: “JOURNAL OF THE Po ae N EW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB CON TENTS: aN vegetation rn fidtistie Siva of a created ate in southeastern r New Hampshire. Donald J. Padgett and Garrett E. Cha ae . me Observations on Seen in ie irianthophora (Orchidaceae). Z Susan A. Willia ams mee Caleareous fens se ‘western New England and adjacent ee York State. : . a Chromosome ete oe some ae. American species BF Amis (Bew- _ laceae). Guillermo. Restrepo and C Ca ; Evolution of a flora: early Connecticut valley Botanists. ‘€ doh Burk sn ~ New England Notes: : * Lie oe eis (Poaceae) i in ‘New England, Jeanne E. Anderson and Notes on the Rbode e Island Flora. Richard Te. Champlin oy ae By _Desmonema wrangell (Ag. e Bornet et Flahault, anew ee for Maine L.C. Co it The biology’ age lec Onorch A ihe Powitaca oleracea E- complex i in No orth. America: Ene lignes}, Matthew “Reviews: eee Sey Cetin Ah ae (WES Sie Ba A - Rare \ Les Onan de Ve. or ay-< Index to Vi lum ‘THE NEW. ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P.O, Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 1 i eva 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 VOL.96 — : January, 1994 No. 885 - 1 iN a8 land Bienes Club, Ine : ce 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 -RHODORA a “GORDON, DeWOLF, IR., Editor-in-Chief ae _ Associate Editors DAVID S. CONANT ay eee - LISA A. STANDLEY _ eae ee peanaee assn 0035. 4902) Pics four times a ‘year. Ge oo = April, July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810 East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, docs 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Second class postage pending at Lawrence, KS. POSTMASTER: Hae address Waals too | -RHODORA, BO: Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 660: = RHODORA i is a journal of botany devoted eee to North pnenes _ Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientific papers and notes relating to the systematics, distribution, ecology, Ppaleo- botany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related areas. es SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per calendar year, net, postpaid, in funds ees payable at par in the United States currency. Remittances payable io 66044- 8897. DORA. Send to RHODORA, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS . | MEMBERSHIPS: _ Regular $35: Family $45, Application fe form printed ae o ‘kee VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: Aare available: : informa: : tion and prices will be furnished upon request to the Treas urer. as aes CHANGES: In order to receive the next. nee a a . ae HODORA, changes must be received by ss business Ges yoer Ue re first day of January, ‘April, July, or Octo INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside back cover, rd January so eee me nd to: Visidon® DeWolf, ee MP ch a eee Managing Editor, RHODORA 125 Long Hill Road 3 Mest Brookfield, MA 01585. @ This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO 239.48- 1992 (Permanence of Paper). RHODORA URNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 96 January 1994 No. 885 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 1-29, 1994 A VEGETATION AND FLORISTIC ANALYSIS OF A CREATED WETLAND IN SOUTHEASTERN NEW HAMPSHIRE DONALD J. PADGETT AND GARRETT E. Crow ABSTRACT The artificial creation of wetlands Has pecome a common means to mitigate the effects of wetland alteration due t p t t. The einai of diverse, functional plant ial and challenging p a wetland creation project. This study analyzes plant community structure of a seven year old, a tificially created wetland. One hundred and es Naseulge plant saan are eee umented from the study it ew Hampshire and the first state record for an introduced weedy species. The computer program TWINSPAN used species abundance data to classify the vegetation into seven cover types. The three plant associations of the open effusus-Phalaris arundinacea cover type, and a Carex ‘stricta cover type. Each cover type and associated habitat was described and delineated. Key Words: floristics, wetlands, wetland mitigation, rare plants INTRODUCTION Encompassing such diverse systems as freshwater marshes, swamps, bogs, sloughs, ponds and lakes, rivers and streams, coast- al freshwater tidal marshes, and saltmarshes, wetlands collectively constitute one of the most productive biomes on Earth (Good et al., 1978; Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986). Beyond the obvious aquatic productivity and associated food-chain support, wetland ecosys- tems are vital in performing numerous other ecological functions (Goodwin and Niering, 1974; Burke et al., 1988; Larson, 1988). The rather late recognition of wetland values and functions over the past two decades seems to have been catalyzed by the alarming | 2 Rhodora [Vol. 96 rate at which wetlands are being destroyed. Most important, the vital role wetlands play in the overall quality of the environment has finally been recognized and a variety of efforts are being im- plemented to provide a means for their conservation. One strategy that has been developed to conserve wetlands is termed wetland mitigation. Wetland mitigation reduces or com- pensates for the negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems imposed by development by artificially creating or restoring wetland areas (Savage, 1986). Mitigation has become an integral part of wetland protection and conservation policies. Wetland mitigation at- tempts to restore to an area those functions of a wetland that are impacted or destroyed. The primary goal of wetland creation or restoration projects typically aims at restoring lost wetland functions. Wetland cre- ation efforts additionally aim at creating an area that is at least the same size as the area lost and the establishment of certain wetland vegetation types (Lowry, 1990; Kruczynski, 1990). The establishment of hydrophilic vegetation is crucial in wet- land mitigation projects if they are to imitate successfully natural wetland ecosystems. Wetland vegetation provides some of the important functions and values inherent in wetlands (Good et al., 1978: Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986) and creates suitable habitats for wildlife (Weller, 1978). The establishment of diverse, func- tional wetland plant communities is a challenging part of miti- gation projects (Padgett and Crow, in press). The objective of the present study is to provide a detailed vegetation analysis and total floristic inventory of a seven year old, artificially created, freshwater wetland located in southeastern New Hampshire. Site History During the winter of 1985-86, the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) created a freshwater wetland under the Section 404 guidelines of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to compensate for the filling of a wetland at the construction site of a new regional hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The land area desig- nated for the creation of the compensatory wetland was an aban- doned gravel pit located approximately 3 miles from the hospital site in the southern end of Portsmouth, NH (Rockingham Co.) (Michener et al., 1986). The size of the mitigation area (ca. 13 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 3 acres) was similar to the size of the area lost due to the hospital construction. Wetland construction began in the fall of 1985 and continued through the winter of 1986. Basins were excavated and graded to form a sinuous configuration of open water pools and marsh areas (Michener et al., 1986). The wetland soils and peat at the new hospital site (impacted wetland) were excavated and transported to the new wetland creation site. This material was stockpiled through the winter and eventually spread as a 6-12” top dressing over the excavated basins. The primary strategy to vegetate the newly created basins was to allow for the natural colonization of wetland plants. Therefore there was no direct planting of wetland plant stock. The muck top dressing was expected to serve as a created ‘“‘seed bank’’ nat- urally holding large quantities of plant seeds and vegetative pro- pagules (Michener et al., 1986). Groundwater is the primary hydrological input into the site. Groundwater flow is westward, discharging into the adjacent for- ested swamp (Garlo, 1993). However, during the first summer after construction, beavers dammed the small outflow channel. Consequently, the water level was raised approximately two feet above the design elevation. Site Description The H.C.A. Portsmouth wetland is a created freshwater wetland consisting of primarily herbaceous aquatic plants. Some tree and shrub areas exist on several upland islands and pool margins. Open water areas form sinuous configurations around these is- lands. The maximum depth of the open water areas is approxi- mately two meters. The created wetland is surrounded by upland forest communities on the northeastern and southern sides, and a wetland forest community on the northwestern side. A dis- turbed, open, sandy area with few woody plants surrounds the wetland on the southeast side. MATERIALS AND METHODS Vegetation Analysis Vegetation data were collected during July of 1992. Sampling was done using a systematic sampling method (Mueller-Dombois 4 Rhodora [Vol. 96 and Ellenberg, 1974). Thirteen transects were established across the wetland at 20 meter intervals. A single 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrat was placed at every five meters of transect for a total of 284 sample plots. Trees, shrubs and herbs occurring on the banks and upland sites on the islands throughout the wetland were not included in the sampling. A visual estimate of percent cover was recorded to estimate abundance. The primary focus of the vegetation analysis was vascular plant species. However, because of their relative abun- dance Chara cf. vulgaris and Ricciocarpus natans, two non-vas- cular aquatic plants, were included in the vegetation analysis. Cover was defined as the vertical crown or shoot-area projection per species in relation to the reference area (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974). The data were analyzed using TWINSPAN (Two-Way Indi- cator Species Analysis), a fortran classification analysis program. The program first constructs a classification of samples and then based on this classification, constructs a classification of species according to their ecological preferences (Hill, 1979). TWINSPAN groups the quadrat samples according to the flo- ristic similarity of its members. Using these groups as a basis, species are clustered to form hierarchial dichotomies. There are three ordinations involved in determining a dichotomy: 1) a pri- mary ordination, made by a method of reciprocal averaging; 2) a refined ordination, using differential species determined from the primary ordination; and 3) an indicator ordination, using highly preferential species (Hill, 1979). Corresponding to the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale of 0, 5, 25, 50 and 75 percent (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974), abundance data of TWINSPAN ‘“‘pseudo-species”’ were classified at cut levels of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Ultimately, a two-way table is gen- erated grouping similar quadrat samples across the top and similar species down the left side (Padgett, 1993). A vegetation map (Figure 2) was prepared based on cover types of quadrats along the 13 transects to give a visual estimate of the pattern of distribution of the seven cover types. Floristic Study An inventory of the vascular plants of the site was undertaken during the 1992 field season. Voucher specimens were collected 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 5 284 141 143 Open water lypcs Emergent types SA 87 134 Chara cover type Eleocharis smaltii cover Lype 68 19 55 79 8 } 2 ] Typha latifolia cover lype cover type cover type 65 14 Juncus effusus Carex stricta Phataris arundinacea cover type cover lype Figure 1. TWINSPAN analysis showing the seven plant cover types classified at four hierarchical levels. Numerals represent the number of quadrats included in each dichotomy. and deposited in the Hodgdon Herbarium (NHA) at the University of New Hampshire. Nomenclature follows Aquatic and Wetland Plants of North- eastern North America (Crow and Hellquist, in press) and Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (Gleason and Cronquist, 1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The construction of the H.C.A. Portsmouth wetland has created a unique environment, allowing for a natural colonization and emergence of wetland plant species. The various micro-habitats formed by the gradual slopes of the basins and integration of raised islands provide a heterogeneous ecosystem. As a result, concentric vegetation zones have developed according to the eco- logical affinities of species characteristic of natural wetland sys- tems. The vegetation patterns of the site are typical of those described for inland freshwater wetlands (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986; Hammer, 1992; Weller, 1978; Curtis, 1959). Generally, for most inland wetlands, sedges (Carex) and rushes (Juncus) occupy 6 Rhodora [Vol. 96 the wet-meadow areas gradually passing into the shallow water areas colonized by Cattails (7ypha), Bulrush (Scirpus) and Pick- erel Weed (Pontederia cordata). The deeper, open water areas are colonized by submerged species (Utricu/aria) and floating leaved species (Potamogeton and Nuphar). Plant Cover Types The wetland vegetation was classified using TWINSPAN into seven cover types (Figure 1). Data from 284 quadrats were an- alyzed and 67 species were clustered at four hierarchical divisions into the seven cover types which could be visually recognized in the field. The first dichotomy grouped the 284 quadrats into two major groupings, with 141 quadrats representing the open water cover types, and 143 quadrats representing the emergent cover types. At the second level of clustering, 54 quadrats of open water types were distinguished as the Chara cover type, with 87 quadrats remaining to be sub-clustered. At the third level 68 quadrats represented the Potamogeton natans cover type and 19 quadrats defined the Potamogeton pusillus cover type. TWINSPAN grouped the 143 quadrats in the emergent cover type group into four cover types (Figure 1). At the second level the Eleocharis smallii cover type was recognized (9 quadrats). At the third level the 7ypha latifolia cover type was distinguished (55 quadrats), while the Juncus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea (65 quadrats) and Carex stricta (14 quadrats) cover types were not defined until the fourth level. The clustering of the quadrats at the first divisional level clearly correlates with the two primary habitats designed for the site creation. The open water cover types occupy the areas where the water 1s too deep to be colonized by emergent species. Most of the open water areas were vegetated by floating-leaved, free-float- ing and submerged species. However, some areas remained de- void of vascular plants. For instance, one open pool was heavily colonized by filamentous algae. Although three cover types were recognized as the open water areas, these were not characterized by distinct vegetation zones. Instead these cover types occurred in a mosaic pattern. The emergent cover types represent the marsh or wet meadow regions designed for the wetland. These areas are defined by a 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 7 topographic gradient beginning in the shallow fringe areas of the open pools and extending back into the higher areas of the marsh. Consequently, the emergent cover types are better characterized by zonational patterns when compared to the open water cover types. The emergent cover types are the most floristically diverse areas of the wetland and are characterized by a predominance of emergent species. However, the free-floating Lemna minor was found in greater frequencies and abundance within the emergent cover types than in the open water cover areas. OPEN WATER COVER TYPES Potamogeton natans Cover Type The Potamogeton natans cover type is the largest plant asso- ciation of the open water types (Figure 2), defined by the 68 quadrats clustered by TWINSPAN. Of the seventeen species that characterize the community, the floating-leaved P. natans is dom- inant with 35% cover and 90% frequency (Table 1). The sub- merged Najas minor and Utricularia gibba are sub-dominants with 11% and 9% covers, respectively, although U. gibba has a significantly higher percent frequency. The delicate morphology of U. gibba does not allow for high percent coverage. The cover type is easily discernible by the presence of broad floating leaves of Potamogeton natans that form an expansive cover on the surface of the water. This floating-leaf layer was so extensive in certain portions of the wetland, particularly in the northwestern pool, that few open surface water areas were present. Although the cover of P. natans was very extensive, the mean percent cover of P. natans throughout the entire cover type was only 35%. In areas that were sparsely populated with P. natans submerged species, such as Najas minor, Utricularia gibba and P. pusillus, were frequent. Chara Cover Type The Chara cover type is one of the larger plant associations of the open water types (Figure 2). The community can be charac- terized by 15 species, but the macrophytic alga Chara cf. vulgaris dominates with 81% cover and 98% frequency (Table 2). Plants [Vol. 96 Rhodora Cor Ff ~ = VY. s S = = O = a ~ 2 & Peg TY ; Ms cs 3 £ S88 E { ie ye Se ee es Se ita a i? a SOmta QgessoO : Sseeetatettath A ie BH neat ‘} i NI reneg aia SS : 4: ?) 3 4 v a N eas \N REE aes 8s i N a Ea He eh \ ae ‘aeietenaete eatatetaiets: “ sdtausencunausanans 3 39, Ae NN ane a34 gist ee — iS x 5 +2 _ ee saan The distribution of the seven plant cover types of the H.C.A. Ports- Figure 2. mouth created wetland. CT Cover type. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 9 Table 1. Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Pota- mogeton natans cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded). Species % Cover % Frequency Potamogeton natans 35 90 ajas minor 11 15 Utricularia gibba 9 82 otamogeton pusillus 15 Eleocharis acicularis 2 6 Lemna minor l 19 Ludwigia palustris 1 10 of Chara were commonly observed as monotypic colonies or with few other species. However, Utricularia gibba and Potamogeton natans are sub-dominant components of the community. The remaining species of the community (Table 2), with the exception of P. pusillus, are more characteristic of emergent areas. e weedy nature of Chara has allowed it to successfully col- onize the open water areas of the site. More typically associated with hard water sites, Chara has been found to dominate deeper waters of lakes producing large amounts of biomass (Rickett, 1921). The Chara community exists in the deeper pools of the wetland, where the cover of floating leaved species is relatively Potamogeton pusillus Cover Type This cover type is characterized by the submerged Pondweed species, Potamogeton pusillus (Table 3). This plant association Table 2. Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Chara cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded) Species % Cover % Frequency Chara cf. vulgaris 81 98 Utricularia gibba 11 56 otamogeton natans 9 37 Eleocharis acicularis 7 Juncus articulatus Typha latifolia poms pam pest & R40 10 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 3. Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Pota- mogeton pusillus cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded). Species % Cover % Frequency Potamogeton pusillus 36 95 Pontederia cordata 12 21 Eleocharis acicularis 5 26 Potamogeton natans of 47 Utricularia gibba 3 42 Lemna minor ] 37 Najas minor l 11 Potamogeton amplifolius 1 5 covers the smallest portion of the open water areas and was rep- resented by only 19 quadrats. The Potamogeton pusillus cover type occurs in scattered areas within the open water portions of the wetland, most typically close to the emergent vegetation cover types. Two of the largest areas where this cover type is predom- inate are shown in Figure 2. Although, this cover type is primarily composed of submerged and free-floating species, the emergent Pontederia cordata is a sub-dominant component. EMERGENT COVER TYPES Juncus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea Cover Type The Juncus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea cover type is the most floristically diverse cover type of the entire wetland. Of the 55 species occurring in the cover type, Juncus effusus and Phalaris arundinacea are co-dominant, with a collective cover value of 41% (Table 4). This cover type generally extends from the upland shores or islands to the edge communities of the Typha latifolia cover type (Figure 2). However, some pool margins are directly surrounded by this cover type where Typha does not dominate. The areas of the Juncus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea cover type are rarely inundated for any extended period of time. Most por- tions remain wet to damp, allowing for a wide range of wetland species to exist. This mostly low-growing, herbaceous plant com- munity has some woody components such as A/nus incana ssp. rugosa, Acer rubrum and Cornus spp. occupying various portions. Unique among cover types, both annuals and perennials are well represented within this association. The Cyperaceae is best repre- 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 11 Table 4. Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Juncus alia arundinacea cover type (species with cover <1 percent are ex- cluded). Species % Cover % Frequency Juncus effusus 21 66 Phalaris arundinacea 20 83 Typha latifolia 6 31 Scirpus cyperinus 6 22 Carex scoparia 4 28 Alnus incana ssp. rugosa 4 9 Eleocharis acicularis 3 14 Lemna minor 2 28 Carex lurida 2 14 Acer rubrum 2 8 Cicuta bulbifera l 28 Galium palustre l 20 Polygonum amphibium 1 14 Onoclea sensibilis | 14 Carex vulpinoidea l 14 Lythrum salicaria 1 11 Polygonum punctatum l 11 Juncus articul 1 9 Typha latifolia 1 9 Ricciocarpus natans 1 8 Eleocharis obtusa | 6 Spiraea tomentosa 1 6 Eleocharis smallii 1 5 Vaccinium macrocarpon ] 3 Cornus stolonifera 1 3 ornus amor ! 2 Potamogeton pusillus ] 2 Solidago ru ] 2 Spiraea latifolia ] 2 Thelypteris palustris ] 2 sented in this community. The Juncus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea cover type is similar in general physiognomy to the wet-meadow zones or sedge-meadows discussed by Mitsch and Gosselink (1986), by Hammer (1992) and by Weller (1978). Typha latifolia Cover Type The Common Cattail cover type represents the second largest community association of the emergent types. Of the 27 species that occur in the cover type, Typha /atifolia is dominant repre- 12 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 5. Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Typha latifolia cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded). Species % Cover % Frequency Typha latifolia 25 78 Juncus effusus 6 35 Lemna minor 4 82 Phalaris arundinacea 3 18 Ludwigia palustris 2 29 Utricularia gibba 2 22 Juncus articulatus 2 By) Eleocharis acicularis ] 13 Najas minor ] 14 Acer rubrum l 2 sented by a 25% cover (Table 5). Sub-dominant components are Juncus effusus and Lemna minor with covers of six and four percent, respectively. Typha latifolia and Lemna minor have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the cover type. These two species were frequently found associated with each other throughout the wetland, usually with L. minor fronds stranded on the wet mud and rhizomes or floating on the still water in between the 7. /atifolia plants. In a survey of southern Wisconsin Cattail marshes, L. minor had a frequency of 100%, although its presence was reported as insig- nificant (Curtis, 1959). The Typha latifolia cover type is the most easily recognizable and discernible of the emergent cover types. This cover type can be quite expansive at certain portions of the wetland, or exist as narrow bands (Figure 2). Several isolated, nearly monotypic, Ty- pha “islands” are also present. The dense rhizomatous network produced by Typha latifolia, characteristic of the species (Mc- Naughton, 1966), encroaches upon the deeper open water from the very shallow edges. The 7ypha /atifolia cover type is similar to the 7ypha-dominated zone typical of freshwater marshes dis- cussed by Mitsch and Gosselink (1986) and by Weller (1978). The cover type is characterized by species of many growth forms. Important emergent species include Typha latifolia, Juncus effusus and Phalaris arundinacea. Submergent species include Utricularia gibba and Najas minor, while the free-floating Lemna minor, and the amphibious Ludwigia palustris are also compo- nents of the cover type. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 13 ble Mean percent cover and percent frequency for species in the Carex stricta cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded). Species % Cover % Frequency Carex stricta 58 100 Juncus effusus 6 64 Phalaris arundinacea 6 57 Eleocharis acicularis 6 7 Cicuta bulbifera 4 43 Typha latifolia 3 14 Galium palustre 1 21 Triadenum fraseri l 7 Spiraea tomentosa l 7 Typha angustifolia l 7 Polygonum sagittatum l z Carex lurida 1 7 Carex stricta Cover Type The Tussock Sedge cover type is one of the smaller emergent plant associations of the wetland. Of the 21 species associated with this cover type Carex stricta is dominant, with a 58% cover (Table 6). The raised, wide-spreading tussocks formed by C. stric- ta create a unique, easily discernible cover type. The Carex stricta cover type is scattered throughout the wetland, occupying small areas (Figure 2). Eleocharis smallii Cover Type The Eleocharis smallii cover type occupies the smallest area in the wetland (Figure 2). The cover type was defined by TWIN- SPAN by the clustering of only nine quadrats and includes 14 species. The dominant species is E. smallii, with 27% cover (Table 7). Sub-dominant species are Typha angustifolia and Eleocharis acicularis. This cover type is scattered throughout the northern portions of the emergent wetland and is also represented by small discontinuous areas intermixed with the Typha Jatifolia and Jun- cus effusus-Phalaris arundinacea cover types. This cover type is the most floristically unique portion of the wetland. Species typically associated with peatlands, such as Dros- era intermedia, Vaccinium macrocarpon and Sphagnum sp. are part of this community. Dulichium arundinaceum and Viola lan- ceolata, also components of the community, were not observed 14 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Mean percent cover and mean frequency for species in the Eleocharis smallii cover type (species with cover <1 percent are excluded) Species % Cover % Frequency Eleocharis smallii 27 67 Typha angustifolia 23 56 Eleocharis acicularis 12 22 Vaccinium sical 9 11 Triadenum fr 4 56 Asclepias incarnata 2 11 Lysimachia terrestris l 33 Lemna minor | 33 Spiraea tomentosa ] 22 Lythrum salicaria ] 11 growing anywhere else in the wetland. Other species common to this portion of the wetland but observed infrequently elsewhere, are Asclepias incarnata, Triadenum fraseri, Bidens frondosa and Aster racemosus. The soil of the area is very peaty and is slightly inundated in spring and early summer, but as water table drops later in the summer it becomes merely damp. RARE PLANT DOCUMENTATION Two plants listed by Storks and Crow (1978) and the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Inventory (DRED, 1987) as rare for New Hampshire occur at the H.C.A. created wetland, Spargani- um eurycarpum (threatened) and Potamogeton foliosus (endan- gered). The occurrence of a third, non-indigenous species, Najas minor, constitutes the first record of this plant in New Hampshire. Although rare in New Hampshire, both Sparganium eurycarpum and Potamogeton foliosus are widely distributed throughout the United States (Crow and Hellquist, in press). Both species rep- resent new records for the city of Portsmouth. Sparganium eurycarpum (Giant Bur-reed) is reported as com- mon along the coastal plain and in western portions of New En- gland (Crow and Hellquist, 1981). There are currently seven doc- umented stations for Sparganium eurycarpum in New Hampshire (Natural Heritage Program, pers. comm.). In a study of the rare plants of coastal New Hampshire, S. eurycarpum was reported from the towns of New Castle, Rye and Hampton (Dunlop and Crow, 1985). In the study site, S. eurycarpum occurs in shallow 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland Be: water areas along the edges of the pools. The plant was more common along the western edge of the wetland. The water level of this area dropped greatly later in the growing season, leaving the plants growing in damp soils. In New England Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed) is reported as being common in calcareous waters of northeastern Maine, Vermont, western Massachusetts and Connecticut (Hell- quist and Crow, 1980). Storks and Crow (1978) reported that P. foliosus was known from a single station in New Hampshire, in the town of Columbia, Coos County. There are currently five known stations of P. foliosus in New Hampshire (Natural Heritage Program, pers. comm.). Potamogeton foliosus occurs in the open water areas of the study site. Plants were intermixed with the very similar looking P. pusillus, therefore the exact extent of its oc- currence is hard to estimate. Other open water macrophytes as- sociated with P. foliosus were P. natans and Chara cf. vulgaris. Because Pondweeds are heavily consumed by waterfowl (Martin, 1951; Fassett, 1957), P. foliosus was most likely introduced into the study site by ducks or other waterfowl. A third new record for the flora of Portsmouth, the adventive Najas minor, is also the first record for New Hampshire (Padgett and Crow, 1993). A European native, Najas minor (Eutrophic Water-nymph) was first reported in America in the Hudson River, in 1934 (Clausen, 1936). The North American range of this in- troduced species has continued to spread steadily in the eastern United States. By 1968, N. minor was known from New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida (Merilainen, 1968). Its present North American distri- bution extends from New England and New York west to Illinois, south to Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas (Haynes, 1979; Crow and Hellquist, in press). The first report for this plant in New England was in 1965, occurring in Lake Champlain at New Ha- ven, Vermont. Two reports of the species occurring in Bershire County, Massachusetts followed in 1974 (Hellquist, 1977). Hell- quist and Crow (1980) report the distribution of N. minor to be infrequent in waters of extreme western New England. The present discovery of N. minor in New Hampshire possibly represents the northeastern-most range extension to date of the species for the At the H.C.A. created wetland, Najas minor occurs in the open water areas. A component of the strictly aquatic macrophyte com- 16 Rhodora [Vol. 96 munity of the site, N. minor is commonly associated with Pota- mogeton pusillus, P. natans, Utricularia gibba and Chara cf. vul- garis Later in the summer, many plants became fragmented and consequently were floating at the water surface and near the pool margins. Najas minor is an annual, producing large quantities of seed. The most important dispersal agent for N. minor is waterfowl who feed heavily on the entire plant. Interestingly, the pattern of distribution of N. minor is very similar to the Atlantic flyway pattern of migrating waterfowl (Merilainen, 1968). Therefore it is believed that N. minor was probably introduced into the site by waterfowl. Najas minor has also been reported to invade re- cently constructed artificial lakes and ponds (Wentz and Stuckey, 1971). FLORA OF H.C.A. PORTSMOUTH CREATED WETLAND The vascular flora of the H.C.A. Portsmouth created wetland consists of 104 species, belonging to 69 genera and 45 families. Fifty-six species are dicots and forty-four species are monocots. The dominant families are the Asteraceae, Cyperaceae and Po- aceae. POLYPODIOPHYTA DRYOPTERIDACEAE Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive Fern Abundant; throughout the wetland on wet soil. Padgett 59, 145. OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis L. Royal Fern Uncommon; on western edge of wetland growing on em- bankment. Padgett 138. THELYPTERIDACEAE Thelypteris palustris Schott Marsh Fern Occasional; along the shores of the wetland but locally abundant along the western shore. Padgett 92, 160, 231. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 17 EQUISETOPHYTA EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense L. Common Horsetail Common; throughout the wetland on wet or moist soils. Padgett 56, 81. MAGNOLIOPHYTA DICOTYLEDONS ACERACEAE Acer rubrum L. Red Maple Common; throughout the emergent wetland as seedlings, but more occasional as young trees. Padgett 87. APIA een bulbifera L. Bulbiferous Water-hemlock Common; throughout the wetland growing in emergent areas. Padgett 68, 158, 183, 217. Sium suave Walter Water-parsnip Uncommon; growing in wet emergent areas. Padgett 216. AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray Winterberry Occasional; growing in wooded areas within the wetland. Padgett 235. ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias incarnata L. subsp. pulcra (Ehrh. ex. Willd.) Woodson Swamp Milkweed Occasional; throughout the emergent wetland, but locally abundant in the western shore area. Padgett 86, 121. ASTERACEAE Aster lanceolatus var. simplex (Willd.) A. G. Jones Eastern Lined Aster Uncommon; along western side of wetland. Padgett 237. Aster racemosus Ell. Small White Aster ncommon; growing around the western shore area. Pad- gett 252. 18 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Bidens connata Muhl. Purplestem Beggar-ticks Ocassional; in emergent areas, but more common in the western area. Padgett 218, 234, 245, 246, 253, 256, 261. Bidens frondosa L. Devil’s Beggar-ticks Uncommon; in emergent area of the western shore. Padgett 233 Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Boneset Occasional; growing along wet shores and emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 198. Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. Common Flat-topped Goldenrod Occasional; growing along the shores of the wetland. Pad- gett 222. Solidago rugosa Miller subsp. rugosa Wrinkle-leaved Gold- enro Occasional; growing along the shores and scattered in the emergent areas. Padgett 18]. BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens capensis Meerb. Orange Touch-me-not Occasional; throughout the northern emergent areas and outermost shores. Padgett 175. BETULACEAE Alnus incana (L.) Moench. subsp. rugosa (Du Roi) Clausen Speckled Alder Frequent; growing along outer shores and wooded areas. Padgett 76, 101. CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche verna L. Water Starwort Uncommon; growing in shallow water areas along the shores. Padgett 58, 187. CLUSIACEAE Hypericum boreale (Britt.) Bickn. St. John’s-wort Uncommon, growing in emergent marsh areas. Padgett 228. Hypericum canadense L. Narrow-leaved St. John’s-wort 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 19 Uncommon; growing in emergent marsh areas. Padgett 204 Hypericum dissimulatum Bickn. St. John’s-wort Locally abundant; in western open marsh area and along northwestern shore. Padgett 227. Hypericum ellipticum Hook. St. John’s-wort Common; throughout the emergent areas and in shallow water. Padgett 139, 156. Hypericum mutilum L. Dwarf St. John’s-wort Occasional; throughout the emergent marsh. Padgett 201. Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason Marsh St. John’s-wort Common; throughout the emergent areas but more fre- quent in the open area of the western side. Padgett 94, 146, 195, 260. CORNACEAE Cornus amomum subsp. obliqua (Raf.) J.S. Wilson Silky Dog- wood Uncommon; growing along outer southwestern shore. Padgett 104. Cornus stolonifera Michx. Red-stemmed Dogwood Occasional; growing in emergent and wooded areas, but more common in the western open marsh area. Padgett 69 457, DROSERACEAE Drosera intermedia Hayne Sundew Locally abundant; growing in wet open area of western side of the wetland. Padgett 95, 147. ERICACEAE Lyonia ligustrina (L.) DC. Maleberry Occasional; in wooded areas throughout the wetland. Pad- gett 230. Vaccinium corymbosum L. Highbush Blueberry Uncommon; in wooded areas on western side of wetland. Padgett 155. Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton Cranberry Locally abundant; in open area of western shore and grow- 20 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ing with Typha /atifolia in northern area of wetland. Pad- gett 90, 140. HALORAGACEAE Proserpinaca palustris L. Common Mermaid-weed Uncommon; in open water areas close to the shores. Pad- gett 69, 125. LAMIACEAE Lycopus americanus Muhl. Bugle-weed Occasional; throughout the emergent marsh. Padgett 205. Lycopus uniflorus Michx. Bugle-wee ommon; throughout the emergent marsh. Padgett 240. Scutellaria galericulata L. Common Scullcap Uncommon; growing in wet mud of northwestern shore. Padgett 208. LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia gibba L. Creeping Bladderwort Abundant; in open water areas throughout the wetland. Padgett 57, 133. Utricularia minor L. Lesser Bladderwort Uncommon; growing in very shallow pools floating on surface between other vegetation. Padgett 250. LYTHRACEAE Lythrum salicaria L. Purple Loosestrife Common; throughout the emergent marsh areas. Padgett 75, 114, 124. MYRICACEAE Myrica gale L. Sweet Gale Uncommon; in emergent wetland at island shore edge of northern area. Padgett 19]. NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar variegata Durand Yellow Water-lily Occasional; in open water areas close to shores. Padgett 126. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 21 ONAGRACEAE Epilobium palustre L. Marsh Willow-herb Uncommon; growing in emergent marsh areas. Padgett Ludwigia palustre (L.) Elliott. Common Water-purslane Frequent; growing throughout the open water areas and on the muddy bottoms of the emergent areas. Padgett 63, 129. POLYGONACEAE Polygonum amphibium L. var. emersum Michx. Water Smartweed Common; throughout the marsh on the elevated islands and emergent areas. Padgett 148, 180, 238, 247. Polygonum arifolium L. Tearthumb Occasional; growing with Polygonum sagittatum. Padgett 193. Polygonum lapathifolium L. Pale Smartweed Uncommon; growing on a beaver den in northern area. Padgett 172. Polygonum punctatum Ell. var. punctatum Water Smartweed Frequent; throughout the open emergent wetland. Padgett 186, 190. Polygonum sagittatum L. Arrow-vine mon; at the edges of the open water areas. Padgett 179,36). Rumex crispus L. Curly Dock Uncommon; at the northern edge of the wetland. Padgett 177. PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP. Bulbil-loosestrife Frequent; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 152, 219, 239, 242. ROSACEAE SPIRAEA LATIFOLIA (Aiton) Borkh. Meadowsweet Uncommon; throughout emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 85. SPIRAEA TOMENTOSA L. Hardhack 22 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Common, throughout emergent areas, but more frequent in open western area. Padgett 91, 137. RUBIACEAE Galium palustre L. Marsh Bedstraw Common; growing in the lower parts of the emergent veg- etation throughout the wetland. Padgett 83. SALICACEAE Salix nigra Marshall Black Willow Uncommon; growing along the northern and western outer shores. Padgett 200. SAXIFRAGACEAE Penthorum sedoides L. Ditch-stonecrop Occasional; growing in open emergent areas and cattail stands of western side of wetland. Padgett 207. SCROPHULARIACEAE Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell Purple Gerardia Uncommon; growing in marsh area along the western lim- its of the wetland. Padgett 214. Mimulus ringens L. Monkey Flower Occasional; growing in emergent marsh areas throughout the northern half of the wetland. Padgett 165, 178. SOLANACEAE Solanum dulcamara L. Bittersweet Occasional; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 62, ee URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Bog Hemp Uncommon; growing along outer edge of wetland in north- west area. Padgett 257. VERBENACEAE Verbena hastata L. Blue Vervain 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 23 Uncommon; growing along the outer edges of the wetland. Padgett 203. VIOLACEAE Viola lanceolata L. Strap-leaved Violet Locally abundant; growing in moist soil of western open marsh area. Padgett 255. MONOCOTYLEDONS ALISMATACEAE Alisma triviale Pursh. Northern Water-plantain Occasional; growing in muddy substrate throughout the wetland. Padgett 96, 166. Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Common Arrow-head Occasional; in shallow water at southwest end of wetland. Padgett 97, 176. CYPERACEAE Carex comosa Boott Long-hair Sedge Common; throughout the emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 67, 107, 144. Carex lurida Wahl. Lurid Sedge Common; Throughout the emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 98, 168. Carex lupulina Willd. Hop Sedge ncommon; in emergent area along western perimeter. Padgett 258. Carex pseudocyperus L. Cyperus-like Sedge ommon; throughout the emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 132. Carex scoparia Schk. Broom Sedge Frequent; throughout the emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 70, 109. Carex stricta Lam. Tussock Sedge Occasional; along the outer shore edges and emergent marsh areas. Padgett 72. Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Fox Sedge 24 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Frequent; throughout the emergent areas of the wetland. Padgett 143, 154. Cyperus strigosus L. Umbrella Sedge Uncommon; growing along western and northern shores. Padgett 196. Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britt. Three-way Sedge Locally abundant; growing in open marsh area of western shore. Padgett 215. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R.&S. Needle-rush ommon; growing along muddy shores and throughout the emergent marsh. Padgett 99, 173. Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Shultes Blunt Spike-rush ommon; growing throughout emergent marsh areas and shallow pools. Padgett 169. Eleocharis smallii Britt. Small’s Spike-rush Occasional; throughout the emergent areas, but more lo- cally abundant growing out of shallow pools of western half of wetland. Padgett 73. Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Shultes var. tenuis Slender Spike- rush Occasional; in wet mud open areas or below Typha latifolia stands. Padgett 170. Rhynchospora capitellata (Michx.) Vahl. Beakrush Uncommon; growing in wooded area of northwestern re- gion of wetland. Padgett 226. Scirpus atrocinctus Fern. Black-girdle Bulrush ncommon; growing along northern and southern outer limits of wetland. Padgett 159. Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth. Wool Grass Frequent; Growing in emergent areas throughout the wet- land. Padgett 161, 189. Scirpus hattorianus Makino Uncommon; growing along outer limits of the wetland. Padgett 150, 225. Scirpus pungens Vahl. Three-square Bulrush Uncommon; growing in wet soil along the northwestern shore. Padgett 194. Scirpus tabernaemontanii K.C. Gmel. (= S. validus Vahl) Great Soft-stem Bulrush Frequent; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 112, 122. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 25 IRIDACEAE Tris versicolor L. Northern Blue Flag ncommon; growing along the edges of open pools around the islands. Padgett 115, 136. JUNCACEAE Juncus articulatus L. Jointed Rush Frequent; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 131, 135,403,171; Joe. Juncus canadensis J. Gay Canada Rush Occasional; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 223, 224 Juncus effusus L. Soft Rush Abundant; throughout the emergent wetland. Padgett 66, 60, 111, 117, LEMNACEAE emna minor L. Common Duckweed Abundant; floating on surface throughout the open water and Typha stands. Padgett 116. Wolffia columbiana Karst. Water-meal Uncommon; floating on surface in open water with Lemna minor at north end of study site. Site Record. NAJADACEAE Najas minor Allioni. Eutrophic Water-nymph Common; in open water with Chara cf. vulgaris Padgett 167, 236. POACEAE Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. Reed Bent Grass Common; in emergent areas around the perimeter of the wetland. Padgett 120, 153, 251. Echinochloa crusgalli (L) Beauv. Barnyard Grass Uncommon; in emergent marsh areas. Padgett 213, 248. Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin. Rattlesnake Manna Grass ncommon; along outer edge of the western shore. Padgett 259. 26 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw var. oryzoides Rice Cut Grass Common; in emergent marsh areas. Padgett 241, 249. Panicum villosissimum Nash. Panic Grass Uncommon; growing in open areas adjacent with upland islands. Padgett 192. Panicum rigidulum Nees. Panic Grass Uncommon; in emergent marsh areas. Padgett 244. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canary Grass Frequent; growing along the outer edges of the wetland. Padgett 60, 65, 93, 108, 119, 162. Poa palustris L. Fowl Bluegrass Occasional; in open marsh areas. Padgett 174. PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata L. Pickerel-weed Occasional; in shallow open water areas close to the shore, forming dense stands. Padgett 102, 123. POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerman Big-leaf Pondweed Uncommon; in open water area with Potamogeton natans at southeast end of wetland. Padgett 127. Potamogeton foliosus Raf. var. foliosus Leafy Pondweed Frequent; in open water areas throughout the wetland. Padgett 164. Potamogeton natans L. Floating Pondweed Abundant; throughout open water areas. Padgett 57, 74, 130 Potamogeton pusillus L. var. tenuissimus Mert. and Koch Slender Pondweed Frequent; in open water areas throughout the wetland. Padgett 118, 128. SPARGANIACEAE Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. Giant Bur-reed Common; in shallow water areas throughout the marsh, but more frequent along the western edge of the wetland. Padgett 53, 88. 1994] Padgett and Crow— Wetland 2] TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia L. Narrow leaved Cattail Occasional; growing intermixed with Typha latifolia along pool edges and in thick stands. Padgett 77, 142. Typha latifolia L. Common Cattail Abundant; throughout the wetland, often encroaching the open pools. Padgett 78. In conclusion, the vegetation component of this relatively young created wetland appears to be quite heterogeneous with a diverse floristic composition comprising seven discernible vegetation cover types. One hundred and four vascular plant species are docu- mented from the wetland including two species listed as rare for New Hampshire and the first state record for an introduced weedy species. What makes this site remarkable is that although it is floristically diverse there was no direct planting of wetland plants during its construction. The challenge of establishing diverse, functional wetland plant communities at this site appears to have been met essentially by the transplantation of wetland muck. This point should be stressed for future considerations in mitigation project planning. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Drs. A. Linn Bogle and Thomas D. Lee, University of New Hampshire, for their helpful comments on the manuscript. We are grateful to Kathleen M. McCauley for her assistance in the field. Albert Garlo, Normandeau Associates Inc., kindly provided mitigation information on the H.C.A. site. Dr. Clotilde Straus, former chair of the Portsmouth Conservation Commission, was instrumental in the selection of the site for suitable wetland mitigation and providing additional buffer to an important Atlantic White Cedar Swamp conservation area. She also kindly provided us with her floristic information on the study site which she prepared prior to any mitigation efforts. This paper is Scientific Contribution Number 1823 from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. LITERATURE CITED Burke, D. G., E. J. Meyers, R. E. TINER AND H. GROMAN. 1988. 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Management of freshwater marshes fo wildlife, pp. 267- 284 n: R. E. Good, D. F. Whigham and R. L. Sim , Eds., Freshwater cae Ecological Processes and WManasenient Boe ati Academic Press, New York, NY. Wentz, W. A. ANDR. L. Stuckey. 1971. The changing distribution of the genus coe (Najadaceae) 1n Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 71(5): 292-302. DEPARTMENT OF PLANT BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03824 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 30-43, 1994 OBSERVATIONS ON REPRODUCTION IN TRIPHORA TRIANTHOPHORA (ORCHIDACEAE) SUSAN A. WILLIAMS ABSTRACT A small population of the orchid Triphora trianthophora in western Massachu- setts was investigated over a six-year period (1988 through 1993). Observations on the flowering habits and seed capsule production are described, as well as vegetative reproduction by means of tuberoids. Triphora produces an abundance of short-lived flowers yet very few capsules are initiated. The majority of Tri- phora’s existence is spent underground reproducing asexually by means of new tuberoids. Key Words: Triphora trianthophora, orchid, tuberoids INTRODUCTION Triphora trianthophora is a small woodland orchid, elusive and secretive, appearing abundantly one year and rare or absent for many succeeding years (Lownes, 1920; Ames, 1948; Sheviak, 1974; Brackley, 1981). Triphora trianthophora also shows syn- chronous flowering, the majority of its short-lived flowers appear 48 hours after a temperature drop (Brackley, 1981; Keenan, 1986, 1988; Sheviak, 1974). In fact, all species of 7riphora which are not self-pollinating exhibit gregarious flowering (Dressler, 1981) apparently to increase their chances of cross-pollination (Luer, 1975). Even so, Triphora trianthophora rarely sets seed (Lownes, 1920; Keenan, 1992). The most unusual feature of this orchid, however, is its exis- tence for years at a time in a subterranean, tuberous condition (Lownes, 1920; Ames, 1948; Zavitz and Gaiser, 1956). Although the tribe Triphoreae appears to be a relic group with no close allies, it does share a unique feature with members of the tribes Orchideae, Diseae and Diurideae in having these root-stem tuber- oids (Dressler, 1981). I started observing the underground tuber- olds of Triphora in part because of a statement made by Oakes Ames in 1948 in that he supposed there was a “... maximum size for the tubers that bear flowering stems.” Every plant of T. trianthophora has from one to numerous tuberoids attached by stolons. These tuberoids are thickened underground storage struc- tures superficially similar to tubers, but structurally different. As Dressler (1981) points out, true tubers are not found in orchids. 30 1994] Williams— 7riphora 34 The primary tuberoid contains the apical bud which may form a new shoot in the growing season. Axillary buds form secondary tuberoids at the end of slender stolons. These secondary tuberoids continue to increase in size with the age of the plant, along with increasing length of the stolon. The stolon tends to grow down- wards into the leaf litter so that with accumulating litter accounts for the depth of the primary tuberoids. These secondary tuberoids on becoming detached from the parent plant form primary tuber- oids of new plants with the same genotype as the parent. Most plants, however, do not form flowering shoots but remain in the leaf litter (pers. obs.), and these plants consist of primary and secondary tuberoids as seen in Figure 4a and 4b. This paper presents the observations gathered over six years on: 1) sexual reproduction in Triphora trianthophora, in particular the reason for low capsule set; and 2) vegetative reproduction in Triphora, particularly the underground growth form with possible correlations to population fluctuations, and the relationship be- tween primary tuberoid size and the plant’s reproductive status. METHODS I became acquainted with 7riphora trianthophora in 1988, when I began studies on a small population in western Massachusetts for the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. The study site comprises an area of approximately two acres of northern hardwood forest dominated by Fagus grandifolia and Acer saccharum. The site is on a southeast facing slope at an elevation of 900-1100 feet. It is midslope being approximately 300 feet above the Deerfield River basin. The study area was subdivided into distinct sites where the plants were located. In 1988 there were 25 sites and in each succeeding year I found additional sites until there were a total of 72 sites in 1993, all within the general area. The cumulative total of vegetative and reproductive plants observed over the six year period was 1448. I observed the plants on a daily basis for their entire above- ground existence of approximately one month, from their first emergence through the litter, to capsule set. Each site was mon- itored for the total number of plants; number of vegetative plants; ae Rhodora [Vol. 96 plants which produced buds but failed to blossom (in all cases this was due to some type of herbivory); plants which blossomed but did not initiate a seedpod; and plants which ripened seedpods. Percent capsule set was determined by the ratio of capsules set to total buds produced by the population. While collecting data on each site, any pollinators or floral visitors were noted, and also whether the plants had undergone any type of herbivory. A few plants that did not produce capsules were carefully re- moved from the litter and the length of their primary tuberoid was measured. This group included small primary tuberoids which had never produced any stem; tuberoids with hyaline stems (frag- ile, translucent stems remaining under the litter not producing leaves or flowers but with one or more secondary tuberoids at- tached); vegetative plants (those having above-ground stems with one small leaflet but no flowers); and plants with one, two, three, or four flowers. As I started removing litter I also noted many other tuberoids in the same vicinity that had produced neither leafy nor flowering stems. These consisted of a primary tuberoid and one to many secondary tuberoids. Some had hyaline stems with secondary tuberoids but had never produced above-ground stems. Many large tuberoids were also noted which had previously produced above-ground stems but had not produced any in the current year. These tuberoids were not measured. Due to the invasive nature of measuring primary tuberoid length, only a small sample was measured each year. A yearly comparison was made of the total number of plants for the original 25 sites as well as comparing fluctuations within individual sites. RESULTS Observations on Sexual Reproduction Throughout the six-year study period, the majority of Triphora trianthophora plant produced flower-bearing stems; only 10% or less failed to flower in any given year. (Figure 1). Most of the plants bore one or two flowers; those having three of four were much less frequent totaling less than 10% in any given year. This pattern remained relatively constant over six years. 1994] Williams— 7riphora 33 60; ‘ 31988 aol 1989 1990 301 m@ 1991 1992 L] 1993 Percent of Total Population = NN ee me AS we. N = E B e SS rare ee 200 cm in most Group I sites to 0-15 cm in areas with visible groundwater seepage (Group III). Where organic sediments occur, the degree of de- able 2. Environmental characteristics of calcareous fens of western New England and adjacent New York State (average value with range in ee Groups and vegetation types numbered as in Figure 3. Color refers to filtered samples (1 = clear, 2 = moderate, 3 = dark). No. of Conductivity Depth* Von Post Color Samples pH (umho) ee a (cm) (0-10) (1-3) Group I 12 6.6 (6.0-7.1) 415 (87-1151) 31 (11-62) 10 (4-17) 200 3 (2-3) 2 (1-3) Type | 7 6.5 (6.0-7.0) 213 (87-322) 22 (11-34) 10 (4-17) 200 3 (3-3) 2 (1-3) Type 2 5 6.8 (6.5-7.1) 697 (225-1151) 43 (26-62) 10 (7-14) 200 3 (2-3) 2 (1-3 Group II 26 6.9 (6.5—7.7) 366 (208-581) 43 (8-65) 19 (7-32) 135 (20-200) 7 (3-9) 2 (1-3 Type 3 5 6.8 (6.7-6.8) 391 (251-505) 43 (34-52) 19 (11-26) 171 (55-200) 5 (3-8) 2 (1-2 Type 4 7 6.8 (6.5-7.4) 341 (225-461) 50 (30-62) 16 (10-22) 141 (65-200) 7 (3-9) 1 (1-3 Type 5 9 7.1 (6.7-7.7) 371 (248-515) 45 (16-65) 19 (7-32) 103 (20-200) 8 (3-9) 2 (1-3 Type 6 5 6.9 (6.7-7.2) 368 (208-581) 35 (8-50) 22 (15-29) 150 (75-200) 5 (3-9) 1 (1-2) Group III 10 7.2 (6.9-8.1) 333 (158-478) 46 (26-62) 17 (8-23) 20 (0-70) 7 (3-9) 1 (1-2) Type 7 10 7.2 (6.9-8.1) 333 (158-478) 46 (26-62) 17 (8-23) 20 (0-70) 7 (3-9) 1 (1-2) * Maximum value of 200 cm. 58 Rhodora [Vol. 96 composition within the uppermost one meter of sediments varies from largely undecomposed peat (Von Post scale: 2-3) in many Group I plots, to highly decomposed muck (Von Post: 7-9) in Group II sites. Correlation analyses indicate a significant negative relationship between depth of organic sediments and pH (R = —.63; P = .OOO1), degree of pero pOsuon (R = —.45; P = .0017), and Mg concentration (R = —.33; P = .02). Ca concentration is positively correlated with Mg concentration (R = .58; P = .0001), and with conductivity (R = .49; P = .0004), and both Ca and Mg are negatively correlated with hydrogen ion concentration (Ca: R = —.39, P= .01; Mg: R= —.39, P= .01). pH is positively correlated with degree of decomposition of peat (R = .34; P =.03). Water color is positively correlated with hydrogen ion concentration (R = 36; P= .01). Relationship Between Vegetation and Environment Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA; ter Braak, 1986), a form of direct gradient analysis in which the vegetation ordination is constrained by environmental data, was used to relate vege- tation variability to measured environmental variables. In the resulting ordination (Figure 4), relevés separate primarily along gradients of depth of organic sediments, pH, and degree of de- composition of organics. Ca, Mg, conductivity, and water color account for less of the variability in the vegetation. Combined, these environmental factors account for a relatively low percent- age of the total variability of the vegetation (~ 25%), reflecting the fact that the fens investigated are highly variable with respect to vegetation and water chemistry. ter Braak (1986) has noted this pattern for other data sets, suggesting that CCA may still be useful in cases where a relatively low percentage of the total vari- ability is accounted for by the ordination diagram. The hierarchical nature of cluster analysis allows one to test the hypothesis that different environmental variables are asso- ciated with vegetation variation at different levels of classification. For example, in montane systems one might hypothesize that elevation gradients are responsible for patterns of vegetation vari- ation at a coarse level. Within a particular elevation zone, how- ever, local edaphic factors (rather than elevation) might control patterns of vegetation variation. Duncan’s Multiple Range Tests 1994] Motzkin—Calcareous Fens 59 ‘ e ‘ ‘si a <50cm organic ..”” 50-200cm / >200cm organic sediments sediments ‘ organic / sediments + -0O5 Figure 4. Plot of CCA sample ordination for axes | and 2 Broken ines dis- tinguish plots with > 200 cm, 50-200 cm, and <50 cm of organic Solid wavy lines separate plots with pH values of >7.3, 7.0-7.3, and <7.0. An outlier with respect to pH class (pH = 7.4) is indicated by an open circle. were used to determine which environmental factors differ sig- nificantly with respect to major vegetation groups and subgroups defined by cluster analysis. At the coarse level of classification, depth to mineral soil is the only variable measured that differs significantly (P = .0001) be- tween all three groups. Hydrogen ion concentration, Mg, and degree of decomposition of organics (Von Post value) for Group 60 Rhodora [Vol. 96 I are significantly different (P = .01, P = .0004 and P = .0001, respectively) from Groups II and III (which are not different from each other). Calcium levels are different (P = .07) between Groups I and III, but not between Groups I and II or between Groups II and III. Conductivity and color of filtered samples do not vary significantly among the three groups. These results suggest that Groups I and III (defined by cluster analysis of relevé data) are most different with respect to environmental parameters (e.g., depth of sediments, pH, Mg, degree of decomposition, and Ca) and that Group II is intermediate with respect to these variables. As with the CCA results, depth to mineral soil is the single variable most strongly associated with vegetation patterns at this level of classification. Similar analyses were performed to determine environmental differences between subgroups within each major cluster group. Within Group I, Subgroup 1A differs significantly from Subgroup 1B with respect to Ca concentration (P = .0223) and conductivity (P = .0098). Within Group II, only Von Post values differ between the subgroups (P = .0767), with Subgroup IIB1 significantly dif- ferent from Subgroup IIAI (but not from I[A2 and IIB2), and Subgroups ITA], IfA2, and IIB2 not significantly different from each other. No other environmental parameters tested differ sig- nificantly between subgroups defined by cluster analysis. Group III contains only one subgroup (IIIA) considered to be a distinct vegetation type, and so was not included in this level of analysis. DISCUSSION Relationship of Vegetation to other North American Fens The coarse level of classification determined through cluster analysis of relevé data can be related to existing classifications of calcareous wetlands. Group I corresponds to a Lake Basin Gra- minoid Fen type described from the Northeast (Rawinski, 1984; Weatherbee, 1990), and to a Rich Graminoid Fen type of New York State (Reschke, 1990). Dominant species in this group are also recorded from minerotrophic fens of northern Michigan (Schwintzer, 1978). Group II contains elements of the Seepage Swamps of highly calcareous soils described by McVaugh (1957) 1994] Motzkin—Calcareous Fens 61 and the Seepage Marsh of Rawinski (1984), which he describes as having characteristics of both fen and marsh. Rich-fen types from Britain are structurally similar to Group II vegetation (Wheeler, 1980). Group III, which corresponds to Reschke’s (1990) Rich Sloping Fen and to Rawinski’s (1984) Calcareous Sloping Fen, contains several species considered to be ‘rich fen indicator species’ in Ontario (e.g., Carex leptalea, Eriophorum viridi-cari- natum, Scorpidium scorpioides; Sims et al., 1982). Several of the vegetation types (subgroups) described here are also related to types found elsewhere in North America. The Carex lasiocarpa-Cladium mariscoides Type (Subgroup IA) has been described from a Maine peatland (Rawinski and Rooney, 1989). The vascular vegetation of the Carex aquatilis Type is apparently related to the Drepanocladus revolvens-Carex aquatilis association found in patterned rich fens in western Alberta (Slack et al., 1980), although none of the study sites investigated in our region display the physiographic patterning typical of fens in bo- real climates (Foster and King, 1984; Glaser, 1987). Additional work is needed to evaluate the bryophyte composition of this type. The Betula pumila Type corresponds to a ‘larch-birch-sumac swamp type’ described from a site included in this investigation (McVaugh, 1957) and to the Rich Shrub Fens of New York (Reschke, 1990). The Carex stricta Type 1s apparently similar to the Sedge Meadow communities found in Maine and New York (Reschke, 1990; Gawler, 1991). No published descriptions cor- respond closely to the Typha angustifolia- Carex lasiocarpa Type. The Carex interior-C. leptalea-C. flava Type contains species described by numerous authors as typical of rich calcareous fens (e.g., Sims et al., 1982; Vitt and Chee, 1990), although no specific reference to this association occurs from outside the region. Field observations suggest that two additional vegetation as- sociations occur in fens of the region but were inadequately sam- pled in the current study. A Scirpus acutus association was ob- served in several of the largest peatland fens and along marl pond shores. Also, extensive Phragmites communis-dominated areas occur in association with several of the vegetation types described above. Additional sampling is required to relate these associations to the vegetation classification presented here and to those de- veloped for other regions of North America. 