THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE FACTORS OF EVOLUTION VOLUME XLII wwo. Bot. Garden 1909 NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1908 „30% ka % 2 YOL. XLII, NO. 493 JOHN T. ERRATA Tue ‘‘Ichthyological Notes’? in the December issue of THE American NATURALIST (vol. 41) contain the following errata, since owing to unavoidable cireumstances the number had to be issued before the author’s proof was returned. Page 788. For Ch. mazquital read Ch. mezquital. or Neomugil digneti read N. digueti. For Encinostomus read Eucinostomus. Page 789. For C. boveinus read C. bovinus For Ch. latevalis read Ch. lateralis For Charaeodon duitpoldi read Chien luit poldi. r Ps. retiaulatus read Ps. reticulatus. ia Heteraudria read Heterandria. For limantoun read limantouri. For Mollienesia formora read M. formosa. For Xiphophinus read Xiphophorus For Aelunchthys read Aelurichthys. For Netuma vacula read N. oscula. For Netuma clattena read N. elattura. For G. Kessleri read G. kessleri. For Anus read Arius. For Tachysurus Steindachneri read T. steindachneri. For Anus multeradiatus read Arius multiradiatus. For Cathorops gulorus read C. us. Page 790. For Tetragonopterus humitis read T. humilis. : or Dorosome read Dorosoma. Page 791. For Stercolepis read Stereolepis. For Mr. Alvin Seele read Mr. Alvin Seale. Page 796. For Dr. J. Graham Kew read Dr. J. Graham Kerr. Page 797. For Isusus read Isurus THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vor. XLII January, 1908 No. 493 EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING PROFESSOR T. H. MORGAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY THESE experiments were undertaken primarily to find out whether it is possible by artificial means to induce regeneration in a part that does not regenerate under ordinary circumstances; and secondly to find out what kind of a structure will regenerate from the proximal end of so, highly specialized an organ as the limb of a salamander; for, while we know that from the distal end a new limb regenerates we have no information as to what will happen if the proximal end is exposed. Since the latter experiments gave more positive results they will be first considered. As it is necessary to keep the imb alive during the relatively long period required for its regen- eration it was necessary to graft it, in a reversed position, on to the same animal. ` The following method of grafting was employed. The leg was cut off, the skin loosened around the attached stump and turned back. The stump (composed of mus- cles, bone, nerves, etc.) was cut off higher up and the skin was then turned back. A pocket was thus formed. Into this: pocket the piece cut off was implanted, after being turned around so that its proximal end was directed out- wards. The skin was then drawn together by a ligature over the cut end. Since it is desirable to draw the skin completely over the exposed end without, however, press- ing too much on the grafted piece, I have found it desir- : : 1 y La 2 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLII able to cut off a longer piece of the stump than will be required, and then to cut this in half, putting either half back into the pocket, which being incompletely filled, allows the skin to be drawn more readily over the end. The hind-limb being larger was used. The implanted piece, reversed in orientation, consists of bones, muscles, nerves, etc. The skin covering these parts is the old skin with normal orientation. Therefore, at least one ele- ment in the complex is not reversed. In some respects this method of grafting proved un- satisfactory, because the cut end of the stump is so near to the graft that the new material from the stump and that from the graft may easily become mixed, so that the results would be complicated. The shortness of the grafted piece is another source of difficulty, since the short piece may become displaced during the healing of the end. To overcome these difficulties I devised another method, in which however only a single organ has its orientation reversed. The hind leg was cut off at the knee, and the femur removed from the stump for nearly its entire length. It is then shortened by cutting off part of one end, and pushed back into its original posi- tion, but with its orientation reversed. Owing to the slightly bent shape of the femur, and its much enlarged knee-end, no chance for a mistake in its orientation is possible. This procedure proved superior to the first, although the problem involved is somewhat different. At ‘first the large salamander, Spelerpes ruber, was used. This is a terrestrial form. Later the somewhat smaller Diemyctylus viridescens was used. Both species withstand the operation well and regenerate readily. Serial sections were made of the limbs at different stages of their regeneration. REGENERATION FROM THE PROXIMAL END OF A REVERSED PIECE An examination of the preparations of those cases in which a cross-section of the limb was implanted in a No. 493] EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING 3 reverse direction in the pocket of skin of the same limb shows that as a rule proliferation takes place from the cut ends of the bones, both of the graft and of the stump of the limb. In the majority of cases it is impossible to decide with certainty whether the bones of the new limb originate from one or from both sources. While such a combined formation would be of interest in itself the conditions are such as to make it impossible to assert that both proliferations do actually contribute; for, even if the new material from both sources is continuous with the new material of the regenerating part, we can not be entirely certain that both really take part, however prob- able this may seem. In a few cases, however, where the skeletal material of the new limb had connected with the proliferating periosteum of the grafted piece there was every indication that the new part was derived from the exposed proximal end. In all cases that have formed a new limb, the periosteum of the cut end of the leg- bones has formed a bar of cartilage connecting their ends with the nearest ends (the original distal ends) of the bones of the grafted piece. Two possible errors make other cases of doubtful value. The short pieces of grafted bones are often turned obliquely, or even side- wise in the end of the limb, due to the contraction of the skin as the end heals, or to changes that take place in the surrounding tissues. In most other cases, the periosteal tissue growing down from the cut end of the leg-bones passes around to one side of the grafted piece, and, with or without receiving contributions from the latter, forms the cartilage of the new limb. In fact, in some cases this can clearly be seen to have taken place, in others, while not so evident, the possibility of such a process exists and renders the result uncertain. In order to avoid this source of error. I adopted the second method of grafting described above. A long piece of the femur was grafted in a reverse position in the thigh. The length of the piece prevented its rota- tion, and at the same time by increasing the distance 4 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII between the distal end of the leg-bone and the proximal (now inverted) end of the graft it was possible to detect with greater precision the source of the material for the new bones. The presence of a single bone instead of two as in the former case also simplified the conditions. Despite these advantages, only a few cases were obtained in which the results seemed to show with great proba- , bility that all of the material for the new skeletal parts was derived from the exposed proximal end of the grafted piece. In such cases there was always established a cartilaginous connection between the cut distal end of the femur of the stump and the cut distal end of the grafted piece. The new limb is thus made up of a proxi- mal piece of the femur, connecting cartilage, grafted piece of reversed femur, new tibia, fibula, tarsalia and phalanges from the proximal end of the grafted piece. Evidences of absorption are generally seen in the grafted piece. How far this might ultimately go was not de- termined. Tam in Lee anp Lee in Tarn By means of the skin-pocket-method it is easily pos- sible to graft a short piece of the tail (without skin) into a pocket of the leg, and vice versa, a piece of the leg into a skin pocket at the cut end of the tail. I have made a few such experiments with Spelerpes ruber not without hopes that from the graft in the leg a tail might develop, and a leg from the end of the tail. The results proved otherwise, for, whenever regeneration occurred, the new material for a new leg came from the cut end of the old leg-bones the proliferating cells passing to one side of the grafted piece and the latter becoming absorbed. A similar process occurred in the case of a leg grafted in a tail; a new tail and not a leg regenerated. The experiment shows that care must be exercised in inter- preting the other cases where the same kind of organ is grafted in a reversed position. No. 493] EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING 5 REGENERATION AFTER REMOVING A BONE some DISTANCE FROM THE Cut END In order to see what would happen if the bones are absent at the cut surface, the hind leg of Diemyctylus was cut off above the knee, the greater part of the femur was removed from the stump, and the skin sewed over the cut end. Regeneration of a new leg was delayed, but took place. The stump of the leg seemed to contract somewhat, so that the cut end of the bone was brought nearer to the cut end of the muscles. The prolifera- tion from the end of the bone must have grown down to the cut surface, and then, extending beyond this, given rise to the material for the skeleton of the new leg. The experiment shows the possibility of the same thing occur- ring when a grafted piece is pushed aside. Unless the graft block the proliferation from the bones of the stump, these may contribute material to the new limb. ÅTTEMPTS TO INDUCE REGENERATION IN THE LEG OF THE FRroG In order to see if regeneration could be induced in adult frogs numerous experiments have been made dur- ing three winters. Pieces of the leg were cut off, and grafted in skin-pockets in various ways, but without results. I hoped that the breaking down of such grafted pieces might incite the regeneration process, if its ab- sence in frogs were due simply to some retarding influence in the method of closure of the cut surface as occasionally occurs in pieces of other animals that have well developed powers of regeneration. Pieces of the leg of tadpoles (without the skin) were also inserted into the leg of the frog without inciting regeneration, but as different species were probably used for graft and stock, successful results were less to be expected. Pieces of the muscles and other tissues of the tadpole’s tail were inserted in skin-pockets of the leg of the frog but without effect. Since the tail of the tad- pole has remarkable powers of regeneration, it seemed 6 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII possible that the presence of such tissue might excite the leg to regenerate, but this did not prove to be the case. Possibly, here also, the difference in species spoiled the result, but this seems unlikely, since it has been shown that young tadpoles of different species may be readily united and form permanent unions. It is well known that the skin of the frog has excellent powers of regeneration, yet when the leg is cut off it generally ceases further growth after the cut surface has healed over. It occurred to me that the pressure of the skin over the cut end might in itself prevent the further growth of the internal organs. To examine this possi- bility I cut off the fore-leg turned back the skin, cut off a piece of the stump, and then sewed up the end of the pocket. There was thus left a free space between the cut end of the stump and the end of the skin. Neverthe- less regeneration of the limb was not hastened. In other cases agar, or the coagulated white of the hen’s egg, was inserted into the pocket, on the supposition that as they were absorbed the regeneration might take place but nothing of the sort occurred. These experiments were undertaken before I became aware of the fact that the fore-leg of an adult frog may actually regenerate, but only after a long time and imperfectly, so that the experi- ments would be expected at most to facilitate or hasten the regenerative process which however they did not seem to do. In the winter of 1904-05 one frog that lived for several months, floating in the water, regener- ated a long outgrowth from the cut end of a fore-leg. The new part had one or two rudimentary finger-like outgrowths, but although the outgrowth was long it was very imperfect as a limb. This frog had had its leg cut off twice, the second time two months after the first operation. In some preparations of Mr. Goldfarb I had seen the great thickening of the periosteum that takes place after several weeks, and this suggested, that if the leg were cut off anew at this time, regeneration might take place. I have also obtained more recently two or No. 493] EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING ri three other cases of regeneration of a limb in this way, and in these the new foot was flat and broad, and plate- like, but with scant evidence of toes. That the regenera- tion of a new leg is not dependent on this two-fold opera- tion has been shown by Mr. Goldfarb who has also obtained cases of regeneration of the fore-leg of the frog after a single amputation. Since Mr. Goldfarb will des- cribe these cases in detail further description may be omitted here. The toad, being a more primitive member of the Anura, might be supposed to have greater powers of regenera- tion, but experiments have been less successful with it than with the frog. The thickening at the end of the bones forms a large knob, as it does also in the frog at first, but in the toad no subsequent changes appear to take place. EXPERIMENTS WITH LIZARDS During the summer of 1904, while enjoying the hospi- tality of the Marine Laboratory of the Leland Stanford University, I carried out many experiments with lizards, but since the results were purely negative they may be given in a few words. In the lizard the tail has the power to regenerate with great facility, but the legs appear to have no power of this sort. I tried grafting parts of the tail in skin-pockets in the legs, in the hope of inciting regeneration. In some cases large pieces were inserted, containing all of the tissues, in other cases pieces of single tissues, muscles, bone, periosteum, etc., were put into the pocket, but without producing the desired result. The lizards were kept alive in some eases for six to eight months without showing any signs of regenerating the leg during this time, but even the tail regeneration is not rapid. It appears, nevertheless, that the regeneration of the leg can not be induced by the presence in it of pieces of other parts of the body that have the power to regenerate. 8 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIL CONCLUSIONS Although the experiments undertaken in the hope of inciting regeneration in parts that do not do so ordi- narily, or imperfectly and only after a long time, have not given any positive results as yet, still even the nega- tive results are not without a certain theoretical interest. The experiments with the frog showed that the lack of power to regenerate, or only to regenerate imperfectly after a long time, is not due to the pressure of the skin on the cut end of the parts beneath. Tt is interesting to find that when after several months the internal parts begin to push out a new stump, as sometimes occurs, the skin is then also incited to regeneration, and will form a suitable covering for the parts beneath. It is plausible to suppose that this growth of the skin is due to the pressure of the new part from within. Other factors may also enter into the result, but that the pres- sure must be the main factor is shown by the failure of the skin to regenerate when other tissues, those of the tail for instance, are present, that have themselves the power to regenerate, but not finding suitable conditions for regeneration fail to form an embryonic knob. In its absence the skin is not incited to regenerate. The fact that the skin does not show any tendency to complete itself alone, although it has the power of regeneration, is important as showing that the possession of this power is not itself a stimulus that will lead to its development. Some other condition is necessary to call it forth, and in this case, that condition seems to be pressure from beneath. Other tissues in the leg may also have the power to regenerate, but fail to do so unless certain conditions are realized. This state of affairs may lead us to hope that with a better knowledge of the conditions we may ulti- mately control them, and I trust this may be a first con- tribution towards that end. That the muscles in the frog’s leg have the power to No. 493] EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING 9 regenerate can be shown by cutting from the side of the gastrocnemius a square piece of muscle tissue. In the course of a few months I have found that the muscle regains its size, which seems to be due, in part at least, to the formation of new muscle, although hypertrophy of the remaining fibers may also assist in the enlarge- ment. There is some indication that the delay in the forma- tion of the new leg in the frog is due to conditions exist- ing in the bones or muscles and, as I have pointed out,? it is significant to find that in the vertebrates the loss of power to regenerate a limb appears where cartilage has been changed to bone. The result is not however due directly to the ossification, since the new material is derived from the periosteum and not from differentiated tissue. Especially interesting is the evidence showing that the introduction of material, itself capable of regeneration (as when the tail-tissue of the lizard is introduced into the leg-pocket) does not incite the leg to regenerate. If the process of regeneration is due to some enzyme, or _ other substance of this nature, that arises in an injured region, and whose presence incites the new growth, we might hope by introducing pieces of material capable of forming such substances to incite regeneration, but no such result followed. It would be unwise to lay too much weight on negative evidence of this kind, but the results as they stand indicate, perhaps, with some proba- bility, that the primary cause of regeneration is not to be found in this direction. Finally, to revert once more to the experiments that gave positive results. It has been shown that from the proximal end of a reversed femur new limb bones develop. This result calls for further analysis. It is clear that each level of the limb has the power to regenerate all of the parts lying more distal to it, and in all proba- 1 The Harvey Lectures for 1806-7. 10 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII bility every level has potentially the power also to re- generate all the other parts of the limb proximal to that level. It is difficult to show that a distal part has the potentiality to produce more proximal parts, but the - facts make this interpretation highly probable. How much of the distal end regenerates depends in part on its relation to what is left in the stump, and in part on the necessity of forming a distal structure. Between these limits the intermediate parts are laid down. The proximal cut end of a limb must have the same poten- tiality of forming distal structures as has a distal end and in those cases where the possibility exists of forming either an anterior or a posterior structure, as in pieces of lumbriculus, for example, some other relation must determine that from one end of a piece a head always develops, and from the other end a tail. I have sug- gested that the direction of the gradations of the old material (as expressed in their differentiation) is the factor that regulates this result. If we apply these same ideas to the special case under consideration we might expect the proximal end of the leg (or any part of it) to regenerate only proximal structures; in other words to complete the proximal end of the femur and produce a scapula at the exposed end of the leg, and, theoretically, one might imagine the further development of a salaman- der around the scapula as a center. The facts are the re- verse. The conditions that determine in the case of the reversed femur what shall regenerate of the various pos- sible ones are not so simple as just described. In the first place, the detachment of the femur from the rest of the limb may soon lead to changes in it that cause it to lose that gradation of materials on which the po- larity of the new part depends. There is also the pos- sibility that the polarity of the other tissues may have a counterbalancing influence. But far outweighing these possibilities there is another consideration of greater weight. The special group of tissues found in such an organ as a limb may be capable of forming only one No. 493] EXPERIMENTS IN GRAFTING 11 structure, if they form anything at all, namely, a leg, and not a salamander to take the extreme case. But why always the distal end of the leg and not the proximal, i. e., not femur and scapula? The determination of the distal end rather than the proximal must be due, I think, to the presence of the free rounded knob covered by the new skin which gives the stimulus for a distal structure, and the foot end of the leg is the only possible distal structure that exists for this organ. The case is parallel to the formation of a heteromor- phie tail in the earthworm, that develops, as I have shown, from the anterior end of a piece when cut be- hind the level of the twentieth segment, or thereabouts. Here also a distal structure develops, but the nature of the material is such that a tail rather than a head regen- erates. While polarity, as an expression of the grada- tion of the materials, is one of the factors that determines a result, it is not the exclusive factor. In Lumbriculus a head forms at the anterior end of a piece at nearly all levels and a tail at the posterior end. Here we must = assume that the kinds of materials are so equally balanced throughout the greater length of the worm that the po- larity determines the result, while in the earthworm and in the leg of the salamander another condition determines a different result. In the latter cases the kind of mate- rial, or the organ-complex, makes it possible for only a tail or a leg to develop at either end of the piece, and the presence of a free end determines that its new struc- ture must be the terminal part, hence a foot in the case of the salamander, and a tail in the case of the earthworm, is regenerated even from a reversed end. THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES By DR. CHARLES. A. WHITE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Tue object of this essay is to describe in a popular manner the chief characteristics of the known kinds or groups of phenogamous parasites, to show their relation to one another and to normal phenogams, and to discuss their structure and habits with reference to the probable manner of their origination. In order to make a popular statement of the characteristics of each group of these abnormal plants and to discuss them clearly it is first necessary to summarize briefly the elemental structure and physiological ch teristics of the normal pheno- gams. I have chosen to do this in verbal terms a part of which are somewhat unusual, but which are believed to be specially appropriate to discussions of this kind. The elemental parts of a normal phenogamous plant are root, stem and leaves, the beginning of the differentia- tion of which structures is distinguishable even in the embryo; and to these are added, at the maturity of the plant, flowers and fruit. Every normal phenogam also consists of two incremental parts, an up-growing and a down-growing part, respectively, the latter entering the soil to form the roots. The normal phenogamous plant performs all its physiological functions within, and for, itself and lives independently of all other plants except in the matter of competition with them for the benefits of soil, moisture and sunlight, but the parasites escape the performance of those functions so far as nutrition is concerned. The normal plants derive the materials for their subsistence and growth from inorganic sources and elaborate them within their own tissues for their own use, producing thereby their new organic substance, but the parasites rob other plants of that substance in its elab- 12 No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 13 orated condition. The supply of inorganic material is obtained by normal plants partly in a soluble and partly in a gaseous condition, the former being contained in the food-sap which the roots derive from the soil, and the latter in the atmosphere which surrounds the plant. The function of the root requires a constant accession of mois- ture, and that function is vital with relation to the other functions of the plant presently to be referred to. The action of sunlight is indispensable in the condensation and elaboration of those inorganic materials into new organic substance. An essential step in that elaboration of new material is the production of chlorophyl, which takes place partly in the bark of the growing branches, but mainly in the parenchyma of the leaves. Fully developed green Jeaves are therefore among the chief organs of normal phenogams, and their absence from the greater part of phenogamous parasites is due to the inability of those plants to produce chlorophyl. It is for these reasons that chlorophyl is so frequently mentioned in the following paragraphs. The reproduction of normal phenogams is by two meth- ods, namely, parturital’ and blastemal.2. These methods have such relevancy to the subject in hand that it will be frequently necessary to refer to them. The first is the conjugative method and provides for the hereditary trans- mission of specific and other systematic characters, the geographical distribution of species and the multiplica- tion of individual plants. It is periodically cyclic, the maturation of the seed ending one cycle and the germina- tion of its embryo beginning another. The second is the autogenous method and pertains to the growth and pres- ervation of the individual plant. Its operation is phys- ically continuous during the whole life of the plant, and every bud of the plant is connected with all the other buds by living somatic cells. The horticultural processes of budding and grafting consist of transferring blastemal * Parturio, to bring forth young. °? Basros, a bud. These terms are regarded as preferable to ‘‘sexual, ’ ‘*asexual,’? ‘ — ’ ete., which are often used by writers. 14 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII reproduction from one plant to another. They are closely simulated by. some parasites in their manner of attach- ment to the host, but there are radical differences be- tween parasitic attachment and horticultural grafting. The two incremental divisions of every normal pheno- gam consists of an epitropic, and an apotropic? portion, respectively, separated by the tropaxis. The epitropic portion, beginning with the radicle at germination, enters the ground, divides into roots and rootlets, and estab- lishes the plant in position. This is primary epitropism. The apotropic portion at the same time extends upward, forming the stem and finally the branches, leaves and fruit. This is primary apotropism. The tropaxis is a theoretical dise at, or a transverse section of, the base of the stem from which growth proceeds in opposite di- rections. Its functional existence as a dividing plane is real and constant during tlie life of the plant, but it is structurally not clearly definable. That is, no material change of plant-texture occurs at the place where the upward and downward growth diverge, and no obstruc- tion to the flow of food-sap from one to the other portion exists there. Suckers, stolons, sprouts, ete., sometimes spring from roots, root-stalks or tubers, and become new plants. This is secondary apotropism. Roots or root- lets often spring from the stem or branches. This is secondary epitropism. A new or secondary tropaxis is formed in every case of secondary apotropism at the place where the upward growth begins and new roots turn down into the soil.4 Such are the leading structural characteristics of nor- mal phenogamous plants, which constitute the mass of *For a full explanation of these and some of the following terms see my article in Science, N. S., vol. XII, pp. 143-146. * The terms ‘‘hypocotyl’’ and ‘fepicotyl,’’ meaning below the cotyle- dons and above the cotyledons, respectively, often have been used by authors to designate the apotropie and epitropie portions, respectively, of the germi- nating embryo. Those terms are inappropriate for such use because the place of attachment of the cotyledons rarely, and only accidentally, coin- cides with the place where upward and downward growth diverge, and the two places are often far apart. A case in whieh they are far apart is illustrated by the plantlet of Convolvulus as shown by Fig. 6, on page 28. No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 15 the green vegetation of the earth. Abnormal phenogams constitute only a very small proportion of the great mass of vegetation, and yet the aggregate number and variety of their forms is really very great. Three general kinds of abnormal phenogams are recognized, namely, para- sites, saprophytes and symbionts. They have certain characteristics in common and often are visually similar, but they differ materially from one another in the manner of procuring their subsistence, and the habit of each of them in that respect may be either partial or complete. That is, a phenogam may be partially parasitic, sapro- phytic, or symbiotic, and partially normal; or parasitism _ may be associated in one and the same plant with sapro- phytism. While my chief object is to discuss the para- sites, it will aid in defining their characteristics to pre- sent a brief statement of those of the two other Pods of abnormal phenogams. Saprophytes derive their subsistence from dead organic matter in the soil which has not reached the stage of full decomposition. That matter yields a soluble portion to the food-sap which the plant obtains by its roots in the usual manner and, after some reelaboration, that portion is applied by the plant as new organic substance in the building of its tissues. Saprophytes, like vultures, hyenas and epicures, take their food in a partially decomposed condition and thrive upon it. Doubtless many plants that are properly regarded as normal are really in part sapro- phytic when their roots have access to organie manures, but only completely saprophytic phenogams are here re- ferred to. It is claimed by some investigators that com- pletely saprophytic phenogams sometimes produce chloro- phyl and develop green leaves, but those here discussed produce no chlorophyl, develop no functional leaves, and are therefore not green in color. Their reproduction, both parturital and blastemal, is normal and they grow from their roots in the soil like normal plants, with none of which are their vital relations antagonistic. Completely saprophytic phenogams, which only are now particularly referred to, are comparatively rare, especially in ordi- 16 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII nary soils. They are mostly confined to swampy and other moist soils that contain much decomposing vege- table matter, and to shady positions. It may be suggested that the abundance of disintegrating organic material contained in the soil in which these completely sapro- phytic plants grow furnishes so large a supply of ma- terial which is still useful for assimilation in the production of new organic substance that the entire leaf- function, including the production of chlorophyl, is suspended as being superfluous, and that this habit has become permanent and hereditary. Completely symbiotic phenogams live in enforced vital union with a fungus which adheres to and covers its roots, and through which it derives all its soil-subsistence. The roots being entirely enveloped, their normal function is destroyed and the fungus also assumes the office of purveyor of nutriment. As do other fungi, it obtains that food-material from decomposing organic matter in the soil and transfers a portion of it to its consort through their surfaces of contact. Although that food-material, when obtained by the fungus, is partially decomposed, and is received at second hand by the captive phenogam, the latter thrives upon it, and, its above-ground portion being free, the functions of vegetative growth and repro- duction are normally performed. Its leaves, however, are abortive or functionless and never green in color, for completely symbiotic phenogams do not, and do not need to, produce chlorophyl. Their failure to do so is doubt- less a direct result of the condition which is imposed upon its roots by its fungus consort. The vital relations of these strangely modified phenogams with other plants are normal, but their condition with relation to the fungus is apparently that of pitiable captivity. The usurpative control of their nutrition by the fungus suggests that these phenogams did not originate as symbionts by a pre- dilective departure from a self-supporting condition. Partial symbiosis of fungi with phenogams is not uncom- mon and is understood to be, at least in many cases, © mutually beneficial, but it has only incidental relevancy in No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 17 this connection. One can hardly doubt that the complete symbiotic condition of those plants has been imposed by the aggressive increase of the fungus from its original condition of partial symbiosis, but the phenogam so fully acquiesces in it that the deficiencies of structure and func- tion which its imposed condition entails have become har- monious with that condition and hereditary. Even the embryo, at least in the case of Monotropa, or Indian pipe, and probably also in that of Sareodes, or the snow plant of California, has lost its differentiation into cotyledons and plumule. This is a significant coincidence with a similar condition which prevails in the embryo of many parasites, as will be shown in following paragraphs. Examples of complete symbiosis are few among pheno- gams, the most common case being that of Monotropa. All the older botanists believed, and some of them so stated in their text-books, that the species of that genus are parasitic upon the roots of woody plants. Later authors often have stated that Monotropa is saprophytic, but still later investigators have demonstrated that the plants of this genus are completely symbiotic. It will be . a disappointment to the older plant-lovers not to find their familiar acquaintance, the Indian pipe, discussed among the parasites on the following pages, but the facts which have been stated require its omission there. — Whatever view one may take concerning the two kinds of abnormal phenogams that are briefly defined in the preceding paragraphs, he instinctively regards the para- sites as a criminal class in the great community of honest plants. Their methods of parasitism are so varied, and each method is prosecuted with such vigor and con- staney, that it is necessary to review them with reference to those habits rather than to similarities and differ- ences of systematic structure. They all are at least ac- quisitive in their relations with other plants, and some of them are vigorously aggressive and raptorial. They all derive new organic substance from other plants, always from living ones, and apply it directly in the building of their own tissues. Some of them are annual, and some 18 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII perennial. Some are herbaceous, and some woody. Some of them attack only the epitropic, and some only the apo- tropic, portion of their host. Some are only partially parasitic, obtaining only a part of their subsistence in that manner, but a large number are completely parasitic, and thus obtain their entire support from other plants. The former obtain a part of their subsistence from the soil as normal plants obtain all of theirs. They also de- velop leaves and produce chlorophyl, but the complete parasites, with exceptions to be mentioned, develop no functional leaves and produce no chlorophyl, for com- pletely parasitic plants do not need to produce it. New organic substance, elaborated as already has been men- tioned, is of course necessary to the existence of the normal plants which produce it. It is no less necessary to the existence of the parasites, but they, not being able, or not predisposed, to produce it for themselves, obtain it by robbery from other plants. All of them are so de- praved that they acquire special hereditary habits of rapine, modify their structure, and even develop special organs with which to accomplish their thefts. The defi- ciencies and modifications of structure are correlated with - the respective kinds of parasitism, and they are invariable and heritable. Even the embryo of some of them is | structureless, not being differentiated into cotyledons, radicle and plumule. Indeed, some of the most vigorous of the parasites originate from embryos that apparently represent only a moiety of the normal phenogamic embryo. The leaves of normal phenogams are properly regarded as the chief organs concerned in the production of chloro- phyl, but if my assumption is correct that the agency of a — structural root is a precedent necessity in normal cases — of such production, the functional leaflessness of a para- sitic phenogam is a direct consequence of its rootlessness. — That is, because a rootless phenogam can produce no ~ sufficient quantity of chlorophyl, and because it procures _ its new organic substance by theft, it has no use for leaves. Therefore, those leaves which it morphologicall inherits remain undeveloped or functionless. This is the No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 19 condition of complete parasitic phenogams, but those which are only partially normal supplement their honest gains by theft. They are all robbers, and obtain new organic substances from their hosts by methods which resemble grafting, budding and leeching, respectively. In the first two cases mentioned the embryo of the para- site is thrust into the living tissue of the host from which the resulting parasitic plant draws its nourishment, much . as do the bud and scion in cases of budding and grafting. In the other case special organs, namely, haustoria, are developed as instruments of robbery. These organs serve ‘to draw new organic substance in liquid form from nor- mal plants, and they are as indispensable to the parasite which possesses them as are roots to normal plants. They are produced as small outgrowths from different parts of different parasitic species, sometimes upon the roots and sometimes upon the stem and branches. They are of wart-like, discoid, globular, or more or less irregu- lar form, and are sometimes single and symmetrical, but oftener in groups or clusters and shapeless masses. When single they are sometimes sessile and sometimes terminal on slender pedicels. They attach themselves by their free surface to the host, and so burrow into its sub- cortical and subcortical tissues that the growing cells of both plants are intimately commingled. Acting like suckers, they withdraw in liquid form the new organic substance which the host had prepared for its own use, much as a leech extracts blood from its victim. The haustoria of parasites are comparable with roots of nor- mal plants because, like roots, they are the instruments by means of which the plants obtain necessary supplies, but true haustoria are not roots nor morphological repre- sentatives of them. The foregoing remarks apply mainly to the general characteristics of the parasites as compared with sapro- | phytes, symbionts and normal plants. The special char- acteristics of the parasites are grouped and briefly sum- marized in the following synopsis. In remarks which follow each synoptical statement some of the more con- 20 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII spicuous of those extraordinary habits which members of the various groups possess and which have become con- stant and hereditary will be shown. Many of those habits are of wonderful character, and one almost feels that he is dealing with sentient beings of great cunning and law- lessness rather than with vegetal forms. The phenogamous parasites are so aberrant as regards both their structural and vital relations to other plants and to one another that it is difficult to classify them. Indeed, there is no logically recognizable correlation of any of the parasitic characters of the species in question with those which pertain to systematic classification. The following synopsis, prepared for the present occasion only, embraces seven groups the characterization of which is, so far as practicable, based upon the manner of para- sitism of the members of the respective groups and upon the peculiarities of their life history,. especially that phase of it which pertains to germination. Group I Seeds germinate upon the ground. Embryo differenti- ated into cotyledons, radicle and plumule, like normal em- bryos. Like normal plants Fic. 1. Diagrammatic pen- sketch, showing the position of haustoria at the places of contact of roots of the parasite and its host. natural size. also those of this group pro- duce chlorophyl. A part of their roots are attached by sessile haustoria to roots of other plants, from which they obtain ready-made organic substance in liquid form, and a part of them obtain food-sap from the soil in the normal manner. Therefore their parasitism is only par- tial. Examples: Euphrasia, Pedicularis, Castilleja and many others. The parasitism of the members of group I, which are No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES ak mostly perennial herbs, is confined to limited underground pilfering. It is the simplest form of phenogamous para- sitism but it is as persistent and hereditary as are the more complex forms, and it is practised by a large number of genera and species which have numerous near normal relatives. Because they have normal roots and leaves and produce chlorophyl! they begin life with the ability to procure an honest living, but they seem to be unable to resist their inherited parasitic inclinations. The develop- ment of haustoria at the points of contact of their roots with roots of other plants begins after their germinative birth from a normal embryo and an early stage of full self-support obtained from the soil; but so firmly fixed is the habit of pilfering in these plants that when they have been experimentally forced to live honestly in good soil, but beyond the reach of roots of other plants, they have ceased to thrive, as if they were insufficiently nourished. Group II Parasites attached to the stems and branches of woody hosts upon the bark of which the seeds germinate, being affixed there by their glutinous covering. Embryo differ- 2. Pen-sketch of a branch of Viscum album, the Old World mistletoe ; much reduced in size. A. Diagram showing the mode of attachment of the parasite to the host by the sinkers. entiated into cotyledons, radicle and plumule, and the plant consists of both epitropic and apotropic portions.. The latter is differentiated into stem, branches, leaves and fruit, as in normal plants. The leaves, and also the bark of the stem and branches, contain chlorophyl which is produced by the plant itself. The parasite is attached Pi THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII to the host by ‘‘sinkers’’ which consist of specially modi- fied, but true, rootlets, although in function they simulate the haustoria of other parasites. The sinkers penetrate the bark of the host and obtain nourishment for the para- site from the growing tissues beneath it, much as food-sap is obtained from the soil by normal plants. The para- sitism is complete. Examples: The mistletoes. The members of group II are perhaps the most gener- ally known, at least by name, of all the phenogamous parasites. The family to which they belong, the Loranthacez, is a large one, and some = of its members differ considerably from the typical forms of mis- tletoe. Only Viscum album of the Old World, and Phora- dendron flavescens, of the New, however, are chosen to repre- sent group II on this occasion. These mis- Fig. 3. Pen-sketch of a branch of Phora- toes differ from the oo Aiur New World mistletoe; members of all the other parasitic groups in being perennial woody parasites upon woody hosts, and also in their method of parasitism. That method is pecu- liar because it simulates grafting, because morphologically its ‘‘sinkers’’ are true rootlets and not haustoria, and because the passage of sap from host to parasite is by those rootlets and not through such harmoniously joined cells as are formed between the graft and its stock. Mistletoes have been known to become parasitic upon other mistletoes, but in their choice of a host they usually give preference to trees that are not botaniecally related to them. Their structure, both embryonal and mature, is so nearly normal that one might believe them capable of No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 23 leading an honest life in the soil, but so firmly is their predatory habit established by heredity that they never do so. Their seeds will germinate successfully only on the bark of living trees, and their embryos, although struc- turally perfect, are evidently unable to develop in the soil. When germination of the seed begins the radicle pierces through the dry bark of the host as if driven by some ex- traneous force; and it sometimes enters the bark of a branch from its under side, showing that gravity is not that impelling force. It lifts the strong bark by its in- crement beneath, and sends the sinkers into the growing layers. The cells of those layers and the cells of the sink- ers hecome vitally commingled much as do the somatic cells of the scion and stock in common grafting, but not quite so harmoniously. This parasitic root-grafting is remarkable because the parasites and their usual hosts differ from each other in botanical relationship far more than do any scions and stocks that can be artificially grafted with success. Because the mistletoes obtain full nourishment from their hosts their parasitism is complete, and yet, unlike other completely parasitic phenogams, they produce chlo- rophyl in their own tissues. The production of chlorophy] by the mistletoes is apparently due to the fact that they have retained morphological representation of true roots, notwithstanding their parasitism. While the mistletoes have retained more of the structure and functions of nor- mal plants than have other completely parasitic pheno- gams, their draft upon the vitality of their hosts is great, and it doubtless would be more apparent if the latter were less vigorous. Group III Seeds, having the embryo differentiated into cotyle- dons, radicle and plumule, germinate upon the ground and there produce plants which begin to grow in the soil in the normal manner. By their earlier roots they are par- tially parasitic after the manner of group I, but, sud- denly, the whole plant becomes epitropic and enters the _ soil bodily by burrowing, much as does the peanut pod 24 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII when ripening. It there branches freely, assuming the form of a large complex blanched rootstock, and becomes wholly parasitic. It passes its whole mature life under ground except that some of its branches rise above ground to flower, but those branches always die when the fruit has ripened. Its earlier parasitism is by sessile haus- toria, which are soon discarded, and its later parasitism is by haustoria-tipped tendrils, sometimes erroneously PN MIP S W a a a T A Sa) AG G \\ 7 A Sr. K. Vr raat e aea ON a K Fic. 4. Lathræa squamaria; pen-sketch after Kerner. The dotted line rep- resents the surface of the soil. Only a small part of the underground stems and branches is shown in the figure, together with tendrils bearing the pediculate haustoria. called roots or rootlets, which issue from the under- ground stem and branches. No chlorophyl is produced and no functional foliage or functional roots are devel- oped after the plant begins its burrowing. Example: Lathrea squamaria. This group has no known American representatives. No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 25 The species which has been chosen to represent group III is a European form and is quite distinct in certain respects from even its nearest botanical kindred, and it possesses habits that for variety and extent of abnor- mality are not surpassed, and apparently not equalled, by any other plant. It begins life normally, as do mem- bers of group I, which it then closely resembles. The presence of chlorophyl in the plumule of its plantlet and the development of early rootlets seem to indicate an . honest destiny for the plant, but its subsequent acts al- most suggest its utter abandonment to a groveling life. Group IV Seeds germinate upon the ground, producing an annual herbaceous plant. Embryo filiform and coiled within a mass of albumen in the seed; not differentiated into coty- ledons, radicle or plumule. The resulting plantlet retains the filiform structure of the embryo without differentia- tion, except that the part which becomes the lower end of the plantlet is slightly enlarged. As .the embryo uncoils the larger end enters the ground a little, but sends no rootlets into the soil and therefore derives no true food- sap therefrom. The smaller end points upward and the plantlet elongates as a single thread-like stem until it comes in contact with some freshly growing part of an- other plant. It there attaches itself by quickly developed haustoria, derives from the helpless host its first sufficient nourishment, and becomes a branching vine. It then reaches out for other hosts by more or less numerous branches, and the part below the first haustorial attach- ment quickly withers and dies. The branches grow rap- idly and bear an abundance of flowers and seed. The plant never naturally produces chlorophyl, and develops neither true roots or functional foliage. The parasitism is complete. Examples: Cuscuta of many American and European species, and Cassytha of many Australian, New Zealand and East Indian species. The members of groups I, IT and II are all developed from perfect embryos, like those of normal plants, their 26 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII parasitism and abnormal structures being developed after germination. The remaining four groups are not only deficient in structure at maturity, but they originate from embryos which are also deficient in structure. The first of those four groups to be considered is especially repre- sented in our country by the genus Cuscuta which contains many species, commonly known as dodder. They are often found growing plentifully in fields, thickets ‘and waste places during the summer months, their yellowish tangled masses making them conspicuous among the green vegetation. The embryo of Cuscuta gets very lit- tle sustenance from the albumen which envelops it in the seed be- cause the seeds are small; and it is because the plants develop no roots that they get no real nour- ishment from the soil. Never- theless, the plantlet grows rap- idly, somtimes to several inches in length, before it reaches a host; and although it is so slender it possesses great vegetative vigor. Me. 5. Cuesta Ruro ‘This vigor is conspicuously oP pea, parasitic on a hop vine. Sessile haustoria are shown Servable in the subsequent growth site and heat ntact Of para OF those species which often pro- fusely festoon shrubbery, and even trees, securing their hold upon, and their sustenance from, the tender twigs by means of their haustoria. Other species no less vigorously attack the smaller plants and field crops with which they come in contact. The parasitism of Cuscuta differs from that of the other groups in being effected by climbing as a vine from plant to plant, and by lateral haustorial contact of the stem and branches of the parasite with those of the host. In the case of the other groups whose parasitism is above- ground the success of the depredating plant depends upon the propitious position which the seeds may accidentally No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 27 obtain; but the plantlet of Cuscuta, after its germination upon the ground seems, by the movements of its free end, to start out in search of opportunities. It adjusts its mode of life to prevailing conditions by delaying its own germination about a month later than that of its prospec- tive victims of annual growth, and it is not discouraged by failure of its first effort to find a host. In that case it falls down upon the ground, shriveled and apparently dying, but if soon, or even within a few weeks, some be- lated normal plantlet should spring up near it, or some growing branch should droop and touch it, the victim is quickly seized upon by the apparently dying plantlet. Such tenacity of life and apparently dominant purpose in a slender, organless mass of vegetable cells is no less than marvelous. Because the plantlet of Cuscuta develops no root or rootlets it evidently possesses no real representation of the epitropic portion of a normal plantlet, or at best, not more than a moiety of it which lies immediately subjacent to the tropaxis. The rapid upward growth of the fili- form plantlet indicates that at least a considerable part of the apotropic portion is therein represented. More- over, because it has no cotyledons or plumule it follows that the entire plantlet of Cuscuta represents only the stem of the normal plantlet, or that portion of it which comes between the cotyledons and the uppermost root- lets. The accompanying a Fig. 6, illustrates ‘the foregoing statement. The upper end of B, Fig. 6, not reaching above the upper dotted line, indicates that the plantlet of Cuscuta possesses no representative of either cotyledons or plum- ule. Its downward extension a little below the lower dotted line similarly indicates the fact that its lower end enters the soil a little way, but that it does not represent enough of the epitropie portion of the normal plant to give origin to a root, or any rootlets. This comparison shows that the whole plantlet of Cuscuta represents only the stem of the plantlet of Convolvulus. The descriptions which have been given in the preced- 28 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII ing paragraphs of the structure, germination, life habits and method of parasitism of Cuscuta apply in every im- portant detail to Cassytha. Even the general aspect of the latter plants is such that an American or European seeing them for the first time instinctively regards them as dodders. Nevertheless the structure of their flores- cence and fruitage leaves no room for doubt of their close e*eee8 B Cc tee Bs Fic Diagraphic illustration sd ‘ee relation of the embryo and plantlet of Cuscuta to the plantlet of Convolvu An early plantlet of coca with its first root and rootlets, its stem, cotyledons and the first leaf of the plumule, not yet expande . The pias plantlet of Cuscuta of nearly the same stage of growth from the seed as A, The upper goons ergy Paha A just a little below the place of attachment of the cotyledons. The lower dotted line represents the surface of the soil and also the position of e tropaxis of A C. Embryo of Cuscuta, at the beginning of germination. Much enlarged. relationship to the Laurel family, while all the species of Cuscuta are nearly related to the Convolvulacex. Group V Seeds germinate upon the ground. Embryo filiform and not differentiated into either cotyledons, radicle or plumule. Its protruding end, or offshoot, penetrates the soil after the manner of a radicle, sometimes to the depth of several inches, but as it sends off no rootlets it derives no true food-sap from the soil. The upper end, or that fae ae ARR SS ag CE et GR ree eS No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 29 which in the normal embryo would bear the plumule, is not developed. If the descending end comes in contact with no living root of another plant the whole embryo dies, although the soil may be abundantly fertile. If it reaches such a root it be- comes attached to it and develops a tuberous mass at the placée of contact. From this mass spring out- growths which penetrate the bark of the root-host and blend intimately with the growing layer beneath it, where they act as haustoria. In this mass, also, by a kind of blastemal germination, buds, or substituent plant- lets, are formed which pro- Diagraphic illustration duce the flowering stems. No functional foliage and no true roots are developed, and no chlorophyl is pro- duced. The parasitism is com- plete. Examples: the broom-rapes and related genera. The parasites of group V belong to the Orobancheæ, the broom-rapes being chosen as typical members. They are vigorous in their growth and aggressive in their parasitism, some 0 Rie, T. f the manner of germination and florescence of the broom-rape family, and of the structural relation of its embryo to the normal dicotyledonous embryo. A. Dotted outline of a normal plantlet introduced only for compari- son. . Offshoot of a broom-rape em- bryo. The upper moiety only may be longed underground, its fre coming attached to the root-host by a tuberous enlargement. ; ©. The root-host. Flowering stalk of Aphyllon unifiorum springing from the tuberous nd of the offshoot. The horizontal dotted line indicates the surface of soil, the them being very destructive of cultivated crops; espe- cially hemp and tobacco. Like Cuscuta they delay their own germination until their prospective victims have germinated and grown sufficiently to serve their purpose. The seeds of those species which are parasitic O 50 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII upon cultivated crops seem sometimes to remain in the soil without germination more than one season, and to germinate when a new cultivated crop is planted. The accompanying figure represents the manner of germina- tion of a member of group V and the growth of its flower stem. Figs. 5 and 7 respectively represent two parasitic plants which, although they originate from physically similar embryos, are so widely different in their mature structure and habits that the following comparison is thought to be desirable. The seeds of both these parasites germinate upon the ground, but the resulting plantlet of one of them grows upward and that of the other down- ward, in search of a host. The plantlet of Cuscuta grows _ upward, which is attributed to the assumed fact that its embryo possesses a considerable representation of the apotropic portion of a normal plantlet, and little or no representation of the epitropic portion. No part of the broom-rape embryo grows upward, presumably because it possesses no representation of the apotropic pertion of a normal embryo. Its whole embryo seems to represent only a moiety of the stem of a normal plantlet which lies subjacent to its tropaxis and above its rootlets. The bud from which springs the flowering stalk of broom-rape is not a part of the embryo proper, as is the plumule of the normal embryo, but a result of sec- ondary germination. Group VI Seeds germinate only above ground and, like those of the mistletoes, only upon a living woody host; usually upon the stem and branches, but sometimes upon exposed roots. Embryo filiform and without either cotyledons, radicle or plumule. No true roots or functional foliage is developed, and no chlorophyl is produced. The em- bryo, by its distal or protruding end, when emerging from the seed, sharply and vigorously penetrates the bark of the host and sends haustorial processes into the cambium layer, and even into the alburnum. A single flower, some- No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 31 times sessile and sometimes having a short stem, issues from the host at the place of entrance of the embryo. The parasitism is complete. Examples: The rafflesias and related forms. One of the most remarkable characteristics of group VI is that the individual plants of many of its species reach the lowest structural limit of the phenogam. That is, each one of such plants consists of a single flower which is sessile upon the bark of the host, or apparently some- times upon its cambium layer. In other cases the plant consists of a short, single scaly stem be- sides the flower. The sessile species are ex- amples of flowering plants reduced to the flower alone, assum- ing that the haus- Fic. 8. Pen-sketch of Raflesia padma, torial processes at its together with an _ undeveloped bud ; sessile upon a branch of its tree-host. This species base represent the attains a diameter of eighteen inches when fully expanded in flower; but that is only half torus, as they seem to the diameter of the largest species of Raflesia. do. While the nor- mal phenogam consists of root, stem and leaves, all of which are necessary to serve the purpose of the com- ing flower and fruit, the sessile Rafflesias throw the re- sponsibility of all else upon the host and furnish only the reproductive organs for their own perpetuation. They serve that purpose effectively, however, although they are rootless, stemless, branchless and leafless plants. And yet they are no more lacking in vitality than are the most vigorous members of the vegetable kingdom. Although the seeds of Rafflesia, like those of the mistle- toes, germinate upon the bark of a woody host, their em- bryo is not of normal structure, as is that of the mistletoes, but is simple and filiform, as is that of groups IV, V, and VII. Because the embryo of Rafflesia is not differ- entiated, and therefore has not a true radicle; and because it is not able to germinate upon the ground, it is assumed that the protruding end of its offshoot does not represent 32 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the radicle of a normal embryo. If this assumption is correct it follows that the plant is destitute of normal epi- tropism and that the force with which the offshoot of the embryo pierces the bark and growing wood of the host is an abnormal and violent form of epitropism. It is also assumed that because the embryo of Rafflesia has no plumule the flower does not represent primary apotropism for the plant, but abnormal secondary apotropism as does that of the broom-rapes. The remarkable plants which constitute group VI are divided into many well-defined species and a considerable number of genera. Some of them bear the largest flowers that are known among plants, the largest being more than three feet in diameter, but some are very small. All are natives of warm cli- mates, mostly of Asia, Africa and the adjacent islands. A few American species are known, all of them small. One very small species which is found in Texas and Mexico is sessile in great numbers upon a papilionaceous shrub, and is hardly more than one eighth of an inch in diameter when in full bloom. Group VII Group VII consists of a remarkable and varied series of tropical and subtropical phenogamous parasites known as the Balanophoree. Some of them have large and showy flowers, and some of them have so great resemblance to fungi that the older botanists regarded them as such. All of them are parasitic upon roots of woody hosts, beneath soil which is usually rich in vegetable mold. The seeds germinate upon the ground. The embryo is not differen- tiated into cotyledons, radicle and plumule, butit is fili- form as is that of groups IV, V and VI, and its offshoot penetrates the ground in a manner similar to that of the broom-rapes. In the manner of their germination and in the underground origin of their flowering stems from a tuberous or amorphous mass, these plants also resemble the broom rapes; but in their florescence and fruitage they are very different. They produce no chlorophyl and they are all without either true roots or functional leaves, No. 493] THE PHENOGAMOUS PARASITES 33 although some of them have moderately large, scaly rep- resentatives of leaves. There are probably other forms of phenogamous para- sitism, but the seven fore-mentioned groups are the best . 9. Pen-sketch of Balanophora seagate a native of the Comoro icant “of the east coast of Africa. After One quarter natural size. The leaves of this poy igir large, are got and. not functional. A. Amorphous, fleshy ma B, B. Flower stems springing from the mass. C. The root-host. known, and they serve to show that they are all depraved members of the class phenogams, and not predatory mem- bers of a separate class. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SEASONAL CHANGES OF COLOR IN BIRDS C. WILLIAM BEEBE New YORK ZOOLOGICAL PARK Ir is a well-known fact that the males of many species of birds assume a special nuptial plumage at the begin- ning of the breeding season, sometimes radically different from the plumage of the winter. Especially marked examples are scarlet tanagers (Piranga erythromelas), bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and certain weaver birds of the genera Vidua and Pyromelana. We know that the native birds mentioned above lose their brilliant breeding plumage in the early fall and» assume a winter dress approximating that of the female. When we consider such a case as the scarlet tanager and the summer tanager (Piranga rubra rubra), the former changing annually from scarlet to green, the latter re- maining scarlet at all seasons, we have an interesting difference in two closely related species giving definite data from which to work. The problem which I have set myself, and at the solution of which I have made but the merest beginning, is, What is the cause of, or what factors determine, this seasonal change in the males of the scarlet tanager and the bobolink? So unbroken is the field of research in all such prob- lems as this that the most hopeful way of working is to clear the ground by gradually eliminating all negative factors, and thus narrowing down to the important dy- namic qualities of the environment. On hastily reviewing the field, the following factors have occurred to me as being the most important in bring- ing about, either directly ontogenetically, or indirectly phylogenetically, seasonal change of color: 34 No. 493] CHANGES OF COLOR IN BIRDS 35 General condition of the bird’s body—whether fat or thin. Food—whether vegetable or animal. Blood pressure—whether raised or lowered. Sexual organs—whether active or inactive. Inheritance. Temperature—heat or cold. Conditions of humidity or aridity. This list is of course merely tentative, and the factors enumerated are by no means equal, and some are depend- ent on others. But they represent what I selected when first I began the experiment detailed below, as a con- venient review of the field before me. This experiment concerns only factor number one, the condition of fatness or thinness of the bird’s body and its influence on moult and indirectly on the sequence of annual changes of color. We know that birds, such as bobolinks and tanagers, after the cares of the breeding season are always thin and in poor condition. The externally worn and bedrag- gled condition of the feathers is reflected in the physically deeper part of the body, and the keel of the breast-bone— that true index of a bird’s condition—often is very con- spicuous under the skin of the breast. Not until the fall moult is past do the birds improve much in condition and then they become unusually fat. I think that these few facts hold true of most birds. Fat is something to guard against in captive birds, and in the Zoological Park I find it necessary to have a weekly examination made of many of the small birds; this being a matter of regular routine. Birds from the various cages are caught and carefully examined, and the proportions of the food ingredients—fat-producing and the opposite—are regulated according to the condition of the birds. One year ago last summer I took full-plumaged speci- mens of male scarlet tanagers and bobolinks in full song and plumage and put them under careful observation. 36 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII None of these birds had been allowed to breed, and so, although it was rather late in the year, they were still in the height of vocal and physical condition. They were all tame, and although during the period of experimenta- tion they were confined in rather small cages, each bird in a space’ 12 x 12 x 24 inches, yet their plumage remained in almost perfect condition. I began gradually to cut off the supply of light and slightly to increase the amount of food. This caused a corresponding decrease in activity of the birds, and an almost immediate increase of weight. The danger of obesity in caged birds is that any excitement or sudden fright may cause a blood vessel to break, or in some other way bring about death from apoplexy. Consequently I kept the tanagers in a room where they were never dis- turbed and where no noise ever made possible the chance of an untimely end. A month later when the time for the fall moult arrived, the birds were living ‘‘the simple life’’ in a dim illumina- tion and, although consuming a normal amount of food, were exercising but little. The time for the fall moult came and passed and not a single feather was shed. The cages were made of mosquito-netting wire and would have confined any moulted feathers. In addition to this, the birds were examined every third day, and nowhere on the body was there any sign of moulted or of new, incoming feathers. On blowing away the plumage from the breast, the yellow sub-cutaneous layer of fat could be distinctly seen. In brief, the birds skipped the fall moult entirely and appeared to suffer no inconvenience whatever as a result. As far as appearance went they were in perfect health, showing only the symptoms of inactivity produced by an excess of adipose tissue. Early in the experiment the songs of the birds diminished and finally died away al- together, and when a good layer of fat had been acquired the birds seldom uttered even a chirp. From time to time a bird was gradually brought into ` No. 493] CHANGES OF COLOR IN BIRDS 37 the light for a week or two and meal-worms were added to its diet. This invariably resulted in a full resumption of song. Even in the middle of winter a tanager or a bobolink would make the room ring with its spring notes and with this phenomenon was correlated a slight de- crease in weight. This phase of the experiment could not be repeated indefinitely, however, for the song period seemed limited, just as it is under normal ¢éonditions, although the nuptial plumage remained unchanged throughout the winter. As one of my keepers pithily put it, ‘‘ We have their calendar twisted backward.’’ I found that a sudden alteration in temperature— either lower or higher—wrought a radical change in the physical metabolism of the birds. They would stop feed- ing almost altogether, and one tanager lost weight rapidly. A few feathers on the neck fell out, and in the course of some two weeks this bird moulted almost every feather and came strongly into his normal winter plumage of olive green. The metabolism set up by the change in temperature, in its extent and rapidity, seems compar- able only to the growth of a deer’s antlers. Early in the following spring individual tanagers and bobolinks were gradually brought under normal condi- tions and activities, with quick result: just as the wild birds in their winter haunts in South America were at that time shedding their winter garb and assuming the more brilliant hues of summer, so the birds under my observation also moulted into the colors appropriate to the season. The old scarlet and black feathers fell from the tanagers and were replaced by others of the same color; from buff, cream and black, the bobolinks moulted into buff, cream and black! There was no ex- ception; the moult was from nuptial to nuptial; not from nuptial to winter plumage. The dull colors of the winter season had been skipped. I think we thus have proof that the sequence of plu- mage in these birds is not in any way predestined through inheritance bringing about an ETE E e oe . : 38 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII cession, in the case of the tanager, of scarlet—green, scar- let—green, year after year, but that it may be inter- rupted by certain external factors in the environmental complex. The further significance of these results I leave to others, or until I have more complete data, checked by results derived from control of the other factors of the environment. It would be worse than useless to formu- late any theories at the present incomplete stage of the experiments. The scarlet tanager is of especial interest, as I have said, on account of the absence of such an annual change of color in its near relative, the summer tanager, and experiments with the latter species may shed some light on the subject. Other experiments concerning half and even quarter moults are yielding interesting results and will soon be reported upon. There is a great satisfaction in thus making even the merest beginning at threshing out these problems, which in their general evolutionary aspect are of far wider application than in the Class Aves alone. And work along these lines is all the more enjoyable because it entails the loss of no life as concerns the birds themselves. NOTES ON THE BREEDING HABITS OF THE SWAMP CRICKET FROG, CHOROPHILUS TRISERIATUS Wied. A. H. WRIGHT AND A. A. ALLEN CORNELL UNIVERSITY Axsourt nineteen years ago, Professor O. F. Hay! while searching the ponds about Irvington, Indiana, for Am- bystomas and their eggs discovered the eggs of Choro- philus triseriatus. The eggs were well advanced in development and his observations on the succeeding stages constitute most of what we know of the life-his- tory of the swamp cricket frog. While on a similar search for Ambystoma jeff ersoni- anum in the suburbs of Buffalo one of us found several males and females of Chorophilus and, subsequently, some anuran eggs which for a time remained unidenti- fied. Inasmuch as the identification of these eggs fur- nished data upon the mating, egg-laying process and fresh eggs of Chorophilus triseriatus—the period pre- ceding that of which Professor Hay’s observations treat —it seems advisable to present this material. During the last weeks of March Chorophilus appears in considerable numbers about the outskirts of Buffalo. The male chorus which is easily distinguished from that of Hyla pickeringii rises from most of the swamps and temporary ponds, even within the city. The singers themselves, however, are not easily seen, for, upon ap- proach, they become silent and further disturbance, causes them to disappear into the vegetation at the bottom of the pond where they remain until some time after the disturbance has ceased. Then, from the most remote corner the chorus is gradually taken up until the whole pond resounds with the ringing notes. In taking up the ‘Hay, O. P. Notes on the Life History of Chorophilus triseriatus. Am. NAT., 23 September, 1899, No. 273, p. 770. 39 40 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII chorus, the assurance evidenced by the single voice is extremely contagious. This fact makes it possible to overcome some of the difficulties which ordinarily present themselves in collecting this species. One has but to place the first captures in a bag or other close receptacle and carry it on one’s person. The prisoners chirp up and sing as boldly as though undisturbed in their natural’ haunt. Their voices elicit an almost immediate response from those in the pond. Indeed, at such a time, with a little practise one can wade about, while they sing on all sides and dip up as many as one desires. In this way after spending several hours in capturing the first two, 30 specimens, 25 males and 5 females, were taken in less than an hour. These were isolated for the purpose of studying the egg-laying process. On the way from Buffalo to Ithaca (April 1, 1907), they were kept in the same box, but the sexes in separate compartments. Dur- ing the transit, the males chirped considerably and the females deposited 200 or 300 eggs without attendant males. The Embrace.—The usual Hyla type of embrace ob- tains, the forearms of the male being pressed into the axille of the female. The males at the height of the breeding period evince an ardor almost as eager as that of the common toad. Sometimes, they embrace each other and as many as 4 or 5 males have been found in one bunch. A peculiar embrace recorded June 16, 1907, may serve to illustrate how long this nuptial impulse may remain with the male. April 1, 1907,.about 30 Hyla pickeringii, 1 female, 29 males, and 5 male Chorophilus triseriatus were placed in one jar. Between April 1 and June 16, these swamp cricket frogs ate nothing, yet, after 24 months, and, evidently long past the breeding time, an emaciated male Chorophilus triseriatus mated with the single female Hyla pickeringii. The embrace was axil- lary, but sometimes, possibly due to weakened condition, the male partially lost his hold. Then, his arms slipped along on the sides of the body of the female until he came to the lumbar embrace, the arms touching each other on the ventral side. The male disliking this embrace sought No. 493] THE SWAMP CRICKET FROG 4] to move along the body of the female to the customary amplexation of his species. A similar weakened condi- tion may explain the occasional records of lumbar em- braces with other captive anurans which normally adhere to the axillary type. At the height of the breeding season the male Choro- philus, like other Anura, often grasp moving objects or animals which are in the same aquarium with them. The Egg-laying.—On the morning of April 2, 1907, the 25 male Chorophilus triseriatus were placed with the five females. At 9:50 A. M., the first mated pair was recorded and, within 20 minutes the female began laying. With one exception, she chose a different perch for each egg- laying period, thus giving a bunch to each period of sexual activity. In one instance she sought the same perch 3 successive times. She ordinarily grasped the branch with her forelimbs. When about to deposit she brought one heel up to the stem and near the vent. Farther back the other foot held the stem with the toes. Each time, just before the voidance of eggs the female raised her anus and the male stretched to bring his vent near that of the female. This pair consumed 24 hours in laying a complement of 500 or 600 eggs. The process required about 90 fertiliza- tions and emissions. The intervals between a simultane- ous fertilization and emission and a similar succeeding period ranged from 16-35 seconds, the common range 17-30 seconds, the modal time, 20 seconds, the average, 21 seconds. Each time, from 2-10 eggs were voided, being emitted in small strings, a condition which could be most readily seen when occasionally the eggs were unattached to the stem and hung down from the vent of the female. In such cases the strings broke after 10-12 eggs were voided. There were 16 periods of egg-laying, 20-70 eggs being usually laid at a period and each period consumed from 2-7 minutes, 3 minutes being the modal time. Always after a period of laying the pair arose to the surface of the water. These 15 periods of rest varied 42 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII from 2-17 minutes, the mode being 4 minutes. All the eggs were laid in water 66° F. An account of the first pair follows in tabular form: | 1.2 n | =o ee ee 3 5 a pag |338| 3555 | gg [3.8 Pe mee | oo 35 2 S23 | noe code ang Each EBS pee $8.5 B= a Sg | mission. Z Hos | 238% Z 5 a | He E | —] —| | 1 | 3 min | ‘a | 8 | |? té | 1 6 a yet ee) eae 3 | ce eae Vee 9 | 20, 25, 20, 17, 22, 17, 20, 21 secs. 5 |5 nae eae 14 | 20, 18, 17, 20, 22, 20, 20, 20 « 6a #) og i | 4 | 18 20, 18 «“ eee ge | 7 | 35,17, 20, 25, 23, 18 “ Ss S ge] 6 | 22, 23, 25, 20, 18 « 2 2) 16 =| 7 | 20, 20, 22, 17, 17, 17 “ 10 |4 A 3 ae i 9 | 28, 27, 27, 22, 22, 20, 23,17 “ 1b ia 2, 2. 88.7. 6 | | ps] ieee 13 se, 3 bot | 14 | oe 2 i 15 | goe] 2 I: 16 | 13 « Pa ae 3 | The Eggs.—The second pair were in the embrace at noon. At 1:30 P. M. they began laying and by 4:30 P. M. their complement numbering 600 eggs was laid. The complements of females of Chorophilus triseriatus vary from 500-800 eggs. The mature eggs of one ripe female, 3.2 em. long, numbered 418 for the right ovary, 354 for the left, or a total of 772. The eggs are laid in bunches and are attached to twigs, branches, fine roots or grass stems. Each bunch contains from 30-100 eggs. An actual count of 5 bunches gave 50, 80, 70, 68, 70, respectively. The measurements of eggs gave the following results: the average vitellus diameter of 38 eggs was 1.1 mm., the mode, 1.2 mm., the range, .9-1.2 mm.; the average envelop diameter was 5.8 mm., the mode, 5.6 mm., the range usually 5.0-7.8 mm., though sometimes as low as 3.0 mm. The vegetative pole is white; the animal, brown or black. The envelop about each individual egg makes up the larger portion of the jelly mass of a bunch, yet, there is in addition, some connecting jelly. This has a loose gelatinous consistency and does not envelop the whole mass as in Ambystoma. MODERN METHODS OF EXCAVATING, PREPAR- ING AND MOUNTING FOSSIL SKELETONS ADAM HERMANN Heap PrEPARATOR, DEPARTMENT OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY, AMERICAN MUSEUM oF NATURAL HISTORY The work of collecting and preparing fossil bones is so well known in the museums of America that it is not my intention to explain in detail how to take up bones in the field and to prepare them in the laboratory. Some of the most modern methods adopted in the American Museum of Natural History may, however, be of interest. Fretp Work Too much emphasis can hardly be laid upon the proper treatment of bones in the field, because very crumbly but precious specimens may be saved by proper treatment, while, on the other hand, good specimens may be ruined by wrong treatment. Up to recent years collectors in the field have used almost exclusively gum arabic for saturating soft bones in order to harden them, and while practical for very por- ous bones it does not penetrate sufficiently into less por- ous ones, so that they become hardened on the outside only, remaining crumbly inside. Another disadvantage is that gum will absorb moisture and loses its binding properties in damp weather. Shellac will penetrate the bones much more thoroughly than gum, and when suffi- ciently dry will leave them much harder and absolutely waterproof. For the last three or four seasons our col- lectors have used a solution of shellac in place of gum arabie with very good results; and this can be recom- mended for any field work wherever the fossils are porous and badly preserved. Brown shellac is better as it dis- solves more easily and it is stronger, and should be used 43 44 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII wherever practicable, but for light-colored bones white shellac is preferable, as it will not discolor the bones. PREPARING Bones IN THE LABORATORY Bones treated in the field with a solution of shellac usu- ally arrive in the laboratory in better preservation than those treated with gum òr glue-water, and much less care is necessary to prevent wetting in freeing them from the matrix or burlap cover. Numerous methods are employed to remove the matrix from the bones, according to the condition of the specimens. While a good-sized chisel is practical on a large and well-preserved specimen, small and delicate bones may be freed more securely with so- called harness awls of different sizes, bent and hardened to suit as a gouge and as a scratcher for softer matrix. Wherever the system of pneumatic chisels can be intro- duced it may be of great importance, especially for lighter chiseling of not too hard rock; it works very rap- idly and with less i injury to the specimens, as I had oppor- tunity to observe in the Field Museum of Natural His- tory at Chicago. I have found in my experience that a moderately strong solution of gum arabic used with alabaster plaster is a good and very practicable cement with which to ‘fasten pieces together and is the best cement for all ordinary bones. When used in the right proportions it holds very well, at least as well as the expensive cements, so much advertised. I find that the best and most substantial plaster for restoration work is made by mixing the plaster in a solution of yellow dextrine which can be easily dis- solved in boiling water. The dextrine solution should not be too strong; the right strength is indicated when the solution is of a light coffee color. Too much dextrine causes the plaster to crack when dry. So-called plasterine or modelling clay furnishes a very good material for moulds for rough casting. In this work the bones are slightly coated with glycerine and pressed in both peaks of the slay mould in such a way that they No. 493] MOUNTING FOSSIL SKELETONS 45 can be lifted out without changing the shape of the mould. The two halves are then placed together properly and filled with plaster, which makes a fairly accurate cast. In many cases I have made the casts larger than the objects by moving the specimen to and fro in the mould to en- large the cavity. When modelling missing bones much time is saved by casting a bone in this manner and then modifying the form to suit, with knife and awl, instead of modelling the missing bones in clay. MOUNTING OF SKELETONS The mounting of fossil skeletons is a problem which can not be explained in a general way. Every skeleton has to be treated according to its size, shape, and con- dition. Skeletons from the size of a cat up to that of a large dog, to be mounted free, can be supported with light soft steel, so that the mounting shows very little. In case the vertebræ are not to be made detachable for study purposes, a flat rod may be run through the neural canal, which makes the neatest mount. Limbs and ribs supported with flat soft steel, fitted close to the bones, look very well and the mounting is very inconspicuous. All soft bones may be bored and fastened to the supports by screws or pins; harder bones by means of very small flat bands, fitted around the bones and fastened on the main supports with pins or screws. I may mention another method which I have introduced in the American Museum that may prove to be valuable for other museums. Skeletons which are soft enough, so that the bones ean be bored, can be mounted so that every bone is easily detached in the following manner: The back-bone may be supported by a soft steel rod (flat or half round) running under the vertebral column. Fittings to slide over the rod can be cast in bronze without great expense. Each fitting has a pin fastened to it which runs into the centrum of the vertebra, holding it firmly. Pins made stationary by being fastened in the supporting rod do not answer as in many cases it is impossible to get 46 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the individual vertebre in or out of the column without moving the adjacent vertebre and pins. After the limbs have been temporarily set up and the flat or half round steel fitted flush to the bones, holes may be bored in the supports and in the bones at the proper places and brass tubes inserted and fastenéd in the bones with a mixture of shellac and whitening, which holds them very firm. Before the tubes are inserted a thread should be cut inside the tube to which the supports can be screwed very securely. This makes the bones easily detachable. This method is desirable for all skeletons with soft bones, small or large, and especially large skeletons, such as the Mam- moth or Mastodon, can be mounted with comparatively few rods or uprights. I can not recommend any style of iron or steel for all purposes as that largely is a matter of individual taste. I myself prefer half round, soft iron for all large skeletons to be fitted along the bones. For very small skeletons, small flat steel is preferable. The so-called channel iron makes good rib supports for all larger skeletons, as there is in the channel a suitable place for the nuts of the screws. A very practical tool to use in mounting skeletons, es- pecially larger ones, is the ‘‘electric drill.’’ It can be attached to any electric light block, and is a great labor- saving tool, which I can recommend very highly. We have one in use in our laboratory which weighs eight pounds; it cuts a }-inch hole, can be handled very easily, and can be used to drill holes in any bone or iron without taking them out of place. Another new feature of importance is the over-head rail or trolley system. As installed in our laboratory, a com- paratively heavy rail is fastened to the ceiling, on which trolleys with hoisting blocks attached can be rolled very freely to and fro. Skeletons suspended by these blocks can easily be raised or lowered, or moved from one end of the room to the other. This system is of great im- portance for economy in mounting very large skeletons. To suspend small skeletons while in operation we use No. 493] MOUNTING FOSSIL SKELETONS 47 steel rods screwed to tripods of different sizes for up- rights with a horizontal bar fastened by means of clamps, which allow it to be moved up and down. This is a simple apparatus and is very useful for suspending skeletons of not too large dimensions. To dispense with most of the plumbers’ fittings in mounting skeletons we have introduced during the past few years a mode of splitting steel at the end, to act as braces and in other ways, opened and flattened and screwed to the uprights and other supports. This per- haps takes a little more time than to use so-called plumb- ers’ fittings, but it appears as an entirely different style of mounting. Wherever electric power is available labor-saving ma- chines can be installed, such as drilling machines for heavy work, rotary saws for splitting and cutting steel and brass, small turning lathe attachment for corborun- dum wheels, and rotary diamond saws for large section cutting. All these appliances just mentioned we have attached to one large lathe run by a one-horse power motor, although a little stronger motor may be recom- mended. A small gas-blast furnace with a one third or one half horse power motor for the blower makes a suffi- ciently strong forge to heat a two-inch steel bar and we find this in our laboratory indispensable. — During later years we have introduced numerous other convenient tools, but it would take too long to mention them all here. ISOLATION AND SELECTION IN THE EVOLU- TION OF SPECIES. THE NEED OF CLEAR DEFINITIONS JOHN T. GULICK Tae discussion concerning the factors in organic evo- lution has been obscured by the diversity of meanings given to the same terms by different writers, and some- times by the same writer. What do we mean by isolation, by selection, by environment, by evolution? DIFFERENT MEANINGS GIVEN TO ISOLATION I think that in Darwin’s books isolation is always used to designate the prevention of free-crossing between dif- ferent groups by means of factors lying outside of the groups, such as geographical barriers, but it has since been extended to mean the prevention of free-crossing by any means. Professor Kofoid, in his article in Science for March 29, 1907, gives the word this broader meaning in one place; but he must use it in a more limited way, when in the last sentence of his article, speaking of what DeVries finds in the elementary species ‘‘coincidently appearing’’ in the evening primrose, he says: ‘‘Isolation plays no part in their origin or continuance.’’ I have not found any statement by DeVries maintaining that ele- mentary species remain distinct forms from the original stock, when free-crossing with the original stock contin- ues. In my volume on ‘‘Evolution, Racial and Habitu- dinal,’’ pp. 5, 69-70, 155-156, I call attention to a mutation arising in certain species of snails, and probably pro- ducing complete isolation between the new form and the old, though both are occupying the same tree. The her- maphrodite snail is so constructed that it seems impos- sible for one of sinistral form to cross with one coiled in the opposite way; but in the Hawaiian Islands there are 48 No. 493 | ISOLATION AND SELECTION 49 a number of species presenting both forms. If direct crossing is impossible, it follows that the only chance for continued connection between the two forms is through the subsequent mutation of one or both of the forms; and we know that in some species this occurs in a small per- centage of the offspring of each generation. That isolation is not a necessary condition for the pro- duction of this mutation is shown by the fact that it rises suddenly in the midst of an intergenerating group; but the fact that it remains a distinct form, returning to the original form in only a small percentage of the offspring, seems to be due to the fact that by its structure it is pre- vented from crossing with the original stock. In other words, structural isolation, which is one form of auto- nomic isolation, produces racial demarcation and initial segregation, opening the way for intensive segregation, through the introduction of divergent forms of selection. That natural selection is not the cause producing this mutation is shown by the fact that the old form and the new form are equally adapted to the same environment. I, however, maintain that the structural isolation pro- duced by the mutation prepares the way for the introduc- tion of permanently divergent forms of selection. DIFFERENT Forms or SELECTION In the case of selection as in that of isolation, we find autonomic as well as heteronomic forms. Artificial selec- tion as applied by man to the propagation of domestic plants and animals is a heteronomic factor; and in order to obtain permanently divergent races from the same stock, certain divergent variations or mutations are sub- jected to divergent forms of selection, while at the same time the different types are artificially isolated, unless there are autonomic factors holding the types apart. Such factors are preferential mating due to sexual and social instincts, or some degree of segregate fecundity; and in plants prepotence of pollen on the stigma of the same type, or flowering at different seasons. Natural selection is a form of heteronomic selection; for, as de- 50 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII scribed by Darwin, it is subject to change, only as the group is exposed to changed external conditions resulting in the survival and propagation of an average type dif- fering more or less from the average birth type. Dar- win also carefully described one form of autonomic se- lection, which he called sexual selection. In my volume on ‘‘Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal,’’ I have called attention to social and filioparental selection, and several forms of impregnational selection, besides endonomic selection, in which the different methods of using the same environment, adopted by isolated branches of the same species, lead to the survival of different types of variation. These and`other forms of autonomic selection must be considered in any complete analysis of the factors producing two or more divergent species from one original species. VARIATION AND HEREDITY AND THEIR CONTROL If my analysis of the factors producing divergence is cor- rect, the active cause is found in the powers of variation and heredity possessed by the intergenerating group, while the conditions controlling, shaping and molding the varia- tion and heredity are those that are designated by the terms isolation and selection. Isolation produces demar- cational segregation; and divergent forms of selection in the isolated groups will produce intensive segregation, if isolation at the same time continues to hold the groups apart. Romanes describes selection as a form of isolation, be- cause its influence in controlling variation and heredity is due to its preventing those that survive from crossing with those that perish before propagating. That the in- fluence of both isolation and selection is due to the pre- vention of free-crossing is certainly true, and, as I have further pointed out, both classes of factors cooperate in producing segregation. It think, however, that it is in better accord with the meaning that writers on natural his- tory have usually given to the two terms to define isola- tion as the prevention of free-crossing between groups of _ No. 493] ISOLATION AND SELECTION 51 organisms existing at the same time. In certain cases the isolative process may be selective at the same time; and so demarecational and intensive segregation progress to- gether; as is seen when the strong and courageous migrate together, leaving the weak and timid in the old habitat. DIVERSITY IN THE Usk OF A COMPLEX ENVIRONMENT An illustration of the wide divergence that may take place in a single family distributed over a small area is found in the Achatinellide, a family of snails found only on the Hawaiian Islands. Some genera of this family are found only on the ground, others chiefly on the trunks and branches of the trees, others on the leaves of the trees and shrubs. Ages of divergent evolution have made the indi- viduals of each genus entirely incapable of crossing with those of other genera; but in the case of closely related varieties and species occupying different species of trees in the same valley the conditions are very different. These are cases in which the continued isolation can not be attributed either to external barriers or to physiological incompatibilities. The different methods of using the environment, whether due to habits or to inherited charac- ters, is the real cause of the isolation. Again, of the ten genera of this family some are confined to one or two islands, though the vegetation and other conditions sur- rounding the family are much the same on the seven islands of the group. The condition explaining the small area occupied by any one of the five hundred species of this family is the limited power and opportunity for migra- tion or transportation; and the great variety of types pre- sented is undoubtedly due, first, to the power of variation possessed by isolated branches of the same species while using like environments in the same way; and second, to the variation in isolated groups introducing divergent methods of using the same complex environment and so subjecting themselves to divergent forms of selection, even when no external barriers hold them apart. In Science for March 30, 1906, Dr. Ortmann refers to species of crawfish subjecting themselves to diverse con- 52 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLII ditions, in isolated positions, by diversity in their ‘‘eco- logical habits.” He describes them as ‘‘cases of ecolog- ical (or binomic) isolation, where no ‘barriers’ in the ordinary sense are present.’? In the relations of Hawaiian snails such cases are not infrequent. Even when the conditions in the environment with which the organism deals are extremely simple, the divergent groups of the original stock may adopt several different methods of dealing with these conditions, and with marked success in the use of each method. A fine illustration of this fact is found in the different species of Triposolenia, a genus of pelagic protozoa described by Professor C. A. Kofoid, in the University of California Publications, Zoology, Vol. 3, Nos. 6, 7 and 8, December 11, 1906. After considering .the nature of the several different types found coexisting in the same region, ‘‘in the surface waters of the sea,’’ he concludes that, ‘‘The utility of each of the complexes of characters is sufficient for their preservation without the necessity of calling in natural selection to account for their differentiation and continuance.” (See pp. 121, 123.) Causes OF THE EARLIER Forms or DIVERGENCE In the discussion that has appeared in Science during the past two years, the chief interest has centered around the question of the causes of the earliest forms of diver- gence. One method of inquiry has been to observe whether in a given family of organisms the most nearly allied species and races are found in the same or in sepa- rate districts. If with great uniformity the nearest allies are found in separate districts, there is good reason to be- lieve that initial demarcation has been due to geographical barriers, or at least to loeal isolation. If the analysis al- ready given is correct, the first step in divergence must be sought either in some process of migration, or transporta- tion producing local isolation; or in some variation in form, or habits of feeding, or instincts for mating, or time of flowering, or in prepotence of pollen, or in some other quality producing incompatibilities, and so producing No. 493] ISOLATION AND SELECTION 53 autonomic isolation. In such creatures as snails, it would seem that the different forms of impregnational isolation do not often arise before a considerable degree of diver- gence has been reached; for usually the most nearly re- lated races, or varieties of Achatinella are found on sepa- rate groves of the same species of trees, in different parts of the same valley; while the most closely related groups of varieties, that are classed as separate species, are usually found in separate valleys; though sometimes in the same valley, but living on different species of trees. In the case of plants, I have seen closely related species growing beside each other, and in some such cases they are found to flower at different months of the year, and in other cases it would probably be found that they are held apart by the prepotence of pollen of a given species on stigmas of the same species. In some of these cases where the present form of isolation is undoubtedly auto- nomic, it may be impossible to say whether the new type was not first developed in a few individuals, that for a generation or two were partially isolated geographically or locally in some sheltered nook. Do New Types CONTINUE IN SPITE or F'Ree-Crosstne? As we have already shown in certain species of Hawai- ian snails, a sudden mutation may arise, which by its very constitution is prevented from crossing with the parent stock; and in such cases it is evident that a permanent type may begin with the mutation. But is there any proof that a mutation that freely crosses with the original stock will remain unchanged, each type thriving and remaining unblended with the other? If the mutation is the domi- nant form, it may be granted that it will in time over- ~whelm the original form; but can two closely related races or species freely cross with each other, for many generations, without either type being affected by the process? For an answer to this question I would refer the reader to an article by Robert Greenleaf Leavitt in THE Amertcan Narurauist for April, 1907. On pp. 214- 217 he gives quotations from Professors Davenport, 54 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII Castle and Forbes, showing that ‘‘ Everywhere unit char- acters are changed by hybridizing.’’ This testimony is chiefly from those who have experimented with the cross- ing of animal forms, but even in the case of plants, there is reason to believe that when free-crossing continues di- vergence is checked. There is reason to believe that even with plants the controlling factor in each case of con- tinuously divergent evolution is either some form of heteronomic isolation or some form of variation intro- ducing autonomic isolation. Moritz WaGner’s THrory AND My THEORY WERE Iso- LATED AND DIVERGENT FROM THE BEGINNING Moritz Wagner, in his ‘‘Law of the Migration of Or- ganisms,’’ was the first to insist on the importance of geo- graphical isolation as a factor in evolution, but when he asserted that without geographical isolation natural selec- tion could have no effect in producing new species he went beyond what could be sustained by facts. My own theory, though it did not take form till four years later, was reached without any knowledge of his, and therefore in complete isolation from his; and when they came to- gether for comparison they were found to be quite di- vergent. In March, 1868, Moritz Wagner read a paper before the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich on ‘‘The Law of the Migration of Organisms,’’ and in 1873 an English translation of a fuller paper by him entitled ‘‘The Dar- winian Theory and the Law of the Migration of Organ- isms’’ was published by Edward Stanford, of London. It was through this pamphlet that I became acquainted with his theory concerning the impossibility of the pro- duction of new species except when and where migration establishes a colony geographically isolated from the original stock. In this paper we read: ‘‘The constant tendency of individuals to wander from the station of their species is absolutely necessary for the formation of races and species’? (p. 4). ‘*‘Where there is no migra- tion, that is, where no isolated colony is founded, natural No. 493] ISOLATION AND SELECTION ' Bb selection can not take place” (p. 59). These and many other passages of similar import indicate how fully he recognized the importance of isolation, and how at the same time his theory was a denial of some of the facts in the origin of species. The following are some of the facts with which his general theory as well as his special state- ments were in conflict: 1. That, through change of climate and of other condi- tions due to geological changes, the whole fauna and flora of an island like Iceland might be subjected to new forms of selection producing a complete change of many species into new species, without any chance for migration. After the publication of my article in Nature, July 18, 1872, in which I emphasized the importance of isolation, I met Darwin at his home, and he called my attention to Wagner’s theory, and suggested that it did not correspond with the facts of nature, especially on this point. 2. That the influence of geographical isolation in pro- ducing divergence, and in opening the way for selection to cooperate in producing divergence, is wholly due to its prevention of free-crossing, and that the same result may, in various ways, be brought about by divergent habits or instincts, or other incompatibilities, while the isolated groups remain in the original habitat of the species. 3. That divergence does not necessarily require the in- fluence of different forms of selection. 4. And that different forms of selection do not neces- sarily depend on exposure to unlike environments; for diversity in the forms of selection may be due to diversity in the methods of using the same environment adopted by isolated branches of the same species. In August, 1872, I read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science a paper on ‘‘ Diversity of Evolution under One Set of External Conditions,’’* in which the conditions just mentioned were briefly stated. In two subsequent papers entitled ‘‘ Divergent Evolution through Cumulative Segregation,” and ‘‘Intensive Seg- 1 This paper was soon after published in the Linnean Society’s Journal, Zoology, vol. XI, pp. 496-505. 56 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII regation,’’ read before the Linnean Society in 1887 and 1889, and published in their Journal, the subject was more fully discussed, and since then in my volume on ‘‘Evolú- tion, Racial and Habitudinal,’’ published by the Carnegie Institution, my view of the factors of organic evolution has been presented, with special relation to their inter- action on each other, and the close correlation between the evolution of habits and the evolution of racial charac- ters. It is to this last-mentioned phase of the subject that I have hoped that I might call special attention. I regard this influence of acquired habits in the control of the forms of selection as of great importance, especially in the evolution of the higher classes of animals, and in the races of mankind. MEANING OF THE TERM ENVIRONMENT In all my discussions, I have been careful to give a uniform meaning to the term environment. When treat- ing the evolution of species, or of smaller groups of in- tergenerating organisms, the environment is, in my lan- guage, always the set of influences lying outside of the group under discussion, and is never used to designate the influence of one part of the group upon another part, as, for example, the influence of parents upon offspring, of males upon females, of the strong upon the weak. In the generalizations made by some writers, it is impossible to decide whether the environments referred to are intended to include these reflexive influences or not. But even with the broadest interpretation of the term environment, I can not accept the statement often made that there is no divergence in branches of the same species unless they are exposed to different environments. Such a conclusion seems to be based on the assumption that all transformation in organisms is due to adaptations giving more or less advantage to the forms that survive, and ignores the fact that in many species there are count- less variations of a non-utilitarian character. It also fails to recognize the fact that isolated groups of indi- viduals of the same variety, exposed to the same external No. 493] ISOLATION AND SELECTION 57 environment, and also to the same internal influences producing selection, may still, before many generations have passed, adopt different methods of dealing with the external environment, or introduce divergent forms of sexual or social selection, or of some other form of reflex- ive selection. The divergence, in such cases, is explained by the power of the species to vary, and by the proba- bility that the variation will introduce new methods of meeting surrounding conditions. F. W. Headley, in his volume on ‘‘Problems of Evolution” (on pp. 146-149), gives illustrations of how branches of the same species may adopt ‘‘alternative methods of adjustment to the same environment,” and yet in the same book (on p. 103) we read: ‘‘If the environment remains unchanged, evolution ceases,’’? and on p. 153—‘‘ Nothing but change of environment can lead to further evolution.” His mind seems to cling to the old statements of general laws, though he has come to recognize a class of facts that are quite at variance with these old statements. It therefore appears that we need not only a clear and consistent use of terms, but a clear and consistent state- ment of the facts of the organic world, in their bearing upon the changes that take place in organisms. I have carefully studied O. F. Cook’s article in Science of March 30, 1906, and his previous papers to which he refers in that article. The chief difference in our estimates of the factors of evolution seems to me to result from a differ- ence in the meanings that we give to the word evolution. In my use of the word all changes and divergences in the inherited and acquired characters of organisms are in- ‘cluded. The chief factors I find to be variation and heredity in an intergenerating group moulded and con- trolled by isolation and selection. Fuller statements will be found in my book on ‘‘ Evolution, Racial and Habi- tudinal,’’ pp. 60, 79-80, and 138. Of these factors Dr. Cook says that variation and intergeneration relate to evolution, but isolation and selection, though ‘‘factors of species-formation, are not at all factors of evolution.”’ It is evident that this difference in our enumeration of the factors of evolution is due to the different meanings that we give to the term evolution. NOTES AND LITERATURE EVOLUTION AND HEREDITY Darwinism To-day.‘—‘‘Charles Darwin was the foremost scien- tifie man of the entire nineteenth century, and I think he must also be termed the greatest Englishman of his time. Even the very few persons who would assign to the famous naturalist a less solitary preeminence must admit that his ability was of the highest order.’’ Such an estimate of Darwin, recently ex- pressed by Professor Minot, is seldom presented in discussions of Darwinism. Those using this term must explain that they do not mean the origin of coral islands through subsidence of the ocean floor, or the overturning of the earth by worms, or the adaptations of plants to cross-fertilization, or even organic evo- lution, but that they have in mind natural and sexual selection and perhaps also pangenesis. The recent book by Professor Kellogg is a discussion of the various theories of evolution. The first chapter introduces the reader to the ‘‘ philosophic turmoil and wordy strife,’’ very little of which is said to have = found its way into current American literature. In the second chapter it is stated that the ‘‘millions of kinds of animals and plants can have had an origin in some one of but three ways; they have come into existence spontaneously, they have been specially created by some supernatural power, or they have de- scended one from the other in many-branching series by gradual transformation. There is absolutely no scientific evidence for either of the first two ways; . . . If such a summary disposal of the theories of spontaneous generation and divine creation is too repugnant to my readers, ... then my book and such’ readers had better immediately part company; we do not speak the same language.’’ There is little depth in such a statement. It will be generally conceded that existing animals have descended from the past, * Kellogg, V. L. Darwinism To-day. A discussion of present-day sci- entific criticism of the Darwinian selection theories, together with a brief account of the principal other proposed auxiliary and alternative theories of species-forming. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1907. 403 pp. $2.00. 58 No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 59 and that at some remote time one or many forms first appeared upon the earth. Some will say that they appeared spontaneously and others that they were a divine creation, just as present occurrences are regarded by some as spontaneous and by others as divinely ordained. However, that the debate should not be checked by philosophy, the author hastens to consider the vari- ous attacks on ‘‘Darwinism,’’ the defense, and finally other theories which may be substituted. His style is breezy, such as Englishmen describe as American, and New Englanders as Western. ‘‘ Sexual selection is one of Darwin’s supporting theories which has nearly gone quite by the board.’’ In support of this Mayer’s convincing experiments with Callosamia promethea are fully described. ‘‘If there is any moth species in which the colors and general pattern of the male ought to be readily obvious to the female... it is this species.” Mayer found that the females did not prefer normal males to those from which the wings had been clipped, or to those on which the red-brown wings of the female had been fastened in place of their own black ones of very different shape. The author believes that a satisfactory explanation of sexual dimorphism is yet to be formulated. The importance of selection in producing mimicry in color patterns is accepted, though somewhat doubtfully. Professor Kellogg says of Basilarchia—‘‘But thanks to its perfectly mimicking color-pattern, it wings its deceitful way unmolested. There is huge usefulness here, and selection can well be the steadfast maintainer of the viceroy’s dissimulation.’’ The mar- ring of the resemblance by the dark streak across the hind wings is noted but not accounted for; the ‘‘over-refined’’ re- semblance of Kallima to a leaf is called ‘‘absurd.’’ The author leaves his reader to draw his own conclusions in regard to mimiery and many other problems. Thus Bumpus is cited to show that a storm destroys the physically defective sparrows, and Kellogg shows that a drought destroys the fit and the unfit fish. The reader must judge whether it is variation or ‘‘hard luck’? which usually brings destruction. Three theories alternative with selection are presented, namely, ‘‘Lamarckism,’’ orthogenesis, and heterogenesis (mutation). Darwin is cited in favor of all three. Lamarck’s conception of evolution is ‘‘a great thought and a clear one,” buts it lacks 60 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII experimental support. Likewise for the theory of heterogenesis as capable of explaining species formation as a whole, the author finds an ‘‘extreme meagerness in quantity of the real scientific evidence.” He declares that no indubitable cases of species- forming or transforming have been observed. “The theories of orthogenesis of the general type exemplified by Eimer’s are directly in line with the spirit of modern bio- logical methods and investigations. They rest on the assumption that physico-chemical factors produce direct effects on the plas- tic organism, and that such effects . . . modify or control evo- lution.’’ Any tendency; such as is shown by Nägeli, to substitute a ‘‘mystie vital foree’’ for the ‘‘ physico-chemical factors’’ re- ceives the author’s severe censure; yet except as one emphasizes the complex and unknown internal factors rather than the simpler conditions of environment, these conceptions are not far apart. ‘‘Nageli believes that animals and plants would have developed about as they have, even had no struggle for existence taken place, and the climatic and geologic conditions been quite different from what they actually have been.’’ Much more could be said in favor of orthogenesis than Professor Kellogg records. In the concluding chapter it is stated that ‘‘ Darwinism, then, as the natural selection of the fit, the final arbiter in descent- control, stands unscathed, clear and high above the obscuring cloud of battle. . . . To my mind every theory of heterogenesis, of orthogenesis, or of modification by the transmission of acquired characters confesses itself ultimately subordinate to the natural selection theory.’’ Yet before closing, Professor Kellogg returns to a discussion of orthogenesis as ‘‘a determinate though not purposeful change.” | After each chapter there is an appendix containing consider- able citations from works on evolution. The volume should prove valuable to students; we hope that they will not lay it aside with the author’s remark ‘‘Kurz und gut, we are immensely unsettled.’’ Poth. The Effect of Environment upon Animals.—It is well known that if the pupe of certain butterflies, e: g., Vanessa or Pyra- meis, be subjected to extreme cold (0° to — 20° C.) many of the adults will be aberrant in color pattern. However, if they be subjected to extreme heat (42° to 46° C.) the same aberrations No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 61 will be produced. Less extreme heat (35° to 37°C.) gives aberrations differing from these. Opinions do not agree as to the reason why extreme heat and extreme cold produce the same results. M. von Linden considers it to be a ‘‘ pathological’’ phenomenon caused by tissue injury. Narecotizing and whirl- ing on a centrifugal machine cause similar effects. Fischer? argues with great force that this is not so. He believes it to be a ‘“‘normal’’ arrest of development, such as occurs during hibernation, pointing out, however, the difficulty of drawing a sharp line between normal and pathological physiology. Both Vanessa and Pyrameis are common in America. It would be well worth while to study critically the inheritance of these abnormalities. Salamandra maculosa is normally either viviparous or ovip- arous, producing a large number (up to 72), young. These young, when born, are larve. They live in water for some time, finally losing their gills and metamorphosing into land sala- manders. If, however, the female be deprived of water, she will give birth to a small number (2 to 7) of young which have already lost their gills. Kammerer?’ carried the experiment still farther and found that, even if the abnormally born females be given water, they give birth to young having reduced gills. Plate è has made a detailed study of the genus Cerion (land snails) of the Bahama Islands. Many local races or varieties were found. He believes these to be due to the modifying in- fluence of the environment, but gives no experimental evidence. Snails could easily be transplanted from one island to another in order to test this point. The Bahama Islands are so near to America that this problem should appeal especially to Ameri- ean students of evolution. FRANK E. LUTZ. 1 Fischer, E. Zur Physiologie der Aberationen- und Varietaten-Bildung der Schmetterlinge. Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie, IV, 6, November—December, 1907. merer, Paul. Die Nachkommen der spätgebornen Salamandra maculosa und dae friihgebornen Salamandra atra. Archiv fiir Entwick- lungsmechanik der Organismen, XXV, 1 and 2, December, 1907 * Plate, C. Die Variabilität und die Artbildung nach dem Prinzip geo- graphischer Formenketten bei den Cerion-Landseht wecken der Bahama- Inseln. Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie, IV, 4 and 5, July- October, 1907. 62 TUE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII THE PROTOZOA Some Recent Protozoa Literature.— Waves of special enthusiasm sweep over the domain of biology as of other sciences; each leaves its mark, passes on and is followed by others. At one time it was the ‘‘section cutters’’ at another the ‘‘finger bowl brigade,’’ at present it is genetics. Some investigators are independent enough to swim in quieter waters while some are so bold as to try to make an independent high-water mark long after the wave has passed. To the later group Hartmann and Prowazek must be assigned, for in a recent paper! they deal with the homologies of the centrosome, a problem which has never been solved and one that can not be regarded as obsolete, but which is no longer on the wave of biological enthusiasm. Nor is the point of approach at all novel. They see in the nucleus and centrosome of the higher cell types only the remi- niscence of a dual condition in protozoa. To be sure, they bring to bear a great fund of recently published observations, more particularly on protozoan cell structures, and they see in the metazoan nucleus and centrosome the outcome of dimorphic nu- clei in these primitive animals. The two nuclei of the hypothet- ical ancestral form are not of the type suggested by Schaudinn in the early advocacy of this same theory (Ameba binucleata), but of the type seen in Trypanosoma, where trophonucleus and kinetonucleus are persistent morphological elements of the cell. They believe that the same dual arrangement is present in other protozoa; in some the kinetonucleus is reduced to a mere granule outside of the normal cell nucleus (as in the Centralkorn of the Heliozoa) ; in others the two nuclei are united to form an ‘‘am- phinucleus,’’ the one encased within the other as in the typical centronucleus. Here is the only really novel point in their discussion, and this can not be accepted, for to assign to the division center in a nucleus of the Euglena type the rôle of an independent nucleus is a reductio ad absurdum. The authors use a considerable area of printed matter to prove that these kinetoplasmic structures in protozoa are homologous with the centrosomes of higher forms, a point of view generally accepted more than a decade ago; and certainly nothing new is gained 1 Hartmann and Prowazek. Blepharoplast, Karyosom und Centrosom. Arch. f. Prot., X, 2-3 No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 63 by calling these division centers ‘‘nuclei.’’ The one feature in support of this view is the presence of chromatoid material about the blepharoplast in Trypanosoma and in Parameeba, but even the truth of this is not generally accepted, Schaudinn’s observations not having had sufficient confirmation to warrant universal acceptance. The authors’ statement that chromatin material is likewise present in the great sphere of Noctiluca is not true. On the whole this conception of blepharoplast, karyo- some and centrosome gives an inadequate summary of the stri- king recent advances in protozoan morphology and leaves the problem of the origin of the metazoan centrosome very much as it was ten years ago. The pioneer work of Schaudinn’s upon which this conception of Hartmann and Prowazek’s is based has not been fully and satisfactorily confirmed, while much of it has been denied. Novy, for example, has continually fought against the double intra- and extra-cellular life of Trypanosoma noctuæ and now Moore and Breinl,? working with different kinds of Trypano- soma, find that the nuclei of 7. gambiense, T. brucei and T. equinum all conform to the centronucleus type and that the blepharoplast or kinetonucleus (Woodcock) arises in the latent bodies by halving of the intra-nuclear division center and with- out any accompanying chromatin such as Schaudinn described in the case of T. noctuw. Passing over the fact that the present authors somewhat stultify themselves on the perfection of their technique and give an ungenerous blanket criticism of all others who have worked upon the morphology of trypanosomes, it must be admitted that their criticism is to a certain extent justified, for the majority of observers have made too free use of the dry smear method. The so-called chromosomes of the trypano- somes, for example (not chromosomes at all in the strict sense), are interpreted by Moore and Breinl as irregular masses of chromatin which may assume any form under the rough proc- | esses of the dry method of fixation. This may or may not be true, but at any rate the figures given by the English authors and representing the finer structures of these nuclei do not inspire confidence in the methods which they themselves advo- cate, although they are, indeed, well tried and recognized methods. 2 Moore and Breinl. Cytology of the Trypanosomes. Annals of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1, No. 3. 64 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII Apart from this question of technique, upon which the last word is not yet given, Moore and Breinl bring forward evidence which throws a new light on the life history of T. gambiense, the cause of sleeping sickness. They find a phase in the life his- tory where the nucleus, surrounded by a small bit of proto- plasm, is left over after the bulk of the trypanosome has degener- ated. This nucleated bit, which they name the ‘‘latent body,’’ is stored up in the spleen and bone marrow of the experimental animal (rat), ultimately reappearing in the circulation where a new, young trypanosome arises from it. They find no evi- dence of trimorphie differentiation which Schaudinn first de- scribed for T. noctue, but they call attention to the fact that a complete series of sizes of trypanosoma may be selected, and claim that the indifferent, male, and female, forms are only arbitrarily chosen individuals from such a series. Another interpretation is given to the trypanosomes with long chromatin bars such as Prowazek in the ease of T. lewisi re- garded as male forms. The English observers introduce a new hypothesis to account for this, viz., that it represents a type of autogamous conjugation. The bar is of kinoplasmic material growing out from the blepharoplast to the nucleus, where a portion of its substance, as they believe, unites with the nucleus. The suggestion is ingenious and, in view of the constantly grow- ing evidence in favor of autogamy in other kinds of protozoa (Entameeba, Actinospherium, Ameba proteus, ete.), must be taken into account. On a priori grounds it would certainly seem that if conju- gation among trypanosomes is a normal part of the life history, and there is no reason to believe it absent, it would be more frequently observed and there would be no uncertainty about it. Its infrequeney and the doubt existing in regard to the observa- tions that have already been made lead us to suspect that conju- gation of some obscure type occurs here. In flagellated protozoa where conjugation of the ordinary type is characteristic, the periodicity of conjugation is one of the most noteworthy fea- tures. This is well illustrated in a timely article by C. Clifford Dobell on the life history of a simple Peranema-like flagellate which he names Copromonas subtilis” The flagellate is a com- ? Dobell, C. Clifford. The Structure and Life History of Copromonas subtilis nov. gen. et nov. sp., a Contribution to our Knowledge of the Fla- gellata. Q. J. M. S., No. 205, 1908. No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 65 . mon parasite of the rectum of frogs and toads and grows readily, the author observes, in rectal contents with normal salt. Con- jugation between similar organisms (isogametes) occurs from the seventh to the ninth day of such a culture, the result being either an encysted form (permanent cyst) or a motile form which reproduces by division for several generations and then encysts. ` The trypanosomes evidently present no such simple life his- tory as this which Dobell describes and, although accumulating evidence makes it probable that all stages are confined to the single host in the greater number of cases at least, every de- scription of conjugation thus far published is so fantastic as to arouse suspicion. What is true of trypanosomes is even more characteristic of spirochetes, a field of research so difficult that very few have had the hardihood to publish accounts of con- jugation, and needless to say none that has been published is acceptable. The latest on Spirocheta is a paper by H. B. Fantham on the relatively large spirochete of the oyster and clam. This Spirocheta balbianii, which was monographed by Perrin a couple of years ago, is interesting in having a central helix of chromatin which is spirally wound, and upon which larger granules of chromatin are suspended at intervals. This represents an intermediate condition, so far as the nucleus is concerned, between the isolated granules of chromatin in bac- teria and in certain forms of Spirocheta (e. g., S.:obermeiert), and the formed nuclei of higher types of protozoa. Reprodue- tion both of this form and of S. anodonte is by longitudinal and occasionally transverse division, both types occurring according to the author. Conjugation in no form was observed. Like the majority. of recent writers on the spirochetes, Fantham pro- poses a new group for them intermediate between the protozoa and the bacteria. He suggests that they be made a new ‘“‘class”’ of organisms under the name ‘‘Spirochetacea.’’ Such innova- tions, however, can do no good and it is far better not to further confuse an already mixed up classification. When the full life history of the genus (or genera) of Spirocheta is known it will be time enough to change the classification. These flagellates are not the only forms of protozoa over ‘Fantham, H. B. Spirocheta (Trypanosoma) balbianii (Certes) and ‘Spirocheta anodonte (Keysselitz). Their Movements, Structure and Affini- ties. Q. J. M. S, No. 205, 1908. : : - 66 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII which there is much discussion and controversy at the present - time. The rhizopods offer quite as extensive a field for diver- gent opinions and here again it is mainly in connection with the parasitic types. The lfe histories of the ordinary forms are being slowly established and with this basis the parasitic forms should be comparatively simple to work out. The one remaining important step to be made in working out the life history of the common rhizopod Arcella vulgaris has quite re- cently been taken by W. Elpetiewsky,® and it is fitting that it should have been made in Hertwig’s laboratory, where the first important steps were taken. The author finds that gametic nuclei are formed from the distributed chromidia in the way described by Schaudinn for Centropyxis, and by Schaudinn and Lister for Polystomella. Macrogametes and microgametes are formed and conjugation of two such anisogamous swarmers was followed step by step. He found furthermore, that Arcella re- produces also by the formation of pseudopodiospores, and that these develop fine heliozoa-like radiating pseudopodia, upon the ends of which they roll about for a period of from two to three hours. This observation is interesting in the light of the pos- sible origin of the lobose rhizopods from the heliozoa. It is not quite so simple a matter to accept the latest work on the parasitic rhizopods and we entirely disagree with Prowazek ° in his conception of the so-called group Chlamydozoa. In this proposed new group of protozoa which he would place inter- mediate between the protozoa and the bacteria, Prowazek places the majority of the recently contested forms of disease-produ- cing organisms. The disputed organisms of variola, vaccinia, searlet fever, trachoma, rabies, Molluscum contagiosum, and | some others of less importance are all grouped together here apparently without regard to their morphology or effects upon the host. All of these organisms are regarded as extremely small cell parasites which are made conspicuous by reason of a more or less thick secretion of nuclear material about them, the name of the proposed group being based upon this characteristic (xAapnvs—mantle). In this supposition the author takes a great deal for granted and begs two very important questions, first, that the inclusions sW, Elpetiewsky. Zur Fortpflanzung von Arcella vulgaris Ehr. in Arch. f. Prot., X, No. 2-3, 1907. èS. Prowazek. Chlamydozoa. In Arch. f. Prot., X, No. 2-3, 1907. No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 67 are organisms, and second, if organisms, that the bulk of their substance is to be traced to nuclear secretions. The limits of the present reference will not permit an extensive analysis of Pro- wazek’s different assumptions, but one or two matters may be pointed out as showing his method of treatment, and incidentally his ignorance or, possibly, disregard, of careful work of others. The organism of rabies, for example, exists, as do all rhizopod protozoa in many different sizes, and one form of the organism is extremely minute. This small phase is characteristic of the so-called ‘‘fixed virus’? and has been entirely overlooked by Prowazek despite the accurate and detailed work of Dr. A. W. Williams and others. In another phase the organism is quite large and characteristically amceboid in form. Prowazek finds none of these larger forms in centrifuged virus and coneludes that the intra-cellular phase is absent in the virus thus treated, and since he failed to see these forms in the fixed virus he further concludes that the bulk of the Negri body in rabies must be a nuclear secretion and that the organisms are the minute brightly staining points (chromatin) of the larger forms which are actually present in the fixed virus and in centrifuged virus, but invisible. In this conclusion he shows not only a total dis- regard for what other competent workers have done, but a sur- prising ignorance of the actual structure of the Negri body. Apart from special criticisms which might be carried out for each of the diseases mentioned, the general criticism may be made that it is not good zoology to create a group in classifiea- tion while there is still some doubt as to the organisms being living things; and it is not good cytology to assume an en- tirely new funetion (of specific secretions) in various cells in response to such questionable organisms. The present critic believes, indeed, that these questionable structures are organisms, and organisms belonging to the rhizopod group of protozoa, but not to any group with the characteristics of the proposed **Chlamydozoa.’’ G N. C. EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY The Determination of Sex in Frogs.—Few results in experi- mental biology have been more puzzling than those involving the question of the determination of the sex of the frog. The earliest 68 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII observations—those of Born—seemed to indicate that the food given to the young tadpoles determined the sex of the frog. Yung also obtained about 70 per cent. of females when his tadpoles were well fed. Balbiani and Henneguy have stated that tadpoles fed on egg-yolk produced more females than those fed on a vegetarian diet. On the other hand, Cuénot obtained no such results, and the recent careful and extensive experiments of Miss King have shown clearly for the toad that the nutrition of the tadpole has no influence on the sex of the adult. De- spite the fact that these recent results go far towards showing that sex is not determined or even altered by food relations, a curious disproportion of the sexes in frogs has been noted by several observers. The recent valuable experiments of Richard Hertwig do not, in the opinion of the reviewer, bear out the interpretation that Hertwig has placed upon them. Neverthe- less, his methods give promise, if further extended, of throwing light on the problem. In Hertwig’s first contribution to the subject published in 1906 he suggested that sex is determined by the condition of ripeness of the egg at the moment of fertilization. This view is not new, and Hertwig’s attempt to connect his view with the ratio of nucleus to cell-plasm of the egg at different periods of its maturation can hardly be looked upon favorably, since in the frog’s egg the nucleus as such has already disappeared when the egg leaves the ovary. The chromosomes are thereafter arranged on the equatorial plate of the first polar spindle. It is, how- ever, during this period that the degree of ripening is supposed to determine the sex of the egg. However unsatisfactory this specific suggestion of Hertwig may now appear, the possibility must still be granted that in some way the degree of maturity of the egg may have an influence on sex-determination. Hert- wig interpreted his experiments to mean that at first the egg tends to produce males, then during the middle phases of its ripening it tends to produce females, and finally during its later phases again its tendency is towards male production. It is not our purpose to discuss in detail this interpretation, but it may be stated that Hertwig’s experiments fell far short of proving his hypothesis. In Hertwig’s second paper,! to which we wish more especially 1 Hertwig, R. Weitere Untersuchungen ueber das Sexualitätsproblem. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 1907. No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 69 to call attention, he also brings forward the same hypothesis and attempts to explain certain incongruities of the two series by other suggestions. It will be noticed that while the ‘‘older’’ eggs give an enormously high percentage of males, those first fertilized also give an excess of males or at least equal num- bers of the two sexes. There is no middle register in which females are in excess. Hertwig’s principal results are shown in the accompanying table. The eggs of three females, 1, 6, and 10, were fertilized at four different intervals (I, II, III, IV) of several hours apart (6, 18, 30, ete.) ; the percentages show in each case how many males developed to each 100 females—the actual number of indi- viduals employed standing above the percentages. The stri- king fact shown by the table is the high percentage of males throughout, but especially towards the end. of each series, where in one case there were 129 males to 17 females. I H III IV ie sig aon OO 1. 849: 47g 659: 77g 1569: 1948 79: 48¢ 141¢ 1194 12 685¢ = 56 e 6. 649: 61g 1019: 139g 1159: 169g 954 1374 147% NE oo ime BE se oS 10. 559: 52g 1489: 87g 719: 70g 179: 129g 100¢ 59% 100% 759% The results leave little doubt that there is something in this series that stands for maleness. A number of possibilities be- sides the one adopted by Hertwig will suggest themselves. There is, moreover, one vital weakness in the experiment as carried out, for which, unfortunately, there is no control—different males were used, apparently, at least for the last fertilization, and the percentage of male-producing sperm present in these males was not determined. Without this control the experiment is seriously defective. Hertwig himself has realized this deficiency and has carried out one successful experiment in which the eggs of one female—separated into lots—were fertilized by different males. The results are not convincing, as the following statement shows. The eggs of a female from a locality (Lochausen, indicated by L in the table), where the season was nearly at its end, were separated into six lots. Three of these were fertilized by sperm 70 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII from three males of the same locality (indicated by Ņ, l, l, in the table), and the other three were fertilized by sperm of three males from another locality (Schleissheim, —S in dia- gram). The converse experiment was also carried out. The results are given in the next table, in which the double sign 2 g indicates that the sexual organs were in an indifferent con- dition. It will be observed that a very large number of indi- viduals are referred to this category. Hertwig states that in those cultures that developed best there was a decided excess of males—more than of indifferent forms. On the other hand, the * poor cultures contained females almost exclusively, fewer in- different forms and no males. v s P L 29g: 319 99d: 539 80g: 7798 8. Soa" © 659 t 77g: 7398 E E L. 176g : 1569¢ S. 108 : 7598 93, 5989 : 659g, 119 Hertwig thinks that the results show that the sperm has a dis- tinct influence on sex-determination. He suggests that in the present case the eggs were nearly in a condition of equilibrium so that a slight influence on the part of the male sufficed to turn the scales. He adds that it is thinkable that as a rule the eggs at the time of normal fertilization have their sex so positively determined that the relatively small influence of the male has no influence. It will be noted, however, that in Hertwig’s own experiment the condition of the two females selected was very different, yet there is a surprising similarity in the results pro- duced when the males that fertilized the eggs are considered. The experimental results are not sufficient to give any posi- tive light on the question, but the method that Hertwig has employed in the last experiment is one that promises to give an answer to the question whether the egg or the sperm deter- mines the sex in the frog. If one may hazard a guess, the results of Hertwig’s experi- ments seem to show that the male is responsible for sex-determi- nation. Since normally all the eggs are fertilized it can not be assumed that, if they are of two sexes, those of one sex are preponderatingly injured or killed by the cold of winter. In regard to the sperm, however, it is possible that more of one kind, No. 493] NOTES AND LITERATURE 71 if two kinds exist, are injured or that internal processes may lead to the production of more functional sperm of one sex. These factors may differ in different individuals or be characteristic of different races or regions. The importance of settling this ques- tion and the ease with which the experiment can be carried out with the simplest possible apparatus ought to lead many natu- ralists to repeat the experiment in different localities and with different species. The only difficulty arises from the mortality of the tadpoles; for they must be kept until the time of meta- morphosis (which, however, for the wood frog, the toad and for some of the tree frogs takes place as early as June of the same year). By keeping the tadpoles in running water, or by chan- ging the water in the dishes every day, success is assured. ANATOMY Wiedersheim’s Comparative Anatomy. The various forms and editions of this work have been for two decades, we believe, the most used and useful text-books upon the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. In the ten years since the publication of the second English edition, three progressively larger German edi- tions have appeared, and the book became so large that Wieders- heim published a résumé entitled ‘An Introduction to Com- parative Anatomy.’’ The third English edition is, in both size and substance, a compromise between the second English and the large German editions. The text proper occupies one hun- dred and ten pages more than in the second edition. This is due partly to the addition of new matter and partly to the use of uniform type in the text, instead of printing in smaller type the matter assumed to be less worthy of the student’s attention. This change has improved the appearance of the book and the inerease in size has been partly counterbalanced by printing more compactly and in smaller type the much extended and useful bibliography. New facts have been incorporated, usually and unfortunately without recasting, but the sections upon the skin, skull, brain- 1 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. R. Wiedersheim, by W. N. Parker. Third edition, founded on the sixth German edition. 576 pp., 372 figures. The Macmillan Company, 1907. 72 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII membranes and ‘‘adrenals’’ have been essentially rewritten. As a result, the book is improved by many small increments as well as by the new treatment of a few subjects. Among these is the interesting physiological difference be- tween the lungs of birds and of mammals, now properly noted for the first time. In mammals during inspiration the lung expands and draws into its blind terminal respiratory chambers a mixture of fresh and residual air. The residual air greatly dilutes the oxygen which comes in contact with the absorbing blood vessels, and also prevents the carbon dioxide from being expired directly. In birds the lung is a network of anastomos- ing tubes which are not expansile. Fresh air is drawn through these tubes by the expansion of the air sacs, which are non- respiratory terminal prolongations of the lung. The lung of the bird may, in a sense, be compared with the respiratory bronchioles of mammals, the mammalian alveoli corresponding with the avian air sacs. Thus the lung of birds is peculiarly adapted for the rapid oxidation correlated with the. require- ments of flight and with a high body temperature. Other ad- ditions of this sort contribute to the value of this edition. . W. WILLIAMS. (No. 492 was issued January 23, 1908.) The Bausch & Lomb BH Microscope has been designed especially for use in schools and colleges and in it we have aimed to produce a very rigid, durable instrument at a moderate price. It is of the handle arm type and hence possesses the great advantage of enabling it to be carried with- out injury to the fine adjustment, a point of much im- portance in laboratory work where instruments are continually handled by students. The fine adjustment is unusually responsive. The working parts are thoroughly protected from dust. BH 2, with $ and 4 objectives, l-inch eye- piece, double nose-piece . . . $33.50 BH4, with 3 and 4 objectives, 2-inch and l -inch eye-piece, double nose-piece . 35.00 “PRISM” IS A LITTLE MAGAZINE we publish monthly. Not a mere advertisement, but a beautifully made and printed publication about that world of wonder | and beauty seen by the lens. Send us your name and we Jae will enter your subscription FREE. ‘Bausch & Lomb Optical Company Carl Zeiss, Jena George N. Saegmuller Offices: BL Washington New York San Francisco Boston London Chicago Frankfort o/ M Rochester, N. Y. WALKER PRIZES IN NATURAL HISTORY _ By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. bige Johnson Walker two p y offered by t ] P NATURAL History for the ~ best memoi itten in the English language, on bjec proposed by a Committee a 2 -appoin ated by the Council. z — ie yt age ret r i ._ ey is k > . e l E es dollars iu s > 3 (Fs haw ‘ever, the memoir be one of marked merit, the mount nisy be increaedd to ome P oe ie x š . > = aE ER ERE $ CL 2.11 3.3 UUIG OS may be mes AUCs | Prizes will not be awarded unless the imoir mani are of adequate merit. estricted, , but is open to all. aie _ Min eet o following points: s showing intrinsic a of being VOL. XLII, NO. 494 ~ . tool s s Zoological Progress. Notes and Literature: Heredity—The Possibility of Inheritance through AOE AMERICAN NATURALIS A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS The Law of Geminate Species. í President DAVID STARR JORDAN Fasciations of Known Causation . . ‘ ` : Dr. HENRI HUS The Aggregate Origination of Parasitic Plants. Dr. CHARLES A. WHITE The Evolution of the Tertiary Mammals and the pasese of their Migrations. Professor CHARLES DEPÉRET . Professor G. H. PARKER the Placental Circulation instead of through Germ Cells, F. T. L. Jnverte- xperi ments in Transplanting Limbs, and their Bearing upon the Problem of Dinig of Nerves, A. THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 FEBRUARY, 1908 134 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST MSS. intended for publication and books, ete., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the A The subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies is thirty-five cents. The advertising rates will be sent on application THE SCIENCE PRESS Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 , Pa., as second-class mail matter, applied for. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Voi. XLII February, 1908 No. 494 THE LAW OF GEMINATE SPECIES PRESIDENT DAVID STARR JORDAN STANFORD UNIVERSITY Ix ‘‘Evolution and Animal Life,” by Jordan and Kellogg (page 120), the following words are used: “ Given any species, in any region, the nearest related species is not to be found in the same region nor in a remote region, but in a neigh- boring district separated from the first by a barrier of some sort or at least by a belt of country, the breadth of which gives the effect of a barrier.” Substituting the word ‘‘kind’’ for species in the above sentence, thus including geographical subspecies, or nas- cent species, as well as species clearly definable as such, Dr. J. A. Allen accepts this proposition as representing a general fact in the relations of the higher animals. To this generalization Dr. Allen, in a late number of Science, gives the name of ‘‘Jordan’s Law.’’ The present writer makes no claim to the discovery of this law. The lan- guage above quoted is his, but the idea is familiar to all students of geographical distribution and goes back to the master in that field, Moritz Wagner. This law rests on the fact that the minor differences which separate species and subspecies among animals are due to some form of segregation or isolation. By some barrier or other the members of one group are prevented from interbreeding with those of another minor group or with the mass of the species. As a result, local pecul- iarities arise. ‘‘Migration holds species true, localiza- 73 74 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII tion lets them slip,’’ or rather leaves them behind in the process of modification. The peculiarities of the par- ents in an isolated group become intensified by in and in breeding. They become modified in a continuous direc- tion by the selection induced by the local environment. They are possibly changed in one way or another by germinal reactions from impact of environment. At last a new form is recognizable. And this new form is never coincident in its range with the parent species, or with any other closely cognate form, neither is it likely to be in some remote part of the earth. Whenever the range of two such forms overlaps in any degree, the fact seems to find an explanation in reinvasion on the part of one or both of the forms. The obvious immediate element in the formation of species is, therefore, isolation, and behind these are the factors of heredity, of variation, of selection, and others as yet more or less hypothetical in- volved in the effect of impact of environment on the germ cells themselves. The formation of breeds of sheep as noted by Jordan and Kellogg (p. 82), seems exactly par- allel with the formation of species in nature. In like man- ner, the occasional development of breeds arising from the peculiarities of individuals is possibly parallel with the ‘‘mutations’’ of the evening primrose. Such breeds are the Ancon sheep in Connecticut and the blue-cap Wensley- dale’ sheep in Australia. The ontogenetic species— groups in which many individuals are simultaneously modified in the same way by like conditions of food or climate—show no permanence in heredity. Such forms, however strongly marked, should, therefore, have no per- manent place in taxonomy. The recent studies of Mr. Beebe on the effects of moist air in giving dusky colors to birds serve to illustrate the impermanence of the groups or subspecies characterized by dark shades of color de- veloped in regions of heavy rainfall. It may also be noted in passing that one cause of the *Blue Cap, a ram of Leicester-Teeswater parentage, having a blue shade on his head, was the progenitor of a breed having this peculiarity, known as the Wensleydale, in Australia. No. 494] THE LAW OF GEMINATE SPECIES 75 potency of artificial selection among domesticated animals or cultivated plants is that such selection is always accompanied by segregation. The latter is taken for granted in discussions of this topic and hence its existence as a factor is usually overlooked. While poultry or pigeons can be rapidly and radically changed by arti- ficial selection, in isolation, no process of selection without isolation is likely to have any permanent result. For example, we know no way of improving the breed of salmon, because the salmon we have selected for repro- duction must be turned loose in the sea, where they are at once lost in the mass. New forms of gold-fish and carp can be made easily in domestication, because these fishes can be kept in aquaria or in little ponds, but new forms of mackerel or herring are beyond the control of man and the species actually existing have been of the slowest creation, their origin lost in geologic times. One of the most interesting features of ‘‘ Jordan’s law’’ is the existence of what I may term geminate species— twin species—each one representing the other on oppo- site sides of some form of barrier. In a general way, these geminate species agree with each other in all the respects which usually distinguish species within the same genus. They differ in minor regards, characters which we may safely suppose to be of later origin than the ordinary specific characters in their group. TIllustra- tions of geminate species of birds, of mammals, of fishes, of reptiles, of snails, or of insects, are well known to all students of these groups, and illustrations may be found at every hand. Each island of the West Indies, which is well separated from its neighbors, has its own form of golden warbler. Each island in the East Indies has its geminate forms of reptiles or fishes. Each island of the Hawaiian group has its own representative of each one of the types or genera of Drepanide. Each group of rookeries in Ber- ing Sea has its own species of fur seal. One of the most remarkable cases of geminate species T6. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII is that of the fishes on the two sides of the isthmus of Panama. Living under essentially the same conditions, but separated since the end of the Miocene Period by the rise of the isthmus, we find species after species which has been thus split into two. These geminate species, a hundred or more pairs in number, were at first regarded as identical on the two shores of the isthmus. Later one pair after another was split into recognizable species. The latest authority on the subject, Mr. C. T. Regan, seems to doubt if any species of shore fishes are actually identical on the two sides of the isthmus. To make this clear, though at the risk of being tedious, I give below a partial list of these geminate species about the isthmus of Panama: Atlantic Coast Harengula humeralis Centropomus pedimacula Centropomus affinis Epinephelus adscensionis Alphestes afer Dermatolepis inermis Hypoplectrus unicolor Lutianus cyanopterus Hemulon parra Hemulon schrancki Anisotremus suriamensis Anisotremus virginicus Encinostomus pseudogula Kyphosus incisor Isopisthus parvipinnis ebris microps Larimus fasciatus Pacific Coast Harengula thrissina Clupanodon libertatis Centropomus ensiferus Epinephelus analogus Alphestes multiguttatus Dermatolepis punctatus Hypoplectrus lamprurus Lutianus novemfasciatus Lutianus argentiventris Lutianus colorado Lutianus guttatus Hemulon sexfasciatum Anisotremus interruptus Anisotremus tæniatus Conodon serrifer Pomadasis branicki Calamus taurinus Xystæma simillimum Encinostomus dowi Kyphosus analogus Isopisthus remifer Nebris zestus Larimus pacificus No. 494] Atlantic Coast Odontoscion .dentex Corvula sialis Bairdiella vere-crucis Micropogon furnieri Umbrina broussoneti Menticirrhus littoralis Eques acuminatus THE LAW OF GEMINATE SPECIES Pacific Coast Odontoscion xanthops Corvula macrops Bairdiella armata Micropogon ectenes Umbrina xanti Menticirrhus elongatus Eques viola This list may be greatly extended, but the series noted will illustrate the point in question. Whenever a dis- tinct and sharply. defined barrier exists, geminate or twin species may be found on the two sides of it, unless, as sometimes happens, the species has failed to maintain itself on one side of the barrier. So far as Panama is concerned, we have evidence that the barrier was raised near the end of Miocene time with no trace of subsequent depression. We can thus form some estimate of the age of separation in at least a small number of closely related species. In this and similar cases it is not possible to con- ceive of the formation of these species by sudden muta- tion, or that they would retain their separate existence were the element of segregation removed. While segre- gation or isolation is not a force, and perhaps not strictly a cause in species formation, it is a factor which appar- ently can never be absent, if the species retains its inde- pendent existence. There is no doubt that the distribution of higher ani- mals in general is in accord with ‘‘Jordan’s Law.” Ex- amples by the thousand come up from every hand. If we had a hundredth part of the amount of available evidence in support of mutation theories, these theories would pass from the realm of hypothesis into that of fact. But the application of this law or rule to plants and to one-celled animals has been questioned. So far as rhizopods are concerned, Dr. Kofoid finds that the species are in general sharply defined and of the widest distribution in the sea, so that we can hardly state laws as defining their geo- graphical distribution. To these minute floating animals, the sea scarcely offers barriers at all, and the recognized species do not seem to be products of geographical iso- 78 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vog XLII lation. Doubtless these species in duration and in nature correspond more nearly to genera or families of higher animals than to actual species. Perhaps minor specific differences such as we note among arthropods or verte- brates are intangible or non-existent. The effects of iso- lation may be tangible only among forms which possess more varied relations with their environment. The application of this law to plants has also been denied. But geminate species are just as common in botany as in zoology, and the effects of isolation in species- forming are just as distinct. The law is just as patent in the one case as in the other. It is merely obscured by other laws or conditions which obtain among plants. In the nature of things, most physical barriers are more easily crossed by plants than by animals. The possibili- ties of reinvasion are thus doubtless much increased. The plant is limited by climate, rainfall, nature of soil, and the Same species is likely to occupy all suitable locations within a large area. Animals are more mobile than plants within their range, a fact which tends to keep the in- terbreeding masses more uniform. In the struggle for existence, the plant is pitted against its environment. Whether a plant survives or not depends not much on the nature of the seed, but mainly on its relation to the spot on which it falls. There is little selection within the species due to the choice of one individual as against another. This can only happen where plants are over- crowded, and there the survival is mainly that of the seed whose roots run deepest. There is little room for struggle between closely related species. Each individual grows—if it can—on the spot where it falls. The vari- ations among plants are great, but these variations are mostly lost unless reinforced by segregation. There is no likelihood of the survival of DeVries’ mutants of the evening primrose if these forms are left free to mix in the same field. Among plants we often notice the fact—rare though not unknown among animals—of numerous species of the same genus occupying the same area. In some cases these No. 494] THE LAW OF GEMINATE SPECIES 79 species are closely related, suggesting mutants, and in other cases the relation indicates the existence of hybrids. In California, for example, there are in the same general region many species of Lupinus, of Calochortus, of Ceano- thus, of Arctostaphylos, of Eschscholtzia, of Godetia, of @Œnothera, and Opuntia. Eucalyptus, Acacia and Epa- cris in Australia are examples even more striking. But I have never seen very closely related or geminate forms in any of these genera actually growing together. TI sus- pect that they do so sometimes and that the explanation is found in reinvasion. But ‘‘growing together’’ is an indefinite statement as applied to plants. The elder, the alder and the madroño (arbutus) abound in the Santa Clara Valley. But no one ever saw any two of these trees standing side by side. Each has its limitations, as to soil and moisture. Setting aside these genera which are represented by many species in a limited area, and among which muta- tion and hybridism may be conceivably factors in species- forming, we find the law of geminate species applying to plants as well as to animals. Crossing the temperate zone anywhere on east and west lines, we find species after species replaced across the barriers by closely related forms. Illustrations may be taken anywhere among the higher plants—equally well, no doubt, among lower ones. Many genera are local in their distribution, monotypie— with a single species, the origin of which can not be traced. But many other genera belt the earth or come very near doing so, each form or species being geminate as related ` to its next neighbor. This fact is illustrated in Rubus, Alnus, Sambucus, Platanus, Fagus, Veratrum, Symplo- carpus, Symphoricarpus, Castanea, Quercus, Pinus, Tsuga, Acer, Rhus, Pyrus, Prunus, Lonicera, Ranuncu- lus, Trientalis, Lilium, Trillium, Veronica, Aquilegia, Gentiana, Viola, Epilobium, Pteris, Mimulus, Trifolium, Solidago, Aster. All these genera and many others fur- nish an abundance of examples. We may, therefore, say that with plants as well as ani- mals geminate species as above defined owe their dis- 80 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII tinctness to some form of isolation or segregation, and that, broadly speaking, with occasional exceptions, given any form of animal or plant in any region, the nearest related form is not to be found in the same region nor in a remote region, but in a neighboring region, separated from the first by a barrier of some sort, not freely traversable. A law, that is, an observed relation of cause and effect is not invalidated by the presence of other effects due to other causes, in the same environment. The actual conditions in nature are everywhere not products of single and simple forces, but résultants of many causative in- fluences, often operative through the long course of the ages. It may be urged that these geminate groups or forms are not true species, because they often intergrade one into another, and they would probably be lost by inter- mingling if the barriers were removed. It is sometimes claimed that only physiological tests of species can be trusted, as true species will not blend and their hybrids, if formed, will be sterile. All this is purely hypothetical and impracticable to the systematic zoologist, and not of much value to the botanist. Closely related species can usually be readily crossed. As the relation becomes less close, partial sterility of all grades and then total sterility appear. Species as we find them in nature are real species if that term has any definition. And real species have, as a rule, indefinite boundaries, shading off into subspe- cies, geminate species, ontogenetic forms and the like. And if we are to understand the significance of nature, we have to describe these facts and relations as they actually are. Then we have to find out what changes we can work in individuals and in species by such alterations of conditions as experiment can give. We do not know actually any species of animal or plant until we know all changes that would take place in its individuals under all conditions of environment. FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION DR. HENRI HUS MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Amone plants, whether in the garden or in the field, individuals occur with greater or less frequency, which, because they exhibit a striking departure from the accus- tomed form, attract immediate attention. To denote such abnormal forms, the term ‘‘teratological’’ is used. Tera- tology covers a wide field. It includes the deviations from the usual arrangement of the parts, such as the union of organs and alterations of position, as well as deviations from the form, number and size of the parts of the plant. Frequently an explanation does not readily offer itself, at other times the inciting cause is demon- strated without trouble. Though it is only in comparatively recent years that the true value of the study of abnormal forms has been real- ized, it must not be thought that in the earlier days the subject was overlooked. Numerous papers on terato- logical cases were published during the seventeenth cen- tury, for instance that by Wurffbain.! The eighteenth century saw an increase in the number of similar publica- tions. Even Linneus, before he enunciated his ‘‘varie- tates levissimas non curat botanicus,’’ seems to have de- voted some time to the study of abnormal forms.” At the same time, it was not until 1814 that the first collective publication on this subject, covering more than 300 pages and containing several illustrations, appeared.* This, at greater or lesser intervals, was followed. by others, the 1 Wurffbain, Johannes Paulus. De folia lactucæ monstroso. ‘‘ Miscell. Acad. Nat. Curios.,’’ Dee. 2, A. 10, 411, 1691. ?Linneus, Carolus. Pommerantz med et inneslutit foster. ‘‘ Vetensk. Akad. Handl.,’’ A. 281, 1745. 3 Jaeger, G. F. Ueber die Missbildungen der Gewichse. Stuttgart, 1814. 81 82 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von. XLII most important being those of Schlotterbeck,* Engel- mann® and Moquin-Tandon.* Since the middle of the last century numerous smaller papers on teratological subjects have appeared. The earlier data have been col- lected by Masters‘ and by Penzig,* in the former publica- tion the abnormalities being arranged according to kind. in the latter under the various families, genera and species. The main point of interest in abnormal forms lies not in the mere fact of the existence of the abnormalities nor in the extremes which they may reach, but rather in the light thrown by them upon plant development,’ and they are therefore entitled to equal consideration with hybrid- ization '° which, as de Vries * has pointed out, permits the analysis of the specific characters and thereby makes pos- sible the study of a single character, since the plant is to be considered merely as an expression of the reaction of elementary units, sometimes occurring singly, at other times in groups. mong the plant monstrosities which are most fre- quently observed are fasciations, in which more often the stems, but sometimes other parts of the plant, appear to broaden and assume a flat appearance. Their existence has been known for centuries, for instance the fasciation of Sedum reflexum (S. crispum), illustrated by Munting’? *Schlotterbeck, P. J. Schediasma botanicum de monstris plantarum quo analogiam regno vegetabili cum animali intercedentem in producendis iisdem adstruit et figuris illustrat. Acta Helvetica, 2: 1, 1816. 5 Engelmann, G. De Antholysi Prodromus. Frankfurt a. M., 1832. € Moquin-Tandon, A. Éléments de Tératologie Végétale. Paris, 1841. 7 Masters, M. T. Vegetable Teratology, London, 1869. ee O. Pflanzen Teratologie. Genua, 1890-1894. oebel, K. Bedeutung der Misbildungen fiir die Theorie der Organ- bildung Organographie der Pflanzen, 173, 1898-1901. schermak, E. The Importance of Hybridization in the Study of De- soe Report of the Third International Conference on Genetics, Royal Horticultural. Society, 278-284, 1906. “de Vries, Hugo. In P Pangenesis. Jena, 1889. Sur les unités des charactères spécifiques et leur application a Vétude des hybrides. Rev. gén. fet 12: 257, 1900. “Munting, A. Waare Oeffeninge der Planten, 1672. No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 83 and in numerous species, in fact, in so many species, in so many genera and in so many families, among fungi, among gymnosperms, among monocotyledons and dicoty- ledons, on herbs, on shrubs and on trees, that the assump- tion appears justified that fasciation may be expected to make its appearance at some time, in some part, in any species. This is the view held by Sorauer,'* but de Vries" does not make so sweeping a statement. Fasciations may be propagated vegetatively, for in- stance, by means of tubers, as in Oxalis crenata’ or through cuttings, as was done at the Missouri Botanical Garden for fasciations of the tomato, Solanum Lycoper- sicum, snap-dragon, Antirrhinum majus, hen-and-chick- ens, Echeveria glauca and others. Fasciations may also be transmitted through seed. Among the best known instances is the cockscomb, Celosia cristata and its varie- ties, which, because of this abnormality, is cultivated in gardens. It is a form which, like the cockscomb ama- ranth, Amaranthus cristatus, has been known for cen- turies to exist, and is always propagated through seed. Recently it has again been shown for Munting’s Sedum reflexum’? as previously by de Vries." The possibility of the transmission of the fasciated character to the offspring, had already been recognized by Godron t8 who, however, says: ‘‘ Les fasciés sont rare- ment héréditaires et jamais d’une maniére absolue.’’ While the truth of the latter part of the statement has been borne out by subsequent work, in the light of experi- ments carried on during the last twenty years, and espe- cially those of de Vries,'® the first part should be amended. 33 Sorauer, P. Handbuch der a ae pe i **Die Fähigkeit zur Fasciation ist bei allen Pflanzen voraus “De Vries, Hugo. Die V STERNER 2: 551. Teas 1901-1903. mi ? 18 Von Wettstein, R. Die Erblichkeit der Merkmale von Knospenmu- tationen. Festschrift zu P. Ascherson ’s Siebzigstem bebara 509, 1904. ** Mutationstheorie, 1: 128. 18 Godron, A. Mélanges de Tératologie Végétale. Mém. Soc. d. Sc. Nat. d. Cherbourg, 16: 97, 1871-1872. 2 De Vries, Hugo. Over de erfelykheid der fasciatien. Avec un résumé en langue francaise. Bot. Jaarb. Dodonea, 6: 72, 1894. 84 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII We have a right to believe that fasciations, like other monstrosities, with the exception, perhaps, of some cases of virescence,?? may be inherited, though not by all de- scendants. Else such varieties could not be offered on ‘the exchange list of the Amsterdam botanic garden as Aster Tripolium fasciatum, Geranium molle fasciatum, Picris hieracoides fasciata, Veronica longifolia fasciata along with Chrysanthemum segetum fistulosum, in which the ligulate florets have become tubular like the disk flowers, Dipsacus sylvestris torsus, which has a twisted stem, Lychnis vespertina glabra, which lacks the tri- chomes on the pod, ete.?4 But it must be remembered that good soil, great care, especially in the earlier stages, plenty of room—in one word, optimum conditions only— give the desired result. Of far greater interest, at the present time at least, is the consideration of the causes of fasciation and its exact nature. Two kinds of fasciation appear to be possible. The one is caused by the combination, in a plane, of sev- eral axes, according to Lopriore.2? The other mode of fasciation, far more common, and the one which will be considered here, consists of the flattening of the stem through a broadening of its apical cone into a comb, as shown by Nestler,?* who did his work at the laboratory e Vries, Hugo. Een epidemie van E Avec un résumé en langue française. Bot. Jaarb. Dodonea, In at least one c: wer been shown that virescence may be transmitted through the seed (18th R issouri Botanical Garden, 99, 1907). The third observed, gen- eration of these plants, now degen 1908) in flower in the greenhouse, still shows the typical charac Now, as formerly, there is no sign of insects to which the cause of ia virescence could be attribut Vries, Hugo. Erfelyke monstrositeiten in den Paltbaxdel der botanische tuinen. Avec un résumé en langue francaise. Bot. Jaa sepa Ne 62, 1897. “Ló G. I ca ion anatomici delli radici nastriforme. Ex. in ceteris f Pa, 14: 226, 1904. ‘ít Solche bandförmige pnas wurzeln entstehen entweder durch dichtes a mehrerer senkrecht raederas zylindri- schen, oder durch gleichsinnige Verwachsung der ralzylinder mehrerer Seitenwurzeln, die sich mit einer gemeinsamen a umgeben.’’ * Nestler, A. Untersuchungen über Fasciationen. Oester. Bot. Zeitschr., 44: 343, 1894, No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 85 for plant physiology at Amsterdam under the direction of de Vries. That we are dealing with but a single branch, and not several, though frequently the ribbed appearance of a fasciation gives cause to think otherwise, is well shown by Sorauer** in the case of a fasciation of the Norway spruce, Picea excelsa. It is demonstrated first of all by the position of the leaves, which are arranged in continuous spirals, and further by the cross sections of the fasciation at different points. They all show the vascular bundles and the pith arranged as a single, con- tinuous mass, and not as a combination of a number of adjacent rings, which would have been the case had the fasciation resulted through the union of various origi- nally distinct branches. For the sake of convenience in discussion, the causes of malformations in general and fasciation in particular will be considered under four heads: (1) Mechanical ac- tion, brought about by the elements, man or other verte- brates; (2) cases where no injury can be traced; (3) the action of fungi; and (4) the action of insects. Traumatisms appear, in the majority of cases, to be the inciting causes of the appearance of teratological charac- ters. Numerous instances of this are to be found through- out our literature. Blarighem *> found that in the case of the pansy, Viola tricolor var. maxima, it was caused by an accidental crushing of a young shoot. Similarly, he has been able to constatate?® that in clover fields which had been mowed twice, the number of individuals of red clover, Trifolium pratense, bearing 4-5-foliate leaves, was from 12 to 37 per hundred, while in fields which never had been cut, but 5 to 8 such plants were found per thousand. Sainfoin, Onobrychis sativa, under the same conditions, produced in its pinnate leaf, leaflets grouped in threes and fours. Plants of the ox-eye daisy, PENON * Ibid., 333. * Blarighem, L. Production par traumatisme d’anomalies florales dont certaines sont héréditaires. Bull. Mus. d’Hist. Nat., 10: 399, 1904. * Blarighem, L. Anomalies héréditaires provoqués par les traumatismes. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc., 140: 378, 1905. 86 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII vulgare (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), of which the stems had been cut, bore heads on which at least a part of the ligulate flowers had been changed to tubular flow- ers, as well as heads, which in the axils of the bracts, bore secondary ligulate florets. Life?’ mentions the case of a plant of Ambrosia artemisiefolia which, having been run over by a wagon and badly injured in consequence, bore both staminate and pistillate flowers in an abnormal con- dition. A hedge composed of plants of Cereus margt- “ROSA DE ORGANO ’’—Cereus marginatus. natus, which, under the name Organo, is largely used as a hedge plant in Mexico, which was partly injured, prob- ably because of securing cuttings for planting, shows numerous fasciations.2* Klebs?? mentions the observa- tions of Krasan, who noted fasciation caused by a loss of leaves through the action of june bugs or spring frosts. ~ Life, A. C. An Abnormal Ambrosia. Bot. Gaz., 38: 383, 1904. * A photograph, by Professor Frederick Starr (reproduced here), illus- trating a large portion of a hedge thus fasciated, and a cast of one of the branches, are in the herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, 9: xx, 1899. Klebs, U G. eber künstliche Metamorphosen. Abh. naturf. Gesell. Halle, 25: 134, 1903-1906 ; See also No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 87 It is but natural to suppose that if accidental mechanical injury can produce abnormalities, the same can be pro- duced experimentally through similar action. Again, numerous cases are on record. The first instance known is probably the experiment of Sachs,*® who, amputating the main stem of bean seedlings just above the cotyledons, was able to bring about fasciation of the shoots produced from the buds in the axils of the cotyledons. A fasciation of Ibervillea sonore at the New York Botanical Garden, referred to in Torreya,*! is understood to have been arti- ficially caused by intentional slight injury of the growing tip. Blarighem *? was able to cause fasciation of shoots of Viola tricolor var. maxima by crushing the young stems. Lopriore,** incited by the experiments of Sachs, cut the root tips of seedlings of Vicia Faba and obtained fasciated roots in a large number of cases, as well as malformations of other parts of the plant. But apparently a fasciation is not necessarily a conse- quence of mutilation. Goebel** mentions fasciations in suckers and watersprouts. These are so common that they probably have come within every one’s notice. Fas- ciations also frequently occur in plants the seedlings of which were abnormal in having a larger number of coty- ledons than usual. It has been shown** that under proper conditions of moisture and food, plants will fre- quently fasciate, though adjacent plants may remain nor- mal. Such cases have generally been ascribed to peculiar conditions of nutrition. ” Sachs, J. Physiologische Versuche über die Keimung der Schmink- bohne (Phaseolus multiflorus). Sitzungsber. d. k. k. ad. d. Wiss. in Wien, 37: 57, 1859. * Knox, Alice A. Fasciations in Drosera, Ibervillea, and ar Torreya, 7°: 102. cit. * Lopriore, G. Verbianderung infolge des Képfens. Ber. d. d. Bot. Ges., 22: 304, 1904. “Goebel, K. Organographie der Pflanzen, 164, 1898-1901. De Vries, Hugo. Eine Methode, Zwangsdrehungen aufzusuchen. Ber. d. d. Bot. Ges., 12°: 25, 1894. * 17th Ann. Rep. Missouri Botanical Garden, 147, 1906. 88 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII That parasitic fungi are able to produce an alteration of form in plants has long been known. One of the most familiar abnormal growths from such a cause is what is commonly termed a witch’s broom, so often observed on evergreens. It is due to the action of species of Exoascus and Æcidum, which induce the formation of a large num- ber of adventitious buds within a comparatively short area of the stem or branch, which give rise to a corre- sponding number of short, thickened twigs. In the silver fir, Abies pectinata, witches brooms are produced by ZA cidium elatinum.®* Frequently galls are produced by fungi, affecting either roots, stems or leaves, but no cases are on record where a fungus was shown to be the cause of fasciation. This is different where gall-insects are concerned. Here some cases have been traced directly to gall-insects 38 as the cause. Galls, otherwise known as cecidia, and distinguished according to their origin into zoo- and phytocecidia, are among the most interesting of the abnormal forms which from time to time make their appearance as excrescences of widely varying shape, color and structure. Recognized by Pliny, some were even in those early days used in medicine because of their astringent properties. To-day, a number of them, especially some occurring on certain species of Quercus, Pistacia, Rhus and Tamarix, are of economic value?’ on account of their tannin content, and a gall produced by Cynips tinctoria upon branches of the dyer’s oak, Quercus lusitanica (Q. infectoria), found in the countries bordering the Mediterranean and in the Orient, is official in the U. S. Pharmacopeeia. Members of widely different orders of insects may be the cause of the * Kerner, A., and Oliver, F. W. The Natural History of Plants, 2: 527, London, 189 5. 3 Though gall insects only are discussed here it does not follow that larvee of other insects may not be the cause of fasciation. The relation between fasciation in species of (Enothera and the larve of a small moth, Mompha, is discussed in a very interesting, well illustrated paper by Hnos, The Plant World, 10°: 145. * Wiesner, J. Die Rohstoffe des Pilaaconretahen, 1: 674, Leipzig, 1900. No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 89 production of a gall. Among the Arachnida, many of the mites do so, some species causing serious injuries; for instance, the pear leaf blister mite, Hriophyes pyri, and E. oleivorus, which causes the so-called ‘‘russet’’ oranges.*° To the Hemiptera, of which the plant-lice, Aphidide, are best known, belongs the dreaded Phylloxera vastatria, which some thirty years ago so seriously crippled the vineyards of France. It forms galls on both the leaves and the roots. The Diptera, to one of the families of which our common house fly belongs, yield the Cecido- myide. One of these very small insects is the cause of the goldenrod rose. Neither the Lepidoptera nor the Coleoptera have many members which are the cause of gall formation. This is different as far as the Hymen- optera are concerned. A large number of species, espe- cially those belonging to the Cynipide, are the cause of the formation of some of the largest, most strikingly colored galls, of which those occurring on oaks (Cynips) and roses (Rhodites) are probably the most familiar. In some eases the causation of fasciations has been as- cribed to gall-forming animals. Kerner‘! speaks of the fasciations of the ash, Fraxinus excelsior and F. ornus, caused by a mite, Phytoptus (Eriophyes). De Vries *? mentions a stem of Hieracium vulgatum attacked by Au- . lax Hieracti which was normal below the gall, but above it was fasciated. Not only fasciations, but numerous other monstrosities have been brought into relation with gall insects. Treub*? observed virescence caused by the same insect. Nalepatt mentions Phytoptus anthocoptes as the cause of virescence of flowers, thickening of the capita — and frequent secondary formation of capitula on Cirsium “© Cook, M. T. Insect galls of Indiana. Tadiana Dep. of Geol. and Nat. Res., 29th Annual Report, 801, 1904. “ Ibid., 2: 549. “ Mutationstheorie, 1: 291. Treub, M. Notice sur l’aigrette des Composées a propos d’une mon- struosité de 1’Hieracium umbellatum. Arch. Neérl. d. sc. phys. et nat., 8: 1. “ Nalepa, A. Neue Arten der Gattung Phytoptus und Cecidophyes. Denkschr. d. k. Acad. d. Wiss., 59: 525, 1892. 90 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII arvense, P. cladophthirus as the cause of gray-hirsute mal- formations of the shoots of Solanum Dulcamara, and P. geniste as the cause of malformations of the tips of the shoots and abnormal hirsuteness of the buds of Genista pilosa and Sarothamnus scoparius. The virescence of the inflorescence of different species of Arabis, due to Aphides, was studied by Peyritsch.** De Vries ** ascribes an epidemic of virescence among the plants in his experi- mental garden to an original infection caused by Phytop- tus, though he was unable to demonstrate the presence of the mite. Finally Molliard4* investigated the influence of fungi and insects causing floral cecidia upon the repro- ductive cells. From the above it will be gathered that there exists a very definite relation between malformation in plants and gall-insects. For this reason a large number of strikingly abnormal plants of the horse-weed, Erigeron canadensis, growing within a narrowly circumscribed area in the im- mediate vicinity of St. Louis, Mo., attracted immediate attention and awakened considerable interest. Being found in January, nothing but the dried parts remained, which made observation easier. All of the plants were abnormal. Among them two distinct types could be dis- tinguished. These types agreed in one particular. From the ground to a place 24-3 feet above the soil, the plants were normal. It was above this point that the abnor- mality presented itself. In the first type, when the plant had reached a height of from 24-3 feet above the ground it had evidently experienced a check. The main stem terminated here in a very much dried-up shoot but an inch or less in length, showing that it never had an op- portunity to perfect its woody tissue. Just below this point numerous small side shoots occurred. These side “ Peyritsch, J. Zur Ætiologie der Chloranthien einiger Arabis Arten. Jahr. f. Wiss. Bot., 13: 1, 1882. “De Vries, Hugo. Een epidemie van vergroeningen. Bot. Jaarb. Do- domea, 8: 66, 1896. “Molliard, M. Recherches sur les Cécidies Florales. Ann. d. Sc. nat. bot., 8. Sér., 1: 67, 1895. — ate # P at, cI \ ks a < oe mn EN — ee Pri ` Ñ E Oh” AR \ 4 Se Ce ie er y ET = z PILA Da r i f is 4 `, he A gta p | Š CECIDOMYIAN DEFORMITIES OF Erigeron. 92 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII shoots had an average length of from 14-2 feet, and, issuing within a space of 3 inches from the atrophied tip, gave the dried plant a peculiar broom-like appearance. Upon them, usually immediately at the base, frequently within 2 or 3 inches from the base and sometimes at a distance of one foot from the base of the side shoot, oc- curred elongated swellings, from 3-% inch long and in- creasing the thickness of the stem to three times its nor- mal size. These also occurred on stems of the second type, which bore fasciations. Each of the swellings contained a single orange-colored larva, which Dr. M. T. Cook kindly determined as that of Cecidomyiaorigerom. The species of Diptera, to which Cecidomyia belongs, lay their eggs on the surface of the plant, and the larve, after hatching, penetrate the tissues. In this they agree with the Arach- nida and Hemiptera. The Hymenoptera puncture the tis- sues and deposit their eggs within the plant tissues. It has long been a question in exactly what manner the ab- normal growth due to gall insects is caused. Some as- cribe it to mere mechanical irritation on the part of the larvæ, others believe it to be due to a chemical stimulus emanating either from the parent insect, which, at least in some instances, deposits, along with the egg, a certain chemical substance, or from the young larve only.48 The latter happens in the case of the gall caused by Cecidomyia Poe upon Poa nemoralis? and which brings about the formation of roots in places where normally they are never found. But when Nematus Capree makes a wound in the leaf tissue for the purpose of depositing an egg, a gall develops, whether an egg is laid or not. Even when the former has taken place, though the egg be subse- quently destroyed, the gall develops just the same, though never attaining full size. For that matter, mere mechan- ical irritation, i. e., the killing of one or a few cells at the “ Beyerinck, M. W. Beobachtungen über die ersten Entwickelungs- phasen einiger Cynipidengallen, 177. Veröffentlicht d. d. k. Acad. d. Wiss. zu Amsterdam, 1882. ° Beyerinck, M. W. Die Galle von Cecidomyia Pow an Poa nemoralis. Bot. Zeit., 43”: 304, 1885. No. 494] FASCLATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 93 side of an organ, may result in the malformation of the adult organ, and, according to Ward,” may be proved experimentally by aid of a needle. But the assumption of a mere mechanical injury is not sufficient to account for the presence and shape of galls. The same insect, on different hosts, may produce different galls. Again, two distinct species of gall-insects produce very different galls on the same plant or even on the same leaf. Further, ex- periments to bring about artificially the formation of galls through the injection of different chemicals, have thus far proved unsuccessful.” Among plants of Erigeron canadensis fasciation ap- pears to be quite common.®? When, however, among the plants of this fleabane infected by the Cecidomyia a large number, at least 10 per cent., were found to be fasciated, it was but natural to attempt to bring the two phenomena into relation. In some of these fasciated plants the fasci- ation begins within two feet of the ground; in others, and these form the majority, the fasciation began from 23-3 feet above the soil surface and above the point where the galls occurred on the main stem. But while the non- fasciated plants showed a large number of long side shoots, developed at the expense of the main stem, the fasciated plants did not differ materially from normal plants in this regard. A large number of short side shoots bearing flowers were produced on a fasciated main stem. The most plausible explanation is that in the former case the growth of the main stem was inhibited absolutely and that all the strength went to form side shoots, while in the latter case the growing point was not affected sufficiently to dry up. Instead, growth was stimulated. Whether the action of the galls was of a mechanical or chemical nature, though of great interest in other cases, is of compara- tively little importance here, and for the following reasons: ” Ward, H. Marshall. Disease in Plants, 131, London, 1901. " Kiistenmacher, M. Bei itrage zur Kerntnis der Gallenbildungen mit i sy des Gerbstoffes. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., 26: 82, 1894. Penzig, loc. cit. 94 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII It has been conceded generally that fasciations are due to changed conditions of nutrition. Nestler, de Vries, Goebel, Sorauer and many others agree that they are induced either through an increase of nutrition of the entire plant or of that of certain shoots through the re- moval of others. In other words, it is due to a change of the chemical and physical conditions within the cell. The influence of chemical substances upon plant and animal cells has been widely studied. Among the best known are the experiments of Johannsen ** in which lilac bushes and other flowering shrubs, of which we see the branches in the florist’s windows in early spring, under proper con- ditions of moisture and temperature, were for a certain length of time exposed to the action of ether or chloro. form, after which they bloomed several months earlier than normally would have been the case. Loeb’s experi- ments on the cleavage of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin, after having been treated with magnesium chlo- ride, are too well known to make it necessary to go into detail. The same thing is true for his studies on the influence of the lack of oxygen and resultant modifica- tion in the cleavage of eggs of Echinodermata. Migula’s experiments on the influence of dilute acid solutions on algal cells, Richards’ work on the development of fungi under the influence of chemical stimuli, and especially the work of Sabline on the influence of external agents on the roots of Vicia Faba show that external influences may bring about profound nuclear changes. Still better, this is brought out by the injection experiments of Mac- Dougal,°* who was able to produce new species through the injection of dilute salt solutions into the capsules of evening primroses. And in the case of hyphæ of many of the Chytridiacee, which bring about abnormal cell di- visions in the tissues of the host plant, the protoplasm of pee Johannsen, W. Das Aetherverfahren beim Friihtreiben, 2° Aufl., Jena, ** MacDougal, D. T., A. C. Vail and G. H. Shull. Mutations, Variations and Relationships of (inotheras. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, No. 81, 1907. No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 95 the parasite never comes in direct contact with that of the host. Yet their influence extends to cells at some distance from the point of infection. Even where the hyphze do not actually enter the cell, a stimulation to abnormal growth often takes place. Experimentally mere mechanical action has brought about profound changes. Molliard was able to induce the formation of double flowers through mechanical irritation. That the action of galls is of a chemical nature is well shown by Molliard,®> who describes and figures profound nuclear changes preceding the hypertrophy of Geranium sanguineum attacked by Phytoptus Geranit. If fasciations, which are due directly to chemical changes within the cells, may be inherited, then why not galls? But acorns from an oak covered by galls produce normal plants only. Still, one might expect galls to be inherited in preference to fasciations. Does not de Vries °° say: ‘‘It is clear that the beautiful, highly com- plex and judicious structure of the cynipid galls, with their food tissue, layers of stone cells, and the tannin- bearing, loose, outer parenchyma, in thickness adapted to the egg apparatus of the parasites and inquiline, can not be brought about by a mere mechanical stimulus.’’ Kerner goes so far as to say that it is within the limits of possibility that the first double flowers were caused by some gall. There is no direct evidence of the inheritance of abnor- malities brought about through the influence of gall in- sects or their larve. Fasciation, however, from whatever cause, may be inherited by a greater or less percentage of the offspring. We may then assume there must be a predisposition to the formation of fasciation in all plants which up to this time have been known to produce them. Probably this disposition is present in all other plants. The assumption of a mere excess of nutrition is not ** Molliard, M. Hypertrophie pathologique des cellules végétales. Rev. gén. bot., 9%: 33, 1897. °° Mutationstheorie, 1: 290. 96 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII sufficient to explain the inheritance of the character. It is necessary to assume a corresponding and very definite change in the bearers of the hereditary characters. Just how these bearers are constituted or what name is given them is entirely immaterial. It is probable that they are of an exceedingly complex nature. For purposes of illus- tration they may well be compared with the molecules of organic chemistry, or better still, as has already been done so felicitously, to many-sided prisms, which a very slight jar causes to assume a different position and which finds a corresponding external expression. Under pre- disposition to fasciation or the latency of the fasciated character should perhaps be understood a tendency on the part of the cell contents, and more particularly the chromatin, to undergo a certain definite change, retained during cell division, of either a chemical or physical nature, under certain conditions brought about by differ- ences in nutrition. The change which causes fasciation is one of the easiest brought about, and hence fasciation is one of the abnormal characters most frequently met with. Though a mere theory, its general truth is supported by a number of instances. Mutations frequently repeat them- selves. The identical sports originating from stock ob- tained from widely different sources and where the proba- bility of a common origin in the remote past may safely be questioned, speak for themselves. The finding in two distinct places in Europe of plants of Capsella heegeri Solms, which differs from C. bursa-pastoris mainly in the shape of its capsules, is another instance. Mutations in a species are always the same, whatever their direction. They may be widely separated in time and space, but whenever they appear they are identical. It has been said that fasciations are inherited because the seeds collected for purposes of propagation always were obtained from the abnormal stems. This appears to have happened in the majority of cases. Since, how- ever, we never can know whether a fasciation is inherited No. 494] FASCIATIONS OF KNOWN CAUSATION 97 or makes its appearance for the first time,°’ numerous experiments should be undertaken with a view of elimi- nating ‘‘chance’’ through large numbers. Whether the seed of a bean in which a fasciated root has been pro- duced artificially, gives rise to a fasciated plant, is an experiment worth trying. Likewise, it is an open question whether the seed borne on normal stems of a pansy in the main stem of which fasciation has been induced through crushing, will give rise to fasciated individuals. The spores of the Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata bos- toniensis, give rise to plants the majority of which ex- hibit the peculiar cristate leaves. Yet here and there on the fronds sometimes will be found non-cristate leaflets. Will the spores borne on the latter give rise to the cristate form? These are experiments which any one with a little space and time at his command and a penchant for gardening, can readily undertake. To such, no small hope of reward is held out in a recent paper by Blarig- hem,°* who, as a result of mutilation, obtained entirely new and constant varieties. 5 This is true even when it appears as a bud variation, for the character may have been latent in the parent plant. One can, meyeni not speak, in such a case, of an ‘‘acquired’’ character in the strictest sen ** Blarighem, L. Action des traumatismes sur la neede et ]’héridité. Compt. Rend. hebd. d. Séanc. et Mém. de la Soc. de Biol., 57°: 456, 1905. THE AGGREGATE ORIGINATION OF PARASITIC PLANTS DR. CHARLES A. WHITE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION In the January number of THe Narurauist I gave a review of the known phenogamous parasites, in which was discussed the relation of the parasites to one another, and to other abnormal plants; and the relation of all of them to normal plants. The present- article is devoted mainly to the question of the manner of origination of the parasites as such; which, it is assumed, was by abnor- mal aggregate mutation from normal phenogams. Parasitism in the animal kingdom is perpetrated by low, upon higher, forms of life, the parasites belonging to families, orders and even to classes, which are widely different from any of those which include the hosts. Parasitism of low forms of vegetable life upon higher forms is also everywhere prevalent, such as that of fun- goid cryptogams upon phenogams, but the cases now under consideration are those of parasitism of various kinds of phenogamous plants upon other phenogams. Evidence of this phylogenetic relationship of parasites and their hosts, even in extreme cases of parasitic defor- mation, is fortunately preserved in that part of the struc- ture of the parasites which pertains to parturital repro- duction. Thatis, the florescence and fruitage of the para- sites have remained characteristically phenogamous, each parasitic species having preserved at least those floral and pericarpal structures which normally characterize the phenogamous families, as such. It is thus observable that, in the abnormal mutation which produced the para- sites, the effect was chiefly confined to the somatic parts of the respective plants and to those parts which are con- cerned in blastemal reproduction; while the parts imme- diately concerned in systematic genesis by parturital 98 No. 494] PARASITIC PLANTS 99 reproduction were, at most, only slightly disturbed. So distinctly are the systematic characters of normal pheno- gams retained in the florescence and fruitage of the para- sites that one seems forced to the conclusion that, in the great systematic development of vegetal forms, they all became phenogams before they became parasites. The phenogamous parasites, therefore, not only do not belong to a separate and predatory class, as is the case with other parasites, but they are depraved members of the same class, and sometimes of the same family, with their hosts. Still, their depravity is only with reference to the habits and structure of normal plants, for they all have great adaptability to their peculiar conditions, and their vegetal vigor is quite as great as is that of normal plants. It is a fact worthy of special attention in this connec- tion that although all the various forms of phenogamous parasitism are accompanied by greater or less abnormal- ity of structure, they are in certain respects subject to the systematic restrictions which pertain to normal plants. That is, each form of parasitism affects not merely cer- tain individual members of a given species, but every member of it; and the systematic limits of that species are, for itself, the limits of its own peculiar form of para- sitism. Moreover, that form of parasitism which char- acterizes each of the different groups is shared without variation by every member of the group regardless of the generic or family relationship which it may bear to other plants. The habits and other parasitic characters of those depraved phenogams are as distinctly and per- manently heritable as are the stated specific, and other systematic, characters of the same, or of any other, species, and there is no known evidence that any form of phenogamous parasitism has been derived by transmu- tation from any other parasitic form. Known evidence tends to show that every case of such parasitism origi- nated independently of all other cases, and by a mutative process which imposed permanent abnormal characters 100 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von. XLII upon normal plants. Those abnormal characters all be- came connate with the normal characters after the estab- lishment of their heredity, but they never became sys- tematically correlated with them. The questions that here almost crowd themselves upon one’s attention are, how have those wayward phenogams accomplished their departures from normal conditions, and what was their incentive for doing so? Doubtless in all cases the chief incentive to parasitism, after the opera- tion of an unknown predeterminate cause, has been food- lust, the instinctive object of the plant being to procure its nourishment in an immediately available form. The fol- lowing respective references to the seven groups of phe- nogamous parasites are necessary to the present subject, but they show how difficult it is to make any sufficient answer to the first of those questions. In pursuance of the subject as just indicated it may be suggested that the members of group I, which prey upon the roots of other plants and are only partially parasitic, originally acquired their habit of underground pilfering by the accidental chafing together of the tender roots of closely-growing plants, which brought bared, new-formed cells into contact at the crossings of the roots. Vital union of the roots at those points, such as takes place in grafting, having resulted, the more vigorous plant be- came the parasite by withdrawing a portion of the partly elaborated food-sap from the weaker one. It is plain, however, that thousands of cases are constantly occurring of similar contact of growing roots which do not result in parasitism. Both the normal and abnormal charac- ters are possessed by every individual plant of every species pertaining to group I, and they are thus, all to the same extent, distinguished from normal plants and from all other parasites. In no case is one of this sim- plest of the forms of phenogamous parasitism known to show any inclination to greater complexity, or to abandon its present restricted parasitic habit. The heredity of that habit is permanent, and no known fact suggests that No. 494] PARASITIC PLANTS 101 it originated by any slow process, such as is generally understood to be the case in natural selection. The mistletoes, which represent group II, have reached the condition of complete parasitism with less structural and functional change than have any of the other recog- nized groups. In view of the fact that they produce their own chlorophyl, and that their structure is very nearly normal, one can not doubt that they were origi- nally normal phenogams, growing from the soil, although they will not now grow there. As a family also, they are now quite distinct from all other families, and as a group of parasites they are so clearly separate from every other group that one can not doubt that they have reached their parasitic condition in an entirely different manner. Their departure from the life-habit of normal phenogams evi- dently consisted only of the transference of germination and epitropism from the soil to the bark of trees; while the epitropic structure and functions, including both par- turital and blastemal reproduction remained normal. Unnatural and lacking in apparent incentive as has been that transference, it is believed to have been suddenly accomplished for the whole family, no trace of transi- tional stages of parasitism having been discovered for the species of either the Old World or the New. Although the mistletoes are so nearly normal in structure, their parasitism is as complete and heritable as is that of any of the other groups. The European species, Lathrea squamaria, which has been chosen to represent group III, besides being distinct from all other known parasitic forms, is, in a peculiar manner, suggestive of the assumed suddenness with which changes from normal to parasitic conditions have oc- curred among phenogams. This species has five distinct abnormal habitudes, which are repeated in succession in every individual plant. Its germination is from an ordi- nary seed in surface soil, and it is developed as a normal plantlet from a normal embryo; but it soon abandons itself to a remarkably diversified life. First, it produces 102 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII sessile haustoria upon some of its early roots and be- comes partly parasitic in the same manner as do the mem- bers of group I, the structure and habit of which it then closely resembles. Second, it resorts bodily and sud- denly to underground life by burrowing into the soil, where it becomes an intricate mass, often very large, of blanched stems and branches. Third, it abandons its early roots with their sessile haustoria, develops new pediculate haustoria from its underground stem and branches and becomes completely parasitic. Fourth, it changes some of its numerous aborted leaves into inge- nious traps with which it captures minute animal forms and adds them to its other ill-gotten subsistence. Fifth, almost suggestive of atonement for a groveling life, it provides for the normal germination of its offspring by sending above ground a few specialized branches which produce perfect flowers and seed and then die, while the underground parts live perennially. That series of changes of structure and habitude within the life-history of a single plant has no known parallel in the vegetable kingdom. The changes have no apparent relevancy with one another until the closing one of the series, parturital reproduction, restores the normal phenogamous condition for a new reproductive cycle and a new series of the abnormal changes. All these changes of structure and habitude are invariable in character and invariably heri- table. So far as is now known they are confined to a single species, and the structure of no other known plant offers any suggestion of their gradual origination. In view of such facts as these, all of which have been attested by competent observers, one may reasonably believe that not only this form, but all the forms of phenogamous parasites, have originated suddenly. Although groups I, IT and III are, by their respective methods of parasitism, clearly distinct from one another and from normal plants, parasitism is not physically man- ifested in any of them until after germination is com- pleted, because the embryo of every member of each of No. 494] PARASITIC PLANTS 103 those groups is of normal structure. Every member of the four remaining groups, however, begins life in an embryo which is simple and filiform and without cotyledons, rad- icle and plumule, although the flower in which it is pro- duced is of normal phenogamous structure. Moreover, although the simple abnormal embryo is physically iden- tical for each of the four groups just mentioned, the resulting forms of parasitism are too widely different for each group to suggest for them even a remote community of origin. A remarkable fact concerning group IV is that the two genera which compose it, Cuscuta and Cassytha, belong to widely different families, namely, Convolvulacee and Lauracex, respectively, and that the respective genera prevail in distantly separated parts of the world. Both genera are endowed with a single parasitic impress which distinguishes and dominates them equally in both habi- tude and somatic structure. That impress also separates all the species and individual plants of the whole group from normal plants and from all other parasites. The habits of this group, as shown by our well-known dodders, are widely different from those of all the other parasitic groups. They are all annual plants and consequently the whole life history of each species is crowded into a single season, which is shortened by late spring germi- nation and early frosts. Therefore all the characteristics of the whole group lie dormant in the simple filiform embryo of every dodder seed for more than half of each year; and yet every one of those characteristics is invari- ably heritable and constant. Difficult as it is to under- stand how every individual member of such a distinctly defined double group of annual plants could have assumed their abnormal characteristics either slowly or suddenly, and attained a world-wide distribution, it is still more difficult to understand how two such diverse genera could have assumed identical parasitic characters. It is almost superfluous to add that the habits and structure of no known plant offers any suggestion of a gradual origina- 104 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII tion of the parasitic characters of group IV, or of the manner of its world-wide distribution. ` As is the case with the other groups which are herein mentioned, nothing is known of the pre-germinative his- tory of the characteristics of group V. The members of this group belong to a noted family of parasitic genera, the Orobancher, of which the destructive broom-rapes are among the best known examples. They all begin life in a simple, filiform embryo, which is not only without differentiation into cotyledons, radicle and plumule, but which is also extremely abnormal in its method of germi- nation. The members of group V; like those of group IV, are annuals. As regards the structure of the seed and embryo and the initial conditions of germination, the members of both groups are similar, but their results are extremely different. The germinating offshoot of the former springs upward, sending no root into the ground, but seizing upon the growing parts of its companion plants by its haustoria. The offshoot of the latter bur- rows downward and seeks a root-host, failing to find which it dies without producing any upward growth. Finding a root-host, a substituent plantlet is developed from their conjoined parts which rises above ground, producing flowers and seed. The physical structure of the embryo of both plants is identical, and both are abnormal. Im- mediately upon germination the great differences between the plants appear, but neither in those differences or in their common embryonal structure is there any sug- gestion of a community of origin with each other, or with any other plants. A leading characteristic of all the forms of phenog- amous parasitism is the permanence and heredity of their attributes. Increasing abnormality of structure and habit, however, is suggested, but not proved, by the members of group VI, which is represented by the Rafflesias and some closely related genera. The conception which one naturally forms of a phenogam that may have been the normal ancestor of these plants is one having root, stem, No. 494] PARASITIC PLANTS 105 branches, leaves, flowers and fruit. These plants have discarded most of those essential parts, none of them having more than a short stem besides the fertile flower; and the sessile species, which are numerous, retain only the flower. Such a conception would therefore carry with it the idea that those eliminations were consecutively effected until the lowest structural limit was reached; but - neither their own structure nor that of any other known plants affords the least indication that any of these para- sites reached their present condition by either selective gradation of successive steps. The Rafflesias, like the mistletoes, are parasitic upon trees, and the seeds of both will not germinate successfully upon the ground. One may well believe that when the mistletoes abandoned the soil and inflicted themselves upon trees they took with them, and retained, all that they then needed for their support. But when the Rafflesias made their similar change, as they are assumed to have done, they required from their hosts the fullest possible tribute. Apparently sure of receiving it, they discarded as no longer necessary the principal part of their own somatic and blastemal structures, the sessile species retaining only those parts which are concerned in parturital reproduction, namely, only the flower. Their success has been complete, for -although they are rootless, stemless, branchless and leaf- less plants, and originate from a structureless embryo, they are among the most vigorous of vegetable forms, the flower of the largest species sometimes reaching a diameter of more than three feet. One cannot conceive of a wider departure from normal conditions than is pre- sented by group VI, or of a more complete isolation of structure and habit from all other plants. — Group VII, which is represented by the Balanophoree, is remarkable for the comparatively large number of sys- tematic genera which it embraces, some of which are so greatly differentiated from others as to deserve recog- nition as sub-families. Some are comparatively incon- spicuous; some produce large, showy flowers, and some 106 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII bear an outward resemblance to fungi, to which early botanists referred them. The genera of this group are still further distinguished by the comparatively small number of species which represent them, the average number to the genus being less than three. Yet all the members of this remarkably diversified group are devel- oped from a simple filiform embryo by a germination similar to that of the broom-rapes, and all are rigidly con- trolled by one invariable and heritable method of para- sitism. It is almost superfluous to add that there are no known intermediate forms between the parasitic species of this group, or between them and normal phenogams. A leading purpose in the foregoing remarks is to ex- press the belief and present evidence that all the various methods, or forms, of phenogamous parasitism have originated suddenly by abnormal mutation from normal phenogams and that each form originated independently of all the others. One can not doubt that, whatever may be the determinate cause, all mutations of plants, whether normal or abnormal, originated in changes of molecular conditions within the germ cell. Usually, those molecular changes are of phylogenetic character, but there is no reason to doubt that the changes which gave origin to the various parasitic attributes were also of like molecular origin. That is, referring to the theory of intracellular pangenesis of de Vries, each of those attributes, as well as their associated abnormalities of structure, both so- matic and embryonic, had its origin in abnormal pan- genes. Admitting such a community of molecular origin, there appears to be no more reason to doubt the origina- tion of parasites by aggregate mutation than to doubt normal aggregate mutation. One who accepts without qualification the theory of the origin of species by natural selection is no more likely to favor this idea of the sudden origination of the great and diverse groups of parasites which have been referred to in preceding paragraphs than he would be to accept the theory of special creation of species, No. 494] PARASITIC PLANTS 107 belief in which was formerly universally held. But by those who have given due consideration to paleontolog- ical facts with regard to the evidently sudden introduc- tion at various stages of geological time, not merely of species, but orders and classes of animals and plants; to the great array of facts presented by Professor Hugo DeVries in support of his mutation theory ;? to the cases of aggregate mutation of Lycopersicum which I have published from time to time as results of my personal observations ;° and to like cases of aggregate mutation of Gossypium which have been observed by Dr. O. F. Cook,‘ the proposition that the different forms of phenogamous parasitism have been introduced separately and suddenly will not be hastily rejected. When the attention of one who holds the former of the two views referred to is called to the cases of evidently sudden introduction of animal and vegetable forms during geological time he usually replies by deploring the imperfection of the geological record, although he constantly depends upon it in the multitude of cases in which phylogenetic continuity is evident. And yet, there is no break in the geological record, which is more abrupt and differential than is that which exists between the distinguishing characters of the phenogamous parasites and the normal characters of every other phenogam now living contemporaneously with them. Briefly reviewing the foregoing subject, we find as, fol- lows: (1) The parasites which have been discussed are 1I have discussed these questions in Report of the Smithsonian Insti- tution for 1901, pp. 631-640; Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, New York, Vol. 29, pp. 511-522; Album der Naatur, Haarlem, April, 1903, pp. 231- 238; Natur und Schule, Berlin and Leipzig, III Band, pp. 248-253; and Science, New York, Vol. XXII, n. s., pp. 105-113. 2 Die Mutationstheorie, Leipzig, 1901. 3 Science, n. s., Vol. XIV, pp. 841-844; ibid., Vol. XVII, pp. 76-78. New York Independent, Oct. 16, 1902; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 29, pp- 511-522; The Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXVII, June, 1905, pp. 151-161. * Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., Vol. VIII, p. 265; Science, n. 8., XXVII, p. 193. 108 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII known to be phenogamous by the character of their flores- cence and fruitage, but for this occasion they are classified by their parasitic differences only. They are divided into no less than seven distinct groups, or kinds, which differ in character from root pilfering by means of a few haus- toria to dominant rapacity, extreme deformation of so- matic and embryonal structure and aberrant methods of germination. (2) The method of parasitism of each group is shared equally by every member of it, whatever may be the systematic affinities of the respective members, and the method of each group is entirely unlike that of every other group. (3) All the parasitic habits and structures are severally and completely heritable, and always con- nate with systematic features of the species in which they occur, but they are never systematically correlated with them. (4) None of the seven forms of parasitism shows any tendency to return to normal conditions, to become more complex, or to change from one form to another. (5) The normal florescence and fruitage of the parasites is assumed to indicate that they were originally derived . from normal phenogams; but no trace of intermediate stages between even the most extreme cases of parasitism and normal plants has been discovered. The geograph- ical distribution of all the known kinds of phenogamous parasitism, except that of group III, is almost world-wide. In consideration of these, and many kindred, facts it is assumed that the phenogamous parasites originated as such by sudden and aggregate mutation from normal phenogams, similar to, but not identical with, the phylo- genetic aggregate mutation that has been observed in Lycopersicum and Gossypium. THE EVOLUTION OF THE TERTIARY MAM- MALS, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THEIR MIGRATIONS! PROFESSOR CHARLES DEPERET UNIVERSITY oF Lyons Norr.—These very interesting and important papers by Charles Depéret, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Uni- versity of Lyons, France, have been especially revised by the author (to date, November, 1907) before translation. The translation is the work of Miss Johanna Kroeber, graduate student of Columbia University. Dr. Charles R. Eastman of Harvard University and Dr. W. D. Mat- thew of the American Museum have kindly revised the translation. The correlation of the Tertiary of the Old and New World is of such commanding interest to pale- ontologists, zoologists and geologists, that this contribu- tion from one of the foremost paleontologists of the con- tinent is especially welcome. | Henry FAIRFIELD OSBORN. March 3, 1908. First Paper. Eocene ErocH In a preceding contribution (Comptes rendus, 5 juin, 1905) upon the principles of evolution of the Tertiary mammals, I have enunciated the following general law: that when we attempt to establish the sequence of the forms which represent the evolution of a natural phylum we find ourselves, after tracing them backward through a geologic series of more or less length, almost always arrested by an impassable hiatus; this apparent break corresponds to the sudden appearance of the group under 1 Extract from the Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sci- ences, t. CXLI, p. 702. (Séance du 6 novembre, 1905.) Translated by Johanna Kroeber. 109 110 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII consideration in the region of the globe which one is studying. It is desirable to return to this general law of faunal changes through migration and to illustrate its interest more fully. The importance of the migrations of terrestrial animals as correlated with great changes in the paleogeography of the continents, was fully recognized a century ago by Cuvier. The illustrious founder of paleontology had been justly impressed by the absence or rarity of forms of passage between the superposed fossil faune. Hxag- gerating somewhat, owing to the imperfect evidence before him, the consequences of this observed fact, Cuvier had deduced from it the renewal of faunz in toto (after their destruction by terrestrial cataclysms) not by suc- cessive creations, as he is often accused of advocating, but by extensive migrations of animals foreign to the region. Since his time, many paleontologists, Wallace, Lydekker, Zittel, Schlosser, Gaudry, Osborn, Ameghino, etc., have given their attention to this subject and have reiterated its significance. It appears to me, however, that these contributions have been of too speculative a character, inadequately supported by precise data. It has resulted that the majority of the essays at the genetic or structural phylogeny, which have been attempted in various groups of fossil mammals, are defective, chiefly because their authors have almost always sought to find in place in the particular country which they inhabit the various evolutionary series of these groups. No doubt there are great practical difficulties in re- fastening link to link the segments of the broken chain which forms the evolutionary series of each of the in- numerable branches of the mammalia. Nevertheless, the obstacles are smoothed away by each new discovery; thus the recent disinterment of the Oligocene and Eocene of the Libyan desert, of the ancestors of the Proboscidea, the Mastodons and Dinotherium, which appear so sud- denly in Europe at the beginning of the Miocene, and No. 494] THE TERTIARY MAMMALS 111 whose origin has been until now an insoluble enigma, indi- cates the method we should follow, and the necessity for searching for the centers of dispersion of each branch. A preliminary work at least is possible at our present stage of knowledge; it is to establish for each region whose paleontologic exploration is sufficiently advanced, the part which pertains to each of the two factors deter- mining faunal changes: (1) Evolution of the local fauna (autochthonic evolution), (2) Immigrations from a distant region. I shall attempt to analyze these facts for the Tertiary faune of Europe, where this distinction has never been established in a systematic manner. I. Thanetian or Lower Londinian stage (deposits of la Fére, Cernay, Rilly, Chalons-sur-Vesle in France; of Erquelines in Belgium). 1. Local Evolution.—A single instance, Neoplagiaulax (Multituberculata), which may perhaps have been de- rived, in spite of the great gap of the Cretaceous, from Plagiaulax of the Purbeck, but may also have migrated from North America. 2. Migrations of North American Origin.—Introduc- tion into Europe of several families of Creodonta: Oxy- clenide (Procynictis—=Chriacus), Arctocyonide (Conas- pidotherium — Clenodon), Mesonychide (Dissacus) ; and of the Condylarthra (Euprotogonia). 3. Migrations of unknown origin of the Insectivora (Adapisoricide), of the (?) Artiodactyla (Pleuraspido- theriide), of the aberrant Primates of the group Plesi- adapidæ, of the Perissodactyla (Hyracotheriide or Pre- equide), of the Amblypoda (Coryphodon). II. Sparnacian or Upper Londinian stage (deposits of Soissons, Guny, Muirancourt, Saron near Ste Maxence, Laon, Upper Cernay, Meudon, Vaugirard, Sézanne, in France; Dulwich and Croyden (Woolwich beds) in Eng- land. Fauna unfortunately still very scanty. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Amblypoda (Co- ryphodon, and of Hyracotheriide (? Pachynolophus). 112 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII 2. North American Migrations of certain Creodonta (Pachyzna, Paleonictis). Ill. Lower Ypresian stage (beds of the London Clay, Herne Bay, Kyson, Harwich, Isle of Sheppey, in Eng- land; beds of Pourey near Reims in France). Fauna little different from that of the preceding stage. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Amblypoda (Co- ryphodon), and of Hyracotheriide (Hyracotherium). 2. Migration of North American Origin of the Tillo- dontia (Platycherops — Esthonyx). IV. Upper Ypresian stage (beds of Teredo-sands, Ay, Cuis, Chavot near Epernay). 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Insectivora (Ada- pisoriculus), of aberrant Primates (Plesiadapis), of Creo- donta-Mesonychide (Hyznodictis—Dissacus), and of Hyracotheriide (Propachynolophus). 2. Important Migrations, Probably of North American Origin, of the mesodont Primates (Notharctide, genus Protoadapis), of the Rodentia-Pseudosciuride (Dectica- dapis), and Sciuride (Plesiarctomys), of Lophiodontide (parallel branches Lophiodon and Chasmotherium), of the Paridigitate Suillines (Protodichobune) and perhaps of Titanotheride (Brachydiastematotherium). This horizon is marked by some important migrations and great changes in the mammalian fauna, in conse- quence of which the latter approximate more closely to the fauna of the middle, than to that of the lower Eocene. V. Lutetian stage, two successive faune: (a) Lower and middle Lutetian (beds of Atgenton, of Bracklesham and part of the ‘‘terrain sidérolithique’’ of Egerkingen and of Lissieu). _ Local evolution of Lophiodontide (Lophiodon, Chasmo- therium), of Hyracotheriide (Pachynolophus, Propaleo- therium) and of Dichobunide (Meniscodon, Dichobune). (b) Upper Lutetian (‘‘Caleaire grossier’ beds of Paris: Nanterre, Vaugirard, Gentilly; Coucy, Dampleix; of Buschweiler, of Issel; les Matelles, St. Gily du Tese; No. 494] THE TERTIARY MAMMALS 113 the larger part of the ‘‘terrain sidérolithique’’ of Eger- kingen and of Lissieu). 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Lophiodontida (Lophiodon, Chasmotherium), of Hyracotheriide (Pachy- nolophus, Propaleotherium, and intermediate forms lead- ing to Lophiotherium), of Creodonta-Oxyclenide (Pro- viverra), of Rodentia-Sciuride (Plesiarctomys), of Dichobunide (Dichobune, Mouillacitherium), and of the mesodont Primates (Cznopithecus, ? Adapis). 2. Important Migrations of Unknown Origin of the Pa- leotheriide (appearing suddenly with their two branches Palxotherium and Plagiolophus), the Anchilophide (Anchilophus), the Suide (Cheeromorus, Acotherulum), the Anthracotheriide (Catodontherium n. g., forerunner of Brachyodus), the Dacrytheride (Dacrytherium), the Xiphodontide (Xiphodontherium), the Dichodontide (Di- chodon, Tetraselenodon, Haplomeryx), some Sciuride (Sciurus), the Talpide (Amphidozotherium), the Erin- aceide (Neurogymnurus). 3. North American Migrattops of the Hyznodontide and probably of the I i pt phide (Ne- erolemur). VI. Bartonian stage ae deposits of St. Ouen near Paris) of Sergy (Aisne), sandstones of Castrais (Lautrec, Mazou, Viviers, Montespien, etc.), of Robiac (Gard), ‘‘terrain sidérolithique’’ of Heidenheim and part of those of Mormont; very small part of the phosphorites of Quercy. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Lophiodontide (last of Lophiodon and Chasmotherium), of Hyraco- theriide (primitive representatives of Lophiotherium), of Paleotheriide (numerous parallel branches), of An- chilophide (Anchilophus), of Anthracotheriide (Catodon- therium n. g.), of Suidæ (Choeromorus, Cheropotamus), of Xiphodontide (Xiphodontherium), of Creodonta (Hyenodon), of Sciuride A of Adapidæ (Adapis). 114 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII 2. Migration, perhaps of North American Origin, of the Chalicotheriide (Pernatherium). -© VII. Ludian stage, two successive faune: (a) Lower Ludian (deposits of Saint Hippolyte de Caton (Gard), of Hordwell (Isle of Wight), lower strata of the Gypse de Paris; part of the Quercy phosphorites. 1. Local Evolution.— Continuance of Paleotheriide, of Hyracotheriide (last of Lophiotherium), of Anchilophide, of Suide (Chcropotamus, Cebocherus), of Dacrytheride (Dacrytherium), of Xiphodontide (Amphimeryx), of Dichodontide (last of Dichodon), of Anthracotheriide (Catodontherium), of Hyznodontide (Hyzenodon, Quer- eytherium), of mesodont Primates (Adapis) and Anap- tomorphide (Microchcerus). 2. No new migration known. (b) Upper Ludian (Gypse de Montmartre, deposits of Gargas, of Mornoiron, of Villeneuve la Comptal; of the Bembridge beds and the Headon beds in England; part of the phosphorites. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Paleotheriide, of Anchilophide (last of Anchilophus), of Xiphodontide (Amphimeryz, Xiphodon), of Dacrytheride (last of Da- erytherium), of Anthracotheriide (first representatives of Brachyodus, earliest Anthracotherium), of Suid (last of Acotherulum, Cheropotamus, and Cebocherus), of Dichobunide (last of Dichobune), of Hyznodontide (Hyæ- nodon, Pterodon), of Sciuride (Plesiarctomys, Sciurus), of Adapide (last of Adapis), of the Lemuroidea (last of Necrolemur). 2. Migrations of Unknown Origin of the Anoplotheride (Anoplotherium), of the Cenotheride (Oxacron—= Hye- gulus), of the Canide (Cynodictis), of the Rodentia-The- ridomyide (Theridomys), and Myoxide (Myoxus). 3. American Migration of the Marsupial Didelphyide (Peratherium). (To be continued.) ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS * PROFESSOR G. H. PARKER HARVARD UNIVERSITY Tur chase, the domestication of animals, and the prac- tise of animal sacrifice in religious ceremonies were all customs of primitive man that led to an acquaintance with animal structure and habit long before human knowl- edge could be said to be organized. In the early steps of this organization, what we now know as zoology -was a part of natural history, but in the specialization of mod- ern times zoology has grown to the dignity of an inde- pendent science with numerous subsciences. In fact modern specialization has gone so far that concern has been frequently expressed lest the natural unity of science be entirely lost sight of; but, in sketching the outline of zoological progress, I hope to show you that, so far as zoology is concerned, this fear is unfounded. Any outline of the course of zoological progress must be somewhat in the nature of an inventory of zoological possessions, and I can not do better in beginning this brief survey than to call your attention at once to the real ma- terials of zoological research. These are the individual animals, which, as you well know, are not immensely di- verse, but show certain agreements whereby they may be arranged in groups whose members have similarity of form and habit and show the remarkable trait of produ- cing new individuals of like kind. These natural groups or species afford a basis for a descriptive inventory of the animal kingdom, and the attainment of such a complete description has been perhaps one of the most persistent motives to zoological work. Progress in this undertaking is indicated by the in- crease in the number of species described at each succes- 1 An address delivered at The College of the City of New York. 115 116 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII sive period. Aristotle, who is usually regarded as the father of natural history and who lived in the fourth cen- tury B. C., mentioned in his zoological treatises about 480 kinds of animals. Linnzus, in the tenth edition of his ‘Systema Nature,’’ published in 1758, described 4,378 species. Günther estimated that in 1830 a total of 73,588 species had been reached and that in 1881 the.number had mounted to 311,653. Sharp placed the total in 1896 at 386,000, and, judging from the rate of increase in the vertebrates and echinoderms, the total number of de- scribed species at present must be approximately 500,000. From these estimates, which include only living species, it must be clear that in the twenty-two centuries between Aristotle and Linnzus the number of species known to the naturalist had increased only ten-fold, while in less than a century and a half after Linneus the increase had been over a hundred-fold. This enormous increase has been the result of two proc- esses: the actual discovery of new forms in nature and the subdivision of what was originally regarded as one species into two or more species. The actual discovery of new forms implies the gradual exhaustion of nature and the conclusion of this process will come when explora- tion can yield no more new species. That the naturalist even of to-day is far from this goal is only too well known and can be illustrated by the following instances. All of you doubtless have seen a delicate pearly shell, chambered somewhat like a miniature nautilus, but with its whorls open. This shell, which is known as the Spirula, is found commonly on the shores of the tropical oceans and may even reach our more northern coasts. It is extremely fragile and hence it can not last long on a surf-beaten shore. Nevertheless it is sometimes so abun- dant on tropical beaches as to form veritable windrows. Each shell is the life product of a single Spirula animal, which, so far as one can judge from the abundance of shells, must be a common inhabitant of the tropical seas. And yet, aside from fragments, the Spirula animals thus No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 117 far obtained number only six. The first was collected in New Zealand and dissected by Sir Richard Owen. The second, for which no locality is known, was purchased by the British Museum from a dealer and dissected also by Owen. The third was collected near Port Jackson, Australia, and is now preserved in the Sydney Museum. The fourth was dredged near New Guinea by the ‘‘Chal- lenger’’ and was studied by Huxley and Pelseneer. The fifth was taken by the dredge in the West Indies by the United States steamer ‘‘Blake,’’ and the sixth was caught near Sumatra in a deep-sea net by the German expedition on the ‘‘ Valdivia.’’ If an animal as common as the Spirula must be, is known only by some six speci- mens, what a host of rare and undescribed species the ocean must contain. Not only are the ocean basins treasure stores of unde- scribed species, but the land areas are also far from ex- hausted. It would seem fair to have presumed that of the terrestrial quadrupeds certainly all the larger and more striking species had been described, and yet, since the opening of the new century, a large cloven-hoofed mam- mal in general appearance somewhat between a donkey and a giraffe has been discovered in the Semliki forests of central Africa. This remarkable mammal was sought for in 1900, at first unsuccessfully, by Sir Harry John- ston, who finally succeeded in obtaining a skin and a skull from which the animal was described by Lankester in 1902. The natives call it okapi and report it by no means rare, and yet it remained almost to the present time without being known to science. But the naturalist is not obliged to search the deep sea or to journey to central Africa for new species. There is hardly an order of insects that could not be enriched with new forms by a season’s collecting even within the limits of New York City, and it must therefore be evident that the half-million of species now described is only the beginning in the in- ventory of nature’s stores. In addition to the discovery of new species in nature, 118 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII the process of splitting what was assumed by the older zoologists to be a valid species into two or more new ones has also considerably increased the number of described forms. This practise, though sometimes questionable, is at least illuminating, for it raises at once the fundamental question of what constitutes a species. In the days of Linneus when special creation was more generally ad- hered to than now, it was comparatively easy to meet this question by the statement that a species is the aggregate of individuals represented by the originally created pair or stock and their descendants; but, with the acceptance of the evolutionary idea, this reply no longer sufficed. From the evolutionary standpoint every species has had a history and this history has been clearly one of change whereby the aggregate of more or less similar individuals at one time representing the species gave rise to the self- perpetuating stock whose more remote members evolved in one or more directions new features, so that the species either as a whole assumed new characteristics or split into two or more subordinate groups, each having its own special features and being destined eventually to become as well ci ibed from its next of kin as the original stock was at the outset. With this process in mind it is fair to expect that nature would be found to embrace many aggregates of individuals which would represent species at all steps of differentiation, and whether the individuals of a given aggregate had come to differ suffi- ciently among themselves to constitute a new species or not would depend entirely on the judgment of the natural- ist who described them. It is thus clear that we can not expect any fundamental characteristic by which a new species can be definitely determined, for it is obvious that the transformation of species is a more or less continuous process in which the degree of separation whereby the new species will be established is somewhat arbitrarily determined by each describer. Hence the idea of species rests upon an artificial basis, and, if the describer’s meas- ure of specific difference diminishes with the progress of No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 119 time, it is perfectly legitimate to subdivide previously described single species into smaller aggregates to be denominated new species. Where this movement will lead to is not easy to fore- tell. It was hoped that the statistical methods of bio- metric work would make possible a solution of some of the difficulties in defining species, but, while these methods enable the investigator to discover and express differences between large groups of individuals vastly more accu- rately than the old methods of simple inspection and rough mental estimate did, they do not settle what char- acters or how many such shall be used in defining a spe- cies or what degree of difference must be arrived at before a given aggregate may be divided into two or more species. Nor does the recent proposition of de Vries come nearer to solving the problem. According to this investi- gator real species can be defined by a certain combination of characters which vary not in a continuous way but by leaps. These discontinuous variations constitute differ- ences that may be as distinct as the differences between chemical elements ; and any real or elementary species, as de Vries designates it, is distinguished by one or more of these elementary characters. Such elementary species, though open to variation, are cut off absolutely in their specific characters from other such species by a gulf that is never bridged by intermediate forms. Hence they ought to be as easily and distinctly describable as chemical compounds or even chemical elements. These elementary species, which have been for the most part heretofore ignored or passed over simply as races, etc., are the real units of systematic zoology and are much more numerous than the ordinary or Linnean species. In fact, each Linnean species probably consists of many elementary species and consequently the acceptance of this proposition would multiply the number of described species many times. But the difficulty with this proposal is to be found in the fact that an inspection of the so- called elementary characters shows them to be not so 120 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII stable as de Vries assumed. In some characters, like coat colors, fixity is more or less realized; but in other fea- tures, particularly dimensional ones, such an amount of variation is shown that the resulting forms necessitate the same artificial methods of separation as those to which the older systematists were obliged to resort. From a radical standpoint there seems to be no escape from the view that a species is at best an imperfectly definable aggregate of more or less similar individuals and that this conception rests upon an artificial basis. Although the idea of species must be admitted to be artificial rather than natural, its immense practical im- portance is not to be lost sight of; for, as a tool in the hands of the working zoologist, it is absolutely indispen- sable. Moreover, the arrangement of species into related groups and the development thereby of a system of classi- fication has led to views on animal phylogeny of the ut- most significance. That living animals range from the relatively simple unicellular protozoans to the immensely complex vertebrates suggests at once that the modern faunas include not only the latest products of animal evolution but many remnants of the remote past. This state of affairs is a continual temptation to picture the past history of the animal kingdom in terms of modern forms and to assume, for instance, that the protozoans of to-day are like the primitive protozoans from which the higher animals have been derived. This attitude leads to the discussion of the so-called affinities of the modern groups, a practise that in my opinion is open to the objection of attempting to make parents and grandparents out of brothers and sisters. How futile this practise is can be seen in such a group as the reptiles. You are doubtless aware that the modern reptiles are included in four orders: the chelonians, or turtles; the crocodilia; the rhynchocephalia, represented by a lizard-like reptile from New Zealand; and the squamata, or lizards and snakes. You are probably not so well aware that. the class of reptiles also includes five other orders, all fossil, among No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 121 which are to be found some of most specialized and pro- digious land and water animals known. No possible con- sideration of the recent orders of reptiles would ever lead one to suspect the remarkable nature of these ancient forms, and the so-called affinities of the recent orders become meaningless in the light of the true ancestral relations as seen in the past history of the group as a whole. Tempting as the field of speculative phylogeny is, its results can never be of much value till they receive the endorsement of actual history as traced in fossil ancestry. In this connection I can not do better than quote a short passage from Huxley, who, as you well know, was an ardent student of fossil as well as living animals. In his essay on ‘‘The Advance of Science’’ he says: A classification which shall represent the process of ancestral evolution is, in fact, the end which the labors of the philosophical taxonomist must keep in view. But it is an end which cannot be attained until the progress of paleontology has given us far more insight than we yet possess into the historical facts of the case. It is plain that the history of the animal kingdom is to be sought for not through ingenious speculations on the recent groups of animals, but by the persistent and patient exploration of the fossil-bearing rocks. Although the study of animal genealogy, as outlined by fossil remains, is a relatively novel field, it has already yielded certain general results worthy of careful atten- tion. It is customary at present to group all species of animals under some ten or twelve main divisions or phyla of the animal kingdom. These phyla have doubtless been evolved from some common group of animals in the remote past, and consequently, in tracing back their his- tory as represented by fossil forms, it is not unreasonable to expect that their lines would gradually converge toward this common ancestral stock. In some instances, like the flat-worms, the phylum is known only through its modern representatives, and these representatives are of such consistency that it is not surprising that none of these animals have been preserved in the fossil state. But, 122 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII aside from cases of this kind, all phyla that might be rep- resented by fossils are, as a matter of fact, so represented ; and the remarkable feature of this representation is that it does not show a convergence toward a common stock, but the phyla as such were as distinct in these early times as they are to-day. This state of affairs, which at first sight seems contrary to the evolutionary idea, is due in all probability to a universal destruction by extensive rock metamorphosis of the earliest of animal remains, and we are therefore probably correct in concluding that fossils at best give us only the later chapters in the evo- lution of the animal kingdom. Within a phylum the main lines of descent can sometimes be clearly discerned, but between phyla there are no absolutely certain connections, nor is there as a matter of fact a single completely ex- tinct phylum known. These facts lead us to see that for an immensely long period the main divisions of the animal kingdom have been as they are at present and that the genetic connections of the phyla, which would be discern- ible with certainty only through their fossil remains, are, in ‘consequence of the absence of these, probably abso- lutely and irrecoverably lost. Even the important sug- gestions that embryology has yielded as to the phylogen- etic relations of the chief animal groups must remain forever hypotheses because of this irreparable blotting out of past records. Although the systematic zoologist may look upon the animal kingdom as composed of imperfectly definable aggregates of individuals whose relations in the remote past are irretrievably lost but whose numbers are such as to occupy his labors for many years to come, his arrival at this conception has been over a course that has brought to view such a multitude of new prospects that the real extent of zoology is only now beginning to be dimly seen. These more recently acquired territories, which are now being cultivated with a vigor no less than that bestowed in past times almost exclusively on systematic zoology, must now be looked into. It is somewhat difficult for us No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 123 to conceive of the state of mind of the zoologist of a cen- tury ago so far as his conception of the structure of ani- mals is concerned. To him they consisted of organs com- posed of a variety of unrelated substances, such as muscle, membrane, bone, fat, blood, etc., which consti- tuted the elementary materials of the animal body. It was therefore a great step forward when Schwann showed in 1839 that animals; like plants, were composed of struc- tural units or cells whose physiological significance, as Briicke afterwards pointed out, entitled them to the name of elementary organisms. Many lower animals, belong- ing to what are now called the Protozoa, proved to be single cells, while the higher animals in all cases were found to be multicellular. The number of cells entering into the formation of the body of one of these higher animals is truly enormous. It is impossible to get re- liable statements for these numbers in any single complex animal, but a recent careful estimate of the number of ganglion cells in the human cerebral cortex places the total at 9,200,000. As this enormous number of cells would occupy less than a cubic inch of space, one can form some rude conception of the prodigious number in the whole human body. It is a remarkable fact that almost all cells, whether they are whole single animals or only parts of animals, are of small size. There seems to be something about the organization of a cell which ordinarily prevents it from enlarging much beyond microscopic proportions. The essential parts of a cell are its nucleus and the surrounding cytoplasm, and the continued activity of the cytoplasm is known to be dependent upon the presence and integrity of the nucleus. Such being the case it would seem as though the nucleus could administer to only a limited volume of cytoplasm and thus restricts the size of the cell. Apparently, however, this relation is one of volume and not of distance from the nucleus, for the cytoplasm of a ganglion cell may be drawn out into a most delicate nerve- fiber process that may reach half the length of the human body. : 124 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII The arrangement of the cells in the body of a multi- cellular animal is not, as in most plants, of a more or less promiscuous kind, but conforms to certain funda- mental principles. Among these probably the most im- portant is one that depends upon the fact that animals assimilate solid food. To carry out this operation they possess almost universally a digestive cavity into which this solid food is carried and there rendered soluble. The only multicellular animals that do not possess a digestive cavity are certain parasites, like the tapeworm, whose modes of life are such as to make digestive organs super- fluous. In the simpler multicellular forms, the coral ani- mals, etc., the whole animal is sac-like in structure and may be briefly described as an animated stomach. Not only is this state characteristic of such primitive forms, but in the development of almost every multicellular animal known, the first organ to be formed is the digestive organ. This is brought about in that the cells, which are destined for the future animal’s body, become arranged in the form of a two-layered sac in which the inner layer or entoderm bounds the digestive space and the outer one or ectoderm acts as a protective covering. Both layers develop a certain amount of muscular tissue and this is brought into action through external stimuli that from the nature of the case are received usually by the ecto- derm. Hence this layer becomes the seat of those changes which in the higher animals eventually shape themselves in the sensory and nervous organization of these forms, while the entoderm is concerned with the digestive func- tions. Between these two layers there develops in all the higher multicellular animals a third layer, the meso- derm, which, as has been intimated, is primarily muscular in character but may also give rise to the internal skele- ton, circulatory system, and other related sets of organs. Thus the body of a multicellular animal is composed of definite layers or masses of cells, chiefly three in number, with which special functions or modes of activity have become firmly associated. No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 125 Although these cell layers as such retain their limits in a most striking and clear way in the bodies of the higher animals, they must not be thought of as independent or in any sense isolated in their development. Their mutual relations are often of a most intimate kind and in the course of their development these relations tend rather to become more firmly consolidated than the reverse. This condition is well illustrated by the growth of the neuro- muscular mechanism in animals, a growth that can be traced step by step through the multicellular forms till it finally shapes itself into the complex machinery whereby the animal reflexes are carried out. The first step in this process is seen in the sponges, which in some respects are the simplest of the multicel- lular animals. As is well known, these animals are quite as sluggishly responsive to stimulation as plants are. A long and unsuccessful search for their nervous organs has ended in the belief that they possess no such structures. Some of their cells, particularly in the neighborhood of their numerous pores, are elongated or even fibrous and are apparently contractile enough to serve as a means of closing these openings. It is highly probable that these contractile cells, which may be regarded as primitive muscle cells, are brought into action by some stimulus directly applied to them, such as dissolved materials in the sea-water, ete. We are so accustomed to think of muscle as controlled by nerve that independent action of this kind seems wholly anomalous. And yet it must not be forgotten that muscle can be made to contract by the direct application of a stimulus and that even in the higher animals under natural conditions this may occur. Steinach has shown that when bright light is thrown on the eye of a fish or an amphibian the pupil will contract even after all vestiges of nervous connections have been destroyed, and he believes this to be due to the direct stimulation of the muscle fibers by light. This case sup- ports the opinion that in sponges the contractile tissue responds to direct stimulation, and in my opinion the 126 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII sponge represents the first step in the differentiation of the neuro-muscular mechanism, a step in which the pri- mary and fundamental character of muscle is disclosed in that this is the only constituent present. This self- sufficiency of muscle is also made evident in the rhythmic beat of the embryonic chick heart before nervous differ- entiation has taken place. In the sponges the primitive muscle cells lie either in the ectoderm or the subjacent mesoderm. In the coral animals, the jellyfishes, and their allies, the muscle cells occur in the deeper parts of the ectoderm and entoderm, a position where a forming mesoderm might be expected. It is usually stated that in the higher animals the muscles are derived from the mesoderm, and in individual devel- opment this is true, but from a phylogenetic standpoint I believe the reverse to be the case, namely, that the meso- derm has come from muscle and that the first step in the real origin of this layer is indicated in the migration of the muscular tissue of the ccelenterates or other like forms from the ectoderm or entoderm into the region between these two layers. This operation, which involves both layers in many of the lower animals, is usually limited in the higher forms to the entoderm, probably because this layer is the one which by reason of its proximity to the digestive cavity can best supply material for future growth. But, however this may be, it seems to me prob- able that the mesoderm has had its origin in the process of muscle formation, a process that is seen in its incip- iency in the celenterates. That the mesoderm is also concerned with providing mechanical support for the ani- mal is obvious, but in my opinion its contractile function is the primary one. It cannot be stated with certainty at present that in the normal action of cclenterate muscle this tissue is stimulated directly, though the investigations of Loeb on the jellyfish, Gonionemus, show beyond a doubt that such a method of stimulation is possible. It is, however, well established that in many jellyfishes muscle action is No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 127 under the influence, if not the control, of nerves, and these cases represent, so to speak, the second step in the differ- entiation of a neuro-muscular mechanism. In such jelly- fishes, groups of cells especially open to stimulation by light, pressure, ete., occur on the edge of the bell, and from these sense bodies nerve fibers pass to the muscular sheet on the under face of the bell. These sense bodies evidently act as triggers by which the muscular mechanism can be brought into action and in that way render it more deli- cately responsive than if it relied entirely upon direct stimulation. The relation of such a system may be de- scribed as that of a set of sense organs directly connected with a musculature, for there is nothing here that can be fairly described as a central nervous organ. As the sense organs are in the ectoderm and the muscles represent in- cipient mesoderm, it is obvious that the future develop- ment of these two layers will in this respect be most intimately bound together. The last organ, in my opinion, to appear in this chain of development is the central nervous organ, the brain and its subordinate centers. This originated on the line of connection between the sense organ and the muscle, but rather from the sensory than the muscular end, as is shown by its anatomical relations in adult animals and by its invariable origin in the embryo from the ectoderm. It is scarcely recognizable in the simple multicellular ani- mals and begins to be an obvious organ in such inter- mediate forms as the worms. Here it serves chiefly as a means of freer and more extended communication between the sense organs on the one hand and the musculature on the other, and thus lays the foundation for the marvelous development that it shows in the higher animals, where, as a storehouse of race and individual experience, its sig- nificance is unparalleled. The paramount importance of the brain in fact is so fully recognized that it is usual to treat the sense organs as appendages of it, but, if the view that I have advanced is correct, just the reverse is true; the sense organs of a bilaterally symmetrical animal 128 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII are clustered at its anterior end not because the brain is there but because this is the end of the animal most likely to receive stimuli, and the brain is at this end because it has developed from this sensory equipment. The brain, in other words, is the appendage of the sense organs. In tracing thus the growth of the three elements of the neuro-muscular mechanism, the muscle, sense organ, and brain, I have endeavored to keep before you their rela- tions to those primitive organs, the ectodermic and ento- dermic cell layers, and to make clear to you how these cell layers come to be part and parcel of this growth. This subject might have been illustrated by any other set of organs than those concerned with the neuro-muscular mechanism; thus it is well known that the skeleton has been differentiated chiefly under the influence of the muscles, and that the digestive apparatus is as intimately associated with the differentiation of the circulatory or- gans as these are with the respiratory and excretory sys- tems. But to discuss such relations even in a brief way would trespass too much on our present time, and I must therefore pass them by. Suffice it to say that in the main these relations constitute that province of zoology called by Goethe morphology, which includes the fundamental aspects of the form of adult and developing animals and which has been a field that for a century past has elicited the keenest interest from some of the most profound masters of zoology. No one who has become deeply interested in morpho- logical problems can have proceeded far without fre- quently meeting questions of a physiological nature. To answer these the simple observational methods of the past are insufficient, and it is necessary to resort to ex- perimental procedure such as has been for a long time the. practice of chemists and physicists. From this stand- point one enters what may be regarded as the most recent field of zoological research. Since the elementary sub- stances of the animal body are the same as those of the inorganic world and since the stream of energy flowing No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 129 through that body conforms in large measure to prin- ciples already discovered in the physical and chem- ical laboratories, it has been generally assumed that the life processes of an animal are nothing more than com- plex examples of physico-chemical interaction. This idea has proved most stimulating in its effect on research, but to what extent it will be found true can not at present be stated. It is quite possible that the chemist and physicist have as much of a fundamental nature to learn from living material as they have already gained from lifeless sub- stance. The paramount influence of material in animal reac- tions can not better be illustrated than in such processes as inheritance. It is well known to you how much more closely on the average offspring resemble their parents than they do other members of their own species, and you are familiar with the long persistence of certain family traits. These resemblances are explained by the fact that the offspring start from a certain amount of living substance contributed by each parent, but the pow- erfully determinative qualities of this substance are only to be appreciated in certain cases. It is well known that in human beings there are two classes of twins, identical twins and ordinary twins. The latter come from two sep- arate eggs and may vary as much from each other as any two members of the same family. The former come from a single egg which by some accident has become separated into two parts. Identical twins are always of the same sex and are often so alike in features and actions that they are almost indistinguishable even to their near asso- ciates. Their close similarity, which may amount almost to identity, shows that the substance from which they both came has developed in a most rigidly uniform way and indicates that the development of ordinary twins, as well as of other individuals, is probably also closely lim- ited from the beginning, but the degree of this limitation is not discoverable in these cases, for we have no basis of comparison. Since living material can thus duplicate 130 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII itself in product, its significance in inheritance can not well be overestimated. Not only may physical features be accurately inherited, but the capacity to perform various complex sets of ac- tions may be transmitted with great precision. It is diffi- cult if not impossible for us to state the exact source of many of our modes of actions. We inherit much and we learn much, and whether in a given complex act we are dealing with an inheritance or a new acquisition or a mixture is not always easy to state. With certain lower animals this question is perhaps more readily decided. Bees have the capacity of building a truly wonderful structure, the comb, which, because of economy of ma- terial and accuracy of workmanship, has long been an object of admiration. Is this complex activity inherited or learned by imitation? To answer this question, Kogev- nikov reared some bees from a comb placed in an empty hive. After the bees had hatched and got their strength they proceeded without having seen other bees at work to make a comb that was as perfect as one made under ordi- nary circumstances. It might be objected that they had seen the comb from which they themselves had hatched, and this must be admitted to be so; but this fact is prob- ably without significance, for they made perfectly typical queen cells the like of which they had never before seen. It is thus evident that not only structural peculiarities but highly complex activities can be inherited. The means of this inheritance has already in a measure been made out. When a common protozoan, like Para- mecium, reproduces, the parent body divides into ap- proximate halves. Each of the two offspring receives not only a large portion of the parental substance but a cer- tain number of cilia and other parts directly from the parent, and hence that the offspring should resemble the parent is not very surprising. When, however, reproduc- tion in the higher multicellular animals is examined a somewhat different condition is discovered. Sexual re- production is accomplished by means of a fertilized egg, No. 494] ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 131 which consists of a mass of cytoplasm chiefly from the maternal side, a centrosome from the paternal side, and usually an equal number of chromosomes from each side. As the offspring may resemble both father and mother, it follows that the substance that is the vehicle of inheri- tance is very probably the material of the chromosomes, the chromatin. This chromatin carries from parent to child not the vestige of an organ and is inconceivably small in amount. The human egg cell is approximately a sphere with a diameter of about 0.2 of a millimeter, and with a specific gravity about that af water; consequently its weight is about 0.004 of a milligram. The volume of the chromatin of a fertilized mouse egg, as measured for me by Mr. J. A. Long, is somewhat less than one-thou- sandth of the volume of the whole egg, and, assuming that this proportion holds for the human egg, and that its chromatin has about the same specific gravity as water, the weight of this chromatin would be about 0.000,004 of amilligram. Yet this mere trace of material can influence the adult substance of two identical twins to such an ex- tent that their bodily configuration and actions are scarcely distinguishable. If we estimate their combined weights to be 130 kilograms, the chromatin of the egg from which they came can be said to have influenced in this profound way 32,500,000,000,000 times its original weight. Of course it must be borne in mind that the chro- matin of the egg is living and that in the growth of the individual it assimilates and thereby increases in vol- ume; the chromatin is not spread through the growing body in ever-increasing dilution. But, even granting this, its precision in the transmission of characteristics is cer- tainly most remarkable; for when it is derived from a single source, as in identical twins, its effect upon the growth of the two individuals is to make them most strikingly alike. It is important to observe that the chro- matin of at least certain male cells is composed very largely of nucleic acids, and that it is therefore very probable that the chemical composition and structure of 132 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII these substances are intimately concerned with heredity. This discussion makes clear how extremely important ' certain materials are to the body and yet how impossible it is at this stage of scientific progress to frame any clear and consistent conception of the method by which these materials exert their influences. If such relatively simple physiological questions as this concerning the material basis of heredity meet with difficulties such as I have pointed out, how vastly more intricate and perplexing must be the problem of the rela- tion of the living materials of animals’ bodies to their nervous and mental states. That such a relation exists is well recognized, but what this relation is will probably require many years even to outline. It is in the direction of comparative physiology that the more important new advances in zoology are to be made. In my opinion zoology will meet with an expan- sion in this century quite as much as the study of elec- tricity has in the last hundred years. When Franklin tried his hazardous experiment with lightning, no one suspected that he was dealing with a factor that could come to be of such paramount importance in every-day affairs as electricity has become, and it seems to me probable that the zoologist of to-day is working obscurely with problems that will eventually lead to revolutionary results. I have already pointed out the importance of certain minute quantities of material in inheritance, and the significance of this in animal breeding and in social problems must be evident. But in a thousand other ways the doings of animals are worthy of closest attention. Many of the most difficult problems that the human race has attacked have already found their solution among the lower animals. Secure aerial transportation, which is almost a dream with us, is an accomplished fact among many animals. Our own efforts are not so safe if they are more extensive than those of a flying fish. They are, however, by no means equal to those of a bat or an insect, and they are immensely inferior to those of a bird. Our No. 494] ` ZOOLOGICAL PROGRESS 133 systems of artificial illumination are regarded by us as one of the many evidences of advanced civilization and yet our best products are ridiculously poor compared with those of the lower animals. Gas or other such luminants yield at best something less than one per cent. light, the remainder of the energy being dissipated as waste heat, and our most successful means of illumination scarcely reach fifty per cent. of efficiency. The radiant energy of the luminous organ of a fire-fly is all light, and none is wasted as heat. Were the processes of this organ under- stood and made applicable to daily life, they would at once sweep out of existence every illuminating plant known. Such a revolution as this suggests awaits only the advance of zoological science, and, as I have said, this may be looked for in the near future. To my mind it affords one of the brightest outlooks for zoological investigation. Thus far I have scarcely touched on what has been for so long a time the rallying word in biological work, evolution. But, if we knew the physiological workings of the animal body, especially in relation to inheritance, etc., evolution would be in large part understood and the lines of work that have just been recalled would be only ex- amples of evolutionary processes. The most promising recent change in the study of evolution, a change which we owe largely to de Vries, is the discovery that evolution as now understood is probably going on before our eyes and at a measurable rate; hence it is open to observational and experimental treatment and we may expect renewed and rapid growth in the near future for this line of work. Many of the unexplored regions touched upon in this survey are of such magnitude that few can hope to be their conquerors, but all may aid in preparing the way. In invading these new regions former methods and means will be sure to be found insufficient; the help of kindred sciences, such as physics and chemistry, must be called upon. This appears to bea sufficient answer to those who thought that they saw in the subdivision of zoology and of other sciences a step away from the true unity of sci- entific endeavor. NOTES AND LITERATURE HEREDITY The Possibility of Inheritance through the Placental Circulation instead of through the Germ Cells.—In the December issue of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST reference was made to Professor Bate- son’s explanation of the inheritance of hemophilia. Hemo- philia is a tendency to excessive bleeding, ascribed either to ‘a peculiar frailty of the blood vessels or some peculiarity in the constitution of the blood.’’ It is seen far more often in males than in females, yet the males do not transmit it. Physicians are so confident of this as to recommend that ‘‘the daughters should not marry as through them the tendency is propagated.’’ Professor Bateson compared the inheritance of hemophilia with that of the horned condition in sheep. A hornless breed crossed with a horned form yields horned males and hornless females. The latter will transmit horns to their male off- spring only, unless again crossed with horned stock, when horned females will also appear. This analogy with hemophilia holds good in so far as the females transmit a condition which they do not present, and it suggests a possible explanation of the occasional manifestation of hemophilia in females. It fails, however, in an essential point. The horned male sheep transmit their condition whereas the hemophilie males do not. A different explanation is suggested by the studies on im- munity reviewed and supplemented by Dr. Theobald Smith." Ehrlich, as he states, found that female mice which had been made immune to certain toxic substances gave birth to young which were also somewhat immune. The immunity was soon lost and was never transmitted to the second generation. Im- mune males did not transmit any immunity to their offspring. Other investigators, using rabbits and guinea-pigs, have shown the transmission of several forms of immunity through the females only. The artificial immunity may perhaps be permanent in the parent guinea-pigs. It has lasted long enough to affect four lit- ters of one female, and Smith has records of ‘‘a considerable 1 Smith, T. The degree and duration of passive immunity to diphtheria toxin transmitted by immunized female guinea-pigs to their immediate off- spring. Jour. of Med. Research, 1907, vol. 16, pp. 359-379. 134 No. 494] NOTES AND LITERATURE 135 number of guinea-pigs which transmitted immunity for over a year.” One animal gave birth to a litter of immune young thirty months after receiving the immunizing injection. The immunity is not so well marked in the offspring, and Smith agrees with the general conclusion that the grandchildren of immunized females are never affected. Ehrlich found that in mice lactation plays an important part in the transmission of immunity to offspring, and that normal offspring may gain a considerable degree of immunity by being nursed by immune mothers. This conclusion requires confirma- tion, for Vaillard and Remlinger agree that, in guinea-pigs and rabbits, nursing from an immune mother does not confer im- munity.? Rosenau and Anderson? were able to exclude the milk as a factor in transmitting hypersusceptibility to serum injections by a series of ‘‘exchange experiments.’ In these ex- periments the offspring of a susceptible mother are given, im- mediately after birth, to a non-susceptible guinea-pig to nurse, and the young of the non-susceptible guinea-pig are placed with the susceptible mother. ‘‘From these exchange experiments we learn that the hypersusceptibility is not transmitted to the young in the milk.” Gay and Southard ‘ believe that the well-known susceptibility of guinea-pigs to a second dose of horse serum is due to an unisolated substance which they name anaphylactin. This is probably transmitted from the blood of the mother to that of her young through the placental circulation. It is contained in the serum of a guinea-pig two hundred and four days after the animal has been made susceptible by the first injection, and if from 1.5 to 2.5 c.c. of serum from such an animal are trans- ferred to a normal guinea-pig, the latter becomes susceptible. However, a transfer of serum from the second guinea-pig to a third does not produce susceptibility and this result corresponds with the observation that artificial immunity 1s inherited only by the first generation. It is possible that hemophilia is due to an abnormal chemical composition of the blood, such as produces its manifestations in the male rather than the female, owing to differences in metabo- 2 Cited by Smith, loc. cit. * Rosenau, J., and Anderson, bility and immunity. Journ. of Med. ‘Gay, F. P., and Southard, E. E pig. Journ. of Med. Research, 1907, vol. 16, p a J. F. Further studies upon hypersuscepti- Research, 1907, vol. 16, pp. 381-418. On serum anaphylaxis in the guinea- p. 143-180. 136 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII lism in the two sexes. If its cause is a substance in the blood it may be ‘‘inherited’’ from the female alone, and the male which manifests the disease can not transmit it. Thus it would be a case of transmission through somatic elements rather than through the germ cells. Pol ks. INVERTEBRATE MORPHOLOGY Form Variation in Amblystoma tigrinum.—Powers* has observed the aquatic forms of this salamander both in their natural en- vironment and under artificial conditions. His paper contains a large amount of material of great interest which would be much clearer reading if the numerous observations and experi- ments had been more explicitly described as to objective point and methods employed. The paper is too long for condensation here, but a few of the results can be noticed and will be welcome to those interested in the axolotl question. He distinguishes two main types, the ordinary larve and the cannibals, both by habits and in important points of structure. Taking the ordi- nary form first, two types as a body form are recognizable: those with the habit of crawling about on the bottom in a sluggish manner and thus living largely in the dark, these are of a broader shorter form and are called the ‘‘robust type,’’ and a second type of quite different habit, being active swimmers going about actively in search of their prey, and of an elongate slender form, the ‘‘slender type.’ There is a great difference in the ratio of head width to total length in these two types, head width being contained 6.42 in total length in the robust type and 11 times in the slender ones. The mode of feeding is quite different in these two types. In the robust bottom-living forms food is obtained by using the mouth as a sieve and opening it widely to strain water through it in hopes of finding food thereby, with the result that the gape is increased. On the other hand, the slender swimming forms go about actively in search of prey, which, when they see it, they actively seize so that the mouth is not opened so widely as in the sieving process of the sluggish robust type. He also notes variations in special parts, such as the tail, the head and the posterior limb. Tails vary * Powers, J. H., 07. Morphological Variations and its causes in Am- blystoma jigri Studies from the Zoological Laboratory of the Uni- — of Nebraska, 71, pp. 1-77, pls. i-ix. No. 494] NOTES AND LITERATURE 137 from broad to narrow, long to short, some are flat and some more rounded and tapering, thick and fleshy or thin. Heads vary in breadth, length, thickness, contour of muzzle, distance between nares, between eyes, size of gape of mouth. Hind limbs vary as to robustness or slenderness, rounded or flattened shape of toes and habitual position of limb with reference to body. The writer of the paper is inclined to refer most of the varia- tions which he finds directly or indirectly to the nutrition of the possessor. He says ‘‘excessive nutrition with these larve seems as it were to overflow into all the peripheral parts quite regard- less of function.’’ He shows very satisfactorily that the foot features which seem like aquatic life adaptations are not such in fact, but are due to over-nutrition. In swimming these forms do not use the foot; it lies idly alongside the body. The cannibal form of larve is very interesting and wholly novel. There are occasional larve which for reasons as yet unknown, and against the tendencies of most of the larve, have adopted the habit of feeding on their fellows. It was possible to convert some non-cannibal larve to the habit, while not even starvation would induce others to adopt it. Cannibals, a num- ber of photographs of which are shown, are characterized by the great over-development of the head and under-development of the body and tail. The changes came on rapidly after the habit had become established, a week showing very mark steps in that direction. The head enlargement includes internal as well as external anatomical changes, gill arches become more elongated, more numerous and much larger teeth develop in the palatine region; the entire head becomes more elongated, the brain more posterior in position, and, more strange still, it ‘‘is easily seen through the soft palate . . . and is of a less com- pact and more piscine type.’’ All these points need fuller and more detailed description and illustration than is given in the paper, and will doubtless receive further attention in a later work. The paper is a valuable contribution to knowledge of the variations of Amblystoma; it does not add to the interesting problem of the cause of the non-transformation of the aquatic forms. We do not find ourselves in accord with the author’s proposition to consider this a dimorphic species having a terres- trial and an aquatic form, for this seems to put the aquatic form on a par with the terrestrial one. The aquatic form seems too 138 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII occasional in occurrence and locality to justify this. We do not know but that all aquatic eases would have metamorphosed under suitable conditions, and the terrestrial form is indicated as being definitive by the anatomy of the circulatory and respira- tory apparatus. Also we do not share Powers’s objection to the name axolotl and siredon as a designation for the aquatic form; both have the sanction of general usage and do not apply to other animals, so that they are entirely clear. HoD O EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY Some Experiments on the Development and Regeneration of the Eye and the Nasal Organ in Frog Embryos. —Dr. E. T. Bell has ċonducted a series of experiments on embryos of Rana esculenta and F. fusca, in which he found certain new facts in the develop- ment of the eye and nasal organ. Wolff had shown in 1894 that the crystalline lens of the salamander may be regenerated from the upper margin of the iris. Fischel also found later that the lens in the newt’s eye would regenerate from the iris, and by wounding the iris in several places after removal of the original lens that one or more lenses were formed. Spemann, Lewis and others show in amphibian embryos that there is no - localization of lens-forming material in any given area of the ectoderm, and that the formation of a crystalline lens depends directly upon the stimulation of the ectoderm, or outer embry- onic wall, through contact with the optic-cup. Lewis in a series of interesting experiments in which he tranferred the optic-cup from its original connection with the brain to a more caudal position showed that when it came in contact with the ecto- derm in this new region the optic-cup stimulated lens formation. In another instance the skin from the ventral surface of Rana sylvatica was placed over the optic-cup of R. palustris and gave origin to a lens. Bell has discovered several other possible sources of origin for the crystalline lens. He cut off the optic-vesicle of the embryo and turned it completely around so that the former outer side now turned toward the brain; under these conditions the pigment layer of the retina itself was induced to form a lens-like structure. When the brain was opened in the mid- 1 Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, XXIII, pp. 457-478, pl. 14 to 20. No. 494] NOTES AND LITERATURE 139 dorsal line and the right optic-vesicle of another embryo of about the same size was put completely inside, the brain tissue, pro- vided it had not become too far differentiated, gave rise to a lens. In another case a lens was formed from the surface ecto- derm although the cavity of the optic-cup was turned away from the surface. An optic-vesicle which came in contact with the early nasal organ caused this structure to form a lens. Finally, the lens of one eye budded off another lens to supply an optic- vesicle which was placed adjacent to it. Bell’s experiments seem to show that all ectoderm cells before becoming specialized to any considerable extent have the power to differentiate into lens cells, though all of his experiments are not equally con- vineing. A lens failed to form from the endoderm when the gut was opened and the optic-vesicle turned down into its cavity. King with the frog and Dragendorf with the chick have shown that the optic-vesicle may regenerate when parts of its early structure are removed. If, however, the eye-forming region be completely destroyed these authors claim that no regeneration takes place. Bell, on the other hand, finds that when one lateral half of the brain is removed it will regenerate and at times an optie-vesicle forms on the regenerated side. He also removed, by means of fine scissors, the entire Anlage of the eye and found a new optic-vesicle to regenerate. The previous experi- menters used heated needles for destroying the eye and Bell believes that this method injures the adjacent tissue from which regeneration might take place. The formation of the pigment layer of the retina, Bell claims, is dependent upon the retina proper. There is also some evi- dence to show that the retina may cause undifferentiated epi- thelium to become pigmented when brought into relation with it at the proper time. : Bell finds that the optic, as well as the olfactory nerve, may be induced to follow a path that can in no sense be preformed. The olfactory lobes of the brain when brought into contact with ectoderm out of the nasal region are unable to stimulate the formation of nasal structures. The nasal anlage is readily re- generated if removed at certain stages and its early develop- ment is independent of the parts of the brain and buccal epithelium with which it normally connects. The nasal struc- ture is developed from a predetermined area of ectoderm and when this portion of ectoderm is transplanted to a position 140 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII above and behind the eye the nasal pit still forms and the olfac- tory fibers which develop in it grow into the lateral wall of the diencephalon above the eye, which is of course an unusual region for these nerve fibers to enter. C. R. STOCKARD. The Influence of Regeneration on Moulting in Crustacea.—A re- cent paper by Dr. Margarete Zuelzer* furnishes additional data regarding the influences of regeneration, or the replacement of lost parts, on the moulting process in crustacea. It is generally known that the members of this group have the power to grow new appendages, legs, antenne or swimmerets, after the former ones have been lost through accident or injury. In order to produce the new limb as well as to grow, or increase in body size, the crustacean must moult its hard chitinous shell. The processes of growth are closely associated with moulting and the more frequently the animal moults the faster will it in- crease in size. When one of these animals has lost a limb it is usually replaced by a small new one during the next moult fol- lowing the injury. Since the moulting period is so closely connected with the normal rate of growth several investigators have endeavored to ascertain what effect regeneration might have on the interval between these periods. Zeleny found that crayfish while regen- erating their limbs moult faster, or more frequently, than normal individuals, and, further, he holds that an animal regenerating several limbs moults more frequently "and regenerates the limbs faster than one replacing a single appendage. He concludes that during regeneration the moulting process is hastened. Emmel, on the other hand, has reached an opposite conclusion from the study of a large series of young lobsters. He finds normal individuals moulting more frequently than others which are regenerating new limbs. Lobsters that have lost several appendages moult slower than those that have lost fewer. Emmel, therefore, believes that regeneration retards the moulting process. He showed very clearly that an important factor, which Zeleny had failed to take into account, was the time at which regeneration was introduced into the moulting cycle. If the limbs were removed the day after moulting the moulting period remained almost normal, but when the limbs were re- moved four days after the moult the resulting regeneration 1 Uber den Einfluss der Regeneration auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit von Asellus aquaticus L. Arch für Entwick.-Mech., XXV, Dec., 1907. No. 494] NOTES AND LITERATURE 141 lengthened the interval before the next moult by eighteen per- cent. The longer the time intervening between a moult and the removal of appendages the longer the following moult was postponed through the influence of the resulting regeneration, although the less likely was regeneration to ensue. Emmel’s experiments also seem to show that the retarding influence is due to the regeneration phenomenon and not to the injury sustained, since in all of his experiments those ani- mals that failed to regenerate new limbs did not have the moult following the operation postponed. In the young lobsters the regeneration process retarded their growth at times more than twenty-four per cent. Dr. Zuelzer, having the contradictory results of Zeleny and Emmel in mind, has undertaken a similar study on the little crustacean Asellus. Agreeing with Zeleny, she finds that in the majority of cases moulting occurs at shorter intervals if re- generation is taking place. The rapidity of moulting depends upon the time elapsing between the last moult and the time of operation, an important factor, as shown also by Emmel. f the animal is operated upon during the moulting stage or shortly after, the following moult is usually hastened by the regeneration phenomenon. When more time intervenes between the moult and the amputation of the limbs the tendency is to delay the first moult following the operation, but to hasten the second and third moults. Should the amputation of append- ages immediately precede a moult the moult occurs normally, ‘but no regeneration is shown, the next moult is retarded and regeneration occurs; the third moult is accelerated and the regenerating limbs increased in size. Occasionally when the operation preceded the moult by a considerable interval no regeneration occurred, although the moult may have been hastened. When the two antenne are cut at different levels so as to leave stumps of unequal lengths, the longer one regenerates at a slower rate than the shorter, so that the original equality in length is again established. Zuelzer considers this a case of ‘“eompensatory regulation,” that is, the short stump influenced the longer one to regenerate slower than it would otherwise have done in order to reestablish.their equality in length. This dif- ference in growth rates may be equally well explained as due to the levels at which the cuts were made on the two antenne, as Morgan has shown for the fish’s appendage that the nearer 142 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII the edge or tip of a fin the cut is made the slower will be the rate of growth of the new tissue. Repeated amputation, or removal of regenerating buds, con- tinues to accelerate the moulting process. Zeleny has shown in Cassiopea, a jelly-fish, that repeated operation also hastens the rate of regeneration. New tissue grows faster from a cut surface that has previously regenerated tissue than from a newly cut surface that has not before regenerated. Zuelzer finds, like Emmel, that the moulting time is unaffected, or she believes at times hastened, in those cases where regenera- tion fails to follow the amputation of appendages. The reason for this she thinks may be that the animal with fewer append- ages has a smaller body mass and, therefore, more food to use in normal growth, particularly when none of this food is used to form regenerating tissue. Thus Emmel’s lobsters which failed to regenerate moulted more rapidly than regenerating ones. When one considers, however, the apparent unimportance of food-supply on regeneration phenomena as shown by Morgan he becomes disinclined to accept Zuelzer’s explanation. In a general way Zuelzer agrees with Zeleny in that regen- eration hastens the moulting process. It is interesting to note that both of these workers have used adult crustacea while Emmel’s experiments were made upon larval or young lobsters and gave opposite results. A possible reconciliation of the re- sults may be as follows: The young lobsters, like most young animals, are growing at a maximum rate; all available energy is being used in growth. When such animals are injured they receive a ‘‘set-back’’ since some of their energy must now be diverted in order to repair the injury. Emmel showed that the process of regeneration retarded the rate of growth of these lobsters sometimes more than twenty-four per cent., but when the injury was not repaired growth or moulting was not re- tarded. Adult animals, on the other hand, are not living up to their maximum possibilities; they are in an apparent state of reserve until the removal of an appendage or other injury excites them to new activities and regenerative growth begins. During regeneration the animal may be said to be in a con- dition of newly stimulated growth and all growth activities are probably influenced. One may predict that if similar regen- eration experiments be tried on the adult lobster the results will agree with those obtained on adult crayfish and Asellus. C. R. Srockarp. No. 494] NOTES AND LITERATURE 143 Experiments in Transplanting Limbs and their Bearing upon the Problem of Development of Nerves.—Students of nerve regenera- tion are divided into two camps according as they view the in- fluence of the central or ganglion cell on the regeneration of peripheral nerve fibers. On the one hand it is assumed that no regeneration can take place in peripheral nerves that are isolated from their ganglion cell. On the other hand it is assumed that regeneration can take place in the complete ab- sence of central influence. This is often spoken of as ‘‘auto- regeneration.” The latter view finds its most recent exponent in Dr. Braus, of Heidelberg, who was led to it by the results obtained in transplantation experiments. He found that either the trans- planted limb contained no nerves at all, or that functional nerves, typical in their distribution, were developed from any region of the body, whence they must have arisen in situ and secondarily come to unite with the ganglion cell. A few details may be mentioned because of their extreme interest. Young tadpoles were used in which nerves had not penetrated to the limb buds. When such buds were transplanted to other regions of the body of a second tadpole, a limb developed in this bizarre position, quite normal in the structure of all of its parts, ineluding its nerves. Posterior limb-buds were suc- cessfully grafted on the head, and posterior legs developed. As no nerves had been present in the buds at the time of transplan- tation, and as it seemed inconceivable to Braus that facial nerves, for example, could grow into the parasitic leg and show in the distribution of its parts an arrangement typical of normal limbs, he concluded that nerves must have developed in situ. In‘a second series, the region which later gives rise to the nerve cells and fibers of the body was removed. Limb-buds from these ‘‘aneurogenic’’ individuals were grafted upon normal tadpoles and once again development of the limbs proceeded, but nerves were absent. If they grew centrifugally one should expect to find these limbs innervated by the outgrowing nerves from that particular region. Professor R. G. Harrison, of Yale University, has rendered invaluable service in repeating and extending Braus’s experi- ments, in a paper entitled ‘‘ Experiments in Transplanting Limbs and their Bearing upon the Problem of Development of Nerves,’’ in the Journal of Experimental Zoology, vol. 4, 1907. 144 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIÄ In the first place, a careful examination of serial sections showed that nerves grow close to the region from which the transplanted buds were removed. The finer twigs of host and bud were thus brought into close union. It has been well es- tablished by a number of investigators that fhe union of the peripheral fiber of one nerve with the central fiber of another permits the functioning or regeneration of the former. This fact indeed is frequently taken advantage of in modern surgery. Similarly accurate examination of serial sections showed con- clusively that, in the transplanted limbs taken from ‘‘aneuro- genic” individuals, nerves were present, and that these were quite normal down to their minute details. There is thus pre- sented the anomaly of a facial nerve, for example, growing along entirely new paths, whose direction is determined by the struc- tures in the limb. Such distribution is thus not a function of the nerve, but of the organization of the limb which it innervates. These more accurate methods revealed the further fact that accessory limbs, which are sometimes produced at the point of transplantation, also contain nerves often in a high degree of perfection. Braus had denied, on insufficient evidence, the pres- ence of these nerves and had urged their absence as an argument opposed to their centrifugal growth. By the aid of a very ingenious experiment, Harrison pushed the inquiry one step farther. ‘‘Aneurogenic’’ individuals, Braus and Harrison both found, were short lived. To over- come this difficulty, Harrison grafted an ‘‘aneurogenic’’ tadpole to the side of a normal or ‘‘nurse,’’ and to the former he transplanted a limb-bud from a normal individual. A develop- ing nerve was thus transplanted to a nerveless region. Though the results were not altogether satisfactory, the evidence pointed to the conclusion that ‘‘there is no progressive development of the nerve. On the contrary, there are rapid regressive changes, which in the majority of cases result in the entire disappearance of the nerves within a few days after they are cut off from their centers.”’ On the whole, though the paper is exceedingly accurate—a characteristic of Harrison’s work—so far as it goes, it does not settle the question, especially in the light of Bethe’s recent con- tribution. Perhaps, after all there is an element of truth on both sides, and just how much value to put to each is the problem to be decided. A. J. G. (No. 493 was issued March 21. 1908.) The Bausch & Lomb BH Microscope has been designed especially for use in schools and colleges and in it we have aimed to produce a very rigid, durable instrument at a moderate price. It is of the handle arm type and hence possesses the great advantage of enabling it to be carried with- out injury to the fine adjustment, a point of much im- portance in laboratory work where instruments are continually handled by students. The fine adjustment is unusually responsive. The working parts are thoroughly protected from dust. BH 2, with % and $ objectives, |-inch eye- piece, double nose-piece . - . $33.50 BH 4, with 4 and 4 objectives, 2-inch and . l-inch eye-piece, double nose-piece . 35.00 “PRISM” IS A LITTLE MAGAZINE we publish monthly. Not a mere advertisement, but a beautifully made and printed publication about that world of wonder and beauty seen by the lens. Send us your name and we will enter your subscription FREE. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company Carl Zeiss, Jena George N. Saegmuller Offices: B-L Washington New York San Francisco Boston London Chicago Frankfort o/M Rochester, N. Y. WALKER PRIZES IN NATURAL HISTORY By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. William Johnson Walker two prizes are annually offered by the Boston SOCIETY OF NATURAL History for the best memoirs written in the English language, on subjects proposed by a Committee appointed by the Council. For the best memoir presented a prize of sixty dollars may be awarded ; if, how- ever, the memoir be one of mark merit, the amount may be increased to one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the Committee. For the next best memoir a prize not exceeding fifty dollars may be awarded. Prizes will not be awarded unless the memoirs presented are of adequate merit. The competition for these prizes is not restricted, but is open to all. Attention is especially called to the following points: In all cases the memoirs are to be based on a considerable body of original and unpublished work, accompanied by a general review of the literature of the subject. Anything in the memoir which shall furnish proof of the identity of the author shall be considered as debarring the essay from competition. 3. Preference will be given to memoirs showing intrinsic evidence of being based upon researches made directly in competition for the prizes 4, ch memoir must be accompanied by a sealed envelope enclosing the author’s name and superscribed with a motto corresponding to one borne by the manuscript, and must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before April ist of the year for which the prize is offered. 5. The Society assumes no responsibility for publication of manuscript submitted. SUBJECTS FOR 1908: 1. An experimental study of inheritance in animals or plants. 2. A com- parative study of the effects of close-breeding and cross-breeding in animals or plants. 3, A study of animal reactions in relation to habit formation. 4. A physiological study of one (or several) species of plants with respect to leaf variation. 5. Fertiliza- ti i related pl in a phenog plant. 6. What proportion of a plant’s seasonal growth is represented in the winter bud? 7. A physiographic study of the forms and processes discoverable along a varied shore line. 8. A problem in structural geology. 9. A study of one or more geological horizons with a view to determining the different conditions obtaining at one time over a large area, as ed by sediments and fossils. SUBJECTS FOR 1909: 1. A geographie study of a district of varied features, presented as involving the natural relations of inorganic and organic elements. 2. A petrographic study of a district of erystalline rocks. 3. A paragenetic study of a mineral locality. 4. The conditions controlling sexual reproduction in plants. 5. Studies in the life history of a thallophyte, with special reference to sporogenesis. 6. Contribution to our knowledge of response in plants. 7. The factors governing orientation in animal nses. 8. The relation between primary and secondary sex characters in animals. 9. The activities of the animal body in relation to internal secretions. Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. GLOVER M. ALLEN, Secretary ¥ VOL. XLII, NO. 495 MARCH THE AMERICAN NATURALIS A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS Lamarck Manuscripts at Harvard University. Professor BASHFORD DEAN Symbiosis in Fern Prothallia. Professor DOUGLAS HOUGHTON CAMPBELL The ebes of the Tertiary Mammals and the Importance of Their Mi- gratio: Professor CHARLES DEPERET orsi Regarding the Constancy o of Mutants and Questions Regarding What is 4 “Species s? Professor 8. W. WILLISTON Shorter Articles and Correaponiiencs : The Inheritance of the Manner of Clasping the Hands, Dr. FRANK E. Lutz Notes and rape Tehthology—Tehthysogica Notes, prii iva STARR JOR Echinoderm e Stalked Crinoids of the Siboga T. Expedition, "kes HOBART Peis / decane Patho Diseases, Professor HENRY B. WARD. Animal Behavior—Recent Work on the Behavior of ang Animals, Professor HERBERT S. JENNINGS. THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 , 1908 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies is thirty-five cents. The advertising rates will be sent on application. oe THE SCIENCE PRESS _ Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. oy NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 | Entrance at the Post Office, — Pa., as second-class mail matter, applied for. ‘Important New Scientific Books PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY aor one 1 nor school use, =e ong the the country. The author is vice-director of a y The Principles of Fruit Growing. LAPa : Tenth Edition 50 nek in mait $10. : Irrigation n Drainage. F. H. KING. ete ee A aia oy by mail $188. ; THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vout. XLII March, 1908 No. 495 THE LAMARCK MANUSCRIPT IN HARVARD PROFESSOR BASHFORD DEAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Lamarck manuscripts are exceedingly rare. For until the last score years Lamarck was ranked as a discredited author, and his writings were thrown aside. Even the autograph collector, to whose nets almost everything is a fish, has hardly taken the pains to preserve his bare signature. The Harvard manuscript, accordingly, is an important document, especially in these days of La- marckian revival. It is holographic, antedating, there- fore, 1818-20, the years when Lamarck’s eyesight was lost. It forms together a series of essays and drafts of later work, all in all about ninety leaves, of which fifty have writing on both sides. They are brought together in a volume with marbled sides and morocco back with the legend, ‘‘Manuscrits de Lamarck,’’ the binding dating 1830-40. As a frontispiece there is inserted the Langlumé lithograph of Alexis Noél’s portrait of La- marck (1823). Following this is a table of contents, probably in the hand of the early owner of the manu- seript. It reads: Manuscrits | de | J. B. P. A. de Lamarck | Membre de Pinstitut de france, Professeur-admi- | nistrateur du Museum d’histoire naturelle, ect. contenant}. 1° Systéme de Gall.. .ss.-- -cerror ertererears 2° Idée et Imagination .......-s...seseeresess 3° Appereu analytique de connaissances humaines. 11 145 20 fuillets 19 “ “ 146 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von XLII & Questions Zostogianee.. is oak ec eee cin ges 9- Histoire natureho we doc i ce oes re es es 3 6° Planches préparées pour les figures des genres qui feront partie de la 2° édition des animaux pano vertebre. sso Si Fs ca cae 19 fuillets OUR Occ ia oa bik oe bis co ews ues eee: 81 fuillets From this it will be noted that the papers were collected before 1835, the year of the appearance of the second edi- Jean Baptiste, Pierre-Antoine Monet de Lamarck. tion of the ‘‘Animaux sans Vertébres,’’ for it is stated that the drawings will form part of the second edition, not that they did form part of it. This manuscript was presented to Harvard University in 1896 by Professor Alexander Agassiz, who appears to have discovered it in Paris. Its earlier provenance is unknown. My attention was called to it by my friend, No. 495] LAMARCK MANUSCRIPT IN HARVARD 147 qucslioms goo logiques Jout A elution yt de Vemceve imporlance \*7* question : lu animaux tly vegeta lant Oy se Hoang Cy 2 on Oe af de j Confondent=il a iia polt ene Oy hvi qp elly forment A 0m erish. Fa quelqu Cavachre exclusif D a Teaches q dyfague sack les premiers Jes vecondy 7 2. quslion ; eul-on mellve en Whence ; ‘eas be cilslion de fail decisifs i. f que Tous ly animaux Conny joui fent ou enliment . ou r af ‘ -f ; / pews se ‘ y ’ : ny a 2 une pave dent eax bay laud Joues Je ceke Pacalte ? 2., question > peil-on A dsc cas ay Deg pi’ paveillement decilifs gie é i : o ' fous lu animata connus poflent la faculle’ asec des ides tde former cte ER EEE av remed laksu feita i 9o- ay 1 Se, Cae el: onlarye ment it pevmet de vaviev ls acliong jp ou wiiiny a qu'une pavle deg animau qui jouifent ok faculta ? A. question : 7 a-tif quelque paculle animale que ne lif pas un Phenomene douganisalion at qu it independante Ds toad uyg- { ee fe gpelcongue ; ou toule frcalle qai nyh as m- une a Tou ly animaux ne Jepend. Ya ay Jun deia br Couliey Soeganes qué y Be. sr r A 3 5 : quslion : É; ls animaux Counus polet ik Att dy vy s femss paves bwy dovrganeg e compesent Lovaaniyalion fry Compliquee Oe. animaux bs ly par fails i ne gues cy Uys tines Vovganes ied” affentiels ala gic dans hs ye sete Animaux 7 hg 7 of edat, la gie dams d aulres iy annae PE teke pas or tev A Page of the Harvard Manuscript (p. 113). 148 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou, XLII Dr. C. R. Eastman, who was generously instrumental in placing it in my hands. To him, therefore, and to Pro- fessor Samuel Henshaw, curator of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, my thanks are due for the privilege of examining it. In further detail, and in the matter of its published or unpublished parts: The Système de Gall is largely medical: it deals with the brain, its anatomy, comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology —the last in some detail as in idiocy, cretanism, suicidal mania, hereditary insanity. I cannot find that it has been published. The second essay, Idée et Imagination, has certainly been published. It bears the note in Lamarck’s hand, ** Articles du diction,’’ and is signed by compositors. Dr. Eastman suggests that it occurs in Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. of Detérville, 1818, a work I have not been able to con- sult. The writing indicates an earlier date than the remaining leaves. The third portion, Appercu analytique des connais- sances humaines, avec des divisions et des reflexions ten- dant à montrer leur degré de Certitude, leurs Sources, leurs Branches principales, is probably the outline of-his extended work (362 pp.) on the same subject published in 1820: it is entirely in his own hand and probably dates not later than 1818 (the year in which his eyes failed im). Of the fourth manuscript, Questions Zoologiques, the first section is substantially as follows: “ Zoological questions whose solution is of first importance. “ First QuestionAnimals and plants being living bodies (corps), do these two kinds of organisms become confused (se confondent) at a common point of the series which they form; or does there exist some exclusive and trenchant elfaracter, which distinguishes sharply the first from the second? “ Second Question.—Can one show by the citation of decisive facts, that all animals known are endowed with sensation;* or that there are only certain of them which are endowed with this faculty? 1 Lamarck uses the word ‘‘sentiment.’’ From several contexts, however, one concludes that more than ‘‘sensation’’ is intended, and that ‘‘con- No. 495] LAMARCK MANUSCRIPT IN HARVARD 149 “Third Question.—Can one prove by facts equally decisive that all animals known possess the faculty of having ideas and of determining them by premeditation,—a premeditation which is formed voluntarily and which permits the actions to be varied; or are there only certain animals which enjoy this faculty? “Fourth Question—Is there some faculty in animals which is not a phenomenon of organization and which is independent of all sys- tems of organs whatever; or does not every faculty which is not common to all animals depend for its origin upon a particular system of organs. “Fifth Question.—Do all animals known possess the totality of the particular systems of organs which make up the very complicated organization of the most perfect animals; or, however essential are these systems of organs to the life in the animals which possess them, can not life in other animals exist without them? “ Sixth Question.—Is there known a single organ which is essen- tial to animal life (in general) whatever be its function in the par- ticular organism of which it forms a part; or must we not assume that life, whether of plant or of animal, needs no particular organ whatever, to enable it to exist in certain organisms. “ Seventh Question.—Cannot sensation (sentiment) and irritability be regarded as one and the same organic phenomenon and can it not be proved by facts that every portion of an animal which is en- dowed with irritability is also endowed with sensation; or is not irrita- bility with which all animals are endowed, whether in all their parts or in certain of them only, an independent phenomenon and distinct from the sensation enjoyed by many animals “ Eighth Question—Can it be established clearly that the facts of movement in the case of so-called sensitive plants demonstrate in these plants either sensation or irritability; or that these facts have no re- lationship whatever with those which demonstrate in animals on the one hand sensation and on the other irritability? “ Ninth Question—The nerves alone are the organs of sensation since sciousness’’ might often be the better rendering. Thus in the eighth ques- tion referring to sensitive plants he distinguishes sharply ‘‘sentiment’’ from ‘‘irritabilité.’? The latter gives the idea of unconscious reflex to stimulus, and the former then becomes antithetic, i. e., conscious. literal text in this question reads ‘‘peut on établir d’une maniére evidente, que les faits de mouvement relative aux plantes dittes sensitives, constatent dans ces plantes soit le sentiment, soit l’irritabilité ; ou que ces faits n’ont aucun rapport avee ceux qui attestent les uns le sentiment, les autres Virritabilité des animaux?’’ Again, i questions second and third, it is clear that ‘‘sentiment’’ in the second question is distinguished from igher form of consciousness, sia is equivalent to reason (or ES In general we assume that the phrase ‘‘avoir le sentiment’’ implies con- sciousness. 150 _ THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the faculty of sensation is lost in a part (of an animal) in which the nerves supplying it have been destroyed; now the question is whether every nerve produces a sensation when it is affected, and whether the nerves which bring the muscles in action as well as those which furnish the forces of action to the organs produce sensation, like the rest; or whether there are not particular and special nerves for the production of sensation, while the others function some for muscular excitation, the others only for putting different organs in a condition to execute their functions? “Tenth Question.—Is there some constant and peculiar sign which will make us understand that a being differing from ourselves ex- rol act. la. { meade pel, t us ae ie l a O o o Se. Ca on O i © o: s ee A Pa Tiik e o 3 . 2 m Sh bo oe A .. Pean ay Q p K O Lamarck’s Pen-drawings of Microorganisms (MS. p. 145). periences a sensation when it is stimulated (affecté), and can one always accept as a test the similar movement which it then executes; or, however in general an animal gives no other sign of a sensation produced than by the movements of its parts, can not these movements often deceive us and be due only to the irritability excited in the parts of the animal? (I know no certain sign of a sensation produced save a cry evoked by pain: but all animals are not able to give such a sign and those which have the power do not always use it.) No. 495] LAMARCK MANUSCRIPT IN HARVARD 151 “ SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTION: “Eleventh Question —If each particular system of organs gives rise to a particular faculty, can this faculty be found again in an animal in which the system of organs which produces it no longer exists; or can not this same faculty be regarded as destroyed when the system of organs which has given rise to it ceased to exist?” These questions date from the period 1810-18, with the probability that they belong nearer the later than the earlier date, for in his ‘‘ Philosophie Zoologique’? (1809) fangs J Koleda pl. 6 2 NY$ WES ¢ "> Bivpaiv.:. pls. ie eS plete. tò S on (Sue a a7 Kei 17. pee ag © Qe pier! foro py, S 2 ssa l ae Or” = a Lamarck’s Pen-drawings of es L p. 147). his views were by no means as advanced. He then spoke of the essential differences which distinguish plants and animals, and did not query their common origin, and did not seek a trenchant character which would serve to dis- tinguish them. Moreover, he did not then query the possible kinship of sensation and irritability in sensitive plants and in animals, for at that time he had seen no reason to deny the elastic-fluid explanation for the sensi- tive movements of plants. Altogether these questions are of considerable interest in the study of the develop- 152 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ment of Lamarck’s views. They had, however, hardly reached the level of his Introduction to the second edition of his ‘‘Animaux sans Vertébres’’ (1835). But we can regard them as sure steps in that direction, for similar ideas are here and there found in the Introduction. Indeed the second part of these Questions Zoologiques, MS. pp. 117-130, undoubtedly served as a first draft of this. Thus the present p. 117 is equivalent to p. 17 of the Introduction, and one can identify nearly all of the remaining leaves. The fifth portion is headed ‘‘ Histoire naturelle,’’ and deals with its scope. It appears to have been a draft of a portion of the second edition of the ‘‘ Animaux sans Ver- tébres,’’ for it is captioned ‘‘Chap. 4. Connaissance des Corps organisés vivans que s’observent a la surface de notre globe et dans les eaux liquides,’’ but these lines have been crossed out. The same ideas occur in the pub- lished work but in different form, so it is perhaps un- necessary to append here the entire section. The last page will give an idea of its tenor: A Color-drawing of a Holothurian, No. 495] LAMARCK MANUSCRIPT IN HARVARD 153 ‘‘ Living bodies and inorganic bodies are the materials of natural history. They compose together the mass of the terrestrial globe, but they occur in very different proportions, for the first form a portion exceedingly small, while the second constitute almost the totality. ‘*Yet the bodies which are possessed of life are innu- merable in the diversity of their species, and those, on the other hand, which lack it, exhibit in proportion only a small number. Indeed, we know hardly more than six or seven hundred species of minerals, while the number of species of living bodies can not be estimated as less than 100,000.? ‘‘ These considerations are not lacking in interest, pro- voking our reflections, and each one of them presents us a fact, an item of knowledge with which we have to reckon. In a word these singular bodies which possess life, which are so diversified, are yet the constituents of but a very small portion of the globe which man inhabits.’’ The final pages of the manuscript contain the following drawings: Plate I, monads, volvoce, enchelide, protée, vibrion, goue, cyclida. Plate II, paraméce, kolpode, Bursaire, tricode [leuco- phre], Kérone, cercaire, fureocerque. Plate III, Ratule, tricocerque, vaginicole, folliculina, Brachion, furculaire. Plate IV, urcéolaire, vorticelle, tubiculaire. The remaining pages include the ‘‘animal of lepas balanus,’’ with parts named, ‘‘millipora gelatinosa,’’ a color sketch, a number of jelly fishes, including ‘‘dianée triedre,’’ ‘‘orythie verte,” ‘‘orthie hexaneme,’’ ‘‘dianée proboscidale,’’ ‘‘dianée dineme’’; a number of nudi- branchs, pteropods, and a beautifully colored drawing of _ a living holothurian. 2 A generous estimate for that period—a number now several times ex- ceeded within the insecta. SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA PROFESSOR DOUGLAS HOUGHTON CAMPBELL STANFORD UNIVERSITY THE symbiotic associations so frequently met with in plants present one of the most interesting phenomena with which the biologist has to deal. While these asso- ciations are often not easily distinguishable from true parasitism, in many instances there is a genuine symbi- otic relation and, although there may be a certain degree of parasitism, there is no question that these associations are for the most part beneficial to both of the forms con- cerned. Indeed, the very existence of one or both of the symbionts may depend upon it. In most cases of symbiosis, one of the symbionts is a fungus, but this is not always so. Certain of the Schizo- phyceæ or blue green algæ are very commonly associated with higher plants in what appears to be a symbiotic re- lation, although the nature of the association in this case is still very obscure. The Anthocerotacee and several of the liverworts, like Blasia, always have within their tissues colonies of a Nostoc, and the little water fern Azolla invariably harbors in each leaf a colony of the Nostoc-like Anabena Azolle. Nostoc has been found to occur in the roots of Cycas revoluta and Gunnera among the seed plants, and the Schizophycee also frequently constitute the ‘‘gonidia’’ of many lichens. The associa- tion of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria with the root nodules of the Leguminosz is also a well-known case of symbiosis. Of the true alge there are a number of species recorded, e. g., Chlorochytrium Lemne, which live within the tis- sues of higher plants, but it is doubtful whether the host is in any way affected by the presence of the alga, which 154 No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 155 presumably secures lodging, but not board, from its host. The symbiotic association of fungi with green plants was first demonstrated in the lichens, but it is now known that many of the higher plants are regularly associated with fungi in what is undoubtedly a symbiotic relation. The best known cases of these are the mycorhizal fungi connected with the roots of many trees, especially the Cupulifere, and those which occur in the tissues of sapro- phytes growing in humus. These humus saprophytes are especially numerous among the Orchidacex, e. g., Neottia, Corallorhiza, Cephalanthera, ete., and in certain forms of the Ericales. The well-known Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora, and the snow plant of the Sierra Nevada, Sarcodes sanguinea, are well known examples of these saprophytic Ericales. Many Orchidacew and Ericacee which possess chlorophyll are also to a greater or less extent saprophytic and show a well-developed mycorhiza. In the case of chlorophylless plants, there can be little doubt that the fungus enables them in some way to utilize carbonaceous compounds from humus. In the case of plants such as the trees referred to, where there is ample chlorophyll tissue, it is more likely that the rôle of the mycorhiza is rather to supply nitrogen than carbon, and it is highly probable that in the case of chlorophylless saprophytes as well, the fungus pro- vides nitrogen. This has recently been demonstrated for the mycorhiza found in the roots of various Hricacee, e. g., species of Erica, Vaccinium, Calluna and Oxycoccus’ In all of these it was shown that the fungus concerned, which seemed to be a species of Phoma, was able to as- similate free nitrogen in much the same way as is done by such nitrogen bacteria as Azotobacter. A very complete study of the endophytic fungi of roots has been made by Janse.? He examined a very large 1 Dr. Charlotte Ternetz. Über die Assimilation des atmosphärischen Stickstoffes durch Pilze. Pringsheim’s Jahrbücher, XLIV, July, 1907. 2Les Endophytes Radicaux de quelques Plantes Javanaises. Ann. du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, XIV, 54-201, 1895. 156 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII number of plants, mostly phanerogams, but also a num- ber of liverworts and pteridophytes. His researches showed the presence of an endophytic mycorhiza in a surprisingly large number of plants belonging to the most diverse families, from Zoopsis, one of the Hepatice, to Vernonia, a genus of Composite. The study of the mycorhizal fungi of the seed plants has called attention to the presence of similar fungi in the pteridophytes. The occurrence of a mycorhiza in the roots of the Ophioglossacew was first shown by Russow.’ In 1884 Treub described a similar fungus from the game- tophyte of Lycopodium. In his very important paper on the prothallia of Lycopodium‘ he pointed out the universal occurrence of this fungus in L. cernuum, and in later papers he showed that this also occurred in L. phlegmaria, as-well as in some other species, but it was apparently absent from the green prothallium of L. sala- kense. In 1895 I called attention to the presence of a similar endophytic fungus in the subterranean prothal- lium of Botrychium virginianum. The past decade has been notable for the numerous important investigations upon the gametophytes of the Ophioglossacee and the Lycopodiacew and our knowl- edge of these is now quite complete, thanks to the labors of Bruchmann, Lang and Jeffrey. It is clear that in all prothallia of the subterranean, and hence purely sapro- phytic type, an endophytic fungus is invariably present. It has also been shown that a similar form occurs in the green prothallium of some species, at least, of Lycopo- dium ; but so far as I am aware its occurrence in the green prothallium of ferns has not hitherto been recorded. Some time ago, having occasion to look over slides of the prothallium and embryo of Osmunda cinnamomea, it was noted that many of the prothallia contained an endo- phytie fungus very similar to that found in Botrychium * Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Leitbiindelkryptogamen. Mem. de 1’Akad. Imp. des Se. de Petersbourg, 1872, XIX, 107-118. “Etudes sur les Lycopodiacées. Ann. du Jardin Botanique de Buiten- zorg, IV, 1884. No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 157 and Ophioglossum. This suggested the possibility of its occurrence in other green prothallia, and the forms which seemed to promise best were the Marattiacew, which in many ways seem to be the nearest relatives of the Ophio- glossacex, in whose subterranean prothallia the endophyte regularly occurs. I therefore made an effort to obtain prothallia of the Marattiaceew while collecting in Ceylon and Java, and procured prothallia of Angiopteris evecta Hoffm, Kaulfussia esculifolia Bl., and Marattia sambu- cina Bl. The two former were carefully studied, and as was expected, the endophyte was found in nearly every case. The prothallia of Marattia sambucina were not examined, but the examination of a series of sections of M. Douglasii Baker, made some years ago, showed that in this species the endophyte was also present and pre- sumably it occurs also in other species of Marattia. The other family of ferns in which it was thought the endophyte might occur was the Gleicheniacer, a small family, mostly tropical and of wide distribution. The Gleicheniacer are considered to be related to the Os- mundaceæ and it was thought that they also might show the presence of the endophyte. The prothallia have rarely been collected, but are not difficult to find if one looks for them carefully. Material of four species was secured, one being collected near Cape Town, the others in Ceylon and Java. In all cases the endophytic fungus was found in the older prothallia. ` These investigations show conclusively that an endo- phytic fungus is normally present in the green prothallia of several Marattiacew, Osmundacee and Gleicheniacee, and it is highly probable that further research will show similar fungal endophytes occurring in the prothallia of many other ferns. THE STRUCTURE OF THE ENDOPHYTE Since the discovery of the endophytic fungus in the gametophyte of Botrychium, it has been found constantly 158 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII in all the investigated species of Ophioglossacex, and it is safe to assume that it is invariably present and is essential to the growth of the gametophyte. The writer has recently had occasion to study the be- havior of this endophyte in the gametophyte of several species of Ophioglossum and has described and figured this somewhat at length.’ The fungus consists of non- septate, large, branched hyphæ, which are strictly intra- cellular, passing from cell to cell through the cell walls, and they may often be traced for long distances. In all of the forms that have been investigated the fungus is confined to the older parts of the gametophyte, and never invades the meristematic tissues nor the tissues in the neighborhood of the young reproductive organs. There is in the cylindrical branches of the gametophyte of Ophi- oglossum a more or less definite infected zone inside the superficial tissues, while the central region remains al- most entirely free from the endophyte. Sometimes frag- ments of mycelium are found upon the outside of the gametophyte, and these may occasionally be found to penetrate into the rhizoids and thus gain entrance to the inner tissues. The infection, however, probably in all eases takes place first while the gametophyte is still composed of very few cells. This was positively demon- strated in the germinating spores of O. pendulum, where only those young prothallia which succeeded in establish- ing a connection with the fungus developed beyond a three or four-celled stage. Otherwise they died after the nutrient matter in the spore was exhausted. Second- ary infections, however, doubtless take place frequently. The form of the fungus growing outside of the prothal- lium is quite different from that within its tissues. The hyphæ in the former case are more slender and some- times septa may be formed, while these seem to be quite absent from the endophytic hyphe. In material fixed with chromic acid, the structure of 5 Campbell. seni on the Ophioglossaceew. Ann. du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, XXVI, re No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 159 the hyphe is well shown. The walls, which in the ordi- nary hyphe are moderately thick, stain well with gentian violet, while in the finer granular cytoplasm there are more or less numerous small bodies which stain strongly with safranin and are with little question nuclei. Some of the cells of the host contain unmodified hyphæ, which may be so numerous as to fill the cell cavity with a dense coil of filaments. In other cells the hyphe form masses of irregular swollen vesicles with much more delicate walls than the ordi- nary hyphe, and sometimes quite fill- ing the cell. Besides the irregular vesicu- lar swellings of the hyphe described above, there may occur large oval or round structures (Fig. 1) which re- semble the young oogonia of Pythium Fic. 1. A, Cell from the gametophyte of Ophioglossum pendulum, showing the mycelium or Albugo $ These of the endophyte, and a young conidium (?) ; st, may have a diameter masses of disintegrating starch granules; B, of nearly 50 By but large conidium (?) of the same; C, fully de- abe “usually Gallen nt es ee The nuclei in these bodies are more numerous than in the vegetative hyphe, and finally may be very conspicuous (Fig. 1, C). This multiplication of the nuclei resembles the pre- liminaries of zoospore formation in the sporangia of Saprolegnia or Pythium, and occasionally there were seen free in the host cells small bodies that looked as if they might have been discharged from these large oogo- nium-like bodies. The latter are probably identical’ with * Jeffrey. The Gametophyte of Botrychium Virginianum. Proc. Canad. Institute, V, 1898. 160 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the ‘‘conidia’’ described by Jeffrey in Botrychium, but do not show the thick walls of these conidia. Like these conidia of Botrychium they are not, usually at least, separated from the filament by a septum. The young cells of the gametophyte contain starch in the form of rather small and very distinct granules. As the endo- phyte invades these cells, the starch granules soon show evidences of disintegration, swelling up and losing their sharp contour and finally becoming aggregated in irregu- lar masses of considerable size (Fig. 1, A, st). These finally are more or less completely digested by the fungus, but the nucleus of the host cell is in no way affected, and even where the cell is completely filled with the crowded hyphæ, the nucleus remains quite normal in appearance. The endophyte of Botrychium virginianum (Fig. 2) closely resembles that of Ophioglossum, but is somewhat smaller in all its parts and occupies the whole central region of the massive gametophyte. The two sorts of I . A, two cells from sral gametophyte of Botrychium virginianum, showing the two forms of the endophyte; B, a “ digestive” cell, showing the degenerating varicose mycelium of se ragga n, the nucleus of the cell ; Sek cell containing a conidium, con; D, fragment of one of the largest yphe; E, young conidium. All figures x 350. No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 161 cells, i. e., those with the filamentous hyphe (Fig. 2, A, x) and those containing the irregular vesicular mycelium, (y), are well differentiated, but are more or less irregu- larly mingled. The ‘‘conidia’’ (Fig. 2, C, con) are smaller and less numerous than in the endophyte of Ophioglossum, but have a much firmer membrane, as Jeffrey has described. These conidia were observed by Jeffrey to germinate by sending out a tube, and they are supposed to be special organs of propagation. In a very important study of the endophytic mycorhiza of the saprophytic orchid, Neottia, W. Magnus‘ has shown that two types of mycelium exhibited by the endo- phytes are of very different nature. The slender cylin- drical hyphe constitute the active portion of the fungus, which behaves like a parasite toward the cell which it invades, destroying the starch and probably other con- stituents of the cell, but not attacking the nucleus. The latter becomes much hypertrophied, a phenomenon that is not seen in the endophyte of the Ophioglossacee. The swollen vesicular mycelium, however, is a degenerating structure and is itself destroyed by the cells of the host, which actually digest these fungus mycelia in much the same way that the cells of Drosera digest their prey. Some interesting similarities in the behavior of the con- tents of the digestive cells of Drosera and those of these humus saprophytes have been demonstrated. Figs. 2, A and B, show some of these cells in Botrychium; the varicose mycelium has very delicate walls, and in the older cells (Fig. 2, B) they seem to be disintegrating until finally the structure is completely destroyed and only a structureless lump is left. In Neottia this undigested mass is ejected into a central vacuole and becomes sur- rounded with a more or less evident cellulose membrane, separating it entirely from the protoplast after diges- tion is complete. A comparison of the endophytes found in the green 1 Studien an der Endotrophen Mycorhiza von Neottia Nidus Avis L. Pringsh. Jahrb., XXXV, 1900. 162 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII prothallia of the various ferns referred to shows some differences which are probably not without significance. The structure of the mycelium and its general behavior are so much like those of the endophyte occurring in the strictly saprophytic gametophyte of the Ophioglossacese as to leave little doubt that the endophyte in each case Fig. 3. Cells from the green aniar hey of several ferns, showing the character of the endophyte. All figu 50. A, Angiopteris evecta; B, ond gre kanoe, C, D, Gleichenia pectinata. is the same, or at any rate closely related. The conidia (Fig. 3, A, C) are perhaps less frequent, but in form and structure are very like those of Botrychium. The most noticeable difference is the apparently complete absence of the ‘‘digestive’’ cells, 7. e., those that contain the varicose swollen mycelium. No indications were noted of the destruction of the fungus by the cells of the host and the former is evidently much more nearly a true parasite than is the case in the saprophytic gameto- phytes. In the infested cells of the green gametophyte the starch and chromatophores are destroyed evidently by the action of the endophyte, but the nucleus remains intact. No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 163 Of the ferns with green prothallia, the endophyte has been found, almost without exception, in the following: Marattia Douglasu Baker, Kaulfussia esculifolia Bl., Angiopteris evecta Hoffm., Gleichenia (Eugleichenia) polypodioides Sm., G. (Mertensia) dichotoma Willd. (=G. linearis (Burm.) Bedd), G. (Mertensia) levigata Hooker, G. (Mertensia) pectinata Presl. In Osmunda cinnamomea it appears to be commonly but not always present, and in O. Claytoniana it could not be found. The number of slides of the last species examined was not very large and it is possible that further study of this species, as well as of O. regalis, will show its further occurrence in the Osmundaceæ. Of the forms that were. examined, that occurring in Osmunda and Gleichenia was the largest (Fig. 3, B, C) and equal in size to the endophyte of Ophioglossum. The form in Angiopteris was the smallest that was seen. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ENDOPHYTE That the presence of the endophyte is necessary to the existence of all strictly saprophytic gametophytes is in- dicated by the failure of the germinating spores to develop unless they become associated with the fungus. Moreover, the universal occurrence of a similar endo- phyte in all humus-saprophytes among the seed plants indicates that in all of these chlorophylless plants the presence of the fungus is necessary for the existence of the host. Although it has not been directly proved, it is generally assumed that one réle of the endophyte is the elaboration of some of the carbonaceous constituents of the humus. The infrequent communication between the external hyphe and the internal mycelium makes it unlikely that the nutritive products are directly absorbed by the fungus, and it seems much more probable that the rhizoids of the gametophyte are the direct agents of absorption. How the humus constituents are changed by the action of the fungus so that they are available for 164 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the cells of the host is not clear and it is by no means impossible that some at least of the necessary carbon may be derived from the fungus itself in the digestive process to which it is subjected in the digestive cells. This seems plausible from the fact that in green pro- thallia, where presumably the plant is entirely able to supply its own carbon compounds through photosynthesis, these digestive cells appear to be wanting; or at any rate they were not observed in the several forms that I have studied. The experiments of Ternetz already referred to showing that certain fungi, including certain endo- phytie mycorhize, have the ability to assimilate free nitrogen, confirms the assumption of earlier authors that the fungus is useful to the host in supplying to it nitro- gen compounds; but while this is probably a very impor- tant part of its functions, it seems to me that it is not perhaps the only one, and that the necessary carbon is also supplied directly or indirectly through the agency of the fungus. As Magnus has very graphically shown, the relation of the two symbionts is mutually antagonistic, each one acting as a parasite on the other, but nevertheless the presence of the fungus is essential to the higher organ- ism so long as the latter is destitute of chlorophyl; and the explanation of the wide-spread saprophytism exhibited by so many of the higher plants may be sought in this attempt to defend themselves against what was probably at first a strictly parasitic organism. Having acquired the power to attack and feed upon the parasite, the photo- synthetic functions were more and more subordinated until a state of true parasitism (or saprophytism) re- sulted. The numerous semi-saprophytes like most of the green Ericaceæ and many green Orchidacew are good examples of transition stages, while the characteristic leafless humus saprophytes, such as the Monotropee and the chlorophylless Orchidaceæ, represent the fully de- veloped phase of this peculiar form of symbiosis. No. 495] SYMBIOSIS IN FERN PROTHALLIA 165 That this symbiotic association may occur in still lower organisms than the ferns is shown in the familiar case of the lichens, which are most perfect examples of this. It has been shown also that a similar association of fungus and host occurs in a good many liverworts. Cavers® has studied this association with some care in the common liverwort Fegatella, as well as in other Hepatice. He found in Fegatella that the endophyte is beneficial to the growth of the host, the plant being more vigorous when the fungus was present. He assumed that this was due to the assistance given by the fungus in the assimilation of organic matter from humus or from other organic substrata. This frequent occurrence of an endophyte in Hepatice makes the occurrence of this in the green prothallia of ferns quite readily understood. Whether in the latter it is an advantage to the host to have the endophyte present remains to be seen, but it is highly probable that such is the case. Once having acquired the habit of associating itself with the fungus, the gradual development of the purely saprophytic subterranean gametophytes of the Ophioglossacee from green forms similar to those of the Marattiacex, is readily conceivable. In the genus Lyco- podium there is every degree from the strictly holophytic green prothallium of L. salakense to the subterranean chlorophylless gametophyte of L. clavatum or the still more specialized gametophyte of L. phlegmaria. Presumably in the Ophioglossacex the evolution of the gametophyte eis been very much the same as in Lyco- podium. *On Saprophytism and Mycorhiza in Hepatice. New Phytologist, TI, 1903 : THE EVOLUTION OF THE TERTIARY MAMMALS, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THEIR MIGRATIONS? PROFESSOR CHARLES DEPERET UNIVERSITY oF Lyons Seconp PAPER. OLIGOCENE Hpocu? Havine analyzed the local evolution and the migrations of the Eocene mammals (Comptes rendus, 6 novembre, 1905), I will now consider the corresponding data in regard to the Oligocene. B. Oxvigocrnt Faun. I. Lower Oligocene (Sannvisian or Lower Tongrian). Two successive faune: (a) Fauna of the white marl of Pantin, Romainville. The fauna of the lignites of Célas, Avéjan, Vermeil (Gard), of the limestone of Brunstatt and of Rixheim (Alsace) are probably not very distant from this. With- out doubt the same is also true of several deposits in the South West of France: Fronsac and la Grave (Gironde), Sainte-Sabine, Duras, Issigeac, Saint-Cernin (Dordogne). A part of the phosphorites of Quercy,® and of the ‘‘ter- rain sidérolithique’’ of Fronstetten (Suabia) belong to the same level. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of the Paleotheriide (Paleotherium, Plagiolophus), of the Anoplotheride (last of Anoplotherium), of the Xiphodontide (last Xipho- don), of the Rodentia—Theridomyide (Theridomys). 1 First paper, Eocene Epoch, in the February number of the NATURALIST. 2 Extract from the Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Sci- ences, t. CXLII, p. 618 (séance du 12 Mars, 1906). Translated by Johanna Kroeber. 3 The remarkable fauna of the phosphorites is not a homogeneous assem- blage, but a composite representing horizons from the Bartonian to the Stampian, inclusive. In general, therefore, I shall consider only those genera of the phosphorites that have been found elsewhere in the stratified deposits, and whose age can thus be positively determined. 166 ; No. 495] EVOLUTION OF TERTIARY MAMMALS 167 2. No new migration is known. This fauna seems to be simply a much-reduced remnant of the Ludian fauna and should be more properly included with the upper Eocene. (b) Fauna of the limestone of Brie, of Hempstead (Isle of Wight), of Ronzon (Velay), of Lobsann (Alsace), of Calaf and Tarrega (Catalonia). A part of the phos- phorites of Quercy and of the ‘‘terrain sidérolithique’’ (Bohnerz) of Veringendorf, Veringenstadt, of the Esels- berg, of the Hochberg and of Oerlingerthal near Ulm, belong to the same horizon. Possibly the beds of Monte- Promina (Dalmatia) belong to this horizon or to the pre- ceding one. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of the Paleotheriide (Paleotherium, Plagiolophus), of Anthracotheriide (con- tinuance of Brachyodus, and appearance of species of Ancodus, some species of Anthracotherium), end of the Anoplotheriide (last Diplobune), continuance of Cenothe- riidæ (Amphimeryx, ? Cenotherium), of Canidæ (Cynodon, Cynodictis, Amphicynodon), of Erinaceide (Tetracus), of Theridomyide (Theridomys), of Hyænodontidæ (Hyæ- nodon), of the Marsupial Didelphyide (Peratherium Amphiperatherium). 2. Important North American migrations: Sudden ap- pearance of the Rhinocerotide (Ronzotherium), and of the Entelodontide (Entelodon). 3. Migrations of unknown origin of the Tragulide (Gelocus), of Mustelide (Proplesictis), of the Myomorph Rodentia (Cricetide), and perhaps of the Amphicyonine (beds of Tarrega). II. Middle Oligocene (Stampian or Upper Tongrian), very numerous deposits: in the Paris basin, la Ferté- Aleps; in Germany, Ufhofen, Flonheim, Miesbach, lig- nites of Schluchtern, of Gusternheim and of Westerwald; in the basin of 1’Allier, Bournoncle-Saint-Pierre, Bons, Perrier, Montaigut-le-Blanc, Champeix, Autrac, Saint- Germain-Lembron, Antoingt, Vodable, Solignat, Lamont- 168 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII gie, Nonette, Orsonnette, Malhat, Les Pradeaux, Les Chauffours, Bansat, Boudes, Chibrac, La Sauvetat, Jussat, Gergovia, Romagnat, Pérignat, Lemdes, Cournon, Mar- coin, Chaptuzat, Gannat, Saint-Menoux; in the basin of the Loire, Vaumas, Saint-Poureain-sur-Bébre, Briennon, Digoin; in the South East of France, Céreste, Manosque, clay of Saint-Henri near Marseilles, les Milles near Aix, Auzon near Alais; in the South West of France, Cestayrol, Saint-Sulpice, Rabastens, hill of Saint-Martin, Montans, Salvagnac, VIle d’Albi, Pont-Sainte-Marie, Tournon, Capellier, Les Péries, Villebramar, la Milloque, Combera- tière, Moissac, Beauville, Itier, Bourg de Visa, Montségur, ete.; in Switzerland, Blauen, La Conversion, near Lau- sanne; in Italy, Cadibona in Liguria, Monteviale and Zovencedo in Vicenza; in Austria, Trifail in Styria, and deposits in Dalmatia; lignites of Inca (Island of. Ma- jorea) ; the larger part of the phosphorites. It seems that from now on it will be possible to distin- guish at least two horizons in this important stage: the lower (the principal deposits of which are given in italics in the preceding list), characterized by the persistence of the last representatives of Paleotherium, of Entelodon, or of Gelocus; the upper by the abundance of large-sized Anthracotherium and Acerotherium, and the sudden ap- pearance of the Tapiride. For the stage as a whole, the facts in regard to evolu- tion and migration are as follows: 1. Local Evolution. — Continuance of Paleotheriide (last appearance), of Rhinocerotide (A therium, Di- ceratherium), of Chalicotheriide (Schizotherium), of Anthracotheriide (Brachyodus, Anthracotherium, several phyla), of Entelodontide (last Entelodon), of Suide (Propalzocherus, Paleochcrus), of Cenotheriide (Czno- therium, Plesiomeryx), of Tragulide (last of Gelocus, Prodremotherium, Lophiomeryx), of Theridomyide (The- ridomys, Issiodoromys, Archeomys), of Cricetine (Cri- cetodon), of Talpide (Geotrypus), of Erinaceidx (Erina- ceus), of Chiroptera (Paleonyeteris), of Creodonta (last No. 495] EVOLUTION OF TERTIARY MAMMALS 169 Hyzenodon and last Pterodon, Dasyurodon), of Canidæ (Amphicyon), of Mustelide (Plesictis, Paleogale), of Viverridæ (Amphictis), of Marsupialia (Peratherium). 2. Migrations of North American origin of Tapiride (Protapirus, Paratapirus), and of Amynodontide (Ca- dureotherium*), and perhaps of the Felide-Macherodine (Kusmilus). 3. Migration probably from Africa (and perhaps a little before the Stampian), of Edentata with normal ver- tebræ (Leptomanis and Archæorycteropus of the phos- Phoria beds).° 4. Migrations of unknown origin of Cervuline (Dremo- arlam, Amphitragulus), of Castoridæ (Steneofiber), of Myogalidæ (Echinogale, Myogale), of Tupaiidæ (Plesio- sorex), of Soricidæ (Amphisorex, Sorex), of Lutrinæ (Potamotherium), of the Felidæ-Proælurinæ (Pseudæ- lurus), and of Lagomorph Rodentia (agomyids, genus Titanomys). II. Upper Oligocene (Aquitanian). Principal deposits: in the Paris basin, Celles-sur-Cher ; in the Bourbonnais, Saint-Gérand-le-Puy, Chaveroche; in Germany, Weissenau and Mombach near Mainz, Haslach, Kekingen near Ulm; in Switzerland the Gray Molasse of Lausanne, Othmarsingen, Hohe Rhonen; in Savoy, Pyri- mont-Challonges; in Provence, Varages (Var); Boujac in the basin of Alais; in Catalonia, Rubi near Barcelona; in Bohemia, Tuchoritz; in Karinthia, Keutchach; in Hun- gary, Waitzen. 1. Local Evolution.—Continuance of Tapiride (Para- tapirus), of Rhinocerotide (Aceratherium, Dicerathe- *M. Boule (Comptes rendus, 18 mai, 1896) has endeavored to prove an as Astrapotherium; this relationship would be interesting, i strated, for it would imply a Patagonian migration in the Oligocene period. But the supposed affinity st in my opinion, upon rather superficial resemblances of the dental sy "I do not believe in the ithe of South American Edentata in the Oligocene of the phosphorite beds. The Necrodasypus of Filhol seems to me to be a dermal plate of a Reptile related to Placosaurus Gervais. 170 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII rium), of Chalicotheriide (Macrotherium), of Anthraco- theriide (Brachyodus, last of Anthracotherium), of Suid (Paleochcerus, ? Doliochcrus), of Canotheriide (Czno- therium, Plesiomeryx), of Cervuline (last Dremotherium and Amphitragulus), of Theridomyide (Theridomys), of Myoxide (Myoxus), of Eomyide (Rhodanomys), of Sciuride (Sciurus), of Castoride (Steneofiber), of Lago- morph Rodentia (Titanomys), of Talpide (Talpa), of Soricide (Sorex), of Erinaceide (Paleoerinaceus, Eri- naceus), of Canide (Amphicynodon, Cephalogale), of Amphicyonine (Amphicyon), of Mustelide (Stenogale, Plesictis, Paleogale), of Lutrine (Potamotherium), of Viverride (Amphictis, Herpestes), of Felide (Prozlu- rus), of Marsupialia (the last European Didelphyide). 2. Smaller migrations of unknown origin of the Dimy- lide (Dimylus, Cordylodon). The Aquitanian fauna is chiefly an impoverished resi- due of the Stampian. Important migrations begin again with the Miocene epoch, and these will form the subject of a later paper. OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ORIGIN OF DISEASE RESISTANCE IN PLANTS! PROFESSOR HENRY L. BOLLEY Nortn DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Ir is not my purpose to develop a controversy as to theories, but, in pointing out some features of my studies upon disease resistance, it seems necessary to raise some question concerning the rapid development of the muta- tion theory which I believe to be worthy of close thought before we accept this theory as replacing, in entirety, the - doctrine of evolution as formulated by Darwin. The DeVriesian school has pointed out one way in which plants and animals originate new individuals with characteristics apparently new. The Mendelian formu- las, especially as in late years developed, illustrate clearly how apparently new characteristics may appear to be caused to arise. This would seem to be a fair statement of all that has actually been accomplished. I assent that most of the conceptions arising from the investigations of Mendel and DeVries are probably cor- rect and, after considering expositions depending upon the experiments of many workers and having experi- mented sufficiently to understand the meaning of ‘‘mu- tants,’’ ‘‘unit characters’’ and ‘‘elementary species,’’ I recognize that these works added much light upon how evolution in plant life takes place, and that henceforth the conception of unit characters must largely form the theoretical working basis for practical breeding work. Yet I feel sure that Darwin’s conception was sufficiently broad to embody both features as minor parts of the great concept of organic development. To accept De- i Read before the American Breeders’ Association, Washington, D. C., January 29, 1908. 171 BY THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII Vries’ doctrine of mutation as a substitution for the Darwinian conception is, I believe, to accept a part for the whole and to place before the farmer and stockman a doctrine which, if generally accepted as a substitute for the broad conception of Darwin, can not but be narrow- ing and injurious. : DeVriesian and Mendelian phraseology, in daily use, may be to blame, but in reading many of the late exposi- tions one is led to question whether the doctrine of con- stancy of elementary species or constancy of unit char- acters can be accepted by biologists and breeders with any less damage to after progress than that which fol- lowed the once complacent acceptance of the Linnean dogma of the constancy of species. DeVries, of course, argues for the acceptance of the validity of evolution by mutations, and while one may readily concur that such mutations occur, one who works largely with cereal crops and has always recognized that the individual is the proper starting point for selection work, is apt to be astonished in reading his new work on ‘Plant Breeding,’’ and falls to questioning whether after all, a mutation may not be merely a ‘‘fluctuating variation,’’ big enough and stable enough to be recog- nized. Is it possible that the nature of these changes is different in kind or only in quantity and range of dura- tion? Does accident play so large a part in plant de- velopment and plant breeding as indicated by most DeVriesian writers? One need not object because of the wonderful things said of elementary species, for good Darwinians have always believed in the existence of strains and subspecies which would admit of the name; nor should we expect any less of DeVries than that he should use the arguments related in ‘‘Nilson’s Dis- covery’’ and those from such other experiments and ex- positions as would, when handled in certain lights, tend to show evolution by mutation. Yet, one who recognizes all of the possible merits that accrue from the concep- tion of hypothetical unit characters and of the existence No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 173 of plant strains which admit of the designation ‘‘ Ele- mentary Species’? may be pardoned if he is unable to accept another dogma of constancy, and is unable to sub- scribe to many DeVriesian conclusions regarding the comparative merits of mutation as opposed to adaptation and natural survival. Most of us, I believe, can only look upon a mutation as one of the types of variation through which the survival process brings about evolution. I believe that we still have to look for the underlying causes. An ardent Darwinian can well agree to the statement: ‘“Species are derived from other species by means of sudden small changes which, in some instances, may scarcely be perceptible to the inexperienced eye,” °? but. may find points of doubt and refuse to follow to the limit when reading a number of statements found in the same work, for example, ‘‘From their first appearance they are uniform and constant.” This statement refers to species. Again, ‘‘The conception of mutations agrees with the old view of the constancy of species. This theory assumes that a species has its birth, its lifetime, and its death, even as an individual, and that throughout its life it remains one and the same.’’* ‘‘Each single type (be it species or subspecies or variety) is thus wholly constant from its first appearance and until the time it disappears either after or without the production of daughter species.’’® This last sentence is certainly clear to the effect that a species is never changed, at least so as to affect its after progeny. It is equivalent to saying that all individuals after formation in the seed remain exactly like the parents and, taken with the other state- ments which insist that plants mutate, means that they remain constant until they change, which is an absurdity in argument. With this, we must assume that a man can recognize ultimate unit characters and can recognize just how many characters it takes to make a species. When 2 DeVries. Plant Breeding. Page 9. 5 Ibid., page 9. 174 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII we can do this, there will not be any use for the Breeders’ Association. ‘‘... Mutations occur constantly, without preparation and without intermediates.’’® I can not think of a mutation or change in species occurring without prep- aration and without intermediates. It is equivalent to saying without cause. Later, one reads, ‘‘We may con- fidently assume that each single mutation affects only a single unit.’ I would certainly agree with this state- ment if I could conclude from the author’s other state- ments that he had in mind that a plant might be made up of an inconceivable number of unit characters, the ulti- mate nature of which may, after all, be only matters of force. ‘‘In other words, the principle of adaptation, as one of the main parts of the theory of evolution, should be separated from the study of the geographical distri- bution. ...’’® As to this assertion, I agree that plants migrate and select in the same sense that men migrate and select, but I can not agree that a species never adapts itself in such form as to transmit the results of adapta- bility. ‘Environment has only selected the suitable forms from among the throng and has no relation whatever to their origin.’’® ‘‘Natural selection . . . causes survival of the fittest; but it is not the survival of the fittest of individuals, but that of the fittest species, by which it guides the development of the animal and vegetable kingdoms.’’!° These last two quotations contain sweeping assump- tions and all of them taken together must be interpreted as saying that evolution in plant and animal life arises wholly from accidental changes, that is, from mutations which are matters of accident, having no preceding cause, therefore beyond us as breeders to investigate or change. This would naturally deprive agriculturalists *DeVries. Plant Breeding. Page 24. : T Ibid., page 322. * Ibid., page 345. * Ibid., page 352. 1 Ibid., page 9. No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 175 and stockmen of the right to hope for the adjustment of a species to new surroundings in which at first it does not fit. It is hard to comprehend a philosophy which recognizes the old conception of species yet breaks it into countless ‘‘elementary species,’’ and at the same time claims abso- lute constancy for the characters of the elementary forms. If mutations, which all agree may occur, do not come from irritations of environment, internal or external, from what cause may they arise? Must we say that each plant with an observable unit character is a species and, with Linneus, that it always was? My observations do not allow of this thought; neither have I ever seen an acci- dent in nature. The only observed accidents of nature, when known, have ‘always been found to have direct nat- ural causes.. I could not work with faith upon plant breed- ing if I could convince myself that any plant was ever the result of an accident. The fact that plants mutate and that new types arise in regular mathematical relations due to cross breeding, and that selections from individuals give the correct methods of breeding, seems evident, but I have seen noth- ing to convince me of absolute constancy of either indi- vidual or species. Mutation seems to be just a good name for a grade of natural changes and no more. We have still to look for the causative feature in the environment behind the mutation or change of character; and, if we wish to improve upon agricultural species or varieties or individual strains, we must select from among the occur- ring changes, whether we call them mutants, elementary species or unit characters. The demonstrations of mu- tations and the new knowledge that arises from a better understanding of the laws governing union of and correla- tion of characters must eventually greatly facilitate the studies looking toward an understanding of direct special causes for the changes which occur in the evolution of a type. DeVries’ original experiments were of immense value, but I believe his philosophy of constancy to be 176 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII exceedingly bad. There seems to be no observation or experiments which can be interpreted as substantiating that phase of his writings. While DeVries’ examples all point to the minutest types of variation and change, his philosophy of constancy is directly opposed to this thought and would dash all of the hopes of the average man doing any work looking toward the improvement of strains, or types. Yet, previous to the last few years, since college men have been given sufficient funds for experiment, it was the practical farmer and stockman who had done the work in improvement of agricultural sorts and races in stock, and most of the improvements have been made from pedigreed strains of rather pure type whether we speak of vegetables, fruits, cereals or eattle. I know this statement will meet with objections, but I believe it will be found to stand upon good bases when we remember the work of our horticulturists and best breeders of animals. For example, Wellman, Haynes and Houston used plant gardens for the production of individuals from individual mother plants in wheat be- fore De Vries, Nilson or Hayes worked. I can not con- vince myself, after studying the results and observing the work of Mr. Haynes in later years, that he or the other two men got results only from their first selections. Each of these men have time over and again told me that they selected only the best strains from the progeny of the best individual and that each year their crop had improved in the direction along which they worked and that it maintained itself reasonably well in the field. This, of course, DeVries would answer was only the re- sult of ‘‘fluectuating variations.’’ My studies do not con- vince me that he is correct. Undoubtedly, there are countless variations which may occur in the field crop which it is folly to assume may be detected and classi- fied as permanent or fluctuating. Certain it is, that Darwin argued for the great ‘stability of certain inbred stocks and that forces of heredity are stronger than those of variation. It is equally true that the longest pursued No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 177 experiments of American agriculture show that pure strains or varieties of close-bred stocks, especially those of cereals, are sufficiently stable to be held to form under intelligent culture, but none of us, as yet, can say further than this. If we maintain and can agree that a mutation or change has a natural cause and that no plants are stable, constant in character, it is nevertheless not neces- sary to be assumed that the burden of proof rests en- tirely upon Darwinians. © : What evidence may be placed over against the theory of constant elementary species? Well, as an hypothesis, when carried to the limit, an elementary species becomes a unit character and when unit characters are well known they will as in the case of the units of matter, perhaps become so intelligible as to be recognized as the least conceivable element of natural force which makes for union and which in case of the organic units may make for a heritable change. This, the writer believes, is the ultimate result to which most of DeVries’ facts and ob- servations point, and my own observations, together with those of others, as I undestand them, teach that when- ever physical and chemical conditions are changed in the least, within or without the plant, some variation will occur in plant substance, and that this may result in a change in the progeny which may be fixed or modi- fied sufficiently to serve agricultural purposes, if the con- ditions which originate it may be ascertained and reason- ably maintained. It is but reasonable that some changes should approach greater stability than others. The practical breeders of America, years before the work at Amsterdam and Svalof commenced, developed hundreds of varieties; and though I have worked with many varieties and strains of wheat, flax and potatoes and have found them all reasonably stable if given gen- erally stable environment, I have never yet been sure that I have seen a stable plant or stable strain or variety. Some change is continually taking place and any change, I think, may be fixed just in proportion as we know the conditions which originate it. ; 178 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII This brings me to the statement of a principle of agri- cultural cropping which, though generally recognized by breeders for years, yet needs to be much emphasized by those who would improve a character of a plant or a plant strain, or maintain a standard of a general crop; namely, the condition under which a character originated or is being originated must be maintained or approached. It is all the more important to hold this feature of crop- ping well in mind, now that the conception of unit char- acters and of mutations and of new methods of experi- mental breeding has proved to be of such fertile aid in the production of new types. Much of the value of agricultural, commercial cropping rests upon the per- manence and general use of a few well-maintained or established varieties as against the miscellaneous use of many varieties; thus, for instance, a district or country gains its reputation for a particular crop not by the use of many varieties, as, for example, of wheat, or oranges, but by the use of a few which by careful work are held to their cl teristic qualities. It is quite possible to swamp agriculture by the creation of too many forms. Stable industries are built up about reasonably stable crops. After a new type or a new character in a type has been obtained, new conditions, if they include the essentials of the old conditions, may readily bring about the ad- dition of new features whether we have in mind calling these new features fluctuating or elementary. If the originating conditions are lost or are not maintained, the type should degenerate or retrograde, lose character, and I am quite convinced that it always does. Herein lies the working basis for every-day cropping and breeding. This line of argument is equivalent to saying that so- called fluctuating variations may be maintained and built upon as foundations for important hereditary changes, whether, in writing, we term the resultants mutants, sports or simply elementary units or species. Itis equiv- alent to arguing that the principle of adaptation may No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 179 be active in nature even though mutations are observed. Or, perhaps plainer, it is equivalent to saying that muta- tions themselves may be nothing more or less than adap- tations, adaptive changes. I think breeders who ignore this thought in their work will eventually find themselves without a basis for well-founded experiments. I have been brought to these conclusions chiefly through careful observations upon my own selection and breeding plots, upon which for a number of years, I have attempted to hasten the survival of the fittest, or of the unlike, through the development of or heightening of the action of plant disease for the purpose of eliminating the weak or unfit.1! The method of field work consists essentially in constant culture or cropping to the crop under con- sideration and in promoting, in every way possible, the development and action of the disease under considera- tion; and at the same time using all available methods of breeding and selection under these heightened condi- tions of disease. The method has given marked results when applied to wheat vs. wheat rust; wheat vs. wheat smut; flax vs. flax rusts; flax vs. flax wilt; and potatoes vs. scab and blight. My observations along these lines have been such that I have'no fear but that the future will find me right in the assertion (1) that mutants may be so insignificant and numerous as to be unrecognizable and thus fall di- rectly into the class called by DeVries, ‘‘fluctuating vari- ations’’; or (2) that they may be induced in a mixture of a great number of varieties of a species at one and the same time because of the same environmental causes; or (3) that, in some cases, ‘‘fluctuating variations” are of such nature and worth as to allow results to be obtained “The full details of the methods and details of the results can not be furnished in the limits of this paper. The method of work has been out- lined in the annual reports of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and in an address delivered before the meeting of farmers and stockmen at St. Louis, October, 1903, and further reported upon in vol. I, page 131 of the report of this association, and also in the Proceedings of the Lansing Meeting of the Society for Promotion of Agricultural Science, p. 107, 1907. 180 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII in mass breeding of as great importance as any that may be hoped to be obtained by looking for a single mutating type evolved through the method of DeVries. I am unable to affirm whether disease resistance, im- munity to disease, is structural or physiological. I be- lieve the latter, for I have been able to develop it in varying degrees of perfection in every strain of potatoes, wheat or flax with which I have worked, and for all of the diseases noted, while the method used has always re- mained the same. There is also good structural evi- dence that it is physiological, as shown in the structural changes caused by the entrance of disease-producing organisms within the tissues of resistant hosts. I have worked with pure strains, centgener progeny, from individuals, with the progeny of cross bred plants, with mixed strains and variations in bulk, and with bulk selections of centgener origin, side by side, and resistance has come at approximately the same rate and grade for a variety through any one of these methods. When the conditions of disease production and conditions of infection for each plant have been held so as to be constant factors, the bulk method of selection, as, for ex- | ample, selection to seed weight, color and form from a disease plot of flax, has given final hereditary resistance as rapidly as individual selections from the progeny of individuals of the same strains. The only cases in which resistance has developed irregularly in such strains of flax or wheat have been found to be due to impurity of type or to irregularities as to the constancy and amount of disease infection, or to irregularities in the conditions ` promoting the development of disease. : Resistance to the diseases named for the crops named can be developed in any variety or strain by either method of selection noted. In any case, it may be in- creased by every proper selection year by year, just in proportion to the perfection with which the disease con- ditions of elimination are maintained. The method works in potato selection, where the process No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 181 of propagation is by cuttings or buds and hence only a condensed individual life. It works in wheat, which seems quite guarded in its closed or individual fertilization. And it works in flax which, though usually self-fertilized, is, no doubt, much given to intercrossing in the open. If the proofs rested only upon flax, where there are many possibilities that open crossing might give rise to the various Mendelian types, homozygotes, heterozygotes, etc., the evidence might be thought to be thrown into question, but even there, when crossing is promoted, while there is every evidence of the occurrence of resist- ant or non-resistant types among the crosses, resistance is seldom found to approach the immune type upon the first possible selection. In other words, if mutants do occur in flax through natural crossing or self-fertilization, so far as our experiments are concerned, these resistant forms are found to act exactly as do those which may be developed from ordinary types of non-resistant flax. With this crop, one finds little, if any, resistance to wilt and to rust in the best seed strains of southern Russia or in the best seed strains from the new lands of our northwest or in the best fiber strains of the disease- free districts of northwestern Russia, though it often crops out in the general seed samples from the worst disease infection regions of central Russia. If mutants were without cause and constant, one ought to find them as readily in the seed of one district as in another. One can, however, build resistance upon the least resistant of these strains, if the work is started upon a graded seale of disease infection which is increased year by year. If the seed is placed under too heavy conditions of wilt production, the plants are all killed in embryo or young stages of growth and nothing is gained. If, however, scrubs or runts may be saved from the first season under weak disease infection and a graded infection is followed thereafter, in approximately five years one may bring these strains of seed to such a stage of resistance that ordinary agricultural methods of cropping will maintain 182 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII them upon the most flax-sick areas. But whether these resistant strains have been selected through crossing or by this gradation method from bulk seed or from indi- viduals taken from a known pure strain, I have found that abrupt heightening of disease conditions of too great violence may undo the whole work. It holds as well for wheat when speaking of rust at- tacks. Under uniform conditions of rust infection, all wheats arise rapidly to a stage of marked resistance to general uredospore infection whether caused by the type Puccima graminus or P. rugigo-vera, which resistance seems to be characteristic for each variety concerned, but may then fall a ready prey to sudden attacks in- troduced by properly conducted aecidial infection. All this points to the réle played by the irritations of environ- ment, which either govern the appearance of mutations or produce other changes which are very worthy of the breeders’ and croppers’ attention; and allows one to as- cribe much more merit to methods of mass selection and breeding in cereals than the DeVriesian doctrine of con- stancy of elementary species will allow one to assume. No phase in this argument touches upon the ultimate causes of disease resistance or immunity. But the facts do point quite clearly to the probable influence of chemi- cal agencies, perhaps toxines, arising from the direct existence of fungus attacks upon the hosts. In my mind, there is not the slightest doubt but such attacks originate heritable resistance, in much the same sense as Mac- Dougal’s chemical injections upon ovaries are supposed to have originated new types. If later experiments prove MacDougal’s observations to be well founded, the results will be of far reaching importance. If these suppositions that fungus attacks upon the host may induce fungus- resistant qualities in the progeny from the matured ova- ries, are correct, no doubt the unit characters, so called (whether simple and definite in number or whether they may be considered as composed of countless and variable elements of the cromatin structures) may be effected, or No. 495] CONSTANCY OF MUTANTS 183 may be originated, and one ought, under crossing, to observe the effects in terms of dominant and recessive or cloaked features. Such effects I have observed to occur in flax as against flax wilt and in wheat as against P. graminus. Mr. R. H. Biffin, of England, is reported as indicating. that this is true in the case of wheat when crossed with eincorn as against yellow rust. Bateson, in an admirable article upon ‘‘Facts Limit- ing the Theory of Heredity,’!2 would also seem to en- roll himself as against any adaptative response to changed conditions as able to account for the origin of such facts as I have observed in my cultures of flax and wheat. Thus we read: ‘‘Though the response to change of conditions may have been direct, it must not be hastily concluded that the response is adaptive. The appeal to direct responses so common in evolutionary discussions of thirty years ago, was made to account for the complex adaptations of organism to environment. It is the total want of any evidence supporting that appeal which has driven most of us to disbelieve in the reality of any such claims, and there is nothing in the new evi- derice, I think, which should shake the attitude of resolute agnosti- cism which we have thus been led to adopt.’’ However, to explain such observations as those noted by me in the flax and wheat cultures seems to demand the assumption that additional elements of heritable char- acter arise on account of causes demanding adaptive re- sponse. No theory of quantitative subtractions of unit characters already formed would seem to be adequate to account for the observed acquired qualities of resist- ance. It is probable that only the cytologists are in position to produce direct proof or disproof of the apparently necessary suppositions as to character modi- fications. Certainly those among them who are experi- mentally inclined may cut along the line indicated with much hope of uncovering many high lights to breeders. Even here, it may be expecting quite too much that pos- sibly pure physiological qualities should be represented by structural units. 12 Science, November 15, page 649. WHAT IS A SPECIES?! PROFESSOR S. W. WILLISTON UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO We have had in the past not a few interesting discus- sions upon or controversies over the methods of evolu- tion and the origin of species in this club. We have more or less plausible theories as to the evolution of species, by natural selection, mutation, inheritance of acquired characters, etc., but we have very nebulous ideas as to what species really are. Nothing is more common than the term species; nothing is more uncertain than what species are. Long after the present topic had been suggested for discussion by the club, I was delighted to learn of a like discussion to be held at the late meeting of the Botanical Society in Chicago. I anticipated that symposium with the liveliest feelings of satisfaction, confidently expect- ing a brilliant illumination of the whole umbrageous sub- ject, an effulgence of light that would throw into deepest obscurity whatever feeble beams I might myself hope later to cast upon it. But lamentable was my disappoint- ment, I heard some ancient platitudes that the zoologists ceased in despair to consider a dozen years agone, and many anathemas showered upon the botanical taxono- mist. They berated him for making such a mess of classi- fication, and hinted very freely that he didn’t know much anyhow, and probably never would. If all that was said be true, then indeed the botanical taxonomists are a sorry lot. One distinguished speaker declared they had made no progress since the time of Linné, and he rather seemed to desire that the whole tribe might be banished to some desert isle where there is neither vegetable life nor printer’s ink, that they might no longer trouble the ecolo- 1 A paper read before the Biological Club of the University of Chicago. 184 No. 495] WHAT IS A SPECIES? 185 gists and physiologists, et id genus omne. But I can not escape a harrowing doubt as to what the learned speakers’ vocations in botany would be, if the maligned taxonomists had not got in their diabolical work. Possibly they would distribute an herbarium with each lucubration, that their readers might know what they were writing about; or possibly they might undertake to name their own species, for I have seldom known the morphologists to escape the mihi itch on very slight infection. I sympathize with the physiologist or ecologist, who after he has written a luminous paper on a Crategus or Viola, or Rosa, or Opuntia, endeavors to ascertain the proper name for his plant; but I do not sympathize with his objurgations against the whole tribe of species makers. There is a deal of pseudo science, unripe science—were it not undignified I would characterize some of it by an expressive monosyllabic word suggesting decomposition —published about species by the taxonomists, but I sus- pect that there is also a large deal of like obnoxious ma- terial lying at the doors of the physiologists and ecolo- gists and morphologists. But that fact does not make taxonomy or ecology anything less of a science, nor the work of able men in either less valuable. I am a little weary of hearing from narrow specialists in other depart- ments of biology constant condemnation of the taxono- mist, and I have been hearing such for the past fifteen years from men who should know better. Now, as one who has been guilty in the past twenty-five years, let me say it humbly, of naming and attempting to describe ten or twelve hundred so-called species and gen- era, I beg leave to make a few remarks about species. You may properly accuse me of being one of those de- generates the taxonomists and, as his tribe is not well represented here to-night, I may be permitted to present his side of the case. I hold no brief for the criminals, but, as one of the accused, I would present my own de- fense and my own views. The question, What is a species? has been asked re- 186 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII peatedly, I may say continuously, since the time of Linné, even if our friends the botanists have been somewhat somnolent of late. We have had no satisfactory answer, for the simple and very good reason that there is none, and never will be. If we could go back to the happy Cuvierian or even Agassizian days and throw the whole responsibility of their definition upon the Creator, seek- ing some revelation in Holy Writ, it would save us much useless worry. But, as we have long since learned that species, like Topsy, just grew, we have and always shall have as great difficulty in deciding when varieties and races become species as we have in determining when a puppy becomes a dog or a lamb a sheep. Let me premise further with the statement that ka ue taxonomy is the most advanced and difficult of all bio- logical science. O modest claim is it not? But I think that you will readily admit that evolution, as a science, is the highest end of biology—and taxonomy is merely the graphical expression of evolution. If, then, we do some- times baptize a score of hawthorns, or bedbugs, or coyotes, where the breeder or ecologist (hinis that he finds but one later, we crave your sympathy and your aid, not your scorn ard contumely. The breeder may get all variations between the domestic ox and the American bison, and they will breed reasonably true by artificial selection, but the assertion that Bos americanus and Bos taurus are one and the same species would be preposterous. Is it not pos- sible that some of our learned breeders of plants and ani- mals may be in error themselves in their views of ‘“species’’? All classificatory terms are impossible of exact defini- tion. Their use always has and always will depend upon the consensus of opinion of those best qualified by wis- _ dom, experience and natural good sense. They will never become stable; we shall never cease to amend, to change, to repudiate old and propose new, because we shall never reach the final summation of science. We can only hope that all changes shall be for the better, shall be nearer the No. 495] WHAT IS A SPECIES? 187 real truth; that incompetent and inexperienced taxono- mists shall be ruled out of court, even as incompetent anatomists and cytologists are disbarred. The unfortu- nate thing is that we taxonomists have so bound our- selves in a snarl of laws and by-laws that we are com- pelled to incubate and wet-nurse every premature and monstrous taxonomical imbecility till it dies a natural death, whereas those of other biologists are promptly strangled or thrown out into the cold to die of inanition. Let us hope that we may escape from some of that snarl, or at least that we may cut some of the bonds which hold us too tightly. To discuss our subject in all its details and bearings and from all view-points would require, not one evening, but many. Permit me, therefore, to offer for your con- sideration certain axioms of evolution—theories or hy- potheses if you prefer to call them such—bearing more or less closely upon the question, What is a species? Some or all may be familiar to you—I do not know whether all have beeen in print ór not—but, such as they are, they are all based upon my own observation, and, so far as that goes, L am prepared to defend them, and will endeavor to do so later if there are any you repudiate, as perhaps there are. 1. The only biological entity is the individual, and the individual is inconstant. 2. The value of specific characters is dependent upon a number of interrelated and inseparable factors, the chief of which are environment and heredity. 3. Accumulated heredity may outweigh natural selec- tion or environment, and vice versa. 4. A crescent phylum is more variable, more plastic than a long established one; that is, time is always an element in the fixation of characters and the limitation of variation, and the length of time is dependent more or less upon the strenuousness of environment and selection, and the plasticity of the type. 5. New phyla arise from crescent phyla, never from decadent or even dominant ones. 188 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII 6. The decadent phylum may present as unstable salta- tions, generic or even higher characters of allied dominant groups; that is a character of generic or even family value in a dominant group may be merely an individual varia- tion in a decadent one. 7. The members of a dominant group are, ceteris pari- bus, more closely adapted to their environment, their characters less variable, their geographical distribution more restricted. That is, species of dominant groups may be safely based upon less distinctive characters than those of a crescent phylum. 8. It follows that senility and decadence are the at- tributes of species, families and orders, as well as of the individual. . 9. The older the genus or allied group of species, the more restricted, apparently, is fertile hybridity. For ex- ample: The genus Rhinoceros is an old one that has been but little modified since early Miocene times; I have never learned of cases of hybridity between living species. Equus arose in early Pliocene times with all its essential modern characters; hybridization between all its living species is not difficult, but the hybrids are infertile. The genus Bos, while beginning in the Pliocene, did not attain full development till Pleistocene times; its numerous spe- cies are continuously fertile in all combinations. Rhi- noceros is long past the zenith of its evolution; its highest specialization was in the Pliocene, or at most Pleistocene. Equus, too, is past the highest point of its development, perhaps, but not far. Bos, on the other hand, is a domi- nant or crescent type; its maximum specialization is in the present time. 10. Secondary sexual characters are transmitted to the opposite sex, unless of positive disadvantage. Varietal and specific characters, in the natural course of events, are more or less unisexual at their inception,-and the con- stant tendency is for the characters of one parent to be transmitted to offspring of both sexes, even when such characters are apparently useless, as seen in the rudi- ` No. 495] WHAT IS A SPECIES? 189 mentary mammæ of the human male, which, indeed, some- times become of functional use. 11. Secondary sexual characters are more numerous and less stable in the male than in the female; that is, female sexual characters, whether primary or secondary, may be of generic or even family value in groups wherein like characters in the male are merely specific or even in- dividual. I am aware that some modern naturalists would discredit sexual selection, but, until some hypothesis is given to replace it, I must still continue to believe that sexual selection is necessary to account for secondary sexual characters. 12. An organ once functionally lost is never perma- nently regained by natural selection or any of its hypo- thetical substitutes. A hexadactyl species of Homo or Felis is impossible. 13. Giantism in any group is an indication of approach- ing decadence; giants never give origin to dominant phyla of smaller average size. To these I may add, as an article of faith, one more: 14. Fertility depends chiefly upon the inheritance of physiological characters. A modification in the behavior of the sperm and germ cells may affect fertility even be- fore structural characters have become much affected, and vice versa. Human males and females, as we all know, are sometimes infertile with each other, though each may be entirely fertile with some other; an extension of this infertility to races would produce what the tax- onomist would accept as species. I furthermore believe that the accumulated inheritance of physiological charac- ters may and does produce determinate lines of evolution, that is, orthogenesis, which may go on into hypergenesis, if I may use this term to indicate that hereditary momentum which results in over-development of organs. I account for this accumulated heredity by the action of past en- vironment upon the organism, that is, Lamarckism. I am also quite aware that I am with the minority in the acceptance of Lamarckism as the chief causative prin- 190 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ciple of the origin of species. I am told that the direct effect of environment in modifying germ characters can not be proven, and I retort, neither can it be disproven. Paleontologists almost universally, and taxonomists gen- erally, are Lamarckians, that is, those who deal chiefly with range and distribution, time and space; laboratory biologists, on the other hand, are almost invariably op- posed to the theory of the transmissibility of acquired characters. We can see no alternative hypothesis that will meet the requirements of the classificationist or the paleontologist, and we respectfully submit that the ex- periments of a few years or even scores of years are trivial in comparison with the natural experiments that go on through tens of thousands of years in the origin and fix- ation of species. From my little water-garden some years ago I took some plants of the common water hyacinth and planted them in the ground. I was surprised to find that they grew luxuriantly, but that they did not develop the peculiar bladder-like swelling of the leaf stems; when I again transferred some small offshoots to the water, they promptly redeveloped them. The plants immediately changed their structure in adaptation to their terrestrial or aquatic environments, and doubtless they would do so after many years of isolation. But had the water hyacinth been cultivated as a garden plant in the soil since the time of Pliny I believe that the terrestrial char- acter would have become fixed, and, after all, two or three thousand years is a very short time in the history of plant species. The Weismannians have «been compelled to recede a long way from their first position of the absolute and eternal distinction between germ-plasm and body- plasm; perhaps we shall yet find an intermediate place that will satisfy us all. In claiming a high degree of importance for physio- logical characters and physiological isolation in the for- mation and preservation of species I need not say that the term physiological is merely a confession of ignorance. All physiological function must inevitably depend ulti- No. 495] WHAT IS A SPECIES? 191 mately upon structure. Two cells absolutely alike must doubtless function quite alike. But I doubt if there ever are any two cells quite alike. We are already learning, if I am correct in my understanding of the claims of Mc- Clung and others, that even minor, so-called specific dif- ferences are discoverable in the cell, in some groups at least. There is, of course, no such thing as a purely phys- iological species, for changed structure must underlie all variation, though we may not be able to discover the differences. I can conceive that additional or modified chromosomes in the germ cells of the greyhound might indicate a partial physiological isolation which has pre- served this race of dogs almost undefiled through more than three thousand years; certainly man has not been the cause of its preservation. Now, if the foregoing theses or hypotheses be true, or even if the greater part of them be fundamental principles of variation, it follows that the definition of species must be made for each and every one that exists or has existed; that a specific character in one group may be merely varietal in an allied group, on one hand, or generic in another, on the other hand. Or, aphoristically, every spe- cies, as we know to be the case with every genus, is a law unto itself. And this is, practically, the working rule of every competent taxonomist, though of course many sad errors are made in its application. And it follows that he who is best qualified to propose and name species, or to eriticize those which have been proposed by others, is one whose acquaintance is widest with living forms and with the laws which underlie their evolution. He must not con- found genetic with adaptive characters, for phylogeny is the sole end of taxonomy. : Since we can not give an answer to the question, What is a species? let us analyze briefly some definitions of the past: 1. A species is a form of life which breeds true to itself. The Jewish race has bred true to itself, as indicated by its distinctive physiognomy, since the time of Rameses; and 192 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the Bourbon nose is characteristic of that family. Ergo, the Jews and the Bonapartes are distinct species of Homo! 2. True species are incapable of fertile hybridity. The example of the Catalo, the fertile hybrid between Bos americanus and Bos taurus, will suffice. The domestic dog interbreeds freely on the plains with the coyote, and no one doubts the specific validity of Canis latrans, what- ever we may think about coyotes in general. The do- mestic cat, according to Pocock, is a hybrid between the wild cat of England and the wild cat of Egypt, with a distinct tendency to vary along ancestral lines after cen- turies of fertile hybridity. The domestic races of dog freely interbreed, and yet we are quite sure they are the derivatives of several wild species of Canis. May not fertility, as a physiological inheritance, account for the preservation of their distinctive types, notwithstanding man’s artificial selection? Is it probable, for instance, that the Boston terrier hybrid will continue longer than the fad of its breeding remains undiminished? 3. A species is a type which varies only within narrow limits. The jungle fowl is fairly constant in nature. Its extraordinary variability is seen in the domestic fowls, whether they be derived from a single or several wild species. And the doves are still better examples. A turkey and guinea-fowl, on the other hand, though they have been domesticated for centuries, vary but little from their ancestral types. There are other definitions. But, you say, if I accept no definition of species what rules do the taxonomists have who ‘‘make’’ so many thousands of them? We must have some, and we do have them, even if we are so often accused of depending on whim and imagination. And these are mine: Forms of animals which present dis- tinct assemblages of characters, in form, color and ar- rangements of parts under natural conditions, which are recognizable from descriptions and figures, should re- ceive distinctive names and be catalogued, provided, of course that the assemblage of characters includes all onto- No. 495] WHAT IS A SPECIES? 193 genetic changes. If, in the examination of abundant ma- terial from different natural environments, we find these characters fairly constant, the forms may properly be called species; if not, varieties or races. No perfect spe- cific description can be drawn from a single specimen or from a few even, and the skill of the taxonomist is con- spicuously shown in his ability to distinguish between variable and fixed characters, between the essential and non-essential, in other words, between old and new char- acters. Some taxonomists—and I know such—remain, after many years’ experience, unable to dissociate indi- vidual from specific or generic characters; they describe species as they would describe the physical features of a tree or of a rock—and they are the ones who deserve the condemnation of other workers. Are such workers con- fined exclusively to our branch of biology? In nature the interrelated factors, of which environ- ment and heredity are the chief, are normally in a state of substable equilibrium—variations within given groups are within certain fairly definite limits, because the fac- tors of variation are. If, however, the cumulation of any one factor, either naturally or artificially, occurs, the vari- ations become inconstant and the limits of variation are changed. The wild pigeon in nature, for instance, is governed by fairly constant conditions, and its variations are small. Its domestic varieties, were they existent in nature, would not interbreed, and would be good species. Breeders, I think, lose sight of such things when they say, as some do, that they ean produce specific characters, that is, characters which are deemed of specific value by tax- onomists. They can do nothing of the sort. You may break down by changed environments and artificial selec- tion what would be real specific characters under natural selection and natural environment, but you do not make species thereby. Time and fixation by heredity, I believe, must always be taken into account in determining varietal, specific or generic characters. Mutations of Œnothera lamarckiana were found growing wild by de Vries, es- 194 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII caped from some garden. Under cultivation he continued to breed them, and produced others. But his plants were all under abnormal environments. Dr. Lutz, whom we all know, is doing some exceedingly interesting experi- ments upon certain small flies, Drosophila ampelophila. He has produced some remarkable sports or ‘‘muta- tions,’’ and the surprising thing is that he finds that such sports breed true, that there is an apparent loss of fer- tility between them and the normal forms. But I think it is absolutely certain—and I speak as an entomologist fairly familiar with flies—that it would be impossible to produce species of his sports, even though they were bred for a thousand years. As some of us know, polydactyl eats are rather abundant in some parts of Connecticut, breeding true—but who believes in a species of six-toed cats? Itis rather unfortunate that breeders confine their attention almost exclusively to plastic forms, that is, to geologically recent types. Let some one try experiments with archaic forms and watch the results. Experimental breeding and ecology are the two fields of biological research which promise most at present; they will doubtless contribute not a little to our knowl- edge of the methods of evolution, and correct not a few errors in taxonomy; but I say, with full deliberation, that experimental breeding without a wide knowledge of tax- onomy will lead to false conclusions and be comparatively barren of results. The experimentalist, of all men, must be well acquainted with varietal specific and generic characters in the groups which he studies, or he will be working blindly. And I am sorry also to say that some of the severest criticisms of taxonomists and Sones, have come from some of these men. SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE THE INHERITANCE OF THE MANNER OF CLASPING THE HANDS Ir the hands be clasped naturally, most people will put the same thumb—either that of the right or of the left hand—upper- most every time. The position assumed apparently has no rela- tion to right- or left-handedness, although, as will be shown, a small majority put the right thumb uppermost. Some time ago letters were sent out asking for data concerning the manner in which the different members of families clasped their hands. Among the many generous replies was one from Professor J. Arthur Thomson, of Aberdeen, Scotland, giving data for about 600 individuals. It was intended that the hands should be clasped with the fingers of each hand alternating; but this was not made as clear as it should have been, and some of the corre- spondents clasped their hand with all of the fingers of one hand between the thumb and index finger of the other. This con- fusion does not exist in Professor Thomson’s data. Accordingly only they are discussed in this note. The accompanying table gives a condensed analysis of the data, R and L standing for right thumb uppermost and left thumb uppermost, respectively. Offspring. Parents, oan | Ste Female. Total. R. i ie A R. beh 3R. X'OR. 75 71 | 23 | 95 | 40 | 166(725%) | 68 oR. SOL, 49 | 38 | 22 | 98 | 27 | 61(55.5%) | 49 3L. X OR. 53 | 46 | 24 | 40 | 40 | 86(57.3%) | 64 LX OL 36 | 24 22 | 34 | 46(422%) | 63 It is evident that the mode of clasping the hands is inherited. Tt can scarcely be acquired by imitation as it is too slight a thing to be noted unless attention is called to it. The thumb position is usually quite constant in very young children. However, it does not seem to follow the Mendelian law, as neither position breeds true. The data show no significant sexual dimorphism, 195 196 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII 61 per cent. of the males having the right uppermost and 58 per cent. of the females; 59 per cent. of the parents and 60 per cent. of the offspring put the right uppermost, so that there does not appear to be any reproductive selection. The coefficient of asso- ciation between parents of 0.02 demonstrates the lack of assorta- tive mating. This last conclusion is in sharp contrast with the results concerning other characters in man. There are a number of somewhat similar problems in the lower animals which are of importance in the study of evolution. Thus, the males of the common black cricket (Gryllus) usually keep the right tegmen over the left. This results in one set of sound- producing organs being functionless. In the closely related Locustide there is only one set of sound producing organs and the tegminal position is fixed. It would be interesting to know if mutations to the other position occur. The fish Anableps anab- leps has the anal fin modified into an intromittent organ adapted for sidewise motion. On about three fifths of the males it can move to the right and on about two fifths to the left. (AMER. Nar., xxix, pp. 1012-1014.) A similar state of affairs exists in the females, but with the relative frequencies reversed. Copula- tion is effected by a right male at the left side of a left female and vice versa. Whether the species will eventually split up into two on the basis of this character or not would seem to depend on how the anal-fin-twist is inherited. However, if the tendency to twist to the right or to the left be inherited as a character apart from sex there would seem to be no chance of two varieties or species being formed, as each mating is between opposites. The reversed position of the nerves in the optic chiasma of fishes was found by Larrabee (Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xlii, No. 12) not to be inherited. Frank E. Lurtz. NOTES AND LITERATURE ICHTHYOLOGY Ichthyological Notes——One of the most valuable papers on the habits of fishes is a study in sexual selection by Cora D. Reeves, ‘‘On the Breeding Habits of the Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma ceruleum).’?? Miss Reeves, a graduate student of Professor Reighard in the University of Michigan, has carefully watched the breeding habits of this dwarf perch, a species in which the males are most brilliantly marked with blue and scarlet. It appears that the females do not select the brilliant males, — that the oldest and strongest males are most brilliant, that the males know the females only by their color, that they mistake young uncolored males for females, and that the bright-colored males frighten away the younger ones by the display of their gaudy fins and by blows of the tail or head. The brilliant males were sucessful in pairing in 60 per cent. of the observed cases. The sexes as usual in vertebrates are equal in number, and the blue and scarlet colors belong to the males alone, these being most brilliant at the beginning of the season—about April first. These observations give no support to the theory that the females choose the gaudy males. It appears however that the most brilliant males are the oldest and strongest, and that they leave most descendants. This form of the theory of sexual selec- tion would seem to be applicable to bright-colored fishes gen- erally. - Mr. E. W. Gupeer? shows that the hammer-head shark (Sphyma zygena) feeds on sting-rays and that the mouth and body of the shark are often full of broken-off stings, 50 of these being extracted from a single shark 12} feet in length from Beaufort harbor. Mr. Hersert W. Rano °? discusses the functions of the spiracle of the skate, one of these besides the usual function of respira- tion is to keep the eyes clean by a jet of water. 1 Biological Bulletin, XIV, 1907. ? Science, XXV, p. 1005. 3 AMER. Nart., XLI, p. 288. 197 > w 198 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII Mr. CHARLES R. Stockarp‘ describes the development of the eggs of the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) in a solution of magnesium chloride. In this fluid the young fishes develop as one-eyed monsters, the two eyes coalescing into a single median eye. This eye has a single lens. A mixture of sea-water with this solution gives the same effect. The influence of the magnesium salt is there- fore supposed to cause the strange development of the eyes. In the Proceedings of the U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXIII, Jordan and Herre describe the cirrhitoid fishes of Japan, describing one new genus, Isobuna. In the same proceedings, Jordan and Richardson describe a new killifish, Lucania browni, from a hot spring in Lower Cali- fornia. In the same proceedings, Eigenmann & Cole record the species of South American Characin fishes in the National Museum and in the Museum of Indiana University, with numerous plates and descriptions of new species. In the same proceedings Professor Edwin Linton describes the worms parasitic on fishes of Bermuda. In Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 627, Mr. F. M. Cham- berlain records his observations on the salmon and trout of Alaska. Among other matters of interest it is noted that a majority of the young red salmon spend their first winter in the lakes, while the other species leave early for the sea. It is long known that the red salmon never enter a stream that has not a lake in its course and that they always spawn in streams above a lake. The other four species of Alaska salmon have no special relation to lakes. Mr. Chamberlain’s observations do not confirm the ‘‘homing theory.” Marked salmon fry from the Naha River appeared as adults at Yes Bay. Most of the fishes however seem to return to the parent stream, from which they probably never wander very far. Four years is shown to be the usual age of maturity of king salmon and red salmon, while the humpback is probably adult at an earlier period. * Archiv Entwicklungs Mech., XXIII, p. 249. No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 199 Mr. Chamberlain’s paper contains many valuable facts in relation to the life of salmon, the fruit of nearly four years observation in southern Alaska. In the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (XX, 1907) Evermann and Goldsborough give a check list of the fresh-water fishes of Canada. 145 species are recorded, with a complete list of localities. In the Proceedings of the same society (XXI, 1908), Dr. Evermann describes two new fishes (Fundulus meeki and Salmo nelsoni) from streams in lower California. The last-named, an isolated troutlet from Mount San Pedro Martir, is especially interesting as occurring farther to the southward than any other known trout. It is apparently an offshoot of the rain- bow trout of California, Salmo irideus. In the same Proceedings (XXI, 1908) Jordan and Grinnell describe another isolated dwarf waif among the trouts, as Salmo evermanni. This troutlet occurs on the headwaters of the Santa Ana River, on Mt. San Gorgonio, in San Bernardino Co., California. It is shut off from the parent form, Salmo irideus, by a waterfall, and in isolation it has undergone considerable change. Its origin is parallel with that of the three species of golden trout of the high Sierras. Salmo evermanni, living on gray granite, is dull in color with none of the scarlet shades of the golden trout. In the same connection Jordan and Snyder describe and figure the great Kamloops trout from Lake Kootenay in British Co- lumbia. The specimen figured, sent by John P. Babcock, Fish Commissioner of British Columbia, weighed 22 pounds. This species is an offshoot of the steelhead trout, Salmo rivularis. In the Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, XXV, for 1906 (October 25, 1907), Jordan and Snyder record a number of new species from Hawaii, with several plates, four of them in color. The new species are Caraux dasson, Ariommus ever- manni, Rooseveltia aloha, Thalassoma neanis and Scaridea aérosa. The advent of Japanese fishermen in Hawaii has caused many very rare deep-water fishes to be common in the markets; among these is the type species, Rooseveltia brighami, of the genus named -for the naturalist Theodore Roosevelt. This species, scarlet and gold, is one of the most brilliant in Hawaiian waters. 