherein, to COC- ar} ~A = zooid which ocysts, vs the nature of a dactylozooid (zoo/. enidopod (nidépéd, cnt’ dépid) n. [Gk. knide, a nettle ; ; ous, a foot.] The drawn-out basal part of a semmeattea ie embedded in the meso- gloea (zool.). enidosac (nrdési, oe peerage [Gk. nide, a nettle a bag.] A kidney- shaped Benth ate } battery, often prot a hood, found o: the deeeionaids Of Siphonephbell zool.), Se (k6 yeti a’shiin) 7. with ; ad, to; aptare, to ait] The correlated variation in mutually dependent organs ( pis coagulation shiin) 7. a liquid to a visc by chemical — (ph coagulin (kdag’ili ler it ere to on together ala ns seein phys.). coagulum i mass coarctate Yr a. es aa to press sia Closely c ee d (dtol.); having sbdoriels arated from thorax by a con- wiction (zool.). coarctate larva or pupa,—semipupa ; pseudopupa; a larval stage of cocei (kdk’si) (Gk. kokkos, a eed, Septicdal carpels ; spore rtain hepatics bot.) 3. rounded cells, as some ). coccogone goaded m. [Gk. ——o a seed; gonos, birth.] A re Bactive cell in certain Algae (bot). ecoccoid (kdk’oid) a. [Gk. okkos, a a Per orm. spherical or globose (404., dact. coccolith (kdk’6lith) 7. [Gk. hokkos, a ed; /ithos,astone.| A calcareous spicule in certain of the Flagellates (zo01.), Se Boe eat n. plu. [Gk kokkos, sphaira, a glo be.] Collections ee wsadiested) dis in certain Radiolarians (zoo/.). pera COC- 55 eoceus (kik’iis) ” [Gk. ho. eae S seed.] Sing. o of coce i, which se eoccygeal (kiksij’éal) a. [Gk. bobby, the c aed Pert. or in the region of oe coccyx (anat., coceyx ee iks) # tGk. & kkyx, the cuckoo Bis part a the vertebral col yond the s cochlea “oe les n. TGk.. ‘hochlias, a snail.}] A division of ear spirally coiled like a snail’s shell (ana cochlear ” (kok/léar) a. [Gk. kochitas, asnail.] Pert. the cochlea (anaz.) cochl fo) plate of bone separating th tympani canal from the Sustuchint tube (anat.). eate (kok'léat) a. = kochiias, asn ey = ae —s - at.). cocoon on’ come pupae ; by — animals for their eggs conlenternte (sélén’térat) @. [Gk. enteron, intestine. ] a (Z00 coelenteron (sélé én’téron) - Ak koilos, hollow ; enteron, intestine.]} e a in the body of a Coelen- 2) 1Ck. = blastos, a bud. n of the caeraaic dates a (sé'légas’troola) 7. logastrul iar kotlos, hollow ; suse stomac — developed fr om a Seeds a segmentation atid (z00 ica (s@lém) 4%. hollow.] A cavity ig oe derived from the mesoblast (ems). koilos, — oe (s@'lémat, sél6 ‘mat),—see aaae (elo tk) a. [Gk. 4oztlos, hollow.] er?. or having a coelom (zool.). coelomoduct (sélo'm —— = [Gk. kotlos, hollow o lead.] The duct i cdisectly poate the COE- cea cavity to the exterior in halopods and in Annulates (eobi. coelomopores (séld ‘mdporz) n. plu. hollow coelomostome (sé16’mést6m kotlos, Cao: stoma, mouth. external opening of a oneal coelosperm (s@’lés —_ - = kotlos, hollow; sperm carpel, hollow ‘on its ral sacs (bot.). coelozoic (sé'lézd'ik) @. [Gk. rere a ) 5 By ae ee bo we trophozoite o: lon ated in some cavity of the body ool.). coenanthium (sénin’thiiim) 7. [Gk. koinos, common; anthos, flower. ] An inflorescence with a nearly flat pian ssi having slightly upcurved margins (do7.). coenenchyma (sénéng’kima), coenen- chyme (s sénéng’kim) n. [Gk. hoinos, polyps or zooids of a compound coral (zool.). coenobium (sénd‘bitim) ; oe ; dios, life] A unicellular —- with no marked distinction betwee = camtive and reproductive units (bia coenoblast (sé erro ee “[Gk. hoinos, common ; é/astos,a bud.] A germ lant body in which the constituent proto- separated by cell te) e with more than one comp (dot.). nosare ta — 8 [Gk. ied, com ash The common ane which unites COE- the various polyps in a compound colony (zoo/.). (sénds — mn. [Gk mmon ; ost a bone. |] The yams ecloaial. ieieon in corals (00 oenurus Centr) nm. (Gk. econ common ; oura, a tail.| A met cestode with large bladder, a the walls of which a very large number of heads are formed ool, PS cae (kéhé’rént) a, (L. cohaerere, to stick together.] With similar parts united (do cohesion (k6h@ zhiin) » cohaerere, on of the ae parts of a Aoral vie (bot. cohort (kd‘hért) n. [L. cohors, an os in piles clas- a somewhat group (dzo/.). coleopterous (kil’éd a5p'tériis a, [Gk. koleos, a sheath; pteron, a wing.] ving the oe see hard ions to indefinitely limited colic (kdl hee. holla, ; genos, offsprin ng.] A protein substance, probably an anhydride of gelatin, occurring as the chief constituent ) EK. colery: & The choana of a collared c a prominent fold behi proboscis 1 in the Hemichorda ; the fleshy collateral I) a. [L. cum, with ; sige l? sides Side b side ; f, bundles, as collateral a with xylem and phloem in contact on one side only (oz); appl. fine lateral branches from the axon ne a nerve cel at.). collate: ulation, — circulation mctabiighiel Sori anastomosis with other parts when the chief vein is obstructed (ffys.). 56 COL- gated and thickened at the angles (do¢.) ; the middle layer of sponges sataneks (kdVénsit) 2 [Gk. Zolla, glue; %yZos, hollow.] A clear cell sig thread- pseudopodia found n sponges Giaaapaaie or este ‘riim) 2 [G Rolla, mucus-secreting g nd in the female reproductive m of insects (soo/. colleters (kdélé’térz) x. plu. [Gk. The hairs, usually er; ol.). colliculus (kilik’iliis) #. [L. cod/i- culus, a little hill] One of the prominences of the — quadri- mina ; a rounded elevation near we 6 ep ‘of the antero-lateral surface rytaenoid pak fe (anat.). colloblast eofeblist Nyon Mg 2 giue ; m n collophore (kor éfor) n. wick. holi ia, g herein, to bea he ventral tube of the Collembola (zool.). collum (kél’iim) [L. collum, the neck.} Any collar-like structure (diol.); the basal port f kolon, the e part of t see intestine cthine from ies junction with the _ imcenting to the rectum : _ — (k5l’6n “te colonia, a rm.] An foal Oat ee Pe ee living together, afi. Ces ; a group of animals or sri living COL- together and somewhat isolated ; » partly bony, partly echo connecting the tympa inner ear in birds, reptiles, and amphibians; the central pillar _ ee shells (zool.); the of the cochlea columetlar Erne sh a. [L. colu- = n.] Pert. a colu- vite ‘(kor’ tim), oe (kdliim’na) nm. [L. columen, a column.] Any structure — to : "column, as spinal column ; the actinian body the stalk ofa cna: a longitudinal bundle of nerve fibres in the white stamens and pistil in the orchids ( columnals recone’ me ro plu. [L. columen, a column. | em ossicles in crinoids ri Z). lumnar (kéltim’nar)@. [L.columen, a column.] /eré, a column or columna, coma (ki’mai) #. [Gk. ome, hair.] A goes gag * baggy e as fer the pin certain seeds Sot); stupor alee comb-ribs, swimming- plates comes (ka! méz) 2, [L. comes, a com- panion.] A blood- feet that runs eral a nerve (ana talia (kdm been n fle apices hich to acco rincipal spicules in ns ech zool. commensal (kémén ’sil) 7. [L. cum, with ; mensa, atable.] An organism n e fe ‘amaltiag by the association. comminator (kém’‘inatdr) a. [L. cum, CON- with ; minari, to threaten.] A#pZ/. mu w connect adjacent jaws in Aristotle’s lantern (zoo/.) ommissure (kém’isir) #7. [L. cum, together ; mz¢tere, to send.] Th union-line between two parts; a a of nerve tissue (zool., anat.); the carpellary co- hesion n plane (02.). commu stic (kom ints tik) a, [L.com- pe commo 7, animals hich 1 eR ‘have — their nests together. comose (ko’m ds) es hairy. ] Fursiehed eee a cag of hairs (402). compass (kém’ as) 7. ( cum, to- gether ; fassus, a pace.] A curve bifid structure, part of Aristotle’s lantern _— ya complem e,—a purely male form, iiually Weal found living in ose proximity to the or inary in certain animals, as barna complexus (kémplék’ siis) nm. [L.cum, together ; Plectere, to knit.] e ; appl. muscles plikan over one another of certain insects (zoo. complicate om’plikat) ft... togeth rs :plicare, = fla F olded e elytra appl. (zo0l.) ; leaves folded lenigrastinatie so ‘fet alv e be an ves are in contact (do7.). te ine [L. cu together ; Jonere, to ce.] Havi he he characteristics see Hh to the soap (bot compound (kém my pownd) a. together ; Jonere, to place. Made up sof several aheuneatis appl. flowers, leaves, eyes. ompressor (kémprés’dr) #7. [L. cum, together ; fremere, to press.] Some- thing that — s to compress ; afp/. muscles (ana narium trond Stim) m. Sag kona- rion, a little cone.] Transparent deep-sea larva aE Vellella with red endoderm (zoo/.). concentric (kinsén’‘trik) 52 [L. cum, together; centrum, centre, | Having a common muti (biol.) ; CON- 58 7, bundles — wood in centre ee nded by bast (doz. ee (kbnstp’ takl) 7h the cipere, to conceive.] A pression in the thallus of certain Sioee in which the reproductive organs are borne (407. ore (kéng’ ka) a. [Gk. hongche, shell.] The cavity — opens into the meatus (amaz.) ; the external from the lateral oon ete shape:| shaped like a concha shel conchiolin (kong olin) #2. [Gk. kongche, a shell.] e organic substance oe forms the basis of the shells of molluscs nspicuous pro- tuberant a8 of the siodihed sulcus in Peachia (zoo/.). concolorate (konkil’orat) a [L.cu with; color, colour.] Similarly coloured on both sides ; aff/. wings of inse sineeiiceie (konkrés’éns) w, [L. um. cum, toget 5 crescere, t Ow. The growing together of parts (40/.) conducting ( dik'ti ; u conducere, to lead together.] Con- veying ; app/. tissues, — dea ucti kéndik’shiin) ft. rs more or less S. conduplica te (kinda ae 41, to fold together. ] which see. condylar (kén’dilar) a, [Gk. ko — a knuckle.] of arti ta (kon aid) = Gk, kon- 3s a knuckle; eidos, form.] CON- Shaped like, or situated near a condyle (anat., = cone (kon mos, a cone. arranged carpels (G07); a conical ation on an egg just before fertilization (emé.); a conical or flask-shaped cell of the retina anat.). cone of origin,—the small clear area at the point of exit of the axon (anat.). cone-bipolars,—bipolar cells whose inner ends ramify in contact with the penn of the ganglionic cells nicnines ‘kén’flootns) 8. [Le with ; flwere, to flow.] The Be of union of t superior a and transverse sinuses of — bone (anaz.). eneric (kén‘jénérik) a. [L. eaenee the same_ race.] Belonging to the same genus (dtol.). congenital (kénjén‘ital) a. [L. ¢ with ; gignere, to beget.] eeaeat = birth (ana. conglobate (kongle’bat) a. [L. cum, together ; home a ball] Ball- aped; appl. gland on the conglom A rats camber r; glomerare, to wind.] nched or crowded together = conical (kén‘ikal) @. [Gk. ono ne.}| Cone- pyro ; appl. ore powon Rs etc. (dzo/. kd rpigee a. — konis, dust.] Pert. a a (kénid'f ers) a. [Gk. konis, L. ferre, to bear.] iving r a to conidia a (dot.). comidlophore (k6ni d'iéfor) m. [Gk. konis, dust ; pheretn, to bear.| A branch of the hyphae which bears the conidia (doz conidium (kinid'‘tim) nm. [Gk. konts, dust.] A fungal spore ——— produced and carried usually o sterigmata (do+. — (kénif’ériis) a. [Gk. honos, a co Jerre, to bear.] Cone- Sai. (d0t.). conjugation (kén‘jooga’shiin) w. [L. SES EE a Oe ne CON- or at least a nuclear exchange (d20/.). conjunctiva et agatha va) ~ [L. he mucous ‘mesnbran lining the eyelids and reflected over the fore part of the sclera and a (ana mnate (Kén’ ae kénat’) a. [L. cum tigeciar natus, born.| Firm joined together from birth (d2ol. . connate-perfoliate,—joined together at the base so as to surround the stem (G04). connective (kénék’tiv) (L._¢ together; mecfere, < d. connecting band of nerve tissue between two ganglia (zoo/.); the tissue hype the two lobes of an anther (404). connective sage: e,—a _ mesoblastic tissue with lar arge intercellular bnane hoe a ne ; form Conertike, but not quite conical (diol. conoid ligament,—one of the ‘fasciculi of the coraco-clavicular ligament conoid tubercle,—a small rough °o aad oo o 2) bea © + ot oD ~~ n Oo it pe ae ‘0 ta “st is) attachment of the conoid ligament anat. consensual (kénsén’sial) a es i to feel together.] fi. Appl. involunt action correlated with canis actio . constant (kén’stant) a 1ans, — : appl. characters, structures cted (konstrik’téd) @. ([L. ogether.] w compresses or constricts, é,, pomerictee urethrae (anazt.). 59 CON- contabescence (kén'taibés’éns) #. [L. raat ama to waste away. ] Stamen abortion (407.). context (kdn’tékst) ~ Fie cum, together ; sti to The yers developed histe the menium ma “the true sone in orig Fungi (40 y (k6n'ting AS) 1 contin [L. con- feces: continuous. | “Succession without a break, as continuity of the germ iain (00 "ae ous (kéntin‘itis) a. [L. con- and is es eS by the peebiak on the oth contortuplicat “(con torti’plikat) a. L. torted and plicate leaves (07). contour _ toor) 2. [F. contourner, to twist.] Outline ite teow cs : “appl the sb ag: feathers bird, the contractile (kontrak’til) a [L. cum, together ; ¢rahere, to Tite Cap- able of mrepee (biol. contractile —any c pg ina spor- ana ‘oc anther wall which by rach ae pemenen ion helps to open them (4o¢. e ls, — > spindle-sha aped, m ore or les ly- hedral, nacieated # muscle- cella Ss, con- (anaes a central bundle of fibrillae (ana 47 LR = 1 — found i in the pinto i of ma otista, which appears and dis ee with regularity (ézo/.). contractility (kén'traktil’iti) #. [L. trahere, to draw.] ich muscle-fibres especially in strong direct se pri and as death approaches ( phys.) CON- 60 = wees 8 plu. [Gk. konos, a Be) The tent-like projections on i araoke oo tain Sponges caused y the principal skeletal elements z conus (k’niis) 2. [Gk. £onos, a cone.]| Any cone-shaped structure, as the conus arteriosus, a ee between the ventricle and aorta in fishes an amphibians (zoo/.) ; re ediverticulum of the right ventricle from which the conus medullaris, the 2 ice end of the spinal cord (ana. mvergence (convérjéns) ee TK. convergere, to incline together.] The development of similar char- organisms belonging to different groups (dz0/.). convolute (kén’vilit) a le cana volvere, - wind Rolled together; app/. leaves and cCoty- ledons (402.) ; appi. pies in which e outer whor! i sgt nd con- ceal — inner (zool. (kin’ voli’ ‘shiin) 1 [L. pe together ; volvere, to wind.] A coiling or twisting, as of the brain, the ixtcatins (anat. ce um Sp'rode'tim) nm: Gk. kopros, dung ; odos, ay.] The division of ~ cloaca aes receives . kopros, Petrified paibaibone (kdprof’dgiis) @ [Gk. opros, dung; Atte to eat.] : . in coprolite (kop'r rolit) nN. Gk ee lithos, a stone. ece — third arches (az arium rola stien) n. ) Yale a bond.] A cyst formed in arines round een associated gametocytes (z00l. pul, (kdp’ ala’ shiin) nN. i. a a ees Sexual union ; copu. coition (d70 oracoid (iid a. ge korax, a crow ; eidos,form.| Pert. the bone or process in che pectoral girdle (zo0l.). girdle between scapula and sternum (zool.) COR- coracoid ligament,—the ligament which stretches over the- supra- scapular notch (z0o/.). coracoid process,—the rudimentary = element in aoe mammals sed to the scapula (za0/.). bie erous (koa ris) a. [Gk. korallion, coral; L. a sag , to bear.] Coral-forming ; made of coral (zool.). coralline (kér’ ine [Gk. £orallion, coral.]| Resembling a coral; aff/.- Hydroids aed Polyzoa ; composed of coral (zoo/.) ; appl. certain Algae * — (kdr’Alit) 2. [Gk. korallion, cosa Med of a single polyp o al (z00. sanianesh (eo) aloid) a. [Gk. £orallion, se ae form Resembli ing, cora al (goo corbicula (korbik’ails) nm. [L. corbis, a basket.] The pollen apparatus ‘of b e; the fringe of hair on the tibia (zoo/.). corbula (kér’bila) #. [L. cordis, basket.] The phyllactocarp a Aglaeophenia, etc., wi alternate branches. rising upward an ee a pod-like ceactule (200 — ein) [Gk. chorde, a cord.] chordd like structure, as spinal, cae cord (anaz.). cordate (kdérdat) a@ ire cor, the heart. | Heartshaped (b0t.). m)a@. [L. cor, the fers gn shied Heart-shaped b contin tendon,—the central apo- s of the diaphragm (amaz.). condyle (kor i a. (Gk. kordyle, entacula eg structure with core of ee cells and flattened ecto- —_ riaceous as (Ko ‘ria’shiis) a. [L. corium, enzyme converting (ph s a) diastema (dids’téma, di‘Asté’ma) 7. Gk. diastema, spa space in jaw without teeth, usually be- tween two types eth (zo0/.). diaster (dids’tér) 7. [Gk. dis, twice ; 7, star. e in mitos where th r chromosomes are grouped near the spindle ay ready to form a new nucleus (cy¢ diastole — télé) 2. [Gk. satiate he rhythmical relaxa- heart; the rhythmical expansion of a contractile vacuole (zool.). diastomatic (didstémat'ik) @ [Gk. dia, plat —— — Th — th congenital predisposition to some class of diseases or type of develop- ment (d70/.). —— (datm) n. (Gk. dia, through; ve. nm, to ut.) Any unicellular micriacaple forth of Alga with walls va silica (do7.). ropism (dikt’répizm) n. [Gk. da, through: trepein, to turn.] The tenden s ans of plants rd place themselves at right angles to the line of action of the Fg ienete (b0t.). psc a. pe dis, twice ; seen ith two axes, a ; curtains sponge spicules (zoo. diaxone Boro, ger [Gk. dis, twice : axon, axis.] A feather with t sohiaier axes (anat.). lastula (abla ‘eala) nm [Gk di twice ; d/astos, bud.] A peeaer: ate embryo consiating of two layers arranged round a central cavity (zool.). 75 DIC- dibranchiate (dibring’kiat) a. [Gk. mei $, twice ee gills.] With o gills (zool. aiceate (aiseat) a. see oe two ged hoe.] With two ol. a dichasium (dikaz'itim) # [Gk. chazein, to divide in two.] c which two i the aemaae : gp ts 3 just below ot. (di’klamid’éi se: Gk. dis, twice; chlamys, cloak.] Having both calyx and corolla bot.). dichogamy es eee (o-oo ditha, in two ; gamos, union.] The maturing of ‘the microsporophylls t macrosporophylls ifferent ag ree thus ensuring cole pollination (d07. dichoptic (eicopte) a. [Gk. dicha, in t opsts ight With the eyes jared separate (5 (zo dichotom (dikét toms) . So ‘cha, in nap temne ut.] Pert, situated — or ances aan wing Laer with two equa ee (b0t., dichromatic (a kxomat a. [Gk. a, our.}] With two ie: pba ia rklinis, diklinis) a. as di, two; line, bed. the stamens and pistils on icons flowers (éo07.). dicoccous (dikék’iis) a. [Gk. dz, two ; kokkos, seed.] aving two one- seeded coherent ca sule * Gi a, c (di’késta’lia) 7. ostalia two; L. costa, r ib] The andi chs or second etch: poe in a Crinoid (z dicotyledon (diketile —-, di, hollow. ] "A plant with na se Fibra (bot.). etyodromous “asi a. Tek. dikiyon, net ; dromein, to run. N aay when the ts veins branch and anastomose freely (407). an (dik’tidjén) 7. [Gk. azktyon, DIC- 76 ; gignesthat, to produce.] A eS le plant, a~f/. usually to monocotyledons (do¢. etyonal (dik’tin ati = ..- {Gk diktyon, The ncipal par- enchyma — of the ee and of many Lyssacina (za =e (dil tidsté’ik) a. " [Gk. diktyon, Sie stele, stele.] Poly- stelic dictyotic (dite ot'ik) a. [Gk. diktyon, net.] Having the ss ja skeleton laid down . sigs 20 — : ent, lorication mo- Pr aeati (disik’ ik) a. [Gk. di, two; kyklos, circle.]| Having a row of per-radial infrabasals, aff/. theca of Crinoids (goo/.); having two oo bot.). dactyl Ngan a. [Gk. di, two; aaron ger. ] aving two fingers or ae toes (zoo/.). didymous (didi ee a. [Gk. didymos, twin.] Growing in pairs (404, zool.), sn nn a. [Gk. di, two; dynam _ a er. | = four stam a ae short (40/.). ana at —— it n. [Gk. dia, betwee kephalon, brain. ] e€ 2 cio (anai.). Pe agree (dif’rén’shia’shiin) 7. arious organs of the i owing to a division of ‘labour (zoo/.). diffluence (diflooéns) 2. away ; flere, to flow.] tion b ais Disintegra- y the formation of large les whose walls break on rol. digastric (digas’trik) a. Ae wo; gaster, belly.] Two-bellicd, appl muscles fleshy at ar it tendinous in the middle (ana srg (dijén’ acts) ma. [Gk. dis, ae ey sthat, ts SS pe e.] Pea n of gener: "Gk. d dige: soatdes a jénét’ fk) a. twice; yignesthat, to se Ns, Pert. digenesis (é7o/.). Tjéndp'oriis) a. [Gk dis, twice ; genos, birth ; Zoros, pore.] DIG- With two genital pores, said of many Turbellaria (zo0/.). digestion (dijés’chiin) z. = ee digestio, digestion.]_ The proc ich nutrient materials are rendered —— by the working of various mechanical action : phys.). jui aigestive ae — a. — digestio, diges digestion, or having the Next Sree Oh in diges- n (phys.). an (dijit) #. [L. digitus, finger.] ates of the limb in any rate above Fishes (zoo aignad (dij’ital) a. Pert. finger or digit, also appl. things resemblin igi digital (dij‘ital) ~. fe a digit The nee os of a spider’s pedi- paip iron digital (ai spur aia a 1h. digitus, finger; forma, shape.] Finger chase aa appl. pe which are like the finger of a glove (do4.). digitate (dijiitat) a. finger, Ne like the fingers in a bot.) ; oe pe rs (zool.) ; fines -shaped 0 aoe (dij ‘{tiform) a. [L. digttus, finger ; shape. Finger- shaped ; appl. roots digitigrade (dij’ ees a. fb digitius, finger ; gradus, step. | aving feet, the digits of which only touch the ground in walking (zoo digitinervate cfm? vat) a ga digitus, finger ew. | TUUS, Having the veins pb ey ane nae the base like the fingers of a hand, with usually abs or seven veins ; appl. leaves digitipartite tan iipar‘ert) ee: oe aia nger ; Partire, to divide.] Having the leaves divide pina fond: like pattern (4o7.). ne (dij'itipin’at) + digitus, finger ; Pinna, leaf.] Having di igitate leaves of which the Fae are pinnate (402). — (iy itil) » ([L. digitus, fing Any small finger-like pro- ai : smal process on the insect tarsi (zoo ‘oneutic lay goni'tik) a. [Gk. dis, twice; goneuet: produce. } ficeeding twice a year (zo0/.). DIG- 7 digonoporous (di’géndp’6riis) a. [Gk. irth ; foros, (07.). oe sora brid) z. [Gk. dés, twice ; L. a, mixed offspring. oe ae arents differ in two distinct sane sok (diol. — or (di of eee tor) 72. ii: dilatare, expand pibadhes (dila'téd) @ ([L. dilatare, to flatten.] Expanded or flattened ; appl. parts of insects, etc., with a wide mnargin n (zool. aad (dila’tor) 2. {li dilatare, to and.] Name aff/. any muscle that expands or ; aati any organ eiophous (diléf’tis) igi cu; lophos, crest. sre spicule with two * its rays forked like a crest (200 diluvial a a’veil) a, [L. diluvium, Pert. the sence in geo- logical reckoning ro dim’ériis) a. (Gk. ds, twice ; meros, part.] Having each whorl of two parts (d07.); with a two-jointed tarsus (zoo/. — Meir at) @. 7 dimidtus, hal only one-half de- one (aol) having the capsule split on one side having broods owing to differing pre SR differ in size or “ere (z00 : soe iar'ik) a. ([Gk. dis, ——. athe: two restricted to two of ‘i graphical avgom of the globe thio ta (dié’shiis) @ [Gk. ais, 7 DIP- twice ; oZkos, ——o Having the sexes re ott (zool.) ; having the male and female flowers on different individua (bo optrate (didp’trat) a. [Gk. dis, twice ; opt, t ] vi ving the eyes or egy ocelli ra Beto by a narrow line (zood. dipetalous (dipse’ Aliis) a. [Gk. dis, Having twice ; a petal.] two petals ( di ayeercal ao isér’kal) ail in whic he straight = ae tip, thereby ve the fin symmetrically diphy. sale (dif‘ijén'tk) a. [Gk. di- phyes, twofold ; genos, birth.] With evelopment of the anpeyonene: (dif'i édént’) a [Gk. om Sn twofold; odous, tooth.] de igs permanent kite rot tee —— (ai planet a. (Gk. dis, planetikos, inclined to vanced With fate distinct types of zoospores (40 larthrous (iiplav’thriis) a. [Gk. diploos, double; arthron, joint.] he tarsal or car pal bones of one row ties ater with two bones in the other (zo dipleurula (diploor’ ala) 1. oe dis wice ; pleuron, pnt y of the a o po. oO (@) paedium (z00. diploblastic sa @ ploblis a a. [Gk. diploos ‘ tos, bud.] ing two ee eons layers oi ae ardiac Le, anipe reer: a. diploos, double ; With the two dics es a “the sponse se distinct (zoo/.). ulescent gg inetd a. “Gk. “k. diploos, pina! _— m.] With secondary st neat} diploe (dip'l6é) #. mTGk. diploos, double. } ae cancellous tissue between inner outer lamellae = acai skull bones Brees A (dip'légang’gliat) a. [Gk. diploos, double; ganglion, DIP- 78 ganglion.]} With the ganglia sdtally ged in pairs (zoo/.) diplogenesis (dip'léjén’ésis) 7. [ e “use an disuse a, res in the seg tissues (dzo/. diploic (dipld‘ik) a. aiploos, dou Occupying & he in the cancellous tissue of certain bones (anaz. diplonephridia (dip’ lonéfrid'ta A) 2. plu. double; xephros, kidney.] Nephridia decived partly from a partly from meso- derm (zoo. (dip’ a. *TGk. diploos, aio uble around; sfoma, mouth.] lee a double siejection or peristome 0 loplacula (dip’ ee * a diploos, double; plakoei flattened blastula consisting “of ok layers of cells (dzo/. oo (dip’ war x. [Gk. adPloos, 3 Poros, pore.| Respiratory sree in the Chitolies ool.). diplosome (dip’lésdm) x. ‘ee diploos, double ; soma, body.] A double centrosome lying outside the nuclear membrane (c¢ diplosphene (dip‘lésfén) [Gk diploos, double; sphen, weree A wedge-shaped process on th ral arch o e vertebrae of tered fossil Reptiles (pal. lic (dip’ gees’ a. [Gk. ai diploos, st uble ; sphondylos, vertebra two ceatin to each myotome, 2 with one centrum and a abate, oes intercentrum tc dipl onous (dip'léstém’éniis) a. (Gk. dip tploos, double ; stemon, w eke, With two whorls stamens in regular — with the perish leaves ap 16té’jia) 7. ouble ; “egos, roof.] A inferior fruit with dry sndaliocaas hence (604). dipnoan (dip’‘noan) a ([Gk. dis, DIS- twice ; pnein, to whee Breath- ing by gills and lungs (zo iprotodont (diprdé'té rest of the incisors and i being seroat or absent (zoo/.). satan? aiptérosesiiim k, “us twice ; pieron, wing ; peli, gall nut.] A ‘gall peated by any insect (dzo. dipterous (dip’ tériis) a [Gk. dis, twice; Pferon, wing. With two wings or wing- “like expansions (do4,, z00l.). directive — Atos pared (cyz.). directive Zoan- tharia, the aoniad and yettcal pairs of mesenteries (zoo/. ctive sphere,—attraction sphere mals (zoo/.); a of the thalamus (404); t a which projects into the cavity of the egg f pies (anai.). dise-flor r florets borne on the abbreviated and reduced peduncle in many inflorescences ot. discal (dis'k4l) a [Gk. toh disc.] ert. an y disc-like struc [Gk. diskov, disc. ] A large cell at the base of the win of lepidopterous insects completely enclose wing-nervures ; also in some Diptera (zo ol.). disciflorous (dis’kifld’riis, dis’ ifld’riis) @. ([Gk. diskos, disc; L. faos, flower. } i owers in which the receptacle is large and disc- like (d04.). sree 7 ie! kéblas'tik) a, [Gk, diskos c; blastos, bud.| Pert. manctlante © eggs in which the area of segmentation is disc-shaped a ool.). discoblastula (dis’kéblas'tiila) 7. [Gk. DIS- diskos, disc; Odlastos, bud] A blastula formed teens a meroblastic ey with disc-like blastoderm discocarp Pion seme i n. [Gk. diskos, disc; arpos, fruit.) A special SCENT of the thalamus below the calyx (doz. discoctasters (dis koktas’ cee) * , plu. [Gk. diskos, disc ight ; aster, 4 onge ae with eight rays terminating in discs, each disc corresponding in position to the corners 2 cube ; a modi- fied hexactine (z discodactylous (ane kodak’ tiliis) a. [Gk. diskos, disc ; daktylos, finger] With suckers at the ends of t fingers (zool. Gk dion _ (dis kohéksak tin) n. G é ray. | sponge spicule with six Five rays meeting at right angles See caeiaten (dis’kohéksas'tér) 7. [Gk. diskos, disc; hex, six; aster, tar.| A hex moe with the ra ys ) ; diskos, eee, Flat ae etdos, like. derm forms a one-layered disc or ca which spreads over the yolk ek. —— tinu t —see muta- iacemila (diskén’ala) #. [Gk. diskos, ag An eight- a stage in the evelopm of certain Coelenterates (z00 ooct: r (Aiud), — see discoctas Dcacaiacanta "(ais sképlasén’ta) #. [Gk. diskos, disc; L. placenta, Placenta] A placenta with th on tee cake-like disc on .—in a junct saieiingk a. [L. ds, apart ; Jungere, to join.] Having the bod regions oe by deep con- strictions (zoo/.). disjunctive bios ‘is,—a mutually sym helpful condition of symbiosis 79 DIS- es there is no direct con- spt seit the partners (dzo/.). diak,— Saieccnonh > (atspér’mits) a. [Gk. dis, twice ; sperma, seed.] Having two seeds (bo ot.). dispe ae ca [Gk. dis, twice ; a -iberinn d.] The entrance of t wy spe Snuatouee into an ovum (diol. dispersal (dispér’sail) # [L. dis, apart; spargere, to strew.] The actual scattering or distributing of organisms on the earth’s surface (b20 onl dispireme (dispirém) #. [Gk. ds, twice 5 speirema, emeg ig stage aryokinesis in each daughter nucleus has peter rise to pireme (cyz. displacement (displas'mént) n. [O.F. desp its shifting hing its normal of insertion dissected a ists) ie dis, apart ; ing the lamin s, the incisions <= nearly na the ‘midri bot dissepiment (disép’ imént) 7 o a o oblique calcareous partitions stretching from septum to septum and pe sie 3 the interseptal loculi below (zoo/.). ent (disifitnt) a aioe ats, apart ; pT to lea ging open ; appl. ca sale es of v. vat ious plants which dehisce raed (d02.). dissoconch (dis’ékéngk’) w. [Gk dissos, double ; ko ongehe shell.] The shell of a veliger larv: ol. dissogeny (dis6j'éni) “% os fgets dot uble 3 genos, bir th.] g two ay mature periods in the same a animal—one e larva, one in the oe 5 ties). Secaee ny (d isdg’bni),—see dissogeny. distal (dis’ tal)a. [L. re apart ; sfare, nd.] Standing far a 5 _ bristles, etc. ; vt. end structure farthest from a riddle line of the er ee (bt0 distichalia (distika'lia) 7. ae be dicticls, s, with two rows.) DIS- 80 Crinoids, the secondary brachalia, fixed or free (zoo/.). distichous (dis'tiktis) 2 [Gk. dtstichos. re, alternate webiin) ee | Om vibuere, to allot.}| The ai St or group in the ‘biogeographical divisions of the globe (4z0/.). Peboe, time, cae eggs or sar (oo , ditrematous (ditré’matiis) @ enings; with anus-and genital openings separate z dit’rékiis) a@ [Gk. dis, twice ; i Dachor, runner.] With a divided trochanter, or second joint te the limb (zo/.). urnal (diiir’nal) a [L. des, day.] iiiogeeg ab a. {heodds, apart to straddle. ] Widely svesseats bifid; forked i sists tors is ivarika'torz) TL di S$, apart ; varicare, to irk te itiscies stretchin ng from the ventral valve to the cardinal process, and by their contraction opening the shell (zool.). divergency ton jénsi) 7. - dats, apart; wvergere, to ben The fraction of a sten m circumference, usually constant for a species, w which separates two consecutive leaves in a spiral (404). dive: shen (divér Le a 4h aes, apart; vergere, to bend.] Separ- ated from one snsthet appl. leaves bot. diverticulum (divértik’ilim) #. [L. e, away 5 ; vertere,toturn.] A tube or sac, blind at the distal end, Seiiechine off from a canal or cavity Ze DOR- divided (divi'déd) a. [L. dividere, to With the lamina cut incisions which reach the midrib; appl. leaves (bot.). division (divizh’iin) #. [L. dividere, to divide One of the smaller groups of organisms which together form a larger group (4o/.) ; one of the s — abo of which _ structure may be composed (dca dizoic (dia) [Gk. dis, jae a Z00N, joie} Pert. — tai dont ne wo sporozoites (za oe ee (do'dékaj’ ins) a a. Gk dodeka, twelve; gyne, n.] Having ales — (60 es dodecamerous ékam’értis) a. Sone dodeka, facies ; meros, part.] Having e each whorl composed of twelve parts (407). dodecandrous ss dinrsgirdcog a. Gk. dodeka, twelve; aner, Having at "least twelve eer ol.). dolabriform (doélab’riform) a. [L. tabra, mattoc of forma, ae. Axe-shaped (40. dolichostylous (aotrsstr Tliis)a@ [Gk. dolichos, long stylos, pillar.] Pert. lon ng-sty ed anthers in dimorphic flowers (4 wri sinlorora: (do'liéfoérm) a. [L. dolium, j ar; forma, shape.] Shaped like a barrel (zoo/.). dominant characters,—see Men- delism, dormant (dér’mant) a. [L. dormire, to sleep.] Stim appl. any a dorsum, back. ] or lying near the back as the ventral surface (anaz.) ; mba farthest from the t upper surface of the shots or igeatbalins of ferns, etc. (bot. pert. dorsalis o-oo m. [L. dorsum, back.] The artery _— — the back of fe organ ro Rg > ith the sori on the back of th leaf (d07.); carrying the young on the back (zoo ol.). ed (dé ér'sifik’st) a. [L. dorsu. back ; jimgere, to fix.) Having the DOR- filament attached to the back of the anther, which i is immovable (dot.). ‘si e digit on the ground when an ee est orsispinal (dér'sispinal) a. dorsum, back; spina, spine.] Port. or referring to the back and spine wat.). ue (dér'sivén’tral) a. é dorsum, back; venter, belly.] With and lower surfaces distinct dorsocentral — t¥4)).. a. fL. : trum, centre.] Pert. sriddiocsal aboral (zool.). dorsolumbar (dér’séliim’bar) a. [L. dorsum, back; lu tg aa). Pert. sere ; pert. surface of Echinoderms lumbar. _— n of t k (2 zool.). orso (dér sotmbe nal) a. [L. back ; J umb seg on m the back near ‘the umbo (zool.). dorsoventral (dér’sévén ek Oi hd dorsum, back; venter, belly.] Pert. structures which stretch ee the dorsal to the Ss ay tee (zool.). ‘sult SUM, back. ] e upper surface go ng between the collar and scutellum ; the pas (zool, (dér'siim) 2. t dorsum, bac ey sulcular —e of ni ont ; the tergum u of Insects and Cru Kepire the back the palatines not articulate, owing to the inter- vention of the vo ool.). dromotropie (dro’métrop'ik) a. [Gk. dromos, course ; trepein, to turn.) ti 81 DUP- adruppa, berry.) Pert. es Pica pean e ; drupe- -like (tot PY (droop), 7. aruppa, fe one-celled components of the fruit of the raspberry (do74.). Gas: Atti) 2s Uo ducere, to send; Any tube which ae “Auid or ge a substance (anat.) ; a tube formed by a series pee = ae h have lost their walls e points of contact (4074). Senaca Fs —glands which do not communicate with any organ we pe ee of a duct, eg. splee [L. ducere, to ne thread-like terminal portion of a duct (amaz.). ductus (diik’tiis) 7 [L. ducere, to d " duc late. (dak fail) n. lead. he fi ead. e duct ductus ejaculatorius,—the common duct into which che vasa deferentia muscular tube at the of the vas deferens in various invertebrates (zool. duodenal (di’édé’nal) a. [L. duodeni, eon each. Pert. duodenum ( duodenum (dilédéniim) #7. [L. daidonl. twelve each.] That por- tion of the small intestine next to the pyloric end of the stomach (anat.). duplication os WAL a portion of a polyzoan polypide (sool.). as he aia 2 rea 5 duplex, tooth. } Having io. pe e “thes in r jaw, one behind the (di’plikédén’tat) a. tooth. } on the teeth-like Z.). duplicodentate [L. duplex, double; dens, t With the Saya teet leaf g smaller structures ot). F DUR- 82 -fiy durw mater (di’ra ma'tér, door’A _ — nm. [L. dura, hard ; mater, her.] The tough me embrane Sing ~_ whole cerebro-spinal Cavity (ana ura s h eo daa the cite cokes (an duramen a mén) 7 . harden.] The ery region of a tree- stem ; fice wood (407). warf male,—the small three- or four- he andro- ium (407.) ; asmall, imply formed, individual in s, either free [L. ar taeen « ard, darker the half of a tetrad group (cyz.) dyaster Sl Astér) Nn. ie dyas, two ; ter, star.] “The double group of during the anaphases of cell-division ” (cyZ.). dyne ve - [Gk. dynamis, power. ] of force in the C.G. sy a LYS.) se meagre oe mn. [Gk. dys, ae An aggregate rogenesis (ats! inane) n. “Tok @ S, hard ; meros, part ; gene i Segmen tation park ae mH unlike parts (dzo/.). nao xidize ats st) v. [Gk. dys. hard ; oxys, sharp.] To find difficult to oxidize pigs 5 dyspn a (dis‘pnéa) x. [Gk. dys, ard; ane to breathe. ] Difficulty in breathin ng (phys ine dysteleology = téléS'Oji) 7. WS, hard; ¢elos, end; a [Gk. purposelessness in nature (éz0/.). dzierzon (dzér'tsin)theory,—the belief that the males of the honey-bee are always produced from unfertilized eggs (zool.). E ear ( [A.S. eare.] The auditory Aa pst ict the various structures a the ECH- which are close to, or similar to an external ear or pinna (zoo/.); an ear-shaped structure ; the spike of istles or processes, as . er corn, etc. ebracteate ebeak' ean, ebracteolate (€brak’téslat) Without bracts, or without bracteoles, reduced leaves on the flower-stalk (402). ee (ékal’ kkrat) a. aoe ex, without ; ca/car, spur.] ing no spur (zool.) ; with no spur- ike pro- cess on the petals (ot. ay éka oO or o hin ecardinate ouiate. (Gavina) Ge Al 8s, out ; carina, keel.] Not pian with a keel or keel- like ridge (407, ecandate (eké'dat) a. [L. ex, without ; auda, Withou of ; d/astos, bud.] A prolifenr a 7 main axis of an inflores- Sasciate led’ ik) a. — ek, out of ; demos, people.] Not n ecderon (eke déron) nm. [Gk. ¢ deros : ou 70S, skin] Rcoasanic: epiblastic (emé.). ecdysis (ékdi'sis) = a ek, out; anes, to enter.] The act of moult- ing any Paso. re se layer or structure (zoo0/.). Soot: (&’inat) 2 [Gk. echinos, ne. | Pucnished with spines or bristles (zool.). echinochrome (ék’inédkrim’, éki‘né- krom) 7. k. echinos, spine ; cave, colour. ] ouri ment found in Echinoderms (zoo/.). echinoid (ék’inoid, &ki’noid) a. [Gk. alt spine.] Pert. sea-urchins ool.). eshibipesidtienk (€k’in6pé’ditim, éki’nd- pé'ditim) 2. [Gk. echinos, spine ; pais, child] See dipleurula. ECH- Seer rage set vga tétis, &ki’nd- téiis) 7 NOS, apne ; P sarients US, ack] pluteus of echinoi " from ae S sup- posed ota ance to an upturned ease cchinuiate kin'alat) a. [Gk. ec. Having small spines out : ecology (€k6l'6ji) 2. [Gk. otkos, ng : discourse That meet at the blastopore of a gastrula cyt.). pistes pen ge nm. [Gk. ektos, without ; e¢hmo. eidos, seactiblance}. The iaveral cial bone (anaz.). ecthoraeum (ék’ ag megs a... [Gk ekthroskein, eap out.] The thread of a nematocyst (zoo/.). ectoblast (ék’téblast) #. [Gk. = without ; dlastos, bud] See epi- blast. ectobronchium (ék’tébréng’kiiim) » [Gk. e&/os, without ; senate wiat pipe. See ectobr rone ectobronchus ee tobrong kt kiis) a. [Gk. fruit.] Having —— of ari stent origin ondrostosis (ék’tékéndrésté’sis) [G tos, without ; chondros, cartilage ; osteon, bone.] The de- position of lime-salts beginning i k. ehtio, — inc oelic (Ek’tésé'lik) a. hollow. ] outside the of the Coelenterates (zool.). ectocondyle (&k’tékén’di i : ektos, outside; Aondylos, knob.] he er condyle of a_ bone [Gk. ertain Aes lead teal . Gk. ekéos, cs (anat.). ectocranial (ék’tékra’nial) a. 83 ECT- ektos, outside ; pes: skull.] anat.). of ane Saeed wall in ro kasi a (20 al.). ectoderm (Bede) » in [Gk. ekfos, outside ; derma, The outer layer of a coed cialar animal, when com posed of (zool.) ; rae e Pinte in ig poetics nat.) cchagenians (Ektdj’Eniis) a. [Gk. e&/os, ronesthai, to produce Able to oe - independent life ; appl. Bacteria (d04.). — (ktbylts) nm. [Gk. ; site, — An of in the central ektos, outer a m (ana ectolecithal (ektolesithal a [Gk ektos, outside ; lekithos, yolk of an rmative protoplasm ool.). kek (Ek’tolof) #. [Gk. ek~os, outside ; /ophos, crest.] The ridge stretching from the paracone to metacone in a lophodont molar parasite (ék’ grate _ _ [Gk. ekios, outside ; par food ism we ool.). ék’tépata’jitim the metacarpals and the phalanges zool.). ectophyte pera, ‘i [Gk. e&/os, outside ; Phyto ant.]} Name given to an wis th parasite in the plant world (60t.). f protoplasm in a cell, usually slightly modified (dzo/.); the ectosarc in a ECT- protozoan cell epee ; the layer next the cell-wall (407. ectosare (ék’ reset 1. (Gk. — outside ; sa. ternal, silieaes ae sesicatliaed, layer o "ga in a Prot zoon (zoo. oo (rssom) 7 [Gk. ektos, utside ; soma, The — ody. velopin g po ortion of a Sponge con- “ene no flagellated aeaken rs eat (ék’tésfér) 2. [Gk. — outside; sfhaira, globe.]| outer zone of the attraction ee (cyt). 34 ectospore (ék’tispodr) 7. coe ektos, outside ; et see spor formed at the end of each ne a in the Resitomsprates (bot). [Gk. ekéos, ormation the ossification u on Sa either Serna or replaces the cartilage (ana ectotheca (ék’téthé oka) nm. [Gk. ek@os, outside ; ¢heke, cup.] The outer Anton. of the gonotheca in soko Hydroids (zoo0/.). ectotrophic (Ek tots! fik)a. [Gk. - outside ; ¢rephein,to nourish.] Find- ing nourishment ‘from outside ; “pp. Fungi which surround the roo the host with a web of hyphae rae ectoturbinal Seen ade pon nm. (Gk. ektos, outs L. turbo, whirl. One of the ed eet - the ethmo- sachinals (zool.). ectozoon (&k't6z0'6n) 7. outside oO Ee — As with- Without ‘ecth wihoss tooth-like projec- ones \ bot.). edriophthalmic (éd’ridfthal’mik [ck es seat ; ofhthalmos, eve Having sessile eyes ; appl. ce Crustacea (zoo efferent (erent ree oS ferre, to carry.] Conveying ates iuetlag lymphatics, etc. (anat.) ; carrying outwards, api. 84 ELA- mpulses carried outwards by the sana nerves (phys ne — est) Bs, Te _ a to y4> Te serra out ; oid ; to exert (phys.). egg (Eg) 7 ficel .egg.| The matured erm-cell of a female plant or animal (biol.) egg-albumin,—the of the white chief a of egg, kno be mixture of Gaceprobeide (phys.). —the two synergids and ovum proper, near the micro- ‘ le in the embryo sac of seed po: mar g-ca, protective coveri ng "he med by. many animals for their eggs (zool.). egg-cell, dia vum proper apart from any layer of cells derived from it or alata other cells (zoo/.). egg-mem —the layer of tough tissue seit the shell of an egg (zool.). egg-nuclous,—the female pronucleus (cyt). cy egg-tooth,—a small horny and cal- careous structure on the tip of the k by ns of which the embryo ejaculation (éak’ila’ shin) Be {L. ee, out ; ere, to throw.] Act of suddenly < tee a fluid from a duct (phys.) Sem (jak! os a. 3 jacere, to t . Theesas a en ol function "of certain ducts (phys.) elaborate bepress UV. [i ex, out; labor To change € to a state or ” dee nic sibstances mple m entero (60 elneoblast (ee sing. ga . (Gk. —a oil ; of Suan ected at re noel —- of the body in certain Tunicates (z0 porate (é’@5d’6kin) w# [Gk. Mi oil- contaiiewan) he preen-gland or oil-gland in birds 20 elaioplast oan éplast’) 2. [Gk. elazon, oil ; a ‘os, moulded.] A plastid in a plant cell which forms or helps to form a globules (407). ELA- 85 elastic fibres Ps, fibres, often branched a ng water, but easily acted on by tryptic digestion A rtilage, — consists of elastic fibres which anastomose in all directions (anal) elastic tissue,—a nective Fe in which elastic and yellowish bre a mixe non- elastic: s (phys.). elastin (eine ‘tin) nm. [Gk. elauein, os e substance which form elastic esuenia elater (€l’atér) 7. Oia elater, ariver.] One of the cells in certain plants with a spiral thickening in the wall which assists in dispersing the spores (40 = el ce organ,—modifications of - muscles or “ioe s of muscles which di considerable amount of electric energy, found in certain Fishes (zoo/.). electroplax —_ tropliks) m. (Gk. elektron, amber; flax, anything broad io flat.) One of the saat este of an ee aoe: arranged at right angles to the rol of the primitive muscle zool. cletrotonte “eeapriaaye nog a. [Gk. elektron. tension. ] Pert. astate rofeloctri tensi ion (pAys.). electrotonus — op nis) #2. [Gk. oy erage 1onos, ension.] The iced rey pees of a nerve oral subjected constant t of fener ( _ me él@idin) eleos, ering.}| A as sm granulosum_ of pie a stage in the formation of k n (phys.). Pscleni “el émént) #. [L. elementum, unit.] substance that canno be separated into simpler substances eleutherodactyl (éla’ centage vhiy- a. \See eleutheros, fre tylos, r.} Having me hind ee rn (zool.). i eleutheropetalous (éli’thérépét'Aliis) EMB- a. [Gk. oa free ; petalon, — Having the pet tals or the omponents oF a whorl free or eo (40t.). eleutherophyllous (éli’thér6fil’tis) a. [Gk. at ria a leaf. ] ing the compon f th erianth witaris: free (ot), iciveniniiicns (éla’thérés€p’aliis) a. rage ele stherns, free ; sepalon, al.] tse the sepals free and ts oe (ena a. [Gk. elleipsis, l-shape ; pests of ab the sam 1 x, which are slightly elytritorm (lt riform) a. [Gk. ance shea L. forma, si Shaped Tike a ayitaie (zo ont anes (elit roid) a. ‘Gk. ey shea eidos, ¥ A a piling: an elytrum plates eau on the dorsal surface of some worms es sinkeannde (éma rjing at) a. [L. e, Pushing or em (é émbo’ litim) m. — [Gk. pales. pointed. ] he outer or costal part = the wing in certain insects (00 embolomero @ m’bélém’ériis) a. [Gk, entbolos anything pointed ; meros, part.] Having two verte- bral rings in each segment due th ion of a with the neu - arch, and t uni f the slenrhtentrs below the Pra (anat.). pan (é —— mt. [Gk embryon, mbryo.] ung organism in Sig ar stages "of its develop- t before it has become self- ace (diol.). EMB- cell,—one of the two cells into the fed aaa em ne € megaspore (d024.). Gamertneas (émbridjéni) 7 [Gk embryon, embryo; genos, birth.] The processes sta which the embryo is forme a zol.). ry onic (brio ik) a [Gk ssn embryo.] Pert. embryo (il) , pieropnees: (ém’briéfor) x & 0 the icp lett blastomeres of the embryo (zoo, embryotegia (bite) nt. embryon, embryo legos, The small owen ings portion of the testa which marks the m as. Os ose (embd. e iL. it Sa to dip.]} Rising above the surface of the water; af#/. | ot) eminence s' inéns) #. [L. eminens, eminent. oe fey i Soap on the surface of eminentia (ém’ inn’ shi) » Nn. Bla th. eminens, eminent.]