i i ee EE ne RA Ts a EN FI FRYE ON UES Re Fe aa i A pt eae - eer MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. ei VOL. IIL—PART 1.97 Mo,..Bot.... Garden pe 1897. a ee CAMBRIDGE, PRINTED BY HILLIARD AND METCALF. 1809. ADVERTISEMENT. AT the time of presenting to the Public this first part of the third volume, it may not be improper to observe, that the Academy refer the business of pub- lishing their Memoirs to a Committee, which for some years past has been chos- en annually for this purpose ;—that the Academy have declared in their Stat- utes, and notice of it has been given in their preceding volumes, that they *¢ will never give their judgment or opinion upon any literary performance pre- sented to them, but allow it to rest upon its own merit, and the credit of its au- thor ;”—that the Committee, while exercising their diseretiona'y p power with- in proper limits in ma King « eelcction from papers on the files of the Academy and printing the same, do not subject themselves to any part of that responsibil- ity fora paper, which the Academy has so properly permitted to rest on the author ;—that the publication of a paper may be expedient on the ground of the utility, importance, or singularity of the subject, or the advantageous manner of treating it, without involving or justifying the inference, that the Committee be- lieve every fact; related, to be true, every step in the reasoning accurate, every conclusion just, or every hypothesis probable. CONTENTS. et: ED AGE, I. Observations of the comet 2 1807, by Nathaniel Bowditch, ran FA. Ae . e s * > e ° 1 II. Observations on the total eclipse of the sun, fune 16, 1806, made at Salem, by Nathaniel Bowditch, a.m. ¥.A. As ure oF Fen II. Addition to the memoir on _ the og eolibes. of Fune. 6, 1806, dy nee “- sat ¥ ‘ é 93 ly. relies of Napier’s rule for soloing the cases of right-angled: spheric trigonometry to several cases of oblique-angled spheric trig- onametry, by Nathaniel Bowditch, A.M. F.A.As = - 33 V. Two tables of the varieties in the first and second cases of oblique spherics, inclosea in a letter to the Hon. Fohn Davis, Esq. Recording. Secretary of the American ae * Arts and ‘Sciences, by Wil- liam Croswell, A.Me . oe Re 8 . . 38- VI. Remarks on the construction of the common scale-beam, with a de-- scription of the new gold standard beam, invented by the auther, Benjamin Dearborn, FiAcAy - ‘ — ‘ ; 40~ VIL. A proposal for adjusting a new scale to the mercurial thermometer, znclosed in a letter to the late Rev. President Willard, dated August 1789, by Edward A. Holyoke, M.D. F.AsAs 51- VIII. An account of the springs and wells on the peninsula of Boston, with - an attempt to explain the manner, in which they are supplied ; ina ~ letter tothe Hon. F:hn Davis, Esq. Recording secretary of the Amer- tan Academy of Aris and Sciences ; by Fohn Lathrop, DiDe Freche ST vi : CONTENTS. ; : PAGE IX. On the origin and formation of ice islands and their dangerous effects in navigation ; pointing cut a certain and easy method of timely fore- warning seamen of their approach, even in the darkest night ; by A. fothergill, M.D. F.R.S. APS. KC. 69 X. Lffects of lightning on several persons in the house of Samuel Cary, Esq. of Chelsea, August 2,1799 ; in a letter to the Hon. Fohn Davis, Esq. Recording Secretary of the American —- of Arts and Sci- ences ; by ohn Lathrop, D.D. F.AsA. ‘ ° 82 XI. Effects of lightning on the house of Capt. Daniel Merry, and several other houses in the vicinity, on the evening of the 11th af May 1805 ; in a letter to the Hon. Fohn Davis, Esq. Recording Secretary of the American geademyof. Aris and Sciences ; by Fohn Lathrop, D.D.FeAsAs 86 ik ete tm RIL. Effects of lightning on the house of the 1 unde] in Maine, August 17, 1807 ; in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Eliot ; by . the Rev. Silas Moody am. . . ° 92 XIII. Effects of lightning on the house of Capt. Thomas nie in Ports- mouth, New Hampshire; in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Lliot ; by the Rev. Timothy Alden, jun. a.m. s.t.8. : : : ° 93 XIV. Experiments respecting dew, intended to ascertain whether dew is the descent of vapour daring the night, or the perspiration of the earth, or of plants ; or whether it is not the effect of condensation ; by Noah Webster, Esq. FAsA. . . . ° 95 ev. Silas Moody AvU)L XV. Account of rain, &c. that fell in Charlestown, Massachusetts in ten years ; by Foseph Barrell, Esq. ° ° ‘ . 104 XVI. Account of meteorological observations, made in Georgia and Sous Garolina ; by Abiel Holmes, DD. FeAsA. : . . 107 XVII. Meteorological observations at Grove Plantation, five miles south of Natchez ; by Winthrop Sargent, Esq. . . : 113 XVIII. Abstract of meteorological sidascidiiins, made at SeeRneltingy alk itd CONTENTS» Vii in the latitude of about 46° N, and longitude of about 84° 30! Ww; jrom. August 1802 to April 1803, both inclusive; by Fosiah Dun- ham, Esq. ‘ . °- . ° : 116 © XIX. Meteorological observations, made at Bowdoin College ; in a letter to 3 Mr. Levi Hedge, F. A. A. Tutor in Harvard College ; by Parker Cleaveland, A.M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 119 XX. The quantity of water (including the snow reduced to water), which fell in Stow from 1792 to 1804; according to the observations of the Rev. Fanathan Newell, Me . + : : 122 XXI. A curious phenomenon of vision; inaletterto . . '» by the Rev. Peres Fobes, LL.D. FeAcAs agro ee Ete os 123 XXII. Hard water. Sg (ti ned b nici tne eT i Dil the pr -ocess for iokin “the same ; by hi Rev. Daniel ahs F.AcA. ; . 125 XXIII. Mineralogical observations, made in the environs of Boston in the years 1807 and 1808 ; inclosed in a letter.to the Hon. Fohn Davis Esq. and by him communicated ; by S. Godon, ¥. A.A. : 127 XXIV. Account of fossil shells, with the author's reasons for attending to the same ; ina letter to Levi Hedge, ¥.A.A. by Parker Cleaveland, A.m. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Bowdoin College ° * . = . . . .- . ° . 155: XXV. Account of pawpaw or cowry shells, found in Dorchester ; by Thad- deus Mason Harris, A.M. ¥.A.A. . ; a » 159: XXVIL. Observations on a singular natural production, in which one part ap- pears to be a plantand the other an insect, accompanied with a speci- men ; by the Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL.D. F. A.A. °- “ 161 XXVII. Account of the writing or Dighton rock; in a letter to the Hon. ohn Davis, Esq. Recording Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; by Mr, E. A. Kendal « Fe 165° Vili CONTENTS. : : ‘ PAGE XXVIII. Account of a stone bust, supposed to be an Indian god; by Ezra Stiles D.D. LL... late President of YaleCollege . «. 192 XXIX. Account of copper coins, found in Medford, Massachusetts ; ina let- ter to the Hon. Fohn Quincy Adams, Esq. Corresponaing Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; by the Rev. Thad- deus Mason Harris, A.M. F.AsA. . é : . . 195 XXX. An attempt to explain the Inscription on Dighton rock ; in a letter to — the Rev. Samuel Webber, p.v. by the Han. Fahn Davis, Esq. 1..D. Fe As Ae * . ® ° ° . ae + 197 XXXI. Animadversions on the dangerous practice of sleeping on the damp ground, and of exposure to the night air, particularly where the ani- mal powers are diminished, illustrated on philosophical principles ; 3; ie closed with a letter to Tar one DeeOR I nvandWallam Spooner, map. FAA. by As Fothergill, M.D» FBS. FC. < a ~ 206— ee ae a Mn eee er OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMET OF 1807. BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, a.m. & a.a.s. er 7 THE first time I observed this comet was on the twenty fifth day of September 1807, at seven o’clock in the evening, near the foot of the constellation Virgo. I did not make any accurate esti- mate of its place before the eighth of October, when I commenced a series of observations, by measuring its distance from several of the fixed stars, by a te ¥ instrument to \ Eeflection es Borda’s coi sapere was made use of until the seventeenth hes of silat ber, when the comet ceased to be visible to the naked eye. Not having any instrument proper to continue the observations, or even to keep sight of the comet for a much longer time, I applied to the Reverend Doctor Prince, who was so-obliging as ——_ several cross Wires, at equal distances from each other, in the diaphragm cellent night-glass, having a vertical and huivisiendsl motion in a stand ; nce ny Pepe the : semen, between the seattle fixed star, near which it passed, more accurately than we otherwise could have done, though not with that degree of accuracy we could have wished. However, the observa-. tions, imperfect as they were, answered the valuable purpose of proving, that the elements of the orbit, calculated from the observa- tions made with the circular instrument of reflection, gave the place of the comet at the period of its disappearance ; cA as will be perceived by the Mab: ns of the comet of 1807. servation of this kind, that we made, which will be given at the end of this memoir. The apparent motion of the comet was “ahoeaeing in a tas “es at the average rate of about a degree per day. _ It passed in succession through the constellations Mons Menalus, Serpens, Hercules, Lyra, Cygnus, and Lacerta, and.on the thirtieth day of January 1808 was _ near the extremity of the right hand of 4ndromeda. It had then the appearance of a Nebula, and was so faint, as to be hardly visible with the assistance of the night-glass._ After this time I was prevent- ed by indisposition from. seeking for it. In reducing the observations, made with the circular instrument, allowance was made for the warentions ea the distances. during the time elapsed between observir diflcrent stars, so as. to make the distances eae to ‘ist same eee -This’e tion Baas small was calculated with sufficient accuracy by sacar a Proportional ‘part of the observed daily imcrease or decrease of dis- tance. - iaceiens was made for refraction by adding to the observ- ed distances a small correction, calculated by Shepherd’s’ “ Tudles “for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon and Stars, ete.” by taking twenty times the correction in the column “ Var,? corres. ponding to the observed distances and altitudes ;* this being the yal- uc for the mean temperature and density of the air. The Parallax was so small, that it was neglected. The Aberration, which some- times exceeded a minute, was found and applied to the calculated longitudes and Jatitudes made use of in the last process for finding the elements of the orbit. _ The longitudes were always counted * This tabular correction is equal to the variation of the apparent distance of ati two hea- : Perieneten 2— x(24)= §42°d+742-t—520°p—489° n—1007-i- 238 xe(28)= 582+ d-761 + (562° p—517 >n—992 +14 614 x(2%)= 690+ d4804+t—676 *p—587-n—029-i+ 47 w(27)= 724° d4813 + t—713 *p—609 -n—905 141628 x(2®)= 944-d4789 t—1006-p—716+n—496 i+ 69 x(#%)= 226°d4957° t—336 "p—2i4- n+ 43 +i— 180 x(2°)= 237-d4950- t—337° *p—212- n+ 41 i 838" x(32)= 247° * d4945 ° t—339 “p—2i1- n+ 393 301. ; x(S*)= 258+d4933 + t—341- p—209n4 38-i— 143 x($$)= 333+d4865 + t-—361 * p—2 208 - ne 28 i— 262 — (4) = 349 +d4849 + £367 * p—210 +n a7 i 197 x(25)S 359° d4839- t—372 *p—211 °n-++ 27 +i— 386 Catt 366 * 04831 +1374 *p—212 n+ 27 i— 180 x(37)= 375+ d4+824 -t—378+ p—213+n+ 28-i— 98 x(38)= 383 -d4814* 2-382 +p—215* n+} 29%—~ 127 ‘x(3%)= 390+ d4804-1—386 p—217-n4 28%— 92° x(4°)= 397° d4794-t—391 *p—220°n4 SLi 74 (A) Rs eee a Le re a Te ee CGS Ree eee gee MR ee In. eee eee Pe ee eee re ee . Observations of the comet of 1807. 2 se(41)=403 + d4784 + t—395 » p—223+n+ 32+:—108 w(47)=463 * d4+702*t—435 + p—241+n4 74°14244 © x(48)=476 > d4671 + t—447 > p—245+n4 97+i—294 v(4*)=478 + d4659* 14.51» p—246+n+4106 + i—197 “x(49)=483+ 04651 + 2454+ p—246 + na-115 +i 4413 x(49)=491 +d4617 *t—464 * p— 246+ +4146 *i—803 x(47)=493 * d4593 + 1468 + p—242 +4170 + i—200 “On(49) 3488 + 04.541 +1468 + p—229-n 4293-1177 ve(4°)=484 + d4.516 * 1466 » p—-220 + n4.252 +74. 287 (6° \=477 A450 * t-—464'* p21 + n4.267°14.424 — w(51)=447 + d4428 + t—440 ants 76° i xt Bae $66) ns x($*)=436+ pclnlsec 34+ p—167 + N4355 *7- _ x($ 3)=2427* d4397* (496 - e157 « aaarer 1—143 se(§ 4)=395 *d4351 + t—398 - p—123 + n4412+i—589 x(** )=384 *d4338 « t—387 » p—111 *n4425 +i—1082 x(§ ©) = 206 * d4167 + t—219 + p+ 56+n+4+539+i—229 Having obtained these equations it remained to deduce from them the values of the unknown quantities d, t, p, n,and i. The method, I thought most advisable to pursue for this purpose, is founded on the following assumed principles. 1, That the sum of all the positive errors in the calculated longi- tudes should be equal to the sum of the negative ones. That is in symbols 0 apa Bilin se ee ? eC )tx(*)+x(5) .. + +2(8)}=0, j 2. That the sum ofall the positive errors in the calculated latitudes should be equal to the sum of the negative ones. That is, w(#?)-px($)4x(81) 2. 4x(68)=0. 3. That the sum of all the positive sictdhak Gc apuased wit in the observations made in October should asses a ee the negative ones. Thatis, = nants -* _(39)=0. 10 ations of the comet of 1807 4. That the sum of the positive errors in the observed latitudes in the observations made in October should be equal to the sum of the negative ones. That is, x(2*)4x($°4(81)... x(42)=0. 5. The four preceding eqiting having been fulfilled, ‘the fifth is that the sum of all the errors in the longitudes and latitudes taken pos- itively should be a minimum. In applying the four first of these conditions to the inane of equa- tions A, they furnished four equations between d, ¢, p, n, i, by means of which I exterminated d, ¢, n,i from the equations A. | Thus the equations ~(*)-++«(#)4x() . +. +(55)=0, found by Kaige a equations x(*)+~(*). + ton ®=0 and x(#*)w(#*)... --x(4*)=0,* gives for the sum of all the €quations~,-..... O= 11030 * d+27248 *t—12941 “p—66.8 n—15086 “E4742 by dividing by—27248, z O=—0°40480 * d—#40'47498 * p4+0*24398 +n | +0°55366*i—0-02723. (1) By multiplying this equation successively by the coefficients of ¢ in _ the equations A, I obtained a system of equations B, in which the co- eflicients of ¢ were equal and of a contrary sign to those of the system A, and by adding together the corresponding equations of the systems A and B, I obtained the equations C independent of ¢, of this form : x)= —316 +d+130 * p4+239> earch EE i+38 x(?)=—317* d-¢138" rae: na 24 988 eee) &e. &e. The sum of the first twenty eight of these equations gives, in putting x@)ta() ++ te *)=0, . as -..* T took the sum of the two equations instead of the second of them from the circumstance of having previously calculated the sum ofall the equations A, eT ee ee et ee ee wie i, 5 a lank i Observations of the comet of 1807. lk O= —3368 * d4+2284*p+1011 * n—14683 * 144424, and by dividing by 14683 O= —0'22944 - d+0°15555 *p+006885 *m—i+0°30130 (2). By multiplying this equation successively by the coefficients of i in the equations C, and adding these new equations to the corresponding ones of the system C, I obtained the system of equations D independ- ent of ¢ and i of this form : ~2e( 2) = —263 +d 494+ 4923 *n— 32 2o(?)=—260 *a499+p4225+n—163 nah D) gb kb 2, - The sum of the first thirteen of otk ledaame gives in puting ali i ree $9 CSOs ME EE vs 5 are P+2766 - nN—2609, ari iF fividing. by 3027. O= —d-+40°58044 + p40°91378+n—0'86191. (3) By multiplying this equation successively by the coefficients of d in the equations D, and adding these new equations to the correspond- ing ones of the system D, er SBaere ig corend d,t,andi, a ee x(1}=—59 “p—t7 + n4195 #(2)=—52* p13 +n4 61 ae e equati ns from the tia i and putting x(3*)-p2(3°).. perce I obtained this equation 0=580 * p—1164* 7-941, and by dividing by 1164 = 0=0-49828 + p—n-4.0°80842. (4) This equation being multiplied rig by the coefficients of in the equations E, and added to the corresponding ones of that system, produced the equations F. 12 Observations of the comet of 1807+ x(4)=—67 + p+i8t x(*)=—58°p+ 50 x(§)=—51 p+ 36 (F) a(4)=—49 =p 45° &e. &e. These equations are of the same form as those given by La Place in vol. ii, pag. 135 of his “ Mecanique Celeste,” and the value of p, which will render the sum of the errors taken positively a minimum, may be found by the method explained in that part of his work. In’ the first place the coefficients of the term must be rendered positive by changing the signs of all the terms of the equation when necessary. Then the equations must be arranged according to the magnitudes of the quotients found by,,dividing the constant term cinta each equation by the coefficient of p, due regard being had. to the signs: “Phe equations must be arranged according to the Be of the terms 181 50 | LE , = etc. In this manner I procured the system of equa- tions G. —2z(5) = 1p—104 x(4%)= 75-p— 52 x(**)= 8-p—738 z(*) = 12p— 2 —z(*?)= 8p—370 —x(30)= 56pt+ 8 | —2("))= 17*p—683 mn b( 59) = 10g FS (88) 15 ‘p—510 x(41)= 28-p4 14 pe @(*7)= 4p—134 0 x (8 8)= SOp+ 17 x(#*)= 18:p—227 pan?) 8O*Dy 44 —a(**)= 2p (81a A8p+ 78 x(**)= 21-p—9293 x(37)= 26°p4. 51 —«(77)=101-p—1050 07° )=241-p4475 z(*%)= 10-~— 86 2 eae 83*p4235 wr 284) = 15-p—129 | side Se p4116 ett SEPT See TT ee ee ee ee gTO eee Yi; Se tae ee a ee Ne eee See Se ee Be al i a ‘Observations of the comet of 1807. 13 a(31)= 35-p—244 x(7) = 14*p4. 79 x(13)= 39:p—258 —x(2%)= 88+ p4522 x(i*)= 80p~—493 —x(?*)= 42+p4291 a(*) = 22*~—105 ax(4°)= 29° p4+203 2(33)= 42-p—148 x(49)= 68° p+489 (G) —2z(?) = 67-p—181 —x(25)= 2994313 x(*) = 26p— 68 x(48)= 73° p+835 _x(?°)= 49:p—103 . -w(4?)= 26° p4+325 . x(34)== 16:p— 32 . —x(48)= 7 p+i02 —x(3*)= 39p— 75 (22) 22+p4327 = a(?*)= 55p— 72 —x($4)= 17-p 4426 (88) 24p— 25 a(4#)= 16-ppssd Ba 32 p— 30 a8 ime ~x( *)s 14*°p4909 aaa — ey = ‘58p— 50 —2(2°)= 66p— St uy! Slee —z(*) = 51p— 36 The sum of all the coefficients of f in these equations is 2211, which .put=F. The sum of the first thirty of the coefficients is 1062, which is less than 3 F, and by adding the next coefficient the sum becomes 1137, which is greater than } F, hence by the rule given by La Place 3 the value of p, which will render the sum of the errors x(?), (*), &e, taken Be pOSve 2 a minimum will be found by putting the second mem. ber of the thirty - inst f the « uation (G)e equal to ( 0; that i is, 75 ‘p— 52 60, which gives ete By substituting this value i in the equa- tions marked (4), (3), (2), (1), we successively obtain. as _N=0°49828-p-+0°80842=1°-154, : " d=0°58044" p+0°91 378*n—0°86191=0° 595. i= —0°22944-d40°15555-p+0-06885-n+40°30130=0°352. t= —0-40480-d-40°47493 ‘P+0°24398-n40°55366:-—0°02703=0°537. These values being substituted in the preceding expressior te : ements of the orbit, they become | 3 14 Observations of the comet of 1807.» D-+0:002 ».d = 064969 T-+0-2 + t = Sep. 18d. 6074 P+10'* p = 98 19 0 11" a cis *2=8 26 24 57 I—10'- =63. 942 These would be i true elements depending on the ecto laid down if the variations of the calculated geocentric longitudes and lati- tudes were strictly proportional to the variations of the elements 0°002d, 0°2°t, &c. but as this is not the case, it was necessary to re- peat in part the operation to make the calculations agree exactly with those principles, _ For this purpose I made use of the approximate values of the elements last found, instead of D, T, P, N, and I, and recalculated the values of / as in the first Suppose and thus obtain- ed new values of the constant terms of the equatio A, instead of 438, —88, etc. These new terms arranged i in the oir of the equa- tions are 126, 0, —10, 1, 93, —12, 76, —108, —66, —28, 122, —248, —137, —490, 261, 25, —466, 860, 507, —102, —251, 316,356, —346, 14, —607, 960, —643, 4, —48, —112, 46, —77, —20, —212, —11, 68, 35, 62, 224, 37, 346,—206,—-114, 495,—727,—-127,—101, 369, 510, 683, 224, —9, —426, —907, —115, and by substituting them in the equations A, and making the cor pondir the constant terms of the equations B, C, D, ‘etc. a new system of equations G was obtained, and by operating on them in the same man- ner as before I found that the value of ps which would render the sum of the errors x(*), a(*), &e. a minimum, would be had by putting 75°p+2=0, whence p=—0-027, which, substituted in the equations (4), (3), (2), (1), deduced from these last calculations, will give n=—_ 0011, d=—0-036, i=—0°025, t=0°0013. Consequently the cor- rections of the fast found, elements are 0-002'd-—=—0'00007, 0,2t= - Observations of the comet of 1807. ays 6:00026, 10°p=—16", —10°n=6", —10'i=15". ‘These correc tions being applied to those elements produce the following Correct elements of the orbit of the comet. Ppahetiah distance 0°64962. The mean distance of the earth from = the sun being denoted by unity. ; Hime of passing the perihelion September 18,60766, or Sep. 18d. 14h. 35’ 2" mean time at Salem, corresponding to Sep. 18d. 19h. 18’ 34” mean time at Greenwich. Longitude of the Ascending Node : ~ 8s 26°25" 3” Place of the Perihelion counted on the orbit of the comet 9 059 55 Inclination of the orbit tothe is edipiie ROS Ip BERET OS 54 Mitese Pemeats I caleulatd the geocentric rake age — latitudes contained in the Hectiete: | Table. [) Mean ume of ob- |] Observed| Calculated | _ _ [Observed |Caicular- | 9. - © servation at Sa-|| Jongitude.| longitude. | Difference. ssn: fs lat. | Difference. em. _ é : ih ea oe | £ AERA ARR RS CP ae ee 7 Wy SEG Sep.26 a a aes fe Oe eee a ge « Sette “5 12: Oct. 5 B12 34||7-13-40°36] 7-13°40°32] 0 4 25-44°21/23-4 . | 716" 4:41 2 17/127- 7 638! —O 7 bias fi ee AV 3° fom 1 1] 128° 12°54128- 13°39 +045 = *A1°2117.17°42°37| 7-17-42: —0- 1]/29-18°11]29°20 shai dilie, , 1b-6°49°54]|7- 18-32-49) 7-18°32°36| —0'13)/30°26°5 rey Ie erage " ? - H re ; aor. “9 22°6°54°40) 7° 23 6°27°56 2462512 25714-15118" 1 “* 26°6°36°35118" 2°2! 27-624 5lis- 3 22-12] "28-6362 is 430-12! : |. Sums? | 48-95. =8'39 a kl, Sam Ce Nov. 6-811 ails ts 36-15 8:15+44: He : ss 14 of A 10°6°27°37 718 21 24-46 S21-246471 401 “|{55°38°29)35-40-27 tise ae T16°211 O| 8°22°56°22) +7°22 56°22: 22°46156°14 3 — 8 10 14°6°28 2 eae ey 8 27°45°38 “veadler st 37°53 57°50" 5|412 12 23°38" 6 5; 28°8°27°30 29°6°52°48 30.7°24°27 Dec. 3°7°27: 0 17°6°26°30 ry | . ts Bela $0 9°14 14° 6 9°23°57-23 9° 25°50 10) $3275 59°27 10° 3°53°49 10° 6°18-16 10°29°31 47 | —8"53))58°44°99 - 15 912° 7-44 9°14" 8°23 9°24" 2°53 9°25°55°30 9°27°58°47 58°46°42 60°24 O 61> 3°59 61°22°11 62°26" 7 62°33°45 AO°AN: IN 10° 4° 3°32) Va SU ov 2/62°52°20 10*..6: 1:53 10°29°42°16 Sums. re 37° 4] +10-29 aajen ar: 12+32, 59-37—59°30|| 6i"iT" 4 62°53° Of + 213- 52° 325 2° | The first innate in 1 this table was made at Nantucket by Mr. W. Folger jun, the second at Cambridge by Professor Farrar and Mr.I. Nichols, the rest are those I made at Salem by a circle of reflection, The observed and eis coe of the comet in ets and Oniaber agrees, peneral ae arose in great measure from the difficulty of observing with a circle, when the comet was very faint, the moon near the full or the weather very damp. The last time I saw the comet was on the 30th of January, 1808, at 8h. 49’ 10" mean time at Salem. _ I estimated roughly its longitude to be about Os. 15° 12’ and its latitude 47°22’N. The longitude calcu- lated by ‘the above elements was Os. 15° 22’ and the latitude 47° 3’ N. The differences are within the limits of the errors of this ooserya- tion. oe I did not attempt to investigate the etptical o orbit of the comet ; for I found that if its mean distance from the sun was sixty times as great as that of the earth, and the other elements the same as in the parabolic orbit, the differences between the heliocentric places, calculated in the elliptical and in the parabolic orbit, from September to the middle of November, rarely cxeceted four minutes ; so that it would have been si eR ip Si sa i is ie aig = Cae b +s bp2) Sena —— i f iy a TF i gat BeskEY : ai fe ree ote Fi BO: se rer “Gp EAR? : mi ra 22 SN ee AP if i % a # wer he ae ee et : Sa SA eee eae ‘i goo Sen's Pes eyed ee Oe Msi OBSERVATIONS TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN JUNE 16, 1806, MADE AT SALEM, By NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, a.m. et a. a. s- ; ED 3 GD 2 a ‘Tue chronometer made use of in observing this eclipse had been kept going for that purpose nearly seven months, during which time it moved with great regularity, losing about 1} second per day. Great pains were taken to regulate it on the day of the eclipse by correspo ding altitudes of f. the — gbserved in ‘the Sete lite made by Jones, furnished with spirit levels to piste it Faria to the horizon, and a quadrant of altitude graduated to minutes, to which was attached a telescope with cross wires, having a magnifying pow- er of about twenty times. Five sets of altitudes of the sun were ob- served in the morning from 6h. 41m. 21s. to 7h. 23m. 38s. each set contained six observations of the lower, and six of the upper, limb. In the afternoon from 4h. 36m. 27s. to 5h. 20m. 47s. seven similar sets were observed. Before and after each set the index error of the quad- rant was found by observing several times the difference. between ze- ro on the limb and on the nonius, when the spirit level attached to the telescope was horizontal, and taking the mean of the observations. By the mean of all these observations the time of apparent noon by the chronometer was found to be 12h. 2m. 10s.8, and as the mean time of apparent noon on that day was 12h. Om. 6s.8, the chronometer was 2m. 4s. too fast for mean time atnoon. The eclipse happened so near to noon, that it was thought unnecessary to apply a correction for the a eae: eee Se Te ee Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. 19 daily retardation of 14 seconds, as that correction did 1 not exceed a sixth of a second. Ski _ On the day of the Soke the ra AIS was Paes fine, scarce- ly a cloud being visible in any part of the heavens. _I made prepara- tions for the observation in the garden adjoini ig the house, in which I reside, near the northern part of Summer street, Salem.» ‘Having been disappointed in procuring a telescope of a large magnifying pow- er, I was obliged to make use of that attached to my theodolite, which gave versie vision, though its magnifying power was small. An assistant seated near “me, who counted the seconds from the chyonometcr, ‘and thus — me to mark aie so enc A slcingtinkteteshbe atts tb ERE ere ang ‘Or oe adit had hata aff the ayaa had atisttg increased ; after which I examined the second and minute hands of the chronometer and took every precau- tion to prevent mistakes. Four or five minutes before the commence- ment of the eclipse I began to observe that part of the sun’s limb, where the first contact was expected to take place, and at 10h. 8’ 28” by the chronometer I observed the first impression on the limb. - In two seconds the indentation of the limb was quite perceptible. ‘As prediees advanced" there did not appear to be so great a diminution ght _ oo aaphaadee aeamale oo GP therstin-was nearly covered — rkness | fe covered. 5 Ss Na ok ale se ea ind usar itaneously, that it seemed as if there could not have been’ mis take Ob seS6d inthis phase. The whole of the moon was then seen nded by a luminous appearance of considerable extent, such as ally been taken notice of in total eclipses of the sun. This 20 Observations on the eclipse of the sin, June 16, 1806. light with a crepuscular brightness round the horizon prevented. the darkness from being great during the time that the sun’s surface was wholly covered. ‘The degree of light can be estimated by the num- ber of stars visible to the naked eye. Those I took notice of were Capella, Aldebaran, Sirius, Procyon, the three bright stars in the belt of Orion, and the star « in its shoulder. Venus and Mars were also vis- ible. A candle had been provided to assist in reading off the seconds from the chronometer, but it was not found necessary in the garden, though it would have been in the house adjoining. As the time drew near for observing the end ee I took notice that there was a visible increase of light in the atmosphere: for onds before any part of the sun’s limb was ‘visible in. the telescope, but at 1ih. 32m..18s..by the chronometer the Jight burst forth with great splendor. This I noted as the time of the end of the'total:dark- ness. After this the light appeared to increase much faster than it had decreased, and im a short time it wasas light as in a.common cloudy day. The end of the eclipse, observed with the same precau- tion as the other phases, was found to be at 12h. 52m. 46s. by. the chronometer. If the times shown. by the. chron ; be corrected. for its error =k A’, we shall have the shia tiene of the observations as. follow. » . Fa aad Beginning of the eclipse my ew Sane te culpa 10 ; 6 24 Beginning of total darknessss.. 0. 3 5. 2 25 26 End of total darkness . . . «es BO eee End of the eclipse fi (ose wel ta vac tad a aoe Duration of the eclipse . . . . . , Sih habe Duration of total darkness cease Sisk Yh a8 Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 18065 21 ‘The latitude of the place of observation* was found to be 42° 33’ 30” by the mean of three hundred and twenty altitudes of the sun, ob- served when within a few minutes of the meridian by a circle of reflec- tion, on the 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th, b5th, and 17th of October 1805. This latitude, ih age maa coils figuiresof Hiv eaith, SU | 4 g the 0 eee the 75 oe BO ‘ ey ob 330 part of snclintintacet becomes 49°99! AUN. The longitude of the Place oft epereation is about — me east ieee Caney Universi- ty, i pe ae ‘. , ae eee P thad WIP OLA VALIUIIS Goi: Sialoms-ten: Bosee hight Hones "iaih car agiachettnaniibas schiaeieeesiails aman ee pera te ee oe Hence, if we estimate ae of Cambr: be 4h. . Pwest from Prccawich, apron: bly to She gree of the late President Willard in vol. i, of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the longi- tude of the place of observation will be 4h. 43m. 32s. west from Green. wich, or 4h. 52m. 51s. west from Paris. This time being added to the times of observation at Salem gave the corresponding times at Pa- ris, with which I calculated the following elements by the tables in the third edition of La Lande’s astronomy, decreasing the moon’s horizon- tal parallax four seconds to make it conform to the new tables of Burg. eesoses = The place “2 megegeene was observed was in the garden adjoining Es- sex Bank in Market-street » about an eighth of a mile to the eastward of the place where the idanniamaites was rege and the eclipse observed. _+ This is conformable to La Lande’s tables. La Place, in his “ Mecanique Celes- te,” vol. ii, p. 150, calculated, from the observed lengths of pendulums in different latitudes, that the ellipticity was=1,; but in this calculation a small mi “was made in the coefficient of y, in the tenth of his equations x Peter ought to have been ‘60340, instead of -57624. Thiserrort alt is +145 which does not differ much from +3,, calculated froin ts of the lunar equations, in vol- ume iii, pages 282 and 285 of the same work. This last estimate agrees nearly with that made use of in the above calculations, 22 ©’s long. from the + aati 2° ©’s horizontal para ©’s semidiameter —Teraiaton 3” 5 ©’s horary motion Avge obliquity of the ecliptic d’s rom the apparent equinox) )’s horary motion 2 the® in Jone: ral D’sp arallax—©’ sp Parallax in longitude ()}—© ) Parrallax in latitude ¢ ») —o) Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. Beginning of |Beginning of to-| End of total End of the eclipse. tal darkness arkness eclipse. St Ft yy So. 7 0. 4a Soo 7 2°24 41° 2 3/2°24-44°11* 012°24°44°22° 4/2°24°47°34° 6 8 5 a ¥ 8° 8: 15°42° 5 15:42 § 15°42° § 15°42" 5 2°23°15 2.23°15 2°23°15 2°23°15 23°27°50 23°27°50 23°27°50 23°27°50 2°23°49-28° 8)2°24°37°47° 712°24°40°43° 812°25°29°58° 3 24°34" 4 20° 6° 5 19°50° 3 15°17. 3 60° 9: 0 60°10" 4 60°10" 5 60°12" 0 16°39" 7 16°41° 4 16°41" 4 16°41° 7 36*39'92 36°41°77 36°41°89 36°43°72 S232 3°23°62 3°23'62 3'23°95 34° 16°77 34°18°62 34°18°7 34°20: 57 60° 0 5 60° 1: 9 60° 2° 0 ie ee 19°44 2) +4 553° 1) OS" OF Of =e 9°57" 9 —22°27 9] ~—20* O 2} — 55° uz oo” 5 Now if the latitude of the moon by the rr be aaopaied to be the €eliptic: conjunction. at, Salem_wi 11h. $7’ 20:3 by the mean of all the ono “This will be i in- creased only 04, by decreasing the latitude 6-9, which appears to be necessary from the observations at Rutland, Pawlet, &c. as given by. Doctor Williams and others. _ ‘I shall continue this subject in another memoir. correct, the mean time of nS epee Par OR Paes ele eae et Se ee ff ae. ao Ys = ne eee ee ee eee ee ke eee oe Ls ws =e : u ADDITION TO THE MEMOIR ON THE SOLAR ECLIPSE OF JUNE 16, 1806, Bry NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, a.m. et 4.a.s. ee 5 i Since the communication of my observations of the solar eclipse of June 16, 1806, I have endeavored to procure the observa- tions made in New-England on the northern and southern limits of the total darkness in order to deduce from them the true latitud - of the: time of the eclipti sevorthe'San and Moon. The only POBsePations I have vet been able to obtain are those made at Pawlet in Vermont, on the northern limit of the shadow, and at Tarpaulin-Cove, Nashewena, Martha’s Vineyard, and Falmouth on the southern limit. — . The observations at Pawlet were made by Captain Potter and pub- lished a few days after by Doctor Williams. At the time of the ; great- est obscuration Captain Potter observed “ that the light of the Sun “ instantly ceased for a moment or second of time, and as instantane- “ ously appeared.” The place where this observation was made is about 40 rods south of the northern boundary of Pawlet, in the lati- tude of about 43° 24’ N, (or 43° 12’ 33” reduced to the centre) and in the longitude of from 50” to 66” in time west of the place in Rutland, where Doctor Williams observed the eclipse; this place by his obser- vations is in the longitude of 4h. 51’ 53” W from Greenwich, as will be shown in the course of this memoir, therefore Pawlet is nearly in the longitude of 4h. 52’ 51” W from Greenwich. With this latitude _ and longitude and making use of the elements in the former part of this memoir as found in the tables of the third edition of La Lande’s * ee 4 24, Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806 Astronomy, supposing the error of the lunar tables to be in longitude — 25" 5, and in latitude —6"-8,* E found the mean time of the least appa- rent aeaice of the centres of thesun and moon at Pawlet wasat 11h,14’ 4” The > °s parallax —©’s parallax, m longitude was then +7’ 53”-86, in lat- itude —21'A""72; the moon’s apparent semidiameter 16’ 41:18; the sun’s semidiameter 15’ cae 5, being the same during the whole of the eclipse. Inestimating idiameters I supenerd the rea tode- PR ate + 3 bet bd ow + 2h. St a gis. Pua choke LEI ALU "5 pe SD these being the iecheg made use of by La Lande, in-his Tables. .'The error that might arise in calculating the moon’s. latitude at the ecliptic conjunction, from an error in the ésth vak.. ues of the semiciameters of the sun and moon, will in general be Se ated. by taking the mean. of an equal ber of observations on the northern and southern limits. of the total ‘darkness _and the error that might arise in the calculated time of the ecliptic conjunction will be, nearly obviated, by taking the mean of the times deduced. from. the beginning and end of the eclipse, or from the beginning and end. of the total darkness. From the preceding data I found that the least distance of the centres of the sun and moon according to the tables thus corrected was 58-28, and the difference of their -semidiameters 58°68. — The difference of these numbers 0” “4, is nearly the addition. al correction to be applied to the latitude, making the whole correc- tion ger This is the ly norton, shar ation I could pro- cure: : icone tome by Mr. D. Leslie of New-Bed. 2 ford, » he remarks that the Eclipse was observed to be total at Tarpau- lin-Cove, “the duration being at least one minute,” and at the north- * These nambers were obtained - by a first approximation, and they will be es to Maven meaaly ith the: trve Ls given in this memoir. Ter ts ; eS Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June \6, 1806. 25 east part of the Island of Nashewena five miles W S W from Tar- rae Cove, “the Eclipse was not total but the lucid part was very “small and of a circular form and appeared very much Saga “ suddenly changing its place round the south limb of the moon.” By comparing the latitudes and longitudes of these places as given by Mr. Leslie with those marked on two well executed and apparently accurate asa of ee ¢ Elizabeth rama &e. saree By. nee? it : ff gon pps ation, that the mean time of the least ap- parent distance of the centres of the sun and moon at ‘Tarpaulin-Cove was lth. 28’ 32”. The D’s s parallax—O’s. parallax, in a longi itude +e 26"-93, in latitude—18" 5 ie 7, hs antag ae eter 16 41". ae ; stn in half’a minu appa a of the Re ae of re sun Paar moon vhs 02. | "Hea if 9 ciation of the total darkness at heel So's Lah exactly. arent semi- $ ve seid Sa ee corrected as before Ga the Penn a = moon > A aan. the: latitude —6 —6"'8) was 5958. The difference betwepa, thie: supetninans is im, which sar the additional. corre 26 Observations on the eclipse of the sun, une 16, 1806. two numbers ; that is, by 1 115. So that this error of 60” in the du- ration would only cause an error ‘of 1” 15 in the latitude. By a simi- lar calculation the mean time of the least apparent distance of the cen- tres of the sun and moon at Nashewena was 11h. 27'57. The D s parallax—9’ s parallax, in longitude +5’ 34-01, in latitude—18’50”°68, | the moon’s apparent semidiameter 16’ 41’-51. Hence the least appa- rent distance of the centres of the sun and moon by the tables corrected as above was 61-34, the apparent difference of the semidiameters was 59”-01 : the difference, 2"-3, being added. to 68, gives nearly the limit of the correction of latitude —9” ‘1. That is, the cor- rection to be subtracted from the latitude given by the tables must. be se Ase 2. 1. pecause ‘a atte did not apport to be total. This 2 ae ion 'at Rt eee pets _ gr. = Mr. Leslie also informed me that the eclipse v was observed at Pee tha’s Vineyard by several persons on the point called West-Chop, about half a mile from the extremity of the point, at which place the total darkness continued about a minute ; and at the distance of a mile and a quarter south of this place the eclipse was not total. By the above charts the latitude of the former point is 41° 28’ 10” N (reduced Al® 16' 47"); the latter 41° 26’ 55” N (reduced 41° 15’ 32”); and the longitude 4h. 42m. 16s. W from Greenwich. From these data I found, by calculations similar to the foregoing, that the mean time of the least apparent distance of the sun and moon was at 11h. 29m. 37s ; and at the first place the >’s parallax—®’s parallax in longitude ' was +5" 14""-32, in latitude —18' 50".31; the moon’s apparent semidiame- ter 16’ 41’54, the apparent motion of the moon from the sun in half a minute of time 11:58, and the apparent difference of the semidiame- ters of the sun and moon 59”°04. Hence, if the duration of total darkness was one: minute, the least distance of the centres of the sun and moon would be ¥59°04\*—11°58)’=57"-89. The distance at = se Peis ee Shit pantie hed. od ans Ls. 2 ae Ll od oe ae oe eee a Le dae pi le a ee ee i eos = sy a pits Mes aS le ia, ae Pow arte si ? ; Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. 27 that time by the tables, corrected in longitude and latitude as in the above calculations, was 59”°79. The difference between this and 57°89 is 1"°9, which is nearly the additional correction to be applied to the latitude of the moon, making the whole correction —8""7. At the southern. place of observation the D’s parallax —9’s parallax in longitude was +5’ 14°49, in latitude —18' 49”°10, and the moon’s ap- parent semidiameter 16’ 4154. Hence the least apparent distance of the centres of the sun and moon, by the tables, corrected as above, was 61"0. The apparent difference of their semidiameters, was 59-04. The difference of these ‘numbers, 1-96, “being added to 6”-8 gives nearly the limit of the error of the. aha i oo A that is, the corection to be subtracted from the latitude given by the an 8” 76, beca because the eres was not total. This . Ly must Bt ea da agrees with (aera observation just calculated, which made the correction —8""7,_ This quantity will be taken for ‘didabasil tion deduced from the observations at the Vineyard. . From the observations made at lapidiis and. crmmeniae to it of the shadow at Wood's Hole v was s at the sea shore in white de of 41° 33’, or 41°.33’ 30’. By comparing the situation PP ae gust sess rit the aboipprationsd charts of te Edebeth Isl- seats B, wich. Hence I find that the 1 mean time of the least apparent distance of the sun and moon was 11h. 29’ 32”. The 3’s parallax—®’s paral- lax, in longitude +5’ 14”-80, in latitude —18’ 55"-30, and the moon’s apparent semidiameter 16’ 41-52. cate tribicha sit follows: oe ba? ares —_ * : “pe Ai wate isco, erie dees} ok £ 0S Seu ee Tt Thee res gd ‘baoa a 28 Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June, 16, 1806. as the error in latitude deduced from the observations at the southern Renee the shadow. The eclipse was not total at Nantucket in the latitude of A 1° 15’ 82” N and in the longitude of 4h. 40'0” W from Greenwich, as was ob- served by Mr. Walter Folger jun. The only deduction I have made from this observation is, that the error in the tabular latitude was less than 20”. = By taking the mean of the error in latitude determined at the north- ern limit, namely —7""2, and that at the southern limit —6”-6, we have the error of the tables in latitude as determined by the mean of all the observations —6""9. The quantity thus determined is (as was. before sgbgerved) a of any error in the estimated values of the of the sun and moon. Now in the former part of : aie weer ‘was showil that it 11h. 30" 14” mean time at Salem, the moon’s latitude by the tables was 19’ 50-3 N, and the horary decrease of jatitude corresponding to the middle time between 11h. 30’ 14” and the conjunction, 11h. 37’ 20"7, was 3’23"-63. Hence at the time of the conjunction the latitude by the tables was 19’ 26’"2, and asthe cor- rection obtained above was —6’*9, the true latitude at the time of the ecliptic conjunction was by these observations 19’ 193. This jatitude will be made use of in the rest of this memoir, in calculating several observations made in this country. OBSERVATIONS AT SALEM. ~ FROM the calculations before made on the observations at Salem we may easily deduce from the observed beginning y» Mean time- and end of the eclipse, that the: reNe cinco Uh. 37’ 1972 wasat—. - - - Ni And by the Sa RR tS ate it Bk otc, ee Poe mee ee eae eee ll 37 20°7 ecliptic conjunction at Salem . , Ce Pee ee eo ee ae Pe ee ee ee ae . \ et aa ae ae ene ee Slr re ee ree ere se le ee ce oa eT ene i 3 Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. 29 -~In making the preceding calculations it was supposed that Salem was inthe longitude of 4h. 43’ 32” W from Greenwich. Hence it would follow that the ecliptic conjunction at Greenwich was at 4h. 20’ 52".7 mean. time, or 4h. 20” 45’*9 apparent time ; and as Paris is 9’ 18*8 east of Greenwich, the ecliptic conjunction at Paris would be at 4h. 30’ 11’"5 mean time, or 4h. 30’ 4’°7 apparent time. These times may be liable to an error of 4” or 5” from the uncertainty in the eee of a from which that of Salem is deduced. ~ It was found in the former part of these calculations that at 11h. 30’ 14" mean time at Salem, the longitude of the sun, as given by the ta- bles in the third edition of La Lande oe ena ME Ah A, rary Moon in n longitude, Porrespendiae shihcinil dle time between 11h. 30’ 14” and the ecliptic conjunction, 36’ 41-97. Hence at the conjunction the tabular longitude of the sun was 2s, 24° 44 39-4, and that of the moon 2s. 24° 45’ 4’°8; so that, if the solar ta- bles were correct, the nioon’s tabular longitude was foa.gsreat by 25’°4. error of the moon’s longitude will be 25". 10-5 57 4: BL ‘3 OBSERVATIONS AT RUTLAND. THE: observations «t R an who observed the beguriete er esedipareiiaas: 12” apparent time, and the end at 12h. 37’ Su ‘¢ apparent time. The eclipse was not total, oo’: Tr. et Be Lt. } Yes oi ree op si. git error-0’-7, mention- Ph a egg eee cee ‘ 1 “s, ak ob tanh Lee é " ‘ £uU ily oo eee “> 5 ‘ cme fs pat Wit Fock “Pate + In maine er a public papers this was printed by mistake 12h. 32/517. Ser0tt to Klocack Wiliams trae Shit der nian ad tthe Oa Gazette of June | 21, 1806, whe eh ee ee Te si wa if bg tee ottecan* és dintiness printed ai . : ge pei » § igh. 87'5 . . 7 - i thks eer es cusaqenoe mye = 80 Observations on the eclipse of the sur, June 16, 1806. “ but at 11h. 11’47” apparent time the sun’s limb appeared to be re- “ duced to a small circular thread, or rather like a very fine horn, the “upper end of which broke into a drop and instantly disappeared. “The lucid part of the sun evidently decreased till 11h. 16’ 52”. ‘The “ nosition of the lucid part at that time seemed to change suddenly to “ the east, and in a few minutes appeared on that part of the sun, where “ the eclipse began, and the light instantly increased before there was “ any appearance to the eye of an increase of the lucid part.” . The latitude of the place of observation was 43° 36’ N (reduced 43° 24’ 32” N). The longitude made use of in calculating the parallaxes was Ah. 52! 32” W from Greenwich. The moon’s parallax minus the sun’s parallax at the beginning of the eclipse was, in longitude +21 1 10”°2, in latitude —23' 57-2. and at the end of the eclipse was in indangitude gh 27-2, and in latitude —20' 36"-4. The. moon's iameter the beginning was 16’ 39”-3, at the end 16’ 41”: “é Hence the t mean time of the ecliptic conjunction at Rutland was 11h, 28’ 59”*7. This,’ subtracted from the mean time of the conjunction at Salem, 11h. 37’ 20"-7, leaves the longitude of Rutland 8’ 21” W from Salem, or 4h. 51’ 53” W from Greenwich. It appears by calculation that the least apparent distance of the cen- tres of the sun and moon at Rutland was at 11h. 15’ 36 36” mean time, and that the eclipse would have been total if the error of the tables of the moon’s latitude at the time of the conjunction had been +45, instead —6'9, found by the other observations. The observations made at Albany, Kinderhook, Philadelphia, Lan caster, and Natches, were communicated by Mr. Ferrer to President Webber, who politely furnished me with a copy, from which I have deduged, the: longitudes of thove, piaats,: 8 iccbetberp calcula- tions, _ ~ Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. $l OBSERVATIONS AT ALBANY BY MR. S. DE WITT. _ LATITUDE of place 42° 38" 39” N, reduced 42° 27'13" N. Lon- gitude made use of in calculating the parallaxes 4h, 55’ 47 W from OT ee SO eee Se eS ns Ne Pe a i ee eS ee ee 4 4 ’ ‘ Greenwich. : Mean |)’s se-| D Spat —O” bd gc time. |midia. | in long. g h, th vial Beginning of total darkness 11+ 8*12°6)16°41°2 4-9: 73 —20: 281 ~ Ena of total darkness 1 113° 3°6)16°41°2,4-8: 1495 ]— Heace the mean time ofthe ecliptic conjunction was This, subtracted from the time of the conjunction at Salem, Leaves the sciiits of Albany W from Salem " Ma 1s S = ashe. we assess oad 45s ts Bae me The eet or cherie eS x ai Pee slats ws (econ NEW YORK. “LATITUDE, of Kinderhook 42° 23’ 3” N, reduced 42° 11 37” N. Longitude made use of in calculating the ae 4h. eat 1s" wo pec re ogee coe eieeeraes bo en One Ya Bi =: pw —O"s par. ere ee Sr ae time D.| in a ‘ip Jat...; eRe : tomes Bae mk Beginning of the eclipse 49°37 ss 23" 46) _ Beginning of total darkness iT; sali 16-4 1° 4 9 12° wae ae ys _-End of total CRTEDESS File1229}1641° ih §-22- — 20° 645°” : of the eclipse 033-45]16° ALSl— 6°44°6)—— 19°22) I M ean time. — eternal contacts was at 1th. 25’ Fite, FS ah ti | contacts aes i 95 42 Ther mean of all I four observations gived ‘the SOnpe ‘conj. Wer eee 855k9'T cans lahieiasidih Aiglht Adi sinier df: thetconjunctlon:'e Setetny SAP 87 20 7 Se ae 11 38 6 Re Keri e = oe St-W from Groconigh. ag Ral! 6 i all TTANT A’'T DITTIT ANTI Pur Ay BY MR. esa * -_ “ - P. " hae ; 52 Observations on the eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806. . Mean} )’s -| )’s Dacre Gape-| ~ 9) i etime. })°S.D. | inlong. { in lat. | fe ee i h. Widow“ eles t Sate Beginning of the eclipse 9°40" 5|16°39°1)+25° beri End of the eclipse 0:26" 14} 16°42" 1|— §°22°7|—~16°52°8} [ean time. Hence the ecliptic conjunction was at . ; 11h. 20’ 17.0 This, subtracted from the time of the con}. at Sater; i. 3 20°. 7 Leaves the longitude of Philadelphia W from Salem : i eps Ma 6 ae rege eee eer or W from Greenwich §-- 20 38 °F OBSERVATIONS AT LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA, BY MR. A. ELLICOTT. LATITUDE of Lancaster 40° 2’ 36” N, reduced 39° 51’ 18” N. ‘Longitude made use of in calculating the parallaxes Sh. 5’ 23’ W from Greenwich: ~~ Mean] D’s >’ § par ae? 's par. | time. | S.D. | in a | in lat. 5 sees | 5 4d 9°53°1 ito 6°38°s 613: rose " bet 2116-42" 1] owen j a oes . Mei me. Hence the ecliptic conjunction was at Llh, 15’. 29/-Qa3% ‘This subtracted from the time of the conjunction at Salem 4h, 37.90% Gives the es of Lancaster W from Salem 21 61 8 + gy AS a faa SS 5. 3 3s-s OBSERVATIONS AT NATCHES, BY MR. w. DUNBAR. ae aler LATITUDE of Natches 31° 27 48” N, reduced 31° 17/36” N, Longitude. : ting the Main 6h. 5/31” W from Greenwich. ee : Mean D’s D's par—O@’s par] time. .| S.D. | inlong. | im lat. | ih Beginning of th ALP BO. ~ 2 ase> ie i bat =: aS; rida te db; idee : $3 if “ a ‘ 7 Z " = of f the Eclipse as ee Se ee OE ear --42°43° 4119 44 0 = [40° 38°55}16'41-6}-+17-56-5|—10. 77] ” es the ect neque was at . is 10h. ata 1304 This subtracted the ction at Salemi 11 37-20 7 Gives the foligittide of Widnes w from’ Salem <0) Te gx iy 69 + 3 -.: + or W from Greenwich . ae 6.6 32 re The Sbesralaey of Mr. Dunbar i is 9” east from the Castle of Natches, Hence. the longitude of that Castleis — 6 § 41 $ 1 have not yet been able to obtain any European observations of the Eclipse, to compare with those mide in this country. Sho eas eye, Brat waa APPLICATION OF NAPIER’S RULES FOR SOLVING THE CASES OF RIGHT-AN- GLED SPHERIC TRIGONOMETRY TO SEVERAL CASES OF OBLIQUE-ANGLED SPHERIC TRIGONOMETRY. By NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, As M. et As As S. —— oa te na We ag whole of Right- Ans Spleens vigvamnicty. ia xenced to two simple analogies or Sameera: seme, fo een > be remembered, are much made aticians. — | The object of the present memoir is to point out a: ion in the expression of those rules} so that they may fmelude the solutions of most of the cases of Oblique-Angled Spheric bare ae in a more simple manner than in their original form. In every Right: Adipled Spheric. Triangle there are five circular. parts 5 ‘namely, the two legs, the complement of the hypotenuse, and the complements of the two oblique angled, ‘which are named adjacent or opposite, according to their positions with respect to each other. cae oe 2 abe three parts join, wba, sahichin in the middle, is called the middle part: if they do not join, two of them must, and the other part, which is sepa- rate, is called the middle part, and the other two, opposite parts, as in Fig. 1,2. Then, Fe ce eectee ant nat ta geen by, Nepies, will become jet | ge 34 Abplication of Napier’s rules. The method of applying these solutions to the various cases of Right-Angled Spheric Trigonometry is very simple, and is explained in several treatises of Trigonometry. . To apply this method to Oblique- Angled - Siew Trigonometry it is necessary to divide the triangle into two right-angled spheric tr- angles by means of a perpendicular AP (Fig. 3) let fall from the point A upon the opposite side BC : the perpendicular being so chosen as to make two of the given things fall i in one of the right-angled triangles.* Each triangle thus formed contains, as above, five circular parts, | the perpendicular being counted and bearing the same name in each of them: consequently the parts of each triangle similarly situated with ees to sae Be Soa must have the same name. In every Jblig eric ea rigonomery there are three parts v care two of these parts ini ee the pare ACP, ABP, eRe 4 situated with reapecctte each other. To each of these must be joined the perpendicular AP, and there will be three parts in each triangle, which are to be named middle, adja- cent, or opposite, according to the above directions. Then the equations for solving all the cases Given AB, AC, and the angle C, to find BC, Fie. gt ea ‘right-angled triangle ACP we have AC and Cv ar may find PC by the rule, sine of middle part = ta 36 Application of Napier’s rules. which gives(as in Fig. 2) sine (co.C)=tang. PCxtang.(co. AC), whence tang. PC=cos. C x tang. AC. Thenin the triangles ABP, APC, we have AB, AC and PC to find BP, and if to these we join the perpen. dicular AP, we shall find, in the triangle APC, that the complement of AC isthe middle part and PC an opposite part. The triangle ABP is to be marked ina similar manner. Then the rule, Sine middle part « cosines of the opposite parts, gives Sine (co. AC) : PE-:2ssind{co: — cos. BP. — found BP we have a = BPS PC? -7* EXAMPLE 2. ae ee tig Giyen BC, AC, and the angle C, to find AB. Fig. — As in the last example w find. PC, thence BP — BC ¥ PC. ‘Then in i ‘APC, ABP we have AC, PC and PB to find AB, which requires that the triangles should be marked. as in the last example, and the rule Sine middle part « cosines of Opposite parts, gives sine (co..AC) : cos. PC :: sine (co. AB) : cos. BP, whence we obtain cos. PC : cos. AC :: cos. BP; cos, AB. paten 2 ae EXAMPLE. 3 ‘Given AC, ay aay find the angle B. Fig. 4. : Find PC, PB, as in the preceding example, then the rule, sine mid- dle part & tangents of ‘adjacent parts gives sine PC : Raxco C= sine BP : tang. (co. B). eee omen EXAMPLE 4. Gingn, the angles dnsindChaddbisaidesAC 40 GietiATs Fig. 5. In the right angled triangle ACP we have AC and the angle C, © whence we may find the angle PAC by the rule, Sine middle part” == 5 tangents adjacent parts, which gives, (as in fig. 1.) Sine (co, AC } Application of Napier’s rules. 37 = tang. (co. C) x tang. (co. PAC), or cotang. PAC = cos. AC x tang. C, whence we have BAP = BAC $ PAC. Then in the trian- gles ABP, APC we have the angles PAC, BAP, and the side AC, to find AB; and if to these we join the perpendicular AP we shall find, in the triangle APC, that the complement of the angle PAC is the middle part and the complement of AC is an adjacent part ; and the trian- gle APB is to be marked ina similar manner. Whence -the rule, Sine middle part « tangents adjacent parts, gives sine (co. PAC): tang. (co, AC) :: sine (co. PAB) : tang. (co. AB). | In the same manner we may proceed with any other oa Seen See to cxaiude tha endicular from th a epee ‘ing two ca cog question is ee two sides and the ica angles of an oblique angled triangle, or where three sides are given to find an angle. The first of these may be solved by : te Soe rule that the sine of a side is proportional to the sine of its opposite angle. Thus if AB, AC, and snipe given to find C, we i gees sine B:: sine AB : sine C. ~ _ The case where three sides are given includes that where nee sfigles are piver by faking the supplementary triangle. The usual rule for finding one gles fed Fare ot three ges AB, AC, BC are given, is by Log. cos. }B=}x or sine Fee sie EAC tog nce, AB gon BC} Both these excepted cases occur so frequently im practice that it be- comes quite easy to remember the rules for solving them, and if to these we join the rules of Napier, altered in the imantier- we have here suggested, Bee ate cece eee ecessar _- TWO TABLES — rn ~~ OF THE VARIETIES IN THE FIRST AND SECOND CASES OF OBLIQUE SPHERICS. By WILLIAM CROSWELL, a. m. —- rig a letter to the Honorable John Davis, Esq. Se Sa 4 — Of the —- in the first case of ob spherics, in het: are given two sides, and an angle opposite to one of those sides Cliven /|CGiv.sid |Z Side adjacent to given angle [Zop.adj.s)1 i | acute. 1| acute | acute jequal to opposite eside — 2| acute | acute fless than opposite side — 3} acute | acute ieee than opposite side | 4| acute |greate pithan gaposiic © ot a = 3 acute a an Se less 1an AD joe os 8| acute aan greater than 08 opp. side obtu: 9 10) obtuse acute - less than f obtuse obt ; than op opposite 111] obtuse | obtuse {equal to ‘opposite sid 412} obtuse | obtuse jgreater t si onieetiiet side 13! obtuse | mixed jobtuse ae than supp. opp. Si ide 14} obtuse | mixed {acute equal to supp. opposite side 15] obtuse | mixed jacute less than supp. opposite side 116] obtuse | mixed acute greater than supp: ed Tt appears : : s above ove » that only four varieties in tl ma iaewe ambiguous. Let the sides be 114” 30’ and 56° 40’, and let the angle opposite to — : 114° 30’ be 125° 20’... The angle narra to 56° 40’ is found ida cal culation to be 48° 31’, oF 1312 29 Robertson, from whom this €xample ake: eaeties dinteat fection must be determined by construction. This example belongs to the 15th variety in the Table, whence the | angle concerned is found to be acute ; meh eaectons of the other required parts are determined. In constructing the ambiguous varieties, two triangles are odie ed, equally agreeing with the example ; and the uncertainty continues ik it TABLE OF THE VARIETIES IN THE. ueasodn CASE OF OBLIQUE ee IN WHICH ARE GIVEN TWO ANGLES, AND A SIDE OP SITE TO ONE OF THOSE ANGLES. _ a ies ee gl a id jen N ei cial 2 | Angle adjacent to nite Cy He 23 a2 % Le Torey ny seme ee Z : hey {car s sao te Boe Te Ae a Sa: gtk Sh Pe Sees ih 9 ENE eee _ rect, as every variety was decries Gi constructions. os ies ” La sth Sei be at eae’ st diy Angle fe a high: Mies ate x , of ee ; Pees £3 22 a Apt gg Bee TS = errs : > nw lis ip: tl ci ete A 0 tieie ne rt: oes we atte: tial us? ae ee j weane 2 aes pee ff Bm: see ol ime. = “REMARKS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMMON SCALE-BEAM, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW GOLD STANDARD BEAM, INVENTED BY THE AUTHOR, -. 5. Mr. BENJAMIN DEARBORN. oo ‘THE common Slee Beant has a fixed centre of gravity at some distance below the centre of motion ; by this construction the beam i is. drawn to a level or horizontal postion) ; the € power, by which i it is thus: influenced, is invariable, and is prop ) the weight of the bea and the — the two centres 4 cena gist * Ne sig cra aon eerie as. a, and the centre of gravity at or in ck the p ‘power of gravity will “draw the centre 4, directly fog the centre a, in the line cd. To turn the beam out of a level position, — rs a power must jc —— aeeee to fo which draws it into a a level ce = res of motion, the beam would turn with iene Gifficulty if botli centres were in one. point, the beam would stand in ‘any position, and turn with the utmost ease, but would not vibrate. rae sens pares aren onte 4 ee one end or the other of the beam would preponderate, as chance OF _ a eet Dearborn’s gold standard Balance. 41 accident might direct. The preceding remarks principally concern the ight beam; I shall next speak of the loaded beam. The strength of a beam must be proportioned to the quantity it is designed to draw; and if strong it must be heavy, and if heavy it must turn with difficulty, on the construction above described, if no measure be adopted as a corrective; and the only corrective I have known applied, is a much greater evil to correct the smaller ; this I shall endeavor to explain. Some workmen, finding the difficulty attending the turning of a beam was nearly in proportion to the weight of the beam, hs cs 28 weed, bone of suspension consider- re of motion by the beam is made to turn with e€ en loaded aire ‘weight, but loaded beyond this cquidtity 3 it Foeedmnes what is vulgarly termed a dead beam; that is, one scale or the other will preponderate and remain down; while the same beam, if lightly loaded, will turn with difficulty. In either of which extremes accuracy is not to be expected, the beam being fit = ee, oy a meine quantity, a whch it will _ Demonstration of the cause, which produces the effec fee 8 ar : 2. 1 sie ; dues ante points of suspension, FOO GE Wadeteen os tee treme, to make the explanation more intelligible.) It is evident that the points of suspension vibrate in arcs of the circle adg ec, of which 4 is the centre ; that while the beam is level, the points d and e are at equal horizontal distances from the centre, and that those distances are equal to the co-sine of the angle ¢ 6 ¢ or the line 5/5 depress the point e to ¢, and the point d is raised to g ; the al a ne radius, and th t of the 42 Dearborn’s gold standard Balance. latter reduced to the co-sine of the angle g 6a; hence the falling arm of the beam obtains the power of a longer lever, while the power of that, which rises, is at the same moment reduced in a greater proportion. As this inequality of power increases by multiplying the weights in the scales, it follows that the beam operates very dif- ferently when lightly or heavily loaded, and that it can be correct only when the scales are loaded with that precise quantity, which shall give a power to the longer lever but just inferior to the power of gravity, which draws the beam toa level. It is further evident by Fig. 8, that if the points of suspension were placed below the centre of motion, the evil would be still greater, as the rising arm would increase in eh) Mibu. He, other mould be Pied ; in this state a pe ae ‘ate. <= turns points of suspension pie ee. coc ona xine ih ake centre of motion, or not so far out of that line as that the beam will operate differently with different weights. ¥et even in this construction a natural evil arises, which cooperates with the first of the before men- tioned artificial evils to obstruct the easy motion of a beam ; this if shall next attempt to Geacribe- rn “The. ‘natural evil, ab bove alluded to, is “the fexton. or bending of the beam when considerably loaded, whereby the points. of sus- pension are drawn downward below the centre of motion; - this operates powerfully against the turning of the beam, and unites its effect with the fixed centre of gravity, to prevent an easy motion; hence arises the principal cause of the difficulty, with which a beam turns when heavily loaded; not from the friction of the parts alone, as is s commonly, though erroneously, supposed. ai | Za “¢ * 4 pati . 4 Dr. Lathrop’s account of the. springs and wells in Boston, 61 and from the elevation of the ground, the water might be sent, in re- freshing streams, to the greatest part of the town. ‘The comfort, which the inhabitants might receive in the heat of summer, from streams sent tothem from the hills, which the Author of nature hath given us, not more for ornament than for use, would be very great ; but while this comfort is quite at command, it has hitherto been neg- lected. As advantages of high importance result, and may be caused still farther to result from the hills, which are placed on this peninsu- la, it is to be hoped, those hills will be regarded with a kind of religious. ‘respect, and that the municipal authority will never suffer pos vene- rable heads to be brought low.. : To give some account of the depths below, as ell as the heights above the level of the sea, from whence water is taken for the supply of the town, I will mention what I have been told, relating to some of the deepest wells in the town. An intelligent proprietor of the well made a few years since, near the old fortification, at the southwesterly entrance from the neck, gave me the following history of it—Where the ground was opened, the elevation is not more than one foot, or one foot anda half, above the: sea, at high pe. The well was made very large. After digging about 1 body of clay, the workmen prepared for boring. At the depth of 108 or 110 feet, the auger was impeded by a hard substance. This was no sooner broken through, and the auger taken out, than the water was forced up with a loud noise, and rose to the top of the well. After the first effort of the long confined elastic air was expended, the water subsided about 6 feet from the surface, and there remains at all seasons, ebbing and flowing a little, with the tides. _ Observing a small pump, placed by the side of a large in GE mioeswel, F ee “and 62 Dr. Lathrop’s account of the springs and wells in Boston. and soft, and without any fetid smell or taste, after some time was found to be less pleasant, and less fit for general us e. However, as it rose so near the surface, curiosity led the proprietors to let down a proof glass, to taste the water, and it was feund much better, when taken thus from the top, than when pumped from the bottom of the well. Although from the same fountain they did not take “ salt water and fresh,” in the same well they found sqft water and hard, sweet water and fetid. The small pump was then placed by the side of the large one, which, enter- ing but a little way, took water fit for every use, and free from any un- pleasant smell. Whether the water becomes unpleasant by a subtle mephitick vapour, which finds its way into it, or by being covered up, — as wells comuionly are, and thus deprived of oxygen from the atmos-. s worthy of careful examination. I would just observe, the proprietors of the well last mentioned were led to exercise great cau- tion in carrying on the work, by an accident which happened very near them a few years before. A few years before, an attempt was made to dig a well about twenty rods to the east, near the sea. Hav- ing dug about 60 feet in a body of clay, without finding water, prepa- ‘4 ration.was made in the usual way for boring ; and after passing about. 40 feet, in.the same body of clay, the auger was impeded with stone. A few strokes with a drill broke through the slate covering, and the water gushed up with such rapidity and force, that the workmen with difficulty were saved from death. The water rose to the top of the well and ran over for some time. ~The force was suchas to’ bring tip. 4 a | a large quantity of fine sand, by which the ness filled up many feet. ree The workmen left all their tools behind, which were buried in the sand, and all their labour was lost. ‘The body of water, which is con- stantly passing under the immense bed of clay, which is found in all ‘the low parts of the peninsula, and which forms the bason of the har- _ Dr. Lathrop’s account of the springs and wells in Boston. 63 bour, must have its source in the interiour, and is pushed on with great force, from ponds and lakes in the elevated parts of the country. Whenever vent is given to any of those subterranean currents, the water will rise, if it have opportunity, to the leyg¢l of its source. But I must desist, having, I fear, taken up too much of your time ;: although there is yet truth in the nn sufficient to engage the atten- tion of the humble jnquirer.. With great respect and esteem, I am, | Su, | _ your most ebedicht servant, ' JOHN LATHROP. Hon. Joun Davis,.Esq.- met) D>) a SUPPLEMENT TO THE FOREGOING COMMUNICATION. Sees Boston, August 18, 1800. DEAR SIR, : THE force with which water is observed to rise in many of the wells which have been dug in the low parts of the peninsula of Boston, and the elevation which it holds in the wells on the hills, excite a strong curiosity to find the sources of the springs, and to understand the machinery, by which the water is forced so much above the level of the sea. I now hazard a few thoughts on this part of iene history of springs, which you will please to cage gpl a suppleme’ to the last communication on this subject. : Z 64 Dr. Lathrop’s account of the springs and wells in Boston. On this peninsula there are what T shall take the liberty of calling, the upper and the nether springs. ‘The upper springs are those which are found in the-hills, and at a moderate distance from the surface, to- gether with those which discharge their waters, at openings which they have worked for themselves. The nether springs are those which are found under a body of clay, from 80 to 120 feet deep. We are now to inquire for the sources of the springs of both kinds, which are found on the peninsula, and eye sydeavour to account for the height at which water rises in the wells. ~The sources, I be- lieve, cannot be found on the peninsula. By the laws of hydrostatics, water can rise in wells no higher than the reservoir. Some of the an- cients supposed all springs and fountains of fresh water have their ori- gin in the sea, and that in passing subterraneous ducts, the sea water loses its saltness by percolation. But as sea water can be admitted into the wells in Boston, only through veins of sand or gravel, it is not conceivable, that in passing so short a distance, (in many places buta few feet) it can lose all its saltness. But were that supposable, there is an objection to the theory from the eee to which spring water rises. ‘The sea can raise water only to its own level ; whereas the water ‘rises in some of the wells in Boston 75 or 80 feet above the level of the sea. Were the hills on the peninsula high and large eneugh to contain caverns in their bowels, or admit of basons, for ponds on their tops, the quantities of water, received direct from the atmosphere, might be sufficient to keep the springs at their foot always full. But Beacon Hill, the highest of the three, is only 138 and a half feet, Its shape is such, that the vapours which are attracted to it, and the rains | which fall upon it, must run quickly down its steep sides to the sea While the electric principle, which the upper strata possess, may be continually attracting the surrounding vapours, the sands, of which Dr. Lathrop’s account of the springs and wells in Boston, 65 those strata are composed, cannot retain the waters they imbibe, but must discharge them either from the sides, or convey them to the deep stratum of hard earth and clay, which is found in the centre of the hill. As this stratum is very compact, and conforms, as all the oth- ers do, to. the shape of the hill, the water, which is filtered through the sands above, cannot enter it; but must pass down its convex sur- face, without affording any supplies to the springs which are found below it. No reservoir can be fouind in the hills, on the peninsula, sufficient to raise water in the wells 75 or 80 feet above the level of the sea. Nor i is it less difficult to find the sources of the lower springs, without going to some distance. Under a stratum of clay, generally more than 100 feet thick, which is found in all ‘the low parts of the town, there are waters, ‘either in veins of sand and grayel, or in cur- rents, passing continually to the sea. Whenever those veins or cur- rents are opened by the spade or auger of the well digger, water is forced up with violence, and in some cases flows over on the ground. As reservoirs are not to be found on the peninsula, sufficient to supply t the springs, and to raise the water in wells so much aboye the sea, where shall we look for Ahent 5 is Gales we must look into the. country. All the waters, which are collected in the mountains, and elevated parts of the earth, are constantly pressing, towards the ocean, The waters in the rivers make their way without much difficulty ; while those immense bodies, which are confined in the great lakes, and in ponds, some of which are many miles in circumference, are - constantly pressing on the sides and seeking a passage in veins of sand and gravel, which are found at different depths, and convey water wherever their courses are directed. | oe While we look to the mountains, some Fe ick rise “above “the ordinary « course of the clouds, in every quarter of the world, as the Ori= ? sprees of PE. apd Dae the sources of the springs on our 66 Dr. Lathrop’s account of the spring's and wells in Boston. peninsula may be found nearer home. The ponds at the northward, at the west, and southward, have a sufficient elevation, and, as reser voirs, contain quantities of water, sufficient to furnish innumerable springs, between them and the sea. Let us suppose, that under some pond, several miles from Boston, there is placed a stratum of clay, which serves as a bason to prevent the water from sinking into the earth, and that next to the stratum of clay there is placed a vein of gravel, and over that clay again, or hard earth, (as we find strata com- monly disposed) and we may conceive of a complete aqueduct, from the pond to the sea. If the pond be very deep, veins of sand or grav- el, between strata of clay, at different distances from the surface, may furnish supplies for the springs on the elevated parts of the pen- insula, as well as. for those whick are. found at. 100 or 120 feet under a bed of clay. In the drawing annexed, the pond and stratum of oat between strata of clay, may be considered as one leg of an inverted syphon ; the well dug in the side of the hill, and which just enters the vein of gravel and water, may be considered as the other leg. The pressure on the pond would raise the water in the well to the same level, if the syphon was complete. But it is to be remembered, while a part of the water is forced up the well, where the passage is easy, probably much the greatest part, which comes from the source, is still carried along in the vein of gravel. It is impossible for us to say why the wa- ter holds a certain elevation, and rises no higher, while we are unac- guainted with the degree of obstruction, which it meets with in its ori- ginal course. Ifthe obstruction is great, so that. the water has very little motion, where the vein is opened, it will rise high in the well ; but if the passage. is comparatively easy, the depth of water in the well will not be great. At a certain’elevation the water in the well will be abalance for the pressure at the source, (allowing always for the force Dr. Lathrop’s account of the springs and wells in Boston. 67 which is expended in pushing along that portion of the water, which still keeps its original course). - Although the drawing is not perfect- ly correct, it may serve in some measure to illustrate the theory of springs, and the manner in which water is raised in them, On the preceding principles we easily account for the ebbing and flowing of the water in wells, near the sea, The pressure of the tide against the mouths ef the subterranean aqueducts will prevent. for a time the passage of the water ; of course the water will rise in the wells, which are supplied by those aqueducts, ‘When the tide falls, the water will fall in the wells, situated as now supposed, Thus does the Almighty ' #6 send springs into. the yallies, which * run among the hills : ‘they go. up by ‘the mountains, they go down # by the vallies, unto the place which is appointed for them.” With great consideration Jam your obedient ils servant, — ee ae eee won Pbtadat Ral Hon. Joux Davis, Esq. hee Pe 68 Dr. — ‘accouirit of the springs and wells in Boston. REFERENCES TO FIG. XI. a A pond of fresh water several miles distant from Boston. 6666 Strata of earth, gravel, clay and gravel. e Salt water between Boston and Cambridge. d Beacon Hill. | e Part of Long Wharf. i) Wells of water, communicating with veins of gravel or sand at different depths, --- Small veins of sand or gravel, which convey water from larger yeins to the surface of ee earth, and break out in springs. os _ chiefy : slate. | Sey ke SR ge a {X. ON THE ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF ICE ISLANDS AND THEIR DANGEROUS EFFECTS IN NAVIGATION, — out a certain and easy method of timely forewarning seamen of their approach, even in the darkest nights. By A. FOTHERGILL, m. pb. F.r.s. a. P.s. &e, ——DIES DOCEAT<—— INTERIM “ CAUTELA NON NOGET.” sate AS” no pitlosophical Pere Prurtsaly written on the origin and formation of ice islands has yet appeared, the subject may be consid- ered in a great measure as untouched. The present attempt, with so few materials, will doubtless be deemed as bold as it is novel. _It is therefore not without diflfidence, that I venture to lay it before this tearned society, whose candour, however, will plead for its imperfec- tions. = These enormous bodies are distinguished by mariners according to their apparent magnitude into continents, islands, and fields of ice, extending often to a vast distance, as far as the eye can reach from the mast head ; some of which have been computed to be above a mile long and 200 feet high above the surface of the water, which is considered as only one fourteenth of their extent under water. How amazingly great then must be the real bulk of such islands, or rather continents of ice! They have been found within 36° or 37° south of the equator, and 39° or 40° north. In the year 1805 from April to June they occurred more frequently in the Atlantic Ocean, and particularly near the banks of Newfoundland, than had ever beenremembered be- 70 Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. fore. The disasters occasioned by them among ships during the above period were fully detailed in the public prints, and are still fresh in remembrance, particularly those of the Jupiter, Capt. Law, from London, in latitude 44° 20’ longitude 49°, and the Sally, Capt. Bigby, latitude 42° 30’ longitude 50°, both of which vessels bilged and sunk, with a considerable part of the crews! A British packet foundered, and many other ships were greatly damaged by the ice. | From ob- servation it appears, that during the spring of 1805 from latitude 40° to 47° and from longitude 44° to 57° (a wide expanse of sea) the nav- igation of the Atlantic was_peculiarly hazardous. The preceding winter indeed had been uncommonly severe, and the cold weather ex- tended more Steen aaa sto. she. sucreeding spring. Part of the en- suing st er for a high degree of heat, be- ing at times from 90° to 96° of Fahrenheits't thetNiowietir: Respecting their origin the general opinion is, that iene grad- ually formed by accumulations of ice within the arctic and antarctic circles, and are carried by tides and currents to different latitudes, But if they are found, as Erwin and others alledge, not only in the Atlantic, but also in the Baltic, the Euxine, the Asiatic, and the Pa- cific oceans, how can we suppose them capable of traversing such temperate seas and warm regions, without undergoing a more speedy liquefaction ?- Hence the frozen seas of the arctic aud antarétic cjr- cles cannot be considered as the only sources where ice islands are exclusively generated ; nor can the liquefaction of the polar ices ex- plain the regular periodical return of the ti ides, as the Abbe St. Pierre. fancied, when he vainly attempted to overturn the doctrine of solar and lunar influence, established by the immortal Newton. The origin of ice islands therefore still remains in obscurity, and may possibly, at length, be found, where it was least suspected. If it be true, accordin g to some late observations, that the temperature Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. 71 of the sea decreases from its surface downwards so far as has yet been determined by the deepest soundings, where its coldness reaches the freezing point even of salt water, is it not probable that, at greater depths out of soundings it may be many degrees below the freezing point, and that where congelation is constantly going on, these enor- mous masses of ice may be gradually formed stratum super stratum, ‘attaching themselves to the bottom till, loosened by currents or tides, they are detached, and being specifically lighter than water, like air balloons increasing in buoyancy in proportion to the increase of their surface, they will gradually rise, and at length rear their heads far above the surface ? That here, floating in a warmer medium, with their summits exposed to sun and rain, the parts above water, ac- Gording to the degree of latitude and temperature of the season, will gradually melt down to the water’s edge, while the mass below, acquiring an increased specific gravity from the act of liquefaction above, and from stones or gravel brought up from fete will sink to the bottom ? Ice islands are not seen any where within the vicinity of the gulph stream for an obvious reason, viz. the superior warmth of its current. Shallows, as Dr. Franklin first demonstrated, are of a colder tempera- ture than deep water. Is not this owing to their vicinity to rocky or earthy bottoms, which, being conductors, deprive the water of part of its heat 2 May not similar conducting bodies at the bottom of the deepest seas, which, for want of proper experiments, are wont to be pronounced unfathomable, produce similar effects ? Thus the water over the banks of Newfoundland at 46 fathoms is generally found at 47°, yet a thermometer immersed in the belly of a cod fish just srought up marked 37°. This fact I had an opportunity of seeing verified i in October 1803. But fishes being warmer than the medium in which they live, this fish being 10° colder than the water at the 72 Dr. Fothergiil’s account of ice islands. surface must have come from a much colder region below. Ina hot, climate the surface of the sea was at 84°, while Capt. Ellis at the depth, of 3000 feet marked the temperature at 53° and at 5,346 feet of line out, he tells us, the temperature appeared the same, but there is rea- son to believe such a vast weight of line must have floated the lead in a horizontal direction and drawn him into a considerable error. For Lord Mulgrave at the depth of 4,680 feet found the thermometer. marked 26°, which is 6° below the freezing point of fresh water, and. even one below that of the sea water itself. By means of the marine bucket with valves accompanied with a. thermometer as proposed by Dr. Hales, sea water may be taken up at various depths and its temperature examined. That its ‘coldness depths s has been ascertained, and well known to nay- igators j in tropical seas in very. hot s€asons, where they draw it up for the purpose of making a cold bath, and for cooling their liquors. As the summits of lofty mountains, even in temperate climates, are constantly covered with snow, and the atmosphere itself at the altitude of less than four miles from the earth, although exposed to the direct rays. of the sun, is DEvereneens the region of perpetual frost ; and as na- ture pursuesa simplicity and uniformity in her operations, why may not. the Gotta of oS Soe so fear removed from the influence of the so- lar rays, be also, in certain latitudes, the seat of constant congelation ? But the art of sounding, indeed, is still very imperfect, and the myste- ries of the great deep remain to be explored by future researches. © Butit may be objected, that as the sea to a certain depth is warmer than shallows, it must be uniformly so to the bottom in consequence of the central heat of the earth ; otherwise whence proceed hot springs. and volcanos? To which it may be replied, experiments have already discovered very different temperatures at different depths, though the temperature of the earth in the Pera mines is 52°, and has never Cans po glee tein SPR aie a Ad el aking Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. rR been found to exceed 53° that the most combustible materials con- tained in the bowels of the earth impart no sensible heat to the neigh- bouring strata till they are decomposed, and then probably may give rise to warm springs. Nor does a mass of gunpowder emit any heat till the moment of explosion. But effects of this nature are merely local, transitory, and circumscribed. Besides, the received notion of central fire is entirely hypothetical, and apparently groundless, for hot and cold springs often issue from the same hill, and volcanoes have been known to burst forth from mountains covered with snow. The native heat oh the Fat and ocean then seems to be derived from a more steady, ETT dependent solely on the sun, whose enlivening rays cheer all n nature. Were this source of heat totally withdrawn, all our rivers and the ocean itself would probably soon be converted into ice. | Water by the mere absence of a certain portion of heat assumes a solid, crystal- line form. | Hence, by means of artificial cold, ice may be formed in the hot regions 0 of sd torrid ig Sane also in n the frozen polar * The Reltunled & cavern of Grace Dieu in Woaentone 146 feet ander pround, presents a singular and curious phenomenon. Witbin it in summer ice is form- ed in large quantities, and this ice diminishes at the approach of winter. “ The air within,” says M. Cc. Cadet, “ did not feel colder to me, than that of the open at- mosphere ; nor does the water, which filters into ‘it, freeze as it falls into a cavity, formed below in the ice ; neither does the water seem very cold, when drank.” As no natural philosopher has yet been able to explain this interesting phenome- non, he conjectures that the abundant aqueous evaporation of the bushy trees; with which it is surrounded, cooling the earth and air around the cavern during summer, tends to produce this effect, till they drop their foliage, when the cooling i deh of Hepes: ceases. He thinks it somewhat similar to the ae. of a}. ah in hot countries, by means of water "Annales de Chimie 1808; p- 160. 10 74 Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. regions ice may be deemed by the natives water in its natural state, and constituting a peculiar salt. For according to the new chemistry, what is water, but a compound of vital and inflammable gas ? Or, in other words, an oxyd of hydro- . gen? By the act of congelation it undergoes a decomposition fresh water losing its atmospheric and carbonic gas, and sea water its salt- ness. That a mixture of hot and cold water has a strong tendency to restore an equilibrium is readily allowed, because the colder particles naturally fall downwards, while the warmer mount upwards ; but the ocean, subjected to tides and currents, with conducting bodies inter- posed at different depths and distances, must still be liable to consid- erable variation in temperature, as has been fully ascertained ; a cir cumstance of no small « ‘consequence to navigation, as will probably ap- pear in the sequel. These enormous masses of ice, during their gradual liquefaction and evaporation,* powerfully absorb a large portion of caloric (the principle of heat), while the copious exhalation, which ensues, meét- ng. a frigid atmosphere, generates ibick. clouds and vapoum hence piety pen Hs thes ocean to a great Piers a ea over the banks of Newfoundland. Final cause of ice islands. Are these ‘mountains of ice then formed only to infest © the ocean, impede navigation, and produce melancholy disasters? Are — these stupendous operations of nature alone destitute of utility to ‘the * That ice evaporates in the low temperature of 31° even in the night with he N.E. wind to the amount of 110 grains in 9 hours appears from the experiments of Mr. I. Dalton. See Nicholson's philosophical journal, yol, vii. p. 15+ Se ee ee ee a Se a ae eee z mary ; Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. 79 human race, and presented to their astonished eyes only to create ter- ror and surprize ?_ As no explanation of the final cause of these re- markable phenomena has hitherto even been attempted, it perhaps may be allowable in this place to offera few conjectures. In the present chequered state of being, good and evil -are every where blended, though the former is generally predominant. May we not suppose then, that these apparent evils are designed for some useful or benefi- cial purpose not yet discovered ? Or, as Pope expresses it, ‘ bles- Sings in disguise ?” ‘That they are impediments to navigation cannot be denied ; but it is no less certain, that by vigilance they may gene- rally be evades and Gree esas shsnaiesesprevented sy: die attention “As ee may be fendered useful to the prudent and enter- prising, may not these grand obstacles serve to call forth the talents and exertions of our naval commanders and brave seamen, and inure them to encounter the dangers of the deep ? affording also hints for improving navigation and the construction of ships destined to trav- erse the Atlantic and other seas, where ice islands abound ? May not the gradual liquefaction of such vast masses of ice, divested of salt, add a large portion of fresh water to the ocean? And may not this oc- casionally be necessary to the well being of fishes and other marine animals, many of which at certain seasons delight to bask in fresh riy- ers ? May not the melting ice by the action of the sun beams evolve goes streams of vital air, and thus contribute to the salubrity of the atmosphere ? Finally then, may not the formation of ice islands be destined to the most important purposes, viz. the Beas,’ vigour, and ‘refreshment of the animal and vegetable creation ? 76 Dr. Fothergill’s account of’ ice islands. grateful remedy in allaying thirst and rere: intemperate heat in ardent and malignant fevers. In Bengal ice is formed artificially, and rooms are cooled by the continued evaporation of cloths, frequently sprinkled with water. That the evaporation and liquefaction of ice islands may affect the tem- perature of the adjacent climates to a great extent cannot be doubted.* The variable winds waft the atmosphere that surrounds them far and wide, diffusing cool breezes along the coasts of the inland coun- tries. Hence the spring and part of the summer of 1805 was cool and temperate, while the evaporation from the immense bodies of ice con- tinued.t But after they were wholly dispersed, about the first of Ju- ly fet hot as season Bugemamenced, and ay increased till the 10th, when my 1 ter, in the shade, reached 96°, and continued vibrating between 84° aa “90° till August 27, when it eee with a north- east wind dropped to 75°. mnco Method of bar off the dangerous effects of ice islands. Having already in a former work pointed out the chief causes of shipwreck and the means of prevention,{ the present a being postponed now justly claims a separate discussion. i Whatever theory philosophers may adopt respecting the origin of ice islands, the principal object of this memoir is to propose a few smmple rules, by which seamen may be enabled to stéer clear of them. 1. In order to avoid eas in en voyages the ship ought to * Thus the wind, which passes over the polar ices, renders Siberia the olka of inhabited countries. Pennant’s Arctic Zoology, vol. i. p. 172. + Accordingly the spring proved propitious to vegetation, as the crops of grain and herbage were allowed to be abundant, particularly through the Atlantic states. ¢ Prize essay on the preservation of shipwrecked mariners, second edition London, 1800. Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. 7% bear to the southward of latitude 39, and in southern voyages the re- verse even to within 36 degrees of the equator. This being the saf- est course, though at the expense of lengthening the voyage. 2. Ships destined to cross suspected seas, and particularly the banks of Newfoundland, in dark nights and thick fogs, demand peculiar cir- cumspection, not only respecting the danger of striking against ice isl- ands, but of running foul of other ships ; and therefore ought to be well supplied with lamps with refiectors, during their dark and haz- ardous passage. The ship also ought to be uncommonly substantial, and the parts most liable to be struck, fortified in the best manner pos- sible with a body of woo) hair, oakum, or other elastic substance, to enable the vessel to sustain with impunity, any sudden or unexpect- ed shock. On clear Mehits the ice islands are distinguishable at a considerable distance by gleams of light, reflected from their surface. 3. As the increased coldness of the water around ice islands de- presses the thermometer, so the dense atmosphere above must raise the barometer, it —— behoves commanders to have on board a set of accurate b d thermomet » at least two of each sort, and to Fat the anges as the sudden rising of the former and the fall of the latter might, either by night or day, or during the thick- est fog, forewarn them of their approach to fields or islands of ice. If we contemplate ‘the dangers of navigation and the frequency of shipwrecks, particularly in the Atlantic ocean, where ships are sometimes surrounded by islands of ice, where rocks and shoals are often unnoticed, or erroneously laid down in the marine charts, and where the eddies and opposing current of the gulph stream, when en- ‘tered unawares, often render the passage from Europe to America 200g and perilous, or in the opposite course so rapid as to outstrip the y reckoning, surely when all these circumstances are con- Ki cannot too strongly recommend to all navigators the dili- 78 Dr. Fothergill’s account of we islands. gent use of the thermometer, by which they may be timely forewarn- ed of the approaching danger. It must be acknowledged however, that there are two or three circumstances, which form an exception to the general rule respecting the thermometer, which, when previously understood, can scarcely occasion any embarrassment. 1. It fails in rivers and capes. 2, Near sand banks, which rise considerably above the surface of the water, and which, on being heated by the sunbeams, impart an increased degree of warmth to the surrounding shoal wa- ter, and consequently cause the mercury to rise contrary to its wont- ed motion in soundings and shallow waters. 3. In marine currents, which,. according to their course from warmer or colder climates, may produce a sudden-and unexpected variation in the thermometer, though perfectly just to its principle of action. In other cases it marks the changes with the greatest accuracy. Thus the water out of soundings is always 8° or 10° warmer than within soundings. ‘Thus also, the current of the gulph stream, from its superior warmth, rais- es the mercury from 16° to 24° higher than the adjacent water of the coast.* Accordingly the water over the grand bank of Newfoundland, from 3 its sepetor coldness, ——— the mereury from 12° to 15° low- * This teaaabie siesta is Maetpulshable not city by its warmth, which it retains in its course through the ocean for more than 330 leagues, almost to the banks of Newfoundland, where its condensed vapour adds to the fogs of that gloomy region. The weeds, brought down with it from its source in about 30 days, mark its course, and its water is never luminous i inthe night. The passage from Europe to America is expedited by avoiding to stem its stream, but from America to Europe by keeping in it. On this subject see Capt. Williams’ ex- periments in three voyages across the Atlantic, who does not indeed appear to have met with ice islands, as he only just slightly mentions them. But his exper iments, conducted with such uncommon attention, seem worthy the imitation of all navigators, and accordingly, in future, ‘sult. I mean to avail myself of their general re- ‘ Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. 79 ér than the adjacent deep water out of soundings. But the degree of depression in the vicinity of ice islands, though a matter of importance, which demands particular attention, seems to have been hitherto over- looked. The sea water in general, in point of temperature, near the surface, corresponds nearly with the temperature of the superin- cumbent atmosphere, varying a few degrees higher or lower accord- ing to climate and local circumstances,. in summer the air being warmer than the sea, in winter the reverse ; but the condensation of the atmosphere over mountains of ice, and its rarefaction over the gulph stream cannot but sagen affect the eerie as we know the sud- den change of temperats the water the tl ymeter. There- fore in a matter of such Pikiskquence, mid where the five and prop- erty of so many persons are so deeply concerned; we cannot too. ear- nestly recommend to all navigators, particularly. in long and hazard- ous voyages, the joint use of both imstruments, as a necessary part of ‘their nautical apparatus. That the temperature of the atmosphere and of the ocean at the surface and at different. depths should be daily eXx- amined by accurate experiments, and regularly noted in their journals. Thus might these two simple instruments-be rendered subservi- ent to the: re A oly of metcorology.and the theory of the out rocks oer ae ice at a eeacratas hati fail, and where neither lunar tables nor even the magnetic needle itself can convey the smallest information. Recapitulation and Leachate From what has been advanced it would appear, that | ice islands present a new and ample field of i ipquiry, which i is only a begi vinning to be « Bak 2. That the origin, gees ales ite ae hith- erto unknown, may now perhaps admit of a probable explanation, that may excite others to complete the discovery- e 80 3 Dr. Fothergill’s aceount of ice islands. 