THE S * wt AMERICAN JOURNAL a til SCIENCE AND ARTS. CONDUCTED BY PROFESSORS B. SILLIMAN, B. SILLIMAN, Jr, AND JAMES D. DANA, IN CONNECTION WITH PROF. ASA GRAY, or CAMBRIDGE, PROF. LOUIS AGASSIZ, or CAMBRIDGE, ~ DR. WALDO I. BURNETT, or BOSTON, | DR. WOLCOTT GIBBS, or NEW YORK. | SECOND SERIES. VOL. XVII.—MAY, 1854. Printed by B. L. Hamten—Printer to Yale Goll ‘ae CONTENTS OF VOLUME XVII. NUMBER XLIX. Page. Art. I. Eulogy on Von Buch; by Professor Corra, - 1 II. Extracts from the Report on the Geology of the Lake Supe. rior Land District; by J. W. Fosrer, and J. D. Wuirney, ll Ill. Analysis of Tin Pyrites; by Dr. J. W. Matter, - 33 IV. Notice of the Hail Storm which passed over New York City, on the first of July, 1853; by Professor Ex1as Loomis, 35 V. Description of a Tertiary Rainbow; by Cuartes Hartwett, 56 VI. The Earl of Rosse’s Telescopes, and their Revelations in the Sidereal Heavens; by Rev. W. Scoresby, D.D.,F.R.S.,etc., 58 VII. Researches on the Development of Lad ola anet ; by Watpo I. Burnett, M.D., - . VII. Mineralogical Contributions ; by ome D. Si - src 2B IX. Reviews and Records in sige 43 and Pat tee oe Watpo I. Burnett, - 89 X. Biography of Berzelius; by Pfofiscor H. Sone, : - 108 XI. Correspondence of M. Jerome Nicxtts—Obituary: Frangois Arago, 113.—Academy of Sciences: Views on the origin of terrestrial magnetism, 116.—Artificial magnets: Ascen- sional force of Balloons in water, 118.—Manufacture of Sal- ammoniac from the residues of gas works: Separation of bromine from iodine: Artificial Silicification of limestones, 119.—Vitrification of Photographic pictures: Photographic Portraits 6n linen cloth: Pyrogallic acid in wood vinegar, 120. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics.—On the polarization of light by refraction through a metal: Ad- ditional experiments on the internal dispersion of light, 121.—On Chemical affinity : : Den- Oil: Constitution of Butter, 124.—Preparation of Hoe ae Acid: ; of Nickel from Cobalt: On a general method of volumetric analysis, ee ides metric determination of manganese, 126.—Vessels ie the preservation of fluohydric iv CONTENTS. Mineralogy and Geology.—Parophite : Crystalline limestone of the Vosges: Pyromeride of the Vosges, 127. Deh owes from the trap of Isle Royal: Oxyd of Zinc: Crystal- lized Furnace Products: Fibrous amianthoid ae a furnace product from West- phalia: Dolomite : aaaaanes: Minerals :—Pinite after Labradorite, 128 —Karpho- lite after Wolfram: On Serpentine after is: Mende, pp Tag ae aly a On White lead ore after Linarite: On the waters of the Great Salt Lak cky Moun- tains, by Dr. L. D. Gate: On the waters of the Warm aa Hot tities : >alt Lake City, by Dr. L. D. Gate: Analyses of several native Borates, by Prof. Becut, viz., Lagonite, Hayesine, Borax, Larderellite, 129.—On Melan-Asphalt, by C. M. WETHER- LL: Thalia, 130.—A new Meteorite from Tennessee, by Prof. J. Lawrence Situ: On the Identity of Owenite and Thuringite, by Prof. J. Lawrence Smita: On the probable depth of the Ocean of the European Chalk Deposits, by Prof. H. D. Rogers, 131. Botany and Zoology.—Salad for the Solitary, by an Epicure, 132.—Lindley, The Vegeta- ble ——— or the Structure, Classification and Uses of Plants: De Candolle’s Pro- us: Observations on the habits of certain Crawfishes, by Dr. R. P. Stevens, 133. Miscellaneous Intelligence—On the Earthquake at — of Sept. 16, 1852, 135 —The Koh-i-noor Diamond, by Prof. Tennant, |36.—Abstract of a Meteorological Register, kept at Knoxville, Tennessee, by O. W. Morais, 139. be the Binocular Microscope, and the Stereoscopic Pictures of Microscopic Objects, by Prof. C. WurarsTonE, F.R.S., 140.—On the periodic and non-periodic variations of Temperature at Toronto in Canada from 1841 to 1852 inclusive, by Colonel Epwarp Sasine, R.A., 143.—On a Laws in the larger Magnetic Disturbances, by Capt. Youncuussanp, R.A —Mode of Determining the Optical Power of a Microscope, by Prof. haces, ae -- On an Instrument for taking Soundings, by F. Maxwextui Lyte, Esq., 149.—Lonis Semann: Cabinet of Minerals for sale: Obituary—James E. TescueMacuEr: Die K reidebildunge en von Texas, und irhe organischen Einschliise, von Dr. Ferp. RoEMER, 150. er Map of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, Michigan, by J. D. WuitT- ney: People’s Journal, 151 List of Works, 152. NUMBER L. Page. Arr. XII. On the Elastic Force of Heated Air, considered as a ? Motive Power; by Prof. Freprricx A. P. BaRNarD, - XIII. Researches on Globuliferous Rocks ; by M. Detessr, - 168 XIV. Examination of some Deep Soundings from the Atlantic Ocean ; by Prof. J. W. Baitey, : 176 XV. On some New Localities of Fossil pee in California and Oregon ; by Prof. J. W. Batrey, - 179 XVI. Analysis of Beryl from Goshen, Mass. ; by Dr. J. Ww. errs 180 XVIL. On the soon System of the Lake peri Region ; by James Hau - 181 XVIII. On the rasa fetaitias of Wittal asi Hydrogen ; by T.S. Hunt, - ‘ 194 CONTENTS. v Page. XIX. Notice of a Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces of North America, by J. Marcou, - 199 XX. On the Chemical Composition of the minerals ikck em Apatite; by J. D. Wairney, - 206 XXI. Contributions to Chemical Mincretogy: : by sete D. tisk 210 II. On Microscopes with large Angles of Aperture; by Dr. E. D. Norra, - : - - : - - - 221 XXIII. Further Notes on Cereus giganteus of Southeastern Cali- fornia, with a short account of another allied sponse in So- nora; by Dr. Georce ENGELMANN, : - - 231 XXIV. On the Composition of Recent and Fossil Sangean, and some other shells; by W. E. Logan, F.R.S., and T. S. Hunt, 235 XXV. Ona new Meteorite from New Mexico; by Dr. F.A. Gent, 239 XXVI. Introductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand, 241 XXVII. On the relations which exist between Friction and Pres- by M. J. Nicxés, . 252 XXVIIL. itnareet of a Meteorological Seca for io year - 1853, kept at Marietta, Ohio; by S. P. Hitpreru, M.D., - = 355 XXIX. On the Eye and the Organ of Hearing in the Blind Fishes of the Mammoth Cave ; by Jerrries Wyman, M.D., - 258 XXX. Additional Note to Researches on the Development of the Viviparous Aphides ; by W. I. Burnerr, M.D., : - 261 XXXI. Correspondence of M. Jerome Nickuzs—Academy of Sciences; Election of a Perpetual Secretary, 262.—Publi- cation of the works of Arago and Laurent, 263.—Death of Theodore Olivier: On the Proximate principles of Bran of Wheat, 264.—On the Ammonia contained in Rain-water :- Heating of Wire by the Voltaic Current, 265.—Various Memoirs, 266.—Chemical reactions effected under the influ- ence of High Pressure: Heating Apparatus, 267.—Eco- ‘nomical Manufacture of Bi-chromate of Potash, 269.—Pho- tography, 270.—On four new Quinquinas, 271. Arrenpix.—Notice of a collection of Fishes from the southern bend of the Tennesseé River, Alabama; by L. Acassiz, 297 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics. —Bartlett's Elements of Analytical Mechanics, 271.—Dars ted der Secalehn und optische Studien von H. W. Dové: Einleitung in die hé Optik von Dr. Aucusr Beer, 272.—Die Lehre von der Reibungselektricitiit von PD as: Ress, 273—On the Absolute Zero of the Perfect Gas Thermometer, by W. J. er Quorn Ranxive, Esq.: Aridium, by Campari Morrit and James C. tiie A fh - is . vi CONTENTS. Note to J. D. Dana’s Contributions to Chemical Mineralogy: On the Production of Crystalline Structure in Crystallized Powders, by Compression and Traction, by Sir Davip Brewster, K.H., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc., 275. —On the Gold Fields of Victoria or Port Philip, by H. G. Watuen, Esq., 279.— i the Structure of Agate, by THEoporE GUMBEL, 284. Botany and Zoloogy—Fungi Caroliniani + ypne by H. W. RaveneL: Comparative Anatomy, by C. Ta. v. Sresoup and nius. Translated from the German and Edited with Notes and Additions, by Watne a Burnett, M.D., 285. Astronomy.—New Planet Euterpe : New Comet, 286. Miscellaneous Intellig Contrib to Met y CHARLEs SMALLWoopD,M.D., 287.— Tornado in Kaus Co., Ohio, Jan. 20, 1854: ios in Photography, 290.— Fishes of Northern New York—Frozen Fish, 291—American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science: Cabinet of Minerals for Sale ¥ Cameroceras trentonense and Orthis bora pare aryl ied . Tes chemacher. , 292 —O utline of the Geology G Epwarp Bideanett DD., icroscope in its special shite to Veg: etable Anatomy and Physiology, ee Dr. Hermann Scuacut. Translated b ERIcK Currey, Esq. M.A: Explanations and Sailing Directions, to accompany the Wind and Current Charts, by M. F. Maury, LL.D., Lieut. U.S. N., 295.—The Annals of Science, conducted by Hamriton L. Surru, A.M. : Sicslinniain of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 296 ws > & ¥ NUMBER LI, Arr. XXXII. The Primitive Diversity and number of Animals in Geological Times; by L. Agassiz, - - 309 XXXIIL. New Localities of Meteoric Iron; by pe eee SHEPARD, - 325 XXXIV. Sie of Co ia ae gee County Georgia; by Prof. J. E. Winter, - - 331 XXXV. On ee anew Mineral Species ; by R. Fr; Gave, ats 333 — ator Essay in Os Hooker’ s Flora of New Zea. and, - 334 xX Boake on the Mineral species heen by c¥ s. 351 Sieve Wales of a Balizsties of Fishes abs the aie bend of the Tennessee River, Alabama; by L. Acassiz, - 352 Appenpix.—Additional Notes on the Holeonoti, - - 365 XXXIX. Observations on the Development of the ‘Surinam Toad” (Pipa Americana) ; by Jerrrigs Wyman, M.D., - 369 XL. Researches on the Development and intimate Structuré of the Renal Organs of the four bem of the A gad ed W. I. Burnert, M.D.,. -- « Se - 374 CONTENTS. Vii XLI. The Numerical Relation between the Atomic Weights, with some Thoughts on the Classification of the Chemical Elements; by Prof. Jostan P. Cooxs, Jz., A.M., — - - 387 CorresPonbDENCcE.—Extract from a letter from Dr. W. I. Bur- NETT to Prof. J. D. Dana, 407.—Correspondence of M. Jz- ROME Nicxiis—Award of Prizes by the Academy of Sci- ences, 412.—Deaths and Academic Elections: Zoological Society for the Acclimation of Animals: Artificial Produc- tion of Pleochroism in Crystallized Substances, 414.—De- rivatives of nitrotartaric acid: On the gluten of wheat, 415. —Natural History of Lupulin, 416.—Various Communica- tions: Industrial Photometry, 417.—On forming vessels of gold by the aid of phosphorus: Gilding of Silk, &c.: Local anesthesis, 418.—Influence of bismuth on the ductility of Copper: On the bronze employed in sheathing ships, 419.— Traité des Poisons, ou Toxicologie appliquée a la Medicine legale, etc., par le Docteur Cu. Fuanpin: Traité de l’Elec- tricité théorique et appliquée, par Auc. pe ra Rive: Mé- canique Analytique par Lacranee: Lecons sur la Theorie mathematique de l’élasticité des corps solides, par Lamz: La régle a calcul expliquée, etc., par Benarr, 420. SCIENTIFIC. INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics.—Artificial production of polychroism in crystallized mem 421.—Rate of transmission of impressions made upon the nerves, 422.—Pre n of large crystals of sulphate of jodo- -quinine for optical purposes: On the law of mean in magnetic and paramagnetic substances, 423.—On the laws of the attraction of elec- tro-magnets, 424.—Identity of Niobium and Pelopium, 425.—Preparation and Properties of metallic Aluminum : Preparation of Aluminum og electric deposition, 427,—On the arsen-ethyls: On the alcohol of benzoic acid, 428.—Formation of nitruret of benzoyl m hippuric acid : On the exhibition of the fixed lines of the solar spectrum with ordi- dary flint glass prisms, by Oapen N. Roop, 4 Mineralogy an d Geology.—Appendix to Observations on the Homcomorphism of some Mineral ee, by James D. Dana, 430.—On Descloizite, a new Mineral Species, by M. A. Damour, 434.—Ancient Lake in the Colorado Desert, 435.—Quicksilver Mine of aaa California, by W. P. Buaxr, 438,—Conistonite, 440. Botany an Zoology.—On the Age of the pee Tree recently felled in California, by A. Gray, ve a de Gow Plantarum Glumacearum, auctore E. G. SreupEen: Lindley’s Fo- lia Orchidacea : Epistole Caroli a Linné ad Bernardum de Jussieu Inedite, et mutuse Bernardi ‘a Lien: 443.—Localities and Habits of certain species of Insects, &c., by J.P. Kirtrann, 444, baie Astronomy.—Comet V, 1853, 444,—Obituary, Prof. A. C. Petersen, 445, je a : Vill CONTENTS. Miscellan ntelligence.—Abstract of Meteorological Observations made at Burlington, Vt., in 1853, by Z. Tuompson, 445.—Extract of a letter from Col. J. C. Fremont, respect- ing his Explorations for the route of a Railroad to the Pacific, 447.—On the Action of Al- kalies on Rocks, by M. De.esse, 450.—On the Prosopite of Scheerer, by James D. Dana: Geological Survey of Tennessee, 452.—Telegraphic Longitude at Brussels: The World of Science, Art and Industry, illustrated from examples in the New York Exhi- bition, 1853, °54, edited by Prof. B. Siuuiman, Jr., and C. R. Gooprics, E hi Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, by Lawrence Turnsutt, M.D., 453.— Mechanical Theory of Storms, by T. Bannetr: Fownes’ Chemistry for Students: A Manual of British Mineralogy, by R. P Grea, F.G.S., and W. G. Is and my Schoolmasters, or, the Story of my Education, by Hucu MiLLer : An- nual of Scientific Discovery: Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 454. List of Works, 455 Index, 456. ERRATA. In part of the edition, (No. 50,) 1. 10 from bottom, enatica, read O. erratica P. 211, 1.10 botto m fora, ead CaP. 2817 fre oni eee: 4, read 1: a1: hk —P, 240, tot hy pen tage add, phosphorus 0-21. P, 240, 1. 1 6 from op, for tartaric acid, read titanic acid. Pa 3:27 NE a Pienaar P. 333, 1. 10 oe ii nr tient for Mr. read Dr. 4 AMERICAN e. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. [SECOND SERIES.] Arr. L—Eulogy on Von Buch; by Professor Corra of Freiberg.* Ar?Freiberg on the 19th of March was held a funeral festival in honor of Leoroip von Bucn, the most sii geologist of our time, who died in Berlin on the 4th o At 7 o’clock, p.m., the scientific andience pitch ontir in the Wer- nerian Hall of the Academy of Mines, which unfortunately did not possess extent enough to allow of ‘the unusual attendance of the public at large. Professor Heuchler had decorated the ceno- taph with the coat of arms and portrait of the deceased. Fittin geological specimens surrounded its base, which all had especial fessor Pee ae ac vga translation of an en ip 0 have Ss t _ itis taken from the Leipzig “ Illustrirti ti Zeitung of A pil 9th, where the proceed- ings at length, with the illustrations, are giv speech on the part of the stu- dents I have left out; and you also omit if po better, the introductory remarks of deg cay aa the translation. I have translated the address t give: rtrait of the remarkable man by one who knew him intimately, we also ‘that his abors may be better known ecoet they perhaps are in America, where he desired so much in his latter days to go, and of whose munifi- was young again to ao there: and Seuite eile If to the development a Thave the honor to be, Sir, your ob’t serv't, Royal Saxon Acad, of Mines, Freiberg, dane — 1853. —— 4 854. 2 Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. teference to his scientific labors—such as ammonites and tere- bratulas, lava masses aud other eruptive rocks, jurassic limestone, aud chalk, druses of crystals and fossil leaves from the brown coal. The mining and smelting officers of the crown, the professors of the Academy, in uniform, together with the students, at present uncommonly numerous even from the most distant foreign lands, filled the academic halls. Professor Breirnaurt first ascended the tribune and opened the exercises with the following remarks :— Honored Friends! An aged, venerated and lordly oak in the German grove of science has fallen. Leopold von Buch is no more! Deeply do we feel this painful loss, the more deeply, as we may justly say, that in many respects, he belonged especially to us. Already in 1790 he was matriculated at the Academy of Mines at this place, and here his gifted genius laid the foundation of its subsequent comprehensive attainments. He ever remained true and attached to his alma mater, kindly communicating the rich fruits of his profound observations and investigations, and supporting without intermission a friendly intercourse with the literati of Freiberg. Only three years since, at Werner’s festival held at this place, where he was the foremost ornament among those then present, he proved his old and honorable attachments by a noble act of munificence. To such a man are we in duty bound to pay a public token of our reverent acknowledgment and of our warmest thanks; and for that purpose are we here to-day convened—at this festival to his memor Through Professor Cotta we shall forthwith learn how much and what signal service the great geognost and geologist has reu- dered to science. The extent of Von Buch’s merit will ever cause his name to shine forth bright and brighter asa star of the first magnitude, not alone in Germanic literature, but also where- ever his favorite science may find a votary. By ws can he never be forgotten—to us he will be ever peculiarly near and dear. Then followed the eulogy by Professor Corra. We stand here before the manes and before the portrait of a man who devoted his whole life to Nature—of a man who once was F'reiberg’s and Werner’s scholar, and whose f mining life. Leopold Baron von Buch was born on the 26th of April, 1774, probably at the old ancestral castle of the family at Stolpe, in the Uckermark in Prussia. Scarcely 16 years of age, he entered, on the 10th June, 1790, Freiberg’s walls, where, under Werner’s especial guardianship, and partially in own house, he spent Prof. Cotia’s Eulogy on Von Buch. 3 three years. Here it was, that an intimate and long enduring friendship was formed between him, Alexander v. Humboldt, and Carl Freisleben. After the completion of his mining stud- jes, he it was who most of all next to von Humboldt gave origin to that beautiful saying of d’Aubuisson de Voisin, that “* Werner’s disciples scattered themselves over every land and interrogated Nature as to her import from pole to pole.” He also it was, how- ever, who first of all brought back a negative answer from these wanderings. He went forth into the worid a true and convinced disciple ; soon, however, fact after fact accumulated before his clear vision, till he was convinced, at first, doubtless, painfully convinced, that his much loved master must have erred in one fundamental point. We all are subject to error; and those who come after us will certainly know more, and know it much better, than we. It can therefore on that account never be made a subject of reproach to a disciple, that he has given up the system of his master from conviction ; and it were also the worst way of honoring great men, to say nothing of its opposition to the spirit of true science, were we blindly to cling to all of their errors. On the contrary the acknowledgment of an error, or the discovery of a new truth on the part of the disciple, is ever a proof of the ability of bo The master has awakened a spirit of independent investi- gation—the disciple, by that, has laid down a proof of his own impartiality and of his independence. And never can a disciple m such a case act with more delicacy and forbearance against a master than did v. Buch, who never meanly attacked the odd, but on the contrary presented the new only with more convincing Wer, & L. v. Buch wandered over,—and that too mostly on foot, as it behooves a naturalist to do,—one after another, not only all the Mountain chains of Germany, the’ Alps from Nice to Vienna, the Appenines from Turin to their most southern spurs, the hilly chains of England and the highlands of Scotland, but he was almost as much at home in France asin Germany. He traversed again and again the Pyrenees, climbed the summit of Aitna, and the sublime Peak of Teneriffe. He had early wandered among the crystalline mountains of Scandinavia, and late in life even, When almost an old man, he wandered all over the Highlands of Greece, till then better known to the philologist than to the geologist. Everywhere, even where he only transiently tarried, he left behind him, as v. Humboldt says, luminous and radiant footsteps. _ ‘Thus was he ever, year after year, up to his advanced old age to the very end of his days, on journeys. In eariy summer he Wandered forth, an y with the storms of autumn did turn to his neat ¢ oor study on t of the: ve 4 Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. where a cheerful shaper establishment surrounded the worker, with nothing however of that luxury which might have been expected from a man ik his rank and opulence. The faithful Mrs. Baumgarten—known to almost every geologist—had been for more than twenty years his only attendant; and it very often happened that he himself opened the door to the one who rang. ere it a stranger who then had come, and asked, “Is Mr. v. Buch at home ?”—he received an answer according to circumstances— “T will see’”’—or, ‘“‘ what do yon wish of him”—or, * No.” Evena well known ete ae he sometimes also asked, “To whom do you come? r, began immediately even in the partal the con- Suasaiinemieia's with a question—on some determiuate sci- entific subject. Once, while I was engaged in the geological survey of Thuringia, and visited him, he asked, even in the house-door, “ Now does Ammonites semipartitus occur also in Eichsfeld ?” I have purposely made mention of these apparently insignifi- cant circumstances, because they characterize the man, and be- cause the last especially, shows the great activity of his mind, which, in moments of the greatest surprise, forthwith and omit- ting sit introductory phrase, began at ounce at the very heart of the subject—at all times interesting to the new comer. How- ever, a 2 shall soon have occasion to speak of many peculiarities which not a little characterized the departed. Permit me next to cast a glauce at what science has. gained from his life and genius. It would engage our attention for indebted to him, who also in the departments of natural science as elsewhere, has given manifold proofs of a geniug deep search- ing into the very heart of things. Tor it is especially character- istic of his labors, that he never lingered over trivialities, but knew how to discern at a glatice the essential from the unessen- tial, to render the characteristic distinctly characteristic, and to seek out the true connection of phenomena. It is less difficult even for an acknowledged obtuser mind, to make numerous and accurate observations, than through these to discern the legiti- mate in nature. This latter gil, paneer was lent to L. v. Buch in a degree possessed only by t The copiousness of his dee however, will make it ne- cessary for me to limit ores at this time, to those alone, which appear the most importan He it was who first of all in Germany proved with precision that the disturbance of the — relations in the deposition of strata cannot be explained alone by events on the surface, but that these have had in an cases a deep seated subterranean, plutonic or volcanic origin. e showed by little and little that not only the basalt, but “also Pig other crystalline massive rocks have been Prof. Cotia’s Eulogy on Von Buch. 5 pressed upward from below in a molten condition like lava; and that by these same reactions of the earth’s interior, the elevation of mountain chains, and of whole districts of country have been brought about. He first directed attention to the determinate, and often recipro- cally parallel, direction of lineal mountain chains, or extensive dis- locations of strata. He distinguished four principal lines of eleva- tion in Germany, upon which generalization Elie de Beanmont afterwards building, founded his artificial system of mountain lines, which, however, in its last form was not admitted even by L. v. Buch himself. He was the first of all to show that the large volcanoes had had their origin not alone from the simple heaping upon one another of lava streams and loose ejected masses, bnt that they had been elevated to a higher altitnde together with the consolidated masses before present. In this manner he distinguished craters of elevation, and craters of erup- tion; and if in this last division he may in isolated cases have gone too far, still the most essential part of his doctrine will always remain of the highest importance. Having once had his attention directed to the effects of volca- nic activity, he investigated the mode of distribution of volcanoes upon the earth, registered upon charts all known ones, and show- ed that they were distributed partially in groups and partially in linesof which the last mentioned evidently were arranged upon long extended lineal cracks in the earth’s crust. These investi- gations were first communicated in his splendid work on the Ca- nary Islands. Besides the local effects of the present voleanic activity as it is there developed where active volcanoes exist on the earth’s sur- ace, he early recognized also the effects of this same force in its more universal and less distinctly remarked phases. e it was Who first of all in Germany proved that the continuons remarka- ble changes of level on many of the Baltic coasts cannot have their origin, as was generally believed to be the case, in the siuk- ing of the sea, but that they are to be explained only by a grad- ual secular elevation of a great partof Sweden. And this view as since then been established beyond a doubt by an earlier op- poser of it, Sir Charles Lyeil. Twill not linger long over his‘theory on the part which the Melaphyre has played, and its influence on the formation of Do- lomite, becanse this of all of his new views is perhaps most sub- Jected to doubt. But even if this whole hypothesis should fall to the gronnd, still it was at any rate put forth with so much Spirit and ingenuity, that it earned and obtained at the time, the highest attention, aud in the most lively manner drew the atten- tion of others to new investigations. In general the beautiful, ‘vely and convincing mauner of representation in all + Be i ey 6 Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. labors is not the least part of their merit. In so simple and clear a style can no one write who is not perfectly master of his sub- ject. Somewhat characteristic of him is it also, that he always shunned all references in the text, and with right, for they never belong to the embellishments of a book. They are generally only a consequence of the fact that the author is not able to spin out into one thread all that he would say, or that he has hung them on to prove his erudition, or they are entirely superfluous and do not belong to the subject. As they are impossible in the flowing speech, they should also be avoided as far as possible in Written productions. During the period of his long scientific career, occurred the discovery of the true meaning and the geological worth of or- ganic remains; which till then had been looked upon as unes- sential things and had been but little noticed. Scarcely was cameration and at the same time pointed out the peculiar laws 0 their development, which for primeval zoology and for geology has become alike equally important. e next turned his attention—ever seizing first of all upon what was at the time most important—to the genera Terebratula, Spirifer, and Productus, which, as paleontological remains, are of life of those remarkable animals. In a similar manner he later elucidated the Cystidea—a remarkable division of the Radiata— while earlier he had already described, in a splendid work. the fossils collected in America by Alexander von Humboldt and Ch. egenhard, in these cases animating by his genius those long extinct forms of a primeval world as if they were still sporting © amid the living. The study of Organic Remains, which has given to geology an entirely new direction, also led him, who first introduced the con- ception of characteristic fossils for formations, to the more precise RASS ore Ph ctu SREY Lewitt nw a las aE ae Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. 7 of land and water in this part of the world at that time. He also subsequently showed, that the depositions at the period of the chalk—at least its organisms—are limited to a determinate zone of the earth’s surface, extending, neither in the old world nor the new, beyond 60° of north or south latitude, which, if con- firmed, will be the oldest proof of a division of zones upon our anet. Last of all, the deposition and distribution of the brown coal formation in Germany as well also as that of the chalk of North America engaged his attention. With the investigation of the former were connected peculiar studies of a botanic nature which had also occupied him for many years, but which he had now so far perfected as to bring their result to bear ypon the subject in question. The fossil impression of dicotyledonous leaves, whose exact determination is often extremely difficult, led him to the study of the living forms of leaves. He rested seldom under the shadow of a tree without accurately observing the structure of its leaves and numbering their nerves. He collected hundreds in a small herbarium and by continued comparison succeeded in discovering a determinate law in the arrangement of their nerves, according to which all leaves arrange themselves under the four divisions of “ Randlaufer, Bogeulaufer, Spitzlaufer, and Saum- Here permit me to leave the succession of weightier and in part more brilliant discoveries, for which the physical sciences, and especially geology, whose reformer he was, are indebted to him to return once more to the personal, where I may not and cannot avoid a more subjective representation, inasmuch as I have had the fortune of not being a stranger to him, and in many ways know his high manly worth. You all may have heard doubtless of many a peculiarity of L. Vv. Buch, who at times under a stern exterior, always, however, bore a deeply sensitive and noble heart. Great men are seldom without sharply defined and deeply stamped peculiarities, and these then belong obviously to the full completion of the portrait. The custom of performing all his journeys as far as possible on foot, without guide, without knapsack, in black dress coat, and tound hat, in shoes and (formerly silk) stockings, all of which ar- ticles of dress being often from the hardships of the journey far more jaded than their bearer, brought him many a time in pecu- liar couflict with travellers, police authorities and landlords, from Which, of course, by intellectual superiority and a good passport, he ever came off at last victorious. Hundreds of original anec- dotes which have happened to him on his journeys are known. He himself appeared not unwilling even to relate them, and much as he was accustomed also to’ be importuned by such misunder- standings, still one can scarcely believe that he always shunned em. 8 Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. He never communicated in advance, when and where he should travel; and even as he began his extensive journey to the Ca- nary Islands, no one in Berlin had the least intimation of it before his departure. The mechanician who had to construct his ba- rometer, could only conclude that he meant to ascend to high alti- tudes, as it must be arranged for the determination of heights of 14,000 feet. I believe myself not to be inexperienced in wandering on foot, but I must however acknowledge, that I was right glad late one evening to have reached the terminus as we once sixteen years ago, wandered thirty-five miles over the mountains from Schan- dau to ‘Tharand. We halted for refreshment but once on the way, at a spring whose waters we quaffed from the goblet of Diogenes. Instead of stopping at an inn to rest, he halted with pleasure but once in a beautiful spot in the freedom of nature, but even there not without investigating a stone or a leaf in the meanwhile. At such a time he once said, “If we contemplate with attention any one subject of Nature, we can always find something new in it, should it have been investigated and de- scribed ever so often.” In this way he generally travelled, seeking however of course at evening as good an inn as possible, with whose signs and char- acters in the greatest part of Europe there was scarely any one so well acquainted as he. ‘ee , when in a distant land, winter surprised him, then indeed the way home on foot was no more practicablé. To travel with strangers however, in a stage-coach, was to him, on account o the possibility of coming in contact with a smoker, fundamentally out of the question. e therefore, before railroads were known, used in every case to purchase his own waggon and with extra post horses return home. But now as he did not possess the gift of selling these again in Berlin, whole collections of all sorts of travelling vehicles here collected on his hands, until at length some relative resolved upon selling them for him. But enough of these peculiarities, which easily could be communicated in much greater numbers. They often form, however, only the original exterior of one of the noblest hearts. Unmarried as he always was, and notwithstanding his being ever on journeys, L. v. Buch made use for himself of not the half of his large income. Believe not however in the least, that he hoarded up or collected the other half! He collected only the med- als of creation, none stamped by the hand of man. He supported what appeared to him worthy of support, with a lavish hand, and that too without having it easily remarked. Not alone in the cause of science, but also in the purest philanthropy, he expended, doubtless, thousands yearly. I myself have seen him moved to tears at the misfortune of another, and I know the satisfaction of he a a sealing eesti NS IO Sy (SR Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. 9 having witnessed it without being near A prize it — enough. He was accustomed to say at such a time, ‘ He must be helped,” and he was helped, by an unseen hatte emery Perhaps it may be said by one or another, that it were quite easy for a man so independently cireumstanced as he, to devote himself exclusively to science, and with so many means to have accomplished great results. With such, however, I cannot agree. y' wey that would have led to a pleasant, yes, even a brilliant life. Hundreds, I fear, who, struggling with necessity, have earned for themselves a name in science, ‘would, i in L. v. Buch’s cireum- stances, have chosen a path in ‘life leading more directly and easily to commanding influence The spur of necessity is with many not a small one. But fora man of fortune without such extreme urging, to devote his whole life voluntarily to earnest, pure ep Rp eT and only for that end, there is something in it, as it appears to me, of the great, something of the uncommon; for it is one thing to cultivate a branch of science incidentally, for pastime or amusement, or to acquire a certain credit for erudition, and quite another to resign oneself entirely and undividedly to ith such zeal for scientific advancement he also knew well how to draw forth youthful talent wherever he found it, to cap- tivate it, lead it into a fitting path, support it by counsel or assist- ance, and with such delicacy of feeling and manner, that it itself scarcely perceived how much it was indebted to its patron. He never accepted a public office, but bore occasionally on fes- tive occasions the key of a « Kammerherr” and many a high order of merit. may also not pass by without mentioning the uncommonly varied character of von Buch’s attainments, and the retentiveness of his memory even for trifles; it was his custom to note in his small day-book, often embracing the wanderings of many years, only brief remarks in a microscopic hand. Perfectly at home in five or six languages, he was also deeply read in history and litera- ture. Even trivial family circumstances and town occurrences his memory retained in all their details, and he knew how to rehearse them in the most felicitons manner. His conversation Was on that account not less spirited than fascinating, and he could, when he was in the right humor, enliven even the gayest maloon. in the highest degree. w, however, one word as to his death. On Saturday the 26th February, he was till late at. the Humanitatsgesellschaft—a conversational meeting of literati of Berlin. Professors Poggen- dorf and Braun accom panied him thence to his dwelling. At the door he bade them adieu with some jokes as usual. Upon retiring to rest he felt himself slightly indisposed. The = aoe = Szconp Series, Vol. XVII, No. 49,—Jan. 1954. ee 10 Prof. Cotta’s Eulogy on Von Buch. the malady with violent pains in the foot, in which for many years he had suffered from chilblains. -He did not afterwards leave his couch, and a letter from Dresden remained unread. On Tues- day the physiciau was called. ‘The pains had left him, but a general debility, a nervous excited condition, had taken their place. His acquaintances, however, still knew nothing of his sick- ness. On Wednesday, Prof. Beyrich accidentally visiting him, received for the first time information of the sufferings of the highly honored man. He found him in bed, but cheerful, and joking in his wonted manner, alluding often to the task he had un- dertaken on the chalk formation of North America, and which had. engaged his attention for some time past. Upon his writing table lay the beginning of his work with the superscription, ‘* Nebraska,” but under this however, were only two lines, probably written on Saturday. On the same evening, Prof. Beyrich carried the intelli- gence of his illness to the meeting of the German Geological So- ciety, of which von Buch was president. During the night of Thursday his condition became much worse. Debility and fever had visibly increased. However, on Thursday he could still con- verse with most of those who visited him during the day. When Prof. Beyrich visited him again at 10 0’clock on Friday, March 4th, he found Messrs. Ewald, Braun, and Papiz already at the couch where he lay unconscious, and they did not again leave it till his death, which occurred at twenty minutes before two o’clock. On March 9th the funeral solemnities took place in the dwel- ling of the departed, which the Royal Botanic Garden had richly decorated with palms and laurel. His mortal remains were then to von Buch’s liberality. He often came here, and only three years since when we celebrated the memory of his distinguished master, he was to our joy with us in this hall, where to-day his portrait presents to us only the noble lineaments which we shall never forget, as his whole service must forever remain unfor- gotten. An account of the origin of this portrait may not be without interest. L. v. Buch had often received urgent requests to allow eeepameeres —! Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the Geology, etc. 11 his portrait to be taken, but had never consented. When his friend Friesleben on the remittance of his own portrait, once ur- gently requested his in return, he received in its stead a large lith- ograph of an Ammonite with the signature under it, “ Leopold v. Buch.” There was little hope then, of obtaining a portrait of the great geologist, aside from the imperfect failure in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Some years since, however, his King sent the celebrated portrait painter, C. Begus, to him, and told him, that he, the King wished his portrait. What remained for him todo? He must obey and sit still. From that portrait is this lithograph a copy. And now permit me to address myself to you who are dedica- cating yourself to the same studies which here once lured this distinguished man. If you all however have not proposed to yourselves the same course—if you are not all called to furnish similar results in your particular departments like a L. v. Buch, still may you ever take him as an exemplar. His example like that of Alexander v. Humboldt, and many others, teaches at the same time that even from an unpretending place of study great effects may go forth. May we all strive to imitate him in un- tiring zeal, system, and noble sentiments—this will be the high- est honor we can show to his memory. For the immortality of his name, he himself has provided. _ At the close of the exercises, the band of the cavalry regiment, im garrison here, played a Dead March. Arr. Il.—F xtracts from the Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District ; (Part Ul.) by J. W. Fosrex, and J.D. Wurrney.* Iv Part I, of this Report, communicated to the Commissioner of the General Land Office in 1850, and published in 1851, we have given a historical sketch of the. exploration of the country bordering on Lake Superior, a description of its physical geography and climate, and so much of its geology as was necessary to the full elucidation of the copper-bearing rocks and their relation to the sedimentary formations; this being the subject to which that part of the report was principally devoted. The two concluding chapters coutained an account of the drift phenomena so con- Spicuously displayed in the region of the great lakes. In Part IL, of this Report, we shall proceed to the detailed and Systematic description, so far as our materials will enable us, * The We here cite some pa aphs from the chapters, on the the mtkayand-onthe Asoic tnd the lomer:Silurian systetea Fs fo a f this valuable Report, was announced in volume xv, page 295 ppearance of this valuable Repo ers of 12 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the the geology of the whole of the Lake Superior Land District, commencing with those formations which are the lowest in the scale of geological succession, or those which were first formed, and ascending to t which are now in the progress of accumu- lation. We shall only allude to the results of the former part of the report, so far as it may be necessary to enable the reader to form a connected idea of the geology of the whole region. The following table exhibits the names and the order of suc- cession of the geological groups which have been recognized as existing within the limits of our district. Classification of the Rocks. } sree Syenite. \ sree and Quartz rock, Plutonic Rocks. Of Various Ages. IGNEOUS. Greenstone, or Dolerite, Porphyry- Peete | Basalt, = daloid. - rnblende and Serpentine Rocks. Voleane [ies of f Spectr and Magnetic Oxyd Gneiss and Hornblende Slat C lorie,” Patedbi and Argillaceous ‘Slate. Beds of Quartz and Saccharoidal Marble METAMORPHIC, ponies, ennai 7 ( Potsdam Sandstone. pai he Sandstone, ZY sto 2 e Lewis Bids ye Limestone i. FORMATIONS. Ajlurian System. Galena Lim { Hudson- nite Gecais Clinton Group. Upper. oe Group. ondaga Salt Group. Devonian System. Upper Helderberg Series. = E > | | AQUEOUS. Aw : Beds of Sand, Clay and Gravel rudely stratified. Drift System. | ‘Transported Blocks of Granite, Gre nd tone, dc. | Atte ial Deposits, 1 Spits buses bias 4 bore 07 Marshes, Flats, Hooks, ithe New York geologists have divided the Silurian system, as developed in that state, into eleven groups, while some of the Western geologists recognize, in its western extension, but five. pala the two systems of classification there is no community of na The ‘gccishihiid} position of our district is such as to form a connecting link between the east and the west. While, on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 13 one hand, the New York and Canadian geologists have traced the Silurian groups up to the eastern borders of our district ; on the ents, or to subdivide them according to the paleontological evidence, Under these circumstances, we have endeavored to connect the two sets of observations and blend them into one harmonious whole. As the New York survey is the only instance in which nomenclature, so far as the same groups described by the New York geologists could be recognized in our district. . The designation of groups of strata by names derived from their geographical position, or from the locality in which the rocks are first investigated and their relative position clearly defined, _ Seems to be of all the methods of nomenclature that which, for the present at least, is liable to the least objection. Names given | solely with reference to lithological character, or to the presumed predominance at any particular point of a certain genus or class of organic remains, seem much more likely to lead to misunderstand- ing and confusion ; and, however desirable it may be that a uni- versal system of nomenclature and arrangement should be in- troduced, it seems quite impossible to hope for any such thing in the present state of geological science, a science which is so rapidly developing, and liable to such constant changes. ‘The names in- troduced by the New York geologists, are in most instances de- tived from the locality where the group designated is particularly well developed, and the fact that those groups have, in their con- Unuation through Canada, been described by Mr. Logan, the Pro- vincial geologist, under the names recognized by the New York survey, seems an additional reason for their adoption, as far as possible, by us. It will be seen from the details incorporated in a subsequent part of this report, that many members of the Silurian series, par- ticularly the grits and conglomerates, which are clearly defined 1n New York, have but a limited range, and disappear altogether before reaching the limits of our district. These are conditions Which we ought to expect would exist in deposits made along a shelving ocean-shore ; but so far as these are persistent, it seems desirable that they should bear the same names throughout their Whole extent, 14 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the The following is the synonymy of the groups of the systems developed in this region, according to the nomenclatures adopted in the reports of the different surveys. New York and Lake Superior. | Pennsylvania and Virginia. | Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin. AZOIC SYSTEM. AZOIC SYSTEM. AZOIC SCHISTOSE SERIES. METAMORPHIC ROCKS, (Not classified in New York.) ‘(Wanting in Ohio and Iowa.) SILURIAN SYSTEM. rimeval st or ( Lower Sandstone, or For- Potsdam Sandstone. if ee Tes mation 1, wanting in Ohio wer Magnesia Linke Calciferous Sandstone. Lawes ‘part of tie Mateial sto ne oe e cigte n 2, want- Series, or part of No, IL. Trenton Group ees Poi Limestone, Chazy, osc and Black- Miridle. part aft Metre Blue Limestone river Limest oe ee - and Marls Ms “the West. ded as Galena Limestone (not re- be recognized in Penn- J the ais es “of Pike Cliff cognized in New York.) sylvania and Virginia. or — Magnesian lime- Hudson-river Group. Matinal Shales, or No. TIL ine “Bie "Limestone and end Sandstone and Clin- \e Part vs ey Piel a Series, Not round at the ton Group. r par Niagara Group. { Part os the Le tie Series, or part o Cliff ean of Ohio “ia per Magne- Onondaga Salt Group. Summit of the Levant Series, | sian te ! ee [fs (i == DEVONIAN SYSTEM. f Upper Helderberg Lime- ' § Upper portion of the Cliff stone. Limestone. * * * * Azoic Series on the Northern Shore.—The rocks of which it is composed are developed on an extensive scale, both on the north- ern and southern margin of Lake Superior basin. Commencing on the northern shore of the lake, we find a series of taleose and chlorite slates with occasional beds of coarser grits, in immediate contact with the granite and gneiss. They have been divided by Mr. Logan, the distinguished Provincial Geologist of Canada, into two groups—a division which we have failed to recognize on the southern shore—the lowest of which consists of slates partially chloritic and talcose, and occasionally holding a sufficient number of pebbles derived from the hypogene rocks to constitute con- glomerates. “These slates,” he remarks, “are of a dark-green color, often dark-grey in fr esh fractures, which at the base, appear to be occasionally interstratified with beds of a feldspathic quali NYS of the reddish color belonging to the subjacent granite and gneiss sometimes they are a combination of feldspar and quartz, occasion Salancieieiennecniientcinadiitadineiceme acs a. emer = e Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 15 ally with the addition of hornblende, making syenitic beds, and in some the hornblende predominating gives the syenite a general green tinge. Some of the beds have the quality of a greenstone, others that of mica slate, and a few present the character of a quartz rock.”* These slates, he conjectures, attain a thickness of several thousand feet, and are well exposed at the mouth of the river Doré, about five miles from the Michipicoten river. The strike of the beds is very irregular and their dip highly inclined. The upper group rests unconformably on the preceding, and towards the base presents conglomerate beds of no great thickness, the pebbles of which consist of white quartz, red jasper, and oc- casionally slate, the whole enclosed in an arenaceous matrix. Higher up are found layers of chert, occasionally approaching chal- cedony. ‘The plates are separated by thin calcareous seams, pre- senting a ribbon-like appearance. _ In the vicinity of the disturbed parts, the chert sometimes passes into chalcedony and agate, and small cracks are filled with anthracite, which is also found forming the centre of minute globules, enclosed in a silicious matrix. Higher up in the series, the argillaceous slates become inter- of a purely sedimentary rock ; but the evidences of metamorphism are more striking as we approach the lines of igneous outburst. * Report of Progress, 1846-17, p. 10. + Ibid. pp. 13-14. 16 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the Gneiss generally flanks the granite, succeeded by dark masses of _ hornblende, with numerous joints, but obscure lines of bedding, which often graduates into hornblende slate or chlorite slate, as we recede from the purely igneous products. The outlines of this class of rocks are extremely irregular, and a reference to the general map will give aclearer idea of their range and extent than a mere verbal description. * * * In this district, the area occupied by these rocks exceeds eighty townships, or more than three thousand square miles. ‘The con- figuration of the slates and granites may be compared to the con- tours of a rugged coast. 'The main granite masses form numerous projecting headlands, while the subordinate patches rise up like islands. The slates sweep round the promontories and form numerous narrow and deeply-indented bays. The topographical features of the region occupied by the slates are striking. It is diversified by bold, rocky cliffs and narrow in- tricate valleys, with lakes and water-falls, with luxuriant forests and natural meadows. he culminating points reach nearly twelve hundred feet above Lake Superior or eighteen hundred feet above the ocean-level. We commence our description of the local phenomena of this system of rocks where they intersect the lake shore between Ri- viere du Mort* and Chocolate river. 'The sketch entitled, ‘ View near Carp river’ forming the frontispiece [see Report], may serve to convey an idea of the contours of this region better than a writ ten description. The lake here forms a spacious bay with gently curving shores. A range of quartzose hills rising to the height of six hundred feet, terminates abruptly by the coast and forms the background of the picture. The extremity of the point con- sists of sand-dunes rising to the height of fifty or sixty feet, with rounded outlines and highly inclined slopes towards the lake. Along its margin are to be seen the remains of ancient terraces which indicate its former limits. ‘The middle ground is occupied by a range of trappean rocks interlaminated with the slates. ‘The settlement represented, has been named Marquette, in honor of the early missionary, and has already become the main outlet of the Iron region. ‘I'he foreground is composed of another rocky ~ * This river is generally called Dead river. It cannot be from the sluggishness of its current, for in the distance of thirt i abounding in rapids and cascades. Its true name is the River of Death. There is @ local tradition as to some act of violence here perpetrated, which we cannot now name, gitar peas Be a Ma as ToS SO eer emnpecindmrirne ngchinan ctr ammmnat donate are time) ee Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 17 rocks of so many epochs, from the oldest to the most recent, are represented. It contains an epitome of nearly the whole geology of the district. The quartz zone exhibits two distinct ridges, where it ap- proaches the lake, hemming in the valley of Carp river with rocky walls, from two to six hundred feet in height. As we trace it westwardly, it presents but a single ridge, and after having passed Teal lake, sinks down and becomes lost. Where exposed by the lake shore, it exhibits lines of bedding and obscure traces of ripple marks. These lines bear east and west, and dip 86° to the south, while the Potsdam sandstone abuts against the quartz, in a nearly horizontal position. Some of the quartz beds in this using the notes of Mr. Hill—presents a number of conical knobs rising from two to three hundred feet above the surrounding coun- try. In section 2, township 47, range 25, a granite boss rises above the quartz, over which the strataare folded likeamantle. Inthe northeast quarter of this section, a band of slaty limestone, soine- what silicious, is seen beneath the quartz, bearing northeast and southwest, with an inclination of 44° to the southeast. In the northern part of section 3, the quartz is observed, with another band of limestone interstratified, bearing nearly west-northwest. The protrusion of the granite has displaced the beds and broken their continuity ; one portion shifted to the south, was traced as far as the line between sections 9 and 10, while another portion shifted to the north, was traced westward into section 4. The northern beds were found to be associated with a layer of lime- stone, or compact marble, only a few feet in thickness. The northern ridge attains a higher elevation than the southern, the highest point in section 6, being five hundred and ninety-two feet above the lake. The quartz has been so far metamorphosed as to destroy the lines of bedding, but in other portions of the rauge for instance, near the Jackson Forge, it assumes the character of 18 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the fore described, variously colored, white, ash-grey and flesh-red, and beautifully veined with tints of a deeper hue. It calcines readily into lime, and affords beautiful ornamental materials. Along the valley of the Carp, between Jackson Forge and Teal lake, beds of novaculite, or fine-grained silicious slate, are found interstratified with beds of quartz. It has been already quarried at several points, for hones, and there is, even now, a considerable demand for them. ‘The beds are exceedingly fissile, and full of flaws at the surface, so that much of the mass is comparatively worthless; but it is believed that the blocks taken from a greater depth, and beyond the action of atmospheric agents, will be free from these imperfections. Messrs. Smith and Pratt have estab- lished a factory for the purpose of sawing these blocks, at the month of a small stream, near the Marquette landing, and are driving a thrifty business. Between the quartz range and Dead river, the underlying rock consists, in the main, of chlorite and talcose slates, intersected by three belts of igneous rocks, ranging nearly east and west. e la Beche, in reference to the greenstones and schistose rocks of Bossiney, Cornwall, remarks that, “there is so intimate a mix- ture of compact and schistose trappean rocks with the argillaceous that the whole may be regarded as one system, the two kinds of trappean rocks having been probably erupted, one in a state 0 igneous fusion, and the other in that of an ash, during the time that the mud, now forming slates, was deposited; the mixture being irregular from the irregular action of the respective causes hich produced them ; so that one may have been derived from igneous action, and the other from the ordinary abrasion of preéx- isting solid rocks, and they were geologically contemporaneous.” This description is applicable to many of the igneous rocks of this region. They form neither long lines of dykes, nor axes of elevation, but broad sheets bearing the same relation to the slates we frequently find, throughont this district, ‘a green pulveruleut substance, somewhat resembling chlorite, and containing a large amount of magnesia and lime, which is probably in the nature of as e same ingredients enter largely into the composition of many of the trappean rocks, for they possess a soapy feel, an when reduced to a powder, effervesce feebly with acids. Co ad NO et» MR a = So opener es eynepre ee Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 19 There are undoubtedly, at this day, beneath the bed of the ocean, numerous “salses,” which, from time to time, pour forth streams of pulverulent materials, but whose operation is concealed from human sight. We know that for weeks in succession, there flowed streams of chocolate-colored mud from the crater of Graham’s island, before it finally sank below the surface. he contributions from this source, to the first formed stratified de- posits, had not been duly appreciated. This voleanic mud is nothing more than the comminuted particles of trappean rocks, reduced by friction ; and in the early history of our planet, when the fissures communicating with the interior were unfilled and volcanic energy was manifested more intensely than at this day, it would be reasonable to expect that igneous causes contributed as powerfully to the reduction of the preéxisting rocks, as the or- dinary abrading action of water. ‘The slates are composed essen- tially of the same ingredients as the trappean rocks with which’ they are associated, and the main difference between them may be, that the one was the product of salses, ejected in the form of mud, while the other was the product of volcanoes, ejected in molten streams. It has been supposed that the talcose nature of the slates associated with the igneous rocks was the result of Inetamorphism, but the supposition that they have resulted in some instances from the destruction of the latter, is quite as rea- sonable. About a mile from the lake shore, on the road leading to the Jackson Forge, a low range of trappean rocks, of a compact text- ure, and of a dark-green color, is intersected. Between the Jack- son and Marquette landings, by the lake shore, a similar belt is observed, which again appears near the junction of the roads, about four miles inland. Another belt intersects the coast a short distance above the Marquette landing, which does not differ essentially from those before described. The slates in the vicinity of these belts are compact, ofa greenish color, aud traversed by different systems of Joints, more distinct than the lines of bedding, cutting the mass into cuboidal. blocks. At Little Presqu’isle, another band of igneous rocks, of a highly crystalline character, projects into the lake. Distinct acicular crystals of hornblende are distributed in places through a paste of Connected, the latter forming beds of considerable thickness. Angular fragments of hornblende slate, chlorite slate; jasper and @ green magnesian mineral, are seen enclosed in the mass near the Water’s edge which may be regarded as a volcanic breccia, These fragments seldom exceed a few inches in diameter. Like most of the rocks of this region, its surface is smoothed and striated in a wonderful manner. Below the mouth of Dead . 20 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the river, a highly crystalline mass of this charaeter emerges in the orm of an island fifty or sixty feet in height. The main Presqu’isle consists of a dark-green trappean rock, rising in the overhanging cliffs to the height of a hundred feet. A description of this rock and the relations which it bears to the sand- stone will be given when we come to treat of the Silurian system. Over this is deposited a volcanic tuff, imperfectly stratified, filling up the previous depressions, and attaining a thickness of twenty or thirty feet. It presents a complete net-work of veins, a few lines only in width, which penetrate but a short distance into the subjacent basalt. At one place, on the northwest side of the point an irregular vein bearing north and south is seen for two hundred feet in a linear direction, in this obscurely stratified tuff, which yields the sulphurets of lead, copper and iron, but not in sufficient quantities to render its exploration profitable. Asbestus is also sparingly distributed, and may be regarded as a metamorphic product resulting from the presence of lime. ‘Traces of mag- netic oxyd of iron are detected in some of the veins farther eastward. Proceeding up the valley of Dead River, between sections 7 and 18, township 48, range 25, the stream is precipitated from a height of twenty feet over a ledge of schistose rocks, which ex- hibit distinct lines of bedding and abrupt convolutions of the Strata. In the next range west (27) the trappean and schistose rocks are frequently exposed in the bed of the stream, consisting of al- ternations of talcose and chlorite slates, and hornblende and feld- spar rocks. ‘They stretch out in numerous parallel ridges, bear- ing north of east and south of west, and present, for the most part, southerly escarpments. On the northwest quarter of section 16, the river is precipitated in a series of rapids over the former class of rocks, affording fine exposures for observation. On the west boundary of section 6, in a high ledge which rises from the northern bank of the stream, the slates are again observed dipping to the south at an angle of 70°, The stream here bears west-northwest, conforming to the direction of the strata. After flowing along the northern line of township 48, nearly through range 27, it divides into numerous branches whose sources lie to the northwest, in the region of the granite. Proceeding southward from Teal lake, we first encounter @ magnetic oxyd of iron. As we shall devote a special chapter to the character of these masses and their relations to the associated rocks, a more minute description is here deemed unnecessary: 4 f j ) w : Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 21 We would merely observe that in this region the iron masses are invarjably found in this association—never oceurring in the granite. These alterations of trappean and schistose rocks continue, to near the southern boundary of township 47, and are characterized in many places by the ores above describe d. Section from Lake Superior to Lake Michigan.—The coast near the head of Keweenaw Bay (L’Anse) aflords an admirable section of the slates and the overlying sandstone The following is the descending order of succession : 1 and 2. Fissile sandstone—the equivalent of the Potsdam— dipping slightly to the west-northwest, of a reddish color, and coarse-grained, passing into a conglomerate comiposed of peb- bles of t milk-white quartz, and occasionally trappean pebbles— 13 feet, resting ee on the azoic rocks, consisting of 3. Chlorite slate and novaculite, or silicious slate variously colored, and much obnibiededs places folded o 4. A dark hornblende and feldspar rock aeannty: ne Gate in its origin. Formations 3 and 4 are traversed by veins of quartz which in no case penetrate the overlying sandstone. The slates are also occasionally intersected by dykes of tra This section is exceedingly instructive, inasmuch as it enables Us to draw a line of demarcation between two formations ond ferent in age and external characters. While the newer form places, invaded by igneous rocks. Their structure has been changed from granular to sub-crystalline, and the whole mass is toon by numerous planes of lamination. * * * Thickness of sis System. Foldings of the Strata.—All attempts to estimate the thickness of the various schistose, cal- careous and quartzose beds, must prove merely approximative. ey occupy a. belt which in its widest expansion reaches not less than eighty miles in width, and wherever exposed, have an inclination approaching verticality. If we were to deduct the Spaces occupied by the purely igneous rocks, and then measure across the basset edges of those supposed to be sedimentary, the result would give us an incredible thickness—a thickness far Surpassing that of the whole series of rocks heretofore observed, from the base of the Silurian to the crowning member of the tertiary. It is highly probable that the beds are arranged in a pita: of flexures, and that the observer in passing over the out- cropping edges, oe numerous repetitions of the same beds ; they have, however, be so repeatedly shattered by uak a 22 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the so disturbed and forced asunder by igneous protrusions, and so metamorphosed by direct and transmitted heat, that it is impos- sible to trace their continuity except over limited areas. If we could unfold these beds, and stretch them out in a nearly hori- zontal position, as when first deposited, they would require a far greater space than they now occupy. he causes by which these foldings have been effected, will be discussed in a subse- quent chapter. We have thus described the range, extent and mineral pecu- liarities of a series of rocks, detrital in their origin, interposed between the granite and the base of the Silurian system. Throughout their whole extent, they are more or less metamor- phosed, presenting a series of gradations, represented at one extreme by crystalline gneiss and compact hornblende, and at the other by bedded limestone and ripple-marked quartz. To the presence of granite and trappean rocks this transformation 1s, in a great degree, to be attributed. Much of the compact horn- structure as it recedes from the lines of igrieous outburst, we cannot but regard it as the more highly metamorphosed portions of the dark-green chlorite slates. ‘This compact hornblende is not to be confounded with those lenticular-shaped masses observed in the slates, which, we doubt not, are trappean in their nature. We have seen that those igneous causes which produced nu- merous axes of elevation, and folded the strata into a series 0 flexures, had ceased to operate before the deposition of the Silurian groups, since they are found to repose in a nearly hori- zontal position upon the upturned edges of the slates, or to occupy the sinuosities in the granite, nowhere exhibiting traces of meta- morphism or derangement of the strata. We do not now allude to the renewal of those igneous causes as manifested on Kewee- naw Point and Isle Royale during the Silurian epoch, producing a class of igneous products widely different from those associated with the rocks of the azoic system. In a former report (Part I.) we have described the igneous rocks of the Silurian epoch as ap- pearing under a variety of aspects, such as crystalline greenstone, porphyry, granular trap, and a highly cellular amygdaloid, differing little from modern lava, except that the cells are filled with various zeolitic minerals. From the local details above given, it will be seen that the igneous rocks of the azoic period, though crystalline, compact, and occasionally porphyritic in their texture, are never amygda- loidal; and hence we infer that they were produced under widely different conditions. The latter may have been con- ot ae etme ones a eee pre ee Rt pancetta etal aie dia PERRIS Bac re nd # Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 23 solidated beneath the pressure of a deep ocean, while from the former a greater part of this pressure may have been removed ; or it may be that both were, in the first aaeenia equally vesicular, but that the latter assumed a crystalline or compact structure from long-continued ae ‘8 heat, under immense pressure. All the “phe nomena wou m to indicate that the a of the trappean rocks of this siete took place beneath an ocean of great depth; or, at least, under conditions widely diteisne from those which prevailed during the formation of the trappean belts of Keweenaw Point and Isle Royale. Remarks.—The investigations of geologists in different parts of the world, within the last few years, have clearly demonstrated the existance of a series of non-fossiliferous rocks below the Silurian or Cambrian systems, and there can be no doubt that they are des- tined to occupy a conspicuous place in the classification of the rocks both of Europe and America. At the meeting of the American Association at Cincinnati, in the spring of 1851, we made the development of this system in the northern portion of the United States and Canada the special subject of a communi- cation. Professor Mather, after having confirmed the pepe of our views, from personal observation, stated that ad ob- served the continuation of this system near the sources of the Mississippi, and on the waters of the St. Peter’s. Its existence in Missouri, where it is associated, as on Lake Superior, with immense beds of magnetic, and specular i iron ore, is rendered cer- tain by the observations of Mr. Mersh, which will be found incorporated in the paveeatieet, ‘ages of this report. At this meeting, Dr. King, who has examined this region with much care, confirmed these views, eg we regret that the proceedings have ‘i yet been made public, that we : might quote his remarks in full Dr. Engelman, also, on that occasion, described a series of azoic rocks, as occurring in Arkansas, between Little Rock and the Hot Springs, which present a striking analogy with those of Missouri and Lake Superior, consisting of talcose, silicious and crystalline hornblende slates, often highly inclined, with beds of dark-blue limestone. On these older rocks, rests unconformably a sandstone, probably analogous to that o e Superior, Within this district of non-fossiliferous, stratified rocks, occurs a beautiful syenite. The vast masses s of micaceous, or ‘sul-m ag- hetic oxyd of iron, which occur in Missouri, find their represent- ative in the well known “ Arkansas Magnets, ”? or, in the iron ore of Magnet Cove. It is here associated with the imesseves titaniferous minerals, schorlomite, brookite, and elzolite. Dr. thinks he has traced this series on the northern oie of the Colorado in Texas. 24 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the In the eastern portions of the United States, there can be no doubt of the existence of this system We are satisfied from ee observation that it flanks the Adirondack range in New York, where it is associated with hy- persthene rocks “and ay masses of sub-magnetic oxyd of iron, below the Potsdam sandstone. The Messieurs Rogers describe a series of obscurely stratified rocks in Pennsylvania and Virginia, occupying the same relative osition known as the gneissoid series. ‘They undoubtedly flank the Appalachian chain on the east, throughout their entire range, and vlc Sepmael be found well ‘developed in Tennessee and North Car In Europe thie existense of this series has been established beyond controversy. It has been shown by eminent geologists, — by Murchison and de Verneuil,* that the lowest beds n Scandinavia, containing the least traces of organic life, are edie exact equivalents of the Lower Silurian strata of the British Isles, and that these have been distinctly formed out of, and rest upon, slaty and other rocks which had undergone crystallization before their particles were ground up and cemented together again to compose the earliest beds in which organic life is trace- able. ‘To this most ancient system of rocks in Scandinavia, they have given the name of azoic. By this term, they do not mean dogmatically to assert that nothing organic could have been in existence during the earliest times, when those rocks were in the process of formation, but simply to express the great fact, that, as far as our present state of knowledge goes, we look in vain ‘for any traces of organic life, and it seems probable that they were formed under such physical conditions that nothing living could have flourished during that period. The great mass of rock in Scandinavia is made up of a crys- talline, granitic gneiss, presenting an almost infinite succession of feldspathic, quartzose, micaceous and hornblendic lamine, which are often highly contorted, though a general strike or direction may be traced over a large tract of country. These rocks are no means to be confounded with the metamorphic Silurian — occurring under a similar and analogous form in the country. These azoic rocks are often disturbed and cut chong by dykes of greenstone and traversed by ia ape veins of granite. So is evident from the direct comparison of the more ancient with newer metamorphic Silurian, that, from lithological shniaeints alone, no distinction could be drawn between them, and it is only where the most conclusive evidence is afforde y superposition of the latter unconformably upon the former, * Russia and the Ural Mountains, vol. i, p. 10. eae Tec RMON EERE SI Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 25 that they can be clearly recognized and defined as belonging to different ages. De la Beche remarks that, although alterations in the mineral character of the fossiliferous rocks, from the influence of intruded igneous matter in a molten state, or arising from other modifying causes, often produce mica slates, hornblende slates, gneiss and other forms of laminated and stratified deposits, with a peculiar aspect, there appears, nevertheless, evidence in Scandinavia and the British Isles, and also in other parts of Europe, to show that, beneath all the fossiliferous rocks, there are mica and chlorite slates, quartz rocks, crystalline limestones, gneiss, hornblende, and other rocks of earlier production. ese may be, indeed, merely altered, or metamorphosed detrital and chemical deposits of earlier times, and possibly organic remains may eventually be discovered in them ; but until this shall happen, it seems desirable to keep them asunder, for the convenience of showing previous accumulations to those known as the Cambrian group. He, there- fore, proposes the name of Mona Series for the reception of these older rocks, which are well displayed in the island of Anglesea, in connection with those of the succeeding group. In the admirable and detailed examinations of the Geological Survey of Wales, where the numerous intercalated beds of trap- pean rocks and the complicated series of faults have rendered the task of unravelling the geology one of great difficulty, the sur- veyors have cléarly shown the existence of this azoic series below the lowest Silurian strata, which is there represented by the sand- Stone of Barmouth and Harlech. Barrande, also, in his investigations of the Bohemian basin, has recognized a series of semi-crystalline slates alternating with Compact argillaceous slates, below the lowest Silurian strata, in Which he has failed to detect any trace of organic life ; hence he has applied the name azoic to these rocks without meaning to assert positively that the series is absolutely destitute of all traces of life, but simply as indicating the great fact that, thus far, none have been discovered. # * * * LOWER SILURIAN SYSTEM. We now proceed to a description of the palzozoic series of this region. Unlike the rocks which we have hitherto described, they exhibit few traces of igneous outburst, and few displacements of the strata ; but, on the other hand, they repose nearly horizontally peace basset edges of the slates, or occupy the depressions in the ite. This general remark, however, must be received with some qualification, for we find that there existed, during a part of the * Gevlogical Observer, pp. 31, 32. ‘i : Szcoxp Series, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan., 1854. 4 26 _ Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the Silurian epoch, at least two lines of volcanic foci, from which flowed numerous streams of lava. These, mingling with the detrital deposits then in progress of accutnulation, formed a mass, whose united thickness far surpasses the height of the loftiest summits in this region. We refer to the trap ranges of Kewee- naw Point and Isle Royale, described in a previous report. * * * * * The limits of this oceanic basin are but imperfectly defined. It stretched east and west, from the shores of the Atlantic to the flanks of the Rocky mountains ; to the south, it extended beyond the Rio Grand, and north, to the Arctic ocean. Within this basin, the granite axes between Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, and between Lake Superior and Hudson’s Bay, rose above the waters of the Silurian sea. A large portion of North America is embraced within this oceanic bed, constituting its fairest and most productive tracts. The uplifting foree, by which this sea-bottom was converted into land, must have beeu gradually applied ; since the strata, for the most part, repose in a nearly horizontal position, and exhibit few marks of derangemeut. e meet with no mountain chains, and no transverse valleys, except such as have been excavated by running water. The whole region is spread out in gently undu- lating plains; or, if ridges exist, they are due to accumulations of drift, or to the greater coherence between the particles 10 certain groups, which enabled them to resist the general de- nudation, which has everywhere left such incontestible evidence of its action. rom the MS. of Mr. Hall, we append some general remarks on the identity of the members of the Silurian groups, as developed in different parts of this basin. ‘Ihe observations of the past season have served to show that | extend uninterruptedly from the more easterly points, where they have been investigated, through the northern peninsula of Michigan, as far west as the Mississippi, and even beyond. These observations form a connecting link between those here- tofore made in New York and Canada, and those made in the southern peninsula of Michigan, Wisconsin, lowa, Minnesota, and other portions of the West, and enable the geologist to form a correct idea of the range, extent, and fossil contents of these groups, as developed in the northern portion of the United States. We believe that these results will render some points 0 resemblance, heretofore obscure, clear and distinct ; and remove any doubts that may have been entertained, as to the identity of certain members of the Silurian system, in their eastern and western prolongation. If these results are attained, we shall be satisfied that we have not labored in vain. Carbs esate SRN Ht Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 27 ‘These strata, originally deposited in a wide ocean, everywhere present evidences of organic existence. It is not to be supposed that in tracing deposits of this kind over so wide areas, the con- ditions of the ocean shores would have been uniform in their ~ causes which gave origin to it, are of themselves evidence, a priori, that absolute uniformity could not prevail over so wide an area. We are to look, in like manner, for corresponding changes in organic remains. It cannot be supposed that animals, pos- sessing ‘certain characters and habits of life, would continue to live for any length of time, when the physical conditions were unfavorable to their existence. When we consider, also, the extent over which these deposits have been traced, the differ- ence in longitude alone would lead us to expect some differences in the fauna of this ancient period. We have only to compare this great linear development of the palwozoic strata with an equal extent of modern coast, to form some idea of the changes that might be expected to occur under similar circumstances. In making such a comparison, however, we shall find that the themselves. These changes, though gradual, and readily under- stood, when studied continuously, are, nevertheless, difficult of explanation, when seen at wide intervals, or examined at distant localities, “The general results of these examinations, as will be seen by the local details, have shown an increasing thickness in the Pots- thickness may, therefore, be exposed only at some of the points where the originally unequal floor presents some of its elevations, and thus give an erroneous idea of its actual, entire thickness. The calciferous sandstone, in like manner, appears to increase as traced from the eastern limits of the district westward, and on the York PPh attains a thickness equal to that which it has in New ork, “From all of the evidence, it would appear that these two groups Which are very intimately related to each other, have their most extreme tennity somewhere near the northern boundary of the great arch, formed by the circuits of the older formations 28 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the around the northern shores of lakes Huron and Michigan. From this point, they increase in thickness as traced to the east and to ' the west. On the other hand, the lower limestories—the Chazy, Birds-eye, Black river, and Trenton groups—appear to decrease gradually in thickness, as traced westwardly from the Mohawk valley, and the outlet of Lake Ontario, where they exist in great force. This fact is made very conspicuous, when their entire thickness, as developed in New York, is compared with that of the same groups on the northern side of Lakes Huron and Michigan, where they contract to within a hundred feet, and in some places even less. We have also evidence that they do not, like the preceding groups, inerease in thickness, when traced into Wisconsin and across the Mississippi; for there, they hardly attain a vertical range of fifty feet. Although over the entire area the identity of character and the continuity of the beds are maintained, it is clear that the materials have continually under- gone diminution, and that the formation, unless it has been supplied from other sources, will be found to die out. “In t undergone when traced over a considerable area. In the district under consideration, it is clearly recognized throughout its whole extent, from Drummond’s Island to Green Bay, except where it has been denuded, and the space occupied by lakes or bays. This group, like the other members of the limestone series before alluded to, exhibits a diminution in its thickness, as traced west- wardly, and disappears, a short distance beyond the limits of the district. reverse is true. Leaving out of view the Medina sandstone and the arenaceous portions of the Clinton group, which are scarcely recognizable here, we find the succeeding limestones muc increased in thickness, and exhibiting no diminution, but rather an augmentation, as traced to the westward. “From these general remarks, the reader will be prepared to understand the details given under each division of the series. It should be observed, however, in the outset, that the width of surface occupied on the map, by a particular group, is not always to be regarded as an indication of its thickness; for this, in most ases, is dependent upon the amount of dip in the beds, which, in this case, nearly corresponds with the slope of the country ; so that it often happens that a group, less than a hundred feet in thickness, forms a belt several miles in width. ‘ “Th ring and inclination of these successive groups indi- cate that they formed the outer margin of a great geological basi, = Sem a er ee oem Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 29 whose greatest depression is in the lower peninsula of Michigan, where the surface is occupied by rocks of the carboniferous epoch. It is only in a northern and northwestern direction, however, that we are enabled to trace the strata in a descending order quite to the lowest members of the series, and even to the non-fossiliferous series beneath them. In other directions, we find the most elevated portions of the border exposing only mem- bers of the upper, or at most, of the middle, portions of the Silu- rian system,’’ Potsdam Sandstone—This was the first formed deposit in the Silurian basin, and attained, in its greatest development, a thickness of about two hundred and fifty feet, if we exclude the conglomerate-bands associated with the trap of Keweenaw Pcint and Isle Royale Range and Extent.—The bed of Lake Superior, embracing an area of about 32,000 square miles, is occupied almost ex- clusively by this rock, if we may judge from the islands which dot its surface, and the isolated patches which occur along its shores. On the north, the granite ranges approach near the coast and confine the sandstone within narrow limits; on the south, it occupies a broader area, and has been traced continu- ously around the axis, which divides the waters respectively flowing into Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and the Mississippi. While the granite ranges attain in places an elevation of 1200 feet above the lake, the sandstones, except in the vicinity of the trap, do not reach higher that 350 feet, and rest in a position nearly horizontal. Consequently, the granites and slates rise up like islands through this great waste of sandstone. This sandstone does not exhibit, at remote points, a homo- geneity of character, or uniformity in thickness; but appears to have been modified, to a great extent, by local causes. Thus, in the vicinity of the trappean rocks, which afford ample evidence of intense and long-continued voleanic agency, the beds attain the enormous thickness of 5000 feet, and often consist of con- glomerates, composed of trappean pebbles, cemented by a vol- canic sand. Away from these lines of disturbance, and where it abuts against the azoic rocks, the mass consists of nearly pure silicious sand, enveloping pebbles of quartz and patches of slate. here granite forms the adjoining rock, an equally marked change is observed in the character of the pebbles. * * #; * * ‘The Potsdam sandstone of New York is a quartzose rock, whose particles are firmly aggregated, while the same rock, on ne northern slope of Lake Michigan, is so slightly coherent, tha it may be crushed in the hand. The calciferous sandstone New York, when traced west, passes into a magnesian lime- ieee ay 30 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the stone. Even in that state, according to Hall, groups which, at one extremity, are of great importance, and well characterized by fossils, cannot be identified at the other. The great mass of the materials which form the sandstones of this region appears to have been derived from the northwest, since the, beds there attain a much greater thickness, and are composed of coarser sediments. They thin out as we trace them south and east, and are charged with fewer pebbles. On the Atlantic slope, according to the Messieurs Rogers, the sandstones Qs i*) 9 =) re) © a — ® = -_ ts ® = oP ts © pom poe = PS) 7 al i) e ao © w =) S or =i © © tp or 2 a jon) he - ? . . - northwest, while the intervening space which formed the ocean bed, is occupied by the paleeozoic series. Sandstones of the Northern Shore. — On the northern shore of with conglomerate layers, which become interstratified with trap layers, and an enormous amount of a volcanic overflow crowns the formation. * * - 2 * * Sandstone of the Southern Shore.—Between Keweenaw Point and Isle Royale, there is, as we have before remarked, an immense curvature of the strata, probably reaching five hundred feet below the ocean level. A narrow belt of conglomerate and sandstone lines nearly the whole southern coast, from the head of Keweenaw Point to the Montreal river, beyond which, the latter, no longet — in vertical cliffs, which afford many scenes of great beauty. ih age em ledges, or reefs, along the lake shore, but, at a few points, it rises Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 31 The bedded trap and conglomerate are admirably exhibited on Keweenaw Point, and in many places in the Ontonagon district ; but as we have minutely described the geographical distribution of all the trappean rocks of this era with the associated con- glomerate and sandstone, in a former report, a further description is deemed unnecessary. * * * * * [The features of this sandstone are described as presented at various points north of the lake, at Presqu’Isle, Carp River, Grand Island,—where the variety of colors the rock presents has given rise to the name of “ Pictured Rocks,”—on the Menomonee River, White Rapids, etc.] ty At the White Rapids, the sandstone is again exposed, pre- senting very nearly the same external characters, except that it is less discolored, and reposes on the uptilted edges of the quartz. It may be seen in some of the rapids below, and reappears, for the last time, in the river banks, forming ledges six or eight feet high, about three miles above the Big Bend, in township 35, ange 29 “* In this vicinity, Mr. Desor discovered, in some of the loose masses of this rock; other fossils than the Lingule, which are so characteristic of this group further to the east. These fossils consist of the fragments of one or more species of trilobites, resembling Asaphus. From the characters preserved in a single caudal extremity, one species is identical with that which occurs in the same rock on the Missisippi and St. Croix rivers. From the Menomonee river, the Potsdam sandstone approaches Within fifteen or twenty miles of the shore of Green Bay, being distinctly exposed on all the streams flowing into it. Continuing in the same direction, its easterly limit passes near the Great Bend in the Wolf river, northwest from the outlet of Lake Winnebago, From thence, meandering westerly, it follows nearly the course of Wolf river, crossing it in the neighborhood of Lake Pauwaiceen, and is thence prolonged southwesterly towards Green and Puckaway lakes. In the neighborhood of Pleasant Valley, about twelve miles west of Strong’s Landing, ©n the F'ox river, it is exposed in several low escarpmeuts, suc- ceeded by the calciferous sandstone, which here presents its usual characters, From this region, its southern limit stretches to the west and northwest. The country here presents a feature Which continues to the Mississippi river. The hills appear to be outliers, capped by the calciferous sandstone or succeeding lime- Stones, while the valleys and the lower part of the escarpments are composed of the Potsdam beds. of Mr description of the westerly prolongation of this sandstone is from the MS. Fite 32 Messrs. Foster and Whitney on the Geology, etc. The rock is fine grained, of a light yellow color and very friable. Some of the superior beds, which are thin, have been wrought for grindstones. The friable character of this sandstone is one of its most prominent features, and, owing to this cireum- stance, the escarpments are not usually high, or abrupt, unless it has been protected by the overlying rock. In its want of co- hesion, it differs, in a very marked degree, from the prevailing character of this rock, as developed in New York and Canada, where it is usually, though not always, compact. It is not, how- ever, unlike the sandstone of the Pictured Rocks, and is less friable than that of the Mississippi and St. Croix region. The almost uninterrupted continuity with which this rock can be traced, even from its eastern extension through Canada and along the northern shore of Lake Huron to the St. Mary’s river, and thence westerly, leaves no doubt as to its true position and identity in age with the Potsdam sandstone of New York. we were at a loss in thus tracing it continuously, we have still the evidence of the succeeding fossiliferous strata, which show, conclusively, the same relations to this sandstone as they do to its equivalent in New York. With both these evidences com- bined, we cannot hesitate for a moment in our conclusion regarding its age and place in the series. z bands, or the more calcareous portions of the group, and it is to this modification that we should look for the development of the d “ From all this evidence, we regard the question of the age of this rock as settled—that the Potsdam sandstone of New York is stone, or lower magnesian limestone. It is a thin mass, evidently due to a recurrence of the same causes which produced the inferior deposit. This has been well elucidated by Dr. Owen in A his reports on the upper Mississippi, in which he has shown that, . t SNRs ae: ems an Analysis of Tin Pyrites. 33 near the junction of the lower sandstone with the calciferous, there are several alternations of calcareous and silicious bands, the latter having the character of the sandstones below, and the former of the calcareous deposits above. These occur in several places on the upper Mississippi river, and give the geologist an introduction to that condition of things which subsequently pro- duced the upper sandstone, which is distributed over a large part of Wisconsin, so often mistaken for the lower member of the series ; but which, in fact, is separated from it by two or three hundred feet of calcareous rocks. This upper sandstone can be regarded in no other light than as the result of the same causes which produced the Potsdam, and pected. It is, nevertheless, shown in many places within the Lake Superior district, that the true sandstone, as it is traced upward, becomes gradually calcareous, and “ finally passes into well-characterized, compact, magnesian limestone.”* The same 1s true, also, of this rock, in Canada and New York; while, how- ever, there is rarely any evidence of increase in the silicious materials towards the termination, as we.observe in the west. In some localities, there are thin but distinct bands, near the Upper portion, having an oolitic structure, which, as we go west- ward, appear to be replaced by beds of a granular texture and of a silicious character. Arr. Ill.—Analysis of Tin Pyrites ; by Dr. J. W. Mauvet.t _ Tuts rather rare mineral is one of which the chemical compo- sition has appeared somewhat doubtful, owing to the considerable discrepancy between the three or four analyses which have been * Part 1, p. 117. + Communicated for this Journal. SReonp Serres, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan. 1854. 5. 34 Analysis of Tin Pyrites. Cornwall, and which, on examination, proves to be tin pyrites, — d. and apparently in a purer state than any hitherto analyze his specimen occurs in quartz which has obviously been — taken from a vein in granite. The structure appears to be crys- talline, although no distinct planes could be observed. The color 1s not steel-gray, as in that of the mineral from Wheal Rock, but iron-black, with slight superficial blue and red tarnish in some places. Streak black, lustre sub-metallic, fracture uneven. Hard- ness =4, Sp. gr. =4:522. Heated before the blowpipe, on charcoal, sulphurous acid is given off, oxyd of tin deposited in large quantity upon the charcoal, and a black globule obtained, from which copper and tin may be reduced on the addition of © a. A carefully conducted quantitative analysis, in which chlorine was used to decompose the mineral, gave the following results. Equivalents. a Supheg a eee ee eae ee Tin, : S - 26°85 ‘ é 4 > 455 2° Copper, See vip BPs ee. Misr eles, ‘920. 4044 Tron, : . : 6°73 *240 a: Zinc, . . * 7:26 994. t ¥ a 464 2 040 Gangue, 2 16 99°64 Thus the relative number of atoms of sulphur, tin, copper, and iron and zinc, as given in the 2nd and 3rd columns above, are almost exactly as 8: 2: 4: 2; whence we have the formula first assigned by Kudernatsch, (Pogg. Ann., xxxix, 146,) viz., 2(Fe S+ ZnS), Sn82+2CueS, SnS:. The present analysis agrees so closely with this formula, from which the results of Kuder- natsch, and even those of Rammelsberg, (Handw. d. Chem. Theils d. Mineral. 2d Suppl., 179,) sensibly differ, that it seems — fairly to be considered as representing the composition of the — mineral in a pure state. The analysis also possesses some interest in showing the presence of zinc in considerable quantity, therein — agreeing with Rammelsberg’s analysis above referred to of the mil- eral from Zinnwald. It is to be observed that in both cases the irol and zinc occur in very nearly atomic proportions, so that perhaps the formula should be written 2FeS, SuS:+2ZnS, SnS- +2(2 u:S, SnS:), though this does not seem very probable, sincé Kudernatsch found 12-44 p. ct. of iron to but 1°77 of zinc, while Johnston gives 10-113 p.c. of the latter to 4-791 of the former, as contained in tin pyrites (from the same locality as the specimen submitted to the present avalysis, St. Michael’s Mount). The presence of this large quantity of zinc, is however of importance, chiefly as proving that the tin must enter into the composition 0 the mineral as bi-sulphuret, since the other formula which bas been proposed, namely, 2SnS, FeS2+2Cu.S, FeS:, woul? Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. 35 instead of ter-sulphuret of antimony. Indeed, some real con- nection between these two minerals seems to be further indicated by their occurrence in the same crystalline system, and their close resemblance to each other in hardness, specific gravity, and general physical characters. a Arr. IV.—Notice of the Hail Storm which passed over New York City, on the first of July, 1853; by Exsas Loomis, Pro- fessor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, in the Univer- sity of the City of New York. On the first of July, 1853, a very remarkable hail storm passed over the city of New York. The day had been uncommonly hot and sultry, the thermometer having risen to 90 degrees, and the air was believed to contain an unusual amount of vapor. little before 5 o’clock in the afternoon, a heavy black cloud was observed to rise in the northwest, the wind at the time blowing moderately from the northeast, and subsequently from the east. As the cloud advanced and covered the northwestern sky, while it was still clear in the southeast, numerous streaks of zig- zag lightning appeared to issue from the front margin of the cloud and descend towards the earth. I noticed the approach of the storm from my lodgings in Eighth street, within a quarter of a mile of the University. About five o’clock the wind came strong as large as my fist. They almost invariably broke on striking the pavement ; so that I could not secure either of t ose large Stones except in fragments; and moreover the rain was falling in arene. I however hastened to the yard in isn ie ne _ use, hoping to find some upon the grass which had not been broken in the fall. After the rain had nearly subsided, we 36 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. found several handfuls of hailstones of good size, though -alto- gether inferior to those which I saw in the street. They gen- pieces of ice, which individually did not much exceed the size of hazel nuts—but they were cemented very firmly together. In- deed there was no appearance of seams or joints between these individual portions—but the ice was equally strong throughout every part of the mass. Their structure therefore did not indi- cate that several small hailstones were seperately formed and were subsequently cemented together; but rather that all were formed simultaneously about a common nucleus. Several per- sons independently, and without concert, suggested that the con- glomerated mass resembled rock-candy: and the comparison ap- inches. These had been lying several minutes in a warm drenching rain; and itis my full conviction that two or three of those which I saw in the street were three and a half inches long, by two anda half inches wide, and they did not appear to deviate much from the spheroidal figure. A friend of mine, who is by profession a painter, and who saw and handled the hail than many which we saw fall. _ he rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, continued for six or eight minutes, when its violence somewhat. abated—it returned again with renewed energy, but soon afterwards entire- ly ceased. Another, but more moderate shower followed half an hour later, yet without either hail or lightning. 'Thronghout the entire storm, the wind had blown with considerable force, but not with destructive violence, in that part of the city which is southwest of the University ; and in the lower part of the city there was comparatively little win Ny \ Figures 5 to 8—Hailstones, Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. 39 In the upper part of the city, however, in the neighborhood of the Crystal Palace, the wind blew with destructive violence. high brick wall was blown flat to the ground—a block of four wooden buildings (not entirely completed) was prostrated—and a small wing of the Crystal Palace was blown down. he fall of hail was heavy, and considerable glass in the Crystal Palace, and the buildings in the vicinity, were broken. During the first part of the storm, the lightning was unusually severe. Several buildings and treesin New York and Willi burgh were struck by the electric fluid, and one or two barns were burned to the ground. I have succeeded in tracing this storm fora distance of full . twenty five miles, and for about two-thirds of this distance have followed the track personally on foot. The portion of the track which I have myself surveyed, commences about a mile anda half southwest of Paterson, N. J., from which point it proceeds in a southeast direction—passing over the village of Acquack- anonck, together with the cities of N. York and Williamsburg— and from this point the storm can be traced with diminished en- ergy to Jamaica Bay. Near Paterson, the wind is believed to have been more violent than in any other part of the above men- tioned track. Where it swept through the forests, many large trees, of one to two feet in diameter, were overturned—while others were snapped off and twisted like reeds. This remark applies to a distance of about three or four miles from the com- mencement near Paterson. In the neighborhood of Acquack- anonck, a few trees were overturned—but not a large number. East of Acquackanonck, the track soon crossed the Hackensack meadows where the ground is low and flat, and there were no trees to be overturned. Ihave obtained no information of the effect of the wind upon the high ridge on the west bank of the Hudson river—but the entire length of the track across New York was marked by violence, as above stated. This region was particularly exposed since it was the highest ground encount- ered by the storm in its passage across the island. Having cross- ed Hast river, the storm passed centrally over Williamsburgh, where it caused more damage than in any other part of its course. The steeples of two churches (the first Presbyterian and the Dutch) were blown down; the roof of a third church was par- it clung to the roofs and was left after the storm in long massive windrows. The breadth of the track near Paterson is thought not to have exceeded half a mile—perhaps was somewhat less than this—and 40 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. yond Williamsburgh, the wind was less destructive—the track be- came broader and less distinctly defined—and the general course deviated more to the east. The storm was reported as severe at Jamaica and South Jamaica. From the commencment near Pat- erson to Williamsburgh the track did not deviate sensibly from a straight line ; and its course was from N. 40° W. to S. 40° E. Throughout the entire track here mentioned, hail fell of unusu- al size. Near Paterson the stones were smallest in size, but most abundant in quantity. The destruction caused to the fruit and the crops was such as not unfrequently occurs in France, but has seldom been witnessed in this country. When I visited the spot a few days after the storm, the trees looked as if they had been pelted by myriads of heavy stones. The leaves were strewed thick upon the ground; and most of those which still clung to the branches, were riddled through and through, and dried upon the stems. The rails of the fences bore marks of large gashes where the brown weather-worn surface had been nicked off and a fresh surface exposed, as if by a volley of stones from a troop of mischievous boys. Upon the north ‘side of the houses along the track, scarce a pane of glass was left entire, and the clap- boards were covered thick with gashes an inch in diameter, where the paint was chipped off. Fields of wheat and rye, which had not been harvested, were beaten down as flat as if a heavy iron roller (such as is sometimes employed for smoothing gravelled walks) had been dragged over them; and fields of corn were totally destroyed. On some fields, I was assured that after the storm the ice lay ina solid compact mass two inches thick. Large quantities of ice still remained unmelted on the ground the next morning, and a tenant on one of the farms collected a con- siderable quantity and carried it into Paterson, (two miles dis- tant, ) to show to his landlord ; and I was informed that in a hollow, the crops of wheat, rye, oats and corn, as also the cherries, peaches, apples, etc., within the limits of the track. si Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853, 41 in the city of New York, the damage done by the hail was not very great ; for the stones were not numerous, although of pro- digious size. The ship-yard of Mr. Thomas Collyer at the Dry Dock, was covered with singularly shaped pieces of ice,—one of which was measured and found to be 64 inches in circumference —another seven inches, and a third measured three inches long, and two inches thick. {n Williamsburgh the hail appears to have destroyed more glass than in New York. In many houses nearly half the glass was broken in windows which were unprotected on the north side. Over 400 panes of glass were broken from the north side of a single school house. after the storm had abated. At Norristown and Doylestown the crops were much injured by the hail, and at Burlington, N. J., the wind was exceedingly violent. It is not probable that either of these storms was the same as that which passed over New York. ‘The hail-storm near Phila- delphia, was about simultaneous with that at New York. The storm at Northumberland may have been identical with that at Upper Dublin, the distance of the places being 100 miles—the interval of time 24 hours—and the direction nearly parallel with the track of the New York storm: t would appear that a violent wave of great extent set in from the northwest, which rolled over both New York and Philadel- phia; and within this wave were formed about simultaneously several distinct veins of hail. as the storm which passed over New York a whirlwind? [have surveyed every part of the track of the storm where I have heard of any violent effects, especially with reference to the decision of this question. Throughout Wilhamsburgh, I could nd no unequivocal evidence of rotation. The steeples which Were prostrated, fell in a direction coinciding very nearly with that of the storm’s progress, that is, towards the sontheast. In _ the case of one of the churches whose steeple was blown down — Stcoxn Suuis, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jap, 1864. ee Ls 42 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. (the first Presbyterian Church) I noticed a phenomenon which I considered worth recording. ‘The track crossed the ridge of the church at an angle of about 45°. On the leeward side, the tin roof was started from the boards (but not broken) and pufied up forming a wrinkle about twenty feet long, two or three feet wide, and ten inches high. ‘This appears to me to indicate the opera- tion of a force beneath, pushing up the tin ; but not being able to tear the tin open, bulged it up and left it in a ridge. This phenomenon appears to be analogous to what often occurs in tornadoes, and I ascribe it to a rarefaction of the air on the lee- r windward roof remains. In the present case, this upward pres sure lifted the tin about ten inches, stretching but not tearing it This force appeared to be insufficient to tear the tin from its fasten- ings—perhaps because from the carrying away of the steeple, and — the ripping up of the adjacent edge of the tin, the air beneath © found a ready escape. In the neighborhood of the Crystal Palace, occurred a phenom- enon which appeared to indicate the existence of currents blow- ing nearly in opposite directions. ‘The wooden buildings, which — have already been mentioned, were blown toward the southeast — —but the brick wall, the line of which run from N. 28° E. to — S. 28° W., fell toward the west; that is, in a direction neatly contrary to that of the storm’s progress. e following appears to me to be the explanation of this phenomenon. ‘The Latting Observatory is an octagonal tower; 300 feet high and 75 in diameter at base, sloping uniformly — to the top. In the annexed figure, the octagon represents the base of the tower, and the line NS represents a4 meridian. On the west side of the tower, was erected a brick wall A B, 25 feet high, and only three feet from the side of the tower. At the south end, it was connected with another wall B H, but at the north end it was BE the storm’s progress is indicated by the. = arrow. Itmight have been anticipated that the wall A B would — have been thrown towards the east upon the tower; whereas i fact it was thrown outwards towards the west. But we knoW Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. 43 from the testimony of spectators, that this wall fell at the first on- set of the blast, when, as we shall presently see, the wind blew nearly from the north, or perhaps a little east of north. violent current from the north, driven into the triangular space ADC, would necessarily become condensed between the wall and the tower, exerting a force to push the wall outward, and the wall had little strength to resist the pressure, being weak not only from its great height, but also being unsupported at the north end. The bricks also had been recently laid, and the mortar was not yet dry. On the east side of the tower, was a similar wall EH, but only 14 feet high, which was not prostrated. Its security is probably to be ascribed to its inferior height. The following facts at first seemed to me a little puzzling. Near Paterson, a large oak limb, a foot thick, was twisted off at the height of fifty feet, and prostrated in a direction pointing S. 20° E., the top of the limb lying towards the base of the tree. Within a short distance I found another large oak limb, torn off at a great height and thrown towards S. 40° E., with its top also turned towards the base of the tree. Not far off, I found a third limb in a similar position. Broken limbs were generally found to have been carried eastward, with the top pointing to the S.E., and the base towards the N.W. ‘The three cases I have here Specified were exceptions to the general rule, and it appears to me that they are to be explained by supposing that the branches turned a somerset in falling. A like case occurred with the steeple of the first Presbyterian Church in Williamsburgh. The spire fell across the street—the top struck a brick house on the opposite side of the street and broke off, while the upper portion of the spire remained imbedded in the roof of the house which was crushed in by the blow. The remainder of the spire, which was now the frustum of a pyramid, fell down into the street ; but it is probable that the smaller end of the frustum struck the pavement first, for the steeple turned a Somerset along the street towards the east, and lay after the storm with the smaller end of the frustum turned fowards the church. A similar supposition will satisfactorily account for the observed Position of the three limbs above mentioned. n the woods between Acquackanonck and Paterson, I meas- ured with a pocket compass the direction of a large number of Prostrate trees. The following list shows the entire range of the bearings which I measured ; nof arranged in the order in which they were measured, but classified according to the points of the compass. They were S. 70° W.; 8. 20° W.; S. ; 8 : 10° E.; $. 20° B.; §. 25° E.; S. 30°; 8. 35° E.; 8. 40° E.; §. 45° E.; S. 50° E; 0° E.; east. 4 a 44 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. These bearings were measured at various points upon a portion of the track about two miles in length; and it will be noticed that there is not a single instance of a tree which was prostrated towards any point between East, North and West. The bear- ings extend from east, through south, to S. 70° W., a range of 160 degrees ; but I found only one instance of a bearing approach- ing nearly so close to the west point. With but one exception, the bearings were all confined between east and S.20° W. The wind did not then blow from every point of the compass indiffer- ently, at least not with sufficient force to prostrate trees, but it blew only from the northward, including northeast and northwest. Neither was the wind a simple rectilinear current. What law then did the wind observe? Was its motion merely centripetal ? Did it revolve in a whirl? Or did it follow some other law? In order to decide these questions, I attempted to apply the method which I had successfully practised in the Mayfield tor- nado of Feb., 1842. This method consisted in selecting groups LAY SE nd da eS nr yy) te ee oe Ss a ee i ee ee Oe eee ae . 