| Eminences. ry ‘isfri) a. [L. get eS to send out.] Coming out; e appl. passing through aper- the sinuses inside and the veins cease emcee um (Empo'ditim) ~. [Gk. en ne pous, ete, A soni waiabie 86 END- median structure ceees the claws ool. he paneairi ootia,—the cells which form the - amel ~ are ee s the mel o enantioblastie nin’ Oblas! tik) a. joint (anat. encephalocoel (Enkéf’Aldsél, -s&f-) 7. Gk. enkephalos, within the he ad ; koilos, hollow wi The cavity within the brain (zoo/. encephalon (énkéf’ alén, -séf-) 7. [Gk. enkeph oe within the head.] The frat in (anat. to ebsites itself with an outer coat or capsule (d70/.). ency: senate (Ensista’shiin) ». [G “ bladde For en, in; seit st or capil (dco. jacgitciinnd (€nsist’mént) G en, in; kysits, bla a central proto — ith sever! sierrousiliag a penteal pith endaspidean enc’ > ii a. [Gk. endon, w 3 aspzs, shield.] With the shes eteainy: me the inner surface of the tarsus (zo0o/,). END- bodies, consistin containing a _ semi-flu id core in which the axis epider terminates end-bulbs,—minute oo eee or oval ng capsul either in a bulbous extremity or in coiled plexiform mass (ava endemic ( . [Gk. em, in; certain region or part of a region enderon pee ene nm. [Gk. em, in; dero ate inner or endo- EGE, eM, devnen rit r (anat.). enderonic (Gxfgtron) a a. in; r of the anes of certain Crusaces ool.). endoblast (én ‘déblast) | nt. “Ick. oe within ; 4/asfos, bud.] The hypo- _blast t (em docardiac (én’dékar’di ak) a. [Gk. ” tne, within ; Aardia, ey Situ- ated within the heart (a (ana endoca: (én’dékar’di “a — see sabetiblites endocardium (én’dékArdiiim) 7. [Gk et abc ka a ee art.] The thin smooth membrane which lines a gives the pilatesing appearance Bhi a inner surface of the heart PP hard and stony, in drupaceous fruits en docarpoia (én’dékAr’poid) a, [Gk. endon, within ; karpos,fruit.] Having disc-like ascocarps embedded in the ae ee mee ot.). arpa game dral) a. [Gk. es chondros, cartilage.] Begi soup: or chase inside the ean dy usually af, ossification nat.). inteenens (én’dékon) #. [Gk. endon, within ; choane, funnel.] Spacious sub- sere ] crypt in the tissue of s from which the incurrent end m plate,—a band of yellowish chromatophores i e protoplasmic portion of certain Tiaouis ot.). endochylous (&n’dékiliis) @ [Gk 87 END- endon, within ; chylos, juice.] With wa a cells within the internal tissue (b0/. endocoelar (én’ désé'lar) a. [Gk. exdon, within ; 4ozlos, h .] Pert. the lo j conical structures formed in certain i shells (pal. en um (én’ dékra’nitim) nt. i sent within ; ptrawon, skull.] The r surface of the layer of tissue separating the inter 7 phloem from the endodermis (404). endocyclic (en'dasike hk) 4. TGR endon, within ; kyklos, circle.] With the mouth Pipes in the axis of id ey = the gut, aff/. Crinoids ; ‘system with a double circle of plates surrounding the Echinoids (zoo/.) ; -_- goers le endocyst re n. [Gk. endon, wig kystts, bladder.] The soft wall of a zooid in a Polyz i pe wie [Gk. endon, within ; skin.] The hy blast ; the pil en of the digestive and respiratory organs, and o glands appended to the hesive tract (emd.). endoderm disc,—the posterior un- paired a -thickeuing on the ventral surface of the blastoderm of the crayfis. endoderm lamella, —a thin sheet of endoderm stretching between ese certain Coelenterates (zool.). endodermis A ce so ge n. endon, within; derma, skin.] Th innermost ae of the cortex * pa (bot.). endogamy (éndég’Ami) 7. [Gk.endon, ; gamos, marriage.] Zygote pease within the cyst by the [Gk END- 88 reciprocal fusion of the division —— ucts of the daughter nuclei ool.). wien gastric (En'dégas'trik) a. [Gk endon, within ; gaster, belly.] H ing the curvature of the body with the es rer towards the ventesl side (zo endogenous end} éniis) @ [Gk within ; genos, birth.] De- velaping from a deep-seated layer bot. endogenous multiplication, — see formati endogeny wana ent) nm. [Gk. endon 3; genos, birth.] Development endon, within ; gnathos, jaw.] The inner branch of the oral Pats of Crustacea (zoo/. endognathion (&n’ dognath vs mn) #. Gk. endon, within; gnathos, jaw.] The mesial segment t of the maxilla in man, bearing a central incisor (én’dégénid‘itim) 7. [Gk. nan, within ; gonos, offspring. A gonidium forme in a receptacle ; the eoieay-Eiathine cells in such forms as Volvox (ot. endolabium > déla’bitim) 8. 1Gk, endon, wit , lip w ofy ool.) oe ego (én’dolar injé j@’al -larin’- [Gk. endon, within ; la aryngn, sothel Pert. inside of, or situated in, the larynx endolymph (én’dolimé) n. [Gk. endon, within ; lympha, water.] The fluid in the inner labyrinth of the ear (ana sispSeaniincicsss eat an _ a. os —— wit mpha, ; Gk.a anggcion, soccel Situ- bas in a lymphatic (ana endolymphatic ; Ly mip hc OPE lymphatics ‘eisai endometrium (én‘démét’ritim) #. [Gk. mys, endon. aidan a i which END- separates me muscle fibres from one another (am endoneurium “(én'doniritim) ma. [Gk. neuron, nerve. | within ; aoe ssi ioe sitos, food.] Any orga nism living par- ——_) in another (dzo/.). endoperi (én 'dépérid’ttim — “ae within ; peridion, little pouch.] The inner ‘layer of coat of péridicnn bot.). endophragm (én’défrim) 2. {Gr endon, within ; Shucwe fence.]| A septum form = cephalic and —— apodemes in Crustacea eqteahsaicins (€n'dofrag’mal) a. [Gk. endon, within; phragma, fence.] Belonging to or pert, the phragm (z ool.). endo- 3 ° -E a a ® osarc, or inner portion of the protoplasm in a cell endoplastule (én doplas'til) #. [Gk. endon, within; p/astos, moulded. ] (bis micronucleus of certain Protists .). endopleura sng déploo’ra) w. [Gk. endon, within; pleura, side.] The inner seed-coat ot. endopleurite (én‘déploo’rit) 7. endon, within ; pleura, side.] The a portion of the apo iene /.). endopodite (&ndép’ —e m. [Gk. endon, within; fous, foot.) The inner or ial branch of a bi- mi ramous crustacean limb, or the only a of the biramous limb remaining endoral (énd6 - a. [Gk. whee ae . outh.] Per structures pra in the Sai of Protozoa (zoo/.). END- sooelenagget snc ie nt. endon, n; sarx, flesh.] See endo- pl - en én’dosif ting’ kl) G : ain C s endoskeleton (én’déskél’ ein) n. — endon, within ; skelefos, hard.] inner skeleton “ oppomed to ke exoskeleton (200, dosmosis (én’ ahead? sis) #. [Gk. endon, within ; » k. endon The chroma- centre of a coat of the sp Protozoa (zo0o0/.) ; an asexual spore the inner coat of a spore wa (dot. endosporium (én’déspo Fee ritim), — see eaihostent (éndds’ téal) a. [Gk. endon, within ; — —_ Pert. the endosteum (an rnite (nrdosternt nm. [Gk. within sternum, sternum The internal skeletal plate for the attachm — skelewe- situated anat.). (én’désto’sis) #. [Gk. within ; os/eon, bone.} Ossi- which be egins in the carti- Wat. ostracum ‘(éndés'trikiim) nm. [Gk. ENE- endon, within ; ostrakon, Pony The inner layer of the ee 1 (z00 endostyle (&n’désti of a ria two ventral longitudinal folds separ- d by e in the pharynx e Tunicates; a longitudinal groove lined by ciliated gs seen on the ventral wall o arynx of Amphioxus faust. nd (én’déthé’ka) [Gk. endon, within; theke, box.] The box.] sat ascl ee n an ascocarp (404. yrerase re ium (én’dét the'kitim, -shiiim) . endon, within ; eke, po ina crustacean thorax (zoo/.). nd. tes,—the ramified Scgerna within the egies fibre which form the ends of a ater nerve (anat.). end-sac,—the sac-like vestigial portion of the coelom in the excretory glands of certain oe (z00/.). endysis (€ndi’sis) 7. [Gk. endysis, putting on.] The devdlecesea of a new Coat (zoo/. gee pears érjé é'sis). [Gk. energein, tobea e process by which ie liberated through kata- bolic action (phy. mergid (én’érjid) 7. [Gk. em, in; ergon, Ww y living uni nucleated protoplasmic unit with or without a cell wall (404) enervose (éné ) a. [L. ex, with- out; wervus, sinew. aving no veins, afpi. certain leaves (607). ENG- - ON ee ee Oe [A.S. geaen 10 dig.] With irregular linear grooves on the ser i (zool.). ee én’sif6rm) a. ord ; Feit Ee shape. | ae ed (dzo/.). erranpe (€ntél’éki) 7. telos, end; echein, to h [L. emsis, Sword- See i in ; he of repro anced their kind (dzo0 (éntépikén dilir) a. : within; ef, upon; kondylos, knob.] Pert. the lower or condylar end of the humerus enteric (én ‘térik) @. [Gk. enzeron, gut.] With an alimentary cana zool.). enterocoel (én'térésél’) m. [Gk. enteron, gut 5 koilos, hollow.] A coelom which has arisen either a a pouch-like Soc of the a enteric cavity, or asa series of such en me: a continuous 3 appl. iottes bot. sutibinst "(én ‘téblast) 7. — blastos, bud.} The endo- the nucleolus (zoo/.). args te (En’tébraing’kiat) a. ‘eae ils aot) gills.] [Gk. entos, ‘within aa OnE. ae ek pipe. rsal secondary ranch of the aes in birds (avaz.). entobronchus(én’ tébring’kus),—ento- bronchium. entochondrostosis (&n’tékéndréstd’- sis)”. [Gk. enfos, within ; chondros, artilage ; osteon, bone. ssifica- ol.). Gk, entos, within; odon, ell.] The e ma of. cells im the ficial e , and ultimately develop a cavity (zoo/.). wee sél) mw. [Gk. enfos, within ; £oz/os, hollow.] The space enc y a pair of mesenteries in the tie’ ett leond ss . ENT- entocondyle (&n’tékén’dil) #. [Gk. entos, within ; kondylos, knob.] The condyle on the mesial surface of a bone (a7az.). entoconid (én’ tokd’nid) nH. [ Gk. entos, within ; £o70s, con 0 u Gk. a within ; Aune edge L. forma, shape. | The ena aera of the distal row of tarsal bones anat.), entocyemate (én’'tésié’mat) a. [ entos, within; ; kyema, embryo.] With embryos having amnion and allan- tois (em entoderm, —see geen aebane = entod ccisernabele: (én’ toga ee) a. [Gk. entos, within ; belly.] Pert. joteriot of e f= n't Sglds’Sl) a, [Gk. es within ; g7ossa, tongue.] Lying substance of the tongue dealing ggg a con ae ang témoe't ong a. [Gk. ‘omon, insect; philei o love.] Pollina ted = ce sence a insects bot.). entophyte (én’téfit) m. [Gk. enfos, within; phyton, plant. ] Endophyte. entoplastron (én’ a io a nm. [Gk. cit within ; tron, breast- lat he anterior mye late in a chelonian plastra, often called the episternum, and probably homo- logous with the int sercluwicls of other Reptiles (zoo entopterygold ‘(&n! say tin ag m1, [Gk. entos, within; pleryx, wing ; eidos, resemblance. ] The ‘anes bone adjoining the palate in Fishes (zool.). entosphere (é&n’tisfér) 7. [Gk. e7tos, within ; sphaira, globe.] The inner portion of the attraction sphere biol.). entosternite iedaggg Sh m. [Gk. within; sternon, breast.] rnite. entosternum (éntéstér’niim) #. [Gk. entos, within ; sternon, breast.] The ENT- 91 entoplastron ; an internal process of the ste I) um of numerous Arthro- pods (zoo: entotur rae (én’tétiir’binalz) 2. plz. os psa within ; L. 4«rbo, whorl.] the divisions of the ethmo- barvikels (z00, entovarial (én’ oa rial) a. [Gk. estos, within ; L. ovum, e Pert. — formed in the ovaries of certai Fishes by the insinking and acunes of a groove —_ y the covering epithelium (zoo. entozoa (é ae n. plu. a entos, within : goon, animal.] A genera pa for all internal Romer (Gk. entos, mal.] Livin etnias Aes — a. within; 200M, g 8 Bie es ger ol a of hos, wheel. fossil stem of a stalked Crinoid (ZaZ.). pte (én’ wt n. . enveloppe, ng.]} of the outer cover- laps of an egg (weeds any surround- od structure, ¢.g. floral’ envelo op (dot. environmen ess rénmént) ~ [F. environ, abou The sum-total of the external influences acting on an organism nzootic (én gray a. [Gk. al.] Afflicting pe ae zoom, anim (zool.) enzyme (én’zim) [Gk. em, in; zyme, leaven.]} emical or un- kainos, recent. oldest division of the Tertiary Gk. cos, dawn ; and Australasia; of Ca pr etmeese (@’dsin’6fil) zi dawn; philein, to love tty which readily stain a : brilliant red colour when treated with a mixed stain containing eosin (phys 4% n. [Gk efi, upon ; es the “rk. "eos, A ‘oup just previous to its reaching its summit (fad.). epalaceous (@pala’shiis) a. [L. 64, EPH- without ; = shovel.] Not spade- shaped (dof. epaleaceous @ paléa’shiis) a. [L. ex, without ; falea, chaff. With re- ceptacles which do not contain chaff (d07.). epalpate ple at)a. [L. ex, without; palpus, palp. Not furnished wi ith palpi (zo "ol. — “épap'tla at)@. [L. ex, with- ; papilla, nipple.] Not havne Papin ( (zool. (Ep'Sp8f'isis) m. [Gk. hysts, offshoot. 1 arch of a vertebra (anat. parterial (ép’arte @rial) a. k. efi, ; L. avterza, artery.] Situated above an artery; aff/. branch of of cilia in usually ppl. axis formed by verte- bral column (a7a. epedaphic ep edarik) a. epi, upon ; edaphos, soil.] Pert. climatic conditions (G07.). ~ th i énkéf’alén, "sas ) m hephal pon ; 3 the Sa The c rebellum laniah. ependyma (é ex/dim’), e (€péndim’) < a ependyma, outer garment.) The fear of ous. iuting oe cavities of the brain and spinal ord (anat.). pa (€épén’dimal) a. [Gk. epen- outer garment.] /er/. epen- yma. ephebie (&fé’bik) a. = epi, me ; hebe, pu | Fert. stage phylogeny between the early nm a oS. o or generations to follow one another during a single season (4o/. EPH- ogee (éfi — nm. [Gk. eft, on ; hippos, horse. | The pituitary fis Sa, or fossa h sas Sa os of the sphenoid (avaz) ; a thickened and indurated part Cs the shell which separates fe m ysis nymph’s OA tg rs elly-fish stage of cert Scyphozoa, produced a cmtlalasions —ep epibasal (ép’ tba’sil a. [ek oft upon ; L. basis, base.] Pert. upper segment of an oospore, chines giving rise to the shoot (do¢. epibenthos (ep ibén’ thés) z. [Gk. ez, pon ; enthos, depths. Fauna and flora found ceiten n the low-water mark and the hundred fathoms’ line iol. epiblast ws vere. nm. [Gk. efz, upon ; > ud.] Th rey ore of the gastrula ; the ectobias ears (ép'ib lé’ma) ~ [Gk. epz- blema, cove The outermost layer , upon rowing so as to Ag Late appl. type of gastrula- tio epiboly pity m. [Gk. efz, upon ; ae throw.] Growth of one part phe a in embryonic stages (emb epibranchial Vepiibeiing’tt al) a [Gk. eft, 5 brangchia, gills.] Pert. upper element in a al. Siesta just below calyx pro- duced b + iggeapition of bracts or irae (bot. prolongation of the upper eyelid over the inner angle of the eye (anat.). epicardium (épikarditim) #. epi, upon; kardia, heart.] T visceral part of the pericardium (anat.); a tubular prolongation of [Gk. 92 EPI- the branchial sac in many Ascidians, which takes part in aersap pave: epicarp (épikarp) 7. [Gk. kar pos, ~~ The pale pia ‘a = pericarp (04). epicentral “(epi isén’tral) a. [Gk. efi, spot | entron, centre.] Attach to or arising from the vertebral centra ; 7. usually to inter- muscular bones (a/az.). epicerebral —— [ pi, upo cereb i brain.] lower petal of an ome ept, Upon the notochor Socugener vertebrae in which the ventral cartilaginous portions are almost completely suppressed chid (402). —— Be eppony a. upon d.] zool. epicoele (Epiisél) 7. [Gk. ef7, upon kotlos, hollow.]| The cavity of the mid-brain in the lower vertebrates ; the cerebellar cavity (avat.) ; a peri- visceral So formed by invagina- tion epicoelia (Epise’lia) # [Gk. epi, ; £otlia, cavity.]| Epicoele. epicondylar (kp'ikon’dilin) a. [Gk. epi, upon Pemesdies: knob.] Pert. the epico ndyle ol.). pgramnaded (ép’ kon) nm. [Gk. eft, b.] The outer protuberance at the plete or distal of the humerus (az. senate (Ep’ ‘kor’ akoid) a. epi, upon ; korax, cr oO wa SOR Reptiles, and Mono- tremes (zo epicormic p kor’ mik) a. [Gk. ef¢, upon; 4ormos, trunk of a tree.| ee from a dormant bud Z, epicotyl (ep ikét'll) z. [Gk efz, upon ; ee ase.]| The axis of a plumule f, fg ght ancl (ép'ikét'iléed’d — a. z, upon ; a vase.] Above the Pe dat or.). epicoxite (ép’ sit) nm. [Gk. epi, upon; L. a, hip.} A small EPI- process at the Lm a = of the toothed part the coxae of = second, third, omce oa: fifth pa of “appendages in the referees epicranial (ép'ikra‘nial) a [Gk. epi, upon ; vanion, skull. Pert. cranium; @ muscles, bones, etc. (anat.). epicranium (ép/ikra‘nitim) . [ epi, upon; kranion, skull] The eyes in insect’s head (zoo/.) ; structure covering the cranium mat.) = eo = fo » Nein, judge.] Per return so nae localization of rene a after an opera- tion (px epicyte ep’ * n. [Gk. efi, kytos, hollow.] The external Pages of the ectoplasm in certain Protozoa zool.). epidemes (€pidémz) x. flu. a> epi, upon; demas, | certain insects, small pieces BSc related with the articulation of the ol.). wings (zoo epidermis (&p'ider’ mis) #2. [Gk. epi, epieritic ( 5 cto upon 3; derma, skin he outer- most protective la of stems, » occasionally it a a non-vascular stratified epitheliues of ect i origin ; the single layer of ectoderm in many invertebrates (zoo/.). epididymis (ép'idid’imis) 2. [Gk. ez, upon ; didymos, testic e. A mass at the back of the testicle composed chiefly of the vasa efferentia y speaking, the omaite coiled int = of the Wolffian duct (anat., zool.). epidural (epi ces aoe epi, upon ; L. dur d.] 7. dura mater ; appl. s se beraeee tbe dura mater pa = wall of the vertebral column pias (ép'igam’ik) a. [Gk. efi, upon ; gaz : os, marriage. | Tending to attract the pee a sex (zoo/.). ep ‘amiis) a. [Gk. ef7, igamous ( upon ; jet marriage.] Designat- ing that stage in polychaete worms 93 EPI- in which the immature forms be- come heteronereid, whilst the sexual “develops into the gut (emd epigast: p igi ti) a [Gk. efi, upon ; sins sigs elly.] Pert. met 2 wall oft he on middle of the upper zone of the artificial esi of the signee (anat.). ép'igas'triim) #. [Gk. “bi, upon; gaster, stomach.] The eee: region (anai.) ; the sternal portions of mead me we and meta- born. ] The theory of generation, that the em- bryo is an entirely creatio not a mere infohdiee of cxnidened structures (dzo/, epige pepe fe ous (ép/ijeiis),— see epigeal ot. epiglottis (€p’ 2 8 is) m= [Gk. epi upon ; g/otta, to nat.) ; ; the epistom in Polyzoa ; pe epipharynx in i: sects (zoo/.). epignathous (ép'ignd thiis, épig’nathiis) a. ng epi, upon; gnathos, jaw.] Having the — jaw longer than the lower (zo epigonium ith sine nm. [Gk. epi, upon; gone, seed.] The young sporangial sac in the Liverworts (604.). epigynous bio a: $k upon ; gy#e, woman.] Having a various who an pss ate to the ovary, thus es inserted in the ovary coeds of inte = in- serted in the ovary (40/.). epihyal (€p'ihial) a. [Gk. ef, upon ; patent Y-shaped.] my 78 upper (b08. ae (€pij‘ini) a ore upon ; man. | he EPI- portion of ~ ventral part of the the upper element _of the ventral portion (zool.). epilabrum iim) 7. [Gk. ‘epi, upon; L. i ee ke A process at the side of ire ‘labrum in Myria; pods (zool.). pimandibular Le ade) a. [Gk. efz, upon; L. ma — jaw.] Pert. a bone in og low jaw of vertebrates (zool.), épim’éral) @. [Gk. ¢ upon ; eros, od Pert. epimeron. epimere (ép'imér) 7. ees epi, upon ; vos, part. upper Eo, or dorsal eptaee ate of the meso thelial wall (em eoecie (épim’ ert) nm. [Gk. epi, Zi » pa The deciduous n of the protomerite in certain ool.). epimeron sah nm. [Gk. ep rt.] A portion oe ay oO J as the ee a port arthro segment between the Gok and the limb insertions 200. epimorphosis “iat agg wo tok epi, upon ; morphe, ge.| That ype o ae age 7g which a proliferation of new material pre- cedes rt development of the new pet (zo. imysium (p’ imiz‘iiim) #. [Gk. epi, upon; mys, muscle.] The sheath of areolar tissue which invests the entire muscle; cf perimysium (anaz.). e (ép'inas’ti) z. [Gk. epz, upon ; nastos, pressed close.] The more wth of the e upper surface of a dorso-ventral organ, eg. leaf, thus causing an unrolling or downward curvature (dot.). epineural - - ‘ril) a. [Gk. epi, upo erve.] Arising from the neural arch of a vertebra (anat.); pert. immediately below the cada! nerve cord in the Ophiuroidea, which represents the missing ambulacral —— nnd. ). z, upon; p Haine rve.] The rina sheath of a pais cord (anat. 94 EPI- = ee - fe a. [Gk. efz, upon ; Pert. the upper ele- inane tof the bony capsule of the ear (ana). —, es se ‘Asit) #. [Gk. ept, on _ a6 side; sitos, food.] evipetalous Siow a. ane. = epi, upon ; pet k. epi, Pert. the upper pharyng% throat. t of the pharynx a aspect epipharynx: (ép'ifa’ seca nN. te Gk. haryn cavity of certain insects ; the mem- branous lining o labrum and clypeus drawn out with the abrum to form a piercing organ, as in Frnt ae (zool.). iphragm (épiifrim) ee ept- A layer of careous plate, closing the opening of — gastropod ancl s (coo) a ; th mbrane which pt Mosees ; later fuses with the bone ; oe hee a bar ro- cesses on the tibia of insects (zoo/.). epiphyte (ép’ifit) [Gk. efi, upon ; Phy tors are | Plant which live poe cia (ép’ es &@' {Gk - of, upon ; y to. lant.] Pert. or similar to an ont iphyte ot.). epiphytotic (ép’ pitts a. [Gk. epi, upon ; PhyZon, plan i Pert. disease epidemic * plants ot.). epiplankton (épipl Ang’ktén) 7. [Gk epi, upon ; youre wandering. ] EPI- That portion of the plankton from a riers to the hundred fathoms epiplasm (épipliazm) #. [Gk upon ; J/asma, something epee Cytoplasm of a brood mother-cell ma cane ie unused in form Geatadeion avfiniss ‘trén) #2. [Gk. i, ae is 2 — breast -plate.] the anterior pair of bony pats in the pissiena of ee nal senses (€piploo’ra) 2. [Gk. epi, ; pleuron, rib.] One of rib- ag structures in are not pre uncinate cae oe down outer ap ae of the elytra of certain beetles (zoo/.). evipiote (épiploik) a. [Gk. epiploon, of the entrails.] Pert. tum. tie ‘\ thread ; Lap t es A ae fi apex (zoo, filopodia if I ‘Opo'dia) ». plu. [L. Silum, ead; Gk. fous, — Thread- like pseudopodia of Prot L. jilum, thread.] pse Slender ; thiten ike ; app/. pseudo- ool.). filtration (filtra’ ae n. [F. jfiltrer, to strain.] the iridial aise of the cornea (amaz.) ; straining, as of lymph ‘komeh aeiihary walls terminal thread, a sleader ¢ iy ag sec of the he spinal co rd (ana bria (fim’bria) 7., piso fim’- L. z tubes or ee of —— re * ed (fim’bria’téd) a. [L. jim- bias fringe.] Fringed at the argin, as petals (é0¢), as tubes pa ducts (zoo. z fin (fin) #. [A.S. jinn, fin.] A fold of in ‘with fin-rays and skeletal supports, corresponding in the case of the paired fins to Tang found L. jinis. Jy The ossicles ‘of the distal rami o rinoids which do not branch again ( enon lain supports of the fins (zool.), (fis‘iling’gwal) @. [L. Jissus, cleft ; ingua, tongue. ] wah bifid tongue (zool.). 106 FLA- fission (fish’iin) ~. [L. /issus, cleft.] Is; division o unicellular organism into two or thereby cocci ae its kind (6zo/.). fissiparous (fisip’ariis) a, a Jissus, cleft ; Zarere, to beget.| Repro- ducing by binary or multiple fission biol. fissiped ‘(fis'ipéd) n. [L. fissus, cleft ; pes, foot. a h cleft feet, that is with digits of fe et ——— (zool.). fissirostral (fei irds't L. fissus, cleft; rape sea, ‘ With deeply- cleft beak (zoo. areas - the lobes (ava fix (fiks) v. [L. firus, xed To kill, and mae to establish (ézo/.). librium of the body generally, and - = pit s in the case of limb-move- flabellate (sbeVat) a. [L. fladellare, to fan, an-shaped, e an- with long sala — 3 flabelliform (flabél’if6rm) Jlabellum, dim. of fet, rece : Jorma, shape. flabellinerved (fabél'inérvd) 2 EL Site little breeze ; nervus, sine . leaves with many radiating nerves (0 gerne oes (flabél’tim) 2. im Jlabelium, structure : whip. ] rnished_ with Feiss like a flagellum st gelliform flagellum, aan fea: shape. | a like ; like a flagellum (404, ‘ool.). fagelinia (flajél’ala) 2. [L. — of a da a agel- are rooany Mae (zo many runner or creeping stem (dof. FLA- 107 FOL- flame cells,—the pevan — of flora (fld’‘ra) #. [L. fos, flower.]} the br. eyes of xcretory ic plants peculiar to a country, system ees with cavity Stains ea the lumen of the ct, and containing a “cil um or bunch of cilia, the motions of which give a flickering appearance similar to that a flame ; a pronephri- diostome (zoo/. Seance (Aavés’ ént) a. [L. flav- escere, to turn yellow.] Growing ellow im “(fiéks) v. [L. flectere, to bend.] end ; aff/. movement of limbs eo flexor (Hiék’sbx) nm. [L. flexus, bent.] A muscle which bends a limb (or part) } oe its contraction (amaz.). flexuous (flék’siitis) @. [L. /erus, bent.] Curving in zig-zag manner flexure (flék’siir) aoc lexus, eet rve ppl. the c in the e onic — the curve of the intestine — float (flot) 7. [A.S . flota, ship.] pneumatophore o (zool.) ; a lar. rge spongy mass serving ve a float in some Pteridophytes Z. float ting ribs,—ribs not uniting at their ventral ¢ Bay with the sternum (anat. floccose (Ak 6s) a. [L. floccus,a lock of wool.] Covered with wool-like oceular (fldk’alar) @. [L. floccus, lock of wool.] /er¢. the flocculus léns) 2. [L. floccus, Adhesion in small tu (anat). aera a — a lock o ol.] flakes ae a precipitant (phys.). ‘Scotia “(8S kalént) a. [L. floccus, lock of wool.] Cove red _ a soft waxy substance ores € appear- ance of wool (zoo/.); covered with small sie reg (d074.). gar ee sc aw mn. [L. floccus, lock of wool.] A small accessory lobe on | ae lateral, lobe of the cerebellum (amaz. floceus (fldk’tis) 7. [L. floccus, lock of wool.] The tuft of hair terminatin a ice ; the Saige’ plumage of young zool.); a mass of hyphal Sleuneats in Algae and Fungi (02.). rea, or period (dot.). dors es ral) a. [L. fos, maint Per e flora of a country or area aati fovescence “(firés/éns [L. flos, er.| Bursting into bloom ‘(bot ak heres. a Se ower. | One of the small individual flowers ofa composite flower — 2% floricome (flér'ikém) ~z. ‘ flower ; coma, hair.] A form of branched hexaster spicule (zool.). floscelle (flésél’) x tt. Culus, a little flower. ] The flower-like struc- ture in some Echinoids round the mouth composed of five bour- 7 and the five — Siggy * oss (flés) ”. [F. floche, soft.] se re or silky substance (bot); oe ste pieces of silk in a cocoon L. flos, flower.] fluviatile Sg gence [h. fucviatils, pert. riv rowing 1 streams “Got) : eles a ks de: veloping in streams, aff/. certain insect larvae (zoo/.). = ha pooner a. [L. fiuvius, coi ; cert he sea. ] Found in rivers an the sea (zool.) ; abe rivers — the sea Fitton vioterrestria (floo’ —— a. i x Jiuvius, stream; ferra, land.) Found in streams and in the land beside them bach > sage Ss) “ie , to flow.] ven fee species that are not yet [L. foetus, offspring. y onic ; — a foetus (em foetid glands,— mall sac-like prow in Orthoptera which secrete an ill- smelling fluid foetus put ‘tiis) 7. LL. Jee offspring.] An embryo in uterus foliaceous 5 (fa — a. [L. folium, leaf. ving the form or texture of a Hise leaf (d07.); thin ; likei(zoo/.). leaf- FOL- —— _{forti) a. [L. folium, \eaf.] or consisting of leaves (404). Sietcanahese sores Ste at) a [L. foltum, leaf; a. gills. ] Possessing veat like gills (20 foliolae ‘(fa'1x818) n. plu. [L. folium, leaf.| Leaf-like appendages of the we L. folium, Pert. leaflets totiots (fl) 2 [L. es ince Small leaf-like c organ or append telum (zoo/.). — a . ; ri "li um, leaf.) A flattened ean structure in the Seretidllions follicle om nN. (Ly feliculus, small sac. capsular fru ich opens n one nie only hot) ; a ue or aust ath (zool.). Apa i sae a. [t. ees small sisting of follic be fat) fo cular. lik’Gl [L. folliculus, ag] ‘Having follicles ~— el’) 2, [F. font —a an an vacuole con- taining * flu id and small food- — ee in the endosarc of many a. nae big [A.S foot.] An ol, mbryonic structure in ferns through stick nourishment is obtained u ot.) motion, ut widely in different aiimnie. ro he foot vertebrates and man zool.). (f6ra’mén) 7. [L. foramen, an opening.| The opening through ~ "ese of the ovule bot.) ; all perforation yr ined 108 FOS- foramen magnum,—the opening in the occipital region ss the skull through —_ are pinal cord passes (anat., zool. foraminate (rdm' inat) a. [L. fora- men, opening.] Pitted ; having 5 po =| ro oy = yy = =] ) eS — inif’€rtis) a. ning; /ferre, to taining shells of the Foramini ol.). ee the 2s [L. forceps, a ir of tongs. ‘ The clasper- sy the s;. the es (for —? a. {L . forceps, eo “ie — ee [L a ceps, ed like a small aia appl. aera pedicellariae [L. forfex, pair astra of anal organs zool. forfex (ForfEks) f ak Ww hich 6 open and shu 7 ae arising from an pecumbiation of deposits (fa/.) formative (fér'mativ) a [L. forma, shape. ] matter which is living and developabl hys.). ee —— téd) a. [L. fornix, ault, ave weiss. convex mene a more (z00. fornix (or = [t. fornix, vault. } An arched sheet of whit scales mf the orifice of some flowers bot fossa (fos |e ee | Bs —* ditch.] A nt or trench-like depression honeitte (fost) a. [L. fossa, ditch.] A small pit; a socket containing the base of the pion in Arthro- [L. fossils, dug up.] trified animal or plant, or portion ucecta found in rocks (dfo/.). fi erous (fds'ilifériis) a. fossilis, dug up; ferre, to oie Coutahdae fossils (dz0/.). FOS- 109 FUG- ere oat a [Le for = frons oe) . [L. frons, forehead. | wigger) . on digging The for appl. claws, oon = (fein ee [L. frons, fore- —— els la) 2 a eke Sa, — hea In the region © of the fore- As 1 pit with reduced septa on os of a corallite cup in the akc al.). fossulate son wlat)a. [L. fossa, a sabe slight hollows or groov haentex (fds’alét) 2. = [L. pont, ditch. ] A long narrow depression (zoo0/.). fovea (f6’véd) 7. ovea, depres- sion.] A small pit or Soaus (anat.) ; a small hollow at the leaf base in Isoetes containing a sporangium bot. foveate (fo'veat) a. [L. fovea, de- ression. } itted. foveola pad 61a) 7. aie . foveola, small it.]} A small pit a shallow cavity a bon rG mae) : ; a small depression just above 7 iaves in the leaf of Isoetes foveolate © védlat) a. [L. foveola, small aving regular small sales (60t., zool.). Logger nome ig ae shin) 7. [L. frangere, to ak.] Division into small portions, (Biol, : nuclear ane by simple splitting (di01.). free (fré) a. [A.S. /fveo, acting at : oO t; separ Pres (fir nat) e TL ._frenum, Geet ein + era or frenulum b peers 1 unattached ; fre frén‘tliim) ., ren ala) be [L. fr enulum, pm of frenum, bridle.] A fold of mem- fore-wing ; umbrella obs a Scyphomedusae m., frena (fré’na) junction o oo ovigerous in Peduncu- lata (zoo ee (Gone) n. [L. frons, leafy branch.] A leaf, especially of a fern 1 (bot.). Shere a (fréndés’éns) #. ([L. to put forth leaves.] esdaoees of leaves (Go7.). hea = appl. ee oes lobe, cae volution, etc. (ana appl. organ o pati 3a sot — of ne ge ; palps of n Nereids (zoo/. frontocerebe llar fibres,— —fibres pass- from the frontal region to the cerebellum oe fro dai (friin’té- éthmoid’al) a. Fert. oe frontal and ethmoidal bones ; aff/. sutur front (friin’téna’zal) @ , rons, forehead ; e.] Pert. forehead or frontal ion and the Sos appl. ducts and pro- cesses cir hanhtmaie ucts,— ducts connecting the nasal aves with the frontal sinuses (avaz.). frontosphenoidal ert erage a. [L. frons, foreh Gk. wedge.] Peri. ais and tio bones ; aff/. a process of the zygo- athe oniwiate with the frontal anat. fructification (friik’tifi Seco [L. fi face make. ] wert frugivorous (froojiv 'ériis) a AL deci fruit ; 5 vorare, to u Fru ; appl. certain animals eee \ Bh frustule (friis’tiil) z. a small fr, nt.] he prot plasmic cell of a diatom (072.). tescent (frootés’ént) a. [L. /rutex, shrub.] Shrub-like Ee é frutex (froo’téks) L. /rutex, shrub.] Shrub (bot). [L. frutex, fruticose (froo’tikos) @. r fucivorous (fiisiv’ rock-lichen ; at ing seawee animals (zoo/.). —_— (fa’koid) a. [L. fucus, rock- ri ae Pert. or resembling sea- [L. fugax, certain ieaneuiile (figa’shiis) a FUL- 110 GAL- wift.] Evanescent; falling off radually from a narrow fbase; arly ; appl. petals, etc. (doz). Ss eaniibulitosta (b02.). fulerate (fiil’/krat) a. [L. fulcrum, furea (fir’k’) 7. [L. furca, fork.] a support. | oo a fulcrum shiteesiare (fil’krim) @ ss ulcrum, a support.]| A supporting organ s such asa tendri or ts ee part _ the in of Rotifer spinelike scales da aearion fin- rags of y Ganoids (zoo/. Aixisttons (fin k’shiin) z. ‘Pla functus, perform a4 he normal action organ as distinct from the remainder ( phys. LYS. fundiform (fii saa a. [L. funda, sling ; forma, ape.| Looped ; raat appl. a li caibanesie of the penis fundus " (fiin'diis) nm [L. fundus, bottom.] The base ~ an organ, as of stomach, etc. (ana colous (fuinytle ble) a. pore shroom ; forma, sha or shaped like a fungus ; ; appl. fortis papillae (anat, fungivorous (fi tinjtv Oris) a. L, Sungus, mushroom ; o de- vour.| Af//. fungus- seating aad (zool.). fungous: (fing giis) a. [L. fungus, With — or consistency of fungus (40 — es ry ms Th pe a a ewer cord or ban especially in n (anat.) ; a large double hatte of cells passing from aboral end of coelom to abora oe) of zooecium of Molluscoidea cular (finik’tlar) a. [L. funic- ulus, small cord.]} Consisting of a small cord or band; Zer?z. a funic- sm > ag —- a ad fauaan “(fan’él) n. gar Sundibulum, funnel.] The siphon of Cephalo- ool. funnelform (fin tin’élférm)a. [L. funder to pour; forma, shape. } Widens The apophysis or entothorax of insect metathorax (zoo0/.). — Hae l) @. [i furca, fork.] appl. a —_ nerve of | die lumbar plexus (anat. fureate (fiir’kat) a. [L. furca, fork.] Branching like the prongs of a fork. furciferous (fiirsif‘ériis) a. [L. furca, fork ; ferre, to carry.] aring a forked agncintee: as ate Insects (zo01.). psa (fir'kila) » ([L. furcula, dim. of furca, ele A forked or structure, the mer thought bone ane 3 a transverse . ge in the embryonic pharynx furred (fii urd) a. [M.E. furren, : sheath. | Seine short decumben — thickly covering the ari tagein n (fis tn) [L. fuscus, tawny.] wn a in the retinal epithe (pAys.). fusi (fii’'zi) 7. plz. [L. fusus, rie gape. spiders, organs c sed two retractile processes which i ety the eres and form the threads (z00 fusiform fi’ rite zie [L. fusu spindle ; forma, habe Spindie: shaped ; tapering ‘gradual at both ends (zoo/.). G galactase oprminens. nm. [Gk. milk.} A yme, trypsin- ies in action, found i in a kk phys.). Gk. gala, milk ; herein, to carry.] Liscedieterts; 3; @ — of mam- mary glands galactosis (ga’akta’ sis) [Gk. gala, milk.] Milk production (pfys.). galbulus (gal’billiis) 7. — galbulus, cypress nu ified cone (dot fleshy scales, “ in cypress galea (gal’éa) ». [L. galea, helmet.] A helmet-shaped petal, or other GAL- similarly-shaped structure (604) ; a mus le of the scalp (amaz.) ; the outer division of the en gprs th maxillae of i — (zool. — ae [Lg sg sate ] Hel Paree gall (gol [A.S. _ geal, gall] Bile, : 2 io o r (pAys.) ; ee on gree caused a —— (d02.). dder,—a small pear-shaped os “spherical sac which stores the Selle Die xis (gh dueag gs Molt. Calva physiologist.] Response or reaction to electrical stimulus (phys. galvanotropism (gal'vanét’'répizm) x. [It. Galvani, are me ist; Gk. trope, a turn mat G vanotaxis. gametal (gam zt) a aCe gametes, spouse.] ert, a gamete; repro- dociive (di07.). gametangi nanny jitim) [Gk se ae tom anggeion, vess if ucture | producing ot cells (bo 2). gametes (giméts’) #. flu. [Gk. veniive, spouse.]| Cells derived from gametocytes which copes and form zygotes (zoo/.); sexual cells (dzo/.). gametic (gimét'ik ) a. [Gk. — spouse.| er?. gamete (dz0/.). etids (gimé'tidz) 7. plu. [Gk. gametes, spouse rimary sporo- blasts destined to bacsase gametes 200 gametocyte (gimé’tésit) 2. [Gk. gametes, spouse; 4ytos, hollow.] The mother-cell of a gamete e (zool.). gametogenesis (gamé'téjén’ésis) 7. Gk. Z 3 = 8 3 genos, Ss. togonium cele a n. gametes, Spouse; gonos, off- cell tt A a gieaitl GAM- a micro- (d0¢. gametophyte (gamé’téfit)} 2 org macro - sporophyll phase in alternation of plant generations ; ; the sexual generation of plants ; cf. bot. sporoph } gamic ( a. [Gk. gamos, marriage.] Fertilized Hos ). am 0’biiim) [Gk, gamos, marriage ; dos, life.] The sexual or medusoid generation in harps colonies (zoo/.). gamodesmic (gim’ édés’ mik) a. [Gk. gamos, marriage ] Having the actle: bundles fused connective tissue ogastrous (gim’égas'triis) a. [Gk er, belly.] styles and stig- mata free gamogenesis (gam’ djén’Esis) m. [Gk. aeres nelle i nests, descent. ] oe bic ol.). u r elements ; sexual (éz0/.). gamogony (gimég’ 6ni) 7. [Gk. os marriage ; gone, descent.] Spor gony in Protozoa (zool. on gamont (gimont’) 7. [Gk. g , mar- riage; os, a being.] As suit (zool.). opetalous (gim’‘6pét’aliis) a, [Gk. gamos, marriage; fe tal.] With herent mono- seco (600.). ee 6fil’tis) a. [Gk amos, e; phyllon, leaf. ] With cited: perianth tne mono- phyllous (402). gamosepalo ms (gam a [Gk. gamos, marriage alon, Ay With coherent pate so ; mono alous (404. gamostele (gim’ Ostél’) 7. ee . LAM. Teen. illar.| A sinks m the fusion of several steles (bot) ostelic (giim _ ‘lik) @. [Gk. amos, stele, " pillar. ] te the condita in whic the of a polystelic stem are food together (do¢.). ur GAM- gamostely (gam’dstéli) 7 | amos. arriage; séele, pillar.] The arrangement of lystelic stems when the are fused eine: surrounded by endodermis (40¢.). r (gan ng’gliar) a. pa ans gees "little ‘ mour.| ert a gan- glion or gan gangliate Peay gitat a._ [Gk. gang- a. little tumour. Having gang lp (gang’gliférm) a, ty = Ba Re S S x ze oO, - for} 3 ° S in } rs gang ion, little tumour ; blasto bud.| The mother-cell ofa eget cyte (anat.), gan, (gang’glidsit) #2. [Gk. little tumour; £yzos, nglion cell’ outside m (an ganglion glion, little tumour.] mass of nervous matter in ae nerve inal and giving oT to nerve ee i sot nerve centre (avaz.) 8 mck gen Supplied with ganglia ga negliona’t ra a. little A nerves, consisting of a series of panies connected by maces retreats ganglioneuron (gaing’gliénii’rén) 7. Stee one meet, emia tumour ; “tae e cell of a wala htt: haee c (gang’lidn'tk) a [Gk. gangglion, little tumour.] Pert. consisting of, or in t ighbour- hood of a ganglion ; appl. a layer of gangliop. Say A agg cep Nn. [Gk. me mprilon, little tum L. plexus, twisted.] A diffuse rhe ae anat.). ganoid (gin’oid) a. [Gk. Sans, sheen ; ezdos, resemblance. ] A. scales of ganoid fishes, rhombeltat 112 GAS- aoe like parquetry and consisting of a layer of bone with a superficial G ares heen The layer o ganoid scale, eecand by the oneee (sool.). gape (gap) nm. [A.S. geapan, to at wide.] The distance between the open jaws of birds, fee etc. (Z00. Gasserian ganglion,—a large gan glion on the — root of the fifth cranial nerve gasteromyc pian (eiaitromisé tiis) @. bs gaster, belly ; mykes, a mush- aving Riss spores de- wake in a peridium (404). astraea (gastre’d [Gk. gas. stomach. | A hypothetical ae like animal; the ancestral Meta- zoan, according to Haeckel (zo0/.). oe set gag im). [Gk gaséer, stomac Sa sag ventral side of the body (ana sastral (ai ra a. [Gk. weg stomach.] Pert stomach, as t eacaeat cavity, cortex, layer, eo (an gastralia (gastra'lia) #. plu. [Gk. eeagiks — ch.] icr roscleres in ral membranes of Hexacti- ool, a. [Gk. gaster, ert, or in the region of the stomach ; aff/. arteries, glands, m rane (fhys.). gastrocentrous (gas‘trésén’triis) a. {Gk. gaster, stomach ; entrum, centre, ith ventralia, rye ae basiventralia are reduced (za gastrocnemius ‘ad trékné’miiis) 7. eTGk. nied belly; & the tibia.] The large muscle of the (ana Ke ron of a parva ‘(em [Gk. gastrocoli gaster, stomach; kolon, the gut.] GAS- Pert. —— and colon; appl. a ligament (a — sat Gis tréda’ édé’nal) a, ana the great omentum arteries, = anat.). gastroint al (gds'tréintés’tinal) a. [Gk. rian: stomach ;_ L. within.] Peré. testines (anat.). gastro. — ee = oc gas ach ; stomach and in- calcareous matter found at certain seasons on each side of the gizzard of Crustaceans (zoo/. gastroparietal (gis trop Tétal) a. [Gk. gaster, stomach; L. faries, wall.| Pert. peering and body wall (anaz. phrenic (gas'tréfrén’ik) a. [Gk. gaster, stomach ; phrenos, midriff. Pert. stomach and dia phragm pod (gis'trépdd) {oh to : eens foot A i ventral muscular disc adapted for somtiag (zool.). as (gas’tréporz) #. plu. [Gk. aster, stomach ; ~ channel} The larger pores, for — persons, of hydroid ocak acini gas 'tropiil *ménari) a. [Gk. pores stomach ; L. pulmo, lung-] Pert, stomach and lungs (anat. ce lenic (gas'trésplén'ik) @ [Gk. ee stomach ; sf/en, the spleen.] Perd. #, stomach and spleen (gas'tréstéj) C20 stege, roof. gestive and circulatory purposes, as canals of some Coelenterates po a 113 intus, GEM- —. cae trézo oid) m [Gk. ef ogra soe te a gas aoe a blastula by in- vaginaton (em, gamy (gi teen nm. [Gk. S aaiede r peep eaplen ae Fertilization of a flower by an gelatine er atin) #. [L. gelare, al.] A jelly-like sub- feces SS oti from animal tissue prys.). gelatinous (jélat'iniis) a. [L. gelare, to co ogee Jelly-like in consist- ency pte geminate (jém’inat) a, [L. gemini, twins.] Growing in pairs; binate ~~ orous (jém —_ ris) a [i gemini ear fios, flower.) Appi. a plant whose ff tenting i arranged in pairs ees m’A) 7. jém’é, \n ; gemmae a animal which develo into a new organism (dzo/.) ; hypothetical units cyt). gemmaceous (jéma'shiis) a. [L. gemma, bud.| Pert. gemmae or uds. gemmate (jém’at) a [L. gem — Repeodaciies by bud- feaniae nen (jéma’shin) #. [L. — bud.]} = _ formation by means of which new independent individuals are desiek in plants and animals a is (jémifériis) a. [L. * gemma, bud ; isa to bear.] Bud- bearing ; gem gemmiform (jém viform) a. ea gemma, eas feria, shape. ] me d like GEM- a bud; appr. eediceer ine of Echino- derms (zoo ssc rahnig (jémip’ariis) a. [L. idea bud; parere, to produce. ] on (jém’ila ‘shiin) # [L. Samar Ss formation. L. gemmula, ( ens Mey genae (j@né) plu. [L. gena, the cheek.] The cheek or part of t lateral part of an insect’s head (zool.). genal (jénil) a. LL. gena, cheek.] Pert. the chee the facial of Trilobites. and the oats suture si the cheek (zoo/.). geneology (jé néoréjt) n. [Gk. gene, ieee rien dp logos, discourse.} The study~of the development of indi- vidual and race; a died and Palaeontology com genera (jén ct Bane genus. generalized (jén’éraliz’d) a. [L. ge: eralis, of one kind. ag characteristics groups, as in many fossils . als generation (jén’éra'shtin) #. [L. gener- atio, reproduc tion.} Production ; formation; the individuals of a wt ual a a common ancest € alternation of gen Laanaces "7 jen'era'tiv) a, [L. gen race.| Concerned in reproduction ; appl. the smaller of two cells into which a * eee rol primarily divides (do¢. generic (jénér'ik) a. [L. genus, ay — to all — s of a genu genetics (jnévtks) n. (Gk. gzgnesthai, 114 GEN- to produce.] That part of Biology = with heredity and varia- genial ad ial, srg [Gk. geneion, n.] . the chin; api. genicular (jénik’tilar) a. [L. gemicu- lum, Vi = ee. | 7. regio of the k appl. arteries, etc., also he sens a ‘of facial nerve (a anat.). niculate (jénik’ilat) a. [L. genicu- an little knee.] Bent like a ae joint ; appi. a as palgiion of the ~_ er angle _— or less obtuse with the lower (ot geniculum (jénik’alim) ne? {Ls iculum, \ittle knee.] The sale nok the facial nerve in the temporal b ez eg éhYoid) a [Gk geneion, chin ; hyoetdes, Y- shaped. ] Pert, chin and hyoid ; aff/. muscles a genital (jén’ a @ {L. gignere, to be é = appl. ft glands, harper ‘beri ps cccaate (jén'italz) n. plu. [L. gignere, to beget.] The organs of reproduc pokes especially the external organs an genitoanal (jén‘itéa'nal) a. [L. gignere, to beget ; amus, the vent.] In the eee’ f the genitals and anus — geni oerural | aiadariapyaed sm 4&1 ports re, to bege eg.] In get the ithe Fe “of the genitals ae: high ; appl. a € (an genitoenteric “( sett yee, | om enteron, gut. ] e : genstofemoral ss ene éral) a. [L. gugner to ; femur, thigh- ” Canker gaeubaeas (jén’ Sblast) n. [Gk. genos, offspring ; d/asfos, bud.] A mature germ-cell exclusively male or female (cyt). GEN- genu (jén’i) #. [L. genu, knee.] knee-like bend in an organ or part ; the anterior end of the corpus cal- losum genus (jé ’nits) 7. Nn. hs ( jén’éra) plz. [L. genus, race. ] oup of closely related ee, » ein of lants or anima — (jé — x "Gk. genys, jaw.] € gon’ ar img "Ge ebi 6s) z [Gk. ge, earth ; bios, en Terrestrial life—one of "ie £6 pare élastos,bud.| A germinating plum ule of which the eit ibions remain @. [Gk. g ruit.] Having the ties, and history of the earth. » Ley Response ce of gravitation ee 7S a (jeof' liis) « Gk. earth ; philein, to see] Living in or on the earth, the nd, geophyte ( je’ofit) » ick. 4 ge, earth ; phyton, plant.) A plant which grows in oe earth (04). geotaxis (je6tak’sis) ~ [Gk ge, earth; /axis, arrangement.] Re sponse to the laws of gravity. geotonus ( lage so Nt. a} 1; ¢onos, tens S (jédt’répizm) 7. ward pen Fe ofar g s'irésér kal, jéfi'rs- by the reduction of the extreme tip of the * ceigeaiece or homocercal fin (zoo [Gk. geras, Study nce. —_ = seed (d04.);a ie caloosie pa yee . 