200 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII In the same Bullein, Dr. M. X. Sullivan discusses in detail the digestive tract in sharks. In the same Bulletin (Vol. XXVI, 1907), Evermann and Goldsborough give a catalogue of the Fishes of Alaska, with many plates, based primarily on the collections made by the Albatross in 1903, under the direction of Jordan and Evermann. The following new species are described and figured: Polistotrema deani Blennicoltus clarki Sebastodes swifti Pholis gilli Icelinus burchami Lumpenus longirostris Coltus chamberlaini Lycodes jordani Many corrections in synonymy are made. One of these the present writer does not accept. He believes that the two large rays of Monterey Bay, Raja stellulata and Raja rhina, are both distinct from Raja binoculata and from each other. The authors have overlooked Bryostemma tarsodes described from Alaska by Jordan and Snyder. This paper is a most useful one to students of Alaskan fishes. In the Journal of the Imperial Fisheries Bureau of Japan, Dr. K. Kishinouye describes the natural history of the sardine of Japan (Sardinella melanosticta) and the related species. For some unexplained reason, he unites the Pacific herring Clupea pallasi with the Atlantic Clupea harengus. New spe- cies of sardine are described under the names of Clupea im- maculata, Clupea okinawensis and Clupea mizun. These belong to Sardinella, and the last two are from the Riu-Kiu Islands. A new anchovy is described as Engraulis koreanus. This should belong to the modern genus Anchovia, being very dif- ferent from Engraulis japonicus. In the Journal of the College of Science, of the Imperial University of Tokyo (XXI, 1907), Professor S. Hatta of Sap- poro describes the gastrulation of the embryo of the lamprey. In the Proc. Zool. Soc., London (1906), Professor Bashford Dean has notes on living specimens of the Australian lung-fish (Neoceratodus forsteri). Its movements are notably those of an amphibian rather than a fish. In the Annals of the Museum of Natal, Mr. C. Tate Regan deseribes new species from that coast. A species of remarkable interest is a new saw-shark, Pliotrema warreni, with six gill-slits. No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 201 In the Annals of the Museum of Vienna, XXI, 1906, Dr. Viktor Pietschmann has a valuable record of the fishes collected in a voyage to Iceland, and another to Morocco. In Records of the Australian Museum, VI, 1907, Allan R. McCulloch describes the fishes and crustaceans taken by the oy Woy, in deep waters of the Tasman Sea. The most notable of the new species is the sculpin-like fish, Hoplichthys haswelli. In the Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Mr. A. D. Darbishire describes the water current in the spiracle of sharks. In the Sitzber. of the same museum, Vienna, Vol. 116, 1907, Dr. Viktor Pietschmann describes new sharks from Japan, Cen- trophorus steindachneri and Etmopterus frontimaculatus. The last species was also taken by Jordan and Snyder in Sagami Bay, in company with Etmopterus lucifer. It is one of the smallest of sharks, black, with a milk-white spot on the top of the head. In the Proc. Zool. Soc., London (1907), Mr. Regan redescribes Velifer hypselopterus, a Japanese species not seen in the last fifty years, from three specimens in the British Museum. A second species from northern Australia is described as Velifer multiradiatus. In another paper Mr. Regan brings together the aberrant genera Lampris, Velifer, Trachypterus and Lophotes, framing- of these a new suborder Allotriognathi. These fishes, like the Berycoids have an orbitosphenoid, but no mesocoracoid bone. Mr. Regan thinks that these fishes are derived from the bery- coids, and the latter from forms like the extinct Ctenothrissa and Pseudoberyx. These observations of Mr. Regan are very inter- esting and his conclusions seem reasonable. He notes that Semiophorus is allied to Platax and not to Lampris. In ‘‘ Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Expedi- tion nach dem Baikal-See’’ (1907), Dr. Leo Berg discusses the sculpin-like fishes of Lake Baikal, the Cottide, Cottocomephoride and Comephoride. The excellent monograph is preceded by a careful account, fortunately in German not Russian, of the osteology of these fishes. Of the 34 species of fishes found in Lake Baikal 17 are endemic, or developed in the lake, not occur- ring elsewhere. Of these, two genera, Comephorus and Cotto- comephorus, each constitutes a distinct family. Other genera 202 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII peculiar to this lake are Abyssocottus, Cottinella, Limnocottus, Procottus, Batrachocottus and Asprocottus. The fauna de- scribed in this paper is one of peculiar interest. In another paper in the Annuaire de l’Académie de St. Petersbourg, XI, 1906—unfortunately entirely in Russian—Mr. Berg discusses the Old World species of minnows of the genus Phoxinus. _ In the same Annuaire, vol. XII, 1907, Mr. Berg treats in Russian and in English, the fresh-water fishes of Corea. The genus Longurio of Jordan and Starks is united by Berg to Saurogobio of Bleeker, and Fusania with Aphyocypris of Günther. In another paper Mr. Berg discusses Siberian species of Rhodeus. In the ‘‘Fauna America-Centrali’’ Mr. C. T. Regan continues his account of the fishes of Mexico and Central America. Ami- urus meeki is described from Chihuahua, Moxostoma mascote from Jalisco, Algansea affinis from Rio Lerma, Algansea stigma- tura from Rio Grande de Santiago. Several species recognized by other authors are placed in synonymy. In some cases this process exchanges one doubtful opinion for another. In Popular Science Monthly, LXXI, January, 1908, Dr. Jordan describes ‘‘The Grayling at Caribou Crossing,’’ a run- ning descriptive account of the Yukon country, with a dash of angling. In Science, XXVI, 1907, Dr. Bashford Dean reviews Dr. Eastman’s recent papers on the ‘‘Kinship of the Arthrodires,’’ Dr. Eastman claims that these mailed fishes are Dipnoans and to this conclusion Dr. Dean enters a ‘‘friendly protest.’’ In the American Journal of Anatomy, VII, 1907, Dr. Dean discusses the structure and origin of the Acanthodian sharks, one of the most primitive of the extinct forms. Their relation- ships are with Cladoselache, a form having fins of the fin-fold type, and probably the most primitive of known sharks. In Archives de Zoologie Experimentale, VII, 1907, Dr. Louis Fage describes the fishes of the Balearic Islands, with several new species. The paper can be especially praised for its atten- tion to laws of nomenclature, as also for the accuracy and full- ness of its accounts of the new forms. Two species are referred to the genus Eleotris, a group not hitherto recorded from Europe. Neither of the species, however, belongs to Eleotris No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 203 proper. Eleotris pruvoti is an ally of Valenciennea and Eleotris balearica approaches Gymneleotris. Dr. JACQUES PELLEGRIN publishes in the ‘‘Mission Scien- tifique,’’ 1907, an account of the fishes of the high mountain lakes of South America. In a weekly Journal, the Sydney Mail, Mr. Charles Thackeray gives a readable and accurate account of the game fishes of New South Wales, with wood cuts of the leading species. ECHINODERMATA The Stalked Crinoids of the Siboga Expedition..—There has recently been published a monograph on the recent stalked crinoids of the East Indies, based on collections made by the Siboga which is the first important contribution to our knowl- edge of the group since the publication of Dr. P. Herbert Car- penter’s great work (the Challenger report) in 1884. The first thing to attract the attention of the student of the recent crinoids is the announcement of the discovery of the infra- basals in a species of Metacrinus, M. acutus, a new species here first described. Dr. Carpenter stoutly maintained that infra- basals did not occur in any species of recent crinoid, and he criticized rather sharply the so-called law of Wachsmuth and Springer, by the application of which the recent genera Iso- erinus and Metacrinus were shown to be dicyeclic. He dissected numerous specimens of various species of both genera, and ac- cording to his statements and figures, appeared to conclusively prove their absence. In 1894 the Swiss paleontologist de Loriol discovered and figured infrabasals in a fossil species of Isocrinus, and now Professor Déderlein shows their presence in Metacrinus. This discovery by Dr. Döderlein was made simultaneously by the present reviewer in two other species of Metacrinus and in Iso- crinus decorus and announced in a paper now in press, which had gone through the final proof before Dr. Déderlein’s contribu- tion was received. In this the infrabasals of Metacrinus rotundus from Japan and of M. superbus from the China Sea, and of Iso- crinus decorus from Cuba are described and figured. 1 Die Gestielten Crinoiden der | Siboga-expedition | von | L. Döderlein. | Monographie XLIIa aus | Uitkomsten op Zoologisch, | Botanisch, Oceano- hisch en Geologisch gebied | verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899-1900 | aan boord H. M. Siboga onder commando van | Luitenant ter zee 1° KI. G. F. Tydeman | uitgegeven door | Dr. Max Weber. 204 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII The Siboga dredged stalked crinoids at seventeen stations, in all more than sixty specimens representing thirteen species and two additional varieties. Three of these species are referred to Bathycrinus, one to Rhizocrinus, two to Isocrinus, and the re- mainder to Metacrinus, while the species of Rhizocrinus dredged by the Valdivia off Somaliland and recorded by Chun in 1900 is included in the report, and figured under the name of R. chuni. . The species referred to the first two genera are of very excep- tional interest, apart from the fact that neither genus has been recorded from the East Indian region; while the Rhizocrinus (R. weberi n. sp.) is related to R. rawsonii of the tropical At- lantic, the three Bathycrinus are in their characters quite unlike anything previously known; in the first place, they are all very small, one species, B. poculum, being only 8 mm. in total length, while none of the others exceeds 35 mm.; but, most remarkable of all, they unite the characters of Bathycrinus and Rhizocrinus so completely as to leave scarcely any grounds for considering them as distinct genera. This discovery was not news to the present reviewer; for the day after the receipt of Dr. Déderlein’s work, his own description of two intermediate species, Bathy- crinus equatorialis and B. caribbeus was published. Rhizocrinus (ineluding, as we now apparently must, Bathyerinus) contains at the present writing fifteen described species, of which nine have been made known during the past year, and there are sev- eral additional species now in press; it is very evident that our knowledge of even this comparatively old genus is still extremely rudimentary. Dr. Déderlein’s interesting remarks on the shed- ding of the arms in Rhizocrinus—Bathyecrinus I shall consider in detail later. Isocrinus naresianus, first found by the Challenger, was redis- covered by the Siboga off the northern end of Celebes, having been previously known only from the Kermadee and the Meangis Islands, and from Fiji, and a new species, I. sibogæ, was dis- covered near Timor. This last belongs to the group of the genus in which the costals and division series consist of two joints, bound by syzygy, including such species as I. wyville-thomsoni, I. parre (of Guérin 1835 — I. miilleri of Oersted 1856 of which I. maclearanus is merely a variety) and I. alternicirrus, to the last of which J. siboge is most nearly related, though it possesses the normal arrangement of the cirri. The form maclearanus, by the way, did not come from the southwest Atlantic as stated by No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 205 Dr. Déderlein, but from the west central Atlantic; moreover, it was first described by Wyville Thomson, and not by Carpenter; also I. wyville-thomsoni was first described by Wyville-Thomson, Jeffries’s mention of the name being in both cases a pure nomen nudum. The discussion of Metacrinus is appropriately begun with an account of the infrabasals of M. acutus, which are compared to those of Millericrinus polydactylus. Then follow paragraphs on the specific characters of the genus found in the calyx, the arms, and the stem, which last is believed to furnish the most reliable characters. In this conclusion I heartily concur. The stems are considered at some length, and there is an interesting account of the stem growth, a subject which I shall discuss at some length later. Dr. Döderlein believes that, when living on the sea- bottom, the species of Metacrinus have very long stems, which are inextricably entangled one with another, forming a sort of mesh- work, from which the younger part of the stem and the crowns stand out; in other words, that the individuals form a sort of erinoid colony, the crowns arising from a maze of stems, and he adduces considerable strong evidence in support of this view. It will interest him to know that I have additional evidence pointing to the same conclusion. The species of Metacrinus obtained by the Siboga all fall into that division of the genus in which there are ‘‘five radials,’’ two of which are united by syzygy; three new species, M. acutus, M. serratus and M. suluensis, and a new variety, M. nobilis timorensis, are described, while that somewhat unhappy word typica is used'to denote the typical forms of M. nobilis and M. superbus. M. acutus comes from the Ki Islands, and M. serratus and M. suluensis were found in the Sulu Archipelago. M. nobilis timorensis, as its name indicates, occurs near Timor. M. cingu- latus, previously known from the Ki Islands and the Arafura Sea, was rediscovered at the Ki Islands and at Timor; M. vari- ans, from the Kermadee and Meangis Islands, was found at Timor, the Ki Islands, and in the Sulu Archipelago; and a varietal (unnamed) form of M. superbus was col- lected at the Ki Islands. Metacrinus nobilis is divided into three varieties, typica, murrayi and timorensis, with somewhat unfortunate nomenclatorial results; for the specific name murrayi of Carpenter has precedence over nobilis of the same author. Expressing these names as trinomials, we have Metacrinus mur- 206 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII rayi murrayi, M. murrayi typica, and M. murrayi timorensis, the typica not representing the typical form at all. Metacrinus murrayi (to speak with nomenclatorial accuracy), previously known from the Ki Islands and Arafura Sea, was again found at the Ki Islands, and also at Timor. Perhaps it is wisest to do as Dr. Döderlein has done and recog- nize by name the various geographical variations of the Meta- crinus species, but it certainly conjures up a terrible vista of possibilities, for it is difficult to imagine more variable organisms than the species of this genus, according to my experience. I have examined some additional varieties of M. superbus from Japan, and a bewildering, though small, series of M. angulatus from the same locality, some of which fall into the group with ‘five radials,” and others into that with eight to twelve, while M. rotundus, also falling into both groups, is even more variable; and it seems to me that if we once get a good start on the tri- nomial system in any branch of the recent crinoidea, with the continuance of the present activity in the field, it will not be long before each genus will require a specialist for its elucidation. Dr. Döderlein is to be congratulated on the results of his study of the Siboga collection, and the production of a vol- ume which will long stand as the authoritative work on the stalked crinoids of the East Indian seas, and which not only treats of the stalked crinoids systematically as a class, but sug- gests many interesting new lines of investigation, and bears throughout the stamp of one who not only has an exhaustive knowledge of the group under consideration, but of many differ- ent forms of animal life as well. AUSTIN HOBART CLARK. U. S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES.? ANIMAL PATHOLOGY Trypanosome Diseases.—Recent investigations which have been earried out in foreign laboratories with the object of ascer- taining the mode of cure for sleeping sickness, and other try- panosome diseases have resulted in demonstrating certain fea- tures in the biological conduct of these protozoa towards chemical stimuli which are of extreme interest. Thus far only three 2 Published with the permission of the Commissioner of Fish and No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 207 groups of chemicals have been discovered which are efficient in the treatment of trypanosome infections. They are: (a) benzi- din dyes, (b) basic triphenyl-methane dyes and (c) arsenical compounds. In experimental animals complete cure has appar- ently been effected by maximum doses of these compounds. With lesser doses and prolonged treatment the parasites may disappear from the blood for a time, but later on make their appearance again. Those which recur have undergone a pronounced change in their biological characters and constitute a strain resistant to the therapeutic agent employed. Such a strain manifests chemo- resistance of a specific character towards the particular sub- stance used to develop it and an increased resistance towards other compounds of the same group. On the other hand, the development of resistance towards one group causes no increase whatever in the resistance towards other groups. By continued experiments, however, a strain has been produced manifesting a triple resistance, specific towards each of substances employed. Chemo-resistance, once acquired, persists unchanged while the resistant trypanosomes are passed through normal animals even for one hundred and forty transfers extending over fourteen months. This has been cited as strong evidence of the trans- mission of acquired characters. The specificity of the resistance is very striking. After an experimental animal has been inocu- lated with a mixture of two resistant strains and is then treated with a substance towards which one of the elements is resistant, the other element will disappear from the blood, but the resistant strain will remain and develop unchecked. Indeed, the two strains remain separate and capable of isolation after repeated passages through infected animals. Or, in other words, a strain with double resistance or with modified resistance does not arise as the result of infection with a mixture of two resistant strains. Henry B. Warp. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR Recent Work on the Behavior of Higher Animals.—There exist to-day two main centers for the strictly scientific and experi- mental study of the behavior of the higher animals. One is at Harvard, led by Yerkes, the other at Chicago, under Watson. Excellent work appears at times from other quarters, but it can usually be traced to the influence of one of the two men named. There is a third independent center for such work at Clark a 208 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII University, but lacking the single-minded leadership of the other two, the attack on the problems has there been less unified and effective. Thorndike, whose work some years ago gave such impetus to the whole subject, has unfortunately been drawn into other work, or we should doubtless have another most effective center for such investigations. Outside of the United States the scientific study of the behavior of the higher animals is a negligible quantity, compared with what comes from the centers named. The active French movement in comparative psy- chology, under the influence of Bohn, Piéron and others, has been thus far limited mainly to the invertebrates. At the laboratories we have named the work on animals is carried on by the aid of such accurate appliances and methods as have long been developed for the investigation of the physio- logical psychology of man, with ingenious modifications and ad- ditions as required by the peculiarities of the subject. This gives the work an almost uniquely precise and scientific char- acter, as compared with most other studies in animal behavior. Most other workers have been compelled to content themselves with apparatus, observations and experiments of a more ‘‘home- made’’ character. The two leaders, one by training a zoologist and psychologist, the other a physiologist and psychologist, have been devoting themselves largely to rats and mice of late, while followers have made side excursions into the territory of cats, dogs and raccoons. It is necessary to concentrate the attack somewhere, and for the present the rats and mice are bearing the brunt. We shall pass in review the recent contributions from the centers named, limiting ourselves at present to work in- fluenced from Harvard. From Harvard we have first the elaborate study of the dan- cing mouse, by Dr. Yerkes.t Perhaps the most striking feature of this work lies in the elegant and fertile methods devised by the author, and of course in the results attained by these methods. The main method consists in a sort of ‘‘Lady or the Tiger’’ alternative presented to the unsuspecting mouse. He is invited to enter one of two doors; one leads to an electric ‘shock, the other to freedom and food. The fateful portals are marked with signs of various sorts,—cards of different shapes, markings, color, brightness, odor, ete. The ‘‘right’’ and ‘‘wrong’’ doors can be alternated at the will of the experimenter, as can 1 Yerkes, R. M. The Dancing Mouse, a Study in Animal Behavior. The Animal Behavior Series, Vol. I, 290 pages. The Macmillan Co., 1907. No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 209 the signs. The mouse in repeated experiments tries at first the simple plan of returning to the right or left door according as he has found that to be correct. When he finds that the correct portal is being alternated, he quickly learns to alternate in his choices. But when he finds that there is no regularity in the alternations, he begins to pay careful attention to the signs posted about the portal; ‘‘to run from one to the other, poking its head into each and peering about cautiously, touching the eardboards at the entrances, apparently smelling of them, and in every way attempting to determine which box could be entered safely.’’ Often the mouse runs from one portal to the other twenty times or more, before deciding which to enter. | Now, it is in this state of uncertainty and concern that the mouse is ready to give interesting results in animal education and in sense physiology. He uses all his senses to the best of his ability in determining which is the ‘‘right’’ door to enter, so there is opportunity, which Dr. Yerkes has skilfully used, to test his senses, and at the same time to study his ability to learn. When the two portals are indicated, the ‘‘right’’ one by a light card, the ‘‘wrong’’ one by a dark card, the mouse learns to choose the correct card. If for both cards are substi- tuted others that are of deeper shade, but have a similar relative brightness, the mouse continues to choose the one of lighter shade. He has learned, not that a particular card, or a partic- ular shade, is the right one, but that the lighter of the two is the one to choose; he often runs back and forth many times, seeming to compare them carefully. By accurately grading the difference in brightness between the two portals, it was possible to deter- mine just what differences the mice could discriminate, giving an opportunity for work on Weber’s law. The mice rapidly learned to discriminate finer and finer shades of difference. A certain mouse, in a first series of experiments, could discriminate only when the difference in brightness was practically half the greater brightness. In a later series he could discriminate when the difference was but one fifth and, after much more practise, when the difference was only one tenth. Such edueability at first carried confusion into the data designed to test Weber’s’ law. When it was finally taken into account, the law was found to hold. In a similar way Yerkes made extensive studies of color vision in the mouse. He found that apparently they do not see colors, 210 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII at least not as we do; that most of their apparent discrimina- tion of color is due to differences in brightness; and that the brightness of different colors is not the same for them as for ourselves. It is extraordinary that the mice were unable to discriminate the portals by different shapes of cards or of lights. They showed no power of distinguishing forms. We have given some samples of Yerkes’ methods and results; many other matters of equal or greater interest were studied, by varied methods, including the classic one of using labyrinths. The author’s experiences are set forth in interesting chapters on educability, methods of learning, the efficiency of different methods of training, the duration of habits, the revival of lost habits, individual differences in behavior, and the like. When it comes to responding to experimentation, the dancing mouse is, as its name indicates, rather an artistic than a strictly utili- tarian animal, giving a delightful variation from those orthodox creatures whose main desire is to ‘‘get there,’’ so that results are not readily expressed correctly in terms of minutes required and space passed over. ‘‘Most mammals which have been experimentally studied have proved their eagerness and ability to learn the shortest, quickest, and simplest route to food with- out the additional spur of punishment for wandering. With the dancer it is different. It is content to be moving; whether the movement carries it directly to the food-box is of secondary importance. On its way to the food-box, no matter whether the box be slightly or strikingly different from its companion box, the dancer may go by way of the wrong box, may take a few turns, cut some figure-eights, or even spin like a top for a few seconds almost within vibrissa-reach of the food-box, and all this even though it be very hungry.” In addition to the strictly experimental work, Yerkes gives a full account of the peculiar ‘‘dancing’’ movements that have given the animal its name; a sketch of what we know of its history, and an extensive discussion of the disputed question as to whether its ears are defective and whether it is deaf. Yerkes concludes that it can hear only for a few days, when about two weeks old. Altogether, Dr. Yerkes’ book is one of the most attractive as well as one of the most valuable of the strictly scientific studies of animal behavior. It would be venturing out of the No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 211 ‘*strictly scientific,” but one wishes that the author might give us an imaginative picture of what life and the universe may be in the consciousness of this little creature, that does not hear, sees little or nothing of colors, can’t distinguish a square box from a round one nor a circular card from a triangular one, feels impelled to ‘‘cut figure eights and spin like a top’’ on its way to a dish of food, and learns many things rapidly and well. Possibly such an unscientific picture could be appended to the really scientific account without injury to the latter! Dr. Yerkes is still studying the dancing mouse, and may some time feel prepared to give us such a picture. Or perhaps we must look for such pictures to the second volume of the Animal Behavior Series, of which this is the first! The second one, just announced, is a volume on ‘‘The Animal Mind,’’ by Margaret Washburn. The Series, edited by Dr. Yerkes, promises to be of the greatest value. A matter that has been most in need of study is the part played by imitation in the behavior of higher animals. Years ago imitation was the favorite refuge of those who wished to explain the remarkable actions of animals without attributing to them higher intellectual powers. When Tabby pressed the latch and walked out the door, that was because she had seen some one do it. Then came Thorndike, and changed all that. To give imitation in place of reason as an explanation, says Thorndike, is to substitute one false explanation for another. In studying cats and monkeys, Thorndike saw no signs of imita- tion either of one another or of man. And most later investiga- tors have agreed that imitation plays little part in the behavior of animals, at least in comparison with what had been supposed. Even the monkey, we are told, rarely imitates man or other monkeys. Direct, unrefilective imitation of simple sounds or movements—the performance of an act merely because a com- panion has performed it, without reference to results—is less rare, though likewise not so common, as had been supposed. But the imitation of an act because that act accomplished a certain result, and in order to accomplish the same result—this was not found, though this is the kind of imitation assumed in cur- rent explanations to be common. The extensive experiments of Hobhouse,? evidently undertaken with the expectation of find- ing imitation playing a part, are striking as an example of how ? Mind in Evolution, Chapter VIII. 212 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII little it is possible to find, and how uncertain is what is found, even with the best of will. Kinnaman, Small and others had incidentally seen a few examples of real imitation. We have now from the Harvard laboratory two careful studies of this matter by Berry,*® with results that are most interesting. In Berry’s rats and cats we find imitation as it were in the making. Our conception of imitation, and of its different kinds, loses its sharp lines and angles and becomes indefinite. When one knows how to escape or get food and another does not, the animals do not set to work to imitate each other’s actions in the clear- cut way we are apt to think of as imitation. But the one that doesn’t “‘know how’’ does after some time begin to pay atten- tion to his comrade’s actions, and then in an indefinite way to do something of the same sort himself. ‘‘We found that when two rats were put into the box together, one rat being trained to get out of the box, and the other untrained, at first they were indifferent to each other’s presence, but as the untrained rat observed that the other was able to get out, while he was not, a gradual change took place. The untrained rat began to watch the other’s movements closely; he followed him all about the cage, standing up on his hind legs beside him at the string, and pulling it after he had pulled it, ete. We also saw that when he was put back the immediate vicinity of the loop was the point of greatest interest for him, and that he tried to get out by working at the spot where he had seen the trained rat try.’’* In cats similar and more marked eases of imitation were found and analyzed. Berry’s work is the first really scientific study of imitation in animals that we have had, and it shows, as so commonly happens when a thorough study is made, that we can not make extreme statements, whether positive or negative. Imitation is found; even ‘‘reflective imitation,’’ but it is not precise; we can often hardly be certain whether it is imitation; and where it is more pronounced it is difficult to distinguish imitation for the mere sake of doing what a companion does, from imitation for the purpose of accomplishing the result that the companion accomplishes. Like all other traits of behavior, imitation grows gradually out of something that seems not the same thing at * Berry, C. S. The Imitative Tendency of White Rats. Journ. Comp. Neurol. and Psychol., 16, 333-361. Id., An Experimental Study of Imita- tion in Cats. Ibid., 18, 1908, pp. 1-25. t Berry, The Taitative r d of White Rats, p. 358. No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 213 all! Whether to call this ‘‘something’’ by the same name as the developed activity is one of the frequent grounds for un- profitable controversy. L. W. Cole® has made an elaborate investigation of the in- telligence of raccoons, with results of more than usual interest. The raccoons are compared throughout with the famous cats of Thorndike, and the work, like most recent work on animal in- telligence, follows the outlines of the well known paper of the author just mentioned. But Cole has made real and impor- tant advances in both method and results. The raccoons are either much more clever than the cats, or the methods employed were better fitted for bringing out latent possibilities; probably both these things are true. The experiments consisted largely in allowing the animals to learn to open boxes closed by fasten- ings of various degrees of complication. The raccoons learned somewhat more readily than the eats. As in all other animals, their learning was largely by trial and error. But they are not restricted exclusively to that method, as Thorndike main- tained to be the ease for the cats; decidedly not if we limit that method to the gradual formation of an association between a motor impulse and a sense perception. (1) There was clear evidence that the animal at times, catches the idea, that a certain act is what opens the door, so that he later acts directly and at once on that idea. It is not a mere gradual exclusion of useless movements, till only the useful ones are left. (2) The raccoon learns by being put through an act. It learns without ‘‘in- nervating its muscles,’’ the great test for the possibility of learn- ing in Thorndike’s eats. It learns to go into a box by a certain entrance, through having been lifted into the box that way a number of times. By being put through them, it learns certain acts which it was unable to learn by its own efforts. By putting different raccoons through the same act in different ways, they learned to perform it in different ways; for example, one peren to lift a latch with its paws, another with its nose. (3) Wh the raccoons, like most other animals, do not imitate each stain or any one else in a marked degree, they did, after seeing the experimenter perform a certain action many times, ‘‘catch the idea” and endeavor to perform the action for themselves. This 5 Cole, L. W. Concerning the Intelligence of Raccoons. Journ. Comp. Neurol. and Psychol., 17, 1907, pp. 211-261. * Thorndike, E. L. Animal Intelligence. Psychol. Review, Monograph Suppl., vol. 2, 1898. 214 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII is of course the essence of ‘‘reflective’’ imitation. (4) Thorn- dike concluded that cats have probably no ‘‘free ideas’’; no stock of images which are motives for acts. The association in the cats was always between a motor impulse and a present sense perception; there was no association of ideas. This nega- tive conclusion was based largely on the inability of the animals to learn from being put through an act. In this latter matter, Cole calls the reader’s attention particularly to ‘‘the radical difference at every point’’ between the eats of Thornidike’s experiments and the raccoons of his own. ‘‘If inability thus to learn is evidence against the presence of ideas, then ability to do so should be equally strong evidence for it.’? Further- more, Cole gives much additional evidence for the presence of ideas in the raccoons; and certain results of some extremely ingenious experiments amount to a demonstration that the ani- mals do hold mental images, so far as such a thing can be demonstrated.” The animals seemed to remember definite ob- jects for a time, then forget them; then suddenly, under certain conditions, recall them. They fought against being put into boxes with complex fastenings, from which they had some time before had difficulty in escaping, though they willingly went into similar boxes whose fastenings they had found simple. In cer- tain experiments there were two alternative signs to be raised; the green one meant food, the red one meant none. The raccoons learned to raise these signs by clawing at the standards, but they could not see beforehand which sign would come up by claw- ing at a certain standard. When the red one came up they clawed it down again, then clawed up the green one, and made ready to receive food. Clearly, the red sign did not correspond to an image that the animal had in mind, while the green one did. Other experiments were devised in which success depended on the animal’s holding in mind the images of certain things that had gone before; the raccoons stood these tests successfully. It is difficult to see how there could be more conclusive proof of the presence of ideas in animals that can not talk. 7 A subjective thing, such as an idea, can, of course, not be absolutely demonstrated by objective methods. It is always possible to substi- tute for the idea its physiological accompaniment, and say that this is all that we can be assured of. In other words, ‘‘demonstration of the existence of ideas’’ in animals can never go further than to show that they act as men do when men have ideas. No. 495] NOTES AND LITERATURE 215 The interesting paper of Hamilton® is perhaps in its origin independent of the Harvard laboratory. We have seen that the dancing mouse learns to act on the basis of a comparison be- tween two things, selecting, not a particular thing, but the lighter of two, or the darker of two, ete. Kinnaman found that the monkey could similarly learn to choose always the lighter vessel, or to choose the colored vessel from among a num- ber of vessels, even when the colors were changed. Hamilton made a precise study of a similar sort of action in a dog. The animal learned that in order to escape from a pen and get food he must press, out of a number of levers, the one that bore the same sign that was found on a general sign-board elsewhere in the pen. In successful cases his method of pro- cedure was, then, to inspect the general signboard, then to pass in review the four levers till he found the one that bore the same sign—then to press this. This appears to involve a fairly complex mental operation (if we may venture to interpret the actions of animals from that highly reprehensible standpoint). The dog clearly learned to choose in the way described. But unfortunately, being a clever dog, he after a time discovered a much simpler method of action that accomplished the same results. He merely began at one end of the series and pressed the levers in order till he came to the one that worked. When electric shocks were attached to the ‘‘wrong’’ levers, he de- cided that he didn’t care to play at that game any longer, and the experiments had to end. How far such action, seeming to involve complex mental operations, may be demonstrated in animals when there has been fifty years’ development of method and results in such investigations, instead of merely two or three attempts at it, is a question that deserves consideration by those who are so ready to deny, on the basis of what we now know (or rather, on the basis of what we don’t know), all mental complexity in animals. Indeed, it is clear that much of the work we have just reviewed consists in showing experimentally that the mental operations of animals are more complex than had been supposed; in re- storing to animals certain things that had been denied them. And this is typical. The recent history of the study of animal *Hamilton, G. van T. An Experimental Study of an Unusual Type of Reaction in a Dog. Journ. Comp. Neurol. and Psychol., 17, 1907, pp. 329-341. 216 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII behavior has shown a curious parallelism in each of its three great divisions. In each division the slate was, as it were, wiped clean some ten or fifteen years ago; the existing structure was razed to the ground, and we have been building it up again ever since. In the lower organisms Loeb reduced the phe- nomena to almost inorganic simplicity. For the ants, bees and other higher invertebrates Bethe took similar action; they were stripped of their fanciful decorations of memory, intelligence, etc., and left absolutely devoid of ‘‘psychie qualities’ of any sort; their behavior was composed of invariable reflexes and tropisms of the simplest character. Thorndike performed the same operation for the vertebrates. Not only did they not reason (preposterous notion!), but they did not imitate, could not learn by seeing a thing done nor by being put through an act, nor by any other way than by simply gradually drop- ping out useless movements from among those made at random; and they had not even ideas of things past, to say nothing of perceiving relations or being capable of trains of thought or of formulating a plan. : In all three divisions of the subject the work since these operations has consisted largely in the slow and painful restora- tion, by precise experimental methods, of what was thus wiped out at one fell swoop. The three authors named, with those that aided them, perhaps did the science of behavior the greatest possible service at that time. Before them there was hardly an ordered science in this subject; there was a jungle of supposi- tions, assumptions and anecdotes. Loeb, Bethe, Thorndike and Company destroyed all this and compelled us to rebuild from the ground up, a solid structure, based on precise scientific methods. How high the structure will have to go, no one ean foretell; certainly it is not yet finished. Indeed, animal behavior as a science is merely in its swaddling clothes; it can not carry as yet many sweeping conclusions, particularly nega- tive ones. General negations based on what we now know are most unscientific; they are largely capitalizations of our large stock of ignorance. It behooves the man of science, therefore, to be careful in his destructive criticisms; some recent contro- versies show that this caution is much needed. It will be long before our science is coextensive with the phenomena with which it is attempting to deal. H. S. JENNINGS. (No. 494 was issued on April 10, 1908.) The Bausch & Lomb BH Microscope | has been designed especially for use in schools and colleges and in it we have aimed to produce a very rigid, durable instrument at a moderate price. It is of the handle arm type and hence possesses the great advantage of enabling it to be carried with- out injury to the fine adjustment, a point of much im- portance in laboratory work where instruments are continually handled by students. _ The fine adjustment is unusually responsive. The working parts are thoroughly protected from dust. BH 2, with 4 and 4 objectives, l-inch eye- piece, double nose-piece . . . | $ . 8 WALKER PRIZES IN NATURAL HISTORY By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. William Johnson Walker two prizes are annually offered by the Boston SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY for the best memoirs written in z English language, on subjects proposed by a Committee appointed by the Counci = the best memoir a a prize of sixty dollars may be awarded ; if, how- th moir be one of marked merit, cay mount may be Hivecaiied to one ‘ashen dollars, at the discretion of the Boman ttee. For the next best memoir a prize not cuss fifty dollars may be awarded. Prizes will not be awarded unless the memoirs presented are of adequate merit. The competition for these prizes is not restricted, but is open to all. Attention is especially called to the following points: 1. In all cases the memoirs are to be based on a considerable body of original and unpublished work, accompanied by a general review of the literature of the subject Anything in the memoir which shall furnish proof of the identity of the author shall be considered as debarring the essay from competition. 3. Preference will be given to memoirs showing intrinsic evidence of being based pts researches made directly in competition for the p ch memoir must be accompanied by a sealed tine enclosing the ae name and supersecribed with a motto corresponding to one borne by the manuscript, and must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before April 1st of the year for which the prize is offered. 5. The Society assumes no responsibility for publication of manuscript submitted. sonia FOR 1908: An experimental study of inheritance in animals or plants. 2, A com- Tae study of the effects of close-breeding and cross-breeding in BEERA or plants. 3. A study of animal reactions in relation to habit formation. 4. A physiological _ Maiy = one or poset) species e plants with mapet t leaf variation. 5. Fertiliza- : What proportion of a plant’s seasonal growth is euere in the winter büd? ? 7A A SEE study of the forms and processes discoverable along a wta shore line. 8. A problem in structural geology. 9. ka study of one or more geological horizons with a view to determining the different conditions obtaining at one time over a large area, as recorded by sediments and fossils. SUBJECTS FOR 1909: i. A geographic study of a district of varied features, presented as involving _ history of a thallophyte, with special reference to sporogenesis. 6. Contribution to _ our knowledge of response in plants. 7. The factors governing orientation in animal responses. 8. The relation between primary and secon rs in animals. 9. The activities of the animal body in relation to internal seeretions. Boston Society of Natural To ae - Boston, Mass., U. PA GLOVER M. ALLEN, Secretary VOL. XLII, NO. 496 ped . IHE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS Aspects of the Species Question, Introductory]Remarks. Professor D. S. JOHNBON. as a a ee ee a‘ The Taxonomic Aspect of the Species Question. Professor CHARLES E. BESSEY. The Taxonsmic Aspect ‘of the species Questioni. Dr. NATHANIEL LORD BRITTON. The Physiologic Kipot of the Species Gusta. Prothane 3. c. ARTHUR The Physiological Aspect of a Species. ; Dr. D. T. MacDOUGAL An Ecologic View of the Species Sonception: Professor FREDERIC E. CLEMENTS ‘ * F b ‘ An Ecological Aspect of the Conception of Species. . Dr. H.C. COWLES gpa of the Species Question. Professor J. M. COULTER, Dr. J. B. LLOCK, Professor T. J. BURRILL, E. G. HILL, Dr. G. H. SHULL, Dr z x HARRIS, A. E. HITCHCOCK Shorter Articles and Correspondence: Otter Sheep, Piotemir c. E Brisror. Notes and Literature: Exp ntal Zoology—Przibram’s Experime ology. M. PPE ER Sota on Fishes, Professor Haroko T, LEWIS THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORE: SUB-STATION 84 APRIL, 1908 Page THE AMERICAN NATURALIST MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE p m NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, So 2 Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The oe = subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and ee Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies = ds thirty-five cents. The advertising rates will be sent on applicat ion. o THE SCIENCE PRESS SESEO Pa. Garrison, N. Y. : NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 ‘Entered as second-class matter April 2 1908, at the Post — at Lancaster, Pa., under the : : Ps: ; Act 5 OORO Maiy h3, THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLII April, 1908 No. 496 ASPECTS OF THE SPECIES QUESTION Ar the recent Chicago meeting of the Botanical Society of America, the afternoon of Wednesday, January 1, was devoted to a symposium on ‘‘ Aspects of the Species Question.’ The principal participants, who, upon invi- tation of the council, prepared and read papers at the Symposium, were: C. E. Bessey and N. L. Britton, who discussed the taxonomic aspect; J. C. Arthur and D. T. MacDougal, who spoke on the physiologic aspect; F. E. Clements and H. C. Cowles, who dealt with the ecologic aspect of the question. The reading of the papers was followed by an open discussion of the question by a number of the members present. The papers read and the corrected stenographic report of the discussion are printed below. ; D. S. Jounson, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, BALTIMORE, MD., March 1, 1908. 27 THE TAXONOMIC ASPECT OF THE SPECIES QUESTION PROFESSOR CHARLES E. BESSEY THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA As long as species were supposed to be actual things, ‘‘created as separate kinds at the beginning,’’ that botan- ists ‘‘discovered,’’ as explorers discover islands in the ocean, there was no serious ‘‘species question.” rte Mal geo A oct Sota Pex “is Gite The American Naturalist MSS. intended ication and books, etc., intended for review should be SEL Ia TUR EAN iaie CORRAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. One h are supplied to authors free of charge. tn Seethacct? Eoo Further reprints will be supplied at cost. too o Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The a subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and oa postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies is thirty-five cents. The advertising rates will be sent on application. THE SCIENCE PRESS "NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as! tter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of =e Congress of March 3, 1879. Garrison, N. Y. nt New Scientific Books PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPNY eory based upon the facts of Alternation. S Wih numerous illustrations. higher plants. A book of the highest importance not only to -BOOKS a AGRICULTURE, ETC. estern. By W.C. WELBORN, os ee. swan, index, 12mo, $.75 net. it =f Aei din ee Gulf ar 5 to any te tis adapted to schoo f practical service is vice-director of ae Totas Experimen t Station = a Be owing. By L H. Jiabao ps and Drainage. me Kine. of Vegetable Gardening. H. BAILEY. | 2 : Sik ton, $ $1.60 net by mail $1.68. bemoan “Ft s 26 nat, by mail $1.88 : WATSON. ER eee - Edition, $1.50 net, by mail $1.68. J Fourth Edition, $1.50 net, by mail $1.65. A THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLII July, 1908 No. 499 A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO AND SEVERAL TYPES OF LATENCY DR. GEORGE HARRISON SHULL STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, CoLD Spring HARBOR, N. Y. INTRODUCTION In two papers presented before the Botanical Society of America at its annual meetings in New Orleans (1905) and New York (1906), I discussed the question of latency as exemplified by certain color-characters in common garden beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). These papers were published in reversed order in Screncz, May 7 and 24, 1907. It was shown that certain characters appeared in the hybrids, of which no indication was found in either parent, and the origin of these novelties was traced to unseen Mendelian units possessed by the white bean (White Flageolet) used in the various crosses. The new characteristics were a mottled color-pattern, M, and a blackener or enzyme, B, which acts upon brown or yellow pigments, P, to produce anthocyan, the presence of the latter resulting in black or various shades of violet to reddish purple seed-coats. It was assumed that the brown and yellow beans used in these crosses have the gametie formula, Pbm, the black bean the formula, PBm, and the white the gametic formula, pBM. In crossing the white bean with any of the self-colored beans the three dominant units were brought together, resulting 433 » 434 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII in a purple mottled F, (PBM). It was the occurrence of this purple mottled F,, no matter which pigmented bean was used, that led to my conclusions regarding the latency of a mottled color-pattern and a melanizer in the white bean, and also to the prediction that F, would consist of the five forms—purple mottled, black, brown mottled, brown (more properly, dark orange), and white, —in the well-known tri-polyhybrid ratio, 27:9:9:3:16. Aw UNEXPECTED Ratio AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE At the time my last report was made, the count of the F, hybrids had not been completed, but the five predicted types were clearly presented. On summing up the results of the census of the numerous F, hybrid families, it was found that the ratio was not as predicted, but the mottled and self-colored beans occurred in all cases in ap- proximately equal numbers, resulting in the ratio 18:18:6:6:16, or, reduced to its lowest terms, 9:9:3:3:3%. To be exact, in the cross between Ne Plus Ultra (dark orange yellow, called ‘‘brown’’ in my notes) and White Flageolet, 10 families gave 133 purple mottled, 114 black, 40 brown mottled, 50 brown, 105 white, and 6 doubtful. Similarly, in the cross between Long Yellow Six Weeks (light yellow) and White Flageolet, 13 families gave 154 purple mottled, 159 black, 39 yellow mottled, 59 yellow (or brown), 160 white, and 12 unclassified. In the cross between Prolific Black Wax and White Flageolet, 3 families gave 53 purple mottled, 59 black, 44 white and 4 unclassified. On comparing these results with those published by Tschermak'! it is found that they are in perfect accord- ance with them, as he also found in a number of similar crosses, an equality between the mottled and self-colored beans. But our conclusions were diverse as to the source of the mottled pattern, I assuming that the mottled factor was brought into the combination by the white *Tschermak, E. Weitere Kreuzungsstudien an Erbsen, Levkojen und Bohnen. Zeitschr. Landw. Versuchsw., 7, pp. 533-638, 1904. No. 499 | A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 435 bean as a simple Mendelian unit, while he assumed that a mottled factor was carried as a ‘‘eryptomere’’ by the pigmented bean and that the white bean acts simply as a releasing agent or activator which allows or compels the latent mottling to become apparent. The ratio 18:18:6:6:16 must have at first a very un- familiar look to the student of genetics. It was not ex- plained by Tschermak, but was separated by him into two groups of 9:3:4, wherein the interrelations of the several terms need no explanation. The census of my second generation was completed shortly after the appearance of De Vries’s? interesting account of ‘‘Twin hybrids” in Œnothera, and the sug- gestion lay at hand that this ratio presented by Phaseolus might be a case of twin di-hybrids, the first and second terms of the ratio, as also the third and fourth terms, being in each ease different phases or aspects of a single unit, which might be expressed thus 9A:9V :3B:3a :8W. While such an hypothesis would fit the conditions pre- sented by the F,, it was seen very soon that it does not harmonize with the occurrence of a uniformly purple mottled F,, nor with the splitting phenomena of F,, a portion of which has been already examined. A consid- eration of the F, and F, shows that there are three dis- tinct units involved, as was stated in my earlier papers, namely —a pigment factor, P, a blackener, B, and a mot- tled pattern, M. If all of these characters behaved according to the simple Mendelian method, the ratio would be that pre- viously predicted, and out of every 64 individuals, on an average, 27 would have purple mottled seeds, and 9 black. In order that the number of individuals having purple mottled seeds shall be equal to the number having black seeds, it is necessary that of the 27 that should on theo- retical grounds be purple mottled, 9 must show no purple mottling but must be black, though it contains the domi- nant mottle factor, M. This group of 27 purple mottled 2 De Vries, H. On Twin Hybrids. Bot. Gaz., 44, pp. 401-407, D 1907. 436 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII individuals belonging to the theoretical F, ratio consists of the following eight types: 1 PBMPBM PBMPBm PBMPbM 2 PBMpBM 4 PBMPbm 4 PBMpBm 4 PBMpbM 8 PBMpbm a There is only one basis on which a group of 9 indi- viduals having a common gametic feature may be de- rived from this group, namely, on the ground of homo- zygosis with respect to any single allelomorph. ‘Thus, there are 9 homozygotes with respect to P (1 PBMPBM +2 PBMPBm +2 PBMPbM +4 PBMPbm), 9 homo- zygotes with respect to B (1 PBMPBM + 2 PBMPBm + 2 PBMpBM + 4 PBMpBm), and 9 homozygotes with re- spect to M (1 PBMPBM + 2 PBMPbM +2 PBMpBM +4 PBMpbM), and the assumption that any one of these groups will give self-colored beans will answer the re- quirements of the empirical F, ratio, 18:18:6:6:16. The only way in which it is possible to decide which of these three possible groups of 9 homozygotes is respon- sible for the equality of the mottled and self-colored types is to test their applicability to the other genera- tions, since they all fit equally well the ratio found in the second generation. If homozygotes with respect to P hide the presence of M, it will be impossible to find an individual with mottled seeds which will not give a progeny, one fourth of which will be white-seeded ; but of the F families already examined, a number have been found which, while continuing to give mottled and self- colored beans in the ratio 1:1, have failed to produce any whites. If the homozygotes with respect to B are re- sponsible for the latency of M, some brown or brown bo bo No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 437 mottled offspring would be produced by every purple- mottled parent, and there would be no equality between the purple-mottled and black in many families of the third and subsequent generations; but those F, families which have been thus far investigated show a number of instances in which purple mottled parents produce no brown or brown mottled young and there is a con- tinued equality between the mottled and self-colored offspring of such parents. The remaining possi- bility, namely, that individuals which carry the mottled pattern, M, but are homozygous with respect to that char- acter, are not mottled but self-colored, is the only one that fits all of the observed facts. The mottled color-pattern must be heterozygous in order to become apparent in the hybrids. We may then indicate the composition of the group of individuals of F, which carry the dominant mottling fac- tor, M, and the expectation as to the composition of the offspring which each will produce in F, as follows: 1 PBMPBM = B1 (Bl) (M latent in all). 2 PBMPBm == PM(1PM:1B1) ( latent in 4 the Bl). 2 PBMPbM = BI1(3B1:1Br) (M latent in all). 2 PBMpBM —BI1(3B1:1W) (M latent in all). 4 PBMPbm —PM(38PM:3Bl:1BrM:1Br) (M latent in 4 the self-colored). 4 PBMpBm = PM (3PM:3B1:2W) (M latent in 4 the Bl and 3? the W). 4 PBMpbM —BI(9BI:3Br:4W) (M latent in all). 8 PBMpbm =—=PM(9PM:9BI:3BrM:3Br:8W) (M la- tent in 4 the self-colored and ł the W): It will be seen from this scheme that the mottled color- pattern could exist and does exist as a latent (i. e., in- visible) character in pigmented beans just as well as in the white bean, which is contrary to the assumption made, when I insisted that the mottled pattern must have come from the white bean. It is also obvious that the mottled 438 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII pattern could not exist in both the pigmented and white beans used in these crosses, as in that case the F, hybrids would have been homozygous with respect to this char- acter and would have been black self-colored instead of purple mottled. In attempting to settle the question as to the origin of this mottled color-pattern I have carefully examined the results recorded by Tschermak and find evi- dence that at least one pure-bred pigmented bean must possess the mottled pattern while another does not. Whether the white beans used by him carried latent M can not be settled at present, but it is now plain that he may have been right in referring the mottling factor to the pigmented beans. My White Flageolet as well as all the white beans used by Tschermak may not have the mottled pattern, and the gametic formula of the White Flageolet should then be written pBm, instead of pBM. This question can only be settled by further careful crossing. The evidence derived from Tschermak is as follows: In the cross between ‘‘Hundert fiir eine” (light yellowish brown) and ‘‘ Mettes Schlachtschwert’’ (white) there was no mottling in the offspring; ‘‘Hundert fiir eine’’ crossed with ‘‘Schwarze Neger’’ (black), both self- colored, gave mottled offspring. Now according to my hypothesis, if ‘‘Schwarze Neger” carries the mottled pattern, ‘‘ Hundert fiir eine’’ does not have it, and in turn, ‘*Mettes Schlachtschwert’’?’ must not have it. If ‘‘ Schwarze Neger,’’ on the other hand, does not carry the mottled pattern, ‘‘Hundert fiir eine’’ has it, and in this case ‘‘ Mettes Schlachtschwert’’ must also carry it. We can not say certainly, therefore, that the white ‘‘ Mettes Schlachtschwert’’ does or does not have the mottled pat- tern, but on theoretical grounds either condition would be equally possible. Among the corollaries of the eevianeien here given for the ratio 18:18:6:6:16 is not only the fact already given that the mottled pattern may be carried by the pigmented bean invisibly quite as well as by the white bean, but also, since the mottled beans are heterozygous with re- No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 439 spect to M, it would be impossible to have any of them breed true, i. e., the mottled bean is in the same category in this respect as the famous Blue Andalusian fowl. This conclusion is supported by 48 families of the third and fourth generations reported by Tschermak and by over sixty families of the F, from my own mottled hybrids which have been already examined. Not one instance has been found in which the offspring of a mottled hybrid were even approximately all mottled. The existence of pure-bred mottled races raises the in- teresting question as to what relation exists between these mottled hybrids which are heterozygous and can not breed true and the true-breeding mottled varieties. Tschermak*® shows that in crosses between constant mottled races and self-colored races, the mottled pattern acts as a typical Mendelian dominant, the hybrids split- ting in F, and subsequent generations in the ratio, 3 mottled :1 self-colored. LATENCY DUE TO SEPARATION With respect to the question of latency since the purple mottling may not be a latent character of the White Flageolet, the type of latency discussed in my previous papers was only certainly exemplified by the pigment-changer, B, carried by the white bean. This type of latency is discovered by the production of a novelty when two allelomorphs are brought together, one or each of which, when acting alone, produces no visible character. Thus the black or purple color of these hybrids is due to the combination of the yellow or brown pigment of the pigmented parent and the colorless pig- ment-changer borne by the white parent. It may be called latency due to separation since patency is brought about by recombination. In my first paper on latency,* issue 5 Loe. cit. ‘Shull, G. H. Some Latent Characters of a White Bean. Science, N. S., 25, pp. 828-832, May 24, 1907. 440 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII was taken with Lock® regarding his assumption that novelties which appeared in crosses between certain peas were due to inactive units which became active on cross- ing. Lock has since reconsidered that case and inde- pendently come to the same conclusion that I reached, namely, that the spotted seed-coat was introduced by the white-coated pea in which it was invisible owing to its separation from the pigment-producing factor. This is not an uncommon type of latency and seems to be the only type included by writers who have treated the sub- ject of latency from the Mendelian view-point. It gives rise to such modifications of the Mendelian ratios as 9:3:4, 9:7, 27:9:9:3:16, 27:9:28, etc., instead of the theo- retical 9:3:3:1 and 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1. Some of these modified ratios are of more common occurrence, and are more familiar, than the unmodified ones, perhaps owing to the fact that albinism has been so frequently involved in the Mendelian investigations. Characteristics which are rendered latent by separation in the course of Men- delian hybridization have been called ‘‘masked’’ char- acters by Punnett." This is not a particularly apt term for latent characters of this type, and would be much more appropriately applied to cases of latency due to hypostasis discussed below. LATENCY DUE TO COMBINATION The existence of mottling as a latent characteristic in pigmented beans, due to the fact that it only becomes ap- parent when in the heterozygous condition, is obviously of an entirely different type. Instead of being a phe- nomenon of separation, it is due to the union in the same zygote, of two dominant allelomorphs, either of which alone will produce a manifest character, but ° Lock, R. H. Studies in Plant Breeding in the Tropics. Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya, 2, pp. 299-356, 1904. See p. 241. Lock, R. H. On the Inheritance of Certain Invisible Characters in Peas. Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 79, pp. 28-34, 1907. * Punnett, R. C. Mendelism, 2d ed., pp. viii + 85, 1907, London: Mac- millan & Co. See pp. 47-53. No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 441 which, when acting together, produce none. This may therefore be called latency due to combination, since patency is brought about by separating the two allelo- morphs whose union effaces their characteristic mani- festation. If the White Flageolet carries the mottling factor, M, as was at first supposed, the appearance of mottling as a novelty in the first generation hybrids was due not alone to that fact, but just as much to the fact that the pigmented bean does not carry the mottled factor; or if, on the other hand, it should prove true on further investigation that the white bean does not carry the mottled factor, the mottled F, is due to this very fact, quite as much as to the fact that the colored bean does possess it. The conclusion, reached in my previous papers, that the primitive bean was probably purple mottled and that the purple mottled condition is therefore an atavistic one, seems to be left in some doubt, because of the ex- istence of two types of mottling, one of which behaves as a typical Mendelian unit as shown by Tschermak, the other having the peculiar faculty of losing its external manifestation the instant it becomes homozygous. I have no doubt that in some form the mottling unit is a primitive one, but whether the ancestral bean possessing that unit was mottled or self-colored would depend en- tirely on which type of the mottling unit it carried. In order to breed true it is necessary that both eggs and sperms shall all carry the mottled factor, and if this mottled factor were of the latter type, the beans pro- duced by the union of such sperms and eggs, being homozygous with respect to mottle, would be self-colored, while if the mottle was of the former type, the homozy- gous beans would be mottled. The conclusion as to the — allelomorphic composition of the original bean is prob- ably correct, but as to its external appearance, it may as well have been black as mottled. The peculiar behavior of the purple mottled allelomorph in my hybrids and in most of Tschermak’s, may havea 442 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII very important bearing upon the interpretation of what are known as mid-races, 7. e., races which regularly pro- duce two forms in about equal proportions, for, as has been seen, the mottled beans of all the hybrid families which did not have a mottled bean as one of its original pure-bred ancestors, constitutes a mid-race. This fact was recognized by Tschermak (loc. cit., p. 47), though he attributed it to an unexplained effect of cross-fertiliza- tion, and not to the characteristic behavior of a definite Mendelian allelomorph. Other mid-races may likewise represent instances of latency due to combination. Wher- ever there is a double series of characters occurring in about equal numbers in the progeny of a self-fertilized individual, this type of latency should be looked for. Purple punctation and brown flecking, which occur as novelties in the seed-coats of hybrid peas, were found by Tschermak to behave in a manner quite analogous to the mottling in beans, the first generation showing dominance of the novelty and subsequent generations always split- ting into the punctate and non-punctate or the flecked and unflecked, respectively, and these no doubt are also cases of latency due to combination. Lock’ has shown, on the other hand, that when certain mottled and spotted peas are crossed with self-colored peas, the mottling and spot- ting act as typical Mendelian dominants capable of ex- traction as characteristics of pure-breeding races, which ought to be expected, since the homozygous parental strains possessed these characters. The apparent dis- crepancy between his results and those of Tschermak will be fully explained if we assume that there are two types of these color-pattern characters in peas, as there are in ans. In all of these cases of latency due to combination, the two units involved are of the same kind, so that the latency oceurs only in the homozygous individuals, thus resulting in a striking contrast between homozygotes and ‘Lock, R. H. On the Inheritance of Certain Invisible Characters in Peas. Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 79, pp. 28-34, 1907. No. 499] © A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 443 heterozygotes. There are many other cases in which the homozygote and heterozygote show marked and often un- expected differences, the case of the Blue Andalusian fowl being one of the best known of these, but the heterozygous type of the Blue Andalusian fowl or other similar forms is not a case of latency at all, since no hidden allelomorph is brought to light as a result of heterozygosis, but only an unexpected external manifestation. LATENCY DUE To Hypostasis A third type of latency has also appeared in these bean hybrids, as best exemplified by a cross between the Prolific Black Wax and the Ne Plus Ultra, and between Prolific Black Wax and Long Yellow Six Weeks. In both of these crosses, besides the black and orange or black and yellow which were expected in the ratio 3:1, there have appeared a considerable number of beans of a dark seal brown or a dark greenish brown color. It is certain that these dark brown beans owe their color to the latency of a dark brown factor in the black bean. It has not been an in- frequent occurrence to find black beans, not quite perfectly matured or which have been more or less weathered, that show this brown color apparently underlying the black. In this case the appearance of the novelty is due to the presence of a characteristic which can not be seen (i. e., which is latent), for the simple reason that the black pig- ment possessed by the same bean is so intense as to cover over and hide the brown pigment. The independ- ence of the brown and black pigments allows them to be separated into different individuals upon crossing the black with some other color. Letting D represent this dark brown factor, the gametic formula for the black bean is BD, and for the orange brown and yellow beans, bd. This assumption leads to = another rather unfamiliar modification of the Mendelian ratio, since the F, should consist of black, brown and orange or yellow in the ratio 12:3:1. The actual ratios are in essential accord with this expectation though there 444 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII are rather wide discrepancies due to the fact that the categories were not as carefully distinguished at first as they should have’been. Thus in the case of the cross of Prolific Black Wax (black) with Ne Plus Ultra (dark orange or ‘‘brown’’) many of the dark brown beans were recorded at first simply as ‘‘brown,’’ and the ratio found, 174 black:47 seal-brown:26 ‘‘brown,’’ shows clear evi- dence of the extent of error thus produced. A deficiency of black is also apparent and is no doubt due to the re- cording of some weathered blacks, as dark brown. In the cross between Prolific Black Wax and Long Yellow Six Weeks, the deficiency in the blacks and corresponding excess in the dark brown is even more striking, giving the ratio, 155 black:55 dark brown:9 yellow:5 unclassified, theory requiring 168 black:42 dark brown:14 yellow. This factor D is also found to be present in the White Flageolet, where, like the black factor, B, it is latent by separation. The occurrence of dark brown as an invisible character in the black bean may be called a case of latency due to hypostasis, following the terminology suggested by Bateson.® The unexpected character is not inactive, but its characteristic manifestation is invisible because it is hidden or inhibited by some other quality, and can only become visible when the overlying or inhibiting quality is removed by some means. This type of latency is no doubt very common, as it is involved in many cases of simple dominance, as that term is generally understood. If the ‘‘presence and ab- sence’’ hypothesis has general validity (and there is a very great preponderance of evidence in favor of it), the term ‘‘dominance’’ should be limited to the relation of the presence of any characteristic to the absence of that same characteristic, and should not be used for the rela- tion between two different positive allelomorphs by virtue of which one hides the presence of the other. Bateson °” Bateson, W. Facts Limiting the Theory of Heredity. Science, N. S. 26, pp. 649-660, November 15, 1907. No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 445 applies the terms ‘‘epistatic’’ and ‘‘hypostatiec’’ to the relative capacity of one unit to hide or to be hidden by another, owing to what I call latency due to hypostasis. As a simple illustration, a cross between a pea with yellow cotyledons, Y, and one having green cotyledons, G, shows Y dominant over its absence, y, and not over G. This would become immediately obvious if we could cross the yellow pea with still another type, say with one hav- ing colorless cotyledons. The correct gametic formula for the yellow pea is not Y but YG, in which the green is latent owing to the fact that Y is epistatic to G. The gametic formula of the green pea is yG. That this is a correct interpretation of the apparent dominancy of one positive allelomorph over another is shown by some of my bean crosses. Thus Ne Plus Ultra (dark orange yellow) crossed with Long Yellow Six Weeks (light yellow) produced in 14 F, families, 382 orange yellow:130 light yellow, an apparent dominance of orange over light yellow. That the light yellow is latent in Ne Plus Ultra and is not the recessive condition of the orange yellow allelomorph is proved by the fact that in the F, families of the cross between White Flageo- let and Ne Plus Ultra, light yellow beans appear. Let- ting O represent the orange allelomorph and Y the yellow one, the gametic formula of Ne Plus Ultra with respect to these two factors is OY, that of the yellow bean is oY, and that of the white bean likewise oY. The ratio, 12:3:1, presented by the crosses of Prolific Black Wax with Ne Plus Ultra and Long Yellow Six Weeks, has been reported for but one other case so far as I know, though it ought not to prove very uncommon. It will appear in the F, of any cross which produces an F, of the form ABCab with B hypostatie to A, C hypos- tatic to both A and B, and neither A, B, nor C latent from any other cause. In these beans the crosses are of the type ABC X abC = ABCab, i. e., both B and C are latent in the one parent and no latent characters are demon- strated in the other. The same ratio will result from a 446 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII cross of the type AbC X aBC =— ABCab provided the same relations exist among the several allelomorphs as before. In this case the character C is latent by hypo- stasis in both parents. This condition has been realized by Toyama’? in hybrids between the common Japanese white silk-worm and the Siamese striped silk-worm in both of which a ‘‘pale,’? unmarked type is latent by hypostasis. The F, is uniformly striped like the Siamese, and the F, consists of striped, ‘‘white,’’? and ‘“pale’’ in the ratio 12:3:1. Toyama’s statement that the ‘‘pale’’ character was in the ‘‘dormant’’ state indicates a misconception of the nature of latency due to hypostasis. LATENCY DUE to FLUCTUATION Another very potent cause of latency is to be found in fluctuation. It is well known that many of the less marked qualities of plants do not appear under unfavor- able conditions of growth. By growing the offspring of these poorly developed individuals under favorable condi- tions they may be shown to possess all the characters of _ other members of the race to which they belong. In- visibility produced by this cause may be called latency due to fluctuation. Patency is brought about by good feeding, room for full individual expression, ete. As a specific example, I may mention my experience with several biotypes of Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton. These differ from one another by certain characteristic lobings of the leaves, and these characters have proved, on crossing, to be typical Mendelian unit-characters. However, by growing the plants belonging to any of the several biotypes under sufficiently unfavorable conditions they may be made to produce seeds while bearing only the unlobed juvenile type of leaf. The Mendelian rosette characters are then wholly invisible or latent. If the ” Toyama, K. Studies on the Hybridology of Insects. I. On some silk- ` worm crosses with special reference to Mendel’s Law of Heredity. Bull. Coll. Agr. Tokyo Imp. Univ., 7, pp. 259-393, pls. VI-XI, July, 1906. See pp. 348-353 and pl. X, III, a, b, and e. No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 447 offspring of such plants are grown under favorable con- ditions the latent characters are again rendered patent, showing that the loss of external manifestation has had no influence upon the allelomorphs themselves; they were present in the badly developed specimens, but were in- visible because a sufficiently late stage of differentiation was not attained to permit them to express themselves. Another striking case in which the latency of a Men- delian character, perhaps due to fluctuation, has been fully demonstrated, is in the cross between blue and white Indian corn investigated by Lock.1! The blue is, in general, dominant over the white, but the white grains are always in excess of expectation, sometimes more, sometimes less; subsequent breeding tests with the whites show that a sufficient proportion of them are heterozy- gous, instead of extracted recessives, to make up the deficiency found in the number of blues in the preceding generation. It is not impossible, as Lock suggests, that further investigation of this case will discover some other cause than fluctuation for the latency of the blue aleurone layer in these white-grained heterozygotes. The classic case of so-called ‘‘double adaptation’’ in Polygonum amphibium which is pubescent in its terres- trial form and glabrous when grown as an aquatic, and other cases of the same kind, present illustrations of latency due to fluctuation, instead of being due to the presence of two antagonistic determinants whose activ- ities are mutually exclusive as suggested by De Vries.!? The very common occurrence of latency due to fluctua- tion must have an important bearing upon the signifi- cance of cultural conditions for the production of varia- tions. There has been much diversity of opinion on this point, the general impression being that cultivation and the removal of competition are very potent in inducing "De Vries, H. Species and Varieties, their origin by mutation, pp. xviii + 847. 1905. Chicago: Open Court Pub. Co. See p. 430 et seq. “Lock, R. H. Plant Breeding in the Tropics. III. Experiments with maize, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya, 3, pt. 2, pp. 95-184, November, 1906. See pp. 144-163. : 448 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII variation, and that in consequence of this fact it is im- proper to apply principles derived under cultivation to plants growing free in nature. There can be no doubt that good cultural conditions render patent many internal characters which are invisible under conditions of poor nutrition and crowding, and this fact together with the fact that many of the common culture-plants are complex hybrids, may fully account for the general impression regarding the effects of culture. There is no satisfactory evidence that good feeding and other conditions usually supplied under tillage have any effect in the production of the mutations upon which the external characters no doubt ultimately depend. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS It is obvious from the foregoing results and discussions that latency is not a simple phenomenon, but may be due to anumber of different circumstances. The point which I have strongly emphasized in my two preceding papers on the subject of latency—namely, that cases of latency must be explained, not upon the ground of inactivity or dormancy of characteristics, but simply on their invisi- bility— is fully borne out by all the facts here presented. The several different types depend upon the different causes for the invisibility of the characteristics. Of the four types of latency. here recognized, the first three types—those in which latency is due to definite in- terrelations between Mendelian units—will give rise to definite characteristic ratios which are as constant for each case as the typical ratios are for typical Mendelian phenomena. This is not so with latency due to fluctua- tion, as the variable conditions upon which the fluctua- tions depend may be such that any proportion of the indi- viduals from none to all may have the character in ques- tion latent. This is not only true of the characters of pure-bred types as exemplified by Bursa bursa-pastoris, but is even more apt to be true of heterozygotes, thus re- sulting in many deviations from the correct ratios, as No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 449 seen in Lock’s blue X white corn cross and doubtless in very many other cases. It is probable that many discrepancies between actual and theoretical ratios are due to some sort of latency. This will generally be detected readily in subsequent gen- erations, and no one should be hasty in declaring that a character which is of the splitting kind is non-Mendelian until the various types of latency are considered which may have taken part in modifying the ratios. ‘‘ Variable potency,” ‘‘contamination’’ or ‘‘impurity’’ of the gametes, and ‘‘alternating dominance’’ will all need to be reconsidered and in some cases reinvestigated, before they can have any secure standing as exceptions, amend- ments or additions to the simple law of ‘‘purity of the gametes’’ which is the essence of Mendelism. There is still another way in which unexpected ratios may be produced, without in any way affecting the funda- mental principle of the purity of the gametes, their pro- duction in equal numbers, and their union according to the laws of chance, and while the question of latency is not involved in this case, it deserves to be mentioned in this connection. Baur'*® has shown that in a variegated race of Antirrhinum, the variegation belongs only to the hetero- zygote. The extracted recessives are green and the ex- tracted dominants fail altogether to appear, owing evi- dently to the fact that the zygote so formed is inca- pable of development, the ratio resulting from self- fertilization of the heterozygotes being therefore 2:1. It is conceivable that every degree of inefficiency of zygotes formed by the union of two particular allelomorphs might occur and thus quite various modifications of the expected ratios be the result, when those ratios are determined by a count of the successful zygotes. This cause for the failure of the expected ratios is certainly of rare occur- rence, but like questions of latency it can be demonstrated 1 Baur, E. Untersuchungen über die Erblichkeitsverhiltnisse einer nur in Bastardform lebensfahigen Sippe von Antirrhinum majus. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell., 25, pp. 442-454, 1907. 450 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII without difficulty by breeding tests, and these should be made before any new principle is invoked, or the old and well-founded principles are declared invalid, in the at- tempt to account for such discrepancies. SUMMARY The foregoing discussion and conclusions may be sum- marized thus: In certain bean hybrids, mottled seed-coats depend upon the presence of a mottling allelomorph in a hetero- zygous condition, the homozygous condition giving un- mottled seeds. This peculiar situation results in a tri- polyhybrid ratio, 18:18:6:6:16, instead of the usual ratio, 27:9:9:3:16. Latency is held to mean invisibility, and not inactivity or dormancy, and four types are recognized, according to the different causes of invisibility; still other types may be found. The four types discussed in this paper are: (a) Latency due to separation, in which an allelomorph when acting alone has no external manifestation and is only rendered patent by combining it with another allelo- morph. Such lateney gives rise to the ratios 9:3:4, 9:7, 27:9:9:3:16 and 27:9:28, instead of the theoretical, 9:3:3:1 and 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1. (b) Latency due to combination, in which two dominant allelomorphs, each giving rise to a peculiar character when acting alone, lose their external manifestation when co-existing in the same zygote. Upon self-fertilization this type of latency gives rise to such ratios as 1:1, 3:3:2, 18:18:6:6:16, ete., and may be found to account for the existence of certain mid-races, and other cases in which a double series of characteristics are presented in nearly equal numbers. (c) Latency due to hypostasis, in which the presence of one allelomorph can not be detected owing to the presence of another allelomorph, the character produced by the latter being unmodified by the activity of the former. This type of latency is exemplified by the black bean No. 499] A NEW MENDELIAN RATIO 451 which hides the presence of a wholly distinct brown allel- omorph, and a dark orange bean which carries invisibly a light yellow allelomorph. This condition gives rise in one series of crosses to the ratio, 12:3:1. Properly the term ‘‘dominance’’ should be limited to the relation between any positive characteristic and its own absence. Whenever one positive character seems to dominate another positive character, the latter is latent by hypo- stasis in the individual possessing the former. (d) Latency due to fluctuation, a very frequent phe- nomenon in which characteristics disappear under con- ditions of poor nutrition, ete. Cultivation under favor- able conditions makes such characteristics patent and this fact may account in part for the general impression that cultivation induces variation. Cases of ‘‘double adapta- tion’’ are examples of this type of latency. Many discrepancies between theoretical and empirical inheritance-ratios are due to latency, and care should be taken to investigate the possible latencies which may be present before declaring that a character is non-Men- delian, because of a discrepant ratio. ‘‘ Variable potency, ‘‘contamination’’ or ‘‘impurity’’ of the gametes, and ‘‘alternating dominance’’ which have been proposed to account for the appearance of various novel- ties, or of deviations from expected ratios, can have no secure standing until the question of latency in the sense of invisibility has been taken into account. A modification of expected ratios may rarely result also from the failure of certain allelomorphs to make vigorous zygotes when joined together in certain com- binations. THE LEG TENDONS OF INSECTS PROFESSOR C. W. WOODWORTH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Ware perhaps known to working morphologists, the fact that the leg tendons are cuticular invaginations, and therefore subject to replacement at each molt, does not appear to have attracted the attention of any of the writers of text-books, and as far as the writer of this article is aware, has not been published at all. The three best developed tendons are the two operating the knee joint and the one that flexes the claws. These three are almost invariably present, though one or the other may be very short, or present only as a cuticular thickening. These structures are very easy to study in small insects. I have found aphids the most satisfactory subjects. The legs of most species are transparent enough to show the structures well when mounted whole, and the exuvie are especially satisfactory objects. They may also be ob- tained in such abundance that one can mount large series of specimens, thus obtaining mounts showimg the legs from almost any desired point of view. The knee joints provide for the largest amount of mo- tion of any of the joints of the leg, and this motion is all maintained in one plane by the development of two bearing points, making a hinge. The end of the tibia is small enough to telescope within the femur but for these articular processes. They consist of a process project- ing inwardly on either side of the rim of the femur, as shown in Fig. 1, A and B, and corresponding with these femoral processes there are slight outwardly projecting processes from the margin of the thickened rim of the tibia. The articular membrane at these points prevents the displacement of the processes. 452 No. 499] THE LEG TENDONS OF INSECTS 453 The whole dorsal end of the tibia, including these processes, is very largely hardened and thickened and marked off from the body of the tibia by a deeply infolded ridge. Most of this thickened portion is within the end 1. The knee joint of Aphis brassice. A, side view; B, viewed from beneath; T, tibia; F, femur;, articular process; e.tend, extensor tendon; e'e?e?, extensor muscles; f.tend, flexor tendon; f'f*f*f*, flexor muscles; art.mem, articular membrane. of the femur when the leg is fully extended, but is all exposed when the leg is at extreme flexion. An articular membrane connects the extreme edges of femur and tibia, as shown in Fig. 1, A. : Beneath, the hard parts of both femur and tibia are deeply emarginated, exposing a broad articular mem- brane. When in extreme flexion the rims of tibia and 454 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII femur almost touch, and the articular membrane is drawn deep into the femoral cavity. The tendons find their attachment to the outer and inner sides of the rim of the tibia and, extending into the cavity of the femur, serve for the attachment of a series of muscles, as shown in Fig. 1, A and B. The flexor tendon in the earlier stages is only a V-shaped thickening of the articular membrane, but later the point of the V extends deeply as an internal pocket for the attachment of muscles reaching nearly to the base of the femur. There are two sets of muscles attached to this tendon, extending obliquely to the right and left sides of the femur. The first of these, ft, in the figures lying at about 45° to the long axis of the femur, and the others marked f°, f’, ete., lying more nearly longitudinally. The extensor tendon attaches to the dorsal rim of the tibia by a broad ribbon-like portion and soon expands into a broad plate at right angles to this first portion and then 2. End of foot of Aphis brassicae. a, side view of claws at extreme extension; b, Ibid, claws flexed; c, viewed from beneath; cl, claw; t.h, tactile hair; fl.scl, floating sclerite;, articular process; art.mem, articular mem- brane; tend, tendon; m, muscle. narrows to a ribbon and extends deeply into the femur even in the earliest stages. A short muscle, e, is attached to the disk, followed by a series of others, somewhat as the flexor muscles are arranged, only that there is but a single series, finding their attachment to the middle dorsal side of the femur. Tendons are first developed as somewhat tubular processes, but always collapse after the No. 499] THE LEG TENDONS OF INSECTS 455 molt so that the tubular character can never be made out. In the case of the extensor tendon of the knee the enlarged disk must require a considerable stretching of the portion of the tendon further out to enable it to pass. The tendon of the claw is very short up to the last molt in the case of plant lice. The structure at the end of the last tarsal joint is shown in Fig. 2. At the extreme end of the foot there are two processes over which the base of the claws rotate. The only other attachment aside from the soft articular mem- brane is a median floating sclerite capping the larger part of the end of the cavity of the foot and which bears the tactile spines extending forward below the claws. This floating sclerite in other insects forms the base of the empodium and pulvillæ. Neither of these is present in the case of the plant lice unless the soft skin immediately beyond this sclerite be so designated. The lower edge of the margin of the cavity is a strongly developed ridge upon which the internal tendon bears when the claws are extended, and against which the float- ing sclerite rests in extreme flexion. On either side of this thickened and elevated ridge there is a distinct notch allowing considerable lateral motion of the sclerite. The posterior ridge of this floating sclerite extends inward as two processes joining with the two wings of the heart- shaped tendon. The tendon proper is entirely internal as is shown in the figure, and the muscle fibers are attached to all sides. The other attachment of the muscle . is to the base of this large second joint of the tarsus. There are really no true tendons in insects; 7. e., the tendons of the legs are only such in a physiological or morphological sense, and not at all in structure or origin, but belong instead to the class of internal processes which includes the well-known internal skeleton or the head and thorax, the tendons of the jaws in mandibulate insects, the great internal disk-like tendons for the attachment of the elevator muscles of the wings in the Odonata, and the skeletal and tendonal process of the ovipositor. The 456 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII only difference between a skeletal process and a tendon is that one is invaginated from a relatively fixed part of the body and the other from a moving part. While in- sect tendons are, therefore, not homologous with the ten- dons of vertebrates, it is probably wise to retain the name just as in the case of femur and tibia for parts of the leg, where likewise there is no homology with the bones of vertebrates where the names primarily apply. ABNORMAL INCISORS OF MARMOTA MONAX L. CHARLES A. SHULL TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, Ky. THE common woodchuck or ground hog, Marmota monax, is found rather frequently in most parts of cen- tral Kentucky; and, since it occupies the same burrows, or others in the immediate vicinity, generation after gen- eration, it is not uncommon to find in these regions por- tions of their skeletons, skulls, vertebra, teeth, ete., in the neighborhood of their habitations. Fig. 1. Skull of Marmota monaz L., right incisor removed. Natural size. Photograph by Soci. Lexington, Ky The interesting specimen which is illustrated here was found near Silver Creek, Madison Co., Ky., by Mr. Charles Meeks, who presented it to Mr. Thomas Goff, of Lexington, Ky. It has recently been given to the Mu- seum of Transylvania University. The upper incisors are extremely long and curved so as to form with the parts imbedded in the premaxilla more than a complete 457 458 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII circle. This is beautifully illustrated by Fig. 1, in which the right incisor has been removed from the jaw. Both teeth are turned somewhat toward the right, so that the right one projects from the mouth; but the left incisor strikes the roof of the mouth to the right of the median suture, piercing the palatine plate of the maxilla Fig. 2. Skull of M. monas L., with left incisor piercing palatine plate of right maxilla. Natural size, Photograph by Spengler, Lexington, K (Fig. 2) and extending through it to a distance of about 5mm. The left tooth is not as long as the right one, its growth having been retarded, perhaps by the hardness of the bone it penetrated. The manner in which the teeth of Marmota monax grow is familiar to all who know the Rodentia. The rodents all have a diphyodont dentition, that is, there are two sets of teeth, a temporary or deciduous set, and a permanent set. But the permanent teeth never cease to grow. There is a persistent pulp at the base of each tooth, which grows throughout the life of the individual. Ordinarily the corresponding teeth of the upper and lower jaw oppose each other perfectly, and the growth from the pulp only compensates for the amount worn off by biting. The incisors have a heavier coat of enamel on No. 499] INCISORS OF MARMOTA MONAX L. 459 the anterior portion of the tooth, and the more rapid wearing of the posterior edge keeps these front teeth chisel-like and sharp. The abnormal growth of the incisors will occur when- ever the upper and lower teeth fail to meet. An injury to either jaw, as for instance a bullet wound, might de- stroy the perfect opposition of the incisors. But the teeth in this specimen are sharp pointed and not worn at the distal end, as they would be if they had ever func- tioned properly, which fact would indicate that the wound must have occurred before the permanent teeth appeared. A careful examination shows that the abnormality can be accounted for in another way. ‘The socket of the left incisor is not normal in its position, and the tooth itself grows inward toward the right incisor, striking it about 8 mm. from the jaw. The latter tooth has on its inner side a groove extending from near the distal end to the point where the two incisors are in contact. This groove was produced by the pressure of the left incisor upon the right, and this pressure is undoubtedly the cause of the failure of both teeth to meet the lower ones. The abnormal growth then depended primarily upon a con- genital abnormality in the position and direction of the socket of the left incisor. One of the lower teeth of the same skull was found, but has been misplaced. Mr. Goff informs me that it also was curved and much longer than usual. It would be of interest to know how the animal with this curious set of teeth obtained food sufficient to prevent starvation. It may well be that this abnormality was the chief determining factor in its struggle for existence. A NOTE ON THE COLORATION OF PLETHODON CINEREUS HUGH DANIEL REED CORNELL UNIVERSITY On September 9, 1905, Mr. A. A. Allen found, near Buffalo, N. Y., a salamander! 6.5 em. long which was, at first sight, believed to be a small Spelerpes ruber, but closer inspection proved it to be otherwise. The head, sides and back are of uniform coral red, gradually fading into pinkish on the immaculate belly (Fig. 7). The sides and the dorsum of the distal half of the tail are heavily mottled with black, leaving the dorsal line of the proximal half the same color as the body. The mottling extends upon the ventral side of the tail, but the spots are here much lighter so that the general pink color of the under parts is evident. On the right side the black blotches of the tail begin immediately behind the leg, while on the left the base of the tail is an immaculate red for some distance behind the leg. This specimen was found under a piece of bark in a dry and rather open woodland. About three weeks later in a nearby locality there was found a second specimen which upon comparison proved to agree in all essential respects of coloration with the first. This one escaped before it was killed and preserved. On April 27, 1907, near Beesemer, N. Y., a short dis- tance south of Ithaca, Mr. Allen found another speci- men? (Fig. 6) which is identical in form and similar in coloration to those taken near Buffalo. The Beesemer specimen is a carrot red with a cluster of minute black dots on the top of the head and a row of similar dots along the sides of the back in a position which corre- 1 No. 5,047 Cornell University collection. 2 No. 5,048 Cornell University collection. 460 No. 499] COLORATION OF PLETHODON CINEREUS 461 sponds to the dorsal portion of the black lateral band in Plethodon cinereus erythronotus. This row of dots is broadest above the region of the arm, whence it is grad- ually reduced as the leg is approached. The coloration of the tail is similar to that of the Buffalo specimen ex- cepting that the black color, instead of being collected in blotches, is more diffuse and continuous with the same color in the trunk region. When these specimens were examined more closely they were found to have the body proportions and all of the structural features of Plethodon cinereus. In the Cayuga Lake Basin both Plethodon cinereus cinereus and P. c. erythronotus are abundant and great variation with regard to coloration has already been noted. Several hundred specimens, mostly from this region, were examined with a view to determining the extent of the variation in coloration. This resulted in the selection of a series of fifteen individuals, of practically the same size, which show a fairly complete transition, in regard to coloration, between the typical Plethodon cinereus cinereus and the red forms taken near Buffalo. The middle of the series is occupied by a typical P. c. erythronotus (Fig. 4). From this variety the coloration in one direction grades into P. c. cinereus and in the other into the red form. Cope? describes the variety erythronotus as follows: “ A broad light-reddish stripe commences at the nape of the width of the interorbital space, and continues to the tip of the tail, on which it diminishes gradually in width. The central region of the stripe generally exhibits a very fine mottling of brownish, scarcely obscuring the effect of the red ground. The mottling is sometimes equally dis- tributed—sometimes concentrated in some places more than others. The sides of the body are abruptly and continuously dark brown, but soon fade off below into the pepper and salt of the lower sides and belly. . . . The color of the red stripe varies considerably. Some- times it has a shade of pink—sometimes of orange or yellowish.” In all individuals examined from this region the red dorsal stripe on the tail grows narrow very rapidly. The 3 Cope, E. D., ‘‘The Batrachia of North Ameriea,’’ Bull. 34, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 135. 462 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII distal third is mottled so heavily with black that the stripe, as such, is lost. The large number of specimens examined indicates that the typical P. c. erythronotus is not more common here than the red intermediates. The transition between the variety erythronotus and the red form is accomplished thus: the red dorsal stripe first extends cephalad covering the whole top of the head where there is found in all intermediates a sprinkling of brown dots (Fig. 5). It then invades the sides of the head passing to the snout underneath the eyes. From this position it spreads in all directions, replacing the brown until the whole body is thoroughly suffused with red. In such specimens the brown color-pattern is evident but subdued by the red tone due to the invasion of this color into the whitish areas between the clusters of brown blotches. The further transition consists in the expansion of the red ground-color and the gradual reduction of the brown blotches which persist longest on the top of the head, along the dorsal abrupt border of the lateral band, down the middle of the back and on the tail. In the Beesemer specimen only the vestiges of the brown markings remain in the regions just mentioned. On the limbs the invasion of red proceeds from the base towards the extremity, the brown markings showing longest upon the hands and feet. In the Buffalo specimen the brown markings are every- where apparently obliterated excepting upon the tail, the snout and the region between the eyes and a cluster just behind and below the left eye. In the alcoholic specimen there are revealed, along the sides of the back in the shoulder region, very fine specks of brown pigment ar- ranged in a narrow band which can be traced to the leg region, although the dots are faint and much scattered in the caudal half, and in the living specimen did not show at all. According to Copet intermediate specimens between * Cope, op. cit., p. 136. No. 499] COLORATION OF PLETHODON CINEREUS 463 the varieties erythronotus and cinereus are uncommon, for he says: “ Among the very great numbers of specimens which I have examined in the collections of the Smitlisonian Institution, The Academy of Natural Sciences and Essex Institute I have observed but four speci- mens of the red-banded variety and four of the gray which could be regarded as intermediate in character.” In the material at hand I find that the intermediate individuals, between the varieties just named, are fairly numerous; so that a series was selected which forms almost an insensible transition from the one to the other. The method here is exactly the reverse of that described above in connection with the red forms; i. e., the red is replaced by brown. In describing the intermediate specimens which he studied, Cope outlined the method which I find carried out in detail in my material. He writes: “This [the intermediate character of his specimens] appears in a rufous cast in the dorsal color of the latter [variety cinereus] and a slight obliteration of the borders of the dorsal band in the former [variety erythronotus].” The brown of the lateral band in P. c. erythronotus be- gins first to encroach upon the red of the dorsal stripe so that its edges become scalloped (Fig. 3). This spreading of the brown color continues until the dorsal stripe is heavily blotched and the red becomes very dull (Fig. 2). Then the brown blotches gradually coalesce, in consequence of which the red stripe, as such, is obliterated, yet enough of the red pigment remains to give the effect of a dull liver-brown to the back of P. c. cinereus. In a number of specimens of this variety all traces of liver-brown have disappeared, rendering the back uniform in coloration with that of the sides (Fig. 1). In respect to structural characteristics no variations were detected except in the case of one red intermediate where only seventeen costal grooves were present. The body proportions of this individual were slightly less than the others. 464 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII Data bearing upon the relation of this variation to environment, food, moisture, etc., are entirely wanting. The red specimen taken near Buffalo was at an altitude of 1,000 feet above sea level. That near Beesemer, 800 feet. Individuals kept in the terrarium under entirely different conditions than those from which they were taken in nature never change in coloration so far as I can determine, which indicates that the variation is inde- pendent of the nervous system. The age of the indi- vidual seems to have no relation to variation. Among adults of all sizes the different intermediate forms are ound. There are in the collection of Cornell University about a dozen specimens taken soon after transformation. They are all typically of either the variety cinereus or erythronotus except one which varies decidedly towards the red form. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fic. 1. Plethodon cinereus cinereus in which all traces of the dorsal stripe have disappeared. 4. Plethodon cinereus erythronotus. -“ 6. The red specimen taken near Beesemer, N. Y. 7. The red specimen taken near Buffalo, N. Y. The other figures, according to their position, are intermediates between P. c, cinereus, P. c. erythronotus and the red Buffalo specimen LEN ETERS REPEC Sine Reon Tee ae PERENS Dale echo AN Ma Veep, Ch Pry ee AA A Woe bara ara ma LEUAN eo eon TI e nepivaen VAE A.G. Hammar, del SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE ORDER OF SUC- CESSION OF THE SOMITES IN THE CHICK PROFESSOR MARIAN E. HUBBARD WELLESLEY COLLEGE THE experiments described in the present paper were performed at the University of Chicago during the year 1903-04, under the direction of Professor F. R. Lillie, to whom thanks are due for much advice and suggestion. In the course of the preparation of the data for publica- tion during the last summer I learned that another in- vestigator, Mr. J. Thos. Patterson (’07), had hit upon the same problem, and his results appeared before this article could be published. It has been suggested, how- ever, that the work described may be of value in confirm- ing Mr. Patterson’s conclusions. The problem, suggested by Professor Lillie, was the investigation of the statement, so generally made by embryologists, that, in the shiek, somites arise in front of the one which is formed first. An examination of the most important of these statements will make clearer the nature of the problem. The estimates of von Baer (’28) and His (’68) did not require serious consideration, for they were not based upon a close study of this point. That of Kupffer and Benecke (’79), who thought that three or four somites arose in front of the one which first appeared, was founded upon an examination of a rather wide series of embryos, but only in surface view. Miss Platt’s (’89) work rested upon a study of sagittal sec- tions, and as it was altogether a careful examination of the subject, my attention was directed particularly to her conclusions. Briefly, her account of the formation of the somites is as follows: The first cleft divides two * Loe. cit., pp. 177, 178. 466 No. 499] SUCCESSION OF SOMITES IN CHICK 467 forming somites. The somite behind the cleft is called the first one in the series. The one anterior to it, proto- vertebra a, forms slowly, while four or five are making their appearance behind. After five or six somites are visible in all, another, protovertebra b, arises slowly in front of a. Protovertebra b is said to be rudimentary, never becoming completely cut off from the mesoderm in front. It will be noted in this account that although two somites are described as arising in front of the one first formed, in reality there is but one to be considered— protovertebra b—for protovertebra a makes its appear- ance at the same time with the one behind it. An ex- amination of Miss Platt’s sections? would lead one to agree in the main with her account of the order of forma- tion of the somites, except in regard to the appearance of protovertebra b, whose growth has to be followed in a series of sections from different embryos at succes- sively older stages. The difficulty of identifying a grow- ing somite in this way casts much doubt upon even its existence, and it was to test the question therefore that these experiments were devised. The aim of the experiments was to mark or destroy, in embryos with a small number of somites (not more than five or six) the most anterior somite on one side, and so to determine whether any more were later formed in front of this. The ideal stage to have secured would have been that of an embryo with only a single pair of somites, but repeated failures to obtain this condition verified the statement made by Miss Platt,’ founded upon a study of sections, that the first cleft occurs between two forming somites. An operation, then, even as early as at the time of the first cleft would have had to take into account the first two pairs of protovertebre. The methods employed in the experiments were in gen- eral similar to those used by Mr. Patterson. For open- Loc. cit., Plate I. t Loc cit., p. 177. 468 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ing and sealing the egg Miss Peebles’* method was fol- lowed. For destroying the somites two fine depilatory needles, ground to a hair point on an oil-stone, were used, one, at the negative electrode, touching the albumen, the other, at the positive electrode, serving to prick the somite which was to be marked or destroyed. For the current four Samson dry-battery cells, each with an electromotive force of 1.5 volts, were connected in series. To prevent infection the instruments were sterilized in a flame. With this method of disinfection, 15 out of 84 embryos, or 18 per cent., were lost, but as the loss was oceasioned by the sticking of the blastoderm to the shell, it can not be stated that it was not due in part to causes other than bacterial infection. A Zeiss dissecting stand was used for the operations, with lenses magnifying six diameters, and whenever possible the work was done with the bright sunlight shining in upon the blastoderm. So great is the variation in distinctness of embryos at this early age, that even with the best of light the somites could not, except in a comparatively small number of cases, be counted with certainty. In the embryos, however, which were distinct, there was no room for doubt as to their \ L exact condition at the time of the opera- d &--..... tion. From several experiments, the results of which furnish evidence for the solution of the problem, the following case has been selected for description: Sheth natant tn, Number 50 was operated upon after 30 of operation. c= hours of incubation. The operation was ee ee performed with the sun shining in upon the blastoderm, the embryo was distinct, and its three somites were readily counted. Fig. 1 is a sketch made at the time, showing the place of the operation, in which, it was noted, the needle passed obliquely inward. t Loe. cit., p. 406. No. 499] SUCCESSION OF SOMITES IN CHICK 469 ‘Fig. 2 shows the same embryo after nineteen more hours of incubation. The heart was beating when the egg was opened. The embryo was preserved in picrosul- phuric-acetic acid, stained in Conklin’s picro-hema- toxylin, and mounted in xylol balsam. The drawing was made with the aid of the Abbe camera. The first right somite is noticeably smaller than its fellow on the left, there is no break between it and the mesoderm in front, and only the pos- terior part of it shows the radial arrangement of cells which is char- acteristic of the normal somite. The sear of the operation shows at the side. A deeper examination in this region reveals, mediad of the scar, a clear area extending into the limits of both the first and the second somite of that side, indicating that the injury reached inward from the point of entrance of the needle. The second somite is also incomplete on its dorsal antero-lateral corner, as shown in the figure. Except for these injuries and the bend to the right which may have been caused by the operation, the embryo appears normal, the break in the neural tube at the anterior end ; being the result of pressure of the og coverglass. Fic. 2, Embryo 50, Whatever else this experiment sesuo rome after proved, it showed clearly that not operation. x20. more than two somites could arise in front of the one which is first formed. This of course shut out at once the hypothesis of Kupffer and Benecke, who assumed that three or four somites are ies formed in front. Applying Miss Platt’s description of the order of ap- 470 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII pearance of the somites to this case, it would seem that this embryo must have had the first of the two anterior somites, protovertebra a, already partly formed, at the time of the operation, and that there should, therefore, have been one more, protovertebra b, to arise in front of this. But no such somite appears in Fig. 2, and its ab- sence led to the conclusion that there is no such somite as protovertebra b, in other words, that but one somite is formed in front of the first cleft which appears. The. simplest explanation of Miss Platt’s error is that she mistook protovertebra a in sections of older embryos for protovertebra b. This is much more probable than that she could have mistaken, as Mr. Patterson suggests,” the most posterior transitory shallow depression in the head mesoderm for the first cleft. If it be objected that the experiment does not prove that one or two somites may not arise in front of the one first formed, it may be said that if they do arise, the rate of their formation, compared with the rate of formation of those that appear behind, is contrary to the descrip- tion of this process by Miss Platt,’ according to whom the rate of formation is much greater behind the first formed somite than it is in front. Either then somites are not formed in front, or, if they do arise, the description of the rate of their formation is not correct. In conclusion, then, this experiment, in proving that not more than two somites could arise in front, showed the inaccuracy of Kupffer and Benecke’s estimate of the number formed. . It showed further, in regard to Miss Platt’s work, either that her description of the time of formation of the somites was incorrect, or, if development proceeds ac- cording to her account, that no somites, except the rudi- mentary one, arise in front of the first cleft. Thus the result of the experiments, with reference to the condition of the problem up to the time when Mr. t Loc. cit., pp. 129, 132. * Loc. cit., p. 177. No. 499] SUCCESSION OF SOMITES IN CHICK 47] Patterson began his work upon it, was to throw the burden of proof on those who claimed that somites do arise in front of the one first formed, rather than on those who held that, in their formation, they obey the laws of progressive differentiation which govern the early de- velopment of birds. 1898. 1889. TEXT REFERENCES. Baer, Karl Ernst von. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thier His, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen über die Erste Anlage aed Wirbel- es. Kapten, ag und Benecke, B. Photogramme zur Ontogonie der Vögel. Verh. der Kal. -Leop.-Carol.-Disch. Akad. d. Naturf., Bd. 41, pp. 149-196. gine J. Thos. The Order of Appearance of the Anterior So n the Chick. Biol. Bull., XIII, pp Peebles, Fics Some Experiments on the ce Streak of the Chick. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech., Bd. VII, pp. 405-429. Platt, ulia B. pone on the Primitive Axial Biante of the * ull. . Comp. Zool., Harvard, Vol. XVII, No. 4, pp- IAT. DWARF FAUNAS PROFESSOR HERVEY W. SHIMER MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Favunas in which all the individuals are uniformly so small as to be notable for this reason are common both in recent and past times. Such dwarf faunas may be merely an association of normally small species; or they may be individuals much smaller than the normal size for that species, prevented for some reason from attain- ing full size. The following is an attempt to summarize some of the principal recent and dwarf faunas with the probable causes producing them. It is confined to invertebrate, water-living faunas. The article is primarily a sum- mary of such literature as chanced to be seen; that very much of importance was overlooked is undoubtedly true, but it is thought that the major causes of dwarfing are here noted. The first part of the article is a discussion of the chief agencies of dwarfing using recent examples as illustra- tions; the second part considers a few fossil examples of dwarf faunas with their probable causes. The following are the chief agencies of dwarfing as - noted in recent and fossil faunas: 1. A change in the normal chemical content of the water. (a) Due to a freshening of the sea water. (b) Due to a concentration of the salt, iron, ete. (c) Due to an increase in H,S and other gases. Presence of mud and other mechanical impurities in the water. A floating habitat. Variations in temperature. Extremes in depth of water. 472 bo No. 499] DWARF FAUNAS 473 1. A Change in the Normal Chemical Content of the Water.—Any change in the environment of an animal which is away from that best suited to its highest development tends to its deterioration. If a species de- velops best in normal sea water, then an increase or decrease in the chemical content of the water should be detrimental to the animal, and this detriment should be expressed in the shell, since, as shown by Hyatt and others, there is the most intimate relation betwen the soft and the hard parts of an animal, the least injury in the soft parts being immediately expressed in the growing shell. This expression will usually take the form of a dwarfing in size, thinning and smoothing of the shell or development of bizarre form. The possible changes in the normal chemical content of the water are exceedingly numerous and all doubtless affect the animal to a greater or less degree. The follow- ing appear to be some of the more important of such changes which produce a dwarfing effect. (a) A Change due to Freshening of the Water.—That many forms of animals find fresh water detrimental to them appears to be indicated by the fact that at present whole groups are excluded from it, as the Echinodermata, Brachiopoda, Cephalopoda, Tunicata, ete. The many streams emptying into the Black and Caspian seas, make them fresher than the Atlantic Ocean. The faunas of these are typically marine, but practically all are dwarfed in size as compared with the same species in the Atlantic. For example, the following Black ‘Sea — species are considerably smaller in the Black Sea than in the British seas: Littorina rudis, Cerithium adversum, Trochus umbilicus, Murex erinaceus, Nassa reticulata, Cardium edule, Anomia ephippium, Venus gallina, Tellina tenuis, Mactra triangula, Solen ensis, Pholas candida, ete.! The common European cockles, Cardium, are large, thick and rough shells, and thrive best under purely marine conditions. The species found growing in brack- 1 Forbes, E. Nat. Hist. of European Seas, pp. 201 and 202. 474 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ish waters are smaller than those in normal sea water. Cardium edule is found in the British Isles in harbors and high up tidal rivers, where the water gets brackish; its shell is modified, invariably reduced in size, thin, and with less strongly marked external characters. The ten _ species of Cardium in the Caspian Sea are all aberrant forms, all related back to C. edule, small, thin and smooth, with lateral or central teeth or both suppressed. So like- wise with the cockles of the Black and Baltic Seas; in the latter the salinity is reduced one half by the water from the rivers.? The Greenland cockle lives in estuaries; it is no longer found in Europe but is very abundant in the Pliocene (Crag) of Suffolk and Norfolk, especially in the fluvio-marine portions. It is thin, smooth, almost edent- ulous, with rudiments of a single tooth in each valve in the young shells which finally disappear. Some forms, as Serobicularia and Mactra solida, have become thoroughly adapted to a brackish water environ- ment and attain their largest size there. But many, if not most species, which live in normal sea water and in brackish water are smaller in the latter, as is true of Cardium edule, Mya arenaria and Littorina littorea. (b) Change due to a Concentration of Salt, Iron, etc.— When a body of water has become concentrated to a point where precipitation of its salt takes place, as is practically the case in the Great Salt Lake or entirely so in the Dead Sea, no life can exist in it. But from the normal sea water to this condition there takes place progressively a lessening both in the number of species and in the size of the individuals there present. Many fossil dwarf faunas have been ascribed to this cause, as, for example, those of the Permian. That even a comparatively slight concentration of the sea water may produce a dwarfing in its fauna appears to be indicated by the western Mediterranean species. Dana gives the amount of saline matter in the Mediter- ranean as 3.9 per cent. as against 3.6 per cent. for the *Dana. Manual of Geology, p. 121. . * Forbes, E- Loc. cit., pp. 211-215, No. 499] DWARF FAUNAS 475 Atlantic. De Lapparent® states that this western por- tion has a few of the Atlantic species but all of reduced size. A comparison of British and Spanish coast species gives the same result. Haliotis tuberculatus? is larger at Guernsey than on the Spanish coast. The difference of temperature between the two localities may be another factor in causing this dwarfing. (c) Change due to an Increase of H.8S.—The presence of much of this heavy gas in an enclosed or partially en- closed basin would prevent the presence of living organ- isms and hence the only fauna which sediments deposited here could contain, would be free-swimming or floating individuals. This pelagic fauna contains besides fish, pteropods, and especially larval forms of almost every animal group. Thus the sediment of such an enclosed basin would contain small shells, embryonic in character, pteropods and a few fish. Andrussow’ has shown that in consequence of the greater salinity and density of the deep water, the Black Sea shows only slight evidence of vertical currents. Such currents are apparent only to a depth of 125 fathoms, and hence only to this depth is there sufficient oxygen for the support of animal life. Ata depth of 100 fathoms the separation of H,S is observable, increasing in amount with the increase in depth. The separation of H,S is regarded as due to the agency of microbes (Sulfobacteria) living upon animal remains of the free-swimming and floating forms of life sunk to the bottom. It is attributable in part also to the derivation from sulfates. Hand in hand with the separation and enrichment in H.S is the diminution in sulfates in the sea water, the separation of the carbonates and of FeS. In the great depths of this sea the bottom is covered with black or dark blue mud in which are abundant remains of free-floating diatoms, fragments of quite young pelecy- pods, and minute grains of CaCO,, and much FeS. 1 Clarke. N. Y. State Mus. Mem., 6, 200. + Manual of Geology, 4th ed., p. 121. ë Traite de Geologie, 5th ed., 1, 132. $ Forbes. Loe. cit., p. 171. 476 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII 2. Influence of Mud and other Mechanical Impurities in the Water.—Though the western Mediterranean contains a dwarf fauna, yet it is the eastern part which is especially so characterized. This is attributed by de Lapparent’ to the presence in the water of the eastern basin of many very fine particles of solid matter (Nile sediment) which becomes deposited only very slowly. A similar cause ap- parently aided in dwarfing some of the faunas of the Windsor (Nova Scotia) Carboniferous, also those of the Cobleskill, Rondout, Manlius, Bertie, ete. 3. Influence of a Floating Habitat.—Forms which live attached to floating seaweed will tend to be small owing to the fact that the increased weight of the individual due to growth will cause its sinking with its attached seaweed before the attainment of large size. Hence only the smaller individuals would occur on the seaweed or in the sediment beneath. Fuchs has shown? that in the eastern, shallower part of the harbor of Messina, the sea is now filled with different kinds of alge, densely crowded together. This seaweed thicket swarms with small mol- lusks, seeking here food and protection. Here are species of Rissoa, Trochus, Turbonella, Columbella, Marginella, Cerithium, Cardium, Cardita, Lucina, Area and Venus, but they are throughout of smaller size than normal. This dwarf fauna is thus not the result of stunted growth but is very probably due to the fact that the alge can not support large and heavy shells. Such dwarfing and also thinning of shells fastened to seaweed (giant kelp) Arnold’? notes in the case of Pecten latiauritus vat. fucicolus of the California coast. This in its floating habitat far from shore is not subjected to the shock of the breakers, and hence the shell not only remains thin but also gradually loses its ribbed ornamentation. P. latiauritus likewise grows attached to kelp but when near shore it is more strongly sculptured than when living in deeper and quieter waters. * Loc. cit., 5th ed., 1, 132. °’ Walther. Einleitung in die Geologie, p. 33. » U. 8. G. S. Prof. Paper 47, p. 131. No. 499] DWARF FAUNAS i 477 The ability of mollusks to reproduce before the attain- ment of full size accounts for the perpetuity of such dwarfed species. Semper, in reference to oysters and fresh-water mussels, says on this point: “ Where formerly really gigantic pond mussels were found, now only quite small ones occur; and it is well known that the European oysters are gradually becoming smaller. This results from the circumstance that both these mollusks are capable of reproduction while they are still quite small, and now never grow to their full size, retire they are destroyed before they have accomplished their full grow A probable fossil example is the dwarf ieee of the Ohio Black shale. 4. Variations in Temperature.—The influence of tem- perature upon the size of the animal is well illustrated by an experiment of Semper :1? “T found by experiment that this animal (Limnea stagnalis) when young first begins to assimilate food, and consequently to grow, when the water is about 12° C.; at the same time a temperature much below has no injurious effects on the animal’s life, though it entirely prevents its growth. ... Assuming that a young Limnewa were placed in a lake or strane! of which the temperature constantly exceeds the mini- mum at which the snail can begin to grow, during only two months of the year, while it never perhaps reaches the high optimum 25°, the mollusk will be unable to attain its due proportions during the first year, or to grow to its full size even during the second, and thus a dwarfed form will inevitably arise. This dwarfed form will still be able to reproduce and multiply itself, for the maturation of germinal matter—the ovum and the sperm—takes place during the winter and early spring, at a time when the low temperature of the water hinders all grow The optimum of warmth for sexual processes is much lower than that for growth. Thus a permanently diminutive race might arise if the conditions of temperature above described remained con- stant for several succeeding years in the lake or streams in which the young mollusks or the eggs have been deposited.” But not only does too low a temperature produce dwarfing but when the temperate or polar species are introduced into water warmer than their optimum, they likewise become smaller.** 1 Semper. Animal Life as affected by the Natural Conditions of Exist- ence. D. Appleton and Co., 1881, p. . 2 Loe. cit., pp. 108 and 109. 18 Semper. Loe. cit., p. 118. 478 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII Dall says:'* ‘‘As in mammals and birds so in Pectens the same species in the northern part of its range is larger than in the south unless its habitat is distinctly trop- ical.’’> So too the slight excess of temperature, 3° within the Mediterranean over that of the Atlantic in corresponding latitudes may help to cause the dwarf fauna within that basin. Mobius mentions'® that the same mollusks living on the coast of Greenland and in the Baltic Sea are in the former very large and in the latter small and thin-shelled; this variation he attributes to the constant temperature in the - former case and the very great extremes in the latter. The dwarf faunas of the Black and Caspian Seas are doubtless partly due, according to Forbes,'* to the great extremes in temperature which they experience between winter and summer. 5. Change due to Extremes in Depth of Water.—For each organism there are certain limits of depth of water in which it best flourishes ; outside of these in either direc- tion there naturally results a tendency towards pauperiza- tion. (a) Very Shallow Pools.—Semper'® took specimens of Limnea stagnalis, hatched from the same mass of eggs, and placed them in aquaria containing different volumes of water. ‘‘ All the animals were under equally favorable conditions’’ (as to food, temperature, gases, ete.) ‘‘irre- spective only of the volume of water which fell to each animal’s share; this varied at most between 100 and 2,000 c.c.” The result showed that ‘‘the smaller the volume of water which fell to the share of each animal, the shorter the shell remained.’’ The number of whorls was the same, four, but the average length of the shell in the 100 c.c. of water was }-inch, while in the 2,000 c.c. volume it was 3-inch. “Arnold. U. 8. G. S. Professional Paper 47, p. 133. = See also Weller, Pal. N. J., 4, p. 77. 1%*Semper. Loe. cit., p. 132. " Loc. 0t. Pi SiL * Loe. cit, Pe IGE No. 499] DWARF FAUNAS 479 (These measurements were taken from the figures.) (b) Great Depths.—The pauperization of faunas with increase in depth appears to be due primarily to the decrease in light, which is essential to plant growth, and thus indirectly to animal life. Secondarily it is due to the decrease in temperature, the increase in the heavier con- tents of the water, and the greater pressure with depth. In Geneva Lake the deep fauna is small and sluggish while their surface representatives are larger and active. In abyssal ocean faunas there are few mollusca, and these are small, translucent, and white, with few crabs and annelids, but many echinoderms and porifera.'® With decrease in size from higher to deeper regions there is further pauperization, evidenced in the loss of brilliant coloring and variety of pattern. In the Mediter- ranean the proportion of colored to uncolored shells at depths of 35 to 55 fathoms is 1 to 3; at 100 fathoms and over, it is 1 to 18.” The very many dwarf or depauperate fossil faunas already noted in the literature are doubtless but a small fraction of those still unnoted. The causes which are active at present in effecting this result were very prob- ably equally active during each year of each era some- where upon the earth’s surface; so that the total number of such examples must be very great. Some of the fossil faunas, as for example, that of the Genesee, consist of uni- formly small species, a selective agency having discarded the larger ones; here no stunting of growth is apparent. In such other faunas as that of the Pyrite bed of the Tully horizon, all of the individuals are smaller than the normal individuals of those species, thus showing very decidedly the stunting effect of environment. In still ether cases, such as the Tertiary deposits at Steinheim, only a portion of the species were affected unfavorably by the environment, becoming dwarfed in size or of a bizarre shape, while the rest of the fauna were of the normal size for the species. ” Heilprin. Geographical Distribution, p. 262. æ Forbes. Loc. cit., p. 189. 480 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII The following few dwarf faunas are described in illus- tration of the preceding agencies: a. Faunas of the Cobleskill, Rondout, Manlius and Bertie of New York. b. Faunas of the Pyrite bed of the Tully horizon and of the Clinton iron ore. c. Fauna of the Genesee and Ohio shales; Styliolina limestone of New York. d. Fauna of the Windsor (Nova Scotia) Carboniferous. e. Faunas of the Permian. f. Upper Cretaceous fauna of New Mexico and southern Colorado. g. Tertiary lake fauna of Steinheim, Germany. h. Pleistocene ? fauna of the lower Hudson River. a. The Manlius, Rondout and Cobleskill formations of eastern New York, as well as the Bertie of the western part of the state are conspicuous for their dwarf faunas. The cause was probably in part the greater density of the water and in part the presence of lime mud, making the waters impure mechanically. The section of the rocks at Howes Cave is as follows :*! Coeymans, a typical lime sand rock (calcarenite). Manlius, a fully laminated lime mud rock (calcilutite) with occasional beds of a lime sand. Rondout, lithology as in Manlius but more argillaceous in upper portion. Cobleskill (Coralline), lithology about the same as Manlius. (Slight disconformity.) Brayman (upper Salina), possibly the equivalent of the Bertie of western New York. Shales gray to green with traces of gypsum. Many iron nodules.22 (Great disconformity.) Lorraine. Deposition was probably continuous from the Cobleskill to the Coeymans, as there is no evidence of a stratigraphic “ Hartnagel. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 69, p. 1114. “Grabau. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 69, p. 101 No. 499] DWARF FAUNAS 481 break. That some at least of these beds were deposited in shallow water and even exposed at times to the sun is shown by the presence of cross bedding, ripple marks, and mud cracks. Univesity of ae Nr Frederick V. Coville of the United States Department of Agricult Professor Edward L. G of the United nure National Museum, Prani Byron D. Halsted of Rutgers C College sng d Professor William Trelease of the Missouri Botanical Garden have con- sented to act as an advisory committee, Each. author will be whol ly responsible for his own contributions, being Posed ref to the general style pee for the work, which must vary ss in the treatment of dive The subscription price is fixed at $1.50 for each part ; it is enen that four < five pa tis a will be required for each volume. A limited number of separate parts will be sold at $2.00 ALREADY ISSUED Volume 7, Soon 1, Ustilaginales, including Ustilaginaceae and Tilletiaceae, by G. P. Clinton, was issued Oct. 4, 1906 Volume 7 Part 2, including Coleosporiaceae, Uredinaceae and Aecidiaceae of the Uredinales, by J.C. Arthur, was issued March 6, 1907. TR Volume 9, Part 1, including Polyporaceae (pars), by W. A. Murrill, was issued Dec. 19, 1907. 14 190 coo 9, Part 2, including Polyporaceae (conclusio), by W. A. Murrill, was issued March = lume 22, Part 1, — Podostemonaceae, by George V. Nash, Crassulaceae, by N. L. er 100s and J. N. Rose, and Penthoraceae and Parnassiaceae, by P. A. Ryd dberg, was issued May 5. Volume 22, osi ~ ter ning en and E app eean by J. K. Small and P. A. Rydberg, Cunoniaceae fe roa by N. L. Britton, Pterostemonaceae, by J. K. Small, Altingiaceae, by Peyi Wilson, Ph Piloni ty H. H. Rus by, was issued Dec. 18, 1905. Volume = — 3, including Grémalasiecsse: by F. V. Coville and N. L. Britton, Platanaceae, by H. A. Gleaso rossosomataceae, by J. K K. Small, Dimnataens: b ae an Britton, Calycanthaceae, by C. L. Pollard, ase Rosaceae (pars), = — a as issued pris Volume 25, Part 1, Tarp ee, ie by L. T. ‘Han ks ii TE mall, Oxalidaceae and Linaceae, by J. K. Small, and Eryt rex ylabeten, b by N. L. Britton, was issued fee 24, 1907. The New York Botanical Garden Bronx Park, New York City VOL. XLII, NO. 500 _ AUGUST, 1908 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS I. The rag ygerere Bird Life of Illinois: A Statistical Study. Professor Il. The Tite Cycle of Paramecium when subjected toa Varied Environment. LORANDE re WOODRUFF. 520 P . 8p. ST E. HEMINWAY. 5 IV. Marine Laboratories i our Atlantic Coast. Dr. ALFRED G. MAYER. 833 V. Biometry as a Method in Taxonomy. Professor CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS. 837 Shorter Articles and Gorrespondence : The "Genus Ptilocrinus HOBART CLARK. 1s, AUSTIN HA aaea VIIL mme -= Dp arae Plant Cytolo ‘ogy—Some t Research on the Cilia- Plant Cells, Dr. BRADLEY or goo Ornit - Riddle € on s the the Genesis of a ours d the a of Alternation of Light rk Bars in Feathe Herp ee thven’s Variations r Genetic Relationships of ye the Gintesmapken, Hybrid Lepidoptera, Pr Pa ee a eg Parasito Pam sitie Diseases in the Philippines onian Fauna— Results of the Hambu sian BepotiGes, Dr. Wm. H. Bant Color Nomenclature for Natu Professor JACOB REIGHARD. . THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. One hundred reprints of Contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Further reprints will be supplied at cost. 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Ray, engaged in this work as assistants on the State Natural History Survey, spent virtually a month of the summer period of 1907 in each of the three principal sections of the state—June in southern, July in central, and August in northern, Illinois. Selecting in each section a locality typical for that part of the state, they made regular trips on foot in various directions and to various dis- tances, traveling always thirty yards apart, and noting as they went the species and numbers of all birds flushed by them on a strip fifty yards in width, including likewise those flying across this strip within a hundred yards to their front. They kept record, also, by means of me- chanical counters, of the distances traveled over each dis- tinguishable kind of area, commonly marked by the crop which is borne. ; The present paper is a report of a few of the more general results of a study of the materials thus brought together, illustrating the numbers and ecological distribu- 1 Read before the Central Branch of the American Society of Zoologists, Chicago, January 2, 1908. 