62 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Environmental Characteristics Several authors have related vegetation patterns to environ- mental characteristics of graminoid-dominated peatland fens elsewhere in North America (Schwintzer, 1978; Slack et al., 1980; Sims et al., 1982; Foster and King, 1984; Vitt and Chee, 1990). Comparison of environmental characteristics reported here (Ta- ble 2) with those of previous investigations (Table 3) suggests that the groups and subgroups defined in the current study are com- parable to minerotrophically rich fens sampled throughout North America. Of the types considered here, Group I is apparently the least ‘rich’ (with respect to surface water chemistry), Group II sites are intermediate, and Group III may be characterized as extremely rich (Table 2). Group I represents a peatland-fen type characterized by deep organic sediments, permanently saturated conditions, and con- solidated or floating, sedge-dominated organic mats. Although little is known of the developmental history of these fens in our region, preliminary observations of the macrofossil stratigraphy of two sediment cores extracted from Kampoosa Fen in Stock- bridge, MA indicate that since the development of a peat mat at this site, fairly uniform sedge and shrub-sedge peat has accu- mulated to a depth of 270 cm. This suggests that vegetation struc- turally similar to the modern vegetation has occupied the site since the time of peat mat establishment. Although the time it has taken for these 270 cm of sediments to accumulate is not known, an estimate of a few thousand years seems reasonable, based on estimates of peat accumulation rates from throughout northeastern North America. Thus, the vegetation at this site appears relatively stable and there is no indication of rapid in- filling or terrestrialization. Sites supporting Group II vegetation are characterized by 50- 200+ cm of moderate to well-decomposed organic sediments occurring in a variety of seasonally inundated depressions and drainages. Vegetation characteristic of this group occurs in basins that also support Group I vegetation, in canopy gaps within rich forested swamps, in drainages with current or former beaver im- poundments, and in level to slightly sloping sites adjacent to Group III vegetation. Group III sites are slightly to moderately sloping with ground- water seepage frequently visible in distinct rivulets. In areas of Table 3. Chemical properties of waters from North American wetlands (average values with range in parentheses). From Zoltai (1988). Wetland No. of Conductivity MG Class Samples pH (umho) (mg/liter) (mg/liter) Source Bog 18 4.0 (3.7-4.4) — 2.3 (1.2-3.7) 0.4 (0.2-0.9) Schwintzer (1981) 13 (4.6-5.1) (35-62) (0.2-0.8) (0.1-0.2) Gauthier (1980) 10 (3.84.4) 31 0.2 | Foster and King (1984) Fen (poor) 193 (4.6—5.2) (18-59) (0.44.8) (0.1-0.7) Gauthier (1980) 14 (4.7-5.5) 49 0.3 0.2 Foster and King (1984) | 5.0 ~ 2.4 0.4 Vitt et al. (1975) Fen (moder- 42 5.2 65 1.1 0.2 Gauthier (1980) ately poor) Fen (interme- 9 7.2 (6.8-7.9) 281 (140-456) 28 (18-37) 11 (4-28) Slack et al. (1980) diate to rich) 2] 6.1 (5.2-6.9) 59 (33-128) 10 (4-18) _ Glaser et al. (1981) 5 6.5 (5.4-7.1) oa 43 (7-124) 10 (2-15) Schwintzer (1978) Swamp (conif- 12 7.2 (6.9-7.8) ~ 40 (22-52) 12 (8-17) Schwintzer (1981) 64 Rhodora [Vol. 96 heavy groundwater discharge, mineral soil is typically exposed. Elsewhere, small hummocks develop with shallow accumulations of organic matter. Field observations suggest that the importance of woody species in seepage fens is inversely related to distur- bance, with more highly disturbed sites (i.e., those that are flooded by beavers, grazed, or mowed) supporting only low, scattered shrubs. A similar pattern has been described from European fens (Regnéll, 1980; Peterson, 1989). Environmental Gradients and Vegetation Distribution CCA analyses indicate that depth to mineral soil is the envi- ronmental parameter that accounts for the greatest portion of the variability in the relevé data, with degree of decomposition of organics and pH also important. Duncan’s Multiple Range Tests also indicate depth as a significant variable, along with degree of decomposition, pH, Ca, and Mg concentrations. In the study sites considered, depth of peat probably reflects a gradient of ‘rate of groundwater-flow’ ranging from ‘slow’ (and poorly aerated) in well-defined basins with deep peat accumulations (Group I), to relatively ‘rapid’ (and well aerated) in sloping (Group III) sites that lack peat. Depth of peat may also indicate the relative avail- ability to vegetation of nutrients or cations derived from contact with mineral soil. The results of both CCA and Duncan’s Multiple Range Tests suggest the importance of both hydrologic gradients (as indicated by depth of organic sediments) and ionic gradients related to alkalinity-acidity (pH, Mg, and Ca concentrations) in determining the variability between the rich fen types considered here, Similar hydrologic and ionic gradients have been related to vegetation distribution in fen types throughout North America. Peat depth, pH, water levels, and water chemistry are related to differences between fens in Canada (Slack et al., 1980; Sims et al., 1982; Vitt and Chee, 1990). Vegetation variation in a peat and marl fen in western New York is related to complex gradients associated with hydrology, soil organic matter, and soil carbonate- carbon concentrations (Bernard et al., 1983). In one of the few detailed studies to consider non-peatland fens, Boyer and Wheeler (1989) suggest that structural and compositional variation in seep- age fens in Britain is related to differences in phosphorus avail- ability between high and low groundwater discharge areas. 1994] Motzkin—Calcareous Fens 65 At a fine level of classification, subgroups within Group II do not differ significantly with respect to most environmental pa- rameters measured. This probably reflects the high degree of vari- ability of the measured environmental parameters, a pattern not- ed by several authors (e.g., Sims et al., 1982) for rich fens elsewhere in North America. Within Group I, relevés in the Carex lasiocarpa-Cladium mar- iscoides Type differ significantly from those in the Carex aquatilis Type with respect to Ca concentration and conductivity, but not with respect to depth of organics or degree of decomposition. This suggests an ionic (alkalinity-acidity) rather than hydrologic gra- dient, with the Carex lasiocarpa-Cladium mariscoides Type rep- resenting the ‘poorer’ type. This corresponds well with the ob- servation that in the northeastern United States, Carex lasiocarpa occurs at sites ranging from poor to rich, whereas Carex aquatilis is restricted to minerotrophically rich sites. These results also suggest that with respect to Group I, different environmental gra- dients (hydrologic vs. minerotrophic) may be associated with veg- etation variation at different levels of classification. CONCLUSIONS Calcareous fens of western New England and adjacent New York State are similar to rich peatland fens throughout North America with respect to species composition, water chemistry, and the influence of hydrologic and minerotrophic gradients on vegetation distribution. Future attempts to develop regional clas- sifications of fens should more fully evaluate seepage and sea- sonally inundated types. In cases where hydrologic and ionic (al- kalinity-acidity) gradients do not appear to explain observed variability in vegetation, factors such as nutrients, developmental history, response to disturbance, or biotic interactions may be significant. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank D. Foster, K. Metzler, W. Patterson, L. Sneddon, B. Sorrie, and P. Swain for support and helpful guidance, H. Crum, N. Slack, and L. Standley for assistance with plant identification, and P. Weatherbee and T. Zebryk for assistance with field work. This study was improved by the critical reviews of D. Foster, F. 66 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Gerhardt, A. Lezberg, C. Mabry, W. Patterson, G. Whitney, and B. Wilson Funding for this project was provided by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program and the East- ern Heritage Task Force of The Nature Conservancy. LITERATURE CITED BERNARD, J. M., F. K. SEISCHAB AND H. G. GAucu, Jr. 1983. Gradient aa of the vegetation of the Byron-Bergen swamp, a rich fen in western York. Vegetatio 53: 85-91. Boyer, M. C. H. AND B. D. WHEELER. 1989. Vegetation patterns in spring-fed calcareous fens: calcite precipitation and constraints on fertility. J. Ecol. 77: 597-609 CLymo, R. S. 1983. Peat, pp. 159-224. In: A. J. P. Gore, Ed., Ecosystems of the World, 4A, Mires: Swamp, Bog, Fen, and Moor. General Studies. 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HARVARD FOREST HARVARD UNIVERSITY PETERSHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01366 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 69-74, 1994 CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SOME LATIN AMERICAN SPECIES OF ALNUS (BETULACEAE) GUILLERMO RESTREPO AND CAMILLE GERVAIS ABSTRACT The chromosome numbers of A/nus acuminata H.B.K. ssp. acuminata, A. ac- uminata ssp. arguta (Schlechtendal) Furlow and A. jorullensis H.B.K. ssp. jorul- lensis were determined on material from 10 different localities of 4 Latin American countries: Columbia (6 stations), Venezuela (1), Costa Rica (2) and Guatemala (1). All the species were tetraploid (2n = 28), A. acuminata ssp. arguta and A. Jorullensis ssp. jorullensis being cytologically studied for the first time. Key Words: chromosome numbers, tropical highland forest, A/nus acuminata, Alnus jorullensis, Columbia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala INTRODUCTION The present paper is a part of a comprehensive study, initiated in 1990 by the first author, on the genetic variation and ecology of Alnus acuminata H.B.K. ssp. acuminata. in Columbia. This species has a large geographical and ecological distribution along the Andes cordillera, from western Venezuela to northern Argentina (Furlow, 1979), In Columbia, A. acuminata behaves as a pioneer species whose normal distribution is between 1700 and 3300 m in the Central and the Oriental cordilleras (Del Valle Arango and Gonzalez Pérez, 1988). According to the classification system of Holdridge (1967), A. acuminata is present in the fol- lowing types of habitats: dry forest-lower montane (df-LM), moist forest-lower montane (mf-LM), wet forest-lower montane (wf- LM), moist forest-montane (mf-M) and wet forest-montane (wf-M). In the Central cordillera the species presents itself as a tree which can grow up to 40 m high and 70 cm in diameter. In the Oriental cordillera, however, mostly shrubby specimens are ob- served and only a few trees in certain habitats exceed 10 m Because of these phenotypic (or possibly genetic) variations, chromosome counts on some representative individuals of the species in its natural and more septentrional area were carried out. The only previous cytological determinations on Latin Amer- ican material of this taxon were those of Giusti (1989) from Tu- cuman, in Argentina, and those of Coba de Gutiérrez and Al- varado de Coral (1989) from Manizales in Columbia. The chromosome number 2n = 28 was reported in both cases. As a 69 70 Rhodora [Vol. 96 complement to the present chromosomes studies on the typical subspecies (ssp. acuminata), additional counts were realized on ssp. arguta, from Costa Rica, and on A. jorullensis from Guate- mala. The chromosome number 2n = 28 was the only one found in the native species of A/nus in Canada and in the United States (Furlow, 1979), though at least five ploidy levels are reported in the genus. Besides the tetraploid level (2n = 28) which is the most common, a diploid species (A. inocumae Mur & Kus. = A. hirsuta Turkz. var. microphylla Kusaka) 1s indicated for Japan (Chiva, 1962) and many European and Asiatic species have 2n = 42 or 2n = 56 chromosomes (Gram et al., 1941; Chiva, 1966; Furlow, 1979; Hall and Maynard, 1979; Bousquet and Lalonde, 1990). Finally, A. firma Sieb. & Zucc. and A. sieboldiana Matsum. from Japan are reported to possess 2n = 112 chromosomes (Kodama, 1967, 1970), at least in the root nodule tissues. A few species are reputed to present two or three polyploidy levels: A. cordata and A. orientalis Decne. have both 2n = 28 or 42, A. hirsuta Turez. 2n = 28 or 2n = 56, A. glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., A. japonica Sieb. et Zucc. and A. subcordata Mey. 2n = 28, 42, or 56 chromosomes (Gram et al., 1941; Chiva, 1966; Furlow, 1979; Hall and Maynard, 1979; Bousquet and Lalonde, 1990). The chromosome number 2n = 42 could be interpreted as the result of hybridization (Gram et al., 1941; Furlow, 1979). MATERIAL AND METHODS Nutlets of A. acuminata ssp. acuminata from 7 stations (6 from Columbia, one from Venezuela) were collected between June and August, 1990, by the first author. Additional seeds (4. acuminata ssp. arguta from two stations in Costa Rica and A. jorullensis from one provenance in Guatemala) were also received by ex- change services. The seeds were sterilized in 6% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes, washed in 70% ethanol for 30 seconds and rinsed in sterile distilled water for another 30 seconds. Afterwards they were sown on a 5 mm layer of silica in Petri dishes. The Petri dishes were kept in a germination incubator with a 12 hour pho- toperiod and 80% humidity. The day temperature was 23°C and the night 18°C. For the cytological study, seedlings were collected when the first Table 1. Chromosome counts in A/nus acuminata H.B.K. and A. jorullensis H.B.K. from Latin America. Chr. Latitude Longitude Altitude No. of Number* Cordillera Locality (N) (W) (m) Tree (2n) A, acuminata H.B.K. ssp. acuminata Columbia Nudo de Pasto Santa Lucia, La Cocha (Narifio) 1°03’ TOS 2710 C18-1 28 Central Rio Piendam6o, Silvia (Cauca) 2°36’ 76°21’ 2300 C32-5 28 Central Rio Verde, Pijao (Quindio) 4°20' 75°36! 2290 C07-3 28 Central Cocora, Salento (Quindio) 4°45’ use 2600 C11-2 28 Central La Cristalina, Neira (Caldas) 5°21! 73°32! 2380 C02-3 28 Oriental Rio Pémeca, Arcabuco (Boyaca) 5°44’ 73°26' 2790 C30-5 28 Venezuela Oriental Rio Chama, Tabay (Mérida) 8°38’ 71°04’ 2050 C27-2 28 A. acuminata ssp. arguta (Schlechtendal) Furlow Costa Rica Talamanca Jardin, Sta. Maria Dota (Cartago) 9°42’ 83°57’ 2000 CR-1 28 Volcanica Central Prusia, Llano Grande (Cartago) 9°56' 83°54’ 2200 L125-1 28 A. jorullensis H.B.K. ssp. jorullensis Guatemala Tierras Altas Siguampar (Sacatéquez) 14°35’ 90°48’ 2000 AJ91-1 28 * The chromosome numbers have been counted from seeds collected in situ. oe) Rhodora [Vol. 96 Figures 1-3. Somatic chromosomes in A/nus. 1. A. acuminata ssp. acuminata; metaphase (2n = 28) in young leaf tissue after cold treatment (7 hr. at 4°C); Arcabuco, Columbia. 2. A. acuminata ssp. arguta, metaphase (2n = 28) in root tip tissue after cold treatment of plantlet (7 hr. at 4°C); Santa Maria de Dot Costa Rica. 3. A. jorullensis ssp. jorullensis; metaphase (2n = 28) in root tip fiscue after cold treatment of plantlet (7 hr. at 4°C); Siguampar, Guatemala. pair of leaves appeared and were deposited in cold water in a refrigerator (4°C) for about 7 hours. This pre-treatment was nec- essary to shorten the chromosomes before the fixation of the seedlings in a 3:1 mixture of anhydrous alcohol and glacial acetic acid. The root tips or very young leaves were used to count the chromosomes after coloration in acetocarmine for at least 2 hours. The drawings were done with the help of a camera lucida. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The chromosome number 2n = 28 was observed for all of the individuals studied in the three taxa (Table 1). This tetraploid 1994] Restrepo and Gervais— Alnus 73 number is actually reported for all of the chromosome counts published for American species of A/nus (Furlow, 1979). In our material, the chromosome being rather small (1.25 to 2.5 um; Figures 1-3), it was not possible to prepare a karyo- gramme for any of the species. However, since the chromosomes of A. jorullensis ssp. jorullensis, showed more details (Figure 3), it could be tentatively assumed that 2 pairs are metacentric, 8 submetacentric, 3 acrocentric and one telocentric. The chromosome counts for A. acuminata ssp. arguta and A. Jorullensis ssp. jorullensis are apparently the first reports for these two species. The other taxon, 4. acuminata ssp. acuminata, have been studied in 7 different stations from three cordilleras, one of the stations being in Venezuela and the others in Columbia (Table 1). The station of Neira, in the central cordillera, is not far from Manizales (5°15'N, 75°30’W) where the chromosome number of A, acuminata was earlier reported by Coba de Gutiérrez and Alvarado de Coral (1989). It could be noted that the chromosome number of this species was also found to be 2n = 28 by Giusti, the same year (1989), in Argentina. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The first author would like to express his gratitude to the Com- pania Fosforera Colombiana and Servicios y Consultoria Ltda for their financial and logistical support while collecting indige- nous material in Colombia. The Instituto Tecnoldgico de Costa Rica and Seed Export of Guatemala must also be sincerely thanked for seeds received from their countries. The help of R. Trahan for the chromosome counts and of Dr. A. Munson for the revision of the English manuscript was also greatly appreciated. LITERATURE CITED BouSsQUET, J. AND M. LALONDE. 1990. The genetics of actinorhizal Betulaceae, pp. 239-261. Zn: C. R. Schwintzer and J. D. Tjepkema, Eds., The biology of Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants. Academic Press, San Diego, CA Curva, S. 1962. Studies on the breeding of Betu/a and Alnus species. (1) On the differences of morphological characters and chromosome number between Alnus hirsuta and Alnus hirsuta var. microphylla. J. Jap. For. Soc. 44: 237- 243 . 1966. Studies on the tree improvement by means of artificial hybridation 74 Rhodora [Vol. 96 and polyploidy in A/nus and Populus species. Oji Paper Co., Kuriyama, Japan. Bull. Oji Inst. For. Tree Impr. No. 1. 42 pp CoBA DE GUTIERREZ, B. AND C. ALVARADO DE CoRAL. 1989. Numero de cro- mosomas de A/nus gene H.B.K. age Colombiana 6: 45-46. DEL VALLE ARANGO, J. I. AND H. GONZALEZ PEREZ. 1988. Rendimiento y cre- cimiento del cerezo (/ slr jorullensis) en la region central andina, Colombia. Revta. Fac. nac. Agro 91. Fur.ow, J. J. 1979. The : sy ieinatice of the American species of A/nus (Betu- laceae). Rhodora 81: 1-121, 151-248 Giusti, L. 1989. El namero de cromosomas de tres especies tucumanas. Lilloa 37: 153-154. Gran, K., C. M. LARSEN, C. S. LARSEN AND M. WESTERGAARD. 1941. Contri- butions to the cytogenetics a forest trees. I]. A/nus studies. K. Vet.-og Landboheisk. Aarsskr. 1941: HALL, R. B. AND C. A. MAYNARD. ca Considerations’ in the genetic say ment of alder, pp. 95-110. /n: J. C. Gordon, C. T. Wheeler and D. A. P Eds., Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the management of temperate ao Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. Hotpripce, L.R. 1967. Life zone ecology, revised ed. Tropical ps Center, San José, Costa Rica. Photographic suppl. by J. A. Tosi, Jr. 206 pp. KopaMA, A. 1967. Karyological studies on root nodules of three species of A/nus. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 80: 230-232. . 1970. Cytological and morphological studies on the plant tumors. II. Root nodules of Mi species of A/nus. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Series B, Div. 2, 13: 261-264. DEPARTEMENT DES SCIENCES FORESTIERES FACULTE DE FORESTERIE ET DE GEOMATIQUE UNIVERSITE LAVAL, SAINTE-FOY QUEBEC, CANADA GIK 7P4 C.G. LABORATOIRE DE CYTOLOGIE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ET DES RESSOURCES PHYTOGENETIQUES DU MENVIQ DEPARTEMENT DES SCIENCES FORESTIERES FACULTE DE FORESTERIE ET DE GEOMATIQUE UNIVERSITE LAVAL, SAINTE-FOY QUEBEC, CANADA GIK 7P4 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 75-96, 1994 EVOLUTION OF A FLORA: EARLY CONNECTICUT VALLEY BOTANISTS C. JOHN BURK ABSTRACT The first known botanical studies of the Connecticut Valley in western Mas- sachusetts were initiated during the decade 1810-19. Four area physicians, David Hunt of Northampton (1773-1837), Jacob Porter of Plainfield (1783-1846), Den- nis Cooley of Deerfield Gehan siseee and pteppen West Williams of Deerfield (1790-1855), kept ext d with Amos Eaton at Williams College and aa Silliman at Yale. Porter, Cooley, and gran published phenological accounts of local vegetation and other scientific obse vations. Beginning around 1816, Edward Hitchcock (1793-1864) ene noe botanical studies at Deerfield that culminated in the first flora of the region, published at Amherst in 1829. Hitchcock acknowledged Cooley and Williams as “early coadjutors in this work,” which served as a basis for Hitchcock’s 1833 compilation of the Massachusetts flora. Key Words: botanical history, Connecticut Valley, Massachusetts, David Hunt, Jacob Porter, Dennis Cooley, Stephen West Williams, Edward Hitch- cock, Massachusetts flora INTRODUCTION The early 19th Century in both Europe and North America is ‘remarkable for the simultaneous appearance of groups of highly intelligent leaders with such broad interests from politics to phi- losophy and science that their impact on the future outweighed their numbers” (Billings, 1985). Nonetheless, sources of infor- mation on the development of botany in the Connecticut Valley in western Massachusetts throughout this period are scattered, fragmentary, occasionally contradictory, and often accessible only from archival sources and special collections. The purpose of this study is to assemble and synthesize information on botanical activities in the region from the earliest known studies through the completion of its first complete flora, Edward Hitchcock’s “Catalogue of Plants Growing Without Cultivation in the Vicinity of Amherst College’’ (Hitchcock, 1829), a list which served as a ajor source for the first compilation of the Massachusetts flora (Hitchcock, 1833) Hitchcock, by then a prominent geologist who had served as president of Amherst College, observed in his reminiscences 75 76 Rhodora [Vol. 96 (Hitchcock, 1863) that Amos Eaton, who had lectured in Amherst and Northampton, Massachusetts in 1816 and 1817, was “the chief agent of introducing a taste for [natural history] into the Connecticut Valley” and that at the time “Dr. Stephen Williams, Dr. Dennis Cooley, and myself, all of Deerfield, took hold of mineralogy and botany with great zeal.”’ Widely regarded as a charismatic teacher (Ballard, 1897), Eaton had in 1817 just re- cently published the first edition of A Manual of Botany for the Northern States (Eaton, 1817). This work described and classified all genera known to occur north of Virginia according to a mod- ified version of the Linnean system and included brief descriptions of the more common species with notes on their occurrence in the vicinity of Williams College and elsewhere. Despite Hitchcock’s recollections, botanical work had been in progress in the Connecticut Valley for some years prior to the time of Eaton’s lectures, and when Eaton published a much ex- panded and enlarged second edition of his manual in 1818, he was able to include within its catalogue localities for at least 91 species, indicated by the letter ““N.,”’ that occurred along the Con- necticut River between Northampton and Deerfield. These were attributed to “Dr. D. Hunt, and Drs. Williams and Cooly (sic) of Deerfield” (Eaton, 1818). The work of Eaton, which was largely done outside the area, and the geological contributions of Edward Hitchcock have been studied in some detail (Ballard, 1897; Foose and Lancaster, 1981; Knowlton, 1897; Smallwood, 1941). In addition, Jenny (1980, 1987) has recently described the ‘“‘rediscovery” of the herbarium of Stephen Williams and the “‘small but highly competent group of botanists” who lived in Deerfield around 1816. However, the various and inter-related botanical contributions of Hunt, Wil- liams, and Cooley, as well as those of Jacob Porter, whose plant lists from the area were later acknowledged both by Eaton (1822, 1824) and by Torrey and Gray (1838-40), are less well known, as is Hitchcock’s early work in botany. In this paper, Hunt, Porter, Cooley, Williams, and Hitchcock are discussed chronologically according to their dates of birth. This chronological order is rough- ly correlated with the increasing importance of their contributions to the development of botanical science in the region and with the greater amount of information available on the later individ- uals. 1994] Burk—Early Botanists Td DAVID HUNT Information regarding the botanical activities of David Hunt (1773-1837) is particularly scarce. Hunt was a member of a well- established Northampton family and sufficiently prominent as a physician to be included by Stephen Williams in the American Medical Biography (Williams, 1845). Hunt was also described, in a tribute written long after his death, as “ta botanist and min- eralogist of considerable note” (Springfield Union, 1904). Wil- liams, who knew Hunt personally, reported that Hunt maintained a correspondence with Benjamin Silliman and other academic scientists, belonged to several medical and scientific societies, and possessed a “cabinet of minerals” that was “‘rare ... and large, for a private individual’ (Williams, 1845). The Centennial Hampshire Gazette (1886) reprinted William’s tribute, including a portrait of Hunt (Figure 1), along with additional biographical materials by Hunt’s son Seth, who recalled that his father pos- sessed a “large herbarium ... very neatly and scientifically ar- ranged and labelled, by his own hands” (Centennial Hampshire Gazette, 1886). Both David Hunt and his father Ebenezer Hunt were among the sponsors of Eaton’s 1817 course of lectures in Northampton and signed a letter of commendation, included in the introduction of Eaton (1818), expressing their “entire satis- faction” with Eaton’s work there. Although Porter (1821) reported at least one of Hunt’s observations, that ‘““Doctor David Hunt... has found at Northampton, numerous specimens of the sarracenia with yellow blossoms,” Hunt apparently published nothing re- lated to botany under his own name. Williams (1845) recalled only a single paper by Hunt in a medical journal, a paper on a case of lead poisoning, and concluded that “the productions of his pen were not numerous.” Hunt was married for nearly 42 years to Wealthy Dickinson, a descendent of one of the first settlers of Hadley, Massachusetts. The couple had thirteen children, ten of whom reached adulthood (Centennial Hampshire Gazette, Sept. 6, 1886.) In the first of his major geological papers, Edward Hitchcock acknowledged his “particular obligations” to Hunt and to Benjamin Silliman (Hitchcock, 1818), and Hunt’s nonprofessional interests almost surely were centered more in geology than botany. The location of Hunt’s herbarium, if it still exists, is at present 78 Rhodora [Vol. 96 x “i, Sif oy “ pig Yip yg . ..- Sts “oS SS = Ss aes vy 4 Z\Ni 4 ‘ ~ SS "/ A - oe "f ‘4 tL OLE fe (po UTE ; ral ae + 1: f ff if; a) J hi é / ‘4 << / SAY f Jf 2S a“ = ie / a | Lf Dr. David Hunt. Figure 1. Dr. David Hunt, reprinted from Williams (1845) in Centennial Hampshire Gazette (1886). Courtesy of Historic Northampton. 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 79 unknown. Although the Amherst College “cabinet” during Hunt’s lifetime included the only institutional herbarium in the area. Hitchcock (1863) does not mention Hunt’s specimens among the botanical materials in the collections and I have not been able to identify any Hunt specimens in the Amherst College materials incorporated in MASs in the 1950s. JACOB PORTER Jacob Porter (1783-1846) was born in Abington, Massachu- setts. He attended Williams College, but in 1802 transferred to Yale University, receiving an A.B. degree there in 1803 (Dexter, 1885-1912). He then moved to Plainfield, Massachusetts where he practiced medicine for the remainder of his life. He assembled a collection of plants and minerals from the vicinity (Porter, 1834) and, according to a local historian (Dyer, 1891), “although a highly educated man, gave his attention mostly to literary pur- suits, being well versed in botany and mineralogy.” In addition to poetry, translations of religious tracts, and a history and geology of Plainfield (Porter, 1834), Porter published two accounts of phenological phenomena (Porter, 1818, 1821). These were among a number of “floral calendars” published with the encouragement of Benjamin Silliman (Silliman, 1818) in the early volumes of The American Journal of Science. Silliman included these ac- counts in response to a memoir by Jacob Bigelow setting out research into “the comparative forwardness of the spring season in different parts of the United States” (Bigelow, 1818). Plainfield is situated at an elevation of 1684 feet on the western edge of the Connecticut Valley watershed (U.S.G.S. topographic map, Plainfield Quadrangle, Franklin Co., Massachusetts), and Porter’s first calendar, was intended to “show that vegetation is considerably later on the range of mountains, on which this place is situated, than in the level parts of our country.”” The paper was possibly also inspired by the well-publicized observations of Humboldt and Bonpland relating altitude to climate (Humboldt and Bonpland, 1805; Billings, 1985). Though neither author men- tioned the other, Porter’s data could be compared with similar though more extensive observations from Deerfield, Massachu- setts in the Connecticut Valley to the east reported by Stephen Williams (1819) in the subsequent issue of The American Journal of Science. Williams, for example, found Hepatica triloba (H. 80 Rhodora [Vol. 96 americana) and Erythronium (E. americanum) in flower on April 26, 1818 in Deerfield, Massachusetts at an elevation of 140 feet (U.S.G.S. topographic map, Greenfield Quadrangle, Franklin Co, Massachusetts), while Porter reported these taxa first blooming on May | of that year at the higher elevation. Porter’s second and more extensive calendar covers the 1819 season and 1820 through July 30 and includes the observations on Sarracenia by David Hunt with notes from a trip to North- ampton. The work was abbreviated by Silliman in response to “objections to highly detailed floral calendars” (editorial com- ment in Porter, 1821); nonetheless, the entries for 1819 alone include observations of more than 280 taxa of higher plants. These are predominantly native species along with a number of crop plants and ornamentals. For most taxa, common names are care- fully assigned and often include part of'a Latin binomial; the entry for May 24, 1820, for example, includes “Caulophyllum, glaucous kalmia, painted trillium and water cress” in bloom. Porter’s style is occasionally “literary” (“the petals of the roundleaved violet, in particular, resemble specks of gold scattered around the path” on May 6, 1819 in one instance), and he sometimes suggests herbal remedies, including a tincture of goldenrod root in brandy as a proven cure for spitting blood. In addition to its phenological information, the value of the work lies in its listing of a wide range of species from a diversity of natural habitats and from locations, such as the banks of the Westfield River and a bog in the town of Hawley, which are still botanically important. Porter knew and corresponded with several academic scientists of the period; these include Hitchcock, who cites several species on Porter’s authority (Hitchcock, 1829), Eaton, who, in the third (1822) and later editions of his Manual mentions Porter’s “‘im- provements in the localities of plants ...” from “the mountain range in Plainfield, Hawley, and Cummington, Mass.” and John Torrey and Asa Gray, who include him in a list of contributors of plants from Massachusetts (Torrey and Gray, 1838-40). He was a member of several scientific societies, including the Lyceum of Natural History of New York and the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. His first wife, Betsey Mayhew, of Wil- liamsburg, Massachusetts, died a few months after their marriage in 1813; his second wife, Sally Reed, outlived him for many years (Dexter, 1885-1912). 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 81 DENNIS COOLEY Two short biographical sketches of Dennis Cooley (1789-1860) were published in the decades following his death. The first and longer of these (Kenaston, 1863) consists of a two page account of Cooley’s life in connection with a set of resolutions accepting Cooley’s herbarium, which his widow had donated to the Mich- igan State Agricultural College (now Michigan State University, East Lansing). This account is consistent with genealogical data in Sheldon (1895-96). The second, a two paragraph “‘sketch” by Beal (1901) is inaccurate in some details, including the year of Cooley’s birth. Dennis Cooley was born in the Bloody Brook section of Deer- field, Massachusetts in 1789 (Sheldon, 1895-96). The Cooley family had been prominent in that area for many years and like Hunt, Porter, and Williams, Cooley was educated as a physician. By 1816, he was studying medicine in the office of William Stod- dard Williams and his son Stephen West Williams (Williams, 1849). He received a degree from the Berkshire Medical Insti- tution in 1822 (Beal, 1901), and reportedly, “‘. . . his leisure hours, during his whole course of study, were spent in pastures, woods and swamps in pursuit of botanical specimens” (Kenaston, 1863). These botanical activities led to the 1818 contributions to Eaton and a “floral calendar”’ for Deerfield (Cooley, 1820) which, though brief, included a chart comparing seven phenological phenomena over a five year interval, beginning in 1815. Correspondence (now in the Amherst College Archives) be- tween Hitchcock and Silliman and between Hitchcock and John Torrey indicates that by the early 1820’s, Cooley and Hitchcock had jointly prepared a manuscript catalogue of the Deerfield flora. The fate of the Cooley/Hitchcock manuscript is considered later in this paper. However, in a letter to John Torrey (Edward Hitch- cock to John Torrey, Nov. 25, 1819 in President Edward Hitch- cock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives) Hitch- cock commented that Cooley was not appreciated by the people of Deerfield, who felt that he neglected his medical practice for his botany; and subsequently, Cooley moved to Monticello, Geor- gia “to seek his fortune” according to Hitchcock, who urged Sil- liman to provide him with introductions, if possible, to southern botanists (Edward Hitchcock to Benjamin Silliman, Oct. 17, 1822, 82 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Box 6, Folder 4, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Amherst College Archives). In Georgia, Cooley practiced medicine for about three years, a period “‘turned to a good account in his rapidly growing Herbar- ium’ (Kenaston, 1863). For reasons of health, he returned North and eventually relocated to Washington Township, Macomb County, Michigan in 1827, taking his plant collections with him then or at a later date. Cooley’s Massachusetts specimens alone represented, according to Hitchcock (1829), “nearly all the plants hitherto found in this district.”’ In Michigan, Cooley began a study of the flora of Macomb County, sending lists of plants from that area to Eaton as early as 1829 (Eaton, 1829, 1833, 1836; Eaton and Wright, 1840). He was married to Elizabeth Anderson of Deerfield in 1830; the couple had two children, both of whom died in early childhood. Elizabeth Anderson died in 1834, and in 1836, Cooley married Clarissa A. Andrews, who survived him (Kenaston, 1863; Sheldon, 1895-96). Cooley apparently spent most of his later years in Michigan; the Memorial Libraries at Deerfield possess a single letter in his hand (Dennis Cooley to Eli Cooley, June 2, 1850, Cooley Family Papers, Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library, Deerfield, Massachusetts) in which he says that he had thought of visiting Deerfield, “but 1 suppose that folks are not enlitened there and shall not come this year.” Cooley continued the practice of medicine until 1856 and served as postmaster of Washington township until 1859 (Beal, 1901). In his reminiscences, Hitchcock (1863) reflected that Cooley “be- came an excellent botanist, and even at a recent date, when he died in Michigan, has pursued the subject with zest.” His her- barium when presented to the Agricultural College was estimated to contain more than 20,000 specimens and described as “‘es- pecially rich in our indigenous flora’’ with ‘‘a large collection of tropical, Californian, and Australian species . . . Many of the plants were obtained by exchanges with Dr. Torrey, W. S. Sullivant, Dr. Dewey, John Carey, and many other celebrated Botanists, ...” (Kenaston, 1863). Beal (1901) stated the herbarium contained around 4000 specimens, and Jenny (1987) noted that the contra- diction in these estimates had not been resolved. Possibly Beal may not have included the specimens obtained by exchange in his estimate. The Beal-Darlington herbarium at Michigan State University now contains the Cooley collection, including material from Deer- 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 83 field collected between 1817 and 1821 (Jenny, 1987; Martha Case, pers. corresp.). STEPHEN WEST WILLIAMS Stephen West Williams (1790-1855) was also a physician and a member of a prominent Deerfield family. He attended Deerfield Academy and then studied medicine as an apprentice to his father, William Stoddard Williams, spending one winter as a student at Columbia College in New York (Huntington, 1881; Viets, 1936). By 1816, he was “‘enamoured” with the field of botany, inspired by readings in the works of Barton, Bartram, Bigelow, Cutler, Eaton, Elliott, Muhlenberg, Pursh, and others (Williams, 1849). He recorded botanical observations as early as 1811 (Williams, 1819); and, along with Cooley and Hitchcock, began collecting plants about 1816. By 1817 he had compiled an herbarium that included around 500 pressed specimens (Jenny, 1980, 1987). This 1817 herbarium was privately held until recently when its botanical interest was recognized by Roberta Poland and its iden- tity established by William Jenny (Jenny, 1980, 1987). The her- barium is now preserved at the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial As- sociation Library at Deerfield, Massachusetts. It contains specimens of at least 360 taxa, ranging from common garden flowers to local rarities such as Asplenium ruta-muraria. These are mounted, often several to a sheet, in a bound volume, and vary from whole pressed plants to small portions of a single shoot or even single flowers. The specimens are identified by Latin and/ or common names either written directly on the sheet or on a slip of paper attached to the specimen. Collection data, including localities and dates, are generally lacking. In 1818, Williams married Harriet Goodhue of Deerfield, the daughter of Joseph Goodhue, an army surgeon (Viets, 1936). About this time, Williams prepared a companion volume to his herbarium, a handwritten manuscript now owned by the Flynt Library at Historic Deerfield (Jenny, 1987). It contains indices to the common and scientific names of the specimens in the her- barium, an outline of the Linnean system, and a description of each plant listed, its medicinal properties and other characteris- tics. Cultural directions for garden plants such as hyacinth and lilac are given, as are materials from various authors, including 84 Rhodora [Vol. 96 a passage from Bartram describing Sarracenia. Harriet Goodhue drew and painted “from nature, and from other sources” a num- ber of original illustrations for this interesting compilation, which also includes illustrations clipped from contemporary publica- tions such as The Monthly Flora. Also around 1818, Williams sent Benjamin Silliman a box of specimens of minerals to be identified, and, in responding, Sil- liman encouraged both Hitchcock and Williams to contribute to The American Journal of Science (Benjamin Silliman to Edward Hitchcock, March 1, 1818, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 5, Amherst College Archives). In 1819, Williams published his accounts of phenological phenomena for the years 1811, 1812, and 1818. This more original work (Williams, 1819) seemingly has been confused by Viets (1936) with the manuscript companion volume to the herbarium in the Flynt Library, which was prepared at roughly the same period. The contrast between Williams’s observations in the period 1811-12 and his obser- vations in 1818 is striking and reflects his increasing taxonomic skills and interests. In 1811, he reported a number of phenological phenomena, particularly observations upon “the time of the ger- mination, foliation, florification and frutification” of around 60 plant taxa, providing common names for all of these and scientific names for approximately half. Of the taxa listed, over two thirds were in Cultivation as either ornamentals or crop or garden plants, while the remainder were natives such as bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, or non-native ruderals, such as the dandelion (as Leontodon taraxacum). In 1812, he repeated observations on many of these and included information on an additional 14 taxa. In 1818, however, in addition to continued observations on the plants previously noted, he provided data on an additional 92 species, listing all of these by Latin binomials, with common names for most. The greater number of the 92 new entries are native species taken from a diversity of natural habitats, including wetlands (for instance skunk cabbage, as Pothos foetida) or upland woods (Epigaea repens, Trillium cernuum). Although, his career centered on teaching medical jurispru- dence, chiefly at the Berkshire Medical Institution with stints at Willoughby University in Ohio and the Dartmouth Medical School (Viets, 1936), Williams retained a lively interest in botany for the remainder of his life. He, along with Cooley, was acknowledged by Hitchcock as ‘‘among my early coadjutors” in the 1829 Cat- 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 85 alogue, and he reciprocally (Williams, 1849) recognized the im- portance of Cooley and Hitchcock and the early “‘botanical in- vestigations” of Orra White, later Mrs. Hitchcock, to the development of botany in Massachusetts. He remained in com- munication with Amos Eaton and prepared etymologies for ge- neric and subgeneric names that appeared in the 6th and later editions of the Eaton Manual. Throughout his career, he wrote extensively on the subject of medicinal plants (Deane, 1855); among the most important of these works was the catalogue of 319 indigenous medicinal plants of Massachusetts in Williams 1849). As Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the Berkshire Medical School at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, he became known as the lead- ing medical historian and biographer of his day. He and Harriet Goodhue had four children, two daughters, both of whom pre- pared illustrations of medicinal plants for their father’s lectures, and two sons, one of whom died in infancy. The second son was trained as a physician in his father’s office and later settled in Laona, Illinois. Stephen Williams himself retired in 1853 to Laona, where, according to his daughter (Huntington, 1881), he spent his remaining days in study and “riding over the beautiful prairie, looking for new specimens of flowers, animals or birds.” EDWARD HITCHCOCK Edward Hitchcock (1793-1864), was born at Deerfield, Mas- sachusetts, and attended Deerfield Academy. Because of weak- ened eyesight, he abandoned plans to attend Harvard University and took a position as principal of Deerfield Academy, a post he held from 1815-19. By his own account (Hitchcock, 1863), he began his studies in natural history about the time of Eaton’s 1816 lecture in Amherst, collecting, with Dennis Cooley, “‘nearly all the plants, phenogamous and cryptogamous in the valley.” In 1817, he also initiated his lifelong correspondence with Benjamin Silliman at Yale (Robinson, 1979). In 1818, Hitchcock informed Silliman that he had collected over 800 plants in the vicinity and that 150 of these had been painted by “‘Miss White” (Edward Hitchcock to Benjamin Silli- man, Sept. 28, 1818, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 4, Amherst College Archives). Orra White (1796-1863) 86 Rhodora [Vol. 96 was a native of Amherst, Massachusetts who was teaching botany, among other subjects, at Deerfield Academy and who had already achieved some degree of success as a botanical illustrator (Jenny, 1987; Worman, 1989). In 1818, Hitchcock also undertook a course of studies for the ministry. In 1819, Hitchcock initiated a correspondence with John Tor- rey, requesting help with the identification of a specimen of Po- tentilla (Edward Hitchcock to John Torrey, July 20, 1819, Pres- ident Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives). The following year he and Dennis Cooley promised Torrey a list of plants “growing spontaneously in Deerfield’’ (Ed- ward Hitchcock to John Torrey, April 28, 1820, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives) which had been sent by the end of the summer (Edward Hitchcock to John Torrey, September 8, 1820, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives). Shortly before his ordination to the ministry, Hitchcock and Orra White were married and after ordination, the couple moved to Conway, Massachusetts where Hitchcock served as pastor from 1821-25 (Foose and Lancaster, 1981). Hitchcock continued to pursue scientific interests at Conway, preparing both geological and botanical papers for The American Journal of Science. In 1822, he expressed concern to Silliman that Thomas Nuttall, who was visiting the area, was “exploring the country minutely” and that “it would be a little mortifying if the facts that I have been collecting should appear in Philadelphia first’ (Edward Hitchcock to Benjamin Silliman, September 22, 1822, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives). At this time, Hitchcock and Dennis Cooley were preparing the catalogue of Deerfield plants intended for the American Journal of Science (Edward Hitchcock to John Torrey, November 3, 1822, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12; Edward Hitchcock to Benjamin Silliman, October 17, 1822, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 4, Amherst College Archives). Cooley then moved from Deerfield to Georgia, leaving the catalogue for Hitchcock to finish (Edward Hitchcock to Ben- jamin Silliman, October 17, 1822, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 4, Amherst College Archives). Silliman delayed in publishing the manuscript, however, “lest objections be made that too much space was allowed to communications from a particular quarter” (Benjamin Silliman to Edward Hitch- 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 87 cock, December 5, 1822, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 5, Amherst College Archives), and in 1823 returned the manuscript to Hitchcock, leaving “‘any further disposition of it to your better judgement” with the suggestion that the work should be revised as two papers with cryptogams treated sepa- rately (Benjamin Silliman to Edward Hitchcock, May 5, 1823, President Edward Hitchcock Papers, Box 6, Folder 5, Amherst College Archives). At least two manuscript volumes of Orra White Hitchcock’s botanical work survive from this period, a collection of watercolors of grasses and other flowering plants entitled Her- barium parvum, pictum dated “*1817,18” and now in the Archives of Deerfield Academy (Jenny, 1987; Worman, 1989) and a sketch- book of fungi entitled Fungi, selecti picti, dated 1821 and now in the Smith College Archives. Figure 2 reproduces a representative page from the latter manuscript; thirteen different fungi are de- picted on the page; all but one is identified at least to genus. The individual fungi are numbered, but the numbers are not always consecutive, ranging on this page from 14 to 61; the numbers thus may refer to numbered specimens in a collection or included in a list. Meanwhile, in a second major paper on the geology of the region, Hitchcock (1823a) included “occasional Botanical notic- es” that related a number of plant species to underlying rock types and landforms, including a series of cryptogams associated with mica slate. His discovery in a hilly pasture of Botrychium simplex (Hitchcock, 1823b) was the “‘first new fern described by an Amer- ican” (Tryon, 1969), and he also published observations on Gy- ropodium coccineum, a new genus and species of fungus described by Schweinitz and first seen at Deerfield by Dennis Cooley (Hitch- cock, 1825). Orra White Hitchcock continued her work in sci- entific illustration, including drawings to accompany her hus- band’s publications and the drawings for Chester Dewey’s publications on the genus Carex. Contrary to Fernald (1950), Carex hitchcockiana was named by Dewey (1826) in honor of both Edward and Orra White Hitchcock, the “lady, to whom I am so greatly indebted for the figures which accompany this Car- icography.” In 1825, Hitchcock left the ministry, taking an appointment as the first Professor of Natural History and Chemistry at Amherst College. At Amherst, Hitchcock’s interests turned increasingly to the field of geology, a subject that, throughout his life, he at- 88 Rhodora [Vol. 96 dt 5 het ia: Spariced By om ted Lparcent 5 4 A cofrccitled Lert, Figure 2. Representative page from Orra White Hitchcock’s manuscript sketchbook Fungi, selecti picti (1821). Courtesy of Smith College Archives. tempted to reconcile with the tenets of religion (Foose and Lan- caster, 1981; Robinson, 1979). Nonetheless, he continued botan- ical studies and maintained a correspondence on his botanical discoveries in the Amherst area with Torrey. Among the latter were what he believed to be a new species of Malaxis (Edward Hitchcock to John Torrey, July 5, 1827, President Edward Hitch- cock Papers, Box 6, Folder 12, Amherst College Archives) that he had found on Mt. Holyoke on a field trip with his botany class and which he hoped to publish as Malaxis holyokea ‘in the hope of exciting more zeal in natural history among the students here.” In 1829, at the request of the members of the Junior class who were attending his lectures in botany, Hitchcock published the Catalogue of Plants Growing Without Cultivation in the Vicinity of Amherst College. Apparently no copy of the Hitchcock-Cooley manuscript that Silliman declined to publish now exists; hence it is impossible to determine how that differed from the published 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 89 Hitchcock catalogue. The Hitchcock catalogue was intended to include “all the indigenous and naturalized plants, that have been discovered and ascertained, within forty or fifty miles of Amherst College’ and, in addition, “such as are peculiar to the White Mountains and the sea coast of New England” plus ‘‘a few others mentioned on account of their being rare and interesting.’ Ex- amples of the latter include the prickly pear, Cactus opuntia L. (now Opuntia humifusa Raf.) from “East Rock, New Haven.” Phenogamous plants, both angiosperms and gymnosperms, were listed alphabetically by genus, with species alphabetized within the genera. This resulted in such blatantly “‘unnatural’’ sequences as genera 197, 198, and 199 which are Juncus, Juniperus, and Kalmia respectively. Members of the class Cryptogamia were organized alphabetically by genera under orders Filices, Musci, Hepaticae, Algae, Lichenes, and Fungi with species alphabetized by genera under their respective genera. Excluding species from the White Mountains and the seacoast or included only because they were rare or interesting, the Catalogue included by Hitch- cock’s own count 1447 species within 531 genera that occurred within 50 miles of Amherst. Of these, 997 species in 395 genera were phenogamous while 450 species in 136 genera were cryp- togams. Localities were given for rare plants in the vicinity, including sites attributed to Dewey, Eaton, and Porter. Some of these, in- cluding Eaton’s record of Liquidambar styraciflua from North- ampton, Porter’s Orontium aquaticum from Southwick, and an unattributed report of Listera cordata from Plainfield, remain of considerable interest. In 1830, Hitchcock was appointed to head a survey of the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts (Foose and Lancaster, 1981). The initial report of the survey (Hitchcock, 1833) contained a catalogue of the flora of Massachusetts. This was organized according to a “Natural System of Prof. Lindley as adapted to North American Plants by Torrey” and based on Hitchcock’s 1829 Catalogue with additions and corrections along with lists published by Dewey (1829) and by Bigelow (1824) and a manuscript flora of New Bedford and Nantucket by Thomas A. Green. W. S. Tyler, who knew Hitchcock both as a teacher and as a colleague, observed (Tyler, 1873) that Hitchcock “‘did but one great work at a time. But he was never afraid of having too many smaller irons in the fire.’’ Nonetheless, the Massachu- 90 Rhodora [Vol. 96 es a near cai eee a - unt lage a, a gr Pag: Bose osees ag Og i gt — ange me aie w a Seg sat tam Ss - sap phe gee “at > Sc she pad ail Se aa “ae ite ony a ge an Sa < eS he SSO See Oe oii stag tar On an eae a ray ws Se gale ra Ora Se rrr rR ae et net soa eerie Se eS pM Ti at a On ag cl agg regi Dae a y oS SS <—S. > ae coo SO Oe SsSsso es Sos aie Se Figure 3. Edward Hitchcock, engraving in Tyler (1873). Courtesy of Forbes Library, Northampton, MA. 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 9] setts Catalogue was apparently Hitchcock’s last botanical contri- bution. The report of the survey (Hitchcock, 1841) dealt only with the geology of Massachusetts, and in 1845, Hitchcock was ap- pointed president of Amherst College, a position he occupied until 1854, when he returned to another decade of teaching, writing and research. The engraving included in Tyler’s History of Am- herst College (Figure 3) shows Hitchcock in his later years. Hitchcock’s plant collections, however, formed the ‘“‘nucleus” of the Amherst College Herbarium (Goodale, 1932). This her- barium, if founded in 1829, the year of the publication of the Catalogue, was according to Ewan (1969) the second institutional herbarium established in the United States. [The first herbarium in the United States was apparently at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, an institution ‘“‘destined to receive the nation’s oldest plant collections’ (Ewan, 1969).] Figure 4 isa view of Amherst College published in 1839 (Barber, 1839); the her- barium probably was located in the building with the tower. Day (1901) noted that the Amherst College herbarium contained “plants of local interest, many of which are no longer found grow- ing in the vicinity,” and Stone (1913) reinforced Day’s statement in his assertion that “Some of the plants observed by Dr. Hitch- cock nearly a century ago and included in this list have not been found since his time, and others have become rare.” Archival materials related to the Amherst College Herbarium are virtually nonexistent at either Amherst College or at the University of Massachusetts, where the collections were incorporated in MASS in the 1950’s. Those Hitchcock specimens I have seen have almost certainly been remounted at some time. They consist of a pressed plant or part of a plant taped to an herbarium sheet with a small handwritten label on discolored stock usually pasted in the lower left corner. The label contains the name of the plant and often a date and/or location; the labels seem to be in Hitchcock’s hand, as seen in his correspondence at Amherst College. In at least one instance, the handwritten label is mounted attached to the spec- imen itself. The collector’s name does not appear on the hand- written slip, but a printed label attached in the lower right contains the statement “ex Herb Edward Hitchcock, LLD.” There are, however, in MASS a group of specimens from the Amherst College herbarium that have been remounted in a man- ner similar to those from the Hitchcock collection with older 92 Rhodora [Vol. 96 North-western view of Amherst College. Figure 4. ‘North-western view of Amherst College,” engraving in Barber (1839). discolored handwritten labels pasted on the left and printed labels on the right. As in the Hitchcock specimens, the handwritten label does not identify the collector, but unlike the Hitchcock speci- mens, the printed label also bears no reference to collector. These anonymous collections may well represent the “few hundred spe- cies of plants in the vicinity ... previously prepared, I believe, by members of the College” in Hitchcock’s 1863 account; if so, they would also represent early 19th century plant collections from the area. Edward Hitchcock and Orra White had eight children, two of whom died in infancy. One of their daughters, Emily Hitchcock Terry (1838-1921), was a pioneer illustrator of the Minnesota flora and an early contributor to Rhodora (Smith, 1992). Hitchcock’s 1829 Catalogue was not reprinted or revised until after his death; it then underwent three expansions and revisions in less than 40 years (Tuckerman and Frost, 1875; Cobb, 1887; Stone, 1913). It remains an essential document for understanding both the flora and the development of botanical sciences in the Connecticut Valley region of western Massachusetts in the early 19th Century. 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 93 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Iam particularly indebted to Ruth Mortimer, Karen Kukil, and Sarah Black of the Smith College Rare Book Room for their invaluable assistance in this and other projects; to John Lancaster and the staff of the Amherst College Archives and Special Col- lections; to David R. Proper of the Memorial Libraries at Historic Deerfield; and to Elise Bernier-Feeley, reference librarian at Forbes Library, Northampton, MA. I am grateful to Dario D’Arienzo, Archivist of Amherst College, for permission to quote from the papers of Amherst College President Edward Hitchcock, to David R. Proper to quote from the Cooley Family papers in the Pocum- tuck Valley Memorial Association Library, and to Margery Sly, Smith College Archivist, for permission to include a represen- tative page from the Orra White Hitchcock manuscript volume Fungi, selecti picti in the Smith College Archives. Assistance and helpful information was also provided by Martha Case at the Beale-Darlington Herbarium; Leo Hickey at Yale University: Karen Searcy and Roberta Lombardi at the University of Mas- sachusetts, Amherst; Arvilla Dyer of the Plainfield Historical So- ciety; and by Lynn Bassett and the staff of Historic Northampton. In addition, the manuscript has profited greatly at various points in its development from the comments of John Lancaster, Robert McMaster, Ruth Mortimer, David Proper, Karen Searcy and Pa- mela Weatherbee. LITERATURE CITED BALLARD, H. H. 1897. Amos Eaton. A pioneer of science in Berkshire County. Collections of the Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society, Vol. 2. Press of the Sun Printing Co, Pittsfield, M Barser, J. W. 1839. Historical Collections, Being a General Collection of In- teresting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c.. Relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts. Dorr, How- land & Co, Worcester, MA. BEAL, W.J. 1901. ee of Dr. Dennis Cooley. Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, Vol.2: 108. BIiGELow, J. 1818. tes serving to show the comparative forwardness of the spring season in different parts of the United States. Memoirs of the Amer. Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. IV, Part I: 77-8 1824. Florula bostoniensis, a Collection of Plants of Boston and its Vicinity. Cummings, Hilliard, Boston. 94 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Brtuincs, W. D. 1985. The historical development of physiological plant ecology. In: F. Cabot and H. A. Mooney, Eds., Physiological Ecology of North American Plant Communities. Chapman and Hall, New k CENTENNIAL HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE. Sept. 6, 1886. Sketches of prominent men ... Dr. David Hunt. p. 19. Coss, N. A. 1887. A List of Plants Found Growing ee Within Thirty Miles of Amherst. S. E. Bridgman & Co., Northampton, Mass. fanee: Jour. Sci. II: 254. Day, M. A. 1901. Herbaria of New England. Rhodora 3: 67-71. DEANE, J. 1855. Biographical sketch of the late Steph. W. Williams. The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. LIII, no. 2. Thursday, Aug. 9, 1855 Dewey, C. 1826. Caricography, (continued). Amer. Jour. Sci. X: 274 _ 1829. Catalogue of plants. Jn D. D. Field, A History of the County of Berkshire by Gentlemen of the County. Samuel Bush, Pittsfield, MA. DEXTER, F. B. 1885-1912. Jacob Porter, pp. 603-606. Jn: Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College: With Annals of the College History, Vol. 5. Holt, New York. Dyer, C. N. 1891. History of the Town of Plainfield, Hampshire county, Mass. Gazette Printing Co, Northampton, MA. Eaton, A. 1817. A Manual of Botany for the Northern States. Websters and Skinners, Albany, N 1818. A Manual of Botany for a Northern and Middle States, 2nd ed. Websters and Skinners, Albany, N 1822. A Manual of Botany : the Northern as Middle States of Amiencs: 3rd ed. Websters and Skinners, Albany, N 24. A Manual of Botany for the Northern a Middle States of America, 4th ed. Websters and Skinners, Albany, NY. 1829. rage : Botany for North America, 5th ed. Websters and Sinners: Albany, ——. 1833 “Mania a Botany for North America, 6th ed. Oliver Steele, Albany, N 1836. ie of Botany for North America, 7th ed. Oliver Steele, Albany. NY. ND = WriGut. 1840. North American Botany, 8th ed. Elias Gates, Troy, N N, J., a. 196 9. hoe History of Botany in the United States. Hafner “ehne Co., ork. FERNALD, M. L. cn ae s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Co., New York. Foose, R. M. AND J. LANCASTER. 1981. Edward Hitchcock: New England ge- ologist, minister, and educator. Northeastern Geology, v. 3 (January, 1981): 13-17 Goopa_e, A. S. 1932. Notes from the Amherst College Herbarium. Rhodora 34: 34-37 Hircucock, E. 1818. Remarks on the geology and mineralogy of a section of Massachusetts on Connecticut River, with a part of New-Hampshire and Vermont. Amer. Jour. Sci. [: 105-116. 1994] Burk—Early Botanists 95 1823a. A sketch of the geology, mineralogy, and scenery of the regions contiguous to the river Connecticut. Part I. Amer. Jour. Sci. VI: 1-86. . 1823b. Description of a new species of Botrychium. Amer. Jour. Sci. VI: 103-104. 1825. Physiology of the Gyropodium coccineum. Amer. Jour. Sci. IX: 56-60. —. 1829. Catalogue of Plants a Without i sia in a Vicinity of Amherst College. J. S. and C. Adams, and Co. Printers, Amherst, MA. 1833. Report on the — Miner ralogy, ie any, oe net le of Neher tncens J. S. and C. Adams, and Co. Printers, Amherst, MA. 41. Final Report soa © coon of Massachusetts. J. S. ic Adams, ana Co. Printers, Amher: een ener a ies College, Historical, ae Bio- graphical, and Autobiographical. Bridgman & Childs, Northam Humpo pt, A. AND A. BONPLAND. 1805. Essai sur la Geographie te nee Chez te ile Schoell et Compagne, Paris. HuntTIncTon, H. H. 1881. Stephen West Williams. Memorial Biogs. New En- gland Historical and Genealogical Soc.: 389-397. jee W.W. 1980. American Herbarium of Stephen West oe er Historic Deerfield Quarterly Vol. XIX, no. 1 (January, 1980) u 1987. “American Herbarium’: key to Deerfield’s cee caeeace Historical Journal of Massachusetts 15: 61-69. Kenaston, C. A. 1863. Second Annual Report of the Secretary . the State Board of Agriculture of the State of Michigan. Lansing, MI. pp. KNOwLTON, F.H. 1897. Some early American botanists. Amos aa The Plant orld I, no 2 Porter, J. 1818. Floral cdiendax for Plainfield, Massachusetts. Amer. Jour. Sci. I: 254-255 . 1821. Floral and Miscellaneous Calendar of Plainfield, Mass. Amer. Jour. Sci. HI: 273-284. ioe, Topographical Description and Historical Sketch of Plainfield, in shire County, Massachusetts. Prince and Rogers, Greenfield, MA. come. G. 1979. Edward Hitchcock, pp. 49-83. Jn: Leonard G. Wilson, Ed., Benjamin Silliman and his Circle: Studies on the Influence of Benjamin Silliman on Science in America. Science History Publications, New York SHELDON, G. 1972. A History of Deerfield, Vol. Il. Facsimile of the 1895-96 edition, New Hampshire Publishing Co., Somersworth, MA SILLIMAN, B. 1818. Professor Bigelow, on the comparative forwardness of the spring, in different parts of the United States. Amer. Jour. Sci. I: 76-77. SMALLWoop, W. M. 1941. Natural History and the American Mind. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. SmitH, B.S. 1992. A Painted Herbarium: The Life and Art of gy Hitchcock Terry (1838-1921). University of Minnesota Press, Minn SPRINGFIELD UNION. May 29, 1904. Northampton Hunts ae for wealth, learning and political power in early days of United States—among descen- dents governors and statesmen Stone, G. E. 1913. A List of Plants Growing Without Cultivation in Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden Counties, Massachusetts. Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA. 96 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Torrey, J. AND A. Gray. 1838-1840. Flora of North America. Wiley and Putnam, New York. Tryon, R. 1969. Pteridology. pp. 97-102. Jn: J. Ewan, Ed., ee History of Botany in the United States. Hafner Publishing Co., New TUCKERMAN, E. AND C. C. Frost. 1875. A Catalogue of Plants a aon Cultivation Within Thirty Miles of Amherst College. Edwin Nelson, Am- herst, MA. TyLer, W. S. 1873. History of Amherst College During Its First Half Century. Clark W. Bryan and Co., Springfield, M Viets, H. R. 1936. Stephen West Williams. Dictionary of American Biography XX. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1963. p. 291 WILuaMs, S. W. 1817. Botanical Description and Medical, Culinary & Other Uses of the Plants in the First Volume of My American Herbarium. Auto- graph Manuscript, Henry N. Flynt Library of Historic Deerfield, Inc., Deer- field, MA. 1819, Floral calendar kept at Deerfield, Massachusetts, with miscella- neous remarks. Amer. Jour. Sci. I S12: 1845. Dr. David Hunt, pp. 298-299. Jn: American Medical Biography or Memoirs of Eminent Physicians. Reprinted 1967, Milford House Inc., New York Report on the indigenous medical botany of Massachusetts. The Transactions of the American Medical Association, Vol. II: 863-927. Worman, E. C. 1989. The watercolors and prints of Orra White Hitchcock. AB Bookman’s Weekly, Vol. 83, no. 7: 646-668. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SMITH COLLEGE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01063 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 97-101, 1994 NEW ENGLAND NOTE GLYCERIA MAXIMA (POACEAE) IN NEW ENGLAND JEANNE E. ANDERSON AND A. A. REZNICEK Tall Mannagrass, G/yceria maxima (Hartman) Holmburg is a stout perennial Eurasian grass found as a native species through- out most of northern Eurasia from the British Isles east to Japan and Kamchatka, albeit absent from the extreme north and most of the southwest of this range. (Tutin et al., 1980; Freckmann and Reed, 1979). Dore and McNeill (1980) provide one of the few keys among North American manuals which distinguishes G. maxima from the relatively similar G. grandis. They separate G. maxima by the length of the lower glume (2-3 mm versus 1|.2- 1.5 mm in G. grandis) and by the ascending and stiff panicle branches and rough sheaths versus nodding panicle branches and smooth sheaths in G. grandis. Fernald (1950) also distinguishes G. maxima, but under the name G. spectabilis Mert. & Koch. The synonymy ascribed to G. maxima is thoroughly detailed by Freckmann and Reed (1979). Glyceria maxima was collected in the United States for the first time in 1975 in Racine County, Wisconsin (Wilhelm & Schulen- berg 2161 Mor). A second collection located approximately 12 miles east of the first collection in Oak Creek, Milwaukee County, WI was made in 1979. (Reed s.n. Uwsp). Both collections were reported in 1979 publications (Swink and Wilhelm, 1979; Freck- mann and Reed, 1979). Glyceria maxima has been twice reported erroneously from the United States, Jordal (1951) reported G. maxima from near Fair- banks, Alaska, but the specimen (Jordal 3539, Micu) is G. grandis. More recently, an historical record of this species (as Glyceria maxima subsp. maxima) from Mattituck, Long Island (Latham 35967, NYS) mapped in the Preliminary Vouchered Atlas of New York State Flora (New York Flora Association, 1990) has proven to be a large individual of G. canadensis (Gordon Tucker, pers. comm., 1992). Three populations of G/yceria maxima were discovered and mapped by Marc Lapin in 1990 on the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in the towns of Tops- field and Wenham, Essex County, Massachusetts (Lapin, 1990). 