115 GER- germ-cell,—a reproductive cell, !ofp. somatic ; a primitive male or female —— t (bok). erm spe Rs area of lymph- caraede & vision in me ie of Fokiaig nbs eine “_ (ana sm. ae ‘cellular plate SOF ‘the germ aoe of liverworts —an early differentiated “ayer of ceils oe mob.). germ —an egg or sperm © eects ak rm plasm ,—idioplasm ; the physi- cal basis of inheritance. germ pore it pore of a germ one in the spore integument (404). rm stock,—the stolon in certain __Tunicates (zool.). —biogenesis ; the theory that Paige organisms can be pro- ced or a) tas only from living pear erm tube pe,—the short filamentous tube put forth by a germinating uz ee organ of ePlaiphelohithe os producing both ova nd vitelline material (zoo/.). the fertile portion a sehen n. [L. ger- cells the primary form of the germ Enon (jér’minal) a. [L. germen, bud.] oh Se a seed, a germ-cell, or reproductio erminal —two sets of rows of cells in early development of Annulates (zoo/.). inal cells,—the cells concerned in reproduction, ee apart early in embryonic life (e7z re erminal dise,—the disc-like are ane olk on which segmentation first appears (e4.). erminal epithelium,—the layer of columnar epithelial cells yoeenng the stroma of an ovary (emd.). germinal layers,—the primary layers GER- of cells in a developing ovum, epi- blast, hypoblast, and later mesoblast (emb.). germinal spot,—the nucleus of an — femb. germinal vesicle,—the nucleus of an egg, ira formation of polar- em a wd) Begin a’shiin) 7 pri germogen or primitive central cell (zoo/.). gestation (jésta’ shin) # [L. gerere, to carry.]| The intra-uterine period = mb) development of an embryo —large nerve-cells in ean oplaxes; osteo- clasts ; large multinuclear proto- plasmic m masses found in marrow, al.). —greatly enlarged and saotitied nerve-fibres running longi- tudinally through the ventral nerve ord of some invertebrates, as Worms (zoo/.). gibbous (gibiiis) a. [L. gibbus, humped.] Inflated; saccate or pouched, as oe lateral sepals of eon oe (d0 M.E. gille ill. WA siete es alee ee respiratory organ of asi abacterl ing animals (zoo/.) ; one of a number of lamellae radiating from the stalk of . mushroom (40 —part of the visceral skele- to oe in the region of F Seana gills ; a arch (zeo/.), 1 basket,—the branchial skeleton f lampreys, composed of continu- ous otis —_ boo ratory organ of chn ro consisting of a large number of leaf-like structures 116 GLA- between which the water circulates (zool.). gill cleft,—a branchial cleft formed on the side of 7 — nx (zooi.). gill let operculur gill helix,—a ier a coiioa gill-like organ in certain Clupeidae (zoo/. eae gill pouch,—an gills and oe directly or indirectly by. duct with the exterior, seen in "hai cad Petro- myzon n (zoo ; ers,—small spine-like struc- tures attached in a single or double row to branchial arches to prevent escape of food (ood. 1 ants, —e ithelia 1, post- branchial, or suprapericardial bodies arising in the pharynx of higher vertebrates (zool. —o ique gelatinous rods supporting = spe da in Cephalo- chorda (zool. gill slits,—a 5 eries of perforations leading from a arynx to the exterior gums.| Peré. ginglymoid (ging'glimoid) a [Gk. gingglymos, hinge - joi structed like a hi bie bani (anat). gsinglymus (ging’glimis) # [Gk gingglymos, hinge-join n ar- ticulatio cted to allow otion in one plane only (avaz). girdle (gér'dl) AS. t d.] In appendicular skeleton, the supporting structure at sho nd hip, each — typically of one dorsal and ventral Samer ; the reste tie of insects ool.). ioxueta (glibél’a) #. [L. glader, bald.} The space on the forehead between the superciliary ridges of the cephalic shield of Trilobites al.). — (glab'rat) a. [L. glader, th.] Becoming smooth; = GLA- rescent ; with a nearly smooth sur- face (do¢.) glabrescent,—see glabrate. ss (glib’riis) a. [L. giader, ooth.} With a smooth, even surface. — (glad‘iat) a ([L. gladius, d. haped like a sword (b0t.). gaan (glad’10'lis) #. [L. gladiolus, small sword.] Them baal or largest part of the sternum ( — (glad’its) it " gla adius, ord.]| The pen ‘of a cuttle-fish (zl). land solated secreting cell ; - oe lof ae ithelium, glands = z) 1. plu. |L. glans, n.] Single cells or masses of cele. specialed. for the elabora- at.). glandula (glain‘dila) a [L. glandul, laco chnoid gran lation ce the outer pres a of the dura mater (ama glandular (gi dl iL. Le egear small ac a gland; ecaeting facie chi bs eae gland (d0¢ o rotoplasm contains the ssateral secreted (phys.) : glandular issue of single or massed cells, parenchymatous and filled with granular protoplasm, ted for — of aromatic pe i Aa s (60 ane (elananl) m.,—see glandul andulose-serrate (glin’dilds- serat) . [L. glandula, small acorn; serratus, sawn.| Having the serra- tions tipped with glands (40 -). — — = [L. glans, acorn.] dry, indehiscent agus! By fruit like an acorn (4o¢. a gland, especially the glans penis a glaucescent (glésés’ént) a. [L. gla cus, sea-green.] Somewhat te bot.). glaucous (glék’iis) a [L. glaucus, sea-gree — Covered with a bluish- é’ba — [L. gleba, clod.] The central part of the sporophore 117 glochidiate GLO- in certain Fungi; the spore-form- Oe apparatus in certain plants glebula (glé’bula) se [L. glebula, small clod.] mall prominence n a lichen thallus (b0¢.). aeaiatones (gle noha: méral) a. k. £7 h and humerus; aff. (anat, eee "(gle’ noid) a. [Gk. glene, ocket ; efdos, resemblance.] Like ‘ maak ; appl. especially to the — into which the head of the us fits, the mandibular fossa, and iceniete (anat.). b: ligaments wis ge cavity and e (an glia (glia, glé’a) 7 “[Gk. site, glue] A cell of the e neuroglia ; a suppo ing cell of nervous tissue (pis). Glisson’s capsule,—a t fibrous ee gyi ‘ aad ‘eatoas of the liver (az siobate (glo bat) A [L. globus, globe.] Glo gl ——— ane gaa &ri’nd 00z),— sea-bottom mud, wh is largely pe ii of p Race shells globin (glo’bin) n. [L. globus, globe.] The pron. € constituent of haem hys. globin globoid (glo’boid) #. [L. globus, globe ‘a cides 2c semgae . aolinies al b e grain a double phosphate of calcio: al magnesium globose (glob6s’ 38 a. tk. globus, globe.] Prag or globe-shaped. ular bal b (gléb’tlar) 2.,—see globose. pres a (glébial) 2. ie lobulus, mall globe.} Any minute spher- 3 nut , the gateeriaina of Characeae (doz. globulin n (gbln n. [L. globus, A proteid such as fib- klobus, herical ; consisting of, ules. Sut i he Furnished ra globulose (gldb’iilds) a ‘[L. globe.] _ a arrow - point. barbed hairs (60/.). GLO- dium —— tim) # [Gk int.} Hairs bear- ing barbed p ) e massulae of certain Rhizocarps (d0¢.); the larva of fresh-water mussels such as Unio and Anodon gices (gle a) n. [Gk gloia, glue.| adhesive secretion of Prokesoe (zool.). glomerular ( lomér’ ilar) a ([L. glomus, ball. Pert. or like a ‘glomerulus (anat.). glomerulate (glsmer alt) ee ho glomus, ball.] Arranged in clusters. —— (glém’éril) #. [L. glomus, ball.] A condensed cyme of cme sessile Sounies ; a compact cluster (b02.). glomeruliferous (glémérilif’ériis) a. [L. glomus, ball; ferre, to carry.] the tae wers arranged in ot). erulus (glémériiliis) #. [L. Il.] A network of capil- cephalon (amaz.). — (glo mits) #., glomera (glém’- glo ‘omus, ball.} glo (zool.); the coccygeal and s (anai.). glossa (glis'4) #. [Gk Tossa, tongue.] A tongue-like projection in the middle of the labium of insects (z00/.). lossal (tea - Sire glossa, tongue.] Pert glossarium (leit Gk. glossa, tongue.] Theslender-pointedglossa of certain Diptera (z zool, glossate (glis’a a = [Gk. glossa, tongue.} Hav a tongue or tongue- Poo struct e (zool.). glossoepiglo pay ei bépiglot’ ik) a, Bs x gat ot akees s5 appl. § mem e (an gl slossohyal (gts hy 41) nm. (Gk. fhe ao. tongue ; Ly oct de. s, Y-shape median ’pasihyal of fishes ( (zool.). 118 the suprarenal glands - glosso-kinaesthetic area,—a brain area in Broca’s aa ately co ue; L. pa Connecting tongue appl. arch, muscle nat.). aun, Hes (gléséf'ajin) a. [Gk. glossa, tongue ; agg to eat.] rasctacg food means of the uae ool. te palate ; eardpes (glés’6farin Li a fartnje ‘Al) a, (Gk. glossa, tongue pharynx, gullet.] ert. phary nx and preset appl, the ninth pre nerve glossopodium um (glis’ dpo'di whe [Gk. a tongue; fous, foot.] The — leaf-base of Isoetes Gk. " glotta, opening into the indpipe (amat.). siucase (elook’s as) m [Gk. glykus, A plant enzyme which ge grape sugar from maltose slucoproteins,—compounds of pro- tein with a carbohydrate, including mucins and mucoi fh glucosamine (glook’ésim’ in) n. [Gk. siykus, ite A ——— sub- educing power, abianed fom chign, and dextro- rotar siucose ASS ate Gk. glykus, weet.] The grape ‘sugar of plants ie nd animals (phys. — ica n. (L. gluma, husk.] Ab at the base of a grass in- -Loraaied or 2 oe (d0t.). glumaceous (glooma’shtis) a. [L. Dry and scaly like glum e (gloom) m.,—see gluma. rous (gloomif’ériis) [L. glumifero gluma, husk; ferre, to bear.] Bearing or producing —- et er.] Have ng — vr bracts at their bases (d07.). GLU- gluteal ——— a. buttock.] Perv. Snaee re ses hoc ye app. ry, sanein tuberosity, earn ak cae siuten igloo n)#. [L. gluten, glue. | h substance obtainable from [Gk. —_ ean herent étis) 7. [Gk. gloutos, uttock.| Name given to certain muscles se the buttock (anat.). glutinous (gloot'iniis) a. [L. gluten, , Having a atic or adhesive Sorta (60 — ates érin) nm. [Gk. glykos, The sweet principle o natural fats and oils ( = oe me glycerol (glis’érél) 7.,— pettre: (git rei oa nt. “ck, pos h ( phys.). siycotysis (glikl sis) Toe Eyhos, ; lyein, to loose meee of sugar by hydrolysis ys. glycosecretory (glikésékré'téri) a [Gk. glykos, sweet ; L. secretus, set apart. Connected whe the iesbes jaw chen reference to the degree of projec gnathites (gnath’ts, nath’i __ n. plu. [Gk. guathos, he buccal appendages of insects. gnathobase (gnath’ébas, nath’6bas) 7. [Gk. gnathos, jaw; basis, base.] An inwardly turned howe ose process on the otopodite of appen soap =— oe mouth in _— (2 ool. 3 gnathopodite ister sg Be nathdp’- édit) #. [Gk. grat, thos, jaw ; pous, fo - | A maxilliped of an Arthropod — ea —— tégit, nathds’- ee tgiit) nm. [Gk. gnat aw ; Stege, roof.| A covering spite for the parts of some Crustaceans (z001.). gna thostomatous (gnath’éstém’atis, 119 GON- nith’éstdm‘atiis) @. [Gk. gxathos, jaw; — mouth.] With jaws at the m aaa (gnath’6thé’ka, nath’- 6thé’ka [Gk. gnathos, jaw; he h covering of a bird’s lower jaw zool.). goblet cells,—mucus-secreting cells of most columnar epithelia (phys.). TT neice sis)”. [Gk. gomphos, b of a conical process into = i: roots of teeth into alveoli gonad (gin Ad). [Gk. gone, 3 A sexual — nd, either ovary o eaiik (z00 gonaduct (eens) nm. [Gk. gonos, offsprin L. ducere, = lead.] A a duct —— from ag exterior ; a gono- genital es the gonad t ee (zool.). fateagetiie (génan‘jitim) 7. of p ing the Rr Mee ‘of Calyoebiaaten to (zool.). gonapophyses sigoapiict) Nn. ee me, See mponent parts of the sting goniale (gon'iale, gonial’a) #. [Gk. orner.| In some verte- the ogee jaw beside me ida lane (ana goni gon'idan’ ron [Gk, dim. of poinal sed: anggetion, vessel. } ructure producing or contain- ing § r youldin tte goni fue (gonidi) n. — goni nar re sing. k. dim. tn “a d.] Asexual fae -motile repro- ductivecells ecdacia upon gameto- hyt rite oie ba I (génid’tal) a, [Gk. dim. of gone. aropreha Pert. gonidia Gots, gonidiferous — das eae 1 ct of gone, seed; L. ferre, to si or ‘producing prod (b0t.). gonidimium a . [Gk. dim. of d.] onidial structure male tha an a gem and larger than a gonimium (40/,), GON- gonidiogenous Catiniety 16} ‘daria a. [Gk. dim. of gone, seed ; genos, offspring. | Bearing o eo tse gonidia ; _soniifero s (dot.). midioid (génid’ioid) a. [Gk. dim, a gone, seed ; eidos, resemblance. ] Li ke a gon nidium ertain Algae (404. gonidio: phore atatd: i6for) w#. [Gk. aim. of one, se d; pherein,' to bear.) An aerial hyphal supporting a goni- dangium onidiophyll "(gond i6ffl) . es dim. of gone, seed; phylion, leaf.] A Pimetsebyie leaf bearing gonidia -)e Bey (génim'iim) m# ([Gk. gonimos, productive.}| A bluish- oy gonidium of certain Lichens (bot. gonimoblasts (gén’i ona n. plu. [Gk. gonimos, productive ; Ba cage bud.] Filamentous outgrowths of a fertilized carpogonium of ue Algae (éo¢. SS n. (Gk. gonia, angle.} gece on the lower jaw ‘. ‘ gonoblast oe n. [Gk. gonos, ring ; - ud.] A repro- a (gon’ obls ti) Son 1% k, £onos, offspring ; b/as blastostyle a Hiydrowoa ‘oot ). gon Oka'liks as [Gk. LONOS, pF ed kaly. g cup. eee bell ofa sedusicen | gonophore sabthene (gon’ — n, (Ck, ‘ONnOS, offspring ; ochema, suppor edusoid hei A ‘Sx- cells in the a sheer mater re orism (gén’6ko ‘rizm) #. [Gk. sermon offspring ; chorisein, to divide.] The nai oh or develop- ment of sex distinctio containing the gonads (zoo/.). ocyt gon’osits) ”. plu. [Gk. gone, seed ; kytos, hollow.] Sexual cells of S es; = ers Regier of ova oa (z00. gonodendron ee sen dd) 2 "[Gk. gonos, offspring ; tree. A bran aching Mauna te g Mince (zool.). 120 GRA- neta (gdn’ddiikt’) 7.,—see gona- du genophiore (gin’6for) 2. [Gk, gon eed ; pherein, to bear.] An slongae feat the thalamus between corolla The generative part of protoplasm (cyt). gonopore (gén’6por) #. [Gk. gone, seed ; foros, channel.] The repro- ductive apes of female Nema- todes (z0a gonosome wee, ésom) #. [Gk. gon seed ; soma, body.] All the repro: ductive zooids of hydro colony (zoo/.), gonosph 6n’dsfe’ritim) aerium n. [Gk. gone, seed; sphaira, globe.) gonostyle (gin’ sti 1) [Gk. gon seed ; stylos, sie The bisue. styles ; sexual palpon or siphon o Siphonophora (zoo. gonotheca ( gonethes) n. [Gk. gone, ashe gy expansion of the pertee ound a blastostyle or gonophor taal a gonotome (gin’étém) 7. [Gk. gone, seed ; ¢emnein, to cut.] An em bry- onic segment containing the pri- mordium of the Faia emer to a nephrotom gonozooid (gin’éz6 Soid) a. seed ; z00n, pines eidos, resem blance nophore or repro- dunes ieatsieee of a hydrozoan oe ; a zooid containing a gona gonydial (génid‘ial) a, [Gk. genys, lower jaw.] ert. a gonys (zoo/.). — (gon is) ~. [Gk. genys,.lower w.] Hig lower part of a bird’s bill (z00 Graafian tocktik, graf‘ian) ne tage rical capsule st [Gk. LOMt, roundin capsule being sepia ag onan to the age an ovisac wit veloping o gracilis iri ilis) a {L. gracilis, slender.]| A psoas muscle of the thigh (ana. graduated (oriented) o. [L. gradus, GRA- step. | —S: ; becoming longer or shorter le eps. grain (gran [L. granum, grain] Theseedof Hote a granular pro inence on the back of a sepal ot). es (gram inif6litis) [L. gramen, grass; folium, leak] Witl ¢ scien leaves (d00.). graminivorous (graim‘iniv’driis) a. L. gramen, arese vorare, to eat. | Grass-eating (zo granellae (griné!’s) 3 n. Diu. [L. din f granum, grain.] Small sia refractile granules consisting chiefly f barium sulphate of granellae-containing tubes of Sarcodina (zoo/.). an’6 [L. granum, grain. y In ap earance like a chain of grains, like some insect antennae ; moniliform m (zoo, ar (gran’ alr) a. gr vain] Consisting of grains or granules ; apbony ioe as if made up of granules (z00/.), granulation (gran’ ala’ shiin) 7 [L. granum, STANUM, gra - grain- ike eleva: tion or eminen appl. arachnoid elevations on the’ outer caries of the dura mater (anat. granule (gran’iil) 7. i. granulum, small grain.] mall Praga of rime . bi outa n (607). sgranul — ovoid or spheroid cells “hanal of soft protoplasm containing basiphil granu granule tes = —the aaa glands of flatw oops aps epasimeri esi i6héksas oa n. [Gk. graphein, to write ; hex, aster, star.] x25 hexaster eicule with long outwardly-directed fila- mentous 2 chance from four of the rays (zoo/.), grater (gratér) #. [O.F. grater, to scrape. — of the denticles of a Eunice gravity (oat iti) n. [L. gravis, heavy.] The force of attraction of all bodies towards the earth’s centre (fiys.). green glands,—the excretory organs of certain Crustacea (zoo/.). 121 GUA- eee ete dois) a. [L. grex, ock; Gk. ezdos, like. Appl. a base, formed by incomplete division of individuals or partial union of adults (zoo/.). gregarious (gréga’rilis) a. [L. gv flock.] Tending to herd toget Sree colonial ; growing in clusters (iol: , abund- othe a sem itransparent, grey or a gelatinous non-medullated nerv groef, channel, furrow, or depression, as carotid, costal, be Pot clasoa: = on her, oat con- sidered collectively Biol). growing po a part of the plant body at which cell-division is a localized, generally terminal an composed 0 meristematic cells (dot. growth,—increase in substance of plant or ‘sauna’ due to anabolism = greater than scatabelicas rings,—see annual rings pasion ). os) @. [L. grum enillock,) pete ‘knotted ; s eats a into granule masses (do¢ us (groom‘iis),— see grumose pase gwan‘in) 7. [Peravian, huano, fe A substance contained in basis of artificial ~~ (d202. guanylic (gwin’ilik) 2 huano, dung.] Appl. a acid, satye guanin, found in the pancreas (pAys.). GUA- guard (gard) . [O.F. garder, to ard. | a rostrum of a Belem- gua nite (pad. ard cae —cells surrounding the stomata of tl the aerial epidermis of plant tissue (do¢.). gubernacular (goobérnak’ilar) a. L. gubernare, to govern.] Pert, Soe a Saesmay i mae Goer o'bérmak’ — n. TL. post sami to gov Ac stretching from the e wae rag to t f the scrotum (amatz.) ; astostylar ectoderm gh aie gonophore and gonotheca the Hydromedusae ; a posterior acelhans functioning as a rudder (zool.), guest insect,— insect living or breeding i in dee ostie another(zoo/.). ala = ventral piece of an insect’s ool. i [L. guda, gullet.] Foor Se ar horny shield cell-mouth or cytostome and the endoplasm ey Ciliata (zoo/.). gum (gim) 1. [L. gummi, gum.] An S eaiantion of certain plants and trees ; a vegetable sichaoe: (bot. gummiferous Sa enie é05fh gummi, gum carry. ] Gum-producing or nina Teds (602.). giimd’ gummi, seein} Ce Condition of plant tissue when cell- vee greg e gummy (04.). gums n. plu. [A.S. goma, jaw.] * The thick tissues investing the — (ana ry (giis s/tatori )a. [L. gustare, to nae re] Pert. sense of taste ; app/. cells, hairs, pores, nerves (anat). tory calyculus,—a taste bud; an end-cell or end-organ of taste rercsep peed = a group of gustatory grant t (git) nm. “Tas, gut, a channel.] ntestine or par ereof, according el structure of the — (z00. me Gate ks n. [L. gutta, drop.] 122 GYM- A small spot of colour on paride as Drop like : gymnanthous (jimnin’ "hs {Gk. gymnos, uncovered; anthos, “foment With ee flora slaelones achlamyd- eous (40 pcb (jimné'tris) @. [Gk. gymnos, naked; efron, abdomen.] Without an anal fin rian mn gymnoa: (jimnéa'rian) a [G £ymnos, naked ‘pl. gonads when d, or not enclosed in coelomic cystoarian (zool. gymnoblasti ec (jim scene a a. [Gk. &ymnos, naked; dlasios, bud.] With- out hydrothec ae at gonothecae ; bbl. wr pees “of the Coelenterates (jim’ndkar’piis) a. 0. t; appl. Lichens with uncovered apothensn Mosses with expanded hymenium (dot. — (jim’nésid’fim) 2. Gk. g prise uncovered.] A basal et of certain moss capsules ocyte(jim’nésit)#. [Gk. eymnos, macovened: kytos, hollow.] A cell orm a a defining cell-wall — } ode (jim’nési ieee sies bo cell- walt or nucleu used by Haeckel (dzo/. gymnogenous ragged éniis ) a [Gk gymnos, naked ; genos, offspring] a sary. ones born ; appl. EY: S; Myre With exposed ovary bot. tion or cell-wall (470 orhinal (jim’néri real) ws, Le, GYM- gymnos, naked; rhis, pet — nostril region not feathers, as in some birds ( ool. S gsymnosomatou [Gk. gymn ing seeds not enclosed in a true patted as in the Conifers bot.). gymnospore Sita apes) m, [Gk gymnos, na ; sporos, seed.| A nake me not enclosed in a protective envelo e (dz0/.). omatous (jim’néstém’atiis) a. [ Gk. pete ec ; stoma, mouth, ] Naked-mouthed ; having no peri- ral groove,—see gynaeco- Dd. gynaecophore Sar kofor) 7. [Gk. ; pherein, to. carry.] the ona ee groove of certain carried (zool. drism (jinan’ —- [Gk. , woman; aver, man 7 Her- maphroditism. orphism (jinan’drémér’- fizm) ~. [Gk. gyne, woman ; ane man ; morphe, form. Conditio having one side characteristically male, the other female, from ex- ternal aspect drophore ( Sinks ees n. = syne, woman ; aver, man; phere n axial " prolongation ence a sporophyll (doz.). sgn gk d’riis) gynandrosporous . [Gk. gyne, woman ; aner, man ; sporos, seed.]| With androspores adjoining the oogonium, as in some Algae (07). nacional (jinan’driis) a. Ak gyne woman ; aver, man aving the stamens fused win the pistils, as in some es (40 aie inky ‘thériis) a. [Gk. Ly “- ates anthos, flower.] Hav- ne the stamens converted into pistils (40t.). aoe BS by sons Nn. ig gyne, base.] A gynoe- Sine beseioey veveptacis of certain 123 HAB- plants ; the condition in which the style appears to arise from the ovary (4 obasic style,—a style arising from the base of the carpel (404). ge prot Ae nédié’shiis) a. [Gk. gyne. s ice; o2kos, cool. morphic, with some lants preduci ng only female flowers (402). ecium nae: Re eS [Gk. gyne woman ; se.] The pistils, aia or es be eas of a flower eynogonidia G J are piantnleg m1. plu. k. gyne. n ; gonos, offspring. | saison pi boas aches aed after epeated division of parthenogonidia ay Mastigo te) woman ; 1005, oikos, eh Appi. plants with pistillate flowers = (dot.). gynophore (jinéfor) ” [Gk. syne, woman ; pherein to ae talk supportin vary ; a elongation of the daa between stamens and pistil (bot. —— gosta dim) nm. [Gk me, woman ; stege, roof.] A pro- tective covering for - gynoecium bot.). gynostemium (ji‘nésté’mitim) #, [Gk. woman ; sfemon, warp.] The pos ed of eae and [L. Rot ion, as of cells; a whorl of a spiel shell (zoo/. a gyrose (jirds) @. Lyra. to si With undulating ane: sinuous (doz. pam H habenula eae ala) 7. te habena, stra name aff. ss certain habituati habi. The adjustment effected in a cell by which subsequent contacts of HAD- t me stimulus sewer dim- — effects (phy. hadroe © (hid'eéstn’ trik) a. [Gk. in ee kentron, centre.] With the p loem surrounding the xylem (ot), emachrome (he’makrém) 7. [Gk. haima, blood; chromos, colour. ] The yore matter found in the blood (pi ‘bra aemacyte (h Sac ca TG. goes blood; &yfos, a A bloo corpuscle 2 soe Dphys.). mad) adv. [Gk. haima, blood.] ay oer on same side of vertebral column as the heart (zool., anat.). haemal (hé’m4l) [Gk. haima, blood.] Pert. blood or blood- vessels ; also situated on the same side of ~ vertebral column as the .)- heart ie ——* nm. [Gk. haima, blood ; amoibos, exchang- with an amoe trophozoitic stage parasitic in a red blood-corpuscle (zoo/. haemapoietic ep oes a. —- blood ; Poter rm.] p beavis) n. [Gk. sie ota bloo phyein, to grow.] on of ne ike or spine-like processes growing from the latero-ventral surfaces of “At blood.] Pert. blood or blood-vessels tid m‘atid haima, haematin (hém’atin [Gk. haima, blood.]_ A blue-black substance formed by the decomposition of hae moglobin, and probably con- taining iron ( haematobic (hém’ta’bik) a [Gk. haima, blood ; d/os, life.] Living in the blood (z00/.). haematobium (hém’ Sta’bitim) nm. [Gk. haima, blood ; bios, life.] Any or- ganism, plant or animal, living in the blood (do haematoblast (hematobas n. Se haima, blood ; dlas ud.] cell that- will develop an a po blood-corpuscle (e 124 HAE- haematochrome (hém’Atékrém) . [Gk. haima, blood ; chromos, colour.] re colouring matter found in certain Algae haematocryal Chem 'StokrV’al) 2 [Gk. aima, poet ; kryos, cold.] Cold- blooded (za ol... haematocyanin (hém’Atisianin) . and Arthropods which becomes blue when oxydized (zoo/. haematocytozoon (hém Stdsy'tdz6 ‘Sn) m. [Gk. haima, blood ; kytos, hol- low ; zoom, animal. n int puscular sae aeronine (zool.). od Atodo’les) 7. res a, ead: inde “recepiate A fibro-elastic bag, normally col- lapsed and spirally P sacs round the base of the bulb, the basal portion of the palpal organ in the Araneae (zoo/.). haematogen (hém’Atdjén) m, [Gk. haima, blood; gignesthai, to pro- duce.] A a containing iron ( — haemat (hém'Atdj es . [Gk. pst ng blood ; gignest, (phys The formation of Blood ph med in the bloo hays. ‘3 haematoidin (hém‘atoid’in) nm. [Gk. haima, d iS.). ss hn tt) m. [Gk. presi ood ; lyein, to diss solve. ] Breaking blo rpuscles hence reduced coagulability (phys.) haemat hém‘Aatof‘Agiis) yte (hém’atéfit) ~. [Gk. haima, blood ; phyton, plant.] = Soyer micro-organism o blood (pi ie yrin (hém’‘atépérfirin) bok, 9 ie blood ; porphyra, pore As iron-free substance formed by the a of haematin (phys. haematosis (hém’‘atd’sis) #. [Gk. haimatoein, to change to blood.] Blood-formation (phys.). rmal (nt atéthér’ sot a. aima, blood vmos, warm. | arm- -blooded (z t aima, blood ; zoon, animal. Any animal parasitic in ee blood _— > iinet (hém’ik) blood. ] Pert eae ( phys. haemin (h n) 3 int, blood. ] Haematin hydrochloride YS. haemochromogen (hém’6krd’méjén) a, blood; chroma, colour; gignesthai, to produce.] e our producing component of haemoglobin (phy Sis haemocoele (hém’ésél) 7. [Gk. Zaima, bl kotlos, hollow.| An _ ex- panded portion of the blood system which replaces the true coelom (zool.). haemocyanin ee — see haemato haemocytolys ‘(hém’ eee a nt. [Gk. jadi sty , hollow ; . cs organs due to evolution along similar lines homoplasy,—homo —— (homop’ tériis) a, [Gk. homos, same; pieron,wing.] Having the wings s alike (zool.), omos: 6més’périis) a. OS, Ss 3 sporos, free et ducing oaly | one “Kind ‘of spore (404). hom smc (hém‘éstild) a, [Gk. homos, same ; sles pillar.] With uniform styles (40 at homothermous, othermal, homotropous cares wate a, hom same; trepein eect : having the micropyle and chalaza es opposite ends; appl. ovules (do Peers (hdm’ ézi'got) #. the union of zygotes bearing similar characters (6zo/.). gop ong chomn’e dzI'giis) a, me; zygein, to uel Stable (iol ). sugary exudation goede od jit leaves of many plants (60¢.) ; a sweet secretion produce ed ae certain insects, eg. Aphids (zool. henined- (hood’éd) a. [A.S. héd.] oe a hood-like petal ; rolled like a —_ o a oS a pe leaves (ot.) ; head conspicaously — diferensiy HOR- coloured from the rest of the body ; : 1e head ; having expansions on the hordeaceous (hér’déa’shiis) hordeum, barle Pert. or resem- bling barley (402). horizontal § (horizén’'tal) a. [Gk. horizon, bounding.] Growing in a ed at right angles to the primary s (60t.). which, breaking eee acts as a ee body (607. es (hérm6n’z) 2. plu The secretions the ood - vessels by osmosis (ph cng horn (hérn) 2. [A.S. horm.] The process on th ead of many erives (diol.). house (hows) 7 A S. hiis.| The external gelatin s-like covering secreted bycertain = Renieatentinel. } umerus, rus (hi’m ioaloee| The bone of ‘the piel arm (anat., 00 mistrato us (hi ‘mistra tis) a. [L. humus, eart ak ; sternere, to spread.] Spreading over the surface of the rth (d07.). Poser br) [L. Aumo sort “The fl uid of the ey (anat,) ; any flyid or juice —— 137 HYB- reer aoe ‘miis) #. [L. Aumus, econ J Ad soil-like material form by th dee Set akin of atoms or animal matter (404). a (hinge Sey mn. [A.S or.| sation caused ‘normally ge husk (hiisk) ‘huske.) The outer coating of various seeds (404). hyaline (hi/dlin) a [Gk. Ayalos, ; transparent ; free biol. “i Ss z Any of the substances found in animal tissues eas are “erg d related to mucoids (Phys.). sah ee (ht Taloid) a. [ck. hyalos,glass. ] Glas ; transparent (ph hys 5.). pre enveloping the vitreous body e (ana ea eg aren (hi'xlémi’koid) m. [Gk. hyalos, gee mucus ; Gk. pe Po the non- shotphanvied ness geoda't in the vitreous humour (phy hyaloplasm (hialéplazm) # [Gk. hyalos, glass; plasma, something moulded.] The ground substance h of the cell as distinguish the microsomes, or as pas am from the reticulum or spongiop (zool.) ; the = or ecipernt zone in plant ce hyaloplasma,—hy =A plasm hi’alp’ ytériis) a. [Gk. hyalopterous hyatos, glass; Letty pe Having transparent wings (z00. hyalosome (hi'4 earn, ay Gk. hyalos, nucleolar- k l slightly stainable by nuclear or plasma stains (d7o/.). menu (hi’brid) # [L. da, a ss. | fond cross-bred animal Phe hibrida, The s ross. being a gc (bio 70l.). ybridizati a “rapa m. "‘pibrida, a asain r process hybridizing ; ane of bein a greeny ed (diol. — e (hi ‘bridiz) v. ‘[L. Atbrida, ine) To interbreed, to oie hybrids (diol.). HYD- 138 HYD- hydathode oie ae [Gk. hydor, hydrome —— n. ([Gk. hydor, water ; odos, An epidermal ter ; , full.) ~~ tissue structure specialized for the secre- that conducts eee (bo tion of wa ——— mm (hi deéunée’Athérm) hydatid (h’datia) in. [Gk. ydatis, n. Gk. Hone water; mega, vesicle.] Any vesiele or great ; noes heat.] A plant sac filled with a clear weer -like so t have both moisture fluid, and containing encyste d stages of the larval tapeworms a ). hydatiform (hidat bain a. [Gk hydats Fes vesicle ; L. forma, pe. ] — a hydatid [Gk pas hydatigenous (hi'datij’Entis) a. hydatis, watery vesicle ; gignest, to ower roducing or ‘antag ds (zool.). th (hidrnth) nm. (Gk. go aa anthos, flower.] A nu tive zooid in . pier a (zool.). —— (hi‘drékélis) 2. [Gk ondary branches o [Gk. hydor, water ; £oz/os, hollow a The water- vascular system in the Echino- (z00/.). drocyst (hidrésist) #. [Gk. hydor, water ; Byitis, bladder.] A dactylo- zooid (zool. ). ydroecium (hidré’shi see - [Gk hydor, water; otko use. | A closed sabe at the ssn ae of a Siphonophore ; an infundibulum Zool, hydroid (hi’droid) = a. [Gk. hydor, ater; ezdos, resemblance. A Ww tracheid (do4.) ; peers or similar to genus hy dra ; the polyp form ofa taarelonds n (zo l.). hydrolysis (hidrdl'isis) ~. [Gk. hydor, water; dyein, to dissolve.] De- sitiacainton of a chemical com- pound by the addition of water prey at oa develop fully Sarre euisephdious (hidréfiiliis) a. hydor, water; philein, to lov - Pollinated through the agency of er (07). hydrophyllium (hi'dréfil’itim) 2. [Gk. hydor, water ; phyllon, \eaf.] One of leaf-like transparent bodies arising above and partly covering the sporosacs in a Siphonophore zool.). sane spalr (hi'dréfit) #7 [Gk. hydor, ater ; Dhyfon, plant.] An aquatic plant phyton ee) m [Gk. ppt water; phyfon, plant.] A complete hydroid fa root- ike organ, stem and _ branches (zool.). — OT ee m. [Gk. hydor, w L. planus, flat.| A Coelenterate — a planula and an actinula hydropolyp didropa ip) # [Gk hydor, F. polype, polyp.] A polyp of. a " hydroid colony; a hydrula (zoo/.). hydropore (hi’drépér) x. [Gk. hydor, water ; foros, opening. ] of a hydroid colony (zool.). hydrosome (hi dris rl 8 np Aer 4 = y.] The con alike stage in a coelenterate life-history (zool.). hydrospire (hi'dréspir) #. [Gk. Aydor, water; L. sfira, coil.] The folds on the stereom os la gc re- spiratory structure ydrost; peipncet a n. hydor, water ; stoma, mouth.] T mouth of a hydroid polyp ee ie bygeeacte (hi'drétak’sis) 7 hydor, water ; taxis, a The response of certain small HYD- organisms or of certain organs to the stimulus of water (dzo/.). h or, Water; cup-like structure into which the polyp may withdraw, found in many Coclenterates 3; a product of the ectoderm hydrotropism ( pera répizm) m. [Gk. hydor, —e er; “repein, to turn.] Hydro hydrula “Chi'drool’) nm. [Gk. hydor, water. hypothetical simple polyp (00 cua ‘(higréf'iliis) a. [Gk. hygros, wet ; dagen: to love.] In- habiting m or marshy places ot. hygrophyte (hi’gréfit) #. [Gk. Aygros, Ayton, plant.) A plant which lives and thrives under conditions ot.). hygroplasm (hi pena 2. [Gk. wet; of protoplasm; cf. stereoplasm hygroscopic o —— _ a. [Gk Ly g70S, W sk 0 regard Sensitive to. alee ot Sega (hildf’agiis) @. [Gk. — Baer ge to eat.] Eat- ing Ww appl. certain insects (good. . — (hi'lofit) # [Gk. Ayle, _ phyton, plant.) A plant he ing in woods (402). ieuncenons (hildt’ ee a _ wood ; vemnein, to cutting ; appl. ine (zool. sere ht mén) #, [Gk. hymen, mem- bra A thin fold of mucous aieahs situated at the orifice of. the vagina (ava hymenial (himé'nial) a. (Gk, —? skin. ] - 7. hymenium (40 e us (hi rete a [Gk. hymen, gem be wits to carry.] [Gk. hint or paraphyses ee hymenophore (hi‘ménéfor) #. [Gk. 139 HY P- —. skin ; pherein, to carry.) men portion of the sporo- shee of a fungus (407), hymenopterous (himéndp’tériis) [Gk. Aymen, skin ; i a membranous wings ; appl. — a np he ial (hi ‘sbring’ ki’ al) a. [Gk. 3 ranch gills.] ert. gills and hyoi eee “(ht Toepiglot ik) a [Gk. efi, upon; glotta, tongue. i Connecting” the hyoid and the epi- Eh ote (ana. oglossal ns lds’4l) a. [Gk. T; epee to ongue. ert. tongue and hyoid (a. hyoeides, iv hyoid (ne oid), a. A sha base of the tongue an ea cates from my hyoid arch of 0 (an hyoideus (hoi ti [Gk. hyoeides, Y-shaped.] ve which sup- plies the mucosa "of the mouth and the muscles of the hyoid region a sn hyomandibular (hi’émandib‘tlar) a. [Gk. T ; L. mandibulum, jaw.| Pert. d — of the hyoid pris in fishes ool.). nyomental Be! émén’tal) a. [Gk. T L. m chin.] Pert. hyoid aaa chin fa (hi’ éplis’trén) #. [Gk. T; ‘astron, Guat plate] The second lateral plate in the plastron of Chelonians (zoo/. hyosternum (hi’é sstérniim) 7. [Gk. T; cua, breast. e hyo- plastron (zoo. 3 ostylie (hi dstil'ik) a. [Gk. T; y of the hyomandibular or corresponding ae 7.) hy id (hréthiroid) a. (Gk. T; othyroid (J : ee. shield ; eédos, like.] Pert. e hyoid — cg thyroid cartilages ot the lary: appl. structures associated with ‘hem (zool.). elomorph (hi palél’6mérf) {6 Gk. Aypfo, under; allelon, of i HYP- another ; morphe, shape.] Allelo- morphs which under certain con- ditions are themselves compound (dzo2.). hypanthium (hipaa thitim) 7. nthos, flower. ] Any concave capitulum on the walls of which the flowers are arranged bot.). os orp (hipan’trim) # —[Gk. hypo, under; antron, cave.) A notch on a vertebrae of certain reptiles for “rahrageisi with the hyposphene hypapophysis Cnip spot" isis) # [Gk. a under Seas upon ; phyein, to w.] ral process on a vaccbek ae hyparterial nip Arte’ rial) a. h . arteria, channel Situated below an arte —. of the right a (ana. EA ew goede a. [Gk. hypo, under; L. a. Ventral, or below the seth ‘column ; appl. ). ysis (hi pérapof’ ere n. [Gk. Ayper, above; apo, phyein, to grow.] A postero- staseral process of the dorsal side of a sorebea Som ol.). (hi’pérkrd’masi) 7. "Gk. has above: chroma, colour. | A relatively superabundant supply of chromatin to cytoplasm in a cell osis (hi’pérkrd’matd’sis) nm. [Gk. separ, above ;_ chroma, colour.] The excess of nuclear substance in a cell just eaviouk to ‘division (zoo/.). hypercoraco: (hifpérkdr'akoid) a. [Gk. hyper, above; korax, eidos, like.| Pert. or dastgnniive the upper bone at the base of a pectoral fin in Fishes (zoo/.). meta, after; morphe, shape.] A a A eee ata metamorphosis (zoo/. te (hi’ pérpar’Asit) 7. [Gk. 140 HYP- Hee, above ; para, ees ; silos, d.] A pa arasite which i S para- siti on or in another parasite hy perpnoea (hi‘pérpné’4) #. [Gk. sted — gr breath.] Rapid in insufficient sapely of sti (p LYS. hypersensitivity (hi ipérsén’ sitiviti) 7. Gk. hype é vy, above; L. sentire, to pecans of ae unduly sitive se any eypectaty (hiper'téli) Nn. (Ci h hy per, mitation a ] hypertonia (hipértdo’nia [Gk. hyper, above; ‘onos, Ex- —* tonicity (pAys. hypertrophy (hiper'troft) nm. [Gk. jee above ; /vophe, ogee ve n excessive growth or dev cs A ment (4zo/. Gk. ae we the vegetative mycelium of a Sue ot.). hyphasma oe ie [Gk. F ties ene a, thing wove mycelium (404). yp me oe nm. [Gk. hyphe, web; dro to run. ssa aa eek ‘the tissues ; appl. thick leaves where the veins are not visible from the surface bot.). hypnocyst (hip’nésist) #. [Gk. Aine sleep ; kysézs, ler.}] A cyst hich ned pi simply rests peer hypnody — n Soe hypnodia, sleepiness. long resting vam "passed. roi certain larval nypnogenie, (hip ‘néjén’ik) a. [Gk. hypnos, sleep; genos, offspring. See -pro ducing ; aff/. influences or localities which tend ma produce baie onic, (pays.). ypnosperm (hip fee, n. tA mp arom leep; sperma, seed.}| A hypnospore (dot). pnospo: um (hip’ ndsporin ‘jitim) nm. = age = ; Papas: seed ; anggeton angium canieings aan, ny ate (408.) 5 HYP. ( Pp; sforos, seed.] A resting sae: a zygote that re- mains in a quiescent condition — winter r (bo ot), ote n (hi’péar bec n. ([Gk. Ayo, oer oarion, little egg. | A small w the optic inks of most hypnospore (hip’néspor) #. [Gk ypnos, slee (in’férsanté ‘riér) a. [L. inferus, beneath ; anterior, anterior.] Below and in front t (diol.). inferobranchiate Sohbet bar [L. znferus, beneat gills. ‘f it gills pe sien a of the mantle, as in certain Mollusca zool.). inferolateral (in’férélat’éral) a. [L. inferus, beneath; Jatus, side.] Below and at or towards the side zool.). inferomedian (in'férémeé'dian) a [L. _ INF- 148 inferus, beneath ; ger middle. ] Below and about th middle, inferoposteri aw fecopbete igs) a. [L.. ateran Bee ute Senn, Crinoi 48 1). inknted (infla a'téd) a [L. z#, into; flare, hey Be w.] Putied out ; dis- tended (éo¢. P gage _ inflék’téd) a> 425 ia a o bend in.] Curved or abru tly bent mls | or towards the axis sathastnd (inflék sd) a.,—inflected, Grés'é —- zs * Bs ct ° on oO 7, a ° oe ° _P owering or putting forth blossoms ; the method in w * et are arm fs Hat gre axil (dot.). seme iri eae aes a. [L. infra, 's, base.] O us of a series of tates rradial position, below the basals in Crinoid ds (zool.), ranchial (in’frabrang’kial) a@ [L. infra, ae ; GE atrium ral centrum (zoo) lavicle (in'fraklav ikl) Nt. infra, below ; ¢. A membrane bone oc ccurring in the pectoral < of some Ganoids and Teleosts (zoo infraclavicul “(in’ fraklavik’ilar) a. [L. infra, Babow ; ; clavicula, small vicle ; i. key.] Beneath the clavicle ; branches of brachial plexus (anat.). infracortical (in’frak6r tik @ 11, infra, below; cortex, bark.] Be- neath the cortex (anat.). infracostal Lodge tal)a. [L. énfra, costa, rib.] Beneath ‘the ribs ; appl s (a ent or tainpealg a infra, below ; — [L. ooth. } Beneath enoid (in'fr sana ‘fraglé’noid) a. infra, below ; Gk. &lene, pay tube intranyoid fin'fraht ‘oid) a inteniabeal Aas pa al) a. infrasternal infra, "bee 3; Gk. sve INF- Fe like. ] fossa ; appl. a Below the ir erosity (avat.). - a [Lu4 infra, . hyoeides, Y-shaped.] Beneath the hyoid ; affi. muscles [L. znfra, below ; ip.] Beneath the _— ip ( Z, icing (iver sap [L. safe, elow; margo, margin.] Under the herein. me marginal the marginals ; aff/. the low co) ies plates round the argin of stelleroid arms and acs (zool.). nfra maxillary (in’ framaksil'ari) a. [L. znfra, below; maxilla, jaw.] Situated beneath the maxilla; Tbpl. nerves (zoo/.). rbital Shed fradr’bital) @. [L. infra, below ; orbis, circle.] Be- , herve, etc. (ava abating “Gin'frapatelar) a. arin 3 #8, ree Say knee-cap.] ype f fat beneath the ae (ana x infrascapular (in’ pan — a [ly “4 i below ; scapula, shoulder- lade.] Beneath the scapula; api. ey pe, Bees (in'frispr’natiis) a [len rele, below ; sfina, spine.] Be- the spine ; beneath the scapula spine ; afp/. muscle, fossa (anat. infraspinous,—infraspinatou edial (in'frastipe’ dix al) a. infrasta: [L. infra, below ; stapes, a eigen Beneath the stapes of the appl. a part of the cotunalle nat). (in‘frastér'nal) @ Abe non, —— Beneath the breast-bone ; the lower end of the sternum (amaz.). infratemporal Ga — Pe a. th infra, below ; temporalis, tempor- ary.] Beneath i :Seeeipoal bone ; appl. a crest or fossa (anat.). trochlear (in’fi fratrok lear) a Hy infra, tee Gk. trochos, wheel.] INF- a the trochlea; aff/. a nerve i reicarcowwsios naire na ard nN. e to; fruc fruit.] florescence eesti ae a seo bot.). infundibular (i n’findib’ilar) @ [L. unnel. Funnel- n abdominal muscle a funnel-shaped a g N 28 corolla ‘bot, infundibuliform (in’fiindib’iliférm) a. [L. infundibulum, funnel; forma, shape.] Infundibular dibul atu (in'findtb) aim). L. infundibulum, fa Any wap 3 shaped organ or structure ; ‘f part of the brain, of the Fosse bone, of right ventricle, etc. (avaz.); a cephalopod siphon; part of bi i flattened stomach-like cavity of a Cteno- phore, lying in the transverse plane (zool. k infuscate (infiis’kat) a. ied [L. zz, into ; ppl. embryonic forms of some Coelenter- ates (zool. rigen (in‘fizd’rijén nm. [L. én- fi reeset into; genos, offspring.] A gastrula-like es (injés’ po n. (L. imgestus, taken in. swallowing or assumption of aed material (phys.). ingluvies(ingloov'iéz). [L.ingluvies, crop.] T p of a bird ; a dila- a igen al per abdominal ring inguino-abdominal (ing’gwin6 - Xb- dim’ inal) 2 a. Inregion of abdomen and “S (ana groin (anat.). guin: in i gwing-kroor a) a. In na i on of groin and leg (ana a ‘sbhens (inha'lént) a. [L. 7, into ; halare, to breathe.] Adapted rt 149 INS- wen or drawing in, as terminal resof incurrent canals inSponges, cence n. ([L. in- fe an action already d inhibitory (inhibi ‘éri) as oe ee oe gg Appl. ves aie rol movement oF secretion phy 5.)s inion ” Cin'ton) nm. [Gk, znion, back of head.] The external protuberance of the occipital (anaz.). pia body in the wal cavity which secretes a black s ub- stance, oe or sepia, the ejection of which is a means of defence (zoo/.), innate (in’n: nat) a [L. zm, born.] __ Basifixed ; when filament is only attached to its base (404). meres (in’ sol ee nervus, sinew.| Nerve- cokibation auky: vital nerve force (pihys.). a (inndminat) a. [L. zm, not ; én, na Nameless ; appl. various arteries and veins Sah ate bone,—the hip-bone or “eat half of the pelvic girdle Zz. innovation a nm, [L. énno- wth or shoot b he oT of the cal: te behind to (naka a oculus, eye. ppl. pp in- serted ious to the eye (zoo/. idaiets (indjén) x7. rn ‘fibre genos, offspring] A sityompiantais substance of muscle tissue ( abe ). inotagmata (i’nétag’mata) plu. [Gk. és, fibre ; peje fe , arran Pati Ultimate hypothetical units (fhys.). inquiline (in’kwi sand as es oe dig tenant.] An animal livi ome of iodine and getting share ; om- mensalism (z00/.). [L. zz, into ; ripti din rm ‘a three fibrous bands crossing the _ rectus abdominalis muscle (anay, n’séktiv’driis) a. [L. are, to devour.] cere animals insectivorous (i znsectus, cut off ; vor = ers carnivorous ae iobacted (insér’téd) a. He severe, to join.] United mataral [L. zusertus, t of attachment of muscles; the point on which the in of a muscle is ES insertion ‘(inst rshiin) 7. joined. ] in organs, rial (in’ stso'rtil) a. [L. 272. nays to sit.] Adapted for oe ing (2 tenetent Gasts tént) a [L. znsistere, to persist.] Afp/. hind toe of certain birds whose tip only reaches the ground (zoo/.). inspiration (inspira’shiin) 7. [L. zn- — to inhale.] The act of drawing = air pa the lungs (ph im Ss). — Mdpaenicd one a. {1.. mething Standing Not cae scones (dot. star ga enti (ints fos) ries § " integer, whole ; Chie um, leaf.] With entire leaves tegripallial at (ite al) a. See saistokitinbs ‘intéy pope a) a. 1. ee: whole Zum, ene) aving an unbr eee pallial lin appl. shells of Molluscs with cant or no siphons (zoo/.). egument (intég’ aimént) nt. integumentum, covering.| A co ing: investing, or coating srectire ayer; an be layer of an sells (bo 4, interacinous {teas @ TL csr betwe a grape.] Among = ‘aheolr gy a racemose gland (an interaiveoiar Cn'térlve @élar) a. [L. seer ong eolus, small vity.] Jee aback: ; appl. cell islets (anat.). Max / ot es ee 150 INT- [L. znter, porere ambulare, to walk.] Appi. a of ec chinode erm test between lacral areas ; 7. a plate of dare area tsa /.). interaanbalaeram(in térambiila’kriim) [L. zudter, sila n; wmbulare, ‘ walk. k | The a between two ambulacral areas ‘(cool interarticular (in’térartik’tlar) a. tbe i Nn; articu lus, a joi a, ain Deemer s an evden 2 ype era oR (in't tera’ trial) a. Le inter, press n ; atrium, a hall.) la groo ee separa arias the two fe of the heart (az interauricular Gin’ térérik’alar) a. [i inter, between ; auricula, little ear.] i So the auricles of the heart i 7 ween aig rays, or brachial plated (zool. Fi poss ee (in’ i [L. zuter, peed: : Gk. brangchia, gills, pais Ectasea 2 suc cessive ig slits 8 (z00, n many ossil Amphibia, an edditioast element in the neural n’tér erste ine . in sciesesitarte inserted. | ditional , = so eect ee between asses 0 manent th ‘chewhers than at ula ; appl. v a intorearotia “Cn! térkardt'id) a. [L. between; Gk. aros, deep sien yeerees the two carotid arteries (ana sietaaies Chit érkar’pal) a. [L. cater, between ; ng carpus, wrist.]