SCIENCE AND ARTS.. % ee CONDUCTED BY & a Proressors B. SILLIMAN anv B. SILLIMAN, Jr., r ‘ AND ‘ JAMES D. DANA. * SECOND SERIES. VOL. VI.—NOVEMBER, 1848. « vive BUT, GARDE 1911 NEW HAVEN: PRINTED FOR THE EDITORS BY B. L. HAMLEN, Printer to Yale College. Sold by I me < Piven des Haven. —Litt ie & Brown, pyitt Wir Boston. —C. 8. Fraxcts & Co. and Gror ax". Pursam, (late Wiley & Putnam) "York-—Caney EORGE « Hans a n, Baltimore, 6 *. FUTNAM, | rate pene 9 Paris. gee Hamburgh. Gat yee NUMBER XVI. . Page Arr. I. Notes and Remarks connected with Meteorology on Lake variations in the season ; by Prof. We W. J — =“, =~ 1 IIL. on, the ‘Orbits of the. kneaded : las B. A. Govtn, To: AAS. of the List of lL ocalisive of Algee in the Unite , Sa as Prof. J. he iy br We, Directions for Collect- ing and Preser rving by Dr H. Harvey V. Objections to the ies severally of es Dafay and A mpére, with an Effort to Explain Electrical i. ae 9 se = or wogeetory Seige bed by Pro Tain 5 * VI. pot a pocttide ina of Tataeobion that poem an fnapairtneh , ae part in the Mineral Kingdom; by Professor ScuEeRER,~ - 7 VII. On the Construction of Blast-furnaces for the Smelting of r Iron with Anthracite; by 8. S. Hatpeman, VIII. Notes on some Ferns of the United Beaten ; by ‘Profer sor Kunze of — 1846. 2 by Dr. G. ’ ENGELMA IX. 9 the Beneficent ‘Pinthation of the Bente of Pain by r. G. R, Row X. on he Fae oy of Carboni Acid Gas by Liquids : by Prof. q . B. Rocers, and Prof. R. E. Rocers, 96 : XI. Outen of the Diawoad in nm aa Way 5 by Prof R. E. Rogers and Prof. W. B. Rogers, - 110 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE... Chemistry and Physics. Mer Keg on pote Latent and Specific Heat of Bodies, by C. C. Person, 111.—Note on the ns of testing ~ comparative value of one aah Substances “a the purpose of Tann ing, by Ropert Warineton, Esq., — On the Manufacture of pure Sulphuric Acid, by Ave: A. Hayes, M -D., alogy and Geology.—On the Wave of Translation in connexion with the * Nero! Drifi, by W. Wuewext, D.D., F.G.S., 115.—On the Slow Ttransmis- 3 sion of Heat through loosely coherent Clay and Sand, by James Nasmytu, Esq., RS 119.—On the Changes of the Vegetable Kingdom in the different Geological * — by M. eee Bronentarrt, 120.—Geology and ‘Topography of the S., 123.—Geo a i 133. a Burra Copper Mine 8 South Au abe: Hse Sel roa e Ta Gé- itigie ‘a 1834 & 1845, par Le Vicomte D'’ArcHiac pee ee a Sane Ree iv = ‘ees Zoo — Gott bas ch ).— Eyes a the — by Dr. ter x! Lei arison bet Gm ida, r with 8. ‘ Caunitee ca, and a descr rip- , 136.—Notice of a fractured and 37.—Deseription n of a species y— —Lor d Rosse’s Telescope, 139.—New Pla o% new Star: n the opinion of Copernicus with ro to the Light of the Planeis, by Prof. De Monesx 140: Solar Parallax, 1 143. Fd | Be i a Intelligence.—Memoire sur les Gina oa toste? de la Mer Glaciale & F la surface, A de grandes profondours et dans le voisinage des s Glacic piers du hat It, 148.—Geological Map from oe Science at Cam idem ion in search of Sir John Franklin, 1 ~ —Researches on the Chemistry of Food and) imal bod Justus Li MD Ca nial body, H. P. Sartwew., = : owLInG TAYLO 1G.58.L., is Ge co- “ZO nordia, etc. conscripsi HERRN en: P siple of Zoology, touching the Structure, Development, Distribu and Natural arrangement o 7 the races of Animals, living and extinct, with numerous illustrations, by s A. GouLp, 151 —QObservations on the ‘Tomales of Raney at o oft ar Naples, H s Bapaace, —Elements of sical Suede y Gotpine Birp ., F.R.S., P-L.S. ee ia 153.—An In fhoduction to the study of Mitecunds y, by Davio P.Tuomsox,M.D.: Haturwinedeathafiicic Abhandlungen, von WiLHELM Huiuen R, 154.— Be- richte asc die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften in List of Works, 155. - NUMBER XVII. Page. : s, Xl. On the Indian Archipelago, : 157 On the Anomalies presented in the Aioaate Fatawhe of Sul- phur and Nitrogen; with remarks on Chemical Classifi- cation, and a notice of M. Laurent’s sara of Binar ry Molecules; by T. S. Hunt, 170 XIV. Upon the eee : Color on Dew 5 by Pot. Joun BrockLessy XV. - new Method of extern Pare Gold ‘from Alloys anid q m Ores; by C. T. Jackson, U.S.GS.,. 187 : XVI. Discovery of Tellurium in Virginies by C. Bs Tacx. | S., G. 188 XVII. Upon a peculia kind Ms ledernephioen that hav an "aapert. ant part in the Mineral Kingdom; by Professor Scnzzrer, 189 XVII. Engle pe ye from the cago by Professor J. W. Gress, 206 XIX. On a New eiiickt” Wi tinnit for ebteelaicliy the Ten- sion of Vapor of Water at any. oe by J. Avexanper, Esq., 210 XX. Observations on some New Bapiand Plants, with chapels of several new species; by Epwarp Tuckerman, A.M., 224 i by 3 by Prof. ven. aay On Gutta Percha ge Epwanxp N. Ken - On Rigrala’ N ickel from Texas, “pore Couny, Pa. : ; by Prof. B. Siruman, Jr., - L new Minerals from Texné: Lesoudee ie Pénn. ; ; s Upuam SHEPARD, XXVII. Aa Account of a greedy of Castine. Maine, May * ‘1848 ; by Cuartes Urnam Suzparp, M_.D., wane eS SQPENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. onductor of Galvan nism : Grove’s Battery up, 253.—Oxyd Ss = ie: ® id Ba! | Ss = a 7 ~~J o i-*] = 2 ‘FS Re] i=) = oO * “ : inp inc, sie in the iirend by Pig of the Eye, by M. nt of Gun-cotton in Mining, b Chilsteform Pt . Hurarer and Laroc drated Ox Zine measuring the Intensity of Currents, by M. Ng ENe: On certain properties of Iodine, Phosphorus, Nitric Acid, &c., by M. Niece pE Saint Victor, 258. can Journal of =“ 1848, p. 74, by T. S. Hunt, 259.—Purifying Li aaa Dec 44 Slend of Substances by Steam, and Manufactur phate and Muriate of Potash, 260. Mineralogy os pnd 58 Silpsi tet 266.—Ba Mia, ite; a-new mineral fom the Tek, t y M. pre Kos Pseudom orphism , 267.—O On Dolomisat y A. von Monior, 268.— Three Witsrals from the Lake Su ara! aa Re- ‘gion, by she poe hideie 269.—Mines of Cinuabar in Pye Califora, % Argentiferous Galena and Iron Ore in Algeria, ; — Footprinss, by. Dexter Marsn, 272.—Gold in mer Ca ebnerite Ae Produce of Gold in the Ural and Eiarts in ¥ the year 1846, 27 j Zoology.—Pancreatic secretion, 276. ee Se 277. , 4 Astronomy.—Neptune, by Sear n, 277.—The tenth Asteroid, Diana: Shooting Stare se ed 10, ie, a8. —-Bicsoting Stars of August 10, 1848, 279, Miscellaneous Intelligence —California, 280.—Verbal Communication from Dr. lg on the Rationale of the Explosion causing th a Fire of 1845, at New k, 28 - aterial, 285.—Types, 287.—Bullets : Anette of the different Grains produced in the United States in 1847 : Smithsonian Institu- tion, —Tenacity of Life in Black Ants, by Dexter Mar inet ad Observatory at A rst College, Mas mine from the Bittern of Salt orks, by Messrs 1s ILLESPIE, 293. us: American Associa- tion for the Promotion of Science, 294.—Table of the periods when the Hudson 4 River opened and closed at Albany, so vad as the same can now be ascertained, 95.— “* and Cold of Utica: Atmidoscope: Magnetic Perturbations, 296.-— a | Gold Medal of the Royal sho Mes abe Soctety of London: Beavers, by D. D. i Prrares: F. Markoe’s Mineralogical Cab .. Meteorite of Arkansas, aw a of J. Richa ‘aon. 297. c of Cvs; and the der of e stration designed for th f Scho ole and Colle oM., The British (Pemidiew, by Joun Kauri with: Mais by Epwarp Jenner, A.L.S., 302.—The P Utiice ‘Gan for the year 1847, 303. orks, 303. i sq., Kt eg | XK Consideration on cg Divisibilty of Magoitade : 7 ‘Avex: R MacWuor XXX Ses earches on Salts; es C. ‘Granaio DT, Il. Observations on Rammelsberg’s Analysis of the Juveoe Meteorie Stone, and on the Conclusion of Fischer’s Exam- | “eg of the Braunau Meteoric Iron; by, Cuar.tes UpHam | ' M.D. em _Conbtions to the Mycology of North America : hy M. A. iv. likens “or SoigffMAtabama ; by C.S. Hat XV. On the Oxydation of Uric Acid by means of Pdladdn and 2 ha ce Potassium ; by ApoLpu ScHLigPER, iF i # California, _ thunder-storm evening of 19th. ey wind from north night. 20. Wind n. 8. Lake a sheet of om, and very heavy sea. 21. Pleasant ; wind not noted.’ 22. Pleasant; calm in morning. mbatiesél and went to bm ate Harbor. Squalls from every naa in afternoon. looked very threatening, and water oscillated repeatedly a Area level every half hour, and sometimes more frequently, at 24 Harbor. Blew a gale from the north and n.w. through the n night 23. vey cross, chopped sea. Squall clouds in various directions. meds but nearly a several times, from the cross seas. vy squall came suddenly from n.w. "Run into a little boat harbor before it struck us. In a moment the lake was a sheet of foam, and the ~iaees continued blow Eg. heavily fromm the ww. all day a es night. 24. Pleasant and cal but lake too tongh to pass indies on the deeper parts of the reef. _ In afternoon, embarked and went to Copper Barber, Mar blasts of warm air a9 off the lard, with intervals of » 25, No note HP ge wea calles 26. Storm; heavy surf on the shore from n.x. 27. Storm : heavy a on — shore ; wind n.w. 28. Storm ; N.E. mist 29. Pleasant day ; Pad 1 ri noted. 30. Pleasant day; wind w.x.w. 6; heavy surf on the shore. Oct. 1. Stormy day; wind from east, and ae round to south in the afternoon, =~ 2. Pleasant calm _ 3. Cold stormy day. | tapered 0 on Peeara steamer Julia Palm- er, for a voyage along the Canadian shore. 4. Sailed from Copper Harbor. Pleasant; wind inodérate from the west in the forenoon, freshened too much for the steam= et to head it in the afternoon, and went into Siskowit Bay and anchored. Galm/in the evening. This was the first voyage of a steamboat on the north coast of the lake, where there are many unexplored reefs and islands. 5. Sailed from Siskowit Bay at 7 a.m. Calm, but “= = sont 7 Ate W.8.W., and freshened seer a tll 3 pan, whentits fore a Dry te et * 8 W. W. Mather on the Meteorology 6. Northeast storm; wind very heavy all pies and all day. Low scudding clouds and some rain, af a little sn 7. Wind n.e. 5; some rain and a little se all ay thick weather. Sailed from P Prince’s Bay to mouth of river near Fort William, in Thunder Bay. Clear and calm in the afternoon. Beautiful aurora borealis in the evening ; waving stripes of light. 8. Sailed from Point William at 3) s.m., where it was calm, but at the Welcome Islands, heavy n.r. wind, storm struck us, and continued all day. Steamer. battled against the storm and pod head sea all day to reach the western inlet to Neepigon Bay. Wind blew from the north last night with great violence. | Benatifal aurora in the evening. Several ares visible, one above the other, apparent bank of clouds below the two lower ones, but stars visible. through it. -Arcs variable in height and progressive undulating movements of these ares, strongly marked like waves, thus = ~~~. Almost always i in the afternoon and. beginning of the evening, before the light. of the aurora bo- was observed in the north as. a segment of a circle with its highest point in the magnetic meridian. _ Long lines and stripes of light of various colors sprung up from the east, and extended entirely over the western horizon and from all points from east around by north to west, and some ex- tended even over to the southern thd ou: The crowns of ‘the successive arches were a few degrees east of north, but in the 4 | magnetic meridian. 10. Wind blew a gale all day from the east. Water rose. so much as to carry away the trestle pier, and create a very strong the south from Neepigon Bay to Lake Superior.’ Wind south in the evening and blew a gale all night with rain. Strong current from the Lake into Neepigon Bay. 11. Wind s.z., a gale with rain till 12th when the rain ceased but wind did not moderate very much. The air over the main . Lake seemed to be clear,.but when the masses of air from the Lake reached the mountains of St. Ignace and Fluor peg donee black threatening clouds were formed and rolled up an ) Panu little harbor on the v.w. side of Flour Island. Wind hauled to west at 10 p.m. and blew a heavy gale. ' 12. Wind hauled to x.w. at daylight, blowing very violently, but gradually moderated. Some hail and sleet last night. Sailed for Sault St. Marie with strong but fair wind from n.w. Pleasant but windy day. 13. Heavy squalls from ,west and n. w. in night. Arrived at Sault St. Marie. Weather very foggy from White Fish Point, which we passed at 9 am. Squalls from north and west: Steamer had to feel her way frequently with the soundi J il é and Changes of Level in Lake Superior. : 9 Propeller Independence arrived at Sault St. Marie, Monday even- ing the 12th, in twenty-five hours from Copper panei. she oe ave had a str ng west or NW. a all that t 14, Pleasant time, but cold and gust 15. Snow fell last night abate. A three inches. “Stormy . day of rain and some apt, _ Squalls-from m N.w. and n.z. Cold uncomfortable weather 16. Raw, danhodtse uncomfortable day, cloudy with squalls from n.w. and N.£. ‘Snow fell m the sigeiwas and through the ht. night 17. Raw, cold ‘enfidciineent eds» -Emmbaided for Dettoit. June 13, 1847. On Lake St. Clair andvin St. Clair River. Pleasant weather, ‘bit at 1 p.m heavy squall from the west ac- some raim This had been indicated by black squally looking clouds. in the. west gay hour. The weather nued n conti squally with dashes of bo ugh the day and | g e. uron. Hea asing from daylight er the heavy waves, the stea “Point au At ow occasion ly plu put ere :. = ae 4. PM. t Bay till 7 een hours going about ei 7 mile pe Te abated about 8 aa Ser ioke ae between D ru me ay j rty miles west Pr Whiel ish Point, re has never been heard of since. A few fragments. were found on the Canada shoré. *\.. m' $. 8, Opposite 2 Carabou sland. e a red miles sinc: oen, about. twelve. miles 18. Wind SB. aie avery fipdh ll night, but wins arta Kewenaw Point at 7 A.M. face 5 tH brea Sse i with dense fog came off land, pe “shat rom see to ye into on led to s.w. ai Ge blew off at 4 p.m. 10 -W. W. Mather on the Meteorology 23, 24. pe weather; wind not noted. | 25. Ple t weather, very fine day; but in the afternoona + me ee from me mar: ke, it benaiejeidcleny socold ; Pleasant ; * wcinds not sféted:: Getierally. at this season oft pric’ year calm, or with moderate winds during the warmer part of the day, and : a — + get in the =) tas irom || Pi ing. a 29. Clear but very sy sity a yi wind ah the south. ~ bore aqui of water on the. 30. ore a. on as Hom very cold, not noted. “noted. soon a ra as I wed thie arti- —= apy viding. iu -aniddlo‘of iow hays wind: nét ite Me oy without maid with sextant. . 2108. 27 eonagint ater (rom revatio, t not lary. at Copper Harbor, on Porter’s Island. .- » On the 7th of July, Dr. C. T. Jackson kindly inejlis me with ig by means of which a register has been kept: mite 6 the barometric pressure, with the ee beth os sone force of winds, variations in the lake level, & thermometer detached from the barometer, corresponded writh be! attached thermometer within less than half a degree, and only on secietered except where a fire was made in the room, and tl e detached thermometer »was removed to the outside of the buil dig with a proper exposures, © ¢ © ‘During this calm season of the Year the surface of the lke water becomes warm, while alittle below the surface it is quite cold. He northerly winds, which: make the air “cold, drive ture of the water of th notth side of P nas calmer petodnes the’simmer. “ a a RR ek ee foam age A ait Bw Ay # age he tl oes i = . CAC wes 0 Facial - «, a 4 &S ' ie a ee RR» eg ee , - je aS: 6 . ae and Changes of Level in Lake eS Se ee we ? ? 2 Eth he Th. | f alt. det. Winds, &c. pt. | Winds, &c.f Bar. : + er fs k. 980, 70| ie E. ) | NBS ; -1, clear} 460 ae wal 4 hoe 24 eon. We P gt W. | ae " 7... A ’ ; um. ~ ke 7 26! * ie c ‘ | ae ila ea E. * te ‘ ‘ whe a ae y Ww. x : 1N.W. 3} *°350)72 ‘e Im. 5B) , wsl,clh... . | dn : Mi ¢ 2 j aM G4 See Nie Nw. 5 ~ |” +3301 65 . | w.n.w. 1. WNW. 5,6 ce | 964 | Ww. ; “4 ]m. lear. jw.4,eldy.} “4 Pewee, lp! ew. > ‘ ‘560 66 56iN.w.5,cl.4 “5 . |wan.w. 34 ra 7 :| 8.w.d | 458) € s.w. 4,cldy] | 13% i a i % w Tag -| +400). 60 f a E.o | 4 B.Gack cl 1. “626 63). . + See . IN.E. 280107 + 54 | +485 53. |x. i 2 . | e6 f +424! 53 Out... .| .' . e.g Cumeneee . le. 4 clei «|: él hFoqoLoajayy ayz uo LaYIDIT “AA “AA er. a Winds, &c. ealm 9 days w. + Se s.w. 3 *# 8.s.w. 5 & 8. 8.E. ] «* ; 8.sE,1 2 rain 1 * % calm 7“ | ‘10 We G8 7 10 # ewe le ae a or ‘i a ye 8 gZ “ oe we 3 Oks : : ay 4-0) BA, pee be shod ie fog! 1 oe ® x 2 « food 575 ie a8 calm 2% ‘i 1 Bo if c | a oe ed S « Mes t . ru < Pe 5 ‘ " h to north,—1itl Pw nd erg ra a F a rm ea le Bey : pea nes two fee a ig Cann raw 4 n east.— ale re from Fond du ‘. aor i t Ju oaeo ihe _ ed ae ; a ok i. a fee: Gra. few dime dpa some clodite. —I3ih. 6 A.M, ae: A.M ondy, yest: os. “raingand ¢ from. A to 8: 6 ra. fog and rain.—IJ5th. 12 M., few cirri—Wind £ NE — cloudy, = : M.; §q! and cola p.m., cloudy. ‘I - ‘and vivid lightiing at 10 aM.; hea y at. 12h. 30m. ; ‘heary rin tn eu 4 sl a Nay ‘ti gail in hee at: it day eee wick rt ie few a ‘ 1 ce igs ge and seaall day —25th. 6 p.m b, and in Naevy peach all day and night.—26 AM., a little rain: 12 m., oatt re y clear. Stormy ; wind blowing a gale part my tie — ih. | ind tied iro west to . at M., and pare ai 10° in . moment, and 29° in a few on “rid gale on Pag to N.W. and west.—z9th, ote exo aaa Pag we: m-, 6m 2° hag poten Cold stormy day.—30th. 6 “— ae ~ Sioa —Sist, 12 m., ene § i yar B vy = some clouds,—2d. 6 A.M., cloudy, ile ur aS A.M. : 12 . rain eg n south: ag rain: 6 P.M., severe storm, sor gm and rain: 9 p.M., rain storm. Severe and cold me a achat By h. 6 p.m, “ane Aandi in west. aly abe ee Rk eh ae. ae 3 ey > s . “1ovadn % 4 W. W. Mather on the Meteorology Tis? IL.— Register. of er Harter ip Lake iperior, uperior, from July ob sth at 47° is Ne Se Tata W of Greenwich.~ : metric waves of water. Yom ‘4 ies : e) : i + é in : + i : ¢ F * - «12 OME del Wi end wef! 4 heey ther’ ax. and 7 +5 34, eR | 20 ceca 4 i - os 4 i : and Changes of Level in Lake Superior. 15 Tasue II.—( Continued.) eo = SSSOD w@ sOUT RON WOROW Poor Sawn! p [Hour Act | a h, m.| P.M. 15) 255|P “/ 3 “ce «} 390} « «} 3 30 ““ “6 340 P73 “ 3 50 sc ss! 410} * “ . 20 yA “ee 5 50 ee % ‘16 ee iS. Bar. att. Th. Barometric waves of water. ° Remarks. | Water fallen a foot to its| “ “ s. Bs . an de 6. es wt aoe ‘ “ee * 6. $.s.w. 4. “ee 4, t a ‘ “ s. by w. 4. _ Calm; heavy wind clouds to ry s. and s.w. *. mi 8 Monde, 8. P. paws 4; thundercloud] - BY Ms ; - | ee Wind n.w. 6; ‘thunder for ij . hours in the west} heavy ‘ , | driving rain; heaviest rain .: om 2 A M, 40m ect Wind now. 9. i% s s.w. 2. (2 © at, Water ntdifiard nm ee Wa aa ta PR ater: very high in aes ee Water paermien k 5 one sre a the s: BY rapt - } wd gat! seat ees , ind we Le IGilegy ite west a ind N.w.; sun ining; euige in ast. 3 Wind s.w. es hunder " te clouds in chs ‘and north, 72 , + (Wind 8.S.w. 2. BM, hike Smiley . {Calm )' 69 ‘ ia be dl Wind w. bal a ; at fog coming ons | ; et a A ‘66 “e $65, ‘ ” hy a Th on Yi rain. » jails : ; a mS 64 a " i * bal N, mW 1. of 68), oo b 23 a a Jake 1 water on the shore, 62°. Joni i “ rahi ; 4 oe oe o ew re PO ee, ose BA: patina 7 ater still Ups but fallen a Wind s. by w. 6, W. W. Mather on the Meteorology er kogewes. ye Th. Borometriowaves of water. | ie + eee eee a oe : 00 3 oes | vall cloud 550} ‘ : P 7. | ouds in oh . y ft? he orth Sif r ‘clouds in iq of We eater Ne ‘ tae % See woe . Wind s “ heavy black "i in aie ; ralvod hard - 10. fens] oo hie Tas, < Midge ge Tr the peoaling table whe tine i istered, amount of vee ores i ene destin the ~ eh time coasting in a i and, 2% . have often observed at oat of ; at the outward flow of the water would be ng current flow into the riveror creek*un- and nee of Level in Lake Superior. 17 bar is attained. Sometimes the water of the lake would also re- cede below its usual level, so as to leave the bars naked that were generally co with water, Toward the extremities of long lakes and ba e wind causes very sensible fluctuations in the level of the water, which have long been observed at Whitehall and Buffalo, N. Y. The variations in level in Green Bay, obser- ved by many persons, and carefully registered by Mr. Cass in 1828, and by Lieut. Ruggles in Sept. and Oct., 1836, are believ- ed to be due to the eeences, < the wind tz part, but mostly to variation of atmospheric pre Copper Harbor is i eal in the centre of Lake Supe- rior, near the extremity of a peninsula extending about seventy miles into the lake; and whatever may be the direction or force of the wind, the water retains its level so far as this cause is con- cerned in producing variations of level. The place of observa- tion (on Porter’s Island) is entirely sheltered from any influence of the waves, which break with great force in storms on the reefs and shore, on the outside of the island. It is in a little bay on the south side of the island, and opens into Copper Harbor. Cop- per Harbor is three miles in length parallel to the lake coast, and opens with a breadth of a mile. Any fluctuations that are not momentary, like those of the waves produced by wind, are per- ceived in a few minutes at the place where the observations were made, both by the variation of level, and by the rapid flow into or out of the harbor in the narrow opening that separates the west end of Porter’s Island from the main land. The quantity of water flowing through the rapids at the Sault St. Marie, at the outlet of Lake Superior, is subject to very con- siderable variation, and is dependent on two causes, viz., the direction and force of the wind, and, second, upon barometric waves. Capt. Peck, who resides at the Sault ‘St. Marie, related rapids were bare for a considerable distance on or near the Canada shore, where ordinarily there was a strong current. He had walked far out on these rocks, but observation had taught him not to tarry long, as the water would return sometimes in half an hour ; these depressions of the water usually preceded a storm. _ During my visit to the Sault on the 7th of Sept. last, the water was remarkably low on the rapids all day, being one ‘and halt feet lower than usual, A daring New England man v see if the falls could be ascended, made the attempt pig skiff sail boat, with a strong fair wind, almost a of and st ceeded—a thing never before attempted, or even deemed ' - Seconp Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 16, July, 1848. 3 18 W. W. Mather on the Meteorology A heavy rain storm from the n. and n.w. succeeded on the fol- lowing day Many observing men on the lakes have noticed that the extra- ordinary variations in the level of the water precede a storm. I regret that I did not accurately note down more of them. ‘The preceding notes may call the attention of those favorably situated for these investigations, carefully to observe the attending circum- stances, and especially the barometric fluctuations, wind, weather, and temperature. A rise of the barometer in the annulus of a storm precedes the depression, and would account for the fluctua- tions of level, whether the variations in atmospheric pressure occur at the place of observation or at some distant point, on a broad expanse of water. Periodical Rise and Fall of Lake Superior.—The gradual rise and fall of the level of the water in the great lakes, through a series of years, has long been noticed. Its cause is doubtless due to a greater quantity of rain and snow, or of a lower mean of temperature and diminished evaporation during the pericd of rise, and the reverse during the time of fall of the water-level of the Jakes. During the year 1838 or 1839, the waters were higher than they had been before for at least two centuries. This is demonstrated by the large tracts of land that were inundated, which are covered with forest trees, many of them the growth of ages. ‘These trees were destroyed by this overflow around Lakes Erie and Huron and on the St. Mary’s river, between Point De- tour and the Sault St. Marie. We have no accounts of Lake Superior at that time, and I have seen no similar tracts of destroyed timber on the shores of that lake, although I have coasted along most of the shore. There are facts however that indicate a marked variation within a few ey In 1845 a rock in the middle of the entrance of Eagle Tarbor showed itself only in the trough of the waves; and the narrow inlet betwen the west end of Porter’s Island and the main land at Copper Harbor, was of such depth that loaded Mac- inaw boats could enter Copper Harbor without touching the rocks. In the summer of 1846 the rock at the mouth of Eagle Harbor was a foot and a half above water; boats could not get into Cop- per Harbor through the inlet above mentioned, and skifls and canoes rarely attempted to enter by that passage. In June, 1847, the rock above mentioned was still more out of water, and the western inlet to Copper Harbor could be crossed, by stepping on the projecting points of the reef, without wetting the feet ; and during some depressions of the water by barometric waves, it was laid almost entirely dry. From the 18th of June to the 6th of September the general level of the water rose fully twelve inches. Several large rocks in the water Opposite the govern- ment house, with their points projecting at different heights above Ny ae I] a and Changes of Level in Lake Superior. >. @ the water, were daily observed (except from the 3d to the 8th of August ), when the water was calm, and a steady progressive rise noticed by means of them, the lowest being first covered and others in succession. It has been observed on this lake, that the water is lowest in spring and highest in autumn. This is readily explained by the fact that in winter most of the ordinary supplies of water from the drainage of the surrounding country, are cut off by being converted into ice and snow, while evaporation from the surface of the lake by the dry northern winds continues to carry away a very sensible quantity of water. During the spring and early part of summer* the snow and ice melt, and the accu- mulated stores of winter, flow into the lake in greater quantity than to compensate for the evaporation and the drainage at the outlet. The summer of 1846 was remarkably dry and warm; that of 1847 more than usually cold and wet. a * 3 ; * Contributions to the Geology of Texas. 21 Art. Il.—Contributions to the Geology of Texas; by Dr. Ferpmanp Roemer. Ar the time when I wrote the short sketch of the geology o: Texas, contained in a previous number of this Journal,* I had seen only a comparatively small portion of the country. I have - since extended my observations over a much larger surface and, profiting by some peculiarly favorable circumstances, I have become acquainted with sections of the country generally con- sidered inaccessible on account of the dangerous character of the Indian tribes by which they are inhabited. I have collected a sufficient number of facts for a geological map of the whole state, which will be true at least in all its gen- eral features. My collections of fossils will serve to test the correctness of the observation and the inferences drawn from them. They contain a considerable number of new forms, chiefly from the cretaceous formation, which require to be de- At present I wish only to present a short account of the gener- al results which I have derived from my geological survey of the country. An ideal line drawn from Presidio de Rio Grande on the Rio Grande in a n.£. direction, and crossing the San Antonio River at the town of the same name, the Guadaloupe at New Braunfels, (the German settlement,) the Colorado at Austin, the Brazos at the falls of this river, the Trinity below its forks, and reaching from there to the Red River in the same n.r. direction, divides the tertiary strata and the diluvial and alluvial deposits (of the level and “rolling” part of the country) from the cretaceous and older formations (of the hilly and mountainous sections). The few remarks to be made about the former region, are first that the tract of level country which extends like a broad belt along almost the whole coast of Texas, is diluvial and partly alluvial in character. Its small elevation of a few feet only above the level of the sea, and its perfectly level surface, indicate, at once, the recent origin of the soil. The fossil remains, found in many places in the deposits of clay and sand, prove their modern age still more conclusively. At the head of Galveston bay and even near the town of Houston, I found at a height of twelve to twenty feet above the general level of the bay, large deposits of shells of Gnathodon, a bivalve mollusc, which lives abundantly in the brackish waters along the coast of the Mexican Gulf, in the bay of Galveston particularly. Some few oyster shells of the common kind occur in these deposits of half fossil a * Volume ii, ii Ser., p. 358. & é £ 2. Contributions to the Geology of Texas. thodon shells, but there are no shells different from those now living in the bay. Every thing tends to the supposition that the conditions of climate, etc., at the period when these deposits along the coast of Texas were formed, did not differ materially from the present, except that a change in the relative level of ~Tand and sea has since taken place. To the diluvial period must be likewise referred the depos- its of clay and sand which form the banks of the Brazos and . probably all the other large rivers of the country. Mr. Hough, a gentleman residing at San Felipe, has discovered in the muddy banks of the Brazos near his place of residence, many fossil bones of extinct species of mammalia, and has made a valuable collec- tion of them, which I had an opportunity to examine when it was exhibited about two years ago at Galveston. It contains bones of mastodon, megalonyx (claw bones), tapir, and of a gigantic and undescribed species of ox.* To the diluvial age of the globe must be further referred the deposits of gravel and sand, which form a broad belt of bar- ren or poor land covered with pine and post-oak timber, in the “rolling” or undulating portion of Texas, and extending from west to east across a considerable part of the country. Follow- ing up the Colorado from Columbus to Bastrop, or the Guadaloupe from Gonzales to Seguin, we pass directly across this belt. The gravel is mostly composed of pebbles of silex evidently derived from decomposed cretaceous strata. Within the limits of this gravel formation, fossil wood of dicotyledonous trees in smaller or lar- ger fragments is found almost every where. In some localities it is particularly abundant, and whole trunks are occasionally met with. I have sent to Europe the lower part of a trunk, about three and a half feet in diameter, weighing about six hun- dred pounds, and showing distinctly the beginning of the ramifi- cation of the roots and most beautifully the fibrous internal struc- ture of the wood. ‘This specimen was discovered together with many smaller ones, in the banks of a small creek near the town of Boonville on the Brazos. When I wrote my former paper, I was not sure about the formation in which this fossil wood was originally deposited. I am now perfectly convinced that it is derived from cretaceous strata, having afterwards found pieces of it among cretaceous fossils at localities where for hundreds of miles around, there are no other but cretaceous strata, and no traces of diluvium or drift are met with. Strata, belonging decidedly to the tertiary period, I did not see at all during the first part of my stay in the country, and I was inclined almost to doubt their existence in Texas altogether, although this would have been against the general analogy of the * This Journal, volume i, ii Ser., p. 244. a eines a a Contributions to the Geology of Texas. 23 other southern states. While on a tour to the upper Brazos, I discovered in the neighborhood of the town of Caldwell, strata of a ferruginous sandstone with numerous and well preserved tertiary shells. Crossing afterwards the Brazos not far from this town, I had a still better opportunity to see this formation along the steep banks of the river. It consists of alternating strata of brown ferruginous sandstone and of dark colored plastic clay, both teeming with fossils. Unfortunately, the circumstances poe not allow me to make a complete collection of them; the however, which I gathered are sufficient to prove that ‘ees strata belong to one of the older divisions of the tertiary period. I have good reason to suppose that these same tertiary deposits have a wide range in the eastern part of Texas, though I am unable to give their exact limits. Tertiary fossils from Na- cogdoches seem to indicate that the deposits of the Brazos ex- tend as far as nee Cretaceous formation.—We come next to the cretaceous strata, which of all the settea formations take the most important part in the geological constitution of Texas and chiefly her upper hilly part. The immense tract of land which extends from the above mentioned line, connecting the Rio Grande with Red River, to the head waters of the Colorado and the other large rivers of Texas, is occupied entirely by cretaceous deposits, except a belt. of silurian and carboniferous strata and a mass of granitic rocks, oth covering comparatively a small are we examine first the Bas arn FEE, constitution of these eretaceous rocks, a striking difference from other deposits of the cretaceous period on the North American continent at once be- comes apparent; for whereas these latter, on the whole Atlantic coast, are almost entirely composed of loose and incoherent mate- rials, the cretaceous strata of Texas constitute mostly compact and hard rocks, some of them equalling in compactness the hard- est strata of more ancient secondary formations. A calcareous character is very commonly observed; in fact, 1 have not seen any sandstones or strata of clay in the whole series. Generally speaking, there is an alternation of compact siliceous limestones and less compact beds of either pure, or marly, limestone. ‘The former contain the silex as well diffused through their whole mass, as in separate concretions or nodules. The siliceous char- acter of these rocks, excluding the decomposing action 0 atmosphere, almost entirely produces the general dry and barren aspect of the country which they occupy. Every where in the mountainous region, north from Austin or San Antonio de Bexar, on both sides of the Piedernales and San Saba Rivers, it is only in the valleys that a fertile stratum of soil is found; on the heights of the table land the bare rock appears almost every where at the surface, hardly supporting the scanty growth of grass and some scattered specimens of stunted live-oak and post-oak trees. beg 24 Contributions to the Geology of ‘Texas. In regard to the organic character of these strata, the opinion expressed in my first paper has, on the whole, been confirmed by later researches, and is at present supported by a much greater number of facts. Most of the fossils belong to known types of the cretaceous formation. The number of species, however, ex- actly identical with described species is very lim mited. By com- paring the fossils with those of the different divisions of the cre- taceous formation as they are established in Europe, it appears that the rocks of Texas do not agree in any particular with re- ceived divisions. It is evident only that they belong to the rt of the scretacaate formation, for there is a complete absence of all the characteristic forms of the gault and lower greensand, and on ie other hand, there is an undoubted analogy with the organic character of the "chalk and chalk marl, Notwithstanding the considerable thickness of the whole sys- tem of strata, (which cannot be less than about eight hundred feet,) it seems impossible to divide it into different groups. Nei- her the mineralogical constitution of the rocks, nor the distri- bution of the organic remains allows of any such division. By a comparison of these cretaceous deposits with those of New Jersey, and other localities on the Atlantic coast, the oe in the zoological character appears hardly less striking than t difference in the mineralogical constitution which was alluded to before. Except the Pecten quadricostatus and the Hxogyra cos- tata, (the latter being rare in Texas, ) I do not know of any other identical species, and the number of closely allied species is not very small. A little more analogy seems to exist with the creta- ceous deposits of Alabama and Western Tennessee. At least a species of Ammonite, common at Prairie Bluff in Alabama, oc- curs also in Western Texas, and a species of Hippurite is closely allied to a species which I found at Austin, Texas, if not identi- cal with it. The analogy of the Texian strata with the cretaceous deposits on the Upper Missouri, is hardly greater than with those on the Atlantic coast. Not one of those beautiful species of Scaphite, Baculite and Ammonite, discovered by Nicollet, and described by Morton,* has been met with in Texas The entire absence of the Belemnites mucronatus, and eve other Belemnite, is one of the principal negative characters of the Texian strata It is more — to define in a few words, the positive char- acter of the Fau All the aa pate a very few, (which form perhaps two new genera,) belong to genera which are either peculiar to, (as for instance, Baculites, T'urrilites, etc.,) or are represented in the cretaceous formation. *Journal of the Acad. of Nat. Sc. Philad., vol. viii., p. 2. : iy aeipeactasce re wage one ri es Contributions to the Geology of Texas. 25 Among the latter, the genus Hzogyra, acts a very important part in the constitution of .the. fauna, some species of the genus having a very wide geographical range, and occurring almost eve- rywhere in a great number of individual Is. One. species which resembles a Chama in external h through “ whole extent of Another still more important, fet nupt Ahr considered? in the general distribution throughout | end ae oe of the genera urites and, Caprina.. The. forn in the cretaceous depos sits of New .. pearance dey pede rm ofa ie me. ge ean na see 7 with, either ind z $ * = esetwo ge miu strata hai wperaas tammy os important part in the id around the “Mediterranean, : hin the ecretaceous for- mation of. Boul teresting analogy is hereby. “establishe ai the. deposits of the» creta~ ceous period, and those of the south,of Europe, ‘the more rs king,.if, we considervat the same. time, the similarity of mineral- constitution. » Between, the continents of America and must therefore have. existed at the time of the cre- taceous period, such a relation that in. both, the. same modifica- tions in. the zoological character distinguished the marine Fauna’ a Gale from that. of the .. And thence, we proceed fart paint interesting conclusion; that» the same Wa ise: in- flection-of the isothermal lines whie ich is at present’so remarkable in thei ir course froux they west side: of -the continent of Europe to- wards, t side «the continent of America, already existed at a — of the. veg gomow? as tha t of she cretaceous ALON ee om ox Strata.older. than Se. At the time ine T wrote my Apel td of; Texas, I had no. knowledge of the = : in the,c ut f any strata older than the cretaceous | a singlexock of granite about fif- * men of this t Phi ade the Museum of the Acad. “ "asia Sine nces, whi hs ae [ie tb ss oll county; Alabama, by “ae & scout Vol. - No. 16-—Jaly, le 4 eaet of Pideickeeen But in the early part of “agen, a shor ime before my leaving the country, I had a 3 26 Contributions to the Geology of Texas. very favorable opportunity to visit'that section of country which lies between the Piedernales, Llano, and San Saba, (all three of them tributaries of the Colorado,) and which, on account of the dangerous character of the Indians -by whom it is inhabited, has remained until now, almost entirely unknown. - In this region, I found besides’ the cretaceous’ formation, not only an extensive tract of granite, and other crystalline rocks, but also stratified de- posits, which from the fossils they contain, ate clearly Silurian strata, and carboniferous limestone. In order to make the geo- graphical distribution of these rocks distinctly understood, it will necessary fir: st; to point out the route which I took in the tno ploration of ‘this. oy “Starting from Fredericksburg, a Ger man settlement 1 is situated about n ninety miles ‘north of the Piedernales, we took a northwestern course, and followed it not only as far ‘as the Llano river, but also beyond it, until “we reached the San Saba. We then ascended the valley ‘of this river about fifty miles, until we reached the San Saba, that is to say, beyond the ruins of the old Spanish fort, and within about eight miles of the sources of the river. From ‘ther ere, We went down the valley again, passed the point where we first struck it, and continued Tocencithe the valley, until we arrived at a camp of the Camanche Indians, about twenty-five miles from th mouth of the river. There we left ‘the valley of the San Gabe, and went back to ar ee in an almost neong southern course. On this tour'the following rocks were observ From the Piedernales to the Dine, the same cxiscionetit strata extend, which, consisting’ of @ compact white, or yellowish lime- stone, with occasional nodules of flint, oecupy likewise the wh tract of land from the Piedernales down to San Antonio and Austin. On the banks of the Llano; a calcareotis sandstone distinctly stra- tified, but evidently much altered, begins to show itself; its ex- tension, etn ash is jos a limited cae for about five miles be- re ~ San Saba, and’ it is only on the dividing rn of the last menh- tioned river, that limestone beds pe geese The granite is on the whole, co a wma from the color-of the feldspar. It consis ee large with bold outlivies, or flattened masses, which -peojeet only little above the surface of the ground, an re ha in the beds of ‘several ‘small streams, by which ‘the country is in- terse cted. pon ten miles from the place where we first entered. the San Saba valley, on the right bank of the river, horizontal beds of limestone, of a decidedly Paleozoic character, were first met with. This limestone, of a grayish impure color and of a grenhuben age: Contributions to the Geology of Tevas. 27 contrary, although not of many species, are abundant. Among them Trilobites are especially numerous. Those which I col- lected belong to the genera Asaphus and Bronteus. In specific characters they differ from many found in the valley of the Mis- sissippi, or in other valehenie strata of America. Besides t Trilobites,»some indistinct. species of Orthis were found at the same locality. Some miles further up this river, at a place where the limestone does not exhibit any marks of plutonie action, some other genera of fossils are met with, as for instance Euomphalus, — Spirifer, ete. Of the latter genus one species was found which is closely allied to the Spirifer lynx, Eichw., a fossil shell so widely spread in the beds of Trenton limestone of the state of New York, and the corresponding strata of the western states. In as- cending still higher the valley of the San Saba, we lost sight of all Paleozoic strata, cretaceous strata of the same character as those which we had seen before, taking their place at the surface, and occupying especially all the neighborhood of the old Spanish fort. We met Silurian strata again nearer to the mouth of the San Saba river. Here they consisted of a white siliceous lime- stone, evidently much altered, although not to such a degree as to destroy all marks of organic remains. A species of Euompha- lus with a great number of whorls, analogous to a species from the Silurian strata of Russia, could be distinctly recognized. Still further down the river, and about thirty miles from its mouth, we found in the narrow valley of atributary of the San Saba river, inclined strata of a dark colored compact limestone, with layers and nodules of black silex. These beds of limestone abound with fossils which evidently belong to the carboniferous period, and some of them are even exactly identical with species of the carboniferous limestone of the Mississippi valley. Most of the species which were observed»in the very short examina- tion of the locality, belong to the genera Productus, Spirifer, and Terebratula. : On our return from the San Saba to Fredericksburg, we crossed again the same belt of granitic rocks which we had-seen pre- viously after passing the Llano, and did not observe any creta- ceous strata before reaching the dividing ridge of the Piedernales and Llano. The main results of this journey, as well as of former investi- gations, may be more clearly exhibited in the following state- The immense tract of hilly or mountainous country extending from the Rio Grande to Red River, is mostly formed by strata of the cretaceous formation differing in their fossil fauna from the a i slg “* 28 —_—B, As@ould, Irjion'the Orbite-of' the Asteroids. cretaceous New Jersey and in other localities on the tic coast, but exhibiting a striking analogy with some of the eretaceous deposits in the south of Europe around the Mediter- ranean, in the same degree as those of the Atlantic coast:are sim- ilar to the cretaceous deposits of England and northern Germany. eae by these cretaceous deposits, there exists between e Piedernales and San Saba rivers, a belt of granitic rocks and of paleozoic strata. The latter are characterized by their fossils as Silurian strata and carboniferous limestone, both are different in their organic characters from the corresponding formations in the Mississippi valley, as might be expected consifering the he distance and difference of latitude. , As a fact bearing on the geography -of the western part of Texas, I will mention before concluding this paper, that» the mountains, is laid. down on some maps, does not exist. On either of the an Saba river no elevation of ay importance ‘is seen above the general level of the table land.. The detail of my geological researches in Gidcas will. be given in a more elaborate work. The = of which will take place with the least odie delay. Berlin, nies 1847, Arr. II]l.—On the Orbits of the Ashi ; by B. A. Goutn, Jr., A.A.S. Tue recent discoveries of Hencke and of Hint, by which the number of small planets known to us between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter has been doubled, have directed the attention and in- terest of astronomers in a still higher degree to the group “ these remarkable bodies. By the common consent of astronomers, they have reietieohe the name of “asteroids,” a name ‘proposed by the elder Herschel, in consequence of a theory of his own. The word asteroid, in its present signification, may be defined as ‘a small planetary bo- dy, which revolves around, the ice between the orbits of Mars and of Jupiter. ae Immediately upon the. asarerraiis Pallas, the caltidations ot Gauss showed that the orbits of Ceres and Pallas approach very near to one another in the descending node of Pallas upon the Ceres-orbit. Upon this fact Olbers grounded his well known and not un natural hypothesis, that these two extremely small bodies, ‘rhea orbits approach one another’so nearly in the node, were merely the fragments of a larger planet, which by some force wn to us, had.exploded or been. shattered» by some B. A. Gould, Jr., on the Orbits of the Asteroids. 29 For if this supposition be true, the oes would almost exactly have filled the gap between Mars and Jupiter, where, according to an empirical formula, much in vogue at that time, an unknown planet had been long suspected. Indeed a society of German as- tronomers had:been already forined, to search for this ‘sega * member of our solar system. g As a corroboration of this hypothesis, he referred to the cir- * cumstance that both Pallas and Ceres seemed to vary considera- bly in magnitude, which he explained by the —— that these | bodies were not round, but of vary irregular figure “This idea,” he wrote to Zach,* has at least one great advan- tage over some other hypotheses, that it ean be soon tested. For f if it is true, we shall be able to find still more fragments of ‘the ; shattered planet, and the easier stil, because a which describe an, elliptical orbit around the sithiaees pass the descending node.of Pallas upon the orbit of Ceres.”» + | he discovery of Juno, soon after; and net far from-the Ape ia rent place of this node, seemed to afford a strong confirmation Olbers’s hypothesis, and Zach immediately begant to ponies: it a tested and confirmed theory. ae. L A simple calculation gives however the following wesisltsl? ; ‘True anomaly of Ceres, ‘In % of ses on the Ceres-orbit, - “= 2209-9! 56-6» oe toe - - Pv = aie = Ls In Q of. Repe on the Pallas-orbit, - - "D4go 32° 32! 36-0). “ & & Juno % is - Woe oo. i ‘9 * It October, 1804, Olbers wrotet Zach again that the distance between the two nodes on the Ceres-orbit (the calculations of Gauss gave 24° at that time) ‘was in no wise discordant with his hypothesis ; that’as a necessary consequence of the very different inclinations to the plane of Jupiter’s orbit, the motion of their lines of nodes produced by Jupiter’s attraction must be very dif+ ferent from the motion of their apsidal lines, which would fase | from the same attraction ; that still farther, inasmuch as t bits have nearly “equal major-axes, but very unequal @icetitiiee ties, they must have cut one aother at some former time in their node upon the Ceres-orbit. Indeed if we assume according to the determinations of Oriani, the annual motion of the aphelion t fot Pallas = 1061, and for Ceres = 1209, and consider the nodes as sidereally ‘at rest, and the inclinations constant, it results that a section of the Ceres and Pallas orbits in the above men- | tioned node, must have taken place 7463 years before, and in 282 | years again occur. In the descending node the same would hap- . pen in 925 hig s 4 s wee * Monto Corepondes, v8 eA 0,588 * i ‘ my < Z oy i. 30 B.A. Gould, Jr., on the Orbits of the Asteroids. Later, after Gauss had computed the secular variations of Ce- res and Pallas, Encke, at his suggestion, made farther inyvestiga- tions for the purpose of determining whether the distance of the two orbits at the node, were on the increase or decrease. The result of his computations was, that the orbits are approaching one another Encke found* the following radius-vectors. Year.» | Inthe QQ of Ceres on the Pallas-orbit. | In the @5 of Ceres on the Pallas-orbit. , Ceres. Pallas. eres. | Pallas. Diff. 898 | 282204 ~ 270322 | —0- r i978 2-6761 : nt: —0-29832 1898 2.92427 | 284945 | —0-07482 2:5956 ? — 0°19223 |. 3475 2:95374 2:95743 | +0: 00369... | 2: 37987 2 49163 +0-08824 | “ According to this, ” to use the wordst o f Gan uss, “a section in the node would actually take place about the year 3397, which may be considered, at any rate, as an approximation to the truth. To be sure a section must also at some former period have occur- red; but from the progression of the numbers in the third and sixth columns, we can at least cies that this can only have been many thousands of years before. If we therefore adopt the hypothesis of Dr. Olbers concerning the origin of the new plan- ets, the occurrence must have taken place at an epoch, for us at esent immeasurably long before the times to which history reaches back.” It is also evident from the foregoing table, that the dmence be- tween the two orbits in the descending node upon the Pallas-or- bit, is at present on the decrease. ny rate we are justified in concluding, without any farther computation of the secular variations, that at the last time that a section of the Pallas and Ceres orbits took place, neither of the nodes of Juno coincided with the node of Pallas. Although the subsequent discovery of five more asteroids has most certainly confirmed the conjecture of Olbers, that still more similar bodies would be found, it has nevertheless almost immeasurably multi- ied the difficulties in our way ;—if indeed it has not rendered it absolutely impossible to assign a period, by computation of the secular variations of the apsidal and nodal lines of these eight or- bits, when at the same time all the nodal lines upon one of the orbits coincided, and all the radius vectors were equal. n this place belongs, perhaps, the remark, that as far as we yet me to determine the orbit of, Flora, the aphelion of this viegal falls within the perihelion distance of Ceres. On the other hand, it must be mentioned a all the. nodes up- on the Ceres-orbit fall within a single quadran The following table gives the distances of the several nodes upon the orbit of Ceres from one another. ‘These distances are ———— * Monatliche Correspondenz, xxvi, 299. 1G. ,auvi, 299. B.A) Gould, Jr., onthe Orbits of the Asteroids. 31 reckoned in heliocentric ares upon the orbit, and counted from the Hebe-node, inasmuch as the latter lies nearest to the perihe- lion of Ceres, corresponding to a true anomaly of only 35° 20’. Distances from the node of Hebe on the Ceres-orbit. 4° 49’ Pallas, : ‘ ; ‘ Juno, - - - - 26 42 Vesta, - - - 4 43 31 Astrea, - ~ wees : AT 55 ¥, lora, - - - bu = it 50 18 Iris, - = . 77. 46 ‘These interesting sciniberestinil scoméd to me to make it worth while to make still more accurate and extensive investigations concerning the relative position of the asteroidal orbits. I have, therefore, for every pair of the eight known to us, i. e., for twen- ty-eight combinations, calculated the radius vectors in each node. ” The elements of which I have made use are, for the four older asteroids, the osculating elements for the epoch ag to the Ist January, 1848, which Dr. Bremiker in Berlin has computed, I am indebted for them to the kindness of Professor tata For the four newly discovered, I have selected those elements which, of all known to me, satisfy wh observations best. These are for Astrea and for Hebe, the orbits* of Hrn. D’Arrest in Ber- tin 0 ra | The longitudes are referred to ee haetox of Jan. 1, ‘is that 16 Theor. Motus. I &abjpin ‘the following table. of found boge ether ie i | Period of np Te. | in sidereal 685° subsid iary quantities, because, as as far as my is ah e extends, they are no where else tobe 32 B. A. Gould, i. 5 the Orbits of the Asteroids. From these elements I have employed the following table, where | for the sake. of simplicity and. in order to. have a definite e, each orbit is. cogs to those other orbits whoseinclination is Gicrior., pe "Upon the ogee of Astrea. : Ascending Nod Descending Node. | : ; | Rad..vect. | Rad. =% ‘Astrea. Rad. vect. | Kad. vect. Astrea. Pallas-orbit, 2308615 2180479 © 3005974 2 89U% Hebe. ; ; “33630 299 110 003169 ST-989275 | 2: 314213 ° 609881 wy Upon. the. piemniiy Fora. - tN Ascending N % Descending Node. . Rad. veet. rae 10 ae Rad. vect. | Kad. ., |Pallas- orbit, 34070 ie Ci 4 2 953961 1-89 2-743165 241001 . 2015498 .| --1-982454 . j Juno. .; ..| 3140343 2529811 Petre 1865549 \Ceres : ‘766548 {e721 2:734377 2517845. \Vesta. i 2564879 ' F-968076 © * op" 2150343 , 2:377464 © ____ Upon the orbit i Vesta. Ascending Node. Rad. vect. Pap. — ven: wey Rad. vect. llas-orbit, 361500 72920807 — Hebe « 2-80104 2 -»'1-985355. Juno... . | 3198536 seins 20507) Carat is 3 2791893 "| - 2549795 271 3 i + Upon the ori at Ceres. aig ; __Ascer ode. «| Rad. vect. Pallas-orbit, 2409084 | 2 97 Hebe... ' aoe * 2 SEs Juno Pallas-orbit, Hebe. Walleserkt, B. A. Gould, Jr., on the Orbits of the Asteroids. 33 Of these twenty-eight combinations there are eighteen cases in which the orbits lock-into one another, like the links of a chain, and ten where the one orbit is entirely inclosed within the other. Linked into one another are the following orbits : Hebe and Astrea. es and Iris. ~ {Ceres and Juno. Juno « “ "Pallas “ Hebe. b.wt Flora’ # * fYesta > Flora “ a Pallas “ Juno. . JICeres “ e Trig... * ‘i Vesta “ “\Pallas “ Flora. rae ine tebe” ne, Bagel inéluded are the following orbits: - ora in that of He Tris and Flora in ni “ Juno. Astreea and Vesta in that of Pallas. _ tis, ee Rie and Pallas, and consequently, also Astrea and Vesta ~ Ceres. “Tadd a a second table, similar to the foregoing, which shows the so-called longitude in the orbit for each of the nedes. The first two columns give the longitude of the ascending node of the first named orbit upon the second. ~The — contains the mutual inclinations of the nell Longitude in the Len, gita de in the’ fret orbit, #% second orbit. 9 | Inclination 178° 11/184 | 77°20 19-1, | 30° LIT BD 137 13° -6 137 1119 5 9 25 42 -0 188 13 4° | -187 55 12 -9 8 47 54 -0 50 3438-6 | 50 50 31-6 9 15 53-6 55 16:47 -4 | 55 29 4- 4 24 46-0 46 0566 46 958 + 3 312-9 290 15 51-6 | 290 2 24 -2 9 15 33 -4 3.4 58- 1 7 72 34 4319 6 123 29 51 -0 124 6 21-0 18 9515 147 44 30 -0 148 2 22 14 130-7 0. > -0 80 26 32 -2 16 521 9 149 11256 | 149 314 °3 ae a i 31 58 «1 9% 40 33 -9 10 5659-7 | 29 47 -0 | 180 5256-5 32 16 12% 210-2 | 154 40.35 -4 9 57 20.3, 51 41, 2 5 16 466 | 11 21176 57 40 6 3 18 47 3 6 1240-4 | 45 34-7" | 84 48 14 2 I 20 te] 8 59 183° 3:49 -7 16 2115 5 38 40 -9 163. 6 48.°6 9 1 47 11 -9 203. 1 59 -4 12 10 45 8 46 45 59 -0 4 48 13 -2 187 2859-8 36 49.11 9 | © 182 39 37 -6 12 43 34 0 209 21 21 5 16 46 4 48 39 -1 173 41 12-0 21 35 23 27 +3 77 1659 * ry 48 9% 36 3. I 190. 56.32 -0- _% 42 bala 5 Ay tei: é ae =, , ’ -.. 34 B. A. Gould, Jr., on the Orbits of the Astercids. In a paper like this, the influence of the perturbations is of course, not to be considered ;—still less the mutual action of the asteroids upon one another. Be it allowed me here, however, to express my belief that in future calculations this influence can- not always be neglected. Should, at any future time, as is by no means impossible, 1 two of those coupled i in the following table, approach the node at the same time, their mutual action must,.in spite of their excessively small mass, be extremely strong. Such an occurrence is for Ceres and Pallas nud. for similar pairs, where the periods of revolution are very nearly equal, not so probable as for such pairs as Flora‘and Astrea, whose periods of revolution differ by 3174 days and which revolve, ewan ab in planes inclined to another by a small angle. The following are those nodes at which the asteroid orbits are ata less distance from one another than one-fifth of the n radius-vector of the earth, and where, as before, the first erg tioned orbit is referred to ‘the other. sremonee id the orbits. Asc. Node, Pallas and Amrea, : E , 0:12 Juno ; Fe Ceres ‘* . Flora “ al ‘ Hebe “ Tas; . Juno Co Me 0-11 a fh Vesta “ & . 0- ae fiora sé ; e r ‘ 0-02 ‘ . illus = Flora, : . . : é 0-13 Behe. 88 02 ee : 0-03 Paltas ‘ Vesta, . : ‘ . 0-10 Pallas “ Ceres, .. F ‘ 3 “19 “4 Juno, - J . A The shortness of the iio | in which ‘Astreaa and Flora com- plete each an integral number of revolutions (nineteen revolutions of Flora are is nearly equal to fifteen of Astrea), renders such an appro to one another in the vicinity of the above mentioned 20 by no means improbable. Indeed if the ele- ments of both planets could at present be considered as suffi- istant = = geri it would be — easy to name a not very d which this must ap ae similar relation is “that of Iris and Hebe to Flora, om to Vesta, in the descending nodes. The periods of revolution are in the case of Iris and Vesta, very nearly eq on the ates hand the mutual inelinaton ‘of the two orbits is very sm gs periods of Iris and Flora are to one another, nearly as 9 to 8, of Hebe and Floray nearly as 15 to 13. Here however 36 B. A. Gould, Jr., on the Orbits of the Asteroids. the inclination is in both cases quite considerable, so that these must approach much nearer to their common node in order that such a ‘eistonl action may take place, than is necessary for the first mentioned pair. The table of longitudes i in the orbit shows whether at such an approach the planets would be visible, or Jost in the solar rays. Although the planes of ‘the Vesta and Flora orbits are inclined by so small an angle, yet at the point of nearest approach they are 0:222 distant from one another n the other hand we find that the following orbits, are and Astrea in Q Pallas an be in Hebe and Astreea in 3% _— and Hebe in Q Juno and Vesta in Q are at a distance nearly equal to eat of the earth from the sun, —but that this is for the different orbits in different nodes. mena from one another than the astronomical unit are, Iris and Pallas, Flora and Pallas, in stapes: nodes r to give a still clearer view of the situation of the as- texbidal orbits, I have stereographically projected the poles of all these planes of the several planet-orbits and of the sun’s equator ‘upon the accompanying chart, on the preceding page. The observation of Dr. Olbers that the asteroids varied con- siderably in the intensity of their light, from day to day, seems to hold also for the newly discovered ones. In order to dete mine this definitely, and if find the periods, long series of observations are requisite. The investigations* of Gauss concerning the Zodiacs of the planets have rendered it comparatively easy to compute for every asteroid, the limits of its geocentric places. Gauss has done this for Ceres and Pallas,t and Prof. Goldschmidt for Iris,{ and caleu- lators will not be wanting to do the same for the other five. By this means the search for former observations is facilitated, sinee it has thus become possible, in the case of every missing star, to decide at the first glance whether any one of the asteroids can ever have been in that. place. * M.C.,x, 173. Ast. Nach., xvi, No. 614(?) + M.C.,ibid. + Ast. Nach., ibid. : Pe Nie out * _ Prof. Bailey on Localities of Alg@ in the United States. 37 Arr. IY. me uation of the List of . hgeaaties of Alge in the United States ; by Prof. J. W ies (Continued from vol. iii, ii Ser., p. 403.) Dererrrine for the present, a list of American Desmidiacee and select Diatomace® or Bacillariea with which I intended to complete this paper, I proceed to give the following eatalogue of genuine Alge, = 5° ae which ee — recently discov vered in the United Stat SB Grcwonse af ser noble interesting’ species ‘Tam indebted to Prof. Lewis R. Gibbes of Charleston College, South who, in addition to some fine Alge, collected by himself im Charleston , gave me a most valuable — inept Key West, yor sf Dr. F . Wurdemann: i rae British Algologist, Ws H» Harvey of Trinity College, Dublin, who by means of his ‘extensive Herbarium and great familiarity’ with the Alge of all parts: of the world, could easily i et the proper eons of the species which to me appear _ ed n fal. this gentleman I am greatly indebted | for his liberal proce ne nie information, relating to our Alge Which, for want of standard collections 1 in this I was unable to determine satisfactorily. am also indebted to the eminent French Algologist, Dr. Mon- tage, for-interesting remarks upon some specimens which I sent * few additional Socalition are even 4 plants already intioded | — aioe esis pots of thi is list : Meruanosrznwes. 4 +7 Sargassum vulgare, es Key West, Florida, Dr F, Wurde- Paiina Pivenia, Lamour., fing specimens. , Key West. : hate J. Ag. Key West. Fine specimens. i. a ia linearis? Key West. pre shoe S viridis, Hat mss. Char eston iN _ Keg : Set tpccaet, but its color very ren er pe Andie itiniann Harv. jSthode Island | Ectocarpus littoralis, Lyngb. - Brighton, “Staten or | » Chordaria divarieata, Harv: pk Beit im Fine speci- | mensiearthellightehOuetinns. 2 galery swe fe Vs 38 Prof. Bailey on Localities of Algein the United States. RHODOSPERMEE. Rhodymenia cristata, Grev. Massachusetts Poy Fine speci- mens of this interesting plant were given me by Miss Saltonstall of Salem, Mass. It has been found also at Newport and Staten Island, while in the Eastern Atlantic, according to re it is not. found south of the Orkney Islands. _ Amansia multifida, Lamour. Key West. — obtusa, rage Paid engl pinnatifida, Lam Key W Thwenc Baiteyanumn M Mout, in litt. I had supposed this to Se dasyphylla, but Dr. Montagne, to whom I sent it, pronounces it new, and gives the following as its specific ai Mont. Fronde elongata filiformi subsimpliei, ramentis subternis kineari-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis e ‘ (Individuum tetrasporophorum).” He adds, that “ not- wit ing the close affinity of this Alga to Laurencia tenawis- epic to L. dasyphylia, it cannot be confounded with either of them. The absence of ramification distinguishes it sufficient- ly from the first, and the form of the ramenta does not permit it to. be referred to the second, from which it is in other respects quite distinct.” Tt occurs at Newport, R. I. , Stonington, Conn., and For Ham- ilton, N Hypnea ‘robusta, ee mss. “A fine racist quite new to me. ” Harv. Key Wes ea musciformis, tod Key Wes inoue. clavulatum, Ag. ” bases at ‘Key West. Ceramium fastigiatum, Harv. Common at Newpor R.1. ,and Hamilton, Ny Y; Callithamnion Baileyi, Harv. mss. “A distinct > Harv. Abundant at Fort Hamilton and thew ay ton, N. Y. Callithamnion arachinoidew, Ey Rhode Island. Alsidium trian: J. Ag. Polysiphonia (Alsidium 4) Gibbest, ‘her, MSS. Key —— “ A very remarkable ”’. Harv Polysiphonia breviarticulata, Ag. ¢ A Methiterranctn nean spe- cies, the Florida specimens very bimilet vl the European: ng smaller.” Harv. Polysiphonia variegata, Ag.» Very fine specimens near the light-house at Stonington, Conn. Polysiphonia nigrescens, Grev. I collected Bobiatifuh mi mens of a — vatiety of this Lege at New Brighton, N.Y. Polysiphon A distinet and species which I T found growing i in _ Prof. Bailey on Localities of Alg@ in the United States. 39 of Zostera at Stonington, Conn. Its habit ei apt it ata glance from all other species, yet it is difficult to frame a deserip- tion of it which will serve to characterize it ; the fiblowing, how-~ ever, are some of its:principal characters. Frond two to four inches, rising by a single filament from a spreading root and al- most immediately giving off one or'more robust branches. These in their turn give off, at irregular intervals, long branches which are beset with short robust ramuli, the ultimate divisions of which are acute cones, at the apices of which a few slender fibres are attached. The plant is articulated throughout. Its color when fresh is reddish eet, when dry it appears nearly black. fruit has not yet been observed. I take peculiar pleasure in making use of this beautiful. plant to associate the name of Har- vey with those of the other distinguished Algologists to whom species of Polysiphonia have been dedicated. Dasya elegans, Ag. Spec. 11, 117=D. pedicellata, Agatith, Syst., 211. To the localities of this beautiful plant: previously given, I can now add Charleston, South Carolina, at which place it has been collected by Prof. Gibbes ; and Fort Hamilton, New York, where it is very abundant Unless I am greatly mistaken, Agardh’s Spheroecus Torreyt was founded ona battered specimen of this plant. I judge so from the examination of a fragment of the nig specimen still - preserved in Dr. Torrey’s Herbarium Dasya Wurdemanni, Bailey. This species from Key West, which Harvey thinks is new, I would dedicate to Dr. Wurde- mann to whom we are indebted for so many” fine specimens of the ae of Florida. dia filantentosa, Harv. Key West, also abundant at eringeot Conn. re Gracilaria dura? Ag. Key West. _ Gracilaria Helmintochorton, J. As. Key West. ea simpler, Ag. Ke “Eiglodictyon sp.? “An imperiooty developed specimen from Key West, ke only known species is from the Adriatic.” Harv. Rhodymenia palmata, . Asmall much divided variety hasebeen sollacted at Charleston by Prof. Gibbes. Rhabdonia Baileyi, agen, mss. I —_ d this panies several it to be a species of Chrysimenia, but after studying the in if i cation which I was recently fortunate enough to detect on speci- mens at Fort Hamilton, N. ¥., and which I sent to him preserved in Goadby ’s solution, he was enabled to determine its true char- acters. He says, “It ismot a Chrysimenia, the fruit it and struc- ture being that of the Cryptonemee, not C. in ee, Oddly 40 Prof. Bailey on Localities of Alg@ in the United States. feet Peres in structure with some Alge from Van Diemens which IL lately founded the genus Rhabdonia. ‘The only of the Tasmanian species are known, and the Mosotic specimen has ‘only favellidia. The tetraspores ought to be ellipsoidal, divided by transverse rings, and to occur dispers- ed through the smaller branches.”—-Very fine specimens of this _ plant with abundance of fruit may be found in July, near Fort Hamilton and Bath, Long Island, N.Y. Chondrus Brodiai, Grev. Newport, R.1 hondrus Norvegicus, Lamour. Massachusetts Bay. G. B Emerson. Ptilota plumosa, Ag: Very fine specimens of variety «, have been given me by Miss Sa eaibare of Salem, who collected them in Massachusetts Bay. At Newport I could only find variety @, which is a much aed elegant plant. Pegs allina officinalis, Linn. Very abundant on shores of New “2 cael of species of Corallinee collected at Key West by Dr. Wurdemann were presented to me by Prof. Gibbes, but as itis only recently that the vegetable nature of these bodies has been established, few of them are included in Algological vou and the determination of the species is attended with reat culty ; I hope, however, eS ——— at some future time, ist of our North American speci caer ceil. cladus claveformis, Ag. Key West. Acetabularia Psa Lamour. Key West. Common. _Conferva melagonium, Web. et Mohr. Near Beverly, Mass. Dr. Asa Gray ! Cladophora prolifera. Key West? Cladophora prasina, Harv. mss: “Its recent. affinity i is to C. rupestris.” Harv. Abundant on rocks below low water mark i in the Hudson Riverat West Point. Caulerpa concinna, Harv. uss. Key West. “A most pane mg new species, allied to°'C. Webbiana, Mont., but very distinct. Most of the species-are tropical.” Harv * Anadyomene flabellata, Ag. "Key West, Rather. common. K y West Bryopsis plumosa, Ag. New a eos N. ¥. Miss Salton- stall! a ber “he So L. the gal E'ctocarpus ’ Harv harleston, S. ©, Prof. Gibbes ! Not | in a and therefore a 1 doubtial Species, but its color very remarkable.” Harv Enteromorpha compressa, Grev.. | Chaseston, S. tt Prof. a 3 sae ~ a a Prof. Bailey on Locdlities of Alga in the United States. Al Einteromorpha clathrata, Grev. Staten Island, N. Y. e ig vulgaris, Ag. Charleston, s. ‘C. een ta Yor Pichu laciniata. Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Ginathum leve, Bailey. 1 propose this name for a small miero- scopic plant which I have found growing in considerable abund- ance as a parasite on stems of Nitella. The whole Alga consists of a single irregular branching layer of green cells, which like those of Coleochete scutata are closely adherent to ‘the plant on which it grows, but it has no trace of the setiform processes be- longing to that species. It appears to grow both by the —- of new cells and the spontaneous division of the-old o In many of the cells one or more small vesicles, pain tim >) simi lar to those in the spiral threads of Zygnem, were observed. No other traces of fruit have been seen. Its place in the systems must be near Coleochete. Autindint on stems of Nitella, in ponds near West Point, N. Sulva , Harv. mss. I found this forming erect tufts in small pools of water between high and low-water mark, in cavities of the granite blocks, composing the pier at Stonington, C Whether its color has been affected by exposure to air and sunlight, I cannot say. Harvey says, “I do not know any thing like it.” Lyngh ya crispa? Ag. A plant which grows in immense quan- tities in salt water ditches, near Hoboken. It appears to me to be identical with English specimens aval L. ferruginea, Ag., which I received from J. Ralfs, Esq., but Harvey says, “it agrees better with some specimens of is crispa, Ag., res er which name, probably more than one species are confoun scillatoria F'riesii ? Ag. A common plant (et. erect tooth- like fasciles half an inch in height, among mosses on damp Xda near West Point. I sent it by the name of O. Friesii to arvey and he ‘orapeae concerning it, “this looks different from O. Friesii, but comes near it. It i is, probably, a different species. But in the fearful confusion that reigns here, I have no fancy making more names. Tetraspora lacunosa, Chauy. in Duly. Bot. Gall. I am. in- formed by Dr. Montagne that this is the. same as the plant which had named 7’. perforata, under the supposition that it was an undescribed species. emania Americana, Harv. mss. This species is founded on * Alga which grows in rivers in Virginia, and which I had sup- to be only a variety of L. fluviatilis, Ag. Harvey remarks that “the European plant is very much more simple with distant nediiee the American one is much branched ane a =... Senirs, Vol. VI, No. 16.—July, 1848. 6 sam 42 : ‘Gn Collecting and Preserving Alga. lt tyon utriculatum, Roth. This plant which is one of st interesting of the fresh water Algee, grows abundantly D in ditches near the West Point Foundry. eh the above list it appears that the number of species of = Alge now known to occur in the United are is as follows: elanospermee, . 31 Rhodospermee, . i i : : 59 penned sg eae : 3 ; 82 172 species, io clusive of raciaie Desmidiacese and Diatomacez. When it is considered that the study of our Alge has as yet hardly commenced, it is reasonable to expect that very large additions will be made by further research. We append to this article by Professor Bailey, a few observa- tions on Algee and the modes of pre — them, taken from *'The Dublin University Museum.”—Eps Directions for Collecting and Preserving Alge; by Dr. Wm. H. Harvey. (From a Report by the Directors of the Dublin University Museum.) “ General Character of the Alge.—The Alge vn for popu- lar purposes, be divided into four ‘principal groups, Viz. od ae tr Olive-colored Sea-weeds, which are " generality of large size, and leathery texture; sometimes membranaceous and leafy, and more rarely of a gelatinous or filamentous nature. “2. FLorivem, or Red-colored Sea-weeds ; cartilaginous and fleshy, membranous or gelatinous sea-weeds; often peace t of 8 red, purple, brown-red, or livid greenish-red colo 3. CHLOROSPERMS, Or Green Sea-weeds ; membr: ‘tactic or filamentous ; ong somewhat horny plants, of a green color and simple structur Conners: ; vegetables coated with a crustaceous epider- mis composed of carbonate of lime, either red or green when fresh, becoming white and often brittle*on exposure to the air. ( These must not be confounded sie the true zoophytes, which often assume the appearance of plants. ) “ Places of Growth, and Mode of Collecting.—The Alg@ are found, in greater or less abundance, from the extreme of high- water mark to the depth of from thirty to fifty fathoms. Those within the reach of the tide are to be collected at low water, @S- pecially of spring tides, the most interesting species growing fre- quently at the verge of low-water mark, either along the margin of rocks partially laid bare, or, more frequently, fringing the deep =. ase. Cer Se On Collecting and Preserving Alge. 43 tide-pdols left by the recess of the tide on a flattish rocky shore. Those which grow at a greater depth than the tide exposes, must be sought by dredging, or by dragging after a boat an iron cross furnished with numerous strong hooks, on all shores where such contrivances can be applied; but where dredging for deep-water plants is impossible, the collector must trust to finding his desid- erata among the heaps of weed thrown up on flat shores after a gale. Even after ordinary tides many delicate species float asho and may be collected along the beach in a perfect state. 'There- fore, after visiting the more rocky places at low water, the sandy or shingly beach should always be inspected at the return of the In collecting from heaps, care should be taken to select those specimens which have suffered least in color, &c., from ex- posure to the air, rejecting those that are bleached white. ‘ aia while i in.the By oducible at an infinitely esate distance. : : (18: quen nt s waves 6f Sheer peenue polari Bane Lar ‘the intervening gaseous matter. Ve. Se aoe Of Beh aes ae oe eae, * ae £1 bILCI CY attached, one to the negative, the other to the are pole ot f flame a pores and. well excited voltaic series, an arcl Stich, of contact, cannot be re ferred, that the carbonaceous vapor is indisp fore th ~_ besides Gest toale this being the only conductor which is suffi- “aly infusible, and yet duly volatilizable. ly produced by moving them apart after contact. # feadngn evidently depends upon the volatilization Tok 7. era ee matter concerned; since it cannot be produced be-. n has been volatilized by contact, nor by any body. . Metals, similar ‘man, together with the opposite a pearance on the positive chase 4 coal, may be owing to the lesser affinity for oxyg yen on th > neg-* ative side.* Se ape os _ 80. There may be some resemblance’ scatter babse cen inous discharge between the poles, and that which ha luminous dischar hich a ady been designated as diruptive (69); but this flamin "discharge does not break through the air, it only usurps , gradually, and then sustains this usurpation. It differs di “ee other as to its. cause, so far as galvanic reaction iffers { from tion; ble ponderable conducting substance to enable its appropriate dulations to meet at a mean dista lid 3 se: nations, whence they roapesti¢ely. be 81. The most appropriate desigt moreover, it requires a volatilizable, as well as a polari der consideration, is that of etl Le » undulatory sae ts | gration. Under this head, w not zg i the flaming ah ’ but likewise the active ignition and gee of fine “wire or leaf metal, or ‘when ” at ne span yole an he other. : by y Dr. Hare on the Theories. of Electrical Phenomena. 55 82. In one of Faraday’s experiments, a circuit was completed by subjecting platinum points, severally proceeding from the poles a voltaic series, while very near to each other, to the flame of a spirit lamp. ‘This was ascribed by him to the rarefaction of the air, but ought, as I think, to be sitibited to the polarizable ethereo-ponderable matter of the flame, performing the same of- fice as the volatilized carbon in the flaming ah, between we ve coal points, to which reference has been made. Summary. SNe the facts and reasoning which have feat above stated, it is presumed that the following deductions may be considered as highly probable, if not altogether susceptible of demonstration. The theories of Franklin, Dufay and Ampere, are irreconcila- ble with the premises on which they are founded, and with facts on . sides admitted. arge of frictional electricity, or that species of electric ex- aa which is produced by friction, is not due to any accu- mulation, nor to any deficiency either of one or of two fluids, but to the opposite seleriice induced m imponderable ethereal matter existing throughout space however otherwise void, and likewise condensed more or less within ponderable bodies, so as to enter into combination with their particles, forming atoms which may be designated as ethereo-ponderable. Frictional charges of electricity seek the surfaces. of bodies to which they may be imparted, without —— affecting the ethe- reo-ponderable matter of which they consist. When surfaces thus oppositely charged, or, in other words, having about them oppositely polarized ethereal atmospheres, are made to communicate, no current takes place, nor any transfer of the polarized matter: yet any conductor touching both atmos- pheres, furnishes a channel through which the opposite polarities are reciprocally neutralized by bemg communicated wave-like to an intermediate point _Galvano-electric discharges are likewise effected by waves of opposite eno, without any flow of matter meriting to be called a current. Thigh waves are not propagated superficially through Bess purely ethereal medium; they oecur in masses the ethereal and ponderable matter. If the generation of fie: tional electricity, sufficient to influence the gold leaf electrometer, Gare that there are some purely ethereal waves caused by alvano-electric reactio on, such waves arise from the inductive in- fluence of those ereated | in the ethereo-ponderable matter. _ When the age ted of a frictional discharge is increased reas re the same, its become : sta dat ry reu, and ulti Pedi ; 56 Dr. Hare on thé Thevries,of Electrical’ Phenomena. if the oe of the wire:be inexeased, the surface; proportionally augm nables more of the ethereal waves to ‘pass superfi- cally, Dredlicing roe nally less ethereo-ponderable undula- © Mosasticth, bye stationary, as in magnetic needles sad pe yermanent magnets, appears to be owing to an enduring polariza-_ tion of the si iaiadh, A atoms, like that transiently produ- ced by a galvanic discharge. (Note, page 230, vol. v, and para- graph 68. The magnetism transiently exhibited by a galvanized wire, is dtie to oppositely polarizing impulses, severally proceeding wave- like to an intermediate pat of the. circuit ‘where reciprocal neu-: cet ensues. n magnetism is produced by a frictional discharge. opera-. ting zen a conducting wire, it must be deemed a secondary effect, arising from the polarizing influence. ss ume ethereal waves upon the ethereo-ponderable atoms of the w _ Such waves pass superficially in Bene but when the wire is comparatively small, the reaction between the waves and ethereo-ponderable atoms becomes sufficiently powerful to polar- ize them, and thus render them competent, for an extremely mi- nute period of time, to produce all the affections of a galvano- fre current, whether of ignition, of electrolysis or magnetiza-. Thus us, as the ethereo-ponderable waves produce such as are gees ethereal, so ney ethereal waves may peodiee stich as are ethereo-pondera The. polarization of hes upon electrified. scalps is suppose to be due to a superficial association with the surrounding polarized ethereal atoms, while that of iron filings, by a magnet or galvan- ized wire, is conceived to atise from the influence of polarized ethereo-ponderable atoms, ns of ethereal and ponderable matter in a state of combin: Faradian discharges are as ats the efieets of ethereo-ponderae ble polarization, as those from an electrified conductor, or coatet surfaces of glass, are due to static ethereal Bele ie 40, ; last paragraph, note, p. 346. It is well known that if a rod of ish be included in a coil of coated copper wire, on making the coil the medium of a voltaic discharge, the wire is magnetized. Agreeably toa communica- tion from Joule, in the L. and E. Phil. Mag. and Jour. for Feb., 1847, the bar is at the same time lengthened, without any aug- ihentatiod of bulk; so that its other dimensions must be lessened. in proportion to the elongation. _ All these facts tend to prove that a change in the relative ‘posi- tion of the constituent ethereo-ponderable atoms of iron, aceom- panies its sie either as an immediate, ease, Jorge a seliateral effe neyo | | Bp Scheerer on: Isomorphism. 57 Arr. VI—Upon a peculiar kind of Isomorphism that plays an important part in oe Mineral Kingdom; by Professor Scueerer of Christiania (Continued from vol. v, p. 389.) THe query might be started, how it is then, since aspasiolite and cordierite are so closely associated, that ee is not ac- companied by olivine? ‘This circumstance, which, it must be confessed, dloes appear paradoxical, [ purpose to enter upon to- wae the close of this paper. n the theory based on the above mentioned relations of cordierite and aspasiolite, being thus borne out by the precisely similar relations subsisting between olivine and serpentine, 1 the probability was increased, that the part played by this species of isomorphism in the mineral kingdom was not one restrained within very narrow limits. And this opinion has taken a development more extended than I even imagined it might be susceptible of, as my investigations have been carried out. In the sequel I pur- pose touching upon the principal rishérals concerned in this in- quiry, and to develope their suitable formule, upon the supposi- tion that their water may be treated as a basic constituent, capa- ble of replacing in the ratio that has been stated, (viz. three at- oms to one atom,) the magnesia, and consequently all the other pes isomorphous therewith, as for instance, protoxyd of iron, /pro- toxyd of manganese, and so ’ forth. In order to express as simply as ee that in a member of a formula R, a portion of the 1: 1 atomic bases is replaced by more or less water, I have in these cases invariably made use of the sign (R), as was already the with regard to serpentine, The formula of aspasiolite ould: thetefore: upon this principle, be (R): Si? + 3RSi. Prior to proceeding to the results of my calculations, let me however very briefly further elucidate the kind of isomorphism forming the subject of our palpi esti. in a chemical point of view. From the composition of aspasiolite and of ow i follows that in the former, one equivalent R (one-third of the re 1: 1 atomic bases contained in cordierite ) is not replaced ay eibec exactly. It is likewise clear that, as in serpentine the amount of water ranges between 12, 27 a 1 d 21 “Pine Pogasedira abhi ihsh. peewee MW. G. Lerrion. te a ER Szconp Srrizs, Vol. VI, No. 16,.—July, 1848. 8 58 Scheerer on Isomorphism. From the circumstance of three equivalents of water being able place isomorphically one equivalent of magnesia, it directly follows that combinations such as Mg: Si, Mg? Si-+ 3H, and Mg Si + 6H, must, of necessity, possess the same crystalline form. Such combinations therefore, under this common form, can occur mixed together in every possible proportion, and thereby explain the occurrence of non-definite proportions in the respective amounts of water and of magnesia, not only as met with in as- pasiolite and in serpentine, but also, as may be deduced from the sequel, in a very considerable number of other minerals contain- ing water. I. Sinicares. - A. Silicates of magnesia and ae bases east there- with, (minerals allied to serpentine. ) 1. Gymnite. (‘Thomson. ) Pixygen ratio, Si; (R) = 20-86 ; 20°56. Formula deducible therefrom, (R)? Si. (R) in this mineral = 36:00 Mg, 21-60 , 0:80Ga. In addi- tion thereto, Thomson found in gymnite 1-16 ‘ferriferous alumina. Deducting this as a } silicate, the oxygen ratio given above be- comes modified to 20:36 ; 20- 56, approximating therefore even yet closer to 1; 1. / 2. Deweylite. (Shepard.) 20°78 : 21-40. (R)? Si. (R) = 40-0 Mg, 20:08. The siliceous hydrate of alumina from Baltimore has a similar composition, according to Allan 3. Villarsite. (Dufrenoy.) 20:47 : 21:37. (R)? Si. (R) from two analyses = 45-33-47-37 Mg, 4:30-3:59Fe, 2 ed 2-42 Mn, 0:54-0-53 Ca, 0-46 K, 5-80 #2. 4, Daihanliis (Ficinus. ) 19°74 : 18-79. (R)? Si. (R) in two analyses = 23-70-19-33 Mg, 11:33-14:00 Fe, 2:25 -1-:17 Mn, 0:83-1:83 Ca, 0:50-1:33 Na, 25-20-22 H, and in addi- tion thereto, 0:42-0:83 Al; deducting this latter as ! silicate, the oxygen ratio "a altered to 19: 44 ; 18°79, 5. Chrysotile. (Metavite, Delesse. ) 21-90 ; 20°60. (R)? Si. Scheerer on Isomorphism. 59 (R) =41 ‘9 Mg, 3-0 Fe, 136 HY, and in addition, O04 Al. The lustrous asbestus from Reichenstein has a similar composition, ac- cording to von Kobe as has also the Baltimorite, according to Thomson. The oxygen ratio of the former is 22: 4 : 20: 04, and that of the latter, 20°57 ; 19-45. 6. Chloropheite. (Forchhammer.) 17-07 : 17-24. (R)? Si. (R) = 3-44 Mg, 21:56 Fe, 42°15 Bt. All these minerals, whose amount of water eps from 5-80 to 42°15 per cent., have therefore the same form and in a chemical point of view, are only distinet therefrom in consequence of the different but isomorphous composition of the __ member (R). Of these minerals, there is as yet but one that has been met with distinctly crystallized—this i is villarsite. Its crys- ine form belongs, like that of serpentine, to the rhombic sys- tem, but the prism of villarsite has angles of 120°, whereas those of serpentine are 130°. The macrodiagonals of both prisms are therefore as tan 65° : tan 60° = 2-144 ; 1-732, or very nearly = 5:4. The fotm of villarsite therefore, may ‘be supposed to be one derived from that of serpentine 7. Picrophyll. ( on ) Obtained, 25°87 : 16°35 R): & Required, 25-00 : 16: eet" (R)* Si. (R) = 30:10 Mg, 6°86 Fe, 0:87 Ca, a trace of Mn, 9:83 H, be- — = : sides 1:11.Al. Deducting this latter asa } silicate, the oxygen ratio becomes = 25:52 : 16°35, very nearly therefore as 3:2, The analysis gave 1°52 per cent. loss. 8. Aphrodite. (Berlin.) 17-11 Sets 26 7 17:86 : (R)? Si. (R) from two analyses = 33-72-34-07 Mg, 1-62-1-49 Mn, 0°59 Ze, 55 Fe, 12: 32-11 34 H, besides 0:20-0:13 Al. 9. Spadaite. (v. Kobell.) 29-09 ; 15:38 29:09 : 14-55 : (R)? Si*. (R.) = 30:67 Mg, 0:66 Fe, 11:34 H, 0:66 Al, 0-67 loss. 10. Picrosmine. (Magnus. ) 28°39 :.15°16 a 30-00 : 15-00 (R)? Si", "For the facility of com ha b all "4 follow g minerals give tne oxygen ratio pape tg octal formal, below i" ac: gets the ysis we” 60 Scheerer on Isomorphism. (R) = 33:35 Mg, 0-42 Mn, 730 Ef (ammoniacal), 0-79 Al, 1-40 Fe, 185 loss. . 11. Monradite. | A. Erdmann. ) 29-09 ; 15°39 29-09 + 14:55 : (RY Sit. (R) = 31:36 Mg, 8: 56Fe, 4-048, 0: A excess. 12. Talc. (Berthier.) (1) From Little St. Bernhard. 30 2. A: 14-49 eyed: $043 16-06 ¢ 9 Sag gh From St. Foix 28:88 : 13°59 R s Si 28:88 : 14-44 (R)? Si*. In the former, (}) = 33°2Mg, 4-6 Fe, 3:53; in the latter, (R) 197 Mg, 117 Fe, 81Ca, 26H. The tale from Si Foi aah tains moreover 1:7 Al. Deducting this as a 2 silicate, we obtain 3 1 the oxygen ratio = 27°69 : 13-59, also very nearly = 2; 1. 13. Meerschaum.. | (1.) From Cabatias, according to Berthier, — 215-14. (2.) From Gelloaeniasl according to the same, < (Ry Siz, 28:05 : 15°22. (3.) From Morocco, Al, which formula may likewise be thus given, 3Mg? Si+(R)? Al. The mineral contains 29-27 Mg, 2:07 K, 6:34 Fe, 1-64 Mn, 11-76 H, and these bases are present in such ‘proportions as will admit of the entire magnesia and potash being combined with the silica, while the whole of the other weaker bases may be sup- posed to be in combination with the alumina. Hitherto, this mineral, notwithstanding its great external resemblance to chlo- rite, was reckoned among the micas, because the quantity of the 1: 1 atomic bases which it contains (not counting the water therewith), is not sufficient for a member of the chlorite fan : now however, by including the water among the basic cons ys the mineral in fact takes its place among the chlorite group. , 8. Kémmererite. (Hartwall.) 19-20 ; 6:90 : 16°83 2 ee 19:50 ! 650 : 16-25 6(R), Si+(R)? Al Pyrosclerite (v. Kobell) appears to have the same formula, un- less indeed the loss of 1°9 per cent. in the analysis should cause an alteration therein. 9. Chloritoid. (v. Bonsdorf.) 14:28 : 16:61 : 9:95 ok ae pe 15:00 : 15-00 : 10-00§ ns Seri Sih ee pat The analysis gave an excess of 1:64. (R)=27:05 Fe, 429 Mg, 0°30. Mn, 6-95 H. A. Erdmann has examined another chlo- ritoid which contains no water, and which (as the mean of two analyses ) ee the following oxygen ratio. 2°95 : 21-02: 6:8) 13-06 1469. 50 : Gent 2(R)Si+R Als, this therefore, as has been remarked by Rammelsberg, i is evident- 2 hh another mineral. ; 10. Soapstone. (Svanberg.) 24:32 : 3-87 : 16:39 Se edi spate ane 23-40 : 3-90 ; 16-90% » G(R)? Si+(R)R. (R)=33:3 Mg, 0-7 Ga, 11- 0 H; R=8-0 Al, 0-4 Fe, bf Oronstedite The formula of this mineral, according to v. Kobell, is phe ss } Mn* Si+PeH , Mg?) * See Berzelius’s Jahresbericht, Jahrg. 20, Part 23 p- 234, f . * | é Scheerer on Isomorphism. 65 which admits of being thus written (R)? Si+(R): Fe. This formula differs from that of chlorite from the member (R) Si jab contained therein but singly, whereas in chlorite it is 4 c doubled, and that it contains peroxyd of iron instead of alu- mina. ‘That cronstedtite finds a place among the minerals of the chlorite family by the new formula here proposed for it, is with- out doubt amply borne out by its external characters. Its nagap 9 line form is a hexagonal prism, with a cleavage — el terminal plane. Chlorite, npidalies peppune and the other chlorite minerals treated of here, all receive, as is seen above, formule consisting of two iii a which, generally speaking, are very simple. One of these members consists of a silicate, the other of an inate or an oxydate of iron. C. silicates of magnesia and alumina, and bases ethno therewith. ef _ (a.) Mica and micaceous minerals. 1. Mica from Iviken. (Svanberg. ) 36°97 3: 774: oars (R) S32 1B Sis, 36:97 : 7°40 : 2-47. 2. Mica from Bratistad. (The same.) ~ 33-08 : 12-66 ; 1:93 ae ens 32-00 : 12-80 : 213 : (R) Si+2R Sit, -'The analysis gave an excess of 0-89. 3. Mica from Broddbs. (The same.) 24-92 : 16°95 ; 2:39 be 25-00 : 16°66 : 2-77 : (R) Si+2R Si. ‘ Very closely agreeing with the mica from Utén, Kimito, Fahlun <> Ochotsk, according to the analyses of Henry Rose. If a , sail quantity of manganese which is given in Svanberg’s anal- ysis as oxyd is calculated as protoxyd, the formula agrees evell closer, inasmuch as in that’ case the oxygen ratio is then = | 2499 16-61 : 2-73. oa Wee 4. Mica from Rosendal. (The same. ) 23°07; 3°%87 ; 10-45 * 93.61: 787 : 1049 3¢ QR) Sil Si. F 5. Mica from Pargas. (The same. ) | SRA Bim eS a eS i 23:00 13:20 + 6605 eet ee ; ©The analysis gave 1-19 Joss re 6. Mica from Monroe, (v. Kobell.) 278 11-06 Wee 10803 : 10-50 : (Ry S148 Si, Szcoxp Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 16.—July, 1848. 9 Fis ee . es Mica from Abborforss. (Svanberg.) 20-49 : 15°30 3 3°67 | ee ee ist 16-00 : wey: oe . Mica from Sala. (The same.) enon 6 O01 : 13-65 a ome 21-00 + 7-00 : 14-00 ¢ 2(R)* Si+R Si. 9. Pyrophyllite. (Herrmann. ) F mn ‘06 : 13-76 33°54 MG Depp ete ~ id Reed Feed a 3(R) Si+2.Al? Sis. 3 The insignificant amount of iron in this mineral has been cal- culated as protoxyd (=1-16 per cent.), although it is cited as per- . oxyd. It may be remarked, that the color of the mineral is green, and the analysis indicated a slight excess. 10. Pinite from Auvergne. (C. Gmelin.) 29:07 : 13-50 : 3-00 a peek tee dae 29-00 : 12:88 : 3-22 , 3 (R) Ri +2R° Rie. This pinite has therefore the same formula as Herrmann’s pyro- phyllite, the preceding mineral. The difference between them consists but in this, Ist, that in -pirophyliiie there is only alumina, whereas pinite contains peroxyd of iron as well, and 2d, that in the former (R)=4Mg, 1-6 Fe, 5-62'H, in the latter =3-76 Mg and © Mn, 789 K, 0°39Na, 1-41. Both minerals appear to erystal- lize i in the thombic system. -But it does not seem praleblls to - me that they should affect precisely similar forms, inasmuch. as ° a amount of potash contained in pinite is too considerable » fort 11. Pinite from Penig. (Scott. ) 4 21-94 : 16°04 : 3-02 wi 25-00 : 16-67 : 96 ¢ | (R)Si¢2 Al Si. This is the formula of the Broadbo mica, In the latter, (R)=8-31 K, 1-5 Mn, 3:32; ; in pinite <'11-35 Ky 0-75 Ga and , 300 H. Assuming about a third of the iton in the mineral to exist in the state of the protoxyd, for which sup - how- ‘* ever, (excepting, perhaps, t that the analysis indicates an excess of - 66 Séheerer.on Isomorphism. eit sa ula appears to apply to the mica from Miask and ek ‘According to v. Kobell’s analysis, their respec- e etter ratio is; 21°88 : 9°18 : 10-15 and 21-30 : 9-26 : 11:14. ire formula adduced, which is that of garnet, has been before applied to these micas, but from not including the water. paone i basic aaa the analyses indicated a want of 1: 1 atomic base 0-76 per cent.) there is no particular ground ie ‘oem ratio 0 es, ra e Scheerer.on Isomorphism. 67 24:94 : 15-12 ; 3-63 24-00 : 16-00 : : 4005 . (Sis 44K Si, which would give this pinite the same formula as the following mineral. The formula first stated sighitadas it, PEE, 8 evi- wh dently better. Op te 12. Gigantolite. (Prolte Wachtmeister. 24:04 ; 16-51: 421 | 24-00 : 16-00 : 100 ¢ (> Bie +488 _ The analysis gave an excess of . 56. | * 13. Choraphytive. (Jackson. ae 7 93-48 : 12-98: 7-75} ah a HH . 24-00: 1200:8005 — -(R)*Si+-ALSi. i ei amount of potash (1:64 per cent.) was estimated only t 14. Ottrelite. (Damour. ) | 22-51 + 11:50 : 731) ie eae OP i ee ey sn anil | a This and the foregoing ne Foner have the same formula. In point of fact, both minerals ‘in the same crystalline form, —- 3-6 H. Although the amount of water in ‘the above named varieties of mica and micaceous minerals, generally speaking, is but moderate, ranging, as it does, between about one and six per cent., yet it, In most instances, exercises a corsiderable influence upon the formula of these minerals. For the greater part of them con- tain such a limited portion of the 1: 1. atomic bases, that their quantity of oxygen is materially increased by that of the water, even when the amount of the latter does not exceed two per e it. as hate Pa we arrive for the most part at improbable | formule, neither a of symmetrical relations ed with the. formule of A" nor when »- other minerals ; objections to At § the formula here adduced, as a ee e majority of them is concerned, are assuredly finllgMNMEEEE Wheat and fuori of magnesium, whieh - not her taken Pca aecount. It is a ed 9 a por- tion of the srresponding ft 1 atomic S. ws : . #y “Piet id ® * ° that of a hexagonal prism. -(R) fee Oltrelite =: = 16-72 Fe, 8: 18 Mn, 5-66, Inchlorophyllite (R) =9'6Mg, 826 Fe, 4-1 Mn, 164K, | F cent. If we neglect this amount of water, or endeavor to vn & er aa oe e a% 68 ‘dans.crmaneniiens (6. ) a icaceous minerals.—(a.) Crystalline. 1. Fahlunite. (Trolle ‘Wachtmeister. ie 889% 7°30 ‘ ~ 99.90 : ave: 7:30 : (R)° Si+2 agi, From the mean of two analyses. 2. Esmarkite. (A. Erdmann.) 23:88: 14-98 : 7:40 ‘ie oe. 2 00 : 15:33 : 7°66 . en The analysis gave a loss of 1:45. According to the above, 9 fahinnite and esmarkite have the formula of epidote, as has likewise Meionite. In esmarkite (R)=8-99 Mg, 4:10 Na, 1:43 Fe, 0-63 Mn, 0-68°K, 3.20%, in fahlunite 6-04 to 6:75 Me, 0:0 to 7°22 Fe, 1°72 to 224 Mn, ‘00 to 4:45 Na, 0-94 to 1:98 K, trac ce to 1°35 Ca, 8-65 to 11-66 H, * 3. Pyrargillite. ( Nordensjol ) 22°82 : 13°51 : 7-56 22-00 : 1466 : 7:33 (Ry? Si42 A Si, formula of the two foregoing minerals, and likewise of the others cited above. (R)=5-30 Fe, 2:90 Mg and Mn, 1:05 K, : 1:85 Na, 15-47. Pyrargillite, as also fallunite, appears to het a rhombic crystalline form. That of esmarkite is not known. A. Praseolite. (A. Erdmann.) 21:27 : 13°47 : 9°16 oes 22:00 : 13-90 : 880 ; *e(R) S143 Al Si. 5. Zeusite. (Thomson. ) 17-37 : 14-87 : 8-16 \ * #@ t ud ¥. 7” Scheerer on Isomorphism. 71 (R) = = 6:00 Ca, 68K, 55H. Huronite and aca ap- pear to have the same formula therefore, namely, that of aspasio- lite. But in the latter, (R) = 6-97 to 8-04 Mg, Ca, a hehe 2°30 to 2:39 Fe (a part thereof perhaps as Fe), Mn a 6S8H, a , from Plombieres. 22°86 : 10: 08 : TOO pe eee eae 23:00 : 11-50: tex (R)* Si+ Al Si, 1-0 loss. (R) =25-0H, 2:0Mg. ‘The bole from pact which has been analyzed by Rammelsberg, appears to have the same formula. Its oxygen ratio is = 23°86 : 10-35 : 8-76, pg by it it is to be noticed that a loss of 2°17 per cent. was obtained. ' (R) in this bole = 25:86 H, 3-90 Ca, 9. Nontronite, from Villefranche. _ (Dufrénoy.) O13; 1119:7732 Aes ws 22-00: 11:00 : 733 § (Ry? SitRSi. Essentially this is the formula of the preceding mineral. — (R) = 23-0 HB, 2:37 Mg. Chloro Toph ye also (which see); and ottre- . lite (see likewise), have this form 10. Kaolin. (Forchhammer.) . a Its formula, Al* Sit +6H, may be also thus expressed : (R)? Si+3Al Si. i 11. Nontronite; from Andreasberg. (Biewend.) » 2100:1200:6005 , 2¢k)*8i+4FeSi, formula of the Pargas mica, in which however, (R) = 10 27 Me, 0°75 Uo 4 5 Ca, 8-45 K, 3-35 Ef, whereas (R) in nontronite con er alone, (21- 56 per cont: ) The nontronite of Autur shows, Retna to Berthier’s analysis, a ae 3 ie re hs = from Andreasberg, that is to say, 21: sei, 558, wr FT .* sf ‘ 72 Scheerer on Isomorphism. 13. Pinguite. (Kersten.) ‘Its formula, Fe Si+Fe: Si?+15H, may be also thus written, (R)? Si+Fe Si, which is the formula of garnet ‘and likewise of | the mica from ma Monroe and. Karosulik. 14. According to Lawigs and Wackenroder’s analyses of the bole es from Ellinghausen, Cap de Prudelles, and Sasebihl, these mine- rals have the formula, R? Si?-+9H, which may be also written, see eee (R)? Si+2R Si.. This formula agrees essentially with that of pyrargillite (which see), and with that of the other minerals there cited. In bole however, (R) consists almost entirely of water, (24 per cent.,) with minute quantities of magnesia and lime. 15. Iron lithomarge. (Schiiler.) 21°64 : 14-65 : 6°55 BN gets Ae 21:00 : 14-00 : 7-00 : (R)? Si+2R Si, formula of the preceding mineral, and others referred to above. R= 14-20 H, 3-04 Ca, 2:55 Mg, 1:51 Mn, 0:93 K. 7 16. Halloylite, from La Vouth and Thiviers. (Dufrénoy.) (1.) os la Vouth, 21:12 : 15°72.: 7-11 (2.) From Thiviers, 22°39 3 15°16 ¢ 7:27. _ Mean of the two analyses: 21°76 ; 15-44 ; 7-19 ee ee 22-00 : 14-67 : 7:33 , (R)*S1-F eR Si, formula of the preceding mineral. In the La Vouth halloylite, (R) consists entirely of water (24:83), but in that from oo of 22:30 Hand 1-70 Mg. 17. Mountain Soap, from Thuringia. ( Bucholz. ) “mf 22-86 : 14:63 : 6-212 99:00 : 14-67 : 7:33 (R)°Si+2R Si, : formula of the. preceding mineral. There are also altogether, ae ae of aa and eal seven di: erent ee Thive, Po iene ep from Thuringia ‘The et isomorphous naturé of (R) and (8), ‘and the different grades of crystalline development, appear to f orm. the leading ‘ES isting between’ these minerals. “and meionite can- not serene: b be» held to be icine ieee with the other minerals of : a in them (R) consists essentially of lime. Scheerer on Isomorphism. 73 18. Halloysite. (1.) Fi ie biegey according to Berthier, a4 ae ~ 23°35: 18-24: 4-74, Ae ge 2 ) From Guatequé, a S| to Boussingault; ~ “ 23°90 : 18°78 : 4:94. 4 (3). ~ rom * ectomey according to Bertie, ik is - 24:26: : 5 Soe enact 2 Tana me bom j . 