ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BOTAN Y AND OTHER BRANCHES OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS. REFERENCES. 1 Linnean Garden. Midicinal Carden. Agricultural Garden. Herticultaral department. 5 Deab Canal Tree vaursery © Nursery for hill Plants, 7 Ariifictal Rock work for Plantes 8 Conservatery, 9 Masery for Frat Trees. f gamete Cites age Cuttings . oa w -_ SAHARUNPORE. J.F. Royle, Superintendent 1331 . qh Saag. 12. Bulbous Planis 13 Yoel House . 4 Bullock Shed . 15 habutra . ~ 16 Zanks . li Wells. e 18 Gardeners House . 19 Mill & Cut from Doab Canal. 20 Amal & Vegetable compest grounds. 21 Hinds: Temple. 22 Suttee menuments, 23 Samats. 100 i 1 4 Scale of Yards. . ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BOTAN Y AND e OTHER BRANCHES OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS, AND OF THE FLORA OF CASHMERE. VOL. IT1—PLATES. By J. FORBES ROYLE, M.D., V-P.RS., Seneca nea NOT LATE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF THE BENGAL ARMY 3 Fellow of the Linnean, the Geological, the Horticultural, and the Royal Asiatic Societies of London; of the Asiatic and Medical Societies of Calcutta; Member of the Imperial Society Nature Curiosorum, &c. &c.; late Superintendant of the Honourable E.I. Company’s Botanic Garden at Saharunpore; Proressor oF Materia Mepica anv Tuerapevtics, Krne’s CoLiecr. LONDON: Wm. H. ALLEN anp CO, LEADENHALL STREET é 1839. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF A HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN PLANTS, FIGURED. Plate. Fig. Plate. Abies Pindrow 86 1 Delphinium Cashmerianum 12 Aceras angustifolia 87 1 Dendrobium alpestre ... 88 Aconitum heterophyllum 13 — Deutzia corymbosa 46 Amphicome arguta 72 1 Dictamnus Himalayanus 29 Andromeda fastigiata ... ... ... 63 l Didymocarpus macrophylla 70 Andropogon Calamus Aromaticus 97 3 Dolomiza macrocephala 57 Anemone discolor 11 1 Echinops nivea 56 Aplotaxis gnaphaloides 59 1 Edwardsia mollis ... 32 Aquilaria Agallocha 36 1 Eleagnus parviflora 81 Arenaria festucoides 21 3 Epilobium laxum ... 43 Aster angustifolius ... 58 1 Eremostachys superba 74 Astragalus Grahamianus 36 2 Eriocaulon Sollyanum... 97 leucocephalus... ae 33 2 Eriocycla nuda... 51 Balanophora dioica . |78aor 99 2 Euphorbia Cashmeriana 82 Begonia echinata ... 80 1 — humilis ... — Bieberstenia odora 30 —_ nana Burmannia ccelestis 91 1 pentagona — Butomus lanceolatus ... 95 1 Eurya acuminata ... 24 Calimeris flexuosa i Sas 58 2 Evonymus echinata Hen 31 _ €ampanula Cashmeriana ... ... 62 ] Falconeria insignis . 84a. or 98 Caragana Gerardiana ... ... ... 34 1 Wallichii _ (Genista) versicolor... — 2 Fritillaria Thomsoniana 92 Cassia (Senna) lanceolata ... 37 — verticillata — Cedrela serrata 25 _ Gagea elegans 95 Cerasus cornuta ... 38 2 Galatillajuncea ... ... .. 58 Ceropegia Wallichii_ ... 66 3 Gaultheria nummularioides... 63 Chaptalia gossypina 59 2 tricophylla = Chirita bifolia 70 2 Gaylusacia vaccinacea 79 Cimicifuga frigida 14 — Gentiana contorta 68 Circeea cordata 43 ] coronata ... - Cissus capreolata ... 26 2 Kurroo ... ss: — WOME Ses ea ee _— ] Geranium Lindleyanum so web coat Codonopsis ovata... 69 3 Glossopteris danzoides (Fossil) ... 2 rotundifolia 62 2 Gossypium arboreum ... 