| Amon INT- 1 or between the carpal bones ; afi. joints (anaz.). intercarpellary = seers mabe a . inter, betwe a Sy fruit.] a the jonas 8 (b02.). intercart: us (in’térkartilaj’iniis) nt 7, “Between; mre ago, the cartilage ; b.). in’térka Vérniis) a. [L. 2 gia ve tween ; aes hollow | Appi. sinuses connec ing the ca a part = the sahshal- reellular (in’tér sélalar) a. [L. inter, eonlionas — little cell.] mong or betwe s, the biliary passages ‘aac g the liver- cells (ana intercentral in! térsén’tral) a@. [L. ae between ; centrum, centre.] Uniting eo centra ; between two esate (an inte aan ‘in’ térsén’triim) 7. [L. inter, between ; interc hondral (in’ térkon'dral) @ “sae between Bie Ex onaros, carti- lag Appl. pace se and fcueiita amen the costal carte lages (ana interclavicle Gaeieeliy’ eh 0 TL. inter, bet as seer ” small ey.] Seiat edi um ; n ventral hens Seti the clavicles interclavicular (in’térklavi [L. zuter, between ; clavicu key.] sain: the Savickes ap. a cel (an rags = la, interclinoid (in’ eek gg r eee | inter, between; Gk. bed ; eidos, \ike.] A ae ‘rocess joining the anterior and posterior ar structures, as certain abdominal muscle fibres intercondyloid — oe a. [L. inter, bet ; Gk. kondylos, x etdos, agen lance.] Be- the condyles ; ie twee app ainieite of the tibia, and fossae of the femur (avaz.). ~ oO 1 INT- intercostal (in’ térkés’ dea a. Lary in between ; cos/a, rib.] Between an ribs, as arteries, glands, membranes, nerves ns, muscle ie dameestotenciita! (i nterkbe! tébra’- kial) a. [L. ee between ; _ rib; drachium, arm.) Appi. lateral beach of the second fists tal nerve which er the seem arm (anat. (in’térkés’téhi’- tercostohu meral méral) a. [L. inter, between ; costa, rib ; Aumerus, the humerus.] Inter- costobrachial. ag Doce as ee a. [L. oe bet COXA, ween re aie or frst Tee fetie of Peete Ss (zo inte: seta ete 1c térkrés! gr Re Th. inter, betw , to grow.] A growing "hts eck pala, as of tissue intercrural (in’térkroo’ral) a. [L. inter, between; crus, leg.] (pi. tendinous fibres arching across the external oblique snating (anat.). intercuneiform (in’térkiiné’ 7 a. [L. ater, between ; cuneus, wedge ; ts ie“ 5 Connecting the three un o is te) delintlabiaicd and ligame nat.). (in’ eouiaee hal *, betwee wn ; Serre, ry.] Berween eke vasa deferentia a (coo) Het térfistk‘alr) «TL. ; fasciculus, —— all betwee interfertile (in’ tater dive: a. [L. inter, etween ; (iter fertile.] Able to interbreec Pienaar ( térfilamén’tar) a. [L. inter, between; jlamentum unctions or hori- terfilar t L. inter, between ; /i/um, thread. — d substance of pro plasm, as opposed to the eitevne (cyt). interfoliaceous (in’térfdlia’shiis) a. INT- 152 [L. inter, between; folium, leaf.) Situated or arising -between two opposite leaves (é02.). interfoliar yates ar) a. foliaceou intersanslione (1 a pregoeenon ik) a. [L. 7, between ; Gk. gangelion, a little “Hiicsci r.] Conne ecting two ganglia, as nerve cords or strands Inter- rae aa (in’térjén'ital) @. [L. : tween ; gentfus, produced.] Between the genitals ; afp/. certain echinoderm plates (zoo interglobular (in’ térglob'alir) A obde inter, between; globulus, globe. | Z. a series of spaces towards the outer surface of den- tine due to imperfect calcification (anat.). seceehcins (in’ rage ct nm. [L. inter, between ; guda, et.] A paired is) ae front of the gulars in Chelonia (zoo/.) interhyal (in’térhial) ». ([L. znter, b n; Gk. 2 pak: Y-shaped.] A small bone between omandib- ular and re of some higher vertebrates (zoo/. terlamellar (in’t nebelaenti as) eT inter, Getweon ; lamella, a plate.) Appi. vertical bars of tissue joining Pm gill lamellae of Molluscs (zool. . in’térlam’ intr) a abr 7, between; /amina, ‘plate:] Uniting laminae ; between laminae anat, interlobular (in’térldb’ilar) a, inter, between; a lobe.] sem ring between lob appl. kidne areetics, etc, (an interlocular ce terloW’alie) a iL, inter, betwee n; loculus, soil place. 1 Between the loculi bot.), terloculus (in’térldk’iltis) #, [L. inter, between; loculus, compart- ment. € space between two loculi (402), rmandi (in’ térmandib’alar) a [L. inter, between; mandibu- lum, jaw.] Between mandibles or rami (amat), Bad termi) en inter, jaw.] Bone Monidstass the ase: the premaxilla (amat), intermaxillary (in’ térmaksil'ari) a, and i ang (00 intermediary ( intermediate am térmé’diat) a INT- maxilla, jaw.] pert, the land in the ertain Amphibians [is ann between ; Between the m aril premaxillae ; abhi. * nasa tim ofc d.). in’térmé Pag [L. inter, betw mn meatus, middle] Acting as a mediu _ appl, nerve- = receiving impulses from affer- cells and erenemnitsiig them to pecans cells ( phys. inter, betw bra ( phys.) ; appl. a ie in striated muscle (anat.). host,—the host inter- Paap between two others in the i tory of in pa arasites, a leaawas in the life-history of idititec toe £00 rmedium (in 't&rmé ‘diim) #. [L. 5 between ; medius, middle. ] A small bone of carpus and tarsus (anat.). intermesenteric (in’ ee ik) a. [L. inter, betwe eioearebs enteron, gut.] Occurring betw een the mesenteries; api. spaces between = mesenteries in sea-anemones (ool. intermuscular (née ea) a. [L. inter, between; musculus, scle.] Between onesie —- the — axis (d70/.). ternal land,—a duct- oess ess gland, é ee ‘en ( pays.). ernasal (In't na’ ~ a. 71. oe heoon pie ose.] Betw the nostrils ; appl. septum, elena (zool.). interneural (in’térni’ral) a. [L. — between ; Gk. neuron, nerve spines (anazt.) ; . shar attached to caetatl ¢ iagi rays (zoo/.). internode (in’térnéd’) ”. [L. zuier, between ; zodus, knot.] A structure between two nodes or joints ; as of INT- a a (J02.), of a nerve fibre (phy. interno (in'térnd'dia) #. p/w. Phal- inahiooning (in’ eae: a. Lo a tween; ocu ye] ced between the enon eo interopercle (ntaropertl) go 51k, inter, between ; — lid.] A membrane bone the a of Tel Nap pone? phot to mandible (za interopercular pee interoper- culum, in ge sta bag (in’térépér’kiliim), Interope interoptic ‘(in'térs An & ti between ; Gk ‘kos, pert. sight} Saale the optic nema ; appl. sinus (z inte rosculant sail separ por e-1h., inter, betw o kiss.] Possessing “characters foie to or € groups or species iol), interosseous (in’térés’éiis) a. ie inter, between ; os, bone.] ccurri many vertebrates a bone arising between the Parietal paae yeaa ra- occipital (ana a rpedun Lote ‘(in ee L. znter, between ; 3 pedunculus, little foot.] AZpp/. a fossa between the rao omg a ; and also a eta terpetaloid “Ct n erp aod eth. etalon, aged n the petaloid areas of an iehinouace test (zool.). tiolar ~ térpét'iélar) a. [L. nei betwee ge little foot.] uated bere the petioles or dai of opposite leaves (404.). hgeremgg on (in ‘térfalan jeal) a [L. z between oe of de Appl. articulations bet successive phalan fahren 153 INT- gars scyrsenaae’ ved térplasén’tal) a. [L. inter, betw ; Placenta, flat plate.] Between n placentae ot. ral (in’ i sags ral) a inter, engine k. b Aten t ae (an interpubie Re térpirbik) e, a. [L. inter, n; Pudis,mature.] Appi. the ihegoartlagisocs reas between the pubic bones (am, inte (nfo [L. znter, between ; radius. rt. radius.] Pe: an interradius (200. terradium n’térra’ditim) 7 fh. inter, between; radius, radius] wha area betw [L. YON, , side. ] radii radially svidiaaicical satinat’ tased . intervadius (in’térra’ditis) 2. [L. zzter, betw radi radius. e ete of a radiate animal halfway between t two 5 shoe 1 (zool.). interramal (in’térra aire a. between; ramus, b branches or rami i (bi ol). interramico ed — sige wm. [is branch ; (L. soon h.] Betw interruptedly de ee nate with pairs of small leaflets Steurtin ng feb sata onion ones (4oz, terscapular in’ térskap'alar) @ -[L es between ; raft shoulder- . Betwee d blades ; i. ine“ ool.). terseptal (in’térsép’tal) a. [L. inter, between ; septum, divi oe Pert. a between septa or partitions. ar (in’ térspik’a — [L. ine, god een; shiculum, sharp int.] Occurring between spic- eens Zool, interspinal (in’ aged nal) a. [L. — between ; Occurring between ‘spinous processes or rte tween spines ; aff/. bones, muscles (anat.). INT- interspinous (in’térspinis) a. Inter- spinal, intersta a térstape'di abe. [L inter, betwee stapes, stirrup.] Appl. a pet oy the columella of the ear (anat. intersterility oe pte ai 2.1L. rilts unfruitful.] manubrium an (anat.). interstitial (in’térstish’al) a, [L. inter, between; sistere, to set.| Occurring in pierre or spaces ; appl. ie x nose intertem n'tértém ‘ira m1 se, eens : pnenbecte ee aired membrane bone, abs ‘of the s sphenoid complex fusing with the alisphenoids tacular (in’t rerténta i) a. body of sternum appl. a ciliat base of the tenta low-water marks (67o/.). er auch eats ate a) a. inter, [L. chanter, : run gis ona trochanters ; aaa crest, one line (anat.). intertrochlear (in’ crepes wy a. (L. inter, between ; r re et ie] ee i # TL inter, Seen, jaro eat cavity.] Betw oe ie ventricles ; appl. a foramen (a intervertebral si tev one te Lo SES vertebra. } Rascactsy hatees ae ebrae; afi. fibro ocartilages, foramina, veins, discs (ana ous (in't sere fa) ar inter, ; vellt, hai Appi. the sa hng: in the pophobhistic network 154 INT- filled a ener blood leash 5 ; oc- n vi illi (anat., tater, between ; zoon, an house.] Occurring among zooecia aly. intestinal (intés’tinal) a. éestinus, internal.] 4 th testines; aff/. arteries, glands, vill, etc. (anat. intestine (intés’ tin) #. [L. ztestinus, internal.] That part of the ali- Same = from pylorus to ny sl corresponding to s (zool. ane of an extine intima = tima) 7. inner covering membrane of a Agee grain (404). intrabiontic "dn’ trabion’ Ag: 1th intra, within ; G 5, life ; onta, . Appi. : process ™ selec- tion ney Sa in unit al.). intra te ~~ trakap’siilar) a. [L. intra, within; capsula, a chest.] , as the hin; Gk. arvigtin ‘aeatl ithin the heat (zool., anat.). intracartilaginou: Gin'tr rak4r’tilaj’- iniis)@. [L.z#fra, within ; cartilago, le.] Inside the cartilage ; appl. —- (emo. — ar (i n'trastalir) @ [L. with in; fon OA little “cell.] Within the cell (dz0/., Dhys.). traco: ig pee of the brain cortex, or within anat, intrafascicular (in’trafasik’ilar) a. [L. intra, within ; fasciculus, little bundle.] Within a vascular bundle intrafoliaceous (in’trafolia’shiis) a. INT- [L. zztra, within; folium, wor ‘| Appl. s stipules encirclin ng the and forming a sheath; cf en bot. intrafusal (in’trafu’sal) a. [L. zzéra, within usus, poure Appl. fascicull and fibres connected re- neurotendinous and romuscular spindles (azaz.). intraglobular (in’ on oe ilar) a [L. intra, Wi ithin ; rei globe. ] Oc- corpuscle Appi. a oat nabs or process in the middle of the jugular notch (anat. intralamell intra, within ar (in’ tralamél'ar) a. [L. So igagere thin plate. ] ithin a lam : appl. ag trama of oitbeariog Fang (60 intralobular (in’tra bats = LL. intra, within ; oo i. small lobe.] Occurring wit lobul appl. veins draining ‘the baer isipues anat.). (a (in’tramém’ b-beanis) fag @ ee pir within ana, film.] ny <8 é Of leaves, reuie the on rolled inwards at each side 2) 5 of shells, closely coiled te (invaj'inat) v. [L. jection (in’vdli’shiin) 7. lu vagina into ; vagina, s — To eealate w into a shea insinking of a wall SE a cavity or vessel apparently reducing the st og —— and leaving a new cavit age visible on the extension: (esol bot.). vaginat fon (invaj'ina a’shiin) 2. [L. in into ; vagina, sheath.] Inv lesion | introversion ; ga aisle Woatatinn b i ) =a oO 2: invér'ta ere to turn into.] A ferment of plan which acts on can r not : vertebra, joint.] Back-bone- me aie Paula: (invést'mént) ». [L. zm, in; vestire, 2 clothe.] The outer pair of a part, organ, animal, tnvolinee (invélasél) 7. [Dim. of L. ucrum, covering.] The snail [L. z- —— = roll up.] 4#A/. forms fee : covery if the conditions improve as the so-called “latent bodies” s the / epearpsios life - history (200. sodentacoas (i0’déthi'rin) #. [Gk. zodes, violet ; thyreos, shield.] An iodine com mpound in the res material of the vind gland dial angle,—the het oes angle of the eye ; a angular recess at the anterior surface of - attached Be week of the Fishes is compose reo — in the Rikegnsntnt of Sep bracts = the bas & of a secondary inidomotor —— dogs a. [L. iris, 1; a partial jnvolucre (d02.). involuesiiate (invdl’is Vat) a. [Dim. of L. involucrum, covering. ] Bear- ing involucel ( ry (d0t.). iris ( eral (in'vdli’kral) a. 8 vum, Covering.] Pert. or like an involucre (404), involucrate (in’ voli’krat) a. [L. mn- 3 movere, to Con nected with Ate ‘cosuiinte of ast Tris) #. [L. zrZs, rainbow.] A thin, circular, Shai disc sus- pended in the aqueous humour of the eye between he. cornea and lens (anat.). IRR- apsceperaind Ani gd n. [L.irritare, 0 provoke. ] ae ahs acroniaes. or stimuli, an reacting to them, inherent in living matter (phys.). irritant (iritant) 7. [L. zr tare, to external stimulus which provokes a response ( — ischiadic (is kidd’ k) a Ischia ischial (is’ki ape [Gk. aang a hip.] yom of the hip; appl. eae eh (anat.). ischiocapsular (is’ Koka p" sular) [Gk. zschion, pe 3 L. capsula, — chest. ] a ligament joi st.] Appi. the —— ligament and the hi ip = hiocavernous apr a. “Gk, a ‘on, hip; L.c Appl. hiopodite (is’kidp’ dit) w. . 1Gk. peep hip ; ; pous, foot The pro in joint of the walking legs of certain Crustacea, or of th Neatip des (zoo/.). a Ry ieee k) [Gk ischion, hip ; L. pubis, adult.} Appi. g enestra between the p ischium and pubis (amaz.), (iskiépi’bis) 2. [Gk. ischiopubis tschion, hip; L. pudé ult.] Th ischium of Pterodactyls, the pubis lum ; a fused ischium and pu (zool.). ischi Cilia gels ee | ischion, : rectus, straight.] Per ium a rec ie fossa and muscles (a4 ischium (is‘kitim ischion, bone of each half o _ the v er of Mammals ; an ischiopodite isditerous (7 ennrgs a. [Gk. z. plan te Ps rre, to bear.] Bening Padia ( isidioid (sido) [Gk. zsds, FPR eidos, like.] Like an isidium (bot. isidium "Gsid'tim) m., isidia (isid’ia) plu. [Gk. zsis, plant. soredia on — surface of some Lichens (40 isidophorous “i siddf‘ériis) @. [Gk. isis, a pints pherein, to bear.] Isid- ifer 157 ISO- islets of Langerhans,—spherical or oval bodies 4 scattered throughout the pancreas, concerned in the metabolism of sugar in the body LYS. )s isobilateral symmetry,—the quality of leaves whose and lower ot.) isocarpous (i’sékar'piis) a. [Gk. zsos, e ; Having car- 0 = a. _[Gk. Zsos equal ; serkos, tail] With verte- bral column ee 2 in median line of caudal fin (z00 isochela . sikeli) {Gk zsos, equal; chele, WA Ae with two parts peli; Ge —— is) isocytic (Isésit'ik) a. [Gk. zsos, equal; 1 os, hollow. ] With all ose equal bi sodactyl aut sddak'tiliis) a. [Gk. 7508, equal; d aktylos, finger.] _Hay- made digits of equal size ateaneene (isédiamét’'rik) a. [Gk. isos, equal; dia, through ; metron, re.] ith cells or othe . t. os, equal; all 0 equal (zoo/.). ir qual gametes, not differentiated from one another. dg’Amiis) a, [Gk. tS08, ; gamos, marriage] Having the pa alike (40 isogamy (isdg’Ami) “8 [Gk. zsos, equal; gamos, union.] Sexual rr. or union of similar gametes (diol. isogenetic (s6jénétik) a. [Gk. zsos, ual ; mpee offspring.] Arising ee t ame or a similar origin (dtol.). isogenous (iséj‘éntis) a. Isogenetic. isognathous (isdg’nathiis) a. [ isos, equal; ig _ jaw.] Having gol. mast: (7 sémis ‘tigot) @ [Gk. isos, equal; mastix, whip.] Having ISO- 158 the flagella of equal length (zool.). mere (i’sémér) 7. [Gk. zsos, oes meros, part.] . homolo ogous struc ture or part (zoo/.). equal; mo. ele !eeraant Ahr alike (70 ee hism (i’sémér’fizm) 7. [Gk pe. different race or species (dzo/.) isomorphous (i’sémér’fiis) a. Isomor- hic isopedine ag sa m. [Gk. Becca level.] A r of compact bon arrari in are fish souls pete . petalous (i’sépét’a —— seo ts0s, equal; pela so a -] Having mauiee aes s (0 Zz): hytoid (iséfitoid) a [Gk. zsos, publ 5 piyhe, pat io “indi- vidual” or part mpound plant not * differentiated oe the rest att z.). (isbp’édiis) Qe TGs peri eg pous, foot.] eee the legs alike and equal (zool. ) s6pég’éniis) a. [G re (i's6spor’) 7. Gk — on | eke seed.] An by et en See oF ah aoate (zool., bot. ro’ us (isds’ périis) a. [Gk. ZS05, e isotomy (isdt'6mi) 7, Gk. isos, equal ; temnein, to cut.] Bifurca- sgaeoerenis (7 sétoni ual ; phys.). isotropous (isdt’rdpiis) 2@ (a ivory (ivé ri) Jacobson’s cartila, J AC- tion constantly repeated manner, as in regular brachia (z00/.). ia crinoid isotonic (i'sétén'ik) a. [Gk. Zsos, al; fonos, tone.] Of equal tension (phys. is‘iti) 7 [Gk. zsos, ‘onos, tone.| Normal ten- sion under pressure or stimulus [Gk. zsos, equal ; —— to turn.] Not influenced any direction more than anethee (d0t.) ; without predetermined axes, as in eggs (zoo). sotropy (isdt’répi) #. [Gk. — equal ; ¢repein, to re rn.] Absenc of predet termined axes in pe (emb.). ozoic (i’séz0'ik) a. [Gk. zsos, equal ; zoom, animal.] Inhabited by i rms of animal life —— a. [Gk. Zso isozooid (i’séz0’oid) equal; zoom, animal ; eidos, ike A zooid —— to the pare stock (zoo, isthmiate es a [Gk. zsthmos, neck. ] = nected by an isthmus- like par —— (is — [Gk. zsthmos, eck. arrow structure con- sectiig two tanger parts, as those aorta, acoustic — limbic etc. (am a ne ‘way.] A nal, as those of the middle ear, beans etc.; an aque- duct [L. ebur, ivory, through Frenci] Dentine of teeth, usually that of the elephant’s tusks and similar structures, formed from the odontoblasts. ge,—a special carti- lage formed in the nose region, supporting Jacobson’s organ. acobson’s or, —a ee of n many verte- rates, often dev wakacin ng into an ah tot lined sac which opens into the mouth. JAC- segesantel (jak’tlatér) 2. [L. jaculatus, thro A placental _ process, aanaliy: AE Ge Ig of certain fruits (402. jaculatory (jak’ Some. a [L.7 latorius, throwing.] ae ies capable of being emitted (z00/.). aculatory —_ —a portion 3 the vas deferens in many animals, which is eapabie of eines pro- truded (zo0/.). jaculiterous Gak alte tha) ac AL. Jaculum tt; ferre, to carry.] nes. Akin to chaw, chew.] structure of vertebrates supported y bone or cartilage, naked or sheathed in horn, or bearing teeth or horny plates, forming part of ps aig and helping to open in a a ceralerty placed on tur jaw-bone,—the mandible jaw-foot,—a aos of Arthro- a ol.). rin Gi&KS rin) #. [L. secur, api ar nel raey like phosphorized sub- stance ee in nape of the organs of t in minute quantities, cae aolaiie in ether phys.) jejunum Gioon tim) #. [L. jejunus, empty. e part of the small intestine stretching from the duo- denum to the ileum (ava jelly a eget on,—the peste tissue connection with the vessels gar (zool. jugal (joog’ al) a. [L. jugum, oP, ier = bone, between maxil d squamosa joan Gaog’at) a a. [L. jugum, yoke.] H of leaflets (d04.) ; ool.). [L. jg (zool. jugulu: um (joogiliim, jiig-) # [L. jugulum, — bone. | The fore- neck regio pagent breast ; in Insects, the ones of the wing (zo0l.). 159 KAR- jugum (joog’iim) #. [L. 6 ited yoke. ] A pair of opposite leaflets ; on the merica ren- juice 1 pee be ie jus, wea The fluid contained in mal flesh or = srs ate ( phy. 9 Jurassic (joo risk) a [ Jura moun- tains.] Occurring in the middle Secondary tien My the eighth of the thirteen systems (Ja/.). K a Crea we spin djEn’Esis) 7. kos, bad nests, descent.] . ability to hybridize (dio/.). (kali fala, a hut. - pet of sporocarp (d02.). kalymmocytes (kalim’ sorban n. plu. [Gk. alymma, covering; kytos, cell.] In Ascidians, Sia follicle. cells which ——— into the egg after maturation (z0o karyenchyma (kar Neng Ki [Gk. karyon, eae cece an in- fusion 'N uclear sap ( karyogamy oe n [G karyon, : union.] fa Union and interchange of nuclear material (¢ okin (kar'tokine’ nm. [Gk. karyon, nucleus ; kinein, to chan ge.] Indirect cell-division; mitosis (eyt.). (kar'iélimf’) nucleus ; ; L. iajiioe, water.] N pi sap (cy karyolysis dart isis) nm. [Gk. 4ar- = nucleus; dyein, to loosen.] upposed a of the nucleus in sare ma a (kar'iémi’krés6m) nt. (ck. . karyon, nucleus ; mikros, small ; soma, body.] A nuclear granule KAR- karyomite ssapigpn nm. [Gk. kar- yon, nucleus; mifos, thread.] A chromosome (cy karyomitome (cariomitom’) nm. [Gk karyon, nucleus ; oo ome network, Nuclear network of fibres (cyz). karyomitosis aromite sis) nm. [Gk karyon, nucleus; mttos, thread.] Indirect nein division (at). karyon (kar k. aryon, nucleus. | The cell- ae (cyt.). karyop hans (kir16fin z’) a. plu. [Gk. aryon, nucleus; fphainein, to appear.] Microsomes or nucleus- like granules surrounded by an ovoid matrix, — for the spiro e and axoneme in stalk of Infasora (cyt). karyop (karidplazm) #. [Gk. tesa nucleus ; J/asma, something moulded.] The nucleoplasm or nuclear cabstiies (cyt. karyorhexis (kar’ frek’ ‘sis) 7 [Gk karyon, nucleus posing. 1 Fragmentation of ashe iets (cyt.). 8 on haets ~ nm. (Gk. £ar- pages nu 3 som y. ne of the euclech of thé “net-knot” some ; a_ special resting —— - on nucleus itself ; cf. plas karyota (learia tH) 7n n. errs Oe kar- ated cells. Me us ; theke, covering. The nuclear membrane ee (katab’élizm nm. [Gk. kata, down ; dallein, to throw. ] The aeacive processes of metabolism ( phys. meeerborte pee. ik) a. [Gk. haZa, dow vein, to car sae psec the result of lethargy Lys. kataplexy 888 aplék’si) 7. Tem kata, dow essein, to str Con Biden Rs an animal iignicg death a te (katas'tat) 7. [Gk. kad down ; séasis, state.]| Any pr Heme: of on ning activity of protoplasm hys. kathodic (Kithod'ik) a. [Gk. ioe oy — ehh Not arising | in conform ion to the genetic spiral; 61 ay ory g piral ; app 160 KIN- kation we on) x. [Gk. sata, down ; ay ogo] A pe IE A pei es towards athode Ass Sesuties pole ; ink an ormay are S. ceol, ship.] The carina or ached bone of flying birds .) e boat-shaped structure two — petals k hy. a a. Gk. keras, horn; phyllon, \eaf.] Appl. layer of a hoof on the horny and sensitive part keratin (kér’dtin) tt. Gk. eras, orn An insoluble — formin ng the basis of epiderma structures such as_ horns, pree (zool.). keratinization (kérat/iniza’shin) k, keratosenous (kératdj’Eniis) a. eras, horn ; gignesthai, to produce. . Horn- haere ts (zool.), keratoid (kér'atoid) a. [Gk. eras, horn ; e¢dos, resemblance.] Horny ; resem rmbli ing horn (zoo/.). keratose anes s) a. [Gk. eras, horn.] ving horny fibres i their “yee as certain Sponges zool, | (kér’net Nn. [A. S. cyrnel, a mall grain.] The inner ace of a ae connate the enki o (d0t.). eae cS ate n. [M.E. idnere, kidne A urine-secreting organ (an nos ig ian en ——— ik) a. [Gk. isthests, percep- nite of Fatecilar yee : “appl. sense, area (phy eiassodie Cattesat k) a. k. ede — ment ; ae, way Conveying se ear. (phys.) ; appl. rebar centre in cell- division € kinetoblast sine’ toblist) nm. [Gk. inein, to move ; blastos, bud.] The outer ciliated i aoeatieat of aquatic larvae with special locomotor prop- erties (zoo/.). kinetogenesis KIN- (kiné’tojén’ ésis) [Gk. &énein, to move ; gignesthai, to produce.] The evolution falas that animal structures have been roduced by animal movements kinetonucleus (kiné’téni’kléiis) 7. . kinein, to move; L. nucleus, kernel.] The secondary nucleus, in f ss anosomes, ellum and psrinerar 2 membrane ; cf. trophonucleus (cy7#. kinetoplasm (knetplan) nm. [Gk. kinein, to move; plasma, some- thing formed.] =Ae iron-contain- ing ayaa forming a source of energy to Nissl granules of nerve- oats (phys.). kinoplasm (kin’6plazm) #. ([Gk. inein, to move; Plasma, e thing formed.] The substance of i attraction-sphere, astra rays, and spindle-fibres consist ; archoplasm Ps lates ( klas’ ae n. i Cr. Spa 5 tre L. pla growth oe sure in certain Echi- noids (zo eistowamous tte aan) a. [Gk. kleistos, closed ; gamos, marriage.] cl ertilized in closed flowers (60 ot ee (n é) # [A.S. cneow, er he joint Ei Pv and tibia nite ); a root-process of certain car wae trees (G04. . cnotta, a knot.] sur- Aw m s of chromatin where the meshes cross (cy#.). L —— (labél'at) a. [L. dadellum, lip.] eye, with labella all lips (404, «e lnbellaia (labsloid) a. ie 7 labellum small lip ; a ei dos, eeeatl ack Like a label labellum (labél’d im) n. [L. labellum, 161 LAB- small lip.] The lower petal, pee rey ape sia of an chid (40#.) ; a small lobe beneath e labrum in certain insects ; 7 one of m4 proboscis lobes in certain S (z00 inbie “a’bia) Nn. plu. iL. a lip.] Lip-like structures (ava labia cerebri,—t mates of the hemispheres of in overlap- ping the corpus crate: (anat.). —the outer lips of the vulva (azaz.). labia minora,—the inner vulvular lips (anat.). labial (labial) @. [L. nee. jie] Pert, or resembling a lip (zoo/.). labial palp,—the lobe-like siacture near the mouth of a mollusc ; the jointed appendage on the labium f Insects (zoo/.). labiate (la’biat) a. a labium, lp.] ye ip-like ; possessi thickened margins i ol.) 5 vine the limb of the calyx or es so ed that the one portion over- laps the other (do¢. labiatiflorous (ia’biatifo ‘riis) a. [L. labium, lip ; flos, er.] Having the corolla dived ps two lip- like portions (do¢. ophorous (lab'idof’driis) a. [Gk. labs cath de 3 pherein, to es sing pincer-like organs Fone (la’bieV’a a) #. [L. Zadéum, lip.] One of the mouth organs of Myria- _ la’bivdén’ oy a. labium, pide ; dens, ooth.] Pert. lip and t to an em- nN. St ing. of labia; a fused second maxillae of ouch ‘abesl “(la’bral) a. UI. labrum, \ip.] Pert.a sot (zool.). labrum (la’briim) 7. labra (la’bra) L. labrum ip) The anterior lip. 0 , Crustaceans, 7 certain caer Anas ods ; the ou we gah? ; e mouth of a cauctened shell (z la boar or ia bg n. [L. laby- rinthus, labyrin The complex internal ear, ee or membranous ; the portions of kidney cortex with L LAB- the uriniferous tubules eer) 5 he tracheal vag een Zool. yrinth t (lab’irin’ thédént) a. [Gk. Za perinthos, labyrinth ; odous, atooth.] Havin rea laccate (lak’at) [It. Zacca, varnish.] Appearing as - varnished (éo¢. laeakeated (las’érat&d) . (L. lacerare, to tear.] Hat ving the margin apex deeply cut a ppileae ated (40t., zool.). lacert: g (lasér’ tiform) a. [L. lacerta, lizard; forma, sha ape.] av the shape of a lizard € lacrimal. lacinia (sini) n. [L. lacinia, flap.] Se of an incised leaf (404) ; in eg ors ite of labium of oe z00l,). (lAsin’iat) a. [L. lacinia, Sent tregularly incised, as peas: fringed ( lacinula (lasin’ila) ». [L. latinia, flap.] | Small lacinia (G0t., zool.) ; the inflexed sharp point of the petal (doz. lacinulate (lasin’alat) a. Gee lacinia, lacrimal organ appl. es duct, papillae, rit etc, (ana krona GES ma, t€ar ; masum, nose. Pert. the lacrimal and nasal bones or duct (anazt.). ose (lak’rimés) a. [L. dacrima, tear.] Bearing tear-sh haped ap- pendages, as the gills of certain Fungi (404). lactal y forming glucose, etc., from lactose (ph lactation (likta’sh hiin) 2. [L. Zac, milk.] Secretion of milk in the am ds (zoo/.). 162 LAG- lactescent (liktés’ént) a. [L. Jac- tescere, to turn to milk.] Produc- ing mi zool.); yielding latex bot.). ao ane — bbe lac, milk.] Per appl. b acilli (Pies: latiterous “Gutirienes oe © k ; ferre, to carry.] For one or rer milk (zool.); carrying latex (bo lactochrome “(lak tékrdm) #. [L. Zac, milk; Gk. chroma, colour.] A colouring matter of a nitrogenous nature supposed to be in milk hys. leccomicn lobulin JosePalge arn = i lac, milk ; globulus, dim. o ( sbe.] The specific as of milk, insoluble in w lactoproteid (lak’topro'téid) 2. [L lac, milk; Gk. froto pee ; etdos, resemblance.}] Any the milk proteids una (laka’na) 7. 5 ie. lacuna, bagi ace betwee en cells ; (zool.) ; a urethral follicle ; a - cave in bone (avaz.); a small cavity or depression on the surface in Lice bot. lacunar (laki’nar) a. [L. /acuna, cavi Havin ng or resembling lacunae (zoo/., anat.). Laperarnsg (laki’ nds) a. [L. lacuna, avity. With numerous cavities Gall ot.). la eeaesovasiue —— "gds) OSUS. i. .] Pert. ve being in or " beside ' lakes (404., zool ag de ‘trop ‘ik) a. [Gk. — .] Inclined, baraed or oles to the left (x00l) 1 6 ee lag na (lagén’a lajé’n (ge na, aye) ys [h. k.] An outgrowth of the alae. the tener? portion of “the cochlea (zool.). geniform esa form, 1lajé’niform) a , lagena lagents . [L. dagena, flask ; Pastis shape. | Shaped he: = "fla sk (zoo/.). lagopodous (ligé pis) a. [Gk. lagos, hare ; pous, foot -| 2 gpermesnn . hairy or feathery feet (soo/.). LAM- 163 LAP- sme a. [F. laminiform (lamin’ oe a. [L. lam- logist.] r pert. ina, plate ; fe » Sha pe.] Laminar. Lamarck, bio Of o the ws put forward by pil veh (lamark’izm) 7. theory of Lam principle that acquired eeanecier: istics are transmissible (4zo/.). mda) #. [Gk. A, lambda.] The junction of ~~ lambdoid and sagittal — (ana lambdoid mdoid) Gi 4 Gk A, lambda ; ten ——— a ae prt upp. crated suture nella, a structure (avzat, zool.); the gill of an Agaric (do¢. lamellar (lamél’a r) a. [L. lamella, a mellar. mel ibrng'kat) [L. lamella thin plate ; = ar gi ils.] Having Sam like’ gills on each side; with bi- ieterally compressed mt ey i body, like a e (zool.). oo a. Son me cornu: Hav ing sation 1 joints sales into flattened plates (soo/. rous (ldm’élif ris) meee | lamella, ph plate ; hia poi 6 aving small plates or eciies (200 lamelliform Serine a. fi a mella, plate ; forma, shape.] Plate- like (zoo/.). lamellirostral esa on . ie lamella, plate beak.] Having the auto -eages of the bill bearing lamellar-like ridges (zo0.). Jameliose lamel’0s, pre lamellar. lamina (lam‘ind) 7. [L. /a@ co re ~t ner f t oak ide of rse-hoof cone + ; ; the blade . the leaf Pair laminar minar e.] Consisting at plates Pa r thin =m (é0t., zool.). ehind in a smooth ridge (zool. ‘ laminous (lam‘iniis) a. [L. /amina, plate.] Laminar. lanate (lan’at) a. [L. /ana, — oolly send : ert era ed with s hair-like processes giving a Prive Sia psH ance ag the surface (04). elinear (lans’-lin’édr) a. [L. gg , lance ; /inea, line.} Between lanceolat 5a and Suter) in form ; appl. leaves anceabiong ‘(lins’-6b'léng) ae mcea, lance; oblongus, oblong.] Oblong with tapering ends ; appl. ea lanceolate alk n n'séélat) a. [L. lanceola, little lance.] Broa base and gies: to the point ; lance-shaped (602, zool.). ——- (lans’-6 a a, [L, dane lance ; ova/is, oval.] Sommmdin bietienis lasoeointe and oval (d04). B between lanceolate and ovate (d0t.). ee ates,—special plates support- ing the water-vascular vessels of —— (zool.). —see islets of Langer- languet, languette (ling’gwét) 7. [F. dangue, tongue.] A process on the branchial sac of poorer (zool.). laniary (lan‘iari) a. [L,. ed s tear in pieces.] Term afi. t canine tooth (zoo/.). lantern,— see Aristotle’s lantern [Gk. Zan- (zool.). lanthanin (ldn’thanin) 7. — Oxychro- to conceal.] tin lanuginous (lanii ee [L. /anugo, wool) Woolki (b0t., 2 lanugo (ldnii’g6) - [L. pata wool.] The vering on a foetus, had early in life (anat. lapidicolous (lip'idi iSliis) a lapis, stone ; colere, to cultivate.] Appi. animals that live under stones (zoo/.). LAP- lappaceous (lipa’shiis) a. [L. Jaffa, bur.] Prickly (407. lappet Ennoite [M. E./ appe, a loose han rt.] One of the paired etl el ie ade ng guess ards fons the distal end of the stomodaeum in jelly- fish; the lobes of a sea- ee athe asta of a An larva, ghost.] becomes self- sustaining and independent before it has assumed the characteristic features of its alesis isi larval (larval) @. [L. a, ghost.] Pert. or "i the larval ase (goo Z.). larviform viform) @. [L. larva, ghost wha shape.] Shaped like a larva (z00 larvigerous (larviy ériis)@a. [L. Za ghost ; gerere, to bear.] Bouseiais (sool.). me mst devas 5 aris) a [L. larva, ost rere, to era) Pro- pratt fre larvae (z00. larvivorou Pee i host ; str su to devour. eating (00 arvule dacanl) n. Pe rts ee small larva.] Youn ool.). ng L. larva, Larva- larinje’ al) a. a sag 0 upper part of wind- he larynx; appl. sites, vein, nerve, anat.,). laryngotracheal (laring ‘gotra’keal, salt be [Gk. larynx, windpipe L. trachea, tr achea.] Pert. larynx, and trachea ; af#/. embryonic tube “ee foreign bodies (z00 latebra, e bulb of the oom ame latebricole (vee a. [L. latebra, iding-place ; colere, to cultivate. ] Inhabiting holes, latent (la’tént) me [L. Zatere, to lie hid.] Lying dormant but capable 164 LAX of development ae favourable circumstances ; afp/. buds (do4.) ; resting stages (zoo/.); character- istics (dzo/.). bodies,—the resting stage of certain Haemoflagellates (zoo/.). ‘epeeat sags al) a. [L. latus, say re siecaiad. at a side (zoo/.) ; or ata iid of an axis (do7.). lateral chain theory,—see side chain — (phys.). teral line,—a longitudinal line at eek side of the body of Fishes marking the sosition of supposedly sensory cells connected together, ond with the pneumogastric nerve 2.). 5 +L of. Zoantharia, etal gthe directive or dorsal and ventral pairs (zoo/.). laterigrade (lat’érigrad) a. [L. /atus, side ; gradus, eo, Walking side- ways, as a Crab (za le vandal Boo he new.] With lateral veins ae ae latex (la’téks) 7. [L, latex, paid) A at fluid found in some P lants laticiferous (lat'isif’€riis) a, 2 — flui erre, to carry, ] eying ae appl. cells, ie gens - Z, ool.). iniganeen Reet ne a. [L. latus, broad ak.] Broad- beaked a Bg et a (lat righ a a, [L. Zatu road cers ptum.] lava a von sentinn. i the silicula (404.) Laurer-Stieda canal,—a canal leading matodes (zo xylon “6rins mm {ke juaras,. laurel; Gk. xy/on, wood.] Any fossil wooc law of acceleration, —the generaliza- tion that or LAY- “petra of Langhans,—see cytotropho- lender ‘(lé'dér) nm. [A.S. laedan, to lead.]_ Highest shoot or part of rome of a tree (do4. leaf (léf) ». [A.S. leaf, leaf.] An expanded a wth of a_ stem, whens green (02 t). lecithalb tilt “(lésttehalbe ‘min) 7. [Gk. lekithos, egg-yolk ; L. albumen, white of egg.] ubstance, con- sisting of albeit and lecithin, said o exist in various organs in the body (pAys.). lecithin (les' sce ig nm. [Gk. lekithos, egg-yolk. aie fat of a asm (phys.). lecith (lés'ithéblast) # [Gk. eee egg-yolk ; Waxios, pee In developing cess, tee yolk-co tainin lecithocoel (lés'ithdsal) m. “[Gk leki- st egg-yolk ; ozlos, hollow. ] The segmentation cavity of holoblastic eggs (emd.). legume (léguim, lég’iim) ». [L. leg- umen, A dehiscent one- celled, Le valved carpel, ee pod of bot. ° rh i=] 77) fp om se ed “qeaatetbee proboscis (zool.) ; a fillet of fibres oe _— side of the cerebral pedunc focusses rays € (200 seainet “ae ‘ise n. “tL. dens, lentil.] ng pore in Angiosperm stems (d07.). lent: eos age _(léntik’alar) a. [L. len m. of dens, \entil.] Sha ed jabs convex lens (dot, 165 LEP- lenticular veggie ” The tip of the incus articulat with the stapes, which is often ossified as rate unit (am lenticulate déntiatat). a, [L. dens, lentil. ] ing in a sharp point ; depressed, aise and frequently ribbed (z00 lentiform en vtiform) a. [L. dens, lenti pe. ] ee orm lentigerous (léntij’éris) i Bde lentil ; gererss to bear. ] Garni with a lens (zoo/.). lentiginose (enti ‘inds) a. [L. lentigo, fro fens, lentil. Freckled ; spec ckled ad numerous small dots (zoo/. lentiginous mca tent ints). Lentiginose. lepidodendroid (eden roid) a. Gk. /efis, scale ; etdos, \ike.] wits having scale-like leaf-scars (fa/.). Moly lepidophyte (lépidéfit) 7. [Gk. ca es (zool.). sacdaobe (lép’ Se a. [Gk. Zepis, ee minute scales (do¢, lepidotic (ep rae ahs a. wal cale. /. Teleostomi, bony a probably modified scales (. ). lepospondy. (lép’6spon’diliis) a. [Gk. é& i husk; 5, tylus, lepbiospbalesA (lép’ tékefaloid, = ? a. [Gk. depfos, slender : Re epha head; etdos, resemb ing a Leptocephalus (zoo/. e (lép’tésér’kal) a. [Gk. leptos, slender; kerkos, tail.] With long slender tapering tail, as some Fishes (zo le ctylous (lép’ serie A = [Gk. Jeptos, slender finger.] Having s small or gree digits (zoo/.). LEP- leptodermatous (lép’tédér’ oe a. [Gk. /eptos, slender ; derma, skin.] Thin-skinned; aff/. various acs (bot). leptodermic (lép’tédér’mik). Lepto- ermatous leptodermous (lép’tédér’miis). Lepto- derm leptome “Uép’ ~~ nm. [Gk. Lepios, slender. | scular tissue of - ¢ és ins bast (d07.) [Gk, zos, smooth Rudimentary bast tissue leptophylious oe tofil’is) a [Gk. leptos, slender; Phyllon, \eaf.] With’ slender leaves (do+. leptosporangiate (lép’ téspéran iat) a. [Gk. /eptos, slender ; — seed ; anggeion, vessel.] sporo- genous ti _ from opp. eusporangiate (doz). leptostrot (lép téstrét’érat) a. [Gk. Jeftos, ‘slender; séy. tos, ie Pad en tis ot.). leptus “ tiis) 7. oes leper ‘small he_ six-legged larva of mite Zool, lethal (le é'thal) a. O Ww hite nitro- genous eae constituent of various Gakock a organs (phys.), leucite ee loo-) k. leukos, white.| A calierina: plastid ares leucoblast (li’/kéblist, cage nm. [Gk eukos, white; dlaslos, bud | res ad blood- -corpuscle in - : velopment (em/é.). e W’kékar’piis, loo-) a. [Gk. leukos, white ; 5 barhes, fait} i e ite leucocyan (li’kési‘in, — n. [Gk. 166 LIE- leukos, white ; kyanos, dark blue. ] A pigment found in certain Algae leucocyte (lu’késit, loo-) x se me leukos, white; kytos, ho “owd amoebocyte ;_ a colourless sical corpuscle (amaz.). leucocytogenesis _(lii’kési’téjén’ésis, loo-) 7. yr leukos, white ; pete, seks : —— to 0 duce, Leu RCS A plu. (Gk, pa ogg white ; pike 3 formed.] Colourless plastids from which amylo-, chloro and chromo- ene: arise (40 S teitaaiois: loo-) #. plu. Gk. pe white; A/asios, formed. Colourless granu ules of plant cyto- pla h chromatophores or amyloplasts bot. levator (léva'tér) 2. [L. devare, to raise. iven to muscles eerting to raise an organ or part at.). Leydig’ duct,—the Wolffian duct (emd Leydig’s 0 organs,—minute oa - posed to liana (lrain’A) n. [L. ligare, ne ol Any luxuriant woody climber of tropical or semi-tropical forests [L. Z#ber, inner bark.] a si “Aktntzm) n. [Gk. leichen, | Symbiotic relationship between Fungi and Algae (0/.). eet Baier us a. = idos, npr aaenes ing a Lichen — (ber) Nn. st (40 of t kbbekines pate lien Ne én, le’én) 7. [L. ed spleen.] uenal ihe enil) a Be tiem, 3 spleen.] /. artery, vein, rc ; lienculus (lién’kiliis) 2. [L. An accessory lien, spleen anat.). lienogastrice (lié’négis'trik, 1éa’né-) @. LIF- Le dat, suieets sasleh, stomach. ] spleen mac a iire-cycie h an “individual's species passes ts maturity (d/o/. ligament (lig’Amént) nm [L. “ga- mentum, bandage.] to bea st vers aring a macrosporangium (G0t.) acti um (mak’rié porin’- mim )n. [Gk. makros, large ; qo seed ; anggeion, vessel.] A spor- oping macrospores or megaspores (Goz7.). macrospore (miak’réspor) # ([Gk. 173 MAC- makros, large ; he seed] A large anisospore amete of Sarcodina (zool.) ; ra of the larger spores of heterosporous plants (607.). macrosporophore (m: po’réfor) 7. Gk. sind ia ; prince seed ; pherein, to bear.] A leafy lobe developing macrosporangia a (bob). macrosporophyll (mak’ré te (mak’réspd’ rozdit) N. mares, large ; aos seed ; 00M, animal.] cable —y n. [L. dim. of a a ham The eovestinial or in eld lateral malleolus, the lower ex- tremity prolongations crs tibia and fibula respectively (an malleoramate mal'Sora Pais a. malleus, beneers ramus. , branch. ] Appl. type of trophi with looped manubrium and toothed incus in Rotifer gizzard (zoo/.). malleus (mial’éiis) 7 [L. madleus, mme A part of the Rotifer mastax or 2Z ;-one t chain of auditory ossicles of Mam- mals ; one of the Weberian ossicles —— onan (zool.) ighian Gndip igian) a. [After eM alpine, of Pisa.] Discovered by or named after Malpi = Malpighian body, or scle,—in spleen, a nodular mass te ‘ymnahelil tissue ensheathing the smaller arteries ; in the kidney, a tuft or glomerulus a convoluted capillary bidcd wanna enclosed in a dilata- tion of the uriniferous tubule (avaz., ool.) ‘mate hian layer,—the basal layer of the epidermis next to the true skin (an ighian ‘tubes, —slender thread- MAL. like excretory tubes leading into the posterior part of the gut of Insects. Malpighian tuft,—see Malpighian corpuscle. maltase (mdél’tas) 2. [A.S. mealt, alt.] ant ferment which con- verts malt-sugar into grape-sugar (b0t.). coer (mél’t6s) 2. [A.S. mealt, It.] Malt-sugar CoM mamelon (mam’élon) fis mamilla, nipple.] A small bea like struc- ture in the centre of a tubercle of an Echinoid interambulacral plate (zool.). a (mamil’a) #. [L. mamilla, reer ] Anipple (avaz, _ ). mamillary process or —the superior tubercle consiected with the transve one uae of the lower rachel nn oa ‘ m’‘ilat Hae ork sipiaitle. eipple.) Ste udded with small pro- cag ec amma (mama) #7. [L. mamma, the bak st.] The milk-secreting organ of Mammals, functionless in the ammal Secale nm. [L. mamma, animal of red class of higher jeriobnites of w sian sees the young (z eel ‘ mammary (inim’‘ari) a. [L. mamma, the breast. ] ‘Pert the breast ; appl. arteries, veins, glands, tubules (anat). ammiferous (madmif‘ériis) @. [L. mamma, the breast ; fins to nn Developing artee tak milk-secret- ing ; mammalian ol.) mandible naagaibi oe a. [L. mandibu- lum, jaw.| The lower jaw of verte- brates, either a_ single composed of a nu ber or gener- ally, set jaw;a paired append- mops d with the mouth in Anthiaps bular "(amanda ae Le mandibulum, jaw.| Pert. the jaw ; appl. arch, oe Ae fossa, vation oot (an lat (mandib‘akat) a. {L. rent jaw.] Having a lower jaw ; having functional jaws ; hav- ing mandibles (zoo/.). mandibuliform (mandib’iliform) a. 175 MAN- [L. eat Jaw forma, shape. ] Resembling, or used as a mandible; appl. certain nate dinsitine (zool. ). gor tage ated E rsaiseparsi hi‘oid) is of th nat.). mandibulo-maxi andib’ilé- mak’silari, -maksil’-)@. [L. mandib- ulunt, ; maxilla, jaw.) Pert. epee rs mandibles of Arthro- pods (ze Fad eae ‘(man’ dika’shiin) #. [L. manducare, to chew Chewing ; mastication ( phys.). micate (manikat) a. [L. mani- case sleeved.] Covered with en- ngled pe or pe scales (407). manna "A) Gk. manna. aay “The hal rdened exudation of the bark of certain trees (404) ; -dew secreted by certain Goede e (zool.). mantle (man’tl) #. [L. mantellum,a cloak.] The outer soft fold of integument next the shell of Mol- uscs $ (a a sheath of spongoblast veel the body-wall of Ascidians —- mantle cavity,— spac between the mantle and bey aeons (zool.). cell,—a _ ce the tapetum aC investing tissue of a sporangium oe he spindle ors of a on Sale eas spuadia (em man er,—a layer of oa embry- onic eedaits spinalis representing sa Lage gray columns (emé.). rsal and ventral aps of thes slate in bivalves manual (man‘iial) ~ [L. manus, hand.] “y wing-quill borne on the - manus or — of Birds ; a primary feather (soo manubrial potatoe al)a. [L. manu- érium, handle. ] Eat heh ngeseniegs handle- cam gr (zoo/.), anub: maniibritim) ‘ZL. prc ea handle.] A cell pro- jecting inwards from the shield of an anther een globule of Thallo- phytes (404.) ; a hypostome or coni- cal elevation a the distal end of a Hydrozoan polyp ; the chaaiied like portion hanging ‘down from the MAN- 176 under surface of Medusae eve ) i the handle-like part of the malle of the ear ; hep anterior part of the a (ana us (ma ade) se [L. manus, hand.] the hand, or art of the fore- — correspo ondin ng to it, as foun vertebrates from Amphibia ae ears zool.). ee ae. omasus or psalte- c from its gaa structure hes cesce rsés’ént) a. cescere, = wither Withering but not falling off; app. alyx a persisting after fertilization eas (marjinal) a. [L. margo, edge] | Bhd ¢, at or near the margin, edge, cer? eee orm of rete (d0t.); appl. a convolu- tion of the frontal lobe (anaz.). ar; organ or vesicle,—a litho- "Ehge fo dec of argin of a ¢ (200 arjinw ns) - “plu [L, or defen- 23% marge, inct margin g Dekiscing by line of union of carpels (402). marginiform (mAr‘jiniform) @&:. LL = , edge ; forma, shape.] Like a margin or border in appearance or structure, (marjinirds’ = a. [L. margo, e ede: rostrum, beak.] Forming the edges of a bird’s bill 200 rate rmérat) a. [L. mar- — marble.) Of marbled sana mire (mar’o) # _[M.E. marow, pith.] The e filling up the cylindrical cavities in the bodies of lon h spaces of the cancellous tissue, stn in composition in different marsupial mbeciy: pial) a. h als. tanita (bo ot). masseter soe "tér) 2. mast c lezen = MAS- [L. ma. Pert.a Pugin sien - wit See pelvic girdle in certain Mam (marsi’piim) #. [L. Any pouch- of an animal negra the velopment, such as the abdominal pouch of ea Soe: ties of bivalves ; a recess formed by diverging spines and a support- ane in Stelleroids ; the ucture protecting the acrocyst in Saitnigriece (zool, ee (mas’kd) a. [F. masque, a sk.] Personate, as appl. corolla [Gk. masseter, one that chews.] The muscle which raises ine “lower jaw me assists in chewing (an masseteric ns’ &tér'tk) i. Atak masseter, one that chews.] /evr?. or near the masseter ‘mescle of the mn appl. artery, vein, nerve an. rr (mas‘tla) #. [L. massa, mass of microspores in ertain Pterido- mastax (mas'tiks) # {Gk . masta: 2 the mouth.] The oud of Rotifer (zool. - ls (Mastzellen of Ehrlich),— mr or a cells of soft proto- plasm, ver parts where fat is being laid down. mastication (mas’tika’shiin) 7. ry et —the gastric aeal apparatus of Crustaceans for grinding and strain- mastigium Ss mastigion, little whip.] A defen- sive re lash of certain insect € (zool.). ranchia (mis’ tigdbrang’kia) ioe # ‘on, little whip ; iiaadaa: gills. fey The soiedite of MAS- adult Decapoda, a bilobed mem- Z.). [Gk. breast; eidos, resemblance. ] oe appl. rocess of the ral bone, also cells, foramen, a notch (an nat, mastoi ouquamous (mastoid’é6- skwa ‘miis) a [Gk. mastos, ed ezdos, like ; S sguama, scale.] P. mastoid and aes parts of oon oe te bone (ana idohumeralis (m Seis id’6hiimér- a'lis) a nck. mastos, breast ; eidos, like; L. Aumerus, the humerus. ] A muscle of certain quadrupeds usc connecting mastoid and humerus zool.). 1 (mas’té- sp ital) a. [Gk. masios, breast ; L. occiput, the occiput.] Pert. secipital bone a the mastoid process of the ceanooral (anat.). masto (mas’tépar7étal) a. — etal [Gk. mastos, breast; L. faries, wall.] Pert. the Sadan bone and aah process of the temporal mastotympanic (mis’ tétimpan'ik) a. [Gk. mastos, breast; tympanon, drum ‘] Appi. part of the tympanic pes s boundary in certain Reptiles (Z upon w in) a Lichen or Fungus grows (do mattula ae a1’) n. [L. matta, mat.] The network covering the reece . in the polar body [L. maxilla, tea part of the upper ndage of mo thro caper to — mandible, modified ario’ in ion to us faction ak requirements (zoo/.). 177 maxilliform (nator) meatus (méa'tiis) 7. MEA- maxillary sane é ri)@. [L. maxilla, jaw.] erd. or in the region of the maxilla or ow ; er artery, nerve, process, sinus, tuberosity, vein (anat. maxillary glands,—paired renal or- gans opening at the 000) of the maxilla in cig ustacea (z00 maxillifero 3 (mak’silif ao. a [ maxilla ak : pohly tocarry.] Bear- ing maxillae [L. hape. 1 Like pede “a ksi!’ — I. La maxilla, jaw ; a? ot.] ngs pendage, S, or = pairs, ns bs she ees in — s (z0 ena side tal)a. [L. m ae ; dens, tooth.] Pert. jaws tie teeth (anat.). orma, S maxillojugal (maksil'6joo’gal) a. [L. ] maxilla, j jaw ; jugum, yo Pert. jaw and jugal bone (azaz.). sil’6maAn- the jaws of primitive ree maxilla -— mandible (ana tal (m aksitopatatal) a aw; palatus, the ert. jaw and palata ie polit a maxillary process of Birds (zoo. te) (maksil’6farin’- jeal) a. [L. maxilla, jaw; Gk. Akane ; ais Pert. lower jaw ad pharynx (anaz.). o- (maksil’6 6 aig maksil’ari) @ [L. maxilla, jaw pre, before.] Pert. va Rsiopeis be appl. nar uppe oe gu salt lla an premaxilla ace fused (a nat.). maxilloturbinal Muga ta ype . vb0, ana maxillula ede elk te a Lhe dim of ma t maxilla in Crust tacea when lane ie more pairs than one (zool.). [L. meatus, a Meckel’srodorcart MEC- 178 passage.] A passage or channel, as the acoustic or auditory, and the nasal meatus (avaz.). eckelian cartilage or rod. [After Meckel, German anatomist.] The ge,—Meckelian rod or cartilage. um (mék’6nid‘iiim) 7 [Gk of the gonangium of certain Hydroids zool.). media (mé'di [L dese ger ma A middle anti such a er of tissue, a central nervure . ei ool.) ; as - uch as eT ores in which cultures rs grown (dzo/.). mediad (mé’diad) adv. [L. intdins, mi ied ‘To wards but oon ae in the — line ~ axis (anat.). medial ial L. medius, aektie. ‘Situated 3 in the ae median (médiin) a. L. medius, middle.] Lying or running in the axial plane ; intermediate ; middle. ediastinal (mé‘dias’tinal, -dsti’nal) a. [L. mediastinus, a servant. ] Pert. or in the region of the mediastinum ria cavity, arteries, glands, sh mediastinum (mé‘dias’tiniim, -asti’- In the oo middle medio’ [ Pert. that portion of the columella auris of certain animals external to the stapes (anat.). BS sch cal a stem (404). ulla oblongata. os plate, — f MED- mediotarsal (mé‘diétar’sal) a. [L. meatus, ; tarsus, ankle. ] Between the tarsal bones. medioventral (mé’diévén’tral) a. [L. medius, middle ; venter, sts belly. ] In the middle ventral li meditho (Gne’ditha’raks) eee 8 medius, m Gk. t& , the breast.] The middle part of the thorax ; the mesothorax of Insects ) eyebulb (avaz.); any of the more st less solid Ss in which cultures ared or tissues are propagated (phys). medulla (médiil’a) 7. [L. medudia, marrow, pith.] re ee of bones ; the central part of an organ or tissue (amaz.); the pith or central —— posterior “-prention ne the brain continuous with the _— abril, or spinal cord (am “oad meas) a, ser medulla, h pit Pert. or in gion of the medulla; appl. i eran mina, membrane, bone, spaces Fy B medullary cana y, —the —" eytindrical soetien: of a long ne containing marrow (amaz.) ; the scacicon (embd.). —a groove on the up, spent and convert t 00 into a cana = neurocoe! (emd.). Sabine & —a downward growt towards he: paiatcrens, the = ment of the central nervous syst in the development of certain as tive vertebrate Ji mo.). ck ee medullary la: a thi layer of the alias of some Lichen bot.). plate-like toderm__ cells bardening the Sha yao of early embryo; the sorieet rudiment of the nervous —_- edull mb.). m ary rays,—a mcdieaest strands of cqumectine. tissue extending be MED- “oe the pith and the pericycle Zz. medullary sheath,—a ring of pro- toxylems a the pith of certain stems (40 a layer of white eri surrounding the axis meow of a medullated _netvestibre ated (med iila’té d) is eae gens Racaarstuscags ‘with a medu month ie isteuttated —the fibres of the whine: part of he brain and spinal cord, consisting of an axis- sheath, is in turn covere delica se the neuri oe — medusa (médi’s%) 7 Gk. one who rules. ] A jelly- ash ool 4 Medousa, Medusa ty, shape.] Like a sehen or Pa ‘fish, medusoid (médi’soid) ~. Gk. Medousa, edusa; ezdos, like.] medusa - like free - swi . gonophore of Hydrozoa (zoo/.) ; like a jelly-fish or i sha ool, % medusom médi’s6m) Medousa, Medusa; soma, body.] A name given edusoid stage in the life-history of Obelia megagamete (még’ ——— nm. ([Gk. tes, a spouse. ] megagametocyt nm. [Gk. megas, large kytos, ma i and itself giving rise toa megagamete, frequently requiring piegermebesees to another host before its develo ment can proceed (zao/.). (még’Akar'iésit) 7. me [Gk. megas, large; aryon, nut; kytos, hollo A giant-cell of marrow with on rge annular lobulated nucleus, containing a number of nucleoli (avaz.). 179 MEG- megalaesthetes (még’dlés’théts) 7. lu. [Gk. megalon, — aistheti- kos, perceptive.] Sensory organs, sometimes in the Sot of eyes in megalon. large yinrobies t (ana még aloeonid"vim) [Gk. megalon, great ; offspri ng.] A large gonidium eat megalopa (még’ald’pa). Mega Pp op megalon, great; ops, ne i ng to the epulge stage t A pore in the 1 plates in ret = P santioen a megalaesthete n dire ommunication with the ‘eeveiriot ae 2.). megalops (née sone nm. [Gk meg- ops, eye.] A larval ertain pe aceans, as crabs, conspicuous by large stalked eyes (zoo “*s ri ian alésfer’ ik) a. megalon, gre Sphaira, id 1 Of poiveiietasine F aimee: ifer shells, having a mega ry ae or large initial chamber (zoo/. megamere (m ena ig — megas, large ; mero. rt.] e of the large cells fernind yy ie shes primary. ait tgs of a developing ovum pb st aE — nm. [Gk. ucleus, kernel.) — e supporting as i as nonaclraeihRe (zo heric canbe Megalo- ot megasporangium (még’adsp6ran’jiiim) nm. [Gk. megas, large; _ seed; anggeton, vessel.] _A macro- Btn abt ager caer oe (bot). megaspore (m or) 7. ar megas, gre ore : * pores seed. | larger-sized spore of dimorphic forms in segimeciicile by spor formation (zoo/.) ; the larger snes MEG- of 7 ten plants, regarded as female ; the embryo sac-cell of a seed plant Ag £). 1 (még’ oT it. so cate eed ; ee- beeing. leaf developing fnegasporangia a (d02.). esacthewta (még’Athérm) #. [Gk. megas, great ; en heat.}] A Sy ees plant (d megazooid mey"izd ‘oid) like.] e larger zooid from binary or other fission (zoo/.) m spore (még’Az0'dspor) 7. [ megas, great ; zoon, animal ; sforos, seed.] A large zoospore, as in th oogonidium of certain —glands of th eyelid war a psa ihe secretion (an nat. ). meiophylly (mi 6fil'l) ~. [Gk. ei smaller ; ag nag deat ] The f one ore aes in a whorl or a set of organs meiotic (midt’ ik) a. [Gk. meion, — aller.] Af#/. reduction division, hich see ; also maiotie (cyz.). Malsante: ’s plexus,—a gangliated rat of nerve fibres in the sub- —— coat of the small intestine lanin (mé& anin) 2 [Gk. melas, ” black} Black or = brown Pig- et as of the retina ; ci haem sis tiiicdoee (mét’ anizm) #. [Gk. melas, black.] Excessive development of black fyi in skin or body- covering (zo e(m a inten oe melas, black ; &ytos, hollow.] black Os Saat phe ale te (bh LVS»). mél’Anéspér’mis) a. mick. melas, Wieck ; sperma, seed.] Fae toes, eaovenis wi with dark-coloured 180 MEM- melanotic veviee | ik) a. [Gk. melas, black.] Having black pigment un- usually Pct ope oa melliferous (mélif’ 8) a...-[la mt honey ; LO to carry.] Hosen producing (o/.). melliphagous (melt iis) a [L. mel, — ey;G ey se to eat.] Feed- ool.). melisugent Gnél'isi’ént) a. [L. mel, - cet to suck.] Honey- _sucking (za ree orous pane ‘ortis) a. [L. mel, oney ; vorare, to devour.] Feeding on honey (zoo/.). member the ae of c - Sot (zo. cas (ners) n. [Gk. meros, thigh.] " Meros, which see. esamoeboid (més’Amé'boid) ce nacional cells of the blood Sede ood corpuscles are b.). m més’ark) @. [Gk. mesos, middle ; avche, beginning.] "4 met xylem having m xylem develop- ing in all directions from protoxylem, characteristic of ferns ; having the proto ee surrounded by cena ( cats akeson't ik) a [Gk. MESOS, gener ; axon, axis.} With up the middle digit (z00 mesencephalon (més renee 15n, -séf-) Gk e; em, in; mid-brain, comprising corpora qua adrigemina (bigemina) and cerebral peduncles (anat.). mesenchyma (méséng’kim4) 7. [Gk. mesos, middle ; engchein, to — in.] A mas s of tissue, between oe and pain a oi of a gastrula (emé.). esenchyme (méséng’kim). Mesen- yma. esenterial (més‘énté’rial, méz’énté’- vial) a. — mesos, middie ; enteron, gut.] a mesentery; affi. ra of Actinozoa (z00 rane (més éntér'ik, mis entir ik) Gk. ys middle ; emferon, é enterium, a mesentery. "A fold of peritoneum derived from the mesentery, retain- ing the vermiform appendix in position (amat. = (zool.), inx (mes’ se see it [Gk. omc middle ; sa/pingx, a trumpet. ] mesoscapula (més lsskip “8) mz. [Gk. mesos, middle ; L. rs shoulder- blade.] pi Th e capular (anat.). mesoscutellum aes 6skutél’tim) 2 [Gk. Ber ddle; L. scz anes Sh a small shie id] The scutellum of insect’s mesothorax (zoo/.). mesoscutum (nés’éski’ttim ) m. [Gk mesos, middle ; L. scufum, a a shield. | The scutum of insect’s mesothorax (zool.), mesosoma (més' or [Gk. mesos, mente soma, body.| The — part f the Aen gs tae eabdom of pp eae or anterior isis 00 mes‘éspérm) #. [Gk. , ed.] The integument pay re nucellus of an ovule ( mesospore (més’ rier [Gk. mesos, middle ; spores, seed.] The inter- alien e of three on coats; a eating spore ange (604.). més spo'ritim). Meso- spore. esostate (mé més’ dstat) n. [Gk, MESOS, middle ; s¢asis, a standing.]| An intermediate stage in metabolism (phys.). (més’ dstér’édm) #, [Gk. mesos, middle ; stereos, solid.| The middle — of thecal plates of oe — ee dstér’nébra) 7 ‘ec k. mute smile ; Sternon, Seeasy- ne. | of the developing A a wg Be m am (més/Sstér‘niim) rt (Gk. mesos, middle ; L. stern bone. } anat.); th aS ‘of Insects (z001.). mesostethium (més‘ésté'thiiim) z. es Mes OS, joint.} insect (zo0l.). oth body (zo m™m mesovarium mesos, middle — MES- i mesos, middle ; — the st.] A meso osternum (zool.). et ous (més‘éstiliis a. [Gk. mesos, middle ; s¢yos, pillar.] Hav- les of intermediate length ; 1 nt.}| Pert. a mesotarsus of a Taser (zool. otarsus Ames 6tar’stis) #. [Gk. mid L. darsus, ankle- A sniddle. limb tarsus of ecium = 6thé’siiim, -shiiim) [Gk. mesos, middle ; theke, cup.| The middle. investing ‘layer o anther-sac res A plant thriving in a moderate heat bot. mesothoracic (més’ éthéras'ik) a. [Gk. mesos, middle ; thorax, chest.] Pert. or in the regi the meso- thorax ; aff/. a spiracle of Insects (zool.) (més’6tho’raks) #. [Gk. mesothorax mesos, middle ; thorax, ane) The ment of — thoracic region of pacts (z00. esotria e (méstrven) a. [Gk. mesos, middle ; triaina, a trident.] An aberrant type of triaene spicule (zool.). me aes rékal) a. [Gk mesos, middle; s¢rochos, wheel] Appl. of cilia round the middle of the ol.). més Stimpan ik) a. esotympanic [Gk. mesos, middle ; tympanon, a drum.] The s symplectic ; one of the bones in the suspensory appa- ratus of the lower jaw in Fishes (zool.). (més'va’ ritim) # [Gk. ovarium, an shoe ‘mesentery of the su — mesentery of Pahes poem mesoventral (nés'bven tral) a. [Gk. MES- mesos, middle; L. venter, belly! n the mid Mesozoic pos a ik) w. [ C508, iddle ; zoe, life.] The nidale or eeieadary ; Gee of rock-systems al.). — (mét'abid’sis) #. [Gk. after ; dzos, life.] Condition gers one ——— lives only environment and ee d (dio/.). ger wtene eatin ik) @. pa o throw.] Chicas ae ; les pores thowesl changes occurring in ee organism ; metamorphosing (dz0 metabolin (metabioln). = [Gk. meza- bole, ¢ Ses product of meta- bolism metabolism 7 anetSb! ese S artobele, change. ] tive, occurring in living organisms biol.). metabranchial (mét’ dbrang’kial) a oo meta, after ; — nec ia, gills,] Pert. or in the of the —— gill etre 5 Hee, i metacarpal (mét’ak4r’pal) a. [Gk. carpus, the = 7, bones jee after rp 7, the metacarpus ; eae etc. (anat. at metacarpop fala a. i: wrist ; anx, oa the articulations ase tween metacarpals and. phalange at.). soos ct bags ‘apap? piis) #. [Gk. meta, afte L. carpus, wrist.] The skeletal part = the hand tween wrist and fingers, con- sisting of five cylindrical bones (anat.). metachromatinic grains, — chroma- toid bodies found in s very similar to chromatin in properties and characteristics (¢ aeidiceale (mét’Akro’sis) n. [Gk meta, after; chrosis, colouring.] Ability to —— colour xpan- n of pig cells, as in some Fishes and Baoties (zool.). metacneme (mét'dkném) 7%. fa meta, after; kneme, the tibia secondary mesentery of Zoantharia (zool.). 187 MET- metacoel (mét’d ae) m. (Gk. me after ; Aotlos, hollow.] The third and pos — part of the coelom of Molluscs (zeo/.). —— (met! kon) 1 . meta, after ; Zonos, cone.] € postero- external cusp ae an sone peers ool. otnainna (mét’akd’nid) 7. ae _— after ; onos, cone; eidos, rese blance. ] The postero- -internal pace ofa rss molar (zo00. metaconule (m mét'sko'r wo [Gk. meta, after; onos, cone.] The posterior secondary cusp of an upper molar (zoo/.). metacoracoid sex carat 8 nt. Ow ; .- The se part of = year (zool.). mét‘akrd mign) nm. [Gk. akros, ummit ; omos, erior branch- process of the sexoniote -process of the scapular spine (zoo/.). dal metadiscoi (mét’a Adiskoid’Al) a. Gk. me fter; diskos, a quoit ; agen egg mre A nta -Pp which thevilli areat first ‘scattered poe later restricted to a disc, as in i.). metadromous ee a. en: meta, —_ dromos, a rane mary ve s of ape arising tocen e upper ae “¥ the midrib (404). mi etism (métés’thétizm) x. Gk. ta, after; aisthetos, per- ceptible senses product of the evolution of matter and force.” me (mét’Agas’ po a, [Gk. meta, aft ter; gaster, belly.] Pert. a posterior gastric region ( (zoo0l.). CCE me ste. y modified form of gastrula (z metagenesis (mét’Aj meta, after ; genesis, desce ae nation of genera ations, which see, métakiné’sis) 7. [Gk. aaa after he middle jaae of mitosis, during which the chromosomes are srouees in the equatorial plate (cyz. metaloph (mét/Alof) 2. [Gk. meta, MET- 188 MET- after; /ophos,acrest.] The — egg-nucleus after its extrusion from crest of a molar, uniting metacone, the germinal vesicle (cy¢.). metaconule, and hypocone (zoo0/.). metapeptone (mét’Apép’t6n) #7. [Gk. e (mét’Amér) 7. [Gk. sci meta, after; peptos, cooked.| A a ; meros, part A bo prod the action of gastric segment (zoo/.). juice on albumi (Ph. metameric(mét’ imérik)a. [Gk. meta, metaphase (mét’afaz [Gk. meda, after ; mevos, part.] Pert. metamer- after ; Ahainein, to pee sy The ism or segmentation (zoo/.). st I itosis in which the e étam’érizm) #7. [Gk. ch are split up in the meta, after; me: Th equatorial plate (cyZ). condition of a b divided up m etaphery (mei ert) m, = meta, into segments more or less alike ; beyond; pherein, to bea Dis- os a page zonal symmetry sieved of organs (0 it). (zool.). metaphloem (métaflo’ém) ma. [Gk metamerized (métam’érizd) a. [Gk. meta, after; philoos, — The meta, after; meros, part.] Seg- phloem of secondary x xylem (d02.). antic: (zool.). metaphragma (mét'afra gm’), [ Gk. metamitosis (mét'Amitd’sis) 7. [Gk. wae: after ; grr heeviend a fence J ek, after ; mitos,thread.] Mitosis , nternal metathoracic septum in which cytoplasmic and nuclear in scutes (zo elements are both affected; of —- (mét’ afit) 2 [Gk. meta, esomi eeene after; phyton, eet) A multi- metamorphosis (mét’Amér’fésis) 7. cellular plant (do¢. [Gk. poh beyond ; morphe, form.] a _ Apla rem m [Gk Change of form and structure under- meta, aft er moulding. gone by an animal from embryo to Convenes of sie om adult stage, as in Insects (zool.) ; form to another, ee in jaiteasion interference with normal symmetry LYS. in flowers (407.) ; internal chemical metaplasis a lasts) #. (Gk. change (phys.). meta, plasis, moulding. ] metamps (métimp’s, mé’tamps) 7. The me ’ period in the life of plu. _[Gk. meta, after; morphe, an individu form.] Different forms ofthe same metaplasm (mét’ 4plizm) n, [Gk. species, as in certain Spon ee. meta, after lasma, something metanauplius (me's Andp'litis) [Gk moulded. ] The lifeless ing meta, after; L. nauplius, a kind of of protoplasm, as ofp. t iving shell-fish.] The larval stage of material (cyZ). rustacea Po eigen the nauplius metaplastic (nibs te) a, [Gk stage (zool.). ger 5 after; last moulded.] metanephric (mét'anéf'rik) a. (Gk. Pert. metaplasia a metaplasm meta, after; nephros, a kidney.] (cy?.). Pert. or in the region of the hind- metaplastic bodies, — gra or Simonds é granules of protoplasm ick are 6 gna “(mee anéf’rds) 2. [Gk. stages or products ~ ee lism hates after ; nephros, a kidney. and not true protoplas The organ arising behind = A metapleural (mét’Aploo’ ly a. . [Gk. mésonephros and replacing it as meta, after; pleura, a side.} Pos- the functional kidney f fully- teriorly and lat eerste situated ; developed amniotes (zo0/.). — a metapleure or metapleuron metanotum (mét’dnd'tiim) 7. [Gk. (zool. meta, after; noton, so The metapleure (mét’Aploor) 2. [Gk notum or tergum of the meta- meta, after; pleura, a side. thorax of Insects (soo/.). abdominal or ventro-lateral fold of metanucleus (mét'Aniikléiis) 7. [Gk. integument of — in of the lowest meta, after; L. on a kernel. eetsehielites tae A term aff/. by Haecker to the metapleuron (neva ploor dn) #2. [Gk MET- meta, after ; pleura, a side.] The pleuron of an insect metathorax a. pas breath j a. ; That part an insect’s soit ote behind the sae or podeon (2, (s00. (mét a easia) Meta- mes a me veapodial ~— se ) a Soar foot ; po orien metapolar cells,—the s — en metapophysis (mév'Spof'isi is is) ma. [Gk meta, after ; apo, ; phyein, to ] A prolongation of a verte- bral articular process developed mammillary process (a metapore (mét'dpor) #7. [Gk. mefa, after ; » a channel.] The medial aperture in the roof of the fourth ventricl f in ; Magendie’s foramen (ana etapostscutellum (mét iipostsk tél’tim) . meta, after; post, after; scut ; ot shield e Reig 0 8 of metapraescutum cartilage ete of recent Elasmobranchs (zoo! -): metapterygoid (mét’ aptér Lge [Gk. pterygoid certain lower vertebrates pe ,. 189 MET- metarachis (mét’arak’‘is) z, [Gk. meda, pa eee rhachis, a spine.]| The face of Pennatulacea which coincides sulcar aspect of the ter- ooid, otherwise the so-called doce! a (zool. metascutellum (mét: Askitel’ iim) # meta, after; L. scutellum, a small shie Id.] The “oe of an repos pageants (zo etascutum (mét’dskii et n. [Gk eae panes ; - —: shield. The scutum of a thorax (zoo/.). etasitism (méi'Asit’izm) 7. [6k meta, ss 3 sttos, food.] The quisition of a cannibalistic mode of life pee e m mét’asd’ma) #. [Gk. » after ; soma, body.] Th cee body-region of chnids (zoo/.). metasomatic — eet i meta, after ; y.] 2 situated in nthe ceeds re ét'as met, after ; ake, se having seeds in as closed ovary ; ; an para is. ge (b0 (mete tasis) mw. [Gk. aa mater stasts, a) Meta- bolism ;_ transfer of function from one organ +35 aah ( phys.) cistatieii o(mévast’ tik) life that of certain Trematodes i in which th ung er entering the intermediate host, metamorphoses es e adult, after which the ate host is swallowed by er final “ae zool.). metasternum (mét’a sté’niim) 2. [Gk meta, ahee ; sternon, breast- bone.] e sternum of ins ae the xi en the posterior part of the sternum of higher vertebrates (zoo, = eni (mét'a ey a. Je after; sthenos, stren With well- developed podnetion sant den or body (zo m gmate (mevstig mat) a. [Gk. ety after ; stigma, mark.] Hav- g posterior Sra cekl oe or neriekin, as in Mites (zoo. —— (m sabes . es after ; stom uth.] Thetwo- Tobed lower lip of esinsies 2 sak MET- meta — atar’sal) a. [Gk. meta, after ; L. tarsus, the an nkle. In the — of the tarsus ; afi. arteries, veins, ae eheate the meta- tarsal ae es oe metatars: eae Star’ s6- falan’ eal) a. lok. » meta, after ; tarsus, ankle ; Gk. Sapa ea Sip Dp: articulations between the metatarsus and phalanges of the a nat. etatarsus (mét’atar’siis) #. [Gk. rg hex ; Lu zarsus, sede |. The part of the foot between the ankle and toes (am ~~ i saasicaiuinens? mét’athal’amiis) 72, [Gk mefa, after ; ps is a Sag The genicu ulate bodies of the brain (anat.). metathorax (mét'athd’raks) 2. [Gk. meta, after ; thorax, the chest.] The ent of the thorax ). metatrophic — ‘Atrof'ik) a. [Gk. meta, after ; trophe, nourishment. ] +f on decaying ‘ceenic matter (b08. metaxylem (mét'Azi — nf Gk. meta, after ; xylon, wood.| Second- ary xylem with thick walled cells (d04.). metazoaea (m — n. [Gk. meta, agit? mes ; zoe, life.| A larval stage of Crustacea Saonet marcas d mega- lopa stages (zoo/.). pal igaloa) [Gk. meta, after ; cg imal.] ‘A multicellu- lar animal (zoo/.). metencephalon (mét’énkéf’alén, ine : nm. [Gk. meta, after; en, in ; hepha Some: The hind-brain or — bellum (métén'térén) #2. [Gk. meta, after; enteron, gut.] An intermesenteric chamber of a sea 0 or other Coelenterate bf . eron (mét’épim’érdn) #. [Gk. meta, a iy upon ; meros, part.] The epimeron of an insect meta- — poet} ZL). tepisternum (mét i nim) 7 [Gk meta, after ; a 3 ster. breast-bone.] The episternum of an insect metathoras 2 methaemoglobin (méthé’ mgr). = [Gk. meta, praia haima, blood ; 190 MIC- globus, a globe.] A product of blood decomposition ( pfys. metochy (mét’dki) #. [Gk. metoche, a sharing.] a a —— guest insect and its hos metoeeious ‘(maté é’shiis) a. —— _ after ; otkes,a house.] M nous or rae Ps us (do2. metope Spe 6pé) #. [Gk metopon, forehead. The middle frontal portion of a rgsepeaguscan yess as metopic (métépik) a. [Gk. mefopon, ead.] ert. the forehead ; appl. the frontal suture (avaz.). metosteon (métds [Gk. me/a, after ; osteon, bon posterior sternal cuniioationt in birds (zoo/.). metovum — Jagr nm. [Gk. pe after; L. egg. egg- cell ni ata - scaeaie materi cyt. metoxenous (métdk’séniis) a. fh Ses meta, after ; — a guest.} Para- sitic on different hosts at different stages in life-history micella (misél'4) 7. [L dim. of mica, morsel, ae ultimate supra- -mole- cular unit of a cell. See h thetical units. in micraesthetes (mikrés’théts) n. plu. [Gk. mikros, small ; — per- cepti The sm aller ry organs of Placophora (ze es robe (mikrdb) 7. [Gk. mikros, small ; dzos, _ A bacterium ; a micro-organ microbiology (ani krébid!’é it) n. = mikros, small; dios, ie ; logos, dis- course. | Bacter hrops persistent rays (zo erocentrum (mi’ ati ‘triim) ntre a cell. eucaueel of centrosomes (cyZ.). microconjugant (mi krék6n = it. Gk. mikros, small ; mjugare, to unite.] A motile ciliated free- swimming conj é which attaches itsel conjugant and fertilizes it (zoo/. croconidium (mi’krékonid’‘itim) i. MIC- : 191 [Gk. mikros, small; honis, dust.] (ot) comparatively small conidium t (mi’krés [Gk. mikros, meee 3 dystis, badd ret Asiaing: — tage of slime Fungi (407.). mikrési'tas) 7. op mira smal ee hollow.] T enzyme of microphages or 6 _descocytes ( Sip LM crocytes (mi’ Kriss n. plu G canny ty ll; &ytos, holland Blood-corpuscles about half the siz throcytes, numerous in diseased conditions (phys. —— at) <2 fk mikros, small; odous, a_ tooth.] With febcnerts na small teeth (z00. maleregamete (mi‘krégamét’) #. [Gk. microgamet ikrégamé'tsit) nm. [Gk. mikros, small; gametes, spouse ; yfos, hollow.] A _ ce developed merozoite in certain Protozoa, and giving rise toa icvratien oe (sool.). microgamy (mikr 3e’Ami) eee mikros, small; gamos, marriage.] Syngamy between the sm son in- dividuals, produced by fiss or mmation, as in Fateiniaiiers ge (zool. microg um (mikrégénid‘iim) 7. acs mikros, small; gonos, off- (m aria ér) [Gk. s $ meros, sale) A cell of the sae or animal erst ie ros, par zoon, animal.] A cell ears rues a micromesentery (mi ee n. [Gk. sealteee: small ; mesos, middle ; enteron, gut.) A secondary see plete mesentery in Zoanthari zool.). micron (mi’krén) [Gk. mkros, micropha microp MIC- small.] One- ss rt of a millimetre, sed in measurement of dinonnets. ‘of cor- s . (pays.). ront (mikront) x. bag mtkros, small; oms, being. znail cell “ _ dpe came, itself — pena ametes sporiia (zoo. ores (roPeréniklits) [Gk. 0 eg ie BS —— a kernel.] a smaller acted: of many Proto- a, lying in close A, terion vi the ieganiacianes (zoo c arkieée ganizm) 7. micro-or ( [Gk. mikros, small; organon, an crophages (mi 5 [Gk. mikros, small; phagein, to ucocytes puetere the enzyme microcytase (phy ocyte (m a ts te it. pair, small; phagein, to ollow microph: Gk. atbres, small ; s Diy llon, leaf. 1 With small leaves s (b0 Z.). se hyte (mikréfit) #. [Gk. — 1; ph ssa lant] A micro sole plant (4072. hytology Cn krofi wie n. [Gk. miékros, small ; phyton. logos, discourse.] The sc microp. _— vegetable _bacteri- ology (dor ous ‘(mikrdp'édis) a. [Gk. mikros, small; fous, foot.] With pore ina ae shell containing a sense-organ cropterism (m mk térizm) 7. ig mikros, small ; pferon, wing.] Co dition of having unusually small - oe as in some insects (zoo/.). ropterous pee A tériis) a. Se k. per small; fieron, a g.] Having small hind ee iovssibie till tegmina are expan as in some oe oe belo cinalt or rudi- mentary micropyle nr’ kropil) n. = ome mikros, small; pyle, a gate.] T rture for admission of pollen- tube at the MIC- ovule apex (4o7.) ; the aperture in the egg- -membrane for admission of spermatozoon; a spongin-coat of Sponges for escape of gemmules (z00/.). micropyle pparatus, — Tal —. hee cesses or guises ches, someti of very elaborate structure, developed round the micropyle ‘of certain srccact eggs (00. crorhabdus (mi’ "krérib'dits) 7. [Gk. mikros, small; rhabdos, a rod.] A te monaxon or rod-like ed (zool.). microschizont (m — ssn Gk. be. small ; yt0 cut: reer schizont. of po Protozoa duets (mikrésklér) #. [Gk. mikros, small; skleros, hard.] One of sponge spicules "found lying scattered freely in the tissues feanwlewttoX. tiim) #. [Gk. septum, parti- n.] An incomplete mesentery of Scandia. re zool.). oa wR e (mikrosmit' k) a. [Gk. eset small LES mikro. re osme, smell.] With feebly. developed sense of smell chamber of the shell is small (zool.). um (mi’kr aps ing Loy n. (Gk. mikros, small ; spore anggeion, vessel. A spo igual bea se a number of microspores spore (mi kréspor) ” [Gk. A gets seed.] The spore developed in a microspor- —- of heterosporous plants t) ; aan anisospore of Saicodien (zool. mi’kréspo'réfor) 2 sag [Gk divs, ¢ small; sforos, see ed; 192 MID- to bear.] A microspor- ium (dof. mniorosporophy (mikréspo ‘rofil) 7. mikros, small; sporos, seed ; phyllon, leaf | " Aamiceoaporandt um- bearing lea rosporozoite (mi kréspd’réz0'it) 7. [Gk. mikros, small; sporos, seed ; zoon, animal.] smaller ta 0- genous sporozoite of ee eee ?- microstome (mikréstom) 7. SOs (40 [Gk. SPoros, a small stylospore e (bot.). crostylous (mi'kréstiliis) @. ee mikros, small ; stylos, pillar.] ing sang styles ; : appl. peceebiod flowers (o7.).’ mic eth ees (mi'kréthérm) | 7. mikros, small; therme, heat. plant of the north temperate zone comparatively Gk. (o02.). microtype (mi krétip) 7. (ck. mikros, poses ba L. éypus, type.] arrangemen Anthozoa (zoo miicrozooid (car ler8 ‘oid) f me dees in Gk. sporos, seed.] Asmall planogamete (0t.); a small anisospore of Radio larians (zoo/.). crozyma (mi’krézi’ ma) #. en mikros, small; zyme, lea A biophore or idioblast,a hypothetical ultimate unit (d70/.). ev ‘krézim) #. [Gk. “——— small; zy A mic organi Rae erecting or decoene oe eee “iguids (phys.). d-body, cell late or group 0 W caiilen in the equatorial region of the spindle in the anaphase of mitosis (cyZ). mid-brain,—the middle zone of the primitive or embryonic brain ; the mesencephalon of adults, consisting pal bs cerebral peduncles, the cor- a quadri = pom and the aque- Actes Sylvii (anat.). he normal . MID- mid-rib,—the large central vein of a leaf, the continuation of the petiole — ff (m id’rif) #. [A.S. ot Mary , the belly. g The diaphragm or scular partition between the Soar and abdominal cavities (anat., zool.). Miescher’ s tubes,— see Rainey’s ubes. weiacarion (migra’shiin) [L. are, to transfer.] Change of food-supply, o birds, also in ade fishes, ae a tory i1,—an —— cell or leucocyte oF the (mil'iari) me TL. milium, millet. ] Of granular = sia small and numerous (zo0/.). milk-teeth,—the first dentition of — shed soon after or before er, bats, certain mit co) ela and the trape- zoid (anat. multiarticulate (mul'tiartikalat) a. [L. mudtus, many ; articulus, joint.] With m many articulations ; many- jointed (zoo/.). multicamerate (miil'tikam’érat) a. [L. meultus,many ; prio chamber. } coe, with many chambers. multi tar (mtl'tikip' saldr) a (i. peas spite ‘a, a littl chest.] With many capsules (do¢.) ulticarinate ( ae a? fh. multus, agrad as carina, keel. av- ing many multicellular o mt’tiseY air) a. muitus, many; cella, storeroom.] Many-celled ; — of more than ane cel sal (mil'tisén’ tral) a EL. multi si nay centrum, centre.] ith more than one centre of growth or development (bio ol.) multicip (miil'tisip'ital) @. [L. multus, ree ead.] With many heads Sere arising from one poi multicostate culos ma a {L. multus, mae costa, -]| With many ribs veins bot) ; with many ridges ‘loon ol.). multicuspid (miil'tikiis’pid) a. [L. muiltus, many ; cuspis, spear-head.] With several cusps “ tubercles ; appl. molar teeth (anaz.) 199 MUL- poo meres Segre tat) a. {L. 7s, tooth.] With ntations (4zo/.). ultidigitate (mii vedi itat) a [L. finger.] “t mulltis, cleft.) ae ving many. clefts = div a ons (dof. ae ena eat) a. [L. ; flagellum, wed Furnishe ad gui several or flagella ; polymastigote (zoo/. = ultifiorous (miil’tifld’riis) a. multus, Many ; s fos, sabes Bear- ing many flow gd B (miil'fo'Nat) a [L. S, Many ; Eee leaf.] With many exe ves multifoliolate ni a) Ale multus, ma oliolum, a small leaf.] With mane leaflets (do7.). multiganglionate (mil'tigang’- liénat) a. [L. multus, many ; . gangglion, a small tumour.] With’ several or many ganglia (anat. multigyrate Ley a. fh saga man le.] With m ; tortuous iol iy sicugkenéanns (na ioog a jugum, yoke] Having ease ’ pairs of leaflets aa z.). ultilaminate saiieed mo Be ee a. “th. multus, many ; lamina, J Composed 2) ied or many laminae (dzo/. ngs Co ta’bat) ics Bae many ; facta lobe.] Com- posed dof many lo multilobulate Gn at) ie a multus, a lobe.] Havi any | multilocular (onal 113 toe “i ‘1, multus, many ; loculus, chambe r.] us, With many nerves or nervures ool.), (zoo, ul aap tind’dal) a. [L. multus, many 2 abs , knot.] With ages gpa {nl tino’) 1h. vs m, name.] Appl. a aa or designation com,- MUL- posed of wanes names or terms ; cf. binomial multinucleate (miii'tina’klgat) ae 2 multus, many ; i (cyt). multinucleolate qmal ena klegigs a. LL. multus, many; nucleolus, a all secret — more than pein nucleolus (cyz multiovulate (mii'tio'valat) a. Ne peter many ; ovum, egg.]| With multip [ multus, y; polu. axis- end.] nerve-cells with ‘pp many dendrites or branching pro- cesses (avaz.). multiradiate (miil'tira’diat) i= multus, many; radius, ray.) Many yed. ra mult ose (mii’'tiram’ds) a. [L, multus, many; ramus, branch.] oh branch multiseptate (mill'tisép’ tat) @ [L. ales many ; septum, Rete, par Having numerous septa titions. t: (miil’ Maas ee multus, many; és, row.] Arranged in several or many rows. multispiral (miil’tispi'ral) a. [L. multus, man BE tee coil.] With many coils tee rls. mul ate nl stant a. [L. sul “us, Many ; stamen, some Cheep) several S (40 e. (mil'tisti’ kat) a 48; mul ag ‘many 5 sulcus, furrow.] Much furrow multiten ver (mil'titéntak’alat) ultus, many ; ulum, feter Having many tentacles multituberoulate (miil’titibér’kalat) (L. mzultus, many ; tuberc ulum, 200 _MUus- a small hump.] Having several or aco tubercles or small prom- icutueaiiads (miul'titibérkali) 7. L. multus, rae: ; tuberculum, a um forms with a number of tubercles Zool, multivalve (mil’tivalv) 2. [L. wezltes, any ; valvae, Se doors.] A shell compos sed o e valves or pieces than two el mult: ghee we fneeng’ kaa) a. L. Ss, many; i chain 7 “gpl. the ata: a bi- valve shells when it has several ligaments (zoo/.). multivoltine “ete a {& multus, ma ‘a, turn.] ungulate Ragged ge a. [L. multus, many; unguis, hoof.] Hav —o on ho of” in more aae two parts (zoo/.). muricate (mi'rikat) a. [L. muricatus, full of sharp points.] Formed with sharp points ; covered with short Bimool © prickles (dzo7. ; orm (im d’rif6rm [L. seve. wal ; iss eel ‘Like a brick wall; appl. a variety of agli So er ranged, occurring in ullary rays of a best y in prec formations muscicoline Gniistk’ott [L. MUSCUS, MOSS ; ‘colere, to that Living or growing among mosses (dz07.), muscicolous,—muscicoline. — miis'l) ~ [L. musculus, muscle, mai Rises with motorial function; the fleshy rt of the body, composed of muscular tissue (pAys.). le-banners,— laits of i. on the an oe aspects of Anthoz mesenteries, — the retractor tor ya > (z00 muscoid (miis’koi tte muUscUs, moss ; Gk. ces Se " resemblance. | Mossy y. muscous,—-muscoid, MUS- muscular (miis‘kilar) a. [L. ieee muscle.] Peré or consisting of muscle ; sense, area ( phys. . mach (zool.), fibres, process, ciestie: saben (anat. usculat mis’kilatir) 2. musculus, muscle.| The system or arrangement of muscles as a whole museulocutaneous (miis’kil6kita’- : appl. veins and nerves of leg me arm supplying muscles and skin (anat., zool.). musculo nee agence se a a. [L. cmbealee, muscle phr midriff.] Supplying diaphragm ee body-wall muscles ; af#/. an artery rp ls museulospiral (miis’kiiléspi’ _ ae [L. a muscle ; sfira, coil.] Appl.an which passes aealiy down the ae caaras (anat.). mutation (mita’shiin) 7. [L. muzare, adual variation Vries that new forms, differing sufficiently to constitute a arise ee and negeee ae (diol. muticous tis) a. cs mulicus, maimed. ] mWithon t defensive struc- tures, as clawless, toothless, blunt 200 mut. ilation (mii come ie, Me ch Te tilare, to ss a ak pcaential part of a eis am- a (zool.). utualism (mii'tidlizm) #. ([L. wees exchanged. A form of pba osis in which both parties rive "advantage without sustain- aes injury (320 in) a. [Gk. mys, muscle. ] ‘ ErassiGcation ac- cording to musculature (47o/.). mycele,—mycelium mycelioid (misé'lioid) a. [Gk. mykes, room; ¢éfdos, resemblance.] Like mycelium. so iene. nm. [Gk. mykes, work of filament- the — vege- tative structure of Fungi (do4. mycetogenetic (misé'tajenét’ i) a, 201 MYE- [Gk. mykes, fungus ; ee. de- scent.] Produced by a shen ages cetogenic,—myc ne mycetoid (misé’toid) a. ick ns fungus ; or resemblance. | goid ; fun snoea myceto aia eosin ous Seat 'set0f'Agiis) a. Gk. mybes, fungus ; phagein, to eat. Fu Sorta: ; feeding on Fungi (zoo/.). mycoderm (mr'kodérm) e [Gk. mykes, fungus ; in.] A bacterium of alcoholic fermentation sag tsoponag (mik6l’6ji) 7. i * ungus ; /ogos, discourse. ] bs department of botany aeuieg with Fungi. mycoplasm Leas win m. _[Gk. mykes, fungus ; plasma, form parasitic substance of cereal seeds may give rise to a mycorhiza (mi'kori’ ma n. [Gk. mykes, fungus ; rhiza, root.] Association of a fungus wid the higher plant, with mutual benefit (dot. myelencephalon (mi’ silage séf- pee Filet ty con} 3. the medulla oblongata; brain and spinal rans i generally anat.). elin lin) # Gk. myelos, narrow.| ‘A highly refracting fatty he medullary tion,—myelination. —— (af éldsél) m. [Gk. sigs kotlo. cm hollow. ] staat ed canal (anaz.). Gk. — ho Anam w a resembling a ymphoid corpuscle myeloid (mYéloid) a. [Gk. myelos, marrow ; é7dos, reastalance | Like marrow in appearance or structure myelon “(mi ou %.. (Gam es marrow. | spinal cord of vetebrates tavols ). eloplast (miéléplast) 7. [Gk, MYE- myelos, marrow ; leche lane rrow myelos, marrow ; plax, flat.]| A giant-cell of Sara w and ood-forming organs, deetints pitniacleiec, but in most cases multinucleolate (amaz.) mylohyoid (miléhioid) a. [Gk. my/e, mill ; Ayoed d.] In the BAe artery, myoalbumin (mi dalbi’ barge n. - [Gi mys, muscle ; L. albumen, white of An albumin product of oblast mvoblist) n. (Gk. biaitte: Bas ak ] Acell gar a develops pars eases fibre (emd.). um (mi6kAr'ditim) #. [Gk. ase kardia, heart. myochrome (miékrém) #7. [Gk. mys, re na chroma, colour.] A muscle- pigm aunt ‘Ont dsél) w. [Gk. mys,muscle ; eet hollow.] Part of the coelom = sed ina myotom e (emb.). omma, (mi ékém‘a sm. — MYS, komma, e] A myoseptum or Renentoes connec- a geese successive myotomes mn L. domus, hou chamntser containing ~ eye- -muscles in some —— c mys, musc ie; dynamis, power.] Pert. cancels force or contraction (phys. my oepicardial (mi eee a. epi, u lar and epicardial walls of the emb.). teresa Re (my' —— a. hx — mu say ate ept, nipple.] Pert. at soa — thelium (anat.); appl. epithelium 202 MYO- cells with contractile ole as in Coelenterates (zoo/.). my ofibrillae (mi ‘aftbri¥é) 7. plu. [Gk. _ muscle ; villa, a small bre. | Contractile fibrils of muscu- tissue zlo myog: alin fat Végldb'alin) 7 [Gk. mys, muscle ; L. ulus, a small globe.] A globulin of muscle (ph S.) myohaematin (mi’éhé’matin) 7 k mys, muscle ; haima, lood.] A 1 t of muscular tissue (pAys.) myoid (mioid) a. [G s, muscle ; muscle ; Jemma, skin.] The sheath of muscle fibre ; sarcolemm myology (midl’éji) #. [Gk. ie uscle ; /ogos, — natomy i cauae myomere (mi<¢ [Gk. mys, muscle ; meros, par muscle- saaueiait of Actin opod divided off by connective tissue -insertions ; émér) ° cle ; me. ead. c minute contractile fibril of Protozoa (zool.). myoneure (mi @niir) 7. ~ MY; muscle ; neuron nerve.] A motorial nerve-cell (phy. myonicity (mi’ inisiti) nm. [Gk. a muscle.] The eget power of mu sag biti he Ly S.). (Gk. =— phan scle ‘shee appear.] T eed se of ‘Paani (zool.). myophore (miéfér) 7. . MYS; muscle ; pherein, to bear.| A struc- ture adapted for muscle attachment mYS, sepephivie (mY éfrisk) a [Gk. mys, a ; phrix, ripple.] A myo- eme or con —- element of Pissaaes (z00 opolar Gnr’s ve Jar) a. [Gk. mys, muscle ; folos, an axle- eI Pert. muscular polarity (phys. — mi’é opro'téid) n. ine mys, scle; protos, first.] domi ‘ike Patras of fish muscle LYS.) oseptum vat ésép'tiim) # mys, muscle ; fe migeul Bal woe Am myocomma, ae ch s MYO- myosin (mi‘dsin) #. [Gk.mys, muscle.] A globulin of dead muscular tissue (pAys.). myotasis —— nm. {[Gk. mys, muscle ; /aszs, tension.]} Muscular tension ‘or tonicity ( phys Sze myotome (miétém) z. the early vertebrate embryo (em.) ; uscular metamere of primitive vertebrates and segmented inverte- seen (zool.). my ona (mista nm. (Gk. mys, de mos, tension. ] —— ar tension or oak (phys. myrmecophagous {mlemekot agi) a - [Gk. myrmex, ant; “3 agein, eat Ant eating (zo @ (niemeks fa) n. (Gk. gota a A of rae = ants guest acct ‘in (zool.). myrmecophyte eee mz. [Gk. myrmex, ant; phyton, plant.] A myrmecophilous ~~ or one that benefits from ant inhabitants and has special sdiateGis for housing them (4o7.). (mir’ésin) #2. [Gk. myron, unguent.] An enzyme of mustard seeds, acting upon glucosides oe oeba (mik’simé’ba) 7. myxa, slime ; amozbe, ne Sc St ozoan spore in the am oebula myxo: myxa, slime ; a. oot. A slimy pseudopodium myxopt se sean: anixiptergy sams N us (na‘kréetis) a. [Ar. nakir, - ehawed} Yielding o or resembling a (zool. nacrine (nakrin) 7. r. makir, hollowed. 7 Mother-of-pearl colour (zo0/.). 203 NAS- naevose as vos, né’vés) a. [L. ma spot.] spi spotted within one rminal horny ‘plate of rast or toe (z00/. nail bone,—the terminal bone of finger or nanism_ (nan‘izm) 2. a Nanos, dwarf.] Dwarfishne oes ton (ndnopling’kton Gk. anos, tf; plang- iris —— = "ciate plan nkto napiform “na — a. [L. napus, nape: neue is ges Agee orgati to the exterior 200 nares, posterior,—the openings of the olfactory ee into the pharynx or throat (zoo/.). narial (na’rial) a. [L. nx Ge nostrils. ] Pert, the pnbienssie ix (zoo septum,—the stor between the nostrils (zoo/.). corn (narikérn) #. [L. mares. nostrils ; cormu, horn.] The ter- minal horn my part of nostril of Turbinares (zoo/.); nasal scale (nariférm) a. [L. ‘orma, nostrils ; ape] Sreout like nostrils - zool.). nasal (na [L. masus, nose.] Pert. a = By oro nasion (na’zién) #. [L. nasus, pe The middle of the nasofronta suture (anat.). mouth cavity (zoo/.). nasociliary (nazésil'iari) a. [L. masus, NAS _ cilia, et ape Appi. nasal ervée 0 ich the ciliary nerves brant h (ana nasofrontal na ga coy Was the masus, nose fo rehead.] MS, Appl. part of ft superior oph- thalmic vein in nose and forehead region (anat. nasolabial (na! ‘zal a. nose ; /adz lip.] appl. muscle (an crimal [L. masz he nose em lip ; n m the la eee sac to the meatus of tt the nose (a (na igbmkSHVEc1) a. - jaw. | Abpea oes an sions groove between nasal and maxillary pro- cesses (em2d.) nasopalatal ie ‘26pal'atal) a. masus, nose; palatus, palate. | Appl. a canal between the nose and palate (avaz.). — (na’z6pal'atin) @. [L, nas e; palatus, rons Pert. nose aid aut (anai.). naso: geal (na’z6farin ‘jéal) a. [L. masus, nose; Gk. pharyngx, gullet.] Pert. "the nose at.). n nasopharynx (na’zdfar'ingks) #. [L. masus, nose ; Gk. —_ ry NBs gullet.] That part o of — inuous with posterior nares (na’zdtir bins) mm LL asus, nose ; turbo, wheel.]| Appl outgrowths e lateral wall of the nasal cavity increasing the area of sensory surface (zoo/.). _— (na’ziis) m. [L. nasus, pate: | € nose; clypeus of an in- sect’s he ead (z00. natal (natal) a. “tL nates, —! Connected the ocks natant natant) a2. ([L. matare, to ‘Swim.| Floating on the surface of water (zo0l., bot.). natatorial “yeni an [L. atare, to swim.] Formed or adapted for _natatory (ni'tit5ri)2. See natatorial. Dates (ts) mpl [L- nates, bat. 204 . NEC- pier ] Buttocks (avaz.) ; umbones (zo castes “(nai tiv) a. [L. guatus, born.] Appl, animals and plants which orl ciate in the dis ‘ric t or area in which they live, not those im- — a (biol, we ural ection, — the processes adapted to their eS (dz0/.). nauplius (né’pliiis) ~. [L. auplius, a shell-fish. Sat a a stage of entomostracan Crustace (zool. ) nautiliform anaes _— ‘jférm) a. =e utilus ; forma, shape.] hap eee a nautilus shell pin i navel “ot vél) nafele, navel.] Place of attachment o m bilical cord (em navicular (navi tr a. eer Boat-shaped. viculare (navik’alar 5) n. [L. peg The schehaie radiale are this mammalian carpus (ava nebenkern (n atenkéen) n [Ger. neben, near; ern, kernel.) An extra-nuclear chromatinic body in the ott a (cyt. nebe: er (na’bénktr per) nm. [Ger. pe ei re dy.] ‘A body surrounde ds oil-drops at the Pyrodiniunn, perhaps [L. navis, nekros, dead; geno Liv ving or developing i in dead ee oe 7.) necrop us (nékrif’agiis) a. [Gk nekros, ch phagein, to eat.] sire ea on dead bodies (zoo/.). necrophilous (nékréf'iliis) @. [Gk. nekros, Bead in, to love.] Feeding on dead bodies (zoo0/.). special glands the nectaries, in flowers (404). nectar nd,— _ nectary. on the petals of flowers, pn — to the easiest way to reach the nectar, and at the same time ensuring € ames visitor will cause cross- cross-fertilization (4z0/.). NEC- nectariferous tire tece | a — nektar, nectar; L. ferre, to carry.] Producing or havinig nectar. pet ing structures (doz. preere saber (ne — a. [Gk. nektar, ne re, to de- vo ectar sipping ; agen to certain Insects (zool.). nectary (nék’tari) 7. [Gk. mektar, as A group of sub-epidermal cells of no definite position in a flower, s ype be ome substance ; a nectar glan d gape (nék't ks) 7., necto- ces (n zi tok iss plu, at A sae hg swimming ; modified medu csform person adapted for swimming purposes found a part of a J re gecndlia colony (zool.). nectocyst (nék’tésist) n. [Gk. nek~os, ; kystis, SER The vity of a ne So pa (zo nectophore (nék’té ek ‘nektos, swimming ; # a en carry.] A nectocalyx ; that portion of the mestoves ag Nt. wimming ; of SaCCuUs, Sac. sautenieat f us, knob.) a nodule or ‘oct (ot, zool.). nodule (nid’ » Nn. [L. ami, dim. of modus, knob.] A small knob- like ease noduliferous “(nbdaif is) rueeee @ IF hs rre, to car rry.] : oe a roots of n d'tiliis) oye nodulus, dim. of nodus, kn oe 7] A nodule. [L. modus, knob.] no elature (nd'ménkla’ tir, nomen’ kl&tir) n. ([L. momen, name calare, to call.] Seat of naming plants, rea organs, etc. norma (nér'ma ee norma, rule.] View of the sll * a wile from normoblasts (nér'méblists) 7. [L. norma, ; Gk. dlastos een Erythroblasts, which see. nostrils : — 2) n. plu. NOT- 210 NUD- back ; chorde, cord.] Pert. — the nucleus, a stage in 9 pectic the notochord appl. sis (cyz.). sheath, — etc. (an ee (ni’kleat) a. [L. nucleus, notovirrus (10 tsteis) m. = ake nuc ] g a nucleus (cyt.) 3 cirrus, Cur rrus of ucleation (niklea’shtin) a the as ium on. a semanas Annelid (zoo/.). notonectal (nd'ténék’tal) a. [Gk. noton, back; nektos, swimming. ] ppl. Noto onectidac, 9 which swim [Gk noton, ba - ay ot.] The dorsal ext of a sailpedianiags para- ove, m (zo a. [Gk. noton, ub.] Affi. d stigma touch the back of insects as they enter the calyx, a device for secur- ing cross- fertilization (d0 se notum (n0’tiim) 7. [L. zotum, back.] The aaa portion erg a insect m nucellus (niisél’iis) 7 {L. dim. of ut.] paren ce and chief part of an ravile nuchal (nikal) a. [L.L. Heme spinal marrow. . two sense organs regard as olfactory, oe of aay — 4 ig o hield- a State on ty "posterior of the neck of Sepia “ocala a a 1s ae carry.] Nut- enlies nut ; ferre, (d0t.). # nucivorous (niisivériis) a. nuUx, nut ; pte to devour.