AMERICAN JOURNAL SCIENCE AND ARTS. CONDUCTED BY Prorrssors B. SILLIMAN ann JAMES D. DANA, IN CONNECTION WITH Proressors ASA GRAY, LOUIS AGASSIZ, anp WOLCOTT GIBBS, or CAMBRIDGE, - : AND Proressors S. W. JOHNSON, GEO. J. BRUSH, ann H. A. NEWTON, or NEW HAVEN. SECOND SERIES. VOL. XXXIX.—MAY, 1865. NEW HAVEN: EDITORS. 1865. te ial PRINTED BY E. HAYES, 426 CHAPEL 8ST. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER CXYV. Page. BensJAMIN SILLIMAN, - : 1 Art. II. Notice of the Ee slofiiices of the gedaan ere of California, in the Sierra Nevada, during the summer of 1864, 10 Ill. On the Mineral Waters of Bath and other hot springs, and their Geological effects; by Sir Cuartes Lyett, - 13 IV. On the Nebular Hypothesis ; by Davip Trowsripee, A. ML, 25 V. On Brushite, a new mineral occurring in eer Guano; by Gipzon E. Moore, Ph.B., - - 43 VI. On the Crystallization of Brushite ; by iss D. per 45 VIL. Introduction to the Mathematical Principles of the Nebular Theory, or Planetology ; by Prof. Gustavus Hinricus, 46 VIII. Contributions to Chemistry from the Laboratory of the Law- rence Scientific School; by Prof. Wotcorr Gisss, M.D. —No. 2, 58 IX. Note on the Plansiaicy Disiapeaes ; by Prof bas, Kids rode: 66 X. Caricography ; by Prof. C. Dewey, : 69 XI. On the Action of Ozone upon insensitive Iodid ‘aa Bromid of Silver; by M. Carey Lea, - . ei . Prize for applications of the Electric Pile. Henan pat Influence of Light on Proto-organisms.—Association for the Advancement of Meteorology.—On the intensity of action of the Solar disk.—Acclimation of Salmon in Australia.— Production of the Sexes.—Cutting of the Isthmus of Suez.— First idea of Electric bhies Se a aemtee of Prof. J. NicKLEs, - 79 XIII. Discovery of Emery in Chester, Sis. 3 ‘ dh Cuantss T. Jackson, M.D., - 87 XIV. On the Solubility it ree Sulphate of Bary i in Sulphur Acid; by Prof. J. Nickrzs, - « 00 X — — iv CONTENTS. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Physics and Chemistry —On a new saccharimeter, W1ip, 91.—On the mechanical en — | ergy of chemical action, 92.-On the replacement of hydrogen in ether by chlorine, — ethyl, and oxethy], Lresen and Baver: Ona new mode of preparing oxygen, Ros- — BINs, 95. Geology—On buried stems and branches in Illinois; by J. S. Buss, 95.-On the Geology RusKIN NEY, 99.—Oil region of Pisiinay ivecila by Ira Sayxes, 100.—Petroleum in Califor- nia, 101. Botany and Zoology —Dioico-dimorphism in the Primrose Family, 101,--Observations upon Dimorphous Flowers; by H. von Mout, 104. i etc., discovered at Salina, N.Y., 166.—Spontaneous return of hybrid plants to their parental forms, 107.--Flora of the British. West Indian Islands; by Prof. A. H.R. — Gaisezacu, M.D., 108—Florula Australiensis: a Description of the Plants of the — Layee ee by Greorce Bentuam, F.R.S., etc., and FerpinanpD MULLER, 4 iy : Upon a form of budding in some Insect Lavees. 110. Li o° 77] | es ¢ ba - aS c a) = P =| =] S Astronomy.—Discovery of a new Planet, Terpsichore, (1) : New Comet, 111.-Numbers : of stars in the northern hemisphere: On the age of the moon’s su urfac ; by J i the p h eye-and-ear, and Chronographic method; by Epwin Dunkin, Esq., 112.--Shooting — stars in November, 1864: Supplementary note to the article on the Nebular Hypothe- — sis, 113. Miscellaneous Intelligence and Bibliography.--National Academy of Sciences : a Sesion 2 Society: Medals of he Royal Society: H. R. Schoolcraft: F. W. — : Thonghts on the Influence of Ether in tlhe Solar System, ete, by pene ; pele M.D., 114.—Report of the apogee of the Coast Survey during the F year 1862: Eulogy on Joseph S. Hubbard, by B. A. Goutp: Chambers’s Ency¢- — lopedia : Meteorological Observations at = rat lana Observatory, Toronto: Re- — view of American Birds, by S. F. Barrp, 115.—Monograph of the Bats of North America, by H. Aten, M.D.: American Journal of Del nchology : Notices of New — Works, 416. : NUMBER CXVI. ‘ : Arr. XVI. On Terrestrial ars as a mode of Motion; by Puiny Earte Cuase, -/ 7 XVI dis. On the construction - the Spectroneope i ge M. RuTHERFURD, - 129 — XVII. Coilvitictisne tein iis: Sheffield Caboesliey of Yale > Col- : lege. No. VIII.—On crystallized eh oe as a furnace product; by Geonce 1 Brust, - - ete 132 — CONTENTS, v XVIII. Introduction to the Mathematical Principles of the Neb- ular Theory, or Planetology ; by Prof. Gusravus Hinricus, 134 XIX. Periodic action of water; by Lours Nickerson, - - 151 XX. Remarks on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous Rocks of Eastern Kansas and Nebraska, in connection with a review of a paper recently published on this subject by Jules Marcou ; by F. B. Merk,” - . . “ . ; ‘ é 457 XXI. Analysis of a Carbonate of Lime and Manganese, (Spar- taite of Breithaupt,) from Sterling, Sussex County, New Jersey ; by S. W. Tyter—with remarks, by C. U. Sueparp, 174 XXII. Contributions to the Chemistry of Natural Waters; by T. Srerrey Hunt, - . - - - . - - XXIII. Abstract of a Memoir on Shooting Stars; by H. A. EWTON, - : . - - - - - - XXIV. Action of Binoxyd of Lead and Sulphuric Acid on Hip- puric Acid; by Dr. Jutrus Mater, - - - - - XXV. On the Preparation of Oxalate of Ethyl ; by M. Carey Lea, 210 XXVI. Method of applying the binocular principle to the eye- piece of a Microscope or Telescope; by Roserr B. ToLtes, - - age - - - - - 212 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, ry On the phenomenon of interference in the prismatic and diffraction spectra, STEFAN, 218.—On thermo-electric batteries of remarkable power, Bunsen, 219.—On the thallic alcohols, Lamy: The Correlation and the Conservation of Forces, 220.—A new de- veloping solution, 221. Geology—Note on the Geological age of the New Jersey Highlands as held by Prof, H. D. Rogers, by J. P. Lestxy, 221.—Skulls of the Reindeer Period from a Belgian bone- cave, indicating a superior, as well as an inferior, race of primitive men in Europe, Van BeNeEpEN, 223.—Casts of fossils : Geological Survey of Canada, Sir W. E. Logan, Director, descriptions of Organic Remains, etc., Jamzs Hau: Alger’s Cabinet of Minerals, 224. ‘ Botany and Zoology—Harvard University Herbarium, 224.—Story about a Cedar of Leb- anon, 226.—Calluna vulgaris in Newfoundland: Preservation of Starfishes with natu- tal colors, by A. E. Verri.i: A new American Silkworm, 223. and Meteorology—Shooting Stars of Nov. 11-14, 1864, 229.—Meteor and Me- teorites of Orgueil: Chemical and mineralogical characters of the meteorite of Or- gueil, 230.—Shooting Stars of Jan. 2d: Discovery of another Asteroid, Alcmene, 231. —Comet IV, 1864: Spectrum of a shooting star, 232. oe vi CONTENTS. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence and Bibliography.—Patent regenerative Gas-furnaces of C. W. & F. Siemens, 232.—National Academy of Sciences, 234.—- Lawrence Scien- tific School, 235.—-Obituary—-Capt. James M. Gilliss, U. S. N.: George P. Bond, 235.— Dr. Hugh Falconer, 236.—Bibliography.—The Differential Calcu!us, by Jonn Spare, M.D.: History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with a hg ce fed its Geology, Min- erals, Plants, Quadrupeds and Birds, by Gzorer Smitu, M.D., NUMBER CXVII. Art. XXVII. On Molecular Physics; by Prof. W. A. Norton, XXVIII. On the combination which takes place when Light of different tints is —— to the iG and left eye ; 2 Prof. O. N. Roop, - XXIX. On an ria with this Gyroscope ick Prof 0. N. ooD, XXX. Daaeipiied Sat a aaiagle apparatus for peter eee without the use of Lustrous surfaces or of the imap cc ; by Prof. Ocpen N. Roop, - XXXI. Remarks on the Beatrice, a new , Division of Melee ; by Avrueus Ayvart, Jr, . - XXXII. The Albert Coal, or Alberta: oI of es Brunei o Cuartes H. Hircacock, XXXIII. Detection of the idobeestion of end Oils with Oil of Turpentine by the Saccharimeter ; by Dr. Junius Mater, XXXIV. Introduction to the Mathematical Principles of the Neb- ular Theory, or Planetology ; by Prof. Gustavus Hinricus, XXXV. The determination of the height of Auroral Arches from observations at one place; by H. A. Newron, : XXXVI. On the Iron Ores of ae ae y 7 re Krmsatt, Ph.D., XXXVIL. Aaisonniaiel Piccmupee! by ioe M. Resasatens XXXVIII. Notes on Coal and Iron Ore in the State of —— Mexico; by the late N. S. Manross, é . IX. Numerical Relations of Gravity and Magne ; Me Pony Earte Cuass, M.A., - . XL. On the Origin and Formation of Pvairisd ; sy Las Lawes QUEREUX, ~~ eS j : Page. 237 | 304 se fa ea ait | CONTENTS. Vii XLI. On a Process of Fractional Condensation ; applicable to the Separation of Bodies having small differences between their Boiling-points; by C. M. Warren, 327 XLU. Examination of Petroleum from California ; by B. Nea ee 341 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Physics and Chemistry.—On the determination of lime, Frrrzscne: On the sulphur com- pounds of gta REeMELE: Note on the canenatee. gas-furnaces of the brothers Siemens, 344.—On some aluminum compounds, Buck ron and Opxine, 345.—On the density of the vapor ae salammoniac, H. St. Laing Devitie, 346.—On the dispersion : O n ar N combustion by invisible rays, —On the Electrical properties of Pyroxiline-paper and Gun-cotton, by Prof. J. Jounston, 348, Mineralogy and Geology.—On ‘Tin Ore at Durango in Mexico, by Prof. C. F. CHANDLER, — of Southern New Brunswick, by Prof. L. W. Bartey, and Messrs. G. F. Mat- w & C.F. Har 56.—On Devonian Insects from New eas by S. H. Scones, $57,--Note on the Azoic age and metamophic origin of the Iron Ore of cn by J.D. Dana: Report on the Geology of Dlinvis, by A. H. WortHen: Chec as of the Miocene Invertebrate Fossils of North ‘Afalice, by F. B. Meer: as osaurian Skin: Murchison on the Drift, 358 —Annual Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey, by Prof. Geo. H. Cook, 359 Botany and Zoology—DeCandolle: Prodromus Syst. Na its Vegetabilis: J. D. Hooxer : Handbook of the New Zealand Flora, 359—Mart : Flora Brasiliensis : The Journal of the eae Society, 360.—Further remarks on sapiens budding, W..C. Minor, 362.—On the Hymenoptera of Cuba, b y E. T. Cresson : ines of the Bombycide of the Aat States, by A. S. Packarn, Jr., 363. Astronomy and Meteorology.——Correction of D, Trowbridge’s article on the Nebular Hy- pothesis, 363,-Cambridge Observatory in 1864: Extracts from the Address of W. Dg Bonn, 364.—Comet V, i864: Duration of the flight of shooting stars, 370.—Heights of Auroral Arches, ma i; eous Scientific Intelligence. -The Agassiz Expedition to South America, 371.— Temperature of the climate near large bodies of water: Carinthian Lake-habitations: A new meteorite from Arkansas: Cancerine: Large mass of Amber from India: Earth- quake at Buffalo, N. Y.: M. Louis Saemann, 372.—-Dr. A. Krantz, aaa ‘Thomas B. Wilson : nies Emerson, 373,—William J. Walker, 37: Bibliography sts’ Directory, F. W. Purnam, na : The Social Science Review ; a Quarterly psc of Political Economy and Static, edited by ALEXANDER Dex%mar and Simon Stern: The Preparation and Moun “seopie Objects, by Tuomas Davigs, 374.--Triibner’s American and ens Record : American Journal of Conchology, edited by G W. Tryon, Jr.: Woodward’s Country saan, tah & F. W. Woopwarp: On the Oil-property of the Philadelphia and “ Petroleum Company, by B. Sintiman, 375. aa 376. ERRATA. Page 6, 1. 14 from top, os “1847,” read “1845.”—P. 7, 1.7 from top, for “ Regent” read ‘* Honorary Member.’ P. 76, 1. 27 from top, for “ apensd read “ protected.” P. 53, line 13 from bottom, for “t= 1, 2, 3,” read “¢=0, 1, 2, 3.” P. 136, foot-note 3, insert ‘ sa before Stoffernes. P. 146, line 18 from a. in table, eg “ satisfactory determination of the facts can be reached without long continued servations. : This Journal for J uly 1864, p. 13. * Tb., p. 15. CO we Pes 5 68 D. Kirkwood on Planetary Distances, the orbits of the innermost satellites. If the radius of gyration | for Mimas and Enceladus was diminished in a ratio equal to f Jupiter interpolating the two missing terms, we have the following ments conforming to our hypothesis: SATELLITES OF SATURN. Names. Distances. nage tneban rt. of Intervals. § Japetus, 64359 : L ———— | 436208 649764 32-0070 § Hyperion 25°029 a I.) titen, — | 90-106 22-9604 12-4154 Saidseds 12 21088 iil Rhea, 8-932 106540 48156 { Dione, 6°399 “ . Tethys, 49926 5°7390 18670 neeladus, 4:0319 : ae. V. 9 Mimas, 3:1408 red de, 00000 Limit=2-6862 The ratio of the ascending series of intervals is 2°578 These ratios in the systems of Jupiter and Saturn are to each other inversely as the orbital velocities of the two planets. Thi distance from the center of Saturn at which a satellite would complete its orbital revolution in the present period of planet's rotation is 20075. The distance at which the nuel , then, the arrangements of the Saturnian System should not be admitted as confirmatory of the empirical order of dis tances, we may at least conclude that it is not incompatible with it. The eract coincidences are of course produced by the inter polation of the two terms. With these, our formula gives th ere with three unknown quantities, and, consequently, — whatever the distances of the known satellites, the roots of these equations, whether real or imaginary, must, in an algebraic sens? _ satisfy the conditions. At the same time it is easy to perceil that these algebraic results might be decidedly unfavorable 1 the proposed hypothesis. PQ _ The tendency in a rotating nebula to unequal angular velocr ties, resulting from the increased rapidity of condensation from the 2 toward the center, may, perhaps, also account the p t ‘ lished before the centrifugal force becomes equal to the centri etal, a spiral convergence, like that of No. 51 in Messier’s e, would naturally ensue. C. Dewey on Caricography. 69 Finally, if the original constitution of the Solar and Saturnian Systems was such as we have supposed, can any probable reason be given why the satellites of Jupiter should be found an ex- ception ?* It may be worthy of remark that if these bodies, or the rings from which they were derived, were originally double, the proximity of the members was such that they might be brought into collision by perturbation, while in the gaseous state. e ratio, moreover, of the ascending series of intervals is considerably less than in the case of Saturn, and much than in the primary system. Art. X.—Caricography ; by Prof. C. Dewey. (Continued from vol. xxxv, p. 60, 1863.) No. 281. Carex conjuncta, Boott, lust. No. 282. —— vulpina, Sullivant, Carey, Dewey. important and distinguishing, even when, as in this case, the characters taken from the inflorescence are so nearly the same. * For some suggesti in regard to Mercury, see this Jour. for July, 1864, p. 18, 70 C. Dewey on Caricography. den, have an inflorescence more compact and reddish brown; the plant generally has a deeper green, and is also stouter. 282. C. glabra, Boott, Ilust. No. 229. Spicis distinctis cylindraceis pedunculatis; terminali sta ifera, interdum ad apicen vel basin pistillifera, vel in me spicis pistilliferis, 3-4, sub-laxifloris, bracteatis, inferné long pedunculatis et nutantibus; fructibus éristigmaticis ovalibus 283. C. Magellanica, Lam. 1789, and Schk., 1802. Boott, No. C. limosa, var. irrigua, Wah]. 1803; Dewey, 1826. . C. paupercula, Mx. 1803, and Torrey, 1848, and Boott. C. wrigua, Smith, English Botany, 1845. _ Spicis pedunculatis cylindraceis vel brevi-oblongis Dr. Boott to prove, by examination of the specimens of Lamar their identity with common ©. irrigua of Europe and No America, JLamarck’s name, being the oldest, must be accepted name of this species. It was briefly described in 4 ~ C. Dewey on Caricography. 71 Journal, volume x, page 42, 1826, under the above name of ahlenberg. In cold marshes in the Northern and Western States, and Canada 284. C. rariflora, Smith, Eng. Bot., 1845. C. limosa, var. rariflora, Wahl., 1808 and Schk., 1812. Spica terminali staminifera brevi; spicis pistilliferis 1-8, saepe 2, linearibus brevibus laxifloris pedunculatis et nutantibus, brae- teatis vix remotis; fructibus, tristigmaticis, ovatis oblongis vel ellipticis triquetris subcompressis obtusis apiculatis ore integris, uamam ovatam obtusam vel acutam sub-fuscam subeequanti- bus; planta glauca brevi et gracili. hite Mountains, N. H., on borders of Blue Pond—Dr. Bar- ratt: northern parts of Europe and America. Asa variety of C. limosa, this was very briefly described in this Journal with the preceding species. In the Summa (p. 238, 1846) of the acute Fries, he has spoken of this C. rariflora, “ quasi forma reducta,’ its . "as uf a reduced form, rariflo h Carices, admits both as proper species; and he will doubtless be approved by others. ? Note. The following rare variety of C. limosa Z., was discov- ered the last summer by Rev. John A. Paine, of Utica, who has been actively and successfully engaged in looking up the rare as weil as the common plants. C. limosa, L., var. Painet, Dew. Culm with the terminal spike staminate, and one pistillate Spike of the common size and form on a slender or hair-like peduncle, from five to nine inches long, rising from near the Toot. In one instance there was a single pistillate spike on the culm and near the staminate spike, and the long radical pedun- culate spike as before. ‘The common form and the variety here described were found growing on different culms from the same root. This is a very curious variety, and seems not to have been discovered before. Dr. Boott says of the lowest pistillate spike of C. Magellanica, “ rarius subradicalis;” but this is on C. limo and is truly radical, while he has figured that as subradical and rt pedunculate instead of very long. = 285. . mirata, Dew. Ver 3-5, longo-cylindraceis inclusé pedunculatis longe-foli- *S0-bracteatis ; spicis staminiferis 1-3, sepe 2, approximatis, 1n- 72 C. Dewey on Caricography. terdum ad basin vel erga apicen pauco fructiferis, cum glumis longis arctis attenuatis scabro-subulatis; spicis pistilliferis 1-2, Jaxifloris suberectis sub-remotis ad apicen vulgo staminiferis; ost profundi-fisso bicuspidato interdum bifurcato vel bidentato: glumis fructiferis lineari-lanceolatis scabro-subulatis, fructu st > ten, of the lowest scales even twice as long as the fr Plant pale green. In Greece, eleven miles west of Rochester and six south of Lake Ontario, in 1829, by Dr. S. B. Bradley. _ It was not named for a long time, as its anomalous characters made more specimens desirable. But no others have been discovered in the vicit of this locality, which the clearing of the forest destroyed. Belleville, Canada West, in 1863-4 by John Macoun, Esq. 2 : form, sent by him, accords with the above description, especially in the varieties of the fruit, of the rostrum, and the very long scale of the fruit at the base of the lower pistillate spike. #. Brown, by a mistaken’ reference to my description of C. at * His reference, “C. mirata, Dewey, Sill. Jour., xxvii, 240, v, 49, 48; Wood's Bots should have been C. aristata, Dewey, Sill..J., xxviii, 240, vol. xlix, 48 p.; @. mira J . Bot. Not only was the yolume wrong, but mirata was uninte® tionally substituted for aristata by Dr. Boott, which changed the whole subjem Indeed the full descripti to by “oot, was printed years before I had heard of C. mirata, proving that the desctl tion was of C. aristata evidently, and of no other, it may properly be added, : es 1858. __if the “Note,” Sill. Jour., xlix, 48, 1845, is noticed with care, it is obvious a mit » be last sentence denies what the preceding asserts. aK C. Dewey on Caricography. 73 tata, which has no connection with any other specimens, and by that self-destructive ‘‘ Note,” vol. xlviii, p. When No. 58 was published, Dr. Boott had not seen any specimen of C. mirata; but since that time he has seen two specimens of it, which I forwarded to him, and one of which was a present to him from Dr. Bradley. Circumstances led me to suppose he had changed his opinion in consequence; but his death, so unfortunate for this science, has prevented the publi- cation of the 4th Part, which was to contain it and was known to be nearly ready for publication. What measures can be taken _to secure its being printed and circulated ? Another form, judged by Mr. Macoun to belong to this species, has been provisionally named C. mirata, var. minor, Dew. Staminate spikes 2-3, often 8, long and short, and scales slightly larger; pistillate spikes 1-2, some shorter with stamens at the apex, or below it, or both, as in C. mirata, with fruit slightly more inflated, and its scales generally shorter than the fruit; plant older, with brown spikes and scales In Belleville, C. W.; Mr. Macoun. Note. C. rostrata, M., commonly obtained from ponds near the base of the White Mts. N. H., was found most abundant by Rev. Mr. Paine of Utica, in August last, at a pond or small lake near the well known Bald Rock or Mt. in the N. E. part of Her- imer Co., at the west foot of the Adirondack Mountains. Muh- lenberg had not seen it, as he referred this name, rostrata, to his C. tentaculata. It was not recognized from the time of Michaux to 1840, when it was described in this Journal, vol. xxxix, p. 52. C. lenticularis, Mx., was found also by Mr. Paine along the chain of the “ Hight Lakes,” in Herkimer Co. a J. Houghtonii, Zorr., has been found, the last season, 60 miles north of Belleville, by John Macoun, Esq., an active and dis- criminating botanist. The same species has been found, the last ‘0 seasons, by Rev. Mr. Blake, of Gilmanton, N. H., and in Milford, north of Bangor, Me. With great pertinence was it named by Dr, Torrey. be rectifi i i ist: as to read, “For description and fig- tro of O.arndata, er one tek eri ps 200, of thie Journal Rab. vs fg. OF " ih j ve unlike that dritae By dr nee 4 ep aati roland the * Note” assumes the great between C. aristata and C, mirata, instead of uniting them. . Am. Jour. Sct—Szconp Sexizs, VoL. XXXIX, No. 115.