10 E 8.60 E. The first four cases present no angle greater than 30°; the fifth case presents an angle of 130°; that is, the two trees were turned in nearly opposite directions. From a comparison of all the facts, I conclude that the wind blew first from the northeast, and that this current was succeeded y a north and presently a northwest wind. The following are my reasons for this conclusion. ' 1. The fifth case of interfering trees, just mentioned, taken in © to S. 50° E. 8. 40° E. S. 20° E. 8. 40° E. 8. 70° W. ore 2.4 8.45 40 E. 4.48 6.4 clusion. We find that one large tree was prostrated with its top turned towards a point S.70° W. Upon it lay another large tree with its top turned S. 60° E. We may safely infer that these a point N. 70° E., and was succeeded by a curreut from N. 60° ; W. In each of the other cases of interfering trees, the angle of _ crossing Was so small, as to convey no very distinct information — Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the Jirst of July, 1853. 45 on this question. In three cases out of the four, the first blast ap- pears to have been a little more westerly than the final one; but all the trees were prostrated by anorthwest wind. 2. A very intelligent farmer, whose house was close upon the northeast margin of the. track, about four miles from Paterson, gave the following testimony. He first took refuge from the hail under a shed on the southwest side of his barn, the wind then owing from the N. KE. After a short time, the hail began to beat upon him, the wind having veered to the N. W., and he was obliged to seek a shelter on the southeast side of his barn in order to escape the hail. . Itis known from the testimony of several individuals, that the wind at New York was easterly on the first approach of the storm. Upon comparing these facts, it appears to me that the direction of the wind at the time of its most destructive violence may be tolerably well represented by the annexed diagram, showing a current from the N. E., on the front of the storm; and from the N. W. in the rear, the whole having a progressive motion towards the §. E., which would give to each place in succession (unless hear the southwest margin of the track) first a N. E. wind, and afterwards a N. W. wind, _ 1 do not then find in this case that evidence of a complete rota- fon which I have found in some other tornadoes ; but it is pos- sible that at a little elevation above the earth’s surface, the rota Motion may have been more decided. ee 46 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. What was the cause of the hail? The hail was caused by a violent upward movement of the air, carrying along with it an unusual amount of vapor, which was suddenly condensed, and at so low a temperature, that it was frozen in large semi-crystalline masses. That there was a violent upward movement of the air, I infer — from the following considerations. 1. Rev. J. W. McLane of Williamsburgh was in the street near — his house, and noticed the coming up of the storm. He says the cloud was very dense and black—moved rapidly forward—and — under the main sheet, the clouds boiled up in a violent and angry manner, which led him to anticipate a severe blast. Other ob- servers have testified to substantially the same facts. It appears impossible that two currents, in close juxta-posi- tion, should blow from nearly opposite quarters, with sufficient violence to prostrate large trees, unless there is opportunity for the air to escape by an upward movement. ‘This conclusion is also in perfect harmony with what we have frequent occasion to ob- serve in small sand whirls and water spouts. How was the cold which formed the hail produced ? According to the observations of Pouillet, in France, the tem- perature of hail-stones when they fall, is sometimes as low as 25° Fahr. They must then have been formed ata temperature con siderably below that of melting ice—a temperature probably as low as 20° Fahr. How can so low a temperature be produced in the hottest weather of July? The temperature of the air dimin- ishes as we ascend from the earth, and at the height of 8800 feet above New York, is estimated at 32° in summer. At the height of 12000 feet the temperature is reduced to 20°. Were the hail stones in the present case, formed at an elevation of 12000 feet? It does not appear to me that we are at liberty to make such an ~ assumption. In the summer of 1835, several hail-storms passed over the southern part of France, where there were insulated peaks of mountains, which afforded precise means of measuring the. elevation of the hail. In the storm of July 28th, 1835, no hail fell on the summit of the Puy du Dome, an elevation of 4800 feet above the sea; but a few stones fell at the height of 3700 feet, while at the foot of the mountain, the ground was covered to the depth of three inches, and some of the stones weighed eight ounces. On the 2d of August of the same year, a hail cloud en- veloped the summit of the mountain, rising therefore to the height of at least 5000 feet. It does not therefore appear to me that we are at liberty to as sume that the hail of July Ist, was formed at an elevation much exceeding 5000 feet, and here the summer temperature may )é estimated at 46°. This cold is of course insufficient to form ice Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. 47 It is believed that during the passage of a hail storm, the tem- perature of the upper air is considerably below the mean. he simple presence of clouds in the lower atmosphere would tend to produce such an effect. The atmosphere derives its heat from the earth, and is but little affected by the direct passage of the solar rays. The heat which the earth imbibes from the sun is continually thrown off by radiation ;—but when the surface of the earth is covered by a cloud, this radiant heat is intercepted, and the temperature of the lower air is thereby elevated a still night, the presence of clouds sometimes causes the thermom- eter to stand ten or fifteen degrees higher that it would otherwise. But if, by the interposition of a cloud, the lower atmosphere be- comes unusually hot, the atmosphere above the cloud must receive less than its usual supply of heat, that is, it must become unusu- ally cold. Moreover, in the storm of July Ist, the hail was formed in a current blowing violently from the northwest, which came there- fore from a higher latitude, and of course brought with it a dimin- ished temperature. I have no data sufficiently precise for estima- ting the effect to be ascribed to this cause, but I think we may conclude that at the time of the storm in question, at an elevation of 5000 feet above New York, the temperature could not have differed much from 32°. We have not however yet reached the temperature necessary to the. production of hail. Another source of cold is to be found in the evaporation from the surface of the hailstones. It is well known that if we tie a plece of thin.muslin upon the bulb of a thermometer, and then after dipping the bulb in water, swing it rapidly through the air, the thermometer will sink below the temperature of the air, several degrees, sometimes ten or fifteen; an effect due to evaporation. ring a hail storm, the hot air from the earth’s surface is carried by the upward movement to a considerable elevation, by expansion it is cooled, and a portion of its vapor is condensed. e drops thus formed at a temperature not, far from 32°, are still further cooled by evaporation from their surface, (the evaporation being promoted by their rapid motion ;) the remainder of the drop is con- gealed; and as new vapor is precipitated, it is congealed upon the water, like nearly every other substance, in passing to the sofid State, inclines to crystallization, the ball as it increases, does not generally retain the spherical form, but shoots out irregular prisms. ow does a hailstone remain suspended in the air long enough to acquire a weight.of half a pound? This difficulty is not, to my mind, a very formidable one. I Conceive that hail stones are formed with great rapidity. e vapor is condensed with great suddenness and almost instantly frozen. I think very large hailstones may be formed in five nate ar 48 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. — minutes. Ina vacuum, a stone would fall from the height of | 5000 feet in less than 20 seconds—but drops of water and hail — stones fall with only a moderate velocity. From my own ob- servations of the hail stones of July Ist, [ estimated the velocity f their fall at about 40 feet per second. At the uniform rate oj AO feet per second, a stone would be more than two minutes in falling 5000 feet. In order to obtain some reliable data for estimating the velocity of hail stones, I have computed the greatest velocity of a num- ber of small bodies differing in size and specific gravity. Dr Hutton determined by numerous experiments the resistance of the air to bodies moving with different velocities; and in the third volume of his Tracts, p. 218, has given a table of the air’s — resistance to a sphere 2 inches in diameter. His experiments also _ indicated that the resistance, of spheres increases in a ratio some- what greater than the squares of the diameters. This excess for numbers in the second column, and diminishing the result by one-thirtieth part. Hach succeeding column is derived from the preceding in a similar manner. Resistance of the air to Spheres of different Diameters. ee | Velocity |Sphere 2 inch- |\Sphere 1 inch (Sphere } inch {Sphere 4 inch |Sphere + inch per second es in diameter.| in diameter. | in diameter. | in diameter. , in diameter. feet ounces. ounces, ounces 5 0-006 0-001 0:000 10 0°026 0°006 0001 15 0°058 0-014 0°0038 20 0°108 0°025 0°006 25 0163 0039 0'010 30 0°237 0057 0-014 35 0325 0-078 0019 40 0427 0-103 0025 45 0544 07131 0032 50 0676 0163 0-039 55 0°821 0-198 0-048 60 0-981 0-237 0°057 1155 0°279 0-067 70 0°325 0:078 45 1546 0374 0:090 80 1-76 0426 0103 85 1-996 0-482 0-116 90 2°243 0542 0-131 5 2°505 0°605 0146 100 2°780 0672 07162 200 11°340 27 0668 300 25°800 6235 1:507 Prof. Loomis on the Hail Storm of the first of July, 1853. 49 In a vacuum, a body falling under the influence of gravity is continually accelerated ; but when aheavy body falls through the atmosphere, the resistance increases with the velocity, until the resistance becomes equal to the weight of the body. When this takes place, there can be no further increase of velocity, and the body will afterwards descend with a uniform motion. In or- der therefore to determine the greatest velocity which a heavy body ean acquire by falling through the atmosphere, it is only necessary to compute the weight of a sphere of given diameter, and then to search in the preceding table for the velocity due to an equal resistance upon a body of the proposed diameter. ‘The following Table exhibits the results for spheres of lead (assuming the specific gravity 11:35), of iron (specific gravity 7-78), of wa- ter, of ice (sp. gr. 0-93), and cork (sp. gr. 0:25); the diameters varying from two inches to one-eighth of an inch. Weight of a sphere of Final velocity of sphere of : Lead. Tron. | Water.| Ice. | Cork. }) Lead. |Iron.| Water.) Ice.jCork Diam. | ounces. | ounces. | ounces. { oun es.| ounces.| feet. | feet.) feet. /feet. feet. 2 in | 27°5182| 188593 24241 | 22544 | 06060 | 810 |257/- 94 | 90| 47 1 “ } 34392) 23574 | 03030 | 02818 | 0:0757 | 293 |185/ 68 | 65 | 384 + “ | 04299} 02947 0-0379 | 0-:0352 | 00095 | 161/134! 49 | 47) 25 t “ | 00537! 00368 0-0047 | 0-0044 | O-0012 | 117 97| 36 | 85| 18 $ “ } 00067| 00046 0-0006 | 00006 |.0:0001 1 84 | 70) 25 | 24| 19 hus it appears that a hail stone in the form of a sphere two and would greatly reduce the velocity of stones of larger size, The Strong upward movement which is known to exist in the neighborhood where hail is formed, is therefore quite sufficient to Sustain hail stones of the largest kind as long as they can be kept within the influence of this vortex. After they have entirely *scaped from the influence of the vortex, small stones would fall fo the earth from an elevation of 5000 feet in about two min- ules ; and very large stones in one minute. I see no difficulty cases, stones may remain supported for ten minutes and even a Steat deal longer. This period appears to me sufficient to ac- “ount for the hail which fell at New York. : ae Ws “oe Steonp Senims, Vol. XVII, No, 49.—Jan,, 1854... ia 50 Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. Why did the hail in the present case attain to such unusual size? Because of the following circumstances which are unusually favorable to its formation. 'The temperature of the air before the storm was 90°, and it is my opinion that the dew-point could not have been less than 80°; in other words the atmosphere contained about as much vapor as it is ever known to contain in this latitude. This vapor was suddenly lifted to a region of great cold, and rap- idly condensed and frozen. The strong upward movement helped to sustain the crystals as they increased in size, until the upward force was no longer equal to gravity—or until they escaped from the influence of the vortex. Most of the stones would fall in five minutes and be of moderate size ; others might be sustained ten or fifteen minutes, and attain enormous dimensions. How did the hail in this storm compare with the most remark- able cases on record. There are well authenticated cases of hailstones having fallen in England and France weighing half a pound—and even more than this—but the accounts of hail stones weighing so much as one pound, do not appear to me entirely satisfactory. A mass of ice of the specific gravity 0-93, weighing eight ounces must contain nearly 15 cubic inches; or would make a cube whose edge is nearly 2-5 inches. I have selected a piece of ice which was estimated to be about the size of the largest stone which I saw fall on the Ist of July, and found it to weigh eight ounces. But these large stones of July 1st appeared to me unusually white, and may therefore be conjectured to have had a spongy nucleus—which would have reduced the weight to perhaps si ounces. The hail therefore in the present storm was somewhat smaller than has been observed to fall in other places. 1 Since the preceding was written, I have received notice of sev — eral remarkable hail storms in different parts of the United States, — two of which were so extraordinary that I have added an account of them to this paper. Hail Storm experienced at Warren, N. H., Aug. 13, 1851. My first information respecting this storm was derived from 4 — letter from Dr. Peter L. Hoyt, dated Wentworth, Grafton Co., — Aug. 3, 1853. The following is an extract from Dr. Hoyt’ — etter. “Perhaps a brief notice of a hail storm which occurred in this © vicinity on the 13th of August, 1851 may be of interest to you: This shower, about one o’clock, p. m., passed from the west to wards the east over an extent of four or five miles around the - Warren. The largest and most hail fell in the north east part of Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. 51 the latter town, in a basin between the mountains near the source of a stream called Baker’s river. I stood at the railroad depot in Wentworth, at the time of this shower, distant in an air line six or seven miles. It was the most remarkable appearing cloud I think I ever saw—so black and dense, encircling and covering the mountain, and shutting down to the earth. “'The hail was of prodigious size and in great quantities. The largest of the stones was of an irregular shape, rough and angu- lar, suggesting the idea to some that they were made up of a number adhering together. They were however very solid and not easily broken. ‘One was weighed upon the spot at the time of the shower, and weighed 20 ounces; and the person who informed me of this was of the opinion that he saw one fall and break in pieces which was still larger. They looked, he said, like vast pieces of ice that had been broken above, and were falling to the earth. quantity was gathered in a basket and brought to Warren village, a distance of three or four miles, and there exhibited at least an hour after the shower, and in a hot and sultry afternoon. One of them there weighed 14 ounces, and measured 10 inches in circumfer- ence. ‘T'welve of the largest taken out of the basket weighed on the counter scales in the store, seven pounds. “About 4 o’clock, p. m., three hours after their fall, a box of them was brought to Wentworth village, where I reside, a dis- tance of about eight miles. One of them was shown to me. Its diameter according to my best judgment was from 2 to 24 inches. It had the appearance of being originally somewhat angular, with the angles melted off. It was perfectly-solid and clear. “So large was the quantity of hail in many places in War- ren, that a cart load might have been gathered without moving from the place. Luckily the track of the storm was not through the most cultivated part of the towns, but along the borders and skirts of the forests, where the population was scattering. Crops of hay and grain were ground to the earth, poultry were killed— cattle’s backs were bruised—and the roofs of many buildings were badly broken. But little glass was broken from the fac ae direction of the hail was nearly perpendicular to the earth,’ Immediately upon receiving this letter, I wrote to Dr. Hoyt, Stating that the facts which he had communicated respecting the size of the hail were so remarkable, that they ought to be sub- Stantiated by such evidence as would be deemed conclusive in a court of justice ; that it was therefore important that he should obtain written statements from the identical persons who weigh- ed the stones ; and that it would not be derogatory to the dignity of science for these persons to make affidavit to the truth of their Statements before a Justice of the Peace. I also suggested several. 52 Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. additional points upon which it was desirable that information should be obtained. In reply I received another letter from Dr. Hoyt accompanied by documents such as I had suggested. The following is extracted from his reply. ‘* As yet I have been unable to substantiate the weight of a hail- stone at 20 ounces; yet throughout the town of Warren the impression prevails that one was so weighed. The enclosed af- fidavit of Mr. Libby, and statement of Mr: Flanders fixes the extreme weight of two stones weighed by them at 174 and 18 ounces ; with the firm belief of Mr. Libby that had he weighed them at the time of falling, their weight would have been in- creased some two or three ounces. ‘“‘T have the names of some two or three other individuals who storm weighed 14 ounces. A tin pail full containing fifteen, weighed 10 pounds—four collectively weighed three pounds, ete. Incredible as the above may appear to some, they are facts which can be proved by a multitude of evidence, “This storm was remarkable for the amount of ice which fell as well as the size of the stones. Mr. Flanders thinks that in Benton the average depth of the hail was about four inches, and from enquiry along the track of the storm, I should judge that he is not far from right in his estimate. The extreme width of the hail was about two miles, and the length over a cultivated dis- trict perhaps about five or six miles. How far east it extended I e no means of knowing, as it entered a forest of many miles in width. The largest hail stones fell near the edge or skirts of its track ; the thiciest and greatest amount or depth of hail fell in the centre. Although the sun came out “boiling hot” as one man expressed it, after the shower, still the hail remained on the ground in many places until the next day. An owner of asa mill, on the stream of water which has its source in the forests over which the shower passed, told me that the water kept swollen for two or three days, when from common showers of rain It would have fallen in twenty-four hours. This he attributed to the gradual melting of so large a quantity of ice in the woods. I think there was but little if any difference in the distribution of the large stones along the track, as the two whose weights are given by Mr. Flanders and Mr. Libby were picked up about five miles apart, and near the extremes of its track before it entered the forest. On the borders or skirts of the cloud the large stones fell scattering, and as it approached the centre it was as if the whole contents of the cloud were let down in ice. During the time the hail, which lasted some twenty or thirty minutes, there was but little rain ; after the hail it rained briskly for ten or fifteet minutes. pten? alti antlers & emied cioasisiaee eo | Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. 53 “ Shape of the hail.—In Benton at the commencement of the hail, the masses were angular, having a resemblance to broken ice; while further along the track they assumed a smoother and more uniform surface, being oval or oblong. In many instances the surface is described as being notched or scolloped; and in some few as being covered with icy spikes, like icicles somewhat resembling a burr. It is the opinion of those who examined these stones the most minutely, that they were not formed by the union of several masses, but were distinct and individual in for- mation. They were compact and very solid ; so hard that they might be thrown with great force against a house and not be roken. “Velocity.—All agree that the hail fell with great velocity and force. Mr. E. W. Cleasby, a very correct and veracious man, whose statement is appended to this letter, says that hail stones very solid and weighing in the vicinity of 10 or 12 ounces, averag- ing one on about every two feet, fell in a piece of unmowed grass. In their passage through the grass they entangled it so as to carry it imbedded into the sward ground to the depth of some two or three inches, and after the melting of the hail, left the turf full of holes like little bird’s nests. These holes remained through the season. As a test of the force necessary to effect this, he repeatedly with a pitch fork handle having a rounded head, tried to ome it into the ground to an equal depth, and was unable 0 it. “Many of the barns in this neighborhood have their roofs covered with what are styled ‘long shingles’—that is with spruce Shingles without previous boarding. Whenever these large stones fell upon such roofs, they broke a hole completely through ; and ces, was obliged to hide under the scaffold. The marks and bruises upon the buildings caused by the hail are still to be seen. ays one person, ‘they looked like little pnmpkins falling.’ The roar and rattle of the hail was distinctly heard at the village in Warren, a distance of four or five miles, and was likened to the noise of a heavy train of cars. . d.—During the storm there was but little wind. The hail fell nearly perpendicularly. ‘The general bearing of the Wind as appears from my weather table on that day, was west- south-west ; and the direction of the shower was in correspond- ence with this. A ing. Such also is the testimony of people living there. — aiid A ae Oe eer e 54 Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. “You ask if it was possible that the larger stones could have been formed by the cementing or freezing together of several while lying on the ground? I should think it dmpossible that such could be the case. Furthermore the general opinion among the inhabitants is that each stone was a unit in formation.” The following is a copy of the affidavit of Mr. Libby already referred to. Warren, N. H., Aug. 24, 1853. I live in Warren and witnessed the hail storm on the L3th of August 1851, between the hours of one and two o’clock, P. M. I weighed a number of the hail stones which fell at that time, but not until after the shower had ceased—perhaps an hour and a half or two hours after. During this time it was very hot. The largest which I weighed was 174 ounces in weight. The others varied in the vicinity of apound. Iam fully in the be- lief that had they been weighed at the time of falling, their weight would have been some two or three ounces more. Pre- vious to weighing them I washed the dirt from them in water. They were very irregular in shape, somewhat scolloped, with ice projections from their surface. I picked these stones up from soft ploughed ground where they were imbedded more than half their size in the ground. During the time that the hail was fall- ing there was but little rain, with little or no wind. After the hail there was a warm rain of some ten or fifteen minutes du- ration. Joun Lippy. Sworn to before me, Jesse Lirrie, Justice of the Peace. The following is the statement of Mr. Flanders already re- ferred to. Wentworth, Aug. 30, 1853. I live in Benton, N. H., County of Grafton, and resided there at the time of the hail storm on the 13th of August, 1851. weighed a number of the hail stones after the rain was over: Granvitte E. FLANDERS. The following is the statement of Mr. Cleasby. Warren, N. H., Sept. 3, 1853. This certifies that several of the hail stones which fell here on the 13th of August, 1851, were measured by members of my family. According to my best recollection the circumference of the largest was fourteen inches one way and nine the other. eir form was very generally oval. Ezra W. Cveassy. Prof. Loomis on Hail Storms. 55 dence that hail of equal size has ever been seen in any other part of the world. Hail Storm at Montrose, Iowa, on the Mississippi River, in Lat. 40° 30’, about the middle of June, 1838. The following notice of this storm is derived from a letter re- ceived from Mr. D. W. Kilbourne, who resided at Montrose in 38, but now lives at Keokuk, twelve miles below Montrose. “ About four o’clock in the afternoon, a very heavy black cloud rose in the northwest, the wind at the time blowing strong from that quarter. There was much thunder and lightning; at the same time it was clear in the east and southeast. Very soon however the whole sky seemed to be covered by clouds ; there was a heavy mist, and it was almost as dark as night. Rain immediately followed, and for a few moments fell in torrents. Then hail stones began to fall. At first they were small and excited no surprise in myself or family ; but they con- tinued to increase in quantity and size to such an extent as to €xcite not only our wonder but our fears. The hail storm con- tinued nearly ten minutes, and during all the time small and large hail fell together. ‘The wind was high. As soon as the storm abated so that it was safe to go out, my family were all engaged in picking up the stones. We then se- lected the largest and measured their circumference. The largest one found measured ten and one-fourth inches. There were a large number that measured from two to ten inches in circum- ference. | gathered up with my own hands in one spot on the grass without moving, a half bushel measure full. Mrs. Kilbourne placed several of the largest ones upon the top of common sized glass tumblers, and when melted they filled the tumblers so that some of them could not be moved without lieve the hail stones were particularly noticed or measured except at our house.” 56 C. Hartwell on a Tertiary Rainbow. Art. V.2eDesciption A> a oe whe Rainbow ; by CHarues On the 28th of July, 1851, the writer observed, from the The- ological Seminary, in South ‘Windsor, Conn., what he judged to e a Tertiary Rainbow. After a heavy shower, and a little before sunset, the sun appeared, artes on the dark clouds in the east a beautiful primary bow. At the same time an appear- ance of decomposed light was seen in Pie N. W., upon a cloud of not very large dimensions, but from which rain was evidently alling. o the 8. W., also, upon clouds somewhat separated, decomposed light was visible. The appearance north of the sun was very bright, te St in " were observed only the various shades of red and orange. traceable for some fifteen iegttes from the horizon. Had t phenomena appeared in the east, no one would have doubted bat that they constituted the two ends ofarainbow. The curvature have been sufficient proof. But as they were seen in the west, on the side with the sun, and tertiary bows are very rarely seen, it may be necessary to give the reasons which convinced me that I had really seen one. The phenomenon to the north was first observed, and filled the beholder with astonishment. What this appearance could be, so much more brilliant than oni views of the sun’s shining on clouds, and then, too, not on the edge but near the middle while the rest appeared as clouds ordinarily do, at the same time no reason being manifest from the position of the cloud and sun and the state of the intermediate heavens why the sun should shine on that part rather than another, not 4 little puzzled him n going to another window, the phenomenon to the south was seen. From its greater length, curved form, and its position on the opposite side of the sun, the conclusion was immediately drawn that they were the two ends of a rainbow. Recalling some instructions of my former (iolice Prof. Snell, of Amherst American Associaton in Alba: shy, 51. Being > deine to iced himself, he sent if bya a o was, however, obliged to leave before the day assigned for its ; "fit-health and pressing engagements prevented his giving further attentio? d si think the tot er it rh foe now, mAb find a place in some public record. ours truly, ES. SNeELL Amherst College, Nov. 11th, 1853. E a C. Hartwell on a Tertiary Rainbow. 57 College, the thought flashed into my mind that this was a tertiary bow. Not recalling the dimensions of such a bow, I measured off the heavens as best I could, and judged the radius as seen to be about 40°. L have since learned that the radius by calculation is 40° 40’, so that my judgment, correct or incorrect, agrees very well with the true dimeusions of the bow. Having stated these facts to Prof. Snell, and requested a brief communication from him, he kindly furnished one, which. I ap- pend to this paper. “ Amherst College, Aug. 15, 1851. Since hearing you give an account of a phenomenon which you observed and supposed to be a tertiary rainbow, I have ex- amined my notes upon the subject, and am well satisfied that you were not mistaken. All the circumstances forbid the supposition that it was a halo formed in prisms of ice. You estimated the distance of the arcs from the sun to be 40°; this differs but about half a degree from the radius of the tertiary bow, as determined by calculation. The arcs were seen also in masses of falling rain of such limited thickness, that the light might well be supposed to have been transmitted through the rain to the eye. Though the appearance was not one of remarkable splendor, yet you may congratulate yourself, I think, on having witnessed a phenomenon of the most rare occurrence. The writer of the treatise on Optics, in the English Library of Useful Knowledge, speaking of the bows caused by three or four reflections in each drop of rain, says, ‘none of these bows, however, have been seen.’ Professor Forbes, of the University of Edinburgh, in his learned eport on Meteorology to the British Association, 1840, remarks, ‘These, the ternary, quaternary, &c., rainbows, have been long theoretically known, though rarely, if ever, observed in nature. The ternary rainbow ought to be about 41° from the sun, but is generally stated to be too faint to be visible. 'T'wo observations by Bergmann are the only recorded ones I have met with. Kemptz observed a ternary amidst the spray of the falls of Schauffhausen.’ Kemptz, in his course of meteorology, after speaking of the bows of the third and fourth order, adds, ‘ but the intensity of these two latter is so feeble that they are rarely seen ;’ and puts In a note the following quotation, ‘ M. Babinet, when in the most favorable circumstances, on Mount d’Or, and on the Canigou, vainly endeavored to perceive them. It is obvious, as these quotations show, that the phenomenon Which you witnessed is as rare as it is interesting. It seems to me highly probable -that there is yet no public record of an instance in which an American observer has seen a rainbow on the same side of the heavens with the sun.” Stconp Senses, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan,, 1854. 8 = 58 The Earl of Rosse’s Telescopes, and their Arr. VI.—The Earl of Rosse’s Telescopes, and their Revela- | V tions in the Sidereal Heavens; by Rev. W. Scoressy, D.D,, R.SS.L. & E., ete.* In a second lecture on these interesting subjects, recently de- livered at Torquay, much and important consideration was given to the inquiry,— What has the gigantic telescope done? The lecturer having himself had the privilege of observing on different visits, and for considerable periods, with both the in- struments, was enabled to reply, he hoped in a satisfactory mat- ner, to this inquiry. His opportunities of observing, he said, not- withstanding interruptions from clouds and disturbed atmosphere, had been somewhat numerous, and, not unfrequently, highly in- structive and delightful. Of these observations he had made records of nearly 60, on the moon, planets, double stars, clusters, and nebule. He had been permitted also to have free access 10, and examination of, all the observatory records and drawings, 80 that he was enabled on the best grounds, he believed, to say, that there had been no disappointment in the performance of the in- struments ; and that the great instrument, in its peculiar qualities of superiority, possesses a marvellous power in collecting light and penetrating into regions of previously untouched space. In what may be called the domestic regions of our planet—the ob- jects in the solar system—all that other instruments may reveal is within its grasp or more, though by the prodigious flood of light from the brighter planets, the eye is dazzled unless a large portion is shut out. But in its application to the distant heavens and exploration of the nebulous systems there, its peculiar powers have, with 4 steady atmosphere, their highest developments and noblest ttl- umphs. In this department—that to which the instrument has been particularly directed—every known object it touches, whet the air is favorable, is, as a general fact, exhibited under some neW aspect. It pierces into the indefinite or diffuse nebulous forms shewn by other instruments in a general manner, and either eX hibits configurations altogether unimagined, or resolvés perhaps the nebulous patches of light into clusters of stars. Guided in the general researches by the worksof the talented and laborious erschels—to whom astronomy and science owe a deep debt 0 gratitude—time has been economized, and the interests of the re sults vastly enhanced. So that many objects in which the fine instruments of other observers could discern only some vague in- definite patch of light, have been brought out in striking, definite, and marvellous configurations. Among these peculiar revelations is that of the spiral form— the most striking and appreciable of all— which we may venture to designate “‘ The Rossean Configuration.” Its discovery wa5 * An abstract of a Lecture delivered at Torquay, November 15, 1852—From the inburgh New Philosophical Journal for January, 1853. _ Mi Revelations in the Sidereal Heavens. 59 at once novel and splendid; and in reference to the dynamical principles on which these vast aggregations of remote suns are whirled about within their respective systems and sustained against interferences, promises to be of the greatest importance. ne of the most splendid nebule of this class—the great spi- ral or whirlpool—has been figured in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1850. It may be considered as the grand type and ex- ample of a class; for near 40 more, with spiral characteristics, have been observed, and about 20 of them carefully figured. Dr. Scoresby had the pleasure of being present at the discovery of this particular form im a nebula of the planetary denomination, in which two portions following spiral forms were detected, Its color was peculiar,—pale blue. He had the privilege, too, of being present on another interesting occasion, when the exam- ination of the great nebula in Orion was first seen to yield decisive tokens of resolution. 94 In these departments of research, the examination of the con- —has been decidedly great, and the new knowledge acquired, concerning the handiwork of the Great Creator, amply satisfying of even sanguine anticipations. Dr. Scoresby found, in September last, that about 700 cata- to 140 or more. The numberof observations, involving separate sets of the instrument, recorded in the ledger, (exclusive of very many hundreds, possibly thousands, on the moon and planets,) amount tonear 1700, involving several hundreds of determinations of position and angular measurements with the micrometer on the far distant stars. The carefully drawn configurations, eliciting In speaking of the effects of the flood of light accumulated by the six-feet speculum of the Earl of Rosse, Dr. Scoresby remark- # os 60 The Earl of Rosse’s Telescopes, and their any competition. For comparing the space-penetrating power of the six-feet speculum with one of two feet (which has rarely been exceeded) we find it three to one in favor of the largest, with an accumulation of light in the ratio of 6? to 27, or 9to 1. Oncom- paring the powers of this magnificent instrument with those of a refractor of two feet aperture, the largest hitherto attempted, we have a superiority—making a due allowance for the loss of light by reflection from two mirrors, and assuming an equal degree of perfectness, figure, and other optical requirements in the refractor, and no allowance for absorption of light—in the ratio of about 4-5 to 1, as to light, and as 2-12 to 1,as to the capability of pene- trating space, or detecting nebulous or sidereal objects at the ex- treme distance of visibility. Hence, whilst the range of telesco- pic vision in a refractor of two feet aperture would embrace @ sphere in space represented by.a diameter of 2; the six-feet spect lum (assuming both instruments to be of equal optical perfec- tion, magnifying equally, and allowing fifty per cent. for loss of light for two reflections in the one case, and none (?) in the other) would comprehend a sphere of about 4:24 diameter,—the outet shell of which, 1:12 in thickness, being the province of the great instrumentalone. But let us reduce these proportions to sections of equal spaces, that we may judge more accurately of the rela- tive powers. Now, the solid contents of different spheres, We know, are in the ratio of the cubes of their diameters. Hence the comparative spheres, penetrated by the two instruments Te referred to, should be 4°24? to 2; that is, as 9'5to lL. Deducting; then, from this vast grasp of space the inner sphere, capable © being explored by other instruments, we find that, out of nearly ten sections of space reached by this telescope, there are nearly nine sections which the six feet speculum may embrace as pect liarly its own! What its revelations yet may prove, then, we can have no idea. Several thousands of nebule have been catalogued: the great re at the Cape of Good Hope, for the examination of the heavens towards the southern pole. Lord Rosse, with his usual noble- ness of liberality, will yield up his laboratory, machinery, and men, to the service of government, and is willing, moreover, 1 give the direction and guidance of his master-mind. Will the British nation be content with a refusal ? The range opened to us by the great telescope at Birr Castle, is best, perhaps, apprehended by the now usual measurement— - notof distances in miles, or millions of miles, or diameters of the Revelations in the Sidereal Heavens. 61 earth’s orbit, but—of the progress of light in free space. The determination, within, no doubt, a small proportion of error, of the parallax of a considerable number of the fixed stars, yields, ac- cording to M. Peters, a space betwixt us and the fixed stars of the smallest magnitude, the sixth, ordinarily visible to the naked eye, of 130 years in the flight of light. This information enables us, on the principles of sounding the heavens, suggested by Sir W. Herschel, with the photometrical researches on the stars of Dr. Wollaston and others, to carry the estimation of distances, and that by no means on vague assumption, to the limits of space opened out by the most effective telescopes. . And from the guid- ance thus afforded us, as to the comparative power of the six feet speculum in the penetration of space, as already elucidated, we might fairly assume the fact, that if any other telescope now in use could follow the sun if removed to the remotest visible position, or till its light would require 10,000 years to reach us, the grand instrument at Parsonstown would follow it so far, that enormous interval. _ But after all, what is all this, vast as the attainment may seem, in the exploration of the extent of the works of the Almighty ? For in this attempt to look into space, as the great reflector ena- bles us, we see but a mere speck—for space 18 InFINiTE. Could we take, therefore, not the tardy wings of the morning, with the Speed of the mere spread of day, nor flee as with the leaden wings of light, which would require years to reach the nearest Star, but, like unhampered thought, could we speed to the farthest visible nebula at a bound,—there, doubtless, we should have a continuance of revelations ; and if bound after bound were taken, and new spheres of space for ten thousand repetitions explored, should we not probably find each additional sphere of telescopic Vision garnished with suns and nebulous configurations rich and Spitit of the Psalmist, we shall each one, surely, be disposed ap- Propriately to join in his emphatic saying,—‘t When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars Which thou hast ordained ; what is man, that thou art mindful tlm? or the son of man, that thou visitest him ?” 62 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. Art. VII.—Researches on the Development of Viviparous Aphides ; by Watvo I. Burnett, M.D., Boston. Every naturalist is aware of the remarkable phenomena con- nected with the viviparous reproduction of Aphides or plant-lice, or their singularity has led them to be recounted in works other than those of natural science, and, from the days of the earlier ob- servers, they have been the theme of a kind of wonder-story in zoology and physiology. I need not here go over the historical relations of this subject. The queer experiments and the amusing writings of the old Ento- mologists are well known. ‘The brief history of the general con- ditions of the development of these insects is as follows: In the early autumn the colonies of plant-lice are composed of both male and female individuals ; these pair, the males then die, and the females soon begin to deposit their eggs, after which they die also. Early in the ensuing spring, as soon as the sap begins to flow, these eggs are hatched, and the young lice immediately begin to pump up sap from the tender leaves and shoots, increase rapidly in size, and in a short time come to maturity. In this state it is found that the whole brood, without a single exception, consists solely of females, or rather and more properly, of individuals which are capable of reproducing their kind. This reproduction takes place by a viviparous generation, there being formed in the individuals in question, young lice which, when capable of enter- ing,upon individual life, escape from their progenitor and form a new and greatly increased colony. This second generation pur- sues the same course as the first, the individuals of which it is composed being like those of the first, sexless, or at least without any trace of the male sex throughout. These same conditions are then repeated, and so on almost indefinitely, experiments hav- ing shown that this power of reproduction under such cireum- stances may be exercised, according to Bonnet,* at least through nine generations, while Duvaut obtained thus, eleven generations in seven months, his experiments being curtailed at this stage, not by a failure of the reproductive power, but by the approach of winter which killed his specimens; and Kybert{ even observed that a colony of Aphis dianthi which had been brought into a constantly heated room, continued to propagate for four years, in this manner, without the intervention of males, and even in this instance it remains to be proved how much longer these phenom- ena might have been continued. The singularity of these results led to much incredulity as to their authenticity, and on this account the experiments were often * Bonnet, Traité d’'Insectologie, ou observations sur les Pucerons, 1745. + Duvau, Mém. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat., xiii, p. 126. } Kyber, Germar’s Magaz. d, Entomol. 1812. oe 2 ere ene RRR I (aman Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 63 and carefully repeated ; and there can now be no doubt that the virgin Aphis reproduces her kind—a phenomenon which may be continued almost indefinitely, ending finally in the appearance of individuals of distinct male and female sex, which lay the founda- tion of new colonies in the manner just described.* The question arises, what interpretation is to be put upon these almost anomalous phenomena? Many explanations have been of- fered by various naturalists and physiologists, but most of them have been as unsatisfactory as they have been forced, and were admissible only by the acceptance in physiology of quite new features. As the criticism I intend to offer upon some of these opinions, will be the better understood after the detail of my own researches, I will reserve their future notice until the concluding part of this Aphis with which I am acquainted, the Aphis Carye of Har- ris.~ While in Georgia, this last spring, it was my good fortune that myriads of these destroyers appeared on a hickory which grew near the house in which I lived. The number of broods on this tree did not exceed three, for with the third series their num- bers were so great that their source of subsistence failed and they gradually disappeared from starvation. The individuals of each tood were, throughout, of the producing kind, no males having been found upon the closest search; they were all, moreover, winged ; and those few which were seen without these appenda- Ses appeared to have Jost them by accident. I mention this fact especially, since it has been supposed by naturalists that the fe- males were always wingless, and therefore that the winged indi- Viduals, or the males, appeared only in the autumn.: he first brood, upon their appearance from their winter hiding- Places, were of mature size, and I found in them the developing germs of the second brood quite far advanced. On this account it was the embryology of the third series or brood alone, that I Was able to trace in these observations. * For details of experiments by which Bonnet’s original results were verified, see Réaumur, Mémoires, iii, Mém. 9 and 11, and vi, Mém. 13. Also, egeer, Mémoires, iii, ch. 2, 3. Curtis, Trans. Linn. Soc, vi. Philos. Trans. 1771. D vages, Journ. de Physique, i. ; Falta Mémoires, ii, p. 442. See also the more modern writers, and especially irby and Spence, Introduction to Entomology, iv. p. 161. ees to V arris, A treatise on some of the Insects of New England which are injurious of We etion- 2nd ed. 1852. p. 208, As Dr. Harris says, it is probably Lachnus Illiger, (Cinara of Curtis, F) ot Sane eens pts uction to the modern Classification of Insects, &c, Lon- Gin - i, p. 488—but especiall “» Parthenogenesis, éc., 28, ae and p. 59, note, where he says, “ Many of the virgin viviparous Aphides acquire wings, but never perfect the generative organs!” 64 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. A few days after the appearance of these insects, the individu- als of second brood (B), still, within their parents (A), had reach- ed two-thirds of their mature size. At this time the arches 0 the segments of the embryo had begun to close on the back, and the various external appendages of the insect to appear promi- nently; the alimentary canal ‘had been more or less completely formed, although distinct abdominal organs of any kind belonging to the digestive system were not very prominent. At this period, and while the individuals of generation B, are not only in the abdomen of their parent A, but are also enclosed, each, in its primitive egg-like capsule,—at this time, I repeat, appear the first traces of the germs of the third brood (C). These first traces consist of small egg-like bodies arranged, two, three, or four in a row, and attached in the abdomen at the locality where the ovaries are situated in the oviparous forms of these al- imals. These egg-like bodies consisted either of single nucleated cells, of 5;'55 of an inch in diameter, or, a small number of such cells enclosed in asimple sac. These are the germs of the third gene- ration; they increase with the development of the embryo in which they have been formed, and this increase of size takes place not by a segmentation of the primitive cells, but by the endog- enous formation of new cells. After this increase has gone on the sac by which it is enclosed. In this way the germs are mul- tiplied to a considerable number, the nutritive material for theit growth being apparently a fatty liquid with which they are bathed, contained in the abdomen, and which is thence derived from the abdomen of the first parent. When these germs have reached the size of =}, of an inch in diameter, there appears on each, near one end, a yellowish, vitel- lus-looking mass or spot, which is composed of large, yellowish ells, which in size and general aspect, are different from those constituting the germ proper, This yellow mass increases part passu with the germ, and at last lies like a cloud over and con- cealing one of its poles. I would also insist on the point that it : meaner a Ts Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 65 does not extend itself gradually over the whole germ-mass, and is therefore quite unlike a true germinative vesicle ora rolige- rous disc. When the egg-like germs have attained the size of r#5 Of an inch, there distinctly appears the sketching or marking out of the future animal. This sketching consists at first of del- icately-marked retreatings of the cells here and there, but which soon become more prominent from furrows, and at last the whole form of the embryo stands boldly out. As the whole idea and form of the insect is thus moulded out of a mass of cells, it is evident that the separate parts which then appear, such as the arches of the segments, the extremities and the oval appa- ratus, consist at first of only rows of simple cells. This point is here beautifully prominent, and nowhere have I observed finer illustrations of the cell-constitution of developing forms. he development thus proceeding, each part of the dermo-skel- eton becomes more and more distinct, and the increase of size o the whole is attained by the constant development of new cells. During this time, the yellow vitellus-looking mass, situated at one ot the poles of the embryo, has not changed its place ; it has in- creased somewhat in size, but otherwise appears the same. When the development has proceeded somewhat farther, and the embryo s pretty well formed, the arches of the segments, which have itherto remained gapingly open, appear to close together on the ack, thereby enclosing this vitellus-looking mass within the ab- minal cavity, tis this same vitelloid mass thus enclosed that furnishes the hutritive material for the development of new germs which would those of the fourth brood or D; this development of germs here Commences with the closing up of the abdominal cavity, and the same processes which we have just described are again repeated, _ The details of the development subsequent to this point, are like those of the development of ordinary insects or of the Ar- eulata in general ; and although this ovoid germ has at no time the structural peculiarities of a true ovum—such as a real vitellus, 4 germinative vesicle and germinative dot; yet, if we allow a little latitude in our comparison and regard the vitellus-looking Mit this comparison of parts, then the analogy of development tween these germs and true eggs of insects, may be traced in Sonsiderable detail. j f 'S Comparison I have been inclined to admit at least in part, fom the Striking resemblance of these developing forms at cer- he stages, with the embryological forms of spiders as they have D figured by Herold* and as I have myself traced them. * Herold, De Generatione Aranearum in ovo. Marbourg, 1824. Szates, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan,, 1854. ee 66 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. When, in spiders, the serous fold of the germinating tissue has extended so as to cover two-thirds of the developing form, leav- ing the vitelline mass on the dorsal surface near one of the poles, the whole embryo quite resembles that of a developing Aphis just before the arches of the segments close up on the back. With this view of the relative parts of the germ, the following would be the details of the development of the different systems, and in the noticing of which I shall follow Kdlliker.* The germinating tissue consists of two parts; a serous and mucous fold. - The abdominal plates arise from the serous fold, sprout out towards the vitelloid mass, pass over it and unite on the dorsa surface of the future animal; on the opposite side are formed plates which do not unite, but are formed into the hind legs. e wings are the lateral limbs. 4. The first traces of the abdominal column appear in the chain of abdominal muscles, situated between the nerves and the intestinal canal. the germ at the time when the first traces of development were seen. From this it is evident that, even admitting that these germ- masses are true eggs, the conditions of development are quite differ- ent from those of the truly viviparous animals; such as for in- stance in Musca, Anthomyia, Sarcophaga, Tachina, Dexia, Mil togramma, and others among Dipterous insects ;} or in the vivip@ * Kélliker, Observationes de prima Insectorum genesi adjecta articulatorum evo oh cum Vertebratorum comparatione. Diss. Taiae Boe Alb, Kolliker. Turi, A work replete with facts interesting estions. + See Siebotd in Frorieps ia Notiz, iii, “3oT and in Wiegmann’s Arch. 1838, i, p- 197.—also his Observat. quaed! Entom., ~ p- 18. @ et lead Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 67 rous reptiles,—for in all these cases of ordinary viviparity, the egg is simply hatched in the body instead of out of it. The egg moreover, is formed exactly in the same way as.though it was to be deposited, and its vitellus contains all the nutritive materi- al required for the development of the egg until the coming forth of the new individual. ‘The abdomen of the mother serves only as a proper indus or incubatory pouch for its full development. This is true of all the the ovo-viviparous animals whatsoever.* ith the viviparous Aphides, on the contrary, the developing germ derives its nutritive material from the fatty liquid in which it is bathed, and which fills the abdomen of the parent.t The conditions of development here therefore are more like those in ammalia, and the whole animal may, in one sense, be regarded as an individualized uterus filled with germs, for the digestive canal, with its appendages, seems to serve only as a kind of labo- tatory for the conversion of the succulent fluids which the ani- mal extracts from the tree on which it lives, into this fatty liquid =~ which the increase and development of the germs take ace, Pi points which have here been made out. In the first place, it is evident that the germs which develop these forms are not true ‘ss. ‘They have none of the structural characteristics of eggs, Such as a vitellus, a germinative vesicle and dot; on the other * It is true that in the Scorpionidae, the eggs are developed in the ovary, but -.- 800 reason to suppose that the conditions are here different from those of the Parous Diptera, es, also, the eggs are developed in a kind of uterus situated directly a above the ovipositor, but. this pears to be only an incubatory pouch. shown that in these animals the rate of increase is so great that ine he eleven !! érby and Spence, Introduction to Entomology, i, p. 175. _ 68 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. hand, they are, at first, simple collections, in oval masses, of nu- cleated cells. en again, they receive no special fecundating power from the male, as is the necessary preliminary condition of all true eggs; and, furthermore, the appearance of the new indi- vidual is not preceded by the phenomena of segmentation, as also is the case with all true eggs. Therefore their primitive formation, their development, and the preparatory changes they undergo for the evolution of the new individual, are all different from those of real ova. 2, ae > MAL CLGO) (Ny Sacer, bay) EEG Ore Sao yA C] 20 ag ac macae 2S VOnO" Soe rey, Cerda ee DaARSes ee lon: on BS Wh Cy Sop c) 5 QO Cases EXPLANATION OF FIGURES, Figs. 1, 2,3 and 4, represent the egg-like buds in different stages of development—and as they are successively formed sprouting off from the internal surface of the parent. Fig. 1,a, shows a bud consisting of a single cell and situated between two larger. The same is true of Fig. 4, a, where, however, new cells are about to be developed around the central one. Fig. 3, a, shows the formation of a new bud by a constriction process, Fig. 2,4. appearance of the vitellus-looking mass near one extremity of bud. i Farther ps 0 t and diff te banal ga agg ee cut . 6. velopment an ‘ L es anne Pp erent parts appearing. a, represen * Milne Edwards thinks he has found true ova and ovaries in the viviparous forms of these animals. (Quoted by Dr. Carpenter in Brit. and For. Med. Chir. Rev., 1849 iv, p.443.) I think he must have been deceived, as I was at first, by the ge ap- aeorey te carefully examined, closely resemble those of true oviparous vii if z Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 69 Another point is, these viviparous individuals have no proper ovaries and oviducts. Distinct organs of this kind I have never been able to make out. The germs are situated in moniliform rows, like the successive joints of confervoid plants, and are not | enclosed in a special tube. These rows of germs commence, eit no alternative but to regard them as buds, true gemme, Which sprout from the inner surface of the Aphis, exactly like lyp. “ons Before proceeding to a discussion of the relations of this im- portant conclusion to which we have just arrived, it may be well to refer to the views of others upon the exact signification of these singular reproductive phenomena. Those old entomologists, such as Bonnet, Réaumur, Degeer, ¢., who were the first to observe, besides verifying beyond all doubt, these peculiar phenomena, all believed that each brood Constitutes a separate generation, and that the reproduction takes place by true ova, as in the common generative act of other in- cts. This wide deviation from the ordinary course of nature aS It seemed to them, they attempted to explain and reconcile by Various theories. Thus, Réaumurf affirmed that these viviparous individuals were androgynous; and, in later times, Leon Dufour,$ vho knew too well the anatomical structures of insects to be- lieve with Réaumur that they could be hermaphrodites, referred these phenomena to spontaneous or equivocal generation. Which are found in the true ovi betw: , arous A es, buds and ova. t I would insist upon this pie and ioaokiaas distinction between gon pon e, and there is no passage Réaumur, loc. cit. Mém! en 70 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. Morrem,* who made somewhat extended researches on the anatomy of Aphis persica, and especially of its generative organs, advanced the novel theory, that these broods were developed in the body of the virgin parent, by a previously organized tissue becoming individualized and asstming an independent life, ex- actly, as he believed, to be the case with Entozoa. To each an all of these views, it scarcely need be said that they would be wholly inadmissible according to the present established doc- trines of physiological science, even had we no directly contro- verting observations. ere are other explanations or views which deserve more attention. The first of these is that advanced by Kirby and Spence.t According to them “One conjunction of the sexes wittines for the impregnation of all the females that in a succession of generations spring from that union.” In support of the rea- sonableness of this hypothesis, they quote several instances which they regard as of analogous character ; thus, they say in regard to the hive-bee, that ‘‘a single intercourse with the male fertil- izes all the eggs that are laid for the space of two-years.” In this connection should be mentioned the similar hypothesis advanced for a like purpose by Jourdan.{ According to him many Lepidoptera lay fertile eggs when completely isolated from the males: such are, Huprepsia casta, Episema ceruleocephala, Gastropacha potatoria, Gi. Eb Ni a nee G. pint, Sphinx ligus- irt, Smerinthus populi and Bom But, all these cases have really ata analogy with that of the Aphides in question; for there is not, as with these last, a succession of innately fertile individuals, but oy females which are capable of — — broods from a single coitus, or after having been long removed from the males which may even then be dead.$ Late stonrelios upon the minute anatomy of All these insects which are thus capable of asthe fecundated eggs again and again after the first impregnation, have a Recepiaculum * Morrem, Anat. de Aphis persicae, in the Ann. d. Se. Nat., v. 1836, p. 90. + Kirby and Spence, Pyne to otomalseyt iv, Jin NO f Li 4 § Siebold has oe observations — allied aoe occurring in the Psy- shown t : case. shown that there is propagation sine aoe a exactly as occurs with the Aphides. See Ueber die Fortpnsng pion” ‘syche: Ein rig. zur Naturgeschichte der bold & Kolliker’s Zeitsch. i 93; researches on Jal ia, see his Bericht tb. d. enteral _ Artin d. schles. im J. 1850—or its English transl. in the Trans. o: Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 71 Seminis connecting with the oviduct, in which the semen is deposited during coition and where it may be preserved without losing its vitalizing power, for several months.* Thus, by this provision, the males, having copulated with the females in the au- tumn, may immediately die, while these last, hibernating, produce in the spring, fertile ova; and in the instance of the Bombus americana, such a coition suffices for all the three broods which are produced the ensuing summer. se Another explanation of these curious phenomena, and which has attracted some attention, as well from its singularity as from the eminence of its propounder, is that of Owen, advanced in his Hunterian Lectures in 1843. He affirms that the larval Aphides are productive in virtue of the successive continuation from brood to brood of a portion of the primitively fertilized germ, and which material product or €aven is not exhausted until nine to eleven generations. I will quote his own language: “In the Aphides the corresponding vi- telline cells retain their share of the fecundating principle (which Was diffused through the parent egg by the alternating, fissipa- tous, liquefactive, and assimilative processes) in so potent a degree, that a certain growth and nutritive vigor in the insect, suffice to set on foot in the ovarian, nucleated cells, a repetition of the fis- Siparous and assimilative process, by which they transform them- selves in their turn into productive insects; and the fecundating force is not exhausted by such successive subdivision until a 7th, ot ? OF llth generation.” This same doctrine, the successive in- heritance of a portion of the primary germ-mass from brood to oc P arthenogenesis, and I will here quote one sentence, not only in illustration of this, but to show how different his own observa- a. the development of these animals, are from mine, just of the yolk in the chick. I at first thought it was enclosed in the alimentary canal but it was not so. As the embryo grows, it assumes the portion of the ovarium, and * For many details o * ; era Si halal Miil- n this subject of the Receptaculum seminis, see Siebold, Mu Go Arch, 1837, p. 392; also a Wiemann Arch., 1839, i, p. 107, ( Vespa), and in 1847 — i pa ii, 1840. p. 442, (Culex). See also Stein, Vergleich. Anat. &c. - p- 96, 112, oi i ant but believe that the anomalous reproductive conditions of the Cynipide » at last, have a solution equally as satisfactory. See Hartig, Germars Zeitsch.,u, P. 178, and iv, p. 395. See also Sicbold and Stannius CO parative Anatomy, transl., 4 § 848, notes 1 and 4, imale tos 0 the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate An- s, &c. London, 1843, p. 233. This explanation is lately insisted upon (strange Mm his r enogenesis, or the successive production : “het? ” 849, res ined ce Oe eae Serelate) in his recent work “On Parth ion of Procreating a single Ovum, anes : el, i 72 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. becomes divided into oval masses and enclosed by the filamentary extremities of the eight oviducts. Individual development is checked and arrested at the apterous larval condition. It is plain, therefore, that the essential condition of the development of another embryo in this larva is the retention of part of the pro- geny of the primary impregnated germ-cell.”—p. 70. This view of Owen, so ingeniously advanced, and which he has made subservient for the chief support of his new doctrine of Parthenogensis, is indeed plausible and seems at first satisfactory : ut, as I hope to show, it will not bear analysis. In the first place, it is evident that Owen does not recognize any physiological difference between a bud and an ovum ; this is elear from what he remarks in the first quotation, but in his work on Parthenogenesis he has said so in as many words. ‘“ The growth by cell-multiplication producing a bud, instead of being altogether distinct from the growth by cell-multiplication in an egg, is essentially the same kind of growth or developmental pro- cess.—p. 45. Here is a fundamental error which, if not removed, will ob- scure all our views of the physiology of reproduction. I have already insisted upon the necessity of this broad distinction be- tween these two forms, a necessity based not only upon differ- All physiologists who have carefully studied embryological and developmental processes, must feel the correctness and import- ance of this distinction which lies in realities and not in words. It is true that a bud and an ovum are composed each of the same elements,—simple nucleated cells; but in one, these cells are simply in a mass, while in the other, they have, throughout the animal kingdom, high or low, a definite and invariable at- rangement. ‘Then again as to the constitution of each and both being, on the whole, of nucleated . cells, it may be said, that it could hardly be conceived to be otherwise, for nucleated cells are the elementary components of all functional organized forms; and it may be added, moreover, that he knows little of the high- re E oa ere ene a AP oa Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 73 est physiology who has not learned that widely different teleolog- ical significations may be concealed beneath isomorphic animal forms. appreciation of this whole class of anomalous phenomena under iscussion. But we will revert to the subject of Owen’s hy- As to the chief point in this hypothesis, the continuation of the primary germ-mass as a leaven, from brood to brood, it re- quires but little thought to perceive that it is physically impossi- le. I would first allude to Owen’s statement, quoted above, that & portion of the germ-mass is taken into the abdomen of the em- bryo Aphis, and as he thinks, assumes, without any change, the Position of the ovarium. By this he refers, undoubtedly, to the vitellus-looking mass I have described in my observations, and ac- cording to which, also, it appeared to serve only as the nutritive material out of which the digestive organs and the germs are form- Moreover, I feel quite sure that the germ-cells are new cells formed in the abdomen, and not those derived from the parent. is clearly evident that this succession must stop with brood B; for these residual germ-cells which compose B in its earliest con- dition are lost in the developmental processes, and the germs of individuals C, which are found in B, are, each, primarily, nuclea- ted cells formed de novo, as I have observed and above described. With these observed’ conditions of development, it is impossible for the individuals of the successive broods to inherit the original ‘permatic force in the continuation of the original cells. _ The hypothesis of Owen, therefore, plausible and ingenious as it may seem, does not appear to me to accord either with observ- ed facts, or with the soundest physiology of the reproductive pro- cesses. I may here remark also, that his doctrine of Partheno- 8ensis, based as it is upon the conditions of the hypothesis in destion, cannot, as such, be sustained, for the same reasons, an &. its phenomena would a pear to find their solution either in Steenstrup’s doctrine of “ Alternation of Generations,” so-called, or In the conditions of true gemmiparity—admitting, provision- ally, that Steenstrup’s doctrine, and gemmiparity, include really different: physiological conditions. “ut the most important explanation advanced, and the last Which [ shall notice, is that offered by Steenstrup* in his doctrine ington, the Al i i the Pro ion and development of An- fea ries Sortie oe en erga tte of Animals. Transl. by the Ray Society, London. 1845—passim. Stooxp Suuins, Vol. XV, No, 49—Jan, 1854, 74 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. of the “Alternation of Generations,” and of which it formsa chief support: The details of this peculiar doctrine of Steen- strup I need not here furnish; they are well known to all physio- logical anatomists. Its features, however, may be expressed in a formula-like manner. Individuals A, produce true fecundated eggs, from which are hatched individuals B, which are unlike their parents in all zoological respects, but in which are developed spontaneously and without any reference to sex, germs which ul- timately become individuals like A, and so the cycle of develop- ment is completed. ‘These intermediate individuals, B, Steen- strup has termed nurses (Ammen), and he regards them as distinct animals subservient fora special end; he therefore considers that B constitutes a real generation. Instances of such phenomena are found in the lower orders of the animal kingdom—Polyps, Acalephs and Worms; and late re- search has shown that they are more or less common throughout the whole of the Invertebrata. gives rise. Steenstrup regards the Aphides as furnishing the most perfect examples known of nursing individuals, and, on the whole, as con- stituting typical illustrations of this doctrine he has advanced.* first to the last, inclusive, is merely a repetition of the same. But these conditions are external and economical, and, instead of * See, Steenstrup, loc. cit., p, 112. i Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 75 ty of Steenstrup’s doctrine, I would rather present them as broadly indicating that, after all, this doctrine in question involves no conditions excepting those belonging to a modified form of gem- miparity. All the instances of Polyps, Acalephs, Worms, Insects, &e., all would then be classed in the same category, and the va- nations in manifestation would belong rather to the economical relations of the animal, than to any intrinsic difference of physi- ological process. ‘Thus the Distoma-nurses instead of being de- veloped to a condition resembling at all their parent, remain per- sistent on a low form, and not only is their whole zoological character undeveloped, but they also experience morphological changes tom the developmental process which immediately go on within them. All this is in perfect keeping with their econo- my, as animals, for the low order of their conditions of life does Fh hecessitate a higher and more truly zoological form of these Tsés , : 4 = ao sy fee) o 99 a 2 5 _ 3 a a") ie) or =) =] Q is] 3 > o cs. na re) 2 > a = 3 a ~~ | wad ig ca) S Sc ot bx] > <2 fa) mnaterial for the development of its endogenous germs. low erein, then, would appear to consist the prominent morpho- ogical differences observed in this category of phenomena, and I need not labor further to show that they are irrelevant of the primary essential conditions of these curious processes. peer se to me to be the highest, both physiological and Fs a interpretation that can be advanced for these phenom- and to a Steenstrup has so ingeniously collected and collated ; hues advance the view that these intermediate individuals or PRN are not intrinsically and zoologically the same as their pa- uts, but furnish examples of how dissimilar animals may arise froma om a prec Soluti * aon statement is made erhaps more strongly and exclusively than the present f our knowledge would warrant, but I throw it out much in a suggestive ae : i i tof.” 'S no subject in Physiology more interesting comprehensive than th brace all cre he j question now is, does it, as an individual process, the categories of phenomena treated by Lovén, Steenstrup, de. nomena i ical conditions, or Phenomena) imply something beyond and dissimilar fom gemmation # 76 Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. If in this discussion of some of the highest relations of physi- ology, we have not wandered too far from our subject proper which we have thereby sought to illustrate indirectly, we will re- vert to the thread of its discourse for a few concluding remarks. The final question now is, what is the legitimate interpretation to be put upon the reproductive phenomena of the Aphides we have described? My answer to this has been anticipated in the foregoing remarks. I regard the whole as constituting only a rather anomalous form of gemmiparity. As already shown, the viviparous Aphides are sexless ; they are not females, for they have no proper female organs, no ovaries and oviducts. ‘These vivipa- rous individuals, therefore, are simply gemmiparous, and the bud- ding is here internal instead of external as in the Polyps and Acalephs ; it, moreover, takes on some of the morphological pe- culiarities of oviparity, but all these dissimilar conditions are eco- mical and extrinsic, and do not touch the intrinsic nature of the processes concerned therein. Viewed in this way, the different broods of Aphides cannot be said to constitute as many true generations any more than the different branches of a tree can be said to constitute as maby trees; on the other hand, the whole suite from the first to the last constitute but a single true generation. I would insist upon this point as illustrative of the distinction to be drawn between serual and gemmiparous reproduction. Morphologically, they have, it is true, many points of close resemblance ; but there 1s 4 grand physiological difference, the true perception of which 3s deeply connected with our highest appreciation of individual an- imal life.* A true generation must be regarded as resulting only from the conjugation of two opposite sexes—from a sexual pro- cess in which the potential representations of two individuals are united for the elimination of one germ. This germ-power may be extended by gemmation or by fission, but it can be formed only by the act of generation, and its play of extension and pro- longation by budding, or by division, must always be within 4 certain cycle, and this cycle is recommenced by the new act of the conjugation again of the sexes. In this way, the dignity of the ovum as the primordinm of all true individuality is maintained; and the axiom of Harvey, omné vivum ex ovo, stands as golden in physiology. The buds may put on the dress and the forms of the ovum, but these resemblances are extrinsic and in fact only an inheritance from their great predecessor. * Tn this view as well as in several others herein discussed, I am pleased to Say that I have the support of so learned a physiologist as Dr. Carpenter. See his Re view “On the development and Metamo of Zoophytes” in the Brit. and For- eign Med. Chir. Rev., 1848, i. p. 183; and “On Reproduction and Repair” in Ibid. 1849, ii, p. 419. perenne = — —— a Dr. Burnett on the Development of Viviparous Aphides. 77 These phenomena thus interpretated, furnish us an excellent key to many others which mame long been regarded as anomalous, in the history of developme I refer here to the soiled, hibernating eggs ( Wintereier ) which are found in many Invertebrates. These I have not seen, but they have been carefully deaaribeil by ita ere trustworthy observers. ‘These so-called eggs ee of oval masses or cells invested with a capsule, but in which no germinative vesicle and dot have ever been seen. Structurally, cucseieee they do not re- semble eggs, and it is from their form and ulterior development only that they have received this name. Moreover, they sustain none of the usual relations of eggs to the sexual organs, and, as far as I am aware, no one has witnessed their development in the ovaries. ‘These bodies have been observed in Hydatina®* and sex was once doubted from its infrequent appearance. "is [regard these hibernating eggs as merely egg-like buds ex- actly corresponding to the germs of the viviparous Aphides. In other words, there are in the animals I have just mentioned, certain * Ehrenberg, “Die Infusionsthierchen,” iB 413. + Dalrymple, Philos. Trans. 1849 } Huczley, Quarte erly Jour. Micr. Se. 1852 i, p. 1 § Miller, Entomostraca, p. 84. Tab. XI, fig. baL Rt xr, fig. 5. Also Ramdohr, rai PANG Natargesch. kulus-Arten, 1805. p. 28; Strauss, avec sur les Daphnia, e Mém. du Mus. Fy Hist. Nat., v, p.413. Pl. xxix; Jurine, Histoi ° des Moncks s, "18 ~ P 120. ie ah, Oe. By Jurine calls these aggregated wie eee de la se There is, moreover, reason to. believe that these anomalous oe seme a occur in nearly all the E My transl. wt my note under § 292, note § Notice may here be given of s some aro : , observations, which Filipi (Ann. Nat. Hist. , ix, 1852, p. 461) has far urnished on his Gevelbpeient o a — a eromalide. A Ptero- lus ; this larva becomes a pupa, and, after eight or ten days, changes to the perfect in sect whi escapes from the ovum, It t observations are verified, we have here a case exactly like that of the Ajliaee excepting that like the Beste, the intermediate merge 4 form is bert low, and takes on none of the zoological peculiarities of the parent. But these sta ments need corroboration, for they do not agree with the vere Po of he: ec Pieromalus Mate development is well known, See also, the wo imiparous enomena related by Siebold of Gyrodactylus ; Siebold and Kolliker’s eitsch. f. wiss. L, i, 1849. p. 847. ers te ee ean 0 arr eae 78 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. P. S.—I regret that I should not have seen until now, when this paper is concluded, the important writings of Leydig on the subject under discussion. In his article “ Einige Bemerkungen aber die Entwickelung der Blattlause” in Siebold and Kolliker'’s Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. ii, 1850. p. 62, he speaks of his former observations in the Isis, 1848, iii, p. 184. These 1 have not seen, neither also a work to which he refers, of J. Victor Carus, (Zu naheren Kenntniss des Generationswecshels, Leipzig, 1849.) Leydig in his criticism of Carus’s views, expresses the opinion that the development of the viviparous Aphides is, histologically, like that of the Articulata in general. According to him, also, the germ- bodies undergo processes corresponding to those of impregnated eggs. ‘These statements of Leydig, who is an excellent observ- er, have induced me recently to repeat my observations ; but this afforded the same results as before, viz.: that the germ-bodies out of which are developed the viviparous Aphides, have no true histological identity with eggs. Arr. VIIL—Mineralogical Contributions ; by Jamzs D. Dana. 1. Brooke and Miller’s Mineralogy. Te reviewer of this work in volume xv, page 41, mentions but briefly its importance in a crystallographic point of view. It is in. this department eminently an original work, the result of special researches on the crystallization of very many of the spe- cies, with the measurement and calculation of their angles. It s ee ACRE CRORE AT ee en emcee J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 79 ing with the habits of the species. Moreover, another method of tabulating the planes may accomplish the same result more simply, we think, and one in. which the planes shall be indicated by their true expressions, instead of arbitrary letters. The method allu- ded to, has already been presented in this Journal, in the writer’s paper on Sphene and Euclase. It contrasts with the method in Brooke and Miller’s‘work mainly as Mercator’s projection of a sphere contrasts with the spherical projection. The method of calculation adopted, is based for the most parton spherical trigonometry. It is less general in its formulas and less elegant, we think, than the system from analytical geometry, but sometimes affords more concise equations. The hexagonal sys- tem is rather at variance with itself in the method used. ‘The planes are referred to three axes,—the three lines that connect the centres of opposite faces in a rhombohedron. The plan is not onal system. But in the hexagonal section of this system, in must have different mathematical expressions. This leads the mathematician to no error; but tends to perplex a simple subject for the student. But these are minor points, and leave the work still, the most accurate, thorough, and original work on the crystallization of minerals that has been published. 2. Von Kobell’s “ Mineral-Namen.”* mology. He presents, First, a catalogue of those names that are . of mythological origin. Second, leaving the gods and mythology, he passes to those derived from the names of cultivators of the science, collectors of specimens, patrons, statesmen, and what not, among whom, about two hundred and thirty are hereby com- eral species are subject and the custom of change in authors, very many of the names are already in the rubbish heaps of the science. Third, comes a list of the names derived from localities ; fourth, those alluding to the structure of the species; fifth, those based * Die Mineral-Namen tmd die mineralogische Nomenklatur, von Franz von Kobell. 162 pp. 8vo; Miinchen, 1853. Briefly mentioned in this Journal, page 304, vol. xvi, 80 J.D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. on color ; sizth, on other physical characters ; seventh, on chemical composition and reactions; eighth, names derived from other pe- culiarities, uses, arbitrary or fanciful allusions; ninth, those of bell lays down several rules for nomenclature in mineral requiring that names derived from names of persons or localities should be written according to their original orthography, and not altered for each different language; that the Greek language should be used, rarely the Latin, for the derivation of other names; that the earliest name of a species should be retained, only when correctly formed in accordance with these princi les: and he gives a list of some names that have been more or less recently proposed as — for earlier eects pets names, the gene ral adoption of which he observes would tend to make minetra- logical sas os the same the ohh over. meen greater part of these names are already accepted in the scie It may be doubted whether, by carrying aaa with full strict ness, his laws, we may not in some cases, create more confusion than we avoid, especially in the case of species well known in the arts. For example in substituting, as is proposed, Liparile (Glocker) for Fluor or Fluor spar (Fluss or gamit of the Germans), we are giving a new word to science, without special of the arts and science. As mineralogy is but a semi-science, and its nomenclature but a convenient means of designation with- out a proper scientific basis, we should hesitate before adopting new names in cases like the above. Print it Liparite and st the mineral will be called fluor. lende or Zincblende is another case of this kind. We cal- not consider Glocker’s Sphalerite a needed substitute for the old name. Hematite is an unfortunate substitute for specular iron, 48 it is restricting to narrow limits an old name of wider significa tion; and in this country, it is the most common designation 0 the species limonite. It is however coming into common use if Europe and Great Britain. Arsenite for arsenous acid, and Chro mite for chromic iron, are objectionable names, as ae termination is a chemical one for a section of salts. Galette not an if Na rey on Galena, as the word is as epeibelate without the “ tte Horn silver (Hornsilber of the German : although two words and obnoxious to the criticism of not being Greek, is significant and contains fewer syllables and letters than Kerargyrite, —or Ce rargyrite as the word should be written with us. For Silver glance, early called Argyrose by Beudant, Haidinger’s name Argentite is adopted by von Kobell. Clay is dignified with the name of Argillite. Azuriteof Beudant (Blue Malachite, Kup- J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 81 ferlasur, of the Germans, Chessylite of Brooke and Miller) is written Lasurite, contrary to a canon laid down by the author, requiring a Greek etymology; while mzspickel is thrown aside for arsenopyrite of Glocker, as it wants this honorable origin. —The mineral called Fahlerz by the Germans, has given great trouble to English mineralogists, partly on the ground that a name like Gray Copper, consisting of two words, is objectionable, and partly because of the desirableness of a name common to both countries: sometimes the German name has been used, although one of the least significant of names, meaning simply Gray-ore; and sometimes Fahl-ore is employed, as if preferable to the translated expression. Haidinger’s name, Tetrahedrite is adopted for it by von Kobell to the rejection of Beudant’s Panabase, which is long prior in date, but less appropriate and badly compounded.—The mineral named Lédingite by Haidinger, and so accepted by von Kobell, was named Mohsine by Chapman, in 1843, and Leucopy- rite by Shepard in 1837, and this last name has, therefore, the best title. _ The name given by the writer to the so-called Common or Ob- lique mica, on the ground that the old name was bad, is over- looked by von Kobell. The word Muscovite was intended as no indignity to the Czar or his subjects, and commemorates the old name Muscovy glass, as well as the mineralogical fact that Rus- sia has long been famous for affording gigantic plates of this spe- cies. Von Kobell adopts the name phengite for the mineral, Breithaupt’s generic name for the biaxial micas.—The name Cal- amine is adopted for Electric Calamine, and Smithsonite for Car- bonate of Zinc, as was long ago proposed by Beudant. Brooke and Miller have unfortunately reversed these names. Although some objections have been suggested, the names and principles of von Kobell will command special attention. System of names once agreed upon, would in part stop off the crowd of synonyms that are constantly coming in upon the sci- ence :—only in part, however, as long as there exists more ambi- tion to attach a name to a stone than carefully to determine and _ accurately describe a species. Add to Prof. von Kobell’s princi- ples, one more,—truth and not self as the end of every investiga- tion,—and the remedy would be nearly complete. 3. The “ Krystallo-Chemische Mineralsystem of Gustav Rose.” Prof. Rose has here presented a modification of the Berzelian System of classification of minerals, in which the modifying princi- ple is derived principally from Crystallography. The first part of the work, after an introductory chapter, contains a view of the distribution of species, according to their composition, as men- loned in volume xv, of this journal, page 430. op eS Seconp Serres, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan. 1854. 82 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. tallization to which the species belongs. The divisions are thus broken up into natural groups, to a considerable extent, and a very interesting exhibition of the relations of the species is afforded. f any objection can be made to this arrangement, it is one that science is present able wholly to overcome. ‘There are various indications among the results of recent researches, that peroxyd and protocyd compounds cannot be necessarily separated, and also that Aydrous and anhydrous species may belong to one and the same group,—whether we adopt the views of Scheerer or not. Even in the method of Prof. Rose some exceptions are allowed, such as the placing of spodumene near augite, (rightly as we think,) although it belongs, in fact, to a following sub- division if the constituents of the species be considered. The exceptions are prophetic of a higher and wider principle than interest. hese v classification, and the chemical formulas of species, by one o the ablest mineralogists of the age, render the work of great value and authority in the science. 4. Crystallization of Haydenite of Cleveland. | Haydenite from Jones’s Falls, Maryland, was described by Levy, as monoclinic in its crystallization, and he gave for the angle of the rhombic prism 98° 22’, and for the incli- 1. nation of the basal plane on the sides, 96° 5’, On account of the close resemblance of the species has long been suspected to be noth- ing but that species; but the difference in form and the angles, as well as in the anal- yses, has seemed to favor its being distinct. In some recent measurements, the writer ob- tained the angle 97°—98°, sustaining the ap- J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 83 parent difference. The crystals are coated with Green earth, and uncovered. Qn investigating further these and other crystais, the writer finds that the crystals are in fact scalenohedral, although nearly identical with the rhombohedron (R), the obtuse term- inal edge (edge Y ) differing but ta from the inclined diagonal of . Its faces are smooth and polished. While the positions of the planes show that the form is dicially rhombohedral and not mon- oclinic, they also explain how different angles might be obtained in different directions, especially as the alternate pyrainidal faces of the scalenohedron are often very unequal. ‘This scalenohe- dron, since it is formed from a bevelment of the terminal edges of R, has the general sign ;--,R”. Theangle Y, (or that at the more obtuse or longer REL, edge,) by measurement is 175°— Li6°:; X. (or that at the acuter ot shorter edge,) is 979-989. These angles give approximately n =',°, and lead to the sign $R ‘. but calculation from this expression and the fundamental form of Chabazite makes the angle X = 100° 30’, which is too large ; for Y it gives 176° 8’, and as Z 84° 467. The measurements are how- ever only approximative. The same scalenohedron, apparently, occurs in the habeas crystals of Nova Scotia, but the planes in those crystals are so made up of strie that the angles are hardly measurable ; such striz have been considered an oscillation be- tween the planes Rand-sR. There can be little doubt that the Species is ee. and physically chabazite. he pce he are adverse to this conclusion. But Prof. Silliman states at he has reason s aoa his results; and in those by Delesse, fan of the iron was probably protoxyd, as obtained by Silliman. Small crystals of Heulandite (Beaumontite) cover the specimens, and are often implanted on the Chabazite. 'The Heulandite and green earth are probably of cotemporaneous formation, and sub- sequent to the Chabazite in origin. Some of the Chabazite crys- tals consists wholly of Green earth. 5. Crystallization of Brucite (Mg 1). I am indebted to Mr. George J. Brush for a specimen of Bru- cite affording some minute crystals. amey es at druse upon the foliated brucite in a narrow sure in the serpentine. ‘The crystals prove Sere to be rhombohedral, as in the figure. The cleavage is basal, and the basal plane O is oes. pearly, ‘The other faces are brilliant vit- reous in lustre. ‘The crystals are so a ) nute that the inclinations could be ured with the reflective goniometer only be means 5 Teflected ss * igs 84 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. light. ee thus afforded the angles O: R=119° (to 119° 55’) O:2R=105° 30’. These angles correspond to R: R=82° 15, and axis @ seen 527. 6. Crystallization of EZ. Oe as nd its Homeomorphism ith Wollasto Messrs. Smith and Br ee have ee eu that the distinctly crystallized Lancasterite is PAY ASRIDAE NEN while the pearly foliated mineral called by this name, is Brucite. The crystalliza- tions from Texas, Pennsylvania, (Low’s, oA also Wood’s mine,) are either massive fibrous, and radiated, looking much like Thomsonite, or attened or acicular crystals, more or less group- ed. At Hoboken the same mineral is found in very fine acicular crystals clustered together and having the aspect of natrolite. ‘The lustre is vitreous. ‘A distinct cleavage has not yet been observed. ‘I'he ‘Texas crystals occasionally have regular terminations, as may be seen with a maguifier of some power. They belong to the monoclinic system. With the reflective goniometer as above, I found for the angles 7: 23 = 112—1133°; ii (back) : -22 = 103°; 22: ~22 (adjacent in same pyramid) = 1433 —145°; opposite orthodiagonal edges of the pyramid (or y on y) over the summit =94° ; same edge on orthodiagonal edge of prism (yont) 133°. The last two angles were measured with Smith’s goniometer attached to a compound microscope. These measurements give for the inclination of the vertical axis, 82—83°; for the angle of the’ rhombic prism 72 (or « corresponding ‘eB the octahedron 23, 51° 26’ to 51° 32’; for the vertical axis, ar ay orthodiagonal of the octahedron 2a: 20 C= 1 tm awk Ut. : The prism 7 (or xP), ietiee would have the angle 87° 52’-88°9 ; and taking this as the fundamental prism, then the pyramid will be formed of the planes 22 and —22, (2P/2 and oe as represented in the figure. We shall also have 2t: 21 (2P! ©: 2P’ wc) = g4° O:2i(0P: 2P’ )=137°, i: 2i( cP’ »:2P’a a 133°. The angle of the aa (J on £) is nearly the angle of Wollas- — (this J our. [2], xv, 449), and moreover O:2i in Wollas- tonite is 137° 48’, or but 49 Seton from that of hydromagnesite. Wellanosite and hydromagnesite are hence obviously ho- meeomorphous. ‘To this homaomorphous group belong, as else- where shown, ~ ee Borax, . -.. 3 RDA Pyroxene, . ‘ R Si? Glauber salt, . | NaSHve Acmite, Na Si4+PeS? Hornblende, . R:Si* Spodumene, Re B244Ks Siz, or (R*, B) Si? and probably Laumonite, Ca* Si? +41 Si?--18H, which is, a Spodumene with 18 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 85 Chapman adds Crednerite ; but we have seen no measurements of the angles of that species that confirm this reference. Hydromagnesite is formed from the alteration of Brucite, and the change is one now in progress. 7. Homeaomorphism of Gypsum and Heulandite. The similar pearly cleavage of Gypsum and Heulandite, two species monoclinic in crystallization, suggests the idea of an ap- proximate isomorphism: and this is sustained by a consideration of their crystals, although not obvious in the ordinary mode of viewing their forms Crystals of gypsum sometimes have a hexagonal outline with a bevelment of each of the six sides, by a pair of planes, either of which pair might be taken as planes of the fundamental prism. The interfacial angles of these pairs of planes or prisms are 138° 28’, 143° 42’ and 111° 42’ (B. and M.) The first of the prisms here mentioned is also a cleavage prism, cleavage taking place, though with some difficulty, parallel to its faces. There is some reason, therefore for considering this the fundamental prism, al- though usually taken as planes of the fundamental octahedron. here is a second imperfect cleavage parallel to a plane trunca- ting the edge of the prism 111° 42’ (M: M of authors), a fact that evinces the prominent importance of the plane. we make the former cleavage 0 directions, the lateral faces of the fun- id 1(2) l damental prism (J), the latter its basal 2(v) 2i(m) plane (O), the planes hitherto observ- 3i(e}}83(a) 3(x) 33(y)| ed (see Brooke and Miller) will be as |—~|—— ~ laa) shown in the annexed table, in which ilk) O is the base, and the columns contain |— SEER PEN Ps the different vertical zones of planes. 2 eee) The occurring octahedral planes are situated upon the acute basal edges and angles of the fundamental prism. The angle J: J= 138° 28’, 2i : 21 (clinodiagonal planes 2P/ @:2P’ w)=111° 42’; and the faces meeting at 143° 42’, are planes of the fundamental octahe- dron (P or 1). The axes, W: bes Te Slco, and the angle C (the inclination of the vertical axis) =66° 14’. Now in Heulandite, J: J=136° 4’; 1: 1=146° 56’; and the axes © @tbre=105:1:2475. C=86° 26 The dimensions and the angles here mentioned (excepting C) are therefore very similar in these two species, and the crystals are much alike in habit. There is a wide difference between the two in the inclination of the vertical axis which makes l discrepances in some of the angles; for example 2i: 2i in gyp- oe a rge - » a a 86 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. sum is 111° 42’, in Heulandite, 98° 40’. When the axes are equal in two cases, the inclining of the vertical axis in one, diminishes the distance of its apex from the plane of the lateral axes, and con- sequently, the clinodiagonal prisms, and the octahedral forms on the obtuse basal edges and angles of the fundamental prism, become more and more flattened. This is the main source of the differences in angle between Gypsum and Heulandite. It shows us that in the oblique systems, we have to, look to the relations of the axes, rather than to all the angles, in tracing out the re- semblance of form among species. Another inference from this case of isomorphism is that al- though some cases show that cleavage is a subordinate character, we may err in comparing crystals of different species, if we do not give due importance to the cleavage directions. 8. Homeomorphism of Brookite and Columbite. Through the kindness of Mr. George J. Brush, I have recent- ly received a specimen of Brookite from the Ellenville lead mine, Ulster Co., N. Y., occurring implante 4. ona group of quartz crystals. The mine is situated in the Shawangunk ( grit, a Silurian rock. The crystal has a striking resemblance in habit to that of the Columbite of Middletown, Ct., even to minor points in the arrange- ment of the planes. The form sug- gested at once the homeomorphism of the species, and this is closely sustained by the angles Bie = es, Ni Brookite. Columbite. Angle of prism J «P) 99° 50’-100° 30’ 100° 40’ 0: 2%(0P : 2P'=) 117° 54’ 119° 40’ G20 -¢ 094438 : 1: 084158 08675 : 1: 08291. The isomorphism is as close as between Celestine and Barytes. It is of interest to compare the Columbite series (which in- cludes Euxenite, Samarskite, Wolfram) with the Barytes series. The axes are as follows: ; : Columbite. Heavy Spar. a:b7¢ 0°8778 : 1 : 0:8292 13127 : 1 : 081413, Now it is apparent that @ in Heavy Spar is 14 times a of Col- umbite. ‘The relation is consequently a simple one—and so sim- nations on the base of the prisin. : _. Such remarkable cases of homeomorphism almost show that similarity of form may exist irrespective of the elements con- __ cerned, or of any numerical ratio in the atoms of the elements J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 87 present. It is obvious that crystallization must follow, or go hand in hand with composition, but not lead the way in a classi- fication of inorganic substances. Hermann has endeavored to meet some of the difficulties pro- duced by homeomorphism, by supposing two or more primary com- pounds as the bases of a class of species, the occurrence of whic in different proportions shall form all the species of an homeo- morphous group. This has an appearance of propriety as regards some groups of Silicates. But what symmetry in the constitution of the two can be made out in this way when Heavy Spar and Graphic Tellurium are compared; or Sulphur and Scorodite ?— or Arragonite, Bournonite and Nitre ?—or Chrysolite and Epsom salt ?—or Pyroxene, Glauber salt and Hydromagnesite ?—or Brook- ite and Columbite ?—Such facts evince that homeomorphism is seem to matter not what the elements are ; if only the resultant has a certain relation as regards atomic volume to the atomic vol- » ume of another compound, there is isomorphism. Still there is often in related groups, a numerical relation in the elementary constitution which affords an explanation of the atomic volume relation, without looking to other considerations : and this numerical relation may be extended to the whole, when n this way, Avinite and Danburite have a like relation and both are triclinic. In axinite the ratio between the oxygen of the bases and boracic acid, and that of the silica is 1:1; and the same Is true for Danburite as the recent analyses of Smith and Brush Show.* The formulas may be written, for axinite (R*,#, B,) Si; for Danburite (Ga?, B,) Si. The propriety of reckoning the bo- racic acid with the bases is shown by the fact that in Tourma- _ line the ratio thus obtained is the only one that is constant for all * This Journal, [2], xvi, 865. 88 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. ut when we meet with such a case as that of the feldspars, where the only constant ratio is that of the oxygen of the pro- toxyds and peroxyds, the oxygen of the silica varying, the law for the replacement of protoxyds by peroxyds seems to have no application. 9. Anhydrite. Hausmann, in his paper on the system of crystallization of Anhydrite, (Karstenite), and its homeomorphism with the Bary- tes series,* arrives at the following comparisons :— = a:bse @ l-@ 1- Thenardite Na§ 0°7494:1:05918 118° 46’ 106° 18’ 76° 34’ (103° 26/) Heavy Spar Ba§ 07659: 1: 06234 116922’ 105° 6’ 78°18’ (101° 42’) Anhydrite CaS 0°7636:1: 06581 118° 42’ 105°16’ 81° 6’ ( 98° 64’) A closer approximation of Anhydrite is obtained by making the prism m, the vertical prism oc -3, and s the brachydome 4-@- Then the axes and the above angles become, Anhydrite, 073486 : 1: 059898 118° 35’ 107° 99" 77° 47 (102° 56’). Giving the crystal the position usually adopted for heavy spar, in which the above «, 1- &, and 1-% correspond respectively to -&,1- and o, the axes area: b: c=1°368: 1: 0:8083, while those of Heavy Spar in the same position are 1:3127 : 1 : 0-81413. The prisms m and s in this view, are ¢-@% and 2-&, and the oc- tahedral planes are m-n, 2m -2n, 3m-3n, With m=2 and ast. The cleavage in this case is brachydiagonal and basal, with the macrodiagonal less perfect. The divergence in crystallization of the sulphate of lime from the others of the series, is a parallel fact with that of the bisilicate of lime (Ga* Si?, Wollastonite ) from pyroxene. 10. Valentinite or White Antimony and Senarmontite. Senarmontite is described as crystalling in the monometric sys- tem and Valentinite in the trimetric, the chemical species SbO* Oo tween the axis and intermediate diagonal of an octahedron, oF 2: 1, and the vertical axis (a) equals nearly the sum of the two lateral (b-+c). * Poggendorff’s Annalen, bexxiii, 572, y Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 89 Art. IX.—Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology ; by Watpo I. Burnett. 1. Traité sur le venin de la Vipére, par Fontana. Florence, 1782. p. 229. 2, Handbuch der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen, von G. Vau- ENTIN. Berlin, - p 20o. . Mikroskopische Untersuchungen ueber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, von THos. CHWANN. Berlin, 1839. p. 165. 4. On the Minute Structure and Movements of Voluntary Muscle. By Wm. Bowman, in the Philos. Transact., London, 1840, pt. I, p. 457, —also, by the same, Articles, Muscle, and Muscular Action, in Todd’s Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. 1842. 5. On Fibre. By Martin Barry, M.D., &c., in the Philos. Transact. London, 1842, pt. I, p. 89,--also, by the same, Neue Untersuchun- gen tuber die schraubenformige Beschaffenheit der Elementarfasern der Muskeln, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die muskulése Natur der Flimmerhdschen, in Miller’s Arch., 1850, p. 529 ;--and, On Animal and Vegetable Fibre, as originally composed of twin Spiral filaments, in which every other structure has its origin; in the Edinb. New Phil. Jour., Oct., 1853, p. 317. i) y nals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., ili, 1849, p. 109. 7. Recherches sur la Formation des Muscles dans les Animaux Verte- brés, et sur la structure de la fibre musculaire en général dans les diverses classes d’animauz; par M. le Docteur Lezerr, in the Ann. des Sci. Nat., xi, 1849, p. 349. 8. Mikroskopische Anatomie, §c.; von Dr. A. Konuxer. Leipzig, 1850, Bd. Il, erste Halfte, p. 199. Ar this late period of histological research it may seem indeed @ superfluous task to pass in review a subject apparently so well understood as that of the minute and ultimate structure of Mus- cular Tissue. But the truth is, that on this, as with most other subjects in microscopy, the advent of new observers, or the re- appearance of old ones, in the field of research, bring with them the prestige of hitherto undiscovered facts and new truths, and So the old land-marks and positions laid down by earlier but by no means less able, faithful, and accurate observers, seem likely to be disturbed. We do not propose here to enter upon any formal discussion of the historical relations of the doctrines advanced hitherto upon this subject. We desire to pass in review what we understand to be the leading features of the histology of this tissue, and Suoonp Sznres, Vol. XVII, No, 49.—Jan., 1854. 12 *. 90 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. therein to seek the more or less definitely expressed formula of its structure—all of which will put us ina somewhat favorable position to regard critically some doctrines which are as remark- able as they are new. But first of all we will briefly refer to some of the more promi- nent researches which, from time to time have served as true finger-posts as each succeeding investigator and explorer has passed along the road. Although there can be but little doubt that some of those excel- lent old naturalists and observers of the last two hundred years, caught, with their rnde magnifying powers, not erroneous glimpses of the complex intimate structure of muscle, yet any definite ideas of its real compositfon as explanatory of its mode of action, cannot said to have been entertained until the days of the cell-doc- trines of Schwann and Schleiden. It is true that since the time of Leenwenhoek,. or even, perhaps, before, it has been known that voluutary muscle could be split up into fine threads; but this was the limit of their real knowledge, for, if we except Fon- tana, none of the observers appear to have had distinct ideas of the nature of these threads. alentin, from studies upon the development of this tissue, had perceived clearly the general character of its composition, an Schwann, a few years after, applied more or less completely and successfully his cell-doctrine to its elementary formation and con- stitution. ‘These undoubtedly were very important steps; but the contribution which marks an era in the histological history of this tissue is that of Mr. Bowman, which appeared in the Philosoph- ical Transactions of 1840. Rare are the examples in the whole domain of minute anatomy, where so much real progress has been made by a single set of researches, as in this case. In more than one particular, Mr. Bowman exhausted the subject, and it is perfectly correct to say that in the leading and essential features of the minute anatomy of voluntary muscle, the numerous micro- scopical observers have added but little if any thing during the thirteen years that have since elapsed. Bowman’s results are s0 well known and even familiar to all anatomists that it is almost out of taste to repeat them; but I will state them in a brief form: A series of discs succeeding each other in a row and at re intervals ; a row of discs thus formed constitutes the primitive fibrilla, Numbers of such fibrille are bound together with an exact coaptation of their discs and intervening spaces—constituting the striated muscular fibre. ‘This fibre thus composed of a bundle of fibrille is encased in a special sheath, the sarcolemma. And, finally, a greater or less number of such encased fibres, bound together, constitute a fasciculus, and these fasciculi make up the gross muscle. We have then muscle: fasciculus, fibre, fibrilla, disc. Fibres may be split lengthwise, forming fibrillz, and cross- Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 91 wise, forming large dises—the cleavage taking place, from the exact coaptation of the discs, through the light spaces. Nothing can be more clear than the structure of a tissue thus Wrought out, and with such data the student who has once caught its formula by an observation through the microscope on a good specimen, will never have his zdea of striated muscle effaced,— for this in general is the elementary composition of voluntary muscular fibre wherever found, as a striated structure, among all imals. Leaving for a future page a criticism of some of the points of Bowman’s doctrine, we will continue our subject by some refer- ence to the development of this tissue. Undoubtedly the most important because the most comprehensive researches that have eeti made in this direction are those of Kolliker and Lebert. The two leading features in the primary formation of muscle, are, first, that its origin is cellular, and second, that the fibre and not the fibrilla is the primary part evolved—the fibrilla being there- fore a secondary or resultant formation. The fibre is a more or less direct result of a fusion of a row of cells together :—this is the foundation ; and the secondary changes which supervene thereon vary in extent and character according to the more or less complexity of the form of tissue ultimately evolved. The details of this genesis we need not here describe ; all we wish to indicate is the original cell-constitution of muscular tissue in every locality where it is found; it might also be added that its departure from this original cell-condition and the meta- morphosis of these cells into more or less complicated forms, holds a nearly corresponding ratio to the grade either of the animal in the scale of life, or of the function the particular tissue in ques- tion is to perform. But these remarks, with the exception of the last general state- ment, refer particularly to the striated form of muscular fibre, to which the observations of Bowman and Lebert relate almost although they are, it is trne, connected with the functions of the organic or non-voluntary life. Upon this subject, at least as con- nected with the higher animals, no single observer has thrown so much light as Kdélliker. This excellent observer showed that the elements of the smooth or non-striated muscles, do not con- sist, as had hitherto been supposed, of long bread bands dotted with many nuclei, but are composed of comparatively short, isola- ted fibres, each of which contains a nucleus. ‘The cell origin and Constitution of these fibres | eepoeabe are too apparent to questioned. But these cellS have experienced but few changes, and have undergone none of those elaborate alterations which similar cells form the striated variety of | Supervene when 92 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. tissue. In one sense, then, the smooth, non-striated muscular fibres are only a kind ‘of infra-formation af those which are stri- ated—a condition of things in which the developmental changes persist on a low type. That this is a true version of these phe- a x i?) ea and in some insects the muscles of organic life wa the alimentary canal, contain both striated and non-striated fibre From smooth, non-striated muscle we can proceed jana at sbeves one step ‘farther, where this tissue is cellular in its adult have been arrested, as it were, at the very outset. Muscular us- sue of this simple kind is found in the Polypi and Acalephe, especially, and contraction of muscles thus composed, occurs by a lateral widening of the cells, the whole muscle increasing in breadth proportionate to ita diminution in Jength ith these exordial remarks, in which we have desired rather to notice the general relations of the subject, than to be concise and explicit on special points—we will now turn and take up somewhat in detail some particular sainsidie of this tissue, basing our remarks upon a set of recent investigations we have made under quite favorable circumstances. In this way we shall have occasion to refer to the other writings we have placed at the head of oe article. will commence by an examination of the highest form of the striated muscle, Striated muscle does not occur lower in the animal scaie than the Articulata ;* at least, in the other divisions of the Invertebrata, viz., the Ce ephalopoda, the Cephalophora, the Acephala, the Annelides, the Turbellaria, the Helminthes, the Echinodermata, the Acalephe,t and the Polypi, our own observa- tions agree w ith those of others who have specially examined the subject, that we have never been able to perceive anything of the * Busk (Transact. Microsc. Soc. desagits ii,) has described and figured a striated hielo of muscular tissue as occurrin n Anguinaria spatulata and Notamia rahe ave been unable, however, “after considerable search upon many B * ony hich were sev eral species of A/eyonella, to deback any iting like real striped is inti man lar tissue in Bins pci of Bryozoa = examined unless myostatin this observer was deceived bys a nage of the muscular tissue which occurs in these animals. in this con n, Comparative & Sms by ’ Siebold and Stannius, Translat. &c., by os vol i, rs 29. n oceedin siege of the Edinburgh Physiological Society for July 23, 1858 (See Edin b. Month. Journal Med. Se..