505 506 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST . [Vou XLII tion of the birds of Illinois during the relatively stable period of their summer residence—the time between the conclusion of the spring migration and the beginning of the fall movement to the southward. It is a period of breeding and steady habitation for our most permanent and characteristic bird population, and will best help us to an understanding of the main normal ecological signif- icance of Illinois birds. THE AREA OF OBSERVATION The total distance traveled by my observers on these various mid-summer trips was 428 miles (omitting frac- tions), of which 141 miles was in southern Illinois, 112 in central, and 175 in northern. The total area covered by this strict census of the bird population was a trifle over 12 square miles, or 7,693.5 acres—33 per cent. of this acreage being in the southern, 26 per cent. in the central, and 41 per cent. in the northern, part of the state—or approximately a third of this area in southern, a fourth in central, and two fifths in northern, Illinois. The field observations began in the south June 4, and ended at the north August 23, with the idea of avoiding, so far as possible, by this order of progress, differences due to different seasonal conditions. It was not possible, of course, to eliminate these wholly, with only one pair of observers; and it will tax our ingenuity, and sometimes perhaps overtax it, to detect these differences and to dis- tinguish them from those due to mere difference of lati- tude and of climate corresponding. The total surface on which these precise mid-summer observations were made was 1/4,720 part of the whole state, and the question at once arises, Was this area suf- ficient to give these results any general value for the state at large, and, if so, how may we be sure of it? There is, I believe, no mathematical method of determining the sufficiency of these data for generalization purposes, and I know of no test at present applicable except that of the general consistency and reasonableness of the totals, No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 507 averages and ratios, for the different districts and sea- sons, the presence or absence of which each can readily see for himself as this discussion proceeds. If the data of observation are insufficient for the uses made of them, there will be a random variability and inexplicable irregularity in my statistical summaries which we shall not fail to notice. GENERAL PRODUCT oF THE SuRVEY Gross and Ray identified during the summer, on the territory covered by their data, 7,740 birds, belonging to 85 species. This is at the rate of 645 birds per square mile, or almost precisely 1 per acre, including the so- called English sparrow. If we omit the 1,414 interloping English sparrows observed—which is a little more than 18 per cent. of the entire number of birds—we have remaining 527 native birds to the square mile. The total for Illinois,? on this basis, is 30,750,000 native birds and 5,536,000 English sparrows, or approximately 14 summer resident birds to each person in this state living in the country or in towns of less than 25,000 inhabitants. Of the 85 species represented by the 7,740 birds recognized on these trips, the 21 most abundant species were represented by 6,596 birds. That is to say, 85 per cent. of the birds belonged to 25 per cent. of the species. The 21 more abundant species numbered, taken together, 550 to the square mile, and the 64 less abundant species, taken together, numbered 95 birds to the square mile, or 1 to every 63 acres. The latter species are evidently negligible as general factors in the ecological system, and attention need be given, in discussing the birds of the state as a whole, only to the 21 species common enough to produce some appreciable general effect. Given in the order of their abundance they are as follows: 2 A combination of the averages for the three sections of the state, com- puted separately, the data for the sections being differently weighted to compensate for differences in area. 508 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII A.O. U. Nos. | Bird | No. Observed Per Cent. X English sparrow | 1,414 18.4 501 Meadow-lark 1,025 13.2 511b Tod grece 900 11.6 316 Mourn — 461 6. 604 ickciss 393 5.1 498 e ir blackbird 347 4.4 474b Prairie horned lark 296 3.8 412 Flicker 197 6 761 Robin 194 2.5 563 Field-sparr 186 2.4 529 American soldi 158 2. 444 ingbird | 126 8 494 Bobolink 119 1.5 546 Grasshopper sparrow 110 1.4 705 Brown thrasher 104 1.3 495 Cowbird 102 1.3 406 Red-headed woodpecker 99 1.3 613 Barn-swallow 96 1.2 289 uail 91 1.2 261 Bartramian BE 89 Xl 488 Crow 89 i 6,596 85.2. VARIATION WITH LATITUDE The English sparrow decreases in abundance from north to south, from 147 to the square mile in northern to 113 in central, and 82 in southern, Illinois. One hundred sparrows in the northern part of the state are thus rep- resented by 77 in the central and 56 in the southern part.* The native summer residents, on the other hand, increase in numbers from north to south, the birds per square mile being 464, 537 and 600 for nothern, central and southern Illinois, respectively. That is, 100 native birds in northern Illinois were represented in mid-summer by 116 in central and 129 in southern Illinois. The decrease in English sparrows from north to south is not sufficient to offset the increase in the native species, the total numbers per square mile for all summer birds in the three sections of the state being 610, 650 and 682—or 100 birds in northern for 107 in central and 112 in southern Illinois. This same gradation was much more pronounced in the record of the winter residents. From the last of Novem- 3 Since the above was written, my attention has been called, by Dr. Hans Gadow, to the fact that in Europe also this sparrow diminishes in number southward. No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 509 ber to March 15, birds averaged 384 to the square mile in northern Illinois; from December 23 to March 21, 582 to the mile in central Illinois; and from February 6 to February 21, 832 to the mile in southern Illinois, numbers related to each other as 100, 151 and 217. Indeed, we find birds more abundant in extreme southern Illinois in the mid-winter period of 1906-07 than in the mid-summer period of 1907, averaging at the rate of 122 birds in the former season to each hundred in the latter. If we take into account the numbers for the whole year, — there are, for every hundred birds in the northern part of the state, 133 for central and 181 for southern Illinois. BIRDS BY SECTIONS | Northern Illinois | Central Illinois | Southern Illinois Summer : | | Native | 100 116 | 129 Sparrows | 77 | 56 All birds | 100 107 112 Winter: | Native | 100 170 292 parrow 100 65 All birds 100 151 217 Whole year: | All birds 100 ' 133 181 The bobolink was a distinctively northern bird, occur- ring in the ratio of 24 to the square mile in northern Tllinois, and not at all in either of the other sections. The mocking-bird, on the other hand, was almost exclusively southern, being represented by 8 birds to the square mile in the southern section, by only 1 specimen seen in cen- tral Illinois, and not at all in the northern part of the state. MıīcratTron WAVES In a paper published last April under the title ‘‘An Ornithological Cross-section of Illinois in Autumn,” 4 I . gave the data and results of a trip across central Illinois made by Gross and Ray during the fall of 1906. A com- parison of the general average of the bird population, ‘Bull. Il. State Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, art. 9. 510 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLII determined from the data of this trip for the period of the fall migrations, with the mid-summer average for the same section of the state, as determined last July, shows an interesting difference which leads us to con- sider the effect of the autumnal movement to the south on the numbers of the local bird population. On the above trip across the state, made between August 28 and October 17, 1906, a general average of 579 native birds to the square mile was found, while the corresponding mid- summer average for the present year is 537 native birds to the square mile—a difference of 42 birds to the mile, or nearly 8 per cent., in favor of the fall population. Native BIRDS PER SQUARE MILE, Faun (1906), Summer (1907) Migrant Resident Total Summer 537 537 Fall 98 481 579 Difference +98 —56 +42 Was this difference due to the fact that the fall migra- tion was in progress when last year’s observations were made? That is, does the migration movement begin first at the north and result in a local wave of increased num- bers, birds coming in from the north earlier and faster than the resident species leave for the south? It is possible to answer this question by reference to the data of the paper just cited. An analysis of the list of species identified on last year’s autumnal trip shows that 481 per square mile of these birds were summer residents, still remaining, and that 98 per square mile belonged to migrant species, on their way to the south. The summer residents still pres- ent in this autumnal period were thus 56 per square mile fewer than the resident birds of the present summer. That is, 56 summer residents for each square mile of . central Illinois had gone south, on an average, and 98 fall migrants had, on the other hand, come in to take their place, the difference between these numbers giving us No. 500] + MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 511 the excess of 42 birds per square mile of fall over summer. This temporary increase of 8 per cent. in autumn in the average number of our birds is thus evidence of a wave of condensation running southward in consequence of the earlier beginning and more rapid development at the north of the annual fall migration. This contrast of the number of the resident summer population with that of the fall migration period is still more clearly and strongly shown by a comparison of the totals of all our central Illinois observations in mid-sum- mer and in fall, respectively. These average 1.07 birds to the acre for the period from July 9 to September 21, and 2.31 per acre for the interval between the 1st and the 26th of October. That is, more than twice as many birds per acre were seen in October of this year as in July, August and September. The data of the spring migration of 1907 are unsatis- factory owing to the extraordinary character of the sea- son, and the consequent repeated interruption and remark- able prolongation of the movement. Nevertheless, they indicate a larger population during the early part, at least, of this migration period also than either before or after it. A trip down the eastern side of the state from Cook to White county, begun March 26 and ending April 11, gave an average of 1.34 birds to the acre—a number to be compared with our mid-summer average for the whole state, which is 1.03. That is, the average early spring population of this exceptional year was 30 per cent. greater than the average of the summer following. On the other hand, a trip across central Illinois between April 20 and May 29, still within the migration period, gave us, for 51/3 square miles of area, an average of only 89 per acre—less than even the mid-winter average of 91 for the same part of the state. . VEGETATION oF THE [NSPECTION AREA As a basis for a more precise account of the distribu- tion of birds as a whole and of the more important 512 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII species, it will be necessary to consider the vegetable covering of the soil, since there is little else in Illinois by which different portions of its area may be distinguished. The territory traversed by my observers, it need hardly be said, was almost wholly under cultivation. Excluding only forests in which the trees were too high, or the undergrowth was too dense, to permit a full and accurate census of the birds, the territory reported upon was chosen wholly at random, and the total for each division of the state seems sufficient to give us, with the exception just mentioned, a fair sample of its crops and surface conditions. The areas from which all the birds were determined were 3,172 acres for northern Illinois, 2,117 acres for central, and 2,504 acres for southern. In the upper third of the state, 95 per cent. of the surface was in corn, small grain and grass—31 per cent. in corn, 27 per cent. in small grain (nearly all of it oats) and 37 per cent. in the pasture and meadow crops, about equally in each. In the central region the area in corn rises to 46 per cent. of the whole, that in small grains was about 26 per cent. (again nearly all oats) and that in the forage crops was 27 per cent. (the pasture lands nearly twice as extensive as the meadows) —a total of 99 per cent. of the area examined which was devoted to these great farm crops. In the lower third of Illinois only 23 per cent. of the land was in corn, an almost equal area (21 per cent.) was in small grain—more than half of it wheat—and 44 per cent. was in grass, clover and similar forage plants, rather equally divided between pastures and meadows. That is to say, the areas in corn and small grains were nearly the same, and these together were barely equal to the meadows and pastures. The Crop AREAS. Perr CENT., 1907 Northern Illinois Central Illinois Southern Illinois Corn 31 46 23 Grain 27 26 21 rass $7 44 Miscellaneous 5 1 12 No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 513 total in all these crops was 88 per cent. of the area in- spected, the remaining 12 per cent. covering the orchards, the more open woods, the waste and untilled lands, and a few additional minor items. Numsers or BIRDS BY Crops Tllinois is still a prairie state in the predominance of birds which prefer a grassy turf as, an abiding place. CROP AREAS AND BIRDS Almost exactly half of those recorded for the state last summer were from pastures and meadows, although the 514 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII total acreage in these lands was but 36 per cent. of the entire area inspected. These figures are equivalent to a density ratio on pastures and meadows of 1.39 for all the birds of the state Corn is an exotic crop in Illinois, and birds were only about a third as abundant in corn fields as in grass lands, while in small grains they were nearly twice as abundant as in corn. The acreage in these crops was such that 15 per cent. of all the birds of the season were found in corn fields and 22 per cent. were in small grain. In orchards they averaged 4} times as numerous to the unit of area as in fields of grain, 2,471 to the square mile—giving a density ratio of 3.84; but the acreage in orchards from which the birds were identified was so small that all the orchard birds together amount to only 2 per cent. of the whole number observed. Among native trees and shrubbery, birds were much less abun- dant than among fruit trees, and the density ratio for these situations was about 2.25. By way of further illustration of the application of this quantitative method to the subject of local distribution, I will present some of the more pronounced results for one species of bird throughout its range in summer, and for one kind of crop area as visited or inhabited by mid- summer birds. THE MEADOW-LARK One thousand and twenty-five meadow-larks were iden- tified by my observers in their work on the summer resi- dents of the state, an average of 85 to the square mile for the whole area traversed by them. As these birds were unequally distributed, never occurring, for example, in woodlands or among shrubbery, their numbers rose in some situations far above this general average, amount- ing to 266 to the square mile in stubble, 205 in meadows, 160 on untilled lands, 143.5 in pastures, and 131 on waste lands, and falling to 10 to the square mile in fields of Corn. ë That is, taking an average density of the bird population for the whole area of the state as 1, the density in pastures and meadows only is 1.39 No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 515 MEADOW-LARKS PER SQUARE MILE. SUMMER, 1907 PUTED e 1 see a sc sais Geen Melee Reo Cars cook te E 266 MORGOWS: ocres ei ees oe Ve ek eee vik s ees 205 BaUOw or. ere es ee ree ee oe ei ee CEN ers va 160 PRSbUTOS ES OS ae ee Pe se 143.5 AL TI EIRA EA vals See eee ea EE eee wedi + bec ess 131 CORDS yee wes gab arse a NG ree a PECL eos so Bc cee 10 WOGUR> E: tte Oy puree Ce Eee eee Ses su bes wives as ATU DS re Pre eee sea ea Be a ks save se eee — Btate se raoe ek N Vc nN a eS re iN 85 They varied also in abundance, in a very interesting way, from the north to the south. One hundred of them in northern Illinois were represented by 175 in central and by 215 in southern Illinois. This variation was evi- dently independent of any difference in the extent of surface covered by the kinds of vegetation which they most prefer, since the ratio of pasture, meadow, waste and untilled lands taken together was considerably less for central than for northern Illinois, although the meadow-larks were 75 per cent. more numerous; and it was only a fourth greater for southern Illinois than for northern, although the meadow-larks were more than twice as abundant. The cause of the greater numbers southward, so far as I can see, can be accounted for only rather vaguely as climatic. Much more difficult of even general or hypothetical ex- planation is a curious difference in the observed abun- dance of meadow-larks in pastures and meadows re- spectively, in the three divisions of the state. In northern Illinois there’ were 87 larks per square mile in pastures to 129 in meadows; in southern Illinois there were 125 in pastures to 297 in meadows; while in central Illinois this relation was reversed, the number in pastures being 274 to the mile, and that in meadows 189. That is, while 100 pasture birds were represented in northern Tllinois by 148 in meadows, and in southern Illinois by 242, in central Illinois they were represented by only 69. Since the southern Illinois observations were made in June, those for central Illinois in July and those for northern 516 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII Illinois in August, one naturally looks to differences in season, in the advancement of the crops, or in agricultural operations as related to the haunts and habits of these birds, for an explanation of their apparent shift from meadows to pastures in July in central Illinois, and a seemingly plausible explanation is suggested by the fact that haying was mainly done during July in the central part of the state, but was not yet fairly begun in southern Illinois in June and was nearly over in northern Illinois in August. PASTURE BIRDS PER SQUARE MILE. SUMMER, 1907 Meadow-larks | Northern Ilinois | Central Illinois | Southern Illinois Pasture | 87 | 274 125 Meadow | 129 | 189 297 Other Pasture Birds Pasture 50 54 120 Meadow 200 131 371 If, however, the meadow-larks were disturbed to this extent by the operations of making and saving the hay crop, one would expect to find the other distinctively meadow birds similarly affected—a supposition which is not borne out by the facts of our record. Besides the meadow-larks, there were five common species more abun- dant in meadows in one or another section of the state than in any other important situation; namely, the red- winged blackbird, the purple grackle, the vesper-sparrow, the grasshopper sparrow, and the dickcissel. Each of these species was, moreover, more abundant in meadows than in pastures in each section of the state—in central Illinois as well as in the other two—excepting only the grackle in southern Illinois. Taking all five of these birds together, there were in northern Illinois 200 to the square mile in meadows and 50 in pastures, in central Illinois 131 and 54, respectively, and in southern Illinois 371 and 120. In other words, for each hundred of these No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 517 five kinds of birds in meadows, there were, in the northern section, 25 of them in pastures, in the central section 41, and in the southern section 32. The cause of this ap- parent change in the preference of the meadow-larks of central Illinois seems, therefore, something peculiar to themselves, and is still to seek. BIRDS oF THE PASTURES The birds of a given situation may be discussed from two quite different standpoints, both interesting and pertinent, and both really necessary to a complete under- standing of the facts. We may consider the members of an assemblage of species there with first reference to their relative importance to the situation itself—with refer- ence, that is, to their comparative numbers, or to the nature and effect of their activities; or we may consider the situation with first reference to its relative importance in the economy and life of each species of bird which in- habits or visits it. If this situation is woodland, for example, a bird found only in forests might, if a com- paratively rare species, have very little importanee— might produce very little effect in the situation because of its infrequent occurrence there, while to the species itself the forest situation would be all-important, as the sole place of its habitation. Its own significance in forests might be easily overbalanced by a very abundant species which should visit woodlands only occasionally, but whose average numbers there might be twice or thrice as large to the unit of area and time as those of the less abundant species inhabiting forests exclusively. Time will not permit me to illustrate this division of my topic from both these points of view, and I will limit myself to a few words in conclusion on the pasture birds as a group and on some of the more prominent pasture species with reference to their importance in pastures. Pasture lands were the preferred resort of our most abundant mid-summer birds. That is, more birds were seen in pastures than in any other of the larger crop areas 518 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII of the state—2,107 in that situation as against 1,814 in meadows, 1,667 in fields of small grain, and 1,169 in fields of corn. Indeed, 27.2 per cent. of all the mid-summer birds determined by my observers were seen in pastures, 23.4 per cent. in meadows, 21.5 per cent. in small grain, and 15.1 per cent. in corn. The area in pastures was larger than that in meadows, however, and on this ac- count, if we consider the number of birds per square mile, we must change this order of precedence. With a general mid-summer average of 645 birds to the square mile for the whole state, we have 920 to the mile for meadows, 878 for pastures, 962 for small grain, and 300 for corn. Or, if we take the number per square mile for the entire state as 1, 1.43 will be the density ratio for meadows, 1.36 for pastures, .87 for grain fields, and .47 for corn fields. SUMMER BIRDS IN Crops, 1907 Numbers Ratio Per Square Mile Densities Pastures 2,107 27.2 ` 878 1.43 Meadows 1,814 23.4 920 1.36 i 1,667 21.5 562 87 Corn 1,169 15.1 300 AT Other 983 12.8 Looking to the composition in species of this mid-sum- mer pasture population, we find that more than half the summer resident birds of Illinois pastures belong to five species—the English sparrow, the meadow-lark, the crow- blackbird, the horned lark and the field-sparrow, rela- tively abundant in the order named; and this statement is almost as true of the three sections of the state as it is of the state as a whole. Comprising nearly 53 per cent. of the pasture birds of the entire state, these five species made 49 per cent. of those of northern Illinois, 61 per cent. of those of central Illinois, and 47.5 per cent. of those of southern Illinois. Indeed, the first four of these species were the most abundant pasture birds of the whole state for the whole year, occurring there in the following numbers: English sparrow, 1,394; crow-blackbird, 696; meadow-lark, 686; horned lark, 603; and field-sparrow, No. 500] MID-SUMMER BIRD LIFE OF ILLINOIS 519 230. These are consequently our most typical pasture birds. In the pastures of the state at large the English sparrow was the most abundant species, making 20 per cent. of all the birds seen in pastures during the summer months, and the meadow-lark was nearly as common, making 17 per cent. of these birds. The meadow-lark was, indeed, the most abundant pasture bird in both southern and central Illinois, the sparrow surpassing it only in the northern division of the state. The horned lark, on the other hand, was second in northern Iilinois, but tenth in both central and southern Illinois, and fourth for the state as a whole. The crow-blackbird was third on the list for the whole state, fourth for southern Illinois, third for central, and sixth for northern Illinois. Ten species comprised more than two thirds of the pasture birds of the state, and these same ten species made 63 per cent. of the birds of northern Illinois pastures, 80 per cent. of those of central Illinois, and 64 per cent. of those of southern Illinois. Besides the five species already mentioned, these were the flicker, the robin, the mourning-dove, the red-headed woodpecker, and the red-winged blackbird. : One general impression made by this preliminary ex- amination of the present bird population of the State of Illinois is that of a remarkable flexibility and tenacity of the associate and ecological relationships of birds in the face of revolutionary changes in their environment. Apart from the results of the introduction of the English sparrow, and the direct destruction of game birds and birds of prey, the main effect of human occupation seems to have been the withdrawal of most of the prairie birds from the area devoted to Indian corn, and their concentra- tion in pastures, meadows, and fields of small grain— situations which most nearly resemble their original habitat. : THE LIFE CYCLE OF PARAMECIUM WHEN SUBJECTED TO A VARIED ENVIRONMENT DR. LORANDE LOSS WOODRUFF YALE UNIVERSITY Strupies on the life cycle of Paramecium aurelia. (cau- datum) have been made by several investigators, the most extensive work being that of Calkins. As is well known, his results showed that when Paramecium was bred con- tinually in a culture medium of hay infusion, it passed through more or less regular cyclical variations in general vitality as measured by the division-rate. The marked periodical depression periods occurred at about six-month intervals and unless the organisms were ‘‘stimulated’’ at this time the culture died’ out. Minor depressions oc- curred about every three months, but from these recovery was autonomous. Joukowsky? and Simpson,’? however, apparently found that certain cultures of this organism died out after being but a short time under culture condi- tions. A constant culture medium is an important condition for the study of the consecutive phases of vitality, and of the effect of stimuli on the organism, but it is of interest, however, in the light of the results obtained by this method to determine the character of the life cycle of Paramecium when subjected to a varied environment. It is possible, of course, that some element is lacking in * Calkins, G. N. Studies on the Life History of Protozoa. I, The Life Cycle of Paramecium caudatum. Archiv f. Entwk., XV, 1, 1902. IV, Death of the A Series. Journal Exper. Zool., I, 3, 1904. ? Joukowsky, D. Beiträge zur Frage nach den Bedingungen der Ver- mehrung und des Eintrittes der Konjugation bei den Ciliaten. Verh. Nat. Med. Ver. Heidelberg, XXVI, 1898. *Simpson, J. Y. Observations on Binary Fission in the Life History of Ciliata. Proc. Royal Society Edinb., XXIII, 1901. 520 No. 500] LIFE CYCLE OF PARAMECIUM 521 a constant culture medium of hay infusion which is essential to the continued life of the organism, and that depression effects which appear more or less regularly are due, in part, to a process of slow starvation—rather than to a loss of the power of assimilation. Recovery from these periods is effected by various stimuli (beef extract, etc.), because the lacking factor, or factors, is thereby supplied. Calkins himself points out the marked similarity of the morphological changes which he obtained in the earlier cycles of his Paramecium cultures with those found by Wallengren‘* to occur in Paramecia which had been intentionally starved. I have also called attention to this similarity in discussing the life cycle of various hypotrichous infusoria and have suggested that the effect of such stimuli as beef extract, etc., may be essentially that of concentrated nutrition.” In connection with some experiments on the effect of various stimuli on the life cycle of infusoria,® I have had oceasion to carry a culture of Paramecium for over a year, and the data derived from this work are believed to throw some light on the effect of a varied environment on the life history of this organism. On May 1, 1907, a ‘‘wild’’? Paramecium was isolated from a laboratory aquarium and placed on a depression slide in five drops of hay infusion. When this animal had divided twice, the four resulting individuals were isolated on separate slides, and in this manner were started the four lines, I-a, I-b, I-e and I-d, which compose this culture? The culture has been continued by the isolation of an individual from each of these lines almost daily throughout the life of the culture up to the present time (May 6, 1908) and a record has been kept of the t Wallengren, H. Tnanitionserscheinungen der Zelle. Zeit. f. allg. Physiologie, I, 1, 1901. 5 Woodruff, L. L. An Experimental Study on the Life History of Hypo- trichous Infusoria. Journal Exper. Zool., II, 4, 1905. Woodruff, L. L. Effects of Alcohol on the Life Cycle of Infusoria. Biol. Bull., XV, 2, 1908. 1 Further details in regard to the technique are given in previous papers. [Vou. XLII THE AMERICAN NATURALIST 522 ‘poure}1e ərəm LII TOYA ul Spolied 94} up psovid o1v pur suopeIauəf Juaserdear ‘9}0 ‘007 ‘00T ‘Seinsy ƏL TPJ syJUOM əapəədsəı oy Jo Lup yiueelyy ayy (IGM Ul spopəd oy} pəzeuSısəp ə MOTE “peyRoTpul Ə spopad Aup-ue} IÇ} JO S1oquinu oy} ‘eAOqY ‘a1nj[Nd ey} Jo səupp Nog Ə} JO UOTSTATP JO 9}81 ATIUP OSvIVAV əy} JuəsəIdəa pinidesinadst! ƏQL ‘spolied £ep-uə} 107 peSe19av sy UOISIAIP JO ƏVI vy, “WoL esoUEs qyicopr əy} 38 ‘BOGT ‘9 Avy ‘Sw Juasord ƏY} 0} ‘LOGIT ‘L AVN UO ARIS WOAT ‘J oANAIND “(WUNIDPNDI) DNIAND WMIIUDAD dA yo Aaojs1y 93əjdu09 Sp w. ; | oH) H wo og x my xm ane, any wg ape ae ee Be e wo ma o] ~ No. 500] LIFE CYCLE OF PARAMECIUM JLo daily bipartitions of each line. The following curve represents graphically the average rate of division of the four lines of the culture, and this again averaged for ten- day periods. The culture was carried on at the Thompson Biological Laboratory .of Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., during May and June, 1907; at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass., during July and August, 1907; and at the Sheffield Biological Laboratory of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., from September, 1907, to the present time, May, 1908. The culture medium during the earlier months of the work consisted of hay or grass infusion. But, except during periods in which the culture was employed as a control for certain experiments, the infusion was made with hay or grass from various localities and different proportions of hay and water were used almost daily. Water from various sources was employed. In every ease the temperature of the infusion was raised to the boiling point, and then allowed to attain the temperature of the laboratory before being used. In some cases the infusion was made fresh daily, in other cases it was allowed to stand twenty-four hours before being used. Beginning in February, 1908, a much more varied cul- ture medium was employed. It was found that Para- mecium can exist in nearly any infusion which may be made from materials collected in ponds and swamps, and accordingly, in the hope of supplying as far as possible all the elements which may be encountered in the ‘‘normal’’ habitat of the organism, water was taken from ponds, laboratory aquaria, etc., together with its animal and plant life. In other words, no definite method was em- ployed in selecting the material, but it was simply col- lected at random from many sources, thoroughly boiled, and then used. This culture medium affords a striking contrast to that employed by Calkins, which he described thus, ‘‘The hay infusion was made every day, the same amount of hay and water being taken each time and 524 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII raised to the boiling point. This method was never varied during the entire period of the cultures and the salt content of the water, as shown by weekly analyses, did not vary beyond a very slight fraction of one part to one hundred thousand.’’ The only condition present in the life of this culture which could not be encountered by a wild Paramecium was the boiled condition of the culture medium, but this was essential in the experiments in order to prevent the introduction of an encysted or active wild individual into the culture. The objection might be made that the environment was changed too frequently and too greatly to afford natural conditions. But, if the hundreds of millions of wild in- dividuals which are derived from a single wild Para- mecium are considered, and if the environment of any four lines of descent of four individuals existing at the end of twelve months in the wild state is taken into ac- count, it will be readily appreciated that the surviving organisms have probably experienced far more changes of medium than have the four lines of the culture under consideration. It may be that only those individuals which have encountered varied conditions have survived without resorting to conjugation. It is obvious, indeed, that all the variations in environ- ment which may be experienced by a wild Paramecium have not been supplied; for in a pond considerable changes of temperature occur during the year, and periods of rest by encystment or lack of food are afforded. It is believed, however, that the conditions under which this culture has been carried approach nearer to those encountered by the majority of wild individuals than has been the case in previous investigations. A glance at the plotted curve of the life history shows that at no ten-day period during the life of the culture up to the present time has the average rate of division of the culture fallen as low as one division in two days, the nearest approach to this rate being attained at period No. 500] LIFE CYCLE OF PARAMECIUM 525 twenty-two in December, 1907, when the culture was sub- jected to a particularly uniform culture medium. The highest rate of division so far attained occurred at period ten in July, 1907. The average rate of division for the entire year is obviously considerably above one division per day, the organisms being in the 465th genera- tion on May 6, 1908. That this is not the maximum rate of division of which the culture is capable is shown by the fact that a culture isolated line by line from the one under consideration and treated daily for six months with alcohol is at the same date in the 505th generation. The major fluctuations in the division rate which have occurred in the life of this culture are all ‘‘rhythms”’ (using this term in the sense in which I employed it in discussing the life history of Oxytricha) and so far no ‘feycle’’ has been completed. Calkins in his earlier papers on Paramecium believed the cycle to be of three months’ duration, agreeing in this regard with certain of the earlier investigators on this form. In his last paper on the subject, however, as has been noted, he interpreted the tri-monthly fluctuations as simply minor changes from which recovery was autonomous and regarded the cycle as the larger semi-annual fluctuations, recovery from which was only brought about by stimuli. I have previously in- terpreted these trimonthly depressions as rhythms and the results obtained from this culture would seem to show that the semi-annual cycles of Calkins are also merely rhythms—recovery from which was not autonomous under the conditions of a constant environment. This culture shows that the cycle of Paramecium under a varied environment may be considerably over a year in duration, since the culture at present shows no sign of waning vitality. | This suggests the much-discussed question as to whether the protozoa are potentially immortal, and the rôle of conjugation in the life history. Up to the present time there has been no tendency among the individuals of this culture to conjugate, although in the ‘‘stock’’ cultures, 526 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII comprising individuals left over after the daily isolations, there has been every opportunity for its occurrence. Of course there has been no possibility of conjugation in the four direct lines of the culture on account of the daily isolations. This result agrees with that which I obtained with my cultures of various hypotrichous forms—and I believe it suggests strongly that conjugation must be re- garded as a more or less variable phenomenon which occurs in the life history when conditions are adverse for the normal life of the organism, and which is not neces- sary under the conditions of a varied environment. I believe it is customary to regard conjugation as of far more frequent occurrence than it actually is in the life history of ‘‘wild’’ individuals, because it is brought to the attention in laboratory cultures and ‘‘hay infusions’’ which pass through a series of changes—changes which inevitably bring about conditions unfavorable to the con- tinued reproduction of the organisms, and which are com- pensated for by conjugation. No period of marked physiological depression is indi- cated by the division-rate of this culture during the first year of its life; but well-defined morphological changes have occurred. These cytological variations, chiefly nuclear, demand further study. It is evident, however, that the relation of the rate of division to the so-called “‘normal’’ condition of the nuclear apparatus of Para- mecium is not substantiated by this culture, as profound nuclear changes apparently do not affect the rate of divi- sion. I believe from a study of this culture and “wild” cultures in large laboratory aquaria, that various nuclear changes which are not at present. recognized occur normally in the life history of Paramecium, and that possibly when conjugation between two individuals is prevented, either under the conditions of culture or in the “‘wild’’ state, a rearrangement of the nuclear apparatus is resorted to which may be analogous to endogamy, or conjugation of nuclei within the original cell. PLACOBDELLA PEDICULATA n. sp.! ERNEST E. HEMINGWAY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA In the summer of 1889, while at Lake Pepin super- intending the zoological work of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, Professor Nach- trieb found that some of the sheepsheads (Aplodinotus grunniens) which were being seined from the lake in large numbers by the local fishermen had a large parasitic leech fastened to the isthmus or shoulder under the gill cover. Three of these leeches were collected at that time, with portions of the fish showing the place and manner of attachment. One of these specimens was later sent to Professor J. Perey Moore, who found it to be a new species of Placobdella and suggested the specific name . pediculata. All the specimens originally collected were adults, gorged with blood, and greatly modified in form from the usual Placobdella types by their close parasitic habit; so that, in some parts, annulation and many other external features had been entirely obliterated. It was seen at once that to determine these features younger and better-preserved specimens must be obtained. Accord- ingly, during the first part of September, 1903, I spent several days with the fishermen around the head of Lake Pepin examining fish for this leech. During this time I examined many hundreds of fish and succeeded in ob- taining three small specimens, none of which were over a centimeter in length. Hasits Placobdella pediculata appears to be a true fish para- site, having been found only in the gill chamber of the * From the creas of the Department of Animal Biology, the Uni- versity of Minnesota 527 528 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vot. XLII fresh-water sheepshead, the posterior sucker of the leech being deeply imbedded in the side of the isthmus or shoulder. In the case of young leeches which have not been long attached, the depression caused by the pos- terior sucker is comparatively shallow, being a mere ex- ternal depression in the inflamed tissues of the fish. As the attachment continues the inflamed tissues of the host grow up like a collar and close in around the leeches body in front of the sucker. This closing in of the in- flamed collar presses upon the body of the leech, narrows it to a slender peduncle in front of the sucker and in- Ci} eS WY Ss 5 KA Be Ape eS aA Š PSN gO eee The shoulder of a sheepshead with three depressions from which ave been removed and one of the depressions cut in two lengthwise. Fig. 1. the leeches h cidentally crowds the sucker down into the tissues of the fish, so that, in time, this depression may reach into the underlying muscles to a depth of half an inch or more and have an opening of about a quarter (or less) of an inch in diameter. The bottom of the depression has a larger diameter. Fig. 1 represents the positions of three depressions from which the leeches have been removed, and one of the depressions cut in two lengthwise. These leeches are capable of becoming greatly con- tracted, and when one is disturbed it draws back until it appears as a mere brownish pyriform knob which entirely covers the place of attachment. No. 500] PLACOBDELLA PEDICULATA 529 The burying of the posterior segments in the tissues of the host has brought about an interesting structural change so that we find the anal opening shifted forward to a position between somites XXIII and XXIV instead of between somites XX VII and XXVIII, as in the other members of the genus. It is noticeable that, while the young leeches whose posterior portions are not yet deeply imbedded have the characteristic position of the anus (XXITI-XXIV), the outline of the posterior part of the body is still a regular curve showing none of the pedicular characteristics so pronounced in the older in- dividuals. The posterior sucker, however, is very strongly developed even in those not more than a centi- meter long. Practically nothing is known of this leech separate from its host, but it seems possible that a part of its existence may be spent elsewhere. During September, 1903, I examined several thousand fish of this species. from Lake Pepin and found only three isolated leeches, each about a centimeter in length. The posterior sucker, while imbedded in the tissue, was not sunk in deeply and so had not produced the characteristic peduncle. They were evidently young ones which had recently attached themselves to their hosts and were gradually sinking the posterior sucker into the host’s flesh. As full grown specimens, deeply imbedded, were found in the same locality during August of 1899, at least some of the adults must remain with their hosts during the summer and probably throughout the year. DESCRIPTION” Like Placobdella parasitica and P. rugosa, this is a species of large size, though not quite equaling the largest ? This description is based upon both young and large mature speci- mens gorged with blood. In view of unavoidable ‘delay in the publication of Professor Nachtrieb’s projected report on the leeches of Minnesota,. Professor Moore kindly consented to the free use of his description pre- pared for the systematic portion of the report here alluded to. I have retained the specific name suggested by Moore, though his description, being based upon a single large, gorged and much contracted specimen, was o: necessity somewhat incomplete. 530 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII examples of the forms mentioned. It is more than usually contractile and therefore difficult to preserve in a suitable condition for study. The outline is very char- acteristically pyriform and strongly convex dorsally, as shown in the figures. But the most striking peculiarity is the attenuation of the posterior somites to form a narrow pedicel just in front of the posterior sucker, which consequently stands out freely in a most char- acteristic manner. The oral sucker has the same struc- ture as in P. parasitica. 4 Po m s5 A ———— oS «ge Fie. 2. Lateral, dorsal and ventral views of a mature specimen gorged with blood. No trace of cutaneous papille can be detected, the skin being perfectly smooth. The segmental sensille and scattered sense organs are very indistinct. Eyes are very difficult to detect in the mature animals, but appear as small pigment masses at III-IV in the young. The annulation is essentially like that of P. parasitica except- ing the caudal peduncle and the generally simpler struc- ture of the corresponding somites of P. parasitica. Somites I and II contain each but one annulus. Somites ITI and IV are biannulate and V is biannulate dorsally, but ventrally the furrow fades away medially. VI is triamnulate above, but the furrow al—a2 is incom- plete below. Somites VII to XXIV are triannulate, but No. 500] PLACOBDELLA PEDICULATA 58l the furrow al—a2 is incomplete medially on the ventral side of both VII and VIII, and in most of the succeeding sonites is less marked than either a2-a3 or the inter- segmental furrows. In the anterior somites and to a less degree in the posterior, a3 is slightly longer than al or a2. The annulation of the post-anal somites, con- stituting the caudal peduncle, is irregular and somewhat puzzling on the older specimens, but is fairly distinct on the younger ones. Somite XXIV, which immediately succeeds the anus, is triannulate. Somites XXV, XXVI and XXVII are all biannulate, but al of somite XXV is partially divided and al of both XXVI and XXVII is 3. Sketch of a young specimen showing somites I-XXVII, annuli and relative positions of the eye (e), proboscis (prob), esophageal gland (oeg), enlarged portion of the vas deferens communis (s$), ovary (ov), testes (T), vas deferens communis (vdc), intestine (int) and anus (an larger than a2. Neither annulus of XXVII is complete, al reaching only to the sides of the body and a2 not as far. The dise is composed of somites XXVIII to XXXIV. The accompanying Fig. 3 represents the arrangement of the furrows in a young animal. Somite XXIV is the last segment of the body proper and its posterior boundary forms in contracted specimens a fold which envelops the contiguous portion of the narrowed peduncle. The latter continues to narrow to the sucker, to the middle portion of which it is strongly attached for rather more than the posterior half. The posterior sucker is larger, circular and directed strongly ventrad. The nephridiopores are in the sensory annuli of somites VIII to XI and XII to XXII and are placed similarly to those of P. parasitica. 532 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLII The mouth is very small and situated far forward near the anterior rim of the sucker in somite IT. As in related species, the proboscis is slender and the crop is provided with seven pairs of large cæca reaching nearly to the margins of the body. The ceca, however, are less deeply and finely divided than in P. parasitica, each of the first Six pairs exhibiting only two or three rather short lobes. The intestine reaches to the posterior part of somite XXIV or even beyond and then bends abruptly forward toward the dorsum as an extremely narrow rectum reach- ing to the minute anus situated at XXITI-XXIV. The forward curvature of the rectum and the anterior position of the anus are unique features in the family. The salivary glands are widely scattered through the an- terior two thirds of the body. On either side of the esophagus in somites X and XI lie a pair of compact esophageal glands which join the eeopnagie by a short duct in somite XT. The reproductive organs are eaii similar to those of P. parasitica. The male and female external orifices are situated at XI-XII and XIIa2-a3, respectively. Six pairs of testes are crowded between’ the bases of the gas- tric ceca. The large sperm sack and the ejaculatory duct of the vas deferens form a compact snarl in somite XII in the immediate neighborhood of the atrium. Nothing is known of the early stages of development. MARINE LABORATORIES, AND OUR ATLANTIC COAST DR. ALFRED G. MAYER MARINE LABORATORY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, Dry TorruGas, FLA. We are fortunate above all civilized nations in having in the range of our Atlantic sea-board a unique diversity of conditions affecting marine life. The arctic current ereeps down the northern New England coast to Cape Cod, and during the winter the strong northeasterly winds drive its cold waters southward to the mouth of the Chesapeake. In summer, however, the southerly winds reverse these conditions, and the warm surface waters from -the Gulf stream are drifted upon the shores þe- tween Cape Hatteras and the southern side of Cape Cod. Another well-marked region is that between -Cape Hatteras and Cape Canaveral, Florida, where we find a very characteristic warm-water fauna, which is again distinct from that of the coral reef region of Florida, south of Miami. Thus, broadly speaking, there are four well-marked faunistic regions along our coast, and each affords its own peculiar problems for research. A mainly arctic fauna is found from northern Maine to Cape Cod, a transitional and seasonally fluctuating fauna from the. southern coast of New England to Cape Hatteras, crea- tures of a warm sea from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cana- veral, Florida, and a strictly tropical colony from Bis- cayne Bay, Florida, southward. The physical features of the coast itself are also most important in determining the character of the animals of the shore. Thus the rocky wave-worn ledges of the coast of Maine, the varied character of that of southern New England, the monotonous stretch of shifting sand be- 533 534 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII tween Sandy Hook and Cape Canaveral, and the coral reefs of Florida, have each their own peculiar fauna and impose their own limitations upon the diversity of animal life. A diversity which is accentuated by the fact that in Florida we find a tidal rise and fall of less than two whereas in northern Maine the diurnal range is more than thirty feet. Moreover, the relatively brackish and protected waters, such as those of Long Island, Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, and the tor- tuous estuaries and salt-water creeks of the Carolinas and northern Florida, have faune differing widely from those of the more richly endowed outer sea-beaches. It is therefore evident that in so far as research is con- cerned no one biological laboratory can grant facilities other than those limited by the conditions of its own locality. The purposes of research demand that we establish a series of stations at salient points from Maine to southern Florida. On the other hand, the successful prosecution of research demands that our youth be trained to its per- formance, and to this end it is essential that certain of the more centrally situated laboratories should devote some part of their energies to the giving of primary in- struction. Such instruction should, I believe, be given only in those laboratories which are placed near large centers affording the advantages of accessibility and diversity of intellectual interests. On the other hand, a certain re- moteness from the busy world and consequent freedom from interruption is peculiarly favorable to the conduct of research, and it is interesting to observe that the only laboratory, along our coast, devoted exclusively to re- search is placed upon the most inaccessible island along the entire range from Maine to Florida. At present we find one laboratory at South Harpswell, Casco Bay, Maine, a great center at Woods Holl, another at Cold Spring Harbor, in Long Island Sound, another No. 500] MARINE LABORATORIES 535 at Beaufort, North Carolina, and one at the extreme westerly and southerly end of the Florida Keys. No laboratory has as yet been established along the in- teresting coast between Hatteras and Sandy Hook, with its peculiar transitional fauna; yet such situations as Cape May, or Linhaven, or Willoughby Harbors in Hamp- ton Roads, would afford a suitable site for such a station. It is not so remarkable that no laboratories have been established upon the inner shores of Delaware or Chesa- peake Bays, or at Pamlico or Albemarle Sounds, for in these brackish inland waters the fauna is but limited in comparison with the rich variety of forms to be found along the exposed sea-beaches. In future, indeed, we should endeavor to avoid the error which has, in places, been made of building our laboratories in situations from which the open water is not readily accessible at all times, for it is peculiarly true of every laboratory that the animals which afford the subjects of its most significant researches are invariably those which may be obtained in abundance in the near neighborhood of the station itself. It is, therefore, most desirable that the laboratory be placad-i in close proximity to the richest collecting grounds of the region. It is remarkable that so little effort has been made to properly install a laboratory for general instruction and research upon the coast of New England north of Cape Cod Bay. Yet here we find one of the most sharply dif- ferentiated of the faunistice divisions of our coast. The welfare of research in marine biology demands the ade- quate maintenance of such a station. Returning recently from a visit of half a year to various biological centers in Europe the writer has formed the impression that the scientific results which have been achieved by investigators in our marine laboratories have won the admiration of European students, while at home our intelligent publie is only beginning to awaken to the fact that they are worthy of respect. 536. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII In America, however, we may consider it fortunate that in order to win that form of recognition which leads to advancement in material as well as in intellectual well- being, it is necessary that our institutions of learning should attract the respectful interest of broad minded men of culture who are also leaders in the great affairs of the commercial world. Much may be learned by those desirous of furthering the already superior work of our laboratories, through a study of the methods of manage- ment of the great museums of New York City. Certain it is that the direction of any successful laboratory de- mands a two-fold capacity. On the one hand, we face a problem of expenditure and receipts, and on the other hand, a dependent but widely different problem of the scientific scope and aim of the institution. A neglect to attain to excellence of management from the purely com- mercial standpoint, must react unfavorably upon the ability of the institution to attain toward the realization of its proper ideals in scientific achievement. It appears to the writer that our institutions of learning which are dependent upon the public for support owe it as a duty to publish annually a clear, detailed and perfectly intel- ligible financial statement. Surely funds devoted to the giving of instruction or the prosecution of research can not be too carefully accounted for or too wisely expended. It is unfortunate that throughout the length of our great Atlantic seaboard there is no situation well suited to the establishment of a marine laboratory which may remain active throughout the year. In winter the frozen harbors of the north, the relative inaccessibility and deso- lation of the Carolina shores, the hurricane season of Florida interpose practical barriers to the plan of main- taining any one of our stations constantly open. We have no Naples with its brilliant bay, its genial climate, and over it as a veil the association of history deepening every charmed impression of its beauty. BIOMETRY AS A METHOD IN TAXONOMY! PROFESSOR CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS — TRINITY COLLEGE We take it for granted that the systematic description of plants, and animals, is not the province of the amateur, however interested he may be in a special group of living things. To the contrary this work should be done by the professional botanist, or zoologist, and demands a high grade of trained skill and judgment. More intel- ligence is needed than suffices to carefully fill out a card- for a catalog, and yet how often do we find descriptions of species that would be discreditable to even a librarian’s assistant! The characters of one species are sometimes described as ‘‘smaller,’”’ ‘‘longer,’’ ‘‘darker’’ or ‘‘lighter’’ than those of another, but upon reading the description of the other species referred to, the characters are again equally lacking in exactness. It is useless to enlarge upon this item, for every naturalist is sadly familiar with such imperfect and inadequate descriptions. Biometry offers a method of great value for the study of specific characters, and the consequent clear and definite statement of the results of such study. There are workers either frightened at the mathematics of the method, or scornful of the whole thing on the general principles of conservatism, or prejudice. The mathe- matics of biometry, considered merely as a biological working method, is that of simple arithmetic, with no operation more complicated than the extraction of the square root. It is certainly of great advantage to record in the standard deviation an exact mathematical statement of the variability of a character in place of the sometimes ut- ‘Read at the Seventh International Zoological Congress, Boston, August, 1907. 537 538 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL XOT terly meaningless, or again only partly useful, qualitative- phrases which may be given. The correlated variability of some of the characters is important. Descriptions based on the mean and range of variation of each char- acter and so expressed are better than those based on values taken here and there at random and then, when once published, petrified into a specific type ideal. A naturalist later tries to identify a specimen with this very limited description, but the characters of the specimen are too divergent and so a new species is created. Still later- another naturalist works with a hundred specimens, in- cluding the characters given for the two preceding species, and then synonymy is born and with it trouble- forevermore. As an illustration of the usefulness of biometry for the solution of taxonomic problems I may take the case of the common Florida-Caribbean holothurian described in 1851 by Pourtalés as Holothuria floridana. In 1868,. Semper considered this species identical with H. atra Jäger, 1833, from the Celebes. All authors have fol- lowed Semper to the date of my publication (1905). In the meantime Ludwig, in 1883, recognized a species in. the West Indies different from the Indo-Pacific form and failing to identify it with H. floridana Pourtalés, created’ a new species, H. mexicana. The same error was re- peated by Theél, in 1886, in making his H. africana. With a feeling that things were not as currently ac- cepted, I concluded to apply the method of biometry to- this problem. From the United States National Museum, Harvard University, and my own collections, 138 speci- mens, covering nearly the whole geographical distribu- tion of the two species were available for the work. In the solution of the general problem before me no attempt was made to determine place modes of which, in minor. details, there were sometimes indications. Every im- portant character was submitted to statistical study and the result is that H. floridana Pourtalès is reestablished as a valid species, with H. mexicana Ludwig and H.. No. 500] BIOMETRY AS A METHOD IN TAXONOMY 539 africana Theél as synonyms. The old characters have been redefined, new ones added, and those differentiating H. atra and H. floridana clearly stated. The young and old have been segregated and differentiated and the re- sults of growth determined. The nature and extent of the variation of each character has been recorded. An entirely new character for holothurians has been dis- covered in what I have called ‘‘pits,’’? in the body-wall of H. atra. It is not possible in taxonomic work to give several years to the study of each species and it often happens that the material is not sufficient. If an author will make a thorough biometric analysis of the characters of at least one- species in his group, he will gain a rare insight into the relative values of the characters. The method is searching and leads to especial carefulness in investiga- tion and statement. Even if one has not an ideal number of specimens his determinations are checked by their probable errors. In the case of some characters, as for instance, the spicules of holothurians, an abundance of material is present in each specimen. More and more of the anatomy becomes involved as the work progresses. Now that the individuality and continuity of the chromo- somes has been demonstrated, McClung has suggested that their number and grouping constitute family, gen- eric, and specific characters of just as definite worth as those that heretofore have been employed. The more characters studied the better, and the ideal taxonomy will be based upon the whole life-history. Then the error of describing the young and old of a species as inde- pendent species will not be repeated. It naturally follows from biometric analysis that a group of individuals, giving as much as possible of the range in variation, should be established and deposited, preferably in a national museum, as the specific type group rather than some arbitrarily selected type speci- men. We have instances of specifie descriptions based upon one individual, with an apology by the author for 540 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII the lack of anatomical details because he could not dissect the one precious specimen! The best way to avoid trouble in taxonomy is to begin with making the original description as complete as pos- sible. It is then a simple matter to condense for practical diagnostic purposes. The biometric determination of the variability of the different characters allows of their arrangement in the order of increasing variability and will perhaps demonstrate which are the ‘‘best’’ char- acters. It is too soon to state exactly what percentage of divergence justifies the creation of a variety, or of a species, and it is not probable that any universally ap- plicable measure will be established. Biometry gives us data of value bearing upon one or more of the factors of evolution and records them in the best form for use. We know that under varying en- vironmental conditions different varietal, or specific forms respond. The new forms may be only temporary and followed by still other new forms, under other changed conditions, or with reversion, when the old condi- tions are restored. Characters, whether expressed in the terms of biometry, or not, are not permanently fixed by the publication of a specific description. It is to be hoped that the spirit of Darwin is with us yet and that we realize that species are in a state of evolution, either continuously or discontinuously, slowly or rapidly. If we are to follow species in their evolution we must have exact and comprehensive statements of their characters from time to time as it is possible, and, if in the terms of biometry, these statements are always in harmony and comparable. If then, while performing the necessary work of tax- _ onomy, we can make our descriptions more complete and nearer the truth; if occasionally we may be relieved of the necessity of creating a new species; if our work may contribute to the advancement of the philosophy of biol- ogy, should we not welcome biometry as a method which can well serve in one and all of these things? SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE THE GENUS PTILOCRINUS! Mr. F. A. Bather has just made known a second species of the interesting genus which I described a year ago? under the name of Ptilocrinus; his material was obtained in 70° 23’ S. lat., 82° 47’ W. long., at a depth y about 480 meters ; the color of the animal in life is recorded as ‘‘flavus brilliant.” The type species of Ptilocrinus, P. pinnatus, came from the Queen Charlotte Islands, off British Columbia, and was dredged at a depth of 1,588 fathoms, about six times the depth at which P. antarcticus was found. Although at first sight, perhaps, it is somewhat surprising that the two known species should be found so far apart geograph- ically and bathymetrically, if we look closely into the matter we find that it is quite what we should expect. Geographically and bathymetrically the recent crinoids are divisible into three well-marked faunæ: (1) the Indo-Pacific-Japanese, characterized by the families Zygometride and Himerometride, the genera Comatula, Phanogenia, and most of the species of Comaster in the Comasteride, the genera Ptilometra, Asterometra, Calo- metra and one of the two species of Tropiometra of the Tropio- metridex,*® and the genera Perometra, Nanometra, Compsometra, Thysanometra and Iridometra of the Antedonide; among the stalked crinoids Metacrinus, Carpenterocrinus, Hrpalocrna. and Phrynocrinus are only known from this region; (2) the Polar- Pacific, including the Arctic and Antarctic circumpolar areas, and the entire American coast of the Pacific from Bering Straits to the Straits of Magellan, the coasts of eastern Asia to southern Japan (where it meets the preceding at Tokyo Bay), including the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, and the Atlantic coasts south to near the Hebrides and the Faroé channel, and to the 1 Ptilocrinus antarcticus n. sp., a crinoid dredged by the Belgian Ant- arctic Expedition. Bull. de l’Acad. roy. de Belgique (classe des sciences), No. 3, mars, 1908, pp. 296-299, fig. p. 299 2 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXII, p. 551, fig. 1, p. 552. 3 The second species, T. carinata, appears to have recently extended its range into the Atlantic. 541 542 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII Gulf of Maine, characterized by various genera belonging exclu- sively to the Antedonide, Heliometra occurring everywhere, Hathrometra confined to the north, and Isometra to the south, while Thaumatometra occurs in the south, but extends north- ward in the Pacifie to the Aleutian Islands; among the stalked crinoids the Bathycrinus carpenterii type (B. carpenteri, B. complanatus and B. australis) appear possibly to be peculiar to the region; bathymetrically, the characteristic forms (except Bathycrinus) are inhabitants of comparatively shallow water in both polar areas, but dip downward to a considerable depth when passing under the tropies; and (3) the Oceanic, which occurs everywhere in moderate to very deep water with the Indo-Pacific-Japanese, and extends thence over the entire ocean area, except that it does not intrude into the area occupied by the Polar-Pacific; the characteristic forms are the species of Thalassometra having rounded and spiny rays and arm-bases (such as T. bispinosa, T. villosa, T. gigantea, T. pubescens, T. multispina and T. aster) and certain other species, such as T. flava, T. porrecta and T, magnicirra, Stylometra, Bathymetra may be true of Calamocrinus. Although Heliometra occurs throughout this area, the two arctic species, glacialis (= esch- richtii) and quadrata (with their representatives in the Sea of Okhotsk, mazima and brachymera) differ from the Antarctic and east Pacifice species in the smoothness of their arms, and in * The subgenus Cenocrinus of Wyville Thomson. ‘No. 500] SHORTER ARTICLES 543 ‘a different distribution of the brachial syzygia; we find, there- fore, that the entire Pacific portion of the Polar-Pacifie area, from Bering Straits to the Antarctic Ocean, is really an exten- sion of the latter division of the Polar-Pacific area northward; ‘so that, had we reasoned backwards from the facts at hand before the appearance of Mr. Bather’s paper, we might very well have prophesied the discovery of a Ptilocrinus in the Antarctic regions. Mr. Bather remarks that I did not publish a generic diagnosis when I established Ptilocrinus; I did not, for the reason that in a monotypic genus, we are quite unable to say which are generic and which specific characters, and to tell in what way a new species will differ from the type; it is all right to indicate the differences provisionally between a new monotypic genus and older genera, but drawing up a diagnosis of a new mono- typie genus implies rather more of a tered over the animal kingdom than I am willing to assum Aat HOBART CLARE. UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES. A NEW RHINOCEROS FROM THE LOWER MIOCENE OF NEBRASKA! Among several animals found by the writer at Agate, Sioux Co., Nebraska, in the spring of 1905, was a new form of hornless . rhinoceros. The type (No. HC105, collection of the writer) consists of a complete skull, the posterior portion of the left jaw, the atlas and the axis. This description has been delayed, hoping ad- ditional material might be secured. The specimen was found in an exposure of the P EOE Beds, about four miles west of the well-known Agate Spring Fossil Quarry, on the ranch of James H. Cook. The bone hiriión in this quarry is practically, if not identically, the same as that in the Agate Spring Quarry. Strictly speaking, the Dæmonelix Beds are an integral part of the Lower Harrison Beds, forming the upper portion of them. Associated with this specimen were the remains of Syndyo- 1 Extract from a paper read before the American Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, December 29, 1907, at New Haven, Conn. 544 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow. XLII ceras, Miolabis, Merychyus, Thinohyus, Parahippus, Moropus, Brachypsalis and other animals. The specimen is referred to the genus Aceratherium, and the specific name of egregius is proposed. It is separated from its contemporary Diceratherium, by the absence of horn cores, or Aceratherium egregius Cook. 14 natural size. any trace thereof on the nasals; by a relatively longer and pro- portionately narrower skull; by a larger first upper premolar, and by many minor features. The nasals are broad and flattened posteriorly, narrowing rapidly anteriorly, and extending about one half inch in front Molar-premolar Series. Right side. 1% natural size. of the premaxillaries. The temporal ridges unite in forming a sagittal crest, which rises quite abruptly, adding oey to the general saddle-shaped appearance of the skull. A more complete report will appear in volume three of the Nebraska State Geological Survey. No. 500] SHORTER ARTICLES 545 MEASUREMENTS Mm. Grontest longth ach ch eek oie ie wera es 473 xtreme width across zygomatic arches ............... 245 . between orbits across frontals ............... 140 OF: pidin CANG anea a eee Ob ea a eee 90 yan of upper molar—premolar series—left side ..... 202 Length of upper molars, left side -osio enrio 95 Length of lower molars, left side «....... 0.66.0. .006 100 Longth of dastana e T tO MOMOE ae orua ant ce ows 61 HAROLD JAMES COOK. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, March 1, 1908 NOTES AND LITERATURE _, PLANT CYTOLOGY Some Recent Research on the Cilia-forming Organ of Plant Cells. —The blepharoplast, or cilia-forming organ of plants, is present in the sperms and other motile gametes and in the zoospores. When fully developed it lies close against the plasma membrane of the cell in the form of a granule or band of various shapes to which the cilia are attached. The origin of the blepharoplast has been the subject of considerable research with conflicting conclusions. Strasburger in 1900 from studies on the zoospores of @Œdo- gonium, Cladophora and Vaucheria decided that the blepharo- plast arose in the plasma membrane (Hautschicht), the nucleus lying in close proximity at the time of its formation; Mottier later described a similar origin for the blepharoplast of Chara. In sharp contrast to the above conclusions are those of Belajeff from studies on the sperms of certain pteridophytes, Ikeno for Cycas and Marchantia, and Hirasé for Ginkgo, who hold that the blepharoplast is an attractive sphere or centrosome. Bela- jeff in particular has consistently described the blepharoplast as occupying, as a centrosome, the poles of the spindle in the mitosis previous to the formation of the sperm mother cells, and has held that the blepharoplasts of Marsilia came from cen- trosomes passed on from the previous mitoses ; each sperm mother cell being thus supplied with a blepharoplast. Ikeno, especially from studies on Marchantia, also holds to the centrosome nature of the blepharoplast, but his conclusions are disputed by Miyake. A third group of investigators to which Davis and Yamanouchi also belong (as will be noted from the reviews which follow) have deseribed the blepharoplast as arising in the cytoplasm while the nucleus is in a resting condition, and as holding no genetic relation to any preceding mitoses. Thus Webber from very thorough studies on the cycad Zamia described the blephar- oplasts as developing de novo on opposite sides of the nucleus and at some distance from it before the mitosis that precedes | the differentiation of the sperm nuclei; Shaw for Marsilia also No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 547 claimed that the blepharoplasts did not occupy the poles of the spindle in the final mitosis, as would be expected of a centrosome- like body. These divergent views have great theoretical interest in rela- tion to the subject of the polar organization of cells reviewed in the July number of the NATURALIST. Zoospores invariably present a conspicuous polarity since their cilia are situated at one end or at a definite point on the side, and while the complex coiled structure of many sperms obscures this polar organiza- tion the process of blepharoplast development is always from a region which is clearly a pole of the cell. Indeed, these types of cells present some of the best illustrations of complex polar organization. Perhaps the most vital problem of zoospore formation and spermatogenesis is then the question whether or not the polar organization of these cells arises de novo at the time of their development or is handed on from the succession of cells which are their progenitors. Davis! found in the zoospores of Derbesia a very interesting subject for of a remarkable blepharoplast. Derbesia is a marine green alga in the group of the Siphonales, distin- guished from other forms in the same group by having very large zoospores, each of which is provided with a circle of numerous cilia. These zoospores are developed in a large spo- rangium which contains at first several thousand nuclei, but a process of nuclear differentiation begins very shortly in the young sporangium; certain of the nuclei increase in size while the great majority begin to degenerate and finally break down. The large surviving nuclei become distributed rather uniformly throughout the protoplasm of the sporangium, and each is evi- dently the center of dynamic activity for the cytoplasm in its vicinity. This is indicated by the arrangement of numerous conspicuous protoplasmic strands which radiate from the nucleus between the surrounding plastids. The segmentation of the protoplasm does not begin until the process of nuclear degeneration is practically ended, and the sporangium contains only the larger nuclei (from 30-300), which are to take part in spore formation. Cleavage furrows start from the periphery of the sporangium and eut into the protoplasm in the form of curved and branching furrows, 1 Davis, B. M. Spore Formation in Derbesia. Ann. of Bot., XXII, p. i, 1905. 548 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vòt XLII These at first mark out large areas, which, however, become suc- cessively smaller as new furrows are formed at the periphery or strike off from the sides of the older ones. Finally the proto- plasm of the sporangium becomes divided into approximately equal masses around the large surviving nuclei., These masses are the zoospore origins and each develops into a uninucleate zoospore. The nucleus first lies at the center of the zoospore origin, with protoplasmic strands radiating out in all directions among the plastids. Granules are present at the bases of the protoplasmic strands close to the nuclear membrane. The nucleus then moves somewhat towards the periphery of the cell and it becomes clear that the protoplasmic strands on that side at least actually extend to the plasma membrane; these strands become arranged in the form of a funnel with the broader end against the plasma membrane. With this stage the zoospore origins clearly exhibit a polar organization. divisions in the sporangium. Third, the polar organization of the maturing zoospores does not appear to be present in the No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 549 younger stages when the nucleus occupies a central position in the zoospore origin. Yamanouchi? has given an account of spermatogenesis for Nephrodium in one of a series of papers dealing with the life history and apogamy of this fern. The blepharoplasts arise de novo just before the last mitosis in the antheridium, that mitosis which differentiates the sperm mother cells. They are first seen as small bodies lying within the cytoplasm on opposite sides of the nucleus and at a considerable distance from it; they appear suddenly, as differentiated by staining, and are unex- pectedly large. The blepharoplasts move towards the nucleus and during the final mitosis take positions near the poles of the spindle. Sometimes the blepharoplasts may lie exactly at the poles of the spindle, and consequently suggest relationships to a centrosome, but this is not often, and there can be no such relationship 1 in Nephrodium because centrosomes are not present in the earlier mitoses of the antheridium or at any other period of the life history. As a result of the final mitosis in the antheridium each sperm mother cell receives one of the two blepharoplasts close by the side of the daughter nucleus. The nucleus in the sperm mother cell now increases in size and the blepharoplast, at first spherical, changes its form. It enlarges and is flattened somewhat against the side of the nucleus and begins to elongate. The outline be- comes at first rhomboidal and then band-shaped as the blepharo- plast gradually extends around the nucleus in the form of a semi-circular band. A complicated development follows for both the nucleus and the blepharoplast. One end of the blepharoplast grows wedge- shaped and is loosely applied to the nucleus while the other end remains pointed and extends around in very close contact with its surface. The nucleus meanwhile changes its form, becoming a coiled structure and the elongating blepharoplast follows the coils in the form of a narrow band, which reaches to the end of the nucleus, and finally by extensive lateral growth covers the coil. In this manner the coiled and spiral form of the sperm is developed, and by this time numerous cilia have grown from the surface of the blepharoplast. There is another structure in the sperm mother cell which 2 Yamanouchi, Sh. Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, and Fertilization in Nephrodium. Bot. Gaz., XLV, p. 145, 1908. 550 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor XLII must be briefly described. It appears as a minute body in the situation previously occupied by the central spindle of the final mitosis, and consequently far removed from the blepharoplast, which lies near the polar region of the spindle, with the nucleus between them. This structure is the ‘‘Nebenkern’’ of other authors. The ‘‘Nebenkern’’ later occupies various situations in the cell, but always remains as a small structure and does not enter into the construction of the spiral body of the sperm; it finally comes to lie in the cytoplasm which becomes attached, as a vesicle, to the posterior coil of the mature sperm. Yamanouchi’s results on Nephrodium are opposed to those of Belajeff for Marsilia, who holds that the blepharoplasts like centrosomes occupy the poles of the spindle and are derived from centrosomes in a previous mitosis within the antheridium. The account agrees with Webber’s conclusions for Zamia that the blepharoplast arises de novo in the cytoplasm, and also with Shaw’s view for Marsilia that the blepharoplast has no genetic relation to the pole of the spindle in the final mitosis. It seems probable that the centrosome theory of the blephar- oplast, as held by Belajeff, Ikeno and others, has placed undue emphasis on the proximity of the blepharoplasts, in the types studied, to the poles of a closely associated mitosis. There are no mitoses present during the entire period of zoospore formation in Derbesia, which consequently offers important evidence against this view. Since similar conditions are also present during zoospore formation in Œdogonium and a number of other alge, the investigation of these types is likely to prove very interesting. The blepharoplast unquestionably gives a marked polarity to the cell, but it has not yet been established that this polar organization is derived, as such, from the immediate cell progenitors, however pleasing, for theoretical reasons, would be the establishment of such a history. : Braptey M. Davis. ORNITHOLOGY _ Riddle on the Genesis of Fault-bars and the Cause of Alternation of Light and Dark Bars in Feathers.’—_In a much shorter paper ‘Riddle, Osear. „The Genesis éf Fault-bars in Feathers and the Cause of Alternation of Light and Dark Fundamental Bars. Biological Bulletin, Vol. XIV, No. 6, May, 1908, pp. 328-370, pls. xii-xv. - No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 551 published in February, 1907, under the title ‘‘A Study of Fun- damental Bars in Feathers” (Biol. Bull., XII, 1907, pp. 165- 174) the author gave a résumé of the results of studies here extended and for the first time fully set forth. The existence of ‘‘fundamental bars’’ in feathers was discovered by Whitman in the summer of 1902 (not published till 1907), who found them ‘‘to be common to all species of pigeons and birds in gen- eral,’’ and that they ‘‘appear to mark all feathers of all species of birds.’’? The present research was undertaken at Professor Whitman’s suggestion, whose observations furnished the start- ing point for these studies.. These are: ‘‘First, there is in all feathers a ‘fundamental barring’ of the whole length of the feather; second, certain defects (fault-bars) occasionally sier in the plumages of birds reared under adverse conditions.’ The fault-bars are considered as regards (1) their morphology, (2) their extent and distribution, (3) their cause. Whitman’s suggestion that fault-bars are due to malnutrition has been abundantly proved by experimental research. While normally - due to lack of nutrition, they may be produced by feeding birds on Sudan III, by mechanical injury of the feather germs, by bad sanitation, parasites, ete., and by the use of amyl nitrite to reduce blood-pressure. From extended observation and experi- ment it has been determined that ‘‘fault-bars are normally laid down at night,’’ when the blood-pressure is normally low. The interrelated facts bearing upon this assumption are thus stated: **(1) Diminished feeding of birds produces emphasized fault- bars. (2) Artificially reduced (amyl nitrite) blood-pressures produce equivalent defects. (3) The fault-bars are produced at night. (5) The lowest daily temperature in birds occurs from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. (6) Other physiological con- ditions of the bird seem to be favorable at night for the produc- tion of low blood-pressures. (7) A lowering of the pressure would reduce the PORPRA and have a tendency to produce defects. ”? Those parts of the feather which are grown under the poorest nutritive conditions are the so-called ‘‘fault-bars,’’ while the intervening parts—normally the larger—are the result of the highest nutritive conditions, and form the ‘‘fundamental bars.’’ The structurally weakened bars are also found to be less pig- 2 Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., V, January, 1907, p. 13. 552 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow XLII mented, although the difference in this respect between ‘‘fault- bars” ‘‘fundamental bars’’ is not marked, but results in the melanin pigment being ‘‘laid down in alternating light and dark transverse bars.’’ Among the results summarized by the author as confirmed by or resting upon these investigations may be mentioned: The occurrence of fault-bars normally in all birds and in all feathers; they can also be produced experimentally. A daily blood-pres- sure rhythm with a minimum pressure between 1 and 5 A.M. ‘The reduced nutrition brought about daily by this minimum blood-pressure; the disadvantageous position, in relation to the blood, of the pigment and barbule elements of the feather; to- gether with the very rapid rate at which feathers grow, furnish the complex of conditions which bring unfailingly into existence a fault-bar, and to a more or less appreciable extent a light fundamental bar, at perfectly regular intervals in the entire length of every feather formation.’’ ‘‘The melanin pigment of the feathers of birds shows, under favorable conditions, quanti- tative variations of the pigment produced in response to changes in the available food supply. This is an additional evidence that this pigment is not a derivative of hemoglobin, but of the serum or cell proteids.’’ ‘‘These results furnish a description in the terms of physiology, of the mechanism of the ‘inheritance’ of certain fundamental color-characters of all birds.’? ‘‘The fundamental bars furnish the starting point for all evolutionary studies on the color-characters of birds.’’ These investigations may well serve as the foundation for researches upon the color-characters of birds, but whether they are to throw much light upon the genesis of color patterns in plumage remains for the future to disclose. It may be noted that no reference is made in this connection to the cause of dif- ferentiation of feather structure, treated by the author in a former paper. HERPETOLOGY Ruthven’s Variations and Genetic Relationships of the Garter- ‘snakes.'—This paper of over two hundred pages, devoted to a ' Ruthven, Alexander G. Variations and Genetic Relationships of the Garter-snakes. U. S. National Museum Bulletin 61, 8vo, pp. xii + 301, with st text 5 Sigares and 1 half-tone plate. Wiskbiston, Government Printing ce, No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 553 single genus of snakes, marks a new departure in North Amer- ican herpetology in respect to methods of procedure. An at- tempt is made first to determine the value of the characters commonly employed in distinguishing the different forms of the group, as scutellation and color, through study of the normal range of variation in the number of dorsal rows of scales, num- ber and arrangement of the labial and preocular plates, the number of the ventral and subeaudal plates, and the position and color of the stripes. All this is worked out with great care and detail for each form, so far as material is available, which includes about 3,000 specimens, gathered from throughout the known range of the genus. Distinction is made between indi- vidual, sexual and geographic variation. The individual variation in the number of rows of dorsal scales, and the variation in the different forms of the group, is found to be due to the dropping out of certain rows. The law is thus stated: ‘‘The individual, geographic and racial variations in the number of dorsal scale rows in the garter-snakes is brought about by the shortening and loss of the same scale rows as are ordinarily dropped posteriorly in conformity with the taper of the body, and there is evidence that this decrease is due to a dwarfing of the body.”’ The cause of variation in the number of labial plates is not easily explained, but it is believed that there is good reason ‘‘for concluding that whatever the factors may be that influence the number of labial plates, the variations are geographic and have been the basis for the racial differences that now exist.’ The color pattern in Thamnophis consists of three light longi- tudinal stripes—a median, and a lateral stripe on each side of the body—on a dark ground. They vary in width in different individuals of the same form, and also more or less in color. The median stripe is the most variable, and in some of the forms it is more or less obsolete. The lateral stripes are constant in position (in reference to the rows of scales involved), and as the position varies in different groups of forms it is available in diagnosis. Simple variation in color, however, has little diag- nostic significance, owing to the wide range of individual varia- tion within each form; ‘‘and, even when there are well marked geographic differences among forms, those in the same region tend to be similarly colored, as Allen has pointed out a number of times in mammals and birds, so that it is impossible to dis- 554. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLII tinguish them sharply on this basis.’’ Thus there is ‘‘a marked increase in bright colors in the Pacific coast region in Wash- ington, Oregon and British Columbia,’’ and an increase in this same region ‘‘in the amount of black pigment at the expense of the paler colors.’’ ‘‘A tendency toward a paler ground color and lighter stripes’’ is noted in western Texas, southern New Mexico, southern Arizona and northern Mexico, and ‘‘a tend- ency toward the production of red pigment on the Great Plains,’’ and ‘‘toward dark colors in the forest region of eastern United States. ’’ As a result of these detailed studies of variation and their probable causes and significance, the taxonomy of the group here presented is quite different from that of preceding authors. Only 19 ‘‘forms’’ are here recognized, in place of the 30 currently admitted by herpetologists. The author says: “Tt may seem the extreme of ‘lumping,’ to assert that there are but four great groups or lines of descent in the garter-snakes, but I be- lieve the evidence is sufficient to warrant the assertion.” These four groups are the radix, sawritus, elegans and sirtalis groups. He explains in a footnote (p. 39): — “Tt is best at the outset to ignore all questions of species and sub- species until their status is established, and to speak of these as forms. Forms, therefore, in the sense employed in this paper, are actual combinations of traits, having geographic extent, irrespective of whether they are isolated (species) or intergrade with their neighbors (sub- species). Detailed discussions of questions of nomenclature are also mre although the names are in every case the ones that, in the these investigations, we judge to be the right ones, following the dieses a Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The proper name of each form will be found in the footnotes, together with the synonomy.” In the ‘‘Table to illustrate the combinations of traits into forms, groups and divisions in the garter-snakes’’ (pp. 40, 41), the ‘‘forms’’ and ‘‘groups,’’ and ‘‘primary divisions’’ (the latter simply numbered I and II) are listed, but it would have been a great convenience if he had given somewhere in his monograph a list of the ‘‘forms’’ with their full names as here employed. ‘The form of nomenclature given in footnotes im- plies the provisional recognition of 12 species (binomials) and seven sian Be subspecies (trinomials), as follows: No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 555 1. Thamnophis megalops (Kennicott). 2. Thamnophis marcianus (Baird and Girard). 3 3. Thamnophis radix (Baird and Girard). T ir ee 4. Thamnophis butleri (Cope). 5. Thamnophis sauritus (Linné). 5a. Thamnophis sauritus proximus (Say). +Sauritus group. 5b. Thamnophis sauritus sackeni (Kennicott). J 6. Thamnophis angustirostris (Kennicott). 3 6a. Thamnophis angustirostris melanogaster (Peters). 7. Thamnophis scalaris (Cope 8. Thamnophis phenax ( ae. 9. Thamnophis hammondi (Kennicott). 10. Thamnophis ordinoides (Baird and Girard). 10a. Thamnophis ordinoides elegans (Baird and Girard). -Elegans group. 11. Thamnophis eques (Reuss). lla. Thamnophis eques sumichrasti (Cope). 12. Thamnophis sirtalis (Linné). Sirtalis group. 12a. Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say). 12b. Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus (Hallowell). Of these groups he states (p. ae that the sirtalis group ‘‘is without doubt the least diversified,’ since its members are given by most herpetologists only subspecific rank, owing to their evi- dent intergrading. Later on in the paper, in his ‘‘Discussion of Origins,’’ he gives his reasons for believing that the genus Thamnophis had its origin in northern Mexico, and not in southeastern United States, as held by Cope and Brown. The four ‘‘groups’’ are each represented in northern Mexico and southwestern United States, and ‘‘each group is formed of a line of directly related forms, the extremes of which are very distinct,’’ and these lines converge toward northern Mexico. He further states, under ‘‘ Method of Evolution of the Forms” (p. 192): ‘‘If the range of the forms in the different groups of garter-snakes be care- fully examined it will be found (1) that the different forms of the same group are found in different geographical’ regions, characterized by different environmental conditions; (2) that the area along the common boundary of two forms of the same group, where transition in characters takes place, is relatively . 556 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII narrow’’; just as has long been known to be the case in mammals and birds, and as Ortmann has recently affirmed to be the rule in crawfishes. He considers that “ Experimental work alone can sufficiently reveal the influence of the environment upon the dwarfing and scutellation of these snakes. In the case of the garter-snakes, however, it should be noted: (1) That most of the forms are the result of dwarfing. (2) That the amount of dwarfing does not seem to be directly associated with the nature of the environment, for the form inhabiting a particular region is only slightly different from its nearest neighbor in the same group, while forms of widely different scutellation may inhabit the same region. Thus the conditions which apparently determine the scutellation of any form is the seutellation of its immediate progenitor, and the dwarfing it has itself undergone.” He believes that he is ‘‘justified in concluding that the dwarf- ing is associated in some way with the environment.’’ He then cites Allen’s law (1876)? that the environmental conditions at the center of origin are most favorable for the existence of any group, and says: “ However this may be, the following facts will stand: (1) That the maximum scutellation and size in the genus Thamnophis occurs at the center of dispersal, and the forms that have been produced in the history of its migration have been formed principally by dwarfing and reduction in seutellation; (2) that the variation in the number of scales in the different series is definite and not promiscuous, and is correlated in a remarkable degree with changes in the environment. The develop- ment of the different groups has thus been orthogenetic.” He continues: “From these facts it seems to me that the most tenable hypothesis of the evolution of the genus Thamnophis is that it originated and became differentiated into four main groups in northern Mexico. From ***Tn a general way, the correlation of size sas E distribu- tion ny! be formulated i in the following proposit me um physical development of hs ‘tadivinodl is attained think the conditions of environment are most favorable to the life of the 8. ee ‘2. The largest species of a group (genus, subfamily, or family, as the case may be) are found where the group to which they severally belong reaches its highest “pit gem or where it has what may be termed its center of distribution. . . —Bull. Geol. and Geograph. Surv. Terr., Vol. II, No. 4, p. 310, July l; 1876. No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 557 this region the groups radiated in all directions, but principally to the northward, and wherever they entered dfferent regions the changed environmental conditions acted as an unfavorable stimulus, which re- tarded growth, and differentiated the groups into dwarfed forms.” The first forty pages of this notable monograph are devoted to the taxonomy, distinctive features, and ‘‘variations’’ of the garter-snakes; the next one hundred and forty to a detailed account of the various ‘‘forms,’’ including description, habits and habitat relations, range, variation and affinities ; then follow about twenty pages of conclusions and general discussion, a bibliography of about 85 titles, and the index. The eighty-two text illustrations consist of diagrams showing the arrangement of the dorsal scale rows, the head plates, and the arrangement and numerical variation in the labial plates; diagrams illustra- ting the scale formula and its variations in the different forms; distribution as indicated by locality records (plotted on maps) ; and habitat views (half tones). It is altogether an excellent piece of work, which we hope to see emulated in other fields of taxonomic research, for which there is ample opportunity in the higher classes of vertebrates. In his introduction Dr. Ruthven alludes to the ‘‘barrenness of general results” that has marked the systematic work in herpetology, due in part to the method employed, which has been ‘‘largely analytical in its nature, being for the most part descriptive of the existing diversities.’’ While such work is important, it only makes known present conditions; as the author forcibly says, a knowledge of the processes that have brought them about is of the greater interest, since ‘‘systematic work can only become a true science when it seeks to formulate the laws involved in the history of the present forms. After analysis, pine as has been said, comes the need of a larger synthesis. ’’ Dr. Ruthven’s monograph strongly appeals to the present re- viewer for two reasons: First, when curator of reptiles at the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History some thirty years ago, he spent much time in trying to unravel the in- tricacies of variation in the garter-snakes, with a view to publi- cation of the results, but other and more pressing interests inter- cepted the work; secondly, he repeatedly in the early seventies made strong appeals for the synthetic method in systematic work, and has published a large amount of data on individual, 558 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII sexual and geographic variation. Forty years ago systematic work was almost wholly analytic, and especially so in respect to the mammals, birds and reptiles of this continent. In my paper ‘‘On the Mammals and Winter Birds of East Florida, with an examination of certain assumed specific characters in Birds,’’ ete., published in April, 1871,° the conclusions arrived at respecting “‘species’’ and specific characters are thus sum- marized :* “ (1) That the majority of nominal species originate in two prin- cipal sources of error, namely, (a) an imperfect knowledge of the extent and character of individual variation, and (b) of geographical variation. (2) That this imperfect knowledge is mainly due to the neglect of zoologists to study with sufficient care the common species of their respective countries, whence has arisen a faulty method of investigation and erroneous ideas respecting species and specifie char- acters. (3) Instead of the method at present pursued by a large school of descriptive naturalists—the analytic, or the search for differences— being the proper one, that synthesis should be duly combined with analysis, and that general principles should be sought as well as new forms, or so-called ‘new species’ and ‘new genera’ (4) It is claimed that nothing is to be gained by giving binomial names to climatic or other forms, in cases where, however considerable the differences be- tween them may be, a complete transition from the one to the other can be traced in specimens from intermediate localities, notwithstanding the plea sometimes urged that their use affords ‘convenient handles to facts.’ ” No 3 of these conclusions,’ here italicised, denotes the class of research exemplified by Dr. Ruthven’s monograph. His method of approach to the problem before him is thus stated: “ Three steps are necessary to determine the genetic relationships and simplify Cope’s elaborate arrangement of the group: (1) The value of * Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 161-450. * L. ¢, p. 163. * No. 4 may be considered as an entering wedge which led up to the later adoption of trinomials. In 1872 (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. III, ce k cae rea seq., July, 1872) varietal names were advocated and sys- at pted for intergrading forms, which were referred to as sub- species or races, the same method of designation being almost simultaneously interpo ti reviation ‘‘var.,’’ or by a letter (Roman or Greek according to the preference of the author); in 1877 and 1878 Gisonials, pure and simple, eame generally into use in this country for birds and mammals, and soon after for reptiles. No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 559 the characters must be determined; (2) geographic probabilities must be utilized; (3) similarities and intergradations must be sought.” As a result the 43 forms (20 species and 23 subspecies) recog- nized by Cope in his posthumous work ‘‘The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America” (Rep. Smiths. Inst., 1898), are reduced to nineteen; and of the twenty-two names given by Cope eighteen appear only as synonyms. Nearly ‘seventy names have been conferred on these nineteen forms, or an average of three and a half for each. Dr. A. E. Brown, the last preceding reviser of the group, in his ‘‘Review of the Genera and Species of American Snakes, north of Mexico,’’ published in 1901,° reduced the number of forms to eighteen—ten species and eight subspecies; he pro- ceeding on somewhat the same lines as Ruthven, namely, ‘‘that a knowledge of the laws under which forms are developed is to be best gained by a study of variations.” While the number -f forms admitted by the two authors is practically the same, the taxonomic results are widely diverse. Dr. Ruthven believes that the garter-snakes will be found to furnish excellent material for experimental research, as they are hardly in captivity, and prolific; and that the first problems to be attacked are the inheritability of scale characters and the in- fluence of inbreeding and unfavorable conditions of food and temperature. But it is to be remembered that experimental re- search must necessarily be conducted under unnatural conditions, and that the results do not necessarily show what has taken place under natural environments. While the results thus obtained are always interesting and suggestive, they can not be looked ‘upon as conclusive respecting what has actually occurred under natural conditions. J. A. A. LEPIDOPTERA Hybrid Lepidoptera.—Although published more than a year ago, Mr. J. W. Tutt’s account of hybridization and mongrelization in anh is probably scarcely known to evolutionists in this two chapters in which he sums up and discusses all exe is ath on these subjects are prefaced to a much larger -work, the first volume of the ‘‘Natural History of the British * Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1901, pp. 10-110. 560 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIL Alucitides.’’ The book, a large volume of 558 pages, is part of Mr. Tutt’s exhaustive ‘‘Natural History of the British Lepi- doptera,’’ this particular volume dealing with the plume moths. The treatment of the several species is even more exhaustive than that given by Mr. Scudder in his great work on the butter- flies of New England; and as in Seudder’s work, the purely tax- onomic details are relieved by chapters on general topics. In his two chapters, Mr. Tutt enumerates all the recorded crosses between different species (hybrids) and between different forms of the same species (mongrels), and gives numerous par- ticulars about them. At the end of the book is an appendix describing other cases made known while the volume was in press. It appears that about 90 hybrid Lepidoptera are known, these being especially numerous among the Attacides and Anthro- cerides. The well-established hybrids have been reared in cap- tivity, and it is justly argued that many alleged hybrids found at large must be regarded with extreme suspicion, as being quite probably merely variations of one of the supposed parents. The most distantly related species which have, when crossed, pro- duced fertile eggs and subsequent larvæ, are Saturnia pavonia X Graellsia isabellæ; but in this case the larve could not be raised. to imagines. There is a very interesting discussion of the ques- tion whether hybridization is. capable of giving rise to new species in a state of nature. This is considered extremely un- likely, for the following reasons: ‘‘Even when hybridity is not difficult to procure between two- species, the progeny shows little fertility inter se, and, although the males are more frequently fertile with females of either of the parent species, the female hybrids are much more rarely fertile with the males of the parent species, and at present few hybrids show comparatively free fertility inter se. This appears. to be largely due to the anatomical and morphological upset in the sexual organs of the female hybrids, an upset that frequently finds its outward recognition in the development of gynandro- morphic forms, in which the primary sexual characters are often considerably modified, and correspondingly marked changes. take place in the secondary sexual characters. ‘‘ Assuming, however, hybridity ever to take place in nature, the hybrids themselves will often, presumably, follow one or other of the parent forms so far as relates to its habits, time of appearance, etc., and the chance of a male and female hybrid, No. 500] - NOTES AND LITERATURE 561 assuming that some of both sexes get through successfully, then meeting each other, as against the possibility of either meeting and pairing with or being paired with a male or female of the much more abundant parent form, is so remote that one puts aside the possibility.’’ The instances of mongrelization are classified under the fol- lowing headings 1. Crossing of typical form and local race. 2. Crossing of typical form and aberration; production of artificial races by inbreeding. 3. Crossing of typical forms with aberrations tending to de- velop melanochroie races. 4. Crossing of typical form with aberration trying to set up: local race. 5. Crossing of dimorphic forms of a species which occur to- gether and rarely appear to attempt to supplant each other. ' 6. Crossing of typical forms with possible constitutional aber- rations. 7. Dimorphism in one sex. It is impossible to give any summary of the many cases de- scribed under these headings, but enough has been said to show how valuable the work is to students of evolution and variation. D. A. COCKERELL. PARASITOLOGY Parasitic Diseases in the Philippines The paramount impor- tance of zooparasitic diseases in the Philippines may be judged | from the recently published record of the bureau of health since the medical work at Bilibid Prison was placed under its charge in November, 1905. The prevailing diseases treated in Hospital A, Bilibid Prison, were hookworm, 1,537 cases; amebie dysen- tery, 551 cases; acute dysentery, 174 cases; cholera, 18 cases; pneumonia, 62 cases; beriberi, 60 cases; conjunctivitis, 221 cases, and malaria, 174 cases; 81 per cent. were thus due to animal parasites. The death rate decreased from 238 per thousand in 1905 to 13.5 per thousand in June, 1907. General sanitary measures were responsible for the first reduction to about 75 per thousand; active measures against animal parasites led to the further reduction. 562 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII The establishment of a separate department of medical zoology in the curriculum of the Philippine Islands Medical School is a natural result of the extreme prevalence of animal parasites, and of the diseases to which they give rise. About 80 per cent. of the entire population is infected, or counting different spe- cies separately, 200 infections occur to each 100 inhabitants. While the severe results of such infection noted in Porto Rico and elsewhere are not found, yet the population of the Philip- pines presents a higher percentage of infection with intestinal worms than has ever been definitely reported from any other people and the condition is essentially a chronic one, the results of which manifest themselves indirectly in the general physical impoverishment of the people and the high rate of morbidity and mortality aceredited to other diseases. THE PATAGONIAN FAUNA Results of the Hamburg Magellan Expedition..—The importance attaching to a knowledge of the fauna and flora of the southern extreme of South America—especially in connection with the so-called ‘‘bipolarity’’ theories, and with the newly explored Antarctic fauna—has been recently more fully recognized. For a long period this region was neglected. Its great distance from the centers of scientific activity, the inclement climatic condi- tions, the unfriendly native population, the difficulties of naviga- tion which led every navigator to breathe more freely when he had seen the Magellanic mountains sink below the horizon in his , wake—all these factors contributed to the difficulty and cost of scientific exploration, and tended to turn the scale unfavorably, when projects of collecting expeditions were discussed in Europe. Yet the little that was known hinted of great interest in what remained to be discovered. The surveying expeditions of Fitz- roy, King, Wilkes, of Nares and Coppinger, the cireumnaviga- tions of U. S. S. Hassler and Albatross, the work of the Chal- lenger and of the French Mission to Cape Horn, in connection . with the international polar meteorological stations—each in its turn added something to the sum total of information about these regions. The growth of commerce, with the gradual exploita- *Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magelhaensischen Sammelreise, 1892-93. ne vom Naturhistorischen Museum zu Hamburg. Bde. I-III, No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 563 tion of the gold-washing and sheep-raising industries of southern Patagonia, made the region more accessible; the increasing use of steam in navigation diminished the terrors of the straits for sailors, and the occasional visits of seal hunters offered opportuni- ties for collection of other than fur ‘animals. Really valuable material obtained for the Hamburg Museum by the merchant captains and officers Ringe, Kophamel and Paessler drew re- newed attention to the subject, and projects of systematic ex- ploration were discussed by Dr. von Neumayer and director of the museum Professor Dr. G. Pfeffer. Times were unfavorable at first, due to civil war and other disturbances in Chile, and it was only in 1892 that it seemed prudent to actually despatch a collector. The financial question was settled by the generosity of citizens of Hamburg and by grants from various scientific societies of the city, and plans were decided upon under the skillful direc- tion of Dr. Pfeffer. The choice of Dr. W. Michaelsen as explorer and collector proved well advised. He left Hamburg in July, 1892, returning in September, 1893, with an extremely large, valuable and well-preserved collection in all branches; a collec- tion believed to be the largest and most important ever brought from those shores. Some papers on part of this collection, or partly based upon portions of it, have already appeared in various publications, notably Strebel’s work on the mollusea, Michaelsen on the holo- somate ascidians, Hartlaub on the hydroids, and Ohlin on the valviferous isopods. Nearly all the various Antarctic expeditions of the last few years have touched, coming or going, on the Magellanic shores, and much of the zoological material contained in their elaborate reports has been gathered there. Meanwhile a multitude of specialists have been busy with the Michaelsen material and many of the papers during the last ten years have been separately issued. At the present time these have been brought together, united with others not previously published, and, under the editorship of Dr. Pfeffer, issued by the Hamburg Museum in three portly, beautifully illustrated volumes. The first volume, which relates to generalities, chordata, echinoderms and ccelenterates, has an historical preface by Neumayer, a brief account of his voyage by Michaelsen, and a 564 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII very condensed summary by the editor, in which he points out in what papers the problems of zoogeography are touched upon from the standpoint of the student of special groups, with an intimation of what will be a most welcome general discussion in the future, of those problems from a general and inclusive point of view. The first paper is by Kustos Paul Matschie, of the Berlin Museum, describes eight species of mammals, of which one, a Herperomys, is described as new, and adds a catalogue of mam- mals of southern South America, which will be found useful, as it is annotated with mention of localities and enumera- tion of synonyms. As it is obviously impracticable to give with- in the limits of this review a synopsis of each of the multitude of papers of which these volumes are made up, the reviewer will endeavor to tabulate their contents so that those interested may find an indication of what they contain on each topic. The data on which each paper was originally separately issued are en- closed in parentheses. Each paper is separately paginated, there being no general pagination or plate numeration for the volume as a whole. VOLUME I * ł Säugetiere. Paul Matschie (1898), pp. 30, pl. 1. t Vogel. G. H. Martens (1900), pp. 34. 7 Reptilien und Batrachier. Franz ong ee pp. 21, pl. 1. Fische. Einar Lönnberg (1907), pp. * Tunicaten. W. Michaelsen (1907), pp. a ‘3. * ł Holothurien. H. Ludwig (1898), pp. 98, pl. 3. * + Echinoideen. Max. Meissner TnP pp. 18, fig. 1. * ł Crinoideen. H. ee (1899), pp. * Ophiuroideen. H. Ludwig (1899), pp. "98. * ł Asteroideen. Max. Meissner (1904), pp. 28, pl. 1. f Aleyonarien. Walther May (1899), pp. 22, figs. 3. f Zoantharien. Oskar Carlgren (1898), pp. 48, pl. 1 f Paper gives a list enumerating all the species of the region known to date. VotumME Il—Arthropods, *Hemipteren. G. Breddin (1897), pp. 38, pE 2 * Aphiden. H. Schouteden (1904), p. 6. *Formiciden. A. Forel (1904), pp. 8. Pteromaliden. Ew. H. Riibsaamen (1902), mp. 8, pL L + * Coleopteren. H. Kolbe (1907), pp. 125, *Lepidopteren. O. Staudinger (1899), pp. 118, pl i. No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 565 * Trichopteren. Georg Ulmer (1904), pp. 26, pl. 2. Plecopteren. Fr. Klapálek (1904), pp. 14, figs. 10. Ephemeriden. Georg Ulmer (1904), pp. 8, pl. 1. *Odonaten. F. Ris (1904), pp. 44, figs. 12. * ł Apterygoten. C. Schaffer (1897), pp. 48, pl. 3. A i onyleptiden. W. Sörensen (1902), pp. 36 * Ac P. Kramer (1898), pp * Pyenogoniden. J son (1907), pp. 20, figs. 6 W. * 7 Süsswasser Ostracoden. W. V ra (1898) , pp. 26, figs. 5. 7 Süsswasser Cladoceren. W. ee ra (1900), pp. 26, figs. 7. * Siisswasser Copepoden. Al. Mrázek (1901), pp. 30, pl. 4. VotuME III—Bryozoen und Würmer. * Bryozoen. L. Calvet (1904), pp. 46, pl. 3. ise nchytra Š ok i t * Terricolen (Nachtrag). W. Michaelsen (1899), pp. 28. + * Polychaeten. E. Ehlers (1897), pp. 148, pl. 9. + * Nemathelminthen. v. Linstow (1896), pp. 22, pl. 1. * Chaethognathen. O. Steinhaus (1900), pp. 10. * Nemertinen. O. Bürger (1899), pp. 14. * Cestoden. Einar Lönnberg (1896), pp. 10, pl. 1. Trematoden. M. Braun (1896), pp. 8, pl. 1. * Polyeladiden. Ritter-Záhony (1907), pp. 20, ai 9, pl. Rhabdocoeliden und Tricladiden. L. Bohmig (1902), pp. ri pi 2. The above summary is sufficient to show that these volumes form a library on the Patagonian fauna which will be indis- pensable to the student of the zoology of the southern hemis- phere. Almost without exception the papers conclude with a full bibliography of the subject of which they treat. We hope that the concluding volume of the series which will contain the editor’s general discussion will be also provided with a chart, if possible also bearing the bathymetric lines which indicate in a general way the topography of the sea bottom. Wm. H., Dat. 566 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor XLII COLOR NOMENCLATURE FOR NATURALISTS A Code of Colors for Naturalists.: —In 1905 Dr. R. M. Strong called attention in Science (Vol. XXI, pp. 267-268) to the avail- ability for naturalists’? use of the Bradley Educational Colored Papers. Little books containing about 165 samples of these papers may be had for five cents from dealers in kindergarten supplies. Since Ridgway’s ‘‘A Nomenclature of Colors for Naturalists’? went out of print, there has been no convenient and rapid means of designating colors with precision other than by the use of the Bradley papers. The present work attempts to furnish to all who have to designate colors with precision a simple, practical and unmis- takable means of indicating them. This is accomplished by supplying, at a low price, a book of convenient size for the pocket in which are contained a sufficient number of samples of dif- ferent colors arranged in accordance with a recognized scientific plan and prepared with materials as durable as our knowledge of chemistry permits. All names of colors are rejected except those of the six spectral colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Thus is avoided the confusion inseparable from the use of names for colors. The scheme includes 24 **pure’’ colors, the six colors of the spectrum named above; six other colors obtained by combining the adjacent spectral colors to produce intermediate colors called red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow- green, green-blue, blue-violet and violet-red; and twelve other colors intermediate between the twelve above named. Thus between red and red-orange there intervenes a lighter red, between red-orange and orange a lighter red-orange, so that the order of the twenty-four colors is as follows: red, red, red- orange, red-orange, orange, orange, orange-yellow, orange-yellow, yellow, yellow, ete. Each color is intermediate between that which precedes and that which follows it. Each of the twenty- iy and broken colors, in which the white and black are * Klincksieck, Paul, et Valette, Th. Code des Couleurs à l’usage des. Naturalistes, Artistes, Commerçants et Industriels, 720 Eechantillons de Couleurs classés d’après la méthode Chevreul simplifiée. Paris, 1908; 1 vol., 86 pp., 4%4 X7% in. 48 pages contain 720 samples of colors, No. 500] NOTES AND LITERATURE 567 used in definite proportions, are numbered consecutively with the pure color from which they are derived, so that the first double page of samples contains reds numbered from 1 to 25, the second reds numbered from 26 to 50, the third red-oranges from 51 to 75, the fourth red-oranges from 76 to 100. Thus the first 100 numbers are given up to red (including red-orange), the numbers from 101 to 200 indicate oranges (including orange- yellow), and so on through the spectrum, until the numbers 501 to 600 indicate violet (including violet-red). In addition to the six hundred colors thus numbered consecutively, there are 120 others, five on each page, all made by adding white to the pure color or to one of the broken colors and all designated by pre- fixing letters to the numbers on the same page. Thus the num- ber of colors is brought up to 720. To designate a color it is only necessary to refer to it by its code number. Thus a naturalist may describe the color of a bird as C. C. 120 (C. C. as an abbreviation for Code des Couleurs), and one reading his description knows at once, since the number falls in the second hundred, that the color is a broken orange and by turning to his code has the color itself before him. The naturalist may carry the book into the field and on a pencil sketch may enter the numbers of the colors of natural objects, and from such notes may, at his leisure, prepare colored figures of such objects, long after the objects themselves have faded. Thus there is provided an international code of colors which may be used like a telegraphic code and by means of which men of different nations and professions may intereommunicate with- out risk of being misunderstood. The scheme adopted in the code is a simplification of that used in the dye works at Gobelin and elaborated by the chemist Chevréul formerly in charge of the dye works. The simplifica- tion consists in reducing the number of pure colors from 72 to 24, in greatly reducing the number of tints and shades and broken colors, and in omitting the grays. The omission of the grays is justified on the ground that all grays are in nature impure, and are therefore represented in the ‘“‘ Code” by shades or broken colors. The Chevréul scheme contains 14,421 colors, including grays, while the ‘‘Code’’ contains but 720, exeluding grays. The colors given in the ‘‘Code’’ are, however, so close together that only the trained expert will be able to discriminate intermediate colors; they are probably sufficient for all practical 568 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII purposes. They are between 4 and 5 times as many as in the Bradley papers, which have also been arranged in accordance with the scheme of Chevréul (Milton Bradley, Elementary Color). M. Th. Valette, chemist of the government tapestry works at Gobelin, has selected the pigments used with special reference to their durability. The pigments have been applied to paper without the use of oil as a vehicle, so that their durability is thereby increased. The colored paper has been coated with an insoluble gelatin to protect it from the action of water. The paper thus prepared has been cut into samples 20 by 25 mm., and these have been pasted to the pages of the ‘‘Code.’’ The book, thus prepared, seems to answer the needs of naturalists far better than any other practicable scheme, and its use should greatly lessen the growing confusion which has resulted from attempts to designate colors by names without any standard of reference. The writer has tested the book in the field with satisfactory results. While not all colors may be matched by it, the results are accurate enough for practical uses, and greater accuracy is at present to be had only by the use of the color wheel. JACOB REIGHARD. (No. 499 was issued on July 31.) The American Journal of Science Established by Benjamin Silliman in 1818. The Leading Scientific Journal in the United States Devoted to the Physical and Natural Sciences, with special reference to Physics, and Chemistry on the one hand, and to Geology and Mineralogy on the other itor: EDWARD S. DANA. Associate pake Professor Sonos L. GODAL: JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW and WM. M. DAVIS elsen Professors shag ERRILL, HENRY S. WILLIAMS and L. V. PIRSSON, of New Haven; Professor G. gh ARKER, of CT A fiese JOSEPH S. AIMES of Ba eae TIR. J. S. DILLER, of Washingt Two volumes annually, in monthly numbers of about 80 pages each. This Journal ended its first series of 50 volumes asa quarterly in 1845 ; its second series of 50 volumes as a two-monthly in 1870; its third series as a monthly ended Dec- ember, 1895. A Fourth Series commenced in 1896. Subscription price, $6 per year or 50 cents a number, postage prepaid in the United States ; $6.25 to Canada; $6.40 to countries in the Postal Union. Back numbers at reduced prices. ses~Ten-volume Indexes, Vols. I-X, XI-XX, fourth series, price one dollar. Address The American Journal of Science New Haven, Conn. Pour paraire en 1908. Science C K A weekly journal, established in 1883, devoted to A the advancement of the natural and exact sciences, the official organ of the American Association for the sa vie, son œuvre Sa ae eee = Science, poe original articles and notes on the progress of the diferent branches of par MARCEL LANDRIEU. = the procin a scientific societies and 1 Š academies, reviews of scientific and articles, vol. gr. bot ieseni peyinda 00 i poised ibe aiya e preliminary accounts of researches and full discussion gr iiiar rae sy and cnr oes subjects concerning scientific men and ierx pubis dace iss Miiactied ale Sociét é Zoolo- scientific and educational institutions. gique de Pianese ct m a is ement au pr ix Annual subscription 35.00. Single numbers 15 cents. 10 fr. Le tirage étant trés limité, prions de sous- z crire SEN en s'adressant au Secrétaire ~ Popular Science Monthly géné An illustrated ma gazine, established in 1872, devot 28 RUE SERPENTE, PARIS. to the difusion of science, publishing artic a ts Š eading authoriti ies in all departments fp To Zoologists and Museums |, applied science, o the applications ct of ye mai W.F.H Ros enberg to education and society. importer of Exotic Zoological Specimens — mii $3.00. Single copies, 30 cents. 57 Haverstock Hill London, N. W. England Holds the largest stock in the world of specimens in all branches of Zoology. xi gerund un established in 1867, devoted Just published, my new price list of then crs onic ozotukion, eee tothe BIRD’S EGGS, containing over 800 mpe The American Naturalist Annual subscription $4.00. Single numbers, 35 cents. . $ stg To wx bscribers mentioning thi price lists Nos. 6, Bird Skins (over 4,300 dlowing one dollar, SCIENCE wil be sent for thros mension fe species), and 7, Mammal Skins, Seega, AMERICAN NATUR ALIST for four n moñthsor THE POPULAR and Spirit Specime ns (over 300 species). Any of the aides price lists sent pot tbe ne oo SCIENCE PRESs on application. TT Sub-Station 84, New Yoru, Lancaster, Pa, The American Naturalist A Monthly Journal, established in 1867, Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences Factors of edity with Special Reference to the Organic Evolution and Her vagy haa ie OF THE FEBRUARY NUMBER The td of Geminate Species, President DAVID STARR Fasciations of Known Causation. Dr. HENRI Hus, nett Origination of Parasitic Plants, Dr, The ‘Brotutioa of the “ortikey Mammals and the Im- their Migrations. Professor CHARLES Zoological Progress, Professor G. H. Par Literat Heredit; Inheritance through the Placental Cireulation in- stead of through ge Cells, F. Morphology—Form Variation in Amblystoma tigri- num, H. L. O, i l aiar A i tog Limb S, ind their Bearing upon the Proble Development of Nerves, A. J. G, CONTENTS OF THE MARCH NUMBER Lamarck krece to at Harvard University. Professor oon. Prothallia, Professor Doveras HOUGHTON CAMPBELL. The Panar of the Tertiary Mammals and the So Their Migrations, Professor CHAR P Teeri renne “regarding the Constancy of Mutants and Questions regarding the Origin of Disease Resist- ance in Plan t Ronis EY. ct p if?) Fa ® a -~ Ea i 23 & a a on 7 atis i eW. Shorter Articles Be Correspondence : "The poran ARE -4 a — ner of Clasping the Hands, Dr. See ee Notes, chinodermata— of the nal P Expedition, Ant — Notes; and praa nt Work o on pi ae Etine of igher Animals, E Professor HERBERT 8, JENNINGS. CONTENTS OF THE APRIL NUMBER The Shere eae Aspect of 2e Species Question. Pro- ssor CHARLES E BESS ANE w The ppb Aspect of "the Species Question. Dr, NATHANIEL LORD Britton. The a iag g en —— of the Species Question, Pro- ee siologial ap a of a Species, Dr. D, T, on Ecologie View ce — ENR Conception, Professor RED the Casenption of aay Dr. Discussion of the Ar Question. Professo: M. COULTER, Dr. J. B. Dr. Gi Professor i J. i, E. G. ees Dr. G. SHULL, Dr. J. A. Harris, A. E. Hircu Shorter ee Bristox Correspondence: Otter Sheep, Pro. — "i nha O; & bi GH Jordan o i Pishes, Professo: e Pokona f CONTENTS OF THE MAY NUMBER Geo acon Distribution ; rien of the Bermuda auna, goy lg E. birna, On the Interpretation Tropisms of Insects. HARLE x% Mass.: Report of Work fo f 1907. Dr. FRANCIS B, SuMNER, Heredity of Hair riri in Man. GERTRUDE C. DAVEN- Crinoi C. Animal Be- vior—Recent Work on tne Behavior of Lag Higher Animals. Professor HERBERT S, JENNIX CONTENTS OF THE JUNE NUMBER The oo of the Amphibia, Dr. Roy L, orth America, Dr, ALEXANDER G., R UTHVEN, Physiology. Professor FREDERIC 8, LEE Notesand Li : Bi Recent Contributions to Theory, Professor RAYMOND PEARL. Some Amæba Studies, G. N. C, Experimental Zool oology—Regeneration, M. CONTENTS OF THE JULY NUMBER an Ratio and Several Types of Latency. Dr. Comoe HARRISON SHULL. The Bey Bei Tendons of Insects. Professor C, W, Woop- ieee Incisors of Marmota Monax L. CHARLES HULL. AN ote on t on the ee of Plethodon Cinereus, HUGH ANIEL Some Fernao on the Order of Succession of the an in the Chick. Professor MaRIAN E. HUB- RD. Dwarf Faunas. Professor HER Notes and Literature : Tehihyology- Life B fe History = = fessor CHARLES A, KOFO ID; The Valves Heart. of Fish Presi D gy—Polar — ization of Bat Cells, Dr. But ae. M. Day cg Single Number 35 Cents Yearly Subscription, $4.00 The NATURALIST will be sent to new suhecribers for four months for Oms Delle JHE pany PRESS Lancaster, Pa. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS I. Some Results of the Florissant Expedition of 1908. Professor T. D. A. COCKERELL = : - 569 Embryology of yoii nitatiacin: DR. LEROY D. swrreLs < % - 582 Another Aspect ofthe Species Question. DR. J. A. ALLEN é s . 592 The Origin of Vertebrate Eyes. Professor G. H. PARKER . ‘ . . 601 Notes and Literature: Heredity—Spurious Allelomorphism, Results of Some Recent Investigations, W. J. SPILLMAN. Human Anatomy—Pryor on Sexual and Family Variation in Centers of Ossification, C. R. B. Plant Cytology— Cytological Studies on Saprolegnia and Vaucheria, Dr. BRADLEY M. Davis. Holothurians—Holothuriedea, Professor CHARLES L. EDWARDS. Enterep- 43848 neusta—Re singe Pateontology—Case on Pelycosauria of North America; Barnum Brown on the Conrad Fissure and on the Seer Nemes Professor 8. W. W. A Evolution of Parasitism ; Prpa H. B. W. P oe ea ak . 610 THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORE: SUB-STATION 84 The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended fer review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. One hundred reprints of Contributions are supplied to authors free ef charge. Further reprints will be supplied at cost. Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies is thirty-five cents. The advertising rates will be sent on application. THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 tter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Important New Scientific Books PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPNY Botany The Origin of a Land Flora. A Theory based upon the facts of Alternation. By F. O. Bowsr, Sc.D., F.R.S. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, gilt top, xi +727 pp., illus., index, 8vo, $5.50 net. Nore.—A profound study in the morphology of the lowest forms of plants, with ee reference to the development of their reproductive systems. The author endeavors to show that the present land flora has "s m an aquatic ancestor, and traces the methods of specialization to the land habit, and the establishment of the forms of the higher plants. A book of the highest importance not only to botanists but to biologists in general NEW AND STANDARD HAND-BOOKS ON AGRICULTURE, ETC. Elements of Agriculture, Southern and Western. By W. C. WELBORN, B.S., M.S., M.P.A. Cloth, xvi +329 pp., illus., appendix, glossary, index, 12mo, $.75 net. _ Nore.—This isa thoroughly modern treatise on farming as practiced in the Gulf States, rom the Spa of view of the scientific agriculturist. It is adapted to school use, but is of practical service to any armer in that part of the country. The author is vice-director of the Texas Experiment Station. Re-issues of the highly The Principles of Fruit Growing. By L. H. BAILEY. valued Hand-Books known Tenth Edition, $1.50 net, by mail $1.66. as the Garden Craft and Irrigation and Drainage. ye H. Kine. 1 $1.68 Reval Sei Seri x ith Edition, $1.50 net, by mail $1.68. by L. H. BAIL pia ean Principles of Vegetable Gardening. By L. H. BAILEY. aid Sixth Edition, $1.50 net, by mail $1.68. nell University, Editor of Bush Fruits. By Frep W. Car “t Cyclopedia D. of American Fourth Edition, $1.60 net, by mail $1.66. Horticulture,” * Cyclopedia Fertilizers. By EDWARD B. VOORHEFS. of American Agriculture,” Tenth Edition, $1.25 net, by mail $1.38 ete. Farm Poultry. By Gro. C. Watson. Sixth Edition, $1.25 net, by mail $1.42 Published By _ The Macmillan Company “653.4 New Yor THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Voi. XLII September, 1908 No. 501 SOME RESULTS OF THE FLORISSANT EXPEDI- TION OF 1908 PROFESSOR T. D. A. COCKERELL UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Tue fourth University of Colorado Expedition to Florissant, in the summer of 1908, was only about three weeks in the field. The earlier expeditions, in 1905, 1906 and 1907, obtained a very large amount of material from the Miocene shales of this locality, and much of this still awaits study and description. A general account of Florissant appeared in the Popular Science Monthly for August, 1908, while briefer statements, more or less in- accurate, may be found in the current geological text- books ;1 so it will not be necessary at this time to give a description of the place or the fossil-beds. It is pro- *In Dr. W. B. Scott’s valuable ‘‘Introduction to Geology,’’ 2d en (1907), p. 756, it is stated that there were ‘‘very few palms.’’ matter of fact, there is no reason for believing that there were any. The Rhus sp. on p. 755 is Weinmannia phenacophylla Ckll. In Vol. III (1906) of ‘‘Geology,’’ by Professors Chamberlin and Salisbury, Florissant is re- ferred to the Oligocene, flowing Scudder and others. It is stated that ‘í palms are barely represented,’’ and yews are said to occur. We do not lirsch’s admirable work ‘‘Die Fossilen Insekten,’’ which would naturally be regarded as representing the best modern knowledge, numerous identifica- tions of Tertiary insects are cited, which certainly have no value. Thus Seudder had a specimen for Florissant which looked like a Bombus: this appears in the list, without any query, as Bombus. I have seen the specim en, and it is not a bee. In Dr. Folsom’s ‘‘ Entomology ’’ (1906) masses of Sialid eggs are said to occur; the eggs in question were not from Florissant, but from the Laramie beds at Crow Creek. 