3. That the arctic regions alone give birth to ice islands, and the liquefaction of the polar ices to the tides, as has been supposed, seems highly improbable. 4, That the ice islands observed in the more temperate seas, where the temperature decreases downwards, may originate where least ex- pected, viz. at the bottom; especially where rocks and other con- ducting bodies overspread the surface. 5. That the notion of central fire is groundless ; and that objec- tions, drawn from it, or volcanoes, are alike inadmissible. 6. That ice in the open air evaporates even below the point of con- gelation, and that evaporation generates cold and accumulates ice in the curious cave of Grace Dieu most in summer. 7. That the evils, occasionally produced by ice islands, are com- plained of, while their- beneficial effects on the animal and vegetable creation have hitherto passed unnoticed. 8. That winds, blowing over them, temper the intense — of summer in the adjacent climates. 9. That ice islands may be guarded against by vigilance, “art by ships well constructed. ‘10. That the thermometer may be rnin ppomenenety useful in pointing out the approach of rocks, shoals, and shores ; but par- ticularly of ice islands a sme Gulph stream. 11. That the barometer may also gt ntribut - nad that these instruments should jointly constitute a a pat “Of the nautical apparatus, and daily observations be noted in the journals. 12. Finally, that by due attention to the above rules those danger- ous obstacles to navigation may be detected, which elude the magnet- ic needle and all other instruments; and thus might the art ot naviga- tion be improved, science promoted, and many disasters prevented. - ' Dr. Fothergill’s account of ice islands. 8} POSTSCRIPT. SINCE writing the above, on being admonished that part of my paper had been anticip:ted by M. Peron, I hastened to peruse his me- _ moir,* which had till now escaped my knowledge, or I should cer- tamly have noticed it. Much credit indeed is due to M. Peron’s assiduity in marking the temperature of the ocean four times a day ; but his assertion, that its temperature increases in approaching conti- nents or islands, is diametrically opposite to what I-have observed, and also to the experiments of Dr. Franklin and some of the ablest English navigators. They had long before, with es care and ac- curacy, explored the ocean to a far § preater. depth than M oe discovered the increasing cold even t to Pde" fens pom of salt water. But what. is Pasquier. neither they nor M. Peron have from thence attempted to explain the formation of ice islands in temperate climates, or their final cause, or, what is of much greater importance, the best method of guarding vessels against their terrible effects, or of pointing out their appenye) ia dat nigh: ae the peg pe ~ as. s highly oetiable, I find matenied in ™M. Pens s ‘memoir, , that 1 was not discovered long before by the authors I hl? mentioned, and on whose accuracy I have Sones see Adoy dation of have ventured to advance. In which it ; of my being anticipated by 5% he has been anticipated. by them ; ; of which, however, this learned society, to whom I have the honor to addres it, will judge. Should it be deemed unsuitable to their designs in their ensuing volume, they will PsN to rope "eg nclosec to the care of Mr. John Warder, Race st ae iladelphiaa PCR a Ny m ll : Speed ieee Hi Ce A Xx. 4 EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING ON SEVERAL PERSONS IN THE HOUSE OF SAM= UEL CAREY ESQ. OF CHELSEA, AUGUST 2, 1799 ; Ina letter to the Hon. John Davis, Esq. Recording Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. By JOHN LATHROP, i We Ek. Ac eS SS | fe: THE morning was clear, the air moving gently from the south- west, the thermometer at 75°. About 11 a. m.a thunder cloud ap- peared in the : west, spctching, as it Tose, to the northand south. Be- tween 12and 1 the cloud se . - One division passed over Brooklyn, Roxbury, and poe townrds the sea; but the wind, mitt. sa ers it over Boston with heavy ahandexy rain, and hail. — The thers division of the cloud was carried by the southwest wind over Cambridge, Medford, Malden, and Lynn, approaching the sea pices ma eee deh ‘in that region, shifting suddenly to- the n Bk; rds Chelsea, discharging a plea Staens seth Speed flashes “ lightning. Mr. Carey, perceiving the approaching storm, called his labours ers from the field before ths, rain | began. Three of his men went into a cellar, 1 under the r part iy hoaises and were employed in removing a q u antity. of potatoes, see! had lain in an arch through the winter. While. thus occupied, an explosion took place, which — forced one of the men forward to the ground; where he lay apparently dead. The other two were forced in opposite directions ; one against the wall, and the other against a board partition. Dr. Lathrop’s.account of-the effects of lightning. 83 Mr. Carey, Mrs. Carey, one of their daughters, and a domestic or two, were standing in the room directly over the cellar, where the explosion took place. Mr. Carey was forced backward, to the floor; Mrs. Carey was pressed down in an: opposite direction, experiencing a severe stroke on her feet; her shoes at the same time were forced off, and driven to the other side of the room. | Miss Carey experienc- ed the same kind of stroke, but less severe. One of her shoes was driven off as she fell upon the floor. Mrs. Carey, supposing her hus- band was killed, exclaimed, ““O, my husband !” And attempting to rise, exclaimed, “O, my-feet !” At this moment the two men, who had been forced, the © one ee tbe eae and. re se bate the and laid on a bed, w ines proper means were used to excite vital en- ergy. ‘There were for some time hopeful appearances of recovery. After the operation of an emetic and bleeding, the hopeful appear- Snes: its “bad ite Pert. amorning ae Sanne as sare as By Scart the "epee t ndeavoured to asce direction of the charge. It is to be ee Mr. Cais s ihe stands on a gravelly Spot of ground, ai. a ab bills on a orth, and, flat ground, | n put tw "years ago an iron > OL fixed to the southwest Steanee and, passing down the end, entered the ground near the place in the cellar, where the men received the shock. No trace of the lightning ames tte sount, sxceet a a the side of a a cedar tub, ake: that of ured, gun f powd > an a few i“ ‘ts i oN, a 84, Dr. Lathrop’s account of the effects of lightning. of the conductor, it would be reasonable to suppose, the charge came dawn the rod, and, not finding moist ground, exploded, and produc- ed the above related effects. But the wall near the foot of the rod had no breach. The stones were forced out on the northerly side of the wall ; the men being nearly betwecn the place of the breach and the place, where the rod enters the ground. In this case the probability is, that a portion of earth in the neigh. bourhood was positive. When the cloud from the northeast came to the striking distance, the electric matter, which had collected in great force under the dry, gravelly stratum, burst forth. A part of the charge, or whole of it perhaps, entered the cellar on the northerly pee oe, out the stones and affecting the men, as above related. ee then passed from the cellar by the best conducting sub- stances it "eould find, in its way to the cloud. The violent conces- sion of the air, by the explosion in the cellar, might be sufficient to fling Mr. Carey and Mrs. Carey on the floor, and occasion the painful sensation, which they and their daughter experienced in their feet, al- though the charge might have taken the iron rod, which was not more than three or four feet from the place; where the men were at work, or have passed out at the cellar door. Mr. Carey however fully believes the fire was from the cloud, and exploded in the cellar ; where he thinks it was aided by inflammable vapour. That the discharge was from the cloud, he says was evi- dent to people, who saw it, and partic ularly to one of his sons, who: was looking out at a northeast: upper chamber window. But I would — query, Whether the motion of lightning be not too quick for any eye to discover its direction, whether from the cloud, or the earth, Al thougl: the stream generally, "if not always, appears to be from the cloud, have we not reason to think there is an optical deception ? Weenie: | CT semetes Dr. Lathrop’s account of the effects of lightning. 85. But if the discharge in this case was from the cloud, and entered the earth not far from the house, not meeting with good conducting matter, there might be what is called the returning stroke. The ex- plosion, which on this supposition must have taken place, when the charge left the bad conducting matter, and sought a stratum of cloud, or a portion of earth in a negative state, might have produced all the above effects. I mean however to relate facts, and leave it with oth. ers, who have had more leisure to acquaint themselves with the laws of SEPT to draw conclusions. ee Serre JOHN LATHROP. Hon. Joun Davis, Esq. ” ng a " op 2 “ z ; pace Boia SANE see me es *F te: a i ‘4 zn _ 4 be = cae Sa pee i agek Fr +2 ie ads be sete OE So iy 2 es ‘ ees be oe i , ear < . ra : bal ee *f Bats, r #2 f pete be caer ot 3A 0 mat ate. oe Pipaay ap, : ¢ ta = ‘< m “t % ‘2 ee ome e * 4 ; ‘ -: 2g ea" Mees iy eet Gott faa an eH 2% te ae se te on 4p ‘ ¢ otf + a ‘ } sep . yy 2 ne a SOE eT eae ‘But eae Sten the uy was overcast with clouds tsi the night, no moisture at all was visible on any part of the windows, though exposed to the external air... This fact, which appeared two or three mornings, but not in succession, as the sky was not clouded any two or three nights in succession, certeqponds exactly with the phenomenon, which is within every man’s observation, that a cloudy night produces no dew. This appears to me one chabepaistsiifeenl: and unaccountable phenomena respecting dew ; and the fact now re- lated totally overthrows the common solution of the phenomenon. The usual idea is, thatin cloudy nights the vapor all ascends, and | therefore nore appears adhering to objects at or-near the earth, But in the house, Iam speaking of, the dew on the windows in clear weather proceeded from the damp walls, or inclosed air. _ Why should the same appearance fail in cloudy weather? . The vapor could not _ escape from tight rooms and ascend to the clouds; at least, as great a:quantity must have been thrown from the walls, and must have float- ed in the room in a cloudy night, as inaclear one. I suspect.the reason for the phenomens, oth in he hose and in theo air, is, cloud; nie the Sooner apealiainate is wanting, what- overs may be the cause. I state facts from repeated and uniform ob- servation ; but I dare not in this instance undertake to assign the cause of their existence. The foregoing facts were confirmed by the phenomenon, which took place after the season was so far advanced, that the dew om the windows would Beets except one night, when some frost appeared on the glass, notwithstanding the sky was somewhat over- cast. In all other respects the phenomena were the same. Wher- ever the glass was exposed to the action of the external air, though for a breadth of three inches only, there the inside of the glass was covered with a thin frost. But wherever the outside shutters shield- ed the glass, there was no frost or dew. From these facts one is naturally led to conclude, that condensa- tion is the principal, if net the sole cause of dew. If condensation is the sole cause of dew, then it depends on the same principle as dis- tillation, or the condensation of vapor in the worm of a still; as also — on ‘the same principle, with the dew on the outside of vessels, filled with cold water in a hot summer’s day. If so, the inquiry is, whether acertain fied degree of cold, in the air or object condensing, be nec- sary to form dew? Or whether the degree of cold be only compara- tive, that is, in a certain proportion ‘to that‘of the vapor condensed? From sueh observations, as bu neocon. able: to. make, baecuaingy to believe the degree of cold comparative. The water in the enirni xabeiofe common distilleries is taken’ foes rivers, and not from wells. . This water is considerably warmed in the tubs, yet is cold enough to condense the vapor, that rises from the boiling fluid in the stills. But the same degree of cold would by no means condense'the vapor of the atmosphere in the hottest summer’s day. Yet cold water, fresh from a deep well: or spring, will ;con- dense it rapidly. Mr. Webster's experiments respecting dew. rok remarked one morning in January, when the weather was very cold, the mercury in Fahrenheit standing at 12° below 0, that when I first rose, or about sun rise, the windows of my keeping room were perfectly free from frost. Soon after, a large fire being kindled, the glass of the windows was covered with a fine frost. This phenome- non is commonly ascribed to human breath; if this solution is just, it proves my supposition ; for the breath issuing from the lungs is warmer than the air, and therefore more easily condensed. But this - solution cannot be the justone; for the same phenomenon takes place, when no person is inthe room. I rather ascribe it to the warmth communicated to the air BA the ae Been bhsrons the vapor more condensable.s = - Every person must nv observed, that in extreme cold weather the glass windows of cellars collect frost on the inside. In a series of very cold weather in January 1792, I saw an instance of frost thus collected ‘more than an inch thick. The vapor in the cellar, being peste ‘warm, was of a temperature suitable for condensation. ~ Thave-a small room adjoining my office, which is kept ‘shuts in whackemeré is a window opposite to a-chimney, at the distance 0: eight or nine feet. There is no fire kept in this room, nor does any person lodge in it ; “yet by micans of a fire in anadjoining room, which communicates a degree of warmth to ‘the inclosed air, the vapor be- comesseondensable, and in the morning this window is covered with dew, when no such phenomenon is visible in rooms not thus warmed. ~ Every person must have noticed the frost, shooting in the form of spicule through the snes —" leading from cellars into upper and colder rooms. I ely warm vapor of the cellar, issu- et then weather wotteet pa preempt meme eli ik te Se eerie: f 102 Mr. Webster's experiments respecting dew. - We observe, that in hot. weather dew is perceivable long before sunset. The laborer feels the moisture on his clothes and on’ the grass, while the sun is above the horizon. _ But Iam doubtful wheth- er the same phenomenon is observable in the morning, when the tem- perature of the air is the same.» On the contrary, I suspect the dew evaporates in the morning, with a temperature of the atmosphere, in which vapor will condense in the afternoon. In the morning both the air and the earth are cool ; and as soon as the sun begins to warm the — air and earth, a small degree of evaporation is begun. But when the earth has been heated almost to the temperature of blood, the water near the surface partakes of the heat. Soon after the warmest part of the day is bast, the Aono oh begins to cool, while the earth retains the h ca a, ae earth emits. a warm vapor; the atmosphere is cooled to a; a,pondehser.’ - This is the distillation of nature ;. and thus dew is formed. It seems to be the comparative coolness. of the atmosphere, which renders the vapor condensable in the afternoon. This is the case also in the evening ;_ the earth retaining its heat longer than the air, and the warm vapor, constantly ascending into the cooler atmos- phere, is speedily condensed... I suspect therefore, that a great por- tion of the dew, which is formed during the night, is composed of par- ticles, that proceed from the earth during the night. So far then dew may be said tovise, and not fall, But it is the vapor in fact, which rises, in an imperceptible form, as during the day ; but in the night it is spe ene whereas in the day time it continues im- perceptible. einai Votimideail lead to a solution of the dificulty-be- fore mentioned, viz. the appearance of dew on both sides of the upper leaves. of plants, while none appeared on either side of the under leaves: ‘The upper leaves, being exposed to the direct action of the cold. ait, Mr. Webster's experiments respecting dew, 103 were rendered condensers ; the lower leaves, being covered from the air, and near the warm earth, might not be rendered cool enough for that purpose. After all, I would not speak with much confidence on these sub- jects, nor suppose that I have offered satisfactory solutions of the sev- eral phenomena. So far as J have stated facts, I trust my labors will not be wholly useless. : See eek ACCOUNT OF RAIS, &c, THAT FELL AT CHARLESTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS, | ; IN TEN YEARS. ) a ar ~~" >- "By JOSEPH BARRELL, Esq. 1792] 1793 alae B0l||average 3402 6 vr oe 7 engueey Note. The rain gauge measures to;,1,, of an inch. It was in an elevated situ- ation, about sixty feet above the level of high water, and so entirely detached, that it could receive no rain, but what fell immediately over it. The rain was gene- rally measured as soon as the weather was clear. Account of rain, that fell in the year 1802. * January 2669 June 1810 November 1660. February 453 — July 2645 * December 3305 March 4820 August $790 a April 1075 September 3050 34797 May 6300 October 3220 — Mr, Barrell’s meteorological observations. 105 Account of snow from the year 1786 to the year 1802, both included. 1786 Sixteen snows this season; the first 21 Nov. 1785, the last 1 April; this last by far the most severe for the season. 1787 Twenty eight snows this season; the first 30 Oct. 1786, the last 22 April. 1788 Eighteen snows this season; the first 7 Dec. 1787, the last 9 March.—There were a few flakes the 21st of April. 1789 Twenty three snows this season; the first 1 Dec. 1788, the last 1 April. — ; : i790 Thirty two snows this season ; the first 3 Dec. 1789, the last 28 April; the last as severe as any in the season. Coldest day this season 14 Feb. Glass 9° below 0. 1791 Twenty one snows this season ; the first 27 Nov. 1790, the last 19 March. Mem. Withinthirty miles of Boston the snow fell over shoes the 27th of April. Coldest day in Feb. Glass at 4°. 1792 Eighteen snows this season; the first 23 Oct. the last 16 March. Coldest day 22 Jan. Glass 8° below 0. Mem. The ice was the eighth of an inch thick the 14th of April. 1793 Thirteen snows this season; the first 23 Nov. 1792, violent, the last 21 March. Coldest day 26 Dec. Glass at 6°. 1794 Thirteen snows this season; the first 28 Oct. 1793, the last $3 March. Coldest*day 5 March. Glass at 1°. ‘The 17th of May ice made considerably thick. This was said to have been the coldest season known for many years. 1795 Sixteen snows this season ;_ the first 14 Nov. 1794, the last 16 March. The fifteenth snow was on the 14th of March, and as severe a storm, as had been known for many years. Coldest day 26 Feb. Glass at 2°. 14 106 Mr. Barrell’s meteorological observations. 1796 ‘Twenty four snows this season ; the first 14 Dec. 1795, the | 1798 1799: 1800 1801 1802 last 10 April. The twenty first snow was on the 17th of March, the most severe in the season. Coldest day 24 Dec. Glass 4° below 0. - Twenty five snows this season ; the first 24 Nov. 1796, the last 18 April. The two last, 13 and 18 April, very severe storms. The last frost this season 15 May. Coldest days 21 and 28 Dec. Glass 2° below 0. Twenty one snows this season ; the fists ll Nev, 1797, the last 17 April, a very severe storm, continued on the ground till the 18th at night. Coldest day 2 Feb. Glass 5° below 0. dem. On the 19th of May there was a white frost. . | Eighteen snows this season; the first 1 Nov. 1798, the last 12 May, a shower only. Coldest day 5Jan. Glass 11° below 0. Eighteen snows this season ; the first 1 Dec. 1799, the last 23 March, a very severe storm, and much snow fell. Coldest day 29 Jan. Glass 6° below 0. Adem. A frost 2 May. Mem. From the 3d of = to the 3d of May, just thirty days, there fell 934. inches of rain. Ten snows this season ;_ the first 11 1 Nov. 1800, the last 10 A- pril, when the snow in the country fell very deep. This season ‘was so fine, that no extra cold was.attended to so as to be min« uted. Thirteen snows. this season ; the first 2 Dec. 180 1, the last 15: April. There was a frost the 6th of May. Coldest day Feb. - Glass 5° below 0. Mem. Ice made 2 inch the 29th of April. (J I have no way to measure the snow. 107 XVI. ACCOUNT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, MADE IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. By ABIEL HOLMES, p.p. Fr. a. a. FROM meteorological observations, made during my residence in Georgia, I respectfully offer to the acaprmy the following selec- tions and results. For the imperfection of them, my ill health, my absence from that country during the summer and autumnal months, and the accident of breaking my thermometer, must be my apology. Imperfect as they are, they give some general idea of the temperature of the climate of Georgia, and are confirmatory of the accounts, which have been published, of the temperature of Carolina. Ihave taken ~ the liberty to subjoin a few thermometrical observations, made at Sa- vannah, in 1785, by Timothy Matlack Esq.* who fayoured me with a copy of them. These, with some additional observations of other literary men respecting the heat and cold of South Carolina, will, I persuade myself, make some amends for the deficiency of my own memoir. Cambridge, 10 January, 1809. Seeeeeetesesesee * Formerly Secretary of the American aianiadh sine 108 Dr. Holmes’ metetrological observations. Observations, made at Midway, in Georgia, thirty miles southwest- wardly from Savannah. thermometer used was Fahren- 1787 Dec. 1788 Jan. Feb. 1789 Dec. Dec. heit’s, exposed in a north shade. 6-4 Pak Remarks. EaG | is 3 ; Winds generally N. W. Observationsfrom the 14th through 62|30 h the month. {Winds generally N. W. On the 6th the mercury was at 32°, 64|22| wind N. the’ground was frozen, and iceremained in the ditch- / |. | esallday. Observations for 10 days only in this month. i. 2U|Ubservations \uree days only. Lhermometer broken. Winds generally N. W. and weather fair. “Latter part of the 76/28} month easterly winds, cloudy, and some rains Mercury at and below 32° four days in this month. — = Winds 5. W.and N. W. jonquils, jessamins, and woodbines. 481\26| in blossom. Mercury at and below 32° seven days in this, 2S So Ss ee eee —— Winds N. W. and 8S. W. On the 23d the mercury rose to 819;. 821281 and-on the 17th and 18th it rose to 80°. Pie. ookrr Winds southerly. Frost on the 4th, when the mercury was at. 80/31) 31°; but the weather generally mild, sometimes warm. ~ 66] {Only one observation this month. odlvo Winds southerly. ‘he mercury rose to 93° on the 28th and 29th ; and was at‘and above 90° four days in the month. ~ Winds generally S.&. Weather fair. eréury was at aud above | 80° twenty days in thismonth. On the 2d I was at Sunbury, 96164 ‘where at 30” clock p. m. there was a violent thunder Storm, at- : tended with hail. ‘Two white men and one negro were kill- ed by lightning. The wind was at N.E. The mercury, at 2 0’ clock, at 84° ; at 3 o’clock, at 74°, g6| |the highest ascent of the mercury im observations of nine days 1.) See gs PGi: aR Ts ** om . “< a STN iia aT Winds trom N. W.to N. EK. Observations begin at the 13th. On the 19th the mercury fell to 28°; wind N. E. and faite Great frost. Ice. Frost also on the 23d; mercury at 31°. 26 The mercury was at and above 32° four days in this month, after the 13th. On the 31st a snow storm began five minutes: before 8 A. mM. and continued until 11 ;. but did not whiten the ground, Dr. Holmes’ meteorological observations. 109 h. |. Remarks. | 1791 Winds generally N. W. Weather tair. ‘he mercury rose Jan. 479)57 twice to 79°. It was at and below 32° eleven days in this month. On the 31st pease were up in the garden. Winds variable ; generally N. W. and S. W. | ‘The mercury was at and below 32° three days in this month. On the 9th Feb. {31)28) a luminous column in the south, rising from near the horizon to an altitude of about 45°, continued 12 minutes, and gradu- ally disappeared. | |Winds chiefly peas Mercury was at 87” five days in this month ; at and above 80°, thirteen days ; and below 32° two 8 days. On the 21st Steet ee cucumber vines ; mercury March |87}31 ° at 33°; wind N. W. On the 3d there was an Aurora Bor- } ealis, It appeared in the N. £. 15 minutes before 7 in the evening, and continued until 10. Winds variable ; chicily 5. W. Lhe mercury was at and above 90° six days in this month ; and from 80° to 90° 7 days. {Winds principally N. E. irom the 7th to the 18th, with clouds May ol 60 and rain. ‘The rest of the month chiefly S. W. ‘The mercu- : ry rose twice to 97°; and was at and above 90° 13 days in this month. Winds — S.&. and S. On the iich the mercury was 93° at 1 o’clock Pp. wm ; and at 3fellto 67°. A heavy ciittter June {99 87) shower ea ein this great and sudden change in the atmos- phere. Observations from the ist to the 2ist, during which = | Em the mercury vas at aad abave 90° ten days | During seven winters, T never saw the ground Sitditsed with snow ; but on the tenth of January, 1800, there fell at Savannah the deepest snow, accompanied with the severest cold, ever remembered in the lower parts of Georgia. By a letter from an _ intelligent friend, dated Midway, 17 February, 1800, I was informed, that the snow had been three feet deep in particular places, and from sixteen to eighteen inches on a level. A sleet, the same winter, loaded the trees with ice from Broad river (South Carolina) toward the Savan- nah, a space of ten or fifteen miles, and made erat devastation 4 in the forests.. 110 Dr. Holmes’ meteorological observations. Observations at Savannah, with Fahrenheit’s thermometer, in the year 1785, by T. Matlack, Esq. 64 67 84 86 85 76 85] The wells in the town are from six- 83 84 86 84 82 81 76 | teen to eighteen feet deep, through a fine 81 85 78 74 84 84 89 | sand, and the water is 66 and 67°. This 82 84 86 84 92 91 85 | spring having been uncommonly cold, no July heat in the air could, at the end of May, 82 85 76 74 80 82 84 | have raised that of the water cabbie? rn 90 | true medium heat of this country, w BS 00 98 SS. Oe Oe Oey should think, may be fairly pia 89° 86 82 79 82 92 86] a 66° N. B. The initial letters indicate the days of the ae the figures, the highest ascent of the mercury. | Lhermometrical observations, by Fahrenheit’s seale, in the shaded air, : taken at Charleston, South Carolina. oe 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 h. val et sata L jh. i. |. 1. [ine 1. [h. 1. [h. 1. | lL. jh. 1. | rie : t , ‘ i | 1 | | "7791 1792) 1795 1794) 1795) 1796) 1797] 1798 Bre 891309 1134|92)29|89} : i | aa s i { Additional remarks. The greatest range oe the mercury in 24 hours, according )- ay to observations in Charleston, South Carolina, is said by 46 governor Drayton to | Greatest range in Salem, according to Dr. Holyoke, Ai° Difference between the greatest range at Charleston and Salem 5° Dr. Holmes’ meteorological observations. Ill The coldest day, according to my observation, was 2 Jan- uary, 1791, when the mercury was at : +17" The coldest, according to Dr. Holyoke, was 17 January, te 11 1786, and 23 January, 1792, when the mercury was at Difference between extreme cold at Midway and Salem "98° On the 23d of January, 1792, when the mercury fell to 11° below the cypher at Salem, it fell to 20° at Montreal.* The difference therefore between the extreme cold at Montreal and Midway is 37°. Limited as the Mipway observations are, they probably reach nearly to the eatremes of heat and cold in the climate, in which they were made. In the eighteen years’ observations at Charleston, South Carolina, it is observable, that the mercury at no time rose above 101°, or fell below 17°; the greatest ascent being two degrees only above my maximum of heat; and the greatest descent, in exact coincidence with my maximum of cold. Drayton says however, that the mercury has fallen as low as 13° in the lower country of South Carolina. In the coolest summers of Carolina, it appears, that the mercury reached 88°; and in eight years. (from 1791 to 1798) it never rose above 93°, or fell below 17°. Hewatt} says, he has seen the - mercury in Fahrenheit’s thermometer rise in the shade to 96° in the hottest, and fall to 16° in the coolest season of the year. “ In 1788,” gov- ernor Drayton says, “ it rose to 96°, which is the greatest heat we know of since the year 1752. The difference therefore between our coolest and warmest summers at this time may be supposed to range between 89° and 96°; and the difference of our mildest and severest winters between 17° and 34°.” * Memoirs of Academy, ii. part 1, p. 118. + Author of the History of South Carolina and ewe ; Whose residence ' wasn Charleston., 112 Dr. Holmes? meteorological observations. Dr. Chalmers, who in 1766 published an account of the weather and diseases of South Carolina, says, that in the remarkably hot sum- mer of 1752 he exposed a thermometer, at the distance of five feet from the ground, to the rays of the sun; andi in 15 minutes the mercury rose to the utmost height of the instrument, which was graduated to 120 degrees only, and would have burst the vessel, had he not with. drawn it. From experiments, which he made afterward, he judged that the mercury would have risen 20 degrees higher. ‘The mean diurnal heat of the different seasons, Hewatt observes, has been, upon the most careful observation, fixed at 64° in the spring, 79° in'summer, 72° in autumn, and 52° in winter; and the mean noc-. turnal heat in those seasons, at 56° in spring, 75° in summer, 68° m autumn, and 46° in winter. gpecouling to this estimate, the medium heat of Charleston is 64°, that i is, 2° less than Mr. Matlack estimates the medium heat of Savannah. This difference of temperature might — be expected from the difference of latitude of the two places, and the proximity of Charleston to the sea. The quantity of rain, which fell in Charleston, 5 Se Carolina, in seven ayt successive years, according to governor on. Years inches Years inches Years inches 1795 71°8 1798 45°2 1800 51°6 1796 58*1 1799 75° 1801 42°9 1797 55 Mean quantity of rain in Caen for ten years, viz. from 1750 to 1786, inclusively, according to governor Drayton. Spring —_ 609 inches Winter 6°01 inches Summer 12°73 . Autumn 16-99 Year 42°03 113 XVI. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, AT ‘GROVE PLANTATION, FIVE MILES SOUTH OF NATCHEZ, By WINTHROP SARGENT, Esq. Late governor of the Missisififii Territory. Communicated by the reverend President Webber. a Days of rain and no rain, with quantity of water palling, Sc. Snow reduced to water, and measured as rain. Years 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 2, Bl eBt- 8-2) Bi Bere Ss ~EF2 EAR e|_ =| e]_ 8] 8] 8]. 2) gl. 5/8# |] $51/$5)/86/95)3 5.26 a 6/8 6/5 a-5/8 & f° |€slss log o'Blo-Blo-BloSlo-S|oslo-Sle.8 Sloslgf ° March. March. Mean of the greatest cold +421°56 Mean of greatest cold 4.23937 Mean of the greatest heat + Mean of greatest heat 44 7°77 Mean temperature 1°-95 | Mean temperature +535 57 Greatest range in 24 hours — 425 Mean temperature of March from both years +32°-76. The frost has commenced very early with us this season. Seve zal plants in my garden were destroyed as early, as the middle of Au Mr. Cleaveland’s meteorological observations. 12} gust ; at which time we had frost on two successive nights. On the 22d instant ice was formed two tehths of an inch thick. Doctor Holyoke, in his “ Estimate of the heat and eold of the A- merican atmosphere, beyond the European, in the same parallel of lati- tude,” suggests that this excess is in part attributable to the large num- ber of evergreens growing upon the continent. If this be true with regard to the continent at large, some particular sections of the coun- try, in which evergreens abound, may have an excess of cold above those parts of the same country, which have fewer evergreens. Sur- rounded as I am by trees of the aforementioned ese I Fea Pg" Lae f to pay further attention to this subject by obser vation and arene meenemaer _ Should: you think this short extract worthy ¢ of any other preserva- tion, than on your private files, it is at your command as well, as your friend and humble servant, PARKER CLEAVELAND, XX. THE QUANTITY OF WATER (INCLUDING THE SNOW REDUCED TO WATER) WHICH FELL IN STOW FROM 1792 To 1804, According to the observations of Rev. JONATHAN NEWELL, a.m. ——— ED 5! A.D. inches . a.p. in. A.D. in. 1792 33-912 | 1793 33°587 | 1794 34-981 | 1795 1796 | 1797 | 1798 | 1799 | 1800 | 1801-| 1802 |] 1803 | 1804 Jan. | 3-060 3110| 1-070] 2:081| 1:895| -860] 3-965] 2-700] 2°875| 3-340 Feb. 2-120! 2°255] 3°800| 2-000] 2:155} 3°105| 2-490] 0°975| 5°205] 3°720 March | 3°600| 2°415| 4°5591 3°7651 4°3251 2°200; 8-270] 5-410] 2:670; 2°575 April |.7:430] 1-037} 4°461} 2-520] 3:105|-5-155| 2°500| 0-740} 2-065} 6-240 May j 4713) 5-930] 3-330] 3-895] 3-600]'3955| 4°320; 6265| 2°165| 2°305 Jane | 3°080} 1-480} 1-895] 3-740] 8-185! 2-040} 2-585 2-625 *880] 3°340 July 5*790} 5*260] 1°700} 2°530] 2°700! 2:714] 4:050] 3-060] 8-085] 2°580 Aug. | 4826} 2-100! 3°951] 1°275| 1:275| 4°510] 2°530) 7°725| 1-760] 1°990 Sept. | 4°920 5-578| 1-850 2°7151 2°805| 4°705| 1°110] 4°145] 1:250] 2°215 Oct A’341F 1674] 5°970] 7-300] 1850] 5°050| 0°910| 3°580 3-820 6172 Nov. | 1:735] 1-035) 3:100] 2°370} 2*560| 2-880! 3:320] 1-020] 2-145 “3-110 Caen Dec 2°761| 2-600| 1:840] 2°310] 2-830; 3°690| 2-810] 3-700] 4:295| 3°460} Total |48°376 34-474 37°526 |36°501 |37°285 !40:904 138-860 141-945 38-215 [41-047 ~~ a eo ee XXI. A CURIOUS PHENOMENON OF VISION. In a letterto .... By Rev. PERES FOBES, ti.p. rf. a. a. er SD SIR, AS a lover of science, and especially of optics, I have been care- ful to observe whatever has appeared to have any connexion with it. As such, the following instance of a telescopic eye has arrested my at- tention and curiosity, and may probably affect others in the same way. [have therefore sent the case to the American Academy. It happen- ed a few years ago to a man about forty six years of age, whose name is Preserved Pierce, of Somerset, near Slade’s ser in the coun- ty ty ow es : - He was painfully. exercised with a kind of ulcer collected in his head, on account of which he was for several days confined to his house ; in which time his eye sight was extremely weak and tender, in so much that he could not, without great uneasiness, endure any degree of light. The room was during the whole time constantly darkened. At length however the supposed ulcer broke. This hap- pened in the night. The next morning he was entirely free from pain, and in a state of sensible ease and comfort ; his mind, which be- fore had been greatly depressed and confused, was now quite free and composed. On the return of the morning, the sun being about an hour high, he arose and went toa south window, through which he looked, and to his great surprise he saw, at a place called Reed’s ware- | house, near the ferry, at the distance of near two miles, a cartand yoke 124 Dr. Fobes’ account ofa phenomenon of vision. of oxen. He could plainly discern the colour of the oxen, the rounds in the cart, the stones on the beach, and even the courses and joints in the shingles on the ware-house, This extraordinary degree ofacute, telescopic vision continued for about one hour ; after which his sight returned to its usual state. His health, which continued for some time after this in a low state, was finally restored ;' but from that mem- orable period to the present time he never could see to read or discern small objects without glasses, I received this account from Mr. Pier and from others acquaint- ed with him. I am told that he is a man of judgment and veracity, I should have risqued an attempt to.account for this curious phenom- enon from the structure of the eyeand principles of optics, but time was wanting. _ ‘But if the fact should be admitted, its solution may be the subject ofa future dissertation, with which I hope to offer a commu. nication, that was intended for this meeting, on the production of ore, in which is attempted a chemical investigation of its nature, growth, and generation, founded on experiments ; from which it is rendered more than probable, that the farmer will hereafter be able to raise a bed of bog ore as easily, as a bed of carrots. | es | I am, sir, with esteem, your most humble servant, PERES FOBES. Raynham, August 21, 1793. 125 XXII. HARD WATERS SOFTENED BY A FARINACEOUS SOAP, WITH THE PROCESS FOR MAKING THE SAME. By Rev. DANIEL LITTLE, Ff. a. a, Wells, May, 1787. IT is well known, that the waters from many springs and wells, not only in populous cities on the sea coast, but in many_ parts of the country remote from sea water, are hard and unfit for washing. And so great are the advantages of soft and pure water for washing, bleach- ing, &c. that any method, by which rough and hard water may be ren- dered more fit for use, if only in the laundry, may deserve some no- tice, and lead the way to farther experiments. My well for family use has been dug about thirty years. It is four miles from the sea and twenty rods from a salt water river ; fifteen feet in depth ; the bottom of which is eight feet above the tide at high water mark. This well has afforded a plenty of water in the driest seasons ; but so unfit for washing, that'we haye always been depend- ent on the rain or snow for that purpose. Not far distant from this well there are some large pans and deep beds of iron ore, to which we have in part ascribed the bad quality of the water. But of late we have used a different kind of soap, by which the water of this well is ren- dered nearly equal to river or rain water for washing linen. The soap is made without oil or animal fat ; in lieu of which we use about the same quantity of the fine meal of indian corn, or other farinaceous. substances. a The process is very simple. The quantity of meal must be in the proportion to the quantity and strength of lie. If the lie will bear an egg, let the quantity of meal be near the same, that is commonly used 126 Mr. Little on farinaceous soap. in making water gruel, or such quantity as the lie willfully dissolve ; and most intimately incorporate with itself. Mix the meal first with cold lie, to the consistence of a thin paste ; then pour the same into the pot or kettle of boiling lie, which you intend for soap, so gradually, that the boiling may be discontinued as little as possible ; then let it boil three or four hours, and when cold it will appear much like com- mon soft soap. Although the hardness of some other waters may arise from diffet- ent causes, to which this soap may not have so great an affinity ; yet the poor, who often have good water, but a scarcity of oil or animal fat, may avail themselves of a new and easy process for making soap, fit for almost every family use. Although it will not lather like the soap made with grease, yet for washing and bleaching linens, for scouring floors and wooden utensils of the kitchen and dairy, it has been found equal to any other kind of soap. As the aqueous part of this soap will more easily evaporate, than that, which is made with animal fat, let it be well coyered, and kept in a cool place. _A little experience will ascer- tain its utility, and perhaps suggest new and more uscful improve- ments. 127 XXIII. MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, MADE IN THE ENVIRONS OF BOSTON, IN THE YEARS 1807 anp 1808. Lnelosed with a letter to the Hon. John Davis, Esq. F.A.A. and by: im communicated. By S. GODON, F. a. a. ES iF ee Introduction. A KNOWLEDGE of the physical objects, which compose the mineral riches of a country, is so much connected with the well-be- ing of the people, who live in it, that we cannot reflect, without amaze- ment, on the inattention to this study, which so long prevailed among nations in general. It is buta few years since men have begun to perceive its importance, and its connexion with public and private utility. One of the most happy rests of the improvement of natural his- tory at the end of the last century is, undoubtedly, its procuring to the present age the way of discriminating and describing minerals with exactness and perspicuity ;.so that a mineralogical description may circulate and be understood in the several parts of the world, where the language of natural sciences has penetrated. And while the present generation enjoys the labours of the modern naturalists, we indulge the comfortable hope, that the fruits of our own observa- tions will not be lost to posterity. . Few publications of this description have been yet attempted, and_ these have been almost entirely limited to Europe. It is to be ex- . pected, that the example, given by this part of the world, will be fol- lowed by every other enlightened people, who may begin to perceive. © 128 Mr. Godon’s mineralogical observations. the great interest they have in the investigation of their soil. These local observations become éven worthy of general attention, when a consider, that from the insulated descriptions of several parts of the earth we may expect in time an universal mineralogical map, which will afford in some measure, under a single point of view, a rep- resentation of all the riches in the world. The observations, which I now present, are the sketch of a mine- ralogical description of the country, which surrounds Boston, to which a too short stay in that part of the United States prevented me from putting the finishing hand. I offer them to you in their state of im- perfection with the hope; that they will be completed by some of your fellow citizens, whose increasing taste for Oey presages to the people of Massachusetts a flourishing period for th The result of my observations, and the wish of communicating — them in the most brief and plain manner, have induced me to make _ a Slight alteration in the nomenclature of some rocks. I consider the — principal aggregate mineral, as a distinct genus, which should hayea _ single name, to which may be added a specific one, taken from the ac- — cidental occurrence of some element, or from some striking property. A This binary denomination, which prevents troublesome periphrasis, 2 agrees with the basis of general nomenclature, pei in — history. These changes are limited to the rocks, described in the fllow | ing dissertation ; and I present them to those, who are dedicated t0 mineralogical meditations, as an essay of a reformation, which obser vations, made in this vast continent, appear to render necessary in the nomenclature of the rocks, which compose the primordial soil, and even which form the whole series of the geognosical table. Si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus imperti ; si non, his utere mecum. M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 129 Definitions and preliminary explanations. Primordial soil. J call primordial, that part of the surface of the earth, formed of some of those simple or aggregate mineral masses, commonly called rocks, which have never been found containing rem: nants of organized bodies, and which are supposed to have been pre- existent to the formation of animals and vegetables. I take this defi- nition in its most extensive sense, without admitting any gradation in antiquity, among primordial rocks, for fear of oie my observa- tions to some systematic opinion, ~ Amapintiolard. fee rock, Hays | cy: i oie, pent? " wets So Werner.) — ty Spee pation, most ech of amphibole and felspar, admit- ting in its composition quartz, epidote, talc, mica, and almost always sulphurated iron. Amphibole, which characterises this rock, is sup: posed to be the predominant substance. When the felspar is in greatest a it takes s the name of felsparoi < Sieg P ? 2 tad An aggregation of felspar and amphibole ; ; sometimes of felspar quartz, amphibole ; also epidote and mica. When the felspar loses its Jaminary aspect, and assumes a compact texture, the rock takes the name of petrosilea. Petrosilex. (Petrosilex and compact t felspar, Ha: ; ae uncertain among other mineralogists. ) % “gees A rock, homogeneous, or apparently so, of a splintery and semi- conchoidal fracture, sparkling most freque tly with steel, and Of aaa variety of colours. It often sees small ane popes of <0 . : ame 130 M.-Gadon’s mineralogical observations. spar, quartz, epidote, and even metallic'substances. ‘sibility before the blowpipe is the characteristic of this rock. When destitute of fusibility, it belongs to opaque-compact quartz (Hor nstein of the Ger- mans. ) When crystals of felspar exist in it, in notable proportion, it takes. the specific designation of porbhyritic.. The denomination of porphy- — ry, being relative to an accidental disposition of elements, is reduced to a specific name. _ Argilloid. (Thonschiefer, Wer.) It has a degree of softness, which permits it to be deeply scratch- ed by the knife, complete opacity, and an argillaceots smell, when breathed on.. It presents, as.well as petrosilex, a great diversity of colours, and has most frequently : a foliated texture. Petrosilex and ge unite = be an insensible transition. eae: = os | Wacke. (Wern.) A conglutination of orbicular, elliptical, and sometimes angi kernels or nodules of all sizes, commonly of the same nature as the primordial rocks above mentioned, particularly felsparoid, petrosilex,. argilloid, and quartz. : Amygdaloid. _(Mandelstein, Wern.) Round or elliptical kernels of felspar, carbonated lime, quartz, , epidote, united.together by a cement, apparently homogeneous. to the sight, - : Notre.—I have placed ..between. parentheses the name of the. towm. where the observation is made. The sign = indicates that the mineral i is found j in place. The sign O indicates that it is found in loose fragments. M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 131 The numbers, in the table, refer to the corresponding numbers of the dif- ferent paragraphs of the geognostic description. For the simple minerals, I have adopted the nomenclature of Haiiy ; but, for greater clearness, I add, to cach species, a synonym, either vulgar, or adopt- ed from some known author. The word speczes must not be taken in too rig- orous a sense, particularly with regard to rocks. The divisions established, among natural beings, exist not a nature ; and are merely intended to facili tate their study, or to simplify the language. ¥ I Vegetable earth. . Alluvial deposits. Waters. 1, Some alluvial deposits, and the stratum, often light, of vegeta- a ble earth, excepted, the oston, and even the greater part i of Massachusetts, present, almost every where, the primordial soil to the sight. The country is not mountainous, but its surface is largely and often deeply undulated. The springs, which arise from the most elevated part of the ground, often unite in basons, sometimes sur. rounded by — and form a sas of ponds, which contribute to the embellishment of the 1 pe. The natural ee igation, which originates fom the even disposition of the , maintains a con- stant moistness, which renders the land fertile and fit for several kinds of culture. 2, The alluvial deposits are commonly formed of a coarse quart- zose sand, often mixed with a proportion of clay sufficient to permit their being made directly into bricks. They include, almost always, a great quantity of fragments of rocks, the nature of which indicates their origin from the great masses, which form the frame of the coun- try we are describing. These alluvial: heaps repose sometimes on a stratum of blue clay ——— a —_ the: — iron and ee sii 132 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. The proportion of clay, which forms a part, often considerable, of all the alluvial ground, on which rest almost all the buildings of the town of Boston, is a happy circumstance, which prevents the infiltra- tion of sea-water, and which thus permits our obtaining, at a very short diStance from the harbour, and even from under the sea itself, fresh and sweet water. 3. The waters, which flow under the ground, or which issue in springs at its surface, are frequently impregnated with foreign princi- ples. ‘These are principally carbonic acid, carbonated lime and iron, sulphated magnesia, and sometimes muriated lime and magnesia. Amphiboloid. _ 4. In a western direction from Boston, the rock, which occurs: first, is amphiboloid,. which passes frequently to felsparoid, and some- times so abruptly, that it is very easy to get them both unifed in the same specimen. These two rocks, which always alternate, appear predominant in the northern as well as western part of Massachusetts. They appear in some islands of the harbour [outward Brewster], and are directed, even under the enclosure of the town of Boston, where they break through the mossy ground of the common.. 5. Amphiboloid is very variable in its aspect, and in the proportion and disposition of its constituent principles. Amphibole, which is. considered as its base, is commonly dark-greenish, grey, or black, of — great intensity, frequently with a lamellated texture. The rock appears sometimes consisting of, this substance alone, of an uniform colour,. or intermixed with light spots or veins of white and rosy felspaty. and magnetic sulphurated iron [Waltham]. I then call it common: amphiboloid. The two elements are frequently fitted together in such a mannef,- as to present irregular black and white spots. The felspar is com- M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 133. monly white, with a shade somewhat greasy, but preserving, almost always, its laminary texture. [Menotomy ©, Waltham ©}. The external part of this rock, long exposed to the air, presents the fels- par in a state of decomposition ;. but, when fresh broken, it shows great compactness, and even lustre. It is susceptible of a good pol- ish, and may be considered as perfectly analogous to the black gran- ite of the ancients, (granito nero, of the Italians). 1 think proper to give it the name of granitic amphiboloid. 7. The two elements, which compose the preceding species, are sometimes promiscuously blended together, in particles so fine and imperceptible, as hardly to permit the magnifying glass to evidence that it is a compound mineral. [Brookline O, Concord turnpike oJ]. This rock, which is an instance of the aggregation of two single min- erals in a kind of moleculary state, breaks commonly into acute an- gular fragments, sometimes prismatic. On account of the resem- blance of this aggregate with the Trapp of the Swedes, I give it the name of Trappine psi acige = 8. Amphiboloid, : incaliactenticean eck collie cludes crystal and felspar, prescueindt white parallelopipeds imbedded in.a dark field. This variety, found contiguous to the preceding, [Lynn ©] is ranked under the generic title of amphiboloid, with the specific name of porphyritic. Porphyritic amphiboloid is tegen sats with sulphurated iron (common pyrites). 9. A feature, which seems characteristic of the amphiboloid and felsparoid sof this country, is their being frequently intercepted by veins of a substance, generally of a compact texture, and of a green colour, of various degrees of intensity. The thickness of these veins: varies, from that of a shect of paper, to two, three, or more inches. The characters, derived from the external appearancc, and even those 194 -MGotois’ from the chemical nature, of an earthy mineral, in an amorphous state, being insufficient to ascertain, decisively, to what speciesit corresponds, P remaitied long uncertain of the nature of this mineral’ till, at length, some crystals of well characterised épidote, found in a ‘small cavity of a vein of this substance, dispelled all my doubts on the subject.” ‘Soon afterward, an attentive examination of several amphiboloids demon- strated to me, that they admitted in their composition, epidote, some- times even in a great proportion. This observation’ justifies the im- portance attributed, by Haiiy, to the character of the crystalline form. From the concurrence of epidote; among the other elements of amphiboloid, originates a rock, of a fine dark ereen colour, susceptible ofa good polish, and which, at first sight, may be confounded with some variety of serpentine, “When the gee are so entwined to- gether, as to present a ‘colour almost uniform, it” may, be considered as analogous to the rock, called Egyptian basalt by antiquaries, which was employed by the ancients in making figures and busts, several of which are seen in collections of the antiquities of Italy. -~But, com- monly it consists of small acicular crystals of amphibole, imbedded in a kind of cement, composed of felspar and epidote. Some specimens present those three substances in distinct and separaté state, like the elements of the granite. This rock, which I denote by the name of epidotic amphiboloid, does not form so extensive masses, as the preceding species. ~ It is found contiguous to felspar [Brighton]; or in the form of veins, running across a porphyritic wacke [Brighton 4, Dedham turnpike]. ft, almost always, includ tic sulphurated iron, often crystallised in small striated cubes fRoxbury OL ne appearing constantly sensi- ble tothe magnet. “It is of great tenacity, with a rough fracture. It falls mto polyedrons, which sometimes present a prismatic shape. — of this rock, exposed at the surface of the earth, seem more M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. ~ 135 forcibly to -resist decomposition, than most of the other species of amphiboloid. Epidotic amphiboloid is Sapentible of admitting crystals of felspar, and thus becoming porphyritic. Such are some fragments, found in loose pieces, particularly on the Blue Hills. This remarkable varie- ty presents crystals. of white felspar, sometimes of an inch in one di- mension, accompanied by cubic sulphurated iron, and globules of la- minary carbonated Jime of a perfect transparency ; the diameter of these. globules not exceeding three-or four lines. - By comparing the green antique porphyry, with a variety of por- phyritic amphiboloid, found in this country, and which includes epi- dote, Iam ind sider this rock, the locality of which is un- ANNs es known to the meders, 2 as also admitting epidote in its composition, and, probably, as receiving its fine colour from. this substance. | I place this. variety, which I have not observed in place, near the porph- yritic.amphiboloid, with the designation of ophites. nas Somesimes, PS: sis 5 quartz in its composition, artzose a id) and ne formed entirely of amphi- pole and aonree. This rock is ‘dscnraied ee some light veins of quartz, by a fracture somewhat conchoidal, and by its resisting,.more than any other, spontifheous decomposition [Menotomy QO]. When these elements exist in fine mixture, so as to present as it were anho- ae mogencous paste, it is hardly possible to distinguish it from trappine ampliboloid when tound in insulated pieces [Roxbury 9, Brighton O]- Both these rocks, when conveniently cut and smoothed, may be used as touch-stone. 11. I give the name micaceous to the gsuphabeil including mica. This last mineral appears not uniformly distributed, but accidentally disseminated in some parts of common and granitic amphiboloid EMenotomy ©, Concord turnpike ]. Its most usual colour is the 136 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. yellow of tombac. Some fragments of this species, whien struck by the hammer, emit a remarkable metallic sound. _I will no longer in- sist on these two rocks, which I have not observed in masses of con- siderable magnitude. 12. I terminate the series of the species of amphiboloid, by that which admits talc in its composition (Talcous amphiboloid). This rock seems to consist entirely of black amphibole, and talc of a dark green colour, which, when the rock is fresh broken, is perceived even under the forin of thin hexagonal lamina: All the parts of this rock appear sensible to the magnet, though the magnetic sulphurated iron, which exists in it, may not always be discernible. _ This aggregate has neither the hardness, nor the tenacity, ascribed to amphiboloid. When exposed at the surface of the soil, it under- goes a rapid decomposition, and occurs with a spheroidal or elliptical shape, the surface of which is formed of thin, concentric strata with- out adhesion, involving a kernel of the some rock, which had not suf- fered alteration. ‘This decomposition is similar to that of some rocks, observed in volcanic countries, and considered sumetimes as lavas. Talcous amphiboloid is observed forming, in felsparoid, a subordi- nate stratum, directed from northwest to sout heast. [ Braintree, on the Braintree and Weymouth turnpike 4]. The irface of the stratum occurs with an appearance somewhat slaty, and some parts of it pres sent an uniform texture, with the same hardness.and colour, which indicates that this rock unites to that, which will be described undet the name of argilloid. Felsparoid. _ 13. The above description spreads some light 6n the nature of this rock, which is distinguished from the preceding, merely by anars tificial consideration; In fact, by observing it attentively we find; M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 137 that it admits occasionally, and sometimes in its whole mass, the sey- eral minerals mentioned among the species of amphiboloid. The general aspect of this rock approaches it to the granite, from which it differs sometimes only by its geognostic situation. It pre- dominates north of Boston, and on the south side of that place (about nine miles), where it forms an extensive ridge, which appears to be spread from the east to the west, beginning from the sea coast. 14. Felsparoid is often formed of nothing but felspar and amphi- bole. It then occurs principally north of Boston. _ The felspar in it is sometimes red-brown, but more frequently whitish, with an imper- fect lamellary texture, and an aspect somewhat greasy [Chelsea o]. Sometimes white and red felspar are united in the same specimen. To this kind I give the name of common felsparoid. 15. This rock is more frequently found consisting of uncoloured felspar, hyaline quartz, amphibole, and sometinies small particles of tale of a light green colour. _Felspar, which forms the greatest pro- portion, is frequently whitish, but often with a light brown or reddish brown’colour. Quartz is the next in proportion; and amphibole, of a dark blue, or an imperfect black colour, exists sometimes, but in rare crystals, disseminated through the other elements. This amphi- bole is sometimes attracted by the magnet. Such is the composition of the rock, which exists in vast body at Weymouth, Braintree, and Quincy, (9) from whence it is transported to Boston for the purposes of civil constructions, particularly for making the first courses of buil- dings. There is a variety consisting of crystals of amphibole of a bright black colour, disseminated through white felspar of a pearly aspect. It is susceptible of a good polish, and is found beautiful on the north side of Boston [Newburyport turnpike o J. = ‘I consider also as of aie species a variety of a Pleas eich, somet; 1 = ly, not in large masses, but abn hUny VULeuts wv ee] pe: 138 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. sometimes in powerful veins across the amphiboloid. [Menotomy a, Lexington.O]. In this rock, which I found almost always including quartz, the felspar exists in large lamina, often interrupted by layers, commonly thin, of compact -epidote. Amphibole and quartz are, sometimes, in but slight proportion in this rock. I unite the above varieties under the specific denomination of quartzose. 16. Epidote enters sometimes into the composition of felsparoid. Many specimens present this substance, easy to be known, distribut- ed, in equal proportion, with felspar, quartz, and amphibole ; but most frequently it is intimately united with felspar, which then assumes a more or less intense shade of green, from the usual colour of this mineral [Dedham 5, Lynn O]. This species, which, according to the basis adopted for this nomenclature, takes the name of 6a felsparoid, contains sometimes sulphurated iron. 17. Mica also appears among the elements of this rock, and com- municates to it, in some cases, the aspect and characters ascribed to granite. Many instances of this aggregate are to be observed in se¢v- eral spots [Brighton 0, Roxbury 0, Dedham 0]. ‘The mica often exists in small scales [Newton ©], and frequently it occurs in plates, of an inch in diameter, and of a smoaky colour. Sometimes the rock seems a mixture of mica and felspar alone. In some cases it includes garnet, rarely tourmaline [Dorchester, Roxbury O] ; also oxydulat- ed iron. (Magnetic iron ore, Kirwan) [Brighton 0 J. This species, which I call granitic, does not form so extensive’ masses, as the preceding. It is found contiguous to argilloid [Brigh- ton ©] ; alternating with, or rather interposed in the middle of por- phyritic wacke [Brighton 0, Roxbury 0]. An insulated specimen of granitic felsparoid may be taken for: true granite; but geognosists agree in considering this last, which: M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 139 alternates with gneiss and micaceous schistus, as belonging to anoth- er order of rocks, and to another formation. ‘Time will determine what is the value of this distinction. 18. Felsparoid presents in general no distinct stratification. _ It in- cludes often veins of amorphous hyaline quartz, sometimes full of cav- ities, where this mineral exists with a crystalline shape. (Commonly var. prismoid). It falls most often into polyedrical fragments, the faces of which are often very smooth. Exposed to the contact of the air it moulders ; and, when the felspar is in great proportion, its whole surface consists of an argillaceous crust. Ina fresh state the several kinds of this rock are a of a fine 5 Pola even superior to that of granite. _ When the siemnenis of 3 felsparoid ae to be entwined together i in a confused state, so as to take the appearance of a homogeneous paste, it assumes the characters ascribed to petrosilex. [Brushhill turnpike]. When crystals of felspar remain imbedded in this uniform paste, it constitutes the porphyry about to be desgribed among the species of petrosilex. The transition of felsparoid to petrosilex and_porphyritic petrosilexis frequently observed in the compass of the present obser- vations. [Milton 0 deals o, Malden 0}. Petrosilex. 19. Mictslogss bave generally considered petrosilex as a sim- ple mineral, and respectable authorities agree in placing it among the varieties of felspar. But if we consider, that most of the great mine- ral masses of the globe consist of an aggregation of distinct species ; that petrosilex accompanies these rocks, and forms itself vast masses and even mountains ; thatamong the specimens of it, which are found im nature, or seen in collections, hardly one is ever observed ‘perfect- ly free of foreign substanses visible to the eye ; we may entertain’ / Bn. {40 ‘M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. some doubts on the supposed simplicity of this mimeral, and endeay. our to inquire from the circumstances, which accompany it in nature, whether an apparent homogeneity may not conceal an aggregation of elements (I mean of simple minerals), in a state of tenuity, which will not permit them to be perceived by our senses. The mineralogic ‘soil, which is now under our observation, ap- pears well adapted to diffuse some light on this subject. Most of the different varieties of petrosilex known, being found in great plenty in this part of Massachusetts, and their intimate analogy with the fe/ds- path porphyre and klingstein porphyre of Werner being evinced by observation, I unite them all under the general title of petrosilex, admit- ting only of two divisions, viz. simple petrosilex and porphyritie petro. ning — silex, under which J arrange the several species and varieties, which I “L. Simple petrosilex. 20., It exhibits an infinite variety of shades of yellowish, whitish [Quincy 0, Dorchester 9], greyish, greenish, brown, reddish-brown, blackish. It is sometimes found:of a: fine texture and semi-transpa- rency, with a white colour, slightly tinged with green [Milton 0] ; sometimes with rosy spots [Chelsea O]- I denote this kind, which strikes fire with steel, and may be confounded, to the sight, with some variety of agate-quartz, by the name of Jlinty. Sometimes the same variety presents a slight red colour, verging to the carnation [Dor- chester 3, Brushhill turnpike O}. 21. A variety of a greenish colour falls sometimes into tabulary fragments [Dorchester 1], which become sonorous by percussion. I give to this variety or species, which is analogous to the kiingstein of the Germans, the specific name of sonorous, agreeably to the opin- fon of some mineralogists, who consider it as_a distinct mineral. = M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 14h But I observe, that the property of emitting a sound somewhat metal- lic appears dependent ingis mineral on a certain degree of cohesion, together with its tabular shape, which might be easily obtained by art from several other stones. Some thin tables of black marble are im- ported from the East Indies, which are used in China instead of bells; and even ice itself possesses the same sonorousness, when in large plates and condensed by a great degree of frost. Some fragments of sonorous péetrosilex are found ae by veins of compact epi- dote. 22, I give the name of jasper-petrosilex to a species, which pre- sents a red brown or dark red colour, with but very littletranslucency on the edges. ‘This kind, fusible before the blowpipe, sometimes into a white enamel, often presents several veins of different shades of red- dish [Malden 1] ; sometime#white and red yeins, running parallel to each other, in straight or curved lines [Chelsea beack O]. Most of the varieties of jasper petrosilex are susceptible of an hign polish, From the likeness of the veined jasper-petrosilex with some stones, which were used by the ancient Grecks and Romans in making bas- ‘s0-relievos, called camchuja, we are induced to admit, that most of the stones, called antique engraved stones, consist of a mineral of this ‘Kind. An ingenious naturalist has before observed, that the jasper, veined red and green from Siberia, was a petrosilex. Some fragments of jasper-petrosilex include often.spots of a fesh colour [Milton 1], perfectly analogous to the petrosilex of Carlshakt in Sweden. 23. Petrosilex of a homogeneous texture and a middling hardness, when sme ed | conveniently, is susceptible of being used as whet- stone. age is found exactly analogous to the Turkey-stone, which, as Bened. de Saussure first observed, ought to be considered as be- longing to this genus, It is probable that this part of Massachusetts. 142 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. could supply the whole United States with this kind of mineral, which is sold at a pretty high price in commerces To this species I attach the name novacular. 24. ‘The naked eye, and still better the magnifying glass, discoy- ers, in almost all the above described species of petrosilex, small par- ticles of simple minerals; such as quartz, epidote, amphibole, small crystals of felspar, arsenical and simple sulphurated iron, &c. The grains of quartz appear particularly abundant, when it adjoins to the wacke. A variety is observed [Brushhill turnpike, ] which falls into pieces, the faces of which are coated with dendrites of black manga- nese, which is rendered very apparent by the almost white field of the stone. Simple petrosilex abounds principally on the north and south of Boston, where it sometimes forms hill It is observed contiguous to wacke and felsparoid, where it appears confounding itself with these two rocks. [Quincy O, Malden a, Dorchester a, Dedham mr]. 2. Porphyritic petrosilex. 25. Most of the petrosilex above mentioned [Quincy n, Dorches- ter 0], presenting some chrystals of felspar scattered in a whitish or brownish cement, might be considered as porphyries ; but, agreeably to the common meaning we shall restrict this term to tle kind, which pre- sents crystals of felspar in a notable proportion, cemented by a petro- siliceous substance, commonly of a dark colour, as reddish, brown-red, ne black, &c. - The reddish brown variety, with white felspar, is the most ares It forms vast masses [Malden y, Lynn. rj, contiguous to felsparoid and jasper petrosilex, which evidently constitute its ce- — ment, Some fragments of considerable bulk are found, of a deep red MM. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 143 color, and equal in beauty to the best antique prophyry [Chelsea O, Lynn O]. This variety sometimes contains crystals of amphibole, and some particles of a deep green colour, which seem to belong to epidote. 27. Some loose fragments. of porphyritic petrosilex are found. of a greenish and black colour [Chelsea O, Islands of the harbour 0}, This last, which presents white shining crystals of felspar, appears analogous to the black porphyry of the ancients, porfido nero of the Ttalians. Perhaps.it is but a variety of porphyritic amphiboloid. A variety is found in the northern part of the Blue hills, presenting small crystals of a light red colour, cemented by a dark brown petrosilex, fusible into a black enamel. It is observed running across the main rock of this part of the country.* 28. The surface of petrosilex, simple and porphyritic, eigibaed to the contact of the air, moulders, and presents almost always an earthy crust, sometimes adhering to the tongue. _In its-primitive state, how-: ever, this rock is commonly so hard as to sparkle with steel, and then it is susceptible of a high polish. This polish protects it against de- * The Blue hills are in Milton, about ten miles south from Boston, and are the highest ground in this part of Massachusetts. From the most elevated, as from am observatory, an extensive portion of this picturesque country is presented. to the view. They appear to consist of felsparoid, verging to petrosilex, simple-and porphyritic. This rock is often interrupted by. powerful veins of quartz, full of cavities, coated with small crystals of the same substance, some particles of oligist iron, and signs of carbonated iron (brown spar), The observations, made in this part, are common to the Hon. Judge Davis, Messrs. Joseph Tilden, Richard Webster, T. Capt, and Charles Davis. I hope these gentlemen may give more extent to the yet imperfect des¢ription of those’ interesting heights. 144 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. composition, generally arising from the contact of water, which has less adherence to a smooth than to a rough surface. Hence some of the ancient porphyries, which were, so many centuries past, transport- ed from Asia to Greece, and from Greece to Italy, are still found among the ruins of this last country, sometimes in an unaltered state. Argilloid, 29. The transitive point, which forms the limit between this rock and petrosilex, is yery uncertain; and these two rocks are often found uniting themselves in the same spot [Dorchester 0, Milton Ge Ke is highly probable they are formed of the same constituent parts, only with less cohesion in the argilloid. A property, which seems char- acteristic of this rock, is its tendency, when it exists in large body, to fall into thin plates; whence the vulgar name of slate commonly given to this mineral. Its common colour is grey, [Roxbury 0, Brighton oJ, greenish [Newton uJ, blackish [Weymouth mt, Goyernor’s island mJ; also brown, reddish brown [Malden x, Dorchester o]. Avvariety is found presenting thin white strata, in alternate order with brown red ones [Dorchester mn]. This last kind has the property of being used as whetstone, and may replace the Turkey-stone. The mineral, of both colours, has the same property. I distinguish only two species in this rock,—the common argilloid, the most common kind, found in Brighton, Newton, Roxbury ; and the novacular, that which may be used as whetstone. 30, This» mineral often includes sulphurated iron ; some frag- ments are found presentin g veins of compact epidote, or compact car- bonated lime ; and others exhibit little fissures, in which a multitude MM. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 145 of small scales of green tale are perceived [Dorchester]. Perhaps the colour, often greenish, of this mineral, arises from the substance of talc disseminated in its mass; this colour appearing, in fact, the same with that, which would result from the mixture of a green pow- dered talc with a white body, such as chalk or white clay. The property of argilloid, of being adapted to sharpen instru- ments of steel, that is, to produce the effect of a file, whilst it is soft enough to be cut with a knife, indicates, that it is formed of an ag- gregation of substances, different in their nature, notwithstanding its apparent simplicity ; and we are induced to admit that one of those cha is silica in the state of quartz. - The observations of several chemists icon ascertained the presence of fixed alkalies in several rocks of Europe, and Klaproth, in particular, having found soda in the klingstein (analogous to our sonorous petrosilex), I was desirous to verify these observations in a mineral of America. The specimen I selected was of the hardest kind of argilloid, very much like sonorous petrosilex. _ Its specific gravity was 2.746. Its surface was covered with a light white crust. It was taken at Roxbury, about seven miles from Boston, not far from the line, which separates this town from Dorchester. Chemical examination of argilloid. $2. One hundred parts of this mineral (600 grains), reduced to a subtile powder, were mixed with equal parts of concentrated sul- phuric acid. The mineral having been previously warmed, the mix- ture acquired a degree of cohesion nearly equal to the former hardness of the stone. Exposed for some time (about 15 days) to the open air, cautiously defended from the access of foreign bodies, the mixture . a9 146 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. grew softer, and the supernatant liquor appeared of a yellow colour, indicating that the mineral had been attacked. The part remaining solid of this mineral was separated from the liquid. Well washed and dried, it weighed 85 parts ; its loss was consequently 15. Its colour was not much altered. The solution presented a deep yellow colour. United to the wa- ter of lixiviation, and submitted to evaporation till dryness, it aban- doned a precipitate consisting of sulphat of lime, which, when dry, weighed 17,058 (effective lime 5,50). A new quantity of water being added to dilute the remaining salts, this solution, again submitted to evaporation, when concentrated, gave a light precipitate with a concentrated solution of muriat of platina, and some traces of alum. This proves the presence of potash. =e ro ee ak _ Ammonia in excess poured into this solution, occasioned a floc- cous precipitate of a yellowish brown colour, consisting of alumina and the oxyds of manganese and iron. Calcined ina crucible, it weighed 6,075. The liquid, separated from this last precipitate, was submitted to a desiccation, and the sulphat of ammonia, vapourised in a crucible of platina, a fixed saline substance remained, weighing nine grains. This substance, diluted in water, and abandoned to crystallization, — S presented a mixture of two salts well characterized sulphat of potash, — and sulphat of soda. - o The difficulty of an exact separation of these two salts in so small a bulk, and the uncertainty of the proportions of the component parts the sulphat of soda, which arises from the great proportion of water it absorbs and loses by exposure to air and calcination, do not permit ° M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 147 a rigorous estimation of the quantity of each alkali. From the pro- ere of Roe of paush rated af two-thirds of the saline mixture, to thebasis taken from Bergman, the quantity of alkali has been wets at 2,50 grains for the potash, and 0,90 for the soda; or 0,41 parts potash, and 0,11 soda, of the original weight of the mineral employed. | In uniting the above results, we may admit that argilloid has giv- en, in the fifteen hundredth parts diluted by sulphuric acid, ~ Lime ‘ : ‘ ' a 5,50 Alumina, stained by the sands of iron and manganese, 6,75 en ee erties Woe ee et Porter me pre ee Soda. esnips oy | Loss, consisting of water and carbonic acid, . . 2,23 The proportion of silica existing in argillaceous schistus, petrosilex, &c. being ascertained, by many analyses, never less than 55, if we suppose, that those parts beyond 55, which had not been attacked by the acid, contain a quantity of the other substances proportional to that above mentioned, we may calculate, on an average, at about one hundredth, the proportion of alkali contained in the argilloid sub- mitted to this examination. This analysis, to which the situation of a traveller did not permit me to give a greater degree of accuracy, is sufficient to establish the important fact of the existence of potash and soda as elements in some rocks in this part of the world. Klaproth, in his analysis of the klingstein of pieiies a moun- tain in Bohemia, supposes the quantity of soda contained in this mineral 148 MM. Godon’s mineralogical observations. to beatwelfth. The resuit of the present observations differs from that of this celebrated chemist. But if we consider the petrosilex and argil- loid as aggregates, we shall not be surprised to find so great a variety in the results of the analyses of these minerals, though placed under the same title. | Wacke. 33. One of the predominant rocks of the country, and undoubted- ly the most remarkable, is that bordering upon Boston in a south di- rection, which appears to spread itself from northwest to southeast, and oe is observed, in full display, principally in the towns of Brigh- . on, Brookline, Roxbury, Milton, and Dorchester, when it disappears bi the sea, This rock, denoted in the country by the name of plum. pudding stone, is formed of conglutinated kernels, of different sizes, colour, and nature. The most apparent are, . 1. Quartz, mostly opaque, compact or granulated, of a great di- versity of colours (whitish, blueish, greenish, reddish, of different de- grees of intensity), sometimes with the aspect of petrosilex (but with- — out fusibility), and presenting, now and then, some small bright crys- tals of felspar. 2. Petrosilex and argilloid, variously coloured (greyish, blueish, reddish, 20& 29). | When the fragments of these two are predomi- nant, the rock presents the aspect of breccia, sometimes analogous tO the diaspro breciato of the Italians, antique breccia. | 3. Nodules, consisting of grains of whitish, greyish or reddish: M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 149 * laminary felspar, often with an aspect somewhat greasy ; grains of hy- aline quartz, commonly uncoloured ; small particles of amphibole ; and sometimes a green substance, which is epidote. 4. Nodules of petrosilex involving small crystals of felspar, and sometimes grains of quartz, and presenting a perfect analogy with some porphyritic petrosilex above mentioned (25); whence I have drawn the specific name of porphyritic. 34. The nodules or kernels, which compose this rock, have some- times more than a foot diameter [Brookline], with almost al- ways an orbicular or elliptical figure. Those, which present a polye- drical form, have their angles commonly rounded. These nodules are closely fitted and joined together, without leaving any empty spaces. They are not united by a cement ; for, notwitstanding the aspect of some varieties of this rock, the naked eye may observe, that the spaces which exist between these kernels, are filled, not with an homogene- ous paste, but with small comminuted fragments of minerals of the same nature as the large one. Sometimes the kernels present an uni- form and progressive size, down to that of” sand stone, and from these this rock, in an insulated specimen, may be confounded with a free stone. I give to it the designation of granulated. 35. The surface of this rock, in contact with the air, is soon alter- ed. The felspathic and petrosiliceous parts moulder into clay, and the quartzose nodules, with commonly a rough surface, remain in pro- jecture, or come off, leaving empty the cells, in which they were includ- fs ; It falls commonly into vast polyedrons, the faces of which are some- times smooth, as if they had been polished by the friction of a stream of water. . - This rock often contains veins, sometimes very thin, of white hya- 150 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. line. quartz, carbonated lime and iron, (brown ‘spar), rarely of com- pact epidote. Epidotic amphiboloid, felsparoid, argilloid, and amig- deloid form subordinate masses to it, or rather are interposed in the great masses of this rock. It is found contiguous to amygdaloid [Brighton]; the joining line being interrupted with large lumps of quartz, accompanied by chlorite talc, pyritous copper, and olygist iron. 36. How much attention soever I have paid to the examination of this rock zn situ, I have never observed in it any distinct stratification. It commonly unites with the rocks previously described, and with amygdaloid, often by an insensible transition. I possess specimens, which, on pieces of four inches square each, present its different pas- Cee to felsparoid, ees Pa ae and poe petrosilex, argilloid, Soe On account of the donk of giving to this rock a: aname, taken from its nature, I have been induced to adopt the name of wacke used by - the German mineralogists, who have observed this rock better than others. It corresponds to the brecia saxosa of Crousted, and tothe __ rock of Vallorsine (pudding of Vallorsine) of Saussure. When unaltered, it is susceptible of an high polish, 37. An examination of the nature of this rock, together with its geognostic situation, concur in inducing us to consider it as belong- ing to primordial soil. In fact, the freshness of the substances, which form the elements of its kernels, when the internal part of it is opened, and their rapid decomposition, when in contact with air and water, prevent the supposition, that it has been formed by a union of the fragments of primordial rocks, rounded by friction, transported and deposited by waters, and joined or soldered together by a second- ary operation ; a supposition, which has been adopted to explain the origin of the pudding stone and sand stone, which belong to seconda- MM. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 151 ry soil. Besides, its bordering upon rocks considered as primordial, to which it unites by insensible transitions, and which it sometimes includes, confirms that it has a common origin with them. If permitted to venture an opinion on the mode of its formation, we may suppose, that, as we find in it specimens of almost all the rocks, which predominate in the country, it originated from a motion, which disturbed and divided the vast deposits of felspathic, porphyrit- ic, petrosiliceous, &c. rocks, while they were passing from the state of fluidity to that of solidity. This motion ought to be supposed as having taken place, before the complete solidification of these rocks ; since the compactness of the wacke indicates that its elements were in astate of softness, which permitted the union of these heterogene- ous bodies to form a solid mass. Moreover this aggregation cannot be supposed to have been formed after the last cast of the primordial deposit, because the rents, which took place in its mass, have been fill- ed by veins or rather strata of amphiboloid and felsparoid (some spe- cimens 2 this a entirely see ne granite), which demonstrates, p> age es F 4°T} i 7 the formation of the wacke. OK er all, I give to this explanation res- pecting the formation of this rock, only the value it will receive from -haturalists themselves ; persuaded, that the destiny of all theories res- pecting geological facts is to remain hypothetical, until the surface of the earth shall be more attentively and more generally observed. 3, at a period later than Amygdaloid. 38. This rock is the least abundant. I had an opportunity of ex- amining it only in one place [Brighton o]; but several fragments, Scattered in many parts, indicate that it exists in other spots. — 152 iM. Godon’s mineralogical observations. It consists, most frequently, of rounded or irregular nodules, com- posed of quartz, felspar, laminary carbonated lime, epidote, and some. times chlorite talc. These substances often exist in insulated con- cretions ; but, sometimes, two or three are united in the same nodule. Some of them, consisting of quartz, appear as if enchased in the sub- stance of epidote ; some others present a cavity in their centre, the surface of which is coated with microscopic crystals of quartz and epidote. The cement, apparently homogeneous, which unites these glo- bules, is commonly reddish brown, sometimes verging to greenish. It often contains particles of a blood-red coloured substance, which Seems of the same nature as the jasper petrosilex (22.)}; some spots of carbonated copper ; and. now and then, crystals of amphibole and chlorite talc. Sometimes it contains veins of felspar, lamellated or almost compact; sometimes of quartz, accompanied by thin lamina f oligist iron, carbonated copper, pyritous copper in small particles, and chlorite talc. This rock is found contiguous to felsparoid, epi- _ dotic amphiboloid, and porphyritic wacke, on which it is observed resting [Brighton]. Sometimes it occurs with a schistous texture, and even emits an argillaceous smell, when breathed on. This rock is analogous to the toadstone of the English. When of great compactness, it is susceptible of a fine polish. Conclusion. I present the description of this series of rocks, which evidently be- longs to primordial soil, without any hypothesis on the comparative ; order of its formation. In the course of my observations, in this and other countries of America, which appear remarkably well suited for pee aE Rea ae Se te ne Nemes ee M. Godon’s mineralogical observations. 153 geognostic investigations, I never had an opportunity of verifying that arrangement of superposition in primordial rocks, from which is inferred the order of antiquity, supposed by some systems introduc- ed in Europe. i aS i A peculiar interest in the study- of this part of America arises from the relation, which exists between its rocks and those, which were in great repute among the people of Asia, Greece, and Italy. A view of the table, which accompanies this memoir, will indicate that it includes almost every stone, which had celebrity among those nations. We may therefore infer, that a description of this part of Massachu- setts would agree with the place, now unknown, where the Greeks and Romans procured those articles, which their luxury has transmit- ted to the moderns. With respect to social utility, we observe, that metals, which form so extensive a part of the national riches of a country, appear by no means abundant in this soil. [ron and copper in particular, so plenti- fully distributed in other parts of America, are quoted here merely as mineralogical notes. But some other substances, found here, and neg- lected as_ useless, may be employed in society ; one mineral, which may replace the turkcy stone ; another, which may be used in painting ; _ aset of rocks, susceptible of an high polish, fit for elegant ornaments, whose hardness and durability may render them useful for many oth- er purposes, and which may even form articles of export, when some process of cutting and polishing them in a large and cheap way shall I conclude here the account of, those minerals, which recal to my mind he pleasant. moments I have spent in this part of America. f “hope their description may have some interest for the respectable cit-_ izens of New England, from whom particularly I have received 9° 154 M. Godon’s mineralogical observations, many marks of benevolence and friendship. It always will be a great satisfaction for me to remember, that I reckon some friends among those, that present the fair example of a people, who know how to advance in civilization, and preserve the respect for morals and do- mestic order, which distinguished their ancestors; and. who appear still worthy of the high destinies, which await the American people, Les) TABULAR VIEW _ OF THE SUBSTANCES, WHICH CONSTITUTE THE MINERAL SOIL OF Simple minerals. A eo A verter s Baperoe nds Pe % | A Opals ised, ' sometimes i in six — prism B N. onated lim forming veins in 34), kernels or globules in amygdaloid (38), j in amphiboloid (9). Compact (Lime stone), in thin veins in argilloid 0). B. Some ey diluted in ila water (3) excepted, rete only acidiferous substance I have arava din hs environs of Boston, where it appears existing but in a very slight quantity. Quart Hyaline (rock thet ao often ona — cry — oid) i shape (var. vities e so blocks tel ads a the aia of the so wey air most gs tein in of f Wemer so with epi ist case it Conatitutes praser of Germ. Be Menotomy) : Quartz i is one of the elements of several wcks and is found a! disposed in veins running across them Felspar One ef i. Tpke toe elements of the jocks, shih te the fram country, ¢ only lary sents. ws ith a great divensity of herds found with c crystalline e shape (var. accompanied with epidote and sicsion (Brighton). / jusetts a Hated tex- ture, and a dark blue or black colour. (4 to 19). et ( Mierey actinolite Kirw. artiger ‘orien peictaia ae a in four om ‘Measure 0} h s ¥ PaUR Ge veniine form of ‘ “TS. Elements of Haiiy) or in small striated longitudi- ally needles, im i bonated lime ‘p (Brookline), Bot mi more ge ntly pce ta in veins, running across several » (9, 16—21) or form g° one of their elements supmieae ret. AU Flexible (valg. shien eas yellowish white col- (9—16). Its commo is green of several >| One of th i as fel- oak eh (11, vi), et prac mon colo’ hi h, Stioaky, qabie cae — our. It accompanies epidote and crystallised fel- Spar ( . . an , iboloid. Its gang is argilloid or epi- ctinolite Kirw. The gang is argilloid told Onrew ewe cS aS stenes ~— substances. AN Earthy Se Combustible sub. Metallic substances. A A Z & Copper. 1 ow Sate! epee of G Bs a = | co Exiwite. (chlor erde Germ.). It accompanies » laminary, and quartz. (Brigh- ‘ This last variety, whic = bea ce ding in cero places, maysafford a solid green colle for painting. (An essay of this obiar is sent to the Acide ay Tale. n small hexaedral lamina, of a bright 2). ow Commotly in small irapeanel expats in some loose fragments of felsparoid. ne. Found, tcarcely, in some loose pieces of felsparoid (Dare hester), fometinica with the form belong- ing to the variety isogone. merald, a loose — of felsparoid give some signs of is s N. B. These ae. ‘minerals, found in great plenty in other parts of North Aas may be considered here, as exceptions Found in great plenty in sever parts of the environs all of Boston, princip are depriv- Be Se: e ity. Oo signs 0 of 0 oth mhbustibles found yet in oe com- pass of welts oF fifteen miles from Bost rm.). Its matrix be h accompanies amygdaloid (38) ge oc ceding var Tad mninated in the whole mass of sinygduloid o or coating some faces of its fragments. Oligist. (Specular iro n small lami- hain some fragments of quartz ( (27, 38 Oxyduled. (Magnetic iron ore Kirw.) (1 179. Arserical (Mispikel o oe miner.), sometim aes) » common matrix argilloid, or Settoale Sight Sse pyrites), often crystallised in » gan only ar we oY Germ.), found but rashy in sms small lentic aay 6 or rhomboidal crystals (27,35 Man, ye Oxyded ex and brown, fo emis mamellary concre- n the surface of some rocks, as agiloid (24), or in superficial dendrites. ganese appears the chief colouring body wt — Ba the minerals and rocks of this part of Am — THE ENVIRONS OF BOSTON. — Primordial soil. A Aggregate minerals. — Amphiboloid. Common (35) Granitic (6)} analogous to the a sors ancients. Granito nero of Italian so Alluvial deposits. 3 Trappine (7), when of a fine ei a stone, and may be confounded with eye iy 4 Porphyi ic (8). A Ophies Om, ag ce - the porfido verde wi. — -op. : 5 Epidetic ©, Sa eee is the Egyptian basalt 6 Quartzous (10), when uniform in its texture and —— it may be aed as well as the re cbr ni stone. Many Indian’s axes consist set ; 7 jatcaseuas (11). 8 Talcous (12). Felsparoid. 1 Common (14). 2 Quartzous (15). : : 3 Epidotic (16). : 4 Granitic (17) heat Ee 1 Flinty ns ig 2 a fete ((23_), a variety rie ak Pe us to Turkey-stone. toe Sake of 13 Soneeou (21) Klingstein @ ‘i mans. ve wee reed Jasper (22). ie Porphyritic. ee A Deep red, analogous to the antique? oe a7; z a A B_ Reddish brown (26). Cc Sree: sh (2 we D_ Brown black (27). E aa — to the black porphyry ” Argilloid. 1 Common (29). A Compact, B_Foliated. 2a Grey. B Greenish. 2 kis ol 2 Novacular ad 29.) susceptible of bemg™® key s ve A Whi ti 2, B__Brownish. er c Void; formed of white and brownish oe : Wacke. : 1 Porphyritic (33_). - ue! A Breccia, sometimes analo to antigi’ Diaspro breciato of Italians (33. B Granulated (34) » greyish (Grau . Amygdaloid iad | 1 Common (38 _), sometimes analogous 7 \ stone of the English. Consisting of fr F rocks, which rey ed of fragments of Tock, § frame of the country (2), sand and cif: . Oe ae - 195 XXIV. ACCOUNT OF FOSSIL SHELLS, WITH THE AUTHOR’S: REASONS FOR AT-. TENDING TO THE SAME; 3 Ina letter to Levi Hedge, F. A. A. By PARKER CLEAVELAND, a.m. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Bowdoin College. DEAR SIR, : AT your request 7 transmit you an 1 account of the fossil shells, which you saw in my possession, when I had the pleasure of your visit at Brunswick. Previous however to a relation of the particulars, I will take the liberty of mentioning the reasons, which have induced : me to pay attention to facts of so common occurrence. _ ae. The universal « Se aera: das a hell Bo aiw Leiden considerable depths below. the Basibad of the cast et pone that very great changes have taken place in the exterior parts of out globe, eithét by sudden and. powerful convulsions, or in some more gradual manner. In every system of geology fossil bodies have de- servedly received a large share of. attention; and it is perhaps true, that further discoveries of fossil shells on mountains and in very ¢levated situations, under circumstances precisely similar to sheen which they have been found, would afford very little assistance forming more correct sae see But with regard to dalle covery of shells in plains : ll eleve snear the sea, the reced ing remark vere be trues Con meernin rien nay be inquire 156 Mr. Cleaveland’s account of fossil shells. be of ancient or modern date; whether they were produced by great convulsions and sudden inundations, or by gradual alterations of many successiye years. It has been suggested that important advan- - tages would result from possessing a geographical map, indicating the different species of fossil shells, and the places, in which they were found, ‘T think the idea important, and practicable at least with re- gard to any country or coast, which may be thickly inhabited. With such a map before us we should be better enabled to compare individual facts, and hence to draw several conclusions. Under this view of the subject the discovery of shells, which are merely fluviatile, will be worthy of attention. For the preceding reasons I have en- deayoured to collect all the facts in my power. I will now give you a description of two wells, which I have examined. the last summer, while digging. 