97 98 Rhodora [Vol. 96 A fourth population, also in Wenham, was located by Tim Smith in 1993. Voucher specimens were identified by A. A. Reznicek as cited below. Specimens examined: Massachusetts. Essex Coun- ty: Wenham, Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Great Wenham Swamp (behind Perkins Island), 23 Jul 1992, Anderson s.n. (MICH), Topsfield, Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Mile Brook Swamp, 6 Aug 1992, Anderson s.n. (MICH). An additional voucher from the Wenham site has also been deposited: Anderson s.n. October 9, 1992 (NEBC). These collections are the first for New England and represent the third documented occurrence in the United States. The Wenham population, within a high marsh system of the Great Wenham Swamp, forms a near monoculture of about two- thirds of an acre. There is a dense, but relatively shallow rhizome system reaching about halfa meter in depth. Aerial shoots exceed two meters in height. Only a few individuals of Cephalanthus occidentalis, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Lythrum salicaria per- sist within this patch. The grass is also growing in a smaller stand, 6.5 meters square, located roughly 60 meters southeast of the larger Wenham population close to an edge of Perkins Island. The Topsfield populations both occur within a shrub swamp community along Mile Brook, a tributary of the Ipswich River. The largest of these patches covers 2 acres. A portion of this population exists as a floating mat of individual plants and rhi- zomes which can be readily dislodged if disturbed. Downstream along the stream channel, a smaller stand measures about 15 meters in diameter. Sampling completed in one section of this swamp in 1990 determined that four non-native species, G/yceria maxima (sub G. septentrionalis), Rhamnus frangula, Iris pseu- dacorus, and Lythrum salicaria accounted for 67% of the relative cover within this community. Of these, G. maxima was the most prevalent species providing 39% of the relative cover (Anderson, 1991). This larger patch is discernible at least as far back as 1957 on black and white aerial photographs, however, G. maxima was not reported for Essex County by Harris (1975). Dore and McNeill (1980) and Dore (1947) note that the first herbarium specimens of this species in North America were col- lected from the vicinity of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in 1943. They also report that the species’ distribution in the New World is concentrated primarily in Ontario. Other stands are known from Somenos Lake, British Columbia (Ca/der & MacKay 31984 1994] New England Note 99 DAO) and St. Johns and Brigus, Newfoundland (Day, 1991; Rou- leau and Lamoureux, 1992). The specimen reported in Scoggan (1978) from northern Alberta has been determined to be G. gran- dis (Susan Aiken, pers. comm., 1992). Glyceria maxima is a large, aggressive species with the ability to form huge stands in wetlands. Freckmann and Reed (1979) noted that G. maxima dominated at least 15 acres of the Oak Creek site in 1979. This invasive tendency has been evident in Ontario over the past fifty years and has been a subject of study in Europe (e.g., Buttery and Lambert, 1964). Even within its native range, the ability of G. maxima to create virtual mono- cultures under varying levels of disturbance is of conservation concern. Burgess et al. (1990) report that the swamp community type dominated by G. maxima more than doubled its area in the Ouse Washes, England between 1972 and 1988, largely in re- sponse to an overall increase in the incidence of summer flooding. This spread of G. maxima has reduced plant species diversity on the site, and as a consequence, reduced the number of seed-pro- ducing plants (particularly within the Cyperaceae and Polygonace- ae) available to wintering seed-feeding ducks. G. maxima is re- ported to be a poor foodplant for wintering grazing waterfowl and a poor nesting substrate for many common wetland species (Bur- gess et al., 1990). The spread of Glyceria maxima in the United States should be carefully monitored as it has the potential to be a very serious invader of natural wetlands. Vegetative dispersal 1s reported from Canada, where 53 separate stands of G. maxima were located in one thirteen mile stretch of the Mississippi River in Ontario (Gut- teridge, 1954). The reliance on vegetative mechanisms of repro- duction and dispersal is also suggested by Dore’s (1953) report that only | to 9% of the florets set good grains. Further information on the spread of existing North American populations, coupled with additional data on dispersal mechanisms and control meth- odologies should be gathered before the species becomes thor- oughly entrenched. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Weare grateful to Gordon Tucker and Susan Aiken for checking the identity of the specimens supporting the New York and AI- berta reports of Glyceria maxima respectively. Jacques Cayouette 100 Rhodora [Vol. 96 kindly sent us a great deal of information about the Canadian distribution of this species. Bob Freckmann and Ted Cochrane similarly us useful information on the Wisconsin sites. Pa- mela B. Weatherbee alerted us to the literature on one of the Wisconsin Meaceniie of G. maxima, for which we are thankful. Thanks are also extended to Les Mehrhoff, Sally Rooney, Mark Anderson, Michael Taylor, Roberta Lombardi, Jody Hall, and Keith Killingbeck for review of vouchers at their respective her- aria. LITERATURE CITED ANpbERSON, M. M. 1991. Population structure of Lythrum salicaria in relation to wetland community structure. Master of Science thesis, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. Burcess, N. D., C. E. EVANS AND G. J. THoMAs. 1990. Vegetation change o the Ouse Washes Wetland, England, 1972-88 and effects on their conser- vation importance. Biol. Conserv. 53: 173-189. Buttery, B. R. AND J. M. LAMBERT. 1964. Competition between G/yceria max- ima and Phragmites communis in the region of Surlingham Broad. I. The competition mechanism. J. Ecol. 53: 163-181 Day, R. 1991. Asecond oe locality for English Water Grass G/yceria maxima. Osprey 22(1): 1 Dore, W. G. 1947. ae maxima in Canada. Canad. Field-Naturalist 61: 174 ———. 1953. A Forage Species for Wet Land. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting, Eastern Canadian Society of Agronomy, Agriculture School, Ste. eieseeeas Quebec, pp. Al2-A19. McNEILL. 1980. Grasses of Ontario. Monograph 26. Biosyste- matics se Institute, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Ottawa, FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. (corrected). D. Van Nostrand Company, New Yor FRECKMANN, W.R. AND D. M. REED. 979. Glyceria maxima: a new, potentially troublesome wetland weed. Bull. . Club Wisc. 11(2&3): 30-35. GUTTERIDGE, R. L. 1954. Glyceria maxima on the Mississippi River, Ontario, 1953. Canad. Field-Naturalist 68: 133-135. Harris, S. K. 1975. The Flora of Essex County, Massachusetts. Peabody Mu- seum, Salem, MA. JorpDaL, L.H. 1951. Plants from the vicinity of Fairbanks, Alaska. Rhodora 53: 156-160 Lapin, M. 1990. Ipswich River Wildlife Sanct Ecological Management Plan, Unpublished document. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, MA. New YorkK FLorA AssociATION. 1990. Preliminary Vouchered Atlas of New York State Flora. Edition |. New York State Museum Institute, Albany, NY. RoOULEAU, E. AND G. LAMOuREUX. 1992. Atlas of the Vascular Plants of the 1994] New England Note 101 Island of Newfoundland and of the Islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Saint-Henri-de-Levis, Quebec, Canada. Scoccan, H. J. 1978. The Flora of Canada, Part 2—Pteridophyta, Gymnosper- mae, Monocotyledonae. National Museum of Natural Sciences Publications in Botany, No. 7(2), Ottawa, Canada. Swink, F. AND G. WILHELM. 1979. Plants of the Chicago Region. The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois. Tutin, T. G., V. A. HEywoop, N. A. BurGcess, D. M. Moore, D. H. VALENTINE, S. M. WALTERS AND D. A. Wess, Eds. 1980. Flora Europaea, Vol 5. Alisma- taceae to Orchidaceae (Monocotyledons). Cambridge University Press. MASSACHUSETTS AUDUBON SOCIETY SOUTH GREAT ROAD LINCOLN, MASSACHUSETTS A.A. THE aneeeae OF MICHIGAN HERBARIUM NORTH UNIVERSITY BUILDING ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109-1057 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 102-103, 1994 NEW ENGLAND NOTE NOTES ON THE RHODE ISLAND FLORA RICHARD L. CHAMPLIN The following list includes plant species found and collected by the author over a period of years, proving that even in the smallest state one can turn up species new to the area or otherwise of interest botanically. Specimens of all species have been sent to the Herbarium of the New England Botanical Club. Thelypteris palustris (Salisb.) Schott var. pubescens (Laws.) Fern. A far cry from their usual habitat, specimens of the Marsh Fern grow in Newport, RI. not in an open, sunny marsh, but next to the mortar cementing together the granite stonewall of a private estate. About three feet above the sidewalk they share the ex- traordinary habitat with Woodsia obtusa and Asplenium platy- neuron. In five years of observation I have failed to find these Marsh Ferns fruiting, but the sterile fronds have all the diagnostic traits of the species— forking veins, the frequent twist of the whole frond, smooth green axis, black rootstock, etc. Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott When Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) designed the land- scape in Newport for John W. Auchincloss in 1887 at the estate known as Hammersmith Farm, he included a rock garden for alpine plants. It consisted of a long trench blasted out of calcium- bearing shale. A bed of the Dryopteris was planted along the north ridge. Not only has the fern survived, it has flourished, and its spores have developed new plants in various parts of Newport, three of which have been located so far. Male fern, a mountain dweller, has come down to altitudes of less than one hundred feet. Panicum amarum EIl. M. L. Fernald’s 8th Edition of Gray’s Manual of Botany, 1950, puts Connecticut as the northernmost range of this grass. But it has reached Rhode Island and was found along Narragansett Bay at Plum Point, Saunderstown (Washington County) in 1989. It grows on the beach with Prunus maritima, and occasional Geas- ters. 102 1994] New England Note 103 Carex kobomugi Ohwi This exotic carex occurs on Rhode Island sand dunes at East Beach, Charlestown (Washington County), found and collected in 1981. Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz This orchid has found a congenial habitat along a busy street in the City of Newport. One of its several locations is under the spread of another European species, the European Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus. Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart. An even more striking example of adaptability than the above is the case of the Beech Drops. This saprophyte grows in eastern North America under the American Beech (Fagus grandifolia). In Newport, however, it has become established under a specimen of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) on an estate where many European Beeches have come to maturity, but no American Beeches. The nearest known occurrence of Beech Drops and American Beech is about twelve miles away. The Epifagus is not known to grow natively in Europe, which makes this choice of habitat all the more surprising. Morus rubra L. Rhode Island does not fall within the natural distribution range of the Red Mulberry. Yet in Foster (Providence County) on the outskirts of the Lester Steere apple orchard grow without culti- vation five specimens of the fruit-bearing tree. The probable ex- planation? This land in the nineteenth century was a cherry or- chard. In that age, amid their cherries, orchardists planted Red Mulberries, which ripen simultaneously with the cherries. Thus they hoped to draw the bird population away from the cherries to the less valuable fruit. These specimens have apparently es- caped to the surrounding, rich woods where they grow in company with Christmas fern, Basswood, Butternuts, and white Baneberry. PRISCILLA ROAD JAMESTOWN, RHODE ISLAND 02835 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 104-108, 1994 NEW ENGLAND NOTE DESMONEMA WRANGELLII (AG.) BORNET ET FLAHAULT, A NEW RECORD FOR MAINE L. C. Cot, JR. Key Words: Desmonema, Scytonema, freshwater, basalt During a field trip in search of Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede in south-central Maine, my collecting gear got caught on the rough and irregular surface of a massive basalt rock partially submerged in the water of Crawford Pond, Union, Maine. This pond in Knox County has been previously described (Colt, 1977, 1985). This rock surface lies on the east side of the large central island in the northern section of the pond, and is identified by the presence of several bronze plaques attesting to the unfortunate but accidental deaths of several people in that area of the pond’s waters. While retrieving my collecting gear I found that the entire sur- face of the rock below the water line was covered by a brownish felt-like mat of microscopic plants. Several samples of the plants were gathered and preserved in Transeau’s Fluid (Prescott, 1962) since the proper equipment for examination of the samples was not immediately available. Subsequent examination of the plants with a light microscope in my laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth revealed that the plants were a cyanophyte alga, and using Smith (1950), the plant was identified as Desmonema wrangellii (Ag.) Bornet et Flahault 1887. The characteristics of the Maine plants matched the description by Smith, and subsequently, the descrip- tive material in Tilden (1910). Smith notes that the plant has parallel trichomes within common sheaths, and penicillate tufts which readily dissemble upon removal from the substrate. Tilden adds that heterocysts are basal, the plant mass caespitose and penicillate, and the filaments somewhat dichotomously divided. The summary environmental characteristics provided by VanLandingham (1982) generally fit. Although my plants were collected in a pond, there is frequent wind-aided water drift in the vicinity of the rock surface, along with small wave action, thus moving water is present, a characteristic of Desmonema habitat reported to frequently occur. 104 1994] New England Note 105 Drouet, in his monumental Revision of the Nostocaceae with Cylindrical Trichomes (1973), placed Desmonema in synonymy with Scytonema hofmannii Ag. According to Drouet, the plant identified by Bornet & Flahault as Desmonema is the same as the plant named Thorea by Agardh in 1812, as Oscillatoria by Agardh in 1813, as Calothrix by Bornet et Flahault in 1887, as Coleo- desmium by Borzi in 1887, and as Dillwynella by Kuntze in 1891. Drouet (1973) reduced the Nostaceae with cylindrical tri- chomes to three genera by characterizing the morphology of the terminal cells in the following manner. Scytonema: Terminal vegetative cells at first hemispherical, becoming almost spherical Calothrix: Terminal vegetative cells at first hemispherical, becoming blunt-conical or cylindrical with rotund tips. Raphidopsis: Terminal vegetative cells at first hemispherical, becoming more or less acute-conical. Not all cyanophyte specialists agree with Drouet’s revision. While Drouet examined an enormous number of specimens, more than 30,000, in researching his revisions of the cyanophytes, he came to depend on such characters as granulation (among the Oscillatoriaceae) and the shape of the terminal cell of the vege- tative portions of the plants in both the Oscillatoriaceae and the Nostocaceae. Drouet (1973) states that the constant features of morphological value in classification of the Oscillatoriaceae are those of the protoplast alone. The characteristics of the external sheath, according to Drouet, are the products of the history of the environment and as a result, prove to be of no value for the purposes of classification. He further notes, writing about the Oscillatoriaceae, that the ‘‘end ofa fragmented trichome proceeds, under favorable environmental conditions, to assume a config- uration characteristic of the species”’. There seems to be no disagreement among cyanophycologists that there is a great deal of morphological variation among the blue-green algae, and that this variation is primarily a function of environmental or habitat variation. Baker and Bold (1970) in their two-year culture studies in the Oscillatoriaceae note that the vegetative terminal cells in their cultures showed considerably more morphological variation than Drouet’s work would seem to allow as permissible. Kathleen Baker of the University of Ha- 106 Rhodora [Vol. 96 waii (Pers. comm.), who was kind enough to respond to my query on Desmonema, suggested that much work remains yet to be done by microbiologists to fully establish the relationships among the cyanophytes. While my plants show the hemispherical-approaching-spheri- cal cells of Scytonema, my experiences with desmid (Desmidi- aceae) cells, where morphological changes in the new vegetative semicells appear to be the result of environmental factors present immediately prior to or during their development, leads me to wonder if such dependence on the morphology of one cell is appropriate. New desmid semicells can and do show distinct mor- phological differences from the parent (semicell), and if these changes persist into the next vegetative generation, subsequent observations can lead to the erroneous conclusion that the “new” semicells represent a new taxon. I suggest that what are needed are discrete studies at the molecular level which would identify the relationships among or the differences between the many al- ready described cyanophyte taxa. J am aware that some studies have been undertaken, but these few appear to represent only a minute fraction of what is needed to clearly and accurately define the cyanophytes. When I checked the New England Algal Data Bank (NEADB, 1993) to determine whether or not this plant had been previously collected in the New England Region, the only reported collection was by W. A. Setchell (1895) in New Haven, Connecticut. Given the large number of plants at the Maine site, the lack of other collections in New England seemed curious. Geitler (1932) reports Desmonema as being collected in England and the Pyrenees, and Whitford and Schumacher (1969) and Cocke (1967) report Des- monema from North Carolina, but I am not aware of any other reports from New England. Given Drouet’s assignment of Desmonema to Scytonema, it seemed reasonable to determine whether or not Scytonema hof- mannii had been reported in New England. According to data in the NEADB Conn and Webster report S. hofmannii in Middlesex, County, CT, in 1908, and Holden is reported in both Tilden (1910) and Hylander (1925, 1928) to have collected it in Litchfield County, CT. Setchell (1896) collected S. hofmannii in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, and Collins (1904b) collected S. hof- mannii in Grafton County, New Hampshire. The latter two col- lections are noted in Tilden (1910). Bailey (1847b) reported S. 1994] New England Note 107 hofmannii from Providence County, Rhode Island, and Flint (1916) collected S. hofmannii in Chittenden County, Vermont. The question is, do these all represent the same species, Scyto- nema, as reported by Drouet? In that my own research is with certain of the chlorophytes, I feel somewhat uneasy in making any final determination on the systematic position of the cyanophyte plants which I collected in Maine. Despite the conclusions of Drouet, however accurate as they may eventually be shown to be, and given the uncertainties expressed in the literature and by personal communication I be- lieve the appropriate action at this time is to report the collection of Desmonema wrangellii (Ag.) Bornet et Flahault for the second time in New England and for the first time in Maine. I am indebted to Robert K. Edgar of the University of Mas- sachusetts Dartmouth for access to his personal library and for his taking the time to assist in searching for clues to the systematics of this cyanophyte enigma. LITERATURE CITED BAILEY, J. W. 1847b. Notes on Algae of the United States. Amer. J. Sci. Arts. Ser. 2. 3(9):399-403 BAKER, AILSIE F. AND HAROLD C. Bo_p. 1970. Phycological Studies. X. Taxo- nomic Studies in the Oscillatoriaceae. Univ. Texas Publication No. 7004. Cocke, ELron C. 1967. The Myxophyceae of North Carolina. Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC. Cotuins, F. S. 1904b. Algae of the Flume. Rhodora 6(69):18 1-182. Cott, L. C., Jr. 1977. A new station for Coleochataceae in New England. Rhodora 79(818): 300-304. Vaucheria undulata Jao again in New England. Rhodora 87(852): 597-599. 1993. The New England Algal Data Bank, Library, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, M Conn, H. W. AND L. W. WEBSTER. 1908. A Preliminary Report Upon the Fresh Waters of Connecticut. Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull No. 10, Hartford, Cr DrouetT, FRANCIS. 1973. Revision of the Nostocaceae with Cylindrical Tri- c s. Hafner Press, NY. FLINT, L. “EL 1916. A First Partial List of a of Vermont. M. S. Thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, Ver GEITLER, L. 1932. Cyanophyceae. In: es ene Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Band XIV. Leipz HyLanper, C. J. 1925. The Algae of Connecticut. Ph.D. dion: Yale University, New Haven, CT. 108 Rhodora [Vol. 96 . 1928. The Algae of Connecticut. Conn. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull. No. 42, Hartford, CT Prescott, G. W. 1962. Algae of The Western Great Lakes Area. Wm. C. Brown, Co., Dubuque, IA. SETCHELL, W. A. 1895. Notes on some Cyanophyceae of New England. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22(10): 424-431. SMITH, G. M. 1950. The Fresh-Water Algae of the United States. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY. TILDEN, J. 1910. The Myxophyceae of North America. Minnesota Geol. Surv inneapolis, MN. Vani deo SAM. 1982. Guide to the Identification, Environmental Re- quirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Blue-Green Algae (Cya- nophyta). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, O WHITFORD, L. A. AND G. J. SCHUMACHER. 1969. A Manual of Fresh-Water Algae in North aie. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, bee DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS DARTMOUTH N. DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, p. 109, 1994 THE BIOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF THE PORTULACA OLERACEA L. COMPLEX IN NORTH AMERICA: ERRATUM JAMES F. MATTHEWS Figure 3, page 170, is incorrect. The seed surface shown is that of a stellate tuberculate Portulaca pilosa L. The seed surface pat- tern for the specimen labelled Portulaca retusa Engelm. as cited in Table 3, page 178, is shown here. MATTHEWS, JAMES F., DONNA W. KETRON, AND SANDRA F. ZANE. 1993. The biology and taxonomy of the Portulaca oleracea L. complex in North Amer- ica. Rhodora 95(882): 166-183. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28223 109 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, p. 110, 1994 BOOK REVIEW Cheryl McJannet, George Argus, Sylvia Edlund, and Jacques Cay- ouette. 1993. Rare Vascular Plants in the Canadian Arctic. Syllogeus Series No. 72. Canadian Museum of Nature. Pre- paid orders available from the Canadian Museum of Nature, Direct Mail Section, P.O. Box 3443, Station “‘D,” Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6P4. (Price $17.95 U.S. and overseas, $14.92 Canadian orders). This 79 page booklet covers the 236 rare vascular plant taxa found in the Canadian Arctic. A typical entry includes name, synonymy, family, phytogeography, where found in the Canadian Arctic, and its status in the various Provinces and the Northwest Territories. Each entry also contains a dot range map. This is a valuable publication for those interested in the arctic flora. It follows the format for the other publications dealing with rare plants in the Canadian Provinces. The price seems excessive for such a publication. Mail orders must be prepaid by check, Visa, or Mastercard. C. BARRE HELLQUIST DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY NORTH ADAMS STATE COLLEGE NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS 01247 110 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 111-112, 1994 BOOK REVIEW Bernard Boivin. 1992. Les Cypéracées de l’est du Canada. Pro- vancheria 25, Herbier Louis-Marie, Universite Laval (230 pp., including 69 figures). In French. Available from Herbier Louis-Marie, Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de I’al- imentation, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4. This treatment of the sedges of the six eastern provinces of Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland/Labrador) is the first segment of the Flore de l’est du Canada, planned as a series in Provancheria by Bernard Boivin, one of the outstanding botanists of this cen- tury. A student of both Marie-Victorin and Fernald, his work in floristics and taxonomy was wide-ranging and critical, and is best represented by the Enumération des plantes du Canada (1967), and in the 5-part Flora of the Prairie Provinces (1979). Written by Boivin before his death in 1985 at age 68, the Cyperaceae section was edited for publication by Paul Catling and Jacques Cayouette of Agriculture Canada, who are responsible for an up- to-date bibliography for the Cyperaceae in eastern Canada and a list of new records for this region discovered after Boivin’s com- pletion of the manuscript. The flora includes two new taxa (one nothospecies, one new form) and ten new combinations. The twelve genera (Hemicarpha is included in Scirpus) and 217 species are represented, with an additional thirty nothospecies. Carex includes 168 species and 29 nothospecies. Each taxon is provided with a short description and a discussion, including distribution, ecology, and taxonomic notes, that is one of the more valuable parts of the book. Keys have been tailored to each genus and work very well. Primary keys to some genera (Cyperus, Eleocharis) and sections (Carex sect. Bracteosae) are geographical, while the majority are based on morphology. Keys for Carex are particularly effective. An ex- tended discussion is provided for the notoriously difficult Carex section Ovales, which Boivin has divided into eight groups based on distinctive morphological features. The figures are perhaps the weakest aspect of the book. The half-page figures showing from two to nine species provide good overall illustrations of inflorescences for all species, but often omit critical details of achenes, scales or perigynia. In particular, veins Lit hi Rhodora [Vol. 96 or nerves are not clearly shown in these figures. The placement of figures is also poor, often separating related taxa or the de- scription and illustration for a particular species. For example, Fimbristylis and Bulbostylis, two easily confused genera, appear on separate figures, as do the two species of Scleria. For Carex nardina, the text and figure are separated by fifteen pages. Al- though the illustrations have scale bars, it is not clear what mea- surements these represent. Boivin’s taxonomic approach is characteristically idiosyncratic. He frequently combines species, often to an extent greater than that of Cronquist (Gleason and Cronquist, 1991). As examples, Scirpus longii is reduced to S. cyperinus var. brachypodus, and S. acutus and S. validus are combined as S. /acustris. Many species of Carex sect. Ovales have been reduced to varietal status (C. bicknellii to C. brevior var. crawei, for example). Boivin makes significant use of the taxonomic rank of ‘forma’, and recognizes numerous nothospecies. Since it preserves Boivin’s understanding of the family, this treatment does not recognize many recent taxonomic revisions in Carex and Scirpus, including several by the editorial team. Despite some flaws, this volume is an excellent reference for botanists interested in the sedge flora of northeastern North Amer- ica. Descriptions are clear and concise, the keys work well, and the discussions provide valuable habitat and taxonomic infor- mation. The taxonomic treatment provides an interesting alter- native to other recent works, and may stimulate further research to resolve the conflicting opinions of two of the most notable floristic botanists of our time. LITERATURE CITED Borvin, B. 1967. Enumération des plantes du Canada. V. Monopsides. Le Na- turaliste Canadien 94: 131-157. . 1979. Flora of the Prairie Provinces. Part IV. Monopsida. Provancheria 5. 251 pp GLeason, H. A. AND A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. L. A. STANDLEY VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN, INC. 101 WALNUT STREET, P.O. BOX 9151 WATERTOWN, MA 02272 RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB GORDON P. DEWOLF, JR., Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors DAVID S. BARRINGTON RICHARD A. FRALICK A. LINN BOGLE GERALD J. GASTONY DAVID E. BOUFFORD C. BARRE HELLQUIST CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL MICHAEL W. LEFOR WILLIAM D. COUNTRYMAN ROBERT T. WILCE GARRETT E. CROW VOLUME 96 1994 The New Gngland Rotanical Club, Inc. Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 885, pp. 115-120, 1994 INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Acadia National Park 122-128 Achene micro-morphology as a sys- tematic aid to the series placement of Svenson’s undesi ages oe (Cyperaceae) species. Agoseris glauca var. ee 393, 396 Algal vegetation of the York River Es- tuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine 285-324 Allium geyeri var. chatterleyi 417-418 Alpine zone 52-75 Ambrosia sandersonii 396-397 Angelo, Ray. Some new records for New England states. III. 188 Antennaria aromatica 261-276 Antennaria media 261-276 Antennaria pulvinata Greene: The le- itimate name for 4. aromatica Evert (Asteraceae: Inuleae). 261-276 Antennaria rosea 261-276 Antennaria umbrinella 261-276 Aquilegia grahamii 412-413 Arctomecon 197-213 Arenaria rubella var. filiorum 393 Arisaema ringens 254-260 Aristida beyrichiana 25-37, 189-190 Aristida stricta 25-37, 189-190 Artemisia campestris ssp. borealis var. petiolata 397-398 Aster 236-240 Astereae 234-253 Astragalus toanus var. scidulus 403 Astragalus zionis var. vigulus 404 Bahama flora 369-391 Baskinger, S. M. 422-424 Belland, René J. and W. B. Schofield. Salix vestita Pursh and Saxifraga op- positifolia L.: arctic-alpine species new to Nova Scotia. 76-78 Biology and taxonomy of the Portulaca —— L. (Portulacaceae) complex n North America. The, 166-183 iclionta 240 BOOK REVIEWS Atlas of Ontario Mosses. 82-84 Women Botanists of Ohio: Born be- Bregin, Candice L. Britton, Donald M. Bromeliaceae 342-347 Brunton, Daniel F. and Donald M. Britton. Jsoetes prototypus (Isoeta- ceae) in the United States. 122-128 Buffalo Academy of Sciences 137-154 Cahill, Jr., James F. 97-112 Camissonia bairdii 408-409 Camissonia claviformis var. crucifor- mis 409 Campbell, Michael T. 11-20 Canada 129-136, 225-333, 234-253 Carex castanea x C. debilis, a new nat- ural hybrid from Ontario. 129-136 Carex debilis 129-136 Carex praegracilis W. Boot (Cypera- ceae) new to New England. 425-426 Carex section Sylvaticae 129-136 Catling, P. M. Carex castanea x C. de- bilis, a new natural hybrid from On- tario. 129-136 Catling, ue M. Rediscovery of the ned strawberry, Fragaria multe ae. one Paul M. and Stu ay “Phe “hybrid origin of Eleoc ae ma- COUNIL. Ceanothus greggi var. franklinii 413- 414 a orbiculatus 188 hang, Youngjune 11-20 ee 38-51, 352-368 Chamaesvyee deltoidea 38-51 Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. adhaerens 48-49 Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. deltoidea 4 Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. pinetorum 49-50 115 116 Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. serpyllum 50 Chemung County 137-154 Chionaster sp. 21 Chloromonas spp. 21-24 G. Antennaria pul- or A. aromatica Evert (Asteraceae: Inuleae). 261-276 Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. V. Eastern North American taxa. 234-253. Chromosome numbers 234-253 24] Coastal seaweeds 285-324 Cogbill, Charles V. The interplay of botanists and Potentilla robbinsiana: discovery, systematics, collection, and stewardship of a rare species. 52—75 Colorado 11-20, 155-157 olt, L. C., Jr., S. M. Baskinger, M. O. Fontaine, T. W. Howie, K. Richards d K. A. Simmons. Some new re- cords for algae in ae Mas- sachusetts. 422-4 Compositae hay Connecticut 97-112 Conservation 122-128 Conservation biology 52-75 Contributions of William T. Gillis (1933-79) to the of the Baha- mas. The, Conyza 240 Costa, Martin 285-324 Croptilon 240 Crow, Garrett E. 348-351 Cuscuta glomerata 158-165 Cyperaceae 85-96, 129-136, 214-224, 349, 425-426 Cytogeography 234-253 Cytology 166-183 Discovery of Subularia aquatica L. in Colorado and the extension of its range. 155-157 Disjunct populations 11-20 Distribution 11-20, 25-37, 38-51, 76- Rhodora [Vol. 96 78, 122-128, 158-165, 166-183, 184-187, 197-213, 225-233, 325- 341, 348-351, 425-426 Dominican Republic 325-341 Dr. Thomas F. Lucy: early botanist of the Chmung River Valley, New York. 137-154 Duval, Brian. Snow algae in northern New England. 21-24 Ecology 225-233 Eleocharis 85-96, 214-224 Eleocharis x macounii 85-96 Elmira Academy of Sciences 137-154 Elmira College Herbarium 137-154 Endangered species 38-51, 52-75 Endemism 225-233 Erigeron sionis var. trilobatus 398 Eriogonum corymbosum var. albiflo- rum 410-411 Eriogonum corymbosum var. thomp- 411 Eriogonum jamesii var. higginsti 411- 412 Eriogonum racemosum var. nobilis Erythronium bracteatum 119 Eshbaugh, W. Hardy 369-391 Estuarine seaweeds 285-324 Euphorbiaceae 38-51, 352-368 Euthamia 241 Fire and Cuscuta alr Choisy in Ohio: a connectio 158-165 Florida 342-347, Tae: Fontaine, M. O. Fragaria multicipita 225-233 Gard, C. Luke 11-20 Germplasm protection 225-233 Gilia latifolia var. imperialis 409-410 Gillis, William T. 391 Glyceria acutiflora 188 Gulf of St. Lawrence 225-233 Gulf coastal plain 6-10 Gutierrezia 241 Haplopappus lignumyiridis 398 Harmon, William E. 155-157 Haufler, Christopher H. 11-20 1994] Hehre, Edward J. 285-324 Hehre, Edward J. and Arthur C. Ma- thieson. Porphyra amplissima (Kjell- man) Setchell et Hus: new records of oe. seaweed in Southern e, New Hampshire and Mas- serene 184-187 Heminway, Sarah W. 91-112 Herbarium collections 52-75 Herndon, Alan. A revision of the Cha- maesyce deltoidea (Euphorbiaceae) complex of southern Florida. Herndon, Alan. Notes on Chamaesyce (Euphorbiaceae) in Florida. 352-368 Heterotheca 241 Hispaniola 325-341 Historical ecology 52-75 Howie, T. W. 422-424 Hybrid 85-96, 129-136 Hybrid origin of Eleocharis macounii. The, 85-96 Aymenoxys acaulis var. nana 398-399 Identity of Erythronium bracteatum (Liliaceae). The, 119-121 Interplay of Botanists and Potentilla robbinsiana: discovery, systematics, collection and stewardship of a rare species. The, 5 prea ae taxonomy and compari- ns of nrDNA ITS-2 sequences of oe ringens (Araceae). 254- 2 Tsoetes eas (Isoetaceae) in the United States. 122-128 Isozyme ek 11-20 ITS-2 254-260 Judd, Walter S. and Eliza Karpook. Taxonomic studies in the Miconieae (Melastomataceae). V. Miconia sten- obotrys, circumscription and _ rela- tionships. 325-341 Karpook, Eliza 325-341 Kass, Lee B. 137-154 Kass, Lee B. and W. Hardy Eshbaugh. The contributions of William T. Gil- Index to Volume 95 1 lis (1933-79) to the flora of the Ba- hamas. 369-391 Kelloff, Carol L. and Lee B. Kass. Dr. Thomas F. Lucy: early botanist of the Chemung River Valley, New York 137-154 Ketron, Donna W. 166-183 Ko, Sung Chul, Steve L. O’K. and Barbara - Schaal. Intraspecific taxonomy and comparisons of nr- DNA rs sequences of Arisaema ringens (Araceae). 254-260 Lane, Meredith A., Zhongren Wang, Christopher H. Haufler, Philip A. Schott, Greg Spielberg, Kathryn E. Stoner, Mark B. Taylor, and Ilan Ya- rom. Rhododendron albiflorum Hook. (Ericaceae): one taxon or two? 11-20 Lepidium montanum var. claronensis 01-402 Liliaceae 119-121 Long Island Sound 91-112 Lucy, Thomas Francis 137-154 Luther, Harry E. A new record for Ti/- landsia (Bromeliaceae) in Florida. 47 Lygodesmia grandiflora var. doloresen- sis 399 Lygodesmia grandiflora var. entrada 399 MacDonald, Laura A. 97-112 Maine 112-128 Marine and brackish water species of Vaucheria (Tribophyceae, Chryso- phyta) from Connecticut. The, 97- 112 Massachusetts 113-118, 184-187, 285-324 Mathew, Brian. The identity of Ery- thronium bracteatum (Liliaceae). 119-121 Mathews, James F., Donna W. Ketron and Sandra F. Zane. The biology and taxonomy of the Portulaca oleracea 118 L. (Portulacaceae) call in North America. -18 Mathieson, Arthur A 184-187 Mathieson, Arthur C., Edward J. Hehre, and Martin Costa. Algal ae of the York River Estuary e adjacent open coast of uae Maine. 285-324 McCormac, James S. and Jennifer L. Windus. Fire and Cuscuta glomerata Choisy in Ohio: a connection? 158— 165 Melastomataceae 325-341 Menapace, Francis J. Achene micro- morphology as a systematic aid to the series placement of Svenson’s undes- ignated Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) spe- cies. - Mentzelia goodrichii 407-408 sda ee var. coriacea 393 Mexico Miconia Chaenopleura aa 341 Miconia stenobotrys 325-34 Micro-morphology oe Mohave Desert 197-213 0) Myriophyllum spicatum 250 Najas minor 348-349 Nelson, Deanna R. and Stanley L. elsh. Taxonomic revision of Arc- tomecon Torr. & Frem. 197-213 Nelson, Jody K. and William E. Har- mon. Discovery of Subularia aqua- tica L. in Colorado and the extension of its range. 155-157 New England Notes 188, 422-424, 425-426 New Hampshire 52-75, 184-187, 285- 324 New record of Tillandsia (Bromeli- aceae) in Florida. A, 342-347 New records for algae in southeastern Massachusetts. Some, 422-424 New species 1-5, 277-284, 392-421 New taxa and new nomenclatural com- binations in the Utah Flora. 392- 42] New York 137-154 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Notes on Chamaesyce (Euphorbiaceae) in Florida. 352-368 Nova Scotia 76-78 nrDNA 254-260 Nuttall, Thomas 52-75 Oakes, William, 52-75 Ohio 158-165 O’Kane, Steve L. 254-260 Oldham, M. J. 425-426 Ontario —136 Orchidaceae 1-5, 277-284, 418-420 Pacific Northwest 11-20 Padgett, Donald J. and Garrett E. Crow. So unwelcome additions to the flora of New Hampshire. 348-351 diomelum aromaticum var. barnebyi 404-407 Peet, Robert K. A taxonomic study of Aristida stricta and A. beyrichiana. 25-37 Peet, Robert K. A taxonomic study Aristida stricta and Aristida eee ana, adden 90 Pelexin asinus "379-282 Pelexia cundinamarcae 277-279 Pelexia sinuosa 281-284 Penstemon franklinit 414-416 Penstemon humilis var. desereticus 416 Phacelia cronquistiana 2 Phacelia heise var. atwoodii 403 Phacidium sp. Phylogenetic species concept 325-341 225-233 Setchell et H New Hampshire and Meccan. 184-187 Portulaca oleracea 166-183 Potamogeton crispus 349-350 Potentilla robbinsiana 52-75 Prairie 158-165 Québec 85-96, 225-233 1994] Range extension 155-157 Rediscovery of the many-crowned strawberry, Fragaria multicipita Fer- nald. 225-233 Reviewers of Manuscripts 427 Revision of the Chamaesyce deltoidea (Euphorbiaceae) complex of south- ern Florida. A, 38-51 Reznicek, A. A. and M. J. Oldham. Carex praegracilis W. Boot (Cyper- a new to New England. 425- Rhadendron albiflorum Hook. (Eri- eae): one taxon or two? 11-20 nee DNA 254-260 Richards, K. 422-424 Salix vestita Pursh and Saxifraga op- positifolia L.: Arctic-alpine species new to Nova Scotia. 76-78 Salt marsh 97-112, 113-118 Sarracenia purpurea L. ssp. venosa (Raf.) Wherry var. burkii Schnell (Sarraceniaceae)—a new variety of the Gulf coastal plain. 6-10 Saxifraga oppositifolia 76-78 Schaal, Barbara A. 254-260 Schiedeella romeroana (Orchidaceae, Spiranthi nae), a new and interesting species cn eee 1-5 Schneider, Craig W., Laura A. Mac- nald, James F. Cahill, Jr., and Sar- ah W. Heminway. The marine and brackish water species of Vaucheria (Tribophyceae, ee es from Connecticut. 97-1 aa Donald E. ae L. ssp. venosa (Raf.) Wherry var. bur- kii Schnell (Sarraceniaceae)—a new variety of the Gulf coastal plain. 6-10 Schott, Gary 11-20 Scirpus fluviatilis 349 Scotiella eryophila 21 Seaweeds 184-187, 285-324 Seed morphology 166-183 Selenotila sp. 21 SEM 214-224 Semple, John C., Jie Zhang, and Chun- sheng Xiang. Chromosome number Index to Volume 95 Lig determinations in fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. V. Eastern North American taxa. 234-253 Senecio castoreus 399-400 Senecio musiniensis 400-401 Simmons, K. A. 422-424 Snow algae in northern New England, 4 1-2 Solidago 241-248 Some new records for New England states. III. 18 Southeastern U.S. 6-10, 25-37 Southern Florida 38-51, 342-347 Species biology 166-183 Spielberg, Greg 11-20 Spiranthes romanzoffiana var. diluvi- alis 419-420 Stoner, Kathryn E. 11-20 Strawberry 225-233 Subspecies complex 38-51 Subularia aquatica 155-157 Susquehana Valley 137-154 Szlachetko, Dariusz L. Schiedeella romeroana (Orchidaceae, Spiran- thinae), a new and interesting species T Szlachetko, Dariusz L. Three new spe- cies of the genus Pelexia (Orchida- ceae, Spiranthinae) from Columbia. 277-284 Taxonomic revision of Arctomecon Torr. & Frem. 197-21 3 Taxonomic obotrys, circumscription and _ rela- tionships. 325-341 Taxonomic study of Aristida stricta and A. beyrichiana. A, 25-3 Taxonomic study of Aristida stricta and Aristida beyrichiana; addendum. A 189-190 Taxonomy 25-37, 225-233 Taylor, Mark B. 11-20 Thompson, Philip A. 11-20 Three new species of the genus Pelexia (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) from Columbia. 277-284 Tillandsia fasciculata 342-347 120 Transcribed spacer 254-260 Tribophyceae 97-112 Trifolium friscanum 407 Tuckerman, Jr., Edward 52-75 Upper Susquehana flora 137-154 Utah flora 392-421 Vaucheria arcossonensis 101-103 Vaucheria compacta 103 Vaucheria compacta var. koksoakensis 103-104 Vaucheria coronata 104 104-105 5 Vaucheria nasuta 107-108 Vaucheria subsimplex Crouan from a Massachusetts salt marsh: first Unit- ed States record. 113-118 Vaucheria velutina 108-109 Vaucheria vipera 109 Vaucheriaceae 97-112 Virgulus 246 Wang, Zhongren 11-20 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Webber, Edgar E. Vaucheria subsim- plex Crouan from a Massachusetts salt sh: first United States record. 113-118 Weeds 348-351 Welsh, Stanley L. 197-213 Welsh, Stanley L. New taxa and new nomenclatural combinations in the 21 Windler Award winner announced, Third Annual Richard and Minnie. 19] Windus, Jennifer L. 158-165 Xiang, Chunsheng 234-253 Yarom, Ilan 11-20 York River, Maine 285-324 Yucca vespertina 417 Zane, Sandra F. 166-183 Zhang, Jie 234-253 Zuckia brandegei var. plummeri 393 Vol. 95, No. 883/884, including pages 197-428, was issued March 22, 1994. Coes a eae S: “Send to: Gordon p DeWolf, Tt . Ni ew eiiceast Benin Club, 2 pina Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 021 2138 _ RHODORA | GORDON P. DEWOLE, JR, Raitor-in-Chiet | Associate Editors: : DAVID S. CONANT ee “LISA A. STANDLEY . sae: : “RHoDORA (ISSN 0035 -4902). Puplished: four times a year a | East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New ‘Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Second class - RHODORA, RO. 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CHANGES: In order to receive the nex number ~RHODORA, changes. must be received by be busi ness. office ay or 0 the first day of January, April, July, or Octob INFORMATION Fc FOR CONTRIBUTORS: inside back k cover, ay o and April. anaging oe RHODORA a as Long Hill Road © West Brookfield MA 01585. tn én as . 4 SC ARICL/IANCC- 790 AR. This paper meets the req ANSI/ . 1992 (Permanence of Paper). April, July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810 - ae 6 _ pending at Lawrence, KS. ! -OSTMASTER: Send address changes to el RHODORA OURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 96 April 1994 No. 886 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 886, pp. 121-169, 1994 THE ENVIRONMENT AND VASCULAR FLORA OF NORTHEASTERN IOWA FEN COMMUNITIES JEFFREY C. NEKOLA ABSTRACT While fen communities have been long known from northwestern Iowa, only recently have they been found to occur in northeastern Iowa, south of the limit of Wisconsinan glaciation. Since 1984, over 2333 potential fen sites were surveyed in this region, and 160 were found extant. Extant fen sites can be divided into one of five classes dependent upon surficial geology: pre-IIlinoian till, bedrock, eolian sand, fluvial sand, and oxbows. Five of eight soil chemistry variables differed significantly across these geologic classes, including organic matter, pH, available phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Soil pH, organic matter, and available magnesium were found to have fairly well-defined spatial gradients across north- eastern Iowa fen sites. Four principal axes of climatic variation were also described from northeastern Iowa, and include temperature, precipitation, growing season, and summer precipitation. A total of 320 vascular plant taxa were located or have been reported from this community, with seven being only known from historical records. Fully 44% of the flora are considered rare in the region or state. Of these, 30% are rare in northeastern Iowa, 20% are rare in the state, 12% are listed for state legal protection, 11% are newly known from the northeastern Iowa flora, and 4% are newly known from the Iowa flora. Even though northeastern Iowa fens currently cover only .01% of the northeastern Iowa land surface, they con- tribute significantly to state and regional biodiversity by harboring approximately 28% of the regional and 18% of the total state flora. Key Words: fens, Iowa flora, rare species, biodiversity INTRODUCTION Fens are peatland areas whose source water has been enriched in nutrients by passage through the ground (Sjérs, 1952; Moore and Bellamy, 1974). While covering a large extent of the boreal North American landscape (Horton et al., 1979; Glaser, 1987), along the glacial margin in North America fens are generally LZ] 122 Rhodora Table 1. States in the eastern U.S. where fens have been reported. State Selected References Connecticut LeFor, 1986 Illinois Sheviak, 1974 Swink Wilhelm, 1979 Moran 8 Indiana Bresner ae Potzger, 1946 Shuey, 1985 Wilcox et al., 1986 lowa Anderson, 1943 Nekola and Lammers, 1989 Kansas Horr and McGregor, 1948 Griger, 1973 ss egal Weatherby and Crow, 1992 Michig Cain and Slater, 1948 Schwintzer, 1978 Kron, 1989 Minnesota Glaser, 1987 Coffin and Pfannmuller, 1988 Missouri Steyermark, 193 Orzell, 1983 Nelson, 1985 Nebraska Kaul et al., 198 New Jersey Breden and Smith, 1988 New York Stewart and Merrell, 1937 North Carolina North Dakota McVaugh, 1958 Schafale and Weakley, 1990 Seiler and Barker, 1985 Malterer and Bluemle, 1988 Ohio Gordon, 1933 Andreas, 1985 Stewart, 1987 Pennsylvania Conard, 1952 South Dakota Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Over, Bartgis and Lang, 1984 Curtis, 1959 Carpenter, 1990 eed, 1985 [Vol. 96 considered one of the rarest habitats in the landscape (Reed, 1985; Eggers and Reed, 1990). Fens or fen-like areas have been reported from a number of central and eastern states (Table 1), where they harbor a distinct flora including many rare species. 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens Oe RET TE IS Werth Mitchel | Howard ls — \ \ = Floyd ~ | Black Hawk | Buchanan Figure 1. Landforms and counties included in the study region. Landform boundaries are based on Prior (1991). Fens have long been the subject of research along the western side of the Wisconsinan terminal moraine in northwestern Iowa (Cratty, 1903; Wolden, 1926; Anderson, 1943; Hayden, 1943: Conard, 1952; Thorne, 1952; Holte and Thorne, 1962; Holte, 1966; van der Valk, 1975; Lammers and van der Valk, 1979: Moats, 1981). Until the mid-1980’s biologists and ecologists thought that fens were restricted in Iowa to this region (e.g., Roosa and Eilers, 1978). However, spring-fed, hillside peat deposits (termed ‘mound springs’) were also reported from northeastern Iowa in early geo- logic surveys (White, 1870; Calvin, 1897, 1902). These habitats remained biologically undescribed until 1984, when the flora of a northeastern Iowa site was studied (Nekola and Lammers, 1989). Like fens elsewhere in central and eastern North America, this site was found to harbor a large number of regionally rare species. To better assess the regional fen environment across north- eastern Iowa, and its contribution to local biodiversity, recon- naissance for all extant fen sites within the Iowan Erosional Sur- face, Paleozoic Plateau, and portions of the Southern Iowa Drift Plain and Mississippi River Alluvial Plain of Prior, 1991 (Figure 1) was conducted. Results from this survey will be used to address three main topics: (1) What was the original extent of fens in eastern Iowa, and how many remain extant? (2) What is the 124 Rhodora [Vol. 96 environmental variation of the extant sites in terms of their un- derlying geology, soil chemistry, and regional climate? (3) What is the species diversity of these sites, and how do they contribute to state and regional biodiversity? METHODS A. Site Location For purposes of this study, fens were defined as wetland areas with saturated but not inundated soils which are fed by permanent groundwater seepage. This definition differs slightly from those typically used by European researchers (e.g., Sj6rs, 1952; Moore and Bellamy, 1974) in that sites which have saturated soils, but little or no peat accumulation are considered fens. The broader definition of ‘fen’ used in this study follows the precedent of many other U.S. fen researchers (e.g., Holte, 1966; Andreas, 1985; Weatherbee and Crow, 1992). Potential fen sites in northeastern Iowa were located through use of county soil survey maps prepared by the USDA Soil Con- servation Service (SCS). These modern soil survey maps have been completed for all counties within the study region. The location of potential sites was made possible as most occurrences of muck or peat soils (variously named ‘Peat’, ‘Muck’, ‘Palms Muck’, or ‘Houghton Muck’) are restricted to fen sites. From 1984 to 1991 all occurrences of peat soil pedons occurring on SCS county soil maps in the 29-county study region were visited to determine the location of extant sites. Sites were con- sidered extant if they possessed essentially undisturbed vegetation and/or rare species. A number of undrained sites that had been completely invaded by weedy plants such as Phalaris arundina- cea, or had been grazed beyond recognition, were excluded from this list. The boundaries of all pedons of fen soil mapped by the Soil Conservation Service were digitized to provide a regional perspective on the distribution of presettlement and extant sites. B. Soil Analysis Four soil samples were collected from each extant fen in an attempt to capture the range of soil variation present. These sam- ples were oven dried, and 50 g taken from each to make a single 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 175 composite sample for each site. Determination of percent organic matter, pH, NO,-N, extractable P, exchangeable K, extractable SO,-S, exchangeable Ca, and exchangeable Mg in these samples were conducted by Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratory of Ne- vada, Iowa, and followed the methodology of Dahnke (1988). These variables are referred to as percent organic matter, pH, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg, respectively, in the remainder of the paper. Water samples were not taken as standing water was not present at all sites, and as water samples could not be stored for later analysis. However, soil and water chemistry should covary as any dissolved or suspended particulates will remain in the soil after drying. One-way ANOVA’s were used to test the significance of dif- ferences for these soil variables across five classes of underlying surficial geology. An approximation of the spatial distribution of each variable across northeastern Iowa fen sites was estimated through the interpolation technique of block kriging (Burgess and Webster, 1980). C. Climatic Analysis Twenty-two climatic variables were calculated as 30-year means from 96 recording stations across Iowa. Principal components analysis was conducted on all variables to identify the most im- portant axes of variation. These axes were related to the original variables through use of a vari-max rotation. To document the spatial distribution of each of these four main axes within the study region, the interpolation technique of block kriging was used to estimate the variation of each across the study region. D. Floristic Analysis Occurrence of all vascular plant species were noted for all extant northeastern Iowa fens. In addition, a survey was made of the northeastern Iowa botanical literature (Fitzpatrick, 1899: Barnes et al., 1900; Pammel, 1908; Guldner, 1960; Cooperrider, 1962: Hartley, 1966; Eilers, 1971) to identify all species that were his- torically known from these habitats but for which no extant pop- ulations could be located. Five types of rarity within the flora were assessed. First, rarity 126 Rhodora [Vol. 96 within northeastern Iowa is based on classifications provided from the two regional floras (Cooperrider, 1962; Eilers, 1971) whose boundaries fall entirely within the region of this current study. For a taxon to be considered rare within the region, it had to be considered either rare in both of these floras, or rare in one and absent from the other. Second, state-level rarity was assessed following Howe et al. (1984). Third, the listing of the taxa legally designated as ‘Endangered’, ‘Threatened’, and ‘Special Concern’ in Iowa was based on Roosa et al. (1989). Fourth, taxa new to the regional flora are based on Guldner (1960), Cooperrider (1962), and Eilers (1971). Lastly, the designation of taxa new to the state is based on those not found in published county and regional floras. Voucher collections were made for all rare taxa occurrences by top-snatching relevant material so that populations would not be affected. Specimens were deposited at the R. V. Drexler Herbar- ium at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Where populations were large enough, duplicate specimens were also made and placed in the University of lowa Herbarium, Iowa City, and the University of North Carolina Herbarium, Chapel Hill. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Distribution of Presetthement and Extant Sites In total, 2333 potential sites were identified from SCS soil maps in the 29 eastern Iowa counties surveyed (Figure 2a). Of these, only 160 remained extant by 1991 (Figure 2b). Site names, sizes, geologic class, and locations for these sites are given in Appendix I. In presettlement, clustering of fen sites was present at a number of differing spatial scales. At a regional scale, sites clustered into two general groups: one paralleling the eastern margin of the Des Moines Lobe, and the other paralleling the eastern border of the Iowan Erosional Surface. At smaller scales (approximately the size of counties), roughly parallel northwest-to-southeast trending bands of high site density — Figure 2. Distribution of fen habitats in peeve ie based upon dig- itization of SCS county soil maps. a: Presettlement. b: 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens iy Figure 2a: Presettlement Fens Figure 2b: Extant Fens - 19914 128 Rhodora [Vol. 96 approximately 10-15 miles wide and 75 miles long occurred. In the western cluster, these bands seem to be closely related to outwash sands and gravels along the Winnebago and Shell Rock Rivers. In the east, longer and more diffuse bands are present which seem to cut across local drainage patterns and topography. One of the most marked of these concentrations begins in central Chickasaw County and terminates in northwestern Cedar County. It is possible that these bands of high site density correlate with locations of pre-Illinoian moraines where the concentration of upland gravel deposits are greater. At even smaller spatial scales (roughly the size of a township) individual sites were often grouped into linear strings. The most intriguing of these are a parallel series of five such strings which extend over a 30 mile extent in Chickasaw, Howard, Fayette, and Winneshiek Counties. The underlying factors responsible for such pattern are not known. While diverse spatial structure existed in presettlement site distribution, the loss of 93% of sites in the last 50-100 years has led to the destruction of almost all of this pattern. The distribution of extant sites now appears almost random, with even the large regional clusters being almost unidentifiable. This loss of spatial structure will probably lead to a decrease in the rate of immigra- tion between sites, and alter the direction of species migration through the landscape. SCS maps, which were used to generate these data, should not be considered infallible sources of information. Two caveats re- garding their use in documentation of presettlement fen sites must be made. First, not all fen sites present in the presettlement land- scape have been mapped. This form of error has led to the ex- clusion of some historic and extant sites from the published soil maps. For instance, a site near Tipton described by White (1870) is not mapped in the Cedar County soil survey. Also, eleven percent of the extant sites listed in Appendix I were not mapped as possessing fen soil pedons, and were located by visual inspec- tion during field reconnaissance or from local contacts. The second form of error in soil survey mapping of potential fen sites occurs when marsh habitats with peat accumulations are mapped as possessing soils characteristic of fen sites. Although such wetlands may have muck or peat soils, they do not provide proper habitat for fen species, and do not represent potential fen habitats. The mapping of all muck soil pedons in such cases will 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 129 overestimate the number of presettlement fen sites. This error is most prevalent in the western counties bordering the Des Mcines Lobe, where numerous pothole marshes with peat accumulations were present prior to draining. Some of the mapped areas of peat or muck soil in Clinton County may also represent former marsh habitats. This form of error was minimized by only digitizing sloping, hillside peat pedons on the Des Moines Lobe, thereby removing potential marsh habitats from analysis. As it was not possible to make any a priori rules for exclusion of potential Clinton County marsh sites, all peat pedons in that county were mapped. However, field observations suggest that less than 10% of potential Clinton County sites represent former marsh sites, indicating a relatively low rate of this form of error. Although county soil maps represent an imperfect data source, they are the best and only estimate available of the presettlement extent of fens in northeastern Iowa. As both of these error rates are relatively low (approximately 10%), the analysis presented above should thus reflect the trends in site distribution once pres- ent in presettlement landscape. B. Environmental Variation Across Northeastern Iowa Fen Sites Geologic Classification The majority of the region included in this study was ungla- ciated during the Wisconsinan and subjected to intense periglacial erosion which removed existing tills and exposed water-bearing till or bedrock sequences, created stepped landscape surfaces, and prevented deep accumulations of loess (Hallberg et al., 1978: Prior, 1991). The sediment liberated through periglacial erosion was deposited as eolian and fluvial sands along major river cor- ridors (Prior, 1991). Depth of loess accumulation appears to negatively covary with abundance of fen sites. On the southern margin of the study region in Tama, Benton, Cedar, and southern Linn Counties where peri- glacial erosion was less intense and loess deposits accumulated (Anderson, 1983), fens are much less frequent than in the till- mantled or bedrock-controlled landscapes to the north which ex- perienced higher erosion rates. The 160 extant fens in northeastern Iowa were classified into 130 Rhodora [Vol. 96 A C : ——_ Ce LEGEND ere SAND Peat ALLUVIUM Loess. [& ©3] sano [ff water = [S4 timestone GRAVEL TABLE (WITH KARST) 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 131 five broad groups based upon their underlying geology: pre-Illi- noian till, bedrock, eolian sands, fluvial sands, and oxbows. These groups basically follow those of Thompson (1992) and Thompson et al. (1992), with the exception that (1) ‘gravel ridge’ sites have not been separated from other pre-Ilinoian till sites as they simply represent pre-Illinoian till sites occurring in a more eroded land- scape, and (2) sites developed in upland, eolian sands have been differentiated from those found with fluvially-deposited sands and gravels. The most frequent geologic class of northeastern Iowa fens is associated with deposits of pre-Illinoian sand and gravel (Figure 3A). These 119 sites are found throughout the region (Figure 4) in association with water-bearing gravels deposited within and between tills (Thompson, 1992). The majority of pre-Illinoian till fens are found on footslopes along pediment margins (Hallberg et al., 1978), although they may occur at any position in the landscape where water-bearing gravels have been exposed. Fens associated with bedrock aquifers (Figure 3B) are much less frequent (13 sites), and are restricted to the northeastern and northwestern parts of the study region (Figure 4) where most or all of the till was removed through periglacial processes. Like pre- Illinoian sites, bedrock fens are usually found on footslopes along pediment edges. While peat usually has formed in these fens, some sites have only minor peat accumulations, and have a soil surface consisting of cold, wet, limestone rubble. Such sites contain some of the most calcareous fen habitats found in the region. Fens associated with eolian sands (14 sites) are restricted to the southern third of the region, with the majority being found along the Wapsipinicon and Cedar Rivers where extensive dune fields have formed in the surrounding uplands (Figure 4). Some eolian sand sites are also found along sand-mantled paha ridges distant from rivers (for an explanation of pahas see Prior, 1991). Eolian sand fens are often found along the base of dunes where the downward flow of water is stopped by more impervious tills or paleosols (Figure 3C). Many of these sites contain relatively low — Figure 3. Idealized cross-section diagrams of the five classes of northeastern Iowa fens based on surficial geology. a: Pre-Illinoian till; b: Bedrock; c: Eolian Sand: d: Fluvial Sand; e: Oxbow. 