569 570 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von. XLII posed, instead, to call attention to a few of the most in- teresting finds of this year, especially those which can readily be illustrated by photographs. Most of the work this year was done at what we call Station 13 B, close to, and apparently of the same materials as, Station 14, from which the best things of former years have nearly all come. Superficially, 13 B seems to dip under 14, but this appears to be due to a fault; both beds belong to the older series of the locality, being covered by extensive deposits of rock and shale, the greater part of which, at 13 B, has been removed by erosion. The shale at 13 B proved extremely uneven in quality. During the first week the results were perhaps better than in any week of former years; but the last two weeks were relatively barren, and, as we were getting a large propor- tion of duplicates, it was doubtful whether the work justi- fied the expenditure. It is highly important, of course, that the Florissant beds should be further explored, and no doubt the treasures yet to be uncovered there are in- numerable ; but with limited resources, and great accumu- lations of unworked materials on ‘hand, it has seemed better not to continue digging at the present time. At the University of Colorado an exhibit of the Floris- sant fossils has been arranged. It is probably the best in existence, although the insect specimens in the Scudder collection at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, none of which are on exhibition, far exceed ours in number and variety. .From the recently gathered materials, a series will be prepared for Colorado College, and also one to be sent to Dr. R. F. Scharff, for the Dublin Museum. _ The members of the 1903 expedition were the same as in 1907, with the addition of Mr. Melford Smith, and, for a shorter time, Miss Gertrude Darling. THE FISH-GENUS TRICHOPHANES In 1872 Cope published Trichophanes, a new genus of Perciform fishes, represented by a small specimen ob- tained in the coal shales north of Osino, Nevada. In 1879 No.501] THE FLORISSANT EXPEDITION OF 1908 571 two other species, T. foliarum Cope, and T. copei Osborn, Scott and Speir, were added from the Florissant shales. T. copei, which has not been figured, is stated to differ from T. foliarum by its smaller scales. The genus is one of quite unusual interest, because it appears to belong to the suborder Xenarchi, an old group with peculiar anatomical characters, represented to-day by a single species, Aphredoderus sayanus, confined to the eastern United States. According to Jordan and Evermann, the Xenarchi are related to the Percopside, of which two liv- Fie. 1. Trichophanes foliarum Cope. ing species are known—FPercopis guttatus Agassiz, from the Great Lakes and surrounding regions, and Columbia transmontana Eigenmann, from the Columbia River. These fishes are evidently remnants of an ancient fauna, which in Tertiary times included a variety of genera and species. Agassiz, when describing Percopsis, was much impressed by its generalized features, combining char- acters which commonly existed together in Cretaceous fishes, but are widely separated in modern forms. ‘‘Now my new genus Percopsis is just intermediate between the Ctenoids and Cycloids; it is what an ichthyologist at pres- ent would searcely think possible, a true intermediate type between Percoids and Salmonide’’ (Agassiz, 1850). Tt is remarkable that this relic of earlier days should now 572 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII have its headquarters in the area which was covered by the glacial ice; it is possible, perhaps, that it lived through the glacial period in some northern locality which was unglaciated, but cut off from the southern fauna. In this way, it might have been protected from the stress of competition, and when the great lakes were opened up, it found in them a comparatively free field—a field ap- parently not yet populated with anything like the maxi- mum number of species. Fic. 2. Trichophanes foliarum Cope. Trichophanes is not precisely typical of Aphre- doderidæ; it certainly seems to have some characters resembling those of the Percopsidæ, no doubt indicative of real relationship. It is readily recognized by its peculiar scales, which are ultra-ctenoid, with the mar- ginal teeth produced into quite long bristle-like struc- tures. According to Cope, they are ‘‘without or with very minute sculpture,’’ but under the compound micro- scope they are seen to be covered with fine concentric strie. Cope’s type of Trichophanes foliarum was obtained by Dr. Seudder, and consists of the anterior half of the fish only. This year my wife found at Station 13 B two prac- No. 501] THE FLORISSANT EXPEDITION OF 1908 573 tically complete specimens, herewith illustrated. These reveal many characters not visible in the type, and em- phasize the Percopsis-like tendencies. In Jordan and. Evermann’s ‘‘Fishes of North and Middle America,’’ plates CX XI and CXXII, are given excellent figures of Pereopsis, Columbia and Aphredoderus. Our Tricho- phanes agrees with Aphredoderus in the thick (deep) caudal peduncle, the projecting lower jaw, and the scaly sides of the head. The dorsal fin, as in Aphredoderus, has three spines, the first very short, the third long (about 12.5 mm.), the second intermediate. The anal, as in Aphredoderus and Columbia, but not as in Percopsis, has two spines, one long, the other short; the longer spine is nearly straight, as in Aphredoderus. The shape of the dorsal is very much like that of Percopsis, not very like that of Aphredoderus; while the forked caudal is very unlike that of the latter genus, but rather closely resem- bles that of Columbia. There is no adipose fin (it is present in Percopside) ; the ventrals are inserted about 5 mm. posterior to the bases of the pectorals, and the same distance anterior to the level of the beginning of the dorsal. In the last character the fish is nearly in- termediate between Aphredoderus and the Percopside. Trichophanes should apparently be taken as typical of a family Trichophanide, falling in the Xenarchi, and 574 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII standing between Columbia and Aphredoderus in the serial arrangement. Another waning group of fishes (with a single living species) found at Florissant is Amia, the bowfins. The accompanying figure shows a tail of this genus we found; much hunting failed to discover the rest of the specimen. A Primitive DRAGONFLY The Zygopterous dragonflies are divided into families known as Calopterygide and Agrionide. The Calop- terygide are further divided into subfamilies, separable Fic. 4. Phenacolestes parallelus Ckll, by the character of the costal region toward the base of the wing. In the Calopterygine, this area, before the nodus, is crossed by four or more veins, called antenodals ; in the other subfamily, the Lestinæ, these have been re- duced to two. In the family Agrionide, which is very abundant in the modern fauna, the reduction to two antenodals is practically universal. There is, however, an extinct subfamily, which I have called Dysagrionine, in which this reduction has not gone so far, and four or more antenodals remain. Of this group we know two genera, Dysagrion Seudd, from the Green River beds, and Phenacolestes Ckll. from Florissant. The latter genus, No.501] THE FLORISSANT EXPEDITION OF 1908 575 published early in 1908 (Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.) was known only from the wings. A photograph of a wing was sent to Dr. Needham, who wrote: ‘‘ It is indeed a most interesting fossil, another synthetic type. De Selys’? Podagrion group of Agrionine includes tlie most primitive members of that subfamily, and this fossil is more primitive in several characters than any living forms.” Very fortunately, a splendid specimen of Phenacolestes parallelus was uncovered this year by Mr. Geo. N. Rohwer. As the illustration shows, it is nearly complete, lacking, however, the apex of the abdomen. The wings are not so heavily clouded as in P. mirandus, the type of the genus, and there are differences in the venation. P. parallelus was originally described from the apical half of a wing. Somr Fossil BEES In 1906 (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.) I described a bee’s wing found at Florissant by Scudder, regarding it as the type of a new Anthophorid genus, Calyptapis. A very Fic. 5. Fossil bee, Calyptapis Fic. 6. Fossil bee, Anthophora florissantensis Ckll. melfordi Ckll. fine example, showing the body, was found this year, and from a close examination I am able to ascertain its true position. It is not an Anthophorid at all, but is a genus of Bombide, in other words a bumble-bee. The genus is valid, and gives the first indication of the former history 576 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII of this group in America. The insect was especially in- teresting to me, because I had just been studying the bees in Baltic Amber, which include various genera and species of still earlier bees related to Bombus. Another bee of great interest was a species of Antho- phora, with the mouth-parts exserted and plainly visible. Some of the amber bees show the mouth-parts very well, but it is extremely rare for those in shale to show any- thing of the kind. The genus Anthophora is common in Colorado to-day, but it was not previously known from the American Tertiaries. A PROBLEMATICAL FLOWER Last year we found, among other flowers, one which was so interesting, and so well preserved, that Dr. Arthur Hollick made it the subject of a special article in Torreya, . September, 1907. Dr. Hollick named it Phenanthera petalifera, new genus and species, but was unable to place a Fic. 7. Fossil flower, Phenanthera petalifera Hollick. it definitely in any known family. A new specimen, figured herewith, is clearly of the same species, and on the whole confirms Dr. Hollick’s description. The stamens, with long filaments and large anthers, are cer- tainly eight in number. The supposed appendages of the calyx seem to me to be emarginate, and to resemble rather closely the small petals of certain Ribes. Follow- ing this clue, the large, thin ‘‘petals’? may be interpreted as petaloid calyx-lobes, also as in Ribes. The short pedicels, about the length of the hypanthium, suggest that No.501] THE FLORISSANT EXPEDITION OF 1908 oti the flowers were borne in clusters, and so in all respects they seem to agree sufficiently with Ribes, except for the insuperable difficulty of the eight stamens. The eight stamens would agree with Weinmannia, but the flower otherwise seems discordant, judging from the descrip- tions—I have never seen a Weinmannia flower. Both Weinmannia and Ribes are represented by leaves in the shale. THE PROBLEM OF THE PROTEACER The Proteacex constitute a rather large and very char- acteristic family, with over 950 living species, almost confined to the Southern Hemisphere. Nearly 600 are Australian; New Caledonia has 27, New Zealand 2, Chile 7, tropical South America 36, South Africa over 250, Madagascar 2, and the mountains of tropical Africa about 5. These particulars are taken from Engler (1894), probably the numbers should now be somewhat increased. The genus Helicia, with some 25 species, is Indo- Malayan, and extends north of the equator as far as the Himalayas. One of the most remarkable discoveries—if such it be —of paleobotany is that of the occurrence of Proteaceæ in abundance in the Tertiaries of the Northern Hemis- phere. In Ettinghausen’s work on the fossil flora of, Haring (1853) numerous remains of leaves are figured, together with drawings of recent species of Proteacer. The resemblances are not merely close; it is not too much to say that the oligocene leaves look practically identical with their modern representatives. Furthermore the resemblances are not shown in one or two types only, but extend throughout a considerable series; nor are they confined to the leaves—the determinations in some in- stances are fortified by characteristic-looking seeds. Even the peculiar fruits of Persoonia are shown. Such evidence looked convincing enough to Ettinghausen, and a priori, there seemed to be no obstacle. The distribution of the Proteacex to-day seemed to be that of a group once world-wide, but now driven to the ends of the earth by the stress of competition. This would agree well with 578 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII the case of the marsupial mammalia, and others such as the recently elucidated one of the Chrysochloride, or golden moles. On the other hand, it was pointed out that there were other leaves resembling those of the Proteacer. In 1870 Bentham went so far as to say, in regard to detached leaves, ‘‘I do not know of a single one which, in outline or venation, is exclusively characteristic of the order, or of any one of the genera.’ Quite recently Dr. Schonland (Trans. X. African Phil. Soc., 1907, p. 821) has written: ‘The supposed identifications of southern types of plants in the Tertiary deposits of the Northern Hemisphere are considered by most eminent botanists, such as Sir Jos. Hooker, the late Mr. G. Bentham, A. Schenk, etc., as worthless. Laurent has recently tried again to prove that the Proteacexw originated in the North, but the evi- dence on which he relies seems to be altogether untrust- worthy.’’ Without having seen the European fossils, it may be hazardous to attempt any contribution to this controversy; but it must be pointed out that those who regard the paleontological evidence with contempt seem to have forgotten one or two things. They have not sufficiently remembered the great antiquity of the genera of flowering plants, as shown by indisputable evidence; they have failed to consider the great lapse of time, which would permit migrations from one end of the world to the other (continuous land provided), even at the slowest rate; and more especially, they seem to have forgotten the unquestioned cases of Sequoia, Comptonia, Liquid- ambar, etec., in which wide-spread types have been reduced to comparatively small areas within quite recent geolog- ical times. It may also be added, that they have over- looked the analogous cases among animals, which can by no means be explained away. With all this, it must be confessed that the dicta of paleobotany are not so reli- able as we could wish, and that an attitude of scepticism is often more than justified. Lesquereux believed that he could recognize a consider- able series (8 species) of Proteacex: in the Florissant No. 501] THE FLORISSANT EXPEDITION OF 1908 579 shales. They are by no means so convincing as the European fossils; but they appear to represent an ele- ment now wanting in the North American flora, and no one has been able to show that they are not Proteaceous. I give figures of two of the most characteristic—Lomatia acutiloba and Lomatia tripartita. Our new material of L. tripartita is especially interesting as showing—what Lesquereux did not know—that it has compound leaves. Fic. 8. Lomatia tripartita Lx. Fic. 9. Lomatia tripartita Lx. These leaves are exceedingly variable, and have very much the cut of certain species of Phacelia. This question of the Proteaceæ is one of wide impor- tance, for it is not only a test of the accuracy of paleo- botanical conclusions, but, according as it decided one way or the other, it provides or removes an argument for the former existence of great southern lands between the present continents. 580 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Yon XLII A Fossi MILKWEED On the same piece of shale as the Lomatia acutiloba, found by Mr. S. A. Rohwer at Station 20, is the follicle of a species of milkweed. It is 54 mm. long, 14 wide in the middle, dark colored as preserved, with a longitudinal suture and without tubercles. It closely resembles the follicle of the modern Acerates auriculata, but is rather less tapering. It may be known as Acerates fructifer, n. sp. 28 RUE SERPENTE, PARIS. A illustrated magazine, established in 1872, devoted ETE E EEE the diffusion of Ree publishing a i articles by ~ Jeadin authorities in all departments of pure an To Zoologists and Museu ms ADETA science, including the applications of science W. F.H Rosenberg to education and society. Importer of Exotic Zoological Specimens Annual subscription $3.00. Single copies, 30 cents. 57 Haverstock Hill London, N. W. England The American Naturalist Holds the largest stock in the world of xX 1, established in 1867, devoted peci ournal, establis evo : e Fae pce m POIN. list of | "° ‘tee "iological prasad vi special reference to the BIRD’ E RaGS : Ey new paes 186 OF | factors of organic evolut ie ? containing over 8 spe- Anatol E a 00. Single numbers, 35 cents. _@ies from all parts of the world. Also advertis oo a (fi meng Enon we a ‘three monthe, THE price eer ae be Siaa Shite Ukelees ox 4 AMERICA ICAN NNA A A Jour monthsor THE POPULAR and Spirit Specimens s (over 300 species). i -Any of the oor price lists sent post-free THE SCIENCE PRESS on PO Garrison, N.Y. p. R Lancaster, Pa. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vout. XLII October, 1908 No. 502 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN THE LIVING PLANT. F. F. BLACKMAN, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. THE UNIFORMITY OF NATURE. Among the phenomena of nature man finds himself to be one of medium magnitude, for while his dimensions are about a billion times as great as those of the smallest atoms that compose him they are also about one billionth part of his distance from the center of his solar system. From the vantage point of this medium magnitude the man of science scans eagerly the whole range of natural phenomena accessible to him with a strenuous desire for unity and simplification. By the unwearying study of special sections of this long front of natural phenomena special guiding princi- ples have been detected at work locally. No sooner has this been accomplished than, in obedience to this desire for continuity throughout, such principles have been free- ly extended on either side from the point of discovery. Thus, the theory of probability, which dealt at first with so limited an occupation as drawing white and black balls out of an opaque bag, now is known as the only de- terminable factor in such remote things as the distribu- tion of the duration of human lives and the effect of con- centration of the colliding molecules in a solution upon the rate of their chemical change. Again, the principle of evolution discovered among living things has been * Address of the president of the Botanical Section of the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science. Dublin, 1908. 633 634 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII extended, till to speak of the evolution of societies, of solar systems, or of chemical elements is now but com- monplace. The biologist, with all his special difficulties, has at least the limitation that he is only concerned with the middle range of the interminable hostile front of natural phenomena, and that for him is ordained the stubborn direct attack, leaving the brilliant attempts at outflanking movements to the astronomers on the one wing and the workers at corpuscular emanations on the other. The atoms and molecules that the biologist has to deal with do not differ from those passing by the same names in the laboratories of chemistry and physics (at least no one suggests this), and their study may therefore be left to others. At the other end of the seale, with astronom- ical magnitudes we have not to deal, unless indeed we yield to the popular clamour to take over the canals on Mars as phenomena necessarily of biological causation. In the study of that particular range of phenomena which is the special allotment of the physiologists, animal and vegetable, we have had ever before us the problem of whether there is not here some discontinuity in nature; whether the play of molecular and atomic forces occur- ring outside the living organism can ever account for the whole of the complexity and correlation of chemical and physical interactions demonstrable within the living struc- ture. As yet we are of course far from any answer to this question, and no one in a scientific assembly like this will call upon us for prophecies. Yet the subject to which I shall devote my address has a bearing upon this ques- tion. I propose to consider a particular aspect of the relation of chemical changes in a test-tube to those taking place in a living growing plant, and this in the spirit of one who craves for continuity throughout natural phe- nomena. The point of view from which the chemist regards the reaction taking place in his test-tube has undergone a No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 635 change in the last twenty years, a change bringing it more into uniformity with that of the biologist. No longer content with an equation as a final and full expression of a given reaction, the chemist now studies with minutest detail and with quantitative accuracy the progressive stages of development of the reaction? and the effect upon it of varied external conditions, of light, temperature, dilution, and the presence of traces of foreign substances. Perhaps it is too much to believe that this, as it were physiological, study of each reaction is the effect of some benign irradiation from the biological laboratory. At least, however, it is true that it is the modern study of ‘slow’ chemical reactions which has made all this pos- sible, and the living organism consists almost entirely of slow reactions. The earliest studied chemical reactions, those between substances which interact so quickly that no intermediate investigation can be made, did not of course lend themselves to this work, but nowadays whole classes of reactions are known which are only completed hours or days after the substances are initially mixed. To the slow reactions belong all the hydrolytic and dehydration changes of carbohydrates, fats and proteids that bulk so largely in the metabolism of plants and animals, together with other fermentation changes such as are brought about by oxidases, zymases and enzymes in general. This precise quantitative study of chemical reactions has been developing with remarkable acceleration for some twenty- five years, till it is grown almost into an independent branch of science, physical chemistry. This is sometimes called ‘‘general chemistry’’ because its subject is really the fundamental universal laws of the rate of chemical change, and these laws hold through all the families, gen- era and species of chemical compounds, just as the same physiological laws apply to all the different types of plants. : * Modern research has made it clear that reactions conventionally repre- sented by complex equations of many interacting molecules really take place in a succession of simple stages, in each of which, perhaps, only two molecules interact. 636 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII Now if these laws are fundamental with all kinds of chemical changé they must be at work in the living meta- bolic changes. If the chemical changes associated with protoplasm have any important factor or condition quite different from the state of things which holds when mole- cules react in aqueous solution in a test-tube, then it might happen that the operation of these principles of physical chemistry would be obscured and not very significant, though it is inconceivable that they should be really inop- erative. My present intention, then, is to examine the general phenomena of metabolism in an attempt to see whether the operations of these quantitative principles are traceable, and if so how far they are instrumental in giving a clearer insight into vital complexity. THe DOMINANCE oF [RRITABILITY IN PHYSIOLOGY. I think that certain manifestations of these principles are indeed quite clear, though not generally recognized, and that this neglect is largely due to the dominance of what our German colleagues call ‘‘Reizphysiologie’’—the notion that every change in which protoplasm takes part is a case of the ‘‘reaction’’ of an ‘‘irritable’’ living sub- stance to a ‘‘stimulus.’’ Now this general conception of protoplasmic irritability, of stimuli and reactions was, of course, a splendid advance, the early development and ex- tension of which we owe largely to our veteran physiolo- gist Professor Pfeffer, of Leipzig. Great as is the service it has rendered to many departments of botany, yet in one direction, I think, it has overflowed its legitimate bounds and swamped the development of the physical-chemical concepts which I shall indicate later on. The great merit - of the ‘‘stimulus and reaction’’ conception is that it sup- plies a very elastic general formula for the sort of causal connection that we find occurring in all departments of bi- ology; a formula which allows the phenomena to be grouped, investigated and formally expounded, whether they be the temporary turgor-movements of ‘‘sensitive’’ No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 637 plants, the permanent growth movements of tropistie cur- vatures, or the complex changes of plant-form and de- velopment that result from present and past variations of external conditions. The strength and the weakness of the conception lie in its extraordinary lack of particularity. When an irritable cell responds to a stimulus by a reaction nothing is im- plied about the mechanism connecting the cause and the effect, and nothing even about the relative magnitudes of these, but all this is left for special research on the case under consideration. The one natural chain of cause and effect that is recognized to be outside this com- prehensive category is that rather uncommon one in which a definite amount of energy of one kind is turned into an equivalent definite amount of energy of another. Here we have a direct ‘‘equation of energy,’’ whereas in a reac- tion to a stimulus we are said to have typically an ‘‘un- loosing’’ effect—a liberation of potential energy by a small incidence of outside energy, as in the classical an- alogies, drawn from completely comprehended non-living things, of a cartridge exploded by a blow, or the liberation into action of a head of water by the turning of a tap. So elastic a conception may be easily stretched to fit al- most any sequence of phenomena with the apparent close- ness that argues a bespoken garment. We must therefore be critically on our guard against cases of such sartorial illusion. THE PRINCIPLES oF CHEMICAL MECHANICS. That my consideration of particular cases may be intel- ligible it seems necessary that I devote a few minutes to outlining the four quantitative mechanical principles which govern every single chemical reaction, though much that I have to say has been drawn from elementary books on physical chemistry. These four principles are concerned with (1) the nature of the reaction in question; (2) the amount of reacting substances that happen to be present; (3) the temperature 638 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII at which the reaction is taking place; and (4) the influence of catalysts upon the reaction. è For the moment we will confine ourselves to the first two matters, and assume that catalysts are absent and the substances at constant temperature. 1. The first principle that we have to consider is that which declares that no chemical reaction is really instan- taneous, though the interaction of substances is often so fast that a direct measurement of its rate can not be made; and, further, that every reaction has its own spe- cific reaction-velocity which distinguishes it from other reactions. This is expressed by giving to each particular reaction a numerical velocity coefficient which is low or high proportionally as the reaction is slow or quick. 2. This coefficient only expresses the actual experimen- tal velocity when the reacting substances are present in unit concentration, because difference of concentration is just the most important factor controlling the actual re- action-velocity. If a solution of a substance A of unit concentration is undergoing change, then to keep this reaction going at its present rate fresh amounts of A must be added continu- ally just to equal the amount removed by the reaction and so keep the substance up to unit concentration. The amount of A that had to be added thus per unit time would give an exact measure of the amount being decomposed, í. e., of the specific velocity of this reaction. If the reaction were started with A at double unit con- centration, then twice as much A would have to be added per unit time to keep the reaction velocity constant at the double rate it would have started at. And with higher concentrations proportionally more A would have to be added. It is therefore shown that the amount of chemical change going on in unit time is pro- portional to the concentration. This is a most funda- mental principle of chemical mechanics, known as the law -~ of mass, and it may be stated thus: the amount of chem- ical e taking place at any time is amaya propor- No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 639 tional to the amount of actively reacting substance (or substances) present. To carry out experiments by the procedure given above is in practise very difficult and the velocities of reactions are never measured by the chemist in this way. In a living organism this continual bringing up of new supplies of material to maintain a constant rate of change is the ordinary way of life, but in the chemical laboratory pro- cedure is different. There, definite amounts of sub- stances are initially mixed in a vessel and the reaction is allowed to progress by itself without further additions. In this ease there is a continual falling off of the concen- tration of the substance, and so a corresponding diminu- tion of the actual reaction-velocity. In this procedure the diminution of the initial amount of substance can be actually measured by withdrawing small samples at intervals of time and analyzing them. Let us consider a definite example. Cane-sugar can be hydrolyzed, under various conditions, to give two mole- cules of hexose, according to the equation C,2H..0,, + H,O = 2C 4H 20.. This reaction goes on, though extremely sowly, when an aqueous solution of cane-sugar is kept very hot in a beak- er. Suppose we started with, say 128 grams dissolved in a liter of water and traced the diminution of this amount down towards zero by withdrawing samples at intervals of time and analyzing them. If we plotted the sugar-content of these successive samples against the times when they were taken we should get the curve given in Fig. 1. If we call n minutes the time taken for the sugar to diminish from 128 grams to 64 grams, we should find that in the second n minutes the sugar had fallen to 32 grams, after 3n minutes to 16 grams, and so on, the amount halving itself every n minutes. Thus the amounts of cane-sugar hydrolyzed in successive equal intervals are 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 grams, amounts in each case just exactly proportional to the quantity of 640 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII cane-sugar then remaining in solution, thus exemplifying the law of mass. 3 Such a curve as A in Fig. 1, which changes by a con- stant multiple for successive units of time (here halving itself every n minutes) is known as a logarithmic curve; the velocity of reaction at any moment is exactly indi- cated by the steepness of the curve at that moment; the velocity is greatest at first and it declines to almost zero as the curve approaches the horizontal at the end of the reaction. When instead of the decomposition of a single substance we deal with two dissolved substances, A and B, reacting together, then as both of them go on being thus used up, the amount of change must be ever proportional to the mass or amount of A present multiplied by the mass of B present. There is a special important case when the amount of, say, B is in very great excess of that amount required to unite with the whole of A. Then all through the slow progress of the reaction the amount of B never becomes reduced enough to make appreciable difference to its mass, and it may be considered as practically constant all along. In such a ease the rate of the reaction is found to be proportional simply to the amount of A present, and we get again the curve A, Fig. 1. Here the amount of A may be considered as a limiting factor to the amount of reaction; B being in such great excess never falls low enough to take a practical part in determining the velocity. The case of the hydrolysis of cane-sugar in aqueous solution is just such a case. The water itself enters into the reaction, but so little is used up in relation to the enormous excess present that the amount remains prac- tically constant and the rate of hydrolysis of the cane- sugar is determined only by the amount of the cane-sugar present at any moment.* 3. We have now shown how the actual amount of chemi- cal change going on in a solution is determined by the *128 grams ecane-sugar unite with 6.7 grams water in Casein and in our oe nearly 1,000 grams of water are present No.502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 641 combined effect of (1) the specific reaction velocity and (2) the law of mass. We have next to point out that the specific reaction coefficient is not the same under all cir- cumstances, but is affected by variations of external con- ditions, always by temperature, and generally by the pres- ence of traces of so-called catalysts. The relation to temperature we will postpone, and pro- ceed to consider our third principle, the acceleration of re- action velocity by catalytic agents. | B , | Fa) do | 90 Bo \ 7° \ A \ Crk $020 z ; 4a a AT : ~ig NE d Mno m 2h 3H Oh Sn br yn Sm Fig. 1. It has long been known that small additions of various foreign substances may have a great effect in increasing the rate at which a reaction is proceeding. Thus this hy- drolysis of cane-sugar, so slow with pure water, goes ata 642 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII fair velocity if a few drops of a mineral acid are added to the solution, while the addition of a trace of a particular enzyme (invertase from plant or animal) enormously in- creases the rate of change, so that the whole 128 grams of cane-sugar are soon hydrolyzed to hexose. The reac- tion progresses quantitatively in the same sort of way as before, giving a logarithmic curve of sugar-content. In- deed the same graphic curve, Fig. 1, A, would represent the facts if the value of n were reduced from many hun- dred minutes to quite a few. The most striking point about this new state of things is that the added body is not used by its action, but the acid or enzyme is still present in undiminished amount when the reaction is completed. Such actions were at first styled ‘‘contact’’ actions, but are now known as catalytic actions, because we have learned that the catalyst does not work just by contact but by combining with the sugar to form an intermediate ad- dition compound, and that this compound is then split up by the water liberating the catalyst again, but freeing the sugar part, not as cane-sugar, but combined with the water to form two molecules of hexose. On many chemical reactions, finely divided metals such as platinum and gold have a very powerful catalytic ac- tion. Thus platinum will cause gaseous hydrogen and oxygen to unite at ordinary temperatures, and will split up hydrogen dioxide with the formation of oxygen. The intermediate stages in this catalytic decomposition may be summarily simplified to this— H,O, + Pt = PtO + H,O and PtO + HO, = Pt + 0, + H,0. Thus the reaction goes on and on by the aid of the ap- pearing and disappearing ‘‘intermediate compound’’ PtO till at the end the H,O, is all decomposed and the platinum is still present unaffected. The enzymes are the most powerful catalytic agents No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 643 known, and most of them are specifically constituted to effect the hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction or splitting of some definite organic compound or group of compounds containing similar radicals. Innumerable enzymes have in late years been isolated from the plant-body, so that it would seem that there is none present-to catalytically accelerate each of the slow single changes that in the aggregate make up the complex metabolism of the plant. The law of mass applies with equal cogency to catalytic reactions. If twice the amount of acid is added to a so- lution of cane-sugar (or twice the amount of enzyme) then the reaction velocity is doubled, and hydrolysis pro- ceeds twice as fast. As the catalyst is not destroyed by its action, but is continually being set free again, the con- centration of the catalyst remains the same throughout the reaction ; while, on the contrary, the amount of cane sugar continually decreases. If the catalyst be present in great excess the amount of hydrolysis will be limited by the amount of cane-sugar present, and as this is used up so the reaction will prog- ress by a logarithmic curve as in Fig. 1, A. In this case B may represent the amount of catalyst. If, on the con- trary, there is a large amount of sugar and very little acid or enzyme present, so that the catalyst becomes the limiting factor, then we happen upon a novel state of things; for by the law of mass the rate of hydrolysis will now remain constant for some time till the excess of sugar is so far reduced that it in turn becomes a limiting factor to the rate of change. In this case the velocity curve would consist of a first phase with a straight hor- izontal line of uniform reaction-velocity leading into the second phase of a typical falling logarithmic curve (see Fig. 1, C). These conditions have been experimentally examined by Horace Brown and Glendinning, and fully explained and expounded by E. F. Armstrong in Part IT of the critical ‘‘Studies in Enzyme Action.’’ * Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. LXXIII, 1904, p. 511. 644 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIT Having now outlined the three fundamental principles of reaction-velocity, the law of mass, and the catalytic acceleration of reaction-velocity, we are in a position to consider the broad phenomena of metabolism or chemical change in the living organism from the point of view of these principles of chemical mechanics. Tue METABOLISM OF THE PLANT CONSIDERED AS A CATALYTIC REACTION. Plants of all grades of morphological complexity, from bacteria to dicotyledons, have this in common, that throughout their active life they are continually grow- ing. Putting aside the qualitative distribution of growth that determines the morphological form, as a stratum of phenomena above the fundamental one that we are about to discuss, we find that this growth consists in the assim- ilation of dead food-constituents by the protoplasm with a resulting increase in the living protoplasm accompanied with the continual new formation of dead constituents, gaseous CO., liquid water, solid cellulose, and what not. This continual flux of anabolism and katabolism is the essential character of metabolism, but withal the proto- plasm increases in amount by the excess of anabolism over katabolism. Protoplasm has essentially the same chemical composi- tion everywhere, and in the whole range of green plants the same food-materials seem to be required; the six ele- ments of which proteids are built are obviously essential in quantity as building material, but in addition small amounts of Fe, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Cl and Si are in some other way equally essential. What part these secondary elements play is still largely a matter of hypothesis. Regarding metabolism thus crudely as if it were merely a congeries of slow chemical reactions, let us see how far it conforms to the laws of chemical mechanics we have out- lined. If the supply of any one of these essential elements comes to an end, growth simply ceases and the plant No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 645 remains stationary, half-developed. If a Tropæolum in a pot be watered with dilute salt-solution, its stomata soon close permanently, and no CO, can diffuse in to supply the carbon for further growth of the plant. In such a condition the plant may remain for weeks looking quite healthy, but its growth may be quite in abeyance. In agricultural experience, in manuring the soil with nitrogen and the essential secondary elements, the same phenomenon is observed when there is a shortage of any single element. If a continuous though inadequate sup- ply of some one element is available then the crop development is limited to the amount of growth cor- responding to this supply. Agriculturalists have for- mulated the ‘‘law of the minimum,’’ which states that the crop developed is limited by the element which is minimal, 7. e., most in deficit. Development arrested by ‘‘nitrogen-hunger’’ is perhaps the commonest form of this. All this is of course in accordance with ex- pectation on physical-chemical principles. The quantity of anabolic reaction taking place should be proportional to the amount of actively reacting substances present, and if any one essential substance is quite absent the whole reaction must cease. It therefore seems clouding a sim- ple issue and misleading to say of a plant which, from the arrested development of nitrogen-hunger, starts growth again when newly supplied with nitrogen, that this new growth is a response to a ‘‘nitrogen stimulus.’’ It would appear rather to be only the removal of a limit- ing condition. Let us now move on a stage. Suppose a growing plant be liberally supplied with all the thirteen elements that it requires, what, then, will limit its rate of growth? Fairy bean-stalks that grow to the heavens in a night elude the modern investigator, though some hope soon to bring back that golden age with overhead electric wires and under- ground bacterial inoculations. If everything is supplied, the metabolism should now go on at its highest level, and quantities of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen sup- plied as CO,, nitrates and water will interact so that these 646 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Voi XLII elements become converted into proteid, cellulose, ete. Now this complex reaction of metabolism only takes place in the presence of protoplasm, and a small amount of pro- toplasm is capable of carrying out a considerable amount of metabolic change, remaining itself undestroyed.. We are thus led to formulate the idea that metabolism is es- sentially a catalytic process. In support of this we know that many of the inherent parts of the protoplasmic com- plex are catalytic enzymes, for these can be separated out of the protoplasm, often simply by high mechanical pres- sure. We know, too, nowadays that the same enzymes that accelerate katabolic processes also accelerate the re- verse anabolic processes. In time a small mass of protoplasm will, while remain- ing itself unchanged, convert many times its own weight of carbon from, let us say, the formaldehyde (HCHO) of photosynthesis to the carbon dioxide (CO,) of respira- tion. If metabolism is a complex of upgrade and downgrade changes catalyzed by protoplasm we must expect the amount of metabolism to obey the law of mass and to be proportional to the masses of substances entering into the reaction. The case when any one essential element is a limiting factor we have already considered. When all are in excess, then the amount of the catalyst present becomes in its turn the limiting factor. Transferring this point of view to the growing plant, we expect to find the limited mass of protoplasm and its constituent catalysts setting a limit to the rate of metabolic change in the extreme case where all the materials entering into the reaction are in excess. When once this supply is available further in- ` crease in supplies can not be expected to accelerate the rate of growth and metabolism beyond the limit set by the mass of protoplasm. This, of course, is in accordance with common experience. The clearest experimental evidence is in connection with respiration and the supply of carbo- hydrates—this, no doubt, because the carbohydrate ma- terial oxidized in respiration is normally stored inside plant-cells in quantity and can be estimated. When the No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 647 supplies for an internal process have to be obtained from outside, then we have the complications of absorption and translocation to obscure the issue, especially in the case of a higher plant. Let us first take a case where the carbohydrate supply is in excess and the amount of catalytic protoplasm is small and increasing. Thus it is in seeds germinating in the dark: respiration increases day by day for a time, though carbohydrate reserves are steadily decreasing. Palladine® has investigated germinating wheat by analy- zing the seedlings and determining the increase of the es- sential (non-digestible) proteids day by day. The amount of these proteids he regards as a measure of the amount of actual protoplasm present. Assuming this to be so, he finds an approximately constant ratio between the amount of protoplasm at any stage and the respiration. As germination progresses in the dark the supplies of reserve carbohydrate presently fail, and then the respira- tion no longer increases in spite of the abundant proto- plasm. According to our thesis the catalyst is now in excess and the CO. production is limited by the shortage of respirable material. This second type of case was more completely investi- gated by Miss Matthei and myself in working on the respiration of cut leaves of cherry-laurel kept starved in the dark. For atime the CO, production of these non- growing structures remains uniform, and then it begins to fall off in a logarithmic curve, so that the course of res- piration is just like C in Fig. 1. We interpret both phe- nomena in the same way: in the initial level phase the res- pirable material in the leaf is in excess, and the amount of catalytic protoplasm limits the respiration to the normal biological level; in the second falling phase some supply of material is being exhausted, and we get a logarithmic curve controlled by the law of mass, as much, it would seem, as when cane-sugar is hydrolyzed in aqueous solu- tion. After these two illustrations of the action of the law 5 Revue gén. de botanique, Tome VIII, 1896. 648 _ THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII of mass from the more simple case of respiration we re- turn to the consideration of the totality of metabolic re- actions as exemplified in growth. What should we expect to be the ideal course of growth, that is, the increase of the mass of the plant regarded as a complex of reactions catalyzed by protoplasm? Let us consider, first, the simplest possible case, that of a bac- terium growing normally in a rich culture solution. When its mass has increased by anabolism of the food material of the culture medium to a certain amount it divides into two. As all the individuals are alike, counting them would take the place of weighing their mass. The simplest ex- pectation would be that, under uniform conditions, growth and division would succeed each other with monotonous regularity, and so the number or mass of bacteria present would double itself every n minutes. This may be ac- cepted as the ideal condition. The following actual experiment may be quoted to show that for a time the ideal rate of growth is maintained, and that at the end of every n minutes there is a doubled amount of protoplasm capable of catalyzing a doubled amount of chemical change and carrying on a doubled growth and development. From a culture of Bacillus typhosus in broth at 37° C. five small samples were withdrawn at intervals of an hour, and the number of bacteria per unit volume deter- mined by the usual procedure. The number of organisms per drop increased in the following series: 6.7, 14.4, 33.1, 70.1, 161.0.2 This shows a doubling of the mass of bacteria in every fifty-four minutes and is the ease ac- tually represented in the strictly logarithmic curve of Fig. 2. We may quote some observations made by E. Buchner’ of the rate at which bacteria increase in culture media. Bacillus coli communis was grown at 37° C. for two to * Buchner. Zuwachsgrossen u. Wachsthumsgeschwindigkeiten. Leipzig, 1 1901. ° For this unpublished experiment on bacterial growth I am indebted to Miss ypon of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 649 five hours, and by comparison of the initial and final num- bers of bacteria the time required for doubling the mass was calculated. Out of twenty-seven similar experiments a few were erratic, but in twenty cases the time for doubling was between 19.4 and 24.8 minutes, giving a mean of 22 minutes. This produces an increase from 170 to 288,000 in four hours. No possible eul- ‘* ture medium will provide for A prolonged multiplication of Me bacteria at these rates. Cohn® states that if division too | takes place every sixteen min- utes then in twenty-four hours $Ìgo | a single bacterium 1 » long will be represented by a multitude 3,, | so large that it requires i twenty-eight figures to express + it, and placed end to end they 3 T would stretch so far that a È F ray of light to travel from one #?° 7 end to the other would take L 100,000 years. The potentiali- ties of protoplasmic catalysis are thus made clear, but the actualities are speedily cut short by limiting factors. For a while, however, this ideal rate of growth is main- tained. At the end of every n minutes there is a doubled amount of protoplasm present, and this will be capable of catalyzing twice the amount of chemical change and carrying on a doubled amount of growth and develop- ment. This is what common sense and the law of mass alike indicate, and is exactly what this logarithmic curve in Fig. 2 expresses. This increase of the amount of catalytic protoplasm by its own catalytic activity is an interesting phenomen- on. In Section K we call it growth, attribute it to a spe- ° Cohn. Die Pflanze. Breslau, 1882, p. 438. (8) Houn n 4 5 + Fie. 2. 650 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII cific power of protoplasm for assimilation (in the . strict sense), and leave it alone as a fundamental phenomenon, but are much concerned as to the distribution of the new growth in innumerable specifically distinct forms. In the Chemical Section they call this class of phenomenon “autocatalysis,” and a number of cases of it are known. In these a chemical reaction gives rise to some substance which happens to catalyze the particular reaction itself, so that it goes on and on with ever-increasing velocity. Thus, we said that free acid was a catalyst to the hydro- lysis of cane-sugar; suppose now that free acid were one of the products of the hydrolysis of sugar, then the ca- talyst would continually increase in amount in the test- tube, and the reaction would go faster and faster. Un- der certain conditions this actually happens. Again, when methyl acetate is hydrolyzed we normally get methyl acohol and free acetic acid. This free acid acts as a catalyst to the hydrolysis, and the rate of change continually accelerates. Here, if the supply of methyl acetate were kept up by constant additions, the reaction would go faster and faster with a logarithmic accelera- tion giving a curve of velocity identical with Fig. 2, A. For a clear manifestation of this autocatalytic increase in the plant it is, of course, essential that the supply of food materials to the protoplasm be adequate. Another case where we might look for a simple form of this autocatalytic increase in the rate of conversion of food materials to anabolites would be in the growth of a filamentous alga, like Spirogyra. Here, as in the bacter- ium, all the cells are still capable of growth. In this case the food-material needed in greatest bulk is carbon, which has to be obtained by photosynthesis. Some experiments have been started in the Cambridge Laboratory on the rate of growth of Spirogyra in large tubs of water kept at different temperatures and with varying facilities for photosynthesis and metabolism. Under rather depress- ing conditions the Spirogyra took several days to double its weight—a rate of metabolism out of all comparison slower than that of bacteria. Experiments on these No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 651 lines, with the different food materials as limiting factors, should give instructive results. We turn now to consider the growth of a flowering plant. Here conditions are more complex, and we know that at the flowering stage or end of the season the growth diminishes considerably. This difference from a simple alga or bacterium we can only regard as a sec- ondary acquisition in relation to the external conditions— either a reaction to a present external stimulus or to the memory of past stimuli. In a flowering plant, too, all the cells do not continue to grow; many cells differentiate and cease to grow and also some of the groups of meris- tem remain dormant in axillary buds. Clearly the growth curve can not continue to accelerate logarithmically, and in later phases it must tail off; the ‘‘ grand period’’ which growth is said to exhibit is another way of stating this. It will, however, be of great interest to us to see what will be the form of the curve of growth during the early period of development. The importance of this class of work has been realized . in Geneva, and detailed work is now being done under the inspiration of Professor Chodat® in which the curve not only of growth (fresh weight) but of the uptake of all the separate important elements in selected plants is being carefully followed. With plants grown in the open, climatic disturbances must occur. We shall therefore figure a curve for the fresh weight of a maize plant grown in water-culture. This is prior to the Geneva work, and due to Mlle. Stef- anowska,'!° who has studied also the growth-curves of small animals. The first phase of the curve, lasting some fifty days, shows strictly uniform acceleration, doubling °” Monnier, A. Les matières minérales et la loi d’accroissement des végétaux. Geneva, 1905. Déléano, N.. Le rôle et la fonetion des sels minéraux dans la vie de la plante. Geneva, 1907. See also the independent work of Tribot. Comptes rendus de 1’ Acad. des Sciences, October 14, 1907. Osea dings Comptes rendus de l’Acad. des Sciences, February 1, 652 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the weight of the plant every ten days (Fig. 3). The precise external conditions are not stated. In spite of the morphological complexity the autocataly- tic reaction of growth is apparently not checked by inade- quate supplies before the plant enters rather suddenly upon the second phase. Here, from the present point of view, we consider that the progress of growth is inter- rupted, not by the primary physical-chemical causes, but by secondary causes, presumably to be classed in the cate- gory of stimulus and reaction. The numerous curves for the accumulation of different organic and mineral constituents worked out for barley A ~~, ee {? a bo all a / 3 'g Si z a i 20 a of de : Days ° og 20 30 40 $0 G@ Fo Bo 90° 0 Fic. 3. and buckwheat at Geneva are of similar form, but do not keep up the uniform rate of doubling so well as does the curve of total fresh weight. In this connection the tall and dwarf forms of the same plant present an interesting problem, and some experi- ments have been started on sweet peas at Cambridge. At the time of germination the seedlings weigh about the same, whereas at the end of the season the weight of a tall plant is many times that of a dwarf ‘‘cupid” grow- ing alongside under similar conditions. Is the difference due to a less vigorous autocatalysis in the dwarf form, so that throughout its growth it takes a greater number No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 653 of days to double its weight? Construction of the curves of growth through the season will show whether it is this or some other alteration in the form of the curve. I now propose to say a few words about one last point in connection with growth considered as a phenomenon of catalysis before passing on to deal with the effects of temperature. Of the metallic elements that are essential for the growth of plants some occur in such minute quantities that one can only imagine their function is catalytic. If iron, for instance, played any part in metabolism which involved its being used up in any building material or by-product of metabolism, then a larger amount than actu- ally suffices should be advantageous. If its function is catalytic the iron would go on acting indefinitely without being consumed, and so a minute trace might serve to carry out some essential, and even considerable, sub-sec- tion of metabolism. Elements like manganese, magnesium and iron are often associated with non-vital catalytic action, and a preparation of iron has recently been quantitatively in- vestigated which seems to have literally all the properties of an organic oxydase from plant tissues."! As long ago as 1869 Raulin observed that traces of un- essential salts, in particular those of zine, added to the culture medium in which he grew the fungus Sterigmato- eystis caused a rapid acceleration of the growth rate. The time that the mycelium took to double its weight was now reduced to a half or even a third. This continued enormous effect of so small a trace of substance is pos- sibly to be regarded as an added catalyst to the normal protoplasmic apparatus. This sort of effect is currently labeled ‘‘chemical stimulation’’ and has been interpreted as an attempt of the fungus to grow away from an un- pleasant environment. To me it looks as if such chem- ical stimulation were really another example of the in- “Wolff, J. Des péroxydiastases artificielles. Comptes rendus de l’ Acad. des Sciences, June 9, 1908. 654 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII judicious extension of the concept of stimulus and re- action. This effect of zine upon the growth of mycelium has recently been verified and extended by Javillier,'? who has made comparative cultures with increasing doses of zine salt. He grew Sterigmatocystis for four days at 34° C. in media with graded additions of zine salts. As the graphic representation shows, he finds a continuous Cw i a +> N N o a f 05 ef H 3 7? Ss *6 port zimne Suiphale uk nilkan. Fig. 4. regular increase of the number of grams of final dry weight with doses up to 0.00001 per cent., and then no greater but an equal effect up to 100 times as large a dose. This form of curve with uniform rise at first, abrubtly changing to a level top, suggests, as I have pointed out elsewhere,!* the cutting-off of the primary rising effect by a limiting factor. In this case presumably the limit set by some other sub-section of the metabolism has been at- tained. ACCELERATION OF REACTION-VELOCITY BY TEMPERATURE. We now turn to consider the fourth and last of the principles of chemical mechanics which we might expect to find manifested in metabolism. It is a universal rule that rise of temperature quickens the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds. Of course in some rare conditions this may not be obvious, but be obscured by superposed secondary causes; but al- most always this effect is very clearly marked. Further, the nature of the acceleration is a peculiar “Comptes rendus de 1’Acad. des Sciences, December, 1907. 1 Optima and Limiting Factors. Annals of Botany, Vol. XIX, April, 1905. No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 655 one. Rise of temperature affects nearly all physical and chemical properties, but none of these is so greatly affected by temperature as is the velocity of chemical re- action. Fora rise of 10° C. the rate of a reaction is gen- erally increased two or three fold, and this has been gen- eralized into a rule by van’t Hoff. As this increase is re- peated for each successive rise of 10° C. either by the same factor or a somewhat smaller one, the acceleration of reaction-velocity by temperature is logarithmic in nature, and the curve representing it rises ever more and more steeply. Thus keeping within the vital range of temperature a reaction with a temperature factor of X 2 per 10° C. will go sixteen times as fast at 40° C., as at 0° C., while one with a factor of X 3 will go eighty-one times as fast. This general law of the acceleration of reactions by temperature holds equally for reactions which are being accelerated by the presence of catalysts. As we regard the catalyst as merely providing for the particular reaction it catalyzes, a quick way round to the final stage by passing through the intermediate stage of forming a temporary addition-compound with the catalyst itself, so we should expect rise of temperature to accelerate similarly these substituted chemical reac- tions. If this acceleration is a fundamental principle of chemi- cal mechanics it is quite impossible to see how vital chem- istry can fail to exhibit it also. | ACCELERATION OF VITAL PROCESSES By TEMPERATURE. At present we have but a small number of available data among plants to consider critically from this point of view. But all the serious data with which I am ac- quainted, which deal with vital processes that are to be considered as part of the protoplasmic catalytic congeries, do exhibit this acceleration of reaction-velocity by tem- perature as a primary effect.'* “A collection of twenty cases, mostly from animal Kanitz (Zeits. fiir Elektrochemie, 1907, p. 707), ing from 1.7 to 3.3. physiology, by exhibits coefficients rang- 656 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII Let us briefly consider these data. On the katabolic side of metabolism we have the respiratory production of CO,, and opposed to it on the anabolic side the intake of carbon in assimilation. As a measure of the rate of the metabolic processes constituting growth we have data upon the division of flagellates; and finally there is the obscure process of cir- culation of protoplasm. The intensity of CO, production is often held to be a measure of the general intensity of metabolism, but any relation between growth-rate and respiration has yet to _ be clearly established. Our science is not yet in the stage when quantitative work in relation to conditions is at all abundant; we are but just emerging from the stage that chemistry was in before the dawn of physical chemistry. Taken by itself the CO,-production of an ordinary green plant shows a very close relation with temperature. In the case of the cherry-laurel worked out by Miss Matthæi and myself the respiration of cut leaves rises by a factor of 2.1 for every 10° C. (See Fig. 5, Resp.) This has been investigated over the range of tempera- tures from 16° C. to 45° C. At this higher temperature the leaves can only survive ten hours in the dark, and their respiration is affected in quite a short time, but in the initial phases the CO, output has the value of .0210 gr. per hour and unit weight of leaf, while at 16.2 C. the amount is only .0025 gr. CO,. Thus the respiration increases over a range of tenfold with perfect regularity solely by increase of temperature. No reaction in a test-tube could show less autonomy. At temperatures above 45° C. the temperature still sooner proves fatal un- less the leaf is illuminated so as to carry out a certain amount of photosynthesis and compensate for the loss of carbon in respiration. Thus, with rising temperature, there is at no time any sign of an optimum or of a de- crease of the intensity of the initial stage of respiration. Here, then, on the katabolic side of metabolism we have no grounds for assuming that ‘‘temperature-stimuli’’ are at work regulating the intensity of protoplasmic respira- No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 657 tion, but we find what I can only regard as a purely phys- ical-chemical effect. The numbers obtained by Clau- sen!® for the respiration of seedlings and buds at different temperatures indicate a temperature coefficient of about 2.0 for a rise of 10° C. To this final process of katabolism there could be no greater contrast than the first step of anabolism, the as- similation of carbon by the protoplasm as a result of pho- tosynthesis. We must therefore next inquire what is the relation of this process to temperature. , This question is not so simple, as leaves can not satis- factorily maintain the high rate of assimilation that high temperatures allow. The facts of the case were clearly worked out by Miss Matthzi,'® the rate of assimilation by cherry-laurel leaves being measured from —6° C. to + 42° C. Up to 37° C. the curve rose at first gently and then more and more steeply, but on calculating out the values it is found that the acceleration for suecessive rises - of 10° C. becomes less and less. Between 9° C. and 19° C. the increase is 2.1 times, the highest coefficient measured, and exactly the same coefficient as for respira- tion in this plant, which in itself is a striking point, seeing how different the processes are. (See Fig. 5, Assimilation.) The decrease of the coefficient with successive rises is a state of things which is quite general among non-vital reactions. A critical consideration of the matter leads one to the conclusion, however, that this failure to keep up the temperature acceleration is really due to secon- dary causes, as is also the appearance of an optimum at about 38° C. Some of these causes, have been discussed by me elsewhere,'’ and I hope to bring a new aspect of the matter before the section in a separate communication. The conclusion formerly come to was that probably in its initial stages assimilation at these very high tempera- * Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbücher, Bd. XIX, 1890. * Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Ser. B, Vol. CXCVII, 1904. * Optima and Limiting Factors. Annals of Botany, Vol. XIX, April, 1905. 658 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII tures started at the full value indicated by a theoretically constant coefficient, but that the protoplasm was unable to keep up the velocity, and the rate declined. It must be borne in mind here that quite probably no chloroplast > [Respu um Devise onj > X Y O Oe: 30 AS Ot Fre: 5. since the first appearance of green cells upon the earth had ever been called upon for anything like such a gas- tronomic effort as these cherry-laurel leaves in question. It is not to be wondered that their capacities speedily declined at such a banquet, and that the velocity-reaction of anabolic synthesis traces a falling curve in spite of the keeping up of all the factors concerned, to wit, tempera- ture, illumination, and supply of CO,. This decline is not permanent, but after a period of darkening the power of assimilation returns. Physical-chemical parallels can easily be found among cases where the accumulation of the products of a reaction delays the apparent velocity of the reaction, but this complicated case may be left for further research. In relation to assimilation, then, we must say that No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 659 owing to secondary causes the case is not so clear over the whole range of temperature as that of respiration, but that at medium temperatures we have exactly the same relation between reaction-velocity and temperature. We may consider now some data upon the combined net result of anabolic and katabolice processes. Such total effects are seen in their clearest form among unicellular saprophytic organisms for which we have a few data. Mile. Maltaux and Professor Massart'® have published a very interesting study of the rate of division of the color- less flagellate Chilomonas paramaecium and of the agents which they say stimulate its cell-division, in particular aleohol and heat. They observed under the microscope the time that the actual process of division into two took at different tem- peratures. From 29 minutes at 15° C. the time dimin- ished to 12 minutes at 25° C., and further to 5 minutes at 35° C. The velocities of the procedure at the three temperatures 10° C. apart will therefore be in the ratio of 1 : 2.4 :5.76, which gives a factor of 2.4 for each rise of 10° C. (See Fig. 5, Division.) Now we are told by the investigators that at 35° C. Chilomonas is on the point of succumbing to the heat, so that the division rate increases right up to the death point, with no sign of an optimum effect. Below 14° C. no observations are recorded. Here, then, we have throughout the whole range ex- actly the same primary temperature relation exhibited by the protoplasmic procedure that we should expect for a chemical reaction in a test-tube. This division phase is only a part of the life-cycle of the flagellate, and between division it swims about anabol- izing the food material of the medium and growing to its full size ready for the next division. One wishes at once to know what is the effect of the temperature upon the length of the life-cycle. Is the whole rate of metabolism quickened in the same way as the particular section con- 18 Maltaux and Massart. Recueil de 1’Institut botanique ranila Tome VI, 1906. ; 660 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLII cerned with actual division? Of course a motile flagellate ean not be followed and its life-cycle directly timed but the information was obtained by estimating carefully what percentage of individuals was in a state of actual division at each temperature. It was found that always 4 per cent. were dividing, whatever the temperature. This proves that the whole life-cycle is shortened in ex- actly the same proportion as the process of division at each temperature, and that it is just twenty-five times as long. Therefore the life-cycle is 125 mins. at 35° C, and 725 mins. at 15° C., so that here, again, we have the physical-chemical relation with a factor of 2.4 for each rise of 10° C. In this paper of Maltaux and Massart these relations are not considered as the manifestations of physical-chem- ical principles, but are regarded as reactions to stimuli; and the paper contains a number of experiments upon the effect of sudden changes of temperature upon the occur- rence of division. As far as one can make out from in- spection of the scattered literature, it does seem estab- ished that sudden changes of temperature act as stimuli in the strict sense of the word. In many investigations one finds it stated that a quick change of temperature pro- duced a certain reaction which a slow change of tempera- ture failed to evoke. Usually all the phenomena are treated in terms of stimulation, and the absence of reac- tion with slow change of temperature is regarded as sec- ondary. Were it not for the specific stimulatory effects of quick change, which are not difficult to comprehend as a phenomenon sui generis, I hardly think so general a tacit acquiescence would have been extended by botanists to the view that all enduring changes of velocity of metab- bolism brought about by lasting changes of temperature are stimulatory in nature. No determination of the rate of development of bacteria through a very wide range of temperature seems to have been made. There are various incidental experiments which indicate values about 2 for the coefficient of in- crease of metabolism for a rise of 10° C. No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 661 I am not acquainted with any data for the growth rate of whole flowering plants at different temperatures: Of course the case of growth most usually measured in the laboratory, namely, where one part of a plant extends at the expense of the reserves stored in another part and there is a decrease, not an increase, of total dry weight, is not the type of growth we have to deal with. Even for simple elongation of a shoot at different temperatures we have but few data. Those of Koppen (1870) gener- ally quoted are wildly irregular, and in many cases it is clear that the growth-extension of complex structures is a process which proceeds by spasms rather than smoothly. The rate of movement of circulating protoplasm in- creases rapidly with temperature, but Velten’s numbers do not give an obvious logarithmic curve. If we con- fine our attention to the values for 29° C. and 9° C. we do find, however, that the velocity increases about two- fold for each rise of 10° C. being 10 mm. at 9° C. and 40 mm. at 29° C. Taken altogether these various data clearly support the hypothesis that temperature accelerates vital proc- esses in the same way as it does non-vital chemical re- actions, that is, logarithmically by an approximately con- stant factor for each rise of 10° C.; and, further, it ac- celerates them to the same extent; that is, that the factor in question has values clustering about 2-3.19 To make these similarities more significant I ought to point out that no other properties of matter are acceler- ated to anything like this extent by rise of temperature. Most reactions increase in velocity by no less than 10 per cent. per degree rise of temperature; a most marked effect, and yet there is no generally accepted explanation of this almost universal phenomenon. By the kinetic _ theory of gases each rise of a degree in temperature in- creases the movements of the gas-molecules, so that the *Tt has been proposed to use the size of the temperature coefficient to settle whether a process like the conduction of an impulse along a nerve is a chemical or a physical process. See Lueas, Keith. Journal of Physiology, Vol. XXXVII, June, 1908, p. 112. 662 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII number of collisions between them is greater, but only about 4 per cent. greater. With rise in temperature, too, the viscosity of a solution diminishes, so that there is less resistance to internal changes; but this only to the extent of 2 per cent. per degree. The degree of ionization also increases, but only extremely little, so that no change of known physical properties will explain the phenomenon. Various hypotheses which need not detain us have been put forward. Unexplained though it may be, yet the quantitative treatment of the subject is clear enough and, I think, as cogent in the living organism as in the test-tube. If so, we may consider ourselves now justified in separating off from the realm of stimulation yet a third class of causal connection, namely, that between temperature and gen- eral intensity of vital processes. CONCLUSION. In this attempt to assert the inevitableness of the action of physical-chemical principles in the cell, I have not ventured upon even the rudiments of mathematical form, which would be required for a more precise inquiry. Bio- chemistry is indeed becoming added to the ever-increasing number of branches of knowledge of which Lord Bacon wrote: Many parts of nature can neither be invented with sufficient subtility, nor demonstrated with sufficient perspicuity, nor accommodated unto use with sufficient dexterity, without the aid and intervening of the mathematies. In this sketch which I have had the honor of outlining before you I have critically considered but few points. I have rather endeavored to distribute imperfect data in the perspective in which they appear from the point of view of one who seeks to simplify phenomena by extend- ing the principles of chemical mechanics as far as pos- sible into the domain of vital metabolism. Much critical quantitative work has yet to be done before the whole becomes an intelligible picture. To me it seems impossible to avoid regarding the fun- No. 502] CHEMICAL MECHANICS IN LIVING PLANT 663 damental processes of anabolism, katabolism and growth as slow chemical reactions catalytically accelerated by protoplasm and inevitably accelerated by temperature. This soon follows if we once admit that the atoms and molecules concerned possess the same essential properties during their brief sojourn in the living nexus as they do before and after. Perhaps the more real question is rather as to the importance and significance of this point of view. Pro- toplasmic activity might be something so much per se, and the other factors of the nature of stimuli might be superposed so thickly upon that substratum which should be dominated by simple principles of chemical mechanics that for practical purposes the operations of the latter would be so overlaid and masked as to be neglible. A survey of this field, however, seems to show that this is not so, and that the broad action of the law of mass and the acceleration of reaction-velocity by temperature are obviously responsible for wide ranges of phenomena. Now the conception at the bottom of these principles is that of reaction-velocity, and the conclusion of the whole matter is that the physiologist must frankly take over from physical chemistry this fundamental concep- tion. Under definite conditions of supply of material and temperature there is a definite reaction-velocity for a given protoplasm, and the main factors that alter the rate of metabolism, viz., heat, nutrition and traces of im- purities are exactly the factors which affect the velocity of reactions in vitro. Working on this basis we no longer need the vague un- quantitative terminology of stimulation for the most fun- damental of the observed ‘‘responses’’ to external con- =No general treatment of the physiology of plants has yet been at- tempted in terms of reaction-velocity. Czapek, however, in the introduction to his stupendous Biochemie der Pflanzen, Vol. I, 1905, does draw attention to the conception of ‘‘reaction-velocity’’ and refers to the standard litera- ture on this subject and on catalysis, though direct application is not made to the plant. Cohen (Physical Chemistry for Physicians and Biologists, English edition, 1903) considers in detail some biological applications of the acceleration of reactions by temperature. 664 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ditions. Three sets of phenomena we have observed which, though usually treated in the category of stimula- tion, draw a clearer interpretation from the conception of reaction-velocity. These were: (1) the relation of devel- opment to the absence or deficit of single essential food constituents; (2) the occasional striking effect of minute. traces of added foreign substances upon the whole rate of growth and metabolism; and (3) the general doubling of the activity of vital processes by a rise of 10° C. The next higher stratum of principles should be the complications introduced by limiting factors which inter- rupt the extent of the manifestations of these principles and by various correlations, as, for example, that by which the reaction-velocity of one catabolic process might with- draw the supply of material needed for full activity of another different process. To this sort of relation may be attributed that phenomenon so characteristic of the more complex vital processes and quite unknown in the inorganic world, namely, the optimum. Finally, superposed upon all this comes the first cate- gory of phenomena that we are content still to regard as stimulatory. From the point of view of metabolism and reaction-velocity many of these appear very trivial, though their biological importance may be immense. Think how little the tropistic curvatures of stems and roots affect our quantitative survey; yet a little rear- rangement of the distribution of growth on the two sides of an organ may make the difference between success and failure, between life and death. From our present point of view vision does not extend to the misty conceptions of stimulation upon our horizon. We may therefore postpone speculation upon the mechan- ical principles governing them and await the time when by scientific operations we shall have reduced to law and order the intervening region, which we may entitle the chemical substratum of life. This done we may ven- ture to pitch our laboratory a march nearer to the phe- nomena of protoplasmic irritability and make direct at- tack upon this dominating conception, the first formidable bulwark of vital territory. THE DESICCATION OF ROTIFERS D. D. WHITNEY CoLD Spring HARBOR, Lone IsLAxND, N. Y. THE general statement often found in text-books that ‘‘Adult rotifers can survive prolonged desiccation and resume active life when again placed in water,’’ seems to have been made without sufficient warrant. While working with the rotifer, Asplancha brightwellii, my attention was repeatedly called to the fact that when the water became sufficiently evaporated so as to expose only a portion of the body of the rotifer to the air it never recovered when placed again in a larger quantity of water and soon died. Doubt as to the truth of the general statement regarding desiccation naturally arose and in consequence a series of experiments were carried out to test the matter. Forty-five species of rotifers that were collected in the various ponds and pools in the vicinity of Cold Spring Harbor, New York, were dried at room temperature, from a few hours to several days, during the months of July and August. They were dried without being ex- posed to direct sunlight in a hollow ground slide, upon filter paper, in sediment taken from the water in which the rotifers lived, and also in sediment mixed with sand. Masses of the water plants, Lemna, Myriophyllum and others among which many species lived were also dried. After the water seemed to have been completely evapo- rated fresh spring water was added and those animals that ever revived did so within ten to twenty minutes after the water was added. Drying the rotifers in masses of sediment and in sediment mixed with sand was found to lead to more recoveries. In all experiments many species were dried in the same lot and in nearly all of them these were mixed with roti- fers which were known to withstand drying: If none of 665 666 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the animals revived when water was added it was as- sumed that the method of drying of the lot was imper- fect but if, on the other hand, those animals that were known to be able to withstand drying revived, when water was added, the method of drying of the lot was deemed satisfactory. It may be possible, however, that the indi- viduals of different species, since they vary greatly in size and form, require different methods for being suc- cessfully dried and again revived. But if revival after desiceation is of general occurrence for adult rotifers the various methods of drying used in the experiments ought to have given a fair percentage of positive results. The individuals of some of the species were obtained in countless thousands, either in nature or in artificial cultures, others were less numerous and only a few thou- sand or a few hundred individuals were obtained. In a small number of species only a few individuals were found and used in the experiments. Jennings' classifies the rotifers in five orders: (1) Bdelloida with two families; (2) Seisonacea with one family; (3) Rhizota with three families; (4) Ploima with eighteen families; and (5) Scirtopoda with one family. In the experiments performed no individuals were used belonging to the order Seisonacea which contains all marine forms, nor were there used any individuals of the order Rhizota which contains all the fixed forms, Repr tatives were used from one family of the order Bdelloida, from fifteen families of the order Ploima, and from the one family of the order Scirtopoda. Thus the forty-five species used represented seventeen of the twenty-one families in the three orders just mentioned. The following species were used in the experiments: Order 1. Bdelloida. Family 1. Philodinade. Species. Rotifer vulgaris, R. macrurus; Philodina roseola; citrina. Order 4. Ploima. Suborder 1. Illoricata. 1 AMER. Nat., Vol. XXXV, p. 725. No. 502] THE DESICCATION OF ROTIFERS 667 Family 1. Microcodontide. Species. Microcodon clavus.* Family 2. Asplanchna Species. PEES brightwellii.? Family 3. Synchætadæ. Species. Syncheta tremula, Polyarthra platyptera? Species. Triarthra longiseta’ Family 5. Hydatinadæ. Species. Hydatina senta* Family 6. Notommatadæ. Species. Taphrocampa saundersie, Notommata y Copeus pachyurus, Furcularia gracilis, F: 7 Eosphora aurita, Diglena i Suborder 2. Loricata. Family 1. Rattulidæ. Species. Mastigocerca mucosa, M. bicornis; M. ———.° Family 2. Dinocharidæ. Species. Dinocharis tetractis, Scaridium longicaudatum, Family 3. Salpinadæ. Species. Euchlanis dilatata’ E. triquetra. Family 5. Cathypnadæ. Species. Cathypna leontina‘ Distyla gissensis? D. stokesii; Monostyla lunaris? M. bulla; M. quadriden- ata. Family 6. Coluridæ. Species. Colurus bicuspidatus, Metopidia lepadella? M. triptera, M. Family 7. Pterodinadæ. Species. Pterodina patina, P. reflexa.* Family 8. Branchionidæ. Species. Branchionus bakeri; B. urceolaris, B. pala; B. angularis, Noteus quadricornis. Family 10. Pleosomadæ. Species. Pleosoma truncatum? (?). Order 5. Scirtopoda. Family Pedalionadæ. Species. Pedalion mirum? ? Few thousand individuals used in the experiments. ? Many thousand individuals used in the experiments. * Probably less than a hundred Sphere used in the experiments. * Few hundred individuals used in the experiments. 668 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII This list is far from being complete but it represents so many families of the free swimming rotifers upon which the general statement in regard to desiccation is supposedly based that the results obtained ought to ‘indi- cate whether the phenomenon of desiccation is wide- spread among the common forms. Philodina roseola and Philodina citrina were the only forms of the forty-five experimented upon which could successfully withstand desiccation and resume normal activities when again placed in water. Some of them re- mained ten days in small masses of débris, 1-2 mm. in diameter, which were as thoroughly dried as possible in the laboratory atmosphere. Those that were dried in the sun never revived when again placed in water. This may have been due to a too complete desiccation or to the high temperature, which was usually about 45° C. The cuticle in the Philodinadz is less specialized in the structure than in any of the other families of the three orders, and as this structural character is of great im- portance in the present system of classification the family may be considered the lowest or most primitive of all the twenty-one families. It is interesting to note, however, that some of the species of another genus, Rotifer, of the same family, can not withstand complete desiccation. In several experiments in which the four species of Philo- dina and Rotifer were mixed together in the débris, sedi- ment or water plants, all four species would revive if the material in which they were contained was not completely dried, but only the two species of Philodina revived when the drying was complete. Systematists separate the two genera by the position of the eyes but evidently there is a more fundamental difference than this which means life and death in times of drought. The common misconception regarding desiccation may probably have arisen, in part, from the fact that when mud or sediment from ponds in which rotifers live is dried living rotifers appear after a few hours when water is added to the sediment. These living rotifers prob- No. 502] THE DESICCATION OF ROTIFERS 669 ably develop however from the ‘‘winter eggs’’; thick shelled fertilized eggs, which in some cases are known to withstand prolonged desiccation. During this summer some winter eggs of Asplanchna brightwellii and Hydatina senta, which had been laid in June, were kept in water taken from the culture® jars until August 3. Then they were taken out with a little sediment and allowed to dry. On August 5, the sediment was apparently thoroughly dried. On August 10 spring water was added and at the end of twenty-four hours several small Asplanchna were swimming about in the water. Later young Hydatina were found in the water. The eggs seem to vary much in the length of time re- quired for them to hatch, some not hatching for three or four days after being placed in spring water while others hatch within twenty-four hours. This may be due to differences in the rate of rapidity in which water pene- trates the egg membranes. In sections of the winter eggs of Hydatina senta it is very noticeable that the thickness of the outer egg membrane varies greatly in different eggs. On August 4 ten to fifteen cubic centimeters of mud and sediment were collected in a finger-bowl from the pond in which Asplanchna brightwellii, Branchionus urceolaris, and Pedalion mirum, were living and allowed to dry in the sun. The next day the mud was thoroughly dried so it would readily crumple between one’s fingers. In this condition it was kept until August 10 when the finger-bowl was filled with spring water. On the follow- ing day several individuals of each of the above three species were swimming about in the water. When ponds and pools in which rotifers live are in the process of drying up the water becomes so foul by the decomposition of dead plants and animals that all the rotifers of some species die before the pool is completely dried. If, on the other hand, rotifers are kept in the laboratory in very clean water which is allowed to slowly Jour. Exper. Zool., Vol. V, p. —. 670 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII evaporate they all die, presumably of starvation. It is also interesting to note that some pools do not become dry during the summer but the rotifer fauna changes completely several times during the season. A small pond in this vicinity was teeming with Asplanchna brightwellii and Branchionus urceolaris during the early part of July but by the middle of August not an individual of either species could be found in it. Indi- viduals of Pedalion and Polyarthra were very numerous at this time but in the latter part of August not one could be found. The pond was now teeming with Branchionus angularis, B. pala and Triarthra longiseta but no individual of the first four species named above was present. In a ease like this desiccation could play no part in the preservation of the species and they could only be saved by winter eggs. Some winter eggs of Asplanchna brightwellii which were laid in June in artificial cultures were buried July 3 in an ice house upon a cake of ice where the temperature was 1-2° C. On August 7 they were removed from the ice house to ordinary room temperature and the old cul- ture water replaced by fresh spring water. At the end of forty hours several young Asplanchna were swimming about in the water. Many other winter eggs which were laid at the same time as the above lot but which had remained in the labo- ratory at room temperature in a bottle containing water, taken from the culture jar in June were placed in fresh spring water. In many cases within an hour the thick outer egg membrane had cracked open and exposed about a fourth of the thin inner membrane which surrounded the embryo. The history of some of these eggs was fol- lowed and it was found that they produced normal young animals on the following day. The swelling and crack- ing open of the thick outer membrane is obviously due to the sudden great change of osmotic pressure which is No. 502] THE DESICCATION OF ROTIFERS 671 brought about by removing the eggs from a somewhat foul and cencentrated culture to fresh spring water. This process of causing winter eggs to develop in the summer is very likely the same that occurs in nature in the spring months. During the fall and winter the pools become free from abundant animal and plant forms and ` the accompanying products of decomposition by the fre- quent floodings by rains and the low temperature. In the spring the heavy rains flood the pools again and the osmotic pressure of the water is so much lower than it was in the previous summer that the eggs absorb water enought to rupture the thick outer membrane and stimu- late the embryos to growth. As the temperature becomes favorable they develop and the life cycle is completed. From the foregoing observations it seems probable that desiccation of the adult rotifers followed by revival is not of widespread occurrence in the group and is not the means resorted to by most species for tiding over unfavorable periods. Survival is due in most eases to the winter eggs which can withstand both desiccation and a low temperature. ON THE HABITS AND THE POSE OF THE SAU- ROPODOUS DINOSAURS, ESPECIALLY OF DIPLODOCUS DR. OLIVER P. HAY WASHINGTON D. C. To most persons the habits of living animals are more interesting than is their anatomy. The same is probably even more true with respect to the extinct animals. How- ever, when it comes to determining the habits of extinct animals, their aquatic or terrestrial habitat, their modes of progression, their bearing on their limbs, their food and their ways of procuring it, their modes of attack and defense against their enemies, their manner of reproduc- tion, etc., we meet with many difficulties. The Sauropoda, and especially the species of Diplo- docus, offer a fine illustration of the difficulties men- tioned. Were they aquatic, or terrestrial, or amphib- ious? Did they affect dry lands, or swamps, or rivers and lakes? Did they eat vegetable food or did they prey on other animals? Did they chew their food or did they bolt it? Did they bring forth living young or did they lay immense eggs? Did they make bold attacks on their enemies or were they timid and cowardly creatures? Did they walk only, or swim only, or did they employ both methods of transporting their huge bodies? If they walked, was it on all four legs or on the hinder ones only? If on all four, did they carry their bodies high above the ground, after the manner of the ox and the horse, or did they carry them low down, like the croco- diles, perhaps dragging their bellies on the ground? To some of these questions more or less definite answers have been made and accepted; others remain unanswered. It is pretty well agreed that a part of their time was passed in the water; that they could swim 672 No.502] HABITS OF SAUROPODOUS DINOSAURS 673 readily; that they walked mostly on all fours; that to some extent at least they went about on land; that their food was mainly, if not wholly, vegetable; mani that they had imperfect or no means of chewing it. We are assisted in understanding the habits of these creatures by a knowledge of the nature of their environ- ment. And this we must determine from the character of the deposits in which their bones are discovered and from the kinds of animals and plants accompanying them. Investigation has shown that their remains occur in sandstones and clays which were certainly laid down in fresh waters having no great amount of motion. The accompanying animals are other dinosaurs, some herbiv- orous, others carnivorous; besides crocodiles, turtles, freshwater fishes and freshwater shells. Some of the plants that occur in the deposits certainly lived in fresh water. Hatcher’ has discussed at length the nature of the region in which the species of Diplodocus and their allies lived, as well as the habits of the Sauropoda in general; and the present writer agrees with him on most points. Hatcher believed that the Atlantosaurus beds were de- posited, not in an immense freshwater lake, as held by some geologists, but over a comparatively low and level plane, which was occupied by perhaps small lakes con- nected by an interlacing system of river channels. The climate was warm and the region was overspread by lux- uriant forests and broad savannas. The area thus oc- cupied included large parts of the present states of Colo- rado, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, and the Dakotas. In his memoir on Diplodocus, Hatcher? compares the condi- tions prevailing in that region during the Upper Jurassic to those now found about the mouth of the Amazon and over some of the more elevated plains of western Brazil. In such regions the rivers, fed from distant elevated lands, must have been subject to frequent inundations. *Mem. Carnegie Mus., II, 1903, pp. 54-67. * Mem. Carnegie Mus., I, p. 60 674 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII The beds of the streams were continually shifting, and there existed numerous abandoned channels that were filled with stagnant water. An animal that lived in such a region would be compelled to adapt itself to a more or less aquatic life, and this adaptation would be reflected to a greater or less extent in the structure of the animal. Marsh had concluded from the position of the external nares of Diplodocus that it was addicted in some measure to an aquatic existence. The feet too are of rather peculiar structure, the inner toes being strongly clawed, the outer toes greatly reduced; but the meaning of this is differently interpreted. Tue Foop or DreLopocus The particular sort of food eaten by the species of Dip- lodocus is unknown, but nobody doubts that it was vege- table. The teeth were pencil-like in form and they were entirely confined to the front of the jaws. By general consent, they could have been employed only for prehen- sion of food, not at all for its mastication. Hatcher sug- gested that the teeth might have been useful in detaching from the bottoms and shores the tender and succulent aquatic and semi-aquatic plants that must have grown there in abundance. Osborn? says that ‘‘the food prob- ably consisted of some very large and nutritious species of water plant. The anterior claws may have been used in uprooting such plants. . . . The plants may have been drawn down the throat in large quantities without masti- cation.” In a restoration of Diplodocus by Mr. Charles W. Knight* the animal is represented as standing on its hind legs and preparing to bite off the terminal bud of a towering cyead. Holland® thinks that the teeth were better adapted for raking and tearing off from the rocks soft masses of clinging alge than for securing any other forms of vegetable food now represented in the waters of the world. * Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., I, p. 214. * Scientific American, XCVI, 1907, p. 485. * Mem. Carnegie Mus., II, p. 240. No. 502] HABITS OF SAUROPODOUS DINOSAURS 675 To the present writer the suggestion of Dr. Holland has in it more of probability than any of the others pre- sented. If the food-plants sought by Diplodocus had been large and such as required uprooting by the great claws of the reptile the prehension and manipulation of the masses would have been liable to break the slender teeth and would certainly have produced on them per- ceptible wear. The upper teeth of the original of Marsh’s ‘figures on Plate XXV of the Dinosaurs of North Amer- ica® show no wear, so far as the writer can determine. The mandibular teeth are not well exposed to view. With respect to Osborn’s theory, it is well to take into consideration also the probable ability of the reptile to digest great masses of undivided and unmasticated vege- tation. Against the theory suggested by Knight’s res- toration it may be urged that the teeth, pointed or slightly chisel-shaped, are poorly adapted for cropping leaves and great buds; most of all, the teeth have spaces be- tween them, like the teeth of a great comb, an arrange- ment not favorable to their functioning as cutting instru- ments. The teeth could hardly have been used for scraping alge from rocks, either, for that usage would have produced evident and rapid wear. It is more probable that the food consisted of floating alge and of plants that were loosely attached to the bottoms of stag- nant bayous and ponds. Hatcher has reported’ the finding of the seeds and the stems of a species of Chara near the Marsh quarry, where many Sauropoda have been found. This alga, it seems to the writer, would have been admirably adapted to the needs of Diplodocus. It could be easily gathered into the mouth as the reptile swam or crawled lazily about or rested itself and re- tracted and extended its long neck. The long and highly vaulted palate would have permitted a considerable mass to be collected, out of which, by pressure of the tongue, the superfluous water might have been squeezed between * (Cat. No. 2672, U. S. Nat. Mus.) * Mem. Carnegie Mus., II, p. 63. 676 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the spaced teeth. In addition to various alge there were probably other floating plants. Tue Posture or DIPLODOCUS Marsh presented no restoration of Diplodocus, but he did furnish restorations of Brontosaurus; and he stated that he regarded it as representing the general form and proportions of the Sauropoda. In this figure Bronto- saurus is shown as walking with the body high above the ground and with the limbs, especially the hinder ones, about as straight as they are in the elephant. So far as the bearing of Brontosaurus and Diplodocus on their limbs is concerned, Marsh’s example has been almost slavishly followed ever since. No one, so far as the writer knows, has ventured to defend in print a more erocodilian posture. Osborn’ grants that there is room for wide differences of opinion as regards the habits and means of locomotion of these gigantic animals and states that some hold the opinion that on land at least these reptiles had rather the attitude of the alligator. The same writer says in Nature, vol. 73, 1906, p. 283, that Dr. Matthew and Mr. Gidley have maintained the latter view. However, the trend of opinion seems to have been in the opposite direction. Osborn? suggested that Diplodocus might lift its fore limbs from the ground and support itself on the hinder legs and the tail. This idea has found expression in Knight’s restoration referred to above. Osborn’s general notion of Diplodocus seems, however, to be that it was essentially an aquatic animal, long, light-limbed, and agile, and capable of swimming rapidly by means of its great tail, provided, as he thought, with a vertical fin; yet occasionally going about on land. Hatcher’? opposed the view that Diplodocus was aquatic; and he showed that there is no evidence of the presence of a vertical fin. The compression of the rotten XXII, 1905, p. 376. . Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., I, p. 213. x Mer. Carnegie Mus., II, 1903, p. 59. No. 502] HABITS OF SAUROPODOUS DINOSAURS 677 centra where the fin is supposed to have been situated seems to have been slight, and the neural spines are not higher than elsewhere. The present writer finds neither in the feet nor in the tail any special arrangements for swimming. For navigation in its restricted waters no fin was needed. Almost any colubrid snake makes fair progress in the water, notwithstanding the absence both of a compressed tail and of a vertical fin. Hatcher’s final view does not, after all, appear to have been greatly different from that of Osborn. He held that Diplodocus, as well as most of the Sauropoda, were essen- tially terrestrial animals, but that they passed much, perhaps most, of their time in shallow water, where they could wade about and search for food. He believed that they were ambulatory, but quite capable of swimming. Hatcher’s language does not necessarily imply that these animals walked about after the fashion of quadrupedal mammals, but his restorations show plainly that such was his conception. This conception has prevailed in the plaster reproduc- tions of the skeleton of Diplodocus which have been sent abroad by the Carnegie Museum and_set up in London, ` Berlin and Paris; and in the small plaster restorations issued by the American Museum of Natural History. However, the limit of quadrupedal erectness, rigidity, rectangularity, and rectilinearity has quite been reached in the skeleton sent by the last mentioned institution to the Senckenberg Museum, at Frankfort-on-the-Main. In this case the poor beast is made to stand straight-legged and almost on the tips of its digits. On the other hand, the American Museum’s skeleton of Brontosaurus, a much larger and heavier reptile and one sorely needing the mechanical advantage of straight legs, in case it had to bear its body free from the ground, has been presented to the modern world as having been decidedly bow-legged. To the present writer it appears that the mammal-like pose attributed to the Sauropoda is one that is not re- quired by their anatomy and one that is improbable. 678 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII The current conception is one that is easily accounted for. Before exact knowledge of these reptiles had been gained, it was known that the dinosaurs of the other groups, herbivorous and carnivorous, walked erect, after the man- ner of birds. It was indeed necessary, on account of the length of the fore limbs, to place the Sauropoda on all four feet; but analogy caused it to be supposed that the limbs were disposed, with reference to the vertical plane of the body, similarly to those of the bipedal dinosaurs. The conception of a creeping dinosaur was hardly to be entertained. The straight femora of these reptiles, having the head and the great trochanter moderately developed, lent probability to the idea. If the straightness of the femora is relied on to support the correctness of the prevailing restorations of the Sauropoda we may call attention to the equally straight femora of sphenodon and of the lizards. Notwithstand- ing the great size of the carnivorous dinosaur Allosaurus and the fact that the whole weight of its body was com- monly borne by the hinder limbs alone, its femora are con- siderably bent. The prominence and the height of the great trochanter of the Sauropoda do not appear to be such as to have prevented the femora from standing out at right angles with the body. Both the head of the femur and the acetabulum were doubtless invested with much cartilage, so that we can not now be wholly certain about their form and fitting. The same may be said regarding certain other articulations of the limbs. Hatcher’! has spoken of the character of the articulations and he has expressed the opinion that the habitual support of the body in the air could not have.failed to produce closely applied and well-finished articulations, and Osborn had previously expressed the same idea.12 There is indeed a great difference between the articulations of the limbs of the Sauropoda and those of the Theropoda, such as Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. “u Mem. Carnegie Mus., I, p. 59. 2 Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., X, p. 220. No. 502] HABITS OF SAUROPODOUS DINOSAURS 679 Osborn'® has found in the large preacetabular process an argument in favor of the ability of Diplodocus to ele- vate the anterior part of its body. However, Trachodon, which habitually walked on its hind legs has a very insig- nificent preacetabular process. The crocodiles have a strongly developed process in front of the acetabulum. It appears to the writer that the structure of the feet of the Sauropoda indicates that the digits were directed somewhat outward, instead of directly forward, as they are placed in the restorations. The strongly developed inner digits would then have come more effectively into contact with the ground than the much reduced outer digits and would have been employed by the animal as a means of pushing itself along. In case the lower end of the radius is placed in front of the ulna, as represented by Hatcher ** it appears probable that the foot would be directed more strongly outward than is shown in his restoration.‘® The writer is not aware that any one has held that the Sauropoda could not, at least while resting, assume a crocodile-like posture, with the abdomen on the ground and the limbs extended outward on each side. If such a position is admitted as possible, the arguments derived from the anatomy in favor of an erect mode of walking are greatly weakened. If such a pose was not assumed, what was the pose? Did Diplodocus and Brontosaurus lie down on their sides, as an ox or a horse does when sleeping? Or did they lie prone, with the limbs drawn up under them, as a dog sometimes does? These posi- tions appear to be improbable. It is worth considering too what disposition Diplodocus made of its elephantine legs while it was swimming with the agility that has been imputed to it. | The weight of Diplodocus and of Brontosaurus fur- nishes a strong argument against their having had a 13 Mem, Amer, Mus. Nat. Hist., I, p. 210. “ Mem. Carnegie Mus., II, p. 73, Fig. 1. 3 Op. cit., Pl. VI. 680 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII mammal-like carriage. There will be little dissent from the view that these animals inhabited a country in which marshy lands abounded and that they passed the most of their time in the vicinity of bodies of water. As to weight, Marsh estimated that that of Brontosaurus was more than twenty tons. Each footprint was thought to be about a square yard in extent. The pressure was there- fore about 1,100 pounds on each square foot of the ground. What progress could such enormous animals have made through morasses and along mud-depositing rivers, in case they carried themselves as they are repre- sented in the restorations? Without doubt, they would soon have become inextricably mired and would have perished miserably. Osborn'® has suggested that Camarasaurus, another sauropod was accustomed to wading about in rivers where the bottoms were sandy and firm. The habits of Diplodocus could have differed little from those of Camarasaurus. It is difficult to understand why an animal whose immediate ancestors must have walked about in a crocodile-like manner, an animal that was stupid and probably slow of movement, an animal which could by means of its long neck reach up from the bot- tom many feet to the surface and from the surface many feet to the bottom—why such a reptile should need to de- velop the ability to walk along river bottoms like a mammal. Furthermore, it seems somewhat overgener- ous to impute to a reptile so many and so diverse activi- ties as swimming with great facility, walking on river bottoms and on the land with mammal-like gait, and on occasion erecting itself on its hinder legs after the man- ner of a bird, in order to crop the foliage from the tops of high trees, when this reptile was sixty feet long, weighed many tons, had a brain little larger than one’s two thumbs placed side by side, and was provided with a feeble dental apparatus with which to gather food wherewith to sup- port its huge body, and that food of a sort that yielded little energy in proportion to its bulk. * Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., X, p. 220. No.502] HABITS OF SAUROPODOUS DINOSAURS 681 The writer’s conception of Diplodocus is that it was eminently amphibious, that it could swim with consider- able ease, and that it could creep about on land, with perhaps laborious effort. When feeding it must have swam or crept lazily about, gathering in floating plants and such as were attached loosely to the bottom. If any plants that were relished grew at some depth they could be reached by the long neck; or, if there was foliage twenty feet above the water it could be as easily gath- ered in. That a Diplodocus ever stood on its hind lgs is hardly more probable than that crocodiles may perform the same feat. The large size of Diplodocus does not preclude the possibility that it could creep about on the land. Croco- dylus robustus, of Madagascar, is said to attain a length of 10 meters, and yet it doubtless is able to walk as other crocodiles walk. The limb bones of Diplodocus and of Brontosaurus are proportionally as large as those of crocodiles. It seems to the writer that our museums which are engaged in making mounts and restorations of the great Sauropoda have missed an opportunity to construct some striking presentations of these reptiles that would be truer to nature. The body placed in a crocodile-like attitude would be little, if any, less, imposing than when erect; while the long neck, as flexible as that of an ostrich, might be placed in a variety of graceful positions. SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE JUVENILE SUBSTITUTES FOR SMOKING TOBACCO Nearly every boy has the desire to smoke and while many perhaps begin with tobacco itself, many more probably experi- ment with other substances of vegetable origin which burn well and yield readily the desired smoke so that the appearances, at least, of the act of smoking are produced. The knowledge of such substitutes in a particular locality is usually extensive and widespread, being the subject of serious conference and debate among the youthful inhabitants. Very little, if any, of this tradition is recorded, and it seems perhaps a matter of some botanical interest that it should be. In some ways, the practise of boys in thus providing a substitute bears a singular re- semblance to that of the less civilized peoples or communities more or less isolated from tobaceo-producing centers. My own juvenile knowledge was obtained in eastern Connecti- cut between thirty and forty years ago. In those days there were still many umbrellas with rattan (Calamus rotang?) ribs. Short pieces of these, being porous, on being set afire at one end, a matter of some difficulty, allowed the smoke to be drawn through in sufficient quantities to be blown out through the mouth, but the smoke was hot and biting and the rattan was kept alight with difficulty. Later, I learned the virtues of the more generally used substitutes, hay-seed, sweet-fern and mullein. The hay-seed was usually procured from the floors of the hay barns and consisted of the more or less ripened florets of timothy (Phleum pratense) and redtop (Agrostis sp.) It was usually more or less carefully sifted and smoked in a clay pipe or packed in paper shells to imitate cigarettes. This was before the days of the universal use of hand-rolled cigarettes and no such papers were available, so we used a fairly stiff white paper, rolled it about a cylindrical piece of wood of desired length and diameter, fastening the free edge by means of home-made starch paste. When these were dry, they were carefully stuffed with the hay- seed and the ends carefully, if not skilfully, folded in. Very commonly, however, the ends came undone during the smoking and the fine hay-seed made a disagreeable mouthful. A more 682 No. 502] SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE 683 popular filling consisted of the leaves of the sweet-fern (Myrica asplenifolia). The leaves were selected when green and fragrant, carefully dried in the sun or in the oven, until brittle, then thor- oughly pulverized by rubbing between the hands, and finally sifted through a coarse sieve. This was then packed tight in cigarette shells, and sweet-fern cigarettes required some skill. The making of high-grade cigarettes of this kind was one of my specialties, and one summer I drove a thriving trade in them, disposing of a considerable number at the remunerative price of ten for one cent. The lower leaves of the common mullein (Ver- bascum Thapsus) were gathered chiefly as they were found dried on the plant, roughly pulverized and smoked in a clay pipe. They were supposed to closely resemble real tobacco and were the preparatory stage to genuine smoking. Often some small boy was inveigled into smoking fine-cut tobacco of the ‘‘Durham”’ or ‘‘Lone Jack’’ type under the impression that he was simply indulging in a pipe of mullein. The resulting sickness, as a rule, undeceived him and he realized too late that he had been made the victim of a joke more practical than pleasant. : For the long-cut tobacco, we found a fair substitute, at least in appearance, in the brown and dried ends of corn silk, but it was never so very popular with us. I have found on questioning, that these same substitutes were known to the generation preceding mine and that they are equally well known to the generations coming on to fill our places. I have also learned of other sub- stitutes not known to us as well as a widespread knowledge of some of those mentioned. I find that there is a widespread use of tea and ground coffee for pipe smoking, and some use even of ground cinnamon. , The older youth often take to cubebs, following the officinal use of the same. A use seems also to be made of the porous internodes of the grape-vine, as we used rattan, and even of tightly rolled tubes of cinnamon stick. I have also been told that some boys roll paper about the sticks of ‘‘punk’’ used to touch off fire crackers on the Fourth of July, and light and smoke them. Inquiring of the boys in California, I find that they use corn silk and various leaves for pipe smoking. The leaves of maple, grape, fig, rose and willow are commonly employed. Perhaps the most popular of all are the leaves of the worm-wood (Arte- misia heterophylla) which is common on most hillsides and gives a pleasing aromatic smoke. In many places, the old fallen leaves 684 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII of the blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) is a favorite. The leaves of yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum) is smoked to cure colds and also by the boys for the pure joy of smoking. The leaves of the California bay (Umbellularia californica) are often used in the same ways. I am informed by Dr. H. M. Hall that the composite Atrichoseris platyphylla is called ‘‘ Tobacco weed’’ by the boys of Palo Verde, in the Colorado Desert of California and is in decided favor with them for smoking. This plant is decidedly rare to the botanist, but after heavy rains it becomes plentiful in sandy places and its broad basal leaves are well adapted to being rolled into ‘‘cigars.’’ Dr. G. H. Shull informs me that the leaves of the American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides) is smoked by the boys in some parts of Ohio. The wild species of Nicotiana have furnished and still do furnish the smoking materials of certain aboriginal peoples from the neighborhood of Oregon south to Chile, but there is no record of their having been used by juveniles of the white races. I learn, however, from Professor R. H. Forbes, of the University of Arizona, that the ‘‘wild tobacco’ of the neighborhood of Tueson, which, however, is Nicotiana glauca, the tree tobacco, is smoked by boys and without injurious effect. The above facts are probably but a few of those on this subject which may be gathered and I trust that others may take suffi- cient interest to add to the list. WILLIAM ALBERT SpTCHELL. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. NOTES AND LITERATURE HEREDITY Recent Studies in Human Heredity—Must the fallacy always persist that all ancient and powerful families are necessarily degenerate? As long ago as 1881, Paul Jacoby wrote a book? to prove that the assumption of rank and power has always been followed by mental and physical deteriorations ending in sterility and the extinction of the race. By collecting together all evi- dence supporting his preconceived theory, by tracing only the well-known families in which pathological conditions were heredi- tary, by failing to treat of dozens of others whose records would not have supported his thesis, by saying everything he possibly could that was bad about every one (following always the hostile historians), by ignoring everywhere the normal and virtuous members, he was able to present what was to the uninformed an apparently overwhelming array of proof. In regard to the injustice of this one-sided picture I have already had some- thing to say in ‘‘Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty,’ first published some six years ago. A further study based upon Jacoby’s unsound foundations has recently come to my notice, and although a well-made book containing an interesting series of 278 portrait illustrations, is necessarily quite as misleading as the older structure on whic it rests. The main idea of Dr. Galippe is to show that the great swollen protruding underlip which descended among the Haps- burgs of Austria, Spain and allied houses, and also the protrud- ing underjaw (prognathisme inférieur), are stigmata of de- generacy, and to demonstrate this he places beside his portraits, quotations from the writings of Jacoby. 7 Galippe uses no statistical methods, not even arithmetical counting, and appears to be totally ignorant of English bio- metric writings. His general conclusions about the causes of degeneracy (aristocratic environment, ete.) are quite as mis- * Etudes sur la sélection chez l’homme. Paris, 1881, 2d ed., 1904. ? Popular Science Monthly, August, 1902-April, 1903. Also extended in book form, New York, Holt, 1906. *V. Galippe. L’héredité des stigmates de dégénérescence et les familles souveraines. Paris, 1905. 685 686 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII leading and unfounded as those of Jacoby, and I fear he could not even prove that the anatomical peculiarities are really stigmata of degeneration at all. If abnormal mouths, noses and ears are to be proved the stigmata of degenerate or criminal types it is necessary to prove by biometrical methods, a correlation between the bodily anomalies on one hand, and the existence of psychic defect on the other. Galippe does not attempt to show such a correlation. I have taken all the cases available, and divided Galippe’s portraits into three classes, those in which the ‘‘lip’’ is ‘‘marked,’’ those in which it is ‘‘slight’’ and those in which it is ‘‘absent.’’ I have tried correlating these 205 cases with the mental and moral grades which I had previously obtained for these individuals; but I find that any correlation must be slight and difficult to prove without much larger data. For instance, of the distinctly inferior individuals 25 show the ‘‘lip ”’ in a ‘‘marked’’ degree, against 20 in whom it is ‘‘absent’’; while of the notably superior persons 22 have the ‘‘marked lip” against 21 in whom it is ‘‘absent.’’ It may be similar to the slight correlation that is now thought to probably exist between genius and insanity. But this is not like saying that genius is insanity. Many of Galippe’s portraits labeled FE es inférieur”? strike the reader as showing nothing peculiar in any way, others nothing more than a heavy underjaw, a common characteristic of the old royal personages, which so far from being a sign of degeneracy may as likely be associated with their general strength of character and determination of will. But the most misleading side of Galippe’s work, in which he also follows Jacoby, is his constant repetition of the word sterility and his frequent statements that noble and illustrious families thus find their natural end. The chief cause of this common mistake has arisen from following down, from ancient times to the more recent, the various dynasties in the male lines of primogeniture. In an appendix to Galton’s ‘‘Natural Inheri- tance,’’ 1889, this question is discussed, and it is there shown that all male lines, including the surnames of commoners, tend to diminish merely from the law of chance. This is because whenever all girls are born in any branch the name is lost abso- lutely, and can never be recovered. If the daughters marry and have children, the germ plasm is still transmitted, though No. 502] NOTES AND LITERATURE 687 the name is no longer the same. The old dynasties, Plantagenet, Stuart, Romanoff, Vasa, ete., have become extinct in one sense, although not in another. If certain royal families have gone, what is to be said with regard to the following facts. The male lines of all the present reigning families of Europe are carefully traced in the opposite direction, that is back to their earliest noble ancestors, in a most carefully compiled book by Dr. Kamil von Behr.* With the exception of the present reigning family of Sweden, all have been princes, counts or dukes far into the remote past. These show from 20 to 33 generations of noble blood, in the direct male lines. The following is a list of the present royal families with the earliest authentic dates of their nobility. An- halt 1059 A. D., Austria (Lorraine) 940 A. D., Baden 962 A. D., Bavaria 829 A. D., Belgium 1009 A. D., Denmark 1088 A. D., Great Britain 1009 A. D., Greece 1088 A. D., Hesse-Cassel 846 A. D., Hesse-Darmstadt 846 A. D., Italy (Savoy) 959 A. D., Liechtenstein 1133 A. D., Mecklenburg-Schwerin 960 A. D., Mecklenburg-Strelitz 960 A. D., Netherlands 992 A. D., Norway 1088 A. D., Portugal 1009 A. D., Prussia 1061 A. D., Reuss 1122 A. D., Rumania 1009 A. D., Russia 1088 A. D., Saxe-Coburg- Gotha 1009 A. D., Saxony 1009 A. D., Schaumburg-Lippe 1121 A. D., Schwarzburg 1114 A. D., Spain 861 A. D., Sweden 1810 A. D., Waldeck 940 A. D., Wiirtemberg 1110 A. D. When one considers that they married practically always within their own ranks, one can easily see that the present reigning families are descended from thousands upon thousands of counts, dukes, princes, kings and emperors. That all this blue blood has not produced sterility is easily seen by a glance at the ‘‘ Almanach de Gotha’’ or any of the books containing lists of the many children who have recently been born to royal families. It is my own belief that much of the causation underlying historical records may be elucidated by the statistical method, if all cases for or against a certain theory be impartially recorded, and then even a simple arithmetical count be taken. The higher statistical methods (biometrical) may be useful for further re- finement, but even the most simple rules of arithmetic would prevent one going quite as far astray from the truth as Jacoby and Galippe have done in their one-sided and utterly unjust arraignment of royal families. It is like picturing all million- a der in Europa regierenden Fürstenhäuser. 2d ed., Leipzig, 688 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII aires corrupt and dishonorable. Truly these slanderers of royalty, because they have a certain scientific affiliation, are all the more to be dreaded; furthermore, they cast discredit on the whole hope of any elucidation of history along biological lines. In contrast to books of this sort, one gladly takes up several recent memoirs emanating from University College, London. In the first of the publications of the new Eugenics Laboratory, E. Schuster and Miss Elderton,® to obtain data bearing on the in- heritance of ability, have made a statistical study of Oxford class lists and of the schools of Harrow and Charterhouse. By analyzing the academic standing of different members of the - same family, they show that the resemblance between father and son is represented approximately by the coefficient r= .30, in all their tables. The various coefficients for fraternal resem- blance, range around r= .40. They are perfectly in accordance with the theoretical expectancy propounded by Galton for his law of ancestral heredity. They are also in accordance with the correlations found in ‘‘Heredity and Royalty.’’ Other coefficients found by Pearson and his students for various physical and psychical measurements are higher than these, ranging around .40 to .50 for parental and .50 to .60 for fraternal correlation. In an appendix to this memoir of Schuster and Elderton, Pearson takes up the question of the size of the coefficients and shows that the class lists of Oxford, Harrow and Charterhouse represent probably a selected group, in point of ability, in which case their variability would be reduced and also the correlation coefficients. After making for this a reasonable, though rough, correction he concludes that the coefficients of Schuster and Elderton are in close accord with those heretofore found by this same school of investigators. David Heron? from the same laboratory contributes a first study of the inheritance of the insane diathesis. It is indeed a ‘‘First Study’’ in more senses than one, for not only is it the first work on this question from the Eugenics Laboratory, but it is not too much to say that it is the first attempt to treat the whole subject in an exact and satisfactory manner from the * Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs. I, The Inheritance of Ability. By Edgar Schuster, M.A., and Ethel M. Elderton. London, Dulau and Co., Soho Square, W., 1907. * Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs. II, A First Study of the Statisties of Insanity and the Inheritance of the Insane Diathesis. By David Heron, M.A., London, Dulau and Co., Soho Square, W., 1907. No. 502] NOTES AND LITERATURE 689 statistical standpoint. Heron, on this point, makes the follow- ing just and timely complaint. A careful examination of the annual Reports of the Asylums of Great Britain and Ireland has led to the conviction that no data at present published would enable the statistician to reach any quantitative results as to the inheritance of any single form of brain disease? Even medical treatises as a rule go no further than stating the percentage of eases in which insanity or some other want of mental balance has been recorded in the family history. As long as we do not know the total number in each class of relatives of the insane person and the exact brain defect from which they have suffered; as long as we do not know the total number of relatives of a random sample of the sane population and the exact forms of neurosis or brain disease from which they too have suffered, any attempt at a full treatment of the “ inheritance of insanity ” is from the statistical standpoint idle. What advantage can possibly arise from telling us that an insane person has so many alcoholic uncles if we do not know either the total number of his parents brothers and sisters, or the percentage of aleoholic members in the same grade of relationship of a sane individual of the same social class? e solution of this difficulty, and the present writer believes ot many other difficulties in the statisties of insanity, is to establish a General Register of the Insane for preservation in the office of the Lunacy Commissioners. Heron’s own work is based upon an analysis of 331 family trees provided by Dr. A. R. Urquhart, physician superintendent of the James Murray’s Royal Asylum, Perth, Scotland. The co- efficient of parental inheritance is found to be about r= .50 and fraternal resemblance r= .45 — .55. These are in close accord with other physical and mental measurements. The author is obliged to make several assumptions in regard to the general population in order to complete his calculations, so that his figures must be regarded as only a first approximation. The work is certainly in the right direction and it is to be hoped that all alienists will carefully read this valuable memoir. Miss Elderton and Pearson’ have published a measure of the resemblance of first cousins, especially in such characteristics as general health, intelligence, success, temper, temperament (re- served or expressive, sympathetic or callous, excitable or calm). Their correlation coefficients are not very uniform, but they show clearly enough a high degree of cousin resemblance, r * Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs. IV, On the Measure of the Resem- blance of First Cousins. By Ethel M. Elderton, assisted by Karl Pearson London, Dulau and Co., Soho Square, W., 1907. 690 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII ranging around .27. The results are taken from Pearson’s ‘Family Records’’ and there is something in the method which would seem to artificially increase the apparent resemblance. Different people have been asked to give their opinions about cousins whom they may happen to know. Some judges would naturally be more generous than others in their estimates. It is easy to see that, by cynicism on the one hand, and optimism on the other, many cousins would be taken in pairs out of the medium groups, where they very likely belong, and where they would lower the correlation coefficient, and placed in pairs either above or below the mean, where they would improperly raise the coefficients. Actual bodily measurements would not be suscep- tible of error from this source and these physical measurements they have attempted to obtain. So far, the latter. records are insufficient for full publication, but as far as they go they show roughly a very high value for the coefficient r. The authors ‘‘conclude accordingly, from the present results, that for the purposes of eugenics, cousins must be classed as equally important with uncles and aunts, and that they may eventually turn out to be as important as grandparents.’’ One suggestion is that any scientific marriage enactments would equally allow or equally forbid marriage between first cousins, as between grandparents and grandchild, uncle and niece, or aunt and nephew. One of their conclusions regarding alternate inheritance con- firms my own general contention of alternate inheritance in mental and moral traits, a fact on which I laid so much stress in tracing the pedigree of all the royal families. They state that ‘‘a determinantal theory of heredity, emphasizing alternate inheritance, must take precedence of any theory of simple blend- ing for the bulk of the characters here dealt with.’’ The next two memoirs to which I shall make reference,’ are especially important and timely, owing to the wide-spread prev- alence of the idea that tuberculosis is an infectious disease and not especially hereditary. I have even seen it printed in large * Drapers’ Company Research Memoirs, Studies in National Deterioration. II, A First Study of the Statistics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. By Karl Pearson, F.R.S. Dulau and Co., London, 1907. Drapers’ Company Re- search Memoirs. III, A Second Study of the Statistics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Marital Infection. By the late Ernest G. Pope. Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Edited and revised by Karl Pearson, F.R.S., with an appendix on assortative mating from data re- duced by Ethel M. Elderton. Dulau and Co., London, 3908. No. 502] NOTES AND LITERATURE 691 type in publications emanating from public health leagues that ‘‘Tuberculosis Is Not Hereditary.’’ I do not know on what scientific basis such a dogma rests. Professor Pearson has found cogent proof in the first of these studies that the phthisical diathesis is just as hereditary as any uman characteristic we know about. It would take too much space to completely review this paper. In a few words it may be enough to say that he does not jump at the conclusion that correlation coefficients necessarily show heredity. The question of infection through members of the same family living in close eontact is discussed at length; but the analysis reveals no evi- dence that direct infection is in any way important, as compared to the heritable diathesis. For instance, in his second paper on this same subject he finds that if a husband is tubereular, then there is a probability that the wife will also be found tuberculous, and vice versa, but this correlation is not nearly sg high as that between brothers and brothers, sisters and sisters, and brothers and sisters. Yet opportunities for direct infection in the case of husband and wife are of course vastly greater than among brothers and brothers, ete., who by the time of the average age of onset of the disease (twenty to thirty years) have already ceased to live in the same households. The question of assortative mating comes in to explain a cer- tain amount of this observed correlation between husband and wife. Assortative mating is a convenient name for the tend- ency of like to mate with like, aside from any question as to what causes may bring about the similarity in question. It is a popular belief that tall men marry short women, and blonds are attracted by brunettes, but the truth of the matter seems to be quite the reverse. In nine series of physical char- acteristics the correlations of resemblance between husband and wife have been found to range between r= .20 and r—.28. For physical characteristics nine series show a range between r==.11 and r=.48, with an average of r= .24.° The corre- lation coefficient for insanity between husband and wife is fos. “Unless, therefore, any characteristics show a relationship between husband and wife markedly greater than .20 to .25 it would be very ***Second Study of the Statistics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis,’’ cited above, p. 22. 692 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII difficult to assert that this resemblance is due to other causes than those assortative processes which have just been shown to produce quite a sensible degree of resemblance in husband and wife.” Pearson is ‘‘prepared to accept with some reservation a sensible but probably not very large infective action from the available statistics of pulmonary tubereulosis.’’ The question of assortative mating is an important one, and a knowledge of the amount to be allowed under various circumstances seems to me to be a necessary adjunct for recorrecting all the correla- tion coefficients of heredity which have so far been obtained by the London workers. Their coefficients agree fairly well, but they are all distinctly higher than the theoretical—fraternal are about .50 to .60 instead of the theoretical .40; paternal .40 to .50, the theoretical being .30; and so with the most remote relationships, especially the first cousin resemblances. t is evident that if assortative mating be in general the strong force that Pearson has shown it to be, then it must in most investigations raise the correlation coefficients for heredity. To make this clear—tall fathers have on the average tall sons, though their average height is less than that of the fathers, due to the principle of regression, but now if it happens that all the tall fathers have tall wives, then the sons will get an added height from the influence of the tall mothers and will seem to resemble their fathers more than they do from the real paternal influence alone. Among royal families assortative mating is a disturbing factor is at a minimum, for here the marriages are so often arranged by others than the parties most concerned, or are the result of some important state policy, that the question of individual selection is nearly, though I believe not quite, eliminated. This may be the reason why the coefficients for heredity found in the study of royalty are so much nearer the theoretical. It may be well, in closing, to say a word about the general question of correlation coefficients as affording a proof of the influence of pure heredity. It may be asked—do the coefficients really prove anything more than a general resemblance between relatives? May this not be due to heredity in some cases and to environment in others, or a combination of both, in most cases? Personally I do not feel that the coefficients alone afford all the desired proof. Analysis of the material, separating the cases into classes in which environment has had greater or less time No. 502] NOTES AND LITERATURE 693 to act,!° or into classes which are known to have lived in different environments, or comparing contrasted children within the same family, with contrasts in the ancestry of these (alternate in- heritance) or other schemes which seek to find measurable in- fluence of the environment factor, are, some or all, necessary for any final proof. What the correlation coefficients do show is this, that if hered- ity be the great preponderating force, creating individual dif- ferences between man and man, the coefficients that have been found are in substantial agreement with what they should be. Further refinement is wanted, especially as to the effect of assortative mating, and the shape of the curve of distribution for psychic characters, when selected classes are taken. Mendel’s laws, so important to the horticulturists, and to the breeder of superficial traits in fancy strains of domesticated animals, has not been shown to have any bearing on human heredity, at least as concerns important characteristics." The general rough principle of alternate inheritance in human hered- ity, leads, however, to the hope that a further study of this ques- tion may bring out certain ‘‘unit characters,’’ more or less marked, so that here in the end there may be harmony between the two unfriendly schools, the Mendelian and the Biometrical. F. A. Woops. ORNITHOLOGY Riddle on the Cause of the Production of ‘‘Down’’ and other Down- like Structures in the Plumages of Birds..