7 hone Cro aerate See rho gs : _ One is in Bowdoin, at the distance of three or four miles from the nearest salt water, which is at the termination of the tide in Cathance river ; the distance of the well from the sea is probably about twenty miles. Its elevation above the tide in Cathance river is estimated by gentlemen, living in that part of the country, at seventy or eighty ‘feet. The land about the well is very uneven, and abounds with gneiss and a coarse granite. A small stream passes about fifty rods from the well; and, after a long and ‘winding course, assists in form- ing the Cathance. — This well is twenty feet deep. Through the first ten feet from the surface a hard gravel is found, stratified and inter- spersed with layers of coarsé, yellowish sand. At the depth of ten feet commences a stratum of blue clay, into which the workmen dug 7 ten feet, but without passing through the clay, When first taken from the ground, it is nearly black, and yery tenacious. This clay both in appearance and-smell resembles that dig on flats, or near salt Marshes, or on the margin of salt water rivers, The shells also have. Mr. Cleaveland’s account of fossil shells. 157 ‘the same smell, when first taken from the clay ; and, as far as I have seen, are the clam, and twa varieties of the muscle; and another kind of shell, whose genus I know not. It is large, of a conical form, about three inches in length, and passing in a double - spiral line from the larger part to the vertex. The same genus is found on our sea shores. ‘These shells are in general well preserved, and in almost every instance filled with clay; which must have entered them with the watcr, in which it was suspended. I saw very few valves lying by themselves. When carefully taken from the clay, the’shell is either whole, or the valves opened and lying con- tiguous to each other at the hinge. I also took from near the bottom of the same well a large rock, to which were adhering many of those shells, which the seamen call barnacles. ‘The other well is situated in Brunswick ; at an elevation of _ about eighty feet above the tide water in the Androscoggin ; and about half a mile westward of the same river above the falls. It is on the side of a hill. Several gullies take their rise at the foot of the hill, and lead to the river. This well is twenty two feet deep. After cutting through the soil, the first twelve feet consist of alternate strata of yellowish sand and common brick clay. At the depth of twelve feet commences a stratum of blue clay, which is four feet thick. This clay is plentifully interspersed with shells, similar to those before mentioned ; and has the same appearance and smell. This is followed by a stratum of grey sand, similar to that often seen upon beaches. The next three feet consist of thin, alternate layers of common brick clay and a reddish sand. The last stratum, and - in which the well terminates, is a brown sand, resemb is frequently found at the surface. Dre I have selected these two wells from several others — id had. better opportunities of examining them. , 133 Mr. Cleaveland’s account of fossil shells. I have a few specimens, which I should be happy in sending you, were the opportunity convenient. | I am, dear sir, you friend &c. PARKER CLEAVELAND. — 159 XXV. ACCOUNT OF PAWPAW OR COWRY SHELLS, FOUND IN DORCHESTER. In a letter to the Hon. John Davis, Esq. _ By Rev. THADDEUS MASON HARRIS, r. a. a. asada guia Dorchester, October 22, 1806. DEAR SIR, i Kiet mr AGREEABLY to your request I make the following statement, which you may communicate to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, if you think worthy of their notice. . In the summer of 1802 I procured several loads of mud from a kind of pond-hole in Dorchester for the purpose of making a compost manure for myggarden. As it lay ina heap in the barn yard, I found my children busily employed in picking from it the small shells call. ed pawpaws, or more properly cowries ; and, in raking open the pile, they gathered, I believe, more than a quart.. As the pile was level. led, many more were collected; and we are daily finding them on the ground, where it was spread. My. curiosity was much excited’ by the circumstance; especially as I had never met with the cyprea mo- neta on our shores, and did not know that it had been discovered on. the coast. Accordingly I visited the place, whence the mud was tak- en, and found it full of water in consequence of a heavy shower of rain ;, and indeed it is rarely quite dry ; but on the bank there were many more shells of the same kind in the mud, that had been thrown out. Upon examination it appeared, that this was once the head of a creek, and, within the recollection of an aged man in the neighbour- hood, was filled every high tide. About two rods below the pond, and on the border of what was formerly salt marsh, is a road, which 160 Mr, Harris account of pawpaws. : was laid out at the first settlement of the town. Sixty years ago, my informant used to stand on the bridge over the creek, and catch ale- wives. The bridge has for many years been taken away, and the road made solid ; so that the tide is quite ex¢luded. ‘The marsh it- self has been in part converted into tillage ground, by a dam about one third of a mile lower down. The creek, in its windings below the dam, must be more than a mile in length, and has its mouth at the flats, which separate Dorchester from Boston. When open all the way, it was only wide enough to admit a small boat to its head. I feel a hesitancy in pronouncing, that the shells were natives of the pond ; and yet it is past conjecture how they should have been brought there. ds cannet however be amiss to record the fact, which Thave stated. - Sa SP SR, The name pier. I believe, is given to tbe shell, ~s inber the convex part is broken or ground flat, that it may be wsed by the ne- grocs among us inagame, which perhaps is original to their own country. In Africa and the East Indies, where it passes for money, it is called the cowry. Large quantities of these shells are.said to be eol- lected annually in the Maldiva Islands, for exportation to Africa, Ben- gal, Siam, AE Oa >, Seen oe ae wa - With much puititit Tam, dear sir, your friend and humble servant, r ee ADDEUS MASON HARRIS: , 161 XXVI. OBSERVATIONS ON A SINGULAR NATURAL PRODUCTION, IN WHICH ONE PART APPEARS TO BE A PLANT AND THE OTHER AN INSECT, ACCOMPA- NIED WITH A SPECIMEN. By Rey. MANASSEH CUTLER, t.p. F. a. A. “IT often happens that things, which at first view seeni miracu- lous, are found on examination to be not miraculous, but produced in the regular course of nature. This has been lately remarkably de- monstrated by the ‘example of a certain insect, which the French collectors call the Vegetating Fly. The story goes, that in America is produced an insect, which, laying aside its animal nature, is trans- formed by a more than Ovidian metamorphosis, to a vegetable ; so that we are no longer to consider as idle tales the caastormation of Daphne toa laurel, or of Narcissus to a flower. ve Not long since Capt. Melvil, returning from the island of St. Do- mingo, brought with him to London some small productions of a mixed nature, whose lower part was a real insect, but the upper part a plant. ‘The insect was equal in magnitude to a bee, and the plant was an inch inlength. ‘Thecollectors of these wonderful productions, who brought them to Mr. Melvil, informed him, that the insect was a species of wasp, which, having lived to a certain period, lost all mo- tion, and was changed in the upper part into a plant, which gradually increased, while the figure and substance of the insect were pees con in the lower part. The admiration of the most sagacious naturalists in England w was very much excited by this then unheard of nature miraculum. Many ‘21 162 Dr. Cutler’s observations on a@ singular natural production. doubted both its probability and possibility, and suspected some fraud at the bottom; others were unwilling to admit this suspicion, be- cause something not entirely foreign to this subject had been advanc- ed by the Rev. Father Torrubia in his Natural History of New Spain,* who relates, that ina certain field in the island of Cuba, not far from. Havanna, he had found numerous dead wasps, which perfectly retain: ed thew form, but from the abdomen there was produced a small plant, furnished with very acute prickles, which was called by the in- habitants Gia, and that it grew to the height of some hand breadths. The prickles were supposed by the Spaniards to —— from the sting of the wasp. The similarity of these productions seemed to favour the opinion of those, who were inclined to believe a real metamorphosis, but on examination by the celebrated Hill (perhaps Sir John), the nature of them was detected, the clouds of mystery dispersed, and the real trutli_ brought to view. He found the insect was a Cicada of that kind, which Aristotle and the ancients called Tettigometra, and that the plant was a fungus of the family of Clavaria, which he called Clavaria sobolifera, from its putting forth new shoots from the middle of the stem. Small fungi of this genus are found growing in various ani- mal matters in a state of decay ; as for instance that in the hoofs of horses, called thence by Ray, Fungus e pede equino. ‘The Cicade en ter the earth in order to pass from the larva to the winged state. If the season is unfavourable, vast numbers of them perish, and the seeds of Clavaria, finding i in the decaying insects.a proper soil.and nutrimen’ grow into the state, in which the specimens abovementioned were found. Thus far is the operation of nature : ; but being seen in awex- ; travagant light, it has been = to be a miraculous transform? SPAT OSes see tee rE See * This work was published in Ses Maat 1754. Dr. Cutler’s observations on a singular natural production. 168 tion. It will prove no doubt, that Father Torrubia’s wasps from Cu- ba have passed thr ough the same process, and the growth of a Clava- ria from the dead insect will be found no more a miracle than the growth of the misletoe on the bark of trees.” These subjects are fig- ured in the last volume of Edwards’ birds and in the Nova Acta Nat. Cur. Append. ad Tom. 3. Tab. 7. fig. 12, 13. . The above is a hasty translation of the eighty eighth paper in the third volume of the Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. and throws great light upon a subject, which, though noticed in Europe half a century since, is very little known among us. In the above paper two species of insects are spoken of, viz. a Vespa anda Cicada. ae he Spee which I herewith eitl The vege- beg leave to present to the academy table part seems to be the Chraria aH pes of Linnzus, and the ani- mal part is the larva or grub of the Lucanus Capreolus, which is com- monly known by the name of Dor or ear bug, and is the Stag Bee- tle of New England. The form of the larva is perfectly preserved, the legs are entire, the rings of the abdomen perfectly. well defined, and the lateral stig- mata or spiraclesare very conspicuous. But it is proper to observe, that the form and cuticle only of the larva are preserved ; for the body is completely filled up with afungous substance of the Clavaria. The ascending stem pierces the head of the larva, where one of the palpi was inserted, and a descending one passes downward from the corres- ponding point on the other side of the head ; but its direction down- ward may be accidental. This curious production was discovered some years ago by Samuel Danielson, Esq. of Killingly in Connecticut, who has been so oblig- ing as to favour me with these specimens. They were found on his farm in a grove of oak and walnut wood, in a loamy soi In digging up the roots of Aralia nudicaulis, or Sarsaparilla, he observed, as he imagin- 164. Dr. Cutler’s observations on a singular natural production. ed, some insects with sticks in their mouths ; so unusual an appearance attracted: his attention, and though they appeared to be living animals he found them motionless. He has since found them repeatedly in the same place, but only in the spring. Fig. 12 represents a specimen of this curious production, found at Killingly. Bomare in his Dict. @’ Histoire Naturelle, under the article Mouche vegetante, observes, that the Clavaria rises from the head, but sometimes from the back of the insect, and in either situation gives at first sight an idea of some identity of the plant and animal. The article in Bomare is worth reading. It is a fact well known to botanists that fungous plants are chief ly parasitic and that they attach themselves of preference to certain animal or vegetable substances in a state of decay, and it must be recollected, that the Clavaria is sucha plant. As this curious pro- duction is rare in this cou Tha thought it would be proper to take some notice of it. It is shee that the boundary between animal and veges — os a table bodies is very difficult to define. Their natures approach most _ nearly in the lowest and most imperfect individuals of each, as in the confervz and some of the vermes ; but a plant of the lowest order, a Clayaria, and an animal so elaborately consti las an insect, can never be transformed into each other; nature never unites links so immensely, ig distant as these; and in order to form correct ideas of any natura 4 production, we should ever remember, that a Nunquam per saltus agit natura. 165 XXVIII. ACCOUNT OF THE WRITING-ROCK IN TAUNTON RIVER ; #s a letter to the Hon. John Davis, Esq. Recording Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences By Mr. E. A. KENDAL. —at DS a — LTallowell, oe. 29, 1807, - DEAR SIR, + I LEAVE in this neighbourhood according to promise, a copy of my transcript of the ovine in Taunton river. Mr. Vaug- han will obligingly forward this letter, and the inscription will be de- livered to you through the care of Mrs. Gardiner. You are already aware, that I indulged, in several successive vis- its, durmg my stay at Dighton, my curiosity concerning this singu- lar monument; a. curiosity. strongly excited by your communication of facts, papers, and raught entrant have seen, heard, and Hhonpht.. : The writing-rock is a block of gneiss, a eit of. Pi gra- nite, lying on Asonet neck, on the eastern side of Taunton river on the land of a Mr. Deane, within the township of Berkeley, county of Bristol, and state of Massachusetts. Its foot, in front, is about ten or twelve feet from low water mark, and its top is covered, at high wa- ter, toa height of two or three feet, or more. * Its face eleven feet seveit inches at the base, five feet one inch in its extreme height, and is an inclined plane, having an inclination of about sixty degrees. The two ends correspond, or nearly correspond with the face ; so as. ae on three sides of the rock, the es Bee The nol: 166 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. top or back shelves, in irregular ledges and fractures, from its sum- mit to the surface of the soil, giving a thickness, which increases, in the descent, from one inch to perhaps six feet. The base of the rock, at the northeast angle, is partly above, and partly incumbent on the surface of the ground ; and, with respect to the remaining and more considerable portion, is sunk to a small depth. As to colour, the rock, to speak generally, is of a purple red. To describe it more particularly, the face, as low as rather more than a foot from its summit, has a dark tint, of the hue mentioned. Below this is a region of a much lighter tint ; and toward the base is anoth- er, somewhat green. The internal colour of the rock, which isa light grey, no where appears, except where laid bare by recent fra¢- ture. ‘The several colours, the diversity of which forces itself upon the eye, are bounded horizontally ;- and are occasioned by the differ- ence of the periods of time, during which the parts of the rock are ex- posed to the air. The summit, which is first abandoned by the wa- ter, and last covered again, is purple; the middle region is less act- ed upon by the oxygen of the atmosphere, and the lowest is most fa- vourable to the growth of the byssus. | Were the rock beyond the reach of the tide, its surface would be grey, like that of others, of the same stone. On Dpreching the rock for the first time, I suffered no eae pointment ; my respect for it was not lessened, but increased ; and in particular I was greatly struck with the regularity of its figure. Three of the sides, as I have already described, are uniformly inclin- — ed, whence it proceeds, that the breadth of the face, which, at the base - line, is eleven feet seven inches, is diminished, at the height of four feet, to ten feet three inches. Thetwo ends; though fashioned to this general figure, are indeed very uneven; but the face, near the summit, is as smooth as the saw could leave it, and, beneath, as much so #8 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 167 might justify the belief of ruder workmanship. After all I am of opinion, that this configuration is from the hand of nature, and that the artist, who engraved the inscription, rather chose his rock on ac- count of the symmetry, which he observed in it, than prepared it to his taste ; a conclusion, to which I am the rather inclined, not only from a disposition to avoid a too eager aggrandisement of this ancient relic, but from some internal evidence of the sculpture. _ First, that in more than one instance the drawing appears to have been accom- modated to the irregular outlines of the rock, such as we now behold them ; and secondly, that on the end, fronting the northeast, there are two or three figures, resembling the letter O, sculptured, not upon. the remaining part of what might be esteemed the original surface, but within one of the recesses, or parts, where that surface has been broken or worn away. Indeed, if the face and ends had been the work of tools, it is scarcely to be imagined, that the same tools would not haye been employed to form the summit according to an horizon- tal line ; and that such horizontal line ever existed the situation of the upper figures, partly made to follow the actual line of the summit, and partly deficient in precision, as to their base line, renders altogeth- er improbable. It might however be contended, that the figures rep- resenting the letter O, and formed on the northeast end, are modern ; that is, engraved since the surface has been worn or broken ; or-per- haps, with less danger of overthrow, an opinion might be maintained, that nature bestowed only the general pyramidal form, and that art has. smoothed the face, and done no more. Against sucha theory the lat- eral figures, when or by whomsoever executed, would prove nothing ; and in its favour it might be argued, with plausibility, that to smooth the surface of a rock is a work of less art, than to engrave that sur- face ; and that, what it was thus comparatively easy to execute, it was in the highest degree natural to desire ; for the value ofa smooth: 168 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. surface, as well for exccution as for legibility, must be obvious to the rudest artist. If we are to attribute the inscription itself to an Indian hand, we know, from many specimens of Indian workmanship in our possession, that it would be idle to dispute either an Indian’s inclina- tion or his skill in smoothing, polishing, and even fashioning the rock. A fact also, which might beadduced on this side of the question, is, that at the southwest angle of the rock, where it is sunk below the surface of the sand, the inclined figure of the face, after descending about six inches, is terminated suddenly by an horizontal ledge, affording an ap- pearance precisely similar to what might be expected from every workman, who, after giving form and finishing to what is exposed to view, leaves ina state entirely or partially rude, what is concealed from =o bbe! Daca as ath plac of selene, che eX pos- ‘ssaine soul only to — on the one hand, that the present con- dition of the work, in many respects, is very much what it probably would have been, had it anciently received even a complete py ramidal form ; on the other, I freely add, that I have seen many rocks, where no suspicion of art could attach, of figures equally regular, and eyen equally approaching the pyramid. Tend therefore, as I have already premised, by supposing the rock to have been selected, on account of that very symmetry, or approach to symmetry, which leads to this : inquiry. , Thave dwelt, without hesitation, tipon this natural or artificial py- ramidal figure (a particular hitherto, as far as Iam apprized, undiscus- ‘sed, and even unnoticed), because it 21 ppears to be capable of being made of some importance in the haste of the rock, and therefore in the his- torical evidence, which the rock may at any time be thought to offer ah That where there was means of executing the inscription, there should also be means of fashioning the rock, would be nothing re Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 169 markable. ; but if, as there may be reason to believe, the pyramid is a figure in masonry, originating in Egypt out of local circumstances, and from that alone derived to those circumjacent, the fact of a pyramidal figure in the rock, artificially produced, might be made to give sup- port to theories, false or true, of the transatlantic origin of the inscrip- tion, and thus affect the great point or points of history, which it may one day be found sufficient to elucidate. Independently too on the hypothesis, which respects the exclusive origin of the pyramid, the state, in which the rock was found or left by the artist, must necessa- rily influence our judgment in a variety of particulars. I come now to speak of the inscription; and first, of its execu- tion. Before_I saw the original I had seen the several copies made by Messrs. Sewall, Winthrop, and Baylies. I found that the first con- veyed too mean, and the third too high an idea of the execution. The execution, an adequate instrument supposed, is nothing extraor- dinary ; but it is not entirely unworkmanlike. The lines, though ~ most of the draughts, including Mr. Winthrop’s, have represented them as true, are not so ; but they are firm. As to the mode of exe- cution, that appears to be no other than the use of a pointed tool; of necessity harder and less brittle, than the very hard and brittle rock, on which it has wrought. In some parts of the inscription the marks of a pointed tool are still distinctly visible ; and where this is not the tase, the chissel at least will be excluded from the calculation. The upper figures, on inspection, on the rock may be thought rather the work ofthe gouge, than of a pointed tool, It is certain, that the use of the latter is not so obvious in these, as in the lower figures ; but the surface of the lower region of the face is more worn, than the upper 5 ; the figures are consequently less sunk, and I suppose, that a! this cause and effect the pecking of the tool i is rendered more conspi¢ uous. Be this as it may, the lines, forming some of the lower ‘fig: 22 170 | Mr, Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. ures, are double rows of pecks, and but slightly hollowed between ; while the lines of the upper figures are broader, and more or less reg. ularly concave. Among the lower figures however that, which is ap- parently a human figure, and is placed under the left shoulder of the bust, is peculiarly well defined, has the edges somewhat sharp, the lines are sunk below the surface rather in a flat, than a concave form. The depth of the lines never exceeds the third of an inch; and the breadth varies from half an inch to a whole one. .. By what has been said, an account of the style of execution is near- ly anticipated. It has appeared, that the lines are cut into the rock, or the term of art is, are en creus: ; and that they are hollowed, not in the triangular form, making two sides of a prism, such as lines are pro- duced by the chissel ; but generally in that of the segment of a cylin- der. To these particulars it should be added, that the figures are rep- resented by mere outlines, and consequently in the simplest mode of Having glanced at the degree of excellence, and at the mode and style of the execution or sculpture, I come to the design or plan of the drawing ; to its degree of excellence, and to its style or character. With respect to the design or plan, I have two observations to of- fer. The execution or sculpture I have represented as nothing re- markable ; but I must subjoin, that the design is intricate or artificial in the extreme. This will probably be confessed by those, who iné spect the copy ; and it is still more undeniable, when the rock itself isunder the eye. The figure, formed of so many triangles, which is at the top and nearly in the centre of the inscription, goes far, I think, in bearing out my assertion ; it has a character eminently peculiar, and strongly marked. We cannot but fix our attention on the boldness as well as singularity, with which the artist, after intending through the che part of the figure a correspondence of parts, abruptly quits in Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 171 the upper limb on the right this careful uniformity, and runs at once from right lines and angles into curvilinear figures of the freest sweep. : The curvilinear figures give birth to my second remark. I con- ceive them to authorise a conclusion, that the design has proceeded from an artist not unacquainted with pen or pencil; or at least from one, whose taste has been: influenced, though possibly without his knowledge, by the use of those instruments, in other hands than his. I rest this opinion on the general proposition, that curved lines in sculpture proceed from imitation of the other graphic arts, in which the material and the instrument used are of a nature to give less check to the suggestions of the fancy. ‘When therefore a sculptor forsakes the short road of right lines, he attempts, with his reiterated strokes and lagging pace, to follow the wanton excursions of an in- strument gliding over an unresisting surface, and leaving, without ef- fort, the traces of its course. This is what, I believe, may be affirm- ed of all sculptured inscriptions ; and yet, in the inscription pire us not only there are curved lines, which appear on the draughts, but in contemplating the rock with the advantage of certain lights, I have thought that I discovered in every part curvilinear ligatures, Conjoin- ing all, or nearly all the figures, which compose the inscription. But the very idea of joining-hand in sculpture presupposes, upon the prin- ciples laid down, the prior existence of a more facile mode of writing ; and even without this idea, the mere frequence of curved lines is suf- ficient testimony. Passing from the design to the drawing, I shall observe, that we must not depreciate the merit of the artist, because of the uncouthness, and still less of the unintelligibility of his picture. The figures are less ill drawn, than they are uncouth and unaccountable. The page of draw- ing appears to be technicaf or conformable to some artificial mode of 172 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. representation, and not such as aims at the'natural forms of things/ If this be so, then we must try the artist in other points, than in ‘the beauty of his outline, which was not within his control, or in its fidele ity, of which we can form no opinion. We must look solely to what is to be termed his pencilling ; to the decision and masterlike protrac- tion of his lines ; and, in this view, though nevertheless I think but humbly of the work, I shall risk nothing in declaring, that the ordi- nary artists of our own age, our:sign-painters, our sculptors of grave- stones and mill-stones, and others, exhibit less ability, than the draw- er of the inscription on the writing-rock in Taunton river. As to the drawing of what appears to be human figures, it ought to be ob- served, that if what purports to be a human head, namely a circle or ne 1t 3 Pe an oval, with s for the eyes, and one, which serves for a nos¢ and srciniy topetoes if what purports to be a human head, be mea very rude and imperfect representation, we shall find on looki ver, > 4V that all effort to produce the human figure is utterly declined. or wholly unintelligible, and to the last degree remote, supply the place ; and force us to acknowledge, that the want of will is more certain, than the want of capacity. The curved lines have a freedom not torbe a by every hand among ourselves. © On the contents of the inscription, I have little or nothing to offer. To describe would, in a majority of instances, be to explain ; and this last is beyond the limits of my pretensions. The figures must remain, for me, just what every man pleases to call them. I shall only repeat my opinion, that some of them are mere ligatures be- tween others ; and remark; in further proof of the tincture of imita- tive betrayed in this sculpture, and consequently of the implied previ- ous and known existence of other works of art, that cach of the three figures, bearing human heads, may be observed to stand upon a foot or pedestal. Now this support can never haye been imitated from Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 173 nature, or suggested by any thing incident to even any one of the graph- ic arts ; but necessarily indicates, either that the thing intended to be represented is a picce of statuary, or that the habit of contemplating statuary has introduced this servile following of one of its resources.* In surveying a monument, like this in question, the mind naturally becomes curious, as to its history and signification ; and more than one attempt has been made, as to the writing-rock, to satisfy us as to the first by clearing up all obscurity as to the second. For my own part I think, that we are still in perfect uncertainty, as to both. The few opinions, which, relatively to certain points, I venture — to entertain, I shall here submits =. It. to be x troverted, except by the i ighortince of some of those, >, Wha: live in the neighbourhood of the rock, that this is a mon- ument of an antiquity antecedent to the settlement of Europeans on this continent ; and I am of opinion, that it is of an antiquity consider- ably higher. I am of opinion also, that it was wrought on sotpe-solemn .o -ocCa- - sion, or for some solemn purpo , either civil, military : It may be a-mnemorial, a oqniiiod, or an oliine of piety. heed Iam of opinion further, that it bears, even now, salimierts traces 3 of the people, by. whom it was produced ; and consequently, that, to ascertain this, we need only to discover from whom any similar works have proceeded. The first of these opinions is founded on a comparison. - the great durability of the stone with the great inroads of time ; the sec- ond, on the orderly and yet arbitrary arrangement of the figures, the unity of the composition, and the labour DAW, to the execution ; 2 \ © There is an Indian bust in the nature of a baise relievo in the museum at ee in iran da ane 4 Ames a Pe at Yale clleges pre P Sg tlk 174 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. the last, on the extreme peculiarity of several of the figures ; a pe- culiarity so exclusive, that, were any similar to be found, of which the origin was certain, I should without difficulty claim tl.e same ori- gin for this inscription. The technical character of the figures con- tributes largely to this peculiarity. They have in them nothing of calligraphy ; nothing of an universal alphabet. They are the proper- ty of some one people, and of no other. The strange configuration of the objects having human heads, and the complicate and artificial construction of those made up of RS are clearly entitled to this character. But to what quarter are we to look for this peculiar people ? Shall we attribute it to the es follower of the fishery and the chase, or to learned ci vigators ? To the ~ mentee of the surrounding forests, or to sojoutneeaROnE the ancient seats of arts and civilization? I am decidedly of opinion, that this monument is in no respect de- rivable from the opposite side of the Atlantic. I discern in it nothing of the alphabets, or the drawing, or the taste of Europe, or Asia, or Africa ; and my belief on this head has been greatly strengthened by the knowledge of a fact, communicated to me by the reverend Mr. pee ~~ Salem. This gentleman, in speaking of the writing-rock, ofessor Sewall’s visit and draught, lately assured me, that pro- fessor Sewall, in reply to a question put by himself, declared to him, that he had seen nothing on the rock, which reminded him of any ancient alphabet. ‘Three difficulties present themselves; if we suppose the inscrip* tion to be the work of the people knownas the inhabitants of the north east coast of America. First, that nothing similar has been describ» ed, as existing among them ; secondly, that no disposition to Pr duce any thing similar has been observed ; and thirdly, that it 8 scarcely possible to conceive the execution of this inscription, upo?* Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 175 block of gneiss, without the use of iron, or at least of hardened cop per. Concerning all these points however,-it will be proper for us to sus- pend our judgment. We may yet be convinced of what we at present cannot understand, the possibility of engraving an inscription like the present, with no better tools, than those of stone ; further inquiry may satisfy us, that there is nothing on this rock above the contriv- ance, or inconsistent with the taste of the present aborigines; and facts are not wanting to lead to a suspicion, that the writing-rock is not a solitary instance of antique inscription discoverable in America. I have read, cither among the papers of the late President Stiles,’of which you were so good as to afford me a perusal, or in some other place, of paint. ed rocks, among the Indians, known tothe ufr-traders of Canada; and I have collected from the MSS. of President Stiles, and other soure- es, a list of no less than ten places on. this continent, where sculptured rocks are found, or are reported so tobe. The first is the writing- rock in Taunton river ; the second.in Tiverton ; and the third in Rut- land, all im the state of Massachusetts ;. the fourth isnear Newport in Rhode Island; the fifth at Scaticook on the Housatonic in the town- ship of Kent, and state of Connecticut ;. the sixth in Brattleborough on the Connecticut, in the state of Vermont ; the seventh on a large stra- tum of rocks on the southeast side of the Ohio, about two miles be- low the mouth of Indian or King’s Creek, and fifty below Pittsburg ; the eighth on the Alatamaha in Georgia; the ninth on the Alleghany, fifteen miles below Benango, one hundred and ten below Fort Pitt, and seventy miles south of Lake Erie; the tenth on the Cumberland, near Rock-castle neck. | og This list, as I flatter myself, will not be ieee. It is of a nature to excite inquiry, and to concentrate the results. A collection: of all the sculptures would be highly interesting, and they might per- 176 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. haps elucidate each other. _ It would at least discover to us, whether they are or are not the works of the same people, scattered over a wide extent of country... The painted rocks of the north are also objects of interest. A people may change, according to circumstances, the materials they employ, and yet retain their style. We ought to know the style of these painted inscriptions.. Do they contain rude draw- ings of natural objects, or of conventional signs, or of technical and PERI S as eet 1 Yas gag _- My own wish and design is to visit al the sealer olay This I may never be able to accomplish ; but I presume to urge you to lose no opportunity of procuring information and nee of aad contents. ge The li ‘itself exhibits ana aenew’: mobeckee “series of coincidences rock stands cee side ash river, and below high water mark; and nearly all the remaining nine are described, as likewise seated’on a riv= er. This may be Seine to the predilection of the savages, in com mon with all men, for the banks of rivers; it may be owing to the open and conspicuous situation of the rocks so placed ; but it may al so be ong the nature and purpose of the sculptures, which may have re } ice to something nantical. But farther coincidences present themselves between the seal rocks on Taunton river and on the Ohio. Those on the 0- ‘thio’ are said” to be on the southeast side of the stream, and this. is the situation of that on Taunton river. The latter fronts the north west ; and so, in all probability, do those on the Ohio. —— ian the rocks on the Ohio are said to be close to the river, and somet entirely covered, and that the rock i in ‘Taunton river is bees every ‘tide. ' ; Rs a i . en aed es oe ao Be > + aaa ee ag ae 3 i R. Mes fee eal “ : x F Ee Le: Re aes . 4 i 5 yen SE et gs, Ta al Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 177 If it should be found, that the rocks are generally so seated as to be covered sometimes by water, this fact itself will throw some light upon their history ; and at least induce us to relinquish the attempt to show, that the water of Taunton river did not always overflow the soil, upon which the rock is found, and still less the summit of the rock it- self. There is no doubt but that, generally speaking, the rivers of Ame- rica have rather retired from, than risen upon their ancient margins 5 but this is no evidence against) particular instances of usurpation, which must necessarily occur, even in a river, which on the whole di- minishes. ‘That part of Taunton river, in which the rock is found, is sO circumstanced, as easily to be admitted among these exceptions. The river, as it passes the west side of Asonet neck, suddenly widens from twenty five rods to ninety, entering this gulf with a current from the northwest, and therefore setting on the neck. A great proportion of the bed of the river in this wider part is composed of flats, on which, at ebb-tide, there is only a foot and a half or two feet of water; and beyond these flats, and also beyond a lesser channel at the foot of a gently ascending shore, is seated the rock. If we suppose that the urrent has worn away any natural mound, which formerly lay be- tween the great channel and the rock, we immediately restore, in im- agination, the river to its proportionate width, and the rock to dry land. Thus too we get rid of the difficulty of conceiving, that so much labour should have been bestowed, in producing something to be seen in a situation, which, from the natural course of the tides, could only allow it to be exposed, at short and varying periods, sometimes by day, but as often by night. But as to the probable state of Taunton river at the period of engraving the inscription, and as to the difficulty of conceivi Pate woke covered MEU REAL Y 8 UE vay ie waschosen for this purpose, other Langage siny be feld. 178 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. It may be said, that at least the level of the soil immediately surrounding the rock, has not materially altered ; and that inquiry concerning other rocks may show, that the preference was deliberately given to such, as were actually liable to be overflowed. It is certain, that such rocks were secured from the danger of being covered by the branches, and split by the roots of trees; and, on the whole, among a savage people, they might be the most certain of being seen, and of remaining always visible. A river was the only highway ; and a rock, placed out of the reach of the tide, would have been speedily overgrown. That the writing-rock was never surrounded by a soil materially higher than that, which we now see, 1s clear from indubitable evidence. The inscription reaches to within a short distance of the present level. Mr. Winthrop in his account, co’ icated to the academy, makes that distance only eight inches ; and though, from recollection, I should scarcely have made it so little, and though I have béen able to trace nothing with distinctness at a greater height, yet Iagree, that there are marks of the tool, at a level very little above the present surfice of the soil. The rock obviously stands as it originally stood ; the soil there- fore cannot have been washed from beneat it ; and the rock must al- ways have possessed its present level. But the level of the soil in the neighbourhood of the rock is the same with that of the bank of Asonet neck, above and below. That level rises nearly to the bottom of the inscription, and therefore it rises as high, or very nearly as high, as it did at the period of inscribing ; for though we may believe that the In- dians were content to work below high water mark, it is not credible that they worked below the level of the sands. The inscription there- fore, so far from disposing us to believe, that where we now S& water, there was formerly dry ground, ought perhaps itself to demon strate to us, that no alteration has taken place ; and this in corrobora~ tion I can add, that, though. vague assertions are made on the spot Mr, Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 179 purporting, that some years ago there were several rods of dry land between the rock and the river, yet on direct inquiry I found, that the oldest person neither remembered to have seen nor to haye heard of any thing different from the present state of the banks and stream. I submit with deference, that Mr. Winthrop is inconsistent with himself, and has too hastily relied on the information given him, when, after stating, that the inscription reaches to within eight inches of the ground, he relates, that the country people by digging, in the vain hope of finding treasure, have let in the tide upon the rock. It is, I believe, acknowledged, that forty years ago much labour was expend- ed in digging about the rock with the view described ;_ but it ought to occur to us, that the fact of letting in the tide implies, not only the removal and disturbance, but the carrying away of an enormous quan- tity ofearth ; that to produce any thing like the effect pretended (the digging being unquestionably around the rock), the previous level of the soil must have been, not only eight inches, but more than eight feet above the present, (since nothing less would exclude the tide) ; that the rock, the height of which is five feet, instead of being, as now, sometimes under wrter, must then have been always under ground ; and lastly, though not essential to the question, it implies, that a few money hunters, with their tiny shovels, have pared away for two miles the entire banks of this river, so as to admit from eight to twelve feet of water, with which, twice a day, they are at present covered. The tide is not, as the reader of Mr. Winthrop might imagine, merely let into a pool or cove surrounding the rock, but is let in upon the whole of Asonet neck. If ever the writing-rock stood upon dry land, it is nature alone, that has made the alteration. In affording entertainment to the hypothesis, that the writing-rock may have been the work of Indians, Ihave been led into the enumic- tation of other works, appearing to possess some similitude, and scat- 180 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. tered_over this country. The list having»shown, that nearly all of them are described as being in or near rivers, I have admitted ‘the pos. sibility, that a preference was uniformly given to rocks seated within reach of the tide, and this has led me to an examination of the siteof the writing-rock. From this digtessien I return. The writing-rock is to be ascribed either to those inhabitants of America, whom Europeans have denominated Indians, to inhabitants more ancient than these, or to navigators more ancient than Colum. bus. The easiest solution is that, which supposes a visit from the navi- gators of antiquity, who, after entering Narraganset Bay, found leis- ure to explore Taunton river, and chose an anchorage at. Asonet neck. In this case the skill of the artist is no mystery, and we easily dismiss, with the breaking up of the ice, or the first fair wind, the authors of so extraordinary a monument. But exclusively of the objections al- ready adduced, if similar rocks exist on the Housatonic, the Gonnecti- cut, the Ohio, the Alleghany, the Cumberland, and the Alatamaha, we shall be compelled to seek another theory. mi We look next to a nation more ancient and more cultivated, than the Indians, inhabitants of this country. ‘The writing-rock is hot the only vestige, from time to time discovered, of sucha people. But this silent stone, 2nd other monuments equally silent, are all, fever they — existed, they have left nothing behind to give a tongue to their werks, — so that they might say to posterity, “ these were theirs !” Our last re source is in the Indians. Se ee Confining myself to criticisms on the artist, I leave it, as I find it, undetermined to what nation he belonged. Of that nation however, if what I have to remark shall have any weight, I am about to raise the character in suggesting, that this artist was not the most ac complished workman of his tribe. I could even believe, that he was Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 181 without the usual and convenient tools and instruments. I think that he was not unacquainted with works of art, of a better and higher char- acter. Ihave mentioned what I suppose to he imitations, in this in- scription, of pen writing, drawing, and:statuary ; and I cannot but go on to»believe, that the artist had seen designs executed with more ac- curacy, than this, which he has left us. He has evidently intended to describe equilateral angles, planes ‘parallel to the horizon, and right and perpendicular lines; but he has failed in almost every imstance. In the drawings, which Ihave seen, and which I had full opportunity of com- paring with the inscription itself, errors of this sort were corrected. The angles were adjusted ; and the horizontal and perpendicular lines made what they had been intended to be; but it appeared to me, that this was no other than an important misrepresentation of the original. One of the facts, most interesting to be known, concerning this in- scription, is the degree of advancement in the arts, of which it may af- ford testimony ; and in removing the possibility of doubt, as to the con- spicuous inaccuracy of what was designed to be accurate, I have satisfied myself, that the artist worked wholly by his eye 5 ; that his eye was not the best ; and that he had been accustomed to see, and wished to imitate figures, determined with the precision of the rule and compasses. _ Among other inquiries, having reference to the rock, and natural- ly made in its neighbourhood, and in which I had the advantage of the polite and friendly assistance of Major Baylies of Dighton, were such as tended to discover some explanatory tradition. In this how- ever I was unsuccessful ; nothing, which I could gather, affording a Satisfactory or even specious clue. Respecting Asonet neck, on which the rock is seated, the tradition is, that it was a place of banis Ment among the Indians ; but whether the practice of banishment was known to the subjects of king Philip, I leave to those, who are 182 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. more conversant in Indian polity. Respecting a spring, called White spring, rising near the foot of a hill to the northeast of the rock, at the distance ofa quarter of a mile both from the rock and the river, anda diminutive brook, called White man’s brook, running from the neigh- bourhood of the spring in a southwest direction, and entering the riv- er a little above the rock, a long, connected story is in a few mouths, but seems to haye reached but few ears. It is pretended, that, ac-- cording to an Indian tradition, there arrived in ancient times some white men in a bird ; that the white men took some Indians into the bird, as hostages ; that they filled water at the spring; that the In- dians fell upon and slaughtered the white men at the spring, which thence derives its name ; and that the hostages escaped from the bird. The era of this event is however rendered modern by the additional particular, that during the affray thunder and lightning issued from the bird ; and upon inquiry of one of the family of Mr. Asa Shove, to whom the spring belongs, I could hear no repetition of this history of its name, My new informant had never heard the story ; but under stood, that the spring received its present appellation from the death’ of a white hunter, who, having been heated, drank freely of its water, | and expired. The tradition of the dird meanwhile may have some foundation in the adventures of an early exploring voyage ; with an- other relation, that a ship’s anchor, nearly eaten away by rust, was many years since discovered near this place; and with the still more obscure account of a ship’s ribs, which lay and rotted there. In this place I should mention, that some Mohawk Indians, having been shown, as it is said, a draught of the inscription, declared its meaning | to be, that a dangerous animal, represented by the animal on the rock, had been killed at the place immortalized ; that the human figures represent the persons, whom the animal killed; and that the others denote other parts of the affair, An objection to this interpretatiom Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 183 will be perceived, if the ordinary rules of criticism may take their place, in the trivial appearance and humble situation of the animal, which it is attempted to make the hero of the piece ; a station, which it might be conjectured belongs to the bust on the left. Of the ani- mal I shall take this occasion to remark, with a view both to investi- gation and to the merit of the artist, that its character is strongly, and it may be presumed faithfully marked. Its body is crossed, in nearly equal divisions, with bars or stripes. It is spotted. Its head is long and deli- cate. It wears horns. Its feet are paws.—Already we see reason to suspect, that this is a creature of fancy, made up of the members of different animals ; and this must assuredly be the case, if the line above its back, and which is wanting in all the previous draughts, forms, as it strikes the eye, the wing of an insect. A second subject of inquiry is the possibility of other written sculptured rocks, in the neighbourhood of that, which is known. Something of the sort is to be seen, as has been intimated, within the adjoining township of Tiverton ; but near the writing-rock there is none. I found several persons, who had heard, that a little to the south and further out in the stream a rock, being rarely visible, con- tained a fuller inscription than the writing-rock. All persons agreed in naming, as the author of this account, a Mr. Perry, who lives in Dighton, at an advanced age, and who has, for fifty years, visited all the rocks in the stream in search of oysters, the shells of which he sells to the kilns at Taunton. Upon inquiry of Mr. Perry, not only he had never seen such.a rock, but, on the score of his experience, he ventured to affirm, that no such rock was to be found. It turned t, that no sculptured rock has been: discovered; if we except a Slab, which lies to the southeast of the former, within the distance of twenty feet. Onan upper corner of this isa figure, — a “ross, or the letter X, and one or two others. 184 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighion rock. _ Availing myself of the kindness and the pencils.of Mrs. Gardiner, I have made my sketch inoil. It represents the face of the rock, set upright and bearing the inscription. The lower corner, on the left, being fractured, I have made use of the space, to imtroduce a re- duced figure of the whole rock. By this, as I flatter myself, you will be still further assisted, in placing before your eyes the real bulk, form, condition, and general appearance of this highly interesting monument, On the right hand of the rock, and half way up its side, I have also shown, in its actual situation, the Brie — just above described, On casting an eye over my transcript two remarks immediately — present themselves to those, who are acquainted with the former draughts, and particularly Mr, Winthrop’ s.—The figures are fewer, and they are dissimilar. ‘That ‘the figures are fewer is partly true, and partly only in appearance. It is in part only in appearance, because — upon a ground, representing the face of the rock, they are less obtry- | sive on the eye, than when they are drawn in black upon white paper; ze | and those, who draw, are aware, that an outline always looks fuller, thana finished picture. The peculiar paucity of the figures is howev- a er ina great degree real ; arising partly from my inability to discover . all, that some gentlemen have seen ; and partly from my willingness : e to leave in indistinctness, obscurity, and invisibility, what is indistinct, obscure, and almost wholly invisible, on the rock. The figures, which are distinct in my transcript, are distinct in the original. - & these [have given definite forms ; while in the other instances m7 0! e care has been to depict the obscurity of the original. If your te foe yourself obliged to approach close to some of my figures, and can at last arrive at no certainty as to their outlines, I must beg you to te member, that this will always be your situation, when examining t tock itself. If, on the other hand, I have sometimes made definite a Mr. Kendal s account of the Dighton rock. 185 that, which in the original is undefined ; if I have rendered incapable of being seen in more than one form that, which on the rock may he seen in twenty, my excuse must be tound in the extreme difficulty of the attempt to make a representation of any object, without giving it a shape. The figures you vill find it coloured. In this also I have followed my original. The figures, though sunk, are almost every where of a light but corresponding tint, of the colour of that part of the face, upon which they are found ; and, as the surface of the face is variously coloured, so are the figures. The. figures 1 near the sum- mit, where the rock is REPS are of a ferruginous yellow. ‘This lighter tint of the figures. pro juence, to which I have sub- mitted. The. figures a are core age creus, and should there- fore be shaded on that side, which is next. the light ; but being ren- dered by their colour lighter, instead of darker than the surface, below which they are, they are apt, when. shaded, to appear embossed, not hollowed. 1 observed this delusion, on ibe rock itself, where the touch removes its but on the canvass I have omitted the shadows. ee ‘My sketch contains many dnacturacics.s 3 some in. the ‘colouring ; ; some in the outlines and fissures of the rock ;. and some in the fig- ures themselves; but notwithstanding, I believe it free from impor- tant errors, such as might frustrate my design of conveying a faithful idea of the contents, stvle, execution, and condition of the inscription. _If Mr. Winthrop’s were the only other copy, I might feel some hesitation at the variations of mine ; but the truth is, that all the cop- ies differ, ; in extraordinary particulars, from each other and from the original. Dr. Cotton Mather, who published, as I am informed, a wood-cut of what he called two dines of the inscription, and which two ines are to be found in the fifth volume of Jones’ Abridgement of the Philosophical ‘Transactions 4: Dr Cotton, Mather substitutes for fig: 23 186 Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. ures, at this day as plain as if they-had been yesterday inscribed, others, of which it is impossible to recognize a single feature. _ ih comparing, as Judge Baylies was so obliging as to enable me todo, the copies already mentioned with the original, Professor Sewall’s appear- . ed to be, on the whole, the most faithful, House not the best execut- edicts It must be ES to maki who have never seen the pnt that these differences can appear in the draughts, without impeaching the veracity of the gentlemen, by whom they have been severally made. Nothing however is more possible. Some of the errors in- deed are such, as can have proceeded only from haste and inattention; — but a great majority are consistent with the most elaborate but ill di- rected endeavours. Of all others the method of procuring a copy, described by Mr. Winthrop, is the one most infallibly adapt ducing a deceitful issue. - When we are told, that rit | ter ; put into the lines on the rock, paper wetted and. rubbed upon them and an impression procured, we may believe, of course, that impres- sion is an indisputable copy ; but the delusion fades the moment. ‘that we see the rock. No such expedient can succeed. | The greater pat of the i inscription is so. much worn out, that the forms, of which itis - composed, are wholly subject to the fancy ; and in several places : where the figures are plain, they are made out, rather by difference - of colour, than by difference of surface. Figures of the latter class can yield no impression ; and those of the former will take any shape, ie which the psinters’ ink may be spread. Another method has been tried, with almost equal ill success. I is that of chalking the supposed lines of the i inscription, and then copy: ing from the chalk. _ It is true, that in this method the figures to be drawn are rendered suficiently distinct; but it does not follow, that these figures are the same with those, engraved upon the rock. _ The Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 187 chalker is in the situation of a restorer of ancient readings ; he under- takes to connect and to supply ; but the real antiquarian will prefer the original, with all its obscurities and chasms. An attempt at restora- tion is one thing, and may be valuable; but a true copy is anoth- er. I attempted the use of chalk myself; but I found that I com- pletely confused the sculpture, and that the first thing necessary was to wash all the chalk away. ‘The inscription is to be copied only with the pencil. ; While I make every allowance for the adoption of fallacious meth- ods, for haste, and for inadvertence, there is one course of defence for what is erroneous in the draughts, against the palmer of which I presume seriously toprote st. It is that ofattril diversities be- tween the copies and the original to the i injuries of tir time upon the latter; and particularly of supposing, that when figures are found in the cop- ies, of which no trace can be discovered on the rock, that they must have once existed there, and that they have been since obliterated. Tam satisfied, by a variety of evidence, of the over liberality of this argument, a eae aety antiquity, for the mere end of sustain- ing the credit of gentlemen’ seyes.. I appeal with confidence to the testimony afforded, by a comparison of the several copies with each other ; and which copies it is of importance to preserve for the very purpose of meeting the imposture. By examining the inscription on the rock, by comparing with it the older copies, by sifting the asser- tions of those, who represent it as having within their memory decay- ed, we shall be convinced, that no material alteration, within the preceding century, has really taken place. The decay no dyubacos- tinual ; but it is very slow. - But if, losing sight of the rock, we content ourselves with compar- ing the draughts with each other, we shall soon be ashamed of assum- ing facts upon so money abasis. Admitting the authenticity of the 188 Mr. Kendal’s aceount of the Dighton: rock. draughts, we must prepare ourselves for some: curious consequencesé We should be able to show, upon their testimony, that in a variety of mstances the inscription, so far from having decayed, has advanced with the progress of years, both in the number and distinctness of its figures. We should be able to show, that figures, which at the bes ginning of the last century appeared as they now appear, decayed in the course of fifty years into others totally dissimilar, and have since grown again into their original features. ; . Dr. Mather, who took or received his copy in 1712, divides the ine scription into lines ; but that it is wholly insusceptible of such a divi- | sion, the rock itself and all the other draughts declare. In the Doe- tor’s second line we are not able to discover a single figure resembling those on the rock, or the smallest trace of the style of the inscription. Now it were easy to say, that his second line, on whatever part of the rock he saw it, has since decayed; ‘but the truth is, that in his first line he has enabled us, by some faint resemblanices in the first halfot it, to discover where’ he is; and that in the second half he has introdue- ed what is wholly dissimilar, though that part of the rock is at this day filled with figures the most distinct. If therefore the Doctor has not given us a faithful copy of that, which is known still to remain, w ry should we believe that there were in his time those other figures, which he draws, but which we can no where else discover ? We might bé led'to fancy, ‘that the inscription, when Dr./Mather saw it, was more obscure, than‘it is at present; but in reality it was only not more dis- tinct ; and Dr. Mather, like his successors, toiled in the maze of con- jecture, és This maze of conjecture brings me to the last point, which I shall _ offer to your considération ; that of adopting the only effectual method, by which this remain of American antiquity can be’ faitly brought within the ken of the curious, ‘and its preservation suitably assure Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 189 The diversities of the copies, of which I have taken notice only with the view of fixing your first thoughts on the original, are not always, as I have argued, to beattributed to the fault of the copyists, but often to the obscurity of the sculpture, in which every man will see something different from every other. Under these circumstances no perfect copy caneverbe made. The copy, which I have the honour to send you, pretends only to convey a general idea.* What I earnestly re- commend is the removal of the rock, or at least of its sculptured face, from its present site, into the care of some public establishment in Boston. "In Boston it will be accessible to every inquisitive spectator ; every Rhos will make Danoyenies for itself; and combinations of its OWRD. 52? I shall take the liberty of adding eel occurs to me, as to the prac- ticability of the removal. |The extreme height, as I have already de- scribed it, is five feet.one inch above the level of the soil ; beneath, in some parts there may be an additional two feet, or more. The ex- treme breadth is eleven feet seven inches ; the probable extreme thick- ness is six feet ; and the weight, as I conjecture, is from five to six tons. Inquiry will ascertain, whether the face can be separated from the body of the rock by the saw, or by splitting, or whether the whole block must be taken together. It may also be a question, whether, if the separation be practicable, the entire removal were not more eligi- ble. As to the method of transport, if any difhiculty present itself, as to water carriage, it may be brought with facility during the winter on asleigh. The expense may be readily known. The owner, as has been observed, is a Mr. Deane of Berkeley. ~ Of the value of this monument, and the. or which it is there- _ * Fig. 13 isan engraving rae Mr. Kendal’s paintin: ‘ ot tipi thinlalidi set rack in oil colours. oF ae tion oft 190 | Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. fore worthy of preservation, and important to be procured, you are en- tirely sensible. Whatever be its origin or signification, it belongs to the history ef America, and perhaps to that of the world. Tt may prove, as some have supposed it does, that Columbus was not the first navigator in this hemisphere ; it may prove, that the red inhabitants of this country were only the successors of a more cultivated people ; or it may prove, that those red inhabitants were more cultivated, than we have supposed them. It may help us to discover the origin of the population of America. ee ae But it will appear to some, from the obscurity, in which I have . described a great part of the inscription, as being involved, that its — | value, as a memorial of past times, is gone. The truth however is far otherwise. I confess myself but little aapitne, as to the prospect of interpret ing, in any minute manner, this inscription ; but, though such minute interpretation should not be accomplished, we may yet ascertain its general scope; and, what is more, we may ascertain the name and country of the people, from whom it came down to us. Several fig: ures, sufficient for exhibiting the character of the inscription, are still — plain. The character is so peculiar, that its parentage need only pres sent itself to be acknowledged. Lastly, I shall anticipate an objection to the removal, founded on any doubt of i its utility. Its removal will be useful, because it will thus be placed within the reach of frequent observation ; and error will be dissipated. It will be useful also, because, upon all calcula- tions of probability, it will best secure its pteservation. The rock and its inscription are but little valued in their own neighborhood. The _ attempts to find the money, of which it has been supposed to be de signed to ptiblish the concealment, have come to nothing, and. the rock is out of repute. It is robbed even of the veneration entertained bf Mr. Kendal’s account of the Dighton rock. 191 all men for antiquity ; for it is regarded as the work of a buccaneer, to mark the deposit of his ill- -gained treasure. One. experiment seems yet left to the searchers for gold ; and it is a little singular, that it has not before this time been tried. The rock may be split, or eo to remove it, and dig beneath. ; But what ignorant adventure has left undone, the regular march of * industry may do. Next year, a wharf or a ship yard may be pro- jected on the site of the writing-rock ; and its consecrated stone, grown into value or into a nuisance, may be buried, as an abutment, or broken up, to build a wall, or clear the ground. 7 With sincere esteem, : Iam, dear sir, your faithful, humble servant, E, A. KENDAL. 192 XXVIII. ACCOUNT OF A STONE BUST, SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN AN INDIAN GOD. Written A. D. 1790. By EZRA STILES, pv. pv. tu.p. President of Yale college. et 33 THIS bust was found in East Hartford (Connecticut) where it tas been immemorially known ; and was deposited in the museum of Yale College in 1788. The annexed drawing, Fig. 14, is a good resemblance of the original. It is thirty one inches and a half high, and seventeen inches wide. Itis a hard, coarse grained stone, or white granite, not white indeed, like marble, but with a dark or greyish intermixture, leaving a whitish aspect predominant. The summitis the cap ofa Powaw, used to this day by the Powaw priests of the Six Nations: The excavations are rough, and the whole a huge piece of sculpture} but it is a real work of art, and undoubtedly Indian. What was its use, and especially whether it be an Idol, is problematical. This must be left to every one’s judgment or conjecture. I shall however men tion a circumstance, which inclines me to believe it to have been an In- dian god. The site or position was six miles east of Hartford ferry, at the bot tom of a declivity between two hills, and remained covered with for- est trees till about the year 1740; when, upon clearing up the land, the stone image was removed one hundred rods, and cast out into the road. The constant tradition has been, that it was anciently worship- ped by the Indians, who powawed before it. Powaws were still in full use in New England the beginning of the present century ; they Dr. Stiles’ account of a stone bust. 193 were certainly in existence here in 1725; and, I believe, did not go into entire desuetude until 1730 or 1740. While they were still re- tained in full use, there was an example of a funeral Powaw at this Stone Image ; which inclines me to think it an Idol. Not to rely on the uniform tradition, which however is not without its weight, I con- fide in a fact, narrated to me by the reverend Eliphalet Williams, p.v. who was ordained pastor of the church in East Hartford in 1747, who. well remembers, that soon after his ordination this Bust was shown to him, as an Indian god, by the owner, Mr. Spencer, who was then a very aged man ; and who gave him the following account of it. He well remembered that, when he was a youth, a Sachem or Chief of the Farmington Tribe, fifteen miles off, having died, the Indians brought his. corpse over from Farmington to be buried at East Hart: ford after the Indian manner ;_ that they first brought the corpse, and laid it down before this Idol, and made a great India Powaw before it; then they carried away the corpse and buried it ; and afterwards returned and powawed again before the Idol, and then dispersed. This he declared to Dr. Williams to have been a fact, to which he was knowing. ‘The same aged person was also acquainted with oth- er facts, concurring to convince him, that the Indians were worship- pers of Idols, and actually worshipped at this Stone, as an Idol. | I have only to add, that the venerable ministers, our Fathers, al- Ways said, that the Indians were idelaters. The Rev. Mr. Eliot, the Indian apostle, Rev. Messrs. Mayhew of the Vineyard, Danforth of Taunton, Noyes of Stonington, and others, were perfectly acquainted with the Indian tongues, and studied and wight ce — ere Pgs eee gy- So numerous were the conversions to , that in 1690 there were above thirty Indian churches in New England among which it cannot but be supposed there were some Indians, who per- fectly understood their own Powaws and Religion. These all cen- 24, 194 Dr. Stiles? account of a stone bust. cur in asserting, that the Indians were once idolaters. Their worship, though sometimes paid to the Good Being, yet by their own confes- sion was chiefly rendered to Chepi, or the evil Manitoo, or Evil Spir- its. Whether the Stone Image, or dressed pieces of wood, which they also used, denoted a deceased person, or departed human spirit, like Baal of old, or the Devil, must remain uncertain, until our future travellers shall have learned the true mythology, now remaining in full vigour among the Chippewas, and the other western tribes of Indians, who still glory in their ancestorial Religion. 195 XXIX. ACCOUNT OF COPPER COINS, FOUND IN MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS ; Ina letter to Hon. John Quincy Adams, Esq. Corresponding Secretary of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. By Rev. THADDEUS MASON HARRIS, r. a. a. ee Dorchester, Nov. 5, 1808. DEAR SIR, PERMIT me through you to make the following communication to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the spring of the year 1787, as going from Cambridge to Mal- den, I passed some people at work on the highway in Medford, who, in widening the road, had removed a large flat stone, under which they found a number of square copper coins, to the quantity I should judge of about two quarts. I took several of them myself ; and on my re- turn mentioned the discovery to several of my friends, who procured more. I had hoped that a circumstance so. curious would have attracted more attention, and that some learned antiquarian would have com- municated to the public his observations upon the coin. As this has not been done, and lest the fact itself should be quite forgotten, I make this statement. The coins were mostly square ; but some of them of the shape and size of Fig. 15. The others are represented in Fig. 16. Fig. 17 is the same magnified, with the exergue and the characters com- pleted by a comparison of several of the coins, on which the stamp was more regular and central. 196 Mr. Harris’ account of copper coins. They all bear the same stamp, on thin copper plate, cut, or rather broken into square pieces, with rough edges; and are considerably corroded by rust. I have searched all the books of coins and medals in the College Library, but can find none, which contain any in the least resembling these. There is however in the “ Histori-Geographical description of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, by Philip John von Strablenburg,” page 406, Tab. xxi, letter A, the figure of a coin, which I have copi- ed, Fig. 18, in size, shape, and impression so similar, as to demand some attention. He says, that “ it was found in Great Tartary,” that “the characters were presented to the public as a great rarity by M. Bandelot,” and that the print and description of it was first pub- lished in the German tongue in a book, entitled “ Das eroeffnete Rit ter Platz, (im andern a des geoeffneten Antiquitéten, Zimmersy, ) ne a _ Tf America was first peopled by emigrations from Siberia and Ta tary, as may be inferred from the square and circular ramparts and ¢ oo nical sepulchral mounds, scattered through the whole Western Territo- ry down to Mexico and Peru, eacaetly similar in form, dimensions, ant contents to those described by M. Pallas and other travellers into “the northern parts of the- Russian empire, raised by nations no Jonger known there, and evidences of their having inhabited and traversed re+ gions now become i immense forests ; and from inscriptions on rocks on the banks of the Ohio and at Taunton, very like to those on the Jene- Sci, delineated by Strahlenburg ;—may we not trace this ancient coi to the same source ? But this I leave to farther investigation, and subscribe myself with much respect, | ‘ swathed your friend and bumbleservant, THADDEUS MASON HARRI» 197 XXX. AN ATTEMPT TO EXPLAIN THE INSCRIPTION ON THE DIGHTON KOCK ; dn a letter to the Rev. Samuel Webber, v. vd. By Hon. JOHN DAVIS, Esq. 11. p. F. aa. EEE FE 5 DEAR SIR, THE copies, which we now have, of the inscription on the Dighton rock, are probably as correct, as can be obtained ; and what-. ever doubt there may be as to some of the figures or characters, from the variation in the copies, there are others, which, from the uniform correspondence of the copies, we may conclude to be exact. Of this description are the large triangular figures, which appear on eve- ry copy of the inscription. Some of the explanations, which have been suggested of this inscription, are evidently founded, in a consid- erable degree, on characters, which appear in different forms in differ- ent copies. And when the interpretation has reference to a suppos- ed resemblance in the characters to letters in some of the ancient al- phabets, a slight variation will materially affect the sense, and different copies, though bearing a general resemblance to the eye, will exhibit great diversity of meaning. If it could be determined, what was in- tended by those conspicuous and strongly marked figures, in which all the copies agree, we should be in a more likely way to ascertain the object of the entire inscription, and to form satisfactory conclusions as to its origin. Several Awman figures, and one representation of a quadruped, evidenily appear on all the modern copies. They cannot be distinguished on that sent by Cotton Mather to the Royal Society early in the last century; but that copy, as it appears in the Transac- tions of the Society, is so imperfect, that it can be of little or no use 25 198 Judge Davis’ attempt to explain the inscription on Dighton rocks in any inquiries on the subject. From the figures above mentioned, no precise inference can be drawn, as to the intent and object of the inscription. - From the rudest people and from children among our- selves, nothing is more common than to see sketches of the human form and of animals, frequently without any particular plan, but fromthe wayward suggestions of an idle moment. Often indeed there is a plan and purpose in such delineations ; but from those figures alone, I ap- prehend, we can form no certain conclusion of the general scheme, which the delineators had in view. Some further definite elements are necessary to give meaning and consistency to the perform- ance. the danger, if drank when cooled down about 26 degrees lower viz.» to the freezing point ? Yet how many, when heated by dancing, or oth- er violent exercise, eagerly assuage their thirst by-copious draughts of ice water, or lemonade, cooled by ice? Nay, by freely eating ice itself. in the various forms of ice creams? Yet hazardousas this practice un- doubtedly is, few authentic instances of sudden death from that cause, have come to our knowledge. Is that delicate organ, the stomach, then, able to bear the sudden and violent transitions of heat and. cold, better than the outward surface of the body ? Is not the skin the ex- quisite organ of feeling, and is it not more tremblingly. alive to vari- ous impressions, than the stomach itself ? Otherwise whence is it, that” a person can drink tea and coffee extremely hot without emotion, yet, if let fall on- his skin, complains bitterly of being scalded? Admitting this, it tends to corroborate our present doctrine. _ For of all the remote causcs of human maladies, the sudden or partial — application of cold and moisture to a body predisposed is evident-— ly one of the most frequent and most injurious. Were it not for this, and the periodical returns of the malignant and remittent fever (of which, during an epidemic-constitution, exposure to cold is known to - be a powerful exciting cause), the summer would, in all Be prove the most healthy season. it may not be improper in this place just to hint a neoesaney a cau- tion respecting another custom, fashionable among all ranks of socie- ty, as it doubtless endangers health. It is the habit of sitting, long after sunset, on summer evenings in the open air, exposed to the de- . scending dews; ofien on cold marble step§ before the doors; or in passages in the full current of the night air. But however. pleasing - and refreshing the cool air of the evening may appear, after the in- Dr. Fothergill on the practice of sleeping on the wet ground. 211 tense heat of the day, yet, for reasons assigned, much caution is re- quired. The example of the healthy and robust ought by no means to encourage the delicate and valetudinary to indulge indolence at the _ expense of their welfare, in sitting till a late hour. Have not such persons too often cause to regret the effects of their temerity? The’ evening air till about sun set, or an hour after, might surely be enjoy- ed with equal advantage, and more safety, were walking, riding, or other gentle exercise a instead of the present mactive, sedenta- -ty habit. . From a series of obeervations: in this variable climate, I find by the thermometer that, during the summer months, the temperature of the external atmosphere from four o’clock in the afternoon till ten in the « evening commonly undergoes a diminution from twelve to six- teen degrees. But ona sudden storm from the north east, accompan- ied with heavy rain, the mercury in the course of a few hours some- times undergoes a still more surprising depression; of twenty five to thirty five degrees. Yet regardless of these sudden transitions, fash- ionable young people disdain to appear in warmer clothing. Ladies though valetudinary resolve to-continue their elegant summer dress, or rather undress to the verge of winter. How many blooming fe- males thus sacrifice health, beauty, and life itself, at. the shrine of fashion ! Can we wonder at the frequency and fatality of pulmonic diseases, or that consumption alone, should constitute more than one fifth of the deaths, which appear in the annual bills of mortality ? It is very observable among young persons, especially those of a delicate constitution and sprightly disposition, that when they are con- scious of having thus contracted an obstinate complaint through their’ own indiscretion, they studiously ascribe it to eS ee than the rigit one ;- particularly if the latter be of. the fashionable, A412 Dr. Fothergill on the practice of sleeping on the wet ground. pleasurable kind. A species of deception, which may often impose on parents and guardians, but cannot eed elude the penetration of a sagacious physician. Perhaps it will be objected, if ‘sleeping on the ground, or exposure to the night air at a late hour be so very injurious, whence is it, that any of those, who indulge these habits, escape with impunity? The same question may be urged, when a malignant fever rages with epi- demic violence, whence is it, that some persons in the infected neighbourhood escape, and continue to enjoy their usual health? A few such escapes thus betray many into a fatal security. But is it not more prudent to take warning from the calamities of others, than to run headlong into dangers, that might easily be avoided ? “ Felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum.” CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA: Page. Line. 1 1 preix I: 18 —_ — II; 23 — — SII. 83 — — Iv. 38 —— Vv. pom 12 for 1 read 6: 55 16 for 962;6 read 966,66. — 14 — concession — concussion, 112 4b. — 1786 = Beh 133 19 — Crystal an Crystals Ts . eae naar vr oan — =e 17 -suage, used by the Rev Mr. eect ati is abe 15 inches above the surface ming <1 See page 19% _ 213 XXXII. AN ESTIMATE OF THE HEIGHT, DIRECTION, VELOCITY AND MAGNITUDE or THE METEOR, THAT EXPLODED OVER WESTON IN CONNECTICUT, DECEMBER 14, 1807. With methods of calculating observations made on such bodies. By NATHANIEL BOWDITCH a.m. a.a.s. and member of the Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia. me gs THE extraordinary meteor which appeared at Weston in crak ticut on the. fourteenth of December 1807, and exploded with several dudes ‘of stones, having excited great attention throughout the U- nited States, and being one of those phenomena of which few exact observations are to be found in the history of physical science, I have thought that a collection of the best observations of its appear- ance at different places, with the necessary deductions for determin- ing as accurately as possible, the height, direction, velocity, and mag- nitude of the body, would not be unacceptable to the Academy, since facts of this kind, besides being objects of great curiosity, may” be useful in the investigation of the origin and nature of these meteors ; and as the methods of making these calculations’are not fully explain- ed in any treatise of trigonometry, common in this country, I have given the solutions of two of the most necessary problems, with ex- amples calculated at full length. The second problem is not (to my knowledge) given in any treatise of spherics. .. The observations of the meteor, which after many inquiries, were found to have been made with sufficient accuracy to be introduced im the present investi- Sahih were those Bits ge Wenham about seven miles abhi a ter] iit vide ic ; i 5 ee A Be tet. e Pate 214 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height Se. of Salem, by Mrs. Gardner, a very intelligent lady, who had an opper- tunity of observing it with great attention; those at Weston by Judge Wheeler and Mr. Staples ; and those at Rutland in Vermont by Wil- liam Page Esq. In collecting and combining these observations I have received great assistance from my friend, John Pickering jun. Esq. A.A. s. particularly in the observations at Wenham. These observations are given after the problems, and the results from com- bining them in various manners are stated at the end of this memoir. PROBLEM I. Fre. 1. Suppose that in two places in given latitudes and longitudes the azimuths ofa meteor were observed at the same moment of time, and its angular elevation above the horizon of one of those places. _ It is ———— meteor. SOLUTION. Let C be the centre of the earth, PWSM a portion of its surface reduced to the level of the sea supposed to be spherical, P the pole of the earth. w, s, the places of observation, m the place of the meteor. Draw Cw, Cs, Cm, cutting the spherical surface in the points W, S, M. Then Ww, Ss, will represent the vertical heights of the places of observation, and Mm the vertical height of the meteor above the level of the sea; PWM the azimuth of the meteor observed at w, and PSM its azimuth observed ats, Then in the spherical triangle PWS are given PW, PS, the co-latitudes of the places of observation, and the angle WPS equal to their difference of longitude, to find by spherics the angles PWS, PSW, and the side SW. The sum or difference of PWS, PWM, will give the angle SWM; and the sum or difference of PSM, PSW, will give the angle WSM- of the meteor of 1807. 215 Then in the spheric triangle WSM _ will be given the angles SWM, WSM and the side SW, to find the sides WM, SM, which are re- spectively equal to the angles mCw, sCm. The altitude of the mete- or observed at w, added to 90°, and #;th. part of the arch WM sub- tracted from the sum for terrestrial refraction, will leave the correct value of the angle Cwm: this added to mCw and the sum subtracted from 180° will leave the angle Cmw. Then in the plane triangle Cwm, will be given the angles and the side Cw (which may in general, when Ww is small, be taken equal to the semidiameter of the earth, 3982 ‘miles*) to find wm the distance of the meteor from the observer at w, and Cm its distance from the centre of the earth, from which sub- tracting CM equal to 3982 miles, there will remain the vertical altitude of the meteor above the level of theséa. In the plane triangle sCm are given Cs, Cm, and the included angle sCm (= arch SM) to find sm the distance of the meteor from the observer ats, and the angle Csm equal to the supplement of the zenith distance of the meteor at s. The co-latitude of the meteor is equal to the arch PM, and the angle SPM is equal to the difference of meridians between the meteor and the ob- server at s. These quantities may ‘be easily found, by means of the spheric triangle PSM, in which PS, SM and the angle PSM are giv- en. They may also be found in a more simple manner, and to a suf- ficient degree of accuracy, by the usual rules of navigation, supposing the angle PSM to be the course and SM the distance, whence may be found the difference of latitude, departure, and difference of a ae tude between the points S, M. * The mile made use of i in this memoir is the statute mile of 5280 feet, In the following calculations on the Weston meteor, it will be supposed that Com Cs=3982 miles; the part Ww or Se being but a small fraction of a mile. 216 Mr. Bowditeh’s estimate of the height Sc. EXAMPLE. Suppose the azimuth of the meteor at Wenham PW Me=117° 339’ 54”, azimuth at Weston PSM=3°, altitude at Wenham 5° 50’ 4 40", co-latitude of Wenham PW=47? 19’ 45", co-latitude of Weston PS 48° 45', difference of meridians WPS=2° 3645". It is required to find the latitude and longitude of the meteor, its distance from Wen- ham and Weston, and its vertical height above the level of the sea. This corresponds to Example 10 in Table 1. In the Page PSW. 3PS = 24°22’ 30” IPW=23 39 52 tal Sum 48 2 22Cos.AC 0:1748214| - - - - Sine AC 0°1286575 PSW 52°56/34" SineACh™ Diff. 0 42 38 Cos.. 99999666!,- - - - Sine 8°0934643IPW 47 19 45 LWPS 1 18 22 Cotan. 11°6420673| - - - - Cot. —11°6420673|WPS 2 36 48 Sine 4Sum 89 7 36 Tang. 11-6166555)|fait36°11'2""Tan.9 864189i|SW 2 24 25 Sine iDiff. 36 11 2 PWS 125 18 38 PSW 52 56 34 — ; ~PWM117 35 54 Azim. PSM 3 Sum 125 18 383=PWS —-——_ —— Diff. 52 56 34—=PSW SWM 7 42 44 WSM 55 56 34 In the triangle WSM. 4WSM 27 58 17 ISWM 351 22 Sum 31 49 39 Cos. AC 0:0707652 Sine AC i -2773898 Diff. 24 655 Cos. 9°9603401 Sine 6112706 -3SW = 1:12.12} Tang. 8-3223773 Tang. . "3093773 — ee iSum 11734 Tang. 8 8°3534826 Adif. 0° 5557” Tang. & 2115377 qDiff. Sete cn cement res | ae Cwm=95° 41’ 50” = Alt. 5° 50/40” 90° Sum 21331=WM=mCw - - - = 48S Diff. 021 37=SM=sCm Cmw=82 4 39 Sumis0 oO 0O ——— , in * The aii 3;WM, by the above calculation is 9’ 32”. The value made oer finding Cw 50", estimated by a rough calculation, and it was thought to repeat ‘he aebtaen on account of this small difference. of the meteor of 1807. 217 In the triangle Cwm. Cmw 82° 4°39" Sine AC 0:0041651 ew eee es eee 6000417 Cw 3982 lo og. 36001013 = = = 3°60010 Cwm 9541 50 Sine 9°9978494 WM 9° 13/31” Sine 858915 €m 4000'51 log. 3°6021158] wm 156°1 miles log. 219342 In the triangle Csm. Cm+Cs 7982°51 log. AC 6°:0978605| Cms 53°24/36” Sine AC 0°09533 Cmn Cs 1851 log 12674064) Ce 3982 log. 3°60010 3sum ang. 89 49 112 Tang. 12:5025138)sCm 02137 Sine 7°79851 3diff. ang. 36 243524 Tang. 9:8677807| sm 31°2 miles log. 1°49394 — Sum —-:126 13 47=Cem.-. Alt. at Weston 36° 13’ 47”, a Diff. 53 24 36—Cms The course from S to M is nearly N 3° W, the distance SM 21’ 37’, or 2162 ; hence the difference of latitude is 21/59 =21’ 35”, the departure 1'*13, and the difference of longitude 1°51 =1' 31”, Latitude of Weston 41° = 0” ~_— Longitude of es felt 2 0” Diff. of latitude 35 Diff. of longitud 131 Latitude of Meteor 41 36 35 N Long. of Meteor (73:28 31W PROBLEMII. Fic. 2 Suppose that in two places s, w, in given latitudes and longitudes, | i E 7 3 q the angular elevations of a meteor Csm, Cwm, were observed, and the azimuth PSM at one of the places. _It is required to find the situa- tion of the meteor. Te Se ee ere Pa eee en Nae Geen Ny, See RT aT Se Re ee ee a ee ee Pe ee ge eae 218 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height Sc. SOLUTION. This figure is to be marked like the first, then on SM (continued if necessary) let fall the perpendicular AW. Suppose a plane drawn through w, perpendicular to Cw, to cut the line sm in &. Join Cd cutting SM in B, and let CA continued cut sm in a. Find in the tri- angle PSW, the angles PWS, PSW, WSM (or ASW), and the side SW as in the last problem. Then in the right-angled spheric trian- gle SAW are given SW and the angle ASW, to find by spherics SA, AW, and the angle SWA. The angle Csm, or its supplement, is equal to the angle Csa, the angle sCa =arch SA, and the angle Cas= 180°—Csa—sCa. Sine Cas : Sine Csa :: Cs : Ca Tene AWB=: mee (1— <<. Cosine AW) The affection of the angle AWB may be determined by the fig- ure and the data of the problem.* Sine MWB = = x Cotang. Cwm x Tang. Cas x Cos. AWB. MWA=AWB+ MWB, The sign to be made use of is easily discovered by the figure, observ- ing that the point B falls between M and S. Cotang. mCw (=Cotang. MW) = Cosine MWA x Cotang. AW. * This angle may also be found in the following manner. Having in the plane triangle aCw, the sides Ca, Cw, and the angle aCw (=arch AW) the angles Caw; Cwa, may be found by plane trigonometry, and AWB by this formula Tang. AWB = ©°: Cwaxtang. Cas Sine Caw of the meteor of 1807. 219 The sum of the angles Cwm, mCw, subtracted from 180° leaves Cmw. Then Sine Cmw : Sine Cwm :: Cw: Cm The distances wm, sm, and the latitude and longitude of the mete- or may be found as in Problem 1. When the distance of the meteor is great, the angles Csm, Cwm, must be corrected for terrestrial refraction, by subtracting one four- teenth part of the intercepted arches SM, WM respectively ; but as these arches are generally unknown, it will be necessary (when great accuracy is required) to make the calculation with the altitudes un- corrected, and thus find the approximate values of the corrections of the altitudes for refraction, and, by repeating the operation, the required quantities will be obtained. In this way the refraction in the Wenham observations was found to be about 9 or 10 minutes. EXAMPLEs Suppose the altitude of the meteor at the time of its disappearance at Weston was 75°, its azimuth at that place N 15° W, and the cor- responding altitude of the meteor at Wenham 5° 30’ corrected for re- fraction. It is required to find the latitude and longitude of the me- teor, its distance from Wenham and Weston, and its vertical altitude above the level of the sea. Here are given the angle Cwm = 90° +alt. at Wenham = 95° 30’, Csm=90° + alt. at Weston=165°. The arch SW= 2°24'25", _ the angle PWS = 125° 18’ 38”, and the angle PSW = 52° 56’ 34”, are found as in the last example. The angles PSW, PSM added togeth- er give WSM or ASW = 67° 56’ 34”. This corresponds to Example 14, Table 1. 220 SW 9°24/25”'Tang.86235990] - - - - - Sine 86252157] - - - Cos,9-9996lé1 ASW 67.56 34 Cos. 95746474) - - - - - Sine 99669904) - = = Tan. 0°392343) SA 6 54 16 Tang. 8:1982464JAW —2°13’50’” Sine 85902061 IswA22°4/29"’cot.0°39 19591 * reel ieee Csa 165 0 O Sine 9.4129962;,AW 2:13 50 Cot. 11°4094901 Cas 14 5 44Sin.ac 0°6134301)/MWA 20 24 42 Cos. 9°9718374 Cs 3982. log.* MW 2 22 47 Cot.11°3813275| - - = Sine 86162 Cw 3982 log. AC* Cwm 9530 OSine 9°9979960 Ca+-Cw log. 0°0264263\Cmw 82 7 13sin.AC*0041201] - - = - - o-004l3 AW 2:13 50 Cos. 9°9996708/Sum 180 0 0 1061933 log. 0°0260971|Cw $982 ~— log. 3°6001013] - = = * * 560010 An EE i a ala — Sub. 1 061933 log. 8°7919221|Cm —4001°5 log. 3:6022174}wm 166°9 log. 222380 AR met Ee rater — Cas 14 5 44 Tang. 9:3998470|/Mm 1995 SS Fig iota: SSA AW 213 50sin. AC 1° 4097939'MW 2°22'47" Sine 86182788 AWB 21 46 44 Tang. Zona 2s 20 24 42 Sine 9°5425303] AWB2146 44 Cos. 99678392;AM 04947 Sine 81608091 Ca+Cw log. 0°0264263|/SA 0 54 16 Cwm 95 30 Ot: ao 69)}SM 0 4 Sine 7°11533 Cas 14 544 Tang. 9 3998470|\Csm 165. -0- MWB 122 2 Sine 83776894|Cms 14.55 31 SineAC 0°58912 AWB 21 46 44 sum 180 0 0 MWA 20 24 42 |Cs 3982 log. 3°60010 SWA 22 429 sm 20:2 log., 1:30455 SWM_ 13947 | PWS 125 1838 | PW M123 38 51=—calculated azimuth. e logarithms are neglected, because se is the arithmetical com i, et their sum (rejecting 10 in the index) is Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height 8c. plement of th of the meteor of 1807. 221 The course from S to M is nearly N 15° W, the distance S M 4' 29" ; hence the difference of latitude of the points S,M 1s 4’ 20’, departure 69’°6, difference of longitude 93”. Hence the latitude of the point M is nearly 41° 19’ 20” N, and its longitude 73° 28’ 33" W. If it be required to find the change in the above elements arising from an error in the altitude at Wenham, it would only be necessary to repeat the latter part of the calculation, since the values of SA, SWA, AWB, would remain the same in both cases. Remark 1. When the distances of the observers from each other and from the meteor are small, the correction arising from the spher- ical form of the earth may be neglected, supposing the triangle SWM to be rectilinear and drawn on a horizontal plane. In this case the calculations will be rendered more simple if the heights are estimated from a plane drawn through w parallel to the horizon, supposing the points w, W, to coincide. Then if the points s, w, are at the same height, the points s, S, will also coincide as in Fig. 3. ‘If the points s, w, are not at the same level, as in Fig. 4, the lines ms, MS (contin- ued if necessary) will meet in S’, in the plane MWS, making SS'=Ssx Cotang. alt. meteor at s. In either case there will be given in Prob- lem I. the angles SWM, WSM, SMW (=180°—SW M—WSM}) and SW to find by plane trigonometry WM, SM. Then the alti- tude of the meteor above the level of the point w will be represented . WMxTang. elevation of the meteor at w. In Problem 2, when the points s, w, are at the same level, as in Fig. 3, there will be given the angles Mwm, Msm, WSM, and the side SW, to find the angle SWM by the following formula. Sine SWM=Tang. alt. meteor at w x Cotang. alt. meteor at ¢ x Sine WSM, which being found the rest of the calculation may be made 28 222 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height, &c. as above. When the points s, w, are not on the same level, as in Fig 4, the line SS’ being found as above, and the angle WSS" equal to WSM or its supplement, SW being also given, the side S’W and the angles WS'S, S’WS, may be found by plane trigonometry. Then - as before we shall have | Sine S’'(WM = Tang. alt. meteor at w x Cotang. alt. meteor at s x Sine WS'M, which gives the bearing of the meteor from W, whence the distance WM, and the height of the meteor as in Problem IL Remark 2. When either of the azimuths or altitudes is not accu- rately known, but the limits between which the real value is contain- ed are given; the situation of the meteor may be calculated for each of these limits, and by this means the limiting values of the required elements of the motion of the body may in general be obtained. This method is frequently made use of in this memoir. Remark 3. In order to judge of theaccuracy of the results obtained by the preceding problems, it will be useful to repeat the operation, mak- ing successively a small change in each of the given quantities. For if any one of the required quantities be not materially affected by these changes, the calculated value will in general be nearly correct. 