}| Nut- Sores clear (earl r) a [L. nucleus, are .] Pert. the nucleus (404, dise,—a star-like structure groan by the chromosomes in the uator of the spindle during vs se (oe. nuclear membrane,—the delicate eebbrane bounding a nucleus, rmed from the surrounding Page (cyt). nuclear plate,—the equatorial plate (oye. nuclear dle,—a _ barrel - shaped structu rm: f a number of fine fibrils in the ie ara sur- — kernel.]_ Nucleus forma- tio ae (ni’klétk) @ [L. mucleus, kernel.| Pert. an acid containing phosphorus, found in some nuclei (phys. nucleiform (ni’kléiférm) a@. [L. nucleus, shape. ] Shaped u chylo 5, nucleus, kerne gro an: substance of juice.] The a cell-nucleus (cy). nucleohyaloplasm (nii’kléeéhilé- ure plastin rring ina hates i). sastecucnae mes kleémikré- somz) 7 mere ii. maClemys eel ; Gk. mikros, s mall ; Nuclear beaters iranidas (cyt). nucleoplasm (nii’ ese n. nucleus, es Gk. plas ome- wat See ded, j JReticular nuclear subst ee snipte aneeial faa kleopro’eeid) nt. e a ee with mick albumin (phys.). — perme . nu kernel. mplex sharia mass essential en the life of a cell (¢ nu aan (ni’kila’nitim) 2. ([L. nucula, — ~ A fleshy fruit like a gra nudibranchiate “(ai dieing kiat) a. L. 2udus, nake brangchia, gills. Having gills not covered bya Caan shell or membrane (zoo/.). NUD- nudicaudate (nii’dikéd’at) nudus, naked ; cauda, tail.] Hav a tail not Se tinlaniama ; nudicaulous (nii’dikdél’t without t glands or hairs umm a mala’ shin) n. e tendency of adher mulite (zoo/., pal. ee fligh ht,—the flight taken by the queen bee when feccication takes s place (zool.). sara cells or layers of edie “attached or surrounding an egg-cell, pr robably for elaboration of its food-material (¢y¢). nurse generation,—an asexual bud- ding pemetitics of some Tunicates in which t = ac foster parents to buds, the Aaa Pea (zool. Ny, nut (nit) A.S. Anutu, nut.] hard, eaaicont Somes te fruit t (dot.). oe me eer bec shiin) 2. [L. udzare, to rvature or change of of a growing seston in pata lant (402.). P = (a n. [Dim. of nut.] The ormed in drupaceous fruits (bot). nutricism (nii‘trisizm) 2. [L. x nurse.] Symbiotic rclotionaliig with all the benefit to one partner sre a nutrition (natesh'in n. eet The ingestion and sichoile a tion of food materials of animals and ae ( p ; n Sct (nii'tritiv [ A of gered appl. yolk, polyn, — ny aon (nik th ipélajik) a. pte, nightly ; Ze ages, the ag ising to the su the sea only at night (zoo/. nyctitropism (niktit’ répizm) n. [Gk aera nightly ; “vepein, to turn. ] Tendency of certain leaves to curve Sivatdh at night (do4.). 211 OBL- nymph (nimf) #. [Gk. nymphe, aed A stage following the larval 20 nymphae (nim’fé) 7. A/u. [Gk. nymphe, bride.] The labia minora (anat.). O oar-feathers,—the wing feathers used S; comprimere, to Flattened in a_ vertical en (d07.). beordate (Obk6r dat) @ {Le 0b, aga paar cor, prioo eart.] Heart. shaped ; afp/. leaves which have the stalk attached to the apex of the heart (407.). goer ngeageonae (6bdipléstém’6éniis) o6, against ; Bn diploos, double j ; stemon, a warp.) With the outer series of amen opposite the petals (do¢. obelion (6bé'li én) nm. [Gk. odelos, a spit.] The point between the two foramina on the interparietal suture anat. ng (Obes) 2. [L. obex, an obstacle. ] ngular layer of grey matter ue s in = roof of thee the fourth wannele (ana a Seba eng ‘ [L. 04, the way ; imbrex, a tile.] With seniasty A Reon scales, with the overlapping ends downwards oblanceolate ss acini a. versely ; pea veekely lanceolate ( te oO to: [L. 06, r.] In- b. “2 parasites which are limited to one mode of life, and cannot exist inde- pendently of a host ; cf facultative (bi0. obliaue (oblEk) a j obliquely ieee (anat.); asymmetrical (Got). oe (6blékwiis) a. [L. obliguus, bent.] Oblique; a@ff/, muscles (anat.). egos (Oblit’érat) a. [L. 0 y; “tera, a \etter.] Tdi tinct or profuse ; 2ff/. markings on insects (zoo/.). [L. —— sem 2 appl. OBO- = Sige vat) a. [L. 08, eres ; gg.] Egg -shaped, w the narrow ad i | to me obovola (bo void) a. [L. 04, against ; egg; Gk. “ides, shape. | taverssty ovoid ; ughly egg- shaped, with the narrow end down- wards (G07.). er ered asap ae 3 es obsolesce. to gradual "Reducticn. and consequent disappearance of anorganism (dz0/.) ; a blurred portion of a marking on Wearin n cceeding generation iol. obturator (db’tara’ bedtn a, [L. obturare, set fer structure in the neighbourhood of the obturator en —an oval forame e (dbiim’brat) a. [L. shadow.] With some structure overhanging the part so as to conceal it partially (zool.). obverse (db’vérs, sities a [L. obvertere, to turn round,| With the base narrower ‘Gini the apex obvolvere, d.] verlapping ; appl. | seaves whe half of one leaf is wrapped round half of another similar leaf £ (bo &). obvolvent etece pice Be [L. obvolvere, to ae d.] Bent ards an (b0t.). oe abort a 1K to O was fs appl. yee of i hore etc. fran occipital (dksip'ital) re ny occiput, om : ead. | the back of the head or ie occipital oiaes (anat., zool.). occipitalia _(oksipita lia) nm. plu. [L. occiput, back of the head.] The group - rae of the Section. Sete brain case forming the back of the cad (zool.). 212 OCT- occiput Gohan: dk’sipiit) #. [L. occiput, back of the head.] The occipital region of the (anat.) ; a back of an_insect’s head (zoo — “Ghiood) V. t occludere, to n.] a absorb (fhys.). ee *(Bkloo's8 r) @ Th occludere, to shut in.] 4Zgp/. muscles of an operculum or movable ‘id (zool.). ocellate (és a ([L. ocellus, a little eye] Like an eye or eyes; appl. ma ee on many animals zool.). ocellated (dsél’atéd, ds#latéd) a. [L. ores, ite eye.] Having ocelli; having eye-like spots or markings Zool, ocellation (6s’éla’shiin) 7. [L. ocellus, ittl Condition of havi ng ool, or of having ocellate mark- ings ; ocellate marking (zoo/.). ocelliferous (éslifériis) a. [L. ocellus, a little ae heli to bear.] ee es ted, whi ee (dsél’tis) i (sél’ ose’) plu. Toe ee a little eye. | s simple — eye or eye- of the lower pete’ e (d04.) ; a sheath (zoo/.). aceous (ik’réa’shiis) a. [L. ocrea, agreave.| Ocrea-li e; appl various structures in plants and see ee e Co es a. a ve. | an vocrea . GeLy ; booted sheathed (so ktak’tin) i. [Gk a“ ts of peel Alcyonaria (z00l.). octandrous Segre a. [Gk. ok ei man.] Having sie octant (ok eant) a. [L. octo, eight.] One of the eight cells formed by OCT- the division of the fertilized Habe Having = nistils ibe 4). octopetalous a lis) a. [Gk okta, eight; talon, a petal. vi octopod (6 okta, eight; fo mise al Having eight "feet o octoradiate (Stora ditt) a. ay acto, eight ; radius, a sp aving — rays or arms osepalous (6 Wtdsép'aliis) a [Gk ee eight ; a a sepal.] Having eight se bot.). octosporous (dk’téspo ‘ris, dktds’poris) a. [Gk. ok/a, eight ; sporos, a seed. oe eight spores (4072). ous (6k een) a. [Gk. ~ pri stichos, a¥ w.] Having oe in eights, ae in phyllo- ie (d08. octozoic (Ske toad") a, [Gk. eight ; zoom, an animal.] a spore of Gregarines, containing ath ened ar (Okt [L. oeubus an eye.] Dee or en e eye. lobe,—the projecting thoracic lobe i _ some beetles (zo0/.). okta, A ™N ocular plates, — at the end of the Teagan areas in sea —: (00. ulate “Salat a. [L. oculus, an Pas Having eyes, or having eye- like si (z00. 3 (OK alit eis), oculigero or (ek'aliy ériis) a. [L. oculus, ba ; ferre, gerere, to carry 4 Bearing oculofrontal so gg ined ae Gx, bh ad.|] Pert. region of forehea e oculomotor (dk‘iilém6'tdr) @. [L. oes eye; wé, tO Causing the movements of the aT poe a third cranial nerve (anat. oculonasal (6 a se '2a1) a eye; - nasus,nose.| Pert.ey — nose. us (okiiliis) . [L. ocu lus, eye.) The eye (anat., zool.) ; a leaf-bud in a tuber (do7.). [L. oculus, 213 OEFS- outside pe Se pulp that form the dentine odontociast “adn 'téklast) # [Gk odous, tooth; lan, to One of the large multinucleate cells that absorb the roots of the tai odo mtophore _(oaen téfor) 2 (Gk. ; pherein, to carry. ] The seam or tooth-bearing organ in Molluscs; a structure over which too stesso cell (anat. (6din’ tostim'atis) § jaw oecoid pst iGk yer nig a house.] roar roma ae blood corpuscle F.). oecology (ékél’dji) # house ; Re oy nomics, oedematin (adem "atin) n. [Gk. ofdema, a_ swelling.] microsomes of the pret | substance of the nucleus [Gk. aes, discourse. 1. Bio cyt. oenocyte (@nésit) #. [Gk. o¢nos, wine ; hol f the large ound the trachea and fat body of Insects (zool.). oesophageal tigi eg a. a. [Gk. oisophagos, the gullet.] Pert. or near the oesophagus, as ganglia (zool.). oesophagus Pp t craivalent baat téseds OES- oestrual (é'strooadl) a. [Gk. 02 — titled J Pert. oestrus (phys.) ; ane tion n (é strooa’shiin) #7. [Gk. oistros, gadfly. tate of being under sexual desire ; rut (phys.). oestrus _ striis) 72. [Gk. otstros, oe fly.]| The sexual heat of animals rut (pis —a short prostratebranch which takes root at the a — and develops new individuals (60 offshoot,—a lateral pe from a main stem (601 2). oidium (did’iiim) ~ ([Gk. oom, an egg.] The conidial stage of some of the mildew ot). oikoplast (0 iwoplst) = ea] “One otkos, shpat gland i Birds ; a sink: which secretes oil zool, oleaginous See me a. — olea, Pert. ne containing oil ; 4S omnaice 4 oil (biol ranon (6 tek’ rin) n. [Gk. olene, a bow.] A lar ue. at the Z. eiferous (iléif’ériis) a. [L. 0 eo} 3; ferre, to carry. ] Pahang oil olein “(alae n) #. [L. oleum, oil.] A fat found in animal and vegetable — — — at aadlatney tem- peratu s (phys ol "“(a'léstst) n. [L. oleum, oil; Gk. &ystis, bladder.] A diverticu- lum of the ao Sent i (z00. ——— (6lfak’téri) a. [L. _olere, = have smell; /facere, Pert. siaotiiiet with, or ataantens he structures associated with the sense of — rs) mali lobe ea ing from “he cnievioe lower m of the cerebral hemispheres Kinase’. ory of the nature of a small pit or hollow (zeo/.) ; the depression which later forms the nasal passage (emzd.). cometary woh emer thiis) a. [Gk. oligos, few; akantha, a spine.] g few spins: com ). oligandrous (6l'igin’driis) @. [Gk. 214 OMM- oligos, few; aner, man.| Having few stamen ns oligocarpous (6li gikAr’pits) a. [Gk. oligos, few ; karpos, fruit.] Having few carpels (dof). ge g's (6Vigésén’) a. [Gk. oligos, ; kainos,recent,] Afpi. a terti- ay — iod = tween Eocene and Mioce Sita oaeaate: (6ligédinaim’ik) a. [Gk. oligos, few ; dynamis, power.] Caused by s mall or minute forces (dot.). oligomerous (6l'igém’ aie a. [Gk. oligos, few; meros,a part.] Hav- ing on ne or more of aa whorls with fewer members than the rest (dot.). oligonephrous (dl'igén = nie a. . —— few; mnephr kidney. ] g few Malpighian tubules ; ttt — (zool.). rmous (dl'igéspér’miis) 4. otck arm s, few; sperma, a seed.] Bearing few seeds (407.). ous (8l'igostém’ 6niis) @. : aes bis a stamen ravine fave stam oligotaxy (5 I rigétik’st) m. [Gk. ages, few ; /axis,arrangement.]| Diminu oligotokous (6l'igét’ oligos, ae tokos, ofspring: Bear- ing few young (zoo, oliva (éli ‘), pase (iViv) 2 [L. oliva, olive.] A prominence on each side of the anterior end of ee medulla i. below the pons (ana — — [L. oliva, ave Per Sa or olivary mat J éma’siim) #. [L. omasum, es The psalterium or third en of a ruminant’s stomach omental (6mén’tal) a. [L. omentum, Id.] Pert. the omentum or aan nta (anat.). omentum (mén’ tim). [L.omentum, a fold.]_ A fold of the peritoneum either free or actin e con- nectitie link between viscera, etc. (anat.). ommateum (ém/‘Atéiim) #. [Gk. omma, the eye.] Any compound eye (zool.). ee gpetment org nm. [Gk. omma, re of the com- OMM- ponent elements of a compound eye (zdol.). ommatoids ens rane - be lu. (Gk. omma, eye; Two or four light- mesieg spots on the 1 nt of Pedi- ommatophore (6m’‘atéfor) 7. a ) , eye; pherein, to bear.] Any eae process bearing an eye (00 omnivorous (Smniv ris) @ oe ; vorare, to devou r.] Eating both animal and vegetable tissue (zool. omohyoid “(a moh’ oid) [Gk omos, shoulder ; if mee Y- shaped. Pert. eee and hyoid; aff/. a muscle (ava omoideum (Gmota’timy nm. [Gk omos, shoulder; ezdos, shape. ] The pterygoid bone in a Bird’s skull (z00 omosternum Gy méstér’niim) #. [Gk. omos, shoulder ; - ernon, breast. ] One of the elem oa of the Am- hibian sternum (ed n pcuaitiA. . a ieee pores like] ike vel; having an umbilicu [Gk. omphalos, navel ; po like.] The r at the h seed, or the hilum itagit Aes ’ omphalomesara (6m’falémés’- ph aeihh papier which omphalomesenteric (6m’falémés’En- tér'ik) a. [Gk. omphalos, navel ; mesenteron, mid-gut.] Per’. um- bilicus and mesentery ; aff/. veins, ducts too here (ong’kisfér) #. [Gk. egerr x: . haira, a globe.] The larval stage of a apeworm pees stage ; ooked em- Pecatina ; also tion — in its later stages tends orms 7 like those i.). roduc in the sacl stages (d70 215 OOI- apg Te (6n’tdjén’ésis) ”. [Gk. , being ; genesis, descent.] The tife- history of a single individual (dzo/.). ontogenetic (dn’téjénét'ik) a. ey on, being ; geneszts, descent.] Per. ontogeny, or the ferelonensat of the individual (42o/. ontogeny cant nm. [Gk. bei ing; SENOS, birth.] amounts Ww aroha “(onik'ttim) n, [Gk. onyx, The layer below the at the end of the tarsus to bear we Seer (z00 genic (nian ik) @. [Gk. ee. : ager genos, offspring.] Cap- able of neadactie a nail or a nail- — substance ;_ appl. material rring in nail matrix aad cells comis the fibrous substance and cuticula of hairs ae *, gape (o’oblaste’ [Gk. egg; dlastos, perk, The egg afed fertilization (zool.). supposedly fe it prepares for fertiliza on (s00/.). ooecium (6é’shiiim) 7. [ck otkos, house.] An ovicell “sia ( nen O'Sgaimét’) 2. Gk. egg; gamos, ees An acuahers of S ag (zool,). oogamous iis) @. hae po i posi age. ess; sexually differentiated gametes aay iy 00, — genesis (d'djén’ésis) w._ [ eg nesis, descent.] Forma tion, an oophore (0'6for) # [Gk, a egg ; 03 vein, to bear] Sophyte, ’ which Wee statin (’ nb easton: m. [Gk oon, egg; pherein, to bear.] The peace gem in certain plants oophyte (Gdfit) ~ [Gk. oom, egg; phyton, plant. The sexual generation in s plants as th liverwort ; the gametophyte (404). ooplasm (6’oplazm) [Gk. oon, egg ; plasma, —— m ig Th eed. | tlized eggrcell (ot); side ote 1 the encnmed certain Pro apes af ). rustaceans, whi r helps “ form a receptacle thd nee egg (z00 egopod (6 Voetby’ opi) m. [Gk. m, egg; stege, roof; fous, foot.] A thoracic foot bearing an oostegite siahese ‘(Sdthé’ka) n. Sor 00n, theke, a case. ] a ot); : e,andithen aries them ina sdhareepitons (zool.). 216 OPI- — , dkiis) a. [Gk. 00 tokos, oftspring.]| Egg-laying oon ootype a nm. (Gk. oon é ooze (002) 7. rag an s, juice.] A soft deposit found hare large areas of the floor of the ocean. oozooid (6'62z0’oid) [Gk. ee gs ; individual ret from an Bers uae (6pér’kl) [L. operculum, a lid.] The e plenter bone of a fish operculum (zoo. operculate (6 evkilat) a en culum, | Having a lid, a in the capsule o Sicsies Got.) ; having a covering for the gills, as in most Sakae = rous 5 (Opt kalifériis) a. [L. eperculiny ; ferre, to bear. ate. (6 come moe - it operculum, a lid; forma pe.] Lid-like (4zo/.). rkilijéntis) a. [L. operculum, lid ; genos, off- spri ring-]) Pro ucing or forming a lid (zoo. percul uum (Spéy’kalim) [L. op culum, a lid.] or flap, rg in the capsules of Sicnads (G0t.) ; any of the convolutions covering the island of Reil (amaz.); the lid-like in the Gastropod: ° SG cate (dfrién) x Gk oad t obj s the narrowest part of the fistiend (anat. —— (6pis’ thidn) 7. Gk. opisthe behind): ‘The [Gk. opisthe, median point of the of the foramen prem a. [Gk. ne ; rem s; offspring. | Bone-producing (phy. osteoid (ds’ aay a. “tGk. osteon, bone ; ei form.] Bone-like {anat.). osteology (is’ ae nm. [Gk. get bone ; Jogos, discourse.] That part of anatomy that deals with the 2 fei nature, and development of bon osteop lato ney = tik) a. [Gk. osteon, plastos, moulded. ] Producing Se appl. certain cells emb.). (ds’ re ign nm. [Gk. osteon, oe = po = a por The ostiolum, ng Ge ‘Provided with ostioles ontiole (6s a a. [L. ostiolum, little eans of witch the blood enters the heart 220 OVA- from the pericardium ; the opening otie (5 ‘ike Wok a region of fia. pda capsule nat.), etapa (6tid’iim) #. [Gk. ous, ear] The otocyst of a Mollusc siti i 5k0/nitim) Ms [Gk, ous, ; Aonia, grain of sa One of minute ae “Ried in the internal ear (ana in certain fates (zool.). otocyst Ciieist) nm. [Gk. ous, e hystis, er.} A sac costae — and ool, supposed to ry (Z00 ae vena nm. [Gk. ous, ear; dithos, stone.]| The calcareous par- ticle or plate-like eects found in the ear or the auditory organ of many animals (zoo/.). ucogeres per pe Mt. [Gk. ; porpe,a me detwes of enidabbiees on the ‘eeonbcella of Hydromedusae (zool. d’val) a. i ‘voun egg.] Egg- shaped 5 pert. egg. umin (5’ valba nin) [L. ovum, albumen, white of egg.] The chief constituent of white of egg (phys. ovarian ‘(oval rian) a. [L. ovarium, ovary.| Per#. an ovary. per tg Bie [L. biagir apt ary.| The vari ian tube o abet rs the ‘hee which else form the ovary (zool.). ovarium (6va'ritim) ~ [L. evarium, ovary. | An ovary. ovary (d'vari) 7. [L. ovarium, ovary.] The essential —_ reproductive organ (z00/.) ; enlarged portion lot the pistil or eynoeciam | ut e (Ovat) a. [L. m, egg] "Ee shaped. 4 acuminate,—afp/. an ovate aan with me very sharp point; ipl. —— She dal,—ovate, approach- ving alipeoid appl. leaves (G07.). vate- Jones eolate,—having a a form of es a intermediate between ovate mee 3 gholets (dot). OVA- 221 OXY- ovate-oblong,— having an oblong ovomucoid (0 — ‘koid) # [L. lamina with one end narrower than ovum, egg; mucus, mucus; Gk the other (402). eidos, form.] A mucoid found in ovenchyma Reapers Ph eggs (phy. oe engchyina, in- ovotestis (i vités tis) a [L. ovum, nective tissue with L. egg 5 aon la, a “cell” ‘A dilatation of the eci am, serving as a brood pouch [L. ovum, egg ; ceanis ‘('vidiikt) 7. uce ube ‘which carry th —< vitor ve. ‘{L. — egg ; forma, er ee e.] vi, us (6vip aris) a. g; parere, to bring forth.] cae Pahl eggs ; egg-laying ; cf. vi parous (z00/.). cocci (O'vipéziit) w. L. ovum, g; ponere, to place.| To lay ae appl. Insects (zool.). ovipositor (6 Sega ‘itér) #2. [L. ovum, egg ; Ponere, to place.] A special- ized ctrachire: fi Insects for — the eggs in a suitable place ; tubular extension of the a orifice in Fishes wee ovisac (6'visak) [L. ovum, egg ; oe a ig An egg- ne roiecen (5 vizm [L. ovum, egg.] Nn. ov The theory held by the Ovists that the egg contained the germ with the germs of all future generations within it (4z0/.). ovist (d'vist) # [L. ov. egg.] A supporter of the Syviant aes Lo a 2 @) oc a tween parietal and d occipital lobes of the cerebrum (a. etotemporal (pari metre ‘poral) a. [L. partes, wall; temporalis, tem- porary. ] t. pom (ana neh (par'ipin’at) @. regions; apffi, an artery [L. par, Pinnate — para, beside; L. occiput, back of the head.] Appl. sencrayalirected processes of the exoccipitals (zoo/.). G =! paroecious (par ®’shiis) a. [Gk. para b : : to one a parolfactory (par'élfak’téri) @ [Gk para, L. olfactorius, ol- facto: an area and sulcus ry.) Ag adjoining the olfactory trigone of the Sgr apes (an we my chia nik'ia) 7. [Gk. para, beside ; eye nail. oiies on the pulvi villus of = insect foot (zool.). paroophoron a to n. See — beside ; von, egg ; pherein, to wacanened reaaeiary sabes: remnants of the Wolffian body in the female (amazt.). (par ee a. pre "ei 71 oi pa — 180s sis) a fGk. steon, bone.| Bone mince normally purely parctie cen n. (Gk. para side ; ous, ear.] A process Sees 228 PAT- by’ fusion of exoccipital and opis- thotic in adult lizards (zoo/.). gn pee foe swellings on the side of t formed of aggregated petunccin plaids sortretimmes peat ous bee 35 um (par‘éva'ritim) 7. [Gk. t of fe: embryonic meso- nephros iis parth rt ‘(par’ théndjén ‘€sis) 7. Sw parthenos, virgin; genesis, cent.}| Repro oduction without fertilization by a male element (diol.). parthenogenetic (par’ reereeer tk) a. Gk. far. virgin; genesis, lants or animals out fertilization by spermatozoon (ézo/.). te enogonidia (par’ théndgénid’ia) . [Gk. parthenos, virgin ; iia offspring.] Zooi of a protozoan colon 1 virgin ; sperma, produced without fertilization — as parthen (par’t — Mt. mrGk. harthenbis virgin ; sporos, seed.] A aie produced without fertilixa- tion (404.). partial involucre,—see involucel. partial segmentation,—-see mero- Hicon sewed —see umbellul porter (part) a 1%, ba rtitus, divided Divided et to the base (4 pita (par'iimbil’ikal) a. [Gk. oot , beside ; bmreguin the navel.] Beside the navel ; afi. s ts aed aaa a “Te patagium er.] urnished with pat jabaaticen mn (pata’jtiim) 9. [L.patagium, PAT- a border.] The membranous ex- pansion between fore limbs of bats and flying squirrels ane an es; wer similar expansion ° = bird’s wing; a_ tegula, heck! process. oe: the prothorax of tain Lepidoptera (zoo/.). —— a él’4) wm. ([L. patella, a n.] The knee-cap oes : a grein apothecium of Lichens bot. patellar (patél’ar) a. se patella, a Pert. a patella. teliifionns (patél form) a one _ pate ‘ella, Shaped a small pan ; forma, s i alte like a nigra ae [L. oe. lying widely 0 me Se ees panded (4z0/.). oe ree) ik) a. [Gk Jathos, "Seale g-] Appi. the trochlear nerve and the sate oblique muscle of the eye pathogenic "pa en i) 2. TG pathos, cn & Eyarr offspring ] Disease- -producin ; appl. a parasite in funn on to . es host patina (pana) [L. pati -- dish.] Circles of plates ara ie calyx of Crinoids (zoo ool.). biol. paturo nm (pi ti’rén) 7 [Gk. pave to pele on.] The basal joint at Jape prisere Srs used for crush- ing and ex — ssing the fluids of insects (zool.). paulospore eigeenend gr [Gk. pau se A resting = pare stage in aeveisouienk: as a a stage of suspended de- as (dzol.). paunch ( vontirs n. [{L. pantex, ee paunch.] The rumen, an expansion of the sesteshag ie the first decutiach of ruminants (zoo/.). pavement thelium,— simple squamous epithelium of flat, nucle- ood ree fitting together like mosaic (iy. ie (paksi’) a A hes paxillus, a late supporting peg. hic calcareous oars the summit of 229 PEC- sea Soe Py a group of small spin ructure of certain Stelleroids Pee 7), paxillar are pep ae a paxillus, ee alg a ] . a paxill paxilliform (pake form) a. - fi. paxillus, a peg; ; co shape. ] or like’a pax —a paxi Sik ‘(perl) I. IF. perle, a pearl.] In the shells of some Mussels, an abnormal owth formed with er or a minu ats ea] An « nt oes h forms seceeeie jelly. pene (pék’tén) w. [L. pecten, a omb.] Any comb-like structure ; process of the inner retinal surface in Reptiles, expanded into a folded quadrangular plate in i pen, organ of ain Ascheids (zo pectie (pék’tik) @ (Gk. he con- gealed | Appl. acids and bodies consisting of pectas pectin, pectose (do. pectinal (pék’tinal) @ i pecten, comb.] Perv. pectinate (pék’tinat) sre pecten, comb.] Co ee’ pectiniform ; ae leaves (4o¢.), a ligament of the anat.), certain gills, pedi- ellastae of Asteroids, a septum between corpora cavernosa (zool.). pectineal (péktin’éal) a. [L. pecten, comb.] Affi. a process e ths Syke of pac appl. a ridge-line and ‘ e muscle siached iaeete Touet) pectinellae geal aang os ia. thn pectinella, a's Trae. versely- aici gps: mem- branellae constituting a adoral ciliary spiral of some Infusoria jee GE tontes « a. {L. — we rhombos, a magic eel.] rym Fr, adeian: ide in Cys (sool. toral est region; aff/. arch, edie, ane limbs \(zo0/.). PEC- pectoralis major and minor,—outer and inner chest muscles connecting the oo Sear’ tm with shoulder and h rus (zo pectus (pik tiis) 72. Th t or breas ~— (ee ala a. iL pes foot tl vse ts co “tt Se _ breast. ] e (ped = a 4h, es. S Pedctipart sadtiperies * (pedat'tpar’ tit) nc i pes, foot ; partitus, divided. ]} a vari riety palmate leaf ee cymose ae ae of the third order ol. ). pedatisect (pédatiistkt) a. [L. eS i sectus, cut. n peda — — = rane foot. ] angium ( ot) ; stem of a vrepiaals and fixed or- ganism (zoo pe 5 “(péd’ istlar'ié) 2. plu. [L. pediculus, a small foot. | = pincer-like structures studding the a of certain Schisodérme 00 — pop lnceing: a. [L. pedicu- US, oot.] Supported by a oe ice set Hymen opter wit stalked saduasets cf. pseudo-sessile Zool. pedicellus Cage tee s) . se pedicu- lus, a eee ot.}] A rt foot- — (d02.) ; the eceear Soin of nsect an ses ool.). pedicle Sabre nN. ers ope Se all foot.] A short stem (404) ; Ze ckoard-projecting Peaenteal process (amaz.); the narrow stalk shows with abdomen in Arachnids (zoo/.). Saucer ike sone a simple or ise. like a < aceas a chelate structure see e(pédiing’kl) w. [L. peduncu- has a ‘amall foot. ] A stem o r stalk, supporting flower or fruit bot) 3 a band of white fibres ining differ- 230 PEN- ent parts of the brain (amaz,) ; the stalk of Brachiopods and Barnacles ; the link between thorax aah in Insects and Arachwsd stoned ppl. of Hyme pelagic (pélaj‘ik) gern pelagus, the pen sea.| Oce: ain-inhabitin —_ (peta) a, [L. Pelasgus, the gian.| Moving fronts place [L. pellicula, a The delicate pro- one cid See t of Protozoa ; any filmy protective covering (4/o/.). pellions = n. plu. (Gk. pela, p. ing of plates supporting ~ suckers of Echinoids ; rosettes Se pelma, sole.] pete “et ikl) #. (zo patie (peta) Nn. The sole of the = Gk. #elorios, monstrous. ] Condition of abnormal regularity a modification 0 ure from irregularity to regularity [Gk. pelorios, (oo pelorie othe tog a. us. ] a flower Minion regula Appl. a normally irregular, t eaten (pales) n, (Gk. pelte, a shield.] The shield-like spore of cer- tain Lichens (404. peltate (pél'tat) a. [Gk. pelte, : shield oe Shield- shaped ; fastened = the stalk at fi 2 oint within the arg te as a leaf (d04.). pakvie ot _ i — a Per ane ie ar Mig Spe vis) 7. (L. _ pelvis, a basin.] Vertebrates the bony cavity the basal portion of th Z.). pen (pén) w. [L. penna, a = A leaf midsib (bot) ; ‘the skeletal part of a cuttlefish (Zool). pendulous (pén‘diiliis) a. [L. fen PEN- ie to hang] Bota i Bete ards fro origin ; overhanging : api leaks. ee flow ghia é). norte — paired needle-like Pechitinoid pollies at the anus of a und-worm, which also serves as ete ductive aperture (zoo/. penicillate (pén‘isil'at) a. [L. pent- cillum, a painter’s brush,] Peni- illi pencil-shaped ; tipped hairs ; having a a structure like r brus fs — a penis.] pennaceous (péna’shii 8 1 penna, feather.] Penniform ; like a plume pentac én’'takap’siilar) a. a [Gk. pente, five; With tet pisces (dot. én’tike giitite:S eee os [Gk. pente, five ; a, not ; chainein, to gape.] A fo ees of schizocarp with five carpels (dot _ Sarees (pén’ takdk’iis) a. [Gk. pente, ; kokkos, kernel.] With pentactinal (péntak’tinal) a@. pente, i —_— ray.] Five-rayed ; five-bra cores (pén 'tasik’lik) @. [Gk. pente, five; kyklos, a circle.] Ar- ranged in five whorls (0/.). pentadactyl (pén’tidak'til) @ {Gk pente, five; daktylos, finger.] Having all fo Se ormally terminating in five digi pentadelphous in (geal adel fis) a. [Gk. ente, five; adelphos, brother. } Having five clusters of more or less united “alaments (bot). pentafid (pén’tifid) 2. [Gk pent, ve ; L. findere, to cleave.] In five divisions or lobes (bot. hina ént 4¢’6nil) a. a five; gonia, angle.] A — he symmetry of a Sate 231 PER- a ; quinary ; having five angles pentagynous a =) a, [Gk. pente, five n.] Having five styles ‘bot 2), pentamerous (péntam’ériis) @. [Gk. pente, five; meros, par Com- posed of five parts; in whorls of five ora cic ba of five (d02). pentandrous (pén — & 1 GE pente, five ; 8s s,male.] Having five stamens (40 pentapetalous (pen! tip&t’aliis) a. oti sceambieiann (pentis tikiis) a. [Gk. = ee. in (pép’sin = . pepsis, a sti ing digestion; 4 peps macieoe glands of the pons 8 anat.). (a peptone gers ni aniyal Nn. i f nction as digestive dion peraeopods, percurrent Genk en) a. “ee oer currens, running tending thro aoe ee entire length, or from base to a (bot). pereion (périén) #. [Gk. Jeraioun, - ea The thorax of Crustace — meer a year.] A> sision of a mg rina a number of years (o7.). perennial (pérén'Tal) a. {L per, PER- through ; anus, year.] — h the year or for a num of years (40. pere mnibranchiate ee ear’ a. [Le per, Gk. Leider gills persisting oe life, as certain Amphibians (zoo/.). perfoliate (pérfa' fat) a. ‘ through ; folium, leaf.] Appl. a leaf with basal lobes so united as to 7d ed as if the stem ran through it nacht (pér’ a a. [L. perforare, to bore through.] Having holes F pores, as _— S, ae (eee!) ; appl, certain areas brain perforated — small boo. vesse ioe (ana r (pé fora) mo {Lig fo rane, “gh bore through.] A med spear-like head and Lggems of some a oa, as Salamander Phere omtyarc earl othe seer “through Gk. coh water. An enzyme whi tid h rpc st of sekiviiiee tyleneen (phys. perianth (pér'ianth) # [Gk. peri, round ; antho a flow er A floral envelope ; the 1 floral whorls, including ales pay corolla “agro periblast gohan m. [Gk. round ; d/as/os,a bud.] The outside layer, epiblast, or a of a oe asia ryo tc (periblas'tik) a. [Gk. peri, ce blastos, a bud.] Pert. the periblast ; superficial, as appl. segmentation (em2é.). blastula (périblas’tila) #. [Gk. ri, round; d/astos, bud.] A blastula ego. from periblastic segmenta- periblem (pér'iblém) n ermatoge n and plerome of growing points (404). Peribranchial ( ee [Gk. é. round ; angcht gills.] Around the gies. Z. i type of gemmation and atrial cavity in Ascidians ; s ppl. circu spa surrounding basal parts of papulae of Asteroids (zool. oe See 232 PER- orem (pé rikar'diak), _ peri- [Gk. peri, h pericardi périkar'ditim) ”. [Gk. peri, round; ka eart.] The cavity containing the heart; the nat.). pericarp (pér'ikarp) #. [Gk. per, ro arpos, fruit.] The ovary walls of fruits (02. pericentral {obriate — a. [Gk. peri, round m, centre.] Round or near ‘the ae 3 app ba cells (40 perich: azn (partka's hitim) #. [Gk. peri, gerne ; — loose hair.] One of th the tony a of Mosses (d0¢.). ériké artim) 1. perichondri [Gk. pert, round ; chondros, carti- lage. rous membra covers cartilages (amat.) pe ( ér'dal) a. [Gk. peri, und; chorde, cord. ] a or near the notches zool. perichylous (pér‘iki'liis) a. Sage peri, seuihts Y chplos, juice.| With water- storage cells outside the chlor- enchyma (40+). gor apes (peri ikla’diiim) #2. [Gk rt klados, a branch. ] he iowereioet clasping portion of sheathing petiole : perielinal (pér'ikli’nal) ” ot). son gge so mcabgreyy m. [Gk. pong: vous nd; line, a e€ involucre of a combate. flower _ um (périkra’nitim) #. [Gk. er8, rou mand 3 kranion, skull.] The fibrous membrane investing the skull (ana pericycle (peristi) nm. [Gk. a roun ey circle. etherial ayer of the stele ye). Gk. p. peridental (péridén’ta round ; L. dens, to tooth ; appi. periosteum of a root (anat.). PER- PER- 233 nae (pér'idérm) 7. [Gk. pert, Carex ; mf repeat perianth und; derma, skin e outer of Mosse tae r 0 4); ; the external per ania (pert “niis) a._ [Gk. peri, cuticular layer of Hydrozoa (zoo/. round; gyze, female.] Having peridesm (péridézm) #. [Gk. e772, sepals, petals, stamens round the ; desme, a bundle.] Tissue gynoecium, not erneath; of. surrounding a vascular bundle (40/.) pogynous (402). peridesmium ( éz’miiim) 72. k. perigyny (périj Led n. {Gk peri, peri, round; desmos, a band. ] round ; gyne, a female.] Arrange- ese surrounding a_ ligament ment in a peri ‘ S perihaemal (périhé’mal) @. [Gk. peridia (piri al) a. [Gk. peridion, peri, ; haima, blood.] Appi. llet.] Pert. a peridium the blood-vascular system of canals peri diaymia (péridid‘imis) 7 [Gk peri, round; didymos, a testicle.] _ fibrous covering of the testis ridium or st enclosed within the peridial covering peridium ok n. (Gk. peridion, a small wallet.] The - ope ng ; the o round ; L. durus, hard.] perimeningeal space at a later stage round ; cavity apetencs ae the enteron or visceral cavity (emé.). perifoliary eet Neo Wari) a. {oR peri, round ; L, fol a a leaf.| Round a leaf margin (604 peri, gens gaster, Surrounding a. [L. plexus, interwoven ; ape.| En- tangled or Sack clicfed like a network ; aff/. layers of the retina (anat.). —the axial organ of Echinoderms ook plexus —. n. [L. plexus, inter- woven. work of interlacing oe - nerves (avat.). L. dticare, to fold.] pluma (plo nfl "plum feather. i yy contours feather of bits plumage (ploom’a. luma, feather.] The ycticser covering ins ma, ee (ploom it) a [L. plu ete Plume- fike in arrange- fea men plume il) [L. puma, feather. ] A feather, or feather-like structure. 45 PNE- plumicome (ploom’ikém) 7. [t. pluma, feather ; coma, hair.] spicule with plume- es tuts te plumico “—— ploom‘ikérn) 2 LE. 4 ather ; phe hor A orn- tke tuft of feathers on a a bird’s head. i [L. * plan ou oo ther; gerere, to carry.] ea rh (Pigomtpe) n. [L. pluma, eather ; ae las ot.} A bird with erous (ploomij’ériis) a. pluma, fea eathery ; gone feather. li oy ; appl. a ange- ment of skeletal fibre in Eaarieees plumul Re c lumulaceous,—plum plumulate °(ploom’ mah, . foie plum- ula, a small feather.] Downy; with owny cove umule ae aly nm [L. plumula, at small feather.] A tins ary bud mary axis s of own- pluriaxial (ploor'tak ‘sial) a. [L. plus, more ; ax7s, axle.] Having — developed on secondary shoo (407.). plurilocular (ploor/lék’tlar) a. [L. plus, more ; loculus, a little place.] Havi te Song ie ore loculi. ee | pion robe [L. plus, rtitus, Siviadaj With many divisions, lobes, or — on eral (plore) a. UL. plus, ged in two or more rows. oo Lp inisoest a iva’- [L. plus, valere, to be eat sts with one Sasnacieg me (cyz.). on a pluteus, a us. a pluteus, a e fre ming larva of Echinoids and Sohinroids (zool.). neumatic (nimat'ik) a. [Gk. preuma, pl. bo - more than o ee Lene ptuhens (lout Sic) me shed.] T the respiratory syst pneumaticity niimatis itt) n. [Gk, pneuma, ad State of having air PNE- cavities, as in the bones of flying birds (zoo/.). pne tized (nii’matizd) a, uma [Gk. pneuma, air.| Furnished with air cavities. pn na mated (nai ‘matésist) 72. kystis, a bladder.] The air-bladder or swim-bladder of Fishes (zoo/.). iabahintophure (ni’matéfor) 7. [Gk. ee air ; LORY m, to bear. | The [Gk. air-sac or float of ‘Siphonophores (z00. my an un biaddce of marsh o shore- plants (dot. pneumatopyle (ail pe m [Gk. pneuma, air; pyle, gate.] One of the a of : eee umatophore, opening above the exterior in certain Siohonophowes (zool. pneumo (ni’mbégas'tri k) a. [Gk. pueuma, air ; guste, ose Appl. the tenth c nerv' ranial supplying heart, lungs, aks" visc one i). otaxis (n ee = [Gk. ‘axis, arrangement. 7 ae ‘idiealacion of dioxide in solution; cf VS.) pod (pod) [M .E. Zod, a bag.] A superior, one-celle is one- or many- seeded fruit of two valves ; a husk ot. (pa’ dal) a. podal [Gk, fous, a foot.] Pert. feet ; pod a] & au: ee of the rs) menoptera uniting propodeon and metapodeon (pédé’shiiform) a. [Gk. oot ; L. forma, shape.] Re- sembling a podetium (do7.), ( [Gk, fous, stalk-like elevation from allus of some Lichens (402). foot. } the th podeum,—a podeo podex (pd'déks) ons The nt dei torr about t nus. podical (péd'ikal) a. [L. podex. rump. | In the anal region ; aff/. a pair of small hard p io beside the anus ool.). G- _— rump. } Cos Sena. foot. ] tac podium (pd'diiim Gk. ous, foot. A foot or footlike me (dz07.). ] 246 POL- permis (pddébrang’kié) 7, Plz. [Gk. foot ; brangchia, gills.) xopodites o aoneaene of certain Arthropods — oad] zool.). podocephalous (pddékéf‘Aliis, a. [Gk. ee foot ; — , a d of fl sona cna stalk (402). a Sans rs ‘niis) 7. iter pous, onos, cone.}| A conical mass ors ecmetaant conevtianks the central capsule with the disc of Sarcodina (zool.). podocyst (pid’ésist) 2. [Gk. fous, foot; ystis, ladder, ] A pedal sinus or caudal vesicle in certain Gasteropods (zo0/.). (pdd’6dérm) 7. [Gk. pow foot; derma, skin.] The decane! layer of a hoof, within the horn ny layer (zoo/.). podogynium (péd’ = Sawer a. [Gk. le.] A-stipe pous, foot; gyne,a fe supporting the einen (dot. pod (péd’émér) wz. [ ou part.] A limb ea of Aveta! 3 sid ). thalmite (péd’dfthal’mit) #. [Gk. fous, foot; ophthalmos, eye.] k podotheca (pdéd’ Seon nm. pous, foot; theke, a'box.] A foot co pedi | as of iets or we Sa nion (pogo —- ages Onion, ate beard.] T ost eine ent point of the ins 7 “fepeeseisted on the ——— (ana. at (potkothérml) a. [Gk. "poikilos, vario 70S, heat.] ApA/. cold- fidoded animals, or those whose temperature varies 7 that of thesurrounding medium oo al ( phys.) poikilot therm: —poikilothermal. poise a hatin teres, which se polar (polar) a. [Gk. polos, a pivot. ] In the region of the e an axis ; pole. polar body,— one of two cells divided off from the ovum du tion, before the germ-nuclei fase (cyt). nuclei,—a nucleus —— at each end of an angiosperm e€ POL- bryo, which later form the second- ary nucleu arrow ciliated e Reade = a —astral rays, as ofp. P*spindle Loe (cyt.). polar rings,—two ring-shaped cyto- me ners masses near the ovum poles formed me union of the germ- —_— - the tendency of any ovum to p itself with its axis corresponding to that of the mother (em.). end-plates or eon t the on poles in Reamncos. oes c esicle earth Ae vesicles polioplasm (pdol'iéplaz ~ (Gk. polios, gray ; plasma, rice Socusie- pollen (pol’ én) #. [L. pollen, fine flour.] The male fertilizing element of seed plants (doz). llen tube,—a tubular process de- veloped from ollen aoa aoe attachment to the stigma (407.). pollex (pél’éks) #. [L. alles, thumb. ] The thumb, or innermost digit of the normal’ five the anterior limb (zool.). pollination Pain inashiin) Ll flour. | Fertilization in in flowers ; transference of pollen fro stigma to rs (bo7.). lliniferous por init ers) i i. to carry.] adapted / & (sool.). pollinium (polin’itim) 7. [L. pollen, n other lind’ditim) # [L. um” (pé ; Gk. etdos, form.] 247 POL- pollinoid (pdl’inoid) 7. [L. Pollen, fine flour; Gk. e¢dos, form.] A ale gamete or spermatium (407). m. polocytes (po'lésits) 7. plu. [Gk polos, axis; kytos, ae aes Polar bodies (cyz). polyadelphous (pol'iadél'fiis) z [Gk. * pos many ; adelphos, brother. ] Sy OS. Gk golys of a ag -consorting with several as in some Fishes (67o/.). [Gk polys, or m polyandry BS abies n. “IG ale. tissue (407). polyaxon ortega: n. — Sag many; @z7s, an axis. spicule laid down along sponses axes pelvear> (pat ikArp) #. [Gk. folys, karpos, fruit.] One of the gonads of some Ascidians dis- ributed over the inner surface of ss mantle (z00 2). él’ari) a. oa polycarpo . [Gk. polys, many ; menos fruit.] With numerous carpels ; aff/. perennials bo. cymose branch system when more lycotyledon (potikotile’din) n. [Gk. polys, many; 4otyledon, a hollow vessel.] A — with pnthe than two embryo lobes (do¢.). polycotyl omar. (poriketilé donari) rae | prin many; 4o in many divisions or 1 Eorileaoue (zool.). POL- 248 POL- opdisde airs SS an - house. | giathn multiple fruits Gk. folys, many ; otyledo formed by united gynoecia (02.). a hollow vessel. ] en polygynous “polfinis) a. [Gk. Zolys, many; gyve, female.] oe than two cotyledons or ean lobes, as the fir embryo (407.). polycotyledony ae ioelledént) nN. if ary elevations in the pulse curve (phys.). er (pdl'isik’lik) a. [Gk. polys, any; kyklos, a circle. Havin ane whorls or ring structures biol.). oe paar ne 6 a. [Gk. Zolys, any ; 4ystis,a bladder.] Septate; _ partitioned of "(bio y dactylism (p 314 dak'tilizm) 2. pork. po polys, many 5 — a finger. ] Condition of an excessive number of Rozen: ie toes aes polyembryony V'iém’briéni) 7. [Gk. polys, many ; ryon, foetus.]| Instance of a zygote giving rise ‘to more than one embryo (40 ood eae petite ser a. [Gk. olys, mergos, active.] Appl. n sect: with more than one centriole (cyZ). polygamous (pdlig’Amiis) a. [Gk. union. ] Bear- of having staminate, pistillate, = hermaphrodite flowers upon’ the same individual (do¢.) ; okies ° onal a more than one mate a a tim siumaeele (por'ijén’t'tk) a. [Gk. polys, many; genesis, descent.] Derived from two sources ; sexually produced (47o/.). polygynoecial (pol'ijiné’shial) a. [Gk. polys, many ; gyne, woman ; ozkos, time (zoo/.) ; with many oho het polykaryon (pdl'ikar’ié i: reer olys, many ; polyenergid nuc a _ ith more than one centriole (cyz). polymastigote A . Gk. polys, many ; masttx, _— Having flagella arranged in (gool. ). —— (pél'imas’tizm) 7. [Gk. VS; polys, many ; mastos, bre ast. ] Oc- currence of more — the normal number of mam Se (polimé ashi) Nn. [Gk. folys, meros, part.] The eee togethe er of a per of molecules in a pres with reir combination (phy lymero mus (palim’ériis) a. [Gk 2 olys, many ; meros, part.] Consisting of many parts or members (402.). po rp. (pol'imér’fizm) 7. [Gk. polys, many ; morphe, form.] Oc- currence of different forms of individuals in the same species ; occurrence of different ——— or different forms of organs, in the same individual at different periods oe life (d70/.). ymorphonuclear (p6l'imér’foni’- Peden a [Gk. polys, many ; morphe, L. nucleus, kernel.]| A Saielanas ‘with multipart nuclei connecte y fine reads of chromatin (cy¢). polymorph ssn (pdt'imor fis) a. wee polys, many ; morphe, form. suming facia forms or el polynucleate ne Speers a, [Gk. olys, m: ucleus, kernel.] fe ontaining — or many nuclei cyt.) polyp (pélip) ~ [L. polypus, polyp-] Seats — 0z0 as ra one ; sesarale pen ne _etinozoan colony (2 ool.). (polipa’riim) #2. [L. spars erase polyp.} The common base and connecting tissue of a colony of polyps (zoo/.). polypary,—a polyparium. POL- ip Slee Lm te ea a. [Gk, i fe . y ; petalon, \eaf.| Having sh geo or seth petals (polif’a ot. ). polyphagous gis) a [Gk cells polyphetio apr an . a. [Gk. polys, many ; phylo ce.] Con- vergent, a a Z. ty cra 3 com- bining characteristics of more than one ancestra through in- dependent aie (biol.). polyphyllous Olifiltis) @ [Gk. polys, many ; phyllon, leaf.| Many- pos lyphyod odont (polifrédént) @. [Gk. * polyphyes, manifold ; odous, tooth.] 2 tg many successive "sets of eth. a outs or n. [L. polypus, a polyp.] ndividual or person of a zooid colony yon polypite,—a polypide polyplastic (pol iplis’ tik) a. [Gk. polys, many ; plastos, formed.] Cap- able of eet ets many forms (dzo/.). pe (polipdd) a. [Gk. polys, pous. ote Furnished with: many feet polypoid Vipoid) a. agi? polypas, polyp; Gk. ezdos, form.] Polyp like. (pdl'ipro’ sera ey jaw, an lower—as in the Tasmanian Devil paiva Saige Tzal) etd wi tite [Gk, LYS, many 5 epalon, a 's ee 0. ny; pwn be.] a a hydromedusa stem consisting of several hydrocauli bound together ool, ies (pol'isémit tk) . [Gk. eg many ; soma, body ; femnein, cut.] Has! ing many _body- 249 POL- segments ; formed from fusion of the primitive body segments woe ). polyspermous (pol'ispér’miis) a. [Gk polys, set sperma, seed. | Having many se Saaesethy (p3l'ispér'mi) nm. [Gk polys, many ; sperma, seed.| Entry of several sperms into one ovum (di07.). polysporous (pdl'ispd’riis) a. [Gk. poly Ss, many ; spores, “gre wey, aeded many-spore scouiteaheten (pistes) a. ice. poly, many ; ; stachys, ear of n.] ith numerous fae (bot) Sonymalie patie a, _[Gk. Zolys, t.] With several many ; steles ota “patio nm. [Gk. folys, stele, st.] Arrange- af axial eee tissue in steles, each containing n one vascular bundle rina (d0t.). polystemonous (pdl'istém’éniis) a. Gk. polys, many; stemon, a warp.] Having the stamens more than double ve number of petals or sepals (do¢ polystichous ‘(poristik’t ong a. [Gk. polys, many; stic a row.] Arranged in pleaser s rows or seri pol: (pdlistém’‘atiis) a. [Gk. folys, many ; stoma, mouth.] Having many res, mouths, or openings ; ops anata fo <5 Disco- a and i s (z00, polystomium (pol'i ia ony n. [Gk. polys, many; stoma, mout suctorial mouth of Discomedusae polyatylar (polistilar) a. [Gk. polys, ie — pillar. Many- ‘styled (dot. Iysymmetrical cpatyere'g rial) a, "Gk. polys, many ; sy7, ; metron. measure, 7 Divisible week several planes into bilaterally symmetrical BR cies ot). halamous ey te oa a. mock. polys, many; ‘thalamo chamber.] Aggregate or collective as sss fruits (dot); appl. shells e up of —- cha on formed satcnbasee’ (zool.). polythely (polithe’li) n. (Gk. polys, POL- 250 POS- — ; Ene a nipple.} Poly- portcidal —— = pase pores, channel ; L. caedere, De- polytocous (pélit’ékis) a. [Gk. Zolys, hiscing by valves or onto as the any ; Zokos, offspring.] Prolific. poppy order (407). sobptonasin politémiis) a, [Gk. ——— (poner) a. lee poros, LVS, ; tome, a cutting.]} chan L. ferre, to bear.} Fur- Having more than two secondary branches (do74. polytrichous (pol trik’tis) @ [Gk. won ers i: sel es = Having e body red wit n even coat of ne oh cae gorse peiviccthal os polit’rdkal) a. [Gk. polys, and posterior end, as in sic Annulats on polytrocho dered titer ike) a. polys, many ; trophe, nourishment. ] 8 Nourished by than o n ism or substance (d7zo/.). um SV iz6a'ridim) n. [G polys, ny; zoom, animal.] The skeletal sys fe) Polyzoan colony ; the colony itself pubes ). gore — ik) a. [Gk. pols, oon, animal, gue : colony rors ear zooids ; appl. a ‘tear — (coo) e (pom) ot pomum, apple. | Re leiior, " indehis sce is "two or oat celled fles ep fruit ‘ars bi pom € prominent ridge of the the thyroid c cartilage in the front of the — more pronounced in , he pons, ees A connecting two parts, as ah pons Varolii of the cerebellum a. pontal, pontic, pontil pata a pons or me pons me ered (ana ain ee nm. [L. pon culus, a small bridge.] A vertic ao ridge on the Hie es cartilage joint ; appl. sate glands, nerve, vein, muscle (ana (por) (ck, pores, channel.] mn. A minute eee ay r interstice, as of the skin, of a ston nished ‘with ccna openings or por sere a riform) a. [Gk. foros, channel; L. cht ma, shape.