—Jav., 1865. | : 10 fis ‘74 M. C. Lea on the Action of Ozone upon Art. XI—On the Action of Ozone upon Insensitive Iodid and Bromid of Silver; by M. Carey Lea, Philadelphia, A STATEMENT has recently appeared in the French scie Journal Les Mondes, from which it has been copied,’ to the that ozone is capable of giving sensitiveness to insensitive of silver. Mr. J. P. Kaiser states that he has found that certall vapors, such as the vapor of benzine, exercise a powerful eflet of this kind, converting one insensitive variety into one 1a was highly sensitive: that he attributed this effect to the ozons produce y the contact of this vapor with atmospheric alt= that he therefore experimented with air ozonized by a galvallt induction apparatus, and found the same results produced, bil i 1 more marke gree, a This statement was not altogether the first suggestion of the once have become practical. For plates could be coated ¥ insensitive iodid of silver in ordinary light, (say, for exam be placed m® ordinary dark slide; and a vessel containing the means of get erating ozone could be placed in the camera. On withdraws wey Nov. 1864, in which s. * tography, 1864, is 392. Also Phot. Mit Insensitive Iodid and Bromid of Silver. 75 source of the ozone was not the same as that used by M. Kaiser, my results cannot be considered as strictly controlling his, but the action of ozone from the two sources is so similar that we should naturally expect similar results in the two cases. A. OZONE BY PHOSPHORUS, The ozone was generated in a large bell glass, and the experi- ments were not commenced till paper impregnated with starch and alkaline iodid exhibited an immediate and strong ozone re- action. I. Action on Jodid of Silver. Paper was plunged into an ordinary negative bath, and dried. Strips were immersed in solution of iodid of potassium, and without leaving them in too long, were next thrown into clean water and washed. (1.) A piece of this paper, thus imbued with washed insensi- tive iodid of silver, was placed in the ozone a paratus for two minutes. It was then exposed to diffuse dayJight for six sec- onds. The application of an iron developer produced no dar ening whatever. A longer exposure to light was also without effect. The paper was just as insensitive as before being exposed to the ozone. (2.) The effects of a longer exposure to the ozone were next tried. The paper, prepared as before, was exposed for half an hour to the action of the ozone, and exposed to a moderate dif- fuse daylight for twenty seconds. The iron developer produced no effect whatev (8.) Same as Result as before. aut 4.) The paper was prepared as before, but, after immersion in the solution of iodid of potassium, the washing in water was Omitted, and the strip was placed in the ozone apparatus just as It left the solution of iodid. The paper immediately changed to a deep chocolate brown, while still in the ozone apparatus. This effect was at once attributed to the action of the ozone on the free alkaline iodid, but to place the matter beyond doubt, he paper was thrown into a solution of hyposulphite of soda, Which instantly bleached it.. —- It seems hardly likely that this reaction, so well known, could have been mistaken for an indication. of sensitiveness to light. Perhaps, if the exposure to ozone had been conducted in dif- ‘use daylight instead of in a dark room, a careless experimenter might have been misled, by the similarity of the chocolate-brown Color produced to that so often occurring in photography, intoa misap »rehension of the agency at work, and might ave supposed that she ozone had rendered the insensitive iodid of silver sensi- r. 2), but exposed io light for thirty seconds, 76 M. C. Lea on the Action of Ozone upon tive to the diffuse light of the room. Such an error se however, unlikely. (5.) Paper was prepared as before, was exposed fifteen m [It was previously ascertained that a sensitized collodion plait” placed in the same position as respects the same light, was pow fully impressed in 20 seconds, or one-third the time just me tioned. ] a Paper was prepared in the same manner, but after plag in the solution of iodid, and washing, it was dried, and inti condition exposed to the ozone for fifteen minutes. Them the same gas light for one minute, partly covered. Result s as number 5. (7.) After treatment with silver and iodid, and washing, paper was exposed to ozone for fifteen minutes, then to the gas light as in (5) and (6) for one minute, partly covered. re been exposed to light, and those that had been produced thick yellow paper. * IL.—Action on Bromid of Silver. (8.) In order to give a greater variety to the experiments, ! bromid of silver submitted to trial was not disseminated thr : ‘ y A. ay which the bromid of silver is suspended in the collodion wi sensibility destroyed by the presence of a small excess 0 line bromid. The proportions used were as follows: ther, - - - - - + ounce. Alcohol, a . 0a ase. Pyroxyline, eos avec T BO game romid of ammonium, - . mie oe Nitrate of silver, - - - 134% These proportions leave a slight excess of bromid of 2 hich ensures th nium present, which ensures that the bromid of silver is. insensitive form. shige ; (9.) A portion of this collodi oured on glass Insensitive Iodid and Bromid of Silver. 17 posed to a highly ozonized atmosphere for three minutes. It was then exposed to a large gas light for fifty seconds. On the application of an iron developer no darkening was observable. (10.) In order to afford a term of comparison, a film of ordi- nary collodion was sensitized in the negative bath in the usual manner, and was exposed to the same light for twenty seconds. On ~ application of the same developer it was strongly dark- ene (11.) The same collodion as ‘in (9) was exposed to the same ozonized atmosphere for 45 minutes. It was next exposed to the same gas light as (8) and (9) for thirty seconds. The appli- ‘cation of the developer produced no darkening. (12.) Same as (10), but exposed to light for one and a half minutes. Result as before. 13.) Same, but exposed tolight for three minutes. Result as before. In no case was the slightest reducing effect produced. B. OZoNE BY CHAMELEON MINERAL, Action on Bromid of Silver. The bromid of silver was used in the same form as before, viz: in collodion containing a small excess of bromid of am- monium. I should have mentioned before that the insensibility to light of this argento-ozonized collodion was first carefully and proved. Ozone was generated in a closed box the action of undiluted sulphuric acid on chameleon mineral ; the vessel containing which was set aside for a short time to let the i isa vapors pass off. It was then set in the box, and the Condition of the atmosphere was examined from time to time by appropriate test paper. : : 14.) Before commencing with the ozone trials, a piece of glass was collodionized with ordinary collodion and sensitized in the negative bath. It was then exposed to a weak diffuse “ries (15.) The eollodion containing insensitive bromid was exposed to a weakly ozonized atmosphere for ten minutes. It was then to the S mentioned in (14), and for the same time. An iron developer was then applied, but not the slightest indication of sensitive- ness bl ie 78 M. C. Lea on the Action of Ozone, &. In this last experiment, the atmosphere was ozonized suflicient ly to render iodid of potassium and starch paper instantly blue In the two previous, this reaction showed itself more gradually. In remarking upon the experiments just detailed, I may serve in the first place that the ozone was unquestionably alw present in such strength as to bring out its marked chem effects. This was demonstrated not only by its action on characteristie test paper, but also by its chemical action exh in experiment (4). i Again, the experiments were tried in the most varied w The ozone was produced in two different manners, and o strength. The surfaces to be tested were also exposed for W varied times, from two minutes to forty-five. The nature of the light was also varied, experiment havillg been made both with daylight and artificial light. The time® exposure to light was very various, and in several cases, all@ the first results had been noted, the paper or film still wet w™ developer, was carried into the light and exposed for some t to see if any faint sensibility existed and would manifest is by the prolonged action of light. No such result appeared. 4 experiments included both iodid and bromid of i paet and b¢ paper (of which two different sorts were intentionally used) | collodion were used as the vehicles for the silver compoun The result appears to show pretty clearly that ozone hi wer of giving sensibility to insensitive iodid or bromid ver formed in the presence of excess of alkaline iodid, wi the excess be left present, as in the bromid experiments, of removed, as in those made with iodid. Or at least that true in respect to ozone produced in the two manners W have described. If Mr. kK i » stricity which he employs, and not to the ozone p' > Correspondence of J. Nicklés. 79 Art. XII.—Prize for applications of the Electric Prie.— Heteroge- ny.— Influence of Light on Proto-organisms.-— Association for the Advancement of Meteorology.—On the intensity of action of the Solar disk.—Acclimation of Salmon in Australia.— Production of the Seaes.— Cutting of the Isthmus of Suez.—First idea of Elec tric Telegraphy. Correspondence of Prof. J. Nickiis, dated Nancy, France, Oct. 20, 1864. Prize for applications of the electric pile-—The prize of 50,000 francs, which was founded in 1852 by the Emperor Napoleon, has just been decreed to Ruhmkorff, for the induction appar: atus known as “Ruhmkorft's coil,” the mechanism of which we were among the first to make known.’ e committee, consisting of Messrs. Pelouze, Rayer, Serres, Becquerel, H. St. Claire Deville, and others, was presided over by Dumas. We make the following extracts from his report : “ Mr. Ruhmkorff was at first a workman for some of our best constructors of physical apparatus, afterward had his own work- Shop, and finally became head of a house of constantly increas- ing celebrity. “ His education was gained, little by little, through reflection, study, and the lectures of certain professors heard as it were b stealth in his occasional hours of leisure. Modest, of unyield- ing perseverance, and of aself-devotion which has earned for him the highest encomiums, Mr. Ruhmkorff will ever remain the type of his class—a model for the numerous intelligent work- men who fill the higher order of workshops (ateliers de precision) o is. T’o those, who, like him, know how to control their desires, who faithfully strive for perfection in work and clearness in conceptions, who bend their attention to one object, and labor untiringly until a high superiority is gained and also for them- selves the satisfactions of a ripe age, the compensation for the Sacrifices and privations of youth will not be lacking in a coun- where, more than ever, merit finds recompense. “Since 1851, Mr. Ruhmkorff has devoted himself to the con- struction and perfection of his apparatus, and he has ended by Securing for it his own name, by giving it a scientific value which no one contests, and by rendering it of so great power as to me a means of numerous practical applications, qi. “The Ruhmkorff apparatus unites the two forms of electricity, which had been separated as by an abyss—the old machine elec- tricity, characterized by a capability of producing sparks and by aay Meera and the electricity of the pile, characterized by Feel Yery feeble tension and by its inability to produce true sparks. LS ee * ? This Journal, 1853, xv, 114; 1862, vol. xxxiii, 80 Correspondence of J. Nickles. “Tf Franklin’s discoveries placed beyond doubt the identi of mechanical electricity and lightning, there remained, n theless, among the phenomena which accompany storms, 1 circumstances the explanation of which was yet inaccessib science. We must therefore regard as a valuble acquisitio meteorology the observation that the spark of the Ruhm apparatus consists of two parts—an instantaneous line of and an areola of measurable duration. The magnet divides latter ; a breath, or any body in motion, draws it out, and electric spark thus divided continues its route in these two di tions at once, as long as the passage of the current conti uninterrupted. “In a vacuum, the electric spark develops light, and them, and which impresses upon them, at the pleasure of operator, those movements of translation or of rotation by means of which De la Rive’? has reproduced the appearances observed in the Aurora Borealis, justifying, thus, the analogy recogni: between the electric light produced in a vacuum and that of polar auroras, ; “ Glass tubes illuminated by the same means give out ali “The working of quarries, the boring of tunnels, the exp! of heavy charges in mines, give to-day regular employment bt the Ruhmkorff apparatus." Mines had been exploded previouslf ni of elements which it requires—three instead of one hundr the power of its spark, and finally the possibility of exploding eight or ten mines at once. In the expedition to China, in 186%; the Ruhmkorff apparatus was used to blow up, by means of eig mines simultaneously exploded, the peacibal fort of the Pe as well as the iron stockade at the bottom of the river.” © ; Dumas then reviews the principal applications of electricity to Mechanics, such as the automatic break of Achard, the weaving ' Influence of light on the production of proto-organisms, 81 looms, - pentagraph of Caselli, the writing telegraph of Prof. Hughes, ete. He then spoke of ‘illumination by electricity, and S casnad the electric regulators of Staite, Serrin, a the illumination of light-houses by vir he currents, observing that successful experiments have been made with it by the Light-house Board: at Havre, upon Cape de la Héve it erected, st Medical pea y pare was a reference to the observa: tions of Dr. Duchenne of Boulogne and those of Middledorf, of which we have heat an account nip a — of Galvano- removal effected of poly} pi and tumors from organs that are sce es — or otherwise difficultly accessible. A new competition will take place, five years hence, to which all picieriies of electricity will be admitted, whether to medi- cine, the mechanic arts, or industry, without distinction of origin or of sone met ‘ods of Pat A any rate, there is no opportur hi to result from artificial light or heat, as has been already made wn. by Messrs, Pouchet and Ch. Morren. Some new facts in ince the above was written, several meetings have age held at the Garden of Punts in Paris. No thing has resulted from this convention except the very sad faet that theological considerations seem to have got the bett er the attentive observa- tion of facts, just as in the time ef Fobecs ye ‘coda is, ape. nothing to do om to ag serve that agreed, the studies, fen nothin Sia cee He th that ind of ot ‘taith which believes igre pee ceheetee dis Vou. XXXIX, No. 116.—Jan., 1865. il 82 Correspondence of J. Nickles. their support have been observed by Professor Montegazza the University of Pavia. ‘'wo female frogs were quickly killed, by the destruction i o glass v w the spinal marrow, and place to the air for an hour or more, and that the air was renew each observation. Germs could, then, easily fallin; and yet results were very different in the two cases. | The following are the observed results :-— depend much more upon the progress of the putrefaction tha upon the amount of putrescible matter. The more simple cies always appear first. _ 5. The production of species of Bacterium takes place times during the course of a long putrefaction. 6. When the liquid presents a new fauna, the new species # from the outset represented by a number of individuals at ont from one day to the next, they are simultaneously produced. — __ 7. In the course of a long»putrefaction, there are some ge! tions which endure for some days; others exist for a much lo! 8. | iquibades mal and e, 9. When circumstances are little favorable to heterogen, ie ik m ey ea eae Action of different parts of the solar disk. 83 ever should content himself with observing at such a moment, might say that there had been no generation; while some days before, or some days after, there had been, or there would be, a very abundant produetion of vegetables, or of animals, or of both at once. From all the comparative tables, I select an observation made on November 20th, after more than seven months of putrefaction. Temperature at the time 10° ©. In the light.—The liquid had a slight odor of boiled meat.— On the surface many very lively Kolpodes, a great quantity of Vibrios, some sca.—Some Infusoria which strikingly resem- ble the Zodsperms of Tritons.—At the bottom, some dead Kol- podes, and some in the act of multiplying by division into two or four individuals. Many Vibrios; some Monads. In the dark,—The liquid had a very strong odor of mushrooms, —No organisms; the whole mass liquid. Association for the advancement of Meteorology.—This associa- tion, founded at the commencement of the year 1864, under the presidency of Le Verrier, is a great success. It meets eri- odically at the Observatory of Paris. It has just founded prizes for the encouragement of meteorological studies, and especially the study of the general movements of the atmosphere, All meteorologists are admitted to competition, without distinction of nationality. he following are some of the details of the programme: “ According to the generally received gp the storms of the coasts of France come, already formed, from the Atlantie, An extended series of meteorological observations made over this vast sea, is, then, the necessary basis of the work pro for the principal prize. This prize will be of 4000 franes, The memoirs must be delivered to the Secretary of the Society be- fore December 81st, 1865. “ A sum of 8000 francs will be divided between the authors of the best observations made at sea, or in places little known in a meteorological point of view. “ Finally, two lai of 500 franes each, are offered for the t memoirs upon the application of Meteorology to agricultural questions, The prizes of 300 and 500 francs may consist of in- ee for observation.” ai capaseitaleall Upon the intensity of action of different parts of the s —— With regard to = ort cles. hs by Secchi—according to which the calorific radiation of the center of the solar disk is — than that of the borders, nearly in the ratio of 2:1, Mr. Olpicelli writes that the fact was very exactly observed in 1614 by Lue Valerio, a mathematician of Naples, author of a work, De centro gravitatis solidorum, and of another De quadratura para- bole per simplex: falsum. He was a professor in the Roman Uni- versity, and has been called the Archimedes of hisage. 84 Correspondence of J. Nickles. In one of his letters to Galileo, Luc Valerio considers the rays proceding from the central part of the solar disk as the mor active. i Analogous facts have been observed by Mr. Roscoe, according” to whom the center of the disk exerts a more intense cheaslaall action than the borders. He has also observed that the south polar zone is more active than the north. ip Acclimation of Salmon in Australia.