§ Sept., vig iig be fet Dr. Cobbold is mentioned as having demonstrated striated muscular fibres wrella of Medusa aurita; but this point needs further research, since ppb afer re in seb of the structure of i ibuti to the N atural Hi of ephee North Ame, the Sl ntributions to ory 0 ned America, in rs Amer. Acad. Arts and Se. 1850, N.S,, iv, pt. 1, p. 23 onset Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 93 kind. But in the three classes of the Articulata,—the Crustacea, the Arachnoide, and the Insecta, and in all the classes of the Vertebrata, it forms by far the larger portion of the muscular sys- tem. Wherever found, it is invariably the same as to the formula of its development and constitution, and whatever may be said as to the interpretation to be put upon this or that appearance, there can be no doubt but that it is always capable of being re- solved into the same primary and secondary elementary forms. The best specimens of muscular tissue, for the careful, detailed, and successful study of its elementary constitution are found in the Articulata, or, to speak more definitely from our own experi- ence, in the Entomostraca of the Crustacea, or in the Neuroptera and Diptera of the Insecta. Our best and most satisfactory ob- servations have beeu made upon the alary muscles of the com- mon Musquito (Culex pipiens), and which we could particularly recommend to those who would follow this line of inquiry. have above named on our list. We know of no paper of its pre- tension which has met with such universal disfavor among inves- tigators. But the misfortune of the case is, that this view should have again been produced in a resuscitated form, aud pushed to its ultimatum even with new statements, as has recently been done in the last two writings we have cited of this observer. ! he paper published in Miiller’s Archiv appears under the pres- iige of being wrought out in many of its most important points with a most excellent Pflossel microscope, and as a whole pre- pared under the eye of the venerable Purkinje. In truth, it would appear that Mr. Bowman’s excellent researches to which we have already alluded, ought to have so far settled any disputation on these points, as to render any critical exami- nation of these anomalous doctrines wholly uncalled for. ut in our late review of this whole subject, we have not been unmind- ful of this theory, and particularly so since excellent opportunities have occurred showing what we believe to be the true version 0 as unfrequent, singular, spiral-like appearances observed in this issue In the first place, we will say, that with the advantage of the use of some of Mr. Spencer’s best and most powerful lenses, em- ployed with the most favorable illumination, we have given sev- eral protracted sittings to the investigation of the nature of Dr. Barry’s alleged phenomena, with his figures before us, and using 94 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. a great number of very pheno prepared specimens of this tissue taken from various animals.* But with all these Sesad qth we have failed to detect any ap pearance in muscular fibrilla indicating its spiral structure as ad- vanced by Dr. Barry. is has been the result of all our exam- inations notwithstanding single fibrille in both a relaxed aud a contracted state, have been subjected to an amplyfying power of more than 1000 diameters. On the other hand we have not unfrequently observed appear- ances of the stric of the fibrille, which, at first, and especially when a power of not more than 300 diameters is used, look re- markably like a spiral a ; but, by doubling the amplifies tion the illnsion ts dispelled, the curions appearance is showa to be referable to a peculiar cancer ora kind of dislocation of the disc-like elements of fibrillee. By a little rough treatment of separated fibrille in water, these appearances may often be produced to almost any extent. It is not uncommon to see the spiral appearance run one way half the fibrilla, and then change and run the opposite the remaining half. But the effect is most delusive when the disc-like elements of the fibrilla are not only turned awry lateraily in a regular manner, but are also slightly tilted up. These same changes taking place i in a bundle of fibrillee or a fibre, and occurring with a nice coaptation throughout, give to the whole fibre a very spiral-like aspect.¢ Other appear- ances than these, eae. a complicated spiral-composition © this tissue, we have never observed, and from what we have ob- served both of the daeslojanent and of the mature se perg: of muscular fibre in all its forms, we can give no credence to the doctrines of Dr. Barry, and we say this without the aaa diserutt of our instruments, specimens, and opportunities, The view of Kolliker upon the composition of the musculat fibrilla, is, in one sense, the very antithesis of the one we have just noticed, for he thinks that it has no structure at all, but isa homo- geneous formation. Hesays: “ The fibrillz are com posed of asub- stance which, although but little, is yet very perfectly elastic, and is therefore capable, from mechanical influence, of a very ¢ onside- rable elongation and subsequent shortening. In the aad con- dition, they are smooth and thin; but, when contracted, they are * The specim issue we have wed be Rion examinati ions, W prepared for us hy Dr. Deke s a Boston ingenuity in su ia things, an @ eee ‘in a. for beauty. 7 fovea on of the oid faaoe struc- ture, as ‘wall as for the completeness of preservation, exceed by we have before + A Aube n his account of the f the th uscles ects has al alluded to this point, Her rs of his gure very well representa he opal ike #9 - rance of t ille seen eigen power. Ue thu tructur der Thoraxmuskeln der eaahiek op gs and Koélliker’ tsch. £ wis sensch. Zool., iv, p. 388, Taf. xv, fig. u, 5, and rv, 5 tw Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 95 thicker, and have varicosities at regular intervals. . . . My opinion is, that the transverse strie hold no essential, internal rela- tion to the contraction of the fibres, but are simply an expression of this last and of the organic elasticity of the fibrillee.”—( Mikro- skop. Anat., loc. cit. p. 263, 264.) This view which makes the fibrilla a homogeneous formation, and according to which the strie and disc-like structure, as usu- ally seen, are only resultant or secondary conditions, demands a special examination, considering the high authority of its source.* In the first place, we have not been successful in verifying the chief datum on which this opinion is founded ; we refer to the complete disappearance of the strie and the consequent perfectly smooth aspect of the fibrilla. If a small bit of muscle be taken fresh, ment receiv perhaps distorted striated appearance. Judging from our own experience, therefore, we should be disinclined to accept the opinion that fibrilla may be made to ap- pear free from strie,—on the other hand, we should attribute the alleged smoth aspect to the fact that probably sufficiently high aud excellent microscopic powers were not used in the examina- tlons. After this discussion of different and dissimilar opinions, we may revert to our primary leading question: What is the histo- logical composition of the muscular fibrilla? We shall be greatly aided in satisfactorily answering this question by referring to these formations as occurring under their simplest and most naked forms. If the muscles of some of the lower Crustacea, of Ar- ulus for instance, cr what is more convenient, of the thorax of the common house fly (Musca harpyia), be taken and examin- ed under the microscope with the usual care, the fibrille will be Seen very distinct, and separated from each other, at the same + ae * Hassall advocates the same opinion based upon the allegation mtn the sie ry, be made entirely to disap by the action of acetic acid, (see 08. 4 oxpisioaal Gee VOCE pp HETVs Bick thie ak tort Bhat tho Coed ORO eh rience, 96 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. time very fragile, for, with light pressure, they immediately break up into discs or small regularly-shaped particles. This fracture is very uniform, and the resultant particles are of such a complete character in themselves, that they may be studied as distinct ob- jects exactly as blood-discs or other organic particles. Observed with a power of 1000 or 1200 diameters these separated atoms preset a regularity of form, shape, and size, fully indicating that they are special formations, in contradistinction to the view that they are the results of a systematic although accidental fracture of a homogeneous cylinder or band.* From these exatninations formations. ‘The phenomena observed in the muscles of many of the Articulata and especially those to which we have already we referred, seem to admit of no other construction. Again, have seen no evidence that, as Carpenter and Sharpey have ad- mined. If the best examples of muscular tissue in the form of fibrille are examined,—for instance, specimens from the thorax of the mus quito,—there may often be observed, besides the spiral-like arrange- * Leydig has described and figured this separation into discs of the muscular- fibrille, as occurring in Branchipus. His ot tions in thi t these Ento- mostraca correspond closely with our ‘own upon many of the Insecta. Se Ueber ei and so arranged ee ioe 1 tara see loc. cit. Taf viii, fig, 6. ee Carpenter, Princip. of Human Physiol., Amer. 1858, p. harpey; Quains Elements of ‘aii 5th ed. ii, p. 168. ‘ = eee ' Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 97 ment of the discs, anomalous appearances in the fibrilla which, although regular, are undoubtedly due to some abnormal changes occurring in the elastic substance of which the fibrilla or even its discs are composed. Several of these curious aspects have been described and figured by Mr. Dobie in his paper above cited. Thus, in some cases, instead of the appearance of a regular suc- cession of square blocks which appear white, while the line of their apposition appears dark,—presenting, on the whole, a kind of tape-worm appearance,—there is observed another dark line bisect- ing the light space. There are then seen, broad dark line (the line intervening between the discs), light space, narrow dark line (line bisecting the disc itself ), light space, and, broad dark line again. In other cases, the broad dark line is as wide as the disc itself, and then there appears a regular succession of light and dark spaces of equal width —the light spaces being bisected by a dark line, and the dark ones by a light line. But this beautiful series of light and shade may be completely reversed by a change of focus. In some rare instances, one of which we have now under observation, these light and dark spaces are quadrisected instead of bisected, there being two light or dark narrow lines instead of one across each space. These singular appearances, of which there are numerous other Varieties, might perhaps be accounted for on the supposition that, from rough handling, changes have occurred in the constitution of the component substance of the fibrilla, which produce the refraction of the light here observed. But we will add that in all the examinations we have made of this interesting point, we have seen nothing in these varying aspects leading us to doubt the true dise-composition of the fibrille Another point to which we would here refer as at least of some suggestive interest, is the question whether the fibrille: are inves- ted with a sheath or not. Until quite recently we have observed nothing indicating that such sheath exists; but in some lately- prepared specimens, not only the disposition of the discs compos- lng the fibrilles, to each other, but also a kind of crenulated or denticulated aspect of the edges of the fibrille, sometimes ob- served ;—such phenomena might be well explained on the sup- position of the presence of a sheath, but, at the same time, they by no means demand this supposition. Jn some instances they have a striking appearance, but it is possible that they may be the remains of that gelatinous substance which binds the fibrille together in a fibre.* * Dobie speaks of a homogeneous, delicate membrane, which is sometimes ob- Served stretched between two fibrille when they are separated at a greater or less acute angle from each other, resembling the web between the toes of a bird. It may be the same substance that we have observed. See loc. p. 114, Pl. vu, fig. 8, a, b. ; iy a Szconp Serres, Vol. XVII, No. 49.—Jan, 1854. 13 98 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. As to the minute structure of the non-striated muscular tissue, we have but little to say. We have found it uniform and the same wherever occurring, even when it has the futiction of vol- untary tissue, as is the case in the Mollusca and Radiata. been stated by Lebert and Robin to be the case in some of the Cephalophora* ; on the other hand, in many species of this class, which have been examined we have found this tissue to be com- posed of fibres which admit of no further division except into their constituent cells. Less studied, but at the same time more interesting, histologi- cally, is that form -of this tissue, which persists permanently on the cell-type, the cells still preserving their characteristics as such, instead of being lost in their contribution to a distinct form of tissue. This form of tissue composes the mass of muscle of the Radiata proper, and is perhaps best observed in the Acalephee, and Polypi. Agassiz has given it a good description, as occurring 10 the former of these classes,t and in the latter we have frequently observed it, while making other investigations. A very fine example of this cell-muscle may be observed in the pedicle of the medusa-form of Tubularia: here, a double row of cells is observed ;—these last, when in a state of relaxation are round or ovoid, but when contracted they wear a flattened, dise-like form, ak c the physiologist than the observation of such phenomena, for nature is here observed with just that amount of drapery which would hide yet adorn her nakedness. Before closing these remarks on the histological composition of muscle, we wish to refer to another point, in the form of an q : than that of being composed of cells? This query is advanced, becatise in some instances of the locomotive, contractile, if not muscular tissue of the lower animals, we have not succeeded in making out any cell-structure. This has been the case with the otherwise muscular, and highly contractile parts of some of the lower Helminthes, where the tissue in question seemed resolvable into granules alone, allocated under distinct forms by a delicate * See, Kurze Notiz fiber allgemeine vergleichende Anatomie niederer Thiere, in Miiller’s Arch., 1846, p. 120. See Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephz of North America, in the Memoirs Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci, 1850, N. S,, iv, P. H, p. 239. - Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 99 fibrillated membrane. Again, in along fusiform muscle of one of the tentacles of an Alcyonella, we have observed a like want of any cell-constituents—the muscle being apparently composed of a delicate granular, punctiform substance. On contraction, the muscle changed from fusiform to a fan-shape, its punctiform aspect becoming darker and more condensed. Further research upon these intricate points is greatly needed, but=it should be remembered that there is, histologically, no reason why a granu- lar stroma or substance should not possess contractility, as well as the elaborated formations from cells. It is true that its action e the internal relation of this process is hidden from our perception, and is as much an enigma as the real essence, the remote cause, of everything else connected with the organic world about us. The apparent phenomena in question are well-known and easily observed. A. fibrilla contracts, and its increase in lateral bulk is proportionate exactly to the decrease in length that has taken place ;—no space, therefore, has been gained. In the striated form of this tissue, this shortening is attended with an approxi- orms of this tissue, the unstriated and the cellular, nothing is * See, for an inquiry into the nature of the contractile tissues of the lower ani- selene bstanz niedersten here advancedgsupport those we have suggestively thrown out in the above remarks, as based upon abe que limited’ observations pig Fo made on this subject. ge 100 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. property—contractility—a capacity by which its substance may be shortened or lengthened from the action of stimuli. The must always be the result of some stimulus, from within or with- out, which excites a manifestation of a peculiar organic capability. Postscript.—Since the above was written and mostly printed, we have received the November No. of the Philosophical Maga- zine, which contains two recent communications by Dr. Martin Barry relating to our subject, “ A Main cause of discordant Views on the Structure of the Muscular fibril,” and ‘Further Re- marks on the Muscularity of Cilia.” These papers contain noth- ing but a reiteration of Dr. Barry’s former doctrines under, what he would perhaps think, better auspices. But we have failed to perceive anything new, or indeed anything but a restatement of his previously advanced opinions; neither do we think that Dr. rry has very satisfactorily stated the ‘main cause of discordant views” on the subject, although we do not think it doubtful wherein this cause really lies. Record of Anatomy and Physiology, Dec. 1, 1853; by W. I. BurnetT- SPECIAL WORKS. Friedreich, (D. N.) Beitriige zur Lehre von den Geschwiilsten innerhalb der Schad- elhohle. 8vo Klencke, (Prof. H.) Mikroskopische Bilder Naturansichten aus dem kleinsten Raume. In Briefen an Gebildete. Mit 430 Holzschn. 8vo. Miiller, (J.) Ueber den allgemeinen Plan in der Entwickelung der Echinodermen. Mit 8 Tafeln. 4to., Bock, (C. E.) Lehrbuch d. pathol. Anatomie u. Diagnostik, Bd, Il, Abth. 2. 8y0. Heusinger, (D. 0. F.) Recherches de Pathologie eee 2 vol. 4to, Die Entwickelung rohrige u. blasiger Gebilde im thierischen Organismus. Mit 2 Tafeln. 3 Canstatts,(O.) Specielle Pathologie u. Therapie vom klin. Standpunkte aus bear- beitet. 3te Aufl. Von Dr. E. Henoch. In 2 Bdn. od. 8-10 Lief 1 Lief. 8v0. Kehrer, (Dr. F.) Das Blut in seinem Krankhaften Verhiltnissen: Ein Beitrag zur Pathogenie. 8yo., Carus, (C. G.) Tabule Anatomiam Comparativam illustrantes quas exhibuit. Carolus Gustavus Carus junctus cum Eduardo D’Altone. Pars yur, 4to. Tue Transactions or tar Amertcan Meptcat Assoctation, Vol. vi, pp. 832.— i the details of the business of the Association, the reports of the various committees, ys on particular medical subjects, this volume eontains two Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. 101 prize Essays—one on The Surgical Treatment of certain Sheees aan of the Uterus; by Washington L. Atlee, mers of Philadelphia—the o n The Cell: its Physiology, Pathology, nah hy ; as dadated: from chan investigations, to which is added its Histor and ‘Orit ism; by Waldo I. Burnett, M.D. of Boston. bettie other ne Sakae mihooed of the above wor s, our space does ‘int allow us to tarpiah, at shia: sae a saseal or even a general description of their contents. II. PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Tue Brrriso anp Forrtgn Mepico-Currurercat Review. Oct., 1853. The present No. of this well known and pees toned pi is one of _ than usual interest in a eres, en point o Tt with an able agreeably written article by T srotke on ate 0 Cell- The —also other able con- tributions on subjects eon to practical medicine, an acd _ well- digested An calls of Micrology by Dr. Lyons—a labor of great value, s , com- paratively, can have access to the numerous foreign w tape sed seciod aie from which Dr. Lyons so successfully culls. We hope to have the opportunity soon to discuss some points in Mr. Huxley’s article in relation to cell-life and organization, Miutrr’s Arcuiv riz Anatomic, PaystoLoGie UND WISSENSCHAFTLICHE Mepicin. 1853. Heft. 3,4. August, September. Maz Schultze. Ueber Chetonotus und Ichthydium (Ehrb.), und eine neue verwandte Gattung Turban _ h bh 32 ~] Cc be 2 = 4 Ps ° j=} $2 a, > é . eber 8 pu August Miiller. postertmatoed zur ee sce eo open Anatomie are sg hex mage A. Krohn. Ueber die Entwickelung der —— und Holothur 4d. Grube. Ueber den Bau von Pe eripatu Jwuetel A. Krokn. Ueber die Larve von Eohioaw: Sec riapinsens! H. Meyer. Das aufrechte Gehen. (Zweiter Beitrag zur Mechanik des Menschen Koochengeriste es), Adolph Fick and fond i role Aner Ueber die unempfindliche Stelle der Netz- haut j ter enchlich L. Fick. Beitrag zur Coapquiniepigiantss des Organismus. A, iit Ueber die Brut des Cladonema radiatum und semen Entwickelung zum auridium W. Peters, “Weber des Kiemengeriist der Labyrinthfische. W. Berlin, Ueber einem Wurm aus der Gruppe Anguillule, Enophies quadridentolus. Annates pes Sciences NaTurELs, xix, 1853. Nos. 4, 5. i noy. Mémoire sur les phere ge ra Nil blanc ou d’Abyssinie, et du Sénégal, ee nouvelles recherches sur mposition microscopique de leurs Dents, p a Duthiers * easesaais sur ’armure génital femelle des Insectes lépidoptéres. e.) ——»._ De ee genitale des Aphaniptéres. p. 2 rmure génital des pound en général, Be sii — > Claude Bernard. Recher Rae sur une nouyelle a csoeg i, Fois, considéré comme organe producteur de matiére sucrée chez ’homme e p- 282. Comeres Renpus, xxxvii, from August 8, to October 3, 1853. A, Lavocat et WV. Joly. Etudes anatomiques Ae et giq 1f iped pieds anterieurs, p- 837. Philipeux et Vulpiau. Mémoire sur la ooh de lencéphale an —_ cartil- eux et sur l’origine des nerfs craniens chez ces Poissons. een et Riche. Recherches sur Palla ntation des rave gallicoles. port on, by Quatref 394. fe A. Killiker oh He, Miller "Nove ba for a structure de a étne humaine, p. 488 On ae - 102 Reviews and Records in Anatomy and Physiology. Virchow. Déconverte d'une substance qui seat lieu aux mémes réactions chimiques que la veer B03 2, * be ans le cc we hum p. 492. yi cater Rech mode de besiedicticd et sur le développement dans’ vers groupes pe seeks et de Mollusques. p. 493 Tre Annats anp Magazine or Naturat Htsrory, vol. xii, October, November, 1853. — Williams, On the Mechanism of Aquatic eee ae and on the Structure of e Or — of Breathing in Invertebrate os rig Cla = on es Bee nchial Currents in ues J. BE. Gra e Teeth of the Pne pabtrascliats Mollus Thos. Wiliame ~ the Mechanism of Aquatic Respiration, nm on the Structure of the Organs of Breathing in Invertebrate Animals. Tue Quanrerty Journat or Microscorican Sorencs, Nos. 4, 5. July, October, 1853. [Transact. Microse. Soc., London. ] Williamson. On So minute ee of a species of Pear ai regory. Notes of a Diatomaceous Earth found in the Isle of M bfoiessge a ‘the Binocular ie scope and on Reecetaacntie pictures of Micro- Wankans }n ame plication of Binocular Vision to the or Shadbolt, A short om sersption no some new forms of Diatomacee from Port Natal. Legg. Observations on the mination of Pagans Sand, i ee emarks on collect- ing, mounting and viewing Perici ifera copie obje Rainey, (Geo.) A method of employing atin ight for ib ilaination of trans- parent objects, by which it is so deprived of glare and color as to be equal in its illuminating power to the best day- Ten [Original Communications, ] Brightwell. On the genus Triceratium, with ave and figures of the species. Salter. On certain appearances occurring in dentine, te on its sae of cal- cification. Fister, Observations on the Muscular Tissue of T. H. Hucley. a the Structure ad relation of ae Goenwsls tactus, and of the Pacinian bodi . Rainey. Sek observations on the illumination of transparent objects. Hera erapath. Paper on the discovery of Quinine and Quinidine in the Urine of Pa- : : : ixed alkaloids. ients unde ical treatment with the Salts of these mixed Riddell (of New Orleans, U. 8.) ag Binocular Microscope. egory. Additional observations o iatomaceous deposit of Mull. ere ar short but Sereating: phere pete from the continental Journals, and Review PuitosopuicaL Transactions, 1853, Pts. 1, 2. _— os Jones. Further Inquiries as to the Structure, Development, and Function iver. vid ae ules. 2 On the ed ne. of the mh one Mollusea, as illustrated by be Anatomy of certain Heteropoda Pteropoda collected during the Voyage H. M.S. “ Rattlesnake,” in 1846-5 a rege i Tomes. —— on the Structure and gicpeeey sce of Bone. ewport. e impregnation of al Ovum bia, manna Series, re- vised.) And on the direct Agency of the 8 Science re og : 2h Biography of Berzelius. 103 Art. X.—Biography of Berzelius ; by Prof. H. Ross, of Berlin. (Concluded from vol. xvi, p. 313.) Tue next subject to which Berzelius turned his attention be- longs to organic chemistry. It was a comparative investigation of tartaric and racemic acids. He first corrected his former anal- ysis of tartaric acid, in which he had given an atom more of hy- drogen than Prout and Hermann, and adopted the results of these chemists. But he then found that the crystallized tartaric acid had precisely the same on gone, as the effloresced racemic acid, and that both acids e same capacity of saturation —facts which, especially at ee ae were in the highest degree remark- able. This was one of the first clearly demonstrated examples that bodies of different characters may have the same composi- tion. Berzelius had, sometime before, observed a somewhat sim- a tion of phosphoric acid, which he called pyrophosphoric acid. On this occasion Berzelins combined together, in an interesting manner, what was known of these bodies, to which he gave the name Isomeric. This term has been universally adopted, now that the number of such bodies has been so greatly increased. From this time Berzelius frequently occupied himself with sub- jects which are certainly of the greatest interest to every thinking chemist, and indeed for every scientific man, since they are cal- culated to unfold to us somewhat more fully the nature of matter. He made known his views on this subject repeatedly, both in his « Jahresberichte, ” and in the several editions of his “ Lehrbuch.” inally, he assumed two essentially distinct kinds of isomerism, and, in the strictest sense of the word, called those bodies only grouped in different ways, forming compound bodies. ‘These iso- netic bodies may again be of two different kinds. a hey con- Stituents is the same, but in which the atomic ae Pe are not equal, but twice, thrice, etc., as great as that of each other. Such bodies Berzelius termed, for the sake of antithesis, Polymeric compoun nds. The other kind of isomerism Berzelius called Allotropism. It refers solely to elementary bodies, which, owing to causes not yet sufficiently understood, assume a different character from that which is usual to them, and, as it appears, re e mia 104 Biography of Berzelius. many combinations, where it may be the cause of differences in the character of these compounds. When isomeric conditions may occur in which both causes are simultaneously at work. It is possible that Berzelius may sometimes have gone too fat in his assumption of allotropic conditions, for there are some grounds for believing that an apparent allotropismh may result merely from a different state of division. Thus, a few years be- fore the discovery of the first example of isomerism, Magnus observed the interesting fact, that when the oxyds of iron, nickel, and cobalt, are reduced by means of hydrogen to the lowest The next paper by Berzelius was upon Vanadium. Sefstrom had found a new metal in the bar-iron of Taberg, which he called by this name. He had, however, restricted his investigation NS a MTS fs PB am A SE Re a SOP ite Biography of Berzelius. 105 to the preparation of the oxyd, or rather the acid of this metal, from the finer slags of the T'aberg iron, and the determination of its distinguishing characters. He then transferred his stock of vanadic acid to Berzelius, in order that he might investigate the characters and history of the new metal. ‘This investigation isa very extended one, and through it we have become acquainted with the new body in all its relations ; whilst, as these are mani- fold and interesting, and as the acid ‘has but little resemblance to other acids, it was difficult to assign to it its true position among them. In this respect the paper of Berzelius on vanadium may almost be compared with that upon selenium ; for both have this peculiarity in common, that by them we have become so thor- oughly acquainted with new and hitherto entirely unknown bodies, although in both instances but very minute quantities of rare material could be employed, that subsequent investigations have added but little to our knowledge, and nothing essential. Vana- ium was afterwards found at several places, although always in very small quantities. Wohler directed especial attention to the fact, that the acid of the new metal was contained in the lead ores of Zimapan, in Mexico, in which, as early as 1801, Del Rio discov- ered a new metal, and called it Erythronium ; but misled by the authority of Collet-Descotils, who declared it to be chromium (with which Vanadium has certainly some similarity, ) he after- wards admitted that his discovery was an error. is next researches, which were upon Tellurium, were of a similar nature. Berzelius had already instituted experiments with very minute quantities of this metal, in so many respects interest- ing, but he was compelled to discontinue them for want of ma- terial. When Wobler sent him a considerable quantity of this rare metal, which he had prepared from the telluric bismuth of Schemnitz, he again commenced the investigation. He first shewed how this metal can be prepared in its purest state. He then prepared all the compounds of tellurous acid (peroxyd,) as well as telluric acid, discovered by him, with bases, and ind the different isomeric modifications which these acids form. These researches were likewise so complete, that they fully de- veloped the history of this remarkable metal in all its relations. The last great investigation by Berzelius, is that upon meteoric stones. He undertook this with the intention of studying these Szoonp Szrims, Vol XVIL, No. 49.—Jan, 1854. 14 ae 106 Biography of Berzelius. entirely of such minerals as are found upon the earth, and that they certainly do not contain any elementary constituent which is not met with in terrestrial bodies. It was only in the meteoric stone of Alais that he found carbon in an unknown state of combi- nation: this stone, when placed in water, disintegrated and fell to powder, which had a mixed smell of clay and hay. ‘This shewed that if, as Berzelius considered, meteoric stones originated from other cosmical bodies, in their native state they could be conver- ted into clayey mixtures, like the rocks on our own then raised the question as to whether this carbonaceous earth blackish-grey sublimate were obtained, but no empyreumatic oil and no hydrocarbon; the carbonaceous matter was, therefore, not of the same nature as the humus on the earth’s surface. The sublimate heated in oxygen, gave no carbonic acid or water, and changed into a white insoluble substance, whose nature could not be determined on account of the minute quantity. But to have pronounced it to be an elementary body, not originally belonging to our earth, would have been unwarranted. This was the last extensive research made by Berzelius. His health, which, never strong, had already often necessitated the Biography of Berzelius. 107 the lectures upon Animal Chemistry, and his work on the Blow- pipe have already been spoken of. The “Lehrbuch der Chemie” first appeared in Swedish. It was translated into German first by Blumhof, then by Bléde and Palmstedt, and the later editions were translated by Wohler and Wiggers. It was also translated into other languages, but did not pass through so many editions in any, as in the German, for be- sides the translations of Blumhof and Bléde, five editions have appeared. he last but one, the fourth, consisted, on completion, of ten parts. The fifth and last was commenced by Berzelius in 1842, but was not completed, only five volumes having appeared, certainly very large, each one containing nearly .sixty sheets. The inorganic chemistry alone was completed. Of the organic part contained in the last two volumes, the most important—the animal chemistry—is wantin In this work Berzelius has treated very fully of all the facts appertaining to the science, with remarkable clearness, perspl- cuity, and apt illustration. At the same time, every subject is criticised in such an impartial and just manner as can be displayed only by one who stands as high in science as he did. The ar- rangement which he selected is indeed not a strictly systematic one, which, in a science so imperfect as chemistry, can certainly only be called convenient. But especially in the inorganic part, there is still a certain well-founded succession, such that it is very always declared himself strongly in favor of the application to organic chemistry of what we know of the modes of combination of the elements in inorganic nature as the clue by which alone we could arrive at a knowledge of organic bodies, still he was compelled to admit, that we were far from having advanced so far as to be able to treat of all organic bodies as radicals, oxyds, chlorids, &c., as in inorganic chemistry. ost of the assumed 108 Biography of Berzelius. similarity in chemical characters. It has frequently. been seen, that works in which a theoretical principle has been jae! fol- lowed throughout, do not so well fulfill their principal objec In the organic part of this work, Berzelius has declared hiraself against the so-called substitution theory, and the law of types. He assumes, on the contrary, that conjugate compounds exist in organic bodies, in which, for instance, acids are united with com- pound radicals, or with their oxyds, chlor ids, &c., in such a way that the acid is not saturated, but is still capable of combining with bases without separation of the associated substance,—the conjunct,—which enters with the acid as a constitutent of the salt. When an acid has entered into such a conjugate combina- pe it has generally acquired such altered characters, that neither the acid nor its salts are similar to the free acid and its salts. When hydrogen is replaced in an organic substance by chlorine, or another halogen, this generally takes place in the conjunct and not in the acid, “and the former does not on this account cease to play its former part, of modifying the character of the salts into which it enters, with its acids, more or less, and according as its composition is altered by substitution. It has been asserted that the replacement of hydrogen by chlo- rine, in organic compounds, was not to be explained at all in ac- cordance with the electro- chemical views of Berzelius, and that consequently these views were incorrect. But when such a sub- stitution takes place, it is, as already mentioned, generally only in the compound radical,—that is, the conjunct, ‘and a new radi- eal is thus formed, in which chlorine may ee occupy ee place of hydrogen, but cannot play the same part as it did. stitution of elements may therefore be very afaewrily ms plained, according to the principles of Berzelins; and if his theo- ry be impartia ally co compared with the others which have been put forward in such number in organic chemistry, the inference will be, that in the present state of the science it is ina position to explain the facts more satisfactorily than any othe On looking carefully through the various editions of this work, it is impossible not to regard it with admiration. It is not only the clear and comprehensive description, which attracts, —the pis impartial criticism, which compels men of opposite ce on to appreciate justly,—or the great minuteness which has left unnoticed . single fact, paca trifling, if it was of any in- uence—but it is also the enormous industry which must create astonishment. gn se seatibie man who had done nothing more than publish this an he entered the lazaretto of Marseilles, with all his instruments which he had succeeded in preserving, France had believed him dead. The first letter which arrived an him at the Lazaretto was one from Humboidt, who knew him only fro his misfortunes, and from that time a friendship commenced pada n these two great men which continued to the end. On the 17th of the September following, Arago entered the Institute: be was then 23 years old. Already he bad made with Biot an fore had not been oor he had determined the relation between 12, the Bureau des Longitudes charged him with ‘the delivery of a course of lectures on Astronomy at the Observatory, which was Obituary Notice of Arago. 115 continued until 1847, presenting in them the most arduous details’ of the science. On the 7th of June, 1830, he was named perpetual Sec- / : thi gree to that aie an standing and authority now accorded to it by the scientific w The rvoation of 1830 broke out, and Arago entered political life. Name ember of the Chamber of Deputies, he took his seat amon the vepibticand’ pee’ eing a influence in the parliamentary debates. It was on his Report, that a national recompense was voted to Daguerre, the inventor of Photogra- phy, and to Vicat, the inventor of hydraulic cements. He voted the printing of the works of La Place and those of Fermat; he defended the railroads against the coalition of the ‘ maitres de porte”; he pro- tected electric telegraphs against the adverse intentions of the adminis- tration represented in the Chamber of Deputies by M. Pouillet, the Proitese: in a word, in all circimstances, Arago was at the head of ment. He had just completed his eulozy of Bailey, the Astronomer, the friend of Franklin, who took an active part in the revolution of 1789, of nora he wasa victim. Reasoning by analogy, ah i looked for a like fat This fear was happily exaggerated. __ s had Afier the coup @etat of December 2, 1851, pe refused to take the oath of allegiance, which was required of him in his capacity as director of the Observatory, and thus made manifest once more that politics ought to be kept aloof from Science A life of so much labor had worn down his health. Although his unfinished dorks Bright’s mala ‘ set in and aggravated his wa with effusions, and swelling of the extremities. All announced his pigdiecdh! S. end : et oe ind was not for a moment obse ed. whi enttiabd some of the works which Arago accomplished in a younger days. These fede were completely “eclipsed by the discoveries to which ‘his name has since become attached, which em- brace the following principles The discovery of ehtomaite and rotatory polarization. 2. That of Electro-magnets. a6 Correspondence of J. Nickles. 3. That of the magnetism which is developed when bodies are re- volved near a magnet. rago was an Encyclopedic genius. Science, Literature, Political and Social economy, his vast intelligence embraced all with equal abil- ity. His powerful faculty of assimilation, Sree: me of appli- cation of principles, Dire im every w where in the firs . Wheth- er Orator or Professor, he shone with brillianey wy in pelitical and scientific anstaame: e was distinguished for the perspicuity and elegance of his ayes and occupies an eminent place among the prose writers of Fran In the midst of so much grandeur, Arago led a most modest life. He considered as lazy whoever did n ot work fourteen hours a day ; and such days were for him days of ca Although so absorbed with his occupations, he still found time to sage in the society of Pa- ris as one of its most spirited conversationists. While devoted to continued labor, he kale forgot his own in-— terests, and had only what was barely ne saeee ks for the : support of his family. He left two children, one Emanuel Arago, an eloquent orator of the bar of Paris and of Republican Bi oe the other Alfred Arago, a distinguished painter. If he has not bequeathed to them fortune, he has left an immortal name: he has created by his renown more illustrious than all the renown ever gained by arms—which for a long time enjoyed the privilege of giving fame, but now yields the right to the peaceful conquests of science. fa) Academy of Sciences.—For some weeks past, there has been little of raieiear” brought before the eoceny of Sciences. The visits of several foreign savants, MM. Ric Owes , Magnus, Rammelsberg, Kolliker, etc., have afforded some ote variety. But the new scientific communications are few atthe present time. I therefore leave this sub- ject to my next letter, when I shall also be able to state who is Per- aa maga in place of Arago. n the origin of terrestrial magnetism.—The earliest view of terrestrial magnetism supposed the existence of a magnet at the earth’s s this does not accord with the observations on gett brslisaticin and intensity, Tobias Meyer gave this fictitious magnet vingiellbe position, placing it one-seventh part of the earth’s radius froth the centre. Hansteen imagined that there were two such magnets, dif- sieht ‘in position sist intensity. Ampeére set aside these unsatisfactory hypotheses by the view, derived from his discovery, that the earth itself is an Peviec-lignet, magnetised by an electric current, circulating about it from east to west, perpendicularly to the plane of the magnetic e same c ive directi i east. A long time before the discovery of electro- -magnetism, Biot was oc- cupied with this subject, and regarded the terrestrial magnetism as the principal resultant of all the magnetic particles disseminated in the earth. M. Gauss adopts this view, as an interpretation of the fact, Views on the origin of Terrestrial Magnetism. 117 ee ° =} og = =: 2 ad ° a oO art te o = = oo OD “— *% a 2 a ® o. te 2 ~24 @ f=] = fa) 5 - ° o 7 o ' ch the su h planets of the system. It is the hypothesis reversed of the central magnet, for it places in space the magnetic mass which some physicists have supposed to exist within the earth The real cause of the magnetic polarity of the planets, is in my view the same for all, and Arago’s experiment conducts to it in a straight line. It results even from the condition of their existence. Each star turning around a central axis, and in determinate curves, is influenced by the mass of these stars and their velocity at the circumference; ina word, the agent decomposing into two fluids the normal magnetism of the earth and the other planets, is their rotation. A geometer examin- ing this opinion, would find, we believe, that the declination, inclination and the perturbations of the magnetic needle, are explained on this hypothesis much better than on any other. ince my researches on circular electro-magnets and fm general on bodies in rotation, | have sought much for experimental demonstration of this theory, and have now the conviction that this is impossible, as it rved, it It to the inductive action of the earth, rendered so striking by the ex- periments of Arago and Mr. Barlow. _ Alongside of the different sources of magnetism mentioned in Trea- llses on Physics,—friction, pressure, percussion, torsion,—we should add * Poggendorff’s Annalen, iv, 1. t See Proceedings, Brit. Assoc. 1853, Sept. 7, Report of Col. Sabine, ’ } Sur la chute dune bolide par M. N. Nicklés and J. Nickiés, Compt. Rend. de l'Acad,, xix, 1035. “ss 118 Correspondence of J. Nickles. rotation, a mechanical action of equal title with the preceding, and whos effects, produced through a subdivision like that of magnetic ola x are found grouped at the extremities of the axis in rotation; inthe same — manner as the poles develop at the extremities of a bar of iron when it is oem oe to torsion. : neto-electric machines, these magnets being much more economical on account of the difference in ke of cast iron and steel. The follow- ing are some of his conclus 1. Gray metal gives more reaninkctcey results than white metal, which is moreover too brittle. agnets tempered ata low red heat lose all their magnetism in twenty: -four hou — ey Met ‘their magnetism perfectly when tempered at a bright red hea The “following i is the method of obtaining the maximum magnetic power. The bars are heated toa t in a blast furnace ; they are diately into a large quantity of cold water, with violent agitation. When the bars are cooled, they are magnetized by means of a horse-shoe electro-magnet capable of lifting about 200 kilograms. The two poles e this same process of friction. After operating thus upon one of the faces, the other is subjected to the same treatment, taking care that the same poles are brought into contact with the same branches The poles of the bundle of cast iron magnets ought to be a kept in contact with an armature of wrought iron of a size proportion al to that of the bundle. The bars of cast iron should be a little thick’ er than those of stee Ascensional force of Balloons in water.—On the 18th of last ae Doctor Gianetti of the mineral springs of Urezza, Corsica, made a o Lal 1 from the bottom in deep water; and the force of it is such that “with a pe to ita clock movement, which by opening or closing the facet in top, by which the Salsas is filled or emptied, shall cause it to rise a ft at will. It is also proposed to use this invention in river navi- Artificial Silicification of Limestones. 119 ness of more than 2 centimeters (8 tenths of an inch). nufaciure al-Ammoniac fro e residues of gas works.— The Industrial Society of Mulhausen offers nually a number of pri- acal liquid of gas works. The main difficulty in the operation consis in separating the tar-like material which it contains. The following is d densed. In this state it is nearly free from its impurities ; it is neutral- ized with chlorohydric acid and evaporated in a lead boiler. As it de- posits it is withdrawn by means of a wooden rake; it is allowed to drain, and then introduced into a brick mould and subjected to strong pressure. Blocks of sal-ammoniac are thus obtained, which are dried in an oven heated by part of the heat furnished by the evaporating fur- nace. Separation of bromine from iodine.—Balard’s process, as carried on by M. H. de Luca, gives a method of recognizing traces of iodine and of a milligram of iodine. . Artificial Silicification of limestones.—It is some years since M. Kuhimann of Lille proposed to preserve pieces of sculpture, etc., by impregnating them with a solution of silicate of potash. 3 KO CO? CaO=Si0* Ca0-+CO2 KO. This process has been used on a grand scale in certain parts of the cathedral Notre Dame. The archi- tect of the cathedral reports as follows: 1, that the infiltration of silica made “sur les terrasses et contre-fort du choeur,” in October, 1852, have preserved the stone fi the green moss that covers stones in Moist places: 2, that the gutters and flagging of limestone subjected to '§ process present surfaces perfectly dry, covered with a silicious Crust: 3, that upon the stones so prepared, dust and spider webs are 120 Correspondence of J. Nickles. less common than upon the stone in the ordinary state. The report also states that tender stones have been rendered hard; they have lost — - part of their porosity, and afier being washed, they dry more rapidly ~ than stones not silicified. The process has succeeded completely on all calcareous blocks, whether isolated or forming part of the structure, new and old. alteration. age by a galvanic deposit and make a kind of plate from which engra- vings could be taken. If, in place of arresting the process at a red heat, it is continued un- til the glass enters into fusion, the image sinks into the interior of the glass without being altered, and covers itself with a vitreous varnish. It appears like a design of great delicacy, enclosed between two plates of glass; and if positive proofs are employed, the method may used for making pictured glass which may without doubt be colored by the ordinary processes, Photographic Portraits on linen cloth.—The Revue Encyclopedique of the Abbe Moigno, from which we have taken the preceding note, states that the problem of making photographs on linen has been re- solved. The Abbé Moigno has assisted at the operations of M. Wulff, Chemistry and Physics. 121 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. — I. CuEemistry AND Puysics. 1. On the polarization of light by refraction through a metal.—Biot found that two gold leaves are sufficient to polarize direct solar rays completely. Rollmann has examined the subject anew, and has em- ployed the gold leaves both as a polarizing and as an analyzing arrange- m When the light is very intense, only a single leaf can be em- ployed, as otherwise the field of view appears too dark. hen used € green in order to transmit the light well. Brewster’s discovery of the elliptic polarization by metallic reflection is thus extended and com- pleted.—Pogg. Ann., xc, 188. dditional experiments on the internal dispersion of light.—In a lecture delivered before the Royal Institution in London, Prof. Stokes has communicated some new observations on internal dispersion, which are of much interest. In accordance with an observation of Fara ay, he spectrum to a small fraction of its original length, the highly refrangible portion being entirely absorbed. The discharge Srconp Sznies, Vol. XVI, No. 49—Jan, 1854, 122 Scientific Intelligence. uld far into the spectrum as at the end of the last August. The Earth’s atmosphere was evidently not transparent for the very highly refrangi- ble a of the sun’s hae ——Pogg. Ann., |xxxix a body when brought at the same time into contact with two or more other bodies. ‘The views of Berthollet upon this subject are familiar to chemists ; Bunsen has however found that Berthollet’s law is inaccurate. He substitutes for it as the result of his researches, a new law whic may be kes in the four following propositions. le Mati a body A is brought into contact with two or more bodies B, BY’, &c., present in excess an nd under circumstances favorable to com- rat hoes the body A, selects only such quantities of the bodies B, B, cc. as are to each other in a simple stéchiometrical abparabe so that together with 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. pes of the one compound 1, 2, 4, &c. atoms of the other are form 2.) When one equivalent of the compound A-FB, is formed in rn manner together with one equivalent of the compound A+-B’, the qua tity of the body B compared with that of the body B’ may be cranial up toa certain limit without changing the ratio of the numbers of equivalents. If, however, this limit is passed the ratio of the equiva- to 1:2, 1:3, 2:3, &e. The quan- tity of the substance may now again be increased without changing the ratio of the equivalents until a second limit is paisa: when the ratio passes into another 3.) When a body A reduces a compound B--C present in excess so that C becomes free a compound o and B being formed, then if can exert a reducing return action upon A+B, the final result of the decomposition is such that the reduced baci of B+C is in a simple equivalent ratio to the now reduced portio (4.) In these reductions also the quantity of one substance may be increased up to a certain limit without changing the atomic ratio. Above this limit, sudden changes of the ratio may occur butalways according to small rational numbers. These laws obviously hold good only when the combinations con- cerned take place simultaneously, since otherwise the relation of the ing. The called oxyd of Aridium is ineroly oxyd of iron with a little phosphoric acid and oxyd of chromium.—Journal fur praktische Chemie, Ix, 27. * Chemistry and Physics. 123 of suboxyd. For a second operation we may take 1 part of nitre, 1 of this oxyd, and 1 of metallic copper. After complete washing, the oxyd Density of Selentum.—Scuarreortcu has determined the density of Selenium, and deduces from a great number of experiments the follow- ing conclusions : .) Selenium has two different specific gravities, (at 16° R.) namely, 4.282, and 4:801. The smaller number belongs to an amorphous and glassy condition; the higher one to a granular crystalline state; the two states may be converted into each other at pleasu With iodid of methyl a similar base was produced, the iodid of which has the formula CsaHis (C2Hs) NOc+HI; the author terms it me- 124 Scientific Intelligence. thyl-morphin. When morphin is heated with chlorid of amyl, fusel oil and chlorid of morphin-ammonium are produced. Codein digested with iodid of ethyl yields a highly crystalline colorless substance which is the iodid of ethy|-codein-ammonium, and which has the formula C36 lix, 8. Preparation of Valerianic Acid from Fusel Oil.—-GriNEBERG recommends the following proportions as the most advantageous. 2 lbs. of hot water poured upon the salt. A cooled mixture of 1 |b. of fusel oil and 4 Ibs. of sulphuric acid diluted with 2 lbs. of water is to allowed to flow very slowly and in a thin stream into the liquid in the retort, and the whole is then to be distilled. The distillation goes on quietly, and 9 ounces of stn valerianic acid are obtained. —Jonrnal ur 9. Constitution of Butte ter.—He1ntz has communicated an elaborate paper on the constitution of — the results of which are as follows: ( garic acid — by Bromeis from butter is a mix- we of stearic and pa set 2.) The fixed fluid aa which is meres among the products of the saponification of butter consists chiefly of common oleic acid, and not as Bromeis believed, of a different acid. ithe is no butter-oleic acid. Butter therefore contains common olein. mong the products of the a of butter there is found a fatty acid, the hydrate of which contains more than 38 equiva- lents of carbon to 4 equivalents of sen So This acid, butic acid, has very probably the formula Cao Hao Oa. It is with great difficulty sol- uble in cold ene and corresponds to a fat contained in butter which — be called but 4.) Stearic sak is also contained among the products of the sapon- ification of butter — not in predominating quantity. Butter there- fore contains stea he ipa proportion of the solid fatty acids in butter consists of palmitic acid. ‘The largest proportion of the solid fats consists therefore of palmitin. (6.) Cocinic acid cannot be detected in butter. (7.) The portion of the solid fatty acids most soluble in aleohol con- sists of myristic acid. ‘The presence of myristin in butter is therefore to be inferred. deintz points out the remarkable fact that in ali the acids contained in butter, the number of equivalents of carbon and of hydrogen is di- ible by 4 like those of the other acids in spermaceti: he proposes to resume the subject, operating upon 10 lbs. of spermacet —Pogg. Ann., 137. Cc, eet Chemistry and Physics. 125 ming muriatic acid added in small portions at a time, a snow-white pre- cipitate of pure ferrocyanhydric acid is thrown down. These are to be washed with muriatic acid, dried upon a brick, and dissolved in alco- hol; from the alcoholic solution the acid may be obtained in beautiful crystals.-Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, \xxxvii lt remains in solution as unaltered double cya he sesqvioxyd of nickel may be washed and ignited, and the nickel weighed in the form of protoxyd ; it is perfectly free from cobalt. ‘The solution after and treated with chlorine. ‘This method of separating cobalt and nick- el has perhaps some advantages over Liebig’s second method which, it will be remembered, consists in boiling the mixed double cyanids with oxyd of mercury, which precipitates the nickel but not the cobalt. 1 na general method of volumetric analysis.—-BuUNSEN has giv- €n a very accurate and elegant method for the volumetric determina- tion of a great number of substances. The principle of the method he chlorine is to be ¢ ed int solution of iodid of potassium, and the evolved iodine volumetrically determined by means of a tion of sulphurous acid. ose in which a substance is sus- By calculation. By analysis. Fe2QOs . . 68-97 68-96 FeO... . 31-03 31:04 100-00 ; 100-00 126 Scientific Intelligence. The mixture contained AsOs 33°15, and CaO, SOs 66°85; the anal- ysis gave AsOs 33°14, and CaO,SOs (by difference) 66 86.-—Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, inkiey’s 265. metric determination of manganese.—KricEr has —_— in Bunsen’s laboratory the application of the volumetric metho termination of manganese more especially when combined with other oxyds. The method of determining the quantity of manganese in the common deutoxyd will serve as an example of the process employed. A few pari pee of the oxyd are introduced into a small flask which e dissolved in the excess of ‘iodid of aon and colors the solution rown. A evolution of chlorine has ceased, a measured portion of the normal solution of sulphurous acid is added till the brown color has vanished. e excess of sulphurous acid added is then determined drops of a clear solution of starch having been added. The quantity of this solution required to oxydize one measure of the normal Selgin of pe acid having been ea quantity of manganese may be calculated. It is well known that the oxyds of manganese are all converted by ignition into MnsOs. In the presence of strong bases, however, this is not always the case, and a special investigation of this point was necessary. Kriiger obtained the following results. To de- termine eaten in the presence of iron, the iron is to be peroxydized and the two oxyds precipitated together by carbonate of soda: the ai Cipitate is to ree ell washed, dried and ignited, and then the manganes determined volumetrically. ‘tis present as insOa, The ieee the precipitate washed, d ried hed. The manganese in a weighed portion of vo uredeante may then be determined volumetri- cally : it is present n2Qs. The results obtained by the method in question are fedintkabty accurate.—Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, Ixxxvii, 257. Mineralogy and Geology. 127 14. Vessels for the preservation of fluohydric acid.— has found that gutta percha and vulcanized India rubber resist the action of fluohydric acid almost compietely. A solution of the acid which was so concentrated as to fume in the air, was found, after having been for somewhat brighter colored on the inside.—Ann. acié, Ixxxvii, 187.—[It would doubtless be possible to cover the inside surface of a glass bottle with gutta percha by pouring in a solution of - the gum resin in chloroform.—w. ¢.] W. G. II. Mrineratocy anp GEo.Loey. 1. Parophite—A rock allied to the Dysyntribite of Shepard, and Rensselaerite of Emmons, has been named Parophite by T. S. Hunt, (Logan’s Rep. Geol. Survey of Canada, Quebec, 1852, p. 95.) name alludes to its resemblance to Serpentine, notwithstanding its non- magnesian character. It occurs imperfectly schistose, as well as mas- sive, and sometimes a perfect schist ; rarely botryoidal, with an aopear- Tex . G27 ance of concentric structure. re granular to compact 2 olor pale greenish, yellowish green, olive green, ash grey, reddish. Lustre waxy, shining; subtranslucent ar ot over to Mr. Hunt— si. & Mg K Na H 1. Schistose, 48°50 27:50 567 1:30 2°24 530 191 17:00 G=2°705 2. Schistose, 4842 27:60 450 280 1:0 5°02 278 688=—9980G—2-714 3. Botryoidal, 4913 2780 590 3:80 1:40 undet. 1 a G.=2:784 4, Schist, 4810 2870 480 210 141 449 153 840=99°53 at the centre, of feldspar, pyrosclerite, mica, Amphibole, pyroxene, Sphene are common in the feldspar or pyrosclerite of these nodules. Delesse shows that the pyrosclerite has resulted from the alteration of the feldspar nodule previously formed. ‘This paper enters into import- ant discussions respecting the origin of crystalline limestones and their minerals, Pyromeride of the Vosges; M. Detesse, (Bull. Geol. Soc. France, [2], ix, 175.)—This Pyromeride is a kind of quartziferous porphyry. Containing small globules through it. The variety from the Vosges closely resembles that from Corsica. Delesse finds that the globules consist mostly of silica, being a mixture of silica (over 60 per cent.) . and feldspar. He obtained in an analysis : Bi Al Be Oa Mg K, Na (by diff.) H 8809 «603 05888185 58 2. 3 We 100_ 128 Scientific Intelligence. The origin of the globules is attributed to the tendency of feldspar to crystallize, and the indirect action of excess of silica present. There is an analogy between them and the so-called perlites and _reti- nites. Feldspar never takes the globular form, except in rocks rich in silica. The rock contains specular iron. Delesse concludes that the silica was introduced, subsequent to the first origin of the rock. It oe- curs either in veins or intimately mixed with the rock material. Other rocks may beome pyromerides through a penetration with silica. Pitchstone from the trap of Isle Royal—The following analysis is by Foster and Whitney (Rep. Lake Superior, Part ii.) : Si Al Fe Ca Mg Na, trace of K TL 62°51 11-47 11:05 267 2°11 3°03 (loss) 714 Crystallized Furnace Products —F. Sanneercer has announced the occurrence as furnace products, of graphite in 6-sided tables near Dil- lenburg ; metallic copper in threads and rarely octahedral crystals, near Dillenburg; antimonial nickel in long hexagonal needles, at $5 lena in cleavable cubes, at Holzappel and Ems; magnetic iron in octa- dra; 3Cu? O+SbO? in copper red or yellow hexagonal tables, at Dil- lenburg; Ti Cy+3Ti2N in Bodenstein. Fibrous amianthoid substance, a furnace product from Westphalia.— Scunasex obtained for this substance, Si 98-13, Al 1-24, Ca 0-46, Mg and Fe a trace, =99-88 G, =2:59.—(Pogg. Ann., Ixxxv, 462.) Dolomite.——-M. J. Durocuer has obtained Dolomite artificially through the action of magnesia vapors. He put in a gun barrel some anhy drous chlorid of magnesium and a porous carbonate of lime, the latter being so placed that it could be reached only by vapors from the for- mer. e gun barrel was closed and then kept at a low red heat for three hours. The limestone when taken out, was partly scoriaceous i hlo- rid of magnesium. Within, it was altered mostly to a dolomite, as as- certained by analysis. Pseudomorphous Minerals :— Pinite after Labradorite.—Resembles a yellowish gray talc-like mi- ca. H.=2:5,G.=2-832. Analysis by A. Knop and W. Knop, (Pharm. Centr. 1852, 165; Lieb. u. Kopp’s Jahresb. f. 1851, 822): Si Al Fe. Ge... ce co Ne Fl H 5518 2751 408 029 192 $386 4-49 00T 374—=99°94 Formula deduced, B3 Sit+-5A1 Si+sit, Mineralogy and Geology. 129 Karpholite after Wolfram.—R. Buum, (Pogg. Ann., Ixxxiv, 154.) On Serpentine after Hornblende, Augite, Diallage, Schillerspar ; by G. Rose, (Pogg. Ann., Ixxxii, 511. On White lead ore after Linarite ; by W. TSTENGER: (Jahresb. der k. k. oestr. geol. Reich., 1851, ii, 78, and Lieb. u. Kopp, Jahresb. f. 1851, p. 824. On the waters of the Great Salt Lake, Rocky Mountains ; by Dr. L. D. Gare, (Stansbury’s Expedition to the Great Salt Lake, Philadelphia, 1852).—Amount of solid contents, 22-422 per cent. Specific gravity, 1:170. Composition : Chlorid of sodium, . j : ; F 20:196 Sulphate of soda, ‘ ; ; ‘ ; 1-834 Chlorid of ce ‘ ‘ : ‘ 0°252 Chlorid of calcium ‘ ‘ trace. On the Waiters of the Warm and Hot Pye of Salt Lake City ; by Dr. L. D. Gate, (ibid.) The mineral water of the warm spring has a strong smell of sulphuretied hydrogen. Specific gravity 10112. Solid matter afforded on evaporation 1:08200 p.c. Analysis afforded, Sulphuretted hydrogen ri i ‘ 0:037454 mbined, 0:000728 Carbonate * lime precipitated by boiling, 0:075000 magnesia 0:022770 Chioria of calcium, ‘ ; F ‘ 0:005700 Sulphate of soda, . : : é ‘ 0-064835 Chliorid of Sodium, ‘ j - ‘ 0-816600 1-023087 he Hot Spring has the specific gravity 10130, and yielded 1°1454 per cent. solid contents. Composition in 100 parts: Chlorid of sodium, 0:8052, Chlorid of Beet) 0-0288, Chlorid of calcium, 0:1096, Sulphate of lime, 0-0806, Carbonate of lime, 0:0180, Silica, a 0:0180—=1-0602 Analyses of several native Borates ; sy Prof. Brcui, ( sis a letter from Prof. Meneghini to J. D. Dana, dated Pisa, July 26, 1853.)—The borates examined by _— Bechi occurs as incrustations at the baths of the Lagoons of Tuscany (1.) Lagonite. Asie pte ; B47955 #e3c260 H14016 Si, Mg, Ca, and oc 1769100 Formula hence deduced, ¥e63+3H. (2.) Hayesine? Analysis: B51135 €a20850 HH 26250 Si, Al, Mg 1°750 leading to the formula Ca 82-4411. (3.) Borax? Analysis : B 43-559 Na 19-254 be 37-187=100 whence the formula, Na B2-+-6H. (4.) Larderellite, SY species. )}— White oe very light, tasteless Bia under the microscope to be made up of pater’ es 2 1. pia No. 49,—Jan., 1854. 130 - Scientific Intelligence. angular tables; M: T=110°, according to a measurement by M. Amici. 1s < ‘ B 68-556 N H40 12-784 H 18°325 The formula deduced is NH10B4+4411. It dissolves in hot water, and is transformed into a new crystallized salt, which is represented by the formula NH40B6-LoFr. : On Melan- Asphalt; by C. M. Werueritt, (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., x, 353.)—This mineral is the same that has been pronounced bitumin- ous coal by other investigators. It is from the Albert coal mine, New Brunswick. Some of the reasons for considering it coal are cited in this Journal, vol. xiii, 277. Dr. Wetherill states that E. Durand of Philadelphia, obtained for the solubility of the asphaltum of Cuba 34 parts in ether, and 60 parts in oil of turpentine, with 6 residue ; and of the Hillsborough material, 4 parts in ether, and 30 in turpentine, with 36 of residue. Cannel coal gives no solution with turpentine. Analyses, afforded— Carbon. H O,N 1. Asphaltum of Cuba, 82-670 9-141 8-189=—100 1. Melan-asphalt, 86°123 9-871 4:906— 100 Dr. Wetherill calculates the formula C&8]420N, from the latter anal- ysis. The Hillsborough product is stated to be unlike coal in becoming electric by friction. [It may be questioned whether this substance can be considered a simple chemical compound. It is more probable from the trials with solvents and other tests that there is a very large excess of carbon, as impurity. ] is from the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- adelphia. Dr. Genth writes us that his investigations were independ- ent of those of Professor J. Lawrence Smith. * I have just completed the experiments with your thalia, and have come to the conclusion that it is nothing but magnesia. Magnesia shows sometimes such a strange behavior with reagents, that one is inclined to think ita new earth. I had the same ease with my analyses of Kaém- merite (Rhodophyllite.) It is possible that the relations which exist in the mineral had not been destroyed, and that you have a solution of the mineral,—for instance, a solution of aluminate of magnesia. | separated n lents of water crystallized right rhombic, and had the form, appearance, taste, and gave all the reactions of epsom salt. It gave me 50'8 per cent. of water, 35°5 per cent. of sul phuric acid, which also proves that I Mineralogy and Geology. :” had sulphate of magnesia. The analysis of the mineral is, according to Dr. J. L. Smith, and also the researches in my laboratory : H Si Al Mg K Jed. Smith, 2066 45°66 487 2-09 3:07... 22°10 0°15==98°45 E. Reakirt, 19°96 44°07 4°72 170* 3°75 21:49 not det. | scrapers jee! a ry Keyser, 44-66 179 26°60 O12 016 According to these analyses the mineral is Saponite.” 3. A new Meteorite from Tennessee ; by Prof. J. Lawrence Suits, (from a letter to J. D. Dana.)—The meteoric iron was found in East Tennessee a short while ago, and weighed originally over 60 Ibs. It is a highly interesting one, and has furnished for the first time the solid protochlorid of iron, found in a fissure. It is also rich in the phosphu- ret of iron and nickel, and furnishes material for a full investigation of this latter mineral. The examination is nearly complete, and when ysis of Owenite accords with Dr. Genth’s; that of Thuringite shows, that in the former analysis of it, sixteen per ct. of alumina has been overlooked. Full details of these particulars will appear in the fourth part of the reéxamination of American minerals. 5. On the probable depth of the Ocean of the European Chalk De- posits; by Prof. Rocers, (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1853, 97.)— Various geologists, and among them Prof. Ed. For excellent and learned Paleontology of the British Isles in Johnston’s Physical Atlas, have suggested that the Ocean of the Chalk deposits of urope was a deep one ; and in evidence of this, Prof. Forbes cites the « striking relationship existing to deep-sea forms of the English Chalk Corals and Brachiopods, adding that the peculiar Echinoderms, (Holaster, Galerites, Ananc ytes, Cidaris, Brissus, and Goniaster) favor this notion, as also the presence of numerous Foraminifera. fossil test to the age of the Green Sand and Chalk of Europe. And his American stratum was unquestionably the sediment of quite shal- low littoral waters. That they must have the present deposits with a deep sea, would have likewise overspread the low Gneissic hills to the N. W. of the Delaware, which present no traces of having ever been submerged during the cretaceous or any Secondary period, = ee ; . The piesauionyd of iron and alumina contain a trace. of silica, which was not eparate 1 i aaa : Le, Fe 132 Scientific Intelligence. Mr. Ayres remarked, we of those genera of Echinoderms, which Mr. Forbes phe as deep sea genera, two or three are found in North Amer in water not two yaedred feet deep. Terebratula, which has babs generally regarded as only an inhabitant of very deep water, and whose structure has been described as admirably adapted to the depth at which it has been found, and which Prof. Owen has de- monstrated cannot exist at a depth of less than two or three hundred faitatesia: exists at Eastport, Me.,in water so shallow that it can be taken b e same locality and position, Radiata are found which have heretofore been thought to be only inhabitants of deep water. Some of Mr. Forbes’s genera are also found in less than ten fathoms o water. Ill. Borany anp Zootoey. 1. Salad for in Solitary ; by an Epicure. New York: Lamport, Blakeman & Law.—A book which has a very large sale, and is com- ended as a m seal of erudition. A chapter in it, w hich treats of curi- ous matiers concerning plants, having casually atiracted our attention, o it, to Aina negatively, the pee Spi to mor- alize eiiviecly. upon any department of nature, or to v felicitous illustrations, requires that an author should know Se paitat of the sub- ject matter he writes about. The following mai tae are culled from a doz zen pears of the book (from p- 185 to aed The Papyrus. of Bark, ‘its Sea owing to the Srequent sealing of the bark, is said to be Sais seen thi cker than the arm, although it attains a great height.” Camphor is said to be distilled * from the roots of a tree, growing in Borneo and Sumatra.” ‘\t is the leaves of plants and trees that act ‘upon the air like human me _ absorbing carbon and evolving vital air for animal respiration,’ urious and confusing way of e express- ing what is meant. The (Sarees tree at Chapultepec, near the city of Mexico, our author affirms to be “one hundred and seventeen feet ten inches in girth.” The two latest measurements that we have heard of made it ve or 45 feet: but this was several years ago! On reading feetick, we perceive that the author has mixed up various famous s Cy- presses of Mexico into one salad; and has then applied De Candolle’s (or as he writes De Candalle’s) remark on the tree of Santa Maria del Tule to that of sa Se epec. Contrary to the rep ground opinions, we are told that the Great Chestant es Mou ase was probabl measures from way to five fee “ i, grvely a ce.” Our Magnolia grandiflora i is said to be a “tro a) plant;” with “leaves from. ere to nine feet in length: * beaut white Dicesoies are of like dimen- sions.” Truly of such a tree he would have reason to say: ‘itis doubiless one vf the ana superb vegetable productions of which we fw Botany and Zoology. 133 stars, and despising the minor denizens of the forest.” To ies stars, indeed, they must give their odor; for they have none for m Dis- coursing of flowerless vegetation, our author states, that Laven yeast +. 18 supposed by botanists to belong to this genera of the vegeta- ble world ;”—so that, after all, the botany is as good as the gram- a sa piece of vegetable morphology, we are told that “ seeds are merely leaves preserved in peculiar cerements ;” in respect o these coverings a series of statements follows, the logical con- nexion of which may perhaps be divin successfui, the reader h May next attempt to extricate the author’s meaning from the con- fused statements respecting the boundary between the vegetable and the animal kingdoms. Lastly, the Venus’ Fly-trap is called ‘a native rest of the book may be, surely, as to this chapter, the intelligent reader will hardly be able a ti 5 se ot one of the mottoes of the volume, taken from old Quar “The herbal savor gave his sense delight.” et us open the book in another place. On p. 92, we read that ‘* pa- per is produced from a beautiful fibrous plant, called Linum, or flax, the leaf of which i is rotied, and passing through certain processes, becomes colton cloth,” &c. Truly, ignorance, however preposterous, is not ne- cessarily a sin per se. lis heinousness dopants very much o vies use that is made of it. 2. Lindley: The Vegetable Kingdom; or the Structure, Classifica- tion and Uses of Plants, illustrated — the Natural System; with upwards of 500 illustrations. hir ition: with ae ret and acetone genera. London : Besieged & Evans, aS Roy. the science down | to ite time of sli tion are > incorper . Itisan cessfully combate 3. ndolle’s Prodromus.—Our Botanists may be glad to kaos that the ves g of the fourteenth volume of this work (to contain the Polygonacea, Thymelacee, Proteacee, &c.) has at length commenced. Probably the volume cannot be published before the early spring. A. G. 4, Pye ial on the habits of certain Crawfishes, (in a letter ee Dr. R. P. Stevens to the Smithsonian Institution.) — While e en ising coal mine, sane the banks of Coal Creek, a tributary of Gree. River, Bureau Co., ~~ I found innumerable little paths of an Sitetae 134 Scientific Intelligence. leading from the water, along the sands and up into the neighboring low lands. Visiting these paths early in the morning, while yet the fogs were unrisen, | often found the Aséacus returning from his mead- ow rambles, but never could ascertain the precise object of these ram- bles, whether predatory or otherwise. viding the waters of the Chicago River and the Aux Plaines, is a wet marsh, lying near the deposit of bituminous limestone. ‘The marsh, at paths of the Astacus, some of them showing evidences of a very re- ly he was lost. By careful examination in the rank herbage, I found he had disappeared in a well or cistern about 10 or 12 inches deep and 13 wide. Here was his own pool, provided for by himself, for the long summer draughts. In following up other trails I invariably found them terminating in similar pools. In many the inmate was present, whilst absent in others.” Extract from a second letter from Dr. Stevens, dated Nov. 23.— “ Our friends, the Astaci, increase in interest as I become more and Hate ae ing much damage to dams and embankments. On the little Genesee, they have within a few years compelled the owners ofa dam to rebuild it. e¢ former dam was built after the manner of dykes, i.e. with upright posts, supporting sleepers laid inclining at an angle of 45° up On th ere laid pl els of dirt and gravel in the course of a night. I have seen this sea- son, where they had attempted the present dam, piles of dirt, of at least one bushel. They now travel over the dam in their migration, often climbing up- right posts two or three feet high, to gain the pond above.” It is to be regretted that no specimens were procured in order to as- certain to which species the above Crawfishes belong : ther Cambarus fossor, or C. diogenes, or some other. This deficiency, mud chimneys being built upon the exterior surface of the wells, such as are constructed by C. diogenes in the district of Columbia. s Barnp. * Miscellaneous Intelligence. 135 IV. MisceLtaneous INTELLIGENCE. 1. On the Earthquake at Manilla, of Sept. 16, 1852, Ses Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1852, 300.)—The first shock occurred at To of the danger, were on their knees devoutly praying. The houses are built of stone, with very thick walls, and rather low, in order to withstand better such shocks of earthquakes, and yet many of them were com- pletely destroyed. In one of the strongest houses, an occupant writes, a noise made by the breaking of walls, the falling of furniture, and the cracking and creaking of the timbers was such as to impress every one with an ee idea of the dee of property. ‘The shock lasted about one anda half minutes; during the evening there were four more pense shocks, at regular intervals of about an hour, name- ly, at eight, nine, ten, and eleven, and another at four the next morn- ing. At each shock the great bell of the cathedral tolled, followed by all the bells of the city. t night the city was almost deserted, from the danger of remaining in houses with tiled roofs ; ; the inhabitants fled to the native houses of the suburbs with thatched roofs, and many slept in boats on the river. For two or three days after, there were several slight abs and for weeks eae ships in the river were used as lodging hou This was the longest and most severe earthquake tha has visited these isla ee for two hundred years. The damage to property was comer though the loss of life was small ; only three or four lives are known to have been lost. Imost every stone house suffered more or ens Birding to its strength ; nearly all the government barracks, the custom house, colleges, palace, theatre, and many private dwellings were Felderg! completely untenantable. Two churches were destroy- ed. One, the oldest in Manilla, founded Sn sig three hundred years ago by the Jesuits, very large, with igen and arches four feet thick, was thrown down into one imme of ruins. The movement was not slow and gradual, like a long heavy swell, but a quick succes- sion of short sudden shocks. e effects of the shocks were different in different parts of the island ; inv! ‘did not seem to be any regular track pursued by the earthquake + ; in places within a few miles <4 in other, in one it was not felt at all, while in the other it was quite ere. At Mariveles, just across the Bay from Manilla, the earth bgehed wih an eruption of black sand, which covered the country for a considera- ble extent; how large the opening was at the time is not known, but it is now seven hundred yards long and one yard wide. The volcanoes at Albay and Taal, which have not been in operation for many years, : ve been since discharging lava, stones, &c., with considerable activ- ity.? Observations by Prof. H. D. Rogers.—Prof. Rogers referred to the circu mstance that the undulatory movement of an earth is fel 136 Miscellaneous Intelligence. much more sensibly at a point above the earth’s surface than enigne d upon it. An instance illustrating this had come within knowledge. The e yh pe which destroyed the areca i ‘of Guadaloupe was felt in the city of New York, but only in the fourth story of a printing office. The sound generally precedes the shock, as has been observed in this country Nor merica, tbe undulation is always parallel to the physical features of the continent, making it pensooete to believe that through a long series of epochs the motion s been in one rather than various directions, as supposed by Elie de an There are two movements in earthquakes; an undulating and a molecular movement. ‘The latter, Prof. Rogers thought was the co S, movement, causing the sudden shocks which are so destructive. Prof. Rogers gave an account of some of' the opinions of geologists as to the thickness of the earth’s crust. He gave it as his own opinion, that in most places it is not more than ten miles thick. he Koh-i-noor Diamond, (froma Lecture by Prof. TENNANT.)— On closely examining the Koh-i-noor Diamond at Buckingham Palace, in company with my — the ~ W. Mitchell, I found that two of the larger ie were cleavage planes; one of them had not been pol- ished, or it had been so slightly polished that the effect was not discov- erable. B measuring the sione with a goniometer, and ascertaining the inclination of its larger faces, 109° 28’, [ ied which were the cleavage planes and which the cut planes of the diamond. Upon further examination I found two other cleavages, which make the stone correspond with an octahedron aws in the bie i-noor are shown in the annexed figu shows ag ey Sinai pee to the cleavage plane F:: this con- stituted oa prey danger to be apprehe nded in cutting the stone, cut. 's flaw seemed to proceed from a fracture marked B. and E were little notches cut = tes stone for she purpose of hold- Fr. racture from a blow or fall, showing at its base a cleavage There is every probability that the awit -I-noor-is only a portion of bes original diamond of that name, as procured from the mines of Gol- onda. My own opinion is, that in its srigiial form this diamond was Miscellaneous Intelligence. 137 a rhombic oon aoe and that in its present state it is about one- third of the original si Iam confirmed in this opinion by Tave ier, who states that it afginalle weighed 7874 carats; after having been broken or cut, it weighed 279.9. 5 and if we make allowance for the difference between the French and English te of ps period, it would reduce it to 252 carats of the present tim e give Tav- ernier credit as to the original weight of the jone we ma dul ein a very reasonable gi bamnes, that two other remarkable existing dia- monds once formed of it. _ Dr. Beke, in a paper read before the peared to correspond with the Koh-i-noor.”? Another anno which singularly corresponds with the Koh-i-noor, is the great Russian dia- mond : and it is not improbable that they all formed one crystal, and that, when united, they would, allowing for the detaching of several smaller pieces in the process éf cleaving, make up the weight described by Tavernier. ote.—Since the date of my lecture the recutting of the Koh-i-noor has been successfully accomplished by the Messrs. Garrard. The iled in the Crystal Palace, the Keh-i-noor weighed ing LP carats. lam indebted to Messrs. Garrard for the following : account : “In cutting diamonds from the rough, the process is so uncertain that - cutters think themselves fortunate in retaining one-half the original pie The Koh-i-noor, on its arrival in England, was merely surface cut, no attempt having been made to produce the regular form of a brill: by which alone lustre is obtained. By reference to the figures, Upper Surface. Under Surface. THE KOH-I-NOOR IN ITS PRESENT STATE. which are the exact size of the Koh-i-noor, it will be clearly understood was necessary to remove a large portion of the stone in order to *“ Les Six Voyages, &c., Seconde Partie, Paris, 1676.” Tavernier, at page 249 _— Six of this volume, ne = weight of the diamond to be 7874 carats ; but at. 334 he calls it 798 ca Szconp Szris, va; Doty No. 49.—Jan., 1854. 18 2 os 138 Miscellaneous Intelligence. obtain the desired effect, by which means the apparent surface was in- creased rather than diminished, and the flaws and yellow tinge were removed ved. “* The process of diamond-cutting is effected by an horizontal iron plate of about 10 inches diameter, called a Schyf, or mill, which re- volves from two thousand to three thousand times per minute he diamond is fixed in a ball of pewter at the end of an arm, resting upon the table in which the plate revolves ; the other end, at which the ball containing the diamond is fixed, is pressed upon the wheel by moveable weights at the aan of the workman. The weights applied vary from 2 to 30 Ibs. acco aw at C, described by Professor Tennant and the Rev. W. Mitchell as amined it,) to be a natural flaw of a yellow tinge, a defect often met portant by the cutters was removing a flaw at G. This flaw was not thought by Professor Tennant and Mr. Mitchell to be dangerous, be- cause, if it were allowed to run according to the cleavage, it would only take off a small piece, which it was necessary to remove in order to — acquire the present shape. The cutters, however, had an idea that might not take the desired direction, and, therefore, began to cut into : ceeded in getting rid of it. While cutting, the stone appeared to become harder and harder the farther it was cut into, especially just the mill at the medium rate of 2400 times per minute, for six hours, little impression had been made; the speed was, therefore, increased to an 3000, at which rate the work gradually proceeded. When See eee Miscellaneous Intelligence. 139 the back (or former top) of the stone was cut, it proved to be much sofier, so that a facet was made in three hours, which would have oc- cupied more than a day, if the hardness had been equal to that on the other side ; ; nevertheless, the stone afterwards became gradually hard- the cutting. An attempt was made to cut out the faw at A; but it was found not desirable, on account of its length. The di amond was finished on September 7th, having taken thirty- eight days to cut, work- ing twelve hours per day without cessation By permission of her Majesty, models of the Koh-i-noor, as it a rived in this country and in its present state, have been ne Wha ne diamonds in the mineralogical department of the British Mus 3. Abstract of a Meteorological Register, kepl at the Tianektes Tnsti- tution se the Deaf and » Knoxville, Tennessee, for the year 1852; by O. W. Morais, Principal. The Latitude is 35° 56’; Longi- tude west ror Washington, 6° 57’; elevation above tide, 960 ‘feet.* METER | THERMOMET Cl Maximum fiisiaee ‘Means, }Rangej Maximum, te Jan. |19, 29-692 _ Feb. 19, 29° 431/28, 23° 474) 29-075) Months. oud- Prev’g ee |Range, iness. Winds | || = —— 5, 28:434/29- 127| — 31, 63. 219, —4: 20-513 67-2 be} In Ww. March, | 3, 29 eget 28 434 i 29-¢ 327) 1-02 26, 79820, 21: 52-401 58 8\ 5-02 lw. April, {10, 2 5, 23:348/28-856| -798]30, 79: | 1, 32: |50-423] 47-0) 4-90 lw. May, % 29 s4uler 28 827/29 054 615] 2, 84: |21, 43-2/64-689| 40-8] 4-74 lw. June. |14, 29:391) 8, 28-732'29-094| -659123, 86-611, 59-5/68-498| 36-1] 4-32 |w. July. a - nt 2/30, 28 833)20-068 459) 38224, —s 3, 59- |74-096| 33 5} 4-01 In. Aug. 318|27, 28.775|29:086, -541/19, 87 5) 7, 55:9/69-953| 316] 5 44 \n.z. Sept. 18 39 316 11, 23°747/29-120| -569) 2, 85-4 14, 66-452) 40-4) 4-90 nx. Oct, , 29 360| 9, 28-779/29-124) 581] 8, 83-225, 39°6/59-656) 43-6) 3-79 Ine. Nov. 29, 29-447|26, 28-483/29-048| -956] 5, 71-219, 24°6/44-119| 466) 5-10 Nawe Dec. |29, 29-425! 7, ” 98-667 2 9078, -755]20, 64814, 25°1/14514| 39-7) 653 |n.x. Au.M?ns| 29°392| 28 3628 29 29-063, 764] 7868) 43.37/55 667 4551) 4°89 | w. The mean temperature of the winter page the of 1851-1852, was 39°-279 ; of the spring months, 58°-838; of the summer months, 70°: 849 ; of the autumnal months, 56°°742. The highest degree of the ordinary thermometer, as noted, was twice 92°5° in July ; the lowest was —4° in January. The winter of ’51-"52 was an uncommonly cold Rain fell on 114 days; it was accompanied by thunder and lightning on 32 days, on some of them twice, and on one day three times, with very lieavy thunder and vivid lightning. On the third of May the lightning struck an oak tree within one hundred feet of the building. Snow fell on 11 days, to the depth of 34 inches; the first snow in » winter was on the 12th ‘al December, and the last snow in the ve was on the 2nd of he mean relative byinidity of the atmosphere for the winter months was 72-96 ; for the spring months, 66°89; for the summer months, 78: ef for ‘the autumnal months, 77°79 ; and for the year it was ge! ost prevalent wind was the west, ‘the next the northeast, and 5 a. he next ihe northwest. * In thejeolamns: Maxinium: and nina he day of he month statement of the observation. — es 140 Miscellaneous Intelligence. The Aurora Borealis was observed on four nights only, viz: Jan. 19th, Feb. 19th, April 22d, and May 9th; that on the 19th of January was the only one that exhibited any perceptible motion, the others were a steady light; that on the 9th of May was a faint light, only a few degrees above the horizon. A solar halo was noticed once, and lunar haloes on fourteen nights. Both solar and lunar haloes were followed by rain or snow within a short period of time. A shock of an earthquake was felt on the 27th of October, at 11.30 wind, the atmosphere hazy and smoky. The loose boards on the glasses and other pendant articles swung fro e to side, horses that were trotting or walking in the road involuntarily stopped, and the do- estic animals seemed stupefied and i instances frightened. by a sound resembling the reverberations of cannon among the moun- tains, dying away in the distance. Many people throughout the coun- try were much alarmed, and ran out of their houses. At 8 o’clock vp. m. of the same day there was a very bright meteor ; its course was from N. W. to S. E., leaving a track of bright light, 8 or 10° in length, which continued several seconds; it was at some dis- the relative positions of every point, in depth as well as in length and breadth, can be directly determined. The stereoscope affords a convincing proof that the two projections of an object presented to the two eyes, suggest the real object far more effectively to the mind than a single projection to one s; and ho have paid much attention to the appearance of binocular Fully imp m the re above stated, that a binocular microscope would possess great advanta- ges over the present monocular instrument, I, shortly after the publica- ~ RG eS A ee ee eas es ee ee = ps a Miscellaneous Intelligence. 141 tion of my first memoir, called the attention both of Mr. Ross and Mr. Powell to this subject, and strongly recommended them to make an in- strument to realize the anticipated eflect; their occupations, however, prevented either of these artists from taking the matter up. The year before last, previous to the publication of my second memoir, I again urged Mr. Ross, and subsequently Mr. Beck, to attempt its construc- tion, and for a short time they interested themselves in the matter, but ultimately relinquished it for want of time, and in my opinion over- estimating the difficulties-of the undertaking. It appears, however, from a communication in the * American Jour- nal of Science’ of January 1853, which has been reprinted in the last number of the * Microscopical Journal,’ that such an instrument has been actually constructed by Professor J. L. Riddell, of New Orleans, and the results expected have been obtained. The method Mr. Riddell employs is similar to the one | recommended to Mr. Beck. After the rays from the object pass through the compound object-glass in the usu- al manner, he deflects them by means of a system of rectangular le P, Cherubin d’Orléans, Capucin.’ This work was published at Pa- ris in 1677, and in it eight chapters and a plate are devoted toa minute description of the instrument, which he informs us he constructed, and pusehanes to the Dauphin. The following is an extract from the Pre- ace :— ‘Some years ago I resolved to effect what I had long before pre- meditated, to make a microscope to see the smallest objects with the two eyes conjointly ; and this project has succeeded even beyond m expectation, with advantages above the single.instrument so extraordi- nary, and so surprising, that every intelligent person to whom I lave shown the effect has assured me that inquiring philosophers will be high- ly pleased with the communication. For this reason [ have determined to make it the principal subject of the present work.” And the second part, which contains a description of the instrument, is thus headed :— “Section the first, in which is taught the method of constructing the newly-invented microscope to see the smallest objects very agreeably and conveniently, represented entire to the two eyes conjointly, with a Magnitude and distinctness which surpasses everything which has been hitherto seen in this kind of instrument.” n the Pére d’Orléans binocular microscope, two object-glasses ke their lateral portions cut away so as to allow of close juxtaposition, and these nearly semi-lenses are so arranged, that their axe $ corres with the two optic axes passing through the tubes containing the ye ah ¥ 142 Miscellaneous Intelligence. pieces. The author’s aim in its construction was solely the riot ment of the impression by presenting an image to each eye, for he a sumes, according to the then prevalent error, that vision by the two or- gans conjoiotly is naturally aud necessarily unique, from the perfect conformity of all the homonymous parts of the two images of the ob- ject on the two retine. ‘The real advantage of such an instrument en- tirely escaped his attention; viz., that of presenting to the two eyes the two dissimilar microscopic images of an object, under precisely the same circumstances as the two unlike images of any usual object is presented to them when no instrument is employed, by which simulta- neous presentm oe the same accurate judgmentas to its real solid form and the relative distances of all its points, can be as readily determine ed in the former case as in the latter n the gaeras of a binocular microscope there is one thing es- pecially to be attended to—viz., that the images be both direct, for in The reason of these effects is fully explained in Sections 5, 10, 22, 23, of my Memoirs. The reversal of the images by re flection from mir- rors or reflecting prisms, will produce the same result as to the a oscopic and pseudoscopic appearances as their inversion by lens The binocular microscope constructed by the Pére d’ rléans was pseudoscopic, though be describes one which, had it been made, woul have been stereoscopic ; he was, however, quite unaware that there would be any difference of this kind between them. The pseudoscopic effects when inverted images are presented, and the natural appear- ances when erecting eye-pieces are employed, have not escaped the observation of Mr. Riddell, Besides actual inspection by means of the binocular microscope, there i . another way in which the advantages of binocular vision may nal, ma they were not accompanied by their ‘Stereoscopic complements. very simple modification of the usual microscope would fit it for pro- ed round on an iniagin is within itself, from But this method is inapplicable = the light be perfectly diffused and uniform o as to avoid all shadows, the presence of which would give rise to false stereoscopic a euarenunh In the former case, ahem the object remains stationary and the tube moves independently of the frame, the a of the light so as to sca re gle shadows might a an ad- van and judgme assist the visual j ; t Miscellaneous Intelligence. 143 . On the periodic and non-periodic eo heb of Temperaiure at aba in Canada from 1841 to 1852 inclusive ; by Colonel Epwarp Sasine, R.A., Treasurer and Vice-President of ne e Royal Society, (Phil. Mag., [4], Vv, '376. )--The principal object of this communication is to make known the non-periodic variations of temper peti ‘i every day in the twelve years, from 1841 to 1852 inclusive, at Toronto in Cana- da. The non- ponies variations are those differences of the tempera- ture from its mean or normal state which remain after all the known periodical variations are allowed for, and are such as are generally ac- for a sufficient time to afford a proper basis for inductive generalisation. Toronto, from its latitude 43° 40’ N. and inland situation, is ae suite to supply such a comparison with stations in the middle parts of Eu- rope where similar records have been kept; and the tw ira years em- braced by the observations, viz. : its o 1852, have been years of un- usual meteorological activity in Euro Details are given in the co see a of the paper showing the care bestowed on the examination of the thermometer employed, with a standard divided “ @ Té échelle arbitraire,” by the method of M. Reg- on-commissioned officers of the detachment of the Royal Artillery oneness in the duties of the observatory. ad oe he period of twelve years comprises two series, In one of which the thermometer was observed hourly, and in the other less frequently, each observation in the second series receiving however a correction to the mean temperature of the day furnished for every hour and every day of ae year by the pie te eps The two series, each of six years, from the mean monthly bene by the method suggested by Bes- sel (Astron. Nach. No. 186), whereby the most probable values of the temperature, on every day and every hour, are computed correspond- ing to the whole body of the observations. These the author regards as ppl normal oiets and ove com paring with them the actual having been corrected for the hour in oo manner ad »—the non- periodic variations for every day in the year are obtained and are given ina pic e. om the approximate normal temperatures the author bas, syogeea ed in a plate the phenomena of the tempeaniare at T 144 Miscellaneous Intelligence. of the temperature at different seasons of the year, exhibited by means of a numerical index analogous to the probable error of the arithmeti- v, 379).—In this communication the author has arranged, in tables, the disturbances of the magnetic declination at St. Helena and the Cape of for the purpose of exhibiting the systematic laws by which those phe- nomena are regulated, which were long described as irregular varia- tions, because they were of occasional and apparently uncertain oc- ren The frequency of the disturbances, and their amount, whether viewed t eral abnorma ‘ Miscellaneous Intelligence. 145 tude of magnetic changes of the same character as that which has been found to exist at other places, and which has been considered to be eo- incident with variations of the solar spots. The disturbances of larger amount only are noticed ; those observa- tions which differed by 2:5 scale divisions (18 in are at St. Helena, and 19 in arc at the Cape) and upwards, from the normal place, were separated from the others and the values of the differences taken; there were therefore two series of figures to be dealt with, viz: the number of disturbances, and the aggregate amount of disturbance. These were separated into disturbances of the north end of the magnet ered separately. The periodical character of disturbances at St. Helena and the Cape in a cycle of years is indicated so far as the limited extent of the ob- servations would permit; sufficient however to point to the year 1843 as that of least disturbance at these i decrease from the previous years, and an increase in every succeeding year of observation. Though the hourly observations were discontin- ued before 1848, the year which Colonel Sabine has shown to be that of periodical maximum, (as 1843 was that of minimum magnetic activity at Toronto and Hobarton,) the observations now discussed are shown to be quite consistent with this period, and thus tend to establish it as a general law of magnetic phenomena. In the aggregate of each year the disturbances towards the west are shown to preponderate over those least in June at St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope; the same months being those of greatest and least disturbance at Hobarton, whereas at Toronto, doth January and June are months of minimum disturbance, the maxima disturbance occurring there in April and Sep- tember, From this identity of the epoch of greatest and least disturbance,— at St. Helena, where the months of January and June are not those of opposite seasons, viewed either with respect to the sun’s extreme allti- The westerly disturbances were found to exceed the easterly in eve- Ty monih in the year at St. Helena and the Cape, which —* with the results deduced from the Hobarton observations, while it appears Szconp Serins, Vol. XVH, No. 49.—Jan,, 1854. 19 - 146 Miscellaneous Intelligence. from the observations at mieeson that the easterly disturbances exceeded the westerly in every month. The average value of a westerly distur- bance is greater than that of an easterly in every month at St. wee ena gree, Toronto has awk me peculia rit Arranging, the disturbances into = several hours of their occurrence, the hours of the day are found to be those of greatest disturbance in a .very considerable degree ; the sum sie the nse during the twelve hours of the day, being about seven times as great as the sum of those in the twelve hours of the night at St. Helena, and about 2°6 times as great at the Cape of Good Hope ; while at Hobarton the sum of the twelve night ratios slightly exceeded the day; at Toronto the excess was larger, viz: as 13to 1. The laws of easterly and westerly dis- turbances, i in relation to the local hours, are then examined separately. At St. Helena and the Cape, the easterly day-disturbances exceed the easterly night- wcll att and the westerly day-disturbances exceed the westerly night- damarntioes: These results are compared with those at poo and Hobarton At elena, withotigh but comparatively few disreiliadicen occur during the night hours, those disturbances are almost all westerly (183 which 174 were westerly and but nine easterly). In the day hours the westerly only s/ight/y exceed the easterly disturbances. At the Cape, the westerly excess is less in the night and greater in the et wo at Ll. Sto and the night excess mach greater than the day ex At St. Helena, the fact of the disturbances being more aneen in the dost thaws in the night is consistent in every month of the pea 3 = appears worthy of remark when it is remembered that at St. Helen the curve of the diurnal variation of the declination is sate eneuaea at two = gt periods of the year; i orresponding to the ronto, the mean effect is westerly in the day and easterly in the night; at Hobarton, easterly i in the day and westerly i in the —_— Mod best, permitting us, as it does, to ascertain witha great me of accu- racy and certainty, the since: limits of penetrating and separating pow” er possessed by a microscope, and hence easily to express anally te ~~ qualities in. the most varied circumstances. This method consists simply in subjecting to observation under the Ja toubin the dioptric images of certain apes objects instead of the See = ae Miscellaneous Intelligence, 147 and hence we have it in our power to measure the extreme limits at which the object continues to be visible. or the formation of the dioptric images achromatic object-glasses might be used; but even where those of the shortest focal length are employed, the object whose image it is required to form must be placed ata great distance. ‘This would cause various difficulties, and only be practicable wilh a microscope placed horizontally—unless, indeed, the object selected were very minute, in which case the accurate determi- nation of its diameter (from which that of its image must be afterwards deduced) would be rendered difficult. Small air-bells in a fluid are for this purpose far better. I employ by preference a watery solution of powdered gum arabic, which always contains numbers of such air-bells originating in the air entangled among the particles of the powder. The water employed should have stood for a considerable time freely exposed to the air, or been shaken up with the air for some time ; for when we use water which is not sat- urated with air, the bubbles in ‘the fluid gradually become smaller, an subsequent pet ag et as we shall actually find to be the case. dro e fluid must then be placed on a clean glass object- slide, and — with a good clear mica plate, a ring shaped piece be- ing of a glass lene would a It will, pate be alw s easy to mirror and stage some easily recognized object, e. g. a piece of paper or the like. ‘The image is ‘always formed on the under surface of the air-bell, which must consequently be brought nearer to the object-glass than when it is desired to bring its margins into The object whose image is to be ihe subject of examination shos shone ward in the space beiween the oe and silage. In some micimecnpes fie can hardly be eones® either from the space being g too limited, or in ae envelops the space. If such microscopes, in place of a mirror, provided with a reflecting prism, the object may be placed opposite the side external to the microscope. The instruments best adapted for * The following se ol will ee eee this. I brought a printed page of a book to such a distance from an air-bell t the length of the image of the whole pace was 1- th h milinetre =akoinb 1- con a an inch, and a of the image of each etter about 1-480th millim. = 1-12.000ih of an inch. e of their minuten these images, oud ae diane 9 light, possessed such danas and , that eee SE Dower 54 diameters the whole page was without dificulty 148 Miscellaneous Intelligence. the manipulation which we are describing are, however, those whose illuminating apparatus consists of a mirror and converging lens, which i wh. ens being removed from the ring which supports it, the object is substituted in its place. The relative o ny a a. a) re (9°) Of course it is impossible to measure directly the dimensions of this most minute visible image, for our best micrometric methods will here fi no avail. Yet their size may be estimated with extreme accuracy in the following manner. At the same distance from the air- bell and in place of the object used, substitute another body; such as a piece of card, of 4 to5 centimetres = 1 2ths to 2 inches diameter, which has been exactly measured. Let this be now again measured (by some more minute object, but to divide its true diameter by the figure ex- pressing the diminishing power. For example, let the true diameter of the greater object be 5 centi- metres =to 1-969 English inches, and the diameter of its image = 32:2 micromillimetres,+ = 00127 English inches, then the figure ex- pressing the amount of diminution will be 3;95% = 1553 very nearly. round or long thread-like form, grains of pear sago, or vegetable bod- jes, such as mustard-seed or the pollen-granules of many plants, hairs of animals, metailic wires, &c., may be employed. Small round open- ings and chinks may serve for the determination of the visibility of pos- ilive images of light. In the last case, care must o rse be taken, by means of suitable screens, to shut off all licht except what passes * See translation from Het Mikroskoop in Monthly Journal of Medical Science, June, 1852, p. Seba seq. + The micromillimetre is equal 1-1000th millimetres = -0000394 English inches. See Monthly Journal, June, 1852, p- 456, me Miscellaneous Intelligence. 149 = thin glass capillary-tube placed in water, and compare it with tender organic tubes and vessels, which may also be seen in water, but whose limit of visibility is of course far more circumscribed than that of ab- solutely opaque objects. n fact this method admits of innumerable variations, and is conse- ground could not be seen. Hence it is by no means indifferent to re- experiment. he mode of ascertaining the limit of vision, witha given . On Esq., (Phil. Mag., [4] vi, 344.)—I see, from what Dr. Scoresby has brought before the Association at Huli, that there seems to be some dif- ficulty about obtaining correct soundings in places where the currents are strong and flow in different directions at the different points of depth, causing the line to assume different curves in its descent ; and when it comes to be measured over, after the weight has reached the bottom and deen hauled up again, the measurement gives no approximate idea of the real depth, Now itis plain that this mensuration of the depth of Water might be as well made by estimating its vertical pressure, as, in measuring the height of mountains, we measure the barometrical pres- sure of the air; and so I would propose to do it by an instrument con- structed as follows :— An accurately constructed tube of gun-metal or brass, or some metal not very easily corrodible by salt water, has a glass tube fitted on to it on the top by a screw joint, and again on the top of the glass tube is fit- ted a strong hollow copper ball by a similar screw joint. The lower tube, which we will call a, has a well-turned piston fitted to it, from which runs a rod which is only a trifle longer than the tube a, and just enters ihe tube d when the piston is at its lowest point. A well-made spring is placed in the tube a above the piston, and the tube a being narrowed at the top, so as just to admit the free passage of the rod, and the rod having a little button at its top, the piston is kept at its lowest * « La ar Pee C 1:3 4. ee point by the spring, pt when sufficient applied 1 * 150 Miscellaneous Intelligence. to compress the spring. The glass tube has a small ring fixed in it, just so as to stick at avy pointto which it is pushed, and the bution at the top of the rod serves to push the ring straight, and the ring thus forms an incex of the degree to which the spring has been compressed. The ball on the top serves as a mere reservoir of air to equalize the action of the apparatus as much as possible. The whole of this appa- ratus is enclosed in a wire cage for the sake of protection frum blows. To graduate this apparatus, T let it down in a known depth of water, say ten fathoms, and having observed the point to which the ring in” the glass tube is pushed, and having marked this point off, the “ae il is to be unscrewed, and with a small ramrod the ring is to be pushed down till it resis on the top of the pision-rod. ‘The ball being scpinchde the apparatus is sunk in twenty fathoms; afier a similar manner it 18 sunk in thirty, and next in forty fathoms. This will test the accuracy the apparatus ; and the marks made on the glass tube 3b afier each account of the smote use which may be ait of such an apparatus. - Louis Semann.—Mr. Seemann, who formerly travelled alee the U. Siates, has arrangements at Paris for the sale of eee or collections in Mineralogy, Geology, and Paleontology. To a thor- ough knowledge of miner als, Mr. S. unites a most excellent and obli- ging disposition ; 3; and “ oh gesting is one of the largest in Europe. His address is Louis Semann, Comptoir Mineralogique_ et Palzeontolo- gique, Rue St. André-des- ae No. 45, Paris. 10. Cabinet of Minerals for sale.—-A win and excellent cabinet of minerals, and mineralogical works accumpanying, is for sale sh- ington. Address Fr. Markoe, Esq., Washington City. It is one of the best esi Sateen: in the country. 11. Osituary.—James FE. Tescuemacner died suddenly near Boston on the 9th of last Riverabet. Mr. Teschemacher, although engrossed with other cares, has been an unceasing and successful laborer in Sci- e nce. He was an exact observer, and delighted in searching il his microscope what passed unnoticed by others. has contributed much to our knowled merican minerals, both through the detec- peci been laboring of late on the cine of the Fossils connected with coal, and the structure of the coal itself, and had collected much that was novel, which he was preparing for publication. 12. Die Kreidebildungen von Texas, und irhe organischen Ein- schliisse; Von Dr.-F OEMER. 410. eit 1852.—This work has already been briefly noticed in the Se eptember number of this Journal. The Introduction contains, 1. A sketch of the geographical situation and Miscellaneous Intelligence. 