2 the other hand if a small error in the observed angles produces a great error in the result, it will be proper to reject it, Thus, in Problem 1. if the given angles WSM, SWM, are both very small, the least change in either of those angles will in general produce a great change in the situation of the point M, as is well known; and if the two places of observation s, m, are thus situated with respect to the mete- or, the observations made at those places must not be combined t0- gether. This is the case with the observations of the Weston me teor made at Rutland and Weston, and for that reason the observa- tions made at those places are not combined together, in the calcula tions made for determining the place of the meteor. : of the meteor of 1807. bo bo w Observations at Wenham, Weston, and Rutland. Sometime after the appearance of the meteor, I went with Mr. Pickering to Mrs. Gardner’s house in Wenham, where she had ob- served the phenomenon. She informed us that on the morning of the fourteenth of December 1807, when she rose, she went towards the window of her chamber, which looks to the westward, for the purpose of observing the weather, according to her invariable practice for ma- ny years past. The sky was clear except a few thin clouds in the west. It was past day-break, and by estimation about half an hour ‘before sun-rise, or seven o’clock. The meteor was immediate- _ ly observed just over the southern part of the barn in her farm yard, nearly in front of the window; its disc was well defined, and it resembled the moon so much, that unprepared as Mrs. Gardner’s mind was for a phenomenon of that nature, she was not at first aware that it was not the moon, till she perceived it in motion, when her first reflection (to use her own words) was—where is the moon going to? The reflection however was hardly made, when she corrected herself, and with her eye followed the body with the closest attention throug- out its whole course. It moved ina direction nearly parallel to the horizon and disappeared behind a cloud to the northward of the house of Samuel Blanchard Esq. The true azimuth of the south part of the barn from the place of observation is N 107° 59’ W,, its altitude 3° 25. The top part of the building is horizontal. The azimuth of Mr. Blanchard’s house is N. 148° 22) W. These buildings were useful in determining nearly the limits of the azimuths of the meteor. The azimuths were obtained by observing with an excellent theodo- lite, the difference of the azimuths of the sun and object, and finding the sun’s azimuth by his observed altitude. The same method was 224 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height, Sc. made use of in obtaining the azimuths of the meteor. The angular elevation of the meteor above the horizon appeared always greater than that of the barn 3° 25’, and less than that of a tree in front of the window, along the branches of which the meteor ranged ;_ the altitude of the top of this tree was 7° 10’... These fixed objects served to de- termine the altitude of the meteor, which is the most important ele- ment in the calculation, to a considerable degree of accuracy. After the theodolite was carefully adjusted, Mrs. Gardner directed the tel- escope attached to the instrument towards that part of the heavens where she first saw the meteor, the true azimuth was N 106° 54’ 64” W. Altitude 5° 50’ 40"... The azimuth of a second place where it was seen was N 117° 35’ 54” W. Altitude as before. The azi- mouth of a third place was N, 132° 15’ 54’’ west. Altitude 5° 29’ 40", The azimuth of the place of disappearance was N 144°33'54” W. Al- titude 4° 1'40".* All these azimuths fall within the limits mentioned above, but the two last are undoubtedly too great. For a great circle ‘passing through Wenham and Weston is inclined to the meridian of Wenham by an angle equal to 125° 18’ 38”, and as the two last azi- muths exceed that quantity, they fall to the southward of Weston, which cannot. be correct, because the meteor disappeared before it arrived at the zenith of Weston, as was observed by Judge Wheeler It happens fortunately in the present instance that the other places of observation at Weston and Rutiand are so situated with respect to Wenham, that a considerable error in the azimuths at Wenham, would not materially affect the result of the calculation made for determining the height or direction of the meteor, as. will appear in the follow: ing calculations. Mrs, Gardner supposed the meteor to have bee? * In the following calculations the allowances made for refraction in the above observations, were 8’ 50”, 8’ 50”, 9’ and 10’ 10” making the altitudes respectively 5° 41 50”, 5° 41’ 50”, 5° 20’ 40”, and 3° 51’ 30”. of the meteor of 1807. 225 visible about halfa minute. In its progress it was occasionally ob- secured by thin broken clouds, which intercepted the view of it sev- eral times. No train of light was observed to accompany it. Its ve- locity did not appear to be so great as that of shooting stars. _ Its col- our was more vivid than that of the moon. The place of observation at Wenham, is in the latitude of 42°40’ 15” N and in the longitude of 70° 50’ 15” W from Greenwich. By the observations of Judge Wheeler at Weston, published in the interesting memoir of Professors Silliman and Kingsley, in the sixth volume of the Transactions of the American Philosophical So- ciety held at Philadelphia, it appears, that on the fourteenth of De- cember 1807, at about 6h. 50’, A. M. “ numerous spots of uncloud- “ed sky were visible, and along the northern part of the horizon a ** space of ten or fifteen degrees was perfectly clear. The attention “ of Judge Wheeler was first drawn by a sudden flash of light, which * illuminated every object. Looking up he discovered in the north a “ globe of fire, just then passing behind the cloud, which obscured “ though it did not entirely hide the meteor. In this situation its ap- “‘ pearance was distinct, and well defined, like that of the sun seen “through a mist. It rose from the north, and proceeded in a direc- “tion nearly perpendicular to the horizon, but inclining, by a very “small angle, to the west, and deviating a little from the plane of a “ great circle, but in pretty large curves, sometimes on one side of the “plane, and sometimes on the other, but never making an angle with “it of more than four or five degrees. Its apparent diameter was “about one half or two thirds the apparent diameter of the full moon. “ Its progress was not so rapid as that of common meteors and shoot- “ ing stars. When it passed behind the thinner clouds, it appeared 5 brighter than before; and when it passed the spots of clear sky, it “flashed with a vivid light, yet not so intense as the lightning of a 226 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height &c. ‘“ thunder-storm. © Where it was not too much obscured by thick ‘clouds, a waving conical train of paler light was seen to attend ‘*it, in length about 10 or 12 diameters of the body. In the clear sky “a brisk scintillation was observed about the body of the meteor, like *¢ that of a burning fire-brand carried against the wind. It disappear- ‘¢ ed about 15 degrees short of the zenith, and about the same num- “ ber of degrees west of the meridian. It did not vanish instantane- ‘*‘ ously, but grew, pretty rapidly, fainter and fainter, as a red hot can- * non ball would do, if cooling in the dark, only with much more ra- “¢ pidity.—The whole period between its first appearance and total ex- ‘¢ tinction, was estimated at about 30 seconds.. About 30 or 40 sec- “ onds after this, three loud and distinct reports, like those of a four- “ pounder, near at hand were heard.—Then followed a rapid. succes- “sion of reports less loud—so as to produce a continued rumbling— # This noise continued about as long as the body was in rising, and “ died away apparently i in the direction from which the meteor came.” Mr. ‘Staples observed, “ that when the meteor disappeared, there were “ apparently three successive efforts or leaps of the fire ball, which “ grew more dim at every throe, and disappeared with the last.—From “the various accounts which we have received of the appearance of “ the body at different places, we are inclined to believe, that the time “ between the disappearance and report, as estimated by Judge Whee- “ Jer, is too little, and that a minute is the least time that could have | “ intervened.” The latitude of Weston is about 41° 15’ N, longitude 73° 27’ W from Greenwich, but there is a little uncertainty in both these quantities, though not enough to affect materially the result of the calculation. The observations made at Rutland were procured by the kind of- fices of Professor Hall, of Middlebury College, Vermont, to whom Mr. Page communicated his valuable observations in a paper, € - of the meteor of 1807. 227 pressed in the following terms. “I was at the weet door of my “ house on Monday morning, the fourteenth of December 1807, about “« day light, and perceiving the sky suddenly illuminated, I raised my _ “ eyes and beheld a meteor of a circular form, in the southwesterly “ part of the heavens, rapidly descending to the south, leaving behind “ it a vivid sparkling train of light. The atmosphere near the south “ part of the horizon was very hazy, but the passage of the meteor ‘“‘ behind the clouds was visible, until it descended below the moun- “tains, about twenty miles south of this place. There were white “ fleecy clouds scattered about the sky, but none so dense as to ob- ‘“‘ scure the tract of the meteor. I now lament that I did not make ‘‘ more particular observations at the time, and I should probably un- “‘ til this day have considered it to be what is commonly called a ‘ fad/- “ing star, had I not read in the New York papers an account of the ‘explosion of a meteor, and the falling of some meteoric stones near “New Haven, Connecticut, which, by recurring to circumstances, “then fresh in my recollection, I found to be on the same morning “that I observed the meteor at Rutland. I am indebted to my learn-. “ed friend, Dr. Samuel Williams, for his aid and directions in ascer- ‘* taining the situation of the meteor, when I first observed it, and its “ course, andalso for the order of my observations. rm, circular. “ Magnitude, less than a quarter of the diameter of the moon. —Co/- “our, red vivid light. Tail, or train of hight, about eight times the “length of its diameter at the least, projected opposite to its course. “ Azimuth, when first observed about 9° 30’ west of the meridian. « Altitude when first observed, about 18°30.* Descent to the south “part of the horizon, west of the meridian, by 7 or 8 de- In making use of this altitude, 3’ for refraction was subtracted, making it 18°97, ; 228 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height Se “‘ grees. Motion, very rapid, probably thirty seconds in sight. “« Place of observation, Rutland, county of Rutland, and state of Ver- “‘ mont, latitude 43° 36’ N, as ascertained by Dr. Williams ; longi- “tude west from Greenwich [72° 58’ 15] as ascertained by Mr. Bow- ** ditch, by calculations made upon observation of the solar eclipse of “ June 16, 1806.” Ina letter, which accompanied the preceding pa- ~ per, Mr. Page observed that his recollection of the meteor was pretty distinct, and that he was enabled to determine its situation by the posi- tion of certain known objects, Deductions from the preceding observations. The observations made at Wenham, combined in various ways with those at Rutland and Weston, by the methods given in the pre- ceding problems, furnish the results contained in Table 1, in which © the given quantities are marked with an asterisk. These quantities are varied a few degrees in the different examples, for the purpose of forming an estimate of the change in the calculated place of the me- teor, from any supposed error in the observations. In the two first €xamples are combined (by Problem 2) the azimuth and altitude ob- served at the first appearance of the meteor at Rutland, with various supposed altitudes at Wenham. The 3d. and 4th. examples are like the first and second, except in a small change in the altitude and azi- muth at Rutland. In tue 5th. and 6th. examples, the first azimuth and altitude observed at Wenham are combined (by Problem 1) with the azimuth at Weston, supposing it in the 5th. example to be north ; and in the 6th. N3°W. The 7th. and 8th. examples contain the re- sults from combining the same Wenham observation with the azimuth at Rutland, supposing it in the 7th. example to be N 170° 30’ W, and inthe 8th,N173°W. From the 9thto the 12th. examples, the same of the meteor of 1807. 229 calculations are repeated with the second Wenham azimuth and alti- tude. In the 13th. example, the azimuth and altitude at Weston at the time of the disappearance of the meteor, are combined with the altitude at Wenham, supposing it 5°: in the three following exam-— ples the calculation is repeated with small variations in the values of the given quantities. The azimuths at Wenham, calculated in the 13th. and 14th. examples, are made use of in the 17th. 18th.and 19th. with the corresponding assumed altitudes at Wenham, and the azi- muth at Rutland at the time of the disappearance of the meteor, sup- posing it to be N 172° W in the 17th. and 18th. examples, and N 170° 30’ W in the 19th, It appears by this table, that in the 5th. and 6th. aman the al- titude of the meteor at Weston was about 16° 30, and in the 9th. and - 10th. about 36°. Now if the meteor appeared at Weston to describe a great circle, beginning at the north part of the horizon and terminat- ing at a point having the azimuth N 15° W and altitude 75° (which was nearly the case by the observations of Judge Wheeler) the azi-: muth corresponding to the altitudes 16°30’ and 36°, would be respec- tively 1° 11’ and 2° 53’, as is easily found by spherics. The places of the meteor corresponding nearly to the azimuths 1° 11’ and 2° 53’, are given in the three right hand columns of the table opposite to those examples; these quantities being found by proportion. Thus by the 5th. and 6th. examples, the latitudes corresponding to the azi- muths 0° and 3° are 42° 3’ 6” and 42° 2’ 15”, varying 51” by a change of 3° of azimuth; hence the latitude corresponding to the azimuth 1°11’ js 42°9'46” or 42° 2’ 45”, asin the table. The other quantities were calculated in the same manner. The azimuth of the meteor at Wenham at the time of disappearing was not far from 123°30' or 124°, as is evident from examples 13, 14, 15 and 16. Mrs. Gardner sup- posed the meteor to have been visible considerably south of this 29 _ 230 Mr. Bowwditch’s estimate of the height Se. point, which could not be correct for the reasons stated in the for- mer part of this paper. By taking the second and third azimuths and altitudes of the meteor, as estimated by Mrs. Gardner, and finding by proportion the altitude corresponding to the azimuth 123°30’ or 124°, and allowing 9’ or 10’ for refraction, the altitude will be found to dif fer but few minutes from 5° 30’, which is made use of in the 14th. example. ‘The-estimated altitude would have been found nearly the same, if the four observations at Wenham had been taken into the calculation, by the usual method of interpolation, explained by Sir I. Newton in the Princip. Lib. 3. Lem. 5.* The results of the 14th. example are assumed in the right-hand columns of Table I, and in Ta- ble I, as the true values at that time, and it is evident that the lati- tudes and longitudes thus found must be nearly correct, since the meteor disappeared almost in the zenith of Weston, and a considera- ble error in any of the observations would not materially affect the re- sult, as appears by comparing examples 13, 14, 15, and 16. This latitude and longitude agrees nearly with that obtained in the 19th. example, by combining the azimuth and altitude at Wenham, with the azimuth 170° 30’ at Rutland, from which it appears probable that ~ the azimuth of the meteor at Rutland, at the time of its disappearance, must have been about 170° 30’, and the corresponding calculated alti- tude at that place 5° 45’;+ but, by Mr. Page’s observations, the azi- * In putting A for the azimuth at Wenham and a for the corresponding altitude corrected for refraction, expressed in degrees and decimals, the formula of New- ton gives a=5°6972—0° 0009488 (A—106%91) (A—1 17°60) —-0°-00007012 (A—106°91) (A—117°-60) (A—132°-26). + Mr. tains, Page states that he saw the meteor till it descended below the moun- but as it was hazy in the direction of the meteor and the time early in the Morning, it must have been difficult to determine by observation the precise point of its disappearance. The above method of calculating the altitude must give it very nearly correct. of the meteor of 1807. : 231 rauth of the meteor at the time of its disappearance was 172° or 173°, being about 2° greater than by the preceding calculations ;. and it seems reasonable to make the same allowance on the first azimuth, observed at Rutland. This correction being made, the azimuths be- come 168° 30’ and 170° 30’ and the altitudes 18° 27’ and 5° 45, cor- responding respectively to the first and last observations at Rutland. The azimuth corresponding to any intermediate altitude, may be found sufficiently near by supposing the variations of altitude and azimuth to be proportional to each other. In this way the azimuths corresponding to the altitudes. 6°30’ and 7° 30’* would be respectively 170° 23’ and.170°14'; which are rather less than the azimuths made use of in examples 1Land 7. ‘The changes to be made in the results of these examples, for this small difference of azimuth, may be easily es- timated by comparing those examples with. the 12th, and 8th. Tn this way were found the assumed values, corresponding to those ex- amples, given in the right hand columns of Table I. By taking the mean of the assumed values in Table I, corresponding to the exam- ples 5, 6; and 7, 8; also the mean of those deduced from examples 9, 10; and 11, 12; there will be obtained the altitudes, latitudes and longitudes of the meteor, marked in Table II, as the most probable values corresponding to the times of the first and second observations made at Wenham. At the first Rutland observation the meteor was not seen at Wen- ham, since the azimuth at Wenham at that time was probably less than 84° (as appears by the four first examples of Table 1) and the first ob- served azimuth exceeded 106°; so that there can be no very accurate estimate of the situation of the meteor at that time. However, as the * These are nearly thé altitudes at Rutland grthetime of the two first obser- ‘ations at Wenham, as appears by Examples 7,8; 11,12. An EOF of several minutes in these altitudes would hardly cause any sensible change in + geal ed azimuths at Rutland. 2 232 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height &c. altitude of the meteor observed at Wenham, and its calculated alti- tude above the level of the sea (found in Table II) did not vary much during the time of its appearance at Wenham, it is highly probable that no great change was experienced from the time of the first Rut- land, to the first Wenham, observation. The preceding method of interpolation gives for the azimuth 83° 14’ 59” at Wenham, a corres- ponding altitude at that place of 7° 43’.* This altitude with the azi- muth at Rutland 168° 30’, and the corresponding altitude 18° 27’, give the results in Example 2, Table I, which, with an increase of 3/12” in the longitude, are assumed in the right hand columns of that table and in Table II, as the place of the meteor at the first Rutland observation. This addition is made to the longitude because the mean longitudes assumed in Table II exceed a few miles the results from the corres- ponding Rutland observations in Table I. A mistake of 1° in the observed altitudes at Wenham would pro- duce an error of about 23 miles in the calculated height of the me- teor, but the effect of this source of error cannot be great, since the observed altitude must have fallen between the limits 3°25’ and 7° 10, corresponding to the heights of the barn and meteor ; as was observed above, With the altitudes, latitudes and longitudes of the meteor given in Table II, and the latitudes and longitudes of the places of observa- _ tions, were calculated the distances of the meteor inserted in Table II, to give at one view the results of all the observations. * This azimuth and altitude were found in the following manner. With the azimuth at Wenham estimated in Example 1, 79° 33’ 46”, was calculated, by the preceding formula of interpolation, the corresponding altitude at Wenham. The difference between this and the supposed altitude 6° 30/ was called the error of this supposition, The operation was repeated with another assumed altitude, a8 8°, and the error of this supposition found. By these errors a corrected altitude was calculated by the Rule of False ; and by repeating the operation a few timess the above azimuth and altitude were obtained. bo to Go of the meteor of 1807. TABLE I. PLACES OF THE METEOR CACULATED WITH VARIOUS CHANGES IN THE VAL- UES OF THE OBSERVED ANGLES FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTIMATING THE EFFECT OF SUPPOSED ERRORS IN THOSE ANGLES. Azimuths of the me-|Altitudes of the meteor! Distances of the | Calculated places of | Assumed places of | Exe. or at a meteor from the meteor. the meteor. Wenham |West.| Rutl } Wenh. West: Rutl. |Wenh.|West.| Rutl.! Alt | Lat. Long. |Alt.| Lat. | Long. Ak TEE PT : Aas 14 o' Fo + o 4 | miles. miles) miles miles} ow 1 miles} g plo ys $4 1) 79 33 46 1683*| 6 30 * 18 27*| 120-7 48-1 | 155|42 57 35173 8 59 ZO 2] 85 14 59 1683*| 743 *1 {18 97%) 1218 56:3 |18°2}42 51 2173 10 48'19.0|40 51 Ir 14 Z 3] 79 38 168 *| 6 30 * 18 27°) 121-2 482 | 153/42 $7 31]73 9 29 BE 41 77 46 52 1683*| 6 30 * 20 0*} 1206 445|154)43 0 43)73 8 7 2 5/106 5454¢0° “| 15 41 50*|16° 11 1422 | 58:3 16 6142 3 6\73 27 0 25 ol106 54 54*|3 5 41 50°16 50 1452|576| | 17-0/42 2 15 |73 30 19/167 | 42 22)75 264 & 7(106 54.54%) |1703*|5 41 50° 7 32] 1346 108-0) 15°6/42 5 11 |73 18 59/157} 40 5 |73 194 34 {106 3454*| —|173 *|5 41 50° 7 22| 129°3 /105°6| 149/42 6 35 |73.13 13] ‘J ' . 1 9/117 35 54"10 5 41 50° 1546 | 316 183|41 37 14|73 97 0 | 40, ‘ 53 10|117 35 54*13 5 41 50*|36 14 1561 | 31-9 185/41 36 35173 28 31) 155) 41 37 78 283 *11l117 35 54*| —‘|1704*|5 41 50* 6 24 | 152-2 1397] 180]41 38 16/73 25 1 | 1941 41 58 |73 254 q 819/117 35547] 173 “15 41 50° 6 14 | 1446 135-1! 16-9}41 41 23}73. 17 23 13/123 49 42 |15 * 5 “75 * 166-9 | 18-0 18-0|41 18 5273. 28 23] = 141123 38 51 j15 * 330 *\75 166:9 | 20:2 19°5]41 19 20173 28 33] 4, $45|193 17 46 |10 * 5. ine MIB 8 246 17-9141 20 30l73. 28 16| 195/41 19 3/73 288 © 16|124 17 56 [15 * 5 -|s0 . 1674 |184 18:1]41 17 39 57 = 17\123 49 42") = 172 #15 5 08 | 161-6 1585) 17:3}41 21 52 218/123 38 51*| ——‘|172 *|5 30 * 5 40 | 1613 158-0] 187]41 22 46| 19°5|41 19 3173 293 1912338 51*] —‘(la70g*l5 30. * 5 45} 1671] | 1621! 9-slgr 19 TABLE II. PLACES AND DISTANCES OF THE METEOR AT THE TIMES OF THE DIFFERENT OBSERVATIONS, AS DETERMINED BY THE MEAN OF ALL THE CALCULATIONS. ; y Distances of the meteor sage as the Times of Observation. rom | Wenham) Weston|[Rutlanc aioe titudle! ion aed miles. | miles. | miles. | miles. | North ; 124 113 | S7Uh 182 2 : orn ei the first Rutland oe t the first Wenham obse 139 59 F 110 162 3 24 4 the second Wenham Servite 154 32 141 183 3 37 At the time of disappearin g 167 20°°¢ 162 19°5 at to 73 284 From the places of the meteor given in the preceding table it is ; easy to find, by the common rules of trigonometry, that ifs course was about S7° W, in a direction nearly parallel to the surface of the earth, 234 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height &c. and at the height of about eighteen miles. These points appear to be ascertained to a considerable degree of accuracy. The time elapsed between the disappearance of the meteor and hearing the three loud reports at Weston, which, according to the estimates of different ob- servers, was at /east sixty seconds, serves in a degree to confirm the accuracy of the estimated altitude of the meteor. For the velocity of sound being 1142 feet. per second, the distance corresponding te 60 seconds is 60 x 1142= 68520 feet, or 13 miles nearly : conse- quently the height must have exceeded 13 miles. At the first appearance of the meteor at Rutland, it was iielevasee at least 8° above the horizon of Weston; and at its disappearance at Weston, was above 5° above the horizon of Rutland; as may be easily proved from the places of the meteor given in Table II. Now as it was seen by Judge Wheeler and Mr. Page quite near the hori- zon, it must have been observed at both places fi from the time of the first Rutland observation till its disappearance at Weston. The dis- tance of the points where the meteor was then situated is easily found from the data in Table IT to be 107 miles in a straight line, and the distance really passed over by the body while visible must have exceed- ed that quantity. _ The whole duration of the appearance of the me- teor, as estimated by Mr. Page and Judge Wheeler, was about 30 sec- onds, which would make its velocity about 33 miles per second, by “ both observations. In a similar manner the distance passed over, while visible at Wenham, was about 52} miles, and if the duration of its appearance was 30 seconds, as Mrs. Gardner estimated it, the velocity corresponding would be 13 miles per second ; this would have been more than doubled if the extreme azimuths at Wenham had been made use of without correction. From these results it ap- pears probable that the velocity of the meteor exceeded 8 miles pe second. We may form an idea of the greatness of this velocity, by ob- serving that it is fourteen times as swift as the motion of sound, _ early as great as that of a satellite revolving about the earth at the of the meteor of 1807. 235 same distance, and if a body were projected in a vertical direction. with about double the velocity (the air being supposed not to resist) it would proceed beyond the sphere of the earth’s attraction. In estimating the magnitude of the body from the present obser- vations, no very accurate result is to be expected, since the: apparent diameter was not exactly measured by-any of the observers. The observations. that were made, serve however to prove that the body was much larger than the whole mass of stones that fell near Weston, as will be evident from. the following calculations. Mr. Page sup- posed the apparent diameter of the body to be about one quarter part. of that of the moon, or about 8’. The greatest observed distance of the meteor from Rutland was 162 miles; the least 57 miles. The diameter. of the meteor corresponding to those distances and the angle 8’ are nearly jth. and 4d. of a mile, and, by this observation, the real diameter of the meteor must fall between those limits. Judge: Wheeler supposed the apparent diameter to be half or two thirds. of that of the moon, or between 16’ and 24. The least distance of the meteor from» Weston’ was 20 miles, the greatest 113 miles. ” The least. diameter corresponding to the distance 20 miles and angle 16’ is 3, of a mile, or rather 491 fect; the greatest diame- ter, corresponding to the distance 113 miles, and angle 24’ is nearly $ of a mile, so that the limits furnished by this observation are nearly 7 and 3 of a mile... Mrs. Gardner supposed the diameter to be equal to that of the mvon, or 32’; this, with the extreme distances at Wen- ham, 124 and 167 miles, furnish the limits 14and 14 miles. This last estimate exceeds the others considerably ; this may be. owing in part to the smallness of the altitude of the object, which probably made it appear larger than it would otherwise have done, from the same cause which makes the moon appear largest when near the horizon. The: least of all the limits of the diameter of the meteor is 491 feet. & body of this magnitude and of the same specific gravity as the stone 236 Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height, Se. that fell at Weston (which weighed about 225 pounds to a cubic foot) would contain a quantity of matter exceeding in weight sia miilions of tons. If the specific gravity were the same as that of the ait at the surface of the earth, the quantity of matter would exceed two thousand tons, and if the specific gravity were the same as that of the air at the height of the meteor (which by the usual rule for Baro- metrical admeasurements is about ;th. part of that at the surface of the earth) the quantity of matter would exceed fifty tons. Either of _ these estimates exceeds by far the weight of the whole mass that fell near Weston, which by the accounts published does not appear to have been greater than half a ton, and would not form a sphere of two feet diameter of the same specific gravity as the stone, as was observ- ed by Professor Day, in his valuable paper on the origin of meteoric stones. A sphere of this diameter, seen at the distance of the meteor from Wenham, would hardly be visible without the assistance of a telescope, since its apparent diameter would not exceed two thirds of a second. These reasons seem strongly to favour the opinion, that by far the greater part of the mass continued on its course without falling to the earth, and the gradual disappearance of the meteor, as observed by Judge Wheeler, is agreeable to this hypothesis. As it is but within a few years that observations of these meteors have been carefully made, we have not yet sufficient data for a well grounded theory of their nature and origin; none that has yet beet. proposed is free from difficulties. The greatness of the mass of the Weston meteor does not accord either with the supposition of its having been formed in our atmosphere, or projected from a volcano of the earth or moon; and the striking uniformity of all the masses that have fallen at different places and times (which indicates a com mon origin) does not, if we reason from the analogy of the planetary system, altogether agree with the supposition that such bodies are satellites of the earth. 237 XXXII. ANALYSIS OF SULPHATE OF BARYTES, FROM HATFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. By JOHN GORHAM, um... a.a.s. Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica in Harvard University. mee HAVING lately read in the New York Mineralogical Journal, an account of the chemical examination of heavy spar from New Jer- sey, by Mr. George Chilton, I could not avoid remarking the great resemblance in external characters between the substance above mentioned and the Sulphate of Barytes of Massachusetts. In order to ascertain whether they equally agree in chemical composition, the latter has been subjected to analysis, an abstract of which I haye the honour of presenting to the Academy, together with specimens, from a portion of which this analysis was made. This mineral is found i in great abundance in Hatfield in this state, also less pure and in smalier quantities at the lead 1 mine near North Hampton. Ihave beeninformed by Gen. Maltby, to whose politeness 1am indebted for these specimens, that it is found in veins running through beds of gneiss or granite, and forming with the horizon an an- gle of 40° or 50°. These veins make their appearance at the surface of the ground, but are there very narrow ; but they rapidly increase in width as they descend, and at a short distance from the surface their diameter i is from 3 to 4 feet. Large quantities of it have been thrown up from a vein, opened for the purpose of obtaining lead and copper, of which there are some indications. | When pure it is ofa pure white, translucent and of a pearly or porcelain lustre. Some specimens are tinged with a reddish yellow colour, arising from the presence of oxide of i oe 258 Dr. Gorham’s analysis of sulphate of Barytes. Its fracture is laminated, and the lamina are frequently divided by thin layers of transparent amorphous quartz. When crystallized it is in the form, to use the language of Mr. Chilton, of “ rectangular bev- **elled tables, united into radial groups, which cross each other at ‘‘ various angles of obliquity,” and about one sixteenth part of an inch in thickness. Before the blow-pipe it can hardly be fused without addition. In small fragments in decrepitates. Small portions of galena and sulphuret of copper are frequently dis- seminated through this substance. The specific gravity of this spar is 4°280, but it is difficult to ob- tain portions of any size unmixed with quartz, by which its relative weight is more or less influenced. ~ 1, One hundred grains of this mineral exposed in a crucible of platina to a red heat for one hour lost 3 grains in weight. : 2. One hundred grains reduced to an impalpable powder were mixed with 300 of sub-carbonate of potass and 1000 of water and boil- ed to dryness ina silver bason. Water was again added and the boil- ing to dryness repeated. Fluid was again poured into the vessel, and the whole thrown on a filter. The insoluble portion, when collected and dried, weighed 84 grains. 3. On these 84 grains was poured muriatic acid, and when the ef fervescence had ceased the whole was passed through a filter, and the weight of the residue, perfectly dried, amounted to 34°2. 4, These were mixed with 100 grains of carbonate of potass and a sufficient quantity of water and boiled to dryness, Water was again added, and the insoluble portion after filtration and érying weighed 23°5 grains. 5. These were treated as the above and 15 grains remained undis- solved. Dr. Gorham’s analysis of sulphate of Barytes. 239 6. The 15 grains were lastly mixed with 40 of sub-carbonate of potass and water and repeatedly boiled to dryness. After filtration the residuum was thrown into muriatic acid and there remained un- dissolved 4 grains, which exhibited all the characters of silex. 7. By accident a small portion of a solution of carbonate of pot- ass was added to the muriatic solution and a partial precipitation took place. I therefore added the former to the latter, till no more precip- itate would form ; the whole was then poured on a filter and the pre- cipitate, collected and dried, weighed 77 grains. 8. A solution, accompanied with effervescence, was made of these 77 grains in muriatic acid, and the solution, spontaneously evaporated, produced only crystals of muriate of Barytes. Previous however to the evaporation, liquid ammonia was poured into the solution, a precip- itate formed, which, when collected and dried, weighed 2 grains, and consisted of alumina. Barytic water produced no effect. 9. These were redissolved in water and sulphuric acid added to the solution, a copious epee ers took place, which weighed on drying 81 grains. 10. The alkaline solution, which had been boiled on the powder, was saturated with sulphuric acid and evaporated. A small quantity of silex and a dark coloured substance was separated. The latter gave a white curdy precipitate with muriatic, and appeared to be ox- ide of silver, doubtless derived from the vessel. I endeavoured in experiment 9, to obtain in a direct way the quan- tity of real sulphate in this mineral, but in the process cf evaporating and redissolving the muriate, a portion of it was accidentally lost, and itwas necessary therefore to arrive at the proportion by an indirect method, The substance precipitated in experiment 7, may be colidicelied as carbonate of Barytes, containing 78 parts of the pure earth. The 240 Dr. Gorham’s analysis of sulphate of Barytes. weight of this precipitate was 75 grains, exclusive of the 2 grains of alumina, which, if the analysis of Klaproth be taken as a datum, must of course contain 58°50 parts of Barytes. Now according to the experiments of the same chemist and of Fourcroy, 100 parts of sulphate of Barytes are composed of 66 of the earth and 34 of the acid, and consequently the above 58°50 parts must have been combined, in the mineral we have attempted to ex- amine, with 29°83 parts of sulphuric acid. Following the above calculation the proportions of the component parts of our native mineral are Barytés 2 OSTEO eee Sulphuric acid - - - - - - = - « - - 29°83 Silex = ies bat * = = = - = - - - ~ - A, ANS Se” he ee 8 Water = baal - al = a - - - = - ey po . ; 97°33 AMBRE eee wo: ont eee eae < ate Se 100°00 The uses to which the sulphate of Barytes may be applied are rath- er limited. In chemistry it is employed for the purpose of obtaining the pure earth, and for the preparation of its nitrate, muriate and hy- dro-sulphuret. It has been said by men of practical information in Boston to afford a good base for water colours. Boston, August, 1810. q 4 ' 241 XXXIV. INVESTIGATION OF THE APPARENT MOTION OF THE EARTH VIEWED FROM THE MOON, ARISING FROM THE MOON’S LIBRATIONS, By JAMES DEAN, a.m. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the University of Ver- mont, at Burlington. neat EE ate IF the moon moved uniformly about the earth in the ecliptic, with an angular motion exactly equal to that of the moon’s diurnal rotation and in the same direction, and the lunar equator coincided with the ecliptic, the earth viewed from any part of the moon’s surface would always appear in the same situation above the horizon of the spectator, or with the same azimuth and altitude. Toa spectator placed on the cen- tre of the moon’s disc the earth would appear constantly in the zenith, to one situated on the borders of the disc it would appear in a particular point of the horizon, and in other points of the disc it would appear at a fixed altitude and azimuth, corresponding to the place of the observer. ‘The inequality of the moon’s motion about the earth, combined with the effect of the inclination of the lunar orbit and equator (which cause the moon’s librations) produce to a spectator placed on the surface of the moon, an apparent motion of the earth about its mean place, sup- posed at rest ; to investigate which is the object of the present memoir. In Fig. 5, 7, 9, 11, or 13, let Z represent the mean place of the earth’s centre, as seen by a spectator placed on the surface of the moon, and referred. to the concave surface of the visible hemisphere of the spectator, this point being supposed, as above, to be at rest on that surface. Through Z draw EZW, representing a portion of the lunar celestial equator, or a parallel to it, and SZN perpendicular to it, rep- 242 Professor Dean’s investigation of the apparent motion resenting an arch of a circle of declination. Make ZS = ZN =6° 39) the angle of inclination of the lunar orbit and equator, and ZE = ZW = 6° 18' the greatest equation of the moon’s centre. Draw also the circles of declination DEA, CWB, and the parallels of declination DNC, ASB. Preliminary Propositions. 1. When the moon is in the ascending node both its poles are iu the circle of the disc, and the centre of the earth viewed by the spec- tator at the moon’s surface appears on the line EW, but declining south, as the south pole is entering the disc. 2. When the moon has arrived at its greatest north latitude the centre of the earth, viewed as above, has arrived at its greatest south declination, and will be found in the line AB, 6° 39’ south of its mean place, and, like the sun in the tropics, will continue its declination some time nearly the same. - 3. When the moon is in the descending node, the earth again ap- pears on the line EW, but declining north as the north pole is enter- ing the disc. 4, When the moon is at its greatest south latitude, the earth is at its greatest north declination or parallel CD, 6° 39’ north of its mean place, where it will continue some time nearly unaltered. 5. When the moon is in its upper apsis, its true place coincides with its mean, and the earth, viewed as above, appears on the circle of declination SN, but its angular motion towards the east being slower than the moon’s motion on its axis, its apparent diurnal motion is to- wards the west. 6. When the moon has arriyed at its mean distance, the earth, ob- served as above, is 6° 18’ behind or west of its mean place, and as the moon revolves on its axis with the mean uniform motion, the earth will appear just as far west of the circle of declination SN, in the line Of the earth viewed from the moon. 243 BC, and nearly stationary as to that direction, as the earth has acquir- ed its mean motion. 7. When the moon has arrived at its lower apsis, the earth again appears on the circle of declination SN, but its angular motion toward the east being greater than that of the moon on its axis, its apparent diurnal motion is toward the east. 8. When the moon has again arrived at its mean distance, the earth seen from it is 6° 18’ before or east of its mean place, and will ap- pear just as far east of the circle of declination in the line AD, and as it has acquired its mean motion that distance will remain some time with little variation. Now to ascertain the combined effect of these two causes in pro- ducing an appareut vibratory motion of the earth as observed frum the moon— : First, let the moon’s apogee and ascending node be in conjunction as in Fig. 6, and the moon in the same point. By Prop. 1 and 5, the centre of the earth, observed from the moon, will appear at its mean place Z Fig. 7, moving towards the south and west. After one quar- ter of a revolution, by Prop. 2 and 6, it will be foundin B. After half a revolution, by Prop. 3 and 7, it will be again in Z, but moving north and east. After three quarters, by Prop. 4 and 8, it will be nearly at rest in D, and the completion of the revolution carries it back to the point Z. ‘Thus in the present position of the nodes and apsides, in each revolution of the moon, the earth will appear to move twice through a line more than 18° long, passing the mean point Z and ly- ing N Eand S W. Next, let the moon’s apogee be 90° forward of the ascending node as in Fig. 8, and the moon again in the apogee, the centre of the earth, by Prop. 2 and 5, will appear in S moving towards B, Fig. 9. After one quarter of a revolution it will appear by Prop. 3 and 6 in W, mov- 244 = Professor Dean’s investigation of the apparent motion ing toward C. After half a revolution it will appear, by Prop. 4 and 7, in N moving towards D. After three quarters of a revolution it will, by Prop. 1 and 8, be in E moving towards A. ‘Therefore when the moon’s apogee is in the greatest north latitude, the earth observed from the moon seems at each revolution to describe an oval 12° 36/ broad from east to west, and 13° 18’ long from north to south, passing the north towards the east. Next, let the moon’s apogee be 180° from the ascending node, and the moon still in the apogee.as in Fig, 10, the centre of the earth, by Prop. 3 and 5, will be in the mean place Z Fig. 11, moving north and west. After one quarter of a revolution, by Prop. 4 and 6, it must be nearly stationary at C. After half a revolution, it must by Prop. 1 and 7 be again at Z, moving south and east. After three quarters of a revolution, it appears, by Prop. 2 and 8, to be nearly stationary in A. Thus when the apogee is in the descending node, during each revo- lution of the moon, the earth seems, as before, twice to describe a line more than 18° in length and passing through the point Z, but ly- ing N W and S E. Lastly, let the moon’s apogee be 270° before the ascending we as in Fig. 12, and the moon in the same place, the centre of the earth by Prop. 4 and 5 will be found in N, moving towards C, Fig. 13. Having performed one quarter of a revolution by Prop. 1 and 6, it will be in W, moving towards B. After half arcvolution by Prop. 2.and 7, it will be in S, moving towards A. After three fourths of a revo- lution, it will be by Prop. 3 and 8 in E, moving towards D. There- fore when the moon’s apogee is in the greatest south latitude, the earth observed from the moon seems at each revolution to describe an oval, similar and equal to the former, but in the contrary direction, passing the south towards the east. When the line of apsides is oblique to the line of nodes, the path of the earth viewed from the moon. 245 described will be an oval, whose transverse axis lies SW and NE, when the apogee is nearest the ascending node, and NW and SE when it is nearest the descending node, and more or less eccentric as the apogee is nearer to, or farther from either node ;_ and the direction when the apogee is in north latitude is. by the north to the east, and when in south latitude by the south to the east. The numerous irregularities of the moon’s motion will produce various waving deviations of 1° or 2° from the path above described, which i is the one that would result from the two causes contemplated, and the mean of all. the others. The time from the parting i moeeed aes aaiets their meeting again is at a mean one or two days less than six years. In this time there are 793 librations in longitude and 803 in latitude. Mr. Ferguson supposes the lunarians may measure time by the motion of the earth on its axis, and the libration of its poles, but would either of them be as much noticed there, as the motion just now ex- _ amined, of which the period is 73 or 74 lunar days ? As the sun crosses this parallelogram every lunation, the path may be it investigat- ed by them for the purpose of computing eclipses. = This cycle of motions, various as they are, may be easily ienitated by a pendulum, formed by a heavy ball C, Fig. 14, and the flexible thread BC suspended on two branches of the same thread DB, BE, of such lengths, that by continuing CB to meet DE in A the line AB may be 3 2, of AC ; these branches being in the plane of the meridian. If this pendulum be. impelled SW, in about twenty vibrations they will gradually expand into a circle in the direction of the sun’s diur- nal motion, In twenty more they will shrink into a right line lying ‘SEand NW. In twenty more they will expand intoa circle ina direction contrary to the former, and after the remaining twenty it will resume the motion et communicated. 246 "XXXV. OBSERVATIONS ae Se ECLIPSE OF ae SUN OF SEPT. 47, MADE AT PORTLA BY REY. ICHABOD N HOGS Extracted from a letter to Nathaniel Bowditch. es GDS FOR the purpose of observing this eclipse, I spoke to some gen- tlemen to take a station on Observatory Hill, and procure time-keep- | ers, glasses, &c. I stationed myself on a hill one mile west. I used a new watch, made by Roskill. They had one of the same construc- tion, and another independently regulated. I had an achromatic tel- escope of about 50, and an excellent day and night glass. They had an admirable achromatic of about 100, and two day and night glasses. a L. Babbit assisted me in the observations, and we used the same Ba a The following are the results. Beginning. App. a By the telescope on Deen valry. bs 0 573 a First day and night eae 057 35 Mean 0 57 82 Second Do. - es 0 57 31 My rte sath the ee 0 57 Mr. Babbit’ 0 57 34 $ Mem 0 57 94 End. By the telescope on werghiat: ea 3 58 46 First day and night glass Sos wer alas 3 58 48°7 Second Do. — - . - 358464 My observation with ope — Mr. Babbit’s PP 3 ba 59 ¢ Mean 3 59.00 By an altitude of the sun, taken at the moment of j immersion, the time was found to be Oh. 57’ 30” apparent. The watches were regulated by single and likewise by double al- titudes of the sun. I began on the 10th and ended the 20th Sept. The latitude of Portland is estimated at 43° 39’ N. r O47 os XXXVI. OBSERVATIONS OF THE ECLIPSE OF THE SUN OF SEPT. 17, asia, MADE AT BOWDOIN COLLEGE, BRUNSWICK. BY PROFESSOR CLEAVELAND. Communicated in a letter to Nathaniel Bowditch. —tt | DD, THE chronometer, which I employed, was the College clock. By a sufficient number of observations of equal altitudes of the sun, I ascertained its daily loss to be 6”*9, and, on the noon of the 17th, the - clock was 2’ 14”-2 slow of mean time. The observations were made within a few feet of Massachusetts Hall, one of the College buildings. On the morning of Tuesday the atmosphere was somewhat loaded with smoke; but, when the sun came to.the meridian, it was sufficiently clear. A little inconvenience arose from the wind, which was blowing considerably. On the whole however the observations were satisfactory ; particularly of the termination of the eclipse, on which I always place more reliance, than on those of the beginning. . ~ ‘The Rev. Dr. Appleton very kindly assisted me in all the obser- vations. He observed with a Gregorian reflector, whose magnifying power is about 120. I employed the refracting telescope, belonging to an Equatorial. Its magnifying power is less than that of the Reflector abovemention- ed; but it exhibits the sun’s limb exceedingly well defined. Our observations with the two telescopes did not differ 1” from each other. The following is the result. es ; Reining Of the cclipar:; = 7°75 8 20°83 55 56 °9 saat - 9°16 9 51 °4 — 3 O07 55 °3 “ - 12°77 13 44 4 3 12 17 4 ; = 14°99 16 07 °6 17 14 6 “ ~ 15°48 16 39 +4 88 03 °2 - - 22:05 23 43 °5 49 47 -6 - ~ 26°39 38 23 °F The place where the ssliote: was observed is about S E, distant ebigs O feet, from the S W meeting house, noted on the map of _ Massachusetts, in the latitude of 41° 15’ 32”, 255 . XXXIX. On the Eclipse of the Sun of Sept.17, 1811, with the longitudes of seve- ea laces in this country, deduced prom all the observations of the ene Ad the Sun and Transits of Mercu ial Venus, that have published in the Transactions of .the al Societies of Pa- ris 71 London, the Philosophical Society foe 4 at Philadelphia, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, a.a.s. And member “ae the Amer. Philosophical Society held at Philadeibhia. Bi I OBSERVED the eclipse of Sept. 17, 1811, in the garden ad- joining my house in Salem, about 300 feet SS W from the meet- ing house where the Rev. Doctor Barnard officiates. An excellent chronometer, made by Grimalde, was used in this observation. The regulation was made by equal altitudes of the sun, observed in the morning and evening, for several days before and after the eclipse, by an accurate sextant made by Ramsden, and a level surface formed by a bowl of Barbadoes tar. ‘The observation of Sept. 16, 17, and 18, gave the following result. : re App. a by om slow for chronometer. pp. time. Diff. _ 16, by 28 observations 10h. 47' 520 1h. 12" 087-0 3 17, “48 10 i47. 22°90.) od AS B74 . 29% te, * 36° * 10 46 52°5 1 io 4%... 00.8 - During the whole eclipse the weather was very clear, not a cloud was to be seen, and there was but little wind. The telescope used was a four feet achromatic, with a power of about 30. An assistant seated near the telescope counted the seconds from the chronometer, at the times of the beginning and end of the eclipse. About two minutes before the commencement of ae eclipse, the part of the sun’ 8 256 Mr. Bowilitch’s observations of the solar eclipse, Sept. 1811. limb where the first contact took place was brought in the centre of the field of view, and kept there till the first impression on the limb was observed at 114. 42’ 36” per chronometer. The end of the eclipse was at 2/, 46’ 18” per chronometer. ‘The first contact ap- peared to be instantaneous ; it seemed as if there could not have been an error of 1” in this time. The end was not quite so well defined; the moon appeared to remain 2” or 3” on the sun’s limb. Fahren- heit’s thermometer in the shade stood at 71° at 14. P.M; at 2h. 43' the mercury had fallen four degrees, and at 44. had again risen to 71% The chronometer at noon Sept. 17 was too slow for apparent time 1A. 12’ 37"*1, and the daily variation was 30’-4. A proportional part corresponding to the beginning of the eclipse is 12, and at the end 5”; making the chronometer too slow at those times 1/4. 12’ 383 and 14, 12’ 42”°1; which, added to the observed times, give Beginning of the eclipse OA. 55’ 143 easienie time. End of the eclipse 3 59 00+1 The latitude of the place of observation is 42° $3’ 30” NY The longitude 53 seconds in time East from Harvard Hall in Cam- bridge, as found by a trigonometrical survey, made by Professor Far- rar from Cambridge to Boston Light-House, and by myself from the Light-House to Salem. This agrees with the calculation of Seth Pease, Esq. from his survey of the Post Roads, and accords very nearly with Holland’s map. | The eclipse was also carefully observed at Salem, by Mr. Sam- uel Lambert, at a place, which by measurement was found to be 6” N and 27 in time E from the place where my observations were made. Hence the place of this observation is in the latitude of 42° 33’ 36” N, and in the longitude of 55’*7 E from Cambridge. The chronometer used by Mr. Lambert was an excellent one, made by Mr. Bowditch’s observations of the solar eclipse, Sept.1811. 257 Barraud, carefully regulated for several days before and after the eclipse,3by equal altitudes of the sun, by a sextant and a surface of molasses. ‘To verify the regulations of the time-keepers used in our observations, we compared them together for several days before the eclipse, and ascertained their relative rate of going. They were also compared a few hours before the eclipse and immediately after it, and we found, that at the beginning and end of the eclipse, the regulation deduced from his observations agreed exactly with mine. The tel- escope used by Mr. Lambert was a Gregorian Reflector, 18 inches in length, and his manner of observing and counting time was simi- lar to that in my observations. ‘The result of his observation is, Beginning of the eclipse Of. 55’ 24-3 apparent time End of the eclipse § 69 Ob From these observations Mr. Lambert calculated the ecliptic con- junction to be at 2h. 13’ 31"6 apparent time, using the elements as given in the Nautical Almanac, without correcting for the errors in the moon’s longitude and latitude. This differs but one second from the result found by using Burg’s and Delambre’s Tables, corrected for the errors in longitude and latitude, as will be shown hereafter. The observations made at Salem are useful in finding the error of the lunar tables in longitude, and the apparent time of the conjunction under the meridian of Greenwich. _ To do this, it will be necessary to ascertain the longitude of the places of observation from Greenwich, to as great a degree of accuracy as possible; and as these longitudes ate made to depend on that of Harvard Hall in Cambridge by means of the above survey, it will be necessary in the first place to calculate the longitude of that University, from the observations made at Cam badge, Chelsea, Salem, and Newbury. | ) 258 Mr. Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge. On the longitude of Cambridge University. The laté Rev. President Willard, in volume i. page 60 of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, made the difference of meridians between Greenwich and Cambridge 4A. 44’ 30”2, by the mean of the observations of the solar eclipses in 1766 and 1778, and the transit of Mercury in 1743. In these calculations he supposed the difference of meridians between Greenwich and Paris to be 9‘ 16” in time instead of 9'21", which is now used by astronomers.* This causes a difference of 5” in the longitude of Cambridge, dedue- ed from the transit of 1743. The ratio of the polar to the equatorial diameter of the earth was assumed. to be 222, whereas the latest cal- culations of Burg and La Place, from the lunar equations arising from the oblate figure of the earth; make it $24, or nearly 222; as sup- posed by La Lande. For these reasons I concluded to recaleulate these and other late Nnadwiieaviank the new tables of Burg, De- lambre, and La Lande, as published in the third volume of Vinee’s As- tronomy, always using the ratio of the diameters of the earth as as- seamed by ‘La Lande, $f Fi 3 2 Se eS oe The first observation calculated by President Willard is an celipse of the sun of Aug. 5, 1766, at Greenwich, in the latitude of 51° 28’ a = by Dr. Maskelyne and his assistant. The mean of : pie <2) be ae a site. in the third edition of his Astieecan, supposed the di: : of meridians of Greenwich and Paris to be 9’ 18’”-8, in conformity to the « calcu, lation of General Roy, from the survey made some years ago for connecting the. two observatories, (Vide Phil. Trans. 1790, page 223,) A more accurate es timate from the same data by Mr. Dalby, made it 9’ 20”-4. (Phil. Trans. 1791, Part 2, p. 245.) Delambre, in his Solar Tables, published in a the difference of meridians to be 9’ 21”. ; at ipa Mr. Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge, 259 their observations made the beginning at Greenwich 54. 29’ 57”, and the end at 7h. 11’ $3'°5 apparent time. The beginning at Cam- bridge, in the latitude of 42° 23’ 28”, observed by Dr. Winthrop, was 11h, 39’ 23”, end 2h. 45’ 09” apparent time. These make the con- junction at Greenwich at 5/4. 43’ 57’-6, and at Cambridge at OA. 59’ 27""0 apparent time; whence the difference of meridians is Ah. 44’ 30""6. The second observation is an eclipse of the sun of June 24, 1778. The beginning at Greenwich, observed by Dr. Maskelyne, was 3h. 40’ 11”, and the end at 54. 25’ 12” apparent time. This was compar- - ed with the Rev. Mr. Paysons’s observations at Chelsea, in the lati- tude of 42° 25’ 11” N, and 26 seconds in time east from Cambridge : The beginning was at 9/. 6’ 42”, the end-at 11/. 38’ 23” apparent time. President Willard used only the time of the end of the eclipse at Chelsea, but upon examination it was found that the beginning gave very nearly the same result as the end, and it was thought proper to use both observatidns. ©The conjunction at Greenwich deduced from these observations is at 3. 35’ 52”*9, and that at Chelsea at 10h. 51'50""9- apparent time. Whence, by allowing 26” for the difference of meridians of Cambridge and Chelsea, the difference of meridians of Greenwich and Cambridge by this eclipse will be obtained, 4/. 44’ “The thitd observation used by President Willard is the transit of Mercury of Nov. 5, 1743, observed at Cambridge by Professor Win- throp: second internal contact at 84. 17'S” A. M. second external contact at 84. 18’ 58” A. M. apparent time. The same was observed. - at Paris, in the latitude of 48° 50’ 14” nearly, by Messrs. Maraldi, Cassini senior and junior, La Caille and Le Monnier, as in the Me- Moirs.of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Paris for 1743, 260 $$ Mi, Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge. The mean of all these observations, reduced to the meridian of the Observatory of Paris, give for the first internal contact 8h. 40/ 40-2 A.M. second internal contact 14. 10’ 15’°7, second external contract 1h, 12' 10’*5 apparent time. These times differ a little from those given in volume I, page 53 of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, owing toa difference in the reduction of the observa- tions of the internal contacts, observed by Cassini senior, and the exter- nal contact by Le Monnier. From these observations, computing the parallaxes for each of the contacts, the difference of meridians between Paris and Cambridge is 4h. 53’ 53°3,* and by subtracting the differ- ence of meridians of Paris and Greenwich, 9’ 21”, there remains the dif- ference of meridians of Greenwich and Cambridge, 44, 44’ 32”°3. The fourth observation is the solar eclipse of April 3,1791. This was observed at Cambridge by Professor Webber. The beginning at 6h. 1'27”, formation of the annulus 7A. 8’ 7’, breaking of the annu- lus 7h. 12’ 56”, end of the eclipse 84. 28’ 26” A. M. apparent time. The olsservations at Greenwich were, the beginning OA, 18’ 40"0,. the end 3/, 6’ 47" apparent time. At the Royal Observatory at Par- is, beginning Of. 33’ 37"*4, end 34. 17’ 36-0 apparent time. The ob- servations at Greenwich, make the conjunction at 0. 42’ 1”+3 apparent time. Those at Paris 0/. 51’ 20"*1 apparent time, from which sub- tracting 9° 21", leaves the apparent time of the conjunction at Green- wich Of. 41’ 59”*1. The mean of this and the former estimate is Oh. 42’ 00"-2, the difference between this and the time of the conjunction at Cambridge 19/, 57” 29"°1, leaves the difference of Meridums $ of Cambridge and Greenwich Ah, 44! 3h: 1. * In the computation in vol. i. page 55 of the Memoirs a the Academy, the longitude of the nonagesimal is too great by 30°, which renders the paral Jaxes there calculated incorrect. There is a similar mistake in vol. ii, p- 28 Mr. Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge. 261 _ The fifth observation is the total eclipse of the sun of June 16, 1806. The time of conjunction deduced from my observations at Salem, compared with the time of conjunction at Paris, computed by La Lande, gives, by allowing 58 seconds for the difference of meridi- ans of Salem and Cambridge, the longitude of Cambridge 4A. 44 24”-9 W from Greenwich, as is shown in the additional observations on that eclipse given in this memoir. The sixth observation is the transit of Venus of June 3, 1769.. The observations at Newbury and Cambridge make the conjunction at Cambridge at 5/, 20’ 18’"6, and those at Greenwich and Paris make the conjunction at Greenwich at 104. 4’ 49’*7 apparent time. The difference is the longitude of Cambridge by this observation Ah, 44' 31"*1, as will be shewn hereafter. Upon examination of the transactions of the Royal Societies of London and Paris, those of the Society held at Philadelphia and the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, two more corresponding observations were found. The first was that of the transit of Mercury of Nov. 12, 1782, but this was very poorly adapt- ed to determine with accuracy the difference of meridians. . For the planet entered but 31 seconds on the sun’s disc, and the situation was such that a small error in the latitude of the planet would cause a great error in the difference of meridians, and it entered so obliquely on the sun’s limb that it was difficult to determine the precise moment of the contacts. This was particularly the case at Paris where the sun was low: the observers there differed above 4 minutes in the time of the first internal contact and above 2 minutes in the second external con- tact. In the transit of 1789, the planet was more favourably situated, as it respects its latitude, but the sun set before the end of the transit at Paris, and the weather prevented. making an observation of the be- ginning of the transit; the first internal contact was however obsery- 33 262 Mr, Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge. ed there by astronomers in an interval of clear weather. This obser- vation being made under such unfavourable circu mstances, and mak- ing the longitudes nearly 20 seconds less than-the other observations, it was thought proper not to take it into the computation, and as no other observations were known, that could be used in this calculation, the mean of the preceding values was taken as the true longitude of Cambridge. . ‘Solar Jigs aes 5,1766. (2Obs.Green. 20bs. Camb.) 4h, 44/30" 6 June 24,1778. (2O0bs.Green. 2 Ohs. Chelsea.) 28 0 April3,1794.(2Obs.Paris, 2Obs.Green, 4 Obs.Camb.) Bi 4 June 16, 1806. (Several in Europe, 4 Obs, in Salem.) 24 9 ‘Transit of Mereury—Nov. 5, 1743. (4 Obs. Paris, 2 Obs. Camb.) 32 3 Transit of Venus-—J une 354769, (2Green. 4 Paris, 1Camb,41 Newbury.) 31 4 : Mean of above thirty observations 4 44 29 7 As the difference of latitude of Cambridge and Salem was found by a trigonometrical survey to be less than by astronomical observa- tions, it was thought proper to estimate the effect of a supposed error in the latitude of Salem, Cambridge or Chelsea. To do this the pre- ceding calculations were repeated with latitudes increased by one min- ute, and it was found that the longitudes, deduced from the observa- tions of 1806, 1743 and 1769, were not varied a tenth of a second by this change, and the corrections of the observations of 1766, 1778, and 1791, were respectively — 1”*5 + 12+ 1'°8, therefore the mean longitude just found would be increased 1 of a second by an increase of L minute in the latitude of Cambridge, consequently the error in the longitude, arising from this source, must be wholly insensible, since there cannot be an error of'a minute in the latitude of that place- ‘Hence the difference of meridians between Harvard Hall in Cam- bridge and the Royal Observatory of Greenwich may be assumed 28 equal to 4h, 44’ 297, and from the near agreement of these observa — Mr. Bowditch on the Longitude of Cambridge. 263 tions Iam inclined to believe that this longitude is more accurately as- certained than that of any other place in the United States. The cal- culation of President Willard differs about a second from the above estimate. Mr. Ferrer in vol. vi. page 359 of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, computed the longitude by com- bining the observations of the solar eclipse of 1791, the transit of Ve- nus of 1769, and the transits of Mercury of 1782 and 1789, making the longitude greater by 2”*3, but this difference is less than was to be expected in using an observation so liable to error as that of the transit of Mercury of 1782. As several emersions of the first and second cateliites of Jupiter have been observed at Cambridge by Professors Winthrop and Wil- liams, and published in the Philosophical Transactions and in the Memoirs of the American Academy, my curiosity was excited to know how near the longitude could be ascertained by comparing those observations with the times computed from Delambre’s tables of the satellites, published in the third edition of La Lande’s Astron- omy. ‘The result of this calculation is in the following table :— uP time. ‘Longitude. A. “at h. Emersion Ist satellite, by Dr. Winthrop, 1768 April 25 913 §2 4.43 33-4 May 927 37 4 44 25:3 Fue . 937 25 4 45 02:8 July 3 945 54 4 44 41°4 1769 May 14 10 19 07 4 43 09°7 ug. 23. 7 31 50 4 43 58°1 Dr. Williams, 1782 July 3 12 09 53 4 44 210 Aug. 27 9 625 4 44 384 Sept. 12 73129 4 46 43-0 Emersion 2d Satellite, by Dr. Winthrop, 1769 June 7 90115 4 44 401 Dr. Williams, 1782 June 25 9 48 30. 4 44 26°6 July 12 21 54 4 44 112 903 49 4 44 27-9 : Aug. 98 9 03 ° hee 264 Mr. Bowditch on the Longituite of Cambridge. Phe men of hess ative eBeetvitions: makes the differences meridians of Greenwich and Cambridge 44, 44’ 29"+1, varying but» } of a second from the preceding calculation. |The near agreement of these results may however be considered as wholly accidental, since. the number of observations is small, and the differences from each other above three minutes. Indeed no great accuracy is to be ex- pected by this method, unless the number of observations be very great, and the number of emersions and immersions nearly equal. In proof of this, I shall give the longitudes deduced from the emersions of the first, second, and third satellites, observed at Chelsea by the Rev. Mr. Payson, and publised in the first volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. These observations being reduced to the meridian of Cambridge by allowing 26 seconds © for the difference of meridians, give the longitude of Cambridge as in _ the following table. App. time. Longitude. h. 1st Satellite 1779, April pa 103637 4 4607-8 1779, May 8 8 56 53 4 45 401 1779, May 15 10 51 41 4 43 -39°6 1779, June 23 9 16 14 4 43 40°9 2d Satellite 1779, May 29 857 384 443 54°6 1779, June 30 8 38 49 4 42 50°2 - 3d Satellite 1779, May 16 8 5354 441 42-1 1779, May 2312 5214 4 41 574 1779, June 28 8 Mean 4 43.35°3 __ The mean of these nine observations differs nearly 54 seconds ‘ from that of the former set. Hence we perceive the uncertainty of this kind of observations. These calculations were not examined with much care, as it was found that the results were not sufficiently exact to be used in the present computation. The longitude of Harvard Hall in Cambridge being 4h. 44! 297 | Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. V7, 1811. 265 West from Greenwich, that part of Salem where my observations of the eclipse of Sept. 17, 1811, were made is in the longitude of 4h. 43’ 367, and where Mr. Lambert observed must be in the longitude of 4h. 43’ 34'0. servations. Observations at Salem, Sept. 17, 1811. The following elements of the eclipse of Sept. 17, 1811, corres- These longitudes are used in reducing the Salem ob- ponding to the beginning and end of the eclipse as observed by me in Salem, were calculated from the tables of Burg and ‘Delambre, pub- lished i in a Vince’ s > Astronomy. = oid Sores Tie es ae Apparent. of observation Mean times of observation Longitude west from Greenwich Mean times of observation reduced to Gresunich ©’ s longitude from the arent ers ©’s horizontal parallax ©’s peyidigmetsne locate 3"°5 ©’s horary motion - Apparent anita of the ‘ettmsic D’s longitude from the apparent equinox D’s latitude north increasin is D’s horizontal parallax — 4-92 reducton for Salem ») 's Semidiam. — inflex. 2”--aug. Lig: 53& atl )’s horary motion in longitude* )’s horary motion in latitude )’s horary motion pee the sun in n tongitude D’s parallax — ©’ sp ©’s right ascension Horary increment of °” S Fight ascension in time Horary increment of )’ 8 horary motion in long. Horary decrement of }’s horary motion in a Horary increment of }?’s horizon ax Horary increment of ‘)’s semidiameter {)—0O) parallax in longitude (2 —©) parallax in latitude sreesseeeesasenes — 4 Beginning. End. he h se on 0551441 3 59 001 049 48:4! 3 53 31+5 4 i a 7| 443 36°7 5 33 25:1 | 8 37 08-2 73°59) 314 174°00 504 3°7 8°77 15 53°75 15 53°78 26°55 2 26°56 23 47 41-9 173 18 13-1 |174 48 41-5 33 18-0 “41 37°5 53 54°98) 53 55°88 14 52°80 14 48-22 29 32°41 29 33°43 2 43°33 2 42°91 27 05+86 27 06°87 A. 53 46°21) A. 53 47°11 11 37 33°9 | 11 38 01°3 8°95 0°32 0°36 0°14: O18 0°29 029 — . O08}. 008 A 87°99 17 18°3 » 85 $14 46 O7*1 _* These horary motions are for one hour mean time, all the calculations i in this paper being made for mean time, the computed conjunction being reduced © apparent time at the end of the computation. #6 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. In calculating the time of conjunction in this and in the following observations, the moon’s tabular longitude and latitude were first used without correction, and the time was found by calculation both for the beginning and end, the mean being taken for the time of conjunction. By repeating the process with those observations best adapted to the purpose it was found, that if the sun’s longitude as given by Delam- bre’s tables was correct, it would be necessary to decrease the moon’s longitude as given by Burg 12”-0, and to decrease the tabular latitude by 10’6. ‘The error in longitude was deduced from the obseryations at Sulem, and in latitude from those of N antucket, Monticello and Washington. Two micrometrical observations made at Nantucket near the middle of the eclipse, gave for the correction of latitude— 9-2 and—12”-4, mean— 108; the observations of the internal con- tacts of the eclipse at Monticello gave - — 104, and those at Washing- ton — 10"°6. The mean of all these observations makes the error of latitude —10'*6. It may be observed that this correction makes but very little change in the calculated longitudes of the places of obser- vation, because the times of conjunction is affected in nearly the same way at most of the places. Thus, it was found that the correction of the time of conjunction at Salem, Brunswick, Portland, and Nantuck- et was 0"*8; at Burlington and Rutland+0"-9; at New Haven+410; at New Brunswick +171; at New York +13 ; at Washington +14; at Monticello+1":9, and at Williamsburg (where the first internal con- — tact was not observed) +.0’*3. Hence the corrections of longitude arising from this source are respectively 0”*0, 0’*1, 0-2, 03, 05, 06, 11, and—0”5; most of which are so small as to be — worthy of notice. The error of the moon’s longitude — 12”-0 has no sensible effect — on the calculated longitudes from Greenwich, the time of conjunction being decreased about a quarter of a second at all the places of ¢ obser- vation mentioned in this memoir, eee LE SET Ree ay APS rey. ee eS ae. een eee Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. V7, 1811. 267 The moon’s longitude and latitude being corrected, the conjunc- tion at Salem from my observations was found to be at 2h. 13 289% apparent time ;_ this, added to the longitude from Greenwich, 4h. 43’ 36""7, gives the conjunction at that place 64. 57'05"°6. By Mr. Lambert’s observation calculated in the same way the conjunction was at 2h. 13’ 32'*7, which added to the longitude 4h. 43’ 34”0 gives the conjunction at Greenwich 64. 57'6"*7.. The mean of the two obser- vations is 6h. 57’ 06"*1,* which is used in the rest of this memoir as the apparent time of the conjunction at Greenwich, not having any European observations by which that time could be obtained. At the time of the conjunction at Greenwich 6A. 47’ 06"71, the sun’s longitude by the above elements from Delambre’s tables was 173° 56’ 32”-4, the moon’s longitude from Burg 173° 56’ 444, which differ 12”"0, agreeing with what was assumed above. At the same time the moon’s latitude by Burg was 36’ 50"*8, which decreased by 10’°6 gives the moon’s true latitude at the time of conjunction 36 402 N. These corrected values were used in calculating the fol- lowing observations. Observations at Nantucket by Walter Folger j jun. oe Sept. 17, 1811. The place of observation was a little to the westward of the cen- tre of the town of Nantucket in the latitude of 41° 15’ $2” reduced 41° = 10” N.- App. time. ()- ©)Par.i in Jon. Par. in lat. > 5S. D.Aug. | Pactaning 1A. 02’ 048 3’ 005 35’ 125 14’ 5292 End . 4 05206 -18 48°38 45 48°2 14 48°06 Hence the apparent time of conjunction at Nantucket was 2h. 16’ eS, which subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich “+ A decree of Yn te entimated nite of Salem, wold decree tis Aime 14. 268 Mr. Bowshitch. on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. 6h. 57’ 06"*1 pene ‘the longitude of Nantucket 4h, 40’ 31"-6 = 70° 7 54” West from Greenwich. | Mr. oe: Seer made several observations of the width of the lucid part of the sun during the eclipse. I selected two observations when the distance was the shortest, subject to the least change, most easy to measure and best adapted to ascertain the error of the moon’s tabular latitude. These observations were at 2h. 30/ 50" and 2h, 35’ a mean time. The measured distances were 4’ 58-9; 4’ 56”°6. The moon’s augmented semidiameter 14’ 51-03; 14’ 50’-92. Thesun’s semidiameter 15’ 53°77, Hence the apparent distances of the centres of the sun and moon (= measured lucid part + D’s semidiameter— ©’s semidiameter) were 3’ 56’*16 and 3’ 5375. . The pardilaxes in» longitude ()—©) were—10' 00"-6 and—10' 30’°7; in latitude 41’ 219 and 41’ 36”-5.. From these were deduced the apparent lati- tudes; and, by applying the parallaxes in latitude, the true latitudes 37 35"-2 and 37’ 43:4 were obtained, which subtracted from the cor-__ responding tabular latitudes 37’ 44/4 and 37’ 55’°8 give the error of» the tables in latitude, by the first observation —9” ‘2; by..the sind —12"-4; the mean of both is —10’"8. a At Monticello, Virginia, by the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, late President Of the United States and President of the American shares en Society, Sept. 17, 1811. The two internal contacts are useful in finding the error nol the moon’s latitude. These observations are as is follow, the latitude being. 38° 8° N, reduced 37° 56’ 52”, App. time. es eri long. Par.inlat. J) yt Annulus formed lhe 53’ 00) 5’ 582 . 36’ 51"-4 14’ Se 8 Annulus broken 1 59 25 ~6 53 +5 SR1746 S. D. Aug. Beginning Oh. 26' 5620 '02"+4, 14’ 53°83 - Annulusbroken 2 13 12 -29 © a 23 °O 37 42 +3 14 52°18 End of the eclipse’3. 41 57 20 —19 48-4 4251 +4 14 49 *32 ‘Hence the apparent time of conjunction, by the mean of these three observations, was 1h. 50’ 17’"7, which subtracted from 6A. 57 6”"1 gives the longitude of William and Mary College 5h. 6! 48"-4= 76° 42' 06" W from Greenwich. The calculation of the longitude of this place from the transit of Mercury of Nov. 5, 1789, will be given in this memoir. . _ Near New Brunswick, New Jersey, by Mr. John Garnett, Sept. 17, 1811. r. Garnett’s account of the observation is as follows.“ The ™ ae was perceptible at 0h. 36’ 5” apparent time, allowing 3 “ before it became sensible for the contact, it must have been at OA ** 36' 2”. The end at 34. 45’ 58” apparent time. Latitude of the “ place of observation 40° 30’ 0" N, being 26” N and 2-5 in time W “from Columbia College.” » As this allowance of 3” was not made Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. 271 on the other observations of this eclipse, it was thought that the com- puted longitude would be more accurate if the uncorrected values were used, as in the following calculation. roe App. time. ()-©) Par. long. Par. lat. >) aug. 8. D. Beginning Of. 36’ 05” 6 48"8 32'53"1 — 14° 5329 End 3 45 58 —1746°9 44 38 °2 14 48 °89 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 1. 59’ 09"*5, which subtracted from 6/. 57’ 6’*1 leaves the longitude of the place of ob- servation 4h. 57’ 56’”°6=74° 29’ 9” W. Hence Queen’s College, which is 38” E from Mr. Garnett’s, is in 74°28’ 31” W from Green- wich. This will be combined hereafter with the observation at New York. | At Yale College, New Haven, by Professor Day, Sept. 17, 1811. The latitude of the place of observation is 41° 17’ 58”, reduced 41° 06’ 35” N. 7 : App-time. () -©) Par ar.long. Par. la >) aug. S. D. Beginning Oh. 44’ 12"*7 5’ 50"*8 34! O49 14’ 53”°10 End 3 51 56 7 —17 451 A5 24°35 14 48 °59 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 2h. 5’ 1 15/0, and the longitude of Yale College 44, 51° 51°:1=72° 57’ 46" W from Greenwich. _ At Rutland, Vermont, by Doctor Williams, Sept. 17, 1811. These observations were published in the Washingtonian, a paper printed at Windsor, Vermont. ‘ The beginning of this eclipse was *‘at 12h. 41’ 46”, the end wasat 34. 46’ 31”. Little orno uncertainty “ seemed to attend these observations. ‘The clock was carefully reg- _“ ulated by corresponding attitudes of the sun, taken for several days _“ before, and on the day of the eclipse, ah dat ae ~ “ of equal altitudes—The telescope a reflector with a magnitying 272 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. ‘er of 53. The latitude of Rutland nearly 43° 36’ N.” Reduced latitude 43° 24/ 32”. ()—O) Par. long. Par. lat. > aug. S. D. Beginning. 7066 $5° 138 14’ 52°75 End —13 28°5 46 02°8 14 48 *60 Hence the apparent time of the conjunction at Rutland was 2A. 5’ 18”*5, which subtracted from 6. 57’ 06"*1 leaves the longitude of Rut- land 4A. 51’ 47"°6 W from Greenwich. In the remarks on the eclipse of June 16, 1806, in this paper, it is shewn that the longitude of Rutland, deduced from that eclipse, is 4/. 51’ 52-0. The mean of the observations of 1806 and 1811 give for the longitude of Rutland 44. 51’ 49’-8 = 72° 57’ 27” W from Greene wich, Observations at Burlington, Vermont, by Professor Dean and John Johnson, Esq. Sept. 17, 1811. The place of observation was the University of Vermont, in the latitude of 44° 28° N, reduced 44° 16’ 32’, The beginning of the eclipse by the observations of Professor Dean was at Of. 38’ 51”, by Mr. Johnson OA. 38’ 39”. The end by Professor Dean 3f. 43’ 11’, by Mr. Johnson 3h. 43’ 25”. The mean of these observations is OA. 38’ 45” and 3h, 43’ 18” mean time, which were used in tsi the time of conjunction. seer O= OQ) Par. long. Par, la > aug. S. D. Beginning = 7A, 553 35’ 33°°0 14! 5265 End 44°59 4 46 16°4 14 48 “63 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was 2h. 4’ 7’°8, which sub- tracted from 64. 57’ 6”*1 leaves the longitude of the university of Ver- mont 4h. 52' 58"-3="73° 14’ 34” W from Greenwich. Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. 273 Observations at Portland, by the Rev. Mr. Nichols and others, Sept. 17, 1811. The beginning of the eclipse at Observatory Hill was Of. 57’ 32” apparent time, and at Mr. Nichols’ observatory one mile W from the former place OA. 57’ 34” mean Of. 57’ 33”. The end at those places was at 3h. 58’ 48”°7 and 3h, 59’00" mean 3/. 58’ 54’*3. The latitude of the place of observation nearly 43° 39’, reduced 43° 27’ 32”. App. time. }—Q© Par. long. Par. lat. au Beginning 0. 57’ 33"0 445"°1 . 36' 20"-0 U5 53” 0, End 3 58 54°3 —1626°7 4634-7 14 48°12 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 2h. 15'41"-5, which subtracted from Gf. 57’ 6’*1 leaves the longitude of Portland 44. 41 24"6, which makes Observatory Hill in the longitude of 44, 41’ 22” W from Greenwich. Observations at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ee 17, 1811, dy Pro- fessor Cleaveland. Latitude of the place of Observation 43° 53’ N, reduced 43° 41’ 32”. Meantime. () »—O) Par. long. Par. lat. > aug. S. D. Beginning Oh. 53’ 52”°2 4 35°°*4 36’ 35"°3— «14 52°54 End 3 55 20°2 —I16 24°4 46 45:0 14 48 04 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 2h. 17° 23”*1, which subtracted from 6. 57’ 6”*1 leaves the longitude of Bowdoin College 4h, 39' 43"°0 W from Greenwich. It will be seen in the addition to this memoir, that the end of the eclipse of the sun of June 16, 1806, made the longitude of this college 44. 39’ 37’"3.. The mean of these observations makes the longitude of that place 4A, 39’ 40" 1=69° 551" ‘W from Greenwich. 274 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Sept. 17, 1811. At New York, Columbia College, by Dr. Kemp, Sept. 17, 1811. The latitude of the place of observation 40° 42’ 45” N, reduced 40° 31 24", App.time. ()-Q©) Par.long. Par. lat. > aug. S. D. Beginning OA. 38’ 53” 6 26'°7 oo 13° °3 14’ 53-23 End 3 4749 —I7 33°1 A5 04 °6 14 48 *71 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 2h, 1’ 22’-9 appar- ent time, which subtracted from 6/4. 57’ 6”*1 gives the longitude of Columbia College New York 4A. 55’ 43-2 by this observation. Mr. Garnett’s observation at New Brunswick made the longitude 4/: 57 56"°6, from which subtracting the difference of meridians between that place and Columbia College 1’ 51:3 in time (as computed from the survey of the Post Roads by Seth Pease Esq. corrected at the ex- treme points by Mr. Garnett) gives the longitude of Columbia Col- lege by observation 4h.. 56’ 5/3. ‘Mr, Ferrer, by a chronometer, found the longitude of Kinderhook, where the solar eclipse of 1806 was observed, 513 E from his house in Partition Street, New York, and Albany 58” E from the same house. These correspond to 51”0 and 57’*7 in time E from Columbia College, and by adding these respectively to the longitudes of Kinderhook and Albany computed in this paper from the eclipse of 1806, viz. 44. 55’ 9G and 4h, 54’ 59’3, give the longitude of Co- lumbia College by these observations 4h. 56’ 0-6 and 4h. 55’ 570» By the solar eclipse of June 26, 1805, computed in this memoir, the longitude of Columbia College is 4h, 56’ 14’8, The mean of these five observations gives the longitude of Colum- bia College 44, 56’ 002 W from Greenwich, being 2’-8 less than the estimate of Mr. Ferrer in vol. vi. p- 360, of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. Mr. Bowditch on the total eclipse, June 16, 1806. 275 Additional observations on the total eclipse of June 16, 1806. The mean times of this observation at Salem, given in the 20th page of the 3d volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, were estimated by using the equation of time giv- ¢n in the Nautical Almanac for 1806, which I have since found ex- ceeds that in Delambre’s new solar tables by 12. The equation at the time of the conjunction by the Nautical Almanac is 6’*7 and by Delambre’s tables 5"*5. The apparent times of these obseryations at Salem are, the beginning 10%. 6’ 18”*1, beginning of total darkness 11h. 25’ 19"*4, end of total darkness 114. 30’ 7”*3, end of the eclipse Oh. 50’ 346. The place of observation is 53 seconds in time east from Cambridge, as found by the survey made by Professor Farrar and myself. ‘The elements at the beginning and end of the eclipse by the tables of Delambre and Burg are as follows. | Beginning. End. soe times of sie sons at Salem - 22 06 18:1 | 0 50 346 Mean times of observation - aie 22 06 22°8 | O 50 40°8 Longitnde west from Greenwich 443 367 | 4 43 36-7 Mean times of eee eee to ) Greenwich 249595 | 5 34 17+5 O's right ascensi 5 36 49°38 5 37 183 ©’ s longitude from the apparent equmot - 84°41 01°7 | 84 47 33-9 ©’s horizontal parallax - - 8 ©’s semidiameter — Irradiation 35 - 15 42°54 15 42°53 ©’s horary motion - : 2 23°15 2 23915 Apparent dbicroits of the eaBptkc eos 8 23 27 ‘53-0 D's longitude trom the apparent cmigg > 83 49 33:2 | 83 30 02-2 D’s latitude north decreasing 24 24*9 15 O81 D’s hori pa aes, EES Salem 5-49 60 08-71 60 11°81 P Reeisdinn infec 2paug. sam "22 & dos ea. 16 39°66 16 41°64 D’s horary motion in longitude 36 39°69 36 43°43 >’s horary motion in latitude 3 22-24 3 22°98 >’s horary motion from the sun in o longitude 34 16°54 34 20°28 >” § parallax — ©’s parallax - 60 00°05 60 03°15 ** 276 Mr. Bowditch on the total eclipse, June 16, 1806. Hence the conjunction at Salem by the mean of the four observa- tions made there was at 114. 37’ 13”°1 A. M. apparent time, which differs but a fraction of a second from that found in page 28 of my former memoir; and as all the American observations would be aifect- ed in nearly the same way, it was thought unnecessary to recalculate them on account of the small variations arising from the use of these new tables. Subtracting 53” from this time leaves the apparent time of the conjunction at Cambridge 114. 36’ 201. La Lande, by the. mean of several observations made in Europe, found the conjunction at Paris to be at 44. 30’ 6” apparent time, as appears by the account of this eclipse published in his history of Astronomy for 1806, and in the Connoisance du Tems. The difference between these times of conjunction decreased by 9’ 21” gives the difference of meridians of Greenwich and Cambridge 4/, 44’ 24’-9 used in the former part of this memoir. : 7 The ecliptic conjunction at Paris 44. 30’ 6”, to 4h. 20’ 50”°5 mean time at Greenwich. At this time, by the above ele- ments, the sun’s longitude was 84° 44 38”*4, the moon’s longitude 84° 45’ 05:5, the moon’s latitude 19° 17"°2 N. Hence if the sun’s longitude be given correctly by Delambre’s new tables, the error of Burg’s tables in the longitude of the moon at that time was—27'1, and as the moon’s true latitude was 19’ 19’*3, by page 28 of my for- mer memoir, the error of Burg’s tables in latitude was + 21. . If from the ‘times of conjunction calculated in pages 30, 31, and $2 of my former memoir, be subtracted the equation of time used there 6"*7, the remainder will be the apparent times of conjunction at those places, which subtracted from the apparent time of conjunction at Greenwich 4h. 20 45”, will give the corrected longitudes counted from the meridian of that Observatory. The effect of this operation Mr. Bowditch on the total eclipse, June 16, 1806. 277 is to decrease by one second of time the longitudes given in those pages» ‘The longitudes counted from Salem must also be decreased by 4’*7 more, on account of the difference between the longitude of Salem calculated in this memoir 4/. 43’ 36”7 and that formerly used 4h, 43’ 32”. Hence the longitude of Rutland calculated in page 30 ought to be 4h. 51’ 62" from Greenwich: that of Kinderhook, page 31, 44, 55’ 9"*6, and that of Philadelphia, page 32, 5h. O' 34°°7. Another ob- servation was made at Philadelphia, by Professor Hassler, in a place in the latitude of 39° 57’ 2”, and 7” in time W from the State House, App. time. Par. in long. Par.inlat. Aug.S.D. Beginning 9/. 39’ 48°°5. 35) 1"4 OY S7 = 16. 8911 End 0 25 48°99 —5 19°2 16 52°38 16 42°08 Hence the apparent time of conjunction was L1A. 20’ 00"*7, whence the longitude of the State House is 5/. 00’ 37"*3, The mean of this and the other observation is 5/. 0’ 36". Other observations made at this place will be given hereafter. : ‘The apparent times of the beginning and end of total darkness, as observed at Albany, are given by Mr. De Witt in page 302, vol. vi. of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, at LIA, 86” and 114. 12/57”. Mr. Ferrer in the same volume, page 294, states that the equation of equal altitudes had been neglected in regu- lating the time-keeper, and the corrected observations are 11h. 8 14"6 and 114. 13’ 05"°6 mean time, being 2” more than in page 31 of my memoir. This decreases the parallax in longitude nearly 0”°4, increases the time of conjunction at Albany 1*3, and. decreases the longitude 1”*3. Hence the whole decrement of longitude from Greenwich is 23, making the longitude of Albany Ah. 54’ 593 W from Greenwich. | shits SE From Mr, Ellicott’s memoir in vol. Vi. 835 278 Mr. Bowditch on the total eclipse, June 16, 1806. tions of the American Philosophical Society, that the apparent times of the beginning and end of the eclipse at Lancaster were 9. 538" {erroneously printed 9/. 33’ 8”] and OA. 18’ 56”. The mean times, used in page 32, are these quantities increased by 6’; whereas the for- mer ought to have been increased 5°8, the latter 7’"3. This increas- es the time of conjunction at Lancaster, given in page 32, nearly 0-3. Hence the corrected longitude from Greenwich is 5A. 5/22"2, The observations at Natchez given by Mr. Dunbar in page 263, vol. vi. of the same Transactions, are, beginning 20h. 5’ 24’*6, end 22h, 38’ 54”"67 mean time, or 20/. 5’ 19” and 22/. 38’ 47°72 apparent time, which differ a few tenths of a second from those used in page 32 of my memoir. It is however to be observed, that Mr. Dunbar subtracted 5” from the observed time of the beginning, supposing that time necessary to make the impression visible in the telescope; but as this correction is not applied to the other observations with which _ itis compared, it leads to an erroneous estimate of the longitude of the place. I assumed therefore 20/. 5’ 24”*1 and 22h, 38’ 47°*7 for the apparent times of observation, and using the elements in page 22, corrected for the errors of the longitude and latitude of the moon, found that the apparent time of conjunction became 10/. 15" 15"°2 _A.M. Hence the longitude of Mr. Dunbar’s observatory is 64. 5 298, and the Castle of Natchez (supposed 9” W) is 6A. 6’ 38-8 W from Greenwich, In page 276 of the sixth volume of the Transactions of the Amer can Philosophical Society, are given the observations of this eclipse made at Bowdoin College, Brunewick, in latitude 43° 53’ N, reduced 48° 41 32", ‘The beginning was at 104, 14’ 0”, the end at 12h, 55 20” apparent time, and by using the elements of page 22, corrected a3 abovementioned, we have Mr, Bowditch on the Transit of Mercury, Nov. 9, 1769. 279 ; ongitude D-© Par.long. Par.lat. Daug.sem. conjunction. W Greenwich. Beginning 17’ 57/0 23! 248 16’ 39"-81 11h. 42'02".3 4h. 38’ 42°"7 3 End —10 42°3 2102 4 1641 49 t1 41 O07 *7 4 39 373 The difference of nearly a minute, in the times of the conjunction deduced. from the two contacts, arises probably from some mistake in noting the time of the beginning of the eclipse, since the end gives nearly the same result as the eclipse of the sun of Sept. 17, 1811, as was mentioned in the former part of this paper. Mr. Ferrer in a letter to President Webber, mentions that the end of the eclipse at Williamsburg, (Virginia) was at Of. 15’ 14” mean time. This would make the longitude 5%. 7 46’, which being nearly a minute more than other observations make it, and no account hav- ing been given of the observation by which we might judge of its ac- ~ curacy, I have concluded to reject it. Transit of Mercury of Nov. 9, 1769. This transit was observed in Philadelphia, Norriton, and Salem. It was invisible in Europe. The difference of meridians of Philadel- phia and Norriton is known to be 52 seconds in time, by a trigonom- etrical survey, and the observations made there, compared with those at Salem, would have given the difference of meridians of Salem and Philadelphia, but on calculating the observation at Salem, (which was made at a place 1-2 east from the place where my observations of the eclipse of Sept. 17, 1811 were made) I found the times were too great by above a minute, owing probably to the inaccurate method of regulating the watch by a common meridian line. This rendered the observation useless. fa EL SCs ME Pe ise iee Deductions from the eclipse of the sun, of October 27, 1780. The observations of this eclipse, made at Chelsea, Beverly, “ee port, Providence, Long-island, and Charlotte-town, are given in the 280 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27, 1780. first volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The elements of the eclipse for the times of observation at Chelsea, calculated by the Delambre and Burg are as follows. Apparent times of observation at Chelsea = Mean times of observation at Chelsea Longitude west from Greenwich Mean times of observation reduced to 5 Grech pick ©’s longitude counted from the apparent oo ©’s horizontal parallax Q’s semidiameter — Irradiation 3" i ©’s horary motion Apparent obliquity of the ain D’s longitude counted from the apparent equinox D’s latitude north de¢reasin > ’s horizontal equatorial parallax —_ « )’s tabular sem idiameter — inflexion 2” . D’s horary motion in longitude BS YS ») ’s horary motion in latitude )’s horary motion doe we sun in longitude ©’s right ascensio Beginning. | End. he / i“ A. 7B 23 00 58 1 40 37 22 44 56:8 | 1 24 353 4 44 03°7 | 4 44 03°7 3 29 00: 6 O08 39:0 214° 50 43-5 |214°57 23°2 8: 8°87 16 05°15 16 05°17 2 30 2 30°22 23 28 14 213 53 44:0 |215 30 33°7 54, 15°2 45 25-0 60 01-9 59 58°6 16 21:07 16 20°17 36 25°61 36 21°46 3 19°03 3 19°54 he. 33 55°39] h. 33 51°24 14,10 14-9 | 14 10 40°7 None of the above places of observation were well situated to find with accuracy the error of the moon’s latitude. However by various calculations, the result of which will be given hereafter, it was found that the correction to be applied’to the moon’s tabular latitude was — 104, nearly ; and the error of the tabular longitude — 5/7, sup- posing the sun’s longitude to be correct. These corrections being made, the observations were re-calculated as follows. Observations at Chelsea and Beverly, October 27, 1780. The obsérvations at Chelsea were made by the Rev. Mr. Payson. In the latitude of 42° 25’ 11” N reduced 42°13'45", and 26” in time E from Cambridge, corresponding to 4h. 44’ 03’*7 Ww from Green- eet ake rpmmrlie be “44, Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27, 1780. 281 App. time. set ep aoe (> tiie lat. D Aug.S .D. Begin’g at Chelsea, 23.00! 58’ 16’ 30”-68 End 1 40 87 —1l1 16:1 51 47 °7 16 28 °89 Hence the apparent time of conjunction at Chelsea, was OA. 41) 55""1, which added to 44, 44’ 3"°7 gives the corresponding time at Greenwich 54. 25’ 588, The observations at Beverly were made by the Rev. President Willard, Doctor Prince, and Doctor Cutler. The beginning was ob- served by them at 11/, 1’ 48”, 114, 1’ 46”, and 114. 