—Recent experiments cat ried forward by the Acclimation Society have shown that it is possible to transport to distant countries the eggs of fertile fishes. One of its members, Mr. Millet, having observed that melting ice diminished the pulsations of the young fish of the Salmon idee and delayed the hatching of the eggs, took the idea that this” 2 on the 23d. Everything indicates success. ag Similar attempts have been made in the French possessions 12 Kggs of attention of physiologists, has been thoroughly studied by Mr. ury, according to whom the product is always of the male sex when the fertilization of the ova occurs at complete matul ch is always female when it takes place at a less advanceé riod. a _ There is a very simple way of solving this problem. It is 0 select for experiment species that come to maturity in successiOM Cutting of the Isthmus of Suez. 85 This is very near what has been observed by Messrs. Coste and Gerbe: A hen, separated from the cock at the time of her first laying this year, gave five fertile eggs in the space of eight days. The egg laid on March 15th produced a male; that on March 17th a male; that on the 18th a female; thaton the 20th a male ; that on the 22d a female. A characteristic fact in this experiment is the production of a male after a female, which ought not to have taken place according to the theory. But isit only a simple RI Or is it necessary to consider the fact a radical objection? We may learn by and by on this point, from the researches in which Mr. Gerbe is now engaged. On the occasion of the preceding note, Flourens recalled an _ €xperiment which he made, thirty years ago. “ Aristotle had observed that the pigeon ordinarily lays two eggs, and that of these two eggs one commonly producesa male and the other a female. He wished to know which was the egg that gave the male, and which the one that produced the female, ¢ found that the first egg always gave the male, and the second the female. I have repeated this experiment as many as eleven times in succession, and eleven times in succession the first egg gave the male and the second egg the female. I have seen again that which Aristotle saw.” Cutting of the Isthmus of-Suez.—The almost certain success of the canal across the Isthmus of Suez fixes attention, more than €ver, upon otlier projects of the kind. The cutting of the isth- mus of Malacca and of that of Darien await only the completion of the Suez ship canal. In France, they are talking of uniting the Atlantic Ocean with the Mediterranean by a ship canal which would borrow part of its route from the old Southern Canal. In Holland, a society is incorporated, under the title of a “Com- making the passage of the Danish islands. This project, often thought of, is now very seriously considered. Finally, they are speaking of cutting one other isthmus, and this time it is Spain which bas the honor. It is propose Plerce the Spanish isthmus in such a way that Gibraltar will be an islan he canal is to start from Trafalgar and end at An- dalusia. This canal, which would cost hardly a hundred millions of francs, has for its object to prevent more than 4000 vessels 86 Correspondence of J. Nickles. every year from lying to before the strait of Gibraltar without power to get out. This project is just now submitted to the examination of the Spanish government, as well as to some others, such as the English and French governments. First tdea of an electric telegraph.—This first idea was brought forward in the 16th century in an anonymous work published at Rouen at that time. The question has already been discu here. A discovery has just been made of a letter of a clerk © of the alphabet... . You perceive that we could thus facili tate the operation; the first movement of the hand might sound a bell which would announce that the oracle was about tos Bibliography.— Among recent publications by Hachette, at Paris, the foliowing : 5 msedérée comme céuse principale d’l action des nism oak ‘Dr. Scoutettin; Svo, 420 pp. The co hala Deshi nk Mia: ck See ee C. T. Jackson on Emery in Chester, Mass. 87 exert upon the human organization. We find in his work not merely a u L? Astronomie au XTXe siécle, par A. Boillot, 12mo, 340 pp. This work, written for universal use, gives a very faithful picture of the pro- i i r. Nancy, Oct. 20th, 1864, Art. XIIL—Discovery of Emery in Chester, Massachusetts ; by Cuartus T. Jackson, M.D., Geologist and State Assayer, It has been said, in England, that “a good mine of emery is Worth more to a manufacturing people than many mines of gold.” Consequence of this agitation, I was employed by John B. Ta ive following titles of literary works are also contained in the letter of Mr. Histoire de la Littérature francaise, par M. Demogeot; 5th ed., 12mo, 680 pp. 8 de Rhetorique, par M. Filon: 12mo, 300 pp. é nature, par M. de Lanoye; 12mo, ‘ Les Champs @or de Bendigo (Australie), par M. Perron d’Arc; 12mo, 00 pp- Souvenirs d'un Sibérien, par Rufin P iotrowsky ; 12mo, 200 eS sod tate Europe th 88 C. T. Jackson on Emery in Chester, Mass. county iron furnaces, without a suspicion, notwithstanding 18 refractory nature, that the ore was emery, with only a small ad mixture of iron ore. The principal bed of emery is seen at the immediate base the South Mountain, where it is four feet wide, and cuts through the mountain near its summit, at an angle of 70° inclination Ss. W.., an The alternations of rock in two sections are as follows, begit” chlorite slate; g, 4 ft. Hmery; h, chloritoid and margarite . a, Mica slate; 6, 6 ft. magnetic iron ore; le d, 64 ft. magnetic iron ore; e, chlorite slate; f, hornblende 10° erystallized; g, 7 ft. Hmery, chloritoid and margarite; /, mi netic iron ore; 7, hornblende rock. yo The elevation of the upper outcrop of this bed above the mediate base of the mountain is 750 feet. There are < ae ae ¢ Oe, ee , ery three feet in C. T. Jackson on Emery in Chester, Mass. 89 the investing coat being from half an inch to two inches in thickness. Tt is found extremely difficult to break up these very slow and laborious, ast no grip can be had on their rounde su sit of which the e great emery bed also cuts. On this hill ie emery is more largely Siesta and less mixed with magnetic iron ore. It is e like corundum, but still contains the com- bined protoxyd “of | iron, charsnariatia of true emery. Its spe- cific gravity is from - 75 to 8°80, while that from the South oaniain is from 402 to 4:37; Naxos amend Sina: from 3°71 to wai analysis of bd coarsely pretine emery of the N orth Mountain, Chester. Sp. er. Bes i: - +) 46°50 Protoxyd firm, <= 32 oe eee ieee 60 ee eee 5-00 Silica & loss, - - - - . . My 4°50 Emery of the South hill.’ Sp. es 402. H. ap! Alum - 45°50 Pen of iron, a ee eee ee ca & titanic acid, ese ed, & cil! eee ee 100-00 Beziing the oxyd of iron which can be er io out — y acids as accidental, and that which cann SO as an essential constituent, we shall have a the oma : “© The highest specific gravity of any sample from the South mountain was #3144. _ Ast. Jour. Sor.—Szcoxp Sznres, Vor. XXXIX, No. 115.—Jan., 1868. ; 12 « hydric acid escapes, and the sulphate produced dissolves in tht 2 surrounding aci ie ceed, the acid should be concentrated, and it is West to hav = co well dried and in powder. On adding water: to the 90 J. Nickids on the Solubility of the Sulphate of Baryta. sition of three samples of emery analysed, after digesti acias, Naxos best Chester, 1. Chester, 2. selected emery. Alumina, 6074 59°05 623 Protoxyd iron, 39°6 40°95 371 100°0 100-00 1000 If this view is adopted, emery must be ranked as a di species, and not asa mere granular form of corundumors oe n conclusion, I would State that practical trials of the C emery, in several of the large armories and machine shops of t and the adjoining States, have proved it to be fully equal m value to the well known emery of Naxos, which I have doubt it will wholly supplant in this country, and that it ¥ ere long become an article of eal to Europe, either in its: aM form, or in a manufactured stat may "be roper to add, that a B. Taft, Esq., of Bost in behalt of fis associates, owners of the emery mine, has tl sole management of the business connected with the mine. _u as, of Chester, for kind assistance in the field.” 82 “sent St, Boston, Dec. 12th, 1864, ~_— XIV.—On the Solubility of the Sulphate of set in Sulphuric Acid ; by Prof. J. Nicki TE sulphates of baryta, strontia, and lime, are align le, as is known, in boiling sulphuric acid. I have found tl they are soluble in cold acid when in a nascent pas To obtain this result, it is only necessary to throw a cehlorid of barium, or of st trontium, into a sufficient — monohydrated. acid: the chlorid is by degrees decom 3 This is especially true for the chlorid of barium; but to Bee thus obtained, the sulphate of baryta falls as a white | Slo of strontium gives the same results, and the similar dived with Siar! Bose less Physics and Chemistry. 91 The sulphate of lime is still less soluble in sulphuric acid, and the solution takes several days to become limpid. Moreover, water does not then becloud it; a light precipitate is obtained with alcohol. The solubility of these sulphates in sulphuric acid, is then the reverse of their solubility in water, except for the sulphate of Em, which, in both cases, is a mean between those of the ther two. Nancy, Oct. 20, 1864, SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. ment amounted to 1°, when the eye was properly protected, while it 9 7 . reached 14° by direct observation in an ordinary room without exclusion is with Soleil’s instrument an uncertainty of +:13°9 gr. in a litre of the solution, or rather more than one percent. With Wild’s instrument the erro) - [Wote—Wild’s Saccharimeter, independently of its purely technical oy. Pee ee ee oy ieantinian 8 Hie de Buci, Paris. r a rid & bd ree 92 _ Scientific Intelligence, uses, will form a most acceptable addition to physical cabinets. To subtract th tity remai * Physics and Chemistry. 93 which is formed to the temperature of the components before combina- tion, the steam will contain a quantity of energy less than that of its components by the quantity which is given out in the combination, We heat is given out in the decomposition, in the second, it is absorbed. It e when we iments of Favre and Silbermann. These physicists found that protoxyd of nitrogen, NO, peroxyd of hydrogen, HO,, chlorous and chloric acids, 10, an O,, evolve heat during decomposition, while the elements eparated do not recombine on cooling. The same is true for the gt G ‘on heating pass into a different physical state, with evolution of heat, the Previous state is not resumed on cooling. It is of course possible that in “certain cases the purely chemical-affinity between the molecules may be so powerful that combination will ensue, heat being abstra from the sur- founding medium. The converse proposition is as follows’: _ If heat be absorbed in decomposing a body by means of heat, the —— _ dary action will take place on subsequent cooling. ae _ This proposition ants demonstrated theoretically, and is therefore ‘or the formation of the compound. Two conditions are in general sary for the formation of a compound. First, a degree of chemica or affinity sufficient for the combination, and secondly, the necessary ergy. A single cause is insufficient. The author here distingul e eb two ways. Certain bodies, H and O, H and Cl, CO and O, &e,, comb suddenly in unlinited quantities by means of a single spark, evolution of heat. Others, like N and QO, combine only gradually; heat is evolved, and the combination ceases with the cessation of the spa The formation of ozone is also a case in point. In the first case’ , h ap Then the spark furnishes the requisite energy, and each spark yields and O, but not upon N and O. In conclusion, the author takes against the assumption often made that the heat of combination |! tion of 23783 units. In each ease, besides the re site affinity must be present. Thus, in a simple mixture of | combination takes place until the affinities are sufficiently Inet the sary energy is always present. A further 2 ¢ heat of combination as the measure Of 4 hat in certain combinations heat is absor! ical affinity would be negative.—Pog?- Geology. | 6 3. On the replacement of hydrogen in ether by chlorine, ethyl and ox- ethyl—Liepen and Baver have studied the action of monochlorinated tic bichlorinated ether upon zinc-ethy] and ethylate of sodium, and have obtained results of much theoretical interest. By the action of chlorine upon ether, at ordinary temperatures, the author obtained a mono-chlorin- ated ether with the formula, ct : “ O,. The action of zine-ethy] upon this compound Lips rise to two products which have respectively the OF Cyl, formulas, Cc H- ‘or | Og,and C,H, C,H. to,, and in which, as will be seen, one or two atoms of hydrogen i in the radical ethyl are re- laced by one or two atoms of ethyl itself, When mono-chlorinated ether is heated with an alcoholic solution of potash, or with ethylate of sodium, an oily liquid is formed, which boils at 157° C., is heavier than water, and has a most refreshing aud agreeable odor. The formula of this body is, se a “Cy 0, x O,. so that it must be regarded as ether H, in which one atom of h ydrogen in the ethyl is replaced by chlorine and one atom by the radical, C,H,O,, which the authors term oxethyl. By the semaine action of ethylate of sodium upon the last mentioned substituted ether, the authors obtained an oil lighter than water, boiling at 168° C., and having the formula, c ft. Cy H, O2 O,. In this, two atoms of hydrogen are replaced by to of oxethyl.. Finally, the action of ethylate of sodium upon this body, C SS: H O,, gives rise to a + 5 new liquid, boiling at 148° C. and presenting the formula, a; Hy off’ O,. The new substances described are evidently the types of a large class of similar substituted bodies, and deserve in them- _ Selves an attentive study, especially with reference to physical ss and to weet of decomposition.— Comptes Rendus, lix, 445. a new mode of preparing oxygen.—Robbins has given ome of prepa ring oxygen which is particularly interesting from a theoretical point of view, and which may hereafter be of much practical value. The is based upon an experiment due to Schénbein, and consists in _- pouring dilute silphnnis acid upon a dry and powdered mixture of three . Ale ents of peroxyd of barium and one equivalent of bichromate of = common oxygen, which escapes with effervescence.— m3 pid Il. GEOLOGY. 4 “ On buried stems and*branches in Illinois ; by J. 8. Burs. communication to the Editors, dated Columbus, Wisconsin, Nov. 7. : While passi passing through the county of Adams, in the State of Tiifois: four Years since, I learned of the existence of a well, which cath been dug the from which small branches of trees and twigs had been ob- a one was informed that, at a depth of Pr ie feet, the tained. “ repaired to the-spot, and found the well to be eT feet in ; i - Ozone and antozone are given off simultaneously, and unite to” sa Cosmos, 96 : Scientific Intelligence. came upon a layer of fine black soil, full two feet in thickness, in were found branches an inch in diameter; I procured a shovel, ai tained several specimens three-eights of an inch through, in a to state of preservation. Just above this bed of soil the material was In another well, three miles from this, the same kind of soi met with, after passing through clay for twenty-seven feet from the face. In the soil twigs were found; but on being brought to the air! crumbled to pieces, though the burk and heart were plainly to be seem Four miles from the first mentioned well, there was another, stil state of preservation. The top of the tree was lying southeast. Another fact, I have noticed in Wisconsin, is that stones prot through the surface, such as those known as hard-heads, presen perpendicular sides to the north, northeast, and northwest. This confined to any small portion of the State, but to quite an ex region. 2. On the Geology of Eastern New York ; by Professor JAMES and Sir Wiiutam E. Logan. (Read before the Natural History a detailed account of their results, Their principal object was to pare the rocks of that Tegion with some of those of Eastern Ca he shales of the Hudson River group, which are seen for a consis able distance north and south of Albany, disappear a few miles ant the Hudson, and are succeeded by harder and coarser shales, somet! and passing into green argillaceous sands hich are associated with concretionary and ~ found in a previous exploration (1844—45) to have, at a point faré - South, a synelinal structure, and it probably lies in three low bs The § ery formation scarcely extends south of Re’ Geology. : 97 Canaan Mountain is st apparently -abcrip and, while limestones appear in the valleys on each side of it, ¢ chiefly of slates, the the conglomerates of the Sillery, oaade boulders and angular fragments of these are found in the adjacent valleys, ’ the east of this, Richmond Mountain, in Massachusetts, presents in its upper portion a compact green late passing upward into a harder rock similar to that of the summit of Canaan Mountain. To the southward, as far as Hills- dale, the sparry mesons of the Quebec group appear in the valleys, while the hills are of slate. Proceeding thence westward toward the river, only the lower pen of the Quebec tbe are met with, until we come upon the rocks of the Hudson River group. Washington Mountain is also of slate, flanked by ane t all of the Quebec group, and is probably synelinal i in structure. The valley to the south of the mountain exhibits limestones, apparently slieeating with below “the city of, Haden. The gneiss of the ie Highlands occupies the southeast part of Duchess County. From Fishkill the explorers proceeded to Coldspring, crossing what Mathet called the Mattewan granite, but which they found to be an altered sandstone. Soon after this they came upon tlie great gneiss forma- tion of the Highlands of the Hudson, which continues beyond Peeks- kill. They failed to find the sandstone deseribed by Mather as coming out ve this place; nor was anything representing the Potsdam sandstone in approaching the Highlands from Fishkill, nor elsewhere aein their northern limits. Near to Peekskill, ~ the valley oe the creek, was found a low ridge of black slate, supposed to belong to t e Quebee te p, and a similar slate was observed a dine the north side of the ighland reel not far from the gneiss. The gneiss of the Highlands Presents all the aspects and characteristics of — of the Laurentian n sys tem, as seen in northern New York and in Can: Panther examinations are-necesii ry to jeterhaine the extension to the - northeast of the Laurentian rocks of the Highlands, and also the @ suc- cent ones of Professor Cook, according to all of whom the gneiss and crystalline limestones of Orange County and of New Jersey underlie un- comformably the Lower Silurian strata.’—Can. Nat. and Geol. See Am. Jo ur. Sci. [2], : xxxii, 208, and also Kitchell’s 2nd Annual report on the of Now demey, (1855,) page — d onward. Jour. Sct.—Sncoxn Suniss, Vor. XXXIX, No. 115,—Jas., 1865, 98 Scientific Intelligence. will be rounded pebbles (havin touched in its course)—this sam conjecture there my hill-bottom? Yet final results of the movem $ floor for human life Now all this is utterly independent of any action whatsoever tf ice on its sustaining rocks. It has an action on these, indeed ; but limited nature, as compared with that of w. A stone at of a stream, or deep sea-current, necessari Geology. 99 through (with edge of iron, not of soppy ice, for saw, and with sharp flint sand for feldspar slime,) and move your saw at the rate of an inch in three-quarters of an hour, and see what lively and progressive work will make of it! I say “ piece of marble ;” but your permanent “glacier-bottom is rarely so soft—for a glacier, sleigh it acts slowly by friction, ean act vigorously by dead weight on a soft rock, and (with fall previously provided for it can clear masses of that out of its way, to some se. Thereis a nor table instance of this in the rock of which \ your “correspondent speaks, under the Glacier des Boi Mr. Ruskin continues with oe ection of his views, in the ourse of which he expresses the opinion that * the Glacier des Bois bas not done more against some of the granite surfaces beneath it, for these four thousand years, than the drifts of desert sand have done on _ Sinai;” and “it never digs a hole” like the bed of a lake. He closes with a aragraph containing the following statement as to his early tastes and studies. I find it difficult to stop, for your correspondent, litle as he thinks it, has put me-on my own ground. I was forced to write upon Art by an accident (the public abuse of Turner) when I was two-and- -twenty ; but I had written a “ Mineralogical Dictionary” as far as ip le nvented a shorthand symbolism for crys stalline forms, before I was fourteen: and Have been at stony work ever since, as I could find aoe silently, not aping to speak much till the chemists had given me more help.