151 general — condition es Texas ; 2. General geognostic _— tion of the country ; 3. Diluvial and ally vial formations; 4. ‘ ary formations; 5. Older or keane strata; and 6. Plutonic i The principal part of the volume is a toa toclogiens descrip- tion of the chalk formation of Texas, with an enumeration and de- scription of its organic remains, sores occupy eighty-eight pages of the volume. These are followed by descriptions of Paleozoic fossils, and of three species of fossil wood from the tertiary. The cretaceous fossils figured occupy ten quarto plates, and number one hundred and twenty- -four. Of these one bundred and one are new or yet undetermined species, and twenty-three are identical with spec previously known. ‘These are senotiadty illustrated, The Pa iescnitl fossils number ten species, of which eight are new. hese are chiefly of the carboniferous period, and we recognize them as forms which prevail farther to the north and west in the same formation. ‘The three species of fossil wood from the tertiary, described by Pad ae are Silli- mania Texana, Roemeria Americana, and Thuyoxylon Americanum. The fossils here described and figured, had been already indicated _in Dr. Roemer’s previous work on Texas. m4 present work offers a very valuable accession to our knowledge e American Cretaceous formation; contributing more species of know of it, we have but a foreshadowing of what is yet in store for us when this formation, which extends from the Tropic of Cancer to the ~ en of — shall have been completely explored. H 3. Geological M ap of Keweenaw rage Lake Superior, sear cde) ; by = D. Wartney, gf ew by S. Hitt and W. H. Srevens.— This is a large pocket map of the iiake Superior Mining Reiida: "2 feet by 4 in its dimensions. It gives an admirable view of the Geological siructure of the region, and is excellent in illustration of an article in this volume from the Report of Messrs. Whitney and Foster. The ern Mines. It is tavalatle to geological science as well as to the to- pographer and traveller 14. People’s cast: yer I, Nos. 1 and 2, November and Decem- ber, 1853. 32 pp. large 8 —'This new popular monthly opens with an article on Willison’s Hand Thrashing Machine. The Journal is de- * Texas: mit hesonderer Rucksicht auf deniecine Auswanderung und die *F ed schen Verhiiltnisse des Lan ac r Beohachtung g' ponagpeetes | oueens von it ei hen Anbange und einer ognostischen Karte yon Texas. Bonn, bei A. Marcus, 18 49, 152 Miscellaneous Intelligence. voted to Farming, ao rtenty Horticulture, Mechanics, and practical science, and is very fully and handsomely illustrated with cuts repre- senting machinery, implements of husbandry, ren cattle, plans of build- ings, the Natienisl Exhibition of Horses at Springfield, American steam- ships, etc. o. 2 contains 72 wood-culs, some of them illustrating im- portant inventions at the Crystal Palace. Price 50 cts. each 6 months. E. Hrreucocs, D.D.: Outline of the Gomes .? of the Globe, and of the ape lips Sail son & Co, s Cote, A. M: List of Tafas orial Objects, Pky chiefly in the neighborhood of Sal slat: Massachusetts, with a sketch of the progress of this branch of Natural Bary: — the Pro Saal of the Essex Institute. 18 pp. 8vo. Salem, 1853. Maen AL AND Mk&TEOROLOGICAL OsservaTIONS aT Toronto, IN 1843, 1844, 1845, printed ey pore of her Majesty’s ago sine under the se erthsaattiiies of Col. wa sng 640 pp. 4to. London, B. Sroper: Geologie der Schweiz et of Switzerland), in 2 vols. 12mo. Berne srg Zurich, 1853 . F. Kevaart, M.D.: Prodromus Faune Ceylonice. 198 and 62 pp.8 Ceylon, 1852 —Treats with consilerae igh of the Mammalia and Reptiles of Ceylon. ANNALES DE L’OsservaTorre Puysiq . septa pe Russie, Parts 1 and 2 for 1850. 808 mad a PP. at = Peteraburg. oO = & By o BEB G Ue fp "S za De) 3 Oe Comersr-REN {. de Brock, Min. des Finances, par ys aia de Pobservatire Pea anes er T. Kupffer, année 1852. 172 pp. t. Petersburg, 18 ce MELSBERG : Fiiaf tes pee zu ‘cag Handwérterbuch der chemis- chen Theil der Mineralogie. 270 pp. eae Anfangsgriinde der Telimeebin 2nd Edition, 292 pp. Svo. Lapa is tepia anv Kore: J ahresberichte for 1852. Parts I and II. roceepines Acap. Nat. Sot Part LADELPAIA, vol. vi, No. 10.—p. 375. Note on Chatsibniras ’Gaaibel “Agassiz.—p. remains in the U. States; Leidy.—p. 378. New Rana and B Bufo; Baird—p. 379. On Thaha; Genth— 380. A new Salmo; @. Girard—Note on Cai — wate 6 Girard— —p. 381. Notes on the Ornithology of Wisconsin; P. R. American species of Esox; C. Girard—p. 387. New species eo OF Hin ane byd, = pan . S. and Mexican Boundary Commins Bai “i d Girard——p. 3 Arkansas fishes; Baird and Girard—Note on Nebras' ile mmalian os Chelonia Fossils; Leidy—No. 11—p. 395. Cata fates of Birds of ni ae C. Read—p- 402. New species of Pacane Nut; J. Le Conte.—p. a new American Arvicole, and remarks on other Rodents; p. 415. On Crotalus hihi and OC, ad- amanteus ; nte—p. 420, New Reptiles of the Pxploring Mspedition under kes; C. Girard—p. 425. Not the O} R. oy.—p. 430. New see of es 4 - y U.S. Exploring i tion under C. Wilkes; W. H. Harvey and J. W. Bailey. Works received from the Publish Vindicie Pliniane, a tC. L. ects Fase. I. Gryphie, 1853. In Libr. C. A. Say a, Th. Kuni e Pan Tor Oouhanenbatis i ane scripsit G. F. Scnormany. Gryphiz, ‘on In. Li b. ©. A. Kochian Leon uler’s Theorie a Pevorns e fester oder starrer Kérper mit Anmer- i n von J, Pu. Wotrers, Dr. und Professor. De e i und die Panathenaische Rede des Isokrates in ihrem gegenseitigen Verhaltnisse dar- e ifswal 8. C. A. h’s Verlagsb. sal oo itische nm zur Franz Susemihl. Greifswald, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. [SECOND SERIES.] Arr. XTI.—On the Elastic Force of Heated Air, considered asa Motive Power; by Frevericx A, P. Barnanp, sor of paategrcant i ai Natural History in me Uniseratyset ‘Mabon In the d discussions which have recently taken place with regard to the power, economy and value of hot-air engines, the attention of all who have participated in them appears to have been exclu- sively directed to the advantages and disadvantages presented by a particular case. The question seems not to have been contem- plated in its more general aspect ; or rather it seems to have been assumed that there exists no general question which the success or failure of this particular experiment will not settle. Those who are satisfied that the engines of Capt. Eriesson cannot suc- ceed, seem ready at the same time to conclude that no engine whatever can be successful which proposes to derive its power from the same source. Experiment may prove this conclusion scientific history no in remarkable than true, that all those dis- tinguished men whose labors in this branch of science have illus-' trated the present age, and have built up the entire theory of ca- lorie as it is now received, have been completely in error in regard to one of their most important practical inferences, deduced ane the careful study of years et: Thompson, Rankine, Joule and. Regnault have ns the opinion that an air engine may be constructed w » Vol. XVII, No. 50.—. , 154 Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. economically much superior to the steam engine.* One of these, Mr. Joule, has even published an outline of a plan which he would adopt in order to secure the advantages to be attained by the use of this motive power ;} and he has shown, by the appli- cation of the convenient formula of Prof. Thompson, for deter- mining what fraction of the heat expended is converted into power by thermo-dynamic engines, that an engine constructed on his plan would produce an amount of mechanical efiect greater in the ratio of 6 to 5 than a condensing steam engine with four- teen atmospheres of pressure in the boiler, and sin which the steam expands itself in the cylinder to the temperature of 80°. Compared with steam expanding in like manner from the press ure of a atmospheres, the economy would be nearly as 3 to 2; and taking the steam at the original pressure of two atmospheres it would be almost as 2 to 1(L: 18). But in these computa- tions, the expansion of steam in the cylinder is presumed to carry the temperature down to 80°, a condition never fulfilled 1 in aes gine as 34 to 1. And if we compare it with a non- eee engine at two atmospheres, we shall find that the air engine would be mee times and upward superior to the other in point of econom In all she discussions. which the engines. ok Capt. Ericsson have provoked, certain propositions, which are rendered true by stroke, there te in the natur Sex be a great waste of heat, — the ide of the he aoe air. be too and too Penervs be well suited ie rapid we cs tt may nevertheless be yoo great advantage in driving machinery or serving and Ed. Phil. Phil Mag. Jan, 1868; and Phil. Trae, 1868, Pat T Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. 155 4. That a very large additional waste must occur through chimneys and flues, and by radiation from the eylinders. 5. That the leakage must be enormous, as compared with - what occurs in engines driven by steam. 6. And finally, that air cannot be heated in such quantity, with such rapidity, and to such a degree as the exigencies of the case Not one of these propositions is necessarily or universally true; and it will presently be seen that the plan of Mr. Joule is in de- fiance of all of them. On the other hand, it must be admitted that there are some disadvantages quite inseparable from all air engines of whatever description. It’ is certainly true, 1. That the mean effective pressure must, in the case of every such engine, be moderate compared with the absolute tension of the air in the cylinders. . 2. That the mean effective pressure, if the engine is worked strictly with a view to economy, bears a less ratio to the absolute pressure, than it might do with less economical arrangements. 3. That a large apparatus is necessary for the development of high power, even though the power be obtained economically. 4. That the highest economy ‘equires so large expansion of the air in the working cylinder, as to make the counteracting pressure in the supply cylinder a great inconvenience, though not dn insuperable difficulty. Professor Thompson, of Glasgow, has shown that the frac- tional portion of the heat which in any thermo-dynamie engine 156 Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. But, if we draw our supplies from the atmosphere directly, a very moderate pressure as compared with what is often employed with steam, will throw the regenerator entirely out of the ques- tion. ‘Taking the supply cylinder at two-thirds the working cyl- inder, as in Ericsson’s engines, supposing the external tem pera- ture to be 60°, and assuming that the tension of the air at the end of the stroke is, as economy requires, no higher than that of the atmosphere, the temperature at discharge is found by simple cal- culation to be 3199-5 F. Now air at 60° F. and density 1; will, on compression to density 2692, be raised to this same tempera- ture, and will have an elasticity of almost exactly four atmos- heres. An Ericsson engine working with this pressure would derive no advantage from a regenerator. And it is furthermore - evident that any approach to this limit must render the regenera- tor of no practical value. When, in addition to this, we take into consideration the imperfect manner in which this contrivance oes its work, the degree to which its numerous meshes of wire make 1, (the temperature of discharge) equal to 1’ (that of compression), and observe foe, ‘ 7- It 2-2 that atl, and Yo(T) (7) we shall have the equation, Ok wi ==") 7 1 Fred pra Whence I=(J,m a ¢ which is the value of % as shown further on, at the Maximum of power. The re- erator, therefore becomes useless, when the engine is producing the greatest ef eat sup- , & mai larger proportion of the heat su plied, is com erted into useful labor, than when a lower pressure te weed Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. 157 air from the point at which it leaves the regenerator to its original temperature, is a great objection to such an arrangement in-an engine designed for locomotion either on the water or on land. If, on the other hand, we abandon the regenerator, we must look for our economy in enlarging the expansion in the working cylinder, and thus increasing the range of temperature through which the heated air descends in working. The disadvantage, already mentioned as accompanying this arrangement, of creating a great counteracting force, at the period at which the positive . power is reduced nearly or quite to zero, must be met and dis- posed of by mechanical expedients., This appears to have been the view taken of the subject by. Mr. Joule in the plau he has will presently appear, is not rigidly true, though nearly so. The which we will represent by 7. The general equation,t ; tT P =P ( le, * Lond, and Ed. Phil. Mag., Jan, 1853, In the Phil. Trans. Part I, 1852, Mr. Joule enters into some very elaborate calculations in regard to the power of air en- gines under various suppositions, but the plan given in the Magazine is more practi- cal than anything contained in the previous article. ' ghee + He also proposes another and more economical mode of heating, which is no- ticed further on. ‘et aS t In this equation, p is the pressure at the absolute temperature 1, and density 1 ; while p’ is the pressure at empensture +0, and density ¢, The Reged at dis charge (i. e, ¢) must necessarily be to the original density in the inverse of eylinders. : ee 158 Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. making p’=p, and e=3, gives 6=41, which is the amount of heat to be added to t to expand the air-at the constant atmospheric — pressure from density 1 and temperature 509° to density ?. ‘The air at discharge, therefore, will be a ea 1693° above 50° F., or at 219§° F'.—equivalent to an absolute temperature of 678%°, which we will represent by 7,. Mr. Joule now proposes that the air shall be compressed in the supply cylinder to one-fourth its original bulk, which will make its temperature 898°'59 (=439°-59 F.); and that the air so com- pressed may be expanded to the relative density 2, it must be oO. further heated S98 99 9990-53, making the total maximum temperature =1198°-12 (=739°-12 FE.) which we will represent by *’. The heat of compression, 898°'59, may. be put =”. By an application of the formula given on page 248 of the last volume of this Journal, we find the mean effective pressure of the engine working under these conditions to be 9:891 lbs. to the. square inch, The absolute pressure will be, in the mean time, 105-92 lbs. It may be objected that Mr. Joule proposes to carry his heat extravagantly high. All that can at present be said as to this point is, that the difficulty with regard to a high temperature has hitherto been to reach it. It has not yet been ascertained what degree of temperature would be seriously injurious to the mate- rials of the machine. The great liability to loss of heat by radi- ation at these high temperatures, is a more serious consideration. ut Mr. Joule has undoubtedly placed his minimum tempera- ture too low. Sixty degrees of Fahrenheit, which is the usual temperature to which scientific determinations are. referred, is quite as low as we are justified in assuming the ordinary atmos- pheric temperature to be, in our estimates regarding a machine of this description. For though the mean temperature of the year may in northern latitudes be lower, yet as the engine is expected to work in all seasons, we ought rather to assume a temperature above the mean than below. If we adopt 60° as the atmospheric temperature, we shall have P (mean pressure) = 9°846 lbs. to the sq. inch, p (absolute press. )= 105-92 “ = as before. The conditions here supposed are highly favorable to economy of heat, and do actually convert into useful labor, as will present- ly be shown, forty-three and a third per cent. of the caloric im- parted to the air from the furnaces. They are not however alto- Prof. Barnard on the Elastic Force of Heated Air. 159 gether the most favorable to the production of power, nor abso- lutely the best as it respects economy. Moreover they involve an absolute pressure greater than is required for the attainment of a higher mean effective pressure, and therefore a larger amount of useful labor. By differentiating the formula already referred to, on page 248 of the last volume of this Journal,* in reference to m and 7 suc- cessively, we shall find that neither the ratio of capacities of the two cylinders, nor the degree of compression of the air as as- sumed by Mr. Joule, is that which is most favorable to power un- der the given working temperature. If we make m variable, the maximum Boe occurs when al ( (t+ "jy —1T"1 a al (2y—1)r ye or a wide range of working temperatures and for a great va- riety of values of 2, m falls but little below unity. It seems to increase with 7’, and to diminish as 7 diminishes: but it is only in extreme cases ’ that it becomes less than -90, while it is usually above ‘95, and is sometimes higher than 1-00. In the present case, with 7” = 1220°-7 and /=-25, it is ‘907, and the dependent Mati will be as follows: = 967°-66 (=508°-66 F.) eats 447 as to ihe aquare inch. p=128 To compare the working under these conditions with the for- mer, in point of economy, we have to observe that the expendi- ture of heat is directly as m(t/’— 1’), and the useful effect, direct- ns ly as P. The economy will therefore be as —_——. ale) The val- ues of this expression for the two cases are as the numbers 430 and 456, nearly ; or as 1: 1-057, the condition of maximum pow- er relatively to m, being nearly 6 per cent., the most favorable to By ee with respect to /, we shall find that a max- imum occurs W * This formula i > “mien and geet to a more orm — —— page — of the last number of the Journal. may be rendered still by substituting for the symbol & ‘ the last form given) its ae =. It me becomes 4 ” MW mm P= ef a RereeH in which IT is the pressure against which the engine works, s. the working piston, m is the ratio of the supply pets to the pie Bck cylin section, fis the fractional part of th of the stroke before cut-off, and x and 1! values assigned them in the text. } In this Journal for March, 1848, (vol. v, p. 265,) we observed tha of water to hydrocyanie acid, and that water differs from oe " ; tne nds eC wit HAAS, C2Ha., (Me H) which Frankland calls hydrids of ethyl and me- thyl, as well as of his zineo-methyl C2Hs, Zn. The bodies which he regards as the alcohol radicals are still homologues.of * Précis de Chimie Organique, tom. ii, p. 495. # T. S. Hunt on the Relations of Water and Hydrogen. 197 hydrogen, the result of a complete substitution, and are (C2H:3)s ete., like benzile C2:H120.4, which is Bzz, while bitter-almond oil is Bz H. ; In the Journal for January, 1850 (vol. ix, p. 65), this is again referred to, and we remark that as water is to be regarded as the homologue of the alcohols, it follows from the principles already laid down “that the ethers are homologous with their parent acids,” a point which was illustrated by the action of the cyanic ethers with ammonia; while the volatile bases of Wurtz “sus- tain to their corresponding alcohols, the same relation that ammo- nia does to water.” In volume xiii, p. 2U6, we repeat, ‘ water is hot only the analogue, but the strict homologue of the alcohols, so that the molecule He is the equivalent (homologue) of CsHe aud its homologues, and H of ethyl and methy!; (the hypothet- ical radicals, )” The question whether these homologues of hydrogen Hz are to be regarded as the radicals of the alcohols and ethers, has been ~ discussed by Gerhardt, Hofmann, and others, but resolves itself into this; Frankland’s ethyl is to EtCl what Zua is to ZnCl, and He toH Cl; the metals, hydrogen and chlorine always pre- seit a dualism in their reactions, as marked as ethyl, kakodyl and - cyanogen, Williamson (Philos. Mag., Nov., 1850,) has made a beautiful application of Laurent’s theory of the alcohols; by the action of potassic alcohol (Et K)O2 upon hydriodic ether, iit I, he obtained I, and Et2Q:2, and by a similar process mixed ethers, such as (Et Me)Oz, eat the same time explained the theory of the ordinary ether process, as the reaction between sulphovinie acid, S2(EtH)Os, and (Et H)Oz, giving S:H2Os, and Et2O2. Mean- while Chancel, following out the same idea, aunounced almost simultaneously with Williamson, the production of hydric ether y the distillation of sulphovinate of potash with potassic alco- ol; by the reaction of oxalovinate with sulphomethylate of pot- ash, he also obtained a mixed oxalic ether C4(Et Me)Os, oxalic acid being CaH: Oc 4H+0;, was represented by (C1H»O2, H)Oz, and the anhydrid Would be (CsHsOz)202=CsH.Oo, corresponding to four vol- 198 7. S. Hunt on the Relations of Water and Hydrogen. umes of vapor. This body has been obtained by Gerhardt as well as the butyric, valeric, benzoic, and cinnamic anhydrids, be- sides mixed species analogous to the mixed ethers, such as the aceto-benzoic anhydrid, which contains the elements of one equivalent each of acetic and benzoic acids, minus H2O2. These bodies are of course neutral, and regenerate acids by assimilating the elements of water. The process by which these bodies are obtained, is very in- structive: when the perchlorid of phosphorus PCls;, or the oxy- chlorid PO2Cls acts upon a salt like the acetate of potash, a body represented by C:H:Cl Oz is obtained, which bears the same re- lation to acetic acid that hydrochloric ether does to alcohol; by the action of this acetic chlorid upon acetate of potash, chlorid of potassium and anhydrous acetic acid are produced. Alcohol C1H-Oz2 being represented as (Et H)O2, we may write the for- mula of acetic acid (Ac H)O2, (C:H:02 =Ac), while the chlorid is AcCl. This corresponds to hydrochloric or hydriodic ether, while acetate of potash (Ac K)Oz, is analogous to potassic alco- hol. The process is then similar to that by which Williamson obtained hydric ether; Ac Cl+ (Ac K)Oz =K Cl+Ac:Osz, or the anhydrous acid. ie The reaction in all these cases is, as I have pointed out in th paper before quoted, (vol. viii, p. 93) identical in essence with that between HCl and (K H)Oz, yielding an alkaline chlorid KCl, and water HzO, the prototype of all the above acids, ethers, alcohols, and anhydrids. We have there aiso. remarked that H2Oz is to be regarded asa derivative of hydrogen, Hz, and © that it is often difficult to distinguish between the types. ‘Thus, for example, the acetic chlorid might be regarded as a chlorinized aldehyde, (C1Hs,Cl)O2, belonging to the second type, while its reactions permit us to compare it with the hydrochioric ethers 0 the type Hs. It must be kept in mind that although the app rent dualism deduced from the results of chemical change, is sub- ject to but very simple variations in the elements, it is exhibited in so many different ways in the higher species, that we cannot assign an- absolute value to any hypotheses based upon thelf changes. i I have been particular in again bringing forward these views, because they now belong to the history of chemical theory; and because after having maintained them alone since 1848, av hav- ing insisted upon them in various ways in my communications to this Journal, I now find them brought forward by Williamson, Brodie and Gerhardt. This latter chemist in a paper presented t the French Academy in June, 1852, and published in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique for March, 1853, abandons those theo- ane . ries to which I long since objected, and brings forward, with 7 istaken Marcow’s Geological Map. 199 Williamson in a paper read before the British Association in July, in 1851, has expressed the same ideas with regard to the typical relations of water, and is recognized by the English edi- tor of Gmelin’s Handbook (vol. vii, pp. 17 and 201) as the au- ° thor of the theory. See also Brodie’s lecture before the Royal Institution in May, 1853, (Chemical Gazette, Aug., Ist) “On the formation of hydrogen and its homologues.” It is gratifying to find that the views which [ have so long maintained, are at last recognized by chemists, and are found pro- ductive of beautiful and important results; but it would be only just in these chemists, to have admitted the priority, by three or four years, of my own published views, anticipating the brilliant series of discoveries which have served them as the basis of their generalizations. ontreal, Dec. 20, 1853. Arr. XIX.—Notice of a Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces of North America, with Explana- tory Text, Geological Sections and Plates of the Fossils whic: characterize the formations,* by J. Marcou. Ing had been done by geologists in America :—notwithstanding the publication in this period of the Final Report on the geology New Jersey, the first Final Report on Massachusetts, the An- that from 1828 to 1839, when Murchison’s work appeared, noth- * A Geological Map of the United States and the British Provinces of North Bites, Wah ccpletriry tai veslogiea), vects 4 plates of the fossils which anat logieal sections an ates of the fossils w characterize ki enrevteert d oc ie rae , Uni ess Geologist, member of d & Lincoln. 0 the Geological Society of France, ete. etc. Boston, G & 200 Marcow’s Geological Map. nual Reports of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Michigan, 'Ten- nessee, and Maine, which gave altogether a very good general view of the Geology of a great part of the United States. On page 15, the adthor says, “Troost, Vanuxem and Eaton were also among the first to compare the American formations with those of Europe, and laid the true foundations on which all the geological maps and memoirs published on this side of the Atlantic for sixteen years, have been constructed.” Now as one example in point, Troost identified the Silurian of Tennessee with the carboniferous of Europe, and Eaton the Silurian of New York with the New Red Sandstone. Giving every due credit to these named geologists for their labors, which in many respects had insportant results, nothing is more entirely unfounded than the above quoted assertion ; what they did could not by any pos sibility have served as a foundation for maps and memoirs subse- queutly published. Mr. Vanuxem did indeed, in the division of the Cretaceous, identify that formation of New Jersey with the same in Europe; and had from the beginning a clearer idea of the age of our geological formations, as compared with Europe, than avy other geologist. — The map of Byrem Lawrence, which is next mentioned, in terms of high praise, is essentially copied from a map made Dr. D. D. Owen, and published in the Transactions of the Geo logical Society of London. e proceed to the body of ‘the work. The Lingula antiqua, our author says, “is found in New York, Michigan and Wisconsin.” We do not-know of it in Miehi- gan ;—perhaps in thesame locality with Lingula prima (Fostet and Whitney’s Report) in the Lake Superior region, where it occurs in a sandstone which Mr. Marcou further on calls the New Red Sandstone. ‘lhe last sentence in the same paragraph re on the Mississippi at much less than 1000 feet, and we do 0 know any authority for believing it greater than this. Why the thickness should depend on the more or less horizontal positio2 of the bed, is what we do not comprehend. . ae Under the Trenton Limestone, page 22, we find, “It is in this fi planet. The first division of the Lower Silurian ie Potsdam offers only a few species of animals, rarely to be found, and mostly ation.” i in a bad state of preserv Marcou’s Geological Map. 201 _ The writer appears to be ignorant of what Dr. Owen has dis- covered in these strata on the upper Mississippi, viz.: Trilobites, Corals, Crinoids, Orthis, Lingula, etc. The Lingule are in a most perfect state of preservation ; and in numbers of individuals unsurpassed in any formation of any period. The author speaks of Barrande’s labors in Bohemia, but does not seem to know that Barrande too has described a distinct fauna in these lower beds, or their equivalent in age, and. places there very properly, as do all American geologists, the first degree or stage in the “ biologic development of our planet.” The author gives, among his characteristic fossils of the Tren- ton formation, Orthoceratites communis, of Wahlenberg, and re- fers the name to a figure of Cameroceras trentonense, evidently copied from Paleontology of New York, vol. i, pl. 56, fig. 4; fossil very unlike the O. communis in every respect. Still fur- ther, he cites it as common in New York, Pennsylvania, Canada, the Mingan Islands, on the coast of Labrador, and in Newfound- land, near the straits of Belle Isle. Now the form figured is a rare ossil, known only in a few specimens found in New York. The author cites Orthis testudinaria and Verneuili, Dalm., as equally in Europe and America.” If the author has been as careless of his localities as he has been in his citations of author- ities, we can judge very well of his accuracy in this case. e O.Verneuili is one of Eichwald’s species, and the fignre in Marcou’s book is copied directly, reduced in size, from Murchison and de Verneuil’s Russia and the Ural Mountains, vol. ii, pl. 12, fig. 1; and is there cited from two localities in Russia, viz., Reval and the sland of Dago. ‘This is the first intimation of its having been found in America; and as no locality is given, we may be per- mitted to discredit it altogether. Orthis testudinaria is an abund- ant species in Europe and America. : page 23, it is asserted that most of the blue limestone in the neighborhood of Cincinnati is of the Trenton formation. This was believed ten years since. The author appears not to be aware of what has been published during the last three or four years, or he would not have made the mistake. ae Jn page 24, speaking of the Hudson river group and Utica slate, he says: “Fossils are rare in this division.” Perhaps no Portion of the palzeozoic rocks is more densely crowded with fos- Sils than this group when in an unaltered condition. In central and north New York, in “Upper Canada and Bay des Noquets,” the two latter localities cited by our author,—the fossils are ex- tremely abundant. While Mr. Marcou says the only fossils of Se rocks are Graptolites and fragments of Trilobites, it is shown in the Palezontology of New York that more than sixty Szais, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. 26 202 _ Marcou’s Geological Map. species of fossils are restricted to these beds, and more than thirty k was so named from its containing great numbers of Pentamerus galeatus, this being, with its associated shaly limestone, the only position of that fossil. Now our author makes the rock Silurian, (p. 25) and describes and figures the fossil as Devonian (p. 31). He asserts that it is ‘common to Upper Silurian and Devonian of Europe, and is in the same geo- logical position in America, but on this side of the Atlantic, it is es pecially found in the Devonian division.” Now this fossil is never found in any rocks of America included by this or any otber au thor under Devonian; nor is it true that it ocenrs in the Devo- nian of Europe. Had our author read what was published on the other side of the Atlantic as long ago as 1848, he would have known this. The author cites Upper Silurian rocks as forming ‘the upper part of the Falls of the Mississippi at Fort Snelling.” The ex- plorations of Dr. Owen and others have shown that the rock 1s the Trenton limestone; and it is underlaid by a soft, shaly and fucoidal mass representing the Birdseye limestone ; and that this rests on a sandstone belonging to the lower formations. It will eric beds of rock salt.” he italicising is ours, the statement 1st author’s. ‘ Leaving the Upper Silurian, we find under the Devonian, 4 ae a assemblage of rocks, as one or two citations will 10W. ii n page 29, our author says, ‘very fossiliferons sandstones form the first devonian beds in Pennsylvania and New York} then comes a great extent of marl and clay, presenting in certain localities quite numerous fossils ; and lastly, the whole is crowne by very deep red sandstone, especially at the Catskill mountains, . Y., at the base of the Alleghany mountains, Pa., and a Gaspé, Lower Canada.” * We know something of the rapid growth of western towns, but we cannot sup” pose that the environs of Cincinnati extend to forty or fifty miles. sites Marcou’s Geological: Map. 203 Our author here takes no notice of one of the most extensive limestone formations in the United States, which extends from the Helderberg in New York to the Niagara river at Black Rock, and thence through Canada West, and forms the higher part of Mackinac and the northern part of Michigan proper, or the lower peninsular of Michigan. The same limestone extends from northern Ohio to ‘Tennessee ; amd though elsewhere noticed, it is here omitted in the description of the successive beds or forma- tions which constitute the author’s Devonian System. Ou page 30, he says, “Since Mr. Agassiz has recognized car- boniferous fishes, and Goniatites in the black slate of Ohio, this group ought to be placed in the lower carboniferous of which it form the base.” Our author has evidently some confused idea that the position of the shales and sandstones of Ohio had heen a mooted question, aud that it has been settled as above. ‘The truth is that Prof. Agassiz has not recognized carboniferous fishes slate of Ohio; and those found in the black shale of Indiana Were not recognized by Prof. Agassiz. _Now Mackinac is a locality of Devonian limestone in part, and Yielding very few fossils. ‘he falls of the Ohio consist of Silu- "an and Devonian rocks, each yielding a good number of species. as fara hutian fossil (see page 27, and figure). Our anthor cites Spirifer pucronatus. and applies the name to two fignres, both copied from Report of New York, one of which is the true species, While the other is Spirifer macronotus, a widely distinct species, former having a narrow area and strong plications, the latter * wide area and numerons fine plications. He is equally unfor- inate in his localities, citing New York, Ohio, and ‘Tennessee. * Suspect that no other person has seen either of these from the two last named localities. Spirifer heteroclitus, Def. pl. iii, fig. 7, 7a.—F or this species put author has reduced in size two figures of Spirtfer congestus, ‘om Report 4th, Geol. District of New York, which species differs * Widely from Spirifer ‘heteroclitus, that we cannot comprehend 204 Marcou’s Geological Map. how he could have made the mistake. To make the matter worse, he cites the following I-calities in the United States: “It is very frequent at the Ohio fall, and at Charlestown Road, Indi- ana; in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.” Now the species figured is not Spirifer heteroclitus, it has not been found at either of the localities named except New York; the species found at the Ohio Fall and Charlestown Road is neither the species figured, nor is it the Spirifer heteroclitus ; though not only it, but one other species of that vicinity, resembles the Sp. heteroclitus still more strongly than the one figured: and finally, Wwe venture to say, that neither the species figured, nor either of those at the Ohio Fall or Charlestown Road, have been found in the other localities cited. , As an offset to the above, Chonetes nana, which is abundant and almost universal in rocks of this age, is cited as found only in the environs of Louisville. Our author commences his description of our carboniferous rocks by insisting upon the existence of “vast beds o and rock salt.” ormer is true of a few localities; as to the latter, one well authenticated locality only, so far as appears, fur- nishes rock salt. ; It is very remarkable that our author should have repeated the same rocks and groups under carboniferous, which have been de- scribed under Devonian, viz.: “The bituminous shale, (or black slate) and Waverly sandstone series, and the fine-grained stones of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, the black slate of Tennessee, C. ese names, it is true, are not used, since he has omutte reference to all the western states in his Synonyma of Devonian sedimentary rocks; but as will be seen, he cannot extricate him- self from this difficulty. On page 30, he thus describes the Devo- nian: “To the west it extends through the southern part of the state of New York, forms the whole contour of Lakes Erie and St. Clair,” &c. Now the extension of those rocks occupying southern New York, and along the shore of Lake Erie, to form its ‘‘ whole contour,” comes thence into Ohio, not by any identi fication or parallelism, by lithological or fossil affinities, but by absolute continuity. Yet our author describes first his Devoniat as forming the contour of Lake Erie, and afterwards represents e s, the bituminous shale and Waverly sandstones of Ohio, as carboniferons,—these very rocks themselves forming the southern contour of Lake Erie. We have thus run over the work to the 33d page, and here leave it. One point only we will notice. The sandstone of Lake Superior is classed as the New Red, notwithstanding all the labors of Logan, Owen, Foster and Whitney, and others, who have agreed in considering it lower Silurian. ” Marcou’s Geological Map. 205 We will say nothing of our author’s attempts to systematize our mountain chains; if we needed a parody on Elie de Beaumont and his systems of mountains, we have it here. j Mr. Marcou lameuts the want of accurate topographical maps, map any mountain chains, but has “ written ear the places oc- cupied by the different chains of mountains, the names of those chains.” For the same reason we suppose, or some other equally cogent, he has given no lines of States, but has written the names of the various states somewhere near the places occupied ’ by them respectively. This allows the limits of the various ge- ological formations to be laid down any where near the places they occupy, without giving the pupil or the critic the means o determining their accuracy within many miles, a device perhaps convenient for the author, but not so for the student. e map in its geology is little more than a reproduction of that published by Lyell in 1845, and in many respects it is infe- rior to that. As we have remarked respecting the text, the sand- stone of Lake Superior is represented as the New Red, or of the age of that of the Connecticut, New Jersey, &c. -But besides this, he continues a belt of the same formation across from the head of Lake Superior, by the sources of Red river to the head of the Coteau des Prairies. In that direction he again takes up the same formation in the Wind River chain of mountains. In both these instances, there is vot the slightest authority for sup- posing such belts of sandstone formation, and particularly any of the age of the New Red. Without the slightest reason or authority, and in the face of facts, he runs a belt of lower carboniferous from the coal field of Michigan to the northeastern part of the Illinois coal field, aud another from the eastern side of the Lilinois coal field to the northwestern side of the Alleghany coal field. The latter is a ~ Worse error than the former, for he positively traces it across a broad belt of Silurian rocks which are a prolongation of those to the north of Cincinnati, and which are clearly followed north- eastward to the lake shore and the islands west of Sandusky. n like manner he traces another similar belt of carbouiferous tocks to the southward of the Cincinnati axis, connecting the east and west coa! field. The idea many years since promulga- ted that the Waverly sandstone of Ohio did pass around to the South side of this elevation, was long since proved otherwise ; and no geologist for the past seven years would have ventured to republish an exploded error. The union of the coal field of Missouri and Iowa with that of Arkansas is without authority ; and so also the exteusion of lower carboniferous over so great a breadth of territory to the 206 J. D. Whitney on Algerite and Apatite. The Devonian formations, which on the map are colored ina broad belt through New York and thence narrowing westward to - Cleveland and Sandusky, are there represented as cut off by the belt of lower carboniferous, before mentioned, which runs west- ward to the Illinois coal field. Now the fact is, that the forma- tions traced through southern New York and thence to Cleveland, are absolutely and unmistakeably continuous along the western margin of the great Alleghany coal field, through Ohio and Ken- tucky, and even into Tennessee and Alabama. ’ Our author has recognized the formation about Richmond, Va. as Liasic. while the same formation in North Carolina is colored as New Red Sandstone. We do not discuss the question of the age of the New Red or Triassic of Connecticut Valley and*fur- ther south: we only say here that there is no reason whatever for regarding that of North Carolina as differing in age from that of the Richmond basin. There are other errors with regard to regions less known, as, for example, that of extending the cretaceous area to the east side of the Missouri for several hundred miles above Council. Bluffs; and-of terminating the same formation on the northwest more than a hundred miles short of its known limits. But these are excusable, compared with many points we have passed in review. . Arr. XX.—On the Chemical Composition of the minerals Al- gerite and Apatite; by J. D. Wuitne é 1. Algerite. Iv the Journal of the Boston Natural History Society (vol. ¥), p. 118) an account of the analysis by T. S. Hunt of a supposed new mineral, to which he has given the name of Algerile, will be found. Another analysis of the same substance by Mr. R. Crossley has been published (see Am. Jour. Science, [2], x; 77): Having been furnished’ by F. Alger, Esq. with specimens of this mineral, I have made an examination and analysis of it, the results of which appear to be of interest in their relation to a0 important branch of mineralogical chemistry, hitherto much neg- lected, but which has received a new impulse from the laborious and interesting researches of G. Bischof. The first light thrown upon the real nature of this supposed new mineral species, was by J. D. Dana, who was struck by the evident altered appearance of the specimens examined by him, and published the following remarks (Am. Jour. Sci. [2], ¥¥ 440): “Lam satisfied that the form of the crystals is a sqva7e prism. In external appearance they would not be distinguished J. D. Whitney on Algerite and Apatite. 207 from scapolite, and this naturally suggests some relation to this Species.” The results which | have obtained in my examination -of Algerite seem to sustain the opinion of Dana, and it appears highly probable that this is an altered mineral, and also, as sug- gested above by Dana, a scapolite of the Wernerite variety. On the first examination of this substance it seems evident that it is a mineral in the progress of decomposition. In some of the specimens the crystals have been wholly removed from the mat- rix, or only a trace of a brownish yellow powder left remaining. Their hardness varies from 2:5 or 3 to 3.5 or 4 A comparison, of the results of the analyses of Messrs. Hunt and Crossley will show that the discordances are too great to be explained on the ground of errors of analysis. My own analysis differs still more from theirs, than they do from each other, and though time and material were wanting to enable me to make as accurate a determination of some of the ingredients as I could have wished, yet it seems, at least, sufficient to settle the ques- tion of the claim of this substance to rauk as a distinct species. _ In noticing Hunt’s analysis it will be seen at once that the ra- tio of the oxygen of the silica and bases caunot be expressed by any approximate simple numbers; so, also, in Mr. Crossley’s, the latio of the oxygen of 4i, #, R &H is given as 7:3: 1:1; while itis really 7-05 : 3-22 : 1:22: 1. : For convenience of comparison, the results of these two anal- yses are here given, side by side: Hunt. Crossley. Plies iis 5 ioych evkeme 2) MOOR ce 2051-4006 Mehing, Gc 8- Oe REDE ee REM Peroxyd of iron, - 1°85 - 1-48 Megicnit ia) i 5 40) eB eee BAB Potash and traces of soda, 1021 potash, 9°97 Carbonate of lime, - 3:94 - 4-21 Wate, = - BY cas: aOR 99:45 100-27 The results of my examinations are as follows ried ; Before the blowpipe it blackens a little and soon fuses, intu- mescing considerably, giving a colorless glass, and glowing with 4 Vivid light. ) A small quantity of the mineral, selected with care as being he least altered in character, was ignited in small fragments, and st 6°20 per cent. of water; another portion, which had the ap- Pearance of being more decomposed, lost, under the same treat- ment 668 per cent. The pulverized mineral was found to be Mody t i ications were made two years since, and tat the Publiention of| Riel Mies hot dela fod in the hope of an opportunity to farther examinations. * 208 J.D. Whitney on Algeriie and Apatite. very little acted on by chlorohydrie acid, even when digested with it fora long time. The acid however took up a small por tion of lime which was intimately disseminated through the min- eral in the form of a carbonate. After the ignition it was no- ticed that portions of the ignited mineral remained nearly unal- - tered in appearance, while the larger part acquired a brick-red color, and on examination with the microscope was seen to coll tain silvery white scales, apparently of mica. As only a small quantity could be used for analysis, the results can be relied on only as approximately correct. ‘They are as follows : . Silica, - - - - - - 52:09 Alumina, and a little Pe, —- - - 18-63 Phosphate of lime, - - - . 8-22 Carbonate of lime, - - - - 4-41 ater, - - - - - - 6:68 Loss, potash and soda? wichita - 9:97 100-00 The difficulty of reconciling this analysis with either of those cited above, on the hypothesis of the algerite being a mineral of a fized composition, will be apparent. Several specimens were examined and all were found to contain phosphate of lime. — _ Scapolite is, of all others, a mineral which seems most liable to metamorphosis. Numerous examples of this will be found in Bischof’s “ Lehrbuch der chemischen und physikalischen Geolo- gie” (ii, 403, 1433, &c.). It is proved by the analysis of a mica in the form of scapolite (from Arendal) that all the lime of this mineral may be removed and a part replaced by potash. It is proved by numerous analyses that a portion of the lime may main in combination with carbonic acid. It is also demonstrated that the lime may be exchanged for magnesia so as to give ris o a magnésian mica; also that the entire mass may be ¢0P verted into steatite, or a hydrous silicate of magnesia. My analy- sis shows in addition to these facts, that in the process of mela morphosis a part of the lime may enter into combination with phosphoric acid. i is iuteresting to notice, in this connection, the analyses by Messrs. Brewer and Garrett of a substance V similar in composition to the Algerite, and also evidently 0 a tered scapolite, which are published in Dana’s Mineralogy, uh edition, p. 680. So much is evident, that the Algerite is not a homogeneous mineral and cannot claim to rank as a distinct species; and vat highly probable that it adds one to the already numerous list the products of the transformation of the scapolite family- Fur ther analyses of specimerts from this locality, if such can be ob- tained, will throw more light on this interesting subject. . - J. D. Whitney on Algerite and Apatite. . 209 2. Apatite. The theoretical composition of apatite according to the latest a weights (Ca=250, C]=443:3, P=400, F=235-4) is as ollows : Ca C - Oa Ca Cl Ga? B Chlorine Apatite, 3°82 677 4127 4814; or 1059 89°41 Ca Fl p Oa Ca Fl 6a? Fluorine Apatite, 3°94 872 42°62 49°72; or 766 92°34 There has been a good deal of discussion as to whether the formula proposed by G. Rose was borne out by the analyses. Rammelsberg analyzed the fine crystallized apatite from the Zil- lerthal,* and endeavored to make a direct determination of the uorine. He only succeeded in obtaining about one-fourth of edges, of the phosphoric acid was effected by mercury, according to Rose’s process; in the other the lime was separated by means of Sulphuric acid and alcohol. The results were : co IL. Insoluble, - a - 029 =«- 0:25 uime, as (ee60 = B83, Phosphoric acid, - - 4328 - 43°17 Chlorine, a - “ - 1:02 mee ACE. es trace * Ramm. 2d Supp, p.15. + Pogg. 84,308. + Inaugural Dissertation, p. 44. Stoonp Sunies, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. oe 210 _ SJ. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. These results give on calculation : Ca? oe si Ca Fl I. 93-77 3-04 Il. 93°54 15 8 02 The analyses agree well together, fii give too small a quan- tity of chlorid and fluorid of calcium. at Arr. XXI. ra wpiasions to Chemical Mineralogy ; by James D. Dana.—Part IL. 1. Relations of Anhydrous Carbonates and Sulphaies. Te Carbonates that come under the general formula 8 6, and the Salphades RS, present each a case of trimorphism : and a third example of similar character is ort in the coma of Sulphates and Carbonates (RS4nRC). These cases are as follows; the angles given are R: R in the rhombodedral forms, and I: I (oo P) in the Amory — Rhombohedral. Monoclinic (basal cleavage). Calcite, GaG; 105° 05’ Pras res 116° 10’ nee ferent (Ca, Ba) 6; { Anglesite, PbS; 108° 88”) Dreelite,(Ca,Ba)S; 93-94° { Anhydrite, Pe srs - ’ Glauberite, (Ca, Na)5; 83° Barytes, Ba 8; soe PbS+3hv6; — a Pb S4aPb0, ae Lanett: PoS+Pbd © nd nd There is a sihuokcabe cuales between ss sulphates @ carbonates. ‘The difference between the angle of Atragenias® ” Calcite is about Ll degrees; between Calcite and Barytoca 10 degrees. Nearly parallel with this, the angle in Anglesite Avhydrite is about 10 degrees larger than that in Dreelite, and that of Dreelite is 10 degrees larger than that of Glauberite. The sul phatocarbonates correspond with the sulphates ieee in angle, and confirm this parallelism. Susannite and Dreelite 4 nearly the same in angle; so also Leadhillite and 1 and Lanarkite and Glauberite.* It hence follows that the homologous prisms in er and Anglesite are the prisms, above mentioned, of 116° W angle of Susannite mentioned iy Haidingtr is that of oR, Brooke - Miller give Leadhilit another position which makes the angle I: 1 ‘It is pret rg oe his is not the posi position, from the fact that the 4 with he carbonate and sulphate of lead, or ident ition, one posts ot! uch larger than that of th nate ther pos g 1% as I, we have I © 16’, or An This view pest) 1 taking 17 as ; or near Anglesite. by — of Susannite (which is identical with Leadhillite in compos" Lanarkite, according to measuremen R. P. Greg, Esq., recently Cag i cated to the writer, the oceurring vertical ee Bagh! has the front angle 49° 50’; a” this being taken as the prism i2 (x P’2), makes I: 1= 85° 48’, as above state J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 211 103° 38’; and the carbonate and sulphate series differ fundament- ally by 10 to 15 degrees. Hausmann therefore cannot be right in making the carbonates and sulphates homceomorphons; by assum- ing a different prism in Anglesite (one usually taken as a horizon- tal prism) as the fundamental vertical prism; the alleged homeo- morphism was based on a comparison of parts nob hanolegsth and does not exist. This conclusion also follows from the fact that the common hexagonal and 6-rayed twins of Arragonite and Cerusite, arising from the nearness of the angle of the prism to , hever occur in the sulphates, showing that the angle of the fundamental prism is not near 120°, 2. Homeomorphism of Beryl, Pyrosmalite, Dioptase, and Eudialyte. s 0:1 :2 “Beryl, (Be, AlSiz 150° 3’ 180° 57’ Pyrosmalite, 4( ie, eye Bir re or [+Pe fe « . 148° 30" 129° 8” Eudialyte, R* Si? Zr 148° 38’ ~—-129° 21” Dioptase, Gu? Sis fit : : 148° 38” 129° 21/ 0 is the basal or terminal sthie} in cack and tis 1P. In Diop- tase it is a cleavage plane (1R), and in Budialyte, althongh usu- ally designated 4B it is also a direction of cleavage, though im- perfect cleavage, and should be taken as 1 ith the above group, the foliage a may also be seca Cinnabar, Hg S, or 36’) O : $=146° 32/ O : 1=127° 067 Quartz, $i, (R=94° 15’) O : $=147° 85! 0: ean die 13! Dreelite, (Ca, Ba) §, omen ) Susannite, Pb §+3hb 6, (R=94°) 0: 4=147° 26’ O : 1==128° 03/ It is possible that the plane 4 in Cinnabar and Quartz may be homologous with that of Lin Dioptase or Beryl. With regard to Quariz or Dreelite, there is the objection to this view that they do not correspond with Dioptase in cleavage. ‘Taking them as here designated, the vertical axis in each is twice that of Ber yl. Chabazite also is near quartz in angle. 3 Homeomorphism of Pyrrhotine (Magnetic Pyrites ae Green- an ochite, Breithauptite, Copper Nickel, Nepheline, oe yt rinile. Pyrrhotine, Fe7 Ss; FeS? QO: 1==185° 16’ O :4=158°? 39° - Greenockite, Cas, O :1==136° 24/ O : $=154° 82’ Breithauptite, Ni Sb, O : 1==135° 15’ O : 4=158° 38’ pper Nickel, Ni As, O : 1=5136° 35/ O : 4==154° 41’ Nepheline, (Na, K)? Si-2%1 Si 0 : 1=136° O: J=154° 13} ochre and Nepheline are nearly identical in poe'* — ‘ =< ae from the allied species; O: 159° 10, 8 : inlay ond O ; 3 in either of the above. The expressions here used for the planes are essentially those of Naumann, ct mere ‘edhe P is ropped. In the monoclinic system the clino- forms are ie Gitingeiahed by by a gfave accent (°). 212 = J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. These species have O:1 nearly coincident with O:2-2 in beryl (2-2, or 2P2 being a plane on the basal angle of the hexag- onal prism). Hence if the series of planes on the angles in Ne- pheline and others of this group is homologous with that on the edges in Beryl, the two groups would be properly united. But there is no good reason for this supposition. Taking the planes” as presented, the vertical axis in the Beryl group is to that in the y 4 ~~ Nepheline as v5: 4. 4. Homaomorphism of Willemite, Phenacite, and the species of the Corundum Group. y Weainliet 2008 Bh eh ie Oe, on gt Phenacite, Be Si - Ri ees “ a R=116° 40’ These angles are the angles of $R in the Corundum Group, and may be reasonably taken as of 4R in Willemite and Phena- cite. 3:4 in Specular Iron=115° 22’, Oxyd of Zinc (Zn) 18 shown by G. Rose (Kryst.-Chem., p. 64) to have the form essen- tially of Corundum ; and water (If) is probably of this group. Corundum has for O : R, 122° 26’, being 4° 40’ less than in Cin- nabar, and nearly 6° less than in Quartz. 5. Homaomorphism of Apophyllite, Nagyagite, Uranite, Ana- tase, Matlockite. These species have a more or less perfect basal cleavage. Ost Apophyllite, (Ca, K)SitoH — - - “ 119° 30° Nagyagite, (Pb, Au) (Te, 8)? ne ee - 118° 37’ Uranite, Oa B+ 82 Bie - - - 118° 35’ 5 natase, Ti - - . - és 119° 99° Matlockite, Pb Ci+-Pb O - - - 119° 34” Hausmannite (Mn ¥n) is stated to be homceomorphous with Anatase ; its angles diverge more widely than the others from the type, O: 1 giving 121° 3’. It is intermediate between this grouP and the Idocrase series. Calomel has 0: 1=119° 51’. But = cleavage is not basal. : The Zircon group, which includes Zircon, Rutile, Cassiler ite, Eirsiedite, have the vertical axis twice that of the grouP above. O: 1 in Zircon=137° 50’, and O : 2=118° 54’. eagied if the plane 1 in the Apophyllite series may be taken as 2, ¥ groups come together. it may be of the Zircon type. O:1 in Scapolite is 148° 20’; — So that if the prism of most perfect cleavage in Scapolite be taken as the fundamental prism, and 4P o becomes 4P, the tw? angles. . eae J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 213 6. Homeomorphism of Romeine, Idocrase, Cerasine, Chiolite, Braunite. The species have no basal cleavage. Romeine, rea Sb) Sb - - O : 1=124° 05/-124° 35” Idocrase, R® Si+-# Si : - O : 1(2)=128° Cerasine, Fi Cl+Pb - - O : 1=123° 067 Chiolite, 3Na F-+2Al? FF - - OF T==i287 17” Braunite, Mn* - - O : 1=125° 40’ ied plane in Idocrase here taken as 1 is usually made the plane The Scheelite series may be related both to the Apophyllite and Idocrase series. In Scheelite (Ga W), O: 1¢=123° 59; in Scheeletine. (Pb W), 122° 33’; in Wulfenite (Pb Mo), 122° 26 ; in Fergusonite ((¥, Ge)« Ta), 124° 20’. But if the planes 1¢ are not homologous with 1 in Apophyllite, and the planes usually given as 1 should be retained so, then the angles O:1 are be- tween 114° and 116°. In Scheelite, both 1 and 1¢ correspond to cleavages, and the formér is most distinct, while the latter is a plane of . ‘twin-com position. 7. Homeomorphism of Sylvanite, Mispickel. Srlvanite (Ag, Au)Te? =1108 46) (B.d&:M) 0: 9%==148° 34’ pickel, Fe (S, As y: i=i1 O: 4%=148° 56’ * Volger i in his Studien zur eo oa = eae oe Zurich, 1854, p. 421, in an oy sire ae er on mangan nite an altered mineral with the € original composit prc si me a poo omceomorphism with tin ore a and wattle “i ee angles however are rather remote for such a conclusion, much nearer those of *‘docrase, We have evidence in the dimor- of idoer net in connectian with the dimorphism o oO e men and the pr yds and peroxyds, that a monometric = a rhombo — rd = ° to 8 d a dimetric with the form of id y be he three forms of a orph, and — it seems possible that a peroxyd (4) may have an idocrase Beg Idocrase, as explained beyond, may be viewed as consisting of peroxyds R8, # Si, each containing of oxyge me dusmannite is suppose a by Volger (p. 414) to be homologous in composition With anatase; and Polianite ( (p. 403) ‘which bea ay Géthite in its angles and af- Mn on analysis the composition © ite, Mn, is supposed to be an altered in H, rendered envi tg by the fisener Manganite, which is generally con- sidered #n H, is regarded by him as probably Mn Hi? and “i pt tl ie with an- ite (Be 2) The “wis undoubted bacty ea of the mange ores are liable to alterations by eo ation and om r losing water, so that ook or eet a are yet few in makes Brookite homemomorphous with Guth ‘doe cit., p. 483 and 500). But the resemblance is not close. In Brookite I: ft =99° 5 —100° 30’, and that Brookit not trimorphous. Sagenite, or acicular rutile in Quartz, he endeavors to ct citer Brookite or cram hs of Rutile after Brookite. Brookite is closely homceomorphous with Columbite. as shown by the wri writer in this volume, page 86. 214 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 8. Homeomorphism of Andalusite, Topaz, Staurotide. _ T: Tin Staurotide is 128° 42’, in Topaz 124° 19’, and in An- dalusite (taking #2 as I), 127°. 28. Compared with Topaz, the plane 17 (Px ) of Staurotide is 37, and the plane 17 in Andalusite is 27. The axes in this view are as follows: Topaz, (Al® Sit. F replacing some O) — a: b : c==0'8989 : 1: 18931 Andalusite, (AI? Si?) a:b: c=0°9487 : 1 : 20268 Staurotide, (Al? Si) a:b: c=0-9652 : 1°: 20825 The species Lievrite has some relations to this group: the prism I, referred to the above type, would be ¢. 9. Discrasite, Witherite, Aragonite, ete. Discrasite, Ag? Sb I=119° 59’ O : 13==130° 41’ Witherite, Ba 6 I=118° 30’ Aragonite, Ca G I=116° 10’ O : 17=180° 50’ ; 10. Augite and Wollastonite. . In volume xv, [2], page 449 of this Journal, the author pointed out the fact that Wollastonite, by a change of position from that ordinarily taken, and one fully authorized, had nearly the angles of Augite, as follows: Augite, (Mg, Ga)® Si? Es 287 5? O : 22==131° 17’ C=73° 597 Wollastonite, Ca? Si? I: I=87° 28’ O: 2i==137° 48’ C=69° 4a’ The main difference is in the less length and greater obliquity of the vertical axis in Wollastonite, and in the cleavage. The axes are: Augite, - : : : @:b :c=05412 : 1: 091846 Wollastonite, = - - ~ a:b: e=04838 21: 089789 . ‘ It may be of some interest to observe, that the angle I: I in the Augite series is near the rhombohedral angle of the Corun- dum series, which varies from 84° to 88°. 11. Pyrolusite and Gthite not closely homeomorphous. The angle I: I of Pyrolusite =93° 40’, and is near the corres- ponding angle of Gothite and Diaspore. But O: 42 in Pyrolus site is 160°, which gives 143° 57’ for O: 13, and this differs 5 from the same angle in Gothite. 12. Homeomorphism of Monazite, Lazulite. Monazite (Ge, fa,th)® (I); Wagnerite Mg*P+MgF (11); Lat ulite (R+A1)B4+H? (IIL). L 1:T=98° 10’; C=76° 14’; O: 101389 87 ..+. a:b :¢ == 0.94715 5 1: 10269 IL I:1==95° 95/; C=63° 957; O:11=146° 3’.-.a:b:e = 07401 21: 09881 TIT. 1: 1=919 80’; C=88° 15’; O:17==139° 45’. a:b:¢ = 086904: 1: 10260 The inclination of the vertical axis (angle C) varies widely; and consequently O on the clinodiagonal prism 1i(P/ «) J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 215 much. But excepting Wagnerite, the relations between the axes are close. In Wagnerite the plane w (see Brooke and Miller) is taken as the basal plane O. ~ A In Triphyline 1:1 = 94°; but the approximation to the others in the value of the vertical axis is not very close, even if the prism be oblique. ‘The author has before shown that Crocoisite is homceeomorphous with monazite. he Monazite and Apatite series are mutually dimorphous. 13. Datholite and Euclase. The following figures of crystals of Datholite present some planes hitherto unobserved. Fi 1. land 2 are from Roaring Brook, Connecticut, and 3 and 4 from . Isle Royale, Lake Superior. Fig. 2 presents only a lateral por- tion of a crystal which in most respects resembles figure 1. A tratisparent crystal from this lo- tality afforded for I : I, 115° 12’ giving by calculation 73:73 76° 8’. The plane O and all the others are highly polished, ex- Cepting sometimes 82, 72, and usually s; s replaces edge I: 23; and as its intersections with 63 and 4 are not parallel, nor is the intersection with 63 parallel to_ . that of 63 and 6%, it is probable the plane is 'y - }. The angles of 188 are X= 139° 25, Y=57° 8, Z=141° 32. The minute plane ¢, figure 4, gives 4. 4. ®pproximately © : ¢ = 140°—142°, é@: ¢= 109° 30’, whence *t=1419, which are near the angles of plane 22; but the inter- Sections of ¢ with 2 and 2% are not parallel, although those with and 43 are parallel. From the last parallelism m =4n-—(2 +2). 216 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. Datholite, as Brooke and Miller show, is trimetric and hemihe- _ dral, instead of monoclinic, its hemihedral character giving ita monoclinic aspect. Still it is hom@omorphous with Euclase. In Euclase, I: I=114° 50’; and a: b : c=0-4894: 1: 1-477. In Datholite, l: 1=115° 26-12’); a: b: e=0-5: 1: 1:6829. In each, the axes are very nearly as 1: 2: 3. The homeomorphism of Sphene and Euclase is shown by the author in this Journal, vol. xvi, [2], p. 96. 14. Isodimorphism of Tourmaline and Calcite. In the last number of this Journal, the author has written for the formula of Tourmaline, (R*,#, 8): Si*, (which is equivalent to (R*, #, B) Siz.) ie ot da The species Euclase is known to have the formula (41, Be)! Si. The analogy in these formulas of Tourmaline and Euclase will be observed. And if an analogy in crystallization existed, we should have thereby good evidence that the formula of Tour- maline was right in fact and also in principle. / Tourmaline and Calcite are closely homceomorphous, as was sometime since suggested to the writer by Mr. T. S. Hunt. fed rhombohedron 2R of Tourmaline has the angle 103°, near 105 °5 of Calcite. The planes 2R are as highly polished as R, and " sometimes more highly so; and there is no reason in cleavage oF called R (giving the angle 133°8) / become $R, analogous to the com- mon nail-head form in Calcite. No objection therefore exists to the ho- mcomorphism of these species. The annexed figure presents a new form of Tourmaline, from Hunterstown, Canada East, for the privilege of study- : ing which the writer is indebted to Mr. Hunt. It is of arich dark-brown color and transparent, nA uring two-thirds of an inch across. It is lettered to correspoD with the above views, the plane 6. Me usually called 2R being made R. Calcite and Barytocalcite are i well known to be mutual di- =) pee = J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 217 changing the lettering of the former. They represent crystals » of the species, seen in profile. A‘resemblance is apparent ata glance ; besides, f: f (over edge nm) of Euclase = 106°; I: I (over tt) Barytocalcite = 106° 54’. In Barytocalcite I,1 are cleavage plaues, and so also the plane O; and making I, I the sides of the fundamental prism and O, the base, the planes are as let- tered in the figure. The plane in Euclase corresponding to O 0 Barytocalcite, would be ¢. Taking ¢ as O, and f for the com- parison as I, the axes of the two species are as follows: Euclase, I=106° a:b: c=0'83892 : 1: 182674 C=106° 8’ Barytocaleite, I=106° 54’ a:b: c=0-81035 : 1: 129583 C=88° 46’ In this view, r, u, i are the clinodiagonal prisms i, 3i, 47; the plane s =4-4, k=1-3, 9, a plane between s and k, mentioned by Brooke and Miller, is the plane 1, or belongs to the funda- mental octahedron, having for the angle X, 128° 48’. emembering how Auhydrite diverges from the other sulphates RS in angles and cleavage, and Wollastonite, another lime species from Augite in the same particulars, and also noting the differ- ence in angle between Tourmaline and Calcite, it will be admit- ted that the homceomorphism is close Since then, calcite and tourmaline are homa@omorphous, and also barytocalcite and euclase, tourmaline and euclase are mutual dimorphs as well as calcite and barytocalcite ; and, moreover, ourmaline and Calcite are isodimorphous. Hence the formula of Tourmaline, analogous with that of Eu- clase is the right one; and condensation in writing formulas is apparently the correct method, in place of the hypothetical sub- division adopted by Hermann, and others. i ld he Laurent School in France is obviously right in making the protoxyds and peroxyds replace one another, the parts equiv- alent being those having the same number of atoms of oxygen. The principle is sustained by the homeomorphism of Willemite and Phenacite, %n* Si and BeSi; or if Be be written Be’, other cases show the mutual replacement of Be® and 1 It is exempli- fied in Augite and Spodumene, the former 2? Si, the latter (R’, #)Si*; and also in many other species. 15. Observations on the formulas and relations of some species. _ Luclase, Datholite, and Sphene.—The formulas are as follows, M accordance with the above principles. i ie ee £ lase, . 3 i : (4414-38e) Si? =‘%) Si Datholite, adopting th iew, and making 3H Mie ws replace eerie anor desory, haethe eeacds, - (¢R44B) Si =k, B) om Or if 8H replace 80a, it becomes, - - (@R*+4B) Stas, B)8i | 4 - * a - . (€a+Ti) Sita sit Szconp Szares, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. - 98 218 J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. In Sphene there are 3 of oxygen within the brackets as in the other species. The usual formula is 2¢aSi+Ga'tis. But the rela- tion in form to Euclase sustains the above mode of writing it. (Ca+Ti) Si? is equivalent to (#) sit, since R=RO+RO?; so that sphene is essentially a silicate of the common form, or of iin which partof #iis replaced by Ca. Some chemists write for the ses- quioxyd Brannite Mo+Mn, and others adopt the same form for other sesquioxyds, denying the existence of a proper sesquioxyd. re are but few anhydrous silicates, in which the bases ex- ceed the silica in oxygen. These are Sillimanite, Kyanite, An- dalusite, Topaz, Staurotide, with Tourmaline, Euclase and Sphene. Andalusite, Topaz and Kyanite, have the same formula mst; in Sillimanite we have both &18i*, and i ai; and in Stau- rotide, home@omorphous with topaz and andalusite, * ai’, Hence the ratio of silica varies in the same species from 3 to # (and per- haps to 1) and in the same homeeomorphous group, from 3 to 3. The formulas of Euclase, Datholite and Sphene, are therefore essentially of one type. And if this be true, then ‘Bei (under which.we include (R*,# or B)Si") is trimorphous. (1.) Triclinic in Kyanite and Sillimanite ; (2.) monoclinic in Sphene, ete; (3.) érimetric in Andalusite, Topaz. G. Rose considers Kyanite and Sillimanite distinct in form. But the angles of Sillimanite observed are too doubtful to enable us to decide upon this point, Beryl and Eudialyte.—These species are shown to be closely homeomorphous on page 211. The formula of Beryl is (4Be+3%1) 8i?; that of Endialyte, (§R?+}2r) Sit. We also add that Pyrosmalite and Dioptase have the ratio 1:2, if the water and also the chlorid in the former be excluded. Groups of Anhydrous Silicates among minerals. —Making the ratio between the oxygen of all the bases, and that of the silica of fundamental value, the anhydrous silicates among minerals — into i groups, presenting the ratios 1:3, 1:2, 1: 12, 21, 1:($-—3 -3. ips I. Ratio 1:3. This includes Edelforsite, Ca Si, and Mancinile, Zn Si, both species of somewhat doubtful existence. IL Ratio 1:2. Includes Wollastonite, Augite, Spodumene, Wichtyne, Beryl, Eudialyte. a Iif, Ratio 1:14. Includes Eulytine, Bis Si*. 1V. Ratio 1:1. Includes—_ 1. Trimetric, _ Chrysolite, ete. R3 i Tephroite, Mn3Si 2. Hexagonal. .Phenacite, Bei Willemite, 225i _ J. D. Dana’s Mineralogical Contributions. 219 3, Monometric. Garnet, ($2343) Si Helvin, (2R344Be) Sit Pyrope, (i83+28)Si in which R=Mn, Fe, Mn S, 4. Dimetrie. Zircon, Br Si Meionite, (3023-541) Si Idocrase, ($R3-+48) Si Seapolite, (2R3-+42Al) Si « (283428) Si Mellilite, (¢R3-+4#) Si Sareolite, (4R3-+4Al) Si 5. Monoclinic. Epidote, (483-4333) $i | Zoisite, (3-124) Si (283428) Si Gadolinite, 82 Si Allanite, (4R2+38) Si 6 Triclinic. Danburite, ({0a3-+28)5i Axinite, (83, 8, B) Si V. Ratio 1: 3(to 3-4). Includes—Tviclinie, Kyanite, Sil- limanite; Monoclinic, Euclase and Sphene; Trimetric, Anda- lusite, Topaz, Staurotide, and perhaps Lievrite; Dimetric, Geh- lenite; Hexavonal, Tourmaliue. From the Formulas of Datholite, Tourmaline, Axinite, Dan- burite; it follows that these are not borosi/icates, the boracic acid being a buse. It is a general fact that all mineral species con- taining boracic acid are either hemihedral or oblique in erys- tallization. The Feldspars and some other species do not appear at first to come into this system, unless the alumina and silica are consid- red as replacing one another, and on this ground, any ratio be- tween 1:1 and 1:3 may be made ont. ‘he constaucy of the Oxygen ratio of R to # (=1:3) in the feldspars, seems to pre- clude our taking such a liberty with the Aland Si. ‘The follow- ing are the species, their oxygen ratios, old formulas, and the formulas proposed. : Oxygen ratio. Old formula. Formulas. 1. Monoclinic. Orthoclase, 1:3:13 kK Si+Al Sis (K+) Sit 2. Trictinie, Albite, 1:3:12 Na Si+-A1Si3 (Na+) Si Oligoclase, 1:3: 9 RSitAISi2 (B+!) Sit Andesine, 1:3: 8 re Sie+sai sie (Rai) Sis Labradorite, 1:3: 6 R Si+A1 Si (R+-A) Bia Anorthite, 1:3: 4 Rs 'Si+3Al Si (R+A1) Sis The following species also belong to the section, as they have the same ratio 1:3 for the protoxyds and peroxyds; Leucite has the composition of andesite ; and sodalite, etc., that of anorthite. - \,* The formula of Helvin, as written by G. Rose, is (Min, Fe)* Sit+Be Si+MnS MnO. “But we conform as closely to the analyses, if we add 30-74MnS, ‘wh At becomes as above written, or (3 (48+4Mns)?+4Be) Si = Silica 345, glucina egg of manganese (part Fe in the analysis) 398, sulphuret of manga- ‘Rese 16-3, je 220 | J.D. Dana's Mineralogical Contributions. — - Oxygen ratio. Old formula. algae 8. Monometric. Leucite, 1:3:8 K3 Si2+341 Si2 (K++) Sis - = eo. = 2. Ww o- 4 1 Sodalite,1:3:4 Na3 S$i+341Si+NaCl (Na+) Si3[+pNa ll rs eS ae Hauyne, 1:3:4 Nas S$itskSiteCaS (Na+) Sisp+gaS Rg te . | eee Nosean, 1:3:4 Nas SitsAlSi-NaS (Na+aAi)Sie[+pNad Lazulite. =" ‘esi ied 4, Dimetric. Nepheline,1:3:4 R2 Sit+-2A1 Si (Na+X))Si2 ne er eee Cancrinite, 1:3:44 R2 Si,2A1 8i+ RG (Na+) Siz 4gR6 The formulas of the feldspars in the last column, show what is equally plain in the oxygen ratios, that the species differ in the amount of silica, and this is the great essential difference. It is least in anorthite; and from this species it increases to 4Si 1n al- bite or orthoclase. This increase takes place without any change of crystallization, there being only very small variations in the angles. In anorthite, the oxygen ratio for the bases and silica is 1:1; and as anorthite is common in good crystallization, and is every way a well characterized species, it shows us that 1 of oxygen of the silica to 1 for the bases is all that the feldspar type requires. Moreover, the relation of the species to Scapolite, which has the ratio 1: 1, also favors this view. Hence 1:1 may be considered the ¢ype-ratio, upon which, variations take place according to definite proportions. When silica abounds 10 the rock material in process of crystallization, and the other ingredi- ents are at hand, the species holding the largest proportions of silica would be formed. : The isomorphism of Sodalite, Hauyne, and Nosean, and di- morphism with Anorthite, parallel with the dimorphism of Leucite and Andesine, show that the ratio 1: 3:4, is their type ratio. modifying the form, and although chemically included, are wnes- sential to the type. ‘The same is true of RG in Cancrinite, which has the crystallization of Nepheline. The facts above exhibited appear to show that a type admits of some variation in the amount of silica without changing the character of the species. In Meionite, having the ratio of 1 122% the scapolite type is exhibited ; and Bischof and Rose take this as the only ratio of the species. But the ratio 1 : 2: 4 appears be required by most analyses of Scapolite, in which there 3§ ” addition to the silica. In the same manner R25i2, with an ad tion of 485i, becomes Hornblende.* oa Among the feldspars, Andesine and Leucite have essentially ~ oxygen ratio of Angite,1+3:8=1:2, and the formula mig * The amount of silica p t may be on e leading to the formation of Hort- blende in place of Augite. But in pseudomorphic changes, the same proportion® ey of the bases, or an addition of magnesi@ may result, by a removal of Bium and Bischof have suggest: Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. 221 be written (}R*+3) Sic. Moreover, oligoclase has similarly the oxygen ratio of Hornblende = (4R*+38) Sif, Hence we may look upon Leucite, and Andesine, with Pyroxene; as in a certain sense trimorphous. Still, their relation to the feldspar series is such that they are naturally classed with the other feldspars. The zeolites, if the water be excluded, have the oxygen ratios of the feldspar-section, as shown in the following table; the oxy- gen of the water in the zeolites is annexed to the name of the Species :— Oxygen ratio. Feldspars. Zeolites. RE Bi 1:3:4 Sodalite, Anorthite, Ittnerite (2), Thomsonite (24). 1:38:44 Nepheline, - Zeagonite 4 1:3:6 Labradorite, Levyne (4), Natrolite (2), Scolecite (8). . 1:3:8 Leucite, Andesine, Analcime (2), Chabazite (6 or 5). Philippsite (5), Laumonite (4). P3879 Oligoclase, Harmotome (5), Chabazite (6). £e3:12 Orthoclase, Albite, Heulandite (5), Brewsterite (5). : Stilbite (6 or 5), Epistilbite (5). Some of the species are correspondingly isomorphous with feldspar species, as Analcime with Leucite, Ittnerite with So- dalite; and the ratio 1: 3:12 produces oblique forms in both series. But we do not intend to draw a general parallelism, as the water whatever its relations, must in some cases modify the ratios. But as regards the origin of the species, the table is an interesting one. Bischof remarks on the identity in the ratio be- tween the oxygen of the. bases and silica in chabazite and that of Hornblende, and thereby explains the occurrence of pseudo- morphs of chabazite after hornblende. Pyrrhotine (Fe7S*) and Greenockite (Cd S).—As Pyrrhotine and Greenockite are homeomorphous, they are naturally arranged in the same group, although the former has a little too much sulphur. The formula 5Fe S+F'e? S*, may perhaps be written FeS [+1Fe? S*], the latter term being unessential to the type. — Art. XXI1.—On Microscopes with large Angles of Aperture ; by Dr. E. D. Norru. si y ; “5m the whole diameter of the front lens receives a pencil of rays tom each minntest point of the object, and that, consequently, €n these pencils from each point are large, more light is re- re oe e points separately as well as from the entire object, 222 Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. * But it may perhaps be supposed from this reasoning, that if we throw a greater quantity of light upon an object, so that more may be collected by the object-glass, we shall be better able to — define a structure ; which would probably be the case if the ad- ditional light could be thrown only upon those minute parts of the object which we wish to examine, and not upon the whole object. But as we cannot do this, as the increase of illumination caunot be made to increase the relative proportions of light which proceed from those minute parts, the intended advantage will not be derived.” This paragraph involves implications directly opposite to some , of the most important facts in regard to using Microscopes suc- cessfully. The second sentence says in effect, that when, with an object-glass of small aperture, and in a faint light, we discover a certain degree of minuteness of structure, we shall, under 4 strong illumination, discover no more, which is directly contrary act, unless the objective is miserably deficient in correc tion. Indeed, a most important quality of first rate objectives, 1s their ability to bear a strong illumination. It is also taken for granted that an increase of the relative propor tions of light upon minute’stria and other markings, would ena- bleus to see them better. On the contrary, the true requisite 1s that the objective shall be so perfectly corrected as to preserve Ihe relative light, shade, and variations of color on adjoimiug minute portions, thus exhibiting the object precisely as it would ap ked were its smallest parts /arge enough to be visible to the we a the hysiological than on optical conditions, being different with dif ferent individuals; one person’s eye being pained and dazzled, ed. notice that, although intrinsic brightness may be the same very intense, yet if all the light entering the pupil comes from a minute surface, the eye is less affected on the whole. Place 4 ecard with a pin-hole at each end of a tube, and hold the ree near the eye, and we can gaze steadily at the small portion of t ‘ sun thus visible. But in general, the dazzling and blinding ene of intense light is owing to contrast, as when one comes IfOM” dark room into sunshine. The contrast may be of surrounding objects, as in viewing in a darkened room the light of a iene 4 battery.* In reference to extreme intensity of illumination, : By means of this cont i . isplays may 8° times be made of lines aes hes pts Ne gah cna een Mr Wenham : i le conden: , the transverse lines - the ob (Greenport, in balsam,) are shown at regular intervals and sharply defined, °° jective being Smith & Beck’s +45, of largest angle. : - Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. 223 following observation is most important. | Artists, such as painters, engravers, sculptors, never employ a strong light on their work. The most important discriminations for them, are delicate grada- tions of color, of shadows, or of the mingling of the two. "Thei eyes, according to our observation, are by natural constitution very easily pained and dazzled. The finest artistic effects ar possible only in a subdued light. An able writer on painting, re- ‘Marks: “ Itis the property of (strong) light to convert objects into its own whiteness, and to take away color.” Dimness of light and indefiniteness of outline, assist an active imagination. Faint illumination in the microscope may gratify an artist’s eye by ma- king the representation more pictorial, and especially by assisting the imagination in regard to depth. Such _ pictorial effects are suited to the popular eye, and it is allowable for the most accurate and reliable observer to gratify himself and friends with them as exhibitions of a peculiar kind. The object of the common Ster- oscope, is to produce a pictorial, rather than a geometric impres- Sion onthe mind : yet the brief reports as yet published respecting Stereoscopic vision applied to the microscope, have not often dis- Criminated these two kinds of effect. ; ‘he most minute objects now examined under the microscope, are colorless and transparent, and consequently do not need a di- minished illumination for bringing out delicate variations of color, and, as is the case with the naked eye, it may be said in general that the more the light, the more distinctly will ‘the minutest por- tions cast a shadow or reveal themselves by their refractive and “ispersive effect, up to that degree of general brightness of the image which a given eye can bear ck Bat what constitutes the extremest minuteness in regard to vise ibility 2 Simple‘and obvious as the answer is to this question, yet writers on the microscope speak of an increased angle as if it Could in all cases compensate for a higher magnifying power. As is the case with the telescope, or with the naked eye, an area is visible when it subtends an angle at the eye of at least “more than half a minfite of a degree.” Or, it may ‘be assumed that one minnte of angle is a good general measure for the visi- bility of areas”—*“' therefore, that areas are visible at a distance of about 3,000 or 4,000 times as great as their diameter.” “ But though such a spot can be seen, it cannot be defined as square, ‘Cireular, &¢.” “+ 'l’o be thus clearly defined to the naked eye, k spots on a white ground, must have a diameter of about TI5 Of radius.” But black stripes can be separated when areas cannot be defined, and the whole is greatly dependent on illumin- ation. As no two persons’ eyes have precisely the same power of ™inute vision, the limitation in question must be to some ex- ‘ent indefinite ; it deserves, however, and will doubtless receive further investigation. — 224 Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. Yet it is important to keep in mind that there ¢s a limit which no illumination or enlargement of aperture will overcome without increase of magnifying power. It may lead to serious error to be accustomed to strain the eye with a low eye-piece or objective, when a more extended amplification of image ought to. be em- ployed for more decidedly separating lines or points. M. Robin argues for employing high powers in anatomical investigations, with an earnestness which proves a then prevalent error. Prob- ably such mistakes have contributed to establish an impression of there being often a danger of using too much light. When en- deavoring to look into minute structure with a low or medium power, when a high one is what is needed, one will unconsciously strain and prolong his attention, until, if the light be strong, -he brings on confusion, dazzling and pain, which a weaker light may alleviate, and at the same time be sufficient for what the of lines, which is so often noticed. Although not well defined, those now in question are seen in focus, and although thickened and badly defined, are yet plainly visible and easy to count 10 micrometrically measuring their distances.. Among other expe! iments in proof, the following is selected: The ribs of Pinnula- ria major’ were viewed with a low objective and intense !ampP light, (sunlight is still better,) at an obliquity, very near the ich produces a dark back-ground. The ribs pia strongly visible, though not entirely across the semi-breadth of t valve. Being easily counted, the micrometer gave their or saz and ;,';5 of an inch in different cireumstanees, with su™ cient accuracy for the experiment. But when with the ame light and illumination, a 4th objective was employed, the! -were visible in their whole length, and with a perfect definitio™ Their distance was, in the specimens examined, beyond all Kate for doubt, found to be very accurately equal to only ;z307 ith Two acute microscopists and practiced observers, one of them 4) able microscope maker, witnessed, and themselves repeated t nt demonstration, and confirmed its reliability. The expet™®! Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. 225 When it is confirme the micrometer. It is obvious that as the image of a faint star in the telescope, So Is an indivisible point or line in the image forme h Magnifier, or with the unaided eye, illuminates a tissue with as much light as possible, often employing two condensers of artifi- cial light, yet as the brightness of an image is diminished in in- Verse proportion to the square of the linear magnifying power, an ultimate fibrilla of voluntary muscle, when magnified 1000 diameters (and as much or more amplification is needed ), would ve only ,.,1,,;th part the light on its image, were it not for the large aperture of the objective. Saag Witha microscope just as with a single eye, we judge of depth and form, by means of geometrical foreshortening and infinitely delicate gradatiouis of light, shade, and sometimes color ; assisting our conclusions by change of focus and directing attention to different parts and presentations. Nothing shows more strikingly : recogn Stooxp Senizs, Vol. XVII, No. 60.—March, 1854. 29 226 Dr. North on ihe Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. the perfection of the human eye than this power of looking at points in the plane of the-exact focal distance, and yet at the same time receiving impressions appropriately indistinct from points within or beyond the focus. It is the same, thongh in less pefection, with a well corrected object glass of large angle; in proportion to the length of its focus, do points beyond the focal distance form suitable images. But upon this requisite more will e said presently. The power of exhibiting minute variations of light and shade thus being essential in reference to solid form and also being that chiefly by which lines are separated on @ plane surface, becomes obviously the most valuable quality of an objective. No object glass can be wholly freed from the two kinds of ab- erration. Of these the spheroidal is the most difficult to correct, particularly when the residuum of error is to be magnified by an eye-piece. ; Mr. Pritchard should therefore have explained that when an objective has a small aperture, and is at same time not well corrected, the more light is sent through it by increasing the illumination, the greater is the amount of uncorrected aberration, which has its confusing effect subsequently magnified with the rest of the image. But if additional brightness of the image and greater amount of light entering the eye is gained by enlargig the angular aperture, the lens must be corrected for this aperture or no definition is gained. The benefit from large aperture, then is as before, simply that of an increase of light. If the spherical and chromatic aberrations could be perfectly corrected, a stronger illumination would assist an objective of small aperture, precisely as it does the vaked eye, up to a surprising degree of intensity; while injurious extremes would be farther removed by suce in discrimination, and the pleasure of the exhibition. But images are formed more by the marginal than the central rays, as these are the most numerous; yet as spherical aberration increases in proportion as rays are further from the centel, the ity of the most perfect object glasses being as much superior for a stronger as for a weaker illumination. Dr. Goring repo that only the coarsest tests could be resolved by sun-light; present some rely upon it solely for those of extreme difficulty. * A striking illustration of the effect of large apertures, and of that degree of correction which is indispensable, was afforded by the surprise which some DUCT” * Lia Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. 227 _. The following experiment is interesting : Let any one who has an objective with a large angle, try it in aroom nearly dark, no light being had except from a small lam oracandle in an adjoining one. Let the rays from the distant candle shine on the stage of the microscope, which yet receives so little light that with the naked eye the smaller letters cannot be read upon an engraved bank bill which is laid on the stage, and receives no condensation of light from a lens or a concave Large aperture being so important, it has become customary simply to mention its extent in commending an objective. Dr. Goring seldom mentioned the magnifying power of an object glass needed for a particular test; but in regard to the tests definition sufficient for counting with a micrometer, is the only standard which can enable one investigator to compare his obser- Vatious with those of another. f late, the superior correction which opticians can accom plish on medium powers, makes them more efficient than higher ones even on tests for which the greater expansion of image of the latter is an important advantage. A smaller angle now bares accomplish more than one larger by a half. Ihe auticipation o scopists felt, on reading the report of the Jury of the Great Exhibition, pronouncing the objectives of M. Nachet te he uncorrected for spherical aberration. But this ar- tist’s angles fall much chort of Mr. Spencer's. Persons accustomed to the effect of 'efined spherical correction were less surprised. 228 Dr. North or the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. Mr. Pritchard* that large apertures by permitting a longer conju- d gate focus, may ultimately enable all organized structure to be— investigated with 4 inch glasses, has been fulfilled sooner than he probably could have anticipated. Objectives of this grade now resolve every known test. Of the two unavoidable remainders of error, the spherical be- comes the most important for farther reduction ; we thus gain not only in what is called definition, that is fineness and delicacy of lines, but in light and shade, in depth, and even in light. Take a 4 inch object-glass of very fine definition, but an aperture no larger than reported by Mr. Quekett (between 60° and 70°) and one of the Naviculee whose lines it will resolve, though not too readily—one with diagonal lines being best for this purpose. Adjust the screw collar for au uncovered object, and let the cover on the slider be a thick one, or interpose another piece of thin glass; better also for the object to be mounted in balsam. Turn down the wick of a lamp and remove the light till there is barely light enough to see the lines yet only on a part of the valve; fixing the eye on a portion of the surface where the lines seem (0 be hidden by a dark shade, adjust the front lens for the thickness of cover, and this shade will disappear; the lines will come out ma- ceous test, especially if sun-light be employed, in a strong and bold manner (though thickened and perhaps highly prismat when its deficiency of spherical correction shows them through a mist and does not show a perspective definition of general form. Among the Diatomacee, the genus Nitschia was established by Hassall who yet makes no mention of its most distinctive cha acteristic, the prominent keel, which strikingly distinguishes from Synedra (Hxilaria ), as is shown by thé Rev. Wm. Smith: yet the founder of the genus, though he expressly not connection of the two genera, failed to point out this ma difference which at once attracts the attention if a first-rate ob- jective be used. : If angular aperture be wnnecessarily large, we have the disad- vantage of a useless or injurious limitation of foeus—even SUP posing the working distance to be not too inconvenient. Taking the semi-diameter of front lens as radius, the working distance the tangent of the inclination of the extreme rays: when be inclination, as in large apertures, is small, the tangent varles more nearly as the angle, and any error of focus causes the outer i)" * Micrographia, Essay on Solar Microscopes, 1839. ° ic) ay Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. 229 to have more aberration. View of depth is therefore necessarily more limited. Still, for extremely slight elevations and depres- sions, and for very thin objects, some restriction will afford a more exquisite discrimination, provided the spherical correction is car- ried toa degree of perfection in due proportion to the angle. Indeed, whatever tends to bring the performance of an object- glass nearer to mathematical exactness, must limit its focus. Stop off aperture and we see farther in depth, because we see more in- distinctly in regard to minute details. Again, we may gain the ally as we carry the focus from the upper to the lower edge, the ellipticity of the figure is plainly seen to change, as evidently by the laws of geometry it must do, from the change of angular rection of its different points to the lens. Instead of the right * + 230 Dr. North on the Angle of Aperture in Microscopes. Again, if we bring into focus the under side, say, of the circle, we may Notice a slight mistiness about its general outline, which — ey % may be removed by entting off half the objective front lens, or of — the eye lens. But on more careful examination, we shall perceive that we are bringing no one point into perfectly accurate focus, and at the same time concentrating our attention upon it. If these two things be attended to, all mistiness, thickening, and uncértainty, will disappear from such objectives as this gentleman employed. Such facts are no real obstacles to microscopic accu- racy. ‘They occur equally in unaided vision, whether of small or of large objects. If possible, we hold a solid body—a crystal for instance—in the hand, and turn it about, yet each change of position projects a different geometrical figure. The laws of vision are the same with a microscope as without, and no perfec- tion of instruments can supersede the necessity of comparin different views and of arriving at a knowledge of the third dimen- sion in space, through operations of the mind. . In some cases a restricted focal distance is both convenient and advantageous: one is when we look through a set of markings. The Stauroneis pulchella of Rev. Wm. Smith, is described by him: “striae very distinct, 30 in 001% punctate; puncta hexag- onal.” In his introduction, Mr. Smith remarks: “ ‘The exper- ments and authority of Professor Bailey place the existence of an internal membrane (in the Diatomacez) beyond all doubt.”—* Tn Stauroneis pulchella the membrane in question possesses a0 anu sual degree of firmness, the siliceous valves, after a slight mace ration in acid, may be seen to fall away from the internal mem- Lieberkuhn, and having (to quote the term a plied by the Jury of the Great Exhibition) the “exquisite” correction of St and Beck, they show by an achromatic condenser, the hex onal puncta in three sets of lines, yet obscured in definition, and con- fused by the mingling of what seem like shadow s. Intense illumination of a suitable obliquity and combi “8 nd ruu- of the ;*; of 100°, the 1 of still larger angle, and the $ of 1* sh 128°, these two distinct sets of markings may be seen Wl! either perpendicular or oblique light, simply by carrying the be ss distance from the one to the other, and without changing the} nf mination. ‘The upper strie are at the distance quoted; the B® Dr. Engelmann on the Cereus giganteus of California, 231 gons below are twice as distant; each set in turn may be seen in in its own plane, and without confusion from the other. We do not refer to these hexagons as an instance of the interior mem- brane referred to in the passage just now extracted, which seems P every specimen, and fragment, whether lying flat or edgewise. he striz are similar, only more difficult to distinguish with ae- curacy, to the fine diagonal markings on the surfaces of ‘Trice- ratium, Actinocyclus, Coscinodiscus, and other genera which have large hexagonal cells. - An able optician from Berlin says that the importance of spher- ical correction is but imperfectly understood in Germany: we thus find accounted for the mistakes of Ehrenberg, which have caused so much surprise, and Dr. Hannover’s omitting all men- tion of a screw collar, in a work of such merit as to be selected for translation into English. Arr. XXII1.—Further Notes on Cereus giganteus of Southeast- ern California, with a short account of another allied species in Sonora; by Dr. Georce Enceimann, St. Louis, Missouri. In question in fower. ‘These materials enable me to furnish the. ollowing detailed character. Catis angulatisque albidis demum cinereis, radialibus 12-16 imo Stmmisque brevioribus, lateralibus (preecipue inferioribus ) longi- oribus robustioribus subinde cum aculeis adventitiis paucis seta- els summo areola margini adjectis ; aculeis centralibus 6 robustis albidis basi nigris apice rubellis demum totis cinereis, 4 inferiori- * See this Journal, New Series, vol. xiv, page 335, Nov., 1852. 232 Dr. Engelmann on the Cereus giganteus of California. _ . . 2 * . . i Sag bus decussatis quorum infimus longissimus robustissimus deflexus, _ This species ranges from north of the Gila river southwardly into Sonora, to within 20 miles of Guaymas on the Californian Gulf. It doubtless also occurs on the Peninsula of California; where, according to Vanegas in his history, published about 100 years ago, the fruit of a great Cactus forms an important article of food to the natives of the eastern coast, the harvest time of which was a season of great festivity. The flowers are produc in May and June, and the fruit ripens in July and August. Mr. Thurber collected the last flowers and the first ripe fruit in the beginning of July. He has collected abundance of seed, and will be pleased to communicate it to those who take an interest in the cultivation of Cacti. The youngest plants Mr. Thurber noticed were three or four feet high, with narrow furrows and long spines ; the smallest flowering plants were about 12 feet high, and the tallest specimens observed appeared to reach the elevation of 45 or 50 feet. The ligneous fascicles correspond with the intervals betwee? the ribs, and not with the ribs themselves; of which Dr. ol has fully satisfied himself, and which indeed is the case inal ribbed Cacti. From between these bundles ligneous fibres radi- ate horizontally towards the ribs, and especially to the areo ‘At the base of the stem the ribs are broad and obtuse, W wide and shallow intervals ; upwards the ribs are somewhat t gular, rounded or obtuse, with deep and acutish grooves betwee them ; towards the top of the plant the ribs are equally ane but quite compressed, and the grooves are deep and natruw: | e elevated areole are 7 ‘lines long, nearly 6 lines in diam- eter, about an inch distant from one another, sometimes mote closely approximated. _ Dr. Engelmann on the Cereus giganteus of California. 233 wards, 20-30 lines long; the two upper central spines 15 to 18. lines long. The stontest spines are one line in diameter, their ‘bulbous base being fully twice as thick. ‘The old’ spines together with the whole areola readily come off in one bunch, but gener- ally the 6 central spines fall off first, leaving the radiating ones appressed to the stem, till finally they also fall away. he flowers are produced near the summit of the plant, but hot on it, and the fruit is usually 6-12 inches from it. The dried flower communicated by Mr. Thurber is 3 inches long; but the drawing represents the flowers as fully 4 inches in , length and diameter. The ovary in the dried specimen is {ths o an inch long; the lower naked part of the tube 1 inch, the upper staminiferous much widened part 2ths of an inch long. Upper sepals fleshy, greenish white, #ths of au inch long, below 2, above 4 lines wide. Petals of a light cream color, an inch long, 6-7 lines wide above, very thick and fleshy, and very much curled. Filaments light yellow, adnate to the upper half of the tube: anthers 0:8 to 0-9 of a line long, linear, emarginate at the base and apex. Style not seen; the drawing represents the nu- merous (15-2()?) stigmata as half an inch long, suberect, of a green color. The flowers appear to be open night and day, and probably for several days in succession. =~ eo The fruit seut by Mr. Thurber (in alechol) is obovate 24 inches long, by 14 in diameter, beset with about thirty scales, having short brownish wool in their axils, but entirely destitute of spines. Mr. ‘Thurber informs me that this specimen is: unusually long : the fruit, he says, is usually 2 or 3 inches long by 14 to 2 in diameter ; the color is green, reddish towards the summit; the remains of the flower fall off, leaving a broad and convex scar. The pericarp has the hardness of a green cucumber, some what soft- er towards the apex, and is about 2 lines thick ; it bursts open on the plant with 3 or mostly 4 irregular, interiorly red valves, which Spread horizoutally, and appear like a red flower when seen ata distance, which accounts for the report of this species having red flowers. ‘The crimson-colored and rather insipid pulp has the con- sistency of a fresh fig ; it completely separates from, the rind, and drying up from the heat of the sun, falls to the ground, or is beat- en down, when it is collected by the natives and rolled into balls, Which keep several months, or is pressed for the thick molasses- like sacharine juice which Jt contains. ‘I'he iunumerable seed are 07 to 08 lines long. Another, apparently nearly allied species, was collected in Northern Sonora. Front the half of a flower before me, tegetlier Stooxp Szaus, Vol. XVI, No. 60.— March, 1854. - 80 234 Dr. Englemannon the Cereus giganieus of California. with Mr. Thurber’s meagre notes, (other specimens unfortunately having been lost,) I have ventured to make out the following — description : a Cereus Tuursert (n. sp.): erectus, elatior, e basi ramosus sub- 14-costatus, sulcis param profundis, aculeis brevibus nigricanti- bus; floribus tubuloso-campanulatis virescenti-albidis ; ovario globoso sepalis 80-100 carnosis squamiformibus triangularibus acutis imbricatis ad axillam villosis stipato ; sepalis tubi inferiori- bus 24 lanceolatis acutiusculis axilla nudis, superioribus 20-25 orbiculato-obovatis obtusis ; petalis 16-20 obovato-spathulatis 0 tusis crassis. : Collected in June 1851, in a rocky caiion near the mountain ss of Bacuachi, a small town on the road to Arispe, in Sonora; afterwards found with Cereus giganteus, near Santa Cruz: tt abounds also near Magdalena and Ures. Santa Cruz appears to be the northern limit of this species, which does not extend to the Gilariver, Stems 4 to 12 feet high, many from the same base, 6 to 10 inches in diameter, sometimes articulated, occasionally branching above, with about 14 ribs and shallow grooves. Flow- ers greenish white, borné about a foot below the summit of the stem. Dried flower 22 inches long ; the tube narrower, and more elongated than in,C. giganieus ; the globose ovary and the naked and staminiferous part of the tube each about 3 inch long; free part of petals of the same length, and 4 lines wide. Anthers much larger than in the foregoing species, 1-3 to 1-4 lines long. Style not seen. I have dedicated this to the collector, Mr. George Thurber, of Rhode Island, an excellent botanist, who has kindly furnished me with the materials for this article. : Cereus Thurberi aud C. giganteus appear to be closely allied species. ‘They have high and erect stems, flowers with @ short tube, half of which is naked, the filaments occupying only the up per half of the tube; both have short and fleshy sepals on the oF ry, with short wool in their axils, unaccompanied by any bristles or spines; in both the petals are whitish, obtuse, and fleshy. ‘ th, and especially C. giganteus, stand very near the Piloceré on account of the great height of the stem, the short ventricose o of the flower, and the thick petals ; but they have not the z0° indication of a cephalium (or woolly head) nor of any particular development of wool; their flowers spring from the axils of f ordinary and unaltered areole ; and the seed is quite differeos at least. from that of Pilocereus senilis, the ouly species of tha genus, I believe, which has been well examined ; these seeds ve said to be obliquely thimble shaped, densely dotted, and to awe an embryo with thick globose cotyledons. It is also said the filaments cover the whole inside of the tube of the foweh ~ Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingule. 238 and even the free upper part of the ovary. In all the Cered and Echinocacti examined by me, I find the lowest part of the tube free, the filaments being adnate to some distance above the ovary. Itis not improbable that the Chilian velvety Cerei ( Velutini, Pr. Salin.) are to be classed near our species. he flower of what appears to be Cereus Chilensis, Pfr., obtained near Valparaiso, and _ figured by the artist of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, greatly resembles that of C. Thurberi: it is a little larger, but has the same shape, and the same closely imbricated sepals on the ovary ; the tube has about 100 sepals, and the white petals are acute ; whether fleshy or not is uncertain. Arr, XXIV.—On the Chemical Composition of Recent and Fs- sil Lingule, and some other Shells; by W. E. Loean, F.R.S., and 'T.-S. Hunt. In the Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada for 1851-52, we have mentioned the existence of small masses containing phosphate of lime, and having the characters of cop- rolites, which occur in several parts of the Lower Silurian rocks. In a bed of silicious conglomerate towards the top of the calcife- rotis sandstone, at the Lac des Allumettes, on the Ottawa, they are abundant in cylindrical and imitative shapes, sometimes an inch in diameter. The same material forms casts of the interior of a species of Holopea or Pleurotomaria, and often fills or com- pletely incases the separated valves of a large species of Lingula, which Salter has referred to L. parallela of Phillips. ‘The phos- phatic matter is porons, friable, and of a chocolate brown color; it contains intermixed a large quantity of sand; and small peb- bles of quartz are sometimes partly imbedded in it. The analy- sis of one specimen gave 36 per cent. of phosphate of lime, with P. ¢. of carbonate and fluorid, besides some magnesia and oxy of iron, and 50 p. ec. of silicions sand. _ Similar masses occur in the same formation at Grenville, and in the lower part of the Chazy limestone at Hawkesbury, in both cases containing fragments of Lingula.” Those from the latter place, are rounded in shape, and from one-fourth to one-half of an inch in diameter, blackish without, but yellowish-brown within, and having an earthy fracture; the analysis of one of them gave: Phosphate of lime, (P Os, 3Ca O), - 44-70 Carbonate of lime, - -- - - 6 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - Peroxyd of iron, and atrace of Alumina, 8°60 Insoluble silicious residue, - - - 27 Volatile matter, - - - - ° 5-00 236 Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingule. From the color it is probable that the iron exists as a carbon- ate. When heated in a tube, a strong odor like burning horn is perceived, accompanied by ammonia which reddens turmeric pa- er and gives white fumes with acetic acid, showing that a part at least of the volatile matter is of an animal nature. The spe cimens from Lac des Allumettes lose 1-7 p. c. by gentle ignition, with a like production of ammonia, and an odor of animal mat ter; the same thing was observed with those from Grenville. he existence in Lower Silurian rocks, of these masses, whose characters leave no doubt that they are coprolites, and whose chemical composition is like that of the excrements of creatures feeding upon vertebrate animals, led us to examine the shells of the Lingule always associated with these phosphatic bodies. ‘T result has beeu that all the specimeus yet examined consist chiefly _of phosphate of lime; they dissolve readily with slight efferves- cence in hydrochloric acid, and the solution gives with ammonia a copious’ precipitate readily soluble in acetic acid, from which oxalic acid throws down lime. With a solution of molybdate of aminonia there is obtained a quantity of the characteristic yel- low molydo-phosphate, many times greater than the bulk of the shell. We have thus examined Lingula prima, and L. antiqua, from the Potsdam sandstone, Z. parallela from the calciferous, and a species somewhat resembling L. guadrata, from the ‘Trenton limestone. It was desirable to compare with these, the shell of a recent specics. and for this purpose, fine specimens of the Lin gula ovalis, of Reeve, from the Sandwich Islands, were farnished us by J. H. Redfield, Esq. of New York. The shell of this spe cies had the same composition as the fossil ones, and the thick green epidermis, which swelled up like horn when heated, ga¥¢ a buiky white ash of phosphate of lime. For a further analysis the shell was boiled in water to remove all soluble matters, the soft parts still adherent were carefully de been concentrated, the phosphoric acid was thrown down by @ ; grms. © pyrophosphate of magnesia, equal to 044 of phosphoric acid, oF ‘U978 of phosphate of lime, PO;,3CaO. The lime was separated from the acetic filtrate, as an oxalat®s and gave “1US of carbonate, equal to -0605 of lime, being 4” a Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingule.. 237 cess of ‘0075 over the amount required to form the phosphate, and corresponding to ‘0134 of carbonate; the small amount of sia; the results from the calcined shell of Lingua ovalis are then as follows: : Phosphate of lime, ‘0978 = 8579 p. centum. Carbonate of lime, . ‘0134 = 11-75 Magnesia, - = 0032 = 280 1144 = 10034 The proportion of phosphate of lime is that contained in hu- man bones, after their organic matter has been removed. - The texture of the ancient Lingule was observed to be unlike that of most other fossi! shells, being more or less dark brown in color, brilliant, almost opaque, and not, at all crystalline. ‘These same dark color and brilliancy were also remarked in the genus Conularia, and the shell of C. trentonensis, proved on examina- tion to be composed in like manner of phosphate. — The similarity of composition in these genera Is In accordance With the acute observations of Mr. Hall, who finds that Conula- ra is almost always associated with Lingula and Orbicula, and remarks that “these shells so unlike in structure and habit, ap- pear-to have flourished under similar circumstances, and to have required the same kind of ocean bed or sedimeut.”—Paleontol- By, vol: i, p. 1U1. For the sake of comparison, we have examined the following fossil shells : they have a common character, distinct from those already described, being lighter colored, more translucent and granular in texture; Atrypa ertans, Leptena alternata, aud Or- this pectenella from the ‘Trenton limestone ; O. erratica from the Hudson River group, and Chonetes lata ? from the Upper Silu- tan, besides Isotelus gigas, anda species of Cythere trom the Trenton. All of these consist of carbonate of lime, with only Such traces of phosphate as are generally found in calcareous shells, In the Report already quoted we have given a description of Some ‘phosphatic bodies which resemble the coprolites of the Calciferous sandstone, and are found at Riviére Ouelle in thin yers of a conglomerate limestone, which is in with ~_ 238 Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingula, red and green shales, and belohgs to the top of the Hudson River group or the base of the Oneida Conglomerates. .The phos hatic masses are very abundant, and rounded, flattened, or cyl- diameter ; they sometimes make up the larger part of the con- glomerate. Iron pyrites in small globular masses occurs abund- antly with them, often filling their interstices, but is not found elsewhere in the rock. These coprolites are finer grained and more compact than those from the Ottawa, and have a conchoidal fracture ; their color is bluish or brownish black; the powder is ash-grey, becoming reddish after ignition. They have the hardness of calcite aud a density of 3:15. When heated they evolve ammonia with an animal odor, and with sulphuric acid give the reactions of fluorine. The quantitative analysis of one gave— : Phosphate of lime, PO*,3CaO, - 40:34 pc. Carbonate of lime, with fluorid, - 5:14 Carbonate of magnesia, - 2k O79 Peroxyd of iron with a little alumina 12°62 Oxyd of manganese, - - - trace Insoluble silicious residue, - - 25°44 Volatile maiter, he tele gehe twig gS 95:37 bodies, resembling bones in appearance. ‘The longest one 3S au inch and a half long, and one-fourth of an inch in diameter. is hollow throughout, and had been entirely filled with the cal- careous sandstone, in which it is imbedded, and whose isinte- gration has left the larger end exposed. The smaller extremity is cylindrical, and thin, but it gradually enlarges from a thickeD- ing of the walls, and at the other end becomes externally some what triangulariform ; the cavity remains nearly cylindrical, the exposed surfaces are rough and irregular within. - F. A. Genth on a Meteorite from New Mezico. 239 _ The texture of these tubes is compact, their color brownish black with a yellowish brown translucency in thin layers. Anal- ysis shows them to consist, like the coprolites, principally of phos- phate of lime. One hundred parts gave, Phosphate of lime, —- - - - 67:53 Carbonate of lime, = - - - - 4°35 Magnesia, - - - - - 1-65 Protoxyd of iron, - - - : 2-95 Insoluble silicious sand, - - - 21:10 Volatile, animal matter, - - - 2:15 99°73 The microscopic examination of a section, shows that the walls of the tube are homogeneous, unlike the coprolites, and that the Silicious sand in the analysis, came from the sandstone which in- crusted the rough interior of the fossil. The phosphate is finely granular and retains no vestige of organic structure. ‘The chem- ical composition and the remarkable shape of the specimens how- ever, leave little doubt of their osseous nature, unless we suppose them to be the remains of some hitherto unknown invertebrate animal, whose skeleton, like those of Lingula, Orbicula and Co- nularia, consisted of phosphate of lime, a composition hitherto Supposed to be peculiar to vertebrate skeletons. Montreal, Jan. 5th, 1854. Arr. XXV.