23 Conocarpus latifolia... 45 1 herbaceum_... _— Corvisartia indica ..< sic ws sue 60 1 Grewia elastica ‘ 22 Corydalis Cashmeriana 16 1 Gymnandra Cashmeriana . . 73 Govaniana — 2 Herminium gramineum 87 Crocus sativus ... 0. es. sew 90 1 Holostemma Brunoniana 66 Cucumis Hardwickii 47 3 Hordeum /giceras 97 pseudo-Colocynthis — 2 Hymenolena Govaniana ... ... 52 pubescens ae — 1 Hypericum Japonicum... ... ... 24 Cyathidium taraxacifolium ... 56 2 Hypoxis minor ... ... 91 Cyananthus integra... ... «.- 69 2 Impatiens bicolor ... 28 MUNN sex say — 1 glandulifera _ Cyrtopera flava... 88 1 Iris longifolia... 91 Dalibarda calycina..... 39 2 Nepalensis 90 Daphne mucronata 81 2 Isopyrum grandiflorum I ey Ke KcvwnNnneunwnnnw ww | ~ wo | Www ee wow MK BEM ee ew wee we! ummm | me | ww | purpurea... Plate. Fig. Plate. Fig. Isopyrum microphyllum_ ... ..s 11 4. Primula rosea 0. see wee ee ee ote 76 1 Kohautia coccinea ee 53 1 Prinsepia utilis ... 0s. see ove woe oe 38 1 Lantana dubia 73 2 Pe COTS coe ie ede 2 cae ces 83 3 Leucostemma angustifolium s 21 2 peduncularis "... 1. ese see we — 2 latifolium _ 1 WOON ES sa cae ns be — ] Ligularia arnicoides 60 2 Putranjiva Roxburghii ea sae tee, GOMOFLOD, ow Lloydia Himalensis 93 2 Pycnoclycla glauca... Sie us 51 1 Kunawurensis — 3 RUIN RENED ocu on ken eee, wo ches 84 2 Lonicera bracteata... ... «.- 53 2 Ranunculus polypetalus ... ese see ae 11 2 Lychnis fimbriata 20 2 Rheum spiciforme.< ©... ose. ses cue 78 1 Lythrum Cashmerianum 44 1 Webbianum ... sve neve -|. Oe Oe _ Meconopsis aculeata 15 — Rhododendron anthopogon ... bee! eed 64 3 Morina Wallichiana_... 55 oe RUORORY So c.k., oS ese ee — 1 Mulgedium macrorhizum 61 1 Rosa sericea (tetrapetala) ... ... .2. eee 42 1 sagittatum ee mat 2 Webbiana_ ... ... ie — 2 Murdannia scapiflora ... 95 3 Roscoea Alpina ... ... ee ee 89 1 Myosotis moltkioides ... 73 1 Gee a" as a — 2 Myricaria bracteata 44 2 parpures Sa ae a ae ees - 3 Nardostachys Jatamansi_... 54 _— Salvia hiene... 10 Gs Cae ee 75 2 Odina Wodier_ . 31 2 Saxifrage ciliata... “ccc “sce ed ee 49 2 Olea ferruginea ... 65 1 imbricata oa as a ee os 1 Ophiopogon intermedius 96 1 ramulosa deigi vet. eet NOs. oe — 3 Orthanthera viminea Po 68 1 ee MpiNnlONs © ie Se. sec See aes 50 2 Omnorhisa Wag 3.5 a as 52 1 ey a i ERS tee alr ee _~ I Parnassia nubicola © 2.25 0 ee 50 3 Scabiosa speciosa... es ee, 55 2 Parochetus (communis) oxalidifolia ... 35 1 Sedum azureum ... ... «.. ie Sore 48 2 Pecopteris Lindleyana (Fossil) ... 2 4 coccineum.... ee — 3 Pedicularis versicolor ... 2 72 2 - linearifolium ... bles eee — 1 Peristylus Goodyeroides 87 2 Sibbaldia purpurea... Sk Sede ep 3 Philadelphus tomentosus 46 1 Mseversié elate 0. 6. see ee eee 1 Phlomis Cashmeriana... ... ... veo 1G 1 Silene Falconeriang ... 00: cos. sas. gee 20 1 Picrorhiza Kurrooa ... ... 7] 2 POGRE WIRCUININ 3.5. Gus cu He cue 94 I Pinus Gerardiana =... een ae 5 2 Niland.” ici css 23h es Re 2 Khutrow... 84. 1 Stntthin. ciliate”... ope eee: see ieee cee | BB 2 longifolia... 85 1 ONOTHA CUOTR: cus Mas eee see sae 45 2 Platystemma violoides 71 1 WGiin AETINVOUE << sin Sen sks ee 67. 2 Polygala crotalarioides 19 3 coerulem 6. ses vee oe = — 1 . Wie 3... oie 2 Syringa Emodi ... ... “ a 65 2 myrsinites “s se 1 Tauscheria desertorum «s,s ae 17 — trypains <2. a — 4 Thermopsis barbata ... ... e 32 1 Polygonum Brunonis . 