1 42”. The end at 1h, 41° 26", 1h. 4129", and 14, 41’ 23” respectively. The mean of these times was used. The place of observation was found by trig- onomietrical survey to be 1’ 43” N and 5'°6 in time E from the place in Salem, where I observed the eclipse of Sept. 17, 1814. Hence "the latitude of the place is 42° 35’ 13”, reduced 42° 23’ 47”, longitude 58"°6 E from Cambridge, corresponding to 44, 43’ 311 W from Greenwich. oe Being a Skee (> “20 36-9 jong. EAP Seid lat. =D ea pe Be seks AG wh? ye hs oft nS 16 28°84 Hence the apparent time of connie at Beverly was Oh. 42’ 38"*3, corresponding to 5h, 26’ 09’4 at Greenwich. The mean of this and the observation at Chelsea gives the conjunction at Greenwich at 54, 26 Q4"*1 apparent time, which is to be used _in finding the lon- gitudes of the other places of observation. Ifthe moon’s corrected latitude used in this calculation was too small by / seconds, the time of conjunction at Saves would, be decreased by 0° 531 seconds of time. Observations at Liu. Balogh Paniest, Oct, 2%, ly 1780. _ These observations were made by Doctor Williams and his assis- tants near the house of Mr. S. Williams, in a cove on the eastern 282 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27, 1780. part of Long Island in. Penobscot River (which appears to be called Williams’s carrying-place in Hollond’s chart) in the latitude of 44° 17’ 07-26, reduced 44° 05’ 39”, the reduction of the moon’s equatorial parallax being 5°83. Messrs. Williams, Winthrop, and Atkins ob- served both contacts with the largest telescopes. The beginning, as observed by them respectively, was at 114. 11’ 8”, 114. 11’ 38”, LIA. 1)’ 13"; the end at 14, 50’ 25”, 1h. 50° 17” or 19”, and 1h: 50’ 28” ap- parent times. The mean of these times was used. App.time. ()-@) Par. long. (d- @) Par. lat. ) aug. S. D. Beginning 114. 11’ 19-7 +25’ 02'*8 44/016 16’ 3034 End 1 50 24°0 —l 59°7 53 01°4 16 28 2] Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at Of. 50/ 44’"0, which, subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich 5h. 26’ 041, leaves the longitude of the place of observation on Long-Island Ah, 35’ 20"-1 W from Greenwich. An increase of / seconds in the moon’s latitude would eaece the time of conjunction at Long Island 0.52 7 seconds, which sub- tracted from the corresponding correction at Beverly and Chelsea 0°53 leaves the error of the longitude of Long-Island — 0:01 /, arising from an increase of / seconds in the.moon’s latitude. Hence it is evident that an error of 10 or 12 seconds in this element, will not sensibly af- fect the longitude of that place, calculated by the above observation. | "At Charlotte Town, Island of St. John, Gulf of St. taser Oct. 27, 1780, " Observations were made at this place, by Messrs. Clarke and Wright in the latitude of 46° 13’ reduced 46° 1’ $2”, reduction of the. equatorial aa 6”"23. ()-O) Par. long. 230 ar. lat. } aug.S.Ds Beginning he 41’ 3, 35” +20! 04-6 ¢ gn) ee 16’ ng SD. End Wat ba te —5 136 ee 16 27-08 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27, 1780. 283 _ Hence the apparent time of conjunction was at 1h. 13’ 33’"0, which subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich leaves the lon- gitude of the place of observation 44. 12’ 311. An increase of /seconds in the moon’s latitude, would decrease the time of conjunction 0°46 / seconds of time, which subtracted from the corresponding correction at Beverly and Chelsea leaves *07 /, which is the number of seconds of time to be subtracted from the longitude of Charlotte-town for an increase of / seconds in the moon’s latitude, and as this correction is very small, there can be but ate uncertainty in the longitude on this account. Observations at Newport and Providence Oct. 27, 1780. _ The beginning of the eclipse was not observed at these places. The end was observed at Newport, R. I. by Mr. Granchain, at 1A. 40’ 41” apparent time. He states the latitude of the place to be 41° 30’ 30". Hollond makes it 41° 28'28”. The mean is nearly 41° 293’* which used as the true latitude makes the reduced latitude 41° 18’ 7”, the reduction of the moon’s equatorial parallax 5’-24, the ()—O) par. in long.—1’ 432, in latitude 51’ 21”*3, D’s augmented semidi- ameter 16’ 29°09. Hence the conjunctions at Newport was at OA. 40’ 58”°7 apparent time. The difference of meridians ot Newportand Providence according to Hollond’s survey is 18"*8, which would make the conjunction at Providence by this observation 0A. 40’ 39”-9. The end of the eclipse at Providence, by the observations of Messrs. Brown and West was at 14. 39’ 08"*3 apparent time. ‘The latitude of the place by Hollond is 41° 48’ 50”, reduced 41°37’ 26". * This difference in the latitude is scarcely sensible in the computation of the longitude from this observation, since an increase of one minute in the lati- tude decreases the longitude but half a second oftime. The: same is to be observ- ed of the observation at Providence. 284» Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27, ‘1780. The ()—©) par. in long.—1’.18""0,, in latitude 51’ 268, ’s aug- mented semidiameter 16’ 29°06. Hence the conjunction at Provi- Jones by this observation was at Of. 40'11"2. The mean of this and the former result 0A. 40’ 399 is Oh. 40’ 25"°5, which may be as- sumed as the apparent time of conjunctioniat Providence. This, sub- tracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich, gives the longi- tude of Providence 4h. 45’ 38-6, and by subtracting 18*8, the longi- tude of Goat Island, Newport, is obtained 44. 45’ 19-8 W from - Greenwich, which agrees nearly with the observations of the transit of Venus of June 3, 1769. The longitudes of these two places are liable to a greater error from the uncertainty of the moon’s latitude, than would have been the case if both contacts had been observed. For an increase of /seconds in the moon’s latitude would decrease the times of conjunction at ‘these places by 0°33 seconds, which subtracted from the corres: ponding change in the time of conjunction at Greenwich 0” *53 7, leaves the variation of the longitudes just calculated 0-22 “Hence an ine crease of 5 seconds in the moon’s latitude (corrected as above) would — decrease the longitudes of Newport and Providence by one second of time, nearly, and the error from this source does not probably exceed At the apparent time of the conjunction at Greenwich 5h. 26/041, the moon’s tabular longitude was 214° 55’ 02-1, the sun’s: longitude 214° 54’ 56”+4, the difference —5”-7 is the correction to be applied to the longitude of the moon given by Burg, supposing the solar tables to be correct. This is the same as ‘was assumed at the commence- ment of the calculation. tee To find the error in the moon’s latitude, the observations at Long ‘Island, Beverly ,and Providence were used as follows. * Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, Oct. 27,1780... 285 The greatest obscuration at Long Island was at 0/, 31’ 18” appar- ent time, when an arch of 42° or 43° of the sun’s disc was visible. Supposing this arch to be 42° 30’, the sun’s semidiameter 16’ 05’"16, the moon’s augmented semidiameter 16’ 29”-97, it is easy to find that the apparent distance of the centres of the sun and moon was 26°57, observing that the diameter, passing through those centres, bisects perpendicularly the chord connecting the extreme visible points of the sun’s limb. At this time the ()—©) parallax in longitude was 11’ 20’0; in latitude 49’ 13’*6, the apparent difference of longitudes of the centres of the sun and moon, found from the tables correcting the moon’s longitude for the error — 5"*7 was 21°52, From the appar- ent distance of the centres and their apparent difference of longitude, it is easy to find the apparent difference of latitude 15"°6, which ad- ded to the parallax in latitude, gives the latitude by this observation 42/292; this subtracted from the tabular latitude 49’ 44’"3 gives the error in latitude by this observation — 15"-2. ” At the same place at 0A. 28’ 48” the lucid part of the sun when least, measured by a micrometer, was 24”.7. This added to the >’s augmented semidiameter 16’ 29°99 and the ©’s semidiameter sub- tracted from the sum, gives the apparent distance of the centres of the sun and moon 4953. The ()—Q) par. in long. was 11' 46"0, and the apparent difference of longitude (found as above) was $7"*1, con- sequently the apparent difference of latitude 32”°8, which added to the parallax in latitude 49’ 04-9, gives the latitude by observation 49 37"°7, which subtracted from the tabular latitude 49’ 52’°6 leaves the error of the tables in latitude by this observation — 14"9. At Beverly at 0/. 21’ apparent time the sun was eclipsed 114 24, which makes the lucid part 96"52. The sun’s semidiameter was then 16’ 05’-16, the moon’s augmented semidiameter 16’ 30! “Ai, the (20) paral. in longitude was 12’ 43-5, paral. in latitude 47’ 440, ” 286 + Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, June 24, 1778. and, by a similar calculation to the preceding, the error of the moon’s latitude by this observation is — 10”1. At Providence the greatest obscuration was nearly at Of. 18’ 55” apparent time, the lucid part measured by a micrometer was then $ses, parts of the sun’s semidiameter, equal to 139"°73. The sun’s semidiameter 16° 05°16, the moon’s augmented semidiameter 16' 30°67, the ()—©) parallax in longitude 12’ 55’-0, in latitude 47 11”-0. Hence the error in latitude by this observation is —~ 1”*4. The mean of these four observations gives the error of latitude — 10-4, the same as was assumed. Lclipse of the sun of June 24, 1778. The end of this eclipse was observed at Bradford, Massachusetts, by Doctor Williams at 114. 38’ 16” A.M. apparent time. The lati- tude of the place is nearly 42° 46’ N, reduced 42° 34’ 34”, Using the same tables of Delambre and Burg, correcting the moon’s longitude +62 and latitude + 1”*1, as deduced from the observations at Green-» wich before given; supposing the irradiation 3”°5, inflection 2". It was found that the ()—©) parallax in longitude was +5’ 14”7, in latitude 19’ 52"*1, whence the apparent time of conjunction at Brad- ford was at 10h. 51’ 46"-2 A. M. apparent time. The difference be- tween this and the time of conjunction at Greenwich, calculated be- fore, 3h. 35’ 52-9 gives the longitude of Bradford 4h. 44’ 6"7 W ~. from Greenwich, or 30’-0 W from Salem, which agrees very nearly with the map of Massachusetts. Annular eclipse of April 3, 1791. This eclipse was observed at Georgetown, Columbia, by Mr. 7 Ellicott, in the latitude of about 38° 55’ N, reduced 38° 43’ 47’, 35 appears by vol, iv. page 48 of the Transactions of the American Phi- alsophical Society, and the observations have been calculated by Mr * Mr. Bowditch on the annular eclipse, April 3, 1791. 287 Ferrer in the sixth volume of the same work. This gentleman sup- poses that the time of forming the annulus was marked too small by one minute, a mistake that might easily have been made, and of which several instances have occurred in the most important observations made by the best astronomers of Europe. This correction being ap- plied, makes the times of conjunction, deduced from the three obser- vations, agree much more nearly with each other than they otherwise would do. Ihave therefore adopted it in the following calculation. Using the tables of Delambre and Burg, correcting the moon’s longi- _ tude by adding 20”, and the moon’s latitude by adding 7’"6, which is necessary from the observation at Greenwich and Paris, mentioned in the former part of this memoir, the calculation becomes Mean time. ()-©) Par. lon. Par. lat. ‘Formation of Annulus —_18/. 40’ 01” 25' 407 46’ 546 Breaking of Annulus 18 43 15 25 36 °7 46 49 +2 End of the eclipse 19 55 37'S 22 20 0 44 00°8 The conjunction by the mean of these three observations is at 19h. 37’ 00"-4 mean time, or 194. 33’ 42”°6 apparent time. The difference between this and the conjunction at Greenwich, calculated before 0. 42! 002, is 5h. 8’ 176, the longitude of Georgetown, and as this place by the measurement of Seth Pease Esq. is 13°1 seconds, in time W from the Capitol in Washington, the longitude of the Capitol would be by this observation 54. 8’ 4"°5.. The observation of Mr. Pease on the eclipse of 1811, makes it in 5h. 8'11"*4.. The mean of both gives the longitude of the Capitol in Washington 5/. 8’ 80, whence the longitude of Georgetown is 5h, 8’ 21"1 = 77° 5' 16" W from Greenwich. | The observations of this eclipse at Philadelphia, given by Mr. a escitine 3 in vol. iii. page 154 of the Transactions of the American iano Saint. of sh 0% ube erroneous. For the o os ble *, 288 | Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Venus, June 3, 1769. conjunction deduced from the fourth contact agrees nearly with other observations, but the three first contacts make ‘the conjunction too late by nearly a minute. Mr. Ferrer in his calculation in vol. vi. of the same Transactions, rejects the first contact, and subtracts one min- ute from the second and third; but this correction does not appear to be warranted by the observations. For if we suppose the regulation of the time-keeper to be correct, there must have been a mistake in reading off the three first observations, which is improbable ; and if we suppose the regulation of the time-keeper to be erroneous by one minute, it will not make the observations accord without allowing al- so an error of one minute in the last contact. These reasons/have in- duced me to reject the observations, as not having been made with sufficient accuracy to be used in calculating the longitude of Philadel- . phia. : Ns Transit of Venus June 8, 1769. : The elements of this transit for June 3, 1769, at 10/. 2 $41 mean time at Greenwich, are as follows. oe ©’s longitude by Delambre’s tables of 1806 = « 73° 27’ 1879 © 2’s See deduced from the observations atGreen- 73 27 18. *9 9's latitude —f wich, Paris, and Prince of Wales’ Fort. 10 14 +32 N. ’s horary motion pa - - - . 143 -46_ ?’s horary motion in longitude eo eS a - 94 *144 Q’s horary motion in latitude —- “ F : —35 450 _9’s horizontal parallax - ‘ s ge 30 *45 ©)’s horizontal l en “ a 2 . 8 °67 ©’s semidiameter by T. 2. P. 470 0f La Lande’s Astronomy 15 43-71 Q ‘s semidiameter — - % eg ee | * 28 ©’s right ascension —- EN ae - -. Ah. 48 13 423 Horary increment of right ascension - - ~ 10 °27 The mean of the observations of Messrs. Maskelyne, Dollond, Nairn, Hirst, Hitchins, Horsley, and Dunn, at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; as given in the first volume of the Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, make the first external contact at 7h. 11’ 19 and the first internal contact at 74. 29° 19"1. ‘The ; Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Venus, June 3, 1769. 289 observation of the internal contact by Mr. Hirst is in one place printed 7h, 28° 57", in another 7h. 28' 47"; that of Mr. Dunn 7/, 29’ 28” and 7h. 29' 48". The values 7h. 28’ 57", and 7h. 29’ 28", were used as best agreeing with the other observations. ‘The mean of the obser- vations of the first internal contact at Paris, made by Messrs. Messier, Cassini, Sejour, Chaulnes, Maraidi, Fouchy, and Bery, as published in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Paris, was 7h. 38' 48”7 apparent time. The parallaxes and times of con- junction areas follows. { 2-©) Par. long. Par. lat. Conjunction, _ Con}. Green. I. contact Greenwich am | 5000 | #1555 1 10h. 4! 49" ‘6. 10h, 4! 49'-6 Il. contact Greenwich —14 681 +15 “988 10 4 44 3 10. "¢ ‘44 *S II. contact Paris —15+120 415-658 10 1416-2 10 455-2 ‘The mean of these three observations gives the apparent time) — |, __ of the conjunction at Greenwich. } 10 449°7 The mean of the observations of Messrs. Dymond and Wales, at Prince of Wales’ Fort in Hudson’s Bay, in latitude 58° 47’ 32”, were as below. App. time. ?-@ Par. lon. Par. lat. Caliph tide Lon. W Green. I. contact Of. 57'04"-1 -4"-322 419"-491" ($h.47'49""6 6h. 17' 00"*1 Il. contact 1 1523 *3 -3 +202 412-483 64°38 6 16 54°9 Ill. contact 7 0047 ‘0 -13+110 +416 -841 55°O 6 16 54°7 IV. contact 7 19 10-3 -12°876 +17 °206 49°9 6 16 59°8 Mean 6 16 57 *4 The internal contacts at this place were used in finding the lati- tude of Venus at the time of conjunction inserted in the above ele- ments. _ Professor Winthrop at Cambridge miata first contact, ‘but had a good observation of the second contact at 2h. 47 30” app: rent time. The parallax in longitude was then — 11-748, i in] latitude +7"°484, Hence the apparent time of the conjunction by this obser- 290 Mr, Bowditch on the transit of Venus, June 3, 1769. vation was 5h. 20’ 8’*7. Professor Williams observed the same con. tact at Newbury in latitude 42° 48’ N, and by Hollond’s survey” 63 seconds in time E from my house in Salem, or 593 seconds E from Cambridge, at 24. 48’ 44” apparent time. The parallax in lon- gitude was then — 11'°757, in latitude + 7643, whence the con- junction at Newbury was at 5A. 21’ 28’°0, corresponding to 5h. 20° 28”°5 apparent time at Cambridge. The mean of this and the former result is 54. 20’ 18"°6, which subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich 104, 4’ 49-7, gives the longitude of Cambridge by this observation 4h. 44’ 311. e At Providence in latitude 41° 50’ 41”, the transit was observed by Messrs. West and Brown. The first contact was not well observed, but the second contact was at 2h. 46’ 35” apparent time. The paral- lax in longitude was — 11’*762, in latitude +7’-282, Hence the conjunction was at 54. 19’ 12”7 apparent time, which subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich 10h, 4’ 497 gives the longitude of Providence by this observation 4h. 45’ 37-0, By the eclipse of Oct. 27, 1780 it was 4h. 45’ 38’°6. The mean gives the longitude of Providence 44. 45’ 37"-8, and by subtracting 188 we have the longitude of Goat Island, Newport, 44. 45’ 190 W from At the State House square in Philadelphia, in the latitude of 39° 57 10”, the transit was observed by Messrs. Shippen, Williamson, Prior, Ewing, Pearson, and Thompson, At Norriton in the latitude of 40° 9' 56", and by an accurate terrestrial measurement 52” in time W from Philadelphia, the transit was observed by Messrs. Smith, ams and Rittenhouse. At Lewistown in the latitude of 38° 46’ 38" and 1*"4 in time E from Philadelphia, as determined by an accurate survey, the — was observed by Messrs. Biddle and Bayley. The Goat -of ice eae Ni -iues is given in the first volume of the Trans- Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Venus, June 3, 1769. 291 actions of the Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia. The times of conjunction calculated at these places from the mean of the obser- vations, and reduced to the meridian of the State House in Philadel- phia, are as follows. ; Conj. Philadel. ws App. time. Par. Jong. Par.lat. § App.time. piace Iconieee aks0st's. --tcvond. over She4 Mee amet 8 OTL iL OK, B80 5.2 06-7 Kear ean) ARG: PAG 4 8 The mean of these six observations gives the apparent time of conjunction at Philadelphia 5. 4’ 8’-7, which subtracted from 10/, 4’ 49"°7 gives the longitude of Philadelphia by this observation 5/. 0’ 410, The transit was observed at Baskenridge, New Jersey, in the lati- tude of 40° 40’ N, by the Earl of Sterling, as follows. App. time. Par. long. Par. lat. Conj. App.time. I. contact 24. 16’ 00” —107102 6"%562 ~~ —s« 5A G' 89"-9 II. contact 2 3412 | 1 1-*199 i. 58 9200 oe SiS sss The mean of these observations makes the conjunction at 54. 6’ $66 apparent time, which subtracted from 10/. 4 49"*7 gives the longitude of Baskenridge 4. 58’ 13”*1 W from Greenwich. At Quebee, in the latitude of 46° 47’ 17” N, and 10°4 in time W from the Castle of St. Lewis, the first contact was observed by Mr. Hollond at 2h. 30'8"3 apparent time. The parallax in longitude was — 10’-236, in latitude +8’*837, whence the apparent time of con- junction was 5, 21' 176, and the longitude of the Castle of St. Lewis 4h. 43° 21-7, At the Island of Coudre}'in the latitude of 47° 16’ 30" ’N, and $’ 6” in time E. from Quebec, the second contact was ob- served by Mr. Wright, at 24. 50’ 50” apparent time. The parallax in longitude was — 11-249, in latitude 9-208. . ‘Whence the appar- 292 Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Mercury, Nov. 5, 1789. ent time of conjunction was 5h. 28’ 45"*1, which subtracted from 10A. 4' 49'°7, gives the longitude of that island 44. 41'04"6, whence that of Quebec is 44. 44’ 106. The mean of this and the former result is 4h. 43’ 46”*1 for the longitude of Quebec, and 4%. 40' 40’*1 for that of I. Coudre. . : @ Transit of Mercury of Nov. 12, 1782. Observations of this transit were made at Paris, Cambridge, Phil- adelphia, New Haven, and Ipswich. Those made in this country were under more favourable circumstances than those at Paris, on ac- count of the greater elevation of the sun above the horizon, but for the reasons before assigned, no great accuracy was to be expected in the longitudes found by comparing the American observations with each other; hence it was thought best not to use these observations. Transit of Mercury of Nov. 5, 1789. ‘The observations at Cambridge are given in the second volume of the memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, these at Philadelphia and Williamsburg in the second volume of the Trans- _ actions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia. The elements of this transit for Nov. 5, 1789 at 3/4. 7’ 50-9 mean time at Greenwich, are as follows. ©’s Tongitude fe Delambre’s tables of 1806 app. equinox 223° 40! 454 37s longitude e’s tables corrected by the Seeds at Couibrhin 223 40; 45,94: ¥’s latitude south meade - : o Geet °° s horary mot “ 3 j 150 °73 3’s horary momen in longitude : ; 199 *03 %’s-horary motion in Arse - . a 51-78 %’s horizontal z i. 13 03 ©’s horizontal ‘ : : 8 “89 3’s semidiameter % 4 664° ’s semidiameter —j Feabiten ¥ x. . - 16 07 -26 Hotary ether e of rg hor. mot. of ¥ inlongitude - —0 061 Q’s right janes — Ser 3 or : 14h. 44 52 07 Horary increment of right sectnaionj in time - wise Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Mercury, Nov. 5, 1789. 298 The observations at Cambridge give the following result. App. time. %-@©Par.long. Par.lat. Conj. app. time. I. contact 20h. 24/04” 37*321 2282 22h. 39’ 30’+3 II. contact 20 25 52 3 +309 2 +292 31°9 III. contact 1 15 44 O -080 3 614 26 °5 IV. contact 1 17 36 0 :057 3 *619 31 °7 The mean of these four observations makes the conjunction at 22/. 39 30’*1, apparent time at Cambridge, corresponding to 3h. 23’ 59’*8 apparent time at Greenwich. I have preferred finding the conjunc- tion at Greenwich from this observation rather than from that at Paris, on account of the failure in part of this observation, as mentioned in the preceding calculation of the longitude of Cambridge. The lati- tude of Mercury given in the above elements was decreased 0-06, which appears to be necessary from the observations at Cambridge and Philadelphia. _ The observations at Philadelphia were as follows. App.time. (%-@©)Par.long. Par.lat. | Conj.app.time. f. contact 20/. 7’ 39-1 3-481 _— 2"-063 22h. 23' 26"-1 Il. contact 20 9 29°14 3-472 2-071 07-3 III. contact O 59 32 °6 O °225 3 °485 13 +2 IV. contact 1 O01 12 6 O +203 3 *490 70 The mean of these observations makes the apparent time of con- junction 22h. 23'13"*5. The difference between this and 3/. 23' 59’*8 gives the longitude of Philadelphia by this observation 5h. 0 46"°3 W from Greenwich. The transit of Venus of June 3, 1769, made it 54. 0' 41-0. The total eclipse of June 16, 1806 gave 5h. O! 36”. The mean of these three observations may be assumed as the longitude of Philadelphia 54. 0' 41’-1 W from Greenwich, which dif- fers less than a second from the estimate of Mr. Ferrer in vol. vi. page 359 of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 37 294 Mr. Bowditch on the transit of Mercury, Nov. 5, 1789. which is 5h. 10’ 1’*2 W from Paris, corresponding to 5h. 0' 40’"2 W from Greenwich. Mr. Ferrer’s calculation is made by the three ob- servations just named, and those of the transit of Mercury of 1782 and the annular eclipse of 1791. These last observations I have re- jected for the reasons stated in the former part of this memoir. Sub- tracting 1”-4 from the longitude of Philadelphia, gives the longitude of Lewistown 5h. 0’ 39*7, and by adding 52” the longitude of Norri- ton is obtained 5/. 1’ 33"°1 W from Greenwich. Messrs. Owen and Biddle found, by a trigonometrical survey, that the Light House on Cape Henlopen was 29"*8 N, and 13”1 in time E from their observatory at Lewistown. Hence the Light House is in the latitude of 38° 47’ 8” N, and in longitude 5A. 0’ 26% W from Greenwich. The same transit of 1789 was dusivcs at enopetesce as - lows. App.time. (§-©)Par.long. Par.lat. App. time conj- IL contact 20h. 3’ 10” 3"*570 1-884 22h. 16 48'0 III. contact O 53 45 0 +239 3 °368 17 23 °9 IV. contact O 55 10°53 0 +219 3 372 17 03 °9 The mean of these three observations makes the conjunction at 22h. 17 5"°3, which subtracted from 3h. 23’ 59’-8, gives the longi- tude of Williamsburg by this observation 54. 6’ 545. The solar eclipse of Sept. 17, 1811 makes it 5h. 6’ 48"4. The mean of both observations may be assumed as the longitude of William and Mary College 5h. 6' 51-5 W from Greenwich, which is about 52” less than the computation of Mr. Ferrer from the end of the solar eclipse of June 1806, an imperfect observation, which it was thought best to Fe * Eclipse of the sun of June 26, 1805. a The beginning of this eclipse was noted at Philadelphia, Lancas- ter, and New York. No observations were made to determine the error of the moon’s tabular latitude, but it is probable from the fol- lowing calculation, that this would not much affect the computed dif- ference of meridians between those places, so that the longitude of New York may be obtained by these observations to a considerable degree of accuracy, by means of the longitudes of Philadelphia and Lancaster, computed in the former part of this memoir. The observation at Philadelphia was made by Professor Patterson at 64. 47/ 40-5 apparent time, in the latitude of 39° 57’ 2", longitude 5h. 0' 41”-1 W from Greenwich. The corresponding apparent time at Greenwich was 114. 48’ 21"°6, when by the tables of Delambre and Burg, the elements were as follows. O's longitude from apparent egines: - - - 9448 30°5 >’s longitude - . - 95 08 27°0 )’s latitude north Pree’ - . - : ~) 62230 ©’s horary motion in longitu - oe on 2 23-0. > ’s h motion in ee - om = 87 S844 ’s horary motion in latitude . . - - 3 26°66 "Slee decrement ) hor. ae long. oy cufiste ner at OVA Horary increment ) hor. mot. lat. bc eimtca , = - 0:46 (9—0) horizontal parallax fo, Philadelphia - - 61 04-72 -)’s semidiameter — inflexion 2” + aug. 2 . - 2... 16 43°95 ©’s semidiameter — [radiation 3"°5 - . + 15 42°05 ©’s right ascension - - - ¢ 6h. 20575 . ()—©) Par. in long. ot ees eo eS - —44 S11 Q-—0) Par. in lat. - - - - . 41 18°7 Hence the conjunction at Philadelphia was at 64. 14116, cor- responding to 11h. 14 52"°7 apparent time at Greenwich. © An in crease of 1” in the moon’s latitude would decrease this 1°44. n e if the correction to be added to the moon’s tabular latitude be / sec- onds, the apparent time at Greenwich will be at 114. 14’ 52-7 — 1”44:/, by this observation. 296 Mr. Bowditch on the solar eclipse, June 26, 1805. The observation at Lancaster, in the latitude of 40° 2’ 36”, longi- tude 5h. 5’ 222 W from Greenwich, was made by Mr. Ellicott at Gh. 43’ 26” apparent time. At that time by the above elements the moon’s augmented semidiameter was 16’ 44”"18, (2—©) horizontal parallax 61’ 4°70, par. in long. — 44’ 38”°5, par. in lat. 41’ 2%2. Hence the apparent time of conjunction was 6/. 9’ 23’*3, correspond- ing to 114. 14’ 45"*5 at Greenwich, and, by increasing the moon’s lat- itude / seconds, this would become 114, 14’ 455 — 146° The mean of this and the former value is 11/4, 14’ 49”*1 — 1°45*/. The observation at New York was ‘nade by Mr. Ferrer in lati- tude of 40° 42’ 40” N, at 64, 50’ 10” apparent time. The moon’s augmented semidiameter was 16’ 43’*92, ()—©) horizontal parallax 61’ 4”-56, par. in long. — 43’ 52”4, par. in lat. 42’ 0’-5. Hence the apparent time of conjunction was 6/. 18’ 34”, and by increasing the -moon’s latitude by / seconds, this becomes 64, 18’ 34” — 1” 38° /, _which subtracted from the time of conjunction at Greenwich 11/; 14’ 49"1 — 1°45 /, gives the longitude of the place of observation Ah. 16 15”*1— 0°07 4, and as this place is 0’-3 W of Columbia College, the longitude of that College would be 44. 56’ 14”-8 —0"-07 4 in which the coefficient of / is small, and we may without much error _assume the longitude to be 44. 56’ 14-8 by this observation. This | was combined with other observations in the former part of this me: moir. | The longitudes here calculated, with the addition of a few sa in the vicinity of Salem, marked with an asterisk, which I have found by a trigonometrical survey, are collected in the following table. The longitudes of Boston State-House and Light-House pote Cambridge were found by Professor Farrar. Most of the preceding calculations have been made in two diffe- rent ways, to verify the accuracy of the results, Ur. Bowditch’s table of latitudes and longitudes. Table of Latitudes and Longitudes. Latitudes | North Albany, New York o: STS BW. - 42 38 39 * Baker’s island Hight Spunep a5 ys - 42 34 40 Baskenridge ots 40 40 pita he President Willard’s howe ~ - 42 35 13 Boston, State House are eee 42 22 28 abs 1a ht H - Bri: jd - 42 20 44 Bradford, ‘Massachusts - - - runswiek, Bowdoin College - - 43 5S parlingtep College, Vermont = - 44 28 uo Harvard Hall - - {42 23 28 enlopen. - - 38 47 08) Charlottetown, St. John’s I - - - helsea - . 42 25 14 Coudre Island - - - - 47 16 30 Georgetow - - - - - 38 55 Kinderhook - - or tLe - 42 23 08 Lancaster - - - - - 40 02 36 Lewistown - > - . 38 46 38 Long Island, Penobscot - - - 4417 07 * Lyan, Ph hillip’s Point - - - 42 30 14 * Marblehead, West meeting honse to he 42 32 30 * Manchester, ele Hea = - - 42 35 42 Monticello Riis ties 38 08 Nantucket, near mataied * - 44 15 32 Natchez, oo bite caeis tbservatory ae & 27 New ome ake New Jersey, Columbia College urge New Haven, Y ale Co Newport, Goat Island ae : hee Yor “~ Columbia College * 2 ls Phileas 1 hia ‘ Portland, fer ad Hill viene f Wales’ wich, eres Bay - i 2 Quebe - - - - Rotiand, Vira: 43 Salem, place of shesitsy the eclipses af 1506, & 4814 ~——— Mr. Lambert’s place of observa’ 42 Watington City, Capitol "aa a Williamsburg College Professor Farrar’s observations of the Comet of 1811. 311 Arcturus. Lyra. App. times. App. dist. App. times. App. dist. 307 12.00 30 49 30 71920 54 38 30 Oct. 17 32 44 30 18 50 7 40.02, 53 1015 273312 29 54 45 7 49 40 51.37 45 $9.06 15 29 10 30 9 1015 &0 04 50 11 6 27 30 29 54.15 6 33 30 37 16 45 17 6.36 20 34 04 30 6 41 50 27 27 05 Pole Star. Lyra oe 694688 a de ds osbdo dodea’s | 1380820 4441 45 7 04 20 33 56 45 | 1490725 4528 15 90225 321015 | 19 8 06 30 49 00 00 7 59.25 24 13 15 2185810 50 34 15 8 55 00 21 07 15 237 23 80 52 20 30 71730 18 27 45 27 7 25 00 65 50 30 71600 13 52 15 28 6 30 20 56 43 15 6 24 20 13 06 00 2970350 874045 70120 42.24.45 Nov. 172240 602500 71455 11 2930 271505 61 17 45 7 O7 05 11 32 37 384412 62 26 00 8 37 12 11 48 O5 47 2300 63 06 45 718 30 12 12 45 10 7 58 20 68 01 00 7 50 30 16 30 05 11 8 08 30 68 38 15 8 02 50 17 21 55 Altair. ct. en oe Be 4 4 ee w Nov. 14 7 39 00 16 1415 7 27 45 19 55 45 157 56 51 15 10 35 745 51 20 50 35 17755 00 13 06 20 8 01 30 22 33 13 1881815 12 03 30 8 OY 45 23 2900 312 Professor Farrar’s observations of the Comet of 1811. App. times. is App. dist. 247 1400 6 30 25 25 7 44 00 5 38 05 26 7 14.00 44915 Dec. 174900 0 55 59 270000 O 26 47 4 7 06 00 1 29 00 10 7 05 00 5 10 50 Jan. 563200 17 57 57 7 6 26 00 18 43 03 8 6 O01 00 191010 Benetnasch. dh. , aoe Sept. 30 8 05 © 3 4410 Oct. 1745 21340 3 8 52 1 27 30 9907 39” 1118 15 11 6 38 30 14 40 15 17 6 435 50 19 24 30 Lyra. App. times. App. dist. 7 16 00 28 15 26 7 33 00 29 00 05 7 2t 00 29 43 43 8 00 00 32 04 60 71000 33 48.30 7 14.00 35 04 50 7 1000 38 32 30 6 58 00 49 41 26 6 36 00 50 21 20 6 18 00 50 41 10 Alioth. ie 57 8 08 00 9 03 40 — 74700 94810 8 54 00 11 54 30° 9 13 09 20 20 15. 6 42 30 23 2145 6 48 5O 33 3415 . : 318 XLII. ELEMENTS OF THE ORBIT OF THE COMET OF sit. BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH. —=: Be THIS memoir contains the geocentric longitudes and latitudes of the comet of 1811, with an abstract of the calculations of the ele- ments of its orbit, from a combination of all the observations, made at Cambridge, Nantucket, and Salem, in such manner as was supposed would produce the most accurate result. The comet was seen in France before its conjunction with the sun, as early as the 25th of March, and continued visible till the end of May. It was observed about the same time at the Cape of Good Hope, and at other places south of the equator. It was also visible at Chilicothe in the month of May. No correct observations were how- ever made in this part of the country till after the conjunction, about the 6th of September, when it was seen for the first time in most parts of New England. It was then near the feet of the Great Bear. Its apparent motion was direct, passing in succession through the northern parts of the constellations Bootes and Hercules, the middle of the Eagle and the south of the Dolphin. It disappeared near the northern part of the Water-Bearer about the 16th of January 1812. The apparent velocity when first observed in September was about a degree per day: it increased gradually till the middle of October, and was then 13°; after which it continually decreased, and was about half a degree per day, at the time it ceased to be visible. The whole ap- parent path described by the comet was nearly a great circle about 140° in length. The comet was at its greatest north declination, 493°, 40 314 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. about the 2d of October, and at its greatest north latitude the 16th of the same month. The geocentric longitudes and latitudes were deduced from dis- tances of the comet from several fixed stars, observed by a sextant of reflection, Lyra, Arcturus, and Dubhe were first used ; then the Po- lar Star, Benetnash, Etanin, Deneb, Atair, and Markab ; making choice of those stars best adapted to the purpose from their situation and brightness. The observations were made by Professor Farrar at Cambridge, Hon. Walter Folger jun. at Nantucket and Boston, and Mr. John Carlton assisted me in the observations at Salem. In gen- eral the same stars were used by all the observers, without any previ- ous concert, and the observations agreed as well as was to be expect- ed. When any difference was found, the mean of the results was used, For greater accuracy the mean of several distances from the same star was frequently taken. Too render these observations simul- taneous, asmall correction, depending on the daily variation of the dis- tances of the comet from the stars, was found and applied to the ob- served distances. ‘The correction for refraction was estimated. by ad- ding to the observed distance twenty times the correction in the col umn Var. of Shepherd’s Tables, corresponding to the observed distance and the altitudes. The whole calculation being made in the same man- ner as in my memoir on the comet of 1807. The calculation of the first approximate values of the elements of the orbit, was made by the elegant method of La Place, using the ob- servations of September 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 23, which gave for the Perihelion Distance 1-043, the mean distance of the earth from the sun being unity, and the time of passing the Perihelion September 7d:375 mean time at Nantucket. These were corrected by the ob- servations of September 6, 15, and 23, in the manner taught by La Place, in page 229, vol. 1, of his Mécanique Céleste, and the result Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. 315 was as follows. Perihelion Distance 1052: Time of passing the Pe. rihelion, Sept. 6d. 18/4. mean time at Greenwich : Place of the Peri. helion counted on the orbit 81°: Longitude of the ascending node 138°: Inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic 74°: Motion retrogade. To satisfy the public curiosity, I published these elements, in the Sa- lem Gazette of October 11, 1811, with the apparent path of the comet, and its distances from the sun and earth, from February 1811 to Feb- ruary 1812, observing that the comet was one that had been before un- known to Astronomers, and that the elements might require a correc- tion of two or three degrees, to be determined when a greater number of observations on a longer arch of the orbit should be obtained. To find these corrections I combined the observations of Septem. ber 6 and 30, and October 21, which made the Perihelion Distance 1:032: Time of passing the Perihelion, September 12d. 34. mean time at Greenwich : Place of the Perihelion, counted on the orbit of the comet 75° 14": Longitude of the ascending node 140° 24’ and inclination of the orbit 73°; which were published in the Salem Ga- zette of November 1, 1811. The process was repeated with the ob- servations of September 6, October 21, and December 16, which gave these corrected values. Perihelion distance 1°082=D: Time of passing the Perihelion Sept..11d:77 mean time at Nantucket=T : Place of the Perihelion counted on the orbit of the comet 75° 24’=P: Place of the ascending node 140° 21'=N : Inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic 73° 8’=I. With these values, D, T, P, N, I, the geocentric longitudes and latitudes were calculated for all the observations from September 6 to December 20, and then the operation was successively repeated, with a small variation of each of these elements. Those used at the second operation were, D+-004, T, P,; N, 1; at the third Dy T+:05, -P,N, 1; at the fourth D, T, P+10', N, I; at the fifth D, T, P, N— 316 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet ef 1811. 10,1; ‘and at the sixth D, T, P, N,1+10'.. Supposing the longitudes and latitudes calculated in these different hypotheses to be denoted res- pectively by L’, L”, L’”, Liv, Ly, Lvi, the corresponding observed longitude or latitude by L; the error of the observation by a); and the correct values of the elements of the orbit by D + :004d; T+ O5¢; P+10'p; N—10'n; 14107; each of these observed longi- tudes or latitudes would furnish an equation of condition of this form = (L—L)+(L'— UL") d+(L’— L") ¢ + (LD) — Lv) p + (UL — Ly )» +(L’—L" )i; as was more fully explained in my paper on the comet of 1807. As there were fifty seven observations, they produced one hundred and fourteen equations of condition, which are arranged in the follow- ing Table, (A) according to the order of the dates. The errors of longitude being denoted by a(*), (7), &c. a(*7), those of latitude by x(**), (5°) &e. to (24+). The coefficients are expressed in tenths of a second ; the calculations being made to that degree of accuracy, by Taylor’s logarithms, except in the four first observations, which were found to the nearest second. x(7) = —1730+ 1700-d— 90:%t— 310+p41820-n—3370% x(#) = —22404 1800d— S50°%t— 180:641830—3580% «(%) = —2700+ 1840-d— 13+— 120:p-41820-n—3690% (4) = —1810+ 1906-d— 4:t— —37-4.1830-n—3797% , #(F) = 3764-4 2045-d}. St 136-p41846-n—4031°i *(°) = 32704 2125-d4 g3-t4 232*p-+-1857¢n—41 53% w(7) = 12354 2211-d4 115-4 339-p-41870-n—4278% x(°) = —30414 2308-d4 152-14. 450*P4.1889-n—4405°7 x(°)= —40634 2410d4 191-24 —569+-41909-n—4535%i *O°)S—3756-+ 2523d4 232-44 699-94.1932-n—46681 #CN)= 2994-4 2654-d4 280-4 846-7-4.1961-n—4810°% *(79)=—34914 3490-4 sei-t4. 1773-p42193-n—5507%% Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. 2(48)=—27254 3697-d4+ 653-14. «(14)=—28544 4204-d4+ 829-44 x(15)=—42934 4478-d4 927-24 w(16)— 988+ 4780-d+4 1032t4. «(77 )=—3067-4 5111-24 1146-14 (7 ®)=—40364- 5487-d4 1282-44 x(79)=——23594 5863-d4 1408-24 #(7°)=— 19314 6286-d-4 1562-t4 »(31) = —$§3434. 6714-d+ 1717°t+. (7? )\=—17314 7205+d+ 1892-24 «(79 )=—4967-4 7717-d-4 2076-t+ «(94 )=—47934 8204-04 2257-44 (24 )=—31464 9277-44 2658-4 (CF 6 )=— 14734-10285 -d+ 3055-24. v(? 7 )= —2515410826-d4 3277-44 00(? = —3919411575-d-4+ 3598-t4. 10962+p46747-n—4484% x(? °)=—3839+412102-d4+ 3990-t4. 12028-p+8 013-n—1692%7 x(*° == —1005+4-11950-d+4 3996-t+4 12013-p48233-n— 872:i ve( $9 )= —22124-11700%d4 3959+t4+ 11879p-4+8380n— 112% 1998+p4-2257-n—5679+i. 2544*p42428-n—5 980% 2840:p-4+2507:n—61 48+ 31638-p-+2640'n—6254"i 3521 +p-+4+2768'n—6388"i 3927+p-4+2924°n—6507+ 4320*p-4-3074:n—6606% 4.799+p-+327 8'n—6692"i 5264p-+4+348 1 *n—6746+ 5803-p-4-3722'n—6775+i 6369-p-4+3988°n—6764-i 6920+p+4259°n—6707*2 8141+p44904-n—6424+i 9329°p4.5602:n—5 892i 9984-p-+4+6027:n—5449% x(?)=— 19841092424 3810-t4. 11317+p-48514:n-+4 1302+ (?9)=—42444 9887-d4+ 3546-44 10444-p48395-n+ 2501% v($*)—=— 2934. 7588-d+ 2897-t4. x(3*)=— 648+ 7062-d+ 2733-t+ x(38)— x(37)= cs Ge Fe x(4 Be abe! 1754 6523-d+.2570-t+ 1248+ 6011°d+ 2421°t+ 625+ 5075-d+ 2126-t+. 1108+4- 4646-d4 1990°t+ 1335+ 4247-d+1861-t+ (41) =>—47134 3877-d+ 1743-t+ x(42)— = Che x(44) = 22984 2159'd+ 1135-t+ 438+ 1939-d-+ 111244 2993-4 1733-d+4 1041+t+ w( 45) me 9884+ 915-d+ 767°t+ 8323-p+7902°n+ 4101*2 7818*p+7733'n+ 4331+ 7296 *p+7547-n+ 4530% 6792:p+7356°n-+ 46372 5356'p4+6977'n+ 4876% 5426°p+6793°n-+ 4926% 502 1+p+4-6612+n+4- 4953+ 46.43°p+4+6438°n+ 49562 2850 p+5545:2-+4- 4720% 2619+p-+5420-+ 4648+ 2403 -p-+5302n-+ 45845 1524:p-44798-n-+4 4217% 317 (A) Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. (48) = x(47)= 43434 x(**)= 4608+ xe(4%)=— 5184. x(§°)= 1724— x(51)= 3308— x(F%)= 2995— x(F3)= 2281— x)= 727— 52434. 783-d+ 660°d+ 340°d+ 155+d+- 494°d+ 585-d+ 706*d+- 743¢d+ 777-d+ 723°t4 6801+ 572th $08-t4- 286t+— 253't— 213-t+— 199:t— 188-t— 175°t— 1380°p-+4-4711-n+ 4144-2 1246+)44629°n+ 4070% 894p44412-n-- 3855+ 691°p-44281-n+ 37144 34*p4+3792n-+- 3099% 140°p-+43717°n-+ 2989% 278*p4-3618'n-++- 2838+ 327°p+-3588°1-+ 2789+ 360°p-+3559'n-+- 274.2% 5324— Fo ad x(**)= (8? ex x(3)= x($%)= ($9 xo( 61 )a x(¢*)= w(* * ee a * Se x(¢8)= x(S "= oe © yee (88) x(s a xe x(7)= x(72) = x(7*)= (7 # ce: x(78)= x( 77) x(78) 811'd+ 5607— 928-d+ 4300— 1027+d+. 160— 2970-d+ 1200°t+ 2960— 2850+ 1240-t+ 2340— 2770'd4. 1230+t+ 4436— 2707+d-4- 1270¢t+ 3655— 2572'd+ 1307+t4 4316— 2499-d+ 1324-t4. 4768— 2428-d-+4 1340+t4 3550— 2356-d+ 1360°t-4. 2213— 2280-d-+ 1376+t4. 4020— 2204-d-4 1390°t+. 4367— 2124-d+ 1409-14. 2908— 1736-d4 1477-44. 1990-— 1662-4. 1489+t4. 2603— 1523-d+ 1504-44. 569— 1460-d4 1507+t4. 133°t— - x(7*)x is 297 1403*d4- 1510°%4 1651— 1354904151044 1032— 1314«d4 1501+¢4. 1452— 1283-24 1492514. 660— 1277-4 1475-44. 2723-—— 128044 1455+t-4 101°t— 399°p4-3580°-+4 2695%2 537*p+3428en+ 2526% 632*p-+-3343°n-+- 2361 3150°)+2630'— 6402. 3180°P+2590'n— 6102 3210°*+2590'n— 6002 3222*p4-2574¢n— 581% 3263-42549: 533% 3283°*P+2538'n—= 503° 3304:642527-n— 470% 3324°p42516en— 431:2 3347 -p+2507-n— 387i 3366:74-2496-'— 339% 3389°P42489'n— 2827 3466424454 52% S473*p+2440'N+ 185+ 3476°"p+4+2425.n4- 4124 S46 7P+241 7m 5347 3449-p42406-n+ 667° S425*p4+2398n-+ 8187 S386-P42384-n+ 9782 3338°p4+2368-n-+ 11387 3274+42350'n-+ 13247 | 3193-p4-2323°n-+4- 1501°2 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. x(7*)= 4652— 1302-4 1423-44 3091°p-+2293-n+ 1704 x(8°)= 4201— 1345-04 1395-04 2967 *p+2257-n-+ 19184 (44) 1920— 1418-04 1347-24. 2827-p+2212n-+ 211 #(°7)= 895—1639-d4 1236:t+ 2461+9-4.2091+n-+ 2543+i *(°%)= —_ 386— 1990-d+ 1075+t4 1990p41913-n-4 2923+ aCe “18s 2215+d+ 1006-14 1679°-+4-1805°n+4 3176% (8%) = 2466—2723-d4+ g800rt+ 1059*p+1549°'n+ 3496+ x(%%)== 1525—4088-d4 332t— 490-p-4+ 834-n-+ 3911+ w(??)= 297744832 200t— 925-4 6135-n4 3942+ w(**)= 1641—4858-d4 78-t— 1333-p4 393-n+ 3935+ x(°°)== 2240-—5577-d— 150:%t— 2109— 50-4 3834+ x(°°)== 2522—6240'd— 353-t— 2814-p— 5230+ 3630% x(°?)= 4877—7280-d— 653-t— 3918-p—1299-n+4 3041°i x(°?)= 2649-—-7467-d— 703:t— 4118-p—1468-n+ 2885°i x(°°)=—3087—7644-d— 747:t— 4307-p-—1637-n4.2716% x(°*)= 2714—7799-d— 789:t— 4473-p—1797-n4 2527+ x(°S)= 1948-—8045-d— 848:t— 4747-p—2090-n+4. 2215+ #( 96 )=—3 366—8138-'d— 868*-— 4856-p—2222-n4 2055.3 x(°7)= 470—8212-d— 881+t— 4946-p—2343-n+ 1902%i x(9%)= 2655—8272d— 895+t— 5025-p—2458-n+1750% x(°?)=— 462—8371-d— 895-t— 5257: p—2996-n4+ 990% w(2°°)= 210—8355-d— 889°t— 5268p—3066-n+ 883+ a(294)= 207—-8329'd— 879°t— 5273p—3129-n-+ 786% 2(2°2)=—2304—8127-d— 822+t— 5232-p—3383-n4+ 380% x(193)——-1277-—-8076-d— 810't— 5216-p—3424-n4 313% x(4°4)—= —1430—8023-d— 797-t— 5197-p—3462-n+4 251% w(2°%)—= 2132—7849-d— 757-t— 5129 p—3556-n+4+ 90% w(2°6)= 1759-—7727-d— 731:t— 5079P—3609-— 1% x(1°7)—— 927-—7104-d— 606:t— 4813:p—3777+n— 289% x(1°8)— —9090—6984-d— 583-t— 4763+p—3778-N— 325% x(1°9)——4190—6810'd— 553*t— 4688:p—3823-n— 365% w(41°)— 3362—6753:d— 544t— 4668'p—3831-n— 376% 2(112)= — 704-—6700'd— 535+t— 4642 p—3838-— 388% 319 320 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. x(113)= 1005—6645-d— 526%— 4619:p—3844:n— 397% x(218)=— 708—6438-d— 492:t— 4535-p—3867-n— 424+i aw(214)=— 502—6247-d— 461t— 4458:p—3884en— 4440. - To deduce from these equations the values of the unknown quanti- ties d, t, ~, n, 7, I divided them into four nearly equal portions, and supposed that in each the sum of the errors of longitude or latitude was equal to 0; due regard being had to the signs. This hypothesis gave x (2) +r (*). +6400 (8°) =0, ar (2°) 4 (21)... 00 (57) =0, w(F8) +xe(F9)o.. +(**)=0, x (87) +x (88) .0. +e (114) =0, These substituted in the sums of the corresponding equations (A) give the system of equations (C), O= —86097+ 150823-d-+4 34887-t+ 106305-p-+ 91396-n—15198% O= 358614 92103-d+ 41788-t+ 107728:p-+ 158553°n-+ 96120% O= 69935— 58772-d+ 37980%%+ 86569°'p+ 66916°n-+ 24015% o= 7005 —202553*d—17489-t—122408-p— 72168°n-+ 35116% (C) Which by the usual rules of elimination give d= 0°2814729+ 0°1248260.t p=—0'9198046—0°1727901+t (E) m= 0°5858239—0-2635675:¢ i= —0°5782452+4 0-0740628-t These values substituted in the equations (A) give 2(1)=2048—354+t x(*)=1574—542+¢ (F) 2(*)=1128—516:t . : a(*)=2028—523+ : &e, &e. To render the sum of the errors x(*), x(?), 2(2), &c. taken posi- tively as little as possible, I made use of the method of La Place in Vol. II. page 135 of his Mécanique Céleste. First. by changing the Signs of the terms of those equations where the coefficients of ¢ were Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. “321 negative ; then arranging them according to the magnitudes of the 2048 A574 1128 2028 quotients —>=> a pcs — 542’ —516 —523 —z59 &e. found by dividing the con- stant term of each equation by the coefficient of ¢, noticing the signs. In this way the system of equations (G) was obtained. 9t— 939 %(82)=243+t—2075) —2(5 7) —624-t—51851 ala 8)=345+t—1712 29) —=7185¢—5823 ase f 5 )==317*t—1545 —x(**)=2461—1084 x(75)=196-t—162i] z(38)=948-7—7596 (44) 32164-1726 7 (80) 397+7— phe (6 6 )— 2(*48)= 476%— 369) x(103)— —x( $F) —903-1—1553) 2($*)=1150%t—1871) 2(**)—g14-7-— x(41)= 95t—6987| x(5*)=270t—2065) «(9*)= 402-t+—1679 gieh oa 179 j—x(16)= 77-t-—4587| x(129)=402-t-—2996) x©(*°)=1038-t—4198 thi =2427— 81 2(2°4)== 3Ot—1081|—27($ 1) = 346-t—2554—x(°° = 239:t— 949—2(1°)—4ag7— 142 —x aise meee (40) —14 9-4 1078 Boe 255-t—1004,—7 (*)=—5024— 99 x(7S) sel 54et—2840| (3 ¥ J 546-—3825—* (*)= 523-t—2028-——* (*)=446+t4 167 2(18)—= 36-t— 628| x639)=207+1t— 1444 — 7 (5 0) Pmt — 105-44. 159 —— (17 )—= 27-t— 448 ar( 70 = 52t— 350—x (1)= er ot 750 (791 28-t—-1924|—2(5 1) =554-t—3721|—x(191)= 125-t— 425,\—x(9*)—16 974+ 310 x(®3)=195-t-—-2574|— (9 *)=329-t—2119, x($*)=1070:t—3298) x(*11)—414-t+ 1064 Be are tlt a( 25 )=387+t—2405 Ge 128*t—- 388) x(412)—496-1+1361 — 2 (46 )=352*t—4.558|—2( 5 * )=5701t—3531—r (#)= 542-7—1574, x( 24) = 3064 1058 —2(91)=317+7—3912| «(8% )=470 t—2898) x(3°)=1177-t—3364\—2x( 4 * 456741663 Hx ( § 4) 235+t—2798|—.x( §* ) =289"t i731 zs 9)= 393-t—1103—27(**)=110t+ 545 —2( 5s )=6061—6387| x 76) ax St—1250/—7(19°) = 148%— 397, wx(*°)—269-t+1306 @(21)—=228-t—2355| 2(* 4) =199-t—1133-—2(5 4)= 582:t—1339\—7(15)=124t4 627 —2x( 4? 41 7:t—4237| 2(54)=627+t—3555| 7(95)= 641-t—1435—x(4*)=183-t+ 938 — (5 )=588-t —5972\—2( 9? )=323- tn 1807 FU 1)= 408-t— 905 (44) =335- t-+-1760 2 (4? )=371t—3741\—a (7 )=477-t—2648/—* (3)= 5/6%—1128| 2(7*)=248-1-+1800 x 388-t—3823/—~ t=150:t— 8031 sat 911%—197 re ccs: tes ——— ery 69-t— ce erry ess 949}-—* °? = 184°t— oe 947+ 938 eh 4) —466-t—2475|—r ( se 462*t— 84+9/—w( 95 )=325-7+3807 —x(é 8) =261:%t—2370—a2(14+)=169-t— 869 x(2°7)— 313%t— 545/—x(*6 )—307-1+3680 —z( 9 #)— 282: 4+—2497|—2x(* 3)=576:t—2862/—a (§)= 489-7— pe we( 49S )—= 133-14. 2142 29] x( 295 )== 93-t+4+2505 x($9)= 21+ 633 176:t— 185\—x1( #8) 247+ 948 —x(*7)= 293t— 235)\-x(2°% = The sum of the coefficients of ¢ in all these equations is 39947=F, The sum of the coefficients of the first §9 equations is 19387, which is less than 3 F, and by adding the next mie coeflicient the sum ferosmee 20425, which exceeds 5 F, consequentl; second member of the 60th ec ceaioe system (G) must be put = 0, to pends a sum of the errorsa minimum. This gives 470 -_ 137%+1981 Q ~~ 322 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. 1038 t — 4198 = 0, whence ¢ = 4°0443, which substituted in the sys- tem (E) gives the following values. d= 0°78631 t= «=4°0443 =—1°61862 = —0°48012 = —0'27871 These substituted in the assumed elements give the corrected val- ues, 4 D + 004d = 10351452 T +-05-t = September 11d. 972215 mean time at Nantucket. P +10 = 75° 07' 49” N—10'°n =140 25 48 I+10% = 70 05 13 The differences between the geocentric longitudes and latitudes, cal- culated directly by these elements, and the observed values, being taken for a (*), a (7), (5), &c. give x (1) Fa(?)...4+ 2? = 456; x(*°)+2x(8!)...4+2(57)=—18"9; x (**) 42x(**) ron $x (*)=— 577; v(*7) + (8)... ar(tt4) = — WY which vary but very little from the assumed hypothesis, which requit- ed that the second members of these equations should be = 9; and though these differences were not worthy of notice, I thought it best to repeat part of the process for correcting them, with a view of veri- fying by this means the preceding calculations; using the elements last found instead of D, T, P, N, and I. It is sufficient to state the result of these observations, which were ‘004‘d = — 0-0000142; “05% = 0°000192; 10°p=0; —10"n=—2"; 10°: =—2", whence the s Correct elements of the orbit are as follows. Perihelion distance 1°035131, the mean distance of the earth from. _ the sun being unity. . 2 . . ATs ee eee Mr, Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. $23 Time of passing the perihelion September 11d. 23/,17' 11” mean time at Salem. 12 04 0048 Greenwich. 12 04 1009 Paris. Long. of the perihel. counted on the orbit of the comet 75°07’ 49” Longitude of the ascending node 140 25 46 Inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic 73:05 11 Motion retrograde With these elements I computed the geocentric longitudes and latitudes of the comet, at the time of each of the observations at Cam- bridge, Boston, Salem, and Nantucket, and have inserted them in the mh oe ee as 1 7 1 following table, with the ding observed values. Siaso times of $61) -Obecrved Calculated — “Tol oe ge prc servation at Salem,|| longitudes. | longitudes. Differences, es Northilat. North. Differences. 1807 d.k.’ ” ° ? He Ot. 2 WF oy ’ Sep. 67 56 52)\145 45 041145 45 22 —O 18/29 25 47 8 7 54 2811146 55 301146 56 30 —1 00/31 03 14 97 56 52/147 32 29]147 34 11 —1 42//31 50 GO 10 7 38 47/|148 12 41/148 12 48 —0 0; 32 41 26 127 56 52/149 33° 93624 = —3 12)|3- 13 7 56 52)|150 18 19]i50 20 i ot 10 147 56 521151 O7 57/151 06 431114 15 7 56 52\|151 53 17|151 54 57 eens OF | 16 7 31 42/152 41 15/152 44 31 ouing 1 17 7 21 2ifl153 34 17|t53 36 54 «iu 38 45 03) 8424 18 7 56 52 23 7 56 52 24 6 53 56 26 7 56 52 27717 54 28 6 47 35 29 7 02 15) 30 7 56 52/| “) Oct. 1°7 01-36}. 159 55 551159 57 12 161 09 43/161 09 34 163 58 17|163 57 5710 20 i65 23 34/165 25 26 167 95 54/166 58 46 154 32 29/154 33 42] re 24 } os 30 oie 28 33/1 29 49 13 5281 ik B40 21. week, 4s 6 7 35 04 “0 59157 15 14157 15 1210 02 8 7 56 52 Ade 4 5S. anll 49 10 6 18 59/1195 53 O1/195 48 2214 40 ioe 5S 11 9 03 411/199 37 53/199 35 O5'2 48 2 48 —0O 37 13 6 25 40/|206 22 36/206 22 36 oO a “* 14. i 17 6 25 40)\'221 42 162214402) —1 46//61 pre aoe . 97 53—27 33 Sums. 27 0u—2? 00 Sums, 324 Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. i b-' . obs. lat. |Calcul. lat. servitiot Salem, Pesctena longitudes | Differences. || “North. | North. | Differences. ilid.A.’ "| St AOE WI HS PO FE ROD Te eee Oct. 18 7 56 52)225 53 58225 51 412 17 62 23 52/62 23 1610 36 19 7 56 52/229 41 17/229 41 39) —O 22)162 10 30/62 12 09 —1 39 21 7 56 52/1237 07 57/237 06 171 40 61 31 55,61 32 33 —O0 38 23 7 56 521243 56 48244 03 09 —6 21/150 32 01]:0 32 04 —0.03 27 7 56 52/236 02 04256 03 48} - —1 44157 49 35/57 45 1014 23 28 6 25 40} —2 411/57 00 21/56 59 3110 50 t 29 6 25 40 —1- 38/55 00 18|56 08 31 —9 33 30 6 25 40}: —O 07||55 17 53)55 16 34]i 19 Novy. 1 6 25 40} —1 38/153 29 06/53 28 39)/0 27 — 2.6 25 40}: —1 01/52 25 26]/52 33 38} =9—8 12 36 25 40 —O 47)/51 36 40/51 38 15 —1 35 46 25 40 -10 591/50 45 01/50 42 4912 16 ds 10 6 25 40}. 45 14.45/45 16 22} —1t 39 11 6 25 40f/2 2 49/44 23 51|44 24 10 —0 19 12 6 25 40f2 43 32 41|43 32 50 —O0 08. 17 6 25 4c}: —5 111/39 26 42!39 30 O05 mong Se 18 6 25 4 38 42 59/38 44.29]. —1 30 19 6 25 40 37 58 17/37 59 53 int 36 21 6 25 40 35 56 33/35 52 05/4 48 24 6 25 40 —4 14//34 56 14/34 31 45/4 29 Dec. 4 6 25 40 —O 13//28 44 52/28 43 40]1 12 6 6 25 27 43.05/27 43 38, = —03F 9 6 25 40 26 15 03/26 18 49 —3 46: 10 6 25 4C 25 49 33/25 51 53 —2 18: 11 6 25 40, —1 41)/25 30 05/25 25 3114 34 : 12 6 25 40 los 04 57/24 59 48]3 09 16 6 25 40 . 23 25 17/23 22 4112 36 20 6 25 401307 49 48/307 43 18/4 30 llet 57 13}21 54 ool3 13 Sums 41 26-41 26 Sums 35 52-35 52 It would have been in vain to have attempted to calculate the ellip- tical hypothesis by these observations, since the differences between the observed and calculated places are, in general, within the limits of the errors of the observations. The tail of the comet was bifurcated, and’ near the middle part of the space between the two forked points the colour was as dark as: - the unilluminated part of the heavens, as was observed by Rev. Dr Prince of Salem. The apparent angular length of the tail increased from. its first appearance in September till near the middle of October> Mr. Bowditch on the Comet of 1811. $25 On the 16th of October the apparent length, observed by Professor Farrar at Cambridge, was 143°: and if we suppose the direction to be opposite to the sun, the real length would exceed 50 millions of miles. The elements of the orbit of this comet are wholly different from ~ any of those whose orbits have already been calculated, as may be seen by comparing with the tables, published in the systems of Astronomy _ of La Lande or Vince. The perihelion distance of this comet is so nearly equal to that of the distance of the earth from the sun, that were it not for the great inclination of the orbit and the present situation of the perihelion, the comet might approach towards the earth so as to be thirty times as near the sun. But in the present situation of the or- bit, the comet cannot possibly approach so near to the earth, as sever- al of the known comets have done. 326 XLII. RBSTIMATE OF THE wre OF ar Beinn HILLS IN NEW AMPSHIR BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH. a) DP THE White Hills in New Hampshire, which are the highest moun- tains in New England, have been estimated by Dr. Belknap in his his- tory of New Hampshire, to be above 10,000 feet above the level of | the sea; but from some barometrical observations, made in July 1804, by several gentlemen who ascended the mountains, it appears that his computation is by far too great, and that the real height does not much exceed 7000 feet. This will evidently appear by comparing the ob- servations given in the following Table. Those on the top of Mount Washington, the highest of the White Hills, were made by Doctor _ Cutler and Professor Peck. Those at Mr. Messervey’s in the town of Adams (not far from the foot of the mountain) were made by a person, who observed the state of the Barometer and Thermometer, at intervals of $0 minutes, the whole day the company were on the Mountain, ‘The observations at Salem were made by Doctor Holyoke, and those at Boston by the late Rev. Mr. Emerson. All these obset- yations were made in the shade. The Barometer varied but very lit- tle on the sea coast for several days before and after the 28th of July- The range from the 25th to the 30th of July at Salem was from’ 30°00 to 30°11 ; and at Boston from 29-9 to 30°1. The smallness of these variations is jn general conducive tothe accuracy of the result of the calculation by barometrical observations. Mr. Bowitch’s estimate of the height of White Hill. 827: Place of observation } Times | barom. | therm. dah h. At the summit of Mount Washington |July 28 1 to 3 ] 23-39 54 At Messervey’s in Adams July 27 7 a.m.| 28°99 | 62 28 6°30 | 29°04 57 7 *O7 60 | 7.30 07 65 8 °07 68 8°30 “08 70 9°0 *08 74 9°30 ‘11 76 100 “34 75 10°30 wd 79 11:0 i | 79 11°30 "13 80 13 82 0°30 "13 82 1-0 "13 82 1°30 “13 83 2°0 "13 86 2°30 "13 86 3°0 +13 87 3°30 *12 77 40 “12 73 4°30 "12 76 5°0 *12 77 is 5-30 | 13 | 79 pee : e rs 6-0_ m 4 “13 ee ‘81 At Salem by Dr. Holyeke 70 2 eae ees Sy July 27 8 a.m.) 30°02 68 2p. m. 82 7 p- m, 72 10 p.m.) 30°09 65 July 28 8am.) 3012 | 74 2 p-m. 82 4 : : he p-™ 73 At Boston by Rev. Mr. Emerson 10 pym | 30-11... F.. OF July 27 8 a»m | 30°00 66 2 p.m. 700 | 78 7p-m.} *00 74 July 28 8 am arepP kOe) | BPE tine “2p.m 10 78 | 7 p- m.| “10 76 j 10 Pp Tie *10 73 nt ee ee —e nee ee ee $28 . Mr. Bowditch’s estimate of the height of White Tiils. The mean of the 26 observations made at Adams, on the 28th of July, gives Barometer 29°11 inches, Thermometer 76°3. The mean of Dr. Hoiyoke’s observations in the same day is, Barometer 30°15 inches, Thermometer 76’3. The observations of Mr. Emerson, who was probably situated a little higher above the level of the sea, than Dr. Holyoke, did not differ sensibly from these. Computing from these observations the elevation of Adams above Salem (by the rule given in Dr. Maskelyne’s introduction to ‘Vayior’s logarithms) it becomes 980 feet. The observation of July 27, calculated in the same way, gave 965 feet. As there were 26 observations on the 28th of July, and but one on the 27th July, the mean of all will be nearly 979 fect. To thisadd 34 feet, the height of Dr. Holyoke’s barometer above the level of the sea, the sum 1013 feet, is the elevation of Mr. Messervey’s house in Adams, above the level of the sea. Dr, Belknap estimates this height to be Spee 3000 feet, which is about three times its real value. By comparing the observations made at the top of Mount Wash- ington, viz. Barometer 23°39 inches, and Thermometer 54 degrees ; ; with the mean of the observations at Adams at the same time; Barom- eter 29°13, Thermometer 84°8; the result is 6149 feet for the differ- ence of elevation of these two places. To this add 1013 feet, the height of Adams above the level of the sea, and we have the height of Mount. Washington above the level 7162 feet. This estimate may also be made by comparing the observations at Mount Washingto™ with those made at Salem at the same time, viz. Barometer 30° “115 “inches, and Thermometer 82 degrees, which give 7021 feet, to whic add 34 feet (the elevation of Dr, Holyoke’ s barometer) and we have 7055 feet, for the height of the mountain. The mean of this and the former estimate is 7108 feet, which may be assumed as the elevation of the summit of Mount Washington, above the level of the sea- 329 XLIV. METHOD OF DISPLAYING AT ONE VIEW ALL THE ANNUAL CYCLES OF THE EQUATION OF TIME, IN A COMPLETE REVOLUTION OF THE SUN’S APOGEE. BY JAMES DEAN, a.m. A. 4.5. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. in the University of Vermont, Communicated in a letter to Nathaniel Bowditch, a.m. a. A. S. — <5 FROM my first understanding the difference between mean and apparent time, I particularly wished to see the effect of differently com- bining the causes which produce it. But I could not. think of com- puting a whole table for every longitude of the sun’s apogee; nor even if that were done, would they exhibit the constituent parts or the transition from one table to another, The accompanying draught in some measure answers my purpose, and has given me.some new views of the subject. The construction of the curves will naturally suggest the manner of their operation. After drawing and properly graduating the ecliptic, the circle of the year, and that for the revolution of the sun’s apogee, a slender circle of 4 inches diameter was drawn for a ‘standard of mean time. From this circle was set off at the distance of every 5° the reduction of the ecliptic to the equator, converted into time on a scale of 30’ to an inch, on the outside of the circle when it is positive, and on the inside when it is negative, and these points con- nected by acurve. The situation of any point in this curve compar- ed with the circle evidently shows that part of the equation of time which arises from the obliquity of the earth’s axis, for the day against which it is taken. On the moveable paper was drawn an sgostcrcte for the panne porpose with the other, and a line drawn through it 330 Professor Dean’s method of illustrating the equation of time. represent the line of apsides. From this circle, was set off at the dis- tance of every 10° the equation of the sun’s centre converted into time, . on the same scale with the other, but the position of the points is re- versed, the negative equation being on the outside and the positive on © the inside, and the paper cut through those points. By this aversion the sum of the two equations when they are alike, and their difference when unlike, is easily discerned, whatever may be the position of the line of apsides. When the space expressing the equation contains the circle of mean time, the two causes conspire to produce the effect, but when this space lies wholly without or within the circle of mean time, the result is the difference of the two causes. Where these curves intersect each other, it is evident that the positive and negative causes, being equal, cancel each other, and the apparent time coincides with the mean. Turning this paper again and again, backward and forward, and comparing with the tables, has led me to some conclusions, which bare reflection on the causes may have produced in some minds, though it never suggested themto me. J cannot say they are very valuable, but they may serve to amuse a speculating moment, and possibly suggest relations on other subjects, leading to important conclusions. The equation by the obliquity of the equator being the greatest, there must be always four days in each year, that is one belonging to each of the © cardinal points of the ecliptic, on which the mean and apparent time coincides. © These days I beg leave to call mean days, and they never can be more than 27 days from that in which the sun passes those points. _ Each moves through its 53 or 54 days forward in about 12716 years, and then returns in about 6920 years. The eq inoc ial mean days advance into the succeeding months when the sun on them is nearest to its apogee, and retrogade when it is nearest its perigee On the contrary, the solstitial mean days reeede wher the sun on thes _ Professor Dean’s method of illustrating the equation of time. 33% is nearest its apogee, and advance when it is nearest its perigee. The distance of any two of these mean days must always be between 40 and 120 days. In summer and winter there will always be periods of at least 40 days in which the sun will be too slow ; and in spring and autumn similar periods, in which it will be too fast. When the apsides coincide with the equinoxes, the summer and autumn equa- tions are equal but contrary, and also the spring and winter, and two of the mean days, are on the equinoxes, and the solstitial mean days each about 67 days from that equinox in which is the sun’s perigee. When the sun’s apsides coincide with the solstices, the spring and summer equations are ‘equal, and the autumnal and winter ; two of the mean days are on the solstice, while the equinoctial mean days are about 67 days from that solstice in which is the sun’s apogee. The mean day belonging to the vernal equinox is now advancing in the calendar at the rate of one day in about 347 years, that belonging to the summer solstice is retreating at the rate of a day in 92 years, that belonging to the autumnal equinox is advancing at the rate of a day in 242 years, that belonging to the winter solstice is advancing a day in 201 years. If the equation by the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit were just equal to that from the obliquity of its equator, the motion of the mean days in the calendar would be equal to one fourth of the year, advancing during three fourths of the revolutions of the apo. gee, and receding the other fourth ; and when the apsides were in the octants, two of them would coincide, and there would be only three mean days in the year. If the equation from the eccentricity were the greatest, the mean day formed by the coincidence of the other two would vanish, and there would be a number of years “about this ‘posi- tion of the apsides with only two mean days ineach. ’'The numt ml r of these years would increase with this ‘equation, till with an ‘equation from the eccentricity more than double that from the obliquity there 332 Professor Dean’s method of illustrating the equation of time. never could be but two mean days in a year, and these would revolve through the year with the apsides. On Venus the greatest equation from the obliquity of its axis is 2h. 24’ 16", the sun of course makes mean time four times in a year, and the eccentricity of its orbit produces but very small fluctuation of those times. On Mercury the greatest equation from the eccentricity is 14. 34’ 40", and unless the obliquity of its equator be more than double that of the earth, the mean and apparent time can never coin- cide but twice in one of their years. On Saturn the equation from the eccentricity is greater than from the obliquity, but less than double of it, of course it has sometimes two mean days, and sometimes four in a year; the other planets have only two. After twice delineating this draught certain mechanical facilities occurred which, should it be thought worth engraving, a workman might be glad to obtain. The curves are composed of segments of circles ; in the broad oval on the lower paper, one sign about each of the cardinal points is described on the centres p 2 = 1g respectively, and the intermediate segments of two sigs each, on the centres v, ¢,4,/, respectively. On the moveable paper the 3d »4th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and I1th signs were described with the radius of the mean circle, on a point distant from its centre by the greatest equation ; the Ist, 2d, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 12th signs reckoning from A, with a radius about + 35 Of an ‘inch less, on centres to meet. It is scarcely necessary to mention, that the | par- allel lines expressing minutes are described on the same centres. with the corresponding segments of their principals. If the use of a thin transparent paper should be deemed inconvenient, it will be equally accurate, though not quite so ey: to draw parallels 0 on the outside of ae nde d Cor silt sepyb hob tow, arpa dingy Ie 333 XLV. AN ACCOUNT OF SOME ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA, BY REV. TIMOTHY ALDEN, a.m. | Communicated in a letter to the late Rev. John Eliot, p. v. —— a Newark, WN. J. 29th August, 1812. REVEREND AND DEAR SIR, I THINK the following narrative will not be unacceptable to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. It is, however, submitted to you for such disposal, as your benevolence may suggest. On the evening of the 28th of May, 1809, in time of a severe tempest, the mansion house of the Rev. Uzal Ogden, p. p. of this vil- lage, was somewhat injured by an electric explosion. _ The lightning entered at the ridge-pole by the chimney into the upper apartment, in which there was no fire place. It shivered a picture frame, hanging by the chimney, and from that passed toa brush, the bristles of which were secured by wire, lying on a table, and split it into seyeral pieces, the sharp ends of some of which were driven. upwards with such force, at an angle of about 45°, as to perforate and remain strongly fixed in the planchment, =e young lady of Dr. Ogden’s family was sitting in a chair, leaning her right cheek against her hand, with her elbow on the table before mentioned. The fluid, after its effect upon the brush, was directed to her right elbow, where it broke the skin. A small portion of it was conducted by the arm to her face, on which it made a slight contusion, but did not affect the sensorium, so as to deprive | her. of recollection oti for a moment. The principal stream proceeded from the ive sounded down the right side, leaving a narrow red streak, to the ball of the lit- tle toe, which, from the position of the foot, rested on the @oor and 334 Mr. Alden’s account of electrical phenomena. was considerably hurt. Her gown of muslin was set on fire, and her stocking of silk was crimped, so as to look like a piece of pin over the path of the fluid. After leaving its flesh conductor, the lightning tore up several boards of the floor, and was attracted by a wire, which it followed, through the third and second stories, into the basement, to a bell at ‘the end of it, which hung in the chimney corner. It then went to the andirons and to the embers on the hearth, which were scattered in every possible direction. | The first sensation which the lady felt, after receiving the shock, was, to use her own language, “ that she was as big as a house. Ina little time, her usual sensibility returned, except on her right side. i Doctor Abraham Clark, a distinguished physician, who resided within a few steps, was immediately called in. As soon as he ascer- = the condition of his patient, he sent for his Galvanic trough, which was furnished with sixty pairs of plates, and, in less than fifteen minutes after the alarming incident, got it into operation. Previously to the use of the Galvanic electricity all pulsation, on the right side, seemed to have been suspended. Ina short time the elbow began to smart, where the skin had been fractured, and circulation was grad- ually restored. Something of the torpor, however, remained, for 8 day or two; but ina week, or less, the patient was perfectly recov- ered from the effects of the explosion, _ The happy result from the prompt use of the Galvanic electricity, at a time, when no other could have been obtained, in this particular instance, ought to be generally known, as a precedent of no small i HB: portance i in cases of injury by lightning on the human frame. As the caLvanic TRovcH is so readily prepared for of : ‘it seems highly expedient that it should not be forgotten in instances, like tht, of which I have the happiness to communicate this account * $35 — XLVI. ACCOUNT OF A SINGULAR PROPERTY OF LAMPREY EELS. “BY JOSEPH TILDEN, Ese. _ Communicated in a letter to the Hon. John Davis, uu. D. — | | a Boston, Nov. 29, 1809. DEAR SIR, PERHAPS some account of a phenomena, which I have never seen described, may be worthy of attention; it must excite curiosity and may be productive of useful inquiry ; I mean the effect produced by human saliva on Lampreys, or Lampre-cels.* I will endeavour at your request to state to you the few observations I was able to make. In the neighbourhood of the falls at Machias, in the District of Maine, there are great numbers of these fish adhering to the rocks by means of the suction about their heads; they hold on with so much strength as to make it difficult to remove them by striking or throw- ing stones at them, but on spitting into the water they instantly spring out of it in the greatest agitation. It is surprising that as this fact has been long known to the peo- ple in the vicinity of Machias, it should not have become more pub- | lit. Ihave to regret that it was not in my power to satisfy some in- quiries, which must naturally be excited by such an extraordinary scene. The place which the Lampreys assume is under the falls, where the fresh joins the salt water; the season for them I understand isin May and June. At the time they were affected by the saliva they appeared to be in pain, starting sometimes to the number of 20 or more several feet above the surface of the water in a horizontal po- eeseee dscns # She Dee ‘ “A > a c0'S Seiniabtiee: woe ee” sy STAG SIMS WR 336 Mr. Tilden’s account of lamprey eels. sition, with the most disgusting appearance, not unlike the writhing movements of snakes; when they fell into the water they went down the stream and did not resume their former place. I tried the saliva » of a dog on them, but it had no effect. I could not observe whether the effect was first produced on one and by him communicated to the others. It would seem impossible that so small a quantity of saliva should impregnate so large a quantity of water (say several hundred tons) as to form a mixture or combination and change its properties so as to affect animals. ‘ I understand that in the season for them these fish are abundant in — this neighbourhood, particularly at Watertown. ee 337 XLVII. ON THE VARIATION OF THE MAGNETICAL NEEDLE. BY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH. —— DD | a THE variation or declination of the magnetical needle, in the vi- cinity of Boston, has decreased since the first observations made in this country, at the rate of a degree in 30 or 40 years. For, by the papers published in the first volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy, it was 9° 00’ W in the year 1708; 8° 00’ W in the year 1742; and about 7° W in the year 1782. Within three or four years, it has been mentioned in several periodical publications that the varia- tion had ceased to decrease, and was then rapidly increasing. ‘This was stated to be the case, particularly in New York, by persons, who, from their official situations as public surveyors, were supposed to be most competent to judge of the subject ; and observations were adduced to prove that this change had taken place between the years 1804 and 1807. Thus one of the boundary lines of Ranssellaer parish in Albany, was found in the year 1800 to bear N 46° 48’ W by compass; and in the year 1805, N 46° 12’ W;; the true bearing being N 51°46’ W. Whence it was inferred that the variation had increased 36’ during that period. In Herkimer in New York the variation was observed in the years 1800, 1804, and 1807: in the first interval of four years it had decreased 4’, and in the last interval of three years had increased 15’. A turnpike road, which was laid out by compass in 1805, had varied in its bearing’in 1807, 435’, indicating that the variation had increased by that quantity. These are the chief observations, that I have known to be produced, to prove that a change had takeu place in New York ; but they by no means warrant the conclusion that has been 43 338 Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnetic needle. drawn from them, since no noti¢e whatever is taken of the diurnal variation of the needle, which sometimes exceeds any of the changes that have been observed. For if we examine Professor Sewall’s ob- servations in the first volume of the Memoirs of the American Acade- my, we shall find that in an interval of two or three months, in the year 1782, the declination changed at Cambridge from 6° 21’ W, to 7° 08’ W, varying 47’; and I have observed at Salem, in the year 1810, that the declination varied 48’ in a short period of time. lither of these diurnal changes exceeds the alteration observed at New York; and as there can be no doubt that the diurnal variation is nearly as great there as at Cambridge or Salem, it follows that the differences observed in New York are not too great to be accounted for by the diurnal motion alone, without resorting to the hypothesis of an irregular increase in the mean quantity of the variation. It may also be observed that the variation found at the same time and place with different instruments will frequently vary half a degree ora degree ; and, by changing the place of the instrument a few feet, the same effect will sometimes be produced. This is more particularly the case in compact places, when the observations are made from the windows or on the top of a building; the nails and other iron used in constructing it, having fre- quently a great effect on the position of the needle, Notwithstanding the difficulty of obtaining the correct values of the variation, it is of importance to ascertain it, at regular intervals, as correctly as possible, particularly in this country, where most of the boundary lines of lands are determined by the compass. ‘To assist in this object, 1 shall here give an abstract of my observations made at Salem in the years 1805, 1808, 1810, and 1811, The obseryations in the year 1805 were made at a house in Sut mer Street, Salem, with a theodolite, furnished with a quadrant of al titude, telescope, &c. graduated to minutes, After making the usual Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnetic needle. 339 adjustments, and fixing as nearly as possible the quadrant of altitude, and the north point of the needle at the commencement of the gradu- ation of their respective’circles, I estimated the errors of these last ad- justmenis, and applied them respectively to the observed altitudes and azimuths of the sun, ina similar way to the method of correcting for the index error of an observation made with a quadrant of reflection. To ascertain these index errors. to a greater degree of accuracy, I generally took the mean of ten observations of the needle, and three observations of the quadrant, before and after eachset of observations. The instrument was placed within the house, at an eastern window in the morning, and at a western in the evening, at the distance of two or three feet from the wall, (or farther when it could be done) in order to avoid as much as possible the effect of the iron in the walls of the building. Having obtained. in this way the sun’s true altitude and magnetic azimuth, the true azimuth was calculated and the variation deduced by the usual rules of spherical trigonometry. The observa- tions were as follows. | ad, 4,5 Ta OF Cae salle ig 1805 November 18915 A.M. 4 observations | 5 58 W. 4, Pp. M. 5 6 17 19 9 A. M. 6 6 02 Zz P. M. 6 5 56 21:2 P.M. 10 6 15 2379 A.M. 9 5 56 2 80 P.M. & 5 45 26 2 P. M. 10 5 51 27 9 . M. 12 5 42 3 P. M. 10 6 o1 28 9 A.M. 10 5 43 3 Po MM. iz 6 06 299 A.M. 3 § a2 30 9 A. M. 12 6 o1 Mean of 115 observations 5 57 We & NS 340 Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnectic needle. In the year 1808 at a house in Summer Street about an eighth of a mile south of the place where the above observations were made, I observed the variation with another, more highly finished theodolite furnished with a needle of four inches in length, suspended on an agate. The places where the instrument was fixed, and method of observing, were exactly similar to those beforementioned. Sa et os 1808 June 277 1 A.M. 12 observations 5 11 W. 545 P. M. 20 5 22 28 6 26 A.M. 20 § 25 29 6 44 A. M. 20 5 08 6 22 P. M. 20 5 26 July 17 24 A.M. 20 5.25 Mean of. 112 observations 5 20 Ww. In the year 1810, at a house in the northern part of Market Street, Salem, about a quarter of a mile east of the place of observation in 1805, the variation was observed as above by both theodolites, the re- sults are— Theodolite used in 1808. d.h. ? o> 2 5 1810 April 14.52 P. M. 20 obs. 5 43 32 W Theodolite 2439P.M. 20 54529 | used in 3754A.M. 20 55112 1805. 432P.M. 20 5 40 31 4757 A.M. 20 5 48 03 20 obs. 52413 W 419P.M. 20 53634 20 4.57 56 8815P.M. 20 608450 20 5 18 06 : octal pian FE, = —— ail Mean of 140 obs. 5 47 44 60 obs. mean 5 13 25 w The difficulty of ascertaining the precise value of the variation ap- pears evidently from these observations. For at the same moment om the 8th of April 1810, with two excellent theodolites in the same place, the variation differed above 50 minutes, which is greater than any the changes observed in New York. Iam induced to believe that these differences arose in a great degree from the shortness of the a cli Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnetic needle. 341 needles; and, perhaps in part from the imperfection of the brass of which the instruments were made. ‘To obviate these difficulties I procured a needle 24 inches in length, suspended on an agate, and had it neatly fixed in a mahogany box, moveable at one end on a pivot by which the box was attached to a board, marked with a graduated arch of a circle, subdivided in such manner that minutes of a degree could easily be read by means ofa nonius. ‘The box was made wholly of wood and ivory, and when fixed in its place there was no iron near it. A table about three feet in height was fixed in the middle of a room of the building in the north part of Market-street, and by means of the theodolite and the sun’s azimuth, I marked on the table, with great care, a frue meridian line, and then placed the box on it, and observ- ed the differences between the true and magnetic meridian for every hour, when convenient, from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. from April 1810, to May 1811. The greatest variation observed during this time was 6° 44’ W. The least 5° 56’ W. To ascertain whether the building affected the needle, I fixed a true meridian line on a table in the gar- den adjoining the house, at 30 feet distance from any building, and nearly five feet from the ground, and by the mean of 48 observations, I found that the variation in the garden by this instrument was less by 3' 25” than in the house, so that it was necessary to subtract this quan- tity from all the observations to obtain the true variation. The mean variation for each hour of the day, and for each month of the year, as deduced from these observations, and corrected for the error 3’ 25”, are given in the following tables. 842 Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnetic needle, Mean - : Mean Variation | Time. Variation Hour. from April 4810 for the montly. to May 4844. ff 6h A. M. 6° 19° @1"- oa {i810 April 6° 21’ 21” 7 6 19 O7 May 6 23 36 8 6 to June 6 .25..42 9 6 20 28. July @. 28 5! 10 6 21 15 August 6 29 “44 ii 6 22 46 - September] 6 25°21 12 6. 24 .07.».4 October 6 2b..42 1 P. M. 6 25 47 November} 6 19 11 2 6 27 09 December} 6 12 35 3 6 27 O 1811 January 6 20 55 4, 6 25 57 February | 6 21 19 5 6 24 26 March 6 20 29 6 6 23 19 April | 6 23 39 7 5 S282 May 6 21 38 8 6 91 43 J 7 6 ) sath rary The whole number of observations was 5125, and the mean of all made the variation 6° 22’ 35” W, which may be assumed as the mean variation at Salem in the year 1810. These observations were made about two miles south of the place where the late President Willard observed the variation in August 1781 to be 7° 2’ W, as may be seén by examining his paper on the subject, in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Academy. - The ‘difference of the variation at the two places, at the same time, was ‘probably not more than 2’; so that from 1781 to 1810, a period’ of 29 years, it had decreased about 38 minutes, or 1’ 19” in a year, which is ‘at nearly the usual rate. From which I am inclined to believe, that the variation has not experienced any change in its direction, in this part of the country, and that the needle continues to approach the srur meridian with nearly the same velocity, as at the time of the earliest observations on record. Mr. Bowditch on the variation of the magnetic needle. 348 The variation observed by Doctor Williams at Rutland, in Ver- mont, leads to the same result. His observations at that place were 1789 April 17 P?sW 1810 May 19 6 4 181i Sept. 9 61 Whence he concludes, that the magnetic variation at Rutland, for 22 years past, has been decreasing at the annual rate of 2’ 495. 344 XLVIUI. DESCRIPTION OF A COMETARIUM. BY JAMES DEAN, a.™. 4.4.5. Prof. Math. and Nat. Phil. in the University of Vermont. Communicated in a letter to Nathaniel Bowditch, A.M. As Ae 8. ean ai>—— : I HAVE been for some months excessively engaged i ina course of experimental lectures, during which I have constucted an instru- ment to represent the unequal motion of the planets round the sun, and the equation of the centre. As I conceive it equally useful with Ferguson’s cometarium, a description of which the compilers of the Encyclopzdia have thought proper to introduce, and much more con- "venient and easily constructed, I take the liberty to obtrude a short description of it on your patience. I shall refer to those expedients only by which the unequal motion is effected, as the rest may be sup- plied according to any one’s peculiar taste in mechanics. A and B (Pl. II. Fig. 6.) are two toothed wheels of the same diameter, turned uniformly, and in the same time, by two pinions on the same arbor C- The wheel A, turned by the upper pinion, carries a hollow arbor, which rising through the dial plate carries an arm with an arch of 60°, on which the equation of the centre may be reckoned. The wheel B under the other carries the flat iron bar, DE sliding through a slit in the upper end of its arbor. In the end E of this bar, which is bent up- wards, is a triangular notch, in which rests the tail or horizontal part EF, of a thick iron wire bent at a right angle, and turning in the hol- low arbor. This carries on its top, above the arbor, a slender rod re- presenting the vector radius, and moving with any desired degree of inequality. For when the wire FE is passing over the arbor of the Professor Dean’s account of a cometarium. 345 wheel B, it is carried slower than the wheel; but when the bar DE - is passing under the hollow arbor of the wheel A, the wire being shorter, the arm DE is carried faster than the wheel. The wheel B is set ina frame by itself, moveable on the centre C, so that it is not detached from the pinion, while the distance between the centres of the wheels, and of course the inequality of the totion may be chosen at pleasure. If a very great inéquality, like those of the comets, be desired, the claw FE, may be moved nearer its arbor, even so near as just to pass round the arbor in which the perpendicular part of the wire turns; but in that case the wire should pass through an eye which may turn in the bar DE, on account of the — nr of the two to each other, ~ The avintaaies of this construction I conceive to be its being eapable of representing any degree of eccentricity, from that of Ve- nus to that of Mercury ; that toothed wheels are much more secure than banded ones ; and that circular ones are much more easily form- ed than elliptical ones. ae od Sores i hi : = of is, that it represents the € qui reatest, when the anomaly i is exactly 3or9 signs. But the principal use of all such in- struments, as orreries, globes, maps, &c. to me has been, to give a a general notion of the subject. A slight difference of degree cannot much affect our conceptions, and accurate measures of distance or quan- tity must be preserved in quite a different manner. If this subject require any illustration to youthful minds, (which I find clearly to be the case) this method of effecting it seems so simple and obvious that I can scarcely imagine it to have escaped those who have tortured vulgar fractions for ratios of planetary motions far more accurate than our conceptions can take cognizance of; and yet had it ever been pro- posed, I'sce not why it has not been as much noticed as “the more a though = more difficult one, introduced: tt fo the En, Brit. 346 : ays |(2 -M.| P.M. | P.M. |lam.|p Z |Z A kn 2\5 Sls . (G-|30°49 ]30:53 |30°54 fi4i 147 la7 (ML! @} | 2 7] 9 3} 17] 4 3 | Mize00 29°85 {29°91 1124 |30 |27 N,| 2; 1} 1 aa. 8 7\ 12) 5 L. |29°47 {29°19 {29°36 |} O {12 | 8 LN} 1} 2) 2 7 1} 12) 4 3 G. |30°43 |30°37 {30°44 1147 149 |41 M.| 3} 2 4) 7 3} 10) 4 g Miao 29°89 |29-95 118 !28 \24 4 .N.| 411 al 65 A) 8) 4 ~ CL. [29°07 {28-83 |29-09 |}-2 5 \N.| 4) 1 st 11] tal 4) 9} s a (G. |30°57 }30°58 (30-54 149 (73 [54 (M.| 3} 3 1| 14 2) 13) 4 a Be 30°04, {30°03 |30-04 136 [46 (39 N, | 2) 2 1\..9 5| 12) 1 = » (29°57 {29°54 129-31 [13 |23°5|20 N. | 2\ 4 2} 11 1} 12) 1 wi 7G. |30°40 {30°27 130°37 I154 1805164 (M.| 41 1 44 11 3) 51.3 &.~ M.|29-90 [29°85 !29-91 [145 [56 [51°35 N.| 4| 2 2 6 4} 6| 7 < + (29°33 {29°31 129-31 1131 (40 139 LN. | 2} 3 ae 2] 416 s ( G [80°31 [30°33 [30-30 |[74 [88 |8 fx. 2) 4 1} 7 14/ 3} 68 & 5 (29°91 130°05 ||57 [67 [59°5< N.| 4) 2 a3 2| 6112 E]M 29°68 !29°62 [29°70 143 [49 [3 AB ws | its 3}. 71 6 . { G-|30°37 |30°37 [30°30 |l74 188 [80 (M.| 2] 1 2| 8 2,695 Bitola: 29°94 129-95 [57 |75 {70 48: 1 31 4 8| 6| 4 L. |29°38 {29°31 129-56 Ilsa [67 [46 LM 3 Qi 5 3] 417 . { G-|30°35 |30°38 130°38 ||79. 192 186 M.}| 3} 1 Sk: 7 4p5| 7 33 Ml30-01 29°96 130°02 169 |81 {7 IN 21 3 | 8| 312 = LL. |29°61 |29-61 |29°67 |lsg 72 |62:5 LN. | 1 1h. 5| 59 zy ( Ge [20°43 |30°43 130-43 189 89 |79°5 [ M.| 3 1; 6 £| 10) 3 3 < M.'30:01 130-02 {3 9 [79 {71:55 N.| 2 Al Al 5| 31> 2ip13].5{ 5} 8 < is 29°61 |29°60 |29°59 |[59 |73 |62°5 LW, | 2 8] 2] 3 14] 5] 8) 4 , ( Ge /30°43 130°43 130°34 171 [78 |76 [M.| 5 3 oa. 3} 14; 2 ane 30°05 |30°03 130-04 150 |67 |62 4 N.| 2 1 ors 6} 72) ® CL, |29°79 [29°71 }29°76 146 159 (52 N.| 4 2 3} 4 5} 13} 6 ~, {G.130°53 |30°37 130-44 172 175 |70. (M.| 5 1 6] 13 4) 11] 5 e M.|29-94 29-90 ]39°92 43 [53 48 < N.} 5 2 4l 8 6} 719 ™~ UL, |29°17 )29°11 | 29°33 |j29 [41 136 LN} 5 1 4] 10} 3} 77 . {| G.|30*35 |30°40 |30°45 1151 [68 67 [M.| 4 2 6] 7 8} 9} 1 5< M.29:97 {29°04 129-98 136 [46 [41 y, N. | 4 1 3}. 8 4.95 L. }29°29 }29°12 }29°38 17 131 |25 LN.) 1 1 4} 8 1} 10; 3 , [G- ]30°48 ]s0-41 }30°48 ]59 |50 }48 ( M.} 4 Oo On 2} 120 $< M.j29*88 j29°85 [29°87 |!28 |35 |31 1x 4 1 51 10 | 9} 12) 5 A LL. }28-90 128-92 |29 g 18 |i4 LM] 4 | 5} 9b 12] 2) 72t5 3 £ G- [80°57 |30°58 [30°54 |j89 92 |86 4.41106)|144)42)121/56 3 J M.}29-972129-931(29°972!|4.4-7/545)48°9 es | 6/68} 98/80 iim 28°90 [28°83 29-09 -11:5| 3 [+2 LM 129 j 103)61 N. eather is to be distin ished from that of chat The Sati ieee hedica scar we wos point of the ty ; oe the face ot the sky, divided ompass into four aspects for morning marked M, noon marked N, and —— marked N. numbers at the respective © colum bottom of these columns are the sums of the 364 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. fas 2 9 2359 Bly fey Z|) P.M. |P.M. jam p-m,'p.m. Ze ale ab | 2 30°37 |30:33 |37 la7 jog [M.| 4] 2 8 | 1 29 80 |29°87 |13 122 |17:55 N.| 4) 1] 1) 1 3] 8 7 28°85 (29°31 [-11-5|-2 |-5 LN.| 4 1 1] 4] 9 1] 10 30°27 |30°23 |37 |47 139. [({M.| 9 3] 6 ‘| | 29-87 |29°89 |22. |31+5|29°55 N.| 6) 4 5} 2 1 St 8 29°38 (26°43 |12 20 116 LN.) 6 2 1] 4) 3 1 30°35 |30°42 153 [60 |56°5 (M.| 3) 3] 3 6| 3 5}. 29-85 29°91 |37 |46 N.| 2) 5] 5! 1] 1) 6) 1 5) 29°18 |29°26 |28°5/34-5132 LN.) 3} 4) 5] if 1) 6) 1 3} 30-53 |30°51 /61 |68 |68 (M.| 7} 2) 2] 3} 1) 6 3 | 30:04 |30°06 [45 [55 [49 {8 Q| 4 9) 5] 2) 4 29°61 |29°59 132 |35+5|34°5 LN. 2| 6] 5} 4) 4” 30°24 |30°27 177 188 |80°5 (M.} 2) 3 2, 1}10) 1 29°98 |30°00 156 [68 {8 15} slala7y7 1 29°72 |29°76 147 147 [445 LV.| 1] 3} 3] 1p 1/12) 7} 1 30°27 \30°24 |77 |g9 |s1 (M.| 6 6| 2] 1] 3) 2} 2 8 30°03 (30°02 |62 (72 |65+52 N. 5}12 5| 3} 3) 2 29°72 |29°74 |50°5155 {52 | N.!| 2) 5/11 5| 4, 2} 1 30°31 |30°30 |79 |87 179 ¢M.' 1] 3| 4] 1] 1/10 3} & 29-99 |30-02 \68 {78 |71-52 N.| 1] 2! 8] 1} 2} 8} 3 6 2590 avon fos rs rsd N.| x] of 313) 3] 8 30°23 |30°17 |76 191 Ieies CM.. 1] 5] i] 1 5 7 6 6 29°91 |29°95 |42 71 [70 JN. 4] 8] | 4) 8} 2) 5 29°52 |29°67 [52 166 |I55 |W. eal 3i 3 5] 9} 2 il 30°49 (20°46 173 [83-5/75 M.; 7] 2 Q| 4) 5} 2 8 30°07 |30°06 1565/67 {%. 6] 41 6 4) 6) 2 2} 29°80 (29°19 |39-5|54 [39°95 | .M.1 4] al > 3} 7} 2) SP 9 30°31 [30-48 |62-5|70 159 7 ™M.| 6| | al i] 4) 6 5 7 12 29°94 |80°00 |48+5/59 |53 JN.; 2] 2] 6| | 4) 8} 3) 8) 14) 29°02 29°64 |32 |45 i393 | V | 3! ab 6 3} 6 4 Gi} ta, 3025 |80°33 |56-5/71 |59 ¢M.| 6 ; 2} 6} 7) 5p 4 29°86 29°91 |39 [48-5143 JN.! 6} 2) 3] | 1] 8 4. € 29°46 |29°52 |25 130. la7 |W] 2] of af | 1] 7] 4 1¢ 30°39 |30°42 |40.5148 |45 -M.| 2 3} 4) 4 18) 29°83 (29°87 |22 |31 [26-55 N.; -| 3 i} 2| 8} 1) 151) * 29°37 |29°32 | 3 117 141 | MI al 2 i} 1] 8) 4 14)! 12 30°58 |80°51 79°1/91 (81°35 CM.Is54loetisi1i ZEB 49 114 13; 8)29°93 1 29°963/43°1/55+1/46-22 N.|35139l66]10]26|7436 8O)} 119 28°85 29-19 | arse [Ls LW. 32|32151] 9|29|80.39, 94 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 365 _ eo ae +. WAARASCRMSwaAte a Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. mr = 1708 ° 7 | 24 O47 9 ih 1S sis A.M. | Py Ms seg nga Be Ballols ele a\i el: : Eee 30°23 (30-44 | M.|.7) || 4] 4) 5) 8ig4) “ol 4 ial 4 2 < M.'29-85 (29-80 |29°88 29 N.| 4) 4 4| | 6 als 10) 4 14 6 a L. |29-4 29°49 |29-48 8 |} 4! | al 4] 6! alert gly aal 4 = [G./30°59 [30-59 |s0-50 52 [MJ 3) 4) 4) 4| 3} 6) 4142) 6! 3 43) 6 K M./30-00 [30-04 [30-03 30 an. 4| 3| | 4| B| 4! also 3 14) 4 lao-ay 29°44 |29°06 8 | 3} 8) 4) 4] 8) 8) 242 14 44 2 < (G. (30°53 |30°614 |30-56 63 |M.) 5) 3 4) 8 3| 8 6 10 4 5 < M.|30-02 |30-08 |30-06 40 3 .N.| 2) 4 4) 4) 3/13) 3) 4 3, 10) 2 s 29°49 |29°60 2048 2 | 4) 4% 4) 245) 3) 5 | 9 4 — 30°49 [30-46 {61 {M.) 8 6] 8) 4) 4 5) 3) 5 2 10) 6 'E 4 M.|30-03 |30-03 (30-04 14-4,N. 640| | 6 4 | 6i 42 5 6) 7 a ( L, |29°54 |29°54 [29°54 40. UM!) | 6 7| 4) 6) 5) 2 3 gy el 2. PS G. |30°49 (30°50 (30°48 (78... (.M.|.3| 6 2) 2; 5| 9 4) 6 44) 3) 644 a” 46 |30°14 |80°43 9. 4,N./ 4) 4) 8} | 240) 4) 4 7/40 = “80 [29°83 |29°82 a7 LW) 4) 5 6 44} | 4 6 6 es (G. |30-24 |30-23 |30-17 86 ([M.) | 3) 2) | 845) 4 3 9\ 9 5 4 M.j29°97 29°97 |29-97 72 4 N | 4 2 7| 4) 8148) 2) 2 6 10 = (L. |29-68 \29°64 29°63 55 NV. 4| 6 5414) 4) 3, 6| 7 gs, { G- )80°22 |30°23 30-20 83-5 {M.| 4) 4) 4 | 6) 8) 4) 6] a 8) 8 = 4 M.'29-99 |29-98 |30-00 574 9 N. 4) 9) 4) 4 6) 4) 6. 513 ™ CL. |29°62 [29-67 |29°64 67 (LN) | 4 4 2) 5 6) 3) 4 5 ar G |80°38 [30-37 |30°34 pas M.| 6| 2 4 510 4 6 = 2 M./30-43 |30-42 |30-42 8 < N.| | 243) 4) 340) 4 4 S[ Beh a] 244 4] °4/ 8] 4] 3] 6 2 7G so (M/| > 4| 4) 2 2] 6) 2! 9] “y) 6) 6 Bs : N.| 4 4 | : } F n | 4 27 : 9 7 49 : 7 6 3 2 6 “ 6453 | 27 41 1 8 | 3} 43 6 16 6 t) a 22 3 14 5 1| 2) 4; 2 4 43 i] 4| | 2} @40 6 2 2,4; 2.2 & 14 bd He 4 Ah is. 194] 25}20]10) . |30/27 /62/11'33]% 2034 | sk % ‘ 366 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Barometer. Thermemeter. Winds. Weather. i. = 1794. 7 } 2 9 7 (219 mH) | 2 oe ae P. M. |/aem.|p.m.|p.m zfs flo fe E/E | : . ( G. [30°62 \30°63 [30°69 |/51 [156 [47 CM.| 2 2| 7) 5} 15/) gh } 9 5 4 M./29-90 (29°86 |29°88 |/24 [27 /28 N.| 1} 2 1) 3} 8} 3} 13}] 41) 4 ™ UL. |29-14 |29°09 29°02 || 2 |13' | 8 LM. 2| | 1) 1/10} 2) 45] 44 ee 3 ( G- [30°54 |30-52 |30-43 [136 |41 [47 (M.| 3) | 1] 2} | 1] 8] 13] 8 9 52 9} M.j29-89 |29-87 [29°87 22 [31 \27 < N.| 3} 2| 2| 1) 2) 1) 6] 131] 10 es L. |29°11 |29-28 |29-28 || 7 |20 \27 (W.| 3 2} 1) 1) 2] 4) 3! 12] 11) 4 9) 4. 2 (G.|30-66 |30-69 |30-70 |43 |6s [61 (M.| 5| 3| 1| 1] 3| 6| 5] 9l| 11] aitt} 5 E | Misoor 30°04 |30-04 |135°5\46 |41- {x. | 5] 3} 2} 2} 6] 2] 10/] 111 6 9} 5 = UL. [29-42 |29-45 |29°36 || O (12 | 6-5 LW} 2} 6] 2] 1! 3) 5} 2] 10) 12] 710) 2 -: ( G: |[80°74 |30°36 /30°53 ||58 [76 |66 (M.| 3] 7| 1} 1) 3| 6} 2) 7] 14) 3) 9) 4 E 4 M.j30-13 |30-12 /30-13 (45 |56°8\50 . ¢ G. |30°36 /30-41 /30-36 ||79°5\90 |84 CML! 5] 3 5/14) 2| al) 9} 7} 2113 - =, < M.|30-08 |30-08 |30-08 ||70°5|79 [74 <2 N.! 1) 2| 9 1] 1/10] 3| 4!) 9} 6] 4] 12 L. |29-82 |29-g3 |29-86 ||58 64 (Lw.l | 4] 7) 2] alta] 1] os] 7] 4) 3) 10 éo ¢ G- |30°36 [30°35 |30-32 |i7a |s8 is3 (M.| 1| 1) 4 3] 8| 3] 1| 10] 35/ 8| 6 22 2} Miso0s 30:06 |30-06 [68 |78-5/73 2N.| 9) 2ii2/ 4} 2| g ai| 2|15) 5) 9 L. |29°81 |29°79 |29-73 |I58 |72 \66 (w.| | 3i12i | 6] 6 1} 5]) 10) 614) 4 #, ¢ G-/30°33 [30-31 |30-41 |76 [84 |7s CM. | 1] |.2| 2} of 3| 13] 11,8, 4-7 © & 3 M./30-03 30-02 |i63 |72 \6s 2N.| | 116 | 4) 7} 4} 14) Zit). © 29°70 (29°64 /29°68 47 [58 |47 LW.} | 114) | 4/44} 2} 12] 16) 6) 5) 5 wz ( G+|30°56 |30-58 |30-49 |l65 |67-5161-5 (M.) 4} 5}1) | 4) 5} 3} 12) 10) 3) 4 Ab & } M3005 |30-01 |30-04 }i45. |55-5/49-52 N.| 3| 5) 4 | 4} 7} 1) 20] 7/2/44) 10 29°51 |29°47 \29-45 jist |42 [35 LwW.} 3] si 4}- | 4] of | tui] 1674) 9 2 3 ( G-)8054 {30°50 |30-41 [165 [70° |63 FM.)1| 1).1] a} 3} at 6) 19!| 5/8) 7) 10 8 4 M-|30-00 [29°98 /29-99 |{36.5/46' |41 J.N.