—eader, ov. 26, 1864, the communication ood Denmark Hill, Nov. 21. 4. Geological Survey of Calijornia; J. D. Wurryey, State Geologist, _ —Patzonrotoey, Volume I: Giabaniforens and Jurassic Fossils, by F, B. Mrrx; Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils, by W. M. aps. 244 pp. t to show that “y survey could not eles the labors of Professor Whitney ve some definite knowled saci : Tri A , the oldest fossiliferous beds yet observed, and of the Triassic, and Cretaceous formations, leaving the Tertiary for the second The Carboniferous fossils make but a meagre list, the rocks Z the age msi J small exte yee or fou escribed. of them re re y Mr. Meck, ae with some ee mammillare roductus semireticula- 100 Scientific Intelligence. ing. The work is brought out in the first style of the art, both as to and printing. We know nothing superior, in these respects, from American press. vania are mostly Carboniferous, while neath. But there appears to be no reason why oil should not be also by borings through the higher Jand. There are evidently two * uld be the heavier, while that from beneath the lowest is the Although there is no evidence of any connection between the tion in the supply of an older well in consequence of sinki mear by. 2 eee The quantity of oil produced now does not materially differ fr : -of two years ago—viz: nearly 6000 barrels daily, The 1 r Botany and Zoology. 101 has been increased in that time; but about as many old ones have been abandoned as new ones opened. Fewer of the new wells are great spouting wells than formerly, Pumping wells are very constant in their d shales, mineral oil comes out in many places, and at some points very abundantly. One of the wells is 30 feet in diameter, and is full of a tar- ike oil, boiling with the escape of marsh-gas. There is also an area of ° 1. Dioico-dimorphism in the Primrose Family.—Mr. John Scott, late of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, has communicated to the Linnean Society an elaborate paper, entitled, Observations on the Functions and Structure of the Reproductive Organs in the Primulacee, which has re- cently been published in the 8th volume of that Society’s Journal of Pro- ¢eedin Mr. Scott has followed up Mr. Darwin’s well-known researches to indicate the bearings of the subject further than they have been clearly prin points, i ___ OF &4 species or forms of Primula which he has examined (many of - them only in the herbarium som ae Scientific Intelligence, the tube of the corolla; stigmas usually larger and rougher; stame tached to, or frequently below, the middle of the corolla-tube, whe ameter is thus expanded upward; pollen-grains generally smalle more transparent. Secondly, in the short-styled form the pistil is sh not rising above half way up the corolla-tube: stigma generally smootl and depressed on the summit; stamens attached to the mouth of the: rolla-tube, causing an abrupt expansion ; pollen-grai and more opaque. According to all the trials, tl are accom of th Isa cortusoides, involucrata, and Jarinosa, we see, from the mean re their combined products, that for every 100 seeds yielded by the norphic unions, only twenty-four are yielded by the homomorphic —the heteromorphic thus exceeding the homomorphie unions i ve also sho 4) the proportion of five to three! I ha . fact that the pollen of a distinct species will produce a much tade of fertility Botany and Zoology. 103 For example, the long-styled P. Palinurii can be fertilized readily by pollen of the long-styled P. Auricula ; yet, after numerous trials, I have failed to effect a single union between the long-styled form of the P. Pa- dinurit and the short-style ed P. Auricula, ow utterly re en, are such facts with the teachings of those who wouk lieve that an absolute causal relation exists between the sterility from hy- bridism and systematic affinity! On the other hand, how unequivocally o these cases show us that the greater or less facility of one species to unite with another is, as Mr. Darwin has sagaciously argued, ‘incidental rious and somewhat analogous degrees of difficulty in being grafted to-” gether i in order to prevent them becoming inarched in our forests,’ a eapsule— hat - as two to ie: d with oO are the remarkable shanties! in the rb of the [terns] colored varie f the Primrose, the red variety y yieldin ing ee orms. “etiaty or not the ultimate tendency of dimorphism isa ee he of the sexes, I think we have the clearest testimon y that di- otra, the: occasional Secdisction of intermediate stages a adie and the normally dimorphic. These, taking us back in er "Origin of Speen ed, p29. 104 Scientific Intelligence. genealogical line, show us an original non- -dimorphic progenitor, and t = “aps ed plan by which it gave rise to a dimorphically character “The most noteworthy points are:—1. That, in a genus which has mat species with dimorphous flowers, there are some which present, so far known, only one of the two forms (say the long-styled, which is perfect fertile 2 se), as well as others with stamens and pisti] of equal len 2. That the Red Cowslip, a clear variety of the common one, has non aie and, with this change of structure, has become much -. of seed than the heteromorphie unions of the Common Cow the Auricula offers a similar But, on the other hand, a none diinorphie variety of Primula aricstat is less fertile. ‘These pee the genetic system of a species seem very remarkable. 3. Still more common yellow form; this union, and also that of the Common Cow: fertilized by the Red, ee = sterile 7 thus supplying that desidera which has been calle r as a test, ee cd species prod through variation.” 4. That the two forms of a dimorphous species bridize with very different degrees of facility with disthact species. that such i i seed than either homomo at in to the relative position of die sites oe stigmas. tage of position in the latter is counterbalanced by an ies entiation of pollen and stigma with respect to their mutua date We may here ipo the remark that the Thymelzaceous genus - cosmia is dimorphous, and some species of Drymispermum exhibit not both of the two forms. 2. Observations upon Dimorphous Flowers H. vi Bot. Zeitung, Oct. 1863, crassalyeda'? in Ann. Sci. s Wate Bot, Ap spl 180 These observations are principally upon that case of dimorphism in ¥ besides the ordinary hermaphrodite (but often infertile) flowers, t2 other and surely fertile ones, of simplified structure, apetalous, of eryptopetalous, and which, “ their development being as it were # in the bud,” and fertilized without opening, we had long ago Precociously fertilized.” Some remarks were made upon them Journal, in Decker 1862, (p. 419), stating that Nature, in t ;as much pains to secure self-fertil lization as she does in the case of dimorphism represented by Primula, Houstonia, éc.,) tos cross-fertilization. This is the conclusion which het also reac eareful i investigation: of the commo tiens, Viola, Ozxalis n instances, viz: in Specularia, , clear showing that sith, ‘ewe, with sible exception in violets must needs be be self-f fertilized. Ther Botany and Zoology. 105 own observations is preceded by a good history of what was known upon the subject, from the beginning made by Dillenius down to the commu- nication of Michalet in the Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, 1860. That the little tympanum which covers the minute anthers and stigmas of Specu- ria perfoliata until after fertilization, is a rudimentary corolla, however, was shown by Dr. Torrey, in a paper read before the Lyceum of Natural History, New York, in 1830, but not published. One of the most interesting things to notice, and a curious confirma- tion of the intention to self-tertilize in the cases here considered, is the a the smail and closed flowers. In those of Ozalis Acetosella, as Moh in- forms us, the larger anthers contain only about two dozen, the smaller Scarcely a dozen pollen-grains,—gnly a few times more numerous than the ovules they are to fertilize, while in the normal blossoms they are in countless excess,—the economy in number being in proportion to the Sureness that they will do their work. Moreover, these pollen-grains never leave the anther, but, (as was observed by D. Miller and by Micha’et, but misunderstood, and neatly shown by Mohl,) send out their tubes to seek the stigmas, adjacent, indeed, but often at a considerable relative dis- tance, these tubes directing their course with the same precision, and in ne same mysterious manner, apparently, that they ordinarily do when d the ovarian cavity they seek the orifice of the ovules. '8 1s we:l seen in Viola, where, though it is barely possible that extra- tile anth here cannot be doubted. So Mohl concludes that, “considering that = - _ @ fh ° 4 = w& > = & ° M4 — Q ag = =, be) « = or o + a = ct — o a” 2 S oO — a = =~ nun o be} © ing demonstration duly came in Mr. Darwin's capital discovery m and other cases, the pollen may be less potent or evenmm- its own stigma, while that from another flower is prepotent! — these little precocivusly-fertilized flowers, of various and diverse fam- (Jour. Scr—se Vou. XXXIX, No. 115—Jax., 1865. 14 OES us, ieee 106 Scientific Intelligence. ilies, stand as veritable exceptions to the universality of the law ¥ Darwin has ably deduced. What causes the pollen-grains to emit their tubes without contact the stigma, and indeed at a considerable distance from it, is an ul mystery. Mohl remarks here an analogy with the case of Asclepius, that in Viola, Specularia, &e., as Brown has stated for Aaclepias, thet is no liquid poured out by the stigma which might somehow place pollen in relation with the stigma. Finally, Mohl calls attention to an early remark of Linnzeus, that! the year 1753, a considerable number of plants raised in the den, for which the Sweedish climate was too cool, flowered clandestin yet produced fruit. We may note tbat in the Cambridge Botanic Ga den, Oxybaphus nyctagineus copiously fruits from the bud in cool al cloudy weather: so do one or two Pavonias for a considerable part of produced earlier in the season, as in Specularia, Impatiens, &c., but times later than the normal blossoms, as in Ozalis and Viola. shows that the former conform (he looking upon such flowers as pre derantly female) to Knight’s hypothesis, (drawn from cucumbers gation upon the production of sexes in the animal kingdom has appended to the French translation of Mobl’s paper, an important ; : : : z : of the Genus Najas, by essor Braun of Berl on Hunajas three species are assigned, viz. WV. major, All Botany and Zoology. 107 eata, Del., of Egypt, and J. latifolia, Braun, from the lake of Valencia, Venezuela. The section Caulinia has N. flexilis, which is found here and there in the North of Europe, and several varieties in the West. In- dies, Venezuela, &c., V. arguta, H.B.K., in New Granada, WV. minor, All., in Europe, Egypt, and India, WV. fasciculata, Braun, in India, and N. graminea, Del., in India, Egypt, &e. WV. major, to which our attention is at present directed, under several varieties, is widely distributed through- out the Old World, in slightly brackish or fresh water, but it wa detected by Chamisso in the Sandwich Islands, What is equally re- ete Prof. Braun has seen specimens collected in Florida by abanis. covered in Onondaga Lake, first by Judge G. W. Clinton, on the north- nown, are brackish, at least in the vicinity of the salt-works, and abounding in maritime and submaritime plants, To the species formerly known there, the above gentlemen have added Chenopodium glaucum, Lep- tochloa fascicularis, and we believe some others. But a more interesting very, of a water-plant not before met with away from the sea cvast, Was recently made by Mr. Paine, he having deteeted Ruppia maritima in Onondaga Lake, along with Wajas major, equally in a fruiting state. o. A. G. | 4. Spontaneous return of hybrid plants to their parental forms.—We Jardin des Plantes, and of Dr. Godron, of Nancy. The latter was pub- lished in full in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 4th series, volume xix, and also a part of the former, the whole memoir of Naudin, with details of the experiments and figures, having been accepted for publication in the Mémoires of the French Academy. ‘The prize for which the essays com- Peted were awarded to Naudin. A brief account of the two essays ap- ared a year ago in the Natural History Review. As respects one, the Principal question, to use the summary of the Review, “ the general result 4s, that Dr. Godron says : simple hybrids are absolutely sterile. Mr. Nau- to 40 hybrids experimented upon, three-fourths were e ermination.” Hea fe : Naudin’s testimony is explicit, ts, however constant at first, tend in sub- jon of the two specific elements, which it, rather intermixed than truly combined, so _ bf 108 Scientific Intelligence. they are truly distinct species, which do not sensibly vary. One aly exhibits green stems and pure white flowers; the other, dark-pw mediate between the two species in the colorati f the stems a flowers. They had, however, the peculiarity of a gigantic size, attain at the first forkings of the stems, The later flower-buds opened, howevehy and were perfectly fertile, the pods being as large and as full a seeds asthoeof either parent. In 1861, these seeds (of Stramonio-Ta were sown, and produced a second generation Jike the first. ds 0 this crop were sown in 1862, and twenty-two seedlings were preserve i D. Stramonium in all turned as completely to D. Tatula as the five did to D. Siramonium. Two ot seemed te be D. Tatula, and were equally reduced in size and fertile from the first forks, but they still showed in their paler coloring a trace of BG other ancester. The remaining six of the twenty-two showed somewhat more of it, both in eoler and in the tallness and lateness.of fructification expressed numerically, Naudin estimates that they were, say, nine-tel D. Tatula D. Stramonium. “ Here, then,” says Nat din, “is a hybrid completely intermediate between the two parent which, left to itself, feeundated by its own proper pollen, is spentan evered at the second generation, dividing its offspring between two species, It is to be remarked that the division is very wneq D. Tatula taking: the lion’s share, totally or nearly reclaiming seve individuals out of the twenty-two. This unequal division is comme > oie and Paap goes to the extreme, one of the parents ee isappearing from the hybrid progeny, which thus es over entirel the other species,” ADEN mr 8 As to crossing species and their hybrids, in view of obtaining dive and particular varieties, Nandin shows, accordingly, that, to obtam ™ desired results, the hybridizer should take pains to cro ose I which tend toward-one parent with those which tend to the o moh: = & gator, the late Louis Vilmorin. ae Flora of the British West Indian Islands ; by A. H. R. GriseBs otany in the University of Gottingen. London, & Co. &vo, parts VI and VII, 1864.—These parts, extem 0 ip. 789, complete this most valuable work, which closes with the Vascular Cry ptogamia. ul, Botany and Zoology. 109 species is appended, and a list of colonial names. The preface gives an account of tke circumstances under which the work was undertaken, and of the materials which the author has 80 sedulously and promptly elab- Y all the principal authors who have written on West Indian seine belong to the last century, and consequently to the lcaee school, a gen- eral synopsis of West Indian plants has never before been attenipled, “not even by Swartz, whose Flora reiegeate descriptions of his new species only, with a few remarks on allied forms.” Moreover, the British West Indies offer o ni the s separate raters of a larger flora; and Trini- e ae me spared by the Gulf Suseseh.c rr thie. seems not et the case, ana ca, again, from its mountainous character and more distant position, most "of the leeward islands, from being wooded voleanos, and the majority of the windward ones, with a dry climate and a low calea- Feous soil, form three divisions of this tropical archipelago, which show aS many peculiarities, Thus the whole of the prvi West Indies, as comprised in this flera, may be divided into five natural sections, ria with a distinct botanical character.” Alto gether, they amount to abou 15,000 English square miles, or nearly twice the area of Wales. But Fet Haysi isn is neatly twice, ge! Cuba near ly ‘dyias, as large as all > far Jess explored, the publications of Jacquin, Swartz, &e., having been almost contined to the British pos s; so that it was with old species 0 sane that Dr. Grisebach had to deal, those which were “ the founda- n, indeed, of our scientific knowledge of the flora of tropical America.” And these “have so often been roe BRE that their synonyms are far more numerous than their numbers.” A general West Indian f lora being out # oh present question, we learn with interest that Dr. Grise- ‘h is pre ving a special paper on the geographical range of the West Indian iat incheding the capital island of Cuba, which Mr. Charles Wright has so indus ustriously and successfully ex Bee through its length and beeadth, a and is expecting still further to explore € may here add the remark that Mr. Wright’s third —— of —" ~~ and ferns—the fruits of his labors for the last three : ‘been made, consisting, in the fullest sets, of wee 1800 species tes bers, (incl uding some which have been redistributed under old numbers.) and that the aegis part of them have already been de- termined fe Dr. oes eee ow recogni ized bamalewlty in West _ forms among t y = ange author has added 8 ‘Nce with the. Astronomy. i of the same facts as observed by him, and also a description of the per- fect insect as a new genus and species, with the name Miastor metraloas, The first of the two articles cited above, is a translation of a part of Dr. Meinert’s paper, with some remarks by Dr. Siebold, the editor, which, he says, was just completed when he received the second article, ’ This lat- ter is a well illustrated and detailed account by Dr. Pagenstecher of a similar larval multiplication occurring in another species of dipterous insect, It will be sufficient here, after calling attention to these articles, to give the principle fact confirmed in them. This is, that an insect larve perfect dipterous insect which laid eggs and started anew the circle of tere are some points not altogether agreed upon by the observers above referred to. One is as to the place and the material at and from which these larves are formed in the larve-stock. Dr. Meinert desc embryes that exist in a sort of pupa state within the mother-body, a Elements of Terpsichore @). = 1864, Oct. 23-0, B.m.t. i = 8° 45’ 43’0. M = 351° 31! 520, g = 7 82 38 4) =~ = 28 40 19 +2; e = «765-494. = 48 29 °3, log. a = 0°444043. ten, ew Comet—Another Comet was discovered on the 9th of Sep- tember by Mr, Donati, at Florence. It was very faint, and seen with dif- ficulty. “Mr. Celoria, of Milan, gives the following elements, computed from observations of Sept. 9th, 11th, and 13th: f He woke a. m= <= 00. Io 347%, i = 44 56 53 6, = __ 9787184, motion retrograde. . 112 Scientific Intelligence. The comet, according to these elements, passed its perihelion before those heretofore known as Comet I, 1864, and Comet 864. 3. Numbers of stars in the northern hemisphere.—In the last edition of his Wunder des Himmels, Prof. Littrow gives a summary of the num bers of stars that are in Argelander’s charts of the northern hemisphere, From N. declination, 0° to 20°, 110,987 stars. « “ 20° to 40°, 105,082 * " 8: 40° to 90°, 108,131 “ Classified according to magnitude there are, ' Mag. No. of Stars. Mag. No. of Stars. 1-19 10 6-6°9 4,228 2-2°9 37 7-7-9 13,593 3-3°9 128 8-89 57,960 4-4'9 310 9-9: 237,544 5-59 —-1,016 There are, besides these, 60 nebule and 64 variable stars.—Hes Wochenschrift, Sept. 28th. he 4. On the age of the moon's surface ; by J. Nasmyts.—The views I entertain on the subject in question are these, namely, that, as a direct com — ocean, this mighty vapor envelope must have retarded the escape inl? — space of the cosmical heat of the earth millions of ages after the mooa had assumed its final condition as to temperature. ea] Therefore it is from such considerations I am led to the conclusion that the surface features and details of the moon present to us a sight ei Jects the antiquity of which is so vast as to be utterly beyond the power Lam fain to think that in doing so the interest of what is there reve ter Lit. and Phil. Soc., Nov. 15 Observatory at Greenwich, in 1853 and 1857 1 to the Re | ‘oF rreenwich, 57, presented to Astronomical Society in May, 1864, Mr. Dunkin says: : Astronomy. 