80 3 Thibaudia variegata ... 0... see see aus 79 1 vaccinifolium ... ... — 2 Trillium Govanianum ... ... «.. ee 93 1 Populus ciliata ... ... 84a. or 98 1 Trizygia speciosa (Fossil) ... wee 2 8 Potentilla Cautleyana ... ; 40 1 Uraria lagopoides Wek tes he os 33 1 logiet is pee 41 3 Uvularia Leschenaultiana.... ... ... s 96 2 ——— microphylla ... aks on 2 Vertebraria Indica (Fossil)... 2. ... see 2 1, 2,3 ——— pteropoda... 0. 0. eee 40 2 radiata (Fossil) sic: use as as —_ 5, 6,7 Saundersiana ... 41 1 Viole Rasewurensig «sis. 06.5: ee 18 3 Primula elliptica ... ... ... 76 2 TOOUOPthIS ... 3s. be Oe Ce a — 2 obtusifolia * 77 1 ———— SETPEMS .., ee see cee wee ae ae 1 2 hist OF PLATES, Frontisriece.—View of the Himalaya Mountains, vicinity of Almorah. GEOLOGY. Section of the Himalayas from Sidowra to the Shatool Pass, Pl. 1, No. 1. Section of the Himalayas from Saharunpore to the sources of the Jumna and Tonse, Pl. 1, No. 2. Elevation of the sources of the Ganges. Section of the Coal Formation from Pachette to Chinnakooree, on the Damooda, Pl. 1, No. 3. Section of the Central Range of India from Shergatty to Roghonautpore, Pl. 1, No. 4. FOSSILS. From the Burdwan Coal Formation.—Plants.—PI. 2. Vertebraria indica, figs. 1, 2, 3. Pecopteris Lindleyana, fig. 4. Vertebraria radiata, figs. 5, 6, 7. Glossopteris danzoides, fig. 9. Tryzigia speciosa, fig. 8. Himalayan, from the N.E. of the line of Snowy Peaks, Pl. 3. Fig. 1. Skull of a fossil Antelope. 2. Lower Jaw of a fossil Deer. 3. Fossil Tooth of a Rhinoceros. From the elevated Valley of the Spiti, N.W. of Kunawur—Shells—PI. 3. Fig. 16. Astarte. 17. Arca v. Cucullea. 18. Undetermined. 19. Avicula, 20. Terebratula v. Atypa. 21. Another species. 22. Ammonites. 23. Delthyris ? 24. Ammonites. 25. Belemnites canaliculatus. 26. Belemnites canaliculatus. 27. Belemnites sulcatus, From the marle of the Sub-Himalayan, or Sewalik range on the S.W. or plainward base of the Himalayas.—P1.3. Fig. 4. Back view of a Fish’stooth 5. Front view ditto. 6. Bone of a fossil Fish. (Squalus ?). , 7. Saurian tooth, Crocodile, 8. Side view of ditto. 9. Saurian tooth, Crocodile, (mugger )half-inverted view. (mugger). 10. Saurian, apparently back = 11. Saurian, apparently back = 12. Tooth of Anthracotherium, cheek tooth, front. cheek tooth, side. 0-6 inch. 13. Tooth of Anthracotherium, 14, Tooth of ditto, broadend, 15. Tooth of ditto, 0-4 by 0°6 0°6 of an inch. 0:4 by 0°36 inch. inch. * FOSSILS.—continued. Pl. 6.—From the Sandstone of the Sewalik, or Sub-Himalayan Hills. Fig. 1a. Head of Sivatherium giganteum, one-sixth nat. size. b. Upper jaw. c. View of the occiput, with the core of one of the posterior horns, one- -eighth nat. size. d. View of the outside of the left lower jaw. (c. and d. by Col. Colvin). 2. Right half of upper jaw of a fossil Monkey, found by Lieuts. Durand and Baker, nat. dim. 3a.b. Plan and elevation of Rhinoceros Sivalensis (Cautley) one-fourth nat. size. 4a.b. Scull of Hippopotamus Sivalensis (Cautley) one-sixth nat. size. c¢. Molar tooth of another. 5a.b. Plan and elevation of fossil Ox, one-eighth nat. size. 6a.b Plan and elevation of var. fossil Ox, one-eighth nat. size. Ya. Incisor of a fossil Horse. 