63 1 18-29 ; 4-48 ree ee 93.601 18-40: 4-60 (BR)? Si+4AL Si, Naver of diploite, (according to Rammelsberg.) In nse halloylites, (R) consists entirely of mele toaeeite @) alka b oresoety | Gr piece ay Gitbertite. “(Lemme : - he hg ek (Ry Si+0RSi. ‘ ¥ Sa =4#17Ca, 1-90 Mg, 4-25 E. 7 vs -_ a ey 20. Cerolite (Maal) ol * ¢ ™ § 19°72: 5-69: 1316 19:50 : 6:50 =:1300% — AR)? Sit AS, . formula of massive gebilenite} and of the Sala “mica. “is a> nm, 18-02 Mg. ni oe | RE. Chhondlerite. (v. Kobell.) pint a 242 : ~~ ae _ 18-54: RE Ne oy carta i a , cmeone ea ‘ ype 22. Mountain Soap, Pape 0 95 (Picinus.) “3 ee. Gk ait il ae sy oe co er 12-00: 12-00: 200 ¢ = (Ry BF RAS: sae (R) =3-41 Ln, 1-1 6a, 48-038 a i pe The. above men s minerals,’ _ hitherto | been looked upon as hydrates, poommartet the introduc tion of the water as a 3 aor constit —e “ i a Thiele cal i f & of % i. ae , rroek, | 7A SS. Haldeman on the‘Constructionof Blast-furnaces * ¥ Arr. VIL—On the Construction of Blast-furnaces for the Smelt- + el Iron = Anthracite by 8. ” ap of Co- hed nn.* - THe occurrence of imoshaustilile strata of. anthracite coal in f Pisitiegivacin, has attracted the attention of miners and practical ‘ men generally, to its use in smelting iron. With al, this process requires a peculiar location, and a large capital, to be in- vested in extensive woodland tracts, which are generally moun- tainous, and conseque y oebeka being unfitted for hap icerecie. This renders the c ae of the necessary roads difficult, and transportation expensive. The We umber of workmen employed i wood-cutting; se pt hauling, is mee, | and the expense of hors amenpie s, forms a considerable Charcoal be- oft, porous material, much of it is paitage in trans ation and hentia, and large sheds are required to store and keep it These various contingencies require the general manager to have industry, judgment, and good business habits. anthracite, the exact expense of the fuel is known, the trans- portation being by railways or canals extending to. ‘most of the mines, and if the furnace is placed near such public works, there will be but little waste of coal in‘its final transportation. There ’ is but little waste in the transportation of ore, which is of course > common to both kinds of fuel. The earlier attempts at smelting iron with anthracite in the ordi inary furnace, failed so completely, that it was by some deem- ed impossible to ‘accomplish it; while others, looking to a differ- ent construction for a solution of the problem, devised various — structures, more remarkable for ingenuity than utility ; later ex- # ity periments having proved that no such modifications are neces- ‘a sary, except per a higher inclination of the bosh and a less contracted el- ; ad Incandescent chia ‘has the peculiarity of tang: rapidly extinguished when struck with a blast of cold air, the loss of heat from this source exceeding that resulting from combustion ; and although this phenomenon does not take place when the temperature exceeds a certain point, the vast accession of cold air in a blast furnace, may be sufficient under slightly unfavora e conditions, t to produce it at any time. Henee a hot Bes which is economical when charcoal is used, becomes an éssential element:of siccess with anthracite ; and its domperatante should not be less than is sufficient’ to smelt aslip of lead opposed to a jet of it near the twiers. Anthracite being a very dense and figures ; alungo Ee Parnes at Colucbiee poe aby y Messrs. B al GP Se ae a | oy ar a oe * for the Smelting of Iron with Anthracite. 75 concentrated fuel, the aniount of air thrown in must be much greater than when charcoal is used: Success, therefore, depends upon the quantity as well as upon the temperature of the blast. The necessary amount of “oxygen be secured only by means of the proper machinery, and a certain velocity. of the ast ; and in consequence of this fact, the false opinion that the ds ow antl upon the velocity or sharpness of the jet, -maintal In consequence of this view, the exit re sd to a small size, and the quantity secured by in- cremate 2 ocity under a high pressure; which much of the blast to be lost, as among the multitude of i sees he be air-tight, it is impossible to secure i the machinery is liable to injury fom the reat u essal strain upon it. _ The stack or main structure of a blast ate: is a ¢ ar , the lower portion of Wain - arch dd e of each side, leaving e€ fig. 1 * Ac | an 4 2, See sn ee with the dousd square in fig. 1. ig circle in fig. 1, ind icates the internal face of the fire- Con lining (1, fig. 2) at its: widest part, and also the top of the bosh,* (, fig. 1, 2.) ~The li- ning being circular and the lower portion a square, the former is supported upon four plates (¢) of such a form as to close the an- pi of the la iter, and at the head of the furnace it is continued ¥ dinary | ickwork chimney, (2, fig. 3,) leaving one or two ; Sse ie spaces for the purpose of filling. The chief use of mney is to protect the workmen from the heat. g KS Lhe two p ior piers r passage (fig. 1, 2 the admi issic Focal Vg lacs pipe, p, which descends from fe eur doy Sige ® at the head of the stack. . This passage. is some- ee times continued through the front piers, which renders the fre f ch, co oler, and gives more ready, access to the ig 18 a two 76 S. S. Haldeman onthe Construction of Blast-furnaces ved, _ The cavity of the hearth, (HA, fig. 1, 2) where the metal as reduced and retained, bears a very small the sizeof the stack. In the figures, which are drawn to a scale of one-eighth Figs. % of an inch to a foot, it is two feet wide, and five and a half feet long, but enlarges upwards in a slight degree. The back at front of the hearth are separated by a partial partition called the temp, (m, fig. 1, 2,) made of fire-bricks, and which does not ex- tend to the bottom of the hearth. The horizontal dotted line, _ (h, fig. 2) shows the level'to which the smélted materials ean rise i for the Smelting of Fron with Anthracite. 17 before running over the dam-stone (d) atc, where the cinder will escape first, being the lightest, whilst the smelted iron occupies the bottom. 'T'o prevent the fluid matter from being forced out by the blast, clay is. ied beneath the temp, around the twiers, and 4 upon the surface, at h, where it is retained by heavy iron plates, _ which are raised every few hours, to allow the cinder to run off bottoth of the dam-stone. The -stone is de- f in front by a large iron dam-plate (de, fig. 1) against which i, the dust-plate ¢, 7, rests. The lower edge of the latter rests ° upon the ground, which is raised to about the level of the bottom of the hearth d, Ge a oye ; > , Fig. 2. 78 SS. S. Haldeman on the Construction of Blast-furnaces Pe b pata represent a transverse section of the stack, if the left hal re symmetrical with the right. In this case the temp ma de open space in front of it, would be filled with stone es of the hearth, and e would repres sent the place, of for th e iron. ~ The bosh BB, fig. 2, (shaded _vertically,) resembles a large funnel, except that its termination at H, fig. 1, 2, is squ built of fire bricks, except its inWer portion in front, Cini. ah consequence of the open temp arch (m), a large stone (7) called sconsh’n, is laid across the front portion of the hearth. ‘The a of the bosh is seen to be at a higher angle than when charcoal is used; but it may vary considerably without affecting the result. When in blast a few mouths, the bosh increases in steepness from the abrasion of its surface, and the hearth partakes of this enlargement; so that instead of ‘being a parallelogram, it assames an oval form. The enlargement of the hearth continues until its walls become so thin, that the radiation of the heat will prevent the inner portion from melting away any further; and in case the temperature diminishes, the inside will be protected by a coating of slag. ave known a furnace to be in successful action, when the hearth had been so much enlarged as to have the middle portion of the inmost back sow (s, fig. 2) melted away, permitting the blast to escape until the aperture was closed with tenacious clay. In this case the under surface of the sow was in contact with a brick wall usually built beneath, as an ad- ditional barrier to the escape of the heat. Towards the head of the furnace, there are diiee, equidistant apertures ( f, fig. 2) to admit the waste flame, first under the boil- ers, then through a return flue in them-into the hot oven, which is ia phd 1 in part upon the top of the stack posteriorly and later- ally. When a separate ale is Peg be: the oven is placed pom the front side of ee the flame passes into it by a aperture Pie boilers are: in thie lee three in “number, twenty-six feet long; forty-five inches in diameter, with a return flue eighteen nches in diameter. They are represented at w 2, in fig. 3, where pn course of the flame is a outlet of the flues in the stack, an pape upon the top, atd the chins vor around ates seiritpl- -The engine is placed upon the ground on this side, the . n a ell * jg t ; . » for the Smelting of Iron with Anthracite. 79 boilers extending to the bank against which the structure stands. hen the convenience of a bank or hill cannot be had, it is evi- dent that both the boilers and oven might i ‘placed on or near ‘the ground, if the chimney-were sufficiently high, yet less than _ seventy feet,) and: the walls built so as to be free om crevices. guptgen jl ss casa and there are others along the sides for the pose. The boilers are usually placed in contact with eC Sasa. Noesdink sda ios These doors open into same: pur r the iaieariA x the Pes y da ich omeue to the ie a. is Opie ee me went vay ihe. — ek ee - 80 Prof. Kekaaail some > Ferns of the United States. ‘ boilers were ten ‘be: pacme might be passed un- and ret _under Gk; A ap oven might upon the bank, which vould ner ae ood foundation for ; chimneys; but the distance a 9 the: heated. blast vo required to travel before reaching the twiers, would be an objection The hot-oven is built and arched over with brick, and strongly bound externally with iron, the heat being sufficient to destroy supports passing through it. It is sufficiently large to contain a small forest of upright flattened pipes about ten feet high, with an internal cavity of about four by seven or eight inches, the thickness of the metal being about an inch. These are main- tained at a red heat, the blast through them preventing their de- struction. They sti tand upon two large pipes or cylinders about a foot in diameter, and from twelve to fifteen feet long, with a single row of ape rtures, reais. 2 fig. 4,) and one or more (8, c) large enough to a 4 An double row of apertures. Over ] e neck of — 6 = aperture, a detached collar is placed, into which a [2 3 pipe is firmly cemented, and the heads of two pipes |= 2 on adjoining eylinders are similarly connected by an | 2 auxiliary pipe. forming a semicircular or gothic arch, © et as represented in section in the upper part of the fig lo 2 ure. The blast entering the first cylinder at a, meets [2/' 3 a partition near the middle, and has to pass through le > 2 the seven openings and pipes across the arched heads. e 2 g into 6, and so on to d d, when it passes in the oppo site direction to its place, of exit at g, whence descends to the twiers. The partitions are not. i < middle of the cylinders, because by the time the air has passed | a through them, it requires more room on account of its expansio The operations and general results ane ital iron sii an- thracite, may be eel at a future «cg eo ' ° x a mf 4 i . S tatp, tail cctisdan cht! copne, Puhd ehatioteien States ; m5 Professor Kunzz of Leipzic, 1846-+-(Commu: municated by Dr. G. Eneeimann.) | inom unsaid 7 tee ‘eee ne Tue plants of this Sotnily pects the sthemse of ocean-islands, more particularly within the tropics; the number of species is very limited on the large: continents, . especially in cold» or tem perate latitudes. We'observe the same fact in the United States; the ferns of which are not numerous, though it is supposed» that in the western and. southern parts of the union, several may yet be discovered. Several species new to the flora of the Baikal ‘ao Prof. Kunze on‘some Ferns of the United States. 81 States have been communicated to me; ‘their description, and —_ further notes on some North American ferns, are here offere botanists of the Union, who will-oblige me exoaedingty ri communicating ferns, not known to me, and thereby ce ahaeed investigations on this fami most complete enutheration pat known to me is that a Nuttall’s, (1818,) and the mae supplement has been furnished by Hooker (Flora Bor. Am., 1840). Many other data may be gleaned. from numerous journals and other works, to collect and arrange which will be the task of some American botanist ; here offer merely some notes on the distinction of nearly related ferns, on some additional ser ~ a few v Spee remarks, in which I follow Nuttall’s arrangem “Eauisetum.—I have nothing to id to A. Saran’ s + and Engel- mann’s Memoir in this Journal, vol. xlvi. Lycoropium—L. Selago, oe found m reciiand, on the mountains of New England (E. "Puckerman, Jr.), and mi rocks at the falls of Broad River, North Carolina ir gps !).—L. alopecu- roides, L.., on meadows between Quincy and Aspalaga, Florida (Rugel !). re elongated form densely covered with small leaves. was.collected on Lake Tamony, Florida, by Rugel !—A similar elongated. variety is L. — L. 8. Bigelovii, Tuckerm. ! Carolinianum, Big., L. Bigelovii, Oakes and Tuck. !) from outh, Mass. (Tuckerman!), and from Covington, Louisian (Drummond !).—L. annotinum, L. 8. Spach Monogr. (L. pun- gens, Desv., L. annotinum, %. montanum, Tuckerm.! L. sabi- lium, Beck, non Mich. fide Tuckerm.) has been found, not only in Newfoundland and Labrador, but also on the White Mountains of New Hampshire (A. Gray! and Tuckerman !). —L. dendroideum, Mich. (L. obscurum, L.) has been found as far — as the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee (Rugel !).—JL. arissus, A. Braun,* nearly related to L. complanatum, pe but probably well distinguished, grows also onthe Chivi Mountains, Cherokee County, North Carolina (Rugel!).—Z. lucidulum, Mich, oneand a half feet high, New England, ( ges 3 erman !) of. commén’size on. the- Black Monntains, North © =e. rupestre, 1.., is widely distributed in Amerie and. from California to Mexico and Peru. Beyrich has sflleged it in the Southern States, and Rugel on the Broad river wo dpanins paren ears suppenan, that L. ma * Nore gy A. sae ro Cha cyparintis is a in Wildenow’s. et rium from Canada, se vi Rie meni tt aa ct ata a patie (tog lanatum. o — author pgs mostly to L. d gitatum, (Diliens) — » Braur C wits qiestionable whe reg true Linnean L. complanatum, has been } @ specimen collected in Kamtschatka by Ermann -can- eon youre ce Ameria; as it shows ificati abi no fruc toe 1 ces ot tion, j from a speci ee Take it to bea i spn rat Fc Sihmietgpars aoe Ae : , & a P44 82 Prof. Kunze on some Férhs of the United Statés. Ea at only : a variety of L, apus or apodum has lately d. sLossuM.—American oe of O. vulgatum are ‘not distinct from European small species with an elliptical acute leaf as Miiie as the spike, . eae by Beyrich at Ebenezar, probably belongs to O. nudicaule ( O. elliptiewm, H. and Grev. )— A specimen of O. bulbosum, Mich., or more properly O. crotalo- phoroides, Walt., collected by Drum mond in Louisiana and com- municated by A ’ Gray, agrees exactly with O: tuberosum, Hook. from Talcahuano.— 0. pusillum, Nutt., is entirely unknown» in . een and has net been mentioned by Greville and Hooker. Bot. Mise., iii. Borrycuium.—T he different ser still 5 Sn to be more accurately distinguished. B. gracile, Pu has been united with B. virginicum by Greville and ‘Hooker. (1. ~~ B. dissee- tum, Muhl., is unknown to me. Osmunpa. —A. Gray has already proved entity of O. Clay- toniana, L., with O. interrupta. O. spectabilis, W., and O) re- ALT. L.; cannot be separated any better. Ruttall has — ga anoides, Michx., fronde- coriacea, glabray: lineari- toile cae, trevfeclinieta, basi longe attenuata, pinnata; pin sessilibus (Oppositis), divergentibus, trapezio-oblongis, obtusis, im ferioribus deflexis subcordatis sensim abbreviatis, omnibus sub- aveniis, margine cartilagineo repando-crenatis ; soris breviusculis, margine approximatis ; rhachi stipiteque brevi basi palegea thizomate Brevi vi, horizontali, radicoso sipieies,” so well distinguished from its nearest relatives, has been much raat Micha ee diagnosis and his habitat ing 12. ae ; sents tolerably well the plant in qeaninad but the former must main doubtful, for the. pinne are re represented as being cometited Me ae ee «ieee ee Se E ws pine ut in a notice of Pres’ 8 Psriddgngbie, in this Journal, vol. xix, p Gr. Ae Motte, in southern Missouri — 86 Prof. Kunze on some Fite of the United States. abc below. Swartz, in his Synopsis, p. 79, and 272, re- rs “cha plant, together with the q 2% ions, to 9 A. polypo- dioides ; but he seems to have had apt > other j plant in view, in pat» up his deseript ion, perhaps a of A. pg or to have mainly Puumdcocd Plukenet’ s Ady as he says, pinne basi utrinque se aurite, and as he leaves out Michaux’s words, « fructificatione lineis brevissimis, ” and as he says in the. descrip- tion, “‘sori lineares, brevissimi, ad latera costa utrinque puncta Polypodii mentientes, etate confluentes.” Schkuhr ant ‘only sori confluent - manoides of the gardens i met s nothing but A. Twidbiahenie i As Swartz’s pe Ai e is entirely gratuitous, the latter must be restored to = cae A. melanocaulon, W. and A. Trichomanes,*are united by Hooker, nor can I pepe distinguish them. A. monta- _aum, W., which is considered a rare plant, has been ec in abundance i in N. Carolina, by Rugel, and in Georgia, by hy Dae rich.* A, Adiantum nigrum, Michx., belongs he I have seen any American specimens of the true A. Filia feemina ; j eal ars to be represented by A. Michausii, Spr. (A. Filix foeniina, lich., Aspid. angustum, W.), and by A. Athyrium, Spr. ( Aspid. asplenivides, W. ), the latter extends as far north as Labrador and ¥ Newfoundland, Both these species, which are certainly well Mexican distinguished, are thrown together by Hooker. 'The A, Michaucii, Mart. and Gal., is a distinct species which I have ‘named, A. Martensi. My A. ‘Sibinicum ( ee crenatum, merfelt) may yet be discovered in arcti Preris.—P. pedata, of the North Oe soe iia Som I have notas yet seen, so. ae unable to say to which of the lately distin- species it may belong, probably to P. geraniifolia; R P. atropurpurea as well as P. gracilis, must ‘be referred to the . genus Allosurus.. P. caudata of the United States, is not the true Linnean plant which is common in South America, and the West Indies, and is-distinguished by the nodose base of the rhachis, as has already been stated by J. Agardh, Monogr. Pterid. 49, but a variety of P. aquilina, L., Schk., t. 96. b., peculiar to North America, which Desvanx, Prodr,, Fil. p- 303, has distingnished un- der the name of P. latiuse: males § and which ought to be more closely studied. It occurs more or less hairy. Attosurus.—{ Cryptogranuna, Br.) A. gracili s, Kaulfuss , Pte ris, Mich., is ci ae to A, i, though distinet. I have Ee ic ta ——— * And ‘even sis far dngh-na/Billehare , North Garclimn/ palin Mr. C1 r % ie ae a.” e Prof. Kunze on some Ferns of the United States. 87 received numerous fine specimens of it from aoe Cat yore t. Knieskern. A, acrostichoides, Pr., is ooker is probably correct in referring it to pe ide ae ‘ Piel —Not having compared any North American speci- Es? I am unable to say whether they belong to the true: Vz PB: boreale is a Lomaria-—B. wirvulinihs Mich, tee only from South America. u.—A. Capillus, diffused over almost the-whele globe, hot rare in the southern U. States, where Beyrich collected ‘label does not give the exact localit ty); Dr. Bm the Hot Springs of Arkansas ; Rugel from rom As le aa ; and according to E. Tuckerman, it is also iquielh “in - Curmanrues.—l sihex' to this genus Buckley’s Pteris ‘Alec mon and namé it Ch. Alabamensis. It is a very distinct spe- gp aaheatle pede collected by Rugel:on French Broad ap preserved in Shuttleworth’s — ta, Georgia; by Leibold on the western frontiers of Aone by Duerinck in Missouri, in Carolina, (Schweinitz,) and on the Broad River Mountains, North Carolina, by Rugel. Ch. tomen- tosa, Link, (Fil. Spec. h. bot. Berol, p. 65, raised from Mexican > ey now common in Buropean gardens, i is new for the flora of United States.. Rugel collected a few specimens with the former in North Carolina, and Prof. A. Gray has sent me speci- mens from Tennessee under the name of Ch. vesiita. Cultiva- tion does not alter it in the least. It is quite probable that some of the numerouis species of Mexico may yet be discovered in the ‘southern states-} Ch. dealbata, Pursh, is a Nothochlena, (see above.) iJ a.—Michaux’s name, Nephr. punctilobulum, not as oe spelled, 7 unctilob (1803); Schkwhr’s ‘ ie. pireican, was published 1809, ‘and Willdenow’s, or ater sagebaipe Mss. name, Polypod. pilosiusculum, dates 1810. Desvaux has founded his genus Litolo- ria an entices Sidlobium), Prodr. 262, on this species; but the pe- culiar characters are not sufficient to warrant a generic plone and I refer with Hooker this plant again to paieanei ng eS hi al, oo th a i . Hot sol of Arkansas, I 0] cted fog he ag Bo aot identic } with in, Louisiana a fern, specimens of which I receive ; ha Prof. Kunze on some Ferns of the United States. netilobula. I have specimens from the West Indies, (Ry- Tennessee ap North Carolina, (Rugel!) Lu collect ~ herbarium, and which resembles very much D lobula ; but it has more acutely dentate segments, rhachis and veins be- low, sparsely covered with short hairs, very large sori without any trace of an indusium, which is still ea distinguishable even in fully mature specimens of D. pun tilobula. Xt is im- to decide about this plant ry examining younger ns, which I hope botanists of the. meiner United States will be induced to do, It may possibly be a. peculiar ? olype dium? Hp nite od s specimen in Willdenow’ s herbarium, is plainly D. punetilo Ororceree —C. Tan lis has ae sent ‘by Dr. Engelmann from Missouri, (rocks on the Merrimac Springs.). The specimens sent from from Labrador by Kurr and. Breutel,—from the Broad River , untains, North Carolina, by Rugel, —those from Pennsylvania and New England, seen by me, all belong to C. tenuis, Be 4 which appears to be well distinguished from G. fragilis, and not a variety of it, as Hooker states; the distinguishing characters te- main constant in cultivation. C. bulbifera, Bernhardi, grows al- ‘om any Rock, below the Warm Springs in North Bx uge. YMENOPHYLLUM.—I have not yet seen any North American specimens. _ [sotres.—Prof. A. Braun has published his investigations on this genus in Flora or Bot. Zeitung, 1846, No. 12.* I have only to add to this valuable paper, that J. lucustris has — co nicated to me by Mr. E. Tuckerman from’ New England. the mention made of an Isoétes from Galifornia, is based ona _Tais- not seen oer saeer aero ¥ mmond’ 8 sane pel by | Kur @ 3 pb ae agorda Bay in a. =a (2-5), basi connatis, receptaca od ne ie aa hai hen + ih in Nis’ acnieet, i ser., iti, aan G. R. Rowell on the Beneficent Distribution, §c. 89 pre. —I have not seen this plant from the United States. Azotta.—A. microphylia, Klfs., from California, is certainly ditties ‘Hoh A. caroliniana, though Hooker unites them latter species was collected by Drummond about New Orleans. Arr. IX.—On the Sea ts Disritation ee > Sense of at ; G. R. Row Read before the Ashmolean Society of Oxford, 3d May, 1847, and communicated b Author, to the Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. xiii, p. 385, from which it is here ced, Havine had, in my youth, an aversion to animal food, from an idea that it was cruel to destroy life for the purpose of ob- taining it, I have been led by that feeling, and a few rather ex- ol ireumstances. which have come under my notice, to other senses; it is given as wadbete ‘mM as great a 2 sia as it is necessary and useful to them; that no animals have a greater sense of pain than is necessary. ort e preservation of the class to which they belong ; that those which are dieigond for food, suf- fer little when killed, in comparison to what other animals would 1 from the same infliction ; and that some are totally devoid of the sense of pain. ' ulo ascendente, oblique pecutiforms versus basin angustato, margine superiori mi- nore, inferiori magis convexo, lateribus compresso; rhaphide brevi, dente inferiori a divergente, superiori a ullo ; receptaculo coriaceo indurato, usco-atro, cic- ribus scabrato, paleis angustis persistentibus tecto ; soris utrum- ten “fabeliformibus, margine arcuatim excisis, apice integris, utrumque he -pilo Ver distinct ‘rom ‘the ead North American Marsilex, it approaches an unde- d species from New Holland, M. Drummondii, A. Braun, mss., nearer than ea er. ade I form a called st stomata, (vid e this Journal, l.c.,) I find now 4 be not hing but the sicatriz, or the place o of insertion of the pale: #. In the other ; rican species : these scars have a margin, which is wanting in M. a a s M. mucronata, A. Braun, collected by Geyer in the North- est sritry, Chis Journal, |. . ) ae fifth fius bee n collected, 1837, by T. Lindheimer in Western Texas, on the er aoa the Spesioabs River 4 elm. Mss. ; stipitibud sitigolis e basi petioli oeinre e ms idio bre revioribus receptaculo as ascendente, oblique obovato, m naneoe 8 roe vin convexo subrecto, lateribus compresso ; rhaphide brevi, dentibus. approx riore inferiorem paulo oOo gine brevibus, adpresss, parsi Fees tubro-marginat ning ue 9-10; foliolis a nae ° apice i tor dentais, Tg od sires ph om " Sgcowp Srnizs, Vol. VI, = ain Bis 90 _ * GE Ry Rowell on the aioiging this paper to the consideration of the ees Ci beg to state distinctly, that I do not pret nowisies'of anatomy, but have been led to my col what appears to be the effect of injuries wpon different sl do not attempt to assign any cause for the difference of the ount of pain, w ether it be that the nerves are less sensitive, or Meio numerons in some classes than in others, or whether it is owing to. the want.of. reflecting. faculties, but only to show that there is such a differenee _ I do not know se there i is any thing new in the opinions I advance ; but as I have Piet 4g than ordinary opportunities of i feet of of ounds on some classes of animals, 1 ape i sub; iG a 4 nee ject disc re + atthe use ‘of the icboks of ether has src 1é ser hae — the consideration of this Society, I er Will be in some ; importance to man, to guard and warn him from injury. 1 is very sensitive, the body being thus enveloped i brane susceptible of the slightest injury, while the heart, brain, and other vital internal parts that are thus g almost insensible; but although the lungs are, in ? gree, insensible of during con the are sensible of the np of rhe dice te against the nhalation of anything injurious. As the hands, full especially the ie aes are whe liable to injury, the sense of pain is gre: and I believe there may be more real pin om 3 ether th Sgt a fm very many th fatal ' nior coating of 1 | ri fatal eases: would arise from eats, & , if x warmed by pain and. inconvenience of the Se ( constitution of sudden changes of temperature, » of the best ways to judge of the 4 of a consider how ne do wahout it’ ym so in the present case. ‘Thus, if a ‘in, he might sit’ by aie, sn ih oot upon it, and soon «find hk Sted hat. eters € thus fact, r he might have lime blown into his if not ma is by the pain ; in i adie [ws Beneficent Distribution of the Sense of Pain. 91 pains and ae the use of which it may be difficult to ould attribute this to a want o eg Hs hm e thet the le which holds good in ni Natt T eage ne § gu ma i t'sand le hill, yeenne dine 4 coac’ ing over it “above the fetlock joint ; the ety east show: —. Pm pt py ape the bone being dre adfully eapabod, and protruding in parts through the skin. A number of ers: neaie granny but no one liked to dispatch it, and on ng so that it might get out of the way of things mnoment the horse got to the side of the road it be- AZING, g no other sign of pain than holding up the leg. os ae is that. ofa post-horse, which was going along d bet en Botley and Ensham, about twelve years cag it fae _ with such violence that the skin and si h the fore fetlock joints were so. cut that on its ttin ng e bones ¢: aw heaton ang De ee . "the legs, the horse walking. Lies the awe ie 92 coy o> GR, Rowell on‘the- A similar accident once happened to a coach-horse the pro- oily of the late Mr. Costar of Oxford ; it was | ‘when the coach stopped to change horses, to have. dislocate ne fetlogle and from 1 ‘ave rn)n 9a > oF | h jaf “4 have ru distance along the road in that pes. sing + that a pitited horse, in Soe with others, shistibd eetialp er such circumstances; but in the former case, there was Sohne to excite the horse but its. hunger, and if the pain had been equal to what such a dreadful injury would seem to in- dicate, it would probably, if in ever such a famished state, have gone ‘upon its knees to feed, rather than upon the inj parts. It is curious to re. the apparent indifference with which some animals’ will devour parts of their own bodies. I once kept tame dormice, and, in shutting the cage door, re eaught the tail « of one of them, when it cope out and left skin of about two thirds of its tail sticking to the door. ee the cry was caused. iy pain or fear, I eannot deeide; but it) went about the cage for a few minutes took hold of its tail with i its s PAS and eat all the injured party — wie gga as well as s will often eat idie i shite when in conitiundtint? hs kept = of food ; oa the habit of eating their own tails is not un to dip the end of his monkey’s tail in tobacco water to k from being eaten, and some of the monkeys in the’ London Zoo- | Garden may at times be seen et thpraoelven deel common amongst the monkey tribe. I know a person who used — way ; but from whatever cause this propensity may arise, I be-— ogee rndver indulged in by the monkeys with es ; seem to be too useful to be so ed of, sense of pat 8 er . few years since, the @uneeriy Review, ina noticeof the: : ne. Westminster’ ye war on the canes soupe in the aveat ne 2 pce ag Beg tage wattle Sianigies very wane ration, the parts being cut with hot weer + = i saw an ed bull after undergoing that operation, kaw concernedly, and then er grazing’ for apo. a Bal " hout, he lay down and chewed his cud apparently quite pany ins ee Pigs make a sad -— when Bei being k d,. bui eaused by fear the uncomf rtable way in w pass ais Of, nd I have no doubt are © therefore possessed of a much greater Beneficent Distribution of the Sense of Pain. 93 oy “similar sane ‘it - hat as the sense of pain is ne ( sary or useful to tes; have it ina a less degree, * . proprncint ibe celina cok nities “er oe I shall allude, that is, salee alte naert will scooter edte® ‘that the use ‘of the fe poet mee a or almost com | compared to that of m } to exert themselves to escape; but a slight examination of the form of both rabbits and hares, wats iaow that they have oth- nse: their eyes are not placed in the front of the wee in A of no at but _ the side of the head, very promi- ap stint theety wie o see before, ana and all around the ears also-can Sortiinied dis way way to slightest ‘seeds added: to ‘which;they ade ‘ degree of timid h keeps them always on the alert. With regard to their sense of pain, it is well to know hart hare never; or very seldom, cries out when if she 1 ot, even i es her death-wound, if she ean run a few yards and hide a és ing ane é Ms a. 94 er G. R.Rowell onthe r out when the enemy” Se within two “of them, and are generally so they hie engi) therefore the ary in this ease i is evident _ Tone , day disturbed a qabbit. whid-« ran pod so ate “manner that I followed it, and saw that the flesh had been eaten ry from the back of the head to the top of the shoulders ;. the sight was so sickening, that I turned away, mr the poor creature could not live many minutes. About two hours after- wards, I went with a view to pick up and examine the rabbit, and.when I came to the spot, was surprised to jump up and run away as before; the person who was with me ran after it, the rabbit anak: banca gh he caught. it, pet n> scien the thing was so in eA lem ery when I first distur a a me on 1en it was disturbed and followed — ott moment Sitwiaesashs. it began to.cry out, showing ; sites could excite a ery which all thy ar me could not do. When rabbits are caught in traps, if not taken out-in a short, ame ne ath thd almost sure to escape, either by breaking away: by time, and the tw See - on ‘but although the an legs. very recently, -but he poo animal had been obliged to go along an could with i m4 ve the bare — of the others, it- was in ata ni y. :. Rats will bite off. their legs ina dimiler- wap, and canine I do not know of any animal which is tity a : inane of rather a hunting animal,.that .will , I have never fate = wi polecat, or such animals do it, ugh th ey may ose a ina a common trap which shuts close and is apt to-cuby 4 I have lately. known, a fox found in a wood ina dy te, _ These facts, sil. ‘tole, bear ate gaton egg tel . t th : of pain is is for ans preservation of animal a i 4 Fin ant eat off the — or by bieiaey the - om tra Beneficent Distribution of the Sense of Pain. 95 them to take due care of themselves, and that no animal orn greater share of the sense of pain than is nec the preser-. vation of the class to so ahigh badeuss The roe often 2 waa be a great inconvenience tO ‘any quadmuped; but rabbits or rats may still procure it; eve the case before alluded to 0 of the yoy does fell guna it, as ban pe does not its food by | alone, nor isits foot the weapon of attack as with the reas: but if a fox, wild-eat, polecat, or ‘sea, it is probable that a sense of tem is necessary them, and many other animals also, to see aaa to those the world which they are formed to inhabit. It ma‘ beeuseful ‘to a them to those parts and depths im the ea | e necessa for their young to arrive at erie n the observation of Sir Humphry Davy, and others nll Pam a with the habits of fish, it is very alle that the sense of pain in many of them is very trifling; and when we consider the ca de cod, and | many other fishes, the 96 Professors W. B. and R. E. Rogers ry cases meee forward. to. shew the absence of pein in insects. I have seen’a wasp eat a fly almost. npsiona | after a portion of its own print ‘had been cut off; I have seen a cockehafer crawling and eating on a hedge alter its abdo- men had-been emptied of the viscera, probably by some bird. It is well known that a dragon-fiy will eat freely for a considerable while confined bya pin through its body;, and every. one who has collected entomological specimens, must know the difli- eulty’in killing some of the larger moths. But as’this paper is already much longer than I originally intended, I shall mae’ —_ o% : ass of animals.’ . tuattiber of. ae bya single pai _ swallows and heir ghoaunee * to > che het pei | pot mrs oee a a variety -ae tb \Tacwes-Ot thse athe of r ¢ animals, such as the larve 0 fly, &c., and one day introduced among them a few of the com J and water beetles, one of which was the Dytis+ cus marginalis. The dragon-flies h had been living wpon the ani- lw, &¢., the newts attacked and devoured: wed dragon-flies ‘he next morning I found one of the newts | at the bottor on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Liquids. 9 The pee forming the subject of the present paper, ex- tend over a part only of the ground. occupied by those of Saus- sure, but shone confined to the seem of carbonic acid, the similar but less varied observations of Dr. Henry. We be- ~ always attach to the determination of exact numerical constants in subjects of this kind, there are points of the present enqui which claim attention from their bearing upon certain other branches of research. It will be seen, for example, in the sequel, that the absorption of carbonic acid gas by sulphuric acid at ordi- nary pea pe ony z far greater than chemists have hitherto sus- pected, and that the processes in which this gas,. before being estimated, is made to pass through or over a considerable volume of sulphuric acid, may lead to errors which although hitherto unnoticed, are too important to be overlooked. in a paper, on the analysis of the carbonates, published i in the American Journal of Science in 1844, we called attention to fact, that in using sulphuric or hapless acid for decomposing the carbonates, the resulting solution or mixture always retains an amount of carbonic acid too great to be neglected i S accurate research, and that this gas cannot be expelled without the use of @ continued boiling heat. Some experiments undertaken im the hope of “eating th precisely the absorbent power of these acids and solutions, led us into the more extensive field of en- quiry, of which we propose now to embody the results. Availing ourselves, at first, of the simple methods employed by — Dalton, Henry and Saussure, we found that with all care in the manipulation and in applying the proper corrections, we were unable to attain consistent and reliable results. _ In operating with a graduated tube over mercury, as was d by Dalton, and by Saussure for the more absorbent liquids, the great slowness of the absorption in many cases, rendered it impossible to detetmine, even after some days, whether the ae- tion was still in progress or had ceased, he form H : i “a this | ical aid, weeks of eye w sary to complete the absorption. 2 inued né thor Srconp Serres, Vol. VI, No. 16.—July, ims 13 ' = ‘ a Professors W. B. and R. E'. Rogers shaking for thirty minutes, this result is attained so perfectly, that no prolonged exposure afterwards indicates a continuance 0 the absorption. The importance of attending to this point in constructing an apparatus for experiments in absorption, is evi- dent from the fact that while by our observation, which occupied generally less than thirty minutes, sulphuric acid of common density was found to absorb 98 per cent. of its volume of the gas; Saussure’s experiments, which continued for one or more days, make the absorption only 45 per cent. The difficulty and uncertainty of the method above mentioned, is moreover increased by the necessity of restoring the instrument to the standard temperature before measuring the absorption, and of taking account of the change of barometric pressure in the method is inadmissible where we are operating with liquids, which like nitric acid and many saline solutions react with ercury. Results as little satisfactory attended our trials with the other process of Saussure. In this mode of operating, which he adopted in cases whete the absorption was small, the liquid and gas are brought together in a well stopped bottle, and after continued agitation for some time, the absorption is measured by removing the stopper in an immersed position. But here, besides the diffi- eulty of making the absorption in a precise manner, we encounter a more serious objection in the fact, that the rarefaction of the remaining gas causes the absorption to cease before reaching the full amount proper to an undiminished pressure. This evil may, it is true, be rendered insignificant in cases where the absorption is slight, by using as Saussure did, a volume of gas many times greater than that of the liquid; but with carbonic acid, such a procedure would in most cases call for so large a volume of gas as greatly to increase the errors arising from a slight variation of temperature during the experiment, while it would augment the difficulty of securing the coincidence of temperature required. In the syphon formed apparatus used by Dr. Henry, the flexi- ble tube beneath, facilitates the experiment by enabling the ope- ator to apply agitation to the wider limb containing the gas liquid, but the results are exposed to error from the dilation of the flexible connection and from the effects of concussive com- pression caused by shaking a large mass of mereury with the gas and absorbent liquid. Of course, this method is inapplicable where the liquid reacts upon the mercury. From what has now been stated, it will we think be apparent that the modes of experimenting on this subject, used by the dis- on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gas by Liquids. 99 tinguished chemists referred to, were not adapted to an accurate determination of the absorbent power of liquids. To be capable of precise results, the absorbing apparatus must fulfill the follow- ing conditions :— irst. It must provide means for maintaining the temperature uniform throughout the experimen Second. It must maintain the tension of the gas unaltered. Third. It must afford means for rapid and continuous agita- tion of the liquid with the Fourth. The tube in otek the absorption is measured by the mercurial column, must be apart from the vessel in which the absorption occurs, and the mercury must not be introduced into that vessel. In view of these requisites we were led, after many unsatisfac- tory trials with other arrangements, to the form of apparatus rep- consistent results seldom varying in successive trials, to the extent of one per cent., and which is equally applicable to all liqui Absorption Apparatus.—This consists of a meter A, plunged in a large wooden reservoir B, containing ox to the level indicated in the figure, adjoining which is a smaller but taller reservoir C, of glass, also containing water. In the latter above, a syphon-shaped measuring tube with a finely graduated cale between the limbs. A horizontal arm of thick barometer tube extending from the top of this, is united by a short gum- elastic joint, with a similar tube which bends down over the edge of the frame and is inserted below into the actual opening of the absorption flask D. Cylinder thermometers graduated to tenths of a degree are placed in the gasometer, large and small reservoir, and flask. [Figure 2 is a larger view of the flask. The main reservoir, charged as indicated in the figure, contains five thousand six hundred cubic inches of water, the smaller one, of glass, six hundred cubic inches, and the gasometer three hun- dred cubic inches. ‘The large volume of water in the reservoirs, against any variation of temperature in the gas, shiett mi ht arise from the reaction of the materials in the gasometer. Th gas will thus in all cases have the npr of the main res- S Professors W. B. and R. E.. Rogers 100 GK __ }-——+ = = > : }—— = = =—s = ey = = —=— | = = w igi ee S Tees ewe on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gras by Liquids. 101 ervoir, when conveyed into the flask. The end of this tube is mounted with a close cork and smaller glass tube, to be placed in the near opening of the flask when the gas is to be passed into the latter and the measuring tube. onnected with the flask is a movable vessel x, adapted by accurate grinding to the mouth of the former, and designed to contain the liquid whose absorbent power is to be determined. This unit bottle as we will call it, has its opening below con- tracted to about one-eighth of an inch, so that when filled with the liquid and connected in an ‘arene position with the flask, as in the diagram, the liquid is in no danger of flowing out. When thus inserted in its proper position, it is caieal in place by the strong pressure of a steel spring, attached to the central tube of the flask, and which by a revolving mention is then brought to press by a leather cushion upon its u en his secures the rear ay the stopper perfectly sitiglik during the active agita- The central tube is in like manner ground to an air-tight joint at its insertion into the flask, and the connection is forcibly secur- ed by a strong cord wrapped around the neck and then passed around a screw peg inserted in a wooden block which is firmly cemented to the tube above. To avoid all chance of leakage at this and the junction of the unit bottle with the flask, a very del- icate coating of tenacious cement made of beeswax, rosin an low, is applied to the upper part of the ground surface. This from its very minute amount, and its removal from the gas in the interior, is incapable of exercising any appreciable absorbent effect. Indeed we have found that even with a large mass of this cement placed in the flask, the effect is quite insignificant. The flask suspended by the horizontal part of the tube just de- scribed, hangs, when in its natural vertical position, at such depth as to immerse about half the length of the unit bottle. The agi- tation is given by a hooked rod which embracing the central neck, is moved to and fro longitudinally, and causes the flask to swing as rapidly as the operator pleases, the axis of motion being the part of the horizontal tube Ey is external to the flexible joint, and lies upon the wooden frame near itsend. The rest of the horizontal tube is connected with the measuring tube, and firmly attached, along with the latter, to the horizontal bar of the front, This slides up and down upon the vertical supports, and can be adjusted to a proper position sd the mane pins seen in the fig- ure, immediately beneath it, can lifted off, carrying the measuring tube and flask, To secure vs axis tube from lateral motion during the shaking, a wooden block descends by a hinge over the flexible joint and this tube, and embracing them 1 in a ngit groove roreing them in place, es oe ‘ a s 102 Professors W. B. and R. BE. Rogers The stop-cock at the bottom of the measuring tube is used for adjusting the level of the mercury in the two limbs at the be- ginning of each experiment, and for removing the mercury which is poured in through the funnel above, to maintain the columns at the same height during the progress of the absorption. It will be seen from the figure, that while the flask and meas- uring tube are both constantly immersed as the experiment is going on, and are thus kept at an invariable temperature, the connecting tube, between the two levels of water, is necessarily out of the liquid, and must be influenced by the temperature o the ambient air. ‘The capacity of this exposed part of the tube was found to be very nearly 2,ths of a cubic inch, the expansion of which for 1° is equal to 5,4,; cubic inch. As the tempera- ture of the apartment seldom differed from that of the apparatus by more than some four or five degrees during our experiments, the entire error would be within -4,th of an inch, while as be- fore mentioned, the smallest reliable reading of the measuring scale is ;4,th cubic inch. It has therefore been thought useless 200 to attempt any correction for the temperature of this part of the enclosed gas. Mode of Manipulating —From the description just given of the several parts of the apparatus, the general method of opera- ting with it will be readily inferred, and but few words need be added on this head. Bringing the entire apparatus to the required temperature, (60° in most of our experiments,) the unit bottle, charged with the liquid to be used, is hung in the large reservoir, to attain exactly the same temperature. ‘The back of the gasometer pipe is in-| serted in the flask air-tight, and a brisk stream of carbonic acid is suffered to flow through the apparatus for five minutes. Some mercury is now poured by a long funnel into the measuring tube to arrest the current. The flask being raised so as to lay bare the mouth, the cork is withdrawn, and at the same moment, while the stream of gas is pouring out and overflowing from the flask, the unit bottle is secured in the opening and fastened by the spring above. After swinging the flask down to its vertical position, the level of the mercury in the measuring tube is care- fully adjusted, and the agitation is now commenced. The liquid at first descends only by drops, but soon begins to flow more rap- idly. ‘The vibratory movement of the flask is of that sudden kind which effectually brings the gas and liquid into intricate contact—and the absorption rapidly proceeds. Two operators are necessary in conducting the experiment, one to keep up the shaking, and the other to supply the outer limb of the measuring tube with mereury as the column on the other side ascends. With water, we have found the absorption to be completed in about five minutes. The oils, dense saline solutions and sul- on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gas by Liquids. 103" phuric acid, require a longer time, but even with the last named substance which i is one of the most sluggish in its action, the ab- sorption reaches its limit in less than thirty minutes. Purity of the Carbonic Acid.—The gas used in our experi- ments was supplied by the reaction of dilute ER acid and fragments of calc spar, contained in the self-regulating ap- paratus figured in the preceding diagram. For sometime, after charging the vessel with water and acid, the gas Hyde contains a marked proportion of atmospheric air, derived originally present in the water, and which is neal. tina a as the carbonic acid is absorbed by the liquid. This admixture with air was found to continue until the solution became we charged with the gas, and this-result, in the ordinary use of the apparatus, was very slowly attained. ‘To hasten the saturation, and thus bring the materials into a condition to furnish unmixed gas, the action of the acid liquid on the carbonate was renewed at short intervals, by opening the stop-cock of the reservoir, and in this way in a few hours the gas evolved was almost absolutely exempt from atmospheric air. At the commencement of each set of experiments, a specimen of the gas, two cubic inches, was passed into a tube over mercury and tested by a moist fragment of caustic potash. When the contents of the reservoir were in a proper condition, the residuum of unabsorbe gas in this experiment was a mere globule, rarely more than ;',th of - inch in diameter, and therefore indicating from crinath to to asth of gaseous impurity. Thus assured of 1 e almost total absence of atmospheric air in the gas supplied under these conditions, our next precaution was to determine the degree of purity it retained, when eynny. as in our experiments, by simple displacement into the and measuring tube. For this purpose a V shaped tube, Sightocn inches vessel and tube eae for five minutes. The stop-cock of ihe tube was then closed, the open end stopped with the finger, and the tube detached and inverted over mercury. ‘The contents Were now examined in the usual way with caustic potassa. Ina number of such trials, made at different stages of our investiga- = we found the amount of residual gas to range from about resath to ;ss,th of the entire volume employed. In the ab- sorption apparatus, the charge of gas is probably less, and certainly not more contaminated with atmospheric air than in the trials ae mentioned, and can therefore involve no sensible error from this source. It remains to ascertain how far the CO,, escaping from the gasometer, might be mingled with hydrochloric acid. The pres- fr 104 Professors W. B. and R. E. Rogers gas. It is important, however, to remark, that using-a much ~ larger proportion of hydrochloric acid with the water of the reservoir, distinct traces of this substance may be detected in the issuing gas, and to remove all chance of error, therefore, after each new charge of acid, the gas was carefully tested by transmission through the solution of nitrate of silver. the Hygrometric State of the Gas.—Excepting in the ex- that in repeated trials, with gas previously dried and saline solu- tions, there occurred an irregular expansion of the gaseous vol- ume in the first stage of the action, which did not show itself when the undried gas was used. Such an enlargement, due — 4 evidently to the rise of aqueous vapor into the dry space in the first moments of the agitation, being of variable amount accord- ing to the solution used, would form a serious obstacle to the ex- act measurement of the absorption. In the case of the sulphuric acid and other bodies referred to as exceptions, this would not take place. On the contrary, the esence of aqueous vapor in the gas would here involve other errors, due to the absorption of the vapor by the liquid, or to the heat disengaged by their reaction. The drying of the gas being thus prohibited in a great majority of the experiments, it became important to ascertain whether the earbonic acid, coming from the gasometer, was saturated with vapor, as in this case, from the observed absorption of the moist gas, it would be easy to compute the amount of dry gas which had actually disappeared. For this purpose, the acid solution in the gasometer was allow- ed to continue its action until it became entirely neutral. A measured volume of the gas was then passed very slow/y through along drying tube of chlorid of calcium, previously counter. poised. By preliminary trials with an additional smaller tube, similarly charged, it was ascertained that scarcely a trace of mois ture escaped absorption in the long tube. Before the second weigh- ing of the latter, it was freed from carbonic acid by aspiration, the smaller tube being attached to prevent the entrance of atmos- pheric moisture. In repeated experiments thus performed, the on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gas by Liquids. 105 weight of vapor contained in the gas was found to correspond closely with that proper to the temperature and a state of satura- tion. In other words, the. vapor mingled with the gas was at is um tension. As in its neutral state, the liquid of the gas- ometer contained most dissolved matter, it was to be inferred that the effect upon the tension of the vapor rising from it would then be most perceptible, and that therefore in the working condition of the apparatus, the saturation of the vapor could nat be less, — although it might be a small fraction more. Similar experiments with the gas under these conditions gave us, however, the same results. We concluded, therefore, that the dissolved matter in the gasometer, is not in sufficient quantity to produce - sensible modification of the tension of the aqueous vapor evolved, and that in all our experiments, we may assume the gas to - ig ated with vapor proper to the temperature at which we Of the Correction for Moisture —This being Jedeael ccm the pressure of the atmosphere and the vaporous tension jointly, requires a record of the barometer for each experiment. By the equal adjustment of the columns in the measuring tube, the en- tire tension of vapor and gas together, is the same at the close as at the beginning of the experiment, and is measured by the height of the barometer. 'The tension of the vapor remains unchanged, because it is vapor of igo eg and is condensed into water in pee as the gaseous space contraets in the progress of the absorption. If therefore v represent the @, ent a tion, or the volume which has disappeared, and v the volume of dry gas in V, estimated under the full atmospheric pressure ; and if p de- note ‘that pressure, in other words, the height of the barometer, and f the tension of the vapor proper to the temperature, we have v = V jaar § It is important to remark, that =A tension of the gas under which this absorption takes plac e, is p—f, and not p, and that in tabulating the results, the depsceieas: ebvorption should refer to the actual pressure of the gaseous atmosphere in the flask, and hot to the entire atmospheric pressure From experiments upon the absorption of carbonic acid gas at various pressures by water, Dr. Henry, as is well known, was led to infer that ong ns volumes are absorbed at all sir or what is the same thing, that the quantities of gas absorbed are _ exactly proportioned to the pressures. "This very simple law, if true, would 1 render the correction for moisture supeminowme ‘Por equal the volume absorbed at p. Thus V, the tion, that is, the volume disap at the pressure aaonating partly of F eee and fi rete of soe ee would be preeisely the sam ¥ as alone which would disappear atthe same 106 _ Professors W. B. and R. E. Rogers pressure. But further experiments are, we think, needed, to de- termine with precision the law of absorption as dependent on pressure, and in the mean time, the law of Henry can only be looked upon as approximately true. From observations on this subject in which we have lately been engaged, and which we nope to continue, we have been led to infer that, in comparing widely variant pressures, there is a marked departure from this law. Although therefore, from the small difference of gaseous pres- sure (that between p and p—/) in our experiments, we believe that no sensible error could be introduced by applying the law of Dr. Henry to the results, we have thought it proper in reporting them, to state the volume of dry gas absorbed and the reduced pressure, as well as the apparent absorption and entire barometric pressure. Having now presented all the details of our mode of operating, and of the precautions and corrections we have used, we proceed to give an account of the results, treating of them in the follow- ing order: I. Of the absorption by water. If. Of that by sulphuric and other acids, and by other un- mixed liquids. If. Of that by various saline aqueous solutions. I. Absorption of Carbonic Acid by Water.—The water used in ese experiments, as well as in making the solutions employe in others to be described hereafter, was prepared by careful distil- lation in a copper vessel. Its purity was such, that several cubic inches evaporated in a platinum capsule, gave no indication of alkaline matter to the most delicate test paper, and when entirely volatilized, left scarcely a trace of residuum. Before being used, it was briskly boiled for half an hour, quickly transferred to a well stopped bottle, and when sufficiently cooled, exposed to the & exhausting action of a good air-pump. ‘The bottle was then sus- — pended in the large reservoir, to bring it to the proper tempera- ture, before the charge was introduced into the flask. se The absorption was seen to begin as soon as the first drop de- scended from the flask, and with brisk agitation, the process was completed in about five minutes after the liquid was brought in contact with the gas. To satisfy ourselves that no further ab- sorption would occur, we repeatedly prolonged the agitation to fifteen or twenty minutes, allowed the apparatus to rest, and again resumed the shaking, but without producing any appreciable change in the column of the measuring tube. Although, from the purity of the gas used, the closeness of the apparatus, and the care with which it was charged with gas, we had no reason to apprehend any dilution of the CO,, yet as such a change would cause the absorption to terminate short of the saturation of the liquid proper to an unmixed atmosphere of the eal a — on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gas by Liquids. 107 gas, experiments were made to determine if any further absorp- tion was caused by a renewal of the charge. This was done b removing the flask, driving a stream of CO, into the bottle, a sing the orifice by an air-tight stopper, readjusting the levels, an submitting the liquid to further agitation. Repeated trials at 60°, gave no indications of additional absorption. We would there- fore regard our results as furnishing a nearly accurate measure the absorption of carbonic acid by pure water. These results, together with the conditions under which the observations were made, are comprised in the following table. Table of the Absorption of Carbonic Acid by Water, from 32° to 212°. No. ak. External | po om,| APP: 2s. | Mean of Mean abs. | Tension of COz |thermom-| ~27°™ by app. abs. jof dry CO.) of gas jodie Ex. © HO. eter. ~ #*. 1100;2..—10. =V. A =p-f. | to 60°.. oe | 545% 48 | 166: 2) 54 yd 166°5 166-25 165-08 29:28 | 175-72 3) 40 55 )*4 1425 ‘ 4 40 65.2% 4 142- 142-25 140:8 29-21 | 147-94 5 555 )4 119-5 f “bod . ) 4 120-5 120- 118-44 29:1 | 122-27 64:5 )r4 100-5 f ) 64:5. )-4 100-2 ) ) 645 Jee 100-5 100-4 10 | ¢ 65 ). 100-5 . 65 ) 100:8 er any 98-5 28-82 | 100-5 12 | 65 )- 100-5 13 65 ): 100-5 100-6 3 72 y 85:5 ° 15 ) 72 y21 |. 85-5 85-5 83-36 | 2848 | 83-86. 16 75 J: m6 i ) 75 » 715 71:25 63°75 28:5. | 68-60 18 | 90 80-5 54 60-5 19}. 90 80-5 54 61:2 60-85 778 28-18 | 57-50 2011 80°5 54 54:5 8 100 80-5 9:54 54 94:25 49-83 27-68 | 50-39 On comparing the second and third columns in the above table, - it will be seen that, in the observations from 50° to 80° inclusive, the temperature of the contiguous air in no case differed from that of the apparatus by more than 5°-5. Hence during the few minutes occiipied in each experiment, the temperature even of the smaller reservoir experienced only a very slight and quite un- important change, amounting in none of the experiments to as much as one-tenth of adegree. Inthe experiments at 40°, it was found easy to maintain a uniform temperature by a few frag- ments of floating ice, and in those at 32°, the use of a large unchanged. The observations at 90° and 100°, were attended with a slight cooling in the small reservoir, which however, in no case exceeded one degree, an amount too small to cowed y ; The above table presents we believe the first spinemntic seri of piaicvicbas on the comparative absorption of CO,, by water “ aie eo eee ie » Pe Sa aor ey aie. Pe. 3p t Ed 8 Professors W: B. and R. E’. Rogers different temperatures, yet made known. The experiments of Dalton, Henry, Manchester and Saussure, were made almost ex- clusively at 60°. The only results, referring to other tempera- tures, which we have seen numerically noted, are one by Caven- dish at 55° and one by Henry at 85°. According to Cavendish the absorption by one hundred volumes of water at 55° is one hun- dred and sixteen. In Henry’s experiment the same volume of water at 85°, is said to have absorbed eighty-four volumes of the e latter result departs very widely from the mean of our experiments at 80° and 90°, which is about sixty-six volumes instead of eighty-four. The experiment seems to have been made with little care and merely to test the effect of a higher temperature upon the amount of absorption. The number ob- tained by Cavendish in his observation at 55°, corresponds more nearly with our results, which, taking the mean of the experi- ments at 60° and 50°, would be about one hundred and ten, in- stead of one hundred and sixteen, the number which he has given. In the more numerous and important experiments at 60°, the observed absorption as given by Saussure, is one hundred and six, by Henry, one hundred and eight, and by Dalton, one hundred. h gas than is proper to the normal pressure. 'The concussive move- ment, violently compresses the gas at each vibration, and the ad- ditional quantity which in these circumstances is promptly taken up by the water, is very slow in separating after the quiescent pressure has been restored. Referring to the arrangement of the preceding table, it will be seen that the numbers in the 7th column express the absorption, reduced to volumes of dry gas and to the density corresponding to p in the 4th column. | The obvious formula for this has already been explained. The numbers in the 8th column, represent the actual tension of the gas under which the absorption took place. These two columns give the direct experimental relation of the absorption of dry gas with the tension of the same. But assum- ing Henry’s law to be correct, and in the present case it can in- volve no sensible error, this relation would be equally expressed by the corresponding numbers in columns 4 and 6, Thus while it is clearly proved, from the observations at 50°, that under the pressure 29'l=p—Jf, 118-4 volumes of dry gas are absorbed, it would also be true that under the pressure 29-46 =p, 120 volumes of dry gas would be absorbed, for p : V=p—/: ». x i be / ; ; af ibis on the Absorption of Carbonic Acid Gas by Liquids. 109 It is further evident that admitting this law, all the numbers (p) in the column of barometric heights may be reduced to one standard number, as for example 30 inches, without at all chang- ing the volume of V. Thusat 50° while one hundred and twen- ty volumes are absorbed under a pressure of 29-46 inches, one hundred and twenty volumes will also be absorbed at a pressure of 30 inches, the latter volumes being denser than the former in the proportion of 30 to 29°46. The last column of the table represents the values of V, con- tained in column 6, after they have been reduced to the common temperature 60°. ‘These numbers therefore indicate the relative vad or ee of carbonic acid absorbed at the tempera- tures rec The slasines of the 177 a sis cae soviet to nie tem- 447.9) rature is simply pic tured in the ce al 122-2 = : nying diagram, where __ i the temperatures are ed measured in the hori- 838 Th zontal, and the corres- 96 et ponding absorptionsin §59.3——}—___-__—___—__—_ + the vertical direction. It will be remarked that this curve a | proaches the horizon- Fe DO BO ae tal axis less rapidly, as the temperature rises, so that, for example, the absorption is greatly more diminished in passing from 40° to 60°, than in passing from 60° to 80°, and still more than in pass- ing ‘from 80° to 100°. 'This would lead to the inference that at temperatures much above 100°, we should find the absorption still quite considerable. To satisfy ourselves on this point, we made repeated experi- ments at 150° and 212°, by passing a stream of gas from the pipe of the gasometer through a measured quantity of water, main- tained by a peculiar lamp arrangement, at the proposed tempera- 2k The pipe being bade while the ee was con- , any floating carbonic acid was removed from the surface of the liquid by a blast se air, and a solution of baryta was then ded. In the water at 150°, a very copious eosin was was separated by filtration under a vessel kept full of iydmoech gas to prevent the absorption of atmospheric carboni¢e acid by the precipitant, and the weight of the carbonate deter- mined by the method of double filters. Bl ee eerie 14:5 cubic inches of water at 150°, oe grs. of carbonate of baryta, which corresponds to vo. mes of carbonic acdaiilidi de hich rT ed. 110 _ Oxydation of the Diamond in the Liquid Way. In the water at 212°, a precipitate was also formed, but the amount although sufficient to produce a very obvious cloudiness, was too small to be readily estimated. We propose however to determine its quantity accurately hereafter. In this expoune the liquid was in active ebullition, while the stream of gas passing, and continued to boil fora few seconds after the arabia of the gas pipe. It ts aha clearly proved that water is capable of absorbing carbonic acid, in sensible quantity, while it is actually boiling under ordinary pressure. (To be continued.) Art. XI. ~ Benue isan of the Diamond in the Liquid Way; ; by Prof. R. E. Rocrrs and Prof. W. B. Roast University of Virginia. = Tue processes for oxydating the diamond, hitherto described, consist in actually burning this gem either in the open air, in oxygen gas, or in some substances rich in oxygen, as nitrate of n all these experiments a very elevated temperature is . pot required. We have therefore been much interested by the dis- covery suggested to us by our experiments on graphite, but not completely verified until lately, that the diamond may be con- verted into carbonic acid in the liquid way and at a moderate heat, by the reaction of a mixture of bichromate of potassa and. sulphuric acid, in other words, by the orydating power of chro- "The method of ob aes is much the same as in the oxyda- tion of graphite, as described by us in the May number of this Journal; but the progress oF the action is slower. oO stice in the experiment, it is necessary to reduce the chips of diamond to a very fine powder, by trituration with re- peated portions of pure ooaien sand in an agate mortar. A single grain weight of the gem will suffice for several experi- ments. In our repeated trials we have generally used less than half a grain, and we have obtained unequivocal proof of oxyda- tion, by the evolved carbonic acid, when using less than ,?,ths of a grain. The apparatus employed, is in the main, identical with that used in the analysis of graphite, but the Liebig tube is in this case replaced by a vessel containing lime water. Precautions are necessary to correct a slight error arising from the evolution of a minute amount of carbonic acid. ee ehromate and sulphuric acid, caused by the presence of a trace of organic tnetter or of carbonate i in the former. pena gd Scientific Intelligence. lil Operating on half a grain of diamond, we have in a first pro- cess obtained half a grain of carbonate of lime, and using the residuary matter have continued the oxydation, until at length the amount of carbonic acid evolved approached nearly to that due to the entire weight of the diamond. In ‘these experiments, the carbonic acid evolved by the bichromate and sulphuric acid is first expelled from the apparatus, by a particular mode of con- ducting the operation. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. ___L Cuemisrry anp Paysics. iy the Latent ‘ge Specific Heat of Bodies; by C. C. ERSON, (Comp i, p- 162; Pogg. Annalen, a p- 300.) —Person gives the allowing a as his results on latent heat : Melting point. Fee Tin, i's 235° Cent. M3 = ? Bismuth, in At 12-4 = ; eS 515 Zin 8 6 * 27-46 D’Arcet’s alloy», Pb Sm $ Bigs a aad 5 Fusible mos Pb Sn, Bi, 145... -* 7-63 Phosphor 442 « 4-71 ulphur . ‘ > a) ieee 9°175 Nitrate of en . , ‘ ' 3105 * 62:98 ‘ Nitrate of potash, 339 “* 46°18 Phosphate of a PO, 2Na 024HO, 364“ 54°65 Chlorid of calcium, Cl Cao-+6Ho, : ao. 45°79 | Yellow bees’ wax, 62-0 “ 43°51 we examine this and the following table, we see that the latent heats do not follow the order of the temperature, and that they are not, also, inversely as the atomic weights, as oe a But they are rela oe ae? fig poi nts and specific hea a t)d—I, rn ee 4 ides &. ey vee 112 _ Scientific Intelligence. is results on specific heat :— % 3 Temperatures between ich _ Substances, the specific heat was ob- | Specific heat. — qo aaa 2 a) aaa . . 4 340° and 240° Cent. | OO61 © eee Te 88 035 a . . . . D’Arcet’s alloy, PbSn,B,,| 300 “ 136 « Gy. cries 2 ‘ ‘ jap, (> 10.38 ee ‘ . Sie seae. do. | SA aes Ee Fusible alloy, Pb Si, Bis wou. 6 Phosphoru no oe Sulphur, ‘ : Nitrate of soda, : ; 430 Se = Sa0 Nitrate of potash, > Boe eo aoe sare, of soda, ; rt eee © oo i a ee Chlorid of calcium, : 127 « 100 ae A i : 60 “= 9188 Ooi. ‘ , .. 4° eat Gia. ; . 2 ¢ 2 Yellow bees’ wax, 6. 102... 6G es als do. . . . : the formula in its physica sense, and not as an empirical one 2. Note on the means of testing the comparative value of avian Substances for the purpose af, Tanning ; by Rosext Warineton, Esq» Cat Mag., xxxi, 150, from the Proceedings of the Chemical Society-)— aving been fr equenily valled upon to examine the value of astringent sa bitnnes imported into this country for the purposes of tanning, such as valonia, divi-divi, sumac, cutch, &c., 1 am induced to bali such as varieties of ‘auslioe s glue, patent gelatin, go he finest long idlole isinglass was found to be the most constant in’ its ee least liable to aie change. Chemistry and Physics, 113 With this. therefore the test solution was prepared, of such a strength, that each division, by measure in es ordinary alkalimeter tube, should be equivalent to the one-tenth or one-fourth of a grain of pure tannin, in water, or if necessary the astringent matter extracted by boiling, and the clear liquid precipitated by. the test solution: until no further deposit occurred.. was necessary in the course of this bei to test at iiervale a portion of the solution under examination, to ascertain the progress of the trial; and this, from the nature of a precipitate, was attended at first with some little difficulty : paper filters were inadmissible from the quantity of the solution they would absorb, and thus introduce a source’ of extensive error; subsidence rendered the operation very tedious. The pea. I have 6 adopted i is as follows :—a piece of glass tubing, about and this has a small‘piece of wet sponge loosely introduced ower extremity, and when it is wished to abstract a part of the ul ler investigation for a separate testing, this is immersed a few conds in gi partially precipitated solution; the clear liquid then filters by ascent through the sponge into the tube anes is to be decanted from its other extremity into a test glass; i if 0 siding a drop of the gelatin solution to this a fresh gnomes is mula, e whole is re- turned to the or riginal biti and the process procee sit in, and so on, until the operation is perfected ; 3 this rethicd ef operating is facilitated _by'co conducting the examination in a deep glass. After a few trials the ‘manipulation will be found extremely easy, and in this way ie ble ac aed =e bea arrived a 3. On the ieee ure Sulphuric Acid ; by Ava. A. Haves, ‘of such te neces as were y iiearls ae in the hands of accurate oP isi . ‘sumption, t the Soe is ae to this ¢ ithout entering into scientific details, I shall describe an economi- ess which | have carefully studied a by which the pure acid, ny laboratory, has long been obtai manu nufactories of sulphuric ea the weaker acid from. the is concentrated in lead pans, usually to the density of ferred without cooling to the platinum alembies for fur- 9 commences with the hot acid, and it may be sup- posed to contain sulphurous acid, hydrochloric acid, hyponitrie acid, ‘arseno us acid, oxyds of iron. and lead, ‘ney tn lime, soda. and epee matter, although the acid obtained of Sicily sul- phur, is rarely oye —. Ok additig pe aye t acid sufficient / © Ritrate of potash, a, to destroy the organic matter, the bro 114 sf Stienific Intelligence: -eplone disappears and the fluid becomes colorless. - re addition of fsbo of sulphate of ammonia, removes the remaining hyponitric acid ; of the hydrochloric acid has been removed by the site and anphele ‘ous and arsenous acids carried to their highest stage of oxydation. The o oxyds present, aid the further purification ; by continuing the con- centration to 1°78, a trifling addition of oxyd of lead is made, but it . essential to the success of the process oe this point of density be reached. e fluid mustsnow be coole eep vessels of lead, thie temperature of it being gradually reduced to. 32° and allo eed become perfectly clear. The clear part must then be run into shallow lead vessels so placed that they may be refrigerated to 0 Fabr. As the whole acid has nearly the hydrate composition of S0,-+-2HO, it would form by repose a solid crystalline mass. In ordinary cases, the regular crystals form solid masses, which are allowed to increase, till one ~hal . as is rapidly removed, the crystals broken up and. ee with acid desalltie from the crystals of a former operatio ee rhe erystallized in this way, nearly all the ‘coment which can be detected, arises from the fine granular sediment of anhydrous — washed with sarsioniy sui hine acid, afford an kala ele if required in the concentrated state, may be pines swe to the platinum alembic, melted and boiled. For the ate ‘searches, the crystals must be melted in glass, or or neler a, tallized out of contact with metals or dust, leaving oetale fserart | , of the acid in a fluid state. If the subsequent use of the acid does not require the remoyal of the water, which is very rarely the case, the crystals being a perfectly definite hydrate when fluid, best us Bg weigh and apportion the wane of real acid with great pre n the laboratory, when used for cases of difficult decomposition i may be added to the eystaliaed bisulphate of potash, mix ie substance to be acted on, and the whole brought to any oe of dty- , ness in the platinum utensils employed in such « operations, | All the acid from which the pure acid has been abstracted, may be © sed for generating One or hyponitric acid in the manufacture of snlphoric acid. The manufacture may best be carried on ie Ld : winter months, and a aes obtained, stored, or melted. crystals. ‘They are oblique four sided prisms, and often present faces .° of twelve by sixteen inches. Their capacity for heat is also sage te small parcels paperes at the mean temperature of 46° F., pirat ’ extreme slown Lowell, oui Apiit 28th, 1848. ape Mineralogy and Geology. 115 __ I. Mineraroey anp Groxoey. Per On the Wave of Translation in connexion with the Northern Drie j y W. WueweEit, D.D., F.G.S., (Lon. Quart. Jour. Geo. Soc., Aug. i“ 1847. )—The great geological problem of the “ Northern Drift” has been ‘ view is pres n the ‘ Geology of ‘Reis sia” “ah "Sit oderick r Murchiso e are pee very simple numerical calculations which 1 belong to this waa and which may throw some light on the proba- bility of such a theory. These calculations must necessarily be hypo- thetical as to their ane tities, but as to their quantities only ; and even these ht be capable of correction by a more careful survey of i facts. ia aity now to be consi ‘It has been statdd to the Geological Society, that, by ‘Napposihe the ‘sudden elevation of a submarine district, there is no ulty in account- ing for a . of twenty-five or thirty miles an hour ni the bottom of the sea, consequence of the “ wave of translation.” In makin this aserion, I think it has not been sufficiently considered that what is thus called a * ate Sy * is really a transient motion for each point of ~ the AD of the wa The great wave is solitary ; the fluid before -and behind it is at eed and the particles move only while the wave is as it passed over each, moving each but a small distance. A single ~ wave of translation bait explain the situation of a long Jine of masses each of which is moved through a great distance. If indeed we suppose a series of waves of translation each produced by: a sudden elevation, or by some other paroxysmal action, we may ob- In the operation of such a 9 ttery, each shock a of the wave, and by pio such ee for. cs tgs ae is eit 7 ae Scientific Intelligence. ‘work done and the force speed. will hold, as if the effect had been produced by any other mechanic al power :—-whether the waves be one or many, great or small. And as the amount of the work done in trans- porting the northern drift from its parent rocks (supposing their place known) to its present position, may be caiculated upon assumed numer- Si > but the result pre soaul can easily be Lerncy Ay changing it i ny proportion ie Soh ee which ought to be made in any of the nu- | % merical elem ; : pl view, suppose the area to be circular, Smith a radius of 800 miles ; ; therefore make the basis of calculation. Within the circle of 800 m iles 0 200 500 y Hog each mile, a patch of drift, one-tenth of a mile square and one foot ~ deep ; or a ridge or “trainée” of drift, one-tenth of a mile long, one~ hundredth of a mile broad, and. ten feet eep. It is easy to see that — the supposition might be put in innumerable other forms; and by come"q: paring these wi iy many observed facts, some average result might eee haps be obta i ba Supposing ‘is result to be, as I have said, that on every mile’ there " is an average depth of one hundredth of a foot, I pe for the sake of : re calculation, call this syy'5a5 of a mile (instea saesou) And md e of ground, at oH mean Retain fromthe ori- a cubic mile of dri 7 $ are immersed piv “at of water. Pausaes 1:2 and Geology. 7 on which it rests, tenets? on the form e body, its saga er that of the surface, and other ceumsiances = saa I think we uppose that it would require a force and pressure of at least ad ek the weight of the mass Mathes to Neal Tooke and loose materials along the bottom of the : This being Bi it Swill require a force (pressure) equal to the weight ba half a cubic foot of water to move a cubic foot of drift ; ; and so, for ‘other quantities. And f move sygg00 Of a cubic mile o drift, will” require the weight of z55}00 Of a mi ile of water, acting as” a pressure. Now this mass of drift, which is found on an average mile at the mean distance, has travelled 500 miles from the centre. And the laboring force whi ch has carried it through this space, in whatever way it has acted, must be equivalent to the product of the moving pressure and the space through sepion it has acted ; that is, it must ‘be rs {sda to the weight of 1900000 of a mile of water, multiplied into 500 miles is is the water, multiplied into one > mile ; ; ati mn. "That ne cubic mile of water rising through 5755 of a mile (or ; ‘sank - feat) would supply the power necessary to carry the ‘dr ift which Hom axe one average mile at the mean distance from the centre ‘of distribution 1 sages of one cubic mile of wat ter, we may take a square of ten miles, ;}5 of a mile deep; and this mass rising through 5,4; of a mile, - will produce the effect now spoken of. Taking any radius drawn from the centre of the annulus, the part of this radius which lies on the annulus is 600 miles. On each of these : 600 miles, we suppose drift to rest. Each portion of drift ‘et travelled .. diferent distance fromthe centre. But at each different distance from the centre, there may be a different ay of drift upon the average ; ; ae aetsivs probably decreasing as we recede from the centre. Let us suppose, for the sake of badesdation: ‘has the quantity diminishes exactly in roportion as the distance increases; so that at the distance of 200 eo a aan the quantities ona square mile are as four and one re- PO nid supposition, the laboring the requisite to ey the drift ‘salen. lies on each square mile of “the same: radial lin , would be the same. It would take the same ‘Saboring force to sash TpvoT0 of a — through 500 miles (the mean radius), as to carry qZoopes through © | 200 miles to the inner edge of the annular space; or y-5}eg5. through 800 miles to oe outer edge ofthe annulus. In each case e, the amount A "oF force requ’ wate raised ‘rough one m Here the laboring lies tekibtice to carry the drift to the whole ee 1e 600 mil vhich lie along this radius, would be e 38; 0 te 2 water eee one inile (600 Xs2,5=25= =75)- whole sa siless ae tength of the ae 8, is about 1500 cal tracts a would be, as before, the weight of 3355 af a mile of: . ‘es ie ~ a _ Scientifie Intelligence. _ mass: of. drift: will be 1500 x 33;, or 450 cubic miles of water raised through one mile. ‘Now though these radial tracks do not make up the annulus, being too sion that 450 cubic miles of water raised a mile high would produce an effect equivalent to the dispersion of the whole body of n rorth- ern drift. may put this result in a shape more readily eect It is Bicivalons to 4500 cubic miles of water raised through a space of 49 of a mile ; or again, to a body of water 45,000 asfiees in surface and 15 of a mile deep, raised through 7/5 of a mile. If then “f aes And this is true, whether we suppose the elevation to have taken place at once, or by repeated operations, so long as they are dh abicerde mal. We shall have the requisite force, for instance, if we ose this ‘area to elevation in the same proportion, so as to retain the same ultimate 4 duct of water paroxysmally elevated through a certain sepace In these cases, we shall have a machinery, which, operating ' re in propell- . ing it ;--the law of its diminution in quantity as we recede from the cen- tre of distribution ;—the final result will have to be ht int alone § di- minished or augmente It may be asked od whether, since the paroxysmal eisvalog may thus be reduced in e smaller elevations, the same result would not. follow if it were so reduced as fix ee. not paroxysmal, but gradual, _and even insensible: for, it m g aid, mechanical power retains its... amount however much it be ths daanbined through time, and ive ‘4 of the character of “gag peed violence. And to this I reply, that no. action except such as is of a paroxysmal character could produce thé 7 effect. This impossibility depends upon the nature of the effeet to b : | produced, The friction of the bottom which supports the _ mates | disappear without peducng) sire such effects: as we a ns to account for. | 4 i { Mineralogy and Geology. » TY And thus, the great mass of northern drift. inasmuch as no considera- w shai or not we suppose the read tik oyed in the tintributon of this mass from the centre to be waves of reanialy ik For e propo- equally true, whatever be the machinery employed. As no gradual or minute action could move the masses in question through a yard of space, no accumulation of such action, through any amount of time, could dis- tribute the masses through the great eigen which the northern drift hanes versed, and spread them over the vast spaces which that forma- The distribution of the peace drift belongs to a peri ises operated than those which are now in action. bof erhaps it may throw some light upon the subject to remark that a. way e of translation differs little from a “ debacle” accord- ing to the notions of earlier speculators. A wave of translation is a debacle conceived according to the more exact notions to whic science has led, Or rather, since a debacle was generally sna / vast torrent eee over the land, arising from the emergence 0 oe ee hccatids area, or some such cause, we may say that a wave of trans- lation, i in such cases as we Lave considered, is a debacle travelling along _ the sea after it has been shot off the land. 2. On the Slow Transmission of Heat through loosely peters Clay Spat Sand; by James Nasmyrn, Esq. ; communicated in a letter to Leon- 1RD Horner, Esq., P.G.S., (Lon. Quart. Jour. Geo. Soc., res 1847,)— “When I lately had the pleasure to see you at the foundry, on drawing oy a arti o — nes ° =, 5 hoe o o > rt) ty 2 oS o n lang ty =) oO Oo Oy M o it @ =) & oe 3 oO = i=] aq si oO ~ ee — = ~ w =| Sc Q = ge 4 i) b=3 i w had an important bearing on several interesting geological ques- ; tions, especially those relating to the ied of the central heat of the earth, ao your request | I have much pleasure in sending you a statement of pein stance in question, under the impression that it may chance to prove of s some - interest as an illustration of what may yet exist in re- apoes-an th yee will imidrober: was that Pr a large pbieaes pot, coplecdag tons of white-hot melted cast-iron—a tem re be quite beyeed, all thermometric certainty, but wall k hest intensi ee furnace dest, ma aus ee al to - fire-brick sing of such furnaces is only from 44 to 9 inches thick, and _ its present form, has been covered by the creation which now occupies : Scientific inuétligence ee f § % * This half- inch. thickness of mineral substance, however, was quite 7 is ‘ient to roo the conduction of the heat to the exterior so com- 0 3 a, [=* bod f=) a jt a 5 2 5 Bh “3 ® | al so slowly and imperfectly does this thin li- ning of half an inch of a and sand permit the heat to pass outwards, that the entire mass night rest there till it became cool ere the outside. ‘of the pot would have reached a temperature high enough to carbonize wood in contact with it, the radiation from the ‘outside carrying away the heat as fast as the slow conducting power of the clay and sand li- ning spe it. So strikin ng an instance of the low conducting power of such sub- stances is not frequently met with, and it appea 3 10 me that it is caleu- lated to remove some of the doubts yeh expres ee facts ee indicate a high temperature in the interior of the ear rth. If, half an inch of mineral matter thus intercepts the ise of so of high heat, the only ee of which, at the tae are afford ded. by volcanos, hot springs, and that regular increase of temperature € as WO Me yet while the heat within is as high as our eee powers will carry abs the hand aay be placed natelds without suffering any inconvenience, ~ 3. On the Changes of the Vegetable Kingdom in the different Geolog- - ical Epochs ;. by M. s Bronentarr, (Edin. New Phil. Jouty* Jan. 1848 ; from L’Institut, ees 714, p. 280. )—The. changes which o. ie. taken place in the nature of living beings, since their first appear | on the globe till the period when the surface of the earth, having ae "a | — = it, constitutes one of the most interesting sonia of geology : : As has the history of life and its metamorphos . e fad ogress of re geology present s to us the surface. fe the , globe becoming renewed many times since the period when life appeared aint it, under Shes influence of Creative Power. At each of hese modifications—every time that a great bed of mineral matter cov- ’ the living beings which inhabited a earth, oaaya and bu uried in” these sedimentary deposits, were replaced by 8 new creatio more or less different from the preceding. a iii oe oe lh ee el gs r = Payee ieee eh oes. we ss baeex 12 ‘ Mineralogy and Geology. 121 It would be a difficult task at this moment to fix precisely the number of these successive creations of animals and vegetables ; but science is every day leading us nearer ie ait result, although it requires more detailed facts to enable us to r At certain epochs, ho BS aa ‘changes in the physical state of our planet have fee folloy “— ots modifications equally great in the na- earth, and its climate, at these different epochs, iiesciitee of the his- tory of the formation of our globe. From the most remote historical times, the vegetables Ee our gobs have undergone no change. This is proved by the comparison ins and. plants preserved in the tombs of Egypt, with thaws whisk bes grow in that country. ntrary, the plants of the latest geological periods,—those 1 rth before the last revolution of ie surface, and e enclosed in the “pags its named tertiary formations, —differ very considerably ons such as now grow in these same places. ground, are greater as y occur in the more ancient beds of these tertiary formations. “The most. facdee indicate a climate differing ghee from that of temper. erate Europe; the most ancient announce a warm ate than now occurs in atta region. But in all these beds, which are very recent when compared with the other parts of the crust of the globe, we find vegetation, as a whole, agreaine in all its principal features with the mass of the vegetable gdom which still inhabits the surface of the earth; there are the same classes, the atural families, often the same genera. ‘The general gharacters of this extinct vegetation are the same as those of the existing vegetation, and we mig t suppose ourselves merely trans- ported to another quarter of the globe, Viewed as a whole they are the same ; the details only are different. But if, on the contrary, we descend more deeply into the layers com- posing the earth’s crust, and go back to the more ancient periods of the creation; if we consider the vegetables preserved in the formations named secondary, which have preceded those of which we have spoken by many ages, we shall find the vegetable kingdom reduced to a m oa number of those natural groups which we name fe This variety of form and aspect, which mes such a charm 0 the existing vegetation, did not then exist; and, cha eee oe word the vegetable ki ingdom of those re cia acioa, we may say that the plants composing it, _ "tae varied and numerous jo Bow covering our ground, were all deprived of what ir greatest Szconp Srnixs, Vol. VI, py 16, July, 1848. aa 122 Scientific Intelligence. ornament, namely, those flowers with brilliant envelops which belong to Giicer” all the plants of our period. All the vegetables of the first geologica al periods were in fact eae se to our firs and ferns, ae habit and elegant foliage form all their In these ancient times of geological anew: we may farther sid. eat periods ; the one nearest our own times, during which most essential characters to those now existing, that they may be easily classified in ai natural families. have just named; the other, more ancient, to w the vegetables belong that have produced great combustible. The latter recede much more widely from actnally living ‘orms, enter with more difficulty into known families, evidently con- stitute other families altogether distinct from those of our actual creation, families whose existence was not prolonged beyond this first geological _ eriod. | The singular pid totais and great dimensions of these first inhab- itants of our soil, ong thrown much obscurity over the great classes of the existing veguiatie kingdom. Every day, however, the study of em is advancing, and now we can no‘longer doubt that these gigantic th ng, ) vegetables, so remarkable by their extraordinary forms and by their structure, constitute special families, allied, saws: to the ferns and ohtabi (that is to say, belonging tot divisions of vascu peri of ‘ereation of living beings, the v: was composed only of plants belonging to the two ¢ lasses of that mi pa ished by the simplest structure. These eaten Ma sen apesil were of — dimensions, and thé ‘greater —_ seared families now exti At eater period, these two great clases still —— vs exist alone on the earth, ~ ie forms hier os more to those which were to anaes chat ue epoch did not en exist, > ra during this latter sang vegetation assumes characters es to those it now presents. The more perfect vegetables, known by ie name of angiospermous phanerogams, appeared in gre eat numbers, and the vegetable kingdom is not distinguishable from that now existing but by characters of detail, or by ee ei to those widieh diversities of climate still produce on the e we now compare the — es of che “families which, like the ferns and Conifere, have been perpetuated during all the geological periods, from the most ancient up to the — we perceive that 8 as belong to the most remote creations, are most allied to the plants’ of those families which now inhabit regions of Umpouthieiying ¢ebae ae Mineralogy and feneay- 123 very different from our own ; and that such, on the contrary, as we meet with in the most recent beds, become more analogous to the species which still grow in these same countries, as the geological eae to which they belong approaches nearer oa age Every thing, therefore, proves, ont e hand, that the different vegetable creations which have Heat — other on the globe have become more and more perfect ; on the other hand, that the climate of 4. Geo logy and Topography. of the Isthmus of Panama; by Eva Hopaixs, C.E., F.G.S., (Mining Journal, April 8, 1848; tbelaied from the Bogoté Gazette of the Oth Sept. 1847. )—By reference to a prepared plan, it will ‘be observed that the Cordillera of mountains, form- ing the chain of union between the two i agereaik is curved in the shape of an are on the Isthmus of Panama—the c x side faces the north, the easterly portion runs in a south-eastern pipes towards Darien, is broken, and the co ntinuity of the chain interrupted by the oblialle intersection of the River C! agres. ‘Towards the north-east, between th f we Boqueron Principally on L bed of e river, owing to the re ani ag feet nature of the banks, ae numerous and deep waterfalls ied s, which exist near its source, render it necessary to leav the ese and travel along the steep sides of the surrounding mour roke The heads of this river consist of various branches, one 0 which arises nt it y tee from the oe ay union of the Pequent to half its extent. The river and the road being synonymous terms in this route, our road continued descending as before, but rather in the waters of the Cascajal . along its” Portobelo. The great difficulties and obstructions, caused ions, this route, and the choice made of sucha direc are a strong g proof that the Spaniards found insuperable ‘ob- saeriod to the formation of a pa road between Portobe From the € pass in the mountain above alluded to, ase Ri Se 1e chain is divided into numerous longitudinal branches ; one pew Portobelo, and terminates abruptly in the sg af this port Paka a elevation of 600 feet ; TI 9 ag Me ds 124 Scientific Intelligence. up to the mouth of the Ronee varying from 400 feet to 900 feet in height, and having a few peaks of still greater elevation. e space comprised between these fired principal ridges is full of a multitude of smaller ones, which form the channels of the rivers Agua Lucia, pn Aqua Clara, which fall into the Chagres, and of the Grande, Guanche, and Buenaventura, which discharge ‘themselves into the Atlantic. The gold washings of Santa Rita are situated on the central branch, between the rivers Clara and Grande. - From the summit of the central Cordillera, at Santa Rita, (which was the direction of my third journey across the Isthmus,) a commanding view is obtained of the chain, from the elevated point of eeparation to the east, as far as Portobello, and, on the other side, of the whole length of coast of the Atlantic, as far as Chagres, and from wence to the | Cordillera, in the vicinity . g on this elevated and dense mass of mountains, which in- tervene bérteaeh Portobello and Panama, deeply furrowed by so many struct any thing resembling a commodious road, diagonally from Porto- bello, I examined the Cordillera i in the rear of Portobello; and it appears ing the rivers near their sources, and gradually descending along the of the south side, towards Cruces, or any other dénvenient point on it River Chagres. ‘The peones sometimes follow this direction, which is called the new road, and it is, doubtless, preferable to that of the Boqueron. ‘The aiemtiee? from Portobello to Panama, in a direct line, is about 40 miles ; by the Boqueron, including the turnings, 60; by the top of the Cordilleras, including ace ns ni turns, 58 ; rom Chagres, along the River Gorgona, 42, and from Gorgona to to Panama, 19=—61;. from the Bay of Limon, along ihe sa + baek of the Chagres, by Gor- na, to Panama, 35 miles. The last is the most direct and? shortewe road, and the one which appears to me to present fewer obstacles than any other to the formation of a railroad across the Isthmus. ‘The ped of Limon is equally the only port, besides” Portobello, bg to ; purpose, on the Atlantic coast, within the described limits. The asthe Hemet part of the prin cipal chain to the south of the agres, near Gorgona, is divided into a number of conical mountains ; but, Siren on, einen cle centre of Trinidad, they unite into a cor- dillera, of au average elevation of 500 fe et. se ie space e between this” ‘dal mourtaqtie An opinion prevailed, ol there existed intl cn simply revit locks * Cores) at each Stlvmien ‘but thi s alla- Mineralogy and Geology. 125 ity of this portion of the globe — justify such an undertaking. The time has, nevertheless, arrived, when public attention should be directed Isthmus is on the increase, and, consequently, some immediate and im- portant cs Lier to is Tequired to » facilitate ‘the transit. The surface betw ‘gona, Cruces, and Panama, gradually, and with gentle wi diivuthoin, slopes towards the Pacific, and is covered with various groups of conical hills, decomposed rocks, colored clay, sand, and loose stones. A section, from the mouth of the River aS near the base of the Cordillera of Trinidad, then a rapid ascent of 450 feet, followed by a corresponding fall to the Pacific. “A section, from the center of the mines (Ensenada-de minas) at Panama, shows a suc- cession of deep oes aaa as far as Gorgona, and from thence a grad- all to the coast. Another section, from Portobello, begins with a Hnpid: ascent from the bier ; it then follows the turns of the rocks and falls of the rivers Grande and Gatun, amounting to an elevation of 1000 feet, and concludes with a rapid descent to the River Chagres. A diagonal section, from the mouth of the:Chagres, along the river, as far as Gorgona, and from'thence to Panama, embraces the lowest point of depression between the two seas ; the highest point in this section is between the River Grande, and the Obispo, which does not exceed 150 feet ; consequently, with 1 ‘both to level'and distance, this line of- fers greater attractions and facilities than any in another direction, for making an easy and comparatively cheap communication across the isthmus. ‘ - Notwithstanding the want of a port at Chagres, and the excellency of the port of Portobello, the first place is made use of, and is at present the only profitable point for the transit. As there is little or no coasting trade (comercio costonero) worth mentioning, nor any internal trade, the ports are necessarily rendered dependent on the facilities offered by the darics a the purposes of internal transit: this is the reason why eprived Portobello of its shipping, and caused it to be al- most skidoned: There ought to be some prospect of increase in rot internal resources—i. e., in the production and consumption, a merely in the transport, to justify the formation of any thing better chat a good mule-road from Portobello to the south of the great chain. ‘good aor 5 would answer for passengers, money, and light articles ; but it would not serve the general purposes of commerce, as it w: probably increase the expenses and delays, and would be more - posed to det it i Tt stipeats to me ste this great question, of improving the sialic. cation between the two seas, ought to be considered asa Doe agreed = iattnpaeie and that every arene wannulue ought to be od Aged 126 Scientific Intelligence. dertaken with the probability of its being completed without delay. It pers » ~ secon some day, ne" the sooner it is taken in haw western vate of New Granada, saahpeuann of the isthmus, wou imm rocks, which gradually pass from one to the other, and run in large layers, more or less, in a northerly direction. The schistose rocks are largely developed in the Boqueron end the Cascajal, te the laminated structure of the hornblendic rocks i is well defined, their inclination vary- beecominenh aeenecients are visible in the mass, and to numerou s black, green, piney white, brown, and bright red. _ From sa - =i, ha chain to the west, the mass is hornblendic, but Ghinct to the usual variations in its cat alternating between por phyry, greenstone, and basalt, conformably to the changes in the relative proportions of hornblende and feldspar. ‘There is a great soto lica in these rocks; quartz in spit 2 veins, or masses, is ake a , Hie Sprypnsitan ap are numerous, pad consis the penal super rior masses of the isth This sort t of spherical . exoliating decomposition, Sti scarcely a vestige of the original rock is percep common enough in. ene and porphyries ef the. yer and | che ete are 1 frequently | with a species of efflorescence of black ferruginous sand; and when this is sucerous the gold is found mixed wit th fr iron the course of time, the pieces scale, and the masses crumble ; . na being carried by rey dur to the cavities and Nelloea:. sec condary deposits are formed of ma eda), sand, Pie papi or gravel, which, i in ager warm mclimats are soon’consolidated in ad peso wn of Panama is situated on sec mene agilaceous sapeetes the original compound, to form a cement for binding together the s mentary deposits. Lime for building is a marine prgdoction, obtai ned principally from shells ; and, in consequence xcess of phos: and the absence of silicate of lime, and owe. i wee aes | Mineralogy and Geology. 