—On a new Meteorite from New Mezico; by Dr. F. A. Genta, of Philadelphia. T am indebted to Prof. Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithso- nian Institution, for a small piece of an interesting meteorite from Yew Mexico. It was labelled ‘ Native Iron,” and is said to oc- Curthere in large quantities. Fortunately it was just sufficient or an examination, the results of which I here give. There is no doubt that the mineral is of meteoric and not of telluric origin. _It is very crystalline and shows a distinct octahedral cleavage. Its color is iron-gray, its lustre metallic. Quite ductile. Sp. gr. (at_18° Cels.) = 8-130. : issolves readily in diluted nitric acid, leaving a small quantity of insoluble residue—which, however, was also slowly dissolved ¥ Strong nitric acid or aqua regia, but still more easily by fusion With bisulphate of potash. @ methods used for its analysis were the following : In analysis I, the meteorite was dissolved in strong nitric acid; nickel and cobalt were separated from iron by carbonate of baryta ; Nickel and cobalt were separated by hydrocyanic acid, potash and yd of mercury. 240 F’. A. Genth on a Meteorite from New Mezico. In analysis II, the meteorite was dissolved in diluted nitric acid, and the residue filtered off on a weighed filter. In the filtrate iron was separated from cobalt and nickel, by addition of a suffi- cient quantity of acetate of potash, in order to convert the nitrates into acetates, and evaporation to dryness in a water-bath. The dry mass was boiled with water and filtered. From the filtrate, which contained the whole quantity of oxyds of cobalt and nickel, these were precipitated by caustic potash. The precipi- tate of sesquioxyd of iron was re-dissolved in hydrochlorid acid, and precipitated by ammonia. his method gives excellent results, if used with care. The only objection might be, that the sesquioxyd of iron, thus separated, is difficult to filter The insoluble residue was ignited and fused with bisulphate of potash. On treating the fused mass with water, a white substance of the appearance of tartaric acid remained, which bydrochlori¢e acid slowly dissolved. This substance and sesquioxyd of iron were precipitated by ammonia, and from the filtrate, oxyd of nickel separated as usual. The precipitate was weighed, dissolv- ed in hydrochloric acid, and the iron precipitated by sulphid of ammonium, after the addition of tartaric acid and ammonia. From the sulphid of iron, the iron was determined as usual. From the filtrate, the other substance remained after the tartar acid was destroyed by heat. It was, however, a very small quan tity, and only sufficient for one blowpipe reaction. The borax bead gave in the inner flame an enamel of a bluish color. therefore believe that it is tartaric acid, though the reactions somewhat differ. The insoluble residue seems to be a combination of Iron, Nickel and Titanium. It contains no cobalt. Neither patt of the meteorite contained carbon, sulphur, phosphorus or tn. I Tron enone Deo Sex 6 6 Nickel, = + - = 3:07 : Cobalt, « - = = 0-42 ‘ a ¥ 357 Insoluble, °° s 2 4+ os ahaotca are see 0:57 99°66 100-00 The insoluble part consisted of a steel-colored powder in micte scopic crystals, which showed three-sided planes. Its compost ion Is: ; : Tron, Ps - . a = 55-07 p. ¢. Nickel, - bait 3 — 28-78 ? Titanium, - < - = 1615 : 100-00 It is remarkable that the elements in the insoluble part a" - the following ratio: Fe: Ni:? Ti=6:3:2. t Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. 241 Art. XX VI.—Jntroductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand: Vol. 1.* Dr. J. D. Hooxer, thé Botanist of the Antarctic Expedition - under Capt. Sir James C. Ross, on his return to England—com- bining with his own extensive collections and observations all the accessible materials which have been accumulating in herbaria ever since the first voyage of Capt Cook—courageously assumed the task of preparing general floras of the three principal masses of southern land, in which his researches were made ; viz., Ant- arctic America, New Zealand, and Tasmania. The first of these undertakings was accomplished several years since, in the publi- cation of the Flora Antarctica; including Antarctic America With the Falkland Islands, the Campbell and Auckland Islands (properly pertaining to the New Zealand region), and the remote Kerguelen’s Land. Some abstracts were given in this Journal at of the work, as interesting to the systematic botanist alone. of the New Zealand Flora, and its relation to that of other countries. The history of the Botany of New Zealand, from the visit of Sir Joseph Banks and Dr. Solander, during Capt. Cook’s first voy- age, in 1790, down to the present time, need not arrest our attention. 'The actual number of species inhabiting these islands 18 matter which it would be interesting to know, even approxi- mately. Dr. Hooker has brought together about 2,000 species in * The Bo ; ie V of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and poe, in eee ee a ae command of Capt. Sir James ond Flow. by Joseph Dalton Hooker, MD.,, ete. ete. Il. Flora N ovee-Zelandie, Part ering Plants, London. Lovell Reeve, 1852-1853. pp. $12, 4to, tab 70. Stoosp Serres, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. 31 242 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. his Flora, including upwards of a hundred of the lower Crypto- gamia of which the materials are in too imperfect a state for satisfactory determination. This is more than double the number the attention which has been devoted to the lower orders. 1S may be easily shown ; for, whereas in all the earlier enumerations and collections the number of Flowering plants exceeds the Flow- erless, in M. Raoul’s catalogue they are equal, and in the present work the relative proportions at ; plants being to the Cryptogamic as 1 to 1:6, i. e. about two to three.” As to the probable ratio of the known materials to th whole flora, Dr. Hooker remarks that “the islands have been botanized upon by upwards of 35 individuals, whose specimens have (with a few unimportant exceptions) all passed under my eye. The flora of the Northern Island has been tolerably well examined, so far as its flowering plants are concerned; thoug there remains a good deal to be done on the west coast, especially in the neighborhood of Mount Egmont. Dr. Lyall alone has collected on the Southern Island, and on the west coast north of Dusky Bay. The Middle Island has been visited by few explorets; its north and east coasts alone having been botanized: the west, and the whole mountain range require a careful survey ; and, ¢on- sidering how many Auckland and Campbell Islands’ plants are still strangers to New Zealand, it cannot be doubted that much remains to be discovered there. Excepting from the above men- plants, for the following reasons: 1. There is a remarka sameness in the flora throughout large tracts, (in which res} t New Zealand contrasts remarkably with Tasmania); 2. Because out of the 730 flowering plants known, there are scarcely one hundred that have not been gathered by several individuals ; 3. Because the collections I have lately received, though some them are extensive, and from scarcely visited localities, bind tain little or no novelty. With Cryptogamia the case is W1@®. different ; and it is difficult to estimate the vast number, especially of Mosses, Hepatic, and Fungi, that will reward future explot- ers in what, as far as Flowering plants are concerned, are eX ted fields.” From the data now possessed, and from a compariso™ of the same with the flora of better known countries, Dr. . ae ventures the opinion that there are not more than 4000 species: Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 243 New Zealand, of which 1000 may be Flowering plants. ‘“Com- pared with any other countries in the same latitude, this is a very scanty flora indeed, especially as regards Flowering plants; of which Britain contains, in about the same area, upward of 1,40 species ; and in Tasmania, not yet well explored, and containing only one-third of the area, upwards of 10U0 have already been discovered. In Cryptogamous plants, on the other hand, these islands are extremely rich, not only proportionately to the Phenogamic, but absolutely so. Great Britain, where the lower orders have been assidously studied for fifty years, contains about 50 Ferns, and Tasmania 64 ;” while Dr. Hooker’s list of New Zea- land Ferns (including Lycopodiaces), after reducing almost half as many nominal species to more varieties, contains upwards of 114 species. The same result would appear all the more striking- ly ona comparison with any equivalent continental tract in the northern hemisphere. In all British America and Oregon only 62 species of Ferns and Lycopodiacee are recorded. ea. Dr. Hooker’s second chapter, on the limits of species, their dis- persion and variation, deals with matters of higher general interest. To bring the points in question fairly into view, he assumes four positions as heads of the subjects upon Which he proceeds to dis- course, namely : ; “1. That all the individuals of a species (as I shall ettempt to confine the term) have proceeded from one parent (or pair), and that they retain their distinctive (specific) characters. 2. That species vary more than is generally admitted to be the case, 2 a ' 3. That they are also much more widely distributed than is usually supposed. . That their distribution has been effected by natural causes ; but that these are not necessarily the same as those to which they are now exposed.” ; sis ; The first of these propositions should have been divided into two :—inasmuch as the first clause is not only open to some very Specious if not cogent objections which donot apply to the others, but is from. its very nature incapable of being supported by the kind of evidence which may sustain the other propositions. The act that we constantly see like individuals reproduced, and under favorable circumstances increased, from a parent stock, lays, Indeed, a solid ground for the inference that this process has been 8oing on from the beginning: but how things go on, and how they began, are two different questions ; and it is seldom, if ever, that the facts and deductions which account for the former, can be made to throw much direct light on the latter. Why is it not antecedently just as probable that several or many individuals of fach species of plant, as identically like each other as are the spring to the parent now, were created at the beginning, as 244 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. that each began with a single pair? We would still maintain that the objective idea of species arises from this “ perennial succession of like individuals (to use the phrase of Linneus), sustaining to each other the relation of parent and progeny ; and we think that the evidence on that side of the question strongly favors the inference, that plants, at least, have been distributed each species from a single and specific primordial area: but we know not what scientific evidence makes it needful to maintain the doctrine of the single creation of species in the restricted form of a single initial individual or pair. Were we even to go so lat as explicitly to assume the likelihood, in certain cases, of the original creation of- numerous individuals of a species, all alike “ Arguments in favor of these views are not wanting, derived both from the animal and vegetable kingdoms; the chief of which are drawn from a large class of well established facts, upon the bear! of which the most distinguished and candid naturalists are divided a opinion: such are—the great number of genera whose species ® a with which breeds of certain plants and animals may be propa omparative certainty with which some few varieties are ae or duced under favorable circumstances,—the great facility with W sports,—and the difficulty of accounting for the existence of plants ® localit animals in two or more ities, between which they cannot have bee? 4 . Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 245 transported by natural causes now in operation. These are all ques- tions Hef to the diffusion and variation of. species, which will be dis ere and in the following s scan distribution. Comparative anatomy, which has thrown so great light upon this branch of. study in the sister kingdom, has not done so much * for asada er arises from several. causes: 1. The habits of allied plants do not differ so remarkably as those of animals, and there is con- sequently te modification of their functional organs. 2. The relation of these modifications to the habits and wants of ihe species, is in the animal kingdom directly appreciable, but in plants no such connection Can be traced.* 3. The individual organs of support, respiration, and reproduction, are infinitely more variable and susceptible of change and even pvemiian 4 in plants, without affecting the life either of the indi- vidual or of the species.t The result of these facts is that we have its and naam which we hav noe in the vegetable kingdom, and which the phenomena of Phaioac! assure us do not exist to a degree that has, within the limits of oh experience, ieee available for throw- ing much light on the subjec e — in favor of a permanence of specific characters in Plants , how ever much w e may a alter conditions ; it is much ore difficult t to pip tats an induced variety from reverting to its aad § state, though we perse- ,. The structure of woods offers many illustrations of this, tee ireerire allied Plants (especially Leguminose) ditfering otively 3 in the nature, arra and de- ee cular and cellular tissues of their trun ted t ony known to be indicated ie ‘the structure, Nig the structure to the function. This is not so in the sister kingdom, for ie @ content esa al to he a climber, Boye Se sae 8 i ates are adapted to opt f that function e habit is not only indicated by the struc- ture but oes intr is explained by ihe ag ante eee | it en eae ve animal to ful t To take e an ex e of his ;—many plants ig ae a wild and culti- vated state, which sree ta abundantly by root or vision, white ae do not do so i. seed. acharis Alsinastrum is a conspicuous example: it is a unisexual wate of wick one sex alone was introduced omy North Segre into Tog la, Where it has within a few years so ad by division as to be a 5 ine men navigation, The dish i is another sale, it em Asi T beli ieve, saaee known to or even to bear pees. pi be still more remarkable case has been poi ed out to me by Mr. Brown, in t ph lant spread (not My cultiva er ~~ the whole oesk ¢ awe amie which hente hermaphro- flowers, ery rarely seeds. T- 246 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. vere in supplying the original conditions ; and it is most difficult of all this, whether we take such plants as aid of man (as Sonchus oleraceus, Callitriche, and Montia) through ‘all latitudes from England to New Zealand; or such as have. within modern times followed the migrations of man (as Poa annua, Phalaris Canariensis, Dock, Clover, Alsine media, Capsella bursa-pastoris, and a host of others); or such as man transports with him, whether such temperate climate plants as the cerealia, fruits, and flowers of the gar- den or field, or such tropical forms as Convolvulus Batatas and yams, all these, in whatever climate to which we may follow them, retain the egree. — i ith comparatively few exceptions, plants are confined within not the case. : . A multitude of allied species of plants grow close together wit out any interchange of specific character; and there are instances exceedingly closely allied plants keeping company under many moe! cations of climate, soil, and elevation, yet never losing their distinctive h- of 6. One negative argument in favor of distribution from one centre only, is, that taking the broadest view of the dispersion of ape find that the more extensive familiest are more or less widely distri0U- rul whose facilities for dis are proverbial, are amongst the most local; and th 4 same may be said of Ligeetiind and Solanew, whose ads retain their vitality a remarkable degree: a few of their species are remarkably cosmopolite, but “ia greater number have generally narrow ranges, Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 247 ted, very much in proportion to the facilities they present for disper- sion. Thus the most minute-spored Cryptogams* are the most widely dispersed of all organized nature; plants that resist the influence of climate best, range furthest; water-plants are more eosmopolite than land-plants, and inhabitants of salt, more than those. of fresh water: the more equable and uniform is the climate of a tract of land, the d scriptions of the New Zealand Fungi) fails to find the most trifling character by which to separate many New Zealand species from Eu- ropean. har unaltered in spite of the change of constitution, just as the climate of One part of the globe disagrees with the human race of another, and is even fatal to it. uch are a few of the leading phenomena or facts that appear to me to give the greatest weight to the opinion that individuals of a species are all derived from one parent: for such arguments as the New Zea- land Flora furnishes, I must refer my readers to the following chapter. I would again remind the student that the hasty adoption of any of these theories is not advisable: plants should be largely collected, and Thus some of the seedling Pines whose parents grew at 12,000 feet appear har- » Whilst those of the same species from 10,000 are tender. The common sear! ron of Nepal and the Northwest Himalaya is tender, but seedlings ae from Sikkim, whose parents grew at a greater elevation, have proved uy hardy, 248 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. or necessity arises for combining results, and presenting them in that systematic form which can alone render them available for the purpo- ses of science, it becomes necessary for the generalizer to proceed upon some determinate principles.” The considerations here adduced bear partly in favor of the single creation of species of plants, partly on their permanence of specific characters from age to age; which are different questions, although closely connected. In respect to the first, we have tl mere statement of the nature and kind of evidence that is avail- view which, by separating the idea of genetic meagre of our conception of a species, seems to leave these no gro basis of natural history npon a@ priori conceptions, and there form” (the definition of the late Dr. Morton), but one Te " sented in nature by the perennial succession of essentially Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. 249 acommon standard to which our empirical determinations of ? ome valuable and timely remarks are to be found in the fol- lowing extract : “Tt is not surprising that two naturalists, taking opposite views of the value of characters, should so treat a variable genus that their cenclu- Sons as to the limits of its species should be wholly irreconcilable. Some naturalists consider every minute character, if only tolerably con- of OWering, ete. Th Practically carried out in man In such hands the New Zealand genera temperate cli- 'n the herbarium. ‘The It of my observations is, that differen- Ces of habit, color, hairiness, and outline of leaves, and minute charac- drawn from other rgans than those of reproduction, are generally s Whose specific characters are evident. In doing so I believe I have Seris, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. 32 %. 250 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. followed the practice of every systematist of large experience and ac knowledged judgment since the days of Linnseus, as Bentham, Brown, the De Candolles, Decaisne, Jussieu, Lindley, and the Richards names which include not only the most learned sol WF but the most pro- found anatomists and physiologists. I am far from supposing that the and variation of species, and to weigh characters not only per sé, but with reference to those which prevail in the order to which the species under consideration belong. n working up incomplete floras especially, I believe it to be of the utmost importance to adopt such a course, and to resist steadily the temptation to multiply names, ‘for it is practically very difficult to ot s much to be said on both sides of such questions : the local botanist aes closer, perceives sooner, and often appreciates sees! ince ous crap and characters, w ich are overlooked or too hastily ais and the knowledge and experience required to make us purposes of generalization, another; minute differences peter long dwelt u on, become iis Stee ed and ass sume undue value, and : ions de- of a ately distributed han I have been led to dwell “i length upon this point, because I a Geographical and Geological.—A chain of mountains, or rather * series of distinct ranges, runs round the southeastern corner of Aus- 4 280 Scientific Intelligence. tralia, nearly parallel to the coast line, and from fifty to eighty miles from t orming part of the main chain of the continent, rising at its highest summit, Mount Kosciusko, to 6500 feet above the sea-level. This mountain chain in Victoria consists of clay-slates, mica-slates, and flinty slates, in successive steps, forming collectively, a recurring series, ; The slates are nearly or quite vertical, with a north and south strike, and are intersected by numerous quartz-veins, running at an acute angle with the slates. Vast plains of trap, forming high table-lands, run up to the base of the mountains and tobably cover their lower deposits of gold are found. The auriferous districts are commonly en by deep valleys and precipitous steeps. The hills are thickly forested ; the soil poor and gravelly, and the surface strewn with angu- Jar fragments of white quartz. ravines. These valleys are known by the names of the streams of “creeks” that run through them. One of these, Forest Creek, — approaches the higher granite country, where it originates. On banks of the River Loddon gold is found in small quantities, lodged the crevices of the rocks, but no large deposits have been met with : the river, and even the stream into which Forest Creek ee . i n never washed down to the large streams. Auriferous sands on 1 banks or in alluvial plains’are unknown in the Colony. When w! 12 inches of the surface, the is disseminated in a q thin Geology. 281 gravel; when found at lower depths, it is almost always imbedded in clay, usually of a very tenacious kind. _ Ballarat Gold-field.—The Ballarat gold-field, which is about fifty- five miles north-west of Geelong and Port Philip Bay, lies at the junc- tion of the slates with the trappean country, about seven miles from an extinct and now forest-grown volcano, known as Mount Boninyongs A second similar black volcanic mount rises out of the slate ranges, about ten miles due north of Boninyong. Granite crops out in small patches between the two Mounts. This auriferous tract is united to that of Mount Alexander by a sue- cession of similar dark forested ranges, rough, rocky, and sterile, strewn over with quartz, and consisting of the same series of micace- ous, flinty, and clay-slates. olcanic tract.—At the western base of these sombre hills lies a large tract of the most fertile and beautiful country—the garden o Australia Felix—the rich soil of which is the product of decomposed lava. These park-like plains, sprinkled over with groups of trees, are diver- si by numerous domelike lava hills, without trees, but of the richest verdure. I have counted no less than twenty-four of these remarkable bold hills from the summit of one of them. The south and east sides action cannot be very remote. Alto ether this voleanic region forms a Most interesting subject for geological research and speculation. riz Veins.—The sedimentary rocks are traversed by numerous Veins of quartz, about 3 feet wide, of unknown length, insome districts descending to an unknown depth, in others not more than three or four feet deep. These veins or dykes run N. and S., or N.N. E, and. S. W., and always make an acute angle with the laminz of the slates. They Seem to be the original matrix of all the gold found in the valleys and creeks, The quartz is often intersected by many Joints narro fissures, filled with a red ferruginous earth, in which particles of gold are disseminated. Gold is also found implanted in the quartz itself, and attached to the sides of its cavities. ‘These auriferous veins were iscovered and wrought before the alluvial gold deposits or “ Diggings ; and as they were worked with profit by the mand of the untrained diggers, they would doubtless well repay those Wa May operate upon them with all the appliances of modern European ‘Stooxp Seams, Vol. XVIJ, No. 50.— March, 1854. 282 Scientific Intelligence. the beds of clay, gravel, &c., now found in these depressions ; whilst the particles, grains, and nuggets (or pepites) of the precious metal by — their own weight descended to ihe lowest of the permeable beds, and every intermediate depth. The Diggings” may however be conven- ientlv classed into two divisions : first, ** Surface Workings ;” second, * Pi” or * Hole Workings.” — In the first the gold is either found lying on the surface or (much more commonly) is diffused through the grav- elly soil to the depth-of six or ] inches, beneath which is usually a stiff red clay containing litle or no gold. These deposites are commonly on the sides and crests of hills adjoining rich gullies. ‘The second of will yield nothing on the surface, ese deeper or Pit Workings are of three kinds :— 1. In the channel of an auriferous creek, at points where the stream channel beneath. Here the gold is lodged ina grey clay, which fills the chinks and fissures of the slate rock whence the miners extract Jt auriferous deposit will also increase in width. Such was the frst- of creeks are commonly from three to ten feet deep. They were i first undertaken at Mount Alexander. The deposits are richest at pols where the stream has been impeded in its course, either by feel Sinuiosities or by being crossed by a bar of slate as already mentioned. - 4. second kind of deep auriferous deposit is met with in the ory gullies which descend from the higher ranges to the main oe oy | ngth. These gullies in some spots are narrowed by the converging hills meltimes expand into open slopes or flats. Here the gold i commonly found, at from 10 to 29 feet beneath the surface, ina reddish or yellowish clay, lying either upon the fundamental rocks, in the chinks of the vertical slate, or else upon a thick tenacious white or yellow clay, known. by the miners as “ Pipe Clay.” This is sometimes of unknown depth, and sometimes passes imperceptibly into the vertical laminge of soft micaceous slate. In some of these gullies there is a cantinuous line of workings half a mile in length, The richest deposit 1 Sure to the air. [t is remarkable, that these gullies are, with scarcely aN exception, on the south side only of the valley. 3. The.third kind of deep workings are those on the sides and crests of the low rounded hills or acclivities at the sides of the auriferous ‘gullies. [tofien happens that the widih of an auriferous gully is con- tracted before it falls into the main valley by spurs from the lateral hills, which, protruding from either side, form a kind of gateway to the gully, la such localities the gold deposit was found to continue across the gully up tu the foot of these enclosing hills, and thence up their Sides to the rounded crest, where the rich field commonly ceases. In the gully below, the gold-bearing deposit may be ata lerable depth, tthe crest of the hill it will also be deep ; but intermediately, at the foot of the hill, the **holes’’ will be perhaps only two or three feet deep, or the gold may if this intervening space be scattered in the surface Sfavel ; so that a section through the hill and gully below would exhibit The alluvial strata on the sides and tops of these hills have a general Conformity to the present surface, but are extremely irregular, so that WO pits, a few yards apart, may present two totally different sections ; ‘sses of a conglomerate of fragments of lava, trap, and quartz, im- i . i ich ** Kke bedding rounded pieces of gold. At these workings the rich * pock Sal gold were commonly associated with a bluish clay, running in ‘ 284 Scientifie Intelligence. Enormous amounts of gold have been taken from some of these rounded alluvial hills. The yield, however, is not so uniform as in the the rock, small lumps or nuggets of gold will sometimes slip down between the vertical slates, In concldsion, the methods of separating the gold from the gravels and clays are the same as those used elsewhere in New South Wales and California, and vary of course according to the means at the com- mand of the miners*. - . On the Structure of Agate ; by Tueopore Gimpst, (Leonhard u. Bronn’s N. Jahrb. f. Min., 1853, pp- 152-157; Quart. Jour. Geol. -» Ix, 259.)—The curious and beautiful appearances afforded by agates have long made them of pri ary importance in mineralogi- Zimmerman is the first, to my knowledge, who observed? that the dif- ferent varieties of quartz—as amethyst, calcedony, carnelian, age posed of layers of diverse character ; secondly, that towards the centre of the nodule is a large mass of amethystine quartz, the nuéleus of the latter again being formed of very small concentric spherules. In the Jahrbuch fiir Praktische Pharmacie, Sc. 1852, isa short paper not homogeneous, but consists of lamellee overlying one another ce varying angles and confusedly distorted. As in the thin pellicle of blown glass the intimate structure of the soap bubble is as it were fixed, so I sought to make further researches by means, of experiments 00 molecular movement, such as can be observed in so many instances. One of the most successful experiments was the use of melted stearie with which very fine graphite had been mixed, spangles of which easily * Besides the Ballarat and Mount Alexander gold-fields, “diggings d on ne Moorabool » have been op rat; on the Plenty and Yarra Yarra Rivers, N. E. 0 Melbourne; on the Mitta Mitta River v3 Lake Omeo, in the N. E, part of the Colony ; as well as at several points along eastern portion of the Boundary-line between Victoria and New South Wales. + In his Taschenbuch far Min ogie. ¢ See also Mr. Hamilton’s Paper on the Agate Quarries of Oberstein, Quart. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, p. 215.—Tranal. § Vol. ii. No. 2, p. 124 a * ened at Mount Blackwood an River, near Balla Botany and Zoology. 285 indicated the intimate motion of the mass. By this easy experiment it ean that in some parts there was a strong tendency to the forma- tion of spheres, and which existed even i n the interior of the larger spheres, na rise to smaller spherules Ill. Botany anp Zootoey. 1. Fungi a — ee of Carolina, illustrated by natural specimens of th y H. W. Raven Mem. of Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, &c. Fasc. I].—We are glad to see Mr. Ra venel encouraged to so early an issue of another century of Carolina Fungi. In the quantity and quality of a igre this fasciculus is equal and perhaps superior to the firs e paper is We are acquainted with. Rather more than half of the species are ie American, some of which are now for the first time pub- - first e contained much fewer blemishes of this kind. In a work Containing so little letter- pont and so easy of correction, such errors moi the less excusable. M. A. C. Com mparative Anatomy ; by C. Tx. v. Stzzoxp and H. Srannivs. ae from the German, a Edited ers Notes and Additions, re- cording the — oo of the Science, by Waxpo I. Burnet M.D. “Vol. § y of the ste aban by C. Tu. v. chase Boston, “sch Go a & Lincoln. - s Ina ie | Gteditable to all parties concerned. _As a treatise upon n Anat 68s together with the additions of the translator, wil be regarded as "1 Comparative anato my. In this way, the work as a whole furnishes ® complete dictionary of the science, and will prove invaluable even as * Work of s Suggestion and reference, to those who would pursue any Special line of i inquiry and research in this department.” * 286 Scientific Intelligence. Dr. W. I. Burnett, who is well known by his own thorough and mi- nute researches in many points in anatomy, has performed his duties as translator with great fidelity, and has also increased largely the value — of the edition by his extended additions to the notes and references. He has thus included the most recent results of foreign researches, and has made the work more complete in its exhibition of American Science. The typographical appearance of the volume is excellent. We have seen no scientific work published in this country that is more credita- e in-ils appearance. It is filled with technical words, and the biblio- graphical references in the notes are given, as to their titles, in the dan- guage in which the works referred to are written. ‘This technicality of as their science instructs the mind. We hope that we shall see more in equaily excellent style, and from the same enterprising publishing: house, Messrs. Gould & Lincoln, of Boston. ; The second volume of this encyclopedian anatomical work 's, We learn, in press, and will be issued as soon as practicable. It will com prise the anatomy of the Vertebrata, and we wish Dr. Burnett 00 bet ter success than that it may prove the mate of the present anna G. N. Ps IV. Astronomy. ro 1. New Planet, Euterpe (27).—Mr. J. R. Hixp announces | covery of another asteroid on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 8, '9 Ta rus. {1 is less brilliant than stars of the ninth magnitude. ‘The follow ing elements were calculated by Mr. Cuartes Mattev from observa tions of Nov. 8, 12, and 17th. Epoch, 1853, Nov. 8395103. . 336° he dis- Ue Mean anomaly, - - B69 ¥ Long. perihelion, - - 84 2 ) Mn. eqn “ e, . oer 108 16 } Nov. 8. Inclination, é m a xcentricity, - : - 0-18902 Semi-axis major, - - - 2:26007 Siderial revolution, - - 3:397 years. 2. New Comet, (Astron. Jour., 66.)—Mr. Ropert Van ArsdAt® a ber in the constellation Cassiopeia. Its position Nov. 25 at 62 50” P. M» ie R. A, 257", Dec. + 60° 12. Noy. 30 at meridian passage , R. A. 15 44m, Dec, + 54° 10, , Miscellaneous Intelligence. 287 V. MisceLLaneous INTELLIGENCE. 1, Contributions to Meteorology,—Mean results of Meteorological Observations, made at St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Canada East, (nine miles west of Montreal) for 1853; by Cuartes Smattwoop, M.D.—— (The geographical co-ordinates: of the place are 45° 32’ N. Lat., and 73° 36’ W. Long. Height above the level of the sea, 118 feet. Barometric Pressure.—The readings of the barometer are all cor- from three daily observations, taken at 6 A. M., 2 P. M., an P. M. I yearly range was equal to 0-993 inches. ‘The atmospheric wave of November was marked by its usual fluctuations, the final trough termi- ated on the 20th dav. thermometer was on the 16th of June, and marked 99°-2; the lowest reading of the minimum thermometer was on the 27th of January, such Wits —28°-7 (below zero). The mean temperature of the quarterly Periods was, Winter 19°22, Spring 42°-46, Summer 68°43, Autumn 4°10. The yearly mean was 42°89, and the mean yearly range 59°27. "The ureatest intensity of the sun’s rays was in August, and Indicated 143°°6, the least intensity was in January, and was 64°-0, and the lowest point of terrestrial radiations was —22°-] (below zero) in December, _ The mean humidity (saturation being 1:000) was, in January ‘$09, in February ‘906, in March ‘881, in April °858, in May ‘895, in June 739, in July -727, in August ‘741, in September -834, in October °855, ‘0 November -798, in December °759. ‘The yearly mean was ‘825. Rain fell on 99 days, amounting to 44°201 inches, and was accom- Panied by thunder and lightning on 17 days. The greatest amount of mn which | observed, fell in September; it commenced at 5.10 p. M., on the 14th, and continued until 5.40 Pp. m. on the 15th, and amounted '05°142 inches. 1 have only observed once, this year, a yellow mat- r Was without thunder or lightning, but was accompanied by slight hail. Snow full on 37 days, amounting to 116°81 inches on the surface. The ‘St snow of the winter 1852-3 fell on the 17th day of October, 1852, and the last fell on the 14th day of April, 1853; the whole amount of Mow in the winter 1852-3 amounted to 119-10 inches. The river Je- rn Was frozen over on the 28th day of November. The last steamer ft Montreal (on the St. Lawrence) on the 7th of December; the first ¢ 288 Miscellaneous Intelligence. steamer arrived at Montreal on ihe, 15th day of April. The winter fairly set in on the 1] mber The amount of ate was geome regularly from the Ist of April to the 3lst of October, and amounted in April to 1:80 inches, in May 2°51 inches, i in June 3°41 inches, in July 3°98 a in Aug sgt 3°16 inches, in September 2°23 inches, in October 2°31 inches. This period includes what I consider could be taken with anything approach- ing to accuracy, owing to frosty weather. The most prevalent wind during the year was the W.S. W., the least ’ prevalent was the E.; in the winter quarter the most prevalent wind - and the least S.; in the spring quarter the most prev- alent wind was N. E., and the least so S.; in the summer quarter the most prevalent wind was W. 8. W., and the least N.; in the autumn quarter the most prevalent wind was W. N. W., and the least E. The greatest haga of the wind was on the 14th ‘day of March, and was s per hour. The yearly mean of the maximum velocity was 15: SI sales per hour, the yearly mean of the minimum velocity was 0°32 miles per hour. The quarterly means were as follows: wine ter, maximum velocity 17:93, minimum velocity 0°25; spring, maxi mum velocity 16°68, minimum velocity 0°81; su mmer, m maximum ve- locity 11:23, ‘minimum velocity 0-29 ; autumn, maximum velocity 16:18, minimum Pssiy 4 0°18 miles per hou ere first seen on the 7th day of March, wild Pair: Anser Se ieee, on the 30th day of March, swallows, Hirudo rufa, were rst seen on the Ist of April; shad, Alosa, were ~ ph in this neighborhood on the 30th of May ; fire- flies, Lampyris corusca, were seen on the 10th day of June: frogs, Rana, were Gal heard on the 23d of April. . The Aurora Borealis was visible on 39 nights as follows: January 12th, 10 p.m. Faint auroral arch, dark segmen neath. —13ih, 10 P. ™. Idem, Zodiacal light, bright. Q t under- ebrua Faint auroral streamers. 4AM Faint auroral light—14th, 10 P. m. to =) Ue Bright Bee arch.— 20th, m. Faint auroral arch. unar halos were visible on two oe during this month,—Zodiacal light \ was very bright also on 5 nigh, March h, 10 p. m. Faint auroral light to horizon, occasional streamers. Gaiacal light still visible and bright. 10 April w auroral arch, dark segment underneath ; “ P. M. Streamers, segment aie —5th,9 p.m. Zenith clear, +%- ‘ horizon clouded with strati, Aurora Borealis faint ; oe nae low arch; 9 P. m., arch 20° broad, dark segment sole h stteamiase in N. W. of a ged green color; 10.30, sairtigs, ex - gto the zenith.— 10th, 9 P aint auroral arch. ight very bright on 5 nights Te aie month. ay Ist, 10 P.M. Pont “et light.—2nd, 8.40 P spi gree of clouds of auroral light, forming a distinct eb a So m the Eastern to the Western horizon, the apex of thea rch passing oe zenith, extending through the constellations Bootes and sh . auroral clouds in the N. W. low and very near the horizon, ®°"— Miscellaneous Intelligence. 289 very faint; 9.5, aveh resumed the same brilliant appearance as at 8.40; 9.10, the whole of the Eastern and Western heavens were lighted up a- sional streamers.—30th, 10 P. m. Low faint auroral light to the hori- unar halo visible on the 20th, diameter 63°. June 14th, 9 to 10 Pp. m. Auroral streamers, moderate brightness, dark segment ed aes, —30th, 10 p.m. Faint auroral light. July se. P. M. a light, dark segment, occasional stream- eys5 1 M., dark se nt and streamers vanished.—Il lth, 11 Pp. m. Paint ihviaiad light to + ne Pre —12th, 10 to ll vp. m. nina to the zenith, extending from N. N. W. to E.—18th, 1 to2 a Low dark arch of auroral light, moderate brightness, occasional hieuiebs _— 23d,10 rp. m. Auroral streamers of moderate brightness.— 26th, 10 Faint auroral arch.—27th, 10 p.m. Auroral light to the hori- zon, splendid streamers. Shooting stars numerous during the month, August 7th, 10 rp. mw. Faint auroral streamers, dark segment in the ?.M. Faint auroral light. Shooting stars numerous from the 6th to the 13th. Comet first seen here on the evening of the 22d day, in the con- stellation Leo, at ‘gh 20m M. T., R. A. 114 80™ 10%, Declination N. 20°-5. tember Ist, 8.50 p. M. Splendid display of auroral clouds, form- ing four chews erohda of about 3° in width, with dark segments between, stretching from E. to W. froma point centered as it were in Arcturus. € most southern arch passing at its zenith through Aquila, the next through Lyra, the next through Polaris, under which was a dark seg- ment, arom which were sent at —. obec pe These ee (until 10.5), Stars of iow magnitude were visible through these ap- Fances,—2d, 8.50 to 11. 40 p.m. Much the same appearance as last night, but the arches not so weil defined. The most southern arch Was several degrees south of the zenith. Many floating auroral clouds arene from E t o W. —3d, 7.30 p.m. Auroral arches rane so °s.—121h, 10 p.m. Faint auroral rapa nee 10 p.m. Faint auro- ft Nat ~24th, 10 p.m. Faint auroral arch, dark segment under- yea 28rd, 10 p.m. Faint auroral light. November 9th, 1 10 p.m. Floating auroral clouds—very high wind.— »10 Pp. w. Faint auroral light to the horizon. Zodiacal light very bright and well defined apex at « Leonis. (Regulus.) Base in East Very extended. cember ah 8 p.m. Auroral light bright to the horizon.—20th, 10r. roral arch; no dark segment.—28th, 10 P. m. w au- oral light to: ee horizon. menrical slate of the atmosphere-—The atmosphere has daily af- cations of electricity, nsgidezhee in intensity, and kind: the ND fame Vol XVI, No. 60.—March, 18 37 290 Miscellaneous Intelligence. ® highest tension has been generally noticed in the winter season; the tri-daily observations (which could not be condensed) would occupy too much space for the columns of this Journal. Ozonometer.—Observations have been carefully registered twice having been exposed to the atmosphere, shaded from the sun, and rain. Asa general rule, rain or snow shows an increase, and so far as my own observations go, a high electrie state of the atmosphere does not show an increase in the amount of ozone. St. Martin’s, January 2 4, 2. Tornado in Knox Co., Ohio, Jan. 20, 1854, (Cleveland “ Plain- dealer.”’?)—The tornado broke out not far from 3 P. M. an ded by a light Yain which had fallen all day accompanied by wind and For a short time before the tornado made its appearance the weather is said to have grown idly warm, and the wind to have lulled. The hurricane first manifested itself in the western part of Miller township, about eight miles west of south from Mount Vernon. It seemed to spring into full life and passion all at once. No serious traces of its work were seen until it blew down the stable and unroofed ferent estimates, in passing any one point. It seems to have worl the appearance of a mighty black pillar, reaching from earth to heavens HF diated by blinding flashes of lightning, and accompanied in its devas n. Discovery in Photography, (Edinb. New Philos. Journal, Jan-, 1854).—A letter from Berlin of the 17th, says,—It is well known that the paper prepared for photography grows more or less black by rays taken advantage of this property in photographic, paper to edrvsavel i i Afte exact force of the sun’s light may be ascertained. Baron A. von _ boldt, M. de Littrow, M. Dove and M. Poggendorff have congratula Miscellaneous Intelligence. 291 M. Schall on this invention, which will be of the highest utility not only for scientific labors, but also in many operations of domestic and rural economy. 4. Fishes of Northern New York—Frozen Fish, (Sci. Amer., Jan- uary, 1854.)—Our lakes and streams, which, I believe, are the high- ice, they will revive on being thawed out. But if allowed to toss about inthe sun, on a clear day, and probably not freeze for an h6ur or two afier they are caught, then they will never revive. tis so common a thing, that I have only to go back to the last day I was fishing for an example of it. 1 went down to Lake Sandford with - our men, on the 29th ult., and at night we carried home in our Sai boe trough of running spring water, and when thawed out found six of them alive. The others had probably been caught in the warmest part of Notice how many. ey are, however, a much more delicate fish = the Siclgiel ae sank and more easily hurt and killed than either them, . On the afternoon of the 24th ult. I had fished faithfully for pickerel till Sundown, without even getting an encouraging nibble ; tired at last Pg pond behind the village, formed by the damming of the river, is fee one male and two females; every one of them were brou , y , 292 Miscellaneous Intelligence. been thawed out ina trough. The male one I caught, it lay on the ice, frozen, for three hours, ‘and then not finding a mate for him, I run a stick through his gills and dragged him home on the snow, two mi iles, threw him into the trough, and thought no more of him tll next morn- ing, when [ found him alive and seemingly enjoying himself as well as his narrow _— would permit. [took pity on the — fellow, car- ried him n to the pond, and he went off with a These are one a few instances of what occurs sis eri every day the winter through. The fact of their eae etter after being frozen as [ liave described, is knowa to every one here who is in the habit of thawed out before they can be clean I have heard some say that they bade taken trout when frozen, and Hat pe the fins and tail off, and on being thawed, found them alive; ut I have never tried this nor any other experiment ri them, @ rie not vouch for the a cee it. RopertT CLARKE. Adirondac Iron Works, Essex e's 5. American Association fs the Advancement of Science —The next Wile of the American — will be held in Washington City, commencing with the of April. ser make a g tion for a ry wc emy or College where there is instruction in seearaiee It will be sold low. Addre — 8. Esq., No. 145 Mulberry st., Philadelphia. 7. Cameroceras trentonense and Orthis Verneuili,—Mr. ume). But if the figure orn by Hisinger is to be relied upon, itis Continet siphonem modicz crassitiei zequantem circiter partem diame- tri sbaeteatins lotius teste, eumque ut sees inter axin et amo! tum tubi in medio si Bat in the C. tonense, the siphon 's marginal and full one-half the shortest diameter of the tube, — nearly as possible to four-ninths of the — diameter, the form 0 the shell being oval in all specime De Verneuil cites Orthis Verktesiili ae the Ottowa River, Canada, in Logan’s collection, and if this be correct, it is an American n species. Mr. Marcou has therefore the authority of de Verneuil for pronounciag both of these species as American; yet there is reason 10 believe : the facts are otherwise 8. Osrrva ae —J. E. Tescnemacuer, (Communicated by the ares Soc. of Nat. Hist.)—Ata meeting of the Boston none ety of Nat oa History held Dec. 2Ist, the President, Dr. J.C. War spoke of 1 a oe death of one of its members, Mr. J. E. Teschemacher, % follow dni Ge osleee :-—Our Societ y has Seervinton’ a great loss in re of Mr. Teschemacher, one.of its most valuable members ; Miscellaneous I: ntelligence. ~ 293 turn aside a moment from the path of science to pay a tribute to his mory. This gentleman, who joined our Society in the year 1835, contributor to the advancement of science in our country, has suddenly terminated his mortal career at the age of sixty-threé, from a disease of the heart. r. Teschemacher was a botanist, a mineralogist and geologist, and the records of our Society will show that he studied these sciences not in aloose and general way, but with untiring minuteness and assiduity. Although born on a foreign soil, he became so entirely affiliated with his adopted countrymen, that no one ever considered him in any other light than that of a fellow-citizen, and all regarded him with affection as oO oO his able and practical investigations of the carboniferous formations. Wealso regard his productions on the composition and improvement of soilsas a valuable and permanent contribution to the agriculture of the country. Resolved ; Second, that the President of the Society be requested to eee some notice of the life and labors of our learned associate. esolved ; Third, thata copy of these Resolutions, with the preamble and appended notice of bis productions, be presented to his family, to the Scientific journals of the country, and the daily paper which pub- ishes the proceedings of this Society. ; In compliance with the second of the above resolutions the President Presented the following noti = an” Q ct rz ee) res od 4 ae sz] “™"A a ‘So > Q as rea i -_— ° Card = 3 ° < i) ae re) a] o we ail we $9 Q = Ss ° S per = o truth so constantly pervading all his thoughts and writings. In the year 1830 Mr. 'Teschemacher accepted the offer of a partner- ship in a ‘house of considerable standing in Havana, and proceeded to 294 Miscellaneous Intellizence. rally inferred were few, but those few were employed (apparently asa recreation) in the severer branches of study, which frequently form the labor of a life, even with those who make science their occupation. Ett may he be said to have improved the talents committed to his charge. The following is a list of his Academic papers and published works: 1885. June 3rd, A report on a specimen of Sulphur. “July 5th, ‘Ona collection of Minerals from Russia. ** Bist, On alloys ste Nt ckel. * February 20th, On Palm arch, An account of tlie Camellice 1840. April ‘nd, On Minerals from New York. feo Saly TSth, On plants from New Zealand. 1841. February, On plants from Illyria. April, On Phosphate of Uranium at Chesterfield. 1841. June, On a new species of ent sia from Manilla August, On plants from Kent : 1842, March, On fossi! Ferns Pod Mansfield. ' October, On corn from Texa n soil from Huron Prairie , Ohio Gf “ —— On the identity of Pyrochlore with the Microlite Binal Shepard. 1843. January, Ga a slab with dendritic markings, from Newton M February, Remarks on Guano, 4, a Beryls from Acwo 18451 June, On Melo- -cactus, Pein | St Diego, California. November, On Russian minerals. December, On Ferns from the Sandwich Isla 1846. March, Mineralogical notices of Damourite aiid Pyrite " n fossil vegetation. 1848. January, On fossil vegetatio April, On angles of the salve Arkansite. 1850. February, On the:mineral Vermiculite. _ Published Papers. An address before the Boston Society of Natural History. * Horticultural Society. “ “Harvard Natural History Society. An essay on Guano. In the Boston Journal of Natural Bistary; vol. ii, 1837 saci Notice of three species of Trillium, found in the vicinity of Bosto™ Miscellaneous Intelligence. 295 ree Ibid, vol. iv, 1841. On a new species of Rafflesia from Manilla. On the occurrence of the Phosphate of Uranium in the Tourmaline locality at Chesterfield. Mineralogical Notices—Ibid, vol. v, 1845. On the occurrence of Uranium in the Beryl limits of Ackworth, N. H. On Melo-cactus viridescens. On the fossil vegetation of America. ceology. A large geological chart of the United States closes the volume. : 10. The Microscope in its special application to Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology ; by Dr. Hermann Scuacut. Translated by Frep- ERICK Currey, Esq., M.A. 132 pp. 12mo, with numerous illustrations, Plants, in the course of which there are occasional wood-cuts. Two closing chapters treat of the drawing of objects in Natural Philosophy, *specially microscopical objects, and on the preservation of objects for microscope. The volume isa good companion for the microscope and opens to the student or amateur, subjects and methods of investiga- Hon that cannot fail of giving both profit and delight. Explanations and Sailing Directions, to accompany the Wind and Current Charts; by M. F. Maury, LL.D., Lieut. U.S. N., Su- Perintendent of the National Observatory. 6th edition, enlarged and Improved. 772 pp. 4to, with 16 plates. Philadelphia, 1854. E.C. & We have but time to mention its contents. he sixth edition, owing to the demand for the work, has followed rapidly on those preceding. The Volume has a miscellaneous character; but bears in all its topics on the great subjects of physical geography and navigation, The topics discussed are the following. The Wind and Current Charts, including 8€neral observations on the atmosphere and sea. Universal System of Meteorological Observations, and Report of the Maritime Conference at Brussels, Explanatory Notes for keeping Abstract Log. Influence 296 Miscellaneous Intelligence. of the Gulf Stream on the Trade of Charleston. Currents of the Sea. General Circulation ” the Atmosphere, and its probable relation to the Magnetism of the Earth. Red Fogs and Sea Dust. Clouds and the Equatorial Cloud-Ring. Red Sea Currents. Geological agency of the Winds. Saltness of the Sea. Open Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Phys- ical Geography of the Sea. Gales in the Gulf Stream. Wind and Current Charts; Pilot, Thermal and Trade Wind Charts. Routes to and from Europe. Routes to Rio. Passage round Cape sid Route to California, and between California and Australia ; Routes Euro and the United States to Australia; and from the Sandwich Islands, The general system of Meledrviowont Observations proposed, if vg out, must give rapid progress to our knowledge of physical geog With so large an object as the earth for our study, @ pat its atmosphere and oceans, whose motions are world-wide in their system, the examinations at a single place, or even many places, are alone of little account. It requires the combined action of civilized nations, with accurate observers spread over all lands and seas, to pro- one dollar a year. It contains much that bears on practical science, and records of discoveries which are of — pera and will be @ valuable acquisition to any who may become subscribers to it. Transactions of the American Philosophical gaierin Philadel- phia, vol. x, new series, Part III. Contents—Art. XXII. Description of an extinct species of American read ; Felis atrox; by Josepa Leipy, M.D. =a XI 2 A Memoir on the extinct Dicorylinds of America; by J EIDY M.D. XXIV. Chemical Examination of two Minerals tin? “ag neighbor- hood of Reading, Pennsylvania; and on the occu of Gold in Pennsylvania ; by Cnartes M. Werueritt, Ph. Ona New Vaiieky of Asphalt ; (Melan-asphalt,) by Cuannm® M. Werueritt, Ph.D. d nthe Decomposition of the ese Sulphates by Hyer chloric Acid and Chlorine; by R. A. Titcum ited XXVII. Notes on the Classification of the “Carabide of the Uni ge by Joun L. Le Conte, M.D. HN VIIE. Revision of the Elateridee of the United States ; es Jo L. ‘Le Ook M.D. OSEPE sa 297 - APPENDIX. Notice of a collection of Fishes from the southern bend of the Tennessee River, in the State of Alabama ; by L. Agassiz. Tue only information we have at present upon the fishes of ‘the Tennessee River, has been published by Dr. D. H. Storer, who mentions nine species from the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History for 1845, and of which short descriptions appeared in his Synopsis of the Fishes of North America, in 1846. Having lately received a collection of not less than thirty-three species from the same water system, brought together by the untiring efforts of Dr. Newman, of Huntsville, who has most kindly placed them in my hands for description, it seems desirable that an early notice of the general character of the ichthyological fauna of that region should be published, to serve as a staudard of comparison with the fishes of the other western and southern rivers, in the study of their geo- graphical distribution. I arrange them below according to their natural affinities. PERCOIDS, Cuv.—Whether the genera Perca, Labrax, and Lucioperca, are really wanting in the Tennessee River remains to be ascertained. No specimens of these genera were found among those forwarded by Dr. Newman; though many less conspicuous forms were collected. ‘Thus far the genera Grystes, Centrarchus, a omotis, as understood at present by ichthyologists, are the ti representatives of the family of Percoids in the ‘Tennessee iver, Grystes, Cuv.—I have already shown in my “ Lake Su- Perior” that the genera Girystes and Huro of Cuvier do not differ essentially one from the other, and must therefore be united into One natural group; moreover when the fishes of Kentucky shall be better known, it may become necessary to substitute for either them the name of Lepomis, introduced in ichthyology by finesque, as early as the year 1820, for the western species of this genus. If I hesitate to make the change now, it is simply ause I have not the means of deciding upon the value of his Many species. The species of this group are indeed very difficult ‘ocharacterize. They differ chiefly in the relative size of their les, the presence or absence of teeth upon the tongue, though Cuvier denies the presence of teeth on the tongue of any of Srniss, Vol. XVII, No. 50.—March, 1854. a8 Ein 298 JL. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. them, &c. There are hesides marked differences between the young and the adults. These circumstances render it impossible to characterize any one species without comparative descriptions and figures. The species from Huntsville, known there under the name of Trout, differs equally from the northern species men- tioned in my “Lake Superior,” and from that of the Southern States described by Cuvier and Valenciennes as Grystes salno- neus. Its snout is shorter, the posterior end of the upper maxillary extends beyond the hinder border of the eye, the head is higher, aud the scales much larger in the dorsal as well as in the ventral regions. No teeth on the tongue. I call this species provision- ally Girystes nobilis, Ag. It reaches a large size, and weighs. occasionally from ten to fourteen pounds. : 2. Cenrrarcuus, Cuv.—Under this name Cuvier has combined a variety of Percoids agreeing in general form; their body being oval aid compressed, and the two dorsals continuous; but these fishes differ from one another in so many respects that they require to be further subdivided.* I shall retain the name of Centrarchus for that group of species of which Centrarchus irideus may be considered as the type. Thus circumscribed, the genus Centrarchus may be characterized .as follows: Body very broad, greatly compressed, above as well as below. Dorsal long spinous and soft rays ; spinous portion of the fin largest. Ana shaped like the dorsal, but with fewer spinous rays, extending between the ventrals. Mouth small. No species of this geuus has been found in the Tennessee River. 3. Pomoxis, Rafin.—Vhis genus was established by Rafinesque for a species closely allied to the Centrarchus hexacanihus of Cuv. and Val., and it well deserves to be retained. ‘The boay '8 much elevated and compressed, resembling somewhat Central- chus proper. Like that genus it has a high dorsal and a high anal, of nearly equal size, and the spinous portion of these fins rises towards the soft rays without a depression ; but in Pomox!s the soft portion of these fins is much the largest, whilst it 1s the smaller in Centrarchus ; in Pomoxis the lewer jaw is very promi nent. ‘The mouth is very large, which is smaller in Centrarchus. I have found representatives of this genus in all the Wester? States, from the western parts of New York to the Gulf of Mex- ico, and in the southern Atlantic States, but none in the nore Atlantic States. The species from the Tennessee River, call there Speckled or White Perch, agrees fully with the desrripre given by Rafinesque of his Pomoxis annularis, with the mtb exception of a golden ring at the base of the tail, which may * DeKay has contrived to render the genus Centrarchus of Cuvier still Jess nati ral, by introducing into it his Centvarehus fasciatus and obscurus, which truly belong to the genus Grystes. See “ Lake Superior,” page 295. LL. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 299 faded in the specimens. sent by Dr. Newman, from Huntsville. Not -haviug however specimens from the locality quoted by Rafin- esque, [ must leave it for further investigations to determine beyond any doubt their specific identity or difference. Centrar- chus hexacanthus, Cuv. and Val., belongs unquestionably to this genus, : 4. Ametoruites, Rafin.—This is another of the natural genera established by Rafinesque for one of the many distinct types com- ined by Cuvier and Valenciennes under the name of Centrar- chus. The well known Centrarchus @neus may be considered _ Ones by the structure of its dorsal and anal fins. The spinous portion of the dorsal is much longer than the posterior soft por- tion of that fin and scarcely half its height, causing a marked depression to appear between the spinons and the articulated rays. The same is the case with the anal, which is also long ; but low I its anterior spinous portion. The general form of these fishes 1s oval, and the body less compressed than in the preceding genera. he species from the Tennessee River agrees in every respect With Rafinesque’s Ambloplites ichtheloides. It is called at Hunts- ville Goggle-eyed or Black Perch. In adopting the genus Am- bloplites and referring this species to it with Rafinesque’s authority Thave acted with that discretion due to an author who labored under the greatest difficulties when prepariug his work upon the fishes of the Ohio. It is tree he himself describes this species as Lepomis ichtheloides; but he also suggests the desirableness of distinguishing it generically and proposes a new name for the genus, should it be admissible. Finding it to be so, Ido not hesitate in giving him the fullest credit for his suggestion, even though I must add that he has described another variety of the same species under the name of Ichthelis erythrops. 1 have found both these varieties among the fishes sent to me by Dr. Newman and I have no hesitation in considering them as spe- Cifically identical with one another and as agreeing fully with Rafinesque’s descriptions. Should naturalists be more generally Melined to correct simply what they consider as errors in their Predecessors instead of discarding altogether what they can not at once determine, we should have much fewer of those nominal Species in our descriptive works, which are the curse of our sci- entific nomenclature. Ambloplites ichtheloides is much stouter and more elongated than Ambl. eneus ; body less compressed above ; face broader, lower jaw less prominent, and strongly arched from side to side; mouth opens less obliquely upwards; ‘pious rays of dorsal and anal shorter than in A. eneus; dorsal ‘pinkled with white spots. | i oe . 300 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. referred by them to the genus Centrarchus. This species how- ever belongs neither to Ceutrarchus nor to Pomotis, if we are to consider genera as expressing the same general features under a variety of modifications; for all true Pomotis are fishes with a small mouth, feeding on worms, while P. gulosus has a large mouth like Grystes and is a voracious animal living upon small fishes, which he chases with great energy. Again, Ceutrarchus has fins widely ditferent in their structure from those of P. gulo- sus; there being a large number of spinous rays in advance of the anal in Centrarchus proper and those genera mentioned above which have been finally separated from Centrarchus ; whilst P. gulosus has only three, like the true Pomotis. Notwithstanding these peculiarities I have been hesitating for a long time to con- sider P. gulosus as the type of a distinct genus, until I ascertained that there exist many species of this type in different parts of the country, all of which reproduce the essential peculiarities of P. gulosus under a variety of modifications. Upon a careful inves tigation of all the works in which American fishes are mentioned, I ascertained however that Rafinesque had already established a distinct genus for a species of this type described in his Lehthyo- gia Ohiensis under the name of Calliurus punctulatus. It is hardly surprising that this genus should have been overlooked by European ichthyologists and that it should even have escaped the notice of the authors of the great French Histoire naturelle des Poissons, for the fishes of the Ohio river have remained entirely unnoticed since Rafinesque, until Dr. Kirtland published his 10- teresting and highly valuable papers upon the fishes of Ohio, 10 the Journal of the Natural History Society of Boston. Dr. Kurt land however, though the first author who has done full justice to the valuable contributions of Rafinesque to the Ichthyology ° the United States, does not mention the species described by Rafinesque, as Calliurus punctulatus, and so this genus has re- mained unnoticed until now. It has oecurred to me that 1 Body oval, rather elongated, not compressed above. Dorsal long species from Huntsville is identical with Rafinesque’s Calliurus punctulaius. It is called there Black Perch or Goggle-eye- L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 301 6. Pomorts, Rafin.—Every ichthyologist must be familiar with the freshwater sunfishes, so common throughout the United States; but it is perhaps not so generally known that the author- ity to which the genus Pomotis onght to be ascribed is question- able. , Indeed, I find it universally ascribed to Cuvier: but that name occurs already in Rafinesque’s Ichthyologia Ohiensis, pnb- lished in 1820, as a subgenus of his genus Jchthelis, which he there divides into Telipomis and Pomotis. It seems therefore probable to me that Cuvier not considering these subdivisions necessary, and finding the name Pomotis better adapted to ex- press the prominent character of all the species of this group, adopted the name of Pomotis in preference to Jchthelis, aud in conformity with an objectionable practice, followed by some nat- uralists, to which Cuvier however did not adhere in other in- stances of applying a new authority whenever the range of a genus is modified, allowed in this case his name to supersede that of Rafinesque, which I would however restore, in conformity With the more just practice now prevailing. If it were further asked, what should be done with the name of Ichthelis which Was proposed by Rafinesque as early as 1818. Whether it should €made a synonym of his own subgenus Pomotis? or disregarded altogether, because Pomotis has come into general use? I would Suggest that neither would be the proper course to follow. It is My opinion that in a complete monograph of this gronp, the hame Ichthelis should be finally restored to its right and T'elipo- ms and Pomolis used for such sections or genera as it may be- come necessary to. separate from it, now that the number and diversity of species of this group has increased beyond expecta- tio his is at least the course I shall adopt when publishing the descriptions of the many view species of this type | have col- lected in the Southern States. For the present, I limit myself to describing the seven species sent to me by Dr. Newman, six of which are new to science. 1. Pomotis sanguinolentus, Agass.—Called Sun Perch at Hunts- ville. "The general outline of the body is that of Pomotis nitida, Kiril. but the back is more compressed, the dorsal and anal fins fe more pointed behind, and the spinous rays are longer, the base of the anal is shorter. The sides of the head are marked with Mregular uudulating longitudinal lines of a metallic steel blue » extending from the cheeks across the gill cover to the base of the pectorals and even continuing alone the sides of the body i dotted lines. There are generally four of these lines below the eyes, the first being close to its margin, and extending back- — Salong and around the border of the opercular appendage and feturuing, meets the centre of the hinder margin of the eye, bat teappears immediately in front of the eye and continues to the edge of the upper jaw. ‘Though the opercular appendage is _ 302 I, Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. rather large, the lateral line is so high near the back, that it is not ec y it anteriorly. The general color is of a reddish brown, motiled with red above and passing gradually into a uniform bright brick-red color prevailing upon the lower part of the body, aud sprinkled with irregular light dots. 2. Pomotis inscriptus, Agass.—Small species, the outline of which is more elongated than in P. sanguinolentus. The gill covers are marked as in that species with three or four lines of a metallic steel blue color; opercular appendage long, directed more obliquely upwards than in any other species here described, black, with a light border which is a continuation of two of the lines of the cheeks, the one running below the eye, the other termina- ting behind the eye. Each scale of the back and sides is marked in its centre with a short narrow black line, hence the sides are 3. Pomotis notatus, Agass.—Called Pond Perch at Huntsville. Body more elongated than in P. vulgaris; its upper and lower curve nearly equal. Opercnlar appendage very short, not eX- tending beyond the base of the pectorals; its hinder margin !s orange-colored, with a black spot in front, from which a faint dusky band extends to the eye. The spinous rays of the dorsal and aval are more slender than in P. vulgaris, and the articnlated toral fins are long, extending beyond the base of the anal, as 10 oO the sides, gill cover and belly being silvery ; scales not dotted with black as in many similar species. that the profile is still more precipitate and the body somewhat moré elongated as well as much stouter, especially in the per? L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 303 of the head and across the pectorals. The opercular appendage is longer and broader, but also without a light posterior margin. The posterior soft rays of the dorsal are marked with a black spot as in the preceding species, but all the spinous rays of that fin are shorter and stouter. It is a dark colored fish throughout the lower as well as the upper side of the body, almost uniformly brown, the belly only being somewhat lighter in hue. The face and lower jaw are of a leaden color. The fins are all darker than in P. incisor, especially the ventrals. 6. Pomotis bombifrons, Agass.—Body higher than in P. obsen- tus and profile even more arched. Forehead prominent especially over the eyes. Head quite broad and short. Opercular append- age black, and small; a light narrow band runs along its lower margin. No black spot upon the hind part of the dorsal. The last spinous rays of this fin are shorter than in P. obscurus, thus making the passage to the soft rays more abrupt and marked, the Soft portion of the fin being almost as prominent as in Ambloplites and Calliurus when compared with the spinous rays. Bod light brown, fins lighter colored; scales of the belly and sides dotted With golden orange. The face and under jaw have not the leaden color of P. obscurus. Considering the peculiar form of the ver- _ 1. Pomotis pallidus, Agass.—This species resembles P. incisor M the outline of the body, the nature and coloration of the scales, and in the size and form of the fius, but it differs greatly from it by its large mouth, the free extremity of the upper jaws reach- Ing the vertical line of the middle of the eye, by the presence of teeth upon the palate, and by the ventral fins being placed tmmediately under the pectorals. The black opercular appen- dage which is very short, has a narrow orange border behind. There is a black spot at the base of the posterior rays of the dorsal. Both dorsal and anal are marked by one or two dark Stipes; the caudal is crossed by several dotted vertical lines. here are eight or nine dusky bars across the sides, between the ead and tail. This species bears the same relation to Pomotis, that Pomoxis bears to the true Centrarchus, in the size of the Mouth, and the form of the body, and I have no doubt it will “nie day become the type of a distinct genus. THEOSTOMOIDS, Agass.—There are comparatively few Natural families in the animal kingdom so limited in their geograph- cal distribution as to be entirely circumscribed within the boun- tes of a single continent, aud these few belong mostly to the 'Ype of Vertebrata. Though among fishes we should least ex- 304 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. want of connection between the single suboperculum and the preoperculum forbids also a more intimate alliance with that fam- ily. orm of the ventrals of the Etheostomoids reminds us somewhat of those Gobioids in which the two ventrals are dis- tinct. Since the publication of the work. above mentioned, I have become acquainted with three new genera of tis family, for which [ would propose the names of Hyostoma, Catonotus, and Hadropterus. ; ‘ The more extensive knowledge I have acquired of this family by these recent accessions enables me to give more precisiou " the characters assigned at first to its genera; as follows: 1. Erneostoma, Rafin.—Head elongated pointed ; mouth ve minal, widely open, not protractile, broad; jaws of equal length. Opercular apparatus and cheeks bare. First dorsal distinctly SeP- arated from the second. Anal and second dorsal smaller than the . first ti 1 ander the namie of Pecilosoma. ing however at the time of its publication far away from Cambridge, a0 d : consult my library or any other, | did not perceive that that name was lready pt occupied; I would therefore change it now to Peecilic ES Several new us * The genus Peeeilichth ys 5 , . “ott; ., remarkable for its “7a se , i the sides of the 0 ig gh row, vith Gack ook lines oon Ss upon the sides of the tail; dorsals banded ‘with black, white and red. Tr species P. spectabilis, Another found by Dr. L_ Watson in small creeks baie Llinois, similar in color to the eceding but without black stripes along ¢ also less compressed. 4 | i . of collected = ery Geo. Stolley in the Osage River, Mo. d eall this species P. versicolor. apron toning pe ie were also received from River. A fourth species from the Osage ‘lack, tbe also discovered by Mr. Geo. Stolley, is of a greenish color mottled with dotted all second dorsal, the anal; the ventrals and the pectorals being ¢o"™ over with minute dark specks. J call this species P. punctulatus. oes L. Agassiz on Fishes from Tennessee River. 305 first dorsal, but equal to one another. Caudal lunate. Type of the genus: E'thblennioides, Raf. per. Opercular apparatus, cheeks and neck destitue of scales, First dorsal much lower than the second, with clubshaped rays when full grown; membrane of this fin extending to the base of the second dorsal. Anal smaller than the second dorsal. Caudal rounded. Only one species known: C. lineolatus, Agass., dis- covered by Dr. L. Watson in small creeks near Quincy, lll. Phe whole body olive green with close narrow interrupted black longi- tudinal lines; transverse lines of the same color across the caudal. 3. Pitzoma, Dekay.—Head conical, pointed, truncated at the end, in form of a hog’s snout; mouth moderate, in form of an oblique are of a circle, opening below the end of the snout, very slightly protractile. Lower jaw shorter than the upper. culum and cheeks scaly. Membrane of the first dorsal not reach- ing the base of the second. Anal smaller than the second dor- sal. Caudal truncate or slightly lunate. Type of the genus : P. caprodes. (Htheostoma caprodes, Rafin.) - Haprorrervus, Agass.—Head conical, obtusely pointed, tounded at the end; mouth moderate, terminal, not protractile, Jaws nearly equal. Operculum and cheeks scaly. Membrane of the first dorsal extending to the base of the second. Anal and second dorsal large and equal. Caudal truncate or slightly Iunate. Only one species known: Hi. nigrofasciatus, Agass. From the neighborhood of Mobile, Alabama. Discovered by Albert Stein, q- Brown above, lighter below, with transverse black bands, Wider in the middle than nearer to the back or the belly. 5. Hyosroma, Agass.—Head short, blunt, rounded, with swol- len cheeks, Mouth comparatively small below the snout, slightly Protractile. Lower jaw shorter than the upper, which may be Concealed in a deep furrow below the snout. Opercular appara- tus and cheeks scaly. First dorsal long, but not reaching the of the second. Anal smaller than the second dorsal. Cau- dal slightly lunate. Only one species known: H. Newmanii, ‘sass. Discovered by Dr. Newman in the vicinity of Hunts- Ville, Alabama, where it is called “Salmon.” This fish is uni- ‘ormly brown with irregular transverse black blotches. A red Sttipe along the base of the first dorsal. tractile, though the maxillary bone be moveable. Opercular ap- Paratus sealy, cheeks bare. First dorsal distinctly separated from the second. Anal smaller than the second dorsal. Caudal tran- ‘ate or slightly rounded. The species of this genus are among Stooxn Sruies, Vol. XVI, No. 50.—March, 1854. 89 : - 306 L. Agassiz on Fishes from Tennessee River. the most brilliant freshwater fishes in the world. Type of the genus: Liheostoma variatum, Kirtl. Several new species are mentioned in the note above. 7. Boreosoma, Dekay.—Head short, rounded; mouth below the end of the snout, small, horizontal, slightly protractile. Op- ercular apparatus and cheeks scaly; neck scaleless. Membrane of the first dorsal reaching the base of the second, thongh the two fins are distinetly separated. Second dorsal much larger than the anal. Candal rounded. Type of the genus: Boleosoma tessellatum, Dekay. For references to other species, see “ Lake Superior,” page 299. . All the representatives of this family are confined, as far as we know, to the fresh waters of North America; not a single spe- cies having thus far been noticed either in Europe or Asia. ‘To this circumstance we must no doubt ascribe the total neglect of the genus Etheostoma of Rafinesque by European ichthyologists. The geuus Hyostoma is the only type of this family I am ac- quainted with from the southern bend of the Tennessee River. It is true, Dr. Storer has described two species of Etheostoma from the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, but they do not seem to occur farther east; at least I have found nothing to remind me of his species in the collection forwarded by Dr. Newman. It is a fact worthy of notice that not a single species of Gas- terosteus has as yet been discovered in the Mississippi River or its tributaries, or in any of the rivers emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. I have also searched in vain for them in the southern Atlantic states, though they are common in the northern states aud in the waters emptying into the St. Lawrence. . SCLENOIDS, Cuv.—In the old world no representative of this family is known to inhabit the fresh waters, whilst in North Amet- ica a remarkable species has been found in Lake Champlain, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the Ohio River, which truly belongs this family and has generaily been referred to the genus Corvina, under the name of Corvina Oseula. It should however be te- to examine the value of this genus, nor even to state on what L. Agassiz on Fishes from Tennessee River. 307 species of Ammblodon in different parts of the United States and that this type is not limited to the Northern States but extends West as far as the western parts of Missouri aid South as far as Louisiana and Alabama. Ampiovon, Rafin.—External characters of Corvina, combined with the form and appearance of Pogonias. Upper pharyngeals distinct, covered with broad, hemispherical teeth closely set, like pavement stones and arranged in regular rows; outside of these are a few small poiuted teeth. ‘The lower right and left pharyn- geals are soldered toyether into a broad triangniar plate, covered with teeth of the same kind and arranged ini the same manner as upon the upper pharyngeals. In the genus Corvina the lower pharyngeals are distinct as the upper ones atid support short coni- cal teeth not numerous, nor closely set. Fyrom want of a snffi- cient number of specimens { am unable to determine whether the Specimens from the great Lakes are specifically identical with h Ohio River described by Rafinesque as Amblodon grunniens ; but I have ascertained that the species of the Ohio ~ River differs from that of Huntsville, which I call Amblodon con- ciunus, Agass. This species differs from A. gruimiens in having the body less elongated, the profile steeper, and the dorsal fin Placed further forwards. he profile is most arched immediately over the upper aitachment of the preopercle, in A. granniens it is most prominent over the opercule. ‘The dorsal fin ends slightly in advance of the hase of the pectorals; in A. grunniens ehind these. The serrated edge of the preopercle is directe more obliquely downwards and backwards, making the inferior angle of the preopercle more acute. ‘This species is known in the Tennessee River by the name of Drum. It reaches there the Weight of fifty pounds. Amblodon lineatus, Agass.—This species sent to me by Mr. 0. Stolley from the Osage River, Mo., resembles more A. con- Cintns than A. grunniens, but the head is shorter; the promi- hence of the foréhead is nearer the dorsal fin, immediately over the opercle, thus having a less arched profile. ‘The anterior border of the eye nearly reaches the profile of the head. The -Spines of the dorsal fin are bent more backwards. The dark col- ation of the centres of the scales, especially in younger speci- _ Mebs produces the appearance of regular lines following the di- _ Féetiou of the rows of scales, hence the name of this species. It stows also very large, 0 mM as the species of the Tennessee River. Mr. Stolley in- forms me that the Amblodons are very sluggish, and live at the bottom of muddy waters, where they are often seen progressing Owly, raising as it were, clouds of dirt before them, now lying "pon one side of their body, then turning upon themselves = Gu ae A) i=) ~ wn _— o 7) Hh 2 = ~ a @D yh i=) = 97] 5 © 308 L. Agassiz on Fishes from Tennessee River. stomach; they however bite occasionally at a minnow. E'soces, Cuv. (Joh. Miller.)—Though we have only the genus Esox representing this family in North America, it is perhaps not superfluous for me to state that I agree with the modifications J. Miller has introduced in this group since it was first established by Cuvier. We have one species from the Tennessee River, called Pike at Huntsville. misapplication of English names to our native animals, which has already led to somuch confusion. Unless applied as a generi¢ apel- lation, the name Pike must be retained for the European “ Lucius, to which only it belongs by right; whilst the Belg Pickerel designates the young of that fish. It would be quite at 4 advisable to introduce in our scientific nomenclature the eye . Calf to distinguish the Bisons from the type of our domesticat cattle, as to apply the name Pickerel to any particular specles ” set of species of the genus Esox. (To be continued.) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. [SECOND SERIES.] Arr. XX XIL—The Primitive Diversity and number of Ani- mals in Geological Times; by L. Acassiz. Tuere is a view generally entertained by naturalists and geol- gists that genera and species of animals and plants are greatly More numerous at the present age of the world than in any pre- vious geological period. This seems to me an entire misconcep- tion of the character and diversity of the fossils which have been discovered in the different geological formations, and to rest upon &stimates which are not made within the same limits, and with ‘the same standard. Whenever a comparison of the diversity and umber of fossils of any geological period has been made wit lose of the living animals and plants belonging to the same Classes and fainilies, it has been done under the tacit assumption Which seems to. me entirely unjustifiable, that the fossils formerly inhabiting our globe are known to the same extent as the animals Which live at present upon its surface; while it should be well _ Mderstood that however accurate our knowledge of fossils may be, it has been restricted, for each geological formation, to a few circumscribed areas. Comparisons of fossils with the living an- ‘a Imals ought, therefore, to be limited to geographical districts cor- _ “sponding in extent to those in which the fossils occur; or, properly, a fossil fauna with all its local peculiarities ought !0 be compared with a corr ponding fauna of the present period, _ and not with all the animals of the same class living at present “Pon the whole surface of the globe. And when this is done Stooxp Senies, Vol. XVII, No, 51.—May, 1854. 40 | 310 £L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. with sufficient care and proper allowance is made for the limited time during which investigations of fossils have been traced com- pared with that which has been almost everywhere devoted to the closer study of living animals, it will be seen that the number and diversity of species peculiar to each special fossil fauna is, in most instances, equal to those found to characterize zoological provinces of similar boundaries, at the present day. And this may be said of the fossil faunze ofall ages. In many instances the result is even quite the reverse of what is generally supposed to be the fact, for there are distinct fossil faunze which have yielded much larger numbers of species, presenting a greater Var riety of types than any corresponding fauna in the present age. Some examples will justify this perhaps unexpected statement. The number of species of shells which are found living along the shores of Europe, does not exceed six hundred. About six hundred species is again the number assigned to the whole basin of: the Mediterranean, including both the European and Afnican coasts. Now the most superficial comparison between them an the fossil species which occur in the lower tertiary beds in the vicinity of Paris, shows the latter to exceed twice that number; there are indeed twelve hundred species of fossil shells now known from the eocene beds in the immediate vicinity of Paris, affording, at once, a very striking evidence of the greater diver- sity and greater number of species of that geological period when compared even with those of a wider geographical area at the present aay. ; If it be objected that the variety of forms which oceur in trop cal faune is greater than that which we observe on the shores of our temperate regions, and that the temperature of the teruiary period having been warmer we may expect a larger number fossil species from those deposits, 1 would only refer to local enu- merations of marine shells from several tropical regions, to sustain my assertion that the number of fossil shells of the eocene beds of the immediate vicinity of Paris, is much greater than that of any local fauna of the present period, even within the tropics: A catalogue of not quite three huudred species of shells given by Dufo as occurring around the Sechelles Islands, the extent of of the Red Sea by Hemprich, Ehrenberg and Riippel, and there L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 311 over 50° of latitude, 28° N. of the equator, and 22° S. of it, in- cluding the most favorable localities for the growth of shells in the Pacific under the tropics, and yet we shall find his list exceed- ing but little the number of 500 species. In this instance again we find that the advantage in number and variety is in favor of the tertiary period, and not of the present age. If a different result has been obtained by the estimates made before this, it is OWing to the circumstance, that the fossils known from a few localities within narrow geographical limits were compared with the living species known to occur upon the whole surface of the Gove. But let us trace these comparisons through other geolog- leal periods, with reference to other classes also, and we shall find mM every instance, similar results. The tertiary fossils of Bor- deaux, though less numerous in species than those of the eocene In the vicinity of Paris, will compare with any local fauna of the present period as favorably for variety and number of species as those of the lower tertiaries. This may be said, with the same certainty, of the tertiary shells of the Sub-appennine Hills, or of those of the English Crag of which we now possess a very com- plete list. If from the tertiary periods we pass down to the cretaceous, do we not find in the deposits of Meestricht, or in those of the age of the white chalk, a number and variety of shells as great as that which may be found on any shore or in any circumscribed Marine basin of an extent at all comparable with that of the cre- faceous beds within similar limits? Do-we not find in the lower ctetaceous strata such as the green sand or the Neocomien, other assemblages of the remains of Mollusks, which, in number and atiety, are not inferior to those of the white chalk? The Sdlitic series, again, will stand a similar comparison quite as well. We need not even take the whole group of those deposits, but Consider each subdivision of the Jurassic period by itself, and Sull we find in every one, local faunee of Mollusks, assuming of Course, a different character from those of the cretaceous or ter- tary, but nevertheless’ sufficiently diversified to admit of an *stimate, as advantageous, with respect to the points under Consideration, and to the local faunee of the present day as to the us assemblages of fossils, or those of the tertiary period. Of course, in accordance with the peculiar character of the age, diff ent families prevail in these different periods; the Cepha- lopoda are extremely numerous and surprisingly diversified during the cretaceous and Oolitic periods; while they dwindle down to 312 L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. a few representatives in the tertiaries, and so with other families. The shells found in the deposits of the new red sandstone period, of the coal period, and of the still earlier ages, are perhaps less numerous on the whole, though they can hardly be said to be less diversified; for, the extinct forms which occur among them, are quite an equivalent to the variety of their families which have lived during more recent periods; and the daily increase of the species found in the different paleozoic deposits shows that, even in point of numbers those ancient faunze may, even in the pres- ent state of our knowledge, be compared with local faune of sim- ilar extent at the present day. Desirous of making the most accurate comparison possible be- tween the subdivisions of the paleozoic formations of the state of New York with local faune of similar extent in the present seas, I have requested Professor J. Hall to furnish me with sum- mary indications respecting the results of his extensive investiga- tions in this field, and I have obtained from him the following statement : “Tregard the Potsdam and Calciferous Sandstone as discon- nected with the groups above, forming of themselves with their fauna (not yet well known in this country) a distinct geological period. The entire number of species thus far known in these rocks, admitting all of Owen’s species, is however only twenty- Six. “The Chazy limestone has 45 species restricted to itself, and one other species which is also known in the Black River Lime- stone. The Birdseye limestone has 19 species restricted to itself and two others which pass upwards. ‘The Black River lime stone has 13 species restricted to itself, and one common to It, and the Chazy limestone, one common to it and Birdseye, and one common to it and the Trenton, and one other which is com- mon to the beds below and above, extending into the Hudson covered since the publication of the Ist volume of the Palaontol- ogy of New York, and which would make the restricted species about 200.” “The Hudson River group, including Utica slate, has abovt - persica sgt besides those which are common to it an he rocks below, making altogether about 100 species. “You will observe that the development of life at the Trenton period, has been far the most marked, though it is true this L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Tiines. 313 formation is much thicker than either of the preceding limestones, the Chazy being the thickest, and the Black River the thinnest of the three below the Trenton.” “In that portion of the upper Silurian period included in the 2d vol. of the Paleontology of New York, the fossils of the Me- dina Sandstone, Clinton group, Niagara and Onondaga Salt groups, amount to 341. Medina and Clinton groups 123 spe- cies. tagara and Onondaga Salt group, 218 species.” “The Medina Sandstone and arenaceous beds of the Clinton New York and the western localities. Of all that is yet known in these limestones besides Carals aud Bryozoa, it would be un- safe for me to estimate more than 100 species.” e) “From the Hamilton, Portage and Chemung groups I antici- Pate at least 300 species within New York, and I shall not be Surprised if more complete investigations produce double that number in New York and the West.” “The number of species given here I regard as only approxi- Mate. I hope this general statement may meet your present fequirement, but I regret that I cannot now give you more defi- Hite information, particularly regarding the Upper Helderberg. I 8ive you from this and the higher groups an estimate based on the species known to me at the present time; but my final inves- ligations always reveal a greater number than I anticipate.” hese statements of Professor Hall place already each of the + Pringipal group of rocks of the state of New York in the cate- as many local faunse of the present period, for we may repeat that the fauna of the Sechelles contains only 258 species, and that of 314. —sL. ‘Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. of coast along the western shores of the American continent, the state of New York only. (See above the results of Professor Adams’s investigations upon the coast of Panama.) t is a most unexpected and very significant coincidence that the late admirable investigations of Elie de Beaumont upon the mountain systems, have led him to the recognition of nearly ten times as many periods of great disturbance in the physical con- stitution of the earth’s surface, as he himself knew twenty-five years ago, each attended by the upheaval of as many mountain chains, differing in their main direction. The investigations of paleontologists having an entirely different character, an founded upon facts which until recently have apparently had only a remote connection with the other series of phenomena, have nevertheless brought them at about the same time to like concla- sions respecting animal life, showing that the periods of disap- pearance and renovation of organized beings upon earth, have been much more frequent than could be supposed even ten years ago, each set having probably been characteristic of one of those long periods of comparative rest, intervening between two great successive geological cataclysms. ; What is true of Mollusca, may be said of all other classes. Among Radiata, are not the coral reefs of the paleozoic ages as rich in species as any coral reef of the Pacific? Let us even compare the most extensive list of corals yet given as belonging to any circumseribed locality,—those of the Red Sea as described by Ehrenberg,—those of the Feejee Islands as described by Prof. J. D. Dana,—and let us inquire whether the palzozoic rocks of the state of New York do not show as great a variety and as ~ L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 315 oolitic period, or any of the subdivisions of that formation, sur- pass the number of species of that class which may be gathered around the coast of entire continents in the present day. The diversity of forms of these animals comparing them with those of the cretaceous periods, is equally great, though the Crinoids be- gin to diminish in number. But the variety of Spatangoids and Clypeastroids which come into play, compensate largely for the diminution of the family of Crinoids. The type of Articulata may seem, in the present condition of our knowledge, to form an unanswerable objection to the broad statement [ have made above, for the- hundred thousands of in- sects which are known in the present creation will hardly allow a comparison with the fossils. But let us examine upon the prin- ciples by which we have been guided in the preceding computa- tions, what is the true state of things respecting the occurrence of Articulata in former geological periods. We can, of course, hardly expect to find worms well preserved in geological forma- tions, on account of the softness of their body, which will scarcely allow of preservation to a greater degree than Meduse. But a few instances in which impressions of these animals have been found justifies the assertion that they existed as well in for- mer periods as now. ‘The impressions of Meduse found in the class to the Jurassic period, but justify the question whether a large number of the fossil polypi from older periods, which have been described as belonging to that class, are not in reality nurses Medusz similar to the Campanularie, and Sertularie of the Present day ; and I doubt very much whether such a variety of Crustacea could be collected any where on a shore of equal extent '0 that of the white chalk of Sussex, as Dr. Mandell has uneov- in the vicinity of Lewes. For a comparison 0 'acea of the oolitic period, I would only refer the skeptic to the 316 L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. monograph of the Crustacea of Solenhofen by Count Minster, who has figured from that single locality more species than are known in the whole basin of the Mediterranean, excluding the mi- nute species which have not yet been sought for among the fossils. n earlier geological ages, during the deposition of the coal and other palzozoic rocks, the class of Crustacea presents a very dif- ferent character. ‘The gigantic Entomostraca and the extinct family of Trilobites take the place of the lobsters and crabs 0 later periods. But paleontological works illustrating the fossils of Sweden, Russia, Bohemia, England and France, have made us acquainted with as great a variety of species of those families where within similar limits in the present time. The carcinological fauna of the whole Indian Ocean scarcely exceeds in variety or number of species that of Bohemia alone, as it is now known by the admirable investigations of Mr. de Barande. of Switzerland, the insects were as numerous and as diversi there as they are any where in our day, within similar bounda- ries. And the fragmentary information which we already om will justify the prophecy that insects will be found, some day other, even among paleozoic rocks older than the coal period. : L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 317 cal formations. But should we compare the fossil fishes of each geological period as they are known from a few localities, with the whole number of fishes which exist all over the world in our day? It would be as unphilosophical as it would be inconsistent With our knowledge of the geographical distribution of animals. Like all other living beings, fishes are located within definite boundaries, and it will be but fair to compare the fossil species of 4given locality with the special Ichthyological faune which oc- cur in different oceans, or in different fresh-water basins. with this rule we may institute a comparison of the fossil fishes with the living ones, with reference to their number as well as to their variety. he number of species of fossil fishes known at present from the tertiary deposits, in a single spot, upon the Island of Sheppy, 18 greater than the number of fishes which have been gathered around the coast of any of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, as far as we know the local Ichthyological faunze of those regions ; itis as great, nearly, as the whole number of fishes known from the shores of Great Britain. ‘The same may be said of the fishes Mount Bolea, or of Mount Lebanon, or of those of the white chalk of England, or of those of Solenhofen, or of those of the curs at the present day? So that it can be fairly said, that at all Periods, fishes have presented as great a variety of forms, and as numerous Species, as under corresponding circumstances at the da The class of Reptiles will allow similar conclusions, for though ,.- slants of the class have chiefly been studied, do they not in- dicate an abundance, and a variety of these anima ing the Stcoxp Seams, Vol. XVII, No. 61.—May, 1854. 41 318 L, Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. upper secondary formations, as great as in any tropical region? ave we not sufficient indications among the tertiaries to be justified in expecting that they also will turn out to be more nu- merous than they are now known to be The class of Birds seems to form au exception in this view. But there seems to be particular reason why the bones of birds should be more liable to destruction and decomposition than those of other vertebrata. And whoever has traced the discoveries made recently among the fossils of this class, will certainly not insist upon a supposed scarcity of birds in former periods, but rather be inclined to admit that the limited number now known is to be ascribed to the deficiency of our knowledge rather than to a want of these animals in earlier formations, indications their presence having been ascertained for several tertiary forma- tions, for cretaceous deposits, and even for deposits belonging to periods older than the chalk. Fossil Mammalia are comparatively too well known to call for many remarks, after what has been said above. Let us only re- member that the number of fossil species found in Brazil alone equals the whole number of Mammalia known to live at preset in that country; that the fossil Mammalia of New Holland com- pare already favorably with the living species of that continent ;, and that the locality of Montmartre alone bas yielded as many granted that the great variety of types which occur at any latet riods has arisen from a successive differentiation of a few still earlier types, it should be shown that in reality in former pe the types are fewer and less diversified ; and we have now shown real types of the animal kingdom, I need not therefore repeat here what may be gathered from the diagram at the head of the we ological Text Book I have published jointly with Dr. Gould. shall limit myself to a few more general remarks upon the spe- cial difficulties involved in a more thorough investigation of th L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 319 ‘The study of the order of succession and gradation of the or- ganized beings which have inhabited our globe at different peri- ods, presents indeed difficulties of more than one kind. Unhap- pily these difficulties have seldom been all considered in their natural connection by those who have ventured to consider the subject in its whole extent; thus presenting certain results as general which would require various qualifications to be true. In comparing fossils of one and the same or of different geologi- cal formations, it is in reality not enough to ascertain their true geological horizon, which we may call the chronological element of the enquiry; it is equally important that the differences or re- semblances arising from the geographical distribution over the wide expanse of the whole surface of the globe, which we may call the topographic element of the question, should be also con- sidered, for it is already known that within certain limits the n separated by long periods of time, and existed upon earth under very different physical conditions. This chronological confusion is further increased by the too extensive limits fre- forming the crust of our globe. For instance, when the creta- ceous or the oolitic formations are considered respectively as indi- visible natural groups, and the fossils of all their subdivisions are enumerated in one single list as the inhabitants of a long period, an infinitude of anachronisms are presented to the mind, which no special mention of localities can rectify; and until the fossils of each of the natural subdivisions of these formations shall have been grouped together and compared carefully, as I have attempted to do it in my Monographs of the T'rigonie and of the My@ of Switzerland and the adjoining countries, or as Al. d’Orbigny S done it upon a much larger scale in his Paléontologie Fran- goise, no correct ideas can be formed respecting the succession of animals and plants characteristic of these long successive periods. do not believe there is a single paleontologist, whose opinion is Worth having, who can suppose, at this day, that any of the ani- ) remains of which are buried in the lias, lived sim 320 L, Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. neously with those of the inferior oolite, or these with those of the Oxford clay, or these with those of the upper division of the so-called oolitic formation. 'The same may be said of the differ- ent natural subdivisions of the cretaceous formation, and of the subdivisions introduced of -late among the paleozoic rocks, by Sir Roderick Murchison, and Professor Sedgwick, and in America, by Professor J. Hall. ; But even after this separation of the fossils, the synchronism of which may be fully established, our task is only fairly laid open, for then must begin the zoological identification of all the spe- cies, which has to be correct in every respect before general con- clusions can be drawn from it. n the first place the specific identity of organic remains is not so easily ascertained as many geologists would seem to suppose, if we judge from their statements; but unless the validity of @ species is sanctioned by a practiced Zodlogist, it can not be taken as a basis for sound generalizations in reference to questions of @ purely zoological character. The number of false identifications which have been accumulated in geological works is truly fright- ful. It would be however very unjust to accuse geologists in general of inaccuracy for this, the fault is mostly to be traced to other parties from which the names were obtained. It should es 1S three-fold: 1, different species may be considered as identical, 2, specimens of the same species in different states of preservatiols or of different age, or sex, é&c., may be considered as distinct 7. cies, or 3, the same species may have been described by di io authors under different names, and their identity afterwards over L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 321 looked by later writers. Who does not see what amount of error may accrue from the indiscriminate use of materials which are not first submitted to a very critical revision in these different re- spects, not to speak of the general difficulty of agreeing upon the limits of specific differences. With regard to this last point, however, I would say that whosoever would only use in discuss- ing general questions materials revised candidly with the same principles, could not fail to obtain at least uniform results. And when the results of investigations made upon materials corrected in different ways by different authors are compared with one an- other, if these differences are kept in view, the disagreement in the results would not be found so great as it might otherwise 2m. The astronomers and physicists have long learned to cor- rect their observations before using them, and to take into consid- eration what they call the personal equation of different observ- ers; are we never to learn from them a lesson in the estimation of our respective investigations, and shall our facts for ever be used without being first ‘corrected for all the possible canses of error and disagreement? As long as there are differences of opin- ion respecting the natural limits “of genera and species, is it not absolutely necessary to reduce or expand the scale applied to the investigations of different authors, when using them for the same purposes, exactly in the same manner as thermometric observa- tions made with the scales of Reaumur or Celsius or Fahrenheit are reduced to the same standard, before being compared. In the second place, species must be referred to genera circum scribed within the same limits, before they can fairly be compared or at least lead to trustworthy general results. As long as certain bivalve shells of the carboniferous and oolitic series were referred oe e genus Unio, it could appear that the family of Natades an its existence at a very early period ; but since the oolitic Species of this kind have been na neblaneibis o differ essentially fom our freshwater shells, and to constitute a themseles asnat- ural genus more closely allied to Crassatella than to Unio, nobody thinks any longer of looking for Unios in marine deposits. ge these genera are the types could be supposed to have extended their tange far beyond the tertiary formations, a which how- ever no one of their representatives is to be found. Before the Sfiatangoids < divided into natural genera, ine genus Spatan- WS was mentioned among the fossils “al the oolitic as well as the “it Sai ‘a tertiary formations; now it is restricted to - among the fossils and found also among the living. I ieve that a single genuine species of Gorgonia i is found enemy the fossil Polypi, and yet that genus appears in the lists of ete ftom the paleozoic period to the present time. 322 L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. Since it is not my intention to enter here upon a special eriti- cism of the innumerable errors of this kind, still to be found in even modern lists of fossils, I shall not multiply my examples. These may be sufficient to show how important a correct generic identification of the fossils may be in the estimation of the order of succession of organized beings; and I cannot but lament the utter want of consideration evinced even by many distinguished palzontologists in this respect, who seem to think that the knowl- edge of species is sufficient in itself to a proper appreciation of the order of creation, and that genera are arbitrary divisions es- tablished by naturalists merely for the sake of facilitating the study of species, as if the more general relations of living beings to one another were not as definitely regulated in all their de- grees by the same thinking mind, as the ultimate relations of in- dividuals to one another. In the third place the natural affinities of genera should be as- certained. Unless the genera are referred to the families to which they truly belong, unless the rank of these families in their respective classes is positively determined, unless the peculiarities of structure which characterizes them is taken as the foundation geological formations among these animals.- Before it was ascef tained that the little animal described by Thompson —— tire classes of animals during successive geological ages. #° ong as the natural position of Trilobites remained doubtful in the animal kingdom, the characters of the prototypes of the class of Crustacea could not be appreciated. Who does not see how impossible it was for those who classified the Trilobites with the ' Chitons to arrive at any sound results respecting the gradation and order of succession of these animals? Whilst now they 4 beautifully linked to the Macrura of the Trias, by the gigantic Entomostraca of the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. Aga, the knowledge of the embryology of Crustacea gives us 2 key a correct appreciation of the early appearance of the Macrura the late introduction of the Brachyura. ‘The removal of Bryozoa from among Polypi to the class of Mollusks, will entirely LL, Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. 