6. Crown of ditto. MAMMALIA. Lagomys Roylei (Ogilby), in plate named alpinus, Pl. 4. Cervus Dodur (Royle), Pl. 5, upper fig. Cervus Rutwa (Hodgs.), Pl. 5, tinal fig. BIRDS. Birds of Tropical Forms in N. India and the Himalayas during the rainy season, P77. Certhia Goalpariensis. | Eurylaimus Dalhousie. Pitta Brachyura. Birds of European Forms in the Himalayas, PI. 8. Fig. 1. Garrulus bispecularis. 2. Carduelis caniceps. 3. Turdus (albicollis in Plate) albocinctus. INSECTS. Corzorrera. Cetonia Roylii ... ... Pl. 9, fig. 1. Lertporrera. Papilio Machaon ... ao a * Geotrupes orientalis .... — 2 Paphia Parakekta... ... — 5a,&6. Onthophagus phanzoides — 3 Campylotes histrionicus — 1 Lucanus lunifer oo 4, Oxtuoptera. Mantis Roylii ... .«. — 5 Lamia Wallichii... .... — 5,6. Hymenoptera. Dirhinus Himalayanus... — 8 Porus ochraceus... ... — 7%. Hererorrera. Scutellera pulchella ... — 6, Aphodius irregularis .... = — 8. Megarhynchus transversalis — 7. Anisotelus bimaculatus — 9. Homorrera. Cicada sulphurea... ... — 2. Elater cyanopterus ... — 10. Diprera. Hippobosca maculata ... — 10. Ripiphorus apicalis ... — 11. Nycteribia Roylii... ... — 9 Dermartera. Forficula macropyga... — 12. Ground Plan of the Saharunpore Botanic Garden. Fil. iqhest T3450 Snow in June 3. of Andrytee Shatool Pass 15.566 T3.000 Snow in Oct® | 23.300 Juniper bushes \ Rol 9.500 | Reuni 22.750 Stunted Shrubs Sidowra Jooo rf a \ i Se Sore ek. eC be & % gw: ee Gr ah tt 36 Mice N? 2. SECTION OF THE “iE fopatne 4 | Mbunjnay yp eign yreren, Sandstone rolled stones ‘MEM itaceodus: @twte Series Mica State & Gneiss Series # : ; Sources of the Ganges ra NV? 3. SECTION oF tHE COAL FORMATION FROM PACHETTE TO CHINNAKOOREE ON THE DAMOODA | Gnetius ee Red Sandstone & Conglomerate Gray Sandstone Coal Gray Sandetone N° 4. SECTION OF THE CENTRAL RANGE OF INDIA FROM SHERGHATTY TO Hornblende Rock Bn e tov v ‘ =e Hompblende Gneiss Menger taa™ Hie Gnciss 8 , F Formation. Ceal Jrom the Burdwan Ye ata ( Aade FO?. XY N N N 8 ~ Alen & O° Leaderhail hed by Parbury bee. Lu Printed y Graf & Soreé Fossil Bones obtained by Mess ** Webb and Traill from the elevated land on the N.F. of the line of Snowy Peaks. 5.W.or plainward base of the Himalavas. een POLITY et 5 A ONDER I ir a avented by ora” Gere? Fossil Shells discovered by M' Gerard in the elevated Valley of the Spiti, N.W. of Kunawrr. Published by Purbury Aiten k C*Leahenh aid 5? M.Gaaci lili. ) f! J. i —0GE Wifd a7 Vie Dest. Lt tka. Cees) 4) t? wt, a Y . Choor Mountain. Lat.40. Bley. 1500 7 7 eA 7 te Dp a es ae f7} oe ("O , 7 { lendin.Lublished oy Lar OUT Alier &C¢ feadenhall J* rented dy rat & Sore? ape Gautley del? ‘ M. Gower tith Ho fils of the Sal Stimala yan, MV Sewalik Foley f CO Pablushed by Allen & CG? Leadenhall Street J. Graf; Pronter tw her Mazesty. Certhia Goalpariensis. > SOF. Ue Eurylaimus Dalhousie. TA I Pitta chyura > oy? J - OAL * ("Lead e fa bury Aiton La 7 Publishite O Pa Lichmup, “Wtreg adel? 1. Garrulus bispecularis é > WoT; os 7 ail { 1 ww Tw iy & hk i WT 7 . + 1 Bi ifs Be * é ~~ \. x y 7 7) » % 424i ; + x is > ~ TY I %.Turdus albicollis ae : ?.Carduelis caniceps. Published ty Partury A len be C°Leaderrati 5! casasainnaeesieeae ee RSA dma I he ieee c0 EE ee i sh ee os Se x = Cetonid Roy lw Hope. 2 Gectrupes