—A connection is here traced between the rate of growth and the character of the V This method is employed by E. L. Thorndike in his excellent study of the ‘‘ Measurement of Twins.’’ Arch. of Philos., Psychol. and Scientific Methods, No. 1, New York, 1905. Also in some of the University College, London memoirs. “Tt has been claimed to govern the inheritance of certain rare anomalies, albinism, abnormal hands, ete., also eye color (C. B. and G. C. Davenport, Science, Vol. XXVI, p. 589) and facial peculiarities of Red Indians when crossed with the Scotch (G. P. Mudge, Nature, November 7, 1907). Riddle, Oscar. The Cause of the Production of ‘‘Down’’ and other Down-like Structures in the Plumages of Birds. Biological Bulletin, Vol. XIV., No. 3, February, 1908, pp. 163-176. 694 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII structure in feathers. In a former paper? the same author showed that a feather is made up of a series of faint ‘‘funda- mental bars,’’ due to the manner of deposition of the feather sub- stance. These bars are somewhat analogous to the annual rings of growth in the trunk of a deciduous tree, the tree rings showing the amount of annual increase in the tree trunk, while the bars mark the daily growth in the production of the feather. The demarkation of the fundamental bars is due to the period of reduced blood-pressure during the early morning hours (1-6 A.M.) of each day during the growth of the feather, and the defective transverse lines to malnutrition, or to reduced nutri- tion. As shown by Jones,* the nestling down or neossoptile is not a distinct and complete feather growth, but merely an apical segment of the first definitive feather, the first down being ‘‘the plumulaceous tip of the first definitive feather.’’ The constric- tion between the two parts Riddle considers to be another variety of this same defect, due to insufficient nutrition. At the time of the hatching of the egg the down portion of the down feather is completed, and the shaft portion immediately succeeds, at a time when the whole source of food-supply is changed, and assimilation impaired by the intervention of a new source of alimentation. While this is obvious, experiments have been conducted to show the effects of underfeeding at the critical stage in the bird’s life, and it has been found that a bird in the downy condition can thus be made to wear its downy plumage for months after it should have given place to the definitive feathers. ‘“‘The ‘quill’ region is a part of the feather which ‘normally’ almost refuses to grow; by reducing the food-supply during and after its formation further growth may be absolutely inhibited or stopped.’’ - From the experiments here related, the author concludes that the down portion of feathers is due to poor nutritive conditions, and that ‘‘ The formation of the quill is probably the direct result of a progressive diminution of an already lessened food-supply.’’ Apparently all this bears upon the ‘‘how’’ rather than the ‘‘why’’ of feather production and feather structure, and is not to be given a too-sweeping application. In other words, that in the development of a pennaceous feather, the formation of its different parts—the pennaceous, the downy, and the quill por- 7A Study of Fundamental Bars in Feathers. Biol. Bull., Vol. XII, February, 1907, pp. 165-174. Noticed in The Auk, January, 1908, p. 98. No. 502] NOTES AND LITERATURE 695 tions—is not to be ascribed to the varying conditions of nutrition of the individual during the growth of a particular feather. While we would accept the hypothesis that varying blood- pressure during the twenty-four hours may give rise to the phe- nomena of ‘‘fundamental bars’’ and ‘‘defective lines,’’ that defective areas may result from malnutrition, and that under- feeding may retard feather development, we can hardly conceive that we have here a full explanation of the differentiation of a feather into pennaceous, downy, and quill portions, or that the widely differing plumage structure shown by owls, pigeons and hummingbirds is merely a matter of nutrition, in its ordinarily accepted sense. In a moulting bird, for example, there may be hundreds of feathers in process of growth at the same time, and feathers in all possible stages of development. If reduced nutri- tion is necessary for the formation of the downy portions of the feather, and still further reduction of nutrition for the forma- tion of the quill, how can all of these processes of feather growth take place, through experiment or otherwise, in the same indi- vidual at the same time, as we know is the case in an actively moulting bird? Each feather has its definite function, and its predestined form and character, in accordance with its position on the bird’s body; and feathers differ in character in different birds in accordance with their rôle in nature, depending upon whether they are owls, or swifts, or pigeons, or penguins, ete. Evidently the nutrition of the single feather and the nutrition of the individual bird are not necessarily one and the same thing; while defective or insufficient nutrition of the individual would leave its impress upon growing feathers, it is not likely that it would, in the ease of a moulting bird, affect one phase or stage of feather growth without affecting all stages. Each feather has its own cycle of growth, and the supply and quality of the nutrition for the perfection of its different parts must vary with each stage of growth, independently of degree of blood-pressure dependent upon food-supply. Hence we should not like to say that ‘‘The formation of the quill is probably the direct result of a progressive diminution of an already lessened food-supply,’’ but that it was due to the normally modified supply and character of the nutriment furnished by the blood- vessels to the feather at this particular and final stage of its * Jones, Lynds. The Development of Nestling Feathers. Lab. Bull. No. 13, Oberlin College. Noticed in The Auk, January, 1907, p. 90. 696 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII growth; or that the answer to Mr. Riddles’s question, ‘‘ What causes the production of ‘down’ 2’’ is to be found in malnutri- tion of the individual. A VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY New Fossil Mammals from Egypt.—It was announced some time ago that the expedition of the American Museum of Natural History to the famous fossil beds of the Fayûm had been highly successful, and particulars of the results have been awaited with much interest. Professor Osborn has just issued a short paper! describing some of the more remarkable discoveries. Two new forms, unfortunately represented only by portions of the lower jaw, are so peculiar that their ordinal position remains uncer- tain. One of these is named Ptolemaia lyonsi, and is taken as the type of a new family Ptolemaiide. It is even stated that it possibly represents a new order. The other, Apidium phio- mensis, new genus and species, ‘‘was evidently a small omnivo- rous or frugivorous form with partly cuspidate teeth’’; but at present its precise affinities are unknown. Two other fossils are deseribed, representing new genera (Phiomys and Metaphiomys) of rodents, placed in the family Eomyide. TD AA Errata: The title of the article by Professor George H. Parker in the September issue, p. 601, should read ‘‘The Origin of the Lateral Eyes of Vertebrates.’’ The figure on p. 606 is inverted. * Bull. Am. Mus. N. Hist., XXIV, 265-272, March 25, 1908. (No. 501 was issued on September 30, 1908) The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. One hundred reprints of Contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Further reprints will be supplied at cost Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. 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Re-issues of the highly The Principles of Fruit Growing. By L. valued Hand-Books known Tenth Edi a i Pr “al 2 By mail $1.66. irrigation and Drainage. B r H. Kıl = w Cie Craft and vis a TA Edition, ‘fl. 4 net, sde mail $1.68. Rural Science Series, edited Principles of Vegetable C aait. By L. H. Bam by L. H. BAILEY, of Cor- jr Edition, $1.60 net, w nad $1.68. nell University, Editor of Bush Fruits. By Frep W. Car Cyclopedia of American oari oS $1.50 net, by mail $1.66. ; ree Fertilizers. By Epwarp B. Voo Horticulture,’ (g SR sf Tenth "Edition, $1.25 net, by mail $1.88 f American Agriculture Farm Poultry. By Gro. C. WATSON ete, Sixth Edition, $1.25 net, by mail $1.42 Published The [Macmillan Company “New Yok” The American Naturalist A Monthly Journal, established in 1867, Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences Factors with ee Reference to the of Organic Evolution and Heredity , CONTENTS OF THE APRIL NUMBER The Taxonomic A of the Species Question. Pro» fessor CHARLES E. BESSEY. = axono. _ Pie ert = £ the Species Question. Dr, ATHANIE kome Sia wy ie Aspect ‘of the tae Species Question, Pro- SSOr The ee acest of a Species. Dr. D. T. An Beologic View of the Species Conception, Professor FREDERIC E, CLEMENTS. “e Boologieal Aspect of the Conception of Species, Dr, Discussion m the Tee Question. Professor J. = B. POLLOCK. Kamea T hem E G. Ht, De Dr. G. H. 8H ULL Dr. J. x Shorter ea and ponai: Otter Sy Pro- Notes oe ag aa sade Mage mt ‘mental —Przibe Ezperim logy. M. Tehikyotogye Jondan on Fishes, E Paaa REDERIC T, LEW. CONTENTS OF THE MAY NUMBER Geographical Distribution ; oe of oe Boome capod Fauna. Professor A. E. VERR On = a of Decta Tropiitos ‘of Insects, RUES, The eshition of” Tertia ary Mammals and the Impo of their Migrations. Professor CHARLES Aedes On Xerophytic Adaptations of Leaf Stru aae in Yuccas, Agaves and Nolinas, Professor J. F. MCCLENDON, The Biological Laboratory of the Bureau of Fisheries at hoins od’s = Pegg me le of oo r the S Dr, FRAN Heredity uf Hair Form in Man GERTRUDE C. DavEN- T and CHARLES B, DAVENPORT. Notes and Liierature : cere by ratte In- t in Recent Crinoid L. C. Animal Be- Haviar--Recent Work on the Behavior of hg Animals, Professor HERBERT S, JENNIN roselare OF THE JUNE NUMBER The — the Caudate Amphibia, Dr. Roy L, Moo r and their rere other Organe isms, Professo c8. Notes and Literature: Biometrics—Recent Contributions to Theory, Professor RAYMOND PEARL, Protozoa— Some Amæba Studies, G. N. C. Erperimental Zoology—Regeneration, M, CONTENTS OF THE JULY NUMBER A New Mendelian Ratio and Several Types of Latency. Dr. GEORGE HARRISON SHULL. ; The Leg Tendons of Insects. Professor C. W. WooD- WORTH. Abnormal SERET tof Marmota Monax L. CHARLES . SHU A Note or ~ the —— of Plethodon Cinereus, HUGH Some ‘Exp iani on the Order of Succession of the Somiks in the Chick. Professor MARIAN E. HUB- Dwarf Faunas. Professor HERVEY W. Notes and Literature : Tehityology—Lite History of = Eel, Professor CHARLES A. KOFOID ; The Valves O CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST NUMBER The reer gia e » cain Life of Illinois: A Statistical ES. aa lata n. sp. ERNEST E. HEM gpi a ratories and our Atlante Coast. De an Biometry as a “Method in Taxonomy. P ey E S i ara cles an ndence : Th crinus, AUSTIN HOBART CLARK. A New Rhinooeros Ares = n e Lower Miocene of Nebraska, Haro waras wr Deme Plant gy—8So ’s Var of the Garter-snakes, J, A. Lepidop: : SE doptera, Professor T, D. A, CockEmn, ONTENTS OF SEPTEMBER NUMBER ye Some results s e ip Senra P AEEA 0 Professor OCKE gaye thom th of Myosurus Minimus. DR. Leroy D. Another t Aspect of the Species Question. DR. J. A. The” Origin of the Lateral Eyes of Vertebrates Professor G. H. PAR ande N d Literature : Hered ity—Spurious j goten o Results of Some Recent Inv ve vestigs em u onin Cen re ons, r of Ossification, C. R. B. Plant ar’ logical Studies on Saprolegnia and a Vane DR. BRADLE AVIS olothuria thurioidea, Professor CHA Epwak Á cd ney ne Ta er on the Enterop ssor W. Paleorit ogy. Case on Pelycosauria a can the ek miyloweuriae,, Profemor 8. Mle A osaur i Te ~ mil yo Em o Parasitism; Tispene "HD W. a THE SCIENCE PRESS Sub-Station 84: NEW YORK Yearly Subscription, $4.00 | — subscribers for four months for One Dollar TOL. XLII, NO. 508 ~ pe . 444 p THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE CONTENTS Page Further Studies on the Activities of Araneads. Professor THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Jr. ‘ Notes on the Daily Life and rati of Giwihicend Sariini boii PLOTD E. CHIDESTER : Some Points in the Bisig of Í hoink inaia. AUSTIN HOBART aak. Shorter Articles and Correspondence: EvolutionSwithout corre z F. Coox. Note on the Silverside : JOHN TREADWELL NICH Notes and Literature: Botany—The Origin of a Land K Pioro Dovaiass HOUGHTON CAMPBELL. 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Science A weekly journal, established in 1883, devoted to the advancement of the natural and exact sciences, the official organ of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, publishing original articles and notes on the progress of the different branc science, the proceedings of scientific societies, an ies, reviews of scientific The Popular Science Monthly An illustrated magazine, established in 1872, devoted to the diffusion of science, publishing articles * leading authorities in all departments of p e applied science, including the applications of sci to education and society. Annual subscription $5.00. Single copies, The American Naturalist : ; i i devot A monthly journal, established in 1867, to the biologiei sciences with special reference to the factors of organic evolution. 30 cents. mers, 35 cente. ” : e ; i and er bers mentioning this advertisemen THE dosing one Fic aac SCL. NCE be sent Jor three morn PULAR AMERICAN NATURALIST for four months or fi siz months. S THE SCIENCE PRESS ncaster, P8: Sub-Station 84, New York. . THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLII November, 1908 No. 503 FURTHER STUDIES ON THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS! PROFESSOR THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1. AGE DIFFERENCES IN THE SNARES OF TWO ARGIOPIDS To the best of my knowledge there has been made no comparison of the snares of immature and adult spiders, with regard to the problem of whether such snares be- come more complex as the animal grows older. Yet this is an interesting question in its bearings upon the per- fection of an activity through repeated effort. During the past months of July and August I have studied this matter on two common species of argiopids, Epeira sclopetaria (Clerck) and E. marmorea (Clerck), both of which construct large vertical, orbicular snares that are very favorable for measurements and the archi- tecture of which has been well described by McCook.? My observations were made at Woods Hole, Mass., where there was a large colony of sclopetaria in the labor- atory buildings and beneath the boat wharves, and an- other of marmorea in a marshy woodland. All the webs measured were those in the free and natural conditions, except those of the newly hatched; to obtain the latter I kept cocoons until they hatched, then freed the young upon the window panes of my room where they spun their first snares. Sclopetaria makes cocoons throughout ' Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. ° American Spiders and their Spinning Work, Philadelphia, 1889-93. 697 698 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII the summer, and one female under observation furnished four successive ones (all made in the night); they hatch on the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth day. Marmorea does not construct cocoons until the fall. Comparisons were made on the following points: (1) number of radi, (2) number of spiral loops, (3) greatest diameter of the spiral (orb proper). The spiral loops examined are those of the outer viscid spiral which is the true trap of the web, and the number of its turns were counted in that segment of the orb where they*were most numerous (generally in the region below the central hub). A slight error is some- times encountered in counting these loops for occasionally the innermost of them are scarcely distinguishable from the inner non-viscid spiral, but this is an error of only small amount. The following table gives in condensed form the meas- urements of 265 snares. On the left is entered the spe- cies, sex and age, the linear measurements are in centi- meters, the remainder is self-explanatory. ETS Se ye RE E EN EE T ee eRe T A y, Spiral Loops Snare Diameter | Radii Sal ¢8 | ag a sf les ies| 8 A Ee) p4 | Sa |fe| £2 p23 28 |g o| tes of. S © betes} Nn 59| dz |43 |59| dz |42 jee] a” |< 2 9, ad 87 | 19-43 | 28.3 | 87 | 29-71 | 48.2 | 86 | 18.5-48.3| 28 ° 29, catia Nasto instar | 19 | 21-35 | 27.8 | 19 | 16-61 | 48 |19 | 16.5-35.6 | 23.4 aoe; seat titanic instar | 16 | 23-36 | 28.3 | 16 | 26-61 | 41.3/16/14 -30 | 20.6 ed; antepenultimate 3, 19-34 | 27.38; 3) 37-39 | 38 3 ! 19.6-25.4 | 22.1 Young es 6 an 23 | 19-35 | 28.7 | 23 | 16-51 | 29.5 | 21| 7.6-28 | 15 E. sclopetaria : 2 9, adult 24 | 15-24/19 |21 | 26-56 | 35.4 | 24 | 24.1-48.3 | 35.6 , penultimate instar 2 | 18-23 | 20.5) 2): 4-30 | 27 2 | 20.3-30.5 | 25.4 Newly hatche ao | 91 | 11-20 | 15.3 91 | 11-23 | 16.2|91| 5.1-11.9| 7.6 With via to increase of complexity of the snare with advance of age of the spider this table shows us the following figures for sclopetaria. The first formed snares, those of the newly hatched, exhibit an average of 15.3 radii, 16.2 spiral turns and 7.6 em. diameter in comparison with averages of 19. radii, 35.4 spiral turns No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS 699 and 35.6 em. diameter of adult females. In other words while the diameter of the orb increases nearly five times, the number of spirals becomes slightly more than doubled, and the number of radii are increased less than one quar- ter. For E. marmorea the webs of immature individuals of from .3 to .6 em. were compared with those of adult fe- males, and the table shows that between these ages the number of radii remains about constant, while the num- ber of spiral turns and the diameter of the spiral about double themselves ; females in the penultimate instar show the orb almost as complex as that of females in the last instar. For both of the species examined, accordingly, the age changes in the snare are greatest with regard to the diameter of the viscid spiral, less with regard to the number of its loops (on the average these only doubling their number), and least with regard to the number of the radii. It is interesting that the first snare of the spiderling has all the parts of that of the adult, namely, the central woven hub and the inner non-viscid spiral in addition to the viscid spiral, radii and foundation lines. With in- creasing age of the spider the threads of the snare become thicker, the whole structure larger, but otherwise beyond the addition of a few more radii and a doubling of the number of the spiral turns there is no particular change effected. The newly-hatched show also about the same specific habits as do the adult: in marmorea the young, as does the mother, remains in a nest in a curled leaf hold- ing communication with the snare only by a trap-line; and in sclopetaria the young, again like the mother, re- mains either at the center of the snare or else away from it, holding a trap-line but not hiding within a nest. Fur- ther, though there are frequently imperfections in the snares of the young, such as incomplete radii, asymmetri- 3? By last or ultimate instar is meant the one of sexual maturity, even though this may be, and in some species regularly is, followed by other moults; the penultimate instar would be the next preceding, and the ante- penultimate the one before that. 700 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII cally placed spirals and imperfect meshing of the hub, such imperfections seem to be quite as usual in adult webs so that it is rare in either of these species to find per- fectly symmetrical webs. The adult spider can not be said to construct a more serviceable snare than does the spiderling, for the spiderling’s is really much larger in diameter in proportion to the size of the body. And while the adult has about twice as many spiral loops, the spider- ling with his fewer loops probably secures all necessary nourishment to the same extent as does his mother. Thus with the growth of the spider the snare does not become more serviceable as a trap. In all this excellent architec- ture the young as well as the adult labors first to make a scaffolding to support its weight, then lays down upon this the food-gathering spiral; and it does this quite as efficiently as does the adult. We might conclude that the number of spiral loops becomes larger because the supply of available silk has greatly increased; and that more radii are added because the weight of the spider increases faster than the size of the web, and because the spider in all her building tests the strength of the scaffolding, adding a new line wherever the structure sags. But the increase in number of parts can not be ascribed to intel- _ligence, or memory of reiterated experience, for the mother seems to continue the same instinct possessed by the young and shows no peculiarity in the spinning pro- cess not exhibited by the latter. The age differences of the web are, accordingly, due mainly to: (1) increase in the weight of the spider in combination with the instinct to make the scaffolding sufficiently strong; and increase of size of the spinning organs, therefore of silk substance. The spider does not exhibit learning at any stage, for it constructs the first web with as much ease and certainty as any later one. In this connection I may also mention, as the result of many observations, that the spider makes the first cocoon as perfectly as any subsequent cocoon; and when it makes a mistake at any part of the process of cocoon spinning seems unable to rectify it. No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS 701 The absolute size of the snare and the number of spiral loops vary much in individuals of the same species. The Size is dependent upon two factors: (1) size of the space in which the web is spun, and (2) amount of silk avail- able. If confined in a cramped place the spider spins no snare at all, as I found by attempting to induce them to spin in cages made of two panes of window glass sep- arated by a wooden rim 3 em. thick. Then if successive webs are destroyed soon after making each contains fewer parts than its predecessor, which can be ascribed only to deficiency of silk. Thus with one adult female of sclopetaria her first snare had 21 radii, 35 spiral loops, and a diameter of 37 em.; this I destroyed, and her second made a day or two later had 17 radii, 25 spiral loops and a diameter of 30.5 em.; a week later I destroyed this and she made a third with 18 radii, 25 spiral loops and diameter of 24.1 em., then (after demolition of this one) a fourth with 19 radii, 19 spirals and diameter of 23 em. In orbs of adult females, particularly of marmorea, the space between neighboring spiral loops varies greatly in size, whence it follows that the diameter of the orb is no index of the number of spiral turnings, and that differ- ent females must use different parts of the body as a measure of this space. This is really the most marked variation to be found in orbs, and it is shown just as well in those of spiderings. 2. THE Snares oF MALE Arcioprps AND THE NUMBER OF Mates In this conjunction I wished to compare the spinning activities of males of Epeira marmorea and E. sclopetaria with those of their females. On this matter McCook has to say :* As a rule, the spinning abilities of male spiders, as far as they relate to the capture of prey, have been shown in Volume I to be less decided than with females. The rule is not absolute for all species, as in some cases the snare spun by the male is precisely like that woven by “L c., 2, p. 65. 702 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII the female. But in certain other genera, as, for example, Argiope and probably Nephila, the snares of the male are rudimentary, and do not compare in perfection with those of the female. The immature males of the two species studied by me construct perfect snares of the types of those of their respective females. But the adult males of mar- morea (no adult males of sclopetaria were examined) do not spin snares at all but build nests near those of adult females and live on the outskirts of the snares of the latter; this was the case with all of the 23 mature males found in the latter half of the month of August. Data on the snares of immature males are condensed in the table already presented. The snares of orbs of 16 males of marmorea in the penultimate instar show the same average number of radii, a somewhat smaller average number of spiral loops (41.3 to 48), and a smaller average diameter (20.6 cm. in comparison with 23.4 cm. and 28. cm., as compared with snares of females of this species in the penultimate instar and at maturity. Data for the snares of 3 males in the antepenultimate instar show somewhat lower averages. Those of 2 males of sclopetaria in the penultimate instar, show, on com- parison with adult females of this species, a slightly greater average number of radii (20.5 to 19), a smaller average of spiral turns (27 to 35.4), and a smaller average diameter (25.4 em. to 35.6 em.). That is to say, males in their penultimate instar construct fully as many radii as do females in their penultimate or even ultimate instar, but a smaller number of spiral turns and they make smaller snares. But a male in his penultimate instar is considerably smaller than a female of the same age, there- fore in proportion to his size and weight his snare is quite as complicated as that of the female and is in no sense rudimentary. It would appear, accordingly, that the spin- ning instinct, so far as the snare is concerned, is as perfect in the male as in the female. He makes no web when ma- ture because the sexual impulse completely overcomes the desire for food, hence the instinct for snaring it, though ‘an No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS 703 he does continue to construct nests; and his nest is quite as complex as that of the female. I have not determined whether a male after satisfaction of his sexual desires would again spin a snare; but probably he would not have a chance of doing so, for the female becomes satisfied before he does and frequently succeeds in devouring him. Indeed, I have obsrved a female of marmorea devouring one male while another was importunely making advances to her. As to the sexual ratio of mormorea, I found in the field 16 males of the penultimate instar to 19 females of the same age, and 23 adult males to 87 adult females. These figures are too meager to allow of any general con- clusion, beyond that the males at maturity seem to be less than half as numerous as females, and just before ma- turity to be slightly less numerous. The greater disparity in numbers at maturity may well be due to accidents be- falling males while they are seeking mates and to their de- struction by the females themselves. On August 31 I measured the orbs of 24 adult females of marmorea; on only 8 of them were there adult males, these webs having from one to three males each. It is probable that more than one male copulates with a given female, and that a given male may mate with more than one female; for I have found this to be the case with Theridium tepidar- iorm and certain Lycosids.° 3. Tue Senses oF ToucH AND SIGHT IN SNARE-MAKING PIDERS The number of eyes in araneads, usually eight, their different positions upon the head area, and their complex- ity in being compound (constructed of separate retin- ulae), has led naturalists to the view that the sense of sight plays a large part in their vital activities. And this idea is substantiated for such species as are strictly hunt- 5 Before the antepenultimate instar males can not be distinguished ex- ternally from females. According to W. Wagner (La Mue des Araignées, Ann. Sci. Nat., 1888) the external male peculiarities do not exhibit them- selves in Attus before the fifth moult, and in Lycosa before the seventh. 704 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII ers and not snarers, and particularly for the diurnal At- tidae as demonstrated by the studies of the Peckhams.° But among the snare-weavers I feel positive, in agree- ment with McCook’s conclusions, that the sense of touch almost completely supplants that of sight. Long obser- vation in the field and especially upon species kept under control has led me to this opinion, the main rea- sons for which may be briefly mentioned. The lines of the snare are the medium by which the spider secures its food and conducts its mating, all by touch. In the operation of spinning, whether it be a snare or a nest or a cocoon, ° the process is conducted beneath the ventral surface of the spider, accordingly, in a position removed from its field of vision; and all such architecture is frequently carried on in the dark of night. With the true orb-weav- ers, the argiopids, the spider sometimes remains at the center of the orb holding tensely with its tarsal claws various radii and thereby feeling any object that strikes the web. In this position she can see only a small part of the snare, if any of it, yet she instantly perceives any impact upon any part of the snare. Or the spider does not rest upon the snare at all, or comes out upon it only at night and twilight, remaining in a nest at some dis- tance from the snare; in that case the spider perceives any shock to the snare by means of the trap-line that passes from her claws to the center of the snare, such a trap-line being a modified radius. MeCook (l. c.) has given an admirable treatment of the use of this trap-line and of how it is often employed to spring the snare. Thus Epeira marmorea remains through the hours of sunshine for the most part in a nest within a leaf that has curled up, where she can not see the web at all, and feels every motion of it through the connecting trap-line. And it is in- structive to watch her when an insect agitates the snare. She then rapidly pulls the trap-line several times, thereby learning that the prey is struggling in the web, runs * Peckham, G. W. and E. G. Sense of Sight in Spiders. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., 1894. No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS 705 rapidly to the center of the snare, then locates the insect precisely by pulling successively different radii. In this food-gathering she seems to use touch alone, and it is questionable whether she at any time sees her food, for even in the process of mastication and sucking she holds it beneath her head. And this sense of touch is so deli- cate that by it the spider can to some extent determine the nature of the object that causes the impact, as, e. g., whether it be large or small. Likewise with the mating, that I observed this summer in Epeira marmorea. The female was near the center of her snare hanging vertically downward with her dorsal surface, her vision area, away from the male. He was at the outer end of one of her radii and though his head was turned towards her he perceived her position and tested her inclinations not by sight but by touch com- municated through that radius; they signalled to each other by pulls and counter pulls of the line, he climbed along the radius towards her, at nearly every step re- peating his pulling, then when about an inch away he advanced rapidly to press his palpi against her epigynum while she drew in her extremities close to her body. Each such act was only of momentary duration, and at its end he moved away along the same radius, repeated his signalling, then again advanced towards her; thus there were numerous repeated copulations during the half hour I watched the pair.” The female never saw the male at all, and he perceived her so far as I could determine by the sense of touch alone. In an earlier study, where I T Previous observers of European a of this genus have described this process in much the same w mpare: alckenaer. Histoire naturelle des Tuet, Aptères. Suites à Buffon, 2, Paris, 1837. Menge, A. Ueber die Lebensweise der Arachniden. Schriften naturf. Ges. Danzig, 4, 1843. Menge. Preussische Spinnen, I. Ibid. (N. F.), 1, 1866. Termeyer, R. M. de. Researches and Experiments upon Silk from mon ete. Translated by Burt G. Wilder, Proc. Essex Inst., 5, 1866. , A. Ueber die Begattung der gekrénten Taino (Epeira POEA Cl.). Termész. Fuzetek, Budapest, 10, 1886. + 706 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLII described this act in much greater detail for various other species,’ I had called attention to this exclusive use of touch in the courtship and copulation of snare- weavers. The female responds to the male’s signals by more gentle and weak pulls when she is eager for him, by stronger and more aggressive ones when she regards him as an object of food; thus there is a language of touch, even at a distance, and the male assures himself, if such an expression is permissible, of the nature of his partner’s responses. In the case of marmorea just de- scribed the male took effective means to procure his es- cape should the female prove aggressive, just as did the male of E. diademata observed by Menge: while advancing along her web radius he held an escape line of his own, the outer end of which was attached to the peri- phery of her web; and when her motions were more vio- lent than usual he loosed his hold on her radius to drop and swing out of her reach on his own escape line. In this way he procured the double advantage of escape and of remaining in communication with her web. It may be noted in passing that while in E. marmorea the male seeks only adult females, in Theridium tepidar- iorum the males mature somewhat earlier than the fe- males and are to be found upon the webs of the females before the latter have matured. We can say that among araneads the sense of touch is the dominant one in those that are snarers. Spiders lack hearing, as seems to be proved by the experiments of my student Miss Pritchett.2 The long spines placed upon the limbs seem to be tactile and not auditory or- gans. Spiders possess the olfactory sense but it is not known how much they are guided by it. The primary sense of the snarers is touch, and they possess it to a *Studies on the Habits of Spiders, particularly those of the Mating Period, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1903. * Pritehett, A. H. Observations on Hearing and Smell in Spiders. AMER. NAT., 38, 1904. These observations have been criticized by F. Dahl (Naturwiss. Wochenschr., N. F., 4, 1905), but Dahl never instituted crucial experiments such as those of Miss Pritchett. No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS TOT degree of perfection hardly equalled by any other ter- restrial animals. The question then presses, of what use are the eyes to snare-weavers when their sensations are so particularly tactile? The newly hatched spiderlings evidently use their eyes for they are always positively phototropic while the adults are generally negatively so. This turning to- wards the light benefits the spiderlings and consequently the species by serving to disseminate them from the home area into new feeding grounds. And I believe it is a quite general phenomenon among all animals whose adults are more or less sedentary and tubicolous, negatively pho- totropic, for the young to be at first positively phototropic, though I do not know whether any one has drawn atten- tion to the comprehensiveness of this principle; in this most wide-spread kind of migration the beneficial result of the change of tropism is to prevent overcrowding. But as the young snare-weaver grows older and begins to avoid the light as does its parent, it does not employ its eyes in the primal acts of feeding and mating but main- ly determines by them the source of the light in order to avoid it. Despite their complexity, accordingly, the eyes of snare-weavers, when they have passed infancy, seem to . be used mostly as direction eyes. This being the case it seems strange that these eyes should have retained the complexity inherited from hunting forefathers, and it is possible that they have come to subserve some other new function, as, e. g., to have become thermic receptors; this might well be determined experimentally. At any rate we shall have to change current views as to the réle of vision in spiders. 4. On THE AverRAGE Duration oF LIFE IN ARANEADS In the ease of all species that I have studied adult males are found during only a short period of the year, for perhaps not longer than a month or six weeks, and in latitudes where there is a marked winter season they do not live over this period of cold. And from observa- tions on Theridium tepidariorum I estimate from the rate 708 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII of growth that this species is able to reach full size in one year. Males, accordingly, live for only a relatively short time as adults, and their life time would seem to not exceed one year. In my observations on Epeira mar- morea I found on July 25 among 16 recognizable females (in young of 8 mm. body length or less the sexes are ex- ternally indistinguishable) only 5 adults, while on August 31 out of 24 females all but 3 were adult; these data indi- cate for this species that while at the beginning of the summer few females are adults, at its end most are. It is then probable for this species, though not proved, that few females live over from one breeding season to another, and then only under favoring environmental conditions, a conclusion reached by McCook for Argiope. But the females live at least some months longer than the males for they are to be found later than the breeding season and after all males have disappeared; and there are cases on record (cf. McCook) where females of certain species have been kept from two to seven years. I have de- scribed for Latrodectus'® how the mating occurs in the late winter at Austin, Texas, the adult males are not found after this season, while the females continue to produce cocoons until the following autumn. We might say in general that males of spiders probably do not live longer than one year, females some months longer or in certain cases several years. 5. THE Cocoontne OF LOXOSCELES RUFESCENS DUF I give these brief notes here because the cocooning of no sicariid has been hitherto described, and because it may be of some interest from the standpoint of com- parative architecture. The cocoon of Loxosceles is ses- sile, attached to the snare, so resembling that of Sicarius, while in Scytodes, the only other genus of the Sicariidae for which the cocoon has been described, it is carried in the chelicera of the mother.” 1 Jour. Exper. Zool., 5, 1908. “I have taken thene genera as defined by E. Simon: Histoire naturelle -~ des Araignées, 2me éd., Paris, 1892. No. 503] THE ACTIVITIES OF ARANEADS 709 This is an abundant form at Austin, Texas, where it makes a large and irregular web beneath logs and stones, usually in drier situations. In its movements it is the most languid and timid species I have ever seen, waiting quietly until its prey has inextricably entangled itself in the web, and feigning death for a remarkably long period. Both males and females are able to undergo thirst for weeks at a time, an unusual faculty among spiders, and to this ability it probably owes its success under the desic- eating Texan sun. On June 13, 1907, I placed six females in separate glass cages. Four of them when first found had each a single cocoon, and each produced cocoons in captivity to the number of from two to four each. One of them produced five cocoons in all.12 The season of cocooning evidently extends through the whole three months of the summer. The cocoons are discoidal, with diameter longer than the spider’s body, and are made in the mornings from seven o’clock to noon. In the two cases where the opera- _ tion was observed they were spun against a vertical wall of the cage, not placed horizontally. After making the base, a process not seen, the spider remains quietly above it until the following day, a cessation of activity quite unique among araneads but thoroughly in accord with Loxosceles’s quiet disposition. Then the eggs are laid upon this base, an act that occupied eight minutes in the case where it was followed. Over the egg mass the mother spins a thin-textured cover, swaying the spinner- ets leisurely back and forth; this cover spinning occupied one hour in the case where it was timed. The mother remains upon the cocoon until it hatches. 2 Some naturalists write as though multiple cocoons were a rather ex- ceptional phenomenon among spiders. On the contrary I believe it is the general if not universal rule, for I have found it to be the case also in lyeosids, pisaurids, attids, agalenids, thomisids, clubionids, drassids, ther- idiids, argiopids, dictyniids and filistatids. NOTES ON THE DAILY LIFE AND FOOD OF CAMBARUS BARTONIUS BARTON? FLOYD E. CHIDESTER In all animals we find that there are periods of ac- tivity and rest. During the active period, we find such interesting phenomena as feeding, copulation, and, in some animals, a very interesting series of movements connected with the care of the young. My study of the daily life of the crawfish is one of a series of studies instigated by Professor C. F. Hodge in the effort to arrive at some accurate data as to the work performed by various species. Crawfish were kept in two different aquaria during the winter of 1907-’08, and their actions watched closely. One tank was an ordinary running water tank with a pile of sand at one end, and containing, in addition to crawfish, at times, trout eggs, young trout, frogs, clams and a turtle. There were also, all the time the crawfish were kept there, several tufts of the common water weed, Fontinalis, floating in the water. The other tank was a heavy glass aquarium, measuring on the inside, 1x1$x2 feet 8 in. This aquarium was elevated about an inch at one end, and beginning at the other end, a mud and sand bottom sloped gradually up- ward to a level bank which was covered with moss and grass and kept moist In the aquarium was a clam to assist in clearing the water, a water hyacinth, and some more of the water weed mentioned above. At different times, as I experimented with the food of . the crawfish, there were bits of fresh meat, sprouts, eggs and young of trout, toads, frogs and salamanders; dead frogs and fish, and dead crawfish. _* Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Clark University. 710 No. 503] CAMBARUS BARTONIUS BARTONI 711 The water was changed daily and oftener at feeding time, during the entire winter, and record kept of the activities of the crawfish. It was not until spring, how- ever, that night and day observations were made. During the fall and winter, up to February 1, frequent cases of copulation were observed. Contrary to Dear- born’s statement, ’00, I found that the males do not know the females and that males repeatedly grasp other males, and sometimes, in spite of their frantic struggles, turn them over and attempt to copulate with them. The dif- ference in behavior in the case of the male, when thus grasped, is that he continues to resist violently at inter- vals, until released, while the female, as soon as grasped firmly, ceases to struggle, and lies passive. Another interesting thing was noted in connection with the actions of crawfish before moulting. In the case of adult crawfish with hard exo-skeletons, I found that for two or three days before the eedysis, they would come up partly out of the water, so that the carapace was entirely out of the water, and dried out thoroughly. Crawfish when transferred from the running water tank to the still water one, would almost immediately seek cover, generally burrowing into the bank, and remaining during the day with their heads toward the entrance, quiet unless disturbed. In the still water aquarium, there were at one time, six crawfish hibernating in the bank, with their burrows stopped up, for three weeks. The other seven in this tank were in the deep water under plants during the day, but, as darkness fell, they came up into the shallows and on the bank. Repeatedly, I have come into the building after dark- ness had set in, and seldom failed to find several crawfish on the bank. Crawfish are generally supposed to be omnivorous. They are not, however, so fond of decayed matter as has been supposed. Tests made in the laboratory show that, when they refuse to eat stale food, they will eagerly con- 712 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII sume fresh. They will eat fish which have been recently killed, in preference to partly decayed ones. In the spring, after moulting, there seems to be a con- suming hunger. I have seen, at about 9 P. M., a craw- fish within about six inches of the bank of a small pond, so intent on pulling to pieces and devouring a partly de- eayed fish, that he did not-notice the very strong acetylene light that I held close to him. Experiments with lights of various intensities, eluci- dated the fact that crawfish are negatively phototactic to strong light but positively phototactic to weak light. Raw and cooked meat of all kinds, worms, dead fish, pieces of clam, moulting crawfish, and dead crawfish were eaten by the crawfish in confinement. They are said to eat their own cast-off coats, but although these were left in the aquarium for about a month, they were undisturbed. Tests were made to determine if the crawfish would eat fish (trout), frog and toad eggs. Very few were eaten, and these few when the crawfish had had nothing to eat for ten days, and had nothing else to eat. Young frog and toad tadpoles were kept in the aquaria and lived happily for a long time.. To determine if craw- fish eat toad or frog tadpoles, twenty-five toad and frog tadpoles were placed in a shallow dish, and, with a re- newal of water every day, kept for four days with a single, supposedly hungry, crawfish. Of the twenty-five tadpoles, in all, but eight were eaten. About two weeks later, when the tadpoles had become quite a little larger, a test was made with toad tadpoles. A male crawfish was placed in a shallow aquarium jar with twelve live tadpoles, and kept for three days, with change of water twice a day. It was not until about fifty hours had elapsed that he ate of the tadpoles, and then he ate but one. A female crawfish was put into an aquarium jar at the same time as the male, with 12 live toad tadpoles. This was at 5 P. M. At 6 P. M., she had eaten all but one of them. At 6 P. M., 17 more were put in, making 18 in all. No. 503] CAMBARUS BARTONIUS BARTONI 713 At 10:30 P. M., five more tadpoles were gone. At 9 A. M., on Friday, only 5 were left, one of these being dead. This was a record of 22 out of 27 active tadpoles in 16 hours. The female was seen to catch several of the tadpoles, using for this, not her cumbersome chelæ, but her smaller, nimble, first pair of ambulatory appendages. Evidently Cambarus bartonius bartoni is capable of catching toad tadpoles, but it is improbable that many are caught, for I am informed by Mr. Newton Miller that the young tadpoles, although near the shore during, the day, go to the deeper water at night. It is at night that the crawfish come into the shallower water near the shore, and even part way out of the water. Here it is that they may catch an occasional fish, frog or toad. Two young frogs were kept during the greater part of the winter in one of the aquaria on my desk with the crawfish, but none of the dozen seemed able to kill them. Once I forced a frog to swim down to one corner of the tank where several crawfish were collected, and one of the crawfish grasped a hind leg with his right chela, and a moment later secured the front leg on the same side with his left chela. He then forced the frog to the bottom and attempted to pull him limb from limb, all the time holding the animal under water. In just a moment, how- ever, the frog kicked with his free hind leg, and accident- ally striking the crawfish on the carapace, was released. My observations and experiments in the laboratory were supplemented by many evenings spent on the shores of several small ponds near the university, observations be- ing made by means of a strong acetylene light. I believe, in the light of these observations, that the crawfish in the still water aquarium behaved normally. In the spring, the crawfish is very active, and feeds with much more eagerness than during the winter. It is then, too, that the interesting phase of the mother’s care of the eggs may be best seen. On account of this, I took occasion to watch a pair of crawfish, a male, and a female with eggs just about ready 714 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII to hatch, through 24 consecutive hours, beside several ob- servations of lesser duration. In these observations, I was aided by Dr. C. F. Hodge and Mr. Newton Miller, who kindly gave me occasional resting periods. The first set of observations which I shall record were made on May 16-17, 1908. Observation was begun at 6 P. M. on two crawfish, a male and a female with eggs about ready to hatch, and lasted until 6 A. M. the following day. In the aquarium with the crawfish, were the water hyacinth and Fontinalis mentioned above, some young sprouts, five young toad tadpoles, and some pieces of fresh meat. The male was moderately active between 8.10 and 8.45 P. M., most active between 12. and 1.30 A. M., and had a lesser period of activity between 2.05 and 2.30 A. M. The longest period of quietude was from 1.30 to 2.10 A. M. He ascended and descended the bank nine times during the 12 hours. The male did not feed. The female ascended and descended the bank 84 times during the 12 hours. She ascended and descended 17 times between 1 and 2 A. M. She would climb the bank and aerate her eggs in the open for several moments, then retire to the deep water and almost immediately return to the bank. The greatest activity was from 11 P. M. to 6 A. M. She fed at 6.50 and again at 7.07 P. M. both times on the fresh meat. Her longest rest period was from 10.30 to to 11 P. M. The next series of observations was performed on three crawfish, the two observed on May 16-17, and in addition, a female without eggs. This time observation was kept up for 24 consecutive hours, from 1 P. M. May 19, to 1 P. M. May 20 The same kind of food was used as before, care being taken to avoid fouling the water with it until about one- half hour before the records were taken. _ The male fed a great deal this time on the fresh meat, feeding from 1.35-2.15 P. M., 2.30-245 P. M., 3.18-3.40 P. No. 503] CAMBARUS BARTONIUS BARTONI 715 M., 3.48-5.00 P. M., 4.10-4.30 P. M. He was most active from 11.35. P. M. to 3.15. A. M. It is interesting to note that each period of feeding, if lengthy, was followed by a correspondingly long period of rest. The longest rest period was from 4.45 to 8.05 A. M. The male did not ascend the bank at all during the 24 hours. The female with eggs began ascending the bank and aerating her eggs at 4 A. M. and stopped at about 4.25 A. M., then began again at 6.15 A. M. gradually length- ening the stay on the bank until 9 A. M. then shortening the frequency of the visits, and lengthening the stay in the water; this period of less frequent visits lasted until 11 A. M., then from 11 A. M. to 12 M., there was great regularity of aeration, and from 12 M. to 1 P. M., less frequent aeration. Ascent of the bank was made thirty- four times during the 24 hours. Feeding was done at 1:45 P. M., and again at 2.15 P. M., but in neither case did it last longer than ten minutes. Number seven, a female without eggs, was very inactive, staying under a stone the greater part of the time. She came out on the bank but three times. Her period of greatest activity was between 3.30 and 4.15 P. M. From these observations of the crawfish in nature and in the laboratory, we may conclude as follows: 1. Crawfish are most active at night. 2. There is marked activity at nightfall and at daybreak. 5. Feeding is generally done at night, but may occur during the day. 4. In the spring, the crawfish eats much more often than during the winter. 5. Cambarus bartonius bartoni prefers fresh animal food to anything else. 6. Feeding is followed by rest, prolonged periods of feeding being followed by equally prolonged periods of rest, the animal not becoming active for several hours. 7. There is apparently no spontaneous play or exercise, movements being purely utilitarian. 716 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII 8. A female aerates her eggs both on land and in water. 9. Crawfish come up into the shallows and elevate their carapaces partly out of the water. 10. Combing or cleaning movements are executed by means of the first and second ambulatory appendages. These consist in scraping the carapace. 11. Males do not distinguish between the other males and the females, and frequently grasp males and attempt to copulate with them. LITERATURE 1895. Andrews, E. A. Conjugation in an American Crayfish. Am. Nat., Vol. 29, pp. 867-875. 1900. Dearborn, G. N. Notes on the individual psycho-physiology of the crayfish. Am. J. Physiol., Vol. 3, pp. 404-433 1895. Herrick, F. H. The American Lobster. Bull. U. S. Fish Com- mission, 1895, pp. 1-25 Ortmann, A. E. The Ciawian of the State of ae Monies of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vo No. 10, pp. 343-523. SOME POINTS IN THE ECOLOGY OF RECENT CRINOIDS AUSTIN HOBART CLARK ALTHOUGH a considerable amount of work has been done on the anatomy of various species of recent crinoids, the embryology and development of two species, closely allied, are well understood, and the systematic side of the question has received more or less attention, little has been accomplished in the elucidation of the interrelation of the crinoids and the other classes of marine inverte- brates, or the relation of the crinoids to marine conditions in general. This is undoubtedly due to the rarity of the group, and its chiefly inaccessible habitat, rendering it, as a whole, a difficult subject for extensive research; but much may be learned from the data already recorded, and it is the purpose of the present paper to suggest certain lines along which much of interest may be done on the basis of the present numerous, though scattered, records. It has long been known in regard to Antedon bifida of the coasts of Europe that specimens taken in deep water are larger than those taken in shallow water or along the shore, though no plausible reason has been shown for the phenomenon. It has been suggested that the coldness of the deeper water may stimulate it to greater develop- ment; but specimens from different localities, taken at a considerable difference in depth, yet with the same bot- tom temperature, will vary greatly, those from the greater depth being much the larger; similarly, specimens from the same depth, but with marked difference in the bottom temperature, will be found to be of practically the same size. As, however, specimens from very shallow water are usually about 120 mm. in expanse, while those from deep water are 220 mm. or more, it is evident that some important factor is involved. 717 718 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLII The food of crinoids consists of very small pelagic organisms and minute crustacea. At or near the surface the crinoid must depend upon those which swim within reach of its pinnules or which it may intercept by the slow movement of its arms; but in deeper water while this source of supply is just as available as at the surface, the crinoid gets, in addition, all the carcasses of those organisms in the levels above it which die and are pre- cipitated to the bottom. The intensity of this rain of food increases proportionately with the depth, so that the deeper a crinoid lives, the greater is the available food supply; consequently, the better nourished will be the individual and the greater its size. We see, therefore, that the size of Antedon bifida ap- pears to be merely a question of food supply. Passing from a single species to a consideration of the group in general, we find that the average size gradually increases from the shore line to about the 100 fathom mark; this is plainly due to the gradual increase in the supply of food, as just explained; from 100 fathoms to about 600 fathoms the same size is maintained; but below 100 fathoms plant life, and with it the host of small organisms dependent directly or indirectly upon it, upon which (as well as upon certain of the minute plants) crinoids are dependent for food, begins to disappear. This gradual disappearance of vegetable organisms and their de- pendents is offset by the gradual increase in the rain of carcasses from above, so that an equilibrium is maintained down to about 600 fathoms, and hence the size of the crinoids remains about the same from the 100 to the 600 fathom mark. Below 600 fathoms, the gradual decom- position of the rain of carcasses progressively lessens its food value, and, therefore, we note a decrease in the size of the crinoids, hardly noticeable at first, but soon be- coming more marked, until, below 2,000 fathoms, we find only the minute comatulid Bathymetra and the equally | minute stalked Bathycrinus. _ By this hypothesis the general absence of the Pen- No. 503] ECOLOGY OF RECENT CRINOIDS 719 tacrinitide above 100 fathoms is at once explained; the stalked pentacrinites (Enerinus, Endoxocrinus and Hypalocrinus) are animals of very considerable size; besides a large crown they have a bulky stem which must be nourished, and the organisms found at or near the surface are not sufficient to support them; it is not until the depth of approximately 100 fathoms is reached that the organisms occurring in the water about them, plus the cumulative effect of the rain of dead from a belt 100 fathoms in depth, acquires sufficient intensity to admit of their existence. Incidentally, their remarkable uni- formity in size is explained; for the recent pentacrinites inhabit almost exclusively the 100-600 fathom belt, which has just been shown to be a belt of uniform crinoid size. A species of Endoxocrinus, E. wyville-thomsont, and the peculiar Hypalocrinus both descend to over 1,000 fathoms, but both are much smaller than their relatives above the 600 fathom line. The common arctice comatulid, Heliometra glacialis (= eschrichtii) occurs from east of the Kara Sea to west- ward of Greenland, thence southward to off Nova Scotia ;! the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the northern part of the Sea of Japan are inhabited by a variety, maxima, differing only in its great size. This species varies greatly throughout its wide range; north of Europe it is small, though rather larger around Spitz- bergen; off Halifax and on the Grand Banks it reaches a comparatively large size, while off the western coast of Greenland it attains a diameter of 500 mm. or more, reaching 700 mm. in the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. The west coast of Greenland abounds in fjords which are continually giving off fresh water ice which floats away, melting as it goes, thereby killing millions of small organisms which are unable to endure a great change in the salinity of the medium they inhabit; these fall to the bottom and furnish an abundant supply of food for the *Stimpson’s Alecto eschrichtii from Grand Manan is in reality Hath- rometra tenella. . 720 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII -erinoids there, which consequently are enabled to attain very considerable dimensions. In the Kara and Barents Seas there is no such supply of fresh water at hand, hence the crinoids are small, but Spitzbergen, through its snow fields, and the consequent freshening of the surface water about it, allows the crinoids along its shores to reach a larger size than those of the Barents and Kara Seas, though they are not nearly so large as are those from west Greenland. Over the Grand Banks the Gulf Stream brushes by, and mixes more or less with, the cold northern current; this is fatal to the delicate southern life it contains, which is killed and precipitated to the crinoids below; they, there- fore, in spite of their living on the extreme southern limit of the specific range, are as large as, or larger than, speci- mens from Spitzbergen. The Kuro Shiwo, or Japanese current, sends off a branch through the Korean Straits which washes the eastern shore of the Japan Sea, and in its northern part, from the Straits of Tsugaru to the Straits of La Pérouse mingles with the very cold water from the Okhotsk Sea. The mixing is very gradual and extends over a consider- able territory, and over all this area the crinoids are of gigantic size, bearing witness to their enormous food supply. Now this colony of Heliometra glacialis var. maxima, a purely arctic species, replaced on the Pacific side of Japan and the Kuril Islands by widely different forms, and finding no close relatives nearer than the Kara Sea, might be supposed in the course of the years which have elapsed since the Okhotsk Sea was part of the Arctic Ocean, to have become rather widely differen- tiated from the parent stock, and to have gradually reached a larger adult size from some other cause than the question of food supply; fortunately, however, we are able to make some observations bearing directly upon this point. In this area, Heliometra is found where the bottom temperature is very low, about freezing or less; but dovetailed into these cold areas are others where the No. 503] ECOLOGY OF RECENT CRINOIDS 721 bottom temperature is 40° F. or above. These warmer areas are occupied by a fauna radically distinct from. the arctic fauna of the cold areas, though the depth is about the same, and we find in them crinoids belonging to the purely Pacific genera Thaumatometra and Psathyrometra. It is gratifying to note that the representatives of both these genera are far larger here than anywhere else, the difference, in fact, being relatively greater than in the case of Heliometra. These three genera here live among en- tirely different surroundings, and in widely different temperatures; but their food supply, coming in a rain from above, is the same, and is, moreover, the only com- mon ecological factor; therefore, there is no room for doubt that the food supply is the cause of the great in- crease in size. While the recent pentacrinites as a rule live below 100 fathoms, in certain places, such as in some localities along the northern coasts of Cuba and Guadeloupe, and in Suruga Gulf and Sagami Bay, Japan, they approach much nearer the surface, and have even been taken in water of between 20 and 30 fathoms (Guadeloupe). Now Cuba and Guadeloupe are mountainous islands, while Suruga Gulf and Sagami Bay are close to that magnifi- cent mountain Fuji-Yama, and to other high lands as well. The result is that many intermittent streams flow into the sea at these places, having their origin in the high lands; the rise in volume of their waters is so sudden - that the pelagic life can not give way before it, but is killed and precipitated. The greatly increased food sup- ply in the vicinity of one of these streams thus brings the food intensity up to such a level that the large pen- tacrinites may exist in such localities in much shallower water than would otherwise be possible. The water from these streams is never very great in amount, and does not penetrate deeply, but spreads out over the surface of the sea; thus a crinoid could exist very near the surface without being affected by it. Large rivers with a com- paratively steady flow, on the other hand, freshen the 722 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII entire sea for a large distance from their mouths, and thus render crinoid life impossible. Within the tropics, particularly in the Hast Indies, very large comatulids belonging to the Tropiometrida, the Zygometride, the Himerometride, and the Comasteride occur abundantly in very shallow water, often just below the low tide mark; moreover, they decrease in size with depth. This would appear to directly contradict the conclusion reached in the case of Antedon bifida, but in reality the problem is an entirely different one. Within the tropics the intense scorching sunlight causes rapid evaporation from the surface of the sea, especially where the water is shallow, and a consequent mortality among the more delicate organisms. The beaches and rocky shores, at low tide, warm up, to be covered again at high tide with comparatively cool water, full of organisms unable to stand a great difference in temperature, which are consequently killed and swept back into the sea, to fall just beyond the low tide mark. Periods of glaring sunshine are relieved by torrential rains, which are just as fatal to pelagic life through the sudden lowering in the density of the surface water. Thus it is evident that within the tropics the sublittoral zone and the sea bottom near the shore line offer the maximum food supply for the crinoids, and explain the occurrence in such localities of members of these four families of very large size. But torrential rains are associated with mountainous districts; a glance at the distribution of the species of these four families shows that all of the large species and practically all of the small ones occur exclusively about mountainous islands or near high mainland, and they are particularly abundant along the shores of the larger East Indian Islands. On isolated coral reefs and about the shores of low coral islands where, owing to the very low altitude of what little land there is the rainfall is very small, these large littoral erinoids are quite absent. The comatulids are divided into two great groups, one with triangular pinnules and small eggs, the Thalas- No. 503] ECOLOGY OF RECENT CRINOIDS 123 sometroida, the other with round pinnules and large eggs, the Antedonoida. The forms with small eggs, being no smaller than those with large eggs, may reasonably be supposed to require a longer period for development. This would imply a greater duration of the free swim- ming larval period, which would result in greater powers of dispersal, hence a greater geographic range. More- over, a slowly developing larva might be supposed to possess a greater power of adaptation to environment, and therefore a certain ability to colonize new places un- der changed conditions, for instance, to spread down- ward to great depths. The genus Thalassometra, genus of the Thalas- sometroida (with small eggs) has the widest distribution of any comatulid genus known, geographically and bathymetriecally. It is found throughout the tropics, northward to the Aleutian Islands, the West Indies and Portugal, and southward to South Africa, the Crozet Islands and Australia; in depth it ranges from about 50 to 1,600 fathoms. Charitometra and Tropiometra, two other genera of the same group, are both inter- tropical, and the former reaches very considerable depths. The genera belonging to the Antedonoida (with large eggs) are mainly comparatively local and do not.occupy large bathymetric altitudes. Though a number are littoral and one inhabits the greatest depths from which erinoids are now known, the bathymetric range of each is small, far smaller than that of the genera of Thalas- sometroida. The beautiful and brilliant coloration of the crinoids has often been remarked; so striking is the common Euro- pean species, Antedon bifida, that it has formed the sub- ject of colored plates by Heusinger, Dujardin, Dalyell, Dujardin and Hupé, and Gosse; but the larger tropical species are much more varied and handsome (though colored figures of them have been published only by Leach, and by Kuhl and van Hasselt) and are, for the diversity of their markings and the delicacy of their hues 724 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLII unrivaled among the marine invertebrates. Observers have contented themselves with making short color notes, each on a very limited number of species, and no one has as yet made this phase of the subject an object of study, yet there appear to be many interesting points well worthy of record. All colors are found in the crinoids except blue, though true black is confined to the disks of the Pentametro- crinide and to lines and spots on two species of Cocco- metra, and may therefore be omitted from a general dis- cussion. Both blue and black, however, enter largely into combinations. Yellow is the commonest color in the group, and is the color of all the more primitive forms, and of the young of almost all the others; it may, therefore, be taken as the fundamental basic crinoid color. The pentacrinoids of Antedon bifida are sometimes pink, though usually, like the pentacrinoids of the other forms in which they are known, yellow, and certain other forms are dull pinkish at all stages. We may, therefore, assume two basic colors, yellow and red, the latter an intensification of the former, found generally in the more specialized forms. The derivatives from these two basic colors as they occur in the crinoids may be grouped as follows: White. I. Yellow J + [Blue] = | Green. + [Black] = Brown. Purple; maroon. II. Red j Tem = tida + [Black] = Crimson. Under the first heading come: Yellow: Bathycrinus, Rhizocrinus, Ptilocrinus, Phryno- crinus, Nanometra, Adelometra, Trichometra, Heliometra, Atelecrinus, and all but very large specimens of the species of Thalassometridæ. White: Asterometra; markings on shallow water Thalassometridæ. Green: Hathrometra, Coccometra, Leptometra, Comp- sometra. : No. 503] ECOLOGY OF RECENT CRINOIDS 725 Brown: Very large specimens of all the species of Thalassometride, Thaumatometra, and Thysanometra. Under the second heading come, Zenometra, Psathyro- metra, Bathymetra, Isometra, the Pentametrocrinidx# and Hypalocrinus. No species is known which exhibits a perfect blending of these two basic types or their derivatives, though there are many mosaics in which both are found side by side, either in different individuals, or, more usually, in the form of a color pattern, made up partly from one base and partly from the other (each being clearly de- fined) in the same individual. Some mosaic species, such as T'ropiometra afra and certain of the Comasteride are peculiar in that some specimens belong exclusively to type I (yellow) and others exclusively to type II (violet) but none are ever mixed. The mosaics are, the Zygometride, the Comasterida, the Thopimetride except Asterometra, Iridometra, Antedon, Erythrometra, Perometra, Hypalometra, Promachocrinus, and the Himerometride. The data seem to show that the smaller stalked forms are invariably and unchangeably yellow, which color may be, as in the case of the parrots among birds, equivalent to a lack of color. Black is added to the basic color of comatulids at all depths, and appears to denote age. Blue is added apparently only within 200 fathoms of the surface, and increases in intensity to the surface. The mosaics are all littoral or shallow water types. Species growing among coral or on white bottoms in shallow water are very dark in color, often nearly black or sharply black and white, while the same species on mud may be light yellow and pinkish; or a species may be purple and yellow in comparatively deep water, and violet and white in shallow water. We seem to be able to trace a close connection between color and amount of illumination, the blue factor in the coloration increasing with the light. 3 726 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII There appears to be no direct relation between the color of crinoids and their environment. The yellow deep water species are very conspicuous in the mud from a deep dredge haul, while the color of shallow water species, as just indicated, is commonly in great contrast to their surroundings. Crinoids can have little to fear, because their extremely calcareous organization would seem to make them very undesirable as food; on the other hand, a strongly contrasting coloration might be of ad- vantage in attracting small organisms, as contrast spots on flowers do insects; observations in this point would not be difficult to make, and might lead to interesting results. The other echinoderm classes appear to be in general subject to the same laws of color change as the crinoids, but the records are much more complete and satisfactory, and the specimens are not so much changed in preserva- tion. They would, therefore, offer an interesting field for study. These are some of the more interesting inferences to be deduced from an examination of the literature on the Crinoidea in its present state; and, in view of the great geological importance of the group, and its bearing on important geologic problems, it is to be hoped that this phase of the subject, as well as the systematic and anatomical sides will in the future receive its due at- tention. SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE EVOLUTION WITHOUT ISOLATION Is isolation a factor of evolution? The answer must depend, obviously, on what we mean by evolution, as well as upon the relations of the facts. Every difference of opinion regarding the nature and causes of evolution involves the use of the word in a different sense, unless the process is to be renamed with each change of interpretation. The choice of words is worthy of care- ful consideration, but words should not lead us away from the broader issue of biological facts. The practical question is not whether the words or their senses are new or unusual, but whether the facts are correctly represented. Being convinced that changes in the characters of species are spontaneous, I apply the word evolution to these spontaneous processes of change. This, of course, is not the meaning of those who believe that changes in species are brought about by external influences working upon normally stationary groups, who have been accustomed to think of evolution as a passive result of change in the environment, rather than as an active process, inherent in the species. From one point of view evolution appears as a complex of different kinds of environmental influences, from the other as a process of growth in. the species, somewhat analogous to the development of individual organisms of which species are com- posed. In the one case the species are thought of~as being -carried or pushed along by their environments, in the other as advancing by motions of their own, often in spite of environ- mental obstacles and deflections. Belief in isolatign as a factor of evolution marks an inter- mediate stage of a Gren those who hold that natural selection causes evolution, and those who reject selection as a cause. The effort is to maintain the doctrine of environmental causes by giving selection the assistance of other alleged factors, such as isolation, mutation, environmental variation, heredity, ontogeny, ete. Nevertheless, this course has its logical dangers for the theory of selection, for the placing of much emphasis on isolation is practically equivalent to saying that evolutionary 127 728 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII changes go on of themselves, without the need of environmental interference. If we advance with sufficient confidence in isolation we event- _ ually come through to the realization that our alleged environ- mental factors are unnecessary as causes, because evolution is spontaneous. This approximation of views has been recognized by Dr. John T. Gulick who states in the January number of the AMERICAN NATURALIST that our interpretations differ only in the meaning attached to the word evolution.’ I am naturally very much pleased to agree with Dr. Gulick, for no other student of isolation has given the subject such extensive and thorough study. I subscribe to Dr. Gulick’s state- ment that there does not seem to be any essential difference between us regarding facts. The difference is that the facts appear to me as of more significance than Dr. Gulick has repre- sented. In attempting to point out this greater significance I have used a different method of expression. To say that isolation and selection are factors of evolution should mean, in simpler English, that they cause evolution, or at least help it along, whereas they do neither. They appear to cause or to conduce to evolution only so long as we take it for granted that changes in the characters of species are dependent upon the subdivision of species, to form additional species. e separation of a species into two or more parts allows the parts to become different, but there is every reason to believe that evolutionary changes of the same kind would take place if the species were not divided. That the isolated groups become different does not indicate that isolation assists in the process of change. It gives the contrary indication that’ changes are restricted by isolation. If isolation did not confine the new characters to the groups in which they arise, the groups would remain alike, instead of becoming different. Thus it appears to me that the danger of confusing the issues is much greater when we say that isolation and selection are factors of evolu- tion, than when we say that they are not factors of evolution, however important they may be in multiplying and differentiat- ing species. Sufficiently narrow forms of isolation no doubt affect plants and animals in nature in the same way as the ‘‘intensive segre- * Isolation and Selection in the Evolution of Species. The Need of Clear Definitions. The American N aturalist, 42: 48, January, 1908. No. 503] SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE 1729 gation’’ by which domesticated types are induced to change some of their characters, but it does not appear that this in- tensive segregation is a condition of evolution. Differences between small groups are more obvious and more readily de- finable because small groups are generally more uniform, like the pieces with uniform patterns which may be cut from a variously figured fabric. Isolation is the shears that splits the species, not the loom that weaves it. The weaving is done when the fabric is broad. The larger and more diversified species make the truly constructive evolutionary progress. The evolution of a species is in no way dependent upon its being split into smaller groups, but is more likely to be hind- ered by narrow subdivisions. If the groups are too small they degenerate and become extinct, instead of continuing their evo- lution. Isolation, though making more species, impedes evolu- tion. In like manner, selection favors adaptation, because it keeps species from evolving in non-adaptive directions. Isola- tion and selection may still be considered as evolutionary factors if this time-honored reckoning is too sacred to be changed, but they must stand as negative factors instead of positive, if my interpretation is correct. arwin saw in his later years that evolution is not altogether the same as the formation of new species, and used in a letter (published after his death), the word ‘‘specification’’ as a means of expressing this distinction, a suggestion which I un- wittingly repeated in proposing the slightly different word “speciation. ’”? There are two different classes of cases, as it appears to me, viz., those in which a species become slowly modified in the same country (of which I can not doubt there are innumerable instances) and those cases in which a species splits into two or three or more new species, and in the latter case, I should think nearly perfect separation would greatly aid in their “specification,” to coin a new word. Darwin was concerned to show that species multiply and diverge in nature, for this is good evidence of the general fact of evolution. Nevertheless, it should not be assumed that all forms of divergence represent evolution, or that divergence is a true measure of evolution. Divergence may be less than evolu- tion, for the evolutionary paths of related groups often follow ? Factors of Species-Formation, Science, N. S., 23: 506. 3 Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 2: 339. New York, 1896. 730 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII nearly parallel directions. Divergence may be greater than evo- lution when changes are not progressive but sideways or back- wards. Mutations, reversions, or degenerations, can take place suddenly, without the slow and gradual weaving of new char- acters in the network of descent of a species; they involve only the suppression of characters or the return to expression of old characters that continue to be transmitted in latent form. As long as Dr. Gulick lets it appear that the divergencies of his snails arise through isolation, I fully agree with him, but not when he seems to suggest that isolation and selection produce new characters. The fact that isolated groups have no mutual sharing of evolutionary progress leaves them free to become more and more different, but the isolation does not explain the progressive changes to which the differences are due. Isolation explains speciation, but does not explain evolution. This is the same objection that Darwin made to Wagner’s theory of isolation, that it did not help him to understand “‘how or why it is that a long isolated form should almost always become slightly modified.’’ Dr Gulick explains that his inter- pretation differs essentially from that of Wagner, who held that even natural selection must have an ‘‘isolated colony’? to work upon. Nevertheless, it appears that Darwin’s objection ap- plies to Gulick’s doctrine as well as to Wagner’s, for isolation only reveals the fact of evolution, while a genuine ‘‘factor’’ should do something toward explaining it. Such a factor Darwin believed that he had found in natural selection, but he saw in isolation alone nothing to aid evolution. Darwin took it for granted that species were normally stationary and most of his successors still accept this unevolutionary as- sumption. With Darwin evolution was a definite process by which the characters of a species are changed, but with some of our later writers it has become merely a general name for a subject of study, whose various phases or branches are loosely called ‘‘factors,’’ though they have no apparent relation to the original concrete idea of evolution as a process of change in species. The failure to give a more definite recognition and a name ( evolution or otherwise) to the processes of spontaneous, pro- gressive change in species, appears to me to have prevented the attainment of the complete clearness sought by Dr. Gulick in the presentation of his elaborate and valuable evidence that only No. 503] SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE 731 isolation is needed for evolutionary divergence to become mani- est. If Dr. Gulick really agrees with me that evolution is spontaneous, I must submit that his adherence to the custom of treating isolation and selection as factors has served to con- ceal his conclusions, rather than to announce and defend them. O. F. Cook. WASHINGTON, July 16, 1908. A NOTE ON THE SILVERSIDE In view of its value as a food fish, and as food for other more valuable fishes,* the following note on the habits of the silverside has special interest. At Chesapeake Beach, Md., April 19, 1908, P. m., the tide was rising and probably pretty well up. At points where weed and such riff raff was partially buried in the beach, in the wash of the ripples which followed one another in, numerous fishes were wiggling actively as though stranded. At times one would be almost or quite clear of the water, but so active were they that the writer, not having a net, was at first unable to capture any. They evidently knew what they were doing, as when a spot they occupied was approached, they disappeared from it. Finally, by striking quickly with a piece of wood at a place where some were congregated, three were disabled and secured, which proved, as anticipated, to be Menidia menidia. Examination of a specimen of beach trash collected where the fishes were observed, at the time, shows the presence of a number of eggs, apparently of Minidia, strong evidence that the fish were spawning. These eggs are one mm. or a little more in diameter and bear filaments at one point which attach them to the beach material in which they occur more or less scattered. The white color of the egg (preserved in alcohol) is relieved by yellow oil masses. This spawning ground, if such it was, would certainly be exposed at low tide. The species, in this case its northern race, has previously been noted to spawn above low-tide level.? Chesapeake Bay is neutral ground between the northern and southern races of Menidia menidia, and the writer prefers to refer the specimens obtained to neither race. JOHN TREADWELL MICHOLS. U. S. BUREAU or FISHERIES. 1 W. C. Kendall. U. S. Fish Comm. Rept., 1901 (1902), p. 241. ? H. C. Bumpus, Science, N. S., Vol. VIII, No. 207, p. 851, Dee. 16, 1898. NOTES AND LITERATURE BOTANY The Origin of a Land Flora.'—Speculations concerning the origin of the higher plants have always had a special attraction for the botanical student whose work extends beyond the limits of mere collecting and tabulation. Perhaps the very fact that we can never expect to discover all of the factors concerned with the evolution of the vegetable kingdom, and that our conclusions are always liable to be materially altered through the discovery of new facts, or a different interpretation of those already known, gives an added zest to the hunt for new forms or the discovery of new facts about those already known which may add another stone to the edifice which is being slowly built up. The volume under consideration is one deserving more than passing attention from the student of plant evolution. Not only is it the work of one of the keenest investigators of some of the most difficult problems with which the botanist has to deal, but the book represents the fruits of many years’ arduous labor, but evidently a labor of love, which has yielded results of the utmost importance and provides a mine of accurate information, pre- sented in an unusually clear and attractive style. From a literary standpoint, it might well be recommended as a model to some of our scientifie writers who, it must be confessed, do not always compare very favorably with their English colleagues in the matter of literary form. Aside from the wealth of facts brought together in this hand- some volume, illustrated by many admirable illustrations, the reader constantly encounters speculations, sometimes almost startling in their originality, with which he may not always agree, but which are certain to set him thinking deeply; and we believe that this book will be a great stimulus to the further exploration of many obscure, but very important, questions bear- ing upon the affinities of the higher plants. "The Origin of a Land Flora: A Theory based upon the Facets of Alternation. By F. O. Bower, ScD., F.R.S., Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow. Pp. xi + 727, many illustrations. New York, The Macmillan Co.; London, Macmillan and Co., Limited. $5.50 net. 732 No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 733 It is not necessary to remind botanists of the high standing of Professor Bower’s numerous contributions to science. No only has such work as his great monographs on spore-producing organs put him in the first rank of morphologists, but his inter- pretation of the facts of comparative morphology, and his more speculative papers on alternation of generations and the origin of the land plants, have strongly influenced all recent theories on these important questions. Professor Bower is thus peculiarly fitted to treat this difficult subject, and it is with special grati- tude to the author that botanists will welcome this admirable presentation of the results of his many years’ labors. It is generally admitted that the existing land flora, i. e., the Archegoniatæ and seed plants, are the descendants of some fresh- water plants probably allied to certain green algæ; but the way in which these typically aquatic organisms gave rise to forms markedly terrestrial in habit is one of the questions about which there are very diverse opinions. Professor Bower has long con- tended, and we believe that he has overwhelming evidence on his side, that the characteristically terrestrial modern plant type, i. e., the sporophyte or neutral generation of the ferns and seed plants, is the product of the evolution of the zygote or rest- ing-spore of some fresh-water algal type, the result of the union of the sexual cells, or gametes, and in most cases is an adapta- tion to surviving periods of drought to which these plants are liable. That is, the sporophyte is from its inception a terres- trial or subaerial phase interpolated between the active aquatic growth periods. This is the “antithetic”’ theory of alternation, and it is this thesis, opposed to the ‘*homologous’’ alternation which of late has been defended by a number of eminent botanists both at home and abroad, that Professor Bower defends in the present volume. In his previous work, Professor Bower has elaborated his theory of the important part that the sterilization of potentially sporogenous tissue has played in the evolution of the sporophyte of the higher plants. Particularly has he made this clear in his important series of monographs on the development of the spore- producing organs of the Pteridophytes. The present volume is divided into three parts: (1) The Statement of the Working Hypothesis, (2) Detailed Statement of Facts, (3) Conelusion. It has been rather the fashion of late to belittle the importance of comparative morphology, as it is evident that the plant organ- 134 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLII ism, with its potentially unlimited power of regeneration and growth, is extremely plastic and responds promptly to any ex- ternal stimuli. Nevertheless, the facts of comparative morphol- ogy are too evident to be ignored, and although the modern student must carefully check his work by the data furnished from experimental morphology, physiology, and paleontology, it still is evident that the surest clues to relationship must be sought in a comparison of corresponding structures and the facts of ontogeny. The phenomena of alternation of generations as exhibited by the higher plants are familiar to the botanist. The plant shows two marked life phases, first the sexual phase, or gametophyte, and second the neutral generation, arising from fertilization, the sporophyte. In all but the highest plants, the seed plants, the gametophyte betrays more or less clearly its aquatic origin. It is usually poorly adapted to resist dryness. Water is neces- sary for fertilization, as the male gametes are ciliated and the mature sexual organs require water for their proper dehiscence. In the lower types, like the simple liverworts, the gametophyte is relatively larger and plays a much more important réle in the plant life than does the insignificant sporophyte, which is short- lived and dies as soon as it has shed its spores, whose production is the aim of its existence. The sporophyte in the lower forms is never an aquatic structure, but receives its water indirectly from the gametophyte with which it is permanently in intimate as- sociation. With the increasing specialization of the Archegoniates, several lines of development were inaugurated showing several different types of specialization both in the gametophyte and in the sporo- phyte. The gametophyte reaches its culmination in the higher mosses which seem to show the limit of the possibility of adapting the essentially aquatic gametophyte to life on land. The further development of the land plants is therefore bound up with the elaboration of the terrestrial phase of the plant’s life history, i. e., the sporophyte. With the increasing importance of the latter there is a progressive reduction of the gametophyte which culminates among the Pteridophytes in the extremely reduced gametophytes of the heterosporous forms like Marsilia or Selagi- nella. | It is not likely that any existing liverworts represent very nearly the direct ancestors of the Pteridophytes or ‘‘ Vascular No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 735 Cryptogams.’’ It may be said, however, that some remarkable parallelisms, if not real homologies, are shown by the peculiar Anthocerotes, and there is a progressive development of the sporophyte in both liverworts and true mosses which hints at least at the course of evolution which finally resulted in the entirely independent sporophyte of the ferns. The evolution of the sporophyte consists in a constantly increasing development of sterile or non-sporogenous tissues, which assume the character of green assimilative tissue, etc., and it may finally develop definite external organs, roots and leaves, the former connecting the sporophyte with the earth and making it quite independent of the gametophyte. Finally, spores are produced, always in a perfectly uniform manner in groups of four, and the life history is complete. While only a relatively small number of forms have been investigated, it is pretty certain that the sporophytic tissues normally have nuclei with twice the chromosome number found in the cells of the gametophyte, this being the result of the doubling of the chromosomes due to the fusion of the gametes. The reduction of the chromosomes occurs in the tetrad division resulting in the spores, which therefore possess the normal gametophyte number. The formation of the sporophyte by apogamy or direct bud- ding from the prothallium, and the various buddings of the gametophyte from the leaves of the sporophyte, are the strongest arguments in favor of ‘‘homologous’’ alternation; but the facts of apogamy and apospory may be explained as cases of adven- titious budding analogous to so many cases found in the seed plants, and much more evidence is needed to show that they are normal rather than pathological. Comparing the sporophytes of the Bryophytes and Pterido- phytes, the latter are distinguished by the development of external organs. A more or less conspicuous central axis has appendicular organs, leaves, roots and sporangia, the latter being the characteristic organs which distinguish the dif- ferent types of vascular plants. They may be supposed to have arisen from the more or less complete segregation of masses of sporogenous tissue from the originally continuous layer of some such form as Anthoceros. The gradual evolution of the sporangium from the large indefinite sporocysts like those of Ophioglossum to the very definite sporangia of the highly 736 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII specialized leptosporangiate ferns can be clearly followed in existing types. Professor Bower does not regard the Ophio- glossales as related to the true ferns, but from this view we feel obliged to dissent. As might be expected, much stress is laid upon the ‘‘ Theory of the strobilus” with which Bower’s name is especially associated. This theory assumes that from some bryophytie sporangium, perhaps not very different from that of Anthoceros, by the segregation of definite sporangia each subtended by a leaf-like organ originating from the sterile tissue between the sporangia, a cone or strobilus would be derived, i. e., an axis upon which are borne a number of leaves usually spirally arranged, each one sub- tending a sporangium. This condition is still met with in some of the simple species of Lycopodium like L. selago and it is an extremely ancient one. This theory of the strobilus when applied to the Lycopods has very much in its favor, and is certainly the most plausible ex- planation yet put forward as to the origin of the Lycopods; but is not so convincing when one tries to reduce the ferns also to the strobiloid type. It is true that in the Cyeads, which are doubt- less of fern affinity, a strobilus is present, but there is very strong reason to suppose that it is a secondary condition. The chapter on ‘‘ Embryology and the Theory of Recapitula- tion” is a very sane treatment of an extremely difficult problem. While recognizing that the first students of vegetable morphol- ogy went much too far in their insistence upon the importance of the exact succession of cell divisions in the young embryo in their relation to the subsequent organs of the plant, nevertheless it is unquestionable that the early divisions of the embryo are to a ċer- tain extent a recapitulation of the early phylogeny. It must be remembered that the young embryo has been subjected for countless ages to practically the same conditions, and that under these conditions certain definite early segmentations should be fixed is merely what would be expected. One of these conditions is the action of gravity and this beyond question is the most im- portant factor in determining the marked polarity of the embryo. As to the general application of the theory of recapitulation to the later stages of development, as Professor Bower very well points out, great caution has to be used, but nevertheless within proper limits it is justified. Professor Bower maintains that there is but one type of leaf. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 137 All leaves, he thinks, are primarily sporophylls. Foliage leaves are reduced sporophylls and cotyledons, and ‘‘ protophylls’’ mere modifications of the foliage leaves. This is not, however, a view that can be accepted without some qualification. While un- doubtedly on the theory of antithetie alternation, spore-bearing structures must have preceded foliage leaves, it may be ques- tioned whether these primary spore-bearing structures at least in the case of the Ophioglossace and Equisetacex, were not rather of the nature of sporangiophores than sporophylls in the strict sense of the word. If such is the case, the sterile leaves would be outgrowths of the sporangiophores, or even independent struc- tures rather than direct metamorphoses of sporophylls. From a study of the anatomical evidence, the conclusion is reached that the primitive state in the Pteridophytes was one in which the axis was structurally dominant in the shoot, and the type of cauline bundle a solid monostele. It is also concluded that the bipolar, radially symmetrical condition of the sporophyte is more ancient than the dosi-ventral condition. The problem of the origin of the roots of the vascular plants by means of which the independence of the sphorophyte is finally secured is recognized as a very difficult one. In some Lycopods no root is formed in the embryo until after several leaves have been developed, and the name ‘‘protocorm’’ has been proposed for this early undifferentiated plant-body, the assumption being made that it represents an ancient condition antedating a plant- body with true leaves. Professor Bower, however, is inelined to doubt the accuracy of this hypothesis. While recognizing the great value of the evidence of paleophy- tology, and the important contribution that the study of fossils has made to our knowledge of the evolutionary history of the Pteridophytes it is pointed out how very little light has been thrown by this science upon such fundamental questions as the origin of the bryophytic sporogonium or that of the leafy sporophyte. In chapter nineteen are discussed the difficulties of determin- ing whether amplification or reduction has been the more im- portant factor in determining the course of evolution in certain eases. Chapter twenty contains a succinct summary of the Working Hypothesis and concludes Part I. Over 400 pages of text with many admirable illustrations are devoted to Part II, ‘‘A Detailed Statement of Facts.’’ This is 738 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIL an excellent account of the sporophytic structures of the Arche- goniates and would by itself form an important volume. As might be expected in a treatise on land plants, and from the author’s previous works, the Pteridophytes are the principal sub- jects of study, only two chapters out of twenty being devoted to the Bryophytes. Space forbids even an outline of the great mass of facts brought together, not the least interesting and im- portant being those derived from a study of the fossil forms which of late have attracted so much attention. Very little space is given to the study of the gametophyte, and while no doubt in the problem of the origin of a land-flora the sporophyte is much the more important factor, still we can not but feel that in some cases, a careful study of the gametophyte would have resulted in some different conclusions and would have served as a useful check. Thus all the recent work on the gametophyte of the Ophioglossaceze emphasizes the strong similarity in the repro- ductive organs of these forms and those of the Marattiacee and makes more probable than ever a real relationship existing be- tween these two orders of eusporangiate ferns.. There are recognized three phyla or main developmental series of Pteridophytes, the Lycopods, the ‘‘Sporangiophorie Pterido- phytes’’ and the ferns, excluding from the latter the Ophioglos- sace which Professor Bower thinks at present had best be treated as a fourth phylum, although he concludes that there is good evidence of a more or less evident affinity with the ‘‘Sporangio- phorie Pteridophytes.”’ The isolated position of the Lycopods is recognized by Professor Bower, and there certainly is very strong reason, both from a study of the gametophyte and sporophyte, for assigning to this group an origin quite apart from that of the other Pteridophytes. The most radical departure from the ordinarily accepted arrangement of the Pteridophytes is the establishment of the group of ‘‘Sporangiophorie Pteridophytes’’ which includes the Equisetales and the fossil Sphenophyllales with which latter _ group are included the anomalous Psilotales, which have usually been associated with the Lycopods, but whose isolated position has for some time been clearly recognized. To the sporangio- phorie Pteridophytes Bower also thinks the Ophioglossales may be related. The sporangiophore is defined as a more or less elongated vascular stalk upon which sporangia are borne. The | Sporangiophores are considered to be organs sui generis not a No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 739 modification of either a foliar or cauline organ. The question is left open whether the sporangiophore is to be regarded as the elaboration of a single sporangium, like that of Lycopodium, but it seems to us that the origin of the sporangiophore as a com- pound structure from the beginning, is more in harmony with the facts of comparative anatomy. The acceptance of this view will we believe help to solve some of the most puzzling questions as to the affinity of the primary pteridophytie stocks. While convinced of the real affinity be- tween the Ophioglossacew and the true ferns, we have also more than once ealled attention to the marked resemblance between the gametophyte of Equisetum and that of the lower ferns; and it may be added that there are also correspondences in the embryo that are probably not without significance. If then we admit that the sporangiophorie Pteridophytes really represent a natural division of the Pteridophytes, it is quite conceivable that from some common ancestral form having a large green gametophyte like that of the lower ferns, two types of sporangiophorie sporo- phytes may have arisen, one developing the strobiloid group of sporangiophores, as in Equisetum, the other a single large sporangiophore like that of Ophioglossum. There is very good reason to suppose that the sporangiophore of the Ophioglossaceæ is not an appendage of the so-called sporophyll, but is a quite independent organ, the sterile lamina being rather an appendage of the sporangiophore than the reverse. In spite of Professor Bower’s argument we can not but feel that the resemblances between the Ophioglossace and the true ferns are too numerous and exact to be explained on any other ground than that of a real affinity; but this does not lessen the importance of his explanation of their probable affinity with the Equisetales and Sphenophyllales. The classification of the Filicales excluding Ophioglossacew is that already elaborated in his memoirs on spore-producing members. Three groups of the Filicales are recognized. One, Simplices, in which all of the sporangia of a sorus are formed simultaneously. Two, Gradate in which there is a definite suc- eess in time and space; and Three, the Mixte in which there is a succession in time but not in space. Six families are in- cluded in the first group. The Botryopteridee (fossil), the Marattiacer, Osmundacer, Schizæaceæ (Marsiliacew)? Gleich- eniaceæ and Matoninee. The Gradatæ include five families. Lox- 740 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII somacee, Hymenophyllacee, most Dicksoniee, Dennstedtiine, Cyatheaceæ (Salviniacer)? The remaining families often grouped together as Polypodiacew form the group of the Mixte. The Botryopterider comprise some of the earliest known fossil Filicales. Their affinities, however, are somewhat obscure, and the group seems to have been a synthetic one. They show cer- tain evidences of affinity with the Marattiacee also with the Osmundaceæ and Hymenophyllacee. It might also be suggested that a comparison of the sporangium might be made with Botry- chium and perhaps Helminthostachys. We must pass over with brief mention the very detailed ac- count of the ferns which occupies over 150 pages of the text. The tendency in the evolution of the sporangium is very clearly from the larger eusporangiate type of the Marattiacee reaching its maximum in Kaulfussia, where nearly 8,000 spores occur in the single sporangium, to the numerous, small leptosporangiate sporangia of the Mixtæ where there may be only from 8 to 64 spores. It may be added that the sporangia of Ophioglossum represent a still more primitive type, both in their large size, their indefinite limits and very great number of spores. The assumed relation of the different families of the Filicales is graphically shown in the diagram on page 653. Part III is a summary covering some sixty pages. The most important conclusion may be briefly stated as follows: ‘‘Certain Algæ suggest in their post-sexual phase how the initiation of a sporophyte may have occurred, but there is no sufficient reason to hold them as being in the actual line of descent of archegoniate forms.” ‘‘Both Mosses and Liverworts may with probability be held to be blind branches of descent, which illustrate neverthe- less phyletie progressions that illuminate the origin of sterile tissues from those potentially fertile, and the establishment of a self-nourishing system in the sporophyte.’’ ‘‘Jt may accordingly be concluded as probable that the prothallus of early Pterido- phytes at large was a relatively massive green structure, with; deeply sunk sexual organs.” The Lycopodiales stand by themselves in the simplicity of the sporangial arrangement and constitute a type of extreme an- tiquity, which has come down practically unaltered to the present day. Their comparative study may be conducted independently of other phyla: for there is no reason to think that they were : erived from any other known vasenlar type... . The condi- No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 741 tion actually seen in the ‘Selago’ type may be held as truly primitive, and Lycopodium Selago, with its imperfectly differ- entiated shoot, is in fact a near approach in a living species to the ideal primitive form which emerges from wide comparative study of the phylum as a whole.’’ “The functionally identical parts designated sporangiophores and sporangia are cognate parts; it appears probable that the sporangiophore is itself a consequence of elaboration of a simpler type of spore-producing member, of which the sporangium of Lycopodium is an example, while the trabecule in Isoetes and Lepidostrobus Brownii suggest a mode of origin of the septate state. If this were so, then the sporangiophore would have been distinct in its phyletic origin from the bract-leaves, which habitually subtend the lig rt tnt members, whether they be sporangia or sporangiophores.’’ “The phyletic relationship of the Sphenophyllales and Equise- tales has undoubtedly been a very close one; the distinguishing features are not to be found in the primary plan or construction of the shoot, so much as in the secondary modifications of number and relation of the appendages, and of their branching, together with changes in the originally protostelic structure of the axis. Such considerations support the conclusion that the Sporangio- phoric Pteridophytes constitute a brush of naturally related phyletic lines.’’ The Ophioglossales are regarded as an ascending series of forms the ‘‘ spike illustrating various steps in the increasing com- plexity of a body of the nature of the sporangiophore.’’ ‘‘The whole unbranched shoot is a single strobilus bearing leaves of which all are potentially fertile and the majority actually so.” “The Ophioglossacew appear to have been an upgrade sequence, sprung from some sporangiophore stock, and bearing no near relation to the large-leaved ferns.’’ “The Filicales were ultimately of strobiloid origin, but have undergone amplification of their leaves analogous to, but phyle- tically quite distinct from what is seen in other Pteridophytes, and carried to a higher degree.’ ‘One chief reason for regarding the lines of the Filicales and Ophioglossales as distinct lies in the difference of position of the spore-producing members. It has been argued above (p. 633) that the soral condition was primitive for ferns, and that the sorus is a body similar in kind to the sporangiophore, the two 742 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII being alike in function, in structure, and in capacity for fission and extension: the number and position are points of difference.”’ The Filicales are considered to be a phylum showing funda- mentally the strobiloid characters, but secondarily modified in relation to their pronounced megaphyllous habit. ‘‘ Accordingly, the Filicales appear as the most divergent phylum of homo- sporous Pteridophytes.’’ ‘“‘ Comparison of the several phyla, as represented both by their fossil and their modern representatives, leads in each case towards the recognition of a primitive type, and its construction in the several phyla has certain features in common. The chief of these are the definition of axial polarity in the first initiation of the embryo: the continued apical growth; the radial construction of the shoot: the origin of the appendages laterally from the axis by enation, and in strictly acropetal order: a protostelic structure of the conducting system of the axis, and a leaf-trace composed of a single strand.” ‘‘ The sporophyte . . . probably arose originally as a structure of limited size, and Labeaalied: upon a prothallus of scien gia able dimensions, and producing Homosporous Spores.” ‘The adoption of Heterospory, and of the Seed Habit super- vened later. This, while it has led to the final independence of the land flora as regards external fluid water for the completion of its life-cycle, has brought as a secondary consequence a wide- spread reduction.’’ ‘‘ The final goal of all organic development is the establishment of new individuals. The evolutionary story of the sporophyte illustrates this in two distinct ways. In the prior and non- specialized homosporous forms large numbers of germs are pro- duced: . . . consequently amplification of the whole sporophyte is the leading characteristic of these earlier types; . . . In the later and more specialized heterosporous forms and particularly in the Seed Plants with their more refined methods, individual precision supersedes mere numbers; and reduction of the propa- gative system has been its usual concomitant.’’ ‘‘ The sporophyte, which is the essential feature in the Flora of the Land, is referable back in its origin to post-sexual complica- tions: it appears to have originated as a phase interpolated be- tween the events of chromosome-doubling and chromosome- reduction in the primitive life-cycle of plants of aquatic habit.’’ Dovuetas HOUGHTON CAMPBELL. * No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 743 PLANT CYTOLOGY Apogamy in the Ferns.—It has long been known that the arche- gonia in a number of ferns are not functional and that in these forms the sporophyte generations arise as vegetative outgrowths from the gametophytes. This suppression of sexuality with the development of the succeeding generation asexually is termed apogamy. Only recently, however, have there been any eytolog- ical investigations of the phenomenon. Farmer and Digby' were the first to study the nuclear be- havior throughout critical phases in the life history of apogam- ous ferns. The results, based on forms of Lastrea, Athyrium, and Scolopendrium, led these authors to describe three con- ditions. 1. The process of sporogenesis is omitted from the life cycle in three varieties of Athyrium Filix-femina and in a form of Scolopendrium giving the condition of apospory known for a number of ferns. The prothallia arise directly from abortive sporangia or from pinne; the sporophytes develop apogamously from the prothallia or from unfertilized eggs; and the approxi- mate number of chromosomes is retained throughout the life cycle. This type of life history brings apogamy into close asso- ciation with apospory. The omission of the process of chromo- some reduction, characteristic of sporogenesis, gives the gameto- phytes the sporophytie number of chromosomes (2x). Apogamy seems to be a natural consequence, for gametes would not be expected to function under such conditions since they would double the number of chromosomes with each nuclear fusion and there would be no reduction divisions to bring the higher numbers back to the normal. These conditions in the ferns agree with certain cases of apogamy among the seed plants (Antennaria alpina, Thalictrum purpurascens, and apogamous species of Alchemilla and Hieracium) where the reduction mitoses are omitted in the ovule and the nuclei of the embryo saes contain the sporophyte number of chromosomes, the embryo developing from unfertilized eggs or even from synergids. The most interesting feature of this type of life history is the de- velopment of gametophytes with the 2x or sporophytie number of chromosomes, showing that the morphology of this phase in 1 Farmer, J. B., and Digby, L. cheep in ns dati and Apogamy in Ferns. Ann. of Bot., XXI, p. 161, 190 744 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII the life history does not depend upon its containing the reduced number. 2. In Lastrea pseudo-mas var. cristata apospora apogamy and apospory follow one another in the same manner as described above, but the number of chromosomes (probably 60) is so close to that of the gametophyte in the type species (72) that it seems probable that in this form the sporophyte retains the reduced number (x) of the gametophyte. This condition is exactly the reverse of that noted above showing that the morphology of the sporophyte likewise does not depend upon its containing the double number (2x) of chromosomes. 3. The third and most striking conditions described by Farmer and Digby refer to a peculiar migration and fusion of nuclei in the cells of the prothallium just before the apogamous development of the sporophytes. These observations are re- corded from the study of two polydactyla varieties of Lastrea pseudo-mas which form their spores with chromosome reduction in the usual manner. The nuclear migrations and fusions occur in the younger regions of the prothallia, in the wings as well as in the thicker portions. A nucleus assumes an elongated form with the pointed end against the wall which it is about to pierce. A pore is formed through which the nucleus slips and makes its way to the nucleus of this receptive cell which usually re- mains rounded. The two nuclei come to lie closely pressed against one another and gradually fuse. Older prothallia thus have fusion nuclei with double the gametophytie number of chromosomes (2x) and the cells of the apogamously produced sporophytes are found to have nuclei of this type; the authors conclude that they are derived from such fusion nuclei. This process of migration and nuclear fusion, taking the place of the fusion of gametes, finds its analogy in the recent studies of Blackman and Christman on the rusts. Just previous to the development of the æcidia there is an extensive migration of nuclei between neighboring cells so that the cells which give rise to the chains of æcidiospores contain conjugate or paired nuclei, the descendants of which remain in pairs until the nuclear fusion in the teleutospores. Thus in the rusts and in these ferns a process of nuclear fusion concerned with vegetative cells has apparently become substituted for the fusion of gametes which are no longer functional. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 745 The most recent cytological contribution to the study of apogamy in the ferns is by Yamanouchi.? This paper gives a much more detailed account of nuclear structure and the be- havior of chromosomes than that of Farmer and Digby, and is remarkable for the thoroughness of the study of critical phases throughout the entire life history. We have already noticed a portion of the work in the review of some recent research on cilia-forming organs of plant cells in the August number of the NATURALIST. Yamanouchi worked upon Nephrodium molle which has the advantage of presenting under ordinary condi- tions of culture the normal life history of ferns. The apogamous development of sporophytes may, however, be readily induced in prothallia exposed to direct sunlight and watered from below so as to prevent the possible escape of sperms and fertilization of archegonia. Such prothallia develop much more slowly than under normal conditions. After six weeks the cushion regions become markedly thickened, which thickenings indicate the be- ginnings of apogamous sporophytes. Yamanouchi made very accurate counts of the chromosomes throughout the eritical phases of the normal life history pre- liminary to a comparison with apogamous conditions. The chromosome number in the sporophyte is 128 or 132, which is reduced during sporogenesis to 64 or 66 in the usual manner. The gametophyte has then 64 or 66 chromosomes which were counted in the vegetative cells of the prothallia and in the mitoses leading up to the formation of sperms and eggs. The fertilized egg has of course the double or sporophytic number. Prothallia, which under the culture conditions described above produce sporophytes apogamously, have 64 or 66 chromosomes. The mitoses up to the 30-50 cell stages are similar to those in normal prothallia. After that the growth is very slow and there are irregularities in the position of the cell walls with reference to the surface of the prothallia. The apogamous prothallia produce antheridia in abundance which develop motile sperms, the mitoses showing 64 or 66 chromosomes. Archegonia are, however, rarely formed on apogamous pro- thallia, Occasionally archegonia initials are differentiated, from which a central cell is cut off as in normal prothallia, but this central cell either remains undivided or produces eggs and canal 2 Yamanouchi, S. Apogamy in Nephrodium. Bot. Gaz., XLV, p. 289, 1908, 746 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII cells in an archegonium with a poorly developed neck; it is doubtful whether such eggs are capable of being fertilized. The sporophytie outgrowths on apogamous prothallia arise coincident with the development of the cushion region. Super- ficial cells on the underside increase in size, and from one of. these an apical cell is cut off which becomes the growing point of a leaf. Meanwhile there is a rapid division of the neighbor- ing cells in the interior so that an area of meristematic tissue results which gives rise to the young sporophyte in direct con- nection with the prothallial cells. A leaf and stem axis are developed from two superficial apical cells, the root tip arises endogenously, scalariform vessels appear in the tissue connecting the developing leaf and stem, and finally there is differentiated the young sporophyte with root, stem and leaf regions. Mitoses are easily found in stages of this apogamously developed sporo- phyte and always show 64 or 66 chromosomes, the gametophytic number of the prothallium. Consequently, in Nephrodium molle, there is no doubling of the number of chomosomes in the development of apogamous sporophytes through nuclear migra- tion and fusion as described by Farmer and Digby for the polydactyla varieties of Lastrea pseudo-mas. It has not yet . been determined whether these apogamous sporophytes develop spores. Apogamy in Nephrodium, therefore, presents conditions dif- ferent from anything as yet recorded for plants, since following normal sporogenesis a sporophyte is developed with the gameto- phytic or haploid number of chromosomes (x), and there is no place in the life history for the diploid or sporophytie number. The ease of Lastrea pseudo-mas var. cristata apospora is appar- ently not the same since in that form apogamy follows apospory. However it is possible that the apogamous sporophytes of Nephrodium may be found at maturity to develop apospory and thus swing into a type of life history similar to that recorded by Farmer and Digby for the above form of Lastrea. The most significant results of Yamanouchi’s investigation is the clear evidence that the morphology of the sporophyte does not de- mand that its cells contain nuclei with the double or diploid number of chromosomes (2x), in other words that the ‘‘number of chromosomes is not the only factor which determines the characters of the sporophyte and gametophyte,’’ a conclusion indicated by the known eases in both ferns and seed plants No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 747 where gametophytes have the sporophytie number of chromo- somes. A third paper which should be mentioned in connection with these two on types of homosporous ferns is Strasburger’s® study of apospory in heterosporous Marsilia. Parthenogenesis had been reported by Shaw as occurring in 50 per cent. of the female gametophytes of Marsilia Drummondii. Nathansohn had in- duced parthenogenesis in Marsilia vestita and M. macra by keep- ing germinating megaspores at a temperature of 35° C. for 24 hours and ther allowing them to continue their development at a temperature of 27° C. Under this treatment the eggs of 7-12 per cent. of the spores gave rise to embryos parthenogenet- ically while at lower temperatures embryos were only developed after fertilization. Strasburger found that in Marsilia Drummondiu the nuclei of the female gametophyte contain 32 chromosomes which is the sporophytie or diploid number present in various vegetative regions of the sporophyte. The process of sporogenesis pre- sents various irregularities: the number of megaspore mother- cells is less than 16 and at times only 4; sometimes the mitoses within these cells are reduction divisions of the usual type (heterotypic), but in other cases spores are formed only through vegetative mitoses in which the sporophytiec or diploid number of chromosomes (32) is retained. Such spores give rise to female prothallia with eggs having the sporophytic number of chromosomes and a parthenogenetic development of the latter follows. These conditions differ from those of apospory in the fact that spores are developed, but agree in the final result that the process of chromosome reduction is suppressed in the life history. The microspores showed irregularities in their develop- ment and on germination did not produce mature sperms. Two other species in the genus, Marsillia macra and, M. Nardu, pre- sented similar conditions. Perhaps the most important feature of this cytological re- search on apogamy is its bearing on current theories of the nature and basis of alternation of generations in plants. It is perhaps rather generally held by those who accept the anti- thetic theory that the differences between sporophyte and game- tophyte are in some way concerned with the number of chromo- 3 Strasburger, E. Apogamie bei Marsilia. Flora, XCVII, p. 123, 1907. è 748 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII somes, the sporophyte taking its peculiarities because of the doubling of the number which results from the sexual fusion of gamete nuclei, and giving up these characteristics when the number of chromosomes are reduced at the end of the sporo- phytic phase. This view that nuclear structure and more par- ticularly the number of chromosomes gives the physical basis for alternation of generations was originally stated by Stras- burger and has received support from a large amount of research on life histories throughout the plant kingdom. It has in the opinion of some authors reached the stage worthy of statement as a law of development, as indicated by the expression x and 2x generations applied to gametophytes and sporophytes. However, the cytological investigation of apogamy in the seed plants as well as in the ferns has shown for a considerable number and wide range of forms that the gametophyte genera- tion may have the sporophytic number of chromosomes, and now in Nephrodium there is established the first instance in which a sporophytie generation may develop with the gametophytiec number. This evidence may be regarded by some as cutting at the roots of the antithetic theory of alternation of generations, but this does not follow. It is clear that an increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes within a certain range does not affect the morphology of the phase of the plant’s life history con- cerned, and the cause of the specific characters of gametophyte and sporophyte must rest upon other factors. What these may be is problematical; it is not unlikely that a variety of factors is concerned. It is probable that the peculiarities of every species demand at least a certain amount of chromatin with a specific composition, but there is no reason to assume that this must be contained in a fixed number of chromosomes, and fur- thermore multiples of the minimum amount required would not be expected to introduce new characteristics except as it might give increased vigor or vitality. Then there is the cytoplasm to be considered and perhaps of even greater importance the complex reciprocal relations that must exist between the nucleus and cytoplasm. BrapDiey M. Davis. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 749 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION Regeneration in Lumbriculus.'—In the August number of Roux’s Archiv a paper by Conrad Müller describes regeneration in Lumbriculus variegatus and Tubifex rivulorum. The paper of 70 pages contains 24 figures and 14 full-page tables. Despite its bulk one can not help being impressed with its failure to contribute much that is new to our present knowledge of regen- eration in Lumbriculus. Miiller’s chief concern seems to be the extent of the power of regeneration. He first studied the power to regenerate a head or a tail in Lumbriculus, and from a great many experiments, very elaborately described, he found that new heads may re- generate 17—22 times in succession, while new tails regenerate 33-42 times after successive operations. From these facts he draws the general conclusion that the power of posterior regener- ation is twice as great as the power of anterior regeneration. Bonnet in 1741, in his classical investigation of the regeneration in Lumbriculus, found also that heads and tails regenerate several times after successive operations—only Bonnet never obtained regeneration so many times. These results of Miiller may be, however, interpreted other- wise than that the power of posterior regeneration is greater than the power of anterior regeneration, since the worms regenerating tails had heads and could therefore feed, while the worms re- generating heads could not feed. Regarding the relation between length of time during which a tail regenerates and the number of segments that are produced Miiller sets up the following ‘‘law’’—‘‘The number of segments: newly formed stands in direct relation to the length of time of regeneration; i. e., during equal periods of time there are regenerated posteriorly equal numbers of segments.’’ He also investigated the number of posterior segments that regenerate after successive operations performed at regular intervals. In the course of ten months he cut off the regenerating tails 22 times (every 14 days) and found that in this case also ‘‘after repeated removals of a regenerating tail the same number of new seg- ments is formed during similar periods of time.” He then re- fers to my work on regeneration in Lumbriculus and says that, ‘‘Bei dem von Morgulis und mir behandelten Object scheint 1 Arch. f. Entwicklungs u. d. Organismen, XXVI, 1908. 750 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII dass kein Unterscheid zu machen.’’ But this ‘‘agreement’’ is due apparently to a misunderstanding. On the contrary, I got the opposite result in my studies on regeneration in Lumbriculus. I found that the number of segments formed within equal lengths of time decreases the more the time that has elapsed since the operation was performed. Concerning the rate of regeneration. for similar periods of time (but after successive operations) my statement is so simple that it is surprising that it should have been misinterpreted. I said—‘‘ .. . in the course of the second period of two weeks the pieces regenerate about one half as many segments as when regenerating for the first period of two weeks.’’ After a third period of two weeks ‘‘the pieces have regenerated only about one half as many segments regenerated for the second period of two weeks, and about one fourth as many as for the first two weeks.’’? Miiller quotes my general conclusion, based upon these facts, that ‘fa piece of worm, when subjected to the operation of cut- ting a few times will produce more new tissue for the same length of time than when subjected to cutting only onee,’’ and ys: ‘‘Desartiges habe ich ebenfalls beobachted.’’! But unless I misunderstood Miiller’s point, his ‘‘law’’ is the reverse of my conclusion. He says that a worm regenerates on an average 25 segments in 14 days; after the following 14 days it will have regenerated 50 segments, or 25 segments more, ete., so that the number of regenerating segments is in direct proportion to the length of time. His tables show also that when the tails have been cut off every 14 days 25 new segments regenerate each time. In other words, a worm left to regenerate for 8 weeks should regenerate 100 segments (25 segments every 2 weeks), while another worm in which the tail is removed at the end of every 14 days regenerates 25 segments after each successive operation, and, therefore, will also have formed 100 segments at the close of 8 weeks. So that a worm that had been operated upon 4 times regener- ates 100 segments in the same time in which another worm, that had been operated upon only once, also regenerates 100 segments. This certainly does not uphold my contention; it is also evident that Miiller’s ‘‘law’’ is incompatible with my con- clusion cited above, yet he seems to find them both to be true. Miiller speaks at great length of the regeneration of pieces of _ “Jour. Exp. Zool., IV, 1907, pp. 561 and 562. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 751 Lumbriculus without adding anything new. His discovery that single segments are capable of anterior as well as posterior regeneration is not new, since I have shown in my paper, pub- lished ten months earlier, that single segments regenerate in this way. Although Müller reviews my experiments with single seg- ments in full detail, he feels dubious as to whether I really did have single segments regenerating. The scepticism is due to the fact that, according to my description, the worms have been re- generating in clean water, and in Miiller’s experience ‘‘war das Halten der Tiere in reinem Wasser einfach ausgeschlossen.’’ I may therefore mention in this place that pieces of Lumbriculus have been reared in clean water even by Bonnet, and that for the three years that I have been studying regeneration in Lumbri- culus the worms were and are now invariably kept in clean water. In the chapter dealing with the regeneration of regenerated pieces Miiller makes no mention of my experiments, which in fact were the first experiments of that nature in Lumbriculus. He states that he got the regenerated tail, when detached from the parent body, to regenerate new heads or tails 23 times. . The fact that Lumbriculus can regenerate its head 23 times and its tail 42 times in succession is of considerable theoretical importance, and even more so is the statement that regenerated pieces are also capable of regenerating heads and tails many times in succession. It seems to me that these facts bear di- rectly on the hypothesis of formative substances. If such sub- stances are connected with the regeneration of a head or a tail it would be hard to conceive how such an enormous quantity of head- and tail-forming substances has become stored up in the cells to insure the possibility of regeneration after 23-42 operations, unless a further assumption is made that those sub- stances themselves are capable of reproduction. Still harder would it be to conceive how a regenerated tail, the supposed product of tail-forming substances, has become stored up with such an abundance of reserve formative substances as to be able to produce heads or tails time after time. To make such a demand on our credulity would be asking a great deal. Miiller’s work on Tubifex is practically a repetition of his work on Lumbriculus. There he finds that a head regenerates only when 4-6 anterior segments are removed, and does not re- generate more than 7 times in succession, while a tail may regen- 752 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLII erate even 40 times. The successive regeneration of heads may be checked by the regeneration of the tail. Regenerated parts when detached from the worm are not capable of new regeneration. The most novel part of the paper is that which describes var- ious eases of heteromorphosis, and other malformations in the regenerating tail, including the regeneration of double tails in Lumbriculus or of triple tails in Tubifex. SERGIUS MORGULIS. September 7, 1908. THE BUDGETT MEMORIAL VOLUME John Samuel Budgett, naturalist, explorer, scholar and artist, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872. He received his educa- tion at University College in Bristol, and later at the University of Cambridge, where he received the appointment as Balfour Student in Natural Sciences, ‘‘the zoological blue ribbon of Cambridge.’’ Here he gave, in 1902, a course of lectures on on the ‘‘Geographical Distribution of Animals,’’ succeeding in this work the eminent ornithologist, Professor Alfred Newton. His work at Cambridge was interrupted and enriched by zoolog- ical exploring expeditions to South America and to Africa, efforts which from the natural history side were successful in the highest degree, but which ultimately cost him his life. The first of these, in 1896, was to the Swamps of La Plata River at Gran Chaco in Paraguay, in search of the singular mud-fish, Lepidosiren paradoxa. The life history and embryo:- ogy of this fish was expected to throw much light on the nature of the order of Dipnoans to which it belongs. All stages of the life history of Lepidosiren were represented in the collection made by Mr. Budgett, and the expedition was brilliantly suc- cessful. On the next expedition, in 1899, he visited the Gambia River, where another genus, Protopterus, of the same group of mud- fishes is found. In the third expedition, in 1900, he visited the Gambia again, gathering material for not only the life history of the dipnoan, Protopterus, but of different species of the equally interesting *The work of John Samuel Budgett, Balfour Student at the University of Cambridge, edited by J. Graham Kerr, University Press, Cambridge, G. P. Putnam Sons, New York, p. 422 = with many engravings in stone. Price y. 00. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 753 crossopterygian, Polypterus as well. With this was obtained material for the study of Gymnarchus and other peculiar fishes of the African streams. In 1902, Mr. Budgett undertook an expedition to Nyanza and the head streams of the Nile. A final trip was made in 1903, to the Niger River, in which, as in the others, he found species of Polypterus, and with which he made most interesting experiments in artificial fertilization. In all of these expeditions, Mr. Budget found what he sought, and their importance to science can hardly be too highly esti- mated. The embryology, taxonomy and geographical distribu- tion of these fishes, as well as of different genera of frogs, received notable accessions. But Mr. Budgett’s health was sacrificed in the work. A recurrent attack of ‘‘blackwater fever,” one of the many diseases known as malaria, caused his death on January 19, 1903, at the age of thirty-one. The publications of Mr. Budgett give the record of these ex- peditions, and also discussions of the anatomy, the embryology and the breeding habits of Polyterus, Protopterus and other species. The batrachians of the Paraguayan Chaco are de- scribed in detail, and there is a paper on the birds of the Gambia River. All these papers of Budgett, with others by Dr. G. A. Boulenger, Dr. J. Graham Kerr, J. Herbert Budgett, Richard Assheton, Edward J. Bles and Edward T. Browne, based on material collected by Mr. Budgett, have been sumptuously printed in the present memorial volume by Mr. Budgett’s friends and fellow-workers at Cambridge. A delicately appreciative biographical sketch of Mr. Budgett is contributed by Dr. Arthur E. Shipley. In this are extracts from Mr. Budgett’s diaries, showing his fine appreciation of nature and his charming and forceful use of English. The plates illustrating this volume are worthy of the text, and tne whole is a noble memorial to an able naturalist, a brave and lovable man, who fell untimely from the hazards of his chosen calling. Davin STARR JORDAN. 