113 In laying before the Society the preceding abstracts, which are the results of a great mass of computations, I consider that I can with some confidence offer the following conclusions, which are derived from this discussion :— 1.) In “eye-and-ear” observations, the probable error of a Greenwich transit observed in 1853 over one wire is + 0*-078, while that of a com- plete transit over the seven wires is +0%029. In chronographic observa- tions, the probable error of a Greenwich transit observed in 1857 over ‘one wire is +-05-051, and that of a complete transit over the nine wires is +05-017. ‘ (2.) There does not appear to be any certain difference in the probable error of transits of stars between the first and sixth magnitudes. n “ eye-and-ear” transits, for stars whose N.P.D. is greater than 60°, it would seem that the probable error of a transit increases slightly as the N.P.D. decreases ; while in the chronographic transits the corres- ponding changes are insignificant : 4.) In “eye-and-ear” transits, the personal discordances are liable toa considerable variation between the different observers ; in chronographic transits, the differences betwveen the observers are comparatively small. The general steadiness of observing by the latter method is very remark- excepting only that there is a tendency in both methods towards an in- crease in the probable error when transits of stars of the first magnitude are observed. The a 5. various places in the United States to watch for the shooting stars on the Mornings of Nov. 13th and Nov. 14th. The sky was entirely overcast m Most places, and nearly so in all. Through openings in the clouds, Which would last a few minutes, occasional stars were seen, but whether there or more than usual it is impossible - determine. There was certainly nothing like the great display of 1833. : ! ; In San Frinéheo the ay was intel It is possible that some my of California were favored with clear skies, and that we may yet obtain observations from them. Mr. Quetelet writes that a similar a . n ~N, open has an ellipticity differing much Am. Jour. Sc1.—Sxcoxp Serres, VOL. 15 * * 114 Miscellaneous Intelligence. VI. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1, National Academy of Sctences—The Report of the National Acai- emy of Sciences, made by the Academy to the General Government, for the year 1863, has been published. It forms an octavo volume of 18 —Report of the committee appointed to examine the * Wind and Our rent Charts” and “ Sailing Directions” issued from the Naval Observatory. At the last meeting of the National Academy, held in August at New Haven, Ct., three vacancies in its list of members were filled by the elec- tion of Dr. J. C. Dalton, of New York, Leo Lesquereux, of Colum Ohio, and S. F. Baird, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institutiom 2. American Philosophical Society—The Magellanic premium ol & gold medal has been awarded by the Philosophical Society to Mr. = Earle Chase, for the discovery of numerical relations between gravity au¢ magnetism, HF 8. Medals of the Royal Society—At the Anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, on Wednesday, the last day of November, the Copley medal was awarded to Charles Darwin, Esq,, F.R.S., “for his importath researches in Geology, Zoology, and Botanical Physiology ;” and bud Rumford medal to J. Tyndall, F.R.S., for his researches on the Absorptio? and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapors. ; t. H. R. Scuootcrarr.—This distinguished traveller, and investigator of the manners, history, and language of the American Indian tribes a at Washington on the 19th of December, in the seventy-second yew is age, ne 5. F. W. Srrove, the celebrated astronomer of Pulkowa, Russia, died on the 23d of November last. His son, Otto Struve, was appointed his successor last year. jute 6. Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar System, its relation to the Zodzacal Light, bose ee Seas and artidiont Shooting sia" By Avexanper Witcocks, M.D. Extracted from the Transactions of ti eghare Philosophical Society.—Dr. Wilcocks advances the hype and thi m ar ae of solar latitude just north of the equator; that this heated current a8 3 : rises is com ( that the ether bears with it matter capable of reflecting light, and thus causes bed than the ethet arise Tor that reason from the sun, except when near the poles of : sun, when they are made to descend in the vortices of descending § yams present double and multiple tails; that twice in the Ri ugust and November, the earth plunges through the sheet of ! Miscellaneous Bibliography. _ ie ether, causing a warm period in each month, the dog days and the Indi- an summer; and that in the middle of these two periods it causes the retara of the August and November meteors. Dr. Wilcocks has brought together and framed into a plausible hy- pothesis many facts, some of them hitherto not connected with any theory. But we do not believe that astronomers and physicists will be likely to accept his explanation. What he says relative to the seasons, and to the shooting stars seems peculiarly open to criticism. Why, for instance, the two periods of heat (supposing them to have an existence,) should not, according to his hypothesis, be equi-distant from the 5th of June and 5th of December, the two days when the earth is in the sun’s equator, he does not explain. For the middle day of one period he names the 11th of August, which is 67 days from the 5th of June, while that of the other, which he ealls the 12th of November, is only 24 days from the 5th of December. In what way the periodical star-showers could possibly be “ge siag by such an ether wé find it difficult to imagine, #. es Magnetic observations ; Solar spots; Bessel’s period functions ; caleulation of the depth of the Pacific from the earthquake ae oda; Origin of the Florida Reef, by c Eulogy on Joseph S. Hubbard ; by B. A. Gousp, 44 pp., 12mo, Say eulogy was written in compliance with the call of the National cad Christian spirit, had accomplished much for science. The tribute is ad- Mirable as a bio raphical notice, appreciative, eulogistic but not beyond i and of special value as a chapter in the history of American rohomy, 9. Chambers’s Encyclopedia.—A new volume— the Sixth —of this Popular Encyclopedia, Seon well filled out and illustrated in the de- ttments of science, as well as in other varied branches of knowledge, “® just been issued by the American publishers, J. B. Lippincott & Co., : vadetphia. The volume (826 pp.) carries the alphabet nearly tough N, 10. Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at the Magnetical Observatory, Te ail “Canada West, during the years 1854 to 1859, in- lusive, 136 pp. Ato. Toronto, 1864. Results of Meteorological Obser- feoo maze at the Magnetical Observatory, wet during the years 90, 1861 and 1862. 84 pp. 4to. Toronto, 1864. eee M. Review of prone Breas: by S. F. Batrp.—The publication and issue of this work has already reached the 148th page. 116 Miscellaneous Bibliography. 2. Monograph of the Bats of North America ; by H. Autzy, M.D— haiocnina Miscellaneous Collections, No. 165. Washington, 86 pPy 8vo, with numerous wood-cuts.—The species included in this important — ‘monograph are those of North America north = Mexico. ern Journal of Conchology.—A spectus has fos ee The Plurality of the Human Race; by G. Poucuer. ‘Translated from the French by H. J.C. Beavan. London, 1864. Published for the Ano Societ ee The etic a of Hybri ridity in the genus Homo, by Dr. Paut Broca. lished for yee Anthropological Societ Reptiles of British India; by Ausert C. L, Guxruer. Published by the Ray ere 186 f the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland; by Joan Biackwalh F. is. Published by the Ray Society. 64. “gerdgeree be Man and the lower animals (in French); by A. De Quattr FaGEs. Paris, schreibung oe Seger rr ee der Meteoriten; von Gustav Rose. 162 pp» 4 with 4 plates. Berlin, Meteorologische Wa: sik aa On of the Netherland Meteorological Institute, for 1863, 326 pp. 4to. Utrecht, 1864. EDINGS OF THE AMERICAN AcapEury or Ants anp Screncxs, Vol. Viq Page 97, On the Altice of Ba ihe W. P. Dexter.—p. 106, Embryology of . teracanthion berylinus, &c., with fod Fh A, Agassiz [noti iced at p. 130, vol : oe of 1 Jour.|—p. 114, On the sabibiey of light and the Sun’ 8 distance; Z “a —p. 166 nalysis of a Dacotah Meteorite; @. 7 Jackson. —p. 169, On the new ef - ae Achromatic Object-glass introduced by Steinheil, with a plate; , List of new Nebulz seen at the Observat d College; Bond— — ye 82, On Streptanthus and the pl fe id -aoet of Harvard nasentf 7 : vision a ment (mainly by the fruit) of the North American specis™ Astragalus and Oxytropis; A. Gr y.—p. 41 On t es of Insanity among wae ae p. i On the R. A e ‘pole star as determined noe ion ; ord, bt 0 : lvais —s = a stream oa D a process of organic elementary analysis OY n gas ; arren [see last vol. of this Jour., P- 8, Observationce f Lichens\eetna. BE Tshewian: —p. 288, ine a - best approxima imate —— of all the mutual ratios of k a " 4 5 OF ‘ap, Nar. Sot. P a —Page 181, Limits and relations of the Raniforines ED. Cope.—p. 183, Dest : . Cope.—p. 231, : be -—p. 284, Fast Gralthosantes Obituary of P. L. S. Miler J. bora sean THE Essex Instrrure, Satem, Mass.— V: udes to 1868. Vol. IV commences with the year 1864. No. 8 of Vol. IV, ay and lusion of J. 4 len’ it a ae &@ paper on the habits Sprig as 4 I, No. 1. tend, Maina. — Thi ababir iw Tipoges Blot paral the of Maine, noticed in t last volume of this Joona o 303). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. (SECOND SERIES.] Arr. XVI.—On Terrestrial Magnetism, as a mode of Motion; by Puiny Earve Cuasz, M.A., 8.P.A.S. ' action of the sun’s rays, the precise “ occasional currents” for which he was seeking, as the probable cause of magnetic storms, Mr, Airy has recently sent me acopy of his very interesting Paper (Zrans. Roy. Soc., 1863, Art. XXIX), and its perusal has ey strengthened this belief. why the atmospheric changes, whether of humidity, es i : all-pervading ether may be both the source and the receptacle of all the various forms of force. In its principal features, this theory harmonizes with the now generally accepted belief in the Mechanical origin of light and heat, but in its details it involves some new and interesting special applications, which I have en- deavored partially to develop. . It will be readily seen, by a reference to my communication of April 15 (Proc. A. P. A ie ix, 367, et seq.), that the mechan- wat action of the currents to whose electric action mpére Scr} d the origin of terrestrial magnetism, produces two oppo- Site spirals in the air and zther,—the lower moving from the * From the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Oct. 21, 1864, Ax Jour. Sc1.—Szcoxp Series, Vou. XXXIX, No. 116—Mancu, 1865. 16 118 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial poles to the equator, and against the earth’s rotation; the upper from the equator to the poles, and in the same direction as the earth’s rotation; the two being connected by inna cure rents of convection, or threads of ascending and escending particles. It will also be evident that at every mye “thet are two principal sets of such double spirals, one with an axis per pendicular to the earth’s radius vector, producing a maxim mur disturbance in the early afternoon, and the other more stableand: uniform, with an axis passing through the nearest poles of greak est cold. In addition to the mutual perturbations of these two principal polarizing currents, the rolling of the luni-tidal alt tion-wave produces at every instant a “greater or less derang' ment,” and I find that the ratio of the lunar-barometric to lunar-magnetic disturbance, (4:884), is nearly identical with ie Welsh’s determination of the moment of magnetic inertia (4° Phil. Trans., cliii, 297). From a variety “of considerations, 7 appears that the mechanical polarity or magnetic force thus en gendered is a third proportional to two other forces, which may be called, respectively, central and tangentia The communication which was presented at the meeting of Oct. 7, in its exhibition of the first numerical relationship ee as even been pointed out Seaeents the barometric and magnet’ Spe toi showed that A: B:: B: M, a proportion in qi nts a central, Ba eaasculial: and Ma magnetic force. I ind a similar Biopordionalty 3 in ca of Mr. Airy’s i f Ho al e Mea Pairs force. Ni Sec lir force. — -00023=M. nae ot boat. “00057=C- Here the proportion T: © :: GC: M gives for Ma Theoretical value, 5 ; 000222 Observed = 900228 bable etror, PB “000080 “Table IIT. pega: Sums of Magnetic F Fluctuations (i terms of Horizontal Force) for each Year, from su o 1be) Theoretical value of ¥, . . —-000287 red “6 ‘ i e er boas Probable error, : E j 00068 ? Besides the e great disturbing be ae pace ies, whose effects ma: haps 2 paride ope gr prediction transient local cnet of hee : will exert a ience, Ever village that can produce currents or of the “ mae be med to affect the ether, and 4 the inconceivable, ot : wthereal motions, 2 manifested in the velocit ty of oe waves eat, will account for the extreme sensitiveness of the magnet ae Magnetism as a Mode of Motion. 119 Tables V and VI exhibit an approximation to the proportion, C:1':: T: M, but the approximation does not come within the limits of probable error. As no attention is paid in these two Tables to the positive and negative signs, we could not reason- ably expect so satisfactory results as in Tables JI and III. “Table VIII. Sums, without regard of sign, of Coefficients of Magnetic Irregularity (in terms of Horizontal Force) for each Year, from 1841 to 1857, including all Days of Record of Great ee cicel Disturbance.” The proportion C: T:: T: M, gives eh Theoretical value, F . 001218 Observed “6 - : - 001208 Probable error, . : . 000066 “Table IX. Sums, without regard of sign, of Coefficients of Magnetic Irregularity (in terms of Horizontal Force) for each Year, from 1841 to 1857, including only those Days of Great Magnetic Disturbance, in which records were made by the three Instruments,” Theoretical value of M, . : ‘ « ORTIAT = rred “ “ a ‘ * - ‘001150 Probable error, ; I ‘ 000081 In addition to these numerical coincidences, the following ty in Mr, Airy’s paper appear to me to be specially note- Worthy. 1. “The Ageregate for the Westerly Force... . (taken in Comparison with that for the Northerly Force), appears to show that, on the whole, the direction for the Disturbing Force is 10° to the east of south ;” p. 628. This indicates a line of mean disturbance about mid way between the magnetic meridian (which at London, is about N. 24° W.}, and the solar meridian, or mid- Way between the meridians of decussation in the two sets of Principal spirals, to which I have referred. : 2. “Sometimes two waves in one direction correspond nearly With one in the other direction. . . . . A more requent relation pete to be, that the evanescence of one wave corresponds ith the maximum of the other;” p. 685. 7 “The most striking oavauehics in the last line (of Tables ape IX) are the following: Secu rst, the almost exaet equality of the Mean Coefficients o regularity in the three clements. . . « With reference 'o their physical import, I think it likely that the equality of Co- efficients of Irregularity may hereafter prove to be one of the rite important of the facts of observation.” ae Second, the near agreement in the number of Irregularities te ' Westerly and for Northerly Force. : pro tie ti ae oach to equality appears to be still more important, in view of the y—C:T::T:M—pzno 120 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial “Third, the near agreement in the number of Irregulars for Nadir For ce with half the anne of Irregularities for Wet erly or for Northerly Force ;” pp. 641-2. _ 4, Tables X and XI (pp. 43-4) har that the disturbancesate greatest in the winter months and in the night hours. Tabled — also appears to indicate minima of fluctuations and inequalitie in months when there is the greatest uniformity of pail and maxima when the changes of temperature are greatest most frequent. Tables XI and XII furnish the materials for the following | synopsis: ; Sums of Wave | g of | Mean Ir- Forces, disturbance. Jy, regula aii- ws ave ri | dome regularity + as turbances eee = | (Time of max. 204, | 10h.) luk, | 20h. oh 15h. | 9 EY SE Be Time of min. | 102. | 21h, 3 OA, Th. $é°} sos, at ola 4) 1170 | 2191) 1976 400142 00104 00162 =~ | Amt. of min.,| -0165 | -0083 | -0346 |--00165| -00056 | 00074 = (Time of max., 12h, 8 5h, Oh 15h. =% ae Tine of min., | 227 bh. 83h 22h, -2h. 3h. ee 4 of max.,| “1407 | -2917 | °1754 (+00088| -00168 | 0144 Z oP min., | 0088 | 0674 |} °0441 |--003) 0093 | ‘000 . . {Time of may, 7h. | 144. | 10h, Oh, wh Oh. “he 3% 4 Time of min,| 22h, | iA. 3h, Wh. 2A. 3h. eS ae shes wax.,| 3976 | 3133} “1241 |+-00570 00368 00180) ae CAnto of min , | 0355 | 0306 | -0177 |--00380/ -00157 | ‘v0074 : “The Soli-tidal character of the principal characteristics # | the occasional Magnetic Storms, as to frequency, magnitude, 1 ing ag of wave disturbance, ee Irregularities n this Table.’ (Table XII) p. maxima vn minima, the pao of which will beam teresting, _ = laws of the principals have been well ascél” tained ial defi 6. “In regard i the Wave-disturbance: for Westerly fat the aggregate is + from 17! to 64, — from 74 to 165; ford . erly Force, the aggregate is + fom 5h, — from 6b to “~ and for Nadir Fores, the aggregate is + from 23h to 104, - 114 to 225;” p. 644. Magnetism as a Mode of Motion. 121 current from N.N.W. to S.S.E., approximately, or from S.S.E. to N.N.W. (according to the boreal or austral nature of the ether), is formed in this Ether; that this current is liable to in- terruptions or perversions of the same kind as those which we are able to observe in currents of air and water; and that their effect is generally similar, producing eddies and whirls, of vio- lence sometimes far exceeding that of the general current from which a are derived ;” 8. “And in the relation ae te K. and W. disturbances and eri lscertecstee there is-a point which well deserves atten- tio Then a water-funnel passed nearly over the observer, ivelling (suppose) in a N. direction, he w rould first ghgeiric: = rong ‘current to the E., afterward a strong current to (or bite ver: sa), and between these there would be a very oon vertical pressure in one direction, not accompanied by one in the opposite direction ; thus he w ould have half as many verti- eal as horizontal impulses. This state of things corresponds to 1€ i aceite at Kew have a decided double m “i ma with an intervening interval of about eight - nine urs Dh conical form and single maximum which character- izes the easter!) y deflections at Kew, belong also to the _ deflections in all localities in North ’ America, where the ] aws of the disturbances have been investigated. But. . . at Nert- Schinsk and Pekin . . . the co onical form and single maximum “ped a swesler ly deflections, whilst the easterly have the double m At the two Asiatic stations, the ag- Siler eahes “of he wwester ‘ly deflections decidedly heen Whilst in America the easter at a sr no less decided] Pee? annual variation, sowie! the north end of the magnet points More toward the east when the sun is north, and toward - West when the sun is south, of the equator;” p. 291. 