Orrventatis Hops é. Porns cochraceus Hope N\ 7 a Aphedeus trregularts Hope a) Anisctelus bimacutatius Hope Ww Onthaphagus phaneaorhes Hope. 4 Lucanas luncter Hope. it Etater cyanepterns “ape 5&6 Lamia Waticchrte Hope 7/ Aiyopharus Apt cates Westwood 72 Forficutaa mveropy Ga Westwood Westy ccd. dal? CA /$52 M.G Printed. by Graf & Soret s ms iith aus rm | ¢* n ce. . a Crescent Bedford Sousre N do % Campylotes histrionicus. Cicada pulchella. tiphia Parakehta. Lapeiie Machaon . Mantis Roylee. OG Scutellera putchella. 7 Mega rhyre-chis Fransversadts 8 Dirktinus uma, CV APIS. I Nrcelerbia Royer. 0 Lppcbosca macelata. 10 , M Gaact lith Vushoapersaced acl” fy a t : gf ; 7 ape 3 eet oe 2 ae foly petites. sLopytume fin" W. ah mcraphyllam Published by Parbary Allen ke C! Leadenhall Stree. Printed. by brat h Seret. Kishupersaud adel? ? OY if age ; See he pttttie VUMMACAHMIM hoyle Published by farbury. Aten &¢ 0 Vleadenhail Sereet Printed bp Grafh Sore. kivhnapersaud det* <2 Neomilume paleriph Ville Wild. i Pablished by Fariury, Atlon & C&Leadenh até 5? Saiy 7853 Prunted by Graf & Soret: M Cancer ae. Vishrpersawd dei & “ i Pivblished by Farbury After & he een oe Cemeedaga fade Hail, — & 5 A # v4 * PAL i 15 Pishratner stad AF be 7 ae ff Cauce barr c) ae (“WMeconGfidta atileala Rote London, Published by farbary, Addon t €* /eaaenhall S? Printed. by Gra? & Serer. 16 BS Pushrupepsaiaa ded* Mibance (ith - Bi j. ts C oe 4. viydales pt IGE Reyie. 2. a OCUAPEECPM-. Wall. Published by Parbuzy Alten & C¢Lcadenhatd direc. Provted by Great & Sere? Vishupersand del! Published ty Parbury Adlen & C? Leadenhall Street. Printed: by Graf & Soret 17 HM. Caner lath . AM Omar betty « Vishraipersrad aed © V/V A : a 2 pe Cad. Wail 2? Jicta’ Atntifovind. Wali. |} WM MMUWUATIESI. Rey 4. ftota’ \2A “ Wd . — y Printed by Cray & Sere? A "ehrupersenud: dev A Ly 5 ca ai tael@d. PORE as ee Laty gala fos c. Rebyyala ctolalative ‘(3 VD. Lelyyela Lit, th yflla A Ce Y w/ Y, J o Fublished by Parbury Alber & CP hcaarnhalt St Printed OF Cn & Surer 3 Vishnupersand. aec* ) a y ce Fig i gs a ‘ ‘: : yg Pe I _ Gf Vie J ; ae LL Q? aA OCHCACAPR : >< sie Hid =f mbtiala = ‘ : | | Y Dered etiP ad Preblished ty Par bury Alte "rentea. 9 rag te bewe f i | . \/ aN \/ me 2 u ] % / 2 “és eke : sr wae . 4 } 9 Bs ans eS x ya 8 ‘ a . M Cawed bith. Cs means : =. te 4 © cs oe fo ‘ rf f’ my j, “oe A LCHOODLOIRDIM balifelia i ain apd “feta ; Bee CCMA G / Z as é Jubiished ty Parbury Abien & Cieaden hake f FesARupersaud : PEL ALE ¢ batch Ct Revle ‘ M Garcr tre tc WARM Mp EC) And des? 4 Caucr beth “3 : of Z Ca 2 7 Gociyp COO FP het Caccicmn. £- DY attoteum. “ Vubleshed ty Harbury Adler £6? Leadenhall S> Printed by Graf he Serve Rshnupersana: wed * fi . Published. by Pardury Alien & Co Ledenhali J 4. Ouaye AtUIUnOA bee 2 Lyperecim . catia 25 Vishrupersaud deb? : g SEAT A BOPP ACM ” Mauer 2h, Published by Partury Adien &0¢ Leadenhall Stree. Printed. ty raf, te Sarat V, Z Vestruoer. sand del. 1 GC, fe Lee COD OCH b 7 tae ks (thd Cafe beAatlia M Gem? Published by Parbury, Ailen & C? Leadenhall Be HM. Gance lith . 