127 is great serge in ohaiaine a good composition for works exposed to the action of water, or _ ydraulic lime. ven to make lime for ordinary bind. The foregoing secondary deposits~-those of Barbacoas— white argillaceous deposits eranenes Cruces and E] Pequeui ts. Caimi- tello, are all the secondary rocks I have seen. There are a few calcareo- Siwuinian rocks, ie RNP Te vi mien erie ant St. Juan, i correctly speaking, they are not deserving of not The. je the shores of the Atlantic, on ‘ikewies the Saidionaninn is sian exclusively from the coral rocks, which so nonrne and ex- uberantly vegetate on the hornblendic shore of Portobello, > town and fortifications of Portobello are entirely built of cotal, and they appear very durable. The persons who have hinted at the existence of lime- stone and freestone quarries, in the Isthmus of Panama, must have been mistaken, and were evidently unacquainted with the geological position of these rocks. | ‘The question will now naturally arise—where are we to procur generals for a road in a paay where there is so absolute eesti articles ?. because, in case of either im- of th proving oe oe mode of transit, by means of an ordinary road, or making a road for 4 -and atceun. in both cases it will be requisite to prepare the localities intende 1 for the areepuon of cattle and cons strne- = bridges. . » vel, or hard and rongh s tor es, can be obtained from the pa convey any part, , and w economy than by the {ap see It I al be necessary to mak e the bridges high and wide over the Gatun and the Chagres, which how be effected by means of timber, judiciously Sale with wrought-i constructing them on the principle of obra de legadura—the pecker . clase, andesite Diorite and diorite RorPhyey Rae ole! ee 18 ee sy tah . - - 8 ie Ae Trach - - «pe te 5. ® fesion Dilcenic ibs col basalt - - : : ‘s 4% Modern — rocks and la - + EE 8. Talus Slopes.—In the chains ns of the Vebnes and ae Leblane found no talus exceeding an inclination of 35°. iis slope, he ob- serves, is most rously, the inclination of the diagonal of a cube. The density of the material no effect on the slope, as lanches of snow and fall of rocks take the same slope. Some rough rocks, as trachyte and sandstone debris, may form a declivity of 37° * 10°89°. ibrium. , A talus of 42° to 45°, is not one of stable equil x ‘ a e. 6 Ae ee wii : i Paes F i " ; as . ee Net Se ee S255 cs eee 9 = Burra ‘Copper Mine, South Australia.—The Burra oe &, 7) co wt «.. Scientific Intelligence. Deo dividends, of 2i. 10s. per 57. share (or 50 per cent.), have been in July, by which the whole of the original has sesh returned ; a ird dividend, of 5/. per share, or 100 per cent., has just been declared ; and, probably, every month’or six weeks will see a similar one! The merchants have lately established a sort of market for the purchase of the ore from the different mines arrives at the port. Hitherto, the banks would only advance 6/. or 8d. per ton, even on the best ore. Now, the merchants, who, from the flourishing sini of trade, have large thus sell 100 tons; for es ee e A. B. - guaran tbcii that 100 tons at 20 per cent.; A. B. takes an average of the e price of metal, from two or three MF ‘the last Swansea sales, and says, , for that heap, I will give you such a standard; another merchant will, perhaps, raise a little on it—so that virtually, the only price settled here and paid for, is the price of the copper metal ; the merchant running the risk of profitin gor _— by a rise or fall of the metal by the time the ore .arrives at Swansea Should the heap, when sold, be found in Swansea to contain 25 per cent., instead of 20 per cent., then A. B. makes eae the difference to. the company. In the other case, of a less produce, the mine makes good the difference to A. B. The arrangement suits both parties. A. B. sayes premium on bills of exchange, and makes a commission on sale — of ore in England. The mine instead of having to wait twelve or — teen months for the net proceeds, being formerly only allowed to dra barely enough to pay for the prime cost of ss how is enabled to divide profits as fast as the ore is delivered at the - read—* it appears that, in about presi months, these mines have yielded the extraordinary amount of 9841 tons of rich copper ore—so rich, that its total value amounted to 150,000/. The original purchase money of the mines, together with the costs of working, from Septem- ber, 1845, to March, 1847—the year and a half in question—is some- in two dividends, of 50 per cent. each; and the directors are about to declare another dividend of 100 percent. We make no comment whatever on this extraordinary statement. We suppose it to be without a parallel in the whole history of mining successes. A large part of the ore has arrived at Swansea for smelting, another portion is on its way, and a remnant of some 1600 tons will be forwarded to this coun- try, or America, with as little delay as possible. 10. Histoire des Progrés de la Géologie de 1834 a 1845 ; par Ls _ Vicomre D’Arcuiac. Publiée par la Société Géologique de France, Be oF, Botany and Zoology. 135 sous les auspices de M. Le Comte pe Satvanpy, Ministre de I’In- struction Publique. Tome Premier. Cosmogonie et Géogenie, Phys- ue du Globe, Géographie Physique, Terrain Moderne. 689 pp., 8y of years, is of great value to science. The laborers in the field are scattered over the whole civilized world, and wir publications are in - many langua Bes: The difficulty of commanding the works hain is especially felt i in America, where libraries in science are slowly supplied with European publications, ene: the ‘eames of the various learned socie- ties of different countries. Mor , few have the time —, to study and digest chaveoghly tha publications within rea M. d’Ar- has done an invaluable service to ge ologists, in ‘bes labors. The work is divided ito chapters and sections. Each chapter con- tains a fair and interesting review of the “ig of which it treats, and is followed by a list of publications. The following are the subjects eated of in this, the first volume: 1. mogony.—2. Geogeny— presage cm Surface and Density—2. Interior oo ure of the globe.—3. Meteorology.—4. Terrestrial magnetis sr electric cur- rents within the earth.5. ‘Physical Geography 6. 0 ography and | : Relief of the Coupnéatd —7. Hydrography.—8. Keene poner sions.— Third Part: On Modern Deposits and Phenomena upon the Earth’s surface—1, Atmospheric and Tarreeical produets. —2. Aque- " ous and Glacial products.—8. Lacustrine and Fluviatile Deposits.— minous and Salin bers Mineral and Thermal Woetirecad Volean Gaedocts, —4, Rarthquakes. —5. Elevations and, Subsidences. This volume is to be followed by.a Second on the Diluvial or qua- ternary and tertiary strata; a Third on the secondary and interme- diary or Transition strata—and a Fourth on Primary rocks, Paleon- tolo: Oo of Elevation, Subsidence, Veins, and Metanioi- phism, Analysis and Structure of rocks, Artesian wells, Meteorites, Selenology, together with a Bibliographical Supplement, .a review o the so . statistics of each country, and a list of authors cited in the four v The aN should be in the hands of all interested in geological ; science. é ae | Ill. Borany anp Zoonoay. nad 4 1. Gutta’ Percha.—The tree affording the gutta percha, of whic a # imperfect description was given in our last noe BY | pig to the new genus Isonandra, of Wight. Wight wo species, to which M. i De Candolle has dea two others Bet edi to Sideroxylon. W. J. eget calls the species g the gutta percha, wacormp gutta, gute . . ee eae 136 Scientific Intelligence, — = . On the Eyes of the Balanus; by Dr. Leipy, (Proc. Acad. Nat. £1, 1 . 1, vol. v.)— —Dr: Leidy remarked, that the exist+ es in the ‘perfect condition of the Cirrhopoda, has all anatomists up to the present time, but its presence in the erfect stages is very generally acknowledged. ‘Several received some living specimens of Balanus rugosus to an oyster, he submitted them to dissection, in the of which, he noticed upon the dark purple membrane which lines the shell and muscular columns running to the opercula, on each side of the anterior middle line, a small, round, black body, surrounded by a colorless ring or space of the membrane, which, upon fe EO toa ow power of the microscope, he found to be an eye, composed ofa vitreous body, having nearly two-thirds of its posterior a covered by pigmentum nigrum, and attached to a nervous filament, which he after- wards traced to the supra-cesophageal ganglia. The presence of this organ in other species or genera, he had not yet had an opportunity of determining. 3. A comparison between Sterna Cantiaca, Gm., of Europe, and Sterna acuflavida, Nobis, hitherto considered identical with S. Cantiaca, and a description of a new species of Wren; by Dr. Canor, (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Nov. 7 1847, p. 257. Yar the following meas- urements from adult, full- plumaged si were given: Millimetres. European. Bill along ‘tidge, Tee eee 57 gape, ee 75 a rom yt nostri to the point of the bill, + 5 iene aaa 4l Length of nostril, 6 ou Length of ron mandible along the centre, (meas: uring to the feathers, 41 47 Length of do. do. along the side, ‘do. do. wi WA 62 Width of. bill at commencement of feathers i. 74 Depth of do. do. do. / 114 124 Length of wing from flex ‘ . 290 317 - Length of tail to tips of atin feathers, “ «. «dae 149. ’ » . . » ae 28. Middle toe without the claw, ’ ; i 18 21. - Middle claw Yh ia ae et 9 Toner toe with claw, sic 3 ¥ . 17 20. Outer do. ee ee 21 26 humb 64 BS Besides these differences in the measurement of parts not subject to change from improper stuffin @, &c., we find that the coloring differs in some very important particula ars. In the American bird the yellow is strictly confined to the tip of the bill, and the line of union of the yellow and black is perpendicular and unbroken, whereas in the European bird the yellow runs up to the inner edge of the symphysis on the une der side of the lower mandible, and almost as far on the upper ed and on the upper mandible also, it extends ee on the ie an ron the ridge much higher than in the Anterican bird. The p ies are darker in the American bird than in the European, at the white * Botany and Zoology. 137 line which runs along the inner edges and forms their tips i - the i pean bird, disappears in the American balance gets within half an inch. of he oor besides being an arrow , There are also s differences in form. The p iestiws teint at the symp under ‘side of the lower pict ble’ is more marked in the Ameri in the European bird. . The claws’of the European bird are larger and much more arehed than those of the beeen 4 iy bill of the oy med ite is much narrower in poponton than t Gprican, and is “ae imen of 8 gainer: in his Gailedieneneh progured at Tan- cah, en aH coast of Yucatan, on the 25th.of April, 1842, and is men- appendix of Mr. Blephieng “kel - ‘Teerel in peed under as name of S. Boysii. » aC ae reat a species ‘of W ren. reas E ag wage idth of b A —" oe ‘an eS ae, 4 tal 3h eho é 7 ee ls dk ee dil mid le toe with the claw, "gS gol Mage a ae ip oid FOB a “eo ¥ ae oe § pat. es en Sec OP ae 0 ky Or aks oy The bill is t from the base to the of hishacot ws are much curv- ed-and very : arp. The te ad, back,’and Taine it sides of the wings and tail, brown} a Hine: of iti, with black wn intermixed, asses over the Li and meets With a similar line, wate, passes untet t, and they form a patch on the sides of the neck extending round to the nape “Chin, throat, oniiag onli beret = ‘abdomen light + yell i yeah Ghatie ump are some white and dar! "brown F bij nc 5 sr trind with WE" HIO Wit GP the rest of 2 ba + “ilder termost, and outer webs of next ae Bfistintiiers, hind 8 sitenedyee of fire ed seéond ae ee ith Mais .or yellowish white, and dark er or black. bee Pent upperside gs atid upper idles. : four middle tail-feathers are Weowtiy ins many black spots. - mandible is is dark horn color; the under mandible at hieh the description was taken was the ul dee oes in Yucatan, Apri zi ed Argon Fraalh -*? 138 Scientific Intelligence. wa hn before et ed in which the whole of oe last room. Smet has Stroyed and reproduced. On account of the inary re- ‘subsisting between the animal and the shell in ihe genus a, a fractured and repaired shell possesses more than usual vale: th individual of the Argonauta argo, which appears to furnish an addi- tional argument in support of the opinions which are* based on i searches of Madame Power. In this shell a portion has been broken out near the middle of the left side, and not far from the sinus of the aperture. The opening was of a semilunar form, about 12 inches long, with an average breadth of half an inch. A new deposit of testaceo 4 substance, together with a broken fragment, has closed edge the rude manner common in the shells of Mollus But the most extraordinary circumstance is this ; that a singe, which was broken out in the accident which befel the animal, now con- stitutes two-thirds of the repaired port ion, and: that the originally iner surface is now the outer surface, as is e stb yn its concavity, ‘style of undulation, and texture. It is also near! t angles to its origi- nal position. + facts show that the ace 4 was totally detached from the shell by the | We apprelided ‘that a case could scarcely oceur, especially in a shell moving in water, except in consequence of the furictions’ now hide to the vela of the Argonaut. These once-reputed sails, prevent less poetic function of ae and enveloping the shell ven loss of the large fragn It is obvious also that a new deposit * testeceous ater, ee se- creted from the part of the animal. within ‘and from the vela, since the edges of the original shell ieoatd . etnctae 8p appear exclusively on the outside. fet ee nce none but the original inhabitant of the shell ec repair it, the case described is corroborative of Bais: n, that t — usually 5. Description of a Species eae supposed to Avams, Prof. &c. in Amhe1 "Gacmueeued Hatiotis Ponperosa: H. t. magna, ovata, prea striis increme irregular rugis con magnis, ; bus, subnodosis ; 5 spira elevata, subterminali ;, for magnis; externé -Tubré, intus maculis plurimis rubris vidios iridescente. “ Shell ovate, convex, ponderous, with coarse unequal i striee and concentric fides (not folds), and a few broad low on the ridges; spire elevated, subterminal ir oration inner one a large ; exterior ee ae S rye a gantly iri fing with innumerable shades of Scan. — pu red, and green Length 84 in. ; breadth v8 in in. ; depth within 34 in. Comparison with the well known H. rufescens, Swains., - r a figure unnecessary. A lar ie. Senn of Swainson’s shell me, has exactly the same pageegeal A ; deep. H. a is nearly or ie daa rufescens, is of a darker red w Astronomy. 139 of “a sieows gored and a eae he clouds of iridescent colors remark- in H. rufescens they are remarkably It is more. poner ae any Haliotis which we sir e seen, vai aeet oz. avoid ogical M wag as a Hab. findi pegs species in Reeve’s very: comple and hema monograph, I have ventured to arene it as new IV. ye ae - oo Rosse Telescope, (Lond. Aiheteoin, April + Ecas the meeting of. su! a in siegelee Academy, March 17, 1848, Dr. e an account, present condition of ont Bosse’ 's eee ‘that fs a whose figure, as he had formerly sta- - Was not quite pesfost). as well as a duplicate one, had been polish- ed by the workmen; and os - meron ded no difficulty in the pro- cess, it was repeated. pected ntaad however occurred, ich x much delay, fill Lord Ri Rosse ered the cause. The the operati Sage age that. it mt performed at the tempera- . In winter this must be obtained by ‘artificial heat,—which weer: iner the arynees ot the airyso that the Polishing material cannot on the Specul t > the urface is untrue, and gives a ortowe image. »Phis was veri i the hygrometer, and comp diae, by a jet of steam so regula nf to keep the air satura- with moisture. The result ag aa hy trial speculum ep ‘well, that rt ‘ riments. » additions had "beda made yanenesnry ty aay telescope : ‘be movement in right ascensionis given from the ground x pc a ry intended to be connected with. a clock movement which is in pro- 2. To obviate the difficulty of finding objects, an eye-piece of Jarge field and peculiar construction is connected with a slide, so that it can be mpltee’ by the usual one in aninstant. It magnifies 208 times, s nearly four feet of the speculum, the same as Herschel’s Pefert ; ws giving the poway of trying what that instrument might 3. o Pe aaten- -circle attached. "Tight admitted at its edge cannot escape at the - paral faces except they be scratched, and a scale of equal parts engravec one of them with a diamond—luminous in a field ab- black, The exceedingly unfavorable state of the weather sub- ( qt i eee much from being done ; in fact, there was but one - . i ean covered with iragnents and satisfied himself that een often discussed, had no visi- above the Ms surface. In the belts of Jupiter, streaks se 0: fess s. cloud were seen ; and the fading of their brown rds the edge, is podesee that ber SP are seen through a for | Se a A similar sha ade micromete’ is peculiar,—a plate of parallel glass, with , Dene, Be. Dar eae its greatest extent “ unfathomable by the t ees copes mentioned either by Melchoir 140 Scientific Intelligence. erfect and in bad nights, the part of it which beforethe mirror was. ( appearance described by Sir ohn Her« ongst which these are scattered. . Having seen them end [known the er parts, they were seen with the 3-feet and 500. * *. fn. other interesting object is the planetary nebula, h. 464, bie the splendid cluster, Messier 46, and probably a part of it. It is a dise of small stars uniformly distributed, and surrounded by the larger. Mes- ster 64 isa singular modifegtion of the annular form seen obliqu ly. ‘The € opening seems black as ink, and at its oS is one of those in- terior clusters of bright stars’so often noticed be: "But the most re+ markable nebular arrangement which this seectinngey Beret hee a that where the stars are grouped i in spirals. Lord Rosse of them (Messier 51) in the year 1845; arid Dr. “Robinson found fo others on the 11th, of which he ex xhibited drawings, h. 604 (seen by — as a biscentral nebula), Messier 99, in which: the’centre is’ Stars. Messier 97 looks with the finding eye ea fig: we *@;"bus the higher powers show star-spirals— ‘iolatat appearing like ‘stars with dark spaces around them —though "probably | powers’ in a fine night would prove “then to be clu Another fact deserves to be noted frorit its bearing on. Struve’s Etudes @ Astro- nomie Stellaire. In that admirable book, reg other curious ae he infers that the eighteen-inch telescope'of H erschel | space only one-third of what was due to its optical al power. Tio plains this by supposing thé heave hy ee In computing the’ limit, however, he assumes that the My Way js in } . d'to observe it when it is deepest at d is. certhin' thet its remotest stars were very far indeed within the limit of the sneeot, and yes rig larger than those of the nebula of Ori 2. Planet, (Lond. Athenaut, May 6; re co new planet desea aed by Mr. Graham, at hendccke, rela Sagi 25, 1848: It appeared like’a star of the tenth Ce Nee ; am, 8: decli- 8. Supposed new Star, (ibid.)—A new star of the fif hua + the ecieanaithciol? Ophiuchus, ad ~~ at Mr. Bishop’s € ratory, idon, April 28, 1848. No has been ans recorded in the " position of ‘this. ° Iris in a lin iting ‘éta and 2 iuchi, rather 0 Oph nearer to the latter; RvA. Is. 9. decl. 12° 39’. igen degrees distant | from the ani ne the famous ‘object seen by Kepler in 1604. 4. On the ice of Copernicus with respect to the Light dee ie Planets ; by Prof: De Morcan, (Phil. Mag., xxxi, p. 528.)—The mon story is, that — cB on being opposed by the rayon th Mercury and Venus did ph om tinewered that the Pe would be discovered atinie ¢ me "the fi rst place in whieh I story is in Keill’s Lggtures. © It is also’ given by Dr. Smith, hed ova known Treatise on Optiés, by Bailli, and by iota “But I cannot fi Adam or Gassendil intheir bids Astronomy. 141 Copernicus ; nor by Rheticus, in his celebrated tS thesystem of Copernicus; nor by Kepler, nor by eeioli, in in. hole po a of i me for and» against the heliocentric theory ; nor by Galileo, when announcing and commenting on the discovery of the pir sain what is most to the purpose, Miiler, in his excellent edi- tion of the great work of Copernicus, when referring to the discovery of the phases of Venus, as made since; and unknown to, Gaperniop Copernicus. If we try to examine what the opinion. of age nia * this matter really was, a point of some little curiosity arises. It on one word, whether he did or did not assert his belief in one-or other .of these two cee 9 apray the planets shine by their own. light, or that they are'sat rated by the’solar light, which, as it were soaks through: them. I cuapist the affirmative: that is ota I hold it suffiei certain that Copernicus did express. himself to —_ that one or these suppositions was the trut if we cients: first edition of the work De-Revolutionibus, hich was the manusc by “— himself, there is little doubt about the matter. There are but tw 0 passages Ww whieh bear : thé question. The first is in the ad lectorem, in-which the writer (Osiandery though even Delambre make him Copernicus) asks whether any one acquainted with geometry or optics can receive the Ptolemaic epicycle then used to explain the motion in longitude of Ve- nus? But the meaning ofthe allusion to-opties is explained i in the next nee, by a reference (and by no means e-firipmade deve} tot arent diameter of Venus derived from. the epicycle ; =) pres. 4 yhich, ‘as they made the perigean diameter more than four ti ed the dificulty a arising from. the absence of the nate ibe ghianes whioh We now call the transit over the sun’s disc. He describes the opinion | just mentioned favorably, referring, not to his own view, but’to that of those others who had held it. This is not an uncommon idiom: per- sons advocatipg an unpopular opinion are very apt to describe the main- tainers of it in the thitd person, though themselves be of the number. when he comes to describe what he takes to be the necessary ¢on- sequences of the opinion, he lapses into the first person as follows = “Non ergo fatemur in stellis opacitatem esse aliquam lunari similem, sed vel proprie:I lumine, = aoe totis imbutas corpedpe ful et idcirco solem These are ie iorde oP first eden (Nuremberg, 1543), Copernicus could have answered any objection, either by word or write ' impossible, sinee he drew his last breath within a few of g aa, Sage Jigs aclby is aM ela oad ae male sa a oe 142 : Scientific Intelligence. only the. of. this. pfition, which beingotibatiqns into the title. page. There irk 9 er of his having been the editor ; and as the work an ae le, where I cannot find - Tibahame ever sojourned, and as the sy was deeply engaged at the time in his enormous trigonometrical calculation, some proof of his editorship must be given before it is admitted. As the point is of importance, I will e, that unless Rheticus had made some stay at Basle, it is very unlikely he should have edited a work printed there. He did not edit ™ rst edition, only because it was found convenient to print it e Nu- sil rg instead of at Wittemberg ; and it was accordingly entrusted to. Osiander. a if ever there were a connexion between two men, and one of them and the book of the other, which made it de- sirable ete even necessary that the first should edit the ‘second, it was, the case of Rheticus and the first edition of the De Revolutionibus, &c.5 ad yet ne arrangement could be made by which the sheets oemiaians g-could be revised at Wittemberg. It is very unlikely, then, that Rheticus should have one Abestocas edition, when, as far as we know, a similar impedime . The third édition by Miler (fined, 1617), has. no authority as : to iio! text above that of the s ur, we, thue-c en das to throw the opinion in ceton upon . . . . I at it een the editor, bean seit stress ought’ to. be laid Eee of the-first into the third. person as an emendation ; that is, goa be somewhat staggered by _— havings thought it eet: f nake such an alte teration.... ut, Rhetieus not being. in the recion as I think, for the reasons : Mai above, the next best authority on an opinion.of Copernicus i is Gal- ileo, Now the latter, in speaking of the phases of Venus, expressly: —, o Copernicus the maintenance of se of the tw, aheranienp t the planet is either self-luminous or perforated by the solar 2 Migserslicrantives, he says, in his letter to Veleer Supe vol. ii, -: . —: * Al pets gh ah convien ametiere come possibile, pur come necessaria una delle dette posizioni.”? And that such : fos Opinion of Copernicus is also assumed by the writer of the note Sydereus Nuncius in the volume just mentioned, and by that even down to our own time ; ; as by Me. Drinkwater Bethune, in wipes sem of Galileo. In fact, with the exception of the unsupported story tioned at the beginning of this paper, there is nowhere, that,I can fins any thing against my conclusion. And. it is to be rem embered, tha’ Copernicus nowhere shows any of that acumen in ators of tee fone to cali teps. more t thay proportionate to hei. knowlec the latter. Palouigatn great promotor of the eld theory,.anc 0 EE Miscellaneous Intelligence. 143 * nicus, its destroyer, were both mpthensioaes in a peculiar sense; Ptol- emy being far the more sagacio —— of pure experiment. = ‘ounds of confidence sreunnitiaintice and Coperniéus, in par- res to his own for there i is Ho reason to suppose he was beyond his age in mechanical philosophy) with reasons drawn entirely from probabilities afforded by mathemat There is much reason to regret the practice of ipdeicinsiciy with the names of those who have led the way in great discovery the ' poy which is due to their followers. The disadvantage ‘is twofold. 3 first place, it introduces into the history of science an. index sient of: a to two centuries ; secondly, those who. come to ie a disappointed to find that they must lower their opinion of tm and . Our usual popular treatises speak of Copernicus as if, besides himself he had in him no inconsiderable fraction of Kepler, Galileo, nm and i? is a-person to think who comes from these histories to actual a when he finds in Copernicus himself the immo- vable ¢ di (only reusing sun-for earth) of the Ptolemaists, a suspicion, at least, of the solid orbs? Be Siker Peraliedch- po was etiedied to Congress in April last, witseeierenve to-settingon foot an expedition to the most southern avail- able position on the daa for the purpose of making obser- vations on the planet Venus during the perio e motion : these observations are to be conjoined with similar observations at the ps ah Washington oly, with a view tod hitherto eobperation of American astronomers. The correspondence on the subject between Dr. Gerling and Lieut. Gilliss, addressed by the latter to the Chairman of the Committee of Naval Affairs of the House of Rep- resentatives, was made the basis of the Report. The object is one “ of a national expedition. The Report states that in 1769, Dr. Ritt = under the patronage of the ae igi of Pennsylvania, made observations on the transit of Venus that were of great value Wie subjects therefore already connected with the = Sal of mg Science, es nee tae sey of government patronage. . "i . ; v. MisceLansovs INTELLIGENCE. “1. Memotre sur es Temperatures de la Mer Glaciale a la a de grandes prefniar et dans le voisinage oe Glaciers du mbre de la ( i js adh F Pheantore) sion Scien 2. From the ees pth of seventy meters (about 76} yards), temperature is sometil creasing and sometimes decreasing. ~ j 3. Below seventy meters to the bottom, it is always decreasing... 3 ‘The. decrease kien the surface and-the bottom is not a uni: but on accelerating with the depth. 5. Between the surface and —_ meters in depih, the temperature : aever below-zero (freezing point 6. Below sev wom de meters, the temperature of the bed ocrering ae bottom i is below ze. _ ‘% The mean isuipeinnels GEthie bed ix +4°s0h Cent., and conse- quently it is above that of the maximum — and freezing point of salt-water. _ 8. These facts are cont — if. a consider. that saneapasieelies density and the point of congelation of sea-water are several degrees | below zero, and if also-we regard the complex, intermittent and varia- ble intensity, caused by the solidification of the surface during winter, Peer betes: floating i ice, ass tides and currents. . otggesbee results, M. continues, are fertile in applications to the physics of the-globe.. We | learn from the fact of the temperature im- creasing in April and May,. that in winter the surface cools more than the bottom, and that consequently the formation.of etry ice, common in-fresh-water lakes, is here impossible. Scoresby and Ross ascertain- : ed by direct trials that wh ground ice exists, peer brought up liv- ' animals in many instances. As the temperature “of the sania of the se in Jy men : “near the glaciers, is above zero (Carta is pe Se constant destruction and the formatio ing slowly from the land into the aden 4. gc rtm | hing the water, and are borne on its surface. At low tide, as ters retreat, the interval between high andlow-water is welleseem in the glacier; at the same wi it becomes broken, or oyerturned, and thus . floating ice is produced. The largest glaciers were seventy-six meters —— ny tn bat’ a. on the cobeealet the, glactons aivindh into-the- sea ‘melted. John Ross has described and figured a glacier, to the van of Cape Dudley Digges, whieh advanced mi? meters (5906 feet) beyond the shore. The ne ice, conseque is higher than the mast of a ship, and the masses:are well alle icbors, or mountains of ice. As the part above cane is about one- “eighth 1e hickness, these bergs have been described as 72, 118, an even 180 meters in depth, ? . —o the floating ice isa aamereene: therefore of : the thee rauch dination basse ee oe eed Miscellaneous Intelligence. 145 FM inson’s ‘adngsteid ait , dee. ta we were Be ee to Paint the e, and among the externa discoveries of the present day, by which ma- terials af the t humble. piglet in works of art are yey i = poses to which this patent can be applied are innumerable. The porp idea of the patentee was the induration of the sofier and more common, and almost pi ty stones for the Rss of paving; but so complete was eenruonnset tb} ir: soa soon took.a loftier view; and has udered the operation, not only applicable to all common purposes tones and slates are used in building—such as paving, both fag ig hm. at cisterns, fittings of. dairies bu of Paris casts, of the most elaborate designs, in bust, bi taaetk ornaments, fonts, and ornament fur balconies, ornamental inkstands, &c., are pee by the enondathet the elements, wate a and. tors w so choose, may work in Bath or Caen ores chalk, and the preduction will be rendered superior to all these operations the finest edges of the cuttings are preserv cuniavaneal mark is lost. - In inspecting specimens. of Mr. Hutchinson’ s works, w e shown — a.slab, of ane fine sandstone, from Tonbridge aes soft, that it searaed gas pipes, made from Bath stone, balk, or paper, ee as granite, and polished. atts Tike marble; in fact, the results of the operations are most extraordinary. ‘The water-pipes, and prepared § I e ¢ for these purposes; the sheets would also be highly appli i ailmeyss wi my other public engineering uses, Wer : » SC. to all the higher works of -art. Pasi y- > will be found most economical, bo both in first cost and. wear and tery in fact, they can be rendered at a cost wilich comes ~ r below any other description Of material which has yet been intro; ae Es 146 D -emecaaa Intelligence. working ‘capital, a the o ginal propriet tors Pecans A four pe Parties will be t treated ith: for the remaining eight sha 3. Coal in Chil, (Mining Journal, Feb. 12.)—We ae: ony vide occasions, alluded to the mineral resources of yee which pipe pre- eminent among the republics of SouthAmerica. Lately, several exten- - coalfields have been discovered between Valparaiso and Santiago, one*in particular, belonging to an English firm, a short distance from the port of Valparaiso, is likely to prove a most valuable specula- tion, as it is being worked, and the coal equal to that of Newcastle, ‘which can be delivered at the rate of 4s. per ton, whilst but a short time ago none could be obtained at a less price than 21. 16 21. 10s. Several miners have arrived eat as - Si syed north of England and from Aus- ms" dute, as native tebdrers ‘ened ney be inca at @ very low ess of steam navigation ‘in the’ Pacific, 'the facility of obtain- coal in Chili, will be a most important advantage ¢ but fo mil enturers it will be the means of greatly developing her mi fesources, by the establishing of steam-engines, furnaces and — houses, on the spot, instead of sending the ore to Europe to be _Yoads are being cut in every direction, and water conveyance will easy of access in the interior. 4. Metallurgical Industry of Bohemia, (Mining Journal, Feb. 12.)> _ It appears, by a paragraph in the Prussian Gazette, that met in, has, within the last few years, made considerable le_ progress in Ithough at present there are not more than fifty in operation, these have produced 470,000 qvicints of vfhetat tA course of one year, valued at 2,000,000 thalers (280, “This u ntity, it is stated, is very little below the entire production of the rovinces of Silesia, the Rhine and Westphalia, Sa eueniicne ees 7: itive been made to push this branch of sources of Bohemia are described to be most extensive ; and, according to the statement quoted, have vet yet been properly developed. : _5. On the Jordan and ode ; by the late Lieut. Motyneux, of H.MS. Spartan, (Athen., Apr, 1. )\—On the 20th of August last, Lieut. Molyneux landed at Acte, taking with him three volunteer seamen and an interpreter ; and having hired camels, horses, and attendants, he . , stented ~s the following morning with the ship’s dingey em’ route to -'Tiberia: or the first two hours the road was exéellent. On a the villages of Abilin its character altered ; the country became } pion as awkward cart were encountered. ~The village of Tarad vee hed the ge , after ten consecutive hours of trav On the ‘following ond party aneteee at ‘Tiberias, where they € ed outside the Sate or e town and near the edge of the lake!” _Im mense he wre ensaane? “were séen feeding in differént di From the hills overlooking ‘Tiberias the’ prospect was Djebel Sheikh, smothered in clouds, was distinetly seen the ei ear ing N poke .N.E. ; in front*were'the blue waters of Tib pen ranges of hills; and to the Jeft of Djebel Sheikh 1 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 147 pet eing of greater size than is generally laid wn ;—from ‘Tiberias to the e eastern shore not.less than eight or. nine miles and from the entrance of the Jordan on the north to its exit at the south end, A rg miles: th latitude of the northern extremity of the lake is 32° 4 34 miles to the south of the point usually marked. The Jordan. is described as shal ' : s, which g obstructed the passage of the boat. Ia many places it might have been crossed by stepping from stone to stone without wetting the shoes; its waters are muddy and full of fish; its course tortuous in the eXtreme, ane some waterfalls were found, Great t reluctance. was manifested by orbitant sums for permission to pass through their provinces ; cations, annoying and incessant, were generally. terminated by a display to proceed.—On the 3d of Sept pad nige Lieut. Molyneux embarked on the Dead Sea. The breeze Bi ih ge reshened, till there was quite easnah.con dor the dingey : steering ms south by west, large patches of white frothy foam were several times passed ; and as "the sea got: _ most unusual noise, something like breakers a-h end of the anand the wind and stood over towards western mountains at daylight were t five miles from peninsula. From ao _ "Fesbkah to. the north, nearly down a to untains on the wes t to be the deepest water, soundings were obtained at + oms; the arming of the lead was clear, with some pieces. of roc meee to ve gi other casts of the lead were taken at diffe comes in a with it, aecuoeue metals, and produces a very Ue avery obnoxious smell. At noon on the 5th they returned to the tent hanes they embarked, thoroughly done up and thankful for havi Font oe ‘try and body i in the boat was covered with a nasty é : nd looked h wal — bos d aes er. was a white line o far ero Having d ae. the dingey was secured upon the Tcty camels, and the party procee ded to Jerusalem, —within the 0 of which town entered the it of a British ship-of-war. he st May neux returned by and. died. shoily after 1 ’ gee fla. ; WP wie vie et Senge kept eth : eam mes 148 Miscellaneous ae as.— The © ick Sea. The Scientific Commission from the Russian government in 1837, found it 101-2 feet (English). M. H. de:Hell has concluded from a barometric levéling, that the difference of level between the ps ate of Azof, is only 18-304 met F he results of Sabler and Sowitsch, M. Hell deduced 33°7 meters, and af- terwards 27, as the difference ‘of level. From the same observations, Humboldt obtained 81:4 feet (English). Pin Cailler (1839) deduced from the observations “i Bertou (1837 and 839), Moore and Beet (1837), — Schubert (1837), as a mean, that Dead Sea is depressed 185 meters below the Mediterranean. Beftou + it at 4196 meters, David Wilkie (in 1842) found the depression meters; Li — 42 “meters ; Rusegger ss 434 meters. and nd Set" hier ihe bottom.—D’ Archiac Hee Geol. rv ‘ne . “T. Cremastochilus in Ant Nests ; by 8.8. Hatpeman.—Our ant nests r to those of Europe, in harboring various insects. Among are Aphis, Coccus, Batrisus, Hister,’ Heterius, and the singular of Lamellicornia mentioned above. ‘About the end of April, 1. und Beneath a flat stone, in a cav ity otcupied by a oh ot flavous spe- of ant, a living Cremastochilus variolosus, but laid no stress upon the occurrence, as | supposed it to be accidental. On the : T6th of May, Ttook three individuals of C. Harrisii together, under similar circum: ‘stances, and kept them alive for twelve days.’ Om the 25th of May, I found a second individual of C. variolosus, invan ant’s nest. The lo- cality is a southern hill slope covered with Castanea, Pinus mitis, Aver, Carya, and aie id the soil siliceous. The genus is extremely rare although tolerably successful in collecting, and my residence is nese the pee these are the first li wing — stg seen. = con liant meteor was seen to start a little west of north, oy more rownraettiee? east, disappearing with a loud noise like that of a six pounder. “It was described by those who saw it as appearing several inches in diameter, with a train several feet long: Persons in every part of this ni saw it and heard the explosion. It was so bright as to cause objects to east a shadow even in the moonshine. ic can heat of no ‘pare of the meteor being found. =~ ‘Common Salle’ tyhonnt of comniencath ite vall the oceans, is mated by Schafhzeutl at 8,051,342 cubic | | miles. This as be about five times Bibliography. 149 equals 633,644°36 cubic miles, or is equal to the mass of the Alps = -chlorid of magnesium, oe Leu ‘80 cubic miles; the lime ,339°44 cubic miles. “The supposes the’ mean depth to be but ‘meters, as estimated by Mom botde RGitiog with Laplace, t Yee oy te is 1000 meters, which is more probable, the mass | pees salt will be more than ph the mass - ‘the Home og a communicat Geological Map fr Lavate M. P. oat v. S.N., we Tear that the proposition to constract ag 8 we be S ‘ oe £ S : nea ieut. ‘beyond tl constructing of the chart by glueing on, in its proper order, the mate- rial collected. ‘Tl. Science at Cam mbridge. - a Abbott Lawrence has made a iencuae donation of 50,000 to he Departme ent of Science in Harvard nive 1 Sar ansonedh rear of Sir John Franklin. —This Ksbodtlions under Sir James Ross, has le ooh fi . consists of two vessels, the Enterprise and Investi igator, the fi tons and the latter - 420, which: are built as strong as ana’ he heh das m reference to their sailing qualities. A launch is attached to fae ou fitted with screw propellers, which are to be worked with seers and» | will make: ‘onan we eA sever miles an hour. Ao ah * ty » . & ‘ me . . = a Me, a ; VI. BrerrograrHy, satel ae ad fe ciel on the Chemistry of Food and Hi! motion of the e juices in i ite animal body ; by Justus Ligpie, M.D. ited from the manu- ipt of the futher * Wituram Grecory, WD. D., oe from the Eng? lition, by n N, Horsrorp, A.M., Rumford Professor in the niversity at Carobriiige. Lowell, D. Bixby & Co, 1848, 12mo., pp. 219. iret Bor orsford has conferred an acceptable service in promptly bring- 5 out this edition of the last work of the great chemist whose name ii ne title fully in ates the topics of discussion—which it is ss to say are handle with a master’s hand. Some of the new oWS O1 way esh fluids and upon endosmosis have already been pre- ented to the —~ of this Journal al. (See vol. v, p. 415.) The two * epi arate topics named in the title are the subject of aca brag me — der two heads, and fore | in fact two separate treatises. olume eagerly, seu tase aloe y chemists and Sale ee it is at . Sa as Sartwell is well Fes. great attention * herbaria apart from the.title page;—and also of printing yr: ad _ with sufficient fulness to indicate clearly the place intended. of Mineral Combustibles or Fossil Fuel, including also notices and lo- Bibliography. ned Eigen, Wishing at length to distribute Ph ade ied ed specimens 0 ces in a more systematic way, he ha pared ished a Kaz series of specimens, seventy in nu ghia tickets and title-page, under the appellation given above. f “ih nderstand that. the sets are not on sale,—for no sum which they is ’ sou be likely to command would afford any pecuniary mip ariee 4 ¥ 1 for the | time and pains bestowed upon them,—but are intended for dis- . =. among his botanical correspondents. Having been. favored . with a copy of this valuable work, the writer wishes to record his se the value of such well-authenticated: ‘spe cimens to all students of is tag they are. many—and to state hat the. specim ens. are re- rvi, C. alopecoi ) ni eychnocephala of Carey, the ss dnaand merican representa- gs cyperoides, C., Liddonii, Y torta; of Boott, C. salina, C. a pete) cee C. Crawei. Trusting that Dr. Sartwell will continue this publication : so as to fore nish kat specimens of all our Carices, we sug ggest the propriety of adding the name of the collector to the ticket,—a point of the the loose specimens are likely. “ be distributed in | 3. Statistics of Coal; the Geographical and Geological sseision ities of the various Mineral Bituminous substances empl ed in the Arts and Maittettree: inc gti by numerous She bon irda. embracing four official reports of the gr ‘Fespective amounts of thet Prediction Faire A in all parts f the Won, rom el pibbtey ep Task Fellow of the pasha sy ete., 54 pp. elphi —The hier rant fie above work as rega ey wah tains to coal either scientifically or economically, is evident ‘above title : and it is a sufficient guatantee for its completeness curacy on all grat on which it'touches, that it received before put : Boy reas: praise at one of the meet of Geologists and Naturalists, which wa lowed by a Ae aabcripioy for copies of the work. An e: tion of the volume, now that it has appeared from the press, give still higher opinion of the talents and industry of its author, ed the at value of his labors. It meets the wants of those e ically in- ested in coal mines, by its ee oli jon and st: a mines at home and ia | rabies: ts account of the scientific history of a is met with elsewhere in any single volume. apne map of the — Bibliography. 151 e Epitte are well exhibited, and details of those of differe fills Mining anak ‘Ra vampe Coalfield tron, &e nde god oe % fields of Great Britain. ‘Then follows a scientific account of : coal regions, Gs costae with the Culm « or J acite formation | Devonshire. ‘To these ron | and Steel ; annual redudtot oh iron in Great Briain, Eom me ar America, &e. Moreover a map shows to the eye the the coal regions. The same vane wh is adopted for anions § coun- ¢ | tries, and carried out in a mi which no one vod be — er prepared than Mr. Tay icis m Malacoz or Henanaxsen, Dr. med. Cassel, 1846, vol. rey ne ae ii, 4 § 1847. To be leted in about ten numbers of _— ? peared, five focthing’ the’ first volume. volume. — Thi may be noe to the Nomenclator geen i gassiz. me vr] in conchology ; with ety: itals, | without a point between, « _ sharon fay, Double eday and ae 5 hen Cais, cig Tbe author y 3 ~ re 162 Bibliography. an et aa .—A work emanating from so nciples a ogy, hardly requires comme: high a source Fs ne. nin tet ey. 1 _ have To rine acquainted wit em ‘of, parbl. — his. lectures, and are aware of I - wide eae of. and popular mode of illustrati In th tion of this work he has had an abl . Gould ot contributor to the Transacti =r, Natural History, and at present engaged uf 2 hology for the publications of the me Es g Ex e volume is prepared for the gaps in zoological science ; it is sim- e and elementary in its style, full in it $ illustrations, comprehensive ia is ranges ns prea sed and bro i into the narrow. compass re- e annex a brief mention of ip Sphere: tin eof ology. : = fu ~ Pp es 0 meee Soret o aged apes ° - sad Fon 2g | ’ : tinct. . Pans , ' " ¥%a ¢ - Of Mslooa taqperiive sad tepdan) aa 3 ns Nutrition. é a! | the Blood and. omar tin? TE % + Sead ; — Vitl. Of Respiration a “ . , IX. of te Sores e a ‘ » X. Embryology and its Deve oti Be ge ee - _ XE Peculiar "modes oh i se ma pay : Be » XI. Metamorphoses of Animals... . | . igre mee ’ -.-XIIL,. Geographical. te: alli Animals. . , ‘ Pia Geological Succession of Animals, or ii Distt in Time i. sh (beeration on the Temple of her ad ls ch Vc F HARLES BaBpaGE, 42 pp., 8vo.—This very valuable memo a her peogdocreg ope ter he ogo thheld publication. by the aut > util of t year, when it appeared in the Journal aes ase Pees i stract has however been before the pu have ituent part of most treatises on Ge \* pcp id his observations eke arr he large craters of the moon’s»surface are ci concerning the Physical condition of rH Seber af of us sie 4 “The when the water of the ocean is comnreb —s er consideration it is an ineurinouje ae ae to. the 7 dom exc ai fatho . : nein dept have but 60 fathions a : . 7 ir Bibliography. ee x Elements of Natural Philosophy ; being an Eepegierntel I duction . 4 Study al the Physical Sciences; by Go Biro, A.M, - M.D., + F.L.S., &e. &e. With three hundred and seventy-two } afaereaig: rom the revised and enlarged niet toe London edition, Load ia Ps d. —The dese acceptable ce. ve performed. in cooing te prose edition. We observe in pee on Pola: zation, the following notice of Dr. sir genes s researches on diamagnet- ism, which we copy shea benefit of our readers :— oh a One of most. interesting contributions to science, fons we . 3 are indebted to Dr. Faraday, is the discovery of the excitement rene va ’ molecular change in certain forms of glass, tate. alcohol, es aa other substances when under the influence of the magnetic and electric forces, sufficient to cause the rotation of a polarized ray. To show this with et a piece»of flint-glass,.a, or much better, a heavy slip of fused. borate of lead 2 inches square and 0-5 inch-thick, is placed be- .- tween the poles Ns of a powerful electro-magnet, so that the line of ‘ force may pass through its hig A. ray of, light BD is hago in a vertical plane by reflexion . a piece of blackened glass p, and_ passing through the 26. ae amined at p through a Ni coy prism... So long as dere mont Bty ti. Parnas e not magnetic, the ray is trans- mitted or extinguished as usual du- ring the revolution of the prism Let this be turned so thatthe ra ray is d, and connect the wires c z with the aca the ba spears becomes magnetic and the ray becomes visible. It will be n ary to the 27 he the right to extinguish the ray which ot ae the ence developed magnetism, been made to revo olsk. If the i ole be port the observer, the ray will revolve to the right, but if this posit reversed, it will, Tprolye!to the left. i When a pa tube is filled with water and placed in the axis of a . long b elix of wire traversed by a corak from a battery of ten pairs of plates, the water assumes | power over a rectiinery , turning it to the rif it or the left, reepran tae to the direc- ix. with water and the helix traversed by t Seameragt im: Bg in it, the water: in the centre of : helix will alone exert any action on a transm | ray, that. etween the exterior F of the coil and th By of the tube ce’ no rotatory power. “piece | of borate of ea los placed in the helix ix acquires’ wer pai ly glass araday communicated ~ temporari to the aa ee ate : rope al and oil of tur- Bibliography. - the study of Meteorology s by Davin P. oF sil 08 re ackwood & Sons, London.—We are in- ee a letter dated Wrenbury, Nantwich, Ma 48, that Dr. a on Meteorology is in prune on appear, — C. M. r plates. Wien (Vienna), ‘Aug., 184 1847.—This volume D mibiéntibc ent is published we subscription, the list being headed by his maje Aart of —— It is prepared | pe 8 the able Ration of. Hai dinger, -well known by his various minera ~ publi | iv tranlation of Mobs ’s s Treatise on | Mineral- “es % FL WeRosst.. New ‘Speier ofArechnide in the K. K. musev Fi gee Pe are® v. sire On fossil Cephalopoda tow Bleiberg in Carin FR. . at aoe. hytanrof the bile’ of i p 3.) ej Endop H. Sr. poor ry New species of Leafy M sei from the Car | seiko ‘p. 47. bi Hawincer. On gon ee imitative of steal: Pp. 65. - W. Harpinezr. On. Aspasiolite, as peer of Cordierite, with remarks on Metamorphism sate 19. G. Gorn. On a Hailstorm in Steiermark. 93 ; with remarks on the same, by W. Haidinger: p. 96. my ae W. Hane * A. PaTera. © Chemica exa p. 107, 2 . V. HavER oe EFFLEUR. i } — influence ef thé Rotation > pyshOxn soe ea a af xozr. On yim of faces of Crystals p- 148. an Lewitt of Agnasin: te the linear: integration of Dien equations i Re Maen: _New Cephalopoda from the Sea of Marmora: | a * 4 hye p. 257. "KER Hasncenscsonr. Description of: a Species’ of Oguri “4. ¥, Partitos Geological sketch of “the T District of Kremnite p. 289. : : Aw, Monier. On Dolomite and its-relation in “es fe spar : ' . B05. . os Se age i , — F. Srvony. Meteorological Observations: A. Lows. On the Arsenical Neil ¢ Sctidaig and Pack dorf : Bs 343. * The author shows that the rm is ia oad, and gives fine tant many measurments. 5 a eld * inekoes p. ped. is sae + Bibliography. wal 155 Fr. R. v. Haver. On, _the Fossils of Korod in Siebenbiirgen : p. 349, J. Barranpe. On the Brashiopaca of the Silurian Rocks of Bohe- mia: p. 357—475; with nine crowded quarto plates. 10. Berichte uber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissen- schafien in Wien. This Bulletin is from the “Friends of Beience” i in Vienna, and is published under the direction of M. W. Haidinger. A second volume was issued in 1847, including proceedings from Nov., 1846 to June, 1847. L. C. Becx : Botany of the United Stetes, new ed. 1 vol. 12 mo. Wew York, 1348. Re & : Researches on the ery! of Food, and the motion of the Juices in the Anivnal Body, Amer. ed. ork, 1848. 50 cts. E and ae Bride hilelgne’ Monuments of the Mississippi Val- ley, eaiapeeh ba Fike ults of extensive original surveys and explorations; 4to, with numerous slogans ‘ffiaintiona, In the press, New York. Published by the Smithsonian Institutio ICKLAND. ne A. G. Muxyx tte: The Natural History and Osteology e Dodo solitaria, and other extinct birds of the islands Rodriguez, Mauritius, _ one 1 ee course of | he NKE AND PFEIFFER : ‘cena fi ‘for Malakozoologie, i iv. Jabrg. 1847. (12 -Thir.15 s er OCKER : Generu m et specierum mineralium secundum ordines natu- Piles digestoram Synopsis. 8 maj. cart. Halle. 2 Thir . . Fournet : nes = Gesteine, nachgeweisen i in den westlichen Al- pen ; 1 taf, a ber ne F,. RamMet rittes , ‘Supplement 2 zu dem Handwarterbinch der chem. Th. “der Shccahegs, "Fipibers: . FReistepes ¢ Von fs ov der Silbererze in Bechechi Frattery. 2 This, Also dig Sachs: Exzgiinge in Jocaler u. Systemat. Reihe st 3 pe Thr. 15 er. pon vorkommen der Gold und Quecksilbererze in Sachsen. B. Cotta: “ere Karte von Thuringen. Secs. 2 and 3, imp. fo., 15s. 64. ; Secs. 1:3. 245. 6 . GMELIN: Handbu ch der Chemie, 4th edit., 8v 3Lon ; Elemens de Chimie organique, comprenant les _ rll de cette science = la physilogie animale; 2 vols. vO. 15 WwW 8 us von WALTERSHAUSEN : Physich. meet: Skizze von Island, mit besond. Racksicht ps ae . Erscheinungen. "A stronomie stellaire ; ye voie lactée sur la distance des eroies a vO. gE & E. rises —Cours de chimie générale, with an atlas of 46 plates. Paris, 1848. Ovyraces sur te Bre SPix AND von Mannie; Reise in ge in den Jahren 1817-1820, with ~ atlas of 40 panes of views, and 8 cha besides two sheets of music. 3 vols. hy -, and an acted volume on A Me aphy, 40 pp.; 1823-1831. ann tion Velin. mperial in n fol., 285 frs.; in 4to, 216 frs. ' Martius : Die »hysiognoinie des. Planzenreiches in Brasilien: 1624, firs Die Thiere und Soecren. des tropischen America. 1837. tg Rotindlinde r den Urein wohnern Brasiliens. Ft, with an Pilea chart. 7 _ Part rQuE.—J, El aoa d J. B. de Spix: entum brasilensiom species Soa: bdr: in small my new eifitiog of te, 18 1840. Avium species nove, &o.; 2 vols. in small follo; i, pp. 90, 104 col. plates; i, PP. “2 uy gy: bai opel Species nove Lacertarum ; in smal! folio, 26 pp. “and 98 colored BP ohag % e. J. B. de ecies’ nove Testadinum et Ranarum, &e., folio, 53 pp., with 39 colored co 98 frs. . ee Pp- 156 # - = Bibliography. J, B. de Spiz, L. A, saat iz and: C. » de Martius: Selecta genera et species Piscium, &c., in-small folio, 138 pp., 56 colored pani 1827. 249 frs. ix, gner Schrank and von Martius: Testacea, &c., in small folio, 36 i i th erty and .von Martius: Delectus Animalium ariiculetorum, &c., in small 1834. 164 : Nova acuul et species plantarum, o $e. A vols. 2 piel folio, with 300 colored plates. 798 frs. nes Plantarum ee amicarum, 1 vol. in small folio, 138 pp. 1827-1834 a a: © 4 > yd S pet 76 colored pats men pare Medice Bilslionss. Specimen I, Emetica; in Ato, with 9 i “7824. “ne and Mohl : Palmar genera et species, &c. 1823-1845. 220 plates. 1164 frs. . ad i 35 Martius : Flora Brasiliensis, sive enumeratio plantarum, &c. Fascieuli ee © j-ix, ry f 8 ———:: Systema Maser. ledic ce” Vexdtatiuis ers ie 1843. 8yvo. 4 frs. whet Ser. Part LAD.» iv, No.2; Ap. 1 . p- 36, Habits of some Alrican epi 5 T.S. Savage. Ap. 25. p40. G shinies of the Wirehitt Opos- ‘ my; J. —p:47. A new genus an —_ +3 ossi! Ruminantoi ermata receipe Culbertsonii), with a ate Teor Amer. Pui. Soc., Puitan., yol.v, te. 1848, ,p- 51. delet * on - "Pre . Peirce:—p. 16. the pet, i star a occultation upon Kk of the moo n; S. 8, Haldeman.—April 21, p. 20. Exe ie births di dinised by cholera Dr. Emerson. me 20: Ephemeris of* ¢ Nept une ; ha or Tur Soc. Gebii: DE Li def 2d. Ser., Témé il. —First and second rts. retaceous formation southw t, north, and a of the congal ot of ton a (with 3 so baer ore views and sections; D’ar ng ee ya of the aor = of sections); J, Delbos.—On the fossils of “Tourtia Cok 1D pte) ae pes Scr. Nar. Paris. ” OCTOBER, 1847: Arvicola fivatia; “€ Fibevaansarsiia of Southern France ; P. ” Gervais —F oss i} mamm iia ‘of aralne. . = . es. % , os : 1 ais and Marcel de Se inization of the Génus Galeodes, a ty, ong the eT : d.—Connection between - tg ment of the hair “p Rd A iris and oh i of hearing in certain 3 biopoda + - ie on: the Gutta Pereha ag ‘the plant rad it; 03-—Figh, ae sof Alia um, niet oe Al 5 J. Gay.— ete livia; J. Reney—Cellulose, is it the basis of all-v “vegeta rt © cbr NOVEMBER, 13847. On the Britiopode amtinel); 26 anization fthe Vermes (continued) ; E. Blanchar lulose Nephineys H: Mohl.— ba i. ya of adventitious buds; 4. “Tvécal On the pith of il plage ‘ Arcuiv rin Natu bee ate RN ‘Berlin, Tarn Herr , 1847. On the Naiads pet | F. H. Trosc nsect larves: ; W.P. Erichson.—Review of publications on malia and birds p che year 1846.—Fimst Herr, 1848. On the process of sub- division } in’ the egg o soni ; F. Miller —Natural. history of the “ Blasenwarmér” Cysticercus tenn nd is 8, etc.) ; R. Leuckart-—T wo new species of Helminthes ; R. Leuckart.—On rf > eculiar air canal in pce ‘et Ai? ine ; A. Krohin.—New An- nelida ; E. Grube.—Orches Sb Ww Species from the Baltic ; ; “fs tea the mode Pe increa ae ph Chlerog Grdago ihe euchlorum, Ebr. se se F. ? ecies 0 Satin te 4 —Letter on an original figure of the ae ia ae of Roland we. ‘re Sa in “the Be wo ate, at Vienna; L.. J. er.—On the of U nia; b: 5 ode with remarks by J. Colbais, ws uy —e bf THE : AMERICAN 4 € JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. [SECOND SERIES.] * Are. XI. —On the Indian Archipelago.* * Cok innumerable islands. That there is a real and not pine a fan- eiful connexion between the Archipelago and Asia is demonstra- ble, although, when we endeavor to trace its history, we are soon lost in the region of speculation. So obvious is this connexion that it has been a constant source of excitement to the imagina- bes which, in the traditions of the natives and in the hypotheses of Europeans, has sought its origin in an earlier graphical unity. Certainly, if, in the progress of the clevatory and depress- ing movements which the region is probably undergoing — now, the land were raised but a little, we should see shallow se dried up, the mountain ranges of Sumatra, Borneo, and Tava become continental like those of the Peninsula, and great rivers flowing not only in the Straits of Malacca, whose current early navigators mistook for that of an inland stream, but through the wide valley of the China Sea, and by the deep and narrow Strait of Sunda into the Indian Ocean. Thus the unity would become geographical, which is now only geological. That the great * From the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, for Jy, 1847, Scorn Series, Vol. VI, No, 17.—Sept., 1848. 2 | ‘Gade 158 e On the Indian Archipelago. duced it, would possess; the mountain ranges which form the latter sink into it irregularly in the lines of the longitudinal axes ; —in one zone, that of the Peninsula, the connexion is an actua geographical one ;—the Peninsula is obviously continued in the ; dense clusters of islands and rocks, stretching on the parallel of ie its elevation and of the strike of its sedimentary rocks, from Sin- gapore to Banka, and almost touches Sumatra, the mountain ranges of which are, notwithstanding, parallel to it ;—Borneo and Celebes appear to represent the broader or eastern branch of the Indo-Chinese Peninsula, from which they are separated by the area of the China Sea, supposed to be sinking; and finally, nearly the whole Archipelago is surrounded by a great volcanic which it is geographically connected are really united, at this day, into one geological region by a still vigorous power of plutonic expansiveness, no longer, to appearance, forming hypogene eleva- tions, but expending itself chiefly in the numerous volcanic vents along the borders where it sinks into the depths of the ocean. Whether the present platform ever rose above the level of the sea and surrounded the now insular eminences with vast undula- ting plains of vegetation, instead of a level expanse of water, we shall not here seek to decide, although we think that Raffles and others who have followed in his steps too hastily connected the there was, had subsided before they came into existence. No conclusive reasons have yet been adduced why we would con- sider the islands of the Archipelago as the summits of a partially submerged, instead of a partially emerged, continent. But whether it was the sinking of the continent that deluged all the southern lowlands of Asia, leaving only the mountain summits visible, or its elevation that was arrested by the exhaustion of the plutonic energy, or the conversion of its upheaving into an eject- ing action, on the opening of fractures along the outskirts of the region, before the feebler action there had brought the sea bed | into contact with the atmosphere, the result has been to form an ¥ ee On the Indian Archipelago. 159 expanse of shallow seas and islands elsewhere unequalled in the world, but perhaps not greater in proportion to the wide conti- nental shores, and the vast bulk of dry land in front of which it is spread out, than other archipelagos are to the particular coun- tries, or continental sections, with which they are connect The forms and positions of these islands bear an older ‘date than that of any limited subsidence or elevation of the region after its formation. They were determined by the same forces which originally caused the platform itself to swell up above the deep floor of the southern ocean: and it was one prolonged act of the subterranean power to raise the Himalayas into the aérial level of perpetual snow, to spread out the submarine bed on 2 which the rivers were afterwards to pile the hot plains of — and to mould the surface of the southern region, so that w it rose above, or sunk into the sea to certain levels, the ibe influences of air and sea and land sliould be so balanced, that while the last drew from the first a perennial ripeness and beauty of summer, it owed to the second a perennial freshness and fe- cundity of spring. Hence it is, that in the Archipelago, while the bank of black mud daily overflowed by the tides is hidden beneath a dense forest, and the polypifer has scarcely reared its tower to the sea’s surface before it is converted into a green are the granitic rocks of the highest plutonic summits and the sm sm of voleanic oe rise from amidst equally luxuri hed more varied, vegeta Certainly, the most powerfully: im- edire of all the clitracieiaes of the Achipelago is its botani- cal exuberance, which has exercised the greatest influence on the world. Land and ocean are ensigely eocninal ne! islands are disjoined by narrow straits, which, in the case of those of Sunda, lead at once into the smooth waters and green level shores of the interior from the rugged and turbulent outer coast, which would otherwise have opposed to us an unbroken wall more than two thousand miles in length. We pass from one mediterranean sea to another, now through groups of islets so small that we encounter many in an hour, and presently along the coasts of those so large that we might be months in oe navigating them. Even in crossing the widest of the Haste seas, when the last green speck has sunk beneath the Sotacns, the mariner knows that a circle drawn with a radius of two days’ sail would touch more land than water, and even that, if the eye were raised to a suflicient height, while the eames he lg 160 On the Indian Archipelago. would reappear on the one side, new shores would be seen on almost every other. But it is the wonderful freshness and green- ness in which, go where he will, each new island is enveloped, that impresses itself on his senses as the great distinctive charac- ter of the region. The equinoctial warmth of the air, tempered and moistened by a constant evaporation, and purified by period- ical winds, seems to be imbued with penetrating life-giving virtue, under the influence of which even the most barren rock becomes fertile. Hence those groups of small islands which sometimes environ the larger ones like clusters of satellites, or mark where their ranges pursue their course beneath the sea, often appear, in _ particular states of the atmosphere, when a zone of white quiv- ering light surrounds them and obliterates their coasts, to be dark umbrageous gardens floating on a wide lake, whose gleam- ing surface would be too dazzling were it not traversed by the shadows of the clouds, and covered by the breeze with an inces- sant play of light and shade. Far different from the ~placid beauty of such scenes is the effect of the mountain domes and peaks which elsewhere rise against the sky. In these the voy- ager sees the grandeur of European mountains repeated, but with all that is austere or savage transformed into softness and beauty. The snow and glaciers are replaced by a mighty forest, which fills every ravine with dark shade, and arrays every peak and ridge in glancing light. ven the peculiar beauties which the summits of the Alps borrow from the atmosphere are some- times displayed. The Swiss, gazing on the lofty and majestic form of a volcanic mountain, is astonished to behold, at the rising of the sun, the peaks inflamed with the same rose-red glow which the snowy summits of Mount Rosa and Mount Blanc reflect at its setting, and the smoke wreaths, as they ascend from the cra- ter into mid-air, shining in golden hues like the clouds of heaven.* serene in their beauty and magnificent as these moun- tains generally appear, they hide in their bosoms elements of the highest terrestrial sublimity and awe, compared with whose appalling energy, not only the bursten lakes and the rushing ava- lanches of the Alps, but the most devastating explosions of Vesu- vius or Etna, cease to terrify the imagination. When we look upon the ordinary aspects of these mountains, it is almost im- possible to believe the geological story of their origin, and if our senses yield to science, they tacitly revenge themselves by placing in the remotest past the era of such-convulsions as it relates. But the nether powers though imprisoned are not subdued. The same tellurie energy which piled the mountain from the ocean - Zollinger in describing Mount Semiré in Java, notices this singular resem- | to the mountains of his native country. On the Indian Archipelago. 161 to the clouds, even while we gaze in silent worship on its glori- ous form, is silently gathering in its dark womb, and time speeds on to the day, whose coming science can neither foretell nor pre- vent, when the mountain is rent; the solid foundations of the whole region are shaken ; the earth is opened to vomit forth de- stroying fires upon the living beings who dwell upon its surface, or closed to engulf them; the forests are deluged by lava, or withered by sulphureous vapors ; the sun sets at noonday behind the black smoke which thickens over the sky, and spreads far and wide, raining ashes throughout a circuit hundreds of miles in diameter ; till it seems to the superstitious native that the fiery abodes of the voleanic dewas are disemboweling themselves, pos- sessing the earth, and blotting out the heavens. 'The living remnants of the generation whose doom it was to inhabit Sum- bawa in 1815 could tell us that this picture is but a faint tran- seript of the reality, and that our imagination can never conceive the dreadful spectacle which still appalls their memories. Fortu- nately these awful explosions of the earth, which to man convert nature into thé supernatural, occur at.rare intervals; and though scarcely a year elapse without some volcano bursting into action, the greater portion of the Archi hipelago being more than once shaken, and even the ancient granitic floor of the Peninsula trem- bling beneath us, this terrestrial instability has ordinarily no worse effect than to dispel the illusion that we tread upon a solid globe, to convert the physical romance of geological history inte the familiar associations of our own lives, and to unite the events of the passing hour with those which first fitted the world for the habitation of man. e have spoken of the impression which the exterior beauty of the Archipelago makes upon the voyager, and the fearful change which sometimes comes over it, when the sea around him is hidden beneath floating ashes mingled with the charred a of the noble forests which had clothed the mountain ; but, hurried though we are from one part of our slight skbecks to another, we cannot leave the vegetation of this great region without looking upon it more closely. he full charms, however, of the forests of the Archipelago,—which is to speak of the Archipelago itself, for the greater portion of it is at this moment, as’ the whole of it once was, clothed to the water’s edge with trees,—we must animate their solitudes with the tribes which dwell there in freedom, ranging through their boundless shade as unconscious of the presence of man, and as unwitting of his dominion, as they were thousands years ago, when he did not dream that the er held —— creatures - en we pass from the open sea of the Arc Sa - shade of its mountain ja we have val ad. the 162 On the Indian Archipelago. Europe, our fancies ever pictured of the wildness and beauty of primeval nature. ‘Trees of gigantic forms and exuberant foliage rise on every side; each species shooting up its trunk to its utmost measure of development, and striving, as it seems, to es- cape from the dense crowd. Others, as if no room were left for 4 them to grow in the ordinary way, emulate the shapes and mo-— tions of serpents, enwrap their less pliant neighbors in their folds, twine their branches into one connected canopy, or hang down, here loose and swaying in the air, or in festoons from tree to tree, and there stiff and rooted like the yards which support the mast of aship. No sooner has decay diminished the green array of a branch, than its place is supplied by epiphytes, chiefly fragrant Orchidacez, of singular and beautiful forms. While the eye in vain seeks to familiarize itself with the exuberance and diversity of the forest vegetation, the ear drinks in the sounds of life which break the silence and deepen the solitude. Of these, while the interrupted notes of birds, loud or low, rapid or long- drawn, cheerful or plaintive, and ranging over a greater or less musical compass, are the most pleasing, the most constant are ose of insects, which sometimes rise into a shrill and deafening clangor; and the most impressive, and those which bring out all | the wildness and loneliness of the scene, are the prolonged com- plaining cries of the ankas, which rise, loud and more loud, till the twilight air is filled with the clear, powerful and melancholy sounds. As we penetrate deeper into the forest, its animals, few at any one place, are soon seen to be, in reality, numerous and varied. Green and harmless snakes hang like tender branches. Others of deeper and mingled colors, but less innocuous, lie coil- ed up, or, disturbed by the human intruder, assume an angry and dangerous look, but glide out of sight. Insects in their shapes sizes and colors, spring from branch to branch, or, in long trains, —— steal up the trunks. Deer, and amongst them the grace- ful palandoh, no bigger than a hare and celebrated in Malayan poetry, on our approach fly startled from the pools which they and the wild hog most frequent. Lively squirrels, of: different Species, are everywhere met with. Amongst a great variety of endless variety of fragile and richly colored shells not only lie empty on the sandy beaches, but are tenanted by Pagurian crabs, — which, in clusters, batten on every morsel of fat seaweed that has been left by the retiring waves. The coasts are fringed with > a F “a pre from oue island to another were ited and and ; On the Indian Archipelago. 163 living rocks of beautiful colors, and shaped like stars, flowers, s and other symmetrical forms. Of multitudes of peculiar fishes which inhabit the seas, the dugong, or Malayan mermaid, most attracts our wonder ore we leave this part of our subject, we would assure any European reader who may suspect that we have in aught written too warmly of the physical beauty of the Archipelago, that the same nature which, in the West, only reveals her highest and most prodigal terrestrial beauty to the imagination of the poet, as here ungirdled herself, and given her wild and glowing charms, in all their fullness, to the eye of day. The ideal has here passed into _ ary The few botanists who have visited this region declar t from the multitude of its noble trees, odorous and Sonuiful smite and wonderful vegetable forms of all sorts, it 1s inconceivable in its magnificence, luxuriance pi variety. The zoologists, in their turn, bear testimony to the rare, curious, varied and important animals which inhabit it, and the number and character of those already known is such as to justify one of the most me of the day in expressing his belief, that ‘no region on the face of the earth would furnish more novel, splendid, or Sxaicntlinady forms than the unexplored islands in the eastern range of the Indian Archipelago.’ Hitherto we have faintly traced the permanent influence of the physical configuration of the Archipelago in tempering the intertropical heat, regulating the monsoons, determining the dis tribution of plants and animals, and giving to the whole region its peculiar character of softness and exuberant beauty. But when its rock foundations were laid, the shadow of its future human, as well as natural, history spread over them. Its primal physical architecture, in diminishing the extent of dry land, has increased the variety in the races who inhabit it ; while the min- eralogical constitution of the insulated elevations, the manne which they are dispersed throughout its seas, and all the shbcaks and botanical consequences, have affected them in innumera- ble modes. Again, as we saw that the platform of the Archi- pelago is but an extension of the great central mass of Asia, and that the direction of the subterranean forces had determined the prac of the land, so we find that its population is but an exten- of foe “Asiatic oS and that the direction of nie g Ls al “wandering of small parties or wires fa 164 On the Indian Archipelago. such as were inhabited, must for a long period have remained secluded from all others, save when a repetition of similar acci- dents added a few more units to the human denizens of the forests. , We cannot here attempt to retrace in the most concise manner the deeply interesting history of the tribes of the Archipelago, so exciting from the variety of its elements, and its frequent, though not impenetrable, mystery. We can but distinguish the two great eras into which it divides itself:—that, at the commence- ment of which some of the inhabitants of the table-land of Asia having slowly traversed the southeastern valleys and ranges, a work perhaps of centuries, appear on the confines of the Archi- pelago, no longer nomades of the plains but of the jungles, with all the changes in ideas, habits and language which such trans- formation implies, and prepared by their habits to give rise, under the influences of their new position, to the nomades of the sea ;— and the second era, that, at the commencement of which the forest and pelagic nomades, scattered over the interior and along the shores of the island of the Archipelago, in numerous petty tribes, each with some peculiarities in its habits and language, but all bearing a family resemblance, were discovered in their sol- itudes by the earliest navigators from the civilized nations of the continent. The ensuing, or what, although extending over a period of about two: thousand years, we may term the modern history of the Archipelago, first exhibits the Klings from southern India,—who - were a civilized mariti ople probably three thousand years ago, —frequenting the islands for their peculiar productions, awakemng a taste for their manufactures in the inhabitants, settling amongst them, introducing their arts and religion, partially communicating these and a little of their manners and habits to their disciples, but neither by much intermarriage altering their general physical character, nor by moral influence obliterating their ancient super- stitions, their comparative simplicity and robustness of character, and their freedom from the effeminate vanity which probably then, y recent communities 4 On the Indian Archipelago. 165 which Indians and Arabs have exerted on his race, he remains, physically and morally, in all the broader and deeper traits of na- ture, what he was when he first entered the Archipelago; and even on his manners, usages and habits, influenced as they have been, his distinctive original character is still very obviously im- presse We cannot do more than allude to the growth of population and civilization in those localities which, from their extent of fer- tile soil or favorable commercial position, rose into eminence, and became the seats of powerful nations. But it must be borne in mind, that, although these localities were varied and wide-spread, they occupied but a small portion of the entire surface of the Ar- thipelago, and that the remainder continued to be thinly inhab- ited by uncivilized tribes, communities, or wandering families. Prevented, until a very recent date, by stubborn prejudices and. tions have not directly affected them at all ; and the indirect op- eration of the new power, and mercantile ‘and political policies which they introduced, has been productive very little good. While, on the one hand, "the native industry and trade have been stimulated by increased demand and by the freedom enjoyed in the English ports, they have, on the other hand, been subjected by the Portuguese, English and Dutch, to a series of despotic restraints, extending over a period of three hun- dred years; and, within the range of the last nation’s influence, continued, however modified, to this hour: which far more than eeemacrbolanoe all the advantages that can be placed in the oppo- site scale. The effect of the successive immigrations, revolutions and ad- mixtures which we have indicated or alluded to, has been, that there are now in the Archipelago an extraordinary number of ra- ces, differing in color, habits, civilization and language, and liv- ing under forms of government and laws, or customs, exhibiting the greatest variety. The same cause which isolated the abori- gines into numerous distinct tribes and kept them separate,—the exuberant vegetation of the islands,—has resisted the influence, so far as it was originally amalgamating, of every successive for- eign cixiligetion that has dominated ; and the aboriginal nomades of the jungle and the sea, in their unchanged habits and mode of life, reveal to their European contemporary the condition of their race at a time when his own forefathers were as rude and far more savage. The more bilvilined races, after attaining a certain meas- ure of advancement, have been separated by their acquired hab- its from yo unaltered races, and have too often turned their su- _periority into the ee of oppressing, and thereby more com- - pletely i Saraiboning in the barbarism of the jungles, such of them Szcoyp Serigs, Vol. VI, *e 17.—Sept., 1848. ciel AE 166 On the Indian Archipelago. as lived in their proximity. So great is the diversity of tribes, that if a dry catalogue of names suited the purpose of this sketch, we could not afford space to enumerate them. But, viewing hu- man life in the Archipelago as a general contemplation, we may recall a few of the broader peculiarities which would be most likely to dwell on the memory after leaving the region In the hearts of the forests we meet man scantily covered with the bark of a tree, and living on wild fruits, which he seeks with the agility of the monkey, ‘and wild animals, which he tracks with the keen eye and scent of a beast of prey, and slays with a isoned arrow projected froma hollow bambi by his breath. In lonely creeks and straits we see him in a small boat, which is his cradle, his house, and his bed of death; which gives him all the shelter he ever needs, and enables him to seize the food which always surrounds him. On plains, and on the banks of rivers, we see the civilized planter converting the moist flats into rice- fields, overshadowing his neat cottage of bambi, nibong and palm leaves, with the graceful and bounteous cocoa-nut, and surroun- ding it with fruits, the variety and flavor of which European lux- ury might envy, and often with fragrant flowering trees and shrubs which the greenhouses of the West do not possess. Where the land is not adapted for wet rice, he pursues a system of husbandry which the pate of Europe would view with as- tonishment. ‘Too indolent to collect fertilizing appliances, and well-aware that the soil will not yield two successive crops 0 rice, he takes but one, after having felled and burnt the forest ; and he then leaves nature, during a ten years’ fallow, to accumu- late manure for his second crop in the vegetable matter elabora- ted by the new forest that springs up. Relieved from the care of his om he ssepbirice the — for ratans, canes, timber, fra- grant woods, oils, wax, gums, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, dyes, eamphor, wild ease the ies of the elephant, the horn and hide of the rhinoceros, the skin of the tiger, parrots, birds of par- adise, argus pheasants, and materials for mats, roofs, baskets and receptacles of various kinds. If he lives near the coast, he col- lects fish, fish maws, an roes, slugs (trepang), seaweed (avaragar) % tortoise-shell, rare corals and mother-of-pearl. To the eastward, great fishing ees are annually made to the shores of ‘Australia for trepang. In many parts, pepper, coffee, or betel-nut, to a large extent, and tobacco, ginger, and other articles, to a considerable ex- tent, are cultivated. Where the Hirundo esculenta i is found, the rocks are climbed and the caves explored for its costly edible nest. In different parts of the Archipelago the soil is dug for tin, antimo- ny, iron, gold, or diamonds. The more civilized nations make cloths and weapons, not only for their own use but for expay tion. ‘The traders, including the Rajahs, purchase the co ties which we have mentioned, dispose of them to the European, _ On the Indian Archipelago. 167 Chinese, Arab, or Kling navigator who visits their shores, or send them in their own vessels to the markets of Singapore, Ba- tavia, Samarang, Manilla, and Macassar. In these are gathered all the products of the Archipelago, whether such as the native inhabitants procure by their unassisted industry, or such as de- mand the skill and capital of the European or Chinese for their cultivation or manufacture; and amongst the latter, nutmegs, cloves, sugar, indigo, sago, gambier, tea, and the partially cultiva- ted cinnamon and cotton. ‘To these busy marts, the vessels of the first maritime people of the Archipelago, the Bugis, and those of many Malayan communities, bring the produce of their own countries, and that which they have collected from neighboring ands, or from the wild tribes, to furnish cargoes for the ships of Europe, America, Arabia, India, Siam, China, and Australia. ‘To the bazaar of the Eastern Seas, commerce brings representatives of every industrious nation of the Archipelago, and of every mar- itime people in the civilized world. Although, therefore, cultivation has made comparatively little impression on the vast natural, vegetation, and the inhabitants are devoid of that unremitting laboriousness which distinguishes the Chinese and European, the Archipelago, in its industrial aspect, presents an animated and varied scene. ‘The industry of man, when civilization or over-poptiation has not destroyed the natu- ral balance of life, must ever be the complement of the bounty of nature. The inhabitant of the Archipelago is as energetic and laborious as nature requires him to be; and he does not con- vert the world into a workshop, as the Chinese and the Kling im- migrants do, because his world is not like theirs, darkened with the pressure of crowded population and over-competition, nor 1s his desire to accumulate wealth excited and goaded by the con- trast of splendour and luxury on the one hand and penury on the other, by the pride and assumptions of wealth and station, and the humiliations of poverty and dependence. While in the volcanic soils of Java, Menangkabat and Celebes, of Borneo and Johore, from the numerous islands between Sing- apore and Banka, and from other parts of the Archipelago, pirat- = 168 On the Indian Archipelago. ical expeditions, less formidable than those of the Lanuns of Su- lu, are year after year fitted out. No coast is so thickly peopled, and no harbor+so well protected, as to be secure from all moles- tation, for where open force would be useless, recourse is had to stealth and stratagem. Men have been kidnapped in broad day in the harbors of Pinang and Singapore. Several inhabitants of Province Wellesley, who had been carried away from their hou- ses through the harbor of Pinang and down the Straits of Ma- lacca to the southward, were recently discovered by the Dutch authorities living in a state of slavery, and restored to their homes. But the ordinary abodes of the pirates themselves are not always at a distance from the European settlements. As the thug of Bengal: is only known in hisown village as a peaceful peasant, so the pirate, when not absent on an expedition, appears in the river, and along the shores and islands of Singapore, as an hon- est boatman or fisherman. bot When we turn from this brief review of the industry of the Archipelago, and its great internal enemy, to the personal and so- cial condition of the inhabitants, we are struck by the mixture of simplicity and art, of rudeness and refinement, which character- izes all the principal nations. No European has ever entered in- to free and kindly intercourse with them, without being much more impressed by their virtues than their faults. They contrast most favorably with the Chinese and the Klings in their moral characters ; and although they do not, like those pliant races, readily adapt themselves to the requirements of foreigners, in their proper sphere they are intelligent, shrewd, active, and, when need is, laborious. Comparing them even with the general con- dition of many civilized nations of far higher ‘pretensions, our estimate must be favorable. eir manners are distinguished by a mixture of courtesy and freedom which is very attractive. Even the poorest while frank are well-bred, and, exeluding the communities that are corrupted by piracy or a mixture with Eu- ropean seamen and low Chinese and Klings, we never see an im- pudent air, an insolent look, or any exhibition of immodesty, or hear coarse, abusive or indecent language. In their mutual in- tercourse they are respectful, and while good-humored and open, habitually reflective and considerate. ‘They are much given to amusements of various kinds, fond of music, poetry and roman- ces, and in their common conversation addicted to sententious re- marks, proverbs, and metrical sentiments or allusions. To the first impression of the European, the inhabitants, like the vege- tation and animals of the Archipelago, are altogether strange, be- cause the characteristics in which they differ from those to which we are habituated, affect the senses more vividly than those im which they agree. For atime the color, features, dress, manners and habits which we see and the languages which we hear are those On the Indian Archipelago. 169 of a new world. But with the fresh charms, the exaggerated impressions also of novelty wear away; and then, retracing our steps, we wonder that people so widely separated from the na- | tions of the West, both geographically and historically, and real- >> ly differing so much in their outward aspect, should, in their more latent traits, so much resemble them. 'The nearer we come to the inner spirit of humanity, the more points of agreement ap- pear, and this not merely in the possession of the universal attri- butes of human nature, but in specific habits, usages, and su- perstitions. , What at first seems stranger still is, that when we seek the na- tive of the Archipelago in the mountains of the interior, where he has lived for probably more than two thousand years secluded from all foreign influenee, and where we expect to fr all the differences at their maximum, wwe are sometimes astonished to find him approximating most closely of all to the European. In the Jakan, for instance, girded though his loins are with terap bark, and armed as he is with his sumpitan and poisoned arrows, we recognize the plain and clewnish manners and simple ideas of the uneducated peasant in the more secluded parts of European countries; and when he describes how, at his merry-makings, his neighbors assemble, the arrack tampui flows around an dance, in which both sexes mingle, is prolonged, till each seats himself on the ground with his partner on his knee and his bam- bi of arrack by his side, when the dance gives place to song, we ‘are forcibly reminded of the free and jovial, if rude, manners of the lower rural classes of the West. Freed from the repellant prejudices and artificial trappings of Hindu and Mahomedan civ- ilization, we see in the man of the Archipelago moye that is akin than the reverse to the unpolished man of Europe. When we turn to the present political condition of the Archi- pelago, we are struck by the contrast which it presents to that which characterized it three or four centuries ago. ‘The mass of - the people, it is true, in all their private relations, remain in near- ly the same state in which they were found by the earliest Euro- - pean voyagers, and in which they had existed for many centuries 170 T. S. Hunt on the Anomalies presented tions of some: Their pride has fallen. Their living literature is gone, with the power, the wars, and the glory which inspired it. 'The day has departed when Singapore could be invaded by Javanese,—when Johore could extend its dominion to Borneo on the one side and Sumatra on the other,—when the fleets of Acheen and Malacca could encounter each other in the Straits to dispute the dominion of the Eastern Seas,—when the warrants of the Sultan of Menangkabai were as potent over the Malayan nations as the bulls of Rome ever were over those of Christendom,— daughters of the emperors of Majapahit in marriage. The Mal- ayan pice a the present day, retaining all the feudal attach- me ble vent for the assertion of their freedom from restraint and the gratification of their self-will, have almost everywhere sunk into indolent debauchees and greedy monopolists, and, incited by their own rapacity and that of the courtiers who surround them, drain and paralyze the industry of their people. Art. XIII.—On the Anomalies presented in the Atomic Volume of Sulphur and Nitrogen; with remarks on Chemical Clas- sification, and a notice of M. Laurent’s Theory of Binary Molecules ; by 'T. 8. Hunr, of the Geol. Commission of Can- ada. (In a letter to one of the Editors.) Tur similarity of funetions enjoyed by oxygen and sulphur, is now generally recognized by chemists. It is known that sulphur may replace oxygen, equivalent for equivalent, and produce com- generally the same atomic volume, and their vapors consequently the same combining measure. mm, the Atomic Volume of Sulphur and Nitrogen. 171 If with the French chemists we divide the ae alents - ~ drogen, chlorine and the metals by 2, and \ @: We. forur water, H, O or H, O,, their t combining sialaies Wil bi a same as that of oxygen. But if we look at the volume of sulphur, we find an exception to this deine the specific gravity of its vapor is 6654, while that of oxygen gas is 1-1057. Talking the combi- ning volume of -oxygen as unity, that of sulphur is }, and while the volume of the atom of oxygen (= the atomic weight divided by the ore is “a shoe by 7-2354, that of — is found to be 2:4045. s fact with a similar one in the history of ni- trogen, has ware a an unexplained difficulty-in the way of ad- mitting that the combining volumes of all the elements should be identical. In an attempt towards a system of chemical Rear goa some suggestions have arisen which will, I think, enable us t explain satisfactorily this apparent anomaly. Rejecting the Bh ideas of electro-negative and electro-positive relations, as not only base- less but erroneous in their tendency, I consider with MM. Ger- -— and Laurent, that each class of compounds is derived from mal species or primitive type by successive substitutions. This poe I have endeavored to extend both by the formation of new classes, and by enlarging our views of substitutions, In considering such combinations as SO, and Se O,, which contain three equivalents of the elements of ‘the oxygen group, it was necessary to admit a normal species which should be.a pe- lymere of oxygen, and be represented by O,=(OOO). The re- placement of one ps ee of oxygen by one of sulphur, would yield sulphurous acid gas (OOS), and a complete metalepsis would give rise to (SSS). The first compound is prebably the ozone of Schénbein, which the late researches of Marignac and de la Rive have shown to be in reality only oxygen in a peculiarly modified form, since pure dry oxygen gas, by the action of the electrical spark, acquires the peculiar odor and chemical properties ' which distinguish ozone. 'The most characteristic of these are, its peculiar odor and its power of discharging vegetable colors, in both of which is seen such a close resemblance to sulphurous acid gas, as at once to suggest a similarity. If we regard sulphur in the form which is known to us, as having the oo, ea (SSS), and. consisting of three equiva- lents combined in one, the density of its vapor is no longer an anomaly, as the patch vapor is condensed to one-third of its normal bulk, and its equivalent number being 16 x3=48, its atomic volume is 72135, or the same as that of oxygen* gas. The difficulty is completely solved in a manner which is accord- ant with well-admitted principles. In connection with the similarity between ozone and sulphur here advanced, it is vee of notice that the odor of sulphur - 172 T. S. Hunt on the Anomalies, §c. when warmed or rubbed, which is similar to, and often confound- ed with that of sulphurous acid gas, although really distinct, is strikingly like the odor produced by the electrical gra in- deed this last, which is now known to be due to the formation ‘their compounds with each other, on the one hand, and those of phosphorus and arsenic on the other, we are constrained to admit that the effects produced by these bodies on the nerves of smell, have an intimate and as yet but imperfectly understood relation to their chemical properties. s to selenium, Iam not aware that the density of its vapor has ever been determined, but from that of the solid it appears probable that it as well as tellurium has a triple molecule. ‘The © compound described as Se O may belong to a type which is seen in anhydrous sulphuric acid (SO, ), in which case its formula will be (Se, O,), but from its volatility and pungent odor, it is perhaps referable to the previous form, and will em = (Sez 02); hybrid combinations* of this sort are not unfreque In the other exception referred to, we find ‘that while the den- sity of the vapors of arsenic and pho sphorus is such that their volume is identical with that of oxygen, nitrogen gas is repre- sented by two volumes, taking oxygen as unity; and that conse- quently while the calculated atomic volumes of gaseous > phospho rus and arsenic are 7-2, that of nitrogen gas is 14-4—; in other words, its state of condensation i is only one-half that of the others. It has already been suggested that elementary nitrogen is prob- ably unknown to us, and that the gas which is left when the ox- ygen is removed from the atmosphere, is an amid whose formula is (NN), corresponding like all similar combinations to four vol- -umes; the Se af nitrogen being taken at 14, while that of oxygen s 8. Two equivalents of nitrogen being thus ex- panded to font volumes, the density is of course just one-half of that which corresponds to the normal one, and multiplying the observed density by 2, we find that the real specific gravity of gaseous elementary nitrogen should be 1-944; its combining vol- ume identical with that of oxygen, and the volume of its atom, like that of Meat. apn and arsenic, 7'2. If it existed in the : ds, M. Lan rent has designated a elass of sompoenas, whe to the wesne ae heoa pr eres no small difficulties. Such a s these, are ma combi- ations of the mineral kingdom where three or four ‘ho ila may exist in var ying pr” i da in these hybrid combinations, “a divisibility of atoms to which he assigns no its.”’ (See this Journal, ii ser., iv, 405, v, 405, Gerhardt on the Atomic Volume of some Minerals of the Regular System, and Laurent on Silicates cates.) & - T. S. Hunt on Chemical Classification. «178 a same state of condensation As solid phosphorus, its specific gravity would be 790, water being 1000. M. Laurent ina late valuable memoir,* has made some very im- ; . portant suggestions as to chemical oe age which if prope ‘ ‘ carried out, will enable us ere long to reduce the immense num- ber of combinations to a few Seobie and well defined ty Water (H, O) he not only regards as the primitive type of all the oxyds (M, O) and (M®, O), of the nardhen a. ompounds like (KZn)O, and oe “corresponding sulphur — M, 8, (MH)S, but going still farther, reduces the : same form. Spirit of wine, which is a monobasic saline} com- pound capable of changing an equivalent of hydrogen for one of metal, e.g. C,(H, K)O, is made the type of the vinic acids, in tami of Mareen are replaced by t the same elements. ./ . G; H, O-HO= = Et, we hav. agt ‘Water, OT ae" gt Me Alcohol, : 6k % .* (HBO = C4 Bg ¥- Ether O. : Ita appears to me that this view is i ees of still farther ex- tension and that we may include in the same type all those sa- ~ combinations (acids). whigh | eeatals oxygen. For example, ving the formula C] OMO= Cl MO,, or in the French notation "el M) O, the acid being then 6, a monobasic acid which comesponds to water in which Cl replaces H. . The so ted anhydrous hypochlorous acid of tion of dry chlorine upon oxyd of manned is t - : a e6P iplete Pi BME a In the same. nerynitric ac $4 monobasic salt corresponding to ites, in which ? NO. is jeatotitnted for H ; the capacity of the ele- ments NO, to r eplace H is abundantly exemplified in the mod- ern history of organic compounds. We have then, ACI oeehe sur les combinaisons azotés, Ann. de Ch. et de Phys. for No- vember, 184 t As the a nd saline ge: several times used in this article, in an a sapiaiee a different from the ordinary one, it maybe well to pene that with M. Gerhardt I designate as a salt any compound which contains hydro- metallic derivatives of that compound; saline ed from the science, and that it were restricted 2 qualities, for hydrate of potash, water, sugar and alcohol are as snits eo Pap op oe * hospberic.s siedainiiie many com- ote dine 174 T. S. Hunt on Chemical Classification. ities os A Dae Be ARO. Hypochlorous acid, . : j (CL H)O. Hypochlorites, ; ‘ : . (ClM)O. Nitric acid, ' ( (NO, )H)O i ((NO,)M bs Pid 3 is ment of hydrogen in the original type gives rise to (SHO, ),O= S, H, O,, which is the Nordhausen acid commonly represented by 280,, HO. This latter compound as M. Gerhardt has shown corresponds to the anhydrous bisulphate of potash. The tribasic acids may equally be reduced to the same type if we conceive the elements which replace one equivalent of hydro- en to be bibasic instead of indifferent or monobasic. Phospho- ¢ acid PH, O, is ((PH, O,)H)O. The primitive saline type is then essentially bibasic, and is pre- sented in its most elemental form in water, while the simplest type of the monobasic salt which is a derivative of the last, is found in hypochlorous acid. The ideas above announced show that it is possible to develop some connection between a series of compounds hitherto regard- ed as widely distinct from each other, and may lead us to hope that the time is coming when a new day will dawn upon the science. j M. Laurent proposes a view of elementary bodies that shall di- vide them into two classes, Which he designates as ~ P| é * the monasides, 7.* = _ ~~ ‘and the diodides. ot ee Ok, ee oe eR ite Ss Masta Clo 6. Se i. Br . As Te ae L:.; Me it Fl ‘The vertical groups represent those bodies which are equivalent to each other and may be again divided into isomorphous groups. These elements may exist in any number of equivalents in or- ganic bodies, but the sum of those of the second group, in ac- cordance with his well known law,* will always be divisible by i ee * As this important law which Was first fully announced in the essay of M. Laurent, before quoted, may not be familiar to all our readers, we translate entire that portion of his memoir. ‘ M. Gerhardt has endeavored to show that ina reg- ular notation, the number of atoms of each element ought to be a pair, and that moreover in those combinations which do not téntain azote, the number of atoms af * i % , T. S. Hunt on Chemical Classification. 