132 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ‘ j Legend: oO as + = Pre-Illinoian Till (119 sites) tt ; * = Bedrock (13 sites) @ = Eolian Sand (14 sites) vy = Fluvial Sand (8 sites) ce VY ) = Oxbow (6 sites) Figure 4. Distribution of the five geologic classes of northeastern Iowa fens. amounts of organic matter and have margins consisting of wet, acidic sands. The lowest percent organic matter, pH, Ca, and Mg readings from eastern Iowa fens occur in these sites (see below). Fens associated with fluvial sand and gravel terraces are rarer yet (8 sites). Fluvial sand fens occur when water moving through sands and gravels emerges to the surface along terrace margins (Figure 3D). While most of these sites are associated with outwash sands and gravels along the western section of the study region, three sites were found along the Upper Iowa and Cedar Rivers in Allamakee and Muscatine Counties (Figure 4). The largest single presettlement sites identified in the region by SCS maps occurred with fluvial sand and gravels along the Shell Rock and 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 133 Winnebago Rivers. Only a small part of a single one of these sites remained extant by 1991. Floristic lists from these sites prior to draining (Pammel, 1908, 1917) suggest that they once contained one of the most diverse fen floras in the state. The most uncommon type of fen in northeastern Iowa are those formed from hydric succession of oxbow channels along aban- doned stream meanders (6 sites). While oxbow channels typically have open water and would not support fen species, organic matter accumulation can continue until the soil surface becomes equiv- alent to the water table, creating the saturated but not inundated conditions necessary for colonization of fen species (Figure 3E). Fens occupying former oxbow channels are scattered throughout northeastern Iowa along the Winnebago, Cedar, Wapsipinicon, and Little Wapsipinicon Rivers (Figure 4). The greatest concen- tration of this fen type once occurred along the Cedar River south of Iowa City in the ‘Lake Calvin Basin’ where a number of suc- cessive oxbow lakes have formed fen habitats. Baker et al. (1987) have characterized the Holocene history of one of these sites through macrofossil and pollen analysis. Geologic History The landscapes upon which northeastern Iowa fens are found have formed through erosional processes within the last 20,000 years. The age of fen sites in this landscape was investigated by Thompson (1992), who determined the dates of the basal peat layer, using C,, isotope analysis, for ten sites. The age of basal peats in each of these sites were found to differ greatly, ranging between 10,900 and 2280 years B.P. The interpretation of these dates is made more difficult by interruptions in peat deposition (sometimes accompanied by ox- idized peat) within sites having the oldest basal dates (Hall, 1971; Van Zant and Hallberg, 1976). Fens without old (8000 year) basal peat dates are underlain by oxidized clay, till, or occasionally prairie soil (J. C. Nekola and R. G. Baker, unpubl. data). The existence of oxidized layers of peat or mineral soil underlying fen sites suggests that prior to modern peat development the site dried out, exposing the peats and underlying substrates to oxidation and erosion. Fens in northeastern Iowa thus appear to be a Holocene phe- 134 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 2. Comparison of means and standard deviations from soil chemistry variables between all surficial geology groups, and over all sites. Standard devi- ations are presented within parentheses under the mean for each group. Geologic Group Pre Illinoia Eolian Fluvial Variable Til Bedrock Sand Sand Oxbows All % Organic 40.9 26.5 18.8 29.1 35.5 37.0 (12.3) (13.2) (16.2) (7.8) (15.4) (14.5) pH 6.2 6.6 5.4 6.8 5.8 6.2 (.5) (.6) (.7) (3) (.7) (.6) N 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.0 (1.3) (.4) (.6) (.4) (.3) (1.7) P 26.6 20.9 37.6 10.6 29.0 26.5 (14.6) (15.8) (13.1) (9.2) (13.0) (15.0) K 42.2 47.6 44.4 42.7 42.2 42.9 (17.6) (23.6) (22.6) (7.4) (18.9) (18.2) S 186.4 208.1 100.6 126.0 195.7 178.4 (140.1) (159.7) (69.7) (78.9) (98.7) (135.2 Ca 4494.4 4364.8 2101.1 4507.1 3331.4 4224.1 (923.8) (996.1) (1038.1) (827.9) (1176.2) (1168.9) Meg 411.2 560.5 220.7 480.1 339.9 406.6 (130.6) (146.9) (92.8) (119.7) (129.2) (146.9) nomenon, with the onset of development generally coinciding with the end of the Hypsithermal (Thompson, 1992). The creation of new sites has apparently continued until present, with some bedrock and eolian sand sites having less than eight cm of peat accumulation. A similar pattern has been found in the boreal fens Table 3. Summary statistics from a 1-way ANOVA comparing the differences in soil chemistry variables across all geologic classes. Soil Variable P r % Organic O00 261 pH 000 210 N 433 024 P 001 110 K 813 .010 S 133 044 Ca 000 345 Mg .000 238 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 135 of central Canada (Zoltai and Vitt, 1990) and pocosins of the southeastern Coastal plain (Daniel, 1981). The implication for this post-Hypsithermal development of fen sites is that rare species which are found on them cannot be postulated to represent Pleistocene relicts. Rather, all of the rare taxa found in this community have had to disperse into this landscape within the last 6000 years. Soil Chemistry Variation of soil chemistry as a function of geology The mean and standard deviation for eight soil chemistry vari- ables within each of the five geologic classes of fens are presented in Table 2. The results of one-way ANOVA’s on each of these variables (Table 3) demonstrate that three variables (N, K, and S) show no significant differences between the five geologic groups. The remaining five variables (percent organic matter, pH, P, Ca, and Mg) were found to possess significant differences across the geologic groups. Organic matter was highest in pre-IIlinoian and oxbow fens, and was lowest in sites developed in eolian sands. Soil pH was highest on sites developed on bedrock and fluvial terrace sands, and was lowest in eolian sand and oxbow sites. Phosphorus content was highest in eolian sand and oxbow sites, and lowest in fluvial sand and bedrock sites. Calcium concentra- tion was highest in pre-IIlinoian till and bedrock sites, and was lowest in eolian sand sites. Lastly, soil magnesium was highest in bedrock sites, and was lowest in eolian sand sites. Although significant differences were observed in the central tendency of values for these soil chemistry variables between geologic groups, this should not imply that there is little overlap between the soil chemistry variables for sites in differing geologic groups. For instance, while the mean percent organic matter of pre-Illinoian till sites was twice that of eolian sand fens (Table 3), 75% of sites in these two groups have soil Ca found in the range between the lowest recorded pre-IIlinoian till (1900 ppm) and highest recorded eolian sand (4000 ppm) values. This fact is also demonstrated in the r* values for the significant ANOVA’s which ranged between 11% for P to 35% for Ca, implying that 136 Rhodora [Vol. 96 A: % Organic B: H _ p ppm SO,4 C: ppm NO.,-N D: H: ppm P Mg (2 fee. soa F — on Figure Spatial distribution of fen soil chemistry variables across north- eastern fave a: Percent organic matter; b: pH: c: N; d: P; e: K; f: S; g: Ca; h: Mg. no more than '4 of the observed variance in these variables can be accounted for by geologic grouping. Thus, although the average for percent organic matter, pH, P, Ca, and Mg differ significantly between the geologic groups, the values overlap enough to make 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens es it likely that any two sites will possess similar soil chemistry variables, independent of their surficial geology. Variation in soil chemistry as a function of spatial location How does soil chemistry vary in fen sites across the region? To address this question, kriged response surfaces for each of the eight soil variables were calculated for the study region (Figures 5A-5H). Relatively simple, approximately monotonic response surfaces were observed only in pH, organic matter, and Mg. The remaining soil chemistry variables have less clear spatial gradients as they possess multiple maxima and minima over the study region. The causes of all these gradients are undoubtedly complex, and related to climatic patterns (see below), and the non-random distribution of fens of differing geologic origin. Climate A final major class of environmental variation which defines the northeastern Iowa fen environment is climate, which will not only affect the distribution of species, but may also influence soil chemistry and the size and nature of groundwater aquifers. Four major trends in climatic variation were identified over the study region through principal components analysis, account- ing for 96% of the total variation. The first axis is related to temperature, and is most closely correlated with Average Yearly, Summer, Fall, and Spring Temperatures, Heat Stress Days/Year, Heat Stress Degrees/Year, Heating Degree Days, Cooling Degree Days, and Growing Degree Days. The variation of precipitation, exclusive of the summer months, represents a second major axis of variation. This axis is most closely correlated with Average Yearly, Winter, Spring and Fall Precipitation, Average Winter Temperature, and Maximum 24-hour Precipitation. The third major axis of climatic variation is represented by growing season, which is most closely correlated to 32°, 30°, 28°, 26°, and 24° Growing Seasons (in degrees Fahrenheit), and number of Freezing Days/Year. The last major climatic gradient is represented by Average Summer Precipitation. The spatial variation of each of these axes across the region was estimated by mapping the vari- able most highly correlated to each axis through block kriging (Figure 6A-6D). 138 Rhodora [Vol. 96 A: Heat Stress Days / Year C: 32° Growing Season 2 September-November D: June-August Precipitation Precipitation ae ||| i igure 6. Spatial distribution of the main axes of climatic variation across cipitation (as shown by average fall (September-November) precipitation/year). c: Growing season (as shown by 32°F growing season). d: Summer (June-August) PICK Pilalivil Bi C. Biological Diversity of Northeastern Iowa Fen Habitats Enumeration of the Vascular Flora A total of 320 vascular plant taxa were recorded from north- eastern Iowa fen communities (Appendix II). The flora includes approximately 23% which are incidental: their presence on fens 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 139 Table 4. Summary of the northeastern Iowa fen vascular plant flora in terms of major phylogenetic groups. Native Taxa Exotic Taxa Division Fen Incid. Tot. Fen Incid. Tot. Pteridophytes 10 5 15 0 0 0 Gymnosperms 0 l 0 0 @) Dicotyledons 145 49 194 4 4 8 Monocotyledons 84 13 97 3 2 5 Totals 239 68 307 7 6 3 Grand total 320 may be due to the mass effect (Shmida and Wilson, 1985) of surrounding communities. Only 13 taxa are exotic to northeastern Iowa, and almost half of these are incidental (Table 4). None of the exotic taxa at present is a threat to overall biodiversity on undisturbed sites, although some do invade disturbed areas. The majority of the fen flora are dicotyledons, followed by monocotyledons, pteridophytes, and gymnosperms (Table 4). Of the families present in the fen flora, the two largest (in terms of taxa represented) are the Compositae and Cyperaceae, followed by the Gramineae, Salicaceae, Rosaceae, Labiatae, and Orchi- daceae (Table 6). The best represented genera are Carex, Salix, Aster, Cypripedium, and Solidago (Table 5). Table 5. Enumeration of the largest families and genera present in the north- eastern Iowa fen vascular plant flora. Families Genera (7 or more taxa) (5 or more taxa) Number of Number of Name Taxa Name Taxa Compositae 41 Carex 27 Cyperaceae 40 Salix 14 Gramineae 27 Aster 6 Salicaceae 15 Cypripedium 6 Rosaceae 14 Solidago 6 Labiatae 13 Galium 5 Orchidaceae 13 Gentiana 5 Scrophulariaceae 9 Juncus 5 Leguminosae 8 Viola 5 Onagraceae 7 140 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 6. Summary of the number of rare vascular plants in the northeastern Iowa fen flora for different rarity classifications. Percent of Percent of Source Number Total Flora Native Flora Native species rare on Iowan sur- face: based on Eilers (1971) and Cooperrider (1962) 97 30% 32% Rare in Iowa: Howe et al. (1984) 63 20% 21% Endangered in Iowa: Roosa et al. (1989) 21 7% 7% Threatened in Iowa: Roosa et al. (1989) 11 3% 4% Special concern in Iowa: Roosa et al. (1989) 6 2% 2% New to Iowan surface: based on Ei- lers (1971) and Cooperrider (1962) 34 11% 11% New to state 13 4% 4% Total native rare taxa 134 44% 42% Total exotic rare taxa 4 1% Stability and Distribution of the Vascular Plant Flora Only seven taxa (Carex diandra, Cassia marilandica, Eleo- charis acicularis, Eriophorum gracile, Filipendula rubra, Salix lucida, and Selaginella eclipes) which had been previously re- ported from northeastern Iowa fens were not located during the course of this study. Of these taxa, only Carex diandra is currently considered extirpated from the state (Howe et al., 1984). Cassia marilandica, Filipendula rubra, and Selaginella eclipes became extirpated from the northeastern Iowa fen flora through site de- struction, while the remaining four have become extirpated through loss of populations on extant sites. The distributions of most species seem relatively unaffected by the environmental variation described above. A few taxa should be pointed out, however, which do appear to be limited in their distribution by environmental factors. For example, one-half of the stations for Menyanthes trifoliata occur in oxbow fen sites, even though such sites represent only 4% of extant fens in the region. Some taxa, including Angelica atropurpurea, Artemisia serrata, Lobelia kalmii, and Triglochin maritimum are largely restricted to the northwestern portion of the study area where 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 141 precipitation tends to be lowest and soil pH, Ca, and Mg tend to be highest. Additional taxa, including Botrychium multifidum, Botrychium simplex, Carex leptalea, Dryopteris x uliginosa, Eq- uisetum x littorale, Eriophorum virginicum, Habenaria flava var. herbiola, Ludwigia palustris, Osmunda regalis, Panicum boreale, Rhexia virginica, Solidago patula, Viola lanceolata, and Viola primulifolia are restricted to the south and southeast where they are usually found in low-pH, low-organic matter, low-Mg, and low-Ca eolian sand fens. This part of the study area also has the highest temperature and precipitation. Rare Taxa in the Northeastern Iowa Fen Flora A remarkable number of the taxa included in the flora of north- eastern Iowa fens are rare in the region and state. Approximately 44% of the flora (138 taxa) fall into one of the five categories of rarity (Tables 6 and 7). Four of these are rare exotic weeds. Of the native taxa, 97 (30% of the flora) are rare in northeastern Iowa, 63 (20%) are rare in the state, 38 (12%) are listed by the Iowa DNR for Iowa Endangered Species Act protection, 34 (11%) are new to northeastern Iowa, and 13 (4%) are new to the state. Approximately 12% of all state rare taxa (Howe et al., 1984), and 17% of all Iowa ‘endangered’, ‘threatened’, and ‘special concern’ species (Roosa et al., 1989) occur in northeastern Iowa fen sites. While certainly important for rare species, fens also contribute greatly to the total vascular plant biodiversity in the region and state. Even though fen habitats originally occupied approximately only .1% of the northeastern Iowa landscape (and currently cover less than .01% of the land surface), these sites harbor approxi- mately 28% of the total flora of the Iowan Erosional Surface (based on estimates in Eilers, 1971) and 18% of the state’s total flora (based on estimates from John Kartesz, pers. comm.). CONCLUSIONS Fens in northeastern Iowa represent a diverse collection of habitats which vary in their surficial geology, soils, and climate. These fen sites harbor a substantial proportion of both the total diversity of the Iowa flora and the rare components of that flora. Of all the results presented above, perhaps none is more 1m- 142 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 7. List of rare Iowa plants found in northeastern Iowa fens. Taxon Iowa Rare New to NE Iowa New to lowa DNR Rank Alnus rugosa Angelica atropurpurea Artemesia serrata Aster Junciformis Aster punice Betula pumila var. glandulifera Betula x sanbergti = io) Botrychium multifidum Botrychium simplex Cacalia suaveolens Calamagrostis inexpansa C allitriche fe Carex Ci ee! Carex granularis Carex lasiocarpa var. ammericana Carex leptalea Carex prairea Carex rostrata var. utriculata Carex sartwellit Carex sterilis Carex tetanica Cirsium muticum Equisetum pei Equisetum x litt Eriophorum engin aie gracile Eriophorum ae Piped ubra Galium labradoricum pe trifidum Gentiana crinita ~~ Ke Ke KK i ~ Me Pe OM Pal em Pm OM ~~ eK KM KM KM SC ™ ™ 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens Table 7. Continued. Iowa New to New to DNR Taxon Rare NE lowa Iowa Rank Gentiana crinita procera Xx x Gentiana proc Habenaria pe var. herbiola ea > AmHAmea Liparis loeselii mii Melanthium virginicum Menyanthes trifoliata Mimulus glabratus var. fremontii Muhlenbergia glomerata Ophioglossum vulgatum Osmunda regalis Panicum boreale x Parnassia glauca Pilea fontana Rhexia virgini Rhynchospora capita Rubus pubesce Rumex as Salix a Salix luc Salix pedicellaris var. Aypoglauca a oo N MMA 2) Ima 4 > tO OOO ~ Salix x subsericea alix x cryptodonta Salix eal x pedicellaris Scleria verticillata < Selaginella eclipes x Solidago patula x Solidago uliginosa X X Spiranthes lucida X Xx E Triadenum fraseri Triglochin maritimum Triglochin palustre Valeriana edulis Viola primulifolia PE a a ™ mm ™ ~ hm om Pad L Scattered in north half. (16 sites) Carex tribuloides Wahl.: R Uncommon throughout. Carex vulpinoidea eerie (Fox Sedge): Common throughout on disturbed mar- gins. Cyperus rivularis Kunth. [C. bipartatus Torr.] (Brook Sedge): R Scattered and rare along discharge streams and in low vegetation mats. Bleochars acicularis (L.) R. & S. (Needle Spike Rush): R Incidental. Collected nce (Eilers, 1971), but no extant populations observe Gleocharis elliptica Kunth. (Fen Spike Rush): NI Frequent ‘Hrouehout: This is ost ubiquitous fen oo (S1 sites) Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S.: Scattered throughou Eleocharis smallti Britt. a s Spike Rush): NI ete and rare sli angustifolium Honckeny (Narrow-leaved Cotton Grass): R, SC Ab- ent from extreme southeast, frequent elsewhere. (68 sites) 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 167 Eriophorum gracile W. D. J. Koch (Slender Cotton Grass): R, L, E No extant populations observed, however, old collections exist (Eilers, 1971). mene ee L. (Tawny Cotton Grass): NI, NS Very rare in central in m dominated fen on eolian sand ridge. (1 site) Rhynchospor capillacea Torr. (Hairy Beak Rush): NI, L, T Rare and scattered in north half, as mats of very low vegetation. (8 sites Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth. (Wool Grass): Frequent throughout —_ fluviatilis nous Gray (River Bulrush): R Incidental. Rare in extreme ut serous valid Vahl. [S. tabernaemontani K. C. Gmel.] (Great Bulrush): Frequent out. Often found in fens with mats of low vegetation Sera ei Muhl. ex Willd. (Vanilla Nut Rush): NI, L, E Scattered and rare in central. Is restricted to mats of low vegetation. (6 sites Gramineae * Agrostis alba L. [A. gigantea Roth.] (Redtop): Frequent throughout. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) BSP. (Tickle Grass): Occasional throughout. Andropogon gerardii Vit. (Big Bluestem): Uncommon in west half on dry hum- mocks Bromus ciliatus L. (Fringed Brome): R Occasional in north half. (7 sites) Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. (Blue Joint Grass): Abundant through- out. is ee inexpansa Gray [C. stricta (Timm) Koel. ssp. sess (Gray) C. W. Greene] (Bog Reed Grass): NI Rare and scattered in extrem h. * Digitaria sanguin (L.) Scop. (Smooth Crabgrass): Incidental. ae on dis- turbed marg Echinochloa crus- eal (L.) Beauv. (Barnyard Grass): R Incidental. Rare on dis- ur Festuca paradoxa Desk (Large Fescue): R Scattered throughout. (6 sites) Glyceria grandis S. Wats. (Reed Manna Grass): R Occasional in very wet soil along discharge streams. Glyceria striata (Lam.) A. S. Hitchc. (Fowl Manna Grass): Abundant throughout. Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. (Vanilla Grass): R Scattered in north half. *Hordeum jubatum L. (Squirrel-tail Grass): Incidental. Rare on dry hummocks. Leerzia oryzoides (L.) Sw. (Rice Cut Grass): Frequent throughout, often in dis- turbed sites. Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin. (Fen Wild Timothy): R, L Common throughout. (102 sites Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. (Leafy Satin Grass): R Common throughout. a pales Nash iDiconthelae boreale (Nash) Frackmann] (Northern Panic : NI, E Rare in south central, preferring dry hummocks and moist sand ae (4 st se Panicum implicatum Scribn. see aa acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C. A. Clark var. ae (Torr.) Frackmann]: Common throughout on dry h ks and low vegetation mats. Phalaris arundinacea L. (Reed Canary Grass): Native species extensively planted for pasture ‘improvement’ on disturbed sites, where it becomes dominant. 168 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Rare and scattered in north third a compressa L. (Canadian Bluegrass): Occasional throughout on margins. Poa palustris L. (Marsh Bluegrass): Rare in wet soil. *Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky Bluegrass): Common throughout on margins. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash (Indian Grass): Incidental. Rare on dry hummocks and margins Phragmites communis Trin. [P. australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.] (Common Reed Grass) Spartina pectinata Link (Slough Grass): Scattered throughout on margins. Sphenopholis intermedia (Rydb.) Rydb. (Slender Wedge Grass): R Common throughout. Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. (Prairie Wedge Grass): R Rare and scat- tered throughout. Tridaceae Iris virginica L. var. shrevei (Sm.) Anders. (Blue Flag): Common throughout. Juncaceae Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe (Canadian Rush): R Incidental. Occasional on margins. Juncus dudleyi Wieg. (Dudley’s Rush): Common throughout Juncus nodosus L. (Joint Rush): R Absent from extreme southeast on elsewhere where it is most typically found in mats of low vegeta Juncus tenuis Willd. (Path Rush): Incidental. Occasional on disturbed ‘ait margins. Juncus torreyi Coville (Torrey’s Rush): R Incidental. Rare on fen margins. Juncaginaceae Trigloc be maritimum L, (Common Bog Arrow Grass): NI, L, T Rare in northwest. (2 sites) oan ees palustre L. (Slender Bog Arrow Grass): NI, L, T Rare in central. (2 sites) Lemnaceae Lemna minor L. (Small Duckweed): Incidental. Uncommon in discharge streams. Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. (Great Duckweed): Incidental. Uncommon i outlet streams. Liliaceae Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Cov. (Yellow Star Grass): Incidental. Occasional on dry u and margins at cee la Farw. “vdchisan Lily): Incidental. Rare on dry hummocks argins Wa vireinicum L. (Bunchflower): R, L Incidental. Observed only once on badly degraded site in south central. 1994] Nekola— Northeastern Iowa Fens 169 Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. sacniaipageds stellatum (L.) Link] (Starry False Soloman’s Seal): Incidental. Rare Zygadenus elegans Pursh (White poe R Scattered in north half on margins. Orchidaceae desea candidum a ex Willd. (White Lady’s Slipper): R, L, T Rare in st half. (3 sites) cipnpeiom ae ns Salisb. (Small Yellow Lady’s Slipper): NI, NS Rare in sites Copripedu eee Willd. (Large Yellow Lady’s Slipper): R, L Occasional in compan reginae Walt. (Showy Lady’s Slipper): R, L, E Rare in central. (1 nn, x andrewsii A. M. Fuller (Andrew’s Lady’s Slipper): NI, L Rare in central. (1 site Cypripedium ~ favillianum Curtis (Favill’s Lady’s Slipper): NI, NS Rare in central. (1 site) Habenaria flava (L.) R. Br. var. herbiola (R. Br. ex Ait. f.) Ames & Correll [Pla- settle flava (L.) Lindl. var. herbiola (R. Br. ex Ait. f.) aaa (Green Orchid): are in south third on wet, sandy margins. (2 pres hyperborea an R. Br. [Platanthera hyperborea cL, ) Lindl.] (Northern Fringed Orchid): NI, L, T Very rare in north. (1 site) eee praeclara Ren & Bowles) Cronq. [Platanthera praeclara Sheviak wles] (Prairie Fringed Orchid): R, L, E Incidental. Rare in central. (1 site aes psycodes (L.) Spreng. [Platanthera psycodes (L. ) Lindl.] (Purple Fringed :R, L, T Scattered and rare throughout. ( ) Liparis eas (L.) Rich. (Fen Twayblade): R, L Scattered throughout. (12 sites) Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich. (Nodding Lady’s Tresses): Scattered throughout Spiranthes lucida (H. H. Eat.) Ames (Early Lady’s Tresses): NI, NS, E Very rare in northeast. (1 site) Typhaceae (including Sparganiaceae) Sparganium eurycarpum pec ex Gray (Common Bur Reed): R Occasional throughout in very w Typha angustifolia L. oe ieawed Cattail): R struee thro ughout. Typha latifolia L. (Common Cattail): Common throughou RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 886, pp. 170-178, 1994 NOMENCLATURAL NOTES IN NYMPHAEACEAE FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN FLORA JOHN H. WIERSEMA AND C. BARRE HELLQUIST ABSTRACT In conjunction with a study of the Nymphaeaceae in North America, the tax- onomy and nomenclature of three taxa is reviewed. Two new combinations are provided at subspecific rank for two taxa sometimes treated as species, one for Nymphaea tuberosa Paine and one for Nuphar rubrodisca Morong, and both are lectotypified. A neotype is selected for Nymphaea advena Aiton which serves to maintain usage of Aiton’s epithet for a widespread taxon of Nuphar. Key Words: Nuphar, Nymphaea, water-lilies, cow-lilies, spatterdock Research on the genera Nymphaea and Nuphar of the Nym- phaeaceae has revealed that the following nomenclatural adjust- ments are necessary for a flora of North America treatment. Nymphaea odorata Aiton subsp. tuberosa (Paine) Wiersema & Hellquist, comb. nov. Nymphaea tuberosa Paine, Annual Rep. State Cabinet Nat. Hist. New York 18: 184 (Cat. pl. Oneida Co. 132). 1865. TYPE: UNITED STATES. New York: S. shore of Lake Ontario, 1865, Paine s.n. (LECTOTYPE: K). See discussion. Nymphaea odorata, which is distributed throughout eastern North America, 1s a polymorphic species. In and around the Great Lakes region, where the plants here designated as subsp. tuberosa are found, two predominate forms can be observed. In the south- ern part of the range of subsp. tuberosa where subsp. odorata is absent, e.g., in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and somewhat to the north and east, plants of subsp. twberosa are easily distin- guished morphologically from subsp. odorata (see accompanying key). Further north where their ranges overlap occasional popu- lations are intermediate in morphology or more rarely popula- tions may include plants referable to both subspecies as well as intermediate plants. The intermediates exhibit a range of varia- tion spanning the morphological gap between the two subspecies and, in some cases at least, display no evidence of reduced fertility. Although traditional treatments distinguished the two forms at specific rank, several recent floristic works (e.g., Voss, 1985; Glea- 170 1994] Wiersema and Hellquist— Nymphaeaceae 171 son and Cronquist, 1991) have combined them into one variable species without further distinction. While calling attention to this taxonomic problem, field studies from within this region (Mon- son, 1960; Williams, 1970; Bayly and Jongejan, 1982) have not sufficiently accounted for the observed variation. These studies suggest that some variability may be induced by environmental conditions; however, we have observed both extremes growing together under seemingly identical conditions. Such populations require more detailed study before this variation is fully under- stood. Artificial hybridization studies and/or molecular approach- es may also aid in clarifying this relationship. Based on existing knowledge, we believe the geographic pat- terning of the overall variation and the usefulness of retaining a separate status for those forms previously classified as Nymphaea tuberosa justifies the recognition of two subspecies, as distin- guished below. While useful in separating the two extremes in this morphological continuum, the key is of limited use in iden- tifying intermediate plants. Compounding the problem of iden- tification is the fact that key characters are often poorly repre- sented on herbarium material. Populations containing intermediate plants are known from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and southern Ontario and Que- bec and until better understood are best treated as Nymphaea odorata without regard to subspecies. 1. Petioles not striped; blades usually reddish-purple (occasion- ally green) abaxially; seeds 1.5-2.5 mm long ............ Se eT eT Te Te Terns ee Seer eee eee ree eee subsp. odorata 1. Petioles with brown-purple stripes; blades green or faintly pur- ple abaxially; seeds mostly 2.8-4.5 mm long ............ bea eae a4 4s ase ee ee ae oe subsp. tuberosa Paine (1865) cited anumber of localities for Nymphaea tuberosa but failed to designate a holotype. To fix the application of his name it is appropriate to select a lectotype. Conard’s (1905) listing of ““Nymphaea tuberosa Paine (1865), fid. specimen coll. Paine on S. shore of Lake Ontario, from hb. A. Gray, in hb. Kew” is considered not to represent an effective lectotypification as it does not satisfy the requirements of Article 8.3 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Greuter et al., 1988). The spec- Ly2 Rhodora [Vol. 96 imen at Kew contains a leaf, two flowers, and a developing fruit and matches our concept of subsp. tuberosa; it is here formally designated as lectotype. Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith subsp. rubrodisca (Morong) Hellquist & Wiersema, comb. nov. Nuphar rubrodiscum Morong, Bot. Gaz. 11: 167-168. 1886. TYPE: UNIT- ST S. Vermont: at the mouth of Lewis Creek, Lake Champlain, Ferrisburgh, 5 Aug 1885, Morong s.n. (LECTOTYPE: NY). See dis- cussion. Nymphaea rubrodisca (Morong) E. Greene, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15: 84. 1888 While working with the genus Nuphar Smith, we became aware of the need for a new combination in addition to those at sub- specific rank previously made by Beal (1956). Nuphar lutea subsp. rubrodisca, which Beal treated under the hybrid formula N. /utea subsp. pumila (Timm) E. O. Beal x N. lutea subsp. variegata (Durand) E. O. Beal and most likely of hybrid origin, is producing viable seed and is found in areas far removed from either of the probable parents. It differs from the other two subspecies in a number of characteristics, as detailed in our flora treatment, and in accordance with Article H.3.4 Note | and Example 3, we prefer to treat this as an additional subspecies. As no name at subspecific rank exists for this taxon, Morong’s epithet, which has most com- monly been applied to it, can be retained. As Morong failed to designate a holotype, a lectotype is selected. In his original publication, Morong discussed his study of this taxon during the summer of 1885 along Lake Champlain at Fer- risburgh, Vermont near the mouths of Lewis and Little Otter creeks. Following the description, he lists ‘““Lake Champlain, Vt.” as the type locality. Three sheets of this taxon from Morong’s original herbarium now at NY pertain to this study. One sheet stamped ““MORONG HERBARIUM” contains 3 leaves and 3 mounted and several unmounted fruits and bears two labels: 1) “Ivs. of N. rubrodiscum, Ferrisburgh, Vt., Aug. 5, 1885” and 2) “N. rubrodiscum fruit, Ferrisburgh, Aug. 11.’ A second sheet stamped “MORONG HERBARIUM” and “BRITTON HER- BARIUM” contains 4 leaves, 1 mounted flower, and 3 mounted and some unmounted fruits and bears 4 labels: 1) ““Leaves of N. rubrodiscum, Lewis Creek, Ferrisburgh, Vt.’’; 2) identical with /; 1994] Wiersema and Hellquist— Nymphaeaceae 173 3) “N. rubrodiscum Morong, Lewis Creek, Ferrisburgh, Vt.; Aug. 6, 1885"; and 4) “N. rubrodiscum, Lewis Creek, Ferrisburgh, Vt., Aug. 11, 1885.” On all the above labels the epithet /uteum has been overwritten with rubrodiscum. The third sheet stamped “MORONG HERBARIUM, property of BARNARD COL- LEGE” contains | leaf, 1 flower, and 2 fruits and bears a single label: ‘“Nuphar rubrodiscum Morong, N. luteum Sm.?. At the mouth of Lewis Creek, Lake Champlain, Ferrisburgh, Vermont. Leg. T.M. 18 5/8 85.” This sheet is accompanied by a lengthy note written by Morong the content of which is entirely repro- duced in the protologue. On this sheet the provisional name Nu- phar rubrum has been replaced with N. rubrodiscum both on the label and the note. While all three sheets match the original de- scription, this third sheet is the only one which appears to rep- resent a single gathering. It is also the most completely labelled and contains both flowers and fruits. It has been selected as lec- totype. Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. subsp. advena (Aiton) Kartesz & Gandhi, Phytologia 67: 463. 1989, “advenum.” Nymphaea advena Aiton, Hort. kew. 2: 226. 1789. TYPE: UNITED STATES. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, tidal marsh along Darby Creek in John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, 24 July 1993, J. H. Wier- sema & A. E. Schuyler 2372 (NEOTYPE: PH; ISONEOTYPES: US, BM). See discussion. Nuphar advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton, Hort. kew. ed. 2, 3: 295. 1811. In conjunction with this study, we have been investigating the typification of Nymphaea advena Aiton, which has commonly been applied to a taxon of North American Nuphar, as Nuphar advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton or Nuphar lutea subsp. advena (Aiton) Kartesz & Gandhi. The original publication (Aiton, 1789) is a “catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.” As is typical of most early botanical publications, no specimens were directly cited in the protologue of Nymphaea advena. The native distribution was given as “North America,” the phrase name Nymphaea floribus flavis Clayton in Gronovius, Flora virginica 164. 1743 was cited, and it was said to have been introduced by Mr. William Young in 1772. According to Stafleu and Cowan (1976), type material for both Hortus kewensis and 174 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Flora virginica is deposited at BM. However, from correspon- dence with the herbaria of both Kew (G. L. Lucas, pers. comm.) and British Museum (R. Vickery, pers. comm.) it is clear that no material of the Kew cultivation or the John Clayton collection, which served as the basis for the Gronovius phrase name, can be located. The original description appears to combine characteristics of two taxa, Nuphar advena and Nuphar variegata Durand, which we distinguish at the rank of subspecies following Beal (1956). The traits of semiterete petioles and purple-colored sepals and stamens best apply to Nuphar lutea subsp. variegata (Durand) E. O. Beal while the emergent leaves clearly indicate subsp. advena. Most early users of Aiton’s name (Poiret, 1798; Willdenow, 1799, 1809; Michaux, 1803; Sims, 1803; Martyn, 1807; de Candolle, 1821; Torrey and Gray, 1838; Planchon, 1853; Morong, 1886) did not recognize the distinctions between the two taxa. Pursh (1814) distinguished the two, but misapplied the European Nu- phar lutea to what was named Nuphar variegata in 1866. Bigelow (1824) and Hooker (1829), while noting the differences between the northern and southern plants, continued to treat both as a single taxon. Hooker’s comment that ‘Dr. Graham and myself have long observed that the N. advena, as cultivated in our gar- dens, has the leaves sometimes floating, sometimes rising above the water” indicates that both taxa were introduced to Europe. Whether or not this was the case some 40 years earlier when the original description was published by Aiton is not known. In any event, none of these early authors succeeded in typifying Nym- phaea advena. The relationship between the two taxa was clarified by Miller (1902). Though he stated that the type locality of Nymphaea advena was probably Philadelphia, Miller failed to lectotypify the name. In their revision, Miller and Standley (1912) listed the type locality as “vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania” but cited no type specimen. Beal’s 1956 revision accepted Nuphar lutea subsp. variegata for the floating-leaved northern taxon and Nuphar lutea subsp. macrophylla (Small) E. O. Beal for the emergent-leaved southern one, listing Aiton’s name as a partial synonym of both. For nomenclatural reasons, Kartesz and Gandhi (1989) replaced subsp. macrophylla with subsp. advena (Aiton) Kartesz & Gandhi. To this day, however, Aiton’s name has never been properly typified. Since Miller it has consistently been applied to the emer- 1994] Wiersema and Hellquist— Nymphaeaceae 175 gent-leaved taxon and to preserve this usage the name must be typified on that element. The supposition that the type locality should be Philadelphia was presumably based on that being the home of the William Young referred to by Aiton as having introduced the plant to England in 1772. According to Harshberger (1917), William Young, Jr. (1742-85) of Philadelphia, in his capacity as botanist to the Queen of England, departed Philadelphia for England in November of 1771, no doubt carrying the Nuphar material he is credited with having introduced the following year. A 1772 letter from Dr. John Fothergill of London to Humphrey Marshall of Philadelphia, reported by Rhoads (1916), reports receipt of ma- terial of Ne/umbo from William Young, Jr. that same year. Young is known to have carried material from the Carolinas abroad but this was in 1768 and 1769 (Harshberger, 1917). As he did not apparently make any further trips to the southern states following his return to Philadelphia in 1770, his 1772 introductions to England would seem to have been collected near to his home in Philadelphia. In his flora of the Philadelphia area, William Barton (1818) applied Nuphar advena to an emergent-leaved taxon which was said to be abundant “on the marshy shores of the Delaware, Schuylkill, and all other waters in our neighborhood, covering the shores for miles together in extent” and in terms of current usage this appears to be the desired application of the name. Young’s estate was reportedly adjacent to that of John Bartram, which bordered the Schuylkill River (Harshberger, 1917). A recent field trip in the company of A. E. Schuyler provided an opportunity to study Nuphar in the Philadelphia area on both sides of the Delaware River near the mouth of the Schuylkill. Large popu- lations still exist in some protected areas, probably remnants of the formerly extensive distribution. Much of the area remains under tidal influence as would have been the case in Young’s time. The populations consist of strongly emergent plants, almost completely so at low tide, which have flowers mostly with parts variously tinged with reddish-purple. Such coloration is lacking over most of the range of the taxon commonly referred to as N. advena, but is characteristic of N. variegata, which is found at nearby sites in southern New Jersey. A full range of intermediate plants for those characters which normally distinguish the two 176 Rhodora [Vol. 96 taxa can be observed in other southern New Jersey localities. Though the populations in the immediate vicinity of Philadelphia display some degree of intermediacy, their overall morphology compares well with N. advena as the name has been applied by most authors. One of our collections near the mouth of the Schuyl- kill thus serves as a suitable neotype. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to G. L. Lucas and R. Vickery for researching type material at K and BM, M. Beasley for supplying information on illustrations in the Young Collection at BM, A. E. Schuyler for help with field work in and around Philadelphia, and G. P. DeWolf, Jr., D. H. Nicolson, J. L. Reveal, A. Y. Rossman, E. L. Schneider, J. W. Thieret, and two anonymous reviewers for re- viewing earlier drafts of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Aiton, W. 1789. Hortus kewensis; or, a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. George Nicol, London. Barton, W. P. C. 1818. Compendium Florae Philadelphicae: Containing a Description of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants Found Within a Circuit of Ten Miles Around Philadelphia. Vol. 2. M. Carey & Son, Philadelphia. 234 pp Bay Ly, I. L. AND K. JONGEJAN. 1982. A morphological and ecological variant of the tuberous water lily, Nymphaea tuberosa Paine, from the Jock River, Ottawa, Ontario. Canad. Field-Naturalist 96: 301- BEAL, E.O. 1956. Taxonomic revision of the genus Nuphar Sm. of North Amer- ica and Europe. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 72: 317-346. BiGELow, J. 1824. Florula Bostoniensis: A Collection of Plants of Boston and its Vicinity, 2nd ed. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co., Boston. 422 pp. CANDOLLE, A. P. De. 1821. Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale. Vol. 2. Treuttel et Wii Conarp, H. S. 1905. The waterlilies: a monograph of the genus Nymphaea. Publ. Sada Inst. Wash. 4: 1-279. G eason, H. A. AND A. CRONQUIST. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York. 910 pp. GREUTER, W., H. M. Burpet, W. G. CHALONER, V. DEMOULIN, R. GROLLE, D. L. HAwkswortH, D. H. Nicoison, F. A. STAFLEU, E. G. Voss, AND J. MCNEILL. 1988. International code of botanical nomenclature, adopted by the Four- teenth International Botanical Congress, Berlin, July-August 1987. Regnum Veg. 118. 1994] Wiersema and Hellquist— Nymphaeaceae 177 HARSHBERGER, J. W. 1917. William Young, Jr., of Philadelphia, Queen’s Bot- anist. Torreya 17: 91-99 Hooker, W. J. 1829. Flora Boreali-americana. Vol. 1. Henry G. Bohn, London. 51 pp Kartesz, J. T. AND K. N. GANDHI. 1989. Nomenclatural notes for the North American flora. I. Phytologia 67: 461-467. Martyn, T. 1807. Philip Miller's Gardener’s and Botanist’s Dictionary. Law and Gilbert, London. MicHAux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-americana. C. Crapelet, Paris. MILterR, G.S., JR. 1902. The large yellow pond lilies of the northeastern United States. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15: 11-13. , AND P. C. STANDLEY. 1912. The North American species of Nymphaea. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 16: 63-108. Monson, P. H. 1960. Variation in Nymphaea, the white waterlily, in the Itasca State Park region. Proc. Minnesota Acad. Sci. 25-26: 26-39. Moron, T. 1886. Revision of the North American species of Nuphar. Bot. Gaz. 11: 164-169. PAINE, J. A., JR. 1865. Catalogue of plants found in Oneida County and vicinity. Ann. Rep. State Cabinet Nat. Hist. New York 18: 53-205. PLANCHON, J.-E. 1853. Etudes sur les Nymphéacées. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 3, 19: 17-63. Porret, J. L. M. 1798. Nenuphar; Nymphaea, pp. — In: Lamarck, En- cyclopédie Méthodique. Botanique. Tome Quatrieme. H. Agasse, Paris. Pursu, F. 1814. Flora Americae Septentrionalis. a Cochrane, and Co., London. Ruoaps,S.N. 1916. Preface to Botanica Neglecta. William Young, Jr. ‘“Botaniste de Pensylvanie” and his long-forgotten book ‘‘Catalogue d’Arbres Arbustes et Plantes Herbacees d’Amerique” published in Paris in 1783. Privately printed, Philadelphia. Sims, J. 1803. Nymphaea advena. Three-colored water-lily. Bot. Mag. 17: t. 684. STAFLEU, F. A. AND R. S. Cowan. 1976. Taxonomic Literature. Volume 1: A— G. Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. TorREY, J. AND A. Gray. 1838. A Flora of North America. Wiley & Putnam, Voss, E.G. 1985. Michigan flora, Part II. Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Cran- brook Institute of Science and University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Ar- WILLDENOW, C. L. 1799. Carolia Linné Species Plantarum... Tomus II. G. C. Nauk, Berlin. 1809. Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Regii Botanici Berolinensis. Taberna Libraria Scholae Realis, Berlin. WILLIAMS, G. R. 1970. eae in the white waterlilies (Nymphaea) of Michigan. Michigan Bot. 9: 72-86. J. H.W. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE BUILDING 011A, BARC-WEST BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND 20705-2350 178 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Ge eal = & NORTH ADAMS STATE COLLEGE BOX 9145 NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS 01247 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 886, pp. 179-189, 1994 LIFE HISTORY OF SHOOTS OF CAREX COMOSA F. BOOTT. JOHN M. BERNARD AND FRANZ K. SEISCHAB ABSTRACT Carex comosa shoots have a life history which varies depending on their time of emergence. Shoots that emerge in spring, summer or early autumn develop flower initials before winter, flower the following year, then die in August, having lived 240-420 days. Shoots that emerge in late autumn do not develop flower imitials, remain vegetative the next summer, then develop flower initials in the second autumn. These shoots flower and die the following summer, having lived for up to 700 days. Few shoots live their maximum time and mortality 1s 90% in some cohorts. Mortality patterns indicate that shoots die at a constant rate through- out the year. Key Words: Carex, life history, ramets, central New York INTRODUCTION Many temperate zone wetland ecosystems are dominated by clonal Carex plants. Such plants (genets) are capable of producing large numbers of shoots (ramets) through continuous reiteration of modules. Each shoot is typically separated by a spacer organ, usually a rhizome. Different clonal sedge species have evolved different life history adaptations. Bernard (1990), in his review of Carex, noted three basic patterns of growth based on behavior of the spacer organ. He pointed out that some species have spacers which are short, resulting in tight clumps of shoots, while others have long rhi- zomes and place shoots at a distance from the parent shoot. The third and probably most common type is found in those shoots that produce both long and short rhizomes, resulting in loose clumps of shoots connected to other loose clumps through the rhizomes. There has been a relatively large number of studies on Carex species exhibiting the latter two strategies, among them those by Bernard (1975, 1976), Bernard and Gorham (1978), Bernard and MacDonald (1974), Callaghan (1976, 1990), Costello (1936) and Ratliff (1983) but few on those that produce only short spacers and grow in clumps. Examples are the studies of David and Kelcey (1985) on the C. muricata L. complex, Schmid (1984) on C. flava 179 180 Rhodora [Vol. 96 L., Taylor (1956) on C. flacca Schreber, and Bernard and Fiala (1986) on C. comosa Boott. Carex comosa is a large clump-forming species whose shoots produce short rhizomes only. It is found scattered in disturbed areas of wetlands. Bernard and Fiala (1986) found that the small- est clones were made up only of vegetative shoots, but as the clones grew larger the flowering percentage increased to a maxi- mum of almost 70% in the largest 100-shoot clones. The shoot/ root ratio also increased as the clones expanded in size. From their study, they labelled C. comosa a long-lived fugitive species which invades gaps in wetlands, grows vegetatively for the first years, then flowers heavily when larger. This adaptation enables C. comosa to invade a gap, increase in ramet numbers and hold the gap for a decade or more while producing large crops of seeds, some of which may find new gaps to invade. The purpose of this study was to determine life history and demographic patterns in shoots of Carex comosa and to determine if there are phenological differences in plants growing in different sites. METHODS Data were collected from three different study areas, two in the Cumming Nature Center, Naples, New York and one in Inlet Valley, Ithaca, New York. The Inlet site was the same one used by Bernard and Fiala (1986) and was dominated by Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. Botanical nomenclature follows Gleason and Cronquist (1991). A small stream flowed through the site with a row of willows (Salix sp. L.) bordering one side. One of the Nature Center sites was just downstream from an active beaver (Castor canadensis) dam. The water table was just at the surface of the soil during the growing season; the vegetation was a mixture of many species including Typha latifolia L., Carex lacustris Willd. and Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz. There was a considerable num- ber of trees at the site and tree branches were common on the ground. The second Nature Center site was upstream from the beaver dam along the pond shore. This site had less herbaceous cover with a few scattered alders (4/nus incana L. Moench.). The water table was somewhat lower and the organic soil more con- solidated than at the site below the dam. All shoots of Carex comosa in the 14 clones growing in the two 1994] Bernard and Seischab— Carex comosa Shoots 181 sites at Cumming Nature Center were tagged with a numbered plastic tag in the autumn of 1983 or spring of 1984. The length of all shoots/clone were measured then and at subsequent visits at approximately monthly intervals during the growing season until autumn 1985. All shoots tagged on each date became part of a cohort. Notes on the health of shoots and whether they were in vegetative or flowering condition were made at each visit. New shoots were tagged as they emerged. In order to determine if differences in mean number of shoots per plant above and below the beaver dam at the Nature Center were significant, a sample t-test was conducted. In a separate part of the study, all shoots in three clones were tagged on November 5, 1983 in Inlet Valley. There were 64 shoots in the three clones varying in length from 3.5 cm to over 100 cm. All shoots were placed in four cohorts, defined differently than those above; cohort | was made up of the smallest shoots which had just emerged above ground plus four additional shoots that emerged after November 5. Cohorts 2 and 3 were shoots which had emerged in summer and early autumn and grew to heights of 10-20 cm by November. Cohort 4 was made up of shoots over 30 cm long; most had a cluster of dead leaves at the shoot bases. These clones were visited four times between November 5 and June 22, 1984. At each visit, other non-tagged clones were har- vested. These were brought back to the laboratory, individual shoots measured, then dissected to determine if the shoots had flowering initials present. All shoots were dried and weighed after dissection. RESULTS Table 1 presents data on the total number of shoots in each of nine clones located at Site | at the Nature Center, downstream from the beaver dam. Shoot numbers in five of the clones in- creased from 80 to 400%, one clone remained the same, and three declined over the 25-month period of study. The total number of shoots in all clones went from 77 to 134 after one year, then increased slightly to 139 after the second year, for a total gain of 80%. Shoot number during both summers increased about 35% but varied dramatically during the two winter periods. From Sep- tember 1983 to May 1984, shoot numbers increased 28%, but from September 1984 to May 1985, they decreased by 22%. Thus, 182 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 1. Number of shoots/clone and total numbers in nine clones of Carex comosa sampled over a two-year period. The site was located in a wetland just downstream from a beaver dam (Site 1). 1983 1984 1985 9/83-10/85 Clone 9/19 21 9/17 5/24 10/17 % Change 1 5 10 13 17 25 400 2 ef 15 15 10 25 21 3 8 10 17 16 19 137 4 15 13 28 21 28 87 > 15 20 29 22 on 80 6 4 El 10 5 4 0 7 9 9 8 6 7 on 8 6 q 9 4 2 — 66 9 8 7 5 3 2 =75 Totals pe 98 134 104 139 81% although the average shoot percentage gain was 80% over two years, almost all the gain was during the first year; little change occurred during the second year. It is important to note that four of the clones were probably dying, two having two shoots re- maining, and two having the same number or fewer shoots than at the beginning of the study. Table 2 presents data for five clones growing at Site 2 along the edge of the pond upstream from the beaver dam. All clones 1n- creased at least 220% in total shoot numbers from May 1984 to October 1985, the average being 445%. Although mortality in winter was 18%, almost the same as clones at Site 1, emergence in summer was heavy; clones gained 152% from May to October 1985, a rate similar to the 164% growth of the previous summer. Table 2. Number of shoots/clone and total numbers in five clones of Carex comosa at Site 2, located along the edge of a beaver pond. 1984 1985 5/84-10/85 Clone 5/21 9/17 ag we 10/17 % Change l 5 20 16 57 1040 2 5 ibe, 16 29 500 3 6 10 13 34 466 4 6 13 1] 20 233 5 ) 20 11 29 Zee Totals 31 82 67 169 445% 1994] Bernard and Seischab— Carex comosa Shoots 183 Table 3. Cumulative gains and losses and percentage change of Carex comosa shoots in nine clones at Site | and five clones at Site 2. Note: births and deaths are cumulative for each period: for example, between 5/21/84 and 7/3/84, 34 new shoots emerged and 12 died. Site 1 Site 2 Total % Turn- Total % Date _ Births Deaths Shoots over Births Deaths Shoots Change 9-19-83 77 5-21-84 36 15 98 20 a1 7-3-84 70 2) 120 18 ) l 39 25 7-30-84 86 52 111 =5 18 3 46 18 8-21-84 127 77 127 14 51 6 76 65 9-17-84 160 103 134 6 65 14 82 7 5-24-85 186 159 104 —22 80 44 67 —18 6-24-85 202 163 116 12 136 55 112 67 7-23-85 = 252 170 [59 37 159 66 124 10 8-26-85 286 pale 152 —4 229 88 172 38 10-17-85 339 v5 | 139 =f 308 170 169 oa In comparison to Site 1 clones, the number of shoots in all Site 2 clones had at least doubled and one had increased over 10 times. Shoot turnover for both sites is shown in Table 3 which gives the cumulative gains and losses during the sampling period. At Site 1, from September 1983 to October 1985, the total shoots increased from 77 to 139 but a total of 339 new shoots had emerged and 277 had died. At Site 2, total shoot numbers were 31 in May 1984 and increased to 169 in October 1985. Again, significant shoot turnover occurred with 308 shoots emerging and 170 dying. Shoot mortality during the two winter periods varied during the study. During the first winter at Site 1, only 15 shoots died but 36 new shoots emerged, resulting in a 20% increase. In con- trast, during the second winter, plants had high mortality with relatively low emergence resulting in a total loss of 22% of all shoots in the nine clones. Clone numbers at Site 2 (Table 3) showed a somewhat different picture. Plant mortality over winter was high (54%), but emer- gence during the following spring was somewhat higher, resulting in a decline of 18% in total shoot numbers over winter. Figure | shows the time of emergence for all cohorts of shoots in nine clones making up the population at Site 1 on July 23, 184 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Shoot Numbers 9/19/83 5/21/84 7/3/84 7/30/84 ~=«-8/21/84. «9/17/84 = «5/24/85 =~: /2.4/85 Date of Cohort Emergence . Age structure of 109 shoots in nine clones of Carex comosa on July 23, 1985, The total number of shoots oar tagged (shaded bars) 1 in each of (open bars) shoots still alive. 1985. Bars represent the original number of shoots in each cohort (shaded) and the number of vegetative (black) and flowering shoots (open) still remaining at the end of the study. The oldest cohorts (9/1/83, 5/21/84, 7/3/84, 7/30/84) had very high mortality; few 100 | 90 + | B % ve | 80 | is | | | 70 | [1% Flow. | | ¢ eo}; ——— | o | B 507 | a 40 | 30 + | 20 + | 10 + ‘2 oe oe a ee es fe) a oO oO =- ae wv wv 5 N = & $ hi N N [o>] w Lop} wo oO Date of Cohort es Figure 2 centage of vegetative (black bars) and flowering shoots (open bars) of peri comosa remaining on July 23, 1985 from original number in the cohorts. 1994] Bernard and Seischab— Carex comosa Shoots 185 Table 4. Number of shoots in four cohorts of overwintering clones of Carex comosa at the Inlet Valley site. 1984 1985 Cohort 1/15 3/10 4/29 6/22 1 11 15 15 14* 2 25 26 26 26* a 15 15 15 iS - 13 13 12 6* Totals 64 69 68 61 * Denotes shoots in flower. shoots remained from the original number that had emerged. Mortality was less in the second 1984 cohort, and most that lived, flowered. None of the 1985 shoot cohorts flowered. Figure 2 gives percentages of vegetative and flowering shoots in the eight cohorts still living on July 23, 1985. The two oldest cohorts of autumn 1983 and May 1984 had over 90% shoot mortality; about half the survivors flowered. The rest of the 1984 cohorts had higher percentages living and most were flowering shoots. The youngest shoots of the 1985 cohorts were all vegetative and although having emerged only 1-2 months before July had considerable mortality, the June cohort having a 7% mortality. Recently emerged shoots were all vegetative, but older cohorts, with the exception of the September 1983 cohort, had mostly flowering shoots. At the conclusion of the study, two shoots two years old were still in a vegetative condition, and 55% of shoots in all clones had flowered. Mortality patterns described a type II survivorship curve, a pattern to be expected of an opportunistic early successional species (Deevey, 1947). In a separate part of the study, three clones were tagged in late autumn in the Inlet Valley site near Ithaca and followed during the winter and early spring. There were 64 shoots in the three clones tagged in November (Table 4); four additional shoots emerged in cohort 1 by March 10 and one additional larger shoot was tagged and placed in cohort 2. Of the total 69 shoots, 61 survived until June 22, with one shoot in cohort | and six of the original 13 in cohort 4 dying. The shoots that survived until June in all four cohorts averaged about 102 cm in length and all flow- ered. In addition to the shoots placed in the four cohorts, almost all shoots in cohorts 2 and 3 produced one or more small axillary 186 Rhodora [Vol. 96 shoots, all less than 3 cm long in March; at harvest in June these axillary shoots accounted for the largest percentage of vegetative shoots in each clone since none flowered. Cohort | and cohort 4 shoots did not produce any axillary shoots over winter during this study. We found that 37 of the 107 shoots harvested (35%) produced axillary shoots after November 5, a percentage about twice that of shoots in cohorts 2 and 3 of the tagged clones. Some of the harvested shoots which were old enough to have produced axillary shoots did not. These were all either smaller than average size, had brown meristems, or were infected with Diptera larvae. DISCUSSION Maximum length of life for single shoots of various Carex species 1s extremely variable. Some, such as Carex lacustris, live 12 months (Bernard, 1975); others such as C. rostrata may live for about 18-24 months in the temperate zone (Bernard, 1976) but longer, up to 60 months, in oligotrophic sites in northern Sweden (Solander, 1983). Many arctic and alpine tundra species also live for up to 60 months (Alexeev, 1988; Hultgren, 1988), as do some montane species. A particularly good example of long- lived shoots was found in C. nebraskensis Dewey, some of which lived for 96 months in alpine habitats of the Sierra Nevada Moun- tains in California (Ratliff, 1983). Few Carex shoots live their maximum possible time and annual mortality is usually at least 80% in temperate sites although lower in arctic sites. Life spans are variable even in shoots in the same cohort, ranging, for example, from only 12 days to over 750 days in C. /asiocarpa Ehrh. (Bedford et al.. 1988). Bedford et al. (1988) found, as did we, that shoots die at a constant rate, a situation also shown in other studies of Carex (Bernard, 1990). Shoots that emerge in late autumn or early winter have the longest possible life span in comparison to spring or summer emerged shoots but these differences are not as different as they at first appear. If one subtracts the approximately 140 days of winter from the autumn- emerged shoots the average life span becomes less variable. For example, shoots emerging in late autumn live for 670-700 days or so, the longest of all possible life spans, while spring shoots live for perhaps 550 days. Subtracting the 140 days of winter from the autumn shoots gives them approximately the same life span as spring shoots. It is the same situation described by Bedford et 1994] Bernard and Seischab— Carex comosa Shoots 187 al. (1988), who noted that both autumn and spring emerged shoots of C. lasiocarpa were part of the same cohort, the shoots not emerging until spring were already formed but were dormant below ground during the winter. There is extremely heavy shoot turnover depending in part on whether or not individual clumps grew well. This has also been found in other Carex species. Bartlett and Noble (1985), Noble et al. (1979), Bernard (1990) and Callaghan (1976) all noted that at a time of favorable growth conditions, more shoots are pro- duced than are needed for replacement; when the environment worsens, they die back. Thus, the better the environment for growth, the more emergence. When conditions become less suit- able, greater than average mortality occurs. This mortality does not happen in more northern sites; Solander (1982) found little mortality in C. rostrata in her arctic study, owing probably to the low nutrient status of her site. Mortality patterns did not match well in the years of study. During the first winter, clones showed low shoot mortality at both Nature Center sites but during the second winter clones had very high mortality, especially at Site 1. This may have been due to a high water table at Site | during the second winter; the water table at Site 2 did not vary to the same extent. The high second- year mortality at Site 1 had a profound effect on individual clones, some of which did not recover. Flowering percentages in clumps varied for two reasons. First, size of clumps was important. Bernard and Fiala (1986) found that shoots in the smallest (and probably youngest) clones did not flower while the largest clones had as many as 67% of their shoots in flower. Second, we found in this study that during winter veg- etative meristems of some shoots were either dead or affected by Diptera larva. These conditions obviously affect expected flow- ering percentages. Bernard and Fiala (1986) noted that Carex comosa had the characteristics of an opportunistic early successional species, in- vading open sites, growing rapidly and then flowering. It also had characteristics that allowed it to live for a long time in a site favorable for growth. The shoot life history patterns found in this study allow this species to both compete for favorable sites while at the same time producing flowering shoots which will distribute seed each year. Thus, while larger clones produce many flowering shoots, there are always vegetative shoots and short rhizomes 188 Rhodora [Vol. 96 present to carry on the genet in autumn after flowering shoots SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Carex comosa shoots may live for up to 700 days, those emerg- ing in autumn usually being longer-lived than shoots emerging in spring and summer. Shoots that emerge in summer and early autumn will develop flower initials during autumn and flower the next June. These flowering shoots also develop axillary shoots during late autumn and early spring which grow and provide a population of young vegetative shoots during the summer. These emergence and growth patterns ensure that mature clones are always a mixture of flowering and vegetative shoots, the former for producing seed to be disseminated to new sites, the latter to provide the clone with a young shoot population after death of the flowering shoots in August. This is important because C. comosa acts as a fugitive species, only occupying a site for a certain time so seed production is essential to its establishment in new disturbed sites (Bernard and Fiala, 1986). Other species which grow by both long and short rhizomes may dominate an area; they tend to flower much less and instead reproduce mostly by vegetative means. LITERATURE CITED ALEXEEV, Y. E. 1988. ae in Carex species. Aquatic Bot. 29: 39-48. BARTLETT, N. R. AND J. C. Nos 1985. The population biology of plants with ne growth. 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Primary production and life history of Carex lacustris. Canad. J. Bot. 52: 117-123. CALLAGHAN, T. 1976. Growth and population dynamics of Carex bigelowiti in an alpine say ronment Oikos 27: 402-413. 1990. Aspects of clonality in the arctic: a comparison between Lyco- podium annotinum and Carex bigelowii, pp. 131-151. Jn: J. Groenendael and H. deKroon, Eds., Clonal Growth in Plants: Regulation and Function. B Academic Publishing, The H CosTELLo, D. F. 1936. Tussock oe in southeastern Wisconsin. Bot. Gaz. 97: 610-647. Davin, R. W. AND J. G. Ketcey. 1985. Biological flora of the British Isles. Carex muricata L. aggregate. J. Ecol. 73: 1021-1039. Deevey, E. S., Jr. 1947. Life tables for natural populations. Quart. Rev. Biol. 22: 283-314. GLEASON, H. A. AND A. CronquistT. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada. 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York. Huttacren, A. B.C. 1988. A demographic study of aerial shoots of Carex rostrata in relation to water a el. Aquatic Bot. 29: 81-93. Nose, J. C., A. D. BELL AND J. L. Harper. 1979. The population biology of plants with clonal aon I. The morphology and structural demography of Carex arenaria. J. Ecol. 67: 983-1008. RaT irr, R.D. 1983. Nebraska sedge (Carex nebraskensis Dewey): observations on shoot life history and management. J. Range Managem. 36: 429-4 ScumMip, B. 1984. Life history in clonal plants of the Carex flava group. J. Ecol. 72: 93-114. aa D. 1982. Production of Mg oe ae in two small, subarctic lakes n northern Sweden. pp. 181-186. Jn: J. J. Symoens, S. S. Hooper and P ene Eds., Studies in renee Vascular Plants. Proc. ea Col- loquium on eumae Vascular Plants, oo Belgium ass and shoot production of Carex rostrata and Equisetum Huviaiile in unfertilized and fertilized eect lakes. Aquatic Bot. 15: 349- 366. Tayior, F. J. 1956. Carex flacca. J. Ecol. 44: 281-290. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY ITHACA COLLEGE ITHACA, NY 14850 Bi Re: DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROCHESTER, NY 14623 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 886, pp. 190-194, 1994 A COMPUTER METHOD FOR PRODUCING DOT DISTRIBUTION MAPS RAY ANGELO ABSTRACT eu, enemnOd or progueiie dot Cast IOEGOn maps Sauer from a database software and p main mapping software is ea: on sample mans are provided. Key words: atlas, distribution map, MicroCAM, New England, WordPerfect 6.0 While preparing the first installment of an atlas of the vascular plants of New England, a method was developed using various computer software programs to produce dot distribution maps automatically from a database file. This note described the meth- odology in general terms (but with references to specific software programs) and provides two sample distribution maps produced with this method. More technical details will appear in the first installment of the New England atlas of vascular plants, which is in preparation. Three computer software programs were used. The mapping software used to produce a customized map of New England with county borders was MicroCAM (Version 3.1). This software, which is for computers that use MS-DOS (most versions), was developed by Dr. Scott A. Loomer (now a professor of geography at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point). Since it is an adaptation of a federally funded mainframe mapping program (CAM), it is in the public domain. It may be obtained at nominal cost from: Microcomputer Specialty Group of the Assoc. of American Geographers % Department of Geography Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15705-1087 The MicroCAM software includes maps of countries, U.S. states, county boundaries, Canadian provinces, coastlines, major rivers, major lakes and major islands derived from World Data Bank II and U.S. Census Bureau boundary files. 190 1994] Angelo— Distribution Maps 191 Equisetum arvense Equisetum pratense Figure 1. Sample distribution maps produced using the method of this note. The maps created with MicroCAM can be saved in files in a variety of formats. One of these is Hewlett-Packard Language (HPGL), a standard vector graphics format. The HPGL map files can be imported into WordPerfect 6.0 image files which can then be manipulated. Maps from other mapping programs that can be imported into WordPerfect 6.0 can also be used in this method. The database software used was Paradox (version 4.0 for DOS) produced by Borland International, Inc. However, any database software that can export its files into ASCII delimited text files (or files of other formats that will be recognized by WordPerfect 6.0 as data files) can be used. The word processing software WordPerfect 6.0 (product of WordPerfect Corporation) is probably the most vital element of the method. Its ability to manipulate graphics images inside graphics boxes (rectangular areas embedded in a page of text) and its flexibility in allowing the printing of superimposed graphics boxes are critical to the viability of this method. Also, the avail- ability of a scalable, sharp dot in the WordPerfect character sets and a Hewlett-Packard laserjet printer are important. Dots (cir- cular disks) printed by dot matrix printers do not have perfectly circular margins. Similarly, dots produced by some graphics soft- 192 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ware (MicroCAM, for example) are actually many-sided polygons and can be recognized as such. The basic idea of the method is to perform a merge between a database file containing distribution records and a form file con- sisting of superimposed graphics boxes. One graphics box contains the outline map (hereafter called a map box). Two other graphic boxes, superimposed over the map box, place dots at specific locations within the box (hereafter called a dot box), depending on the contents of the database fields. A merge is the process that businesses use to produce individualized letters from a customer list (database file) and a form letter (form file). For the atlas, each taxon is a record in the database file. Each record consists of fields for each component of the scientific name and for each county in New England. Additional fields are pro- vided for the arbitrary subdivisions of some larger counties and for Mt. Desert, Maine and Block Island, Rhode Island. If a her- barium record exists for the taxon in a given county, a letter code for the particular herbarium appears in the field for the county. Otherwise, the given county field is empty. Most of the herbarium records (perhaps 85% to 90%) in the database file are based upon specimens in the New England Botanical Club herbarium. A map of New England was created using MicroCAM and saved in a file in HPGL format. Then a graphics box (the map box) was designed in WordPerfect 6.0 with the New England map file named as the contents. The image was rotated, shifted and scaled to fit neatly in the graphics box using the image editing capabilities of WordPerfect 6.0. This map box was then saved as a file. A WordPerfect macro was then created for each New England county. A macro is a sequence of keystrokes that can be executed by pressing one (or a few) preassigned key(s). Each macro created for this method places a dot of a given size at a specific position inside a graphics box (dot box) which is the same size as the map box. The position of the dot is chosen to correspond to the position of the given county in the map box when the dot box is super- imposed over the map box. The advantage of defining the macros with respect to the margins of the dot box is that the box may be placed at any position on a page (along with the associated map box) without the need to create a new set of macros. The form file consists of at least one set of three superimposed graphics boxes. The lowermost is the map box. The next box above (a dot box) contains a set of merge commands that execute 1994] Angelo— Distribution Maps 193 the macros for the counties in Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- mont for each corresponding nonempty county field in the da- tabase file. The uppermost box (a dot box) contains a set of merge commands for the counties in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut and a set that produces a caption (the name of the taxon). Two dot boxes were required to hold the merge commands for the counties of New England since one graphics box (of the size used) would not accept the entire set of merge commands. Also, the contents of a graphics box in WordPerfect 6.0 must either be a graphics image or text. There is limited ability to add text to a graphics box containing a graphics image. Since the dots are considered text, it was not possible to place the required merge commands directly into the map box. Figure | 1s an example of two distribution maps produced using this method with actual data for Eguisetum pratense Ehrhart and Equisetum arvense L. The map was created and imported into WordPerfect 6.0 on a Dell 386 notebook computer. The merge was executed on a Dell 386 desktop computer. The printer used was a Hewlett-Packard Laserjet 4. This author is unaware of any single, inexpensive software pack- age that accomplishes the results of the method described here. A sophisticated Geographic Information System (GIS) type of software package, PC Arc/Info, made by Environmental Systems Research Institute, no doubt can accomplish the results of this method (except possibly the sharp dots), but its capabilities far exceed what 1s necessary. Other software programs for IBM com- patible computers that might be capable of achieving the results of the method described here are Atlas GIS (Strategic Mapping Inc.), GIS Plus (Caliper Corp.), and MapInfo (MapInfo Corp.). These packages (including PC Arc/Info) are somewhat expensive. Readers interested in geographic data systems for plants should consult the electronic article, ““Design Criteria for a Plant Geo- graphic Information System” by Jim Sullivan published in “Flora Online” (Issue #18, Sept. 13, 1988, Text file 018GISIO.TXT, 53,805 bytes), an electronic publication of TAXACOM. My coworker on the atlas project is David E. Boufford of the Harvard University Herbaria, who I thank for suggestions that improved the wording of this article, for aiding my access to a computer and printer at the Harvard University Herbaria, and for providing a copy of the electronic article referred to in the preceding paragraph. 