| 3] 1}. | af 5} of 2] 13i| 7/103] 8 C heoen 29°41 [29°55 22 25° las.5bN.1 1 2 6, 5} 4} 12]) 10) 4/10) © g (2: [90°35 [30-35 \30-33 [53 \64 [on ¢ Mla} a3] | sito of zt 6 8 8) 9 & 7 M-[29°96 }29:93 |29-93 138 [47 |s2 JN! 1) 44} | alta] 2} tol] 4 7 8) 42 L. }29°51 | 29°52 |29-20 25. $32 136 -W.1 11 al st (Palit 3 8 ae 3 § S-[80°74 130-69 |30-70 |i79-5}90 |s4 ¢ vi [27/4al15}14/30g4alt gajt07 Rs L. 0°017)29 00% |46°5(55°8150-72 N.! 9/44 1/£5|26 79/28 29°11 |29:09 j2902 | 2 lio 2 Ly, 14.42/58) 6130 93123] Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 367 HOR MAAAA Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. a 3 sie BB hon A ES) i= z -m.}p.m.|p A iain | 3 | : 42 j389 (Ms 9) | a) 1) 2 6) 5 7 3 !30 |2g < N./12/) 2) | 4 2) 9 8 is |9 M.| 9} 1 1 7 4 6 33 {45 |47 (M.10) 1 | 1 4i 4 5 22°4|30 |26 -{10} 1} 1) Q} 1 4| 7 12] 35 9/5 7, 4) 1 1 lI 3 65 lst 4).1) 3} |1 7, 6 6 44 136 3} 1) 4 4 i: Ll 27 {26 3} V's} | 5 ll} 4 4 66 60 6) 7 2 8 6 52 [+s 2} 4 9 2 1 5 7 29 ‘23 1} 4} 7} 4) 8 10 4 82 |r 5| 4] | 3| 5 6 Phe 54°5|65 59 i] 5} 7 al 8 4 ow 40°5|47 146 | 5) 4) 11 6 7 5 86 |78 6} 3} | 4/8 “¢ 5 74 [68-5 2) 1) 14) 3) 8 9 65 160 2} 1/11 a) 5 | 9 87 [se 3 4| 1| 7 10 77 ‘735 1\17) 1) 2 9 64 166 / O13 1 8 5\91 (88 2) 5) 4 Qi. ll 67-8177°S 74-6 69 jl gh. i {60 [58 — 167 43} 8 } 8 89 [79 tits yal se. : 3} 10. 60°4/714 64'8S N.| 1 114 31 6 6 8 id 55 [ 1} 2] 3| al 3g we 75 \66 (FM: 4/9 3] 1) 2 lo terete x 3! 9] sl al 2 - L¥.| 2 1] 5} 1) 3 62-8)69 84 2M) 8} | 1] tt 39 5) bed bad N 5 4 3 pipe ie MN} 5| | at | 3 ‘et i? FM. 3} 1) a} | 3 30°5/38°3 32°45 ~5 1 3) 1 5] | sty ae ko x a} j 3} 1 3 7 3 1a) 76 5/94 88 MM og 92 eri lire 5 ge) yt 6 85 46°6/35'9180'4 5 ny. |4alaa!74l 19} 103} 100 4 |9 ls 4X: 6 ssl ol fro] 72. 368 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. mostly cl. Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. . had 1796. 2 e Fi l2 1,9 3) ia) [Sl Fl .sel 3 P. Me | Pe M. | a.m.|D.mM.|p,.m Z hz |B [n | jn |> 7, B\Eel 3 2 (G. 30°44 |30°41 [41 [50°5/51 M.| ¢ t) S| 6} 11]) 9} 4) 13 2 4 M.129:97 |29°95 |29°99 | 23 |35-8)25-75 N.| 3] 1] tf} 2] 2] €| 4) 19]| 5} 6} 13) tL. 29°35 |29°56 |-1 |'4 <| a} 4} 31 I} 7] 4] a3il 14) af 10 » ¢G: 30°32 |30°40 |45 |47 1395 (M 1) 1] ©} 1) 5] 1] 1€1) of Qa} 10) 7S ~ M,/29-92 |30°CO |30-09 |21-3|33 (25°85 N.| 2] i/ 2] 4} 2] 2} 2] a4l| of al 11 nt eid 29-01 |29-06 |-1-5|24.5| 4-5 LV. | 2} 2} 7] 2} | 6] 2) 14] af sl 19 Ss (G. 30°59 |30°61 |42 (60 4N S$} 1} i] =} 5] 4] a) gil 8 5 3 eM 29°97 |29°97 |'28-4/39-4132 < N.| g| i] | 1] 35] S| al € = (UL. |28°99 |28°66 [28°59 |\12 |29-5114°5 LW. | 3] i] al a] 5] el al og = (£G. 30°37 |30°32 |57 |78 |65°5 (MJ 5} 3} 1] 1] 2] 5| 51 8 | a M. 29°92 |29:94 |41 56 |46 48. 1} 31-G] 3) 1] 4). 2). 4 24 LL. |29°55 [29°54 (29°59 |\29 |37-5|32°5 LW. | | 2) 8] 2! 1-3] 3|--oll saat 8 4 s (G. 30°46 |30°40 |66 75 [67 (M.| 2] 3] al | El 9 gi} 41 8} 9 10 4M. 29°92 |29°90 |/51°7/62°7/5405 1] 3} 6} 2]10) 4 5 7 LL 29°54 (29°42 1/39 [47+5/43 LA} 1] 3} si 2] of 6 SO] 6 g [G+ |30:27 |30°27 [30°26 |\73 |86 [78°35 7M.) | 3} 3 3113 7 £ < M.)30-05 |80°05 |30°05 |\62 |73*5|64-2<2 N.} 2/ 9) o| © | cl 5} 2} 3 10) 9 m= UL. |29°59 [29°56 |29°61 1/52 [54 153 LN. ao} | 7] 5} 1) 6 5} 6 A - fe. 30°30 |30°34 ||78°590 |76 M.} € 1 3/10} 2) 9 ‘f 3 M.|30°03 |30-02 [30°02 |/68. {78-5 rod N 1]i2] | 4} 8) i] 5i} 4) 7) 90 LL. |29°85 |29-73 |29-68 6s 63 “LN.} | eicl | 5} | a] si 4 G. }30°42 |30-49 |30°40 |'74 |sgsi79 CM| 3} t} 6| of al 7 6812} 8 3 4 M./30°14 |30°14 |30°12 [164 |79+5/68 {N fio} |<} 7] 8] -s| 214) 2) 1% <7 29°72 |29°87 1147 545156 LW. | 2 7] 1] 8| 5] 4]. 4) 130) 4 ° _ (G. |30°36 [30°41 |30°36 70 81 [77 CM] al il © a] 8} 8]. 4) 5412) 8.4 M.j29°94 |29-92 |2098 54-5 69-5\59:5¢ N.| | il 5} el «| 7} o| 4] 6l13 aH UL. |29°27 29°27 (29°41 140 56 |4 4 14<51 2 41ti]=-3 13 8} ‘. J {8 2 30°65 54 |72 (62 M5} 6] <3b-4).1 vl Al ai GP Sp a4 25 M.|30-24 (30°12 30-20 143 [54 46-52 N.| 9} -jicl | of 5] a} 7} 5i10} 1 © UL. |20-56 [29-54 j29-51 28 43 33) Lav. | a] alec] ol} al st os) aah 4} 22 : 55 [30°50 |30°57 147 [56 (53-5 7M.) 4} | of o| sts} al anh. 78 34 —M./2 39°99 (59°98 /31-5|42 (35-52 No] oly} a] | 6 5p il gait OF 6 Z Ue 28-84 (29:41 29°51 11 f24 az LW. | a] ole} e] of st a! gol) 19h apd 30°26 |30°15 30°30 }36 |42 41 CM} s|- io} 15|| 9 4 sd M. 29°69 29:71 | 19. |28-5\29-52 N12} fol | of yh di az alia $ ra L, |28-87. [29:10 |29:29 |l-6-5l91 | 4. [wl ol 3] qhal. i] 5| 19]| 151.5) * : {yi 30°73 |30°62 (30:65 1785/90 (79° FM. Iss]: l20! clz6laclas|i09|| 76475 “99101 @ 4 M./29-9y1/29 29 #3°2/55°1/46°8< N. joalig]72/icliulsz}. | 9 il] 68|98} % m CL. |28-84 |28-66 129-56 ||-1-5/ 14 mat | £9] 21]61] 174 46460} sg) 104) 134)57]2°") c * Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Barometer. 7 a-M*)p.m Thermometer. 2 9 4 je 78°5 ad N. atu a L. ee & me boot 29°20 |: moO WWIONW NWA won pm mp N 4 ES Ode 39.39 mh 69 We DO AD OS Oy OF me kr ois oo 20): Winds. . mi}. if. Zs bln Ble & 2 4) 4| 3] 16 i} 1 2) 6} 6) 14 1) 3 4] &| 4) 14 1} 1] 3} 3] 8S} 4) 69 2} 1) 2 4) 5) 4) 6 Q 1} 5} 4) 2) 41 1} 4] 2} 2} 4) 2! 13 6} 3) 6) 4) 2) 10 1} 4) 1) 5) 4) 2] 14 6} 8 Si 6p 5 él € S| 54-3) 5 6] 6] 1) 3} 33 2] 31 31 4) 7] 1 1/12} 2} S$} <3] 2 211| 4) 2) 21% 2| 2) 4| 7] 2] 2 1} 7} 21 4/717 1} ¢] 1] 4] 6] 1 Zi 3] €}- 71.4 12] 3] 5| 6 11| 2).7| 4| 2 6] 7|.3).1} 4} 3 1G] 1]}.4| 4] 2 1134 4-2] 2) 2] }- fl} 2) 4faap 2 5 1)-7] 8} 2 5) 17-1) SPF pe oye 1 bya 2; 2} Ss} 2) s}10 1 2) 3] 2}11 1' | 6)-4}10 1} 1) 3) 5)1f 2 4) 4)11 1 1) 7} 6) 1 1} 1) }.3! 3)44) 1 1} 1} } 3} S10 2212511 37(62161}107)) 21164]17)}40)58]60) odo 40}52]58} DAA tr ow A aT NT WO DMN OO HH AR 369 Weather. mostly cl. — Cool Sy ot ee -_ =O Amo ca a a ot NT Re eee ro et asi anal a te -_ Gent th bO SD eS —— . 58 g = ia) @ hen ar ies) “I & voor é WOON ORDAAWHKANNANAWHMAAH AG Onhows wer OOAN OO bh ‘ty 370 ia a, m w e 8 A bid » April. March. Feb. Jan. \ "sarzores $ $ We ar eos ss rears =) July. June May Aug. 7 Sm (ey wo S S oo - Nov. Oet. Sept. eeggeee £soaers roued Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Barometer. | (30°04 29°76 29°72 30°18 29°97 29°73 |29°73 32 |30°34 |30-27— 30°03 29°74 30°40 30-02 amo 44 (38 M. 27 B< N, 14 44 v. ‘iG 93°5/33. ( ML! Thermometers 219 P Mm p-m SL: |44 H 31°5/25 ate 2 Bg N. 43 |37°5 | M. 30 $ 43 | 35 UN. 72 |56 M. 44 (3455 N. 29 {23 78 |68 49°5)46 N. 33 (38 NV. 84 i741 M. 66 157 N. 50 |45 WV. 84 |77+5 4X: 73 (65 N, 575/53 93°5/82 M. 78°5|69°5 if N. 60 (59 Mv. 93 {83 M. 82 |¥2-5< N. 71 |68 WN. 88 |75 M 72 |62 N 54 |40 NV. 73° 164 M. 56°5\47 N. 39-5\84°5 | M. 57 |50- 41 134 N. 30 {20 ™M. a2rgersaren : CS) Year. Dee. a a si F 4» w > 2 . o 2S 29 FOR ee 29°04 29-20 0 |av-05 |-2 5, sla Ye 54°9)46°8: Sen >) fair. = | mmo tm 9 ~ pewoonnerooneaN — NX Do HbhOrheartseaneworn aN Reo wwnvnwwvowarrew W ie] me me to St a SOnwwnonornanrvwtrer bee wawaa are sw do ww Wd eH Be Re DD ~ AoBraastaoabkrrnawnwnwwaae ads are o re to bo He Go to 09 “Em G2 29 ~ me be OO sagt wimg ee eee © et dD OF wD FDP © Ow BR & Bm © WH EH G Ww & BO 69 or ob = 165} Weather. ~~ EO RATT ED 4 = (GY GO GW MH WH Om G'S Ob OAT GH gmocl ro St ~9 Aeorhaw ora Ber ws ows wo pmMofa ' aes, SAWHN@eane 4{ 13] 18| 8 9} 7 e 3] 14 19 44) 5) 7 # 9} 5 43) 5 40} 40) — 2 16} 3} 10) 2 93 4 9 8 s| 8} 10\ # 41} 3) 12,4 6) 7] ve ¢ 16 42 109s ey ee) Erte >) ea Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 37k Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. t 1799. 7 2 9 Vif=2,9 )) 1, b> | e A.M. 1 P.M. | P. Me fjasm.!p.m Zlz ker leo po 2 . ( G- ]30.64 [30 64 [80°68 |41-5/49 M.| 4) 2) 2 $| 2 > - & ) M.|30-12 |30-12 [30.11 |/22 [305/24-55 N.} 6/1) 1) |g) 2 © 4, ™ UL. |29°53 |29-50 |29-41 |-6 5 SN.) 4) 4) fate) 4 2 3 (G- [30°64 | 30-67 (30-62 48 [51 [44 (M.) 2) 1) | 3) 4) 3) 4 5 2 M./29°96 |29-92 |29-94 |20 |31°5/23 N.| 1) 4 1/3 3 2 3 L. }29°52 |29-23 (29-43 || 4 |16 |10 Lm} 1) 4] 4] fb gle 3 i (G. |30°51 |30-59 [30-50 ||38°5|53 |42 {n: 71 Q 5 © ls & 4 M.}29-89 |29-86 [29°89 |/23°5|34 28 < N.| 1} 4! 3l 4} 5 3 4 6 = UL. 29-10 |29-25 |28-89 ||-6:5/14 | 4 Ly] 1] 4) 4) | gi 3) 4 . -: ( G- ]30°29 [30-23 |30-27 |/55°5|71 158-5 (MJ) 4 | 2) | 3 3) 6 6 ‘— 129°78 |29°77 |29°84 ||39 |51°5/41°3< N.| 2] | 9} | 9 4) yh 4 < CL. 29-45 |29-17 |29°16 |25 (32-528 LN,| 1 7, +2 3, 4 i4 4 G. ||30°34 {3 30°33 {66 (86 {71 {8 4). 1 5} 8) Q} Big a4 M. 29-92 |29°93 |/51 [64 |s0°3¢ N. 3} 2} s| 1) 4] 3s ta % UL. |29-54 |29-48 |29-62 ||35 [44 [40 Lw.| 2] 3] 3 7} 43 | 5 é ( G- |30°40 |30°41 |30°35 |\76 79 M,| 3 3 6|10, 2 3° a M. | 2999 |29-98 |29-93 ||62°5|74. |61°5< N.| 1) 1] 8) 1] a! 7) 2 13 ™ CL. ||29°31 |29-46 [29-25 |/46 44 \N.} 111) of 1b 6 2 3} 9. G. ||30°27 |30°26 (30-25 ||76 |s8 |79 (M. 1] 43] 1] 2] 9 3 7 2 + M.|35-05 |29-99 |29:99 |/64+5|88-5/70 {8 1} 2114) | 4} 4 ts) L. ||29°73 |29-72 [29-74 ||58 |67 |62 LNW. 2\11) 1| 5| 61 4 7 & ¢ G. 30°37 |30-41 30°41 ||75 j90 |80 [M, 5] 2) 1) | 3] 7 7 te <4 M. POS ga O8 18S (ROE A BE TS al AL 10« L. |129°70 [29°65 |29*72 ||51 [67 |58 LW. 3) 5] 3| 4] 8 3] sig” #, CG. | 0-29 |30-26 [30-23 [71 [80 |72 [ML 7] 3} 3] 3 se 4) 6 = & 4 M.|/s0-07 |30-05 |30°06 ||58 (66 [59 N.] 5/11} 2] 1] 2) 1 110 ~ UL, |}29°74 }24°83 |29°85 ||44 [57-5148 LMW.| 1) 410) 1] 2 5 ss (G. ]30°47 |30°35 [30°44 [59 [67 |64°5 (M.| 5) | 2) 1] 2) 5] 5 6 5 4 M.|/30°07 [30:00 |30:06 |/42°5/55 48°5< N.| 3} 1) 4) 3] 4) 3 3 4. L. ||29°64 429°61 [29°49 |/28 (37 |34 G] 24] 6 1pars 53 3 3 CG. ||30°31 |30°33 |30°38 ||55 (66-5562 (M. 4 1) 2) | 2) 8 7 z M. {29°88 |29°85 |29°87 |/37 1630984 N 3} 1) 1) 11 3 3 i pet _L. 29°33 |29°32 |29°18 ||22° |33 N.| 2) 4) 37 1} a} 8} 5 $ (G. 30°34 |30°33 [30°35 ||39 |40 |41°5 (M,) 8) | 1 1] 3] 5 6 ) M.|/29-90 |z9-87 )29°88 |/24-5/32 ars) N, 9} | 2 | 1) 2) 6 — L. |/29°32 |29-18 29:20 || 5 j20 [13 (N.| 6} 1) 4} 4] 4) 2 5] 2 ~~ # (G. |]30°64 |30°67 |30-68 ||76 |90 |80 {flea [44/126 “4 M.||29°970)29°94.5129-960)/42-1/53-4/44°8< N. |27/24 63/15/36)46/37| 1141) : ‘Lw. le1}25161} 9laolsclaolai: L, |}29°10 |29°17 28-89 |-6 | 2 [-3 Li Poa 372 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, 2 _— +-F Gee Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. é ta Pi ps1 8 Z, 1a | lm [I 7,\| 3 ae 5 2| 3} 6) 15|| a4} af 72 +| 6 1 2; 2} 9] 11! 7] 4! 40 2} 41a) | 4} alta} aii! ag} | 44 1; 3} | | 4 3) 2} 18] of él 7 4| 3) 4 1} 3] 16) 410) 7 2| 2) 2 2] 3] 47] 10] 4 9 ‘| 6 2) a) | 1 4) 3) 14) 13) 2] 48 5} 2] 3} 4] 3) 2] 3) 491) 10} 5} 14} 3} 2) 4) 4| 3) 2] 3) 13/1 10) 4) 41 5} 3} 1) 4} 6} 3} 2) 9) 7} 6 10 2|.4| | 8 3) 2) 41] 6 8 8 1} 2} 3) |} 7) 2) 3|.49]| 6) 8 44 7| 4 2) =| 4b 3} 2} ool 20} 3l 42 2/17) 4) 2} 4] ab-o7 -¥) 8] 10 2)14 4; 2) 3} 6] 9} 5) 18 3} 1) 1) 4) 4} 7 3) 10) 14] 5] € 9 | 291 1) of 4) 9-3 1} | 8} | 37] 3} gi aie & 5} 117] | 4) 7] 3 zi aa 7) 4 17/ 4) 3} 4) 2} 4) 8) 8 2 16} | 2} g| 2} 3] 15] 6 & 3} 5} 2! of 21 9g} 2 6] 19 5 ‘6 1} i} 9 4] 2} 8} 8} 6} 10) &| 8 ° 1} 7| | 2} 9] 2! qo} 13] 4} 6} 3) 5 2] 5| 2} 7) 8} 4| i -| a} 4/82] |-4] 6] 1} 5] ah 7] # 2} 3/11] {21 5] a 5 23) 41.8 4) 1) 3] | 5| 4] 5| i! 10} 5} 41 2} 5} 6} 1] 2 sl 4t 6] © 612) 6 1} 5} 1] gh 3} al 6} gy} 14} 3] 11 3} 3! f | 2-4] 4} 14] 8} 4} 14) Kat? 3| 2 2} 3| 2} 171 SL-7] 2) eg 1; 2 1) 4{ 4}-18] 10) 2) 16) wed 3 of4} 4}a4 9) 4] 7 a eae 4 |e] af aaj 5)tc} 42 T~ oi". bana oR 4} $) 3)-24) 7 or . : af Pa 29-972129-056 i RD OO AE NE GH Go Or Am DD TS oo cr me —_ ne A tone cr IS OB Oe ad Ss Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Winds. to have occurred twice month, viz. on the 1 585 Barometer. Thermometer. 1801 7 2 SATs 319 2) -M. | P.M. | P.M. |a.m./p.m.|p.m, AA . (G- |30°66 |30+71 {30°69 137 |50 143 (M.| 4) 1] 4 &< M.j)29-94 |29 29°93 |22 |32 |24°55 N.| 3! 1] 1 ™ LL. [29°33 [29°31 129-30 |-1 [11°51 3 La.| 3i ai 4 6 [ G |30°59 |50-55 |30°60 |50 |62 48 (M.) 2! | 1 = M.)30°06 | 30:01 |30°04 |24 |34°5]25 N.} 2 2 , KL. (29°26 29-34 {29°51 |3- [17°35] 5 -}21 12 S (G- |30°63 |30°53 |30°53 |47 |56 [43 (M.| 4 81 6 &< M./29-91 |29-87 |29-91 | 36-6/43°4|35°E< N,| 3 8 = UL. |29-40 |29-31 |29°38 {21 {32-3123 Lw.! 310] 6 =: (G. |30°40 |30-41 [30-41 [63 |7o 154 (M.] 4101 3 5.5 M./30:04 |30-02 |30°03 ssaforalieed x 3) 5/13 <= LL. |29°37 |29:22 29°73 |-3-5134 131° LW, | 4 ss, (G- |80°14 30-1 11 |71 |s8 |67- 7M. 3 S< M. 29°87 |29°85 |29°87 [57-8166 554 N. = UL. 29:47 29°45 [29°43 l51 I52 |47 LM. ¢ (G:- |80°22 |30-18 |30 18 |78 |97 M.,| 2 E< M.|29°97 |29-93 |29-95 |63-2|76'8 18: = LL. |29 58 [29-62 [29-68 [ig [48-5 N. . (G- |80°25 |30°23 [30°25 [82 [97 M.| 1 & 2 M./29°96 |29-92 |29°95 |70-4/83°5 48 = LL. |29°65 |29°61 |29°59 |57_ I|71 N. ‘ . 30°15 |30°14 |78 |93 5 M.} 2 we» 3 [29°89 |29-85 [56'3/79°. | #4. a | LL. [29-26 [29°22 29°87 |-4 [1165 * This is 01D mt et i 28th. he a Lx Ment, OR a OR at SE — SS OB th ar tr 0 &) DB to DB te be ae AD tO Dob OM Oy A hc, 1 ce ke ee Ge sy fo ST tr 60S) SY ES bes On 65 bo BS G re m DoD C2 ND to & to cere Re Sto te tr to oD ot Gy - bt 2. & oo mostly cl, _ SBOn ho BAT O OO © bk ° SNacane ms moO & probably a mistake, although it is distinctly written in the original minutes, and is stated ice during the 6th and 374 Prof. Farrar’s-abstract of metecrological observations. Barometer. Thermometers Winds Weather. 2 | 9 se oe | | 9 x] al iz = 2 he o e P. mM. |/a.m p.m. ea DAD ip S A & g = z 30°72 |30°76 ||52560 [53 Mi il 1) 4 8| 5| 4| 11] 9) SF 9 42 30:03 |30-10 ||30 |38°931°52 N. 1) 1} 4} 3) 8] 6]. 9) lo 2}. 8] at 28°97 |29-19 6|\|75|y. 1} 1 4| 7| 5| 13] 1g! 3} a 6 30°69 [30-72 1/39 |57 [39 (MJ 2} 2) 2] j| 2} 3} oi 14) 9) 3! ag) 4 30°09 |30°15. ||22°6)34°1/23.64 N.| 3) 1] 3) 1] 4] 4! 9] loll 6 8] 10] 4 29°30 {29-24 ||-3 |i0 | 1 LM} 3] 1) 4] 9} a] 4} 4! oll 40 5} 13] 30°58 {30-62 153 |74 [52 CM! 6 2 3} 1] 5} 3] 11/1 10 7 1, 3 30°03 |30:06 ||32°4/33-9'33.12 N.| 4) 3) 4 3|-6] 4| -7| 51-4] 49Le 29°38 (29-40 |/'3 /26 [15-5 | A} 3] 2} 4) | 2! 7] gi 10] 7 5] Li} 8 3047 {30:47 |/53 |74 M.) 3} 1) 5] 1) 2! 5) a! 12) 39) 5] 7 6 30°04 (30:03 |/43:1/55 |41l-2< N.| 2! | 7] a] 3] al ol ail 6 8 6; 10 29°68 |29-67 |/30 |38 (27 48 STs 4} 3! 3] 12] 15, 4 8} 3 30°22 |30-30 |163 {82 |60 Mj 6] 7} 3} if 4! 3 > 71 4 Q 0 29°83 [29 88 |/51°5/60°5/49 hy 3} 7/11) If 2} 2} a] ail a} 3| 13] 1 29°32 29:37 1139 [46 |36 (wv-{ 3} 5/12] 1] 3] al a] all 6! 3l- isl 4 30°41 {30:44 ||79 |91 (76 M,| 4] i} 1 8| 6| 3} 7 5 3} 9/18; 29°98 130-00 ||65:6|77°6 61.73 N, 1} 8} 1) 7} 6] a} «51 3] 9) 4) :14 39°64 |29-68 [55 |62 [51 {w} a] 3! 4! iol 7 5|| 9] 6 5} 10 30°33 |30:29 ||80 |92°5'76 M 2} 5] 1) 212] a} ell 5} s] a4 7 30°03 /30-13 e280 967-44 W. Would} i a} 7] a} os} aaa] 4 0 29°69 12985 1157 |66 [57 (A-| | 1io} 1] 2} 9] y| 7 19) af 6 3 30°36 /30:37 [76-591 |79 FM] 3} 9] si il 3 7 9} 10), 3! 5} 18) 4. 30°09 /30°10 |/68-4/81°6 67-34 N,} 1] 4| of i} 9] « 9| 7 2 9) 6| 14 29°80 129-88 ||60 [58* /60 N.} 1) 5/10 51 5 si 7] i215 30°37 {30-43 ||76 [87 |74 M.| 3] 1] 1] 1] 4] 6| gi ail 6 8] 3 IE 30°00 /30:00 |/60+4/74-2/59-62 N,| 1 3] 41 Si-6}] 9} 11} 1/13} 6] 10 | 39°71 |29°74 ||37 I58 LM. 4] 31 aio] 9} 9) 9) 9} 11) F- 30°46 |30:44 ||71 (84 |6s FM! 6 3 2! 3l 4) asl 3) 9} lol 2. 30°13 130°15 |149°6/62°3'50-72 N.| 4] 7} 5] 21 | 5} 91 6! 3| 9} 10] 9 29°79 '29-82 |'31 |42 |39 M.| 6| 3| 4 1) 3! 4) gi 7} 1a} 4 13) $ 30°37 130-41 |/57 [63 [55 M./ 6) 1/ 1] 3] 2] 3] 4) 10 9 6] 4 8 30°05 [30:07 |/35-8/49 7|36-6¢ N.| al 1] al il 2! af 6 10 8 5} 8] 9 39°31 2965 1125 86. a7 | vis} | 4} af aol si 1s! is st fh 8” 30°71 130-77 148 |6o |55 fl si 4 1] i 1! 6 a! 14, 8, 4413) & 3007 130-15 1127-9137 2/30 52 N.| 3f sl al | sl zl si ail ef af ai] 1 29 60 !29-56 OOULME Ss 1 al s| 3} a4} 9] 3) 12] 7 3072 (30-77 1180 92°5179 M 147/24!99119. 3oleoleilic en g5/60|128)91 30 031/30-068||46 3 57-9 sod Nf 2:167] :4133169133} 98 3391 9g] i21 38°97 Ja9-19 |I-3 lio | 1 | wv 28)22/63] 9/42]/64/28/108]|123|58 128] 56 Mee eee, at 72 and in the evening at 66, there being few mistake, It is noted as having occurred on the 25th, when the thermome= clouds through the days Prof. Karrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 375 SNWOSHNDAESKeEEe Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. 4803. 7 2 9 ".4.9:1-9 “= a s4istsez A.M P. «M. 4.1m.) p.m, p.m, 7a | 3 z 3| 8 . (G.{30°51 [30-37 [30°39 54 |55 [45-5 | M4) | 2 | 210! 2 6| 6] ail 8 2< M.\29°93 [29°87 [29-92 |l22¢,/33-4/24-25) N.| 2) | 4) 4] 210) 5 3} | 9 40 ™ (LL. |29-33 [29-82 j29-47 ‘I | 7.5] 2 ’ 1| | 344) 4 16! 2] 42 g { G. |80'74 [30°64 |30°69 [52 [59 [56 M.| 6 2| 3 4 6 3; 7 101 co M./30°18 |30°42 |30-15 | 26-8/39-2\29-85 N.| 6) 4 2| 68 41 5 4 4 rr L, |29-53 |29°35 |2948 | 5 l46 | 8 NV) 6} 4 2)5 6 6 8 41 43 4 (G. |30°59 |30-61 30°61 |53 [74 [55 | M.) 2) 2) 2 2) 2 4) 3 8 8! gf 4 & < M./30°13 |30°05' 30-44 |32 |44-4/32-35 N.| 4| 2) 6 4 5) 4 7| 40) 8 S | L. 29°50 |29-19 |29-74 LN} 4} 3] 6} | 3 4) 4 14 3) 40 et G. 30°56 |30°49 |30°55 |63 7 ~Mjt0} 5} 2 | 8 2 oe tae ee 'E { M./30°09/ /30-09 |30-08 5) 7| 8; 2] # 2 6} 6 <{ "29' |29-68 |29°39 WV, 3) 8} 7) | 6) 8 14) | s, ( & |30°60 (30°56 |30-49 4| 3; 4) 4 3) 2 42) 3 2 4 M./30°12 (30-08 /30- N.] 4) [48] 4] 3) 2 4) 5) 9 = | L. |29°68 |29-58. |29-72 2/45) 4| 5) 2 16 « (G. [30°40 [30-36 |s0-39 | 3} 4) 5 4) 5] 3) 4 7 4 5 < M.|29°96 |29°91 |29-97 4|10) 4) 3| 7) 4 2 7 5 3 * . 29°55 |29°25 |29°66 2) 6| 2| 2/44) 4 5 5 3 (6 30°24 (30-48 80°48 5) 2) 4 5) 6 3 5 6 5. 4 M.|29°95 |29-90 |29-9 2/40) 3] 2 7) 3 3 13 ™ ( Li. |29°66 |29-65 |29-71 | 1| 2| 7| 4) 5| 7| 4 4F 6 6 : r G. 30°37 [30°30 |30°29 | 2 4) 3| | 38] 8] 3} 44) 6 42 =) M.|29-93 29°87 |29°94 | 4 2| 6 j 4 3) 10 LL. |29-29 [29-19 "fpo-wo he 17 75 ls a }i8} alailoa}29 | There is a chasm ih the page a ow he'barometer, which extends to the beginning ing of 1805. The abstract is omitted entirely for the following year, 1804. The thermometrical observations were abtdged view is an bee ted without interrup pton of sink $76 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, Thermometer. Winds. 2 {-9 x] a p-m.| p.m ZZ 1219 le 2 = 44 143 M.| 4 3 g 6] 8 “9/26 2064 N, 2) | 2 2) 5110 6 |-5 (wy.| 3) | 1] al al 612 55 |39 (M.} 1 i 3] 6 ss os9 N. | i] Qt if al 5} 4 15 | 5 LM. i} sit} [eb 67 150°5 (M.| 3| 2] 3} | al él 3 "814698 i614 N a) Si 4} 4|-1 28 |18 LN.| 1) 5] 6} | Qi 5] 4 78 156 M. 3) 3} 2 S| 4 soe 4 ¥. 3} 4} 2] 2} 2} 3 37 134 We 1 SE 2.85 14 BS 84 166 (M.) 2] cl al | sl] 4 8 65°6)54°7< N,| 1] ij 44 2 é] 41 3 45 142 N..| 1) i) 4 4| 6] § 95 |80 (M,| | 3| 3} 1| 4| 4] 6 77 sod N, 1} 1144) | 1) 4 53 149 N.| 1) ‘tof i} 3| 4} 2 97 184 M,| 2 3)13) 1 77 +|60 N.| 1 & 3|1G} 4 sod (i M. oat Ab 2 Ghs 83/6954 N.| | 2ic} 3] 1! 3} 3 66 |60 LN. 2] 9} 2] LER wx oON wo - sg s Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 377 Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. Se _% 18pGs |. F's B-fem hie, 3 © ey [ny 2) sz A.M.| P.M.| P.M. |/a.m_|p p.m, CALA > 3 8 3 ‘64 g| i] 1 5 9) 17| 3 8} 2] 1 5 o} 9) 15] 5 7; 111 7 1| 12| 7 | 3} | 4) 4 1 1) 10)12 2] 114 1 3] 10) 3 ie i 5 9| 2 1] 1) 2 2 9 8 2} 41 2 2 9| 7 1} 2 | 916 3] 1) 47 773 11| 8 1] 5} ef 2 } 41/11 1 9 6 5] 4) 3 4) 3 6 8 219} 2} | 2] 2 8| 7 3/11) 1] 1] 31 7 8| 8 4} 2} 2} 3)10 10) 8 5} 8] 1) a}a4 8/10 3! 6| 1| 212} 1 9\ 6 5 3| 9 10) 7 5 4) 6 8| 8 to 4 3} 4] 8 7\8 -G. 1} 3} 2] 6} 6| 4 7\11 i] 1] 6 | 6] 5] 4} « 6)12 ae 1 | | 4) 8] St 10} 4 5| 3 5} 3] 5] 14] 7 7\ 1| 2| 4} 4] 4) 2 11] 8 711 1} 5) 6 6 14; 3 3 2) 5| 9 5| 5 & ; 2 6| 5) 6 3| 7 L. |29°66 g 2 A! 5/10 516 . FG. |30°52 130-51 ]20-53 156 [51 [59 (MJ 5 2| 2] 4) 2 | 12) 6 = J M.\380-08 |30 02 |30-04 ||.25°7|43°7\35:35 N.| 3 1} 3] 6} 4 12} 6 Z LL. |29°47 |29-32 |29-40 }j20 |31 j25 LW.] 3 8} 6} 5 Hi] s rG “69 |30°65 | 10°64 || 59 5 M}1 1) Qjia) 7 6 12/ 2 3S -/30°04 |3 30-05 |/24°7/32°1/30°5< N.} 2 i} 8}t2) 7} 12| 7 LL. 29°31 |29°49 |29-47 || 6 _N.} 3] 4] } 4 4) 6/12) m6 - ¢G. |30°73 [40°67 130-64 80 193 |78 (M./44/24/17/15/29/60/49) 1 2¢ 123/85 3 -M./30.029]29°991/30°012/143-0155-4/44°6< N [34/26/59)14/33/61/39) 99 61/113)/9 — & TL, l29-23 |29-26 J29-26 |} 6 ji2 | 0 LN. |32/20146) 6]/28)66/67) 984150) 35'115)67 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 378 Barometer. Thermometer. ‘ 1807. eS. rina 219 A.M. | Pe P.M. {a.m pm _ (G.|30:70 |30°52 |30°53 | 41 (48 [45 (M. & 2 M.|3006 |30°01 |30°02 | 14°6.26-8 18:85 N ™ LL. [29°65 [29-53 129°50 |-16 -1 |-9-5 LV. 3 (G |30°71 {30-63 |30°:76 \\43 |42 143 [M. ss, 4 M./30°10 |30:05 {3001 ||17°8 26°6 21-45 N. . UL. (29°15 |29:06 |29°24 |-6 |10 | 2 LM. S [G.\30-35 |30-33 |30-29 43 |46 (35 [M. S 29°93 |29°85 |29°87 |'25°8 364 26°65 N A Lie |29°16 [29°11 (29°04 |/11 |2 4 ' WN. wt {-G./30°57 [30°57 {30°51 ||55 (76 |57 | M. a4 M.'29°96 |29°95 |2991 |140°2'49 [42:14 N. < LL; |29-31 [29-35 29-42 Iles |s3 jas LW. 5. [ G,|30°18 |30-12 |30°20 |/61 {80 [61 M. 3 M.'29°89 |29°80 (29°86 |/48:928'53'55 N. L. |29°45 (29.45 (29°42 ||38 /43 /36 WV. g { G.|30°24 [30°29 |30:26 ||77 Ks 79 [M. S< M./29:95 |29:90 (29-93 ||58:2.71-9 60°15 N. ™ UL. |29°57 (29°42 (29°44 |147 147 [47 LM. =. { G.|80°19 |30°20 |30°24 |i176 |88 |79 M. 5 4 M.|30°00 |29:94 (29°98 ||70°3.82:2/77:15 N. . (29°81 [29°81 (29°80 |i6 4 166 LM. es G./30°:21 |30°13 /30°18 ||74 a 76 M. <4 M.|30-08 |30'95 (30°05 |'66:5,78 |69°65 N. _L. |29°92 |29°90 29°92 [58 (68 |60 NV. 2 G./80°49 |30°46 30°52 |/70 |78 |70 M. 2 M./30°22 |30°16 [30°20 ||55°8.69 (57°6< N. _L, |29-87 |29°88 [29:90 |46 [60 [50 LV. ws (G.|30°45 [30°47 |30-50 | 62 [78 ‘60 (M. 64 M.)30 04 |3004 |30°08 |46:459°1 47-1 N, | L.|29°61 {29°65 |29°67 126 |45 26 |v. s {G.|30°38 {30°23 |30:37 |/37 [57 [51 M. z M.\29:95 (2987 |29 87 ||33-4'42°4 34:12 N, “UL, [29°50 )29°29 |29:29 119 27 |19 NV. g { G.|80°40 /30 40 |30°38 ||50 {51 (42 > Fas M.30°:01 |29 99 |30-02 ||32-2 vi doe L. |29°40 |29'45 [2950 |i4 = a {Mi 3071 '30°63 |30°76 77 s M In lan.aco AbsQl#EO mins 4.0 ve |30°016 2 SPI 9 6) 4) 4e 7 L, [29°15 29-06 6 [29:04 ||+16 |-1 ated ee ee 2 ed wo om ’9 09 = NE WERWONNTAAe ARR ORE YH Winds. fa] n ys 1 1 ] 3 4 1 5 1 2 1 3 3 7 5 8 5 hs 4 a 3) 4 2 2 1 2 i a to & © © oP Ne oH © oNW a wwarbhkaraawoonteanantuad Weather. ostly cl. OTWRwWoe Oe wow wv m coMostly fa DOO De or 8 Go or OM —ernaw © Ow wo aa moo Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 379 Barometer. Thermometers Winds Weather. 1808, 7 2 , mostly ch —-OOPKaAhANANG Oe ye NO cloudy. fair. oo _— -— Bmw © _ _ N O68 @w _—— 5§4°4/42°7< N. om ~— 6 — aSaonn 2 i 1 8 5 8 ne. by = as . 5 ° — ee i) o o io) — tom 85 & Co m OO mm 89 & Go Go to to wo WD DD aN A a 29°74 30°55 |30°56 30°15 39-21 24-82 |29-72 | 30 39 |30°34 12993 2996 29°45 2941 30-52 130 56 | 30°01 bee OW ADO. 2% = jae oF | 129 14 30 69 oa ead or de oes ‘ 4 tag ds ie “ e . 2 i =” $80 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. Weather. , x sins . ay ’ 4708 1809. ; 7 27S 7. | 219 BI lap Fae Z M. | Pe. - M. |ja.m [p.m.|p.m. Alan | |? 2 /S | » | (G. 30°38 |30-34 |30°30 |)3 o fM.) 21 es AL aie g | Noss 29-86 |29°85 ||i7 |21 ino N 1 1} 1) 7 * UL. |29-08 {29-10 |29°36 ||-1 j11 | 5 LW. 1} 1 3} 3 g ( G [80°64 |30-59 |30°58 35 [45 [45 [M.| 2 i] 5 é}m 30°05 |29-96 |30°02 ||16+7/29-9|18-54 N. 2} | 1] 216 L, |29°17 |29-44 [29°14 ||-7 |i0 |-4 Live} af} a} el a} ef al a . = CG. |30-65 |30-90 {30°73 137 |50 142 (M.| | 1] 2) 2) 3} 7 £ J M.|30-08 {30-10 |30°15 |/6-7/41-9/28 < N. 3| 2} 2| 9} ~ & CL. |29°61 [29-57 [29°62 || 7 [23 | 7 LN! 2] 1/ 4} 1) 4) 4 © - _, FG. [50°51 [30-41 |30-49 [55 [76 \60 (M. 6} | 214 sf — 1 M.{30°08 |29-98-|30°06 | 41-4/54*9|42-6< N. 6} 1} 6] 8 a »~ ove UL, [29°58 [29-40 [29°64 |/32 |36 |32° LM 4} 1} 5 _» »« €G. |30:37 30-26 |30°34 |69 [82 |68 (M.| 2} | 1} 5) 4} 2 . 24 Nisove 29-85 |29°86 ||51°7/66-9/50°75 N.| 1 5] 7| 2} 2 . & UL. [29°60 [29°66 j2o-57 |'41 [43 |4a LW] 2). | 2} 3)11] 4 gg ¢ G.|30°40 130-34 |30°S6 176 [87 |74 (CM. 1) 5| 3] 4 f ae, M./30°02 |50-00 |30°06 |/61°7|75:9/61°5< N. 2!12) 6| 4 : = ( L. |29°81 |29-69 |29°66 |53 |60 [52 UX. 1) 3} 5}. 7} 2]. = - p ¢G. |30°30 | 10-21 [30:19 173 |92 [74 CM.) 1 7/5} | 2/4 = B4 M-}29-97 |29-92 |29°97 ||53-4)76-6 N.| 1° }:6| 7} 2} 3) 4: , me hay 29 3 }29°73 ||52 |55 (53 | 4) 7) 1) 2) 4) . 2) 2} 4) 4 4} 9) 7} 3) 3 4} 2} 3] 2) 1} 1) {2 167-8] 1} 2} 1) 3) Ty ct Re 88. } 2] 5) | 4 2) 0 67+. 1} 7) 5| 3} 2]. 1} {10 ps 1) UR 211) 1) | 4)1). ‘ 1} 1 a5 Ve P 3. 2 3 3} 1.4 3 3] 1}-4| 5] 4 : 1 5 tg | br: 3 3 ‘s 1.)14]12/26)16/31|39) | 8 5/38)54139/5) 7 a 2C|46}2 ae es ae ‘ 0) “oe 2 wee : a oF i ge - —* ae be 2h ed et” 5 eae 4 a tae es ee “eee ‘a ~e* es ce. *» 2 oo wet ~_ #4 , of Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 381 Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. . Weather. | # : hes. Ae ey 1810. | 7; 249 Ir i249 a Sip Ell 1218) 3 ike Ae M+} P.M. | Pe Ms //a.m./p.mjpm. . |iZi4ielnlnaly ¢ @/Els| & ie G. [30°58 30°58 |30-60 |/39 |51 48 CM.) 1) | 1 6] 3| 16 : 12 4 J 6 } s® * £2M 30-16 |30-10 |30-10 |/19-4! 30-723 N. 1) 7] 18 alt ol Ao) *. P ary . |29°-53 |29°59 1 4 5} 3) 16 12) 2| 7 9 % G./30°35 130-28 2) 1). 2] 2] 19] 3) 21) 3] 3 11 AS es oe : 1] | 3] 9} 21 4] 44! SH 4a] sl 3} 38 4 M30-02 29-90 3} 2} 1] 3] 17] 2] 181 1) 4) gs : ice i. 29°63 29°60 1 2 3 1 > = ‘ 4) 1) 2] 2) 19] 3) 101 4) 5} 92 «Cg 2 ¢G.|30-30 |30°29 | ae te "4 1 6} 2] 1] 2) 15] 4 8) 4) 15 - & J M.|29-75 |29°73 Bo By eh had - S [L. |28-88 28-85 4} 3| 3] 2 7 br a Be © fG: [3042 [so i aliil al st al af 4 12] 2) 2 14 "E M.|30-06 /29°99 alto} =| 3 1] 41) 3)) 14) 5). % < (L. [29-44 tabph ips ma BK 7 3} 10} 3]| 18 rg i ” = 4 en ~t 2| 4) 8| 6| 2] 5 11] 4] 1°45 wae 6] 4] 1] 41 13] |} 20) 3} 1] 7 7 a a 13) 4) | 3110) | Zsleleo oS") 11| g| 1] 2] g 3|10| 5]. 12 Sg : 14/4) 2] 2} 41) ~ || dol 2! 7} ag = i, 2 - « ina TG te 4) a] 1) 1) 18) 111 Bi 5I'Sl“ 908 = of at ier: i} 3} 3} 4) 15] ai) sho} oh a3 ae L. |: 2| 3| 2) 3] 16 ae te r ps | UL. " , ' ee 1 te Pee, 16 2| 4] 14) 1); 12) 5) 6) 8 .@ ¥ tag G, |30:5 2 3 } 3} 5] 40} 11] oH 4 ae Pg =. &)]M.j30-01 |: Pale SarS) yo) sist 4a. | Twa. 8 ee ee es * 13 : 10) 5) 5] 14 “ ~ 4 “ies < L. |29° P “| 1a) | ol 6 3 “ Ge 180-4. ‘1, 42) 1) 7h. 4} g ~* 44M. 1) 13) “Hl t2ha/€l 6 ah psd 3| 24) fA) 4) 5 li : fo ~ ma 1 19 ay oF 2 13 a a 5 | 1. |29- P2) AB) 14) 2) 6 og” , abhor 2| 11} 6] 8} slic) g® “ | 3). 6 Sif-.6|. 8]:0) 6. 14} 1)| 10) 4} -9} 105% fol 18) 6) Bb SPO. 9 8% ty ae) 12) 4-9 5. & 11, ela} 46). } 7)-4) 8) 40° 29)40)137)27|) 89\71/5C1143 7. > “he Sa a » 4 os : a é F ; 5 m3 at pio ed s . ‘ es en 7" =? ves i nb ei “ on 3 eel ‘oa < i? a : * begs xh f : — _ re oS im, ¢ bia ” 4 > ~ 382 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Barometer. Thermoineter. Winds. 1sil.; 7 | 2 9.17 ,2 79 af tale je) si Ma P.M. | P.M. |/a.M./p.m.}9.m Z\Z\R iN Nal - |Z . [G- |s0-83 |30-82 |30.80 ||50 [56 [52 CM. i] 4 2) 12/12 ars M |30+18 |30°15 |30°19 || 20+3/30°6/26-1< N.| 1) 3 3} 11/13 ™" "= UL."l\29:86 [29°68 |29°77 |l-1 |10 | 3 LN. i] 3) 3 i} 17| 6 gs [G- |30-43 |30-32 |30:38 49 139 ¢M 4 6} 3} | 2} | 10) 3 2 9 M |30-01 |29°98 |29°98 |/21°5/3 1-4) 23°5 1s Al 7} 3 2} 10} 2 é _ LL."/29-36 [2928 |29-41 ||-8 ]12 | 2 (M.} 5] 6 3} | 1) 1) 12 " © 6S FG. |30-81 [30°82 |30°73 1/58 171 [50 CM. 1) | 4 5) 1) 4 4 4 M |30-21 |30:19 |30-19 |/40°3/46:7/36 4N./- | 2} 6 8 1) 2 6 = LL. |ag-53 [29°57 |29-72 |ii4 |32 |20 (M 1| 4 3) 16 wes (G- |30°47 [30°41 [30-46 1/55 175 [51 CM. a 3 7\ \\41 spelt N. 1}14|. 5} | 2 4 24 |37 125 (WM. 1} 8} 1] 3 3 65 [84 155 (M.} | 4) 3) £1) 1/20) 50*2/66°1| 50°74 N. 11} 5] 3} 3 37 3} 1) 4) 1 . 3} 6} 5} 3) 4 4 3} Spal 3} 5] 2} 2] 2 2} 51 3] 3 6 4) 7 | ol 2 4} 3} 3) 4 8 1) 4) 4) 1 2 | 3} 2 | 2| 1) 7) 14 4) 2] 2). | 5] 2p 2h . )S}-A} ap Bit o ay 1 a vf ; a4 1 of 25 1 | 1h2 soca pees oe 1}-7| 1 / 29° ~—6«7¥FIAa.Q? Io POs 5 0°83 3 {50-82 |30°86 |/st 29:92 [29:95 |137 |35-5 v7 29-17 |29-26 || 7 li2 | o av : = ere oe a Weather. - ! a i | > > ‘7 ~(2/3) 2 Bye Sl lee 4) 10 2, 9) : ig 4/10) | A[L2) 2}: 2)14 3 1] 4 4| 4 }2 a eS ee ee eS # Pine, ( . reg . ’ mm - = * ; te | | 3 - oes we, “ Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 583 Barometer. Thermometer. Winds. "Weather. a 64 PFT a19 aff] tS sis) 2 a.m p-m p-m. z 4 {2 w in E < é meer 42 40 [M4 1] 1}.4 it) 14 } € 19° 4%. 1 1) 1 ¢ DD) 14- as oa * | -9 UN. 1 1] 31 3 it) 9* _ “a (G=|30-60 |30°76 47, (MJ al el | 2 2! s| 8)" ‘ "3 2 M.130-18 |30°15 28 4 N.| 3] 11 4] 5} sha 8.9 « 4 U1. 129-42 !e9°31 5 lM 2\ 3| il 6 i ae _) 2 (G. [3062 |30°56 (40. (ML) 5] 7) bal | 2 4] 3} 8) Ge eo ; . © £4M._130-18 |30°20 26 4.N.| 2! 5}-6) | | 3] 7} 8] 13) als ~ “5 UL. |29:58 [29:69 »|,6 Uwe} aps} 5-4] | af a4} a) 15] 4) 8 a ‘ we 66.130:57°130°49 6 (39 (M. 3] 4] 4) 6} 5}.2} 5|. Bo a a{™ 30°16 |20°11 40 ass 8] 5] 3.3). ‘ ‘7 — . UL. |29°76 |29°69 as. operdese| SIS) 2) 41 $3) x ‘. uae Weaef vid afelabal al sol 4 a Fs 22 M.|30-03 |30-01- él] 1) 3] 3} gis -_ > * = UL. |29°59 |29°59 5| 3 21 3 1| ‘ iene? g CG: |30°12 3| 2}-3} 2 7 ie +¢ E J M.|29-92 5) 5). | 7} 6.8, O11 ig i. = | L. |29-59 3] 4 - oe dea oh - a Bt ‘ 9 9 } i i “ 2{n 8] 2) 3] 6| 91.1 314. 2g. .” }-9}-a} a}-7} 12} 1 sa ~*~ abstract of meteorological observations. Prof. Farrar’s 84 3 e and noons in a ol as ae month, and *% 4 Sm nm 2 cs) pe "os Busts ot 2 egvo = > > a o . ep &h The observations durin there has been a fall of rain or snow, etive are omitted. ‘The last column but two is the mean of th g table shews the number of mornings, 3 x ev 2 = = o » we = - o & a 33 56 o ,ghe ae se ages es 2.88 of} 2 a & a “Se a7) Fa szoo See & wo a er Spe lt oy = =o ow o3.. a mes 7s Pe B's hommes. “9081 7 On =n 3 CORK HY He YOM ONO HK = ‘ ¥ ie ce a EELL GLEE ERLE he a 75081 a TOS Be 2S tO rer i a i ee 00g, FFF SHOR SSCA OEOGER CAHSBRHOVRHSOVOS ‘le ee eee Pere OS eee h a em ge oi TO hs. tance ba > andes thie oo. Eleed. ay 1611” Ot a OO SE Oa eN Ne § RAO oh — “96 2T Seer eS! Caen wae eoOe nN VOT: “o6lL 0 >» © THRAARTGHSOHGR “PeLl oo oe Tae a ieee ee Pe "e6L1 SRAnNOCHHOHM TOO NYSP 7 soul Sn oP a se Pe ae ig SZRSAe SAE Tah eieist ide Falceh ert aaa aoe : ee ae ; pastes oS ee Pak © a “WIV, eg oie a *, mae ny ad Ss . “PO. ‘AON A 4 x ie oe ee “a . ae Pet eee r 6 vie : — bi sg # sey iam bei | % =e: ite, Gy 3 , a as Pa fs z ¥ am f a vr z a ade SEs , ES an ~ ; Prof. Parar’ 8 abstract of meter. sections 385 spies * Ps . ‘) Se) Fa See ol tr ee Nene a, ee Hysrometiea table, the result of six years ehserration; with De aves eee he | sale, ‘i Te: ‘ ee, ge eget ce ee ek 56°2 |55°S = 40 j|41 ES 6 .|90 {85 \76 Se Maen 56 4-4 ve. we fe nd vs ~ ee 4 bo | Bt bes ae * tte, A as ieee Sete morning and Pnn0n, se noon mand night. ae 43] 4°56] 4°6 28 le SF 4 iO-1 | 9°2| 82 (4°8 | 7°2| G2 6*3 |10°3| 8°2 41}6 | 4 8°4.| 9-2) 6° 5°7 | 5°90) 41 4.6'°8)-8 }-6 15 | 4°8) 5°9 Be ad 16-7| 4°7| 8-2 ae cA nae { ‘S75 So | 3B] 42] 3 : a ae is st ot Sg 612 pee Whe His ~ S38 8 266-62 | 126: ce a SS SB 48008 256.66 , . ve 1£0-0 O¥6-6% S S60 0g | 240-08 “8 700.08 | 29-62 3 _- 8S0.08 | 0f0.08 =) oa a a aR bw =} 2 ° ra 1'0-0¢ | 2£0-08 | 270-08 | £40.08 1g0.08 £20.08 | 010-08 | O10-0F 020-08 | 091-08 166.66 00-08 | 288-62 | 26008 | 226 6% | 288-68. | It 016-66 | 086-66 | EF8-66 | OGO-OS ger | coef ‘oung | “Avy | ydy ! cavyy bie FOL eal . ces four Ee 1oF JoVoUIOATG amt ” wet ure omy Saynous, ‘I a1. é ca Mee ape a ae oe ‘ ye , a i! Any oe a5 ; Ae at “ontagogud aHL Kowa jonase sqieys azoarey) Biehic e ¥ : ‘ , a is %, yo h 8 : * t ey ee ce he &: . ng F Ps M Lee: c ‘ 2 387 l observations. s abstract of metéorologica by Farrar Prof. (CEP OM} Jo suvaut ay) Suroq sxoquinu pesoaas oy) "MONVALISGO JO SINOY [VIIAAS 94) 7R yy VOC gOS. £68: §9'.] OLE-T €98- Z81-1 | 2601 | $80.1 AGS. O&S-I | O69. O1O-1 ogg. O9l-I | €S8-1 O6I+1 LGS- O80-T | €0Z-1 £865 o = MADD JsaMode aut Surmoys “TT qty, raged , - i 3, i ere, ee Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, s ee ‘ : [aes 2 — "4 5 ie : fT a = n i a oa ol it able IV. shewi ing the greatest and leat boris of the barometer for ck year, together with he times, ie Ae! ocr d, and the direction aiid. force of the wind, face e sky, state of the weather at each time. The last column of ‘his table sais ‘ete greatest annua? variation. ; ‘ =? Greatest eigen a “Least height. ;ofw h’t. Joa” beast bt 30-74 Mar. 20 20] 28°33 Apr.. 5|NE - dee 28°83 Feb. 16|W 2 NE a 30°74 Apr. 4 80°67 Oct. .|28°59 Mar. fe 708 Oct. 30°86 Nov. 2 W |fa.}29-47 Dec. 19|W 4 }29°40 Jan, ae 20-23 23 28° 974 28-78 ha fen ‘that atthe peokiost in least heights of the barometer occur e the colder ira vhen the fluctuations are greatest, F hive twenty-two observations, | ‘here 1 ier May war: cn hae Ee: iw 3 ae Ju = Paty Ane: fr rey be ae A £ B : 7" ‘ . ¢ ee Prof. Farrar’s ab » Larrar's abstract of meteorological observations, 389 v THERMOMETRICAL TABLES. TABLE is ' Monthlymean state of the Thermometer. Feb. [March] April} M une | July. | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 29°5 |37°2 |46°5 58*2 |68°3 |70°7 170°7 |163°7 |53°2 |40°0 20°7 |40°3 |50°8 |61°2 |70°7 63°0 |48°0 |41°0 26°7 |41°0 [19-7 |61°3 156-5 31°22 153°5 143°5 30°3 |40°3 [51*3 149-0 !79.2 S5°3 |53°7 [41°3 26°3 |el*O 151°O |61°8 [58-0 66°7 |50°0 ]42°2 26°1 137+0 |47*7 1595 [68-5 5404 |53°1 [40°5 26°7 (33°3 |47°7 |56°3 [66-6 0°8 |47°8 [36°3 33°38 [35°7 145°6 1542 167.0 59°S |47°F 5360 25°O |35*5 |46°3 [59°2 156-5 54°0 |50°3 [35°7 ’ 24°38 [28°35 1440 |55+2 166-0 51°O (48°33 141°0 | 27°2 133°7 [50°3 [55°7 |66°7 32°0 |51°0 [36°8 28°8 (38-5. |45-4-|59°9 [56-7 - 64°7 [51-7 [39-6 266 136°5 |46°4 |53°7 [68-5 64°7 |54°2 [40°3 . 31°9 136 1 1465 153°3 170-2 57°7 |50°5 [35:8 ' 26-0 132-2 -[42-7-> mikes 36°0 (47°0 |41°0 28°6 139°5 |48°7 157°8 [67-7 566°3 47-4 [35:7 29°7 128°7 441°5 158-8 |66°8 61°6 49°0 [38°2 19 129°6 143°4 155°1 163-4 30°8 50°8 |36°6 - 28°7 |36°5 | 46°7 | 5404. | .7+4, 59°9 46°8 [38°9 ae me 21-7 132.2 |46-3 |>6-4 156-3 56°9 56-9 |33°6 Ba te es [80°7 132°7 [47-3 [574 |67-3 1:2 [527 52-5 | ‘8-4 | OTe 2 25°4 [44-0 [45 7 [55°7 (68-1 69°9 |63°3 54-5 |40°6 eae oS By eh ; 25°3 (28:7 [44-0 [49°7 '62°3 OT S77 487 zis oe a sh es Bil dscorlay:bz 46]46°76|56°66)|67°36 Sauer liond 9005), ae. te e — *®28-99131 |: es 58°66)67°26)72°9. |70°91/62 Ost cA. vs 91 4 aie # : ¢ 22*5 }23-9 [32°9 145-1 [54-4 |56*1 |69°6 [69-4 [60-0 [50-1 blake ie Paige eR ee a te pe Mea? - j ee ae Pe at v $454 4 las-6 [57-8 5° [68-4 | 9°7 |69-7. |67°3 [57-4 loom [50-4 < = * Monthly mean state of the thermometer, according to observations of Dr, sibs Fo a a with Hawkesbee’s thermo’ ometer, from 1742 to 1774, reduced to Fah. deca on ee a 4 © = Mont hly mean state of the Ghermiometer, according. © the :obserations of ce cota > ‘ z ams, from 1783 to 1788. 4 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations: 390 "N *d 6 "aUIsnjour “ZEST 07 OGLE mouf suoswas ay) fo ainjosodmag anayy | pus con £69 28 8-€s | had || 228 |e as ee tee £39 | 6-92 |9-39 | F.07 9-45 — ov “LaUeUnig! © eke ‘T aTavil £-19 ar loco | pes ae "E98 | ese (9-88. s9| 62|s-¥9)9-cv\ 268] vy | srelars 8-69 | c-a2|6-s9 817 | s-s5 | Fer | 9.20) 1 29 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. Sok TABLE Hil. Extremes of heat and cold for the several seasons and for the year fronr 4790 to 1842 inclusive. Against each year the upper number signifies the great- est and the lower the least elevation of the thermometer. Winter. Spring. Summer, Autumn :s & ¢ 2p 97 f2 |S 7] Ppa 9 7 pe) eo yesre 2 A.M. {P Pp. M.||A.M./P. M./P.M./1/4.M.IP. mM - ? = = ¥ 47 153 [47 |60 |75 |71 |:77 |es oy! 1790 $ 65} B } 5 fiz jis li7 Hs7 Iss a es 47 49 1|47 [74 I|88 |so |/s9 |o2 5 are = 5] 3 2 |is6 |a6 {39 |154 67 a. 59 |50 |48 |\|77 |ss |sos|i79 |y1 1792 3 11 |-2 [45 |j28:5/34-5/32 i|sorstss ae 1793. § 92. |54 [52 {175 |90 |78 |[si-sjo2 2 {12 |-8 [16 {22 [22 |Is3 Is57 58 152 |l65 |84 {65 |igi-s/101f 1797 F ios! 6 esslis lee tte ist |s6 17935 50°5|57 |44 |68 |84 |71 [igo joss a | - ao o1tl. 129. 133 Os O17 3 48 |51 [44 |66 |s6 (71 !I76 [90 1799 3 —~6 |2 [+5 |-es5li4 | 4 |la6 |46 1300 9 43. |48°5/43 60 |82 [65 |i80_ |9s E> eA. SS 685 12 “50 462 01 § 36 |62 [53 71 {67 |ls2 {97 18019 _1 (11-5! 3 j21 {39-sl23 [las [as-5 1302 § 32°3,60 {53 63 |82 60 |\s0 |92+5 ap -3 \10 | 1 j13 |26 |is-sil55 |s8 54 \60-156 |l6s 185 (66 |184 |95 18034 5 | z5l0 6 {19 | 9 |Is1 |60 57 |63 |51 69 185 |7o lis3 }91 +e06 2 3 \24 | 6 |51 Ire ; 45 |55 143 ||68 [84 [66 {182 |97 18059 5 | 6 I-s5 {lis les lis ‘las {53 .§ 56 |61 [56 |l69 {36 |70 |I!s0 |93 "34 =6 l12 | o (11 16 t13 ks 59 § 43 (51 {45 1161 |s0 |61 ||77 |90 1807 2 i6 jai [eo-siia joa fia ‘lar {47 1808 § 51 151 148 |l60 |79 169 |i79 lo6-5 -6 115 | 3 {12 (28 l20 {l49 lag 5 55 158 157 |169 |82 \68 llvg los 2 51 160 {52 45 [56 [53 |i65 (83 |63 }I72 (3 | | -7 |-2 |-9 |[-4 [21 | 6 [145 36 ||17 [32 [21 392 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. TABLE IV. Greatest monthly variation of the thermometer. St we HR Or Or tr Co Oo Bb SOLUS RaSLSS or * Feb. 52°S V. Mar. LO°5 Apr. | May. 29 }28 49°5 |49 H 43°5 36 5 46 |47 45 [42 49 |36 54 {45 51 {39 46 {51 49 133 39 {41 47 46 49 153 44, [42 44 |42 46 }46 51 |42 44 139 44 }41 49 | 33 51 *44 i 49 3°3 [45 April.) May. +) 8°5 11 10 10. £12 9 {10 13 }10°S 9 9°5 io ~tht 10°7 | 13°8 11-5 2511 4°5 tt ii 10..." 453 14 411°5 9-4 713°8 i16 12°6 |i 24 Lig itt 9 .A3 lL eink 13°51 152 £3 ¢ Hie 42°9 6 4 19 June. 28 July. 2 15-4 L 12°8 July. Ang. 3 Sept.| Oct. 33 |39 32 |46 44 138 42 |49 37 |36°5 45 |45 Sept. 8 72°H 102 Lao Lau is Oct. 75) 5 ‘ Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. TABLE VI. Mean temperature of the coldest day and yore day of each year, obtained by rept the mean : e three observations on each of the said days, together with the time o eir of this ei a subjoine Mean height of during the warm days 29-935, dilbsonne: f te very Few uly poe and cloudy more clouds than clear sky. e periods of extreme cold Bar. during the cold days 30°165, ditto Times M. temp. SW 393 Wind Weather Bar. 30°15 loudy|30°13 91\Dec.19\—1 |WISW1 clear (30°21 SW 2 cloudy | 30°11 92\Jan. 23|\—8 W 2 ar |30°:03 SW 2 clear |29°87 93|\Feb. 1) 5 |INW 1 __ |few cl. |30°56 SW 2WS3El1 cloudy/29°87 94\Dec.27} 4 |W 3 cloudy |29°81 SW 2 w cl./30°02 95 Feb. 26 3 NW3 We2 cl] 29° 84°2 W NW cloudy 50°06 96\Jan. 31} 7°2.NW 1 {clear /29°88) 80°7\SW 2 cloudy|29°85 97\Jan. 8\—7°5INW2 Inocl. |30°34 July 22/80°8}W 1 SW 2 jcloudy|30-05 98|Feb. 8 NW2_ jnocl. |30°38 Aug. 9/85°2/W 2 SW 2 [cloudy|29-85 99\Jan. 5-3 INW2_ I|nocl. |30°62 Aug. 1/80°3;W 1S 2 © |few ci.j29-90 1800|Jan. 47NW2We2!no cl. |30°37) July 6)80°3|};W 2 NW 2'few cl./30°20 Ol 3} 4:7INW2 Nilclear (30°67 1 few cl.|29°76 o2|Feb.23} 33INW3 [clear (29°76 July 2384-2) W 1 few cl..29°94 03|Dec.17) 2°3INW 2 Iclear /|30°65 843) W2 few cl./29°91 o4\Jan. 21) 4°2;NW1W Iino cl. 83 |SW 1 W 1 \cloudy 05|\Dec.14 NW 1. ifew cl July 13\85 |SW 1 W I |few cl.i29-93 O6|Jan. 16} 3°3};W1SW2ino cl. |29°90 W 1SW 1 |cloudy|29-83 o7\Jan. 26—6°5,NWIW Iino cl. |30°35 osiJan. 16} 6°3;W 1 clear {30°38 July 17\82°3|N W few cl.|30°01 og|Feb. 44 47,NW2 Wiclear [30°48 July 10,79°3|W 1 few cl.|29*90 10|Jan. 19|—4°3/W 3 clear |29- 73°3,SW Icloudy/29°88 11|Feb.22| 4°7/W NW |cloudy |30°31 22\W B {few cl./29°81 19\Jan. 18|—5°7;,NW 1 {no cl. |30° uly 4/75°3;W 1 SW few cl.'29-89 1792\Jan. 22) 3 |INW3 _ {cloudy |29-80//1795 NW 1 few cl./29-95 23\——_8 {NW 2 lear (30°12 2 |SW 1 W'é ifew cl./30-00 24, 4 INW2 _ {cloudy |29°90 7|\84°2)}W 1 NW licloudy/29-97 1797\Jan. 7| 65|;NW 1 |fewcl. 9 10.80 |SW 1 W lIcloudy/29-88 gi—7"°5 NW 2 no cl 1/1801 July 1 82°7 SW 1 cloudy 29°99 9) 12iINW 1 sinocl. 5 2:85°7\SW 1 few cl.|29°73 1807\Jan. 19} 7°3 NW1WIno cl. 4 1803 20| 11°3};W1i SWI no cl. 1 w cl.|30°16 21) 17 o cl. S 1SW 1 j{cloudy|30°15 22) Oo |NWIWIifewcl. W2 r |30°05 23) 7 |INW 1 _ {cloudy |30-38 10:84°3|W 3 clear |29°93 26,—6'5INWIWi)no cl. |30-35||/1805 July 12\83°7;SW 2 y|30" 27 NW1 Niljcloudy |30°39 os {SW 2 few cl.|29°93 18io|Jan. 19. —4°4/W 3 clear /|29°48 iS 1W 1 ifew cl.|30°04 20\—_—3 |W 3 clear (29°86 SW 1 cl./29°91 21\—0-°7|W 2 clear {29° SW 2 jrew cl.|29°77 22). 7°3IN NW _ {cloudy /30- vig irit WwW Ww loudy|29°85 1812\Jan. 16] 4°7/NW W_ {cloudy |30-04 8-2|W E few cl.|29-82 17] 4 [NNW {cloudy |30-04 la zs) few cl.}29-82 *191—5-7|NW 1 cl. {30°35 86:2|W r |29-85 19 7INW 2 © jcl.&sn./30-07 if 19/82-7/SW S few cl.129°94 20} 7-7\INW 1 ata 29-38 86 |W no cl. |29°89 21} 2 |W2} |few cl.|29-82 2182 |SWE few cl.|29-93 22 | 2*7 W clear 30°88 22)81 le SW ed as'yk $94 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, GENERAL TABLES OF WINDS AND WEATHER. TABLE I. Relative direction of the wind and state of the weather at the several hours of observation. “atte saad Winds, Weather. Ae Lt ae N NE E SE 8S SW W NW }x 40 3] 8 | 14 | 40} 89 | 44] 106 ® 4 N.| 36 | 30 | 41] 18 | 47] 92] 37] 64 E.| 29 | 34] 31] 17 | 42] g5 FE 87 oe (M.) 54/28) 15/11] 27] 68! 49 | 114 » } N.| 35 | 39 | 66| 10 | 26] 74/1 36! 80 E./ 32} 32} 51} 9]|29] 80/39] 94 2 | M.| 54/25] 20] 10] 42/961] 31] 987 B® }) N.; 30 | 27! 62] 11); 33] 87; 30! 85 E.| 26 | 31| 51} 8 | 37] 92/28] 99 x) M 27/42 | 15] 14] 32] 83 | 43 | 110 m }N.| 18] 44] 61] 15] 26] 79} 98] 95 E.| 14] 421) 58] 6 93 | 23 | 102 | } M. 57 | 28 | 23] 11 | 31} 70 | 36 | 103 | B )N-| 42 | 24174] 12 | 30} 56] 43] 79 E.| 33 | 27| 63} 9/35] 61|46| 91 , gfx. 53/16/20] 9] 36] 80 | 43! 109 : rm )N./} 24/ 18/72/19] 44] 571421] 91 3 ™ LE. 19 | 21] 61] 17 | 46] 60 | 38 104 2s 8 os ra 7 Ss o oO ° 2 AS rs so © wo or a a .<) a a © cs ° ee ° oo . to n oo oe an Ny | nel ~“I © oo an a oo vee ao © Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 395 N NE E SE S SWW NW fair. m. fa. cl. m. cl. 87 w« CM. | 23/19; 26]13]29| 60] 58 | 137 |} 108] 57} 112 S<2N. | 11/25172! 91/30/60] 41 |119]| 79]|104) 87] 95 = CE. [15 /|22)60] 7|271)70] 53 |111'}127| 60] 117] 61 wo CM. | 44) 24/17) 15) 29;60; 49 | 126 |, 114, 43) 123] 85 g {y. 34 | 261 59}14/33}61f 39] 99)/ 100} 61/113} 91 = ( E. | 82] 20/46] 6 66/ 67 | 983/150] 351113] 67 o CM. } 14; 12] 26116! 31/39!1154}] 53), 128] 34] 917 92 g |x. 8}/ 5/38154139/51/106 |] 44]] 84] 73] 6741120 = JE. | 71 5/|41)20/46/| 26/183 | 22)||148! 30] 79 és M. 114; 7! 61120118) 241192 | 31,1130] 50; 77] 98 x N. |12{ 9|681|37]29)40]137 | 27;| 89] 71] 501143 = - 111} 7| 70; 27|29127/176 | 11)],153; 29] 68) 103 M. ; 15! 23 | 29} 29] 21; 53)133 ; 61]'129] 88| 74} 126 - |11/}19] 70] 43} 22} 36/119 | 44]/ 751 84) 69] 134 mean* 1812. 1811 .'39!23!24/]14131/63] 661103 ]} 110] 53; 108; 91 N. | 24 = 19 E. | 20 | 24 34/61] 69 | 84 |!142| 50|106] 67 TABLE II. Annual mean number of winds at — # the points used, and annual mean state of the wea NW NE E SE S SW W NW reli ml m. cl. 42 1791135 |29 |26°6]16 |43 |88-6/ 40 107 | 65°6 1792|40 |33 |44 |10 127 |74 | 41 p02. 7% ., 1793]36-6|27-6.44 s6[87 rs, 29°6 a 1794119°6142°6'44°6/11°6/29 (85 | 31 |1 92°6| 87-6 1795/44 |26 [53 |10°6)32 |62 | 40 109 | 85°6 1796132 !18 [31 |15 |42 (65-6) 41 105 |} 87 1797125 |22 |49°6|16°6|39 |57 | 59°6 108 | 75°6 1798138°6|31 [50 |13°6/29 |71 | 29 109 | 68 1799134 j21 |48°6/10°6/34 [55 | 40 112°6| 80 1900/29°6/23 157 | 7 |29°653 | 39 13 | 76 1801|25+6/28°3|63°6]16 |34°653°6) 23+3 111°3| 906 1802/34°3/25 |51 [11°6|38 |62°6| 30°6 118 | 893 1803/28°6/20°3/63 [14°6|39°3/'58°6) 31°S 106 | 87 1805116 [22 /52-6/ 9°6!28-663 | 50-6 105 | 81 sa0¢|36-ef23 [40-€|11-6)30 62 | 51°6 116 | 80°6 1809! 9-6! 7 |35 !30 |38-6/38-6|148°6 79 {1006 igioli2 | 7-6'66 |28 {25 |30 |168 | 65 |114°6 1811/11°6)19 |48°6'29 {21 /38°6)155 72°6|118 1812|17 a 42 |21 |23-6148-6144 8 i 1176 sd tradh be alc cxsten of cineinels pluie otenenliag " of aS the meen of saw 7 nae fay dealer eames | d, and that of the north west. It is to be considered merely as, a transf from o1 the other, when. the wind was news inte oF the between them, owing probably oe qe red ar ocr Sonal different compass in Dr. Webber and yoelh, Ihave ccpetints boncsidh parpoons. with the points of the compass carefully fixed un- 396 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. TABLE Ill. Monthly mean state of the winds and weather at the sev- eral hours o Jan. treet | mA a S = m4 1 March Feb. mA i Oct. Sept. Aug. July June May Apr ea eesti Ute 1 Gee | 45 (tenn a8 bz 2 HNoOwWONwWhowwNN bs ZN Hen vVbnwwRovoewvon Z ow *67 - x) OF gerape t4°.*. AGE Ae MEAD GO Se Go co Co Co Co A BB kt co) ae MO WRB RDN NTO NOOO MONT OWN OU AN OC BDI mm Eo oe rs ee ot, Et © observation ; to which is subjoined the mean of the morning, noon, and evening observations for each month, . . Weather. Winds. bas f 2. SE f ay) ame ae a ee ee ° co Eos HWoOWWWOHNNNNHWHEhRWOD ROP BROdHWHWNWYWNNHEHENWNDND | + 2°5 ca = 4 AWOWWIAITEAMWOHOHUaAaAhaAbaAk eo 5 NEON GN OO AAWOAAEARwWARO WO WAhARAAAMADOAGA Onn hk SO AnAQwnann NW fa. mf, cl. 12 3] 12 | 7 12 7 | 6 0 | 7 11 |/13 | S117 4 11-1814 9407 9 813 oL6 9 11.] Sagas io |10 | #11) 6 9 8 917 8 13. | & 264cs g |ji1 | 3140! 6 7 8; 5 8] 9 y i118 9| 4 7 |10 | 3} 9} 9 5 6 8 | 10 5 |i 10 | 6 6 & | 3 eg 4 4 {10; 6 | 10 4 |10 } 5| 718 5 o4 @ 74s 4 | 4 1 4) 11 4 |\t1 6! 8 6 9 8} 9 5 |} s }10) 5 | if 5 |13 744° 7 iig| § 6) 7 5 i s.| O eae 5 fit gj} 5 9 10; 5} 9! 7 6 | 8 7| 8 5 13 | 4 81 9 is| 3 9| 8 9 |\11 9 {8 11 |9 10 | § 17 9 | / 11 {\11 1h | 11°7}) Ge] [tt [© 2-7 9 {4 at 9 |lro-s|4-3}10 | % I yee 63 ari 9 18 67, 7 go 77 579 : g7| 67| 87 31 8 6°7 ate 10 17 °o ° o ° F 19 [}31.435-3]36 |35-7)34°2,52 26-3124 3 8)34°2/27 1/34 [35-40 |45-3 36 {37 35'3)30 93/28 (22 182 (99 )38 |34 |33-4)35 |34-s|29 9°3/13-5)/23- |so-sis2 |30Ja1. jas-aliz-slis 42 137-6129 |29°1 15°8/17-8),26 |95-5|35 [40 |39 132-5'99-s)27-7 12°3/17°1128 |33 [32 [30 |81°S/98-5,94°8/25°2 > & oa wed Feb. Jan. SMU AZSMAZehae Q e Q v 3 uw . i] e w io & Co o aA & 17 & « ia) — , ww > > ia) o w oa " wo Mean a Zz 5 ao N oY wo > “i eo & x & o~ ie awn & ba Fa ly June : 15°9116 27°3 32°9/33°3/34-9'35°5 21°2)22 ' o| 4 7 | 40.3): “131 CE. |2 23°5|20-8//29 |39-5/35-7/34-7|36-4134-7|29°2|29°8 ‘Gen. m. 23°2/21-7|/29°3 34°1/35°3/3 “se 7°5\27°9 “g M/5 64 6/62°4''62°459 160°1/64-6/64°6/68 |64°7/58 §4N.)7 79°) 73 6)64°6,62'3166°9/66 |73 |75-8)71 |66°9 = {E.| — [57-9/62-4'6. 64°6/624||55°6'55°5162°4164-667 |71-3'70 2164-6 >. M./68 64°6/64°6 65-7/68-7|68 (67-1/62-2|/61°5/63'9|66"8|69-1/67°6)71 |69°5/65-5 3 N.|70°2/71-5'76-4 758/83: 1183 1/80°7/80°8)174 66°9|77°5175-8.79°2|87 |go0°1)72-7 E.|64°266 |57°5'71°3|70-6172°5|70°6|62"5|65 |64 |67°7172-5\70°3171-3\69°3/68 “ M.|60°1/7 1 3/56-7/63-6|66-8169°1/68 |62°3||64°8164°8/65°7/66-8171 [70°2'46-8165-7 3s 4N.|77. |52-2\73°6 80°3\78 |73°6\74°7)/70°268°2|73°6)73-6 71: 5177-2\g0-6/77°2 , (G- 64 [86 [75 M.| 3] S|} 1} 3}i2] 5} = 6 s ~M.,|51+2'68°1157°7 }%: 4 51 9} 5} 2 9 j 48 |43. K. 4 7, 8| 4 2! i0 © G. (71 Is9 [re | oa cM. 2] 3} 2) 410} 4) I 7 3} Mioorirs eT ae ees Pet fa 7] 2} 2 9 ™ UL. 149 j56 [50 1. - oe Be : t} St Bf 2 ar = _ €G. (76 loasiss |3 76 87 cM al 11] 49} sf 5 6 5 4 M. 62 g0-7719)6 627 70-¢70:s4 N. 2 3|}.4/ 10) 6] 9 "™ CL. |50 [66 |59-5|5 49 50 (CE.| 2} 1} 1] 4} 5] 10) 4 10 &(G-|75 joa |e7 |? M.| 4] 1] 4] 10} 4| 10} 3 5 34 M. 65-6/83°9)73+4 N. 1} 1] 8] 3) 14} 2] . sé S UL. |s1 j72 |59 {x 9| 4 13] 2| 3 =z (G. |68 |j90 [81-5 M.| 1] 1] 6} 8} 3] 4) 3 5 3} Si st rovlocs {x 1} 2} 4] 10] 2} 5) 2 | 4 MCL, [34-5145 [42 E.}.2] 2 3] 9] 4] 42 i a (G.-|58 70 |62-5/ sis f M. 8) 3) 4) 3} 2) 4) a 5 6 | M./44-5/58°7/53-3! 3 42°2/57-4)41-49 N.} 3/10) 3} 3] 3) 2 3 5 L. 24 |38 135 7 (26 LE. 1/10) 5} 4) 2) 2 8 7 3 (G- |47 [58 |54 | M.j 8} |. | $} | 10) 2 , § S 4 M.|27-6)41°1) 36-6 N.| 9 3} O| 8} 3 3) 7 4 UL. |11-5127 |265 E.| 6 1} 1) 9} 4] 8} 2 6 g ( G.|87 |45°5/41 M,j 5} 2} 1) 4] 1) 4 2 4 S 4} M.j15-8)27°3)23+1 N.{ 5} | 2 3) 4 v. s L. |~2*5|11 412 sut il 4 7 = (G. 63°2|80--4172°4 ¢ M./40/28)18) 48/64) 59/30 | 66 % 4M. | 40-7|55+7145°9 4 N. [31/32/23 a 21 90 Ln 14°4(27°5 24:5 LE. 23}38|18} 58 Al 87 400 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. pte pee a E Winds. Weather, 7991 8 Es | 2 > |ls [2 |. ies zie lalS ho Ble lala i ie 3g §G: 405]56.545 [845 |56-5/46 (M.| 8)-2) 3) | 3) 3] 6 6 16] 125 & 4 M./i9-3/31°3 26-4| S 17-1|29-3|24-84 N:| 8 | 13) Ss g 1} 4) 1) 2] 5) 51 Sif 13) 11) 7 L. |-12| 0 |-3 | -12| 0 |-3 E-{ &| 4) 1] 2) 3} sl 3] sil i7] 86 3 FG. ([45 |50 [46 M-| 4 5| 6] 4] of] 15]. 716 te, M. 16°3 29°3/25*1 N- ] 8 1} 4) 4 6 8 16) | 6 L. |-3 |14°5/11 E+| 2 1 49} ij 3} | 1] 3} 6 4] off 19] 316 ‘3 (G. |39 [56 |45 M:‘ 6 1 5| 5) algsll 15] 121-4 @ 4 M.|20-9/37+6 28-7 N-| 4| | ol | 5! sf slioy 19 f - = LL. |-9 |i2 | 8 E-| 3| sl af a el ef of sf a6 ait FG. |56 83 \64 [x70 [ss |77 (M- 3| 9) | 2! 5} 4| gl gl at} 45 &) M.)34 |53_ /43-4)-8 34-4)52-1/4264 N- 4) | 1) 3] 9/ al 6f 9 216 L. 24 32 jas |&-9 l12 | 8 LE 3} 4} | 4} al als a4 > oT he 4 M: 3} 1| 1] 3} 8} 4) 4 86 ie +] 48°5/99°7155°7 N- 3] i] 4] 3] 6 3) 5 8/10 La 89 ee 89 E+ 2) 41 | 5] 4| 2] 8 6) 9. eo FG. |76 M: 1 h 4 £2 M.\62 |76-5/65-4 dt Se at — 44 \44 E 3} 5) 5:11) 1) 6 . ‘ ‘ e aig 2. 6) 6 7 2) 4 fee bea } : ae 7 378 |92 |83 (M™ 5} 3) 4) 4] 9) 3] 4] gay 99 ae | Oy" Bay 77°69 a Ps 1) 6 1) 6| 7 3] 5/2 SS ; 2 43 (E+ | 3] 1 7| 6 6) 3 3 dy tb M- 3} 3) 1} 2} 5|10) 6 ie Bd < 2 | 5) 2) 3] 411 4 aa *\. | 4) 2 6) 2 OL, | B fx: 2} 2 3| g| 1| 2) 3 eh 2 * 214 3} 5] 1) 3] 2} Of HY a & 68 E+ 1] 7| 3| 6 1) 4 1 be ue 3° 18 gaeelsedagad wel tot 4] Oe as : 3 42°2'56°4:49-84 N+ 1] 5| | gj 4] a] 4) “ar ais 26 CE-| 1/6 | oa 1 58 wks M*| 1) 1) 1] 4) 1/16) 4) 5 Al N-| | 2] 1) 2 1)|11) 5) 8 at E-| | 21) 2} 1/2 3] § Paes M71 | 2 27148 Aa} N-| 6] 1. | 3} 1] 6 8 € +o pi *] 6] 1 1] & 2] 6 Gat s) 65°2/80°1/70 -M+i48/18/13)30|54|75}52)77| >) oe 'e|50"opeere N> |30}28}21|40]45|70]54 9°5}21°5|18°5 | E+ |27/42113/51/41166154 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. AOL 8 “ ie Winds. Weather. P g-3 3 r | = é. = ro 5 F — Civ ele (Ee be blll Bets Ele 1 2 3h14 G.138 | 48 |41 [244 | 57 147 [ML] 2} 2 2\ g ; 22 M.|20-2] 30°1/25-7) = 20°5 | 31-6|26-4< N.} 3] 1 2) 6) 5{121| 22 : ; SL. |-6 | 10 & te-6 41 5 E. | 3] 2 1} gs} S|12}} 22 Is 14 = M.} 4] 2 1] { 5} 1i15') 17] 5| 6 4 Suidigal s-7iar N.j 6] 4 1} 7|10\| 21] 4| 5 < _M-l19°3! 32°7127+1 - ait iy 7/10} 2a al 8 ws a + Mt. 3} 2} 1] af al 4 alia 17|10| + ebm 3 N.| 2] 4] 1| 4] 1-4} 4iaa)! 17) 9) 5 & 2 M-|24+5| 42-1|3404 N. “+e led 0.4 20.413 E. { 2] 2) 1) 6} 1) 8| 4/16 ‘ o bile 74 |%65 | 89 |74 Lg se ae Bo a ae ‘BS M-|42°3| 57-3/50°3 5 S81 sialtoa dN. 1] 5} 1 . Pal 6.8 : ole “LL. j28 | 38 [36 la o | 20 113 MEECEEGEE EEE , [G.}65 | 89 |67 M45) 7.2 3 2 [Sear ee ol &< M-/47-6| 64-8154°6 No} 9 5) Spee ey ooh 5 2 bint | 3S M.| a! | 1) 5] 6l 7/ 2} sil 24! 2) 4 G. 172 | 94. 177 : = Fo ° N. 2 8 3| 7 : M-159°4| 78°4/67¢4. ees =\L.l46 | 62 Is6 |. E. a} | 7\ 3] 6 57 : G.|79 |100 |s6 279 00 M.| 1} 1) s} 6 4l12l 3] 4 5 . Z . 9 i 22 M-\64 | 84-6|72°3] g 61-2 coa}a0's 4 N 6} 3) 6 ata} 2] af 39h (LL. |48 | 69 [53 1344-5] 60 [53 HT a tS ay Waa er op (Gs |74 | 89. |81 Mil <9) ibe 2) 3h 28 al 7 54 M.|62°2| 77-7168°9 ! Bs oa at Se 6| 8 S (Le j445).60._|61; fee | M.| 3} 3] 3 3] z/ 2) 2} 5 45| ‘| - a flere Poe ee Kg Jn.] al a} al al ef af 3} a! 18) 6 & M:+l52°8| 69°2/61°6 13 “s re A ae rat at aot s| 7 ee 71. les. (der 75 (M4 6 2 5| 5|) 21) 4) © G. |62 | 71 les 186 AE be ot ae al 7 32 M-+/42-9| 57-4|50°7| 3 41-9| 55*9)49 Beha} Sees 5 9 a © LL. j28 | 45 (40 |311 31 j21 . 4 as : a a calal 5 theca E.| 5; 1) 4| 4 6|10}| 14; 8| 8 = £2. 118 .-Sk. (91 A - SP ato! ol 3 : 8 2 M28 | 37+9|33°4 eis tee sliol| 19 5 7 " GC. 1 TY | 6s | eérlros FMl4 33\83221)70 0" 23M | 40-9| 556/48 4 N.|33|3 | j09169 > lL. | i241 so-ales LE. |31]3 | 402 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, 2 ‘ 3 oh : Winds. Weather, o oo. ¥ ee 1801 | = | : 3] [3 | [= ra a lg°| 4 7B laa 3 | iE G. |83 |42 48 |-56 [66 [56 M,} 3} 1 “| a 71 5 47 a] Nilter202!04 8 asulssa267 N.} 3} 2{ | 1] ol a! 4,9 PUL Jt fs | 5 lS-7 | 8 | 5 E./ 3) 2] 1) 1) 2] 4} 5 5/10 *(G. 465/61 [51 |= MJ 4} 2) | 3! al sls s| 5 f{ Nitodhslrs ’ }s 2 3] 41 41 6 8 ee Le(+7 14 410 Bi 5 2} 31 514 a Ce S(G./48 |55 146 M.} 6/10) 2) 1! 3] 9}-4 110 a M./32+6|42°9/39+3 18: 4) 14. 1,273 1 12 = UL. |12 7 E.| 4/12] 4] 3 | 614 = (FG. [s8 |76 |60 68 74 ¢M.| 7 6) 4! 2} 3} gf 2} ail a7 6 7 &.4 M.|39 ahem gy F t-als5-ala7-9 N.| 4/10) 6| 2| 1] 3] 2 17 3 ™ wi2 (33 jay CE.| 4) 9) 4) 4! 3] a} | stg 7 M.| 3) 4) 3] 4/10} 5] a} a/{ 1412) 5 ECREEEEE uke? 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(G.(58 |61 [55 Jsg Jo: tos > CMY HQ} 1) ab ejial aly) Y 3 3 27°8138 Pa Zas4 35:2 10 {x Wd aes 14, | 7 6 +35 11: ub 716 -CE.] 1 | a} af tral a). 5 3 (G.137 151 )49 ae ; M,| 3{ 3 1) 14 310 z 4 M.117°6 29-9 25°3 J N.} 4) 3} | 2) 3 5! 3) gig 10 L.|-6 | 8 : E.} 4] 1 3} 3} 41 Sito iG. > rs G.|49 (66 |54 M, 4 1) 10 2 4| 7] 6. S ol Ade ae 2 31 2 1, NS 3! 6) 10 "| 7 122 [15 F..| 4] 1] 2) 2] 3 3| 6 "ae on G.|51 |71 |60 |..58 Igo [6s M,} 2 1, 1, 8 2)14 4 - M.|38-9/54 646 |.5 58-1 /53-1 (44-5 2 N.| 2) 4) 2) 1) 5 112 = < (L.\34 [35 a & 7 i23 IIs 2) 2] 2)°4) 1] 5) aigh 5 G.|58 |s2 {68 | 7| 446) | 6 af alg « = J M.|47-7|60-3 52°2 N.| 3} 8] 5} 3] 51 2] 2l 3 i. 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N.| 4] 1) 2] 2) 5 5. # |, |e: E.| 4| 3} 2| 1) 4 6 . 3 Gi M.} 2} 3} 2 2 4 3 23M N.| 2} 3} 1 4G, ify +x 4} | 1] 1] 3 tel i Ge 66°2179°7 |70°'7 © M.| \20|15\76,78/24185/2 70, 23 2 Mie. ol 42°5 56'6 |48°5 2 N, |29/41|20/23)54\90/30)78/ 191/73) 100- =the] | 18-2'41,7 \26 |B. |31]34/24|96|42|89/98/g1 214/69] ah” 404 Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations, 3 3 2 : : Winds. if rea, é [Es] | |, fle 12 48 a[g°] 3 2 Blaglo ESE ae a FG [54 [98 [51 [554 |59 |x EM! 3} 4} 4) | slfals [10 | 5 &, } M.|19:0)32-0)28-3| 2 29-8 |35-1 (31 4 Ne 2} 2) | 1] 4) sl | 7] 19 712 L.4-755) 8) 7 iS -7°5 8 | 5 CE] 3} 1] 1) 1) 2! of of si 15 ly g (G:|50 [59 [53 M+ 5] 1 1) 7) 7 2) 8} 15) 8 3] | 23°O/382)32°6 N-} 3] 2 6| 8} 2} 7) 141 6 |g m ET, 12 |10 E+| 4] 2 6] 7} 3} 6) 14, 5 | 5G. |s2 I74 164 M+ 3} 3] 3} 2] 5] 4! gf gi 169) 6 i]. 27°9'43 136-1 N:| 2} 3} | 4] 4] 8} 2} si) 15/10 | 6 = UL.} o |14-5/12 : E-/ 1} 5] 1] 5] 21 g] a}+si 16] 8/7 ES: 87 |79 l67 | 67 [86 |71 (M+ gs] 3] 3} | of ol | 5] 10416 z} Mos 6 1/46°7].5 39+2 |55°6 |46-1 4 N+| 4] 8] 4] 1] 7] | | 6) 1671/7 “CL. j26 [30 j22 [20 |t4sli2 CE. 2i14] | 2! 7] gl | sl 4a 8 » (G67 (86 |74 M-| 4) 7| 1] 4/10} 1} a} 3 21) 8 | 2 E} als 65°7|55°7 N-| 3] 5] 3] 7] 7} 2 3 20, 7 | 4 131 133 |34 E-| 4} 2] 4) 9] si a} | 3 G4 » (G. 173 |93 |s4 M+ 1 3} 3/ 3] 7] 7} | 6} 1610) 4 a} 579917741673 N+} | 2] 4] 4) 5] 8} | 7) 17,815 = UL. |48 |62 |53 CE} | 1) 4) 6 si 6} | sh 14947 >, 9G: j71 |91 |82 |s73 4 M+ | 3} 4] 3/11] 5] 4) 7) 168] 2) M.|67-6|77-1)72+3) & 62-4 177-9 67-8 JN.| | 5! al 5 4) 9} 2) 4) 14) ~ OL. |49 [59 [54 |841-3\59 |gs (LE-| | s| ol sl ol ol 1] ol 14 i & FG. |\72 |s8 |\s2 kA FM | 4) 3] | af 7 4 8 20414 2 7) M.\61-9]79-2\69-9) N-| | 4! 3] | 4] 5] sito} 22) 4/5 ~L. 141°5/69 156 E- 3} 3) 2! af 6} 4i11}) 21) 4) 9° a (G. |66 [78 |68 My | 2) | 2 gf 9 | 72 4 M./49°9168-6| 59-7 N: 3] 2} 3] g{10} 1) 9) 22 a L. 34 {60 [51 E- 3} 1) 4) 2} 9) |11)) 28 = {G-/63 [77 \67 |d66 ize lez 1}10} 8} 2} 4)} 18 3 ) M [48°7|59-1153-1! & 40-9 [5606 | 3} 7} 5| 1] 7) 2 -L.|28 42 39 1318s 20 29 3} g} 3} 4} 5 18 = FG [51 [61 |s4 1] 4| 7] 6} 4) 2 S M.|29°2/42-9/3g 3} 1} 7} it + UL. /18 (20 |20 1} gs} 5} 2ji1}) 1 3 §S. |57 62 |59 i] 7) 7} 4 6 & ) M-|29-1)39-2] 34-7 6 2 5 -L. |95 j22 |1g 7| 2) 8 a(S) 65 [79 (66)) = 3M. | 41.3/56+3 |83 ee 13 |25-4 g4|it -% Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. 405 cs % @ BE os Weather. 1904.] = JES| 2 ! | ht el is | | ol oa El . (G.135 |46 jai }§57 [62 59 (Mylo) | 2 | 4} a 3 G2 M/\15.1|26-6|29-4) = 21-1|32-7 logs 2 N. | 1} 3] 3} 2jist LL.[-5 flo | 9 [S-5 [lo | 9 Bly at al af af ape rege 65\41 f" M, 4} 2} | 1) 9] 5) 6 & 3 M.{19°3/32-3\27°8 *: 6) 2) 1) 1) 1) Sp 6 -2 lle | 9 E.| 3| 3| 1) 4} 1} 6 6| & $4 sipped M. 5] 3\31| 3) at 6 S =< M.[24°1|41-4/32°9 N.| 3 7| 1] | a! gi 3 Ss (1.441 jar fs 4}. 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E Mi|sr-}r1-}oa N.j 1/11} 2} 2} 3} 8 | 3} - By UL, |41 (51 47 |, E.} 1/11] 1] 2] 4) 8 | | 3 4i ) G.|56 |78 |70 |/269 |89. [7s (M.) 6 1| 5} | 2\10 | 1 6} 18 8 M-|39-2)54°9)48°8) 3 43°6 |57-6 |51°6 4 N.| 1) 2/ 4) 4) 1) 9 | 2 8] I Oe L. j28 40 [36 222 |32 E.| 1) 2] 4) 3} 2) 9/ 3 7 84) ss [G|53 [72 [64 M.| 3| 3] | 1) 2)9| 3 9 49 | g{ i 33+8)46+2/42+6 ix 3| al 1g | 313 a¢ 4 32 {31 E.| 3} 5| | 1) | 7) Spe sf 69 |58 M.| 1 1] 6} 8 | 6 9 la & < M+|33-8/43.8/38°8 N. 11 1] a| s| 7 | 2it4 Aé a 25 E. i} 1} | 4] 8 | 3/14 2 » [Sr] 62°7 |80°5 1692 ¢ M.|29)27/17 9 lng x L. 41°7|56 [49 4 N.|20)36/15/31/41]106,19)98 40 17*1 |27-2/25 (CE. }20|36/16|33/41|97 |2alo3| Prof. Farrar’s abstract of meteorological observations. AO7. i : $ 32 2 Winds. Weather 806. Z Bs 2 2 > She jo te eig°1| 21% Zi balalalaleizis ts |e 4 140 (49 137 |#55 G.| 7 | 1) 1) 5! 4} gl10l| 14] 8} 9 N, |20°8}29°6/25+1) & 261 |36+1 sts} | 1] 1] 2) 2 | 5; 4/10]) 14, 8) 9 E. |-6 |1 = -6 2 L.| 4 al 2 4} 7/ gi} 12 9 3 [M55 [58 [54 . (G.| 1] 3) 1) 2} 4] 7] 4} of 19] 11) 5 2 9 N./23-7|35-1|30°3 M. 2| 2! 2] 6 gl gl) 13] 101 E. |-5 |19 |14 ii 2| | 2} 8] ai oll a 6 S (M.|40 |71 |59 G.| 3} 4] 1| 1) 1] 6 aj14) 1 3 a N. [24°1|34-6/30°8 M,} 4) 4| 1) 2} | 5] 1/14) 1 6 = LE.|10 |15 lis |, L. | 3] 4] 1) 2) 1) 3} git) 1 8 = M.|57 [66 |63 | & 90 G. | 3} 5] 1} 1] 2] 5} 5] gi] 1 4 G9 N, )34°8/46-5)41+6/'5 36-1 |49*5 |43-1 } M.| 3} 5] 2) 2) 2] 3) 5) 8) 1 5 “ LE./19 |29 j27 \a10 jis {18 CL.| 4} 7/| 1/ 3] 2] 2) 9] 6 13] 19] 5 >, (M.|68 |90 |75 G.| 3} 9} 1] 2}.9] 2} 2) 2 8 et = 149°6 6724/57 : M.| 1] 7] 4! 6) 5} 7} 4) 4 4| 5 E. |36 {50 [45 iL. 4) 6| 6) 6 1) 1 8) 4 = 75 |92 |82 G.| 2 1/11) 6| 2) 4 8} 3 z4. 59°5|76°5/65¢1 M. 1, 2/10 3 5| 3 m LE. /47 (61 |52 | . Es. 2) 2/10 2 7| 2 >, fMA75 j92 \80 {G75 |92 |82 (G.) 2] 9} 1) 4) 1/11) 1) 5 49 Ss < N. |60°7/77-8/65+1| & 61-7 |76°9 |65°7 4 M.| 2/10, 1. | 1|13 4 4}12. LE. 154 |61 (56 |847 |e1 52 L. 3}10| 2) | [13) | 4 6| 8 w (M.I72 |91 |s1 |? ~ | 1) 3} 9} 7 | 12) 8 24 76°5/67°9 7 2} 4) 2) 4) 5] 8) 2} 4) 13) 7/11 S LE. /48 (65 [58 L.| 2} 4) 2 4) 4) 8 3) 4) 14, 5/12 a (M.j69 |83 [76 G.' 5] 5] | 3] 9 2) 1) 6 11,9 HN. 53°8/68°7/61°4 M. 5} 9} | 2) 6 4) | Zi] 15] 5/10° “ (E.|37 |57 (50 : 8} | 3| 6 5} | 7 15] 5/10. [M.65 [76 [69 |£69 |83 [76 (G. 10 » | 4] 8] 4} 5 24) 403 é4%. 40°6| 58°6|51.1| 5 42°6|57°5 |51°2 ¢ M.) 2} 6) 2) 1) 2) 9} 4) 5)) 26) 4) 2 _E. |28 |38 [34 |3 32 {30 {L.| 2} 4} 4) 2] 2) 7] 4) 6) 25] 5) 1 s M.Is5 |62 [57 |S .| 4 5] 2) 1] 3] 5] 3] 5|| 14) 8 8 34%. 33°5/4.5°4)41 64 M.! 4} 6| 1] 1] 3} 4] 6 &/ 144 79 E.: 32 |s L.} 4| 7] 1] 2] 3] 3] 6 5h 144 71 9 3 {M. 45 G.| 1] 2} | 1| 2/45} 2) 8) 18) 76 34 w-poslics|son M.| 3} 1) | 1) 2} 9} 510} 14; 10) 7 E.| 2 13 |11 L. | 3} 1 12] 5, 8] 18) 6 7. = ~ — 66*7 /83°5 72-7 ¢ G. |43/48) 917/61/79'26/81)/192)103)70 oN, 41°6/55 [47°84 M 9} 83/85: i1 18°7|30 [25-2 (L. |24/64)21}26/38]79|39|75/|198) 86/84 of day. warmest pt. co “tT sunset, Jan. —_ hob oO 1 =e 4 = © sunrise, -_ ‘to me G9 5 : 9 April March Feb. 51 27°6 -6 76 19 75 50 23 + 29 9 5 me de © Go Go bo et et we are PANDOSSCARMOANORKODO wwe DONIVeuUwYyNnny BWorvaune 45°9 “IST to mt mm 0D 0D 2D Co mm Co om dD DO OO bok ek arise as ae 06-0: dhe RAMEE AL AO 00 Sor |. n 7 51 13) «8/10 = ) M./4 | 7] 3) 4) 4) 3) 3) 6) 15) 610 ’ L. | 5] 3} Si a| 5/13) 610 g ® 2} 4] 5] 1) 8| 7) =| 3} 13) 11] G : = 3| 2) |11/ 6 6) 19) 5/6 4 L 6} 2} 1/11] 6 | 5) 19) 35 6 > 1} 3) 3} 1/1 } 3} 16) 6) 9 cs a) aii 2) 16, $)10 L. |4 1] 2 8 a} 19 3° * : | 5 4

adt & =) ond. 7a (S “) 5 O=d. Sad (3) see the value of u=o re- presentiug the equation of the curve surface on which the pendulous body moves. This equation is easily investigated by observing that MI=MS+SI>r'4yr7—22 ; ML=/2zz+yy, and MI=ML gives 7+ V pena EEF yy 5 5 OF O=r'4+/ rr—az—V zz4yy=u. This value of u, substituted in the preceding equations of La Place, gives the sys- tem (A) of the preceding article. If AB were inclined to the horizon, and GD to the vertical, by the angle I, the force of gravity in direction a would be gsine I, and m direction z would be g cosine 1; which would produce, in the first equation, the term — gdf sine I, and in the last — gd¢ cosine I, instead of —gdt, which when I is very small and a, y, small in comparison of r, (which, asin § 5 following, give A=g nearly) may be reduced to the same form as the equations (A), by writing a+ sine I for 2, which is the same as changing the origin of the co-ordinates, consequently the values of x, y, z, given in the following articles for the case of AB 416 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum horizontal may be easily reduced to that, where the axis is inclined to the horizon by a very small angle. : It is worthy of remark, that the distance of the points of suspension — AB does not enter into these equations, consequently that distance may be varied at pleasure, without affecting the motion, provided rand r' re- main unaltered, and the condition at the end of § 2 be observed. It may be observed that these equations would remain the same, even if the term r’ were to become negative, or the point C were to fall above G, provided that by any light mechanical contrivance, whose weight might be neglected in the calculation, the ball D could be retained constantly in the moveable plane ABC, while vibrating about this axis AB, the ball at the same time vibrating in that plane about the centre C. 5. If we suppose the arcs of vibration to be small, the vertical as- cent or descent of the body, denoted by the change in the value of z would be very small in comparison of a or oe consequently in the last of the equations (A) we may neglect a 773 and, as y is very small i = comparison of z, we may, in veplectan terms of the order 2 put [== =I, then this equation divided by dt gives a=g> This ttl age af zz Z—+yy eq Vi y $} : being substituted in the other two equations (neglecting quantities like those before mentioned, by putting r for /rr—axe, and rr for = P g ; vzz+yy) they become 0=d. +i oon eat O=d. a8 sya which inte- r+r grated, putting for brevity = —=44,—— =a'a’, give ere =b cosime (atc) =b' cosine (a’t+c’) as may be'easily proved by substituting these values in the prope equations ; 4, 2',c,¢’, being constant quantities,to be determined by (B) suspended from two points. 417 initial values of x and y, and the velocities of projection in directions ' of those axes. The general expressions of the velocities are 2 mr =, which by means of the equations (B) become dx _ G=— a sine (at+e) 4 (C) = =— ab sine (dt+c’) If we therefore suppose the value of x, y at the commencement of the motion to be ¢, e’, we shall from the equations (B) have e=) cosine c, e’=/' cosine c’; and if the velocities in directions a, y, be at that time v, and v’, the equations (C) will become v=—ad sine c, and v’=—a’b sine ¢. From these we deduce VV b=,/ee+ oA , fo vy! b =e d Ba re (D) v Tang. ore? Tang. « ¢e ae which determine the constant quantities. The commencement of the time ¢ being arbitrary, we may, by taking it at that point of any revolution where y=0', reduce the con- stant c’ too. For in this case the second of the equations (B) be- comes 4'=0' cosine (at+c), or 1= cosine (a’é+c’), and, as =O, we may take e’=0, and then the expressions of x, y will become. a = 6 cosine (at+c) a y = 6 cosine at ), which may be omnia equally general as the equations (B). _ 418 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum If the body fall from a point atrest, we shall have v=o, v'=o, whence, by the equations (D) d=-+e, b= +e’, c=o,c'=o, consequently a =6 cosine at y SEQUISS (F) y= 0 cosine at These last equations may a/vays be used when a, a’, are incom- mensurable, which includes by far the greatest number of cases. For if the arch at be decreased by any whole number f of circles re- ae by p. 360° the arch a¢ would be decreased cay pre “7 a? a—a become 4 cosine Btto—p 360". ty and if a ka were incommen- surable, we might take p ach that p. 360% would inneglecting mul- tiples of 360°) be equal to ¢, or differ from it by a quantity less than any assignable, which would reduce the expression of x to 6 cosine af, taking for epoch the time corresponding to this value of p. But when a@and a’ are commensurable, this reduction can take place vege for particular values of ¢, which it will not be necessary to note, since they may be easily discovered. 6. The equation 0=1 + /rr—ze—V/ zz4+yy Of $4, esas in series, neglecting the fourth powers of x and y gives z=r He x” Poe which by substituting the values of x, y, given in the equi- c B t iaieth tions a béconiés zertl ae, cosine at+c) a?) : a we have bedava approximate values of a, Ys 25 seit? ing to the time ¢, which will enable us to trace nearly the course of the pendulous. body; and if greater accuracy were required, We might substitute the values of Z, y, in the third equation (A). and. thus obtain a more correct value of A which substituted in the ‘other two equations would give exacter values of a, y, and in this way, by suspended from two points. 419 successive operations, we might obtain the co-ordinates to any re- quired degree of accuracy. 7. The equations (B) give +4 for the greatest value of x, and +6’ for the greatest value of y. Hence if on GS the axis of x (Plate 3. Fib. 2.) we take, on each side of the point G, the lines GS=GN= 6; and in like manner on the axis of y, the lines GE=GW=9, and through these points draw lines parallel to the axes, to complete the parallelogram ACKD, the projection of the path of the pendulum on the plane of xy will always be contained within this figure. 8. on tangent of the curve must be parallel to the axis of x, ab sine (4/0) ig infinite, and perpendicular to that axis a’b’ sine (a’t-+-c’) when that expression is 0. ‘The first condition takes place when b'=o, or sine (a't-+c’}=0 ; the second when 6=0 or sine (at+c)=0. When b'= the arch, whose cosine is — we shall have from the equations (E) att+c=A ~ and at =A 4 » whence, by exterminating t we shall obtain the equation of the curve projected on the plane of ay. A = =e+ <, A 4 (G) and taking the cosine of each side of the equation y This equation is generally transcendental, but may be easily re- duced to an algebraical form when , is a whole number. To il- lustrate Pe en OOS) pe: Ree a few a . . * al a == cosine ¢. cosine (< AZ) —sine e.sine (5 AZ) (H) By ee, pe Sosa ae OS 0 3 an Geyer a vey am quantity. 13. When =i, or 7'=o, the points C and G (Fig. 1) coincide, and the pendulum is of the common simple form, suspended from the point G. In this case, the equation (H) becomes ==cos, ¢. COS. (Az) —sine ¢. sine (AS ) , or by reduction =< . cosine e—y 1— sine ©. When sine c=o, this becomes —= and if b & 0 are both finite the b equation is that of a right line, Wee to the diagonal. KA, or CD. If 4 or é'=0, x or y must be respectively 0, aud we shall obtain 424 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum the same resultsa in§9. If cis finite, we must transpose the term a > cosine ¢, and square both sides, which by reduction will Sie sa ee + oF 9 eg! a cosine rad a = sine c the equation of an ellipsis or circle, when 4 and @ are finite. Wher e=90° the equation is reduced to = +55 7 5; =I, corresponding to an dl lipsis, which becomes a circle, ate radius is 0, when b=. 14, When @’ is nearly equal to a, we shall put — =1—-—, aes . att , we shall have m ing a large number; then, si ar s . =— nearly, and 7’ will be very small in comparison of 7 This is the only case mention in Professor Dean’s paper, and the motion may be compared to that of a body ina variable ellipsis. _ For let P (Pl. Ill. Fig. 7.) be the place of the pendulum at any moment, when, by the equations (B); x=b. cosine (at+e) and y=0' . cosine (atte). This last expression, in putting A=z—2’ . t+ce—c’, becomes y= slats (at-+c—h) =0'. cosine h. cosine (at+c) +6’. sine ee sine (atte). Ifin this we substitute for J’ . cosine (at+e) its value 22, and for Gi. sne fi7 ey iV biz fee (at+e) its value B, = it will become ate . COS. = sine. Therefore, if we take on SK, the line SL=J'. cosine h ad draw the line GL to cut the ordinate PM in T, we shall have, 1romh from | the similar triangles GMT, GSL, MT.22 — + cosine h, and /GL?—GT? =" Se Whence y=MP=M T+0' .sine h. a TP=i -sineh eae =. Hence, if we take on GW, of line GR=0',siic 4, we shall have TP=GR, YOE—S™, which is DA a OES i pe ee | of bb6— eh aie ponte has ce 2 ‘ suspended from two points. 425 evidently the equation of an ellipsis, whose conjugate semidiameters are GL, GR. Hence the place of the body may be found upon the sup- position that the curve described is an ellipsis, one of whose semidiameters GL is found by making SL=b' cosine (a—a' .t4+-c— c’), the other GR being taken on the aais of y, and made equal to b' sine (a—a’ .t+c—c’). The orresponding point P of the curve being found by taking, on the axis of x, GM=b cosine (at+c) and drawing the ordinate MTP, perpendic- ular to that axis. A second method of computing this ellipsis may be found by put- ting a=b. cosine (a’t+c'+h) =6. cosine h. cosine (a’t+c’)—b. sine h. sine ('t4c’), andif in this we substitute 6. cosine (@t+c')= 3 and 6 sine (a't+c’) =b Y" =, it will become a= 4 . cosine h—J. sine h . me “2—PM;, in Desie M’T'P parallel to GS. Now if on WK we take WL’=4. cosine 4, and draw the line GL’ to cut MP in T’, we shall have by the similar triangles GM’T’, GWL, M’'T’= “4 COs ae GL?—GT’2 sine h, T’P=—. sine /.- _ By taking therefore on the axis GS thevline GR'=6. ye we sat lave TP oCR. /GL?—GT? eo Ma , which is evidently the equation of an ellipsis whose con- jugate semidiameters are GL’, GR’,* consequently the place of the body may be found by making WL'=b . cosine (aa .t+o—c’) the other GR’ being taken on the axis of x equal to b . sine (s—al «t+ —c’). The corresponding point P of the curve being found by taking on the axis of y,GM'=b' . cosine (a'tc’ and drawing the ordinate M'T P’ perpendicular to that axis. * In the present figure the point P is supposed to correspond to a negative value of the ordinate T’P. 712 426 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum The jirst of these methods is best to be used when 6 exceeds 6, the second when b’ exceeds 8. It is evident that in both methods the sum of the squares of the conjugate semidiameters will be equal to 66+8'b', and the area of the parallelogram included by the tangents drawn through the extremities of the diameters will be 400° sine (a—a’.t-+e—c'). The greatest value of the semidiameter GL or GL’ corresponds to the case where SL=+4' or WL=+4, or a—a’ . ¢+e—e'=0° or 180°, For then GL, GL fall on one of the diagonals AK, CD, of the paral- lelogram ; the conjugate semidiameter GR becomes 9, and the ellip- sis changes into one of these diagonals. The semidiameter GL of the first method cannot be less than GS, that of GL’ in the second method not less than GW. : 15. In the time of one vibration of a simple pendulum of the length r the arch a¢ will increase 180°, by § 9, and the arch A=a—a'# to—e will increase in the same time 180°. —— ase ee 5M by § 14: the archh will therefore i increase 360° in 2m a ics i or m revolutions } of the same pendulum, (or 2m—2 vibrations of a simple pendulum of the length t+1') and in that time the conjugate diameters of the above- mentioned ellipsis will go through all their changes of magnitude and, if m be a whole number, the compound pendulum will be at the same place as at the beginning of the time, consequently the whole cycle of mo- tions will be complete, and the body will again begin to describe the same curves as in the former period. The same thing takes place nearly when mis large, but not a whole number, in taking m’ for the nearest whole number to m: for, in this case the curves described after sad revolutions of the simple pendulum r, will be nearly like those in the preceding period, as when m is a whole number. suspended from two points. 427 16. From what has been said in the last article,-we can easily : a al trace the curve described when o is small, and for illustration we shall take the case when the body falls from rest from the point K (Fig. 2). The arch 4 becomes (a—a’) t, because by the equations (F) ¢ and ¢’ are then =0; and in using the first method (Fig. 7), we have SL=0' cosine (a—a ) t, and GR=0' sine c—a’.t. At the com- mencement of the motion when ¢=o, the direction of the body will be in the right line KI (Fig. 2), which is tangent to the curve in K, as was observed in § 8, and this line nearly coincides with the diagonal KA, the semidiameter GR €§ie. 7) is 0, and it rapidly increases in the successive revolutions. After 37 vibrations of the pendulum of the length 7, the arch (a—a) t becomes 90°, then GL=4 and GR=V’, and the ellipsis becomes as in Fig. 8, the motion being in the direction ESWN. The semidiameter GR (Fig. 7) will then decrease, and after m revolutions the arch c—a’. ¢ will become 180°, GR will be o, SL=—J’, and the point L will fallin D, the motion being then in the straight line DI (Fig. 4), soreeponeng pearly. with, the pines et cna Ds nal DC. The body when D will be at r ‘the equa tions (C), ¢ and ¢ being 0; at=a't+180°, and m 7 elie sappésed a whole number. From this point the body will begin to fall in direc- tion of the line DI, the expression of GR (Fig. 7) will become nega- tive, and independent of its sign will rapidly increase, and the motion will become elliptical. After 3m vibrations the arch c—a’ . ¢ will be- come 270°, GL=é and SL= Diy and the ellipsis will become as in Fig. 5, the motion being in the direction SENW, contrary to what it ~ was when the number of vibrations was $e which is conformable. to the equations (C), which show that at the sop W, (where: the curve touches the line CK) £?<0, and that = eo its sign in 428 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum consequence of the increase of the arch c—a’.¢ by 180°. After this the value of GR (Fig. 7) independent of its sign decreases, and finally becomes 0, at the end of 2m vibrations, when the body will proceed to- wards the point K (Fig. 2), nearly in the right line IK, and when ar- rived at K the arch z—c’. ¢ will be 360°, and the pendulum will be at rest, as at the commencement of the motion, and it will begin again to describe the same curves as inthe former period. In Fig. 6, the curve described in a quarter of a cycle of revolutions when m=1@ is marked. What has been said for the case c=o, c =o and ma whole number, will apply, with but little modification, to other values of those soni so it will not be nesessary to examine this class of motions more partic larly. 17. When =, =2, or 3r=r’, the equation (H) becomes = ¢. cosine (2. Ax =>) —sine c. sine QA+ 5 =), which by substituting the values of cosine (2A. =) and sine (2A. =) becomes == (4 —1), cosine c—2, 2 MW sine. Grey ws which is in general a curve of the fourth order, but becomes of : second when sine e=o; that is, when e=o, or 180° &c. When c=o the equation (I) becomes =- — —1i or (ban). =yy, which is the equation of a parabola, whose axis is fie | y, and parameter“. Hence if we take r'=3r, and let the pendulum , fall from rest from the point K (Pl. 3, Fig, 9) of the parallel ui ¢ gram, it will describe the parabolic are KND, whose axis is NS,Ve™ 4 tex N; the parts KN, DN, being exactly similar and equal. the arch af is 180°, a’t will be 90° and the body will be at N, as is evi: ee ) deat by the equations (F). When at=360°, a't=190°, and i pis Pe Oe Se TeES 6 Mea een Pe suspended from two points. 429 will be at D, and will then be at rest, by the equations (C.) When at =540°, the body will be again at N, and when at=720°, it will be at K. Hence the pendulum will keep vibrating backwards and for- wards in the parabolic are KND. | = e=45° the equation (I) becomes ; S17 /1—%, of the fourth order.. The body will then describe a curve b/' of the form abcdefga (Pl. II. Fig. 10,) according to the order of the letters. This curve is easily traced by means of the equations x=) cosine (2a't+45°) and y=0'. cosine a’t, deduced from the equations (E). The velocity of the pendulum at the point e in the line CK is, by the first of the equations (C) —aé. sine 45°, or “} multiplied by the velocity acquired by a simple pendulum of the length r in falling from the point corresponding to S towards the lowest point G. The points a, e, are found by putting y=d' and y=—0’, corresponding to a’t=o and a't=180°; which give in both cases x=. cosine 45°=b/}. The points g, d, where the curve touches the line DK are found by putting a=b, which gives at=315° or 675°, and eye frie mach es AC, by putting a=—b, which gives at=135° or OSA; When c=90°, the equation (I) becomes J-—4 J 1 1— of the fourth order. In this case the body will describe the curve EeGdWf GgE (Pl. Ill. Fig. 11) according to the order of those letters. This curve will be described if the pendulum be projected from E in the direction EA, or from W in the direction WC, with a velocity equal to that which a simple pendulum of the length r would. acquire, in fal- ling through the arch whose projection is SG. The curve is easily traced by means of the values x= —4é sine 2a't, y=U cosine a't, deduc- ed from the equations (E). By taking 2=+ we obtain yrttYy which is equal to the es Sg, Sd, Ne, Nf. The parts of the path in 430 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum the four quarters of the parallelogram are exactly similar and equal, The pendulum will return to its point of projection E, in a time equal to four vibrations of the pendulum 7, after which it will recommence its former course. The same may be observed in other values of ¢. When c=135° the equation (I) becomes saa! He 4 fj 2 = of the fourth ‘order. ‘The body will then describe a curve of the form abcdefga (Pl. III. Fig. 12) according to the order of the let- ters. ‘This curve is easily described by means of the equations #=6 cosine (2@¢t+135°) and y=é' cosine a’t, and is exactly like that in Fig. 10, corresponding to c=45°, except in being placed in an opposite po- sition. When c=180°, the equation (I) becomes — = =1— 4 or (b—w). ayy, which is the equation of a parabola ASC (PI. IIL. Fig. 13) whose axis is NS, vertex S, absciss 6—a, ordinate y ; being exactly similar and equal to that in Fig. 9, (corresponding to c=0) _— in an opposite situation. By taking ¢ greater than 180° and less than 360°, we obtain nonew curves; the form being precisely the same, whether we use the: value ¢ or its supplement to 360°; but there is this essential difference, that the curves are described ina contrary order. Because when t=0, this change in the value of ¢ produces a change of sign in the value of dx in the equation (C), the value of dy remaining in both cases =% Thus when c=225°, the curve is as in Fig. 12, described according t° the order of the letters gfedebag. When c=270°, the curve is aS in Fig- LL, described in the order EgGfWadGcE, When c=315%, the euve is as in Fig. 10, described in the order gfedebag. Hence it appears, that when e=o the curve has but one vertex N (Fig. ; 9); as chara amaee this opens into two vertices, which gradually separate suspended from two points. * 431 tilt they come to the points C, A, Fig. 13. In like manner the points D, K of the curve (Fig. 9) form the vertices g, d, as ¢ increases; and these points gradually approach till they meet in S, when c=180°. While ¢ increases from 180° to 360°, these points go back in the same order as they advanced, and when ¢=360°, the curve becomes as in Fig. 9, where c=o. 18. When 2a’ is nearly equal to a, we may put — += 24+-, m be- ing a aa number, and since (by )5)— act , consequently 7’ must baa Sr, by a very small quantity , we shall have nearly = IF to render m positive. If we suppose the pendulum to be let fall from rest from the point K (PI. IIL. Fig. 9) the —— (F) will give y=0' cosine a’t and x=. cosine at=. cosine (2a't4.— a) Hence if we put C= — and take at successively =0°, 2x 180°, 4x 180°, 6x180°, &c. the values of y corresponding will be constantly equal to 4’, and those of a will be successively 6, 6. cos. 2C, b. cos. 4C, . C8 6C, &c. and, Po abe ee oe oo oe oe Por Meee ngth ; + r', th Pm e value after n vibrations of a s imple fp of the of x will become 4. cosine 2nC, or be cosine (360°. =), Hess it is evident that at the commencement of the motion the body will begin to vibrate backwards and forwards in the parabola KND, as in the last article, when e=o (Pl. III. Fig. 9), but after a few revolutions the arch 2nC will increase so much as to make the pendulum return to the line KC ata point e, Fig. 10, sensibly different from K, and falling be- tween KandC. Thus when n=im (which corresponds to $m vibra- tions of the simple pendulum r+7’) the arch 2nC will be 45°, and ue curve will be as in Fig. 10, which will be described by the according to the order of the letters abedefg, as in the ricci cle. When n=im, the arch 2nC will be 90°, and the curve will be as in Fig. 11. When =m, the arch 2nC will be 155°, and the curve A532 $, Bowdiich on the motion of a pendulum will be as in Fig. 12, both these curves being described according to the order of the letters ed/g. When n=3m (which corresponds to 3m vibrations of the pendulum 7+’) the arch 27C will be 180°, the curve will become a parabola (as in Fig. 13), and the pendulum will vibrate backwards and forwards in the archCSA. When n={m, the arch 2nC will be 225°, the pendulum will then again revolve in the curve described in Fig. 12, but in a contrary direction, the motion being ac- cording to the order of the letters gfedcba ; for at the point e where d d a the curve touches the line CK, we have = =o and changes sign by making 2nC successively equal to 135° and 225°, as evidently ap- pears by the equations (C). When n=$m, the arch 2nC will be 270°, ~ and the curve as in Fig. 11: When n=Zm, the arch 2nC will be $15 and the curve as in Fig. 10, both these curves being also described in a contrary direction to that when m=1 and2. When n=m, which cor- responds to m vibrations of a simple pendulum of the length r+’, oF 2m-+1 vibrations of the simple pendulum of the length r, the arch 2nC will be 360°, the curve described will be as in Fig. 9, at the commence- ment of the motion, and the cycle of motions will be complete, pr0- vided m be a whole number, and the body will again hegin to describe the same curves as in the former period. The remarks, made at the end of § 15 for the case of m not being a whole number, apply without modification to this. ”“_, consequently 5r = I If we put gu —, we shall have m= a must exceed r by a very small quantity to render m positive and great. | In this case a will become €qual to 4. cosine (2a’t— es and in the - | _. Successive revolutions, mentioned in the first part of this article, it will become b, b cos. (—2C), &e. equal respectively to b, 6 cos. 2C, U _ Sos. 4C, &c. as in the case of = =2+—. Consequently the curves suspended from two points. 433 described must be identically the same, in both cases, but they will be « described in a contrary direction. 9. When <= 8, or 8r=r' the equation (H) becomes = = cosine c. cosine (3A. ? —sinec.sine (3A. =) whence we easily deduce cas > =(4. 3-5 - =>) cosine c + (l—4. —— A wf Bl » sine ¢, of the sixth order, except sine c=o, when it becomes of the third order. In the case of c=o, the curve described will be as in Fig. 14. The body being let fall from rest from the point K, will vibrate backwards and forwards in the curve KaGdA, which is easily traced by putting x=b. cosine 3a't, y=0' . cosine at. When c=90°, the curve described will be as in Fig. 15, EaSeWd N/E, where x=—4. sine 3a't, y=b' . cosine a't. 20. When —=4, and c=o, we shall have 2=6.cosine 4a’t,y=0' . co- sine at. The body being then let fall from K (PI. Ill. Fig. 16) will vibrate backwards and forwards in the curve KaScD. When ea: ! x=—b. sine 4a't, y=6'. cosine a’ and the body will hen escribi ee, curve Eabed WefghE, Fig. 17. By taking ¢ of different values, in this and in the last srt: _ should find as great a variety of curves asin § 17: and, if instead of taking = 8 or 4, we had taken s =3+— or S=4t+ —,m being a large number, we should find that all the varieties of curves thus 83 . covered would be described by a pendulum adjusted to erat ue of eS : - ah “, P e* rae Sitnilar results would be cindy ing ena veal: er whole number, or equal to any rene tay mbes 3 My ea if ee eo te & 735 rh. . . . a _ i =. ne aN, a “ te # a 3 # ba ey _/ 434 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum : large number; but it is unnecessary to enlarge on the subject, since . the method of finding these curves is very easy from what is here taught, and there appears to be such an endless variety, that it would” be useless to attempt to note them. ee, 21. The equations (B) are exactly similar to those for finding the ; apparent motion of the earth viewed from the moon, in the sapiee.. mentioned in Mr. Dean’s paper on this subject. or let the inelina. tion of the lunar orbit and equator be 6° 39’=4, the greatest equation’ of the moon’s centre 6° 18'=d', at and a’t’ the mean motions. of the. moon from her node and perigee in the time ¢; ¢+90° and 0490 the : mean distance of the moon from these points when ¢=0, ¢ onsequently , the distance at the time ¢ will be respectively at-+e+90°, at+e490% The sines of these angles multiplied respectively by 6 and will give nearly the earth’s declination x, and the equation of the moon’s centre. . ¥% which may therefore be put under the form x=é cosine (att) and fan ctaine ae isis we — pregecy like the equine Bat ; 2 x will apply. to the motion of the earth received from tel moonand re- a * e * =. es : is : 4 2 # eS & He” ee Oe * ad — * ‘ i, a . ferred to the concave surface of the visible hemisphere, and the form’ of the curves described will depend on the ratio or the terms a, 4 OF © : on the’ mean motions of the moon counted from the perigee and node a. ' feck i p18) are @=1°004021, a'=0-991548, and as a’ is nearly equal , =805 neatly, con ; na ® -¥ asin ay Stieeycle of motions of the earth ast from the moon, C01 n ipleted i in about 80} revolutions counted from the node, as ‘ - | has observed in his paper. The values r,s corres: ar ng Ipound pendulum which completes its motions | int ‘the Be > oo of revolutions may-be found ae making (asi in bie eM; = z “<8 The values of a, a’, given in La Place’s lunar theory (Mee. Cele sf ~ Fl al =. : ee | ie suspended froin two points. 435 iri:aa:ad 3: 14,4: L nearly, hence r= =, which agrees exactly with Professor Dean’s experiment mentioned in the 245th page of the volume. 22, I made a few experiments in order to compare the preceding theory with actual observation. ‘The first was similar to Mr, Dean’s jast mentioned, corresponding to the case of } 16. ‘Yaking AB (Fig. 1, Pl. 111) equal to 43 inches, r’=0°65 inches, r=46'5 inches, and at- taching to the point D a leaden ball of about half an inch diameter. These values give (by § 14) Im=S = 286, hence (by § 15) the cycle of the motions would be completed in 286 vibrations of a pendulum of the length r. The mean result of three different trials, in which ” GK (Fig. 2) was three inches, and the angle SGK successively 22°, 45°, 67°, made the number of vibrations 282, differing about yh. from the theory. The ball being let fall from the point corresponding to K, vibrated at first nearly in the diagonal KA, the path then gradu- _ ally became elliptical, and at the end of about 70 vibrations, corresponded - to the figure SWNE (Pl. IIL. Fig. 3) deseribed according t0 the order E (Pl. panes si naif main) opin gue cemche.. Le Tay eae ofthese letters; this by degrees became more eccentric, and at the end of 140 vibrations the motion was nearly in the diagonal CD (fig. 4); of- ter a few more vibrations the curve again became elliptical and gradual. ly opened till the 210#h vibration, when. the ellipsis was as in lig. 5, sim- ilar to that of Fig. 3, but described in a contrary order ENWS. dn about 282 vibrations the pendulum had completed its cycle of motions and recommenced the description of the diagonal KA (Fig. 3). These re- | sults are nearly conformable to the theory. In another experiment made to compare with the theory of 18, : AB was made equal to 69 inches, r'=64'4 inches, r=21-9 inches, 4 * ; . Pepe Se a >." é ' which correspond to the latter case of that article where jee 436 Mr. Bowditch on the motion of a pendulum. and gives m= => —=67. The body attached to the point D was a sphere of lead of 13 inches diameter. The measures r, 7’, were ta- ken to the centre of the sphere, which differed but 0°01 inch from the — centre of oscillation. The ball being let fall from the point correspond. ing to K (PI. III. Fig. 9) began to vibrate in the parabola KND, which gradually changed into the curves marked in Fig. 10, 11, 12, 13. Af- ter which the same curves were again described in a contrary order, as in Fig. 12, 11, 10,9. By the mean of several trials it was found that in 16 vibrations of the pendulum of the length (r+1’) the ball described the curve of Fig. 11, according to the order of the letters gf Wdckg. In 33 vibrations it described the parabola CSA (Fig. 13). Jn 50 vibra- tions it described the curve of Fig. 11, in an opposite direction to its for- mer course, or according to the order of the letters gE.cdWig, and in 67 vibrations it recommenced its former course in the parabola KND, Fig. 9. The cycle of motions being completed in 67 Yervien Te which | agrees with the theory. The comparison of the theory of § 19, 20, is not so easy aS that of the preceding cases, For the value of 7 is much smaller in compari- - son of 7’, consequently the vibrations are quicker, and as the diagonal GK is taken much smaller, it becomes difficult to observe the form of the curves with any great degree of precision. A few roug’? experi- ments were however made in these cases, and the results cgi ¥ be sufficiently conformable to the theory. : OB iant => tt Sat hy sik “ 43 tedt bo UL. Deragnstration of the rule for finding the place of a Meteor in the 5 Ge _second Problem, page 218 of this volume. atic BY NATHANIEL, BOWDITCH. WE, shall refer in this demonstration to PLAN) Figs18, which is similar to Pl. I. Fig. 2, with some additional lines and letters; The po drawn. through w perpen to bch is SauEpoe to cut sm in b, Mm in-e,‘and Aa ines, formit triangle dew,* right an- gled in c, because the line do is the common. Jinterseetion “of the two planes web, Ceb, drawn perpendicular t to the “Plane. Cwe, making the angles web, Ceb, acb, each equal to a tight ‘angle. On the right line Cw, let fall the perpendicular ag. “In the plane triangle wem, erect the line’ of perpendicular to we, intersecting wm in f and making ef= pasa mS Ce we X ee: Cwm, because the angle Cwe is a “Tn like ‘manner, in th — tang. shinee: x cotang. é Cas, because Cas. or cab i is the ‘complement of ebm, the angle at ¢ being aright agle. fs: ~The spherical — AWB ix evidently equal to the plane angle wb, whose tangent is — =. In the right angled plane triangle ach we have éc=aextang. cab or Cas. The plane triangle wea gives ac : we :: sine awe : sine caw, or 11 cosine Cwa: sine Caw, because Cwe is a right angle. Hence tang. AWB= 2% 20s: Ces _ cosine CRs “EES as in the note at the bottom of ie ee This may be come to * The ine bm wa secidetally ote in he Rae 438 Demonstration of the rule for finding the place of a meteor. 5 * sine Cwa another form by observing that cosine Cwa= re ary and that the plane triangle Cwa gives — — = aa, Then the plane coe Cag gives ag=Ca x sine aCw = Ca x sine ACW=Cax sine AW, and Cg=Cax cosine AW. Whence we= Cw 2Ca x cosine AW, and l we Cw Ca X cosine AW iang.Cwa ag Pee, dae This substituted gives ang py % CO AVR tone. Cores erame aw” > ane RW ie sine AW). The spherical angle MWB is equal’to the plane signin and the plane triangle ewd gives we: be :: sine ebw : sine ewb ort: cosine AWB : sine MWB, because _ angle ebw = = chw = comp. ew or AWB, | Hence; e sine ¥ MWB =— — x cosine AWB. Now in the plane Cm, the triangles Cmw, so are > simailar: whence Cm: Cw. me. ef ; and in the plane Cam, the similar triangles Cam, en les Cm::: de: me, whence by. composition of ratios Ca ; Cwi:4 de: ef (and. by substituting the above rules of de, ¢f,) :: be x cotang. Gas: : WEX COP, fs Ca ., cotang, Cwm bem Overs dog ne Com sia. Cwii; whietice! =—* cotang. Cis Cas 3 pie a x tang. Cas, which Soa 0 oy gives sine MWB= = = je = or is 2B epee Cwmxtang. Casxcosine,A WB, as in page 218.. The’ rest oft the york (depending on t the common rules of f spherics) requires no explanation. ‘i 7 er Leen? “oppeetce? euygi’ = S35). 2RiG. Sai 4 489 LIV. MEMOIR ON THE PRESENT STATE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; WITH A VOCABULARY, containing various words and phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to this country. By JOHN PICKERING, a. 4.5. ; — @ THE preservation of the English language in its purity throughout the United States is an object deserving the attention of every American, who isa friend to the literature and science of his country. It is in a particular manner entitled to the consideration of the Academy ; for, though subjects, which are usually ranked under the head of the physical sciences, were doubtless chiefly in view. with the founders of the Academy, yet, as our /anguage is to be the in- strument of communicating to the world the speculations and discov- eries of our country™ - Ta See a i aaa tall NECES-_ sarily “ to fall within the design of the institution 5” because, unless that language is well settled, and can be read with ease and sutisfac- tion by all to. whom it is addressed, our authors will write and pub- erinvain. + sont: oo si It is true, indeed, that our countrymen may speak and write in a dialect of English, which will be generally understood in the United States ; butif they are ambitious of having their works read by Eng- lishmen as well.as Americans, they must write in a, language that Englishmen. can read. with facility and. pleasure. And if for some- _ time to come it should,not be the lot. of many -Americans. to publish any thing which shall be read out of their own country, yet all, who 440 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language have the least tincture of learning, will continue to feel an ardent de- sire to acquaint themselves with the works of English authors... Let us then for a moment imagine the time to have arrived, when Ameri- cans shall be no longer able to understand the works of Milton, Pope, Swift, Addison, and the other English authors, justly. styled classic, without the aid of a trans/ation into a language that is to be called at some future day the American tongue! By such a change, it is true, our loss would not be so great in works purely scientific, as in those which are usually termed works of taste ; for the obvious reason, that the design of the former is merely to communicate information, with- out regard to elegance of language or the force and beauty of the sen- timents. But the excellencies of works of taste cannot be felt even in the best translations ; a truth, which, without resorting to the ex- ample of the matchless ancients, will be acknowledged by every man, who is a with the admirable works in the various ks lane Nab is: this the: lait view in. which a radical cag anguage would be a loss tous. To say nothing of the facilities afforded by 4 common language in the ordinary intercourse of business between the” people of the two countries, it should not be forgotten that our reli- gion and our laws are studied in the language of the nation, from which we are descended ; and with the loss of the language we should finally suffer the loss of those peculiar advantages, which we now dee rive from the investigations of the jurists and divines of that country: ‘But, itis often asked among us, do riot the people of America now: speak and write the English language with purity? A brief consid- eration of the. ‘subject will furnish a satisfactory answer to this ques é tion ; it will also — us to correct the erroneous opinions enter tained by some Ame on Bent ing and at the same time (0 > in the United States of América. 