}| Re- sembling a por porocyte (pd roa) a [Gk, fae channel; &y/os w.] A forated cell of Deteee track J po Orégam) # [Gk. foros, channel; gamos, union.| A plant whose pollen- -tube enters the ovule a the micropyle ; off. chalazogam eit (pérég’Ami) 7, = sore h nce porophyllous (pdrdéfil’itis) a ([Gk. poros, channel; fphyllon, leaf.] Appl. leaves with numerous trans- parent spots (404). porta (porta) ~. [L. porta, a gate] A gate-like structure, as a Fag — Le por a. [L. portio, n. | r portion of a sa ‘bloodeneel pre gee ab¢ Sion plate thethetennmhasescmeniie narrower five segments of the postanal — nil) a. [L. post, _— anus, vent.] Situated behind t anus (zoo/.). I belly.] The anterior, ‘broader -pa iat of the abdomen of Scorpions ‘4 praea ar (pra -, préorikealar) a. [L. prae, before ; cula, ll ear. Appi. a sulcus at the mre part of the so regia surface of the hip-bone Z.). ar eg e ak préak’sial) a. [L. ore ; axis, axle.] On the sintering border o i suislane, praecentrum ng présén’ triim) » [L. prae, before ; ; centrum, centr ma 252 PRA- The anterior part of the vertebral centrum of certain lower vertebrates (zool.). praecoces (pra-, préké’séz) », Plu. [L. Brae, before ; coguere, to cook. Newly- hatched birds able to pets care of themselves; cf altri (zool.). praecostal (pra-, prékés bw a. fl, prae, before; costa, rib.] : a-, eg abreaboae ral) @ athe crus, leg. the anterior side of leg. or thigh anal )s = =f. re T quadrate lobe of the cerebrum SS meee xilla (pra’-, pré'maksil’i) x. a aE prae, before; maxilla, jaw.] The anter rior portion ‘a oe upper nat. aemor it irregular an abrept setnioa that as if bitten off (4024). praeoccipital (pra’-, pré rere ital) < pole - the cerebral hemispheres nat. (a praeoral (pra-, préd’ral) a. prae cgay “ mouth.] Per? the part of t os of a larva anterior to appl. —_ ess, loop, ubis ; rate cubis of certain vertebrates 2.). praepuce (pra’-, pré’piis) 7. [L. prae- _— = foreskin.] That part of the integument of the penis sehiche- leaves the surface at the nec becomes folded upon itself; the foreskin. praeputial (pra-, prépi’shial) a [L. pracputium, the foreskin.] /eré. are praepuce ; Sot glands, sac t.). hao te puce. pra-, préski’tiim) he me before ; scutum, shield. ] PRA- — anterior part of the oy Be of nsect thoracic ring (zoo/. pra-, présfé’noid) Me L. prae, before ; Gk. sphen, wedge. a es part of the sphenoid te praesternal (pra-, préstér'nal) a. [L. prae, before ; sternum, breast- bone.] Appl. the jugular notch, on the _—— border of the sternum (ana preaxial (pr sian a [L. rae, — axis, axle.] In front of ea — = (preka va) 2. [L. prae, before ; cav. ollow.] ‘The meee vena pris — rns vein (zool.). precentral (présén’tral) a. i et m prechordal (prekordal) a i {Ln pra), efore ; chorde, a cord.] An- teriorly to the notochord or spinal cord ; afp/. part of the base of the skull (e (em precipitin (presi pitin) # [L. pracceps, dlon smitate deavelnne (pays.). val (prékli’val) a. ([L. prae, 1. Appl. a “ the clivus of the cerebellum recoracoid (prekov kod) N. prae, before; Gk. korax, crow.] An anterior ‘ventral bone of the pectora gher vertebrates sation of the various physiological molecules in definite areas an substances of the undevelopedegg,— “08 theory of germinal localization peainanany senso Oe N. {L Sa before ; dens, at the tip of the j i or many Siniaeare al, 2 a S ay Agape . sa ti ~— before ; epi, u mouth. plate shite basal portion of the rasa of “certain Avechuids (g00 ret prefioration (préfléra’shin) ». [L. 253 PRE- prae, before; fios, flower.) The arrangement "of floral leaves in a flower-bud (407.). a oe folia’ iE ames | O eg , before; folium, leaf.] The rangem men a o foliage leaves in the bud sage (b0t.). m theory,—the theory of ayaiation me gaed to which it that each ovum of ot contained a miniature — and that nourishment only required ie Sraaad g it into the perfect ie frontal (pré éfriin’ tal) a 1h. Fi before ; front forehead. } App bone anterior to the rat 68 sie of poses Vecebentes are paired lates or scales anterior to the Pata! scale in some Reptiles (zo00.). g’glién’ik) @. na cord to the sympathetic cell station anat.). preglobulin sameness the le prae, before; globulus, a small ee comp pend. Brecas of blood corpuscles (ph éhaliks s) 7 le. a Mammals (za deskainieee (prea) n. piu. [L. prae, before ; halter, Pot The squamae of Diptera ig fee um (pr Ehbstotim) [L. prae, before ; hele to drink.] A rudimentary ans like sucker (dot.). prehensile (préhén’sil) a [L. pre- hendere, to seize.] Ada pted for catching hold, as a ‘octertid tentacle (zoo/.). prehepatic (prehepae'to a. [L. prae, before ; Aepar, liver.] Appi. that — tract anterior nb.) _— (plaka a. [L. pra befo Ik.] Pert. a heats: tion occur previous to [L. prae, The theory that certain portions of PRE- ovum are predestined to pacts into certain — or = arts (dzol. & maksil’4) 7. prae, bakes pees illa, jaw.] paire ed bone anterior ihe maxilla in most vertebrates (za. premaxillary (pré’m oats i a {L. prae, before ; maxilla, An- terior to the ~ xi ine? bere. the premaxilla (zo fan (reine in a [L. pra ddle. | Anterior molars, the bicuspid teeth cee) eaten | om before ; asus, nose.] A bon rae in Hike septum in front of the 2 sar en in certain Mammals aye (pré salir) 2 [L. prae before ; oculus, eye. et: front of the eye ; as antennae, as (zool.). preopercle,—preoperc um (pré’ Spér’kalim) nt. [L. prae, asaig ni eg owe The anterior me bon the opeseetany or ‘i pase (ened a preoral (pré0'ral) a. — ore; os, mouth.] Situat of ss le.] Ameen to rbit ; oe a ee se oe bone of “ees (zool.). prepatagium (prépatajiiim) ~. ([L. So before ; —— border.] lar mbrane. fold an extending be —— upper sem ass forearm of Birds lacental (pré’plisén’ aD ‘a. fia eis before ; placenta, a flat cake.] beggigg J before slekacs forma- tion or development (emd.). joubattes (prépol’éks) #7. [L. prae, before ; ollex, th rudi- mentary additional digit occurring n Amphibians and (prepa’ ‘ténst) 2. L. prae, potens, powe erful, Prepotency before ; The 254 PRE- fertilization of a flower by pollen other flower = Egos to pollen xs its e offered ce ac tee the offspring than the other parent biol.). — (prépo'tént) a. [L. — before ; potens, powerful Tran the majo of char. sete! mi res ae rity o = hadi 132 appl. a flowerexhibiting preference for cross- “pollitatian (bot. prepubis (prépi’bis) 2. [L. prae, before ; pudes, mature.] Part of prepyramidal (pré’piram’id [L prae, before; pyramis, pyramid. ] In front of the amid ; appl cerebellar fissure (anal. ‘ presphenoid = résfé 'noid) prae, before; Gk. sphen pressor (prés’dr) a pressare, to p Appl. rve-fibres which when stimulated, cause a rise Oo arterial pressure (Phys. pressure (prés = si nm. ae pressare, to press. | tissue caused by on ‘tergidity of the cells eaves resternal Seen. a. [L. prae, ree fore; sternum, breast - neat Situated i in front of the stern breast-bone ; eri. _ atari part of me sternum oe pees nim) EL. pee hate : ee Seat bone.] The ma —_ rium, or anterior part of a aera pretrematic “oe trémit teacileg [L. prae, befo Gk. a, Appi. nerves = running in wall of the first gill cleft to the pharynx (zool.). preverte = (prév vértébral) a. [L. p vertebra, a ve ertebra.] a portion o (emd.) ; appl. ganglia of the sympa- thetic —_— any ool.). prezy gapo sis (prézi'gapof'isis) 7. [L. prae, aa Gk. zygon, yoke ; PRI- ee oe n; physis, growth.) oypidhin Z00t. prorachis (prorak’is) | n. [Gk. fro, re coincides with the as cee — ct 0 the iene z00i proseapula (proskap fala) [L. pro, before ; scapula, shoaidet - blade.] The clavicle (z00 6 [Gk. fra, cyst with fluid-filled cavity, a stage — of the Tape- worm (00 prosecretin (prd'sékré é'tin) 7. s pro, before ; secrefus, separated precursor of secretin (f/ys.). prosence ep (prés’ tiene -séf-) n. [Gk. 2 before ; engkephalon, brain.] ‘The telencephalon, or fore- ea Pisiesqewewn (prdséng’kima) m [Gk. engchyma, infusion. ] The [Gk. pros, tefoaipt. |] Appl. elongated pointed cells, with thin or thick cell-walls, rege de tissue (Go07.). ams hmoid (proséth’moid) nm. [Gk. pros, near; ethmos, sieve. n R PRO- oe cranial bone of Teleosts cation (prosifén) # (Gk. pro for; siphon, tube.] A spout-like prolongation of the edg the -flaps of certain Molluscs (oo0L). prosocoel (prés‘ésél) 7 [Gk. Jros, near; £ozlos, hollow narrow cavity in the epistome of Mollus- coidea, the ne main part of the coelom (zoo. prosodetic mee 6dét'ik) - [Gk prosodos, advance.] Anterior to ; certain Biaite lus a ods) n. [Gk. prosodos, delicate canalicule he anterior before ; soma, body.] T of the body ; a cephalothorax ae SO, erture pong es (s00 Sasetalla (prostai) n, plit. te pro, orth ; séare, Projecting cules o of Hexactinellids (zool.). [L. pro, before ; Appl. a gland aced a Soend the Panieicennelit e male urethra in the pelvic cavity (an rostatic rorneite ie): a. - LL gre, before ; stare, to omg a the prostate gland ; Le sg t, nerve, sinus, utricle (avaz.). emmate eee &. Liak before; stemma, i re: doubtful function (zoo. _ prostemmatic,—prostemmate. um (prostér’niim) es ase pro, ian a breast-bone. ] The ventr; of the prothorax of Insects gan Ny, cat {pre thin) n. (Gk. pros foremost.} The alveolar point; the middle po of the upper raider he (ana to’miat). a. [Gk. pro, rere sel “iuath.) Having 258 PRO- ee " the head in front of the mouth peouiccisie _(prost cy) forges m. (Gk. pro, before; stoma, mouth.] In Bl ad Mollu uscs, the Leh of the terior to the m (zool.). prostrate bie trat) a. ae poh stratus, hro ro wn.] Procumbent ; trail- 1 aig rae ground (d02.). protandrism (prétan’drizm) #. [Gk protos, first; andros, male.] Pro- tan sometimes exclusively in zoological application (dzo/.). protandrous (prétan’driis) a [Gk. Protos, first ; ota dri) 7. nN Ok. protos, Con dition of a t ements an re before the fem ate elements rane biol.). prote semicircular or semiell bryonic shell of Brachiopods (zoo/.) proteid (prd’téid) [G ‘otos, first; eidos, resemblance.] he nitrogenous ica of | eee cells ; albuminous' substance ; term subject to epee restrictions in different authors (pfys.). ep pid n. NA protos, first.] Alb s substance; a _nitro- cs peotitnr of cell proto- plasm ; the sum-total of nitrogen present in proto pla sm; a ‘3 of variable application (phy. proteolytic (prod teonvik) a. [Gk. protos, first; lysis, a loosing.] Appi. ferments which change pro- teins into proteoses ve) Beach. es ag (phy rea dk) a. ; andros, male.] 7. herm cnanitirod tai in which ovaries and testes are functional at different times (é7o/.). terandrous,—protandrous. proteranthous pro ro'téran’thiis) a. [Gk. pr vat ae anthos, flower.] Flowering before foliage leaves ances (G04.). PRO- proteroglyph (pro'téroglif) @ [Gk eer, earlier ; g/yphein, to oe ; | Having the specialized fang te S saetnagamtie erect ; ofp. - oe (zool.). pro SerOsy Ey Peo e Ase prothallium,— sg heroamge ‘oper a. [Gk. pro, be dios, young shoot ; ag Sites pods (z00 pro mbin ‘(prot 6thrém’bin) ~ [Gk. oo, beloxe thrombos, clot. | Throm- bogen LYS)» prothyalosome (prothialésém) # [Gk. fro, before; Ayalos, glass; soma, body.] The area surrounding the germinal spot in the germinal reas eee m0.). protista (protis’ mm n. plu. (Gk. pro- prone first of all.]. The assemblage of simple and poeta living beings from whic nimals and plants Soe (dz0/.). tobasidi pro bist nea n. PIG. protos, first ; dasidion mail pedestal. ] basidium pads ci a. - {Gk tail.] Having ss divided into ms equal moa ah caudal fin (2 ool. (pro’ tésér’ — n. mck. ; spore first erebrum, The anterior pair of gangli- ace se of Crustacea (o0/.). 259 PRO- éknémz) 2. plu. kneme, 4 wheel- protocnemes (pro't [Gk. protos, first ; ke. ] six primary pairs of mesenteries of Zoantharia (zoo/.) prot a er oneang nt Gk. protos, first; onche, shell.) The peer shell ‘of Molluscs, indicated by the cicatrix on the adult shell protocone (pro’tékon) 7. [Gk. provos, protos, first; onos, c¢ form.] The external cusp of a pgee protos, first ; konos, ne. | ke terior intermediate ee sof an dines jaw molar (anazt.). protocran meee (pro’ [Gk. Protos, first ; name sometimes give to posterior Eas of the bed a Insects Sremantisr Date, (pra) Dee as m. (Gk. protos, first ; ; phyton, 1 tékra’‘niim) 7 brain og protogenie (pro’téjén’‘ik) a. [Gk . protos, first ; gewos, offspring. Persistent from the ve ‘ais of development Prarie ca s (diol. (prot mi a, [Gk Trois , first; gyne an. ] av- ing rea ecneik | ‘aataie before mal e pro rotosyay r (prety ‘ini) x. [Gk. proéos, a Condition of and a ent oly. saat nat male tests (dzol.). on (pro'tokar'ibn) nm. [Gk. protos, first ; karyon, nut.] A simple primitive nucleus consisting of e (cyz.). protoloph (pro’téléf) 7. [Gk. proéos first ; lophos, crest.] The anterior a crest of upper jaw molars nat.). provomala (pro soos aps n. ee a protos. sbrrsa tavidible whe PRO- 260 PRO- protomerite (prétém’érit) #7. [Gk. bundle or —— pido of aime Protos, first ; meros, part.] The an- lar ti f most roots ands terior part of the seers = stems ( plasm of adult Gregar cf. aris “ (pro! tothé’ka) #. [Gk. deutomerite (zv0/.). protos, first ; theke, he A ere pn ne (pro’témon sere cup-shaped ‘plate ate at the aborale a. [Gk. Protos, first ; monos, alon of a coral omens ‘the first seated sn column.}] A stem or formation (zoo/.). with . Delatee 6 or central —— (pr er [Gk. protos, _ cylinder (ot first ; heel.] A _pre-oral onema (pra’té néma) #. [Gk. rclet ~ js ci te of a trochosphere or rete first ; ema, — d.] The germination structure of Mosses, from which the moss plant buds (bot). protonematoid (prd'téném’atoid) a. [Gk. #rotos, first; mema, thread; aoe form.] Like a protonema is0K hridial (prd’ténéfrid’ial) a. enh. Bs cgttioea mt Dipsiele kidney. ] Appl. water-vascular system o in Flat w Zool. protopepsia (pro topep sia) Protos, first; fepsis, a digesting.] olution and alteration ood- erial accomplished in the di- gestive tract ( phys. hloem (pro 16 téflo’ém) m. [Gk. protos, first; phloios, tree-bark.] The first loses elements of a vascular bundle (4o7.). protophyte a m. [Gk. pro Ayton, plant.}] A Sokatiaia: oer aA cere or primitive plant (4074. protoplasm ‘(pro’ téplazm) #. [Gk. prot, first ; A/asma, form.] Cell bstance ; cytoplasm and karyo- plnam (cy t). plasmic (prd’ ces a, — protos, first ; plasma, form. or consisting 0 of = eee a (Biol) “s proto O’téplast) 22, 7 oe OS, first ; ; Plastes,§ imal} ik nergid ; a living oe vehaitive pro- Lene unit (dzo/. (protdp'édit) 7» [Gk. san aoe, pous, foot, The segment of a typical crus- tacean limb (zoo/.). protospore (pratt téspér) n. = xasseage first; spores, seed.] of the first ose ; a ewe wh seating spore (doz. pro’téstél) 7. [Gk. first ; stele, column. | ey rots erg : Nourished from one supply or in one manner only; aff/. bacteria prototype (pro’ _— a. [Gk. protos, first ; del} An ones xample; an co ® so) o O Os @ § ° ban} ° cestral form (dzo/. protovertebrae — tover — Nn. tee [Gk. protos. once thought to of vertebrae (em (pro’ re 71lém) — ee protes first; aylon, wood.| Primary m lying next the pith of, sionals e beginnings protozoaea (pro’téz6’éa) 2. er — st; zoon, animal. e the life-history of certain ‘Acthepetl succeeding the free-swimming nauplius (zoo/. protozoology (pra sggees [Gd protos, first ; ey ani logos, discourse. e]_ department of petits ee a the simplest mal organ protozcon ae tn nm. [Gk. protos, first ; zoom, animal.] A unicellular varie organism tan ) [L. pro, awn ou muscle — draws out or extends a part pro rotriaene re — m. ([Gk. pro, before ; /vzaina, trident.] A triaene ot) ip reactor 4 directes branches Z00 proven (pro’'véntrik‘iliis) 7. Es sae res owt go small stomach. ] s, the sien tive chamber Ao te ta mach ; in Worms, that valet fe the PRO- gizzard; in Birds, the glandular =e ach anterior to the gizzard ool.). a eeinisints rere ee a cle pro, be for re; ‘3 ia] Ls oO . . 4am ao) wn G ' ia pruina, d with whitish particles or globules; covered me “ (d02.). um (sOlté’ritim, sal-) #2. [L. peer neh, a psa a“ r.] The ‘third mach of Ruminants, the omasus, or manyplies (zoo/.); the lyra, i i joinin pis portions of the fornix (ana jee ilous (samOf'iliis, psim-) a [Gk. Panes, sand ; philos, loving. “ah a in mae places (404.), psamm (sim'6fit, psim-) 7 [Gk. aniouies aie yin a a A plant cronies in dry, sandy ground (doz4. pseudambulacrum (si’dambila’kriim, es seudes, false; L. fe the lancet- nae with adhering side- lates and penne. plates of Blast- oidea (z00 sa at (siidan’ = ig nm. [Gk. s of surviving winter matic (siidaip’dsémat'ik, a aye a. [Gk. pseudes, false; apo, rom ; Sema, sign.] Imitating the “warning coloration or other pro- tective features of hurtful animals pseudaxis (siidak’sis, per Me tee pseudes, false; axis, we setuitieiaete array tik, —s [Gk. pseudes, ; holos, w optikos, Sg ne ” sight.] gf othe 261 PSE- mediate between holoptic and dichoptic, conditions in the eyes of Diptera (zoo/.). pseudimago (sa/dinaa" g6, psu-) # [Gk. = peo false ; L. zmago, image.] tage between pupa and imago "the metamorphosis of certain Tacechs (zool.). pseudoalveolar (sii’déalvé’élar, a . pseudes, false; L. alve. a " hollow. ] Appl. a structure “of cytoplasm containing starch grains or deutoplasm fe res (cyt. pseudoaquatie (si’déikwat’ ik, -kwot-, psii-) a [G “4 face fa Ise; L. agua, eee) Thriving in moist ground (407.). “pipet Saggy aren (si’ eee ae ; Gk. pseudes, fi brac we * — gills.] An accessory gill of some f eat not respiratory in function ool.). udobulb (sii’ débiilb, psii-) # [Gk w patides, false ; L. du lous , bulb. ickened interno de of Orchids for pores of water and reserves (do4.). pseudobulbil (cards ibiil’bil, roar seg [Gk. pseudes, false ; L. dulbus, bulb] n outgrowth of som e Ferns, a substitute for sporangi ia * (bot Pp through development of pse st (bot. pseudocarp ‘(sivdékarp, psii-) z. [Gk. peels false ; ag age fruit.] A false fruit, or one in whic other assist in [Gk. pscuies false ; ea cen ntru centre. | of two pairs = ate meeting poe" forming a a = y pseudochrom = geen ronal caneks oconch (sildékéngk, psii-) # [Gk. pseudes, false ; hongche, shel A structure deve elope above behind the true concha in cides (zool.). PSE- 262 PSE- pseudocone Aa dék6n, psii-) 7. [Gk. pseudomanubrium (su’démani’britim, pseudes, false; konos, cone.] A psi-) #. [Gk. nu rs in some insect (zool.). pseudoconjugation (si’dékdnjooga’- shin, n. [Gk. pseudes, false ; iL. cum, with ; jugumne, yoke.] Con- jugation of Sporozoa in which two individuals, were onal without true fusion, j join end to end, ee merite to dhalcinecite: va side t side (zool.). acromepoeere (si’ dokés' aps = -) @ [Gk. pseudes, false rib.] sows ined ; h Be + sons vein Gating all others (dot.). ocyst (si’désist, ma n. fs Gk. , A a protoplasmic mass which and ruptures, liberating spores of Seorieie (zool.). (si’dédéltid’itim, eyes D.]_ A plate partly or entirely _—s srs deltidial fissure in the alve of certain Testi- adie (cool!) rm (sii’ dédérm, “gee: ow psig false ; derm n.] se nd of covering or iin ot ae mpact sponges, formed also cowards the poepelogiatite cavity (zool.). pseudodont gare Shes £8 a. [Gk. pseudes, false ; odous, tooth.] Hav- ing false or horny Seis as Mono- tremes (zoo/.). dofoliac ee se ogaster (sii’dégais’ & psi-) 7. [Gk. pseudes, false ; ren mach. ] apparent cavity of aving the true oscula opening into itself (zoo/.). pseudogastrula (sii digis’troola, psii-) nm. (Gk. pseudes, false; gaster, stomach.] The stage of Sycon on when the rchacocytes me ape agreed eucianed by th aa iagellate ce S$ (zo0l.). axial organ of Eeitnadager (zo0l.). : lg! en rie ma pseudom “(ea'dométim’ - érizm, psii-) k. Aseudes, false ; meta, between ; meros, part. Ap- arent serial segmentati an approximation to metamerism, as in certain Flat- worms (zool.). De ons Sa ani oe )a. Gk 7 al m0 alone ; otyledon, cup- “tke hol low .] With two psd ledons coalescing to appear as one b pseudomonocyclic (si‘démon’ésik’lik, udes, false ; monos, 7, Crin- a adults but present in the young or in near mt (z00 a (sivdinavistlA, psii-) eee e (s00 eudon Jein,—-paranuclein (cyt). pseudonueleol gs nonen soma oli, pees ) n. eudes, false nucleus, kernel. nots or mee in nuclear reticulum not true nucleoli (cyz.). saseean Sag (si’dénik’iim, psi-) sea pseudes, false ; onyx, claw.] lobe or process between claws a Insects (zoo/.). pseu ern culum (sii‘déds’kiliim, psi-) n. ([Gk. pseudes, false ; L. osculum, small mouth. ] The exterior opening of a pseudogaster (z00/.). eudopare (sii sii’ déparé ng’- kima, psii-) 7. [Gk. pseudes, false ; para, beside ; enge. , infusion. A tissue-like collection of ~ € ee parenchyma (40 rculum sasperkalim, gate m [Gk. Asides false; L. oper- culum, lid.|_ A structure resembling an amor or closing membrane an eudoperianth none hip sbaigbrer psi-) n. [Gk. pseude se; Peri, round ; ac ea =n archegonium- PSE- investing envelope of certain Liver- worts (dot. enka y epee ‘dépérid'itim, psii-) [Gk. pseudes, false ; peridion, inal Ww. e sere fal en- velope of certain Fungi (04.). pasthlontis u o- . 0 foot ; sporos, se ebula or oeboid swarm-spore which ete by means of pseudopodia (zool. pseudo opodium (s (sa’dépd'diiim, rey ) ~ tube and we system of cer- tain Sponges (2 pseudopupa ard ii’p&, psii-) 7. pseudes, false . pupa, ake i _ coarctate stage of certain insect larvae (zoo/.). pseudoramose eet. —- a. = nothin p false ; ramulus, mall branch.] A spurious branch b reliminary d- ing the est actual reduction in maturation me ced by gand- -cells leks, psii-) 7. Ise ; skolex, worm.] erior proglottides of certai Cestoids oe the true ale. is absent (2 (z00 doseptate (sii Satnbe! tat, psti-) @. 263 PTE- [Gk. pseudes, false ; ; septum, division.] A arently, but not morphologically, septate (402). pseudosess: (su’désés'll, psii-) [Gk. pseudes, false ; L. sedere, to sit.] . bdo f petiolate Insects when the petiole is so short n is close to the pseudes, false; sporos, teliospore or winter-spore on certain Rusts (02.). pseudostoma (sii’dést6’ma, por mouth. ‘ pseudovarium [Gk. pseudes, false ry/] An ovary rocnoee poe dov: = crane ete (si‘dévitel'tis, psii-) # [Gk. — false ; L. vztellus. s, egg- olk.| A cellu lar double- string structure of es hidae, a suppose substitute for absent Malpighian tubes (zoo/.). pseudovum (siido’ vim, pete nm. (Gk. — —— ios m, egg.] that Gexeiop without petit dace: : arthenogenetic ovum ; the earlier condition of the viviparoudly: = produced Aphidae 2 dozoaea (si’d6z0’éa, psii-) 7. [Gk. ma A psoas (s0'as, ps0-) 7%. Gk. soa, psorosperms (sd’‘réspérmz, pso-) 7 plu. [Gk. psora, itch ; sperma, , seed.] rs na parasitic organisms generally (70 sce amauey (er ido oji, ptér-) 7. PTE- parietal, sig and great wing of sphenoid (az ges apes "(ter okar pus, ptér-) @ rine Se : es fruit.] With severe fru pteroid (tér’oid, ter.) a. “TGk. pleris, ern; ezdos, resemblance.| Like a fern (402). pteropaedes ger eg ptér-) 2. plu. [Gk. pteron, w 7 : en ane} Birds able to wly a csaepe = pteropegum OS, ial s a soaker (zool.). ae (tér’ pleron, wing; stigma, mark. An bie Rama cell on certain saaect ' wings 46 (zool. Le. wing 5 wing-c clade pterotic (esd ~— n. - [Gk pleron, win g; ous, ear.] A ial bone not oar the] horizontal Se nal of the ear (z iyeint (tri) ‘a _ pier) a. [Gk. ne domange wing. . a wing or fin ; appl. a bone ee a fin-ray (zool.). oe — i16for, pe te [Gk. pieryx, wing ; pherein One of a ai forming the skeleton ‘of median fins (zoo/.). pterygium (en itim, ptér-) [Gk. ee 1 pro mencip pro- ov ss of ta a vertebrate limb Zool, ° Oe Bs et 34 F ws oe ° S wn 77) gobranchiate Foe eo “pier teryx, brangchia gilic Having ing or woogie as Crustaceans (zoo pterygoda (ig tér-) w. plu. [Gk. preryzx, god, vi re pa eed "The t tegulae of an pc spread. certain aria heger, Faas on [Gk. Leryx, > Win: ar eido. 5, cranial bone (zoo, ); 'wing-like; 264 PTY- appl. the wing- seme peacoat of the sphenoid, also c i fissure, fossa, plexus, muscles bai pterygomandibular “(erigomindy ilar, ptér-) a. [Gk. plerya, wing ; L. mandibulum, jaw. Pert. ptery- goid and man tendinous band 8 the ee em geal muscle (ana pterygomaxillary eee igémaksil'ari, ptér-) a [Gk acct jaw. | formed by divergence of the maxilla from the p a process of the sphenoid (a7 pterygopalatal,—-pterygopalati ne 2 eS om, «5 “soi: opalatine a cee ag ptr. ; . pala g appl. canal, —— sagene (anat.). pterygoquad (tér'igodkw6d'rat, ptér-) a Tk . pleryx, wing ; quadratus, squar red.] Appi. a carti- ge constituting we dorsal half of ndibular arch of certain F ishes (zoo/.). (tér’ — niis, ptér-) a. [Gk. iN ga win, L. spina, spine.] A a ligament stretching from lateral | pterygo plate to terylosis (térild’sis, ptér-) # ; pteron, feather ; yi ood. r- rangement * pterylae oe apteria in Birds (zoo ptilinum (div aiies, ptil-). [Gk. p&lon, a a A head-vesicle or bladder- aa’ tn matur ; found i in about paisa of the 7 ite (zo ptyalin (tiAlin, ptt) m. [Gk tea saliva.] A digestive ferment of saliva (phys. ret eotegng oe pik) - [Gk. Byzis, in form yung —. aoe folded or pi on themselves in the bud (407). PUB- 265 PUP- aeeubye (pi’bérti) #. [L. puderfas, pulsating vacuole, —a contractile adult state.] Sexual maturity (d/ys.). vacuole. pulse (pills) 7. [L. pzulsus, penten.| The beat or throb observable in puberulent peas pA [L pube es adult.] red with fine hair (ots pubes (pii’béz [i eae adult.] Th at). and certain Maio (d%0 sere = a. ri pubescere, o bec a vered with soft hate or dowetl wante: adam: de iL pubes apert In region ‘of t e pubes ; arch, aan tubercle, vein cae a ‘bis) #. [L. Ey mature. | The anterior part of oe hip — consisting of body mu (ana?.); the antero- penta a m 5 appl. artery, cleft, nerve, veins (@7 Aevrgronag (pada n. [L. pudere, t med. ] he vulva, or cena Ss ™ ae. radicant (rad‘ikint) a. [L. radicari, to take root. — roots develop- ot.). ih radix, root.] radiciflorous (ridis’i ifld’riis) a. [L. radix, root; flos, flower.] With owers —— at the extreme base of the stem (do. radiciform (cisiform) a. [L. radix, root ; forma, shape.] Resembling a root (407.). radicivorous a se 4... radix, root; o dev our. Root-eating (zoo 2). radicle (rad‘ik ‘) n. [L. radix, root.] A small root (407. radicolous (radik’dliis iis) a. [L. radix, root ; colere, to inhabit. } Inhabit. zol.). radicose (rad‘ik6. és) a. ite radix, root. | i ot radicular eaaialie)” a [L. radix, root. | ert, a radicule or wee (b00.). radicule (rid‘ikil) ~. [L. radix, root.] rootlet radiculose (ridik’alds s) a. [L. 7 — ] Havin ng — —— te . ocarpal (ra‘d oamee ray ; carpus eS Pert. radius ’and wrist ssresg Fe etrical (ca'diosime's — radius, ray ; me wont measure.] Having similar parts similarly renee ro _— axis (d70 _— vaioil nir)a. [L. radius, ] Pert. radius and see a € ulna (2 wey us (ra‘diiis) #. [L. radius, ray. | of the arm or fore-limb tween ern — ge a of the 269 RAM- crape. | a a radula or rasp- ss organ (zo uliferous (rad'alif’éris) a 41. vadere, to s =? Jerre, to carry. ] _Radulate (zoo. uliform (atom) a. rape ; forn be ceody atein or figxible “hile (zool. Rainey’s corpuscles, —t fe) Sarcocystis, an elongated Seer voluntary muscle L. vadere, Like a ubes,—a name given to elongated sacs found in the sub- stance of voluntary muscle, which are adult stages of Dolichosporidia, rs. 1 (ra’'mal) a. .[L. ramus, a S; ramate a branch.] Branched (402). —— ae 6s) a. [L. ramus, a branch.] Having small branches (dot. Z ramentaceous _— énta’shis) a. [L. radere, — rape. co eo by ramenta (do7.). tum ; en a Sisto (ra mn’ éntif ériis) Fae @ radere, to scrape; ferre, to carry.] Bearing ramenta (4o7.). ramentum én’tim) 7. [L ‘ to scr. ne o e brown uw. ramenta, elong- outgrowths (4 Z.). rameous (ra’méiis) a. [L. orn. branched vets as some Insects (zool.). ramiferous (rimif‘ériis)@. [L. ramus, — ; Jerre, to bear.] Branched ot. cation emery ear me Th. ser a bran fF sos, to ser nching ; a of a tree, ena: artery, € orous (ram “fio Sees [L. ramus, flowe nch; fos, Having flowers on coe ‘chancel (b04.). ram ‘iform) a. ramus, ramiform branch ; forma, shape.] ‘Branch- like. RAM- ern eee a. [L. ramus, branch ; det to carry.] Bearing branches (d0t.). ramiparous Samed aS - As ramus, branch ; fparere, to et.] Pro- ducing branches (b0t.). ramose (ram’és) a. [L. xamus, branch. ] Much acticked (d0¢.). e aes wl) 2... [L. rane es small nch.] A feat branch (600. ramuliferous (r gg hora rua) 2... 1h, iasildics, “aaall b nch ; jon. to bear.] Bearing pen branches (dot. ramulose (ram/ilds) a. [L. ramulus, small branch.] With many small branches (4o7¢.). ramul Sis tether’ lis) a. [L. ramulus, a branch.] With small branches b . us (ram‘iliis), ramuscule “ean kil) ~. [L. ramus, branch.] Risse deri see %., rami (ra’ oe plu. ae onsale a a bratich, I Any br. anch- like structure ; par apparatus o feathers; the lower j a or mandible of igre a (z00 ranine (ra’nin) 2. aT» a frog.] | the wider ey of te tongue ‘Sean orous a ériis) a. frog ; vor on Soe (e es vi [L. ae é, to devour.] Feedin z.) coms constrictions or ES tapraptions of the medullary sheath of a nerve fibre (phys. oe (ra‘fé) m. [Gk. rhaphe, a seam. | seam-like suture, as the junction line v2 some fruits (40¢.) ; the perineal nat.). — 5 (rit dir) plu. (Gk. rhaphis, - die.] Minute crystals found Pa plant cel cells Seg rap. me oto, a {[L. radere. dapted for scratching or ce eeliaing: as fowls (zo0/.). 270 REC- —- (rastél’is) #. [L. rade sp.] A Fool, of teeth in pecan d. [L. vats, raft.] ing an cubed sternum ; off. 8 nm. [M.E. ratelen, to latter.] Thesound- producing sties of horny joi oints at the end o ae tail (zoo. : e of the pane spines supporting ae a division of a radiate ani . l, an arm of an Asteroid (zoo/. reaction time,—the time reqaeed be- twe en stimulus and response (fhys.). read (réd),—the abomasum or fourth stomach sg Paciescapes (zoo reagent (réajént) 7 ae re, again ; : o acts in he eory that ontogen oni o recapitulate minal dis s (b02.). receptacular (eséptalalis) i: [ recipere, to receive ta ceptacle of any kind. receptaculum (réstptal’tlim) me Ls rg a to receive.] A receptacle ro) receptaculum chyli,—the cavity in the lower part of the thoracic duct anat.). sept sic vorum,— an internal sac i rthworm in which ova are collected (zool.). receptac seminis, — a female organ a the eerie of sper- matozoa (zool. receptive e point in an oe gaat at which the sperm enters receptor (rés&p’ ~, Mt. [L. vrectpere, to receive of a cell PECESSUS, A niche, sinus, cleft, or REC- low space; as omental, optic, ineal recess (amat, recessive (résés'iv) @ Ries. eSSUS, withdrawn.] Appi. "Mendelian char s. See Mendelism (dzo/. ai of another, e of the first ae over perpendicalar (b0t.). recrudescence ee %. IL. re, a aii ; crudescere, to become hard. A state of breaking out into renewed freshness or active rectal Wet a. [L. rectus, straight. ] . the rectum. etal gland,—a ieee vascular sac of cance near the end of the gut in Fishes (zool.). rectigradations (rék’tigrada’ pe n. lu. S cuspules wh deter- mieatelss definitely, orthogenetically lower teeth, (Osborn). rectinerved ves et a tis fn straight ; "ervus, — ins or nerves seit bot). rectipetality erent iti) # [L. rectus, straight ; petere, to seek. ] Te ndenc cy to rectilinear growth (6ot.). rectirostral (rék’tirds'tral) @. LL. rectus, straight ; sok Ag a beak.] Straight-beake ed rectiserial (ré reise) a. [L. rectus, seeniglt yt vies, noth w.] Arranged in vertical sous ous Gek’tive 2 aiis) a [L. rectus, straight; vena, a vein. | With straight veins rectogenit ktojén'i a {L. rectus, straight ; genitalia, genitals. | — rectum and genital organs 271 RED- rectouterine (rék’téi’térin) a [L. raight; «ferus, womb. Appi. the po sterior ligaments of the rectovesical (rék’ i kal) a. [L. i sila, bladder. rectricial Lp egee [L. regere, to rule. the rectrices (zool.). rectrix (ce telks Scare) plu. iff tail feathers of a bird, Pp rectus Seg on iis) 7. A e for a rectilinear mu ictine: Tenens the thigh hneele anat. recurrent mae [L. ve, back ; currere, to run.] Returning va re- ascending towards the origin (anat.). prepress sensibility, — sensibility n by the motor roots of the spinal cord due to sensory fibres: of the sensory roots (PAYS.). recurved (rékiirvd) @ Jie re, back ; curvus, bent.] Bent hte Beene (d07. re eourvirostral rage oad tral) Pee § re, back 3 rostrum, ere With” teak : bet upwards Pe ys ieee. —see rete mirabil corpuscle, —a coloured blood corpuscle of vertebrates, containing haemoglobin (pAys.). glands,—see rete mirabile. nucleus,—a collection of nerve cells in the epesentes of the mid- crear weeree ; mirabil ttt schatitint Redi.] redia a (real) = Al e development arval stage in th of Dissent (zoo erm - i during maturation ; meiotic division (cyz reduplicate (rédi’plikat) - re; again ; duplicare, to reveal a i. aestivation ich the margins outwards at the points of contact (d04.). RED- reduviid (rédiviid) a [L. reduvia, a hang ] nb A eggs of certain Insects, protected by micropyle apparatus with porches (zoo/.). gneaeene (reek te) a. [L. reflectere, to k.] Turned or folded act on itaolf (anat. reflex pio pe [L. 7 reflectere, to turn Involuntary ; appl. reaction i: ‘stimulus (plys.). reflex action,—the simplest expres- sion of ai ote oy cine to whic syst cts. Elem Uhrengh oe kidney Ai a nae vice ies “(rén! iform) a. [L. ven, forma, —s Shaped like a a vhaney (dio. oe paging oes ce ndpér "tkar’dial) a. [L. ven, kidney ; Gk. fer, rome: ka raia,” rom ty Appl. a narrow ciliated canal connecting kidne one pericardium in higher Molluscs ne ‘(répind’) a. ([L. repandus, bent backwards. ] Fes Ss a leaf with undulated margin repandodentate eee ‘dédén’ tat) a. [L. ee a backwards ; dens, a tooth. ] ing between ‘undu- lated and toothed (608. L. ve, spere, to . (ré’p [ awl. ] Cpeepaig along a eit appl. ground creepers replicate (rép/likat) @. re ack ; a to fold] Doubled secs on f (dzo7.). repiteatit (repliteatil) a. a re, back; ieee Id.] Appl. w gs which are folded back on ifenrisatves when at rest (200 replum (rép'liim) nm. [L. replum, a bolt.] The re division between the valves of some peri- carps, as in some ree. a placental see (d02.). —— rédik’shiin) ~. [L. agai ; pro », for th cell- -rupture, cell- , spore-formation, parthenogenesis sexual or throu division, budding conjugation, or (di01.). reproductive (ré ae tiv) & EE: pro, forth ; ducere, to lead.] Appi. olgins concerned in os po (diol. reptile (rép'til) 7. = repere, to wl. xa animal that crawls along the ground or close to the ground, as serpents, lizards, etc. zool.). reptilian a a fi: repere, to creep.| Pert. reptiles (zoo/.). reptiloid (rep. tiloid) a [L. refere, to ; Gk. eidos, form.] With RES- ee sphaencenatics of a Reptile reservoir (réz érvwor) #. [L. reservare, to keep bac non-contractile space st eh i the gullet of Mastigophora (z00 resilium (résil’jiim) e en resilire, to we ap back.] . The horny flexible inge of a bivalve (zoo/. bonic acid ing place an organism = its sur- rounding medium (A h os en to he auricle ee — of the right side of sine there is no direct veiignit tion between right = left sides ; off. systemic ae t (zoo, restiform co — a. [L. vestis,a wma, shape.| Having the form or appearance os arope ; appl. ner on the resupinate —_ poate ‘{L. resi Sage to bend ack.] So culated the ee sre are upside down ae m (rési’pina’shiin) # [L resupinare, to bend back.] Inver- sion (doz. rete (rété) n. [L. ve¢e,anet.] A net or network. —the Malpighian layer or deeper portion of the epidermis, from the stratum granu- losum a (anat.). te a network of blood- vessels, hel Spc in — swim- bladder of Fishes and in Mammals, also called red body, red gigedke red = S. — the Ta pit aoear fe rete ete Malpie! retecious (rété’shiis) @ (an [L. reticulum, uliu [L. sseasrenot ta ng interstice like olde pert. a ret salen ; appl. Bi ta > (rétik’ ala) a. |L. reticulum, 273 RET- a amet net.] Appi. be nerva- tion of leaf or insect w Soetonie (rét'ikal) 7 Reticalu um. reticulose (retik als te See 2 ee serine Ba a small net.] Of re orm reticulum (rétik’aliim) rear e delicate piggy of cell protoplasm (zool.) ; cross- fi rt base of ie petioles in Sanaa retiform (ré vafbem) ts: oe: Pakay nets forma, shape.] In the form of a work, retina (rét'ind) 7. [L. rele, as jis i mbrane ey the Saoaae resulting in the sense of visio (anat., Z00. retinaculum: (rét'indk’aliim) eben retinere, = retain.] A small gland- ular mass to which an_ orchid oatiakoan adheres at dehiscence ot.); a band which hol re and hind win along with “3 frenulum (zoo/.). retinal (rét'inal) a. [L. reée, a net.] ead the othe na (amat.). rved amma a. [L. rete, nervvUus, 2 tty Oe veticaiate veins or sia retinophore (rét'inéf6r) pn t “vete, net; Gk. pherein, to evel cell in the atten of rthropods (zoo/.). ria ageoors (rétin’ als) wm. tle: vole, net} A of elongated cells, innermost — of an arthro omma aa (retrak'til) ‘a Ae retractus, withdrawn. y art or organ that ma cams tae Sas feelers, claws, etc. (00. — (rétrak’tor) 7. [L. vetrahere, back.] A muscle which cs contraction withdenw the part attached to it, as retractor penis zool. ret: trobulbar Ahad pay ac LE retro, backwards; bulbus, a ball.] Posterior ce ‘the eyeball (anat.). Ss RET- retrocaecal (rét’rés@kal) a. [L. retro, ards ; caecus, Siescasy Behind the caecum ; afi. fe _ additional to the caecal fossa retrofract (re vrofrakt) § 5 retro, backwards ; fractus, broken.] Bent backwards at an angle (do¢.). retrogression — - [L. > gradus, a or to ileror type in the development of an ce (dzol.). retrogressive (rét/régrésiv) a, [L. retro, ese bedi gradus, a step.] Degenerating ; assuming character- istics of 2 lower type (dzo/.). etrolin (rét’réling’gwal) a. [L. retro, backwards ; ingua, a tongue.] Behind the e tongue; appl. a gland ) romorphosis (rét’rémérfoésis) 7. L. — aes ds ; Gk. morphe, Dev seadrabing tendency bio eal (revrofari in’jéal) a. o grade Beh seared . cae aa glands eee ic (rét’ [L. retro, hs ripe age.] of fatty tissue ind the pubic syraphyiis (anat.). agonen (rétrérs’) a. [L. retro, back- vertere, to _ Turned er directed backwar sede oe 'at) a. [L. retro, backwards ; serra, a saw we Toothed, with teeth directed backwards, retrose: rat résérilat) a. TL. ret'réii ‘t&rin) a backwards ; — womb. ] Behind thes “uterus (ana retroverse (rét’révérs’) a. Th retro, scemnggale dy vertere, to turn.] Re- on (rét’révér'shiin) . [L. retro, haskwards 3 vertere, to turn, State of being reversed or tu backwards. retuse (rétiis’) a. [L. refusus, beaten back.] Obtuse with a broad shallow rr in the middle; aff/. leaves revehent (révé’hént, rév’éhént) a. [L. revehens, carrying back.] In the 274 RHA- renal portal system, bh! vessels d back from the 7.). n.| appl. a shal shell whose turns are teed *Sinistrally (zool.). rtere, to turn.] Appi. er avistic Sain (bot ). vért L. we sevuet (révért’) vw. [ back ; vertere, to tu ~ To ahi an- ral features; to hark back revolute ieee 6lit)@a. [L. vevolvere, ~ k.] Rolled backwards fro ie ann upon the under pa hs as some leaves (4oz¢.). rhabdite (rab’dit) 7. [Gk. rha spe rod. ermal c Roe Sensi a gonapophysis (ea) ts rhabdocrepi a (r ab’dékrép’id) a. [Gk rhabdos, a rod; krepis, founda- tion. 7. a desma with uniaxial crepis, in sponge spicules (zoo/.). rhabdoid (rab’doid) a. and #. [Gk. Seg a ™ “ eidos, peseanblance] Rod- rod-shaped body. rhaboith (eat) ae Gk. rhab- dos oe ai ne. cal- some Protozoa, strength ening the wie (zool.). = ome (rab'dém) #. [Gk. rhabdos, enabdoped (rab’ rg oa nm. ae rhab- dos, ; pous, foot.]| An element of the raaioe Py joe male Insects al.). rhabdosphere (rab/désfér) 7. [Gk. rhabdos, rod; sphaira, a globe.] Aeiveguven rhabdoliths found in eep-sea calcareous oozes (z00/.). Soren feeehiey [Gk. rhabdos, a rod.] a like ‘spicule (zool.). rhachis,—see ra RHA- omous,—see rachitomous, ore ‘(rag’6n) # Gk. rhax, a berry. | "Ale shaped type of apical re and large gastral cavity (z00 rhamphoid (ram’foid) a. le rham- hos, ; eidos, resemblance. ] p a beak Beak-sha ped. rhamphotheea (ram’fothé’ka) z. [Gk. rhamphos, ak; theke, a case.] The horny sheath "of a bird’s beak (so0l.). eheotazis (ré’6tak’sis) 7. srs rhein, o flow ; ¢axis, arrangem e- wa to the stimulus of water cache rheotrovi (ra! otrbpy ‘ik) a. [Gk. rhein, to flow ; ¢vofe, aturning.] Respond- ing 1 aes stimelu (d0t.). r ropism Copan) mn. [Gk. trope, a turning.] Mechanical sponse, positive or negative, to the influence of a water current rhinal if Sea rhis, nose.] Of or pers. t ie satsane Gr nénktalén, ait ) nm. ([Gk. rhis, nose; engkepha rain.] The olfactory lobe of the ray rhinion s (rit) [Gk. rhs, epee The most icine and ay at whic the sasile touch (ana hinocoel (ri ndsél) 7. ck. rhis, nose ; re) koilos, hollow.] A in the olfactory lobe of the brain (zoo/.). r 6for) # k. rhis, nose ; Pherein, to bear.] A process n the aboral side of the eye of certain Molluscs with a supposed olfactory eerie zool.). rhinotheca (ri/néthé’ka) 7. [Gk rhis, nose ; nig a case.] The sheath he upper jaw of a Bird (zo0/.). rhipidate at ores g [Gk. rhipis, a fan. —— “i pi en) n. (Gk. rhipis, n.] A fan-s aped inflorescence ous ipis, a fan Appl. fan- shaped fins (zool. rhizanthous (rizan’thiis) a. ce rhiza, erect 5 anthos, a flower.] Produc ing a root, and a flower sppkcently Graight from it (d0t.). rhizautoicous (rizotoik’tis) a. [Gk. 275 RHI- vhiza, root; autos, self; ‘otkos, house.] With antheridial and sp oma branches coherent hizine (ri zin) #. [Gk. rAzza, a root.] “A ahi id (d07.). izocarp (ri’ zokArp) un. [Gk. rhiza, gens on fruit.] A perennial herb (bot. rhizo rizokar’ > [Gk. ae ( rhiza, root ; karpos, fruit.] Havi ing perennial roots and annual stems (602.). Boma (11’'z6k6 - Ba [Gk. ecasri ; L. caulis, stem.] The root- hike horizontal rae ofa Zéophivts (2 rhizocorm (ri ——_ Nn. ee vhiza, root ; ormos, under- ground stem "ite 2 single jointed rhizome, popularly a bul 5 izogenie (ri’zdjén’‘ik), r' G resemblance. | th of peeny Mosses and ing below teeta (nt egacnild g [Gk. rhiz root ; rm. | ae rags like hypha of ae Fur ngi ( ous (ri’z mnt geile form hem of a root ; oes — hizophagous (rizdfagiis) a. [Gk. rhiza, root ; phagein, to mer Living ool.). rhizophore (rizdfor) #. [Gk. rhiza, ; A naked apex enencn ne (riot bo a. [Gk herein, to bear.]} Gk. ae One RHI- the basal granule with the nucleus in certain Protozoa (zoo/.). rhizo N fo} es ax me a) rn = § pars i?) ae x R & oe: arrangement —— svi défan )n. (Gk. “neonate oo z#, to show.}| Chrom ; ra seh oil a ie re the retina of oo Birds, (Gk. rhodon, retinal — oe visual purple (phys.). rhombence —_ (romb’énkéf’alon, -séf-) ig [Gk. rhombos, magic wheel ; enghephalon, ‘teat The hind-bra — Groin’ bik) a [Gk. —- magic wheel.] sof Me half; pluma. eat. with an n ordinary shaft but a feo web (z Anata (sém’i age Poe [L. half; pupa, et.] A ‘real stage in the eiaaioeaiens of certain Insects (zool.). te (st¢m’irék’Sndit)a. [L. semi, half; recondere, to conceal. | Half-concealed, as an insect’s head g > “2 ER ‘ Shaped like a half im: -head. semisaprophyte ge isap’réfit) 7. e ake half ; sapros, rotten ; phy ton, plant.] ~ plant ceisctinlby saprophytic (dot.). semispinalis (sém/ispina'lis) #. [L. semi, half; spinalis, spinal.] A 288 SEP- muscle of the back on each side of ~ — co ees inserted into nsver —- nous processes ri at.). semitendinous (sém‘itén’diniis) a. [L. half; stendere, to stretch. ] Half tendinous (aza semituberous (sém’ ita’bériis) @ a. [L. semi, half ; tuber, ahump.] Having hat tuberous roots & % >» = ~ Ss, ow 0 appl. condition of Protozoa after many bipartitions, which condition — be counteracted by conjugation senility (seni ae n. —— senilis, senile. | Senile derang the vital ie of oe (biol. rgan,—an organ functional in receiving external stimulation ( phys.). sensiferous es [L. sersus, sense ; ferre, to carry.] Receiving impressions ; 3 aid ramet — of aiect ing ( prys.). sensitive (sén’'sitiv) @ ense.| Capa pressions [L. sensus, able or receiving im- from external objects phys.). sensitive plant,—a plant — recoils, or closes stnsd'rial) a. [L. sensus, Pert. the sensoriim ‘ phys. senso: sense.] The s Samay et supposed to be the brain; the entire nervous system ys. sentory (s&n’s6ri) a. [L. sensus, se Having direct connection with any part of the sensorium phys. sentient (sen os a. [L. sentire, to feel.| Appi. cells which are sensitive and can perceive (phys.). sepal (sé’pal) 7. [Gk. ste a sepal, on analogy of pefalon, a petal; or SEP- Sepes, ge.] A leaf-like dives of t sie oo oe (dot. sepaled (sé’pald) a. [Sepal. ] Having sepals sere (sép’alin) a. [Sepal.] Like bot.). wnatony (sépal’ édi) as [Sepal ; Gk. eidos, form] Conversion of petals or other parts of a Hows? into sepals ot. sepaloid (sép’Aloid) a. [Sepal zdos, form.] Like a sepal om sepalous (sép'aliis) a. [Sepa/.] Hav- ing sepals (do02.) ion layer,—see absciss layer. sepicolous (sépik’6liis) a. fr . Sepes, hedge ; colere, to inhabit.