194 Rhodora CURATOR OF VASCULAR PLANTS NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA 22 DIVINITY AVE. CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 [Vol. 96 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 886, pp. 195-203, 1994 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF NEWFOUNDLAND. JI. STUART G. HAy, ANDRE BOUCHARD, AND Luc BROUILLET ABSTRACT Five significant additions of arctic and subarctic species have been made to the native vascular flora of the island of Newfoundland as a result of botanical ex- plorations on the Great Northern Peninsula: Minuartia biflora (Wats.) Schinzl. & Thell., Primula stricta Hornem., Sagina caespitosa (J. Vahl) Lange, Sagina sa- ginoides (L.) Karst. and Salix argvrocarpa Anderss. Important range extensions on the island are also reported for Cerastium terrae-novae Fern. & Wieg., Dan- thonia intermedia Vasey and Salix arctica Pallas. Key Words: vascular flora, arctic and subarctic additions, Newfoundland Studies on the flora of the island of Newfoundland have taken an important turn recently with the publication of a repertoire with distribution maps of the “‘Rare Vascular Plants of the Island of Newfoundland” (Bouchard et al., 1991), and a general “Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and the Islands of Saint- Pierre-et-Miquelon”’ (Rouleau and Lamoureux, 1992). Knowl- edge of the flora of this insular region of Atlantic Canada continues to progress, but as both of these publications point out, there is still room for work to be done to gain a fuller understanding of the region. We have already made evident in earlier papers on new records to the flora of Newfoundland (Hay et al., 1990, 1992) that many parts of the island are relatively inaccessible, and have yet to be thoroughly surveyed botanically. Further exploration of these ar- eas is bound to result in exciting new discoveries, range exten- sions, and to fill in gaps in the presently-known distribution pat- terns of plants on the island. In 1992, we pursued our floristic investigations of Newfound- land, particularly of the rare plants, in two areas located at the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula. This area is already known for its important arctic-alpine flora, much of which is rare because of its very restricted distribution on the island. During our field investigations, five remarkable arctic or subarctic species were collected for the first time in Newfoundland. This report includes notes on their distributional range, their habitat, and the phyto- Jee) 196 Rhodora [Vol. 96 geographical significance of the new records. All five species make significant additions to both the list of rare plants of Newfound- land (Bouchard et al., 1991) and the recent atlas of the flora of Newfoundland (Rouleau and Lamoureux, 1992). L’ Anse-aux-Meadows Two species new to Newfoundland were discovered in L’ Anse- aux-Meadows National Historic Park, on Sacred Bay, where we conducted a survey of the rare vascular plants for Parks Canada (Bouchard et al., 1993). The park 1s classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its cultural significance as the earliest known Norse landing and settlement site in the New World. Primula stricta Hornem. SPECIMENS. Strait of Belle Isle Dist.: L’Anse-aux-Meadows National Historic Park, between Upper Quarter Deck Cove and Rudder Cove, 1992/08/08, Bouchard, Hay & Brouillet 92018 (CAN, COCO, MT). The distribution of Primula stricta extends throughout the southern islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, into the Hudson Bay region and along parts of coastal Ungava and north- ern Labrador. It is an arctic amphi-Atlantic species that ranges eastward through Greenland and Iceland to Scandinavia (Hultén, 1958; Kelso, 1991). Confusion with other allied species in section Aleuritia, namely Primula anvilensis S. Kelso, P. borealis Duby and P. incana M. E. Jones, have, until recently, obscured the true distribution of this species (Kelso, 1991). The only reports of it from Labrador are restricted to the northern coastal area of the Peninsula (Morisset and Payette, 1987; Kelso, pers. comm.). At the L’Anse-aux-Meadows site, plants of Primula stricta were discovered in an open, partly herbaceous Empetrum health com- munity that covered a flat, supralittoral, gravel terrace behind the landwash along a seashore beach. This appears to be typical of the habitat generally observed for the species throughout its range. The plants were past anthesis when collected and were mistaken for efarinose specimens (f. chlorophylla Fern.) of Primula lauren- tiana Fern. These two species can be confused, especially where their ranges overlap. No field information was recorded on the size of the colony. 1994] Hay et al.—Newfoundland Flora 197 The L’Anse-aux-Meadows record of Primula stricta is an im- portant extension southward of the species’ range along the At- lantic coast, in comparison with localities in northern Labrador. The origin of the present-day, amphi-Atlantic distribution pattern is still unclear. P. stricta is a 14-ploid species that could have derived from either European or North American progenitors. The polyploid complex stems from the postglacial migration and concatenation of ancestral populations following Pleistocene gla- ciation (Kelso, 1991). Salix argyrocarpa Anderss. (Syn.: S. ambigua Tuckerm., S. /a- bradorica Schw.) SPECIMENS. Strait of Belle Isle Dist.: L7 Anse-aux-Meadows National Historic Park, along boardwalk between interpretive center and Norse archaeological site, 1992/08/07, Bouchard, Hay & Brouillet 92001 (CAN, GH, MT) Endemic to northeastern North America, the range of Salix argyrocarpa lies mainly in the northern subarctic regions of the Québec-Labrador Peninsula, with only a few, more southerly lo- calities extending from the eastern James Bay coast to the Céte- Nord of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Morisset and Payette, 1987; Raup, 1943). Rare and disjunct occurrences appear southward in alpine and subalpine situations in the Shickshock Mountains of the Gaspé Peninsula in Québec and in the New England states of Maine (Mt. Katahdin) and New Hampshire (Mt. Washington) (Crow, 1982; Raup, 1943). At L’Anse-aux-Meadows, a single colony of this willow was discovered growing in an alder-willow thicket in a zone of heavy snow accumulation. The scrub community was found on sloping, soggy ground below a low, northeast-facing cliff in the bedrock. Less than ten clones were counted in the population. The Newfoundland population of Salix argyvrocarpa marks the eastern limit of the species’ compass. Although the type of snowbed habitat where it was found may be ecologically restrictive, it seems surprising that this willow has never been recorded on the island. With further search, we would expect it to be found elsewhere in suitable alpine and subalpine sites in the Long Range Mountains and at the tip of the Northern Peninsula. 198 Rhodora [Vol. 96 White Hills Mountains Three species new to Newfoundland, all Caryophyllaceae, have been discovered in the White Hills Mountains to the west of St. Anthony. The White Hills form two adjoining plateau-like massifs of ultramafic, serpentinized peridotite and dunite bedrock that lie close to the north shore of Hare Bay. The eastern massif forms a high, barren tableland (alt. 230-300 m) covering a vast area of approximately 100 km?. The northern and eastern rims of the plateau are flanked by steep talus slopes that fall away into a chain of long lakes, two of the largest of which are Eastern Long Pond and Western Long Pond. Snowbeds, some of which are late-lying, are a conspicuous feature of these talus slopes. The White Hills are of the same geological origin as the ser- pentine complex in the Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay areas that lie approximately 250 km further south on the west coast. The latter tablelands are already well known for their unique serpen- tine flora that includes some of the rare and more interesting arctic-alpine and endemic elements of Newfoundland (Bouchard et al., 1986, 1991; Dearden, 1979; Roberts, 1992). The White Hills on the Great Northern Peninsula, however, have been less well explored. Three species, Cerastium terrae-novae Fern. & Wieg., Danthonia intermedia Vasey and Salix arctica Pallas, pre- viously known only from the Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay ser- pentines, were collected here for the first time, and make signif- icant range extensions on the island. The three Caryophyllaceae new to Newfoundland are: Minuartia biflora (Wats.) Schinzl. & Thell. (Syn.: Arenaria sa- janensis Willd. ex Schlecht., A. biflora Wats., not L.) SPECIMENS. Strait of Belle Isle Distr.: White Hills, west of St. Anthony, southwest of Western Long Pond, 1992/08/17, Bou- chard, Hay & Brouillet 92386 (CAN, MT). Minuartia biflora is a circumpolar, arctic-montane species. In North America, in the western half of its range, it extends from the lower islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago southward through Alaska, Yukon and the Rocky Mountains of British Co- lumbia to Colorado and Montana. In the eastern half of its range, M. biflorais found from the high Arctic to the Hudson Bay region, and is scattered through the arctic and subarctic region of the 1994] Hay et al.—Newfoundland Flora 199 Québec-Labrador Peninsula (Morisset and Payette, 1987; Hultén and Fries, 1986). Only one southward disjunct locality has been recorded from the serpentine summit of Mt. Albert on the Gaspé Peninsula. On the Eastern White Hills, Minuartia biflora was discovered at a single site on the eastern rim of the tableland barrens. Only a few plants were found on patches of exposed, moist gravel on an east-facing slope above a small ravine with late-melting snow. Surprisingly, we did not encounter /. marcescens (Fern.) House, the rare, northeastern endemic species that - well known from the Bonne Bay and Bay of Islands serpentin The new record on the Great Northern cue for this arctic- alpine species adds a second major, disjunct, southern outpost to the one already known on Mt. Albert in the Shickshock Mountains of the Gaspé. The historical reasons why rare vascular plants and bryophytes with arctic-alpine or Cordilleran affinities have be- come isolated from their main distribution areas have long been the subject of opposing theories by phytogeographers and ecol- ogists. The question as to whether these plants survived the last glaciation as relicts in in situ, ice-free refugia (nunataks) around the Gulf of St. Lawrence, or whether they are post-glacial im- migrants from southern or coastal refugia following ice retreat, that subsequently persisted in these unique habitats, is still open to debate (Belland et al., 1992; Bouchard et al., 1986). Their survival in narrow-niche habitats, such as these serpentine bar- rens, can be attributed to the extreme ecological conditions that tend to reduce competition, favoring the persistance of rare and endemic species at their range limits. Long-distance dispersal is also a possible mechanism that may explain the disjunct distri- bution pattern of some species. Sagina caespitosa (J. Vahl) Lange (Syn.: Sagina nivalis (Lindbl.) ries var. caespitosa (J. Vahl) Boivin) SPECIMENS. Strait of Belle Isle Dist.: St. Anthony, 4-5 mi. west of town, Eastern White Hills, 1951/06/29, Savile & Vail- lancourt 1971 (mt); 1951/08/08, Savile & Vaillancourt (MT). Sagina caespitosa has a typical arctic amphi-Atlantic distri- bution pattern. It occurs as a coastal and montane species in the eastern Arctic of North America, radiating eastward across the Atlantic through Greenland, Iceland and Scandinavia (Crow, 1978; 200 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Hultén, 1958: Scoggan, 1978-79). In the arctic region of the Qué- bec-Labrador Peninsula, populations are widespread but rare (Bouchard et al., 1983; Morisset and Payette, 1987; Rousseau, 1974), The discovery of this remarkable new Sagina for Newfound- land results from our revision of older herbarium sheets of col- lections made in 1951 from the Eastern White Hills tableland, erroneously identified as Minuartia rubella (Wahlenb.) Hiern. These Savile and Vaillancourt collections have only recently been made available for consultation and have escaped revision until now. The label information on the herbarium specimens gives only a vague description of the habitat as serpentine gravel barrens at 200 m alt. At the time of our foray on the tableland, we were as yet unaware of the existence of these older specimens, and we did not discover it ourselves during our own collecting. The new record from the tip of the Northern Peninsula rep- resents a major disjunct outlier to the south. Crow (1978) has discussed the present-day distribution patterns of the different species of Sagina in context of Pleistocene glaciation events. He has argued that eastern Arctic populations of S. caespitosa may have survived in coastal mountain refugia and cites as evidence their distinct affinity with probable nunatak populations of this species in western Greenland. He is, nonetheless, careful to point out that long distance, airborne dispersal may have played an important role, allowing species of Sagina, because of their dust- like diaspores, to become established 1n suitable habitats follow- ing glaciation. Sagina saginoides (L.) Karst. (Syn.: Sagina linnaei Presl) SPECIMENS. Strait of Belle Isle Distr.: White Hills, west of St. Anthony, southwest of Western Long Pond, 1992/08/17, Bou- chard, Hay & Brouillet 92349 (CAN, MT). Sagina saginoides has a circumpolar distribution, correlating almost entirely with montane regions of the Northern Hemi- sphere. In North America, it is almost exclusively a western alpine species, ranging through the Cordillera from Alaska south to Ar- izona and New Mexico (Crow, 1978; Hultén and Fries, 1986). It is of rare occurrence in eastern North America, where only seven disjunct locations have been previously recorded from the arctic 1994] Hay et al.—Newfoundland Flora 201 and subarctic region of the Québec-Labrador Peninsula and on the Gaspé Peninsula serpentines of Mt. Albert (Bouchard et al., 1983; Crow, 1978; Morisset and Payette, 1987; Scoggan, 1978- 79). On the Eastern White Hills serpentine plateau, Sagina sagi- noides was discovered along the eastern rim of the tableland where several of the talus slopes are snow-covered until late in the sea- son. Snowbed ecosystems have a particularly high incidence of rare plants in Newfoundland (Bouchard et al., 1991). Their special ecological conditions account for the presence of this new species and other rare, characteristic elements of arctic-alpine affinity such as Cassiope hypnoides (L.) D. Don, Epilobium anagallidi- folium Lam., E. lactiflorumHausskn., Gnaphalium norvegicum Gunn., Phieum alpinum L., Salix herbacea L., Veronica worm- skjoldii Roem. & Schultes, and Viola palustris L. The populations of Cassiope hypnoides, Salix herbacea and Viola palustris are new records for the area, being formerly known only from more south- ern alpine summits in the Long Range Mountains, between the Bay of Islands and the Highlands of Saint John (Bouchard et al., 1991), Sagina saginoides was one of the arctic-alpine species that Fer- nald (1925) cited as evidence of a disjunct relictual flora that may have survived glaciation in ice-free, nunatak refugia, such as the summit of Mt. Albert on the Gaspé. More recently, however, Crow (1978) has reexamined the phytogeography of this species, and he feels that, in light of today’s evidence, the rare and widely isolated eastern populations in Québec and Labrador are better regarded as resulting from long distance dispersal and/or of a pleistocene fragmentation of what was once a more wide-ranging arctic-circumpolar distribution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for the study of the rare plants of L’ Anse-aux-Meadows National Historic Park came from Parks Canada, Ottawa. G. Argus (Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa) kindly identified specimens of Salix. G. Crow (University of New Hampshire, Durham) confirmed our identifications of Sagina and Minuartia. Primula specimens were revised by S. Kelso (Colorado College, Colorado Springs). pAOy Rhodora [Vol. 96 LITERATURE CITED BELLAND, R. J., W. B. SCHOFIELD AND T. A. HEDDERSON. 1992. Bryophytes of the Mingan yee eae National Park Ree Québec: a boreal flora with arctic and alpine components. Can. 70: 2207-2222. BOUCHARD, A., D. BARABE, M. Dun MAIS AND < . Hay. 1983. The rare vascular plants of Québec/Les plantes vasculaires rares du Québec. Syllogeus 48. S. G. Hay, C. GAUVIN AND Y. BERGERON. 1986. Rare vascular plants of Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland (Canada). Rhodora 88: 481- 502. —, L. BRouILtet, M. JEAN AND I. SAuciER. 1991. The Rare Vascular Plants of the Island of Newfoundland/Les plantes vasculaires rares de I’ile de ap Neuve. Syllogeus ———., L. BROUILLET AND S. G. HAy. 1993. The rare vascular plants of L’Anse- aux-Meadows National Historic Park. Parks Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa. unpubl. report. Crow, G. E. 1978. A taxonomic revision of Sagina (Caryophyllaceae) in North America. Rhodora 80: 1-91. . 1982. New England’s rare, threatened, and endangered aes U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Northeast Regi — P. Re Some factors influencing the composition one location of on a serpentine bedrock in western Newfoundland. Jour- nal biogeoeaph 6: 93-104. FERNALD, M. 1919. The American representatives of Arenaria sajanensis. Rhodora a 12-17. ———. 1925. The persistence of plants in unglaciated areas of boreal America. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 15: 239-342, Hay, S. G., A. BouCHARD AND L. BROUILLET. 1990, Additions to the flora of the island of Newfoundland. Rhodora 92: 277-293. AND M. JEAN. 1992. Additions to the flora of Newfound- baa. I. cee 94: 383-386. Hu ten, E. 1958. The amphi-atlantic plants and their phytogeographical con- nections. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm. . Fries. 1986. Atlas of North European i dees Plants, north of the Tropic of Cancer. Koeltz Scientific Books, Fed. Rep. Germany. 3 vols. Ketso, S. 1991. Taxonomy of Primula sects. Aleuritia a Armerina in North America. Rhodora 93: 67-99 Morisset, P. AND S. PAyettTe, Eds. 1987. Flore du Québec nordique et des Territoires adjacents. Centre d’études nordiques et Herbier Louis-Marie, Univ. Laval, Québec. 3 vols. Raup, H. M. 1943. The willows of the Hudson Bay region and the Labrador Peninsula. Sargentia 4: 81-135. Roserts, B. - 1992. The serpentinized areas of Newfoundland, Canada. Jn: A. J. Baker, J. Proctor and R. D. Reeves, Eds., The Maca of Ultra- mafic (Serpentine) Soils. Intercept Scientific Publications, Fra ROULEAU, E. AND G. LAMOUREUXx. 1992. Atlas of the Vascular "Plants of the Island of Newicunciand and of the Islands of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon/Atlas des Plantes Vasculaires de I’Ile de Terre-Neuve et des [les de Saint-Pierre- et-Miquelon. Fleurbec Editeur, Québec. 1994] Hay et al.— Newfoundland Flora 203 Rousseau, C. 1974. Géographie Floristique du Québec-Labrador. Presses de I’Université Laval, Ste-Foy. Scoccan, H. J. 1978-79. The Flora of Canada. 4 parts. Natl. Mus. Canada, Natl. Sci. Publ. Bot. no. 7. Ottawa. INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE EN BIOLOGIE VEGETALE JARDIN BOTANIQUE DE MONTREAL 4101 EST, RUE SHERBROOKE MONTREAL, QC, CANADA H1X 2B2 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RHODORA Submission of a manuscript implies it is not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere, either in whole or in part. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate (an original and two xerographic copies) and must be double-spaced (at least *”) throughout including tables, figure legends, and literature cita- tions. The list of legends for figures and maps should be provided on a separate page. Footnotes should be used sparingly. Do not indicate the style of type through the use of capitals or under- scoring, particularly in the citation of specimens. Names of genera and species may be underlined to indicate italics in discussions. Specimen citations should be selected critically, especially for common species of broad distribution. Systematic revisions and similar papers should be prepared in the format of ““A Monograph of the Genus Malvastrum,” S. R. Hill, Rhodora 84:1-83, 159- 264, 317-409, 1982, particularly with reference to indentation of keys and synonyms. Designation of a new taxon should carry a Latin diagnosis (rather than a full Latin description), which sets forth succinctly just how the new taxon 1s distinguished from its congeners. Papers of a floristic nature should follow, as far as possible, the format of “Annotated List of the Ferns and Fern Allies of Arkansas,” W. Carl Taylor and Delzie Demaree, Rho- dora 81: 503-548, 1979. For bibliographic citations, refer to the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (B-P-H, 1968) which provides standardized abbreviations for journals originating before 1966. All abbreviations in the text should be followed by a period, except those for standard units of measure and direction (compass points). For standard abbreviations and for guidance in other matters of biological writing style, consult the CBE Style Manual, 5th ed. (original title: Style Manual for Biological Journals). In preparing figures (maps, charts, drawings, photos, etc.) please remember that the printed plate will be 4 x 6 inches; be sure that illustrations are proportioned to reduce correctly, and indicate by blue pencil the intended limits of the figures. (Some “‘turn-page”’ figures with brief legends will be 32 x 6 in.) Magnification/reduction values given in text or figure legends should be calculated to reflect the actual printed size. An Abstract and a list of Key Words should be supplied at the beginning of each paper submitted, except for a very short article or note. All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner. Brevity is urged for all submissions. 205 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organization that promotes the study of plants of North America, especially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHODORA, which is now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscription to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year ————— For the next calendar year ———— Name Address City & State Zip Special interests (optional): Vol. 96, No. 885, including pages 1-120, was issued September 7, 1994. 206 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTAN ICAL CLUB vg - eoso Officers ad Poinck Members te 1994 1995 Presiden ¢ Barre Helanict, Box 9145, Dee ee of Biolo- a North Adams State ee: North Adams, Massachusetts: : 01247 — ‘| 04578 * - setts 02154. setts 01247 . . Revontine Secretary: ‘Lisa A. Sidley - Be _ Curator of Vascular Plants: Raymond Riedie eB Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants: Pamela Weatherbee. | Curator of Non-Vaseule Plants: eM Reid. ne | ast Librarian: Paul Somers at. at On Sos FRE Oe LOT of Rhodora and 4 ee oe _ Councillors : Leslie J. Mehthoff (Past President) ee _ William E. Brumback’ 952 Thomas Mione *96_ a - GarettE, Crow 97 _ ee ee : Donald dans (Graduate Student fc oe ae . Vee Pee on “Pros gram Chair): : L Hones Hutson: Go. | is - Chewonki_ ‘Foundation, RR2, Box. 1200, Barareh ae is Core Reon. ‘ ney M. -Eyster-Smith, Department Lael ~~ of Natural Sciences, Bentley ee ae Massachu- : CY Da ‘Harold G. Ec wan Box 9092, Depee eal of “Biol ak : a : ogy, North Adams State College, a Adams, ae i" ones - Consisting of the. Blecied Officers, Associate Curator 1s | a THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB _P. O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 _ ie innit Avenue, Cambridge, M: husetts 02138 me No. 887 . | VOL. 96 "July, 1994 es JOURNAL OF" THE : ae: | NEW ENGLAND ) BOTANICAL CLUB i: 4 CONTENTS: ea : : A comparison of the marine cigiear from the Goleta Slough nn adjacent : to open coast. of Goleta/Santa_ Barbara, California with those PRG so southern gulf of Maine. Arthur C. Mathieson and Edward J. Hehre... 207 “ ooey poets biology: and Population BEneHCS of eee 4 vulgan rene A new tri- ‘hybrid lycopod, Diphasiastram ee gitatum x sabinifolium : ps ae Arthur V, Gilma PAA Ree eG ee Membership Fos Bee a ct 294 . ae Peat and C il Memt ; inside back cover : 2 Divinity Avenue b ambridge Mas ac u ets -RHODORA _ . “GORDON P, DeWOLF, JR. Editor-in Chiet oa Oe a - Associate Editors arg -DAVIDS. CONANT : LISA A. STANDLEY . -RHODORA (ssn 0035- ale Published ae times a year oer oe July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810. - East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshir e St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Second class postage 4 ee at Lawrence, ee POSTMAS1 ER: Send address aie fo _ RHODORA, P.O. Box 1897, I KS 66044, of “RHODORA | isa journal of botany Gone primarily t to North America. - | _ Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts: of Scientific paperssa 2 _ and notes relating to the systematics, s, dis , ecology, paleo- - botany, or conservation biology: of this or floristical y related areas. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per. calendar year, net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in the United States currency. Remittances payable to RHODORA. Send to ) RHODORA, P.O: Box 1897, eens: KS” ee 66044- 8897. . _ MEMBERSHIPS: Regular $35: Family S45. Applic a f n printed. ae o a ee ties AND SINGLE COPIES: Some available; informa. : tion and prices will be furnished upon reques st to the Treasu B ADDRESS. CHANGES: In order to receive the” next | ae of - RHODORA, changes must be received by o business office pie to. ~ the first day of January, April, July, or Octobe eas INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: “Tosi back cover, r Tanaay mae and April. . ; ate "MANUSCRIPTS: “Send to: ‘Goren Rh DeWo If ars -Managi ng Editor, RHODORA : tat 125 Long Hill Road a ree Broomnens, mts OTSSS: . _ @ This paper meets the requi ts of ANSI/NISO Z39.48- -192 (Permanence of Paper). oS RHODORA OURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 96 July 1994 No. 887 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 887, pp. 207-258, 1994 A COMPARISON OF THE MARINE ALGAE FROM THE GOLETA SLOUGH AND ADJACENT OPEN COAST OF GOLETA/SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA WITH THOSE IN THE SOUTHERN GULF OF MAINE! ARTHUR C. MATHIESON AND EDWARD J. HEHRE ABSTRACT The seaweed se from the Goleta Slough and adjacent coastal sites near Santa Barbara, Californ d with several coastal and estuarine habitats with- in the southern Gulf of Maas. One ne fifty-two taxa are described from the Goleta-Santa Barbara area, consisting of 104 Rhodophyta, 22 Phaeophyta and 26 Chlorophyta. Four of these taxa represent modest range extensions within the state (1.e., Farlowia conferta, Giffordia hincksiae var. californica, Lomentaria ca- seae and Prionitis australis, while two others found within the Slough (Capsosiphon fulvescens and Microspora pachyderma) are significant additions to the marine flora of the Pacific Coast. The patterns of species richness and composition at four contiguous southern California sites showed strong contrasts due to local envi- ronmental variability, with the highest numbers of taxa (117 taxa or ~77%) occurring at the sand-abraded nearshore Goleta Point site and the lowest within the shallow Slough (26 taxa or ~17%). The depauperate flora of this small arid salt marsh habitat is dominated by ephemeral green algae (16 species) and Sali- cornia virginica, with ten other seaweeds (i.e., 7 reds and 3 browns) only occurring Just upstream from its mouth. By contrast, estuarine seaweed floras within New England usually have much higher numbers of red algal taxa, their “open coastal” floras often extend much farther inland (~2.0-8.5 miles) and seaweed standing stocks are usually dominated by fucoid brown algae. The similarity of the Slough’s green algal flora to New England’s estuarine vegetation is striking, with most of the latter sites exhibiting floristic affinities of 50% or more. The analogous dis- tributional and abundance patterns of ephemeral green algae (Cladophora sericea and Enteromorpha compressa) and the California horn snail (Cerithidea califor- ' Scientific Contribution from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station; also issued as contribution Number 287 from the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory and the Center for Marine Biology. 20d 208 Rhodora [Vol. 96 nica) suggest several important interactions between seaweeds and snails, plus several other invertebrates and birds. Key Words: seaweeds, estuarine, coastal, Goleta Slough, southern California, New Englan INTRODUCTION Even though the marine flora of California has a long history of investigations (Papenfuss, 1976), there is a lack of information about seaweed communities at individual sites and man’s effect on them (Murray, 1974; Murray and Littler, 1989). In southern California, Dawson (1959a, 1959b, 1965) conducted some of the earliest investigations of intertidal seaweeds during 1956-59, pro- viding a ““semi-quantitative baseline” of floras at 44 stations be- tween Point Conception and the U.S.-Mexican border. He con- cluded that a major reduction of species richness had occurred at some sewage-impacted sites within Los Angeles County since the early 1900’s, and an increase of selected articulated corallines. After resurveying 15 of Dawson’s southern California sites be- tween Point Dume and Dana Point during 1968-70, Widdowson (1971) found a further reduction in species richness. He suggested that sewage discharge, along with foot traffic and air pollution, were important factors causing an abundance of gelidioid turf algae (Gelidium coulteri/G. pusillum) and articulated corallines (Thom and Widdowson, 1978). Subsequent to the Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969, several investigators (e.g., Foster et al., 1971; Nicholson and Cimberg, 1971; Straughn, 1971) documented a further loss of some species and an increase of others (e.g., U/va, Corallina and Gelidium) which were capable of uptaking dis- solved amino acids (Murray, 1974; North et al., 1970). In dis- cussing short-term plant loss immediately after the spill, Foster et al. (loc. cit.) noted a strong interaction between oil dispersal, storms and sand fluctuations. Three and one-half years later, Cim- berg et al. (1973) re-investigated several intertidal beaches near Santa Barbara and stated that periodic inundations by sand were more important than oil in altering rocky epibenthic communities (Emerson and Zedler, 1978; Littler, 1980; Littler et al., 1991; Nicholson, 1972; Nicholson and Cimberg, 1971; Stewart, 1983; Thom and Widdowson, 1978; Widdowson, 1971). In ranking the effects of the Santa Barbara oil spill, Nicholson (loc. cit.) com- mented that 1s was only one of several abuses to these coastal 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 209 waters, many of which dated back to the 1920’s. In summarizing the effects of chronic long-term pollution near a natural oil seep in Goleta (i.e., Coal Oil or Devereaux Point), Littler et al. (1991) stated that several seaweeds either failed to recruit or recolonized very slowly, while Foster et al. (1971) and Nicholson and Cimberg (1971) noted diminutive and/or depauperate floras. In comparing the ecology of a sewage polluted site on San Clemente Island, Murray and Littler (1974) found pronounced changes in species richness and reduced spatial heterogeneity versus nearby controls. Until recently, estuaries have been the least studied coastal environments in California (Josselyn, 1983; Macdonald, 1977: Macdonald and Barbour, 1974; Zedler, 1982b; Zedler and Nord- by, 1986). In addition, most studies of estuarine seaweeds have emphasized productivity and ecological evaluations (Rudnicki, 1986; Shellem and Josselyn, 1982; Zedler, 1977, 1980, 1982a, 1982b), while there have been relatively few detailed assessments of species composition (Josselyn and West, 1985: Norris, 1970: Ripley, 1969; Silva, 1979). Several factors have contributed to the limited knowledge of estuarine seaweeds: (1) the more local- ized occurrence of estuarine versus rocky and sandy habitats (Chapman, 1977; Littler et al., 1991; Macdonald, 1977; Onuf, 1987; Reimold, 1977); (2) the muddy and often eutrophied con- ditions within estuaries versus the clean sand and pounding surf of the open coast (Silva, 1979); (3) the apparent dominance of flowering plants (Mason, 1957); (4) the perceived occurrence of a limited and/or cryptic algal flora and; (5) the massive destruction and alterations of such habitats, particularly within southern Cal- ifornia (Macdonald, 1977; Zedler, 1982b). In describing the loss of coastal wetlands in southern California, Zedler (loc. cit.) states that there are about thirty wetlands within this geography with a total area of ~5000 ha (12,500 acres). She also emphasizes that this acreage 1s ~ 25% of what existed upon the arrival of European man (Speth 1969). In discussing the functional role of estuarine seaweeds, Mann (1972) states that they provide valuable habitats for a myriad of organisms; they also contribute to organic carbon and detrital cycling (Josselyn and Mathieson, 1978, 1980). With increased eutrophication, massive algal blooms may occur within these sheltered habitats (Bach and Josselyn, 1978: Johnson, 1971: McComb et al., 1981; Norton and Mathieson, 1983; Sawyer, 1965; Sewell, 1982; Silva, 1979: Wilce et al., 1982; Wilkinson, 1980). 210 Rhodora [Vol. 96 T T T | T T T qT T / GAVIOTA SANTA BARBARA PT lL 30° / GOLETA PT./BAY & SLOUGH , 7 Bek ; Po / CARPENTERIA PT ance yh PT. LAS PITAS DEVEREAUX PT \ / , - / [eee ae tI 20 Pree TEER: VENTURA y 4 MILES 10’ aot PORT HUENEME 4 POINT ARGUELLO TO POINT DUME ° ° , - 34 120°10' 119° 10 PT. OUME l 1 l it ! i i mls = | Figure 1. The southern California coastline between Point Arguello and Point Dume, showing the locations of the Goleta Point, Bay and Slough sites, plus Naples Reef. T T PT. ARGUELLO The present study was initiated to document the open coastal and estuarine seaweeds near Goleta and Santa Barbara, California (Figure 1). We have attempted to summarize the species com- position and distributional patterns of marine macrophytes with- in this arid, Mediterranean geography (Macdonald, 1977; Onuf, 1987; Onuf and Zedler, 1988; Zedler, 1982b; Zedler and Nordby, 1986), comparing them with thirteen New England coastal-es- tuarine habitats having diverse topographies and hydrographic conditions. METHODS AND MATERIALS Seasonal collections and observations of seaweed populations were made during 1979 at four coastal-estuarine habitats between Goleta and Santa Barbara, California (Figure | and Appendix). Estuarine collections were made within the Goleta Slough (Figure 2), while open coastal samples were obtained at Goleta Point and within Goleta Bay near the University of California, Santa Bar- bara Campus (UCSB), as well as at Naples Reef, offshore from Santa Barbara Point. A synopsis of each site’s location, general topography and substrata is given in the Appendix. Overall, the most detailed spatial sampling was conducted within the shallow Goleta Slough, while the most comprehensive seasonal collections were made at Goleta Point. Twenty-seven Slough sites were eval- uated during the spring and summer, while monthly collections (9 of 12 months) were made along an intertidal-shallow subtidal 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 211 SAN PEDRO CREEK SANTA BARBARA = GOLETA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA GOLETA PT GOLETA BAY Figure 2. Twenty-seven study sites within the Goleta Slough and the adjacent open coast. transect at Goleta Point. Periodic subtidal samples (— 10 to —30 feet) were made near an experimental farm site in Goleta Bay (Wheeler et al., 1981), while analogous subtidal collections were made at Naples Reef (— 15 to —40 feet). All conspicuous seaweeds were collected within the intertidal (on foot) and subtidal zones (by SCUBA) at each site when both habitats were present. The samples were sorted and identified using Abbott and Hollenberg (1976), Scagel et al. (1986) and Stewart (1991) as primary refer- ences. Several other synopses were also consulted, including some dealing with North Atlantic seaweeds (e.g., Bliding, 1963, 1968; Collins, 1909, 1912; Dawson, 1946; Scagel, 1966; Silva, 1979; Smith, 1969; South and Tittley, 1986; Sparling, 1971, 1977; Tay- lor, 1957; Webber and Wilce, 1971; Wilkinson, 1980). Approx- imately 550 herbarium voucher specimens are deposited in the Albion R. Hodgdon Herbarium (NHA) of the University of New Hampshire to document the region’s flora. A comparison of the number of species in common to the Goleta Slough and thirteen New England estuarine habitats is given, using a variety of published synopses (see Mathieson et al., 1993). The nature of these California and New Aaa ea is compared using Cheney’s (1977) floristic ratio, (R + C paw: Rhodora [Vol. 96 # of Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta species # of Phaeophyta species With this calculation, a value of < 3.0 indicates a temperate or “cold-water” flora, while intermediate values and those > 6.0 indicate “mixed” and “warm-water” floras, respectively. The mean number of taxa/site from the Goleta Slough and thirteen New England estuarine habitats was also compared. Monthly records of surface water temperatures and salinities were recorded at Goleta Point during 1979, while hydrographic surveys of the Slough were made during the spring and summer of the same year. A hand-held thermometer and refractometer were used for these measurements, having accuracies of 0.1°C and 0.5%o (1.e., parts per thousand), respectively. Monthly records of sand levels within the intertidal zone at Goleta Point were doc- umented by drawing out a metered line to a uniform distance between two rock outcrops with permanent bench marks (cement nails). Sand levels were determined by plumbing down to the sand/rock interface at ~1.0 m intervals along the transect line (Daly and Mathieson, 1977). All elevations were corrected to mean low water (MLW) after multiple measurements from these bench marks. Monthly comparisons of species richness and sand levels were made. Abundance patterns of several green algae and the California horn snail, Cerithidea californica (Haldeman), were documented from three shallow pans within the Slough. A quadrat frame (1/ 16 m’) was positioned at ~0.9 m intervals and the contents sam- pled. Individual seaweeds were dried (60°C for ~40 hours) and quantified as g dry weight/m?’; snail density was enumerated as #/m?. HABITAT DESCRIPTION As outlined by Ricketts et al. (1985), most of the southern California coastline is exposed to moderate wave action due to an offshore archipelago—the Channel Islands. Even so, a stron gradient of water motion may exist (Wheeler et al., 1981), ranging from Naples Reef (most exposed) to Goleta Point, Bay and Slough (most sheltered). A pronounced gradient of rocky substrata occurs here, with Naples Reef having the most abundant rocky substrata and Goleta Slough the least. The broad sandy beaches at the 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 213 S 207 af = rs} + E -_ ae o Lu <= = ‘ . a . ’ or 1.0 T T T T r T — 88:2 T r 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 eo HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (m) Figure 3. Variation of sand levels at Goleta Point between two major rock outcrops (i.e., at O and 10-1 ). Goleta Point and Bay sites have scattered rock outcrops and boulders (i.e., Monterey shale/siltstone), which are often buried and extensively scoured (Littler et al., 1991). Figure 3 illustrates the variation of sand levels on the Goleta Point transect. Although rather irregular, sand elevations were usually highest during sum- mer (July) and lowest in winter (February). J” situ organisms growing in such habitats may be removed, scoured or buried by a meter or more of sand during mid-summer. Goleta Point (Figure 1) is located downstream from a natural oil seep at Coal Oil (Devereaux) Point (Littler et al., 1991). In discussing the effects of the seep, Foster et al. (1971) noted that 30-60% of the rock surfaces at Goleta Point were covered by tar, causing a conspicuous reduction in abundance and stature of ben- thic organisms. Although we did not quantify the distribution and abundance of this “‘tar’’ on the intertidal transect, we concur with Foster et al. (loc. cit.) that it must, at the very least, reduce the availability of rocky substrata for benthic organisms Goleta Slough 1s a small, shallow, arid salt marsh habitat located at ~34°25’N and 119°50'W (Figure 2). As noted by Onuf and Zedler (1988), the average annual precipitation within this locale is < 40 cm (Baldwin, 1974) and the only substantial streamflow occurs just after a major storm. Because of such climatic extremes and the Slough’s shallow topography, evaporation usually exceeds precipitation after March and monthly saturation deficits often 214 Rhodora [Vol. 96 exceed 10 cm. Tidal limits of the Slough extend ~1.0-1.2 miles inland from its mouth near Goleta State Beach Park. Like the Tijuana Estuary in San Diego, it is a wetland-dominated habitat, with no major embayment and a relatively narrow ocean con- nection (Zedler and Nordby, 1986). The Slough is located midway between Santa Barbara’s Municipal Airport and the UCSB cam- pus. Thus, it is an urbanized and highly modified estuary (Norris, 1970; Zedler and Nordby, 1986), with its northeastern perimeter drastically altered due to airport expansion, while the construction of overpasses (i.e., for gas pipelines and roads) and bike paths has changed its topography. In addition, a large part of the Slough is in the form of channels, which are artificially deepened for flood control and separated from the adjacent salt marsh by dikes (Onuf, 1987). Currently, the west-central part of the Slough is dominated by three major tidal channels, which bifurcate ~0.52 miles up- stream from its mouth near the Clarence Ward Memorial Boule- vard overpass. Further upstream (~0.94 miles inland), the source of these tidal channels is evident (1.e., Glen Annie Creek and an unnamed channe! running parallel to Aero Camino Road). In the east-central portion of the Slough, three creeks converge between ~0.42-0.51 miles inland, with two originating from S and SW flowing flood channels (i.e., San Pedro and San Jose Creeks, re- spectively) and one arising from a tributary due east near Atas- cadero. Twenty-four study sites were established along the west central tidal channels, two near the Slough’s mouth and one at the tidal dam near Atascadero (Figure 2 and the Appendix). Most of the Goleta Slough consists of salt marshes, shallow pans and a series of channels (Appendix). Scattered boulders and artificial structures (i.e., bridge abutments, pilings, broken pieces of asphalt, etc.) are most abundant near the Slough’s mouth and occur sporadically upstream. Sand periodically blocks the mouth, restricting tidal exchange and contributing to enhanced summer salinities (Figure 4; Macdonald, 1977: Onuf, 1987; Onuf and Zedler, 1988; Zedler, 1982b). As outlined by Onuf and Zedler (loc. cit.), Salicornia virginica L. is the dominant salt marsh plant within this tidally restricted habitat (94% frequency of occur- rence), with only patchy amounts (1-2%) of Cotula coronopifolia L., Frankenia grandifolia Chamiso et Schlechtendal and Lolium perenne L., Zedler (1982b) lists eleven additional flowering plants from the Slough: Atriplex watsonii A. Nelson, Cressa truxillensis, H. B. K., Cuscuta salina Engelmann, Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 215 —a—_ March 35 7 ° =~ ~~~ - June /\ = Ww cc =) a 28%. A maximum of 68%o was re- corded in one shallow pan with abundant green algae and horn snails (see ABUNDANCE PATTERNS). SPECIES COMPOSITION AND NEW DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORDS One hundred fifty-two seaweed taxa were recorded from the four study sites, including 103 Rhodophyceae, 22 Phaeophyceae and 26 Chlorophyceae (Table 1). The highest numbers of taxa or percent contribution to species richness were recorded at Goleta Point (117 taxa or ~77%) and the lowest within the Slough (26 taxa or ~17%). Most taxa from Goleta Point occurred on the shallow transect (i.e., 94 taxa or ~62%), while the remainder were collected immediately offshore from the UCSB campus (1.e., 23 taxa or ~ 15%). Floristic patterns at Naples Reef and at the off- shore Goleta Bay site were somewhat intermediate, with 52 taxa (~34%) occurring at the former and 39 (~ 26%) at the latter. The numbers (%) of red, brown and green algal taxa/site were highly variable (Table 1). Green algae were maximal at Goleta Point (19) and within the Slough (16), while the lowest numbers occurred at the offshore Goleta Bay (2) and Naples Reef (1). Brown and red algae were highest at Goleta Point (17 and 81 taxa) and lowest within the Slough (3 and 7 taxa). Green algae dominated the Slough (~ 62%), were intermediate at Goleta Point (16%) and lowest at the offshore Naples Reef (2%) and Goleta Bay sites (5%). The percentage contribution of brown algae was minimal within the Slough with its depauperate flora (~ 12%), while it ranged from ~15-33% at the Goleta Point and Bay sites. Red algae dominated at Naples Reef (~85%), were intermediate at the Go- 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 217 leta Point and Bay sites (~ 62-69%) and lowest within the Slough (~27%). Floristic diversity is further documented using Cheney’s (R + C)/P ratio. The highest value was recorded for the Slough (~7.7), followed by the transect (~6.8) and total floras at Goleta Point (~5.9), Naples Reef (~7.7), and Goleta Bay (2.0). Thus, most of the floras would be interpreted as “‘warm-water,” except for the offshore Goleta Bay site. Six of the 152 taxa recorded here (Table 1) represent new geo- graphical records. Two were collected from Goleta Slough (Cap- sosiphon fulvescens and Microspora pachyderma) and four from the open coast (Farlowia conferta, Giffordia hincksiae var. cali- fornica, Lomentaria caseae and Prionitis australis). Capsosiphon Julvescens was previously known from northern British Columbia and Vancouver Harbor (Garbary et al., 1982), while the only previous “marine” records for the freshwater green algae . pachyderma (Collins, 1909: Prescott, 1962) were from several western North Atlantic estuaries (Mathieson and Hehre, 1986; Mathieson and Penniman, 1986a, 1991; Mathieson et al., 1993). The records of G. hincksiae var. californica, F. conferta and P. australis are modest extensions beyond San Luis Obispo County (i.e., Point Conception), while the occurrence of Lomentaria ca- seae 18 a northern expansion of its known range from Del Mar within San Diego County to Isla Guadalupe, Baja California (Ab- bott and Hollenberg, 1976; Scagel et al., 1986; Stewart, 1991). DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERNS AND FLORISTIC COMPARISONS Seaweeds at the four study sites exhibited three local distri- butional patterns (Figure 5 and Table 1) (1) Coastal—restricted to the nearshore open coast (126 taxa or ~ 83%). (2) Cosmopolitan—present in estuarine and open coastal envi- ronments (20 taxa or ~ 13.0%). (3) Estuarine—restricted to Goleta Slough (6 taxa or ~4.0%). All six estuarine seaweeds were green algae, including Capsosi- phon fulvescens, Cladophora microcladioides, Enteromorpha in- testinalis, Microspora pachyderma, Rhizoclonium riparium and Ulvaria oxysperma. In contrast, coastal taxa consisted of 97 Rho- dophyceae, 19 Phaeophyceae and 10 Chlorophyceae, while the Table 1. Seaweed taxa from three open coastal sites and one estuarine habitat near Goleta, California. la lb 2 3 Chlorophyta Acrochaete viridis (Reinke) R. Nielsen X X Blidingia minima (Nageli ex Kiitzing) Kylin % 3 x Bryopsis corticulans Setchell x x Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux Xx X Capsosiphon fulvescens (C. eat a et Gardner x Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kit X X x Cladophora columbiana Collins x X Cladophora graminea Collins X Xx Cladophora microcladioides Collins X Cladophora sericea (Hudson) Kiitzing x X X Codium sp. (basal filaments) Xx Xx Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) Greville Xx x x Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Greville x X X Enteromorpha flexuosa (Roth) J. Agardh ssp. flexuosa X x X Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Lin X Enteromorpha linza (L.) J. Agardh Xx Xx Xx X Enteromorpha prolifera (Miller) J. Agardh xX x X Microspora pachyderma (Wille) Lagerheim x Rhizoclonium implexum (Dillwyn) Kiitzing x X Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey x Ulva californica Wille Xx x Ulva costata (Howe) Hollenberg x Ulva lactuca L. x X Xx Xx BIC eIOPpOYyY 96 [OA] Table 1. Continued. la lb 2 a Ulva taeniata (Setchell) Setchell et Gardner x x x Ulvaria oxysperma (Kiitzing) Bliding X Total green algal taxa/site 18 19 16 Total green algal taxa (26) la Ib 3 Phaeophyta Colpomenia sinuosa (Roth) a et Solier x X Cylindrocarpus rugosus Oka x x Cystoseira osmundacea CTumer) ec Agardh x Xx Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux var. jirma (C. Agardh) J. Agardh Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux va. /igulata me X esmarestia viridis (Miller) Lamouroux X Dictyota binghamiae J. Agardh Ectocarpus parvus RR Hollenberg Xx Xx x x Egregia menziesii (Turner) Areschoug x x X Endarachne a J. Agar Xx x 4 X Giffordia hincksiae (Harvey) Hamel r. californica Hollenberg et Abbott X Giffordia sandriana (Zanardini) Hamel X X X Haplogloia andersonii (Farlow) Levring X Hincksia granulosa (J. E. Smith) Hamel Xx X x Laminaria farlowii Setchell X Xx Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh X X Pterygophora californica Ruprecht x ysnojs eIaJOH—a1YdH«~pue uosaryepy [p661 617 Table 1. Continued. Scytosiphon dotvi Wynne Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) J. Agardh Sphacelaria didichotoma Saunders Taonia lennebackerae J. Agardh Zonaria farlowii Setchell et Gardner Total brown algal taxa/site Total brown algal taxa (22) a ince orium venulosum (Zanardini) Kylin dine fastigiata (Postels et Ruprecht) Makienko Antithamnion defectum Kylin Asterocolax gardneri (Setchell) Feldmann et Feldmann Audouinella daviesii ees n) Woelkerling angia vermicularis Harv Bossiella orbigniana Deeicid ee ssp. dichotoma (Manza) Johans Bossiella orbigniana (Decaisne) in ssp. orbigniana Botryocladia pseudodichotoma aa. Kylin C ce haha cheilosporioides M Callithamnion biseriatum Kylin Callophyllis firma (Kylin) R. Norris ~~ PM PP OK ms — pC Od ot Ot Oe ~~ sm oO eed OCT eIOPOYY 96 TOA] Table 1. Continued. Callophyllis flabellulata Harvey Callophyllis pinnata ee et Swezy Callophyllis violacea J. Agardh Centroceras clavulatum Cc. jen Montagne Ceramium californicum J. Agardh Ceramium eatonianum (Farlow) DeToni Ceramium sinicola Setchell et Gardner Ceramium zacae Setchell et Gardner Chondria nidifica Harve y Corallina officinalis L. var. on (Decaisne) Kiitzing Corallina vancouveriensis Yen Cryptopleura ps nea aaa Cryptopleura cr Cryptopleura I (J. Agardh) Kylin Cryptopleura violacea (J. Agardh) Kylin Cumagloia andersonii (Farlow) Setchell et Gardner Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J. Agard Farlowia conferta (Setchell) Abbott Fryeella gardneri (Setchell) Kylin Gastroclonium subarticulum (Turner) Kiitzing Gelidiocolax microsphaerica Gardner Gelidium coulteri Harve Gelidium purpurascens Gardne Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis Gelidium robustum (Gardner) Hollenberg et Abbott mm OO ~~ ee OK i i i i i i ir a! ~~ PK OOO ysno[sg B1IVJOH—aiyoH{~pue uosarpiepy [661 CC I Table 1. Continued. Gigartina canaliculata Harv Gigartina exasperata ee et Bai Gigartina harveyana (Kiitzing) Sethe et Gardner Gigartina leptorhynchos J. Aga Gigartina ornithorhynchos J. he if Gigartina volans (C. Agardh) J. Agardh Gracilaria papenfussii Abbott Gracilaria textorii (Suringar) J. Agardh var. cunninghamii (Farlow) Dawson Gracilariophila oryzoides Setchell et Wilson Halymenia californica Smith et ams: Halymenia hollenbergii Abbot Herposiphonia plumula (J. | an Hollenberg Herposiphonia secunda (C. Agardh) Ambron forma tenella (C. Agardh) Wynne Herpo nada verticillata 7 Kylin Heterosiphonia japonica Holmesia californica ae Dawson Janczewksia pees oe Laurencia pacifica Laurencia sere Posts et Ruprecht Lomentaria caseae Dawso ~ em OM Se i i! a ~~ OK ~ PO ~~ em eK > od td GG vIOPOYY 96 ‘IOA] Table 1. Continued. Mastocarpus papillatus (C. Agardh) Kitzing Melobesia marginata Setchell et Foslie Melobesia mediocris (Foslie) Setchell et Mason Mticrocladia coulteri Harve Nemalion helminthoides (Velley) Batters Nienbergia andersoniana (J. Agardh) Kylin Nitophyllum northii Hollenberg et Abbott Opuntiella californica (Farlow) Kylin Phycodrys isabelliae R. Norris et Wynne Platythamnion ee _ Agardh) J. Agardh Platythamnion Acie Platythamnion villos Pogonophorella californica 7 Agardh) Silva Polyneura latissima (Harvey) Kylin Polysiphonia hendryi Gardner Polysiphonia pacifica Hollenberg Polysiphonia scopulorum Harve var. villum (J. Agardh) Hollenberg Porphyra perforata J. Agardh Prionitis angusta (Harvey) Okamura Prionitis australis (J. Agardh) J. eg Prionitis lanceolata (Harvey) H Pterochondria woodii (Harvey) Hollenber erg Pterocladia capillacea (Gmelin) Bornet et Thuret Pterosiphonia baileyi (Harvey) Falkenberg ~ OK ~~ PP OOK em em OM ~~ Ke em Ke KK Yysnojs eIaJOH—oaIY9H{~pue uosaryleypy [F661 TCC Table 1. Continued. la lb ) 3 4 Pterosiphonia dendroidea Gaerne Falkenberg x X x X Rhodoglossum affine (Harvey) Kylin 4 x Rhodoglossum ae oh Agardh) Abbott X X Rhodoglossum roseum (Kylin) G. M. Smith x Rhodoptilum plumosum (Harvey et Bailey) Kylin X Rhodymenia arborescens Dawson Xx Rhodymenia californica Kylin var. attenuata (Dawson) Dawson x Rhodymenia californica Kylin var. californica x X Rhodymenia pacifica Kylin x x x x Sarcodiotheca furcata (Setchell et Gardner) Kylin x x Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii (Montagne) Gabrielson X x Xx X Scinaia articulata Setchell X Xx X Scinaia confusa (Setchell) Huisman x Xx Schizmenia pacifica Kylin X Xx x Smithora naiadum (Anderson) Hollenberg X X Stenogramme interrupta (C. Agardh) Montagne Xx 4 Stylonema alsidii (Zanardini) Drew X Xx x ?Tenarea dispar (Foslie) Adey Xx Total red algal taxa/site 64 81 24 7 44 Total red algal taxa (104) Total taxa/site 94 117 39 26 52 Total taxa (152) #1a = Goleta Point (transect, intertidal & shallow subtidal); #1b = Goleta Point (total flora, intertidal & subtidal); #2 = Goleta Bay (offshore- subtidal); #3 = Goleta Slough (intertidal & subtidal); #4 = Naples Reef (offshore-subtidal). VCC eIOPOY Y 96 [OA] 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 225 cosmopolitan component contained 7 Rhodophyceae, 3 Phaeo- phyceae and 10 Chlorophyceae. Approximately 31% of the coastal taxa occurred at two or more sites (39 taxa), while the remaining 87 were restricted to one of the following sites: (1) Goleta Point transect—9 Chlorophyceae, 4 Phaeophyceae and 45 Rhodophy- ceae; (2) Offshore Goleta Point—1 Chlorophyceae and 4 Rho- dophyceae; (3) Goleta Bay—3 Phaeophyceae and 4 Rhodophy- ceae; (4) Naples Reef— 1 Chlorophyceae, 2 Phaeophyceae and 17 Rhodophyceae. One cosmopolitan taxa occurred at all four sites (1.e., Ectocarpus parvus), while seven were found at three sites (i.e., Enteromorpha linza, Ulva lactuca, Endarachne binghamiae, Chondria nidifica, Gigartina canaliculata, Polysiphonia hendryi and Rhodoglossum affine). See Table 1 for specific details. A comparison of the floras from Goleta Slough and the adjacent open coast with two analogous New England habitats (1.e., the York River and Great Bay Estuarine areas) shows varying patterns of local distribution (Figure 5). For example, 131 taxa occur with- in the York River Estuary and adjacent open coast of southern Maine, consisting of 59 coastal, 45 cosmopolitan and 27 estuarine (Mathieson, et al., 1993). The flora within the Great Bay Estuary and adjacent open coast is more diverse (i.e., 194 taxa), consisting of 21 coastal, 149 cosmopolitan and 24 estuarine taxa (Mathieson and Hehre, 1986). Thus, the estuarine reduction pattern is most conspicuous within Goleta Slough (1.e., 126 coastal, 20 cosmo- politan and 6 estuarine), intermediate within the York River Es- tuary, and least pronounced within the Great Bay Estuary. Flo- ristic patterns within the Goleta Slough and York River are similar, except for differences in the numbers of total taxa and brown and red algae. The prevalence of cosmopolitan taxa within the Great Bay area (77%) should be emphasized, as it represents a very different pattern than that found within either the York River (34%) or Goleta Slough (13%). The number of seaweed taxa/site within Goleta Slough is sum- marized in Figure 6 and Table 2. The highest number of taxa was recorded at site 1 (22), while reduced and irregular numbers oc- curred upstream (i.e., 1-13). Green algae dominated the Slough, with Enteromorpha clathrata and Rhizoclonium riparium exhib- iting occurrences of 85.2 and 81.5%, respectively. All seven red algae and two of the three browns were restricted to site | (1.e., 3.7% occurrence), which is just 0.09 miles inland from the mouth. Only one brown alga (Ectocarpus parvus) extended upstream be- 226 NO. OF SEAWEED TAXA NO. OF SEAWEED TAXA NO. OF SEAWEED TAXA Rhodora [Vol. 96 GOLETA SLOUGH AREA (CALIFORNIA) lls, —— nai) WMG, ee LA N YORK RIVER ESTUARINE AREA (MAINE) | SEReaaESeRASE REE ETRE AIRC REE) CZZZIZIZIIZIZA) a Tey TOTAL COASTAL COSMOPOLITAN ESTUARINE 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 227 d BEES — RSSSSASSSSSSSSSSSSS SSN SOA Se) AAS SY AAAAAAAAAAAA Rakin NO. OF SEAWEED TAXA rs GEES ANANAAAAAARAARAARARAARRS SSVV—sVvTwwweo GB ANAAAAAANARAARARRARRRE 2B ANAMARARARAARRRS DISTANCE INLAND (MILES) Figure 6. Number of seaweed taxa/site (green, brown and red) at twenty-seven ene Slough stations. yond site 1, occurring also at sites 5 and 6 (i.e., 11.1% occurrence). See Table 2 for further details. The paucity of seaweed taxa within Goleta Slough is further documented by comparing its species composition and mean number of taxa/site (Figure 7 and Table 2) with thirteen New England estuaries. Only 26 seaweeds were recorded from the Slough, with a mean of just 5.1 + 4.3 taxa/site. Inner riverine habitats like the Winnicut River (4 taxa and 1.3 + 1.6) have less diverse floras, while outer and mid-estuarine sites Piet have greater number of species: e.g., Oyster (49 taxa and 12.6 + 7.9), York (72 taxa and 21.4 + 3.2) and Piscataqua Rivers (143 and 25.3 + 24.9). Figure 8 compares the green algal taxa within the Slough (16 taxa) and thirteen New England estuaries. The number of taxa ranged from 24-37 within outer and mid-estuarine New England sites versus 12-20 for inner locations. The % of Slough greens within the same New England sites varied from 25-81%, with most habitats, other than the Winnicut and Merrimack Riv- ers, having floristic affinities of 50% or more. None of the browns _ Figure 5. A comparison of species richness and local distribution of seaweed taxa from the Goleta Slough and adjacent open coast (California) with the York River (Maine) and the Great Bay Estuarine areas (Maine-New Hampshire). Table 2. Summary of seaweed taxa at twenty-seven sites within the Goleta Slough. BCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 Chlorophyta Blidingia minima X x x x Xx X x Capsosiphon ak eSCens x x x Chaetomorpha X Cladophora i ere Xx Cladophora sericea x x X x X Enteromorpha clathrata x Xx Xx X X X X Enteromorpha compressa x X x x E bale las flexuosa . flexuosa Xx x x x Xx Patines intestinalis X X X Enteromorpha linza X Enteromorpha prolifera X Xx Xx X Microspora pachyderma X X X X Rhizoclonium riparium X Xx X x Xx x x Ulva lactuca x x x Ulva taeniata X Ulvaria oxysperma x Xx x x x X # Green algal taxa/site 12 10 8 7 12 8 2 3 Mean # (+ SD) green algal taxa/site (4.7 + 3.1 Mean % occurrence (+ SD) green algal taxa (28.9% + 24.6%) Total # green a taxa (16) Phaeophyta Ectocarpus parvus x x x vIOpoyy 96 ‘1OA] Table 2. Extended. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 %* x K x X 40.7 x X 18.5 3.7 3.7 x x x 29.6 X x x Xx Xx X X x X Xx x x x x 85.2 x 18.5 x x Xx x X x 40.7 x 14.8 3.7 x x x x x x 40.7 x X Xx 33.3 x x x x x x X x 4 Xx x x x x 81.5 11.1 3.7 x Xx Xx 33.3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 1 5 2 3 2 3 9 ysnojs klajJOH —a1yoH pue uosaipiepy [r661 6CC Table 2. Continued 1 Z 3 4 5 Endarachne binghamiae Xx Taonia lennebackerae a # Brown algal taxa/site 3 0 0 0 ] Mean # (+ SD) brown algal taxa/site (0.19 + 0.61) Mean % occurrence (+ SD) brown algal taxa (6.2% + 3.5%) Total # brown algal taxa (3) Rhodophyta Chondria nidifica Gelidium coulteri Gigartina canaliculata Gigartina leptorh: is Polysiphonia hendry Pterosiphonia aes Stylonema alsidii # Red algal taxa/site 7 0 0 0 0) Mean # (+ SD) red algal taxa/site (0.26 + 1.32) Mean % occurrence (+ SD) red algal taxa (3.7% + 0%) Total # red algal taxa (7) i a a) Total seaweed taxa/site 10 8 7 13 Mean # (+ SD) total seaweed taxa/site ee | + 4.4) Total seaweed taxa (26) * The % values represent calculations based upon 27 Goleta Slough stations. OE RIOPOYY 96 ‘IOA] Table 2. Extended. Continued. 19 20 21 22 ae) 3g. ysnojs e19J0H —a149H{s pure uosaryiepy [p661 lec yao) Rhodora [Vol. 96 #GREENS (1) #BROWNS Mi #REDS fe SSS LW NO. OF SEAWEED TAXA a Q 64 ip) 4 a ¢« F-F uw A gg & & FF 0 FB = = KE = x = Pa = ~ 77) = Ww = a < 5 O Ww o < ° z = = o Fb ) a 4 o < = 3 § w Yn s —_ = = @& o = O z Oo He o ” = % Slough Green iN SSO Oooo IN XMAS iN be SSA SA MS_-_'/S-s—_—'5| SSS SSS WN SS GREEN ALGAL TAXA (# & %) 0 Gu Ga G4 G4 Ga Gu Ga G Gi A a: ee ec cc ec et e& ff a na 5 oO > [om 7p) = x 5S - &§ 8 & & SEs 2 ¥ B Co YY = «< e FF Oo ma « a 2) z —! Wi a x o n < oO ov rT) > £ FF &« 3 8 > ub wm ZF tf =F & F nu O 2 0 s = YW = <= oO ep) = w) Oo) = i O i co al aed < < —- O 7p) —! = § Pan #3 1400 - 300 1200 ae + 250 Pe. rig f 1000 + 7 sO + 200 J ‘ “J 5 / 800 + , + 150 7 _-« , 600 4 oo NS Fe ie my ff 400 4 a 50 200 a a 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (m) Figure 9. Spatial patterns of green algal biomass (g dry weigh/m?) and horn snail densities (#/m?) within three shallow Goleta Slough pans. 240 Rhodora [Vol. 96 CERITHIDEA 1000 w E 800 4 Ras 600 + n : = A 400-5 eS | 2 = 200 - GY 7 ° Vs #1 100 5 E. compressa a 80 + CU. oxysperma E = HC. sericea = eos 2p) 79) = 40 4 Q [ea] PAN NUMBER Figure 10. Mean (+ SD) snail density (#/m*) and biomass of Cladophora sericea, Enteromorpha compressa and Ulvaria oxysperma (g dry weight/m?) within three shallow Goleta Slough pans. pans. A strong similarity was evident between plant and snail abundances, except for one modest deviation within pan #3. Up- wards of 800-1300 snails/m? were recorded, with maximum plant biomass ranging from ~50-250 g dry weight/m?*. Cladophora sericea and Enteromorpha compressa were the dominant sea- weeds with mean biomass values of ~73 (+ 26.4) and ~82 (+ 5.8) g dry weight/m’; mean snail densities ranged from 225 (+ 101) to 826 (+ 82)/m? (Figure 10). 