441 fend our countrymen against the charge made by some English wri- ters, of a design to effect a radical change in the language. As the inquiry before us is a simple question of fact, it is to be determined, like every other question of that nature, by proper evi- dence. “What evidence then have we, that the English language is not spoken and written in America, with the same degree of purity that is to be found in the writers and orators of England ? In the first place, although it is agreed, that there is greater uni- formity of dialect throughout the United States (in consequence of the frequent removals of people fromi one part of ouir country to anoth- er) than is to be found throughout England, yet none of our country. men, not even those, who are the most zealous in supporting what they imagine to be the honour of the American character, will con- tend, that we have not in some instances departed from the standard of the language. We have formed some entirely new words, and to some old ones, that are still used in England, we have affixed new significations ; while patbers, sath bawe long since Sennen obsolete in England, arestill re vith aple; it is emma viens Ghintacagiaas a "few others, are of American origin ; and, that the adjective clever’ and some other words of English origin have been generally used by us in a sense different from their present signification in England. If men, we allow any weight to the opinions of Englishmen, (who must surely be competent judges in this case) it cannot be denied, that we have in many instances deviated from the standard of the language, as spoken and written in England at the present day. By Singhonevet cone scent ae a as to have rendered any considerable part of our ianguage uninteliis: a | ble to Englishmen; but merely, that so many corruptions have crept 753 442 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language : into our English, as to have become the subject of much animadver- sion and regret with the learned of Great Britain, And as we are hardly aware of the opinion entertained by them of the extent of these corruptions, it may be useful, if it should not be very flattering to our pride, to hear their remarks on this subject in their own words. We shall find that these corruptions are censured, not by a few con- temptible critics, but, so far as the fact is to be ascertained from Eng- lish publications, by all the scholars of that country, who take any in- terest in American literature. In proof of this, I request the attention of the Academy to the following extracts from several of the British. Reviews; some of which are the most distinguished of the present day, and all of which together may be considered as expressing the general opinion of the literary men of Great Britain. That all the re- marks are just, to the extent in which they will naturally be under- stood, few of our countrymen will be willing to admit. ie The British Critic, for February 1810, in a review of A = Mr. Bancroft’s Life of Washington, says—“ In the style we observ “* with regret mn ratlier than with astonishment, the introduction of several ‘‘new words, or o/d words in a new sense; a deviation from the “rules of the English language, which, if it continues to be practis- “ed by good writers in America, will introduce confusion into the ‘medium of intercourse, and render it a subject of regret that the “= —— of that continent should not have an entirely separate language ‘as well as government of their own. Instances occur at almost €V- “ery page ; without pains in selecting, the following may be taken as ‘“ specimens,” &c. The Reviewers then mention several which are all inserted in the Vocabulary annexed to this memoir. — _ The same Reviewers (in April 1808) in their account of Chief Jus- tice Marshall’s Life of Washington, have the following remarks :-— “In the ‘writings of dmericans we have often discovered deviations in the United States of America. 445 “from the purity of the English idiom, which we have been more “ disposed to censure than to wonder at. The common speech of the “United States has departed very considerably from the standard “adopted in England, and in this case it is not to be expected that “ writers, however cautious, will maintain a strict purity. Mr. Mar- “ shall deviates occasionally, but not grossly,” &c. The Critical Review (for September 1809) in remarks upon Zrav- els through France, by Col. Pinckney, says of the author’s style— “ He falls into occasional inaccuracies. .... but the instances are rare, ‘“‘and by no means so striking as we have freguent occasions of re- ~ “marking in most American writers.” The same Reviewers (in July 1807) in speaking of Marshail’s Life of Washington, have the following, among other remarks on the style of that work—that “ it abounds with many of those idioms which ** prevail on the other side of the Atlantic.” The Annual Review, for 1808, in speaking of the same work, af- ter pointing out mecocsish instances of sae eigen enon Gs a to many of u yhich, however. the Re richie: OF thé English edidion of thavwork; ¢ as. Will Dedeen sa: thiciellows ing Vocabulary,) has the following observations ; which, if they had been made in a manner somewhat different, would probably have been more favourably received by those, for whose benefit they seem to be intended :—‘* We have been more particular in noticing these faults in “« Mr. Marshall’s language, because we are not at all certain that the A- “‘ mericans do not consider them as beauties ; and because we wish, “ if possible, to stem that torrent of barbarous phraseology, with which “the American writers threaten to —_ —— the —— oe ae The Monthly eciasedeags in talaga ofa little workyenttled A Political Sketch of America, cite, with approbation, the following 444, Mr. Pickering om the present state of the English language passage—‘* The national Janguage should be sedulously cultivated; “ and this is to be accomplished by means of schools. ‘This circum- “ stance demands particular attention, for the language of conversation ““ ig becoming incorrect ; and even in America authors are to be found, ‘* who make use of mew or obsolete words, which no good writer in “this country would employ.” Monthly Rev. May 1808. The Edinburgh Review for October 1804 (which is the last I shall cite) has the following general observations on this subject :— *¢ If the men of birth and education in that other England which “ they are building up in the West, will not diligently study the great ** authors, who purified and fixed the language of our common: forela- of our “thers, we must soon lose the only badge, that is still worn, “ consanguinity.” The same Reviewers, in their remarks on Marshall's and Rae W: ys - vo say’s Lives 0 , say— “< In these volumes we have found a great many wwordeand phrase “which English criticism refuses to acknowledge. _ America bas “ thrown off the yoke of the British nation, but she would do well for “ some time, to take the laws of composition from the Addisons, we ‘“* Swifts and the Robertsons of her ancient sovercigns++++ Phes® “remarks, however, are not dictated by any paltry feelings of jealousy “or pride. We glory in the diffusion of our language over 4 new “world, where we hope it is yet destined to collect new triumphs * and in the brilliant pesepintive of American greatness, we aol “pleasing images of associatec pamepesitp sande giory of the land * which we live.” _ Such is the strong language of the British literati on this sje And shall we at once, without examination, ascribe it wholly to prejil dice? Should we not by such a hasty decision expose ourselves 1° the like imputation ? On the contrary, should not the opinions of such ee a eS ee ee ee in the United States of America. 445 writers stimulate us to inquiry, that we may ascertain whether their animadversions are well founded or not? We see the same critics censure the Scotticisms of their northern brethren, the pecul- jarities of the Zrsh, and the provincial corruptions of their own English writers. We cannot therefore be so wanting in liberality as to think, that, when deciding upon the literary claims of Americans, they are governed wholly by prejudice or jealousy. A suspicion of this sort should be the less readily entertained, as we acknowledge that they sometimes do justice to ourcountrymen. The writings of Dr. Franklin, for example, have received their unqualified praise ; and a few other American authors have been liberally commended by them. The opinions of these critics too are supported by those of some distinguished menin our own country. Dr. Franklin censures, with- out reserve, ‘the popular errors several of our own states are continually falling into,” with respect to “‘ expressions and pronunciation.” Dr. Witherspoon, who, by having been educated in Great Britain, and by his subsequent long. reswlencs. in the United States, was peculiarly well arks :——“ I shall also admit, though « with some’ “hesitation, that P pticsies ct whalers os Great Wrllin “speak as much with the vulgar in common chit chat, as persons of « the same class do in America ; but there isa remarkable difference “ jn their public and solemn discourses. I have heard in this coun- « try in the senate, at the bar, and from the pulpit, and see daily in dis- « sertations from the press, errors in grammar, improprieties and yul- “ garisms, which hardly any person of the same class in point of rank « and literature would have fallen into in Great Britain.” With these opinions of such distinguished writers before us, shall. we entertain the illiberal jealousy that justice is intentionally withheld from us by our English brethren? Let us rather imitate the exam- 762 a re. -—— alified j sn 446 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language ple of the learned.and modest Campbell, who, though he had devoted a great part of a long life to the study of the Lnglish language, yet. thought it no disgrace to make an apology for his sty/e, in the following terms: “Sensible,” says he, “‘ of the disadvantages, in point of style, *‘ which my northern situation lays me under, I have availed myself of “ every opportunity of better information, in regard to all those terms — “* and phrases in the version, [of the Gospels] of which I was doubtful. * T feel myself under particular obligations on this account, to one gen- “tleman, my valuable friend and colleague, Dr. Beattie, who, though “‘ similarly situated with myself, has with greater success studied the ; “ genius and idiom of our language ; and of whom it is no more than “justice to add, that the acknowiedged purity of his own diction, is “ the least of his qualifications as an author. But if, notwithstanding “ all the care I have taken, I shall be found, in many places, to need . the indulgence of the English reader, it will not much surprise me — “ ,,., The apology which Irenzeus, Bishop of Lyons in Gaul, in the “ second century, makes for his language, in a book he published i “ “ defence of religion, appears to me so candid, so modest, so sensible, “at the same time so apposite to my own case, that I cannot avoid “ transcribing and adopting it:—‘* Non autem exquires a nobis, qui “ apud Celtas commoramur, et in barbarum sermonem plerumque “ avocamur, orationis artem quam non didicimus, neque vim cone “‘ scriptoris quam non affectavimus, neque ornamentum verborum, ne- “que suadelam quam nescimus’.,..”* Upon an impartial consideration of the subject, then, it seems im- possible to resist the conclusion, that although the language of the U: nited States has, perhaps, changed less than might have been expe ed, when we consider how many years have elapsed since our ances SSSTS Tees es eer TSE ® * Campbell’s Four Gospels, preface, p. 28. _ in the United States of America. 447 tors brought it from England, yet it has in so many instances depart. ed from the English standard, that our scholars should lose no time in endéavouring to restore it to its purity, and to prevent future corrup- This, it is obvious, is to be effected, in the first place, by care- fully noting every unauthorised word and phrase ; or (as Dr. Franklin many years ago recommended, in his letter to Mr. Webster on this subject*) by “‘ setting a discountenancing mark” upon such of them, as are not rendered indispensably necessary by the peculiar circum- stances of our country; and, even if we should continue to have a partiality for some of those expressions, and should choose to retain them, it will always be useful to ‘now them. By knowing exactly what peculiar words are in use with us, we should, among other advantages, have it in our power to expose the calumnies of some pre-- judiced and ignorant writers, who have frequently laid to the charge of our countrymen in general the affected words and phrases of a few conceited individuals ;—-words and phrases, which are justly the sub- ject of as much ridicule in Amerioa, as they are in Great Britain As a general rule also, we should undoubtedly avoid all those words which are noticed by English authors of reputation, as expressions with which they are unacquainted ; for although we might produce - some English authority for such words, yet the very circumstance of their being thus noticed by well educated Englishmen, is a proof that they are not used at this day in England, and, of course, ought not to be used elsewhere by those who would speak correct English. With a view to this important object I have taken some pains to make a collection of words and phrases, which I offer to the .Acad- eececcncersocoesnengaesesete® , * See the word Improve in the annexed Vocabulary. 448 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language emy, not as a perfect list of our real or supposed peculiarities of lan. guage, but merely as the beginning of a work, which can be complet- ed only by long and accurate observation, especially of intelligent Americans, who shall have an opportunity of residing in England, and of well educated Englishmen who may resort to this country. It has long been the wish of our scholars to see a work of that sort; but, though several words have been occasionally noticed by Dr. Witherspoon, Dr. Franklin, and some others, yet nobody seems to have been willing to undertake the laborious task of making a gene- _ tal collection of them. Seeing no prospect of such a work, and ob- serving, with no small degree of solicitude, the corruptions which are gradually insinuating themselves into our language, I have taken the liberty to ask the attention of the Academy to this subject, by laying before them the following Vocabulary ; a performance, which I am sen- sible is not so worthy of their notice, as more time and ability might have rendered it. In making this Vocabulary, I have resorted to aif ihe SOUTCES rat information in my power, and have, under each word, given some of the authorities for and against the use of it. I have also subjoined to some of the words, the criticisms of Dr. Franklin, Dr. Witherspoon, and other writers, at large, in order that the reader may avail hims of their instructive observations, without the trouble of searching for them through the numerous volumes of their works ; and in all case es, where any word had been noticed by English or American wrie ters, which I had also myself observed, (particularly during my resi dence in England, where my attention was first drawn to this subject) I have chosen to give it upon their authority, rather than my own. Many words will be found in the list, which are not in fact of Amere ‘ean origin, or peculiar to Americans; but it appeared to me that it would be useful to insert all words, the legitimacy of which had been in the United States of America. 449 questioned, in order that their claim to a place in the English lan- guage might be discussed and settled. Several of the words have been obtained from British Reviews of American publications; and I may here remark how much it is to be regretted, that the reviewers have not pointed out all the instances, that have come under their no- tice, of our deviations from the English standard. This would be do- ing an essential service to the cause of literature, and be the most ef- fectual means of accomplishing what those scholars appear to have so much at heart—the preservation of the English language in its purity, wherever it is spoken. It has been asserted, that we have discovered a much stronger propensity than the English, to add new words to the language ; and the little animadversion, which, till within a few years, such new-coin- ed words have met with among us, seems to support that opinion. With us, every writer takes the liberty to contaminate the language with the barbarous terms of his own tasteless invention; but in a coe es eee ee aes ee, Ee ee a ata riers ever, has for some time past been declining. Our greatest dan- ger now is, that we shall continue to use antiquated words, which ‘were brought to this country by our forefathers nearly two centuries ago—(some of which too were at that day provincial words in England) and, that we shall affix a new signification to words, which are still used in that country in their original sense. Words of these descrip- tions having long been a part of the language, we are not led to ex- amine critically the authority on which their different significations rest ; but those that are entirely new, like strangers on their first ap- pearance, immediately attract our attention, and induce us to inquire into their pretensions to the rank they claim. 4 773 450 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language But it is not enough for us to note’ single words; our idiom, it would seem, is in some degree changed, and is in danger of still great- er corruptions.* At the same time, therefore, that we are “ setting a discountenancing mark” upon unauthorised words, we should as- siduously study the language of the best authors, especially Dryden, Swift, and Addison, to the last of whom, Dr. Blair, in his Lectures on Rhetoric, justly applies Quintilian’s well-known remark upon Cic- ero—that “to be highly pleased with his manner of writing is the cri- “terion of a good taste in English style—Ille se profecisse sciat cui “ Cicero valde placebit;” and of whom Dr. Johnson emphatically Pe pee whoever would attain a good English style, familiar but not “ coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and “nights to Addison.” Dr. Franklin, who informs us in his Life, that it was one of the greatest objects of his ambition to write English well, formed his style upon that of Addison ; “and Franklin is one of the very few American writers, whose style has satisfied the Englis . ics. This is the discipline to which the most distinguished scholamil Great Britain have submitted, and without which neither they, nor the scholars of our own country, can acquire and preserve a pure English style. It is related of Mr. Fox, that when speaking of his intend History of England, he said, he would “ admit no word into his book “for which he had not the authority of Dryden.’ "This. determina- tion may perhaps seem, at first view, to have been dictated by too fas- tidious a taste, or an undue partiality for a favourite author ; but un- * That a radical change in the language of a people, so remote from the ‘source of it, as we are from England, is not a chimerical supposition, will be apparent from the alterations that have taken place among the nations of Eu- rope ;, of which no instance, perhaps, is more striking, than the change and final separation of the languages of Spain and Portugal, notwithstanding the vicinity and frequent intercourse of the people of those two countries. wt the United States of America. 451 questionably, a rule of this sort, adopted in the course of our educa: ‘tion, (extending, however, to two or three of the best authors,) would be the most effectual method of acquiring a good English style. And surely if Fox found no necessity for any other words than Dryden had used, those authors have little excuse, who take the liberty not only of using all the words they can find in the whole body of English au- thors, ancient and modern, but also of making new terms of their own at pleasure. Who shall have a right to complain of scarcity, where that distinguished orator found abundance? Such standard authors, therefore, should be made the foundation of our English ; but as our language, like all others, is constantly though slowly changing, we should also, in order to perfect our style,fas we advance to mature age, study those authors of our own time, who have made the older writers their models. Every word in the writings of Addi- son, is not now in general use, in England; and many words have been adopted since his time, and are now sanctioned by all the best Writers of Hid emeesiats wench, guzitcrs, terior, as well as their il- i sht to be dilig d; for we should always remember, that in spears as in the fine arts, we can only attain to excellence by incessant study of the best models. VOCABULARY ; - or, a collection of variouswords and phrases, which have been supposed to b¢ peculiar to the United States. ACCOMPLISHED. Dr. Witherspoon thus notices a peculiar use of this word, which he places among his “ Americanisms :’? “ He is a man of most ac- -_compilished abilities. A man may be said to be of distinguished abilities, or great accomplishments, but accomplished abilities is wholly new.” With- ersp. Druid, No.7. No American at the present day would make use of this extraordinary expression. I have never found any person who has met with it in American publications. “Sh. 452 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language ACCOUN TABILITY, “ a being subject to answer, or account for.” Mr. Web- ster’s Compendious Dictionary. This word has been adopted from the French, by some of our writers, but it is not to be found in the English dic- tionaries, nor do I recollect seeing it in any “aes publications, except translations from the French. To ADMIRE. To like very much ; used, in Vew England, in expressions like these—I should admire to go to such a place, I should admire to have such a thing, &c. It is never thus used by the English, and — it is only used _ in conversation. fo ADVOCATE, to be an advocate for, to defaed, to support. This word is used by all our writers. Some are taking unwearied pains to disparage the motives of those federalists who advocate the equal support of,” &c._ Hamilton’s Letter, N. York, 1800. “TI shall endeavour to ascertain pre- cisely the true value of this opinion, which is so warmly advocated by all the great orators of antiquity.”’ dams’ Lectures on Rhetoric, &c. vol. i. p. 38. “ This seems to be seis and local dialect; and cannot be advo- — cated oy ee person who tands correct E = he” : Welytee's Disser- en Sees a a ‘a : PS wo Vetoes eu Cale writers ; but it has not yet been adopted oF them, T do not :saeniiogs idee ing ever seen it in any British publication of high rank, except the Edin- burgh Review ; and in that, Ihave observed it once. only, which was in the following passage: “ But though the argument is given up, and the j jus- tice of the Catholic cause admitted, it seems to be generally conceived that ‘their case is at Present utterly hopeless ; and that to advocate it any longer will only irritate the oppressed.” Edinb. Rev. vol. xiii. p. 77. Notwith- standing the high reputation of this work, yet the occasional use of a word, in a periodical work published in Scotland, camotbe considered as conclu- sive evidence of its being in general use in England. The authority of this work, too, in the present ¢ase, is the less decisive, because, in addition to the above circumstances, it is understood, that sonie of the articles in it, have been written by Irish, and some by American peice residing in Scotland. Since I met with the above Scotch authority, I haye found an Iris# in the United States of America. . aw. 458 one, for this verb, in a “ Speech of Counsellor Phillips before a Convention of Catholics at Sligo, in Ireland’—~ Indeed, gentlemen,” ‘says he, “ you can have little idea what he has to py who in these times edvorates your cause.” — I have never yet met witl English authority for it; and, in the preface to the London edition of Rumany? 8 leah of the American Revolution, it is classed among those American words, which the English (to use the editor’s words) “ have altogether declined to countenance.” Our own countryman, Dr. Franklin, who wrote very pure English; con- oe it ee res ol * The English, in parliamentary language, ~ commor ; ty the verb.to sufport.—* Mr. W. shortly oppos- ed PETES Cass aie. Si. supifiorted it.” . Debates in Parliament, Bey 4, 1813. ALIENISM 3 alienage:~ idiaihishiaetiom was convicted anuaiiied: on his ar- ~*“raignment he suggested his alieniem, which was admitted.” 2 Johnson’s New York Refrorts, 381. This is the only instance, in which I have ever met. with this word. . The term alienage is common in professional books, though it is not to be found in the English dictionaries. ‘“ Where he sues as executor, &c. the plaintiff’s alienage is no plea.” Lawes’ Pleading in Assumpsit, p. 687 ; et 3 passim, oo > NOSE arr a aside estteees Gabterecaieny wd Lalostisc.t . - To ALLOT; used with the preposition ufon ; as, I allot upon (i. cain up- on) going to such a place. It is used only in conversation, and that, chiefly in the interior of New England. It is very rarely used by people of edu- cation, Some use the verb to count upon in the same manner. ee “ a love of America and preference of her interest.” . Weds‘. - This word is sometimes heard in conversation ; but I have never known it ~ “to be used in ¢his sense in any American publication. Dr. Witherspoon ““eoined it (as he says) many years ago, to denote “ an use of phrases or terms, or a construction of sentences, even —— penne rank and edu- L ~ “cation [in America] different from the use of phrases, or - the construction of similar sentences in Great Britain.” Tn this sense it is, “as he justly observes, “ similar in its formation and sig the word . Se fe God freee. 783 454 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language Scotticism ;” and it has accordingly been generally so used in America. To AMERICANIZE, “ to render American.” Webst. I have never met with this verb in any American writer, nor in conversation. ANNULMENT ; the annulling: “ the annulment of the belligerent edicts.” Correspondence of the Sec. of State and Mr. Pinkney, in 1810. Thissub- stantive is not to be found in the dictionaries. ANTAGONIZING ; conflicting, opposing. This word has been censured, by an American critic, as used in the following "passage of a well known American publication—“ Nor can I forbear to remark the tendency of such antagonizing appeals,” &c. This is the only instance in which I have known it to be used in this country. Jo/nson has the verb to antagonize, which he defines “ to contend against another” but his authority is the Dictionaries ; and he says in his preface, that such words in his work “ are to be considered as resting only upon the credit of those dictionaries.” Mr. Webster has not admitted it into his dictionary. ANTIFEDERALIST. ‘This word was formed about the year 1788, to denote a person of the political party that cepoent aie y ane tee Constitu- > m2 fat. ~ er =— - ; basiee aes vnited St tates, which was th then f by th of the Federat Cor Sihe-word fs wobec “neéd now, having been superseded by various other names, which have been successively giyen to the same party. See Federalist. APPELLATE;; relating to appeals: “ In all cases affecting ambassadors, &c- the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction: In all the other cases before mentioned the Supreme Court shall have affellate je ~ Constitut. of U. States, art. 3. - This is criticised as an American word in an English review of Mar- _ shall’s Life of Washington. The reviewers’ remark is, that Judge Mar- shall uses “ efpellate court for court of appeals ; appellate being the term applicable to the ferson against whom the appeal is made.” Annual Rev. Jor 1808, p. 241. The reviewers probably consulted Johnson, who cites from Ayliffe’s Parergon [of the Canon law] the following expression —* the name of the party affel/ate, or person against whom the appeal is made.” Mason, in his Supplement, makes the following remark upon this citation: AP; in the United States of America. . An. 465 “ Johnson gives this word fora eudstantive, and produces an authority from. Ayliffe proving it tobe an adjective. The sense there is, affiealed against ; but it is also used for created on afpeal— the king of France is not the fountain of justice ; the judges neither the origina! nor-the afipel- fate are of his nomination.’ Burke.” ‘The word seems to be here used by Burke, as it is in America. The passage cited by Mason is from the Re- fiections on the French Revolution, where Burke is discussing the French __ constitution; p. 261. Duwdlin edit. Though Blackstone often uses the term . original jurisdiction, yet I do not recollect the word apjieliate in his Com- _mentaries.. “ The next Court that I shall mention is one that hath no orig- inal jurisdiction, but is only a court of appeal.” 3. Blackst, Com.31. “The house of peers haying at present no original jurisdiction over causes, but only, upon appeals.” p. 56. — ICANT, a hard student. This has heen much used at our alice. The _ English use the verb to apply, but the noun afifilicant does not seem to be in use withthem. The only dictionary in which I have found itis Entick’s, in which it is given under the word afplier. A writer in the Monthly dn- thology, (vol. vil. p. 263.) in reviewing Mr. Webster’s dictionary, takes no- tice of ne Se pice, that it “ isa mean word,” and then adds, that in the t common sore: ° Lech stu- = aie eet et wig! Pie PO a Bidet ent ca gees To ROR TE to rise in value. The reviewer above mentioned makes the following renee on 1 this word.—“ He [Mr. Webster] gives‘ appreciate v. to value, estimate, rise in value,’ yet this third signification, being neuter or intransitive, is not, we believe, found i ina single English author, and in the United States is only admitted into genteel company by inadvertence.” Monthly Anthol. idid. ‘We also in the same manner use the noun affreciation ; andthe verb de- freciateasa neuter or intransitive wert Seung ta ofa: in value 5 3 ‘see De- preciate. To APPROBATE. This was formerly much used at our piece ingtend of the old =e verb effrrove. The students used to speak of having their s —- _ thes instructers. = tis also used 2A t this s time | by 456 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language the clergy as a sort of technical term, to denote a person who is licensed to jrreach ; they would say, sucha one is afprobated, that is; licensed to “freach, Yt is also common in New England to say of a person} who’ is |i- ~-eensed by the county courts to sell spirituous liquors, or to‘keep a’ public house, that he is apipirobated ; and the term is adopted in the» law - Mas- - sachusetts on this’ ‘subject. To ATTAIN. The use of this verb, without the preposition fo, has been said by some to be peculiar to American writers; but this is not the case. Dr. “Campbell (Philos. of Riet. B. ii, ch. 2. p. 207. Boston ed.) ranks this verb among those “ which are used either with or without a preposition indis- criminately.” , ASSOCIATION. «A convention of clergymen: New England.” ‘Webst. See Consociation. . AUTHORITY. « In Connecticut, the Magistracy, or body of Justices.” Webst. Used also, at some of our colleges, (as I am informed nt a Ay mag in speak- ing of the officers of the institution collectively. ; AVAILED. Dr. vero notices, among his “ 47: ag nisms,” a mode _ of using this p a 4 The ‘mem s ofa F ie lar g ’ ment t should de availed of thé’: etaston and nate or every, soos a The author of this did not know,” he adds, “ that avaid is neither an active nor passive, but a reciprocal verb ; a man is said to avail himself of any thing, but not to avail others, or be availed by them.” Druid, No.7. I think I have obsery- ed this idiom in one or two instances in conversation ; but no American would, at this day, use it in writing. AVAILS. « Proceeds of property sold, produce. Connecticut.” Webst. To AVERAGE. “ To reduce to a mean.” Webst. It is also used as a neuter verb. “ The work will be comprised in fifteen or sixteen yolumes, averag- ing from four to five hundred pages each.” A friend has suggested a doubt whether this is a legitimate English vers. I do not recollect seeing it in any English publications, AWFUL; ugly, disagreeable. _ Many of the people of New England would call a disagreeable medicine, awful; they would call an ugly woman, an awful- éooking woman ; an ill natured child would be said to behave awfully, if he an the United States of America. 457 did not obey his parents. This word, however, is never used but in very familiar conversation, and is far from being so common as it was some years ago. A late English traveller has the following remarks upon it. “ I found in several instances that the country-feople of Vermont and oth- er New England states make use of many curious phrases and quaint ex- pressions in their conversation, which are rendered more remarkable by a Sort. of nasal twang which they have in speaking. Every thing that cre- ates surprise is awfu! with them ; ‘ what an awful wind! awful hole ! aw- Jul hill! awful mouth ! awful nose!” ke. Travels through Canada and the U. States, by John Lambert, London, 1814. B, — ayy FORTH; backwaras and forwards. He was walking back and “forth. New England. Used only in familiar conversation. — BACKWOODSMEN ; ; a name given by the people of the commercial towns in the United States, to those who iphabit the territory westward of the Al- legany mountains. “ The project of transmuting the classes of American citizens and converting sailors into dackwoodsmen, is not too monstrous for speculatists to conceive and desire.” wisiress 8 Ble p- 144. This word is "commonly used as a term of reproach (and that, oly in the familiar style) te designate those people, who, beng" ‘ata Aiiance Tone the sea, and en- tirely agricultural, are supposed to be hostile, or indifferent, to the commer- Cial interests of the United States. BANDITTI. The use of this word, in Marshail’s Life of Washington, as a noun of the singular number, is censured in the Annual Review, vol. vii. p. 241, The passage alluded to by the reviewers is this :—“ The expulsion 3 ; or suppression of a danditti of tories collecting on Long Island.” Life of _. Washington, vol. ii. p. 285. I donot recollect seeing it thus used in any . other American work ; and Judge Marshall hitnself, in other places, uses jt as a plural noun. “ The perpetrators of the late murders were danditti composed chiefly of Creeks and Cherokees.” Vol. ep set. Pee BANK-BILL; a bank-note. It is remarkable that neither Dr. Jofinson tor the other Lexicographers have the term 6ank-note in their dictionaries, though 79. 458 Mr. Pickering-on the present state of the English language they have dank-dill, which Johnson defines—“ a note for money hid up in a bank, at the sight of which the money is paid.” His authority is.a pas- ~ sage from Swift’s will—“ Let three hundred pounds be paid her out of my _ ready-money or bank-dills.” The same phraseology occurs in another part of the will. It is not certain, that Swift (or the scrivener who drew his will) intended by Jank-dills what are now called éank-notes in England, as will presently appear; but if he did, the term 4ank-note was themalso in use; and, at the present day, isthe only name given to what are called bank-bills in America. In Rees’ Cyclopedia, article BANK OF ENGLAND, the term dank-note is constantly used :—“ This money [of the. bank] con- sists in ordinary times, partly of coin, and partly of dank-notes.” In the American additions to this work, bank-bill is generally used. The term éank-dill seems to haye been used formerly in England to. denote a bank security, which differed in some respects from common bank- notes. From a case before Lord Holt in the year 1698, just after the bank. of England was incorporated, Gini 1 | Lord Raymond’ s Reports, 738) it would _ Seem, that the benk tills were pee in the real names of the original hold- in oS names of the aes owners. ‘there was ot i = ? ak dat az Vol. iii. -p, 160, ~ BOATABLE,« navigable 1 with boats.” Webst, s“ ‘ Pyoga river... ig Beitable about fifty miles“ the Seneca Indians say they can walk four times ina day from the d0ataéle waters of the Allegany to those of the Tyoga.” Morse’s Geography. Notused by sioeatig authors, and rarely seen in 4+ BOATING, | “ conveying, or 7 iki eS ‘of transporting in » Webs This, as well as the preceding word, seems to be technical among boatmen, » 88 carting is among carters, &c. Such words are rarely heard, ig among the people of those orcupations. BOOK-STORE ; the common name, thro ut the United Scene books seller's shop. The Edinburgh Revive notices this term, as one of our pe- culiarities ; “ Their booksellers’ shops passing under the name of 600k- stores.” Edinb. Rev. for Nov. 1810, p. 121. Yo BOTTOM; used with on; v. a. « tobuild ‘upon, to fix sate as. support” Johnson. ae gtk rd has be oo ae ee ae gee aye diff ene egislative Wal ALECG a ha MU ALU whee in the United States of America. 46% bodies in the United States, and has been supposed by some writers to bea pure Americanism: but this is not the case. The word, however, does not seem to be much used by good English writers of the present day. John- son’s authorities are, Hale, Collins, Atterbury, and Locke, the last of whom uses it also as a neuer verb, in the following sentence quoted by Johnson— “Find eut upon what foundation any proposition advanced, bottoms.” | Burke (who i is the latest, and only modern, writer in whose works I have ob- served it) uses it both as an active and a neuter verb—* But an absurd opin- ion concerning the king’s hereditary Tight to the crown does not prejudice one that is rational and dottomed upon solid principles of law and policy.” Reflections on the Revolut. in France, p- 15, Dublin edit. of 1792. All the oblique insinuations concerning election bottom in n this proposition,” &e. . -m ibid. 2 37. tes +1 Coch Ses ) this verb can hardly be said to be in use in eee: Our using it is alluded to as one of our peculiarities, in the Monthly Review for 1808, yol. 56. See To Predicate. - : BOTTOM-LANDS ; used in Pennsylvania and some other states to denote the rich flat land on the banks of rivers, which in the Northern states is gene- ce of Britain was her scbkibiloes ee on tile importation oF eau: stuff,’ &c. Marshall’s Life of Washington, vol. 5. p» 519. The Annual Review (vol. 7. p. 241) points out this as one of the Americaniems of J udge - Marshall’s work. The term was first used; I believe, in some of the offi- cial papers of our government, soon after the adoption of the present Con- stitution. “The articles of exports... are bread-stuffs, that is to say, - bread-grains, meals, and bread.” Report of the Secretary of State (Mr. Jefferson) on Commercial Restrictions, &c. Dec. 16, 1793. It has probably _ been the more readily allowed among us, because we do not commoily (as the English do) use the word corn asa general name for all sorts of grain, _ but apply it almost exclusively to Indian corn, or maize. - Mr. Webster has “not the term éread-stuff in his dictionary. See Corn. airuorc> To B) R IDGE. A peculiar use of this verb in ‘Connecticut’ is. thas noticed by an 8035 462. Mr. Pickering.on the present state of the English language English traveller: “ Here a sufficient, though not very agreeable road, is ' formed by causeysof logs ; or, in the language of the country, itis dridged.” Kendall’s Travels, vol. i. p. 235. BRIEF ; prevalent ; used in speaking of arumour, as wellas of ida dis- tempers. It is mostly used in the interiour of New England, Grose has it in his Glossary among the frovincial words of the nor¢h of England. - BRUSH for Brush-wood. Mew England. | ‘The word ety in this, sense, is not noticed, I believe, by any of the English lexi , except Mason, who cites Sfenser as his authority for it. It is dinbtless obsolete in Eng- land. Mr. Webster has both drush and drush-wood. te CALCULATE ; to think, suppose, or expect; as, I calculate he will ¢y such a thing. | The use of this ‘word, with some others, in the country towns of New England, j is thus ridiculed by an’ English trayeller—* The at are he shag 1% says Nathan, though I ae as how this is a firo- ; a res Travels in Canada and th € U. States, ‘ip. 506, 28 edit. London; 1: aici toads, = CAUCUS. This 1 noun is used Seren ehoet the United Sater as a cant term for those meetings which are held by the different political parties, for the purpose of agreeing upon candidates for office, or concerting any meas- ure “which — they intend to carry at the subsequent: fudlicy or town- meetings. The earliest account I haye seen of this extraordinary word is the following, from Gordon’s History of the ererioge Revolutiony pub- - ished at London in the year 1788, - “The word Caucus (says the author) aaa its derivative caueusing, are often used in Boston. The last answers much to what we style parlia- - menteering, or electioneering. All my repeated applications to different gentlemen have not furnished me with a satisfactory account of caucus. It seems to mean a number of persons, whether more or less, met together to consult upon adopting and prosecuting some scheme of policy for carrying _a favorite point. The. word is not of novel invention. _More than fifty years ago, Mr. Samuel. Adams’ father and twenty | others, one or. two from the north end of the town, where all the ship-business is s carried on, used to in the United States of America. 463 meet, make a Cau cus, and lay their plan for introducing certain persons in- to places of trust and power. When they had settled. it, they separated, and used each their particular influence within his own circle. He and his friends would furnish themselves with ballots, including the names of the parties fixed upon, which they distributed on the days of election... By act- ing in concert, together with a careful and extensive distribution of ballot, they generally carried the elections to their own mind. In dike manner it was that Mr. Samucl Adams first became a representative for Boston.” Gordon’s Hist. vol. i. p. =e note. An English travelle r. Kendall) who has taken; notice of many A- merican words, seems to think that this “ felicitous term” (as he ironically calls it) is applied only to party meetings, or consultations, of the members Of the legislatures. m the different states; but this is not the case. Al! meetings of the parties, for the ‘Parpete of concerting any measures, are called by this name. From the above remarks of Dr. Gordon on this word, it read geen that these meetings were in some measure under the direction of men concerned in the “ shifi-business ;’ and I had therefore thought it not Tiopeobabie ee. feucas a oes | be a SorruD OD pt Szatkers, the word | ood. I was “afterwards informed by a friend ie isaion that the late ‘Andrew Oliver Esq. had ccs mentioned this as the origin of the word ; and upon further inquiry I find other gentlemen haye heard the same in Boston, where the word was first used. I think I have ~ sometimes heard the expression, a caucus’ meeting. It Bee as be remark- ed, that this can¢ word is never used in good writing. CENSUS, the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United estees which is made \ every ten years. - _ This is used by us to denote merely the enumeration of our inhabitants, -which is a departure from the signification of the term among the Romans, -- from whose language we have borrowed it. In England they still use the old word enumeration, except when speaking of this country. As a. tech- ‘nical term, however, the word census may be found useful. CENT, “ a copper coin of the United States, value one hundredth part ok a dol- lar.” Web Si. 464 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the Engish language CERTAIN. Dr. Witherspoon thus censures a mode of using this adjective in America—“ A certain Thomas Benson. The word certain, as used in English, is an indefinite ; the name fixes it precisely, so that there is a kind of contradiction in the expression. In England they would say, a certain person, called or supposed to be Thomas Benson.” Withersp. Druid, No. 5. CHAIR; used in some of the southern states, to signify a one-horse pleasure- carriage, which, in the northern states is generally called by the old Eng- lish name, chaise. CHECKERS or CHEQUERS ; a common name in some of the states, for the game, which in England is called draughts. Ash has the ancient word “ checkere,” for the chess-board, (for which he cites Chaucer, ) but marks the word as odsolete. The board is here still called a checker-board, by those who call the game checkers. CHUNK. Dr. Witherspoon has the following remark on this word—« Chunks, thats; brands, half burnt wood. This is customary in the middle colonies.” _Wiherapi Druid, No. T cbr tenlecstenenngeite a large. chip or bit of eee a oa Provincial Glossary (word hath 3) sayieok Chuck, a a great chip. Sussex. In other counties called a chunk or junk.” . The vulgar here also(by whom these words are chiefly used) say chunk and junk. The Engiish dictiona- ries all have chump. Mr. Webster has “ chump or chunk, a short. piece of wood.” Hence probably the low word chunky, that is, short and thick, _ applied by the yulgar'to the stature of a person; as, he is a chunky fellow. CHURCH. This word, in Johnson’s third signification (a place of worship) is generally used by the people of the Vew England states to denote the place of worship of the members of the church of England, or Episcopalians, as we usually call them. The places of worship of other denominations of Christians are generally called meeting-houses. Inthe southern states, I believe, the word church is used by all denominations. See we Mats of the church. CIVISM, “ patriotism, attachment to the public welfare.” Webst. This is one of the productions of the French revolution; andy though frequently aed several years ago, is now obsolete here, as well as in France. I think it 2 in the United States of America. 465 was never more used by American than by English writers. 1 do not find it in any dictionary but Mr. Webster’s. CLAPBOARD ; “ a narrow board used to cover buildings.” Webst. A technical word, in general use. In England a clapboard is a“ board formed ready for the cooper’s use, in order to make casks or vessels.’ See Rees’ Cyclo- fed. articles BoaRD and CLAPBOARD, and Bailey’s Dictionary. CLEVER. This word is in constant use throughout Vew England, in a sense very different from the English. The following remarks of Dr. Wither- spoon will explain the American and the English significations : | “ Heis a very clever man. She is quite a clever woman. How often are these phrases to be heard in conversation? Their meaning, however, would certainly be mistaken when heard for the first time by one born in Britain. In bere cases Americans generally mean by clever, “only good- _ ness of disposition, worthiness, integrity, without the least regard to capac- ity; nay, if I am not mistaken, it is frequently applied where there is an acknowledged simplicity or mediocrity of capacity. But in Britain, clev- er always means capacity, and may be joined either toa good or bad dispo- sition. We say of a man, he is a clever man, a clever tradesman, a clever fellow, without any reflection upon his moral character, yet at the same time it carries BO approbation. oe it. Itis exceeding. ood English, and very but I it, he is al- so a great rogue. When prcnnege is applied pemaarily to conduct and not to the person, it generally carries in it the idea of art or chicanery not very honourable ; for example—Such a plan I confess was very clever, i. e. sly, artful, well contrived, but not very fair.” Withersf. Druid, No. 5. In speaking of any thing but men wemse the word much as the English do. We.say a clever horse, &c. and it is not uncommon to see in the London news-papers, advertisements in this form—* To be sold a c/ev- er grey gelding,” &c. Dr. Johnson observes, that it “ is a low word, scarce- ly ever used but in burlesque or conversation, and apple 2 to any thing a ‘man likes, without a settled meaning.” "CLEVERLY. Used frequently in some parts of New England instead of weld or very well, In answer to the common salutation, How do you do - we - sometimes hear, Iam cleverly. I believe, however, this frequent ‘use of he word is confined to some particular towns. 812 , eal ee jae 466 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language CLITCHY ; clammy, sticky, glutinous. I have heard this word used in a few instances by old people in New England; but it is very rarely heard. In Devonshire, in England, they have the frovincial word clatchy, in this sense ; and it is doubtless the same word, a little varied in the pronuncia- tion. See London Monthly Magazine, for Jan. 1809, p. 545. CLOSURE; a shutting up, a closing, I have never seen this word but once in any American publication—‘ Very soon after the closure of our ports, I did submit to the consideration of the senate a proposition,” &¢. Letter to the Hon. H, G. Otis, by the Hon. J. Q. Adams, Boston, 1808. The use of the word.in this passage was objected to by one of our own critics, in“ Re- marks and Criticisms” on this Letter, (published in the New York Even- ing Post) in the following terms: “ We ‘object, too, to his new word c/o- sure, as it is at best a superfluous word, and has no support in analogy.” Dr. Johnson has the word closure in this sense, upon the authority of Boyle ; but it seems to be rarely, if ever, used by the writers of the present day. CLOTHIER; a fuller; “ one who fulls and scours cloths; 3 an nant “maker of cloths.” roe there at the present day + PS aie Sora a ** ‘The clothiers all, not able to maintain The many to them ‘longing, have put off The spinsters, carders, fullers, weavers,” It is to be observed, that although we use clothier for fullery po the: place, where the cloth is cleansed and dressed, is called a fulling-mill. COMPANIONING ; used in the following passage of an American poem : s - Companioni jing, > far: 1 — +} I ste nwn? ‘Upon which one of our own critics makes this remark : “ Companioning is a word inyented without taste, low and unpoetical. ”* Review of Linn’s Va- lerian, a narrative poem, in the Monthly Anthology for 1807, p. 321, The word was never used in this country, I presume, by any body but the in~ Mo ah in the United States of America, 46% COMPOSUIST ; a writer, composer; as, He isa good composuist. This ex- traordinary word has been much used at some of our colleges, but -_ sel- dom elsewhere. It is now rarely heard among us. To COMPROMIT ; to ‘commit, expose, hazard. The government compro- mitted itself. ‘The minister compromitted the welfare of his country. - This word is not used by American writers only, but is perhaps more ~ common with them than with English authors. It occurs frequently in the official letters whieh have been published by our government, and may per- haps, like the French verb compromettre, from which we derive it, be con- - sidered as an authorised diplomatic term. The English verb to commit (which, though not to be found in sAis sense in any of the dictionaries ex- cept Walker’s, is now generally adopted) seems to Pender: this word un- prager ‘See Wailker’s remarks on it. - This verb is much used in New iin in conversation, without the rebel ptonoun: Ex. He conducts well, instead of, he con- ducts himself well. It is frequently used in this manner also by our writ- ers: “ There were times when he was obliged to exert all his fortitude, prudence, and candour #o conduct so as not to give offence.” Eliot’s New ' England Biograph. Dictionary, p. 29. But this « corrupt idiom” (as an * i» entirely excluded the correct - English traveller justly calls it) isnot so. omy. Sct here, as to have orrect English © sf will conduct your- se/f in the office of an attorney,” &c. pug 8 Se in Massachusetts Stat. of 1785, c. 23.. And in the valuable work of Dr. Ex just cited, the verb is sometimes used «with, as well as without, the. pronoun : “ No man could have conducted himself in this office better.” p. 14. It is also con-. stantly used with the pronoun in. a late work, of a New England scholar, of great purity of style ; “ In every thing which is innocent or indifferent they Should permit him to conduct himself by his own discretion.” . Sermons on particular occasions, Boston, 1812, p.14, The writers of G. Britain i inva- riably use it in this manner. “ But in what manner will the. ‘House cone. : duct itself 2” Fox’ 8 Hist. James 4p. 228 They took and pillaged. sev- me ‘eral cities, conducting themselves all the while, in. ‘such a manner,” &e. ice at se _ Robertson's Charles V, yo). ii. p. 359. Dr, Johnson also defines the verb. _ behave, in these words—« to conduct one’ s-self ;”’ and he further remarks,. 468 Mr. sche on the present state of the English language that the ren behave also is “ used almost always with the reciprocal pro- noun.” CONGRESS ; “ the toga of the United States of America.” Wedst. This word, originally a common name, and still so used in Europe, has in America become a firofer name. English writers, however, generally use it with the article ; as, zhe Congress passed such a law; but we, without ; as, Congress passed such a law; just as they would generally say in Eng- land, such a law was enacted by Parliament, and not zie Parliament. CONGRESSIONAL; from the noun Congress. ‘ The conflict between ¢o7- gressional and state authority originated with the creation of those authori- ties.” Marsh. Life of Washing. vol. v. p. 354. . A reviewer in the Monthly Anthology (vol. vii. p. 263.) calls this one of the “ darbarisms” in common use with us, _ To CONSIDER. The use of this verb, without as after it, has been thus criticis- ed by Dr. Witherspoon: “ I do not consider myself equal to this task. The word as is wanting. Iam not certain whether this may not be an English — as (th vaseline wt the renowned author of Common Se i We Poe? eure eae aa : his " pueclicer ‘Iti is owner andoabledly a an Merce for} it is ge by au- thors greatly superior to him in every respect.” Withersp. Druid, No, 5. This idiom sometimes occurs in English writers of the present day. CONSIDERABLE. This is still frequently used in the manner pointed out by Dr. We itetapoot 1 in the following remarks: “ He is considerable of a a sur- _yeyor ; considerable of it may be found in that country. This manner of speaking prevails in the northern parts.” Withersh. Druid, No. 7. CONSOCIATION ; “a convention of pastors and messengers of churches.” Webst. 1 believe this use of the term is peculiar to the state of Connecticut. CONSTABLE. The following distinction is made, by Mr. Webster, between the English and American significations of this word: « In England, a _ Sovernor or commander; in America, a town-officer of the peace with the © powers of an under-sheriff.” A writer in the Monthly Anthology speaks of this as “ an idle attempt to exhibit a distinction” between them. Zntick and other lexicographers define constable, a kind of peace-officer ;” and in the United. States.of America. | 469 it.is the sie I,believe, that in many.,of.the.cities, bor oughs, and, other lo- cal jurisdictions in England, they.h peace-officers called constables, whose Ps i ee & aS: powers are not EE if at all, different from those of our constables. CONSTERNATED. Inever met.with.this. uncommon word.in the writings of Americans, except in the following instance: “When it was. found. that General Hampton was not. at St. Regis, his place of rendezvous, all_ranks were consternated.” Letter from an officer in Gen, Wilkinson’s army, in Dec. 1813. The only English dictionary, in which I find it, is 4sh’s, and it is there said to be “ mot sufficiently authorised.” CONSTITUTED AUTHORITIES; the officers of’ government collectively, in a kingdom, city, town, &c. This expression has been adopted by some of our writers from the vocabulary of the French Revolution. “ Neither could he perceive danger to liberty except from the constituted authorities, and especially from the executive.” Marsh. Life of Washing. vol. v. p. 354, The English have used it only in translations from the French. _CONSTITUTIONALITY ; “ the state of being agreeable to the constitution, , or of affecting the constitution.” Webst. “ The argument upon this ques- tion has naturally divided into two parts, the one of expediency, the other of constitutionality.” Debates in Congress, on the Judiciary bill in 1802, p. 76. This word is not in Johnson nor Mason ; nor have I been able to find itin any other English dictionary. Ido not recollect it in any English pub- lications. The adjective constitutional is used in England as well as in this country. CONTEMPLATION. A distinguished foreigner, who resided in England many years, and is well acquainted with the language, upon his arrival in this country was ‘struck with the frequent recurrence of this word i in con- - yersation ; as, “I have it in contemplation to do sucha thing, for I intend to dosuch a thing.” The expression is not uncommon in English writings, though I do not recollect it in conversation, To CONTRIVE. Dr. Witherspoon has the following remarks on a singular use of this word; “ I wish we could contrive it to Philadelphia. The words _ #0 carry, to have it carried, or some such, are wanting. Itisa defective 23 470 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language construction, of which there are too many that“have already obtained in practice, in spite of all the remonstrances of men of letters.” Withersp. Druid, No. 5. I doubt whether this strange expression is ever used at the present day. I never heard it myself, nor have I been able to find any person that has heard it from any class of people in this country. . Yo CONVENE.. This is used in some parts of New England ina very remark- able sense, that is, ro be convenient, fit, or suitable; Ex. This road will convene the public, i. e. will be convenient for the public. The word, how- ever; is used only by the illiterate. CONVENIENT TO. A writer in the Monthly Anthology, for August 1808, p. 458, censures the following use.of this word in Marshall’s Life of Washing- ton, vol. iii. p. 120. “ The army was convenient to the highlands.” This expression is not often to be found in American writings, : COPPER. The common name in New England for British half-pence, which, until the « coinage of our cents, constituted the cofiper currency of this coun- try. We used to say a cofiper’s worth of any thing, as in England they would say a peppy. worth. The name is already pearly, obsolete, CORKS. Tee — — ee 1s called frost-nails. From the noun we have formed a verb zo cork, and we accordingly say, the horse is corked, &c. I donot find the term or its derivatives ; in any of the English dictionaries, except Ash’s, where the participle corking is thus explained—< turning up the heels of a horse’s shoes.” Mr. Webster has both the noun and the verb. CORN. This word, in many parts of the United States, and particularly in New England, signifies exclusively Indian corn, or maize, which has been the principal sort of corn cultivated in those parts of the country. Wheat, rye, and the other sorts of corn are generally called grain, and frequently Eng- lish grain. In England, corn is a general term, (as it was here used by our old writers,) and means all sorts of grain that are used for bread. “ Corn, in Agriculture, a term applied to all sorts of grain fit for food ; particularly wheat, rye, &c—The Sarmers, indeed, rank under the denomination of corn seyeral other grains, as barley, oats, and even pulse, } in the United States of America. 471 _ peas, vetches,.&c. which, however, they sometimes distinguish by the de- nomination, smaller corn.” Rees’s Cyclop. art. Corn. The meal of Indian ‘corn, which we call Indian meat, is in a generally called Indian corn meal, CORN-BLADES ; “ leaves of maize (south. states.)” Webst. CORN-STALK ; “a stalk ‘or'stem of maize.” Wedst. The farmers of New ‘England commonly use this word inthe flura/ number, corn-stalks, or \ "simply, stalks, to denote the upper part of the stalk (above the car of corn) “© which is cut off while green, and then dried, to feed their cattle with. COSSET ; '“ a lamb brought up by the hand.” ‘Wedst. Also, a favorite or darl- ing. This word is used in New England, as the word fet is in the south- ern states and ‘in — Itis’ now a ecniuat word in — accord- ~ ing to Grose. COUNTY, © In speaking of counties, the names of which are compounded of the word ines, (for Saeed Hisntipiahines Berkshire) &c.) we ie the county of Hampshire, the county of “Berkshire, &c. In England. they would say, either Hampshire or Berkshire simply, without the: word county ; or, the county of Hants, the county of Berks, &c. The word shire of itself, as ey- ery body knows, means county and in one instance, (in Massachusetts,) this * latter word is used instead of s/ire, as a part of the name.: “ the county of Duke's , bye sorst tT ‘pen eGasyen exw srinesia I brow 2: COUNTERACTION; a counteracting. ‘It is sometimes, though ici used - by American writers in this manner: He prevailed over his enemies by the counteraction [counteracting] of their designs. . I never saw it so used in any English work. It is not to be found in any of the dictionaries except Mr. Webster’s. CREATURE. An English traveller makes the following remark on this word : -« Creature, pronounced creatur, is used in New England, in regard:to men, in all the senses of the French animal, béte and monstre.” Kendall's trav- els, V. iii. P- 255. Tn the hlural- number it is in yery common use among __ farmers | as a general name for horses, oxen, kc, Ex, Fhe creatures will be be put into the pasture to day. It is frequently 50 used i in the o/d laws of “some of the states. “ The owners or claimers of : any such creatures fe é - swine, neat-cattle, horses, or sheep’] impounded | as aforesaid shall pay the fees,” &e. Province Laws of Massachusetis, Stat. 10. Wm.3. & . 472 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language friend, to whom I: have. mentioned this. use. of the word, doubts whether it is peculiartous; CROCK; the black ai @ pot, or.ofa chimney, A. writer inthe Monthly Anthol- ogy, (¥. 7. p. 263.) in reviewing Mr. Webster’s dictionary, where this. word is found, says—“ Crock is indeed, common. enough in: this section of the country, but it isnot. an Znglish word, and,our southern brethren ridicule. us for using it.” It is,in fact, only.a.frovincial word in England, and is mentioned.as such by. Mason, who cites, Ray’s. South,and East Country. Words ;, and inthis latter work both the.nouz,and the veré are marked as peculiar to Essex, in England. Grose also has it-as. a frovincial word. It is never used here but in conversation. CROW-BAR ; an iron crow, or simply,, acrow. Used in New. liad: Crow- bar is * a name often frovincially applied to an iron crow.or lever.” Rees’ Cyclop. Marshall has: it-among the: “ Provincialisms of : West Devon- shire.” See Rural Econ..of West of Engl. voly is > ~ To CULTIVATE. While:these:(in the phrase ofa. Mew: England writer) ane.cultivating the ocean.” Kendall's Travels, viiis p. 113; This. appli- cation of the epbiomedts I Lapigpeine aaa the writer al- ludedto, I it:to-be thus: used: im: Americ cusToy ABLE ; “subject to. duties. (Law. of: Siskecascmep Webst. This word I presume was never in use. I never heardit among: profes- sionad_ men. in Massachusetts, and mercantile friends, to.whom. I: have,men- tioned it, do. neh: eee hearing. it used. Rhawted duseiiee some- heard.: = eo times x ( sxhich ¢ ~ D. DECEDENT ; “one dead: (Law of WV. Jersey and Pensylvania.)” Webst. This word is unknown se Be northern states, eyen as 2 technical term. DECENT’; tolerable, pretty good: Fx. He is a decent scholar; a decent wri- ter; he is nothing more than decent. This has been much used at some of our colleges ; ; but never except in conversation. It has been thought ; by some to be an Americanism, but others have doubted whether it is- DECIDEDLY. “ He was decidedly at the head of the bar.” Marsh. Life ¥ dl in the United States of America. 3 473 Washing. vol. vy. p. 214. I do not find this adverb in any of the English dictionaries except Entick’s ; I think, however, it is used by some English writers. In America it is very common both in conversation and in writing. DELINQUENCY. The use of this word in the following passage of Bancroft’s Life of Washing. (p. 207) is condemned by the English reviewers: “ The delinguency of the United States to prepare for the approaching campaign ;” that is, (say the reviewers,) “tardiness or unwillingness.” British Critic, 1809, 7. 182. It is not much used here; I never saw it in any other in- Stance than the above. To DEMORALIZE; “t t, undermi destroy inciples.” Webst. This has ce iil from the ee since “the reyolution. It is used by some English writers, but perhaps not so often as by us. It is not in any of the dictionaries, I believe, except Mr. Webster’s. DEPARTMENT. ‘See Heads of Departments. DEPARTMENTAL; © pertaining to.a department.” Weédsc. This adjective has been ranked, by one of our own critics, among our “ barbarisms.”” See Monthly Anthol. y.7. p. 263. It is not in the English dictionaries, To DEPRECIATE;; y. newt. to fall in value. The English use this only as an active verb; in America it is (like appreciate, ) used as a verb neuter. To DEF UERAe-edematee: | ee ee Sirah bes gk _ This word is sometimes heard in conversation, but rarely 0 occurs in F oekian. I have never met with it but once in any of our publications : * They seldom think it necessary to defutize more than one person to attend to their interests at the seat of government.” Description of Nan- tucket, in the Port Folio for January 1811, p. 33. Mr. Webster has _ Roted it as a Connecticut word. It is also used in other parts of New England, but has always been considered as a mere vulgarism. DEROGATORY The use of this adjective by itself, instead of degrading, has _ been observed upon by Englishmen as an 4mericanism. Ex. The government did such an act, which was very oe ; such " as duct is ste sei atory, i.e. degrading, tes DESK ; a pulpit. ' te An English traveller has thus noticed the use of this word in Connec- ticut ; “ The pulpit, or, as it is here called, the DESK, was filled by three ; 835 474 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language if not four clergymen ; a number, which by its form and dimensions, it was able to accommodate.” Xendall’s Travels, vol. i. p. 4. It is also used in some other states: “They are common to every species of oratory, though of rarer use-in the desk,” &c... Adams’ Lectures on Rhetoric, vol. i. p- 198. This word, however, with an epithet (as sacred desk, for example, ) is, I think, to be found in English authors. DESTITUTION ; want, deficiency, This is criticised in an English pamphlet on America, (quoted in the Monthly Review, vol. lvi. p. 104,) as one of our words, and this phrase “is given as an example of our use of it: “ were it not for my deszitution of leisure,” &c. The following may be added: “Is it not true that our deszi- tution of competent fleets and armies, the state of our finances. ..com- bined to furnish,” &e. Answer of the House of Representatives of Massa- _ chusetts to the Governor’s Speech, June Session, 1813. This word is in the dictionaries, but does not seem to be in common use in England at this day. DICTATION; a dictating. « Was not this an arbitrary dictation to a national vessel?” This word is in Jofinson, upon the authority of former diction- res pt, 3s Ash says, It, is = ot mack wee. es a ee 4 it can y be ‘be in use in this c a Dae © A miver'< coin rhe United States, ae ten cents.” “Webet.- DISCONNEXION. This word is not in Johnson ; and it has been calli an American writer, as an unauthorized word. See Monthly Anthol. vol. iv. p. 281. It is, however, sometimes used by English authors. Mason _. has 5 in his supplement, upon the authority of Burke, as he has. also the disconnected. DISDAIN ; contempt. Dr. Witherspoon gives the following example: «1 should have let _ your performance sink into silent disdain,” He then observes : ‘“ A per- formance may fall into contempt, or sink into oblivion, or be treated with disdain ; but to make it sink into silent disdain, is a very crude expression indeed.” No American author at the present day would use the = disdain im this extraordinary manner. DOCITY, (fronounced dossity.) A low word, used in some parts of this country in the United States of America. « 475 to signify guick apprehension. It is used only in conversation, and gener- ally with anegative, thus: He has no docity: It is a provincial word in - England. I do not find it in any of the dictionaries, except Bailey’s' (fol. 1736) and 4sh’s, in which it is said to be “ an incorrect spelling” of docility. In this country it is a Jocal werd, and employed only by the same class of speakers, that would use the low word gumption, which is also fro- vincial in England. See Gumption. DOMESTICS. It has been remarked, by Englishmen, that the people of New England always call servants domestics. The correlative master is also very seldom used in the xorthern states. -Domestic is “a term of some- what more extent than that of servant.” See Rees’s Cyclo. _ To DOOM; to tax at discretion. When a person neglects to make a return of his _ taxable property to the. assessors of the towns, those officers doom him, that js, judge upon, and fix his tax according to their own discretion. Used in New England. “ The estates of all marchants, shopkeepers, and factors shall be assessed by the rule of common estimation, according to the will and doom of the assessors.” Massa, Colony Laws, p. 14 ed. 1660, DOOMAGE. « A fine or penalty. Law of New Hampshire.” Webst. DUTIABLE. «Subject to duties or impost.” Webst. The use of tis word i in eerie s Life of eouieeston, vol. ii, p. 73. has been censu1 t er in the Mont MO patie, yol. v. p. 438. It is very little used even in conversation. E. EAGLE; a gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten dollars. EITHER. Dr. Witherspoon has the following remarks on one use of this word in America: “ The United States or either of them. This is so far from being a mark of ignorance, that it is used by many of the most able and » accurate speakers and writers, yet it is not English. The United States are thirteen in number, but in English either does not signify one of many, _ but one or the other oe two. I imagine either has become an adjective pronoun, by being a sort of abbreviation“of a sentence, where it is used adverbially, either the one or the other. It is exactly the same with sxariges in Greek, and alteruter in Latin,” Druid, No. 5. But Johnson says, it is 476 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language used sometimes of more than two ; any one of a certain number; any of an indeterminate number.” Zo ELECTIONEER, v. and ELECTIONEERING, 2. and fart. We say, an electioneering pamphlet, an electioneering trick. The verb electioneer is not in any of the English dictionaries; and Mason alone has the noun electioneering, which he explains in the sense in which we use it ; and cites, as his authority, this passage from the writings of Soame Jenyns : si Adieu, say 1, to all electioneering.” But of Soame Jenyns he says, in another place, his “ writings are remark- ably deficient in accuracy of English.” Yo ENERGIZE ; to impart energy. “ Instead of aiding and energizing the police of the college,” &c. The British Spy, written in Virginia. This. word is noted as “ wnauthorized,” by a writer in the Monthly Anthology, vol. i. p. 635, I never saw it in any other American work. Harris (the _. author of Hermes) uses energise, but in a different manner. EQUALLY AS, for EQUALLY. Dr. Witherspoon puts this among his “Amer- canisms.” He seater Hanglly as well and Sau as good. This is ; jh PO UNSRE Mm comverss ion. and . put = ae fis ale giso.,to be. : found in some eS ERE tel the authors ; but it is just as good English to say, the most highest mountain in America.” Druid, No. 6, Oca, This is often joined with the title of Honourable. Ex. «The onourable A. B. Esquire.” It is never thus used in England. . EVIDENTIAL; evincing. I have heard this word a few times from the pulpit, ‘but never saw it in any American publications, EULOGIUM ; eulogy. A writer in the Monthly Anthology (vol. i. p. 609.) observes, that “ eulogium is not an English word.” ‘Some English writers, however, use it: “ On this constitution a modern historian has passed a high eulogium.” Kendall's Travels, v.i. p. 69. The errors of public characters are too well known not to expose unfounded eu/ogium to the distrust of all who prefer truth to enthusiasm.” Seward’s Life of Darwin, prref. p- viii s in the United States of America. TT and in other places. It is not in Johnson, (quarto edit, 1799,) nor Mason’s Supplement; nor do I find it in any of the English dictionaries except Walk- er’s,and it was not inserted in the early editions of that work. It is in the fourth London edition (in quarto 1806) with this short remark ; “the same as eulogy.” It is notin Mr. Webster’s dictionary. EVOKED ; conjured or raised up. “ Every phantom of jealousy and fear is evoked.” Letter of the Hon. J. Q. Adams, Boston, 1808, p. 30. The Editor of the New-York Evening Post,in “Remarks and Criticisms’? on this letter, says, “ We doubt whether the verb fo evoke be English} the substantive evocation is an English word.” A Boston critic seems to intimate that e-voked here may be a mis- take of the printer for in-voked. EXCHANGEABILITY. See the next word. EXCHANGEABLE. This and the preceding word are incidentally noticed, as unauthorized words, by a writer in the Monthly Anthology, (vol. i. p. 635.) who says they are used in Washington’s [official] Letters, vol. ii. pp. 80, 94, 257. I do not find them taken notice of by any of the lexicographers except Mr. Webster. EXECUTIVE. This word is now in general use here, as a noun, signifying the Executive Power Pa Meshes i ent at as ee =o gaat whom that power is vested, A writer in the Monthly hathoben cies; p- prey” seems to think that “ we have succeeded in incorporating it into the language, as it is now in Seneral use in England.” It is certainly sometimes used in England; but I do not recollect it in any instance- except where the writer or speaker was alluding to the American Executive, and seemed to employ it as an American name. In the preface to the London edition of Ramsay's History of the American Revolution, (which however was published twenty years Ago,) it is classed among those American words, which the English “ have listened to without as yet adopting.” The constitution of the-United States says the executive fower, and never simply, the executive. To EXPECT ; to suppose, think. = “In most parts of the world people expect things that are to come. 842 478 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the Englsh language But in Pennsylvania, more particularly in the metropolis, we expect things that.are past. One man tells another, he exfects he has had a very pleasant tide, &c....1 have indeed heard a wise man of Gotham say, he expected Alexander the Macedonian was the greatest conqueror of anti- quity.” Port Folio, 1809, p. 535. This use of the verb expect has now ex- tended to other parts of the United States. It is frovincial in England : “Eapect, suppose. North”? Grose’s Prov. Gloss. F. : FACTORY. This is a new word in America, and is doubtless an abbreviation of manufactory ; the latter word, indeed, is not in Johason’s and some other English dictionaries, but it is in Mason’s Supplement, Walker’s Dictionary, and Rees’ Cyclopzedia, and is well known tobe in common use ih England. The word factory (according to Rees) is applied “in some of the manu- facturing counties [in England] to the places where particular processes of the manufacture are carried on;” but its common English meaning is well known to be (as Johnson gives it) “a house or disttict inhabited by traders in a distant country,” and “ the traders embodied in one place.” To PALL 5: Bo fell; towel down Ps Se Se A reviewer in the Monthly Anthology, vol. v. p- 438, condemns this as an “ American barbarism” in the following passage of Marshall's Life of _ Washington : “for the purpose of cooperating with the Continental troops in breaking up the bridges, falling trees in the roads,” &c. v. ifi. p. 456. Dr. Belknap, in his History of New Hampshire, and all other American Writers whose works I have consulted, use to fell ; and to fail has always been considered as a vudgariem in New England. The verb to fall, in copied his definition of this word from Sheridan, But it is not in Johnson, Mason, Bailey, Barclay, Entick, and various others. To fell is constantly used by Zvelyn, throughout the chapter on felling trees, in his Sylvay in the United States of America. 479 (which was first printed in 1664,) and the same term is also used by his editor, the late Dr. Hunter, in his notes on that work ; and it is constantly used in Rees’ Cyclopedia ; see articles, FELuinc of timber, Ast tree, Kc. - To FAULT ; “to charge with a fault, to accuse.” Johns. I have heard this verb used ina few instances by old people; but it is nearly obsolete here, as Ash says it is in England. FEDERALIST ; “a friend to the Constitution of the United States.” Webst. Mr. Weédster also has Federal, as a noun of the same meaning ; but this Inever heard except in the mouths of the most illiterate people; and it has always considered as a corruption of federalist. FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN. “ This is a word of frequent use in America. It has been heard in public orations from men of the first character, and may ‘be daily seen in newspaper publications. It is an evident tautology, for the last word expresses fully the meaning of both. If you open any dictionary, you will find the word countryman signifies one born in the same country. You may say, fellow-citizens, fellow-soldiers, fellow-subjects, fellow-christians, but not fellow-countrymen.” Withersfoon’s Druid, No.5. To thé above authority I may add, that Swift begins the Drapier’s Letters thus: “ Brethren, Friends, Countrymen, and Rites Seehoaten and ends _ them ina similar “Lam, my dear eounérymen, your B Jovin, fllowe subject, fellowesufferer,” &t. 2 FIRSTLY. This adverb is ircguentip used re, lesen weriteras ‘bur shere ' seems to be he English authority for it. None of the dictionaries have it, and English authors invariably use first, which has always been considered. _ both as an adveré and an adjective. Ex.“ This action [in an epic poem, | should have three qualifications in it; first, it should be but one action; secondly, it should be an entire action; and thirdly, it should be a great action.” Spectator, No. 267; e# fiassim. “The other purposes are to show Jirst, that the time of the remarks was the favourable time....secondly, that * on the enemy’s side,” &c. Burke’s fourth Letter on the Regicide Peace. FOLKS. Used in New England instead of people or persons; 1. for the persons in one’s family ; as, how do your folks do? i.e. family. 2. for people in general ; as, what do folks think of his conduct in the affair ? 480 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language Johnson observes, that “ it is now used only in familiar or burlesque language ;” and in New England it is less used now than for- merly. FORTED IN. “A few inhabitants forted in on the Potomac.” Used in Marshail’s Life of Washington, vol. ii. p- 28. and animadverted upon in” the Monthly Anthology, vol. v. p- 438. To FOURFOLD ; v. “ To assess in a fourfold ratio.” Webst. Peculiar to the state of Connecticut. FREDONIA, x. FREDONIAN, FREDE, FREDISH, &c. &c. These extraordinary words, which have been deservedly ridiculed here as well as in England, were proposed sometime ago, and countenanced by — two or three individuals, as names to designate the territory and people of the United States. The general term American is now well understood (at least in all places where the English language is spoken,) to mean an inhabitant of the United States, and is always so employed, except where unusual precision of language is required. English writers, in speaking of us, always say, the Americans, the American government, the American - ambassador, &c. The words Fredonia, kc. are never now used ex- oa @epe Gp-wepiel widiewie.£<> -:-sodtirioe 28 ot tae ee Se os FRESHET. This word is peculiar to New England at this day, and means, (a5 Dr. Belknap observes, in his History of New Hampshire, vol. iii. pref.) “a river swollen by rain or melted snow in the interior country, rising above its usual level, spreading over the adjacent low lands, and rushing with an accelerated current to the sea. In this sense,? Dr. B. adds, “it is understood in New England, and, as it is a part of the language of the country in which I write, it is frequently used in this volume.” The word, seems, had been noticed (in another work of Dr. Belknap’s) by the Monthly Reviewers, who made this remark upon it—« We are not acquaint- ed with this word.”* Inthe next number of the Review, Dr. Belknap informs us, “a correspondent kindly attempted to correct what he imagined to be ‘atl errour of the press,” by substituting the word fresh in its place ; * «Month. Rev. for Feb. 1787, p. 139” in the United States of America. _ 48 i meaning a tide or flowing of fresh in distinction from salt water. But thé reviewers were not satisfied that there was any errour of the press; and in fact there was not ; the word /reshet is a term familiar to the people of New England, as it was to their forefathers, who brought it from England, where it was equally familiar in the last century.” Dr. Belknap then cites two authorities for the word ; the first is from Milton’s Paradise Regained, - Book II. line 345, which is also given by Johneon : ee all fish from sea or ‘shore, Freshet or purling brook, of shell or fin.” Upon wich Dr. Belknap remarks, “It seems this author, by a fresher, meant a sfreading collection of fresh water, distinguished from a brook.’? The commentators on Milton, however, seem to have understood it to mean —- stream. In Todd’s edition of Milton’s works there is the following note on ‘the above lines: “ Freshet, a stream of fresh water. So Browne in “ his Brit. Pastorals 1616, B. II. s. iii. of fish, Who now love the freshet, and then love the sea.” The other authority cited by Dr. B. is the Description of New England, written and published in England, in 1658, by Ferdinando Gorges, who uses the word, as Dr. B. justly observes, aeeaeaipe De nenee in which it is now understood in New. England: “ P, 29——Between Salem and Charlestown is situated the town of Lynn, near to a river, whose strong Sreshet at the end of winter’filleth all her banks, and with a violent torrent vents itself into the sea.” Fas Sf NAA Ie 3° 3 t l ula USC this ft ndG in Ar yalmost two centuries ago, does it follow that it is mow a 2 ple of the English language ? If this rule should be ad pted, it thorize us to use many words which would be as new to most Americans of the present day, as Sreshet was to the English Reviewers. The English would doubtless use the term floods _ or freshes, as is done, in the following example, by an English traveller in New England : “ This bridge, like the others, having been carried away by the floods or freshes, here called ern 8 &e. A sgremape Travels, vol, i, p. 291. The Encyclopedia Britt t Fresues, which 853 aS 482 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language : ¢ it says is “ a local term signifying annual inundations, from the rivers being swollen by the melted snows and other fresh waters from the uplands, as is the Nile, &c.from periodical or tropical rains.” One of Johnson’s defini- tions of Flood is,“ the swelling of a river by rain or inland flood;” and Rees’ Cyclofiedia says, “ Fresh denotes the rise of water in a river, or a small flood.” But fresh is provincial in England according to Grose, who defines it thus: “ Fresh, a flood or overflowing of a river. This heavy rain will bring down the freshes. North.” The people of the southern states use the word fresh. FRONDESCE ; to put forth leaves, “His powers began now to frondesce and blossom.” Eulogy on Dr. Rush by William Staughton, D.D. I never met with this word in any other instance than the above. GAWKY. This is sometimes used in conversation, by the people of New Eng- land, in the same sense as in the North of England, where it is provincial: “ Gawky ; meen ‘ecm used to — a ue awkward person. P J aT. “4: ar 3: x q 4) oa ; whic ice dane To GIRDLE: th that of ing the tees h by mak- oe ee ee ee es ee 1 it ve ee 3° ie ding.” Belknap’ Hist. of New Homfshibe: vol. iii, oe 131. “This is = upon as an unauthorized word by a writer in the Monthly Anthology, vol. i, p. 635. It is also noticed,as one of our words, in Kendall’s Travels, vol. i. p. 235. GLUT ; alarge poset saan Nem ny tena This is also a frovincial term in England, in the same sense. See Marshall’s Rural Econ. of the Mid- land Counties, and Rees’ Cyclopedia. GONDOLA. _ Thus noticed and explained by an English traveller: “ Vessels of the burden above described are floated down to the sea by means of flat boats or lighters, here [in Portsmouth, New Hampshire,} called gondolas, and elsewhere scows. ” Kendall’s Trav. vol. iii. p. 31. The word gondola is also used in this sense in other parts of Vew England. GOUGING. The following account of this word is given by a late English traveller, upon the authority of an American: “ The General* in- Seeecersesesee * General Bradley, a senator in Congress for the state of Vermont. in the United States of America. 483. formed me, that the mode of fighting im Virginia and the other southern states, is really of that description, mentioned by preced- ing travellers, the truth of which many persons have doubted, and some even contradicted. Gouging, kicking, and biting are allowed in most of their battles....Gouging is performed by twisting the forefinger in - a lock of hair, near the temple, and turning the eye out of the socket with _ the thumb nail, which is suffered to grow long for that purpose,” Lambert’s Travels, vol. ii.p. 300, “A diabolical practice (says the Quarterly Review ) which has never disgraced Europe, and for which no other people have even a name.’ Quart. Rev. vol. ii. p. 333. The practice itself and the _ hame are-both unknown in Vew England. ae GOVERNMENTAL ; belonging to a government. Areviewer in the Monthly Anthology (vol. vii. p.263) ranks this among _ the “ barbarisms in common use” in America. It is not im any of the dic- tionaries, nor is it ever used by the English, oe GRADE; gradation, degree, rank, order. “ To talents of the highest grade he [Hamilton] united a patient industry not always the companion of genius,” &c. Marshall’s Life of Washington, vol. v. p- 213. “The high rank he- Review (in the account of Marshall’s Life of Washington) remarks upon it thus—“At page 367 [of the filth volume | and in many other places grade is used for degree, Ann. Rev. vol. vii. p- 241, y Review, To GRADUATE. To take a degree at a university. This yerb was, till lately, always used by us as a verb neuter or intransitive: Ex. He graduated ate the university of Cambridge; but it is now very common to say, “he was graduated at Cambridge,” &c. which is also used in England : “ You, methinks, are graduated.” See Brit. Crit. vol. xxxiv. p. 538. But the ether mode of using it is aiso common in English authors. In the London. _ Monthly Magazine (for Oct. 1808, p, 224) a writer, speaking of Mande-- ville, says—“ He graduated at.Leyden in 1691 ;” andjin the same work: 484 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language (for Feb. 1809) it is again used. In Rees’ Cyclopedia, art, GLANVILL, it is said—* he took his first degree in the year 1655, and removing te Lincoln college he graduated master of arts in 1658,” &c. In the same work, art. Maenot, (which etree to be written by Dr. J. E. Smith, President of the Ts a Se ee 8 4 ys) “ wherever Magnol graduated,” &c. The Eclectic Reviewers wi use it—“ We think dissenters, merely as such, should not be deprived of the privilege of studying and graduating at the English universities, kc. Eclect, Rev. ba 1811, p. 295. Johnson has the word as a verb active only. GRAIN. See Corn. GRAND. Much used in conversation, for very goad, excellent, fine, kc. Ex. This is grand news; he isa grand fellow ; this is a grand day. New England GUBERNATORIAL ; “ relating to a governor.” Webst. Ex. At the late gubernatorial election ; that is, at the late election of governor. To GUESS; to imagine, suppose, believe, think, fancy. Wew England. This is one of the most common words in our yocabulary ; and, from its fre- quent recurrence, bas boce, pate sie of more ridicule than any of 2 our words. A late English tr: s amuses himself with the use of it in the country-towns of New England: “ Instead of imagining, sup- posing, or believing, as we do, they always guess at every thing. ‘I guess as how, Jonathan, it’s not so could as yeasterday.’? ‘Why I guess, Nathan, that the wind has changed.’” Laméert’s Travels, vol. ii. p. 506. It is well known to be an old English word, and is still sometimes, ‘though rarely, used in England, very much as it is here. An intel- ligent friend informs me, that he has heard it used by people of Kent, in England, just as it is in New England. GUMPTION. A low word, which is sometimes heard in conversation here, and signifies understanding or capacity, as it does in some parts of England, where it is a provincial word. Grose, under the word gawm, has this ex- planation—« Gawm ; to understand. I dunna gawm ye; I don’t understand “you. Hence gawmtion, or gumftion, understanding. North.” Prov. Gloss See the word Docity. To GUN; to shoot. Ex, I am going a-gunning. New England. in the United States of America. 485 HACK. An abbreviation of hackney-coach. In England Aack signifies “ a Aorse much used or Jet out for hire.” Mason’s Sufplem. The English “ instead _ of our abbreviation, go call me a hack, say, go call me a coach.” Monthly Anthol. vol. vy. p. 660. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. A general term, used in speaking of the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, &c. collectively. “ The temporary heads of defrartments were required to prepare and lay before the first magistrate such statements,” &c. Marsh. Life of Washing. vol. v. p. 176. HEAT or HET, (fret. and fart. of to heat.) This is sometimes heard in con- versation ; but (as Mr. Webster observes,*) “ the practice is not respect- able.” Mason, in his Supplement to Johnson, gives heat as a participle used by old poets for heated,” and cites W. Browne. Ash has it, written het, on the authority of Chaucer, and says it is obsoleze. . HEFT, ». and To HEFT, v. The noun /c/t is to be found in Bailey’s and En- tick’s dictionaries in the ‘sense, in which it is often used in this country, that is, to signify « heaviness, or the weight of any thing ;” and in this sense (ac- cording to Grose, ) it is frovincial in England. The verb fo heft, which here commonly signifies ¢o lift any thing in order to judge of its weight, is not in the dictionaries. Both the noun and the verb are used only HELP, n. Often used in New England instead of servancs ; and it generally. ‘means female servants: Ex. My het is very good 5 ‘such « one is very good hel. The word domestics is, however, more common. HITHER AND YON. Used in some parts of the interior of New England for here and there. It is a frrovincial expression in England: “ Hither and yon; here and there, backwards and forwards. North.” Grose’s Prov. ~ Gloss. It is never heard except in the country towns. HOLPE or HOLP ; from Ae/p. This form of the verb it seems is still used in Virginia, where, Mr. Webster says, “ it is pronounced Aofe > Shall I hope you, Sir.” Webst. Dissertations, p. 384. It seems too that in England, as late as when bishop Lowth wrote, the ancient irregular form Ao/jie (in the hreterite -) was “ still used in conversation.” See his Grammar, gibi ular Verbs, sect. 3. I never heard it during my residence in that COUMEEy * Philosophical and Practical Grammar, p, 113. 86} 486 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language HOMINY or HOMMONY ; “ food made of maize broken, but coarse, and boiled.” Wedst. Hence a vulgar comparison—As coarse as hominy. HONORARY. Some writers among us frequently use this adjective instead of honorable: Ex. It was highly Aonorary to him. Zo HOPE. “ We may /ojsie the assistance of God. The word Sor or to receive is wanting. In this instance Aofe, which is a neuter verb, is turned into an active verb, and not very properly as to the objective term, assistance. It must be admitted, however, that in some old English poets, hope is some- times used as an active verb, but it is contrary to modern practice.” With- ersfioon’s Druid, No. 5. This verb, I think, would not be used in the manner above pointed out, by any American writer of the present day. HORSE-COLT. “ We frequently see in advertisements [in America] these terms, horse colt, mare colt, &c. A horse colt is simply a colf, a mare colt merely a filly.” Port Folio, new series, vol. ii. p. 309. HUB; the nave of a wheel. Used in New England. It is a frrovinciad word in England: “Huds, naves of wheels.” Marshali’s Rural Econ. Mid land Counties of England. It is not in ee dictionaries. t a: ILLY; illadv. This word rare Ha wn sation and in writing. It is not to be found in the English dictionaries, nor is it now used by English authors, the word i// being always employed by them both as an adverd and an adjective, just as the term weil is. dilly has been thought by some persons to be of American origin ; but this is not the fact. A friend has given me the following British authority : “ He then set himself wholly to God unfeignedly, and to do all that was possible in that little remainder of his life which was before him, to redeem those great portions of it, that he formerly so illy employed.” Bishop Bur- nets Accouns of the Life and Death of the Earl of Rochester, as reprinted. in the Christian Monitor, No. XX. p. 112. I was also told some time ago, by a friend, that it was used by Steele in the Spectator ; but the numéer, in which it was used, was not recollected. I have not been able to find it in any part of that work. Ainsworth has illy in the Latin part of his dic- tionary, (under the words mele and malim, y but in the English part he has il/ only. in the United States of America. 487 17> IMMIGRATE, IMMIGRATION, IMMIGRANT. These words were. first used in this country, I believe, by Dr. Belknap in his History of New Hampshire. In the preface to the third volume of that work he has the following defence of them: “There is another deviation from the strict letter of the English dictionaries, which is found extremely convenient in our discourses on population. From the verb migro are derived emigrate and immigrate ; with the same propriety as from mergo are derived emerge and immerge. Accordingly the verb. immigrate, and the nouns immigrant and immigration are used. without scruple in some parts of this volume.” There seems to be a conyenience, as the learned author observes, in having these words in the language ; but in practice they have not been found necessary. I do not recollect that any American writers (except such as haye copied from Dr. Belknap’s work) haye adopted them. None of them are to be found, I believe, in any of the English dictionaries except Bailey’s and Ash’s ; and these have only the verd, immigrate, not the sud. stantives, immigrant and immigration. They are all unknown to the English authors of the present day. Mr. Webster has inserted them in his dictionary, upon the authority, I presume, of Dr. Belknap. Mr. Kendall. (the English traveller already quoted) observes, that “immigrant is per- haps the only new word of which the circumstances of the United States fas in any degree demanded the a¢ dition to the English language.” en- dall?’s Travels, vol. ii. p. 252, note. te To IMPROVE ; to occupy, employ. The use of this word in the Jirst sense is very common in New England; but it is not much used in the second Sense, as in the following example; “ In actions of trespass against several defendants, the plaintiff may, after issue is closed [joined] strike out any of them for the purpose of improving them as witnesses.” Swift's System of the Laws of Connecticut, vol. ii. p. 238. : The following remarks of Dr. franklin, on this and some other words, will not be uninteresting to the reader. They are taken from his letter of Dec. 26, 1789, to Mr. Webster. “ I cannot but applaud your zeal for preserving the purity of our lan- guage both in its expression and pronunciation, and in correcting the pop-- 488 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language ular errors several of our states are continually falling into with respect to both. Give me leaye to mention some of them, though possibly they may already have occurred to you. I wish, however, that in some future pub- lication of yours, you would set a discountenancing mark upon them. The first I remember is the word improved. When I left New England in the year 1723, this word had never been used among us, as far as I know, but. in the sense of ameliorated or made better, except once, in a very old book of Dr. Mather’s, entitled Remarkable Providences. As that man wrote a very obscure hand, I remember that when I read that word in his book, used instead of the word emfiloyed, I conjectured that it was an error of the printer, who had mistaken a short / in the writing for an 7, and a y with too short a tail fora v, whereby employed was converted into improved ; but when I returned to Boston in 1733, I found this change had obtained favor, and was then become common; for I met with it often in perusing . the newspapers, where it frequently made an appearance rather ridiculous. Such, for instance, as the advertisement of a country house to be sold, which had been many years improved as a tavern; and ina character of a deceased coupty gentleman, that he had been for more than thirty Fae improved ice of the peace, This use of the word improve is peculiar to New England, and net to be met with among any other speakers. of English, either on this or the other side of the water.”’