27 HGaacr tvth Vishrupersaud ae! Z , off es Simp alitnd pe ay 2. Snpate Cad ylarndul, AM. = ZO y, Published by Parbury Aller & C* Leadenhati 5? Printed by Grafh Soret MPMI. tmala 7 & “CaM PAA 4 <— oyle. . y, c core & CE AM bance beth 7 ft saiuad ae? POP Fishin ereed . y > . , Ab Leadkerctradl S. by Pudblished Par bury Prisited: by raf & Sore ——} , ee ZZ. CELIA ree de ta I bance ith ° Lubliished by Parbury Alien & C? Leadenhali .J* Plant WioSaunders Esq! dessece. CM, Cartes det? Printed by Grafh Joret- AM, Gauci bith . Fishragpersaud. ae? , * 3 oe. = : . Kf : 78 fs soo 4. Eoonymad leds: Zz dij Beda : Published by Parbury Atien tb C*Leadenhal, J? Prnted. by Graf heJore?- 32 3 aE, : 1 HM. Cauncs lath Fisknepersaud del? ; : / Rimshscl tide 2 boa i ede A. Cy LAtd sda Ma? <. Oduat bois MOA . Pubivshed ty Parbury, Adien b 0! Ledenbadd J? dM Cauti Lith. zr; dat # FESHILGO TS RUM ded pee 7 y a A Of, bes os , eee hens Mipragalas lucocephalas Published ty Larbury, Alien & C’Leadenhait 5? Printed by frat b Jeret Hers Drake dei? Tartaric Furze of Travellers. A. VUAMY APM” f eicidian Poe H Canor tk BtdIAte/ “wWeC4AACCOCOE x — VA : Ze @ ‘ lLiblithed ty Parbury Alien b Cleadenhali Strean. Armed by af he Sores e Fishruporsaud del? Published by Parbury Ailen bk Ceitadenhat 5? ge Kithea tina La "e HA Cam ce Pointed by Crafle Soret 3 56 Jex loon Hamitt, 2 WSaunders Zsg” MM Cames trip. oi Aloe ce eis Sage Attn ee Soa (OOP MLE. P od Ad Livgattd Ytahameaned., Published ty Parbury Aiton A CoLeadenhati J: (ESTEE ere eryrerr snare ATEN Kishnupersawa Lith . Prnted by Graf k Soret Published by Parbury, Aiden & CLindenhald Street. | See PA anv Cultivated in India. M. Caust bith, MM Guce Cee Vishnupersaud del * 7 on tofca pe ae Pag herates | Cotnitla LPudbished by Parbury Alten kh C! Leadenhall 5* Re Ge M. Gauci lech Cileadenhad J” Published by Parbury Alien & Printed: by Graf be Seret ~ %4 = s . : Published by Parbury Ailen bk C° Leadenhadé JP 7&2 WSaunders Lag? del? Printed: by Graf hk Jaret 41 M. bauer Cth. Published ty Parbury Alien k O° Leadenhail 5° g Y aes; tatth Pete. rp ee at — . ee 7. Published by Parbury Alten &C! Leadenhall F etd Printed. ty Grafh Jered ; MM Gawct bie AeSApi 4 POP t4 J 7] Lo f : b- } J y fe SALE tpi Mace tt pe ‘ a VO CAC. eee data. ; te teddy Gas he Irek : ‘ oa ee Published by Partbury. Alien b&b 6° Leadenfrale JS: At ee a eee e mee A pCR aN I . ssn AEB NN TOE SETI EE A tr Sone MO Samat tothe. AeA a Ltt Cth” ly 2 fe Published by Parbury Atlan bC! Leadenhadd S* Printed. by Graf b O si a he fy 4 y jf *Z Ce Cees J 4 (DOAROCCAASI 62 Ate bea!’ ; AA ORCA Ve PCT Pubieshed by Parbury Aiden k C? Leadenhall 5? Printed by Cras & Jere? M Gauck Lith. Lae ae. Pag, ae y, (-Lreladelihus lomerlodtd Lo ge 4 ote Y PS he aA Published ty Parbury Aiten & C? Leadenhall Street e Printed by Graf & Soret ornceremeneeecmeeel — Leaiti ert tile t* SC ‘ : ‘fi . ae ge itd fe a . ~y Ls 4 / a” Ajeet si brary by Pre. Fhng 59 Pouca #+U/eCeE 4 Hea B} L eZ f< A, (2 QD ey flied OI CO223. LDA LA. = A Ct0 UD er >a, AM. Caucs bth, 32 LZ. 4 COCHIN ra . ge Soe, AAMACMPY ) Published by Farbury Allen & C* Leadenhati 5? Prunted. by Craft bSeree. & / AKG Att GEA a i f sie { ‘eae Beers eh vonAM1ACOAA ey i \ Fig OU Saunders Esq? 3. Fisinupersaud del? ) * ig ; } | A at Pag Fg Afni GDM. Lublished ty Parbury Alben hk C*Leadenhali 3 r4 ¢ era & HM Gauce bth SPC ned os pS BIAARA LS ty ae + tes = P _ one — Orin vX tr IIE 50 ji ( Lycnocy cla / ; Je 