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 241 DISCUSSION Patterns of species composition and richness of seaweeds at our study sites show strong contrasts (Figure 5), which may be associated with pronounced habitat and local environmental vari- ability (Littler et al., 1991; Murray and Littler, 1989; Thom, 1976, 1980; Thom and Widdowson, 1978). Strong gradients of water motion, substratum availability and depth are evident from the offshore Naples reef site into the Goleta Slough, with deep water and abundant rocky substrata (former) versus muddy, shallow sedimented habitats (latter). The Goleta Point and Bay sites are exposed to contrasting (i.e., diminishing) patterns of water motion and sand fluctuation (Wheeler et al., 1981), with the latter often causing extensive erosion and burial at Goleta Point (Figure 3) and periodically blocking off the Slough (Macdonald, 1977; Onuf and Zedler, 1988). Contrasting patterns of light penetration are evident between Goleta Point and the Slough due to enhanced sedimentation (Wheeler et al., loc. cit.), while hydrographic dif- ferences between coastal and Slough habitats are most pro- nounced during summer (Figure 4). As would be expected, the most depauperate flora occurs within the Slough, a shallow, turbid and hydrographically variable environment (Zedler, 1982b). The most diverse flora was found at Goleta Point, which had a variety of intertidal and subtidal habitats, as well as intermediate con- ditions of light penetration, sediments and hydrographic vari- ability. The Goleta Point transect was also the most extensively studied habitat (Table 3). The subtidal zone within the Slough is limited and shallow, while it is more expansive on the adjacent open coast. Typically, temperate subtidal habitats are dominated by a variety of red and brown algae, with ratios of greens to reds decreasing with depth (Dawson et al., 1960; Edelstein et al., 1969; Kain, 1960; Lamb and Zimmerman, 1964; Mathieson, 1979; Neushul, 1965; Sears and Wilce, 1974). By contrast, the Slough’s flora is dominated by a few ephemeral green algae (Figure 6). As noted previously, diversity of seaweeds near Goleta can be further documented using Cheney’s (R + C)/P ratio. Three of the four study sites are interpreted as having “warm water”’ floras (~5.9-7.7), except for the offshore Goleta Bay site (2.0). Obvi- ously, these floristic ratios are influenced by variability of habitat (see above) and species composition, with the highest value oc- curring within Goleta Slough (~ 7.7) where only three brown algae 242 Rhodora [Vol. 96 were recorded. In comparing these ratios for New England sites, eleven outer and mid-estuarine locations had values of < 6.0, indicating ‘“‘mixed”’ or “‘cold-water”’ floras, while three inner riv- erine habitats (i.e., Lamprey, Salmon Falls and Squamscott Riv- ers), with reduced numbers of brown algal taxa, had ratios of 7- 14 (cf. Mathieson and Penniman, 1986a, 1991). Adjacent open coastal sites in New England have much lower ratios (~ |.72-3.0) and an overall mean value of ~2.5 (Mathieson and Penniman, 1986b). Such patterns confirm the usefulness of Cheney’s ratio primarily for open coastal populations. Based on a variety of detailed studies at 22 open coastal inter- tidal sites in southern California, Littler et al. (1991) recorded 224 taxa (i.e., 149 red, 47 brown and 23 green algae), while we recorded 152 at four primary sites (i.e., 104 red, 22 brown and 26 green algae). Our documentation of higher numbers of green algae and six new geographical records (see above) probably re- sulted from more extensive seasonal sampling of estuarine and subtidal habitats. In discussing distributional patterns of individ- ual taxa, Littler et al. (loc. cit.) state that only 12 of the 224 seaweeds (i.e., exclusive of Cyanophyceae) occurred at all 22 sites, with these consisting of corallines, sheet-like species and small filamentous algae (Stewart, 1982, 1983). Most other taxa had restricted distributions, reflecting the high degree of local envi- ronmental variability between habitats (Murray and Littler, 1989). Both studies document a diverse warm-temperature flora dom- inated by red algae (Liining, 1990; Thom, 1976, 1980) with re- stricted occurrences of several taxa. Littler and colleagues (loc. cit.) note that subclimax assemblages occur where there is a lack of environmental constancy (e.g., fluctuating sand) or some form of physiological stress (e.g., domestic pollution). In such habitats, opportunistic species readily occupy newly opened space (Em- erson and Zedler, 1978; Murray and Littler, 1978; Wilson, 1925). If disturbance is periodic and not too severe, intertidal popula- tions exhibit increased densities due to coexistence of both early and late successional species (Sousa, 1979). Such patterns prob- ably occur at Goleta Point, where a large number of epiphytic and “turf’ forms (Stewart, 1982, 1983), as well as the highest number of taxa/site, are found. Our floristic records for open coastal taxa can be compared with several previous studies near Goleta and throughout south- ern California (e.g., Dawson, 1959a, 1959b, 1965; Murray and 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 243 Littler, 1989; Nicholson and Cimberg, 1971). For example, Daw- son and Nicholson and Cimberg (loc. cit.) recorded intertidal species composition at three contiguous points near Goleta (Fig- ure 1), with the former recording 38 and 47 seaweed taxa/site at Goleta and Santa Barbara Points, respectively and the latter, 49 taxa at Devereaux Point. Murray and Littler (loc. cit.) documented seasonal collections at 21 rocky intertidal sites between Govern- ment Point (Santa Barbara County) and Ocean Beach (San Diego County), finding a range of 51-107 taxa/site and a mean of 76.3 + 15.5. In addition, they recorded 93 taxa at Devereaux Point, consisting of 69 red, 15 brown and 9 green algae. Dawson’s col- lections of “dominant intertidal seaweeds” at Goleta Point (38 taxa) were based upon three seasonal collections (winter, spring and fall), while ours (i.e., 94 taxa) were made during nine monthly collections, which included all conspicuous taxa from an intertidal and shallow subtidal transect. Thirty of these 94 taxa (1.e., ~32%) were only collected once (Table 3), giving a mean value of 39.2 + 6.0 taxa/month. The latter value is almost identical to Daw- son’s report. Overall, our records from Goleta Point are very similar to those of Murray and Littler (loc. cit.) from Devereaux Point (~93 taxa), while they are much higher than Dawson’s from Goleta Point. Unfortunately, further comparisons are difficult because of varying collecting methods and sampling frequencies. Even so, eight of Dawson’s “common intertidal” taxa from Goleta Point were never found by us at any of our four sites (1.e., Ani- socladella pacifica, Callophyllis obtusifolia, Chondria decipiens, Corallina pinnatifolia, Cryptopleura lobulifera, Gracilaria lema- neiformis, Laurencia splendens and Pleonosporium squarrulo- sum), while Murray and Littler (loc. cit.) found half of these taxa at Devereaux Point. Thus, four of Dawson’s common taxa may have become less so, while other specific changes may have oc- curred (Widdowson, 1971). Estuarine reductional and compositional patterns observed within the Goleta Slough (Figure 6) are fairly typical (Coutinho and Seeliger, 1984; Josselyn and West, 1985; Ketchum, 1983; Mathieson and Penniman, 1986a; Wilkinson, 1980); even so, the rate of species loss upstream and dominance by ephemeral green algae are more pronounced within the Slough than in San Fran- cisco Bay (Josselyn and West, loc. cit.; Silva, 1979) and most New England estuaries (Figure 7). For example, most open coastal red and brown algae within the Slough dropped out after ~0.09 miles. 244 Rhodora [Vol. 96 By contrast, Silva (loc. cit.) found that 125 of the 156 total taxa recorded from San Francisco Bay penetrated the central Bay, while the remainder were protected water species (estuarine) that were more prevalent in the Bay than on the open coast. In New England open coastal taxa extend inland about one mile on the tidal portions of the Merrimack River in Massachusetts (Ma- thieson and Fralick, 1973), ~2-3 miles on the York River in Maine (Mathieson et al., 1993) and ~8.5 miles on the Piscataqua River in New Hampshire (Mathieson et al., 1983; Reynolds and Mathieson, 1975). Of the three New England sites, the Piscataqua River has the strongest currents (~5.0 knots) and most abundant rocky substrata, while industrial development and eutrophication are limited on the York, moderate on the Piscataqua, and maxi- mal on the Merrimack (Mathieson et al., 1993). Several physical factors are probably responsible for the pronounced truncation of species within Goleta Slough. Both the range of salt content and maximum salinities are greater (i.e., ~0-68%o, Figure 4) than those found within the entire Great Bay Estuary (i.e., all ten subareas), which vary from ~0-34%o (Mathieson and Hehre, 1986: Norall et al., 1982). Goleta’s arid climate and the Slough’s re- stricted tidal exchange (i.e., via sand deposition) no doubt con- tribute to these high salinities (Macdonald, 1977: Onuf, 1987: Onuf and Zedler, 1988; Zedler, 1982b). Maximum surface water temperatures within the Great Bay system are less than those in the Slough, but they exhibit a greater seasonal amplitude, varying from ~—2.0°-27.0°C in the former (Mathieson and Hehre, loc. cit.) to ~14°-35°C in the latter (Figure 4). The Slough’s shallow topography and limited solid substrata also contribute to its re- duced and patchy flora, as well as its dominance by loose-lying and epiphytic seaweeds (Josselyn and West, 1985; Norton and Mathieson, 1983). In contrast to the depauperate flora of the Goleta Slough (i.e., 26 taxa and 5.1 + 4.3 taxa/site), most New England habitats are more diverse, particularly outer- and mid-estuarine sites like the York (72 taxa and 21.4 + 3.2) and Piscataqua Rivers (143 and 25.3 + 24.9) and Little (130 and 34.1 + 29) and Great Bays (90 and 22.5 + 18.0). Depauperate floras dominated by green algae may also occur within inner riverine sites like the Cocheco, Salm- on Falls and Winnicut Rivers (i.e., 1.3 + 1.6 to 4.5 + 4.3 taxa), as well as within the outer tidal portions of the Merrimack River (3.5 + 5.2). The latter is badly polluted and one of the largest 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 245 sources of freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Maine (Anon., 1984, 1987; Appolonio, 1979; Jerome et al., 1965; Lyons et al., 1982: Mathieson and Fralick, 1973; Miller et al., 1971). Com- paring estuarine macroalgal communities within San Francisco Bay, Josselyn and West (1985) found a range of 28-61 taxa/site beyond its central portion, with lowest numbers occurring in South Bay. They noted that six of the eight most widely distributed species were green algae (Enteromorpha clathrata, E. intestinalis, E. linza, Ulva angusta, U. lactuca and Cladophora sericea) and two reds (Antithamnion kylinii and Polysiphonia denudata). Our studies of the Goleta Slough (Figure 8 and Table 2), plus those of Zedler (1982a, 1982b) from the Tijuana Estuary near San Diego and Norris (1970) from Elkhorn Slough near Carmel Bay, confirm a similar dominance of many of these same ephemeral green algae. Dawson (1962) found many of the same taxa (i.e., 9 green, 4 brown and 29 red algae) within the more saline Bahia de San Quintin. In summary, the Goleta Slough’s flora is primarily dom- inated by ephemeral green algae and contains no perennial reds or browns; thus, it is analogous to several shallow embayments (estuaries) along the Pacific Coast of the U.S.A. and in New En- gland (Figure 8). As noted by several investigators (Anon., 1964; Clokie and Boney, 1980; Daly and Mathieson, 1977; Edwards, 1972; Littler, 1980; Littler et al., 1991; Patrick, 1963, 1964; Round, 1981; Wilkinson, 1980; Zedler, 1982b), patterns of low species richness are typical responses to stress, often allowing only a few tolerant species to dominate in both numbers and biomass. For example, the abundance of such ulotrichalean green algae as Ulva /actuca, Enteromorpha and Ulvaria (Monostroma) spp., typifies many eu- trophied estuarine habitats, including the Goleta Slough (Cotton, 1910; Fritsch, 1956; Sawyer, 1965). The latter are tolerant of extremes of pollution and gross fluctuations in hydrographic con- ditions. Similar patterns are found in several estuaries having pronounced hydrographic variability and high sedimentation, in- cluding the Chesapeake Bay (Orris, 1980), the Merrimack River (Mathieson and Fralick, 1973) and many British and Dutch es- tuaries (Hartog, 1967; Nienhuis, 1975; Wilkinson, 1980). Within such turbid habitats, there is a relatively small pool of common (cosmopolitan) estuarine species, including Cladophora, Entero- morpha, and Ulva spp., together with several ceramialean red algae (Munda 1969, 1972; Orris, 1980; Wilkinson, 1980). The 246 Rhodora [Vol. 96 similarity of the Slough’s green algal flora to New England estu- arine vegetation is striking, with most sites exhibiting floristic affinities of 50% or more (Figure 8). In discussing salt marsh vegetation (i.e., angiosperms) within southern California, Zedler (1982b) describes a rather limited and highly stressed community from several hypersaline marshes, while Onuf and Zedler (1988) state that six of the seven species and all of the genera listed by Reimold (1977) from the eastern United States are in common. Thus, the estuarine chlorophycean and angiosperm floras of the two regions exhibit reduced numbers of taxa but strong floristic similarities. Only one other seaweed, the red alga Sty/onema al- sidii, occurred both within the Slough and in New England es- tuarine habitats, while 18 other cosmopolitan and coastal taxa from the Goleta and Santa Barbara area were in common to New England (~13.0% of 146 taxa). These include 13 green (Acro- chaete viridis, Blidingia minima, Chaetomorpha aerea, Cladoph- ora sericea, Codium fragile, Enteromorpha clathrata, E. com- pressa, E. intestinalis, E. linza, E. prolifera, Rhizoclonium riparium, Ulva lactuca and Ulvaria oxysperma), 2 brown (Des- marestia viridis and Scytosiphon lomentaria) and 3 red algae (Au- douinella daviesii, Erythrotrichia carnea and Nemalion helmin- thoides). Describing seasonal variability of southern California sea- weeds, Widdowson (1971) notes a conspicuous maximum in March-June and a minimum during August-September, due to changes of individual species that are present year-round. We found a rather irregular pattern on the Goleta Point transect (Ta- ble 3), which may have resulted from pronounced sand fluctua- tions (Figure 3). Dawson (1965) states that no conspicuous sea- sonal differences in quantity and quality of southern California seaweeds occur. Littler et al. (1991) emphasize that local-scale or even site-specific conditions predominate and they often obscure broad climatic effects. Thus, major stochastic abiotic disturbances may be more important than subtle seasonal patterns, including heavy precipitation and flooding, extreme atmospheric conditions during daylight tidal emersions, storm generated waves and sand burial/scouring (see above). More pronounced seasonal patterns are often evident within cold-temperate areas like New England (Mathieson, 1989; Mathieson and Penniman, 1986a). As noted by Zedler (1980, 1982a, 1982b), algal mats are often conspicuous and productive components of southern California 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 247 tidal marshes, owing to the open canopies and short stature of their vascular plants. Two green algae (i.e., Enteromorpha clath- rata and Rhizoclonium riparium), plus a variety of microscopic diatoms and blue greens, dominate the Tijuana Estuary near San Diego (Zedler, loc. cit.), while an analogous benthic microflora plus Enteromorpha and Ulva are abundant within the Mugu La- goon near Port Hueneme (Onuf, 1987). According to Rudnicki (1986), maximum standing crops of dominant green algae within the Tijuana Estuary average 15 g dry wt./m?, which is much less than the above ground biomass (~ 100-1100 g) of associated vas- cular plants (Zedler, 1982b). Green algal mats within the Goleta Slough were primarily composed of Cladophora sericea and E. clathrata, with mean biomass values of ~73 and 82 g dry wt./ m/?, respectively (Figure 10). Such values are ~5.0—5.5 times greater than equivalent green algal mats within the Tijuana Estuary (Rud- nicki, loc. cit.), and those of E. clathrata from San Francisco Bay (Shellem and Josselyn, 1982); they are also ~ 20-60 times greater than mid-estuarine Enteromorpha spp. and Ulva lactuca popu- lations from New England (Chock and Mathieseon, 1983). By contrast, standing crop values for Goleta Slough macroalgae are approximately the same as those found within New England inner riverine sites such as the Oyster River (Mathieson, unpubl. data). Fucoid algae typically dominate New England mid-estuarine hab- itats, with Ascophyllum nodosum ecad scorpioides and A. nodosum having mean biomass values of ~300 and 500 g dry wt./m?, respectively (Chock and Mathieson, loc. cit.). Thus, green algal standing stocks within the Slough are substantial but less than those of southern California vascular plants and New England estuarine fucoid algae. The high densities of the California horn snail Cerithidea cal- ifornica within the Goleta Slough (~225-826 snails/m2) should be emphasized as well as the similarity of distributional patterns to Cladophora sericea and Enteromorpha clathrata (Figure 9). Among others, McCloy (1979) and Macdonald (1969) record high densities of horn snails (250 to > 1000/m2) from southern Cal- ifornia marshes, while Morris et al. (1980) state that it is probably the most common estuarine snail within this geography, often forming dense aggregations under debris and amongst plants on high lagoonal mudflats. Several investigators (e.g., Morris et al., loc. cit.; Onuf, 1987; Whitlatch and Obrebski, 1980) suggest that C. californica primarily feeds upon microorganisms and fine or- 248 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ganic detritus. By contrast, Dawson (1962) states that Entero- morpha and other green algae serve in considerable part as food for this extremely abundant snail, while Zedler (1982b) describes an enhancement of macroalgal biomass within the Tyuana Es- tuary after the exclusion of horn snails (1.e., via cages). She further states that the removal of horn snails by shore birds results in increased algal mats, while in situ patchiness of snails and inter- tidal algal mats may be due to feeding by birds and other carni- vores. The distributional patterns of C. californica are analogous to those of the common mud snail //yanassa obsoleta, which occurs in aggregated masses on mudflats and other estuarine hab- itats on the east coast of North America (Morris, 1947; Smith, 1964). Similarly, the removal of J. obso/eta from intertidal mud- flats in Georgia resulted in enhanced algal and microbial biomass (Pace et al., 1979). Whether the abundance of C. californica within Baja and southern California marshes (Barnard, 1962; Dawson, 1962; Morris et al., 1980; Zedler and Nordby, 1986) indicates a consistent and similar interaction with seaweeds like that of J/. obsoleta and Littorina spp. on the east coast (Mathieson et al., 1991; Pace et al., loc. cit.), should be better clarified by exclusion and manipulative experiments. In a discussion of the shore crab Hemigrapsus oregonensis, Onuf (1987) states that it is capable of shredding live macrophytes and will grow well in the laboratory provided solely with Enteromorpha (Kuris and Mager, 1975). However, in nature it feeds on diatoms (Morris et al., 1980) and is a scavenger and predator (Chapman et al., 1982). Lastly, the interrelationship between green algae and some surface-feeding shorebirds (e.g., coots) within Mugu Lagoon should be noted, as they primarily feed on thick mats of Enteromorpha (Onuf, 1987). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The first author would like to express his deep appreciation to the late Mike Neushul for providing space and resources during a sabbatical leave at the University of California (Santa Barbara). Michael’s insights and broad range of interests were a constant source of stimulation. James Woessner and Miles Anderson are acknowledged for their assistance with a variety of diving collec- tion. Chris Onuff and Jack Loman are acknowledged for helping to gain access to the Goleta Salt Marsh, which is located on Santa Barbara’s Municipal Airport. Lastly, the first author would like 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 249 to acknowledge the encouragement and help of his wife, Myla Mathieson. LITERATURE CITED ABBOTT, I. A. AND G. J. HOLLENBERG. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford. ANONYMousS. 1964. An investigation of the effects of oe wastes on kelp. State Water Quality Control Bd. (California) Publ. 26. . 1984. 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Rep. 85 (7.5), Washington, 1oA6 DEPARTMENT OF PLANT BIOLOGY JACKSON ESTUARINE LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, 03824 APPENDIX: STUDY SITES Open Coast GP: Goleta Point: A semi-exposed sandy habitat also called Campus Point located at the west end of Goleta Bay (Dawson, 1959a, 1959b). Scattered rock outcrops (Monterey shale/siltstone) and boulders occur on a broad sandy beach, many of which are extensively scoured. The point is exposed to greater longshore currents and wave action than within Goleta Bay (Wheeler et al., 1981). Subtidal collections (— 10 to —30 feet) were made just offshore from the Point (= 0 miles inland; 30-32%, 14.0°-18.0°C) GB: Goleta Bay: A coastal site having limited wave action and currents (see above). Substratum primarily consists of sand with scattered boulders; sand often covers in situ benthic populations. Collections were made from —5 to —S0 feet near two experimental farm sites (cf. Wheeler et al., 1981) (= just offshore from ei ee 32%0, 14.0°-18.0°C). aples Reef: An offshore reef site having abundant rocky substrata (Mon- terey le sits on reduced levels of sediment and sand. Collections were made from —15 to —40 feet (= ~2.0 miles offshore from Santa Barbara Point). Goleta Slough 1: Near the mouth of the Goleta Slough, just downstream from Goleta Beach State Pier; a sandy berm-like area on the northern bank of the channel. Collections ere made from an old pier piling as well as on cliff facings with scattered mussel populations. The mouth of the slough is periodically blocked off by sand deposition during the summer, restricting tidal exchange (= 0.087 miles inland; 13-32%c, 15.0°-20.0°C). 2: A muddy area upstream from the mouth of the slough and near the entrance (i.e., bridge) to Goleta Beach State Park. Collections were made on the south bank of the channel, next to the park ranger’s house. The substrata consists of muddy surfaces, as well as scattered and broken pieces of asphalt (= 0.311 miles inland, 27-30%0, 15.2°-21.5°C). muddy area on the south bank of the channel adjacent to the entrance to Goleta a State Park. Plants were collected from bridge pilings, scattered boulders, and as entangled masses on extensive muddy shorelines (= 0.392 miles inland; 2—25.5%o, 13.0°-15.3°C) 4: A muddy area near the Clarence Memorial Boulevard overpass (~0.125 1994] Mathieson and Hehre—Goleta Slough 250 miles) and upstream from the entrance to Goleta Beach State Park (~0.0623 miles). Collections were made on the south bank of the channel (= 0.448 miles inland; 1-33%o, 13.5°-20.5°C). 5: A muddy area on the south bank of a channel, ~0.075 miles from the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard Oye Pes and near : Dieyele haa A series of gas pipelines were also present. Collections asses of seaweeds on muddy surfaces, while epiphytic and entangled masses ie algae also occurred within a small shallow pan (= 0.517 miles inland; 2—32%0o, 15.2°- 28.5°C). 6: Two shallow pans near station 7. Collections were made of free-floating and entangled masses of plants within the pans and on muddy surfaces around the periphery of the pan (= 0.622 miles inland: 11-42%, 18.0°-32.0°C). 7: The south bank of a narrow muddy channel at the end of a large shallow pan, ~0. 150 miles Upstream from we aCe aes Memional ans over- pass. Collections dy ae epiphytic populations on Salicor us virginica and attached mseiee on ‘dcift wood (= 0.647 miles inland; 22%, 15.4°-24.5°C). 8: A narrow tidal channel located ae 0.3 miles upstream from the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard overpass on the south bank of the channel. The site is located at the end of an auxilliary road and just SW from the end of Santa Barbara’s Municipal Airport runway 33L. Collections were made of epi- phytic plants and entangled masses on muddy substrata (= 0.772 miles inland; 9-25%0, 17.0°-25.0°C) uddy channel approximately 0.375 miles upstream from the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard overpass on the south bank of the channel. The site is next to a pipe crossing. Collections were made on muddy vertical bankings (= 0.778 miles inland; 0-25%0, 15.5°-29.0°C). 10: One end ofa large pan just downstream from the junction of two channels. Collections were made from emergent and tangled masses of seaweeds, which grew amongst vascular plants (= 0.996 mules inland; 0-12%o0, 17.5°-26.0°C). 11: Junction of two tidal channels ~0.48 miles upstream from the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard overpass. Collections were made from entangled mud- dy plants (= 0.878 miles inland; 0—28%o0, 17.8°-32.0°C) 12: A narrow muddy tidal channel, ~0.555 miles upstream from the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard overpass. Collections were made from entangled mass- es amongst Salicornia virginica, etc. (= 0.94 miles inland; 0—29%o0, 23.0°-29.0°C). 13: A tidal channel ~0.2 miles downstream from a spill gate; considerable freshwater runoff was evident, particularly during spring. Collections were made along an embankment area lined with Salicornia virginica (= 1.058 miles inland: 0-29%o, 18.5°-30.5°C). 14: A large shallow pan next to the Goleta Water District facility. Stations 10 and 14 represent the extremities of the same pan. Collections were made from free-floating and entangled masses of seaweeds growing amongst vascular plants, as well as from entangled masses on muddy surfaces on the periphery of the pan (= 1.27 miles inland; 2-13%o0, 19.5°-27.0°C). 15: A small pan area located just north of the spill gate adjacent to the Goleta Water District facility. Collections were made from free-floating and entangled masses of seaweeds, growing amongst vascular plants and on muddy marginal surfaces around the pans (= 1.114 miles inland; 6—> 32%, 21.0°-> 30.0°C). 258 Rhodora [Vol. 96 16: A shallow pan area, partially dried up during summer and forming cracked pavement-like masses of blue-green algae. Entangled masses of green algae were also present around the margin of the pan, growing amongst Salicornia vir eee many dead bivalve and periwinkle shells were found near these pans (= 0.977 miles inland; 13-68%, 18.5°-32.0°C). 17: A shallow pan just upstream from station 5. Collections were made from entangled and free-floating masses of seaweeds growing in and around the pan (= 0.572 miles inland; 20-48%c). 18: A shallow pan area just upstream from station 17. Collections were similar to those at 17 (= 0.641 miles inland: 11-42%, 18.0°-32.0° 19: A muddy channel bank next to station 18. Collections were made from entangled masses on muddy surfaces and around the bases of vascular plants (= 0.654 miles inland; 1-35%o, 14.5°-16.0°C). 20: A mney beaut sabes ne was aime! ane and widened. Collec- tions ts on the muddy channel surfaces and bankings (= 0.734 miles inland; 11-32%o, 14, 5°29, 2 °C), 21: A variety of shallow pans similar to station 16, although ofa more extensive area (= 0.828 miles inland; 1 1—50%e0, 24.0°-35.0°C 22: A small channel downstream from station 23, approximately 15 feet wide with conspicuous freshwater drainage at low tide. Collections were made from small sticks and from entangled and tufted masses of seaweeds growing on muddy surfaces (= 0.942 miles inland; 12—25%o, 23.5°-32.0°C), A muddy channel with abundant masses of green algae and vascular plants (= 0.840 miles inland; 35%o0, 32.0°C). 24: The south bank of a wide, artificially dug channel near station 16, having limited seaweed populations (= 0.840 miles inland; 0-22%0, 22.5°-32.0°C). 25: A shallow pan area just north of and parallel to a bridge carrying pipes over a channel. Collections consisted mostly of entangled masses of seaweeds, growing on and amongst Salicornia virginica (= 0.940 miles; 0-> 32%, 23.8°-> 30.0°C). 26: The northern bank of Glen Annie Creek, opposite station 24 and adjacent a pipe crossing. A channel 25-30 feet wide with muddy surfaces covered with Se reer (= 1.145 miles inland; 24%, 30.0°C). 27: Headwaters of the easternmost tidal channel in the Goleta Slough (Atas- cadero). It originates from San Pedro Creek and adjacent to the Clarence Ward Memorial Boulevard Highway. Collections were made near a concrete dam, and on adjacent scattered rocks and muddy bankings (= 0.846 miles inland; 0-10%«, 12.0°-28.5°C). RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 887, pp. 259-286, 1994 ECOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND POPULATION age a OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGA (OPHIOGLASSACEAE) IN Case ROBERT T. MCMASTER ABSTRACT The northern adder’s-tongue fern, Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum (Blake) Farw. (Ophioglossaceae), occurs in five known populations in Massachu- setts and has been designated as threatened by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Program. The autecology, population biology and population genetics of O. vul- gatum var. pseudopodum were analyzed during the summer of 1992. The distri- bution of each population was mapped, associated vegetation sampled, and per- manent plots established for long-term study. Isozyme electrophoresis was employed to assess variability within and between populations. The historical distribution of the species in Massachusetts was examined based upon herbarium specimens. Each of the known Massachusetts populations is in an early successional site with a unique history of disturbance; sites include pasture, a power line right-of-way, and abandoned beaver meadows. Four of the five populations are small, ranging _ 1 to 109 sporophytes. All specimens subjected to isozyme analysis were nomorphic for all loci examined. The implications of the spatial and temporal distribution, population size, and low genetic variability of SA ne ur gatum var. pseudopodum are discussed. Management considerations for the S- ervation of this and other early successional species are suggested. Key Words: Ophioglossum vulgatum, Ophioglossaceae, fern reproductive biolo- gy, population genetics, early successional species, rare plant species, self-fertilization, Massachusetts INTRODUCTION Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum (Blake) Farw., the northern adder’s-tongue fern (Ophioglossaceae), has a broad dis- tribution, occurring throughout its range in a variety of wet and mesic habitats. In Massachusetts, O. vu/gatum var. pseudopodum is known from over one hundred historical sites and as late as 1978 was thought to occur in all counties of the state (Coddington and Field, 1978). By 1985, however, with only four extant stations known, it was placed on the Massachusetts list of threatened species, a status which it holds at present (Massachusetts List of Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species, 1994). The species was listed as rare and endangered in Rhode Island in 1978 (Church and Champlin, 1978) and officially designated as state endangered by the Rhode Island Natural Heritage Program in 209 260 Rhodora [Vol. 96 1992 (Rhode Island Natural Heritage Program, 1992). Ophio- glossum vulgatum was listed as threatened in Connecticut in 1991 (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 1991). It has not been granted special status by the other New England states. This study was undertaken to investigate the ecology, repro- ductive status and population genetics of Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum and its present distribution in Massachusetts. Specific objectives included (a.) examination of all known pop- ulations of O. vu/gatum in the state, mapping of their distribution and estimation of population sizes; (b.) identification of associated vascular plant species in each site; (c.) analysis of mating systems and assessment of genetic variability for each population through starch gel electrophoresis: (d.) reassessment of the status of O. vulgatum in Massachusetts and identification of possible reasons for its apparent success in some locations and its decline in others; and (e.) development of management strategies for preserving the existing populations. BIOLOGY OF OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGATUM Gross Morphology, Taxonomy and Distribution The Ophioglossales have traditionally been considered plants of “‘ancient lineage and extreme conservatism practically unpar- alleled in the other fern groups” (Clausen, 1938). Their sporo- phytes are homosporous, perennial herbs with a single, erect stem bearing one or more small sterile leaves and a single fertile branch with sporangia. The gametophytes are subterranean and non- chlorophyllous (Tryon and Tryon, 1982). Ophioglossum includes about 30 species grouped in four sub- genera and distributed worldwide from the tropics to the Arctic (Tryon and Tryon, 1982). Sporophytes of all Ophioglossum spe- cies have a short, erect stem 1-12 cm long. The stem bears a single leaf with a mature sterile lamina 1.6-25 cm or more in length. The leaf is usually entire and narrowly elliptic, but in a few species it may be palmately lobed or dichotomously branched. Many species of Ophioglossum display reticulate or areolate ve- nation. The fertile branch usually arises at or below the base of the sterile lamina, often in the form of a spike with two rows of large sporangia. 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 261 Plate 1. Ophioglossum eal var. apeca (Northern Adder’s- -Tongue Fern), natural size. Illustration by Susan Alix Williams, reproduced with the permission of the artist. oe published in Susan Alix Williams, Wildflowers of Rowe, 1991, = el by the Rowe Historical Society. 262 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Ophioglossum 1s characterized by extremely large chromosome numbers. Ophioglossum reticulatum L., with n = 631, is believed to possess the largest number of chromosomes of any organism known. Other Ophioglossum species range from n = 120 ton = 566 (Tryon and Tryon, 1982). Ophioglossum vulgatum L. 1s typical of its genus. The single sterile leaf is elliptic, 2.5-10 cm long and 1-4 cm wide, with a tapered base and reticulate venation. The stalk of the fertile spike is 4-23 cm long with sporangia arranged in two parallel rows | .5- 5 cm long at the tip. From the erect rhizome, numerous slender roots diverge. The gametophyte is subterranean and mycopar- asitic (Wagner et al., 1985; Goswami, 1987). The roots of O. vulgatum, like those of the other members of the Ophioglossales, are hairless, and some botanists have assumed that mycorrhizae must play an important role in the uptake and transport of water and nutrients (Wagner et al., 1985). Khandelwal (1990) has sug- gested a chromosome number for O. vulgatum of n = 120. Ophioglossum vulgatum now occurs in North America, Europe, and Asia (Clausen, 1938). This wide range has led botanists to conclude that O. vu/gatum itself is ancient and was probably widely dispersed in Laurasia before the separation of North Amer- ica from Eurasia. While it normally occurs at lower elevations, specimens of O. vulgatum in the Gray Herbarium have been collected at 4500 feet in Nepal and at 10,000 feet in China. Fernald (1939) proposed two North American varieties of Ophioglossum vulgatum: var. pseudopodum, the northern adder’s- tongue fern, and var. pycnostichum, the southeastern adder’s- tongue fern. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum has a pale green sterile blade that tapers at the base. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pycnostichum Fern. is distinguished by its dark green sterile blade with a rounded base (Fernald, 1950). Wagner (1971) be- lieved spore size was another differentiating characteristic of these two varieties, the spores of O. vulgatum var. pseudopodum av- eraging 20% larger than those of O. vulgatum var. pycnostichum. McAlpin (1971) argued that the presence of a persistent sheath in var. pycnostichum and its absence in var. pseudopodum was an important taxonomic character for distinguishing the two va- rieties. Lellinger (1985) argued that the two varieties are sufh- ciently distinct and sufficiently different from O. vulgatum L. to justify two separate North American species, O. pusillum Raf. and O. pycnostichum (Fern.) Love & Léve. More recently Wagner and Wagner recognized Rafinesque’s O. pusil/um as the northern 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 263 form and included O. pycnostichum (Fern.) Love & Léve within the Linnaean O. vulgatum (Wagner and Wagner, 1993). The present study follows the broader and more traditional treatment of O. vulgatum. However, all plants investigated rep- resent Rafinesque’s O. pusillum and Fernald’s O. vulgatum var. pseudopodum (Blake) Farw. and are referred to as O. vulgatum. Life History Spore Development, Dispersal and Germination Sori of Ophioglossum vulgatum are produced on the single fer- tile sporophyll with spores maturing in late July or early August in New England. The fully mature sporangia dehisce to release a cloud of yellow, dustlike haploid spores. No estimates have been made of spore production in O. vulgatum; however, other ferns with spores of similar size produce between 7.5 x 105 and 7.5 x 10° spores per fertile frond (Page, 1979). Fern spores are often carried long distances by air currents. However, an increase in atmospheric moisture may result in a sudden, local descent of spores in rainstorms and hence peaks of fern spore deposition may occur during the first rainfall following a warm, dry spell (Page, 1979). After landing, the spores of Ophioglossum vulgatum often per- colate several centimeters through porous soil before reaching a stable substrate (Edwards, 1982; Wagner et al., 1985). Germi- nation may commence immediately and proceed rapidly if con- ditions are suitable; otherwise, development may extend over one or more years (Foster and Gifford, 1974) since prothalli are ca- pable of overwintering (Page, 1979). The spores may also remain dormant for extended periods (Goswami, 1987). When the gam- etangia mature, motile sperms are released and may move several centimeters either by mass flow of ground water or by flagellar motion (Wagner et al., 1985). Since the gametophytes of Ophioglossum and Botrychium lack chloroplasts and grow beneath the soil surface, intragametophytic selfing may be favored because it is unlikely that two spores will land sufficiently near to one another for cross-fertilization to occur and soil particles may impede sperm (Klekowski and Baker, 1966; Tryon and Tryon, 1982; Peck et al., 1990). Wagner et al. (1985), however, contend that species with sub- terranean gametophytes may cross-fertilize as frequently as spe- 264 Rhodora [Vol. 96 cies with surficial gametophytes because of the crowding of gametophytes that results when “spore showers” settle out. In addition, herbivores have been observed browsing sporangial clusters and Wagner et al. (1985) hypothesize that spores of O. vulgatum may resist digestive processes, be deposited in feces, and germinate in clusters (Wagner et al., 1985). Nonetheless, isozyme electrophoresis of various Botrychium species suggests that intragametophytic selfing predominates (Sol- tis and Soltis, 1986; McCauley et al., 1985; Watano and Sahashi, 1992). Vegetative Reproduction Ophioglossum vulgatum frequently reproduces vegetatively through sporophytes arising directly from the roots of parent plants (Foster and Gifford, 1974). Edwards (1982) studied vegetative growth in a population of O. vu/gatum in southern England and traced the root system of a single plant for 1.8 m at a depth of 18-25 cm in the soil. Two clonal sporophytes were produced within this distance and the roots may have been connected with other more distant fronds. Ecology of Ophioglossum yvulgatum Ophioglossum vulgatum has been found in such diverse sites as bogs, fens, damp sands, pastures, wet meadows, grassy swales, moist woods, rich swamplands, mud creeks, and cedar swamps. Occasionally it occurs on dry, sandy beaches (Clausen, 1938) or hillsides (SCHN, B. A. Phelps and A. V. Osmun, Cornwall Bridge, CT, 1902) and the subterranean gametophyte may be an adap- tation to seasonal drying and/or fire (Wagner et al., 1985). Overall, Ophioglossum vulgatum favors early successional sites (Coddington and Field, 1978; Tryon and Tryon, 1982) and its occurrence often appears to be related to disturbance such as the disruption of soil by grazing herbivores. METHODS Herbarium Research and Field Study In order to determine historical and/or present sites, all Mas- sachusetts specimens of Ophioglossum vulgatum were examined 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 265 at the Smith College Herbarium (SCHN), the Herbarium of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (MASS), the Gray Her- barium (GH), the New England Botanical Club Herbarium (NEBC), and the Yale University Herbarium (Y). In addition, the collection records of Harry Ahles and Roberta Poland, both of whom collected extensively in Franklin County, were examined at MASS. The Massachusetts Natural Heritage Program of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MNHP) in Boston also provided records of present and historical popula- tions. Since 1961, Ophioglossum vulgatum has been recorded in Mas- sachusetts at 13 sites. Two sites were not visited due to difficulties in gaining access, although MNHP records indicate that other workers have recently sought O. vu/gatum at both of these sites without success. The remaining eleven Massachusetts sites were visited between June | and August 30, 1992. Ateach site where Ophioglossum vulgatum was relocated, every sporophyte was flagged and recorded on a detailed site map. The reproductive status of the sporophyte, whether sterile or fertile, was also recorded. Because all populations occurred in open areas surrounded by forest, three species lists were compiled for each site: (1) the dominant trees of the surrounding forest, (2) all vas- cular plant species in the area where O. vulgatum occurred, and (3) associated species, 1.e., those within | m of any specimens of the population of O. vulgatum. Nomenclature of vascular plant species follows Fernald (1950) unless otherwise noted. Property owners, conservation agents and other researchers were consulted to determine the history of each property, including disturbances caused by beaver occupation, logging, fires, agricul- tural practices and applications of herbicides. Laboratory Investigations Starch gel electrophoresis was carried out on tissue samples from four of the five Massachusetts sites where Ophioglossum vulgatum occurred after permission to collect this threatened spe- cies was obtained from MNHP. Because of the very small size of its O. vulgatum population, no live material was collected at the Brewster site. Because of the large size of the population and the clustered occurrence of the sporophytes at the Conway site, live material was taken from 108 sporophytes, 12 from each of 7 clusters distributed around the site and 24 taken randomly from 266 Rhodora [Vol. 96 around the site. At each of the remaining three Massachusetts field sites, leaf segments were collected from about 12 sporo- phytes. For purposes of comparison, live material was also ob- tained from a site at Mt. Sunapee, New Hampshire. Segments ranged from 40 mg to 100 mg depending on the size of the blade. Care was taken not to uproot or otherwise disturb plants from which leaf segments were taken. Each leaf segment was assigned a number and placed in a small plastic bag, its location recorded on a map of the site. Live material was placed on ice immediately and kept on ice from a few hours to a maximum of five days before processing in the laboratory. Except where noted, the protocol for electro- phoresis of ferns by Soltis et al. (1983) was followed. In the laboratory each specimen was weighed and placed in a mortar chilled in ice. The phosphate grinding buffer-polyvinyl- pyrrolidone (PVP) solution was prepared in advance except for 2-mercaptoethanol which was added immediately before grind- ing. The solution was then added to the mortar in the ratio of .4 ml to 100 mg of live material and the mixture ground into a homogenate. Filter paper wicks with dimensions 5mm x 7 mm were saturated with homogenate, then placed in labeled micro- tubules. In many instances wicks were utilized immediately. Any wicks held longer than 4 hours were placed at —80°C until im- mediately before use, a maximum of 15 weeks. Starch gels with dimensions 13.25 cm x 24.75 cm x 7.5 mm were prepared using 30 g of potato starch (SIGMA S-4501), 50 g of sucrose and 400 ml of gel buffer. Normally, the solution was heated for about |.5 minutes after reaching the gel point, aspirated for | minute, then poured into gel forms, wrapped in plastic wrap, and refrigerated overnight. With gel buffer #6 (Soltis et al., 1983) the solution was heated for 1.75 minutes, then aspirated for 1.5 minutes. Microtubules containing wicks to be run were thawed in ice water for approximately 15 minutes. Wicks were removed from the microtubule and inserted in one of twenty-four wells along the center of each gel. Gels were run under refrigeration at approximately 4°C for from 3 to 5 hours with a current between 40 and 65 milliamperes. All enzymes migrated anodally. Two bags of crushed ice and water were placed on top of each gel to prevent overheating and were 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 267 changed as needed. When a gel was finished, the power was turned down to 10 milliamperes until ready for slicing. Three to four slices approximately 1.9 mm thick were made from each gel. One hundred ml of stain was placed on each gel slice which was then kept in the dark at room temperature for from | hour to 21 hours depending on the enzyme. Gels were scored and some photographed. Gel slices were then labeled, wrapped in plastic and refrigerated for future reference. An effort was made to develop a protocol for electrophoresis of Ophioglossum vulgatum for each of the following enzymes: Acid phosphatase (APH, EC, Aconitase (ACON, EC, Aldolase (ALD, EC, Aspartate aminotransfer- ase (AAT, EC, Catalase (CAT, EC, Esterase (EST, EC 3.1.1.-), Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (F1,6DP, EC, Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC, Glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD, EC, Glyceralde- hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD, EC, Hexo- kinase (HK, EC, Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH, EC, Malate dehydrogenase (MDH, EC, Malic en- zyme (ME, EC, 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD, EC, Phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI, EC, Phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC, Shikimate dehydroge- nase (SkKDH, EC, and Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI, eh Oa ne Fel ee Protocols were developed that produced observable bands for ten enzymes and 26 loci: . Acid phosphatase (APH-1, APH-2, APH-3) . Esterase (EST-1, EST-2, EST-3) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD-1, G6PD-2, G6PD-3) Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) Malate dehydrogenase (MDH-1, MDH-2, MDH-3) Malic enzyme (ME-1, ME-2, ME-3) 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD-1, 6PGD-2) Phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI-1, PGI-2) Phosphoglucomutase (PGM-1, PGM-2) . Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI-1, TPI-2, TPI-3, TPI-4). For G6PD, IDH, MDH, 6PGD and PGM, buffer system 2 was utilized. For APH and ME, buffer system 6 was used. For EST, SOPNDAR We — 268 Rhodora [Vol. 96 PGI and TPI, buffer system 8 was used. When more than one locus was observed for an enzyme, loci were numbered with the locus migrating farthest identified as number 1. A set of gels was run for each of the seven clusters of sporophytes in the Conway site 1n order to assess genetic variability within clusters. Another set of gels was then run with one or two spec- imens from each of the seven Conway clusters to assess variability between clusters. A third set of gels was run using twelve spo- rophytes from around the Conway site outside of the clusters already sampled. A fourth set of gels was run for each of the other five populations using a Conway specimen as a standard. Finally, a set of gels was run with representatives of each of the populations to assess variation between populations. Included on this final gel were specimens of a tropical species, Ophioglossum reticula- tum, obtained from the Lyman Plant House at Smith College, and specimens of Botrychium dissectum and B. dissectum var. obliquum obtained from a local woodland. The same Conway specimen was used as a standard. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ophioglossum yulgatum in Massachusetts: Historical Status The earliest reference to Ophioglossum vulgatum in Massachu- setts appears in Josselyn’s New England’s Rarities (1672), where the species is reported to occur “upon dry hill grounds [and] in places where the water hath flood all Winter... .” Ophioglossum vulgatum is listed in Hitchcock’s Catalogue of Plants Growing Without Cultivation in the Vicinity of Amherst College (1829) and in the first complete flora of Massachusetts (Hitchcock, 1833) with a location “in the vicinity of Amherst.”’ MNHP lists 105 current or historical records for Ophioglossum vulgatum. Collection dates range from 1848 to 1991 from 89 cities and towns in all 14 counties (Figure 1). The five herbaria consulted for this project contain 101 dated Massachusetts specimens from 70 cities and towns in all 14 counties. Collection dates range from 1848 to 1986. Ophioglossum vulgatum was most widely distrib- uted in Massachusetts from 1870 to 1939 and more widely col- lected in western Massachusetts (Table 1). Collections in eastern Massachusetts peaked during the period 1870 to 1919. Only five 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 269 / a Current site e Historic site Figure 1. Current distribution and recorded historical sites of Ophioglossum vulgatum by city or town in Massachusetts. specimens have been collected east of Worcester County since 1919. No more than 14 collections exist for any decade and in some decades O. vu/gatum has not been collected at all. Coddington and Field (1978) considered Ophioglossum vul- gatum widespread but rare in Massachusetts and recommended its inclusion in a proposed list of rare and endangered plant species for the state, noting “... few field botanists have seen it. Char- acteristic of early successional habitats.’’ Massachusetts collec- tions of O. vulgatum range from sea level to 1200 feet, in habitats ranging from bogs, abandoned beaver meadows and pastures to old fields and power line rights-of-way. Field Sites and Population Histories Current Sites in Massachusetts Five populations of Ophioglossum vulgatum were relocated, one each in Conway and Sunderland (Franklin County), Lenox (Berkshire County), Boylston (Worcester County), and Brewster (Barnstable County). Conway, MA. The Conway, MA site is located northwest of Conway State Forest in Franklin County. It occupies .96 ha at an 270 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 1. Dated records of Ophioglossum vulgatum from Mass. Natural Her- itage Program; records for eastern and western Massachusetts grouped by decade. Eastern Massachusetts includes Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plym- outh, Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket Counties. Western doates eda includes Berkshire, Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester Countie Time Period Eastern Mass. Western Mass. Total 1840-1849 0 1 l 1850-1859 0 0 0 1860-1869 0 2 2 1870-1879 9 5 14 1880-1889 9 4 13 1890-1899 2 ] 3 1900-1909 5 7 12 1910-1919 10 4 14 1920-1929 2 12 14 1930-1939 0 9 9 1940-1949 0) l l 1950-1959 0) 0 0) 1960-1969 l 2 1970-1979 1 2 3 1980-1989 1 2 3 1990-present 0) 0 0 Total 40 51 9] elevation of 450 m above sea level and slopes gently from south- west to northeast. Aerial photographs indicate that low shrub vegetation covered the site in 1952 and 1958. Beavers were active in the area in the early 1960's (C. J. Burk, pers. comm.) and by the mid-1960’s the site was covered with water to a depth of over 1 m. The pond was abandoned in the late 1960’s, probably as a result of trapping. Aerial photographs taken in 1971 show that half of the site was covered with open water and the rest with grass and sedge veg- etation. By July, 1980, the open water occurred only in front of the dam (Mosher, 1981). Standing water now covers much of the site at frequent intervals during the growing season. Dominants of the surrounding forest are typical components of the northern hemlock-hardwood forest including Acer sac- charum, Betula lutea, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus and Tsuga canadensis. The current Conway population was first discovered by Nancy D. Mosher (Nancy D. McMaster) in 1980 (Mosher, 1981) and 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 251 Plate 2. Abandoned beaver meadow in Conway (Franklin County), MA, an open marsh dominated by Typha /atifolia, Spiraea latifolia and S. tomentosa and a current site for Ophioglossum vulgatum. reported to MNHP in 1985. In July, 1980, when the vegetation in the site was first sampled, 26 sporophytes of Ophioglossum vulgatum were present (Mosher, 1981). Approximately 40 spo- rophytes of O. vulgatum were found in the site in 1985 (N. Mc- Master, 1989) and approximately 50 in 1990 (N. McMaster, 1990, unpubl. data). By July, 1991, the population had increased sharply to a total of 901 sporophytes (R. McMaster, 1991), and by August and September, 1992, had declined slightly to 866 sporophytes. Most sporophytes in 1991 occurred in clusters of 10-27 stems. Clusters were roughly circular with a radius of about .5 m. Fre- quently, clusters grew on patches of somewhat elevated substrate, either around the bases of shrubs such as 4/nus rugosa, Salix spp., or Spiraea spp., or on submerged logs covered with bryophytes in the wetter soils of depressions. A few clusters occurred in lower areas, however, and some sporophytes were not clustered, with individual stems occurring .5 m or more from the nearest member of the population. An estimated 61% of the sporophytes were fertile (R. McMaster, 1991). Ophioglossum vulgatum was not found where open water or mud was present, nor in drier areas around the margins where trees and shrubs predominated. Its frequency decreased abruptly 212 Rhodora [Vol. 96 on the southwestern edge of the site which supported a dense cover of sedges and grasses. In the immediate vicinity of the Ophioglossum vulgatum pop- ulation, associated shrubs and small trees included Acer rubrum, Alnus rugosa, Betula populifolia, Pinus strobus, Salix discolor, S. sericea, Spiraea latifolia and S. tomentosa. Associated herbaceous species in the immediate vicinity included Carex lurida, Drosera rotundifolia, Dulichium arundinaceum, Eleocharis tenuis, Epi- lobium strictum, Equisetum arvense, Eupatorium maculatum, EF. perfoliatum, Galium tinctorium, Glyceria canadensis, Hydrocotyle americana, Hypericum virginicum, Impatiens capensis, Juncus effusus, Juncus sp., Leersia oryzoides, Liparis loeselii, Lycopus virginicus, Mentha arvensis, Muhlenbergia mexicana, Onoclea sensibilis, Osmunda regalis, Polygonum sagittatum, Sagittaria la- tifolia, Scirpus cyperinus, Solidago canadensis, S. graminifolia, Sparganium americanum, Thelypteris palustris Schott, Typha la- tifolia, and Viola pallens (McMaster, 1991). Sunderland, MA. The Sunderland, MA (Franklin County) site is located in an electrical transmission line right-of-way at an elevation of 220 m. The site slopes gradually from east to west and is seasonally wet. The right-of-way was established in about 1912 and is main- tained by cutting, pruning and periodic chemical treatment of any trees or shrubs that might interfere with the operation of the transmission lines. The site was last cut back or treated in 1989 (R. Farrell, pers. comm.). On both sides the site adjoins northern hardwood forest dom- inated by Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera, B. populifolia, Carya ovata, Pinus strobus, and Quercus rubra. The population of Ophioglossum vulgatum was first reported in 1986 by Bruce Sorrie of the MNHP and Robert Ruhful of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. A total of 80 plants of O. vulgatum were located over a .4~-.8 hectare area. At this site in August, 1992, the population of Ophioglossum vulgatum had decreased to 21 sporophytes occurring throughout a roughly rectangular area 8 m Xx 2 m. There were only 2 fertile sporophytes. Most leaf blades were small with atypically brown or yellow patches. Associated shrubs and small trees in the 1m- mediate vicinity included Acer rubrum, Betula lenta, Cornus ra- cemosa, Hamamelis virginiana, Lindera benzoin, Lyonia ligus- trina, Rubus sp. and Salix sp. Associated herbaceous species 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 273 included Achillea millefolium, Carex scoparia, C. stipata, Cirsium arvense, Equisetum sylvaticum, Fragaria virginiana, Galium as- prellum, Geranium maculatum, Hypericum ellipticum, Juncus ef- fusus, Onoclea sensibilis, Osmunda cinnamomea, Platanthera fla- va (L.) Lindl., Polygonum sagittatum, Prunella vulgaris, Solidago graminifolia, Thelypteris palustris, and Viola spp. Lenox, MA. The Lenox, MA (Berkshire County) site is located on the edge of an open meadow at an elevation of 370 m. The seasonally wet site slopes gently from west to east and has been described as a “sloping graminoid fen’ (P. Weatherbee, pers. comm.). The area was used for pasture until 1939 and aerial photographs show it has been kept open, probably by mowing or haying, since. During the 1980’s a stream to the west was dammed by beavers, causing surface water to flow across the site, which was last mowed in 1989 (P. Weatherbee, pers. comm.). The forest surrounding the meadow is dominated by Acer rub- rum, A. saccharum, Carya ovata, Malus sp., Pinus strobus and Populus tremuloides with an understory of Betula papyrifera, Fraxinus americana, Prunus virginiana, and Viburnum recogni- tum. Celastrus orbiculatus and Vitis spp. frequently overtop the canopy to the west. 4/nus sp. dominates the wetter eastern bound- ary of the meadow. The population of Ophioglossum vulgatum was discovered and reported to MNHP by Pamela B. Weatherbee in 1991. A total of 205 sporophytes occurred in a roughly rectangular area measuring 11m Xx 26m. Twenty-two percent of the sporophytes were fertile. Within this area in August, 1992, the population of Ophio- glossum vulgatum had declined to 62 sporophytes. Approximately 33% of these were fertile. Most were growing beneath low shrubs, either Cornus stolonifera, Salix serissima or Salix discolor. Other associated species in the shrub layer included Potentilla fruticosa, Viburnum recognitum, Rhamnus cathartica, Salix serissima, S. discolor and Vitis sp. Herbaceous species included Achillea mil- lefolium, Carex stricta var. strictior, Equisetum arvense, Eupa- torium maculatum, Festuca sp., Fragaria virginiana, Galium tri- Hlorum, Geum rivale, Juncus canadensis, J. dudleyi, Lysimachia ciliata, Onoclea sensibilis, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Phleum pratense, Prunella vulgaris, Rudbeckia hirta, Scirpus atrovirens, Spiraea latifolia, Thelypteris palustris, Trifolium repens, T. agrar- ium, and Valeriana officinalis. 274 Rhodora [Vol. 96 . Two sporophytes of Ophioglossum vulgatum, one with sporophyll, in Plate 3 Lenox (Berkshire County), MA 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 215 Boylston, MA. The Boylston, MA (Worcester County) site is located at the eastern edge of a meadow which slopes from west to east at an elevation of 170 m. Occasionally, shallow standing water occurs on the lowest part of the meadow about 50 m north of the site (J. Wright, pers. comm.). The site was used for pasture before 1986. The meadow was cut for hay in 1986 and 1987 and mowed once a year in October in 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1992. The adjacent forest includes a canopy of Acer rubrum, Carya sp., Fraxinus americana, Malus sp., Pinus strobus, Prunus sero- tina and Quercus velutina and an understory of Prunus virginiana and Rhamnus frangula. Shrubs and small trees found in the adjacent upland meadow include Acer rubrum, Cornus amomum, Prunus serotina, Rham- nus frangula, Salix bebbiana, Spiraea latifolia, S. tomentosa, and Viburnum recognitum. Herbaceous species of the upland meadow include Daucus carota, Eupatorium maculatum, Galium tincto- rium, Onoclea sensibilis, Rhus radicans, Rosa nitida, Solidago canadensis, S. rugosa, Trifolium hybridum, T. pratense, Vicia cracea and Vitis labrusca. The “very vigorous” population of Ophioglossum vulgatum consisted of 30-40 plants when first reported in 1989 by Marc Larocque. When the population was surveyed in August, 1992, it had increased to 109 sporophytes located in a level area about 12m x 20 m. However, only 18% of the sporophytes were fertile. Many sporophytes occurred beneath shrubs of Cornus amomum and Salix spp. between .3 m and 1.0 m high. Associated shrubs and tree seedlings included Acer rubrum, Alnus rugosa, Betula populifolia, Cornus amomum, Malus sp., Prunus serotina, Quer- cus rubra, Rhamnus frangula, Rhus radicans, Rosa nitida, Spiraea latifolia, S. tomentosa, Vaccinium corymbosum, and Viburnum recognitum. Herbaceous species included Achillea millefolium, Agrostis stolonifera, Asclepias syriaca, Asparagus officinalis, Carex stricta, Daucus carota, Galium tinctorium, Onoclea sensibilis, Os- munda regalis, Oxalis montana, Solidago canadensis, S. gigantea, S. rugosa, Trifolium hybrida, T. pratense, Rubus sp., and Vicia cracca. Brewster, MA. The Brewster, MA (Barnstable County) site is located in a small clearing adjacent to a pond at an elevation of 8 m. The site is seasonally wet and was probably kept clear by 216 Rhodora [Vol. 96 periodic mowing until 1985. There has been no clearing since 1985 (R. Finch, pers. comm.). The adjacent woodland is dominated by Acer rubrum and Nyssa sylvatica. The population of Ophioglossum vulgatum included 19 plants when first reported by Richard LeBlond in 1985. Mario Di- Gregorio, then Conservation Agent for the Town of Brewster, observed the population from 1986 to 1989 and reported finding six sterile plants and four to five fertile plants each year. He had been unable to relocate any plants since 1989. In July, 1992, only a single sterile sporophyte was located. Associated shrubs and small trees included Acer rubrum, Leu- cothoé racemosa, Lyonia ligustrina, Nyssa sylvatica, Rhododen- dron viscosum, Vaccinium corymbosum and V. macrocarpon. Herbaceous species included Maianthemum canadense, Rubus hispidus, and Trientalis borealis. Extensive areas were covered by Sphagnum spp. and other mosses. Recent Historical Sites in Massachusetts Six historical Massachusetts sites were visited but no popula- tion of Ophioglossum vulgatum found. These occurred at Lanes- boro (Berkshire County), Rowe and Gill (Franklin County), Northampton (Hampshire County), Plymouth (Plymouth Coun- ty), and Falmouth (Barnstable County). Lanesboro, MA. The Lanesboro, MA population of Ophio- glossum vulgatum was located by Pamela B. Weatherbee in 1984 when 15 sterile and 3 fertile sporophytes were found at the eastern base of an outcrop of rock in an old field, an area underlain by limestone. No sporophytes have been found on the site since 1984 (P. Weatherbee, pers. comm.). Rowe, MA. The Rowe, MA population was located by Nancy Williams and Susan Williams in 1983 when approximately 150 sporophytes were found in a “‘borrow pit.” In 1973 sand and gravel were removed from the site which was subsequently col- onized by herbaceous vegetation, small shrubs and tree seedlings. The population of Ophioglossum vulgatum was seen yearly from 1983 to 1988 but not since in spite of repeated observations of the area (N. Williams, pers. comm.). Gill, MA. The Gill, MA population was found in 1961 ina “marshy field.’ I was unable to relocate the population in June, 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts pA 1992. The wet meadow apparently had been disturbed recently by mowing and excavation. Northampton, MA. The Northampton, MA population was located by Harry Ahles in 1978 in what was described as a wet hay field. Bruce Sorrie searched unsuccessfully for the population in 1986. I was unable to relocate the population in July, 1992. Plymouth, MA. The Plymouth, MA population was located by Bruce Sorrie in 1983 in an acid seep. I was unable to relocate the population in June, 1992. Falmouth, MA. The Falmouth, MA population was located by H. K. Svenson in 1971 in the bottom of a glacial kettle near the town landfill. The site was apparently destroyed in the ex- pansion of the landfill and my efforts to relocate the population in June, 1991 were unsuccessful. 1993 Observations All four western Massachusetts populations of Ophioglossum vulgatum that were extant in 1992 were monitored during the hot, dry summer of 1993. The Conway population was thriving throughout the summer of 1993. Stem counts in eight permanent plots showed a 64% increase over similar counts made in 1991. The Sunderland population had dwindled to one small, withered blade when observed on August 5, 1993. No sporophytes of the Lenox population were in evidence on July 24, 1993. Some spo- rophytes of the Boylston population were observed to be in good condition in early July, 1993, but had died back by August 18, 1993 (J. Wright, pers. comm.). Laboratory Investigations A total of 157 individuals of Ophioglossum vulgatum was as- sayed at 26 loci (Table 2). All individuals in all populations were found to be homozygous and monomorphic for all observable loci. Additional confirmation of the observed monomorphism among the specimens assayed was obtained by electrophorescing material from all five populations of Ophioglossum vulgatum (four from Massachusetts, one from New Hampshire) with material of O. reticulatum, Botrychium dissectum and B. dissectum var. obli- quum on a single gel. Results for the three New Hampshire spec- 278 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 2. Total sample size and number of specimens for which satisfactory band resolution was achieved at each Pee in each site, , CON Way: pero ane LENox, BOYIston and MT. Sunapee. (—) Locus CON SUN LEN BOY MTS TOTAL Total sample size 108 13 11 13 12 157 APH-1 59 —_ — — = 59 APH-2 33 — — _ — 33 APH-3 24 — _ — _ 24 EST-1 16 — _ — — 16 EST-2 12 — _ _ = 12 EST-3 12 _ — — — 12 G6PD-1 59 7 7 11 l 85 G6PD-2 52 — — — — 52 G6PD-3 16 _ — — 16 IDH 1S 13 11 | 12 115 MDH-1 85 13 11 11 128 MDH-2 79 12 11 11 3 116 MDH-3 21 - — — — 21 ME-1 85 13 5 | — 104 ME-2 38 13 5 — 57 ME-3 1 1] 5 3 - 10 PGI-1 93 13 11 11 12 140 PGI-2 69 13 11 10 12 115 PGM-|1 77 13 11 13 8 122 PGM-2 29 — _ — —_ 29 6PGD-1 72 — 3 — 75 6PGD-2 50 — = a = 50 TPI-1 39 1 11 1 7 59 TPI-2 22 ] 1] 2 7 43 TPI-3 19 l 7 — 7 34 TPI-4 6 _ — — 7 13 imens of O. vulgatum were inconclusive and warrant additional study. Bandings for O. reticulatum, B. dissectum and B. dissectum var. obliquum were distinct from each other and from O. vul- gatum. The number of loci assayed represents only a small portion of the total genome of Ophioglossum vulgatum. The significance of complete monomorphism for these loci, however, 1s enhanced by the fact that the same 26 loci found to be monomorphic for specimens of O. vu/gatum have been widely assayed for other homosporous ferns and frequently have been observed to be poly- morphic (McCauley et al., 1985; Soltis and Soltis, 1986; Soltis and Soltis, 1988; Watano and Sahashi, 1992). No other published data on genetic variation in Ophioglossum vulgatum was found. 