| Living in he septal ep tal) a. partition.] Pert.a septal fossula, — a zr septum which appears to lie in a pit in some fossil Corals septal neck,—in Nautilus, a “shelly tube pee ee for some distance ioe — a beyond each septum as a support to the siphuncle (zoo/. septate (sép't (I eptum, a septem, seven ; Pars, a part.] Appl. a i div savin extending nearly to the base (40 = (sép’ténat) - pea septeni, seven each. ith p appl. “ even leaflets of a leaf (407.). septicidal (sép'tisi‘dal) a. [L. septum, division ; caedere, to cut.] Dividing through ‘the sniaile of the ovary septa (40. septiferous sceptt — a. Je sepium, partition ; fevve, to bear. Having septa (407.). : = ih aig tif see a. a J ; foliu With Soot “leaves or leaflets Oty [L. septum, .] In the gal) a. [L. n; ae é, to ae) oculicidal or septi- dehiscence, but the ta broken and the erro and ds left in ae middle ee ca ary (sé ytémaketlart) a ptomaxill a6 septum, partition ; maxilla, jaw.] 289 SER- Pert, maxilla and nasal septum zool.). septonasal (sép'téna’zil) a. [L. septa sagem (se tultim) #. es aie septum. ] or a econdary septum (60 n septum (sép’tiim) eplum, sole Boy A ages separating two cavit in fruits, danbered shells, atk (déo/.). septum narium e partition be- tween the ed io at.). septum —the dia- phragm (amaz.). sericate (ser) — (sérish’t 5} Le Covered with ine goes fraser silky hairs ot, serosa, (sér'si \a. [L. serum, serum.] A serous membrane (avaz.); the bakes aca membrane of Insects serosity (sérdsiti) # ([L. serum, serum. ] is watery part of animal hy. fluid serotinous (sérdv'ini s) a. [L. serus, late.] Blooming later in the season than customary for the species (d02.). serous (sériis) a. [L. serum, ere Watery; pert. serum; appl. gland (pAys.). — alveoli, —alveoli which secrete watery non-viscid saliv mucous a ‘alveoli 5.) rous m rane,—a thin membrane paar or a_ single gig vos of epithelial — lining some closed cavity 0 , as the peri- cardium, the peritoneum — }. serpulite eae nm. [L. serpula, a small s ceri Reed fossil “tbe of a Polyc Arce al containin fossil worm- tubes ( jal. % serra sir) 7 [L. serra, a saw.] w-like structure [L.. serra, a edge like aya other eta wh te,—with hairs fringing pede) cat edecs (d0t.). SER- serrate-dentate,—with serrate edges themselves toothed (do¢. w ; forma, shape. |] servation (sir shan yee S s Saw-like formatio Sana Ae (série irés eral) ac {L. serra, saw ; rostrum, beak.] Affi. Birds with serrate e bi Ul. + a “3% ee AY Poh) Wk Fe oe | [L. serra, [L. serra, saw 5 on tooth. _With'ma ientasthed rrature (sératiir) 7 ou] A saw-like notc serratus magnus,—a muscle stretch- < from upper pene to scapula {L. > tch. aaoitees (sérif’éritis) a [L. s pn Furnished r part. rrula, aie fais idee on fe — the cheliceras ots some Arachnids ol.). serrulate (strilat) a. [L. serru/a, as cougge saw.] Like a finely-notched sobpateticn (sér’ala’shiin) . [L. serrula, a small saw.] A small notch. Sertoli cells, — enlarged lining epi- thelium-cells connected with groups of oe spermatozoa in testes serum mm (er [L. serum, serum. | The thin aoe fluid which separ- ates from the blood on coagulation, —it contains proteins, extractives, and oe (pays.). rum albumin, serum globulin,— two of the proteins of serum ( phys.) sesamoid (sés’Amoid) . sea sesa- Appi. ulnar sesamoid sesamoidal (sés'Amoidal) - fi... on, sesam eidos, form.] Perk a sesnneid bone sessile a TL arg to a Sitting eaters on the base 290 SEX- out support, stalk, or peduncle ; stationary, as ofp. free-living or motile (zool. seta (sé'ta) 7. seta, a ne Any _ bristle- like icerta ure chaeta of Spee pods (gool. ——* (séta’ [L. _ stle. | Bristle- like; set ih stles sektooem “(sé tiform) a. {I Sela, a bristle ; forma, shape.] Bristle- shaped ; afp/. teeth when very fine d ly set. setigerous ee ee seta, bristle ; gerere. Setif- us ; setiparous ; ; bristle-bearing. setigerous sac,—a sac, in which 1s by an invagination o — parapodium of tirds al) a [L. set, be k] Appl. yeaa (abeal) n Din ” from | Be seta, bristle.] setule ; a thread- like or hair-like br setuliform (séti’liférm) a [L. seza, bristle ; forma, shape Thread- sex (sks) #. [L. se. TUS, SC x. ] um of functions, by w ic plant is classe male. sexdigitate (stkesdi’ itat) a. [L. sex, With six finger ool.). — (stks’fid) a [L. sex, six; Jindere, to ana Cleft into six, CX; SK; sex-limited eritance, — inherit- ance of characteristics limited by the fact that some redomin- antly male and others predominantly — (dt0.). seat (etka 4l) a. [L. sexus, sex.] SEX- Pert. sex ; appl. reproduction, off. —- al (bi ol.). sex 11,—an ovum or sperm. er ee rphism, — strongly- marked differences, in size, colour, etc., between male and female of one species (zoo/.). sexual generation,—-a gamobium or medusa. - See alternation of [A.S. sceaft, a — - A rachis ; the distal part of the stem of a feather ; the straight cylindrical part of a long bon Je eset one) n. [A.S. sceth, oe od.}| A protective coveri Lee an investing ae (bot); : an nsect wing-cover (zoo. shell (shél) 7. [A.S. scedi, shell. The outer cover ing o of animal or fruit (d¢o/.) ; a covering, Fibadeons. siliceous, bony, horny, or chitinous (zool.). shell gland, shell sac,—the organ. in whose walls material for forming shell is created. shied (shéld) #. [A.S. scild, a 4 protecting structure su as carapace or lorica (wool). shoulder — sca shoulder —the setae girdle, which cansiess of agin coracoid, and clavicle (az sialoid (si mlsid) a [Gk. szalon, saliva ; ezdos, nde ere Like saliva (phys. sicula (sik’tla ) m. [L. steula,a small r.] A small dagger-shaped me Feopesty as that By which sateitive proteins are normally assimilated hys. oes thin-walled elongated cell of a — tube (dor. sieve disc plate, ,—the end walls of sieve is shickeened and modi- fie "4 = — sieve-plates (do¢.). siev r pore,—a perforation of a aw late (do0.). 291 SIM- sieve tissue,—the ‘essential tissue of the phloem of vascular bundles sieve tubes or vessels,—long slender whe sight.] The ssions of out- conveyed to the brain y nts ns of retina and optic nerves sigilate (sijilat) a [L. ségtllum, a eal.] Having seal-like markings, as certain roots a sigma (sig’ma) # [Gk. = ma.] A C-shaped sponge spicule fer ). sigmaspire (sig’maspir f° 1Gke x, sigma ; L. sfzra, a coil.] A sigma with an add ies twist (z00/.). sigmoid sig’ moid) a. ve two directions ; appl. arteries, cavities, valves — flexure,—an S-shaped — urve as in a bird’s neck; ed curve described ‘ec the intestine (azz silicle (sii) n. arn silicula, a little pod silicula, or very short fla form of siliqua (407¢.). [L. sédtcula, a tlic e pod.] Siliculose ; siliculous ; like or fert. or oe ie > abet were (silik’wa) 7. qua, a pod Pe ceglindrical aria divided in o by a false tum, Secattaiate of the Crotiienas (d08. silique (silék’ on siliqua iquiform (silik’ wiférm) a. ligne pod; forma via: Formed like a silique (bot ke). siliquose (silikwds) a. [L. sz/igua, pod.] Siliquous ; bearing siliques bot. simian (sim’‘iin) @. [L. simia, an ape.] Possessing the characteris- tics of or Zer¢. the anthropoid apes sool. simple eyes, rae which occur with or without c mpoun s in the adults of sien Insects ; usually the only eyes possessed arvae ; eyes with only one lens (zoo/.). SIM- 292 SIP- simulation tein ‘ala’shiin) » [ i Se ” of the hepatic lobules simulare, mulat The as- of the adult liver (emzd.). sumpti so imals of siphon veers én) 7. , siphon, a reed features or structures intended to or tube. prolongation of the “om [en ) ao 6} ee co Y ) > ® and stic nd varieties of pr rotective coloration (zool.). [L. semz, sincipital org ital) a. = Pert. the auch ut, head.] nat.). sineiput (sia si iit) n. [L. semi, half ; head.| The upper or pat of the head (anat. ral (sin‘istral) a. (L. sinister, Sn On the left ; “he op a shell hos ir rns in the opposite direction to dextral ool. indented sinu ane sinus st niis A cavity, aes ar igs or dilation (sool., anat.) ; a groove or indenta- Tare Saestonn ise rhomboidalis rtebrate ree tag the posterior ontaieety- closed part of the medullary canal (ems, later, a dilation of the east ng ha sacral region, formed fro ‘it ~ of the ‘tubular aan of the pear sad emb.); in lower vertebrates, a corresponding structure receiving us blood and opening into the ; the cavity of the [L. sinus, curve ; Gk. efdos, resemblance | A minute blood s space in organ tissue formed from i de magnet of endo- derma cells and vasc endo- thelium, especially in the liver, where sinusoids give rise to Gastero in Cephal ore a sucking pro- boscis (zo siphonate G ‘fonat) a. [Gk. siphon, tube. a with a siphon = siphon pe siphonet (sifonét) n. [Gk. et tube. ] be honeydew tube of a Aphid (zo siphonial “Gif a) a. tube.] 2 oniu siphonium veniened with or pro ted by spicules (zoo/.), Abc ait (spik’a apreitla a. Spicula, a small spike ; forma, shape. ] a ae -shaped. spiculigeno ee spicu- lose, — pase! ser spiculum (sp ila ses [L. spicula, asmall spike.] A spicilar structure ; the dart of a Snail (zoo/.). spik) 2. - sphca, a spike.] with sessile flowers along the axis, as in Piscnen (bar). apes omy ay sae rae 2 spik inflorescence (Got.). eee (str’gat) a. [L. idge.] Bearing siigae (Fo strigilis (strijilis) #” [L. pee mea chanism for the 718% a joint on the first leg of bees — x strigillose (strij'ilés) a. [L. séigz//a, a small ridge. ] Minutely srigose strigose (strig’Os) a. triga, ridge.] Covered with "stiff hairs (bot) : ee by small grooves r furrows (zoo/.). scok (stri0'l2) n. [L. striola, a — A fine narrow lin : streak. gteiciats aber a. [L. sériola, a small channel.] Finely striate. strobila (strdbi la) #. [Gk. strobilos, a fir cone. e the form of a pile” a smi whick are separated of off i n; the 0 inted body ogee worm (zool.). strobilaceous (trash) a. a strobilos. e. | one- shaped ; pert. a Savin aes ( strobilation (strdb’ilashiin) 7 [Gk. strobilos, a i cone. ] Rey rod : vhs proglottides, as in Worms, which evelop into adult forms (z00/.). — (strdb’il) . [Gk. evbiek : e.] trobila (zoo/.) ; ioe formed of persistent aete branous = — Legos a pistil- late flow €; an assem- blage a sporo hylls s (do0.). secbiater P ‘ous (Ss ph ese a. [Gk. aie & a fir cone; erre, to ry. ving or ae stro- carry.] Hav biles (4074). moran ts = se a. [Gk. stro- bilos, a fir cone ; e¢dos, resemblance. | like a strobilus or con strobilus (stréb’ilis) 7. [Gk. Sadie afircone.] Astrobile ; a (si pridrik’alar, soo-) sae © eer above ; auris, ear.] Above a a appl. feathers (zool.). cine chet aaa — brn 2 > $8 ™ 0-) @ abov ar ills)” Abaie the ails (zool.). ——— i prabik’dl, soo-) @ [L. supra, above; ducca, cheek.] Above the cheek and mouth (zoo/. ) (ana Fe een (sii Leman aan — [L. supra, ; il.] paces = gi on. suprachoroid (sii’prakd’roid, soo-) @ [L. supra, above; Gk. chorion . skin.] SUP- Over the — , bee choroid and sclerotic (az. —— (sii roa ‘ikl, soo-) 7. cla aicula, a small key “2% The supracleithrum ; a bone of Tike shoulder Z00t. supreslaienlae (si’praklavik’ular, s [L. supra, above ; clavicula, a yee key Above sao over the clavicle ; appl. nerves supracleithr rum (si moral thrim, supracondylar a. [L. supra, above ; Gk. kondylos, knob.] Above a condyl ridge and gpa s (anat.). suprac i’prakés'tal, soo-) a. tL. ove; costa, a rib.] supra, Over or mops to the ribs. rakra‘nial, S00-) a. cartilaginous elements 1 “diet the primitive vertebral column ace (si’praglé’ aoe — Gk. glene ocket.] ¥:; supraglenoid tuberosity,—a slight elevation at the apex of the glenoid cavity (avaz.). suprahyoid (siprahi'oid, soo-) a. [L. supra, above; Gk. /hyoeides, Y- shaped.] Over the en bone ; rie me tc Sointe cai cea bial (si’prala’bial, soo-) @, [L. supra, above ; /abium, lip.| On the lip; afp/. scutes or scales vee ol.). raloral: (sii‘prald’ral, soo-) @. [L. fairs above ; /orum, t thong.] Abov the loral re appl. birds, ince zool. supramastold er crest,—the ridge at the up undary of -the mastoid rec of is temporal bone (anat.). (st’pr ramakstlr soo-)a. [L. supra, above; mart jaw.] Pert. pe — pper jaw ; appl. retest anat.), prameatal (sii’priméa’tal, soo-) @. 315 SUP- al (si’prana’zal, soo-) a. ere — Over nm. [{L. su part of the head. oe one of the upper occipital region supraccular (si’praok’alar, soo-) a, [L. supra, above; oculus, eye.] Over or above the eye ; appl. scales Z00. supracesophageal = piicaebacg soo-) a. [L. su above; Gk. otsophagos let) Abr or over — ee (z0. al (sil a praor’bitai, SOo-) @. om above ; or pe a circle.] es; appl. men, ces vein, etc. pra (si prafarin’jéal, soo-) a. [L. supra, above; Gk. pharyngs pharynx.] Above or over the pha suprapubic (si’ prapi’ bik, [L. supra, above ; Pe Above the pubic bon suprapygal (sii’prapi ‘gil, soo-) a. [L. e ed SOO-) @. adult.] suprarenal [L. supra, above ; Situated above the kidneys ; _ arteries, glands, veins, plexu anat.). renal bodies. bians and dat arcs s (zool.). suprasca 'p or. soo-)a. [L. supra, a ve ; scapula, sho ulder- ewig i Above the shoulder- — es paren ab ina, a Above or cnet ibe — cohen 5 appl. a ligament (ana Z.). SUP- supraspinatous (sii pesepind tie, soo) a [L. supra, above; spin spine.]| lithites Poy tentaculozooi ds (téntak’alézo O’'oidz) #. plu. [LL eae — a ped : Gk. zoon, animal ; Long nape tentacular pciedials at the outsk a hydrozoan Sesion as (z00. ax aculum lage ae n.. {LL “ientacl m, a feeler.] A tentacle r fee tentilla (nti) eontitium (téntil’im) uta, a tent.] A tentacle bean nate (téntd’ritim) L.. torium,atent.] A chitinous frame- work supporting the brain of Insects (zool.) ; an arched lamina covering the superior surface of the cere- bellum and ee: the occipital lobes of the bra teratolosy (tér’ atol}) m m ‘[Gk. teras, a ster ; logos, ourse.] The pe treating of gers — monstrosities, especially of joanne (tér’sin) [L. dtertius, third.] The hied coat of an ovule borer.] An ovipositor which bores s in Thale essa of the Hym Zool. terebrate (térébrat) -: [L. terebra, a bore rnished with a boring organ (zool. ye ee (te’réz) m. [L. sigs — and smoo a name given to two esi er muscles S, jor extending coe scapula to humerus nat, —— Hescet ‘), teretial aie ‘shial) a. {L. “res, rounded off.] Nearly 323 TES- stems (). transverse section, as — (tér’g [L. ¢exgum, the al) a back. Situated at the back ; Jers. the tergum (za —— (terjémn' inat) a. [L. éer, gemini, twins.] Thrice ides d with twin leaflets (d0t.). — a git esha pa [L. fergum, sal chitinous plate 2 inl ‘segment of most Arthro- pods (z00, tergum pen ae nm [L. ae back.] The do -~ portion of a arthropod somite ; the tergite ; the back areal m dorsal plate of Barnacles (zoe — (cert a. [L. terminus, Pert, or situated at, the a as a terminal bud at the end ‘of a twig (dzo/.). ternary (tér’nari) @. Ternate.. ternate (tér’nat) a. [L. “rani, three each.] Arranged in erie ; having three leaflets to a leaf (40 ternatopinnate (térna ‘opinat) as terni, three each , a feather. ] Havi thre ster "leaflets to each compound leaf (é04.). erran (téra’neiis) a. [L. serra, earth.] land vegetation (d0t.). errestrial (térés'trial) a. [L. “rra, earth.] Affi. animals living on the surface ae the ground, as off. — ae ertial (té chia) tertiary Sprenger’ ec 1h pt thir i ers of the a st pulars (zoe = — * it. testa, a fo] The or hardened outer covering ef “Crustaceans and other inverte- cag (zool, esta (tés’ta) n. [L. ¢esta, a shell.] < test ; ere See outer covering of a seed % eo, he ast shiis) a. [L. 4 shell.] Protected by a shell- ‘tke ae: oe -y 7.) testicle (tés’tikl) # [L. testicl ae of oe paized es HG Jeera glands (ana esticular (eestil’Ulin) a. ai testis, a peers! Having two _ oblong tubercles, as in some Orchids ; poe cap Lipo (d0t.). TES- eg pen 4 degoate a. Testicular. is (tés spermatozoa (amat., z Laoueoneness (esti/dinat) a a. IL mene ing a d pro tetaniform wo a a Gk. tetanos, stretc forma, shape.] Like pone ; " tetanoid (phys. tetanize (eet) v. ([Gk. fetanos, etme d.] To cause a muscle to ontract by a a of induction euch hys.). tetanus (tét’ iniis) n. (Gk. tetanos, etra hiate (tét'rabrang’kiat) @ [Gk. sian four ; drangchia, gills. ] gi ills (zool.). bot.). ail otis tétras’ériis) , four; eras, horn. ae tét’rakot’ émiis) 4. [Gk. tetrachay fourfold ; ‘ome, cutting. | ided up into fours (diol.). tetracoccus oa akSk’tis) #2 [Gk. tetras, four a_ kernel.] hokkos, Minute organisms found in groups of four (4 we (err id) a [Gk tetras repis, SS oncaiton] Appl. a pattie ae s or four- rayed spicule (zool. tetract (tét’rakt) 7. [Gk. # as, four ; foot. ray.]| A four- nee spicule zool. tetractine (tétrak’tin) 7, [Gk. — ras, four; aktis, tetrad (té’rid) 2, [Gk. setras, inl group o of four ; oe the cell stage in the dev lopm — B tes ona Pesidontcves Got); 324 TET- OR group of chromatin e germinal vesicle in matura- ae a quadrangular mass or loop chromosomes in a stage of mitosis (cyZ. ——o ect a. [Gk. te ou dak finger. | Pcie = digits ooo 1), tét’radin’amiis) @. tetras, four ; dynamis, power Having four long stamens and tw short (407.). tetragonal gene Sem) Ga Ah tetras, fou — a, an angle.] Quaternary oe etragynou: teats — a. [Gk. tetras, four ; gyne, a female.] With four carpels t pr u tetralophodont (tét’raldf’édént) : [Gk. ‘¢etras, four ; rah cre odous, tooth. ] ppl. molar oe with four ridges (zoo/.). Se sy asada 4... {Gk — ; lophos, crest.] Appi. Sadie: with four aan ae or crested (zool. tetramero us (tétrim’ériis) @. [Gk. ; meros, part. om- r parts; in multiples of four (bot:). tetrandrous Sgprinrigainie iis [Gk. an, tetras, four ; Having four stamen ns ot. tetrapetalous “tee 95 ‘Aliis) a. [Gk. a tetras, four ; ao aleaf.| Having four petals ( ot.). Seaman (tét'rapni’moniis) a. on tetras, oa 3 —_— lung] ing four as: ce Spider (zool.) aoe. (tét’ ripdd) nm. [Gk. & foot.] pous, foot.| A eae se animal. tetra a (tétrap’ pi a. [Gk. tetras iy is g-] Having four oa (zo tetrapyreno eae rapiré ‘niis) a. [Gk. tetras, four ; eM, a fruit-stone.] Having a har Woned fruit wai? . guadratus, bad ] Having oa angles, as some stems tetrarch (tét’rark) @. [Gk. “tras, four ; archos, a ruler.) With four ee galore in the vascular bundle TET- tetraselenodont (tét raséle’ nédént) a, [Gk. spite four; selene, moon ; odous, tooth.] Ha aving four cres- centic vdeus on the molar teeth (zool.). tetrasepalous (tét’rasép’dliis) az [Gk. tetras, four ; Gk. sepalon, a sepal.] Having four sepals (Jo4.). sas rape tét’raspér’mtis) a, [Gk. tetras, four; sperma, seed.] Having Be seeds (do2.). tetraspo Skier deg bee yd nm. [Gk. ae four ; sporos, see anggeion, vessel. po rangium [Gk. ¢efras, four ; sforos, seed.] One of four non-motile spores gee by the sporangium of Red Algae (d074.). tetrastichous (tétras tee) a, ([Gk. tetras, four; stichos, row.| Ar- ranged in four rows (4oz¢.). tetrathecal (tét'rathé’kal) a [Gk. tetras, four ; theke, a case.] ‘Having [Gk. setras, four xis.]. A tetractine. tetrazcic (ete = ik) a. [Gk. “etras, four m, animal.] Having four erecanitans ; are gregarine spores zool.). tetrazooid (tét’ deo ary * — poet. animal ; tolon proc ot) of an embryonic Ascidian (cool). t' ephalon (thalaménkéf’- amus miis) 7. [G mos, a receptacle.] The yng r torus of a flower (4o4.) ; of a. pt thal eed gy a. [Gk. thallos, a Sam ager thall id thal’oid) a. es m.] Like oung shoot ; e#dos, en (chat 3 A thallus thallome (thal’6m) #. hatin hal fas) m [Gk. thallos, a young shoot.] A combination of 325 THE- cells presenting no differentiation as leaf and stem, as in Thallophytes thanatoid oo pao a. [Gk, thana- fos, s, form.| Deadly; appl. seceab ees akes. thanatology (than’atél’6ji) 2. [Gk. anatos, deat a , aitecoacbe:| eories of deat — — nN. (Gk, pe - —— r pollen — m 1 (b0 ney sicacteas serving nee a protective setipe 3 or an organ or scent s of spinal con pupa, obosc vag animal (zoo thecaphore “(the’kifo r) 7. rok theke, , to bear. struc- rie” on whi ae: a theca is borne ol.). thecasporous (thékas’périis) @ [Gk. theke, a case; Sporos, a see d.] ening the spores enclosed in cases or thecae (d0¢.). theeate ot [Gk. theke, a se.] ered or r protected by a theca 5 (dt0 2). ferous (t sigiget a "(chésijéris s)a. Thec thecium (thé 'shitim) nt. “TGk. ieebes® case.] That part of a Fungus Lichen containing the sporules (ot). thecodont Se pris the. o g teet. [Gk. thelys, female ; > aarp a A matured “(hen a. [Gk. sthena of the hand.] /er¢. or in the palm region of the palm of the hand (anat.). thenar (thé bast n. — palm of the hand.] T ae mass forming the ball ig the Gucsh nat. thermogenesis (thér’médjén’ésis) 7, Naso therme, heat; genesis, pro- tion. ] Body -heat production * ‘eadstion ( phys). * THE- thermolysis (thérmélisis) ». [Gk. therm sey pet a loosing.|] Loss aye boas hea “ag hoel ena ah nér’mé og ai a. mTGk adver heat ; skopein, to view. | vs Adapted fo F recognizing hetiges fadsperkture, as specia or oe of (zool. thermotaxis (thér’motak’sis) 7. ire therme, heat; taxis, arrangement.] Reaction to stimulus of heat or cold LYS.) thermotro (thérmot’répizm) 7. [Gk. therm spa ; trope, a turning. | Tenden urn towards heat ense-organ certain Cepha lopo Bes Q o ae) kytos, hol low.] i te -cells euinpieaevc material thigmotaxis (thig’métak’sis) 7. [Gk. thigma, touch; ¢a axis, arrangement. ] The tendency of minute organisms to attach astanebe 3 2 objects on contact (d70/.). (thigmdt’ —— ee thigma, touch ; rg fees ing.} T e tendency to respond to a [Gk. thorax, ~~ | Pert. or in the region ead of many Antipode and of other ae Soerre (zool.). thread cells,—in the skinof — cells whose. ‘eee thr — form network in os e baabaeass secretion of * arlineay gland — is aaereied (zool.). i ; elemen or small discs of ai 326 THY- —_ _— together in drawn blood (an Moos ere Sper — tin) 7. thrombos, ae — Re sence S ‘in draw blood set free doin granular canaeee of disintegrated thrombocytes Bn) thyloses Sato séz) ”. plu. ([Gk. thylax, a sack.] Masses of paren- chyma e enced vessels med insid thr simak ssciaaes in secondary wood bot. i a mis) 7. [Gk. ¢hymos, thymu An irregular pinkish mass =, glandular tissue in the lower anterior part of the neck thyreohy oid, emesiorey “i — see thyrohyoi th oe "Aare roarite ‘noid) 7. [Gk. thyra, a Pi ; arylaina, a ciiechiey < tlds, orm.] A muscle of the larynx x (an thyroepiglo te “en roépiglotik) @ [Gk. thyra, door; epi, Br glottis, mouth of windpipe.] 4 age Brats yang (thi’ sragebst a. [Gk. thyra, door ; glossa, tongue.] Pert. thyroi and Ss appl. an em- bryonic duct (e726 thyrohyals (thi réhi $12) n. plu. [Gk. thyra, door; hyoeides, Y¥-shaped.] The greater cornua of the hyoid bone (azaz. thyrohyoid (thr rohr oid) — Bo thyra, door; hyoeides, Y-s ped.] Appi. muscle extendin ae he thyroid cartilage to hyoid cornu anat.). thyroid (thi’ re — ght door ; orm.| Appi. eidos, ductless highly-vascular_ gland at the — and sides e also sate ste ps cartila ae Shee veins in its regio thyreoid (her s0id) « [Gk. thyrsus, a wand ; ezdos, rm] ——— ng a cai - shape ( thyrsus (th ae Nn. Ok SUS, a wand.] A edinforescence w st ra aoe ance later Heng ter almost Weer se i iaedibe TIB- _ (tib’ia) #. [L. “dca, a pipe, te.] The inner and larger of the a — between knee and ankle ; the joint of an insect leg between femur an = tarsus (zool.) tibial (tibial) @ 7 pipe. ] tibia, ert. or = the region of the tibia ; es the region of the tibiotarsus (zoo/.) tibiotarsus (tib’idtar’siis) 7. [L. “za, flute ; Gk. /arsos, sole of foot.]_ The to which the Tiedemann’s (té’dém4nz) vesicles,— small rounded eager’ chambered bodies at the neck of the Polian sicles ; the racemose vesicles of serersiden (zool. tigellum (tijél’im m) 7 [F. “ge, stem.] The central Scaimeninde axis, ee of radicle and plumule b ot. e ‘(tis't ii, tish’i) ~ ([F. “ssu, ven.] The fundamental structure of which animal and plant organs e areo- tracheal, vascular (40 tokocytes " (to’késits) n. pi [Gk tokos, anced ; kytos, hollow.] ea ctive cells of Spong seesantows (témén’tds) a. [L. fomen- overed closely d hairs, as a leaf (do07.). [L. to tomen- The closely matted any tongue roe a ngula (diol.). 327 TOT- —. (to wiser nm. [Gk. fono ten plast modelled. ] plastid with Aiathict vacuole walls saat (ton’sil) n. [L. —— - — L] One of paired aggreg lymphoid praer near ne. yin base (anaz.). — ey ‘niis) #. [Gk. foros, tension.] city, or * condition being slightly stretched, as of muscles (phys. tooth, — peo “(top étip) n. ([Gk. ‘opos, place ; ¢yfos, a figure.] A specimen from the locality of the original type (dio tornaria rele id ee Se a to turn.] e larval stage in ae development of Palenovlomitk Prati “(tor'not) @ [L. tornare, to turn.] With blunt extremities, as a spicule (zool.). torose (td’rds) a. [L. ¢orus, a swelling.] Having desky swellings ; knobbed torques (térkwéz) #. [L. sorguere, to twist.] A necklace-like arrange- ment of fur, feathers, or the like torsion (tor’shiin) n. [L. torguere, to t.]| The twisting round of a gastropod y as it develops torticone (tér'tikon) n. [L. torgquere, to twist ; conus, acone.] A turreted, spirally-twisted shell aes rula condition, — the ast-like tckatedd cells resulting fro ot npn owth of blue mould conidia in saccharine solution (do¢. tor'ulo se ee i ae swelling.] Having ‘small wala torulus (tériiliis) ~. [L. torulus, a small swelling. ] The insect antenna insertion socket (2 (I. eeu, a swelling.] ral leaves ; rde d a marginal fold or ridge (@ anat.) ; ridge bearing uncini in Polychae oti (zool.). totipalmate (to’tipal’mat) a. [L. zotus, all; palma, palm of the hand.] TOT- one the feet completely webbed (zool. totipotent (tétip’Stént) a. [L. z and dager pre’) peck are: which — op into eaaplete ssaibrees. cut off from the aggregate o pares Tei toxaspire ‘agesmonl nm. |Gk. foxon, L. sfira,a coil.| A spira - ao ae of rather more than on revolution (zoo/.). toxicology (tdk’si stk816j) 4. ay toxikon, poison ; Jogos, discourse. ] The ua treating of poisons in all aspec oxiferous (aka a. [Gk. foxt- ee -_- L. ferre, to carry.] ing or carrying poison toxin (t6k’sin) (bee toxikon, on.] A poison (phys. toxon (c's én) 7. ed toxon, a bow. xa or bow -shap ed spcule (cool) ). oe Sree rz) n. toxikon, poison ; a e eS The pot molecules ; cf. hapto per ys.) (tr Sivewale) > n. pe ths trabecula, a little beam.) Plates of sterile ait extending across the sporangium of Pteridophytes; a row of cells bridging a cavity (bot) ; two curved bars of cartilage em- aoe iia the ag nade gh oS of the ryo (emb.) ; small fibrous bands fees imperfe = =e or ie ame- work of organs (amatz., zool.). tra (tr. abeK lar . [L. ¢ra- becula, a little beam.] Pert. or of the nature of a Satecutk: having a Saige framework. becul Bere ular corpus callosum. «ake A) m. i tracheal (traké’Al) a. [L. srachia, windpipe. Pert, resembling, or having tracheae ; aff/. t tracheal gills, Ze 8 a 328 TRA- trachia, —.. (trak’éid) m. [L. ipe. wilividunl thick- tr An a cells,—in transfusi ion tis- e, cells resembling tracheids (407.). pS dncletiros (trak’élat) @. [Gk. “a- chelos, neck.] Narrowed ; as in eck- fo rmation (20 Sacimanayt (waveomis ‘toid) a. [Gk. trachelos, — mastos, breast ; eidos, form] Pert. tr acheal region an astoid sal appl. a ae: spe z.). trachenchyma (trakéng’kima) nN. (Gk. ¢rachelos, neck; engchyma, infusion. | Tracheal vascular tissue bot.). ee es ggg a oothed 001.). toa “erakt) n. [L. Pearce. > roe] A region or or syst con ee ay a Sire. as the AURIEAE: ary tract (anaz.). ae (eraktétiim) 7 here, t A coe -* rasping or Rhage re motion (z gees ). meee (tra’gits) ~ [Gk. tragos, a goa aa pointed eminenc in jodie of the concha of the oat anai.). trama (tra’ma) ~ [L. ¢vama, the woof.| A cert core of interwoven a of a fungus conidiophore 0 transformation (tranz’ forma’shiin) 7. _ trans, formare, to orm. an i metamorphosis (zoo/.) ; metabolism (phys.). —the tissue of aces, consisting 0 gymnosperm i us and _ tracheidal cells (d04.). transilient (trdnsil’fént) a. ([L. atistcarar ta to leap over.] Affi. res co sane nee brain con- pe her not adjacent (amaz.). TRA- transitional (tranzish’énal) a@. [L. transire, to Le across.]| Affi. epi- t elium. occurring in ureters and tra lac e-] Diffusion, (phys. transmedian (trinzmé’dian) a. iL. trans, across; medtus, middle. ] Pert., or crossing the middle} plane ; sory, — the theory t one “5 can evolve from ae (dio. transpa “Rang “(tranz’pa mig 3 ae t necting pene eeoet with jugal and maxilla (zo cbyesnactauieg (trinspira ‘shiin) # [L. spirare, to breathe.] t —the upp the sighed horizontal planes divid- abdomen into artificial ing. eins (anat.). transversal “(einavts's) & sadie trans, across; verlere, to turn. | Lying across ae between, as a trans- versal wall (404). ransverse (trinzvérs) @. . trans, across ‘ vertere, to turn.] Lying across r between, as ieee colon, rae ery process (ava ransversum (tranz ero) (L. trans, across ; vertere, to turn] ve most Reptiles, a cranial bon tending from pterygoid to peste A (zool.). trapeziform (trapé ‘iform) @. [Gk. trapezion, a small table ; L. form shape. } Traperium-shaped (5 (zool. i). rape n. .); the greater lar. bone ; a po ortion of the flat, triangular re of the neck and shoulders : trapezoid (trape sia. trip’ézoid) a. 329 TRI- [Gk. frapezion, a small table ; Ae form.] Tra out m-shaped ; a/v. lig Ee ee : F ma, a woun trope, a oe a Eanaiiventua, | to wounds tretotl (trefoil) n. [L. tréfolius, three- leaved.] A er or leaf with three ae (bot. pages (trém’ éloid) a. ([L. “e- mble.] Gelatinous in three ; aktis, ray.] Three-rayed. triadelphous * ahartiny a. tria, t oe brother. ] Having s stamen ted into three bundles by their PRE (b01.). triaene a | ge [Gk. “riaina, a trident. ] mewhat _ trident- shaped ical gees triandrous (tri iin'driis) ¢ a, [Gk. thee ; aner, man.] Having na stam ot.). ivengio (tring’gl) 7 [L. triangu- la three- sided] A three-sided appl. [Gk. ¢ia, wer.] Having vtS, structure or structures (ava thous (trian’ this) a. various thre jointed bes co e (trias‘tk) a. [Gk. éréa, three.] A Panlogical period of the second- ary or Mesozoic group ; the atcha pe rae thirteen rock - system axis, axle. three axes (200, 2). ribracteate (bra tat) a. tL. tres, ti three ; 4ractea, thin p rere of metal. 1 ee Shree a (ot. trica ekon n. a ter, to See ghana ger spherical sartati (dot.). TRI- tricarpellary (trikArpél’ari) @. [Gk. tria, three ; ot fruit.] With three ca rpels (bot triceps (tri'séps) ~. [L. éves, three ; caput, he adh Appi. a a muscle with three “he ads or insertions (avaz.). trichites — n. plu. [ . thrix, hai dike structures found i Soe tongue of Didinium, an Tnfusorian (zo trich ous "(erik SkAr’ piis) a. [Gk. fete, Ia hath fruit.| With hairy fru trichocyst "(eniizbutst) n. hair; 4ystis, a bladder. or spindle-s found in odra Gk. thrix, oval shaped protrusible body aemiedaea s (zool. a (trikodrd mats) n. Gk. thei, hair; dragma Straight, fine hair-like spicules in bundles (zoo/.). orrragiden Sore nme » ICE 2 hai Ne, n.] An aie hair-like receptive cell at the end . see carpogonium of Thallophytes trichome en - n. (Gk. trichoma, grow apy 2 4 hairy epi- dermal ge Bret (bo trichophore (ene 6f50) n. arg thrix, hair ; pherein, to bear.) A group of cells bearing (60t.); a Annelids (zoo/. trichotomous (trikot’ émiis) a. [Gk. tricha, threefold ; ¢ome, a cutting.] Divided into three branches = trici trisip‘ital) [L. «es, three; caput, head.] Having three heads or insertions, as the triceps Ticoccous (trikdk’iis) a. [Gk. es three ; kokkos, a ria Appl. a three-carpel fruit (0 triconodont (trikd tria, three ; fons, cone ; tooth. ] Appl. i crown iva Graces: in ; line parallel to the jaw axis (zool. © (trikés’ tit) ei ois, three ; costa, rib.] Having nee ribs (do¢. oe ous sac Tehonous (tri kStilé’déniis) a. [Gk. ¢ria, three ; ; hotyle ) up- Wi ac mre hollow.] ith three cotyledons ‘rierotic (trikrétik) @ [Gk. sia, 330 the trichogyne of TRI- three ; Zrofein, to beat.] Having a triple beat in the arterial pulse tricrural (trikroor'al) a. [L. 7Zes, sees crus, \eg.| With three trtonspia (tikts'p id) acces t cuspts, point. } Three. - pointed : appl. a triangular valve of the heart (ava at.). ee ( a pidat) a. [(L. es, Appl. a ee ; ; ecuaae We af (bot). ba ern (tridak’til) @. [Gk. “7a los, finger.] Having ares ‘uigits (zool. tridentate — ‘at a [L. three ; dens, tooth.] — Bise tooth-like aivisions (b0 tridynam tria, three ; dynamis, power r.] With ate long ‘and three short stamens aiiied Nae shial) a. bag tres, three; iba ce.] Appi. the fifth ‘cranial nerve, the Bok Seco Nana at.). rot). trina gy: ies. three ; Jindere, to ienve.| ‘Cleft to form three lobes seo meer (ita élat) a. [L. wes, ee um, poly Having ool. gro BE Stes (tool three ; folio/a, a small lea ing three le cafets growing from the —— (tri ifr kat) a. i eat oul agent) a. Bes oe rigeminal nerve,—the largest cere- bral nerve, the great sensory nerve of head and face, and motor nerve of mastication muscles ne trigon (trigén) 7. [Gk. three ; gonia, angle] The efi of TRI- cusps of upper jaw molar teeth trigonal Tae onal) a [Gk “wa, thre a, angle.] Ternary or ee appl. symmetry with three parts to a whorl; api. three-sided stems (07). — — gon) 7. fee tria, three ; nta, angle.| Also trigonum,— er triangular mate, as the ol- factory trigone, the trigonum vesicae anat.). — al Feng n. [Gk. ¢ia, gonta angle.] The erlangle of cusps of lower jaw molar tee ol.). nape ial a. [Gk w#ia three ; ne, man. |] Having three ‘styles (bot. ‘ trijugate st tS Oh) ee oP ees, three ; 72 yoke. | Having three sais ae icathets (b02.). trilabiate 2 a’biat) @. [L. three ; /adium, lip.] Having ian lips (ot). trilobate age ow a. [Gk. thre lobe.| Three- lobed trilocular (aussie). « EP ae ; locu a little _place} Having three cells or loc trilophodont (bain) a. [Gk. wher three ; lop crest ; odous, ooth, ui] Having shoemdeteree teeth Pe tria, rayed (trim’értis) a. [Gk. 4 three ; meros, part.] eis re tof multiples of three, as the parts of a flower (407.). orp (trimér'fizm) 2. — C- orm s in one species tol.). son rimorphous ragga Sa [Gk. trZa, Cee morphe, form.]} —— feces distinct forms or forms of organs n the same i (bi0l.). a ir ea (trind’mial) a. ths = three ; zomen, name.] Affi. na 331 TRI- terms; of. trioecious (trie’ tae a. [Gk. ouse. ] Produc cing consisting of three binomial (470/.). wers triovulate osiappiiecny r eas § a three ; a egg. | Having eee ovules tripartite (ipa tit, trip’rtit) @. [L. tres, three parti 7tUs. separated. ] ae into three lobes, as a leaf tri petalous (tripét’ ae) a. ao —* three ; fetalon leaf. ] ving three ‘petals (dot. oe Se a at) — [i thre pin. her. ] Thrice pinnate 3 : aitled gota a three times (404.). tripinnatifid Se ay ern a. és tres, three ; pinna, feather ; finde. to clea ve.]. Divided tne’ times ae a canaead manner tripinnatisect (tripinat’ weet) a. ma, teathe e pinnatisect ; three times with divisions nearly to midri triple- mevnd-opit a leaf with three prominent veins (4o/.). triplicostate (trip'likés’tat) @ [L. triplex, i costa,arib.] Having three ri z). cepaomaaass ~ chagdegeerson ag : [Gk. tripiax, triple; 4dlastos, bud.] avi hice ri re cenatiaatl layers, epiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast (em tripod (tri’pd Gk. fia, three ; )m [ A tripod- shaped or 35 i a three- ; osdge be.] : Having, or com TUB- posed of, tubular ss as an ot. tubulus (ti’biiliis) # [L ulus, a small tube cases pore ot.); a cylindrical ovipositor (zool. ); any small tu ie structures, —— = iactiferi, recti, seminiferi sani ey —— (ta’nika) ~, [L. tunica, a coating.] An — eas rane or pe as that o testis, oa of i. bulbs wi ah mse ntle (zool.). — a KS nt. SS a coa (an Heconmely (tiir’binal) a. [L. turbo, a whirl.] o.ta rally rolled or ‘coiled bone or cartilage (anat., zool. o Tension or pres- e in living cell tissue due to tur. —_ fo (ti arid) aac “(ti rion) # [L. rio, a shoot. young scaly aot budded off Sun an under- d stem (6o4.). tylhexactine (il eksiktin) 7 nm. [Gk. a ray.] with rays ending in knobs (2 sstchie (tild’sis) 7. i. “yylos,a , a knob. ] ee is J spseneecga cells in a pie sty es : Doth A spicule ob; pointed at end, knobbed at the other pe ) , tylotate (tilétat) 4. [Gk. éylos, kno eS end (200. 335 ULN- ——. (t’lot) #2. [Gk. ¢ylos, knob.] ender dumbbell- shaped spicule ea (alse ik) Sra — knob.] Affected by iba (60 Saas (ti l6tdk’seéa) "Gk. tylos. knob ; oxys, sharp.] A tylo e Spo ee “ciopie Xe) a. mj Pert. the tym- Anais —— - ee al) ~ [Gk. tympano hyoeides, Y- nd (em b.). ympanum (tim’ — nN. — tym- m-like the of t he membrane of the auditory orga tibia or abdomen of Insect; an inflatable air-sac on th ck of some Tetra- oninae (anat., zool.). type (tip) # [L. grate an image.] The page ae foe characteristics commo umber of indiv a ervi a as a ground for paallat membrane P eaitiamee the organ of Sra (anat.). zona fasciculata,—radially arranged columnar cells in the suprarena gland below the aed layer (anat.). zona, pectinata,—the o er division of the basilar membrane nyse z). zona pellucida, —the thick — membrane surrounding malian ovum wats zona reticul —the inner cortical layer of "ihe eens gland (anat.). zonal (z0 re a. [L. sonalis, pert. zone. or Pert. a zone. zonal s me —see metamerism ib nce —the view of a Diatom in apr the girdle i is seen (d072.). zonary nari) @ zonarion, aim. aa zone, girdle.] Pert. the Zonaria, a division of deciduate Macemals in Huxley’s classification (zo0l.). zonary plac zonate (z0’nat) a. __ (Gk 8 apes: sone, girdle = ned or marke ings nged in a single row, a vario bed Zone, piste imilar ra sta set of beds characterized typical fossil or set oe fossils ¢ poh . zonociliate (z0'nésil'iat <— zone, Tattle L. pies ayaa anded hoe cilia, as certain ree vad (zo sceatk i noid) a. [Gk. zone, girdle ; eidos, soar blance.] Like a zone. tic (26 linet be a. zonol Bes — pinilie§ mne, pool.| Of or pert. a certain seit in depth ; appi. ini (déo/.). ZON- zonoplacental (z0’néplasén’tal) 2. [L. zona, girdle; flac oni cake. Having a zonary placenta (zoo/.). ula ciliaris (z ynalk sas) om [L. zonula, dim. of zona, girdle ‘: e _ The hyaloid rming the suspensory — of the lens of the eye a tna) n. [L. sonula, dim. of zona, girdle.| A little zone, belt, = fateas ag age last (z6'3 iblast [Gk. Z00N, ual: blastos, bud) An animal ce on (z0'6k6l'6n) 7. [Gk. zeon, animal; fazlos, stalk.] See zoo- dendrium. hlorellae (z0'6klérél’é) 2. plu [Gk. zoom, animal ; chloros, green. ] ps arcodina, Radiolaria (2201 .). oe (z0'6sé ‘ndsit) 7. on mal; £0imos, com bytes, allan vessel.] A | coenocyte bearing cilia in certain Algae such as Vaucheria (07.). zo0ocyst (z0'dsist) #. [Gk, eee cout hollow sac.] A spor ytium (z0'6sit'iiim) #. [Gk. zoom, rox tage kytos, hollow sac.] In certain In sor ia, the common gelatinous and often branched matrix (zoo/.). speed oe 0’6dén'dritim) #7. [Gk. 00M, an ; dendron, tree.]| The Rents b sles gol of certain colonial Infusorians [Gk. Zoom, anima er.] The physiology N gees animals { pre). um (z0ésiiim, 06's Se Z00m, animal ; ogg gees i chamber cell enc ems a artim nutritive zooid (zoo/.). (20’6@rith’rin) 7. [Gk. ZOOM, | ol rythros, red.| A nt found in the sees ot eaiions Birds (zool.), zooful plumage of various Birds (: rs zoogamete (z0’dgamét’) 7. [Gk. soon, 352 ZOO- animal; gamos, marriage.] A motile gamete or Lao (08. zoogamy (z00g’ami) 7%, [Gk. animal ; Smaak marriage.] Sexual reproduction in animals (zoo/.). zoogenesis (z0'jén’ésis) 72. [ck . Z00N, animal; gignesthat, to produce. | o q —_ N oO! Si ox m8 bn ps8) ES an iridescent film ——- a. 200M, ONS, One of. he abe spore in the oe of ptt bee). zoogonous (z06g’dniis) a [Gk. pit animal; gomos, Se | Vivi 3 bedd laginous matrix, Pocmenily ' fornia (go ol.). Gk. zoon, pigea er of a vidual or person in a coelenterate or polyzoan colony ; the peers genital and _ non-sexual ormed in many Polychaetes ane ‘ zoolith (zd‘6lith) 2. Gk. oon, = lithos, stone.| A fossil soology (z06/'6ji) [Gk. soon, mal; Jogos, discoudena The branch of science dealing with the ucture, functions, history, and aaetribatens of animals. zO6n) 7, oon, animal.] An individual developed from an egg (zool. erythrin a (zo énérith’rin) 7, [Gk. creak erythros, xed.) A red colouring pati ge ‘aaa in various animals (zool. zoonite (20 dnit) 7. Gk.« z00n, animal. A body segment of an articulate —— (zool zoon' Seas émi) 2. [Gk. soon, ening) nomos, law.]| The laws dealing with | animal life ee = plants which are ada apte fo pollination by animals other than Insects (d04.). ZOO- 353 ZYG- zoophyte (z06fit) . [Gk. z0on the neural arch of the vertebrae of animal; TF gigpes plant.] Any animal ops and certain Lizards (zoo/. af resembling a plant in appearance zygapophysis (zi’gapof'isis) 7. or gro ore pert yoke ; afophysis, process = ooplankton (26 aes m. [Gk. a bone.] One of the processes of zoom, animal; plangktos, wander- a vertebra Bp which it articulates in g] a t part of the gata Pile adjacent vertebrae (avaz.). (2i'g6 ébrin Ang’kiat) a. co ing of animals (dzo/. ranchiate ete (zo'6plazm) #. [Gk. 2 Zoom, ani- ICL oy aygon, yoke ; brangchia, gills.] mal ; A/asma, something moulded. Having the gi ills symmetrically Liv ving substance which epends on placed and renal organs paired ; the products of other living organ- a a group of Gastropods (zoo/.). a for nutritive materia gocardiac (zi gékar’diak) ~- zoosperm (z0'Gspérm) #. rc k. goon, paired Fiera) eng a in the gastric EOL sperma, seed.] A sperma- mill of the Crayfish (z tozoon (ool. ) ; a zoospore (da zy godactyl | etsedai a: Aik. zo'6sporanjitim) 7 sygon, yok dak. digit. ] [Gk. zoom, animal V0S, d; Having two ious int ” forward, anggeion, vessel.] A sporangium two backward, as in parrots (zoo/.), in which zoospores wars eh). zygodont (zi gédént) a. [Gk. zygon, oospore (z0dspor) 7”. [Gk. z00n, oke ; odous, tooth.] ing mola animal ; pee 2 A serie eeth in which the four tubercles cell, flagellate or amoeboid, i are united in ae ( " many Protozoa (zoo/.); a motile zygoma (zigd'ma) ” [Gk. sygoma, protoplast in certain Algae (407.). i |. Tas pat arch of the cheek. aco taligage (zo'6thé’siiim, z6'6thé’- zygomatic (zigémat'ik) a. k, shiitm) [Gk. oon, animal ; pattie yoke.] Of or ert. the thekion, “im. of theke, case.] A zygoma (avat.). zoocytiu zygomaticofacial (zi gémat'ikofa’sial) zoothom e (i'othom) » bee zo0n, a. [Gk. zygoma, os oke; L. facies, ahat? thom s, heap. Any group face.] Aff/. foramen on the malar of jadieidnala in a living Coral surface of seb for passage of (z nerve and vessels (avaz.). zootomy (zd5t'6mi) 7. ~ zoom, zygomaticotemporal (zi gémat'iké- mal; ‘emnein, to cut.] The tém’poral) a. [Gk. zygoma, yoke ; anata of animals other than L. ¢emporalts, perort) iat man — Je suture, forame etc., zooxanthellae (z0’6zinthél’é) 7. Ba temporal pees ot gp mao [Gk. zoon, avieak: sxanthos, yellow.] (anat.). Yellow cells or symbiotic ped aie Zy. hie (zi gomér fik ), ZY. Algae living in various Protozoa biol. sete (zo'6zin'thin) #. [Gk. symmet ; appl. rregular etal 00n, imal; -xanthos, yellow.] sreunenai (dio zol.). A yellow pigment found in the zygoneury (zi géni'ri) 7. [Gk. zygon, plumage of certain Birds (zoo/.) yoke ; meuron, In certai henkorper (tsvish Ameri il n. Gastropods, having a connective ae ghee the pleural ganglion and nglion on the visceral branch uring the anaphases of mitosis gating hy (cyt). a (zi pa " { 2 2ysony trim) 7. Gk. yoke ; phyion, plant plant wit en yur | roe f two similar reproductive cells which on, yok antron, ag the poatetiee sities of unite in fertilization (407). ZYG- wygopleural (zigéploor’d4l) a. [Gk. BY, oke ; Aleuron, side.] Bi- laterally symmetr trical. igo zygosis (zigd’sis) m. [Gk. zygosis, balancing. | + ed gosperm (zi’gdspérm) ik sy gon, he pr so sted) zygospor rpanstans (ai — a a. [Gk. zygon, yoke ; sphen, wedge.] An articular Snakes and certain nesta which fits into the zygantrum zygosporangium (zi’ gbaporin iii) we. [Gk. zygon, yoke; sporos, seed; anggeion, vessel. sporangium i ich zygospores are formed sheheg ert mn. [Gk. zygon, eed.] A zygote; a d by the Soniagation of siuithar on alls (60 Pporo: ophore. ; (Gk. Zygon, y Soman Th tendency towards conjugation be- tw two “rsp aacen byte in eeitat Fungi zy gote (zi got) 7. Ick. zygotes, yoked. ] 354 ZY M- — cell formed by the union of o gametes or reproductive cells G Zol. zy gotoblast (zi gétoblast’) 7. on of the v6 ce in Haema- wists (zool.). zy gotomere Sal “pagiiot Ss 1. < any yoked ; cell formed by seegamerentints a ae nek ihe “ Haemamoebae (zoo/.). zygotonucleus (zi’ giténd’klsis) nt. [Gk. ees oked; L. mucleus, kernel.] A nacioas formed by the fusion of two gam metonuclei (zool. d & fe) oe! ares found in yeast cells PS eel (2i’ ec set dl [Gk. zyme, leaven. rallies capable of being seiiiee uae into a ferment ( phys.). (zim6’sis) - — ayme, “Tk. rangers causing fermentation. ] caused by fermentation,