* Notwithstanding Dr. Franklin thus amuses himself at the expense of Dr. Mather, the word agama to have been used, at least in the éawe of his e Aapeeasrascessare eee “ae | * Dr. Franklin then has the following remarks on some other words: “ During my: late absence in France, F find that several other new words have been introduced inte-our parliamentary language. For example, I find a verb formed: from the sub- , stantive notice—I should not have notieed this, were it not that the gentleman, &C. Also another verb from the substantive. advocate ; the gentleman who adyocates ar who has advocated that motion, &c. Another from the substantive progress, the most awkward and abominable of the three ; the committee, having progressed, resolved to adjourn. The word opposed, though not a new word, I find used in a new manner, as, the gentlemen who are opposed to this measure, to which I have alvo myself been ieee If you: should happen to be of my opinion with respect to these innevati will use your au- thority in reprobating them.” Franklin’s Essays, vol. ii. p- 79. oo eat. * '_ in the United States of America. 489 ‘native state, long before the period above alluded to. See Provincial Statutes, 4. William and Mary, A.D. 1692. and Massa, Colony Lawa, title, CATTLE, CoRN-FIELDS, FeNoEs ; p. 12. Edit. 1660. This use of the verb improve is also noticed by Dr. Witherspoon ; see his Druid, No. 7. IMPORTUNAEY. This has been called an American word. (See Monthly Anthol. 1806, p. 92.) It is not in Johnson, but it is in Bailey and Mason, the latter of whom cites Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona and Timon. The word, however, does not appear to be much used by English writers of the present day. INCIDENT TO; liable to. “Such bodies are incident to these evils. The - . evil is incident or ready to fall upon the person; the person liable or subject to the evil.” Withers. Druid, No. 5. I have never known the word _. incident used in this manner in America. é INCIVISM; « unfriendliness to a state or government.” Webst. This modern word has never been heard in America since the first years of the Preach revolution. To INCULPATE ; INCULPATION ; to accuse ; accusation. These words _ are used by some American authors; but they are not in the English dic- _ tio aries, and _ are certainly not qmuch, if at all, used oY English writers. INDESIRABLE. © This word is c in the N ) Anthology, (1807, p. 281 -) I have never met with it it In | Rpdaacae i except in the instance there cited. INEXECUTION. “ The extensive discussions which had taken place relative >)» to the inexecution of the treaty of peace,” &c. Marsh. Life of Washing. ' vol. v. p. 474. I believe this has been sometimes used by English writers ; ~but.they generally make use of the term non-execution, as J udge Marshall himself commonly does ; see pp. 184, 275, 370, 473, &c. of vol. v. INFECTED. The Annual Review has hastily criticised Judge Marshall for using this word in his Life of Washington in a peculiar sense. The remark of the reviewers is :—“ Vol..v. p. 144, [Eng: edit.] meaning to praise them, our author says, ‘ the patriotic veterans of the revolution, infected by the wide spreading contagion of the times, arrayed themselves 87 490 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the Linglish language under the banner of the laws,’ Ann, Rev. vol, vii. p. 241. But the word infected is an.error of the press, in the London edition, for un-infected, In this same sentence theré is another alteration in the London edition : “ the fairiotic veterans” for “fatriot veterans,” as it stands in the American edition. x ns INFLUENTIAL; having influence. Zz. “ Persons who are strangers to the » influential motiyes of the day.” Marsh. Life of Wash. yol.v. p. 380. “He was a very influential man.” - Johnson and other Jexicographers haye this word in the sense of exerting influence ; but it does not appear to be used — nowin England. Burke, in one instance, seems to use the word prevalent as we should inflwentiai : “ I know that he and those who are much prrev- alent with him,” &e. Burke’s Works, Letter Fourth on the Regicide Peace, vol. y. p. 89. Ameri ed. eR fo INFORM. This verb is much used in the United States, in the following manner: The master of the ship which has just arrived, informs that he ~ left London on such a day ; for informe us, or says, or states, &e. To INFRACT. This is used by some American authors instead of ‘the’verb . £0 infringe. which jc ke -emn) A ore a ees a Wiss | oe 2 fing arate fee > 3 = a ee ee TaTOT rn + «. a ree er ee ‘Thi is a favorite word with some American writers, but is not in general use. The adjective infuriate is often used by the poets, and is in the Eng- lish dictionaries ; but the participle infuriated and its verb are not. INSULARITY. Used by some American writers. It is not in the English dictionaries, and, I believe, is never used by English authors. ©°° | INSURRECTIONARY. «Suitable to insurrections.” Mason. This word ‘was criticised a few years ago, in a review of “ Letters Srom Europe by a native of Penneylvania,” (see Monthly Anthology for 1806,) as an Ameri- canism, or, as the reviewers with some severity call it, an Indianism. It is not in Johnsons dictionary, but it is in Mason’s Supplement, where this. passage is cited from Burke—“ True democratic, explosive, insurrection- ary nitre,’” To which may be added the following, from the posthumous works of the same author—“ Why, the author writes, that on their murderous ineurrectionary system their own lives are not sure for an beds Whilst % * in the United States of America. 491 ““the:sansculotte gallery instantly recognized their old insurrectionary ac« -quaintance,” &c. Burke’s Fourth Letter on the Regicide Peace, yol. v. of his works, pp. 34, 35. Amer. ed. | _This word is a production of the French Revolution, and perhaps - (like the term sanseulotte and some others) would not have been used by » ~~ Burke, except when writing upon the affairs of France. I have never met with it in any other English author, and it is not mentioned by any of the lexicographers but Mason. are eon ere: or INTERVALE. “¢ sier the borders of the rivers, ata dist from one¢ another, are some small portions of meadow, or of those eit! ixipliada; that, in New: England, are included with meadow in the denomination of interval-lands, Kendail’s Travels, vol. ii. p. 71. Mr. Kendall then criticises Dr. Morse for using interval as synonymous. _ Jewith meadow, observing, that “if the word interval were synonymous with meadow, it ought upon no account to be employed; and it is only because it is not synonymous, that it is useful, and deserves to be retained....The ~ interval, intended in New England geography, is the iterval or space be- tweena river and the mountains, which on both sides uniformly accompany its course at a ee or less distance from.its margin. Hence interval- _yalley through which | 7 Belknafi uses the word intervale 3 fee that he can “ cite no very ancient authority for it; but it is well understood, in all parts of New Eng-- land, to distinguish the low land adjacent to the fresh rivers, which is fre- ~ sequently overflowed by the freshets, and which is accounted some of our » most yaluable soil, becauge it is rendered permanently fertile by the boun- tifal hand. of nature, without the labor of man.” Hist. of New Hampsh. vol. iii, preface, p, 6. To ISSUE. The British Critic for 1809 (yol. xxxv. p. 182) censures the use of this. verb, in the following passage of the Rev. Dr. Bapcroft’s Life of . Washington: “The northern campaign had isswed in the capture of gen- eral Burgoyne. p. 169.” It has been often used by American authors,and- is “still. sometimes met with in writing. Dr. Witherspoon has not mem- 492 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language tioned it among his Americanisms, but has himself used it in one instance : “ A curious debate ina certain family, which isswed in nothing.” It is also used in Ramsay’s Life of Washington, and censured in the review of that ~ work in the Monthly Anthology, vol. iv. 664. ITEM;; an intimation, a hint. Ex. I had an item of his designs. This isa oe word, and is used here only by the illiterate. It is in JoAnson’s dictionary ; but Grose has it among his frovincial words, and marks it as she to the Worth of England. JAG; asmall load. Vew England. Grose has it among the ecadhane: words of England: « Jag, a small parcel or load of any thing, whether on a man’s back or in a carriage, ee Bailey also marks it as a “ coun. try” word.: 9s JOCKEYING. “The Sco irene their bios accusing sion of un- fair dealing, or, as their phrase is, of jockeying.” Kendall's Trav. vol. i. pp. 87. -The verb to jockey, signifying “ to cheat, to trick,” is in Johnson’s and other English dictionaries. I do not know whether it is at all used at this time in England or not. In America it is considered as a low word, poe oa Ne and to! e soeee: 0.2 peksaiuts. ane sagas pags in pepe ee similis nr 1 A but they a Po ounce 5 a fol or OL a jouncing ey a heal Tough trot: Norf. Hs Grose’s Prov. Gloss. K. KEDGE ; brisk, in good health and spirits. Fa. How do. you do today? Iam pretty kedge. This is used- only in a few of the country towns of New England, but is unknown on the sea-coast.’ It is hrovincial “~~ in England. Grose defines it, “ brisk, lively,” and says it is used in the South. Ray also has it among his “ South and East Country words,” and explains it thus— brisk, budge, lively. Sugolk.? © To KEEP; to stay ‘at the house of any person. #2x. Where do you keep? _ — ‘keep'at my friend’s house. ew England. This is noted as an Amer- “icaniem in the Monthly a vol. v. p. 428. It is less used now &. _ than formerly. ence aparlour. Vew patel “ The latter pee it il in the United States of America. 5 493 in the parlour, or, as it is called, the keeping-room.” Kendali’s Trav. vol. il, p. 264. This is now more frequently called the sitting room. The term is frovincial in England: “Keehing-room, a sitting room. Worfolk.’” Marsh. Rural Econ. Norf. The term harlour, howeyer, is in general use in the sea-port towns of New England. KELTER or KILTER; good condition, order. Ex. This cart, or plough, is out of kilter. This is very common among the farmers of New England, It is one of the frovincial words of Great Britain : “Kelter or kilter ; frame, order, condition. orth. In good kelter; in good case or condition.” Grose’s Prov. Gloss. It is also mentioned by Marshall among his “ Pro- vincialisms of Yorkshire,” and by Ray in his “ South and East sour Words.” KNOLL ; a little round hill. In common use in the oonttey towns of New England. Grose has it as one of the provincial words of the orth of Eng- land. L. LANGUISHMENT. “ This disease [pulmonary consumption] which, after the country-people among the whites, they [the Indians] call a denguish- ment.” Kendall’s Trav. vol: ii. Re! 21), bei the author is speaking of the island of Nantucket. The wor ot in J. use in New England. LAY; n. terms or conditions of a bargain, price. ER I bought the articles at a good /ay ; he bought his goods on the same day that I did mine. 4 low word. Yo LAY for to LIE. Dr. Witherspoon observes, that “this is not only a pre- vailing vulgarism in conversation, but has obtained in public speaking, and may be often seen in print. I am even of opinion (he adds) that it has some chance of overcoming all the opposition made to it, and fully establishing itself by custom, which is the final arbiter in all such cases. Lowth in his Grammar has been at much pains to correct it; yet though that most ex- cellent treatise has been in the hands of the public for many years, this word seems to gain, instead of losing ground.” Druid, Vo. 6. This vul- garism, which is heard in England as well as America, is much less fre- 88? 494 Mr, Pickering on the present state of the English language quent at the present day, than it was when Dr. Witherspoon wrote, “Tt is still heard in conversation, but in writing every body avoids it, LEANTO, n. (commonly pronounced /inter.) “The part of a building which : appease to lean upon another.” Webst. It is not in Johnson; but Mason has it in his Supplement, where it is called an architectural term, and is defined thus: “A low shallow building joined to a higher,” which is the New England sense of it. LEASE, ». Used in some towns of New England thus: A cow-lease, that is, a right of apse for a cow, in a common pasture. Grose has the word, asa frovincialism of the West of England, : and remarks, that it is perhaps the same as /ees. LEGISL ATIVE. This, like the word Executive, is sometimes used in Amer- ica as a noun. “In the preface to the London edition of Ramsay’s History of the Revolution, it is classed among those American names, which the English “ have listened to without as yet adopting.” LENGTHY ; longish, somewhat long. This word has been very common in America, both in writing and in conversation ; but it has been so much ridiculed both by English and American critics, that our writers now avoid using H.- Mr. Webster has admitted it into his ictionary, but it be found in any ‘ofthe English ones. ‘Ttis: applied eas ie... remarks) chiefly to writings or discourses. pamphlet, a lengthy sermon, &c. Thus we should say, a lengthy The English would say, a long, or sometimes, a longish sermon : They make much more use of the termination ish than we do; but this is only in the language of conver- _ sation. Sometimes they use lengthened where our writers would hi ive em- ployed lengthy : “For the purpose of bestowing upon him, and upon all that belong to him a lengthened and elaborate eu logy.” Quarterly Rev. Jan. 1814, p. 314. A learned English friend, who has been in this country several years, informs me that he has sometimes heard lengthy used in conversation in England. LIABRATY: This is is common use in the United States, but is not to be found in the — dictionaries, None of the lexicographers, indeed, have vin the United States of America... 9) A495 the noun ¢iadleness, except Entick and Mason, the last of whom gives it on the authority of Butler's Analogy. LICIT ; jawful. This word was criticised ia the Monthly Anthology (18945 p. 54) in a review of the “ Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, Esq.” sq.” The reviewers say, “ ‘There is no such word as Jcéz, and we cannot allow > the author, respectable as he is, to coin language.” BICE; SALT-LICK. “A salt spring is called a dick from the earth about them 393 being furrowed out in a most curious manner, by the buffalo and deer, which lick the earth on account of the saline particles with which it is im- -pregnated.” . Imlay’s Fopographical Descripit. of the Western Territory of Nv America, p: 46, 2nd edit. BT} yn. Used by the farmers in some parts of New Eoitend eden: of gate without hinges. In some counties of England they use the term /i/t- gate for the same thing: “Lift-gate; a gate without hinges; being lifted into notches in the posts. Vorfolk.” Marshail’s Rural Econ. Nor,. LIKELY; sensible, of good talents. ew England. “Throughout the British dominions, and in most parts of the United States, the epithet /ikely conveys an idea of mere personal beauty, oncofinécted with any moral or intellectual _ quality. Buti in Vew fnetand: ...a@ Man or woman as deformed as a Hot- may be. pete or very keh. The epithet 7 sto >, Oe fe. 535. LINKS; ‘sausages. ‘Used in some of peg oe “of New inglan _.. is also used in Suffolk in England. See Grose’s Prov. Gloss. LINTO. See Leanto. LISTER. “One who receives and makes returns net ratable estate. Connecti- Pi out.” .; Webst. LIT or LIGHT, (pret. and part. of to light.) This word is censured, in a _. review of Bancroft’s Life of Washington, in the Monthly Anthology, vol. iv. p. 666. _ The reviewers say, “it has never been admitted into good company, aud we hope never will be.” This form of the verb i is to be found _+ in all the. dictionaries ; but in this country, as in England, it is only used in conversation. Bishop Lowth remarks, C See chapit. on pee Verba, 496 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language sect. 1.) that “ the regu/ar form is preferable, and prevails most in writing ;” and this is agreeable to the general practice in America. To LOAN ; to lend. In the preface to the London edition of Ramsay’s stadia of the American Revolution, this is classed among those American yerbs, which the English “have altogether declined to countenance,” and igen (says the Editor) “appear to be verbs invented without any apparent reason.” To LOCATE. 1.To place. “A number of courts properly /ocated will keep the business of any country in such condition as but few suits will be instituted.” Debates on the Judiciary, p. 51. 2.“ To survey or fix the bounds of unsettled land, or to designate a tract by a writing.” Wedst. This verb is not in the English dictionaries. LOCATION ; «the act of designating or surveying and bounding land; the tract so designated.” Webst. This substantive is in the English diction- aries, but not in this sense, M. MAD 3 angry, vexed, “I was see mad xt him, he made me mad. In this si instance mad is only a } or angry. ‘This is perhaps an English vulgarism, but it is not found? in ria accurate writer, nor used by any good speaker, unless when poets or orators use it as a strong figure, and, to heighten the expression, say, he was mad with rage.” Withersp. Druid, No.5. This is considered here as a low word (in this sense) and at the pres- ent day is never used except in conversation. It seems to be an Trish idiom. In Miss Edgeworth’s Castle Rack Rent, an Irishman says, “My lady would haye the last word, and Sir Murtagh grew mad;” i. e. (as she explains it in the Glossary to the work) “ grew angry.” The same use of the word by an Irish youth in the “Eton Montem” (Edgeworth’s Parents’ As- sistant) is the cause ‘of his offending one of his English fellow-stucents, till the Zrish meaning of the word is explained. The word occurs in the Spectator, No. 176, and seems to be used in this sense: « ng bid dear says she, you make me mad sometimes, so you do.” » mn the United States of America. “= 497 MANKIND. Mr. Kendall quotes the following expression of a Vermonter ; _ “if the government can put mankind in gaols,”” &c. and then makes this remark : “ It is to be observed that the word mankind, so ludicrous in its application here, is frequently used in New Zingland, as in this example, for men, in the indefinite sense.” Travels, vol. iii. p. 253. ‘This use of the word is not known in the towns on the sea-coast. MEMBER OF THE CHURCH. <« Returning to his house I missed a young man who had been with us; and on inquiring for him, was informed, that he had stayed behind, to receive the sacrament, with the addition that ¢ he was a member of the chureied, _ I was at length made to understand, that the church consists in a narrow circle within the circle of settled, qualified, and approved inhabitants, as that is within the circle of the society ; and that it is only to the church that the sacrament of the last supper is admin- istered.” Kend. Trav. vol.i. p. 115. Members of the church are fre- quently called, in New England, by way of eminence, professors of religion. To MILITATE. The preposition with is often used by American writers after this yerb ; the English say, to militate against. MISSION ; anembassy. This word, till lately, was. generally used to signify a religious embassy, as se Johnson pra it. It was first employed as a diplomatic term, I eli *» by Amer an » but is ni ett - the 7 3 4 ee apie “same manner by the English, “ He ‘had neard it reported, rted, that the aS tleman who had been sent on a mission to America, ke,” 2 — in Parliament, Feb. 26, 1808.. “ The French mission was still suffered to remain at Stockholm.” £dind. Rev. No. XLI. p. 155. MOCCASON or MOGGASON. “A shoe of soft dether without a sole, orna- ‘mented round the ankle.” Wedsz. An Indian name. MUSH. “Food of maize flour and water boiled. (Local.)’” Weést, The same thing which in the Vorthern States is called hasty-fpudding. MUSICAL. A friend informs me, that in some towns in the interior of New England, this word is used in the extraordinary sense of Aumorous, or sprightly. They would say of a man of humour, he is very musical. 893 498 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language N. To NARRATE ; “To relate, to tell.” Johnson. This verb is noticed, by being printed in #¢alics, in’ some English works, where extracts have been made from American publications. Dr. Johnson says, it is “a word only used in Scotland.” Walker, without controverting Johnson’s assertion, thus defends the word: “As it is regularly derived from the Latin narro, and has a specific meaning to distinguish it from every other word, it ou ght to be considered as anecessary part of the language. To ¢e// seems to imply communication in the most general sense : as to tell a story, to tell a secret, kc. Torelate, is to tell at some length, and in some order, as to relate the particulars of a transaction. But to narrate seems to relate a transaction in order from beginning to.end ; which often becomes insipid and tiresome. Hence the beauty of Pope’s—narrative old age: “The poor, the rich, the valiant, and the sees And boasting youth, and narrative old age.” Writers do not, I think, aes this distinction, The load is used in the Edinhorgh, dtevicn.- See vol. ii. p. 507, where it occurs twice. NATIONALITY. Used by some writers in America. 1 ve als¢ ‘jtonce write Sieiny Reve buries prarer in ae word, and is not to be found in the dictionaries. NAVIGATION ; shipping. “The word navigation is used in New England — for shipping, and for sea-faring.” Kend. Trav. vol. i. p- 321, note. It isin “ constant use in the first of these significations, but I never heard it used in the other ; nor do I perceive how it could well be employed as a “substitute for this adjective. Johnson has “ vessels of navigation,” as one of the mean- ings of the word, but it is on the authority of Shaksfeare : * “Tho? you untie ‘the winds, and let them fight Against the churches, tho’ the testy waves Confound and swallow navigation up.” NETOP. An Indian word which, a friend informs me, is still sometimes used in the United States of America. — 499 in conversation in a few towns in the interior of Massachusetts, to signify a Jriend, or (to use a cant word) a creny. The word is in Roger Williams’s | Key to the Narraganset Language, published in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. y. p. 82. Williams says, “ What cheer, netof, is the general salutation of all English toward them [the In- * dians, |” T> NOTICE ; to observe, to take notice of. This is not, as some persons have - Supposed, an American word. It is a modern word, and is not in Johnson’s “ae dictionary. _ Mason says, it is “a word imported into English conversation from Jaswant 3” but it is now in use in England, both in conver- ~» sation and in writing. “This work, which we really thought we had jymoticed long ago.” British Critic, vol. xxxiv. p. 537. “ The fourth, which _ we lately .woticed, &c. vol. xxxv. p. 18, The only English dictionary, in ~ whichI find it, is 4sh’s, where ‘it is said to be “ not much used,’ But that _ Work was published forty years ago. Yo NOTIFY. The following remarks of Dr. Witherspoon will explain the _ American and the English manner of using this verb: “This is to notify the public ; or the people had not been mor: ified, By this is Sater and pene In nals we do not notify the person : the this i instance there is derivation, to make-known. Now if you cannot say, this. py ie ety the » “public “known, neither ought you to say, this is to notify the public.” Druid, Now 5. Some American writers, however, preserye the English : “idiom. - “& The official letter notifying to the Convention the appointment of Mr. Genet,” &e. Marsh. Life of Washing. vol. v. Appendix, p18. The ‘practice of writers in England seems to have been invariable from the. days of Addison to the present: “ Having norifed ¢o my good friend. Sir Roger, _ that I should set out for London,” &c. Sfrectat. No; 132.: The act of no- : tifying to the world.” Johns. Dict. under the word Publication. “The ‘Coramander | in Chief, therefore, has it in comman¢ to convey to all hire officers the highest displeasure of the Prince ae conduct so unmil- itary and disgraceful, and to notify to them that they are no longer officers 500 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the Engiish language in his majesty’s service.” Duke of York’s General Orders, Sept. 10, 1813. In advertisements in the newspapers, where we should commonly say, the fiublic, or the inhabitants of the town, &c. are hereby notified, the Eng- lish would say, Votice is hereby given,” &c. O. To OBLIGATE. “ The word oddigate is unnecessary, and has no respectable support.” Review of Mr. Webster's Dict. in the Monthig. feeen sy» vol. vil. p. 263.. To OBLIVIATE ; to cause to be forgotten: I have never seen this ‘extraordi- nary word but once in any American publication. OBNOXIOUS. This has been generally used by American writers in the sense of odious, offensive, noxious, disagreeable, &c. “Habit renders the burden not only less obnoxiows, but less oppressive also.” Marsh. Life of Washing. vol. v. p. 264, The English formerly used odnoxious in the sense of liable or subject to; and Johnson accordingly explains each of these words by the others... But the practice in England is not invariable. . A writer in. the ceeds se ae (for Sept. 1806, p. 182) mentions among the Aropri sent day in England a thin ¢ “ use a of ihe: word obnox- a EE ree Sean ee es Sy Ca 1 eas er Now, 58 iy vedatu ee: “Sy, j you pak é Sys he t6: B the adit) that the fact i is, , that the wortt § is per- fectly innocent of any such meaning, and that it simply implies, incident, liable, or subject to; such as, that people are obzozxious (liable) to agues.” The use of this word in the sense of odious or offensive does not seem to to be altogether an impropriety of the present day. Ash (who wrote forty "years ago) mentions this as one of the meanings of the word; he says, how- “ever, that “ this'sense is colloguial.” At the present day it is often used in writing. “ Every proposition made in your parliament to remove the orig inal cause of these troubles by taking off taxes obnoxious for their princi- | ple or their design, had. been overruled.” ‘Burke’s Fourth Letter on the Regicide Peace. “ While, therefore, the Church of Rome declares any mitigation of her most obzoxious doctrines to be impossible,” &c. Quart Rev. Jan. 1814, p. 421. in the United States-of America. 501 OCCASION. Dr. Witherspoon ranks the following use of this word among the * local phrases and terms” of New England: “ Shalt I have occasion, i. c. opportunity to go over the ferry.”” I never heard it used in this sense, but it is often used for zeed in this manner: I haye no occasion for it. OCCLUSION; a shutting up, closing. The occlusion of the port of New Orleans by the Spaniards was calculated to give general alarm through the United States.” Letter of President Jefferson to Gov. Garrard, Dec. 16, 1802. This word has been often noticed, and ridiculed, by the English, as if it was a word in general use in America; which is by no means the case. Some few persons in this country, however, whose writings have reached England, have made use of it; but, though this may be a reasonable ground with an Englishman for presuming it to be one of our common -words, yet the peculiar opinions of a few individuals can no more make a usage here than in England ; and this very word has been the subject of as much ridiculein this country, as it has been there. Some persons have sup- _ posed that occlusion was used for the first time in this country in the letter above quoted; but this is not the fact. It was used many years before that, in Dr. Ramsay’s History of the A Revolution, (published in 1789) vol. i. p. 103. “ He had also hoped, that the prospect of pdvantage to the town of Salem, from its wae tale the seat of the cu: se, and from the occlusion of the port of Boston, would detach hem from the interest of the latter,” &c. In the London edition of the work, this word, being doubtless new to the English editor, was probably supposed to be an error of the press in the merican copy, and it is accérdingly changed into a word resembling it in sound, and which would occupy the same space in the page, the word ex-clusion. Occlusion is in the dictionaries. OFFSET. This is much used by the dawyers of America instead of the English term set-off ; and it is also very eon nee. language, in the sense of an equivalent : “ The exp f th d been strongly urged, but the saving in insurance, in ships pol mae and the ransom of seamen, was more than an offse¢t against this item.” Marsh. Life f Washing. vol. v. p. 529. It oo not in the dictionaries. = fr 502 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language OLD for szale ; in this expression, o/d bread. New England. From the fol- lowing extract this seems also to be a Scofticism. “ The Scotticism old bread seems no way inferior to the Anglicism stale bread.” London Monthly Magazine, Apr. 1800, p. 239. ONCE IN A WHILE. Dr. Witherspoon has put this among the “local phrases and terms” of the Middle States : “ He will once in a while, i. e. sometimes get drunk.” Druid, No.7. It is often used in New England. ONTO. A writer in the Cambridge Literary Miscellany (vol. ii. p. 217) pro- poses this as a new preposition in our language, to be used in such phrases as these : “An army marches on‘o the field of battle; a man leaps onto a fence,” &c. In the examples, however, which he gives, there seems to be no need of any thing more than the old simple prepositions, on, ufon, or to, The vulgar, indeed, constantly say on-to, or onto ; nor is it, as this writer supposes, a new term in writing. A friend has referred me to the works of Mr. Marshall, the well known English writer on Agriculture, who uses it; but he frequently divides it into its two parts, oz and fo. “ When the stack has risen too high to be conveniently forked on to from the ground,” &c. Rural Econ. Yorkshire, vol. ii. p- 144, London edit. 1788. _ And in his Gloucestershire (speaking of the method of feeding cattle in Wiltshire) he uses the compound: “The hay is all carried onto the land upon men’s backs,” &c. vol. ii. p. 154, and in other flaces. - But Mar- shall’s works are written in the most familiar style ; and some of the Eng- lish Reviewers have censured him for what they call (in one of his works) “a new-fangled language of his own.” See Brit. Crit. vol. xxii. p. 93. I had supposed that o% to had never beed used by any American writer; but an obliging friend has given me the following example: “ Take all your ci- garrs and tobacco, and in som¢ calm evening carry them on ¢o the com- mon,” &c. Lecture on the evil tendency of the use of tobacco upon young hersons, by Benjamin Waterhouse, M. D, p- 32. TO BE OPPOSED TO; to oppose. this motion, but others, who were “ Several members were in favour of offosed to receding from the ground already taken,” &c. Marsh. Life of Washing. yol. y. p. 206, et assim, Dr. Franklin many years ago censured this use of the verb as an innovation, See the note on the word Improve. in the United States of America. 508 ORGANIZE, ORGANIZATION ; applied to political bodies. In the pre- face to the London edition of Ramsay’s History of the American Revolu- tion, these words are spoken of as American “ additions” to the language : “ Some of these additions (says the editor) we have ourselves received, as in the case of the words “ organize and organization,” when applied to polit- ical bodies.” p. vi. fo ORIGINATE, v. a. “To bring into use.” Johns. The use of this as an active verb has been thought by some persons to be peculiar fo this coun- try ; but this is not the case. It is perhaps not so common with English as with American writers, but it sometimes occurs in their works. One of the English Reviews thus mentions it among the “ few blemishes in lan- guage” of a work entitled Discourses on various subjects, by the Rev. Robert Gray,author of the Key to the Old Testament: “We object to the word originates used actively.” Brit. Critic, vol. i. p. 95. It is very common with American writers: “ Bartholomew Gosnold, who had originated the expedition.” Marsh. Life of Wash. vol. i. p- 33. In the London quarto edition of Judge Marshall’s work this expression is changed into—“ who had planned,” &c. OVER for UNDER ; used in these expressions : He wrote over the signature Bs e., He published s © papers over his own signature. = A fow-of our writers: still comilenence th ‘ble innovation ; but the principle, on which it is defended, bison mettle the whole: lan- guage. The use of the word wnder in phrases like the above, is as well established as any English idiom. As it has, however, been questioned, and some writers appear to be serious in their conviction, that it is incorrect to use under, it seems necessary to give the subject a brief considera- tion. Mr. Coleman, the able editor of the New York Evening Post, has re- peatedly exposed this “ piece of affectation” (as he justly calls it,) and produced the following authorities from Dr. Johnson. and from Junius : “ The attention paid to the papers published wader the name of < Bicker staff” induced Steele when he projected the * Tatler’ to assume an appel- lation which had already possession of the reader’s notice.” Johnson's Life ef Swift. “J admit the claim of a gentleman who publishes in the Gazette 504 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language ‘under the name of Modestus.” Junius’s Letters.* But neither the argu- ments nor the authorities produced by Mr. Coleman seem to have convinced all the advocates of this new phraseology ; for some of them imagine that in one case, at least, it is necessary. They observe, that where a writer as- sumes a fictitious name, we miay say, under the signature, because some disguise or concealment is implied ; but that where he signs his true name, we should say, over his signature. But what difference is there in reality between the two cases? The advocates of over contend that they are right in the use of that term, because the writing is placed over or above the name ofthe writer ; but this is equally true in the case of a fictitious and a real signature. It is, indeed, a sufficient answer to them, that in fractice, among the few writers who: have adopted over, this distinction is not observed, but they use the term in both cases indifferently. But, after all, the question is a simple question of factm—what is the hractice of the best English writers 2 Now it:is so well known to be their invariable practice (and I may add, the Practice of our best writers) to say wader a name, and under a signature, that it will perhaps hardly be credited by English scholars, that any persons who pretend to speak the English language, could have questioned the Propriety of it. To the: authorities cited by Mr.» Coleman I will subjoin only two or three others: “ The first works which were published wnder my name,” &c. Dedication of the Tatler. “1 really doubt whether I shall write any more under this signature.” Private Letters of Junius to Mr. Woodfall, No. 5. In the late edition of Junius by Woodfall (published in 1812) the expression wnder the signature is continually used : the very title - page begins thus : « Junius, including Letters by the same writer under oth- er signatures ;” and in the Advertisement and Preliminary Essay to this edition the phrase occurs in almost every page. : ae +" C000 ecesesencecce * See the New Fork Evening Post of March 15, and Noy. 22, 1803. A writer in another newspaper, who adopts the signature of The Good Old Way, ironically closes his remarks upon this “awkward and absurd term,” as he styles it, by thus employ- ing i# for wnder— Given over my hand and seal,” &c, Salem Gazette, Apr. 2, 1813. in the United States of America. 505 oe PACKET, To the usual definition of this word, a vessel that carries letters, Mr. Webster adds, “ In America, a coasting vessel for frassengers.” A writer in the Monthly Anthology, (for Oct. 1809, p. 262) treats this (among _ other instances) as “an idle attempt to exhibit a distinction” between the English and American significations. The word seems, indeed, to be ap- plied in England to vessels employed for carrying fassengers and detters. The term facket has been considered as an abbreviation of facket-boat, which Entick and other English lexicographers define, “a boat for advice or fassengers ;” and this definition of packet-boat is is adopted by Mr. Webster. To PACKET. “To ply with a packet.” Webst. I have never known this verb used in America ; nor is this signification given in the English dic- tionaries. It is probably a /ocal use of the word. PAPPOOSE, (acvented on the last syllable, ) “the Indian name of a child.” Webst. Hence, as some have supposed, the vulgar expression of carrying any thing a-foose back (for pfrickback or hickafiack,) from the custom among the Indian women of = their children, or biases on their _ backs... The te | To PARADE; “to a se of drawing up troops. £x. The general Anraited his see at such a place. This verb is not inthe English dictionaries, and I do not recollect hearing it used by Englishmen. PARAGRAPH. Mr. Kendall (Travels, vol. i. p- 31.) after quoting a Connec- ticut writer, who speaks of the faragraphe of one of the laws of that state, makes this note upon the word: « By faragraphs is intended sections or clauses.” PARTLY ; nearly, almost. A friend informs me that this word is thus used in some towns of the Middle States: His house is partly opposite, i. e. nearly opposite to mine. Dr. Witherspoon has taken notice of this word, and gives the following example: “It is fartly all gone ; it is mostly all gone. This (he remarks) is an absurdity or barbarism, as well as a vulgar. ism.” Druid, No. 6. 912 506 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language PASSAGE; a passing. Used in speaking of the passing of laws. Ex. “ Be- fore the question was taken on the fassage of the bill,” &c. Marsh. Life of Wash. vol. v. p. 844. “ The opinion....derived additional support from the fassage of an act by the present Congress,” &e. ibid. p. 510, et passim. This use of the word passage is now very common in Congress and our other legislative assemblies, and has been adopted by many of our writers. It is criticised by the English Reviewers as an American inno- vation. See the dnnual Review, article, Marshall’s Life of Washington. Zo PEAK or PEEK; to peep. A friend informs me that this word is very common in the towns on Connecticut river; but it is only used in conver- sation. The participle fAcaking also, he informs me, is used there for sneaking, as it is in Shaksfeare: See Johnson’s Dict. Mr. Webster has observed that peek is “used corruftedly for peep.” See his Dissert. on the Eng, Lang. p. 387. PECULIARS. “All feculiars, viz. such places as are not yet layd within the bounds of anytown.” Massachusetts Colony Laws, tit. CHARGES PUBLIOE; p. 15. Edit. 1660. This word is now so wholly obsolete with us, that I have heard even lawyers “2 sags re! Soe To PEEK. See To Peaks PENDING. This is criticised as ele in the review > oF Mashall’s Life of Washington in the Monthly Anthology, vol. v. p. 438. It is rarely heard in this country except at the Bar. : PERK; “lively, brisk, holding up the head.” Weést, This wird 3 is in Johnsony. but is marked “ odsolete.” It is used in the interior of New England, and is commonly pronounced fark, (the ea as in fear ) just as it is written: in the passage which Dr. Johnson quotes from Spenser. PIECES ; papers. The Edinburgh Reviewers, in their review of the American: Mineralogical Journal, (published at N. York in 1810 by A. Bruce) make the following remarks upon an article in that work written by Dr. Mitchell — “The two first words of it bespeak a foreign idiom, characterizing, a3 might be expected, the Anglo-American language in which this Journal is written. The author begins by saying, ‘ These fieces were collected during a tour in the summer of 1809 ;’ and soon afterwards describing @ = Sad a ce) in the United States of America. 507 specimen of black flint, he adds, such as abounds ia the Seneka frairies.” Liding. Rev. Nov. 1810, p. 115." This. Gadlicism:is not in common use here ; but it has been adopted by some American, as it also appears toe have been by some English writers : “I received this moment your letter....with the enclosed pieces relative to the present dispute between rea king and the parliament.” Chesterfield’s . Letters, No. 244. PLEAD’; for pleaded. This is in constant use, inthe colloquial language of the Bar in New England ; but the verb to plead is a regular verb, and in England the regular form fleaded seems to have been invariably employed for centuries. “ He fleaded still not guilty.” Shaksfeare, as cited by Dr. Johnson. It is also used in the common version of the Bible. “ There I _ will plead with you, face to face, like as I fleaded with your fathers in the wilderness.” * Ezek. xx. 35, 36; and in various other flaces. “ Formerly the general issue was seldom pleaded.” « Every defence which cannot be thus specially pleaded. 3 Blackst. Com. 305, This word is noticed as an “inaccuracy” in the Monthly Anthology, for Feb. 1808, p. 109, and as an Americanism in the Port Folio, for Oct. 1809. hills mecowns: ar pools, in New England always denominated fonds.” Kendall’s Trav. yol.. ii, p. 39. POPULATED:; peopled. “A. thinly populated country.” Very ravely used in America. ; * The reviewers add to the remarks above quoted the following : “ Other exam- ples, proving the alteration to which our language has been exposed, chiefly by the introduction of Gallicisms, may be noticed in the rest of the Journal ; resembling expressions found in American newspapers, where for ‘a ship taken’? we read of ‘a ship captivated? 1 presume this is not intended to be given seriously as a real speci-. men of the style of American newspapers, but Gf the expression may be a ws. caricatire ; for Inever saw the word i thus ee even in our ne' moe We say “a ship captured” as th English do, but perhar expression than they do. j ee 508 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language PORTAGE. A carrying place by the banks of rivers, round waterfalls or rape ids, &c. In this sense the word is very common, and has been thought ne- cessary, in this country. In the following example it is used in a manner not common with American writers: “These re-inforcements could not ar- rive with the necessary quantity of provisions and other supplies, because the river La Boeuf....did not admit of their portage down it.” Marsh. Life of Wash. vol. ii. p. 16. PRAIRIE. A French term, which has been much used of late by American writers, to designate those remarkable meadows or plains which are describ- ed by travellers in Louisiana. Mr. Webster writes it frairy, and defines it “a natural meadow, or a plain naturally destitute of trees.” None of our writers, that I recollect, have adopted this orthography. The word hrairie is censured by the British reviewers, as a Gallicism. See the word PIECES. . PRAYERFUL; PRAYERFULLY. <£z. In a prayerful manner; may we be prayerfully disposed, This is used by some of the clergy; but it is not very common. It is not in any of the dictionaries. PRAYERLESS ; “not praying, not using prayers.” Webst. I have never - known this word to be used here. ‘It is not in the English dictionaries. To PREDICATE;; to found. “ Being predicated on no previous proceedings of the legislature.” Marsh. Life of Wash. vol. y. p. 408. “ It ought surely to be frredicuted upon a full and impartial consideration of the whole sub- ject.” Letter of Hon, J. Q. Adams, p. 5. Upon this passage the Editor of the New York Evening Post remarks: “ The fredicate is that which is affirmed of the subject of a proposition; it is here used as synonymous with Sounded,” This use of the verb predicate is very common with American writers, and in the debates of our legislative assemblies. PRESIDENTIAL; “ pertaining to a President.” Wedst. This is mentioned by a writer in the Monthly Anthology as “ one of the Jarbarisms in common use” among us. L£nglish writers have sometimes used it, but only in speaking of American affairs: “ The friends of Washington had determin- ed to support Mr. Adams as candidate for the presidential chair,” &c- Quarterly Rev. Jan. 1814, p. 497, in the United States of America. 509 PROFANITY. This noun is in common use here, more particularly (as a clerical friend once observed to me) with the clergy. It is not in the dic- tionaries, and I do net recollect eyer meeting with it in English authors: they continue to use the word frofaneness. “ We now sce them turn their arms with unimpaired vigour against vice and frofaneness.”? WW arburton, as cited in Knox on Education, vol. ii. p. 274. This word was also used here from the first settlement of the country till the period of the Revolu- tion. Yo PROGRESS. This obsolete English word, which (as I have been informed) was never heard among us before the Revolution, has had an extraordinary currency for the last twenty or thirty years, notwithstanding it has been con- demned by the English critics, and by the best American writers. The use of itin Judge Marshail’s Life of Washington has been censured by some of our eritics (see Monthly Anthology for August 1808) ; and a well known English Review, in noticing the same work, thus speaks of this verb: “ We object to the continual use of the word frogress asa verb; we are aware that authorities may be found for it in English writers, but such use had fortunately become obsolete till the American revolution revived it.” — Rev. vol. vii. p. 241. It is true that some authorities may be pees Feo, that the accent was forrneety placed on the first syable, and not (as’ we pronounce it) on the /ast : “Let me wipe off this honourable dew, That siverly doth prégress on ty cheeks.” Dr. Franklin condemned the word many years ago. ‘See the Vote on the word Improve. tr coeeety TET SE PROVEN; proved. This is often heard in the debates of Congres wis is sometimes used by writers in the Southern. States ; but. itis unknown in » New England, PROVINCIALISM. This has been censured by some American writers.gs.9n unauthorized word, ninly and, though 923 510 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language it is not to be found in the dictionaries. ‘The English reviewers use it. PROXIES, This word is thus noticed by Mr. Kendal, in his Travels, vol. i. p. 32. “The written votes or ballots, which through a mistake, or else abuse: of terms, the statutes occasionally call froxies.” This use of the term firoxies is unknown, I believe, in any other state than Rhode Island, and, perhaps, Connecticut. PUBLISHMENT ; an official notification, made by the clerks of towns in New. England, of an intended marriage. The term is in common use in most parts of New England, and is also adopted in some of their laws. “Any persons desiring to be joined in marriage shall have such their intentions published...or posted up by the clerk of such town; and a certificate of such fublishment....shall be produced as aforesaid previous to their marriage.” - Massachusetts Stat. June 22,1786. In England-they use the word fiwdli- cation of the banns: “ Marriage must be preceded by fudlication of the banns.” Rees’s Cyclo. v. MARRIAGE. PUNK; rotten wood, touchwood, spunk. A friend has mentioned this to me as one of our corruptions of the English language. The word is in common use in many, if not all parts of New England, but it is not to be. , found in this sense in any of the dictionaries. _ Ash, however, in the Sup- plement to his dictionary, has the following signification of it : “—a kind of fungus often used for tinder ;” but Bailey gives this meaning to the word sfunk, Mr. Webster has spunk. R. RACKETS; (used in the flural ;) a common term in some parts of New England, for the same things which in other parts are called snow-shoes. They are called rackets, no doubt, from their resemblance to the rackets used in playing tennis. RAFTY ; damp and musty, rancid. I have heard this word used by old people in New England. It isan English provincial word: “Rafty; damp and musty, as corn or hay in a wet season.” Marshall’s Rural Economy & Norfolk. To RAISE, In Wew England the farmers commonly say fo raise corn, wheat, &c.; butin England at the present day they say, to grow corn, &c. and this : in the United States of America. 511 expression is now getting into use in this country. This verb, and the noun Growers (which, according to the English writers, is “aterm /ro- vincially applied to farmers,’*) seem to be a part of the éechnical language of the agriculturists. Dr. Johnson calls grow a verb neuter, and his twen- ty-first signification of 70 raise is, “ to procure to be bred or propagated ;”” one of his examples is this, “ he raised wheat where none grew before.” Ash, whose dictionary is the only one in which I find to grow asa verb active, Says, it “is a colloquial word ;” but, at the present day, it is certainly used. by the agricultural writers of England. In some of the Southern States they also use the verb fo raise in this manner: I aas raised, i.e. drought uf, in such atown. The word is never thus used, I think, in the Vorthern States. This verb is also much used in our legislative assemblies in the following manner: A member moves, that a committee should be raised to take any particular subject into consideration ; and a committee is accordingly rais- ed. The English say, in parliamentary language, a committee was formed or appointed: “ Earl Liverpool moved that a committee of twenty one Peers be appointed by ballot to examine the Physicians on the state of His ce s pealth,, ad Beco, aba tee in Saha Sette Jan. 9, 1812; and “ The RAPIDS C fa river ; comateniy need bs in sae hierar: .)é Sa sae of a a rar Gebere the water is rapid over a moderate descent.” Webst. The following des- cription of the rapids of the river Ohio will further explain the term: “ They are occasioned by a ledge of rocks that stretch across the bed of the river, from one side to the other, in some places projecting so much that they are visible when the water is not high, and in most places when the water is extremely low. The fall is not more than between four and five feet in the distance of a mile,” &c. Imlay’s Topograph. Desert: of the Western Territory of the U. States, p. 51, 2d edit. RAW SALAD. Dr. Witherspoon makes the following remarks on the eet sion: ” Raw salad is used in the South for salad. N.B. There is no sal- ad boiled.” Druid, Vo.7. 1 donot know whether this expression is used | %. vd 512 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language. in the Southern States at the present Cay or-not: Itis not used, I believe, in New England. RECIPROCITY. This word has been remarked upon, by some of our writers as “hardly admissible.” See Month. Anthol. for 1806, p.102. It is not noticed by any of the lexicographers but Wa/ker and Mason, the latter of whom cites a /aw authority in support of it: “Any degree of reciprocity will preyent the pact from being nude.” Blackstone. But it seems to be used by English writers ; perhaps, however, it is mostly used by them in those political and other discussions which admit of a kind of language ap- proaching to the legal style: It is often used in the diplomatic style. Watker has inserted it in his dictionary without informing the reader that it is a new word, as he usually does in such cases. * REDEMPTIONER ; “ one who redeems himself by services, or whose services are sold to pay certain expenses.” Wedst. This term is used in the Sourh- ern States generally to designate the Germans, Irish, and other Europeans, who emigrate from their own country to the United States, and sell their services for a term of time to pay their passage money and other expenses. REFERENCE, The frequent use of this word in the following manner is notic- ed oe a late English traveller STON. ie “ aneine. expressions” ae to = ns AGH as the €1 ) nite SOTERA SOCK p. 306. Neo es Sek RELEA ASEMENT. The use of this word in esters s Life of Washington is censured by some ofthe English reviewers. See British Critic, vol. xxxv. p- 182, Itis very rarely used by American writers. I donot find it in any of the English dictionaries except Bailey’s and 4sh’s, and it is um uestion- ably obsolete, I never met with it in any work printed in England, except once accidentally in the Index to Smollet’s Historylof England ( Lond. edi- tion of 1796 ) in this article ; “ Murray Hon. Alexander—procession at his releasement from Newgate.” _ RELISHES. « About eight or nine, in-the morning they breakfast on tea cand cof- fee, attended always with what they call relishes, such as salt-fish, beef- ‘Steaks, sausages, broiled fowls, ham, bacon, kc. Pricst’s Travels in the © U~ States of America. To RELOAN; “to lend a second time,” Webst. See To Loan. wm the United States of America. 513 ToRELUCT. This word is censured, in a review of Bancroft’s Life of Washing- ton in the Monthly Anthology vol. iy. p. 666. Most of the dictionaries have it; but it is seldom used by American writers. REMOVE. n. “ At an infinite remove.” First Ripe Fruits, being a Collection of Tracts, &c. by the Rev. John M. Mason, New York, 1803. The Eng- lish Reviewers quote the above expression as an example of what they call the “ occasional vulgarisms, possibly Anglo-Americanisms,” of Dr. Mason’s work, See Review, in the Christian Observer, v. il. p. 564. RENEWEDLY; anew, again. This word is often heard from the pulpit. His not in the English dictionaries, REQUIREMENT. This is sometimes, though rarely, used in America. I do not find it in any of the English dictionaries, except Aailey’s, folio edition. RESEMBLAGE. This has been criticised by some of the English reviewers of “Marshall’s Li ife of Washington, as an instance of the “ incorrect language” of that work ; the reviewers evidently considering it as the American word for re-a bi. See saniat review, Vv. Vii. p. 241. But they have, in tS Ce this and several other instances, been misled by the incorrectness of the Eng- lish editions of Jadge Marshall’s work. In the present instance, the Ameri- can edition has re-assemblage which the reviewers themselves propose as the Substitute.* * The Linidod setae edition of this work (if we may judge from ¢] ‘the take giv. en in the Annual Review) must be grossly incorrect ; for of the thirteen j instances which © the reviewers give of American i accuracies in language, several are errors of the Eng. lish press. The word infected for un-infected has been already mentioned Another instance occurs in vol. ii. p. 551, London octavo, edit. [p. 479, Amer. ed.] where the reviewers suppose the author uses patrole for pore But = tones quarto, and the American, editions both have parole. NoA two words. A typographical error also in the name of Dr. Robertson (which in the London octave edition, it seems, is printed Robinson, though the quarto has Robertson) and an inad- vertence on the part of the author, in giving that distinguished | historian the title of ‘Mr. instead of his usual one of Dr., are made the subject of an unmerited degree of ridicule. In the American edition, the name is correctly printed. We have enough corruptions of our own to answer for, without being responsible for: those which the ete printers make for us. ye never, I trust, be so wanting imeandour, as 514 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language RETORTIVE. This is called “ anew word” in an American review of Barlow's Columbiad. See Monthly Anthoi. vy. vii. p. 117. 1 presume no other A- merican author ever used it.* ROCK. This is much used in Vew England instead of stone: We often hear the phrase heaving rocks, for throwing stones. . Yo ROIL.; “to render turbid by stirring up lees; to disturb the mind and ex- cite anger.” Webst. New England. This verb is often used, in conversation, in the first of these senses, by people ofall ranks ; but the second sense is confined to the vulgar. I do not find it in the dictionaries, with either of these significations. Grose has it as a frovincialism thus : “ Roil or royle ; to perplex, fatigue. Vorth.’’ ROILY ; turbid, thick. ROMANTICALLY. Thisis ridiculed in the Monthly Anthology for 1806, p. 92. as “an Indianism.” It is not in use in this country. I haye, in one in- ' Stance, met with the still more extraordinary word, romanticity. RUGGED ; hardy, robust. ew England. Englishmen remark upon our use of this word in conversation in the above sense, as one of our peculiarities. Thus we often hear the expression, a rugged, i, e. robust boy.. RUN, 2. “A ‘small stream,” Wik Kew England. This is sometimes used in conversation, but not in writing. The English dictionaries do not give this sense of the word: Most of them, however, have runnel, which John- son defines “a rivulet, a small brook ;” jbut Walker says this is “ little us- ed :” I may add that in America it is never used. ee RUNGS, x. flur. A very common name in New England for the rounds or steps to charge these reviewers with ignorance because they have in this very review given our countryman Minot the name of Minor. * Mr. Barlow has used a great number of words which no other American writer per- haps would have ventured to employ. Many of them have been condemned in the Edin. Review, vol. xv. p. 28, and by almost every one of Mr. Barlow’s own countrymen. As these words may, with the strictest propriety, be said to be peculiar to Mr B. and will probably never be used again, I have thought it — particularly to men- tion them. in the United States of America. 515 of aladder. Grose gives it asa provincial word of the North of England, and .4s/ also calls it “ a local word.” The braces or rounds of common chairs are also called rungs. The word has generally been considered here as a mere corruption of rounds, and stein of education use only*this latter word. SABBATH. “On Sunday, or as it is ere {in New England] uniformly denom- inated on Saééath, I accompanied an entire family to church.” Kendall’s Trav. v.i. p. 115. To SAG ; to sink, or settle. An English friend has pointed out the use of this old word, as one of our peculiarities. It is in the dictionaries, but Sheridan and Walker say “ itisnotin use.” Itis used here in Johnson’s first signification of ¢o swag, that is, “ to sink down by its weight ;” and it has, I think, been generally considered as a mere Corespoee of that word. SALAD. See Raw Salad. SALT LICK. See Lick, SAMP; « maize broken coaraty boiled and mixed with milk, &c.’? Wedst. An Indian word. SAPPY ; “ full = sd jucys young, simple.” Webst. An. _ revie - Webster’s. dictionary, observes—* We never saw his “word ete yes ‘ased ir this 7 last seme." priditineas Anthol. vol. vii. p. 263.. Mr. Webster, however, in ad ti the word has only followed Z£ntick’s dictionary, of which his own is “ an enlarg- ment and improvement.”* The same signification of the word is also given in Perry’s and Dyche’s dictionaries, but I have not found it in any other. It ‘is universally considered here as alow word, in this sense, and is not very often heard even in the most familiar language of conversation. SAT for SET. Ex. “Isat out yesterday morning, for I set out.” This is hot, as some have supposed, peculiar to this country. Lozw?s, in comment- ing on the use of these two verbs in English works, observes, that “ se¢ can * See Prefuce to Mr. Webster’s Dictionary, p. xix. 516 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language be no part of the verb ¢o sit ;” (see his Grammar, Irreg. Verbs) and Dr. Witherspoon classes the example above given, among his “ Vulgarisms of 4ingiand and America.” Druid, 0. 6. I do not, however, recollect seeing eat ever used for set in any English publications of the present day, not even in the newspapers ; and in America this error is much less common now than it formerly was ; for though itis still heard in conversation, it is not of- ten to be met with in writing.* SAUCE. A gezeral termamong the country people of New England for all the common esculent vegetables. Hence those farmers, who supply the mark- ets with vegetables, are sometimes called by their brethren, sauce-market- ers. The term sauce is sometimes used “ more strangely” (to adopt the words of an English friend) to signify impertinence. In some parts of England (as the same friend informs me) the term garden-stuff is used as a general name for vegetables, and Ash accordingly has that term ; the other English lexicographers have garden-ware. SCOW ; “a large flat-bottomed boat.” Webst. In some parts of the United: States it is called a ee (which see.) The word scaw, a snower American writer, is properly an American word, eaade fro a 2 em 1 boat, which is us- ¥ aPunly"he inericn. afd a reer as” a pood a Pwore's as the track schuyts of the Dutch. »Port Folio, New Series, vol. vii. p. 328.+ SEA-BORD or SEA-BOARD; «towards the sea.” Bailey. This nautical term is often heard in conversation, and is sometimes used in writing. Ido not find it in any of the English dictionaries except Bailey's, Ash's, and Mason’s Supplement to Johnson: and it is doubtless out of use ron —— except among sea-faring people. There is some difference of ici” Thi gross inaccuracy bean not E capaped the ridicule of our own writers. The fol- lowing | agraph ig ) appeared a few years ago in a periodical pub- lication : “Why do so many persons write “ Saz out in a coach.” or “ sat out on foot. SAT Versum.” tT Mr. Webster’s definition agrees best with the scows or gondolas of the Worthern States, which are strong built, heavy boats, about 30 feet long and 12 feet wide. in the United States of America. 517 opinion among the lexicographers as to the orthography of this icrm, and what part of speech itis. Bailey writes the last syllable of it with ana, Sea-doard ; Ash copies Bailey’s orthography, as well as his definition, and calls it an adverb. Mason writes it without the a, sea-dord, and calls it an adjective. His authority is Spencer, who, however, according to Horne Tooke, is one of “the worst possible authorities for English words :” “ Sea-zorp. adj. Bordering on the sea. There shalf a lion from the sea-bord wood Of Neustria come roring. F. Q. B. Ill. c. iii. st. 47. The watry South-winde from the seabord coste Up-blowing doth disperse the vapour loste. Jb. c. iv. st. 15.” Mr. Webster has it as an adjective (adopting Mason’s definition), and also as a noun, which he defines—* the shore or edge of the sea.” He writes it Sea-bord. | The term Lind dian Ihave never met with in any instance but the following, either in writing or conversation: “ The position and circum- stances, of the United States er them —- to fear on their /and-board, and nothing to sent rights... But on their sea-board they are one o injary,” ‘&e. 5 acne Sereary of Sate Me a son) on Commercial Restricttons tc. Dec. 16,1793. SECTION. Since the French Revolution this word has been much used here instead of part, quarter, kc. Ex.“ In this section of the United States.” It _ is not in general use in England. SECTIONARY; (from the preceding noun) belonging to a section of a country, or local. I have never met with this extraordinary word except in the fol- lowing instance : “ This veneration arises not from a little and = cae I have once also met with sectional. — SEE for SAW, (freterite of to see.) “I see him yesterday, or #¢¢” him last week; forI saw him, In Scotland the vulgar say, I seed him last week. s Withersp. Druid, No. 6. This is never used except in the language of conversation, and at the present day is only heard among illiterate people. 948 of sectionary attachment.” 518 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English lanai ve SERIOUS. “ Serious, has [in New England] the cant acceptatioa of religious.” Kendall’s Trav. vol. i. p. 323, not. SEWENT:: See Suant, SHEW for SHEWED or SHOWED ; pret. ofto show. Ex. “I shew itto him yesterday.” Several years ago this corrupt preterite was very common in New Eng- land, but it isnow much less used than formerly. SHOTE; a young hog. Mew England. This is a provincial word in England. Ray in his South and East Country words, under the word Sheat says“ A Sheat ayoung hog: Suffolk. In Essex they call ita Shote; both from Shoot.” SIR. The words Sir and Ma’am are used in some parts of New England for Fa- ther and Mother, and for Master and Mistress. But they are not so com- mon now as they were some yearsago. At our colleges also, the Bach- elors of Arts have the appellation of Sir, as in England they have that of Dominus. SIRS; z/. of SIR. One or two attempts have lately been made in this country to revive this antiquated pAb. but they have been unsuccessful, i 7 pasasinm 20 a doors | shat 5 is, £9 abat it with ek, Sees The common use of this low word is.a subject of rematk with English- men. Itisnot, however, peculiar to this country ;_ but in England, (accord- ‘ing to Grose) it is a a pfrrovincialism. I do not find this use of it in any of the dictionaries, except sh is, Barclay’ Sy Perry’ s and. Entick’s; and Ash, in his Supplement, does not note it as Joca/, or provincial, but only as“a a col- Joquial word.”” Mr. Webster adopts Entick’s explanation of it. English writers sometimes put it into the mouths of low characters in plays and SLANG-WHANGER. The Monthly Reviewers, in their account of he Eng- lish edition of the well known American work called Salmagundi, have the, following remarks on this term : “ When, for instance, he [the editor] tells us that ¢ Caucus’ (an assem- bly) is the only ¢merican word that he has found in these volumes, he evi- in the United States of America. 519 dently forgets the fayourite compound term‘ sleng-whanger’ (u newesfaper- writer ) which occurs in almost every paye ; and indeed many more vulgar- isms, or at best frovincialisms, which we forbear to mention, but hope we may not see repeated in similar compositions,” &c. Jonth Rev. yol. \xv. p. 429. This word, which is of yery recent origin in America, does not denote merely a“ writer ;” it-also means a noisy ‘acker, who makes use of that sortof political or other cant, which amuses the rabble, and is called by the vulgar name of s/ang. It is hardly necessary to add, that this term (as well as slang-whanging) is never admitted into the higher kinds of writing, but like other cant words, is confined to that familiar style which is allowed on- dy in works of humour. ToSLAT ; to throw down with violence, to dash against. Zax. “ He slat the ‘book down upon the floor.’ 4 low word, used only in conversa~ ‘tion. It is an English frovincialism, and is not in the dictionaries. Ray has it among his Worth Country Words thus: “To slat on, to leck on, {pour on] to cast on, ar dash ‘against. “Vox evouerom.” Mason adopts it from Ray, and adds an authority: “To slat, v. to dash. Slatted his brains out, then soused him in the briny sea. Marston’s Maicon.” “Those pasts = use it here, do not make the preterite slatted, but slat. It is SLEIGH ; a a carriage for travelling on the snow!” 0777 7a sea Mr. Kendall, after mentioning this word in his Travels (vol. iii. p. 119) thas this note upon it: “A /ocad name for sledge, Jearned of the Dutch colo- “nists.” Mr. Webster writes it Sley; anda reviewer of his dictionary has ‘the following remark on the word = : ee “ Sley being a vehicle in on use with 1 unk has a claim, we confess, to a place in an English dieiniate 3 but whit it here to remark, that we have commonly, we believe ones oe aa ed sleigh”? Month. Anthol. vol. v. pe 429+ 2 gaat SLIM ; $ ordinary, mean. 4 low word. ea ; we Ray has slim, among his orth Country Words. — in dia word generally used [in Lincolnshire } —— a a . says, that even in its usual sense (i. e. slender) it 18% a word, 520 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language seems, and therefore not to be used ;” though Mason is of opinion, that «“ Addison’s —_ it may be deemed a sufficient reply to the supposition of its being cant.’ SLOSH or SLUSH. (The frst orthography is most conformable to the com- mon fironunciation). A low word. ‘This term, and its derivative sloshy, (or slushy) are often used by the people of New England, in speaking of the state of the roads when they are covered with snow and a thaw takes place. It is very common to hear people say—The roads are sloshy ; it is very sloshy going, kc. It isnot in any of the English dic- tionaries ; but all of them, I believe, except Bailey’s, have the word sludge, and define it as Dr. Johnson does—“ Mire, dirt mixed with water.’ Grose has s/udge in the same sense, as a frovinciai term, peculiar to the Vorth of England. ( Prov. Gloss.) Marshall also has sludge among his Provincial- isms of the Midland Counties ; sluss, among those of orfolk, and slush among those of Yorkshire ; and he defines them all nearly in the same words, Mr. Wedster has sludge, but not slush or slosh. To SLUMP ; « to sink or fall into water or mnd, through ice or other hard suT- face. New England.” Webst. A colloquial word. « This word (says a re- viewer of Mr. Webster’s dictionary) is certainly be ere As ofa ewes in such 3 work.” Monthly Anthol. vol. vil. p. 264. Loh eh ‘This is an English provincialism : To slump ; to eye or “fall iis down in any wet or dirty place.” Ray’s Worth Country words. This author has it also, with the same explanation, among his South and East Country words, where he observes that “ it seems to be a word made fer onomato- faian from the sound.” Grose copies Ray, but considers the word slum/i as peculiar to the North Country, and says, that “in the South, flump is used in that sense.” Prov. Gloss. The word slump is in Bailey’s diction- ary (where it is marked as a Worth Country word), but it is omitted by John- son and the other modern dexiavgraphons; except .4sh, who has it with this remark, that it is “ a Zocal word.” SLUSH. See Siosh, SOCIAL. “In Franklin Place apartments are occupied by the Boston Social Library, &e. By social is here intended sServintie 3 for by a perversion of in the United States of America. 521 language the sociery-libraries, of which some account has been given in a former chapter, are so called.” Kendail’s Travels. SOCIETY. Mr. Kendall has the following remarks upon the use of this word in the state of Connecticut: “I have used the words society and church [See Member of the Church | in senses new to most English readers.....A society is a community or corporation established, for the most part, for the two- fold object of religious worship and common schooling ; but in some in- stances, for religious worship only.....Sometimes a town composes one so- ciety, sometimes it seis two or more.....950 far the arrangements sup- pose Is opinions; but if these jar, then the society, as to inthe arrangements, has no reference to territorial subdivision. Two or three societies may subsist in the same town; and while one neighbour belongs to one, the next may belong to a second. * In like manner a socicty may be composed of portions of the inhabitants of two, three, or four towns, who severally disagreeing with their immediate neighbours unite them- selves with each other; but, however societies may be constituted, as to matters of religious worship, the second object, that of common schooling, is always of a local nature ; and towns therefore, uniformly consist of one - Kendall’s Trav. vol.i. p- 106. or more societies considered as distinct.” i t parts of New England, however, the term gociety is not ee to howe communities or districts which are ed for the” 4 maintaining schools, for they are commonly called school-districts. To SOLEMNIZE ; to make solemn, or serious. This is frequently heard from our pulpits. It is not explained in this sense in the English dictionaries, but is sometimes to be found in English authors. An obliging friend has given me the following example: “ It seems to have a good effect in so/- emnizing the minds of the hearers.” Letter of Lindsey, quoted in Bel- sham’s Life of that writer, p. 113, not. SOME ; Somewhat, something. £2. He is some better than he was; ‘it rains some ; it snows some, &c. Used chiefly by the illiterate. Ss This is not so much used in the seaports, as in the country towns, of New England. It is also a Scotticiem : “ Some is very often used in the North for somewhat or something ; as, He is some better.” Monthly Mag. Jor May 1800, p. 323. , 2 SPAKE; (preterite of wen This antiquated word is sometimes heard $22 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English anguage from the fulfit, and I have in one or two instances heard it in cone versation ; but itis always remarked upon asa sincularity. This, and the old preterites sang, sprang, forgat, kc. (as Mr. Webster justly observes) “ are entirely obsolete in ordixary practice, whether popular or polite ; and it seems advisable not to attempt to revive them. In addition to this rea- son for omitting them (he adds) there is one which is not generally under- The sound of @ in these and all other like cases was originally the broad 2 or aw; which sound inthe Gothic and Saxon, as in modern Scotch, ~ corresponded nearly with'o in sfoke, ewore. Spoke is therefore nearer to the original than sfiake, as we now pronounce the vowel a with its first or long sound as in sake,” Philosoph.and Practical Grammar, p. 117. not. SPAN; a pair, Used in this expression: A span of horses. Vew Eng- fand. 1 do not find this sense of the word in any of the English dictionaries nor in Ray’s or Grose’s Glossaries. The Germans say, a sfan or gesfann ochsen oder pferde,a team (not exclusively one pair) of oxen or horses. From sfian we have, in some parts of New England, the term sfan-shackle, or draft-iron of a cart or plough. SPELL. “A spell of sickness, a long sfell, borrowed from the sea dialect”. Withereft. Druid __ is speaking of the « Vulgarisms of America,” SPRIGH or SPRY; “nimble, brisk, quick in action.” Webst. Mr. Webster adopts the latter orthography, This word is very common in New England, in conversation, A re- viewer of Mr. Webster’s dictionary observes, that it “is a word which has neither use nor dignity.” Morith. Anthol. vol. vii. p. 264, ; I do not find it in any of the English dictionaries; but a friend informs me, that it is used “ by the common people in Somereetshire,” in England ; and Grose has a word which is perhaps the same, though with a dif- ferent orthography : “ Sfroil, lively, active. Weet (of England]” Prov, Gloss. Under this word he refers to the word stroil, which, he says, in the Lxmore dialect, means « strength and agility.” SPUNK, This is frequently used here by the yulgar to denote spirit or cour- age ; and the same class of people use it in England; but perhaps it is not so common there as here. Walker says, it is“ used in Scotland for anima- tion, quick sensibility.” in the United States of America. 523 To SQUALE ; tothrowa stick, or other thing, with violence and in such a man- ner that it skims along near the ground. ew England. It is frovincial in England :. “ To sguale; to throw a stick, as atacock. West (of England].” Grose’s Prov. Gloss. To SQUAT; to squeeze or press. Ex. The boy has sywat his finger. Used by the vulgarin New England. It isan English provincial word: “ To squat; to bruise or make flat by letting fall. South.” Grose’s Prov. Gloss. The dictionaries have to syuash, in the same sense. SQUATTERS. A cant name in New England for those people who enter up- on new lands and cultivate them without permission of the owners. “ The Jarge proprietor.....upon visiting his lands, finds his timber cut down and sold, and crops growing, houses built, and possession taken by a race of men {the settlers and /wmberers) who, in this view, are called sguatters.” Ken- . dall’s Trav. vol. iii. p. 160. SQUAW ; an Indian woman. “The men make the poor sguaws, their wives, do all the drudgery for them.” John Dunton’s Journal, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historicad Society, vol. ii. p. 114. Wew Series. “Squaws; woman: Squaws-suck ; women.” Roger Williams's Key into the language of the Indians of New England ; frublished in the Collec, Mas- “eas Hiat Society, vo). iii. p-208... 2 ee To SQUIGGLE ; to move about like an ‘el teaveritae’ sare of New Eng. fand, but only in very familiar conversation. It is often used figuratively in speaking of a man, who evades a bargain, as an eel eludes the grasp. Ido not find this word in any of the dictionaries, or glossaries, To SQUIRM ; to move about like an eel. Wew England. This is an English. frrovincial word : “ To move very nimbly about, after the manner of an eel. Itis spoken ofaneel.” Ray's South and East Country words,and Grose’s Prov. Gioss. It is innone of the dictionaries except Bailey’s (octavo edi- tion) and .Ash’s, in the latter of which it is erroneously printed sguirn. It is never used here except in the most familiar conversation. STAGE; astage-coach. x. I rode in the stage s the stage is gone, &e. In England they never use the word stage by itself, but say, either the coach, or the stage-coach. We say, the mail-stage; the English say, the mail- coach. The expression is analogous to fost-coach, host-chaise, &e.. STAGING ; scaffolding. Used in New England, and, I believe, in other parts of the United States. 524 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language STALKS. See Corn-staik. Yo STARVE; “to perish or kill with hunger ; (with cold ; England.)” Webst. “ This [* with cold’] applies to conversation only.” Month. Anth. vii. 262. STEAL (pron. sail); the handle of various implements; as, a rake-steal, a Sork-steal, &c. Used by the farmers in some parts of New England. It is a frovincial word in England: “The s¢eai of any thing, i. e. manubrium, The handle, or fediculus, the foot-stalk: @ Belg. steel, stele: Teut. stiel, fretiolus.” Ray’s South and East Country Words. STOCKHOLDER; a proprietor, ina Bank or other incorporated Company. The words fropfrrietor and member are sometimes used here, but stock- holder is the most common. In England, when speaking of the East India Company, they uniformly say froprietors or members ; andthe same words are also used in most other cases. Sometimes, however, the term share-hol- ders is used. The word stock-holder is not in the dictionaries, nor do I re- collect meeting with it in any British publication, except ‘in the following instance, where it is used to signify the holders of the fudiic stock or funds : “The stock-holders, who allow inferior capitalists to derive a profit from chcages will diminish that allowance.” Edin, Rev, vol. ili. p. 475. ® several si and warehouses, called. stores, for the male or erie nor ere ogg &c. Kend. Trav. vol. i. p. 128, & A druggist’s shop is sometimes called an afothecary’s store,” yol. iii. p. 128. This word is used in the same manner in the British province of Canada. See also Book-store. STRICKEN. This antiquated peaticinls is much used in our legislative assemblies. A member moves, that certain parts of a bill should be stricken out, &c. It has long been considered as an obsolete word in England: Dr. Johnson many years ago called it “the ancient partici- ple of strike.” But some individuals in that country, as well as in this, occasionally use it, The latest instance I have seen is the following, from a London newspaper: “ Many of the foreigners were much stricken with the splendour of the scene.” The Statesman of June 10, 1814, in the ae- count of the“ Court at Carlton House”? Our own critics have all condemn- ed the use of it, and I do not reccollect: meeting with it in any of our best writers. in the United States of America. 525 SUANT ; even, regular, x. The grain is sown suant. Used in some parts of New England, It isan English frovincialism : Marshall has it a- mong his Provincialisms of the West of England thus: “ Souant ; fair, even, regular. (A hackneyed word).” Grose also has it, with only the change of s into z, which is common in that part of England: “ Zuant ; regularly sowed. The wheat must be zown zuant.” Prov. Gloss. SUBSCRIBER, “Letters signed by princes are a very uncertain test of the tal- ents of (what by a very convenient American innovation is called) the eué- acriber,”’ Edinb, Rev. No. xii. p. 188. SUCCOTASH; “a mixture of new soft maiz and beansboiled.” Webst. An Indian word. ToSWAP. See To Swof. SWEEP, zx. The same thing which in Yorkshire, in England, is called a swapie ; that is, “a long pole ‘tuning on a fulcrum, used in raising water out of a well.” Marshall’s Provincialisms of Yorkshire. Itis hardly necessary te observe that it is used only in our country towns. To SWOP or SWAP. “ To exchange, or,as they term it, o swaf:, are the pur- suits in which they wish to be constantly engaged.” Kend. Trav, vol. iil. p. 87. juni word 2 bas | becn, often noticed by English travellers in this country, scar acne by the wsigar! in that Seay. Dr, Johnson and the other lexicographers call it a low word, but do not speak of it as provincial. Horne Tooke also mentions it without any remark of that kind, and gives the following etymol- ogy of it: “ The Anglo-Saxon yerb is swifian, in modern English to sweeft. Swoop and swop are (as we have already seen in so many other instances) its regular past participle,by the change of the characteristic I to O..A swof: between two persons, is where, by the consent of the parties, without any delay, any reckoning or counting, or other adjustment of proportion, something is swept off at once by each of them.” Diversions ¢ Purley, Part 2. p.317—18 Amer, Edit, This word is also much used in Zreland : «He makes me an offer to seu. his mare.” Edgeworth Castle Rack Pid ar te 526 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language cf To TACKLE;; to harness. ew England. I never heard this word used in Eng- land, and it is not in Johnson’s dictionary, as a verd, in any sense. dsh calls it “ alocal word from the subtantive’ Tackle, and defines it— To accou- tre ; to put the saddie and bridle on a horse.” £ntick also’ has it with the following definition: “ To saddle, accoutre, fit out, prepare.” To TARRY ; to stay, to stop. Wew England. This verb is entirely obsolete in England; and it sounds as strangely to the ear of an Englishman, as J wist not, I wot not, and a thousand other antiquated expressions of that sort would to us. | TAVERN. “ By the word savernin America is meant an inn, or publick house of any description.” Annual Rev, vol. i, p. 106, note. This word is also no- ticed in Kendall’s Travels, vol. i. p. 129; and the expression to keeft tav- err,in the same work, vol. ii. p. 148. In Great Britain (as an obliging English friend observes) “ a tavern is a mere eating house; an inn is a house with lations for man and horse.” The word tavern is used in the British Province of Canada just as it is in the U. States. See Lam- bert’s Travels, TEDIUM; ¢ irkso 7 ” Bailey, fol. edit. nae ge dani PeVieWEr OF Han srGrr LPS oF Wasnineen Wii this word is used) observes that “ tediwm is not English.” Monthly Anthot. vo iv. p. 665. The only English dictionary in which I have found it is the folio edition of Bailey’s ; the octavo edition of that work (of the year 1761) omits it. Itis not in Mr. Webdster’s dictionary. Itis extremely rare in the writ- ings of Americans ; I never met with it except in thei instance above alluded to by the reviewer. To TEST ; “to compare with a standard, try, prove.” Webst. This verb is now in general use with American writers. “ An occasion presented itself for testing the firmness of the resolution he had deliberately taken,” &c. Marsh. Life of Wash. vol. v. p. 400. [p. 469. Lond, 8vo. edit.] “Let us test this dogma by plain fact.” First Ripe Fruits, &c. by the Rev. John Mason, New York, “In order to test the correctness of this French system of ser- monizing,” &c. 4dams’ Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, vol. i. p. 334 The use of test asa verb is condemned by the English Reviewers. The in the United States of America. 527 Annual Review (vol. vii. p. 241) mentions, among the instances of “ incor- rect language” in Marshall's Life of Washington, the use of « testing for hutiing to the test,” inthe example above quoted from that work. The Christian Observer (vol. ii. p. 564) in the review of Dr. Mason’s First Ripe Fruits, gives the expression above quoted from it as one instance of the “ occasional vulgarisma, possibly Angio-Americanisms,” of that work, Some of our own writers have also expressed the strongest disapprobation of the use of this verb: “ Test isa -veré only in writers of an inferior tank, who disregard all the land-marks of language!” Monthly Anthol. yol. vii. p- 264. TO for AT: “I have been to Philadelphia, for a¢ or in Philadelphia; I have been éo dinner, for [have dined.” Withersp. Druid, No. 6. Expressions like the following (which have been noted by an obliging English friend) _ are very common with the illiterate : “ He lives to York ; he is fo his store. I have even heard, He isn’t co home.” Dr. Witherspoon classes this use _ of to among his“ Vulgarisms in America.” The following instance is from an American edition of Rodertson’s Charles V.“ He put himself to the head ~of the men at arms, &c. Book iii. a. p. 1524 (Vol. ii, fp. 175 Philadelphia edition of 1804) the English quarto edition, f. 203, has—He put himself at the head &e. To TOTE ; “to carry, convey, remove, ke. ( Virginia Fe. aa Webst, A review- er of Mr. Webster’s dictionary says—“ Fote is marked by Mr. Webster, Virg. (Virginia ) but we believe it a native vulgarism of Massachusetts.” Monthly Anthol, vol. vii. p. 264. Dr. Withershoon, however, many years “ago noted it as a word peculiar to“ some of the Southern States.” See his Druid, No.7. It is. mere ee much more used in the southern than in the northern states, TOWN. «A collection of houses, a district of certain ges: the inhabitants or the legad voters of a town.” Webst.. " “ A collection of houses joining, or nearly joining each other, - the first. “requisite in the definition of a town, though the word be taken in the oos~ _ est sense that is admissible in Europe, In Vew England, however, a town. __ is very commonly described as containing two or three villages ;, and these are frequently separated from each other by two or three lakes, and two or three tracts of forest....A ¢own, then, in Connecticut and the other parts of. 528 Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language New England, is first, a district or geographical subdivision, in which sense is the phrase ‘ Inhabitants of towns ;’ secondly, it is a body corporate... In truth, the society, town and county in these countries, are new modifica- tions of the farish, hundred and shire, in which the powers, and immuni- ties are differently distributed. Kendaii’s Trav. vol. i. pp. 12, 85, 113. The word town, in the sense of a district, is in common use in Ireland : “ The word town in Zreland does not mean as it does here [in England] houses inhabited, but is merely a technical description of a particular. dis- trict, and is notorious there.” See the case of Massey vs. Rice, Cowfrer’s Reports, 348. TOWNSHIP; “ the territory or land of a town.” Webst. This word is seldom TRADE. Doctor’s ¢rade, that is, drugs o: used now in England, I believe, except to signify “the corporation of a town,” which is Johnson’s first sense of it. His second signification, how- ever, is—“ the district belonging to a town;” and his authority is Sir Wal- ter Raleigh. The following instance is from a modern English author: “ The common field sownshifis were divided into a certain number of ¢ liv- ings,’ i.e. tenements or farms,” Marshall’s. Rural Econ. of Midland Counties ; word Living. _ Used by the vulgar only. fakaniaapepde piri thiey ‘ave the name of Doc- tor’s gcer. See Grose’s Prov. Gloss, TRICKY ; trickish. .4 iow word, TURNPIKE. “A toll-gate set on a road, a road on which a turnpike is erect- ed.” Webst. This word (says an obliging English friend) is always used in America “to signify the road. It is unquestionably the gate, and im England they always say the turnpfike-road, and by turnpike alone they. mean the gate.” “The turnpike roads of England are placed under the management and direction of certain bodies of trustees,” &c: Hawkins’ Pleas of the Crown, by Leach, B. I. ch. 76. “ The passage of carriages or horses through any turnpike, toll-gate, or bar, at which. any toll is col- lectede? &e, Stat. 25, Geo. 3. c. 57, cited in the same chapiter of that work. U. mae UGLY; ; Miso se om Lz. He is an ugly fellow, that i is, of a bad Sieni- in the United States of America. : 529 tion, wicked. The compound ugly-tempered is sometimes used. They are both used by the illiterate. Vew England. UNFEELING, z. want of feeling. This word is censured in the Monthly Ans thology, vol. iv. p.281. I never saw it in any other instance than the one there referred to. . Vi VENDUE;; auction, New England. This word was formerly more common than auction. Itis now chiefly used in legal proceedings, in conformity with the phraseology of ancient statutes of the different States. Itis neither in Mr. Webster’ 8, nor the English dictionaries; but it has been added to - Some of the American editions of Johnson and Walker. w. To WAGE; “to lay a wager,” &c. Webst.. The English use the verb ¢o bet. Dr. Johnson indeed says, that the verb to wage “is now only used in the phrase to wage war ;” and does not give it in the sense of daying a wa- Ser, but has only the verb to wager. Bailey, however, and Entick, and some others have ¢o wage in this sense. Seppe lil of wharf. We always make the plural of this noun, wharves ; the 2 “say wharfs. “There were not in London used so many wharf or ‘eye for the landing of merchants" goods.” Child, as Ched by Johnson. “ Something that is artificial, as keys and wharfe, &c. Lord Hale, De Portibus Maris, ch. 2. “This occasioned the statutes.....which enable the crown by commission to ascertain the limits of all ports and to “assign proper wharfy and quays in each port, ke. Blackst. Com. i. 264, “ The Legislature must have supposed that the warehouses, quays, and ' wharfe would not be so constructed, kc. Lord Ellenborough in the case of Harden ys, Smith, 8 East’s Reports, 20. The word guay (anifpeasty a “nounced key) is in more common use in London, thanwharf. iiss 7% ebchll to ged This is \frevinctal in the South and West of ‘cage oi ‘ Prov. Gloss. It j is not in the dictionaries. : tic othe orp | SUPPLEMENT. SUPPLEMENT. ANY MANNER OF MEANS. A friend who has resided in Connecticut informs me that this expression is very common at the Bar in that state. AnxiETUDE. [never met with this word but in one instance in any American publication. AppeLttare. (See V ocabulary.) ‘The Edinburgh Reviewers use this term : “ An appeal presupposes, in order to be effectual, a decided superiority in the Court of afpediate jurisdiction.” Edind. Rev. No. xii. p. 110. “ Alt the other branches of the affellate jurisdiction,” &c. p- 120. I have also met with it once in Leach’s edition of Hawkins’s Pleas of the Crown: “ Consent cannot give original jurisdiction to a court that has only an > fellate jurisdiction.” Book I. c. 76. § 132. oe eas in hi. cxpression : “ Sales at auction.” phe Eagteh, say, Sales by Some = - te | jee lee aoe aay: aad analogy © WAtsA WELL DO by prsvace Vig Veaive by pet 2s) candle, &e. To AveRrsce. (See Vocab.) Used in some parts of England: “ The fall [of snow] averaged full twenty inches, which unusual depth was formed in little more than six hours.” London Star of Jan. 27, 1814,ina Plymouth article. Banpirri1. (See Vocad.) The following is an instance of the use of this as a singular noun in an English work : “ It was indeed a noble triumph of a fe- rocious banditti in arms oyer helpless women,” &c. Brit. Crit. vol ii. p. 242, Bawnk-BiLL. (See Vocab.) Ihave once met with this word in a modern En- glish publication: “ For nearly the same reasons that a bank-dill is fre- quently called by the name of the sum of money which it represents.” Brit. Crit. yol. xxii. p. 35. ®o Borrom. (See Vocad.) To the authorites cited and referred to under this word may be added the following : “ Most of our laws respecting personal Mr. Pickering on the present state of the English language. 531 Tights are bo¢¢omed upon it, [i. ¢. the Roman Law.”] Brit. Crit. vol. xxi. p- 17. To Conriacrare. Ex.“ With the exception of conflagrating the Navy-yard.” On this and some other words of the same kind an English friend remarks — and a clerical friend informs me that he has seen it in some of our printed sermons: I never met with it in print. Iuprovemen?, of asermon; the conclusion, Ex. “To make sai jaigoee _ment of the whole,” This expression, though probably much more com- mon in this country than in Great Britain, is by no means peculiar to'us. In an English review of Sermons by the late Rev. John Drysdale, D.D- in the United States of America. 533 #, R.S, Edin, the following remark is made upon it: “ The copeladan [of the sermon] is termed, somewhat inaccurately, making an improvement of the whole. The author, we presume, means, deducing from the whole what may contribute to the general improvement.” Brit. Crit, vol. i. p. 379. In the review of another publication, the word improvement, used in the same manner, is noticed by being printed in Italics.- B. Crit. vol. iii. p- 345. In for Inro ; and vice versa. Mr, Coleman, in remarking upon the preva- lence of this inaccuracy in Vewyork, says—* We get in the etage, and have the rheumatism into our knees.” Newyork Evening Post, Jan. 6,1814. An observing friend in Philadelphia says—“ The preposition into is almost unknown Aere. They say, when did you come in town? J met him riding in town.” InFeRior, “ Inferior and superior (says an English friend), in a positive sense, are almost universal in New England: A very sufterior mare, a most infe- rior horse,”’ &c. To Issur. (See Vocab.) The following is an instance of this use of to issue in a well-known Engiish author : “ This is our first justification, which, if du- ly improved, will issze in our full and final justification.”” Teylor on Ro. mans, as cited in Brit. Crit. vol. iv. p. 30. To Jeoparvize. This verb is often seen” in the Debates of C ingress, as they are reported in the newspapers, It is, perhaps, a corruption of the ancient verb to jeopard,as to defiutize isof to depute. But even the verb ¢o jeop- ard, which is in all the dictionaries, Dr. Johnson pronounces to be “ obso- lete ;” Ash says, it is “ not much used,” and Barc/ay, that it is “ used only om wo Pininity,? It is hardly necessary to remark, that ‘o jeopardize is neither in Mr. Wedster’s, nor the English dictionaries. nae 7. This noun, as well as the preceding verb, is sei to be found in our writers : Dr. Johnson says, it is “ not in use.” To Lar for to Liz. (See Vocaé.) One of the latest instances, which I have met with, of this error in an English work, is the following (which is quot- ed in the British Critic, vol. iii. p. 532, note) from Poems by John Bidlake, B.A. London, 1794, The Reviewers observe—“ In p. 4, we have the com~ _ mon but vulgar mistake of the verb to day for to tie : And on the ground to catch each sound would Jay.” 98} 534 Afr. Pickering on the present state of the English language Maroonine ; used in this expression : “ A marooning party.” Melted Tin pores CEG 44 | 442 |+18 2,92 pee Dy) Wate i boels IFO 272 “i &O ~ 200 Sp of Wine Aerts | 291.66\ 170 61,28 Weetapic | @ | 48,85 hadaide wean Bee s-wasr rweelts | 20.97) 149 | 48,89 eee | Rilesd hedé- 191.060\ 98 eg,34 * me Fy? : = ia Water preezes 100 GE a bik me oea'd Zero of Fahrenhert 55.5381 Oo a is , —— 4y | Mercury freezes} 0 bm ¥o [-$2 Fg 3. B SS. SESS SSE ESE Ramee i SS ee ea Se a Ea eA Fp PSS — eS ——— = = se Fig. 20. 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