175 two. ‘The reason of this will appear if we conceive the equiva- lents of the elements like those of their compounds, to be cape sented by 2 volumes; we have then, Oxygen, . 3 Pr; aw bak H, : ; 12. Chlo J) Oper, 52 449-0 am Hycehloric acid, : HCl | . H, O'« Be. Carbonic acid, O a ‘ “'The molecules of hau cei of onfortis wai Giscd all the diodides, are formed of two atoms which constitute a _homogene- ous combination, (HH), (C1 Cl), (MM), ete. ‘These in the pres- ence of each other can undergo a double poe i or mu- tual substitution and form a heterogeneous combinat “ (HH) +(Cl Cl)=(HCl)+(Cl H) | madiput Cl)=(MC1)+(Cl M). of hydrogen should be divisible by 4. In pert to explain ‘the’introduction of azote into organic bodies, I have been led to complete the rule o erhardt and to apply to azotized compounds the billowing scoiuligicn” ‘Ina otized substances, represented by 4 volumes, the sum of the atoms of hydrogen sche azote 7 ee multi; 4.’ From this proposition the following corollaries are deducible Ist. if the hydrogen becomes 0, the number of the atoms of iia is a multiple Qd. If the srg becomes 0, the number of the atoms of hydrogen is a multiple of 4. 4 (Gerhard he organic substance contains phosphorus or arsenic in place of azote, he aed yale? is observed. pa abe halogen bodies (Cl, Br, I,) may bé ere forthe hydrogen, the sum of the azote, the hydrogen and the halog ee, is still a multiple ‘ras it results ae this that an organic substance canned combine with two, six or ten volumes of chlorine, bromine, etc. 6th, ' The metals which form oxyds (R, O) vec age ag oer (H, 0), also replace hydrogen, and observe in Sheik combinations the 6th. The metals of the oxyde, ‘ 3 in the cutinacy ilatioh), do no “In a notation which corres cmt to two Sota mes, the preceding be beet be divided by 2. On atcount of the simplicity of the for s,I give p with M. eas to this ac notation. Our two. propo itions ‘thes see faite the follow In all o orga ic substances, the sum of the dtoms of the hydrogen, eee , phospho- rus, arsenic, the metals and the halogen bodies, ought to be divisible by 2.” In regard to the truth of this law, it is to be rem ed that among hundreds of combinations re our position and equivalent is well determined, the a single exception, and that the few apparent ir prin rfl among the organic alkaloids, have rly all been explained by new and care ‘a conducted analy- ses, which have shown in thei ulas a pe ect confor i h corollary may be made to pile ae sixth, by a simple hypothesis, which M. Laurent has proposed in the Rerue — 3 corresponds to 3H, O, and consequently M, to Hg, it is cbvius spa and regarding the metals in these oxyds as uniting in two-third oar ry pie dey Se, they will no longer be exceptions, but will be included in the fifth this Journal for neg 1847.” (Review of Gerhar 176 T. S. Hunt on Chemical Classification. “The molecules of the monasides may also divide in two, but the half of the molecule does not necessarily require a comple- mentary half to form a combination. This s half can unite itself with an entire diodide. (HH) +(HH)+(00)=(HH)O+(HH)O or With an entire monaside, Se Wa Wardaml red 5: Cae )0, or with the half of a monaside, (CC)+(00)=(CO)+(CO).” “Tf instead of taking one volume for some bodies, two for oth- ers and four for others as is ordinarily done ; or if in place of ta- king with M. Gerhardt one volume for simple bodies and two for compounds, we represent all bodies whether simple or compound by one volume, we have a much more regular notation and one which taken in ‘connection with the preceding ideas, enables us to represent the formulas of all bodies, without employing frac- tional numbers.” “We admit that each molecule of the simple bodies is at least divisible into two parts which we designate atoms ; the molecules can only be divided in case of combination, we have then Oxygen, . " UV 2 vol. Hydrogen, : H. == 12-5 ; 1 vol. Water, H,O0=1126: . ¢ voR Hydrochloric acid, HCl=227-0 1 vol. 2% Bach letter O, H, Cl represents a demi-volume or demi-mole- cule or one atom. The formula of all these bodies indicates im- mediately the condensation.” In no case do I change the notation of M. Gerhardt. “The atom of M. Gerhardt represents the smallest quantity of a simple body which can exist in a combination. My molecule represents the smallest quantity of a simple body which can be employed to effect w combination, a quantity which is divided in- to two parts by the very act of combination. Fer example, Cl can enter into combination, but to pi this it is necessary to employ ge my propositions a curious consequence is aed M. Gerhardt has remarked that it is impossible that the nitric and chloracetie acids can aes water, because the formulas of these three bodies are NHO, 7 C, HCl, O, andH,O. It will be seen poh this difficulty is not pas by adopting the ordinary formulas, 0,4+H,0 and ©,Cl, e,, H,O, for it will then be necessary to robe water by i aaa elieve that we. may go farther and not only say that the hydrogen is not combined with oxygen, in the nitric acid, but that it is combined with azote, the two atoms of these bodies being complementary to each other. Taking one volume which for the simple bodies represents one 7 eaelotule : or two atoms: ' € T. S. Hunt on Chemical Classification. WT Oxygen, . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ (OO) =1 vol. Hydrogen, . < : ‘ d (HH)=1 vol. Chlorine, ‘ , : , - (Cl Cl)=1 vol. Hydrochloric acid, basth ah ‘ (HC1l)=1 vol. Hypochlorous acid, . . 3 (Cl H)O=1 vol. Chloric acid, . i ade goin (CHR) * 1 vok Phosph. Hydrogen, . ‘ . (PH) (HH)=1 vol. Hypophosphites, _. i CPR = T vol. Phosphites, .. , - .(PH)(MM)O, =1 vol. Phosphates, ‘ 4 (PM) (MM)O, =1 vol. Acetic atid, . . * ¢....2) Cal beet) (EO aed vol. Acid chlorinated, . » GC, (AH) (HCO, = iavot Acid bichlorinated, ‘ C,(HH)(C1C1)O, =1 vol. Acid trichlorinated . . ©,(HC1) (Cl C1)O, =1 vol.” This last hypothesis I present a8 one of the deductions of the author from his views, but it seems to me hardly warranted. The pits Sa Sh of the idea of the binary arrangement of at- oms to the explanation of the affinities exhibited by bodies in the nascent state, is very beautiful and ingenious. “If we place together two free molecules of bromine and hy- drogen (BB’) and (HH’), the affinity of B for B’ and of H for H’ will perhaps be sufficient to oppose the combination of B and B’ with H and H’, but if only B and H were present, these two at- oms not having to overcome any affinity would readily combine. This is what takes place, for example, if hydrogen is in the nascent state, as when we decompose hydrochloric acid by a metal, for we have HC1+M=CIM+H, which tends to reconstitute itself into a binary molecule by combining either with bromine or anoth- er molecule of “hydrogen.” ‘“ With sulphuric acid SH, O, and a metal, the reaction is the same and the hydrogen is nascent or atomic, for it first forms an acid salt, eliminating H and not (HH); when the acid salt is formed, the second atom will be in its turn disengaged.” The binary molecule of the metals, hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, &c., will be seen to be the type of an immense number of com- binations embracing the various alloys and amalgams, the hydra- cids like hydrochloric acid and their corresponding salts and such compounds as Cl Brand Cl I. The compound represented by ICI, is referable to a triple molecule of these elements represented by H6 or (HHHHHH); to this same type belong the perchlorids of antimony, arsenic and phosphorus, while the correspondi trichlorids form a double molecule. In all of these it will be ob- served that the molecular composition is preserved inviolate, all of the inorganie compounds into which the second group of ele- ments enter, furnish a sum of atoms divisible by 2. In the ox- ygenized bodies on the contrary, we have a type whieh is compo- sed of three atoms. M. Laurent’s law is thus seen to be equally applicable to other compounds, than those denominated organic. 178 Prof. J. Brockleshy on the Influence of Color on Dew. I have thtown out a few ideas suggested by this memoir of M. Laurent, and have at the same time pointed out the basis upon which it appears to me a true natural system of chemical classi- fication can be founded. Imperfect as they are, I hope they may not prove unworthy of the consideration of scientific men, and tend to forward the progress of chemical —— y: = * Art. XIV.—Upon tie roe of Color on Dew; by Prof. n Brocxuessy. In those haem Pid ee from which Dr. Wells derived his theory of dew, the influence of various mate- rial properties, in aetennguins the amount of moisture deposited upon bodies, under like exposures, is clearly and satisfactorily un- folded. We are however left to regret, that this sagacious ob- server did not illustrate the effect of color, by a full course of ex- periments. This subject indeed was not entirely omitted. In four out of five experiments, made with parcels of black and white wool, alike in size and weight, he discovéred that the former had gained a little more dew than the latter ; but as the fibres of the white wool were somewhat coarser than those of the black, he accounts for the entire difference in the quantities of moisture from this circumstance alone. At another time he exposed a piece of pasteboard covered with white paper, and close to this a second piece, similar in every re- spect to the ae covered with paper blackened with ink. In the morning he b held hoar- frost upon both the cards, but the black surface saateele to have gained a greater quantity than the white. A doubt however rose in the mind of the observer upon. this point, inasmuch as from the contrast of color the amount of hoar- frost might have been apparently greater‘upon the dark than upon the light surface even when no real difference existed* in favor of the black. Influenced by certain views in regard to the effect of the chem- ical constitution of bodies in modifying radiation, Dr. Welles pur- sued this inquiry no farther. e stibject here rested until the year 1833, when Dr. Stark of ' Pdinbaty instituted a series of experiments to determine the in- fluence of color upon heat, odors and dew.t Two ie eis * This appearance I have egret observed, when the Beato of dew upon the white exceeded that oi on the blac 835, Prof. Bache of the le of a “gin 0 the influ- ence of color upon the saad of non-lumineus heat. His experiments were hy, } Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. 179 one were made upon the latter. Four parcels of wool of differ- ent hues were provided—viz : gc dark © green, scarlet and January, the first, and the last two were exposed upon the leads of a house, and a few nights afterwards all the colors were sub- jected to the same exposure. The results were as follows : Grains. The Black gained 32 First Experiment, Scarlet “ 25 White “ 20 The rick one “ Second Experiment, Dark Siig a m .* : White os 3 e These shvesttgarfon’ are considered by the author as. decisive of the point in queStion ; a and as establishing the fact, that dark and sombre hues are more favorable to the deposition of moisture, than those which are light and brilliant. deductions, however, appear to me iacamnd ais: for several reasons. First, because in this research the utmost deli- ' cacy of investigation is ’ required, and it is almost, if not absolutely impossible, even with the nicest care, to guard against the op- ération of known causes, which, unless entirely excluded, will produce a perceptible difference in the results. Now we are not informed by Dr. Stark, either in respect to the uniformity of fibre in the wool employe , or as to the size of each parcel. A dissimilarity in either particular would cause a differen¢e in the amount of dew deposited. Moreover, on a sub- ae like os it is manifestly unphilosophieal to infer a generat law from With aid view of satisfying my own mind upon this point, I made, during the summer of 1846, a number of ne gg the details of which are presented in the following pa The material employed for the collection of mabistere was fine flannel. Having procured a white strip of an even texture, I cut it into six portions, and caused five to be dyed, each of a different ent color; viz., red (redwood), yellow (quercitron), green (fus- tic and indigo), blue (indigo), black (logwood). These six ir apparently all equally napped, were next cut to exactly same size, and weighed in a delicate balance. A want of dient | in weight was detected to the extent of a few ae This source of. error I endeavored to remove, by placing upon the far more numerous than those of Dr. Stark, and the voila he obtained sanmely PPpe regret hat I did not enjoy the pleasure of perme lfis highly instructive paper upon ‘this subject, until my experiments were clos 180 Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. different Eeohonss of flannel, shreds of the same material, texture, and color, until t weights were equalized ; and before every ex- periment this ile was taken, the same shreds as far as pos- = being always employed. By so doing uniformity in weight as attained, without increasing the extent,of exposed surface ; ee what was due to the thickness of the shreds. And the effect of this is rendered led aioe since it is obvious that its slight influence in increasing the amount <3 beat is checked, and probably annihilated by two oithing cau For the shred being raised by its Ae ase above the surface of the larger eee pare shelters the contiguous threads of the latter, and thus in a very minute degree arrests their radiation, and diminishes their quantity of deposited moisture. Still fur- ther, as the thickness of the flannel is doubléd where the shreds are plac there here exists, comparing stidtt Shots with those not ver outs the quantity of matter*under ‘very ‘nearly the same exp urface : a circumstance whichs would eee the timination erate, and the contractiorof dew. I th fore judge that these antagonist influences may be regarded i in their effects as neutralizing each other, and that no ‘sens crease or diminution, in the amount of dew contractéd). ¢ 4 , a sult from the superposition of the shreds as above detailed: ss thus obtained a uniformity in material weight, effective su fibre, and with the exception of a very small variation, in tex : for I ‘attribute the variations in the weight of the several colored pieces to the greater density of some of the threads in one flannel, compared with those of another. The only known difference then existing was color. The. place of ae was a plot of closely shorn turf in the midst of a garden, removed from trees and buildings. In six out of the eleven expuinen, detailed in table A, the flannels were placed upon the turf itself, and in the remaining five upon a smooth board, elevated upon blocks of wood, six or seven inches above the turf. In every case the pieces were arranged side by side, without any regard to color in their collocation, and the in- vestigation was conducted mostly on tranquil nights ; so that the variations in the deposition of moisture, arising from a body bein aced to the windward or leeward of another, were thereby avoided, Table of Averages. ee Fain in Do. in ao first)Do. in the se-|Do. in the last)Do. - id last, LL experiments.| fon [eed Sour, four. i thee: rs. rs. grs. ‘ White, Sro7 Ei 39- ‘abas | | Obes Yellow, 38-73 47°25 38:25 29:75 98: ed, 37:27 46- 37:25 27:50 25° Green, 37-09 44-37 37 29-12 27-50 Black, 86:14 43-25 36°62 27-75 26° Blue, 25:17 Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. 181 ist Exp. Yellow, White, or Yellow; White. | Black. hi ed. Bleek, Red. ree Green. ia , * Black _ Green. 5th Bx eee x 8th Exp. White Yellow ied ellow, White. ello Green, Black, White. Yellow Green. Red, Gree ack. Red, Black. lack. Ghee, Red. 9th Exp. th | 1thExy White. White, cai Yellow. White. Black, Red, Yellow. Black. Yellow. Green. Blue. Red, Green Blue. Red. Black, Blue : Taspie A.* a. a 1st.—July 9th. Fen Exposed; Dry | osed| D Dew surface. | weight. Barll urface. weight gained. |inches. | .grs. i inches. Se ees es = “c “ce "G se 4th.—July 14th. t Ex D Dew ed De ae Saies. Bat gained. orface weight. be inches.| grs. grs. finches. | grs. ed, 17-4 53 AT | 17-4 51 Yellow, “ % AT ss « Green, “ e 46 és és Black, “c “ 44 *) of = ERs f From this it is byicun, that the differences in the amount of - deposited moisture, developed in the first course of experiments, (4 were not fully due to the influence of color. Latent causes also : conspired to produce these discrepancies, and the extent of their influence is eliminated by the second series of experiments. If re this is suas by the difference between the extreme averages, i and this subtracted from the corresponding differences in | table A, A teen oti are represented by the following weights, bn grs.; residual phenomena, which iMnar be bate, eit Se Z the influence of color, or considered as ae ts of experiment, to which all human investi- met are subiée In table B, it. vill be observed, by comparing R,S, T, and U, with each other i in the several experiments, that ‘the anount of moisture deposited follows no rule, each surface in its turn ranging from the highest to the lowest point of the scale. Such fluctua- ting results must be the effects of predominating inconstant cau- ses. ‘The same fact is discovered, as before stated, in the first series of experiments, upon comparing together the red, kame ! and blaek. Here if color has any ‘effect, it is entirely di by the prevalence of more potent fluctuating influences. “Phe invariable superiority however, maintained by the yellow and white over the black, indicates the existence of one or more fix Operating causes, not visiting one s surface to-night, and another the next ; but attached totheir own particular surface. The only assignable, eonstant’ causes, exclusive of eoloriig matter, are-the differences in the density of the threads composing the surfaces, (to which allusion has been made,) and color. * But the first cause existed in the second series of experiments, and was unable to presefve any regularity in the variations. More- over, between the black and white even this difference in*the density of the thread searcely’ existed, inasmuch as the equal surfaces of the black and white weighed very heatly the same, before any shreds were swperadded. Under this view of the subject therefore, color alone would appear to have operated in producing the constant differences observed in the amount of de- posited moisture as recorded in the first table, had the investiga- tion been confined to the first course of experiment. But the 184 Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. results of peeanen’ observation, detected this fallacy ; for in the perusal of the following pages it will be seen, that where dif- ferent oe matter was employed, the white and yellow main- tamed no such superiority in the scale of colors. 'The material of color therefore is not to be disregarded in this enquiry. In the further prosecution of this investigation, five small pie- ces‘of plate glass were procured, cut from the same strip of equal size, their weights being rendered alike by the addition of small fragments from the same plate. They were next painted on one side with water-colors, as follows: | Nos. | Substance. | olor. a p : 3 . | Gamboge. 7 ellow Re 52 Tae Bk Blue and Gamboge. Green. 3, j ; . | India Black. 4, stores 7 Flake White. White. 5, ‘ : ; . | Prussian Blue. Blue. In every color the paint was not spread quite uniformly over the surface, it cae found impossible to blend the shades into one unvarying ti int. e plates were placed side, by side upon a board, and expo- sed, in the first and second experiments, upon the basi of a house, and in the third upon an open grass plot. After each experiment, if any defect of coloring appeared, the plates tes retouched. The results were as follows: ~|_Ast.—Aug. 12th. | Qa. 8d. — Ag. 3th. Ag Tah % Toe 3 Bi ge o a Be | 2 [tlie] .& | et u ~» | =! Ms | oF | ASlas | at |oelaz | ae |.o& inches.|pwts. grs.| grs. jinches.'pwts. grs.| grs. inches. ae .grs.| grs. Yellow, 5-06 | 9 14-5] 13:5 | 5-06 |. 14°5 +5 | 5-06) 9 14: 65 n, ieee * 6 13-5 sew se iD g “6 6:5 oat, és a, « [905] «wp ge %. 4 ee White, Pek “ te tk ar PT} “ 55 é “es vo Blue, a: “ fiat | 135 Th «| 65 “ hue, pas Arranging the colors according to the quantity of dew gained, the following orders are uiat : ‘ + 2 _——__#___. S Ast Exp. i« tsp.” | 3d Exp hite. car m ~ White, Blu r Yellow, Green, Blue, Yellow, Green. Black. : Yellow, Blue. Black. sa a oe hee ‘tials The average gain of the several Siew, arranged as above, is seen in the annexed scale. es z dies ——— — 9-2 Blue, ; F 9- Yellow, White, : . 8-8, ’ Black, *. 8-3 Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. 185 It is impossible from these results to detect — controlling in- fluence in color, but the fact, that the least amount of moisture was gained by the black, in two cases out of tibie. and that it holds the lowest rank in the table of averages, is not in accord- ance with the experiments of Dr. Stark. Six white pasteboard cards were ier — ig to the same pack, and presenting the same extent of s were equalized in weight in the manne Fe iguabeaee and at first painted on one side as foll ow | Card. a { Color. eT ee Vermilion. Red.’ B, Gamboge. Yellow Rg a LI8 Prussian Blue and Gamboge. Green, ade India Ink. Black. a ogc et" hea thant color of the paper. White. ry I Blue. _ Thus jc ibaned, they were exposed on the grass plot, during five ized. At the close of the third trial, they were each painted on the remaining side, the colors being interchanged in the follow- ing manner.—B, red; A, yellow; F, green; E, black; C, blue; D, being turned over afforded a white ground. In the fourth and fifth trials, these ‘second surfaces weré ex- posed. The table below presents the results of this investigation. 1st.—Sept. 3d. 2d.—Sept. 10th. 3d.-—Sept. 15th. gf) 3 se] EE | LS |e! £ 3 sis aaa &: (28152 | 6 [68] 87] 62 [68 h 7 grs. . inches. pwis. grs.| gr8 Jinches.| pwts. grs.| grs. A. Red, _ |ies3P 23 | ‘ 12:33 | 2 20 10 {1233/2 91 | °6 B. Yellow,. . «| i 2 i coe) F C. Green, . . « Sut Tg oe ve wy « “ 6 | G D. Black, . . e | Pe Me cng st! eB ses 64 E. White, . . « «| 49 “ a4] 4) “ ee els. & Piles: ee “ Rae. «149 “ « «bh 4Q ee ve ee «138 4th —Sept. 22d. 5th Sept. ept. 24th. lx ak d Bs a es 4 ~» |3i| € ae | Be PS a5 a8 | ma 6s | 66. wis. grs. grs. inches. pwts. grs grs. B. Red, ya 23 | 15 | 1233.) 2 2 31 A. Yellow, i iS ot oe! a Ce F. Green, ieee || 8 «ce ea 34 E. Black, oe &* 16 “ te . ee 33~ D. White, a Bae 17 “ ea 36 Cc. Blue, és sf 18 te “ “ 36 186 Prof. J. Brocklesby on the Influence of Color on Dew. Colors arranged according to the amount of dew gained : lst Ex. - 2d Ex. 3d Ex. 4th Ex. | Sth Ex. ; Average. grs. Blue, White. Blue. Blue. Blue, Green.| Blue, ; ‘Blue, 17:2 Yellow, Green, 2 |Green, Yellow, 2 |Yellow, White./Yellow, White. § White, 16-6 Black, Black, White. § |Red, Green, } hite. Yellow. /Yellow, 16:2 Red. Black. Gr . Black. Red. ® 2 2o Oo 5 SSS Eee eran It is seen in the experiments just detailed, that among the differ- ent colors the blue and red alone follow an invariable order; the former always occupying the highest and the latter the lowest rank ; and that this is true not ithstanding the cards were changed after the third trial : a fact-which shows that this law follows the pigment and not the card. But does the law attach to the color or the coloring matter. The'latter appears to be the case. In Prof. Bache’s essay on the influence of color upon radiation, a list is given of twenty-five substanées, arranged in the order of their ra- diating powers. Prussian blue ranksthe second, indigo the eight- eenth, and vermilion the fifteenth.» Prussian blue therefore, ra- diating more than vermilion, should contract more dew as accords with the fact. But it is evident that this effect is produced by the material of the pigment and not by the color, inasmuch as indigo has a less radiating power than vermilion, and consequent- ly it would give but comparatively little dew. A fact which is shown in Table A, where the blue ranks very low in the scale of colors. The results developed in these investigations afford no support to the assertions of Dr. Stark, that dark colors are more favorable than light to the deposition of dew; but, to their full extent, lead to the inference that color has no coritrolling power in this icular. _ It is with much satisfaction that I have perceived the results of my humble researches, to accord with those, which Prof. Bache deduced from -his elaborate investigations; wherever a compati- son could be : s with him I find, that color is not a determining quality in the radiation of non-luminous heat, that vermilion possesses a low radiating power, and that while Prus- sian blue possesses this property in a very high degree, indigo ranks amid the lowest on the scale. In Prof. Bache’s experi- ments the rate of cooling was the test of the radiating power, in those just detailed, the amount ef dew is the criterion, Now, without asserting that the non-influence of color upon radiation is fully established, it is certainly a circumstance worthy of con- sideration, that two independent modes of analysis have led to the same conclusions. ’ a Art. XV. a new Method of extracting Pure Gold a Alloys A new Method of extracting Pure Gold from Alloys, §c. 187 nd from Ores; by C. 'T. Jackson, U.S.G form of a spongy mass has been practised by me for several years, and no account of the process has, to my knowledge, hereto- fore been published. It is very useful to the chemist and to the manufacturer, and is more economical than any other method {s that I am acquainted with. After separating the gold from silver. by means of a mixture of nitric and chlorohydric acids as is usually done, the solution con- }: taining gold and copper is to be evaporated to small bulk and the excess of nitric acid is thus driven off. A little oxalic acid is then added and then a solution of ecar- bonate of potash sufficient to take up nearly all the gold in the state of aurite of potash is gradually added. A large quantity of crystallized oxalic acid is then added so as to be in great ex- cess and the whole is to be quickly boiled. All the gold is im- mediately precipitated in the form of a Peete yellow sponge which is absolutely pure metallic gold. All the taken up by the excess of oxalic acid and may be * in out. ? Boil the sponge in pure water so long as any trace of acidity remains, and the gold is then to be removed from the capsule and dried on filtering paper. It may be pressed into rolls, bars or thin sheets, by pressing it moderately in paper. I have made several useful applications of the gold sponge thus prepared, and had a tooth plugged with it in October, ad to which purpose it is well ed. By moderate pressure, the spongy geld hone a solid mass and burnishes quite brilliantly. he jeweller or goldsmith will find spongy gold to be quite convenient when he requires it for a solder, and it is a convenient form of the euigan for making: an amalgam for fine gildi I have used it for some year soldering platina, and prefer it to the filings or it foil for a purpose. This method of sep- % arating fine gold from coarse, is very simple, and cheaper than the usual processes. It is, applicable in the st ag of gold from ores that may be treated by acids, and is vastly preferable t. to the method commonly used by chemists and assayers When making oxyd of gold for dentist’s use, the chemist will find that oxalic acid added to his potassic solution, will at once recover all the gold that is dissolved in an excess of the alkaline solution.* Many other applications of this very simple method will occur to elieditate and artisans. | ‘ Tue following method of obtaining pure metallic gold in the sence ae * Much gold is lost by the usual method of preparing the oxyd. 2 ae ee he Te RON hee OF Teast Pe ee CE ene Rue men en ee mT 188 Discovery of Tellurium in. Virginia. Art. XVI.—Discovery of Tellurium in Virginia ; Ax C.1%. Jackson, U.S.G.S. ‘Earty in May last, Mr. Knowles Taylor of New York gave me two specimens of native gold, in mica slate rock, from an au- riferous vein recently discovered in’ Whitehall, near Fredericks- burg, Va. In one of the specimens I observed a considerable mass of a splendent foliated and sectile mineral, of the color of antimony, which I recognized as an ore of te lurium. The gold was imbedded in a mass of it, and it was also observed to exist disseminated through the rock in shining metallic leaves. On submitting this mineral to analysis, 1 discovered that it’ was a telluret of lead and gold or foliated tellurium ore. In the open glass tube before the blowpipe, telluric acid sublimes, and con- denses in the cooler part of the tube in a yellowish white film which melts into drops. A little greyish sublimate also deposits, which is metallic tellurium. The residual matter, cupelled on mica, gave a well characterized glass of litharge, and a minute globule of pure gold. This interesting mineral has not, I believe, been heretofore discovered’ in the United States, and it is ex- tremely rare in Europe. It had been mistaken for gr ie . molybdenum, and was considered to be of no value. That e should be corrected, for it is not only valuable as an extol rare mineral, but since, ‘as I am informed, it occurs in abundance in the Virginia mine, it should be «saved and wrought for gold, in the same manner as is practiced in the tellurium and gold mines of Transylvania. It is very easy to expel the tellurium by heat, and then the gold nfay be obtained by the usual processes of amalgamation by mercury, and discharge of the mercury by heat. Since I detected the tellurium, I have conversed with T'. A. Dex- ter, Esq. of Boston, who has recently visited the mine, and has fe a considerable quantity of this tellurium ore in the vein. ve me two very weéll characterized specimens, which he diol from the vein in place ; so‘there ean be no doubt of its ex- istence in a true auriferous vein. I announced this discovery at the annual meeting of the Amer, we nth, ican Academy of Arts and Sciences last mon Boston, June 18th, 1848. “shy ‘te | Scheerer on Isomorphism. 189 Art. XVII.—Upon a peculiar bind of Isomorphism that plays an important part in the Mineral Kingdom; by Professor Scueerer of Christiania (Continued from p. 73.) i. Borares. 1. Datholite. None of the prior formule for datholite agree so well with its composition as that brought forward by Rammelsberg, namely, 2Ca* Si+B* Sit +3H. 4 This formula, however, involves the improbability that the boracic acid is here viewed in the light of a base combined with the silica. This improbability may however be got over by writing the formula as follows: a Si+Ca R]+(R) Si, wherein therefore, (R)=3H. : 2. Botryolite. Rartihiislebeae formula for this mineral is, 2Ca* Si+B* Si+6 H, which admits of conversion to 3[Ca §i+Ca B]+(R)? Si. Ill. Prosewares. — A. Phosphates of Iron. 1. Vivianite. According to Stromeyer’s analysis, the vivianite of St. Agnes in Cornwall, eonsists of phosphoric acid 31°8125, protoxyd of iron 41-2266, water 27:4843 =99-8934. Hitherto all endeavors have been in vain to arrive at a formula that would represent in a satisfactory manner the results of this analysis by so celebrated an analyst as Stromeyer, and which was appatently conducted with such precision. Von Kobell’s for- mula, which gives the closest ee to the result, Fe? > 48H, requires a composition of Pactentim acid 28°69, protoxyd of iron 42-38, water 28-93 = 100-00. This differs not immatterially from the result of the analysis, and mnoreoren involves a ratio in the quantity of oxygen contain- ed in the base, the acid and the water, which in a compound of so little complicated a nature can hardly be looked upon as prob- able. On calculating the water in Stromeyer’s a base isomorphous with protoxyd of iron (3H= ae which, after the Seconp Series, Vol. VI, No. 17. —Sept., 1848. 190 Scheerer on Isomorphism. number of proofs we have adduced thereof, we are fully borne out in doing, we obtain an oxygen ratio of 17-47 P: 17°53 (Fe), cor- responding with almost mathematical aceuracy to the simple for- mula (Fe)° P, and in which formula base and acid contain equal amounts of oxygen 2. Earthy Vivianite, from Hillentrup. ayer consists, according to an analysis of Brandes, of phospho- d 30-320, Saget ie of iron 43:775, water 25° 000, alumina 0: 700, silica 0-025 = 99-820. The oxygen ratio deieiod herefrom is as follows: 18:60: 17°38. Deducting the alumina as a phosphate, the ratio becomes even more nearly 1; 1, whence we also obtain for this mineral t6o the formula (Fe) P. 3. Vivianite, from Bodenmais. Vogel’s analysis gave, phosphoric acid 26:4, protoxyd of iron 41‘0, water 31:0=98:- If we may rely on ‘6 sstiee de of this result, it will justify the nem formula, ( Fe) Pi5H e oxygen ratio as it may be calculated from the result of the analysis, is, 14: 79P : 14 00(Fe) : 13-58% should be 1400 :1400 ; 14-00. A portion of the water in this mineral is basic, another portion exists as a hydrate. ‘The formula thus resulting for the Boden- mais vivianite, is ed similar to that which we obtain upon converting, on the principle here involved, the formula of the artificially prepared hydrous phosphate of magnesia, which is Mg? P+-14H, whereby we obtain (Mg)° P+5H The corresponding artificial salts of the anasyd of iron and of the protoxyd of manganese, have not as yet been analyzed, but without a doubt the same formula is also applicable to them. It would however be well to submit the enmais vivianite to a further examination in order to ascertain with certainty whether in point of fact its composition is different from that from Cornwall, which as the two minerals agree in their crystalline form is cer- tainly not probable. 4. Mullicite. Thompson obtained for the composition of this mineral, fer ee phoric acid 26:06, protoxyd of iron 46:31, water 27° 1499 The corresponding oxygen ratio is, 14: 60 P : 14-00 (Fe): 13 75H, which gives as the fonpale 2 mullicite (Fe)'P+5H, Scheerer on Isomorphism. 191 agreeing with Vogel’s analysis of the Bodenmais vivianite. The chemical difference between both minerals would consist there- fore merely herein, that in the former a smaller quantity of the protoxyd of iron is replaced by water than in the latter. 5. Vivianite from the Mauritius. According to the analysis of Laugier it consists of phosphoric acid 21, protoxyd of iron 45, water 34= 100. From these numbers we can, it is true, surmise no great accu- racy, nevertheless they afford an oxygen ratio of 11-:77P: 10:25 Fe : 30: 115, corresponding approximately to the for- mula Fe* P+ 15H, according to which the oxygen ratio should be 10: 10 : 30, In this mineral, therefore, the whole of the water appears to exist as a hydrate, The formula however ad- mits of being thus men (Fe) if P, in which case the whole of the water figures as bas B. Phosphates of Copper. As oxyd of copper is not isomorphous with magnesia, protoxyd of iron, &c., it of course cannot be assumed that three atoms of water replace one atom of oxyd of copper. From grounds which I will afterwards explain, there is more than a probability that two atoms of water can replace one of oxyd of copper. at less water should be required to replace one atom of oxyd of cop- r than one atom of magnesia, is sufficiently substantiated by the different basic qualities of these compounds. In calculating the oxygen ratio of the following phosphates and arseniates of copper, it is assumed, as yet hypothetically, that 2H =1Cu. “1. Libethenite. The crystallized Libethenite consists, according to Berthier’s analysis, of phosphoric acid 28:7, oxyd of copper 63:9, water ‘A=100°0, This gives, upon the above supposition, an oxygen ratio of 16-08P : 16-18(Cu), corresponding exactly to the formula (Cu) P, which is the formula ef the Comwall vivianite and of the eathy vivianite from Hillentrup. 2. Phosphorochaleite. Rammelsberg calculated from Lynn’s dpalysis of the phos- phorochalcite from Rheinbreitenbach, the formula Cu‘ P+5H, tie completely with the formula here adduced for the phosphates. According to the analysis perhaps a portion ! for a certainty but a — ‘one) of the oxyd of copper may 7% 192 . Scheerer on Isomorphism. be replaced by water, and the formula in consequence becomes (Cu)* P+ 5a, agreeing with the Bodenmais vivianite and miul- licite. 3. Phosphate of Copper, from Ehl, near Rheinbreitenbach. This consists, atcording to Bergmann, of phosphoric acid 24:93, oxyd of copper 65:99, water 9:06 = 99-98, corresponding to the oxygen ratio 13-99P : 1331 Cu: 8058 ; whence we de- cup the So 3Cus P+ 10, requiring an oxygen ratio of 4. Phosphate of Copper, ftom Hirschberg. According to Kiihn, its constituents are, phosphoric acid 20°87, oxyd of copper 71°73, water 7-40 = 100-00; whence we obtain the oxygen ratio, 11-69 P : 17-66(R) Tae 1169 : 17-54 ‘ (Cn)! Be. IV. Arsentares. _ As the relative quantities of the peroxyd and the protoxyd of iron have not yet been ascertained with accuracy in scorodite and in pharmacolite, no calculations can be here entered upon wit respect to the formula these minerals would receive, by consider- ing their water as a basic constituent. A. Arseniates of Earths. Picropharmacolite. The analysis of Stromeyer gives arsenic acid 46-971, lime 24646, magnesia 3:223, oxyd of cobalt 0-998, water 23-977 = 99°815, corresponding to— | 1630 As : 15-47 (R) 6 i 1600 31600 $ se sa the formula of vivianite, libethenite, and earthy blue iron, Since pharmacolite contains no earth but lime, it is not to be assumed . that any replacement by water is brought into play in that mineral. B. Arseniates of Cobalt. Cobalt Bloom. According to Berzelius, its formula is Co? As+6H, which, as protoxyd of iron and protoxyd of cobalt are isomorphous, and as wo make 3H = 1Co, may be expressed likewise thus, (Co)* As, by which it is rendered analogous to the Cornish vivir anite ; and the agreement that has been proved by Gustavus Rose uadzgsete —— ‘ Scheerer on Isomorphism. 193 to exist between the forms of the crystals of these two minerals, would be thus farther borne out. According to Kersten’s analy- sis of the cobalt bloom from debitesbens! the “entitle for this min- eral is however, Co® ‘As +SH. C. Arseniates of Copper. 1. Olivenite. Richardson found the erystallized olivenite to consist of— 39°9 rsenic acid, : : 39°80 Oxyd of Souper, ' oe 56:2 = 56-65 Water, ; , 3:9 3°55 100-00 The mean oxygen ratio from these two analyses is— igs ; mp te (Cu)s ma This too is the formula of vivianite and of the other minerals cited. It is assumed that 2H = 1Cu. 2. Euchroite. The euchroite from Libethen consists, according to Turner, of arsenic acid 32-02, oxyd of copper 47°85, water 8:80 = 99-67 From this the following oxygen ratio may be deduced, 11-47 As : 12-00 (Cu) : 12-01 H, approaching very closely the ratio calcu- lated for phosphorochalcite, and whence may be deduced the for- mula, (Cu)? As+5H. In euchroite however, a larger portion of the water (about one-fourth of the whole amount) plays the part of a base, than is the case in phosphorochalcite. 3. Copper-foam According to v. Kobell’s analysis, the Seyile of the diverging foliated copper-foam from Falkenstein, is Cus As+ 10, not ta- ing into account the quantity of carbonate of lime therein con- tained, the amount of which approaches 1 atom. 4. Erinite. From 'Turner’s approximative analysis of this mineral, its con stituents are arsenic acid 33-78, oxyd of copper 59:44, water 5 01, alumina 1:77 = 100-00. Neglecting the alumina, this gives the following oxygen ratio, 11-73.As : 11-99Cu : 4-45, whence may be deduced the formula, 2Cus As+5H, or perhaps rather, 3Cu* As+5H, The former requires an oxygen. ratioof 11; 11: 5:5,—the latter of 12: 12; 4, 194 Scheerer on Isomorphism. 5. Copper Mica. The composition of the Cornish copper mica, according to Chenevix, is arsenic acid 21, oxyd of copper 58, water 21 = 100, corresponding to the oxygen ratio, 7°29 ‘As : 11-70Cu : 18°67 H, . which may be likewise thus expressed, 729.As : 15-00Cu: 12-07 H, representing pretty closely the formula, 2(Cu)! ° As+ 15H, which requires the oxygen ratio, 7‘50 : 15-00 ; 11:25. 6. Lenticular Copper. Rammelsberg proposes for this mineral, as analyzed by Chene- vix, the formula, Cu’ As+30H, which represents very closely the result of that analysis, and harmonizes well with the formula proposed for the preceding mineral. ‘This formula can be also expressed as follows, 4(Cu)! . As +308. V. SuLpHates. ® “ 1. Melanterite. According to Mitscherlich, the formula of sulphate of iron is 7m. The former formula, taking 3£ = 1Fe; may be converted to (Fe)? S, and the latter to (Fe)*S+H. Since protoxyd of iron and water appear to exist always in sulphate of iron in de- terminate proportions, the former formula, properly speaking, may y Fe S+6H. According to Graham, on the contrary, it is Fe S+ f i be expressed more correctly thus, Fe? S+2()5 S, and the latter also in the same manner, but with + #. 2. Epsomite. (Beudant. ) The formula thereof is Mg$+7x, which is convertible to » (Mg)* S+H, the remarks appended to melanterite being likewise applicable in this case. 3. Gloslarite. (Haidinger. ) Its formula is Zn S-+73, which is equivalent to (Zn)? 8 +H. 4. Bieberite. (Haidinger.) The sulphate of cobalt from Bieber consists, according to Win- kelblech, of sulphuric acid 29-05, protoxyd of cobalt 19-91, mag- Scheerer on Isomorphism. 195 nesia 3°86, water 46°83 = 99°65. This gives an oxygen ratio of 17°39 S : 5:74Co and Mg : 13-88 x, which is convertible to 17-398 : 17-66 (R) : 5°88 x4) in which case it corresponds very closely to the formula, (Co) S+ 4H, which requires an oxygen ratio of 17-64: 17-64: 5:88. The formula of the artificial sul- phate of nickel, NiS+7H, may be converted in like manner to (Ni)? S+aH. Kopp has examined a sulphate of cobalt from Bieber, the com- position of which differed from that analyzed by Winkelblech. It is composed of sulphuric acid 19-74, protoxyd of cobalt 38-71, water 41-55 = 100-00, corresponding to the oxygen ratio, 11-828 : 8:25 Co : 12:31 x, which is convertible to— 11:82 : 12-00Co : 25-68 = wef 12-00 : 12-00 — ; 24-00 She It would be interesting to ascertain whether this bieberite has the same form of crystal as that examined by Winkelblech, which without a doubt is to be looked upon as the normal salt. 5. Vitriol. (Haidinger.) The formula of sulphate of copper is CuS+5H. Assuming that 1Cu may be replaced by 23, this formula is equivalent to (Cu)? S+H. Sulphate of copper by this means receives a for- mula similar to that of the other sulphates here mentioned, (with the exception perhaps of melanterite,) and this harmony appears to me to bear out the truth of the assumption I have adopted, and this opinion is still farther supported by the formula obtained by calculation for the phosphates and for the arseniates of copper. 6. Basic Sulphate of Copper. The oxygen ratio of this mineral, resulting from Berthier’s analy- sis, is 9-93 S : 13°35Cu : 15-29 w, or otherwise by conversion, 9-938 : 19:33 (Cu) : 3:33 975 3 19°50 : 3°25 7. Sulphate of Alumina. The formula of sulphate of alumina, both that which occurs native and the artificial, is Al $2418 H, which expression may be thus written, 2(R)s S+AlS. Inthe artificially prepared pure salt, (R) consists entirely of water, whereas in the natural salt, it (Cu) S 4m 2 ae Lr cee Riad han MMM aE aN Mili re beeen” -/ ST ih" Ta Sahl OO “2 . i ulin as Ciglat 196 Scheerer on Isomorphism. contains also minute quantities of solid bases isomorphous there- with, as Fe, Mg, é&e. 8. Alum. The alum formula, R S+Al S3 +24 H, is convertible to -8(R)? SAILS. 9. Alum Stone, or Alumite. a Rammelsberg, from Cordier’s analysis of the crystallized alum- ite from Tolfa, attributes to this mineral the formula, ( KS+AlS°) 4+3.l x, which involves, as it seems to me, an improbability, inastnuch as one portion of alumina and sulphuric acid are there d mbined as a neutral salt, while three times this quantity of alunite: in the form of a hydrate is noways combined with the acid at all. Changing the expression of the formula to (R)? S+ Al? S?, we get rid of the above improbable rai It cannot but be noticed that in the a ign 2 9 forthe different (neutral) sulphates, 1 atom is always introduced as water of i omg while six atoms #=2 ( R), acting the part bined with the sulphuric acid. This coincides very well with: ‘Graham’ s well known observation, to the effect that these salts by exposure to heat, yield up six equivalents of t water with far greater readiness than they do the seventh equiv- . alent, which is not expelled until the temperature is still farther : raised. Graham termed this last “ basic water,” and the former is water of crystallization. meen to my view of the matter, this nomenclature would be inverted.* At the close of these pisrticaiter to set about enumerating the a numerous facts in favor of the notion that water in the mine : kingdom, acts extensively the part of a base, seems to me a use- * Whether in fact in all the sulphates in question the quantities of the 1:1 atomi¢ bases (Mg, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu) are always in definite atomic proportion to the amount of basic water [as R : 2(8)], a circums i tance which, as we have seen, does not appear to obtain in other minerals (silicates, phosphates. and sili not aes iscrepancies observable i ists in their analysis o several of these sul hates, it be ratio between t :1 atomic base ed the Besi sata ae on le or ; : ught thong in ! way or another is to be sought for * akg vie Senin bs, per ane- ries of experiments directed to the formation of f erpatalltoed oot sulphates in chick. and (H) do not preety the definite proportion indicated above. But that such sulphates, if indee ey can exist, are fi <8 stances, is of itself evi dest » are formed only under certain peculiar circum Scheerer on Isomorphism. 197 less labor, and one which unless.entered upon in detail would very likely be imperfect. From all that has been said, it may fairly be held established, That 1 atom of magnesia, protoryd of iron, protoryd of manganese (probably Bie) protoxyd of co- balt, protoryd of nickel and oxyd of zinc. may be isomorphi- cally replaced by 3 atoms of water, and that 1 atom of ct of contrasted with that hitlerto received tt ric), hight be term- ed polymeric isomorphism. he is hardly a doubt but that 2 with time, its application will be There occurs to. me an opposite remark of v. Bonsdorff, to the pri. that in hornblendes 3iAl are apparently isomorphic. with Si, ani opinion whith is soa tenant the eee examples of a smalls tae ag replacement fn ed above.* That polymeric is led'into play also beyond the region of the mineral ie m, admits scarcely of a doubt. For the present however, fm fine to follow the subject up be- ere its actual limits. d it almost superfluous to remark, that T am far from sup- tea that the eal 3 Pacer 7 ormule that I have proposed are the corn = Bunk ins iderable nu mber of the minerals c cerned, espe wih whee cm sition we are not. suff ciently erm nan n merely as a sugges- tion, and further thvaste ust seeds how far I have been correct in such ca At the conclusi jdn of ¥ thisnatticle; 1 may be perhaps perntitted to add a few oa which rks bye bs eS decly to me to be of some im- portance, and 1 Ae with the stibject in hand oe 6 pee oe > Among all the ced We pape ie hn n n hes been direc- ted, there is not a single ene’ zeolites. This group of minerals is distinguish forts ed of water, and is not the less remarkable ar the total of magnesia and protoryd of iron by which it is chairs, the very two bases which so frequently and with such facility are replaced by water. ues i + tees mokt taal? Securris in zeolites , are lime and potash, with regard to which, as far at least as minerals are concerned, in which they play-a leading part, it would appear that they are not replaceable by water. Upon endeavor to treat either in the whole or in part thé water contained in zeolites in zeoli *It is eae that the minute quantities of Al and Ot i in * Schiller- -spar (which see) may, upon the same principle, admit of a an quantity of Si. Sxconp Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848 ; md ‘ oo Sang ae ie - 5 eM meer ge b ae eee esi sae, ee es. gli tae cae pe Nae OOS ERS SOs AC GY RE Mc —- 198 Scherer om'Isomorphism. ' as basic water, we obtain generally speaking, yr highly im- probable formule, or at least such ones as offer no reason for pre- ferring them to those already received. Ina few: instances only, which will be found below, the — that I have obtained, ap- pear to be worthy of notice. “8 Okenite. * Ca? ie may pie to 3Ca Si+(R) Siam, __ % Apaphyltite. K Si? +.8Ca Si-+ 16H may be converted are 4+2(R)9Si?. > _— — Kand Ca; ty psa on the contrary, the entire amount ater. ylia shot however, the cae 9 of La in ses ahttptae. to sobaed 18 per cent, whereas both Berzelius and Oeicany a, from 16 to 17 per cent. ~ e 3. nah Na? Si?, 3A Si?+6H may be converted to * _3[Na Sil Sij+-2(R) Sli % The portion of the formula within the bracket ie th fo fortnuila of labradorite.” (Ryhere too contains only ¢ " A, Harmotome: Be si caine 098 may be sttrened a ai Ba? Si Sie bi) “Sis 28 Si bra Leah form it of sx am- <8 Bpisittite ef Si -saidiny ae may be converted to * s a * a an . peolenye of iron, The formula of the, mica from onroe, and Karasulik, and probably from rharly other rine es, is, as before mentioned, that of garnet ;—the formula of" Abborforss and Sala micas ap- proaches the garnet formula, inasmuch as the members thereof are * Besides, the ‘of catbo nate of lime in water nts et with capo to som compounds otherwisé constituted may, 80 to §] the introduction of magnesia, a body, in acertain point of vie therewith. Scheerer on Isomorphism. 201 similar though otherwise combined. This would go to explain the circumstance of garnets occurring imbedded in such numerous instances in mica-slate In conclusion, I now come to the question put already at the commencement of this paper, pets is it then, since aspasiolite and cordierite occur close together, t ine is not in like man- ner associated with olivine? It wil be readily conceded that wa- ter as’ well as all the other bases in question, cannot but have been present at the formation of aspasiolite and serpentine, (and indeed of all hydrous minerals, occurring as admixtures in primitive for- mations. But why was it now that that was taken up by the serpentine mass so through and through that not even the small- only partially, and became thereby converted to aspasiolite? Before replying to this question we must revert to the formula pro- posed for these minerals, Olivine, > RSiv om a ' RAM 3R Si. Serpentine, (R): aN In olivine, 3 atom: of | this ground it must i for water tomake it way it vine than into cordierite. But vars water, at the formation m of serpentine actually prevented a portion of’ the magne nesia from com bining in its place with silica, is proved beyond a doubt by foe namely, that in the Snarum serpentine a mineral occurs imbedded in great’ abundance ( hydrotalcite), the constituents of which are hydrate of magnesia and carbonate of “magnesia. therefore have been no absence of magnesia at the formation of serpentine,and the water, so to speak, have been thus compelled to be taken up by the silica, but the water, in consequence of its basic properties, has in truth SUPPLANTED a ‘portion of the magnesia, a OF THE QUESTION. The water could not exert a similar influence _ upon rae copdierite mass from hot penetrating it so readily, but was S prin taken up thereby where magnesia was wane = bo ae 202 Scheerer on Isomorphism. crystals increased in size the magnesia that was wanting was of necessity replaced by water. This explains how it is that the near ne as weshave seen above, cannot be called into existence where wa- ter is present, while senpentine for its formation requires the pres- ence of water, we are naturally led to the*inference that all for- mations ‘in which olivine eccurs could at» their origin have con- tained no water, whereas in all those where serpentine is met with, water necessarily must have. been present. point of fact the rocks in which oliviné oceurs are not less by their petrograph- ic character than. by their ‘position im the series of geognostic for- mations, distinctly and thoroughly separated from those in which serpentine is met with. . The former belong to the basaltic group, the latter to the crystalline primary rocks. - nesia with reference to Polymeric Isomorphism. (From Pog- gendorff’s Annalen; vol. lxviii, p. 376.) The Chemical Constitution. of the Hydrous Carbonates of Mag- } P The different compounds of magnesia with carbonic acid and water have-hitherto, as.we know, been pl in the following six categories: (1.) Triply hydrous two-thirds carbonate of mag- nesia =Mg: Cc + 3H. (2.), Folurfold-hydrous ihtee-fourths ¢ar- bonate of magnesia =Mg‘ €* +43. (3.) Fivefold-hydrous four- ee ne ot oF as * a A) fifths carbonate of magnesia =Mg* C +5H. (4.) ‘Triply hy- drous, simple carbonate of magnesia =Mg C+3H,” (5.) Five- * ? 4.8 2 Be oh . fold hydrous, simple carbonate of magnesia =Mg C+5H, and _ (6.) Magnesia alba, thet was. held to'be a mixture of several of the above named Compounds, mote eSpecially Mg* C3448 ; . a cy i] . oy ’ and MgC+3H., : pill rd Since ascertaining however that, under certain circumstances, water plays a basic part, and this in such a manner that 1 atom Mg is replaced by 33, the question arises whether the chemical constitution of the whole of these hydrous carbonates, when looked upon in this new point of view, may not beco materially modified. 'The result upon enquiry instituted in this sense, goes that the above mentioned compounds, instead of being subdivided under six heads, (the sixth of them consist- ing itself of compounds incapable of being united under a com- mon formula) may very readily be comprised in two groups. — err te GF yee as * i» » __ of the water, giving us therefore, * Scheerer on Isomorphism. 203 First Group. CG Mg H- L Triply hydrous two-thirds carbonate 2 ~_ of magnesia, according to Fritzsche, 3267 47-23 20-10 cordin ae 45°. 21° 3 Magnesia alba, accontele to Klaproth, 33: 40: 27: a alba, according to Bucholz, a 6 6SSlCOe 5. 5 Maly h drated, simple carbonate of , - ra magne according to Soubeiran, . 31:50 29-58 38-29 6. The same a according _ , Berzelius 315 296 38-9 7. The sathe compound, seedtding a: ton Se Bucholz, ejb 30: 30: 40° The relditve biiatitiot of oxygen im Gay apa tae are, 1. 23-73 : 1828:1787 |° %. 22-90: 11°45 ; 34-60 2. 24-72: 17-42:1867 | 6. 2290: 11°46 : 34-62 3. 23-99 : 15'8 + 24-03 7. 2181; 11-61 ; 35-56 4, 23:26 : 12-77: 3115 Looking upon ‘the whole of the water these salts as basic, so that one atom Mg may ‘be anges 3H, oe so modify the ratios ef oxygen as stated ab at the oxygen of the magnesia becomes increased by the third: att 1. 2373C: hess: 1 14-87)-<0fadiie _. B BA72 3 (1742414 18:67) =23: ; 23:99 +: (15-48+1 24-03) = 23-49 23:26. : (12-7711 31-16)=22'82 : (11-45-41 34-60) =22-98 22-90 (11: 46+1 24-623 03-00 21-81 ; (11-6143 35-56)=23-46 The mean of these seven OXY, ‘ratios of C : (Mg) gives us 23°33 38. The quantity of oxygen in the acid is therefore precisely equal to that in the base, and consequently these salts, whose composi- tion is apparently so different, whose quahtity of —— varies from 47-23 to 30, and whose amount of water es between a ES wo rh) Te) S ang , 20-1 and 40, may be brought under the. ‘ioatanet formula (Mig) C, and, be feplengied a by the general title of semi-carbonate ydro-magnesia. erence to the causes whence it was ae: about that bio ¢ teh or less portion of. Mg was replaced a pa ae that is 3H, it is Fone of remark, that thé salt contain- most water was formed at a low t pos eee be be- in ay and 10° centigrade), whereas the salt ng the ¥ eee Z * ee 204 bl _ Scheerer on Isomorphism. least water a with the observance of certain precau- tions,* at the boiling point. This throws out a hint with refer- ence to the possibility of obtaining other salts of magnesia as well, wherein the quantity of water varies : $ ‘ eet Crop, = 1. Fourfold hydrated, siesedetetihs : 2 carbonate of magnesia, ce oe 43:39" 18°95 to Trolle Wachtmeister a- . The same compound accordin sihoeelias ° 35-70 Ud 58 19-72 3. Same compo, according to 2. 96.43 AA 412 19 75 on. . Magnesi iaalba, according to Berzelius, 36°47 43-16 20-37 5. Fivefold ‘hydrated, four-fifths-car- ig? * ‘Mg . 8 Sui #3" bonate of magnesia, =e to 36:4 432 20-4 Berzelius, . 6. Same ae ind, according ae 365 42:8 20-7 7. Magnesia alba, according to Rerzoliva, 37-00 42:24 20°76 8. Magnesia alba, according to Butini, 36° 43 21° 9. Fivefold. hydrated, four hfths-car- bonate of magnesia, according wt 36-22 42-10 21°68 Fritzsche, 10. Magnesia alba, according to Bucholz, 350 42> 23: The combinations arrived at by the chemists here named, cor- respond to the quaritities of oxygen stated below : / 1. °27:38 / 16-80: 16-85", * : 5. 26°46 : 16-72 ; 18-13 ; ee 6. 26:53 ¢ 16-57 :. 18-42 ie: : . 26°90 : 16-35: 18-48 pana 8. 26:17 :.1664 ; 18-67 coe 9. 26°33 : 16-29 ; 19-30 = oe 10. 25-44 : 16-26 ; 20-47 i __ Mean 26°39 : 16°67 : a ‘B5 This is an approxiination to the formula Me* C?+ AH, according to which the oxygen ratio should be 26°39 ; 17-59 : 17-59. Ap parently, therefore, the water contained in carbonates of magne- sia constituted as above, either does not act the part of a base at ie See Gmelin’s Handbuch der Chemie, New Edition, vol. ii, p. 224. sia Scheerer on Isomorphism. 205 all, or does so only to a small extent; - the latter may often obtain with regard to some of the salts quoted towards the end of the above group. We have for instance, in the case of salt No. 9, the oxygen ratio 26°33 : 16-29 ; 19°30, whereas it ought to be 26°33 : 17: 56; 17-56. Possibly, therefore, in this compound 1-27 Mg (that i is to say 17:56-+16:29), are replacaeby 1:74.34 (namely 19-30-17: 56), which would be exactly in the ratio required. On enquiring how it is that in fourfold hydrated three-fourths-carbonate of magnesia, no magnesia, or at least very little, is replaced by basie water, the twe following circumstances er themselves in reply. 1. The ten salts that we have men- cone were one and all, obtained at a boiling heat. 2. It must evidently be more difficult (from the reasons which I have entered into in the preceding paper relative to the kindred circumstances applicable to aspasiolite and serpentine) for water to find its way into a three-fourths-carbonate than into a semu-carbonate and ex- pel from thence a portion of the magnesia. addition to the hydrous magnesian ei. ag mention- ed, amounting in all to seventeen, which may be ranged in the two groups above deseribed, there are other five that have been analyzed, one of which however may be omitted here inasmuch as prior to its being analyzed (by. Dalton), it was dried at a temper- ature of 100°C. ‘The remaining four arg oa follows : ipa 1. Five-fold hydrous simple carbonate "ey of magnesia, according to Fritsche, o) ot 29 ected 50 91 2. Magnesia alba, according to Berg- pg ag. 30): mann 3 po. do. according to Berzelius, 30°25 36:40 33°35 A do. according to Fourcroy, 48° AQ: 12° The corresponding proportions of oxygen are— 1. 18-466; 9-18Mg: 45312 4:89 ; 15:48 : 10°68, 4.3 sal while the formulas resulting therefrom are— 1 Qllg): 6-+2Hr. 3. Mgt C*+8H. : 2. (Mg)? C-+3, or (Mg)°C. 4. 3(Mg)C+ rie existence of the se s ae: fourth of these salts must, until established by more sea experiments, remain a matter of uncertainty. The two compounds alone, the composition of which is ascertained with sufficient precision, are, (Mg)? C+2H, Mg‘ C218, the oxygen ratio whereof was, | . Seconp Seriss, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. 27 ey ;% 206 English Prefixes derived from the Greek. As obtained, Should be, 18-46 C : 18-46 Mg : 17-47 & | 18-46C : 18-46 Mg: 18-46H 21-996 ; 14-09 Mg ; 29-64 | 21-996 : 14-66 Mg : 29:32 H. The compound (Mg)? C+2H was obtained from sulphate of magnesia by co/d precipitation, by means of carbonate of potash with an excess of sulphate of magnesia ; the compound Mg+C* +88, by the evaporation of a concentrated solution of carbon- ate of magnesia in water impregnated _ carbonic acid at a temperature approaching reezing poin The principal inference deduced ae is as follows. All the hydrated aaalieain aadeteel hitherto arialyzed, when made amenable to polymeric isomorphism, may be ranged in ew . Semi-carbonate of hydro-magnesia ; and 2. fold hydrated three fourths” carbonate of (hydro-?) pa Pte The salts of the first group; generally speaking, are ‘obtained - precipitation cold, and those of thé second group by precipitation at an elevated temperature. ip certain exceptional circumstances, in connection especially with a depression of temperature, the compounds of the firs anare: are enabled to take up two atoms more, and those of the second group four more atoms (eight there- fore in all) of water of Lamy ization. Ant. XVILI.—English eek = be oe the Greek; by vanes — e pr refixes, it should be observed, 2, ante sometimes employed as «prepositions with their complemefits, are originally and properly ve 1, Amphi or amphis, Gr. Po or. eg ol. nb —Sanse. api, Lat. ambi,‘amb, am, dn, Old Germ. umpi, Germ. um, Anglo-Sax. ymbe, ym, onto emb 5 (connected with Sansc. ubhau, i tiugw, Lat. ambo, oth. da, (1.) on both sides ; as amphipr ack vie on both sides, a poetic foot consisting of a short, a long, and a shor 4 he cet — moving ited way foremost, the name of an animal so moving. -) about, —— as, Gr. dupdéo, a bind about. No oxi occurs in English = , aoe 4 a English Prefixes derived from the Greek. 207 . An before vowels, or a before consonants, Gr. & = Sansc. an, a, Tat in, Germ. un, Eng. in and un ; (connected i Gi. dvev, Germ. ohne, both signifying without ;) denoti ting negation; as, anarchy, want of government; ambrosia, an imaginary food supposed to confer im- mortality ; prea an indivisible-particle ; abyss,.a bottomless gulf. 3. Ana before consonants, or an before vowels, Gr. évé, év, = Goth. ana, Germ. an, Anglo:Sax. and Eng. on; (connected with Gr. ave, above. (1.) up, spel as, anadromous, running up} anagoge, a leading of the mind. upwa (2.) over, pha as, anatreptic, overturning. —_ ) back, in a contrary airostios 2 as, anacamplic,. refiened, anges es ) back, .ta the original oo as, anatomy, the disseeting of an animal body into its constituent parts; analysis, the separation compound body into its constituent = rts. (5.) back, anew, again ; as anadiplosis, the use of the same — at the-end of one clause and “ope. nscale tie (6.) away; as, pane a a baat, recluse 4. Anti, Gr vis = Sanse..*al Soakaadl int Goth. ne mn anda, a glo-Sax. and and on, Germ. mete ant, g. an (1.) before, over oe as, Sn, “trina ‘s in fi against. No example oecurs in English. (2.) against, in porches to; as, i fein the feet directly opposite ; antipathy, opposite feeling. . Also as a preposition with its complement; as, antiasthmatic, good against the asthma, — (3.) denoting waa ya om sahoataa figure corresponding to its, pattern. (4.) denoting alternation or reciprocity ; ; .as, antiphony, alternate or reciprocal singing ; antistrophe, reciprocal conversions = ) as exchange ; as, antiptoss, the exchange. of one cone for 9, Or. aot ine a pat and ava, ‘Lat. ab, Groth: 3 Germ, r ‘Avg’. = off of the.last | T (1) from, off pa cutting at lotro sya ble of a warts apology, a rank one’s se off, a defense in words. (2.) away; as, apostrophe, a turning a i 3) out ; as, apozem,a decoction ; apologue, a saying out, a full nar- prey down; as, apoplexy, a striking do “= ) denoting privation or ny ase ; Ps, »apocalypaey an abooveringy revelation. 6. Catia Gr. xaté, 1.) down, downwards ; as, catarrh,.a flowing do e} against, as @ preposition with its ps met as, catabaptist, one who opposes an upside down; as, catastrophe a turning upside down, over- 7" 4.) denoting distribution, as ; prercesne with its gn a as, catame thl (5.) denoting aru ten; as, catachresis, wrong use. 208 English Prefixes derived from the Greek. ak a Gr, dé,— Lat. dis; (connected with Gr. dio, Lat. duo, — “e i in 1 £1005 annular apart; as, dieresis, the resoladion: of a diph- (2 (2) through ; as, diameter, a line drawn through the — (3.) thoroughly ; as, diagnostic, distinguishing, charac _. (4.) between, es, reciprocity ; as, dialogue, pang ye tween two or mor . Dys, Gr. dé¢, = Sansc. dus, Goth. t E(k) badly, ‘with difficulty ; as, iene. ‘difficulty, of digestion. (2.) denoting want or absence ; as, dysorexy, want of appetite. . Ec before a consonant, or ex before a vowel, Gr. éx, ¢&, == Sansc wahis, Lat. e, ex, Goth. uf, Germ. aus, t (1.) outs as, eclogue, a selection ¢ exanthema, an eruption. .) aways as, eclipse, a failure. 10. En, Gr. év, = Lat. in, Germ. in, Eng. in. (1.) im, on; as, enclitic, leaning on. 2.) among, as a preposition with its complement; as, endemic, among the people. nto; as, enallage, the change of one into another 1. Epi, Gr. ént, = Sansc. abhi,,Goth. bi, Germ. bei, ia by. 1.) on, upon; a ram, an inscription. Also as a preposition pie its gauplecnant’ as, epitaph, an inscription on a sepulehet . 2.) to, unto ; as, epistle, a writing sent to a person. » (3.) an addition to; as, epilogue, a conclusion 12. Eu, Gr. ae er a _ seuphans agrecableness. - sound. 13. Hama or a, Gr. ¢ a, sam, Goth. s (1.) together with, as a ee ger ae ‘its Salegilaotig va hama- dryad, a a wood*nymph, feigned to live and die with its tree. PA Ae 2 sameness ; as, weg relating to brethren, or those omb. me wom ane lupo Gr. dxéo, = Sansc. upari, Lat. super, Goth. iar Germ, uber, Eng. over. (1.) over; as, hyperaspst, one who holds a shield over another. »(2.) beyond, as a preposition with its complement ; as, hyperborean, beyond the:north. (3. .) denoting excess ; as, hypercritic, _ over rigid critic. 15. Hypo, Gr. ir; = Sansc. upa, Lat. sub, Goth. u nder ; as, a a placing under, a supposition. Also as a preposition with it = Senne am hypogeum, the parts of a build ing under grown (2.) denoting defences as, hyposulphurous, sulphurous, but having a less a id of oxy 6. r. 8igs tacnalenll with Gr. 2v ;) signifying into; as, isago- de intboecte wie isdaop, Lat. medius, Eng. mid 1.) with ; as, metalepsis, participation, the name of a figure of speech. (2.) after, of place or time, as @ preposition with its oe ; as, metacarpus, the part after or Pel the wrist ; metachronism cing after the time. tory. 7. Meta, Gr. ueté, — Germ. ae (connected with Sanse. madhya, le. >. a English Prefixes derived from the Greek. 209 .) over ; as, metaphor, a transfer ; ‘ ogee a transition. (4) roe oting change ; as, meta a change of form or shape. noting transpos sc 5 - Se catmciaiarns & transposition of letters ; nsisterha a i on. ara before c eu or par before vowels, Gr. 1a94, mag, — Sansc. pard, Goth. in ng. ‘from. by, along with; as, parabole, a comparison ; para ragraph, some- thing written near ; parathesis, apposition. Also as a prepusition with its complement; as, paranymph, a bri deman ; pees by or near each other se ) to, towards; as, Leebepaine one ‘that calls upon or exhorts an- oth (3.) beyond ; as, paraphrase, an extended explanation ; paragoge, an addition to end of a wor a preposition — - plement; as, parapherna, what is over and above (4. ) denoting error ; as, paraselene, a false moon 3. pi a a false ) 19. Pers, Gr. zegl, = Sansc. pari, Lat. per, Goth. fair, Germ. ver. (1.) around, about ; as, Bert iphery, the circumference of a circle; periphrasis, ae ution Iso as a preposition mh its comple- ment} as, pericranium, rig them mbrane that invests the (2.) near, -- r i prepanitiil with its complement ; as, perigee, point aeons the ea Pr rao sige) =i Sansc: pra, Lat. “ag prae, Goth. Sow, Germ. vor, Be ‘ (1.) ion in place ; a8, prostyle, a range of ‘colanms in front. Also as a preposition with i its complement; as, propolis, something be- fore the cit (2. ) befores i in time; as, prodrome, a forerunner ; prolepsis, antici- pation; prophet ; prologue. Also as a preposition with, its comple ment; as, prochronism, the antedating of an event, 3.) before, forth, in a metaphorical sense ; as, problem, something set forth or la ae ag ed. ; 21 mod¢, — Sansc. i, 1.) re ; est prosthesis, the addition of a letter or syllable to the beginning of a word} prosélyte, one that comes over fo another sect or (2:) in addition to; as, prosenusatedral, having hine contr on two adjacent parts of a crystal, 22. Syn, before a labial sym, before 7 syl, before z ora dou e con- sonant sy, Gf. oir, uu, ovi, ov,—=Sanse. sam, Lat. con, Goth. ga, Germ. and An - ge. fl) with, in company with ; as, symbol, that which compares with else i i feeling with another; syzygy, conjunction. se ) together, in a mass or body; as, synagogue, a bring togeth- composition; sydlable,.a taking together of letters. 210 «J. H. Alexander 3, the Tension of Vapor of Water. Arr. XIX.—On a New empirical Formula for ascertaining the Tension of Vapor of Water, at any Temperature; by J. H. Avexanver, Esq. . Tue formula which the following memoir is intended to ex- pose, is called new ; because, fo the best of my knowledge, it has never been used or suggested hitherto. It is also rightly termed empirical, in so far as it is not susceptible of geometrical demon- stration, but thus far only ; since, in point of fact, it was derived entirely from considerations a priori and independent of any ex- periment or interpolation. Of course, it was compared as soon as ible with the temperature corresponding to the ordinary at- mospheric pressure; and after a satisfactory agreement had been found at this point, the aceord of the formula with observations through a range of experiment more extensive than has hitherto been ‘heluded in one and the same table, it is the principal aim of the presen to exhibit, after having shown in few words the reasonableness of the formula and its limits (or rather want of limits) in applieation ; a comparison, then, of the errors existing and admitted in several of the experimental series of the highest authority, with the differences developed at. the same epochs by the formula, will indicate the. ilitie favor of the latter, and the nature and amount of its reliability. . It is obvious'that the pressure of vapor or steam must be always in proportion to the absolute temperature at which it is produced. But as this temperattire is only observable relatively and upon an arbitrary scale; it is hecessaty, in ordér to obtain any thing like a ature. Or, what amounts to the same thing, the pressure of steam whose temperature is observed on any scale, is directly as the scale, calling ¢ the number of degrees at any temperature, the pressure of steam at that temperature must be’ proportionate to t . ' iso ‘48ain, the pressure of steam must be always directly as the absolute heat of conversion, or, as it is otherwise termed, the latent heat ; expressed, of course, in degrees of the scale assumed. For, the greater the number of degrees for such latent heat, *the greater also will be the repulsive force of the heat existing in the J. H. Alecander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 211 steam; which repulsive force may be assumed to be at least a function of the elasticity of the vapor. And as such repulsive force takes effect in part by expanding the medium vaporized ; and the greater such expansion, the less will be the remaining elasticity ; it follows that the pressure of steam in the ordinary state of an atmosphere, must be also inversely as its increased volume. ‘This increased volume may be taken, from the experi- ments of Gay-Lussae, at 1695 times that of water at its greatest density. And the latent heat of steam is ‘generally admitted as 990° F'.; which number results from the experiments of Clement and Desormes, is not far from the mean of several other observ- — ers, and will probably require a very small modification only to be identical with the deduction from a strict theory of volumes applied to vapors generally, in the mechanical relation of the ob- owe effects of heat rin such age and the mcg eae: t So far as we have gone, then, the pressure of ciation must wily ( Se eamee It is here that the empiricism comes in, and dic- tates the numerical power to which this ratio must be involved, in order to harmonize. the pr 3 ce of. the elasticities with the series of the temperature. That the simple ratio will not present _ such harmony, is manifest; for, that wotild be the measurement, by a lineal scale of equal. parts, of central forces which, acting upon volumes, $y 22 naa be suppos ed to be in the duplicate ra- tio of the cube. ratio, equivalent to the sixth power, is in fact what has rides ; eh; and complete sate becomes then, calling p the pressure : : : ( t son) % -. P=\is0* 1695 This index, however plausible wpon reflection the reason to justify its adoption might have appeared, was no doubt suggested too, even unconsciously, from the recollection that it had before (though with different factors) served’ both Young and 'Tredgold and perhaps others, in approximating the’ results of experiments. not be to occur upon the use of any other scale t that of F. heit; unless, indeéd, one should adopt the fancy of Mr. Woolf, who supposed that lie had discovered an i ate numerical relation between the atmospheric pressure and the pound avoirdupois, in which case the English inch ra alt =. claim to be among Natural dimensions. It is, of course, qui possible, by a little artifice among the terms of a formula of this shape and retaining the same index, to producesa‘series of num- 5 .. oe i sae eto eGR oo + oe 5 & 212 J. H: Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. bers corresponding to any linear scale. Thus, for instance, sub- stituting Centigrade degrees for those of Fahrenheit, but carrying the denominator of the first term down to the degree at which the pressure becomes, by the formula, zero (which may be pre- sumed to correspond to an absolute negation of heat, and which in fact has to be used with the present formula when it is in- tended to give the pressure in atmospheres) ; we obtain pressures expressed in French metres and, through a range of several atmospheres, but little discordant with the results of experiment. In using Centigrade degrees, however, and transforming the equa~ tion so as to express atmospheres, the index (6°) gradually diver- ges from regular multiples; serving to shew what we might oth- erwise conjecture, that such index is not based upon any general relation in nature. . It was, therefore, of less interest for me to weary myself with comparisons of other thermometric and linear scales; it is enough that the formula affords a remarkable coinci- dence in its own terms with the measures recognized among our- selves, It is readily seen that the first term is positive as far as 0° of Fahrenheit ; for temperatures lower than that, it becomes nega- tive ; and there is a point, of course, Where the negative value of the first term equals the constant positive value of the second, and the pressure, therefore, as was said jist now, becomes itself zero. This point occurs at — 1059-13; of which it is enough to say, that it is not very far from the lowest degree of heat yet produced, and that long before it is reached the mercurial ther- mometer becomes useless. Whether there is in the theory of na- ture (for it is admitted that there is ndét in fact) such a point as that of the absolute privation of heat, and if so, how it should be reckoned and where placed,—are questions which, although kindred to the matter in hand, are not necessary to the elucida- tion (as it was to the method of interpolation of Dr. Dalton) that it lere it should not stand, it iy att yes hold good against the factors without prejudice to formula was not so very discordant from the results of experi- ment, I had the less motive for modifying or transforming it into a nearer agreement at this unusual temperature. The determination of a limit of this sort, whether real or as- sumed, is necessary in. converting easily a formula like the pres- ie J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 213 ent, into one which will shew the pressure in atmospheres ;—a me ethod which, as it extricates the results from any dependence on a particular system of weights and measures and thus makes them generally applicable, is of course in any purely scientific in- vestigation, much to be preferred. It is obvious that such a scale of atmospheres or volumes, must start from the degree where the expansions and the tendency to expand (which is elasticity), so far as they are due to temperature, are null. The limit that we “vst found, then, of 105°:13 below 0° Fahr., is such a term; the distance between that and the other extremity of the ere or 317°°13, (which is the measure on the thermometer of one atmosphere, ) becomes the new denominator to replace the 180° actually used for the pressure in inches of mercury. In fact, I had expected, in advance, to find the present mano- metric formula (as it may be termed) aah a barometric one, by putting it into this shape ; (eras (ie95) P=\3i7-13T \i695/ J - But this did not hold good. Applying it numerically, it results in giving, For 212° 18 pressure of 1:059 atmospheres, e equal to31- 68 inches. And for 322°°38, 6-263 187:37 In both these instances, to agree with the original formula, the numbers representing the atmospheres should hayé been without fractions. ‘The excess, however, (as is visible,) goes on in a con- verging series, and by and by disappears altogether; the differ- ence then changing its sign. Even then, it is not much; and at high temperatures, the equation corresponds very nearly with the actual observations. For instance, comparing it with the exper- iments of Dulong and Arago, Temp. 335°: ae OR m pressure a iis atmose; by foreasia.1. 628 atm. ee: © ak 1-660 11-958 * Aeros as the object I we in view was not to find an equa- tion that merely fits any particular series of observations, or is ex- act only for the higher ranges of temperature, I abandoned this ‘theoretical expression ; and preferred to deduce a formula for pres- sure in atmospheres from. the original one, in the ordinary ana- lytic way. ‘This results in the alternative expressions— & Anal t 561° coach of t 990 )’; ‘ | P=\3i713+ 1605 | = \317-13 + 2986-38 either of which may be adopted, according as we prefer to re- tain in view the factor of the latent heat, or that of the expan- | sion at the unitary atmospheric pressure. In practice, the constant ¥ fraction may be substituted by the number 0-33151. For the oe ara the similar constant was carried no farther than four pl decimals ; ; in this, where the unit of pressure is Seconp ath Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. 214 J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. thirty times larger, both the attainment of equal precision requires, and the facility of calculation allows, another decimal place to be taken. These decimal constants might, indeed, have been given in both formule at once, instead of the fractional expression from whic they originate ; were it not that I thought it desirable to preserve those factors which, besides solving the equation, indicate also, in part accidentally and in part essentially, certain elementary re- lations between pressure and temperature, (or rather certain epochs in those relations,) which are important in the future complete theory of the subject. For example, the denominator (1695) which expresses the number of volumes of steam under the at- mospheric pressure and at a temperature of 212°, developed from an unitary volume of water at its maximum density,—shows also the number of atmospheres, the equivalent of whose pressure will, below a certain temperature, prohibit the developement of steam beyond the sphere of said unitary volume. On the other hand, the numerator (990°) gives this limiting temperature ; and shows the degree on Fahrenheit’s scale, where the force of steam becomes equivalent to 1695 atmospheres. Its density, therefore, would be equal to that of water; if its behavior in other regards were like that of water too, this temperature would be the limit to its useful effect. But as there would most probably still re- main the elasticity due to its expansidn at that temperature, it aon not appear that we are Warranted in supposing any such imit At this point, 990°, the ratio of the latent and sensible heats, expansion due to the temperature, is (with Gay Lussac’s factor) 0-975 of the unitary volume; the expansion of water, due to the same temperature (taking its maximum density as occurring at 39°-4 F"., its actual expansion as 0-04333 at 212°-F., and its rational expansion as the cube-root of the fifth power of the % J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 215 temperature above the maximum) is 0:99944 of the same unita- ry volume :—an accord which, considering the possible errors of the experiments, appears to me sufficiently satisfactory. The equations already given serve to find the pressures in inches of mercury and in atmospheres respectively, when the tempera- tures are given: to find the temperatures corresponding to given pressure, they ae as follows ; 180 /p— 105°-13 ; where p represents the ye of ata of wre ot and 13 Vp'— where p’ stands for fe Sita of adobthictte After these preliminaries, may now 5 Lapeer the compar- ison of results by the formula and by the experiments of vari- ous observers; as is done in the following table. 'This table is quite extensive ; and, for my own sake, rather more so than I de- ired. But it will be considered that it comprehends the assem- blage of the sibastitions of many persons through many years ; and it was, besides, to me of an interest that I think will be par- taken of by others, to have in one view and without interpola- tion saat all the Pee ee a that have been made by actual ment. In lim it to statements of this character, I con-’ fess L thought at fie é restrict its extent, though it appears that there are in fact more experimental data than is generally sup- posed ; and I desired besides to increase its utility beyond the mere comparison with the present formula, by fitting it as a de- pository for general reference. i this last regard, it may be considered as authentic and reliab And yet after all, it does not ite the whole of our experi- mental data. Those of John Henry Ziegler, of Winterthur in or only in statements at second or third hand, whose accuracy I had not the means of verifying. Nor does it contain quite all the results of those observers to whose experiments I had access. 'T'o have given every one of each, would have ash the table, in respect to the eect of Mr. cised, therefore, the discretion of using only those instances which, at reasonable degrees apart, rested upon a number of con- 216. Judi: Aiec dll on the Tension of Vapor of Water. current observations. In general, such concurrences of the same mean temperature, give the mean of three observations of pres- sure; the result for 32° F., is the mean of forty-seven recorded pressures. For the experiments earlier than Mr. Southern’s, [ have usually taken only those whose recorded temperatures were already otherwise in the table. I shall have Reece however, to speak of each one more particularly, presently The difference of apparatus and manipulations necessary for experimenting upon the elasticity of vapor above and below the boiling temperature, has led several of the observers, for con- venience or other motives, to confine themselves to one or the other side of this limit; and would render proper, in any dis- cussion of the value and reliability of such observations, an ar- rangement of them in two distinct tables. But as I have no such aim at present, and as the aceon of the formula belongs equally to the. aah and highest temperatures, there is no reason for breaking the continuity of the comparison or for presenting the results in more than one table. The order of the different columns is chronological, according to the dates of execution; or, when that was not known lication of the experiments. As in fact each successive observer had, or might have had, thé benefit of the experience and pre- cautions of his predecessor, it may be presumed that this order represents too, in a measure, the respective reliabilities of the re- sults. Only the two French series, while they are evidently un- rivalled in the extent to which, in opposite directions, they have been carried, are similarly distinguished by the refined elaboration which characterizes every part of the research. Table of the Pressure of Sleam at different Temperatures, calculated and variously observed through a Range of 462 degrees of Fahren- - heit’s thermometer. eB heer, Pressure in M ury observed by eaot Ee 3 J 22 Pa ee lg g ~ Dalton. | | 4s Pee €2.\ 3. Sale apes B. os ; a oe 5.5 - = c=) ; Be EE ed (e828 e8lez|23| 8 |B |EE| a2 | 2E | 28 SW 5 A Oe eS ye ee oS EE re ‘fe 6's —— 27 TE ae Lsthend < me |) ooh eg 2. . (38 ; = Eg | Ses pi os tee OS ~~ ro , se a4. |e 2 2>8 a5 - (886 23 59 . . Hac Bas n* > |£o8 2s we 0-170 zs | ges 500). | i he Se ale Ets a ; (0-200 0200 0-16 he . |. |*0-2290-29] . ; ki na ES es ; 01 ss i . re", » * . ' a J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 27 Table of the Pressure of Steam, §-c.—( Continued.) Pressure in inches of Mercury observed by a o p. in deg. of; Fahrenheit. inches by For mula. 1829. 1822. 1797-1803 Betancourt. 1790. obison. 1778. S| 1818 ve . aiBe & 2. SR ww 1836. \French Acad. 1801 S 5 ‘ 1820. | Southern , |Regnault. 1844, e S| Pressure in _ |Frankl. Inst. ~ S : ies x Arzberger. 1819. ar ~~ — 0:443 0-48) - | 0-689] | | 05971 0°75, . | 5 | -976| O°'713 | 0-616 e ; ‘ eet ae 0-82 to WWW WNW SSESLSaR — \ 453 516 | 515 13-02 13:18 218 J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. Table continued. | Ss 4 Pressure in inches of Mercury observed by + oS - S3je5 |. |¢ | 3 “ Pe ae Sofie. |2a.- |= < So Ewe. ia = sas : =... Pe Ga | See 3 a 5 (8) 95] 5a ot oa 2 fe meow |4 | bp eo | |e |e 190- 19°435| . ; ‘ ; . |19°0 ; » | | cores 195: 21-491}. : 5 : * 125-100) -*. : : 198-05 | 22-839/22:538 , a > : i : 200- Syal) 23-600, . 22°62) 200°75 087 ie 24-0 : 202: 24-679 edtbes Z 205: 64]. . |25-900 » : 210: 802}. ; . |. 128880) . pee 28°65 211-27 500} 29-621 " % ‘. A F ‘ : : . 2 915 4 ¥*29-922) . A 30°. | 30: , |29°8/29°87) ; . sean ; 30° 34:95 35-54 *34-99/34-20) . 35'8 F : 36-7 ¥ P 35°78 3 i 2 38-0 39-11 ; a pen 3 40°10 : : 4151 43°10 - . (44°38/445 Z : ‘ ; - | 43:50) ayy F " P 43-0 44°40) - r 44-75 7 é ; ‘i : . F . 43-05 ¥ A : : 46° ‘ , rm . ; 45:50 47°22 » . | 44 . . 50°30 . . < ‘ 0 51-70 : ” [549 | 49 ; 51-75 3 i . : 3 -40 56°34 pS . 52-12 ‘ oe Fi . . ° . 57°10 és . P 59-08 ; y ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 P ‘ «1, O40): a ied 56° Pty . 58205910), : ; ‘ ; ‘ 59-12; . | 61:90) . F i . 1668 58-14 ‘ ° 3 ‘ 7 : : . ‘ 596] ‘ ‘ 4 » [58 eee ea | kb ee a ||. |S fo Soi. | be ° 4 . : Be = 1 F 94-1 Mere 4 : 'F . 80° . . . < b *79:94|98-90) . Pe cae pies 82" ie = J. H. Alevander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 219 Table continued. * aaa oe x | Pressure in inches of Mercury observed by see |e zis He Te cy ie 2 g F Dalton m rs ee [824] etl sis | go heme Be ls ot ben fu] 3s | Ee ce (E25 | 2) G8 | oe | ge) 22 | #| 8 |e8| a8 28/28 e |o ee | ore 5 o | |e | 3797 [e690 . -| >. cee "9120 ae 274 8739 ’ 88-50 . . 275° | 88-72 90- | + | 93-48) 10007). 2755 | . 42 . Sug 89-711. : ; Ae ieee: oa i 3 : 90:45] 93:86 . |! ee ee eee é 92:86 ‘ ’ a PRE 9700 331 woe i : 93:81. : : . 93:60 99-95 . . iat 95°22 ‘ : . 10160 104-91). : : 97.75, . |101-90 - 105-9 . . 104-40 Se ’ . 107-70 . ‘ ‘ 112-20 i 114-80 ; 112-65 18 . [11450 120-15 : 123-10 ; ; 1192 122-20 126-70 ’ . : 124-15 129: . § ; “ 130°40 ‘ ‘ ; : 133-90 2113079}. : . {135°8 4 : + han 137-40) 14262, : ; , 136°36, . |133-75) . |189°70 L of A — t | ase . [137;55 151-92 ; . e ‘ 144-05 | cic food . P 15428. ‘ . 150-65 i Peron? ey x en 4 eae — oe ay 220 J. H. Alerander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. Table concluded. 5 5 Pr: ure in inches of by ie. sp & a 3 _ epee & > a $ i a3 Eee | 3 = 7 zi 50 Bi. a5 £3 ex Zs of S es pe | f2e | | | Ge | ge) 4 ee e & & = 348° 254-51 278°33 : $ : 350° 261- 290:35 . . 352: 268-35 297°36 fis 357-269 | 287-40 295-28 362°66 8-13 316°35 368°51 331° +342°51 i 371-12 343-12 348: : 372: 346-9 325° 330°66 386-4 : 389°345 | 429-78 433-83 398313 | 48158 483 3°043 | 506-35 511-31 3:88 511-43 514-22 405°041 518-41 2516-84 407-615 34-30 76 408-407 539-28 54085 410°873 557-56 55369 1 611-88 610-23 423-257 39-87 635:95 42503 652-93 644 96 429-08 683-43 ant _ 676-49 i . 706-12 . : ; Fs 620° 435°227 731-92 : : 71613 ; ‘ Of the earlier oat ae in the preceding table, I need not say much. Those of Mr. Watt, which he suffered to lie by him for forty years, and, in the caustic phrase of “Tredgol ld, only pro- duced when they had become unnecessary, he was himself dis- satisfied with ; but as appears upon comparison, “with more mod- esty than reason. I have specially calculated but two or three of his temperatures ; and, of the whole sixty-two experiments, have inserted but twenty-two ; among which, however, both the limits = are to be found. Of his friend Robison’s, I have had to calcu- _ late none specially ; but all happened to find a place in the table. Ji Mr. Betancourt’s numerous observations which were reported y in degrees of Reaumur and F'rench inches, I have only those which have been reduced to English scales Sir D. Brewster for the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. The experiments of Mr. Southern are, in fact, the supplement of those of Mr. Watt; having been rane and reported at the de- sire of the latter. The numbers will be found to differ, some ' from those generally found in: professed treatises on the 8 ear “en. gine ; they are in fact the mean of the actual observations ¥ those usually given, have been selected now from one a from the other set, yee reduced (by himself) to what pa we been, had t oC at 212° been thirty inches. - the present ll it seemed to me proper to state the ha not the possible, result ie x J. H, Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 221 Mr. Dalton’s experiments. were distinct; and are therefore given in distinct columns. The numbers in the earlier column, marked with an asterisk, were not from actual experiment ; ee > interpolation, according to the method he has himself . [have inserted them opposite. to amen mig numbers i pd adjoining column, for the sake of comparison and the igiee fit of the inference which may. flow en the variations. The numbers in the later column were not, in every case, bagi by his own experiments ; but they were accepted by him as authentic, and the most reliable he knew. It is more complimentary to his reputation than to their own research, that compilers of Chem- ical manuals, even down to the present time, retain among their tables his ancient results whose inaccuracy he himself -has_ re- cognized. All of his experiments, of Southern’s, and of Dr. Ure’s, are in the table. ‘To the originals of Mr. Arzberger, .I have not had access; but I have found these quoted, in. so many authorities and so uniformly accordant that I have not hesitated in recording them. Of the extensive table of Mr. Taylor,.whose remarkable call attention to, I have taken only those epochs of sateen ture which were already in my table. - The experiments of the French, Academy have been already signalized. It is enovigh to establish their claim to distinetion, to say that they were executed by Dulong and Arago ; have been long since inscribed in the very highest. rank of phys- ical philosophers. The numbers found im the appropriate col- umn, are, agreeably to what [ have already vaacrron o. as ete ing me throughout, quantifies actually-observed. ‘The tempera- tures.and pressures. generally quoted in the text-books on Steam, as of the French Academy, are not, in fact, what they observed ; but what they deduced (in part, by a formula of their own, and in part, by 'Fredgold’s) from the present experimental . series. The pressure 29-92 inches Smee to the temperature 212°, is marked with an asterisk, because it is not expressly declared to have been observed: It is the height which is cons taken in France for the barometric standard, as thirty inc in England: in the latter assumption, the temperature is rated at 60° F.,—in the former, at 32° F.; and the difference of heights _ is seta identical with the difference of expansion at had Te Pective temperatutes. ressure inthis series corresponding to the tem 368°: “B14 is also noted with a’ dagger; it may be ree m2 erroneous, not only because it differs so much from the result by my formula, but because it varies so much and so suddenly from the rate accused by the pressure on eitherside of it. Nor does it co at all with their own formula ; calculated by that, the pressure will be 335-87 inches. The error is net, po hl Seconp Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 17. —Sept., 1848. 4a 222 J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. of the press; since it makes its appearance in both ways of reck- oning, by atmospheres and by metres ‘I do not know how to account for another discrepant pressure, corre nding to the temperature 405°*04; which has been indi- cated by a note of interrogation. On both sides, above and be- low, the observed pressures are higher than the calculated one ; in this instance, it is suddenly lower. It agrees, to be sure, with an independent calculation by the formula of Dulong and Arago, at the temperature ; but very manifestly breaks the uniformity or any regular progression of the series. What adds to the difliculty, is that the same observation is given again in another part of the Memoir of the Academicians; but the ciphers do not agree. I have neither altered nor omitted either of these instances ; it is obvious that they” are not to be used in comparison with the present formula. ~ The temperatures - the Franklin Institute, which were taken for the composition of the table, come from the second series 0 their reported experiments. Pressures have been also taken from both the other series, when their temperatures were already in the table ; and, adopting this method as a uniform system, I did not allow myself to exclude the anomaly which shews itself be- tween the different series at the temperature of 300°. Of the experiments of Mr. Regnault, I have already spoken sufficiently. It is apparent; upon a slight examination of the table, that the calculated pressures do not differ more from the average of the experimental ‘onés, than these experimental ones do among them- _ selves; which is ‘about as much as could be desired to shew the ae _walidity of the formula, and the reasonableness of its application, ‘The mean n of ‘the in diderenotad is +1°-09 Pelee heit ; which is the maximum error of the formula, compared wi with ‘six series. | ae . wel a 4 eS a ee ~ J. H. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 223 It will be observed that I have left out of this comparison, the last observation of the Academy ; because it was the very utmost point which the apparatus could carry, and because it might there- fore be expected to be affected by the untrustworthiness which forbade the series from being extended farther. I have also neg- lected the last observation of Arzberger; which, compared with the Academy’s, is in error more than n 10°,—a deviation sufficient at all; because, if we admit the series just now tabulated, his re- sults are altogether too high. He may, however, be compare with himself, in the two results .he has. recorded for his last ob- servation. ese two different pressures accuse a corre ing difference of temperature of 0° 63 F. ; a possible error, not so materially less than what we have found as the maximum that can attach to the formula. The Franklin Institute experiments, which correspond closely with Ure’s, I have omitted for a similar reason ; they do not profess, even, to read nearer than 0°°25F. fom may, however, for illustration be. eo: mapared. with those of Academy, as under : ‘ 7 pressure, 145-15 inches ; temp. —* 305°- - — calculated, ‘ai Institu 154-28. 305 -50 . Differences,” #8 MESES MED ‘ oe ‘ "40-29 Discounting the observed difference from the eelanlotat one, we have left 4°-11F., as the error of one or the other series; an amount nearly four times that of the. * foctonth It is manifest that the comparative error of the formula is only | approximate ; because it is based, im each case, upon only one ob- servation instead of upon the gpenbines mean of all the observa- Bane or, rather, the mean of the every. epoch ob- ved. Also, it can only be called an error, upon the assump ton of the mean of all the experiments resulting in absolute ac- racy ; am assumption by no means to be made ; for, in general, he utmost that can be done for any experimental asking is to de- termine the limits of its neeessary or accidental e Such a 7 research and determination, I have thought the pecncgt formula _ of sufficient interest to warrant, ‘The account, which is it “" the promised and proper conclusion of the present paper, walla ; pear in a fetes Fn rag this Journal. ae % Q24 -E. Tuckerman on New Engiand Plants. Arr. Xx, = oleae aaa some New England Plants, with characters of several new species ; by Epwarv Tuckerman, A.M. ‘Svsctans aquatica. This plant has been entirely unknown in this country since its discovery by Mr. Nuttall in the ponds of aine, and was sought for unsuccessfully, at Nuttall’s sta- sion by Dr. Robbins. In 1844, I was so fortunate as to meet with it growingabundantly, in. about a foot of water, in company with Isoétes lacustris, on the gravelly bottom of Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, N. H. I have not observed it in any. other of the numerous ponds of the White plane oe and it is possibly oe local. Epivosium alpinum, ? fontanum, (Wahl: ): foliis ovatis dentic- latin Wahl. Lapp. p. 98 - Has. About rivulets in the alpine region of the White Moun- tains} and oecasionally descending, along the streams. A taller (often 6 to 8 in. high) and stouter plant than the true E. alpinum, with larger ovate leaves, obtuse but tapering above, and always distinetly,denticulate. . ‘E.. alpinum, 7 nutans; (Hornem. bE ’ foliis lineari-lanceolatis ob- tusis obsolete denticulatis, caule paucifloro sparsim crispulo-pubes- centi, siliquis ecano- 2 gi go us. H. nutans, Sommer. Suppl. Fl. Lapp. p. 17, Fide J. Vahl! E. alpinum, mutans, Hornem. Fil. : Occ: ci ft. Sommer erf.* Has. Alpine a of the White Mountains, in rather dry soil, not rare.’ Always distinguishable by its nodding, common- ly solitary flower, and the hoary pubescence of the pods. It ap- pears somewhat nearer than Sommerfelt’s plant to E. palustre, and differs in some’ respects from the description of the Norwegian author, but was recogiized as belonging to his species by the ex- cellent northern botanist above cited. Poramoc This genus will reward more attention than it ‘seems i to have received hete. Characters of two species, sup- to be omega were given by me in this Journal in and subsequent investigation has not: only confirmed my onthe of see. Be nntene of these two, but has brought to light several others that seem to be imnioticed by authors. The de- scriptions which follow, have been made ‘from living plants, every case. I have similar notes already collected respecting many of our better known species, and hope on a future occas- ion, to continue these sketches, and perhaps thus acquire suitable material for a survey of the whole genus, as represented with us. P. pulcher, (Tuckerm.): caule simplici verrucoso ; foliis om- nibus petiolatis ; submersis membranaceis pellucidis, infimis oval- ibus spatulatisve superioribus lanceolatis basi acutis = atten- Ualis acuminatis, multi-nervibus undulatis; natanti coria- E. Tuckerman on New England Plants. 