323 change the aspect and relations of the faune of the paleozoic rocks. How different, again, would the order of succession of Mollusks appear, were we to adhere to Cuvier’s view of separa- ting the Brachiopods, as a class, from the other Acephala, to which they are now more correctly referred The vexed question of the period of appearance of Dicotyledonous plants in the ge- ological series would have been settled long ago, had it been placed-upon its real foundation. It is not in reality to be argued upon paleontological evidence chiefly, for it resolves itself in the main into a botanical question, and the definite answer must de- pend upon the position finally assigned by botanists to the fami- lies of Coniferee and Cycadex. If these natural orders of plants are really allied to the Dicotyledonz, then this type begins with the paleozoic rocks in the Devonian system, and there is no gra- dation in the order of succession of plants during geological times. But if the view of Brongniart is more correct, if the Coniferee and Cycadex have to be separated from the Dicotyledcne as Gymnos- perme, and if moreover these latter should prove, as I believe they are, inferior even to the Monocotyledouez, then we may at once recognize in the vegetable kingdom a similar gradation of types as among animals. ese examples may suffice to show what is required for a proper investigation of the order of succes- sion of organized beings in the course of time, and how little con- ence the investigations in this field deserve, which have not been made with due reference to all the points mentioned above. It is indeed only in the classes, the structure and embryology of Which is equally well understood, we are able to discover the laws regulating the succession of animals and plants in geological ations, and our knowledge is at present still too imperfect to catry the investigation into all families of the animal kingdom. And yet enough is known to leave no doubt as to the final result ; We may confidently await the time when the glory of the won- derful order of creation shall be fully revealed to us, and this may stimulate us to renewed efforts, since the success depends entirely Upon our own exertions. The geographical distribution of animals began only to be Studied long after systematic zoology had made considerable pro- gress, but even to this day the limits of the faunz are nowhere circumseribed with any kind of precision, the principles upon which they might be determined are in many respects questiona- ble, anda large number of animals are daily described without any reference to their natural distribution upon the earth; though Much has already been done since Buffon to place this branch of our knowledge upon a better foundation, and especially to ascer- tain the laws regulating the geographical distribution of certain sses and families considered isolately. ‘The point which re- quites now particular attention, is the combination of these differ- 324 L. Agassiz on Animals in Geological Times. ent types within definite regions, and their common circumserip- tion within natural zoological provinces. This study would be particularly important with reference to the comparison. of the local faunee of former geological periods with those of the pres- ent creation. But since the latter even are comparatively little known, we must be’satisfied to wait for the time when thorough comparisons shall be possible between the local faune of each and all geological periods inter se, and with those of other periods. identity of the species, their generic affinities and their zoological classification should be equally tested. : and profusely scattered upon the whole globe, at all times and du- ring all geological periods, as it is now. No coral reef in th Pacific contains a larger amount of organic debris than some the limestone deposits of the tertiary, of the cretaceous, or of the oolitic, nay even of the paleozoic periods, and the whole veget@ e€ carpet covering the present surface of the globe, even if we were to consider only the most luxurious vegetation of the trop ics, and leave entirely out of consideration the whole expanse of the ocean, as well as those tracks of land where under less favor- able circumstances the growth of plants is more reduced, woul not form one single seam of workable coal to be compared to the many thick beds contained in the rocks of the Carboniferous period alone. C. U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. 325 Arr. XX XIII.—New Localities of Meteoric Iron; by Cuarues U D. PHAM SHEpParD, M 1. Tazewell, Claiborne county, Tennessee. For the specimens of the highly interesting mass here described I am indebted to Prof. J. B. Mitchell, of the East Tennessee University, at Knoxville.* Though but a fragment of three téths pounds, (having been detached from a mass originally weighing sixty pounds,) it nevertheless has much the appearance of an independent meteorite. Its shape is that of an elongated three-sided pyramid, whose axis is slightly oblique, and whose Upper edges are obscurely truncated, so as to resemble an imper- fectly formed six-sided pyramid of corundum. The height of the mass is four inches. 'The*base is triangular and nearly smooth, presenting however a cleavage surface, partially coated by brown oxyd of iron. By this face, it was originally connected with the tection in which it took place. At any.rate, its occurrence shows that these lumps, though generally composed of very tongh and Strongly coherent materials, are nevertheless susceptible of cleav- age in certain directions, and that they may occasionally explode or subdivide into numerous fragments, without the necessity of . any very considerable force. € upper planes of the pyramid are indented, and somewhat Undulating, as is usual in meteoric irons; but there is no thick The following is an abstract from Prof. Mitchell’s letter in reference to its dis- a | ~ a covery: “This meteorite was found April, 1853, about ten miles west of Tazewell, Claiborne county, Tennessee. It was discovered by a son of iam Rogers, while i had been much SE be ed —_ soa accou With no small difficulty that the finder was induced to part with it, even by my pay- 38 him w ed to be an equivalent, and then agreeing to give him its weight insilver, provided it should prove to be that metal, when ang examin My first information of the iron, I am indebted to J. C. Ramsay, Who, not limiting his researches to the mere details of his profession, loses no oppor- tunity of contributing to several branches of natural history. I retain a fragment of abo es which he inati mass Sequaintance for examining and reporting upon the same. These three em| all the Pieces into which this meteorite has been divided.” Secon Seams, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 42 326 C. U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. incrustation of peroxyd: on the contrary, it merely possesses for coating a thin, brownish-black pellicle, which is much covered also by firmly adhering clay. The iron is highly crystalline in its texture ; a fact which may be seen in a few spots upon the surface, even through the coating itself. It is exceedingly tough, breaking with the greatest diffi- culty, and having a hackly surface, in which no crystallization is apparent. The fresh surface is much whiter than pure iron; an it retains its color and lustre apparently without change from of- dinary exposure to the air. Its specific gravity = 7°30. A part of the broad cleavage surface (or base of the pyramid) above described, was polished, and acted upon by dilute “hydro- chloric acid. e corrosion was very partial ; but it revealed a perfectly crystalline structure in the iron. The subsequent appli- cation of nitric acid rendered it still more striking. Wi mannstattian figures are somewhat peculiar. While there 1s 4 general ground subdivided by innumerable thin and perfectly straight lines, into small equilateral triangles, and oblique-angled parallelograms of similar areas in size, presenting a picture on the whole closely resembling the Guildford (North Carolina) iron, there are also irregularly disposed veins, or interrupted seams, of a shining, white metal, ,),th of an inch in thigkness, and eac . from 4 to 2? of an inch long. These occur on the whole pretty near together, and impart a singular aspect to the surface, 1as- much as the veins do not’coincide in direction with the fine lines above mentioned; nor do they follow any parallelism with one another. ; Neither of the acids employed attack this substance in the slightest degree, any more than they do the thin lines producimg the small and regular areas. But closely associated with the larger veins are noticeable small particles of magnetic pytite® which as usual are decomposed by the acid. : Having separated a few grains of this metal or ore forming the seams, and heated it with acids, I convinced myself that Sal identical with the substance which I discovered as entering 1! the composition of the Seneca Falls (New York) meteori¢ 1r0, and which I denominated Partschite. ee A fragment of the iron was treated with hydrochloric ac” The solution went on very slowly, and unattended by the — cation of any sulphuretted hydrogen. The solution proces’ so slowly that it required nearly three days to dissolve 26°59 mia the iron, although the process of digestion was several 1! “a hastened by the application of a gentle heat. The acid Lai hind 1-16 grs. of undissolved matter, in the form of innumeé brilliant erystalline scales of an iron-gray color, and a high me tallic lustre. When washed and dried, they were found an flexible, highly, magnetic, and insoluble in hydrochloric 9°" C. U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. 327 but were readily attacked by hot nitric acid, though still leaving undissolved a few particles of another metallic species, suppose to be the Partschite, and which were finally taken up by diges- tion in warm aqua regia. The thin, crystalline scales, undoubt- edly consist of the schreibersite (of Patera). From the hydrochloric solution a precipitate was obtained (by means of a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen), which, after wash- ing and reduction before the blowpipe, yielded metallic copper. A solution of the perchlorid was precipitated by ammonia, and the peroxyd of iron thus obtained was ignited with nitrate of potassa; when its solution gave decisive evidence of the presence of chromic acid. : The proportion of nickel obtained from the iron (without in- cluding the schreibersite and partschite) was 12-10 to 13-05 p. c. _-—thus placing the present meteorite, as regards the high propor- tion of nickel, in the rank of the following rather small number of meteoric irons, viz., that of Caille, which has 17-37, of Clai- borne, Alabama, which has 12°66, of Greene county, Tennessee 14-7, of Krasnojarsk 10-7, of Bitburg 11-9, and of Cape Colony, Aftica 12-27. I have abstained from a complete analysis of the present iron, as Prof. J. Lawrence Smith is, as I understand, about to pub- lish full results of this nature. 2. Haywood county, North Carolina. This specimen, which weighed scarcely {th of an ounce, was Sent to me by Hon. T. L. Clingman, accompanied by the follow- ing remark: “It was given me by a pérson in Haywood county, Whose father had obtained it in that region, but without his being able to designate the locality. It ‘is evidently meteoric iron, but 1s perhaps from some mass already known.” _ The fragment is highly crystalline, and somewhat tetrahedral in form. One side was polished and etched. It displayed a marked character; and one which has no analogue among our Meteoric irons. It is irregularly veined by a black ore, which was hot acted upon by the acids; and which, when separated and submitted to examination, presented all the properties of mag- netite. The general ground of the etched pattern is almost iden- tical in character with that of the Hauptmannsdorf (Braunau) Iron, it being characterized by this, that instead of brilliant pro- Jécting lines, it has fine, depressed lines, or grooves, which how- ever are bright and glimmering in a strong light, and meet each other, mostly at right angles, parting off the ground into squares and rectangles, which are also to some extent, diagonally streaked, always in a much fainter manner. Specific gravity—=7-419. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid Without the odor of sulphuretted hydrogen. ‘The solution, when 328 C.U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. perchloridized, gave with ammonia a precipitate which afforded distinct evidence of the presence of phosphorus and chromium: and the ammoniacal liquor was rich in nickel. The small quantity of the iron at my disposal prevented a fuller examination of its properties. It is much to be desired that the present notice may lead to the discovery of the original mass. 3. Union county, Georgia. For my specimen of this iron also, and for my chief informa- tion respecting its discovery, I am indebted to Hon. T. L. Cling- man, as will appear from the following extract from his letter, dated Washington, Nov. 16, 1853. ‘“ Not long before I left home, I was at the copper mines of Ducktown, Polk county, Tennessee ; and while there, in looking over some specimens of Mr. 8S. Cong- den, I found this pre, and told him that I was satisfied it was meteoric iron. He had taken it to be merely a rich iron-ore, and informed me that some weeks previously, it had been brought to him by a person, who had picked up a large lump of it in his field, and who had broken off this piece with a view to having it tested. The discovery was made in the edge of Georgia, but in what county Mr. Congden could not learn.” have more recently ascertained from Mr. B. R. Dickey of Habersham county, Georgia, that the mass was found by a Mr. Freeman, in Union county of that state; and that its weight when picked up was about fifteen pounds. very coarse-grained colophonite garnet, or the coccolite variety of pyroxene. [It is, however, more or less traversed by cylindrical, 2s not give the Widmannstattian figures; but ouly develops a series of web-like meshes, or, at most, a mottled, map-like de- lineation. we Its specific gravity =7-07. A fragment, as nearly as possible free from pyrites, was found to contain 3°32 p. c. of nickel. It is rich in chromium, and contains traces of phosphorus, 004" magnesium and calcium. : C. U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. 329 4, Meteoric Iron? from Long creek, Jefferson Co., Tennessee. This iron was forwarded to me by Judge J. Peck of Oakland, _ East Tennessee, (to whom we owe the discovery of the Cosby Creek iron, and that from Green county in the same state) with the following remarks respecting its discovery. “It was found on Long creek, Jefferson county, a few miles north of the mouth of Chucky creek. Before I got possession of it (which was acci- dental) it had fallen into the hands of a young vulean, who would try its metal, as you see. I regret its being disfigured : but I have saved all I could. Near the same place, another piece was picked up, of which, however, I possess a mere fragment ; but it appears to be quite identical with the specimen | send. The pieces are described to me as being of about the same size and not unlike in figure. The family who made the discovery, rmed to me, when I visited the locality, that there was a vein of it, and that wagon loads could be picked up. But the creek re the vein was said to be, was too high. I made a liberal offer for all they could find and bring to me, in an unaltered con- dition; but I hear of no more. Feb. 7, 1853.” ‘he mass sent, weighed about two and a half pounds, and had an oval flattened form, much like a thick, freshwater bivalve Shell. It is somewhat flattened on one side, and presents a broad fractured surface on éhe side, as if it had been broken from a arger mass. ‘The natural outside is somewhat undulating and pitted, and bears some marks of having been heated and ham- lamellar structure. This coating moreover, often penetrates by little irregular veins, for half an inch or more, into the substance Ol the mass. ; It breaks with difficulty; at first, slightly flattening under the ammer. The fresh fracture shows no bright metallic points. It presents a granular surface, much resembling certain rather fine grained blackish chlorites, or some varieties of graphite. Here and there throughont its mass, are noticeable rounded globules of Metal from jth to 1th of an inch in diameter. These are quite Smooth externally ; and when detached from their bedding, leave behind a smooth corresponding cavity. he material of the globules does not differ sensibly from the rest of the mass, except in being rather finer grained. pecific gravity 7:43. When polished, it presents a dark 330 C. U. Shepard on New Localities of Meteoric Iron. r wet with a solution of acetate of lead, when held over the solution. A mineral resembling graphite rapidly separates as the solution goes on, and floats through the liquid in small shin- ing black scales of perfectly uniform size. When no heat is em- ployed in the process, their form is very definite, and on being washed and dried, they gave in one instance a specific gravity of 3°30. Deflagrated with nitrate of potassa they gave decided traces of titanic and silicic acids. Where heat and aqna regia were em- ployed in acting upon the iron, the graphite-like substance was more acted upon, and had a specific gravity of but 220. This when deflagrated with nitre also afforded traces of silicic and titanic acids. The proportion of the heavy graphite in the iron, obtained in the first process was 4°5 p. c.; but by the latter pro- cess it was 3°3 p. c. A portion of the iron was heated with hydrochloric acid, and the solution saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen. A yellowish brown precipitate was formed. It was separated and treated with concentrated nitric acid. A heavy, white powder was formed, which was not reduced in quantity by further. digestion in the acid. It was separated, washed, dried and ignited, and amounted to 0°4 gr. or 5°50 gers. of the iron. : A portion of the nitric acid solution, on being treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, gave a brown precipitate of sul phuret of molybdenum. Another portion gave with tannic acid, a yellow tions of the presence of phosphorus and of chromium, wheu sub- jected to the usual tests for these elements; but does not conlain nickel, cobalt, magnesium or calcium. Besides the specular 100 of the crust, therefore, it contains, Iron, - - - = . ‘ -- 95576 Carbon, . - - " . if 3:30 Chromium, - - - . . Tin, - - a i : = 1:125 Molybdenum, - - = =- Silicon, - - 3 - 3 Titanium, - - = Z y Phosphorus, - - - - nage Sulphur, = - «= Pana 100-00 J. E. Willet on Meteoric Iron from Georgia. 331 \ Arr. XXXIV.—Description of Meteorite Iron from Putnam County, Georgia; by J. E. Wituxt, Professor in Mercer University, Geo. Tus interesting meteoric iron, the first that has been found in Georgia, was presented to Mercer University by John A. Cogburn, ., in the fall of 1852. The circumstances of its discovery, as detailed by Mr. Cogburn, are briefly these. The iron was first observed by his overseer, in 1839, in a field which had been cultivated for several years; but Was supposed to be the common black rock of that region. Mr. Cogburn first noticed it March, 1840, and, attempting to raise it from the ground, found it so heavy that he carried it to his black- smith shop to have it broken. Its weight, at that time, was 72 pounds, and the mass was coated deeply with a brown, scaly crust. He attempted to break it upon an anvil, but could remove only the outside crust, including a large blister, the place of which is now indicated by a deep fissure. Finding it so untractable, he threw it out into his yard, where it lay neglected; until a knowledge of the fact Jed me to request him to send it to the University for examination. He states further, that he supposes itto have been originally buried, and brought to the surface of the earth by cultivation and the action of rains; that there is no tradition of its fall; and that no similar pieces have been found in the neighborhood. Its weight, when it was brought to the University, was about Sixty pounds. In shape, it represents a rude triangular pyramid, With its base and edges rounded, and its faces exposing many knobs and depressions. Most of the crust has been removed by the rough handling which it has received. The outer layers of what remains sepa- rate in thin scales of no regular shape ; the inner portions break into rhombohedral masses, which, under the influence of a mag- net, become permanently magnetic ; showing that the iron has ere been converted into magnetic oxyd. ‘The mass of iron ex- hibits no magnetism. In removing a slab, the iron was found to be remarkably tough and compact. The torn edges oxydized rapidly and developed the crystalline structure, before the application of acid; the oxy- lation proceeding inwardly from the edges and following the lines of cleavage first, and afterwards spreading over the inclosed areas. The sawn surfaces, after a few days exposure, were found bedewed with drops of a liquid, supposed to be chlorid of iron. After longer exposure, the exudation has ceased ; a point of strik- ing similarity with the Texas iron. The polished surface is uni- orm, without markings, and with few flaws. Hydrochloric acid, applied to the heated slab, attacks it, with rapid evolution of hydrogen bubbles, but develops only a 332 J. £. Willet on Meteoric Iron from Georgia. of the larger bars; and the crystalline structure of the mass might be overlooked with the action of this acid alone. Nitric acid, however, brings out the Widmanstattian figures most beautifully. The etched surface is a perfect miniature copy of the Texan iron; the largest bars of the Putnam county iron corresponding with those of medium size in the Texas iron, and thence diminishing to bundles of striz hardly visible to the naked eye. The trian- les and parallelograms are proportionally small. Query: Are the crystalline figures of meteoric irons, in any degree, proportional to the meteoric masses? If so, may we not infer from the size of them, whether the iron be an entire mass, or a fragment of a large one? Neutral sulphate of copper produces no precipitate of metal on the iron; the slightest addition of acid causes the deposit of cop- per. Moreover, I find, that if the film of copper be wiped off as soon as formed, the sulphuric acid has etched out the figures su- perficially but very imperfectly. Liquid sulphuric acid, wher cold, has no effect upon the surface. ? In addition to the above description, I subjoin an interesting note from Prof. Shepard, containing an analysis of the 10n, which he has very kindly furnished at my request. “ Charleston, 8. C., February 10, 1854. My Dear Sir—In comparing the Putnam county meteoric iron with specimens from other localities, I notice a striking similarity 10 its structure to that of the Texan mass. Like it, your iron is compact, oO -_ ed Q = 5 oO n a a ~ = i) a oO 2 Ss Qu - = oO “= Hy o ro a S gq i=} i] - into beads ortknobs. The pyrites in my specimens is scarcely | recognized, except in one or two very limited patches, which are irreg- ular and vein-like. : ‘ The iron appears to have suffered a very remarkable disintegrai to the depth of half an inch or more below the thick, scaly crust wil which the mass was coated; in consequence of which it cleaves be regularly, like the Cocke county, Tennessee iron, into tetrahedral rhomboidal fragments. The specific gravity of the fresh internal portions of the 769. A single analysis gave me the following result: Tron, é ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ é < 89°52 Nickel, with traces of cobait, - - + - 982 Tin, phosphorus, sulphur, m gnesium and calcium, 1-66 ——— 100-00 mass is Very truly, yours aaa a Cuances Uran SaEPan: — R. P. Greg on a new Mineral. 333 Art. XXXV.—On Conistonite, a new Mineral Species ; com- municated by R. P. Gree, F.G.S., of Norcliffe Hall, near Manchester. Mr. B. Wricut, a mineral dealer in Liverpool, forwarded me some months since, a specimen, found at the copper mine near Coniston in Cumberland, by Mr. Marrat, a teacher of Natural History in Liverpool. The specimen was of a urplish-red col- or, somewhat resembling earthy cobalt-bloom, and implanted on it were a few small crystals resembling calcite. ‘Thinking how- ever the form of these rather peculiar, on trial I found the usual cleavages of that mineral wanting; and its peculiar behavior be- fore the blowpipe soon convinced me that it must be a new spe- cies. I give the following general description : rgest crystals not more than one-eighth of an inch across, and in general form not unlike the double four-sided crystals of Edingtonite. Primitive form probably a right rhombic prism. 0 cleavage observable. Fracture small conchoidal, uneven. ustre vitreous. Transparent to translucent; colorless. Slightly sectile. H.= 22. Sp. gr. = 2:05 Rt M:M’= 97-05 M:e = 122:50 e:e = 9400 Ae The faces M brighter and more distinct. than e. Does not effervesce in acids. Before the blowpipe becomes white and opaque, expanding into seven or eight times its original bulk, After exposure to heat almost instantaneously dissipated M acids, with strong effervescence. As yet only two specimens of this interesting mineral have been found. Ihave called it Conistonite from its having been tst discovered at Coniston. t is very probable that the matrix in which the erystals of Conistonite are imbedded, will itself prove to be a new miner species. Mr. Heddle supposes it to be oxalate of cobalt. T transmitted to my friend, Mr. M. Forster Heddle, of Edin- bed a few crystals of the Conistonite for analysis, which he kindly undertook to make; and he has sent me the following Particulars respecting it. a. “Sp. er., determined on 3-666 grs., found to be 2-052. 6. Powdered mineral absorbs 23 per cent. of moisture. ©. Soluble without effervescence in hydrochloric and _ nitric acids, and on addition of ammonia a precipitate is thrown down. - When heated gives off water and carbonic oxyd, and is *onverted into carbonates; and then effervesces in acids. Skoonp Sxxims, Vol, XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 43 334 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. e. Qualitative sige bi made on a very ep sai gave Baiteatinbs of lime, magnesia, water and oxalic acid. Jf. Quantitative analysis made on 3°83 grs. : Carbonate of lime, sae = Water, nee eins { L 21055 Carbonic oxyd, a 002) which ecm and Magness 822 {21 ur Daheanee of soda } corresponds + Oxalic a 28-017 and magnesia in 1-400 to Fe ge . - 49°155 aeaity equal quantities, : “99-049 9-04 g. Uniting the soda and magnesia with the lime to calculate the formula, we get, Atom. Lime, to sa 21877 = Cee Oxalic acid, - a 98-017 = 622=1 Water, - - - 49-155 = 4369 =7 which gives 2 oe CaO, C:O:, 7HO; being an oxalate of lime with 7 atoms of water instead of one; or more probably oxalate of lime ith 6 atoms of water of crystallization, thus aO, C20s, HO+6HO; or 6a 67H h. The great interest of the mineral lies in the fact of the wa- ter of crystallization, rendering oxalate of lime dimorphous, the Whewellite of Brooke being oblique. It is curious that the specific gravity of Conistonite should be greater than Whewellite; we should have expected that the addi- tional HO would have lowered the gravity.” Art. XXXVI. — Introductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker’s Flora f New Zealand. (Concluded from p. 252.) Hysripization has been supposed by Any to be an important element in confusing and masking species. Botanists of one class are apt to refer to its agency the tii na 2 appearance 0 a specimen which combines two nominal species, founded on 1n- constant characters. Another class of naturalists appeal to the Spores occurrence of fertile hybrids, to negative the eel ise unavoidable, that the production between two tale of inherently fertile offspring, is a good reasop for rae 4 cing them identical in species. Any continued effects from hy or — in Broa uallen nature seem to be thoroughly jit iy ways; first by the constitutional debility if Pe é the variable sterility of the hybrid gy ge one it of uration ; and secondly, By the fact that, when prot sasg ee Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 335 other of the parents, when the offspring reverts to that specific type. Dr. Hooker justly remarks, that, “Asa general rule, the-genera most easily hybridized in gardens are not those in which the species present the greatest difficulties. how many of the latter were fertile, and for how many generations they were propagated. The most satisfactory proof we can adduce, of Sextial, eir progeny is most likely to be originated from the conjunction of different trees, and individual peculiarities must thereby blended and obliterated. we consider or pine forest are fertilized by the pollen of another; when we take into view the great number of unisexual plants, and consider nature for limiting congenital or induced individual forms than Would at first appear. ‘That some such controlling or amalga- Mating agencies operate in nature may be inferred from a com- Patison of the general homogeneity of an indigenous species, over ven a large area, with the ready development of marked varie- '€S or races in the case of every cultivated plant which is mul- tiplied from seed, and their perpetuation from generation to gen- eration, which is almost always ensured merely by ene that an isolated race retains certain characteristics so long as kept Sparate is no proof that it constitutes a species. Many a variety Whatever individuals, however distinguished by minor differences — en separate, are found to blend into a fertile race when associ- ated, must on sound principles be regarded as belonging to one Species, Perhaps if zoologists would contemplate the wide varia- 336 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. tions presented by many plants of indubitably one and the same species, and the still wider diversities of long cultivated races from an original stock, they would find more than one instructive parallel to the case of the longest-domesticated of all species, man. Let it also be especially noted, that varieties are not always, not even generally, the result of external agencies, at least of ‘such as we are able to detect. Certain varieties of plants are so originated: these are generally as transient as the cause that pro- duces them, and under altered circumstances often disappear even, during the life of the individual: the plant may outgrow them. of a polymorphous plant such as a Coprosma, Metrosideros or Alseuosmia in New Zealand, and any difference of circumstances attributable to station ; still more so when these diversities occur side by side. Yet such are the varieties which ordinarily exhibit the greatest persistency, i.e. when kept from intermingling by mutual fecundation ha n least account for the origin of the race of «Dorking fowls, or Manx eats, or indeed of almost any of our domesticated races which were not produced by cross-breeding, that is by mingling the characters of two such races already in existence. Yet how brief, but very decided and remarkable. He has already declare in the previous section ‘that it is by far the smaller half of t vegetable kingdom that is confined to narrow geographical of climatic areas, and that very few plants indeed are absolutely local ; whilst the operations of the gardener and agriculturist prove a vast proportion of the plants of the two temperate geen to the distribution and variation of species, can have consid si a garden in a philosophical spirit, or have weighed such facts Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 337 that there have been cultivated, within the last seventy years in the open air of England (at Kew), upwards of 20,000 species of plants from all quarters of the globe, and this within a space that, had it been left to nature, would not have contained 200 indige- nous species. The fact that an overwhelming proportion of these have come up true to their parent, and have continued so under every possible disadvantage of transportation and trans- plantation, of altered seasons, and amount and distribution of temperature and humidity, of unsuitable soil and exposure, and of the multitude of errors which unavoidable ignorance of their natural locality and habit engenders: such appears to me the most forcible argument in favor of the power of plants to retain their original characters under altered circumstances.” The validity of the last inference is unquestionable and valua- ble. As long as the plants survived, they doubtless retained their characters. But the value of the general statement, as respects its bearing upon the natural diffusion of species, depends much on the answer to the question, how long did the majority of the Species survive. We should like to know how large a propor- tion continued beyond the first two or three years, even with all the advantages of being looked after by the gardener. - But, returning to the general question, we remark, that there is little or no reason to expect a similarity between plants and ani- mals in this respect. From the nature of.the case we should Suppose that the latter, at least that land-animals, would be much more local than plants. € give to our readers the whole of the third section; as some of the statemeuts, especially those that relate to the proba- ble number of vegetable species known, are likely to excite some surprise. their distribution : an extensive knowledge of the subject is only to be tained by actual observation over large areas, and many of them, or by the study and comparison of the contents of many museums. It ha ers . ing Species, which has always been a favorite pursuit of mine. I have further had the advantage of collating my results with the largest and €st-named botanical collections in the world, and have received a greater amount of assistance from my fellow naturalists than has fallen fo the lot of most: facts which in ordinary cases are the result of long Study and much consultation have been placed at my disposal rather than worked out by myself. A very extended examination of these ‘Materials has only tended to confirm the view which originated in my 338 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. personal experience, viz., that the estimate of the number of species known to botanists is a greatly exaggerated one,* and the prevalent ideas regarding their distribution no Tess contracte any more ‘plants are common to most countries than is supposed ; I have found 60 New Zealand Flowering plants and 9 Ferns to be Eu- ropean ones, bere inhabiting various intermediate countries ; and amongst the lower Orders we find a greatly increased proportion of species common e all countries: thus of Mosses alone 50 are found in New Zealand and Europe ;+ of Hepatice 13; of Algae 45 are also na- tives “ eeeee seas } of tri poe 60; and of Lichens 100. to Australia. The identity of many of these has ‘peated been collectors have greatly increased the ist. too aeolees idea that the tones of newly discovered, isolated, or little visited localities must nece arily be new, has been a fertile fore describing the plants from uel spots. The New Zealand Flora presents several instances of this; two conspicuo ous ones occur 1n the genus Ovalis ; one, O. Sphabitee is amongst the most widely diffused and variable plants j in the world; of its varieties no less than seven OF eight species have been made, iho ost of them supposed to be peculiar to New Zealand ; not only is O. corniculata hence excluded from the flora, but, ia the deieripiall of these its varieties, no allusion is made to that plant.§ In the case of the other species the error is more eX- * Se, to the se sa of compilers, 100,000 is ae fee received own plants: from a a icity of data I can e to no other con er th i r and varieties, all of which are catalogued as species in the ordinary works © ence whence such estimates are compiled. oO ritai i : tries, Cockburn Island, in lat. 64° 12’ S. and long. 64° 49’ W., nea’ - sedition. I thereon collected nineteen plants, of which three-fourths are natives 0° pendix to Flinders’s Voyage, vol. ii, at ive oe very confidently in the ay dy of this mpi that bee of ae cies s are all referable to on probeliy oot me , approbation of the local epee es will an "40 et ok ory. with w nich some states retain their characters under varied cae ¥ aiue such facts very highly, and attach great weight to them, M . oe Soe Zealand I should perhaps have withheld so strong 0. a —— the sub ject ; h not th me ta varies much m aes: pst — rts of the world; and admitting, as eve — par varieties retain } or less constancy for certal 4 some other evidence is necessary to shake the opinion of the botanist who grounds: his views on an reviniagtlon OF ag oem pee of the globe. ised Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 339 usable, and may be still open to question ;* it is that of O. Magellan- still a third name, QO. dactea. In this case a more important fact was smothered than that of the distribution of O. corniculata, namely, that of a very peculiar plant of the south temperate zone being common to these three widely sundered localities. Many similar instances might be added, for there are several New Zealand plants (as Pieris aquilina) that have a different name in almost every country in the world: and, partly from changes in nomenclature, partly from the reduction of species, | have found myself obliged to quote 1500 names for the 720 New Zealand Flowering yess described ; obliged me to reduce the synonymy as much as a ia in many ca Se€8 {00 much, I fear, for the requirements of working botanists in rope. Eur One thing is clear, and important to be enforced: namely, that if determinations of species are to be of any value, especially in their bearing on general questions, they must rest solely upon observed characters of admitted value, irrespective of all theory. We pronounce such and such individuals, from a certain habitat, to belong to a distinct species, only because we find them pos- sessed of certain adequate distinctive marks. If we at length ascertain that particular species are peculiar to particular stations or parts of the world, we have a sound and valuable deduction. But to assume that certain plants, or certain animals, from widely sundered localities belong to different species, notwithstanding their resemblance, until the contrary is proved, and e hounce this as a principle for general adoption, as has ‘een done, is surely a gross instance of reasoning in a vicious cir We cannot pentite to condense, and therefore ian the Whole of § 4, viz. “ The distribution vie species has been effected by natural causes, but these are not necessarily the same as those to which they are now ex- osed, - OF all dhe branches of Botany there is none whose elucidation de- Mands much preparatory study, or so exten sive an acquaintance with plants and their affinities, as that of their geographical distribution. Nothin hin g is easier than to explain away all obscure phenomena of dis- * As no identification is proved till all the organs of the anes to be compared have been studi ed, there yet a possibility of these three species proving distinet, but I do “oa * all pei it; the only difference I can find is * greater re ag petals of a New Zealand species, but se much both in eis plant and in wets o of the genus that ‘loses all pei ale alue. 340 Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. over run great risk of distortion in the hands of those who do not know the value of the evidence they afford. I have endeavored to enumer- ate the principal facts that appear to militate against the probability of the same species having ligt in more places (or centres) wit one ; but in so doing e only partially met the strongest argum how does it happen that Edwardsia grandiflora inhabits both New Zealand and South America? or Oxalis Magellanica both these local- ities and Tasmania? ‘The idea of span igir a by aerial or oceanic currents cannot be entertained, as the seeds of neither could stand ex- posure to the salt water, and they are er heavy to be borne in the air. Were these the only plants common to these uae sundered localities, the possibility of some exceptional mode of transport might be admit- ted by those disinclined to receive the doctrine of double centres; but the elucidation of the New Zealand Flora has brought up many sini r instances equally difficult to account for, and has developed innumera- ble collateral phenomena of equal importance, though not of so evident appreciation. Th re which all bear upon the same point, may be ar- i al as follows . Seventy-seven a iene are common to the three great pout oe ate masses of land, Tasmania, New Zealand, and South Comparatively few of these are universally disibted peta be the greater part being peculiar to the south temperate zo 3. There are upwards of 100 genera, subgenera, or aye well- marked groups of plants entirely or nearly confined to New Zealand, Australia, e: extra- -tropical So ze America. These are represented y one or more species in tw more of these countries, and they thus effect a botanical ralaniaalip: or affinity between them all, which every botanist ie ene! es. 4. ese three peculiarities are shared by all the islands in the south temperate zone aia luding even ‘Tristan d’Acunha, though placed so close to Africa), between which islands the transportation of seeds is even more unlikely than between Ai larger masses 0 he plants of the Antarctic islands which are equally natives of New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia, are almost invariably found only on the lofty mountains of these countries. Now as not only individual species, but groups i these, whether or ders, genera, or their subdivisions, are to a great degree distr yisled se la any other attribute of insularity, which indicates the nature of the vf culiarity of endemic species, The islands of each ocean ‘oe i i u others to the North Pacific ilsiate, others to those of the § en and others again to the Malayan Archipelago; just as there are Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 341 others peculiar to the Antarctic islands, and many to New Zealand, Fuegia, and Tasmania. Each group of islands hence forms a botanical region, more or less definable by its plants as well as by its oceanic boundaries; precisely as a continuous area like Australia or South Africa does. There is however this difference, that whereas the Natural Orders that give a table kingdom one to another. It is not true in every sense that all existing nature appears to the naturalist as an harmonious whole ; each species combines by its own peculiarities two or more others more i just as the flora of an intermediate spot of land connects those of two as cles must hence create an hiatus in our systems, and I believe that it is — subject of their possible transport ; an the conviction was soon Orced i Where), there were such peculiarities in the plants so circumstanced, as fendered many of them the least likely of all to have availed them- selves of what possible chances of transport there may have been. As les they were either not so abundant in individuals, or not prolific ®nough to have been the first to offer themselves for chance transport, oF their seeds presented no facilities for migration,* or were singularly Perishable from feeble vitality, soft or brittle integuments, the presence Oil that soon became rancid, or from having a fleshy albumen that Pt ig of the Composite, common to Lord Auckland’s Group, Fuegia, and Ker- with n's Land, none fave ats pappus (or seed-down) at all! of Ge ooe species none are m to two of these islands! common Stoonp Sznizs, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 342 Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. quickly decayed.* Added to the fact that of all the plants in the re- a. 2 ras of the Antarctic islands those common to any two of them e the zo unlikely of all to emigrate, and that there were plenty ot; species possessing unusual facilities, which had not availed themselves of them, there was another important point, namely, the to some prea where the available soil is pre-occupie yond the bare fact of he, difficulty of accounting by any other means for the presence of the same species in two of the islands, there missed it as a mere speculation which, till it gained some su philosophical principles, could only be regarded as shelving a "fic: ty; whilst the unstable doctrine, that would account for the creation each species on each island by progressive development on the spot, was contradicted by every fact. It was with these conclusions before me, that I was led to speculate on the possibility of the plants of the Southern Ocean being the Te ains o ra Antarctic genera and species may be the vestiges of a flora character ized by the predominance of plants which are now scattered throughout the southern islands. An allusion to these speculations was made 1? upon, and their resemblance to the summits of a submerged mountalo chain was pointed out; but beyond the facts that the general features intervening land, there was nothing i in the shape of evidence by pera my speculation could be suppor ned I am indebted to the invalua labors of Lyell and Darwin,+ for the facts that could alone have gi * Of the seeds sent to England from the Antarctic regions, or transported by my self between be several ar: almost all sabe ed during transmission. and Co- t Se s ‘Jo a Naturalist,’ ssays on Voleanic Islands The proofs of ves ame of Chal ad Patagonia ia having been cntontah , for several hundred miles, to elevations varying between 400 the first- mdr pe period of the sae ey of existing shells, will be found Xe ig acta pero lt nyo orks, which should be in the hands of ev: pit ex atura’ only from its sestainice important observations on pa sr et ted Nell ct a ed on tory of the Southern materials influenced and prone furthered Gv encgrees and I feel it the more necessary Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 343 countenance to such an hypothesis; the one showing that the necessary sothe influence of climate in directing the migration of plants and t ideation: It follows from what is there shown, that a change in the Telative positions of sea and land has occurred to such an extent, since fe) (where land-shells, still existing in Italy, and which could not have crossed the Straits of Messina, are found imbedded on the flanks of Etna high above the oe —_— which Sir Charles Lyell states that most of the plan animals of rice ere are older than the mountains, plains, aa rivers they now inhab It was reserved for Professor Edward =e one of the most ac- complished naturalists of his day, to extend and enlarge these views, and to illustrate by their means the natural history of an extensive w ored to illustrate in this Essay. I know of no other way in w ih I can acknowl- edge the extent of my obligation to him, thar che adding that I should never have taken up the subject in its eet form, but for the advantages I have derived from harles Lyell’s works — Tam ee for the ae pies gi those es that are essential to of e 1 geolog mean, that affect the acute od exti neni dispersi and yoga uent Solston of organic mae 8 ~oeee though botanists. ane differ in opinion as as to the views he enter- n and ence of ies) there is, I thinks but one as to the is and originality _— = grea on : iven a di in this department, but for an example of oT . reasoning on the facts he has collected Peteniing the distin of plants and animals. I have no hesitation in recommending the ‘ Principles of Geology Pp tas Now Zonland student, of Samal poe ost important os aig ane of heen g 9, et 8p 702, and Address to the Geological So- . wine London by the Horner, Esq.), in 1847, p. 66. 344 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. configuration of the land and seas of Northern Europe. The argu- ments which a. this theory are based upon evidence derived from feature The spastephiend distribution of British plants has been the subject of the most rigorous investigation by one of our ablest British botanists, . Wa atson, who first drew attention to the various botanical ae: Cybele esate vol. i, p. 18). ion tion of them shows the relations borne by the plants of England to those of certain —_— of Europe and ‘of the Arctic regions; and Pro- aaa a Saeivas association of Poon To extend a theoretical oe ‘of these views to the New Zea- land Flora, it is necessary fo assume that there was at one time @ land necessary to suppose that for this interchang e there was a continuous 2) ° iq») Cu. = = = wm Oo 3 @Q oO bee 2 oO 2 oO = ter] 2 "a oO ° = 3 _) ° 3 i ~ 3 > “< = ~ <2 oO oO 38 was as yet above water.t To account, however, for the Antarctic * For the enn of the Essay eh - mae refer to the Records of the Geolog- ical Surve a _— at a vol. i, his is the _ original and able. essay ared o1 ibseri be to ° rae * d tanical details. consider sti the mode of reasoning adopted is per ae gulf- versal application. What I dissent from most strongly is, the origi a ed, the ling of Scotch mountains by iceberg tran of seeds, and ne great stress laid upon the west Irish flora, whose peculiarities appear : 1 ver-estimated., + It may be well to state to the New oe a spe se are no reasons to suppose that Botany can ever be ex ct proof 0 of _— having survived geological changes of ee ~ —- ee eer fos gdes do; of ed, even w her to new, ¢ This disappearance : ne aed cists Ps oe ee of i = flora and fauna pee | may be illustrated to a meen extent by the ‘delta of an ew Zealand 1 the — as ad ves gr on the 0 st land i it forms. The ee" pie 8 of of the t bank (oth its mangroves) is cut off, and becomes an island: anaee —_ of the river wihisccoy filis up that between the islet and the opposite shore, on the . hence becomes a peninsula, peopl d by. mangroves, ioe ree grew | ‘lave bank. Hert bt emred no su bsidence is req such as must cparsied i in the assumed iso! i Benet Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. 345 wy on the lofty mountains, a new set of influences is demanded ; nd have prevented it. But changes of relation erneee sea and land in- vegetation. ‘The retirement of the plants to in summit of the New Zealand mountains,* would be the necessary consequence of the ame- lioration of climate that followed the isolation of New Ze 2h and the replacement of the Antarctic continent by the present oc The climate throughout the south temperate zone is so e yoqudble, and Th he fires inference from such an hypothesis is that the Alpine plants of New Zealand, having survived the greatest changes, are its most ancient boloninte : and it is a most important one in many respects, but especially when considered with reference to the mountain floras of the With Sag oe © the British mountains, Professor Forbes imagines that they were with | itade, and ery slight gevlogical change aghiins: lower its mean temperature many + The New Zealand naturalist has probably a very simple means of determining for hi whether his island has been subject to a geologically recent amelioration of climate ; to do which, let him examine the fiord-like bays of the west coast of he Middle Island, for evidence of the — which there exist in ne pane nten o having formerly descended lower than they now do. Glaciers to this day escend ® the level of the sea in South nage : oo latitude of Dusky Bay; and if oad lave done so: in. the latter locality, the 1 have left abst Mg ‘the shape of ‘moraines, and scratched and Mtished rocks. 2 346 Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. Pacific and southern me hominphere generally. These may be classed under three heads: 1. Those that comet identical or representative species of the Ant- arctic Flora, and none that are peculiarly Arctic; as the Tasmanian and New Zealand aie 2. Those that pie besides these, a of the Northern and Arctic Floras;¢ as the South American Alps. . Those that contain the peculiarities of neither; as the mountains of South Africa and the Pacific Islands We thus observe that the want of an Arctic or Antarctic Flora atall in the a islands, and the presence of an oe a one in the Ameri- can Alps, are the prominent features; and I s onfine my remarks upon these to the fact that, with regard to = ghee wi islands of the Pacific, they are situated in too warm a latitude to have had their tem- which many Antarctic ones may have anal northward to the equator There is still another point in connection with the subject of the rel- ative antiquity of plants, and in adducing it I must again refer to the ‘Principles of Geology,’ where it is said, ‘Asa general rule, species common to many distant provinces, or those now found to inhabit many rv Physical Geography.’|| If this be true, it follows that, consistent with the theory of the antiquity of the Alpine flora of ealand, we should find amongst the plants common to New Zealand aa the Ant- arctic islands, some of the most oe ., and we do so in Montia * T need scarcely remind my reader in thus sketching the characteristics of these Alpine floras, I make no altel we exceptions that do not alter the main fea- tures. Iam far from asserting cr — are no peculiar Arctic or Antarctic forms in the Pacific —— nor = peculiarly arelis ones in Tasmania ew Zealand: but if, on the one hand, futu eiscoveries of such shall weaken the sale of differ- in regio ence between these ot strengthened by adducing ates nu eae of Arctic species common to the South Amer nD + These Antarctic forms are ve' er numerous; familiar ones are Acena, Drapetes, Donatia, Gunnera, Oreomyrrhis nophora, Pumrk Ourisia, Fagus, Callexene, Astelia, i Alepyran Oreos Carpha, Uncinia, Fre Berberis, Sisymbri aspi, Arabis, Draba, —— Lychnis, Cerastium, pied garia, Lathyrus, Vicia, ‘pucks Chrysoplenium, Ribes, Sazxifraga, Valeriana, Aster, oe Te Primula, Anagallis, Pinguicula, Statice, Empetrum, Phleum, us. : these a forms have not extended into North America, as tH ead ve into merica, is a curious problem, and the only hypothesis pes suggests i derived fi mi the fact ¢ hough the P d rea . ; ien' tion that they ane ve had sufficient ‘altitude at a f er period, and that one which preceded the of the i nal ie er northern latitude. Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. 347 fontana, comets verna, Cardamine hirsuta, Epilobium tetragonum, and many ot On the maa han it must be recollected that there are other causes besides antiquity and facility for migration, that determine the distribu- me Be : regards — the plants mentioned above seem wonderfully i in- different to its e Again, even shengh we may safely pronounce most species of ubiq- uitous plants to have outlived many geological changes, we may not rse the position, and assume local species to be a t the recently created ; for whether (as has been conjectured) species, like individuals, die out in the course of time, foll e inscruta law whose operations we have not yet traced, or wh (as in some instances we know to be the case) they are destroyed by natural causes (geological or others), they must in either case become scarce and lo- cal while they are in process of ne pees ee In the above speculative review of some of the causes which appear to affect the life and range of species in abe vegetable kingdom, I have eminent Ceres with those laws that govern animal life also; but there is nothing in what is assumed above, in favor of the antiquity of Species and their wide distribution, that is inconsistent with any theory js their origin that the g pogtnad may adopt. y object has not so h been to ascertain w ar or may not, have been the original not ear, D any means of knowing: if the expression of an opinion ps insisted on, Ishould be tid 6 follow the example of an eminent astronomer, wits Watson (Cybele Britannica) gives ed yes ihe of Callitriche in Britain alone mean nl ar ge of 40° to ascending hee ig level of Saret 2000 feet in the East Highlands of Scotland. ~ Mon os sa range of $ and mabey to 3300 feet seat sacs of 40° to 51°, and Sts to 2000 Perature of f° 52°, and ascends to 3000 feet. 348 Notice of Dr. Hoeker’s Flora of New Zealand. who, when the question was put to him, as to whether the planets are inhabited, replied that the earth was so, and left his querist to argue from analogy. So with regard to species, we know that they perish suddenly or gradually, without varying into other forms to take their place as species, from which established premiss the speculator may draw his own conclusions * , * . 4 ture discoveries. I may add, that after twelve years’ devotion to the laborious accumulation and arrangement of facts in the field and closet, untrammelled by any theories to combat or vindicate, | have thought that I might bring forward the conclusions to which my studies have led me, with less chance of incurring such a reproach, than those would, who with far better abilities and judgment, have not had my e%- 29 perience and opportunities. one, and worthy of the most extended and critical examination. Its establishment, moreover, by satisfactory evidence, woul stroy one of the strongest grounds upon which the doctrine of the multiple origin of species (at least in the form maintained by Schouw) is supported. To complete the view, and fairly to exhibit the grounds upon which these theoretical conclusions are bas ’ we should embrace in our extracts a large part of the remaining chapter ; on the physiognomy and affinities of the New Zealand Flora, and on the variation of New Zealand species. But the necessary limits of our article forbid. A few facts regarding the more striking peculiarities of the New Zealand flora may be col lected. ‘The large proportion, both relatively and absolutely, of the Cryptogamia, and especially of Ferns, has already been noted. “ A paucity of Grasses, and absence of Leguminose, and abun- dance of bushes and Ferns, and a want of annual plants, are the prevalent features of the open country ; whilst the forests abou in Cryptogamia, in Phenogamic plants with obscure and green flowers, and very often of obscure and little known natural orders. the bi sa of natural orders of the Phanogaiaie plants 1s remarkably large In proportion to the genera, even for an “ flora ; being 92 to 282, or about one three: while the gener Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. 349 are to the species as 282 to 730, each genus having on the aver- age only 24 species: so that the species average but eight for each order. ‘This makes it one of the most difficult floras in the world for a beginner, who must know a natural order for every eight species. How recondite, vague, and unsatisfactory the nat- ural system of Botany must appear to the New Zealand student ! prominent features in the landscape. The Conifere prove to be the most prevalent family; but the majority of their species are not social but grow intermixed with the trees, soas to give no character to the landscape ;—a case just opposite to what occurs in the northern hemisphere, at least in North America, where the Species are few, but mostly social, and existing in a vast number of individuals, which often occupy considerable tracts almost exclusively, and thus strikingly impress their features upon the landscape. The number of kinds of trees is very large in proportion to the herbaceous plants; as there are 113 Phzenogamous trees, in- cluding shrubs above twenty feet high, or one-sixth of the flora, while in England there are not more than 35 native trees, in a much larver flora. Atemarkably large proportion of the Phenogamous flora of New Zealand consists of absolutely peculiar plants: of these there are 26 genera and 507 species; or more than two-thirds of the whole. The greater part of these are Exogens, Of the temaining third, consisting of plants common to New Zealand and other countries “193 species, or nearly one-fourth of the whole, are Australian. 89 species, or nearly one-eighth of the whole, are South American, 77 species, or nearly one-tenth of the whole, are common to both the above : 60 species, or nearly one-twelvth of the whole, are European. Species, or nearly one-sixteenth of the whole, are An- tarctic Islands, Fuegian, &c.” These several elements in the New Zealand flora, whether as od by identical or cognate species, are in turn subjected '0 a critical analysis. The following extract, respecting the Aus- at element, is interesting from its direct bearing on the ques- lon of transport by water. “If the number of plants common to Australia and New Zealand is reat, and quite unaccountable for by transport, the absence of certain bf extensive groups of the former country is still more incompatible Tee theory of extensive migration by oceanic or aerial currents. desu is most conspicuous in the case of Eucalypti, and almost 'Y Other genus of Myrtaceae, of the whole immense genus of . Szniss, Vol. XVII, No, 51.—May, 1854. Sings GOS 2 il ag at Foc sr Te 350 Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand. and of its numerous Australian congeners, with the single exception of Clianthus, of which there are but two known species, one in Australia, and the other in New Zealand and Norfolk Island. The rarity of Proteaceae, Rutacee, and Stylidee, and the absence of Casuarina and Caillitris, of any Goodenia but G. littoralis (equally found in South America), of Tremandrea, Dilleniacee, and of various genera of Monocotyledones, admit of no explanation consistent with migration over water having introduced more than a very few of the plants common to these tracts of Considering that Eucalypti form the most prevalent forest feature over the greater part of South inhabit New Zealand, none favor such a theory; one, Clianthus, I have just mentioned ; the second, Edwardsia, consists of one tree, identical with a Juan Fernandez and Chilian one, and unknown in New Hol- land ; and the third genus (Carmichelia) is quite peculiar, and consists of a few species feebly allied tosome New Holland plants, but exceed- ingly different in structure from any of that extensive Natural Order. Dr. Hooker then appends a carefully prepared table of 228 phznogamous species which may be said to represent each other in two or all the three South temperate masses of land, viZ., New Zealand (including Auckland and Campbell’s Islands), Australia (including Tasmania), and extra-tropical South America, ding the Falkland Islands ; the list being confined to cases of real and usually very close botanical affinity, to the exclusion of analogical resemblances, however striking. The list is by no means overstrained, nor as full as it might be; since one oF two more good instances have occurred to our memory while looking over its columns. On comparing together the Australian i New Zealand columns, we find only fourteen blanks, not fille by known representative species ; a similar comparison of the New Zealand and South American columns shows forty-s blanks, sixteen of which are among the Endogens. —__ On fairly weighing all this testimony, the botanist will os h accede to our author’s conclusion,—viz., that the floras 0 three great areas of land in southern latitudes ‘“ exhibit a e ical relationship as strong as that which prevails throughout de ands within the Arctic northern temperate zones : ich 8 not to be accounted for by any theory of transport or of variali® of ‘up by: A -T. S. Hunt on Algerite. 351 Ant, XXXVII.—Remarks on the Mineral species Algerite ; by T. S. Honr. In this Journal for July, 1849, I published a description by Mr. Alger, of a mineral from Franklin, N. J., together with an analysis of it by myself, from which I was led to consider it a new species, and to give it the name of Algerite. It was again analyzed by Mr. R. Crossley, whose results will be found in this Journal for July, 1850. The mineral had been described as hav- ing the form of an oblique rhombic prism, M:M = 94°, but Mr. Dana has satisfied himself that the crystal is really a square prism. The hardness is 3-0—3-5 (Alger, Crossley); density 2.697— 2712 (Hunt), 2:78 (Crossley). The mineral which is imbedded | Le in a white coarse-grained crystalline limestone, is subject to de- composition in the weathered portions of the rock, but as I stated in my paper, ‘ the crystals selected for analysis were hard, semi- translucent and undecomposed ; their powder when elutriated and carefully dried, was of a buff color, which was not changed by ignition.” Mr. Crossley remarks that in his case “many of _ the crystals were incrusted with idocrase, and in some instances penetrated so much that it required great caution to secure por- tions free from that mineral.” He rejected all decomposed por- ions, and analyzed only pure honey-yellow fragments. ‘The tesults of the two analyses are as follows : ; Hunt. CrossLey. Silica, - - 49°82 . mM « 49°96 lumina, - - 24°91 > - - 24-41 Peroxyd of iron, = - 1:85 - - - 148 Magnesia, - _ 115 ‘ : : 5:18 zotash, : 10°21 . : . 9-97 i; Soda, Carbonate of lime, - 3:94 . - - 421 Water, “ - 157 - . . 5:06 99°45 10027 . A subsequent incomplete analysis gave me, Silica 49-42, alu- Mina 25-67, peroxyd of iron 1:93, carbonate of lime 3:57, water publ ished in the last volume of this Journal, of which see 352 T. S. Hunt on Algerite. From the square form of the prism Mr. Dana has suggested that Algerite may be a result of-the alteration of scapolite from which species however it differs widely in composition; while the latter affords from 13 to 24 p. c. of lime, and from soda, Algerite contains neither lime nor soda, but 10 p. ec. of pot- ash, so that the change must have consisted in the removal of lime and soda, and the substitution of magnesia, water, and a large amount of potash, which reactions, especially the replace- ment of one alkali by another, seem very questionable. As scap- olite has not yet been found with this mineral, it would have been better to regard algerite as derived from the alteration of the associated idocrase, a process which presents less difficulty to the chemist than the other. It may fairly be questioned whether the extreme views maintained by some, with regard to the altera- tion of mineral species, do not tend to discourage mineralogical chemistry, and to embarrass the science with groundless hy- potheses. ; In support of the view that Algerite is an altered scapolite, Mr. J. D. Whitney has given at page 296 of this volume, the results of his examination of the mineral. He observes of the material selected for analysis, that “after the ignition it was noticed that portions of the ignited mineral remained nearly unaltered in appearance, while the larger part acquired a brick-red color, and on examination with the microscope was seen to contain smal silvery scales apparently of mica. As only a small quantity could be used for analysis, the results can be relied upon only as ap proximatively correct.” p. 208: He gives the following as the result of his analysis: Silica 52-09, alumina 18°63, phosphate of lime 8-22, carbonate of lime 4-41, water 6:68, loss, potash and soda? 9-97 = 100-00. | Had the analysis of such a compound agreed with my own, I might have had reason to doubt the results of Mr. Crossley and myself. Since reading Mr. Whitney’s remarks I have exam) several crystals of Algerite for phosphate of lime, by digesting their powder with heated hydrochloric acid, and testing the soln: tion with molybdate of ammonia; this delicate reagent indicated , the presence of traces only of phosphoric acid. The ‘apparently pure calcite in which the crystals are imbedded, gives a more G& cided reaction, and traces of this acid are seldom wanting eve? in feldspars and tourmalines. While, therefore, we do not qgtles- scapolite. urther examinations of the mineral may throw oe” light upon the variations in the proportions of water and magne>™™ Montreal, C. E., March 7th, 1854, re aie EL. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 353 Arr. XXX VIIL.—WNobtice of a collection of Fishes from the south- ern bend of the Tennessee River, in the State of Alubama ; by L. Agassiz (Concluded from page 308.) CYPRINODONTS, Agass. —Only two species of this family have thus far been discovered in the waters of the ennessee River, and both of them have already been described by Dr. Sto- rer under the names of Pecilia catenata aud olivacea, Synopsis, -178. Having made lately however, a thorough revision of the getiera and species of this family found in the United States, I would remark that Pacilia cutenata, St., ought to be referred to the genus Hydrargyra, and that Pecilia olivacea belongs to my newly established genus Zyszonectes. ‘These species ought there- e to stand in future in our systematic catalogues under the names of Hydrargyra catenata, aud Zygonectes olivaceus.* CYPRINOIDS, Cuv.—This is one of the most interesting families of our fresh wraier fishes, both on account of the number of genera and species inhabiting our lakes and rivers, aud of the diversity of their forms and habits _Carrroves, Rafin.—In the great French Ichthyology, se ciennes has established a new genus me the name of Scler Snathus, for Lesnenr’s Catostomus cyprinus, and this genus aie deservedly been acknowledged by se tnathan writers. In con- * The species of the genus ee may be arranged int ups: 1, tho in which there are several m r less lationtty dotted line along the sides of the body, and in which a broad. blak band ples across the eye and cheek s cer te wit! i : ands Dark olive above, ied upon the sides, silvery y belo Operculum, throat, and space in advance of the eye light orange color. Mobile ee saslekneas Collected there with Dr. Nott, eeeipp! Col. Deas—Z. lineolatus, As ary Longitudinal line broader and undul ae or serrated, the tasers bands of the male Mae distinct and broader e, longitudinal ones. soharedy darker along the back and fading upon the side lower parts si irs “Dissoe red by Dr. W. I Burnett at Augusta, Ga.—Z. guttatu ie A large dark spot upon the centre of each scale on the back eo forming longitudinal rows of disconnected dots, The trans- ‘Yerse bars of the males are much narrower and nearer together than in Z. Liwclaten, Dark olive ne fading upon the sides; abdomen silvery. Mobile, Alabama.—Z. = @ ede) the body, alt ing b ith continuous li the males, which re bes transversely barred, whilst the female has only continuous serrated line Upon the sides, Light olive above, silvery upon the sides and below. In small creeks » Louis, Mo., on the Illinois side of the Mississippi, and also in the Illi- Rois River at Beardstown.—Z. hierogl 8, Agass. erior and upper part of the Tay regularly sprinkled with dark spots, passing into longitudinal rows backwards olive above, silver ry upon the sides and below. Mobile, Alabama. 2. The Second group includes species with one tread A i black band extending from _ ‘he tip of the er ja w to rot pase passing thr ch the _ S¥es and along the sides of sis Sel To th group belongs §Sove from the Tennessee River, and also Z. lateralis, Agass, w a ted species from Mobile, Alabama ; also dotted above the broad lateral no zonaius, A 8 has *k, and in which the outlines of the longitudinal band he coat 5 i) ei og 74 att =a ct er i=] - 354 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. sidering this type of Cyprinoids as a distinct group among the Catostomi, Rafinesque has however the priority over the able’ pro- fessor of the Jardin des Plantes; for we find in his Ichthyolo- gia Ohiensis that the third subgenus of Catostomus, which he calls Carpiodes, though not characterized with the precision with which Valenciennes has circumscribed his genus Sclerognathus, exactly corresponds to it. o not hesitate therefore to adopt Rafinesque’s name as the older; the more so, since this writer has at the same time wisely separated from the common Catostomi at that early day two other types of the same group, which are even now left among Catostomi by all ichthyologists. I allude to the subgenus Lctiobus, with Catostomus Bubalus as its type; and to the genus Cycleptus for the Missouri sucker ; for though Rafinesque did not himself examine this latter fish, and ascribes to it two dorsals, it must be evident to any one who has had an opportunity of investigating this rare species that the few words with which it is mentioned apply to it, and that the indi- cation of two dorsals is éasily explained by the very form of that fin, the anterior part of which rises like a separate fin in advance of the following low part which extends uniformly far behind. I should add that Catosiomus elongatus belongs also to this genus Cycleptus. As to Ictiobus, it resembles Carpiodes in external ap- pearance, but is at once distinguished by its thin lips and more terminal mouth.* Nothing is to be more regretted for the progress of Natural History in this country, than that Rafinesque did not put up somewhere a collection of all the genera and species he has established, with well authenticated labels, or that his cotem- poraries did not follow in his steps, or at least preserve the tradi- ~ those with whom he had intercourse by his innovations and that. they preferred to lean upon the authority of the great naturalists of the age then residing in Europe, who however knew little of somewhat hasty man who was living among them, and who collected a vast amount of information from all parts © States, upon a variety of objects then entirely new to science. From what I can learn of Rafinesque, and from a careful study * In connection with the genera mentioned above, I may remark here that Rafin- — has established another sub-genus under the name of Mozxostoma, which fully esery i isti j tostomus anisurus West, C. 8) i of the South. After acknowledging these alterations of the genus Catostomus, aa is now generally un ichthyologists, there would still remain a § ies to constitute the genus Catostomus proper of which C. hudsoni e rece ‘atostomus was ) ; considered kd ea freed of all unjustifiable additions engrafted upon it in course of time, the he tostomus would be restored to its primitive natural circumscription: ye inet a L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 355 of his works, I am satisfied that he was a better man than he ap- peared. His misfortune was his prurient desire for novelties, and his rashness in publishing them, and yet both in Europe and in America he has anticipated most of his cotemporaries in the dis- covery of new genera and species in those departments of science which he has cultivated most perseveringly, and it is but justice to restore them to him, whenever it can be done. Personal con- siderations should no longer be allowed to interfere with this late act of redress. May the example of Rafinesque not be lost for those naturalists in this country who describe new species with- out taking the least care to preserve the original specimens of their descriptions, or to circulate authentic ones among other nat- uralists, of Cyprinus described by Heckel; indeed they truly represent upon the Continent of North America the genus Cyprinus of the old world to which they bear the greatest resemblance in out- ward appearance, though they differ strikingly in their generic characters. I have applied to the new species here mentioned Names reminding us of the common name of Buffalo applied to all of them throughout the country. The large number of spe- Cimens including all sizes, which [ have been able to collect of Some species of this genus, has enabled me to ascertain the range of variation in their characters. 1. Carpiodes Urus, Agass.—From the Tennessee River. It grows very large, weighing occasionally from 30 to 40 pounds. The body in this species is not so high as in C. Cyprinus, nor is it so compressed above ; the scales are also not so high, but more angular behind, and the anterior portion of the dorsal is not so elongated. The gill cover is larger, and the distance from the ind border of the eye to the inferior angle of the subopercle, Near the base of the pectorals, and the distance from the same point to the superior and posterior angle of the opercle, are nearly equal. In C. Cyprinus the distances differ by nearly one-third. The subopercle is not triangular, but its hind border is néarly tegularly arched from the upper angle to the posterior angle of the interopercle. ‘The anal has its posterior margin full, and not lunate; the caudal is not so deeply fureate as in C. Cyprinus. The ventrals do not reach the anal. All fins are of a dark color. Tam indebted to Dr. Newman for this species. _ 2. Carpiodes Taurus, Agass.—From Mobile River, Alabama. ‘The form of the body is intermediate hetweeu that of C. Cypri- . =e an y! tus and C.-Urus. The gill cover has the same form as in — 356 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. C. Urus, but it is larger and more strongly arched behind. The hind margin of the scales is waving, owing to a somewhat prom- inent middle angle. The anterior rays of the dorsal equal in length two-thirds of that of the base of the fin. Anal not lunate behind. The veutrals do not reach to the anal opening. Cau- dal not so deeply furcate as in C. Cyprinus. 3. Carpiodes Bison, Agass.—F'rom the Osage River, Missouri. This species is more elongated than C. Taurus. The head is smaller, the opercle also smaller, and the subopercle triangular. The dorsal has its anterior rays longer, hence its hinder border is more deeply emarginate. Aval more deeply Innate. Horizontal diameter of scales greater. I have received this species through the attention of Mr. George Stolley. 4. Carpiodes Vitulus, Agass—From the Wabash River, Indi- ana. This seems to be a smaller species than the preceding ones. The form of the body resembles that of C. Taurus; but the eyes are smaller; the opercle is more broadly rounded behind; the subopercle has its posterior and free border regularly arched above and below, and not emarginate as in C. Taurus. The direction of the numerous water tubes on the head and cheeks also differ. The upper and lower borders of the scales are nearly straight. The dorsal does not extend quite so far forwards. I am indebted to Col. Richard Owen of New Harmony for this species. 5. Carpiodes Vacca, Agass.—From the Susquehannah River. This species resembles more closely C. Cyprinus than any other ; the anterior rays of the dorsal are also very elongated, yet they do not reach beyond the base of the fin itself when bent back- wards; the candal is not so deeply furcate, and the scales have a greater horizontal diameter. I owe this species to the kindness of Professor 8. S. Haldeman. Carosromus, Lesweur.—The following species of this genus have been collected by Dr. Newman in the vicinity of Huntsville: Calostomus communis, Lesueur.—Called Fine-scaled Sucker at Huntsville, sae nigricans, Lesueur.—Called Hog Sucker at Hunts- ville. Catostomus Duquesnii, Lesueur.—Called May Sucker at Huntsville. Catostomus melanops, Kirtl—Also called May Sucker at Huntsville. This species agrees with Kirtland’s description of C. melanops, except in having longer pectorals and in the reddi color along the sides. Rafinesque’s description cannot apply '0 this fish. “Having no specimens from the localities mentioned by Rafinesque and Kirtland, I do not venture to pursue furtber 4 comparison between these fishes. agers nse, em cid € Superior,” page 353. Several new species have b 3 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 357 ee since by Prof. Baird and myself.* te Newman has sent another undescribed species, which I call inichthys obtusus, Agass.—Body cylindrical, slightly com- pressed, more blunt than in Rh. marmoratus. The mouth ex- tends but little beyond the margin of the upper jaw; lower jaw strongly arched from side to side. Eyes rather large and nearer the end of the snout than the posterior angle of the opercle. Dorsal exactly intermediate between the ventrals and the anal, quadrangular, its last rays about two-thirds the length of the fish, so that when the fin is folded backwards their ends meet. Pec- torals broadly rounded behind ; do not reach the base of the ven- tals, Caudal not very deeply fureate ; its lobes are broad, rather than slender, the lower lobe is senerally a little the longer. The color of the ‘body i is dark chocolate above, and of a silvery white below; these two colors are separated by a longitudinal band of a darker color than the back, extending from the end of the snout through the eye in a direct line along the sides to the middle of the base of the caudal. The whole dorsal region is mottled with black blotches, sometimes running together “and forming large patches, and often descending to the lighter portion of the sides. Scales rather small. Called Minnow at Huntsville. Found in the Spring branch. _Cuonprostoma, Agass.—This genus was established by me in 1834 in the Mémoires de la Société des Sc. Nat. de Neuchatel, for the Cyprinus Nasus of Europe, and has been adopted with Various modifications by subsequent writers. Thus far no repre- sentative of this type had been known to exist in North America, though the species I now refer to it here, has been described for sometime by Dr. D. H. Storer; but having been referred to the senus Leuciscus, to which C. Nasus was also referred formerly, it has not been distinguished from the ordinary Leucisci. I nee only allude to it for “the present.t Other species occur in the tesh waters of the Pacific coast of North America. Hzoglossum dubium, Kirtl. , may belong to this genus. SS iedristoma prolicum, Agass.—Leuciscus prolixus, Storer, Synops., page 165. Called Minnow at Huntsville. Found in the Spring branch. * Lam indebted for another new species of this genus to Dr. I. H. Rauch, of Bur- lington, Towa, _— I would call R. —— Ag. It is go tages lag short noe] stout a i ts congeneric types, also smaller. The whole bo yi is dotted bbe 3 = ad a Wirary ground, the dots got confluent; the belly only is plain sil. +1 ow S spoter entirely new species * this genus to Dr. I. H. Rauch, o of Bur- lington, Tos Towa; which I inscribe as Ch. pu lum, se a is the smallest species of ne 8enus; much ere than the others in compari © its length; head es Small, eee indicating isiinet generic ectliagition oe which I am however una- ae enquire from want of a sufficient number of specimens. This ef a 18 of a peculiar deep but dull green, darker above, passing into yellowish white Szcoxp Srnres, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 46 358 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. Hysoprsts,* Agass.—So little attention has thus far been paid to the generic differences existing between the American Cyprinoids that it is not surprising to find several yet unnoticed. Among others I mention here a new type remarkable for its slender elon- gated form, its long head, its obtuse prominent snout, its inferior mouth and the advanced position of the anal. This genus is founded upon a small species from Huntsville. Leuciscus Sto- rerianus, Kirtland, which 1 have however not examined in na- ture, may be another species. Hybopsis gracilis, Agass.—Body much elongated and slightly compressed; head long, equalling nearly one-fourth the entire length of the fish. The snout is very short and broadly rounded ; the nostrils are large, above the middle line of the eye and nearer the end of the snout than the centre of the eye. The eyes are very large in proportion to the size and width of the head; the horizontal diameter which is slightly the longest, equals one-third the length of the head, their upper edge is on a line with the top of the head, the lower edge with the anterior edge of the mter- maxillaries and the extremity of the upper maxillaries reaches the line of their anterior border. The fins are all long an pointed. The pectorals are low down on the sides and reach the base of the ventrals. The hinder base of the dorsal is midway between the end of the snont and the extremity of the tail. The height of the dorsal is one-third greater than the length of the base; the second and the third rays longest ; number total of rays 8, and two united as one for the last ray of the fin. e base of the ventrals is below the anterior part of the dorsal ; their extremities reach nearly to the anal fin. The distance of the anal from the base of the tail is equal to twice the length of its own base. ‘Ihe anal is like the dorsal in form, but smaller, num ber of rays 7, with a last double ray. Caudal long, deeply fur- cate, the lobes being slender and pointed. Curosomus, Rafin.—The fish for which Rafinesque es ablished this group in his genus Luxilus, well deserves to be considered as * While these pages were setting in type, I have dee another pretty species i I. H. Ra uch, from Burling? make some additions fashion of Catostomus, so much so that had I not had ample opportunity te on ine young Catostomi, and to study the changes they undergo with age, might ver is f i enus. Moreo that gel } the lips are not swollen nor thickened. The pharyngeal teeth differ also ep in each main row, and one or two in a second row.” was thy geet is new species differs from that of Huntsville, by its smaller size, its pointed snout and the P pelea coloration. A deep black marrow band exten f the the neck to the base of the caudal along the whole back, dividing in advance of © niting a ind it upo’ wey color and a deeper rose-colored spot upon the base of the first ray of shall call this species H. dorsalis, Ag. id L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 359 a distinct genus, as it stands very isolated among the other Amer- n0ids. It may be considered as corresponding upon FE: differs however by the continuous lateral line and the shorter lower jaw. es has given it a very appropriate specific name, calling i Chrosomus seca Raf.—It is one of the prettiest po water fishes of North America, varying greatly with age an different periods of the year. It remains yet to be i eer whether the specimens from the Tennessee River are strictly identical with those from the Ohio River. I have received speci- mens from the Osage River, from Mr. G. Stolley, which differ — in having deeper colors and a somewhat elongated ‘orm. Stix, DeKay.—In his Natural History of New York, DeKay has established this genus for the Cyprinus chrysoleucos of Mitchell. Without a thorough revision of the many new gevera of Cyprinoids established by Heckel and Prince Canino, for Which I have not the necessary materials on hand, I am unable to decide whether DeKay’s genus may stand or not. "So much how- €ver is certain, that Storer’ s Leuciscus obesus from Florence, Alabama, which has also been obtained in the vicinity of Hunts- ville a8 Dr. Newman, also belongs to iad genus. Abramis versi- ing the form of Abramis elongatus, and other elongated Species of that genus with hihi small anal, and the Prominent lower jaw of Alburn Stilbe obesus, Agass. ae obesus, Storer, Synopsis, p. 166. Called Hickory or Gizzard Shad at Huntsville. Hypsoteris, Baird.—This genus was established for those Species of Leuciscus the body of which is compressed and cov- ered with high short scales. ‘Leuciscus cornutus may be consid- ered as its ty pe. My Leuciscus frontalis from Lake Superior, is another species of this genus. To it belongs also Dr. Storer’s iscus gibbosus from Florence, Alabama, ‘which has also been found about Huntsville, by Dr. Newman. Aypsolepis gibbosus, Agass.—Leuciscus gibbosus, Storer, Sy- mp page 166. Called Siiver.sides at Punteville. Lever iscus, Cuv.—One species from Huntsville, the same | which Dr. Storer has described from Florence, Alabama, under the hame of euciscus croceus, Stor., Synop., p. 165. 360 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. SAUROIDS, Agass.—Before I began to collect the materials for a monograph of the genus Lepidosteus, I had no idea of the wide geographical range of this type in North America. Indeed our ichthyological works mention only Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Champlain in the North, the Ohio and Mississippi in the West, and 8. Carolina and Florida in the South, as its home, and the whole number of species described, even including all those of Rafinesque without questioning the validity of any of them, does not exceed nine or ten. Yet I have now, in my own collection, not less than twenty-two well characterized species of the genus, and I have ascertained its existence in all the water systems of the South from Florida to Texas, in the Mississippi and all its larger tributaries up to the latitude of Lake Superior, where it does not however occur, in all the lower great Canadian Lakes, and in the St. Lawrence. Also in those river and Lakes of western New York which empty into the waters of the St. awrence ; in those of western Pennsylvania emptying into the Ohio, and in all the Atlantic rivers, from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida; leaving only the New England States East of Lake Champlain without any of its representatives. Poey describes also one species from Cuba. It seems however to be wanting west of the Rocky Mountains and in Central America. The species sent me by Dr. Newman from Huntsville, agrees with Rafinesque’s : Lepidosteus platostomus.—It differs however from the species described under the same name by DeKay from Florida, the original specimen of which I have examined myself. Its name at Huntsville is Gar. species as L. huronensis; this differs however widely from the southern ZL. osseus and from Rafinesque’s L. oryurus from ? ; Ohio River. I shall take an early opportunity of describing all the species I know of this genus and settling as far as possible their complicated synonymy. L, Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 361 C@LACANTHS, Agass.—Until an extensive and minute comparison of all the representatives of the genus Amia from different parts of the United States can be made tovascertain the true value upon which the different species described by Rich- ardson, De Kay and Valenciennes, are founded, it may be sufficient to mention here the existence of that genus in the waters of the Tennessee under the name of Amia calva, L, which has long been considered and may in reality be the only one of the genus. It is known at Huntsville under the name of Scaly Cat and Carp. Found in Mill ponds. SILUROIDS, Cuv.—Two species of this very natural family have been sent to me from Huntsville by Dr. Newman. Pimelodus cerulescens, Rafin.—Channel Cat. Grows very large and weighs occasionally over one hundred pounds. Pimelodus Catus, Lin.—Several species are confounded under this name ; but it is impossible to characterize them without en- tering into details which would be out of place in this short no- tice. Called Mud Cat at Huntsville. STURIONES, Cuv.—Two species of Sturgeons occur in the Tennessee, specimens of which I have received from Dr. New- man. Acipenser rubricundus, Lesueur. Acipenser maculosus, Lesueur. These two species have been considered as synonymous b Some ichthyologists. It is true that the young A. rubicundus like all young Sturgeons are more or less maculate, and yet there are so many other differences between the two specimens I have before me, which are nearly of the same size, that I can hardly consider them as identical. ‘The whole genus requires a thorough revision and would be an interesting subject for a monograph. here are some genera of North American fresh-water fishes the absence of which surprises me in the collection sent by Dr. ewman, and mention them with the view of calling attention - 88 specimens of the Salmon? JLabrar, known everywhere as White Perch. The presence of the genus Perca seems more doubtful. Chatessus, generally known as Hickory or Gizzard Shad. I fancy that the Stilbe obesus mentioned above, was mis- taken for a small specimen of this type. Hyodon, known as Toothed Herring. Anguilla, the Eel. Lota, known as Barbot or Relpout. The genus Pogostoma, of Rafinesque, is evidently Synonymous with Lota. Polyodon, known as Shovelbill, and Petromyzon, the Lamper-eel. I should also expect a long-billed 362 LL. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. oa everywhere together in the West. If the study of the geographical distribution of animals is ever to furnish us any indications respecting the circumstances under which organized beings were created, we must, in investigating it, turn our attention particularly to those facts which disclose differences of structure in connection with the special localization of the different representatives of each family within their natu- ral boundaries. For years I have been collecting diligently all the data within my reach bearing upon this question, and from the results of this enquiry already in my possession, Iam satisfied that the day is not far distant when we shall know with sufficient precision where all the living beings now existing upon earth have made their first appearance. ‘This must of course be the first step towards a deeper insight into the conditions of that or- gin itself. In connection with this train of thoughts it is interesting to notice how much different families of animals vary from eact other in the most prominent features of their geographical distri- bution. There are those the representatives of which are almost uniformally distributed over the whole range of their natural species of Lepidosteus, for the two types of this genus occur t me is the case with the family of Esoces, which has howevera much greater number of species in the fresh waters of North America. So are also the Sturgeons, with this difference, that upon the continent of America two peculiar genera, Scaphirhyn- chus and Polyodon, are added, which have no representatives in the old world. The Percoids however present very different combinations: some types are common to North America, Europe and Northern Asia, as the genera Perea, Lucioperca and Labrax, with this difference however, that North America has many fresh water representatives of the genus Labrax which are wanting 1p the old world; other types are only to be found either 10 North America or in the old world,—for instance Grystes, Centrarchus, Pomoxis, Amploplites, Calliurus, Pomotis, have no representatives in Europe where we find in their stead the genera Aspro and Acerina; the balance being in favor of North America as si the number and diversity of the fresh-water types of this family is concerned, whilst the old world has many more and more Ce versified marine representatives. ‘The family of Cyprino™ g with that of the Percoids in the features of its geograph cal distribution; the types peculiar to each side of the Atlantic being however more equally distributed, for whilst in the © world we find the genera Cyprinus, Barbus, Tinca, Cobitis, Pele- cus, Aspius, Rhodeus, Phoxinus, North America has 1s * L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. 363 piodes, Ictiobus, Cycleptus, Catostomus, Rhinichthys, Chrosomus, Hypsolepis, Hybopsis which are foreign to the old world, and they share together the genera Alburnus, Chondrostoma, Leucis- cus, &c., still, with this difference, that the true Leucisci are far more numerous in the old world than in North America. In the family of Cyprinodonts we find exactly the reverse, there being in North America a much greater diversity and a larger number of representatives of this type than in the old world. ‘The case is still different with the family of the Etheostomoids ; which are altogether peculiar to North America, not a single species being known in the old world. The family of Ccelacanths is also en- tirely foreign to the old world, whilst the Sauroids are represented y one genus, Polypterus in the old world and by another, Lepi- dosteus in America. The Scienoids differ in another respect : whilst these fishes inhabit exclusively the sea in the old world, there are in North America besides many marine representatives, a number of fresh-water species constituting a distinct genus, Am- odon. Again the family of Siluroids, is represented by a great Variety of species in North America, and on a few in the old world. Similar facts might be mentioned of other families, but this may be sufficient to show how important it is to combine the study of the modifications of the structure of animals with that of their geographical distribution. For it is not the presence here or there of this or that species of any genus, or family or higher group which I would particu- larly consider in the study of the geographical distribution of organized beings, but the localization upon certain parts of the Surface of the globe of special modifications of definite types representing each a distinct idea, expressed in a variety of living orms and combined in various ways in time and space. There is another point of view of equal interest in this con- ection ; the mode of association of different families in different Parts of the world. It is a fact for instance that the Goniodonts are limited to South America, and that this family, which is en- tirely wanting in the old world, has no nearer relative than that ge- hus of Sturgeons peculiar to North America, the Scaphirhynehus. Again, whilst the families mentioned above as characteristic of the North American fresh-water fish fauna seem to be equally distributed over the surface of this vast continent, there is yeta Specia adaptation of some of their types to peculiar localities. The great similarity of their representatives throughout the Southern Atlantic States, the Gulf States and the Mississippi Valley, as high up as the Ohio, including even Lake Champlain, €s not extend to the New England States, which although en- circled by this uniform combination of fresh-water animals, have another zoological character, peculiar to itself, aud approximating Rore to that of the old world under the same cl 364 L. Agassiz on Fishes of the Tennessee River. than the western and_southern parts of the Union. In this iso- tated region of North America, in this zoological island of New England, as we may well callit, we find neither Lepidosteus, nor Amia, nor Polyodon, nor Amblodon, nor Grystes, nor Centrar- chus, nor Pomoxis, nor Ambloplites, nor Calliurus, nor Carpiodes, nor Hyodon, nor indeed any of the characteristic forms of North American fresh-water fishes, so common everywhere else, with the exception of two Pomotis, one Boleosoma, and a few Catos- tomus. The study of these features is of the greatest importance, inasmuch as it may eventually lead to a better understanding of the intentions implied in this seemingly arbitrary distribution of animal life. Before closing this notice I would remark that there is still another very interesting problem respecting the geographical dis- tribution of our fresh-water animals, which may be solved by the further investigation of the fishes of the ‘Tennessee River. This water course, taking the Powells, Clinch and Holston Riv- ers as its head waters, arises from the mountains of Virginia 10 latitude 37°, it then flows S. W. to latitude 34°-25, when it turns W. and N. W., and finally empties into the Ohio under the same latitude as its sources in 37°. The question now is this: Are chief condition of the geographical distribution of our fresh-water fi o they differ in different stations along its course! and if so, are the differences mainly controlled by the elevation of the river above the level of the sea, or determined by climatic influences corresponding te differences of latitude? We should assume that the first alternative was true if the fishes of the upper course of the river differed from those of the middle and lower course in the same manner as in the Danube, from its source '0 esth, where this stream flows nearly for its whole length under the same parallel. We would on the contrary suppose the secont bserved circumstances upon the surface of the globe. Nothing, however, short of such collections, compared closely with ove ane will furnish a reliable answer. I know already from a mere alogue of the vernacular names of the fishes from the vicinlt Jonesboro, sent me by Dr. Cunningham, and from a few ve mens collected by Prof. Erni, late of Knoxville, that the fishes the upper and lower course of the Tennessee differ greatly from y of Additional Notes on the Holconoti. 365 each other, without being able to tell exactly how, from want of specimens, ‘l’o set this question completely at rest, it would be best to obtain callections from the different tributaries of the Ten- nessee, as well as from the main stream, one from the Powells, one from the Clinch, one from the Holston, one from the French Broad, &c., and from the main river, one from the vicinity of Washington, Tenn., or from Chattanooga, another from Florence, (the Muscle Shoal being the point, as I am informed by Dr. Newman, above which fish do not migrate in the Tennessee, ) and another anywhere above its junction with the Ohio, perhaps best about Reynoldsburg, at some distance from the Ohio. Who- ever will accomplish this survey will have made a highly val- uable contribution to our knowledge. Appennix.— Additional Notes on the Holconoti. Havine lately received a large number of specimens of Holco- nott, from California, through the kindness of my friend, T. G. Cary, Esq., of San Francisco, Lavail myself of this opportunity to make several additions to my first notice of that remarkable family. As I had anticipated, the uumber of species belonging to it is rap- idly increasing. I have now no less than six distinct species before me, presenting even a far wider range of differeuces than I was prepared to find among them, which has led me to establish several hew genera, besides E:mbiotoca. Respecting the family characters, I have to add that there is another space deprived of scales, extend- mg along the middle line of the belly, from the sides of the ventrals to the base of the anal, undoubtedly a provision to facilitate the dilatation of the abdominal cavity during the growth of the aston- ‘shingly large young of these fishes. It is rather surprising, how- Mammalia. Nevertheless the males and females differ widely rom one another, in each of the four species of which I have thus far been able to obtain both sexes. Thiscircumstance adds Steatly to the difficulty of distinguishing and characterizing the Pecies. ‘Ihe males are uniformly smaller than the females, con- trary to what has been observed in the genus Peeilia, in which the males ( Mollinesia) and the females ( Pacilia) differ so much 48 to have been considered as distinct genera, but agreeing in this fespect with my genus Heterandria, in which the males are also Smaller than the females. ‘The difference consists chiefly in the Peculiar form of the anterior part of the anal in the males, which sembles somewhat that of the male of Mallotus villosus, being mote rigid and more expanded than in the females. The jaws — “f€ more or less protractile. Air bladder large and sim In Stoop Seams, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. | : 366 Additional Notes on the Holconoti. males the sexual apertnre is at the sommit of a projecting conical ila. The genus E’mbiotoca as first established, does vot re- quire modifications ; I have only to add a new species to it, and to mention some features by which it differs from the following genera: he spinous portion of tne dorsal is uniformly low, so that the soft portion rises abruptly to a much greater height; the atterior articulated rays of the anal simple and not branching at their extremity. In the male the anterior articulated rays of the anal are swollen near their base, forming a continuons longitudi- nal ridge on each side of the fin. This ridge is variously modified in the different species. The jaws are moderately protractile; the lower lip is fixed by a frennm to the symphysis of the lower maxillaries, and not free and moveable all round the jaw. The young of the third new species of this genus resembles exactly those of the two formerly described, but differ remarkably from those of another species belonging to a new genus whick I shall mention below, thus showing that there are generic modifications in the growth of the young, thongh the mode of reproduction Is exactly the same in all. In Embiotoca proper, the yonng resem- ble most remarkably the mother, about the time of their escape from their confinement, except in color ; in addition to the pecu- liarities described in my former paper, I would mention a large black diffused spot upon the anterior part of the soft portion of the dorsal and of the anal, which is found in the young ol all three species of this genus, whilst ZB. Caryi alone shows signs of it when full grown. 'The male papilla is rather large. E'mbiotoca Caryi.—1 possess the most complete series of this species, for besides two pregnant females with young ready to escape, caught in July, I have males and females of various s1Zes caught in January ; at this period the marsupial sac is reduced to a fusiform tube, extending from the sexual aperture to the an- terior extremity of the air bladder, but the state of preservation of the intestines did not allow a minnte examination of its sine ture. The male, which is more elongated than the female, has also much brighter colors: the longitndinal and transverse bands of the body are more distinct, the black specks upon, the soft dorsal and the anal are more brilliant, and the cheeks, opercule, jaws and chin are adorned with bright blue blotches more OF less e~nfluent ; the ground color of the body seems to vary from olive on the back toa yellow-orange upon the sides. see _ Embiotoca Jacksoni—The form of the male does not differ quite as much from that of the female in this species, a8 1) a preceding, though it is also slightly narrower. ‘The color, as as I can jndge from alcoholic specimens, is of a deeper olive green, whilst the female is more yellowish. in ay : jotoca lateralis, Agass.—Resembles closely E. Jackson! general form and appearance, but seems to bring forth its you?’ Additional Notes on the Holconoti. 367 at an earlier period, for among several specimens caught in July, only one was full of young, and that was a younger specimen. The body is dark olive above ; sides with alternate silver-gray and rusty bands; fins brown. In younger specimens the longi- tudinal bands are more yellow, and the fins also yellowish. Ruacocuitus, Agass.—In this genus the vertical fins have the same structure as in Embiotoca and the sexes differ in the same manner ; but the jaws are very protractile, almost as in our south- eri Paxhnolainitis and the lips very fleshy, the lower lip especially broad, lobed and have their outer margin free from the jaw bone all. round, and not attached by a frenum to the chin, as in Embi- _ otoca and Amphistichus. Teeth few and only in front of the jaws, and none on the sides. ‘The body is also more elongated. The young differ widely from those of the preceding genns : their form is more elongated, the caudal remarkably large and long and truncate at its extremity, whilst it is forked in Embi- otoca : and the extremities of the dorsal and anal aie beyond the base of the ca audal, whilst in Embiotoca the not even Teach it; finally there is no black speck upon ph Sed the dorsal Rhacochilus toxotes, Agass.—Color uniform olive above ; sides silvery with light longitudinal bands; female darker than male; vertical fins and ventrals dark; male blackish upon opercule an Cheeks. Female with mature young in July. Ampuisticuus, Ayass.—The spinous rays of the dorsal shorter than the soft rays, but gradually iuecreasing in length, so that the soft portion of the fin does not rise abruptly higher than the Spinous portion, though the anterior soft Aes sare the longest of the i. Articulated rays of the anal all divided, and not simple i in front 48 in Embiotoca, nevertheless the fin is separated into an anterior and a posterior portion, by the introduction in the male of a short flat-triangular ray, which produces a deep emargination in the outline of the fin, and in the female by the presence of two or Aree articulated rays of equal length with the others but much stouter and oftener divided. In the male the anterior rays are Swollen as in Embiotoca and Rhacochilus. Papilla of the males Young have not been observed, the specimens obtained having been ¢ caught in January. Amphistichus argenteus, Agass.—Bluish gray above, sides sil- very with occasional indistinct and irregular transverse bands of live color. Vertical fius yellowish. _ Hotconotus, Agass.—Dorsal long, and lowest behind, its si. nous rays being the longest; the anterior and posterior honed 368 Additional Notes 6n the Holconoti. this fin are not separated by a depression, but its outline descends reguiarly from the fourth or fifth anterior spinous rays to the o0sterior extremity. Structure of the anal the same as in Am- phistichus but proportionally longer; the sexes differing also in the same manner. Young not known, the female obtamed hav- ing been canght in January. Jaws very slightly protractile, lower jaw projecting ; two rows of teeth in the upper jaw only. Lips not fleshy ; lower lip free all round. Holconotus rhodoterus, Agass.—Bluish gray above, silvery upon the sides with rose colored spots in irregular longitudinal lines; vertical fins, especially the caudal, reddish. I have just been informed (February 28th) that the California Academy of Natural Sciences claims for Dr. W..P. Gibbons the discovery of the viviparous fishes upon which I had established the family Holconoti and the genus Embiotora ; but upon what ground [ am not informed. This is a question in which [ am entirely disinterested, having thus far been only the historian of the discovery and the biographer and godfather of the fishes. Dates and reference to other publications which may have been made in California, will easily settle the question of priority which as far as the discovery of the viviparity of these fishes 1s cole I learn also, from the same quarter, that Dr. Gibbons has The knowledge of this curions family is likely to lead to many other interesting disclosnres. Dr. ‘Thom. H. Webb, one of = scientific corps of the Mexican Boundary Line Commission, has sent me under date of Dec. 9th, 1853, the following abstract ee his diary, dated San Diego, May 3, 1852: “Capt. Otunger, . the U. 8. Revenue service, caused his seine to be drawn for Us to-day. Caught many Tiger and Shovel-nose sharks, two floun- ders, . . . also a number of small fish, about two or bly song, each, of which contained ten or twelve living youns. | quite a number of them alive, in a vessel of water, for some ys In the mother they were not, so to speak indiscriminately hue dled together, but methodically arranged, and so placed in re to each other as to form a compact series, without the loss of 1° terstitial space, in other words, so disposed as to best accommon™ the family. On leaving San Diego, I took extra pains to P) Dr. Wyman on the Surinam Toad. 3 3BA9 specimens of this fish, but these special efforts proved an injury,” &c. We may therefore confidently look forward for some new type of viviparous fish from San Diego. Mr. Wm. Couper of Toronto, Canada, writes me also that an intelligent young man residing in Buffalo, New York, obtained some fish taken at Black Rock, in which a number of young were found enclosed in a pouch attached to or near the back bone, resembling the parent in form. May this not be some Cyprinodent? Iam inclined to believe it, since I have of late ascertained that many of our rep- resentatives of that family, if not all, bring forth living young, though these are very small at the time of their birt That among our Sharks the Dogfish (Acanthias americanus, St.), is viviparous, has long been known. So is also Mustelus Canis, Mitch. But Mr. Thayer S. Abert, of the U. 8. Engineers, informs me that the Stingray of the coast of North Carolina also brings forth living young. ‘This would be, as far as I know, the tst example of a viviparous species in the family of Rays. & Arr. XX X1X.— Observations on the Development of the “ Suri- nam T'oad” (Pipa Americana); by Jerrries Wyman, M.D. (Presented to the Boston Society of Natural History.) ‘Tue specimens upon which the following observations were made, were obtained by Dr. Francis W. Craigin, U. S. Consul, to whom the Society has been so frequently indebted for his gen- erons and munificent contributions to its cabinet, of zoological col- lections from South America. ‘The habits of these extraordinary animals during the reproductive season are well known. The eggs are transferred by the male to the back of the female, to Which they adhere, and where they are impregnated ; their pres- ence excites increased activity in the skin, it thickens, is gradu- ally built up around each egg which it at length nearly encloses in a well-defined pouch; this process of investment has been compared by J. Miller and others to the inclusion of the mam- miferous ovum by the deciduous membrane of the uterus. The Opening which is left after the pouch is formed, is at length closed up by an operculum, and thus the egg is shut off from all direct Communication with the air. Of the eight specimens which I have examined, two were desti- tute of eggs in the back, and the skin of these presented a uniform surface throughout covered, as is usual, with conical papilla. One them I ascertained by dissection to be a female, the ovaries being well filled with eggs. In the backs of all of the others, ova existed in different stages of development, the number of egg- Saes varying in different specimens from forty to 370 Dr. Wyman on the Surinam Toad. fourteen. The structure of the sac may be understood from an inspection of fig. 1, which represents a magnified vertical sec- tion through the whole thickness of the skin: a@ represents the operculum, 6 the epidermis, ec dermis or true skin, aud d the yelk with its embryo. The sacs are at variable distances from each other, sometimes so closely approximated that the interven- ing integument is reduced to the thickness of a piece of paper. The operculum adheres to the circumference of the mouth, and there is usually found just beneath it a layer of gelatinous matter which is continuous, in some instances at least, around the whole circuinference of the egg. The structure of the operculum as seen beneath the microscope was not homogeneous, but seemed to be composed of ill-defined fibres, not unlike those of the white element of areolar tissue, and there were intermixed with them granules of pigment. The interior of the pouch was covered by a layer of pavement epithelium, continuous at the orifice with the cuticle covering the surface of the body; it was easily detached, and its cells were nucleated and contained colored granules. Be- neath the skin there exists over the whole back a large cavity, as in Frogs, but unlike the one in them no nerves were seen pass- ing through it, in the region of the spine, to the integuments. ‘he eggs are quite remarkable when compared with those of other Batrachians for their great size, the yelk alone measuring oue-fourth of an inch in diameter. In almost every instance, 00 removing the operculum, the embryo, however small, was ound just beneath it, and thus occupying a position on the yelk which had the nearest proximity to the air. In the earlier stages, as seen in fig. 2, the head is broad and flat, the cerebral vesicles are easily detected, the lateral portions not having united on the median line; the eyes were prominent i 2. 