122 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial 11. The residual errors in the monthly determinations of the Horizontal Force and of the Dip ‘are thoroughly confirmatory of a semi-annual inequality, having its epochs coincident, or — nearly so, with the sun’s passage of the equator ;” p. 803. — 12. There appears to be “an increase of the Dip and of the Total Force, and a deflection of the north end of the Declination — magnet teward the West, in both hemispheres, in the months ot — October to March, as compared with those from April to Sep — tember.. . . The greater proximity of the earth to the sim in the December compared with the June Solstice most naturally presents itself as a not improbable cause; but we are as yet 100 little acquainted with the mode of the sun’s action on the mag — netism of the earth, to enter more deeply into the question a present ;” p. 307. a I have neither the leisure nor the ability to undertake an ee haustive analysis of the results thus brought together; but I : present them as well worthy of a profound mathematical invest — gation, as confirmatory in very striking and minute particulars of my mechanical hypotheses, and as furnishing new and strong ptesumptive evidence of that marvellous simplicity of force 0 which many independent branches of modern physical research have pointed out in the barometer. (Proceedings of the Roy: June 16, and of the Am. Phil. Soc., June 17, 1864.) Besides the differential or tidal action of the mo slight tendency to diminish the weight of the air moon, and to increase the weight of that which 1s most Te mete. In proportion as this tendency is exerted i | with, or in opposition to, that of the sun, the mea moon at the commencement of each new month, th in the aerial rotation-spheroid produced by lunar changes in the average temperature of day and night at ¢! ent seasons and different years, &c.), it may yet, perhaps, be Magnetism as a Mode of Motion. 123 cernible in comparing the results of a long series of careful and delicate observations. The accompanying tables are deduced rom such a comparison of the St. Helena records. Taste I. Solar and Lunar Daily Magnetic Tides, in parts of Force.* Solar Horizontal force. Vertical force. Total force. and Selar. [at ” T Solar. junar. Solar. Lunar Lunar cairn ids Houre. “00 ( *-000 000 000 0 +1099 +006 -(022 -(005 +95 +005 1 +0911 003 +229 +02 +82 -001 2 +0623 -O1L +446 +031 +60 -005 3 +0368 -O14 +593 +044 +40 -006 + +0138 -020 +638 +072 +20 -007 5 -008 -01 +608 +041 +01 -006 6 -0270 -007 +611 +050 -15 +001 7 -~0394 -00 +545 +028 26 +001 8 -0465 000 +300 -012 -36 002 9 -0511 4022 +219 -O11 -41 +018 0 -0530 40382 +074 -017 -45 +025 l —0522 40381 oll 037 -45 +022 2 -048 O19 -100 -003 -43 +016 3 ~0449 017 16 +005 -41 +015 4 -0405 40138 2294 +019 -38 +014 5 -0376 009 -289 +048 -36 -001 6 -0352 oll -345 +051 -35 -002 7 -0329 ~008 398 +029 -84 -()03 8 -0298 009 -465 +013 -32 00 9 -0154 Oot -513 -O11 -20 ~005 20 +9130 +003 ~§82 -053 +08 -005 21 +047 006 -49 -050 +34 -002 22 +0803 4013 -42 -054 +004 : 101 09 914 | =067 +85 -001 Taste I. Lunar-Monthly Magnetic Tide of Horizontal Force, ‘br cae wmarn areca ee NS ‘i ——— nied! > Mean Daily Fiuctuations of Hori- 5 Mean Daily Fluctuations of Hori- "mt a onda Poets St, Helena. Ss Recent zonta al Fore ta) Force 6 7é ° 1846. iecraags 6 1844. stoi 16846. Average. 0 | 6131 | 53-75 88} 51°98 180. | 5881+ 5391 | 4086) 51°19 15 | 61-66 | 53-29 piped 52-06 195 | 59°39 | 53°64 | 4027) 51°10 80 | 62-20 | 52°85 | 41-78 | 52°26 910 | 5935 | 53°57 | 40°79.) 51°20 45 | 62°32 | 53-81 | 41: 2-58 995 | 6888/5201 | 40°74 | 50°85 60 | 6256 ted sen S87 940 | 59°66 | 52°80 | 39°79 | 50°75 75 | 62-76 | 52°36 | 41-34 | 52°15 955 | 6085 | 52:92 | 40°70) 51°32 90 | 61°82 | 52°80 | 41-54 | 52°05 970 | 60°50 | 53-43 4065) 51°51 105 | 61-37 | 53:11 | 40-42 | 51°63 085 | 6089| 53°81 41°10) 51-94 120 | 60-47 | 53-43 | 39-97 | 51°29 300 | 61-64) 5282 4141 51-96 135 | 59-42 | 53-60} 4046 | 51-16 315 | 61°80 | 53°10 | 41°34 | 52°08 [105 [ores 53-01 | 40°14 | 5113 330 | 6214/5345 | 42°39 52-66 24 es ol 0 ay 4 oe ee ey sige Aes 60°54 | 53-46 | 89°72 345 | 62-16| 6297 | 41°85 | 52-32 » the first 4 1 fig laced, for convenience, in an upper line. _* The val utes po at el ran is 0U019 of the horizontal force, in 1844 and 1845, and -00021 in 1846. : ; 124 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial Table I is compiled from Maj. Gen. Sabine’s Tables 86, 31, 50, 51, 52, 53 (St. Helena Observations, ii). It is especially im teresting as showing the influence of the opposition of attrae tion to rotation in producing low solar tides at 10 or 11 a the prompt and direct influence of the sun upon the ethereal currents in the production of a high tide at noon, the dounle maxima and minima in each of the lunar tides, the additional confirmation of the analogies that I have heretofore pointed out between the spheroids of attraction and rotation, the o position of the solar and the resemblance of the lunar zenith and nadir effects, and the evidence in the partial ‘“ establishment” of the rectly on the xether, through the intervention of atmospheric at traction-currents, Tables If and III were formed by taking the. mean of the - hourly averages, on the twenty-four days in each lunar month which are most nearly indicated by the angular positions givél in the first column. Each of the tabular numbers for 1844 and 1845 represents the average of two hundred and eighty-eight : hourly observations; each of the numbers for 1846, the aver age of two hundred and sixty-four observations, with the few : exceptions of holidays and other omitted days, for which the missing numbers were interpolated. Table II indicates a tend ency to mean lunar influence between 90° and 105°, and ie tween 270° and 285°, the influence increasing when the moon — acts either in conjunction with the sun, or directly upon coh | Taste IIT. Lunar-Monthly Magnetic Tide of Vertical Force. Monts Mean Daily Fluctuations of Vertical | Mean Daily Fluctuations of Vertical) ee 2.6 F : Force 3 he Moon’. - 63 ese. Positive. _ ae — acs | sar ie Porce at »t. Hele ae : ° ts Hiteodll thtoadl Fo rs 1844. | 1845. | 1846. | average. O | 4842/4851 43-56) 4683 || 180 | 47-06 | 4777 | 46°54 Nd 15 | 4821/4855 4390 | 46-89 195 | 4796 | 48-02 | 46-99 | 474° 80 | 4733 | 4853 4453 46-80 210 | 4814 | 48°26 | 45°63 | 4748 : 3 0 | 47:55 | 4750 | 47-9: | Legh 147821 4770 4702! 47-41 || 3845 | 49-18 | 47-44 | 4399 densed air and vice versd. It also shows the existence of distur ances, which may be accounted for by some of the causes which I have already referred. Table III exhibits apparent ‘tendencies to diminution of force near the syzygies, and tol crease of force a day or two after the quadratures, * The value of le division varies from “00051 to -00091 of the vertical for Pee aT ke, Magnetism as a Mode of Motion. 125 moon (at or near 240° and 46°), low temperature ucing a minimum of horizontal force, with a maximum of vertical force, and vice versd. From the variations of hori- zontal force (=) and vertical force (=) given in this table, . Maes 4 : table V is formed, the mean variations of total force (=) being Taste IV, Lunar-Monthly Magnetic Tide. Differences from Monthly Means. F nef Horizontal Force. Vertical For ce, | _Means. ee a ee | 1846 1844. | 1845 1846. BF. |_V.F 0 |+-38| 454 |--02 | +59 | +51 | -166-| +380 | -16 15) + 78 | 408 | +84 | +88 | -+ 55 | —1-92 +3 10 80 | 4127 | —86 | + -88 =50 | + 53 | = ‘57 +58 | -19 45 | +1391 +40 | + -91 -—50 | + 25 | -1-16 +90 | 48 60 168} -81 | ~-94 38 47 | =143 >| +19 | "45 78 | +083} =85 | 4-44 | -91 | --12][--90 | +47 | -“4 0 |+ 80} —41 | + 64 -'18 ST | = *85 +87 | -87 105 | +44} --10 | —-48 21 | -1:08 | + 19 05 | -37 ) |- 46} +22 | --93 | -80 | --58]/ 4-53 | -39 | —12 5 | -151 | +39 | 44 | =07 | = 60 | +2°18 ~52 | +50 ) 1-70} -2 - 46 —98 |-- 50 | +211 -55 | +44 5 | = 39 | +25 | -1I8 3 — 80 | +1°90 =-44 ! +42 D | 212} 470 | = -04 | -TT | = 28 | +142 49 | +18 b | -154 | +43 | - 68 +15 | + 02 | +117 -58 | +43 0 | -158 | +36 | - 26 +31 | +26 | + “76 —48 | +44 225 | -2:05 | -80 | -- = 34 [+ 26 | +127 -'83 | +39 240 | -127 | —41 | -1in | +57 | +6 7 Ne 255 | - 58 | -29 | - 2 +83 | + 52} - °48 36 | +12 210 | = 48 | 4:22 | --95 | #17 [+ 08) = 58 Ky | =49 285 | - 04] +60 | +20 | +10 | - 80] - ‘51 | +26 | ~24 800°} +71 | ~39 | 4-51 | +28] + 26] = 21 | +28 | +09 el) 87) lL | 44 +34 |-+ 361 = 17 +40 | +24 380 | ser] 4+ +149 | +66 | - 09| -184 | +98 | ~2 345 1 +128 | +24 9 4°35 56 | -118 +64 | -*45 on ; fc ae obtained by the formula 4 — 093? g5* + sin® I+. I have taken 6=—29°; one scale division of horizontal force ="000194 ; one division of vertical force =°000792; which are almost iden- tical with the values employed by Gen. Sabine in the computa tion of his tables of hourly variation in solar and lunar total my deductions, ‘The first decimal figures are placed in an Au. Jour. Sci.—Seconp Szegums, Vou. XXXIX, No. 116,—Manrca, 1866. 17 126 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial upper line, as in Table I. Perhaps the principal utility of this ; table os be found in some future extension of these hb : ibits the | daily maxima and minima, and as it lends added weight ni | preceding tables, by ie that the monthly tide is a ular than the daily t tide. | Taste V. te $ y Lunar-Monthly Magnetic Tide of Total Force. Mean oi Jager ery at 5 eshte Position of Total For ; 1844. rei 1846. jae, 0 +00013 + 00015 -00018 + 00003 15 +'00017 +00007 — 00008 06005 30 6 “00000 +00007 00008 - 45 +00018 +00009 +:00002 +00010 4 +00023 — 00008 -00020 - 00002 "5 +00028 —00015 ~ +00008 +000138 -00012 +9007 2 105 +'00005 00014 - 00006 — 00005 120 -"00011 00003 -0001 - 00 135 -'00026 00000 +00017 - 00008 150 0001 009 +00011 = 000) 165 00010 +00001 +00001 -"00008 180 —"00044 009 +00015 —"00007 . 195 —00024 +00007 + 00003 —"00005 210 —00023 +00009 +00005 —"000 225 --00038 ~"00002 +00012 -00099 01 00000 —00016 -"00010 255 --00006 -00001 —00009 --00005 270 -0000 +00005 00011 -"00004 285 0 +00007 — 000 +°00002 300 | +00014 ~00004 | +00006 | +-00006 315 | +00018 | +00004 | +00005 | +00009 330 | 4 +000083 | 400010 | +00013 345 +0024 -00010 000 +-00006 It seems not improbable that the mutual planetary perturb tions which are sufficient] y powerful to affect their orbital - lution, may also exert an appreciable influence on their 2 moon.’ The annual alata are ve reat, the intens being about +}, mae J or is nearest “2 carb an ord half as gre at, or only about when most remote. te bined Operation of the tropical Perchain: of a upiter, the é apsides, and the moon’s nodes, should produce a seri ries of tarbances corresponding very nearly in ssi with G¢ * If we take as our unit the , : M ee il about 177, and Jupiter's rh. moon’s attraction for the earth pr" : ae eee ee ee NS ee PRMD ce fo Pa ee eee a o 7 aes 3 Magnetism as a Mode of Motion. 127 Sabine’s magnetic “ decennial period,” and Schwabe’s period of solar spots. The law of varying attraction suggests a plausible explanation for the approximate mean proportionality of the barometric the tidal and magnetic variations, For the ratios of attraction of any planet when in solar conjunction, at quadrature, and in Opposition, vary as (x + 1)?, n?, and (n— 1), respectively, the attraction at the mean distance being nearly a mean proportional tween the maximum and minimum attractions. he barome- trical fluctuations are occasioned by variations in the gravitation Taste VI. Solar and Lunar-Daily Tides of Total Force. Solar | ‘ 1846. Maca _Solar, Lunar, Solar. _ Lunar. | Solar. Lunar, Hours, ‘000 : “000 ‘000 “OU ‘000 0 +33 +009 +88 -009 +066 +004 1 +83 +011 +97 -014 +104 +015 2 +67 ~005 +85 -016 +09 -00 8 +49 “004 +63 -008 +076 +018 4 +28 ~024 +41 -012 +054 +017 5 $15 ~0382 +20 -001 +031 +024 6 +02 097 +02 +002 +008 + 7 -11 (16 ~}1 +010 -01 +022 8 -92 ~00 -94 +003 -026 22 9 -81 +001 -35 +034 036 +022 0 -35 008 39 +041 -043 +024 1 -37 +029 -46 +031 -047 +021 2 -37 +017 —48 +021 053 +008 3 -38 +021 -43 +012 -—048 +011 4 -39 +045 =44 +012 -040 -001 5 -32 +021 -42 +006 038 -029 6 -30 +001 -39 +006 048 033 7 -29 00 39 +006 041 027 8 22 -012 2 y) -00 042 -020 9 -24 -006 -36 -016 -01 20 -16 014 94 -008 027 -011 21 +07 017 +03 -006 es -021 22 +38 +022 +82 -002 402 - 23 +64 +016 +63 -008 4.063 -010 of the air toward the earth’s center,—the tidal motions, by the ies,-and the inagnetic, accord- Ing to my hypothesis, by the oscillations of the air and ether in their efforts to restore the unsettled equilibrium, The three dis- tal, and the other two centrifugal, the two latter being nearly equal in amount but diametrically opposed in direction, This leads us at once theoretically, to the general formula with which We started empirically, A:B::B: M, ~ strengthens the conviction that there are none of the phe- 128 P. E. Chase on Terrestrial Magnetism, &c. nomena of terrestrial magnetism which cannot be explained, either by the instantaneously received and instantaneously trans — mitted impressions which are made directly ‘upon the ether b attraction, heat, or rotation,—by the more sluggish oscillations of the air, which originate from the same sources,—or by combination of the two. aad very particle is exposed to the influence of these several lt pressions, the tidal waves of the solid earth having 4 range, according to Prof. Thomson’s calculations (Phil. Zvans., dil, @ corollary, ry eae Elasticity pet = F | Density — ae be something more than accidental. : a f we assume the atmospheric density as our unit, Piel and represent the aerial and ethereal elasticities by E’, E", respec ively, the proportion BE 4:192,000:: |& , [& gives an approximate value for the density of the kinetic sethet D” =-00000000000108 = The magnetic and barometric tuations may perhaps furnish the necessary data for determintt the unknown ratio me po = oo auroral displays in frosty air, are rhaps owing to analo z0 L. M. Rutherfurd’s Spectroscope. 129 Art. XVI.—On the construction of the Spectroscope ; by Lewis M. RUTHERFURD. I KNow of no good substitute for bisulphid of carbon as the dispersive agent in the spectroscope. Flint glass, besides being but half the dispersive power, and the specimens of the denser glass which I have seen tarnish so rapidiy, and have so high an index of refraction as to be practically useless, Having devoted much time to the construction and management of bisulphid of carbon prisms, it is quite possible that the results of my experi- ence may be useful to those who may wish to fit up a spectro- Scope with such prisms, and perhaps I shall best attain the object y describing my own instrument. The two principal telescopes are provided with objectives of 16 inches aperture and 19 inches focal length. The slit or col- lecting telescope has but one motion about a vertical axis at the side of the platform and just in front of the objective, enabling it to command all parts of the platform. The observing tele: Scope has two motions, one about the central axis of the instru- ment, and the other about a second vertical axis, which by means of'aslide, capable of being clamped, can be placed under the Jast surface of any prism on the platform; thus commanding by one motion the whole spectrum. : Before the slit is a prism for the comparison of different spec- tra, and the observing telescope is provided with eye-pieces of various powers. The first circuit consists of six prisms which are of brass faced with plates of glass, cemented with glue and molasses, These are each of about the angle of 60° and present &n aperture of 2-9x1-8inches. The faces to receive the glass are carefully ground to a flat surface and the glass quite thick and free from veins has been selected with reference to the flat- ince however it is scarcely possible to find glass with paral- : I surfaces, care has been taken so to place the glass that the Inclination of its faces is perpendicular to the axis of the prism. to be glazed was u t and ina horizontal position: the blass, having been ones, wate the manner of a plate for photo- — 130 L. M. Rutherfurd’s Spectroscope. graphic purposes, also warmed and both surfaces to be in cow tact dusted with a fine camel’s hair brush, was placed in position upon the prism, a hot and fluid mixture of glue and : was then applied with a fine brush around the edges of the glass, whereupon a uniform and verv thin film of the cement that my description is needlessly particular, but I have mentioned nothing which experience has not shewn to be necessary tol permanence or performance of the prism. ee soon discovered that, after I had made a good prism, tts per formance would be uncertain, and I finally traced the difficulty to a want of equal density in the bisulphid of carbon, and: peculiarity. I have observed not only in the fluid of commer upper part, and bisecting the soda line with a spider’s web! eye-piece, all parts of the instrament being clamped, then ¢ ing all but the lower portion of the prism, it will be found the soda line has been carried to a notable extent toward violet end of the spectrum. _ This want of homogeneity in the bisulphid of carbon is entl different from the disturbance of density by thermal vara It is a permanent feature of some specimens of the fluid, equable temperature. I have one such prism, filled nearly § trata is quite a measurable quantity. My mode of over e bisulp id ~— Stopper at the top. After remaining undisturoe® , 5 s the liquid arranges itself according to its density, fill the prisms from the faucet, being careful e L. M. Rutherfurds Spectroscope. , = Careful and repeated measures give for the index of refraction of the soda line with the prism first filled from the bottom, 1:62876, and with the ninth prism, filled with the fluid near the upper portion of the jar, 1°62137. In order to obtain fine definition, it is necessary that the prisms should be placed at the angle of least deviation for the ray under observation. To make the adjustment with several prisms, or to change it when made, is so laborious and troublesome a task as almost to amount to a prohibition of the use of a powerful bat- tery for practical and extended investigations. To remedy this evil Thave devised and executed a mode by which I 1. the “J4stment of all the prisms by one motion of a milled An inspection of the sooomipanying Fig. 1, which represents the 132 Contributions from the Sheffield Laboratory. system of prisms without the button, as seen from above, 1 shew the manner in which this adjustment is accomplished. | the glass plate which forms the platform of the instrument, in the center of the system, is cemented a brass plate, in ac of which revolves without shake a pinion provided at t with a milled head, as 2. seen in figure 2. The a prisms are all hinged to- 2. getuer at the corners: and from the back of each projects at right angles a brass bar pro- vided with a slot, which is provided with teeth which gear into the pinion, so that turning the milled head this prism is forced to approach de. part from the center: but, from the construction, this cannot take place without imparting a similar motion to each of the prisms, and thus, at will, their backs are made tangents to a ger or smaller circle, which is the adjustment sought. 7 This mechanism is capable of adjusting six, or any smallet number, of eqni-angled prisms. The outer spiral, when moe than six are used, must be adjusted by hand. New York, Dec. 10, 1864, Art. XVII.— Contributions from the Sheffield Laboratory of Yal College. No. VILL—On crystallized Diopside as a furnace duct; by Georce J. Brusu. while others were grayish white and transculent; some larger ones were over half an inch in length by ones! of an inch in diameter. Mr. John M. Blake has determine? i . ": : G. J. Brush on crystallized Diopside as a furnace product.. 133 with the reflecting goniometer, 86° 50’, 86° 52’, 87°, and 87° 12’. The prism was truncated at each of its obtuse angles by a plane of nearly the same width as the planes of the rhombic prism, The terminal planes were observed on only a few of the smaller crystals, and as they were microscopic were not measured, There is a tendency to cleave apparently in the direction of the rhombic prism, but no reflected image could be obtained from the more or less conchoidal surfaces thus produced. The hardness of the crystals was about 5°, and the specific gravity was found to ‘16 (determined on 138 milligrams of substance). Lustre, vitreous and brilliant. Before the blowpipe in the forceps the substance fuses easily with intumescence to a colorless glass, giving at the same time an intense soda flame, It is partially attacked by chlorhydric acid, emitting the odor of sulphuretted hydrogen; and entirely decomposed by fusion with carbonate of soda. Analyses made by Mr. Peter Collier, assistant in this Laboratory, gave the following results :. I IL IIL Mean. Oxygen. Silica, 49°95 49°86 49°91 26°61 | og.95 Alumina, 08 5-00 501 234 5 7 + SPil 23°55 4 a 08} agnesia, - 7°25 17°42 14°57 Ferrous oxyd,- 0°39 41 0-4 09 Potash, eee : 1:42 1-4 2 22a rice eee eis 2716 216 56 Calcium, = - 0:30) 0°88 031 Sulphur, : 024f 0.26 ; 0°25 Manganous oxyd, tr. tr. tr. 100-42 acid. The alkalies (III) were determined m thod The small amount of sulphur was calculated as sulphid of cal- she xygen ratio of the mean shows the relation of the side, and corresponds very nearly with that described by Hunt from Bathurst, in Canada.' The erystalline form, as determined ¥ the observations and measurements of Mr. Blake, shows further its relation to yroxene, and, taken with the chemical composition, leaves no doubt as to the identity of the crystals With the diopside variety of that mineral. Diopside has been wy observed as a furnace product by Vv. Kobell,’ and usmann,® from iron farnaces at Jenbach, near Schwatz, in the Tyrol, and at Gammelbo in Sweden. z Rept. of Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 467. 