225 cles ovatis, supremis plus minus rotundatis profunde cordatis tiolis subcanaliculatis seepius longioribus ; stipulis elongatis lineari- linguiformibus acutis; pedunceulis: longiusculis ; fructibus recenti- bus late oblique obovatis lunatis, stylo subapicali mucronatis, dorso tricarinatis, lateribus convexis in faciem acutam declivibus. P. pulcher, Tuckerm. Obs. in Sill. Journ., xlvi, p. Has. Ponds; Stoneham, Tewksbury, " apparently not very — but abundant where it occurs. F#. May, Jtine. — Fr. e, July. Stem mostly simple, terete, thick and spongy, con- spicuously black-warted, 2-5 feet long. Floating leaves large, attaining to the size of 5 in. by 34, the: uppermost more or less rounded-ovate, deeply cordate, on channelled petioles shorter than the blade; the lower ones oblong-ovate, slightly-or scarcely cor- date, on elongated petioles; all marked on the under side with very numerous, commonly impressed nerves. Submersed leaves rather distant, membranaceous, inconspicuously many-nerved, the principal ones pellucid, loosely netted veined, lanceolate with an and an attenuate and acuminate tip, undulate-serrate, short-petiolate, 5-8 in. long ; the lowest smallerand thicker, more oval, or spatulate, on more elongated petioles. . Stipules long, rather acute. Peduncles a little’thickened, commonly more than twice as long as the slender spike: Nutlets mah the back sharply tricarinate, broadly furrowed between: the k when dry, the middle keel prominent and slightly irregular, the lateral ones less acute, sides convex, sloping: to the sharply’ cari- nate front, which is produced at the middle. . Kxocarp thin. Putamen thick, hard. Seed uncinate-convolute. The floating leaves of this Potamogeton have probably been passed over as belonging to P. natans, but the two plants are very dif- ferent. P. natans is always characterized by its much elonga- ted petioles, the lower of which are so commonly destitute of the blade, that the species has been described as possessing lower leaves without b blades. It is very common with us, and near to P. fluitans and P. oblongus, but cannot be cohhentadie either with the present species or the next. The Potamogetons are typically, submersed plants, and their floating leaves become of importance in, characterizing the species, only when taken in connexion with — the submersed ones. ‘The floating leaves are often merely acces- _ sory, and their number is uncertain, the lower ones constantly varying in texture and'shape with the character and depth of the: ; - i ee ‘nov. ): caule simplici stipulis ampleeten- a ine reeurvis conspicue eneins undulatis petiolis longiuseulis can- rt, natantibus coriaceis ovato-s. oblongo-lanceolatis, su- s petiolis longiusculis pieces longtonbus stipulis 226 E. Tuckerman on New England Plants. elongatis linguiformibus acuminatis ; pedunculis ey we fruc- tibus recentibus oblique eoratis breviter recurvo-rostratis dorso arcuato rotundatis, lateribus convexis in faciem cameos de- elivibus. Has.. Ponds; Cambridge and elsewhere, very common in New England, and I have seen it from*’New York. FJ. June, July. “Fr. July, Aug. Stem simple, terete, enclosed by the clasp- ing stipules, 2-5 feet long, Floating leaves oblong-lanceolate, the base often ovate and subcordate, marked on the under side with 6-8 prominent nerves, 3~5 in. long, by 14 to 1} in. wide, on channelled petioles, of whieh the u permost are mostly shor- ter than the blade.: Submersed leaves delicate, pellucid, broad- lanceolate, acute at’each end, more or less re curved and sick shaped, 6-8 nerved, obsenrely but closely netted-veined, 5-8 in. long, by 14 to 2 and more in width, on conspicuous, channelled, and in the care elongated petioles. a 1on8 (the up- rmost n.) acuminate, inclosing the stem. | Pedun- cles much ~ostinintl often more than twice the size of i stem, longer than the elongated spike. Nutlets not very obliquely ob- ovate, slightly beaked, rounded on the back. The rather thin exocarp being removed, the back appears: rounded-carinate, with a sunken line on each side. Putamen thick, spongy. Seed con- volute-uncinate. P. lonchites, (Sp. nov.): a gracili ramoso ; foliis submer- sis membranaceis, superioribus breviter petiolatis reliquis sessili- bus, elongatis lanceolato-linearibus basi attenuatis acuminatis ner- om vis 6-8 prominulis omnibus undulatis petiolis supra planis, infimis ; longe mucronatis s. in subulas rigidiusculas acuminatas abeunti- "4 bus ; natantibus»chartaceis membranaceisve ovatis ovalibus lan- ceolatisve apice plus minus attenuatis undulatisque petiolis supra Planis ; stipulis gracilibus lineari-linguiformibus obtusis ; pedun- fructibus recen- tibus oblique obovatis vix lenatis compressiusculis obsolete tri- carinatis rostello brevi truncato terminatis, dorso acutiusculo, lat- eribus 1 in faciem acutam declivibus. az. Rivers; in the Charles on. Newaen and Natick. Fv. June, Jaly. Fr. July, Aug. Stemslender, terete, much branched, elon- gated, (3-6 feet long.) » ‘Submersed leaves lanceolate-linear, ta- pering at the base, long-acuminate oa often a little faleate above, undulate, with 6-8 scarcely prominent nerves, loosely netted- veined, 5-10 inches eee by 3-6 Tess in width. Floating leaves ‘delicate, papyraceous, or often, and especially the lowest _membranaceous, always.more or less tapering and waved above, _ With about 6 prominent .nerves on the under side, either shorter __ and the base more or — ovate (2-3 in. long by about 14 in. wide), _ = elongated-lanceolate (4-5 in. long by about 1 in. wide), the ___ petioles rather clongated, flat and one-furrowed above. — Stipules * _ B. Tuckerman on New England Plants. 227 “eh a Spikes slender, on elongated, thickened Nutlets small, obovate, scarcely lunate, obscurely cert terminated by a short, truncate beak. ‘This handsome species is extremely abundant in Charles river. Though near to P. heterophyllus of authors, (P. gramineus, F'r., Koch.) it appears to be distinct from my numerous European specimens of that species, as well cs from perfectly corresponding American speci- mens, from the lakes of Western New he inthe Herbarium of Dr. Gray. P. Claytonii, (‘Tuckerm. ): caule socalled foliis sub- mersis membranaceis gramineis elengatis linearibus acutiusculis basi vix attenuatis 5-nervibus sessilibus ; natantibus coriaceis crassiusculis angustatis ellipticis obovatisve — ie ere compressis; stipulis linguiformibus ‘acutis; pedunculis teretibus eequalibus breviuseulis ; fructibus recentibus ir a oboe tri- carinatis, carina media acuta superne gibboso-alata, lateralibus dis- tinctis obtusis, stigmate subapicali, lateribus convexiusculis, facie — — P. Claytonii, Tuckerman Obs. in Sill. Journ., xiv, 38. P. fluitans, Pursh! Fil. 1. p. 120. ees Fl. Bost. S. ee edit. 2: p. 63, e deser. Torr. Fl. U. S. -p. 196, e des Has. Ponds, rivers, and ditches in meadows, common in New England, and extending southward to Virginia! Stem compress- ed below ; branched, in wholly submersed, sterile plants from be- low, in fertile —_ especially from above, and bearing often nu- merous (8-12) spikes; 2—5 feet long. Submersed leaves grass- like, linear, a little tapering at base, and very slightly so above to ? the obtusish tip, about 5-nerved, the space *between the midrib | and the nearest lateral nerves on either hand remarkably cellulose reticulate (as observed by Chamaisso, cited below), 5-8 inches long. Floating leaves rather small, thickish, narrowed, tapering to the commonly short petiole, marked on the under side with about 141 snaeeemen us; impressed nerves, the petioles compressed, flat- ish an e-furrowed above. Stipules short. Peduncles of the f the stem, rather short, often of about the length of the cylindrical spikes. Nutlets obovate, the sharp keel abruptly alate above and sloping suddenly toward the style, lateral keels obtuse, “ sides when dry impressed in the middle. Exocarp thickish as the rather thin and hard putamen thickened above. Seed aliliaieeostvalte. I have found this species in its most perfect state, in which the whole plant is of a bright grass-green, _ only in ponds. Smaller, more or less fuseescent forms are-com- _ mon in ditches, as a wholly submersed, sterile state, with a little of the habit of P..compressus. ‘To the trae Wet od of that species, the present one, though its (necessary) ae” leaves compel it to assume avery different habit, _ probably near A similar change of habit is seen in the Sin with leave of the next.species. Poiret (Ene. Si he” 534,) under P. oe ih * ¢ i * 228 EB. Tuckerman on New England Planis. Pate we terophyllus, notices a Potamogeton from North Carolina, as pos sibly a distinct species, which seems from his description to be the present. P. Acronis Americani, Nuttallu, provisionally thus disposed by Chamisso, (Linnea, 2. p. 226, & t, VI, f. 25,) accords also in every respect with P. Claytonii, except the described and ri figured orbiculation of the fruit, the base of the nutlets inour ~ gi plants being always, so far as I tenve observed, acutish, and the ‘ whole outline consequently obovate. The specimen without fruit, from North Carolina; described on the next page of the same me- moir, as well as probably that from Pennsylvania, described at the same place, also belong, neha without doubt, to P. Claytonii. . , P. heterophyllus, Pursh, Fl. 2, p. 120, which is included in that part of Pursh’s Herbarium that j is in my possession, isa plant resembling Claytonii, but much smaller and more delicate throughout, explaining thus the citation in the Flora of P. hy- bridus, Michx., as a synonym of so different a species as the P. heterophyllus of authors. . It was noticed as variety @ in my for- mer account of the present species, in this Journal, with the re- mark that it might turn out to be distinct. The stem is extreme- ly slender, branched, and apparently. much compressed, about a foot long ; the submersed leaves: elofigated, very narrow-linear, acuminate, sessile, 3-nerved, 4-4 a line wide and 3-5 inches Jong ; the floating ones ( sometimes undistinguishable from the others, or the blade a little widened below the acuminate tip, and the rest of the leaf serving as a“petiole) papyraceous, very delicate, — ceolate, with about 10 impressed nerves: - oo under side, the largest about an inch and a quarter long, by about five lines in width, on elongated, compressed petioles ; Sashes slender, very long, nerved.- ‘Ihe leaves are approximated, with something of a fasciculate aspect. It is found,saccording to Pursh’s Flora, in slow flowing waters of Virginia and _—— and his ticket, (up- on which “ P, hybridus” seems to have been writt and +“P. heterophylias” afterwards nddedl rena the ker’s meadows.” The P. hybridus of Barton’s Comper x inppeoritl take thename of P. Purshii P. Spirillus, (Sp. nov.) : caule compresso, ~~ ‘akan con- cavo-convexo, ramoso ; foliis submersis membranaceis gramineis cum stipulis connatis basique vaginantibus linearibus obtusis 3-nerviis sessilibus; natantibus subeoriaceis oblongis lanceolatis linearibusve, subtus nervis 3-7 impressis’sulcatis, petiolis canali- _ culatis cum stipulis infra medium connatis ; ; Stipulis folioruam sub- — ~ mersorum liguliformibus hyalinis laceratis ; spicis partis submerse alaribus capitatis ‘paucifloris brevissime: pedunculatis Foret lis erectiusculis compressis’clavatis, natantis cylindricis plur longius pedunculatis; fructibus recentibus obovato-lenti 7 That * sagt E. Tuckerman on New England Plants. 229 compressis subtricarinatis, dorso deorsum curvato alato-carinato dentibus elevatiusculis cristato, carinis lateralibus rotundatis, late- ribus sulco ome impressis, stigmate faciali sessili, facie — tundata. Has. Rivers ers; common in the Charles and in the Mystic, oF also in the Middlesex canal. Stem slender, compressed, and-con- cave-convex below, much branched, 6 to 12 inches long. Sub- mersed leaves delicate, pale-green, grass-like, eonnate with the stipules and sheathing, linear, obtuse, 13 in. long, by 4-% lin. wide, Floating leaves coriaceous, oblong lanceolate or linear, the last often a little faleate, furrowed on the under ‘side with 3-7 impressed nerves, half an inch to an inch long and 2-4 lines wide, on channeled ‘petioles 3-5 lines long, which are connate with the stipules the lower near the middle of the stipules, the r below it. Stipules of the submersed leaves reduced to short, lacerate ligules. Submersed spikes on very short, erect- ish, clavate peduncles, 2-6 flowered ; spikes of the floating part ater, cylindrical, on peduncles half an inch or more in length. Natlets green, lentiform, and in perfect specimens rendered obo- vate by the broadly alate-carinate: back, which is crested with about 5 prominent, rather distant teeth; the lateral keels rounded : the sides conspicuously cochleate.* Exo carp membranaceous, produced on the back, and forming the wing: Putamen several times thicker, but semitransparent. Seed cochleate. This curi- | ous species, which is recognizable by its pale-green color and del- icate, grass-like leaves, is more common, in this neighborhood at ow- tirely resembles in habit P. hybridus, from which it differs in its grass-like leaves evidently connate with the stipules, in the attach- ment - the petioles of its floating leaves to the stipules, in its nt nutlets, &c. The following description of the from living ‘specimens, will afford a fuller com- ese nearly allied plants. P. heterophyllus? Ell. tos seems to accord in'many respects win the species erized. Ms ¢ Michx.): caule comipresso striato, ramoso ; foltis — BN Aa eis tenuissimis cum stipulis eonnatis oa nantibusque setaceo-linearibus, apice attenuatis acutis, bus ; natantibus subcoriaceis ovalibus lanceolatis Tineatibtory sf — hand rat aed stipulis nervosis ; spicis partis in See : agenscond wh * The spiral eae ‘Of ae sides of t when and reminds one of e outli val Sel ine 0 Pa smal pf a a Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. * Eo 230 E.. Tuckerman on New England Plants. ris plus minus reversis, natantis cylindricis plurifloris pedunculis longiusculis; fructibus recentibus oblique lunato-lentiformibus compressis tricarinatis, stigmate faciali sessili, dorso deorsum eur- vato anguste alato-carinato dentato, carinis lateralibus acutinscu- yp AD herb. ! Has. Small ponds and plashes; Cambridge, Plymouth, er side, one-nerved, 1-3 inches long. Floating leaves subcoriaceous, a little more oval than in the last, furrowed on the under side with 3-7 impressed nerves, 6-10 lines long by 3-4 wide, on rather flat petioles which are free from the strongly nerved stipules. Peduncles longer than in the last, more or less re- versed in fruit. Nutlets minute, half the size of those of the last, _ very oblique, rounded, compressed, tricarinate, the back narrowly alate, with 6~8 approximate teeth, the lateral keels acute, and of- ten sinuate-toothed when dry, the sides obsoletely eochleate-sul- cate. Exocarp very thin, alittle produced on the back. Putamen semi-transparent. Seed cochleate. This species, P. Spiritlus, and P. Claytonii are peculiar to this country, and, at first sight, are not easily referred to either of the commonly received sections of the genus. They differ from the Heterophylli or Diversifolii of authors in ch ters much more important than the solitary one (the floating leaves) in which they are considered to agree with them, and shew, as it seems to me, very clearly, that this group cannot be retained in arranging the North American species. P Claytonii belongs to the Graminifolii, irrespectively of its coria- ceous leaves, and the two.others mentioned, if they accord with the Heterophylli in their floating leaves, accord at the same time with the Graminifolii in their submersed leaves and inflorescence, and with the Vaginiferi or ColeophyHi in the attachment of their leaves to the stipules. This last character is not easily noticeable in P. hybridus, and seems to have escaped attention, but it is conspicuous in the nearly allied P. Spirillus. . The arrangement proposed by Fries (Novitie, edit. 2, p. 27) for the Swedish Po- tamogetons, admitting two principal sections, I, of these with submersed leaves broader in the middle (Plantaginifolii; in which the Natantes or species with simple stems constitute the i : Me Tuckerman on New England Plants. 231 first tribe, and the Lucentes or those with branched stems the second); and II, of those with linear suabmersed leaves ( Gramini- Sfolit ; in which the Compressi or species with free stipules are the first tribe, and the Pectinati or those with stipules and leaves connate, the second), best includes our American oy and, as is always the case with a natural disposition, pheds | ight on their aegis Agrostis. ‘In the article in a nee volume of this journal to which reteruiie has already been made, an account was attempt- ed, from considerable and nethientic materials, of the species of pene Phe eet considered to constitute the genus Trichodium. The Agrostis scabra there described, is, according to Dr. Gray, (Man ‘ “BIT, ) not the A. scabra of Willdenow, and is thus with- hy name. As it seems to me distinct from the more southern A. perennans, I shall venture to re-instate it, and subjoin, for fuller comparison, a revised description of the other species. Agrostis campyla, (mihi): culmis e basi geniculato ramoso erectis glabris ; foliis lanceolato- linearibus planis striatis scabris vaginis glabris ; Pont diffusa ramosa ramis 4—6-verticillatis breviusculis flexuosis patentibus divaricatisve scabris; floribus oblongis acutis sons glumis ineequalibus acntis 8. cuspi- » New England. New York, Torrey. Pennsylvania, Muhil. A stout, erect grass, with broad, lanceolate-linear leaves, a diffuse panicle ‘with more of less fletuots branches, and ob/on, sthoothish florets, the glumes being considerably unequal, and the : r one mostly smooth. A. perennans, (Tuckerm.): culmis e basi gracili geniculato rar erectitisculis procumbentibusque glabris: foliis patulis longiusculis linearibus planis striatis scabris vaginis levibus ; pan- icula Pema tn he demum oblonga Jaxiuscula ramis verticillatis e is scabris ; floribuis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis, glumis angustatis acutissimis s. cuspidatis carinis scabris circiter lineam longis subequalibus; palea lineari-lanceolata glumis breviori acuta glabra. Sill. Journ., rlv, p. 44. Cornucopia perennans, Walt. Fl. Carol., p. 74. Trichodium perennans, Ell. Sk. — p- 99, dab. v, f. 2. j ae Cornucopia, Fraser! in Gent. _ 59, p. 873, cum Icone. Agrostis anomala, Willd. Sp. 1, p. 3 Trichbdtum decumbens, Miche. Fl. 1. p. 42. Muhl. Gram., p- 60. 7 scabrum, Darlingt. Cest. , p. 54, nec Muhl. Has. Carolina, F’raser / Pemsylvania, Darlington! South- ern Ohio, Sudlivant! A delicate grass, sending up many assur- gent, slender culms from the procumbent base. Leaves rather ~ 232 E£. Tuckerman on New England Piants. long and lax, narrow, linear. Panicle slender, at length some- what diffuse. Florets linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Glumes narrowed, nearly equal. Palea lanceolate-linear. A plant first brought into notice by Walter, who seems to have had rather ex- travagant notions of its agricultural value, and afterwards collect- ed and cultivated by Fraser, who published a figure of it in the Gentleman’s Magazine, October, 1789, together with a specific character prepared by Dr. Smith. The name proposed by F'raser hould perhaps take the place of Walter’s, whose account is very imperfect. 'The principal characters in the above descriptions have been noticed, more or less, by the different. authors who have published the species, and seem to. be constant in all my specimens. —_ ‘ CERATOSCHENUS MACROPHYLLUS, (Sp. nov.): cymis compositis; spiculis gracilibus patentibus; nuce oblongo-obovata basi acuta compressa levi, setis filiformibus duplo—stylo persistente subtri- plo—breviore ; foliis angustatis rigidis glabris culmum_ super- ee, Has. Plymouth, Mass. New Jersey, Dr. Knieskern! Found . by me at Plymouth in 1839, and distributed afterwards under a provisional name which has not since been taken up by the friend who proposed it. C. macrostachys, A. Gr. @ ynehospora macrostachya, Torr. in Gray Rhynch. n. 14,) of which the pres- ent has been considered a state, hae closely fascicled, and (espe- cially the axillary ones) somewhat simple cymes; erectish, stout spikelets ; broad-obovate (exactly spoon-shaped with the ; tip truncate) nuts which suddenly taper to the produced base, the bristles more than twice as long, and the style more than four times as long as the nut; and softish leaves which are scabrous on the margins and shorter than the culm. In the species now proposed all the cymes are compound oe loosely flower- ed; the spikelets slender and spreading ; the nuts oblong-obovate orrather pyriform, tapering evenly to the acutish base, the bristles bout twice as long, and the style more than three times as long ; the leaves narrowed, rigid, smooth, overtopping the culm. These diag appear to be constant both in the New Jersey and the lymouth plants, ——/ ae eK Descriptions of Shells found in Connecticut. 233 | Arr. XXL —Descriptions of Shells found in Connecticut, col- lected and named by the late Rev. J. H. Linsley; by Avueus- tus A. Goutp, M.D. Some months since, specimens of the shells indicated and na- med by the Rev. J. H. new, in his ‘Catalogue of the Shells of Connecticut,”* and of which he intended subsequently to give full descriptions, were put into my hands by his daugh- ter, with the request that I would examine them, and conclude o the work which he commenced so well. I have therefore done Some of them, I am well satisfied, had been previously de- sobibalts others are new. The following ate the results of my examina atio on. TaRTE macTracea, (No. 71.) Testa parva, Solida, subtri- sais tele sed anticé rotundata et ad basim arcnata, concentricé costato-undulata, inter undas radiatim striolata, fulvo-viridi, fusco- radiata, apice actito ; areola Po ay apy : Ul. Lat. a4 Astarte mactracea. Shell small and solid, nearly quadrant-shaped, the apex acute, somewhat behind the centre, with a divergence of nearly a right angle, the posterior and basal margins regularly curved while the anterior margin is nearly a right line. The surface is undulated with about fourteen concentric, rib-like waves, and is marked be- tween the ribs with xery — i radiating strie. The e peneilling of dusky ra- YTHEREA wontetoans. No 6 85.) on seems to. (> quite a young and small specimen of C. convera, Say. Unio Pequorrinus. (No. 105. This i is undoubtedly a valve of U. latus, Raf. (U. rectus, Say) It is said to have been found in connection with Indian base ond herarticles. _ As this sh shell * See this Toul, ak xlviii,.p. poet Tat 234 Descriptions of Shells found in Connecticut. is a denizen of the streams west of the Alleghanies and of Lake Champlain, its occurrence in this connection may have some bear- ing upon ethnography. Cycias truncata. (No. 82.) Testa parva, tenui, fragili, ventricosa, aubeoat laterali, transverse rotundato-ovat , pos- tice dil: tata, et late saberipeari,, ‘lineis epidermide olivaceo-cornea induta ; um- bonibus magnis et perelevatis : eGlitiie cardinalibus minutis, obtusis; dentibus age nia ee Se slant Fig, 3. ong. t at. ., 4 Cyclas ‘truncata. ; Shell sinall, hae “fragile, ‘inflated, slightly inequilateral, trans- Ge. versel’ rounded-oval, ‘broadest and somewhat abrupt so as to ap- , aah almost truncated posteriorly. Beaks tumid and prominent. ufface finely and regularly striated by the lines of growth. Epidermis pale horn-color, approaching to olive. Hinge teeth ob- tuse, owed minute ; lateral teeth elongated and well developed. This is a well marked species, more similar in its structure to C. petieneip Flan. to our other species, but yee Petingaished by its elevated beaks, narrow and rounded anterior: ened and partially truncated posterior extremity, and being placed so much anteriorly as to place it, I doubt not, in the genus Pisidium ANODONTA Hovsaronica. (No. 112.) Testa oblonga, retror- sum dilatata, antrorsum compresso-cuneata ; margine antica ro- tundata, basali areuata, Negrete obliqua et ad apicem truncata, dor- ue 4. sali rectilineari : umbonibus parvis,. undulatis, ad. sect emt. ant orem Si sitis: valvis postice tumidis, ata nina: tole ( shdittis : intus lactea, salmonaceo sti crassato. Figs. 4 and 5 ' “i hs larger, more ventricese the middle, with at six well Descriptions of a. - in Connecticut. 235 Long. 332, lat. 14, alt. 2 poll. Shell thin, transversely oblong, somewhat widening backwards, anterior margin rounded, lower margin gently curved, posterior margin oblique, rather broadly truncated at tip, so as to form two angles, hinge margin straight. Beaks very small, undulated, sit- uated at the anterior third. Disc tumid behind the beaks. Epi- dermis smooth and shining, yellowish green. Viewed from above the shell appears sharply wedge-shaped, the greatest breadth be- ing behind the beaks. Interior bluish-white, with-stains of white towards the cavity. of the beaks. Anterior basal edge much thickened, as in A. im This shell is especially a aoe from our other species by its great anterior narrowiMg a 5 Wig ai its nvinute undula- tenui, rotundato-ovali, couvexiuscula, su equilaterali, costiolis radiantibus filiformi- bus ad 24, et lineis divaricantibus miero- scopicis sculptis ; auribus subequalibus, pos- tico vix emarginato; colore rubro-fusco. Fig. 6. ; Long. 5, lat. 4, poll. Shell s all, thin, somewhat elongated, a slightly convex, with about 24 thread-like radiating ribs; the whole surface, viewed with a magnifier, is found to be we pry Pecten fuscus. with microscopic lines, which curve from the-centre towards the sides without reference to the hy The ears are nearly equal, the anterior one with three ribs, the > posterior one slightly emar- ginate. Color a dusky re I have seen only one valve, which difere from apy shell hith- erto described, but the characters of the entire shell are of course incomplete. eLIx Trumpu tt, (No, 170,) is Skenea serpuloides. Lacuna, (No. 243,) is very imperfect—too much'so to jetta dceeriesing, It ” aga ts to be a worn specimen of some Cingula. RUMBULLL (No. 269.) — Sg Ptehes clongato-conica, solida, levi, albida ; sutura in pressa, marginata ; pace ae angulato apers tura angusta, elongata ; columella assem anticé striis volventibus arata. Fig. 7, Long. ;';, lat. ;'y poll. small, rather Pentriaese. aul solid pay moron sie to be distinguished fromthe following shell. On a exar nation it will. be found te difler m being ra pen, Truraballi e , the last. whorl seat angular about ll marked furrows,revolving about the rostrum, and in havin a i acttagk furrow accom pan yin: suture ; and it is destitute also of the white zones. The aha lar portion is also ae and has a strongly marked projecting angle at the middle. e figure given of it by Mr. Linsley is ar too much earch, oe marked with revolving lines not found on the shell. Buectnum zonate. (No. 281.) Testa minuta, solida, Fig. 8. leevi, fasihotensy pallide incarnaté; anfr. ultimo zona lac- = tea, infra-suturali et alteri mediani cincto: spira conica, acuta, anfr. 6 convexiuseulis: apertura angusta, sub- ovali; canali products. 8. Long. }, lat. ; A small, fabitermi solid, smooth, pale flesh-colored guceinum shell, having a white band just below the suture, and = znale. another around the middle of the last whorl. Its other characters may be gathered by comparison with those of F'usus Trumbulli above given. It resembles B. dunatém, Say, and its generic lace is somewhat equivocal. [The figures are magnified four diameters, except 4 and 5, which are reduced one-half. } Arr. X roe —Results of Analytical Recoischia in the Nep- nian Theory of Uranus; by Exocu F. Burr. Tue early elements of Neptune have heen made the basis nef inet researches in the theory of Uranus. The results were not satisfactory. ‘They failed to recognize in the new planet the sole source of those anomalous movements which have so astronomets, or even to interpret them largely without Deckbihes conditions entirely at variance with ob- servation. isdapiaciiiens to its effect on the meat? longitude of Uranus, as far as terms of the fourth wtct in eccentricities and inclinations. On account of the near approach to ecommensurability in the mean motions, the-coefficients of some of the inequalities were excessively large, and, consequently, their secular variations very appreciable: but by a ‘stiitable disposition of the epoch and some considerations to which we shall have-oecasion to refer, the ne- cessity of their numerical computation was avoided. ‘The results obtained were not satisfactory. »T'o éffect a reduction of the modern residual perturbations two-thirds, a mass was required for Neptune tot to accord with probability. ea — | Theory of Uranus. 237 The time has now come fora revision of the subject. Con- tinued observation has modified essentially the data rs investiga tion. From the discussion of ‘six hundred and eighty-nine ob- servations, Mr. Walker has diminished the period o Neptune by arly two years, and augmented by 48° the longitude of its peri- helion. Its miass has also been determined from a satellite with an accuracy which M. O. Struve regards as definitive and superior to that of the mass of Uranus: thus simplifying the ot apree and processes by which our ultimate results‘are derived. That these changes would not affect the nature of our eben result, could not be confidently decided anterior to trial. We have, ac- . cordingly, again attempted te submit to the test’of analysis, the ability of the new ‘planet to supply the defects of the Epheme- ris, and now propose to give a concise account of the processes and results to which we have been conducted. As the latter happen to differ essentially from some already before the public, it may be proper to add that the liability to etror is very consid- erable in inquiries sett such~varied-and extended numerical omputations as the prese In developing the dietaphing influence ‘of Neptune, we have aimed at as high a degree of refinement as seemed to us to ac- cord with the present state of its elements. ‘The very considera- ble change made in the mean motion by the last reduction ftom the observations, seems to indiéate that it is still liable t6 some modification ; and it is evidently useless to gather up all the mi- nute points of the theory until the ‘data we eee sufficiently i to give them significancy and influe é fundamental elements employed are es following, © ~ a pe a ae Neptune, Jan, 1, 1847, Mean Radius ven : : Mean motion, : , {596-66 7871'-'76 Eccentricity, i 0:0466108 0:00857741 Long. of Perihelion, . 167°-30!-24// 489-21! -3N Long. of epoch, : ; 1739-30! 16!" 328°-31'-56!! penne i a “+46! 26" 1°-46'-59" ong. of Ascen. Node, : 72°-59'- 21" 130° 4!-35/! It is important to observe that these’elements of Uranus, with a awe apparent exception, ‘are substantially those employed by Verrier and Adams in construeting and testing its ephe- meris. Both assume 0:046679 for the,eecentricity : but the differ- ence between this value and that which we have adopted is alike unimportant, in the perturbations and the other terms of the equations of condition. Its effect on the principal inequality since 1690, and consequently eonfounds itself with the correction of the longitude of the epoch. The other term in which its ef- fect is most sensible, is that ; aipouting on the difference of the Sxconp Serres, Vol. Vj No. 17.—Sept., 1848. a i oP 4 ey. of a ; ' - ee 238 E.F. Burr on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. corrections of the longitudes of the epoch and perihelion. ‘There it always oscillates beneath the tenth of a second. The other elements were taken from Bouvard’s tables of Uranus, and are the same with those employed by Mr. Adams. He assumed the ancient residual perturbations of Bouvard, and obtained those of modern date by a comparison of his ephemeris, corrected by the ‘equatioys of Bessel and Hansen, with English and German ob- servations. + We have taken the time of Uranus’s mean opposition in 1810 as the epoch of the formule. This diminishes the effect of some By comparing the planetary eccentricities. for 1750 with those for 1800, it will be seen that,no one changes its value in the half- century by more than 0:00022; while the variation of most of them is much less. Assume the eccentricity of Neptune to be in error to this amount., The general effect of this error on ine- qualities of the first order in longitude is, Lie 0-00022M sin. a, | soln Assigning to the general factors their greatest values in the present eory, : M=m/’ 1915-65 sin r= .7946 4 constant term. Similarly it may be found that the change in the longitudes of the perihelia. of ‘Se planets during the fifty years the subsequent variation of which is 0-1. The terms of higher orders depending on these errors, as well as those depending on corresponding errors in inclination and longitude of the node, are onsiderable with respeet. to the preceding. Hence each of them is either less than the error to which we are probably liable - E.. F. Burr on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. 239 from an imperfect determination of the elements of Neptune, or its period is so great that it may be assumed constant, and merged in the correction of the longitude of the epoch. In deducing the results which follow, we have availed our- selves of some considerations for abridging the labor. ‘The gen- eral formule for the perturbations of true longitude have been subjected to the usual condition that the mean an longitude and the equation of the centre be the same in the elliptic and in the troubled movement. This enables us»to employ the ae given by observation for the epoch. The constants which serve to make the origin of the time the origin in ier the perth: tions, are not distinctly calculated, but transferred to the equations of condition and determined with their general corrections. A similar disposal has been made of the effects on the inequalities — of the secular: variations of the elements. For several ages fore and after the époch, these variations may be regarded as changing eigen with the time and all their —, superior to the first be neg ected. Hence their effect on the inequalities dur- ing the unit of time is “correctly represented. by c = = (#)- As it is only appreciable in connection with inequatigjed of — period, we may regard it as essentially constant’ during the century and a half of observation and, ‘consequently, confound it with the correction of the mean motion. It may be well also, in passing, vert tob some of the un- corrected errors and sources of error "hte we have had occasion to notice. In the 3d volume of the Mecanique Celeste of La Place, by Bowditch, the following corrections shoul made? Page 9, for the third term of the formula for the ine- age of the ‘second order in longitude, read >. .H. ee’ sin [t (n’t—nt +e <8) t2nt Be — w! —ol]: page 63, note 2423, for the last term of the ee of the first term of R, read M°.¢? . eos Su. cos T’, page 235, line 8, for.“‘ these values” read « thesé values multiplied into e?, ee’, e’?, y? respectively.” In the “'Theorie Analytique du Systeme du Monde” of Pontécoulant, vol..3, p. 30, for the terms of R of the third order depending on the ieslisiatiotom read N°. ea? . t (n't —nt +e —£)4+3nt+3e — — 217] N’. be a (n/t — nt +e = 8) + 3pt-+38 07 — 9). It is also deserving of patticular attention, that in these treatises thes 6 3 ae quantities A, B, etc., have different ot e following are the fundamental quanti sige aon» y Nep- tune to the theory of Uranus. : * e 240 EB. F. Burt on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. * log. é = oh Ein Log. «= log. = = 980527 og. 0g, by =0'35604, me 4 = 957763, “4 2&9: 058359, by | 868079, (o) se m8, ‘ bats av a _ O-17786, (4) 1 =09 91670, s 6) db 0) vi = 0565429, aby 2 ue =071899, “3 pi to af” ~ss, (3) ms = bud : log. by =9-88774 ($3 by —8-81878 * 1) log. 2 =0-25835 ughoacleade pe (3) “4 0.05686 d« 5) (1) da? (3) id ot * age =O 4 ea 7 O87 ‘by : er =0-65251 Pi eid ie rh) f i 6 F i 9°7659 \ log, 2 =0- 62914 ' E. F. Burr on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. 241 d? " : = A logy —__¥ =1- log. __* =1-5611 og 5 59356, og pve 1 9 log. b, =0-71354, log. b, =0-44757 2 cf by =029534, b= 0°13666 2 (4) (5) db. : log. _? =1-29207, log. 52 = 119331. « da da With these values, and supposing the terms depending on the mean anomalies included in the elliptic Nae ti the ape principal inequalities of true longitude are ved. The expressed in terms of the sail of the. pte m’'. 3°251 sin (n't—nt-+e’—) ++79°230 sin 2(n/t—nt-+-s’—e) < — 1351 +-¢/—« — 0 305 sin re ‘pai . a": 102 sin 5(n' t— ie | +-0°321 sin-(n't-e’—) —248'890 si hs ery ae 1 i —0°205 sin ( saith} Dnt e4 20 —4-594 sin (—2n’'t+-3nt—2e'4-3e—w +0-090 sin (—3n’ oe tna -+-0:024 sin are * —0-048 sin (n't+-e'—w/ | — 0-063 sin (Sn't—4nt-+-5e —4e—o’) —12-188 sin (2n't--2¢ 121° .:33' -43”) —12-061 sin ( alae ve Hi ae s tA 11 t—2nit-+4¢ —2«+2° T0396 sin (Gx toanid 640-4 2° 00-27) pri in (6n!'t—Bnt-}-6e' +Be-$5°'-2'-14") It will readily be seen, that the approximation has been carried as far as terms of the fourth order in eccentricities and inclina- tions. ‘The secular variations * the’ eccentricity an of the perihelion corresponding to two different values of Nep- tune’s mass, and for three synodic revolutions of Uranus, are the following : 442 -E. F. Burr on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. Mass of Neptune, titer & rasto . - | -_0"-009525 | —0”006958 : s 3 —1'-586088 —1"-158696 Let us now assume that the hoot of Uranus may be comple- ted on the basis of certain small corrections of its elements and the action of Neptune. In forming the equations of condition between these corrections, the inequalities just given, and the re- sidual perturbations, it is necessary to take account of the second term of the equation of the centre. This has been done. Let de, On, de, dw, denote. respectively the corrections of the epoch, he e mean motion, | the eccentricity and, the mean anomaly of the. epoch, ~ _p = Mean Anomaly of rani A = 2e.cosp+%. pe heres g “ = 2sinp+$.e.sin 2p. = distutbing éffect of Neptune: then the general acne perturbation of true heliocentric longitude — de+(1-LA). dn. do-LP. From this general formula have been derived the following equa- tions of condition, in which the ae represent their correspond- ing residual perturbations. ciaiad man Or LAB i, ors (1715- 17) =3e— 34-427 dn-L0- 0998 de+- 09854 5S/'m— 4030” . 8m” (1753: Fle a 16° 976 5n--0- 3515 de — 08636 0’w — 6145” . 1m” 14-080 dn — 09516 de— -07676 So 6200” . Om’ (1771-95 \—de— — 12-112 On— 1°7375 de— 104178 5’o—59 18” . 9m” 296 apni: 9228 3294 5063” . 5 /m—3957" . Sm” nr ~ | e- 70 0’a—4278"", Tm" ie de+ -0 cer Bri-»-4529 1 Bm! - 2.0028 Sbe— o—A777" . Lm 1QOR.KL s : a 56 Se ers J'w—5028” , 2m"! (1825 °F - 4°784 On ue ‘718)} de— - 04329 da toh 27 70” . 4m!" (1828-55 )=de+ 5-646 dn-+-1- 4559 de— -05905 0'w—5495" . Sm!” 8346 (1837-65 )—=0e4. 8-225 dn-L0-3986 de— -08604 d’u-—=6022". Om! (1840°69)=3e-} 91122 dn—0-0108 de—- 08779 Ym —6140", 6m! = It has not been judged necessary to deteraiaun as aoe pes turbations of these equations by a critical revision of the E.. F’. Burr on the Neptunian Theory of Uranus. 243 theory of Uranus. This has already been done by Messrs. Le Ver- rier and Adams. The values which they have obtained differ widely from each ot and Poca as will be seen, essentially different final-resv ’ ” et G = Ganskaitel longit . H = Heliocentric mee reduced to the ecliptic. ry = Radius vector reduced to the ecliptic. dG = Residual perturbation of true } geocentric longitude, R = Radius vector of the eaith. s°= Its op doe N =Nutation. © Then the residual tote of true heliocentric Idhginiaiess . cos (G ~ r.cos (G—! me “7 which, near ~ time of pa apap practically reduces to. dG.* Hence w we Lite 7% * ae Bf Verrier's. Adams’. . Le Verrier’s.| Adams’. (1715:17)=| 462"9 | 473"-8'| (181640)— +327 | 422-9 95495) pie oe ‘5 | (1819-44) | 429-2 | 4120-7 tr64038 —21-4 | —34 -9 ] (1822-47 +28 -1 | 421-0 (1771-95). | —11*4 | — 23 1895351) +271: | 418-2 (1783-00) | +17-7 | + 8:4 | (1828-55) | +16 -6 | +10:8 (1789:07) | +28 -7 | +19 6 t1831 38) OT a (179515) | 427-4 | 121-4 | (183461) “66 | __ 90+) (1801-22) | +81 -6 | +22 -2 | (1837-65) | —42 -4 | —42-7 (1807-29) | +35 -0 | 422-1] (184069) | +65 -4 | —66-6 © —-« (1818-36) | +35 -7 | 4229 0 From these two systems of values and an application of the method of least squares, are derived the following values of the arbitrary constants of our equations of condition. It is to be ob- served that these are ag strictly. the ess rasige corrections of the elements of Uranus for the epoch, but these corrections together with certain other ou -quantities to which —- ion was made at the commencement of the article. Mass of Neptutie, ° ris bey + a wae ae soit to Residual ~~ Due to Residual | Due id cs fags Perturbations « of Adams. . Perturbations of 1a Versio fy. °, i peo 4 ne a f = 6085"-0 | —s274"-2 pans og based on the tesidual perturbations of Le Vei were pssst from the modern equations of conditi ion alone: the others were furnished “ the modern and ancient.equations united. The fi sults are comprised in the following table. . It ¢ ex- hibits the pagan of, perturbation of true heliocentric longitude, which, according to our theory, remains unexplained after the 244 Prof. Dewey on Caricography. application of the effect of Neptune and the best possible modifi- cations of the orbit of Uranus. OBSERVATION — THEORY. Massof Neptune, zosaq | rare |* reexo | rates . ue to Residua Due to Residual " Perturbations of Le Verrier. Perturbations of Adam 1840, 7 : — 66 | + Td 1887; OME oe HEY | oe a } 29-7 RE Sg. i see Ml ote OFF | 1-1 a “6 6 Hohe BB] bt 2-0 1828, ' 47 9) — 16 | tol -4'8 (7 1825, + 5:1 | 4+. 3:3) 413-6 | +102 1822, +16 1-9 | 411-7 | +112 1819, LL 0% t e 467 2 ae 1816, 1°3 3°8 ‘4 1813, ; a q 9 | 7s 8-7 Ra “4 sus 2 1807, ee oe oe ee ies |: 1801, ee eee eee |1795, fi OS tine LT] + 9-9 | —100 1789, +79 | bie Pe ee | Le 1783, — #4 | — 25 | 413-7 138 1771, —'68 2 f = 64-3 | +413 °9 Fo ‘9 1764, —l1I3 2) 106 6 | —271) | 265 1753, —148 ‘8 | eee Bh Oar. ag 1715, —156 +1 1 —-182-2 | 4149 | 415-7 Arr. XXII1.—Caricography ; by Prof. Dewey. , (Appendix, continued from vol. v, ii ser., p. 176.) » No. 234. Carex fusiformis, Chapman in literis. Spicis: diafictias spica staminifera unica pedunculata erecta ili, squamis ‘oblongo-lanceolats; pistilliferis binis vel ternis ovatis oblongis brevibus laxifloris, superioribus subapproximatis sessilibus, inferiore subremota pedunculata, tristigmaticis erectiss fructibus subinflatis inferne teretibus triquetris conoideo-rostratis er. brevi-bidentatis, squamam ovatam acutam duplo super- Cans 6-10 inches pu triquetrous, smooth, slender, erect ; leaves linear lan ooth, long as the culm ; staminate spike single, erect, lender; Fpedgcata e, near the upper pistillate ; pistillate spikes 2-8, ovate-oblong, few and loose-flowered, two upper nearly sessile and approximate, lowest subremote and pe- dunculate, with leafy bracts scarcely sheathing ; ng three ; fruit elliptic-triquetrous, tapering below, conic-rostrate above and slightly bidentate, smooth and a little inflated ; agin scale ovate and acute, half as long as the fruit ; plant pal e green. Floridas, Dr: Chapman ; named in his'letters as above, and is a distinct species. ae ‘i a a iad Prof. Dewey on Caricography. 245 235. C. Illinoensis, Dew. wi Spica staminifera solitaria erecta cylindracea longo-pedunculata ebracteata ; spicis pas ternis remotis folio-bracteatis, supre- .ma ovata subsessili, in longis laxifloris exserte-pedin- culatis erectis ; fructiba tri aticis ovato-conicis ore integris nervosis subobtusis, i in spicam supremam multo majoribus et lon- gagbus aggregalis, squamam ovatam cuspidatam superne multo supera Culm 12-16 inches high, erect, slender, coed scabrous on the edges, leafy towards the base, with long and leafy bracts ; staminate spike single, erect, short, ‘abide pedunculate, having oblong and obtusish scales brown on the edges; pistillate spikes three, remote, leafy-bracteate, the highest nearly sessile and ovate close-fruited, the two lower oblong, distant, loose;flowered and exsertly pedunculate ; stigmas three; fruit ovate, conic, rather obtuse, epi at orifice, on the upper spike closer, larger, and much longer than the ovate and cuspidate scale, on the lower spikes loose sid a little longer than the scale. Augusta, Ill, Dr. S. B. Mead. Though related to C. conoi- dea, Schk., it is very different, and appears to be a new species. It is singular i in the different size of the fruit on the same plant, ‘being much larger and longer on the upper spike. 236. C. Georgiana, Dew. Spica staminifera unica (plures? ) pedunculata longo-cylindracea bracteata, squamis denis lanceolatis longo-setaceis ; _Spieis pistil- liferis ternis vel juater gis Cj inferioribus | J latis exser S, Superiori- bus. subsessilibus ; fructibus tristigmaticis ovatis conico-rostratis nervosis bidentatis, squama lanceolata scabro-aristata brevioribus. Culm 20 inches or more high, triquetrous; with long leafy bracts surpassing the culm ; staminate spike slender, long, with long and slender bristly scales ; pistillate spikes 3-4, erect, cylindric, 14-2 inches long, the two lower long pedunculate and exsert, the up- per sessile, all long leafy bracteate ; stigmas three; fruit ovate, conic-lanceolate, scabro-rostrate, round-triquetrous short two tooth: ed, sometimes teeth a little elongated ; scale lanceolate, awnlike, scabrous, longer than the fruit. Georgia, Dr. Cooley. I referred to this locality under C. ms- rata, but, as my friend John Carey, Esq. suggests, the plant dif fers too much-from that species. The fruit of C. mirata is | and wide bifurcate, while this is short two-toothed ; the scale | the former ren the fruit, while this surpasses the fruits mirata too the fruit is longer and more slender than on this. The fertile spikes on both are large, but are far Jessthan on C. gigantea, Rudge and Muh. Sxconp Series, Vol. V1, No, 17.—Sept., 1348. 32 oe = elf a ¢ 246 E. N. Kent on Gutta Percha. 5 A wr. XXIV.—On Gutta Percha; by Epwanp N. Kenr. i waa : | > ah : ~ Gurra Percha is soluble in pure chloroform, bi-sulphuret of carbon, rectified oils of turpentine, resin, gutta percha and tar, and also i so in terebene, hydrochlorate of terebene, and slightly in pure ether. Of these solvents the first two are the best, and dis- solve the gutta percha at low temperatures. The other solvents ~ act only at a temperature above 70° F., and when the solutions are cooled much below 60°, the gutta percha is deposited in a vo- luminous granular mass. The length of time required for the production of this precipitate, depends upon the degree of cold; sometimes it requires several days, and at other times the expo- sure of an hour suffices to produce it. By warming this mixture, the precipitate is readily redissolved, and by exposure to cold is again precipitated at will. Solutions of gutta percha aré naturally of a reddish brown co- Jor, and do not become colorless by standing at rest for several months in a warm situation. If the solution is made sufficiently dilute, which is the case when one part of the gum is used to sixteen parts of the solvent, it can be filtered slowly through pa- per or muslin, and is then colorless. Solutions of gutta percha are precipitated by alechol, and when chloroform or bi-sulphuret of carbon are used as the solvent, the gum is recovered in its natural state either by evaporation or pre- cipitation ; but when any of the hydro-carbons are used for a sol- vent, a portion is retained with such tenacity that it cannot be removed withont decomposition of the gum. A solution in chloroform, filtered, and precipitated with alco- hol, leaves the gutta percha when dry, of its natural strength, translucent, colorless, and pure. - “When two or three parts of washed ether are mixed with a filtered solution of gutta percha in chloroform, and the mixture left for a short time at a temperature below 60°F, it precipitates in a perfectly white powder, which when washed with alcohol, filtered and dried, leaves the gutta percha in a pure white, opaque, voluminous mass, very soft and delicate to the touch, not unlike the pith of a young tree. _ If a small quantity of the above mixture (before precipitation) is poured upon a glass plate and allowed to evaporate spontaneous- ly, a thin opaque film of pure white gutta percha remains, which has the appearance and delicate feeling of the finest white glove leather. By a géntle warmth it loses its opacity and beautiful appearance, and becomes transparent or translucent, according to the thickness of the film. The state of aggregation which eau- ses the opacity and delicate feeling of gutta percha prepared in the above manner, is owing to the precipitation of the gum, caus- _ed by the cold produced in the rapid evaporation of the ether. E.. N. Kent on Gutta Percha. 2Q47 TH small portion of gutta ‘itm insoluble in any of above solvents, consists of a red coloring matter, woody fib earthy bases. The colorin he is soluble i in water, cipitates on the addition all portion of a soft deiow ) ind turpentine. This resin is sep- arated by precipitating a solution of gutta percha with alcohol and evaporating the palastort j destructive distillation, gutta percha yields au oil eer to that obtained from cagutehoiae, The erude oil is dar reflected, and red by transmitted light. It is limpid, gowe darker y exposure to light, has a very disagreeable smell, is not spon- taneously volatile, is but slowly soluble. in 90 per cent. alcohol, and has a specific gravity of 856. By.two rectifications a light yellow oil is obtaitied, volatile below 320° F'., which constitutes about one-half the measure of the crude. oi, This product is spontaneously volatile, dissolves Hneadaly in alcohol, and grows darker by exposure to the light. # The most remarkable property of gutta percha, that of its be- pt soft and plastic by heat, and returning to its natural state cold, has already been taken advantage of in the arts, and east patents have been granted to Mr. Hancock in Europe for valuable processes of rope the material into a great variety of articles, for which it appears to be admirably adapted. In this country but little has been a with it, except for the ture of bands for machinery, and soles for boots; but it will doubtless be soon brought - extensive use, ina great number of our domestic manufacture The interesting electrical today of ‘aap percha, first noticed by Faraday, is truly wonderful. A piece of the manufactured thin sheet gum, cannot be taken St a paper in which it has been wrapped, without exhibiting this remarkable property, and by gentle friction with a silk handkerchief, a spark is readily ob- tained from it of an inch in leng From the excellent non-conducting power of gutta percha, it is likely to come into extensive use in the manufacture of elec- trical apparatus, and it has already been employed to some-extent for cseonlating thé wires.of Morse’s electro-magnetic telegraph ew York, Aug. Ist, 1848: Prof. B. Silfiman, Jr., on Emerald Nickel. XXV.—On Emerald Nickel Texas, Lancaster County, Pa.; by Pet B. Sitimany, Jr. Saris j is the same mineral which I have before described under the name of “hydrate of nickel.” vere e now proposed is in accordance with the custom of giving a trivial name to mine- ralogical species, and has been suggested by my friend, Prof. C. U. Shepard, as peculiarly appropriate from the brilliant color and transparency of the mineral, resembling the emerald. The ex- istence of carbonic acid in this mineral as an essential constitu- ent, was overlooked by me from the fact that it is all expelled at redness, and was therefore in my analysis put down as water. The water given off in the close tube does not change litmus pa- per, and the mineral does not effervesce in dilute cold hydrochlo- ric acid. My attention was first directed to the probable exis- tence of carbonie acid in this mineral, by a notice from Dr. D. R. Thomson,} describing as a new mineral a carbonate of nickel from the United States, coating specimens of chromic iron. Prof. Bhepard also mentioned that he had found carbonic acid in a a nickel mineral first described by me. I have therefore >a new analysis of the mineral in question, selecting the finest and most transparent colored specimens in my power. The following mineralogical description is mainly the same which I have before given, save that having much better speci- mens on which to determine the specific gravity, that now given may be regarded as more correct than the former determination. Emerald Nickel. Massive, stalactitic, occurring in thin crusts on chromic iron. Hardness = 3—3 25, being but little above cale Abe y = 2:570—2 698, two trials on different porti Pustre vitreous, brilliant. Color emerald-green. Tranepereat Streak delicate pea-green. Very brittle. Its pyrognostic charac- ters have already been so fully described in the article first quoted, that it is useless to repeat them here; they differ in no respect from those of pure artificial hydrate of nickel. The water of this mineral is partially expelled mak ordinary temperature of a water bath (212° F.); this fact led to estima- ting the total volatile product of the. mineral too low, in the for- mer description of this species. Carefully dried over sulphuric acid, the mineral lost on two trials 41:370 and 41-008; mean = AL 189 per cent. The carbonic acid was estimated in the apparatus described by Fresenius and Will for analyzing carbonates. eee eal * This Journal, ii ser., vol. iii, p. 407. t Phil. Mag., Dec., 1847, p. 541. x i = : £ ; New Minerals from Texas, Lancaster Co., Penn. 249 The mean of three trials gave 11-691 of CO*. A trace magnesia in the specimen examined was disregarded, as being asis of carbonate of magne which is difficult to separal The constitution resul 1 the analysis is— Atoms. 5881l 2622=3 Oxyd of nickel, : Carbonic acid, : : 11-691 423 =1 Water, , ‘ ; ; 29-498 12°52 = 6 This gives the empirical formula, 3Ni+C46H=NiC+2Ni 6EF, or NiO+ANR, ). n-we remember the isomorphism of magnesia and oxyd of nickel, it will be agreed by all who attach any value to this agency in modifying minerals, that we may have many cases in which these two oxyds are mutually interchanged. Hence we find at the Texas locality, dolomitie carbonates with a faint tint of green derived from a small trace of oxyd of nickel present in them—others of green color several shades deeper, and others which closely approach the high color and other pa of the pure hydrous carbonate of nickel described in th r. In some specimens, unquestionable emerald nickel te nae | mechan- ically mingled with and coating whitish dolomite. I cannot agree with the opinion expressed by Prof. Shepard, at page of this volume, that these varieties are distinct species. tai we must demand analyses to show that the Mg O and NiO arein ~ fixed atomic proportions with water, before the “hydrated carbo hate of magnesia and nickel” can be regarded as a true species. Analy tical Laboratory, August, 1848. Ze Arr. XXVI—On new Minerals from Teras,. YT cmcahiee Con Penn. ; by Cuarves Urnam SHEPARD, M.D. Williamsite. : composition lamellar, individuals of tee size, renites isizhe, rather difficultly separable. Faces of ¢ sition not very even. Fracture even. Surface nearly dull, Lustre feebly shining, pearly to resinous. Color apple-green. Streak white. Translucent. Hardness = 4-5. Sp. gy. = 2:59... 2°64. » Before the yi tel it phosphoresces, turns white, an ns so as to scratch glass, but does not fuse. It dissolves with ponies difficulty in borax, without imparting any color or opacity to A ae In powder, it dissolves chet B in hot hydrochlo- ric aci >. 250 New Minerals from Tevas, Lancaster Co., Penn. consists of— x Atoms, Ratio. Silica, : : . AAO 22-7 6 Magnesia, . ; 200 sy ira Alumina, . : 37 1 Water ‘ 11:0 3 100: with traces of oxyd of n $3 It approaches there the ‘following : three atoms sesquisili- cate of magnesia, + one of silicate of alumina, + three atoms of water. 3Mg O, Si0*18+ Al? O2, SiO*+ 3H. This mineral was sent to me aft L. White ered ay, 1 tae seams, sometimes above an inch in Parse between chrome iron ore and serpentine. It belongs to the order Mica, and has affinities with schiller spar (metalloidal diallage ).* New Haven, July 12, 1848. ttempting any fi formal description of them, They are very 2 hi minute granular be i ta together, thin, dr and presenting an apple microse ape however, tine Pl resolve inet atak —the first conde of pea m the basis of the coating, next to the an . This is the hydrated cart W minutes in a glass tubeo ith a pecaliar odor, is ovelvad eh a Be if folia foliates and turns re dis -brown, the green ‘of a k@,a quantitative analysis of the two which are aminations have been carried far enough to satisfy me that the foliated, pearly min- eral is a hydrated carbonate of magnesia and iron, and the green one, rated carbonate of mia aga esia and niekel, whith fuk the present may be c ised nickel magnesite. * An Account of the Meteorite of Castine, 1 aine. ! Arr. XX VIE—An Account of the Meteorite of Castine, Maing, May 20, 1848; by ve.teee Upuam Sueparp, M.D. rs, and description of the lately fallen meteoric stone in J] the absence of fuller accounts, will no doubt prove interes eteorologists. The only stone thus far found, together with the principal facts in the case, fell into the hands of Prof. P. Cleaveland of Bowdoin College, from whose letter (of August 5th) it seems proper to make the following quotation as my apology for not leaving this communication to be made by himself. “I have written to Cas- tine, proposing certain qtieries, with a view of ‘obtaining more facts. When I receive them, I will prepare a notice, if in season for the next number of the Journal. The notice ought to appear in the next number, and as you have all the facts which I now possess, if you hear nothing from me before the printing of the last pages, you had better put the facts in due form, and insert the notice yourself.” On observing a paragraph in a newspaper respecting the fall of a meteoric stone in Maine, I addressed a letter to my friend, Rev. Ray Palmer, of Bath, (Me. ,) requesting his aid in procuring a re- | liable account of the occurrence. * This drew forth ie conten, excellent description from Rev. Daniel Sewall, of C. letter dated June 12th, to Mr. Palmer. ‘I receiv d your _ Friday evening, and on the day following, I rode out to t “i (which is one mile distant) where the stone fell. I made inquiries and search | could, but without being able to rocure eee sa only stone that has been found as yet, Nad now in the sion of Prof. Cleaveland of Brunswiek. Mr. Lemuel Tue following abstract Ia, & Ashettju cal ember of College from Bowdoin, took it withthe thither a few days since. I saw the ston e, the morn ing it ah picked up. It was not larger than a hen’s egg. “The appearance of the meteor and the ocuerk circumstan- ces, so far as I have been able to-gather them, may be described follows: On Saturday morning, May 20th, sncn half past four in the morning, Mr, Charles Blaisdell, a mechanic; whe lives about a mile from the village, being out of the house at the time, no- ticed dark clouds, apparently gathering from oe quarters of the heavens. Soon, he*saw what he supposed to be a flash of lightning. Presently, however, upon ‘looking at that portion of the cloud which came.from the northwest, he saw what appeared like the moon in a cloudy net as at the horizon, but when high in the heavens. Ar sudden, sharp report like a cannost was heard, followed by a quick succession of repofts not so loud as the first, but which resembled 4 running fire of musketry ; and after these a whistling sound if the air, as of a body passing through it with 252 Zz Account of the Meteorite of Castine, Maine. great rapidity. Something was seen and heard to strike the ground in the road, but a little distance from the place where he was standing, w which proved to be the stone in question. Mr. Giles Gardiner also saw the stone strike the ground, but he did not notice the meteor. I could not learn from Mr. Blaisdell that the meteor had any apparent motion, except with the cloud, be- fore the explosion. He stated that he was looking at it from eight to ten minutes. ‘The report was heard by great Pet in the village and elsewhere. Some saw a streak of ligh rof. Cleaveland’s account of the stone and the ge. phe- nomena is the following. “It fell at Castine, Maine, May 20, (4h. 15m. aan,) 1848. The fall was accompanied by a noise similar to thunder, but quicker and more’ like that of agun. The yeport was distinctly heard at a distance of thirty or forty miles from Castine. “a second report, resembling the discharge of mus- kets, was also “The stone ame ‘from the southeast, and by its fall penetrated to the depth.of two inches into a dry, hard road. No flash of light was observed by the person who witnessed the fall, although the stone struck the earth within a few feet of him. Others as- sert that they saw a flash. ts whole al wen entire was 14 oz. avoir. The finder ices off a piece to examine the inside, and threw the fragment away. It was fatther | dimniniabbd by the portion sent to you. _ Its present weight is loz. 3pwts. 5grs. The whole was invested by a black crust. Its shape was somewhat wedge-shaped, one sur- face being nearly plane, and the ether irregular or slightly waved. This stone is now in the mineralogical cabinet of Bowdoin Col- lege, to which it was presented by Mr. Lemuel W. Atherton, of Casti : bs ae s fall.” 1 from ment so bli ngl i sent od ‘to me for: purpose by Prof. agent _ aan wp. iar, °>= 3-4 In general ene, it resembles “ Poltawa stone (of March 12, 1811); but is distinguishable from that, by possessing a much lighter color, a more pearly lustre, a in beirig destitute of specks of iron-rust. The nickeliferous iron is in smaller points, and pos- sessed of an unusually brilliant silver-white lustre. Rass mag- eed e - % ab Scientific Intelligence. ¥ 253 Iron, . : ; P é ) 85°3 Nickel, ; ; d é 14:7 100: The earthy constituent of this stone, like that of the Iowa meteorite, is decomposed by concentrated hydrochloric acid, and like it, appears to ee a tersilicate of the protoxyd of iron and mag- nesia, a mineral which though frequent in meteoric stones, has never yet been distinctly recognized, and which in a future paper on American Meteorites, I shall more particularly describe under the name of Howardite, after the Hon. Mr. Howard, that celebra- ted chemist, who was the first British writer whose labors con- tributed to elucidate the eight of these extra-terrestrial bodies. New Haven, Aug. 16, 184 SCLENEIV IC INTELLIGENCE. I. Cuemistry anD Puysics. 1. Ice, a Conductor of Galvanism.—In experimenting with a Grove’s battery of eighteen cups, I left the whole standing over night the poles not being connected, or the circuit not being closed. There was no action going on, or at least, no hydrogen was evolved in the cups. Owing toa sudden change of weather, the liquid in the cups was found frozen in the cups next morning. In each of the ‘ia 2 had separated the ice from the platinum, when, in each i instance, it ‘te d. mediately cease EWEY. rove’s: Battery with ee Water used with the Zine cup.— Grove’s battery of eighteen cups in the usual way, only using water instead of diluted sulphuric aci The whole was quickly put in operation and the poles connecte d. 1.) In the first minute there was the indication of only the feeblest action, either in evolving hydrogen, or seman iron filings magnetic. two or three minutes the action had sensibly gee as shown in both these results, and in tn to sixty minutes the ac was quite powerful. With a large helix the large dancing iron was oie to play finely. The action had now attained its maximum power ( : used up. As vctiahgiarnaeell ob was eae abe itrate of 1 mercury was formed, for the crystals vaticg ied oxyd of mercury. C. D. Vermont Medical College, March, 1848, Srconp Series, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. 33 254 Scientific Intelligence. d of Zinc in the Porous Cup.—t connected four cups of Grove’ s ~~ neuen nd the hydrates of these alkalies, and partic- state that of =. being fusible, would have much tendency to cor- ce interior of the cylin der, at the heat necessary to decompose the salts. I use a common reverberatory furnace, with its hearth cov- ered with a compact bed of native carbonate of magnesia, three or four inches thick. Several clay steam pipes are introduced through the roof of the furnace, so as to throw a current of heated steam over * the whole width of the hearth; these pipes are connected with a steam-boiler by a series of fire-clay tubes kept red hot. The sulphate, broken into pie- SF bonate of magnesia on the hearth of the furnace, and brought to a high red or low.white heat. A current of steam is then admitted from the aan through the red hot tubes, upon the charge. acid of the sulphate is carried off by the steam, and when I Big vomicoee it, the acid vapors are conveyed along with the gases of the fire, into a leaden chamber, to be combined into sulphuric acid The fs ea of Le and soda may to some extent be decomposed by being subjected at a high temperature to the action of a current 0 steam, in the manner directed for the decomposition of the sulphate of baryta. But owing probably to the volatile nature of the bases of these salts ata high temperature, no large proportion of them can thus Of the large class of substances possessing these properties, which i convenience I will call combining substances, | prefer t o use either umina or the s subphosphat e of alumina. . The alumina is oan by enact igniting the sulphate of alumina, or by any other well known ‘ie x Chemistry and Physics. 263 pro The subphosphate of alumina is prepared (as directed in cise! works) by mixing solutions of the phosphate of soda, and the sulphate of alumina, and adding to the solution a slight excess of am- monia. I mix the alumina in the state of powder with an equal weight of the sulphate of potash or of soda also powdered, and spread the mix- ture upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, such as I have before described for the decomposition of the sulphate of baryta. ‘The mix- ture is then heated, exposed to steam, stirred, and the o operation con- ducted in all respects in the manner described for the treatment of the sulphate of baryta. When it is desired to collect the sulphuric and sul- phurous acids produced by the decomposition of the sulphates of *pot- ash and soda, | prefer to moisten the mixture of alumina and the sul- phate with water, and form it into balls about half an inch in diameter, charge shows by the usual tests tha nes no notable proportion of sulphate undecomposed, the —_ iscompleted. I then withdraw — the charge, lixiviate it with hot water, and when the clear solution of aluminate of potash or soda thus ge has become cold, I pass then drawn off and evaporated. The alumina thus recovered is again used as the combining substanée. When I wish to obtain the aluminate of potash or of soda, I merely evaporate the solution above described without se oe lg the carbonic aci uriate of potash or of soda I merely evaporate the solution above iatioad without ee the carbonic aci “The muriate of potash or of soda may also be decomposed when ina fused state by the action of. steam ; alumina or the subphosphate of alu- mina being present, the operation is to be conducted in all respects in the same manner as that just described for the sulphates of potash and soda. But owing to the great volatility of the muriates of potash and soda when exposed at a high temperature to a current of air or steam, a large quantity of the muriate will escape with the steam and gases of the fire in the state of vapor undecompesed, and will be lost or will be difficult to condense. I prefer therefore to effect the decomposition of the muriates of potash and soda by causing their vapors, intimately mixed with highly heated age to pass slowly through a mass of small pieces of alumina kept a igh red heat. [use for this purpose a vertical fire-clay eplecler: lined with a coating of native carbonate of ing, which openings should be capable of being closed air-tight. range a cast iron retort so that its tube enters directly the cylinder near its bottom. The retort should have a charging door at the top capable of being made air-tight, through which is introduced the muriate of potash or soda to be decomposed. The muriates of potash and soda will not vaporize freely when fuse and highly heated, unless the atmosphere above them is Conta changed. This may be effected by a current of steam, and | find that I can sufficiently regulate the quantity of the salt volatilizec ‘from the 264 Stientific Intelligence. retort, by the amount Pictcam which I blow over its melted surface. I therefore insert a small steam pipe into the top of the retort, so as to throw a jet of heated steam upon the surface of the melted salt, and thus force its vapor to enter the cylinder. The quantity of steam thus Int u with a steam-boiler. Both steam pipes are provided with cocks, an es- cape tube is inserted into the top of the cylinder to convey the acid va- por and the vapor of any undecomposed muriate into suitable conden- sers. I have an opening in this tube, by which | can withdraw at times a portion of the vapors in it, to examine their saline and acid characters. e cylinder and retort are to be so constructed and arranged, as to allow their contents te be heated to high redness and upwards by any of the well known means. The mode of operating is as follows: The discharging door being closed air-tight, I fill the cylinder with alumina in pieces 0 ut one quarter of an inch in diameter, and fill the re- tort with the muriate of potash or soda, and then close both. the charg- ing door of the cylinder and that of the retort air-tight. I now bring the cylinder to a high red or white heat, and the retort to a cherry red heat, so that the salt in it is melted and ready to volatilize freely at the admission of: steam upon its surface: stéam is now passed from the boiler through the red hot tubes into the cylinder by the pipe entering near its bottom, so that it is filled with highly heated steam passing up- wards in a slow current through the interstices of the pieces of alumina. I now admit by degrees a jet of heated steam into the salt retort, by ded. The pro- gress of the operation ean be ascertained. by examining the nature of I consider that the decomposition of the salt is no longer effected in the cylinder, and [ then shut off both currents of steam, withdraw the eo Chemistry and Physics. 265 charge by the lower door, and replace it by fresh alumina. The with- drawn charge is then lixiviated with hot water, and the solution of alu- minate of potash or soda thus obtained is treated with carbonic acid, as before described. The lining of the cylinder should be examined occasionally, and kept in repair so that the fire- clay may not be corroded by the alkali. Provided the charge of aren in the __ is readily and equally permeable to the current of steam and salt vapor, the smaller the pie- ces of which it consists and mn greater the surface they tot current, the more rapidly will the decomposition of the muriate pro- ceed. The steam used need not be of a higher boiler pressure than will suffice to secure its passage through the charge in the cylinder. The subphosphate of alumina may be substituted for the alumina, in the processes for the decomposition of the sulphate and muriates of potash and soda, and its action is even more powerful, but its first cost is greater. Although to aid the decomposition of the sulphates and muriates of potash and soda by steam at a high temperature, the use of either alumina or its subphosphate is preferred as the combining sub- stance, yet there are a great number of substances which also possess the requisite properties, but act with various me ott of energy. Thus many salts which contain already a certain proportion of base, will yet, when exposed in contact with the sulphates and muriates of potash and soda, at a high heat, to the action of steam, form a combination with the potash or soda, decomposable when cold by water, or water and carbonic acid. The subphosphates of lime, baryta and strontia, and the subsilicates of lime, baryta and strontia, will under these cireum- stances combine with the alkali and yield it to the action of water alone when cold. The sulphates of baryta and strontia although themselves decomposable by the action of steam at high temperatures, are still ca- pable of thus aiding in the decomposition of the sulphates and muriates of potash and soda, and yield the alkali by the action of water. The neutral phosphates, and neutral silicates of potash and soda, when thus treated, form basic salts which are soluble in water and decomposable by carbonic acid. The alkalies, lime and magnesia, will also thus combine with a por- tion of free potash or soda which may be extracted by water. Other materials are capable of being used as combining substances; but I have named these which I consider preferable. The decomposition of the muriate of soda by the action of steam at a high temperature may be applied to the produetion of sulphate of so- da, by exposing the muriate mixed with suiphate of lime to a high heat ahd to the current of steam. For this process I use a afer c lin- der of close fire-ware, protected on the inside from the action lime or the sulphate by w lining of carbonate of magnesia, and piv ided with an opening for charging capable of being made air-tight. Into the top of the cylinder, — end, a steam pipe is introduced, and from the other end at the top an esca pipe race with suitable con- densers for collecting the eked salt and acid. al eee is half filled with a mixture of equal parts by weight of spat of e and muriate of soda, the opening made air-tight, and the ¢ contents brought to a red heat. A current of | ee 266 Scientific Intelligence. mitted, which passes over the surface of the melted mixture and car- ries off muriatic acid with more or less volatilized salt into the conden- sers. When the steam escaping from the cylinder ceases to contain any notable quantity of muriatic acid, the operation is discontinued and the charge is withdrawn. Its soluble salts are extracted by water, and arated from any undecomposed muriate by evaporation and crystallization. In this operation the heat should not be raised so high as to cause the decomposition by the steam of the sulphate of soda produced, or the sulphate of lime itself. Though 1 prefer in all the above described processes heating the steam highly before passing it upon the salt to be decomposed, yet the same effect will be produced whenever the steam and salt are in con- tact at the proper temperature for the respective decompositions, wheth- er they have both been previously heated, or one alone heated so highly as to be able to raise the other to the required temperature. As has been before stated, some of the salts are decomposable by steam at a much lower temperature than others, but with all the decomposition proceeds more rapidly in proportion as the heat is increased. I claim as my invention the decomposing the sulphates of baryta, strontia, lime and magnesia, and the muriates of baryta, strontia and lime, by exposing them at a high temperature to the action of a current of steam, for the purpose of obtaming the acids and the alkalies of these salts respectively. I also claim the decomposing the sulphates and muriates of potash and soda, for the purpose of obtaining the acids and the alkalies of these salts respectively, by exposing them at a high temperature to the action of @ current of steam, alumina or the other combining substan- ces being present. I also claim making aluminates of potash and soda by the action of a current of steam upon a mixture of alumina and the sulphate or mu- riate of potash or soda at a high red heat. I also claim the making sulphate of soda by the action of a current of steam upon the muriate of soda at a red heat, sulphate of lime be- ing present as described. Il. Minzeranocy anp Geoxocy. 1, Samarskite—M. H. Rosz has shown that while minerals that present luminous phenomena when heated, have generally greater spe- cific gravity after heating than before, (as gadolinite,"orthite and alla- nite,) sama ite, on the contrary, has the reverse relation to heat. jae > actual weight. This fact accounts for t different specific gravit obtained by Hermann for the mineral designated jeri since proved to be samarskite. Rose has found, after several trials, that the luminous phenomena of dolinite and oxyd of chrome precipitated by ammonia, were always companied by a sudden disengagement of heat. This was shown L Mineralogy and Geology. 267 by we — of air enclosed with the mineral by means of the heat g out. ith samarskite, scarcely any dilatation was observed the a foot m air expelled being ten times greater for gadolinite and oxyd of chro ose has ohenteal from Hermann, a of the ilmenic acid this chemist found in his yttro-ilmenite an rochlore of Miask ; and he has ascertained that it was mort 1idbic iid mixed with a little tantalic and pelopie acid and a = ig of titanic — . Bagrationite, a new m Gini el Sram the Urals ; by M. pe Kos arov, (Pogg. Ann., Ixxiii; Bib. Univ. de Genéve, Micole 1848, ‘ 232.)—Bagrationite occurs with diopside and chlorite in the mines of Achmatovsk, in opaque black crystals, affording a deep brown on It has a vitreous luster on the lateral faces and is submetallic on those of the summit. The fracture is uneven or small conchoidal, sieithout cleavage. H=6-5. G=4:115. It is not attacked by acids, and whe heated in a tube yields no water and no odor. Before the ‘blowpipe it oe and then melis to a black magnetic globule. With borax and salt of phosphorus it fn ane affording the reactions rer iron and silica. The crystals are oblique rhombic, much modifie > M= 70° 50’, P ; M=104° 8’-~The author places it near gadolinite Tn the Bibliotheque Universelle where the description is cited, its close relation to Epidote and its probable identity with that species are pointed out. 3. Pseudomorphism.—Dr. J. ReinnarD Buivm has just issued a sup- to this apparent sit vie — plow coninrare of WARD er are described in this new vo tevin I. Pseudomorph. Form imitated. Quartz. Heulandite, Stilbite. Steatite (Rensselaerite). Hornblende Mica Pinite. Baowe | iron ore. Specular iron.. Fluor spar. C Gypsum. Cale spar Dolomite. . Calc spar. acattt a. Andalusite, feldspar, werne! : tourmaline. — , Mica, aspasiolite, fahlunite, es- ¥ ae i nsdorffit one — 4 phyllite, weissite eh SS oe ‘pd — visetaitias ta Iolite. Ree a ee Prehni Natrolite. ae 5 ed * Nachtrag zu den Sate des Mineraleichs, yon Dr. J. Reinhard: Blum, pp. 213, 8vyo. Stuttgart, 1847. - « 268 Scientific Intelligence. Pseudomorph. ’ Form imitated. Wernerite. Epidote. Talcw: .. Chiastolite, kyanite, couzeranite, P Steatite. Dalouline quartz, andalusite, chias- x tolite, feldspar, mica, wernerite, . augite. ts Serpentine. Spinel, mica, garnet, augite, chon- drodite. Chlorite. Feldspar, garnet. Stiblite. . Gray antimon Minium. White lead ore Pyromorphite. Galena, white lead ore. White lead ore. : Lead vitriol. Magnetic iron ore. pathic iron. Peroxyd of iron. Brown iron ore, pyrites, peta iron. Brown iron ore. White iron pyrites, spathic iro Stil pnosiderite. ivianite, Kupferpecherz. opper pyrites Kupferindig. Co yrites, Malachite. Copper penore gray copper ore. Azurite. Gray copper o Division II, Graphite. Pyrites, Stone salt. Dolomite. psum. Stone salt. Quartz. Heavy spar, — — calc spar, dolomite, gale Steinmark. Fluor spar. Pyrolusite. Dolomite. Stilpnosiderite. Dolomite, calamine. Brown iron ore. Cale spar. The volume sm ose with valuable details and views respecting the fossilization of shells a - On Dolo Reser by A. von Mortor, ae Abhandl. v W. Hatpineer, Band L Vienna, 1847.)—A. von Morlot states that as metamorphic nature of ‘dolomite was first siggete by Arduino early as 1827, W. Haidinger in an article seudomorphism m descri- bed certain dolomitic pseudomorphs, and ate that in their formation, “‘ part of the os of lime was replaced by carbonate of magne- sia so as to form in the new species a eeciioutd of one atom of each.”’¢ From this fact ‘ane other observations he inferred that dolomite origina- ted in asimilar change. Elie de Beaumont in 1837 suggested the same view, and thus accounted for the occurrence of ae mers in the dolo- mite, ofien amounting to twelve per cent. of the The association of gypsum with dolomite had renee noticed by vari- ous observers. Haidinger in view of this well known fact, concluded Re * Osservazioni chimiche sopra aleuni Fossili. Venezia, 1779. t Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., March 19, 1827. * . = Mineralogy and Geology. 269 that it must arise from sulphate of magnesia being the agent by which the change into dolomite was produced. ‘The magnesia of the sul- phate of magnesia going to a portion of lime to form dolomite (or carbonate of lime and magnesia), the sulphuric acid thus set free woald form with water and another portion of the carbonate of lime, gyp- sum (sulphate of lime). ut chemistry had shown ‘that when a solution of gypsum was filter- ed through pulverized dolomite, sulphaté of magnesia was formed and carbonate of lime set free. Haidinger had also observed the tlatak: cence of sulphate of magnesia in yout quarries, and traced it toa decomposition of this character. As these last are results of ordinary exposure, Haidinger ios wat inferred that this ion requir ed no unusual heat or ew for the ee? pera (a dolomisation), both hea pete might ment is point were inetd | in 1848, b Markogel and Wahler, but were not carried out. Von ig) has at Cl Vane this ies and pote sage the view so far as t o show 8 of lime and ate of magnesia in the shi ste, zn Lang per ie lige ander pressure, dolomite is actually form d, together wit this dolomisation. roe SS usioniaa of our western states con- D. In the analysis of recent corals by »Prof. B. Silliman, Jr., published in the. volume on Zoophytes ‘by the writer, there is less than sone one per cent. of magnesia, But in a'‘eompact coral rock made up of material of coral origin, he found 38:07 per cent. of carbonate of magnesia. The coral rock was a result of consolidation without heat, as we may judge from the absence of all evidence of its effects. Another speci+ men of a fragmentary eharacter afforded 5-29 per cent. of magnesia. Both resemble the common reef rocks: They appear to show that there are circumstances in which the magnesian salt of the ocean, and the carbonate of Jimé of the coralsymay react and produce a magne- sian rock at the ordinary —— gS of the water. This ac- tion may favor the consolidation rock in progress beneath rial, the more magnesian the product; this principle accounts for the 1D. proportion of magnesiayin the sécond case alluded to above.— Dana, + 5. Three Minerals from the Lake Sapueier ene Rexion. p by J. D. Wuirney, (Jour. Bost: Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 486.)—These esi occur at Kewenaw oo and on Isle Royal, where many zeolites been found. The first of the three analyzed and desseiiog by Mr. Whitney, is Tabular spar. ‘The other two are new species (1.) Jacksonite, (named in honor of Dr. C. T. Jewkedn:)* his near prehnite in composition, but contains no water. It occurs in finely ra~ diated or a radiated masses, of a white color tinged with er H.=6. G.= 2681. Translucent; lustre vitreous: Dissolves slowly but perfectly in muriatic acid, the silica separating as a flocky powder. Srconpv Senizs, Vol. VI, No. se 1848. 3 == 270 Scientific Intelligence. . Fuses very readily before _ abiomp ive 3 in the platinum ee with a brilliant yellow light and a strong intumescence. Affords a colorless transparent glass with borax. Dissolves readily in a = quantity of soda; but with more soda, swells to an infusible slag. ‘The analysis gave silica 46:12, alumina and a little peroxyd of iron 25:91, lime 27:08, soda 0-85 = 99-91, from which comes the formula Ca? Si- Al Si. (2. ) Chlorastrolite. This mineral occurs in finely radiated stellated — masses, having a pearly lustre, and slightly chatoyant on the rounded sides. H.—55—6. G.=3180. Color light bluish green. Fuses éasily before the blowpipe to a. grayish blebby | glass, bch tat and swelling up is a zeolite. In an open tube it gives off w and whi- tens. Soda ssolves it in small quantity, and gives a bead F eoldtee by adrace of nang with more of the as may swells to an infusible slag. ye ae best with” borax, affording a transparent glass col- ored by ir ves a beautiful blue, with nitrate of cobalt. Dissolves readily aii "sods a rel precipitate with muriatic acid. The analy- ac gave silica 36-99 » perox xyd of iron and a little pro- toxyd 6-48, linie 19°50, soda ‘3-70, petach 0:40, water 7:22 = 100-18. The following formula i is deduced ro a Na 8} 2( A Fe)Si-+ 3: it is that of meionite, ergncers the w rin Upper California, Pseresapeneea ni this March 24, 1848.)—The mine of New Aipunadion i is situated a few sai from the coast, about midway between*San Francisco and Monterey, and in one of the-ridges of Sierra Azuh mountain. The mouth of the mine is a few yards down: from the summit of the highest hill that has boring plain, and not much more above the ocean. ‘This hill ex- tends longitudinally in a northwesterly direction, decreasing in height ; and in various par pare for several miles, traces of the ore have been ad, and some, open gs have been made which promise to be valua- not yet had an opportunity properly to study. The prevailing one is a talcose rock, which seems to embrace the bed of ore at the , mine both above and — _Asspecimen from the rock. immediately contiguous to the ore, is contained in the box. The gh a yellow | ochreous matrix, which forms @ r fe 3, y at an angle of about 45°. ~The richest ore, is-at present found im the upper abe the bed, the poorer ores being taken from the lower portion. This mine, known t the aborigines,from time immemorial as a * cave of red earth,” from which they obtained paint for their bodies, was first discovered to contain quicksilver aboutefour years since, during experi- ments made by some Meéxicans:to smelt the ore for the purpose of ob- taining gold, which they supposed it to contain, . About two years ago it fell tie the hands of Barron, Forbes & Co., who sent on hands, tools and funds to commence working it, it. Unfortunately thevessel fell into the hands of the United States forces, and was SPalpcatishe 5 ~ opera- tions of the mine were of course delayed till the arrival of M himself a few satin since, with miners, tools, and whatever things he ia Mineralogy and Geology. 271 was able to procure in’ Mexico, to enable him to make a fair experi- ment on the capabilities of the mine. The great trouble was to obtain Suitable apparatus for extracting the ore. At length four potash kettles pti found, which were ‘set'in’a furnace of adobies, with conde nsers with 1600 Ibs. spi to each ee the ores of average nc agin bro- ken in lumps of the size of apples, put on the covers and Zute them with a layer of sand: The fires were-then kept up till'near night, when the furnaces were allowed to eool gradually. The next morning the condensers were opened, and the métal dipped up; which usually amounted to from 200 to 300 pounds’ for the four pots. This was a much less per-centage than thé a indicated, and it was obvious that a large portion of metal was lost: ‘The tipper parts of the pots and condensers ete to con scoated” a a crust of sulphu- 15 is a ‘small imen. Mr. Forbes formed th, ‘tringled with this, the aes a larger per-cent- age of metal. Tn the last three weeks, about 10,000 potnds of metal have been extracted with the same apparatus, being a yield of over 50 a aire Whether the ores were dichodl or not, [ cannot “herd but pres were. Between 15,000 and~20,000 pounds have been ex- quemed: in about two-months, only six miners having been Shtehayett digging the ore,and the Rands of the establishnient, all told, miners, furnace men; wood-c , &e. &e. , numbering only ascorey The inine’i is probably yeling a nett profit of 8 100,000 @ year, with its pre- ths furnaces atid%ron cylinders of res nd sails to “tail shortly for the apparatis necessaty. ‘The bed has as yet been sop but a few hundred feet, but the: ores grow more and more rich and a The other mines opened in the vicinity, have pret So cae —_— Meagan developed to decide upon their character.’ teen or twenty other places nha a few miles around, on within a few days in hills that do not ongto t the same rei with that which contains the mine already haetibae n ht- Some ores of silver havé also been rece ay atone in this re-_ gion. But I have had ao opporwmity of ptocuring any genuine speci+ mens as yet, and occ ‘mines worth the working will be found, is at least problema There _— traces of coal im the country, but nothing of value: has yet been disc Gold haar be been found receritly on the Sacramento, near Sutter’s vor. It occurs in small masses in. the sands of ‘a new mill race, is said to promise well. 7. Argentiferous Galena it Iron Ore in Algeria, (L'lostitut, No. 748.)—From a work on the mineral riches of lrg vm by M. Henry Fournel, we learn that there is a valuable mine of argentiferous galena == * Q72 Scientific Intelligence. at Kefoum-Thaboul, near the frontiers of Tunis, occurring in argilla- rates eous schists connected with sandstones and conglomera netic iron ore abounds in the mountains Bou Hamra, the small chain getty and to the north of lake F’zara. To the north of the place entioned hee. is an entire mountain, the Mokta-el- Hadid, care that tee were a mined. . Emery in Asia Minor.—M. Tchihatcheff, in his recent explora- = in Asia Minor, has brah to light extensive beds of emery in the western portions of this country, particularly he wees the ruins of Stratonicea | in Caria and Smyrna. ‘asst ‘prints ; by Tce Marsu, gen a letter to the Senior Editor, ia ‘Greenfield, Mass.; May 20, 1848.)—I have for a long time thought of sending, you some acc Saco: A oy cealro'gnn lads rocks of this valley, and my success in ining fossils, but have hesi- from reasons unnecessary for me to state, knowing as you do, that I am an unlearned, laboring man. You will recollect that the first, specimen of fossil footprints of birds ever brought into public notice in this country, was the slab I discovered among the flagging stone, while laying the sidewalk» near my house which Dr. Deane first described to President Hitcheocks, as the fool: prints of a (ems that nee I wee felt an. increasing interest in the subject, he amd ou each year, in, searching for these met oo you ee “i able to judge of my success, a hap ede a a collection more than ign hund with the foot. very thick and heavy in proportion to the ong ‘The most perfect specimens I haye been able to obtain, from Tyrner’s.Falls,.or its immediate peighborhood ; they, not only show the joints. i the toes, btn some there perfectly exhibit the impremweh, of the skin. _T have obi ained also Valumple spe at other r places; for instance, a very i i . t ne slab at Soub fi oe found i in the highway leading to Amhe mile and, half north of the Seminary. It is in a coarse gray fads cut and used for purposes ; the quarry was rpose, and a few tracksediscovered before my atten: tion was called to it; the beds containing the tracks lie some three feet deep, and are, nearly horizontal... I quarried a small section, and turned up a slab seven or es feet | in = _ one and a half in breadth, having on its under. su ce fifteen o enty beautiful foot- prints of'a number d different = in relief. or ee thought by taking up a large section, I should obtain all the tracks I desired; but to my great disappointment, afier several days la abor in getting doen to the me layer, not the slightest appearance of a footprint was to be seem: Ma It _ examined the location more particularly, and to my mind it was ¢ Mineralogy and. Geology. 273 easily explained ; 3 the material of which this rock is composed, was de- posited Tu water, which accounts for its being so coarse, all the finer Ronnpiop being carried away: but after the water had subsided, there seemed to be a depression, or small. basin, but a few feet in di- ameter, inti the water was left to evaporate, depositing a thin layer of fine light colored clay, over whieh the Sods walked, The i impressions in this layer were very beautiful, but they could not be preserved, as th shovel. This is precisely like what we often see by the roadside afier a heavy rain, where the water is left in small ponds. to settle and evap- orate, leaving a fine deposit, on, ines we often find the foot of birds. “. I have obtained at the south niet of Menugit some hundreds of footprints of birds, and some spec fata I have not seen at any other eee but have met with no qaa ds. » This loeation ismore than half a mile from the river, and nearly, = hundred feet above it; the Falls, in consequence of sur a over. which the birds walked being destitute of that smooth»poli ied appearance that is necessary to receive fine impressions, I have some imens that are But some of the “a diag 8 ea for large ones) | have ever seen, I obtai of Mount Tom, near South ined Hadley Falls. If the hetght of sg birds was in tes to the length of their feet, when compa 45% some existing birds, they must have stood some twenty feet high. But the rocks of this place are too coarse to have retained fine impressions of small birds or quadrupeds, for when the matter was oe the water was in continual motion, so as not to leave smooth surface oe I have one slab con- taining -two footprints of a large bi face being very rough and peers: but the great weight of echind probably a thousand pou more,) ressed the sand so hard rer agers perbely smooth, showing + ert the have many. speci peta tenn Wethe hetsfiold, Cote»: ¥ hich show ve ben that they are the tracks of ee ; still I consider. them imperfect sted. downa umber ne inches, the, mud closing up again when the foot was withdrawn, leaving no depression on the surface; the tracks are seen only by splitting the A irene which the foot I have at some localities traced the traeks of a single bird aaa or forty feet, when the bird no a nal epaancesst HA s Lknow w from the fact, that the first —— would be very slight indeed, being pressed on hard sand or clay, and each successive step deeper and deeper, until the mud yew the impression-; and when he got into the water, though he sett i ; eee tae appearance.of the track on the strata —, the bird had w - But by removing a thin layer we find the impres- sion. This has oftentimes enabled me to ascertain how high the — was at the time, or how the layer was out of the water the i ineperaniane were made. ven t z » sl a Q74 Scientific Intelligence. I have one slab four or five inches thick, containing two footprints of a bird, which I split into five layers, the impression being distinct in eac impression, the mud having been'so’ soft as to close up, leaving no des | pression, while the lower slab. I have spent many days the past » season searching for these interest- ing relics of olden time. I have | traversed the valley from the north line ‘of this’ state Socnod assachusetts)” | ut, and” on the bank of Connecticut River, near the mouth of Fall River, and after seven oreight days labor, I in obtaining two or three hindred foot prints of various birds and quadrupeds, many of them qua 8, d one-half,) you will see that this is a walking, and not a leaping, } sm the fore feet are’ very smal ie abese: ser to the hind L* ‘the ng, impression’ of avery long heel, (of it may be a part of the leg’;) eee itis notas deep as the toés, it deepest at the part rare and oe Pt Gold in Canada.—I hay é: had an lately of seeing he masses of gold found in the valley of onoraniy Mr. Charles De Léry, the proprietor of the seigniory on which the precious metal is Mineralogy and Geology. 275 found, showed me the original mass, first found in 1833, of which men- tion is made by Lt. Baddeley of the Royal Engineers.* Its weight is about 1052 grains troy (exactly 68-203 grammes). Other masses of equal weight have also. been found in the bed of the same stream. The weight and density of these were taken which were. respectively, Grains. Grammes. ensit Weight, 12" Ss 7022 16-00 as : 742-16 . 48-095 yi B54 s » 1058: 68-598 12-86 Numerous smaller masses sh also béen found. The density indi- cates the presence of silver in the gold—whi hiclt the faint color also con- firms. The analysis of a fiinaien by Mr. Hunt gave 13°67 pr. ct. silver. The less densit ‘the larger massewas owi ng, deubtless, to foreign matter mechanically entangled as well as to interstices filled with air. The lumps are worn smooth as is usual in alluvial gold, but fragments of quartzose gangue aah still Pd detected in some of them. Mr. De at they. were firmly imbedded in what appeared to him to be aiegte but which probably.a conerete of detritus, cement- ¢ by oxyd of iron. ~Chromic iron, ti rous iron, serpentiney spinel, gold in Canada ¢ertainly Moe Rvonbip grounds for the hope oe this may eo a rich auriferous regi o excavations have been made on any scale of ninguinuibe sufficient tie dorarrith an opinion of the actual wealth of the deposit. A few tons of gravel have, however, been washed in a rude way with the Berks rockers whieh bere ; Same about $4 of gold to an = rave : : 11. Dikinbiine’ New Mineral, Adeiaoki de Ph. et en Ch., Mareh, 1848 ; Phil. Mag., xxxii, 544.)--This name has been given tow mineral of a greenish- gray color, crystallized in hexahedral prisms, and found inated in a red felspar porphyry at Monte Viesena, near Forno, in the-valley of Flems*(Vallé de Passa M. Marignac has submitted this ented to analysis, a has deter- mined its mineralogical characters. Its density is 2814; its hardness csc that of carbonate of lime and fluor-spar. Its Cone taking the mean of three ee was found to be— Silic: ge 5 : : : ; 44-66 °* ° ®. > Alivio a ee oe lg Magia. of i ae ‘ ‘ : a ras tl > Palais: itl Vane wit cog 990° o 3 Water ras + ss ’ “? : . i . . dt 7. _ Water and carbonic acid, Site ph ‘ ‘ 449° 12. Produce ¥ Gold in the ied. and Siberia in the year 1846, (Erman’s Russ: Archiv. sty, Bd. vi, p: 318; Quart. Jour. Geol. No. 13, Feb., 1848.)—Acoording to a notice in the Kommertscheskaja salle ne “a " oS ee Journal, yeti, Yok. xxviii, vipieate 276 Scientific Intelligence. Gaseta,’ or Russian Commercial Journal, published by the Ministry of Finance, in February, 1847, there had beet remitted to the mint at St. Petersburg 1397°378 poods of gold, the produce of the imperial and private mines in the Ural and Siberia during the year 1846. There was still — $25:368 poods of gold, the produce of these mines in that yea The Gola produce eevee = Russian gold in 1846 was 1722-746 bs. poods, or. about 62,792 | irdupois, whilst in the previous year (1845) it was only 1371 ‘800 pods or 49, “eh Ibs. Pde i The annual increase, which had fallen in the last two years to 7 and 30 poods, has ee risen to 351 poods; or 12,670 Ibe. naceranie which much surpasses any previous increase’; “the largest fowterlps or that pees rice and 1843, being only 6 ale poods. Ill. Zoouoey. 1. Pancreatic secretion, (L’Institut, No. 748, May 3, 1848.) )—M. t of fatty substances. . It is a limpid athe viscous and alkaline, having the physical properties nearly of the saliva. The follo = are the principal experiments bearing on this subject-which he has made. 1. On mixing the pancreatic juice’ with oil ~ a glass tube, the oil is immediately and completely emulsionated ; and the same takes place with hog’s lard, butter.or suet, at a temperature of 35° or 40° C. 2. No other fluid of the animal economy. possesses this property of al fatty substances. bile , saliva, serum of the > blood, gastric juice, tiave afforded me no such results. 8. The action of tlie pancreatic juice oh ‘fats is not a saponification sumed l cotibasien It is-at-first an emulsion and a subdivision of the fatty matter operating under the influence of an organic sub- peculiar to the pancreatic juice, Sometimes this substance which ied is tesiroyed and een by heat, produces other modifige- he — the eel nee aor rg tai ated by the pashli juice, an energetic acid reaction is rapidly developed ‘and the odor of butyric and sebacic acids, which becomes tre ies decided if butter or suet are used. With MM. Barreswill and Marguerite we have examined th products of this nature, and nati found that the fatty bodies are chang- ed to a fatty acid and glyceri . Bile removes spots of eats long exposed, ‘while the pa nereatic juice does not; because the former dissolves the fatty. ids. not, as the latter, the fat itself. ee: mixture of the bile and ~ eg juice, as in the ioe f Astrononvy. 277 8. I have tried the two pancreatic ducts of dogs, and in the rabbit, the single pancreatic duct which opens very low into the intestine After this operation, the chyliferous system of the dogs and rabbits which were fed intentionally with fatty matters, contained no fat, whilst the intestine was filled with fatty matters not emulsionate ie is function of the pancreas, now for the first time ascertained, proves that they have no relation to the salivary glands, and ae the Fim abdominal salivary fae: is altogether inappropriat ; 2. Sponge, (L’Institut, No. 751, May 24, 1848.)—Ac rane ty recent “pas Hvationa of M. Lau rut the reproductive bodies of two | species of marine sponge, the Spongia usitatissima and S. bacinulosa are contained in the cellules of the fleshy parenchyma. These are regarded by him as oviform bodies and not ciliated gemmules, as de- scribed by Mr. Grant in his researches on several species of marine sponges, These oviform bodies or simple ovules, consist of a single germinative substance enclosed in a more or less dense envelop. The n are favorably situated for such investigati The sponges examined ’ are those with a horny texture throughout, “a called Ceratopongia, to . distinguish them from those c alcareous spicula (Caleipongia) nd those with siliceous spicula (Sitcippiigia.) M. Lallem sug- gested that the term spore applies best to such ovules as M. caused describes. The latter then cited in support of his opinion the results and fre are completely agamous) are still transformed into embryonnary bodies, , which become distinct isolated individuals, whose development from birth to their death he had described and figured. / IV. Asrronomy. 1. Neptune ; by Szars C. Waker, (in . letter to the editors dated “A idge, Mass., Aug. 17, 1848.)