2 JMC. L. Cate cycla’ nuda s a > ,? " - A is 4 Lublushed by Paru vy dtien & CO? Leadenhati Jt o & Printed: by Craf & Soret . HM Cancer irth . it Canes tale ( \ ee 2 : me J me Theshnupersank, 2WisSanmders Lig” del* et fs ‘pe : : Z : Z 7. Aha ated cocetno“ £ Jeneccia’ L4 BOCOCML AA Lubieshed ty Harbury Aiter & CV eadentall Se Hbinted by Cratk Sorez ry u oe F ‘ e I oe LY2 Ce Ae Published by farburyA tien b& C’ Leadenhall I? Yrinted by Grif & Foret e ad M baie: beth ath Abate CS aay FA eabroda afeectosa. lwhivshed by Zarbury Alien b C’Leadenhade St. 1 Gokangfs maven Fishnupersaud del? % & i : . Y é rs thr ujoersaud del * ZOPACEOTC Yio Bal few Cea’ Published by lrbury Alten ko “Leadenhall St. ta 58 Te bad Tishnupersaud deb? Sublished by Parbury Alten £ C’Leadenhade St M. Cauct lith Sp Rar pe gE ee TRE ea dentate J? G Of % ‘S ena ee ee ee Es s rented locded = lublishea by Coe a Co Vlelaxes Fishnapervand © oat MW Gawce lid. (ie £ ; pt aetdablita tretdeca- A 7. Cctv1dr bps 0 te CHACCHA~ FAEPECOCHEDS. Ce Le A irbiusry Aiken £0 Leaders adi 61 & +uatlished by Parbory Alien, b C*Leadterihadll S » ~ leshnupersaud ded? NM. Fauce bith. y A : ef’ o v4 ‘ ; “ he he Oe he a pee bs, ADM PWCALAP AM : o Aedonopises AOC ndfolea Lublished ty Larbury Alten &£ C2Leadenhall S* Leather of Travellers. * MH. bance beth , Vi : . A vel te oo z 4. hee wh fetiqealar 4 a lhc te A SPU VAIP LM pap CO cited ; edt VA : livchiphy (a. ey vA r y gs ~— Z ZZ * : Fe, Lubtrhed by Parbury Alien b C* Leadenhail St CO Lrinted, by Graf bk Soret le MM. Gauor eth. °* aww Cee : f Fhe uw a } ews Gay lsd acta setlhala- ome . Z Pa “7 e Published by Mes WH. Alien be C Leahdenhatt Street. Pronwed by Craft hb Saree. 1, sf Sf fp) ACL eer crs yA é f i: ¢ ‘es OW lfitd: AMI Sfp ff Gi ie Pe Lhododendion Parbury Alen &C°*Leadenhali Street Printwed by Graf & Sere’ aN thafog On 4 WM auc: beth O41 DY, f +) yf A bette fe oe a é. yt Cage ae Lublushed jy Aint Aller ie * Leadenhall JF Gringed by Graf b Jared M. Gan Cte teh - 2D etod Kegon! AD }¢ POP AI. * ae 4 & Bf Be ee mee Leto fegen : hictiicha \\ : Me Chae CAA UCP EPLER . ern” ae Published ty Moss ™ WIA ble & Ot Leidenpati J” Printed by Graf b Jere? Mo Ganev lth Fishrupersaud (th f 7 vs SS Oe ~— ie Lh wits nhetosotea. Lubiished by Pabury Alien & Co Leadenhall S¢ sit Yontianan Le ee a Lrontca, by Grad fablished by Parbary Alten KloLeadenhall 3? | : f. A ee : e ¢ MM AM. Gawet Gel# Sa 7. 2 | ¥ f. Cyeran hes Abate’: ie. Za vnceg a Codonefides OOH ~ BB ; » Published by Parbury, hlien EL Leaderteald S* Printed by Orax~ & Soret — 44 aoe iaieaemeneses nena seapanainoaeont mere Pee ere ter * ane LY hy BROCHN MLA a ee 6. Fubiushet by Mes Wd diter Sr iecete, SEARS NCR CENA ea SN MIRA AI Eom, Printed by Graft Soret L. bhetctr Cofo Veal. AM. Gace Z cone qo ewer uf a M Gaucricth. Vishnupersawd del? ZZ Lublished bylarbury Alben hk C*Leadenhatl St. f A tas t. % ff to M. Faucr tro . WSaunders Esq? 2 Vishnupersaud . | jp ee oy és ZA Z . ‘ wes Suva Lffuba’ : rg @ Ata Weise: Published by Mess ™ WA Alter & C°Leatenhatl J? Printed: by Grab Sere. / Vp cttidat e7oCCK OtrdHCA. 