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 279 Lack of genetic variability often has been cited as a factor in the decline in population size and, in some cases, in the extinction of rare plant species (Frankel and Soulé, 1981; Simberloff, 1986; Barrett and Kohn, 1991; Huenneke, 1991). Data from the elec- trophoresis of specimens from four of the Massachusetts popu- lations of Ophioglossum vulgatum show a complete absence of genetic variability at all loci assayed. Any explanation for this observation must account for three phenomena: (1) the apparent lack of genetic variability within sporophytes; (2) the apparent lack of genetic variability among individuals within each popu- lation; and (3) the apparent lack of genetic variability among populations. If intragametophytic selfing occurs, all heterozygosity will be lost in one generation but there still may be some differentiation within a population. Reductions in genetic variability may also occur as a result of small effective population size. Decline in effective population size may result when few individuals repro- duce, when the number of progeny produced by individuals varies widely, and/or when a population bottleneck, an extreme reduc- tion in effective population size, occurs resulting in the trans- mission of only a small subset of the total genetic variability of the population to the next generation (Frankel and Soulé, 1981). A population with a small effective population size is also sus- ceptible to further loss of alleles due to genetic drift. Edwards (1982) observed a population of Ophioglossum vulgatum in south- ern England, for example, in which only 1-2% of the sporophytes bore fertile fronds. Similarly, in the Sunderland population less than 10% of the sporophytes found in the summer of 1992 had fertile fronds. In addition, populations of clonal species such as O. vulgatum may contain numerous sporophytes of a single ge- notype. New populations established by dispersal of spores from a ge- netically monomorphic population will normally be of the same homozygous genotype. If the species is capable of rapid vegetative growth, it is possible for a number of large, homozygous, mono- morphic populations to develop in a relatively short period of time. One adaptive compensation for the loss of genetic variation in a population may be the purging of deleterious recessive alleles through repeated episodes of in-breeding (Frankel and Soulé, 1981; Lesica and Allendorf, 1992). By this mechanism, a predominantly self-fertilizing species such as Ophioglossum vulgatum character- 280 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ized by low genetic variability may have evolved a complex of alleles co-adapted to a very specific set of environmental condi- tions. While it is unable to adapt successfully to changes in those conditions, it is suited to sites where those conditions prevail. The four western Massachusetts populations may have arisen from a single monomorphic population. Gene flow from geneti- cally distinct populations apparently has not occurred or has oc- curred at sufficiently low frequencies that any variability intro- duced has been lost through repeated intragametophytic selfing, population bottlenecks and drift. Electrophoretic analysis of pop- ulations of Ophioglossum yvulgatum in neighboring states could shed additional light on these questions. CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS The five current Massachusetts sites for Ophioglossum vulga- tum vary significantly in geography, climate, soil and surrounding forest type, but share three important characteristics: (1) Each site has a history of disturbance that has reduced competition from shrubs and small trees. The Conway site was occupied by beavers. The Sunderland site has been subject to periodic pruning or application of herbicide for maintenance of the power line right-of-way. The Lenox site was occupied by beavers and has been mowed occasionally. The Boylston site was formerly pasture and has been mowed or hayed regularly for many years. The Brewster site was probably maintained irregularly as a lawn. (2) Each site is characterized by wet conditions for at least a part of the year. The Conway site is saturated throughout the growing season with standing water at frequent intervals. The Sunderland, Lenox, Boylston, and Brewster sites are subject to seasonal flooding, usually in spring and fall. (3) Each site supports a characteristic flora. Although no single plant species occurs with Ophioglossum vulgatum in all five sites, Acer rubrum and Onoclea sensibilis are abundant in four of the sites and Achillea millefolium, Spiraea latifolia and Thelypteris palustris, are abundant in three of the sites. Sporophytes of O. vulgatum often are found growing in the shade of small shrubs, usually A/nus spp., Cornus spp., Salix spp., or Spiraea spp. In the Brewster site the single O. vu/gatum sporophyte occurred beneath Leucothoé racemosa. 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 281 Observation of populations over several growing seasons sug- gest that where the shrub layer is completely lacking, aggressive grass, sedge and rush species predominate and Ophioglossum vul- gatum declines. The shrub layer, when present, may help to con- trol competition from those species. Ophioglossum vulgatum seems to prefer sites where the shrub layer 1s present but constrained by pruning or periodic flooding. Populations of Ophioglossum vulgatum are capable of sudden and dramatic increases or declines. The current Conway site ap- pears to have increased from 26 sporophytes in 1980 to a max- imum of 901 in 1991, the Lenox site from 0 to 205 in under 12 years, and the Boylston site from 30 or 40 to 109 in three years. Conversely, the Rowe population of approximately 150 sporo- phytes disappeared completely after the 1988 growing season and the Brewster population of 19 in 1985 had declined to only one in 1992. Five additional more gradual extinctions have been doc- umented in the state since 1961. The low levels of genetic variability revealed by electrophoresis may be important factors in the decline of Ophioglossum vulga- tum in Massachusetts. A combination of intragametophytic self- ing, small population size, low numbers of reproductively mature sporophytes, founder effect and specialized habitat requirements may be responsible for the loss of genetic variability within and among populations. These processes may in turn lead to an in- ability to adapt to environmental change in an inherently volatile habitat. While O. vulgatum seems to be well adapted to compete in early successional sites in Massachusetts, it may lack the genetic heterogeneity that would allow it to persist as these sites change. Only at the Conway site where succession is inhibited by inter- mittent flooding does O. vu/lgatum appear to thrive. Hence its long-term survival in Massachusetts may be a function not of adaptation to changing conditions in a site, but of its ability to disperse to new, sometimes distant sites and to found new pop- ulations successfully. The habitat requirements and reproductive biology of Ophio- glossum vulgatum described suggest a number of measures for the management of existing populations. (1) Plant species competing with Ophioglossum vulgatum should be controlled. Shrubs and small trees in the immediate vicinity should be selectively pruned to provide moderate levels of filtered light. The surrounding forest canopy may also require periodic 2) Rhodora [Vol. 96 thinning. Because the effects of herbicides on O. vulgatum are not known, their use to suppress surrounding vegetation is not rec- ommended. However, most populations of O. vu/gatum are small enough that competing vegetation can be controlled by mechan- ical means such as a portable ““weed-wacker” or even hand clip- pers. The invasion of grasses, sedges and rushes may be restricted by mowing late in the growing season, probably after October 1. Care should be taken to protect shrubs and small trees from damage during mowing. (2) Disruption or compaction of soil should be avoided. Heavy mowing equipment should not be used to clear Ophioglossum vulgatum sites. Footpaths and vehicle rights-of-way should be diverted to provide a generous buffer zone around protected pop- ulations. (3) Proper hydrological conditions in the immediate vicinity of the Ophioglossum vulgatum population should be maintained. Extended inundation or desiccation of the substrate during the growing season which may result from beaver activity or anthro- pogenic activities such as draining and filling often associated with agriculture and highway construction should be avoided. The size of an Ophioglossum vulgatum population may fluc- tuate dramatically from year to year depending on availability of light, soil moisture, disturbance and other conditions. Because of the extensive root network and the ability of a population to expand vegetatively, it may also be important to protect and manage a site even after all sporophytes have disappeared. It is possible that a subsequent reversal of environmental conditions could result in the development of new sporophytes from the dormant root system. Germination of spores or gametophytes may also occur after an extended period of dormancy. Habitat for Ophioglossum vulgatum also may be provided in sites where it does not occur at present, particularly when those sites are near existing populations. Minimum requisite conditions should include a saturated substrate and moderate to high light levels. Sites where such conditions occur naturally may include seeps, wet meadows and abandoned beaver meadows. Areas sub- ject to some human disturbance also may be appropriate including highway shoulders or median strips, golf courses, utility corridors, or pastures. While historical data suggest that Ophioglossum vulgatum has never been abundant in Massachusetts, its present status is pre- 1994] McMaster— Ophioglossum in Massachusetts 283 carious. Of the five known populations, the Brewster population with its single sporophyte is probably destined for extinction, while the Boylston, Lenox and Sunderland populations are mar- ginal. The Conway population, while relatively large and healthy in 1991 and 1992, could easily be subject to the kind of sudden decline that has been observed at other sites. Continued availability of disturbed, early successional sites may be important to the survival of Ophioglossum vulgatum in Mas- sachusetts. These sites may result from naturally occurring dis- turbances such as wildfires, windstorms, debris slides and insect predation. Some anthropogenic factors such as highway and dam construction may favor the creation of disturbed sites while oth- ers, such as the decline of agriculture and suppression of wildfires, may result in less disturbance. While the reintroduction of beavers into the state in the 1930’s created new early successional sites, the subsequent expansion of beaver populations may have had the opposite effect, forcing beavers to reoccupy abandoned sites before early successional species were able to colonize them. Thus human activity can be either beneficial or harmful to the survival of O. vulgatum in Massachusetts. Efforts should be made to locate additional populations of Ophioglossum vulgatum in Massachusetts. Hagenah (1966) writes “ Ophioglossum vulgatum] blends with the grasses and other veg- etation, but after the first one is noticed search may reveal scores or even hundreds more.” Similarly, Wagner (1971) observes that “Many botanists and naturalists regard the adder’s-tongue as a rare plant, but this is probably due largely to the fact that it 1s overlooked.’ Roberta Poland (Mass) located at least 11 stations for O. vulgatum in the town of Deerfield alone during the 1950’s, an achievement which should inspire continued persistence in the search for this ancient and intriguing plant. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My original interest in Ophioglossum vulgatum resulted from field trips to the Conway site with my wife, Nancy D. McMaster, to whose memory this paper is dedicated. I also wish to express my appreciation to C. John Burk, my thesis advisor, for his guid- ance and support in the completion of this project, to Stephen G. Tilley for his advice and assistance with starch gel electrophoresis, and to Alan H. Bornbusch for his advice and review of this manu- 284 Rhodora [Vol. 96 script. The artwork of Susan Alix Williams and the photographic services of Richard M. Fish are also gratefully acknowledged. This project was supported by research grants from the Margaret A. Walsh Grantham Research Fellowship, Department of Biological Sciences, Smith College, the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Pro- gram and the Connecticut River Watershed Council. LITERATURE CITED Barrett, S.C. H.ANDJ.R. KOHN. 1991. Genetic and evolutionary consequences . small population size in plants: implications for conservation, pp. 3-30. n: D. A. Falk and K. E. Holsinger, Eds., Genetics and Conservation of Rare an Oxford Univ. Press, New York CHurcH, G. L. AND R. L. CHAMPLIN. 1978. 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In light of its limited occurrence (a single clone), it is not given an epithet. Key Words: Diphasiastrum (Lycopodium), hybrid, genome analysis, species con- cept, Vermont INTRODUCTION Five species, and at least five hybrids, of the ‘‘flat-branched” lycopods (Diphasiastrum Holub) are known in northeastern North America (Table 1). The taxonomy of this group has to date relied almost entirely on morphology. Hybrids generally display char- acters intermediate between their parents, and are usually distin- guishable in the field and herbarium on morphological grounds (Wilce, 1965). Cytological work has indicated that all North American species and hybrids share a chromosome number 2n = 46 (F. S. Wagner, 1992), with apparent normal pairing behavior and spore formation in the hybrids (the plant described here produces well-formed spores). Additionally, the difficulty of ger- minating spores i” vitro and growing the resulting plants has so far precluded artificial crossing experiments in Diph trum, and the genus as a whole has not been analyzed on 1 the basis of isozymes or DNA. On morphological grounds, Wilce (1965) de- termined D. xsabinifolium, which had long been considered a species, to be the hybrid D. sitchense x tristachyum, a treatment which has gained acceptance (Beitel, 1979; Cody and Britton, 1989; Wagner and Beitel, 1993). Except for D. x issleri, which is known in our area from a single collection, and D. complanatum x digitatum, which may be quite rare, the hybrids are sometimes locally common (Cody and Britton, 1989; W. H. Wagner, pers. comm.), and D. x sabinifolium sufficiently so to be regarded as a nothospecies. The hybrids appear to be fertile (F. S. Wagner, 1992), yet no hybrid progeny or backcrosses with parent species 287 288 Rhodora [Vol. 96 able 1. Species and hybrids of Diphiastrum in northeastern North America (all 2n = 46). pecies . digitatum (Dill.) Holub . complanatum (L.) Holub tristachyum (Pursh) Holub sitchense (Rupr.) Holub . alpinum (L.) Holub Hybrids D. x sabinifolium (Willd.) Holub (sitchense « tristachyum) D. x habereri (House) Holub (digitatum * tristachyum) D. complanatum x digitatum D. x zeilleri (Rouy) Holub (complanatum x tristachyum) D. xissleri (Rouy) Holub (alpinum x tristachyum) boosd have been described. This paper discusses a new hybrid, D. dig- itatum x sabinifolium, at present known from a single station in northern Vermont. It is the first hybrid known to have a hybrid parent. HYBRID DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS While collecting a series of pteridophytes in Caledonia County, Vermont, I discovered, in a montane (ca. 540 m) east-facing pasture, an unusual clone of Diphasiastrum which was not readily referable to any described taxon. It was growing with D. digitatum and D. tristachyum but was clearly neither. Collections were made in August and November, 1993, from the same clone. This plant has the general aspect of D. x sabinifolium with a congested, tufted habit rather than a pseudo-monopodial habit such as characterizes D. digitatum and D. tristrachyum (Figure |). This is due to the branching of upright stems near their bases and to the length of the lower branches which reach beyond the bases of upper branches. The plant is also similar to D. x sabi- nifolium in its short, usually unbranched peduncle with one or two sporophylls on the peduncle below the strobilus. A hybrid origin, however, was suspected because the lateral branchlets are strongly dorsiventrally flattened, the lateral leaves are appressed rather than spreading, and the lower (ventral) leaves are reduced, all characteristics that do not occur in D. x sabinifolium. Fur- 1994] Gilman— New Tri-Hybrid Lycopod (\ () mh bY a 1A mY A Oia O50 ' TAs Oy Kai my MY i vay Vy YY a Wy 1A) 2) v (0) wy | Vy] ty) i) y \) Va \ | nd () | Vy y 'Y wy | ‘om nt x \ | VY a \ df \ iy at YR Y ‘ Se YY iy Ny \ YY LD AW i \, X y \) rh Wy \y WANS Nt} ANN Wy SQ. NW ANN Y NA " 4 \ iy wx ant /, } - SR a KR Hh Pi SN ~ Wy i ‘ is WH DEES SAN Ka BY LIES OQ A WY Y YT ERY A EN 2a IANS RQ “ UN Sea) NY SAN YS; Ni! Mh YES Ry g Sh DR Ny OSS MA LA, SS Wy WB WA m aN SO WY PONY \\ DR PN Le AN ONY Wipe ts \ SY. A Ne Wp? y X Rs ee NN SSS TRY ae GLEE rs N = Ay SH AY Mi a AP << BN NN HPRY Skye RY “A SSSSSS | eae a e — ——\~ SS Tom Figure 1. Diphasiastrum digitatum x ae The influence of D. binifolium is indicated by the low branc the indeterminate growth ae hown by annual constrictions, a and eae peduncle with sporophylls scattered at the base of the strobilus ee a The broad, flattened branches, reduced lower leaves and broad sporophylls are evidence of D. digitatum par- entage. thermore, the plant overall is larger and stouter than typical D x sabinifolium. A morphological analysis was undertaken to determine the identity of this puzzling plant. With such tests of hybridity as garden experiments, isozyme or DNA analysis lacking at present 290 Rhodora [Vol. 96 able 2. Hybrid index comparing ten oo characters of the eg hybrid D. digitatum = sabinifolium and its parents. (2 = character as in D. xs binifolium, 1 = intermediate; 0 = character as in D. digitatum). Character (from Wilce, 1965) sab dig x sab dig . Habit congested due to branching low on upright stem, vs. pseudomonopo- dia to . Branches indeterminate aie 2 or more years, as show y anniial canctrictinne 2 2 0) 3. Branches stioktly an VS. aetiee green l 0 4. Branches not or only slightly flattened =i Ren 2 0 0) D5 r leaves not reduced, vs. reduced 2 l 0) 6. whe leaves spreading vs. appressed 2 0 0) 7. Lateral leaves with narrow base, VS. broad base 2 0 0) 8. Fertile branch round with equal leaves (vs. flattened with reduced lower leaves) 2 2 0 9. Peduncle usually unbranched (vs. nor- mally branched) 2 2 0 10. Sporophyll narrow (vs. broad) 2 0 0) Total 20 9 0 therefore, morphological comparisons give the strongest evidence of this plant’s hybrid status. A series of hybrid indices (modified from Wilce, op. cit., pp. 112-114) were prepared to compare this plant with potential parents. From these, it was determined that D. digitatum and D. x sabinifolium are the most likely parents. Table 2 is the index prepared on the basis of ten qualitative characters by which these probable parents differ. Of the ten, four character states (irregular, tufted habit; indeterminate branchlet growth; rounded fertile branch with isomorphic leaves; and unbranched peduncle) are closest to D x sabinifolium. Six characters (green coloration; dor- siventrally flattened and appressed lateral leaves; broad bases of lateral leaves, reduced lower leaves, broad sporophylls) are closer to D. digitatum. The putative hybrid has an index score of 9, intermediate between the scores of D. digitatum (0) and D. x sa- binifolium (20). Quantitative characters give a somewhat less clear picture (Ta- ble 3), since the hybrid is not medial in every character, but approaches one parent or the other, or exceeds the parents in 1994] Gilman—New Tri-Hybrid Lycopod 291 Table 3. Comparison of mean quantitative morphological characters, each based on 30 measurements of dried plants (D. digitatum, Gilman 93241, Whee- lock, VT; D. digitatum x sabinifolium, Gilman 93246, Walden, VT and Gilman 92069, Marathon, Ont.). All measurements in mm. Standard deviations in pa- rentheses Character sab dig x sab dig 1. Branch width 1.42 (0.25) 2.01 (0.68) 2.52 (0.57) Lower leaf width (base of free ii) on) 0.71 (0.09) 0.84 (0.12) 0.53 (0.12) twee leaflength (free portion) 2.28 (0.28) 1.32 (0.15) 1.05 (0.14) 3. 4. Ratio oflowerleafwidth/length 0.311 0.636 0.505 5. Peduncle length 24.6 (7.2) 28.8 (6.24) 48.5 (7.6) 6. Strobilus length 21.6 (4.24) 30.6 (4.78) 22.0 (1.40) 7. Sporophyll width 2.28 (0.28) 2.02 (0.14) 1.88 (0.17) 8. Sporophyll length 2.08 (0.08) 1.98 (0.10) 1.84 (0.09) 9 . Aue of sporophyll width/ ength 1.09 1.02 1.02 a few cases. Branchlet width at 2.01 mm is intermediate between the parents. The free portions of the lower leaves are intermediate in length, but are somewhat wider than either parent. The pe- duncle length is intermediate, but closer to D. x sabinifolium. Strobilus length is greater than either parent, indeed greater than average for any native species (Wilce, 1965); this may be an anomaly of the individual plant or may be the result of hybrid vigor. The sporophyll is intermediate in width and length, but approaches D. digitatum in ratio of width to length (the “com- planatum type” of Wilce). DISCUSSION Accepting the hypothesis that D. x sabinifolium is of hybrid origin, then this hybrid has three ancestral genomes, D. digitatum, D. sitchense, and D. tristachyum, presumably present in the pro- portion 2:1:1. Deviations from some expected intermediate character states may be inherited from individually variable parents. D. x sabi- nifolium is itself quite variable (Cody and Britton, 1989) and variations in certain characters may have been passed on to the hybrid. Alternatively, variations may be due to unequal contri- butions of the ancestral genomes, D. digitatum, D. sitchense and D. tristachyum. In particular, D. sitchense seems to be strongly 292 Rhodora [Vol. 96 represented in the short unbranched peduncle (as opposed to the long and regularly forked peduncles of D. digitatum and D. trista- chyum), and in the low-branched, tufted habit (as opposed to the pseudomonopodial habit of D. digitatum and D. tristachyum). Another potential hybrid combination, between D. sitchense and D. xhabereri would have the same genomes in different proportion (1:2:1). On analogy with D. x sabinifolium, such a hybrid should display D. sitchense characters even more strongly, 1.¢., 1t would be expected to have non-flattened branches, spread- ing lateral leaves, and unreduced lower leaves. Furthermore, this alternative is unlikely because neither parent is known in the immediate vicinity, whereas D. digitatum is abundant in the area and D. x sabinifolium is known to occur nearby (D.S. Barrington, pers. comm.). As noted above, species and hybrids in Diphasiastrum are mor- phologically distinct, and the hybrids are apparently fertile. The barriers that prevent the hybrids from back-crossing and rehy- bridizing to the point of swamping the parent species, which maintain their distinctions over broad ranges, have not been iden- tified. The discovery of the hybrid discussed here is significant because it suggests at least the possibility of introgression and the formation of hybrid swarms. On the other hand, both its dis- tinctiveness and its rarity confirm the current concepts of species within the group. Although its spores are well-formed and may be viable, this hybrid is as yet known only from one site. There is no direct evidence that it is reproductively competent beyond surviving and slowly spreading as a single clone. For this reason I have chosen not to provide an epithet. MATERIAL EXAMINED Vermont: Caledonia County: Wheelock, highest pasture on E side of Ide Mountain, elevation ca. 540 m, 4. V. Gilman 93240, 21 August and 27 November 1993 (vt, NEBC, MICH). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks Warren H. Wagner Jr. and David S. Bar- rington for discussions concerning the nature of this plant, and Martha S. Brown for preparation of Figure 1; also two anonymous reviewers for comments. 1994] Gilman—New Tri-Hybrid Lycopod 293 LITERATURE CITED Berret, J. M. 1979. The clubmosses Lycopodium sitchense and L. sabinifolium in the upper Great Lakes region. Michigan Bot. 18: 3-13. Copy, W. D. AND D. M. Britton. 1989. Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. Agriculture C. anada, Ottawa. WacneRr, F. S. 1992. Cytological problems in Lycopodium sens. lat. Ann. Mis- souri Bot. on 79: 718-729. Wacner, W.H. AND J. M. BEITEL. 1993. Lycopodiaceae, pp. 18-37. Jn: Flora of North ree Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, New Yor Witce, J. H. 1965. Section aici of the genus Icopodnin: Nova Hed- wigia Beih. 19. Weinhei P.O. BOX 82 MARSHFIELD, VERMONT 05658 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organization that promotes the study of plants of North America, especially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHODORA, which iS now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscription to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year For the next calendar year Name Address City & State Zip Special interests (optional): Vol. 96, No. 886, including pages 121-206, was issued January 6, 1995, 294 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB leo end Council Menibers for 1004-1905 President: C. Barre Hellquist, Box 9145, Department of Biolo- gy, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massachusetts me MIZE. Vice-President (and Program Chair): W. Donald Hudson, Jr., Chewonki Foundation, RR2, Box 1200, Wiscasset, Maine 04578 _ Corresponding Secretary: Nancy M. Bysiee -Smith, Department of Natural Sciences, Bentley Colle: Waltham, Massachu- setts 02154 . Treasurer, Harold G. Brotzman, Box 9092, Department of Biol- ~~ ogy, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massachu- setts 01247 Recording Secretary: Lisa A. Standley Curator of Vascular Plants: ee Angelo Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants: | Pamela Weatherbee Curator of Non-Vascular Plants: Anna M. Reid Librarian: Paul Somers Council: Consisting of the Elected Officers, Associate Curator, | Editor of Rhodora and — . Councillors: Leslie J. Mehrhoff (Past President) William E. Brumback ’95 Thomas Mione ’96 Garett E. Crow ’97 Donald J. Padgett (Graduate Student “Member) 95 _- JOURNALOFTHE =~ NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB is CONTENTS: The taxonomy of Carex ae (espersecee) and oes species in North America. Peter W. Bal 295 Pollen and pubescence. S auchnipas ay s Ovals grandis Small. Darrell ~~ Moore, Dallas Mullins and Foster 311 Floristic diversity of a disturbed western Ohio fen. James S. MeCormae and Gregory J. Schneider 327 Genetic variation in Massachusetts populations of Cypripedium arietinum ; in Ait. and C. acaule Ait. (Orchidaceae). an H. Bornbusch, Lesley A. Swender, and Deborah L. Hoogerwerf .............. 354 Exine reduction in underwater flowering Callitriche (Callitrichaceae): im- plications for the evel yes of hypohydrophily. no Thomas Philbrick and eee M. Osbor. . 370 research award | . : 389. PT OmGse coun for Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) in North America. (5.76 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 — 22 peso a one Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 VOL.9%6 —_— October, 1994 No. 888 Vas The New ae Boranicnt Club, he ae a6 2 Daal Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 021 38 _ RHODORA — _ GORDON P, DrWOLF, RR. Editor-in- Chiet Sar cociale Raisers DAVID S. CONANT TICA A STANDILEY shat RHODORA (ssn 0035- 4902). Published four times a a year ala anvary, ae July, and October) by The Ne England Botanical Club, 810— _ Bast 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 104) New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Second class postage i pending at Lawrence, KS. POSTMASTER: Send ae ad LOM aie ~RHODORA, RO; Box. 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044. et ee = , RHODORA i isa journal of botany devoted primarily to N orth aie Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientific papers — and notes relating to the oe distribution, ecology, ee, 1 ne botany, or conservation biology of thi: A SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per sents year, net, pooae. in fuls 3 payable at, par in the United States currency. Remittances payable to ~RHODORA. ae to RHODORA, ae Box ADT ee KS. 66044-8897. a ‘MEMBERSHIPS: "Regular $35: eee $45, Application form printed . < herem, . BACK VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: one ie informa- : ~~... tion and prices will be furnished upon request to the Treasur rer. oe - ADDRESS CHANGES: In order to receive the next Thumber of RHODORA, changes must bs received by the business Ear Bae to 7 the first day of January, April, July, or October . ein INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside c back cover, »Fanuary Sati nd April. Poe ar ; a MANUSCRIPT sr “Send to: ‘Gpidon D > De Wol 3 Managing Editor, RHODORA acy . 425. Long Hill Roa t ey, West Bre yokfield, MA 01585 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO 239.48-1 992 (Permanence of Paper). Z RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 96 October 1994 No. 888 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 888, pp. 295-310, 1994 THE TAXONOMY OF CAREX PETRICOSA (CYPERACEAE) AND RELATED SPECIES IN NORTH AMERICA PETER W. BALL AND MARGARET ZOLADZ ABSTRACT In North America the Carex petricosa group has generally been considered to consist of three species, C. petricosa and C. franklinii in western Canada and Alaska, and C. misandroides in eastern Canada. In addition a number of other species and varieties have been described in the past fifty years, but these have generally not been given formal recognition by subsequent authors. A morpho- logical study of herbarium specimens of this group led to the conclusion that all or these pri should be treated as a single species. ape western and eastern pop- iffered in the proportion of flowers that tigmatic. Western plants were ae tristigmatic or had not more than 50% Pear flowers. Eastern plants were mostly distigmatic or had more than 50% distigmatic flowers. Con- sequently two varieties were recognised in C. petricosa, var. petricosa from the west, and var. misandroides (Fernald) Boivin from the east. Key Words: Carex sect. Aulocystis, taxonomy, distribution, North America INTRODUCTION Carex petricosa Dewey is a member of the large section Au- locystis Dumortier. The section has been known under a variety of names, in particular section Ferrugineae (Mackenzie, 1935) and section Frigidae (Kiikenthal, 1909). Kiikenthal (1909) recog- nised over 50 species in the section, of which only 6 occurred in North America. In his monograph of North American Carex Mackenzie (1935) recognised 10 species in the section, of which 5 were endemic to the western mountains of the United States, just extending into southern British Columbia, 2 were widespread circumboreal arctic-alpine species, and 3 were subarctic-montane species endemic to Canada and Alaska. These latter 3 species, C. 27 296 Rhodora [Vol. 96 petricosa, C. franklinii Boott and C. misandroides Fernald, form the group of species which is the subject of this paper. The Carex petricosa group of species is difficult to define mor- phologically in an unambiguous way. The perigynia are more or less erect when mature, sparsely setose on the surface and tapering at the apex to an indistinct beak. The distribution of staminate and pistillate flowers in the inflorescence is extremely irregular, some individuals having a single terminal staminate spike and several lateral pistillate spikes, while others have an androgynous terminal spike (staminate at the apex, pistillate at the base), with some pistillate and some androgynous lateral spikes, often ar- ranged in an irregular manner. The stigma number is also variable as all three species can have 2 or 3 stigmas, although 3 is pre- dominant in C. petricosa and C. franklinii and 2 is predominant in C. misandroides. When Mackenzie prepared his monograph these species were known from very few collections. Carex frank- linii and C. petricosa were known from a very few stations in the Rocky mountain range in Canada, while C. misandroides was known from a single station in Newfoundland and another in the Gaspé peninsular in eastern Quebec. Subsequent collections have extended the range of C. franklinii and C. petricosa to Alaska and the western Northwest Territories, and additional sites for C. misandroides have been found in Newfoundland and Quebec. Since the publication of Mackenzie (1935) the North American species of the group have been the subject of two revisions. In both of these a number of new or additional taxa were recognised or described. Boivin (1948) described one new species, C. disti- chiflora, and two new varieties, C. franklinii var. nicholsonis, and C. petricosa var. edwardsii. Not to be outdone Raymond (1952) added two new species, C. magnursina and C. lepageana, and the first North American record of the Asian species C. stenocarpa Turcz. ex Besser. However, Raymond included C. distichiflora in the synonymy of C. franklinii, and treated C. misandroides as a variety of C. franklinii. Subsequent authors have tended to take a more conservative view of the group and have usually recog- nized two species in the west, C. franklinii and C. petricosa, with C. misandroides being included as a synonym or variety of C. Jranklinii (e.g., Hultén, 1968; Porsild and Cody, 1980; Packer, 1983). Boivin (1967) and Scoggan (1978) recognised only a single species with four varieties, and Welsh (1974) treated C. franklinii as a synonym of C. petricosa. The report of C. stenocarpa from 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 297 Alaska (Raymond, 1952) seems to have been overlooked as it is not mentioned in Hultén (1968) or Welsh (1974). In addition to North American names, Hultén included the Asian species C. macrogyna Turcz. ex Besser as a synonym of C. franklinii. An- other, unpublished, name also appears on herbarium sheets. As noted by Raymond (1952), Fernald had named the earlier col- lections from Lac Mistassini, Quebec, as C. mistassinica, but this name was never validly published and Raymond treated the spec- imens so named as C. franklinii var. misandroides. Initially the investigation was aimed at determining the status of C. misandroides, whether it could be retained as a taxon distinct from the western species, and also whether it was most similar to C. franklinii or C. petricosa. As the investigation progressed it became apparent that these questions could not be adequently addressed without a more thorough examination of the status of the western taxa of the group, including those published since Mackenzie (1935). METHODS The study was based entirely on herbarium specimens collected from North America and a small number from north east Asia. Approximately 250 specimens were examined from the following herbaria: ALA, CAN, DAO, MT, TRT, TRTE (acronyms according to Holmgren et al. 1990). The North American specimens repre- sented a high proportion of the known stations of the taxa under investigation. It proved difficult to classify specimens on the basis of mor- phology, so all plants from Newfoundland and Quebec were as- signed to C. misandroides, except for the specimens named C. mistassinica, which were provisionally treated as a separate taxon. The post-1935 taxa are known only from specimens cited in the protologue and these were also treated as separate taxa, although in some cases the specimens were too immature to include in the morphologic analyses. Carex petricosa and C. franklinii proved difficult to distinguish based either on the names on specimens, or on the characters utilized in such works as Packer (1983). The specimens were eventually separated arbitrarily based on the width of the mature perigynium, specimens with the perigynium wider than 1.7 mm being allocated to C. franklinii, those with the peri- gynium narrower than 1.7 mm being allocated to C. petricosa, 298 Rhodora [Vol. 96 and those with the perigynium 1.7 mm wide being allocated ac- cording to the name on the label. Characters were selected based on those utilized by Mackenzie (1935), Boivin (1948) and Raymond (1952) to separate the taxa that they recognized. A few proved impossible to record satis- factorily, particularly the “curved” basal leaves emphasized by Raymond (1952) in his diagnosis of C. magnursina, and the color of the perigynia (dark brown versus yellowish brown) which to some extent depends on the age and state of development of the inflorescence. The number of stigmas was found to be quite vari- able on one individual. This was recorded by randomly choosing 5 perigynia in an inflorescence and reporting the number which had 2 stigmas. For specimens which had shed their stigmas the stigma number was based on the cross-sectional shape of the achene, biconvex for 2 stigmas and triangular for 3 stigmas. Be- cause examination of the achenes is destructive only 3 perigynia were examined in these specimens. In a few specimens a large number of perigynia were available with visible stigmas and these were used to confirm that the method outlined above gave a reasonable estimate of the frequency of the two stigma numbers on one individual. A total of 20 characters were recorded from the specimens examined, but not all could be utilised in the numerical analyses. Specimens were selected based on the presence of reasonably well- developed perigynia. Many specimens were collected too early in the season to have reached this stage of development, conse- quently it was sometimes necessary to use duplicate specimens to obtain a reasonably large sample for analysis. A total of 101 specimens were eventually included in the data set, 29 specimens of C. petricosa (including 2 determined as var. edwardsii), 27 specimens of C. franklinii, 24 specimens of C. misandroides, plus 2 specimens determined as C. mistassinica, 15 specimens of C. macrogyna, 2 specimens of C. /lepageana, and | each of C. dis- tichiflora, C. magnursina and C. stenocarpa (from Alaska). Principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant func- tions analysis (DFA) were performed using SYSTAT 5.0 (Wil- kinson, 1990). PCA was used to obtain a broad overview of the variation in the data set and to determine whether there was any tendency to form groups. The data used in this analysis were standardised to zero mean and unit variance. All characters listed in Table 1 were included in the analysis except for STS which 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 299 Table 1. List of morphological characters recorded for the Carex petricosa oup. er Character Character Abbreviation Stem height (cm) STHT Bract length ( ) BRL Bract sheath length (mm) BRSL Sex of the terminal sp STS Number of pistillate spikes FSPN Number of staminate spikes MSPN mber of hermaphrodite spikes HSPN Pistillate spike width (mm) FSPW Pistillate spike length (mm) FSPL Width of the staminate portion of the terminal spike (mm) MSPW Length of the staminate portion of the terminal spike (mm) MSPL Staminate scale length ( STSCL Staminate scale width (mm) STSCW Pistillate scale length (mm) PSCL Perigynium length (mm) PERL erigynium width (mm) PERW Perigynium beak length (mm) PERBL Perigynium nerve number PERNN Stigma number was considered to be a variable that was not independent from DFA was used to obtain maximum separation of the four major taxa, C. franklinii, C. macrogyna, C. misandroides and C. petri- cosa. PERW was not included in this analysis as this character was used to define C. franklinii and C. petricosa. The other two taxa were defined using distribution as the main criterion. A clas- sification procedure was used to assign the remaining taxa to one of the four groups. RESULTS Taxonomic Characters It is not intended to review all the characters included in this study, but rather to consider those on which considerable em- phasis has been placed in the past. Except as discussed below 300 Rhodora [Vol. 96 none of the characters examined showed any significant difference between the four main taxa included in this study. 1. STEM HEIGHT. This character has been used to distinguish C. franklinii and C. petricosa (e.g., Porsild and Cody, 1980, Pack- er, 1983), and C. franklinii and C. misandroides (Raymond, 1952). Stem height was very variable and was poorly correlated with other diagnostic characters, particularly perigynium width (cor- relation coefficient 0.252). 2. TERMINAL SPIKE. Kiikenthal (1909) placed C. franklinii and C’. petricosa in different subsections of sect. Frigidae based on differences in the terminal spike. Carex franklinii was described as having an androgynous terminal spike, while C. petricosa was said to have a mainly staminate terminal spike. As pointed out by Raymond (1952) this character is very variable. Boott (1839) in his diagnosis of C. franklinii noted that the terminal spike could be both staminate and androgynous. Two collections from a population near Jasper, Alberta, close to the area from which the type of C. franklinii was collected, emphasize the point. Por- sild 22537 (CAN) has an androgynous terminal spike (with peri- gynia 1.7 mm wide), and Porsild 22538 (CAN) has a staminate terminal spike (with perigynia 2.2 mm wide). In both C. petricosa and C. misandroides a staminate terminal spike is more frequent, but in both taxa androgynous spikes occur in about 50% of the specimens examined. This variation may occur in a single clone Suggesting that this character is not under direct genetic control. There is a tendency for robust plants to have an androgynous terminal spike and for small plants to have a staminate terminal spike, but this is not at all consistent (the two Porsild collections cited above have stem heights of 48 cm and 51 cm respectively). 3. LATERAL PISTILLATE SPIKE SIZE. Raymond (1952) empha- sized this character when describing C. /epageana and C. mag- nursina, stating that these two species had pistillate spikes 8—25 x 3-4 mm, while C. petricosa, C. franklinii and C. misandroides had pistillate spikes 8-15 x 6-9 mm. Carex petricosa was found to have a spike length of 7-29 mm (mean 15 mm), while C. misandroides and C. petricosa had a similar mean but narrower range. Spike width showed a similar pattern, with C. petricosa having spikes 3-7 mm wide. All three taxa had a mean width close to 5 mm. 4. PERIGYNIUM SIZE. Perigynium width is the character most frequently used to separate C. petricosa and C. franklinii. Ray- 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 301 COUNT 08 10 12 14 #116 %118 20 22 24 PERW Figure 1. Histogram of perigynium width (mm) of western North American specimens of the Carex petricosa group. mond (1952) gave the perigynium width of C. petricosa as |.5— 1.75 mm and that of C. franklinii and C. misandroides as 2-2.5 mm. Other authors, such as Mackenzie (1935), gave a similar difference. Porsild and Cody (1980) claim a difference in perigy- nium length giving 5-6 mm for C. franklinii and 4-5 mm for C. petricosa. In this investigation perigynium length showed no clear difference between the three main North American taxa. Carex petricosa was the most variable with a range of 3.5-5.5 mm, while C. franklinii had a range of 3.8-5.3 mm and C. misandroides 3.9- 5.2 mm. Perigynium width was eventually used to arbitrarily separate C. franklinii from C. petricosa. The clear disjunction in perigynium width claimed by Raymond (1952) and others does not exist. A histogram of perigynium width (Figure 1) for the 302 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Figure 2. Histograms of the aaa of flowers, on each specimen, with two stigmas. A. Western North Ameri western North American taxa shows a somewhat bimodal dis- tribution with peaks at about 1.3 mm and 1.7 mm but there is no discontinuity. Carex misandroides has a perigynium width matching that of C. petricosa rather than that of C. franklinii. 5S. STIGMA NUMBER. This character was emphasized by Fer- nald (1915) and Mackenzie (1935) in their descriptions of C. misandroides. Both acknowledged that there was some variation in the stigma number, but no data were presented to indicate the extent of the variation. In this study it was found that the eastern populations have a preponderance of flowers with two stigmas, while the western populations have a preponderance of flowers with three stigmas (Figure 2). Approximately 10% of the western specimens examined either had a preponderance of flowers with 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 303 20° | ne js 15 + | eu | Z| 5 10 ‘e) B | a oe. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0 TN Figure 2. Continued. B. Eastern North America. two stigmas or had flowers with two and three stigmas about equal in frequency. In the east about 20% of plants had a pre- ponderance of flowers with three stigmas or had flowers with two and three stigmas about equal in number. No western specimens were entirely distigmatic and no eastern specimens were entirely tristigmatic. The Asian species, C. macrogyna, was similar to the western North American taxa in this character. Multivariate Analyses PCA showed a more or less normal distribution of specimens in the space defined by the first three components, with no ten- dency to form clusters (Figure 3). The first component accounted for 23.7% of the variance in the data set, with a large number of 304 [Vol. 96 Rhodora 3 m 2 m m m i, Pp a f i ae mp ™ Pp p Pomp ~ny ¥ p 0 . sfP p 'S) y yy a Ao y 28 <4 sa pp ¥ i Pp J y y ; Py fp 9 y y a P p <3 p ai | | | aay! =| 0 l p) 3 PC | Figure 3. Bivariate plot of OTU’s of the Carex petricosa group on principal components | and 2. Letters identify taxa according to Table size variables having high loadings. Most specimens of C. frank- linii had a positive score on this axis, while C. macrogyna, C. misandroides and C. petricosa had individuals with both high positive and high negative scores. The second component ac- counted for 10.6% of the variance in the data set, with staminate spike number, stigma number, perigynium beak length and pis- tillate spike number having high loadings. Carex misandroides (together with C. mistassinica) had positive scores on this axis, but they were mixed with individuals from the other main taxa. The third component showed no useful groupings. The specimen determined as C. stenocarpa was placed well within the main cluster, and was neither marginal nor disjunct from the other taxa. 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 305 DFA gave only a slightly better grouping of specimens than the PCA (Figure 4). Carex misandroides formed a reasonably discrete group on the first DF, with only 4 of 24 specimens being mis- classified (Table 2). The two specimens labelled as C. mistassinica were classified in this group, as might be expected. Stigma number was the most important discriminating variable, with bract sheath length as a secondary character. The second DF weakly separated C. franklinii, C. macrogyna and C. petricosa. With C. petricosa only 16 of 29 specimens were correctly classified, the remaining 13 specimens being evenly distributed among the other three taxa. Carex franklinii had 19 of 27 specimens correctly classified, and C. macrogyna had 10 of 15 correctly classified. The type of C. magnursina was Classified with C. misandroides, but was close to the boundary with C. petricosa. A specimen from Nome, Alaska, determined by Raymond as C. stenocarpa was classified as C. franklinii, although it was close to the boundary with C. petricosa. The specimens of C. /epageana were also classified as C. franklinii. DISCUSSION The complete failure of the multivariate analyses to satisfac- torily differentiate the taxa included in this study 1s strong evi- dence to support the view that there is only one species in this group. The exclusion of perigynium width from the DFA might account for some of the problems with group separation in that analysis, but it is clear from Figure | that there is no clear dis- junction in this character as suggested by previous authors. Carex lepageana, C. magnursina and C. distichiflora fall well within the range of variation exhibited by the group as a whole. Likewise the specimen determined as C. stenocarpa appears to be a part of this group. Although no reliably determined Asian specimens of C. stenocarpa were examined, this species 1s described as having the larger leaves 4-6 mm wide {Kreczetowicz, 1935), while the Alaskan specimens have leaves not exceeding 3 mm wide, the same range as the C. petricosa group. The status of C. macrogyna is still unclear. The analyses support Hultén’s (1968) view that C. macrogyna should be treated as a synonym of C. petricosa, especially given the broader circumscription of C. petricosa pro- posed above. However, most of the specimens included in the analyses came from the subarctic regions of Russia, while C. macrogyna was described from the mountainous area bordering 306 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 2. Classification of specimens in the Carex petricosa group based on Rows are the groups to which specimens were assigned: columns are the classification according to the DFA. P M F Y Total C. petricosa 14 3 7 5 29 Pr C. misandroides 1 20 2 1 24 C. franklinii 1 1 19 5 26 F C. macrogyna 2 l 0 11 14 Y C. lepageana 0 0 2 0 2 L C. mistassinica 0 3 0 0) 3 I C. magnursina 0) 1 0 0 1 G C. stenocarpa 1 0 0 0) | S C. distichiflora 1 0 0 0 | D Total 20 29 30 22 101 Mongolia. Without a more extensive study of the group in Asia it seems prudent to not include C. macrogyna as a synonym of C. petricosa at this time. It does seem clear that the Asian subarctic populations are not distinct from C. petricosa, and these should be included in that species. The final question concerns the status of C. misandroides. This taxon is disjunct from all the others by several thousand kilo- meters. Between 80% and 90% of specimens can be correctly classified using stigma number alone, without knowledge of the origin of the specimen. No other characters can be used to dis- tinguish C. misandroides from the western taxa. Bract sheath length, which had a high value on the first DF together with stigma number, is much too variable. Carex misandroides has the highest mean value for this character, but the range, 3-38 mm, completely includes all the western taxa. Stem height shows some slight dif- ference, with C. misandroides tending to be shorter than other taxa. Most plants of C. misandroides have stems in the range 20- 35 cm high, with the extremes in the range 10-55 cm. In the western taxa the normal stem height is in the range 20-SO cm, 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 307 3 = _ — L EF F LF 2 7 Fp P FM | FF Ff F M 1 pos M poar’ om Pp Y SF 0. > PP P P Gt M MM | Ss) F oY 5 : I M ra | - ae Pp pa nf - —] _ pP M M M M Y FY Y ” | Yy P 2.4 Y I | vy Pp 3 Y —4 —4 a2 0 2 4 6 DF(1) Figure 4. Bivariate plot of OTU’s of the Carex petricosa group on discriminate functions | and 2. Letters identify taxa according to Table 2. with an extreme range of 10-80 cm. The lack of any consistent morphological difference between C. misandroides and the other taxa in the group precludes the recognition of this as a distinct species. On the other hand the geographical isolation combined with a morphological feature which reliably classifies over 80% of individuals suggests that recognition at infraspecific rank 1s justified. The distribution of Carex petricosa in North America is given in Figure 5. TAXONOMIC SUMMARY 1. Carex petricosa Dewey, Amer. J. Arts Sci 29: 246. 1836. Sum- mits of Rocky mountains (probably west of Jasper, Alberta). 308 Rhodora [Vol. 96 tes ° ¥ . °°, : ie) “es | % ° ad ° g e %° of e Pa % e ‘ Sol | EA e * , a a 4 er e $ t ° « A Figure 5. Distribution of Carex petricosa in North America. Circles = var. petricosa, triangles = var. misandroides. Solid symbols indicate specimens ex- amined in this study; open symbols indicate literature records. Drummond 283 (HoLotyPe: Herb. Dewey, GH, photo CAN!, MT!, ISOTYPE: K, photo CAN!). a. varlety petricosa Carex franklinii Boott in Hooker, Fl. bor.-am. 2: 217. 1839. Rocky mountains (near Jasper, Alberta). Drummond 293 (HOLOTYPE: K, photo CAN!, MT!). Carex distichflora Boivin, Naturaliste Canad. 75: 206. 1948. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Canol road, Mackenzie range, Sek- wi river, mile 174E, pump station 5, 6 Sept. 1944. Porsild and Breitung 11848 (HOLOTYPE: DAO!). Carex mangursina Raymond, Canad. Field-Naturalist 66: 100. 1952. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Great Bear Lake, Harrison river, McTavish arm. 30 July 1948. Steere et al. 3228 (HOLOTYPE: MT!). Carex lepageana Raymond, Canad. Field-Naturalist 66: 101. 1952. ALASKA: Anvil Hill, Nome. 15 August 1948. Lepage 24031 (HOLOTYPE: MT!). 1994] Ball and Zoladz— Carex petricosa 309 Carex stenocarpa sensu Raymond, Canad. Field-Naturalist 66: 100. 1952. non Turcz. ex Besser. b. variety misandroides (Fernald) Boivin, Phytologia 43(1): 83. 1979 Carex misandroides Fernald, Rhodora 17: 158. 1915. NEw- FOUNDLAND: Table Mountain, Port 4 Port Bay. Fernald and St. John 10801 (HOLOTYPE: GH, photo cAn!). Carex franklinii var. misandroides (Fernald) Raymond, Canad. Field-Natu- ralist 66: 102. 1952. Boivin first used this combination in 1967, but did not validly publish it until 1979 in Flora of the Prairie Provinces 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the curators of ALA, CAN, DAO, and mT for the loan of specimens and for answering queries. Particular thanks to Paul Catling for tracing the place of publication of var. misandroides. This work was supported by National Research Council of Canada Grant A6494. LITERATURE CITED Borvin, B. 1948. eee a ae Canadiennes. II Etudes caricologique. Naturaliste Canad. 75: 208. 1967. Srrs ee plantes du Canada. VI—Monopsides (2 éme partie). Naturaliste Canad. 94: 471-528. Boortt, F. 1839. Carex. Jn W. J. Hooker, Flora boreali-americana 2(11). Treuttel and Wiirtz, London FERNALD, M. L. 1915. a new Carex from Newfoundland. Rhodora 17: 158- 159. HouLmaren, P. K., N. H. HOLMGREN AND L. C. BARNETT. 1990. Index Herba- riorum. Part I: The Herbaria of the World, 8th ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY HUuLtTEN, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and Neighbouring Territories. Stanford Uni- versity Press, Stanford, CA. KreczeTowicz, V. I. 1935. Carex. Jn Flora URSS 3, V. L. Komarov, Ed. Len- ingrad. UKENTH 909. Cyperaceae-Caricoideae. In; A. Engler, Ed., Das Pflan- ares 4(20). nee Mackenzig, K. K. 1935. Cyperaceae-Cariceae. Jn North American Flora 18(5— 6). New Vork a Garden, New York, NY. 310 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Packer, J. G. 1983. Jn: E. H. Moss, Ed. Flora of Alberta, 2nd ed. University of Toronto, Toronto. PorsiLp, A. E. AND W. J. Copy. 1980. Vascular Plants of the continental North- west Territories. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. RaymMonpb, M. 1952. The identity of Carex misandroides Fern. with notes on the North American Frigidae. Canad. Field-Naturalist 66: 95-103. ScoGGAN, H. J. 1978. The Flora of Canada. 2. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. WELSH, S. L. 1974. Anderson’s Flora of Alaska. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. WILKINSON, L. 1990. SYSTAT: The System for Statistics. Evanston, IL. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY ERINDALE CAMPUS, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, L5L 1C6, CANADA RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 888, pp. 311-326, 1994 POLLEN AND PUBESCENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF OXALIS GRANDIS SMALL DARRELL Moore, DALLAS MULLINS AND FOSTER LEVY ABSTRACT Pubescence in Oxalis grandis Small wa lyzed as a constellation of characters describing the numbers, types, orientations, and lengths of hairs on different regions of the plants. Pubescence is a complex character whose components vary inde- pendently with no obvious geographical or ecological correlates. Hirsute plants occur sporadically throughout the range of the species, but extreme expression of the entire suite of pubescence characters is restricted to one population. A cor- relation analysis indicates that pubescence in Oxalis grandis is most likely under complex genetic control and is therefore valuable as a taxonomic character. An analysis of pollen size utilizing plants from two populations representing extremes in pubescence shows significant differences between flower morphs. For corre- These studies have demonstrated high levels of intraspecific polymorphism within Oxalis grandis. Key Words: character analysis, heterostyly, Oxalis, pollen, pubescence INTRODUCTION The genus Oxalis comprises species with heterostylous and homostylous flowers. Oxalis grandis Small, a resident of the southern Appalachian Mountains and Ohio River Valley, is tn- stylous with marked size differences among the style lengths of its three flower morphs (Eiten, 1963). Each style morph has two whorls of functional stamens. Members of the species possess characteristics of subsection Strictae, section Corniculatae: a creeping rootstock, spreading pedicels and septate trichomes. Ox- alis grandis is further distinguished by relatively large leaflets bordered by a purple margin (Wiegand, 1925). All individuals from a population inhabiting lower and middle slopes of bluffs along the Watauga River in Sullivan and Washington Counties of northeastern Tennessee are extremely hirsute on all parts of the plant and thus are distinguished easily from those of more typical populations (Levy and Moore, 1993). These morpholog- ical differences persist when plants are transplanted to a common greenhouse environment and in a growth chamber when new ramets are propagated from root cuttings (F. Levy and D. Moore, unpublished data). The extreme intraspecific variation encompassed by the Wa- ple ae Rhodora [Vol. 96 tauga River population in comparison to more typical populations provided an opportunity for an in-depth examination of the pu- bescence phenotype. Our objective was to provide a full descrip- tion of the morphological differences related to pubescence and to conduct a herbarium search for Oxalis grandis specimens with extreme amounts of pubescence. We then performed a character correlation analysis to assess whether pubescence is under simple or complex genetic control. Specific goals of the study were to determine whether (i) the extremely pubescent phenotype is unique to the Watauga River population, (ii) there are geographic or ecological correlates associated with pubescence, (ili) expression of components of pubescence vary independently. Consequently, we have dissected pubescence into several qualitative and quan- titative components and examined the expression of each in in- dividual plants. In the most recent treatment of subsection Corniculatae, Eiten (1963) considered qualitative components of epidermal vestiture. Eiten’s implicit assumption was that each component represented an independent character. If pubescence is a simple character with a simple genetic basis, or if it is environmentally determined, then it has minimal taxonomic value (Rollins, 1958). On the other hand, if pubescence represents the expression of several indepen- dent characters then it merits more attention in assessing degrees of differentiation. In this study, we use correlation analysis to assess the complexity of the pubescence phenotype and as a test of Eiten’s assumption of independence. A second objective of the study is an analysis of pollen sizes of the three flower morphs of O. grandis to determine whether pollen diameter differs among flower morphs and whether pollen size differs between populations. For this analysis we compared pollen from two populations, the Watauga River population and a population in a more typical habitat for the species (mesic forest at Iron Mountain Gap, Unicoi County, TN). SECTION I—PUBESCENCE METHODS Pubescence was measured on ten plants from each of two study populations. Of these ten plants, four and three were fresh and the remainder recently collected and dried, from the Iron Moun- 1994] Moore et al.—Oxalis grandis 313 tain Gap and Watauga River populations, respectively. Plants were carefully chosen to encompass the range of mature plant size, habitat and geographical location within each population. Only mature, flowering or fruiting specimens were included. The numbers of nonseptate hairs (no septate hairs occur on leaflets) were counted within 5 x 5 mm squares on the abaxial and adaxial leaflet surfaces. These grids were displaced a minimum of 2 mm from the midvein of one leaflet on each plant. For a subset of plants, hairs were counted on three different leaves, but prelim- inary analysis showed little variation and so, for the remainder, only one grid was counted per plant. Nonseptate and septate hairs also were counted on the circumference of one centimeter lengths of (i) the middle of a petiole, (ii) a section of the stem from the upper one-third of the plant (upper stem), and (iii) a section of the stem from the lower third of the plant (lower stem). Also measured were the maximal lengths of leaflet hairs (all nonseptate) and the septate and nonseptate hairs on stems. All counts and measurements were conducted at 40x under a dissecting micro- scope. The analysis identified a suite of eleven pubescence characters by which the two populations may be differentiated (Table 3). We measured the same set of characters in a survey of herbarium specimens to determine (i) whether the extremely pubescent phe- notype of the Watauga River population was unique or if a con- tinuum of variation existed within the species, and (i1) whether individual characters related to pubescence vary independently. For the detailed analysis, we chose only herbarium specimens possessing some hairs on their leaves, that is, specimens showing at least a slight tendency toward a hirsute phenotype. The screen for pubescent phenotypes included specimens from the following five herbaria: UNC (51 sheets), TENN (31 sheets), vpr (25 sheets), wv (57 sheets), and the collection at EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY (10 sheets). DATA ANALYSIS. For each of the five regions for which hairs were counted (abaxial and adaxial leaf blades, petioles, upper and lower stems), separate Kruskal-Wallis tests were conducted to compare the number of hairs between populations. This non- parametric test was chosen because of heteroscedasticity of var- iances among populations. Separate analyses were carried out for septate and nonseptate hairs. G tests were used to compare pro- portions of septate and nonseptate hairs. These tests were con- 314 Rhodora [Vol. 96 ducted first within populations to determine whether proportions varied in different regions of plants and then corresponding regions of plants were compared among populations. Associations between pairs of pubescence characters were es- timated by Pearson Correlation Coefficients (CORR procedure, SAS Institute, 1982). These correlations were computed between all possible pairs of characters within: (i) the sample of 10 plants from the Iron Mountain Gap population, (ii) the sample of 10 plants from the Watauga River population and, (iii) the sample of 14 herbarium specimens exhibiting hairs on the leaves. Eight characters were included for the Iron Mountain Gap and Watauga River samples (there was no variation for any of the three hair- length characters within either population), and eleven characters in the herbarium sample (Table 3). RESULTS The Iron Mountain Gap population exhibited the complete absence of hairs on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces, except for sparse nonseptate hairs along the midvein and leaflet margins. This contrasted strongly with the abundant nonseptate hairs on both leaf surfaces ofall plants from the Watauga River population (Table 1). Although the midvein of leaflets from both populations had nonseptate hairs, those of the Watauga River population were longer (1.0-1.5 vs 0.7 mm) and were patent in contrast to the appressed hairs of the Iron Mountain Gap population. Both sep- tate and nonseptate hairs occurred throughout the vegetative axis (stems and petioles) of plants from both populations, but the mean number of hairs was significantly greater in the Watauga River population for each hair type in each region of the plant (Table 1). Furthermore, the ranges of variation in the number of non- septate hairs on petioles, as well as on upper and lower stems, did not overlap between the two populations (Table 1). The ratio of septate : nonseptate hairs increased significantly on the lower stems within both populations, but did not differ be- tween upper stems and petioles (Table 2). Comparisons between populations showed that the relative contribution of septate hairs on petioles was similar, but for upper and lower stems, it was significantly higher in the Iron Mountain Gap population (Ta- bie 2), The unusual Watauga River population can be characterized Table 1. Pubescence characteristics of two populations of Oxalis grandis. Entries represent the mean, standard deviation (SD) and range for numbers of septate and non-septate hairs in different regions of plants. The Kruskal-Wallis statistics and their associated probabilities (* <0.05, *** <0.001) are given for comparisons among populations. [r66l Stem Upper Lower Petiole Leaflet Non-septate Septate Non-septate Septate Non-septate Septate Abaxial Adaxial Iron Mountain Gap Mean (SD) 53.3 (17.6) 25.4 (9.9) 22.2 (18.6) 69.1 (32.8) 45.7 (14.0) 15.0 (7.3) 0 0 Range 29-89 9-44 8-57 39-149 0-78 8-30 0 0 Watauga River Mean (SD) 375.0 (143.7) 67.8 (65.0) 250.2 (191.8) 203.3 (122.7) 209.1 (87.0) 39.9 (24.4) 79.9 (26.5) 131.3 (60.9) Range 190-585 235 123-780 46-470 —410 11-73 30-119 49-225 Kruskal-Wallis 14,3*** 5.0* }4.3*** 8.3*** 14.3*** 6.2" SIPUDAS S1]DXCQ —"[e 19 d1OO|W Cle 316 Rhodora [Vol. 96 by a suite of traits that includes; abundant, long, patent, nonsep- tate hairs on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces; and abundant. long, patent septate and nonseptate hairs on the stems. Thus, these plants have an easily observed dense covering of relatively long hairs throughout the plant; a hand lens is not necessary to distinguish this phenotype. CHARACTER CORRELATIONS. In the Iron Mountain Gap population, four of the 28 possible correlations between pairs of characters were significant (Table 3). Several significant character correlations (seven of the possible 28) occurred in the Watauga River population (Table 3), and five of these were highly signif- icant. The correlation matrix for the sample of herbarium spec- imens consisted of eleven characters (three hair-length characters were included in addition to the eight hair type characters). Six of the 55 possible correlations were significant (Table 3). All six significant correlations were positive and concerned characters related to numbers of nonseptate hairs. Six of the ten possible nonseptate/nonseptate correlations were significant. There were no significant correlations involving septate/nonseptate pairs of characters or any combination of hair length characters. In sum- mary, there were significant correlations involving septate and nonseptate hairs within and between organs in the Watauga River sample, but in the herbarium sample, the only significant asso- ciations involved nonseptate hairs. SECTION II — POLLEN METHODS Oxalis grandis is morphologically tristylous, that is, “the stig- mas occur at a level different from the level of either of the two rings of anthers: either below both (short-styled), between them (midstyled), or above both (long-styled)”’ (Eiten, 1963). For most flowers, pollen was sampled from both anther whorls of each flower. Slides of pollen samples were prepared from fresh material in the field. A freshly dehisced anther was touched to a glass slide that was then stained with lactophenol aniline-blue dye. Because Oxalis grandis propagates clonally from rhizomes, sampled plants were separated by a minimum of 3 m. The samples from each population spanned the physical extent of each population and encompassed an area of approximately 5 km? and 20 km? in the 1994] Moore et al.