2 Miinchener gelebrte Anzeigen, xix, 97 : ~ Liebig & Kopp, Jabresbericht. 1851, 767. : Am. Jour. Sc1.—Seconp SERIES, Vou. XXXIX, No. 116.—Marcu, 1865. 18 New Haven, Dec. 9, 1864. Art. XVIII.—Jntroduction to the Mathematical Principles Uh. Nebular Theory, or Planetology ; by GUSTAVUS HINRICHS, 1 fessor of Physics and Chemistry, Iowa State University. (Continued from p. 58.) $8. The condition of the primitive Nebula. the radius vector drawn out from the center of gravity, ae mass, and A the projection of the area swept over by 7° (5) or, as the centrifugal force y of the particle m with respect * principal axis is tad ee . F ‘ ok while, at least for a very small unit of time, «) : =o r?, ‘ . . we have also Emrt yt = 20. ee On account of the resistance of the ether, C will not be constant, but decrease in time; still it is apparent heh sing approximation, we may neglect this resistance by con é strictly constant. | ee E 72a 2 al coe G. Hinrichs on Planetology. 135 Now, by 8 ian a of the particles, the nebula is continually dense, or r is continually decreasing j hence, by ‘8, the iokstaied force of any particle in the nebula continually inereasing. But the force of gravity at the surface is likewise constantly nresing for we may without materially erring conceive the ss below the particle to remain constant, but then gravity is tateiecly as the neg = the radius, or rapidly increasing with the progress of condensa But these two forces ae ne the figure of the Nebula. However irregular the figure may be at first, we see that the moulding orces, by constantly i pS keer! will at length shape the nebula accordingly. From Plateau’s Experiments (see above, § 6, re- sult 1, 2) we know this bane to he a flat ellipsoid. Laplace? has demonstrated that but one she oblate ellipsoid of revolution will be produced by these forces, 7. 224 m (x? + 92) = (9) ‘the plane a, y, cointiding with the ee ‘gibic being the equator, z the axis of rotation = 2a, and ee ‘a Lt ee = ve 4=1t76, sind=e (10) ‘ seal ay eccentricity of the meridian; hence the equatorial semi-a Ot N Iie ee (UD Assuming, for a moment, the nebula to be homogeneous, we can determine the eccentricity by the density 6, and the angular velocity » (i.e. by (6) proportional to the square root be cen oe force g at a unit of distance). Laplace found, if the f the whole nebula be M, and its moment of inertia E, B= ppxdas(1ia)fg= Vl aM; . (12) M=4¢20a S+¥) = 429 sas ; . (18) q = dof rs oto Sir eee 4 ee are (tg = 4) = yemeeenet, ji . (18) Which last equation he shows to have but one single positive real Toot, so that a # e has bas ar value, if g, the centrifugal force, and % the den are giv Bat the atte i is serainly not constant throughout the whole * Mécanique Céleste, Liv. iii, chap. III, § 21. 136 G. Hinrichs on nm Planetology. nebula; but as this nebula is a gaseous — 3 will be deter mined by 7 and gravity and, jus st as in the case of our come uniform in the successive homothetic ellipsoidal shells cluded between any two successive surfaces. e we Imi consider J as a function of the equatorial axis of ‘ie surface, and, as the density is increasing toward the center, we may, lt stead of the general law d=f(a), (ue take the law assumed by oe for the jniterioe of our earth, d—=A—ca. . ee a Plana has shown’ that this Jaw is ee cae probable in the. ease of theearth. Prof. Forchhammer of Copenhagen has lately. shown" how this law accounts for one of the principal circ stances relating to the succession of geological strata. Tt must finally be borne in mind that the nebula may hay various elements at the same place, because the laws of diffu of gases will apply to the gaseous nebula, Thus far the chem eal analyses of meteorites and the spectral analysis of the sul moon and planets have corroborated this conclusion; still we must not ~— consiade that some differences may not obtally pe | Ast Regi 1 190s, vol. xxv, No. 828. For the eneae at grt pate of the ah S$ Inlec ne ti en Rekk qr reemtnges Stoffernes Kredsléb i Naturen at creation the rina pie ure.) Nordisk Universitets- -Tidskrift, Ws ge . 68-81. : As an instance, Forchhammer describes the circulation of Lime: first the smal ological periods, put into circulation, especially by the inor st for these again 1 paetiants nence a new oye —wN No mA where id ti the oe at fir ‘ from? Forehhammer a. that as granitic rocks (s met gravity i g dense than oo dark trap-rocks, (on Bornholm, sp. gr. up to 2.93,) they woul, the first period of the i ‘ait earth, rote aps ca rapt thus the first on would be Tome of granitic rocks, rom. hes ep reecea unfit 10 " co tli fe, ossiliferous, By t sis ie sbek a at ns this rock was s disloc: “ae thr by the prea ian fr approcks catalog lime and iron as the being so rich in carbonie acid and be ing dis ee d in the th waters or decompose these silicates, rie thus bring lime inte circulation: period of rest, comm their eruption with emitting trachytic, i.e gm" . Masses aiehost free from I lime—whi ich are later succe sch a by Ate heavy black in nce ae hae th lime and iron, The > aban deposi of gypsum, the Triassic period, is succeeded by dinary limestone formation 1 of the Jurassic period, thus giving another li pair inductions, for sum, being more soluble, will more rapidly | lim si — eurlier it d the cause for 2° shit ti imestone during ¢ x Jurass ic period, ete. —in the simple cross ae = tht —t being lighter than trap, were exterior to the latter in . *. Wap 2 eee ee es ‘ fere G. Hinrichs on Planetology. as the diffusion certainly is limited by the sinking of the denser particles. Ina nebula from which a whole cluster of solar sys- tems has been formed, we may therefore expect to find consider- ably different elements. We thus decline the imputation of Rutherfurd that homogeneity of original diffuse matter “is almost a logical necessity of the nebular hypothesis,” and cannot see any real vbjection to this hypothesis, if, as he says, “‘ we have now the strongest evidence that they (the stars) also differ in constit- uent materials” (this Journal, 1863, vol. xxxv, p. 77). In regard to the signification of 6 we must remark that, in the following, we use the letter 5 to represent the mean density of the nebula from the centre to the distance r, while in (17) 6 indicates the density of the sheil at the very distance 7. As (17) is only adduced to serve for a comparison, this course is legitimate. But it is easily demonstrated, that, at least for a spherical nebula, this law (1 7), if true for the individual shell, will also be true for the mean density of all shells inside of it. For, the actual den- sity varying according to (17), the mean density of the interior rom r=0 to r is found to be a) dan At EO ee kos A) where c’=4c, This law‘ is evidently the same as (17). § 9. Attraction in the Nebula. mule (from Aféc. C6, liv. iii, ch. 1, § 4), independent of the law of the density (17), and merely depending on the proved uniform- ity of the density in each separate shell. we put 3m A ] 19 _— at ka a: . . * . s Q= 78 [tan ipa (19) then the components X, Y, Z, of the attraction (positive toward the origin) are zx os 1 x=Q. we y¥=9.%;- - - (20) a - 1 as ) Zz (21) * The “ Density ” in Trowbridge’s article (this Journal, xxxviii, 354, 1864), is dif- nt, because referring to the density at different periods of time. 188 G. Hinrichs on Planetology. All of these three components act to condense the nebula X and Y also determine the revolution of the particles, while has no such influence, all motions in the direction of thea # mutually destroying each other, because 2, y is the invarial et A plane. Composing X and Y we g bn ee enjven, aiesee ieee aa and directed toward the axis of rotation; r?=a*+y?. _ Substituting the first (18) (m = M) in (22) we obtain R=u4.6r, where 27 t= [(1+-4?) are (tg =) —4]. _ 4s now # only depends on 4, i. e. on the eccentricity (10) whi is constant, the shells being homothetic, we see is at given moment for all parts of the nebula the same, hence radial force Rin the nebula is proportional to the density 6 and distance r from the axis of rotation. . oe _ This simple result is of very great importance, as we shall in the sequel. § 10. ‘The orbit of the Planets. The particles of the nebula had originally motions in all rections; but as we assumed the existence of a moment proble ae We think so, for there are two modifying circumstances | byes [Humboldt’s Cosmos] :* Ping cc aubers in the last column of the following table are not qué G. Hinrichs on Planetology, 139 é. z. L Mercury, .- -.. =, 2056 ele: 5° 19/ ees - - - ‘0068 3° 23° beg Oe Earth, - - - 0168 o*.. 9 tet Mars, = - - - - 0932 Pek 10’ Asteroids,® - - - ‘160 T: oo 6° 14’ upiter, - - : 0482 149. 13’ Saturn, - - - 0561 2° 30’ 48’ Uranus, - - - «+ *0466 0° 46’ 55’ eptune, - - += ‘0087 te Vi 6’ Invar. plane, - 1° 41’ 0° 0’ We see how clearly the principal members of the system move in one plune, and that this plane is the invariable plane of the system ; the great planets deviate less than one degree, the principal of the interior planets, Earth and Venus, only 1} de- minimum, The inclination of the Earth and Venus is greater than that of the exterior planets, for the mass of the former is small as com- _ Pared to that of the latter; but as Venus and the Karth are the great planets among the interior, we see that the inclination and ‘lade of Mercury’s orbit are much more considerable than either, “aed gh § Considerable perturbation on its development, was so far distant ? Ki aa Dee ee ‘6 Mean of the first 72 Asteroids, elements given in Table of Smithsonian Report, ‘S91, p. 218-219, 6 . . . € intended in thi 10 gi fuller account of our views concerning the development of the enn Ge waste from a letter of Mr. Trowbridge that ihe continuation of his article will contain a solution of this problem, I abstain for ~ Present from publishing my details. 140 G. Hinrichs on Planetology. The same principles will apply to the satellites; but we too few data to make a comparison of this principle with vation profitable. § 11. The periodic time of the Planets ; Kepler's third law. . Since every particle in the same shell revolves around th under the influence of a force R proportional to the distance from the axis (§ 9), we know from mechanics that the p time T of such a particle is T Qn ay, 8 ts oa (24) whole nebula had the same density throughout it would like one solid. But if the density be different in different p some shells will rotate faster than others (§ 12). Eliminating 9 by means of (18) we get T2 —— 4! a’ 7} =u og agement ‘ 3 Ji P12 (14-22) tans We know that the ellipticity of the nebula is determ! the centrifugal force, and the latter by the state of cont tion (§ 8); and even in case an ellipsoid becomes imposs! can not but conclude that the figure continues to be dete inthe same manner. But the condensation continues crease of the centrifugal force depending thereon will a! tinue and produce a series of rings in a certain successi0 at = constant; ° . . . * : = G, Hinrichs on Planetology. 141 or the squares of the times of rotation of the different rings are as the cubes of their radit. If we remember that the possible ellipsoids reach to a propor- tion of 1 to about 3 between polar and equatorial diameters of _ the nebula, we can be sure that this covers the principal god of the metamorphosis ; hence, (26) is rigorously proved for the greatest part of the condensation intervening between the forma- tion of two successive rings; the nebula acquires its principal dimensions while changing in accordance with the ellipsoidic figure, and when abandoning this it quickly passes to the form of aslightly oblate spheroid and aring. The interruption in our strictly mathematical demonstration cannot, therefore, seri- ously interfere with (26). But then this or Kepler’s third law is a consequence of the nebular hypothesis, or the observations embodied in this law sustain equally the nebular hypothesis and gravitation. gain, inductively, we may conclude from Kepler’s third law that the interruption in our analytical deductions occasioned by our ignorance of the exact mechanical laws of the metamorpho- _ S18 of the ellipsoid into the globe ring (we might in reference to Saturn find the expression Kronion-form convenient) is not of Serious conseqnences. ‘hus we may at least conclude from the third of Kepler's ‘great laws that the development of the planets was periodical ; s a this law being a fact, and (25) being rigorously true, we must ave a= constant Pe yp a ke _ but, as remarked before, M remains essentially constant, hence _ # or what is the same 4, i.e, the ellipticity ¢ of the nebula cor- _ Fesponding to the different planets, must have been the same at Corresponding epochs, just as we assumed above. mee Bat # the metamorphosis of the nebula has been periodic, and hot simultaneous, we must ascertain whether the successive inter- vals of time were equal or not. We shall find that they were equal, _ Just as it would be the most natural or the simplest to assume. § 12. Spiral Nebula. ru. * that originally were situated in the same straight lin ee & Ke § ns doy * cg act ; ot 142 G. Hinrichs on Planetology. form throughout the nebulous mass. Then the nebula rotate like a solid, but the angular velocity of any 2 will be oe or, by (24), A a As # (23) is constant for the whole nebula, we see that gular velocity is proportional to the square root of the densily “rere to (17), greatest near the center of the nebula. If 6 be the angle of position of those particles which originally (i.e. when t= 0) in one and the same straight have at the time ¢, Wee a A wR 8 ae or by (29) 62 = 4.8.17, Remembering that the density is a inden of the (16) and also of the time on account of the progressing col sation, we see that (31) may be written, 0? = ut?F (a, t t any given moment of time (¢ esate all a eee a” a ae will now form the curve 62 = g(a), © . This contains the Jpmzaage principles of chanical theory of the spiral nebul, Substituting Laplacc’s law of ihe density (17) in (1) % we obtain as the aa of the spiral — 62 wherein «=y.4.¢* depends upon the agit f (3 A at the center, and the time ¢, whilst C =cut? depends } same m and tand the rate of variation of the eh We these spires are limited, for 0 tn a ee (38) and it remains to be seen whether this additional constant be accounted for by the variation of » (37). Before we i gate this, we will see how far (38) represents observation. Ve see that it is almost the same as the law of Tits? while in the latter ¢ is @ mere indez, it is in (88) a variable, t great independent variable of mechanics, time or age! (38) deviates from Titius in the case of Mercury. Adap constants of Bode to (38), it becomes | G44 (15) 2 4 tite (39) Representing by a the actual distance, we have, for com son with observation, ; Distance Planet. age,t. cale. ay. obs. 4 Mercury, 2 e = 55 38°7 vein eS 3 70 92°3 Ear : é : a 2 100 100°0 Mars, Shore tee oe a 160 152°4 Asteroids @-(@, - 3 4 280. 262°3° ‘Jupiter, - - a ek ot 520 5203 Saturn, a 1000 953°9 ranus - s PR a 1960 1918°2 Neptune - « 8 3880 3003°6 : i eee found ieulated from the table in Smithsonian Report for 1861; pad to (56 he following interesting fact: mean distance of (1) to (31) pre petite De of (57) to (72)=2 752, showing that in general the of the group of asteroids have been later discovered. - ee en se Eon i eas.) G, Hinrichs on Planetology. 147 of its mass, the latter on account of its high age (see this Jour- f nal, vol. xxxvii, p. 41). Before the precise influence of resist- ance was known, these deviations were considered sufficient cause to reject the law of Titius-Bode; but now these very deviations have become essential supports of the truth of that law. Another and better test of our Jaw (38), and of the constants of Bode (89), is obtained by directly solving (89) for the age ¢ log (a;— 40) — log 15 Se ee gl ~ ».» » (40) and seeing how far ¢ is given by the series 0, 1,2... We thus find Planet. Age. too small. ie cue) oe om 1066 enus, - - - - - i spec Marthe 2. 2 pads 2adic cepogeb 0000 Mars, - - - - - 2:9056 +094 Asteroids @-@,- - - 3'890 +11 Siam eae tesa aturn, - : = “ . G | Uranas, - =< 234 Seas 4-031 ‘ Neptune, - = - 76230 +377 From this table we see that the age of the planets above that of Mercury is as the series of natural numbers, the deviations not only being but small, but just such as influence of the mass wou make them. This may be easily proved by the formula con- tained in the article on the age of the planets before referred to. If the present age of Mercury be m, then the age of the inte- ror planets will be to that of the exterior ones as m+ r is to 26° : : m+ —, or as 2m +8 to2m+18. We found this ratio as 1 to 8 (this Journal, vol. xxxvii, p. 48); if true it would follow that ™=1, or the total age of any planet would be t+ 1, the unit being the age of Mercury. cae After having seen that (38), the modified form of (36), is ap- Plicable to the planetary distances, we will demonstrate that this modification is consistent with the signification of 4, the time. If the resistance R be proportional to the velocity v, or ~ ote 1a RS ww 4 ee we have the tangential force (this Journal, vol. xxxvii, p. 40) dé : d (#5) dé EN atl Resi==75, + + (42) | r | Where r is the radius vector, and @ the anomaly; but Kepler's Second law gives : 40 _jengla ate eee a Ae r2 noo: f (43) G. Hinrichs on Planetology. so that (43) becomes is Be 1 - fat re] we Op ng” 8. ee eee (44) ie giving for » constant, é=C.: “Vere eo. ke or, since by Kepler’s third law, c?=axy, = Snr 271, above. ei Instead of solving the problem directly, we may indirectlyt to find how » must vary that (86) may become (88), i. @ 0 a constant term to (46). In other words, C instead of being stant must be considered a function oft, i. e. (44) must be 1fde lat|= pli); 9 <. 6 eae (47) so that the resistance now becomes, see (42), ‘ yee ao, O89 elas ee: Sal) instead of (41), where cos 7 = soi and ds is the element of orbit. The function g(t) can now, by the method of the ¥ tion of the arbitrary constants, be so determined that (46) coincides with (38). Since r is a function of ¢, we may ™ ) Har git » So 6 eee ee hence (47) becomes Dans dk of rc=s (0). a te.) ae ee Se Taking the complete differential of (45), i.e. also conside C variable, substituting in (50) and reducing by (45), we ¢ for the determination of C ig Sf aa ee This gives, by making K an arbitrary constant, Oh Gere fe ae which, substituted in (46), gives, . ox ok 4.fe"'f).diy 8 This should be identical with (88), i.e. (remembering here is counted from the most distant, in (88) from the G. Hinrichs on Planetology. ts Sg ae Equating (53) and (54), and solving for /(é), we find, . | 4 A) =e ; Uae or, by (54), Ayare |e. ae area But Kepler’s third law gives u=a.v? (this Journal, vol. XXXvii, p. 38, note); hence . (87) SD) ABS ee aut B consequently, by (49), and a being now the same again, Re OR em eee ee or (48), cos 7 being almost equal to one, the orbit being nearly circular, -Revvo(1s-) oe. 6. 5 (50) Thus we see that (36) becomes (38) if the resistance R, instead _ of being simply proportional to the velocity (41), is varying ac- _ cording to (59), which may be comprehended in (41) by taking. __ the factor » to decrease from »(a= x) to 0(a=«) according to y’—Yy ] — ‘) . . . . . . * (60) a : _ This variation of the coefficient of resistance is conformable to _ (87), since 4, according to (16) (then 9), increases as a decreases. —2y; ‘The law. a=a+8.e =a+8.7' _ 48, therefore, but an amplification of : —2Qyt apes Sit 4 i ‘ § = equal intervals of time; or the consecutive planets were abandon _ equal intervals of time. _ There remain yet two remarkable consequences to be drawn from this exponential law of the planetary distances. If in (88) 413 sufficiently great (i. e. the corresponding planet far from the _ Center) to make the first term insignificant as compared to the _ Second, we have approximatively : @sp.7, 4 hence afti=*}, E AM Jour, Scr—secoxp Sertes, Vor. XXXIX, No. 116.