—In the Ephemeris of Neptune computed for early distribution m the Siisthiohian oneness [ omit- ted to mention that the date there given is for the true place of the Pie and that for epperae with direct ly ih the aberration st be added to that date. I subjoin a table of Neptune’s aber- Ro time, for the term of the Ephemeris, in parts of a day. A small. term used in computing the planet’s place as a fixed star referred to the mean equinox, was retained in the Ephemeris. This should have been . ie ae: hy ee is ae appended. It is to be applied according to pheme laces. These omissions are of no im taes in ae the lasek by the Ephemeris; they amount on the av- erage to only seven seconds of space. They should be applied how- ever in comparisons of thensy with observations. I subjoin three re- cent meridian observations of gee made by Mr. Rumker, the Di- rector of the Hamburg Observat hey were communicated to me by Prof. Peirce through his Ben ca mes Be Benen Apthorp Gould. Seconn Srnies, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. « 278 Scientific Intelligence. iOhs Enh! Obs Eph. - Neptune’s Dee: Obs, R.A. | in R.A. 1348, July 10d. 15h. Im. 27s.-3/334° 29! 12!'-2) —11° 16'59!-3) —0'-06 | —0"-83 11 14 57 27 -5/334 28 13 -7)-11 17 23 -9} +2 ‘51 | —0 -68 12 14 27 -41334 27 «9 -1i-11 17 46 -6' +0 -78 | +1 -86 By the mean of the three results, (Observation—Ephemeris) +1- -08 | —0 -12 | R . Should no greater discrepancies appear in the entire series for this position, the theory of Neptune furnished by my elements and Prof. eirce’s Tables of the Perturbations, may be considered as completed till the Opposition of 1849. I subjoin the tables above referred to. — Time, Hamburg Observatory. Date. Coneeetianaay, ee sige es Ma EY an 1848, July 1 “3-58 133 0" 16916 ha: gles 3° _ 1-82 ‘16857 17 3 °D7 1 *32 "16807 25 3°56 1 :28 °16763 Aug. 2 3°56 We yl 16731 10 3 56 1 27 “16708 18 3°57 1 ‘26 -16697 26 3°58 1 26 "16694 Sept. 3 3-59 1-26 ‘16704 11 3 60 1:25 "16724 19 3°60 1 24 *16755 ex 3 ‘60 1 °23 1679. Oct. 5 360 1 “22 “16 13 3 ‘60 1 ‘22 -16902 21 3 ‘59 1 -22 16 29 3°58. Se 2 17038 Nov. 6 3°56 1 21 17113 14 3°54 1 ‘21 "17191 22 3 *52 1 ‘21 °17270 30 3 50 1 ‘21 °17350 Dec. 8 3°49 1 -20 °17427 16. |... 8 +47 1-20 ‘175 24 3°44 B19 17572 1849, Jan. 1 3°43 je 17 2. The tenth Asteroid, Diana.—A new planet has recently been discovered by Prof. Kaiser, at Leyden. It belongs to the group be- tween Mars and Jupiter, performing its revolution in about three years and eight months. —~ ' 2: The asteroid discovered by Mr. Graham, has been designated by the name of Metis. oo 3. Shooting Stars of August 10, 1847, (communicated by E. C. Herrick. )—The night of August 8th, 1847, was here overcast and rainy. The two nights following were also overcast. The evening of the 11th was less unfavorable, the sky béing partly cledr. Messrs. Wm. E. Moore, Andrew T. Pratt, J. Dorinell Smith, and myself, took a station in the open air, and began the watch for the expected meteors, at 9 15™. The sky soon grew cloudy, and from 10 to 11 remained wholly over- cast. We therefore left the field, and have good reason to suppose that no opportunity for observation occurred during the night. * Astronony. 279 Within inte: quarters of an hour we saw thirty-seven different tow teors >» aS fo llow Py in N ‘ . . ‘ 6 S. WwW. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ : 10 ow N. W. 8 Throughout me Reng the sky was so much obstructed by clouds 4 we probably lost as many meteors as we observed. t ~ N. Y., my friend Mr. Wm. Waddle Smith was pa successful. On the night of Tuesday, August 10th, Mr. S. with three assistants, began the watch at midnight, up to which time, the t2a. _ Sky was nearly overcast. During the two hours ending at the sas b they observed four hundred and fifteen different meteors as follow N.E. ag Hi gaa. «waned 33 * "Ba : 63 = 204 ‘16 2) ee aes FS OF att: Throughout the first hour the sky was nearly cledy. The second hour was at ‘favorable, the N. E. quarter being two-thirds cloudy, and and the s and N. Ww. quarters considerably obstructed by clouds. A few pe after 2 a.m. the sky became wholly overcast, and thus continue 4. ‘Shooting ae, of August 10, 1848, (communicated by E. C. Herricx,)—On W ednesday, August 9th, 1848, from sunset to 10 Pp, M..the sky here was about three-fourths overcast; and the moon, ten days past the new, was shining through the broken clouds. In such circumstances, watch would have been useless. A few ee before 1 a.m. of the 10th, Messrs, Samuel Emerson, Andrew T. Pra m. Manlius Smith, and myself, took a station in the open air. We b be- gan the count at 1 a. m., each observer having charge of a quarter of . the heavens, and the meteors being reckoned in the quarter where th they commenced. Between 1 an A.M. we observed one hundred and sixty: four different meteors, as fallovet . in N.E, 40 = §.E. 48 BO gO reese Vile Sake During this. hour the sky was at times obstructed by clouds, and w probably lost about a fourth part of the meteors which would athe been seen in a clear sky. Between 2 and 3 A.M. we observed one hundred and seventy differ- ent sshincie as follows: in N.E. 38, S.E. 45 8.W. 49 N.W. 39. During the first part of this hour the sky was partly obscured by haze and fog so that we lost about as many as in the preceding hour. ut 3 a.m. the sky became beautifully clear, and thus remained while we observed. By 33 a. m. the dawn was so bright that, we re- tired. During this oan hour we saw one hundred and I~ -one differ- ent meteors as follow: in NE. 30 “$B. 36° 8.W. 41 NW. 84 Of the meteors seen this morning full three- baie were eiitinted to conform to the usual radiantin Perseus. Many re very brilliant, ex- ceeding in brightness stars of the first magne. 280 Miscellaneous Intelligence. The evening of Thursday e. eo was clear; but we chose to defer observation until moonset. our posts at 1" 50™ a. m. of the 11th, at which time the sky was pe 8 clear, but within fifteen minutes clouds eame up and soon obscured every star. We waited in vain till about 24 a. m., and hen left the field. During the same night, Messrs. Gurdon Evans, John H. Pumpelly, Mason C. Weld, being on the top of Mount Carmel, (a peak six erg feet high in an adjoining town,) kept a look out for meteors, from about 14 a.m. until about 33 a.m. During this time they observ- ed trod ollired and sixteen different meteors, after which fog prevent- ed further observation. During the last half hour many must have been lost. V. Miscenitangeous INTELLIGENCE. 1. California.—A valuable Report on California has recently been addressed to the U. S. Senate, and published by government, prepared by Mr. J. C. Frémont.* It is stated to be only a brief sketch prelim- inary toa general work on Oregon and California; it contains, however, a well digested account, physical and geographical, of the regions of which it treats. We e gather from it the following faets e great chain of mountains which stretches north and south through Oregon and California within one hundred and one hundred and fifty miles of the coast, is called in Upper California, the Sierra Nevada. Its summits are crowded with perpetual snows. It divides the country into a coast and an interior section, the two widely differing in climate. The former receives the warm ae that blow from the Pacific, which through a portion of the year are charged with vapor and yer fertilizing rains. The latter expetionces ¢ the cold airs that roll down from the heights around. ‘This region, east of the Sierra, is GeMed! the Great Basin. It is some five finden miles in length and breadth, and between four and five thousand feet above the level of the sea ; it is shut in all around by mountains, and contains ie. lakes and rivers without outlets. By far the greater part of the gion is nearly a desert, yet there are some arable spots. The Sienszy is mountainous with intervening plains—the mountains wooded and watered, with grass about their bases or lower slopes, the planes arid and sterile. These interior mountains run north and south, conform- ing to the general trend of the Roc ocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada ; they are from two to thousand feet in yi and snow continues selves. ‘This position lies on the route across the mountains to Cali- * Geographical Memoir sda Upper Pediat PL illustration of his map of Oregon and California, ae nv Cuarues Frémonr, uddreste d to the Senate of the United States, 67 pp., 8vo, "Weshogon, 184 8. Miscellaneous Intelligence. | 281 fornia. South of Utah is another lake, of which little more is known especially important on account of its lying on the line of travel to Cal- ifornia, being the best route through the Great Basin. It terminates opposite the Salmon Trout pass in the Sierra, a pass only seven thou- sand two hundred feet above the sea, leading into the valley of the : aston The settlement of the Mormons near the Great Salt lake is making good progress. On the first of April they had “three thousand acres in wheat, seven saw, and grist mills, seven hundred houses i in a fortified flourishing settlement.” The Great Basin, although arid in most parts, has many exceptions to this i and deserves a full and thorough exploration. West of the Sierra Nevada, between the range and the sea, an area one hundred and fifty to two hundred miles wide, extending from lat. 32°, where it touches the peninsula of California, to 42°, and having an area of above one hundred thousand square miles. It contains rivers emptying together into the Ba of San Francigco, besides others of less importance. The soil is fertile and the climate mild. In the winter s@ason for three to five months there are usually abundant rains, Kipiosion so the Great Fire of 1845, at New prin a of the Franklin Institute, for 20th April last, p. 392.)—Dr. Harz com- municated to the meeting some inferences and facts, Sale to account for the contradictory impressions which have existed respecting the extensive district, involving the destruction of about two hundred houses and property estimated at two millions of dollars. As far as the oaths of highly competent witnesses could avail, no gunpowder was present ; 282 Miscellaneous Intelligence. the store was li era ita: In all there were three hun- 30,000 on the first floor, and 80, 000 on the third floor the eae the aggregate was more than double the weight of the nitre It was, $6 wever, the anoaunk opinion of mn best acquainted with the subject, that when ignited with combustibles, nitre produces only that species of combustion which is called deflagration by chemists ployed by the Cerporation of New York) to explode nitre by ignition with combustibles. Nevertheless, agreeably to Hayes, of Massachusetts, an explosion was effected in his laboratory, by bringing water into contact with about 100 lbs. . incandescent nitre; also the accidental falling of a ye of melted nitre on some water, in the piel of the University of ace had been productive of a similar The explosion of a vessel laden with nitre, which, while lying in Boston harbor, was burnt to the water’s edge, an others similarly in a letter, addressed to the distinguished chemist above mentioned, in July, 1845, Dr. Hare had adverted to the explosion which su ucceeds ps combustion of atpry um upon water, as arising from the combina- n of one ~ ion of the water with the resulting incandescent -and the oxyd, in causing the water and heated globule to coalesce, is equivalent in efficacy to the momentum of the hammer when a bar of _ upon an anvil. Dr. Hare presumes that no explosion can take place unless the re- agents for producing it are held or brought together, at he moment of reaction, by a certain foree, either chemical or mechanic Some chemical compounds, such as are formed with penal acid, or with ammonia, by metallic oxyds, also the chlorid of nitrogen an perchloric ether, explode violently without sonboene® so as to frac- ture a plate or saucer, upon which a small quantity may be det onated ; but pulverulent mixtures, such as gunpowder, pase Yn ex- i ] | | | 1 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 283 plosive when employed in gunnery or rock-blasting, in open vessels flash without fracturing them, or producing any report: In an exhaust- ed receiver, gunpowder is far less explosive than when subjected to atmospheric pressure in an open vessel. Nevertheless, when gun- which, when the temperature of the fire applied is sufficiently high, the explosive force is directly as the i veils before bursting, and this, of course, is commensurate with the strength of the confining boiler.’ The itigiedibats of ig toce sulphur, charcoal, and nitre, to pro- duce the greatest effect, require extreme comminution and intimate = mixture of nitre with combustible matter destitute of sulphur, is con- ceived to be du t only to the pre-eminent oe. of this substance, of vaporization and inflammation, but wise to its well teh ability to decompose a oxyds by attracting both the metal oxygen. Such an opinion was expressed in 1845, in the letter pre mentioned to Hien that the formation ‘as sulphid of potas- sium is the first step in the process of the explosive reaction of gun- powder, Faraday has alleged the flame of the compound to be, in the case in point, an important instrument in the propagation of fire through- out the mass. The hepatic odor of the fumes consequent to the firing of cannon, and likewise of the washings of a gun after the customary service, demonstrate the production of a sulphid. It has been found that a filtered solution of the residue ye sig when tested by iron, the red hue which indicates the presence of as nid. Agreeably, however, to a qeilitenive examination, the solid residue of exploded gunpowder consists mainly of nearly equal parts of car- bonate and sulphate of potash, while the gaseous residue is rg nearly of equal volumes of carbonic acid and nitrogen. Of c the sulphate may arise from the wr sean of sulphide, formed on wd outset by a pices Saclnegs, The grains did not take fire instantly, prob- ably because the vapor evolved prevented actual contact ; and when ignition did e ensue it extended only to the production of a feeble flash. if Sean it was found that a portion of the powder had escaped inflamm ra use place, a like weight of gunpowder was consolidated into a cylinder iy intense pressure. hus red and ignit ag by contact with an incandescent wire in ———— receiver, more than half of the cylinder remained unconsu 284 a iscellaneous I: ntelligence. A placed at the bottom of an iron pot, four inches in Psisiorer and twelve “— in depth, on being touched by the end of an iron rod reddened ears an activity in some degree xplosive, probably in consequence o the pressure created by the action of the gaseous current generated by its own deflagration. he want of to ines which is thus capable of lessening the explosiveness of gunpowder, of which the constituents are intimately intermingled, is still more enfeebling, where analogous nate are n. i of that vapor or gas, to the evolution of which, under con- finement, the capability of exploding is due. Thus sundered, they are chilled by radiation, so that the oven a be to sustain and communicate ignition is not supported. Moreover, the rapidity of La] ia] a 7 a oO n Z S oO oO 7) rt) ot _& a 5 a = = [om ic2) [= -o 5 a 5 ee oO "3 3 =] itis) tl avin in Dr Hare’s letter to Hayes, it was urged, a # that his inference as otassi a white heat, the base of nitre spontaneously abamdots its acid, while from water it cannot be separated ine aay temperature. Consequently, the presentation of substances, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, by yielding water to the base, could not but be productive of a result analogous to that which results from the presentation of sulphur and ca The only obstacle is as follows :—Substances containing hydrogen and oxygen; whether in pe —— for forming water, like sugar, tarch, gum, and wood ; ing an excess of hydrogen, like oils resins; moreover, all oe pee ae of nitre, even the base, are susceptible of the aériform state at the temperature producible by the reaction of nitre with them. But when kept together until that point is attained, the explosive power must be fully equivalent to that of gun- powder. The re Rea are ina state analogous to that of two gases extremely co The explosibility. of incandescent nitre with water was illustrated in the small way, by heating a portion in a platinum capsule by the flame of a hydro-oxygen blowpipe, and sudden immersion in the liquid. So active was the explosion, vite a portion of the resulting hydrate flew out upon the operator. Yet when thrown in the same state upon mo- lasses or sugar, no explosion ensued: nevertheless, when a capsule ~~. : nitre heated to the point of volatilization, was struck with the oe cotlied with sugar melted upon it and made to din: vrei ture, a detonation ook place. A still more powegful detonation was oul as follow Miscellaneous Intelligence. _ | 285 Upon an anvil, a disk of paper, three inches in diameter, was laid covered with pulverized sugar. Over the sugar was placed another similar disk covered with pulverized nitre. A bar of iron, rather wider than the disks at a welding heat, was then held over them, and sub- ‘jected toa — from a sas An explosion, with a report like that of a cannon, ensued. * Instructed we the facts and considerations above stated, it is inferred that the explosions which contributed to extend the conflagration in ew York, as Gitaipiasgit, arose from the reaction of the nitre is presumed that as soon as the fire reached any of the gunny bags, it must have run rapidly through the whole. pile, by means of the inter- Stices necessarily existing between them, the nitre with which they were embued causing them to deflagrate. Much of the salt being thus brought to the temperature of fusion, it must have run about the | floor, reached the combustibles, and soon found its way to the next story through the seuttles which were open. All the floors must have been activity any ordinary’ combustion. Meanwhile, the nitre being all liquified and collected in the cellar in a state of incandescence, and aided by the molasses, the weight, the liquidity, and menue ig must have pied all the conditions requisite to intense detonation floors having been consumed, the store must have been. squivilaat to an enormous crucible of twenty feet by ninety,at the bottom of whic were nearly three hundred thousand pounds of nitre, superficially heat- a million of pounds. The intense reaction, however, would not per- mit of durable contact. Ateach impact, the whole mass ani have been thrown up explosively, and hence the successive detonations. But the chemical reaction, the heat, and the height of the fall, growing with their growth, and strengthening with their strength, the last ele- vation was succeeded by the pea report and stupendous ex- tesa of reas it has been an object to afford a satisfactory expla- nation 3. iding Material—The following are the results of examina- tions byt ths building committee of the Smithsonian Institution, of dif- ferent kinds of building material in Maryland, as mentioned in the re- cant Report of the Regen “Ist. That the marble quarries of Maryland, chiefly in the vicinity of the village of Clarksville, about thirteen miles from Baltimore, on th line of the Susquehanna — contain. two qualities of anrhie: one * In a short time a more circumstantial account of ai Hare’s tacts and inferences respecting the subjects of the above commuhication will be published. _Sxconp Senrtzs, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. 37 286 Miscellaneous Intelligence. he former was confidently say pera ane building material equal in durability to any in the world; the latter was pronoun need inferior, both in beauty and durability, yet pe of furnishing a very lasting material a the selection was made with care. Being less tough than the finer-grained variety, it was thought less suitable for ornaments hav- ing bold projections and ne liable to chip off where there was much un ing. “2d. That se granite quarries of Maryland, in the vicinity of Wood- stock, on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and about sixteen miles beyond the Relay House, furnish a granite equal to that of Quin- in the United States; splitting, also, with remarkable facility, so that nh a block twelve or fourteen he in length, the face of cleavage may n more than a single in om a true level; im short, a building ma- rial of unsurpassed cathy and uniformity, and to which, as to.the or a in, the Clarksville quarries, no possible objection, except on the score of expense, could be found, unless, indeed, it be Fie 5 one, thas in this material the effect of light and shade from projecting surfaces is in a measure lost, while in marble and good tint- ed freestone every shadow is sharply marked «3d. That the Aquia creek ri aie heretofore used in public build- ings in Washington, is a material not to be trusted, being pervaded by dark specks of the protoxyd and peroxyd of iron, which in perox- ydating acquire a yellowish or reddish color, and having Ape clay holes, such as disfigure the Treasury and the Patent A portion of this freestone was, indeed, considered durable and Pid from mate- rial blemish; but the chance of aetually procuring it free from disfig- uring spots and stains was considered so uncertain, that it was recom- mended to refrain from using it in the institution building. “4th. That the freestone of the arene Potomac, in- the vicinity of Seneca creek, and found in quarries close to the line of the Chesa- peake and Ohio canal, is the best and most ican of all the Potomac freestones. “ The lilac-gray variety found in the Bull Run quarry, twenty-three miles from Washington, was especially recommended, and pronounced to be equal, if not i 8 to that supplied for Trinity church, New York, from the quarries of ~— Jersey. ie ace to this latter material, it was stated that it possessed a quality that should especially recomend it to the attention of builders. Wh n first wiemaieig it is co ely soft, working freely before the wear and tear.. Thus, on the tow-path of the aqueduct, near Seneca creek, over which horses and mules shave been traveling almost daily for upwards of twenty years, this freestone was found still unimpaired. Even the corners beget ae which the heavy lock-gates swing, showed no signs of chipping or decay ; and on the perpendicular wall of the aque- duct, where the water is continually oozing through the joints and trick- ling ‘down its face, forming an incrustation of carbonate of lime, this * Miscellaneous Intelligence. 287 freestone was observed, where the calcareous crust had scaled off, with the blocks first came from the hands of the stone-mason, more than twenty years ago.” The same report by the Regents of the Smi thsonian Institution, con- tains the following table giving the results of experiments .G Page, to ascertain the relative disintegrating mmo of frost upon stones used for building. The process of Brard was adopted, which substi- tutes the a of sulphate of soda for the freezing of water. Inch cubes of the several kinds of stone were dipped into a solution following a are the ele Specimens ; [ Specific Loss by marked. » | gravity. - |frost, in grs. No. 1 |Not tested; the specimen being too sma No. 2 |Symington’s close-gr ained marble (similar to 4 Worthington’s) 2-834 0-19 No. 3 iGownsctiont ‘sandstone, coarsest-grained quality not ascer-} 14-36 ine No. 4 |Dark red Seneca sandstone ew to eee) s) 9-672 0-70 No. 5 |Symington’s large pre rble 857 0-50 | No. 6 |Symington’s blue limestone 2-613 0°34 No. 7 |Coarse, large crysta tal marble, Mt. Pleasant, N. York} 2-860 0-91 No. 8 |Port Deposite g 609 5-05 No. 9 |Too ll to exa No. 10 /Trinity sandstone, povided and light-colored |notascer-| 1-58 No. 11 |Connecticut sandstone, finer- a pnality 5 24-93 No. 12 |Nova Scotia sandstone, coarse-graine 2518 2:16 No. 13 |Light Seneca sandstone, dove- — 2-486 1-78 No. 14 |Pennsylvania marble, a —— ‘ : 2-727 0-35 No. 15 |Pennsylvania blue limest 2-699 0-28 4TC (Trinity church light oelared, close- grained sand- stone, New Jersey ‘ 2-482 0-62 PO eega part pent sandstone . . 2-230 18-60 SB |Softb : . 2-211 16°46 HB Hard b - | 2294 1-07 1D Giasivs ye Potomac Great Falls 0°35 2D |Dark coarse sandstone, of Seneca aqueduct, Peter's z quarry S 5°60 3D (Sandstone four miles above Ls 2 D, Peter’ s, next! | & west of Beaver dam 3 1-58 4D |Dark saci from quarry near Wood's resi- z nce ~ 3°94 4 5D Not tested, specimen being too small. z 6D ‘Lower stratum, aeimitc dam quarry 1-72 its general characteristics is like a nail or spike machine. It rolls the wire into a flat rod which is received into proper dies, where it is held, cut off, and punched into the general form of type, and a die of proper form resembling a header die is brought up against the end of it, form- ing the required letter—when it is discharged and another blank re- ceived. Those acquainted with spike machinery will easily unde: 288 Miscellaneous Intelligence. the modifications necessary for forming type, and that there would be i vachine but little novelty in such a m : and the moulds are filled, and the belt passes along in a horizontal po- sition until the balls become cool. The belt is then bent around a pul- ley which at once drives it and opens the sections of the moulds from which the balls fall. The belt afterwards passes around one or more additional pulleys, and up again to the reservoir. Thus while one por- tion of the moulds is receiving the molten lead, the bullets are cooling in another, and are discharged at a third without any interruption. 6. Quantity of the different Grains produced in the United States in 1847, (Patent Office Rogaeer 1847, issued in 1848, p. 545.)—The following is the amount of the different kinds of grain produced in the United States in 1847, according to the estimate contained in the table preceding the agricultural report of this office for the present year, viz. dstuffs. ; Bushels. Total bushels. Indian corn or maize, , 539,350,000 Wheat, . : ‘ 114,245,500 Rye, ; , ‘ “al 29,222,700 Buckwheat, ’ ‘ , 11,673,500 — 694,491,700 Grain not used for breadstuffs. Oats, P F é : 167,867,000 Barley, . : , . 5,649,950 —————. [73,516,950 Total, . ; fn 868,008,650 Other articles of food. Potatoes, ‘ ‘ : 100,950,000 bushels. Beans and Peas, 4 50,000,00 103,640,590 pounds. ton, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” Section I. Plan of Organization. yl To Increase Knowreper. It is proposed — __ 1. To stimulate men of talent to make original researches, by offer ing suitable rewards for memoirs containing new truths; an . ¥ : - To appropriate annually a portion of the income for particular researches, under the direction of suitable persons. 3 Be —_ Miscellaneous Intelligence. 289 To Dirruse KNow ence. It is proposed— 1. To publish a series of ies reports on the progress of the different branches of knowledge ; an : 0 publish occasionally separate treatises on subjects of general interest. DETAILS OF THE PLAN TO INCREASE KNOWLEDGE. I. By stimulating researches. 1, Rewards, consisting of money, medals, &c., offered for original memoirs on all branches of knowledge. 2. The memoirs thus obtained to be published in a series of volumes, ina quarto form, and entitled Smithsonian ree tions to Knowled 3. No memoir, on subjects of physical science, to be accepted for publication, which does not furnish a foie t addition to human knowl- edge, resting on ariginal research ; and all unverified speculations to be rejected. 4. Bach memoir biceanied to the institution to be submitted for ex- amination t of persons of reputation for learning in the branch to wide a memoir pertains ; and to be accepted for publi- cation only in case the report of this commission is pe e. 5. The commission to be chosen by the officers of the ep aa and the name of the author, as far as practicable, fe a unless a favorable decision be made. 6. The volumes of the memoirs to be exchanged for the Transac- tions of Seater ry and elena 3 societies, and copies to be given to all the colleges, and principal libraries, in this ¢ inte ‘One part of the remaining copies may be offered for sale ; and the other aapehalle pre- served, to form big sets of the work, to supply the demand from new institutions. 7. An abstract, or popular account, of the contents of kas me- moirs to be given to the public through the annual report of the Regents to Congress. Il. By Pa alee a portion of the income, annually, “A en ts of research, under the direction of suitable perso ag objects and the amount appropriated, to be widlbintea by counsellor of the institution. 2. App ropriations in different years to different objects; so that in Contains to Knowledge. mples of Seecis for which appropriations may be made ( 1.) aye stems of extended meteorological observations for seid the problem of American storms. xplorations in descriptive natural history, and gorverctl, magnetical, and topographical surveys, to collect materials for formation of a Physic al Atlas of the United States. (3.) Solution of experimental problems, such as a new determina- tion of the weight of the earth, of the velocity of electricity, and o light ; chemical analyses of so ili and plants ; collection and publica- tion of articles of science, inceinabiaue in the offices of Government. 290 Miscellaneous Intelligence. (4) Tostitution of statistical inquiries with reference to physical, moral, and political 5. Historical researches, and accurate surveys of places celebrated in American history. (6.) Ethnological sce atag ll et ah hia with reference to the dif- ferent races of men in North erica; also explorations, and accurate surveys, of the Sotciie and atta remains of the ancient people of our country. DETAILS OF THE PLAN FOR DIFFUSING KNOWLEDGE. I. By the poiliessian a a eres of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries 1: and of the changes made from year to year in. all branches “of J fpreowledge not strictly professional. . These reports will diffuse a kind of guke ae oo ake ae ing, ‘but which, at present, is inaccessible to the Some of the reports may be published annually, others at sce ‘ote: as the income of the institution of the changes in the branches of knowledge may indicate. . The reports are to be prepared by collaborators, eminent in the different branches of knowledge. 3. Each collaborator to be furnished with the journals and publica- tions, domestic and foreign, necessary to the compilation of his report ; to be paid a certain sum for his labors, and to be named on the title page of the report. - The reports to be published in separate parts, so that persons in- terested i in a particular branch, can procure the parts relating to it with- out purchasing the whole. 5. These de tt may be presented to Congresg for partial distribu- tion, the remaining copies to be given to literary and scientific institu- tions, and sold to individuals for a moderate price. The following are some of the prcshero! which may be embraced in the L Seat, Crass. Physi, including astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry, and pan rs Natural hat history, including botany, RRaGY geology, &c. gricul 4. iRealceton of science to arts. II. Morat anp Potiricat Crass. Ethnology, including particular history, eommparative eae antiquities, &c. 6. Statistics and political economy. 7. Mental and moral philoso 8. yy survey of the political events of the world, penal reform, &c. Ill. LiTERATURE AND THE FINE Arts. 9. Modern literature 10. The fine arts, and their application to the useful arts. Er | | h Miscellaneous Intelligence. 291 » Bibliography. 2. Obituary notices of distinguished individuals. ¥ Il. By the publication of pk hts tend on subjects of pe 1. These treatises may pete consist of valuable memoirs translated from foreign languages, or of articles prepared under the direction of the institution, or procured by offering premiums for the best exposition of a given su 2 e treatises should, in all. cases, se gubmitted to a commission of competent judges, previous to their a s examples of these bh i expositions may be obtained of the present’ state of the several branches ° ‘knowledge mentioned in the table of reports. Also of the following subjects suggested by the Committee on Organ nization, viz: The statistics of labor, the productive arts of life, public instruction, &ec. Section Il. Plan of organization, in accordance with the terms of the resolutions of the Board of oi be providing for the two modes of increasing and diffusing knowledge. 1, The of Congress establishing the institution contemplated the formation of. a library and a museum; and t ard of Regents, in- cluding these objects in the plan of organization, resolved to divide the income into two equal Jt 2. One part to be a riated to increase and diffuse knowledge by means of esctreteus an researches, agreeably to the scheme before other part to be appropriated to the formation of a library anda tee of objects of nature an 4 These two plans are not incompatible with one another, . To carry out the plan before described, a library will be required, Eonctse Ist, of a complete collection of the transactions and pro- ceedings of all the learned societies in the world; 2d, of the more im- portant current periodical publications, and other works necessary in ge ayn the periodical reports. institution should “re ae collections, objects “ verily its own publicatio tard 6. Al collection of ae of research in all ; experimental : science. ith reference toa collection of books, other than those men- tioned tenes catalogues of all the different libraries in the United States should be procured, oo order that the valuable books first pur- chased may be such as are not to be found in the United States 8. Also catalogues of m isi and of books in foreign libraries, and other materials, should = collected for rendering the institution & centre of pha alia whence the student may be direct- ed to any work w ire. 9. It is believed ‘that the T cotaiech in natural history will increase by donation as rapidly as the income of the institution can make pro- vision for their reception, and, therefore, it will seldom be necessary to purchase any articles of this kind. P should be made to procure for the gallery of arts casts of the most celebrated articles of ancient and modern sculpture. “ eM: a arts may be encouraged by providing a room, free of ex- pense, for the exhibition of the objects of the Art-Union and other similar societies. i 2. A small appropriation should annually be made for models of antiquities, such as those of the remains of ancient temples, &c. #43. For the present, or until the building is fully completed, besides the Secretary, no permanent assistant will be required, except one, to act as librarian give lectures on subjects of general interest. ‘ en the building is completed, and when, in accordance with the act of Congress, the charge of the National Muséum is given to the Smithsonian Institution, other assistants will be required. This programme of organization is followed by remarks by Professor Henry, the distinguished Secretary of the Institution. 8. Tenacity of Life in Black Ants; by Dexter Marsh, (in a letter to Prof. Silliman.)—lI was led to the following experiments, by hearing the discussion on the subject of the hybernation of animals, at the meet- ing of t ciation of American Geologists and Naturalists, at Bos- ton, last mber. ay hile cutting wood in February last, 1 discovered a number of large black ants, in a partially decayed block, frozen perfectly solid, so they would not bend without breaking. I cut off the heads of a number of them, and after keeping them in a cold place half an hour, without their showing any appearance of life, I placed them, with some whose heads I did not sever, in a warm sunny exposure, and in about ten min- utes they came to life, so as to kick about smartly, and throw them- selves over and over, like a hen with her neck wrung, and in about five minutes died; while the others ran off. " A few days after this, I tried the same experiment on some more, by keeping them an hour and a half after cutting off their heads, and they too began to show signs of life by moving their legs considerably ; but just at this time, the sun became clouded, and, the wind blowing cold, I could not restore them further to life, but it was enough to satisfy me that they may be kept hours, and perhaps days, or weeks, after their heads are taken off, and still be restored to life. Miscellaneous Intelligence. 293 9. Cabinet and Observatory at Amherst College, Mass. 1 « hand- some building has recently been erected at Amherst, for the purposes of natural history and astronomy, and on the 28th of i une = there was a gathering of the friends of the institution to celebrate its completion. Amherst is indebted for this structure to 6 donations of over forty in- dividuals, among whom Hon. Abbot Lawrence stands at the head with | a subscription of $1,000, and Samuel. Sahin, Esq., of Townsend, Mass., follows next with nearly. the same amount. The cabinet is an octago- wing, ending in a tower eighteen feet in pts _ forty- a in height to the dome, which is well adapted for astronomical. purpos The cabinet consists of two stories; the lower is eure by sotail ical specimens, among which the fossil footprints, the collections Pres, Hitchcock, are of surpassing interest. ‘There are in all 250 spe- cimens, and die: belong to forty-nine different species of animals, in- cluding “twenty-three of birds, ten of bipeds and perhaps of the Batra- = s or frog family ; twelve certainly quadrupeds ;' two creeping ani- three of doubtful character.» Besides these, there are large Geasiins of geological specimens. from Europe and England, —_— Asia; an extensive suite of. Massachusetts specimens obtain the course of the geological surveys of Pres. Hitchcock; rocks id minerals from Connecticut, collected by Prof. C. U. Shepard ; from faa Slleclad by Prof. C. B. Adams, while in the survey of that ee besides collections from other parts of the Union, and the West ndi In the second story, a single beautiful room with a gallery, is mainly occupied by the mineralogical cabinet, deposited by Prof. C. U. Shep- ard. The collection is one.of, remarkable completeness and elegance. Besides minerals, it embraces a very. large number of meteorites, and numerous geological specimens and fossils: The first suggestion that led to the erection of the new building, was the offer of Prof. Shepard to deposit his cabinet with the College, provided a fire-proof building could. be built for its reception ; this cabinet alone is well worthy of the fine structure now containing it. ¢ ing 400 speci 10,000 individuals. These collections reqjaire still another building for their reception’ They are displayed in the old cabinet room and li — psi th its wealth, more. is oe fot Sintary ~~ 1 scientific progress coal, will Wield about a p of bromine to thirty ga gallons Each of the wells produce on an average about 150 gehons of bittern Secowp Sznizs, Vol. VI, No. 17.—Sept., 1848. PPceton * 294 Miscellaneous Intelligence. sry 15 barrels of salt, which is about the average amount manu- etul went We b establishment, to manufacture 10 to 15 pounds of bromine per day. It also contains iodine but not in sufficient quantity to justify its man- ture, there being only about one ounce in ninety gallons. We at- mpted the manufacture of iodine, made a ae pounds, but were obliged to give it up, the cost overrunning the profit. osphorus.—F rom the late extensive aheorYiaiuhin of M. Hom: maire de Hell it appears that there is no appreciable difference of level between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora; and conse- quently, there is no real current flowing out of the Black Sea through the Bosphorus. He attributes all apparent currents to the winds, which being moo from the north, produce generally a flow towards the south. © This is compensated for by the strong currents flowing to the north during Se southerly win 12. American Association “fot the Promotion of Science-——On the 20th of September, 1848, the first meeting of this Association will be held, being the ninth — session from the origin of the iation of American Geologists. The organi¢ change’ in, the name and pur- poses of the Society at at the last meeting, held at we had been in contemplation for some years previous. A committee the Boston meeting have issued a circular with an caliged Pir reasons. and plan of organization, together with a-full: statement o which have led to the change. ‘This committee consists of Professors H Rogers, Benjamin Peirce, and Louis Agassiz. As this circular has been sent out very generally to-all followers and friends of sci- ence in the country, it is needless~to repeat its contents here ap doubt that with the new plans and enlarged sphere of action, re it, the next meeting of the American Association, on 20th inst. at Philadelphia, will be one - great interest, and numerously attended. The officers are— -* Chairman, W. C. Repriexp. a Secretary, Prof. W. Wisk: a ; ‘ & _ Treasurer, Dr. J.. Wyman.* : ; > Standing eeae : W. C. Reprietp, € Prof. W. R. Eonssos Ex- officio. Dr. J. Wy Dr. J. E. Hoxmnoox. ‘apm ett 3 S. G. Mort Prof. H. D. Roc pe CU +S Jackson Prof. B. Stata Jn ppt A. Prest. E. Hiren Joun L. ae Esq. ® Local Committee. Dr. S. G. Morton. Prof. James B. RocErs. Dr. Rosert Hatt. Prof. Joun J. MircHett. Prof. 8. S. Hatpeman, Joun Prick WETHERILL. _ James Dunpas, Esq. Peter A. — Esq. R. C. Tayror, Esq. acest * Erroneously stated in the circular to be Prof. B. Silliman, Jr. PRN rerio 13. Taste a of the periods when the Hudson River opened and closed at Albany, so far as the same can now be ascertained. River closed a ay by River open or free of ice. _ | No. days closed. sii seca ces saa *March 23, 1786 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 295 February 5 ree *March 27, 1790 52 days. December 8, 1] *March 17, 1791 99 days. December ee ke. December 12, 1792 *March 6, 1793 84 days. December 26, 1793 *March 17, 1794 81 days. } January 12, 1795 ae January 23, 1796 | November 28, 1796 November 26, 1797 November 23, 1798 January ; iat anuar Petroacy ; — ecember 16, ua’ 12, 1804 pall . 6, 1804 84 days. December 13, 1804 anuar , 1806 “*Rebruary 20, 1806 42 days, December 11, me ate : Ab. poet - Pog Janua a4 re ae ays. December fae: ¢ Januar 19, 1810 December 14, 1810 December 20, 1811 “ engeen ee: 4 : as *March 12, 1813 83 days. ecember 22, ah ember 10, 1814 : December» 2, 1815 December 16, 18] : December gb hie March 25, 1818 108 days. December 14, 1818 April 3, 1699 110 anye cember 13, 1819 March 5,1 102 days. November 13, 1820. March 15, 1821 123 days December 13, 1821 March 15, . 1822 92 days December 24, 1822 March 24, 1823 90 days December 16, com arch = ries “ ie uar ph ’ ays 7 eseushen 13, 1825 *February 26, 1826 75 days ecember 24, 1826 March 20, 1827 86 November 25, 1827 *February 8, 1828 About 50 days "December 23, *April Lt, 100d January 11, 1830 | *March 15, ' 1830 63 days “December 23, *March 15, 1831 82 days “December 5, 1831 *March 25, 1832 111 days “December i, *March , 1833 83 days *December 13, 1833 | *February 24, 1834 73 days. *December 15, *March 5, 1835 100 days. *November 30, *April 4nd 125 days. *December ,, 1836 | *March 28, 1837 111 days. *December 13, 1837 (| *March 19, 18 94 days. *November 25, 1838 *March 21, 1839 116 days. "December 18, February 21, 1 December 5, 1840 arch 24, 1841 109 days. Pe } “ 1 *February iY ae a ph ove r ) ‘ “December 9, 1843 | *Mare 14, 1844 95 days. “December 11, 1844 “February 24, 1845 74 days “December 4, 1845 *March 15, 1846 1 ys *December 15, 1846 * April 6, 1847 112 days *December 24, 1847 *March 92, 1848 89 days 296 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 14, Heat anp coup or Urica. A table ihieing th n or average temperature of each month of the - year Sor eight years a ion 1840, to 1847 rE from observations taken daily at sunrise, 1 P. M., and 9 P. M., by S. Aylsworth, ~ Months. “) 1840. | 1841. | 1842. | 1843.) 1844. ie 5. | 1846, | 1847. January, . «| 16-26 | 27-31 | 26°25 | 28-86 | 15°56 | 26-82 | 24-67 | 23:10 February, 30-62 | 23-46 | 30-78 | 18:32 | 25-07 | 26-03 | 21-88 | 24-04 March, . 34-58 | 29-82 | 39-41 | 23-63 | 34-75 | 37-35 | 35-13 | 28:27 April 50-00 | 41:63 | 47-31 | 43-92 | 52:71 | 46:37 | 50-44 | 41-00 ay, 60-04 | 56°28 | 51-10 | 55-24 | 59-48 | 54-09 | 60.37 | 58-00 June, 65-41 | 68:39 ©) | 63-23 | 66 66- 84 78 July, 71-78 | 67:13 58 | 69-13 | 70-90 | 70:39 | 70-80 | 72:00 August, 0-33 | 67:50 79 | 70-77 | 67-82 | 71-92 | 71-44 | 67-62 September, 62-00 | 57:76} 62: 62 60-4 “66 | 59-03 October, . . | 47:33 | 41-82 | 47-13 | 45-24 | 49-43 | 50-94 | 48-08 25 November, . . . | 37-44 | 34-42} 33-93 | 34-23) 36 0:23 | 43-03 | 41-03. December, . . | 22-41 | 28-28 | 25-46 | 30-08 | 28-94 | 22-24 | 26-45 | 31:43 Annua nenba, - + | 46:95 | 45-67 | 46°37 | 45-42 | 47-48 | 47-73 | 48:72 | 4613 Extreme cold during the above years in the following months: Month. | £840. | 1841. | 1842. | 1843. _ 1844, | 1845. 1846. 1847. Janvary,. . . . .|—2% |—10 |(—10 |—1 |-14 |=6 [-18 | 2 February, . . . .|~—10 —6 4 |\—5 |+10 |—16 |—12 |—10 Le a a 4 0 12. j~>“ 10 16 |—2 4 December, . . . .|—6 |—14 6 4 ey 4 The preceding Tables are from the Annual Report of the | ee of the University of the State of New York, made March The asterisks in the first eget indicates hens numbers which ye et ved a records or personal obser . Y., is situated in intitede 43° 7’, “pagal 75° 13’, where the pa a of heat and cold are as great as in any part of this coun- try in the same latitude. 15. inidsecane (L’Institut, No. 751, May 24, 1848.)—M. Babinet presented to the French Academy in May last an Atmidoscope con- structed by M. Lerebours to indicate, from the dryness of the atmos- he con- sumption of which is measured by a fall in the Jevel of the water ina pao a ube com pr acto, 2 with the reservoir. M. Babinet men- io various uses of the instrument h r cae ee s nt in hygiene, meteorology, agri . Magneti ic Perturbations, (L'Institut, No. 751.)—M. QuETELE gives th the PF i list of magnetic perturbations at Brien duting t , 21, 30. July, a February, 6, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25. August, 5, 25. 16, 1756 4,5, 8,9, 10, 11, September, 13, 17, 24, 25, 28, April, 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 29, 30. October, 8, 12, 23, 25. May, 8, 15. November, R 23, 25 , June, 11. December, 3, 11, 17, 18, 20, Qi. Miscellaneous Intelligence. 297 17. Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of London.—The gold medal of this Society has been awarded to Captain CHARLES Wixes, U.S.N., Commander of the late U. S. Exploring Expedition. The President of the Societ , Mr. W. J. Hamilton, after remarking upon the various explorations of the Expedition under Ca aptain Wilkes, thus addressed Mr. Bancroft on putting the medal in hischarge. ‘In address- ing you for the purpose of placing in your hands the medal which has been awarded by the Council of the Royal Geographical Society of London to your distinguished countryman Captain Wilkes, for the valuable work which he has published under the title of the Fa States Exploring Expedition,’ I rejoice in being the organ of ex ing to you the sentiments entertained on this side of the ‘Atlantic of the merits of Captain Wilkes. This is the second occasion on which I feel no small gratification in being thus enabled to give to the — poi hie? this additional proof, that the pursuit of science operate of the Royal Geographical Society of London for his future prosper- ity and success.” . Beavers ; by D. D. Puanres, (from a letter dated a Miss., May 8, 1848. )—Some months ago, I noticed in the Journal of Science and Ans, an bape nt in relation to the southern limits of “the habitation of the b T-am in latitude 31° 2’, being just two miles north of the bouitidnty ‘line between a ae te and Louisiana. I have seen for the last twenty years a number of Beaver dams in this vicinity ; and there is one family of fhe now within o one mile of me, and two other families in two or three miles of my residence. Members of these emy at West Point, for $2,000. It has been esteemed one of the most vafeable private collections in the United States, and is a great acqui- sition to the means of instruction at West Point, where they had before almost no mineralogical collection. 20. Meteorite of Arkansas.—The account of the meteorite of Ar- kansas, cited in this Total. vol. v, p. 293, ii tad from a Philade ‘ phia paper, proves to be false. There has since been an account 0 recent Pennsylvania meteorite going the rounds of the ec wavers, which is found to be a fabricatio 21. Osrrvary.—Death of J: Richardon —This gentleman, who was the author of a popular work on geolo ogy, and one of the Curators of the British Museum, died by his oi hand in London in July last. 298 Bibliography. VI. BrstiogRarny. "> 1. De Bow’s Commercial Review of the South and West ; a Monthly Journal of Trade, Commerce, Commercial Polity, Agriculture, Manu- factures, Internal Tmprovements and General Literature, conducted by J. D. B. pe ond avi Polit. Econ. and Statist. in the Univ. of Louis- iana, New Orlea This monthly jobnal is in its fifth volume. It embraces practical science and literature to some extent, and is especially full in informa- “* 19 i=) Dm is) S © al oO te) ar | an S = "oS as — a fe) °o o jo) S ie) os o>) oa oo _ 0 ability, and each number BR in articles, both readable, practical, and economically important. The number for April contains the fol- lowing articles :—I, Northern Arkansas and its Natural Advantages ;— II, Essay Writing and the Press 3—IlI, Texas Sugar Lands ;—IV, Sil and the Silk Culture ;—V, The Science of History ;—VI, Description of Soleil’s Saccharometer ;—followin ng these, are various shorter arti- cles on the Products of Florida—the Cotton Region of the United States -—the Commerce and Prosperity of several Western Cities—the Lakes and Western Rivers—Natchez Manufactures—Southern Railroads— American Copper and Iron Ore—Sugar Culture in Singapore—U. Imports, Exports, tad, &c.—Agriculture of France, &c.—with Bib- Hogmpnice| Notice Annual j sree of the Regents of the University of the State of Now York, made to the Legislature, March 22, 1848. 310 pp. 8vo. Albany, 1848.—This valuable report—the sixty- -first annual—contains the usual eta respecting the schools and colleges of the state of New York, together with various.tables and observations in Meteorology in its different departments. This latter ee receives so much at- tention, that the report has hecome a Journal of Meteorology. for the State, of nig ni peer ae as well asa mee be of educational mi ptiatioee ‘he number of students in general literature and science in the co leges for ths year ending, from July to October, 1847, was 957, ach is 156 more than those of the preceding year. The number ‘of stu- dents in the academies stands as follows for the last four years. Whole heme? atenting Neat, attending at the during th e Reports. guage cenit “og 23.782 71.802 1846, : 25,173 12,608 oe, BO 22077 12°76 1948, - ) 95888 13,058 The whole siaknber of academies, subj » subject to the visitation of the Re- gents, is 184. Of these, 153 academies reported the possession of 63, “one volumes in their libraries, making an average of 414 volumes 3. Letters on Geology; by Davin Curisty. 84 8vo. Oxford, Ohio, 1848.—The letters here collected into a pres gh and enlarged, were ‘originally published in the Cincinnati eee The author in his preface modestly claims for them “no ve ; great merit either as eet ary or atieniic productions ;” adding that * The reader will bea | Bibliography. 299 gy to discern where my descriptions are accurate, and where they are only designed as approximations to the true geology of any point ‘hamed.” phen of erratic bl The pamphlet is cent by five sabeateghie: ade of. fanaa st a large chart of sec ‘oston satay of Natural History, vol. v, No. 4,—This num- ber, the pest of vol. v, contains the following papers Art. xxxiv. JErrrigs Wyman and T. 8. Savace sake f the ex- ternal = eM habits and seal of Troglodytes eo a new masee of Orang from the Gaboon River; the osteology by Dr. Wy- de 9 417, with 4 ness . M. Hen —Descrip tions and figures of the Araneides of ty ‘United States ; a 443, laapsiboes from p. 370,) with 4 plates. xxxvi. §. KnEEevanp, Jr. :—Dissec tion of Secymnus brevipenna, Le- on so 479. iD, NEY Description and analysis of three miner- als fi fae — Superior Xxxvili, SAMUEL Sites :-—The Dodo, a rasorial and not a rapacious bird; p. 490. 5. , of Meteorology ; by Prof. BrockLEsBy. mien work is designed by its author to introduce the study of Meteo h of common education in schools and academies. To tl hi end the style is plain and direct, as devoid of technicalities as possible, an theo- retical views presented in a simple manner. He divides “the subject into six parts—I. The Atmosphere, embracing a description of the ba- rometer, thermometer and hygrometer. II. Aerial phenomena—of- Winds in general, of hurricanes, of tornadoes or whirlwinds, of water- spouts. II], Aqueous phenomena—of rain, of fogs, of clouds, of dew, of hoar frost and snow, of hail. IV. Electrical phenomena—of atmo- spheric reaper of thunder-storms. V. Optical — the irage ing stars and motdorie showers, of the aurora borealis. These several heads are treated of in a lucid and interesting style, well calculated to arrest the interest and attention of the minds of pupils. 6. Diseases; by Dr. S. L. Dana.t—If people are poisoned by lead-pipe, the fault will not lie at the door of Dr. Dana. Several years since he made a report to the City Council of Lowell, on the chemical * See this volume, page 269. t Elements of Meteorology, with Questions for ree spree pe designed for the use of Schools and Academies. By John Brocklesby, A.M., Prof. of Mathemat- ies and Natural Philosophy in pup py Col alee Hartford, ‘(llustrated.) 12mo, ew Yor 1848. i Lead Diseases; a Treatise “fein the Sika h of L. Tanquerel des Planches, with tag - ations mag the use - Lea eta Bis and its bates 9p. 441. Sam’! 300 Bibliography. tention to this important hygienic subject in the daily journals. The late enquiries set on foot by the City Council of Boston, have called out a large amount of experiments and speculation upon this subject ; and the aid of both chemical and medical science has been invoked, to en- able the New England metropolis to make a wise decision, as to the material in which ‘they — distribute the beautiful water of Lake Co- chituate, now to be introduced in a few months by their new 7 cates aqueduct. The sbenclaws on this subject are understood to be still in progress, and their full results are not yet made public. hast however has transpired to convince the yer that in all probability the Boston authorities will authorize the use of lead-pipes. Opposed to this decision, are the opinions and facts of Dr. Dana and others, who cannot be convinced that the experience of years of observation has deceived them in the results to which he and they have arrived, hostile to the use of lead as the means.of —T water for human con- as cognate diseases sie ed by the poisonous influences of other met- als. Dr. Dana has certainly performed a most acceptable service in presenting ~ the public this able work. We cannot now pause to an- lew it as we could wish ; ‘this task must be referred to an- An appendix contains numerous results obtained by acai others i in this country, and — of the mocnigies effects of jebhicodidena water in numerous instan 7. Genera is encu bered with many difficulties arising from the wide extent of the subject, the great number of objects embraced, and the unavoidable minuteness and technicality of descri ription. Illustrated works are often therefore an indispensable resource. ginner may find the de- sired aid in part supplied by the well-stored mind of his teacher, t whom all doubtful points cam be referred. Yet finished illustrations better than an instructor. Those who have become versed in science are so fully satisfied of the necessity of such aids that they sitialle have " The full title is given on page 450, vol. vy, ii ser. of this Journal. Bibliography. 301 r libraries abundantly furnished with illustrated works. Prof. Gray, in view of this ne cessity, projected, in connection with Mr. Sprague, the work above referred to, of which the first volume has just been issue The object of the work is to Hicierive each genus of plants growing in the United States, by giving along with descriptions, figures of a spe- cies representing in detail the foliage, inflorescence and fructification. Concerning the plates, the preface remarks as fo Bistones he figures in all cases are drawn directly from nature, by Mr. Sprague, and from the living plant whenever that is practicable. In al most every instance, the whole plant, or a branch or smaller portion, page will allow, are so chosen as to display the principal floral charac- ters of the ae from the aN of the flower-bud oe — the mb. seed, and the ryo. edful, on account of s of sub- generic dinate, two saictaaee es Slontell to ner aaemeiies -obe a single genus. On the other hand, characters which are uniform or ne arly so thaatgiaiis a whole order are not repeated upon every plate.’ — en oth is _ enerally received at the present otani e volum rst ais nese remarks, ief statement of medicinal prop- erties, eae on geogra Shical’ iearibettoe The author’s name is a sufficient guaranty for the science of the text. The illustrations by Mr. Sprague occupying 100 octavo plates, are cor- rect and chaste in style, and of high scientific excellence, satisfying the desires both of the eye of taste and of scrutinizing science. Prof. Gray observes in his preface— manifest to the ari botanist in the second volum e,—now in an in justice add, that whatever of original value these illustrations wep be found to © possess is reveety owing to the scientific insight and the care- ful el ae of Mr. Sprague, as well as to his skill and accuracy in deline the. sini selected for illustration: belong to typical species, they serve to convey to the mind a general idea of each gro they accomplish more than the most detailed description. he ‘‘ Genera Iilustrata,” is American in subject; and the name of Prof. Gray has long been associated with American botany. The pub- lication of such a work with so numerous plates, must have been attended with much labor and expense ; and it remains for the American public to sustain the authors in their great undertaking. Public libraries, and all teachers of the science should possess the worl; and the student Srconp Sertzs, Vol. VI, No. 17, Sept., 1848. * eer 302 Bibliography. = will find his studies greatly promoted by connecting it with the Botan- ical Manua mm nual of Beareloey. including Observations on Mines, Hotks; Reduction of Ores, and the application of the Science to the Arts, with 260 Babteiions; ; ewe ee the use & Schools and Col- leges; by James D. Dana, A.M.; &c., 430 pp. New Haven: Durrie & Peck. 1848.—This Sisto: is intended for caattnanan in sci- entific and practical Mineralogy, and especially for the American stu- ent. The usual introduction on structure and physical and chemical characters, much simplified, occupies the first seventy-five pages, after which commence the descriptions of —_ The work since all American minerals and such others as are of importance ; while the rarer species are only briefly noticed in — type. The ar range- ment adopted, places the ores of the same metal together. This order is required by the practical mineralo ist, and considering the conven- ience of it for conveying economical information, it has many advanta- es for the ordinary purposes of instruction. The descriptions of the eral characteristics; after the descriptions, there are remarks on the distribution of the more important ores and mines,—the modes of assay and 1 tion,—the uses of the metal—besides tleeié facts of a histor- ical and statistical nature. In describing other minerals also, and the various rocks, their applications in the arts are mentioned, and as far as practicable in a small manual, the modes of use are explaine ned. The descriptions of the species of minerals are followed by a chapter on rocks—a catalogue of American localities of minerals brought down to the presen — convenient for the mineralogical tourist—a_ brief notice of ee ining regions—description of mineralogical imple- ments—values of American and i weights, measures and coins— and tables for the determination of minerals. The Manual contains also a of slog and a full Index. 9. The British Desmidiee ; by Joun Raurs, M.R.C.S., &c., with a work of sect local interest, but owing to the cosmopolite character of es Desmidiez, it will be as serviceable to the American It includes figures and descriptions not only of all the British species, with their localities as far as known in Europe Amer ke the work as complete as possible, ing have edtinibeted their recent discoveries with regard <2 the European forms, while figures and —— of man’ curious American species never before published, have been supplied by Prof. Bailey. The plates which adorn this volume are far superior in their execution to any thing of the kind which has yet t appeared ; and in; n to representations of the different species in Harr sitions, they contain highly interesting figures of the spo sted by the author. In the introduction to the. sede * Bibliography. 303 a full account of the conjugation of the Desmidiee ; an able argument in favor of their v aia nature, together with Miroctions fer collect- ing and preserving specimens. We cordially recommend the volume as one of rare merit. J. ‘ 10. The Patent Ofice Report for the year 1847. Referred to the Committee of Patents, March 3, 1848. 662 pp. 8vo. Washingto ture, the growth and treatment of th ar cane, flax, rice, silk, &c. ; herds of cattle, sheep, making of butiet + ; indeed, a thousand things i im- portant to the agriculturalist. There is besides an excellent account of the German Agricultural schools, their modes of farming, wool culture, best merino sheep, &c., illustrated with figures, besides plans of build- ings, sheep stables, &c., prepared by C. L. Fleischman, Esq., as the result of Cheng during a visit to Germany in 1844, 45. The volume closes with statistics petty to the agriculture and com merce of different parts of the United States. In the preceding pages we have made some citations from this volume. MircHeEtu: Tournal of an Expedition pion a of Tropical Aus- Ry ; ith illustrations. port of the Seventeenth Meeting - the British pag for the Advance- 48. ment of Science, beld at Oxford. in Jun 47. Lon R. CHamBers: sarge Sea Mar, se ag s me ane, of Chang es in ": relative evel of Sea and Land; mat ioe eer” Cage Esq., F.R.S.E. pp- 8vo, with 7. and iMastrations Bainbus urgh, . B, Lexson: rstallogap hy. with : description yin new double refract- in Goniometer and Crywalion 5 pp. Svo. Lendon, ins LLE: FP nih coghinhys two vols. foul n, 1848. OLOGICAL aca i = . Hopkins on the Ge- ne he Structure of the hed ealden District— Bain ossil Remains in South Africa—Professor Owen on the Dic a oe Kayeland ‘Prof. E. Forbes on the Canes ous Fossils of Gouilidaitern ndia. N, : ee Kunde von Russland. vol. iv, 8vo. a Tu.: Lehrbuch der Metallurgie. 8vo. Comres, M.: Traite i. I Exploitation des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo, with a folio atlas. Saint-Cat re Devitte: Voyage Geologique aux Antilles. 4to. 5 eee et E. sor: Catalogue Raisonné des Familles, des Genres, et ‘er Espéces de la Classe des Echinodermes. 168 pp. 8vo, with a large plate. (Extrai des Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 3e. ser., Tomes vi, vii, et viil.) oninck: Recherches sa les Animaux Fossiles. = re partie, Monographie des genres Productus et Chonetes, prepared for publicatio Pp Monographie de la frmilte des Lycopadiaods ZANTEDESCH ce isico-chimica Italiana, Venise, 1846, 1 bobs dy volume of memoirs on various subjécts connected wi hysical and natural sei- ence; on Astronomical, by Plana, owe Colla; on Electricity an etism, by Marianini, Botto, Fusinieri, Zamboni, gale eB, — a "Sa savants on other topics. second volume is announced as in e = 304 Bibliography. Davin Low: An Inquiry into the Nature of the simple bodies of Chemistry. 1 nif Bvo, pp. 344. Cc. pWARD: A familiar Introduction to the Beit of Polarized light, illus- erous wood sigan A 40 pp. Lendon, tions on by ap es pag oy as of sweet substances, also of anid substances ; * Prof. oe d.—Mar p- 30 neude stunt apparatus yman.—p. cn some re silent resis erv son Jupiter, Fag on "the nebulae of Herschel, Now. 135 7 and 1376, and the grat achat of Orion; Mr. Bond.—Ap. 4. p.- Jupiter, eatin Mr. Bon meteor seen at Nantucket ; Mr Ait —p. 331. Corrections of he , ae elements ptune ; S. 338. Observations on re aos Prof. Peirce. ‘tthe Bite a oy i. ‘of the gir > ie . r. Acap. ART ic : y se fo. Pecrding th e medal offered by the King of Denmark.—Feb. Proc. Acap. Nar. Scr. ate amis tae teh igen 8 2, 1848. 7. Qn the : 30 Dor woe p . bP» es of { from the west coast of Africa, with a plate; EZ. Hallowell.—p. 62. Notes of the pose mortem so aeestegg of a “Mecall Ju papion; E. Hallowell_—p. 63. Notes Mex birds; G. A. McCall.—June 27. . . New birds of the genera Baplect ‘a, Pyrenestes and A Fates 3 J. Cassi NNALES DEs Sciences Natu ELLES, Paris. DEC 1847. On the organization # of Vermes; E ard ScDeacriptioh and anatomy of a larve of Hy dropsichus i xternal branchie; L ap . om ae ata; Agassiz and ; Note on the Oribasia stagnalis, uchassaing.—Observations on % ae al of ligneous Boetir A. ‘Guilard epaidted —New plants from Colom- : bia; L. R. Tulasne—Second memoir on the organogeny of irregular corolla; M. -- Barnéoud.—On the buds and inflorescence of the linden (Tilia) ; ; Brunner and A de Candolle.—Methodical distribution of the Uredinee ; J. H. spec- a tus of the genus R ia; Jaubert and Spach—JANVIER, 1848. Structure and functions of the vitelline appendages and umbilical vesicle of the ur - n the developm egg and embryon of the ‘“ Taret”’ tre- fen, es on Zoophytes (“ Les Polypiers’’); Milne Edwards and Jul pme.—' e causes limiti nn species of plants f the coast on the Eu- pe and Candolle. e adventitious buds of the a egion . de Can no i of Cardamine latifolia; A. de ‘S. HildireOn: the mpregnation of the Dischidia ; .—Deve — of the embryo of the ithe morio; H.Mohl.—On the de- Fe of the vegetable. embryo; C. Muller.—On the Diatomacee ; —A new ioe ipstics of the genus Sarothamnus; P. B, Webb. * — — 2 ‘*° . “AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. * [SECOND SERIES,] Arr. XXVIII © Hiplanilions o and Illustrations of the plan of Sec an the Smithsonian peeps daaeal by Prof. Henry, LL.D., Smithsonian Anstitution.* Autuoueu the leading thy ae of the programme of the ‘ Smithsonian Institution have been fully discussed by the Board, yet it will be arian to offer some remarks in explanation : - and illustration of them : ‘That the institution is not a national establishment, in the * sense in which institutions dependent on the government for ' cela a are so, must be evident when it is recollected that the oney was ‘not absolutely given to the United States, but in- ‘aatered to it fora special object, namely: the establishment of an institution for the benefit of men, to bear the name of the donor, and, consequently, to reflect upon his memory the honor of the good which may be accomplished by means of the be- The operations of the Smithsonian Institution ought, “ quest. thekefore, to be mingled as little as possible with those of the , " go vernment, and its funds should be applied exclusively and faithfully to ‘the i increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. That the bequest is intended for the benefit of men in gener- . al, and that its influence ought not to be restricted toa single district, or even nation, may be inferred not only from the words of the will, but also from the character of Smithson wae and I beg leave to quote, from a scrap of paper in be cea * The programme of the Smithsonian Institution, fom the rece Sou published on page 289. The article here presented ou » follows cag pro- gramme in the Report. Szconp Srnizs, Vol. VI, No? 18—Nov., 1848, f 306 ad Hipighiatons and I Pinon h the plan - ie following sentiment bearing on this point: “The man of raponice has no co Meee the world is his country—all men, his nt men.” ‘The origin of the funds, the bequest of a for- should also preclude the adoption of a plan which does | , in the words of Mr. Adams, “spread the benefits to be de- ived from the institution not only over the whole surface of this — & ‘Union, but throughout the civilized world.” “ Mr. Smithson’s — Zo. -reason for fixing ‘the seat of his institution at Washington obvi- — Le ‘ously was, that there is the seat of government of the United 2 States, and there the Congress by whose legislation, and the Hx- _ ecutive through whose agency, the trust committed to the honor, intelligence and- good faith of the nation, | ‘is to” be fulfilled.” _The centre of operations being permanently fixed at Washing- % . , the character of this city for literature and science will be > more highly exalted. in eae as the influence of the in- re, - tit tion is more widely di used. i i hat the terms increase ad diffusion of knowledge care logi- ‘are distinct, and should be literally interpreted with reference _ to the will, must be evident when we reflect that they are used ina definite sense, and not as mere synonymes, by all who are engaged in the pursuits to which Smithson devoted his life. In’ England there are two classes of institutions, founded on thetwo ideas conveyed by these terms. The Roya al Society, the Astro- -nomical, the Geological, the Statistical, the Antiquarian Societies, — all have for their object the increase ‘of knowledge; while the London Institution, the Mechanics’ Institution, the Surry Insti- eo | tution, the Society for the Diffusion of Religi ious Knowledge, — “the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,, are all in- © nded to diffuse or disseminate knowledge among men. Inour’ © country, also, the same distinction in the use of the terms is erved by men of science. Our colleges, academies, and com- _ schools, are recognized as institutions partially intended for #3 iffusion of knowledge, while the express object of some of _ ‘scientific societies is the promotion of the eeey of new *, ge ca % The will makes no restriction in trae of any particular kind har knowledge ; though propositions have been frequently mace a for devoting the funds exclusively to the promotion of certa _ branches of science having more immediate application to the practical arts of life, and the adoption of these propositions has been urged on the ground of the conformity of such objects to the pursuits of Smithson ; but an examination of his writings will show that he excluded from his own studies no branch of general knowledge, and that he was fully impressed with the important philosophical fact, that all subjects of human thought relate to one great system of truth. To pestick: therefore, ae | operon of the institution to a anes.) Science or art would do of the aie Sse Institution. 307 injustice to the charactér of the donor, as well as to the cause of general knowledge. _If preference is to be given to any branches of research, it should be to the higher, and apparently more ab- stract ; to the discovery of new principles, rather than of isolated facts. And this is true even in a practic oint of view. Agri- culture would have for ever remained an empirical art, had it not been for the light shed upon it by the atomic theory ‘of chemis- try ; and incomparably more is to be expected ; as to its ee a vancement from the perfection of the microscope, than fro provements in the ordinary instruments of hus! andr oT or | The plan of increasing and diffusing knowledge, present the first section of the programme, will be found in’ is SecBra. ance with the several propositions deduced from the will of Smithson, and given in the introduction. It embraces, as a lead- ing feature, the design of interesting the greatest number of in- dividuals in the operations of the institution, and of spreading its influence as widely as possible. It forms an active organiza- tion, exciting all to make original researches who are gifted with the necessary power, and diffusing a kind of knowledge, now only accessible to the few, among all those who are willing to receive it. In this country, though many excel in the application _ of science to the practical arts of life, few devote themselves to the continued labor and patient thought necessary to the discov- ery and development of new truths. The principal cause oe want of attention to original research, is the want, not of a means, but*of’ proper encouragement. The publication of orig: ‘ inal memoirs and. periodical reports, as contemplated by the pro- gramme, will act as a powerful stimulus on the latent talent of our country, by placing in bold relief the real laborers in the field of original research, while it will afford the bev ange for the use of those engaged i in the diffusion of know he advantages which will accrue from the plan of poblishingl the volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, are various. In the first place, it will serve to render the name of the founder favorably known wherever literature and science are cultivated, and to keep it in continual remembrance with each succeeding aoa tes, as long as knowledge is valued. A single new truth, first given to the world nis these volumes, — will forever stamp their character as a work o ae of knowledge, and whose ruling passion, strong in death, = ed the noble bequest intended to facilitate the “labors of the same pursuit. _ Again, ion pabligedn: of a series of volumes of vigil, me moirs wil to. the institution the a meet ready means of en- tering into friendly relations. and corre sence with all the * ee ae 308 Explanations and — of the plan learned.societies in the world, and of enriching its library with their current transactions and proceedings. ut perhaps the ‘most important effect of the plan will be that of giving to the world many valuable memoirs, which; on account of the expense of the illustrations, could not be otherwise published. Every one who adds new and important truths to the existing stock of oy dniameoen be of necessity, to a certain degree, in advance 8) i of his age. Henee the number of readers and purchasers of a wor. consi generally in the inverse ratio of its intrinsic value; and enth iently, authors of the highest rank of merit are frequently . See Cie oe, 3 ‘thing to publish his work: “I have issued,” he says, ‘six vol- umes, and am engaged on the seventh, but as yet I have not re- eived a single cent of the proceeds.” In an address on the sub- of natural history, by one of our most active cultivators of branch of knowledge, we find the following remarks, whic works on different branches of zoology, now in the course of ae of the Smithsonian Institution. 309 the least depend upon the fact that sae author is able to make a te sacrifice in giving the AC unt of his discoveries to the publi : Besides the advantage to the author of having his memo lished in the gappreee gas giber ot oe expense, ‘nie bors will be given to the world with the stamp of approval ¢ commission of learned men ; and his. merits “ewwege 2 e made known through the reports of | the inst on th u the premiums offered may be small, yet they v ve able effect in producing original articles. itty or ra red dollars awarded to the author of an oraia! at ee. any instances, suftice to supply the books, or to pay Hadley or the manual labor required, in prosecuting t the Wenciireds There is one proposition of the programme which has given rise to much discussion, ang which, therefore, requires particular explanation: I allude to that which excludes from the co contribu- tions all papers mae merely of unverified speculations on subjects of physical science. The object of this proposi itio’ n is to obviate the endless difficulties wiih would occur in in reject papers of an unphilosophical character ; and thongh it may in some eases exclude an interesting communication, | yett the strict observance of it will be found of so much practic - value abstract speculations : on the contrary, we know that all the advances in true science—nam ely, a knowledge of the Jaws | of phenomena—are made by provisionally adopting well-condi-~ tioned hypotheses, si product of the imagination, and subse~— oe verifying them by an appeal to experiment and observa-~ tion. Every new hypothesis of scientific value must not only — furnish an exact explanation of known facts, but must also ena~_ ble us to predict, in kind and quantity, the phenomena which’ will be exhibited under any given combination of circumstances, Thus, in the case of the undulatory hypothesis of light, it was inferred, as a logical consequence, that if. the supposition were true that light consisted of waves of an ethereal conn ee two rays of light, like two waves of water under certain cone di- sult was obtain ed. It is this exact agreement of the deduction with the actual result of experience that constitutes the verification of an hypo~ ss thesis, and which alone entitles it to the name of a theory, and co # | J 310 Explanations and Mlustrations of the plan ‘cess of publication by the institution. As it is not our intention te i terfere with the proceedings of other institutions, but to co- these societies, while ihesdetails of the memoirs and their expen- ed persons can be found, and their labors be directed to pre j ct . The number, however, of those who are capa- ble of discovering scientific principles is comparatively small; like the poet, they are “born, not made,” and, like him, must be left to choose their own subject, and wait the fitting time of in- spiration. In case a person of this class has fallen on a vein of discovery, and is pursuing it with success, the better plan will be to grant him a small sum of money to carry on his investigations, provided they are considered worthy of assistance by competent judges. This will have the double effect of encouraging him in the pursuit, and of facilitating his progress. The institution, however, need not depend upon cases of this kind, even if they sre more numerous than they are, for the application of its s in the line of original research. There are large fields of rvation and experiment, the cultivation of which, though it may afford no prospect of the discovery of a principle, can hardly fail to produce results of importance both in a practical and a the- oretical oint 0 view. ‘As an illustration of this remark, I may mentic * i cominittees of the Franklin Institute, of Philadelphia. . The ca sons in the United States engaged 'in the application of steam, er. In this way opinions and suggestions in great va- riety, as to the cause of explosions, were obtained. ‘The most plausible of these were submitted to the test of experiment: the of the Smithsonian Institution. 311 results obtained were highly important, and are to be found fay- orably mentioned. in every system: work on the subject of steam which has a appeared, in any language, within the last few years. New and important facts were established ; and, what was almost of as much consequence, errors which had usu rped. the place of truth were dethroned. In the programme, examples were given of a few su spbieits of # original research to which the attention of the Sige eee turned. I will mention one in this place, ich in connexic with the contents of our first memotr, may deserve imr attention. I allude toa small appropriation ‘ade ann ally for researches with reference to the remains of 1e anc ent palin itants of our country. This is a highly inteteanine field, “and the progress of civilization is obliterating, the ancient mounds, cities and villages are rising on the spots,they have so long occu- _ pied undisturbed, and the distinctive — of these remains are eae men in general se operations of the institutic Dn, os evident that the principal means of diffusing knowledge must the press. Though lectures should be given in the city in which | Smithson has seen fit to direct the establishment of his in tion, yet, asa_.plan of general diffusion of knowledge, beak tem of lectures would be “cali inate every village pen extended country w would have a right to demand a share x benefit, and the income of the antic would be insufficient to. supply a thousandth part of the demand. _ It is also evident that _ the knowledge diffused should, if possible, not only embrace all branches of general interest, so that each reader might find a sub- ject suited to his taste, but. also that it should differ in kind and quality from that which can be readily obtained through the cheap eS eeesion: of the mA These requisites will be fully , : r an : le : what the work should be, T would refer to the annual report >, the Swedish Academy of its perpetual Secretary, Berzelius, physical science. The re eports can be so prepared as to be highly interesting to the general reader, and at the same time of great importance to the _ exclusive _c es of a. particular ular branch of knowledge. Full references should be given, in foot-notes, to the page, number, or volume of the work from which the infor- ie 312 Explanations and Illustrations of the plan fen obtained, an here a more detailed account can be tis scarcely nece sary to remark, that ‘the: preporanies Tada without destroying its scientific character. Occasion- rts may | be obtained rom abroad—as, for example, ac- progress of Page branches of knowledge in for- ounts of the cic? Pibtriee 2 d these may be translated if necessary, and incorp' rated - into er neherts; by ame competent person in this country. “Besides haste on the progress of knowledge, the pro- gramme proposes to publish occasionally brief treatises on partic- J Ee _ There are always sr igen of general interest, of rief expositions would be of much value. The repara- = these, however, should be pers to none but persons of charac icter and reputation, and should be subjected to a revision By competent and responsible judges before they are given to the ble They may be presented in the form of reports on the existing state of knowledge relative to a given subject, and may ‘sometimes consist of memoirs and expositio ons of "particular eee of literature and science, translated from foreign lan- ages. The reports and treatises of ‘the institution, sold at a “price barely sufficient to ay the expense of printing, will find eir way into every school in our country, and will ‘be used not as first lessons for the pupil, but as sources of reliable information for the teacher. - _ The second section “of the programme gives, so far as they ave been made out, the details of the part of the plan of organ- zation \ directed the act of Congress establishing the institu- toe The two plans, namely, that of publication and origina , and that. of collections of objects of nature and art, are ne . Incompatible and may be carried on harmoniously with, each tn on Rctect which they will have on one another is ‘th ing the operation of each, on account of the funds “given * "the other. “Still with : judicious application, , and an economical expenditure of the i inéome, and particularly by rig idly observing the plan of ‘finance, : suggested by Dr. Bache, in abe construction of’ the building, much good may be effected in each e two branches of the institution. T’o carry on the opera- tions Of the first, a working library will be required, consisting of the past volumes of the transactions - and proceedings of a the learned societies in every lang guage. _ These are the original sources from which the most important principle f the at knowledge of our day have been drawn. Webel also of the Smithsonian Institution. 313 ant Secretary, acting as rian. The collections of the a as far as possib. ‘ ighest interest ; ut the portion of the income of the a, which can be de- voted to the increase and maintenance of the museum, will be too small to warrant any attempt towards an indiscriminate col- lection. It is hoped that in due time other means may be found of establishing and supporting a general collection of objects of nature and art at the seat of the general go vernment, with funds not derived from the Smithsonian bequest. or the pres- plication of the funds, first, to such collections as will tend to ) fa- cilitate the study 0 of the memoirs which may be published we Contributions, and to establish their correctness; secondly, and such as models of buildings, &c. ; and, thirdly, to the formation of a collection of instruments of physical research, which will be required both in the illustration of new physical truths, and in the scientific investigations undertaken by the institution. uch popular interest may be awakened in favor of the insti- tatini at Washington, by throwing the rooms of the building open, on stated evenings during the session of Congress, for liter- ary and. scientific assemblies, ‘after the manner of the “weekly meetings of the Royal Institution in London. At these meet- ings, without the formality of a regular lecture, new truths in science may be. illustrated, and new objects of art exhibit ; Hesries these, courses of lectures may be given on particular sub-- jects by the officers. a the institution, or by distinguished indi- viduals i invited for t | Commencement of the operations of the Institution —1 was authorized, in connexion with the Committee on tion, to commence the publication of. the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, one eceive any memoir which might be pre- sented on any subjec t, provided it was found, on examination, to furnish an interesting addition to the sum oe _ knowledge, Szconp Senses, Vol. VI, No. 18.—Nov., 1848. 314 Explanations and Illustrations of the plan resting on original research. he first memoir presented, and found to be of the character prescribed by the resolution of the Board, was one on the remains of the ancient inhabitants of the North American continent. It contains the result of several years’ labor in the survey and exploration of the mounds and earthworks of the Mississippi valley, and will se a highly interesting addition to the antiquities of our country, which could not have been given to the world, but for the timely aid extended to it sth this institution. ‘The memoir was referred to ns. #9 Fnow tote: On the favorable report of mittee pine responsibility on — ey the me- moir | a. i Sn cepa for publication. * ‘The oirs of Messrs. Squier and batt will occupy the greater bértiot if not the whole, of the first volume of the Con- tributions. The illustrations will consist of fifty-five quarto eating of the various articles found in the mo who consider no branch of knowledge of any alti’ but sake as relates to the immediate gratification of our physical abi have objected to the acceptance of this memoir as one of the first publications of the Se et but it must be oo fled that the will of Smithson makes no restriction in favor of any pat- ‘ticular kind of Enowiedee and that each branch is, therefore, entitled to a share of his bequest. The Ethnological memoir of lessrs. Squier and Davis was the first, of the proper character, proscuted for publication, and hence it was entitled to the first : n the series of Smithsonian Contributions. Besides this, of the life of Siiithaon, by the Chancellor. The fa ea - this have been collected from the several volumes of the Tran actions of the Royal Society, and the scientific journals of she beginning of the present, and the latter part of the last century. The first volume will be published as soon as the wood-cut s and plates, now in the course of preparation, are finished. Besides the memoirs before | mentioned, a number of others have been presented, some of which though’ apparently of on est, and the product of thought and labor, were not of the c ‘acter required by the resolution of the Board, and these have of the Smithsonian Institution. 315 ition been returned to the authors, or are in the possession of the Secretary. A number of others have also been provisionally adopted, or are in the a9 of preparation. Some on the most abstruse s of physical science, and all will do honor to the sdetectual! Snes of our country. Though the number of original memoirs which will be found worthy of a place in the Contributions will probably not be a yet it will, est—as, for dollars annually—to sietray the expense of chi part of cae ea of increasing knowledge. A considerable portion, however, of the sum thus expended will be returned to . the institution i in the form of additions to its library. I may also suggest, in this place, the propriety of the adoption, “by the board, of the resolution in- Viting all engaged in original research, to send the results of their labors for publication in the Smi thsonian Contributions. The Board also directed me to commence the collection of ap- paratus, and I accordingly sent orders to Europe, to the amount of twelve hundred dollars, for the purchase of such articles as could not be procured in the United stazes Most of the instru- ments have been received, and will be found of rm ip not only in the way of original research, but also in illustrat of the most pees so recent phenomena of physiéals science, as well as serving as samples for imitation to the artists of this coaittey: It was thought that these articles would be admitted free of duty, and a petition to this eflect was presented to ue Secretary of the Treasury ; but, though this officer is well kno to be much interested in the prosperity of the oma eacles is the nature of the law that the duty could not be rem here is an article of apparatus which, within a few years past, has opened almost a new world of research in the phenomena of life and organization, the use of which is now indispensable in advancing our knowledge of physiology and its kindred branches of science. Lallude to the achromatic microscope, to increase the power. of which, the artists of Germany, France, and Eng- land have vied with each other. On account of the small r num- ber of persons who are capable of constructing the proper lenses, the best specimens of this instrument are very scarce in this coun- try, ‘and Lcan be procured only at a great expense. rages er circumstances it was a matter of much interest to lea rom. a source which could be relied upon, that an individual in ‘the interior of the state of New York had successfully devoted him- self to the study of the microscope, and that he was able to pro- duce instruments of this kind which would compete } with the best of those constricted ‘in Europe. In order to do justice to the talents and labors of this f rson, as well as to furnish the in- stitution with a valuable instrument of research, I “requested him | 316 Epldnations and Illustrations of the plan, Sc. to construct a microscope, to be paid for out of the funds for the purchase of apparatus, provided that a commission, appointed by myself, should find it capable of producing certain effects. ‘This proposition was accepted, and the result will probably be given to the Board at the next meeting. of | the institution. 'The Secretary of the Treasury readily agreed to the proposition that there should be added to the mineralogi- provided that the Smithsonian Institution would furnish one set of the instruments, and take charge of the direction of the ob- 4 ; * J. H. Alevander on the Tension of Vapor of’ Water. 317 for suggestions as to the plan of ob oP Brot. Loe and I beg leave to refer the Board to the report of Prof. Loomis, of New York ceived in answer. T rmer contains exposition of the advantages which may be derived from the study of meteor- ology, and done in this branch of science in for commencing an enterprise of the proposed kind. 1€ Citi- zens of the United States are now scattere “over ae | part of the southern and western portion of North America 2 eX- tended lines of telegraph will furnish a ready cats re warning the more northern and eastern observers to be on the watch for the first appearance of an advancing storm. S Arr, XXIX.—On a New empirical Formula for ascertaining the Tension of Vapor of Water at any Temperature; by J. H. Avexanper, Esq. or ad (Concluded from page 223.) 4 4 as at w the last number of this Journal, I gave the fortiiuili itself temperatures. Want of room excluded then what remained to complete this Memoir, in shewing the probable errors of the for- mula as compared with the principal experiments, and with the probable errors affecting too those different series of experiments themselves. Such a discussion is the object of the present paper. ‘It was already said, in the preceding part, that the most proper mode of expressing these errors is by the linear scale of temper- ature; which both in theory is the most important, and in prac- tice is the most accessible and usual. In this last aspect, it is on — this scale too where errors of observation are the most easy made, and likely to occur. With this view, the formula ne atten here only i in its converse form, (i. e., for ascortaigi res en given pressures,) as under : © F’abr. = sage 1059-13; P being in nce of mercury : ahr, = fad 136 — 105°: 13; a being i in stmpephiilllec s at 3 i As this will have to be ‘aghensly applied fi a sPartarpotbion throughout the following discussion, it may be as s well to remark ¥ * ” 318 J. H. Alecander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. here, once for all, in justification of such application, that there need be no “apprehension of its affecting the results ; for it is easy to see, by inspecting a few instances taken at random from the table, that the rational deviation of the formula (i. e., the differ- ence between calculated and observed pressures ) is, for small dif- ferences of temperature, either null, or so remote a fraction as to be inappreciable in the calculation In applying this formula, I shall take up the principal series of experiments separately, beginning with the most recent ; and sha then make assemblage of the mean results. 1. Experiments of Mr. Regnault—To deduce the absolute mean error of the erous quantities of this observer, it would be obviously ead to take up each experiment ;—a labor of which I am me no means ambitious, and which would be dispro- ionate at once to what is admissible i in the other series pres- ently to be noticed, and to the present aim. I shall, therefore, in all, only make use of short general methods which, "without lay- ing claim to the accuracy of geometrical refinements, will yet be recognized as having foundation in the theory of mathematical - probabilities ; and will, by their popular form, recommend them- selves the more readily to the convictions of those who are chiefly conversant with steam in practice, and for whose benefit the whole of the present discussion is mainly intended. It is obvious, then, in the first place, that the idea of freedom from error is associated with symmetry in the results. Such sym- metry will always be observable in quantities that progress (as natural quantities may be assumed to do) according to some con- stant law; and as, in our ignorance of what the true law is in this case, all that we can deal with is relative symmetry, it is of no importance what law or formula we take as the other term omparison, provided there be no material difference between the rig fend termination of the two. I shall therefore compare a ew of Mr. Regnault’s observations at the lower temperatures — the Soe ois ape pesent formula ; as under: | " “Pres hedel Mears? a “oncner ire in in in ae of Sete — Diffsrehers: " Dan v1063 ~ Oin-00664 | 4-0-00399t 0 02047 0 -01799 +0-00248 0 .02835 ; 0 -03055 ce —- 0 we 0 -04567 0 -04375 -+4-0-00192 0 -06378 0 '-06643 — 000265 0 09410 0 -O9111 +0-00299 0 +12559 0 13451 0-:00892 |. 0 -15000 0 +16106 —0-01106 0 ‘18111 0 19561 —0-01450 He is apparent then, that so far, these observations do not follow uniform or symmetrical progression ; and without pretending to eriticize. the experiments themselves, which doubtless have as - 3 8 , x JH. Alexander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. 319 uch accuracy as the nature of the research admitted, it follows that, in spite of all the extraordinary tact and skill of the obser- ver, there is yet primd facie evidence against the absolute accu- racy of the results. It is to be remarked upon the column of temperatures, both here and hereafter, that the remote decimals renheit, and are preserved because they added to the accuracy, while they did not increase the labor of the clei Never- theless, phe thermometer of Mr. Regnault could be rea d diregily to the 5, of a degree Centigrade, corresponding very nearly to z of a degree Fahrenheit ; and by estimation, to the: next decimal place. | The temperatures of this table under 32°F, are lowe pressures have ever been observed at before, and 1 rest upon single observations. They do not admit, therefore, of a comparison oth- as b l i y numerous, and allow of being com- pared among themselves. Of the forty-seven observations, whose arithmetical mean pressure is given in the table, the diene "maximum was se: peek corresponding to a temp. by formula of 30°-72 Fahr. and minimum 29 -77 Fahr. and the difference 0 -00768 responding diff, of temp. 0-95 J This difference shews a mean error in temperature, unaccount for, of 0°-425 Fahr. ; and a limiting error in pressure rather m than half the difference between the formula and the mean of all the observations. In the various series of Mr. Regnault, the temperature is given sometimes by one thermometer only, and sometimes by two, and we four. Of these latter classes, I have taken out of each se- the observation where the difference of reading of the seve~ | the rmometers is the greatest, to serve for another comparison, as follows: re % 3 THERMOMETER. | 4 Series.” Maximum. Minim Differences. | rT 2 A “33°61 Cent.| 330-49 Gakiigr: 0-12 Cent. | ied 42 -63 42 -56 0: pes N. 43-64 | 42 -84 0 -81 ‘ 0.) |47-84° | 47-14 * lo -70 li " P. 47 -87 0 -87 2 91 +25 91 -06 0: Pi ee 7. 122 -72 122 -50 0: ee 8.10 “72 110 -64 ae ene or. 137 -75 137 -52 0: er “ on ae | “ Mean temperat. 7521 ‘154 Cent. ; ; mean difference 0°- 366; : Fe sponding Re tern Yin a 920 Jiddttilecander.on This didprapes is that of | the extremes; and as t mber of observations is as likely to be plu mean error . ° oF. t 167 = pies at 228 ot. ne av erage of which, amount of error, plus or mi leat with f Mr. ee are still 5 be a &% wb H. “Aletander on the Piet of Vapor of Water. 324 Ge “Préssiires : Fe Hern persed | F ee a ine Toches: tx Observed. | : r_Galewared.—~ Differénces. =27°1 12 F, | = 20°73 F. | L738 Fah. ee ~10 -98 +2 -02 \ bei =] 24 2°49 -0 -78 +- 8 -65 10 -76 16 -27 13 92-25 41 +45 +26 -08 +1 -55... +1953 BOP R65 ee 1 74 147 + | +3. -32 174 -58 “S41 +84 197 -38 0 67 211 -49 “0-8. oF eae | eo Ges of 82 ‘03 -—0 90 254 -24 1-58 5 -4 2315 978 -59 ee OF 7 297 +464 300 .-42 2 -96 1919 d= a MS cM earr Serene a inate x dis a, t-O°- 600. * “This mean difference (say 0°:61 Faht.) ip thie error of the ee mula as compared with the observations above ; which are them- selves the mean of more than twice as many experiments, and which may be taken as representing impartially the | whole e range Mr. Regiault’s results. In arriving at this mean” ‘Have arranged the several instances into groups whose individu ‘mean furnish the definitive general one. ‘This is’proper, in view “of the different: bi of experiment which the different re ‘tions of temperature in the respeetive groups rendered necessary. * The a riser atta mean of all, however, (09°657 Fahr.) is not ‘Mnaterially_ variant. It will be seen that up to the point of boil- “ing water, the formula-temperatures are generally dower than ex- periment ; ’ above that point, they are in general higher. 1 it t such a change of sign accords with what might be antici and in so far does not diminish the reliability of the formal “The Bidisrerice (+-0°-61 F.) would be the absolute error of { the formula, were we to assume the experiments as perfectly ac~ curate. ‘Bat they have been already shown to be themsely ected by an error of 0°31 F'.; and the absolute error o mul la, then, may be either. 0° 30 or 09-92 F.; s made sites Ea sum or the difference. = teading of only. the maximum et inctes which ea the actual temperature of the water in the boiler.» For.the pre 3 ti rp 322 J. H. Alezander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. gree of Fahrenheit; they are, therefore, not comparable in pre- cision, whatever they m may be in accuracy, to those that have just been considered. And as but one reading either of tempe- rature or pressure is given in each instance, they do not allow of tpine treated in the method that has just now been applied. — I an only then compare them as in the following table: si Temperatur Differences ey e Pressures Calculated EN “Oval Calculated Frank. Inst. in by my by formula of jin’formala and Atmosph’rs. Jormuias ¥’ host: Fran Inst. | Frank. Inst. experiment. — ; we QPL closed 212 a ae 0 8 250 -52 250 248 +8 os fe 975-73 275-18 275 972 -3 2: Jak a 3 293 -72 291 -5 990) +] BD Be ic 3 309 -57 307 54 304 +5 304 -4 +0 +1 : 320 -36 © 315 -5 16-5 —1-0 : 333 °49 331 -70 326 327 -3 —1 ‘Sena 343 -36 - 341 -78 336 336 °4 —0°45 1 = 30 300 78 345 44 -B° +0825 ie: | aa 360 -36 308 ;88 302 °5 352 °5 — 7 Mean differences, ae 20 —3°-45 40° 36 The temperatures of the Academy in this table, were mots as” has been said already, from experiments at the precise epochs of pressure ; but were interpolated from experimental, terms not re= mote. Under a general principle, I excluded them from the Com- parative Table in the preceding Memoir, but they satisfied even the fastidiousness of Mr. Dulong, as representing accurately the” results of observation ; and are.therefore fit to be compared as s they, are here. The last line of mean differences. shows the excess. of ‘ the formula-temperatures above those of the Academy, to be not much more than one-third of the excess of the latter above those of the Franklin Institute; the probability,.of accuracy of these last then, at most, cannot be more than in the same ratio. J, a — Hi 4 —s a” | Lee (=) eae 5 @ - a © *B 3) yo =% ~ © Lar) Qu = = ) -— 7D in, Lax} © be (=) 2) fa) Qu o y 5 = 8 pe] teat 4 se, however, as. in the case of Mr. Regnault’s expe ece ay sto, igh the amigien thesenieetercPaging also” vd a a 323 eed register the variation of the extremes, as under. I have en- tered the pressures here in English inches, since they have al- ready been reduced for the Comparative ‘Table ; but to save un- necessary calculations, I retain the temperatures in Centigrade degrees, Pressures em peratures. Diff. in 3 Mepeinecat in inches. - Maximum. Minimum deg. Centi. ae 64in'14 7, 122°-97C4 “09°73 Se 85. -70 1333 32 -64 “66 a, 136 -85 149 -7 149 -54 0 -16 8 194 -42 163 -4 163 -00 0 -40 9 220 -69 168 -5 168 -40 0 -10 | 15 348 -04 188 -5 188 -30 ) -20 2] 514. -22 206 :8 206 -40 40 Wi 516 -84 207 +4 207 -09 0 -31 ple .25, 553-69 2105 210 -47 03 zi 644 -96 218-4 218 -30 ) 10 a wy 716 13° 224 -15 88 ) 27 id ey Mean difference, . 