2-H CAPA HMC SP YGYOCHAPACE EADPODPOCAELARBPO ¢ PU : P ~~ ate biished by Parbury Atlere b CCL tad er doree 14 Mh. Casecr beth. a Vishroupersaid del* ted. by Parbury Allen & C¢Leadenhau S? Publis, i beg M Cac beth. Luchmun Ig aec* need Cath met cane he iad. Publoshed. by Parbury Alien b& CL cadkenhatl J? Printed ty Graf ke Soret. Pishrwpersaud del® M Gauci bith Hiemitla Aosed SF | fitica | London, Published by Parbury Allen & C* Leadenhall Street. Printed. iy Craft be Seret- Moaucz C22A a See 2 J ae Lay ak A. Lf OS le A el Pg EF hes Zee Pubiushed by Parburyhiben, & C° Leadenhall S¢ Printed by Crag” 4 Soret M. Cancr lath. 2) ONS Sa (? A, COMMIT *.- Yes, OCH’ Royle. London, fadbtishek by Parbury, Alien & CoLeadenhall Street Printed by Grat # Soret ee —— dA. Ufeum Midteasne tibliished by Witdilen & CLeamenhatl Fé. 99 or 78% agi M. Caice Czzh “ W4 , ay B a Lalanof COC Mbt CA MGauct ath. 47 : pe re PZ) . ys 5 OM rd g Cf ce CCSLe cP Big et af S43 Begonca PP or ATA’. Pd we. oly gone SOE COULGS OCI Pe pepe oe thheureoretd — e ay SOP A -—_ libieshed ty Mejs™ li Aiten tb 6’ Leadenfiate 5* Pronied by Graf & Soree. Pubbished by Mefs™ WH Alten & C*Leadenhalt S* Y fo Vi > fi a A lame | : r 4 Zi) . la - y > J lO fe #eO4 C0 Vas Ae lag OFLA . fa % C . AAFP tht tai. OO. Bava 7 ae C see PUABIRAPHCA AMPLE / sae - —_ ~ 84 or LOD AM. Cawci lich cs $ ™® Pst o / y 4) Cp Gp ff jae ; cpio aliany tie Bite (Bes et.ghei a J a Libii ted by Méfs "WE Aiden hk C Leadenhall Sé q. ees ABRCORODEH ke. PP pediuncelates ne Si FP phtabee-. Published by Mefs "WH Alien & Cleadenfradl 5! Printett by Graf b Foret. O4'v 98. Let ae ok i PK ame eI AE 7 Sener eeeenntnarcins ie tn, M bauce th CPCB hf é Ley COOPLCCEME é udushed by Mess™ WH Alien £0? / cadarhatl 5 A ‘ eer ee S sgh splash ccttalid Ke. = frum Jar do Aer Maey- MM. Gawer brik ye ", a) y le Ce. , OF. 7 p /. (ay ee CALL ys res lara oo Lublished by Mes WA Aten & OC Leadenhalé JS: Pricced by Caf & Saree + 4. A bttd longs OCLaA a 5 Published: dy Moss WL Aten EOL catsuit 1”. AM Cnzwcr Leth ) QACCRDBOPAM BE GACOPPOLPLELD DBA 4. 4, j 7 RAT ili Pubioshed by Mefs™ Wit hiien hk Cf Leadenjult S* Printed by Grafh Jeret. VAretad I Guts mene “—- nF : oe Ya ee M. Gauor Bt. 4. Oppo ‘4 Me i eZ. ae SNe ay SS lbeZ Published: by Mass” WH Alten & OC’ Leadenhale St. Printed by Sra & Serer KM Gaace leh Lint. ted Ludlished by Me3 Wa Abien &C°L caderrate St. , ll ’ Zs St SCOCL IH M. Grier cers. VA Y , ie Pate ye ae Ee : k.c_ thd AN palensed. 7. ‘- = . we Published. by Has WH Allen & C? Leadenhadé 5* Publeshed. by Mele WitAlion, te C* Leadenhall Be HM. Faucet (1th 4. Lie Se, ig Puritillaten werlectlala Lt ss : Liblished ty Wa Allen hb C8 Leadenhatt Sirecé. rented: by Grav hk Serez 93 : 22 Pde a : oh acid ~% i} ¢ at oe ' j ee } t T as e\ fia a t ff / @ wow, i a of a Le e ce = OS ¢ ae eee LGral, enter doher pctv, M Cauct Lith ) 2) If? ¥y é A Sf? Kee ' —__-Z . : ¥ 2? . 4 a tine if jy ee —s Licydea ff Sey Aor ». AMPA UA1E?PtEtA. : COEF)’ ae Published by Parbury, Allen b C*Leadenhalt 5? ae ei) y 4. Jog Mh nile a yg F tle ats: lublished by Larbury Alien &C* Leadenhall 5 Nene rcrnrencempiaslee rere” ~ CPt ht ay fle AML, dar Pe ie Published by Farbury Ailen & C? Leaderall 5” o aoe Meee ene pac a gen © a A Gauci bith. stat baninn Fe As A Published by Parbury Allen be C’ Leadenhall 5* (Braman Lllpram ¢Hedaim Ayes 3tabepeyen Calares ematies Published by WH Allen & C9 Leadenhall Street. J. Graf .Printer to her Magesty