3. portion of the trank, but the legs consisted of oval masses entirel disconnected with the parts surrounding the vertebral colum®, and seemed to have an independent centre of growth, aud earlier spect t did not bud out from the trunk. In all of. Dr. Wyman on the Surinam Toad. 371 mens three branchial appendages were visible on each side of the ad. The general aspect of the embryo, as it lies extended on the surface of the yelk, reminds us of the larval condition of Salamanders and Tritons. The vitelline vessels communicated with the trank hy means of two afferrent vessels on each side of the head, and several efferrent ones on the sides of the trunk. In a later stage as exhibited in another series of embryos (fig. 3), the external branchize had disappeared, the legs (a) now uni- ted with the trunk. were terminated by an expanded extremity, the rudiment of a foot; the ventral lamine: as represented by the dotted line extended farther down upon the yelk, but still this last was to a great extent uncovered ; the nostrils were visible as round terminal depressions, but it was not ascertained if they communicated with the mouth. A small branchial fissure was tected on each side of the neck, and within this, as was shown by slitting open the mouth and cesophagus, there existed on each side a series of fringed branchial arches. - The most extraordiuary feature however of this stage was the peculiar change going on in the yelk mass; the whole of the yelk sibstance was nioulded into a spiral coil, fig. 3, and invested with a thin tunic, and thus converted at once into a spiral intestinal canal, the coils of which extend from the sides of the trunk to the most prominent portion of the yelk, and there changing di- fection and occupying the axis of the coil the intestine passes back again towards the trunk. The whole yelk-mass is, therefore Moulded into a spiral intestine. In the most advanced stages which were examined (figs. 4 -and 5) the ventral Jaminz had almost entirely included the intes- tinal canal as seen in fig. 5; the papille and rows of tubercles Upon the skin were developed, the intestine had increased in length, and the extremities had become elongated and were pro- Vided with well defined toes. The legs were folded against the Sides of the body, usually one towards the back and the other towards the abdomen, and the tail which had become proportion- & 372 Dr. Wyman on the Surinam Toad. ally much atin was folded against the side and directed towards he head. The mouth as in the preceding instances, was not terminal, but jenodea a little on the under side of the head. When the most advanced ova are compared with those whieh had made the least progress, as will be seen by reference to figs. 2 and 4, which are proportionally magnified representations, it 1s ane obvious that in the later periods, the mass of the embryo s much greater than that of the yelk and the embryo of the ear- tier This increase as shown by weight was found as follows :— the embryo represented by fig. 2 weighed 2-95 grains, and that by fig. 5, 3°37 grains. It is not improbable that if earlier and later periods had been compared, the difference would have been sull greater. In none of the instances which fell under my notice had the final metamorphosis taken place. But Bonnet, Dumeril and oth- ers have observed that the tadpole remains in the dermal sac un- til its limbs are perfectly formed and the tail has been absorbed, until in truth it arrives at the same stage reached by the common toad, when having finished its aquatic life to which it is no lon- er ada ted, it leaves the ere and seeks its livelihood in a more congenial manner on the lat Remarks.—In addition to the unusual circumstances under which these animals are developed, it will be seen that they are objects of especial interest in connection with the general subject of the development of Batsachian reptiles. 'The first peculiarity which may be noticed is as to the period at which the arms ai egs make their appearance. ‘The tadpoles of frogs and toads ac- quire a comparatively advanced — of development before any traces whatever of limbs are seen ; they leave the egg, cies) of sides of the Mbaiinareae ‘The Bg in of the limbs, independ: Pa Pairs the vertebral “axis, goes to show rh whatever view we may adopt, with regard to the homology of legs, the Pest included, they are something superadded to it and not volved from it, or any of its processes. I have ascertained by direc observation, that even among Frogs, the legs which ap] of the tail, in the form of small papille, are prima- fily tegumentary growths, that beneath these there 1s developed a cartilaginous plate which gradually extends upwards on each side until it meets with the transverse processes of the verteb bral pe itary with which it becomes permanently connected U the form of the pelvis, and at the same time the papillee lee are de- Dr. Wyman on the Surinam Toad. 373 veloped into limbs with their contained bones; thus the pelvis which in the adult seems to be an appendage to the vertebral col- umn, is in the embryo an ee structure, just as the tooth is primarily independent of the ja In this mode of the devel- opment of the legs, we havea anieatie analogy to the perma- nent constitution of the same parts in Fishes, in which the ven- tral fins are never connected with the vertebral column by their pelvic bones, these being confined to the abdominal surface of the - body. The complete development of the tail, adapted to swimming, is under the circumstances worthy of attention. In the ordinary Ranide the phases of development are in accordance with the pe- culiar conditions under which the earlier periods of life are pass- ed; their habits are not only wholly aquatic, but they have many of the anatomical and physiological sin of fishes, among which may be mentioned the existence of branchie, for aquatic respiration, and a broad and scien tail for aquatic locomo- me on. The embryos of Pipe differ from those of other allied ra, in passing through all of theirembryonic phases in closed hae sacks, where they neither breathe by the action of aquatic currents, nor are capable of executing the ordinary locomotive movements ; yet the external branchize are developed, disappear and are replaced by internal branchiee, and these in turn by lungs ; the tail also acquires its full dev velopment with swimming adapta- tions, in the form of muscles and folds’ of skin, as in other tad- poles, and after having existed for a certain period, is removed by absorption, without having been even once made use of as a lo- comotive organ. It appears that in this particular instance the exigencies of embryonic life do not require the existence of a tail for the purposes of locomotion, and its presence seems to be accounted for only on the supposition of the existence of a pre- established plan according to which Batrachians generally are éveloped, and this plan is adhered to, although the organ may Hot be used or not used in the same way as in the. other species, It is possible that the materials of the tail serve as a store of nu- tritive RPeianess shapee this seems scarcely probable ; but even if this be the case, it is none the less a fact that the part assumes a “sd the adapatons of which have reference to a function wholly differen As regards i existence of branchiz, I have observed an anal- 0gons instance in the embryos of Salamandra gre baie where these organs are developed externally, though the eggs are depos- i under a log, and the auimal is not aquatic at any hs of The only other subject to which it is proposed to refer, is the oh of the embryo, by which there is formed at the end of ineu- a larger mass than existed in the egg when it commenced, Stconp Serius, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 374 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata This increase in bulk could have -been effected in no other way than by an absorption of materials furnished by the dermal sac, since the existence of an operculum would prevent the en- trance of nutritive matter from without. The gelatinous matter which originally surrounded the egg, may have contributed some- thing, but still there is growth after this has disappeared. It seems highly probable, therefore, that the walls of the, pouch se- erete the necessary additional quantity to supply all that is re- quired for development. In so far as observation has extended, this is a solitary instance among Batrachians if not among Rep- tiles generally in which the embryo is nourished at the expense of materials derived from the parent Eanes Arr. XL.—Researches on the Development and intimate Struc- ture of the Renal Organs of the four Classes of the Verle brata ; by W. 1. Burnett, M.D., Boston. Tere are two facts strikingly indicative of the importance of the urinary organs in all the higher forms of animal life. are: first, their widely distributed presence; and second, early appearance in developing embryonic forms; I might, iI haps, add as a third fact, that their functional activity Js usually in pretty exact ratio with the grade of organization. sill Throughout the higher classes of the Invertebrata,* and nae the Vertebrata, these organs are present, and their functional re lations quite prominent ; it is only in the lower classes of nine hs imal kingdom, where there is an absence or incompleteness © : in which, as also ip ns Stated eon ko eee function, and are often of a complex structure. See Comparative Anatomy, ™ ’ bold and Stannius, transl. &e. by Burnett, vol. i, $8 223, 265, 288, 814, 345 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 375 true circulatory system distinct by itself, that these structures are wanting. The kidneys are organs inseparably connected wit an important blood-function, and in the Vertebrata where the conditions of organization rest upon an active and widely distrib- uted circulation, they possess determinate anatomical and physio- logical characteristics, and may therefore form the subject of a distinct and complete investigation. n this account, I limit myself in the present paper to an ex- amination of these organs as observed in the four grand classes of Vertebrata: Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals,—and by the terms Urinary Organs, | mean those both of a transient and a permanent nature—the Wolffian bodies of most embryos, as well as the true kidneys of all adults. I have lately enjoyed excellent opportunities for the study of the development and intimate structure of these glandular organs ; and their apparent peculiarities, as observed in the four different Classes, require the detail I have given, in order to convey a clear idea of what may be called the formula of their organization. I say formula, for the intimate organic structure of a urinary organ wherever observed among the Vertebrata, is invariably the Same; the variations being only apparent and extrinsic, and due to the many modes of combination of a single individual structure. As before mentioned, the Renal organs appear under two forms viz.: the Embryonic, or the so-called Wolffian Bodies, and the Permanent or true Kidneys. I. Wolffian Bodies. To the physiologist it is a beautiful and suggestive fact, not unfrequently observed in embryological studies, that nature some- imes puts up a temporary, provisional structure, for the perform- ance of an important function, until the conditions of the general Organization shall be so far advanced that there can be formed a Permanent organ of a certain type, belonging to the animal as Such, and which persists through its entire life. Such a fact is Presented by the Wolffian bodies. : _ In the higher forms of organization, the blood, directly upon i$ active circulation, seems to require some means for the remo- val from it of certain effete particles, and to effect this a delicate, transient structure is erected, to remain only until a permanent She in the shape of a true kidney can be formed. These temporary kidneys are found in the embryos of all the Vertebrata, excepting the Fishes and the Amphibian Reptiles; that is, in the true Reptiles, the Birds, and the Mammals. The sth of time they persist is, in general, in an inverse ratio to the grade of the animal; in fact, this law of gradation seems so Marked, that there would at first seem some ground for the opin- ion that in the Amphibia and the Fishes, which have only per- 376 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata, manent renal organs, these last may be only persistent Woiffian bodies, but this point will receive our attention at a future time. Wherever occurring, these Wolffian bodies present the same unvarying form and type of structure; their mode of develop- ment [ have found to be equally invariable, whether occurring in Reptiles, Birds, or Mammals. They always make their appear- ance during the very earliest phases of development of the em- ryo, and, with the neg te of the heart, are the first organs formed in the abdominal ca As I have studied these liens of development in Birds more earefully than in the other classes, [ will describe them as ob- served in the chick; and this description wiil include what belongs to these organs in Reptiles and Mammalia, in all their essential details. In the Chick, there appears, at about the fiftieth (50th) hour of incubation, a bitte on each side of, and lying close to, the vertebra column; this line extends from near the region of the heart to the caudal vertebrae, and is composed of a collection of nucleated cells which soon beeome arranged so as to forma tnbe; this tube is the basis of the future Wolffian body. At this stage of devel- opment there is observed, then, a simple tube on each side of the vertebral column ; but a few hours nlite the surface of the tube becomes nodulated at regular intervals on its inner surface. These nodulations are the beginnings of a series of eversions from the main tube which soon therefore ape a digitated appear- ance—each of the finger-like prolongations being a future urinif- erous tube. These prolongations having been formed from with- out inwards, the original tube, which now has become a common se lies upon the external side, aud the former overlap the ver- al column. This formation of tubes by deverticula from a main one, con- stitutes the first phase in the development of this organ as a coml- und structure. - The second phase is the formation of a direct connection between the blood-vessels and these near pie tubes, so that an eliminating function may b rformed. This occurs at about the sixtieth (G0th) or sixty-fifth (65th) hout of incubation. At this time, the free extremities of some, but not all, of the newly-formed tubes become enlarged aud dilated into an infundibuliform body which, together with its attached tube, te sembles a flask with a very long neck. Jn this dilated extremity of the tube, a knot of blood-vessels is formed anew from epit lial cells ; ‘this ones in a manner so beautiful that I digress here for its more careful descr This infundibuliforn or teed end of the tube is nothing but the tube at this point taking on a little on proms - jt is there- fore lined, like the tube itself, with a layer of epithelial These cells, by a more or less linear arrangement, form form a Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 377 convoluted tube enclosing in its calibre smaller cells; this tnbe is the future blood-vessel which connects afierwards with the blood- vessels of the general circulation, and then the enclosed smaller epithelial cells become blood-corpuscles. ‘This convoluted blood- vessel is the so-called Malpighian tuft, or the Glomerulus, and is the functional or active structure of the organ. rief but comprehensive description of the structure of the Wolffian body would then be: a straight, main duct into which empty many digitiform tubes, the capsular dilatations of the free ends of which contain each a knot of blood-vessels. In the same way, I might describe the method of its function, as: the straining off from the blood, through this knot of vessels, those effete particles which as a whole form the uritiary excretion of the embryo. A structure more simple cannot easily be conceived of, yet its function is most effectual, for although thus quickly formed, we shall soon Jearn that both the structure and function of the complex permanent kidney rest upon precisely the same primitive types. ‘These temporary kidneys, thus formed, which have, as before remarked, exactly the same structure wherever found, have a du- ration varying in the different classes, which stands in an inverse ratio to the grade of the animal. b In the true Reptiles, and in Birds, they persist as active func- tional organs during a considerable portion of the embryonic life ; dependent, vitelline life; thus, in the chick the kidneys assnme the urinary excretion at about the tenth (10th) day, yet the ves- tiges of those bodies may often be observed after hatching; and in the Alligator, I have seen, even four or five months after the animal had escaped the egg, the remains of these organs so well preserved that the Malpighian bodies were distinct in them. But in the Mammalia, where their existence as active parts is very brief, in fact so limited that it is difficult to observe them ina State of functional activity, they are correspondingly soon ab- sorbed, and although these remains are observed more or less dis- tinctly after birth in some species, yet, generally, they have Mostly passed away by the latter half of the intra-uterine life.* * Miller, (Physiologie, transl. by Jourdan, &c., Deux. éd. Paris, 1851, ii, p. 760, . C. 5.) bas gi g Wolffian body in & human foetus of 84 inches. As is well known, there may be observed during the t months of the human feetus, or even after birth, peculiar canaliculi situated in the n tube. They form the s ed or- of Rosenmiiller (De ovariis embryonum, Leipzig, 1501), and are probably the i olffian bod th inanti ipeda, and Suina, there are 378 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. As I have shown elsewhere,* the receptacle of this urinary ex- cretion of the Wolffian bodies is the Allantois, which, as I have described in the paper referred to, is at first, properly nothing but their receptacular appendix—the excretory ducts terminating in it below. In conclusion, I may remark that the Wolffian bodies are tran- sient in all their relations; they subserve nothing for the forma- tion of the permanent organs that succeed them—being every way distinct structures; and the testicles or ovaries which are first observed on their bodies, have no other relation with the part on which they rest except that of mere contact. But before leaving this section of the subject, I think it neces- sary to explain one point which otherwise might seem assumed on too little authority. I refer to the statement I have already made that the Wolffian Bodies are absent in the Amphibian Rep- tiles. This, as is well known to physiologists, is directly opp to the views of Miiller, and therefore demands here a special ref- erence. Among Miiller’s earliest anatomical publications, upon the for- mation of glandular structures and particularly those of the genl- tal apparatus, he pointed out and gave a careful descriptiont of what he regarded as a new structure in the embryos of Amphibia. Up to this time, the so-called Wolffian bodies had not been 0 served by Meckel, and Rathke, who had specially studied them, in either the Fishes or the Amphibian Reptiles,—and these new- ly-discovered structures Miller regarded as a peculiar form of the Wolffian bodies. He described them as two organs situated, one on each side of the vertebral column, directly under the branchie of the larve of Batrachians, and from which proceeds a duct that runs along the side of the vertebral column and opens, finally, into the lower portion of the intestinal canal. But the presence of these organs, thus carefully described and especially by so excellent an authority, has not been acceded to by all, although by most, subsequent microscopical anatomusts it membrane and the muscular tunic of the vagina, and open, at last, near the urea y ; imordial Nieren, 10- view a paper, On the ai tio Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Boston, for October, 1852. his + J. Miller, Bildungsgeschichte der Genitalien, Dusseldorff, 1830. See an De Glandularum secernenti ura penitiori earumque prima formatione, 1830, D . éd. Paris, 1851, r e lum. struct p- — xii, and his Physiologie, transl. by Jourdan, &e., Deux p. 758. ¢ Among those who have followed Miiller, may be mentioned H. Meckel, (2% Morphologie die Harn—und Geschlechtswerkzeuge der Wirbelthiere, Halle, 15% and Reichert, (Das Entwickelungsleben im Wirbelthier-Reich, 1840, p- 26). = Dr. Burneti on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 379 at least that they are distinct organs as independent of the per- manent kidneys or as the ordinary Wolffian bodies of Birds an Mammals. This is a point to which I gave special attention in makin these investigations, and after the most careful and repeated ex- aminations of the larvee of Batrachia, in all their stages, I have wholly failed to find a structure, such as Miller has described, distinct from the developing kidney, and which would correspond to the ordinary Wolffian body. On the other hand, all that I have observed in this respect is, that the common duct (future ureter) of the forming kidney extends quite high up towards the cardiac region, some distance beyond the upper limit of its branching out into uriniferous canals. The upper end of this free portion of the duct is convoluted and seems to have some direct connection with the blood-vessels, though I have never here observed any thing like Malpighian bodies. As the devel- opment of the kidney progresses, this free extremity of the tube gradually disappears, and towards the end of the larval state is observed only in remains. In brief, then, I have observed no distinct, temporary urinary organs in the undeveloped forms of Amphibia. These observations, made for the most part during the summer of 1852, though repeated from time to time until quite recently, I was pleased to perceive confirmed by so excellent an observer as Wittich in a paper published in the antunin of the same year.* Wittich’s investigations have been very extended, and as far at least as they relate to the renal organs, furnish results much like my own. He found nothing in the larvee of the naked Am- phibia which would correspond to Miiller’s Wolffian bodies, ex- cepting the free prolongation upwards of the main duet or the ureter of the developing kidney. Phe doctrine here insisted upon that the true Wolffian bodies, or feetal kidneys, are present only in the embryos of the true Rep- tiles, the Birds and the Mammals, is so apposite with the results I have obtained from an investigation of the Allantois, that it may urged with an added force. In the paper already alluded to, I have sought to show that the Allantois is, primitively, the vesicu- lar expansion of the combined extremities of the ducts of the olffian bodies, and finally becomes the receptacular appendage of these organs—its contained liquid being properly urine.t But afterwards it subserves also another function—that of the aeration e blood. h Zeitsch, f. wissensch. Zool, 1v, 1852, p. 125; also, Harn- und : chtso yon lossus pictus und einiger anderer aussereuropaischer Batrachier, ibid, p. 168, + Jacobson, as is well known, detected urea in the liquid contents of the of very young embryos. See loc. cit 380 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. This view being correct, we could expect to find Wolffian bodies only where there is observed an Allantois, and vice versa. Thus, in the Fishes and Amphibian Reptiles, which truly have no Allantois, there would be no temporary kidneys or the Wolffian bodies; while in the other Vertebrata, which are allantoidian, these last wonld be found. TI scarcely need refer further to this parallelism as far as regards our doctrine in question.* Il. Permanent or true Kidneys. These organs being apparently indispensable to the adult econ- omy of all the Vertebrata, have a physiological importance of the highest character. Althongh the primitive essential type of their structure is precisely like that of their temporary analogues just described, when present, yet as they are permanent organs ab sustain definite relations and connections with various parts of the general system, the study of their structure as organs is the more complex and interesting. It would be foreign to my subject to enter upon the details of the comparative Auatomy of these or- gans, describing those variations of external form belonging to each type ;+ I shall limit mysclf to those points that bear directly upon the subject of development and intimate structure. As a leading fact | may mention that the idea or formula of the kidney, wherever observed in the vertebrate, is always the same; aud thus finding the intimate structure essentially alike everywhere, we should naturally infer that there is throughout a single and invariable mode of development. This indeed, I have found to be the case, as I hope to show in the following details. In the Fishes and Amphibian Reptiles, where there are NO temporary urinary organs, the earlier phases of development of the kidueys seem to bea little less complicated than in the higher classes. In fact, the type of structural development here is quite allied to that of the Wolffian bodies, and by some anatomists I much regret that in preparing this account of the Wolffian bodies, I shoul not h ess to the work of Follin, (Recherches sur les co’ ‘ Paris, 1850), which I have failed to get on the reputed ground of its being out of Lig Considerable reference, ho S to this work, by the copying of pag tl ii, p. 761. ut by the figures in question, I can judge nothing of the v. e. r * Besides the well-known works of Rathke, Meckel, Baer, Jacobson, Valentin, B® ee already referred to, see especially for representations of these bodies, hain : Bildu gre der Genitalien; his De Glandularum secernent. &e.; 4 e, Transl. by Jourdan, Paris, 1851, ii, p. 757. " Wolffian bodies of Amphibia, see Wittich, loc. cit., Taf. ix, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 ae ce. am spect. My obse stages of formation of ail the parts, and concerning th ed by no investigator. + For full details on this pon eee, with a pate a reference to its literature, oe, ee. Anatomy of Siebold and Stannius, transl. &e. by Burnett, ¥ > ~- . / o Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 381 these organs in Fishes have been regarded as merely permanent forms of the above mentioned bodies. This last, however, I @o not think correct, for in be class the subsequent phases of de- velopment by which the organ is increased in size, are exactly like those of the general pact of these organs in Birds and Mammals. _ The formula of development is the branching ~— in spe! of a primitive tube which is the future ureter ;—the | por- tions of these branches forming an intimate schletion with the general vascular a either by Malpighian bodies, or by a del- icate net-work of vessels. The mode of jbettmtions is therefore arborescent, and the anal- ogy of the development and growth of this s gland with that of vegetable forms is too striking not to be noticed. We shall see that the growth exactly resembles that of a tree even sco ks in its details. The line of development being everywhere the same, I will, for the sake of uniformity, describe it as occurring in the Chick, where, moreover, I have carefully registered the successive phases. * In the chick no traces of the kidney are perceptible, according to my own observations, until Soa end of the fourth or the begin- ning of the fifth day. The ureter, then, is the part first seen, and consists of a simple tube, ne upper part of which sends off branches. Each of these branches then divides and subdivides, * Here T may poe hoe a to the views of other oleate who hay e spe- cially studied the deve lopment of the kidney. th authors best wn in this re- —— Rathke, ae Valentin wae d as well also as Wit “ich of later times. orks of these men have alrea y been cited, According to Rathke, the first traces, of the ki ing ein a a number of small claviform protuberances appeari g quently appear, but in a manner ee pr ome Re pier ne alentin’s Uoleations agree in general with those of Rathke, but, from some ‘p \ squeal Pa Vale niin’ view of t ormation of the uriniferous tu Ades with that of Henle, viz.: that it ao by the condensation of a linear arrange- ment of the vesicular contents of the Both Miiller and Bischo off con ae in ional vi views be oe but Bischoff differs not a little upon some points which dese: He says, “I have never been able to convince ing hat the ureter, ; pelvis, ae canaliculi are he Sped se rl ely, and : think that their ru diments e continuous throughout. ‘ae. § ©pmen; But ot Goh results most closely approach my own. Speaking of these organs in mphibia, he says: “ The further growth of the kidney occurs, it would ily by a aed deverticulation of the ex eretory “see eae and partly ening, lengthening and branching of the primitive dev ill n in the text, t he view ! ngs nee is the arbo iss mode of devel- oe c d accordi the class, of these organs—the formula being a more or less extended oes Pa of tubes from a Pk a a duct. _ Stoowp Seems, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. oe 382 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. and around these subdivisions are collected a mass of blastematous cells. These cells serve as the material for the growth and further division of the tubes—in fact for their ultimate ramification, until the whole structure is completed. There is observed, therefore, at an early period, a main stem (ureter) which has many branches, each of which is the foot-stalk of a leaf-like body ; this last is one of the future lobules of the kidney. ‘Mhe whole plan of structure is here lai®out—a branching ureter with lobules. The increase of the size of these lobules, and the formation of the ultimate uriniferous tubes takes place by one and the same process, viz.: by the branching of the original tubes in a plumate form from a main tube,—the whole resembling the plume of a feather. The tubes do not end, however, on the edge of the plume (so to speak), but here loop and return, and when near the shaft or main tube, they dilate into Malpighian bodies; this is, as far as 1 have observed, their invariable mode of termination, there being no auastomoses of the tubes as some have supposed. : The mode of formation of the Malpighian body of the true kid- ney, is precisely like that of the same structure belonging to the Wolffian body, already described; I need not therefore here re- peat the description. I may remark, however, that the two blo vessels which compose the glomerulus, usually penetrate the cap- sular dilation of the tube at some point more or less near the op- posite one of its insertion upon the tube, and rarely more laterally, or at least on the inner half of the capsule. In the chick, the Malpighian bodies begin to appear at about the tenth day; they are then very few in number, but they become more numerous exactly in proportion to the growth of the organ—not ceasing 10 be formed until the kidney has reached its full size. : Nothing could be simpler therefore than the mode of formation of the renal structure; it is clear and unmistakable—one tube _ gives rise to another by an eversion of its walls, aud this last pro- duces another in the same way, and so on. , Such is the mode of development as occurring in Birds, and my observations upon it as found in all the other classes, show that the formula is there invariably the same. There are, how- ever, peculiarities of the combination of this formula ™ each class, which demand a special consideration. cht In Fishes, these organs appear at an early period as two straigh -tubes, extending, one on each side of the vertebral column, i the region of the heart to the anus. These tubes soon g!v@ oh from their inferior and inner surface, deverticula, exactly a8 W! the Wolffian bodies just described, and for a time the organs pis much the same appearance as embryonic kidneys. But ak - wards, as the animal increases in size, a new development tas place. This consists in the branching, dichotomously, Oe. deverticular tubes,—a process which goes on indefinitely, giving a - Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 383 the whole organ much the same lobulated, arborescent structure as that of the chick—although the plumate arrangement of the terminal tubes is not here present. In both the Cartilaginous and the Osseous Fishes, the functional or secreting structure is, as far as I have observed, always the samie; that is, the tubes invariably terminate each in a well-formed Malpighian body. In the Amphibian Reptiles, the kidneys quite closely resemble those of Fishes, yet simulating even more closely than these, the general character of the Wolffian bodies. They present little tendency to an aborescent structure, the tubes of the main duct rarely dividing but rather forming convolutions, and ending inva- riably, according to my own observation, in Malpighian bodies.* These Malpighian bodies, together with their adjacent portion of the uriniferous tube, are lined with long lash-like cilia, the ever constant, rapid action of which, waving towards the outlet, pre- Sents a beautiful aspect. ‘The use of these cilia is, evideutly, to direct the course of the current out of the Malpighian body, therby keeping this last in a free, unobstructed state. In the true Reptiles, the development of the kidney is arborescent as in Birds, and in the Serpents the lobules thus formed remain more or less Separate through life. ‘This is also the case, but in a less degree, — in the Chelonioide. delicate anastomoses bring every such cecal secreting tube within the influence of a blood vessel.t n the Chelonioide, the kidneys quite closely resemble, in every Point of view, those of Birds. The uriniferous tubes have the same form of distribution and terminate always, each, in a Malpi- . Shian body. _ As for these organs in the Birds, I have described their pecu- liarities in speaking of the chick, and have only to add that throughout the entire class there seems but little or no variation. In Mammalia, the course of development followed is like that observed in Birds, but the subsequent changes by which the organ comes more compact, often entirely conceal the original forms. By observations upon very young embryos in the different fami- _* For representations of the intimate structure of the kidneys of Amphibia, see, ‘specially, Wittich. loc. cit. Taf. ix. anh emer is, as I have lately observed, a similar relation between the blood-vessels Snd the terminal exca of the poison-gland of the Rattle-snake (Crotalus—a kind of Rete mirabile. ° \ 384 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. lies, it is evident that the development is arborescent, forming lobules,—and these lobules are at first exactly like those observed in Serpents and Birds. In some species, as is well known, these lobules remain distinct through life; this is well seen in the otter, bear, and whale, and in many of the Ruminantia, these remains are distinctly visible. It is only in the higher forms, that they have so coalesced as to be concealed. This intimate combination of parts produces the greatest amount of secreting surface in the smallest space. Take, tor instance, the kidney of Man; here the lobules are arranged in a half-circle around a common cavity or the pelvis. But they are so united as to become conical in shape (with the bases of the cones at the surface of the organ) thereby producing the so-called pyramids. + These pyramids are composed in part of tubes that spread out in a fan-like manner from a common point (calyx), and the gradually increased size of the medullary portion is produce by the branching of the tubes in a dichotomous manner. The straight regular way in which these tubes run, seems to be dne, 10 @ measure at least, to the mechanical pressure to which they are sub- jected by the combination of the lobules,—for I have been unable to perceive it in very young embryos, and, moreover, it does not ‘ agree with the invariable arborescent conditions of early forma- tion. The so-called Medullary portion of the kidney is made up of fasciculi of straight tubes which divide dichotomously, but have no Malpighian bodies; they continue directly to the Cortical portion which is composed of more or less convoluted tubes—the result of the dichotomous division. These tubes finally end, each, in a Malpighian body. ‘These Malpighian bodies sometimes lie upon the surface, directly beneath the ¢ap- sule, but often also the tubes run up to the surface, loop, return @ short distance, and end in a Malpighian body deeper in the.renal structure. From all I have observed, it appears that in Man the Malpighian body is the on/y termination of the final tubes, there being therefore as many of the former as of the latter. I have seen nothing like an anastomosis of the final tubes, as some re ] = supposed is sometimes the case. The pelvis of the human ney, as also that of other mammals, is formed by th of the main duct, or ureter, involving the primary brane give off the straight tubes of the medullary substance. In way, and by the union of the bases of the pyramids, the ap are left free, projecting into this pelvis or main cavity. - changes I have 6njoyed an opportunity to trace in an embryo _ It will be seen, therefore, that the development of the kidney in Man and the higher mammals involves no new phases—t differences of general structure being extrinsic and due toon binations which produce compactness and decreased size withou a corresponding decrease of functional surface. sa ices ese e dilatation * hes whiel his Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. 385 In the foregoing account, [have preferred not to burden the general text with a reference to the history and criticism of some of the most important as well as disputed points connected with this subject. These can better be discussed by them- selves. The most important of these points is the character, relations, and connections of the Malpighian body. ‘This secreting organ of the kidney had long been recognized by both the older and the more modern observers, but its intimate structure and its con- nections with the other parts of the renal substance as the fune- tional secreting organ, were first successfully made out and pub- lished by Bowman* in a memoir which has since become classic on this subject. I may here mention that it is quite a remarkable historical fact that more than fifty years before, Schunalask yt ex- pressed the view that these bodies were the source of the urinary secretion and had direct connection with the uriniferous tubes. Myxinoid Fishes, where he describes the kidney as consisting of sac-like deverticula from a main tube or ureter, terminating ce-» vessels. The value of this discovery was not appreciated until Bowman (ignorant, however, at this time of Miller’s investiga- tions on this point) published the next year his memoir. ‘To owman, therefore, we seem indebted for the first full exposition of the secreting structure of the kidneys of Vertebrata. PRowman’s doctrine was, that the Malpighian body is the infun- dibuliform expansion of the uriniferous tube, and that the glom- erulus or tuft of blood-vessels lies enclosed freely in this expan- sion, being composed of a tortuous loop, the two component Vessels entering at the same point which is generally opposite or nearly so to the point of insertion of the uriniferous tube. The Malpighian body thus composed, Bowman maintained, is the ex- clusively secreting structure of the kidney. _'T'hese are the essen- tial features of the results advanced, and I need not enter into the details of a memoir so well known as this. Results so valuable in physiology, were, of couse, examined by different investigators on every side. Reichert,$ in his report Upon the progress of Microscpical Anatomy for 1842, enters into 4 Critical discussion of this subject. He denies that the urinife- Tous tubes end in the capsule, and regards this last as a distinct and separate formation. He also denies the presence of ciliated epithelium in the Malpighian body, and the uriniferous tubes. é 386 Dr. Burnett on the Renal Organs of the Vertebrata. On the other hand, he maintains that the glomerulus or knot of blood-vessels is enclosed in the Malpighian body. ‘These views he has defended in some of his subsequent reports. ni 1845, Gerlacht published a still different opinion upon this disputed point of the Malpighian body. He maintained that the uriniferous tubes do not end in flask-shaped ceca, but loop and pass into each other. he Malpighian bodies he declares to be globular deverticula from the tubes, and that they contain, as Bowman advocates, the glomerulus. This author has likewise reasserted his views in a subseqnent paper. The view of Bidder$ is even still different. According to this observer, the uriniferous tubes end. in flask-shaped ceca, but these last do not enclose the glomeruli. On the contrary, the Malpighiay bodies receive each a glomernius in a kind of depres- sion, and so the cavity of the Malpighian body is as disconnected - from the glomerulus as is the cavity of the pleura from the lung. These, as far as I am aware, are all of the dissimilar deve tigators Bowman. Among these may be mentioned Kolliker,4l Patru- tion, in this last, of the Malpighian tuft or glomerulus,—l can have no doubt that all these connections and relations really exist. * Reichert, see Bericht, dic. for 1848, in Miller's Arch., 1849, p. 65; also that for 1849 in ibid, 1850, p. 67. 218 + Gerlach, Beitrige zur Structurlehre der Niere, in Miiller’s Arch. 1845, P- Ain t Gerlach, Zur Anatomie der Niere, in Miiller’s Arch., 1848, p. 103. 5 § Bidder, Ueber die Malpighischen Kérper der Niere, in Jfiller's Arch., 1845, P- | A : is, that the uriniferous tube does not end in the Malpighian body. See Beitrage zur Faye sekretion, in the Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien, 1, P rch, ey Ko}liker, Ueber Flimmerbegungen in den Primordialnieren, in Mailers * ted truban, Beitrige zur Anatomie der menschlechen Niere, in the Prager Vier- teljabrsschrift. “xv, - 87. + Nicolueci, Su l intima struttura dei reni in Filiatre-Sebezio. Feb, 1847. Mand!, Mémoire sur la structure intime des Organes urinaires, P- ey and Kél- } Vietor Carus, oS Malpighi’schen Kérper der Niere, 0 Siebol s - wissenschaftl. Zool., ii, 1850, p. 58. +1 Virchow ant! Wittich, Beitrige zur Anatomie der secaehae und kranken Niere, in Virco Reinhard’s Arch,, iii, p. 147. The Numerical Relation between the Atomic Weights. 387 Arr. XLIL.—-The Numerical Relation between the Atomic Weights, with some Thoughts on the Classification of the Chemical Elements; by Jostau P. Cooke, Jr., A.M., Erving Professor of Chemistry in Harvard University.* Noumericat relations between the atomic weights of the chem- ical elements have been very frequently noticed by chemists. One of the fullest expositions of these relations was that given by M. Dumas of Paris, before the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, at the meeting of 1851. This distinguished chemist at that time pointed out the fact, that many of the ele- ments might be grouped in triads, in which the atomic weight of one was the arithmetical mean of those of the other two. ‘Thus the atomic weight of bromiuc is the mean between those of chlo- tine and iodine; that of seleninm is the mean between those of sulphur and tellurium, and that of sodium, the mean between those of lithium and potassium. M. Dumas also spoke of the remarkable analogies between the prorerties of the members of these triads, comparing them with similar analogies observed in organic chemistry, aud drew, as is well known, from these facts arguments to support the hypothesis of the compound nature of many of the now received elements. Similar views to those o to characterize its series. In the first it is nine, in the second eight, in the third six, in the fourth five, in the fifth four, and in the last three. The discovery of this simple numerical relation, Which includes all others that have ever been noticed, was the sult of a classification of the chemical elements made for the Purpose of exhibiting their analogies in the lecture-room. A Short notice of this classification will, therefore, make a natural Introduction to the subject. very teacher of chemistry must have felt the want of some system of classification like those which so greatly facilitate the acquisition of the natural-history sciences. In most elementary text-books on chemistry, the elements are grouped together with little regard to their analogies. Oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are usually placed first, aud therefore together, although there are ly to be found three elements more dissimilar ; again, phos- * Communicated to the American Academy, Boston, Feb. 28, 1854. 4 388 J.P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation phorus and sulphur, which are not chemically allied, are frequently placed consectively, while arsenic, avtimony, and bismuth in spite of their close analogies with phosphorus, are described in a differ- ent part of the book. This confusion, which arises in part from retaining the artificial classification of the elements into metals and metalloids, is a source of great difficulty to the learner, since it obliges him to retain in his memory a large number of appat-_ ently disconnected facts. In order to meet this difficulty, a classi- fication of the elements into six groups, differing but slightly from that given in the table accompanying this memoir, was made. The object of the classification was simply to facilitate the acqui- sition of chemistry, by bringing together such elements as were allied in their chemical relations considered collectively. As the classification has been in use for some time in the courses of lec- tures on chemistry given in Harvard University, I have had an opportunity for observing its value in teaching, and cannot but feel that the object for which it was made has been in a great easure attained. The series which is headed the Six Series will illustrate the advantage gained from the classification ina difficulty can, however, be in a great’measure removed, if, after he has been taught that nitrogen forms two important acids with oxygen, NO: and NOs, that it unites with sulphur and chlorine form NSz and NCls, and also with three equivalents of hydro- gen to form NHs, he is also told, that, if in these symbols of the nitrogen compounds he replaces N by P, As, or Sb, he will obtain symbols of similar compounds of phosphorus, arsenic, and ant- mony ; for he thus learns, once for all, the mode o combination of all four elements, so that when he comes to study the proper ties, in turn, of phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony, he has not to learn with each an entirely new set of facts, but finds the same repeated with only a few variations. Moreover, these very varl- ations he will learn to predict, if he is shown that the elemen!s are arranged in the series according to the strength of thelr elec- tro-negative properties, or, in other words, that their affinities or oxygen, chlorine, sulphur, etc. increase, while those for hydroge? decrease, as we descend. He willjthen readily see why 1t Is that, though nitrogen forms NO; and NOs, it forms only NCI: a NS:s, and that this reason is correct he will be pleased to between the Atomic Weights. 389 confirmed when he learns that phosphorus, which is more electro- positive than nitrogen, and has, therefore, a stronger affinity both for chlorine and sulphur, forms not only PCls and PSs, but also PCls and PS;. Again, he will not be surprised, after seeing the affinity of the elements for hydrogen growing constantly weaker as he descends in the series, to learn that a compound of bismuth and hydrogen is not certainly known. Should he inquire why, though NH: has basic properties, PHs, AsHs, and SbHs have not, he can be shown that the loss of basic properties in passing from NH; to PH; corresponds to a decrease in the strength of the affinity between the elements, and that if in PHs, SbHs, or AsHs, atoms of methyle, ethyle, or other organic radicals analo- gous to hydrogen, are substituted for the hydrogen atoms, and more stable compounds thus obtained, strong bases are the result. The other series would afford similar illustrations, and, from my own experience, I am confident that no teacher who has once used a classification of the elements like that here proposed, would ever think of attempting to teach chemistry without its aid. Classifications of the elements, more or less complete, have been given by many authors; but the fact that no one has been generally received, is sufficient to prove that they are all liable to objections, and would, indeed, also seem to show that a strictly scientific classification is hardly possible in the present state of the science. The difficulty with most of the classifications is, undoubtedly, that they are too one-sided, based upon one set of fication into metals and metalloids, which separated phosphorus and arsenic, sulphur aud seleninm, because arsenic and selenium or a zodlogist to separate the ostrich from the class of birds catise it cannot fly, would not be more absurd, than it is for a chemist to separate two essentially allied elements, because one has a metallic lustre and the other has not. Yet it is surprising to see how persistently this classification is retained in every ele- Mentary work on the science; and if it is sometimes so far modi- as to transfer elements analogous to selenium and arsenic to the class of metalloids, this is only acknowledging the worthless- hess of the principle, without being willing to abandon it. I there were any fundamental property common to all the elements, the law of whose variation was known, this might serve as the is of a correct classification. Chemistry, however, does not as yet present us with such a property, and we must, t erefore, here, as in other sciences, base our classification on general analo- gies. The most fundamental of all chemical properties is, un- Seems, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 50 390 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation doubtedly, crystalline form; but a classification of the elements based solely on the principles of isomorphism is defective in the same way as it isin mineralogy. It brings together, undoubtedly, allied elements, but it also groups with them those which resem- ble each other only in their crystalline form. The mode of com- bining seems to be also a fundamental property; but, like crys- talline form, it would bring together in some instances elements differing very widely in their chemical properties. A classifica- tion of the elements which shall exhibit their natural affinities, ments is hardly possible in the present state of chemistry. At best, the task is attended with great difficulties, and it cannot be expected that these should be surmounted at once. The c assifi- eation which is offered in this memoir will, undoubtedly, ‘be found to contain many defects. If, however, it is but one step to the science. It was originally made, as has already been Sale; simply for the purpose of teaching, and never would have been published had it not led to the discovery of the numerical rela- it chemistry. In the group of volatile acids, homologues of formic acid, for example, we have a series of compounds yielding § derivatives, and producing similar reactions, and many of whose properties, such as boiling and melting points, specific gravity, vary as we descend in the series according to a determina * te From formic acid, a highly limpid, volatile, and corrosive fluid, . * between the Atomic Weights. 391 the acids become less and less volatile, less and less fluid, less and less corrosive; first oily, then fat-like, and finally hard, brittle solids, like wax. As is well known, the composition of these acids varies in the same way, and the variation follows a regular law, so that by means of a general symbol we can express the composition of the class. ‘This symbol for the volatile acids may be written (C2H)Os, HO+n(C:H:2). This description of the well-known series of the volatile acids, applies, word for word, nominibus mutatis, to each of the six series of chemical elements. The elements of any one series form similar compounds and produce similar reactions ; moreover, they resemble each other in another respect in which the mem- bers of the organic series do not. Their crystalline forms are the same, or, in other words, they are isomorphous. Although this may be true of the volatile acids, yet it cannot be proved in the present state of our knowledge. Still further, many of their properties vary in a regular manuer as we descend in the series. be expressed algebraically, though in most instances it cannot be determined. Finally, as one general symbol will express the composition of a whole organic series, so a simple algebraic form- ula will express the atomic weight, or, if you may please so to term it, the constitution of a series of elements. _ ints may be illustrated with any of the series in the table; with the first, for example, which consists of oxygen, fluorine, cyanogen, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. All these ele- ments form similar compounds, as will be seen by inspecting the symbols of their compounds given at the right hand of the list of names, where the similar or homologous compounds are arranged in upright columns. Moreover, they are all isomorphous, as ma seen by referring to the left-hand side of the list, where the similar compounds in each upright series are jsomorphous, the humbers at the heads of the columns indicating the systems 0 Bromine is a fluid at the ordinary temperature ; aud, finally, iodine is a solid. Moreover, starting from cyanogen, the solubility of ences between the atomic weights of these elements are always 4 multiple of nine. This general formula may be said to repre- 392 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation sent the constitution of these elements, in the same way that the symbol (C:H)O:, HO+n(C:H:) represents the composition of the volatile acids before mentioned. In the place of (C2H)Os, HO we have 8=-O= the weight of one atom of oxygen, and in the place of C2H2 we have nine. What it is that weighs nine (for it must be remembered that those numbers are weights) we can- not at present say, but it is not impossible that this will be here- after discovered. In order to bring the general symbol of the volatile acids into exact comparison with that of the Nine Series, we must reduce the symbols to weights, when the two formule ome 46+n14, where 46=(C2H)Os,HO and 14=C:H:; and 8+” 9, where 8=O and 9=2. The numbers 46 and 14 are known to represent the weights of aggregations of atoms. The number 8 represents the weight of one oxygen atom, but we cannot as yet say what the 9 represents. After this comparison, it does not seem bold theorizing to suppose that the atoms of the members of this series are formed of an atom of oxygen as a nucleus, to which have been added one or more groups of atoms, the weight of which equals nine, or pet- haps one or more single atoms each weighing nine, to which the corresponding element has not yet been discovered. As 1t will be convenient to have names to denote the two terms of the formule which represent the constitution of the different series, we will call the first term, in accordance with this theory, the nucleus, and the number in the second term multiplied by the common difference of the series. From what has been said, it will be seen that the idea of the classification is that of the organic series. It is in this that the classification differs from those which have preceded it. Other authors, in grouping together the elements according to the prit- ciples of isomorphism, have obtained groups very similar to those here presented. Indeed, this could not be otherwise, since, 8S has been already said, the members of each series are isomorph- ous, while, as a general rule, to which, however, there are many exceptions, no isomorphism can be established between membe™ of different series. These groups, however, have been merely groups of isomorphous elements, and not series of homologues These general remarks will suffice to indicate the principles to speak of those points which are of special interest, oF pec may require explanation, or in regard to which there may © doubt. The series I have named from their common differences between the Atomic Weizhts. 393 The first I have called the Nine Series, the second the Eight Series, &c. Let us examine the doubtful points in each, com- mencing with the first. The last five members of the Nine Series are connected by so many analogies, that they have been invariably grouped to- gether in the elementary books. There can be no doubt, there- fore, in regard to the propriety of placing them in the same series, on the ground of general analogies. Fiuorine, it is trae, presents some striking points of difference from the rest. Fluorid of eal- citin is almost insoluble in water, while the chlorid, bromid, and iodid of calcium are all very soluble. We must, however, remem- ber that we have to do with series, and must not therefore expect to find close resemblances except between adjacent members. If, then, we consider that oxygen is one of the series, and that fluo- tine stands but one step removed from oxygen, while it is two Steps removed from chlorine, the discrepancy in a measure van- ishes, for lime CaO is but slightly soluble in water.- Nevertheless, the difficulty does not entirely disappear; for CaF is much less soluble than CaO, although it should be more soluble judging from the law of the series and the fact that CaCl is so much more soluble than CaF. The solubility of a series of homologous elements or com- pounds in water, may be regarded as a function of one or more variables. In the case of the elements there may be but one varia- ble, but it is easy to see that in the case of compounds there must be several. One of these variables is probably the same which determines the common difference of the series to which the ele- Ments or compounds belong ; (it will be hereafter shown that the atomic weights of the homologous compounds are related in the Same way as those of the clements;) the other variables are per- haps the atomic forces which determine the hardness, density, &c. of the solid. We may, therefore, with justice, compare the relative solubilities of a series of homologues to a curve which Should be the same function of the same variables, and what Mathematics teaches we ought reasonably to expect in the case of this curve, we ought to expect also in the variations of solubility of these substances. Now every mathematician is familiar with the remarkably rapid changes which a curve undergoes that is a function of several variables, and we cannot be surprised that Similarly rapid changes should be observed in the solubility of homologous substances in passing from one to the next in the Series. Jn the curve which corresponds to the relative solubility of CaO, CaF, CaCy, CaCl, CaBr, and Cal, it would seem that at CaF there is a singular point where the curve, after rising for some distance above the axis, bends down again towards it. Several the other series of compounds of these elements present simi- lar anomalies ; for example, KO, KF1, KCy, KCl, KBr, and KL 394 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation Here the solubility diminishes until we come to KCl, which is less soluble than KCy; then it increases to the last. Here, of course, the singular point is at KCl. With the corresponding compounds of sodium, the solubility diminishes to NaFl, which is the least soluble of the series, and then increases constantly to the end. These facts at least seem to show that apparent variations from the law of series in properties, which evidently are unknown fune- tions of several variables, should not be allowed to outweigh strong analogies, and certainly the analogies between Fluorine and the other haloids are very marked. Fluorine itself possesses properties such as we should expect to find in a member of the series above chlorine. The strong and active affinities of fluorine might be indeed predicted, after seeing the rapid increase both in the strength and activity of the affinities in passing from iodine to chlorine. In passing from bromine to chlorine, we pass from a liquid to a gas, permanent under any natural conditions ; and we should expect, therefore, in rising still higher in the series, t0 find in fluorine a gas less easily reduced to a liquid than chlorine. Now although, on account of its remarkably active affinities, this fact cannot be demonstrated on the gas itself, it can, neverthe- less, be inferred with perfect certainty from its compounds. Fi- nally, the isomorphism of fluorine and the other haloids may be urged as indicating close analogy. From these considerations, I cannot but think that those chemists who have questioned the propriety of classing fluorine with the other haloids will, on Te- viewing the facts, and regarding the haloids in the light of a series, and not simply as a group of elements possessing certain general properties, be led to change their opinion. ; Cyanogen, though a compound radical, has been classed with the other haloids, not only from its atomic weight, but also from its other analogies. Its properties are in most cases those which we should expect from an element occupying its position in the series; but in others it presents remarkable variations, OWIDg probably to the fact that it contains a radical which is easily de composed. As is well known, it is perfectly isomorphous with chlorine. The propriety of classing oxygen in this series seems to be placed beyond doubt by the discovery of ozone, which, although it does not seem to possess such energy as we should expect 18 an element higher in the series than fluorine, may, nevertheless, be found to fulfil all anticipations should it ever be obtained 1n 4 perfectly unmixed condition. The isomorphism of oxygen Wl! chlorine, and therefore with the other haloids, seems sufficiently established by the determination both of Proust and Mitscherlich of the tetrahedral form of CuzCl. It must, however, be admitt that oxygen presents as strong analogies with sulphur as it does between the Atomic Weights. 395 with chlorine ; and since, not only from its analogies, but also from its atomic weight, it appears to be the nucleus in all the first three series, I have placed it at the head of each. It ma be mentioned here, that in all cases the fact that the atomic weight of an element is included in the general formula of a series, isan argument for classifying it in that series, if the relation between the atomie weights pointed out in this memoir is admitted to be a law of nature; but as I wish to show that the relation is not that of a mere accidental group of numbers, but is connected with the most fundamental properties of the elements, and has, therefore, the claims of a law, I have endeavored to show the correctness of the classification which conforms to the law, and, indeed, in fact suggested the law on other grounds. The atomic weights of the numbers of the Nine Series, as de- termined by experiment, present greater deviations from the nu- merical law already explained, than are to be found in any of the others. The weights which would exactly conform to the gene- ral formula 8+79 are given in the column of the table headed Theoretical, while in the next column at the right are given the weights of experiment. These for the most part (in this as well as in the other series), have been taken from the table of Atomic Weights given in the last yonirt of Liebig and Kopp, Jahres- bericht for 1852, which was supposed to i the cae and most accurate results. In the few cases in which the numbers have hot been taken from this table, the initial letter of thd name of the observer has been annexed. It will be seen, on comparing the two columns that the greatest deviation from the law is in: the case of fluorine, if we consider the care which was taken both by Berzelius and Louyet i in the determination of the atomic weight of this element. It may, however, be remarked, that, as the pro- cesses used by both experimenters were essentially identical, any lidden constant source of error would produce the same effect on both results; so that the atomic weight of fluorine cannot be Tegarded as yet absolutely fixed. ih ti it is not possi- le that so great a difference between the true and observed Weights as two units could have escaped aenssied in the number- less analyses which have been made, by the most experienced chemists, of the fluorine compounds. It must, therefore, be ad- mitted, and not only in the case of fluorine, but also in other in- stances, that there are deviations 8 the law ; but these devia- tions are not greater than those from similar numerical laws in astronomy atid other sciences, and indeed, judging from the anal- ogy of Fi sciences, they ought to be expected. who are not familiar with the amounts of probable error in the de determmation of the different atomic weights would judge, on comparing together the columns of theoretical and obser Values, that the deviations from the law were much greater than 396 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relations they are in reality. It should, therefore, be stated, that, in by far the larger number of instances, the deviations are within the limit of possible errors iu the determinations, leaving only a few exceptional cases to be accounted for. It must be remembered that, other things being equal, the amount of probable error is the greater the greater the atomic weight, so that a difference of 1:9 in the case of iodine is not a greater actual deviation from the law than only 0-5 in thecase of chlorine. Indeed, it is very pos- sible that on more accurate determinations the atomic weight of iodine will be found to correspond to the law, which cannot be expected of that of chlorine. It is well known that many of the larger atomic weights, especially those of the rarer elements, can- not be regarded as fixed within several units. I have calculated, as well as the data I have would permit, the amount of probable error in the determinations of many of the atomic weights, and by comparing the results from different esses, and by different experimenters, I have endeavored to detect the existence of constant errors, which seem to be the great errors in all these determinations, those accidental errors which are made in the repetitions of the same process by equally careful experimenters being comparatively insignificant. The results of this investigation will be published in a subsequent memoir. It is sufficient for the present purpose to state, that, while they show that, in the greater number of cases, the appat- ent variations from the law are within the limit of probable error, there are yet several instances, where, after allowing for all possl- ble errors of observation, there is a residual difference. I do not therefore look alone to more accurate observations for a confirma- tion of the law, but, regarding the variations as ascertained ine i her the according to a numerical law, as the perturbations in astronomy are a necessary consequence of the very law they seemed at first to invalidate, or whether they are due to independent causes, can of course, for the present, be only a matter of speculation. There are, however, facts which seem to indicate that the variations are not matters of chance, but correspond to variations in the prop- erties of the elements. . ! From the beautiful discovery of Professor Schénbein we have learnt that oxygen has two allotropic modifications, and that be- sides its ordinary condition, it is capable of assumin nother highly active state when its properties resemble those of chlorine. Cyanogen is known only in a quiescent state. The other haloids, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are known only in a high'Y active state. Now it will be seen on examining the table, that the atomic weights of the highly active elements, as determined between the Atomic Weights. 397 by experiment, exceed slightly the theoretical numbers, and that where the affinities are the most intense, in fluorine, the deviation is the greatest. A similar fact may be observed in the atomic weights of the members of the Six Series. Arsenic has been thombic system. In the other aide, in which it may be obtained by sublimation at a low temperature, it crystallizes in regular octahedrons. ‘The other members of this series are prob- ably isodimorphs with arsenic. The ordinary condition of phos- phorus is its monometric modification, while the rhombic state seems to be the normal condition of arsenic, antimony, and bis- muth. Now the atomic weights of the last three are either equal to, or slightly exceed, the theoretical number, while that of the first falls short, perhaps even by a unit. Other facts, which also tend to show that the deviations are not matters of chance, may be found in the affiliations of the series. There are some ele- ments which seem to be most remarkably double-faced, having certain properties which connect them closely with one series, aa at the same time others which unite them nearly as closely to another. In such cases we find that the atomic weight either falls naturally into both series, or, not corresponding exactly with the theoretical number of the series to which the element prop- erly belongs, it inclines towards that of the other, and sometimes equals it. Such is the case with chromium, manganese, and gold, as will be seen by referring to the affiliations at the bottom of the Nine Series. These various facts force upon me the con- Viction, that this relation between the atomic weights is nota matter of chance, but that it was a part of the grand plan of the Framer of the universe, and that in the very deviations from the law, there will, hereafter, be found fresh evidence se the wisdom and. forethought of its Divine Author The general formule for the Eight Series are, 8:08 and 4+n8. The two nuclei correspond to two different sets of elements, or Sub-series, one pipetege asi of oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellu- rium, the other of molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, and tanta- lum. ‘The sli weights of the first are all equal to 8+78; those of the second to 4+n8. The sub-series exhibit marked analogies, as well as certain differences. ‘They resemble each other chiefly in that the members of both form analogous acids with oxygen, while they differ in that though the members of the sub-series form compounds with hydrogen, those of the sec- Ond do not. The isomorphism of the members of each sub- Series among themselves, with the exception of vanadium, is Complete ; but there seems to be no proof of any isomorphism between t the sub-series. Johnston attempted to establish the iso-: ™Morphism of chromic and molybdic acids from 4 red aiuaad of Stoop Szrtms, Vol. XVII, No, 51.—May, 1854. 398 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relations molybdate of lead from Rezbanya, which he supposed to be a chromate ; but the fact has been disproved by G. Rose, who has shown that the supposed chromate isa molybdate mixed witha small amount only of chromate. There seems, nevertheless, to series, since chromic acid is i8omorphous with sulphuric acid. or the present, however, we must regard them as sub-series, related, but distinct, the second being in ameasure supplementary to the first. ‘They are distinguished in the table by printing the names of the second sub-series a little to the right of those of the first, and the fact that their atomic weights are intermediate to those of the first, I have indicated to the eye by giving to the names also an intermediate position. ; The analogies between oxygen and sulphur are so numerous, that, were we to place oxygen in but one series, we should place it in this. HO and HS, HO: and HSs2, resemble each other very closely, as do also the oxygen salts the corresponding sulphur salts. Moreover, there can be no doubt in regard to the isomorph- ism of the two elements, since it has been established upon the authority both of Mitscherlich and Becquerel, and from two dif- ferent compounds. The only doubtful case in the series was that of vanadium, which in some of its properties resembles arseme more closely than it does molybdenum. The reasons for giving it the place which it occupies were the facts that its acids corres pond to those of molybdenum, and that it forms remarkably highly colored oxyds which are repeated also in molybdenum. It is trne that the properties of the element itself are not those we should expect from the position which ‘it ocenpies in our table ; yet, if it were placed in the Six Series, it would fall between phosphorus and arsenic, which on-the whole it resembles less than it does molybdenum, for although it is combustible, yet neither it nor its oxyds are volatile. I consider it, therefore, 48 a member of the Eight Series, but affiliating very closely with the Six. Its atomic weight favors this hypothesis. Vavadate of # See G. Rose's Mineral System. - between the Atomic Weights. 399 The members of the Six Group form a well characterized fam- ily, so that, with the exception of oxygen, there can be no doubt in regard to the justice of classifying them together, and any discrepancies will disappear on considering the group in the light of aseries. They form acids containing three and five atoms of oxygen which are completely homologous, and make two series parallel to that of the elements. hey form also a remarkable series of compounds with three atoms of hydrogen. ‘The idea which has been advanced by some authors, that NH: is the ni- trid of hydrogen, while PHs is the hydruret of phosphorus, or, in other words, that hydrogen is electro-positive with reference to nitrogen and electro-negative with reference to phosphorus and those lower in the series, does not seem to me correct, since the remarkable bases which may be formed from PHs, AsHs, SbHs, and BiH, by replacing the hydrogen atoms by organic radicals, seem to indicate that they have the same type as NHs, and are therefore homologues of it. The isomorphism of the four lower members of the series is perfect. It has been shown in the table, both by the crystalline forms of the elements themselves, as well as by those of their compounds. In the other series, wherever it was possible, the sane double proof has been given. The doubt expressed by G. Rose in regard to the dimorphism of arsenic, as I hope to be able to show ina paper soon to be published, has been removed. In one state arsenic crystallizes in perfect octahedrons of the regular system, and is therefore isomorphous, not only with antimony and bismuth, but also, in its allotropic state, with phosphorus. morphism, as is well known, is not absolute, except in forms of the regular system. The rhombic angles of the crystals of ar- senic, antimony, and bismuth, are respectively, 85° 41’, 87° 35/, 87° 40), and therefore conform to the general rule. It will be course, the amount of possible error. The deviation in the case of phosphorus has already been noticed. Oxygen, it must be admitted, is not connected with the series from any similarity of properties though the phosphids, arsenids, and antimonids, Present certain analogies with the oxyds. As has already been said, oxygen was placed at the head of this, as well as of © last two series, because its atomic weight seemed to be the nu- Cleus of all three. s 400 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation The Five Series is the shortest of all, consisting of only three members, carbon, boron and silicon. Of these, the last two are as closely allied as are any two members of the other series, sili- con having precisely the properties we should expect in a homo- logue of boron, which was lower in the series; and the same is also true of their compounds. The analogies, however, between these two elements and carbon are by no means so close, for not only carbon cannot be proved to be isomorphous with them, but it does not form similar compounds. Carbonic acid, it is true, presents some points of resemblance to boracic and silicic acid; like them it unites in a large variety of proportions with bases, its alkaline salts give a basic reaction, &c. ; but according to the generally received opinion, its symbol is COz, while those of bo- ron and silicon are BOs and SiOs. In its uncombined state, however, carbon resembles boron and silicon, not only in its out- ward properties, but also in its action before the blowpipe. “I'wo of the allotropic states of carbon, graphite and charcoal, are prob- ably repeated in boron, and are known to be insilicon. ‘The principle of exclusion would also seem to place carbon in this se- ries, for it certainly presents no analogies with the members of any other. The correspondence of the atomic weights of the members of this series to the law is remarkably close. ble, or nearly insoluble, in water. And finally, the elements of the series have all those physical properties which are known 4s metallic properties, This series may be naturally divided into two sub-series. The first contains those elements whose protoxyd bases are their chat- acteristic compounds, and which do not form acids with oxyge)- e second contains those elements whose characteristic com- pounds are their sesquibases. They generally unite with two OF more equivalents of oxygen, and form acids. These sub-series are distinguished in the table in the same way as those of ‘the Six Series. Corresponding to these sub-series we have two sets between the Atomic Weights. ae . The sub-series affiliate with each other in a most remarkable manner. Manganese, for example, not only forms a strong pro- toxyd base, but also unites with a larger amount of oxygen, forming: ‘both a sesquibase and acids. Its atomic weight places it in the first group, and it has therefore been classed there, although by its properties it is equally allied to the second. Cobalt and nickel certainly resemble much more closely the members of the first than of the second sub-series, although their atomic weights place them in the secon ith this exception, the subdivision of the series which the atomic weights require does not differ from that suggested by the properties of the elements. The members of this series may of course be still further subdivided into groups according to their special properties, as they are in all works on chemistry. They are placed together here because the atomic weights form but one numerical series. The isomorphism of the members of this series will be found well established with the limitations .before given. In order to establish the isomorphism of cobalt and nickel with iron, the isomorphism of one atom of arsenic with two atoms of sulphur has been assumed. This is generally admitted; but if it is not, no one can doubt in regard to the isomorphism of these three met- als, as they constantly replace each other Glucinum, zirconium, lanthanum , cerium, and thorium, cannot be shown to be isomorph- ous with the other metals by any of their compounds, but their oxyds are known to replace the analogous oxyds of the other metals. So also is ruthenium known to replace rhodium. There, have been doubts a hh in regard to the existence of a mono- metric form of zine ; but as we have established its isomorphism with the other members of. the series, not only by its own crys- talline form, but also by those of its compounds, the fact is of no eo to the present question. e atomic weights of the members of this series, as deter- ined: by observation, very nearly correspond with the theoretical humbers, which is the more remarkable, as the limit of error in the determination of the atomic weights of the greater number, especially of the rarer metals, is quite wide. The Three and last Series is composed of hydrogen and the metals of the alkalies. The analogies between lithium, sodium and potassium, are very close, as is well known, and there can be no doubt in regard to the propriety of classing them together. It may ‘said however, in regard to hydrogen, that it resembles as closely Some of the metals of the four series as it does those of the alka- lies. Though this cannot be denied, yet the fact that the atomic Weight of hydrogen is the nucleus of the series, and the great solubility of the alkalies in water, may be urged as reasons oe cargg it at the head of the Three Series. 402 ~——s«S-<. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation The isomorphism of lithium, sodium, and potassium, is fully established ; but [can find no data which prove hydrogen iso- morphous either with them or with the metals of the other group. The unit of the atomic weights which has been used thins far throughout the table, is the double atom of hydrogen; but the nucleus of the Three Series is the weight of the single atom, so that the unit in this series is one half of the unit of the weights in all the other series. This fact must be kept in mind in com- paring the atomic weights of this with these of the other series. All the weights might have been made uniform by doubling them throughout ; but as this would not have changed the relation, and would have been departing from the general custom, it was thonght best to confine the donbling to the Three Series into which alone hydrogen enters. The general symbol of this series is 1+3n, where of course the unit is one half of that of the sym- bols at the head of the other series. The observed atomic weights will be found to correspond very closely with the theoretic numbers ; indeed, the two coincide, except in the case of potas- sium, where the difference is 0-6. This, however, it must be remembered, is 0°6 of the single hydrogen atom. Compared with the donble atom, as the weight of potassium is generally given, the difference amounts to but 0:3. F One of the most remarkable-points of the classification which has been now explained, is the affiliation of the series. We fin in chemistry, as iu other sciences, that Nature seems to abhor abrupt transitions, and shades off her bounding lines. Many of the elements, while they manifestly belong to one series, have properties which ally them to another. Several examples of this have already been noticed. In such cases, we find invariably, that there is a similar affiliation of the atomic weight. O all the elements chromitm and manganese are the most protean. Two atoms of these elements unite with seven atoms of oxygen aud form acids analogous to perchloric acid, and, as has already been shown, the weight of two atoms of either element falls 1to the Nine Series. Moreover, one atom of chromium or of man- ganese, unites with three atoms of oxygen, to form chrome or manganic acid. Chromic acid isa strong oxydizing agent, an resembles closely nitrous acid, and the atomic weight of chroml- um falls into the Six Series just below that of nitrogen. Manganle id, on the other hand, resembles sulphuric acid, with which it is isomorphous, and the atomic weight of manganese would place it in the Eight Series. In like manner osmium in many of its perties resembles platinum and the other metals with which it is associated in nature ; but, unlike them, it forms a very remars- able volatile acid, whose insupportable and suffocating odor, a well as composition, reminds one of the acids of the Nine Series; and its atomic weight seems to justify the apparent analogy- old between the Atomic Weights. 403 likewise, though the noblest of metals, yet in some of its chemi- eal relations resembles much more closely the members of the Nine than of the Four Series, and here again its accommodating atomic weight seems to account for its double-sided character. Several other examples of similar affiliations are given in the table, but do not need explanation. In the description just concluded of the classification of the chemical elements, which is offered in this memoir, I have not eltered into details, for to have done so would have been to write a treatise on chemistry. I have confined myself almost exclu- sively to general points, and referred only to those particulars which I thonght might present doubts. I hope that I have been able to show, first, that the chemical elements may be classified in a few series similar to the series of homologues of organic chemistry ; second, that in those series the properties of the ele- ments follow a law of progression; and finally, that the atomic Weights vary according to a similar law, which may be expressed bya simple algebraic formula. As already intimated, I have en- deavored to prove the correctness of the classification on general grounds, in order that it might appear that the simple numerical relation which has been discovered between the atomic weights is not a matter of chance, but is connected with the most funda- Mental properties of the elements.- I might leave the subject at this point, but the existence of the law which I wish to establish will be proved more conclusively if it can be shown, not simply that the general properties of the members of each series vary in a reguiar manner, but also if in one or more cases the exact law of the variation can be pointed out. There are but few properties of the elements which are sub- jects of measurement, aud which therefore can be compared nu- Merically. Such are the specific gravity in which the three states of aggregation, the boiling and melting points, the capacity of heat, and a few others. It is easy to see tnat there are but few of these properties the law of whose variation in the series we could reasonably expect to discover in the present state of science. ost of them evidently depend upon molecular forces with which We are entirely unacquainted. Such in solids is undoubtedly the case with so simple and fundamental a property as specific gravity, and most, if not all, of the other properties of solids belong to the same category. It cannot therefore be expected that we should point out the laws by which these properties vary, altthongh the remarkable investigations of Kopp, Dana, Filhol, Schréder, and others, on the relations between the density of substances and their atomic weights, and those of Kengott on the relation rdness to atomic volume, give grounds for expecting that €ven they will before long be discovered. In liquids and gases, however, most of these molecular forces which produce the ap- 404 J. P. Cooke on the Numerical Relation parent irregularities in solids have less influence, as we should naturally expect, probably because the atoms are removed out of the sphere of their action. We may therefore hope, on compar- ing together the properties of the liquid or gaseous states of the elements in any series, to discover some numerical relation .be- tween them. Unfortunately, however, we have not sufficient data for making such a comparison except in the case of one property, the specific gravity. The boiling point, which would be a very valuable property for the purpose, is known ouly in a few instances. That the specific gravity of the elements in their gaseous state varies in each series according to a numerical law, follows neces- sarily from what is already known. It is a well-known fact, that the specific gravities of the gaseous states of the elements divided by their atomic weights give quotients which are either equal, or which stand in a very simple relation to each other. For any series, as far as we have data, this quotient is the same for all the elements with only a few exceptions. That is ~y;=p. But we have found that At. W. may be expressed in general by a+nb, _and substituting this for for At. W. in the above equation, it be- comes =p, or sp. gr. =pa+npb; so that pat+npb isa general expression for the specific gravity of ail the elements of any series, in the same way that a+7 6 is-for the atomic weight. The value of p will differ according as the specific gravities use are referred to hydrogen or air. Below will be found tables which give the calculated and observed specific gravities of the elements of the Nine and Six Series referred to hydrogen, which has been taken as the unit instead of air, as we thus in a great measure avoid fractions. In the Nine Series p=1, so that the numbers representing the specific gravities are the same as those represent- ing the atomic weights. In the Six Series it equals two, so that the numbers represeuting the specific gravities are in this series twice as large as those representing the atomic weights. When the specific gravity has not been observed, the calculated number only is given. The observed numbers are taken from the “ Table of Specific Gravity of Gases aud Vapors,” in Graham’s & of Chemistry, which is a very complete collection of all known data. For the other series, we have only occasional data, $0 that no complete tables of their specific gravities are possible. sine It is evident, then, that at least one property of the elements varies in the series according to an ascertained numerical law. But, it may be said, this proves nothing, for these specific grav ties are connected so closely with the atomic weights t is true of one must be to the same extent true of the other. It must be remembered, however, that the specific gravities are 2” distinct set of observed facts, and that the probability of a law between the Atomic\ Weights. 405 in exact proportion to the number of facts which accord with it. Moreover, the closeness of the connection is unimportant. Wheth- er the value of p be expressed by a single digit, or by a compli- cated algebraic formula, is evidently a matter of indifference so far as the confirmation of the law is concerned. THE NINE SERIES. THE SIX SERIES. p. Gr. __ 1 Sp. Gr. pre At. ‘ : At. W. Sp. Gr, = 8-++- n9. Sp. Gr. = 16 + 12. N SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, % ames, Names disasaieal ining il pareay: Theoret. | Observed. Theoret. Observed. yge 5 xygen j Fluorine | 17 | Nitrogen 28 14 Cyanogen 26 26 Phosphorus 64 64 lovine = [© > 85. | "855 ‘| Arsenic | 148 150 Bromine | 80 | 48 Antimony 256 Todine |. 196 ve Bismuth 412 I regret exceedingly that there are not stfficient data in the case of any of the other properties of the elements in the state of gas to allow comparison, as I feel confident that the law which governs their variation in the series might easily be discovered ; but [ look forward to the time when in the general formula pa+npb the value of p shall be known, not only for the proper- ties of the elements in their gaseous state, but for every property capable of numerical expression. In this memoir I have confined myself entirely to the elements, but it is evident that the classification here offered, and the nu- Merical law here explained, may be extended to all compounds. The elements of any one series, by combining, give rise to per- fectly parallel series of homologous binaries, some of which are given in the table. The binaries of those series which have the greatest common difference are generally acids; and of those Which have the smallest, they are generally bases. ‘These acids and bases unite together and form series of homologous salts. As It organic chemistry, many of the series are very incomplete ; but y are much more generally perfect than in that newer depart- Ment of the science, and almost every day fills up some gap. It will be seen, then, that not merely a plan has been given for classifying the elements, but one which will also embrace all inorganic compounds, and affiliate with the similar classification Which has already been established in organic chemistry. We have not attempted to develop such a classification, since to do it Would require a volume; nor is it necessary, as any one can de- Velop it for himself. ‘That the atomic weights of the series of homologous com- Pounds follow the same numerical law as those of the elements Is easily shown. T'ake as an example the series of salts homolo- 80us with KO, NO;, which may be expressed in general by Secon Serres, Vol. XVII, No. 51.— May, 1854. 52 406 J. P. Cooke on the Chemical Relations, Sc. KO, ROs, where R is any member of the Six Series after oxy- gen, and whose atomic weight, therefore, equals 84+n6. ‘The atomic weight of KO, ROs must'be necessarily 39°5+48+(8+76), or 95:°5+n6. As this symbol differs from that of the Six Series only in the nucleus, the atomic weights of the salts which are represented by it must progress by the same differences as those of the corresponding elements. The properties of these series of homologous compounds will also be found to vary in a regular manner, and the law of the progression of the specific gravities in the gaseous state can easily expressed algebraically, since in each series the quotient of the specific gravity divided by the atomic weight is a constant quantity. As an illustration, we may take the series of binaries homologues of water given in the Nine Series of our table. follows from what has been said, that the atomic weights of these compounds equals 9+”9. With each as = 3, therefore Sp. Gr.=4-5+74:5. We give below a table of the observed or calculated specific gravities, not only of these compounds, but also of those homologues of NHs whose specific gravity has been observed. (| HOMOLOGUES OF WATER. | HOMOLOGUES OF AMMONIA GAS. | Sp.Gr p. Gre. auw. ape 8 peng + Sp. Gr. = 45 + n4'5. pee Sp. Gr. = 55 + pce ee ie e ! aE TIES. Symbols. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Symbols. |, Seer, Coe Theoret. Observed. | Theoret. __Observed. HO 45 9 NH; 8-5 85 HY. 9 PH, rea Ve 175 HCl 135 135 An, | Se 38°5 HBr 405 39°5 | ; HI 63 635 anes ven, we shall be able to calculate, nay, predict, its properties with ab- solute certainty ; and when our chemical treatises shall have been ina few will be realized, for the problem of the transmutation of the e will have been theoretically, if not practically, solved. Correspondence.—Physical Features, etc., of Florida. 407 EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE. The formula at the head of each series is a general expression for the atomic weights of that series. 'The names of the series are derived from the ‘‘ Common Differences,” which are the num- bers multiplied by » in the general formule. In the columns headed ‘“ ‘Theoretical’ are given the atomic weights calculated from these formule and the values of n given in the last columns at the right of each division of the table. In the columns headed “Observed” will be found the observed values of the same atomic weights. These have been taken from the table of atomic weights given in the last volume of Liebig and Kopp’s Jahresbericht (for 1852), with the exception of those against which are placed the initials of the observers. The last were taken from Weber’s Alomgewichts Tabellen. In some cases the atomic weight is taken at twice its received value, but it is then underlined. The compounds in any one column at the right of the names of the elements are homologous. In the same way, those in any one at the left are isomorphous. The numbers at the head of these last columns indicate crystalline systems as follows: 1. Monometric ; imetric ; Trimetric; 4. Monoclinic; 5. Triclinic; 6. Hexagonal. The data from which the table was compiled were drawn from numerous sources, but especially from the following works: Gmelin’s Handbook of Chemistry, Graham’s Elements of Chemisiry, Phillips’s Mineralogy by Brooke and Miller, and Gustav Rose’s Krystallo-chemische Mineralsystem. References have been given only in a few cases, to avoid crowding the tables. For authorities in other cases, the author would refer to the above- mentioned works. ———— oe = SS % e CoRRESPONDENCE. Extract from a letter from Dr. W. I. Burnett to Prof. J. D. Dana. Magnolia, Florida, March 1, 1854. ® ® # * * Frortpa still remains almost a terra incognita to naturalists, al- though in geological structure, and Fauna and Flora, one of the most interesting States in the Union. Even from the limited survey I have of its surface and general features, | am persuaded that some *rroneous views have been entertained as to its formation and the €xact nature of its peninsular relations. Naturalist after naturalist, from the time of the quaint old Bertram to the present day, have trav- ®rsed its various sections, collecting specimens relating to their partic- War line of study, but no report has yet been made, {in full, of the * * a 408 Cerrespondence. geological structure, the agricultural resources, or the Fauna and Flora of the state.* Gen. Bernard’s report of a survey by a corps of topographical en- gineers fora practical object, contains the greatest number of details, as well as the most reliable, upon the general features of Florida, that I have seen. In making these notes I shall draw somewhat from this re- port, especially as to measurements. From the southern boundaries of north to south, terminating at the above-mentioned line. ‘The height the land rises very gradually and, without instruments, one is wholly deceived. The highest elevation is situated one mile west of Kinsley’s pond and seven miles east of Sampson’s pond, and is two hundred and thirty seven and one-half (2373) feet above low tide in the Atlantic ean. e are other points on this ridge between 150 and feet high; and, distant only a few miles west of St. John’s river, | have to the substratum of limestone crumbling or being undermined from some cause v result was obtained by a repetition of this same levelling. The fact Is quite interesting in connection with the phenomena of the Gulf Stream. * Buckingham Smith, Esq., is now engaged upon a detailed history of Florida, as I understar Th oak i eis ‘ikon to consult ancient documents relative to its P ysi will ensure from him a most valuable work, But it is h gislature of this state will soon take measures for having a careful vey of Florida, by a competent geologist and naturalist. Physical Features, etc., of Florida. 409 But the physical features of the eee nts of Florida are, as is well known, the most interesting. It is still land incompletely form- ed, and the conditions of its successive odtth are yet visible. It is has, as is well known, ghee sr studied not only the phases of the about thirty miles, and it is reputed to be quite deep. It contains a few islands, and is the reservoir of the neighboring streams, and of the issime river. South of this lake are the everglades which lie in a modern date. Thus recently formed, the geology of this promontory may be easily inferred. It is oolitic limestone filled with the shells and corals, and the fossil remains of species that still exist. he present State of the Indian affairs did not allow me to visit this southerly point, but from intelligent gentlemen connected with the army, 1 learned that, besides the curious geological features I have above alluded to, this land Presents many wonders and objects most interesting to the naturalist who will have the intrepidity and hardiness to explore it High up on the St. John’s river there are from point to point vast de- posits of fluviatite shells. At Enterprise especially, these form even bluff-like elevations of forty to fifty feet, and of considerable extent. reabouts have been found also the fossil remains of Vertebrata that still exist. The whole physical structure of this region is of great ge- ological interest, and would well repay the most careful examination. r that of other American rivers, and this fact alone would indicate that the conditions of its primitive formation are different from those of other Streams. It is in fact a chain of lakes, as its Indian name signifies, ( We- t, miles, there is a fall of only about twelve feet, and the tide is felt 100 milesabove its mouth. But fed mostly by forere! infiltration chiefly on * Onur friend, Prof. Bailey, has been all about the travelled rye of Florida With his microscope, and his recently published results show that he had his eyes Microscopical Observations Per n So et priest Georgia and Florida, by J. W. Bailey, dc. dc. Smithsonian Co erations to Knowledge, vol. ii, Art. 8. 410 Correspondence. its western side, and receiving, besides, a few large tributaries, this ma- jestic river, slow moving as it must be, discharges an enormous quantity of water into the sea. The segment of land included between its mouth and a line draw from its source to the sea, is at no point elevated this river became truly an inland stream. this view of the gradual ological changes that have supervened in this state, it would appear that ancient, primitive Florida, must have n of quite insignificant Stream. Agassiz has shown that the coral building is now at an end on the southern extremity of this promontory, since the depth of the ue so-called g Physical Features, etc., of Florida. All e experiments that I have already made have proved deeply inter- esting to me, and have modified somewhat the opinions | have hitherto entertained upon this class of nervous actions. But this point will have my special Ranmeranne at another time. almost to A ai sa of this most ie slicidus fruit. All along the St. John’s river there are groves of the wild- -orange that ep ihe eye most peeennly: tps this fruit is too acid to be palatable except when used to n a beverage (orangeade). The China ee (Acai sinense) is the species which has here been introduced for cultivation as a commodity. ere it grows most luxuriantly, and, for size and flavor, has always had the preference in the market, even to those produced in more tropical regions. Some fifieen years since when the orange-culiure of this state was in its most favorable condition, the revenue from this business was indeed wonder- : 6,500 o anges have been yielded by a single tree, 2,000 being a not uncommon yield. Ata small place called Mandurin, situated on the St. Johns river, thirty-five miles om its mouth, there were annu- ally produced 1,500,000 oranges. At other Dieser such as St. Augus- tine, there was a yield of evena Sctlak er. he cold of the winter of 1835 se fiauely affected thg vitality and Prosperity of the trees throughout the peninsula. But the great draw- back now to their successful culture, is Looe the orange insect or Coccus. ‘This insect appeared so as to be felt about the year 1838, and its increase and distribution since "het worked most lamentable effects. Section after section has yielded to its ravages, and those fine groves above ort ued have become nearly ruined. The trees seem blasted, and only yield a very small quantity of fruit. Some of the groves S valieg are now completely deserted; all hopes of an exter- mination of the pest being relinquished. Some trees that I examined Seemed completely covered, trunk, limbs, leaves, and fruit, with this insect, and it is not at all strange that the vitality of the trees yields to Such a draft upon its juice areful, from scientific foaiiua: not to lose so excellent an opportu- bity Ang the study of the animal, and desirous, from practical reasons, to out, if possible, a means for its extermination,—this insect has received no little attention from me. _[ exceedingly small and insig- females about . zy Of an inch in length. On this account, iis anatomy and physiology “could be successfully studied only by the microscope ; t the results afforded have well repaid the labor thus bestowed. These results are certainly sufficiently important for a special consider- _ Ation, which I propose to Biv e them, at some future time. It will suf- or me to say here eke conditions of their reproduction are Temarkable, and quite Recrabic for the prodigious saihiplaceny of this 412 Correspondence of J. Nickles. animal. The life of the females is almost vegetative; with an out- ward form so undeveloped as to quile resemble a larva, she fastens herself to the leaf or bark, and, drawing the juices therefrom, develops her ovaries, successive litters of eggs being formed ; and, as the condi- impregnate the females. The means I shall recommend for a removal of this pest, will be based upon a consideration of the intimate econ- omy of the animal. Correspondence of M. Jerome Nickles, dated Paris, February 27, 1854. At one of its late sessions, the Academy of Sciences awarded the annual prizes to authors of works on different subjects proposed Dj and also * encouragements” to those who have distinguished themselves by researches in their own proper domain. As the list of prizes is long, we will only mention those of more special interest. 1. ‘The Academy awarded the prize in Mechanics to Felix Fro pe 4 moderateur,” brought forward by him in 1836 and 1837, the use of which has now become general; ( i i report upon them was made by the distinguished engineer and mecha- nician, M. Combes, at this moment President of the Academy of Sciences. the application of steam to navigation and to naval force. Sine this epoch, until 1848, great improvements have taken place, but they were not first put in practice in France; they were brought out in America and England. But now, by the construction and success of the “ Ne: poleon,” a vessel of the line with sails and steam, the end of the prize has been completely attained. The Academy has consequently assigned the prize (1) to M. Dupuy de Léme, officer of the naval Engineer COFPS, for devising and constructing the ship Napoleon with sails and steam having a screw propeller, which unites in a remarkable degree rapid manufacturing establishment of Indret, for having calculated the theory of, and constructed, the mechanism of the Napoleon, and for having» in * In awarding the prize to M. Franchot, the Academy does not touch the q! a of priority as to hot-air engines, it being well known that M. Franchot in this has others before him. ne Award of Prizes by the Academy of Sciences. - 413 connection with M. Bourgois, made the experiments with the screw re) peller, the results of which are now the rule with engineers. (3.) T M. Bourgois, Captain in the Navy (“de fregate”) for his labors on the screw propeller, and for his views on the progressive gee of the existing naval marine into a mixed marine of sails and s - The Report made by M. Charles Dupin, is extremely i airoainnc as iat the ‘aloedd of steam navigation, and we regret that we cannot find place for it The elation ee in 1852 for the physical sciences was the fol- lowing: “ To discover by direct observations and exper ment the mode the remarkable Report of M. de Quatrefages, the Academy awarded the prize to M. van Beneden, Professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium), and made honorable mention of M. Kiichenmeister of Zit- tau (Saxony). The prize in Experimental Physiology has been awarded to M. Claude Bernard for his dis sneer Ty with ma to the influence, which the cer- vical portion of the Gre eat Sympath c Nerve exerts on the tempera- ture of the parts, to which its atedes are distributed, accompanying the arterial vessels. aliens prize has been given for the Traité de Chimie Anatomique et Physiologique of MM. Robin and Verdeil, on account of the new facts which it contains and the thorough manner in which chemical ‘acts in = relation to medicine are presente e prizes, there are also, the medals awarded to MM. de Scien rt ce Luther and Hind for the discovery of five new planets; a prize to M. Fontaine and M. Machecourt for a parachute for the use of oa an “ — to M. Chuard for his attempts *‘ Etudes sur le drainage au point de vue pratique et adminis- traf.” Among the subjects of _— offered we mention only those pertain- ing to the eR sciences 1. For 1856.—A rigorous and methodical investigation into the metamor otihiex and bags of the Infusoria properly so called, (the Polygastrica of M. Ehr g) 2. For 1855.—An sinbiline of the laws governing the distribution of inci in the different 9 ere strata in their order of superpo- sition; and a discussion of the question of their appearance or disap- france, successive or ices : research into the nature of the relations existing between the aoe nt and past states of the organic kingdo Another for 1856.—The determination, gost the study of the dae Yelopment of the embryo in two species, one taken from the class of Vertebrata, and the other pt from the —— or Articulata, of the Proper foundation for comparative embryolo Pat prizes for either of the above isa nh medal of 3000 francs eee 1854. gies saad 414 Correspondence of J. Nicklés. A medal of gold, of 800 francs, is decreed each year to the work, rinted or in manuscript, which appears to have contributed the most to the Progress of Experimental Physiology. A gold medal of the value of 2500 francs, is offered for 1856, for the best work on the mode of fecundation of eggs, and the structure of the organs of generation, in the principal natural groups of the class of polyps, or of that of Acalephs. A large number of prizes are offered in mathematics, medicine and gy, and NOTHING for physics, chemistry or mineralogy ; it would.seem as if these sciences had no existence. It is true that the Academy of Sciences of Paris has little to show among the great dis- coveries which physics and chemistry have accomplished in these later action on the part of the Academy. son of the illustrious zoologist, and who should not be confounded with the botanist, M. Auguste de St. Hilaire, to whom we have above alluded. M. Is. G, St. Hilaire is Professor of Zoology at the Jardin des Plantes, and for a long time he has prepared himself for the noble work which, aided by several other savants and the principal great proprietors od France, he is about to undertake. The end of the Society is to promote (1) the introduction, acclimation and domestication of species of animals either useful or ornamental. (2.) The perfection and multiplication of new varieties, introduced or domesticated. The number of members of the Society is not limited, and foreigners may unite in it 4 among the latter, there are already. Prince Demidoff, MM. Graélls, Ramon de la Sagra, Vilanova of Madrid, and a large number © Bel- an Dp : Artificial Production of Pleochroism in Crystallized Substances. The influence which small quantities of a foreign substance chemically inert, exert upon the physical properties of bodies, as their density, index of refraction and angle of polarization, has long been known. Some years since,* I showed that these causes act also on the angles of crystals, and at times produce modifications as great as 2 change f the type and system of crystallization, and thus may g seis dimorphism.