0%3055 C.=0°-55 Fah., gepiiratent to a mean = of + 0°-28 Fah., arising from the un- Sa of tempera ntrast this with the formula we have from the same ex- ‘periments as under i aeep pers ures. INo. of sonnet lac Observed. By the formula. |Differences. es PRL 23°-7° CH 123°:9 C. 133 °3 133 «8. 149 -7 150-8 163-4 164-5 168 +5 169-5 188 5 189 206 -8 206 -8 207 4 207 +2 210 5 210 -4 218 -4 = 217 7 224-15 222 °:9 Mean difference, Bee tios between the formula and the bie but Little more than the admitted error of the thermometric re 4k “Mean.error of observation from this last source, was hae just. 324 J. H. Alexander on the Tension of igi of Water 7 ( Error of ae eo | Pig ‘Maximum. | Minium From experiments of Academy of Sci aa ‘ —00-64 F. —0°-08 Mr. Regnault, +0 -92 +0: ‘Mean error by both, . . 2. - se «| 0% Hie The nearness of these limits and the Suialitieee of the nu umber enclosed by them warrant, I think, a sole and entire reliance upon the formula, in the present state of experimental knowled ge on the subject. I do not introduce into combination any of the other and earlier series of observations; because, from the way in which they have been reported by their respective authors, they do not admit the application of the same methods of co comparison ; a and because it may justly be supposed that the apparatus, intel lectual and mechanical, resorted to in 1829 and since, is para- : oe es accuracy to what had been at disposal i in precediie a Te- i a shall only, therefore, i in farther illustration of the present orm- ula proposed by other mathematicians ; only extending, in, point oe fact, for this purpose, a similar comparison which MM. Dulong” - and. Arago have already instituted; and using, except for the " last c olumn, quantities from the calculation of these philosophers. ae table is founded upon the same eleven observations of them wn, just now quoted ; and they have given for each instance the individial deviations of the ‘several formule from the tes sult experiment. Not to employ so much room, have thought it. equally satisfactory to give the general restilts and inferences, as under. The deviations are given in Centigrade degrees, and be- long 1 to the same side of the equation with the Oar ee given) pective formule. - , gee # Say a F 1 ed Dy ae ; | tredgola. Roc or a THA aximum ee in excess, . .| 0°69 | 0%53)| 0°80 |™0°-405| “9? Tao} - |Maximom defect, .. | 2:11] 0575} .0 -25| 0 os 1-20 : Nn ge Bea: withont regard to signs, 0 | 0 37 0 “M4 do. 1+ : The three first are given’ by Mr. Dulong, Wher a : copious enue meration of different ermal as agreeing the best with, om isa Peete of the temperature ; but Mr. Coriolis ses, instea of an integral, a mixed fractional index. His exponent, instea of 7 as Dr. Young took, or 6 as Creighton and Tredgold prefer- , or 5:13 as Southern chose, or 5 as Dulong adopted, is 5° 335, ie ; coincidence with the natural law is oaly empirical ang can “9 ’ ler on the cere # he of Wat 325 — ye. but accidental. In the formulaof Mr. Roche, (which he rs, not as a means of interpolation, but as the expression of a ‘gene Ree. physical law,) the temperature is itself an element of the index by which certain constant quantities are to be involved. The principles, however, upon which he has founded the expres- sion, are Gerrionee both by Mr. Dulong and Mr. Regnault. The formula of Mr. Dulong presents a smaller aggregate devia- tion ete fi of the others; and it would be singular if it did not, seeing that it was derived from | a constant furnished by his own experiments. But as s might also be anticipated, this con- ‘stant, taken (to four places of decimals ) from the. result of the highest aah temperature, fails to apply in the lower ones, ad The maximum deviation under his formula, given in the last ; table, occurs at the lowest experimental temperature ; and in fact “in his final table of, atmosp be pressures and corresponding tem- peratures, he has preferred, below the limit of four atmospheres, (1 5°: A Cent. or 2939-72 Fahr.,) to abandon his own formula and use that of Tredgold. . Below the ordinary as pressure, “his quantities are utterly Po as will be seen es the’ +4 Bons statemen —_ "Pressures Tua (Centigra “ay t 2 re : Observed oye culated by tia Ol le: as ee __ Regnault. ee | Franklin Institute.| Alexander. 78 36°16 = 39° 5oe me -00 10 +45 <4 4-28 9% “00 —FF D4 is 3] The last two columns are added here for illustration; an — among other things, that the formula of the Franklin In gutnte is, like that of a French Academy, inapplicable to low n peratures and pressu — “Later than these, Mr. ‘Biot, in 1839, proposed another formula, and, in 1841, published a table calculated by it; in which the ~ Oe are given in metres and for every degree Centigrade from — = 20° to 220° Cent., corresponding to the “limits of — 4° and oi 428° Pehtentici The patient labor requisite for this task, has : Let om ola y vhich todeulgedtoh impresses a more -sy. E; # the method ; but yet, in spite of the og 326 J. He Alezander on the Tension of Vapor of Water. rections for reduction, appears ¥ diminish per the chances — 7 of practical resort to the table itself. se temperatures, Mr i Biot, in the form first proposed fe Prony, “GHB same which Dr. ~ Youn ng, with more emphasis than reflection, has called “ ridicu- lously complicated,”) employs as the exponents of a series ; the peculiarity of the method, however, is in that the direct numeri- = y cal result of the equation gives, instead of the pressure itself, i tabular logarithm of the pressure. It is, therefore, essentially a logarithmic formula. I present the following comparison between it and the present formula; applied to the same instancés of experiment, which have been already signalized by Mr. Dulong himself, and already : quoted here. ‘T'o save both the tedium and hazard of a reduction 4 to English measures, : eve the quantities under their origin denominations and, in so far varying from the preceding instan-— . ces, I give the oviation of the formule in terms of the pressure ‘instead of the temperature. ‘This method enables me, by an easy and safe interpolation, to extract the proper quantities from Mr., Biot’s table ; and thus to avoid the nok ahetls labor of workings out the numerical transformation of his theorem. No. of |. Temperatuies, RCenughade} Pressures in Metres; >| Experi- Mercuria Air By Biot’s Observed by By present , , _|_ment. | thermometer. | thermometer. formula. Dulong & Arago. ate wee bee Bs 123°-7 239-1: 1-65020 1-6291 162022 | . 133 3 132-47 2:26396 2:1816 687 — 149 -7 148 -41 3°47146 3:4759 3:37449. 163 °4 161 -69 4:94220 4:9383 + 4-80439 —~ 168-5 ° 166 -63 560263 5 6054 545121 7 he 188 +5 185-96 8.89046 840 8 206 -8 203 -60 13:05578 13-061 13:04525 207 °4 204 +18 13-21410 13-137 13-21 202 210 -5 207 -16 05179 14.0634 218 -4 214 +75 16°36717 16-3316 1660100 | 224-15 2 1804 18-1894 18:64254 | ON embarrass this table with so many columns, I omit the ‘individual deviations of the two formule ; and present the aay gal result as under. ; 4 Mean devi ti fi t e | Alesode ation from experimen ew pent regard to signs m ‘ O52066 0-:12191 an = o pans, from experiment be - 0-0170 4» 0-02114 It is hardly necessary to repeat that the first of these formule is. founded in part upon the very prperiments with which it accords” so well; and that the other was The table of Mr, Biot goes up as far as 220° Cent. ; but he supposes that his formula is applicable much father ; and i in fact _he has given results; in a small supplementary table, as high as” 300°C ; at which temperature it makes the pressure ual to almost exactly 85 atmospheres. ‘The present formula 327 wo uld make, — to ‘this pressure, a temperature of = 589°. ‘92 F. or 293°°3 Cent.; differing from the other within the © eorreetion between a mercu aria. al and an air-thermometer. ; “Tt is at the other extremity, where we still have opportunity of | ‘s ix. ec to experiment, that the difference between the two for- mule be : mes more marked; and where that of Mr. Biot, a neither i in its terms nor its Poperesstt, can be considered applica- “ble. This may be seen as under: peratures, S z & = | Precsifec in inches of 2 “Mercury. Observed by Ramu 7 3 i ais _0in-024 — 23°-83 iS es. : —22°-46 7 2033 = 20°: - : -17°: —19 -52 ae About the same time with Mr. Biot, other formule claiming (like that of Mr. Roche) a foundation on abstract theoretical prin- ciples, were proposed by Mr. Russell ; who has also applied their somewhat extensive, logarithmic apparatus to the calculation of a table of»pressures for each degree from 32° to 250° Fahr., and then for intervals of one or more atmospheres up to fifty. “This” does not properly come into this discussion ; because the author has found it necessary to employ different terms above and below — the point of boiling water, and in point of fact to have two for- mul ; an inconvenience, the same in kind, though not in degree, _ EB 4 with what the object of the very research is to avoid. DNomgiag eee they both deviate in their respective directions from the eurve — given by observation; the pressures calculated by them, are, at the two extremities, very much above any experimental ones. Not to trouble ourselves with the part of the scale below the boiling temperature, where the errors are not of so much practi- eal importance, I give a few instances in the higher degrees, con- trasted with the results of the French Academy. me es Te ratures, (Fahrenheit.) ein Atmospheres ~ French vette | _ Russell’s Table. Differences. , 1 age DPD. ha 212° =< wi 5 307°:5* 306 -8 0°-7 - s & 10. 358 -9 355 -6 3°3 se 20- SAS 410 8 5 il rr ab 457 -2 444 6 12 6 50 510 -6 491 -4 19 -2 ‘WT ho feel of Mr, _Regnault, to whose experimental research- es such resort has been hadyare in one respect in the sam cate- gory as those of Mr. Russell: they are three, one adapt e ge 7 * Mr. Russell in his ‘comparison, = well as the Franklin Inst in theirs, giv Bek pies at 308°-8 ;’ an error which has arisen fro m hastily re Centigrade temp. of 153° ‘08, as if it were 1 50. ; oa oe ight in this upper part of the thermometric scale shall‘have been ee ciently extended and accumulated, to apply hiinself to the group= ing of all three divisions in one comprehensive expression ; and, from his well known character, much may be expected, original and appropriate. In the mean time, it would be premature to en- ‘ ter here upon any discussion of what is only provisional. sag resume, then, in conclusion of this rather protracted Me- ir; it seems to me that in the various combinations and com=~ bariebth that have been given, the claim of the formula I propose 18 teasonably well established—not to be an expression of a law of nature, fo it makes no pee but to reprée= ‘sent the phenomena of reciprocal p nd temperatures ne ctly and with a more extensive std "tHe any that has een Poffered and ‘that, in so far, it is worthy of being ‘ater as paramount to all that have preceded it. dw far, in view of the discord yet existing between experimental results ‘of the most Te=! ‘cent and reliable observers, it is fit to come in as a substitute for ‘any and all of those results themselves, is not of course forme” a determine. I shall only allow myself to notice, then, its re-’ “markable simplicity, and the consequent facility with which it adapts itself to calculation, either with or without logarithms; well as the readiness with: which, from its elements and form, a So ee itself at times to the memory. One important use a, it is to be observed, is in enabling an enquirer in “ athgareeh case, twig from books and tables, to extemporize 1 accurate result ; in proportion to its complexity and arbitrari- ni, it t becomes a question of individual strength of mem- id its resort more and more limited. In the present instance, rms are either given in the very case to be solved, or are cal constants at the foundation of the theory of Heat; whieh, yen say, it is impossible forrone, ordinarily well informed » If my labor in so far shall be fortunate enough to meet with the approval of | the learned, it umm be but an inconsidewsble — j=: s je j=) “Rh cas) = nor: es & pot) ja Qu ° ad > a & al -_ gs tt 3S ie) te: a) =e —s B85 lity of Magnitude. 329 - |\Temperatares in deg. of{Pressures in inches of, Pressures in Ibs. Avdp. Fahrenheit, +] Mercury at 32°F, | Por Sa aoc: gages eufie ® * Sis. Seen! eae 8 < “eee @ 0305 ook eo er Bb Im een EET ee: by ALEXANDER Macwbenieed, New Haven’ : : ore is the science of magnitude ; ri agua defined to be, that which has one or more of the three di dength, breadth, and thickness. ‘The ee denot erm. magnitude, to which this science has reference, is eneral conception, notion, or idea, and like all oth ‘hotions is se enatec first, by making a concrete t eXi inguish € presen an ought is a bod teristics disting ECOND Srnixs, Vol. VI, No. 18.—Nov., 18 —_ either separately or in combination, the name of m e has been assigned. o Phus the conception denoted by the term magnitude has. oe — object, like every other abstract general conception, some only a) the characteristics of a concrete or existing reality, which object though a mere object of thought, corresponds with what is real, but not with all that is real in the concrete reality. That which is ‘real in every existing body and to which the object of the abstract general conception corresponds, is the dimensions of that body, i. dO which of course belongs” an existence distinct and separate - both oh the conception itself and from the mind which os th ce S ed to b y , may be considered. as in three dpeobae and thus a having three dimen- s, an a if ‘the term magnitude be used to denote these three characteris ties of space, taken either separately or in combination, athe conception.denoted by the term magnitude has also, in this, ~~ instance, for its object only some of the characteristics of a con-. | crete or existing reality, and the reality to which this object cor- a. responds, is the dimensions of space, to which of course belongs _ an existence which is necessary, and which at the same time is ite ore is of the first importance, and may be = ae parent by considering the wide difference between those objects hought, which are constituted what they are by the natureand e mind, and things, which are what they are im virtue stitution of their own ; known by our minds, to a certain still, existing independent of our thinking» PE is also. obvious that when a general term, such as magnitude, i to denote an abstract general conception, the object et term, in these aeesieetes, is subject solely to the laws ~ ntrol and determine the nature and relations of mere ; fag 18, fo the laws of thinking ; while if the same gene- > relations of real existences, that.i is, to the laws of nature. pee philosophers have failed to-carry out this distinction con- el ae and thus have overlooked and denied their own know- hat so much imposing logic has been at war with ae on ailure on this very point constitutes the grand ar el, with whom “ thoughts are the only concrete real set. apart under distinct names, are the itee dimensions of body, ie length, breadth, and thickness ; while to these characteristics, _ r a 2 £ ™ ee ie : % 4 the le Diy 2 Magnitude., 331 evi Biation of ideas in the human mind is, at the same time, the process of all existence,” in a word, in which “the dialectic pro- cess is the Method, the dialectic process the Deity, the dialectic process everything ;? a system no less remarkable - for the un- soundness of its premises, than for the logical rigor and scientific Fi. beauty with which it marches forward to its fatal results. * With the preceding distinction in view, the way is opened Nira a decision of the much vexed question respecting the divisibi of magnitude. In every age, from that of the earliest Guontie “Be ain the present moment, the contradictions on this subject, which the reasoning of geometry seems fairly to involve, have furnished weapons by which the certainty of human knowledge has been assailed ; leaving room for a doubt, which the defenders of truth have appeared more willing to avoid than directly to meet; very many of them seeming to think, that the solution of the problem i in- cluded something beyond the limits of the human understanding. - The difficulty referred to isthis. It is well known to the | i sen that according to the principles of mathemati , every li i itude is divisible nde oe the given aetrode For, let any. magnitude whatever, be “posed, and, for the sake of argument, let it be considered as least conceivable. This magnitude is some assignable ‘distance It can therefore become the radius of acircle. But® “if a poin the straight lines which can be drawn from it to the circumfe ) ence, ‘the greatest is that in which the centre is, and the other Beg of the diameter is the least.” ‘That is, a point being taken in the radius which is neither at “the centre nor at the circumference of the circle, a magnitude can gen and the ceéntre,) less than radius. But, by supp ta “dius was the least conceivable magnitude, a magnitude t has heen found dess than the least conceivable. Now he cess can be repeated as oftén as a new radius is taken, § on the principles of geometry, magnitude is divisible bg assignable ‘limit, in other words, magnitude is inde it is commonly called, infinitely divisible. | nthe other hand, itis urged by the natural | well as by common sense, Mee here i is a world 1 | dependent of our gonce prone. governed > * Ettelid, bib: iii, Prop. 1 Vil. ie. a of M _ ioe are not the laws of logic but the Jaws of nature ; and that in this world are found a series of facts as certain, and Which’ ea - om consequences as sure, as are the conclusions Heciuced by the ometrician from his definitions, postulates and axioms. ee e, natural Pagoeepter considers the existence of body and space distance and motion, to be among such facts; he os wer ob- servation and experiment, that bodies moving in oppos 7 tions through space sometimes pass by each other, that a body” », moving in the same direct tion with another body will sometimes ~~ overtake it, and he believes, that ee ae faces of app * ing solids sometimes come'in cont *: * He ue reasons, that if a body is in motion through space to- ward another body at any given distance from it, and if these two finally come in contact, then antecedent to such contact thee ale ‘intervening distance not occupied, or filled up, by 1e appre coaching body. In other words, that when the bodies are ntact no. distance intervenes, and when not in contact some diaiuhité intervenes ; distance, in the case supposed, being the in- terval between the opposite faces of each solid unoccupied by the esence of either body; while, of all the distances which can be pos sed to intervene, the least is that next antecedent to contacts - same consequence follows in respect to bodies moving in op-" site directions, and also in respect to bodies which overtake each, ther If Achilles overtake the tortoise, the greyhound the hare, rT inute-hand the hour-hand of a cloc k, then there must, in, nature of things, be a least intervening distance next antece- e term magnitude, then this will be the least magnitude which, ture ¢ of things, can be conceived to be, that i is, can be con- having a real as opposed to an ideal existence. Andi Ne east di eal existence. ’ t follows from this, first, that every body which has a real ex- ence, if it be a definite body such as a tree, the globe or a star, must be made up of indivisible units, or impenetrable and extend- particles having a form; and next, that the mr ae of these particles can in: no case be less than. the “least space ; n_ other words, that the ultimate particles of a body'can in no case ‘be act reduced so as to become less than the’ magnitude, which, by ning from the nature of actual extension, has been shown to onceivable, that is, the least which ‘can be conceived las opposed to an ‘ideal existence. a i ‘to each event. Should the distance thus limited be denoted ed to be, that is, be conceived as having a real as opp y ee A. Mac he D sibi lity of Meenas’ - & _ There is an apparent a to the existence of a least dis- ce, or least magnitude, turnin upon an ingenious fallacy re- yecting motion, which well be resolved at this point. Jt appears from experiment that bodies move with unequal «g elocity, that is, traverse equal spaces in unequal times ; time ) eing measured by some common standard. Now, ‘let. wo bodies traverse a given distance, greater than the least velocity, 1 that is, in unequal times; on the hypoth : uous motion,’ other things being equal, since their velocities differ, » they must traverse some one east space or least distat nce being measured by some standard common to both. But. Sreck the’ least distance is to make the least motion, or the leas change of place, which, in the nature of things, can ‘be; conse-— quently, the bodies supposed make a least motion ora east change: of place, which in the nature of things, can e in unequal times. And if the bodies supposed make a least motion in unequal times, then bodies of unequal velocity in akin some one. least motion or least change of» * ce while their velocity remaqys the nce of particular case, without supposing a contradiction - out supposing that a body moving with a given velocity necessary in the nature of things to the existence of them ‘and then to suppose, . the same body, moving with ¢ velocity, can make the same least motion in a time less than th one necessary in the satiae of things to, the existence of 1 motion, which is absurd. Yet this is the fallacy at the basis is the yarious and celebrated sophisms used by the ancients agains : -theipossibility of motion. It generally comes:in the shane of a interrogation, thus of place. What has the body moving with the less velo consequently geduining sy ypore time as necessa vet dr to th rs , done mre rm at. ow far has tions necessary to the “Ben ce seal requisite time is, sby ssuppos | ine we it is to ask wif, a.conttadction be tru , what * visibhidfag 2 Magnitude. will follow, it being the purpose “of the i inquirer to use the con= clusions drawn from such a premise, in order to overthrow some. . other conclusion resting on independent evidence. So far then as this reasoning is concerned, the circumstance that existin bodies have different velocities, furnishes nothing to disprove <. existence of a least distance or a least magnitude. inet visible, in other words, is so limited by its finite nature as to be reducible only to a certain extent, is a proposition which would never have been questioned had philosophers paid more attention to the nature of the objects of thought which the premises of ees involve ; since an attentive consideration of these prem- ses ma ghow, that the conclusions of the nerne ange: respect “ing th nite divisibility of magnitude do in no way conflict math e de { Bre a natural philosophy and common sense, but, on the contrary, are simply the enunciation of what is true in re- spect ‘to he ap ae in which the objects of certain abstract gen- eral notions stand to each other, as deduced solely from what be- longs of necessity to their nature as mere objects of thought. “The distance just described has been shown to be the least ignitude which, in the nature of things, can be conceived to be.. things have been very beautifully classified into things isting as mere thinks, that is, as mere objects of thought ; ; nd things which are real existences, whether we think of them Thus, in the phrase “ the least magnitude which in ature of things can be conceived to be,” the term magnitude denote either the object of an abstract conception, or a re and the phrase “nature of things” is equally ambigu- y deriote either the nature of mere objects of thought e of real existences. Now if the term magnitude be noting a real as opposed to an ideal magnitude, that s fe. ig areal as opposed to an ideal ne i viz. that distance xt antecedent to.the contact of bodie _ If, on the other hand, the term magni be taken as s deno- € be conc of eee it is Tati true that a im ney ails In fact, the proposition that every finite body is definitely di- © A. Mac Whorter on the Di | sibility of Magnitude. 385 " seth this case ioote questions arise ; first, what is the meaning of 1e term divisible when applied to o mere objects of thought? sec- ondly, what is the nature of the conceptions denoted by the terms eed line and mathematical point? and thirdly, what is vat to divide a mathematic al line at a mathematical point : Respecting the first inquiry, it is evident, that while to divide :# means primarily to dispart, or disjoin, when materig ewe are spoken. of, to divide when used in reference to) ings ich are mere objects of thought, must mean simply to istincill between them as mere objects of thought ; so that, in this infinitely divisible means merely sartingsd distinguishabl distinguishable beyond any assignable lim : cf _ In the next place a line, by definition, coved the object of th =| Bare conception of length or distance, considered as a mere ob- ject of thought, apart from the abstract conceptions of breadth and depth ; — a point is defined by Legendre to be, ‘a limit ter- minating a line.’ i? In this definition of a point the abstract notion of length, rep- resented by a line, is considered as ceasing or ending, and this notion of limit to lengt sbeing a notion of the cessation ue con- sequent negation of length, it is a conception which ; nature, excludes from itself the conception thus deni this view that Euclid defines a point to be “ ft parts or which hath no magnitude ;” a definiti impe cause not convertible, ri lend “having no pariaer tude” not being a poin But as in things a given distance is in actual space, situation, or position, so in mere objects of thought the coeéxisti meecpuons of abstract. length, breadth, and thickness, are view as holding such relations to each other, as to authorize the appl cation of the term place, or position, borrowed from real exi ces and applied to these conceptions in order to denote a pa lar relation between them.’ Now as mere objects of thoughts ai given conception is just what tt 2s, AND NOT ANOTHER Concep Thus, in answer to the second inquiry, it appears that a ematical Be peommecely the object of the abstract co length or distance ; and in respect te a pe appears, fire nak it is not a thing “ re” and i existence, but on rary, i Pe ey 4 Sins : " a * St ” 836° A. Mac Whorter on the Divisibility of Magnitude Now since to divide means to distinguish, when mere objects: of thought ave spoken of; in answer to the third inquiry it appears, that to divide a magnitude represented by a line, at a mathemat-~ ical point, means,—to distinguish one magnitu e viewed as a mere object of thought from another magnitude viewed. as a mere hought, by the notion of limitation, as the differentia ;— then, to represent this distinction by thedivision of an actual” cand vibes line. Thus, let any two magnitudes be conceived, 1d let them be made distinct objects of thought ; each object is “distinguished from the other by being conceived to be just what ait i, as an object of thought, and, at the same time, being con- ived to be NoT THE OTHER ‘object. Now this mode of distin- as any two conceptions of magnitude can be formed, ch is not the other, that is, can be repeated indefinitely ; and this distinction stg objects of thought can be represent by the division of actual lines ;—this difference between these oie being simply numerical as mere objects of thought, hav- n sno real or substantial existence. So that in this sense, mag- n enotes ‘merely the object of an abstract general concep- This object is also a mere object of thought, Ds ‘ u then extension be divided by that which has ‘no extension, nd magnitude be diminished by that which has no ‘magnitude ? l inly, to divide means to distinguish, when mere objects of ré n nist. be nitud rhich, a . Sie _ Researches o in the nature of things, can be conceived to have a real as opp to an zdeal existence. Here the term magnitude denotes isting dimensions of body or of space, and the reasoning is con- ducted wholly in reference to what is true respecting real existen- y reasoning in another mode it appears, that there cannot ‘De. a least conceivable magnitude, but that magnitude must be conceived as divisible beyond any assignable limit. — the term magnitude denotes an abstract conception, whose object is a mere object of thought, and the reasoning i is conduc 7 wholly in reference to what the mind can do in forming mer jects of thought, analytically, and, when they are thus ‘ace in dis- tinguishing between them %. _ The solution of this apparent contradiction, which has. rit 1erto- perplexed every inquiry respecting the divisibility of magnitude turns upon the difference between things existing as mere thinks, that is, as mere objects of thought, and things which are real ex- istences, whether we think of them or not. Itis a distinction, _ which a German would immediately recognize as made. between thought in itself—(Der Gedanke an sich), and thing in itse (Das Ding an sich); and claims our assent not merely as th ut as the starting point of all trath, i in _— to anythi with propriety be called mental scien sis may problems may be left, at least for the present, to the refi the geometrician. i Art. XX XI.—Researches on Salts ; by C. Ger Translated from the Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, t. xii: thire Tue following experiments, form the outlines of a tended research into the laws which govern the for the composition of salts. They are intended partict tion of salts. I hope, through them, to arrive ata preciation of what is to be understood by a neutral salt, and a basic ee e part most neglected in the history of the salts doubtedly that 2 which relates to the basic or subsalts. introduction of polybasic acids, it is no longer possib! precise definition of them; for we do not so readily difference which can exist. between a salt said to bet taining two or three equivalents of o and a containing the same number. In most cas not indicate, in this respect, any difference. — — Srconp Sznizs, Vol. VI, No, 18.—Noy., ae 338 Researches on Salts. It is generally thought that the number of subsalts formed by the same te wi and the same base, is much greater than that of the correspond rsalts or acid salts. So that five or six subnitrates of lead are aeeetiel, five or six subsulphates of copper, three or four subacetates of copper, etc., and the most irregular relations are considered as occurring in the composition of these bodies. My experiments do not give the same results. Whenever I have been able to obtain a crystallized subsalt, or it has been pos- sible for me so to control circumstances as to avoid a mixture, the composition of the product was exceedingly simple. I have thus been able to satisfy myself that there does not exist but a single subsalt, or at most but two, for the same acid and the same base. There is one fact whose importance is not perceived at first sight, but which must nevertheless be borne in mind to prevent errors; it is the influence of masses in the double decomposition of salts. It is not a matter of indifference, when one solution is to be ue by another, whether we pour the first liquid into the second or the second into the first. It is stated, for ex- am Be le , - an the oer that potash if added to a solution of sul- pha opper precipitates the hydrate from it. The truth of the ae is this; if potash is added drop by drop to the salt of opper in such a way as to keep this latter in excess, we obtain n sub-sulphate of constant composition ; by operating in an ‘inverse manner, we produce the blue hydrate perfectly pure. With- ms the precaution of always maintaining in excess the liquid into position, when in reality they are only mixture nother not less striking example of this a diupavs of masses, % bc [ have noticed in the case of phosphate of soda and nitrate of lead. Bins phosphate of sa, PO: (Nee 2 05, 2Na? O, H? O a f N? 0* (Pb? H)=N? 05, 2Pb? O,H* O rs aPb: O, H?0 PL 0+ (Pb: H)= SP 0" 2Pb? 0, H? O a »tash, O(K Sulphate of potash, SO‘(K?), potash species of the genus sulphate. 7 Researches on Salts. 339 By calcination, the crystals give off water and nitrous vapors, and are converted, without changing their a: into quadribasic subphosphate of lead, PO? (Pb*)= Peo? OQ. Cold water does not change them, but boiling water converts them into tri- basic phosphate of lead and _ nitrate of lead. sides the influence of m there is another element to be - considered in the double dedbespotition of salts, viz., temperature. nm mixing a solution of nitrate of copper with neutral sul- phate of potash, we do not observe any phenomenon at ordinary temperatures. But let the mixture be heated to boiling, anda _ green powder will be precipitated, which when washed with boiling water, will give the composition of the quadribasie subsul- ; phate of copper, i.e. of the same salt which is precipitated by s potash in the neutral sulphate of copper, used in excess. This fact is by no means isolated. It is even still more re- , phate of copper; sulphate of potash can therefore act on hold espectit the nature of acids an which contain hydrogen or a metal, capable of being eeckk a by double decomposition for another metal or for hydr Hence potash and sulphate of potash are two salts of t the ‘same cies, but belonging to different genera. otash species of the genus oxyd. * tet Moreover, although the subsulphate of copper is formed only at the temperature of boiling water, the quadribasic subchromate of er, of which the composition is precisely similar, even to the proportion of water, is produced at the pie bah Nh by mixing neutral chromate of potash with neutral sulphate,or nitrate of copper. The fact which I point out thang caul tions of the chromates and those of the sulphates. The a holds good even in the following case: if we collect the el green precipitate, formed by boiling a mixture of sulphate potash and a gece of copper, or nitrate of copper, and examin it under a microscope, we Shall see that it is composed of an in- finite number of I haa ne les, of a green so pale that singly — — Se Wels ee te 340 ? Researches on Salts. . = * 2 SO* (Cut K}H;)= § 800M Oy SO:, O, (KH) O. . Derived from aifubsulphats SO* (M*) 2 =802,2M270. It is only when we treat this salt with water, that we ‘obinish bis phiate of potash and insoluble subsulphate of copper. Now the brown precipitate formed immediately by neutral chromate of , potash in neutral salts of copper, is also a subchromate containing both potassium and copper, and boiling water extracts from it bi- - chromate of potash, leaving an insoluble subchromate of copper. To the action of masses and temperature, then, in double decom- position, is united also the influence of a third element, water; an in- fluence which is permanent and not so easy to control as the others. The water which is present, often enters into the composition of salts. Chemists have long since established a difference be- tween water of crystallization and that of constitution so called ; attempt to demonstrate that basic salts obey in this respect > same laws as acid salts. I shall use dualistic formulas to ‘ the analogy better. oxalate of potash. Binoxalate of potash. Quadroxalate of potash. 2 20 ? a 0? 0°, K? 0 O? 0? H* 0 O:,K?0 Ge O°, H?0 C2 0°, H?0 C?0°, H:0 2 he same water of constitution in the salts called basic, only the relations of acid, base and water are interchanged. My tained, both of them, ina rigs a state. unt ve bibasic subnitrate of | lead is N? O*, Pb? 0 ee Pb? 0 * 0, Pree H? 0, Pb? 0. > - Here the same relations will be peed as between the neu- tral oxalate, the binoxalate an iu * Ann. de Chimie et de Phys., t. xviii, p. “ a " re Sd The 4 aq. are driven off at 262°-4F. The gene sul Pigg shee & Researches on Salts. 341 P I have since obtained the subnitrate of zine in the form “4 ismatic needles, containing, as in th ceding exam {N: 205, 4Zn? O, “SH? Q]. The formul ’ Schindler and of Grouvelle are not e exact. These chemists analyzed mixtures ; and consequently failed to notice that the precipitate produced by aoe in nitrate of zine contains ammonia in combination [N? O°, 4Zn? O, H? O,N? H®*], which is not the case in nitrate of copper. - There are then three subnitrates, having a precisely similar composition, and the same water of constitu Subnitrate of iets Pb: NO*(Pb* H*)=N? O*; 4Pb? 0,3H? 0 of Cu: NOs (Cut BBN? 0+; ACu? O, 3H* Oxgr & “ of Zn: NO*(Zn* H*)=N? Os, AZn? 0, 3H*OF 3 I think I can safely affirm that the subnitrates of cobalt and of nickel present a similar composition ; however, as I have not op- erated upon salts of nickel entirely free from cobalt, and vice + versa, I do not advance this opinion unreservedly. a Lest the analogy I have pointed out between the water of « ; aunt of acid salts and that of basic salts, should still seem ubtful, I will add another proof. When acid salts co cane of water (water of crystallization) greater thé which corresponds with the composition previously in know they are deprived of this excess by desiccation at a ten ature lower than that at which the water of constitution is. off. fhe Se for a the cry tle ate of pi c C:0!,K?0 H? 0 ie C:03,H?0 + 4aq. - phate of copper contains at 212° F. SO*,Cu?0 H? O, Cu? O The 2 aq. are also driven off between 248° F’. and 266° F.., 1 the 3H? O resist a temperature of 392° F. The quadribasic. chromate of copper hi poeeey the gom position of this subsulp I could cite still 1 - ther subsalts, ey ses of which confirm : Their ae i mmoniacal ohio of zinc, 1 my- r I had constantly found in the two ” (67 1 per cent.). They do contain in 33 _ és 342 Researches on Nalis. the same base, so IT have been unable to obtain more than two sub- salts; and if it isa of sesqui-salts, of bi-salts, of tri-salts, of. quadri-salts with water of constitution, my experiments also show that the same relations, only reversed, exist in the basic salts, so that we have subsalts, sesqui-metallic, bi-metallic, tri-metallic and quadri-metallic, with the same water of constitution as in the cor- responding acid salts. In my view, the subsalts are neutral salts of a particular type, 4 as truly as the metaphosphates and the pyrophosphates. ‘The : — — are called ’tribasic are nothing but subsalts, and there is the same relation between an ordinary phosphate and a ieotecliepbatesn as between a subnitrate and a nitrate. The dif- ference is * mont in their relative stability. We give the fol- owing as On ae senisal chromate of potash to neutral nitrate of jae ad, we obtain a canary-yellow precipitate of chromate of lead ; on the contrary, we pour the same neutral chromate into the - of fi oo acids ; but will confine myself to stating the following facts, which a are in er, i. e. 5°2 per cent., so as to con- *H)=P? 0+,3Na? O, H? 0 te ze oe = fe) 2, fe) — =) a ag (=) 5 74 na > a>) ie) 7 oO | > ° = =r S ae a = ° - an ides, the fact I cite is not isola- tee the tribasic hese of barytes and the tribasic phosphate f lime retain also the elements of water as high as 392° F. And iideed, except the phosphase7 of lead and that of a I hee od aot solutions should be used, for the subnitrate of lead is almost insoluble in in the * Researches on Salts. 343 not found a phosphate which does not retain some water at a pretty, high temperature. — The _ pyrophosphates have afforded me similar facts. Thus e pyrophosphate of barytes was found to consist of ; PO? (Ba? H*?)=P?* O°, 2Ba? O, 2H? O. “ee - Tam well aware that it may be objected that the temperature ‘at which the water of constitution is expelled, is higher or lower according to the salts; this objection is based on the reactions. ut have I not shown above that the composition of the precipi- tated salts can vary according to certain conditions of mass and temperature? It is not then exact to say that any salt, for exam- ple a tribasic, will always give, by double decomposition, precip- itates of an analogous composition, i.e. tribasic. The principle based by Mr. Graham on two or three facts, is in contradiction to fifty others. Water, in which all these reactions take place, m ifies them continually, and determines metamorphoses in mineral » bibasic pyrophosphates and tribasic chaplains why not est the same differences in the nitrates, the sulphates, the chlori r nomena, when subjected to heat, from the nitrates of K, Na, b, Ba? The first always retain the elements of water, and give on g, nitric acid, as well asa subnitrate retaining in its turn the elements of water, and the same is true of the whole Debs, sian series [NO,(MH,)]|; while the nitrates of K, Na, are anhydrous, and produce under the same circumstances, n trites and oxygen gas I will mention another fact not less conclusive. Alum) which chemists consider as a combination of two neutral salts, has acid reaction. At 248° F.. it loses five-sixths of its water, at then becomes 50:,K* 0,8? O. SO r ey al) H*)= $380, Al‘ 03, 3H? O, This product is easily redissolved in water. But let it at 392° F’. and it loses all its water and becomes insoluble. have produced this site insoluble alum in the wet way: necessary is to sprinkle the vl . ase with concen sulpavitic acid, and app i few minute crystals will be changed j a ‘ergtaline nah insoluble on : in it rapidly. However, if this insol- er eight or ten days, it may be seen changing by degrees into small octahedrons of soluble alum. = on s ’ 344 ~~ Researches on Nalis. From this it seems to me that alum contains, as truly as phosphates, water of constitution, which when expelled from, @ salts, leaves it a body altogether different. I would also call to mind that the tion ee minium is a body volatile without decomposition, while the crys- tallized Aydrochlorate of alumina is decomposed by heat int hydrochlorie acid and pure alum The conclusions which follow ican ok nee I have instanced, f may be summed up in the following man he expressions neutral salt, basic salt, wer salt, are arbitrary terms, used to designate particular types of salts which differ from each other by the elements of H? O, or of the metallic oxyd M? 0. These types are peereuerabls, with greater or less facility, according to certain conditions of mass, of temperature, etc., it is impossible to daneries with precision in the present of the science; and there are absolutely the same chemical between the metaphosphates, the pis sao ao and na a inge as between the nitrates and the basic or of a metallic oxyd, and then give rise toa new t ere is no rule for predicting these modification fo'make my idea more intelligible, I will sweita out a i Genus Puospuate, POZ(M?)+M? 0. A. Sub-genus eererer sate POi (M?)—3 M? O= =PO* (M)=[P*O*, M* OO} a2 All the so-called metaphoaphates will belong to this typer B. Sub-genus equiphosphate, | PO(M?)=[P? O+,2M? O]. it includes a few Pyrophospunes, and especially the — of Ea 212° F.,. POj (Na? ). sai take this occasion to i that, the cubical alum has exactly the same composition as the alum in octahedr The formation of cubical alum or Ro- man alum belongs to the class of bene omena ~ crystallization so eet investiga- by M. Beudant. I shall give in my wo the proofs respecting it. M. Jacquelain (Comptes Rendus de ['Acad., -. xxiv, p. 44) affirms that alum contains 22 atoms of water instead of 24 in the usual formula. This assertion 18 not sige at te: the new formula would require 43- per cent. of water, and we ee er cent. pasta nbical al gen percent. Now this is exactly the ¥ ae , ¢ Resedjthis se @éllt *, 345 P03 TM?) aM Onbo (M?)=[P? Os, 3M: O}. sphate of soda called neutral, at 212° F., PO (Na? H). Baill, of silver, . : i PO‘ (Ag?). - pe lead, F é : : : POs (Pb*). VD.’ subphosph ‘ ‘ ees 3(M‘)=[P? O%, 4M? O}. ne of soda called asic, at 212° F.; POs (Na? H). . of baryta at 212° F,, ; PO! (Ba* H). . ,_ Pyrophosphate of ete“ at 212° F., ‘ PO: (Ba? H?). Basic phosphate of lead, ‘ PO? (Pb*). — is | | Genus rin SO: (Me )+M? 0 A. Sub-genus persulphate, SO* (M*) —3M? O=S80j (M)= ee M? 03 Fuming sulphuric a Crystallized anhydrous. bisulphate of potash, . 3 B. Sub-genus equisulphate, SO* ot Lae = oO Concentrated sulphuric acid, ; Q' * % Neutral sulphate of potash, T? Bisulphate of potash at 2120 F., tae Insoluble alum, _ . d White sulphate of copper, C. Sub-genus 8 subsulpha : “80 M?*)+M? 02805 (M‘)= '802,2M EO}, ..¥ ceviche sulphuric acid, density 1:780, SO°* (H*). _ Alum desiccated at 262° AF, O* | A salt obtained by boiling a mi ixture of 7 _ sulphate of copper and neutral sulphate = _ of potash, at 212° F., -genus 0 eae ey - $os (M?)+2M? 'O=80" (Ms j= ze wat tp eth mineral, O° (Hg°). * : Genus aii Cl? (Ml) M2 © _ There cannot be any perchlorids. A. Sub-genus equichlorid, . . Cl? (M?) or @ Hydrochloric gas,_. ‘ ; ‘ Cl? (M?). Chlorid of potassium, ‘ Cl? (K?). Double chlorid of zinc and potassium, ot (KZn Anhydrons ie aS hes inium, seu, 9 lg can - Chlorate of alumin x Oxychlorid of lead, : Pixs me Sxconp Srrizs, Vol. VI, No. 18,—Noy. | 1848. nu raat oF (M2) + Ox O=or OOK Bla" ie Ol " the Juvenas Metcoric Stone. ‘ 846 On #® Analysiso Fgive the name of equisalts to those which correspond to the acids produced by the combination of equal volumes of hydi and a non-metallic body (for example, hydrochloric g: the direct combination of equal volumes of water an drid* (for example, concentrated sulphuric acid i The subsaits contain the elements of an equisalt, plus nOM? , the veal, osed of the same te hee minus nOM®. These definitions appear to me much more precise than the names applied to the same combinations in the dualistic system. e researches of which I have just given the first results, = 5 | will soon be followed by a volume on mineral chemistry,. in a which I — discuss more at length the principles of the wnitary system (systeme weer which along with M. Laurent, I am k endetedeiad to establish XXXII.— Observations on Rammelsberg’s Analysis of Tue two memoirs here voteatld to, are contained in the Anna- a den er Physik und Chemie, von " C. Poggendorff, Band Ixxiil, 4 Stuck 4, (1848). ae A Rammelsberg’s Analysis. ommences his paper by a reference to my report blished in former numbers of this Journal,+ and by Rose Sralvuis' of the meteorite, Alexander von Humboldt having sup- plied him with a specimen for the purpose. The investiga- ¢ tion confirms my opinion respecting the mineral in question, while Rammelsberg affirms that it has led to new results. “Das PSoort 0 on n meteorites having been mainly devoted to such “iter as had been observed in the United States, it was not thogake proper to allude to foreign localities, except in a very ise and general manner. This brevity ‘led Rammelsberg cot loubt whether my inference respecting the feldspathic 2 ag oh | have. pee bere shown (Journ. de Pharm. et de Chimie, t. xi, Pp: 370) ead | mat by | analo logysithe volume of a non-volatile anhydrid i in the me nown "volun of the corres + Vol. ii, ii ser., p. On the Analysis of the Juvenas Meteoric Stone. 347 Gicgt of the Juvenas stone was made from the descriptions of others, or had resulted from a new examination of the mineral f. I may therefore be allowed to state, that it was formed F mination of a large specimen of the Juvenas stone, : that had been supplied to me by H. Heuland, Esq., out of the fine mibteorig cabinet of the late Sir F. Chantrey. Besides, I am | f the fact, if any writer has noticed the particular crys- I have figured ‘of the anorthite, or made the ee respecting the ee of the Juvenas stone which wer ‘included in the same paper. Rammelsberg fi finds the Juvenas stone to consist of the sollaw- ing minerals : § Anorthite, about, : : « soa cs: Augite, . : ‘ \ . COG Chrome iron, “ . . 150 “ 4 Magnetic pytites, “oO 3 * ™ With perhaps minute traces of ‘apatite and rutile. The anorthite is soluble in moderately strong hy¢ acid ; ‘hd consists of : Silicic acid, . : 44:38 Alumina, . : 1 87S Oxyd of iron, F 3:29 Bests yet rteen sue od OOF Magnesia, ; 0:36 ~ . : or 1S Potass j 0:33 » Pichon aci id, 0:54 Proto-sulphuret of iron, 0-71 102-44 | i nad The augite was insoluble in hydrochloric acid ; and was de- composed by carbonate of soda (and by hydrofluoric acid for de- termining the soda content). It containe xygen. pene gee ; , 52-07 27°16 ; _ 024 0-1 , oie ge Petry of i iron, ’ 3081 6-91 Lim ii GSS 161 Magn 9-98 3°95 . 3 Orvigt ere weeny 0-10 Guiodie iroit : 2-13 28 Titanic acid, . ., O26 101: . wy supposing that the phosphoric and tani ic aci = liber me di iscovered in meteorites by the : *, 348 On the Examination of the Braunau Meteoric Iron. first of these in 1829, in the Virginia stone,* the ee OM 1843,+ of its presence in the same stone (in answer to the doub expressed by Rumler in relation to the subject in Pogg. Ban Stuck 2, 1841), and repeated allusions to the same poi I recent peor reports: while, concerning titanic acid, it fe vate a that I gave in my report the following. reasons vs supposing ics it existed in the Juvenas stone under m rn tion of sphenomite. “Thus named from its resemblance to a, pre. It occurs in eget (with a tinge of yellow) thin, ee " crystals, H.=5-5. Implanted on crystals of black apes associated with anorthite in the Juvenas stone. Before the blow- a pipe, it i readily to a black glass, which is rn It ' dissolves with effervescence, presenting the reaction of * sphene. _ is luble in nitric acid, with the exception of aheavy —* white powder, insoluble in ammonia. This solution contained _ silicic acid and lime.” ‘. _1 was therefore led to regard the presence of titanic acid as #7 early y certain in the meteorite ; and accordingly twice referred to | In the course of the report, as a probable ingredient of ‘not, however, certain that the phosphoric acid exists com- bined mh lime, in the form of apatite. It is possible that mag- : __ hesia enters into the = and that the mineral constitutes a; <. a new species. Nor can I yield to the suggestion, that the sup- 2 ‘posed titanic pos exists as rutile. On the other hand, I believe it nt in clr gong in which I also detected silicic and p brotoxyd of iron 2. Fischer's Analysis. part of Fischer’s research Bia rad the Braunau ared in the Annalen, Band Ixxii, 8. 475, and was trans- y Mr. Lettsom for this Journal eel V, liser., p. 338). nThe principal portion of the present article relates to the com- Fischer of the insoluble ingredient of the iron, concerning which observes, that it has very properly been called Schreib- ersite by the Vienna naturalists. i> Now this is the name by which, in 1846, I designated the sul- phuret of chromium, found in the Bishopsville (S. C.) meteoric dig one year before the fall of the Braunau iron occurred. d I had moreover Seorie i ed in my report on meteorites, the very We * See this Journal, vol. xvi, p. 199. t Ibid, vol. xlv, p. 102. ii er | Contributions to the Mycology of North America. 349 ion after Dr. Schreibers, (whom, I am happy to learn from of. Agassiz still survives, contrary to my impressions when I named the mineral,) I am nnable to conjecture. Fischer finds the insoluble matter to consist of: > SBT68, He concludes that the Braunau iron consists s of 95 t0 98 p. c. of nickeliferous iron, with traces of cobalt, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, &c., (the sulphur and chromium, found by him and Du- flos, appearing to belong to the pyrites and the insoluble, scaly mineral. He thinks that the constitution of the ri hin pai ae not be found constant throughout the mass; and that no two analyses will give constant results. The little balls of diffused pyrites are found to be a 1 chemical compound of a simple sulphuret of iron and nicke since it dissolves in hydrochloric acid at common temperatures with the evolution of hydrosulphuric acid, unattended by the separation of sulphur,—there Theta only a little residuum (about 1 p. ¢.) which contains chrom carbon and silica. The dyslytite constitutes the remaining ingredient ot best: -— and is everywhere diffused through it Fischer, (after the suggestion of Beraelivs,) attribaies the Wid id- mannstattian figures of meteoric iro 4 be ca All these ingredients are more or a crystallized. ‘The = 4 also magnetic ; the nickel-iron and the dyslytite with polarity, latter more so than the former; while the magnetic pyrites is simply attracted by the magnet. New Haven, August 29, 1848. Arr. XXXIII.—Contributions to the Mycology of North ba . America ; by M. A. Curtis i Tue history of Mycology in this country is soon told. Pate: ing by the few species noticed by Plukenet, Clayton, Walter, and the almost always doubtful matter of Rafinesque, we d M. Bosc, first giving any nite and uiteligsts — to our Fungi. In 1811, he published in the Ber lin Mapes” faivoral new species found near Charleston, S. C., where, like Delile at Wil- a * 350 Contributions to the Mycology of North America. mington, N. C., he held the office of French Consul. His new species, which are all interesting, do not exceed half a dozen; "4 and only. one—the curious Hyperhiza—retains the place he g re —a beautiful Fungus—belongs to Mitremyces, Nees: L. trans-— versarium, Bosc, is Cauloglossum transversarium, Fries. And L. cyathiforme, Bosc, I suspect is a state of L. Bovista, Linn. ~~ Dr. Muhlenberg established the fine genus, Glonium. Beyor this I am not aware that he added anything new. ead? The largest additions to the knowledge of Fungi in this coun- _* try were made by the learned Schweinitz. He had already ac- _* quired a European reputation by a valuable local work on Fungi, . prepared by himself and Albertini It is in this department of botany that he was especially skilled and successful, though he is » generally better known among us for his investigations in other orders. In 1820, he published in the Leipsic Transactions, un- ditorship of Schwegrichen, his F'uner Carotins® SupPe- eing an enumeration of. species already published which 1e ha ‘detected in North Carolina, with description’ of new ones. The number of species in that paper is 1373. In 1831, Mr. Schweinitz published in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, a “Synopsis _ Fungorum in America Boreali media degentium.” This in- » cludes all the species of the former paper, and like that, is com- posed of enumeration and description. It includes 3098 species, of which over twelve hundred are given as first discovered by uimself. From these some deduction must be made for bad spe- Mycelia, pseudo-Fungi, and a few already described by Still his additions, confined as his examinations were to stricts, must be considered very large and interesting. me half dozen new genera were founded by this author. The late Mr. Lea of Ohio, had given some attention to this class ts. His small collection was sent to the Rev. M. J. Ber- keley of England. It comprised thirty or forty undescribed spe- cles, part of which have been published by Mr. B. in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany. This accomplished mycologist has also published a few other species from different parts of North America, which have been easily gathered by various collectors. Among them is a species of Cyclomyces—C. Greenei, Berk.—a very interesting addition to our Fungi, discovered by B. T. Greene, Esq., at Tewksbury, Mass. At present [ do not know that any American botanist is giving this obscure but interesting order any special attention, except 1H. W. Ravenel, Esq., of South Carolina, and myself. upon pine logs and stumps. Lycoperdon heterogeneum, tan Contributions to the Mycology of North America, 351 In the present paper are enumerated two decades of Fungi not mere included in any American publication, and one of new They are taken at random from lists of several fee lich will be published from time to time hereafter. To ac- knowledge a heavy debt of obligation, and to insure to the fol- Owing list an authority which I could not myself give it, I ust here state that nearly all the species have passed under the p of my very attentive and generous com Mr. erkele ‘The species requiring el will be Svurell ae others in a future number of the Journal. . AGARICUS RACHODES, ie —Ad radicem arbors mort. Bilebigeneh, N.C. “<2 2. Marasmius HEMATOCEPHALUS, Fries.—Ad t ; fimum ramulosque dejectos in graminosis, Hillsborough: item, Santee Potyporus — Mont. aes ramis emortuis. Hills bed N. C : :. EELGERRHENSIS, Mont.—Ad truncos prostratos pr tim Liriodendri. Hillsborough. 5. P. Sutzivanru, Mont.—In ramis dejectis. Hillborh 6. Hex Santee Canal, 8. C.! Mr. Raven 7. Boterus Saranas, Lenz. —Ad terram in sylvis. Hills- borough. eTus ANANAS, n. sp.—Pileus pulvinatus, crasse ct rigide éifhidoso-floccotus, luteus, ad basin floccorum venis ie vari- egatus; margine tenul; hymenio plano, ad stipitem depresso, sulphureo fulvescente, vulneribus viridescentibu us; tub buli s mediis, obtuse angulatis ; stipite levi, solido, albo ; sporidiis ferrugineis. pecies pulcherrima, subter truncos Pineos prostratos. Aug., Sept. Society Hill, S.C. ; item, Santee Canal! Ravenel. Pileus 3-4 inches broad, 1 thick. Tubes 4 line in diameter. Stipe about 3 inches long, 4—} inches thick, the base somewhat enlarged. In habit approaches B. strobilaceus, Scop., otk very different. 9. posocsieet DIFFORME, F'ries—Ad terram in —_ h ety Hill. dis. Soci . TyPHULA TENUIssIMa, n. sp.—Simplex, gregaria, eo-filiformis, acutissime attenuata, pallida ; ee Faas gro; tuberculo nullo. In foliis putrescentibus Phase Aug., Sept. Society Hill 3-1 inch long, about $ line thie hick. XAGONA eciormmoenirs, Fries.—Ad truncos cariosos. el. % -.” anal, S. C.! ex Ravenel. ty 352 Contributions to the Mycology of North America. 11. Sricris Sestertm, Lib.—In vaginis imis emortuis Andro- pogonis. Santee Canal. Mr. Raven el. # 12. Spermepia T'RIpsact, n. sp. . —Lineari-lanceolata, cate squamosa, pallida, apice fuliginea. EE seminibus Tripsaci.~ Hills- - ‘i boroug : Ebaat 4 inch Re 1 line thick. In texture this is very un= — like 8. Clavu = . Spuxria Norarisi1, Mont.—In ramulis emortuis Gledits- chin et Robiniz. Hillsborough, N. C. a wat 14. Doruipes Prertp1s, Reb.—In frondibus Pteridis aquilinee. ' ‘ Rhode Island. Misit J. Olney. 4 (15. Geaster saccatus, Fries.—Ad terram juxta truncos cari- : osos prostratos. Santee Canal, S.C. Ravenel. —— is a Bra- = zilian species, and an interesting addition to our Flor #. 16. PHYSARUM DECIPIENS, nN. sp.—Adnatum, bibcatr et ovale Vel confluens, inde lineare et reniforme ) olivaceo-virente aves- ah m, indefinite diffractum. Floccis aureis. Sporidiis Ad truncum vivum Quercus. Aug.—Dec. Society { —— han 4a line poms be simple. Morphosis not seen. , Goittisines five to seven rs 17. Sremonrris renerrrma, n. sp.—Sparsa, absque hypothallo ; 4 ‘ peridio ovato, acuto; capillitio sporidiisque pallide ferrugineis ; é stipes 2-3plo longior, subulatus, attenuatus, niger, seri toto penetrans. Ad caules herbarum putrescentium. Society Hill. About a line high. PRP Acuxonoius crisrosus, F'ries.—Ad runcum Quercus pros- tratum. Hillsborough. 19.) ‘HOSPORIUM MACROCARPON, Grev. en ramis variis ‘ emortuis. N. and S. Carolina. y at ea SPORIUM Rateemest n. sp.—Longe effusum, elutinum, fu fusco-olivaceum ; fibris dense aggregatis, oa no- ioe y ae: pete ta ellipti o-oblongis, 3-4 septatis,—Totam ee Indici investiens. ae ta 'N. and 8. 4 This: is so common upon Sporobolus Indicus, that it is diffi- Gilt to obtain specimens not wholly blackened by this Fungus. It is perhaps from this that it has gotten the name of “black seed grass.” ‘The seeds are far from black. 21. Hexicoma Berxeveyi, n. sp.—F'ibris aggregatis, _— ra- mosis, opacis, septatis, flexuosis, fragilibus ; sporis coideis, reniformibus, opacis, multiseptatis ; sporidiis jecoetis ea sece- icem et lig num Corni fect & Liquidam- , Society Hill ; item, Salicis Babylonice, Santee Canal; Doptiting ‘as black spots of two lines to several inches i flocci invisible to the naked eye. 22. 'TRIPOSPORIUM ELEGANS, Si Sar caules tein in u quis uiliis. Society Hill. RB. AspercILLus maximus, Lk.—Ad Polyporos mucidos. So- jety Hill. * 24, Orr PULVINATUM, n. sp.—Cespitulis pulvinatis, com- pactis, primo ochroleucis dein aureis ; floccis fertilibus in articulos globosos ovalesque Saat —Ad ligna putrida, Society Hill; nel. item, Santee Canal ; Tufts Sar are 1-2 tiles broad and high, sometimes confluent. An elegant speci ‘25. Pesva.ozzia PEZIZOIDES, De Notaris.—In ramis morty os Vitis riparize. Hillsborough. , 26. Areema mucronatum, D. C.—In foliis Rosrun. borough. _ 27, Puccinta AmorPH#, n. sp.— ve mphigena. Soris sparsis et approximatis in macula flavescente, subrotundis, nigris ; sporidiis compactis, st ga a raro globosis, in medio constrictis, opacis ; ihe Hill; item, A. i sem Santee Canal, Ravenel.—Sporidia re- markable for a loose transparent vesicular ot6) epidermis often en- closing and bordering the opake nuc 28. CRONARTIUM ASCLEPIADEUM, Kunze.—In foliis Comptoniz. Hillsborough. 29. Urepo Piacenns D. C.—In foliis Amygdali Persice. Society Hill. 30. Urepo Hyprinis, n. sp.—Sparsa et fasciculata, maculis emarcescentibus ; pseudo-peridia parva, convexa, rotunda vel ob- longa, lutescen tia. Sporidi a ochroleuca, ovalia obovata et s globosa, minima, subpellucida, (sporidiolis farcta?) raro subp cellata.—In utraque pagina foliorum, in caulibus, bracteis, busque, os radiate. The nearest affinity of this species seems to be ble a Lab’ tarum, D. C.—Santee Canal, Ravenel. Sxconp Serizs, Vol. VI, No. 18.—Nov., 1848. _ 46 ofa ana heat a val pedicello brevi aut nullo. Ad folia Amorphe herbacee, Society , ’ 3 : Pores) acca d Arr. XXXIV.—Geology of South Alabama ; by C. 8. i.» ; Mobile. se, otk Or the three sa included in the tertiary system, the up- — per, m iddle and lower,—or agreeably to the nomenclature of Mr. Lyell, rhe pliocene, ‘miocely and eocene—only the last has been found with certainty to exist in Alabama ; and even this appears to be limited to the older portion of the series. For certain de- posits of this formation, which occur in the Carolinas and Flori ma contain fossils specifically distinct from those of the Ae beds, and which evince that the former pPomtities embrace a newer | part of the series | The geographical limits of the formation, on the north, may | be defined by an imaginary line passing between the Upper and Lower Peach-tree landings, on the Alabama river; through Mos- cow on the Tombecbee, thence by the Suearnochee creek, through Kemper and Carrol counties, Miss., to Arkansas state, id to Natchitoches on the Red river. On the south, the last of the coralline white limestone beds disappear beneath the 4 ng sands and clays near the junction of the Alabama and Tombecbee rivers. And on the Mississippi the equivalents of these beds terminate near its junction with the Red river, forming a zone about sixty miles in width. : The surface of this region is generally very uneven, consisting principally of the white limestone beds, which have been furrow- ed out into detached precipitous masses, laying bare, in many instances, the subsequent strata, and the whole i is often covered by more recent deposits of sand and cla The following is the order of the eocene series of Alabama. ' a ae Clay bed. a: a an shells. : d 4. Clay bed with oysters. | 4 eh. play arenaceous limestone. Section of the Claiborne : “ bluff. The best natural section of foes: beds occurs at Claiborne, and may be regarded as normal deposits. This cliff which is nearly two hundred feet in height, includes the entire series of the formation with the exception of a few strata at the.two eX- mes. ~ The basal bed of the cliff which may be seen here at extreme | low water, is a sandy deposit, partially developed at this locality, i but in other places it exhibits very decided characteristics, as an | important part of the group. We have identified its existence fale on the Geology of South Alabama. 3565 through a wide ge Its northern outcrop may be ge. 7“ “blufls, on the two main water |

copper mine nae at present south of the Bidssrs: Trot though also abundantly found looked. Coal has been discovered in different localities in the Raton mountains, near the village of Jemez, southw st of San ina place south of the Placers, ete. Gypsum, Soth omens and se- lenite, are found in large apaniitics in Mexions extensive layers of it, I understood, exist in the’ mountains near A godones, on the Rio del Norte, and in the neighborhood of wridelygugaitot #ed over both continents, and the Atlantic, Paci - Aretic oceans, and embraced an aggregate period of over two’ thousand peas “7 i ve | a dred and fifty fixed stations, beside numerous voyages tours— more extensive collection, he — than had ever “efore ‘een brought together for the pur He next pointed out the witha’ he adopted to determine from these observations, the mean course of the wind, which was the same as that by which the traverse of a ship at sea is resolved. By the aid of extensive diagrams he then proceeded to establish the fact that between lat. 334° and lat. 60°, there is a general current from the west, (a rather from a little to the south of nese) extending entirely - round the | , but that as we approach those limits (particularly on for the Promotion of Science. 399 the south) it gradually ae its decided character, and at the limit all trace of a fixed directi isappears, the current»at any place being paced entirely by ina influences, This he illustrated by a sepa- rate diagram of the winds y Augusta,Georgia. After passing this imit on the south, he showed that a current from the opposite direction sets in, which, as we sober radually assumed a more decided char- acter till we come fully within the limits of the trade winds. He allu- d, in passing, to a peculiarity in the winds west of the Mississippi, tween ° - t. new and lat. 40°, as explaining the tracks of storms | in those-re North of Cisaia pa pe Oe bn there are. ee tions ‘that the strong ‘current that co s down from the nort Pe arly: ir regions veers toward the west; oho esjabljahing a third eyes, ‘which breaks up about at latitude. 60°. . The alent at various pan in hac wad westerly systems o He next spoke of the relative Pres of the different winds, showing how far the general results are modified from ‘this cause. After remarking that he was-compe elled for want of time to a met eral matters embraced in the report, he “closed with an thanks to the numerous friends who had aided him in ee ibe essary data, and whom he mentioned by name, with the kind of aid received from each, _ M.F '. Maury, U.S.N., on the Winds and, Currents of the Ocean.— y reminded the Association, that in'1844, they appointed a com- mittee resent to the Secretary of the Navy, the importance of the s which our armed cruisers might render to the cause of ie : ason was a ma of sco aind and liberal views; he received the representations of > as a friend of science and a statesman shou to the impulse thus given, that Lt. Maury had been cane e. sony out a plan which he had long entertained, of construct- Prats Series of charts which should give to each navigator the benefit of the combined experience of all who had gone before him, as to the winds and currents in every part of the ocean. Charts pi this plan, of the North Atlantic, were paenios before the epee hey are so constructed as to shew at a glance the sammie winds, currents, temperatures, &c. fot every month in all parts of * ocean. The characters or symbols for the winds are so contrived, th at they shew at once both the direction and strength of the wind. a To obtain the results exhibited before the Association, involved im- mense labor: many Gieew old log-books had been overhauled, and — the records of each as to winds, temperature of the sea, variation of 400 Meeting of the American Association the compass, and force and’set of currents, compared with all the rest : but the results 'werevof high interest and great value. They shew that the trade winds in the North Atlantic blow with much more regularity fy the ats are to windward ; while in the former, they are to lee- vac ‘ew also shewn that the trade winds prevail more from the on i th American, than uid do on the African side ; s ¥° that an. same parallels in other parts of the ‘ocean, piney are regular sonnet and southwest Pagan He pointed out the usual route of PeeY bound across the pare from the United Skater and’ shewed that it. is over towards the coast of Africa, near the Canary and Cape de Verde islands. It lies through igators. He had received the returns of#seven who had tried it; and the average length of their voyage to the ts ge was ELEVEN Ps than the ererage by the usual 'r ute. have no real existence. He is p preparing i a list of such as m sed from.the chafts of the North Atlantic hores of South America, between’ the parallels: of ometer. covered the Gulf Stream, Chaslestpn had more. rt eo trade than Kewl, Mi and all the New England states together. Charleston then was hed he get refreshed ~ the oat warmth of its waters, as now does, she put off for Charleston or the W est Indie mained ti ‘- return of spring before making are re- for the Promotion of Science. 401 New York now has more ee aeado in a week than Charleston has ina year. Perhaps Dr. i agence and Jers emiah Thompson & Co. w acket-ships, may be regarded as the two most powerful ane of the many concerned in this revolution. The frequent and general use of the water-thermometer by naviga- tors, is the only means by which we can arrive at a proper knowled of at pe —— of the _— of the currents and isothermal The Bircaty of the Navy has authorivied copies of these charts to be given to-every navigator who would return to the National Observa- tory, according to form, an abstract of his voyage. Several thousand sheets of the chart have.alre oe been distributed upon these terms, and there are now engaged upon all parts of the ocean, hundreds of ves- sels making and noord: PLE for ihis work. Never before was such a corps of observers Known. The commercial marine of no country can boast of more accomplished “— than thove of the United States. The iegpoctate of simultanegus observations in all parts of ocean, was dwelt upon with much ohare ness. The field is as wi as the ocean, and there is room in ¢ for taultftodes of laborer: The work is not exclusively for the bené of any one nation or agr and it was suggested w whether the states of Christendom mig t not be induced to cooperate “by, their navies in the undertaking. . The next 1 meeting of this Association, ees adjo al to Cambridge, M n the 2d Tuesday (14th) of August, 1849. Presid, es Shand y; Secretary, Dr. Jerrries Wyman. — character of the Philadelphia meeting—the great i st it has excited in the minds of those who were present é piaee offered by Cambridge to draw together men of the g acscash, to prepare a full report of all the papers read befor ir several meetings, and to submit them to a Pub- lishing ee, Who are charged ‘with the i tea of a volume befote th the Featous, will be published, unless the same have been furnished or approved by the authors. It is hoped that anothe year may enable the Association to publish a volume with | memoirs and reports, as well as abstracts. For this purpose, @ much more general enrollment of members will be The present session of the Association lasted five days, during which time, three daily sessions were held, in the halls of the University “of Pennsylvania on Ninth street. Become prow Vol. VI, No. 18.—Nov., 1848. Arr. EP mortage ee —"* by Cartes Urnam wider MD: < [Read before the American Association for the Promotion of ee at ; Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1848.) 4 Hivinc oo ciel the description of the meteoric iron- ‘masses of the United States, it now remaihs to describe the American meteoric stones. Asa result of new observations respecting these hodies generally, it becomes necessary to propose a nee modi- fication of the reer 2 previously adopted. : “Chass Il. Stony. : 4 {gs St lowa.. Section 1. Fine grained. ; Tétineeese’ Section 2. Coupe gained} ching, Vac : Bishopsvill, 8.0. Piorabeocs Thal Bokkeweld, South’ “Alri . ‘ ha a Tie Chantonnay, ie ® ae ~ Prvatice-Tilce, ? : & a.. Waterville, Me. b. Concord; N. H. The localities to be. described ae the above with the dates of fall, &c., are as follo a5 e. Cuass IL. Weight about 75 Ib ‘Fell May 20, 1848, "Described by Suer- 22 4 Weight 1 ree i 3, Nanjemoy, Maryland: Fell Feb. 10, 1825. Described by Carver and Cuitton. Weight about 16 Ibs. 4, Sumner Co., Tennessee, Fell May 9, 1827. Described by SEYBERT. Weight 11 lbs. Forsyth, Georgia. Fell May 8, 1829, Described by Su Sen., and Sueparp. wale about 36 De: cas. oe obleboro, Maine. Fell Des ibed AND and Wes ’ ~ . ‘ Report on Meteorites. 403 7. Little Piney, ~_— F ‘ Feb. 13, 1839. Described by Herrick and SHep Veig ht lbs. ‘ht about 50 Section 2d. Cadrse grained. e 8. Weston, Connecticut, Fell Dec. 14, 1807. Described by Sinuiman, Sen. ., and Kinesiey. Weight about 300 Ibs. 9. Richmond, Virginia Fell June 4, 1828. Described by Sueparp. Weight %e Order 2d. 10. Bishopsville, South eta Fell March, 1843. Deseri- bed by Suerarp. Weight 13 lbs. ee ee APPENDIX. a. Waterville Maine. ae March, 1843. Described by Sueparp. Weight gent 4 b. Concord, New mpshire, Fell Oct., 1846. Deserta Suton, Jr. Weight.3704 gr Before treating of these he ae it must be ob: aration from the common voleanic iiitierad (as well as “tim te st = hd The fatine turns blacle, reat fuses. easily before the blowpipe ; while the latter grows pale and is. infusible. Olivinoid is more easily attacked bythe acids than olivine :. moreover, it seems most le, from what is at present known of its composition, that the olivinoid i is throughout, a bisili¢ate, and not a simple silicate. I have distinguished another equally abundant earthy mineral i. in meteoric stones as new, under the name of howardite, whic . is detected in consequence of its existing in an almost perfectly ‘ ,* insulated state in the Iowa stone. This will be described t in a i the account now to be given of that meteorite. om a : Linn Co., Towa. I have given the principal facts eeeuaine the fall of stones at this locality, in the Amer. Journ. of Science, ii ser., Vol. iv, p. 288. It is only peuieied to add, that the small sri seen to fall, was picked up on the’ land of Mr. Daniel C. Ro: situated on section 21, township 82 north, range 6 west. larger” portion of the ‘fallen meteor*was fou nd in sec from a mile to a mile and a half, west. ‘This consisted | masses and not as first supposed, of the fragments | yf eee ae stone. The larger of the two (whose weight was estimated at _— 40 lbs.) was cracked through the centre, by its fall upon e frozen ground. One of these halves (weighing 21 lbs. 7 02.) is in my possession. ‘The smaller perfect stone is represented, by the finder of it, to have been pyramidal in its shape ; and to have gore not far from 10 inches in length, by 8 at its base, and at the smaller extremity. It was completely coated by a black crust, like the other two stones. This stone (as well as one-half of the larger mass) has been broken up, and for the most part en- tirely lost. The few fragments of it in my possession, s ciently evince that it differs in no sensible manner from the otfier two, which are now to be more particularly described. The smaller stone will be best described, by comparing it to a short rectangular prism (the longer side measuring 4 inches, the ta ‘24 inches) surmounted at one extremity by a four- mid of unequal and much curved faces, and terminated at the Stic end by an obliqne, waving plane, upon which the ‘stone is most conveniently placed for inspection. When in this position, the apex of the pyramid. is 34, inches from the. base. ‘The angles and edges of the mass, as is usual in such bodies, are rounded and blunt. It has but few depressions in its surface. The crust is perfect in its continuity; and is smooth and black, though not shining. ‘The stone weighs 2 lbs. 8hoz The large mass (of 21 lbs:.7,0z.) is an roksiatien slnpeds Some sided pyramid, the summit of which, in place of being a point, — is an edge of four’or five inches in length. ‘The base of the a pyramid is formed by the fractured surface, which is nearly plane, and strikingly resembles the,.face produ iced by fracturing a simi- larly sized block of fine oe granite: »'The natural outside of ed stone strong, "hile its line of junction. with she same, fe “C tly defined throughout. When narrowly observed, it 18 discovered that the surface of this crust is divided off, by cracks, into po ygonal se of from 4 to $ an inch in diameter, a con- sequence no doubt of sudden coolin The color of the stone within, is an uniform pearl grey. A closer inspection renders visible specks of iron rust, (though less abundant than common,) and numerous highly brilliant globules of. nickeliferous iron. It requires a still nearer search to magnetic pyrites, which is far less abuindant than the metallic Blackish veins and. glazed joints are nearly obsolete in wa stones. T’he same may be said of the little ovoid mass- vhich are also se frequent in most other stones. ‘The most remarkable feature of the Iowa stone, however, con- sists in the homogeneousness | of its earthy composition. It ap- rs to contain but a single mineral species of this description, and this is one which, though perhaps the most common in other oor stones, has until now escaped a separate recognition. I have therefore ventured to bestow upon it a distinct name, th of howardite, in honor of an individual whose - early scienti labors in this seiack of meteorology, rank next in ee to those of Chladni himself. “he proportions of the igen: in of a appa the following : . Howardite, » é Peg ‘ » 83:00 Niekel-iron, ‘ siete See 10:44 prs 5: Magnetic pyri Olivinoid and Anortvit, : traces. A portion of the stone was ‘seepihiy cleared of the nickel-iron by means of the magnet, which however was inadequate to the separation of the pyrites. “The stone (well cleared of foreign substances) fused easily be- fore the blowpipe into a black, scoriaceous glass, which was af: tractable by the magnet. -'The powdered stone (cleared-of the nickel-iron as above) real ily yielded to the action of warm dilute hydrochloric acid ; and was quickly brought into solution,,with the separation of floceus lent silica. Its analysis gave the following result: Silicie acid, eras ? . + OG rotoxyd 1 sep ah Pit ‘ » 23°50 Magnesia, : oe coaster hip 1120 Magnetic. virion ‘ ae goss OO Soda and potassa ‘ , et 0:30 99-82 Lime and nickel, KP in traces. les. sod the pyrites, the composition of a mineral may be stated thus sgl Oxygen. Ratio of,oxygen. Silicic acid, . ie 4 @3°06 31-53 3 Protoxyd iron, : iit 3 5-46 1 lagnesia, . ici ¥ 1 “ a} Soda and potassa, : _ dl — Itis therefore a tersilicate of protokyl of iron and magnesia ‘Bedi + Mg Si x io The composition of the emt “approaches very closely a that of iron 86, nickel 14,—a iar alloy, which I have re tofegard as very common in Laie * w 2. Castine, Maine. - ‘ we For description of this stone, see this Journal, u ser., vol. vi, P. 251, 1848. 3. iNilafeey, Maryland. ;' - For a ge Sie of this stone, see this Journal, Vol. ix, p. 351, aid Vol. x, p. 131. Meteoriten von P. Partsch, s. 63, Wien, 1843. Its crust resembles that of the Iowa stone, without however possessing its uniformity of thickness, or its deep black color. . e proportion and mode of dissemination of the nickel-iron and the pyrites, is ho, similar in both; but the color of the earthy miter in the uryland, is several shades darker, and more incli- ning to blue. ‘The iron-rust points are less frequent than in the Iowa meteorite. Like the latter, it is principally composed of howardite ; although rounded grains of olivinoid, to the amount perhaps of 15 per cent,, are distinguishable with the aid of the microscope. . : 4. Sumner Co., Tennessee. For accounts of this meteorite, see this Journal, vol. xvii, p. sca and sey xviii, p. 200. Die Meteoriten, von P. Partsch,.s. 47, ien, 1843, «The it much resembles som the Maryland stone, though it is somewhat remarkable n possessing an uniform brownish black color. Within, the dtctie is of a light grey, more inclining to white than any meteoric stone of the United States, excepting that of Bishopsville. It abounds in pale yellow grains, which are robably olivinoid. In addition also to the howardite, it contains northite in small quantity. The nickél-iron and magnetic py- es are very minutely diffused ; while here and there, little specks f chrome iron may be detected. _5. For orsyth, Georgia. Fora brief notice of this stone, see this Journal, Vol. XViil, p- 388; and Die Meteoriten von P. sch, s. been able to subject it to an iis as well “a to determine its specific gravity more accurately than I had been able to do be- fore. It is 3°52; | ‘It contains the following a: aay Nickel-iron, : oe per cent, Howardite, ; ‘ : Olivinoid, Anorthite; 10 to 15 ‘iis cent. Magnetic pyrites, .- é 2to 6+ © Sr rey at in traces. * Report on Meteorites. 407 The ang “— of uae 2 Tro : 89:00 Niel : ? a 9-60 . Chromium wid Ne Sa Save a 1-40 100-00 F flow mixture of the ey, sitseenie: in the stone, are é oll Silicic Oy... + co 3.6 Oe ‘ Prk sawen;.. A os...» oe Magnésia, .. . . : ba 930 .. oa ime,. ; , 5:30 Alumina, we 1:80 99°73 ay Nobleboro, Maine. Notices of this stone are contained in Vols. vii, p. 170, and 1Sp-p. 400, also in Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, and Die Meteoriten von P. Partsch, s. 29, Wien, 1843. The crust is a perfectly fused and shining glass, similar to the Juve- nas and Stannern stones. The color of the interior is a light ash- grey. When examined by the aid ofa lens, it is found to be highly composite in character, pate the small fragment i in my possession shows neither nickel-iron nor magnetic pyrites. The most — ingredient is howardite, through which are dis- | ns of greenish transparent olivinoid, white par- ticles of ssiasbiee. black grains of chantonnite, and a red color- ed, vitreous, hard mineral, which ayeedie to be either garnet o1 idocra ase. 7. Little Ferg Missduri. ai Brief — of this _— ‘are contained i in Vols. xxxvii, p. I have so ti avored with stot additional particulars respect- ing its fall, from p wl ide in the vicinity of the locality. Bluff, on Gasconade river, Do te came jts size and to those of a blacksmith’s bellows, moving with the large most. A bright light or blaze: was nol om to hover sou ipebesetieemity: of thesinaah, ap hich * P ° down through the space of a few inches. A streak of bright light, 100 yards in length, followed the blaze. Before there was a ’ time to utter a word, the meteor had passed behind a neighboring “; hill, when a loud explosion ensued. Ata place about one mile distant, t, inthe direction of the meteor’s passage; two men were at “work in a field. They heard the explosion, and saw the stone strike the-earth, at a distan¢ée of two hundred yards from where h they were standing, It hit the trunk of a tree, eighteen inches above the ground; and when first discovered, seemed enveloped in‘ssmoke. (The foregoing statement was supplied by Mr. T. MacDonald. » The following letter, dated Sept 12, 1846, describing the enomenon, is from Mr. B. B. Harrison, a merchant residing in Lie Piney, distant about ten miles from: Pine Bluff, where the fell. - “I recollect the state of the weather on the afternoon | of the occurrence. It was perfectly clear and calm oo going | niles east of this pace), the report proceed from the “6 After the ere of some weeks sented with a frag- ment of the stone, which le the place of bs fall. It was at the’ foot of a ill of 3 gradual slope, about half a mile from the Gasconade river, two miles from Pine Bluff post-office, ten miles from: Little “Pines post-office, and the same distance from Waynesville. i. where the stone had struck an : = eighteen inches in ugh not broken. T saw _ the Iowa meteorite, “o> its line of junction with the m 9 g " Report on Meteorites. _ 409 tree. ‘That which I supposed to have been the outside of»the stone, had a dark brown color, and formed.a crust of the thick- ness.of coarsé’ wrapping. paper... It had evidently been exposed to intense heat. The injured side of the see was to the south- west, from which side I was informed that fragments of the stone were prance toa very great othe (three fourths of a mile 6 Those who first visited the place differ greatly as to the weight of the stone, the estimates varying from one hundred and fifty pounds : my own opinion is, that it must have weighed at least fifty pounds. The place not being far from the public road, the fragments were soon gaghered up by travellers, and have been dispersed very widely thro h the country. . It may be proper to add, that I am a native of this place, and that I never saw any other stone resembling the one Isend you, here or elsewhere ; and that. it is quite impossible* to account for the 4 injury to the tree, except on the supposition of its being produced bya stone falling from the atmosphere.’ The following communication. is from M. Frissell, Esq., of Po- tosi, Mo., dated March 12, 1842:—“'The meteor, of which the stone in my possession formed a Part, , passed i in a westerly direc- tion: It, must have been large, and [ presume that the main body passed on, the piece that fell hase formed but a small] me of the whole. ‘I did not witness the meteor. Some persons who did, compared it to a trumpet in shape, moving with the expand- ed end foremost. "The time of i its passage was between two and three o’clock, ». m. . Shortly after it had passed the meridian this place, it exploded with the noise of a heavy piece of ordna at two or three miles distance. I was in my office at the time. My first impression wag, that it was an earthquake. I was soon apprised however of what had passed: through the air, when I came convinced that the: report had proceeded from a meteor. The report was double ; like two cannons fired at nearly the same instant, the second: being louder than the first. The meteor must place. I expected that fragments this immediate vicinity, but the o Bluff, about eighty miles distant.” The crust to this stone has about one discovered was at Pine me thickness as : pea less perfectly defined. Its color is rather less black, and its surface less smooth and duller. Judging from. one specimen + Mr. Frissell was so obliging as to _ me e the sper - Secon Sznies, Vol. VE, No: 18.— ne Ms imen here referred to. 53 ea “ rere oe varies os) 410 Report on Meteorites. in my possession, which exhibits nearly two square inches of nat- ural re it would appear that its surface must have been marked by very distinct depressions. 'The color within also, re- sembles that of the Iowa stone.. The stone consist o - Olivinoid, . ‘ . : AO per cent. Howardite, af an. = Meteoric Iron, : Magnetic Pyrites, ; oe ‘Anorthite, ‘ ‘ . fevak °f Apatite in traces. 8. Weston, ConMecticut. For an account of this stone, see Memoirs of the Connecticut Vol. ‘iii, p. 213% Amer. Journ. Seicnoe; Vol. xxxvii, p. 130 ; Jour- nal de Physique, Vol. xx, p. 429; Die Meteoriten von P. Partsch , s. 41, Wien, 1843. Its crust is thicker than in the majority of our meteoric stones, though less perfectly continuous and well formed,—being rough, dull, and filled with crevices. « Its color is brownish black. When broken, the interior shows occasional joints, with baence 9 ngs. e prevailing color within is a dark pearl gray. tered through the mass, at frequent intervals, are patches of ter color, imparting to it a sub-porphyritic aspect. These t portions do not consist of a perfectly homogeneous mine- but rather of a semii-pulverulent substance, which is probably sing howardite. The main ingredient of the meteorite gray (sometimes greenish evay ) mineral, in rounded ‘grains, appear to be olivinoid. These again are ’ mixed with adie imperfectly formed grains of a lighter colored yellowish ineral Soe stained by oxyd of iror Z his latter substance is is take en for howardite also. Mag an es (less abundant than in to stones) is irregularly dissemm in highly tar- nished gra "Pike nic nic aetna is mo ndant than in any meteoric stone yet described, preséntin not only in little points, in ‘ geet ie and ; of 5 bd ~ a * The striking analogy external. mag yestenigg meteoric ir ly, and bedded masses of. native copper an Id. jlindependeniy of er of te the i minutive cases ere re ofe cd to,) suggests ae tee sathat coe them- selves have, at some period, been embraced in an mae —_ . Report on Meteorites. All . 9. Richmond, ——— ¥ For an account of this stone see. Vols. xv, p. 196, xvi, 191, and Die Meteoriten von P. Partsch, s. 40, Wien, 1843. This small and highly eng stone appears to have been but imperfectly peers by the customary black crust. The natural outside of the fragments which I have examined, pos- sessed the usual preet hness of surface, but were but partially melted. Nor yee that myo perfect coating had ever been attached to the surface. ithin, the general — is a dark ash gray. -Intersperse sed through the mass, howeve freckles of a ‘whiti sh mineral, which are probably nawandise The gray portion consists of olivinoid, and ‘forms at least nine- tenths of the antag portion of the stone. 10. Bishopsvill South Carolina. For my first naval of this, the most remarkable of all the hitherto described “meteorites of the United States, I am in- debted to Dr. J. ©. Haynswo' rth, of | Sumterville, South Caro- lina. His letter to, me; (dated April 7, 1846,) which is ce given, contains all the information respecting its fall ich I have thus far been able to obtain. “I have in possession a meteoric stone which fell in March, 1843, near Bishopsville, in the northern part of Stitnter District. The passage of the meteor and its explosion were witnessed by many spectators, over a region of country of thirty or forty miles in diameter. The descent of the stone itself also, was observed by a number negroes. Their terror ‘was so great on seeing the excavation produced, the scattering of the soil, and more than all, by the in supportable sulphurous odors with ‘which the air was ‘filled, that they fled in a panic from ‘the field, On the following morning, however, headed by a white man they returned to the spot; and after digging three feet or more, in a sandy soil, they came upon the stone which [ now possess. That it is meteoric is as well known as possible perhaps, in the absence of a scientific analysis. It has more the appearance of limestone than of any other rock with which I am acquainted, though it is much heavier than: ulk of limerock. It has, moreover, numerous part ibSlitig oxyd of iron, diffused through it. It is coat dark shining surface, resembling glass that has been : ‘some metallic oxyd. When first dug u th ay to the interior, as portions of the vitreous ¢ ess of moved for specimens, by persons who hav e examined A12 Report on Meteorites. The stone was P Pusat for me by Dr. Haynsworth, and is now in my possession. Its weight. was peo fay ee | shape may be eres of from the “annexed figure $ . i It measures 9 inches in its longest diameter, by 5% and 5, in its transverse dimensions. Ati is*rounded at its thicker extremity, smaller end, which is cbriaaty yramidal, with four sides. This is exhibited in fig, 2, where the stone rests on its side. Being an uncommonly fragile stone, the glazed coating had dis- appeared from the afgles and the ends of the mass, leaving not more than two-thirdg of the surface protected by the original crust, which is generally smooth, of a mottled aspect, the colors being black, white,‘and bluish gray, not unlike certain clouded marbles. The black portions are glossy and obsidian-like, the gray and white for the most part, dull, though the white 1s ga times shining and transparent like enamel on porcelain. traversed by frequent cracks or fissures, which penetrate for some distance into the stone; the walls of these fissures being themselves partially fused for a little way inward from the ex- terior Report on. Meteorites. 413 An interior view of the stone is no less peculiar. The pearly white color of its basis and its feldspathie crystallization, at first view, make it difficult to regard it as any thing else than a de- mposing mass of albitic granite. A nearer inspection, however, outistice the observer, that the. white. substance: (chladnite, which is nearly as tender as Jaumonite ) is ay ils from any terrestrial mineral. It is seen, moreover, to be traversed with little black veins, and here and ‘there to include Matte grains of deeply rusted nickeliferous iron, some of, which are as large asa pea. Black grains and even c rystals of sulphuret | of chromium (schreibersite resembling allanite in form and color) are occasionally visible. Brown colored pyrites, in very mihute quantity, is diffused through the stone ; and especially is it visible in contact with the sulphu- ret of chromium. A peculiar blue mineral (iodolite ), and a honey- yellow one (apatoid), as be as traces of sulphur, are likewise present-in traces in the ston 4 ae 2. a 7 TN - YY WO x , E>, = Ss ' \ \ NS NW Za: Wo : Ss Whenever the stone is broken or rubbed, it emits the odor of sulphurons acid. Water dissolves from it decided traces of hypo- sulphite of soda, hyposulphite of magnesia, sulphate of magne- Sia, chlorid of magnesium, chlorid of sodium, and silicic a The proportions in which the different. visible | mi iii present may be thus ee. eet Chladnite, ‘ ‘ ‘ F 90 per: cent. Anorthite,* isch 6 bt ie species I refer the globular grains of a gra calor. The gible and much harder than ie chladn as In a st pts ml heat, before it turns white upon the edges, slightly vitrifying, bu pes Not eee? "With fbveehs it slowly disappears, without more than tinging the solar of the bead. 414 Report on Meteorites. Nickel-iron, » ee ‘ 2 per cent. Magnetic pac Schreibersite \ " | gat Sulphur, | : ‘ ; Iodolite and apatoid, . The above minerals have been described issenacosamnee’ in my previous report. It only remains to state the results obtained in the analysis of the chladnite. They are the following : ? Oxygen. Ratio of oxygen. . 3. Silicic acid, _ TOAL 35:205 . Magnesia, ~ 28°25 - 14:300° " 1 Soda, - | Be) ws 380 Fp Sitka 100-00 ‘It omens, therefore, of 114 aporne tespiliinti ‘of thagnesia +4 of an atom of tersilicate of s n operating upon the mixed Se tedet of the stone, lime, alum- ina, and phosphoric acid were detected, ingredients which are supposed to have reference to anorthite aid apatite. APPENDIX. I place the two stones now to be mentioned in an appendix, because the evidence of their extra-terrestrial origin is not, in all respects, perfect. While there is much in the circumstances un- der which they were found to countenance their genuineness, there still remain several obvious defects in the testimony upon which this depends; nor is this coe fully” counterbalanced by the nature of the stones themselves Watervilte, Maine ‘my first knowledge of this stone, I am indebted to Prof. is, of Waterville college, Me., who incidentally mentioned to me,/ the meeting. of the Association of American Geolo- ‘gists sin May, 1845, at — Hae Prof. Keely, of Water- ville, had in his possession a portion of a stone that had fallen in that place. The latter psiyclenat has favored me with a speci- men of the stone, and several communications relative to its dis- covery. He observes that its finder was Capt. Josiah Crosby, of Waterville, that he is a good observer of natural phenomena, has paid edinsiderable attention to mineralogy, and that his character is beyond question. His statement is as follows “On a clear, star-light night in Sept., 1826, abo midnight, a luminous age or meteor came from. a southeasterly direction, pparently one-third or half as large as the moon, an proceede pal silanite, (with akind of rushing noise like the ap- | | Report on Meteorites. A15 proach of a high wind,) in a curved line and with a regular mo- tion towards the earth. The light was intense and the tail or train was of a conical form, like the blaze of a lighted candle. It, disappeared from my view, a moment before 1 heard a report, like that of a small cannon. A few days after, about one-third of a mile distant from the place where I witnessed the appear- ance described, I found, as I suppose, a fragment of this meteor.” Several inquiries were, at my request, proposed to Capt. C., to which he replied in the following note, addressed to Prof. K. : “There has never been a glass-house in this section of the state: The nearest ifon works are sixteen miles distant. Common brown earthen ware was manufactured formerly at a place one- third of a mile distant from the spot ina straight line. I have sandy loam. There wasno stone wall, or accumulation of stones within two miles. The specimén, when picked up, appeared to be anewly detached mass. The grass upon which it lay was short and. close to the ground, and was entirely unchanged in ap- pearance.” / ; an Capt. Crosby presented the mass (whose weight appears not to» have exceeded three ounces) to Virgil D. Parris, Esq., formerly a member of Conigress, and now United States.Marshal at Port- land. Mr. Parris gave Prof. Keely the fragment which was pre- sented to me for examination, and subsequently has presented to him the remainder of the: mass. Such is the history of this stone. ‘ Its appearance is that of an imperfectly stratified or laminated pumice stone, with double the ordinary compactness of this sub- stance,—the layers being one-sixth of an inch in thickness. It has very little tendency however to separate at these joints; and their existence even is chiefly denoted by a difference of color: The body of the stone is a light ash-grey, while at and near the joints it is iron-black. Indeed the powder ofthe black matter is attracted by the magnet. ‘The outside. of the stone has evidently? undergone fusion, subsequently to the interior; and is coated by a thin red-brown crust. It is too vesicular in its texture to allow of a satisfactory determination of its specific gravity. = The stone is composed of the following ingredients: Silicic acid, ‘ ‘ : : ; 70:00 ~ otoxyd iron : : ine . aaa. CC Magnesia, a Gar - . 259 Lime, , . . . £. nl . + A16 ' Report on Meteorites. ' : a Concord, New Hampshire. For a description of this stone see Vol. iv, ii ser., p. 353. In his account, of this’ body, Prof. Silliman has made an ‘fits ence in favor of its meteoric character, founded upon the suppo- sed identity of its composition with the Bishopsville stone, or rather with the chladnite, which forms 90 per cent. of this stone. o far as the elements are concerned in the two “bodies, the anal- ogy is striking; but the analysis of chladnite, (not then publish- . ed ») on which [ asserted that it was a tersilicate, was based on [homson’s view of the constitution of silicic acid, whereas Prof. Silliman has adopted the atomic weight of Berzelius. ‘The results of analysis, however, placed side by side, stand thus: — Concord ‘Stone. _Chiadnite. Silicic acid, 84-973 70° gee ¥ 12-076 98-25 2-218 1:34 99-767 100-00 In addition to the analogy of elements found in the composi- tion’of these substances, it remains to’be stated that there is a manifest resemblance between the melted surface of the Concord ‘stone and certain ‘parts of. that of the Bishopsville meteorite, in color, lustre, translucency, and hardness, as well as in bik before the blowpipe. The extra-terrestrial origin of meteoric stones and aa ae seems likely to be more-and more called in question, with the ad- vance of knowledge respecting such ee and as additions continue to be made to the connected sciences; I may therefore take an early. occasion to present the Atsbciasion with some | views, founded in part upon Biot’s theory of the aurora borealis, ospheric accumulations of meteoric dust, (a single case being recorded where the area must have been thousands of square miles in extent, and where the pero of earthy matter precip- itated must have been from 50 to 100,000 tons in mater a Great electrical excitation is known to accom eruptions, which may reasonably be su posed to occasion some che eet nges in the volcanic ashes ejected ; these being — by the ascensional force of the eruption into the regions — magneto-polar influence, may there undergo: @ species of Report on Meteorites. AIT magnetic analysis. The most highly magnetic Sguents, (iron, nickel, cobalt, chromium, &c.,) or compounds in’ whic se | predominate, would thereby be separated, and become suspended in the form of metallic dust, forming those coltimnar clouds so a often illuminated in auroral displays, and whose position con- forms to the direction of the dipping needle. While certain of the diamagnetic elements, (or combinations of them,) on the | other hand, may under the control of the same force be collected | into different masses, taking up a position at ae angles to the former, (which Faraday has shown to be the fact in respect to such bodies,) and thus produce those more or less regular arches, transverse to the magnetic meridian, that are often recognized in the phenomena of ‘the aurora borealis: Any great disturbance of the forces maintaining these clouds of meteor-dust, like that produced by a magnetic storm, mig lead to the precipitation of portions of the matter thus suspended. If the disturbance was confined to the magnetic dust, iron-masses would fall ; if to the diamagnetic dust, a non-ferruginous stone ; if it should extend to both classes simultaneously, a blending of the two characters would ensue in the precipitate, and a rain of ordinary meteoric stones would take place. As favoring this view, We, are struck with the rounded, hail- stone-like form of many of the See of comporeed (even paar >positor' Szcoxp Pin VI, No. 18, Nov., 1848. 