754 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII ANIMAL BEHAVIOR Mind in Animals.—Many experimentalists have said in their haste that all comparative psychologists are liars; that com- parative psychology has no existence. To the experimental student of animal behavior, working by the methods of phys- iology and zoology, ‘‘psychie factors’’ are merely an irritating x, something which he can not perceive in his work, yet which the philistine is continually trying to force upon him as the cause of what he does perceive. Finding objective determining factors for all the objective phenomena, he has no use for the psychic factors, and finally decides to make war upon the whole worthless mess; Down with comparative psychology! is his ery. But it is really only as a technician, intent on the proper meth- ods for his own work, that the experimentalist can object to com- parative psychology. As soon as he takes a wider view, he must perceive that another group of men have made a life spe- cialty of precisely the matters that he leaves out of account, and he can not expect these men to give up their interest in the dis- tribution and development of the phenomena that they are studying—of mind and mental processes. And so we have here two recent scientific works dealing with the presence of mind in animals, both from the experimental standpoint, one by a psy- chologist,’ the other by a zoologist. iss Washburn’s book is of the greatest interest and value, supplying a need much felt. It will be the standard work for those who wish to know the present position of scientific animal psychology. Concerning the behavior of animals a large body of verifiable facts, which have begun to shape themselves into a more or less intelligible system, has been gathered together by experimentalists, but the latter have given little but hostile at- tention to the psychic aspects of the matter. What are the implications of this body of facts concerning the distribution of psychic processes among animals? This is the problem which Miss Washburn sets herself—a problem in which doubtless full as many are interested as in behavior as a purely objective * Washburn, Margaret F. The Animal Mind: A Text-book of Compara- tive Psychology. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1908. $1.60. (Volume 2 of the Animal Behavior Series, edited by R. M. Yerkes.) * Strassen, Otto Zur. Die neuere Tierpsychologie. Vortrag in der zweiten allgemeinen Sitzung der 79. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Dresden (1907). Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1908. No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 155 science. One need not hold that psychic factors are required for explanation of the objective facts in order to see the great in- terest of this inquiry. The author therefore examines systematically the behavior of animals, as discovered by experiment, from Amæba to the apes, attempting to show what psychie processes are, or may be, im- plied. She readily admits the possibility that no psychic proc- esses are present at all; but the question is this: If we assume that psychic processes are present, and that they follow rules like those which they follow in man, then what ones appear to be present in the different groups of animals? In answering this question, the principle of parsimony is taken as a guide: ‘‘in no case may we interpret an action as the exercise of a higher psychical faculty, if it can be interpreted as the outcome of the exercise of one which stands lower in the psychological seale.’? The undeniable dangers of this, in the evident fact that nature doesn’t always operate by what seems to our limited view the simplest means, is expressly recognized, but the prin- ciple is thought valuable for holding in check the common tendency to attribute higher intellectual faculties to animals— a tendency, we may remark, which in very recent times shows some inclination to change into its opposite. After judicious introductory chapters on Difficulties and Meth- ods; on the Evidences of Mind, and on Mind in the Simplest Animals, the main divisions of the book are devoted to Sensory Discrimination; Spatially Determined Reactions; Modification by Experience; the Memory Idea, and Attention. The devotee of popular animal psychology will be surprised to find that the word reason does not even occur in the index. The facts of behavior are set forth clearly and accurately; the student even of the strictly objective aspects of the subject will find this per- haps the best compendium of the important facts that exists. The treatment is throughout sane and conservative; it is analytic, systematic and scientifice—not in any sense popular, though clear. Slips as to facts and details appear to be rare. All together tha treatment appears to one not a psychologist—to one who ‘‘wants to be shown’’—most satisfactory. e Such a discussion of these matters by a competent psychologist has been much needed. The book gives the experimentalist an opportunity to compare as to solidity and general satisfactoriness, his own objective 756 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII science, built up by systematizing the verifiable facts alone, with that which searches for the psychic processes underneath what is observed. The difficulties of making a positive science from the unverifiable psychic implications of the actions of animals is well illustrated by the conditional and potential forms in which the author is forced throughout to clothe her statements. Thus, in discussing the psychic aspect of orientation to light (p. 184), the predicates of six successive sentences are: we ‘‘can- not imagine’’; we ‘‘may conjecture’’; ‘‘is the human experience most closely resembling’’; ‘‘appears to be’’; ‘‘may have’’; it ‘‘is possible that.’’ The experimentalist becomes convinced more than ever of the need of building up his own positive science of behavior, composed of verifiable propositions, and omitting psychic factors—though there is no reason why he should look with an unfriendly eye on the attempt, as a separate thing, to supply conjecturally the missing psychic elements. The difficulties in preparing a satisfactory account of the animal mind are further increased by the high degree in which the experimental science of behavior shares the provisional and uncompleted character of all science. Animal behavior even as a purely objective science is merely in its beginning. No greater mistake could be made (and this our author evidently recognizes) than to suppose that our present experimental knowledge is sufficient for defining sharply the psychic powers of animals. It is quite possible that the picture of the mind of one of the higher animals that might be drawn by an observing and judicious dog lover would be much more adequate than the rude sketch which experimental science is now able to give us. The material furnished by the old Anecdotal School, and by the Lovers of Nature, doubtless contains much most-important truth, to which the experimental method has not yet succeeded in at- taining: only, as Miss Washburn says, it is not possible to tell what is true, what false. This material furnishes valuable finger posts for experimental investigation, but if we are ever to be able to distinguish the true from the false in animal behavior, it is necessary to build up the science by that slow and painful _ addition of one verifiable fact to another, which has proved the method of advance for other sciences, At any given time then our experimental science and the psychology based upon it are bound to be incomplete and inadequate to the reality. A single ee Hinetration must suffice. Miss Washburn shows that a careful No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 757 analysis of the experimental facts indicate that in Crustacea there is no color vision. But in the short period since her ac- count was written, Minkiewicz has demonstrated experimentally a refined color vision in this group, the animals standing with much success the test of ‘‘matching colors’’ for their disguises. If in so comparatively simple a matter the negative indications were wrong, how much dependence can be placed on our now having a complete knowledge of what exists in higher spheres? Every experimenter knows how near he came to missing some important result that he finally reached; he realizes that there are doubtless many things equally important that he did miss. The positive results of experimental science are stones for build- ing; the negative ones are often merely space as yet unfilled. Yet such summaries as Miss Washburn gives us of the knowledge at any particular time are necessary and valuable, especially when, as in the present case, they are put together by one fully conscious of the limitations of the subject. Zur Strassen* in his lecture before the German Congress of Naturalists and Physicians deals with another aspect of mind in animals; with a question of the greatest practical interest to experimentalists, and of great theoretical interest to all. Are ‘‘ psychice factors” required for explaining the behavior of ani- mals, or can we explain the behavior throughout from the ex- perimentally perceivable, objective, factors; can animals be un- derstood as physico-chemical machines? Zur Strassen follows a course of reasoning which is often begun, but which usually stops in the middle; the author carries it to the end, with illu- minating results. As his guide he takes the principle of parsimony in its widest sense—that we shall not assume the existence of any factor which is not required in order to explain the results. A further prin- ciple, acted upon but not set forth in words, is that mere in- crease of complication, no matter how great, does not in itself imply a new principle of action. Under these principles he examines a series of examples of animal behavior in successive stages of complications, from Amoeba to apes, concluding in each case that the entire behavior can be understood from the standpoint of physico-chemical causality, and that therefore we are not entitled to assume the presence of any psychice factor in the matter. The author is not inclined to add or subtract from 3 Loc. cit. 758 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII the facts in order to maintain his thesis; he recognizes fully the complication of the behavior of both higher and lower animals; and he does not claim that we now know the precise physico- chemical factors involved in all behavior. But he is able to make a good case for his view that all is fundamentally intelli- gible physico-chemiecally; in other words, that we could ulti- mately make a complete and systematic explanation of what ani- mals do, even if we assumed that they have no ‘‘psychie factors,’’ no consciousness, at all. The nature of the objective explanations which to the author seem satisfactory he can of course merely sketch; there is no attempt to give details or claim finality. Most significant appears to him, as to others who have studied the matter, the making by animals of varied movements, which bring them into varied relations with the environment, until certain of these relations prove advantageous and therefore per- sist. To this way of acting, which has received various names, including (from the present reviewer) the unfortunately mis- understandable one of ‘‘method of trial and error,’’ Zur Strassen gives the expressive name of the ‘‘shot-gun method.’’ Some such evidently figurative term is doubtless its best appellation, as reducing the temptation to read higher things into it. But now we come to the case of man; do our principles of interpretation exclude psychic factors here also? Most un- doubtedly they do, if the reasoning up to this point has been well based. Greater complication there is, but no difference in principle; Zur Strassen sets forth that there is no reasonable ground for making a distinction between the behavior of man and that of animals in this matter. And so, are we led to the absurd conclusion that there are no psychic processes, no con- sciousness, in man? . Here we perceive that two questions must be distinguished— two questions which we shall try to formulate even more sharply than the author has done, because the usual failure to distinguish them has tremendously confused this whole matter. The ques- tions are: (1) Does mind exist in men and animals? (2) Does mind play such a part in the behavior of men and animals that a complete objective explanation of the behavior can not be given without taking it into consideration? To this second question Zur Strassen answers, No: a satis- factory explanation of the behavior of man and animals can be _ given without taking into consideration any factors but objective, No. 503] NOTES AND LITERATURE 759 physico-chemical ones. But this has no bearing on the answer to the first question: it is no argument against the existence of mind in either man or animals, for it does exist in man. It may therefore exist in animals: the author concludes, as he is bound to, that the probability is that men and animals are alike in this matter; that animals also are conscious. His only con- tention is that mind is not a factor in determining objective be- havior; or as the reviewer would prefer to put it, that a com- plete objective explanation of behavior can be given without taking into consideration consciousness. Zur Strassen’s discussion brings out two points that much need recognition. (1) If we adopt the principle of parsimony of explanation as a test for the existence of psychic qualities, as has been done by various authors, we inevitably come to the result that such qualities do not exist, even in places where we know, by direct experience, that they do exist. When I withdraw my burned finger from the flame, consciousness is no more required for an objective explanation of this action than it is for the withdrawal of Amceba under similar condi- tions, yet in my case there is consciousness, of a very intense character. Therefore the result of the application of this prin- ciple of parsimony is no test whatever for the existence of psychic qualities. A consistent carrying through of the prin- ciple places man and animals in the same category, and is there- fore, as Zur Strassen maintains, rather favorable than other- wise, to the general distribution of consciousness in animals. (2) Admission of the existence of consciousness in animals is not equivalent to holding that consideration of this conscious- ness is required for a complete objective explanation of behavior. This point needs to be sharply realized. Look at the matter ex- perimentally. A complete explanation, from an experimental point of view, is one in which the preceding condition is shown to contain differential factors for determining all the differentia- tions of the succeeding condition. The question whether con- sciousness is a ‘‘factor’’ requiring consideration in objective explanations resolves itself experimentally into this: Do we sometimes, in analytical experimentation, come to situations -= where there are no differences in experimentally perceivable factors to account for differences in our results? If we could perceive accurately all the objective factors present, should we find that sometimes two identical combinations give different 760 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII results? If so we might be compelled to conclude that some factor x, not perceivable objectively—a psychic factor, perhaps— is playing a part. And this of course would mean the bank- ruptey of the experimental method; it would mean that things happen which are not determined, so far as experiment can show; that when differing results appear in two cases, we can- not look with confidence for any antecedent differences in the conditions to explain them; that by supplying the same con- ditions in two cases we can not be sure of getting the same re- sults; it would mean that nature plays fast and loose with us so far as objective experimentation is concerned. To the ex- perimentalist the question whether states of consciousness may at times come in and alter his results, without the accompaniment of changed objective conditions to which the changed results can be attributed, is evidently an intensely practical one, and so long as this possibility is held open, it is idle to tell the ex- perimenter that he should not concern himself about psychic processes. But if, as is commonly held, states of consciousness are always accompanied by objective physiological conditions, and these objective conditions differ when the conscious states differ, then of course we should always be able to find satisfactory objective determining factors for all differing results; a complete ex- perimental explanation of what happens could be given, without taking into consideration unknown states of consciousness; the objective experimental method would be reliable. There seems to be no convineing evidence as yet that it is not reliable and sufficient unto itself; it will be best to hold to it till such evi- dence appears. And yet, as we have seen, to hold to it as reliable and sufficient does not imply in the least that states of conscious- ness do not likewise exist. Comparative psychology and a purely objective science of animal behavior, complete in itself, may exist side by side without the least conflict. H. S. JENNINGS. 1 It does not even imply, I believe, that consciousness is without effect on action. A good case could be made for the effectiveness of consciousness, in a widened experimental sense, even though a purely objective explanation, without gaps, can be given for behavior. (No. 502 was issued October 29, 1908.) The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison- on-Hudson, New York. Articles containing research work bearing on the Stee of — evolu- tion are nia welcome, and will be given reference in public red reprints of ie forte are supplied to so free of charge. Further a er will be supplied at c ubscriptions and eienen should be sent to the publishers. The E i price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge el —_— copies is thirty-five cents. 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Lepidoptera ea iA Lepidoptera, Professor T.D. A. COCKERELLI- 2 te Dada. The Lateral | i aaae S ag an Eyes of Vertebrates ‘tous aed Literature: Hi pier, Results of Some Recent Investige. Af 3. ej g Runen Anatomy of Sostien, Q RB ariation in Centers DA. Hhapuny M. Davin. Solothurn r Pel a Lite L Enwarps Dr- CONTENTS OF THE OCTOBER NUMBER The Manifestations of the Principles of of Chemical maa the Living Plant. De. F. F. Bract- ao Yack sila ot aiiis, D. D. Warrsery. on the Fanito sud the Pose of the Biuropodous DED” sanrs, expecially of Diplodocus Dr. OveR P. Har. Shorter Articles and Correspondence : Juvenile Sab stitutes for Smoking Tobacco., Professor WiLtia™ ALBERT Serene Notes and Li auiaise Heredity—Revent Studies in Haman Heredity, De. F. A. Woops. Ornithology — Riddle on the Cause of the Production of Down and Structures in the Ptumages of Birds, J. F: ew Fomil Mam- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE $ $ DE T $s a ee CONTENTS L Some Physiological Aspects of Radium Rays. Professor C. STUART GAGER. 697 Tl. On the Origin of Structures in Plants. W. A. CANNON . 9 II. Origin and Formation of the Froth a T ‘waatror tt. 783 G@UILBEAU . IV. Shorter Articles and Corceupondenss Peculiar Absormal Teeth in a Jack Rabbit. Wittram A. Hinrox . . TH V. Notes and Literature: om logy ~ — Ichthyological! Notes, President Davip og Jonnas, % ne i enn Higher Plante Pip o — C * 900 » 826 Memolr: rene VI. Six Suara tana Poa EA Z ots ‘THE a PRESS _ EANOASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. _ NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 34 The American Naturalist MSS. latenn for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson n, New York. Articles containing research work bearing on the haat woh of ‘organic evolu- tion = Son nts welcome, and will be given preference in publica undred reprints of set aoe at are supplied to authors ma of charge. Further ‘reprints will be supplied at co bscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The subscription price e = dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and n postage "y -five cents additional. The charge for single copies is thirty-five cents. the a verticing rates are Four Dollars for a page. THE SCIENCE PRESS NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as second-class matter, goi 2, 1908, at the Post oni at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of ongress of March 3, Important New Scientific Books PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPNY Botany The sng of a Land Flora. A Theory based upon the. —_ of Alternation. By . Bowsr, Sc.D., F.R.S. With numerous illustratio gilt top, xt+727 pp., illus., iakoe ie $5.50 net. —A profound study in the mo h k f the I tf f pl ith ial reference to ue developmen of their vikari aen i kae 7 h s Shine endian aches i Skor thal the present land tae de a ariaa tt of the . uatic opm — the metho is = specialization to the lan è pee e ment of t t A h rta: ot on EEE e pey e higher plants. book of the hig eek impo nce n Mod gd AND STAN DARD HAND-BOOKS ON AGRICULTURE, ETC. Elements of 2 res Southern and Western. By W.C. WELBOEN, B. S., M.S., M.P.A. Cth, rvi +329 PP- Nake appendix, glossary, index, 12mo, $.75 net. arming as eo: in the Gulf States, rrom the Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. Re-issues of the highly The Principles of Fruit Growing. a, A valued Hand-Books known iom, #1 rais e by wel BP: 66. as the Garden Craft and Rural Science Series, edited by L. H. BAILEY, of Cor- | Se aes The Macmillan Company Irrigation and Drainage. B oes x Fifth Édition, ($1.50 os bad mail $1.68. Principles. of Vegetable Gardening. By L. H. B Sixt th Edition, $1.60 net, "by mail $1.68. Bush Fruits. By Frep W. Carp. A Fourth Edition, $1.60 net, by mail $1.66. Fertilizers. By EDWARD B. VOORHEES. : os Tenth Edition, $1.26 net, by mail $1.88 arm Poultry. By Gro. C. Watson, ; Sixth Edition, $1:25 net, by mail $1.42 64-66 Sth AVe New York THE : AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLII December, 1908 No. 504 SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIUM RAYS! PROFESSOR CHARLES STUART GAGER New York BOTANICAL GARDEN Ir is probable that no scientific discovery, since the publication of Darwin’s ‘‘Origin,’’ has so revolutionized our conceptions of natural phenomena as has the discov- ery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel, and of radium, by M. and Mme. Curie and Bémont. In the light of these epoch-making discoveries we have completely revised our concepts of the nature of matter and of electricity. The atom, the ‘‘undivided,’’ has been shattered into fragments, and a large percentage of the investigations in the realm of physics and chemistry now have to do with atomic disintegration and the behavior of the re- sulting products. It was Rutherford and Soddy who first proposed the hypothesis that radioactivity is a manifestation of the disintegration of atoms, and this hypothesis, chiefly through the investigations of Rutherford, has already assumed the rank of a theory. It would be superfluous to enter here into a detailed account of the nature of radioactivity, as understood at present. Suffice it to say that the theory elaborated by 1 The investigations embodied in this paper are treated more fully in the author’s memoir on ‘‘Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants’’ (Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, 4. Sept., 1908). It has not been thought desirable to enter into a discussion here of previous researches on the subject, since the literature is fully treated in the memoir. It is a pleasure again to express my indebtedness to Mr. Hugo Lieber, of Lieber & Co., New York City, whose great liberality in supplying all the radium made the investi- gation possible. : 761 762 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII Rutherford involves a conception of the atom as a body composed of intricately related units. These units pos- sess relatively enormous amounts of kinetic energy, and are in rapid orbital motion within the atom. In some substances of high atomic weight, such as uranium, polo- nium and radium, these units spontaneously escape from the atom and fly off into space. Such substances are called radioactive, and the emission of these units is radioactivity. The particles themselves are called ions. They are of at least two kinds; one, called the £ particles, very small (about one one-thousandth the size of a hydrogen atom), bearing a charge of negative electricity, and moving with a velocity approaching that of light; the other called a particles, about twice the size of a hydrogen atom, bear- ing a positive electrical charge, and moving at a much lower velocity than the £ particles. The £ particles or negative ions are called electrons. Streams of negative electrons constitute the so-called B rays; streams of positive ions the a rays. Both a and ß particles move with velocities that vary between cer- tain limits and so the respective rays are complex. In addition to the giving off of a and £ rays, radioac- tivity involves the emission of electro-magnetic pulses in the ether. These are analogous to very penetrating X rays, and are called y rays.? The enormous velocity of the £ particles, combined with their inconceivably small size, renders them very pene- trating. They pass readily through matter opaque to light, moving between the molecules, or even passing directly through the latter, being smaller than the spaces by which the atoms are separated within the molecule. In their passage through substances they may collide with and so dislodge other electrons, thus producing ionization. The a particles, owing to their larger size * Jean Becquerel (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 146: 1308. 22 Je 1908, 147: 121. 13 Jl, 1908) reports the experimental demonstration of the exist- ence of free positive electrons, but whether such electrons are involved in radioactivity has not been determined. No. 504] PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIUM RAYS 763 ` and lower velocity, are less penetrating than the £ par- ticles, but are much more effective ionizers. The y rays belinve as X rays. In addition to the three types of rays above described, radioactive substances are the source of a heavy, inert gas, belonging to the argon family. This gas, named by ` Rutherford the emanation,’ is itself radioactive, giving off only a rays. Studies of the physiological effects of radium, there- fore, must take into consideration the three types of rays, desdribed above, and also the radioactive gas, the emana- tion. In the experiments recorded below, the radium, in the form of radium bromide, was contained in Sealed glass tubes, or employed as a thin coating on a suitable surface. In the former case only X and y rays were available, as the a rays and the emanation can not pass through the walls of the tubes. In the latter case the a rays together with the emanation were also available. The effects of radium upon plants have been investi- gated by Dixon and Wigham* in Great Britain, by Koer- nicke® in Germany, by Guilleminot® in France, and by several others. Without going into the details of their work it may be stated that the general conclusion from their experiments is that the rays exert either a retard- ing or an inhibiting effect on physiological processes. Koernicke, however, found some evidence that accelera- tion of activity might follow exposure to the rays under suitable conditions. My own investigations have led to the conviction, al- ready reported,’ that radium rays act as a stimulus to ®The use of the plural ‘‘emanations’’ to designate all the rays and influences coming from radium, has been somewhat common in biological papers. It has no warrant, is only confusing, and should be abandoned. * Nature, 69: 81. 1903. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. Sci., N. B., 10°: 178. 1904. Notes Bot. School, Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1: 225. 5 Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 22: 148, 155. 1904; 23: 324, 404. 1905. “Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 145: 711. 1907; Compt. Rend. Assoc. Française Adv. Sci., 36': 389. 1907; 36: 1344. 1908; Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 145: 798. 1907. 7* on a. As a 0 9:30 . 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 Time Fio. 11. ditions of exposure, the rays would retard or completely inhibit respiration. In order to test the influence of the rays on alcoholic fer- mentation, mixtures of commercial yeast in ferementation tubes were exposed to the rays. A piece of compressed yeast weighing 1 gm. was thoroughly mixed in 100 c.c. of tap-water, and equal portions of this mixture were placed in fermentation tubes. Into these tubes were placed sealed glass tubes containing radium bromide of activities 7,000, 10,000 and 1,500,000. A fourth fermen- tation tube with no radium served as a control. The rate of fermentation was measured by the rate of evolution of the gas. The results of all experiments indicated a decided acceleration of fermentation under the influence of the rays, and, as the curves in Fig. 12 clearly show, the amount of acceleration is in direct proportion to the ac- tivity of the radium. No reference has yet been made of the fact that radio- activity is a factor in the normal environment of plants. No. 504] PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIUM RAYS 773 I have elsewhere!* noted this, and have presented’* a mass of evidence from the realm of physical science indi- cating the general distribution of radioactivity. It exists in air and soil, in spring-water, and in freshly fallen rain and snow. Potassium, one of the essential elements of = Experiment 87. i ; : 2 se Alcoholic fermentation. EA PE E 3 ee Temp, 0s 20| ba TE x ee att O L_— 30° ee aE idee: ne 12 FoR EE ne OP ee < ane i i- PER N por esosdeceeseoorodee 4 aves 7,909 euesedqeooorrrer ted Ol. 12 Time of day Fig. 12. Acceleration of alcoholic fermentation by radium rays. plant food, has been found by Campbell to give off £ rays,!> and some evidence has also been found that calcium possesses the same property. The researches of many investigators have clearly demonstrated the gen- eral occurrence in nature of free negative electrons. These discoveries not only add to the interest and im- portance of the study of the physiological rôle of radium rays, but also point out the way for further investigation. An arrangement devised by Mr. Hugo Lieber facili- tated the study of the effect of a radioactive atmosphere on germination and growth. The apparatus is clearly shown in Fig. 13, and needs little further explanation, except to say that the hollow cylinder, R, has its inner surface coated with a Lieber’s radium coating. The bell-jars fit tightly on to the ground glass plates, and a eurrent of air is kept passing through the jars by attach- ing the tubing from the lower tubulure to an exhaust pump. ‘The air passing through the radium-lined cyl- inder carried with it the emanation given off by the 13 Science, N. S., 25: 263. 1907. u Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden, 4: Chap. II. 1908. 15 Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 14: 211. 1907. Nature, 76: 166. 1907. 774 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII radium, and thus the plants were subjected chiefly to the influence of a rays. In the experiment here described, dry seeds of timothy grass were sown on the surface of the soil in two pots Fie. 13. Apparatus for growing seedlings in a radioactive atmosphere. Cf. Fig. 14. and placed, one under each of the bell-jars. After five days, during which a continuous current of air was de- No. 504] PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIUM RAYS 775 livered over the cultures, the seeds were found to have germinated and grown uniformly under the control jar, but, in the culture exposed to the emanation, the seeds immediately under the funnel through which the emana- tion was delivered had entirely failed to germinate. The other seedlings of this culture were only very slightly less vigorous than those of the control (Fig. 14). ae i ai" Fie. 14. Result of growing timothy grass in a radioactive atmosphere as shown in Fig. 13, R, exposed cultures; C, control. To further investigate the effects of this radioactive air, five germinated seeds of L. albus with radicles over 10 mm. long were marked with India ink 10 mm. back from the root-tip. These seedlings were then suspended vertically, five under each bell-jar. The air, normal in one jar, radioactive in the other, was forced into the bell- jars by means of a rubber bulb, the blasts being given at irregular intervals of from two to twenty-four hours. At the end of the first twenty-four hours the average length of the exposed radicles was 19.00 mm., and of the control only 12.10 mm. At the end of the second twenty-four hours the average lengths were, for those exposed 23.30 mm., for those unexposed, 12.70 mm. The curves of ain for this experiment are given in Fig. 15, showing the acceleration in rate of growth under the conditions imposed. 776 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII The growth of roots was retarded in water exposed for twenty-four hours to the rays. The experiment was made as follows: Into 100 cc. of tap-water, in which sealed glass tubes of radium bromide had lain for twenty- 30 Pi -_ - prio — en ot a 20 ad Q S 10 “A 7 7 7. Experiment 0 0. Z, 0 10 11 12 Days Fic. 15. Acceleration of growth of roots of Lupinus albus in a radioactive atmosphere. four hours, the radicles of four germinated lupines were suspended up to an ink mark, placed 10 mm. back from the root-tip. Three cultures were arranged: A, with radium of 1,800,000 activity; B, with radium of 1,500,000 activity ; and C, with no radium, serving as a control. At the end of five days the average lengths of the hypocotyls were, for A, 79.62 mm.; for B, 85.50 mm.; for C, 117.75 mm. The result, then, was a retardation of growth, in direct proportion to the degree of activity of the radium to which the water was exposed (Fig. 16). Following up the suggestion in the discovery that freshly fallen rain is radioactive, several experiments were made with a view of ascertaining the effect of this radioactivity on plant growth. Rain-water was caught in the open, in chemically clean glass dishes, after about four hours of rain, so that the air was well washed. This water was kept carefully covered, for one month, when an- other opportunity presented itself of collecting another lot of rain under similar favorable circumstances. The No. 504] PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIUM RAYS 777 experiment was set up immediately after the last collec- tion, using radicles of Lupinus albus, immersed to a measured length of 5 mm. in both the fresh and the stale water. Two parallel experiments, A and B, were run, 120 Millimeters 110 | | 100 Experiment 5 “ Effect on growth of water wd 70 exposed to radium rays. oe 80 Tee ii sf A ae = 2 TAE ; . . pe 60 50 40 30 20 Oe s 10 r 0 os 5 6 7 § m. 10 ea A month each with a ‘“‘fresh” and a ‘‘stale’’ culture. At the end of 48 hours the lengths of the radicles averaged, for set A, 23.50 mm. fresh; 27.50 mm. stale: for set B, 22.38 mm. fresh; 27.00 mm. stale. The curves of growth are shown in Fig. 17. The experiments of which this is a type indi- cate that, as a result of its radioactivity, freshly fallen rain water tends to retard the growth of roots. We have as yet no data on the effect of this factor on the activities of the shoot. Profound histological changes follow exposure to the rays. These effects are due chiefly to a disturbance of the normal functioning of the cambium, and are in har- mony with results of experiments on animals, in which it has been shown that embryonic tissue is more sensitive 778 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII than any other. After an exposure of seeds under cer- tain conditions, the cambium is frequently entirely lack- ing, all of the cells in the given organ having passed over into the mature state. The treatment appears to ac- celerate the approach of senescence. 24 ; : cS L - ; fi yor | & KiS A : L ner cee A oo" , gwt ; : EA oh 8 gate a : 2a i 4 0 : 0 10 20 30 J | Hours Fic. 17. Retardation of growth of roots of Lupinus albus by freshly fallen rain water. Cf. Fig. 16. Exposure to the rays also induces marked irregu- larities in mitosis. This is shown, among other ways, by the failure of some of the chromosomes to take part in the organization of the daughter nuclei. Usually such chromosomes organize smaller, nuclear-like structures within the daughter-cells. In one instance they were ob- served to be undergoing an independent karyokinesis at one side of the main mitotic figure. Interesting possi- bilities are here suggested, along the line of experimental mutation. Experiments like those described in this paper have been many times repeated with confirmatory results, and seem amply to justify the general conclusion, earlier stated, that radium rays are a stimulus to plant activities. The reaction to a stimulus between the minimum and optimum points is an excitation, or acceleration of the given process; the reaction to an over (superoptimal) stimulus is a depression, or retardation of function, and, if the stimulus is sufficiently intense, complete inhibition or ultimate death. ON THE ORIGIN OF STRUCTURES IN PLANTS W. A. CANNON Desert BOTANICAL LABORATORY Te systems of organs of which a higher plant more especially is composed generally hold an intimate phys- ical relation to one another. They are bound together so intimately by reason of their position in root or shoot that the growth, development or response to stimulus of one is in a very great measure molded by the growth, development or reaction of all the rest. In addition to these considerations, when the origin of tissues or of or- gans is being investigated, account must also be taken of the nutrition of the special organ as well as its especial relation to environment external to the plant of which it is an integral part. Thus the complex physical interrela- tions, and the physiological correlations as well, make the study of the functions, and behavior of the individual tissue, or organ, as a possible independent unit one of great difficulty. These general facts probably hold for plant tissues as a whole, but one system, namely, the trichomal system, offers a favorable field in which to study the origin, development and biological relation- ships of plant organs, inasmuch as it is comparatively little affected by other tissue systems. Beyond growing out of epidermal cells, remaining permanently attached to the epidermis, and deriving nourishment from the sub- jacent cells, the trichomes lead an independent existence, and in origin, development and form are not directly in- fluenced, as the other tissues are affected, by the pressure of enveloping tissues, and in certain plants, as Franseria dumosa, the trichomes go one step further on the road to independence, in that they are chlorophyll-bearing and in a sense probably auto-trophic. For these and other 779 780 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII reasons the trichomes are favorable for the study of the origin of plant structures, as I recently found while work- ing on certain hybrids, a detailed account of the results of which will be given in another place. The walnuts, to which reference is made, bear 4 or 5 types of multicellular hairs, besides certain abnormal and one aberrant type. These are composed of 6, or 8 cells, or about 16 or about 32 cells. A close study of the de- velopment of the trichomes, in which mitotic figures were used as indicators of the course of cell division, showed the following to be facts: (1) In the earliest stages of development of all of the normal trichomes, the sequence of the first two, or three cell divisions was the same; (2), the sequence of cell divisions of the 6-celled and the 8-celled trichomes, during the entire development, is consistent; (3), the 8-celled trichome recapitulates faith- fully the sequence of cell divisions of the 6-celled type up to the six-celled stage, and then adds two divisions in an order not departed from. Certain facts indicated that the late cell divisions of the two larger forms of trichomes, namely, those with about 16 and about 32 cells, do not hold to a sequence so closely, but further study of these difficult trichomes might modify this conclusion. These facts indicate that all of the multicellular trichomes may have originated in a common ancestral form and that by ` ve ‘4 aes pusa ‘ ‘ aoe ee Fic. 1. Semi-diagrammatic sketches of 6- and 8-celled trichomes to show the Cell Lineage of each. The numbers refer to the sequence of the formation of 1 No. 504] ORIGIN OF STRUCTURES IN PLANTS 781 arrested development, or other differentiation, the various types of trichomes now to be found in Juglan’s species . have arisen. Certain of the trichomes are evidently more closely related to one another than to other types, and thus the trichomes are not all of equal age, but have been derived from an ancestral form at various times in the history of the plants which bear them. It is very prob- able, for instance, that the 6-celled type is more nearly re- lated to the 8-celled type of trichome, than it is to either of the larger forms, but it would be difficult to say which represents the more ancient type. In development, and probably in origin, the types of trichomes thus behave as if they were separate organisms, or independent units of a complex organism. This is not the same as saying that each type of trichome is a ‘‘ unit character,’’ al- though certain observations which I have made on the dis- tribution of trichomes in another plant, as well as the re- version of the trichomes in the second generation of Juglans californica X Juglans regia would justify this conclusion. Should it be the experience of other observers also that each type of trichome has its peculiar area of distribution in a plant, the conclusion that each form of trichome represents a separate unit character could not be avoided, and from such structural studies as above re- ported we should be able to trace their very origin as separate portions of the tissue of the plant. In addition to the normal types of hairs in walnuts, as given above, there are also other types. Of such, there are certain abnormal forms which are evidently related to the already existing trichomes, of which they are slight modifications, and one aberrant type which is essentially different from these. The origin of the aberrant form was seen also, and was found to be as different from the mode of origin of the normal trichomes as the mature aberrant type is different from the mature normal form. In brief, its departure from the normal takes inception in the orientation of the first cell wall, which is longitudinal in place of being transverse as is usually the case (Fig. 782 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII 2). Consequently it happens from this single initial de- viation, there arises a form of trichome, unrelated to other existing types, and, consequently, of which it can in no wise be said to be a modification. In fact the new hair is a mutation, and its history shows in at least one way how such variation has its origin. In this instance there is no disappearance of intermediate forms of tri- chomes, since for structural reasons there can not be such. E ao Fic. 2. Mature aberrant Trichome and two-celled aberrant Trichome, in which the first cell wall is laid down parallel to the long axis of the mature hair. We therefore find in Juglans that the different types of multicellular trichomes may take their origin in one of two ways, namely, they may arise as modifications of types already existing in the plant, which is apparently the usual manner, or they may arise suddenly and hence provide points of departure for subsequent trichome formation and differentiation of which they would be the ancestral type. The physiological reasons for the differentiation of the trichomes were not investigated, but observations indi- cate a close relation between size of hair and the position occupied by it on the plant member, and suggest that the factor of nutrition may be important in inducing certain, at least, of the irregularities noted. THE ORIGIN AND FORMATION OF THE FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS? BRAXTON H. GUILBEAU CORNELL UNIVERSITY Durine the summer months one observes upon trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses, numerous masses of froth- like material, which resemble large drops of spittle. An examination of a frothy mass soon discloses the presence of a small insect, greenish, brownish, or whitish in color, depending upon the species under observation. This is the immature nymphal stage of an insect belonging to the homopterous family Cercopide. So far as it is known, all the members of this family surround them- selves with such a secretion, in which they spend their nymphal life. I have had under observation three species, Aphrophora parallela Say, Lepyronia quad- rangularis Say, and Clastoptera proteus Fitch. Each of the species studied in this locality makes a characteristic froth, as may be easily recognized by a little study. While there is much which has been written upon the production of froth by the insects of this group, the opin- ions of the many writers are-very much at variance. This is especially true regarding the more recent literature on the subject. For this reason it seemed desirable to un- dertake a detailed study of this subject and to determine what organ or organs were concerned in the production of this secretion. This study consisted not only of field observations and laboratory experiments, but of a de- tailed study of the histological structures concerned. This work was carried on in the Entomological Labo- ratory of Cornell University, and to its director, Pro- fessor J. H. Comstock, I am indebted for many courtesies. The problem was suggested by Dr. W. A. Riley, and to him I am indebted for constant aid and advice. 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory of Cornell University. 783 784 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII HISTORICAL Gruner (1901) has given a very extended and excellent historical account of the work of individual writers on these insects. It is intended here merely to group the views held by the various writers, at the same time adding the opinions held by writers since the appearance of Gruner’s paper. As far as the writer has been able to determine from original sources, there are seven theories which have been advanced in explanation of the production of the froth. This does not take into account the belief of the southern negroes, who claim that the frothy masses are caused by horseflies, neither does it take into consideration the opin- ion formerly held by many, that it is the product of the stars, nor the view that it exudes from the ground. Isidorus, who lived in the sixth century, is cited by Gruner as the first to write on this subject. He believed that the froth was the spittle of the cuckoo bird, and that from this secretion the cercopid spontaneously generated. Mouffet (1634) and other writers came to the same con- clusion respecting the origin of the spittle and insect. Aldrovandi (1610), in his Ornithologia, strongly denies this assertion, but fails to enlighten the reader as to the true solution of the problem. According to Gruner’s account, Bock (1546) appar- ently believed that the froth was the product of plants and he gave a list of the plants producing it. John Ray (1710) states that the spittle mass was caused by the insect found within the mass, and believed that it was expelled from the animal’s beak. He was upheld in this view even in recent times by as prominent an authority as Uhler (1884). Fabre (1900) states that a clear fluid comes out of the beak and that to this fluid the insect injects air bubbles by grasping air with the last pair of lateral prolongations of the ninth abdominal segments. _ Blankaart (1688) believed that the froth came out of the anal opening of the insect. In this view he is supported No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 785 by Poupart (1705), Frisch (1720), Geoffroy (1764), De- Geer (1773) and others. Morse (1900) modified this view somewhat in that he gives as his opinion that what comes out of the anus is a ‘‘ clear somewhat viscid fluid ”’ and that by means of appendages at the extreme tip of its abdomen the insect secured a moiety of air by grasping it, so to speak, and then instantly releasing it as a bubble into the fluid. Gruner (1900 and 1901) states that the fluid is exuded from the anus and passes under the body, flowing into a pocket-like space where it becomes im- pregnated with air which comes out of the stigmata located in the pocket. Porta (1900 and 1901) believed that there were open- ings on the dorsum of Aphrophora which were connected with oval glands little distinct from the hypodermis. - He describes them as arranged at the base of the excretory canal in numbers of five, six or even fewer, indistinctly separated from one another. To these glands he ascribed the function of producing the fluid. He also states that the bubbles are blown into the fluid by the method de- seribed by Morse. Girault (1904) states that ‘‘ during the process of se- cretion the fluid flows slowly from a point near the anal opening, and gathers between the legs, where, by their alternate agitation, it becomes mechanically mixed with air and forms cushions of air bubbles,’’ and he further states ‘‘that the air is taken in at each up and down mo- tion of the abdomen and that during this dipping proc- ess the ventral plates are in transverse motion like jaws, and that it is probable that the secretory glands are be- tween them.’’ From this we should infer that he thought that it came from special secretory glands and not from the anus. Berlese (1907) believes that the froth is secreted by glands found upon the seventh and eighth abdominal segments, previously described by Batelli (1891). In the following it is proposed to discuss the evidences bearing upon each of the current views presented above 786 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII and give in details the observations made to clear up the confusion. METHODS The methods used in the biological observations are given in the body of the text. I refer here only to those used for the examination of the histological structures. In preparing the tissues of the spittle insects for his- tological examination various methods of fixing, killing and staining were used. The best results were obtained by killing in hot water and then transferring immediately into Fleming’s strong solution for twenty-four hours. Tissues killed directly in hot Fleming’s fluid, while giving satisfactory differentiation of organs like the testes, in- testine and fat cells, gave poor results with the glands. Very good results were obtained by killing in hot Gilson’s fluid. Good serial sections of the nymphs were obtained by infiltrating in paraffine 54° C., while adults imbedded in 62° C. paraffine gave better sections. Sections were cut from three to ten microns. Staining was done on the slide with iron hematoxylin or Delafield’s. Whenever the latter was used the tissues were counter-stained in eosin. In order to get satisfactory preparations of the glands in surface view the tissues were killed in hot Gilson’s fluid and allowed to stand for one half hour after having been opened and the fat carefully removed. After wash- ing in seventy per cent. alcohol and a few drops tincture of iodine, the specimens were stained in borax carmine for a few minutes, dehydrated, cleared and mounted in bal- sam. Great care must be observed in teasing the fat away from the glandular region, otherwise the cells will be disarranged. PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS UPON THE PRODUCTION OF THE FroTH I first studied the gross features of the froth formation in several specimens. A large specimen of Aphrophora No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 787 parallela was taken from the frothy mass and by means of a camel’s hair brush was thoroughly freed from every particle of froth. The specimen was then placed upon a dry twig. It soon inserted its beak in the plant and gradually increased in size. It projected the tip of its abdomen extensively and then retracted it. This opera- tion it repeated several times. Suddenly a small drop of a clear liquid appeared at the very tip of the abdomen, coming distinctly out of the anal opening. Observations made with a hand lens upon other parts of the body, es- pecially in the region of the dorsum, failed to show any fluid whatever. The small drop was soon joined by an- other, and these in turn were followed by many others, the whole mass of fluid passing down on the ventral side of the body along the channel formed by the sternites and the prolongations of the pleurites (Figs. 1 and 6). Again, the fluid was noticed to be fairly oozing out of the anal opening. After a quantity had accumulated about the body of the insect, it was noticed that the last pair of legs, sometimes also the second pair, would reach out to the region of the seventh and eighth abdominal segments, then rub against the body and against one an- other as if in the process of mixing substances. After the fluid had been well mixed and the surface had been covered by it, it was next observed that the nymph moved the tip of the abdomen out of the liquid, opening up the pair of lateral appendages of the ninth abdominal somite, which immediately closed again. Then with a downward movement these parts were immersed in the liquid and the appendages, upon being opened, released a particle of air in the fluid. This operation was repeated many times, with the result that the insect was soon covered with air bubbles, which gave the ch teristic covering a froth-like appearance. It was noticed that by changing the size of the air-grasping pocket, the insect is able to make bubbles of any size. For that reason, the bubbles in the smaller forms are always very much smaller than those of the larger spittle insects. It is partly this feature iii. aaa THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII which determines the above-noted cl teristic appear- ance of the froth of the different species. The insect does not always wait until the body is completely covered with fiuid before injecting the air into it. In order to make sure that the larger portion of the fluid came only from the anus, the latter was closed by a plug of lens paper, which being capped with balsam, and then allowed to dry for a few moments, closed the anal opening perfectly. The insect, upon being placed on a twig, after locating a satisfactory place, soon pierced the plant with its beak and began feeding. It rapidly increased in size and became much distended and swollen. Although observed for over three hours not a single drop of fluid came out. In a specimen whose anal opening had not been carefully sealed a drop of liquid succeeded in coming out of the tip of the abdomen, on the side of the filter plug. Thus it was demonstrated, as any one who desires to repeat the operation may, that at least one of the constituents of the froth is emitted from the anal opening, and that the views of Mouffet, Porta, Berlese and Girault are not correct, for according to their inter- pretations the closing of the anus would not interfere with the production of the froth. HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE STRUCTURES OF THE GLANDS oF BATELLI While it is seen that the greater portion of the liquid from which the froth is produced is derived from the anus, there arises the question whether there are not other or- gans, the secretion of which may take a prominent part in the formation of the spittle. In the pleural region of the seventh and eighth abdom- inal somites very large hypodermal glands are located. To the naked eye these glands are not easily discernible upon the nymph, their positions being detected only if there happens to be a large supply of their secretion. Under the hand lens when the abdomen is extended, there are to be noticed whitish patches, even when the secretion No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS ` 17189 has been completely removed. These, which lie in about the mid-pleural region, are somewhat pulvinate in shape, but by no means regular in outline. As to the location of these glands there seems to be some difference of opinion. Batelli (1901) describes them as being located on the last two abdominal segments. Misinterpreting Wheeler’s (1889) account of the adeno- podia of the first abdominal segment in embryos of Nepa and Cicada, he erroneously homologizes these glands of Aphrophora with such structures, but rejects Wheeler’s view that they are homologous with abdominal append- ages. Porta (1900) and Gruner (1901) believed that these glands are situated on the seventh and eighth abdominal segments, while recently Berlese (1907) gave as his opinion that they were located on the eighth and ninth abdominal somites. I am of the opinion that Porta is correct, for there is no evidence that the first abdominal segment has been suppressed and they are clearly on the existing seventh and eighth abdominal somites (Fig. 2). Morever, this would harmonize more fully with Ber- Fig. 1. Ventral View of full- Fic. 2. Dorsal View of younger grown Nymph of L. quadrangu- Nymph of L. quadrangularis, x 40. laris, x40. Pl, pleural prolonga- 1-11, tergites ; Sc, secretion. ons; Se, secretion of the glands of Batelli; g, groove. 790 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII lese’s own labeling of the segments in the abdomen of Cicada plebeia (Gli Insetti, Fig. 297, page 263). An examination of the cuticle in the region: of the seventh abdominal gland under the 3 mm. objective of the compound microscope shows that it is free from hairs, which are more or less abundant in other regions of the body. Under the one-sixteenth-inch oil immersion ob- jective one is able to readily discern numerous minute pores (Fig. 3), giving it the appearance of very fine in- grained leather. These pores are more or less regularly distributed over the surface, equally distant from one another, and of equal size pea the region. Sim- Fig. 3. Surface View of Fic. 4. Surface View of the Epithelium the cuticular Pores overly- of the Glands of Batelli, x 250. ing the Glands of Batelli. ilar pores were found on the eighth abdominal pleura. The most diligent search failed to reveal any such struc- tures in any other region of the body. As I shall em- phasize later, these are the openings of true cuticular pores through which the secretions of the underlying glands emerge to the surface. Specimens of the spittle nymphs were opened and the underlying fat carefully removed. Although it is difficult to separate the fat from this region without destruction of the glands, enough was removed so as to present a satisfactory area for study. The cells (Fig. 4) in good preparations were clearly defined, mostly hexagonal (occasionally pentagonal), though somewhat irregular from mutual pressure. They lie in close apposition ‘to one another. The nuclei are large, round or oval, and in surface view appear situated in the center of the cell. No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 791 They are granular and occupy a large portion of the cell. The protoplasm in the region of the nuclei is highly gran- ular and is readily stained. In the periphery of the cell it is not stained as readily, appearing somewhat hyaline. In some of the preparations made with specimens which had been killed in alcohol there were a number of inter- cellular spaces, while in the preparation of the glands which had been fixed immediately after removal of the fatty tissues such appearance was lacking, except in places where it was obviously due to mechanical cause. Arnhart (1906) gives a photomicrograph of a surface view of the wax-glands of bees, and explains these open- ings as tracheal in nature. Their presence is, in my opinion, due solely to faulty preparations rather than to the presence of any special tracheal ramifications. In general appearance the cells in surface view are very similar to those of the wax-glands of the honey-bee. A comparison with the excellent figures of Dreyling (1905) serves to bring this out clearly. In longitudinal sections of A. parallela and Lepyronia quadrangularis the hypodermal cells of this region are greatly enlarged (Fig. 5), and strikingly resemble those Ss Sa 2 easy 3> ET RESNE LET PAN E SEDA SS —— ee ee AN Fic. 5. Frontal Section of the Glands of Batelli in the Nymph of Lepyronia quadrangularis, x125. Gl, glandular epithelium; hy, ordinary hypodermis of the body-wall; sp, spaces. of the wax-gland of the bees. Each gland has the appear- ance of a curved band or bow, the central portion of which is thick, while it gradually tapers towards the ends. The same thing is noticed in the cross section (Fig. 6). This appearance is due to the general decrease in height of the 792 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII individual cells from the center to the periphery of the glandular mass. The cells in the main body are sharply defined, being separated from one another by distinct lines of demarcation. Near the margin of the gland it is not so easy, however, to define the contour of the indi- vidual cells, these passing gradually into the regular type EE g Fic. 6. Cross section of the seventh Abdominal Segment showing the Glands of Batelli, x110. Sg, sternal groove; pp, pleural prolongations. of hypodermal cells. In this type the nuclei are smaller and the cell outlines are not discernible. In sections of the gland the cells are not uniform in width, due to the fact that the sections pass in the center of some and in the sides of others. The glands of the two segments are about equal in size. In sections that pass through the long axis they are 292 microns in Lepyronia quadrangu- laris, and in A. parallela they are 465 microns. Most of the sections which the writer has made show clear spaces (sp., Fig. 5) between the individual cells. These spaces vary in their appearance in different preparations, and evidently represent artifacts due to faulty fixation, rather, than the normal appearance of the cells. In the middle of the glands the cells are high, cylin- drical or cubical. On the margin they are low. In the last instar of the nymphs of A. parallela they are 30 microns in en and 18 microns in width in the center No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 793 of the gland, while in the margin the measurements are approximately 16 by 14 microns. The nuclei are round or oval and: are situated in the lower margin of the cell. They are very granular and stain deeply. They are about 8 by 6 microns in dimensions. The protoplasm is highly granular, much more so in the region of the nuclei and in the margin underneath the chitin. The cuticula over the gland is about 8 microns thick, while that of the adjacent body wall is 12 microns. If one makes satisfactory sections through the glands of these insects it is very easy to see extremely minute openings in the overlying cuticula leading from the glands to the surface. These outer openings correspond to those described above. For each canal there is a pore. Their distribution over the gland is regular. They are unbranched, perpendicular to the surface of the cells and about equally distant from one another (Fig. 7). As has nit i rani ia UT X Fie. 7. Enlarged Portion of the Gland of Batelli, showing the cuticular canals, x 275. Cu, cuticula; c, canals. been stated, similar pores do not occur in other regions of the body wall. Berlese (1907) and many other writers hold the opinion that true pores are never present in the chitin, and that substances are not conducted through the chitin by any such arrangement. Dreyling (1905), in a paper already referred to, figures and describes canals in the chitin overlying the wax cells of the social bees, and ascribes to these the function of conveying wax to the outer surface. Many writers agree with Dreyling in this view. My studies of the cuticula in the spittle insect convinces me that such true pores are present and they do serve as conduits in carrying the secretions of the underlying glands to the surface. It was noticed on several occasions that in specimens dropped in hot Flem- 794 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII ing’s fluid the region of the glands was always im- mediately darkened, while the other parts were not so affected. This was evidently due to a more rapid pene- tration of the fluid at the point, or the staining of the secretion within the pores. The above-described glands are also present in the imago, but in this stage they are very greatly reduced in << h Fic. 8. Gland of Batelli in adult Insect, x 200. G, gland; h, ordinary hypodermis. high cylindrical condition of the cells noted in the nymphal stage is absent, and the sharply defined cell divisions are not present. The protoplasm is scanty and not so granular as in the nymphal stage. Many of the cells show signs of breaking down. Scattered through- out the glandular mass one finds many irregularly shaped bodies which are stained of a pinkish color by the eosin. No spaces were noticed between the individual cells. The nuclei are round and oval and of about the same size noted for the nymph. They show signs of breaking down, in fact some of them are surrounded by clear space, and many had a shrunken appearance. Function oF THE GLANDS oF BaTELLI Morse (1900) states that ‘‘On the sides of the seventh and eighth abdominal segments may be clearly seen leaf- like appendages, which are possibly branchial in nature.’’ These he figures and describes as ‘‘extremely tenuous and having the appearance of clusters of filaments, slightly adhering together and forming lamellate appendages similar to the gill-like appendages seen in the early stages of Potamanthus,’’ though he admits they do not have the definiteness of these structures. Specimens he placed in No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 195 water lived for some time and he concludes that the above- referred to structures have a respiratory function. These so-called branchial tufts of Morse (sc., Figs. 1 and 2) are nothing more nor less than the plates of secretion from the glands described above. This secretion is not fila- mentous, but appears rather very granular. It is very easy to remove these flakes of wax by means of camel’s hair brush from the segments to which they adhere but slightly. The secretion is not soluble in alcohol and swells up after being allowed to stand in water for some time. It has a very striking superficial resemblance to beeswax. The resemblance of these glands to the wax-glands of the honey bee, in the shape of the cells and in the location and appearance of the nuclei is very striking. This fact has already been pointed out by Batelli (1891), Gruner — (1901) and others, who also find much in common with > the cells of the wax-glands of coccids and other Hemip- tera. Gruner (1901) thought that the waa served to line the ‘‘pocket’’ already mentioned so as to enable the air to penetrate it the better, and prevent the inflow of the fluid while the bubbles of air were being blown into the fluid. Porta (1900) accepting Morse’s curious error regarding the presence of branchie, considered this thick- ened epithelium as a supporting structure for these sup- posed gills. Carrying further Batelli’s misinterpreta- tion of Wheeler’s work, he regarded these ‘‘supporting structures’? as homologous with the abdominal append- ages of the embryos of Nepa and Cicada. I am convinced that these glands secrete a mucil- aginous substance which is utilized by the insect in the production of the spittle. Mixed thoroughly with the anal secretions it serves to render this viscid and thus to hold the air bubbles blown into it.. This view is based upon the following experiments. The region of the seventh and eighth abdominal seg- ments of several specimens of the nymph was carefully 796 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII seared by means of a heated needle. These specimens were then placed on a plant and, although badly treated by the operation, soon found suitable places and began to suck up the juices, and as usual became enlarged. In the majority of cases each nymph began to emit drops of fluid from the anal opening. Although during the emis- sion of this fluid the caudal segments of the abdomen were extended and retracted as in the normal specimen, in no case were bubbles formed within the secretion. This was true even after twelve to fourteen hours. In order to test whether this was due to the lack of some constit- uent normally secreted by the injured glands, air was blown into the fluid through a finely pointed tube; in- stead of being retained, none of the air balls aia nod in the fluid more than five to ten seconds. On the other hand, bubbles blown into the secretion of unseared speci- mens held in it for a very long time. This experiment was repeated many times over and always with the same result. ` OTHER SUPPOSED SOURCES OF THE SECRETION Besides these glands, other structures have been men- tioned as participating in the formation of the froth, and in order to determine what part they played in it they were given careful consideration. Berlese (1907) regards the glands of Batelli as the sole source of the secretion. This, my observations, con- firming in part those of Morse and others, have shown conclusively to be incorrect. While I hold that the above- mentioned glands contribute an important element to the spittle, there is not the slightest question but that the fluid portion is emitted from the anal opening. We have seen that Porta (1900) considered the secre- tion as formed primarily by glands scattered among the hypodermal cells of the abdomen and opening to the surface through prominent canals, and that these were especially abundant in the region of the stigmata. All ome could be noticed were the openings of trichopores. No. 504] ORIGIN OF FROTH IN SPITTLE-INSECTS 197 A study of longitudinal and cross sections failed to show any such glands as described and figured by Porta. There are to be found the prominent oenocytes which are more numerous in the ventral surface of the animal. Berlese (1907) dismisses this view by stating that it is these oenocytes which Porta has mistaken for spittle glands. While this is doubtless in part true, I believe, as near as can be judged by the imperfect illustrations, that Porta was also misled by oblique sections through the body wall. Porta (1900) mentions an oval gland which he says is situated in the fourth somite near the intestine, which he further states is ductless and has no connection what- ever with the intestine or any other organ. He thinks that it may be concerned in the formation of the spittle, though he gives no tangible reason in support of this view. After careful study of a number of series of sec- tions I failed to find any such independent gland and I am convinced that he in reality had under observation one of the cephalic glands and that of course it has no relation to the spittle secretion. This same writer describes other glands hich he con- siders are concerned indirectly in the production of the spittle. These he describes as being situated in the latero-ventral region of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth abdominal segments. He states that there are four pairs of these glandular masses, and in these ramify numer- ous tracheæ. He was unable to find any external openings to these glands and did not notice their connections with any other organs. The fact is that they are accessory reproductive organs, and that in perfect series their con- nection with this system may be most readily traced. SuMMARY The secretion of the spittle insect is made up from two sources: The fluid portion is the anal secretion into which the 798 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII insect by means of caudal appendages introduces numer- ous air bubbles. The glands of Batelli secrete a mucilaginous substance which, added to the anal fluid, renders it viscous and thus causes the retention of the air bubbles. The so-called branchial appendages of Morse and of Porta are merely plates of this mucilaginous secretion. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aldrovandi, Ulysses. De animalibus insectes. Bononie, Frankfurt. 1618. Arnhart, Ludwig. Die Zwischenriume zwischen den Wachsdriisenzellen der Honigbiene. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 30, 719-721. : 1906. Batelli, Andrea. Di una partiedlariti nell’ integumento dell Aphrophora spumaria. Monitore zool. ital., Vol. II, pp. 30-32, Firenze. 1891. Blankaart, Steph. Sechouburg der Rupsen, Wormen, Maden en vliegende Dierkens. Amsterdam. 1688. Berlese, Antonio. Gli Insetti. Fasce. 18, pp. 539-540, Milano. 1907. t rles. em. L’Histoire des Insectes. Vol. 3, pp. 163-180, Stockholm. 1773. Dreyling, L. Die Wachsboreitendén Organe bei den i? ig lebenden Bienen. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Vol. XXII, pp. 289-330. Fabre, J.-H. Souvenirs entomologiques de ye: G . Sér., pp. 219-233, _ Paris. 1900. , Joh. Leonh. Beschreibung von allerlei Insecten in Teutschland. Berol. ; Geoffroy, M. Histoire Abrégèe des Insectes. Tome I, pp. 415, 416, Paris. 1764. Girault, A. A. Miscellaneous Notes on Aphrophora parallela Say. Canad. Entomol., Toronto, Vol. XXXVI, pp. 44—48. 1904. Gruner, Max. Beiträge zur Frage des Aftersecretes der Schaumcicaden. Zool. Anz., XXIII, pp. 431—436. 1900 Gruner, Max. Biologische Untersuchungen an Schaumcikaden. Berlin. 1 Morse, E. SB UA ta eA Insect. Pop. Sci. Mon., pp. 23-29, New York, N. Y. 1900 Mouffet, Tho. The Theater of Insects. London. 1658. orta, Antonio. Ricerche sull’ Aphrophora spumaria L. Milano, Rend. Ist. lomb., 2. Serie, Vol. 33, pp. 920-928. 1900. Porta, Antonio. La- ne della spuma nella Aphrophora. Monit. zool. ital., Firenze, Vol. XII, pp. 57-60. 1901. s printannieres. Histoire de 1’Academie royale des Sciences, Paris, pp. 124-127. 1705. i insectorum; opus posthumum. London. 1710. _ Uhler, P. R. Hemiptera; Natural History of Arthropods; Standard nat. History. Boston. 1884. Wheeler, M. Uber driisenartige Gebilde in 1. Abdominal Segment der : Hemipteren-Embryonen. Zool. anz., Vol. XII, pp. 594-600. SHORTER ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE PECULIAR ABNORMAL TEETH IN A JACK-RABBIT About ten years ago I saw a curious malformation in the skull of a wood-chuck; the upper and lower incisors In some way missed coming in contact with each other in the usual way and had grown up and down through the skull and lower jaw, to wind and twist about above and below completely locking the jaws together. This animal was killed by a hunter near Waverly, N. Y., and is now in the Museum of Cornell University. Since examining this first one, I have seen and heard of a number of similar malformations and in all cases the teeth of the upper and lower jaws grew more or less irregularly dorsally and ventrally. A year ago at Claremont, Cal., another peculiar condition was brought to my attention in the skull of a young jack-rabbit (Figs. 1 and 2). In this skull the teeth are most remarkable Fig. 1. Skull and one half of Fie. 2. Skull from below and the lower jaw of a young jack- lower jaw from above of a young rabbit with unusual incisors. About jack-rabbit with unusual incisors. half natural size. About half natural size. in the lower jaw, here the two incisors have grown nearly straight out some distance and are only slightly curved and twisted upon each other. In the upper jaw the incisors are not so long and only twisted at the tips. WILLIAM A. Hinton. POMONA COLLEGE, CLAREMONT, CAL. June, 1908. 799 NOTES AND LITERATURE ICHTHYOLOGY Ichthyological Notes.—In the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Volume 33, 1908, Jordan and Richardson give an elaborate review of the Flat-heads and Gurnards of Japan. In a personal letter, Mr. C. T. Regan, of the British Museum, makes one or two corrections in this paper, which may be noted here. The species called Hoplichthys langsdorfii by Jordan and Richardson is, according to Mr. Regan, a distinct species, not identical with the original langsdorfii of C. and V. The species called Hoplichthys langsdorfii by Jordan and Richardson may therefore receive a new name, ‘‘ Hoplichthys regani Jordan | and Richardson.’’ The species called Lepidotrigla microptera is, according to Mr. Regan, distinct from the original type of that species, which is from Shanghai. The Japanese species should, therefore, stand as Lepidotrigla strauchi Steindachner. In the same Proceedings, the same authors give an account of a small collection of fishes from the Province of Echigo, in northwestern Japan, obtained by a local naturalist, Masao Nakamura. Besides the three new species in this paper, the present writer has since received from Mr. Nakamura two other species never before taken in Japan, and which may be recorded here. These are Podothecus sturioides Guichenot, and Dasy- cottus setiger Bean. In the same Proceedings, Eigenmann and Bean describe a col- lection of fishes from the Amazon River obtained by Professor J. B. Steere. In the same Proceedings Mr. B. A. Bean discusses the for- gotten genus Ctenolucius, a pike-like characin from Colombia. In the same Proceedings Professor John O. Snyder describes a new sucker from the Santa Ana River, at Riverside, California, under the name of Pantosteus Santa Ane. In the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume 48, Mr. Barton A. Bean gives the history of the whale shark, Rhinodon typicus. The proper date of this genus is 1829. In the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume 52, 800 No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 801 Jordan and Branner give an elaborate account of the fossil fishes of the eretaceous beds of Ceará, Brazil, these specimens being obtained from the Serra do Araripe, the locality from which specimens had previously been obtained by Spix, by Agassiz and by collectors for the British Museum. These specimens are found in concretions of fine clay, and some of them are found to be beautifully preserved when these concretions are opened. In one species, Calamopleurus cylindricus, the black pigment at the base of each scale forming stripes along the side of the body is perfectly preserved, and the eye-ball is also well shown. In this collection Jordan and Branner find eleven dif- ferent species, including all of those described by Agassiz, and including three new genera, Tharrhias, Enneles and Cearana. Most of the species belong to the family of Elopide, which represents one of the earlier types of bony fishes. In the Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, Volume 7, 1908, Mr. William C. Kendall gives a very useful list of the fishes of New England, and the localities from which each species has been recorded. The list contains 341 species, a number of these being estrays from the south brought northward by the Gulf Stream. In the Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Volume 4, 1908, Jordan and Snyder describe and figure three new carangoid fishes from Formosa. One of these, Ulua richardsoni, consti- tutes a distinct genus, separated from Caranx by the extraor- dinary development of the gill-rakers, which cause the mouth to appear as if ‘‘full of feathers,” much as in the genus of mackerels called Rastrelliger. In the Journal of the College of Science of the Imperial Uni- versity of Tokyo, Volume 23, 1908, Mr. Shigeho Tanaka gives a list of sixteen species new to the fauna of Japan, all but one of them new to science. Among these species is the new genus, Owstonia, of the family of Opisthognathide. Most remarkable of the discoveries is the addition of two more new species of Chimera to the Japanese fauna. This makes eight species of Chimera in all, described from Japan, all of them discovered since the year 1900. In the Annotationes Zoologice Japonenses, Volume 6, 1908, Mr. Tanaka describes the fishes, sixty-three in number, collected by Professor Ijima in Sakhalin. Of the fauna of this region— 802 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII that of northern Japan—two new species, both of Porocottus, are described and figured. In the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, Volume 59, 1908, Mr. Henry W. Fowler describes a collection of fishes from Melbourne. Among these is a new Chimera, Hydrolagus waitei, for which a new subgenus, Psychichthys, is proposed. In the course of the paper a number of new subgenera are added to the already long list of genera of doubtful value. In the same Proceedings Mr. Fowler has a catalogue of the lancelets and lampreys contained in the collection of the Acad- emy of Sciences. A new genus and species, Oceanomyzon wilsoni, is described from the open Atlantic. Lampetra epytera (Abbott) is said to be identical with Lampetra wilderi, the common black lamprey of Cayuga Lake. The name Lampetra cepytera has priority. In the same Proceedings for 1906 Mr. Fowler describes new and little-known percoid fishes. He uses the name Dules in place of Kuhlia, and describes a new subgenus, Boulengerina, for Kuhlia malo, this group being based on the numerous gill- rakers. Some changes of nomenclature are made, based on the adoption of the rule that the first species mentioned in any genus shall become the type. This rule, which would have been just if it could have been originated earlier, will not be accepted by naturalists, as the International Congress has taken the view that in case a type is not fixed by the original author the writer following has a right to fix it, and once established it shall not be changed for any reason. The subgenus Astrapogon is sug- gested for Apogonichthys stellatus, characterized by the very long ventrals. In the same Proceedings Mr. Fowler discusses the hetero- gnathous fishes in the museum at Philadelphia, with descriptions and figures of many of these. Several new species are de- scribed, and a number of new generic and subgeneric names suggested These papers are subjected to critical review in the AMERICAN Narurauist, Volume 41, by Dr. C. H. Eigenmann. Dr. Eigen- mann claims that many of the new names proposed by Mr. Fowler are quite unnecessary. He says: We must feel grateful to Dr. Fowler for his labor. But it is to be No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 803 hoped that in the future he will be more conservative in adding names _ to the science of ichthyology. The valid names do not compensate for the work imposed on some one else to separate them from the synonyms. In the same Proceedings for 1907 Mr. Fowler catalogues the serranoid fishes in the collection at Philadelphia. He substitutes the name ‘‘Serranus’’ for ‘‘ Epinephelus,’’ for reasons that would be hardly valid even if we adopted the first-species rule, as Cuvier states that his name Serranus comes from the French name Serran, and that the species on which it is based are com- mon in the Mediterranean. In other words, his actual type, although not the species first mentioned, by name, is Serranus cabrilla. The subgeneric Chrysoperea is introduced for Morone interrupta. . Serranus pheostigmeus is a species of Epinephelus described as new from Hawaii. A new species of Alphestes is described as Epinephelus lightfooti from San Domingo. Eudulus is proposed as a new name for the genus Dules, which Mr. Fowler regards as preoccupied by Dulus, a genus of birds. Mr. Fowler shows that the number of the ‘‘Régne Animal,” referring to these fishes, is prior in date to that number of the ‘‘Histoire Naturelle des Poissons’’ referring to the same species. Mr. Fowler also finds that the name malo of Valenciennes is older than that of mato given to the same fish—perhaps by typographical error. The subgenerie name Callidulus is proposed for Centropristis or Eudulus subligarius. In the Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Dr. Carl H. Eigen- mann records a large collection of fishes from Paraguay. In all, two hundred and fifty-four species are known from that river basin. Ninety-five of these are peculiar to the Paraguay. One hundred and thirty-two are found also in the Amazon. The amazingly rich fish fauna of tropical America comprises one tenth of all known fishes. In the Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Volume 8, 1907, Dr. Eigemann describes a collection of fishes from Buenos Aires obtained by Professor W. B. Scott. In the Proceedings of the Field Columbian Museum, Volume 7, 1907, Dr. S. E. Meek gives notes on fresh-water fishes obtained by him and others from Mexico and Central America. Cich- lasoma milleri is described as new from Guatemala, and also Rhamdia regani, Platypecilus tropicus and Pecilia tenuis. 804 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII In the same Proceedings, Volume 7, 1908, Dr. Meek gives an interesting account of the ‘‘ Zoology of the Lakes of Guatemala.’’ In Science, Volume 27, 1908, Professor J. O. Snyder discusses the region of the fauna of the Russian River in California, show- ing that these fishes were derived from the Sacramento River by a process of stream-robbing, by which through erosion the Russian River Valley incorporated small streams from tribu- taries of Clear Lake, which drains into the Sacramento. In the Bulletin of Agriculture of the Dutch East Indies, Volume 8, 1907, Dr. P. N. van Kampen describes two of the mackerel found on the coast of Java. These descriptions are useful, but the synonmy given perhaps needs verification. These mackerel apparently belong to the genus Rastrelliger, distinguished from Scomber by the very great number of gill- rakers, recently described by Jordan and Starks. In the Annuaire of the Museum of Sciences of St. Petersburg, Volume 12, 1907, Dr. L. Berg describes the grayling of Siberia, with a comparative account of their relation to other salmonine. The species known as Brachymystaz obtusirostris from Siberia is made the type of a new genus, Salmothymus, differing from Brachymystax in having the vomer prolonged, with two rows of teeth, as in Salmo. The subgenus Thymalloides is proposed for Thymallus arcticus, this group species including also all the American grayling, the name Thymallus being restricted to T. thymallus, the grayling of Europe, which does not occur to the eastward of the Ural Mountains. Three species of Hucho are recognized, H. hucho in the Danube, H. taimen in Siberia and H. perryi in Japan. The genus Phylogephyra is recognized for Thymallus brevirostris, or altaica, of Siberia. This is dis- tinguished by the larger mouth and larger and more numerous teeth, which are present on the head of the vomer and on the tongue. Dr. Theodor von Kawraysky has published an elaborate ac- count in Russian and in German of the sturgeons of the Cau- casus, with lists of other fishes taken in the same region. _ In the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard Dr. Charles H. Gilbert gives an account of the lantern fishes collected by the Albatross in the South Seas. The species obtained are carefully described, and their synonymy very fully worked out. Several new species are contained in the collection. No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 805 The genus Zalarges of Jordan and Williams is identified with Vinciguerria. In the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology for February, 1908, Mr. Samuel Garman describes a number of new sharks and skates. The genus Aëtomylæus is proposed for Myliobatis maculatus. Raia kincaidii is described as new from Friday Harbor, Puget Sound, and Chimæra barbouri from Aomori, Japan. In the University of Colorado Studies, Volume 5, No. 3, Pro- fessor T. D. A. Cockerell gives a list of the fishes of the Rocky Mountains, with useful notes on geographical distribution, and references to the fossil as well as to the living forms recorded from that region. Brief keys are given, enabling local students to identify specimens in hand. i In the Zoologischen Anzeiger, Volume 32, 1908, Dr. Franz and Dr. Stechow describe an interesting case of symbiosis be- tween the fish, Minous adamsii, a form of scorpion-fish, and the hydroid polyp Podocoryne from Sagami. In the Sitzungsberichte of the Academy of Vienna for 1908 Dr. Steindachner describes two new fishes from Brazil. In the Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Volume 16, 1908, George Wagner gives a useful list of the fishes of Lake Pepin, forty-four species being recorded. In the Natuurkundig Tijdschrift of the Dutch East Indies, Volume 67, 1908, Dr. P. N. van Kampen has an interesting series of notes on the spear fishes found in Java. The common species he identifies as Tetrapturus brevirostris. T. mazara of Japan may be the same species. In the Bulletin of the Société Nationale d’Acclimatation of France Dr. Pellegrin gives a review of the fresh-water fishes of Madagascar, with discussions of the economic value of each species. Among the papers left at the death of Professor Karl Ernst von Baer is a biography of Cuvier which had never been pub- lished, and which is exceedingly interesting as a contemporary account of one of the greatest of naturalists and written by one of his ablest contemporaries. It is published in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, in Paris, by Professor Ludwig Stieda, of Königsberg. In the Archivos do Museu Nacional of Brazil, Volume 4, 1907. Dr. Alipio de Miranda Ribeiro continues his catalogue of the 806 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII fishes of Brazil, this volume treating of the sharks, with de- scriptions of each species, and analytical keys. The memoir is beautifully printed and illustrated by photographs of very many of the species. The synonymy is given in an appendix, and the nomenclature is in general in accord with the rules adopted by American naturalists and by the International Congress. Dr. C. T. Regan continues the catalogue of the fishes of Cen- tral America. Brycon guatemalensis is described as new from Guatemala. Tetragonopterus macrophthalmus is described from southern Mexico, as is also T. angustifrons. Mr. Regan recognizes a number of additional species of Lepidosteus. It is very desirable that the garpikes of the United States should receive a critical review. It is quite possible that more species really exist than the three which have been recognized by Jordan and Evermann. Mr. Regan proposes the name Conorhynch- ichthys in place of Conorhynchus, the latter name being pre- occupied. This paper completes the study of the fishes in the fauna of Central America. It is a very important and very well executed piece of systematic work. In the Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Mr. Regan gives an elaborate account of the fishes collected by the Perey Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. One hundred and eighty-five species were obtained, many of them new to science, these being figured in the present volume. Among other interesting forms are six new species of the genus Champsodon. Under the head of ‘‘ Edible Fishes of New South Wales,’’ Mr. David G. Stead, naturalist of the Board of Fisheries at Sydney, gives a popular account of the fishes which appear in the markets of Sydney, illustrated by numerous photographs. This interesting and valuable report is accompanied by a map of the state of New South Wales. Under the title of ‘‘Trout Fishing in New South Wales,” Mr. Charles Thackeray, of Sydney, gives an account of the various streams in the state, in which trout from Europe and the United States have been introduced. The little volume is extremely valuable to Australian anglers, and is also interesting as showing the remarkable success which has attended the introduction of the California rainbow trout in the Antipodes. Under the head of ‘‘Guide to the Gallery of Fishes in the ‘Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural His- No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 807 tory),’’ the trustees of the British Museum have published a book of two hundred and nine pages giving an account of the principal kinds of fishes, the characteristics of the different families, and in general an outline of the classification adopted in the distribution of the species in the museum. A number of figures are given, some of living and some of extinct species. In the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Dr. J. F. Whiteaves continues his account of the fossil fishes of the Devonian Rocks of Canada, with descriptions of numerous species and restoration of others. Most interesting is the extraor- dinary Bothriolepis canadensis, restored in accordance with investigations of Professor Patten. This form has many char- acteristics of arthropod animals. With its head, eyes and coat of mail, suggesting something like a horseshoe crab, it is hard to believe that it is a fish. On the other hand, it is hard to believe that the tail, provided with what seems to be a rayed dorsal fin, can belong to any kind of ecrab-like animal. In the Sitzungsberichte of the Academy at Vienna, Volume 116, 1907, Dr. Viktor Pietschmann describes two new sharks from Sagami Bay, Japan, Centrophorus steindachneri and Etmopterus frontimaculatus. In the same journal for 1908 Dr. Steindachner describes fishes from South America, and also a loach from Formosa, the latter called Homaloptera formosanum. In the same journal, Dr. Steindachner describes a new genus of characins called ‘‘Joinvillea.’’ In the same journal he describes also other species of South American river fishes. In the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1908, Mr. Regan describes new fresh-water fishes from Japan and Formosa. In the same journal Mr. Regan describes also new fresh-water fishes from New Guinea. In the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Mr. Regan describes a number of new species from Corea. In the Annals of the Natal Government Museum Mr. Regan gives a list of marine fishes from South Africa, nine of them being described as new. Mr. Regan gives also a useful analysis of the eight species recognized by him in the genus Squatina. Of these S. japonica and nebulosa are found in Japan, and S. californica off the coast of California. In the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1908, Mr: 808 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII Regan gives a synopsis of the sharks, Scylliorhinide. To Seylliorhinus are referred the species of Catulus, Cephaloscyl- lium and Halelurus. The genus Parmaturus is regarded as identical with Pristiurus. In the same journal, Mr. Regan has a review of the sharks of the family of Squalide. In this the name Spinax is preferred to Etmopterus, because of the inaccuracy of Rafinesque’s de- scription. Frontimaculatus of Japan is regarded as identical with the European E. pusillus. The genus Zameus is regarded as identical with Scymnodon. Deania and Lepidorhinus are placed in synonymy with Centrophorus. Deania eglantina from Japan is regarded as identical with the European Centrophorus calceus. The name Scymnorhinus is preferred to Dalatias, because of the very inaccurate description of the genus of Rafinesque. In the same journal Mr. Regan describes new loricaroid fishes from South America. In the same journal Mr. Regan gives a synopsis of the ces- traciont sharks. He regards the name Heterodontus as pre- occupied by Heterodon, thus accepting the latter name Ces- tracion. He accepts the genus Gyropleurodus as distinct from Heterodontus. In the same journal Mr. Regan describes Cichlosoma laure as a new species from Tampico. Enneanectes carminalis was found at Swan Island, near Honduras—a little blenny hitherto known only from Mazatlan. In the same journal Mr. Regan describes a hybrid between the bream and the rudd, with notes on other hybrids among the European cyprinoid fishes. In the Proceedings of the United States National Museum for 1908, Jordan and Dickerson give an account of fishes obtained by Dr. Jordan at Fiji. The fauna of the islands is essentially like that of Samoa, the physical nature of the reefs being closely identical in the two regions; but even in this small collection are several species which are distinctively characteristic of the New Guinea waters. The deep-bodied mackerel of the Pacific are separated from Scomber to form a new genus, Rastrelliger, differing especially in the very long gill-rakers, the mouth looking as if ‘‘full of feathers.’ With this are other characteristics, - oS the teeth being very minute and there being none on the roof No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 809 of the mouth, and there are certain peculiarities in the structure of the bones connecting with the tongue. In the ‘‘ Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux,’’ 1907, Dr. Pellegrin describes a collection of fishes taken on the west coast of Africa, with useful notes as to their distribution. The nomenclature adopted is rather outworn, and not much notice is taken of questions of priority of names. The illustrations are photographs, very obscurely printed. It may be noted that Sardinella aurita, type of the genus Sardinella, is a large-scaled herring of the group called Harengula. The name Sardinella has priority over Harengula, and the name Sardinia must be used for the true sardine. In the Comptes rendus of the French Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Dr. Pellegrin gives an interesting account of the incubation of the eggs of marine ecat-fishes. The male takes care of the egg and the young, taking into the mouth from ten to twenty eggs. The young are retained in the mouth until the yolksae is absorbed. During this period of incubation the male does not feed. In the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Dr. R. W. Tower discusses the production of sound in scienoid and other fishes. In this very lucid paper it is shown that these fishes ‘‘known as drums, croakers or roneadores’’ have specifie drumming muscles, superficially attached to the swim-bladder. For this muscle Dr. Tower proposes the name musculus sonificus. The cause of the drumming or grunting noise is the contraction of this muscle, which produces a vibration of the abdominal walls and organs, especially the swim-bladder. In the sciænoid fish, the mechanism is adapted to the production of rapidly re- peated sounds or rolls. In other fishes which grunt, as the sea- robin and toadfish, the muscles are intrinsically connected with the swim-bladder, and are known as intrinsic muscles. | These muscles produce a vibration in the walls of the swim-bladder which may be repeated at intervals. Dr. Tower gives a number of valuable plates showing the structure of these organs, and also a graphic record of the sounds produced. In the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, H. Walton Clark describes the Plankton of the Lakes of Guate- mala. In the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 25, Dr. L. Hussakof gives a catalogue of the fossil fishes 810 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII contained in the American Museum, with figures of many of the fragments. In the Biological Bulletin, Volume 13, Mr. Fernandus Payne describes the effect of light on the blind fish of the Mammoth Cave. In this species the fishes turn away from the light. The young are more sensitive than the adult. The young deprived of eyes are as sensitive as those which have them. They seem to be equally sensitive on all parts of the body, and more sensi- tive to intense light. They seek the dark without regard to the direction of the rays. In the Bureau of Fisheries, document 622, Mr. Irving A. Field discusses unutilized fishes, and methods by which these waste species can be rendered of economic service. In the American Journal of Anatomy, Mr. William F. Allen describes the blood-vessels in the tail of the garpike, this paper being a continuation of his series of studies of the circulatory system in different fishes. In the Procedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Dr. G. H. Parker describes the sensory reactions of the lancelet. This creature possesses in potentia the sense organs of the vertebrate. It is simple in structure, containing fore- runners of the lateral-line organs, the ear, the temperature or- gans, and doubtless the forerunners of the rod- and cone-cells of the vertebrate retina. It is only slightly sensitive to light, but is sensitive to temperature and to sound. In the Journal of Experimental Zoology, Mr. H. H. Newman describes the relation of the hybrids of Fundulus majalis with Fundulus heteroclitus to problems in heredity. The writer thinks that the study of development and heredity are identical, except that the latter is comparative. No two organisms start out from identical germ cells, nor do they ever develop under identical conditions. Instead of a fixity of relationship between pure strains and hybrids, there is constant flux. In the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Volume 33, for 1907, Seale and Bean describe the fishes collected in the Philippines by Major Mearns, with seven new species. -~ In the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Contributions, V, 1908, Mr. W. C. Kendall shows that the unrecognized species of whitefish from Saskatchewan River called Coregonus angusticeps by Valenciennes is the chub, Platygobio gracilis. In the same Contributions, Dr. Jordan shows the identity of No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 811 the fossil stickleback from Nevada, Gasterosteus leptosomus Hay, with Merriamella doryssa. The species stands as Gas- terosteus doryssus. In the same Contributions, Dr. Gill gives an account of the habits of the miller’s thumbs or blobs. He shows that Uranidea ean not be maintained as a genus distinct from Cottus and that the common species must be called Cottus richardsoni, not C. ictalops. In the Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Mr. R. H. Johnson discusses the variations in number and size of the pylone cxea in Sun-fishes. In each species a variation of two or three was found. Thus in species as the rock bass, having on the average eight ceca, the number ranges from six to nine. In the calico bass, with nine, the number ranges from eight to eleven. DAVID STARR JORDAN. THE INHERITANCE OF SEX IN HIGHER PLANTS Digest of Professor ©. Correns’s Memoir !—It is stated in the preface that there is given here a more detailed reiteration of a report made September 18, 1907, to the united sections for zoology and botany of the German Naturalists in Dresden. Experiments in cross-breeding closely related species of plants of different sexual type, carried on since 1900, led to such re- markable results that an account was long withheld. When a repetition of experiments yielded like results, and a reconsidera- tion of the deductions made revealed no flaws, conclusions were announced. For the plants examined the results are regarded decisive; but their wider application must be ascertained by further investigation. Correns refrains from an historical review of the literature and attempts merely to present some new facts and relate them to previous facts. He does not wish, nor does he claim to be able, to construct a new theory regarding the nature of sex. He believes that there is much in common between his results and those reported by E. B. Wilson for Hemiptera. Finally he ex- plains that by ‘‘anlage’’ of an organ as used in his paper he does 16‘ Die Bestimmung und Vererbung des Geschlechtes nach neuen Ver- suchen mit hoheren Pflanzen.’’ Abstract presented before a recent ‘meeting of the Medico-Biological Journal Club of the University of Virginia, by H. E. Jordan, adjunct professor of anatomy. 812 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von: XLII not mean the earliest visible developmental stage, but the repre- sentative of the organ in the germ-plasm. In the introduction Correns notes that the present opinions concerning sex-determination are built largely upon the results (chiefly negative) obtained from attempts to control or alter sex, and upon observations on parthenogenetically developing eggs; in part also upon morphological and statistical data. The main object of his paper is to describe attempts to discover by experimental methods, whether the germ-cells have from the beginning a fixed sex-tendeney and if so of what kind, and what role fertilization plays in sex-determination. He regards these as fundamental questions which must be answered before one can judge intelligently of the effects of unusual external in- fluences. For the elucidation of these same questions he believes we are largely limited to the plants, particularly the flowering plants, due to the more favorable material they offer for experi- mentation. In essence, the fertilization process in plants and animals is the same: two germ-cells unite to form a new organism. Botan- ists are to-day convinced of the polyphyletie origin of plants and, while it is possible, it is not very probable that sex-deter- mination and sex-inheritance were arrived at in the different groups by the same path of differentiation. A question to be settled by further work, therefore, is whether the principles determined for the particular flowering plants under considera- tion apply also to other groups of plants, and also to animals. Already in mosses are found a sharply expressed differentia- tion of germ-cells into egg-cells and sperm-cells, and this special- ization is retained with various slight modifications throughout all the higher groups. In phylogenetically lower forms than the mosses the gametes are all alike (swarm spores). Chance or chemotactic influences may bring such into contact and subse- quent union, or they may germinate asexually as in Protosiphon according to Klebs. Externally all are alike. Sometimes, as observed by Klebs in Chlorocytrium, cells from the same mother- cell may copulate. The question arises whether they are in- trinsically alike or whether they consist of two classes, + and —, as Blakeslee proposes. In the first case every gamete may copu- late with any other and there is sexuality but no sex-differentia- tion. In the second case only + and — gametes can copulate ~ , and sex-differentiation Stam, the foundation for further dif- No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 813 ferentiation into egg and sperm not now externally visible. Further development may proceed along different paths. Dif- ferentiation may arise between individuals, + and — gametes being then localized in separate members, and the gametes of these same plants may be mutually incapable of union so that only gametes of different plants can copulate. These are here + and — individuals, but the gametes may give no external evidence of a difference. This is the case in Dasycladus accord- ing to Berthold and in Ulothrix according to Dodel. Or there may arise differences between the gametes, the one becoming, by the surrender of motility and the assumption of nutritive func- tions, an egg cell; the other, remaining small and retaining motility, becoming a spermatozoon. Thus hidden differences between -+ and — germ-cells become conspicuous and there appear ‘‘female’’ gametes and ‘‘male’’ gametes. When the specialized gametes are combined in the same plant it becomes hermaphrodite or monoecious; when separted, dioecious forms appear. Correns lays emphasis on several points: (1) That the differ- entiation of gametes into egg and sperm has nothing to do with the union of the two germ-cells for the production of a new individual; or, in other words, that the externally visible differ- ences between egg and sperm need have no connection with the process of fertilization; (2) individuals may be differentiated into males and females without an evident external mark o differentiation either in the individuals themselves or in their germ-cells. The various differential characters of eggs and sperm-cells and all other visible differences between male and female individuals reveal only their different nature, but do not touch the essence of sex itself. Interesting confirmatory obser- vations in this connection are those of Blakeslee on Mucorinee. Originally there is present only the ‘‘determination’’ in the germ-cells which renders possible the union of some pairs of germ-cells and prevents the union of other pairs. All else is of a secondary character. With few exceptions the higher ani- mals are unisexual. Among the higher plants many different sexual types occur. Neglecting transition conditions, the main types are hermaphrodite forms where stamens and pistils are united in the same flower; bisexual or monoecious forms, where pistils and stamens are separated into female and male flowers; unisexual or dioecious forms, where the male and female flowers 814 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLII are borne by different individuals. By far the larger majority of flowering plants have hermaphrodite flowers. Separation of sexual organs on different flowers or different individuals ap- pears here and there as characteristic of entire families, and relatively often as a specific character, or sometimes only as a variation ; and this in the most distantly related groups. Correns entertains no doubt that hermaphroditism is the pri- mary type and dioeciousness the derived. He does not regard as conclusive the arguments advanced by Coulter and Cham- berlain that it is impossible to decide which is the primary con- dition since dioeciousness appears in both the quite low and the higher groups of flowering plants, being related in the former to wind-pollination and in the latter connected with insect-pollina- tion. He observes that sex-separation appears also in other groups without any relation to the high or low degree of other characters. The dioecious condition arises in consequence of the physiological or morphological disappearance of one or the other set of members of the hermaphrodite condition. The ‘‘de- generation’’ of a sexual organ here is really nothing else than an arrest at a certain stage in the development of one or the other element in the hermaphrodite flower (Hofmeister; Goebel), thus producing the monoecious or dioecious conditions. Such change naturally does not proceed without an alteration of the idioplasm of the species involved; the ‘‘anlagen complex’’ of one element must become more or less incapable of development, or latent. As far as we know this process follows independently in both sexes and, in each, internal and external alterations stand in intimate correlation. Male and female flowers of monoecious species are of like high development. The female is not a male arrested at a lower stage of development. The great differences in size and vitality between germ-cells must be regarded as adaptations. . The main points involved in the problem of this investigation concern the method by which sex is determined and the time when such determination takes place. Since the embryonic and the adult sex-organs contain the anlagen for the characters of both sexes, sex-determination has to do with the question as to which anlage, male or female, shall develop. These conditions demand that the germ-cells have a fixed sex-tendency already before their union at fertilization. Correns emphasizes also that oo : one must not here think of a separation and distribution of No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 815 anlagen for the sex-characters into separate germ-cells in the sense that into one animal wander testes-anlagen (determinants of Weismann) and into another ovary-anlagen. This as far as we know is not the case. Both germ-cells carry both sets of sex- characters, as experiments with hybrids abundantly show. That a germ-cell has male or female sex-tendeney means only that the male or female anlagen are in condition of capability to develop. As to how one anlage in the germ-cells becomes active and the other is brought to a latent condition we have no positive knowl- edge. One may entertain several possibilities respecting the time that sex is determined. He may take the position that the germ- cells have held from the beginning the tendency to develop into one or the other sex—which sex becomes apparent when caused to develop by artificial parthenogenesis—and that the tendency remains unchanged by fertilization; in other words, that the germ-cells are unalterably fixed as to their sex-tendency and thus iafependently determine the sex of their offspring pure: ‘‘pro- game’’ determination. Either all the sperm or all the eggs are so determined or only a part of each. Such predestination is commonly ascribed to the egg, and the sperm is thought to be without influence. Accordingly, half the eggs must be male and half female in tendency. The second position ascribes to the germ-cells before fertiliza- tion no fixed tendency to develop into a particular sex, and holds that only at fertilization is the decision made as to what sex the offspring shall have: pure ‘‘syngame’’ determination. According to the third position the product of the union of the two germ-cells has no fixed sex-tendency. External in- fluences determine only during the later stages of development what the sex of the offspring shall be: pure ‘‘epigame’’ deter- mination. Theoretically an ‘‘epigame’’ alteration of sex must be possible, since the embryo contains both sex-anlagen. All critical investigations, however, both zoological (O. Schultz) and botanical (E. Strasburger), indicate that the means thus far em- ployed in attempting to produce an alteration of sex-tendency have yielded no significant results respecting the actual separa- tion of sex-organs among different individuals. Primarily, at- tempts must be made to determine whether the germ-cells of unisexual forms have an indifferent sex-tendency or whether they have a fixed tendency. If the latter condition prevails, it 816 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII is incumbent next to determine what this tendency is. There are several possibilities: (1) The germ-cells may have the sex- tendency of the plant from which they came, the egg-cells the female, the sperm-cells the male; (2) they may have the opposite sex-tendency; or (3) some of the eggs may be of one sex-tend- ency and a part of the other, and likewise the sperm. A further problem arises as to how far fertilization plays a rôle in sex- determination, since thus germ-cells of different sex-tendencies may unite; and also how far external influences have significance in that they can act upon the sex-tendency of the germ-cells before fertilization, or at the time of fertilization upon the united product, or after fertilization on the embryo. Whether a given germ-cell contains a fixed sex-tendency can best be ascertained when such a cell can be caused to develop without fertilization into a sexually mature individual. Such conditions obtain in eases of ‘‘habitual parthenogenesis.’’ The facts here at first sight seem to compel acceptance of the position that the sperm-cells play no rôle. However, on closer scrutiny of the facts, doubts are raised as to the validity of such an in- terpretation. One must not forget that generally eggs that de- velop parthenogenetically do not undergo a reduction division. Correns states that whatever significance one may attach to re- duction, he can not regard such eggs as of like nature with those that have suffered maturation. In the case of ‘‘habitual par- thenogenesis’’ one deals with phenomena of adaptation. Such adaptation may enable an egg to develop without fertilization even though this capacity depends only on the suspension of a check, which otherwise, through the intervention of a male germ- cell, could exert its influence. In similar manner the sex-tend- ency also may be influenced. Natural and artificial partheno- genesis yield an indication of the sex-tendency only of the egg. “*Ephebogenetic’’ development of sperm-cells, theoretically pos- sible, but practically thus far beset with insuperable difficulties, is urgently required. Merogony furnishes no positive results until we know definitely the rôle of cytoplasm, as distinct from karyoplasm, in heredity. Correns turns into other fields which seem to lead farther than experiments with artificial parthenogenesis, namely, hybrid- ization. The controlling idea of Correns’s investigation is the following: The egg-cells of a dicecious form whose sex-tendency No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 817 we desire to ascertain, is commonly fertilized by a sperm-cell of the same species. The sex-tendency of both gametes is un- known. On the other hand, the sex of the offspring resulting from the union of the gametes becomes obvious. In other words by the interaction (in union) of two unknown quantities, Y and Y, i. e., the sex-tendencies of the two gametes, there results an organism of known sex; or «+ y= sex of organism. Could the value of either x or y be ascertained the equation could be solved and the value of the other unknown quantity determined. These yalues Correns obtains in the case of the germ-cells of two favorable, nearly related, species of plants one of which is hermaphrodite and the other diecious. The above figure is not quite accurate, as Correns point out, since a solution of the equation is possible only when the unknown sex-tendency of the germ-cell of dicecious type, as over against the known sex-tend- ency of the hermaphrodite germ-cell, is so strong as to wholly or almost entirely prevent the development of the latter or to greatly suppress it. The conditions are fully met in those cases where the sperm-cell of a white-flowering pea by fertilization makes possible the development of the egg-cell of a red-flowering pea, so that a red-flowering plant results without showing a trace of the white factor of the sperm. Thus is obtained the effect of artificial parthenogenesis, not only on the egg cell but also on the sperm-cell. The germ-cells of hermaphrodite forms carry the hermaph- rodite sex-tendency and give rise only to hermaphrodite forms. Correns does not regard a hermaphrodite individual as a ‘c mosaic”? derived from the union of a germ-cell of male tend- ency with one of female tendency. However, they must contain the anlagen of such a mosaic. Hermaphrodite germ-cells contain only the hermaphrodite sex-tendency both in the egg-cells and in the sperm-cells. Likewise for monecious forms, where on the same individual two kinds of sexual flowers appear, male and female, the same position must be taken; i. e., that both kinds of germ-cells, eggs and sperm, carry the same tendency, namely, the tendency to develop into monecious forms. Each germ-cell thus carries over not the sex of the flower from which it came, but that of the entire plant on which the sexual flowers appeared. There remains no doubt concerning the monecious tendency of the germ-cells of monecious plants. Correns cites in further 818 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLII support of this position the case of Dimorphotheca pluvialis, a ‘*trimoncecious’’ form where flowers of three kinds, male, female and hermaphrodite, occur in the same head. Since we have here two kinds of sperm-cells (pollen), one from the hermaph- rodite flower and one from the male flower, and also two kinds of eggs, embryos can arise in four different ways. If the germ- cells had different sex-tendencies after they are built into a male, a hermaphrodite, or a female flower, four kinds of offspring would arise. All the seed, however, produce the same kind of offspring, i. e., trimonecious forms. Therefore all the germ- cells of Dimorphotheca must bear the tendency again to give origin to trimonecious plants. It may be said then, that all germ-cells of a hermaphrodite plant have the tendency again to develop into hermaphrodite plants, whether they be found in stamens or pistils. All germ-cells of moncecious forms have the tendency again to produce monecious forms whether they arise in male or female flowers. We know, then, the tendency of the germ-cells in hermaphrodite and monecious types and we can employ these known quantities to ascertain by cross-breeding the unknown tendency of the germ-cells of unisexual plants. In the first three experiments Dr. Correns employed two species of Bryonia, a genus of the Cucurbitacer, growing wild in central Europe. Bryonia alba bears a black fruit and is monecious. Bryonia dioica bears a red fruit and is dicecious. In the first experiment (A) he pollinated the pistils (egg-cells) of Bryonia dioica with the pollen of Bryonia alba. He obtained eleven hybrid offspring from the seed, all female plants and perfectly sterile. These results disclose the following facts: (1) That moneeciousness was here recessive to the dicecious conditions; (2) that the egg-cells of B. dioica had before fertil- ization, ‘‘progame,’’ a fixed sex-tendency, and all of the same kind. Were this not the case, not all the offspring could have attained the same sex. Had both anlagen, those of the male and those of the female sex, been equally active in the eggs and had a decision as to the definitive sex depended upon a struggle between the anlagen (or upon external influences), the hybrid offspring would have been of dissimilar sexes; (3) the egg-cell has the tendency to develop into a female plant: ; also the tend- ency to give origin to such plants as those from which it arose; the physiological sex-determination and the developmental tend- ency are both female. + No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 819 The second experiment (B) consisted in fertilizing the egg- cells of Bryonia dioica (using flowers from the same plant as used in Experiment A) with pollen from the same species. Of 67 seedlings in the first year 41 came to flower, 21 being male and 20 female, all pure B. dioica. Combining the results of this experiment with those of experiment A it becomes positive that the egg-cell possessed a definite sex-tendency, and that the sex was not, however, unalterably determined in it; otherwise in experiment B all the offspring would have become female as in experiment A. The sperm-cells also must have played a role in the sex-determination, since until the time of impregnation of the eggs by the male gametes the conditions of both experi- ments were the same. As far as this experiment discloses, all the pollen-grains might have carried the male tendency. After union with the egg-cells of female sex-tendency a struggle may be conceived to have proceeded, the victory coming now to the female tendency, and now to the male, so that the final outcome resulted in 50 per cent. individuals with definite male characters and 50 per cent individuals with female characters. That this was not the case, the third experiment (C) makes clear. In experiment C, female flowers of Bryonia alba were polli- nated by male flowers of B. dioica. In other words, B. alba fur- nished the egg-cells and B. dioica the sperm-cells. The fruit of the cross was black, and of 87 seedlings, 76 came to bloom the first year, 38 of which were female and 38 male. All the plants showed hybrid characters and were completely sterile. The decision in regard to the sex of the hybrid must have been brought about through the influence of the male gamete (pollen) as in experiment B, since B. alba self-pollinated gives rise only to monecious plants. There is here a second point in evidence, unconnected with the first, against the unalterable ‘**progame’’ determination of the egg-cells, and in favor of ascribing definite influence to the sperm-cells and to fertilization. The pollen- grains of B. dioica can not all have been alike in regard to sex- tendency, else the offspring would all have been of the same sex, since the egg cells of B. alba were all alike in their tendency to give origin to monæcious forms. Again, not all the pollen- grains of B. dioica can have had the same sex-tendency, else all hybrids, due to the dominance of dicciousness, would have had the same sex. Nor can they have been endowed merely with the tendency of dicciousness, but without a tendency for a 820 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLII particular sex. Nor can the sex of the hybrid have been deter- mined by the union alone, else in experiment B, where these male gametes united with female gametes all with fixed sex- tendency (the female tendency as determined in experiment A), all offspring would have been alike female plants. Thus there remains only this interpretation: That half of the pollen-grains of B. dioica were endowed with the male tendency and half with the female tendency. Since half of the offspring were male and half female, and all of the eggs were of the same sex-tend- eney, there can not have occurred a struggle for supremacy be- tween the anlagen of the two tendencies (such a condition would yield 75 per cent. female plants and 25 per cent. male plants) but the male sex-tendency must have dominated completely over the female se md Sex-determination si thus ‘‘progame’”’ and ‘‘syngame’’alike, but the decision comes ‘‘syngame.’’ Experiments were repeated with B. dioica from widely sepa- rated regions. Different plants of B. alba were also employed. Dr. Correns has had under observation about 1,000 of these hybrids. In 27 experiments, using 16 female plants of B. dioica from various regions and 4 plants of B. alba, 589 plants were raised and all were females. In 17 experiments, using 5 plants of B. alba from different regions and 10 plants of B. dioica, 358 hybrids appeared, 171 pure males and 187 pure females. In the body of his paper Correns discusses numerous possible ob- jections and criticisms that might be made in respect to his experiments and the interpretation he gives to his results. All such objections and criticisms are met with very keen and rea- sonable explanations. Correns made a fourth series of experiments (D) in which he used plants from a family of only distant relationship to the Cucurbitacee. These were a kind of pink, Melandrium album, and a plant from a closely related genus, Silene viscosa. The former is a dicecious form and Silene is hermaphrodite. Of the seedlings from this cross, using Melandrium as the female parent and Silene as the male, 27 plants came to bloom. They were all female, though in other respects hybrid in character, and sterile. In another experiment (E) Melandrium was fertilized with pollen from its own species (as in experiment E) and there appeared approximately 50 per cent. male plants and 50 per cent. female. The parallel of experiment C with Bryonia was also attempted between Melandrium and Silene, using the latter No. 504] NOTES AND LITERATURE 821 as the female parent (the hermaphrodite flowers were castrated) and Melandrium as the male parent. All the seed from this cross was sterile. Numerous experiments with phylogenetic transition forms (‘‘polyams’’) between hermaphrodite and monecious flowering plants on the one hand and hermaphrodite and dicecious forms on the other, i. e., andromonecious, trimonecious and gyno- moncecious forms—also with androdiccious, tricecious and gyno- dicecious forms—yielded results less definite, it is true, but never- theless confirmatory (especially as regards the female tendency of the egg-cells of the female plant) of those obtained from hybridization experiments between the end forms as in Bryonia Melandrium and Silene. The main results may be summarized under three heads: (1) The germ-cells of female individuals all have the tendency to develop into female plants; one half of the germ-cells of the male individuals have the tendency to develop into male plants and one half into female. (2) The definitive sex-determination occurs at fertilization ; the original tendency of the female germ- cells can be altered through the sex-tendency of the male germ- cells. (3) When at fertilization germ-cells of unlike sex-tend- ency unite, the male tendency dominates over the female. The experiments seem to indicate that sex is inherited. Strictly speaking, however, one can not say that a plant has ‘ pn = = D Müller, Conrad, Regeneration, SER- GIUS MORGULIS, 749 Musgrave and Clegg, a reg of Parasitism, HENRY B. Warp, 630 Mutants, the Guus of, Paci ; BOLLEY, 171 NICHOLS, JOHN TREADWELL, The Silverside, 731 Noorduijn, G i. W., Spurious Al- lelomorphism, W. S SPILLMAN, Notes and Literature, 58, 134, 197, - 283, 350, 418, 491, 546, 610, 685, 732, 800 O. L., Form Variation in Am- bisstoma ge Ms , J. H. Powers, Origin of pce har in Plants, W. A. CANNO go ie ‘Hjalmar, sig igi sae CH s L. Epwarps, 620 Otter | zn Cc. L. oma ly 282 Paramecium, LORANDE Loss Woop- RUFF, 520 Parasites, Phenogamous, CHARLES A. Parasitic Plants, CHARLES A. WHITE, 98 Parker, G. H., Zoological Progress, 115; Vertebrate Eyes, 601 Parker, W. N., Wiedersheim’s Com- parative Anatomy of Vertebrates, L. W. W PEARL, RAYMOND, “Biometric, 418 Pearson, K., Bio ies, YMOND PEARL, 418; sr Heredity, A. P. Woops, 685 Phenogamous Piai, CHARLES A. WHITE, 1 Physiology, FREDERIC S. LEE, 394 Placobdella Pediculata, ERNEST E. EMINWAY, 527 Plate, C., Effect of Environment, FRANK E. . Lurz, 60 | | INDEX Eao J. B., The Species Ques- tion, 272 Seas J Form Variation in Amblystoma tigrinum, H. L. O., 136 Prandtl, H., Ameba Studies, G. N. bf Prothallia, Fern, Symbiosis in, Dovetas HOUGHTON CAMPBELL, 154 Reins. S., Protozoa, G. N. C., 62 eed. W., ' Centers of Ossification, Przibram, ‘Hans, Experimental Zool- 83 Ptilocrinus, Ta Genus, AUSTIN Ho- BAR : ae 541 Punnett, R. C., Enteropneusta, W. E. hi 622 Radium oa C. STUART GAGER, 697 EED, HucH DANIEL, Coloration of Plethodon pmo 460 REIGHARD, B, Code of Colors for Noeiivaliots, $ P. ’ Kleinsieck and Th. Valette, 566 hin Rhinoceros from Lower Miocene of ` Nebraska, HAROLD AMES COOK, 543 Riddle, Oscar, Genesis of Fault aita J. , 550; pg own’? in Plum e, 3. A. A., ag os W. E. Seed E 622 Rose Anderson, Takeritan through Placental Cir- culation, F. Rotifers, Desiccation of, DD. WHITNEY, 665 RUTHVEN, ALEXANDER G., Faunal Affinities of the Prairie Region of Central North America, 388 Ruthven, A. G., The Gartersnakes, J. A. A., 552 Shaudinn, F., Amæba Studies, G. N. Schmidt, Jaa, The Eel, CHARLES . Koror, 491 Schubotz, H., Ameba Studies, G. N. C., 4 Schuster Arthur, and Ethel M. Elderton, Heredity, F. A. Woops, 685 ses tam Jonge, <= of Color in Birds, m C. BEEBE, 34 Sia H. T Valve in the Heart of L, A., J tutes for Smoking Tobaceo, 682 HER Dwarf Fauna . unas, 472 INDEX Silverside, JOHN TREADWELL NICH- Skeletons, Fossil, ADAM HERMANN, Sheppard, W. Po Biometrics, RAY- MOND 418 Shorter Articles and Correspondence, 195, 282, ory 682, 799 SHULL CHAR s A. Abnormal In- cisors of TERAN Monax L., 457 SHULL, G. H., The Species Question, 272 3 Slonaker, J. R., Animal Behavior, = S. 5 To Inheritance through Pla- eat Cireulation, ERL cay sie Pron the Chick, Marian E. Southard 1 E. E., and F. P. Gay, In- heritance through Placental ’ Cir- culation, F. T. L. Species, Evolution ti JOHN T. GULICK, 48; Gem inate, ise TARR JORDAN, 73; What is a Species? S. W. WILLISTON, 184; The Species Question, D. S. ‘Jou HN- LES E. BESSEY, yi A. E. Hrroncock, 272; 3. ALLEN, 592 Spengel, J. W., Enteropneusta, W. E. RITTER, 622 SPILLMAN, W. J., Spurious Allelo- morphism, 610 Spirochætes, HENRY B. WARD, 374 Spittle Insects, Braxton H. GuUIL- BEAU, 783 STOCKARD, . T., Regeneration, in Frog Embryos, 138; in Moulting in Crustacea, 140 Strasburger, 1 E, erar in Ferns, BRAD , 14 ‘Student, oe P onler Vi RAYMOND PEARL, "41 SUMNER, F. B., Biological Labora- tory of the Bureau of tisheries at Woods Hole, 317 SWINGLE, Leroy D., Embryology of Myosurus Minimus, 58 Symbiosis in Fern Pro thallia, Doug- OUGHTON CAMPBELL, 154 Taxonomy and sana td CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS, 829 Tobacco, Juvenile Substitutes for Smoking, W. A. Setc Tropisms of Insects, CHARLES HOMAS BRUES, 297 Tutt, J. W., Hybrid Lepidoptera, T. D. A. CoCKERELL, 559 Vermin, A Society for the Study of, HENRY B. VERRILL, A. E., Geographical Dis- tribution, 289 Vertebrate Eyes, G. H. PARKER, 601 Walker, E. L., Amæba Studies, G. 22 B., Trypanosome Dis- 06; The Spirochætes and their "Relationship id pesg ta eases in the Philippines, 561; Evo- lution of Parasitism, 030 Washburn, Margaret F., Min Animals, H. B. JENNINGS, 207, 7 54 Watson, J. B., Behavior, H. S. JENNINGS, 355 Weber , Crinoids, Stalked, hubby C. M., Ameba Studies, G. ., 422 Warr ITE, ’ On ARLES A., Phenogamous Parasites, 12; Parasitic Plants, 98 WHITNEY, Dp Desiccation of Rotifers, 665 Wiedersheim, R., Comparative An- atomy of Ve ertebrates, L W. W WILLIAMS, i , Comparative An- atomy of Vertebrates, 72 WILLISTON, , What is a Spe- cies? 184; ` Pelycosauria, R G i 628; Conrad Fissure, B. Brown, 629; Ankylosauridæ, B. Brown, WOODRUFF, LORANDE Loss, Para- age 52 F. A., Human Heredity, 685 Woonwoxms, ©. W., Leg Tendons of Inset WRIGH rs nE and A. A. ALLEN, Breeding Habits of the Swamp Cricket Frog, 39 Xerophytie Adaptations, J. F. Mc- CLENDON, 30 830 Yamanouchi, Sh., The Cilia-forming Or y EY : amy in Ferns, BRADLEY M. Davis, 743 Behavior of the Higher Animals, H. S. JENNINGS, 207 INDEX Zoological Progress, G. H. PARKER, Zuelzer, Dame deg et, The Influence of bee „~ ration on Moulting in Crus- EG R. STOCKARD, 140 Zur Bera, Otto, Mind i in Animals, H. S. JENNINGS, 754 The Astrophysical Journal An International Review of Spectroscopy and Astronomical Physics Edited by George E. Hale and Edwin B. Frost, with the collaboration of J. 8. Ames, A. Bélopolsky, W. W. Campbell, Henry Crew, N. C. Dunér, C. Fabry, C. S. Hastings, William Huggins, H. Kayser, A. A. Michelson, Ernest F. Nichols, A. Pérot, E. C. Pickering, A. Riccò, C. Runge, Arthur Schuster, and F. L. O. Wadsworth. is the only pon in the w devoted to this department of astronomy, in which so great progress has bee e saat years, and to which she’ name ‘‘the new astronomy” is applied. It publishes in English origina from all parts of the world, eave with translations of important papers communicated to foreign learned societies which uld be inaccessible to most of its oe Special attention is give aving its illustrations ferien the highest quality of e ngri at and in ae respect i > is unexcelled among scientific publications. 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Address Dept. 62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS > CHICAGO NEW YORK William Wesley & Son, London The American Naturalist in 1867, Devoted to the Advancement of the oe Sciences Monthly Journal, establish with Special ates: to the Factors of Organic Evolution nih CONTENTS OF THE MAY NUMBER phical Distribution; Origin the Bermuda On the Inte: orn Pe Ce AMi omger ; rp ono CHARLES THOM ~~ eae of Te the Im cane Serer Professor Cu HARLES proeime On Xerophytic Ada ons of Leaf Structure in Yuceas, Profi r J. F. MCCLENDON, B of the Bureau of Fisheries at The “rage, A Wood's Hole, Mass.: Report of Work for the Season of 1907. Ld Francis B, SUMNER, Form in Man, GEnTKeDe C. DAVEN= RT, Notes and Liierature: Serna ipep gare In- terest in Recent Crinoids, H, L. C. Animal Bee rarna ren Work on the Behavior of — Higher Animals, Professor HERBERT 8, JEN CONTENTS OF THE JUNE NUMBER The Ancestry of the Caudate Amphibia, Dr, Ror L Moopre, The Spirochetes and their oe to other Organe pa CONTENTS OF THE JULY NUMBER A New Mendelian Ratio and Several of Latency. Dr. GEORGE HARRISON SHULL. Type Leg Tendons of Insects. Professor C, W, WOOD» WORTH. Abnormal Incisors of Marmota Monax L. CHARLES A, SHULL. A oe on n ———— of Plethodon Cinereus, HUGH cae e oe a on the Order of Succession of the Somites in the Chick. Professor MARIAN E. HUB- BARD. CONTENTS OF THE_AUGUST NUMB e Mid-summer Bird Life of Illinois: A esac Study. Professor 8. A. FORBES. The Life moa of Paramecium when subjected to s Varied vironment, Dr. LORANDE Woon- RUFF. Placobdella Pediculata n ERNEST E., HEMINWAY. —_— marc pase aon: “ane Atlantic Coast, DE. AL- Shomatry eng a emma Son raged Professor CHARLES LINCOLN recnpoeuaniters Ta Genus Ptilo- e Lower Miocene rales HAROLD Notes cond Literature: Plant Cytology—Some Recent Re- search on the ——_ Organ of = Aa p BraDLEY M. Davis. Ornithology—Rid Genesis of Fault-bare and the Cones of alton nat icine Dark Bars in Feathers, J. A. A. ‘Her- see: 9 a od a a ag por ome = ps of the Garter-snakes, Lepidoptera ybrid Lepidoptera, Professor T.D, A, CocCKERELL. Dr, Leroy D. Another Aspect of the Species Question. Dr. J. A. The- y oaen of the Lateral Eyes of Vertebrates essor G. H. PARKER. W: J. SPILLMAN. Human Anatom: ons, Pryor on Sexual and Family ‘dense tamer in Centers - of Ossification, C. R. B. Pian logical Studies on Saprole ni cua v Vaucheria, DR. BRADLEY M. erat rn = peaa ea, Professor CH EDWARDS. En- Recent tates on che retool neusta, Professor W. E. RITTER. Vertebrate on Paiscomuni of North America; Barnum Brown on the Conrad fof ag = on the ee wW- ILLISTON; Parasitology— „Evolution of Parasitism; Trypanosomes, H. B. W. CONTENTS OF THE OCTOBER NUMBER estations of the Principles of Chemical Mechanics in the Living Plant, Dr, F, F, BLACK» MAN. The Desiccation of Rotifers. D. D. WHITNEY, On the Habits and the Pose of the Sauropodous Dina- saurs, especially of Diplodocus. De. OLIVER P. Har. Shorter Articles and Correspondence: Juvenile Bub- stitutes for Smoking Tobacco, Professor WILLIAM THE SCIENCE PRESS Garvie, N. Y. Sub-Station 84: NEW YORK Lancaster, Pa.