—Oxalis grandis 317 Table 2. Relative contribution of septate hairs (expressed as percent septate) to pubescence on different parts of Oxalis grandis in two populations. The value of the G statistic is given for each population comparison, asterisks refer to probabilities associated with each value of G. M = Iron Mountain Gap, W = Watauga River, ns = non-significant, ** <0.01, *** >0.001. Population @ awenh M WwW populations) Petiole 24.7% 16.0% 2.4 ns Upper stem 32.3% 15.3% 10.4** Lower stem 75.7% 44.8% 30.2*** Upper vs. lower stem (within populations) 33.4*** 95.8*** Iron Mountain Gap and Watauga River populations, respectively. The diameters of ten pollen grains were measured from each anther using an ocular micrometer at 400. DATA ANALYSIS. For each style morph in each population, a separate one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare pollen diameters between the two anther whorls of a morph. None of these comparisons showed significant differences and therefore, anther samples from the two whorls of a flower morph were pooled for comparisons among style morphs within and between populations. Pollen diameters among style morphs within populations were compared by one-way ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) comparisons among means (SAS Institute, 1982). To compare pollen diameters between pop- ulations, each morph was treated separately ina one-way ANOVA followed by SNK comparisons among means. RESULTS Differences in pollen diameter between anther whorls were not significant for any of the three flower morphs within either pop- ulation, although sample sizes for some comparisons were low (Table 5). Nevertheless, there were significant differences in pollen diameter among flower morphs within each population. In both populations, pollen from the short-styled morph was significantly larger than pollen from the two other morphs (Table 6). For all three flower morphs, pollen from plants in the Watauga River population was larger than pollen from the corresponding morph 318 Rhodora [Vol. 96 able 3. Character correlations within (A) the Iron Mountain Gap population, (B) the Watauga River population, and (C) a sample of selected herbarium spec- imens of Oxalis grandis. For each significant correlation, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and its associated probability is shown. Character correlations that were significant in two of the sample groups are denoted by a common symbol. Shared Correlated Characters Coefficient P Correlations A. Iron Mountain Gap StUpNS:StUpS 0.68 0.03 - StUpNS:StLoNS 0.73 0.02 # StLoNS:StUpS 0.70 0.02 StLoS:PetS 0.68 0.03 + B. Watauga River AbLf:AdLf 0.81 0.004 fe) AbLf:StLoNS 0.65 0.04 StLoNS:PetNS 0.84 0.002 StLoNS:StLoS 0.82 0.004 StLoS:PetS 0.80 0.006 + StLoNS:StLoS 0.82 0.004 StUpNS:StUpS 0.63 0.05 = C. Selected Herbarium Sample AbLf:AdLf 0.55 0.04 fe) AdLf:PetNS 0.54 0.05 AdLf:StUpNS 0.84 0.0001 AdLf:StLoNS 0.82 0.0003 PetNS:StUpNS 0.72 0.004 StUpNS:StLoNS 0.58 0.03 # Key to Acronyms: number of ru adaxial leaflet surface, AdLf; number of hairs, abaxial leaflet surface, AbLf,; number of nonseptate hairs, petiole, PetNS: lower stem, StLoNS; number of septate hairs, lower stem, StLoS: nonseptate hair length, abaxial leaflet surface, LfHr; nonseptate hair length, stem and petiole, StHrNS; septate hair length, stem and petiole, StHrS. in the Iron Mountain population (Table 6) and these differences were highly significant for the mid- and me style aul (ANO- VA results: short-styled, F = 2.96; df = 1, 12; P = 0.11; mid- styled, F = 26.6; df = 1, 15; P=0. 0001: nae a F= 8. 5: dr. = 1, 31; P= 0.006). DISCUSSION PUBESCENCE. In a study of Oxalis section Corniculatae, Wiegand (1925) noted extreme intraspecific variation in pubes- 1994] Moore et al.— Oxalis grandis 319 Table 4. Characteristics of herbarium specimens? of Oxalis grandis that showed some leaf hairs. An ““X”’ indicates expression of the character was within the range of variation observed hn the Watauga River population. ““Total W” indicates the number of Watauga River-like characters of the eight characters analyzed on each plant. “‘ # Plants” refers to the number of test plants (max. = 14) that show the Watauga River-like pacity De for a cheraer C1 and C2 serve as controls since they were Watauga River site sp llected prior to the current study. Acronyms as in Table 3 Character Total o & & 2 op ml bar i= a 3 2 2 3 & 3 Plant < < ow 4) n = n an W Li x 1 ae xX ] Be x 1 4. x 1 >. x x 2 6. x x 2 Fe x xX 2 8. x x x x 4 9, x x x x x 5 10. xX x x x x 5 Ide xX x x Xx x 5 12; x xX x x xX x 6 13. x x x xX 4 x 6 14. x x x x x xX 6 Cl: x x x x x xX x x 8 CO. Xx x x xX x xX x 5.4 8 # Plants 11 6 7 7 7 ) 0 a ees to herbarium specimens: |. vIRGINIA, Scott Co., summer 1958, E. Elliott TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY); 2. VIRGINIA, Wythe Co., open woods, 28 1 une i910. FSH s.n. (vpt); 3. KENTUCKY, Rockcastle Co., road bank along Rock- castle River, 17 June 1961, H. E. Ahles 54501 with H. Smith (Unc); 4. KENTUCKY, Pulaski Co., mixed hemlock-hardwoods, Daniel Boone National Forest, 23 July 1970, E. M. Browne and E. T. Browne Jr. 70K15.19 (UNC); 5. TENNESSEE, Unicoi Co., Unaka Island, 8 June 1974, C. L. Shepard 168 (EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY); 6. WEST VIRGINIA, Hancock Co., Newmans Bridge, 21 June 1963, J. Bonar s.n. (WVA); 7. KENTUCKY, Menifee Co., Red River Gorge, rich moist woods, 28 May 1969, P. D. Higgins 1401 (UNC); 8. WEST VIRGINIA Raleigh Co., 25 May 1940, J. P. Tosh s.n. (WVA); 9. TENNESSEE, Pickett Co., north-facing bluff of Wolf River, 3 May 1984, G. L. Walker, E. E. C. Clebsch, Z. E. Murrell 017 (TENN); 10, KENTUCKY, Edmonson Co., mesophytic woods beside Bylew Ck., 7 June 1968, K. A. Nicely and H. W. Elmore 1718 (unc); 11. INDIANA, Floyd Co., shale knobs, 18 May 1963, A. C. Koelling 1065 (TENN); 12. TENNESSEE, Cocke Co., roadside near Douglas Lake, 3 May 1966, B. Allen s.n. (TENN); 13. ALABAMA, Colbert Co., rich north-facing slope over sandstone, 24 May 1974, R. D. Whetstone and T. 320 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 5. ANOVA comparisons of pollen diameters (microns) between anther whorls within style morphs of Oxalis grandis. n = number of anthers sampled. Morph Anther Whorl n Mean F tag Iron Mountain Gap Short mid 2 35.45 0.07 0.80 long 3 34.9] Mid short 6 29.85 0.22 0.65 long 6 30.53 Long short 12 32.90 1.70 0.21 mid 11 31.42 Watauga River Short mid | 41.60 NA — long 2 37.12 Mid short 2 39.81 5.20 0.11 long 3 35.54 Long short 4 34.14 2.01 0.19 mid 6 35.41 cence that he assumed arose from environmental and soil factors. The exception, O. europea Jord. (= O. stricta L.), had stem and pedicel pubescence that Wiegand attributed to the environment, but on the basis of geographical correlates, he postulated that hairiness on the abaxial leaf surface represented racial differen- tiation. In the most recent and thorough treatment of the section, Eiten (1963) contradicted Wiegand’s views and relied upon vari- ability in pubescence as a key diagnostic character in dividing section Corniculatae DC into subsections Corniculatae and Stric- tae Eiten. The diagnostic characteristics of the latter subsection were (1) the presence of septate hairs on stems, petioles and ped- icels, and (11) stems that arose singly from thin underground rhi- zomes (Eiten, 1963) In contrast to our observations, prior studies have concluded that leaf hairs in Oxalis grandis are rare. Wiegand’s (1925) de- scription of O. grandis included presence of sparing pubescence _ Atkinson 3198 (UNC); 14. TENNESSEE, Sinking Creek, moist woods, 11 June 1955, J. Pearman S.n. (EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY); Cl. TENNESSEE, Washington Co., shale; open woods, shale barren-like,l16 May 1990, K. Renzaglia s.n. (vpt); C2. TENNESSEE, Washington Co., Watauga Flats, 5 May 1978, 7. Bruce s.n. (EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY). 1994] Moore et al.—Ovxalis grandis 321 Table 6. ANOVA comparisons of pollen diameters (microns) among style morphs of Oxalis grandis with SNK comparisons of mean diameters. Means followed by the same superscript were not significantly different (P < 0.05). Iron Mountain Gap Source df MS F P Among morphs 2 74.69 9.83 Q.0003 Error 43 7.60 Morph Hn Mean Short ll 35.258 Long 12 32.19 Mid 23 30.19% Watauga River Source df MS F P Among morphs 2 19.85 4.44 0.03 Error 15 4.47 Morph n Mean Short 3 38.614 Mid 5 37.25% Long 10 34.91° on the stems, villous petioles and peduncles, and glabrous leaves except for a few hairs on the underside; he did not distinguish septate from nonseptate hairs. Similarly, in an exhaustive study of section Corniculatae, Lourteig (1979) concluded that pubes- cence is rarely found on the leaf blades in O. grandis. Both studies noted a specimen (Cincinnati, C. G. Lloyd, 1882) that was un- usually hairy on the stem with strigose abaxial leaf surfaces. Our results indicate that leaf blade pubescence occurs sporadically throughout the range of the species because nonseptate hairs were seen on abaxial leaf surfaces in 16 of 174 herbarium specimens examined. Our results suggest that in Oxalis grandis, four different types of pubescence characters contribute to the extremely hirsute phe- notype —an increase in the number of (1) septate and (2) nonsep- tate hairs, (3) elongation of both types of hairs throughout the vegetative axis and leaves, and (4) reorientation of hairs from appressed to patent. All except the last of these distinguishing characteristics are quantitative, and in only one of these (length of nonseptate hairs on the vegetative axis) is the extreme phe- 322 Rhodora [Vol. 96 notype (long hairs) restricted to the Watauga River population. For the remaining quantitative characters, intermediate and ex- treme phenotypes occur either as isolated characters, or in various combinations. Long, nonseptate hairs on stems occurred only in the Watauga River population (Table 4, StHrNS, specimens C1, C2). Consid- ering the sample of herbarium specimens, there were no corre- lations involving the other two hair-length characters (LfHr; StHrS). However, in individual specimens, these two characters occurred singly (Table 4, specimen #4), in combination with each other (Table 4, specimen #12), or in various, apparently random combinations with other characters. From the apparent indepen- dence of these characters, we conclude that the hair length com- ponent of the Watauga River phenotype is a complex character. In the screened herbarium sample, none of the character cor- relations involving septate hairs was significant. Nevertheless, the hirsute (Watauga River) phenotype was observed in eight speci- mens for number of septate hairs on petioles, six specimens for number of septate hairs on upper stems, and six specimens for number of septate hairs on lower stems (data not shown). In two specimens (Table 4, specimens #10, #13), septate hairs were ab- sent on the upper stem, indicative of an extreme Iron Mountain Gap phenotype, but the number of nonseptate hairs was clearly typical of the Watauga River phenotype. In other herbarium spec- imens, nonseptate hairs were sparse (Iron Mountain Gap phe- notype) but septate hairs were abundant (Watauga River phe- notype) in corresponding regions of the plants. Two lines of evidence suggest that an increased number of septate hairs is independent of other pubescence characters. First, there were no significant character correlations involving septate hairs in the herbarium sample. Second, hirsuteness for septate hairs occurred in combination with extreme variation (encompassing both phe- notypes) in the numbers of nonseptate hairs. In the herbarium sample, there were no obvious ecological or geographical correlates associated with the occurrence of pubes- cent plants. Because herbarium sheets rarely contain more than a few individual plants, it is not possible to know if pubescent plants represent unusual plants or if, like the Watauga River pop- ulation, the entire population is fixed for some increased degree of hairiness. Nevertheless, the observation that plants represent- ing both extremes of hairiness retained their characteristic phe- 1994] Moore et al.—Oxalis grandis 323 notypes after propagation in a common environment indicates a genetic basis (Levy and Moore, 1993). Although character correlations exist within the Iron Mountain Gap sample (Table 4), these plants showed little tendency toward the hirsute phenotype. Therefore, the meaning of these particular correlations is unclear. The Watauga River population provided the standard by which we defined the extreme hirsute phenotype with multiple positive associations among pubescence characters. However, the sample of selected herbarium specimens may pro- vide a key to understanding the complexity of pubescence in Oxalis grandis. These specimens were selected because each showed a tendency towards hairiness. Within this sample, all characters involving nonseptate hairs were positively correlated, suggesting simple genetic control may underlie the increased num- ber of nonseptate hairs. On the other hand, numbers of septate hairs appeared independent of all other characters, and therefore is probably under independent genetic control. Furthermore, nei- ther of the two hair-number characters were correlated with in- creased length of either type of hair. If one considers only qualitative differences between phenotypic extremes (e.g., patent versus appressed hairs; short versus long nonseptate hairs), then it could be concluded that pubescence is a simple character. For example, in Dithyrea (Rollins, 1958) and Linum (Rogers, 1968) hairiness is controlled by a single genetic locus. However, in Oxalis grandis we have provided several lines of evidence involving qualitative as well as quantitative pubes- cence attributes suggesting a more complex character. In the her- barium sample we found (i) only one significant character cor- relation in common with the Watauga River population, (11) no significant correlations between septate and nonseptate hairs and, (111) no individuals with long nonseptate hairs on stems or petioles (unlike their ubiquitous occurrence in Watauga River). The ap- parent complexity of the pubescence character in Oxalis grandis endows it with significant value as an indicator of taxonomic relationship but, the contrast between Dithyrea and Oxalis high- light the necessity of a detailed character analysis for each taxon under study. POLLEN SIZE. Citing data from his own crosses, as well as from Muller and Hildebrand, Darwin (1877) convincingly showed that illegitimate pollination of several heterostylous Oxalis spe- cies resulted in dramatically reduced seed production compared 324 Rhodora [Vol. 96 to legitimate pollinations. In O. regnellii, O. speciosa, and O. valdiviana, pollen diameter was correlated with the stamen whorl from which it was produced. The largest grains were produced in long stamens, whether these stamens occurred on short- or mid- styled flower morphs; the smallest pollen was found in short an- thers. Pollen in Oxalis grandis also is heteromorphic. In both populations of Oxalis grandis examined, short-styled morphs pro- duced the largest pollen (Table 5). However, pollen diameter in this tristylous species is largely a function of the style morph on which it was produced; pollen from different anther whorls within a style morph are similar in size. Several heterostylous species in Oxalis subsection Corniculatae have lost the self-incompatibility response and others show evi- dence of loss of intermorph morphological differences (Ornduff, 1972). The three closely related species that constitute Oxalis subsection Strictae (O. grandis, O. stricta, O. suksdorfii) are all moderately to strongly self-compatible (Ornduff, 1964, 1972). Moreover, pollen size in this section of the genus is not clearly related to the length of the anther whorl. For example, long anthers on short- and mid-styled morphs in O. suksdorfii produced the largest pollen, but there was no difference in pollen size between anther whorls in long-styled morphs. The size of pollen grains from corresponding anthers on different style morphs differed within long and mid anther whorls (Ornduff, 1964). Mid-styled flowers showed strong pollen size differences between anther whorls that was accompanied by physiological differences in the incom- patibility reaction (Ornduff, 1964). In some species of Oxalis, differences in pollen size have been noted between populations as well as among anther whorls. For example, pollen diameter differed among anther whorls from two style morphs within each of three populations of O. dillenii ssp. filipes, but the morph that lacked pollen size differentiation among anther whorl types was not the same in each population (Ornduff, 1972). Oxalis alpina (section Ionoxalis) consists of di- and tri- stylous populations. In the former, style morphs clearly differed in the size of pollen produced, but there were no size differences among anther whorls within style morphs (Weller, 1976). Pollen appeared trimorphic in tristylous populations, but the magnitude of differences between morphs was not as pronounced as in di- stylous populations (Weller, 1976). A detailed analysis of the trimorphic pollen of Oxalis pes-capre showed variation among 1994] Moore et al.—Oxalis grandis 325 populations when pollen from equivalent anthers was compared (Ornduff, 1987). In the present study, pollen size was remarkably different between the Watauga River and Iron Mountain Gap populations within each flower morph. Pollen from the Watauga River population always is larger and, for the mid- and long- styled morphs, these differences are highly significant. CONCLUSIONS Two lines of evidence suggest that, in Oxalis grandis, pubes- cence 1s genetically controlled. In prior studies, distinct pubes- cence phenotypes retained their respective suites of characteristics in a common environment. The current study uncovered the sporadic occurrence of plants with varying degrees of a pubescent phenotype, but these plants did not share obvious geographical or ecological factors. Furthermore, the correlation analysis has shown that components of pubescence vary independently in na- ture. While a determination of the genetic basis of pubescence is premature without a formal genetic analysis, the current findings suggest a genetic architecture more complex than a single locus. We postulate that the constellation of characters leading to an extremely pubescent phenotype may arise from either the com- bined actions of a minimum of three loci with major effects or it may result from several polygenic characters. The complexity of the phenotype tends to lend credence to Eiten’s emphasis on pubescence as a diagnostic character in Oxalis section Cornicu- atae. Copious, long patent hairs and relatively large pollen grains indicate the Watauga River population is an extreme variant of Oxalis grandis. This population also differs in other attributes from more typical representatives of the species. For example, there were distinct differences from the Iron Mountain phenotype with respect to the pattern of its circadian rhythm of leaflet sleep movements as well as its responses to light level fluctuations (Levy and Moore, 1993) which suggest some fundamental physiological diversity. Finally, the Watauga River population occupies an un- usual habitat—steep slopes underlain by easily eroded shale of the Sevier formation. The resultant substrate and habitat is rem- iniscent of the shale barrens of Virginia and West Virginia. These sites are known to support regionally rare species and some areas recently have been afforded protection. Future studies may show 326 Rhodora [Vol. 96 that the extremely pubescent phenotype is worthy of varietal sta- tus but, for the present, we have chosen to adopt a conservative approach and retain Oxalis grandis as a monotypic species but to recognize its morphological and physiological diversity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge support from the East Tennessee State University Research Development Committee. We grate- fully acknowledge the courtesy of the curators of TENN, UNC, VPI, and wva for allowing examination of specimens from their col- lections. LITERATURE CITED Darwin, C. 1877. The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species. John Murray, London Erren, G. 1963. Taconomy and regional variation of Oxalis section Corniculatae. I. Introduction, keys and synopsis of the species. Amer. Mid]. Naturl. 69: 57-309 Levy, F. AND D. Moore. 1993. Population variation of leaflet sleep movements in Oxalis grandis (Oxalidaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 80: 1482-1493. LourtTeic, A. 1979. Oxalidaceae extra-austroamericanae. Phytologia 42: 57- 198. OrRNDuFF, R. 1964. The breeding system of Oxalis suksdorfti. Amer. J. Bot. 51: 307-314. 1972. The breakdown of trimorphic incompatibility in Oxalis section Comncuaiae Evol. 26: 53-65 Reproductive systems and chromosomal races of Oxalis pes- caprae L. and their bearing on a noxious weed. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 74: Rocers, C. M. 1968. ae kak Aeclhiaa ee penne 70: 439-441. Rotuins, R.C. 1958. in Dithyrea (Cruciferae). are ake 60: 145-152. SAS Institute. 1982. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Research Triangle Park, NC. WELLER, S. G. 1976. Breeding system polymorphism in a heterostylous species. Evol. 30: 442-454. WIEGAND, K. M. 1925. Oxalis corniculata and its relatives in North America. Rhodora 27: 113-124, 133-139. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE 37614 RHODORA, Vol. 96, No. 888, pp. 327-353, 1994 FLORISTIC DIVERSITY OF A DISTURBED WESTERN OHIO FEN JAMES S. MCCORMAC AND GREGORY J. SCHNEIDER ABSTRACT During the 1990-1992 growing seasons vegetation was surveyed in a Logan County, Ohio fen. This 23 ha site we ee to De Toney disturbance o 1985. Thousands of cubic meters of peat and aa were enbied from the i and virtually the entire surface area was affected by dredging activities. Surveys of the fen prior to mining indicate that the site was occupied mostly by shrub communities domi- nated by Cornus spp., Rosa palustris, and other woody species. However, shrubs are infrequent at the present time. Post-disturbance surveys documented a total of 208 vascular plant taxa, including 22 species listed as rare in Ohio. Several species are present which are disjunct from areas in the state where they normally occur, or are not known elsewhere in western Ohio. Key Words: bog fen, disjuncts, peat mining, prairie fen, rare plants, substrate disturbance INTRODUCTION Fens are alkaline peatlands which survive as relict wetland communities scattered throughout glaciated Ohio. Prior to Eu- ropean settlement, peatlands were estimated to cover 74,000 ha in Ohio (Dachnowski, 1912). Recent work by Andreas and Knoop (1992) indicates that approximately 98% of the state’s peatlands have been destroyed. The primary cause of this loss has been conversion of land for agricultural purposes, accounting for 85% of the total loss of peatlands. Additional factors contributing to the disappearance of these wetlands are recreation (vacation cot- tages, camps, etc.), modification of hydrology, mining and other development. Other more insidious factors causing a decrease in diversity and an eventual elimination of typical fen associations are natural succession into woody plant communities and inva- sion by non-native plants. Alien species, in particular Rhamnus frangula L. (European Buckthorn), have detrimentally impacted many of Ohio’s fens. Left unchecked, this species can proliferate to the point of eliminating much of the native flora. Numerous rare plant taxa, and a few species of rare animals, are confined to or exist primarily in fens in Ohio. Many of the plants require the combination of marl (calcium carbonate pre- 2) 328 Rhodora [Vol. 96 cipitate derived from artesian spring waters) substrate, cool sub- surface soil temperatures, and saturated soil conditions. Most of the species which are exclusive to fens in Ohio occur 1n a wider variety of habitats elsewhere. In Ohio, many of these species are on the edge of their range, and therefore require the specialized combination of habitat parameters in fens to gain a competitive advantage over more generalized wetland species which are un- able to tolerate the harsh conditions within fens. Rare plants exclusive to fens in Ohio include: Carex flava L., Carex sterilis Willd., Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr., Eleocharis pauciflora (Lightf.) Link., Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fern., Triglochin maritimum L., Triglochin palustre L., Tofieldia glu- tinosa (Michx.) Pers., Zigadenus elegans Pursh var. glaucus (Nutt.) Preece, Cypripedium calceolus L. var. parviflorus (Salisb.) Fern., Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham., Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., Cacalia plantaginea (Raf.) Shinners, Solidago ohioensis Riddell, Utricularia cornuta Michx., Myrica pensylvanica Mirbel., Salix myricoides (Muhl.) J. Carey, and Valeriana edulis Nutt. var. ciliata (T. & G.) Cronq. (Anon., 1992). Uncommon animals often found in fens include Clemmys guttata Schneider (Spotted Turtle) and Sistrurus catenatus Rafinesque (Massasauga Rattlesnake). STUDY AREA The study site, known as McCracken Fen, is located in west- central Ohio near the city of Bellefontaine, county seat of Logan County (Figure 1). This region is characterized by low, rolling © hills formed by a series of kames and eskers deposited by the Wisconsin ice sheet. McCracken Fen is situated on a large terminal moraine which spans most of Logan County. Artesian springs which emanate from deep gravel deposits are frequenct in this area, as evidenced by names of local towns; Bellefontaine (French for beautiful fountain), Big Springs, and Springhills. The abun- dance of springs had led to the formation of numerous fens in the Champaign-Clark-Logan county region (Schneider, 1992), al- though many of these now have been destroyed (Andreas and Knoop, 1992). McCracken Fen is situtated in a bowl-like depression surround- ed by rather abruptly sloping gravel ridges on three sides. The south side is bordered by a small tract of Elm-Ash swamp forest which grades into agricultural fields. The fen was mined for peat 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 329 Pe eT aL oe ClevSland_| ce er Te ge Sg “pet | J - : a S a r 7 incinnati _t [ 2 Figure 1. Location of McCracken Fen, Logan County, Ohio. and marl products over a period of approximately five years, beginning in 1980. Many tons of substrate were removed from nearly all areas of the peatland. This dredging caused intensive disturbance to the surface of the wetland, and is still obvious in the form of ditches, furrows, open flats, and artificial deepwater pools (Figure 2). In 1985, the mining company apparently went bankrupt, and operations abruptly ceased. Heavy equipment such as draglines, cranes, tractors, and a small peat packaging plant were abandoned and are still present at the site. The hydrology of the fen is maintained by artesian springs entering the wetland from the east. Although mining activities altered the natural openings of these springs, they continue to flow 330 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Figure 2. Post-disturbance aerial photograph of McCracken Fen, Logan Coun- ty, Ohio. Taken June, 1990, by ODNR. ata rapid rate. Attempts to drain McCracken Fen via ditches and drainpipes were unsuccessful, as the volume of water entering the fen appears to have offset the amount which was drained off. METHODS Field surveys of McCracken Fen began in September of 1989. A chance visit to the site by McCormac resulted in the discovery of Scirpus smithii Gray (Smith’s Bulrush), which at that time was known from only one small, possibly extirpated, population in Ohio. During 1990, 1991 and 1992, eleven collecting trips were made to the fen, between April and October. Two hundred and eight species of vascular plants were collected and voucher spec- imens were deposited in the following herbaria: CLM, KE, MICH, Mu, and os (Holmgren et al., 1990). An effort was made to record frequency and abundance of all plant taxa, based on field obser- vations, and using codes supplied by Reznicek and Catling (1989). Detailed information regarding plants listed as rare in Ohio (Anon., 1992) is on file in the Ohio Natural Heritage database. Standard regional manuals were used for identification of spec- 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen ao imens, particularly Fernald (1950), Gleason and Cronquist (1991), and Voss (1972, 1985). Nomenclature follows Gleason and Cron- quist (1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Rare Plants. Of the 208 species of vascular plants collected in McCracken Fen, one is considered endangered in Ohio, seven are threatened, and fourteen are potentially threatened (Anon., 1992) Many of these species are rare in Ohio due to their specificity of habitat, and the majority are obligate fen species. As most of the state’s original fen communities have been destroyed or great- ly altered, many of the plants typically associated with this type of wetland have become rare and local. Rare species are placed into categories based on guidelines established by the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves (Anon., 1992). Species classified as endangered in Ohio are restricted in distribution to an area delineated by three or fewer U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic maps. Threatened species occur on between four and seven quadrangle maps or have fewer than ten total populations statewide. Potentially threatened species are believed to be de- clining in abundance in Ohio and have been placed in this “watch” category due to their dependence on fragile ecosystems which have become increasingly rare. The presence of species with “‘threatened” (T) and “endan- gered” (E) status in McCracken Fen is noteworthy, and these plants are discussed individually below: Betula pumila L. (T): This northern shrub is known from only six extant populations in Ohio, mostly in the northern part of the state. The nearest population to McCracken fen is at Cedar Bog in adjacent Champaign County, a well-studied site (Frederick, 1974) which is floristically similar to McCracken Fen. Carex bebbii (L.H. Bailey) Fern. (T): Another northern species known from ca. eight sites in northern Ohio, most of which are on the lake plain of Lake Erie. The McCracken Fen population is disjunct from the nearest Ohio site by 120 km, and is one of the most southerly populations in the midwest. Carex sartwellii Dewey. (T): This plant is known from about ten sites in Ohio, mostly in the western half of the state. Many years these populations remain largely sterile, thus rendering de- LEe Rhodora [Vol. 96 tection difficult. Field observations by the authors in recent years suggest that fire, and possibly other forms of disturbance, may induce flowering. Eleocharis flavescens (Poiret) Urban, var. olivacea (Torr.) Glea- son. (T): This species is very habitat specific in Ohio, as all eight extant populations occur in seasonally exposed, saturated peat, usually on the drying shores of lakes or ponds. With the exception of a site in Champaign County, the nearest population to Mc- Cracken Fen is ca. 130 km to the north. Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker Gawler. (T): This was one of the most exciting discoveries, as this orchid was reported only once before on the till plains of western Ohio, from a peat bog which straddled the Champaign-Logan county line and has since been destroyed. Only five small populations of Rose Pogonia are known to be extant in Ohio, primarily in the northeastern quarter of the state. Scirpus smithii A. Gray. (E): One of the rarest plants in Ohio, Smith’s Bulrush was known from only one site in Ohio, on the shore of Lake Erie in Ottawa County. The plant has not been seen at the Lake Erie site in recent years; therefore, the McCracken Fen population may be the only extant site in Ohio. It should be noted that we treat Scirpus smithii A. Gray and S. purshianus Fern. as distinct species; Ohio material of the former is easily separated from the latter. Gleason and Cronquist (1991) submerge these taxa under the name Scirpus smithii. Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. var. obtusata (T): Cur- rently known from only five sites in Ohio, most records of this easily overlooked and/or misidentified species are from the west- ern half of Ohio. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. (T): Eight populations are known in Ohio, from glacial lakes in northern Ohio, and saturated marly ground of a few fens in west central Ohio. Aliens. Non-native species accounted for 8% of the vascular flora of McCracken Fen, or 18 species. However only two of these, Rhamnus frangula and Solanum dulcamara L. have become es- tablished within the fen, although they are not yet common. The remaining alien species persist locally in the transition zone be- tween upland and fen, or are occasional on drier hummocks in the fen. Whereas non-native plants are well-known colonizers of disturbed ground (Muenscher, 1935), the low incidence of aliens in the flora of McCracken Fen, in spite in the recent heavy dis- 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 333 turbance, may be attributable to three factors. The substrate of fens are consistently low in temperature, low in oxygen avail- ability, and are nutrient deficient (Van der Valk, 1977). These factors create an environment suitable only for an assortment of plants which have adapted to these conditions, and may account for the relative lack of colonization by non-native species. Disjuncts. Many species in the flora of McCracken Fen are of a northern and/or coastal plain affinity. A number of these plants reach the southern limits of their range in Ohio in the extreme northern and northeastern sections of the state, and also occur sparingly as disjuncts in the fens and bogs of central Ohio. Ex- amples of this type of distribution which are found at McCracken Fen include Betula pumila, Carex bebbii, Eleocharis flavescens var. olivacea, Eriophorum viridicarinatum, Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl., Scirpus smithii, and Utricularia intermedia (Figure 3). PRE-DISTURBANCE PLANT COMMUNITIES Information regarding the condition of McCracken Fen prior to the mining operation 1s scarce; however the site was known to botanists and was visited several times. Pehaps the best docu- mentation of pre-disturbance conditions are aerial photographs of the fen taken by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) in 1978 (Figure 4). These pictures indicate that the fen was largely vegetated by woody shrubs such as Cornus spp. and Rosa palustris Marshall. An extensive stand of Scirpus acutus Muhl. is also evident. When the 1978 photograph (Figure 4) is compared with a photo taken in 1992 (Figure 2), the change in composition of vegetation caused by the mining operating is ev- ident. Botanists Allison W. Cusick and Guy L. Denny, both employees of ODNR, also visited McCracken Fen in the mid-1970’s, prior to mining. They state (pers. comm.) that the fen was practically impenetrable due to the dense shrub zones, and with the exception of Potentilla fruticosa L., no unusual or state-listed plants were observed. POST-DISTURBANCE PLANT COMMUNITIES Six distinct zones of vegetation exist in present-day McCracken Fen. With the exception of the open water habitat, and weedy 334 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Betula pumila Carex bebbu Figure 3. Ohio distribution of species which occur as disjuncts in western Ohio fens, including McCracken Fen, Logan County, Ohio peripheral zone, these vegetation zones resemble those which occur naturally in many other undisturbed Ohio fens. As these zones were artifically created as a side-effect of the peat-mining operations, they differ in some respects from naturally occurring abitats. Within several of the zones there are also recognizable microhabitats. 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 335 — ge — Figure 4. Pre-disturt ial photograph of McCracken Fen, Logan County, Ohio. Taken August, 1978, by ODNR. Open Water Areas. This habitat shows the most visible effect of the mining activities. Two large areas, each ca. 1.5 ha in size, were dredged to a much greater depth than other areas of the fen, leaving ponds which vary from 30 cm to 5 m in depth. Fed by artesian springs, these ponds have exceptionally clear water and support twelve species of aquatic plants, as well as a number of species dependent on the open, marshy ground bordering the ponds. It is interesting that the composition of flora inhabiting the open water areas is similar to that which is found in nearby glacial lakes. In addition to the two large ponds, a number of much smaller open water areas exist in the fen, usually in the form of deeply dredged ditches. Aquatic plants characteristic of the open water habitat include Brasenia schreberi J.F. Gmelin, Lemna minor L., Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostkov & Schmidt, Nuphar advena (Aiton) Aiton i; Nymphaea odorata Aiton, Potamogeton illinoensis Morong, P. pectinatus L., and Utricularia vulgaris L.. Species typical of sat- urated open soil bordering water areas include Alisma subcor- datum Raf., Carex comosa F. Boott., C. lurida Wahlenb., Eleo- charis palustris L., Eupatorium perfoliatum L., Leersia oryzoides 336 Rhodora [Vol. 96 (L.) Swartz, Mimulus ringens L., Sagittaria latifolia Willd., Scir- pus acutus, and Verbena hastata L. Mar! Flats. Open marl flats provide habitat for some of the rarest obligate fen plants in Ohio. Marl flats are invariably as- sociated with outflows of spring water containing calcium and magnesium salts. These water-borne minerals precipitate after reaching the surface and combine with peat to form a substratum of marl throughout the fen. Water flow through McCracken Fen has been altered to the point where naturally forming marl flats are not present. However, marly peat flats have been created by the peat excavating process. In several areas, small flats were created when the overlying peat layer was removed, exposing the underlying marl. These artificial marl flats are saturated to the surface by ground water, and are habitat for an unusual assortment of plants, including many rare or uncommon species. Plant taxa typical of the marl flats include Cyperus bipartitus Torr., C. flavescens L., Eleocharis tenuis (Willd). Schultes var. borealis (Svenson) Gleason, Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) Roemer & Schultes, Hypericum majus (A. Gray) Britton, Juncus articulatus L., J. brachycephalus (Englem.) Buchenau, J. canadensis J. Gay., J. nodosus L., Rhynchospora alba, R. capil- lacea Torr., Scleria verticillata Muhl., and Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich. Noteworthy is the almost complete dominance of two fam- ilies, the Cyperaceae and Juncaceae. The frequency of these two groups in soils that were heavily disturbed by mining activities suggests a strong capability to store seeds in a viable state for an extended period deep within the substratum. Another type of flat occurs within McCracken Fen and is quite different in composition of substrate and cause of origin, than the above described marl flats. Autumnally exposed flats occur along the margins of the open water areas, due to a slight (+15 cm) drop in water levels, which begin to recede in mid-summer. By September these areas are fully exposed. The substrate of these shoreline flats is composed of unconsolidated, saturated peat which is very unstable, and low in diversity of flora. However, two of the rarest species present in the fen, Eleocharis flavescens var. olivacea and Scirpus smithii, occur in this habitat. Other species commonly found in this zone are: Bidens cernua L., Cyperus odoratus L., and Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott. Potentilla Fruticosa Meadow. This is the largest plant com- munity in the fen, occupying ca. 5 or 6 ha. This habitat appears 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 337 to be nearly a monoculture of Potentilla when viewed from a distance, although it is easily the most diverse zone in McCracken Fen. Slight changes in moisture regime influence supporting veg- etation, as does the presence of Sphagnum. The driest areas of the meadow are relatively low in species diversity, while wetter areas support an impressive array of plants. Some of the dominant species in this community include Aster puniceus L., A. umbel- latus Miller, Campanula aparinoides Pursh, Cladium maris- coides, Eupatorium maculatum L., Galium tinctorium L., Lobelia kalmii L., Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin., Potentilla fru- ticosa, Scutellaria lateriflora L., Solidago ohioensis, S. patula Muhl., S. rugosa Miller, Thelypteris palustris Schott., and Tox- icodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze. ne small section in the wettest area of the Potentilla meadow contains a lush growth of Sphaghum sp., and harbors several vascular plants found nowhere else in McCracken Fen. These are Calopogon tuberosus (L.) BSP., Drosera rotundifolia L., Epilobi- um leptophyllum Raf., Eriophorum viridicarinatum, and Pogonia ophioglossoides. Graminoid Meadow. This is the rarest vegetation zone, oc- cupying only a small (<5%) area of the total fen. Two different types of meadow are present, one dominated by grass (Poaceae) and the other composed primarily of sedges (Cyperaceae). The grass dominated meadow is ca. 0.4 ha in size, and is a virtual monoculture of Ca/lamagrostis stricta (Timm.) Koeler. Species diversity in this meadow is quite low. The sedge meadows are quite small, averaging only a few square meters. These occur primarily within the Potentilla fruticosa meadow, as small, randomly scattered openings. The dominant species found in the sedge meadows include Aster borealis Prov., Carex flava, C. interior L. Bailey, C. leptalea Wahlenb., Epilobium coloratum Biehler, Scutellaria galericulata L., and Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason. Shrub Zone. In contrast to conditions in the fen prior to min- ing, shrub zones now cover a relatively small area. Two distinct areas of this habitat, covering ca. 3-4 ha, are present. One of the shrub zones is dominated primarily by Cornus amomum Miller and Rosa palustris. This area is one of the least diverse habitats in the fen, as the dense, virtually impenetrable thickets exclude most herbaceous growth. The other shrub zone is dominated by a variety of woody species and shade tolerant herbaceous plants. 338 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Dominant woody species include Betula pumila, Cornus amo- mum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall, [lex verticillata (L.) A. Gray, Populus deltoides Marshall, Rosa palustris, Salix discolor Muhl., S. sericea Marshall, and U/mus rubra Muhl. The under- story herbaceous stratum of this thicket 1s quite diverse. Some of the dominant species include Agrimonia parviflora Aiton, Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton, Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Swartz, Clema- tis virginiana L., Cuscuta gronovii Willd., Galium tinctorium, Glyceria striata (Lam.) A. Hitche., Jmpatiens capensis Meerb., Onoclea sensibilis L., Osmunda regalis L., and Solidago gigantea Aiton, Weedy Peripheral Zone. Few non-native plant species have attained a foothold within McCracken Fen, the two notable ex- ceptions being Rhamnus frangula and Solanum dulcamara. As most of the perimeter of this fen grades abruptly into dry, gravelly slopes, much of which has been disturbed by mining activities, there exists a narrow zone characterized by non-native species bordering the fen. Most of these alien plants do not penetrate far into the fen, and for the most part, do not occur in heavy con- centrations. Two species which have become locally abundant in wetter areas of this zone are Phalaris arundinacea L. and Typha angustifolia L. Some of the more common non-native plants occurring in the weedy peripheral zone include Achillea millefolium L., Brassica nigra L., Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Daucus carota L., Nepeta cataria L., and Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. FLORISTIC COMPARISON WITH OTHER OHIO FENS Stuckey and Denny (1981) analyzed the floristic affinities of Ohio’s fens. They concluded that two distinctive types of fens occurred in the state. They used the term prairie fen to describe fens in west-central and south-central Ohio. These fens have a distinctive floristic affinity with the wet, tall-grass prairies of the midwestern United States. The term bog fen was introduced to describe fens which occur in northeastern and extreme north- western Ohio. These fens share many species with Ohio’s kettle bogs. These species have northern affinities and are often abun- dant in the boreal fens of northern Michigan, northern Minnesota and Canada. Stuckey and Denny (1981) recognized that Cedar 1994] McCormac and Schneider— Ohio Fen 339 Bog, a fen in west-central Ohio, was unique to the state in that its flora included both the prairie and boreal elements. McCracken Fen, which is located 32 km north of Cedar Bog, was relatively unknown until recently and was not discussed by Stuckey and Denny. This fen has some of the boreal species which otherwise occur mostly in northern fens or at Cedar Bog. These species include Betula pumila, Eriophorum viridicarinatum, Rhyncho- spora alba and Pogonia ophioglossoides. Another interesting facet of McCracken Fen’s flora is the absence of many of the species of wet prairie affinity which are so characteristic of all of the other fens in this part of the state. Examples of species typical of Ohio prairie fens which do not occur at McCracken Fen include An- dropogon gerardii Vitman, Cacalia plantaginea (Raf.) Shinners, Coreopsis tripteris L., Liatris spicata (L.) Willd., and Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacq. CONCLUSIONS Although no thorough surveys were made of McCracken Fen prior to the mining operation, evidence strongly suggests that the study area was in an advanced state of succession. Pre-mining photographs and accounts of observers indicate that shrub zones blanketed most of the fen, greatly reducing diversity. Mining ac- tivities removed most of the shrub zones, as well as some of the substrate. During the mining process, soils in the fen were heavily disturbed by the heavy equipment used to excavate the peat. It would seem likely that the combination of eliminating most of the shrub zones, thus restoring open fen meadow/marl flat habitat, and stimulating the seedbank by disrupting the substrate, resulted in increased diversity. Many of the plant taxa now present in McCracken Fen are characteristic of fens in Ohio, yet it is unlikely that they colonized the site from outside sources, as there are no other fens in the immediate vicinity. The dramatic shift in veg- etation resulting from the mining operation suggests that fen soils are capable of storing large, viable seedbanks, and that restoration of fens in advanced successional states is possible. ANNOTATED LIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF MCCRACKEN FEN, LOGAN COUNTY, OHIO All species included on this list are represented by voucher specimens deposited in herbaria, as indicated following each spe- 340 Rhodora [Vol. 96 cies. Nomenclature and phylogenetic order follow Gleason and Cronquist (1991). Each species is assigned a frequency code, as follows: rare, occasional, or abundant; and local, scattered or widespread (Reznicek and Catling, 1989). Habitat(s) in which each species occurs is given, using the following abreviations: GM (Graminoid Meadows), MF (Marl Flats), OW (Open Water), PM (Potentilla fruticosa Meadow), SZ (Shrub Zones) and WP (Weedy Peripheral Zone). Finally, our collection numbers for all taxa are given. Superscripts preceding species’ names indicate: 1, non- native; 2, endangered; 3, threatened; and 4, potentially threatened. PTERIDOPHYTES EQUISETACEAE Equisetum fluviatile L.—Occasional and local in SZ (3675 os). OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis L.—Occasional and scattered in SZ (1692 os; 2724 MU). ASPLENIACEAE Thelypteris palustris Schott.—Abundant and widespread in PM, GM, and SZ (31/&/ os). Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray—Occasional and local in SZ (4065 MU). ONOCLEACEAE Onoclea sensibilis L.—Occasional and local in SZ (365/ os). DICOTYLEDONS NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar advena (Aiton) Aiton f.—Abundant and local in OW (2415 MU, OS). Nymphaea odorata Aiton—Abundant and local in OW (2620 CLM). CABOMBACEAE Brasenia schreberi J.F. Gmelin— Occasional and local in OW (2417 MU). 1994] McCormac and Schneider— Ohio Fen 341 RANUNCULACEAE Caltha palustris L.—Rare and local in SZ (4525 CLM, MU). Anemone virginiana L.—Rare and local in PM (3917 KE). Clematis virginiana L.—Occasional and local in SZ (2880 mu, OS). Ranunculus recurvatus Poiret— Rare and local in SZ (3650 os). R. abortivus L.—Rare and local in SZ (3649 os). BERBERIDACEAE Podophyllum peltatum L.—Rare and local in SZ (4527 Mv). PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis L.—Rare and local in SZ (39/5 os). ULMACEAE Ulmus rubra Muhl.—Occasional and local in SZ (3666 os). URTICACEAE Urtica dioica L. var. procera (Muhl.) Wedd.— Occasional and scattered in WP (3/73 os). Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Swartz— Occasional and scattered in OW, PM, and SZ (3179 mv). Pilea pumila (L.) A. Gray—Occasional and local in SZ (3/82 OS). BETULACEAE 3Betula pumila L.—Occasional and local in PM and SZ (2616 CLM, OS). PORTULACACEAE Claytonia virginica L.—Rare and local in SZ (4528 mv). POLYGONACEAE 'Rumex crispus L.—Rare and local in WP (367/ os). Polygonum lapathifolium L.—Occasional and scattered in OW, WP (3165 os, 3347 Os). P. pensylvanicum L.—Occasional and scattered in OW (3162 Os). 'P. hydropiper L.—Rare and local in OW (3190 os). 342 Rhodora [Vol. 96 P. punctatum Elliott—Occasional and scattered in OW (3050 OS). 'P. persicaria L.— Rare and scattered in OW and WP (3049 os). P. sagittatum L.—Occasional and scattered in SZ (3174 Mu). P. scandens L.—Rare and local in SZ (3049 os). CLUSIACEAE Hypericum punctatum Lam.—Rare and local in MF (2883 os; 3028 OS). H. multium L.—Occasional and local in MF (1694 KE; 2876 MICH; 3029 MICH). 4H. majus (A. Gray) Britton— Occasional and local in MF (2877 MICH; 3043 os). Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason— Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (/684 os). DROSERACEAE 4Drosera rotundifolia L.—Occasional and local in PM (26/1] OS). VIOLACEAE Viola sororia Willd. — Occasional and scattered in PM, SZ, and WP (4535 MU). V. macloskeyi F. Lloyd—Occasional and local in SZ (4526 KE, MU). SALICACEAE Populus grandidentata Michx.—Rare and local in SZ (26/4 os). P. deltoides Marshall— Occasional and scattered in SZ and WP (3643 os). Salix amygdaloides Andersson—Rare and local in WP (3645 Os). S. lucida Muhl.— Occasional and local in SZ (3674 MU). S. exigua Nutt.— Occasional and local in SZ and WP (26/7 mu; 3644 Os). S. sericea Marshall— Occasional and local in SZ (3655 os). S. discolor Muhl.— Occasional and local in SZ (3/9/ os; 3656 CLM). 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 343 BRASSICACEAE ‘Brassica nigra L.—Rare and local in WP (4785 Mv). Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser— Rare and local in MF (4769 mv). PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia quadriflora Sims.—Abundant and widespread in GM, MF, and PM (4766 Mv). L. thyrsiflora L.—Rare and local in SZ (2420 KE). GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes americanum Miller—Occasional and local in SZ (3661 os; 4529 MU). SAXIFRAGACEAE Penthorum sedoides L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (31/64 os). ROSACEAE Fragaria virginiana Duchesne—Rare and local in WP (4531 MU). Potentilla norvegica L.—Rare and local in WP (3654 os; 3916 KE). P. fruticosa L.— Abundant and local in PM (1672 mu; 1706 os). Geum canadense Jacq.— Rare and local in SZ (3038 os). G. laciniatum Murray—Occasional and scattered in PM, SZ, and WP (3037 MU). Rubus occidentalis L.—Occasional and scattered in SZ (4771 MU). Agrimonia parviflora Aiton—Occasional and scattered in PM and SZ (3176 Mv). Rosa palustris Marshall— Abundant and scattered in SZ (4783 MU). Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) K. Koch.—Rare and local in SZ (4534 os). LYTHRACEAE Lythrum alatum Pursh— Occasional and scattered in MF (3346 KE, OS 344 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Epilobium leptophyllum Raf.—Rare and local in PM (3039 mu; 3160 os). E. coloratum Biehler— Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (3/89 os). Oenothera biennis L.—Rare and local in MF and WP (2881 MU). CORNACEAE Cornus amomum Miller— Abundant and scattered in SZ (3032 OS; 3662 MU). Cornus sericea L.—Occasional and scattered in SZ (2418 Mu, Os). AQUIFOLIACEAE Tlex verticillata (L.) A. Gray — Occasional and local in SZ (1685 OS; 3163 KE; 3652 MU). RHAMNACEAE 'Rhamnus frangula L.—Occasional and scattered in PM and SZ (4061 MU). VITACEAE Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) A. Hitchc.—Rare and local in PM (4778 Mu, OS). Vitis riparia Michx.— Occasional and local in SZ (3665 os). ANACARDIACEAE Rhus glabra L.—Rare and local in WP (4765 Mv). Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze—Occasional and scattered in PM and SZ (1/703 os). OXALIDACEAE Oxalis stricta L.—Occasional and scattered in MF, PM, and WP (3033 MU). BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens capensis Meerb.—Abundant and scattered in OW and SZ (4066 Mu; 4780 MU). 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 345 APIACEAE Sanicula gregaria E. Bickn.—Rare and local in SZ (3668 os). ' Daucus carota L.—Occasional and scattered in WP (3025 os). Cicuta bulbifera L.—Occasional and local in OW (3/68 0s). GENTIANACEAE Gentiana andrewsii Griseb.— Occasional and local in PM and SZ (3175 Mu; 3331 MU). APOCYNACEAE Apocynum cannabinum L.—Occasional and scattered in PM and WP (3657 os). ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias incarnata L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, PM, and OW (3027 cLM). SOLANACEAE 1Solanum dulcamara L.— Occasional and scattered in OW, PM, and SZ (3653 os). CONVOLVULACEAE 1Convolvulus arvensis L.—Rare and local in WP (3647 os). CUSCUTACEAE Cuscuta gronovii Willd. — Occasional and scattered in OW, PM, and SZ (1695 MU, OS). BORAGINACEAE 1Cynoglossum officinale L.—Rare and local in WP (3659 OS). VERBENACEAE Verbena hastata L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, PM, and WP (2722 os; 3024 Os). LAMIACEAE Scutellaria lateriflora L.—Occasional and widespread in GM, OW, PM, SZ, and WP (3/85 mv). 346 Rhodora [Vol. 96 S. galericulata L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (2618 cLm; 2725 MU). S. nervosa Pursh—Occasional and local in OW and WP (4781 MU). Lycopus virginicus L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (3/70 mu). L. americanus Muhl.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (3/88 os). 'Nepeta cataria L.—Rare and local in WP (39/4 KE). Prunella vulgaris L.—Occasional and scattered in PM, SZ, and WP (3030 os). OLEACEAE Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall—Rare and local in SZ (4770 MU). SCROPHULARIACEAE Mimulus ringens L.—Occasional and scattered in OW and PM (2879 os). Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell—Occasional and scattered in M, MF, OW, and PM (1699 os). LENTIBULARIACEAE ‘Utricularia intermedia Hayne—Rare and local in OW (3334 KE). U. vulgaris L.—Abundant and local in OW (262/ cLM:; MU). U. gibba L.—Occasional and local in OW (3042 os). CAMPANULACEAE Campanula aparinoides Pursh— Abundant and scattered in GM and PM (2723 mu; 4776 Mv). Lobelia kalmii L.—Occasional and widespread in GM and PM (1700 os). L. siphilitica L.—Occasional and scattered in OW, PM, SZ, and WP (3186 MU). RUBIACEAE Galium trifidum L.—Occasional and local in PM (2885 os; 3034 MU). 1994] McCormac and Schneider— Ohio Fen 347 G. tinctorium L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, PM, and SZ (39/8 CLM). G. triflorum Michx.—Rare and local in SZ (392/ KE). G. aparine L.—Rare and local in SZ and WP (3648 os). CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum lentago L.—Rare and local in SZ (3664 os). Sambucus canadensis L.—Occasional and local in SZ (3810 MU). VALERIANACEAE Valerianella umbilicata (Sulliv.) A. Wood—Rare and local in OW and WP (26/3 os). ASTERACEAE Rudbeckia hirta L.—Occasional and local in WP (3040 mv). Bidens cernua L.—Occasional and scattered in MF, OW, PM, and WP (/690 mv). B. coronata (L.) Britton— Occasional and scattered in MF, OW, PM, and WP (1/675 mu; 1683 os). Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.—Rare and local in WP (3159 mu). ‘Achillea millefolium L.—Occasional and local in WP (4774 1): ‘Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.—Occasional and local in WP (4777 MU). Senecio aureus L.—Occasional and scattered in PM and WP (4530 MU). Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf.—Rare and local in WP (3333 Os) Solidago patula Muhl.— Occasional and scattered in PM (1707 MU). S. rugosa Miller—Occasional and scattered in PM and WP (1696 os). S. gigantea Aiton—Occasional and scattered in PM and WP (3046 Mu; 4069 KE). S. canadensis L.—Occasional and local in WP (4986 mv). 4S. ohioensis Riddel— Abundant and widespread in PM (1677 MU). 348 Rhodora [Vol. 96 S. riddellii Frank— Rare and local in PM (1702 CLM). Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt.— Occasional and local in WP (3158 Mv). Aster borealis Prov.—Rare and local in PM (1/705 os). A. puniceus L.—Abundant and widespread in GM, OW, PM, and WP (1674 os). A. praealtus Poiret— Occasional and scattered in PM (/68/ os). A. lateriflorus (L.) Britton—Occasional and scattered in GM, PM, and WP (/701 os). A. pilosus Willd.—Occasional and local in WP (/687 os). A. novae-angliae L.—Rare and local in WP (4985 mu). A. umbellatus Miller—Abundant and widespread in GM and PM (1704 os). Erigeron strigosus Muhl.—Rare and local in WP (3036 Os). Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.—Rare and local in WP (3167 MU). Eupatorium maculatum L.—Occasional and scattered in GM, OW, and PM (/682 mv). FE. perfoliatum L.—Occasional and scattered in OW and PM (3184 MU). Cirsium muticum Michx.—Occasional and widespread in PM (1697 os). 'C. vulgare (Savi) Tenore—Occasional and scattered in WP (3035 os). 'Taraxacum officinale Weber—Rare and scattered in PM and WP (4532 MU). 'Cichorium intybus L.— Occasional and local in WP (4784 Mv). MONOCOTYLEDONS ALISMATACEAE Alisma subcordatum Raf.—Occasional and scattered in OW (3023 CLM). Sagittaria latifolia Willd.—Occasional and scattered in OW (3026 MU). POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton pectinatus L.—Abundant and widespread in OW (4060 os). P. illinoensis Morong— Abundant and widespread in OW (2728 Os, CLM; 2886 OS, CLM; 3049 Os). 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 349 NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostkov & Schmidt—Abundant and widespread in OW (3992 MU). LEMNACEAE Lemna minor L.—Abundant and scattered in OW (3336 os). COMMELINACEAE 'Commelina communis L.—Rare and local in WP (3157 Mv). JUNCACEAE Juncus canadensis J. Gay — Occasional and scattered in MF and PM (1676 os; 3172 MU). J. brachycephalus (Engelm.) Buchenau— Occasional and scat- tered in MF (1679 os; 1686 MU). J. torreyi Cov.— Occasional and scattered in GM, MF, and PM (3057 CLM). J. nodosus L.—Occasional and local in MF (4782 Mv). J. articulatus L.—Occasional and scattered in MF (3056 CLM; 4988 Os). J. tenuis Willd. var. dudleyi (Wieg.) F.J. Herm.—Occasional and widespread in GM, MF, OW, PM, and WP (3192 mu; 3660 MU). CYPERACEAE 2Scirpus smithii A. Gray — Abundant and scattered in MF (91/671 os; 1698 MICH; 316] MU; 3345 KE). S. acutus Muhl.— Occasional and local in OW (3045 os; 4779 MU). S. validus Vahl.— Occasional and local in OW (3183 os). S. fluviatilis (Torr.) A. Gray—Rare and local in GM (4767 Mv). S. atrovirens Willd.—Occasional and scattered in OW (2727 MU; 3055 os). S. pendulus Muhl.—Rare and local in GM (4769 Mv). S. cyperinus (L.) Kunth.—Occasional and local in OW (3171 MU). 4Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fern.— Rare and local in PM (26/2 CLM, Os). Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes var. borealis (Svenson) Glea- 350 Rhodora [Vol. 96 son—Occasional and scattered in GM and MF (2623 cL”, os; 3058 os; 4070 micH). E. palustris L.—Occasional and scattered in OW (3332 Mv). 3F. flavescens (Poiret) Urban var. olivacea (Torr.) Gleason— Abundant and local in MF (3166 os; 3348 KE). Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) Roemer & Shultes— Abundant and scattered in MF (J688 os; 1693 Mu; 3044 CLM). *Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl.—Occasional and local in MF (2882 MU, OS). R. capillacea Torr.—Abundant and scattered in MF (/69/ Mv). *Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr.—Occasional and local in PM (2884 os). CG ee us strigosus L.—Occasional and scattered in OW (3051 LM). Cc. ee L.—Occasional and scattered in MF (4073 Mu). C. flavescens L.—Occasional and local in MF (4073 mv). C. bipartitus Torr.—Occasional and local in MF (1678 os). Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton— Occasional and local in 78 MU) *Scleria verticillata Muhl.— Occasional and scattered in MF and PM (3041 os). Carex leptalea Wahlenb.— Abundant and scattered in GM and PM (2419 cLM, os). 3C. sartwellii Dewey —Rare and local in PM (900] os). C. vulpinoidea Michx.—Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (2427 Mu, OS; 2622 Os). C. stipata Muhl.—Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (2425 MU). *C. diandra Schranck.—Rare and local in PM (3658 os). C. interior L. Bailey—Occasional and scattered in GM and PM (2430 MICH; 2431] os). °C. bebbii (L.H. Bailey) Fern.—Rare and local in PM (2627 MICH; 3672 OS). 4C. suberecta (Olney) Britton—Rare and scattered in GM and PM (2421 MICH, MU; 2628 MICH). ‘C. alata T. & G.—Rare and local in PM (2629 micu; 3673 os). C. tetanica Schk.—Occasional and scattered in GM and PM (2426 Os). C. granularis Muhl.— Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (2424 MU). *C. flava L.—Occasional and widespread in GM and PM (2423 CLM, MU, OS). 1994] McCormac and Schneider—Ohio Fen 351 C. crinita Lam.—Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (3350 mv). C. comosa F. Boott— Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (2625 Os; 3663 MU). C. lacustris Willd. — Occasional and scattered in OW (2429 os). 4C. utriculata F. Boott— Occasional and scattered in OW (2626 OS; 3667 MU). C. lurida Wahlenb.— Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (2428 Mu, OS; 3919 KE). POACEAE Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz— Occasional and scattered in OW and WP (31/78 os). Festuca subyerticillata (Pers.) E. Alexeev.—Rare and local on hummocks in SZ (3670 os). 3§phenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. var. obtusata—Rare and local in PM (3669 Mv). Phalaris arundinacea L.— Abundant and local in WP (2721 os; 4775 MU). 4Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler— Abundant and local in GM (3920 mv). Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) BSP. var. scabra (Willd.) Blomq.— Occasional and scattered in MF, PM, and WP (4072 os). 'Phleum pratense L.—Rare and local in PM (4772 Mv). Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin.—Occasional and scattered in PM (3177 os). M. glomerata (Willd.) Trin.—Occasional and scattered in PM (4068 MU). Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.—Occasional and scattered in WP (407] Mv). P. flexile (Gattinger) Scribn.— Occasional and scattered in MF, PM, and WP (3054 os). P. lanuginosum Elliott var. implicatum (Scribn.) Fern.—Oc- casional and scattered in PM and WP (3053 os). Echinochloa muricata (P. Beauv.) Fern.— Occasional and scat- tered in OW and WP (3187 mu; 4987 os). TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L.—Abundant and scattered in OW and WP (3059 MU). 'T. angustifolia L.—Occasional and scattered in WP (4773 Mu). 52 Rhodora [Vol. 96 IRIDACEAE Tris virginica L.—Occasional and scattered in OW and PM (2416 MU, OS). ORCHIDACEAE Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich.— Occasional and local in MF (3/67 CLM, OS). Habenaria lacera (Michx.) Lodd.—Rare and local in SZ (2720 Os). *Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker Gawler— Occasional and lo- cal in PM (2609 cL, os). *Calopogon tuberosus (L.) BSP.—Rare and local in PM (2719 OS). Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.—Rare and local in SZ (2610 cLM). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Allison W. Cusick, Guy L. Denny, and Mar- shal A. Moser for information regarding the condition of Mc- Cracken Fen prior to mining. Stanley J. Stine provided assistance with Sa/ix, and Anton A. Reznicek offered help with identification of the more confusing material, particularly in Carex. Two anon- ymous reviewers made numerous suggestions which greatly im- proved the manuscript. Finally, we are grateful to the Ohio Di- vision of Natural Areas and Preserves for supporting our research. LITERATURE CITED ANDREAS, B. K. AND J. D. KNoop. 1992. 100 years of changes in Ohio peatlands. Ohio J. Sci. 92(5): 130-138. ANON. 1992. Rare native Ohio plants. Ohio Dept. Natur. Res., Division of Natural Areas and Preserves. Columbus, OH. 20 DacuHnowskI, A. 1912. Peat deposits of Ohio: Their origin, formation and uses. Bull. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 4th Ser., Bull. 16, Div. Geol. Surv., Columbus, OH. 424 pp FERNALD, M. L. 1950. ae s manual of botany, 8th Ed. American Book Co., New York, NY. 1632 p FREDERICK, C. M. 1974. 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