54 = «ll 418 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. =. I. CuemistTry AND Puysics. - ee ige camer on, &c.; by M. es (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., Feb., 48.)—Previous as perlaidiipe™ ave Meleraitedthe amount of setae by thermometers at different distances from the ground, the lower thermometer being surrounded by the radiating substance. The lower strata of air being cooler than those above, reduce the temperature of the lowet thermometer—while the naked instrument having itself'a high radiating power, does not Corey indi- cate the temperature of the air in which it is place os avoid these sources of error, the instruments shoyld be placed at level, and that intended to. measure the loner of t air should his its radiation reduced toa minimum. As metal foil can- not be applied ne ni the bulbs, the author devised hee following mode of experimentin A sound bottle’cork is pierced with a hole to admit the stem ‘of a reba which is fe through until the bulb is within } of an inch of the cork. It must then be fastened.with @ little wax and with wedges of rok The oon which should be marked upon the tube is taken off oma piece of paper and transferred to a thin slip of ivory. This is then fastened in a slit in the cork so that it shall coincide with the scale on the tube, and secured ‘in its ccs allt end of the The instrument thus prepared 5 Nee priv by experiment to be almost free from the influence of radiation, and pad ot ree a true measure of the temperature of the air—on the other hand a coating of lampblack raised the ‘radiation to a maximum. In the use of these thermometers, eos were placed » horizontally i in tin vessels, hav- ing the form of a truncated cone two inches in diameter below, and seven inches above, shou four inches deep, and supported on three feet formed by thin"tubés of-sheet tin two feetlong. A hole at the side with a short tube to embrace the cork, allowed the introduction of the ag its bulb being in the centre of the dish, and at little dis- tance from the bottom ; plates of tin served as covers. We ‘se been thus particular in describing these instruments, as they are decidedly the most suitable for this kind of i investigation, which have ever been described. Two thermometers furnished with polished caps, “Whed a third with one coated with lampblack, were exposed in the tin vessels, — While covered, Sr stood atthe same height, but when the covers were re- ee m one of the two with polished caps and from the third, the at ‘tent with lampblack) immediately fell, and in ten minutes: 4 | alee re Dhcdalale. i a. he a Se ee Chemistry and Physics. A19 was 3°°4 Cent. ey tbeniae two, which remained stationary. This that the tin vessels completely cut off the radiation, k,) and that the polished caps had the same effect. radiation of silver was determined by two ther- mometers cana with that metal—onena coyered, a oat in an d the: ird that of caeee ack. ‘The results of a series of. care- ful stecrvaMenie the radiating power of silver 3:026, that of lamp- black being 100.—being not far from the recent determination of MM. de la Provostaye and Dessains, by a quite different method. One eee precaution to be observed ‘in all tuna experiments is suggested by M. Melloni, we believe for the first time hou sahasteinont except at some distance from the ground and in dry weather—otherwise. the instruments soon become bedewed, and the high radiating power r of water soon brings them all:to the same degree, whatever be the nature of the c If the stems are left uncovered, the pecmometsrs are cooled down the bulb, and the same effect will be noticed. The radiating . power of the ialening substances was 9 obiginal by Pi, 2 them to the ¢aps of the thermometers. Lampblack, . . 10: Isinglass, : Repeat Carbonate of ee. ft, a tlass, 4 : eB Varnish, — ..9F “Platnbago,. "sO The followi mparisoys were ma de by placing the substances i alittle heap one bottom of ‘the tin dish, and high enough just ic cover the cap of the thermometer. Lampblack, .° . ~~ . 100. Gaerdiat of poplar, . 99 Smooth leaves from vari- “© “pahogany, 95 ous plants, —_«. : Silicious ~ .: on Leaves of elm and poplar, 101. Mould, : . oe The portion of the sky concerned in the radiation is included within 30° or 35° of the zenith. Even ints pape this a but little in- terfering effect. That radiation takes place not ult, from the sivkace but from the parts beneath, was proved me the greater radiation,of several coats of varnish than of a single on This explains a phaijementn which has been brought as an argument against Wells’ theory. It is objected that very thin bodies, such as spi- der webs, should recover their temperature from the air as fast as they lose it by radiation. Hence such substances should not be covered by the dew. But spider webs are notoriously productive of dew. M. Mel- loni contends that the piers) radiate from all portions of their ‘substance, and therefore lose much more than they can receive, in Peer ton to. br ‘bodies. A long continued course of experiment has satisfied M. Melloni, that the amount of sage is —_—? —— far teo high—that while under certain circumstance an be. cogled, to o 8° Cent. below the temperature of char air rane or five «iti general the effect of Re ae ee i dl # 420 Scientific Intelligence. radiation is tovreduce the temperature of vegetation, &c., not more than 2° Cent. below that of the surrounding air. The dampne ss of the air is such as readily to allow of the deposition ‘of dew with even this small change ther i important conclusion of our author, is a confirmation of the law a announced by Wilson, that the loss of heat —_ “oeneeey in a calm, clear night, is uniform at all temperatures of the a The sree le of this investigation, while it corrects pa ‘inaccuracies and improves the methods of experiment, in every respect confirms the theory of dew, laid down by Wells. G. C. ScHaEFFER. 2. On the pat sn oma the Organic Alkalies; by M. Aue. Lav- rent, (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., May, 1847.)—This distinguished shemist has sliced the vegetable: alkalies, since much uncertainty ; prevailed as to their true formule, and as or many o of them, formule have been oie sat heeeadian to the views of M. Laurent, can- not represent any pound. The error in most cases arises = fact, i a aiflerence of -002 to ‘003 of hydrogen is sufficient nge their constitutio kan sarees of a mrodiication of the usual process for organic analy- has found that he can determine the hydrogen to 001. By this process, the following formule were establishe We give the ogee adopted by the author, as a translation to our system would in some cases involve: the use of fractions. It is only oe to seienaaiae that Hy and N, of the French authors, are H and with Quina C,,H,,N,0, Narcogenina C NO Cinconia C,,H,,N, oO Opiant acid cher : Morphia C,,H,,NO, Opianate of amm. €, oH we 0, Quinoleina C, H, N Hemipinie acid epee Oe phi Canetti Ns Hemipinate ofam.C,, ae N, Og icryle H, ;O, tarch ee ¢ Pe a Narcoting C,,H,,NO, ~-Pyroxyline. , C,,H,,N, O27 Cotarnina G3. HN 0, oni sar: -C.5. 3. eeeeciee on the Chemical Sane of Asparagine and As- partic Acid; by:M: R. Pairta,((Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., Feb., 1848, trans. aoe te sled: )—The shat ptestee of M. Piria’s remarkable discoveries in relation to these ~— —_ already from time to time appeared in various journals ;. but w w for the first time find | ™ complete memoir, of which we shall jane a brief abstra were allowed termini ina snigeniionte When the plants hese were purified by two or three re-crystallizations from of uncommon beauty, not unlike those of sugar ¢ cnn . Copper vessels impart a blue tint, and sulphuretted hydrogen causes me to disappear. The product of asparagine i is er. per cent. for the ve The same quantity was obtained from the plants germinated | in the light ; ae ae Chemistry and Physics. ' AQT but none from the seeds themselves, nor from the plants when the flow- ers had formed. composition is C,(H, Cu 6—ihat of asparagine free from water of crystallization, C, H, N,O,. ‘The asparagine may be obtained un- altered from this substance, by the use o ‘ similar compound with potassium has been noticed in this Journal for March, 1847, p. 258 Action of Ferments.—Under the influence ef an azotised prin in the plants, the impure asparagine in solution, or the juice its dergoes fermentation, emitting a putrid odor; and there is found re- maining a quantity of succinate of ammonia, formed by the fixation of Asparagine C, Hy Nz 0,-+2HO-+H, = C, H,,.N, Og succ. amm. Action of Acids and Alkalies.—It is well known that these agents decompose asparagine into aspartic acid C,H, NO, and ammonia— 2HO being added. ; ‘ incorrectly stated that concentrated hydrochloric acid produces _M. Piria proved the analogy of this reaction of hyponitric acid upon oxamid, succinamid and butyramid. In all cases nitrogen was giv- en off, and the oxalic or other acid remained in solution. Urea too is transformed, as is well known, into nitrogen and carbonic acid. The remarkable facility of this decomposition, which t lace even in the cold solutions, is strikingly contrasted with the tedious and to make allowance for the oxy some instances take place ; but Ce ee 422 ° Scientific Intelligence. e oxydation i nitric-acid has been well investigated for most of the he presence of Copper in the Bodies of Anima abe M Descuanrs, (Comptes Rendus, Jan., 1848.)—This metal is sige esent in most of the formations in the vicinity of Paris, and seems to be derived from the decomposition of cupriferous sulphuret of iron. It is taken from the soil by plants, and from them by men and animals Copper and also lead are received in part from cooking utensils, &c. Soils free from copper soon obtain a portion by manures, &c. Carbonate of ammonia is the means of carrying copper from the soil intto plants, and in the azotised compounds of this metal, seems to-en- ter by a replacement similar to that which takes place in certain am- salts. ese area few ye = duaioniods drawn by M. Deschamps from his curious investizati . CO. ; 5. On the Ba oe "of siroandet in certain Chalybeate Waters; by M. Aupovarp, (Comptes Rendus, Jan., 1848: and by M. Fitnot, ourn. de Pharm. et de Chim., Jan., 1848. )—Both of these authors ve proved the: existence of arsenic in very minute quantities in cha- lybeates. The latter found the deposits, from springs of the Pyrenees. to contain from 0°03 to 0-058 per cent. of arsenic, and sometimes a trace of copper. Both remark tha this: minute quantity can never give rise:to mistakes in case of poiso Can it have any effect pen the eee properties of the waters in which we is found?] } .C.8 . Ona ew method of analysis of Inorganic matter in Bloo on the etait dk presence of several metals in this fluid ; a (Comptes Rendus, Jan., 1848. )—The blood is received in a taining about three volunies of one of blood, and ‘te ce into a flask containing chlorine. The organic matter immediately co- agulates, changes color and loses all traces of organization. By ex- er the clot and washing, the whole inorganic m ate is i is found in the clear and limpid solution. Not m one per \ cent. of organic matter is carried off in solution. The me lek nee chlo- rine is complete in two or three minutes ; the separation of the iron —_ way is therefore a neat class experiment. The saline e ingre be ignition. are examined as usual. Of this residue, 100 496 a Silica, from 1 ‘to 3 Copper, from 25. 4 Lead, e Pi BEB Magnesia, +f os ‘e erat ae Experiment shows that these metals, like iron, are found only in globules. .'This method of a: is suggested as suitable for all 2 fluids, &c. of the animal economy. € most repulsive matters furnish Fagartpiny Se a sy saline prc a G. C. 5. de of estimating the Sulphur in Organic Substances ; by H. Wripenevios, (Chem. Gaz., June, 1847, from Lieb. Ann.)— The substance is heated with the strongest nitric acta, and an excess of nitrate of baryta, until all organic matter is destro oyed. The mass is dried ina oe dish at 212°,and then fused, avoiding a deflagra- tion. used: mass is tovbe treated with dilute acetic acid, and heat- ed to aaieith carbonate“of baryta: After filtering and washing, a se- cond treatment with —_ acid furnishes the miphete of baryta ig a fectly pure ate Y a Chemistry and Physics. . 423 8. Preparation of pure Barytic oe and Salts of Baryta; by H. WAackeNnroper, (Chem. Gaz., July, 1847.)—Mix intimately 240 grms. of finely ground sulphate of ‘baryta, with 60 grms. rosin and 20 grmns. powdered charcoal. Heat to redness from half. to three quarters ’of an hour. Salts of baryta are prepared by precipitating the solution of nate of soda. id pure, crude muriatic acid is added to the solu- tion of sulphuret to slight excess ; the precipitated sulphur, sulphate of baryta, &c., is filtered off, and the solution eyaporated nearly to dry- ness. The impurities remain in the mother-liquid ; adhering chlorid of iron is removed by a faint red heat. Barytic water is prepared as usual by‘oxyd of copper. If this metal is found in the liquid after boiling, a small quantity of recently pr itated hydrated oxyd. of silver, or its carbonate, will on digestion 1 Te- move the copper and hypo- sulpburous acid. * The originality of this process, is in the use of rosin and pow odie charcoal instead of meal, and also in’a less degree of heat than is usually recommended. About — the «sulphate is go are The remainder can be used over again 9. On the Fusion >of Rocks; by A. " DEnEsss, (Jour. dé” Pharm. et de Chem., Jan., 1848.)—The author has observed that the i igneous rocks on fusion undergo a diminution in ser 25 when they cool-into a vitri- ed mags, which is the greater in amount as thé rocks contain more silica and alkali, and less when more rods rats or alumina are pi rt. a a rule, the older rocks, as granite, &c., decrease most in e order is néarly that of their age down to the most modern shes which undergo but little change. This is of course a the order of their fusibility. uthor suggests _ the- crystallization of these rocks has des Crakaba, the radius of the earth, as a diminution of volume is the inevi- : table ~~ of Sialliaaticn, whether. — fusion or ee pr oe 10. On anew Process for one diferent ‘Metals sae Bra ay, e used, employ a solution in water, composed of 500 parts of carbo- of potash, 20 parts of chlorid | gi bolaars 40 seated ag of ¢, and 250 parts of nitrate of amm : order to obtain bronze, a salt of ere is substituted. for the sulphate neans of these solutions, wrought or cast iron, nec), Jend, ‘ing ‘and the alloys of those metals, either with each other or with metal. The operation is performed at the ordisilian temperature article to be coated is put in communication with the negative on Fi of i, battery, the positive decomposing pole —— ate of — or® ronz found to penetrate pretty deep into the body of the glass, and Loe ea ere identify the diamond with carbon ; but, as‘ always like 424 Scientific Intelligence. Rough cast iron may, by these means, be made to assume a very beau- tiful ‘appearance ; and articles thus coated will be preserved from oxyda- tion in the. interior of habitations. With regard to those intended for the open at they must be covered with a suitable varnish, in order to ese m. This process is recommended by M. Becquerel. . New Property of Coke; by Jamzs Nasmytu, (Mining Journal, lubp. 29, 1848.)—Having just read in your Journal of the 22d, some observations on the important. experiments of M. Jacquelain, in refer- ence to the conversion of diamond into coke, it occurs to me, that it may be interesting to some of your readers to be made aware 0 of a discovery in close connection with this subject, which | made — years ago, and which. Professor Faraday has done me the honor to communicate to the Royal Institution. The g rand distinction sepa ge of M. Jacquelain and mine is ae this, that while he discovers that diamond | can be men into coke, I had long since dis- glass; but it will be found that coke.does not scratch, but rea truly ewts the glass, which any of our readers may prove, by , small fragment of coke, and switching i it at random, across and a a pane of glass while the sun is shining through it, which will the beautifully clear, diamond-like cuts more distinct ; they will be forth most beautiful prismatic colors, as the light of the sun fall: m. So far this m may be all very pretty and interesting, as tendi y ma some application ; for, although I do not expect to see bt ar Ps a inde ‘to cut the glass for the repair of broken Mineralogy and Geology. 425 IL. Mineratoey anv Geoxosy. New te of Idocrase, Anorthite? and Motybdenite ; by Pa J. Hw , (communicated for this Journat.)—During the ) a th covered a new Se very interesting locality of Pitas ‘It is in the n of Sanford, about ells railroad jut and about one mile east setae of hc and a few see of what wil ere prove to Since, this discovery, further exploration has Sesame to light more perfect and ape crystals in white quartz, in the same field, ata Beaakes of of a few By the action cy an 7 hele: ‘the exrbonat of lithe has been removed from several masses, and the er tals of idocrase uncovered Lae | one crystal that was- dud hr broken, is now tw Tf tnt dene in diametér, and four and a half in oe : and there I found molybdenum and the have revaned the well known loéality of ‘beryls at Rovalet on, and is spot I think may now be said to abe _ During these operations, I found four erfatl of feldspar Aon 1ZE auti is was unfortunately broken in the attempt to disengage it; the ter- Bene n of ten inches in length, was however remoyed ie “s en for windows in place of a ee ica ori nace os Ho rand (in a letter to Prof. Sinuiman from T. H. Fercus, dated Westchester, Pa.)— —In an examination of the: 55 Sxconp Senses, Vol. VI, No. a Nor * ‘* greenstone rocks near Boston, two or three years since, I observed the | surface, where long” exposed to the weather, to 86 Boversé with scales — of mica, while the interior did not contain that mineral, but hornblende instead, papreionnr aged that the change had been wrough L by s some action of the atmos selected apeciinaldy from the ‘diferent portions of the rock and from several others, and on my return home one. upon them with the blowpipe: I found that every specimen of lende, whether from the outside or the interior of syenite or any ak which contained that mineral, when presented to the inner flame, gave the result usually described in the books; but weathered particles of the hornblende, in the outer flame, took a lighter color, and when cold, the slightest blow caused them to ses into gold colored scales whieh presented every sore Netiad of m 4. vince in the Wivieess of ee It had remaine lately unobserved beneath a heap’ of stones before the Fie farmer It-has an irregular roundish figure, with many deep én depressions, measures about a foot in diameter, and weighs (appa near two hundred pounds. It is’black on the outside, though coated in Many spots with hydrated oxyd of iron, perfecily egies within, h 0- neous, and of a steel-gray color; and resembles so much in these points, as well as in its malleability, the meteoric iro? of Brau (Bohemia), that, in all probability, it possesses the same che ical position. Pro t. D uflos’ has already detected, in addition to the i presence of ier us, nickel and cobalt. It is soon to receive and complete analysis, Us Bae * 5. Carbonate of Copper i Zinc ; by Prot. A. Connett, (Jameson’s Jour., vol. xlv, p. 36, July 848, }— This carbonate from Matlock has — a_pale green he with | Watioled structure and pearly lustre; it is disseminated i in small portions through the matrix. Analysis afforded esia a om of oy hepa ‘copper and zinc combined with'an atom ana be ah or.2(Ca, Zn) O CO2--HO; but the sma!lness of the quant Pp vented the” seria of the relative quantities of carbonic acid — and water. This aye ag seems to be either identical with aurichalcite or nearly allied to 6. On the Couierenes of Ores of Mercury in the Coal 1 Formation ‘of Saarbrisck ; by Herr Von Decuen, my (Gontoeteal Journal, No. 14, -p. 33.)—In a lecture before the Bidinty of the Lower Rhine, Herr Von ‘Declien notices this singular fact. “These ore S are, in sind: ‘very rare, and, in this place, occur in the upper division of the carboniferous group in beds belonging to the productive coal formation, or even to a er part of the series, in which previously they were’not known to be found in any part of the earth. In this. district they are confined to Its east district of St. W. portion ; Baumholder, in the at endel, being » most western point where they have been | ound, = Kellerberg, * Mineralogy and Geology. anvil Meneheiny 7 throw the mass, it would, to a considerable swat op be carried off by the sco- ria and lost; hence the lead is employed, to collect the particles of silver and thus’ lon an —_ which flows oy at the lower pegs of ‘the smelting furna This alloy is now ncetnned in 1 sballow basin: fatiencnte and whilte in a melted state, strong currents of air are forced over its surface, which po rn the lead and with it all the baser metals, and the silver remains ure ; the, dross being blown away by the draughts Of air. This i is the St procéss ss for the rich ores, and in the works of the English mining company, is, I believe, always employed for their reduction The silver is frequently alloyed with gold, whichy when of sufficient value, is ‘separated at the mint, and after deducting ee the re- mainder is returned in coin to the owners. itt. Zoo.oey. of re Iguanodon, pening enabled the author to” evidence us to the structure of the maxillary organs that gi herbivorous reptile, the see of his investigations are gir ge he mn The first memoir on the teeth of th ee ay Eyeing neg te for 1 ee af 8 ” dition in which ate uy fd ‘* 430 Scientific Intelligence. lands by powerful streams oc currents, nearly a quarter of a century elapsed before any portion of mm retaining teeth was discovered. The most important relic of this kind is described in oo po ea it consists of the anterior part of the right side of ‘the lower jaw, ¢ prising about two-thirds of the dentary bone, and was Jincmveet by Captain Lambart Briekenden, who, in the true spirit of a man of sci- ence, liberally placed it at the disposal of Dr. Mantell, as the original discoverer of the fluviatile origin of the wealden formation of the south- east of England. is bone is eighteen inches long; and if the proportions of the maxillary elements. in the Iguanodon were the same as in the recent Iguana, the entire jaw must have been four feet in length. It contains several of the new or successional ‘teeth in-their natural: ‘position, and there are Pontos in the alveolar plate for nineteen or twenty mature mo- lars; but all these teeth are Wanting, having evidently been dislodged before the bone was imbedded in acstotie: The mature teeth, which in their abraded state resemble those of the’ used molars of SS ae mammalia, appear to have been arranged i in a closely set se teeth in the lower jaw were placed with theirpflat stitch ‘striated face towards the inside of the mouth, while those in the upper were disposed i in the opposite position—namely, with the enamelled ridged’ face of the crown externally ; and the teeth of the upper and lower series were su alga or intermediate‘ in their relation to each other, as in the rumina The anterior i of the lower jaw, which forms the symphysis, pre- sents a most remarkable deviation from all known reptilian types; the alveolar parapet, instead of ‘being moe round the front of the uth, and bearing teeth, as is the case in all saurians, is edentulous; and at the distance of fourvor five iabhes ye the front of the chin, suddenly contracts ina vertical direction, becomes procumbent, and expands horizo ontally to meet the correspo nding portion of the o pposite ramus 0 they jaw: the two symphysial portions when united, forming a déep scoop, bear considerable analogy. to the mics es part the Edentata, especially in the extinct colossal Mylo external surface‘of the jaw there is a row of very large amin and the a eer is also perforated by _blood-vessels and nerves ASIde | e furhor, is now in , Cor Hin th Satoephonl didwet from the examina- er ja and teeth. The author, with the able assistance ed a comparison between the fossil teeth in his own, and in the British Mu with those of FY lizards, and the result of their labors is fully detailed} in this memo The light shed on the stracture and functions of the dental organs Ig: -tanodon by these recent discoveries, confirms in every esse “ater eatae the inferences deduced, oe i Mantell from eh duinchil teeth alone, and detailed in his memoir nd it veals the remarkable fact, that this saurian epitita ual j in in balk domo gigantic ic Megat herium and Mylodon, and , like them, = 3 obtain support by the comminution of vegetable substances, was also furnished ‘witha large prehensile tongue and fleshy lips, 10 seize and retain the pry and young branches ‘which constituted its ood. Among the many extraordinary deviations from known ao i ed by paleontology, there is not one more remarkable than th mot fication of the type of organization peculiar to the class of rept 8 “fl meet the exigencies'required by the economy of a lizard, placed under similar conditions with the colossal Edentata. of the tertiary periods and the herbivorous mammalia of more modern tim mes, ay: esigned to hold the same relative position in the economy ‘of natur ‘From the recently. discovered*specimens, the author ata he has been able to determine that the portion of a lower jaw of a Saurian, with numerous fangs of teeth, described in his memoir in 1845, as probably that of a young lguanodon, belongs toa distinct genus ok the same family ; and he proposes to distinguish it by the name of Regnosaurus aethinintonts ; the specific designation being a tribute of respect to the noble President of the. Royal. Societ 2. Notice of a gennbe: A nie of gigantic we Sm in the Cabi- ‘aylo gomery ' hh we Hea éver se een. a noti ANE ae we pypemedans : failed to give at the time of the donation. Dr. Taylor said, ‘that the specimen fromy which ise ‘cast was made was found in the blue fimestone ‘resting upon a stratum of cage *marlite’ clay,” about fifiy feet from the upper te ey limestone,.which limestone is said to be * equivalent of the T somshs rar New York and Silurian of England. he cast presents five or more portions of the’shield, the post-abdomen and other portions of the Isotelus which bedr the mostindubitable evidence of having belonged a trilobites of the most gigantic size on record, tofessor Locke, M. erneuil and other scientific gentlemen having visited my se concur this opinion. —(E am» indebted to ot imped Locke for the ¢ At the time of re finding the specimens, I also found portions of at least one ne different individuals of the same species, varying in size from one half an inch to six inches in length, proving, that the trilobites like She limulus were gregarious. In connection with this Specimien, | also found a most delicate and. beautiful ‘* Retepora,” -en- tirely new, which has been described and figured by my friend, John . Van Cleve, Esq., of Dayton, and called “ Retepora nitida.” ~~ : We have also received from - Dr. bed years ‘ago, _—- ite of 432 Scientifie Intelligence. fishes are extremely numerous, existing over the whole external sur- face. In freshwater fishes, and in those living in shallow waters, they are 2 copes few. hey are most numerous in fishes which swim sply to'a question of Dr. Wyman, he ats that he had not as yet hem in the sharks and rays. These openings are sometimes vis- ‘ible to the ikea eye, and sometimes require a magnifying power for t their detection. They are very large and numerous, and easily seen, in the head of the common shad; These minute tubes unite into larger ones, in a manner which seems to be the same in each cla He thought this circumstance might be of. some value in the classification of fishes. The tubes grow larger and larger as they approach the Piven. se near the head or the tail, or in other parts of the body. He believes these tubes an apparatus for the safety of fishes living at great depths, to enable them ¥ _ the pressure to which they must there be subjected. He did not deny the existence of mucous tubes in fishes, for there are such, ee be heads of sharks for i instance, from which m mucus may be obtained by pressure; but: he i is sure, that what have been hitherto considered as mucous june, = in reality water tubes. Structure of the Foot in pele Birds, ( vid June 1 p. 42.)— Prof. Acassiz had recently made some observations on the structure of - the foot in the embryo of birds, whieh. Ne thought smeld: throw new light on, the sige sg ge of birds, and. sonnet 2 call for radical changes in the system now in use. He had’ examined the feet of the embryo of dus pit nictiee us, Hirundo riparia, Sylvia @stiva, and —— melodia, and found, the following appearances in all. four toes, which in»the, mature bird are separate, three bei ing di rected forwards: and o one backwards, are in this state - directed: faith wards, and webbed. . There is as yet no trace of bone in them; the are only rows of cartilaginous cells in the position to ws occupied by bone, which are more closely a together at the points where the joints are destined to appear. The ower extremity is, in fact, at ~ me, a fin. however, only three rows of cartilaginous cells, united by a mem nhiegne- As this-condition of the extremitiés exists in different families, Prof. A- thinks that the presént grouping of all’web-footed birds together, may be incorrect; particularly since they differ as much among themselves in other respectsvas they do from land birds. He fourid that the bill of the immature robin resembled that of a vulturine bird, being strai near the base, and curved at the’ extremity, the upper ‘mandible being a longer than the lower. This would seem to indicate that the vulturine form isa lower type than it ni usually been considered. This ap- peared to derive confirmation from the great resemblance of the pill of some of the water birds to that of some of the vulturine family, that of the genus ota rx for example. Some of the birds of prey also h is 71 ely a asinele cell ; = an earliest phases of its development * ed forwards, must be regarded as of a lowefigype than those whieh have one directed beck wnedés as, for oo pelicans and cor- morants among water birds, and the gen /yp. among swallows. From the result of his examinations of a embryos of birds, Pr rof had recently, before a scientific society, ventured to predict tha afier, among the higher mammalia, the foot of the embryo the same way be found to-be webbed, like thatof the seals and | en figured as existing in the human embryo, but its is ‘had not been nen noticed. = can an yster-catcher, (ibid, p.43.)— tatement of the comparative measuremen and European. oysier-catcher. is ob er opinion of the distinctness of = two speci — confounded with each o a 3 S Qe 3 oO ed a, = 3 — = oO hich have sometimes amasoy us palliatus, | Hematopus ostralegus. nale. Bae Fema inches. Length from tip of bil to tip ‘of tail a 36 fie ek of tongue. : get dag eee. ra ophagus lo proventriculus . os weer: i 7 Proved rteulgeag length” ; ; : ‘ 1} Intesti nes to vent* a, ae : 40. : : ‘ 59 ca ent Hs ged, agg ap cM et 24 from vent. . "3 ' Length ca 5 ; ee: 9: aie “44 Trachea to bronchi |. ae. ‘ Se 4Y6 Keel of sternum in depth not quite 1 : ‘ 9 ‘ a 24 ae - rs st logical | aay (Jameson’s Jour., t number of the British and Foreign p. 194.)—In he lai Medical Review, edited by Dr Bi rbes, a distinguished physiologist has | to por. Martin. Barry’s important physi- “The writer of the remarks in. question, after shewing the impor- tance of the combination of anatomical and era investigations with zoological pie states that M. Milne Edwards,.in several of his later Memoirs, ven adopted the principle, that embryology ‘condition the e ies ts of all animals is the same ; differ accord according to the sub- ‘kingdom to which ismlongy w ode. — minute remnant of vitelline duct eiail at 134 ag from an key i Ser., Zool., tome i, p- "heey Szrizs, Vol. VI, No. 18. —Nov., 1848. * 434 Scientific Intelligence. ated, molluscous, a i ated, or vertebrated, and that the distinctive characters of the ese hat, progress of development, the characters of the selves, then those of the orders, then those of ar species consecutively, and lastly those of the We are quite sure,’ continues the writer, ‘ that pees ol e typ e of the vertebrata ean- 1 ral type, of which they are, but ‘partial n iia more special forms are thus reached in su ere until the one most special is at length attained.’ © In hi $s second er, he expresses this view still more clearly, in the following table of the history of — ment of any ovate organism :— = : at 4 No mrerciste difference’i in the germs of all animals (fundamen- 2. The aoe matifest, but the order not distinguishable. 2 wanifest, but not the ‘fam ily. é é he species manifest, but the hori unpronoune The variety obvious, but the secual difference. 9, The individual character in its most special for “In both papers, Dr. Barry rp a puts forth this “nan e sure basis the groundwork of disci fication. Thu yao * y sure | for classification is—not structure, as bon with<4e in the | rfect state, j when function tends to embarrass, but—the history of the development, at that period when structure presents itself alone.’ the fact is, that naturalists have begun just where they have = 2 ee e on § 436 principles. In- is. Their at- ne: their ‘circumstance’ allowed no ; led eke. «hi shes and twigs. -This, if ever ac History of Development or Embryolog ; “ We have thought it right to bring forward Dr. Barry’s claim as the first distinct enunciator of this doctrine, because we perceive that, its truth is being more and more generally recognized, and that it must ultimately become the’ foundation of all philosophical zdology.” f » IV. Astronomy. pews brilliancy, without any the moon; and if it had been projected upon a plane surface of uni- form color, sufficiently large to present the whole at. one view, it would parable to-the solar spectrum as shown by an ordinary prism, in clear- ness and brilliancy of color, were yet too apparentsto have been over- looked by the most casual observer, the first two being easily seen by the naked eye, and the last detected by the slightest optical assistance, and all-evincing a remarkable increase of depth and individuality as a Tger aperture was applied. phere which surrounds the ais in this case ) refracted the sun’s rays a focus at some n, and in this process Piheest them into_ Parvin... ial thee having crossed at the focal point, " er in cee been expected, the red or least refrangible ray ¢ of the disk, surrounded in the, 0a order of refeege v and green; but in no part either of the lors ‘ion; i not one of ithe observers has mention blue’ tints, while “ ay: althou 2a — ree comie o my recolle never heeded. It is this, that in looking at one of the plan- ot nal i siar within a few degrees of the horizon,with a reflector or well corrected achromatic, the object is tinged with prismatic a red, orange, yellow and green being very bright, while the others are ot as in the case of the lunar weli ipse. [am unable to suggest any mode of accounting for these sbeneaiaila which is exempt from strong ‘alijectieahdlam the most obvious are the following. -The violet, in- digo and blue rays being much the most refrangible, may be lost by hrown so far from the umbra of the earth, as to be unseen i the brilliancy of that part-of the moon, which réceives the full splendor ’ the sun; this would be the. case with the ae ~ ray, which y ec interval be- wuld be we isnot the circle he penumbra ; this would not be the ease however, with the indigo. and si ‘i with the’ blue, whieh | » would (if it occupied its proper _— it = the red, and arpa: woul 2. range, yellow and green; in conse- quence of which sh@imecions are apt ea while the others are ab- sorbed: the same Cause may operate to impart to the heavenly bodies, - tion, if it existed. The >tdediieds to this theory, is the blue vast above ‘ and the smaller stars gradually the cluster in Hercules be- as within a few degrees of i sof with ‘ihe torially mounted, of six inches aperture and eight feet focus. The o ject-glass is the workmanship o +. Mbory itz of this city, an opti* cian of great skill and rising reputation; the flint glass, which is quite pure, he obtained from Guinand’s establishment in Paris. I believe this. object-glass to be free from aberrations, both spherical and chro- matic, saving the secondary spectrum which is present in all achromat- ics IN proportion to their apertures; its light is sufficient to shew plain under favorable circumstances, the stars called by Capt. Sniythe, in the Bedford catalogue, the 16th magnitude, and which he says are only caught by occasional glimpses under the most favorable circumstances by his instrument. It renders the companion of & Lyrz, and the fifth Star in the trapezium of Orion, visible. under sufficient illumination for micrometric measurement; its defying power enables me to see the eae _ Tagged cliffs and voleanic chasms of the moon most-beautifully ; it hy Sshewn me at one ‘time last winter, the disk of Jupiter covered w small belts, in addition to the two usually soc, while two of his satel- i planet’s disk, followed by their shadows, which were as distinct as black wafers upon white pa- tone from the planet ; 3. New Comet.—Dr. Petersen, of Altona, discovered a new telescopic comet on the 7th of August, 1848. fi 4. Elements of the orbit of the Planet Hebe, (Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., July 10, 1848.) —M. Yvon Villarceau, from a discussion of all the ac rgemael he could procure, has deduced the following elements of lobe. Mean ano Longitude o Inclination, | :: eM Angle of excentricity, , : Ml 31-52 7 s Mean daily -heliocentric mo , so» 9894-309F Frc n which are —— ny: ‘ . 0-1999033 ays: major, . , Time of Soma be - & 3 yrs. 777447 5. Elements of the Planet Metis, (Institut, July 12, 1848.)—Mr. Graham, of Markree, Ireland, has furnished the following elements of the planet Metis, discovered “a him, April 25, 1848. It is his second approximation, and is based the ee aan made at Markree, April 26, May 5 and 19. _. Epoch, 1848, May 0:0, ad tiv: A Sen Mest nomaly, : 141° 54’ 183 angie of. perihelion, ‘ : 72.50 8 -16)M. eqx. scending node, ; 5 . 68 29 40 -44 } May 0 qe on, a 5 35 23 -98 -. . fexcentricity, eperne -....t- 18. 36. 92 ‘ Log. i axis major, . : . 03777174 : eas ails motion we ad are! of sidereal revolution, 1346 days. 6. Speculations ~ Pen next Planet Jeoteed Neptune ; by M. Basinet, (Institut, Aug. 23, 1848.)—The fact that the planet Neptune differs so eae & in - bi and mass from the theoretical planet of Le Ver- and Adam M. Babinet to undertake ait i prengee hav- ng a its sien * ascertain if the st cure the motions f rar to obtain ine sane a resuliant effect ; and consequently sins must be the mass, the distance, the longitude, and thé apparent size of a new planet which Pi ‘with Neptune, will represent the theoretical planet 0 Le Verrie “Babinet gives Ne — results of his investigations, as as proba- ie. within certain lin ne planet coaplaaeee to Neptune is in mass, size, and brill- ancy, at an equal distance, little — from Uranus. Hyperion is as its name. "2. Its distance from the sun is forty-seven or forty-eight times that F the earth’ s distance. dk Its period of revaotion is double that ‘ meen as that of Nep- tune Sect that of Ura pee ie 439 4, At any-given époch | to the lon- tude of Neptune Jan. 1 ¥ by the quan- ity 1° 53’, and also by halt he qu n— 14’, which is half ae: arc of longitude traversed by Neptune from Jan. 4, 1847, to the en epoch. >> 5. The brilliancy of the planet may be presumed to be equal to that of a star of the 10th or 11th magnit: 6. If the planet is found in the Heenan indicated, we may empirically substitute for the law of Bodg, the law of. double revolutions for the planets exterior to Saturn planet yet more distant, pee a period of 672 years, and a dis- tance of 77 from the sun, would probably not appear larger than a star of the 18th: magnitude, and could with difficulty be found by direct observation. In remarking upon this communic , M. Le Verrier states that he had been engaged in simila ‘but he had abandoned. them when he —_ that the pl Fapuie completely satisfied the theory of Uranus. He-Saw no reason*to bélieve in the existence of such a planet as M. Babinet supposes {o warrant astronomers n seare ing for it. - Shooting Stars of August 10, 1848.—In our last number, ( 279 ) we gave the observations” made, at New Haven upon the shooting Stars of. August 10, 1848, which showed that the meteors appeared at that season in their ‘usual abundance. Observations made in France give the same result. M. Coulvier Gravier, ‘with an assistant, counted on the night of August 9410, 1848, from 11) 30" to 12h 30, eighty-six shooting stars: the whole ‘number courted from 11h 30™-to Qh 45™, was four hundred and fourteen. For the sake of comparison, M. Grav vier _ the ‘llowigtvervatons made at the same hour of night, ‘viz. 11h 30m ; July 26, . . 22 meteors. Aug. 6 ; . 27 meteors. ties 15 , s 7; * . 30 Me : ae ee ae Re iil dla « tect oe Ey page or 16 1 : “ 7 A AG. : Mande hese observations confirm the statements At published in this eaivost that shooting stars increase in uency during several ys, becoming most abundant about the 10th of August, and after that decrease at a similar rate. VY. MiscELLANEoUS INTELLIGENCE. “4 . Electricity, as applied to Telegraphic Purposes, (Mining Jou hte “Jane 3, 1848.)—On Wednesday evening last, at the Royal College of Cheniistry, Dr. Ryan delivered a lecture on the above subject, to a full and attentive audience. He introduced his lecture, by observing— that electricity could no longer be considered an abstract, or separate dis nc | had proved that the whole phenomena were_the results of cal action, and it must be considered therefore, ‘a branch of the IRictes of chemistry. In treating 0: bject, researches in which, had presented t Ps ilages to civilized life, iularly as to rapid means ommunication and its resus e should have to'consider it me~ different heads:—1. Those telegraphs which were worke or frictional electricity——2. Those employing a current of saad from a volt attery.—3. se which are worked by electro- -mag- netism, induced by a voltaic batter ry. “4. ha operated on by mag- neto-electricity.—Dr. Ryan then rh to the process of obtaining a current of frictional electricity, by rubbi —— shellac, sealing-wax, , so well known as to require no repe ito e then went into some étatistical data, as to ot progress of electric aqhoggen pb In 1744, the arin mployed this electricity in striking bells ; in 1746, Granarth mtibok to twenty persons-at a great dist tance; Winkler and Mo- nin oe te a current through 4000 feet of wire, the water in the basin of the Sulla forming ves circuit; in 1746, the celebrated Dr. Watso n passed a current ugh. miles of wire, water form- ing half the circuit, and he observed ho time appeared to elapse during th the passage of the shock. In 1787, Lomonde, in France, constructed a élegraph, by the aid of,an electroscope at the end of the conductor, to be communicated with ita which two pith-balls covered h-of the letters of the alphabet. * On,completing the circuit at one end with any particular letter, the pith-balls were repelled, and open- ing, asunder, showed a similar letter at the other end, and thus gave a means of communication; and, in 1793, the higstraity: or ae x on tin-foil letters, was proposed for tele raphie purposes. In 1 r ll Salva, in Spain, construeted ah electric: telegraph, between Madrid. and Aranjuez, twenty-six miles, which must, at that time, have been a great and bold undertaking. The lecturer‘came now to age ar 1800, which | he described as a most important périod, as it d the investiga tions and correspondence between Galvani and Vol which developed the properties of electricity from a metallic battery, and has immortal- ized their names. ‘The difference between frictional and galvanic or voltaic electricity, was one of the most int@resting considerations in nat- te phi ilosophy. In 1803, Bassi passed a current of voltai¢ electricity through 4000 feet of water; in 1809, Scemmering constructed a tele- graph on Ay jaaveioieg of the powers of voltaic currents in decomposing water; he tic d represei the several letters of the alphabet, or conven tional 3 and on-completing the circu it, the water immedia' sinking in any tube, showed the letter, or sign, communicated, which was easily and quickly read off. In 1803, Ronalds, of Hammersmith, pence a telegraph by galvanism, through coils of eight miles of , a description of which he published at the time.t In 1817, the ) iatatieared Wedgewood also formed a voltaic telegraph; but no descrip- Ph EOE Ie a ‘Here should also have been seitaea the attempts of Lesage i in 1774, who made a telegraphic instrument, consisting of twenty-four insulated — RE at ne end in p phepall electroscope. (See Enc cyc. Amer. Sup.)— [ r. Coxe passed signals along a wire a mile long, saad, around ‘his lecture room at the University of Pennsylvania, and perpved to use it as a telegraph, by icing chemical changes on prepared ‘pa is pulled in 1816, in Thomson’s Annals of Philosophy. id—Eps | - ——_— we Miscellaneous In elligence, 2 A4At at *. tion of it appears to be extant. Soon after this, is en, and Ampére, discovered the Eepoues of 7 ricity, in de- ting the magnetic needle from the netic a position =. east and west, or at right ae with it. This ‘laid the foundation for the several sytems of telegraphic communication which he should then proceed to describe. In 1837, Professor Wheatstone had greatly improved his telegraph by fae - number of needles to five, which have since been r i tot The: lecturer then proceeded to eecaees ‘the various. modes. of mimpaedinaieiaeas adopted by Bain, Wheatstone, Brett and Little, tod Gamble and ms the latter of which worked entirely by electro-magnetism. [Prof. Morse’s method, brought forward in 1 1837, should have been | added; it is far better than any-here mentioned, and:is beginning to be adopted in England ; 2. The Dead: Sea eens (Sgughern Literary Messenger, for September, 1848.)—Th countering many difficult reac . With the two ‘ Fanniés’”* they _— their. course down the Jordan. * There were many. dangerous rapids in their Aria bo ; but they ar safely - reached at last the Dead. Seat We continue this n ns.from an — article i in the Southey Titerary Messenger f Fs 1848. The water of the 1 river [Jordan] was sweet to withina fow hundred yards of its mouth. , ‘The waters of the sea were devoid of smell, but shay were einen. and nauseous “As we rounded to the westward, ” i Eeits Lifiiehs “ the agita- ted sea. pinapt tadtensbeht.of6 foaming, brine. ‘The spray, separatingvas ™ Ce ae — it fell, left-incru ns of salt upon our faces and clothes, and while } it caused a pri i earn wherever it touched. the mae — above % all exceedingly painful to the eyes “The boats heavily laden, struge gled sluggishly at ae bat Pa wind freshened to a gale, jbeémed 2 s if the bows, so | water, were encountering the sledge negiere 1 “the Thane tend of the Opposing waves of an agitated sea ‘“ At the expiration of an hour and a Y half, we were driven: 7 a -_ ward, and 1 was compelled to bear away for the shore Were near to it, and while I was weighing the practicability of isn the boats through the surf, the wind suddenly ceased and with t the sea a td fell—the ponderous quality of the water Stine it to ale n as the agitating power had ceased to act. Within five — there was a perfect calm, and the sea. was unmoved even by tions. At 8 p.m, weary and’ AE wewteclied a = of ial dezvous upon the northwestern shor nny Mason,” and Fanny Skinner,”’ the names of ‘Der two boats. ‘The former of copper, and the latter of iron. t The descent of the Jordan i ef Leg anne Sy" Lieut. Lynch, at six oa per mile, “The great secret of the 46 ression betw cms — meses: re ead Sea, is solved on the opin mg? of L hn ch, by a pe ae In a distance of sixt nates Lynch, river ade f oickg gto a course of about two hiupdred aig ithin that distance he . his party ged sda! no ‘less than twenty-seven threatening rapids, besides a f less descen Seconp Sgnizs, Vol. VI, No. 18.—Nov., 7648, E18 * = haye were devoted to sounding. € day, making topographical sketches as they went, + touching at a copious stream Peg 3 from hot speeeey and the mouth the river seen awaited theft “In passing the mountain of Uzdom, | Sodom,) we unexpectedly and much to our astonishment,” continues our adventurous explorer, ‘‘ saw a large, rounded, turret-shaped column facing towards southeast which proved to be of solid rock salt,.capped with carbonate of- ‘i one mass of crystallization. Mr. Dale took.a sketch of it, and Dr. An- derson and I with great difficulty landed and procured specimens m it.” The a soon proved so shallow that they could proceed no further. Half a nile from the southern shore: ound: but six inches water, and beyond, an extensive ant | for a foot- _ Near the eastern shore they enco ered a sirocco, whi ch came sweeping from the southeast across the desert of Arabia with a stifling _ heat. At 8 pv. m. their thermometer, which before had ranged from ‘ “Ag 97°, ewe at 106°. “ We could. not take our tents with’ us says the antieaiia, bs from which we are quoting, “nor did we need them, as we found it more — sleeping in the open air past the Sake as - Having cireumnavigated the lake and returning to their place of departure, they found the sad intelligence of Mr. Adams’s death awaiting a arrival, Their colors,were lowered at half mast, _ there out Sacred Americans paid a tribute to the me oe the or and statesman, with twenty-one minute guns fired ‘from The echoes from the cavernous recesses of the lofty and barren moun- tains, sc surrounded them, startled the Arabs, and’ reverberated ia: letters of Lieut. Lynch giving an account, currente calamo, of Gotatstions are of great value and exceeding interest. We ho oon to have the pleasure of announcing his return to the United “States an awe om and_his companions baek to country, home a “ Wet have,” ee hey ** elicited several facts of interest to the man of ‘science and the C “The bottom of on northern half of this sea is-almost an entire plain. Its meridional lines ata short distance from the shore scarce bottom is generally an incrustation of salt, but the intermediate one is soft mud with man rectangular crystals—mostly cubes—of — salt. At one time Stellwagen’ s lead n we landed at Uzdom, in the space of an hour, our footprints were coated with crystallizations. ae ster Sunday, the party resumed operations the nest ap ee *¢ Miscellaneous Intelligence. 443 “The opposite shores of the peninsula and the western coast pre- sent evident marks of disruption. — oy “I'here are unquestionably birds and insects upon the shores, and ducks are sometimes upon the sea, for we have seen them—but can- not detect any living thing within it; although the salt streams flowing into it, contain small fish. My hopes have been strengthened into con- Viction, and I feel sure that the results of this survey will fully sustain the scriptural account of the cities of the plain.” The greatest depth obtained was two hundred and eighteen fathoms, (1308 feet.) Having completed the survey of the’sea, the party pro- ceeded to determine the height of mountains on its shores, and to run a level thence via Jerusalem to the Mediteranean. They found the summit of the precipitous ridge-which forms the west bank of the Sea, to be more than a thousand: feet above its surface, and very nearly on a level with the Mediterranean. nih It is a curious fact, that the distance from the top to the bottom of the Dead Sea, should measure the height of its banks, the elevation of the Mediterranean, and the difference of level between the bottom of the two séas, and»that the depth of the Dead Sea should be also an ex- act multiple of ‘the height of Jerusalem above its __ other not less singular fact, in the opinion of Lieut. Lynch, “is that the bottom of. the Dead Sea forms two submerged plains, an ele- the river Jordan at one: extremity arid the Wady ‘el Jeib,’ or wady within a wady at the other.” ‘: The slimy. ooze upon that plain’ at the bottom of the Dead Sea will not fail to remind the sacred historian of the “slime pits” in the vale, where were joined in battle “‘ four kings with five.” : June the 9th, the whole party afteran absence of a little over two months, had returned to St. Jean d’Acre on the Mediterranean. They brought back their boats in as complete order as-they received them on board at New York. The party were in fine health» Save a flesh - On a remarkable ‘Slide of a Rock in Fairfield District, S. Cy (commanicated ina Jetter to Prof. C. U. Sserarp by Dr. Wm. D. , at Jerusa- ' ‘and his final *We fii eibcet Weard of thie, deatil*or Lieut. Dale, one of th Jem. We look with much interest for the retarn of Lieuty | Report. - «Spices ; * 444 Miscellaneous Intelligence. its weight by calculation between thirty-eight and thirty-nine tons. An overhanging ledge of the same kind of rock is situated up the hill, thirty feet above the spot whence the mass under consideration commenced its slide There could be nothing very remarkable in the movement whi ch oceurred on the night of the 12th, but for the nearly level surface across which it moved. It is agreed on all hands that the angle of de- clivity peso the entire distance which was eighty feet, was only from 13° to 15°40’. The entire descent for the distance, or the differ- ence ation, the — and the present level of the:mass, is but eigh- teen feet. es ne did not turn over in.its course. The surface over which the mass: eth: isa gradually inclined plane, unmarked by any natural furrow or depression. . The'a common Idam, five or six inches in depth, while the subsoil isa cohesive red clay. The field had been under cultivation for several. years. A'crop of wheat was raised upon it the year previous; and of course the ground was net by*green sward. A few coarse stones and pebbles.are akc There was much vegetable matter accumulated® about om rock (in its urfa Gein ee in a state of decomposition. ‘The ce of the ot blackened as if it had been acted upon yi, but is cov- ered wie and there with the customary growth of |i A mag- chen mag netic needle brought near it is esa turned aside from the —— meridian. In. its deseent, it ut abeongh; or tore mania nurierous mete (of living trees); some of whicli were two or three inches in diameter. It cuta trench from ten to thirteen feet wide and about ~— feet in = » Spreading the soil to a distance on-either side as it m re is no very considerable accumulation of soil in He ws of the stone as it now lies, although portions of the red subsoil appeared scatter- ed down the hill from thirty to eighty feet in front of its present location. There was rain attended by thunder and lightning on the, night of the slide, Bit unaccompanied by wind ; and nothing presented ‘itself in the ippearances near the spot to indicate a water-spout or any ops fall of water hi suggestion to account for the removal of the stone pe made, is that of J. W. Hudson, Esq., the Principal ; s the following: at the lower side of ess, weighing eight or nine tons. Mr. H. os 1 end of the sliding rock was s supported 1 ‘upon ‘this, which, giving — produced the motion,,which on the ordinary laws of -gravita the mass down the inclined plane. From this opinion Dr. Kersh strongly issents, as he thinks that the shape of the moving mass compare with that of ~ ata bed it occupied, proves such a position | to have been i _o s to the Mycology of. North America. ae eer e following additional remark to his article, page 34) Un- Helic eyi:—add “I suspect that this fine species - dial form the type of amew genus, for which I propose the name Systrephium. | | a # Miscellaneous Intelligence. 445 Vail a fuller examination, however, it may remain under Helicoma.’ observes also, that the nu 0 of Bosc’s species (p. 350), should Sa been stated at “ eight or or ten.” 5. Yield of Lead in Great Prion, (Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Brit- ain, li, p. 730).—The following table gives the amount of lead ore and lead —. _ the mines of the United Kingdom, for the years 1845, 1846, 1 ead ore. ~ ate = 6. 1847. 1845. «1846. 1847. ni Tons. ‘Tons. ons. | ‘Tons. 8. England,. . . | 86479 | 54468 | 59,6148]| 38401 | 36,718 073 Wales, _ ~. «| 16,412 | 14,978 | 18,1474) 11,0143" 10,0274 12,204 Scotland, + 1 ''193 1 "161 | 9951 901, 942} 7.380. Treland,, . ov ae pene 1,641 1,189 8555 811 IsleofMan, . . | 2959) 2316] 2575 |. 1,523°| 1.663) 1, ce 3 . . |} 78,267 | 74,564 | 83,747 | of) 695 | 50,1615 = 4 ai ty Rp tiedengtioory the enquiries that the produce of encrahaniatial lead from the ore throughout the e kingdom averages about 68 per cent. ; and that 7 to 8 ounces of silver i is the mvetnge spront7 at present. procured from the ton of lead. 6. British ——— (Atheneum J-this Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, met at Swansea.on Wednesday, the 9th of Au- gust. At8 P, M. an eet was delivered ‘by. the _ of the meeting, the Marquis of ‘Northampton. The summary of ings is as follows: On Wednesday, the General Commit : —On Thursday, business began in all the ‘Sections, the Ethnological sub-section forming the only exception ; and ‘in the ii oa Dr. Percy delivered a discourse on smelting iron, in the Baptist chapel.—On Fri- day, all the sections again’ met except the Ethnological ; during the afternoon ‘there were sailing matches and boat races 3 and after the ordinary, Mr. Vivian threw open his grounds, but the wet nee inter- fered with the general enjoyment ofi the Sections. On Saturday there was no meeting of the Sections ; and a very large party ne t of aveight in the morning to visit the iron-works of es 4 see = other points of interest in the Swansea valley. Another. party made an excursion to the bone caves and cliffs of Gower; while a third, consisting of Lord feaesicas Sit Philip Egerton, Sir H. De la Beo se Prof: Owen, orbes, Dr. Carpenter, Mr. Bowerbank, Liew went with Mr. M’ Andrew in his ya ington at their head, made h to Pennard Casts less energetic visited the : mainder of the day in Mr. cBlewellya’ s grounds of a boat impelled by the ‘electrical current was at’ lakes. In the evening there was a promenade a at tthe pr attended, i n Monday, there was business in lectured on microscopic structures in Tuesday, the Sections met; and the av cipal strangers. In the evening there was g t 446 Miscellaneous Intelligence. day some of the Sections met; and in the afternoon the concluding general meeting was held for the customary ceremonial procee dings. he e meeting was a good one, though the wet weather interfered somewhat with the comfort and pleasures of the occasion. The amount of scientific business accomplished was less than at many of the pre- ceding meetings. ithoceramic.—MM. CuruvrevussE and .Bovvert of Paris, have pte to replace the timber used for supporting the rails of a rail- road, by a mineral compound, to which they have given the name Lithocerami ie. 8. Kumptolite, (Athenzeum.)—The courtyard of the Admirality, Whitehall, ‘has been covered with a paving of India rubber. oe laid own in pieces about twelve inches square and one thic uad- rangle at Buckingham palace, formed by the erection of the new wing, IL also be covered by this material, which its projectors have named ‘ olite.” Its chief recommendation i is that it deadens all sot agnetic needle Brussels, on the morning of April 14, 1848, was" 0-4 ept observations of twenty-two years, and states that in — it-was 68° 56-5. The diminution amounts to” — minutes a ye 10. pnctte. Expédition in search of Sir joe Franklin, (Atheneans : N , Sept. 9, 1848.)—A fishing cutter arrived at Stromness, brings the: news that an» American whaler visiting Lievely, in Disco ee had learnt that on thé 2d of July, Her Majesty’s ships Investiga- gator and Enterprize, under Sir John Ross, had — the harbor, and landed dispatches to the care of the Danish governor, ,to be for- warded by the first vessel to Europe. The expedition “immediately ed-in search of Sir John Franklin. The crews were all well. ~ PL. Fears arte epg (Athen.)—Indian papers notice the dis- covery in the Deccan, of a bed of lithographic smmeatons; of great ex- tent and-excellent _ lity, ee (12. Ray Society, (Athen., Aug. 26.)—The ey Society-held its fifth Sitar’ at Swansea—the Marquis of Northampton filling the ‘The Report stated that although no great increase of n umbers curred Seeing 1 the ae year, the funds were larger, in consequence bseri of. the new Alder & of John ie ” an for I m of Econauil c Geology, England. —The building for this tly co mpletedion n excellent site in Piccadilly ; £30,000 Ce ee ee ee countr ry w — after receive their copies, through Mr. G. aad bahar, in New York and London, who has been a ae Miscellaneous Intelligence. AAT of the public money were voted for its construction some years ago. It'is suggested that the Geological Society should be furnished with rooms in the buildin 14. Interesting Collections for sale —The attention of colle eges academies, public schools, and private collectors of aon of natural history, literature, &c., is invited to the following notice A private gentleman who in the course of a long ee as opportuni- ties have offered in Europe, and America, and, at considerable expense, has indulged his taste_in collecting various oweats of art, science and literature, and’ being now too infirm, as well as advanced in life, to prosecute these pursuits, and indeed feeling unable to take the neees- | private institutions of his country, as an opportunity of obtaining and valuable objects, not often torbe met with and not to be n neg- lected. The first is a A collection of minerals made in this country as well as in Euro containing most of the species and many of the’varieties mentioned by Professor Cleaveland in his treatise, and many, perhaps: more crystal- line forms than are to be found in other.American cabinets, with few exceptions ; among them there is.a fine crystal of gold, w gn tracted: the notice of Professors. Vanuxem and epard, a terminated euclase, double terminated _topazes, and quartz crystals, and a, perfect crystal of the ‘gieseckite brought from Greenland by | a Sea Giesecke of Rapaneegens, probably ‘the. best in the country. Most of the apeeney are of moderate cabinet size, aepaisied to be contained case occupy near one side of a room, and akon ost all. are ticketed; many with the original lends of the Abbé Haiiy, Brongniart, Brochant, Klaproth, Gillet Laumont, Lucas, and Patrin, as well as of other distinguished pe ap and fossil « specimen Together with the minerals will be sold a set of crystalline aan In wood Cah. the angles all anaied) oa stria, but learning hey were wa o the present owner and ort Further information. ean oe given by Professor Silliman, Profes B. Silliman, Jr., and C. ae Professor in the Medical College 6} reek, Roman, and Colonial coins in golé and lead, with Asiatic and African colonial 448 Miscellaneous Intelligence. of Italy. The modern coins are of gold, silver, and bronze or brass, and some of them scarce and valuable. Among the gold coins of England there are —_ fine guinea pieces, of Charles II, Queen Anne and Geor ite Likewise : A soflectlon of European and American autographs in forty quarto cases bound as books. They have been chiefly collected by purchase at considerable cost. The American includes a complete collection of the signers of the Declaration of Independance. _ It is unecessary to go.into further details.—Those desirous of avail- ing themselves of so good an opportunity of purchasing, either for pri- vate use or for endowing public institutions, will probably desire to ex- amine for uitindehiaed when the fullest information will be a OBITUARY. * 4 1b. Berzelius, padaoanes Aug. 26, 1848.)—On the 7th m4 , died the eminent Swedish chemisty Berzelius. In ace s of any other class of men of science, Berzelius stood out as a marvor the first magnitude. ‘To him more than to’ any others an, be- longs the. honor of applying the great principles which had been estab- lished by Dalton, Davy, Wollaston, Gay-Lussac, and himself, in inor- ganic chemistry, to unfolding the on which regulate the combinations forming the structures of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Berzelius was born in’ the village of Vafvérsunda, it ialiggnith 3 in Ostgothland, on the*29th of August, 1779,—not at Lin- kagring on the 20th of August, as is often erroneously stated in the many notices of him. His father kept the parish school in the village medica ‘ shoenio on. olenesen 1798, ‘Berzelius passed his philosophical examination as rat final'one for M.D. At this time he left the. Univer- in conjunction wilh ‘Eke eber: pat linera 1 nt the examination for a license to e 1 May, atone ag Ope Be ‘einine aoe ra Andrew § his voyages round the world, and age ae . ‘ p ‘4 and chemical pharmacy. Spaurnau died in 1806,—and Ber ius by his inaugural dissertation on galvanism, and other papers, Sipotity obtained for himself a sufficient degree of confidence to be ap- pointed his successor. Although this chair embraced a very wide ta c ects, os was “are the case with Swedish chairs at that time, hee: Sem ne, a ES * Miscellaneous Intelligence. 449 peapiese should be illustrated. by experiments, he adopted this plan, and ise abandoned the old practice of reading lectures aon himself very. strongly on the inutility of. merely reading ae tures. Although he first adopted Dr. Marcet’s experiments in his clas room, he soon so far improved-upon wre that his own became a one for the chemical class-rooms o During the: early period of his rdsigoe at Stockholm, he practised the profession of medicine; and in 1807 was mainly instrumental in forming the Medical Society of that capital. In 1810 he was made President of the Royal Acade emy of Sciences at Stockholm and in the same year received the appointment of Assessor of the Medical Col- lege ; and was made a member of the Royal Yoar den Board. At this time, though scarcely more than thirty years of age, he had obtained great reputation as a chemist. He had published a work on animal chemistry, containing many original investigations on the fluids of the animal body, and which was subsequently translated—as, indeed, have been most of his aptonae almost every language of Europe. conjunction with Hisinger, he commenced, in 1806, the publication od a periodical work entitled, * Af handlingar i.Fysik, Kemi, och Mine ogi,” —which. contained a series of papers by himself, constituting some of the most valuable contributions that had yet been made to analytical chemistry. His labors Were regarded of so much importance by the 200 dollars yearly for his chemical researches. 812, Berzelius visited England, where he was most cordially fe a 8 In that year he cémmunicated, through Dr. Marcet, a valuable paper to the Medico- Chiru urgical Spore i of London, “* On the Composition of the Animal Fluids.” In 8 he visited F rance and Germa ny—countries in which he was better pre than in Great Britain, as most.of his papers and in that of Sweden. I same year he was appointed Secretary to the Academy of Sciences—a post which he held till his — In 1831 he ‘was allowed to retire from the active duties of his p . ship at the pape Institute, but he still held the title of hotoelie pro- essor. Up to this time he had resided in apartments provided for him at the building occupied by the Academy of Sciences,—where, his study and laboratory, so that he could with little nizing the most “ing ulead of his adopted soutien. In 1815 Ber- zelius was made a Knight, and in 1821 a Order of Vasa. In 1829 he received the was made a Baron. The intelligence of this ose was aitered to Berzelius by the hand of the King; who wrote himself a letter inti Secoxp Senizs, Vol. VI, No. 18~Nov., 1848. 58 450 Miscellaneous -Intelligeence. ting his deep sense of the merits of the Ww puter and expressing a hope that in this nomination the world would recognize an homage aa to the man who = consecrated his life to Phew useful researches which had been already reco ognized by Europe, and which it was the w few men of science have married with a patent of nobility on the piekiegen table! Sweden had, however, yet one'‘more ovation for her beloved son. In 1843 he had beer a quarter of a century Secretary to the Academy, and on this occasion a festival was given in his honor The Crown-Prince was in the chair,—and a portrait of 8 chemist painted by Lieut. Col. Loder was presented to the Academy. In addition to the works already mentioned, he. sotiicdle a ** Manual of Chemistry,” which went through several Sditiowe; that o 41 con- sisting of ten volumes,—and, we believe, another larger oditiun has since been published. In 1822 he commenced the publication of an Annual Report on the Progress of the Physical Sciences, which has been publiched every year to the present time. fhe name of Berzelius has been too intimately connected with the of chemistry for the last forty years, for us in this slight sketch to give an adequate idea of the influence which his discoveries and generalizations have exerted upon the science. To him it is indebted This Seine tly | ole re-arrangement of minera r and contributed greatly to the advance of mineralogy. His discovery of selenium led him to investigate its various compounds, and re tion of the various salts. Subsequently, he psa. the compounds yo, ad and arrived at some of the most important — valuable re- ave yet been obtained by the analytical chem ilst 8 was writing the first edition of his “ Manual of ” Dalton had promulgated his idea of the atomic constitution d so vy had made his great discov soos of the maple ba- ‘he aws of oo a. the various olapests, giving to ed to obtain results perfectly h theoretica kek made on lalton’s laws. He was enabled to Sceill Dalton’s law that one atom of one body unites F one, two, or three, &c., atoms of another body, sae sheead that two atoms would unite with three and five. He also pointed out the great fact, that two compounds which contain the same clec ae — ment of one is a multiple by a whole number of the same elem ne of the other. He not ee ite to the elementary bodies their ee numbers, but introduce system of symbols, by which ¢ | e ~ has been so on: facilitated. Till the time of Recealiionl organie & Miscellaneous Intelligence. 451 chemistry was a waste, with here and there an attempt to explain the phenomena of living beings upon chemical eee -andey ich from the entire want of experimental foundation, was even worse than use- less. The compounds found in plants and animals were no t. supposed 'o come within the category to which the laws of combination applied. Berzelius was the first to show that these 9 could be applied to ani- mal and vegetable products;-and in so_ » he opened the hl, fas the discoveries of Mulder, Liebig, Dumas, Bovsingtal, and o few. ness dre rew from a fellow-traveller “66 mine, nn wa fy ed me to in- troduce to him, the observation, ‘I would never have thought him the great man he is said to be.’ His attention to strangers was very great,—especially to those who took an, interest in chemistry. Wit these he would frequently spend hours in his laboratory, explaining his methods of working,—and on their departure, hé left the impression that he was the bonored party. He was an eatly riser,*and gave first part of the day to his most important work, whatever that might be. He seldom either wrote or experimented in omer leaving that part of the day for reading and social relaxatio had no ticular times for writing or experimenting ; when he had a work to fin- Writing, requiring further investigation, he would at —_ aye up th pen, and work perhaps s for weeks in his laboratory. men were more beloved in the city of Stockholm than Berzelius. ere the merits of this great chemist less, we might not be ae to afford to hint at any defects. But regarding him ata distance, bh entific research. His feelings were conservative, and thoug going ee “ to the new, he still clung ae tenacity to the was ‘the last chemist of pected Da of ihe clediaity nature of chlorin Evi en had given up their opposition, the ere n of Bei In the rece nt advances of organic chemistry, also, al ) “ the physiology of plants and anin vi eye ofa critic, and withheld to the sion to some of the idtetved positions of this department of A letter from Rerzivs, (L’Institut, No. 764,) speaking ot States that on examination, it was found that there was a so! ng of the posterior half of the spinal marrow corresponding to the t th yo sal vertebra. % i Pm” 452 Bibliography. : VL. Brstiocrapny. L ‘Rare and ‘Remarkable Animals of Scotland, peereenned from liv- ing Subjects, with practical observations on their ; by Sir Joun anAM Danyeut, Bart. Volume first, canals fifty- -three colored plates. London: John Van Voorst, Paternoster ir 1847. Ato, pP- 270, (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ii Ser., i, 311, 1848. )—The. most interesting chapter in this interesting volume is that which narrates the history of the Hydra tuba. This marine animal is called a Hydra by (p- 87), their proliferous evolution of young, their endurance of priva- tions, their power to recover from apparently immedicable wounds, and their strange germinations and monstrosities under the influence and direction of the experimentalist (p. 93). This hydra is found at- tached to submarine bodies; the body is fleshy, inversely conic cal, en- circled about the oral disc with a series of long slender thread-like, ten- tacles, L cising all the: functions of, a perfect and adult animal eve peated production of young in all respects alike the parent. ie it lives until, from some unknown causes, a change- comes over it, and it be- gins to unveil itself, and to exhibit one of the most osetia revela- tions in animal transmutations. A pendulous column or roll is observ- til re thy are obliterated is aor then each roll of the soliiers is succes sively separated and liberated from the others until the whole embry- onie column is dissolved, the individual rolls floating at freedom in the of the waters, obviously the young of one of those large Medusee which swarm our seas in the months.of the latter, summer and autumn ! ng ts der. r, ase ce cast off severa iikieows exis a basis re- mains out of which another pies tuba shall arise, to go through the same hn life and the same medusean metamo orphoses as its prede- cessor. e su that these facts—for facts they are—will not sup- “port thasopinions of Steenstrup on alternating generations, nor can even be reconciled with them aero in — Sir Jon: discovered that the Hydra tuba was the . yoofa usa was this: he took a large Medusa, of ager mined species rs beautifully figured on a 15, and placing it uae va Bibliography. 453 * Hydra tuba (p. 114); and subsequently; and as it were*by. accident, h ydra_ was i ) | with the Strodila of Sars! The discov ee, Ik any ‘passages we have mar previously observing that the Hydra tuba in its strobila form is some thing like a fir-cone or a cylinder cut into several whorls, each whorl, i i me a bifid ten to twenty, when the basis, as already stated, r habits of the hydra. es “First, a smooth fleshy bulb sustained a cylinder of “oh mae waving curvatures. row of twenty or twenty-four | rown- ed the summit of the cylinder, which row disappeared 01 blitera ted as the waving in its vicinity deepened, and the diat of the cyl hak ob. inder there expanded, that is towards the summit. Concomitar literation of the terminal row, a new circle of tentacula, at fi \ but gradually augmenting, was emerging from aroun ulb, while struggles of Medusz, into which the waving strata were evolving, ished their liberation to swim unconstrained in the surrounding element.” (p. 121.) ‘~ : Be asl S . 454 _ Bibliography. “Certain facts admit of no dispute; such as the existence of a vig- orous hydra attached to. a solid substance, with long flowing silky ten- tacula ; an alteration in the figure of the body, or the formation of an embryonic roll of Medusze on the disc ; the gradual maturity of each Medusa and its liberation from the roll; the disappearance of the orig- inal tentacula of the hydra; the emerging of a new circle of tentacula from a smooth fleshy bulb, sustaining the embryonic roll, as the former are obliterated, and as the Medusce “approach maturity ; the evolution of this fleshy bulb as a pp _— along with their departure, which becomes the parent of eny by eg ee and its perma- independent animal. cS ie 122-3 * All the eer, in the embryonic roll are separate and distinct euivenie. Each is in close application to that which is next below, if itself be appetdacet or lies between two if intermediate. The probos- cis is outermost if the indiyidial be uppermost in the roll ; thussall lie in the same direction, the proboscis outermost, as the Medusa escapes, from the next left behind. When the last remains in adhesion to the y bulb, its proboscis projects outwards also. Thus the under sur- rae the oeabrysi is always outwards, while a portion of the roll.” 24.) q “ bien by repeated long, and painful observation, I have: en- deavored to. — the history of the Hydra tuba and the Meduse ori- - ginating from it, my purpose has been but Pp tc gb I hav selected many individuals, and [ have chosen colonies of both, to dis cover whatever changes they should undergo. The hh ded grew, it fed, red, its existence was long.’ The Medusa lived, it neither fed nor bred, its cet was infinitely shorter; nor did it undergo the small- est change from the first moment of aes for: fifty-five days. Its life could not be peverncsed: on any occasion, beyond sixty days. Be- tween the form and “habits of these two adele there is not the small- ™ pis sur les Animaux Fossi pe Konincx. Liége, 1847. hie des genres. Productus et (Ann. and ae Nat. Hist., of a series of 5 through many periodicals, memoirs and trans- he first ret? rt contains a list of 107 works and ve, 3 =a @ a. 5: Comal > ® na S Sa eo r=) = © 5 ~ ag 2 ve) , witha classiicetcat « the species. . detailed description ch of rng species is given, to which is appended a very complete . . my. From the geological and geographical distribalion sit Tou wee st a few notes. he number of species of Produc ibed am 62, of which 4 are Devonian, 47 Carboniferouljaa Permian, and 1 ssic. Of the 47 Carboniferous species, 35 ae found in ps lower divisions. : | j ; Ey a , & »* Bibliography. 455 _ Not P species belongs exclusively to the middle grnicn: although 7 are common to the lower and middle portions, viz., P. margaritaceus, derus, F lemingii, pustulosus, Keyserlingianus, aculeatus, mesolobus. The P. carbonarius_is found only in the upper division. T cora semireticulatus, aig pr and kanes appear to have lived from the om em aication ei a to find that the g dees species have a mech greater affinity with the Devonian than with the carboniferous, notwith- standing the ene. period which must haye elapsed betwe their’ Sh. pres er the Ssolb isa distribution of the genus Chonetes, we find there are 23 species knownvat present, which number may probably be: in- creased when the fontififero deposits of America, New Holland and Asia are more ex evertheless the geological results to which the known species lead us are deserving of notice. rom the observa- tions of M. de Koninck it appears (contrary to the opinion generally oe that with the exception of one, not any uf the 23:species»pass om one system to another, or even ‘from the lower to the upper = of the same system. * E, Ra ae H. Davis, M.D. Ancient Monuments of the Missi issippi Valley ; compri bide th results of extensive original Surveys aud Explorations. vol. imperial 4to. he abe tion price, se Races of Men and thei Pra pace power . ICKERING, ‘ ee pdt a “as Memorials of Changes in the Relative Level of Sew and Land. 8vo, PP: with maps and illustrations. — E C. Camppent Cooper. " Identities of Lig! and At —_— and Elecivi- city. 96 pp. 8vo. 1848. Enaageiphn :* “8 Ellio M MOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SuR REAT - lng ‘and of the Muse- Sto 720; with nu- . Contains E um of Practical lag Lo ie city ie ii, Svo. oi BP: Or ‘the Vegetation of the Carboniferous Period 2 as ared w n experiment on the ces of the history of the lead mines of Cardiganshire ; by On the mining district of Cardiganshire and ili fare “ . Smyth On ‘oh cella tio osition of some of the Limestones used for Buildin Par Ss, eS- u ally on those aston’ i in the erection of the New Houses of Parlia ; by - Ransome and B. Produce of lead ore ma ead in the United Kingdom for the years 1845 and _ ead ore and lead for 1847. ers al | : ‘a. ¢ . ® “¢ 456 _ Biblhography. cr 2 W. F. Vas Amrince. An ipveptigation of the Weaoriane “sk ag Nae History of Man, by noe” ce, Pricha rd, and others. 8vo. key. HA Mollusques de I’ ‘Algerie, ato? i in iivrdisous a0 4 5 > s, ves et and i colored plates. 16 fr. each livr. 12 livrs. are on sale; 10 mary éach *t: ABBE D; tere Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques terrestres et d’eau douce coq et Lanois. ee Raisonné des Plantes Vasculaires du ll , v0. 6 fr. I central de la France. te 1847. 1 vol. .Renov. Geologie al , With descriptions of fossils by Demet fase - fr.’ The second wil soon appear, and will contain the descriptions of os mE ARLARD and 0. sey, Analyse chimique des dhiis hs alimentent les fontaines publiques de Paris. 3 fr. Lav Precis de Gilstetingreshie. suivie d'une injthie simple d’ angie au chalomes u. Paris, 1847. 1 vol. in large 18mo, with 175 figures in the tex 2 Ef, Generu um et specierum mineralium secundum. ordines natura- les digestorum Synopsis, etc. 348, . Bvo. Hale Saxonum, 1847. Memorrs of THE AMERICA popanet Boston, new ser., Vol. iii a Anas unt of the” nel ulain Andromeda; G. P. Bond.—Account of the nebula about Orionis ; et thod oftcomputing t the ratio of a comet’s distances from the earth ; G. P. Hond.” ' Proc. . Soc. Nar. Egstony --Jan. 5, 18458. Motella, a’genus of fish — in the waters of North.A erica ; Storer.+Jacksonite, a new mineral ; J. D. Whit- ney.—JAN Vegetation of Anthracipe ; J. E. Teschemacher.—F nz I opment of an Ate al De es on animals with chloroform ; De- velopment | of : embryo starfis esor.—Infusorial deposits found at the mouths of vers in the Southern States, caused by the influx of infu- pare the tide, which the freshwaters destroy ; H. ogers.—Eggs of Eolis; arkcH 1d, On water in igneous minerals and melamorshie a action.— Aprin 19. Water tubes in fishes; Agassiz.—June New species of American liclls (of Succinea, 2 species, Helix 5, Pupa 2, Cylindrella as A. A. Gould.— The American oyster-catche er a different — from = sete Tart; I'D berecant tura ee ifi Antti luses; M. Edwa “On the liver of t 1 of fe- cundation in the (Enot M. W. Hofm oO 14 onalas wed grain 0 of the Acanthee ; J. E Planilen: iN the J. lanchon. Patter < of : = Dro: 1. the Rhizocarpee; C. Negeli.—On 1 » Azolla ; "G. Mettenius. —Mycological frag- ments; J. H. Léveillé. -Férnanpiinear, 1847. —Includes the fol- . Ne rdh.—p- ee Artificial buildi iggy - INDEX TO VOLUME VI. A. Abert, J. W., Tour to New Mexico, 376, Absorption of o of carbonic acid by liquids, W. B. Academy of Solsness, Philadelphia, Proceed- ings of, 156, Acid, carbonic, absorption of, by liquids, sist. saiphatte, manufacture of, A. A. Hayes,||, _,. sulphuric, &c., manufactured by action of steam on sulphates, &c., 260. —, aspartic, Adams, C. Re hg a fractured and repaired Ar-| pees cies of Haliotis, 138. Aerolites, Pa Meteorites Agassi me a Principles of Geology by, no- ticed, 1 —, Pe tubes of fis hes, 431 ee structure of the foot in Embryo-birds, Alabaim ee is ogy of, C, S. Hale, 354. wee | , tension of vapor of water, ander , S., on the physical phenomena dependent sok the progressive motion of, — paving material, of India rubber, a ifinor, eme Sisal famarareee and aspartic a as American, time np meeting and f, 294. office —, —, notice of meeting in 1848, 393. —, raed je of the meetin in 1849, 401, , British, at P Sasattieg 18t8, 445 Asteroids, ee che of, B. 4G ald 28, bei , tenth, Dian a, 278. , Metis, 140, 278; 437, elements of, 437, /Astrin ngent cprig for tanning, mode of testing value of, Atlantic, facts bib iN M. F. Maury, 400, Atmidoseo 6. Atomic volaue of Stat and nitrogen, on anomalies in, 7’. S. Hunt, 170. toms, divisibility of, 329, |Au rd, arsenic in chalybeate waters, 422, |Auriferous glass, 255. Australia, copper mines, 134, Autographs, collection of, for sale, 448. B. coy C., on the Temple of Serapis, no- tice: li Alge, U +: localities o f, J. W. Bailey, 37. —, on collecting and preserving, W. H. fa 4 rey, Algeria, galena and iron ore in, 2 * ave organic, composition of, ve Pisin lmmsrleste mut Soc., Philadelphia, Proceed- ings of,. — for the Promotion of: Sci- ence, Rinay roe 294, 393. Academy of Arts and Sciences, Pro- 304, Sorc , Memoirs of, 456. inorganic mie in Maine, Ant nests, Cremas Sohthas in, S. S. Halde- Ants, black, Spree of life in, 292. Anthon iv, J. en ssion of the soft parts orthoc Anthracite, | blast furnace ae smelting iron Archiac, 0 a of a werk Kad on the Progress) 0} Arctic Ex 2S in search of Sir John Franklin, 149, 446. A Sai ractured and repaired, C. ‘B. Ad- ams, Arsenic in chalybeate waters, 422, —_ —, cat Lithooeramic, 446. 152. anet p07 ame en ep: 438, ailey, J. W., localities of Age, ‘37. Balanus, eyes of, J. Leidy, 136. veld M. na phy rp ag discoveries, 433. frand salts of baryta, preparation a Beaches, lake Superior, Beavers, in Mississippi, D D. Phar es, 297, Bent’s be notes on the region, 387, ga: Bernard, C., pancreatic secretion, 276 Balt, ‘tan of, 448, riewnit f Philosophy by, noticed, Bis, structure of foot in e mbryos 0: ring of the facts on their classification, SIZ, Blast eee for ir n, S, ldeman, 74. w mode of analyzing inorganic mat- ter 7 =~ on meta um, J. R. Bohemia, re ind “rr discove urn, Bos ephort, le level of, 294. Bosto “ Sars of f Natural History, 299, 455, aig ——, Americe, of H. P. Sartweil, 149, a, trata, 300 ——, Gray's Gen British F Duende 302. Botany of New England, E. British Sioniatiens notice of meeting, 1848, Brockiaily, J., influence of color on dew, 178, 59 Seven’ Serres, Vol. VI, No. 18.—Noyv., 1848. Brockle. notice Bromine esi the bittern of salt work s, 293 Brongniart, A., plants of different geological| epochs, 120. Bron metals, new mode of, 423. sivigrne material, action of frosts on, 285. — — , artificial, essay new — of m Burr, E.. F., Uranus 236." ae Elements of Meteorology by,| C. “98 on Sterna cantiaca, and a new wren, » American and ra ea oyster-catch-| er, different species, 43 California, Upper, Fremont’s report on, 280, —, ——, notices 0 —, —,, quicksilver mines in, 270. oric, see Heat. Calotype on glass teed Mee "ae , by H. P. Sartwell, no- Caricogr hy, C. D 244 jan evel of, 14 48 peer classification, TS Hunt, 1 os uahua, silver and copper mines ot 384, Chili, coal in, 146, Chlorastrolite, anew age 270. loroform, new process ot, — of birds tiene on, L. Agassiz,432. Climate, as indicated ore opening ua closin oft _ panes son river, 295. oe Coal i in Chili ss se is R. C. Taylor, noticed, New Mexico, 383, 385, 389 Capi H., winds of the sitions hemis- Sie case roperty of, J. Ni , 424. Cold of Utie P a, 396. A — Coie ion of minerals, coins, &c., for salein) Color, petal of, on dew, J. Brocklesby, Come, new, discovered by Dr. Petersen, Com mercial Review, de Bow’ Conchaleny ae new Haliotis, — —— of Connecticut, J. H. Linsley, 23 i >i a opinion of, on light of aoe \ Copper mi = of 1 Australia, 134. n California, 388. Cevsain Chiesa: 335. ~—— ore, ps a insolubility of, in hydro- chloric acid ae er and zine, © eacbort Copying engravings, new phat ae N.deS Cremastochilus i in ant nests, S. S. Haldeman,| the Neptwaian, ‘theory of D INDEX. Cretaceous formation in New = and Western Missouri, 377, we and winds of the ocean, M. F. Mau- Curtis 2, M. '. ae to American Mycology, 349, 444 Dalyell, J. G., work on rare and remarkable animals, noticed, 452, n lead diseases, 299. Dana Mancal of Mine ralogy, 302. Dead Sea, tot neux on, 146. —, level of, 148. —, expedition to, under Lieut. Lynch, | Declivity of slopes, 133. effects of fusion on density of rocks, 133, 423. Density of rocks, effects of fusion on, 133, 423. Deschamps, copper in the bodies of animais, Desmidew, Briti sh, J. Ralfs on, noticed, 302. Deg influence of color on, J. Brocklesby, ——, observations on, ogy 418. Dewey, C., Caricography, 244. —, ice a condu ctor of galv anism, , Grove’s et with water ohn ‘with the zine cup. xyd of zine in the porous cup, 254, lamin i aaa of, in the liquid way, Rogers, 11 pimernbnet of zine, palladium, iridium, tin, of needle, variations in, arr Disisiility of magnitude, A. Mac Whorter, Dcleadation observations on, 268. rift, wave of translation as connected with, WwW. Whewell, 115. East Indies, observations on, 157. Economic geology, museum gd = Ele ctrical outed Ps R. Har El on of saa * "tight, 153. balan Blectrovelegraphy ee of, 4 basis of Clansiticadiie M. ye 433. Emerald Nickel, B. oe Jr., 248. Emery inor, 272 Emory, W. H., tour to California, 386 s Enge ae) note s by Prof. mmunicated be 86. En, lish sh prefixes from the Greek, J. W. Gibbs, vings, new mode of copying, 258. Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, aang t io Dead Sea, under Lieut. io 441. ibid, under Lieut. lyneux, Sos a the barnacle, J. Leidy, 136. electro-magnetism, | Fi — os j Cretaceous formation in Texas, F. Ramer, F, Faraday, on the rotation of a ray of light by 3 decomposed by team, tobi he i En pe : em sm, ice a "ld: of, C. Dewey, INDEX. Fergus, T. H., mica from a: 425, ems of the United States, on some Fishes, water tubes of, L. Agassiz, 431. Fitz, ms telescopes of, 437. Footprints, D. Marsh on fossil, 272. F Gistis: oe South Alabama, 355. F ele Sir John Frenent tc. C., Report by, on California, no- Fuchs’ s method of analyzing iron ores, obser- vations on, Profs. Rogers, usion, effects of, on density of rocks, 133. oa Galena in Algeria, — Scere battery, mode of using, C.!-— Dewey, 253. Pah ——, oxyd of zine in the porous cup, fy ——, purifying liquids by, 260. Gelatine, Roekical nature of, T. S. Hunt, Geslopical e ss re pons ane = dae plants of TO differe map 5 fiona scones, 49. Ee Hale,C. 8 n, expedition in search of, 459 Haldeman, S. S., blast-furnace for smelting iron — anthr: acit mastochilus i in ant nests, 146. ee of South 1 Alabama, = on the explosion, causing the fire at New fs of 1845, 281. ‘arvey, sem on fealinetion and preserving Algee, 42 lausmann, on the cause of the irised colors vl Lewes 254. : hs manufacture of sulphuric acid, 13, Heat, se = eee heat of bodies, C. C. " Perso — slowly" ‘ranma through clay, J. Hime es ey on nsity 0 8, 133. | pow er of a ot different sub- stances, 255. turnal radiation — a 418. He ebe, aicabete of orbit of, 4 a J., on the Sameqaian Institution, lermannsen, A. N., work by, on Malacozoa, noticed, 251; wef C., shooting stars of August, Geology of a as, F. “serial v1: a, E. He s, 123, Malay x Pane a 129, "aie work on the progress of, by d@’ Archiac, ——,, Christy’s letters on, noticed, 298. — of South Alabama, C. S. Hale, 354. — of Shay Mexico, ——, Mus of Economic, England, 446. Gerhardt, C. nt atoms, 176. ——, on salts, Gibbs, J. W. » English prefixes derived from the’ Greek. =i , expe: n of, to South America, to observe Venus with reference to the solar on, 259. Gold, Wieataon He e T.. Jackson, 187. i “ei — in Russia, 27: Gould, A. A., Principles of Zoology by, no- ticed 151. ——, on some shells of ae collect- ed by J. H. Lins B. a orbits of te ‘asteroi ids, 28, Grains produced in the United States in —,, 1848, 279. Hopkins, Ei, isthmus of Panama, 123, Howardite, a new mineral, 25 ~—— river, time of opening el ‘closing, Hunt, JT. a, on chemical classification, and on the atomic volume of sul- Ber’ and nitrogen 170. chemical nature of gelatine, 259. re, rte oy temperature of sea near, 143, Idocrase in Sanford, Maine SS jaws and teeth "of, G. A, Man- ‘elan Archipela ago, 1 Jodine, new —— at St. Victor, 258. Trised colors of m Iron, blast r tacts ree iosking: with anthra- cite. Tron ores, on Fuchs’s method of ahiysiné, ers, Isomorphism, ‘Scherer on, 57, 189. J. vinnie ckson, C. T., ooo of ‘he 187. Jord gp Mol eur on, 146. t. Lynch on, 441. K. 1847, % Gra ay, mm Genera oa of, Sew 300. Grove’ s battery, w used with the zine — xyd of zine in the porous cup, 254, = see aterm of, in mining, 256. Gutta N. Kent Sm in el Mexico. 33a, 339, 390. ‘cm Haidinger’s Vienna Transactions, noticed, —, on dolomisation, 268. rcha, 246. Ket, 2. oe on Fossils, noticed, Koninck, L. de, work b; 454, Kompeoliee: #8. forns, 80. le Lake Superior, meteorol of, and causes of change of level, W. y 1. . Mather ie, Great Salt, or Utah, Rocky Mountains, She, SES rior, levels of, 19... Lapis lavali i in Siberia, 4 INDEX. a the panty, 140, 278, 437. 0, New, notice of the soil, mines, &e., —, ‘mines. of, and modes of reducing ores, s—< “ie A., theory of binary molecules,|| S. W. Rai —: = “ B rie: in Siberia, tion of organic alkalies, 420. || -—— inating —, pareblendty 425, 5 Feb y on eae 4 Millon, on urea, 256, 4 ce, A., donation to Harvard Univer-|——, on anal f inorganic matter in sity, 149. ood, and on metals in this fluid, 422. Lead diseases, S, L. Da , 299. ages cabinet, Markoe’s, — , yield of, in Great Britain, 445. t Balti timore, for sale, 447. ly, on the eyes of Balanus, 136 Minera a ‘Sane ’s Manual of, noticed, 302. Levels, ancient, of Lake Superior, 19 Mi nerl waters, Redky and California Moun- —— of Dead Sea, and Caspian, 1 tain j »-—of Black Se 4. ——, arse n chalybeate, 422. | Liebig, work on chemistry of food, noticed, Minerals, ios in, Scheerer, 57, i : Lake Superior, J. D. ba ; Liebnerite, a new mineral, 275. ge 3 1 , irised colors, cause of, 254. J igh. ray of, rotated by —, physical phenomena dependent upon|—— dhe progressive motion of, S. Alexander, Binsley, J) J; = shells of Connecticut, 233, Lithographic limestone, 446. nar, see Moon. Lynch, expedition to Dead Sea, 441, M. ——, new, from Texas, C. U. Shepard, 249, Mee ge = ade of, Blum’s work on, noticed, 2 Galena and iron ore in Algeria, 271; ’ Gold in Russia, 2 389, MacWhorter, A., on the divisibility of mag- nitude, 329. Magnetic perturbations, 296. ‘ririetiocs in dip of, Quetelet, 46. Malay peninsula, geology of, 129. a i A., jaws and teeth of the TIguan- Mol odon, Markoo’s 8 's mineralogical cabinet, 297. Marsh, D., on fossil footprints, 372, ‘ enneiey of life in Siork ants, 292. Martins, oe temperature of sea near ice- bergs, 14 — W. oY, meteorology of Lake Supe- Mawr, M. F., winds and currents of the Meloni, on nocturnal radiation, 418, N. C., el ctro-magnetic balance, 258, Nasm J., new pro Mercury , 208, perty of coke, 424. ercury, tie of, in Upper California, at ransmission of heat through clay and san s, 426, oor = induny of Behera, 146. "es aa Metcorie i iron of Meteorite of Castine, Me,, C. U. Shepard, — A Arkansas, 297, tig, Tesincgng = “Rammelsberg’s sinieall : of, C.U.S. rd, ~—~, Braunau, on Fischer’s examination, C, ae Shepard, 348. — senitan, rt on, with accounts of sey- . U. Shepard, ; Metocleny of Lake Superior, W. W. Math-| sre, in Brandenburg, || Nic se in M ine, 425; J ite, 269; La- 5. is lazuli in Si ; Liebenerite, é D5 Molybdenite ir i Maine ; Sa , 266; Willi , 249. Mining, employ pent bg n-cotton in, 256. as of New M Molybdenite in Sanford, Maine, 425. Se Moon, observations Senne | eclipee of, Sept., 1848, L. M. Rutherford Morlot, A. von, on hed Teg 268. Mosses, on American, M. A. Curtis, 349. eS v Rocky, notices of, and section, Museum of economic geology, England, My cology, contributions to American, M. A. Curtis, 349, 444. Neptune, S. C. Walker , 277, 396. Negension. th theory of Uranus, researches on, New a, 28 Report of Regents of University ickles, J., dimorphism of zine, —, erystalliz ed hydrated aegitot Ppt ano nome ly in atomic volume ra f. eer notice of J, ye 297. —~ of Berzelius, Ocean, Atlantic and ‘others, facts co * in " Oregon, remarks o hoceras, im preaiion. aa soft parts of, 132. uropean, er 1. ' | ae Brocklesby’s Elements of, noticed, Oyster-catcher,, American and E 433. 5 ea gS ee ae + Planet eee “alées ts of, hy port, 2 ‘ Richardson, J a death of, 2' 2 or ae of copper in hydrochloric acid,, and on INDEX. “ft Pain in = ee G.R Panama, of, Te “Hoping, 123. Peacrenisx section 276. Patent Office Repo Paving materia a India rubber, called Kumptolite, 446. Pennsylvania and aa be hy of, = nee to railroad Wy. Rob Pers 30n, C. C., latent and ific h bodies, 111. dia julien Petersen, Sag of ane w come Phares, 5 437. avers in anaes, 297, 259. Copernicus Sn light of 140 a discovery of, 140, 278. , eleme hon Peidarchet on, E. F. Burr, pre C. Walker, 277. — Fil “erie sighth capetiioe of, 437. —— supposed, ee Neptune, specula- tions on, Babine "TeV, Plan ts of diferent pein non epochs, A, :. rong art, " New "En gland, on some, E. Tucker- Potassium, preparation of ferridcyanid of, a of minerals, Blum on, no- ticed, : Q. Quicksilver mines in meg 4 ieee, 270. in coal formation, R. Radiation of heat, nocturnal, Melloni, 418. Railroads in Pennsylvania and ae 397. ines, G. W., mines of Mexico, Ralfs, J., = British Desmidee, "302. Ray Socie , 446, ‘the University of New York, gentle he W., To wl of Penn sylvania ey Side ‘of one, in South Carolina, 443, Rocks, effects of fusion on density of, 133, a eeciianais of, Profs. Rogers, 396. Rocky Mountains, section of, and notices,|)——; Remer, F. F., geology of Texas, Rogers, W. B. an ng chicos of car- bonie acid by li —_ ~~ te the diamond i in the liquid ae ition of rocks, and J, B., on Nae alleged in- gales uchs’s method of analyzing iron| ores, owell, G. R., beneficent distribution of the bs none of pain, 89. ssia, Mirae of ae in 1846, 275, Reuter ord rvations rune the unar ites of We reannae, 1848, 435 8. Wen amount of, in seas, 148 Salt Jpen oat of Upper California, 280. n California, 388. ‘cheerer on Isomorphism, 57, 189, \chlieper, A., oxydation of uric acid, 363, Hes Dead, see Dead Sea eects 254. era ze on, noticed, } bell of an Argonatta, ream ‘and re OC. BA » 19%. Shells of Connecticut, on some, coll Psd argon Is from La’ hepard, C. » new minera s from Lan er Co. ., Penn., 249. “s ——, meteorite vot Castine, Main —, on Ramm bainia? 8 Alormien ar the Ju- ine: —, on Fischer's examination of the Brau- nau meteorite, 348. ——, Report on eorites, 402. Shooting stars of August, 1847, E. C. Her- ick, 278. — a sh lerrick, 279. France, 439. (Silliman, JSr4 i B, on cxtanle oy 248. power — stem, in Mexico, 37¢ , Silve s of Chihuahua — ores, caer ot a aes ah W. Rain Slide of a pat in South Carolina, 443. |Slopes, angle of, 133. Smithso pened Institution , 288, 305. Solar parallax, x, expedition to South America re Venus with reference to, 143. Spitaberg, temperature of sea near icebergs, Sa observations on, ay Laurent, 277. Spring, hot, i in California, 389. vew paar co, —s 389, 390. Star, sabposdd ie Steam, Tecoompnaition 7 mineral substances and salts a rma canta, Cabo, 136. Stone, artifici eal be lithoceramie, 446. Sulphur, anomaly i in atomic volume of, ge n organic su estimatin 2 ~~ a ond, manufacture of, A. A. Hayes, T. 7p lopes, 133. wa gon tet of astringent substances for, i k by, on coal, noticed, 150, Con eject, history of, 439, lescope, Rosse’s, 139. Rosse’s Gaieesabne 139, Ielescopen, Ritz’ s, 437. ny States, grain produced in, in 1847, 462 INDEX. hbase “a of Utica, 296. , as indicated by opening and closing o: ~ th e Hudson, — of vapor of water, J, H. Alexander, WwW. 7 396. arrin iy OEE testing astringent sub- stances ‘for tanning, 1 Water, om Lena of vapor a JE Alevaniler, cen geology of F. Remer, 2 Th tae "work of, on ae Tin mi aa f Malacca, 130, 210, pe of Malace: — sprys O65. |Wave of translation, W. Whewell, 115. gr aphy of P. erg ge and Ohio, 397,|| Webster, J. H., idocrase in Sanford, Me. 425, fo large, = Ohio Weidenbusch, mode of estimating inorganic ny Ey 0 substances Whewell, Ww. wave of translation, 115. Whitney, 2 ys D, minerals from near Jake Su- r, 269 wiikes’C , medal of da a Rony: awarded to, Williamsite, a new mi None cats resentches on Neptunian theory of,||Winds of = northern motalaphione J. He bee ne ei England pla fae Types, new le of making, 287. UL E. F. Burr, 2 Coffin, 39: , estimation re and its presence in the}/-—— and sole of the ocean, M. F. Maury, itreous liumor, ric i id, oxydation of, ae gost and a ones A,, tour in pe me pea 376. assiu chlieper, 3 ren, new ies of, Cabot, 1 nee heat aga a) of, "296. er v. Z. Vi, 3 of water, tension of, J. H. Asana, Zengloon, Cc. = Kile 361. oa Venus, Teakte ed by expedition sent to Sout nlgont. nei los of by icin dela dloala America, to determine solar parallax, 143. son de ge te “6