+ Since then M. Hugard has observed facts of a similar * Comptes Rendus de I’Acad. des Sci., 1848. + Comptes Rendus de Laurent, ete, 1850, and Annalen de Ch. et de Phys, 1858 has Derivatives of Nitrotartaric Acid. 415 kind in sulphate of strontian, and M. G. Rose, in tetradymite; accord- ing to the latter, foreign matters cause the’ ging ee of tetrady- mite to vary nearly 3 degrees from that of the pure meta In view of such facts, my opinion appears less exequedand than at first. ‘The two forms of dimorphous bodies are in general approximate forms, whose prisms, although pertaining to distinct systems, differ be- presides in crystallization, so as to give ne waving what is needed to cause them to pass from one system to a Should a new planet suddenly appear in our panes all the other plan- ets would feel it as much as if a planet were withdrawn. A crystal is in my view a planetary system formed of atomic planets 1 in motion; for- eign molecules or planets abruptly introduced, bring in their own attrac- tion and proper movements, and impress on the other atoms another t the coloring material that was eliminated entirely . some ¢rystallizations in pure water. on the co e substance is tive em ; for change either totally or partially. have illustrated fen glycocoll and its combinations, oxalate and chlor- hydrate of methylammine, e lt is not my intention at this time to touch on these nessa They have been called up by the reading of an important paper by M. Senar- with wrod, changed to ore by some ea of ammonia. leisure hours to science, has brought out several new facts of interest. He has observed that the nitrotartaric acid which he has obtained, de- composes ms tpn in water, producing an acid which he cats tar- tronic acid, CeHsO10. Heated to 160° C., it loses carbonic acid and leaves a residue which appears to Single to CaH2Os ; this in con- tact with potassa affords a salt, the acid of which has the cee CsH40Oc and is ves with slycollic acid, extracted from t r of gelatine. This a orms an amid which is not the sugar of dela tine although like ii in rent pies Glycollamid is an isomere of gly- Cocoll, just as lactamid is an isomere of alanine. . Dessaignes con- Siders the insoluble substance CaH2Os as having the same relation to glycollic acid as lactid to lactic acid ; and he hence calls it glycollid. On the gluten of wheat.—M. Millon, compelled by his high military Position to rather a nomadic life, has for some years suspended the fine Tesearches which he had undertaken—researches on the oxydized com- 3 of nitrogen, chlorine, mercury, nitric ether, also on vegetable Physiology, etc., which had given him a high rank among men of sci- ence. Removed from his laboratory and sent to Africa, for political 416 Correspondence of J. Nickles. reasons, he has found the means of carrying on some important inves- tigations without a chemical laboratory, and he has just now brought before the Academy a series of papers which he proposes to present, po area the results of some researches on wheat. s first memoir, he brings out the important fact that there are some reales of wheat, of good “appre that conta in no gluten. me which sl niereuts well, was nearly destitute of this important ingredient. thus led to examine a quantity of the wheat poor in “gluten, and i ine it to be a mixture of rich grains with others containing none of this albuminoid substance. Dough made from the that which is ren or stale. The ha substance of this nhs is ame in wate In a second memoir, M. Millon takes up the chemical composition of sachs vite a wheat, and he deduces from his results a distribu- tion of the wheats—using terms already in maoee tender wheal, an hard wheat, the characters of which are as follow Tender wheat: Fracture white, ie and fox iteminell the starch escaping more or joa abundantly ; a more or less complete gate bare ment of the gluten by a soluble aibuminoid principle varying widely in the praeron of nitrogen. wheat: Fracture horny, semi- translucent, without a starch- like spstionnen ; all the nitrogen existing under the form of gluten and the weight of it always a little superior to the quantity of albuminoid principal represented by the nitrogen ; only small variations in the pro- ortion of nitrogen, the amount of which is large. This last charac- teristic dees not serve to distinguish the hard wheat, since it is not rare to meet with tender wheat containing as much nitrogen as the hard wheat, or even more. Wheat intermediate between these two eotietioty M. Millon names semi-hard wheat, which he describes as follows rade Fracture close and less horny than in ies wheat; whitish — crushed; a proportion of gluten mixed with the albuminoid principle ’ a large proportion of nitrogen, and this nearly consta These descriptions are completed by a mention of a external char- acters, taken from the volume, color, integuments, etc. His facts aa derived mainly from the wheat of Algeria and those of the north 0 France, and it remains to make the results general, and applicable to wheat of whatever origin. atural re y of —— at ig pete principle of Hops, was first examined by Dr. A. W. Ives, of New York; MM. eit Payen, Chevallier aie Sesto have ute — pees with it, — fully establishing its chemical constitutio M. Personne, Assis - hool of Pharmacy at Satin has ees up the subject, and sven a satisfactory solution. ffords He has found that when acted upon by boiling water, lupulin & d two groups of substances; one obtained by distillation with water aD the other by means of steam. The former consist of valeric ‘ao. and of valeral or valeric-alde The matters which are volatilized only through the action of steam, Various Communications. AIT consist of an organic and a nitrogenized substance, which the author has now under examination. arious Communications.—In the name of a Commission consisting of MM. Thenard, Balard and General Piobert, M. Balard read a very favorable Report on the researches of M. Violette on the carbonization of wood by means of over-heated steam, of which we gave an account in the number for September, 1853.—M. Payen read a memoir, demon- strating the presence of carbonate of lime in vegetables.—A naval flicer, M. Tramblay, read a paper on a new apparatus for saving prop- i mpolsiely the problem of calculating machines: we shall return again oO it.—At each session of the Academy, communications flow in from the four quarters of the globe both on the subject of the Bréant legacy (100,000 francs, to the person who shall discover the cause and cure o cholera), and that of the prize proposed respecting the disease of the now amounts to thousands. In the year X. of the first Ronnivice the French Government founded a prize of 60 ,000 francs, to a given to the person who should through Sciences. The fact of this offer has recently been called to mind by Madame (Ersted, who claims the prize in the name of her late husband, M. CErsted. A commission consisting of MM. Pouillet, Becquerel, Despretz, Thohare and Regnault, have been charged with the examin- ation of this demand. hey nd much embarrassment, since without ae the merit of Girsted’s discovery, his is not the only important made since “ year 1801. The discoveries of Dav vy, Ampere, ig Faraday, Ohm, Morse, Wheatstone, Jacobi, the pile with a constant ectaet: discovered by M. Becquerel, the thermo-electric cur- Tents discovered by Seebeck,—all show that it would have ek far easier to have awarded the prize in 1820 than at the present ii Industrial Photometry.—An instrument by Mr. Babinet for exact Photometric measurements, has for a long time been used, which is. ed on the neutralization of the tints of vocab light, as alicia’ in eaccmmetty by Tago. -We have not space for a figs ure and com- ing a ground ee at one end, and at see other e d an analysing prism of Iceland spar. A pile of plates of glass, serving as a polarizer is fixed to the tube so as to form with it dn angle of 35°, the angle of polarization of the glass. The light diffused upon the ground glass, reaches the eye only after having passed across the pile of glass, and is consequently polarized by refraction perpendicularly to ak of incidence of the rays. The ground glass is for receiving the illuminations for parepacisen, is successively illuminated by the lights to be compared. On trav- pile of glass blniers she FAAP ght into a condition | 418 Correspondence of J. Nickles. sources of light, as, when they are two jets of gas, or of electric light, not easy of access. But it is impossible here to enter into these details. On forming vessels of gold by the aid of phosphorus.—The property of phosphorus, of precipitating certain metals from their solution has long been known; and gold is among the number. M. Levol has used this process in forming gold vessels useful in chemical research. He takes the perchlorid of gold, and places in it, at the ordinary tempera- ture, some phosphorus, moulded of a form convenient to serve as @ nucleus fog the vessel of gold. To give the phosphorus the desired i sary. The precipitation of the gold or the construction of the vessel is then begun; and it finally remains only to remove the phosphorus by re-melting it and washing by the aid of boiling nitric acid until the fabric of wonderful solidity. The author of the'process is M. Pouilly- He first metallises the silk, then covers it with a thin layer of copper stant success afier the causes of failure are studied out. ; Local anesthesis.—The process invented by Mr. Harris enables the surgeon to render insensible the part of the body to be ope ed nee ecting the rest of it. MM. Nélaton and Paul Dubois, two skillful surgeons of Paris have made with the apparatus the following periments. ‘After having for five minutes directed a jet of the vapor élaton w and could not use her arm. The first application of chloroform -— made on the armpit. The tumor, although so painful that ‘ could Influence of Bismuth on the ductility of Copper. 419 not bear to have it touched, became so completely insensible, that it could be handled without pain, and the woman could faise her arm; the insensibility continued for three eek The operation was not per- formed that day. When the abscess was at its head, the chloroformic fumigation was renewed, and almost immediately Dr. Dubois plunged the knife into the abscess without any sensation on the part of the pa- tient; he then turned her attention from it, and after this there was no more feeling of pain in the region. Afterwards the small place'on the hese facts are strongly affirmed by two hororable physicians who also cite the witnesses to the operations. Other doctors have attempted 10 repeat the experiment; but, as is singular, without success. More study of the conditions and may lead to new and complete suc- cess; and we hope toa nee such in our next communication Influence st bismuth on the ductility of Copper.—There has recently liar properties. Although of high per-centage the color is bronze ; it is but little ductile ; the fracture is loose and crystalline, which may be removed by refining according to the ordinary methods. . Levol, Assayer at the Mint of Paris, has analyzed this copper before cot after refining, with the following results: Crude. Refined. Copper, - - - 99-400000 - - 99-480000 Sulphur, - - - 0314000 - - F Lead, . - - - - - 0°362000 Silver, - - - 0-100000 - - 0-100000 Bismuth, - . - 0-144000 - - 0048000 Gold, - - - 0-000833 . - 0-000833 Antimony, } - trace } - - trace rsenic, - - - - Loss, - - - 0041167 - - 0:008917 The lead and trace of arsenic proceeded from the process of refining ; and it is found by experiment that the small proportion of antimony, arsenic, gold, sve: and lead do not explain the want of ductility of the copper. The bismuth, then, only one-third of which had re- Sisted oxydation, is the sole cause of the loss of ductility. M. Levol has proved the correctness of this conclusion by preparing different alloys. It is remarkable that bismuth which has so many points of important to examine for bismuth the coppers of commerce, in order to search out the cause of the peculiar mechanical a chemical quali- Hes ofien found, even in copper of excellent sid agen alluded to in the November number of this ane Some new facts have been brought out by M. Bobbierre, idea the results before Sascha Ay and he has established them by experiments. For the Purpose of experiment, he has made with metals either pure or impure, ingots of bronze of a a cylindrical form by castings in sand, having height of 40 centimeters and weighing 25 kilogra ms. Portions for analysis were taken from different parts of the ingot both from nie 420 Correspondence of J. Nickles. surface and interior. The central parts in all cases contained less tin than the surface. For example, in the alloy of 97 of copper and 3 of tin, the = i pal in tin for the two parts had the ratio of 1 to 3°97. On adding to the alluy 1 p. c. of zine, the homogeneity was much increased, the ratio were 1: 1-45. Under Louis XIV, the cannon were of better ene than those of the present ind zinc was mixed with the metal, e condition of brass. The trials made in our time have failed pacath the zinc was introduced directly into the alloy while in fusion, in which case the zine is burnt off and forms no combination with the fused metal. Traité des Poisons, ou Toxicologie appliquée a la Medicine ven la Physiologie et a la Whdnaucnttane ar le Docteur Ca. FLaNnpiIN. vols. in 8vo. Paris, chez Ma llet-Bachelier.—The fires eoldnip of we Poisonous substances are not, as has been said, irritants, etc., but sub- stances not capable of being assimilated, which penetrate into the or- nism by absorption and become an obstacle to chemical or physio- logical action on which life depends. Thos the pathological and thera- peutic department of poisoning are distinct. ‘These views characterize the work. Il the processes for detecting poisons before and wea inhumation are given with details, among which are some that hav givena * reputation to M. Fiandin, their discoverer. Traité de I Electricité thtociane et appliquée ; par AuG. DE LA RIVE. 2 vols, in vat Paris. Bailliére—The first voles has just appeared self, and that nothing is given 3 witht good authority. Mécanique Analytique par LaGRance, 3d edit., revue et apnea’ pat Berrranp. 2 vols. Paris, chez Majiet-Bachelier. —Lagrang pub- lished the first edition of his work in 1788. In 1811, the sracipled and general applications, contained in the first edition, were extende and completed. Some obscure points remained, which one of our youngest geometricians, Joseph Bertrand, Examiner at the Polyseaue® School: has elucidated with skill, profiting by the progress which science had made since that period. The edition of 1811 having been exhausted, the new edition en been received with much favor by eenerione and mechanicia : Lecons sur la Theorie i heesitling de Vélasticité des corps soli ides, par Lamé; Shae Byvo, ¢ avec planches. Paris, chez Mallet-Bachelier.— of S 3 -_ a Q 8 a Cand ge b=) = S oO XQ aPs = ae ss J S a ° = on = o g: 2 a. oo 3 i “<< ta addressed to engineers, physicists, goles ts, aed! especialy to pao tical men in these arts, who will find in it, rigorous laws on hi of elastic forces, and on the oe i fot constructions. La régle a caleul expliquée, ou guide du calculate pled a eg de i constructing the sliding computing scale, wid of its Scientific Intelligence. 421 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. Cuemistry anv Paysics. 1, article! mension of polychroism in crystallized substances.— SENARMONT has communicated to the Academy of Sciences the results f acaba upon this subject which are very unexpected and im- portant. ‘The capital fact which the ips has discovered is, in his own words, expressed a s follows: a coloring matter disseminated tallizations in pur ay nevertheless communicate to it in the highest degree the properties of polychroism, ane a gy of absorb- Ing action comp | not superior to tha substances naturally colored in which it shows itself in the most a gp manner.’ proof of the correctness of this assertion, 1 the author exhibited large crystals of nitrate of strontia formed in a concentrated tincture of cam- peachy wood tendered purple by a few rops of ammonia. In these crystals white light developed by transmission under certain incidences, a red color, and “under others a blue or violet. Observed with a doubly refracting prism the crystals gave two images, the one red and the other dark violet, according to the thickn ness, and these images exchanged their colors, passing through ideatiiys as the crystallized plate was made to turn in its own plane. Two similar and perfectly transparent lam- ine superposed gi a parallel sian allowed a portion of the inci- dent white light to pass with a purple color; superposed with a right angled area they arrest the light like tourmalines, or at least re- duce it to a violet shade so obscure that we may consider the light as extinct. Finally we may detach from these crystals perfectly pure and homogeneous plates slightly inclined to the optic axes. By placing late very near the eye and using white natural rate we see ae. | in the direction of each of the. axes, a brilliant orange spot ltaversed by a hyperbolic branch. These open to the right and left of the principal section under the form of curved brushes composed of two equal parts of violet and sombre blue and dividing the field of the Plate into two regions in which the purple tints regularly degenerate on th sides of their common limit. The dark tufts interrupted by the luminous spot are moreover fringed towards the point with a little yel- low and blue, colors which are altogether local, and which arise mani- festly from the dispersion of the optic axes corresponding to the differ- ent colors. hese phenomena are characteristic of polychroism in crystals = a4 optic axes, and perfectly similar to those which Brew The Rathoe ened similar results with other coloring matters and other crystals, and p romises more ample details hereafter.— Comptes » XXXViii, 101, Janvier, 1854. [Note.—The results obtained by Senarmont clearly demonstrate that the existence of polychroism in crystals by no means necessarily im- Plies their chemical SS iecenait, since Bs, polychroism may in any Szconp = Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1 54 422 Scientific Intelligence. case be produced by the mechanical admixture of foreign coloring matter. Is it not possible that the difficulty of expressing the composi- tion of certain minerals by chemical formulas may arise from such aa admixture of coloring matter, the optical characters of these minerals having hitherto entirely misled us ?—w. G. . Rate of transmission of impressions made upon the nerves.— Hetmuoutz has communicated to the Physico-Agricultural Society of Konigsberg a paper on the methods of measuring very small portions of time, and on their application to physiological purposes. ‘The au- thor alludes in the first place to the remarkable difference observed by astronomers between the observations of different individuals and termed by them the personal equation. ‘The measurements of eac tus of Siemens for the measure of the velocity of a musket or cannon ball is next described in its general features. This apparatus only dif- takes place at the instant of this passage. In this manner the me du- ring which the ball traverses a space of half a line may be measured. The author next alludes to the principle of the revolving mirror due to Wheatstone, and used with so much success by Fizeau and Foucault. Finally he gives an account of the method of Pouillet as modified an used by himself. This consists in causing the galvanic current to act upon an oscillating magnet, observing this magnet by Gauss and We- ber’s method, and determining the constant factor necessary 10 convert differences of oscillation into differences of time. In this manner ac curate determinations could be made up to the zgdgath of a second of time. The physiological questions which the author sought to solve were these. In the transmission of intelligence, is a measurable ime necessary for the ends of the nerves 10 communicate to the brain the distant muscle? By operating with the muscle of a frog severed from the body of the animal but connected with the nerves proceeding from it, the author found that the activity of the muscle is by 90 means In- stantaneous, but appears sometime after the excitation of the — i afier- wards. The object was to show that the different stages of activity 0 the muscle take place later when the excitation has to pass throug greater length of nerve, and this is actually the case. ‘The most prob able value of the velocity of propagation in the motor nerves of the frog was found to be 26-4 metres or about feet per second. results of the author’s experiments upon the human subject were ae follows: The intelligence of an impression made upon the ends ms nerves in communication with the skin is transmitted to the brain Wi Chemistry and Physics. 423 a velocity which does not vary in different individuals, nor at different limes, of about metres, or 195 feet per second. Arrived at the brain an interval of about ;4th of a second passes before the will, even when the atiention is sirung to the uttermost, is able to give the com- mand to the nerves that certain muscles shall execute a certain motion. This interval varies in different persons, and depends chiefly upon the degree of attention. It varies also at different times in the case of the same person. When the attention is lax, it is very irregular, but when In all therefore from the excitation of the sensitive nerves till the mov- ing of the muscle 14 to two-tenths of a second are consumed. [For more ample details and for much matter of a highly suggestive char- acter, we must refer to the original lecture.]—L. §& E. Phil. Mag., Nov., 1853. 3. Preparation of large crystals of sulphate of todo-quinine for optical purposes.—Herapatu has succeeded in obtaining crystals of this.very interesting and valuable substance of sufficient size to be sub- stituted for tourmaline in polarizing light. For the details of the pro- cess however, we must refer to the original paper—L. & E. Phil. Mag., Nov., 1853. 4. On the law of induction in magnetic and paramagnetic subsian- ces.—PiucKer has communicated an elaborate memoir on this subject from which we shall content ourselves with abstracting the summary of results. These are as follows: (1.) In all magnetic and diamagnetic substances the same general law gives the intensity of the induced magnetism as a function of the exciting force. For each substance this law is particularized by the values of two constants. Of these two constants the one gives, as the inducing force vanishes, the ratio of this force to the induced magnet- ism (constant of induction), and the second determines the resistance which prevents the induced magnetism from increasing proportional to the inductive force (constant of resistance (2.) For every substance there is a po Constantly approximates as the inducing force increases. Diamagnetic substances (Bismuth, Phosphorus,) so far as the law of the imensity of their excitation is concerned, behave precisely like magnetic substances, though they exert a directly opposite action Upon the inducing magnetic pole. This similar behavior compels us, in my view, to assnme that the condition of a diamagnetically excited body is in itself in no wise different from the condition of a magneti- cally excited body, that furthermore polarity is also present in the exci- tation of diamagnetic substances, but that this is called forth by an in- duction which is the opposite to that which occurs in magnetic bodies. ‘The curves which represent the law of induction for diamag- Netic substances are surrounded on both sides by the curves for mag- Netic substances. They show that the resistance which is opposed to the excitation of diamagnetic bodies is less than in most magnetic sub- stances, but by no means vanishes; on the contrary it is greater than in oxygen and hydrate of oxyd of cobalt. — int of saturation to which it A24 Scientific Intelligence. (5.) There can be no assumption of a specific magnetism in a sub- stance in a general signification as we speak of specific gravity. Co- balt is precisely as magnetic as iron, when we use a definite magnetic each other by the multiple 24, according as we use a single element or great as with the first. For oxygen and bismuth this ratio descends to bout 1°9 and 1- This partly explains the fact that while Faraday’s estimate of the magnetism of oxygen, with a nearly equal force and (7.) Those substances which oppose a lesser resistance to magnetl- at pleasure by changing the poles of the electro-magnet when conta! in an indifferent glass sphere.. In conelusion the author promises us a memoir on the nature of the coercive force.—Pogg. Ann., xci, 1, Jan., , _ 5. On the laws of the attraction of electro-magnets.—DUB has — lished a continuation of his interesting and valuable researches on etl netic forces. Before stating however the results of this we . : + traction, and sustaining power in electro-magnets. By magnetism he understands the magnetic excitation of a piece of soft iron by ” ae vanic current; Lenz and Jacobi measured this by means of the induced Chemistry and Physics. 425 current excited by the vanishing of the magnetism, to which it is pro- portional. Whena second bar of soft iron is caused to approach the squares of the currents it is clearly necessary to distinguish between these two cases of attraction in contact and attraction at a distance. The author gives the following summary of his results: (1.) The attraction of U-shaped electro-magnets with an equal num- ber of windings of the electro-magnetic spirals is proportional to the squares of the magnetizing current force. (2.) The attraction o magnets is, with equal currents, proportion- al to the square of the number of windings of the magnetizing spirals. (3a.) The attraction of U magnets is proportional to the square of d U mag nets an agn multiplied by the square of the number of windings. rals of an equal number of windings closely surrounding the core, is accurately proportional to the square roots of the diameters of these cylinders. (5.) For the particular case in which the surface of contact does not disturb the result, the attraction and the sustaining force are, with equal magnetizing forces, proportional to the diameters of the bar or U mag- nets. (6.) The attraction of bar and U electro-magnets, with equal mag- netizing forces, increases the nearer the whole of the windings are to (7.) The attraction, like the sustaining force of U electro-magnets, ceteris paribus, remains the same whatever be the distance of the branches of the magnet. (8.) The length of the branches of a U electro-magnet has no influ- ence on its attractive or sustaining force if the windings of the spiral surround its whole length. In addition to these laws the author has found that the attraction which a helix or spiral exerts upon a soft iron bar placed in its axis lows the same law as an electro-magnet, so that we have (9.) The attraction of a spiral is proportional to the square of the magnetizing current multiplied by the square of the number of wind- ings. — Pogg. Ann., xc, 248, 436, Oct. and Nov., 1853. 6. Identity of Niobium and Pelopium.—H. Rosé has communicated Continued researches have, however, completely established the fact that pelopic and tantalic acids are essentially different, while between 4 426 Scientific Intelligence. niobic and pelopic acids there exists a remarkable and unexpected con- i The remarkable peculiarities of the chlorids of niobium and pelopium long since attracted the author’s atiention. — It will be remem- bered that the only method yet given for the separation of these metals consisted in tuking advantage of the difference in the volatility of their chlorids. Chlorid of pelopium being orange red and more volatile than chlorid of niobium. Every time, however, that the white chlorid of niobium was converted into niobic acid, mixed with carbon and heated in a current of chlorine, a quantity of the orange red chlorid of pelo- pium was formed, and ti finally appeared afier innumerable most care- ful and laborious experiments, that the one chlorid became converted into the other by absorbing or losing chlorine; chlorid of pelopium always yielding chlorid of niobium in greater or less quantity. A small quantity of niobic acid considered perfectly pure was mixed with a very large quantity of sugar and gradually carbonized. Th mass was again mixed with sugar and charred . “ niobic acid the following precautions were necessary. 1. A large pro- portion of carbon in comparison with the acid applied. 2. A ver eareful expulsion of all moisture by strongby igniting the mixture In dry carbonic acid. 3. A complete expulsion of the carbonic acid afier the mixture had been cooled in this gas by a very rapid current of chlo- rine which was only introduced afier all the atmospheric air had been driven out of the chlorine apparatus. 4. Finally a very gentle heating orange chlorids. From these experiments it is clear thi pelop‘c acids are derived from one and the same metal. very remarkable and wholly without analogies among other 0: hat it Is o in two I} i ses niobium. ‘The former pelopic acid now becomes as the highest state of oxydation, but the author does not p an pvt at present for the former niobic acid.— Pogg. Ann. xc, 456, Nov-s s Chemistry and Physics. 427 %. Preparation and Properties of metallic Aluminum.—Sr. Ciair Devitte has communicated a ‘memoir on aluminum which contains 4 afterwards fusing the globules into one mass under the mixture of com- mon salt and chlorid of aluminum. As thus prepared it was silver- white, malleable and ductile, and had the fusing point of silver. Its ing. hts density was 2°56; it was a good conductor of heat and could be fused and poured out in the air without becoming sensibly oxydized. minum was acted upon by common metals at high temperatures and hoped that further experiments would point out a simple and cheap method of procaring in large quantities and at a low rate a meta likely to be useful in the aris. ‘The Academy unanimously voted that a sum of money should be placed at the disposal of M. Deville to aid him in the prosecution of his experiments.—Comples Rendus, Feb. 6th, 1854. Note.—The propertiesof aluminum as described by Deville, differ in some particulars from those of the metal obtained by Wohler. us Vohler’s metal slowly evolved hydrogen. when placed in boiling water and was very readily dissolved by a dilute solution of caustic potash. 8. Preparation of Aluminum by electric deposition.—Gork has ad- dressed 10 the editors of the L. and E. Phi asserts that aluminum and even silicon may be thrown down from their solutions in a coherent state by feeble electric currents. Hydrate of alumina was dissolved in muriatic acid and a porous cup contuining dilute sulphuric acid placed in the mixture. A plate of zine was placed in the acid and a plate of copper in the solution of alumina, the two i wire. Afier a few hours a lead colored deposit cf S 42 G et ae aa > oO 2 D fos o vant - s The result was hastened by warming the solutions, and the experiment succeeded with other solutions of alumina. With a small *s battery the effect was produced much more rapidly. When a solution of soluble glass was employed, a single Smee’s battery threw down a nearly silver-white metallic film which the author onsidered to be silicon, but which certainly possesses no analogy with the silicon obtained by purely chemical processes.—L. and hil. Mag., March, 1854. Sone 428 Scientific Intelligence. 9. On the arsen-ethyls——Lanpott has studied the combinations of ethyl with arsenic, which are obtained by the action of iodid of ethyl upon an alloy of arsenic and sodium. Of these compounds two, namely, arsenbiethy! and arsentriethyl, are to be regared as analogues o kak- odyl, while the third, arsenethylium, is an ammonium in which nitro- gen is replaced by arsenic and hydrogen by ethyl. We omit the de- pounds, and pass to the description of their constitution and properties. Arsenbiethy! is a faintly yellow colored liquid, which strongly refracts light, and which possesses an extremely disagreeable penetrating odor of garlic. It boils between 185° and 190°C. Exposed to air it bursts chlorine, iodine, bromine, &c., gives with 1 equivalent of oxygen a powerful base which forms with acids both acid and né ral _— These cqmpounds are remarkably susceptible of crystallization, an remain unchanged in the air. They are all without smell, have a bitter almonds. By the action of nitric acid at a gentle heat the new alcohol is converted into oil of bitter almonds ; the action of chromic acid converts it into benzoic acid. The vapor of the alcohol passed over red hot platinum sponge yields an oil which is specifically lighter than water and is probably C1zHe. By passing muriatic acid gas eid the alcohol the liquid separates into two layers, of which the upper 18 the chlorid C1all7Cl. This is a highly refracting, strong-smel'in liquid, heavier than water, and boiling between 180° and 185°. With caustic potash it gives chlorid of potassium and the alcohol is regen’ Chemistry and Physics. 429 This is a colorless liquid, having an aromatic odor, and boiling at 210°. With caustic potash it yields acetic acid, and the alcohol.—Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, \xxxviii, 129, October, 1853. 1 ormalion of nitruret of benzoyl from hippuric acid.—Lim- PRicut and von Ustar have found that when hippuric acid is heated in a tubulated retort, the acid fuses at 130°, gives off a little benzoic acid at 210°, and boils at 240°. The only volatile products of this dis- tillation are benzoic acid, colored faintly red, traces of prussic acid, anda liquid which proves to be nitruret of benzoyl, CisHsN. The constitution and properties of this body correspond perfectly with those of the nitruret obtained by Fehling by the distillation of benzoate of ammonia.—Ann. der Chemie und Pharmacie, |xxxviii, 133. W. G. dinary flint glass prisms ; by Ocpen N. Roov.—Herschel in his treatise ines in sessed of a prism of even comparable flint glass, | was led ‘to try what could be done with articles of poorer quality. Two flint glass prisms having angles of 60°—such as are ordinarily sold by opticians, and diameter, through which sunlight was admitted ; the room not being darkene n this manner about twelve or fifieen lines could plainly seen by the ~haked eye: the principal of these were D in the or- trum should rather be expanded. onD Senses, Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854. 55 430 Scientific Intelligence. Light from a white cloud was next employed with the same prism, the slit having a diameter of =,th of an inch, and being distant from the prism about 12 feet. D, F, with three or four of the lines to the left of F’, and the strong line in the blue, could thus easily be made out with the nuked eye: when magnified by the telescope about forty lines could be counted. In each case, the lines were shown to a number of none of them would give a defined image by total reflexion, and some would scarcely give an image that could be recognized. Sunlight was employed, the slit, &e. being as above: to the naked eye one of the prisms exhibited five fixed lines, two of the prisms showed four lines, four of the prisms showed three lines, four showed two lines, and the remaining two showed one line. : When the light from a white cloud was used, eleven of these prisms showed two lines, viz. F and the strong line in the blue; two showed ‘three lines, viz. D, F, and the line in the blue. In examining the light from the clouds these prisms were not placed at more than four feet from the slit. . It would seem from these experiments then, that the real difficulty 's to find a flint glass prism which will mot exhibit some of the fixed lines, provided its dispersive power is sufficiently high. New Haven, Feb. 28, 1854. Il. Mineratocy anp Geronoey. 1. Appendix to Observations on the Homeomorphism of some Min- eral Species ;* by James D. Dana.—In order to exhibit the true erys- tallographic relations of bexagonal and dimetrie mineral species, they are presented together in the following tables. The hexagonal species in five groups, and the relations of these groups are shown DY the symbols of planes at the head of the column. oe As dimetric and hexagonal forms are alike in having the lateral axes equal, the relation between the crystals of these two systems are | shown by the inclination of the base of the prism ona pyramidal plane. these angles are the same, since in one system the lateral axes are 90°. garded as crossing at angles of 60° and in the other at angles of 9° * Page 210 of this yolume. ae . Mineralogy and Geology. A431 If we conceive of an ellipsoid of revolution tangent at its sides to the several faces of the prism, as the molecule of each form, it is plain that the angles alluded to afford a correct exhibition of the relations of such molecules as respects their dimensions, and therefore a true repre- sentation of the relations of the forms. ' There are blanks in the Tables, which are easily filled by calcula- groups, and exhibit their relations. The Corundum group was first brought to its present extent by the investigations of G. Rose, who added to it the rhombohedral metals, with tetradymite and red zinc ore. The earliest recognition of the relations of corundum, specular iron and ilmenite, was made by the distinguished chemist and mineralogist of Munich, Prof. von Kobell, in an important paper in the Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik of Dr. F. W. Schweigger-Seidel for 1832,* in which he was also the first to point out the homa@omorphism of apophyl- lite and anatase; of copper pyrites, braunite, scheelite, scheeletine, wulfenite, cerasine, idocrase, uranite and mellite, besides other facts of interest. , The following important conclusions flow from the Tables. A. Hexaconat Sysrem.—(1.) ‘The vertical axis in Section IT is to that of Section las 14:1. The species of the two Sections may be re- garded as closely related in form if not homa@omorphous. 2.) The vertical axis of Section IV is to that of Section I nearly as 3:1, showing again a simple mathematical relation, if not pointing to actual equality. 3.) The fundamental pyramid of Section V, is nearly identical in angle with the intermediate pyramid 2-2 of Section I, 4-2 of Section II, in 2.2 of Section IV. (4.) The Rhombohedral angle of Section IV, is near 90°—or mostly between 84° and 88°; and this approximation to the angle of a cube is its characteristic. The pyramid 1(1P) should consequently approach 28’, (the angle of a monometric octahedron,) in its basal angle ; it actually varies for the species from Corundum to Iridosmine from 113° to 117°. (5) In Section V, the basal angle of pyramid 1 is near 90°, and this appears to be the characteristic of the species. Hence the Rhom- bohedral angle of the Calcite series is near 105°. Hence this rhombo- hedral angle is a common one among rhombohedral! species. , 6.) Section IIL in its rhombohedral angle approaches 90° as nearly ‘as Section IV, but differs in having the angle greater than 90° instead of Ides. Its vertical axis is most nearly related to that of Section I, it being approximately twice as long as in that Section. 5 d E iv, Heft.7, 1832; paper entitled, Beitrag zur isometrischer und hombometrischer ihen. he writer's attention has been directed to this paper since the re- i plished; but he has not yet been able to + Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, of Dr. F. W. Schweigger-Seidel, Band ‘ honk reihen. sults on page 210 of this volume were pu consult it, except at second hand. 432 Scientific Intelligence. HEXAGONAL SYSTEM. I. O:1 0:2 |0:3}0:1-2; O:2-2 Coquimbite, 151° 00’ ryl, 0° 8/ | 180° 57’1120° 315389 29’ | 135° 4’ Pyrosmalite, 148° 30’. | 129° 18/1118° 83/1152° 37 | 83°: 18/ Eudialyte (R), 148° 38’ | 129° 21’|118° 40152910’ | 188° 27’ Dioptase (R), [148° 88’ | 129° 2917/1189 40//152° Lu’ | 188° 27’ Il. 0:2 O:4-})0:2 | O: $2 Apatite, 150° 354} 131° 35’ |12 ° €6 | 185° 41’ Levyne(R), {150° 48/ | 131° 43’ |12 ° 44° | 186° 50’ eho 150 13:2 637 |120° 62.0" |Pyromorphite, 150° 27’ | 131° 26’ |120° 28’ | 135° 32’ Il. O:4 | O:1 10:3 |0:$-2| O:1-2 uartz (R) 147° 35’ | 128° 13’ |117° 42’1151° 12’ | 192017" Chabazite (R), |148° 32’ | 129° 157|118° 25'1152° 5’ | 188° 20’ elite ( 147° Susannite (R), |147° 26’ | 128° 03’ 151°. Bf): (3689. Cinnabar (R) 146° 32’ | 127° 06’ 15u° 13’ 18t° 87 5 126° 57’ IV 74 O:% | O:1/0:4-2) O:§-2 COrundum (R), |152° 19’| 133° 37’ |122° 26’ 34’ | 187944" Specular Iron( R) ; 122° 80/1155° 874/| 187° 49” (ene (R), 122° 80/1559 3874/1879 49” Willemite (R), 122° 1841559 27’ | 137° 85’ Phenacite (R), 123° 1611569 15’ 138° 39’ Bismuth (R), 123° 36'1156° 31’ 139° 1’ Arsenic (KR), [229° 971155° 20 137°: 26" Antimony (R), 128° 32/|156° 28’ 138° 56’ ‘ellurium (R), 122° 24/1155° 33 187° 42’ ridosmine (R), 121° 83’ fetrady mite (It), 118° 38/ ine Ore, 123° 5//156° 5’ | 188° 27’ Jopper Mica ( R). 124° 2.9! (RB), ajii9° ¥i O:3- :$2 0:22; 0: ot 149° 53’ 115° 53411538° 20° rreenock 154° 397 sreithauptite, 153° 38° Joprer Nickel, 154° 41’ odid of Silver,* 154° 49/ Vepheline, 154° 134/ Jancrinite vid arisite, ‘ourmaline, 149° 10’ 2° 40’ Caleite(R), 150° 20/ 153° 45/ Dolomite (R), 154° 20/ Magnesite (R), 154° 57’ Spathie Iron (R) 154° 43’ Smithsonite (R),_ 5°" logite (R), 154° 37’ Pyrargyrite (R), 155° 32 Proustite (R,) qr |Millerite (R), * Relation to G kite is sk by Deseloi Ann. d. Ch, et de O:4-2 116° 37’ 115° 13’ 115° 20' 115° 20’ 0 :2-2 114° 27’ 15° 15" 114° 19’ 118° 354’ Mineralogy and Geology. A33 DIMETRIC SYSTEM. J 7. I. OF bit Os Be] Tin, 151° 24’) 132° 31’) 121° 26’ | geen "SE 6 FE | 0:1) 0:2 Zircon, 148° 59’ 137° 50’ | 118° 54’ Rutile, 137° 40’ | 118° 46’ Cassiterite, 136° 26’ | 117° 43’ (Erstedite, | ie 1 ee | | 0:21 O:4i | Scapolite, 138° 38’ | 119° 36’ Sarcolite, | 38° 25’ | 119° 24° Meionite, [138° 43’ | 119° 40/ Mellilite, nen 43’ | 118° 48’ IV. O:4 O44 Oss Apophyllite, 149° 30’ 138° 82’ | 119° 30’ Nagyagite, 137° 30’ | 118° 37’ Uranite, 137° 27’ | 118° 85’ natase 138° 23’ | 119° 297 Matlockite, 138° 37’ | 119° 34’ Calomel, | 138° 56’ | 119° 51’ Hausmannite, 140° 17’ | 121° 3’ V. | O:rk O:2 Romeine, 134° 17"| 124° 35’ Cerasine, 128° 06’ Chiolite, ge ay ae Braunite, 125° 40’ | Tdoerase, (2)123° 277 \Copper Pyrites, 185° 25’) 125° 40’ ?Tin Pyrites, Meliite, (1) 188° 27/| 128° 16’. | YL O:$ | O:li | | Scheelite, 133° 38/| 123° 59’ | Scheeletine, 132° 5’| 1229383’ | Wulfenite, | 122° 26’ | | Fergusonite, |. 794° 20 | ee] 9 Leal Ss | 4 ed O 7) < n 4 m = — fas) < 19) a re) & i.) s n ° 2. TM a) % 3 5 — 7] zt 3 > - ‘of Section Il nearly as 1:14; of Section II to that of Section IV, as 1:2; and as it is somewhat hypothetical whether, in the last two, 4 or 1 be correctly the fundamental plane, the relation may in fact be that ‘of equality. For a like reason, since 2 may be correctly plane 1, Sec- ee: oe 2 ee 434 Scientific Intelligence. tion III may also fall into the same category ; so that Sections I, Il, ms may form a single homa@omorphous Group. (2. ) Sections V and VI have the same relations to one another as itl fe! IV, and may constitute a Second yaaa ri s Grou (3.) ‘In this Second Group, the basal angle of the fundamental pie mid, 1, is near 109° 28’, and the pyramidal angles also; or in other words, the furm ee to the monometric octahedron, as is been often observ (4.) In the First Grou up, the basal angle of the fundamental pyra- mid, taking Section Il as the type, is near 90°, or varies between 82° and 86°. (5.) The first of the two Groups of Dimetric species, corresponds in ea ttcheet dimensions with Section V (or Group II) of the flexago- nal System, and the second most nearly with Section 1V (or Group 1) of the .. see It remains to be shown how far this rela- ed it from Mr. Semann, Naturalist at Paris, who has owed me the pleasure "of examining it. The following are its character Crystals 1 to 2 millimeters oman clustered in a group. Form a right 2 ah, octahedron, with the sal edges truncated; cleavage none. eral deep black ; but sone of the smallest crysials have an olive tint with chatoyant bichen: like lustre. Translucent on the edges, and the color by transmitted light, brown, inclining tored. Ona ouriaies of fracture, the color is zoned with straw yellow, reddish-brown and black ; and nearly clear at middle; the brown and black colors are deepest at the extremities. Powder pale brown. Surfaces of the crystal, although shining, are generally striated, rugose, and present numerous little cave pa craiches calcite, and is scratched by fluor: specific gravity at Vertleal prism M, 116° 25/; brachydome (top angle) 122° 6’; octa- hedron, 127° 10’, 88° 18’, 115° 10’, the last angle over M. ented j ina eh he little moisture is disengaged at an incipient red heat. B.B. on charcoal it melis, and is partially reduced toa of metallic lead enveloped ina black scoria. Afler cooling on char- in the reduction flame a glass of a ay chrome-green color, W comes orange-yellow in the oxydation flam Dissolves in the cold in nitric acid dikited” with 6 times its volume © : water, and leaves a residue of brown oxyd of manganese, mixe ed wil B reste quantity of siliceous sand from the gangue; the so solution Is color On adding sulphuric acid to it, affords an immediate prec ip- itate of sulphate of lead. » . Mineralogy and Geology. 435 The following is the mean of two analyses : . Oxygen. Vanadic acid, - - - 22°46 5°82 3 Oxyd of lead, - - - 54:70 3°92 2 Oxyd of zinc, : - - 2°04 Oxyd of copper. - - - 0:90 Peroxyd of iron, - - - 1:50 Protoxyd of manganese, - - 5:32 Waiter, : . - : 2:20 ’ Chlorine, - - - Sesquioxyd of manganese, insol. in nit.acid, 6°00 Siliceous sand, - : - 3°44 98-88 2 his compound is a new one among minerals, the author pro- poses for it the name of loizite, in honor of M. Descloizeau s ient Lake in the Colorado Desert; (Commercial Advertiser, California.)—The desert lying on this side of the Colorado river was a Gorgonio to the eastern side of the mountains, thence along the north- ern extension of the Colorado Desert to the emigrant trail leading from the Gila river to San Diego. ‘his is a portion of country never before explored. ; Mr. Wm. P. Blake, the geologist of the expedition, made a geolog- ical reconnoissance of the country passed over, and has communicated omume 436 Sanniife I: ateligrnct careous incrustation over the oe enlon' of the rocks below the horizontal line. Big crust was evidently coralline, and had been de- posited under water; in its interstices were small spiral shells, similar to those inhabiting fresh water lakes. On examining the clay, this also was found to contain the shells i in great number, and 1 soon collected exceedingly numerous, and portions of the surface were thickly cov- ered with shells like the ordinary ‘ fresh water clam.” We were traveling in a long, gradually cinandidis valley, extending eastward towards the Colorado, and evidently the northern and western extension of what has been called the ‘* Colorado Desert.” The south- ern side of this valley, along under the bordering range on the south, is thickly inhabited in its western part by Indians calling themselves Cohunillas.” We passed large villages of them during the day. They number of * pale faces” to their hitherto almost “unvisited retreat. Many of the men oe often been into the settlements, and had learned some Spanish and accumulated quite a stock of second-hand clothing. Our coming having been duly heralded by smokes and excited express riders from one village to the other, the whole population had collected to gaze-upon us in wonder, Old hats and odd buttons seemed to have athers lived in the mountains. The waters subsided ‘“ poco poco,” (little by little,) and they moved their villages down to the valley it had left. Suddenly the great waters returned and overwhelmed them, rowning many of their people and oe “aK — to the mountains. It is their belief that the waters will again c At this part of the valley its width batweed ‘ire bounding se is probably fifteen miles, and it here widens towards the south. Our In- dian guide refused to accompany us further, and “ mucho malo! [" wes ty miles on the opposite side: of the valle On our si ide: it was now high above our heads, following all the irregularities and sinuosities of the rugged granite ridges. Observing a few miles off a place that ap- peared accessible, I started with an assistant and barometer to ascertain the elevation of the line. Arriving under it, the rocks that had ap- peare diminutive in the distance were found to be Suge blocks © of nite, pies: with the coralline growth torte = feet thick. Large masses of this had fallen off by its own weight d rolled to the foot of the cliff. "by the barometer, the altitude of this — line “js nearly that of the sea level. The lowest point of the gi is poy ” less than five - tome feet below the water lin ‘ Mineralogy and Geology. oe The clay surface that has been mentioned, was deposited by the ancient lake. It is of great thickness, and now forms the substratum of the desert. We found numerous deep ravines extending across our course, deeply cut in the clay by floods from the mountains; they were generally narrow, but had vertical banks ofien twenty to thirty feet high. They could not be seen until we came within a short dis- tance, and this often obliged the train to make long and tedious detours. The ** New River” of which you speak has been well known to the travellers of the desert since its sudden appearance a few years ago. The grass that springs up along its banks has hardly an opportunity to attain its full growth, as it is rapidly eaten off by the large droves o cattle and sheep constantly pouring into California from New Mexico and Sonora. Ihave reason to believe that this is not the first instance of the overflow from the Colorado, and that it once flowed in a much larger pools known as the great and the little lagoon,” in December last ; there was no water in it, and that in the lakes was green and charged with organic matter, but made excellent coffee. It is probable that a local change of level produced by earthquakes has modified the direction of New River, and the quantity of water admitted to its channel. Sarthquakes are not uncommon in that vicinity. In Nov. 1852, two voleanoes burst out from the surface of the desert, and threw upa large column of steam and showers of mud; the country was well were also opened. I did not find the eastern borders of the ancient lake ; it is beyond the Colorado ; its extent and boundaries cannot be precisely determined until the maps of the region are completed, but itis probable that its area will not be less than 7,500 square miles. There were a series of outcrops of marine sedimentary formations rising ahove the general surface of the lake bed ; these were filled with the most extraordinary concretions of all sizes and shapes. The an- cient sea-drift abounds with silicified wood and marine fossils, all highly ished by the wearing action of sand. Numerous remarkable ex- 438 Scientific Intelligence. ed on a smaller scale in the valley of the Tulare Lakes, into which the waters of the San Joaquin are said to ow when the river is high. The Gulf of California has undoubtedly extended far to the North of its present limits. Indeed the great ocean once washed the base of the Sierra Nevada and hid the interior of the country far from the light of day. In the slow, but persistent elevation of the continent since the tertiary era, the waters must have necessarily occupied more and more narrow limits, retiring from the elevated plain to the deep valleys until we find them imprisoned between the mountains of the Peninsula and the shores of Sonora. We cannot say that this elevatory movement has yet ceased; it is more probable that it still continues, although unappreciable during the comparatively momentary existence of man. ‘The lake may have been originally cut off from the upper part of the gulf by submarine elevation ; but, as the waters covered the whole surface, the sands could not have been acted on or drified by the northwest winds to form the gapposed barrier, as is suggested by your informant. 4. Quicksilver Mine of Almaden, California; by W. P. Buake, (from a letter to J. D. Dana, dated San Francisco, Feb. 14, 1854.)— I visited the Quicksilver mine at New Almaden a few days ago, and took a general view of it, and the establishment for the reduction of the ore. { shall soon visit it again and spend several weeks for the pur- pose of making a full examination of the geology of the vein. The * Valley of San José’ is properly the southern end of the great valley occupied by the Bay of San Francisco. The ground slopes so gently towards the bay that it is hardly perceptible, and appears like a perfectly level plain ; the portion bordering the water is low and marshy, t The works (or “* Hacienda”) where the Cinnabar is reduced are two or three miles from the broad valley, up one of the small side val- leys of the mountains. The small village has the name of New Alma- den, and it has few inhabitants that are not employed in or about the works or the mine. , The mine is about one mile from the works, and high up on the side of the mountain. The cinnabar is brought down on mules that carry about lbs. each, and make two trips a ay. ae : ‘ I expected to find the ore in close relation with the deposit of ni tary age, and among bituminous shales, but in this I was disappo!n'ee- All the tertiary beds appear to have been washed away, and hard seT- pentine and trappean rocks constitute a large part of the ridge in ah the ore is found. There are however large outcrops of sedimentary rocks, composed of alternating beds of argillaceous shales and Se 2 ES aie Mineralogy and Geology. A439 of flint; they are highly tilted and much flexed. They are unlike any of the tertiary series that I have seen in the state, and I am inclined to refer them to the lower Silurian age. ) ore appears to be mingled with the strata of this formation ina series of beds and interlaminations. The mine and works are now under the management and general superintendence of Capt. H. W. Halleck, formerly of the U. 8. Engi- neer Corps. An adit level bas been run in for 900 feet, cutting the old workings about 200 feet below the former entrance to the mine; this adit is 10 feet by 10, and is well timbered. A railroad of 4 feet guage has been laid down throughout its length, and all the ore and refuse rock of the mine is brought out in cars that are weighed as they pass the office of the mine, and pass to the dressing floors, or to the attle heap. ‘The irregularities and contorted windings of the excavations of the mine can scarcely be imagined ; they extend in all directions. The transit between the upper and lower workings is effected by means of stairs or rude steps cut in the slopes, often replaced by notched poles instead of ladders. ‘The ore has been followed and excavated wherev- er it could be found, and occasional pillars are left to support the roof. The prevailing opinion among the miners and others appears to be that there is no regular vein of the ore—that it is a “ pocket,” a ‘de- posit,” &c. ‘ The great width and number of the beds has confounded all ideas of extension or prolongation in any particular direction, and led to the general belief that the bed is “as broad as it is long,” and the mode of working conforms to this view. ‘The character of the deposit may not be that of a crue vein, but that it has a determinate extension and di- rection I have not the slightest doubt, and I had. abundant evidence of the fact. There is no reason why systematic mining should not be practised, both on the score of economy and safety. The ore is divided into lenticular masses by intercalations of rock of variable thickness, and these are often filled with seams and veins of the sulphuret. N lines cavities in the masses of cinnabaf, and is then finely crystallized, and sometimes contains small quantities of bitumen in cavities, and im- planted in globules among the crystals. Sulphurets of iron and copper and arsenical pyrites are associates of the ore, but occur in very small quantity. Gol is said to have been found frequently in small quantities. 1 searched for crystals of cinna- bar in vain, it is all massive, but presents various shades of color, and fresh fractures possess great brilliancy and beauty. The mine is so free from water that the vein is scarcely decomposed atany point. If this had been the case, there would probably be so interesting mercurial salts formed along the walls. The mining is principally performed by Mexicans and by Yaqui ians. ese are eG _ ® Similar rocks (talcose and argillaceous shales and a Jasper rock) occur north of the harbor Francisco; they are more or less metamorphic, and probably not iz Oe ee tee! aie Fa vig) 9 older than stated above by Mr. Blake—s. v. >. enh eM oN a SE 440 Scientific Intelligence. miners, and endure much hard labor. One or two Cornish men had condensing chambers. Some improvements can yet be made, espe- cially in the apparatus for condensation, as a small quantity of mercu- coating on their tops. I have before me a specimen of cinnabar from a new vein recently discovered in Sonora. It has been found in small quantities only, an parts of the vein near the surface. They occupy small cavities in the — and are apparently derived from the decomposition of the sul- phuret. F 5. Conistoniie.—In a recent letter from R. P. Gree, Jr., (dated Man- chester, Eng., March 17,) we have received a drawing of another crys tal of Conistonite, which has on the angles, the planes of a brachydome, in addition to those of the figure on p. 133. He gives also the follow: ing revised angles, M: M@=97° 5', M: e-—=122° 55, M: c(brachydome) == 117° 30, e:e==121° 0, ¢:¢ (10p) =96° 50’, c: ¢ (base) =83° 10, 1. On the Age of the large Tree recently felled in California; by A. Gray. (Read before the American Academy of Arts and-Sciences-) ~-The age attained by the largest known trees is a matter of considera- ble interest ; but it is seldom that an opportunity occurs of testing " by . ig is said 10 a shell, is now on exhibition at Philadelphia. The trank of this tree “‘was sound from the sapwood to the centre ;” and its annual layers are very distinct to the naked eye in pieces of the wood in my posse sion. he size of this tree is such as to give ita presumptive claim 10 rank among the oldest of the present inhabitants of the earth ; its lengli being 322 feet; the diameter of the trunk at 5 feet from the grow® Botany and Zoology. 441 ity of the proprietor of the section now at Philadelphia. ‘This section was taken at the height of 25 feet from the ground, and, according to the measurement of my friend, Thomas P. James, Esq., of Philadel- phia, it is about 124 feet in diameter, including the bark. Mr. James, at my request, has taken careful measurements of the wood itself, ex- cluding the bark. The three diameters taken by him, respectively meas- ure 9 feet 6 inches, 10 feet 4 inches, and 10 feet 104 inches; the aver- age diameter of the trunk at the height of 25 feet from the ground, is @ litle over 10 feet 3 inches. From the statements which have appeared, it would seem as if the layers had actually been counted, and ascertain- ed to be 3000 in number. ‘This surely ought to have deen done ; but an examination of the statements does not prove that it was. Mr, Lobb’s statement, as definite and reliable as any, is, that ** the trunk of the tree in question was perfecily solid, from the sapwood to the centre: an judging from the number of concentric rings, its age has been eslima- ted at 3000 years.” The number of layers, therefore, has only been estimated ; and we are not in possession of the exact data on which the estimate was found- the centre, giving the rate of the tree’s growth as a young and middle- aged tree, when it must undoubtedly, like other trees, have increased more rapidly than in later years. Dr. Lindley, | find, (in the Gardener’s Chronicle), has accredited the estimate which assigns to this tree an age of above 3000 years; stating give up the odd 500 years. ‘There isa further consideration. At 25 feet rom the ground the diameter of the wood is less than 10 feet 4 inches. Here the rate of two inches in diameter in 20 years would give the trunk an age of only 1230 years, so that on these data, the tree in its The section of the trunk at Philadelphia bas been hollowed out, by fire and other means, toa shell of 3 or 43 inches in thickness. Of this doubtless be supplied hereafter. The data at hand, however, will suf- fice for determining an age which the tree cannot exceed, unless it be posed to have grown more slowly during the earlier % of its exist- ence than during its later years, which is directly contrary to the ascer- tained fact in respect to trees in general. Now the piece of wood in my hands exhibits an average of 48 layers in an inch. The semi-diameter 442 Scientific Intelligence. of the trunk at the place whence it was taken is about 5 feet 2 inches. If the tree increased in diameter at the same rate throughout, there would have been 2976 annual layers; which, allowing 24 years for the tree to have egress: ihe height of 25 feet, would give it an age of 300 years froin the seed. ‘This mre so closely with Dr. Lindley’s estimate that we pa suppose him to have employed equivalent data in a similar manner. How great a deduction must we make from this es- timate, in consideration of the greater thickness of the layers as a younger tree? ‘The only direct data 1 possess bearing on this — are derived from a piece of a transverse section 3$ inches deep, o “rail,” which the exhibitor says was taken from the trunk at the height of 275 feet from the ground. As its layers, on a breadth of nearly gths of an inch, show only a slight curvature, it must have come from a part of the trunk still of several feet in diameter. On this settion the exterior inch, nearly all alburnom, contains 90 Jayers ; the next 60; the next 45, the remaining half inch 16, making 32 to the inch. That the exterior layers shou ld. be thinner at this height than those near the base ree, is just what wouid be expected. If we apply this ratio of decrease of the number of layers to the inch as we proceed inwards, within that part of the anoalibcce which ] have examined, have — only 17 layers to the inch, which taken as the average thickness, would make the tree only 1034+4-24— 1058 years old. But it is not probable that the thickness of the layers increases so rapidly. | The data we pos- sess on other trees goes to show that a tree after it is 400 or 500 years old, increases in diameter at a pretty uniform rate for each 20 additional years, on the whole, although the difference in the thickness of any of an old one, ett ee! we Witla not be warrauted in assuming more than the average of 17 layers to the inch for the whole sectio Some useful data m may be obtained from a tree more eit related in semi-dia it to — roe at the intermediate ratio of 35 layers per the nex —— and at the actual rate of the last rentury ts ascer- tained by inspection), namely at 48 layers per inch, for | yy ee 10 inches, we on ae assign to it the age of 2066 years. as it Botany and Zoology. 443 probable age. | think it more likely to be shown, when the wanting data are supplied, that the tree does not antedate the Christian era. There are said to be 80 or 90 such trees, of from 10 to 20 feet in di- ameter, growing within the circuit of a mile from the one felled. When the next of these venerable trees are wantonly destroyed, it is to be hoped that its layers will be accurately counted on the whole sec- tion, and the thickness of each century’s growth carefully measured on the radius. The tree in question is a near relative of the Redwood of California, namely the Zaxodium sempervirens of Don, of late very properly distinguished as a separate genus under the unmeaning and not eupho- nious name of Sequoia, a tree now grown in England, and Speen also in our own vicinity, where it is barely hardy, My friend, Dr. Torrey, has for nearly a year possessed specimens of folin ze of this tree, which he took to be a new species of Sequoia. The fruit and branches of the jutipar like foliage (probably only one form of a dimorphous foliage, which is common in Cypressinee) having been re- ceived in England from Mr. Lobb, by Dr. Lindley and Sir. Wm. lingtonia. The wood is, I believe, much the,sume as that of Sequoia sempervirens, which tree also attains a gigantic size. The principal characters yet ascertained are that the cones of We/llingtonia are ob- Jong and have a thick woody axis. Additional materials are needed to confirm the genus, if such it Synopsis Plantarum Gluniacearim, autore E. G. Steuben, fase. Grim we, p. 1-80. Stutigart, 1854. Imp. 8vo.—The oe in this new revision of Gaines: are about < full as those of Kunth’: Enumeratio Plantarum: the references less full. The large page is compact mee in double columns, so that eleven such fascicull may, as takes in the Oryzee, ee Phalaridee (in which Zea is still included !) and the greater part of the Panicea,—among them 568 species of Pa- nicum ! without aeahik the end of that genus. A proper snk coe 3. Lindley’s Folia Orchidacea: part 5, was published in Eatiniane last. It comprises 8 genera, of which the il ncipal as to — a) Species are Brassia, Sobralia, and Celogyn 4. Epistole Caroli a Linné ad Fgh de Jussien Iurdiva, mutue Bernardi ad Linneum; curanie Adriano de Jussieu, (Ex A Acad. Art. et Scient. Amer. ser. nov. tom. v.) 354 = opp. 54, hoe lt is somewhat singular that the correspondence of these two founders of modern botany should have remained so long unpublished (except- ing translations into English of several of the letters published by Sir J. E. Smith); and it is not a little remarkable that it should at length be given to the world in this country, as a contribution by the lamented editor to the publications of an American scientific society of which he was a distinguished foreign member. ‘The notes furnished by Adrien de Jussieu possess the sad interest of having been the last scientific oc: Cupation of the last of the Jussicu’s. The ‘publication makes a han aie ee of ne ammeiss of the American and Scien The greater part of the extra co of As 444 Scientific Intelugence. have been vos rete to the family of the editor for distribution nim his ep aeape frien calities erty Habits of certain species of Insects, &c. ; by ai P. Kir Faantcsdiis vol. xiii, page 336 of the Amer. Jour. of Science, were described the Libythea Bachmanii and the Macroglossa balteata, from solitary specimens, captured many years since at Poland, O., lit- tle was known respecting them. monte facts in regard to their fotsiities and habits have been aed obtaine n June last, while visiting the late Wm. Jenisbap of pat pegs several specimens of the first tert insect in his collection. formed me that they visited his gardens ev ery year, in rather limited numbers, but he had never diienuaead them in their larva state. Subsequently Dr. Hoy, of Racine, Wis., furnished me with many fine specimens. From him I learn that during a brief period of about two weeks, they resort in great numbers to the flowers of the garden raspberry, (Rubus Idveus), and are seen at no other time. During their sojourning they doubtless deposit their eggs ou some species of vegeta tion, which affords appropriate food for their larva. Whether their re- sort to the flowers of the raspberry is for that purpose, or to obtain f for themselves, has not been asce ager 3 It is evident that one brood only can be produced in a summ The Macroglossa I found in Dr. "Hoy? s cabinet, as also in Gov. Far- well’s collections at Madison, Wis., and learned that it is proto abe seen in different parts of that state. In its habits it is said to resemble the Sesia pelasgus. From what I have ascertained, I conclude that the Libythea is some- times found as far east as Bastin, Mass., but that both it and the Macro- glossa belong more appropriately to sections of the prvtees west of Ohio. The crustaceous animal, closely allied to the Palemon vulgaris of Say, taken by oat of. Baird at Port Sarnia, in Canada, [ have recently captured in Rocky River, seven miles west of Cleveland. This animal i Prof. Dana has, ; believe, decided to be —— new, and related in genus to Anchistia of the Paleemonide IV. Astronomy. 1. Comet V, 1853, (Astron. Jour., No. 67.)-—This comet, discovered Mr. Van Awebite: on the 25th of November last, was obse served at Gottingen by ee on December 2. Professor S. ALEXAN- ieee | of Princeton, N. J., has obtained the following elements of its orbit from Van ARSDALE’S obbérvalions of Nov. 30, Dec. 27, and Jan. 21. T. 1854, Jan. 54: ee as 3 aay ich. Long. st aaron belion 1b) 7”) Mn. Eqnx .node, - - . Pe 5 27 Jan. 1. ticitssnos é : 66 1153 Log. of betihelich dist. : - 03097879 Motion retrograde, enison died i ra last. His was a life of vicissitudes, He was at one riod a pesto of Com ah 1. Inthe retired situation in which he spent anu of the last years of 4 life, near Dayton, O., amusing Bins self with horticulture, 2 of natural science. hi amiabl Jents and (tain nor te and i Miscellaneous Intelligence. 445 2. Obituary. vie Dealiih r A. C. Perersen, (Astron. Jour., No. 68. —This eminent sasiaieniad has recently en his earthly labors, For many years he had been connected with the Observatory at Altona. His numerous contributions to the botreiiniaisat Nachrichten continued fallen upon Petersen. To him, in conjunction ri Preteenar Hansen, of Altona. And he possessed in a signal degree the ‘oie qualities of heart and soul which have endeared the weil of Schumacher to all who knew him. Warm hearted, unselfish, true, devoted to science, to duty, and to his friends, he has left a void which it will not be easy to fill.” V. MiscELLANEous INTELLIGENCE. 1. seeaitns of ri Pt Observations a at Burtngton, yy “¢ in 1853; by Z. Tuompson.—Location, Lat. 44° 29’, ie & one ‘tile east of Lake Chattiplaie and 256 Py "ghee i or 246 ot above tide. 1853. THERMOMETER. BAROMETER, Months, Mean. | Highest. |Lowest.| Range.| Mean. |Highest, | Lowest. | Range. ° °o Jamary, . . |1963{ 45 |-11 | 56 | 2976 | 3045 | 2854] 1-91 re eae i yea y ~10 57 29°68 | 30°13 | 2886 | 1:27 .| March, ‘ 277 | 64 1 53 29°57 | 30-28 | 28°84 | 1: April, . 42:58 | 77 22 55 2963 | 3000 | 2870 | 1:30 ay, -. 4) 66419 |. BT 27 60 2965 | 3008 | 29°38 June, : 6727 | 94 48 51 29°72 | 30°02 | 2940 62 July, > 6870 | 90 50 40 29°71 | 29°94 | 29°39 55 ¥ 6815 | 95 44 51 2965 | 29°90 | 29°28 62 September, 59°48 | 93 30 63 29°10 | 2997 | 2910 87 October, 47:02 | 170 23 47 29°67 | 30:14 | 29:09 | 105 November, y+ ee 9 53 29°93 | 3050 | 29:09 | 141 : 22°94 2 ~4 46 29°67 | 3001 | 2874] 127 Annual mean, | 4521! 95 -11 '106 ' 2969 ' 3050 2854' 196 ___ 18538. WINDS, ATHER ow, | WATER N. IN.E. BE. ts. ®.) S. 1S. WOW, {N. Ww. Fair. | Cloudy. Inches. Inches, January, . 8/011} 101 1;T) S| 16°) 16 4 1-22 February,. | 10} 2/1/4) 9) 0/0} 8] 18 | 15 29 3-94 March, . . 4 POE i Gat wk! aoa Yo ent a 10 14 1-70 OM a PO £84 Ok 2 ek 9 14 2°25 me oroerae ty yy righ 111] ¢{ I 1. 18 0 | 395 i, ee 5101/11/00] I6) 1/4] S| 2% 5 0 1-74 gg: Rae 612)1 18) 5/2} 8] 2 4 0 312 August, 8,10 15} 3/1} 2| 2 5 0 346 September, | 11 SRR Cao: er eae eee 9 0 567 ber, 2 1} 2] 12 6| 6] 20 11 4 3:04 November, 81110] 2/11 2} 5} 15 15 4 217 ber, TO) 7 VO} 2) 14) 211) 2) 4 14 8 079 94 14 (8 !17 144° 18 Metae! 236 | 129 | 90 * $806 | Been Sk ane Ssoons 2 ee Vol. XVII, No. 51.—May, 1854, 446 Miscellaneous Intelligence. The results given in the above _ are derived from three daily observations, made at sunrise, 1 P. M., an .M. e€ mean temperature of 1853 was one- half of a degree warmer than the average of the preceding 15 years. The warmest dwy was the 12th of August, the mean heat of which was 834°; and, on the same day, the thermometer was highest in the shade, standing at 95° at3v.m. The coldest day was the 26th of January, which averaged — 3°, or 3° below zero; and the greatest cold was — 11°, on the morn- ing of January 27th. “The barometer was — on the 27th of November, when it stood at 30:50 inches, and low n the 24th of Hehe standing at 28°54 inches, showing a range for he year of 1-96 in The range of the inaepooioee was 8° less, aa that of the barom- The fall of water in rain and snow, was just 1 inch more than the mean annual fall in the prctiling fifieen years, (which was 32-05 inches) and 4°23 inches more than in 1852. The fall of water in De- cember, 1853, was less than in any December in the preceding 15 Pe at and less than half the average for December, that being about ‘D inches. The fall of snow was 13 inches ee: Sg in 1852, and 19 inches more than in 1851. During the pear ere were 54 days of tolerable A; rubeim; White kim, U, calle cana; Barn 1 ila soi May 9h, Tree Toads, H: versicolor ; 18th, Bobolink, I. agripennis 17:b, Plums in es 21st, May Bugs, M. aurecied | 22d, Pears in blossoms 26th, Cra b Apple, Sheckn: 27th, Com n Apple. he appearances of the Aurora Borealis at Butbagisic in 1853, noted in my journal, were as follows: January 4th, A bright e* in os N., but no distinct arch; 6th, ibid ; 8th, a Sadie arch j in } ¢ February 8th, Glow of light in ’N. W.; 14th, a well formed arch, 12° high at 9 Pp. m. March Tib, Faint Aurora at 8 Pp. m.; 8th, very splendid from = ie 10 P a.; 10th, ibid, with a well defined flat arch, 15° ba at 10 P. 30th, faint. Miscellaneous Intelligence. _ AAT April 1st, Aurora Borealis in N. E., arch 10° high at 9 p. wm; 5th, Aurora very splendid, commenced as the clouds — a little be- fore 9 p. m., and increased in brightness till 10. At 94 it consisted of an exceedingly bright glow in the north, rising nearly to the pole-star. At 10 it rose considerably above the pole, with numerous bright pillars of light lower down; 7th, a very fine Aurora, with the principal arch nearly stationary from 8h to 10 v. m., and its vertex about 10° high ; 10th, faint. May Ast, Faint Aurora low in the — ; 2d, meteor very splendid, at o N 8 faint, at 84 a regular arch from E. . W., 6° above the pole; at 55" a corona formed 8° S. W. ee the zenith, with the radiations very distinct and beautiful. The meteor was very changeable, and the streamers at times exhibited a dazzling brightness. 4th, faint Aurora, with no distinct arch; 6th, ibid; 7th, chides 3ist, ibid. June 2d, Aurora Rorsalis faints 8th, ib bids Oth, ibid. July 4th, Faint Aurora; 10th, ibid; 12th, fine Aurora, with stream- ers fitting rapidly at 95; 23d, faint Aurora in N August 3ist, Slight Auroral light. September Ist, Fine Aurora, commenced at 9 P. m. and continued through the night; 2d, very fine Aurora which continued ——— the night, ,—at 9 P. m. there was a flat arch under the pole, 15° high; 3d, another fine Aurore: with a distinct arch under the pole, 25° hak at 9 10th, faint Aurora ; 24th, ibid. or tars 31st, Slight Aurora low in N, November Ist, Ibid. December 4th, Beautiful Aurora, bright arch low in the N.; 8th, faint —_ light in in tract of a letter from Colonel J. C. Fremont, respecting his eeboneite for the route of a Railroad to the Pacific [The letter from which extracts are here given was prepared by Col. Fremont for publication shortly before he set out on his journey, oa for particular reasons it was not printed at the time.” Those reasons no the correspondence of Col. F. should be given to the public. The name of the person to whom the principal letter is addressed need not en. | “My own journeys through our interior mountains had already in 1847 satisfied me that a direct railroad route ought to be searched for along the parallel of 38° 39’. Information acquired from all sources the Three Parks, with the numerous ee fae igp enclose t waters of the South Platte, the Arkansas, and the Del Norte on 8 one side, and the sources of the East Fork of the Great Colaraiee: on 1 the other. pre dt rie sah ne eat Vs aie) es ap sii y er z ‘ Ser ee side Hi “mags 1 en Sea AE SO TOL PER A a ae Mee TOE be ee - jo Reena as A pc ga Sai a a TRA Acc on nl ua a ab lc ct a 448 ' Miscellaneous Intelligence. Since 1847 my attention has been continuously occupied with this line, and with this section of the Rocky Mountains through which I have proposed that the great road should pass, entering the valley of the Colorado through the valley of the San Luis or Upper Del Norte. To this point my own examinations have been extended, with the satis- factory result of finding a way easy and good, through a broad and fertile country, allowing straight roads and choice of jines with contin- uous and expanded settlements. Such a line seems to comprehend all the advantages which ought to be combined in a trunk road to the Pa- cific. It is direct, central, and feasible of construction; it commands the most practicable pass, and best known route for a branch road into Oregon, and would be the means of forming a new and great state of this Union—the Switzerland of America. With these views I attempted, but was prevented from exploring it in 1847. In 1848 I resumed the attempt in an expedition which was de- feated in its complete result; but was successful so far as it went, and completely successful so far as it realized my own idea. About this time finding myself owner of a property which promised to be of extraordinary value, [ conceived the idea of wholly devoting it, as far as it would go, to the prosecution of the work; and on m I started for Washington. On my arrival I found the [U. States] explo- g parties were fully organized, and the Government commands al- ° ° a 5 Ss S = =) S ° =r 5 pe os — ra <= oO 2) g QoQ. @ Q. ound o ie) i] my. = << = ~ the road which shall go through the state of California from San Fran- cisco to its western frontier, at whatever point the road from the East should strike it. Under this deprivation of resources, I can only go on with one branch of my intended enterprise, that of completing my examinations of the country between the Upper Del Norte and the valley of the San Joaquin. Upon this line I propose to make a double examination— Miscellaneous Intelligence. 449 going out before the snows fall, and returning in mid-winter. A winter exploration, in making me acquainted with the depth and prevalence of the snows, and the extent of their impediments to winter traveling, would enable me to jae é ciepseyred of some points very material to the right decision of the question The field of apes! mii over an expanse of mountain wilder- ness extending the whole length of our domain from north to south. In view of the enduring and “unchangeable character of the work, no line can be considered approximately. sab oat cas until all possible in- formation should have been obtained, so that the best route, under eve- ry aspect for the country, may be adopt "To meet the actions of the next Congress, will give ample employment to all the labor that can be brought to it, and my examinations therefore must necessarily contribule to the mass of materials for the solution of the question. Whatever may be the results at which I arrive, they shall be fairly = baie to the public, as an element in aid of their decisions. nally, and above every other consideration, | have a natural desire to do something in the finishing up of a great work in which | had been so long engaged. I do it with the object and the hope of adding to the thvorable Seonadetatiste which (f may be permitted to say) have recognized the disposition I had already shown to serve the country. A deference to this favorable opinion, which I should regret by any act to impair, makes the ocaasion fur the: present letter. I felt that some explanation was due to the public for taking part as a private individual in this public concern, and was unwilling to leave the motives of the present journey exposed to misconstructions. I judged therefore that a clear statement of them would not be considered improper or un- called for.” Soon after Col. Fremont started on his journey, illness forced him to return to St. Louis for medica é Y tal Pat 1) Q S iar] i] 7) ° a - pel @ = = oO + c ia had become “ neuralgic sciatica.” He had been free from it for a year or more, but the great change of living seemed to develop it again. After a delay of just a month, he was “able to make a second start, leaving Westport the 2st of October. During his illness, his party, Which consists of some twenty-two men (half being Delaware Indians,) Waited for him about a hundred and fifty miles from the frontier. On re- joining them, Col. Fremont wrote that the animals were all in bad travel- trading post where corn could b ured in its place. From this Cause he anticipated aaah delay, as his ast letters prove was the case. His own health however was so entirely restored, that, with ve success uerreotypist, and some other causes of satisfaction, he writes xt steam Suppose his calculations may prove just, and that he will have reached San Francisco in February—about a month since. Extracts from letters from Bent’s New Fort, Nov. 24, 1853. * The expedition so far, has been successful —- to gratify all Our a both in its general results, and in its particular object. per ED ly sane Me pee gs AW eM 450 Miscellaneous Intelligence. r way forward now will in a few days become a struggle with the winter, forcing our way on and preserving the lives of men and ani- ls, while at the same time we carry on the work uninterruptedly. It will amount to a wintering in the mountains, but will be a progressive , one, and will fulfill all the requisitions of a winter there, as the two months of December and January exhaust the strength of the winter. Rite em ithout some bad mischance, you may expect when you next hear from me, to learn of good results.” ‘Our condition as regards the efficiency of the camp in animals, is very bad, as regards the work we have done and are doing, very good. Provided we can reach the San Joaquin valley in the same position, our main object will be accomplished. Before reaching this place, we had lost thirteen animals. I arrived here with difficulty, traveling 10 or 12 miles a day, and having nearly all my party on foot. In the early part of the month we had encountered severe weather, the daylight ther- mometer being at 15° and 17°, and the buffalo had so eaten off the 3s, indifferent as it was, that our animals were nearly starved. [Lam determined to carry this enterprise through. We will fight with the winter, and every other obstacle, to the end, prudently and cautiously, but never giving way. In the mean time, we shall do a valuable work. The astronomical, barometrical, and topographical work all goes on well. After surmounting some difficulties which required much skill to remove, the daguerreotypist has been eminently successful, and we are producing a series of pictures of exquisite beauty which will admi- rably illustrate the country. Every successive picture improves upon its predecessor, and those of yesterday were jewels. They were of the Cheyenne village here among the timber. As we go on, and the mountains rise before us, the views will become more interesting. The coal formation re-appears in this neighborhood, and I have be- come acquainted with a locality where the coal-beds are said to be de- veloped largely. The coal has been tried and found to burn perfectly 3. On the Action of Alkalies on Rocks; by M. Devesse, (communica- ted for this Journal by the author.)*--In order to study the action of alkalies on rocks, | have taken the powder of the rock under trial, and have heated it with a solution containing a quintuple weight of potash ; I have then determined what substances were contained in the potash solution. As a large number of rocks contain water, after I have dried the residue from the action of the potassa and determined its weight, I bring it to a red heat and take anew its weight; in this way | have obtained for different rocks the following comparative results : * This paper should have had a place among the articles of this number. =~ ’ Miscellaneous Intelligence. 451 tree et | iB Iv. | v. | vi. | via. fvini.| 3x. ; . | XII { xa, Tra ra~ |T ra- |Perti-/Reti-'Reti-Per- | Ob- | Eu- |P. Mela-} Ba-|Black} Por- chyte chyte| nite. ‘nite, nite, |lite alle rite.|gonite phyre salt | leva. phyry Siltca ie ived by potash, 36-0 00 i % ee 12:23) 9 £0)19°5: | | 11-45! 7-05 | 850 | 7 6C; : in 335. Alum 1-16} 1-25) 18 378) 1-55} 2:10} 220° 2 8h i. Total = of rock va | } 9 — er — ition lars 5| 27°27 30 89 16 at i BE] 24 hes eed 20/18°60 | 18-41 [15 3&| 8°50 | 5°80 the residue. } : L Brownish red Trachyte with gray globules and blackish mica, from Hungary. IL Trachyte “ molaire,” with a little orthoclase and mica, from Hungary. IIL. Blackish brown Pertinite, from Planitz. a Globulous Retinite of a —— color, from Meissen. . Retinite without lustre, ery r esinous, from Sardinia. VEG Grayish white and black Perit, shies Cape de Gata VIL Deep black Obsidian, from Lipar VILL Argillaceous Eurite, of a tir re di coker; from Saxony. IX. Mist iane brow igre lagonite, with a resinoid paste, from Teeland. X. Mel aphyre with a dark walt paste containing greenish-white Labradorite, from Belfah . ea _ a backs paste and Bie ewe of Bt from Bohemia. XITL Bla n Lava, from the s of XML Qunrtaierous oak yry with a oaltilat sisas of a reddish-gray color and glassy quartz, from Saxony, pals The cS general conclusions may be ded When a rock is attacked by an alkali, some ning as well as silica is removed, with also some water, potash and soda ; besides also a litile ime, magnesia, and traces.of oxyd of iron. The amount of silica re- moved exceeds that of all the other substances. The alumina and water follow next after the silica in amount removed. Granite is not thus attacked when boiled with an alkaline solution ; Quariziferous Porphyry is feebly attacked, losing sone 2 hundredths. Lava, Basalt, and Melaphyre, lose less than 20 per Trachyte, Retinite, Perlite and Obsidian, suffer tos Taree loss, but rock containing water is attacked much less readily by alkalies af- ter it has been calcined ; for the Perlite of Cape de Gata, for example, the loss before and after ee is nearly as 23 to A rock is much more easily attacked when partially decomposed. Argillaceous Eurites or Kaolins, which are only desomateed granitic rocks, experience a much greater loss than the granitic roc Other things sil, the action of the alkalies is greater the larger the amount of silica, or the oe crystalline their structure, and the less of hyaline quartz they conta The vitreous rocks, wich: eoitaie little or no quartz, like Retinite, Faplite. Obsidian, Trachyte, are strongly attacked by alkalies. substit ituting alkaline carbonates for the alkalies, phir rocks, and BSA 5 the vitreous, are still attacked, but to a less extent. The facility with which the alkalies and even the alkaline carbonates attack rocks, shows that it is difficult to use them for separating the free or immediately soluble silica which may exist in a rock, especia in clays and kaolins I observe, also, that in obsidian, for example, the silica which is dis- solved is not free silica, but it is in the condition of a silicate attackable by the alkali; so also with Retinite, the silica is not in the state of opal, as — satiate but in that of an attackable hydrosilicate. Ina 452 Miscellaneous Intelligence. word, i in all vitreous or porphyritic rocks, hydrated or not, the silica is in combination, forming a compound, not definite, which the alkali attacks, and which is the paste of the rocks. The waters of infiltration which penetrate rocks contain always small proportions of alkaline salts, even near the earth’s surface ; and hence it is obvious that these salts should contribute towards the de- composition of the rocks and the formation of pseudomorphs. But at a small depth below, the waters are more largely etaroat with alkaline salis, and both temperature and pressure increase rapidly ; they may attack, therefore, quite strongly, the rocks with which they come in contact ; as happens notably ‘with mineral waters, geysers, ‘and other results of volcanic action. Consequently the action of alkalies or of alkaline salts on rocks plays an sh aphe part, not only in the forma- tion of pseudomorphs, but also in the chemical reactions which take 4, On the Prosopite of Scheerer ; by Jamrs D. Dana. — Prosopite is described as a new mineral by Scheerer_in Poggendorff’s Annalen, No. 10, 1853, p. 315. The —— occurs at the Tin mines of Alten- berg in crystals altered mostly to a kaolin; and from some qualitative trials of unaltered cepa it is reat: to consist of aluminium, cal- cium, fluorine and water. It had been regarded as a pseudomorph after Heavy Spar: Sohieeter. recognizes its relations to that species in the 132°, 1164°. Unlike Heavy Spar, the crystals are hemihedral. The faces of the Somes: are dull, and admit of measurement only with the common goniomete Scheerer suggests that the formula may be CaF-LAIFS, aoslagoes to that of Heavy Spar which is CaO-+-SO$. This comparison with Heavy Spar does not exhibit its true affinitie In fact the angles are almost identical with those of Datholite, with which it also agrees in its hemihedral character. ‘The following angles show this resemblance. The planes of Datholite oo referred to will be learned from the figures on page 215 of this volum _ Datholite. — E _Prosopite. 42 : 2 = 76° 44’ i2 : i2 = 17°-78° (=d : d! of Scheerer.) O : 22 = 135° O : 22= 135° (=C:B 2 : 2 (adj.) = 131° 52’ 2: 2 (adj.) = 132° (=z: 2’) i : 2t (top) = 115° 26 = : 2 (top) = 1164° (=o : 0’) 23 : 23 (adj.) = 118° 9 23 : 23 (adj.) = 119° =(t: ¢’) Owing to the disguised character of the mineral, it was named Pros- opite from go0uzevor, a mask—a name ceriainly well deserved. The symbols of the planes used above become Naumann’s on insert- a P, and putting & fori. The plane i3(aP%¥) is that usually considered aP. 5, Geological Survey of Tennessee.—The State of Tennessee has ordered a Geological Survey of its territory, and appointed to the work Prof. J. M. Safford of Cumberland University, Tennessee. ‘1 he ap- pointment is a most excellent one. Professor Safford is well prepared for the duties, and his final Reports will, Ht hee doubt, ae? both re uable and honorable to the State and to re Miscellaneous Intelligence. 453 6. Telegraphic Longitude at Brussels—Under this title, the Athe- neum of January 14th, states that the American method of determin- ing difference of longitude by means of the Electric Telegraph, has at last been introduced into Europe. “The Roya Observatory at Greenwich is now permanent spe tem by one line of wires with the South Eastern and Electric Telegraph System, and by another line with the System of the Submarine and Electric Telegraph.” At the observatories of Brussels and —- _ 3000 signals have been observed simultaneously for the compar of the two transit clocks, The lines are available also for experimenting on the time occupied by the passage of the galvanic pulse from Greenwich to Brussels and the reverse. And from “the observations thus far made, it appears that the time is “ pretty accurately one-tenth of a second.” ‘Rapid as is the velocity which this implies (about 2700 miles per second, supposing the velocity uniform along the whole line) it is much less rapid than that found in the experiments with Edinburgh (about 7600 miles per second), and still less than that determined on some of the American lines (about 18000 miles per second). The difference undoubtedly depends on the circumstance that the greater part of the line to Brussels is subter- ranean and submarine, which position of the wires, one in any de- gree impairing the insulation (which, perhaps, is the most perfect in the world), does by an ill-understood effect of induction, oes retard the speed of transit.” It is expected ‘Abt before long Greenwich will be connected in a similar way with the French and Dutch observatories, and these with others over Europe. ‘Nearly the whole of Europe is now covered with a net of geodetic triangulation, nopeopatn the western coasts of Ireland and France with the interior of Russia and borders of Turkey. The combination of the geodetic “pra ey the ascertained difference of longitude will afford one of the best materials for the measure of the ear! 7. The World 3 Science, Art and Industry, illustrated from Exam- ples in the New York cael “ee *B4. Edited by Prof. B. Sinit- MAN, Jr., and C. R. Goopricn, Esq., aided by several scientific and literary men. With 500 osetia, silo the superintendence of C, E. Dépler, Esq. 200 pp. 4to., New York, 1854, G. P. Pulnam.—This work, independently of the great number ‘and elegance of its ~ nea tions, has a high value asa record of the Exhibition at New 1853, « and also on account of the man essays it contains on aceon a with the recent progress of practical science and the va- rious a 8. The bhets Maganic Telegraph ; by Laurence Turnsutt, M.D., 2nd edition, revised and improved, illustrated by numerous engravings. 264 pp. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. A. Hart.--This work on the Tele- graph j ~ practical, scientific and historical, and the best exposition we have of the American system. Moreover, in an =< mated it contains several important telegraphic decisions and laws. The w improved by an — of the application of the Delegnaith to the de- termination of longitu Szcoyp Series, Vol. nn No. 51.—May, 1854. 58 454 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 9. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms, containing the true [?] law of lunar influence, with practical instructions to the navigator, 10. Fownes’? Chemistry for Students.—A new edition of this well es- tablished and valued work has just been published by Messrs. Blanchard & Lea, of Philadelphia, from the last Lond. edition by Drs. Bence, Jones and Hoffman. The American edition is edited with care by Dr. Bridges. 11. A Manual of British Mineralogy; by R. P. Gree, P.G.S., and W. G. Lertsom. Price £1 1s.--The British Mineralogy of Messrs. Greg & Lettsom is now in press and its appearance is prom- ised in the course of the season. he work, as we learn, and should infer from our knowledge of the authors, will be a thorough treatise on the minerals of Britain, and will contain a large amount of original matter, descriptions and figures of many new forms of crystals, new analyses, besides statistical and other useful information respecting the mines of Britain and their products. The work will be illustrated by nearly 300 wood-cuts and a few colored lithographic plates, illustrating some unique and remarkable specimens. 12. My Schools and My Schoolmasters ; or, the Story of My Educa- tion, by Hucu Minter. Edinb., Johnstone & Hunter. (Extracts from a notice in the Athenzeum of March 11, 1854).—Mr. Miller’s grandfa- ther was a buccaneer—his father was a sailor-—to whom he was born, force on his schoolmaster, who tried to flog him because he would not that which (to avail ourselves of one of Mr. Ruskin’s fantastic figures of speech) creative wisdom has written in the caverns of the earth. His kith and kin, some of them pure Highlanders, were men of marked character,—-so that, with these surroundings, and these propensities of mind and endowments of body, there was small chance of the Cro- marty boy lacking such adventures as serve a bold spirit for schooling, ~_ was no alternative for him save to betake himself to manual labor. garding this again, he shall tell his own story. A The husband of one of my maternal aunts was a mason, who, con- tracting for jobs on a small scale, usually kept an apprentice or (Wo and employed a few journeyman. With him [ agreed to serve for pe term of three years ; and, getting a suit of strong moleskin elothe Miscellaneous Intelligence. A455 and a pair of heavy hob-nailed shoes, I waited only for the breaking up of the winter frosts to begin work in the Cromarty quarries—jobbing masters in the north of Scotland usually combining the profession of the quarrier with that of the mason. * * ¥ straint that confined me for day after day to this spot, I would perhaps have paid little attention to either. * * *# r eventful and instructive history, the final result of which, in the able geologist, Hugh Miller, is familiar to all. 13. Annual of Scientific Discovery, or Year Book in Science and Art for 1854—exhibiting the most important discoveries and improve- ments in Mechanics, Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, &c., edited by Davin A. Wetts, A.M. Boston, 1854. Gould & Lincoln. 14. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. v, 1853.—Art. I. Introduction. IL. A Flora and Fauna within living animals ; by Joseph Leidy, M. D. IIL. Memoir upon the Extinct Species of Fossil Ox; by J. Leidy. I; b a Gray. 15. Seventh Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smith- Sonian Institution for the year 1852. Washington, 1853. Wm. Stimrpson: Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, or the region about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick-—From the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 56 pp. 4to, with two plates. Contains descriptions of many new species and Some new genera in the different orders of Invertebrata. Dr. J. Vicror Carus: System der thierischen Morphologie, 506 Pp. 8vo, with 97 wood-cuts. Leipzig, ; gelmann. Hanns Bruno Geinitz: Die Versteinerungen der Grauwackenfor- mation in Sachsen und den angrenzenden Lander-abtheilungen. Heft Il. Ato, with 20 lithographic plates. Leipzig, 1853. W. Engelman 456 Miscellaneous Intelligence. —This work a the preceding were received too late for a further no- tice in this nu PaLZONTOGRAPHICAL ‘peg Volume for 1853—rich in its con- tents, containing Part IV of Fossil Corals of Great es Part 1V . Net G ia) ee - r bor) a} — _— — ° mr ~ a @ Q i be] gg al = wn O 2 ~~ oa SS MD iq") be) re I oO n <* _— aes o soa - cal pees is one guinea. E. Sasine: Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological enrciaty at Hobarton, in Van Diemen Land, poe by the order of Her Majesty’s Government, under the superintendence of Col. Ed- ward Sabine, of the Rope prllose. Vol. il, sharers with 1846. 622 pp. 4to. London, 185 American Association "for the Advancement of Science.——The — meeting of the Association will be held in ie ae D.C., mencing with Wednesday the twenty-sixth of April F. pig Practical Mineralogy, Assaying — Mining, etc., 2nd Edition. 230 pp. 1ett0. Philadelphia. need & Blakiston, 1853. Pe n Antiquities, by dward Bay and John James ite: bay shar translated into English by Fokneia ry Hawks. ar dies - New York, 1 P. Put = A work of great popuiet and scientific s D. Forses: Norway and its Glaciers visited i in 4T03 followed by Journals aft Excursion in the High vm bh of Dauphiné, Berne, and Savoy. Edinburgh, 1853. oe g i ~~. ie o on, s Mo = Ros 0 pp. 4to, with 2 tables. Leipzig, 1853. Also, Neue steieaahil ungen + die ‘pti atin Geographie und die ponies der Alpen, by Adolph Rttntwen und Her ee chlagintre KOCEEDINGS OF THE Acap. N Scr. Puttapetpata, vol. Be On new Entomostracan of the family prorat (, & Limna bees “6 ys art 4 the Ancient Alluvium of the Ohio River and its Tributaries; A. 7. King.—p. 8. Notice of American Animals formerly known . now forgotten or lost; — Le Jonte.—p. 16. Descriptions of some new Coleoptera ares ar a : . Le G sgt —-p. 20. Synopsis of the Gidemeride of the United Sta ag ze ‘le Con ANNALS OF oe oe Ohio. he ea — ry Binion * a plants ; J. S. Newberry.—p. 4. Peecilosoma eryth um, a fish Rocky rive near Cleveland ; 7 "Pp Hirtand—p 5. List of Suara Lap idoptera nt "Northern and Middle Ohio ; J. P. Kirtland. —p. 6. New locality of the Limnea megasoma ot Say; J.P. Kirtlane —p. 44. On the a or ovoviviparous gr tis ofa ® e 95 On of Fi an sr EO : diurnal Lepidoptera of Northern and Middle Ohio; J. P. Kirtland.—p.1 i. — of pre coals; J. 8. Newberry—p. 78. Revision of the species of the eg biting Lake Erie and the River Ohio; JP. Kirlland. Avuit~p. 100. On us acutus; L. A. Laphu Received from the Publishe _Gustav Lenz: Ueber die geschichtliche Enstehung des Rechts, Eine Kritik der der historisch Schule. 352 pp. 8vo. G@reisswald and Leipzig, 1854, ©. A. Koch's Ver- lags Buchhandlung, Theodor Kunike. Barer: Symi der christlichen se mem und Religions- -partheien. Erster Band. Symbolik der rémisch-katholischen Kirche. Erste Abtheilung, Die Idee und die Principien des rémischen i pap and Leipzig, C. A. Koch’s Verlags Buchhandlung, T. io - ae £ INDEX TO VOLUME XVII. A. zoic acid, alcohol of, 428 Academy of Sciences, Paris, prizes awarded \., mee nitruret of, formed from hippuric by, Spied s process s with pizcente, 267. elections to, Bi ti 103. election of a perpet ua; secretary, 262. yt Baan — Seats inkiin Licked ne of Sciences, Philadelphia, Proceed- Dever ; 433 neient lake in Colorado es icolees mine of California, 438, ings a Acid, decans of ge okirarb ook 403. ferroc ya nhydrie, preparation of, 125. fluohydric, vessels for preserving, 127. Aluroinum, preparation and properties of, 427. n of by electric deposition, 427 beset "Philos sates Society, Phitadel- a, Transactions 6. 25. of mang: nese, 126. Annals of Beicnte. noticed, 296. Annual of Scientific Disewsery, 454. pabides, on viviparous, W, I, Burnett, 62, Ara ee nas ication of works of, 263. Borate, Glad of several native, Becht, Brew r, D., on producing crystalline struc- bac is crystallized powders by compres- sion and traction, Bromine, separation of from iodine, 119. Bronze of sheathi on di of ships, 419, Buch, Von, eulo Bunsen ,on pe | affinity, 122 Burnett, W. E., on viviparous ‘Aphides, 62, 261 ws and records in Anatomy and Plt ch on Bh tiss' “Te ransiati on by, ‘Of t ” Siebold and — on Florid ; Butter, constitution of, 124. Cabinet of minerals for sale, 2 VCa Mornin, Serious tlake in Saloraite Desert, Blak age og ues nicks ie min ne of, 438. Aridiam, on the supposed aid metal, 122. +2 minerals, of furnaces, 128, Atomic phy of the elements, Jahns of, J. P. Cooke saree seen in Canada in 1853, 288. in Vermont in 1853, 446, B. Bailey, J. W., Microscopic examination of Soundings in the Atlantic Ocean, 176, new localities of fossil Diatomacew in as California and Oregon, Barnard, F. A. P., on heated air as a motive iodo n Storms, n iced, 4 Burilett s i ts of Analy Seal Mechanics, notice Balloons, ‘ascensional force of, in water, 118. Beer's * Opaik ik,” noticed, 272. - Benait on the Sliding Seale 420 van seaniens, Engelmann, 231. Chalk, depth of ocean during formation of, C hemical foot and oad high pressure, 267. Chemical affinity, 1 Chemistry, neatly notices in biography of Berzelius, 103. Enremete of Potash, menefectare e 269, and nickel, separation of, 1 Coal, ‘org 130. Come v oF 3833, 4 44, e, J P., relations and classification of eae: ‘elements, S37: peg logy of, it hee by bismuth, 419. eulo; Crawfis es, on habits of certain, 133. Crystals of caiohate of iodo-quinine, prepa- La talling of, pak or optical purposes, Sade rystallin produced by 458 D. Damour, on Descloizite, 434. Dan a, J. D, mineralogical contributions, 7 notice of Brooke and Miller Tee. ney i. 8 "iat of von Kobell’s Mineral-Namen, 9 on Haydenite of Cleveland, 82. erystallization of Brae Bes 83. crystallization of Hydromagnesite, 84. aa and Heulandite homceomourph- a ar ee Bey of some minerals, 85, 86, 210. on Anhydri trimorphisra ‘of Eaicie. Dreelite and Su sannite Dath lite, ‘crystals of, and homceomorph-_| ism with Euclas e, 215. INDEX. (Galvanic oor heating of wire by, 265. Genth, ae A., on a meteorite from New Mex- 1c, 2 23 9. GEOLO de Ay of « ocean during origin of chal ae on the gold-fields of Victoria, or ” Por ip, 279. globulif elessee, 168. on Lake Superior prac J. D. Whitney, A: parallelism of American rocks, 14, tape eries, | rian system of the Lake Superior re- a of. — 0 ig Geological m f Keweenaw Point, by J. D. hitney, Factiabs. 151. arcou’s noticed, 199. Geological periods, diversity and number of animals, L. Agassiz, 309. seg of Tennessee, J. M. Safford, in — morphism tok Calcite and Tourma- line, 2 a caecitbeink on the oer and rela-|) tions of some mineral species, 217, 275. homeeomerphism of oesmuenal and di-|\G . 452. rodro mus, noticed, 133. De la Rive's Electricity, noticed 420. rocks on crystalline limestones and pyrome- ride of the Vosges, ra on the action of Alkalies on rocks, 450 Deesig net, ee tpakvas of nitrutartaric acid, Dincwond, fae seed 136. on cut Diatomacere in ¢ alifornia and Oregon, 179. ‘Dolomite, Durovher on, 123. ene Farben! lehre, ete., noticed, 272. ge f the attraction of electro- -mag- E. Earthquake at Manilla, 135, Elec ctro-magnets, laws of the attraction of, erg Telegraph, Turnbull on, no- Bloussiane relations and classification of, J. P. Cooke, Ellery, J. GC otta’s eulogy on von Bue Engélmann, @. , on Cereus ree eos Ericsson’s air engine, Barnard un, 153. F, : te i Seen of northern New York, 2 hes of the southern bend of the’ Pecibi: Burnett on, 407. Fluohydrie. acid, vessels for preserving, 127. pe Bote —. Fremont, J. C., his recent Re hy Movkeda' Explorations, 447. Farn agg products, tallized, Sundberger, G. Gale, L. Doe Ee he arge of, 452 ibbs, Ww. panes abstracts, 121, 271, 411. Gilding of S Glob aiferous rors, Deloss 168. ye i — in ee Millon, 4 ing vessels of, by aid of phos- 285, ° S me é. 8 s 4 Es 5) va 2B: S —_ 8 Flora of New reg, ,on € onist« Greg and Basten s British “areal 454. H. Hailstorm, New York, E. Loomis, 35. Hailstones, figures - large, 37. Aull, J., on t the Silurian System of the Lake Superior Region, 181. Har rtwell, C.,on a ‘Pentiary Rainhow, 56. Heated Air Eng ine, F. A. P. Barnard on, 153. oi transmission of impres- elmholtz, on sions on Sex ie 8, 422. Hildreth, ig = Mapaoeskaieal Journal, for 1853, 2 Hippie acid, nitruret of benzoyl formed from, 4 itche sa , Or ee = the Geology of the Globe fe noticed, 2 syne i 6a of need of Zine and Co- rundum, ass i tte. Mineral Species, J. D. Dana, Hooker’ . Flora o w Zealand, introducto- ry Essay in, ba Nitec 241, and fs S, theoretical relations of Water a dr rogen, 19. ‘ ~ — ition of recent and fossil Lin- gule on ‘Aiea, 351. ae Infusoria in California and Oregon, J. W. etc., \ Bailes 2m ; INDEX. Jenison, death of, 4 Jussieu’s Epist. dion: noticed, 443. K. idneys, Burnett on, 374. Ree * ft Localities and Habits of one ins s, 444. Koh-i-noor ‘Sav ond, 136 Killiker on Meioatet Tissue, reviewed, 89. L. ener’ s Mecanique Analytique, noticed, Lake "Superior Region, Geology of, J. D. Whitney, Lamé oe Elasticity of bodies, noticed, 420, Laurent, publication of works of, Light, polarvzation of, by refraction through a metal, 121. on internal dispersion of, 121, Limestone, cadens silletexiiah of, 119. Lindley able Kingdo m, nouced, 133. Folia s Orchiacen no ied, Fi ” 443. gr en on composition of recent and fos- be sg E., New York Hailstorm, 35. Sencha, 416. Magnets, artificial, 1 pgaone areeeiae views on, 116. =e n, offered “by Pasta Govern- Magnetic aE ae on periodical laws in, 1: Po and para —— po cam law of in- duction in, Pluck W., Auatye ee a Tin Pyrites, 3 Cave e, on Blind Fishes of, J. Wy t 2 Maaoih man, 25 Manguacus, eat 47 determination of, 126. Marcou’s Geological Map, notice of, 199, Metal pat hae on the ibnpieed Hew. 122,274.) Mord 38. Iron, new Youdlities on 6. U: Shep f Georgia, Willet, 331. Meteorite from New m ‘Tennessee, Meieorcoga ‘al Register, bine “es Knovilté: enn Journal for 1353, kept by S. P. Hildreth, observations at Burlington, Z. Thomp- son =< Mexico, Lf £. oo 239.) 459 Minerals, pseudomorphous, 128, 129. alteration of, by action of aikslies, De- — mee MINER at struitare of, 28 Algerite, analysis of; dP ‘D. Whitney, 206. Algerite _ S. Hun nhydri Apatite ely of, J. D. Whitney, 209 Borates, n vids 129. Borax of Pace 7129 Brookite and - “olumbite 86, Brucite, lion a, 83. Carpho fat fter Wolfr m, 129. Cinnabar of C: alilorites "133, olumbite an ze and Hiiiendie. homceomorph- Haydenite, cry sie of, 82. Hayesine ? « hy any, 12 Henlandite and Hyde dromagnesite, erystallization of, 84. abe Se 129. pense ereaiins, of the Vosges, 127. ‘Ge psum, homeeomorph- Lagonite elan- sa C. M. Wetherill, 130, Owenite and Thuringite. identical, 130. ‘arophite, . Huni, } —e orite ions tl Mork. nee on Aridium, 274. Macouter Tissue, W. I. burnett on, 89. N. Nerves, rate of transmission of impressions on, 422 Nickel, separation of from my" 125, Ne chlisy a obit n and ge riations in Temperature in Canada frm | Ist _ ce E. abine, 143. Meteorvlogy, ‘mullwood’s Contributions), to, 237, sg. Bh oe pooewens r, C. Wheatstone on. , 140 e of determining optical power of, otae 146. with large angles. of aperture, forth on = Hugh, My Schools, &c. by, noticed, Milton n on wheat without gluten ay ina artificial of furnaces, eee artificial dolomite, = ee eT: homceomor 86, 210, 430. brs J. D. Dana,} “ee Niobinm oe Pelo; eens ag Ne on Mvoccopes ree ‘inks an- pit of aperture, 22 * [ee entcon, F. a 113. | eniise | | ; e: hreschvanciae: 150, 292. sgcatigd purposes, preparation of large erys- of iodo-quinine Jee 423. : { | se nities law of induction ; ae, 423, 460 1N oe and Niobium identical, 425, eople’s Journal, noticed, 151 ersonal equation = observ ations, 422. Photography, discovery in, 290. applied to Zoological studies, ete , 270, Photographic pictures, vitrification of, 120. portraits on li clot , 120. Photometry, ind Pes lanet, Suterpe, Pleochroism, orufioelly grees Senar-|| 4 S$ mont, Plue. s, 423. stad on ‘magnetic and paramagnetic sub-| DEX. J. L. Smith, = the identity of Owenite and Thurin ite, emmy cau for taking, F. M. 149. in the Atlantic, microscopic examination of, J. W. Barley, 176. Species in Botany, on affinities, limits, ori- 32m ete. of, 241. ectrum, fied eg es of, — with com- mon glas od, iil “a. % ersion of Jight, 121. Stokes on || Sto Loomis, f Hail orm Pension of light by refraction through a iSainart Toad, Wyman on, 369, 1.221, metal, eb igpeesis artificially progaced, 414, 4 Pota: anu = of, 069. os Slectrical ecance, pr Ba _ a ae of Sciences, Pyrogallic acid in wood + vinegar, 120. Q. Quicksilver mine of California, Blake, 438. Quinquinas, new, examination of, 271. R. Rainbow, tertiary, C. hag Rainwater, ammonia i Runkine, J. M., on ag abso Zero of the “ones erfect st hermome te venel’s Pacsi - Eice. prods 285. Renal Organs, Burnett-on, 3 Riess’s Reibungsele ici » noticed, 273. vbable depth e oth O.N., on xed lines o1 Solar Spectrum, with or buary flint wat oe prisms, 4: pte nag of ‘Senutiae 103. f, Dans ‘i elescope, revelations of, 58, Ss. a establishment at Paris for the sale! of Minerals, 150 ine, E., on variations of Temperature in Canada, 143. pebrreg - from the residues of gas- works, 11 Salad for the ‘Solitary, noticed, 132. H. on the Microscope, ee W., revelations of Ross * Pele. scope, 53. —. — of, 123. Zo ificiai ‘production of pleochro- ase 4 i 2 Sheathing of Ships, ge for, 419. Siebold and Stannius, Comparative Anato my of, t translated by W. L. Sanaa. no- Silicification of limestones, artificial, 119. Siik, gilding of, hag Sans of the Lake Superior Re- on, sinaleoud, C., Contributions to “Meteorolo- af q 1 f , commen ced, 452. Ten nae geologic ‘al ee of, ordered,452, Tescl = ach ns a ary of, 150, 292, alia, on ays ometer, phe zero of gas, Rankine, | penn ee Ohio, Pe ie of Flandin, noticed, 420. Tree of Cali fornia, age of, A. Gr ray, 440. Valerianic acid, from Fusel Oil, 124. Van Arsdale, Comet discovered by, 444. W. of een of Groat po Lake, and Hot Springs, ule, ‘etherill, U. Py on Me ie trae 130. vain’ on gluten of, Millon ximate principles of ‘ee x nf, 264 W heastone on pee rae 146. Whi of Lake Superior of ackih secs! egg 151. analysis 0} “of A igerit and Apatite, 206. Wife J, Meteoric ian of Putnam County, Wolff n Bodies, Burnett on, 375. World “of Science, noticed, 453. Wyma ye and organ of Hearing of Blind” Fish, 258. tk oe ce development of ihe Surinam Z. — tay of, isomorphous with Corundum, re bel Aphides, W. J. Burnett, 62. on habits i Crawfishes 133. on Blind of Mammoth Cave, J. Wy- mun, He Fishes. of the southern bend of the Ten- ssee, ae , Ba. fistesacitin'| in California and Oregon, 179. on the Rena anna. , Bere 374. wating ntof the Surinam ‘Tad, J. Wy- eae lochieies and habits of some, J. P. Kar , 444, Smith, J. L,ona new Meteorite from 'Ten-! nessee, 131. Zoological ee Secs for the soca of THE NINE SERIES. THE EIGHT SERIES. 8 -+ n8 or 4+ 28. THE SIX SERIES. 8 + n9. oh | ISOMORPHS. HOMOLOGUES. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. =| ah 3 Theo. | Observed. | *Cu,O Oxygen, HO 8 8 n= 0 KFI Fluorine. Fl 17 18 8B i= | _ KCy Cyanogen. HCy CyO 26 n= 2 KO,C10; *Cu.Cl KCl Chlorine. HCl ClO ClO; ClO, ClO; ClO, 35 35.5 n= 3 KBr Bromine. HBr BrO? BrO,; 80 80 i= 8 : KI Todine. HI 10 10; 10, 125 | 1269M | n=13 Q Sey hoe : KO,CrO; Chromium. Cr0; 53 53.4 n= 5 4 _| KO,Mn,0;| KO,Mn0O; Manganese. Mn,0, | 53 : Osmium. OsO,g 98 ———— a, — Gold. AuO, AuO, ? 197 * Mitscherlich J. pr. Chem. 19, 449. . ISOMORPHS, HOMOLOGUES. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 6 4 3 2 i Theo. Observed. n ; tPbO *Cu,0 Oxygen. HO HO, 8 8 u= 0 KO,SO; | jFe,S, PbS *Cu.S Sulphur. us HS, SO, SO; 16 16 n= 1 i KO,Se03 PbSe Selenium. lSe ScO, SeO, 40 39 6B era PLO,Mo00; Molybdenum MoO, MoO, 44 46 n= 5 Te PbTe Tellurium. UTe TeO. TcO3 64 64.1B n= 7 Vanadium. Va0z VaOz 68 68.5B n= 8 FeO, WO; PbO,WO3 Tungsten, wo, |. Wo, 92 92 n=11 ? sid Fe0,Ta0; Tantalum. TaQ, | TaO, | 188 | 184 n=23 AFFILIATIONS. As '{Fo,(AsS.) Arsenic. 148 Manganese, MnO, | 28 | * Mitscherlich J. pr. Chem. 19, 449. + Berqnerel Ann. Chem. Phys. 51, 105. t G. Rose Krystallochemische Mineralsystem. 8 +- 06. ISOMORPHS. HOMOLOGUES. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. $ 3 Theo. | Observed. n Oxygen. ee oe 8 n= 0 | | Nitrogen. ‘NH, | NH, | NO, | NO, | 1¢ | 14 oun Ff PMe, | PMe, | NaO0,P0,+4HO ji Phosphorus. | PH, PH; PO; | PO, 32 31 n= 4 AsMe, | As NaO,AsO,+4HO AsO; | As Arsenic, AsHs | AsO, | AsO, | 74 | 75 sant’ SbMe, | | Sb SbS, | SbO, Antimony. SbH, | SbO, | SbO, | 128 | 129 n=20 x Bide; | Bi BiS, Bismuth. BiH,? | BiO,; | BiO, | 206 | 208 n=33 q =i AFFILIATIONS. z Chromium. x CrO; 26 26.7 n= 3 Fs ¥ Vanadium, — Va0; 63 | 68.5 n=10 Be ee ay -