—Marcu, 1865, 20 G. Hinrichs on Planetology. consequently “a —- ee t or for the most distant planets their distances approach to a geometrical series whose quotient is the basey. But this law) again in part be interfered with on account of the action sistance on the completed system, which, on account higher age, has drawn the most distant planets compara nearer to the sun than the less distant ones, so as to dimant above quotient 7. gain, if ¢ is sufficiently small—or the planet sufficient! the center—the exponential series contained in (38) 8 convergent, so that perhaps the approximation may be su if only the term of the first order is taken, so that (88) bet A and B representing constants, ; : Qc A+B. bo oe oe ee (6 hence a4, = A+B(t+1), hig => ALB. (t+-2), etc. ee) Oy — 8,89 841 =B, a i.e. the innermost planets have a tendency to become equidist ) Saturn to Jupiter as 1°85 to 1. Uranus “ Saturn _ SO tk Neptune “ Uranus x 157% 8 For Saturn—Jupiter this proportion is still less than 7 = because Jupiter both on account of its age and mass has ratio is almost equal to 7 = 2, while for Neptune- ran less again, on account of the higher age of the first. _ Distance. Difference ars, - - - 152°4 524 Bante hs 2 a 1008 26°7 Venus, “ is - - 723 33°6 Mercury, Bette - 3 8°7 We see how Mars, Earth and Venus follow Bode’s law for one-half of 52°4 is 26-2, or very nearly 26°7—but th between Venus and Mercury is 33°6 instead of 4 of 267 is difference might be considere consequence but we know that it is principally due to the sma® Mercury. ae [To be concluded.} L. Nickerson on the Periodic action of Water. 151 a y . Arr. XIX.—Periodic action of Water ; by Louis NicKERSON, ‘IN reading, some weeks ago, the article by Prof.-Loomis, on the vibrations of water flowing over a dam, I was somewhat surprised at the idea of deriving the peculiar motion from a for- eign source, as a column of air; surprised, because, however much the air might effect, by reaction, after the action had com- menced, the perturbations of a liquid, in whatever state of mo- tion it may exist, have always been so connected with periodic action as to have given use to the name of its most common at- tribute “the wave,” as the characteristic title ‘of nearly all periodic action. Without an attempt to discuss the question with the distinguished gentleman engaged, I shall endeavor to point out the manner in which the vibrations may be considered simply as the result of a: wave peculiarly cireumstanced. _ I was sitting one day upon the bank of a large river in the est. " Before me was a strong ripple, supposed by the people around to have been caused by the lodgment of snags upon the bottom. The sound from it was much louder than the roar of Wwaten, position was just upon the middle of an are, which alate “caving in” of the bank had indented, each point of the are running past the average bank of the river toward the enter. T e oO g i=] wet oh a Jt = Loe | ° 4 6B ° FR aa o O° ct ° Q og © 4 et °o = rs) * Qu oe > a) ==] Cnn ae & = Ss r= Qs i=} "2 hat the lower current rr regains its ascende driv- a Ns back to be again cl ea eee o's 152 L. Nickerson on the Periodic action of Water. Afterward, I watched this place for hours at a time, unlor tunately without timing, but yet with so distinct and definite’ I take it to be thus: a Ist. That a certain quantity of water arrives at the pool, and ‘ obvious. 3d. That the decrement of velocity, and corresponding ince ment of section, is greater at a point nearly under the point of greatest depression of the curve of amplitude. 4th. That outside of this stream the pool is made up of walét In a state of slow motion, at rest, or even in some cases of te k its changes, For this we take the formulx of permanent which, though not exact, is sufficiently characteristic, a8 from Weisbach, when : ‘ 1 = distance between a and 4%: sin @ = slope of original stream) a = depth of dam or known er P = whetted perimeter, ; E _ al = transverse section, Z = coefficient of resistance, v = velocity, g@ == $22, ora gravitation. The form of this curve is represented in the works of alm ie all hydraulic authors, and its equation shows it to be meee _tetic to the original surface. It is easily seen above eet sin.« of the original surface becomes equal to 2— 39 and the : ae: : : fore-equal to sin a’ of a transverse section of the pool ; a—a,0 ¢ @ L. Nickerson on the Periodic action of Water. 153 2 or the pool is simply a continuation of the stream, and if = becomes equial to =, or the height due to velocity becomes equal to one-half the depth, both of the original stream, then a-a,=%, acase which we shall examine more hereafter. We know that through walls of partly quiescent water, not only that of the ead angles, but also of superi itio D'Aubinson, “ moreover, the water of flowage seem. only to eser have observed, at a distance of 3884 feet from the dam, 98 the velocity of the surface was nearly insensible, whilst that at the bo of ” Sure, some of the slower water must be dragged along in the _ Course of the faster, in quantity and force varying as the differ- ence of lateral pressure. We must remember that as in the end Teceived from the upper end, i.e., the water of the current, there 7st then, be a parodia lull until the deficiency caused by this ryt h reese he velocity may become less ght readily appear that, as the velocity May ve" from the hicsbe of sh. stream to the Baiaide this might occur \ s departure, attains its own proper regimen. Bt ou will notice that this reasoning requires that there should be a rise and fall of the surface of the curve of amplitude I ve seen no such rise myself, nor been able to obtain 4 existence appear to me too plain to be disputed. It must} necessity be extremely small,—too small perhaps for observati For the formula h = when applied to a 4 foot velocity gives us h = 0-25, and a velocity of 4:3 yields for h only h= 0263, By which we see that a rise which would only add a quantil = 0018 to the depth would increase the velocity full 7%. tendency to increase. Partly it assists, partly deadens. Again let us recur to our formula. Although made by W . g Ly _ We see that sin « is the measure of the slope of the original: . ‘. i — "ab 2g of the resistances of the whetted perimeter of pogl, whilst the denominator marks the changes whi the condition of the stream. ‘To use it for our vie must find the value of a, for some finite point on € strea ee and then placing Palen Sn infinitesiin L. Nickerson on'the Periodic action of Water. 155 from that point, the. difference a,—a, should show the flactua- tion of height due to a periodic change in the discharge. Now 2 when sin a = ao it is also by the law of the formula =sine’ _ of that transverse section of which the second member shows the ‘resistance ; therefore Sine = sina’, therefore the velocity of the pool = the velocity of the stream, _ and the surface line of the pool is a parallel line with the bed ; or @,—a,=0, therefore it is circumstanced as in the original stream. There is no backwater, no difference of pressure and no vibration. : sineé=Q0 | the surface becomes level, for there is no velocity, no flowage, therefore no resistance, z — =(0; again a,—a,=0; and there 18 NO action, periodic or otherwise. ode So we see that there are two points at which the vibrations cease: namely, when the water is sufficiently high to flow ove the dam without much remou, as with a stream undammed, and with its surface a line nearly corresponding with the surface of the original stream; and again when the water is so low as _ tomake the difference between the hydrostatic and hydraulic _ Pressures very small. Of course these limits are much circum- scribed by the inertia of a large body of water which has con- -Stautly a tendency to absorb and soften these vibrations. The __ Mnost violent palpitation should then occur when 2 ed ee? oh | sina =(<5,.5,) 4 | _m being a new quantity to be found by a knowledge of the Stream, Again, if we put 2.2 =1, or = 1 or when the height a 2 ° the velocity of the original stream becomes equal to one-half ¢ depth of the same, we have t, tending to rise infinitely, is checked by the action of gravity, falls back peat ne plete stream, and tends to form a 5 . * 156 L. Nickerson on the Periodic action of Water. is actually formed, and the water of amplitude flows to and bounds from the foot of the stream. Bidone discovered law, and Belanger has applied to it a formula. The general formula which relates to this action we may gather from what proceeds. If 4 be the height of the remou just before greatest action, h—h,= height at the beginning the lull that succeeds. The velocities are then Y=, — Y, And the times = t= |—*2, s, and s, being spaces due to th two velocities combined with the time, ¢, of the vibration. Or the time of one vibration is equal to the time in which water falls perhaps another set similar to those on ordinary dams & tions, I am only prepared to recapitulate the foregoing exaniil y 2d, The same would be true if there were no backwatel; the stream retained its mean velocity unretarded, obtaining ¥ the sine = sine’, as before, or wlfen the surface becomes pa with the bed; and again, should the pool be:so filled as 0 ™®” the bed become parallel with the surface.’ * After the horizontal lin ine i i which surface of a pool just on the point of running over its dam. is found, and te wa begins to flow over, the longitudinal outline of the surface changes from re at som! ° the form or nature of the weir. i oe ee a a state of motion past sf civil a law for the periodic action at CE as A Neath ie te at ol I oa ea a a ae katte 2 2 8 “é - sae = SE, a5° F. B, Meek on the Carboniferous Rocks, &c. 157 Art. XX.—Remarks on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous Rocks of Eastern Kansas and Nebraska, and their relations to those of the adjacent States, and other localities farther eastward ; in connec- tion with a review of a paper recently published on this sulject by M. Jules Marcou,' in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of France: by F. B. MEEK. It is doubtless known to most of the readers of this Journal, that other explorers have long differed from Mr. Marcou,-in re- gard to several important points in the geology of the Western States and Territories. During the autumn of 1863, it seems that Owing it to be Carboniferous. (To this formation it had been Teferred by all others.)’ es Teconnoissance geologique du Nebraska; par M. Jules Marcou. Bulletin Ae France; xxi, 132-147, January, 1864. : . hich i is worthy of note here that Dr. Owen collected at this locality species w’ ‘ ref i uberculalus, oductus Cora, Spirife er ger ’ P cata, and Orthis Umbraculum. (Report lowa, Wiscon., and Minn., 135.) The AM. Jour. Scr.—gzcoxp Series, Vou. XXXIX, No. 116—Marcu, 1865. 21 158 F. B. Meek on the Carboniferous Rocks of place a slight inclination of 8° to 4° to the W.N.W. 7 larly slight inclination of theso-called ‘ Dyassic” roc 7° to the N.N.W., at another, But from these rocks Mr. Marcou collected a number © this, Productus Prattenianus, Productus, (undt.) ; Chone pratula nata, Spirifer (Martinia) Clannyanus, Spirifer (andt.), Tereor@ shell he always referred to Spirifer fasci er, is now well known to be oo ‘amard Morton, sad that which he je ee Cora, is the P. cequicostatus am m obabl The species of so-called Terebratula, mentioned by Mr. Marcou, is most and Athyris (or Spirigera) subtilita Hall, as that shell b known to cadet sy all other places in the same rock, while Mr. Marcou habitually ; __" It should be rememberod that these identifications are not given on the ity of Prof. Capellini, whose opinion on such a question would have been worth consideration. I am also gratified to see that, since this gentleman's returm roo rope, he has published a work at Bologna, in which he says that he Mr. Marcou in regard to the age of the rocks at this locality, 7 he saw are more like Car Eastern Kansas and Nebraska. 159 ossiis at numerous localities in Kansas and Nebraska, as wel as from familiarity with collections from that and other localities in the immediate vicinity. For instance, he knows that Cho- netes mucronata Meek and Hayden, Productus Prattenianus Nor- wood, Spirigera subtilita Hall, Spirifer (Martinia) planoconverus Shumard, Spiri/er cameratus Morton, Myalina perattenuata, Pleu- rophorus occidentalis and Sedgwickia? concava M. & H.,* together with species of Aviculopecten, and one of those forms belonging to shell, from Kansas, sent to Mr. Salter of London for comparison, Within the past year, were also referred to S. Uri. fa, Productus Prattenianus, Productus costatus, P. Flemingu, Spirigera sublilita, Sptrifer planoconvexus cameraius are mmon and ¢ the oal-measures of Kansas and Nebraska, Northern Missouri ane d), and, especially in Kansas, Nebraska, and north western Missouri, with a form so nearly like Panopea In describ iter and Dr. H. thought the bed : . t ; , the writer and Dr. iS , bea. from which on retort bind D: te Pevitian: but on afterward uscertaining these shells are there and elsewhere associated with numerous well mar. Coal-measure rms, they were satisfied that it does not belong to the Permian. 160 F. B. Meek on the Carboniferous Rocks of u Marcou professes to be. The name Ancella, in Mr. Marcou’s list of Nebraska City for sils, is doubtless a mis-print of Aucella, there being no such name as Ancella known to the writer in Paleontology or recent Zoology. As some authors refer such forms as the so-called Monotis spelun- caria to Aucella, it is probably one of these, which are common in the Coal-measures and Permian rocks of Kansas and Ne — braska, to which he alludes. That he found here associated with all the Carboniferous fossils known to occur at this locality, the | as to readily deceive more skillful paleontologists than Mr be.* Nebraska, (referred to the Subcarboniferous by Mr. Mareou, that genus, would it therefore be philosophical “to refer thes? at Nebraska City, and the = pean ta of Illinois bee : upon the presence of this Crinoid, at Nebraska City, fall to the grou Mr. Marcou lays great stress upon the fact that the Cr found by him at Nebraska City differ entirely from the ge : et de known from our:Coal-measures, and the fragments of a number’ ; The type here alluded to isa avidel i thin shell ao ‘is-a: ing, edentulous, very UND Tt ih cated behind, and, when well. eserved cM ithe minute granules. In rer : ames in a work now in the press, The typical species, A llorisma oe asa ‘seal enn tote in the Vikeasnies At ‘eavenwortl Ol - nie anit Gi | in e | * Bee note at the end of thi p> vg same series. a Eastern Kansas and Nebiaak. 161 others have been seen, all of which differ widely from those _ known from the great Subcarboniferous limestones below the horizon of the Millstone grit. The next locality examined by Mr. Marcou is at the village of Plattesmouth, some fifty miles farther up the Missouri by an air- line. Here he saw another exposure of rocks, some forty-five to fifty feet in thickness, composed of grayish and dark eolored clays, 11 places streaked with red, together with a six-foot stra- tum of yellowish dolomitic limestone; all of which he says agree lithologically with the Lower Trias of France and Ger- many—Permian of authors, (= Dyas of him), to which horizon he refirs them. As these beds, however, differ somewhat in color and composition from those seen at Nebraska City, he thinks they belong to another and lower division of the so-called yas, which, as its name implies, consists of two divisions in Europe, and consequently must be expcetde to present the same feature in this country. e type specimens upon which this 6 wee — red fe | Measures of the Alleghany Mountains, Pennsylvania, under the name Petalodus allaplacianals (See Meek & Hayden's paper, eed. Acad. Sci. Philad., Jan., 1859, p. 17.) As already explained, the species referred by Mr. Marcou to Spirifer Clannyanus is the S. plano-convexus Shumard, which was Sriginally described from this very locality. Spirigera subtilita all know to be a common characteristic -measure species, 162 F. B. Meek on the Carboniferous Rocks of from Western Pennsylvania to the Rocky Mountains, and ftom Nebraska and New Mexico. Mr. Marcou figures it himself under the name Zerebratula subtilita, in his Geology of Norih America, even as a Mountain Limestone species, from Utah New Mexico. His so-called Zerebratula Mormonii, is a ia dedicated by him to the Latter Day Saints, from the fact that he first found it at their Capital City. It is worthy of note however, that he figures and describes it as a Mountain Lime stone species in the work just mentioned. So it would seem — this little shell, in migrating eastward, obtained a long leas of life, since it here turns up, according to the same authority, : in the so-called Dyas. The identity of the fossil is not questioned; — indeed the writer and Dr. Hayden long since identified he ranging through a great thickness of Coal-measures in Kai and northwestern Missouri. The notable point is, that it should — be in Utah a Mountain Limestone species, and here at Platte: — through all those yery Coal-measures in Kansas and Missou which Mr. Marcou refers to the Mountain Limestone. The g& logical position of Fusulina cylindrica, in this country has already i been explained. Productus longispinus, P. carbonaria and te D, Fr phiah Jasciger? by Dr. Owen, as explained in another place, 5 i. ‘ was from the Plattesmouth locality. It is known to be ice : | where characteristic of the Coal-measures, from New Mexit0™ — Behrasion and from Western Pennsylvania’ to the Rocky Mout: : ains. ie The group of shells to which the name Monotis is often : plied in this country and England, and by some contin shi (though generically distinct from the Triassi¢ we y : d uppe nsas and Northwestern Missouri, ad by Mr. Ma i ES eaonitore: The names Avicula and ie a all oosely by paleontologists, that they may be said, as ge?” understood, to range ‘ita the Sieiee to “is existing seas Now, how any geologist, having even a limited knowledge American Carboniferous rocks and fossils, could regard #8 * See Prof. Rogers’ Report Pa., ii, 838, fig. 694. Bo gk eer eae Se oe tyne es) tered OLN Se a a5 Eastern Kansas and Nebratka: 163 of forms such as those mentioned above from Plattesmouth, as eminently a Lower Triassic (or Dyassic) fauna, seems inconceiy- able, excepting upon the supposition that he labors under some kind of a hard mental twist or bias on the subject of determin- ing the age of rocks by their lithological characters. After disposing of the so-called Lower Dyassic rocks at Plattes- mouth, Mr. Marcou takes boat again, and ascends the Missouri some fifteen or more miles to Bellevue, north of the broad allu- vial valley of Platte river. Here he saw a small exposure of Tocks, some fifteen feet in height above the river, composed of whitish and yellowish limestone, and. pale blue clays, altogether presenting different lithological characters from the outcrops seen below the Platte, and according to this favorite test of his, belonging toa very different epoch, or in other words to the Subcarboniferous. reticulatus, P. Cora, P. punctatus, P. scabriculus, P. pustulosus, P. pyxidiformis, Spirijer striatus, var. triplicatus Hall, 8. Rocky-Mon- tanus, S. lineatus, Terebratula subtilita, T, plano-suleata, T. Royssit, I. Utah, Myalina, Nautilus, and spines of Archwocidaris. tmay be as well to add just here, that Dr. Owen gives the following list of fossils collected by him at this locality, viz: Fusulina cylindrica, Productus punctatus, P. Cora, P. costatus?, P. From the same outcrop, the writer has now before him (col- lected by Dr. Hayden) Productus costatus, or a common form 0: ucts Rogersii, together with the Coal-measure form usually —_— e- bratula Marcou), Zerebratula bovidens Morton, (= TZ. millipune- tala Hall), Spirifer Kentuckensis, S. cameratus, an Allorisma, and the peculiar Encrinus-like Crinoid already mention costa, first named, the are very common in our Western Coal-meas- MP. ieicitiatns of ides lists is P. tubulospinus of McChesney ; Which is scarcely distinguishable from the punctatus. At any Tate, it is, as remarked-by McChesney, very common in the Coal- measures throughout the Western States.” The same shell able doubt, the widely distributed Coal-measure species, P. 164 F. B. Meek on the Carboniferous Rocks of ersii of Norwood and Pratten, as it is known to occur there, and is figured by Mr. Marcou under the name P. scabriculus, in his — u, i Ww fig locality east of the Black Hills. .S. lineatus of Marcou’s list 8 — undoubtedly the same shell called S. perplera by McChesney. — (Trans. Chicago Acad., 1). It is common in the upper Coal — measures of the West, being, as McChesney correctl . a a, 8 = S & & > = = rg cA tees = 77) = cr 5 J Se ° % 5 bP)